Tangential Non-Government Agencies
The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
The Center for Defense Information
Commerce Business Daily
Congressional Quarterly
Electronic Policy Network
Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center
Federal Employees News Digest
Federal Personnel Guide
Federal Times
The Food and Drug Law Institute
Fordham Foundation
Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation
Government Executive Magazine
Government Information Sharing Project
Health Care Liability Alliance
The Heritage Foundation
Institute for Better Education Through Resource Technology
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
International Labor Organization
International Monetary Fund
National Environmental Information Service
National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Organization of American States
Pan American Health Organization
Penny Hill Press
Presidential Classroom for Young Americans
Securities Investor Protection Corp.
United Nations Information Center
United Service Organizations (USO)
The U.S. government apparently operates thousands of internet web sites. Some of the most popular ones are
listed below. (Note: Not all of them have been tested. Some may go nowhere, and
a few are state agencies.)
Add .gov to each of these, and it becomes the address of a government web site:
1stgov, 1stgovt, 4girls, 4parents, 4woman, 4women, 5aday, 9-11commission, 25yearsofenergy, 404,
800mhz, 911, 911commission, 1903to2003, 2010census, 2010censusjobs, aandt, aapi, abandonedmines,
abilityone, abmc, access-board, access-board-members, accessacrossamerica, accessamerica,
accessmanagement, acd, acf, achp, acmis, acqnet, acquisition, acsel, acus, acwi, ada, adf, adlnet,
admongo, adr, ads-b, adsb, advantage, aesdirect, afadvantage, aff, afrh, africa,
africanamericanhistorymonth, africanburialground, aftac, after-school, afterschool, ag, agingstats,
agoa, aguacaliente-nsn, ahcpr, ahrq, aids, airnow, aitc, alabama, alaska, alaskacenters, alc,
alertaenlinea, altusandc, ama, amberalert, amc, amembassy-fiji, america, americanlatinomuseum,
americansamoa, americasgreatoutdoors, americasheroesatwork, americaslibrary, americasoutdoors,
americasstory, americastory, americathebeautifulquarters, americore, americorp, americorps,
americorpsconnect, americorpse, americorpsweek, ameslab, amtrakoig, amtrakreformcouncil, anl,
annualcreditreport, anstaskforce, aoa, aoc, ap, apasummit, apec2011, app, appliancestandards,
applicationmanager, apps, aqi, aqmd, arc, archives, arctic, arcticgas, arkansas, arm, army, arnet,
arpa, ars-grin, arserrc, arsusda, arts, asap, asc, asepa, asianpacificheritage, ask, askkaren,
astrongermiddleclass, astrongmiddleclass, atb, atbquarters, atcm2009, atf, atfe, atfonline,
atlantaga, atlaspro, atpa, attorneygeneral, atvsafety, autocommunities, avianflu, aviationweather,
awips, ayudaconmibanco, az, az511, azag, azahcccs, azbnp, azcc, azcjc, azcorrections, azdeq, azdes,
azdfi, azdhs, azdjc, azdor, azdot, azdvs, azed, azein, azgfd, azgita, azgovernor, azhousing,
azkidscare, azleg, azlibrary, azre, azsos, azwic, baaqmd, baldridge, baldrige, baltimorecountymd,
bam, bankanswers, bankcustomer, bankcustomerassistance, bankhelp, banknet, barney, barneycam,
barona-nsn, bart, bats, bbg, bcfp, bcis, bea, befoodsafe, belmont, benefits, bep, bernco,
bestbonesforever, bestworkplacesforcommuters, bettis, bfelob, bfem, bia, bice, bioeco, bioethics,
biomassboard, biometriccoe, biometrics, bionet, biopreferred, bioproducts-bioenergy,
biosecurityboard, birdflu, bja, bjs, bldrdoc, blm, blmntl, blog, blogs, blogusa, bls, blueash-oh,
bnl, boem, boemre, bondpro, boosterseat, bop, bor, borderpatrol, bpa, bpn, brac, brc, broadband,
