Cases in which guns saved lives

Specific examples are hard to find in the mainstream media because biased reporters and editors don't want to spread the idea that armed self-defense in one's home is legal and effective.

Gun Watch  gets a big tip of the hat for pointing out a number of the items listed on this page.  Gun Watch is an excellent web site addressing this topic.

General discussion and overview articles:

(The case of Mark and Patricia McCloskey is discussed here.)

(The case of Kyle Rittenhouse is discussed here.)

For news of other specific cases, click here.

The leftist failure of imagination drives most of the world's current disasters.  In America in 2023, guns were used to kill 20,958 people