broadbandmap, broadbandusa, brownvboard, browsetopics, bsadirect, bsee, bto, bts, budget,
budgetjobs, budgetlob, buenviaje, buildingamerica, buildings, burnspaiute-nsn, buscador,
buscadorusa, business, businesslaw, buyaccessible, buybonds, buyers, buygovproperty, buyit, buynjbonds,
buyusa, bwc, c3, ca, cabq, cafc, cafta, cahwnet, california, californiadesert, campo-nsn, cancer, cancernet,
cancerprevention, canpps, cao, caoc, cap, capitalalert, capitalalerts, capitalert, capitalerts,
capitalspace, capitol, capitolalert, capitolalerts, capitolflags, capmed, capnhq,
carboncyclescience, careervoyages, carlsbadca, cars, cashforclunkers, cashforclunkersheadquarters,
cashlink2, cashtrack, casl, casu, cavc, cbca, cbi-epa, cbis, cbo, cbonews, cbp, cbrfc, ccac, ccic,
ccr, ccspo, cctp, cctpo, cdatribe-nsn, cdc, cdcfederaladvisorycommittee, cdco, cdfifund,
cdfifundhelp, cebaf, cecc, cendi, census, census2010, centennialofflight, ceq, cerc, cert, cfa,
cfda, cflhd, cfo, cfoc, cfpa, cfpb, cftc, challenge, challenges, change, chattanooga, chcoc,
chemsafety, chesterfield, chewsmyplate, chicagoinfo, childcare, childrenshealth, childstats,
childwelfare, chitimacha, choosemyplate, chris, cia, cigie, cio, cioc, ciot, cira, cis, cise-nsf,
citizencorps, citizenengagement, citizenservices, citizenshiptoolkit, cityofboston, Cuidado-DeSalud,
civilianreservecorps, civilianresponsecorps, civilrightsusa, cjis, cleanenergyresearchcenter,
clickitorticket, climate, climatechange, climatechoice, climatescience, climateservices,
climatetechnology, climatevision, clinicaltrial, clinicaltrials, clintonlibrary, clintonnj,
clubdrugs, cmms, cmr, cms, cmts, cncs, cncsig, cncsoig, cngr, cns, cnsig, cnss, co, coast2050,
coastalamerica, cobbcountyga, cogme, colasonline, college, collegedrinkingprevention,
collegenavigator, colorado, colorcountryfire, com, commerce, commerceconnect, commercedepartment,
commercialbuilding, commercialnewsusa, commission, commtostrengthensocsec, commuter,
commuterchoice, complaintreferralexpress, compliance, comptrollerofthecurrency, computers4learning,
computersforlearning, congress, conservation, consumer, consumeraction, consumerbureau,
consumerfinance, consumerfinancial, consumerfinancialbureau, consumerfinancialprotectionbureau,
consumerprotection, consumerprotectionbureau, consumersentinel, consumersentinelnetwork,
consumidor, contentmanagement, continentalshelf, contractdirectory, contractsdirectory,
controlyourcredit, coop-uspto, cooperativeconservation, copyright, cor, coralreef, core,
couldihavelupus, counterterrorismtraining, counterwmd, countypayments, couragetrial, courts,
covertn, cp, cpars, cpnireporting, cpsc, crimesolutions, crimevictims, cris, crs,
crt2014-2024review, crwcd, csb, csce, csosa, csp, css, cssc, csss, cstx, ct, cttso, cuidadodesalud,
cupcao, customersurvey, customs, cwc, cxo, cybercrime, cybersafe, cybersecurity, cypris,
darpa, data, dataweb, dau, davie-fl, davisbacon, dc, dc3, dccommunityprosecution, dccourts, dcfl,
dcfra, dcitp, dcpsa, dcsc, de, dea, dea-nj, deadiversion, deaecom, deals, dearegistrants,
deathmasterfile, defendamerica, defense, defensesolutions, delaware, delawareinsurance, deldot,
dem, demhouse, democracy, democrat, democraticwhip, democrats, dems, demshouse, denali,
departmentofcommerce, departmentoflabor, deserttortoise, dfafacts, dfas, dfi, dhhs, dhs,
diabetescommittee, dietaryguidelines, digitalearth, digitalliteracy, digitalpreservation,
digitizationguidelines, directloan, directloans, directoasucuenta, directoasucuenta1, directory,
disabilities, disability, disabilitydirect, disabilityinfo, disabilitypreparedness,
disasterassistance, disastercontractingassistance, disasterhelp, disasterhousing,
disasterrecoveryworkinggroup, distracteddriving, distraction, dix, dmg, dna, dnfsb, dni, dnis,
dnits, dniu, dnr, dnsops, doc, docline, docmentoring, dod, doe, doe-md, doeal, doechicago, doi,
doioig, doj, dojisac, dol, dol-esa, dol-union-reports, doleta, dolphinsafe, donotcall,
dontserveteens, dor, dot, dotgov, dotideahub, dottrafficrecords, dottrcc, dra, dre, drought,
drugabuse, drugfreeworkplace, drywallresponse, dsac, dts, dtv, dtv2009, dutchessny,
e-911ico, e-gov, e-grants, e-qip, e-stats, e3, e911, eac, eaclearinghouse, earmarks, earthday,
earthobservationsummit, earthquake, earthscope, easysaver, ecommerce, economicinclusion,
economicindicators, economicrecovery, economy, econsumer, ecopartnerships, ecosmart, ecpic, ecr,
ed, eda, edd, edison, edpubs, edu, education, educationjobsfund, eebond, eeoc, eeuu, efaca, efile,
eforms, eftps, eftps-north, eftps-south, eftpsnorth, eftpssouth, egov, egrpra, eguardian, ehawaii,
eia, eldercare, emac-rfp, emergency-federal-register, emergencymedicalservices,
emergingtechnologies, employeeexpress, employeesurvey, employers, empowhr, ems,
endingthedocumentgame, enditnow, endow, energy, energycodes, energyempowers, energypartners,
energyplus, energysaver, energysavers, energysavingtips, energyschools, energysmartschools,
energystandards, energystar, energytoolsdirectory, entrepreneurship, environment, eop, epa,
epa-echo, epa-otis, epic, epic2, epls, eps, erie, eriecanal, eriecanalway, errp, erulemaking, esa,
esc, esp, espanol, espanolforlawenforcement, esrs, estrategy, estuaries, et, eta-find, eta-find2,
etaaps, etareport, ethics, ethicsburg, eurotradeonline, ewiiaapaayp-nsn, execsec, exim, eximcoop,
expectmore, exploretsp, export, exporting, exports, exrwh, eyenote, ezec,
faa, faasafety, fac, faca, facadatabase, fafsa, fai, fairfaxcounty, fairhousingfirst, fapiis, faq,
fara, farmerclaims, fasa, fasab, fast, fastdriver, fatherhood, fba, fbca, fbci, fbi, fbiic,
fbijobs, fbo, fca, fcc, fcclabs, fccuniversity, fcg, fcic, fcn, fcsic, fcsm, fda, fdic, fdicbets,
fdicconnect, fdicig, fdicoig, fdicsales, fdicseguro, fdlp, fdms, fdr, fdsys, fea, feapmo, feb, fec,
fed, fedassetsales, fedbizopps, fedbizops, fedcenter, fedcir, fedcirc, feddebt, federal,
federal-register, federalaccountability, federalbenefits, federalinvestments, federaljobs,
federalmentoringcouncil, federalopportunities, federalregister, federalreporting, federalreserve,
federalreserve100, federalreserve2013, federalreservecentennial, federalreservecentennialcelebration,
federalreserveconsumerhelp, federalspending, federaltransparency, fedforms, fedgrants, fedidcard,
fedinfo, fedinvest, fedinvestonline, feditg, feditsolutions, fedjobs, fedpartnership, fedramp,
fedrealestate, fedreg, fedrooms, feds, fedsales, fedsfeedfamilies, fedsgetfit, fedshirevets,
fedsource, fedspace, fedstats, fedteds, fedtrip, fedvte-fsi, fedworld, feedthefuture,
fegli, fegli04, fegli2004, fema, femalefarmerclaims, femarecovery, ferc, fercalt, fernald,
fero, ffb, ffiec, fgdc, fha, fha-secure, fhaoutreach, fhasecure, fhfa, fhfa-oig, fhfaoig, fhfb, ficems,
fiddlinforesters, fido, fightingmalaria, finaid, financenet, financialaid, financialstability, fincen,
findyouthinfo, fire, firecode, fireinstitute, fireleadership, firenet, fireplan, firesafety, firescience,
first, firstfreedom, firstgov, firstgovsearch, firstgovt, firstlady, firstresponder, firstrespondertraining,
fiscalcommission, fishwatch, fitness, fjc, fleta, fletc, fletcdlp, fletcelearn, flhsmv, flightcentennial,
flightschoolcandidates, floodsmart, floridaopc, flra, flsenate, flu, flwsb, fmc, fmcs, fmip,
fmshrc, fnal, fnc, fo, foia, foodapedia, foodpyramid, foodreportstudy, foodsafety, foodsafetyjobs,
foodsafetyworkinggroup, foodsecurityinitiative, fordlibrarymuseum, foreignassistance,
foreignservicecareers, foreignserviceofficer, forensicscience, forestsandrangelands, forfeiture,
forms, forparents, forwoman, forwomen, fourparents, fpdc, fpds, fpki, fps, fqcg, frames,
franklincountyohio, frb, frc, frcc, freecreditreport, freedom, freedomcorp, freedomcorps, frist,
fristgov, fristgovt, frogweb, frpp-pa, frs, frtib, frtr, fruitsandveggiesmatter,
fruitsandveggiesmorematters, fsa, fsafeds, fsam, fsapubs, fsd, fsgb, fsio, fsoc, fsrs, fswg, ftb,
ftbelknap-nsn, ftc, ftccomplaintassistant, ftcefile, fttesttwai, fueleconomy, furstgov, furstgovt,
fvap, fws, fwuf, g5, g8usa, ga, gabgov, gao, gasuscourts, gcdamp, gcmrc, gcpr, gdp, genbank, genome,
geo-one-stop, geocommunicator, geodata, geomac, geoplatform, georgewbushlibrary, georgia, getcapitalalerts,
getcapitolalerts, getinvolved, getsmartaboutdrugs, getyouhome, gfdl, ghi, gibill, ginniemae,
girlpower, girlshealth, glin, globalchange, globalclimate, globalentry, globalhealth, globalhunger,
globalpulse2010, globalwarming, globe, gmsa, go4it, gobierno, gobiernoenlinea, gobiernousa,
godirect, godirect1, goes-r, golearn, gop, gopleader, goto, gov, govbenefits, govenergy,
government, governmentjobs, govgab, govgabs, goviernousa, govinfo, govjobs, govloans,
govotevermont, govpay, govpropertyforsale, govsales, govtinfo, govworks, gpc, gpo, gpoaccess, gps,
grant, grants, grantsolutions, green, greengov, greenit, greensboro-nc, greensuppliers, gripeaviar,
gripepandemica, gsa, gsaaccess, gsaadvantage, gsaauction, gsaauctions, gsadnstest1, gsadnstest2,
gsadnstest3, gsadnstest5, gsadvantage, gsaig, gsaxcess, gsn, guam, guideline, guidelines, gwa,
gwob, h1n1flu, hallcountyne, hamiltontn, handicap, handicapped, hanford, hawaii, hazardmaps,
hazards, hc, hcfa, hcqualitycommission, hcsheriff, hd, hdtv, health, healthcare, healthdata,
healthfinder, healthierfeds, healthierus, healthindicators, healthit, healthreform, healthvermont,
healthyforests, healthypeople, hearttruth, helpcommission, helpingamericasyouth, helpwithmybank,
helpwithmycheckingaccount, helpwithmycreditcard, helpwithmycreditcardbank, helpwithmymortgage,
helpwithmymortgagebank, heritageabroad, hhbond, hhs, hhsoig, hhsops, highperformancebuildings,
hirevetsfirst, hispanicfarmerclaims, hispanicheritagemonth, historicpreservation, history, hiv,
hivaids, hmspermits, holdingbpaccountable, holocaustassets, homeenergyscore, homelandsecurity,
homeperformance, homeperformancewithenergystar, homesales, homestar, honolulu, hopkinton-nh,
hotels, house, housedem, housedemocrat, housedemocratic, housedemocrats, housedems, houselive,
houstontx, howto, hpcc, hrsa, hru, hsa, hsin, hsr, hud, hudoig, humandimensions, humanities,
humanrights, hurricanehelpforschools, hurricanes, hvedata, hvuhud, hydrogen, hydrogenitf, i3c,
i3cnet, iab, iad, iaegc, iaf, iarpa, iarpa-ideas, iat, iawg, ibb, ibond, ibwc, ic, ic3, ic3net,
icass, icbemp, iccc, icd, ice, ich, icjointduty, ics, icva, id, id8, idaho, idaho-procurements-library,
idahobyways, idahovotes, idahoworks, idd, ideahub, ideas, identitytheft, idmanagement, idtheft, iedison,
ifccfbi, igeb, igm, ignet, igte, ihs, iiog, ijobsiowa, il, ilga, illinois, illinoisattorneygeneral,
illinoishistory, ilsos, imc, imls, immigration, immigrationcourts, importsafety, in, incidentnews,
indianaffairs, indiancountry, indy, ineap, inel, info, inl, inl-rfp, innovationmetrics, innovations, ins,
insurekidsnow, intelink, intelligence, intelligentvehicles, interior, internalrevenue, internalrevenueservice,
interpol, invasivespecies, invasivespeciesinfo, investamerica, investor, ioos, ioss, iowa, iowacollegeaid,
iowacourts, iowadnr, iowadot, iowafinanceauthority, ip, ipac, ipcc-wg2, ipenforcement, ipm, ipp,
ipr, iprc, iprcc, iprcenter, ipub, ipy, ira, irmco, irs, irsauctions, irsnet, irssales, irsvideos,
iscience, ise, isitdoneyet, islandbusinesslink, isn, isotope, isotopes, italladdsup, itap, itc,
itdashboard, itds, itips, itis, itrb, itrd, its, iwn, jamesmadison, jcbis, jccbi, jccs, jct, jem,
jewishheritage, jewishheritagemonth, jfmip, jgi, jifsr, jimmycarterlibrary, jmc, joaptsc, job,
jobcorps, jobs, joiningforces, jpdo, jstc, jtfcapmed, juniorforestranger, jusfc, justice, justthinktwice,
juvenilecouncil, jwod, kansas, kapl, kauai, kbic-nsn, kdheks, kenaitze-nsn, kentucky, kids, kingcounty,
klamathrestoration, km, knowledgenetwork, knowyourborder, kpl, ks, ksready, ktik-nsn, ky, la, labor,
labs21century, lacoast, lacounty, lafayettela, lakecountyfl, landfire, landimaging, lanl, lasvegasnevada,
latinofarmerclaims, lbl, lca, lcacommons, lco-nsn, lcrmscp, lctl, learnandserve, learnatf,
learndoj, learning, leisp, leo, lep, letseat, letsmove, lewisandclark200, lexs, lhcaz,
libraryofcongress, lifeandliberty, lifeline, lincoln200, lincolnbicentennial, lis, listo,
listovirginia, liteblue, liuxueusa, livability, llis, llnl, lmrcouncil, lmvsci, loc, locatorplus,
lodging, lodi, longtermcare, lookstoogood, lookstoogoodtobetrue, loseyourexcuse, louisiana,
louisvilleky, lowermississippivalleyscience, lsc, lsnnet, ltbbodawa-nsn, macpac, mail, maine,
majorityleader, majoritywhip, makinghomeaffordable, makinghomesaffordable, mall, manageyourfleet,
manageyourmateriel, manageyourproperty, manejesucredito, mansfieldct, manufacturing, mapaplanet,
mapstats, mapwv, maricopa, marine, marinecadastre, marinespatialplanning, marview, maryland, mass,
mauicounty, max, mbda, mbdasummit, mca, mcc, md, mda, mechoopda-nsn, medalofvalor, medicaid,
medicalcountermeasures, medicalreservecorps, medicare, medicarefraud, medlars, medline,
medlineplus, medpac, medweek, medweek-registration, menominee-nsn, mentalhealth,
mentalhealthcommission, mep, mesaaz, mesh, metabolicengineering, methresources, metrokc, mha, mhc,
mi, miamidade, mich, michigan, microbeproject, microsoft-antitrust, migobierno, milwaukee,
mimedicare, mine, minneapolismn, mipiramide, mississippi, missouri, mitigationactionplan,
mitigationcommission, mlkday, mmc, mms, mn, mncourts, mnrg, mo, mocbhe, mohican-nsn, mojavedata,
moneyfactory, moneyfactorystore, montgomerycountymd, montroserestoration, mortgagefraud, mpa, mrgo,
mrlc, ms, msb, msha, msp, mspb, mt, mtbs, mtc, mtmc, muscogeenation-nsn, museumscount, mvd,
myaccountcard, mycapitalalert, mycapitalert, mycreditunion, myfaa, myfdic, myfdicinsurance,
myflorida, myfoodapedia, myhomeaffordable, myloc, mymedicare, mymoney, mynextmove, myohio, mypay,
myplate, mypyramid, mypyramidforkids, mypyramidtracker, nacic, naeol, nafri, nagb, nalusda, namus, nano, nara,
nara-at-work, narragansettri, nasa, nashville, national4-hheadquarters, nationalatlas, nationalbank,
nationalbankhelp, nationalbanknet, nationalchildrensstudy, nationalgangcenter, nationalhousing,
nationalhousinglocator, nationalinstituteofcorrections, nationalmap, nationalresourcedirectory, nationalservice,
nationalservicegear, nationalservicepubs, nationalserviceresources, nationsreportcard, nativeamericanheritagemonth,
nauticalchart, nauticalcharts, navycash, nbc, nbii, nbm, nbrc, nbs, nc, nccrc, nccs, ncd, ncdoj, ncifcrf, ncirc,
ncix, ncjrs, nclb, nclis, nco, ncpc, ncpw, ncr, ncrc, ncrecovery, ncs, ncsbi, nctc, ncua, nd, ndep, ndhan, ndhealth,
ndop, ne, nea, neajazzmasters, nebraska, nedi, neglecteddiseases, negocios, negp, neh, nehrp, nel, nemi, nepa, nersc,
networx, neup, nevadatreasurer, newcorps, newfreedominitiative, newmexico, newmoney, nexus, nfc, nfi, nfpors,
nga, ngc, ngi, nh, nhl, nhmfl, nhtsa, niarl, nibin, nic, nicic, nicsezcheckfbi, niem, nifc, nifl, niftt, nigc,
nih, nihseniorhealth, nij, ninilchiktribe-nsn, niosh, nipc, niprc, niprcc, nisqually-nsn, nist, nitrd, nixonlibrary,
nj, njconsumeraffairs, njhousing, njmeadowlands, njohsp, njsda, nlc, nlcf, nlecc, nlm, nlrb, nls, nmb, nmfireinfo,
nmfs, nmic, nmsc, nmvtis, nnlm, noaa, noaawatch, nochildleftbehind, nolaenvironmental, non-profit, nonprofit,
northprovidenceri, nps, npsdigest, nrc, nrc-gateway, nrd, nrel, nrelhub, nro, nrojr, nsa, nsc, nsep, nsf,
nsftokyo, nsli, nsopr, nsopw, nstissc, nstl, nswp, ntdprogram, ntiadtv, ntiaretailer, ntis, ntrc, ntsb, nuclear,
nutrition, nutritionevidencelibrary, nv, nvdpspub, nvtc, nwbc, nwbshoshone-nsn, nwcg, nwfireplan, nwrc, nws,
nwtrb, nwwarn, ny, nyc, nycourthelp, nycourts, nyhealth, nyhousingsearch, nypa, nysconsumer, nysdhcr, nysed,
nystax, oas, ocaho, occ, occhelps, occnet, ocean, oceancommission, oceangeoportal, oceans, odci, odni, oea,
oecdonline, ofcm, ofda, ofee, ofheo, ofr, ofsubstance, oge, ogf, ogis, ohio, ohioagriculture,
ohioattorneygeneral, ohiodnr, ohioinsurance, ohioveteranshome, oi, oic, oic-starr,
oilspillcommission, ojjdp, ojp, ok, okcommerce, okgeosurvey1, oldnycustomhouse, omb, omblog, omhrc,
ondcp, onedoj, onguardonline, onhir, onlineonguard, onlinewbc, onrr, opc-dc, open-world2001,
open-world2002, open-world2003, open-world2004, opendot, openinternet, opensource, openworld,
openworldcenter, operationhomecoming, opic, opm, opportunitiesconference, opportunity,
opportunityconference, oprc, orau, oregon, org, organdonor, ornl, osac, osc, osce, oscnet, osdbu,
osde, osera, osha, osha-slc, oshrc, osis, osis2, osm, osmre, osti, ostp, otaywater, oti, ots,
ourdocuments, outlook, outsourcing, ovc, ovcttac, pa, pacer, pacha, pacificflyway, pacouncil,
padillabay, pandemicflu, panynj, papahanaumokuakea, paperworkreduction, parents, park,
partner4solutions, partnerforsolutions, pascuayaqui-nsn, pasen, passport, patientsafety,
patriotbonds, pay, paymentaccuracy, pbgc, pcah, pcc, pccotc, pccww, pcha, pcip, pcipb, pcmm,
peacecore, peacecorp, peacecorps, pec, pentagon, peoplelandandwater, peoriaaz, pepfar, performance,
petascalecomputing, pfi, phe, phila, phindir, phoenix, pia99, pic, piedrasblancas, pima,
pittsburghsummit, plainlanguage, planlongtermcare, plate, pmf, pmi, pnl, pnnl, pnt,
podriayotenerlupus, policyworks, poolsafely, poolsafety, postalease, postoffice, ppirs, pppl, pprc,
pracomment, prc, pregunteleakaren, preserveamerica, presidentialdocuments,
presidentialserviceawards, presidentialtransition, presidentialtransitiondirectory, presidio,
presidiotrust, preventwmd, privacy, productsafety, projectheadlands, projectsafechildhood,
projectsafeneighborhoods, protecciondelconsumidor, protectyourmove, psa, psc, pscr, psn, psob,
pswfs, pswn, ptf, ptt, publicjobs, publicsafetyofficersbenefits, publicsafetywins, pubmed,
pubmedcentral, purchasing, pushingback, pyramid, qatesttwai, quic, quick,
ratb, rcfl, read, ready, readybusiness, readyvirginia, reaganlibrary, realestatesales,
realpropertyprofile, rebuild, rebuildamerica, rec, recall, recalls, recdata, reclamation,
recompensas, recordsmanagement, recovery, recoveryboard, recoverymonth, recreation, recreationmaps,
reentry, reeusda, reginfo, regulation, regulations, relocatefeds, remember, reo, reportband,
research, researchuse, reserveusa, restorenbh, restorethegulf, results, retireez, retirement,
revenue, rfets, ri, rimcowg, rivers, rl, rlc, rlp, rocis, rockyhill-nj, rosebudsiouxtribe-nsn, rrb,
rrbvu, rsc-manila-usia, ruraltour, russianleaders, sac, sacandfoxnation-nsn, safecom,
safecomprogram, safehome, safehomes, safepass, safeproduct, safeproducts, safercar, safercars,
saferhome, saferhomes, saferproduct, saferproducts, safertruck, safertrucks, safeschools,
safesleep, safetrucks, safetyact, safetyvideos, safexchange, safeyouth, salmonrecovery, sam,
samhsa, sanantonio, sandbox, sandia, sandiego, sanmanuel-nsn, sannet, sarasquest, savbonds, save,
saveaward, savingsbond, savingsbondconnection, savingsbonds, savingsbondsdirect,
savingsbonduniversity, savingsbondwizard, sba, sbaexchange, sbcounty, sbesciences, sbgwacsource,
sbir, sbmtd, sbu, sc, sc-us, scdhec, schoolsafety, scidac, science, science360, scienceaccelerator,
sciencebase, scienceeducation, sciencetechnology, scijinks, scitech, scitechresources, scra, scus,
sd, sdi, sdp, sdr, sdsos, search, searchusa, seattle, sec, sec-elearning, sec-oig, secretservice,
section108, section508, securecyberspace, securingamericasfuture, seern, segurosocial, selectagent,
selectagents, selectamerica, selectusa, senate, seniorcorps, seniorleaders, seniors,
seniorscommission, senrlg, sensornet, sentinel, sentri, serve, service, servicecontract,
servicelearning, servicemembers, servir, sewp, sftool, sfwmd, sharetheroadsafely, shhc,
sierranevadawild, sierrawild, sierrawildbear, sigtarp, sir-nsn, siteidiq, sixpointeight, sji, slgs,
smallbusiness, smallpox, smallstep, smart, smartcard, smartgrid, smokefree, smokeybear, snap, sns,
soboba-nsn, socialsecurity, socialsecurityadministration, socialsecurityadvisoryboard,
solardecathlon, sos, soylatina, soyunica, space, spaceweather, spanish, speaker, spectrum, spp,
srmt-nsn, srp, srpmic-nsn, srs, ss, ssa, ssab, ssi, ssn, sss, standards, start2farm, stat-usa,
state, statelocal, statusa, stennis, steroidabuse, stewardship, stlucieco, stopalcoholabuse,
stopbullying, stopfakes, stopfraud, stopmedicarefraud, stpaul, strategicsourcing,
strongermiddleclass, strongmiddleclass, studentjobs, studentloan, studentloans, students,
sugarcityidaho, sugarlandtx, sugobierno, supreme-court, supremecourt, supremecourtofohio,
supremecourtus, surgeongeneral, sustainability, sustainablecommunities, swern, swim, swpa, symbols,
taaps, taapsconnect, taapslink, takepride, takethepledge, talbotcountymd, talkingquality, tarp,
tax, taxreformpanel, tcis, tda, teach, technology, technology-taskforce, techtrack, telework,
tempe, tennessee, tesorodirecto, testgsa1, testgsa2, testgsa4, texas, tfhrc, tganet, thecoolspot,
thedataweb, thejobpage, thepeoplesgarden, thomas, tigta, tigtanet, time, tissueengineering, tn,
tnecd, tolowa-nsn, townofwarren-ri, tpa, tps, trade, tradeagreements, tradenet, tradestatsexpress,
traffic, trafficsafetymarketing, transparency, transportation, transportationresarch,
transportationresearch, transportationsafety, travel, traveldata, travelstate, treas, treasitdash,
treaslockbox, treasury, treasuryauction, treasuryauctions, treasurydirect, treasuryecm,
treasuryhunt, treasuryscams, treasurysecurities, tribaljusticeandsafety, trs, truman, tsa, tsc,
tsgov, tsp, tsunami, tswg, ttb, ttbonline, ttic, ttlplus, tucsonaz, tulaliptribes-nsn, tva, tvaoig,
twai, tx, txdot, ua-exp, ucdmo, uce, ucia, ucis, ucore, ucrdatatool, udall, ugov, uhrgoldcoin,
ukb-nsn, ulex, ultrasciencenet, unclesam, unemployment, unicor, unionreports, unitedstates,
unitedstatesvisas, unitedweride, unnpp, unrpnet, uppersiouxcommunity-nsn, ups, urbanwaters, us,
us-cert, us-eximbank, usa, usability, usablog, usabuscador, usac, usadf, usafreedomcorp,
usafreedomcorps, usafreedomcorpskids, usagov, usaid, usaid-ph, usaidallnet, usaidpcloud, usajob,
usajobs, usajobsassess, usajobsrecruit, usalearn, usalearning, usandc, usap, usaperformance,
usasearch, usaservices, usaspending, usastaffing, usatestmanager, usatrade, usatradeonline,
usavisa, usavisas, usbg, usbiomassboard, usbluepages, usbm, usbond, usbonds, usborderpatrol, usbp,
usbr, uscapitolpolice, uscc, usccr, uscensus, uscert, uscg, uschinacerc, usci, uscirf, uscis,
uscit, uscites, usconsulate, uscourts, uscp, uscva, usda, usdapii, usdebitcard, usdep, usdoj,
usdotbusinesscatalog, useconomy, usedollarcoins, usembassy, usembassy-mexico, usembassycanada,
usenvironment, userra, useximbank, usfaparents, usgcrp, usgeo, usgov, usgovernment, usgovt,
usgrant, usgrants, usgs, ushmm, usic, usich, usicn, usics, usins, usint, usinterestsection, usip,
usipr, usis-australia, usitc, usjobs, usmarshals, usmint, usmintinfo, usmintuniversity, usmission,
usnavy, usnrc, usoge, usosce, usphs, uspis, uspo, uspostalservice, usps, uspsoig, uspto,
usptocareers, usptoenews, usptotraining, ussavingsbond, ussavingsbonds, ussc, usss, ustaxcourt,
ustda, ustdrc, ustr, ustraderep, ustreas, ustreasury, usvisa, usvisas, usvpp, utah, utahfireinfo, utcourts,
va, vaccines, vacsp, vallescaldera, vef, vehiclehistory, verifypayment, vermont, vermonttreasurer,
vermontvotesforkids, verslesusa, vet-biz, vetapp, vetbiz, veterans, vetjobs, vetsuccess, vfp, vi,
vidol, virginia, virtualconsulate, visions2020, visitidaho, visitnh, visitthecapitol, vista,
vistacampus, visualdot, vitm, voa, voip911, volcano, volunteer, volunteeringinamerica,
volunteerkids, volunteersforprosperity, vt, wa, wapa, wartimecontracting, warwickri, washingtondc,
watermonitor, watersmart, waterways-rd, wcatwc, wdol, weather, web-services, webcontent,
webharvest, webhealthstudy, webmanageruniversity, welcometousa, westcoastoceans, westnilevirus,
wethepeople, wh, whcoa, whistleblowers, whitehouse, whitehousedrugpolicy, whitehousefellows,
whitehousekids, whkids, wi, wicourts, wildfire, wildlifeadaptationstrategy, windpoweringamerica,
wisconsin, wizard, wlci, wmd, womanshealth, women-21, womenbiz, womenfarmerclaims, womenshealth,
womenshistorymonth, woodsy, woodsyowl, workingforamerica, workplace, worldstudy, wrp, wv, wvc-ut,
wvdhsem, wvdnr, wvseniorservices, wy, wyo, wyoming, xml, y2k, yesican, yesicankids, yic, ymp,
yosipuedo, yourland, youth2work, youthgo, youthrules.
Of course, many of the names in this list are state government web sites, for example,
tennessee dot gov; however, the overwhelming majority are federal government sites.
Add .mil to each of these:
af, afis, afms, africom, airforce, ako, americasupportsyou, arl, army, bta, cac, centcom, cert,
com, cpol, daca, daps, darpa, dau, dcaa, dcma, defendamerica, defenseimagery, defenselink, dfas,
dfsa, dhra, dia, disa, dla, dma, dmsb, dod, doded, dodig, dodlive, dodtechipedia, dodvclips, dsca,
dss, dtic, dtra, eb, esi, eucom, forge, freedomaward, health, hpc, jcs, jcse, jfcom, jpeojtrs, jsf,
jtdi, jtfgno, jwac, marines, mda, mol, move, msco, myaf, navy, ng, nga, nic, norad, northcom, nosc,
osd, ourmilitary, pacom, pdhealth, pentagon, pentagonchannel, pfpa, sapr, sigar, sigir, smallpox,
soc, socom, stratcom, transcom, tricare, us, usarmy, uscg, usfk, usmc, usuhs, vaccines,
warriorcare, whs, www.
[To stay out of trouble, I kept the .mil list fairly short.]
I suspect the government also has a number of ordinary .com web sites, but the only one that
comes to mind is amtrak.com.
Lists of federal government internet domains are available
and here.
Note: In addition to all this, the United States participates in
a number of international organizations, mostly in conjunction with the United
Nations. These multilateral agencies are
listed here.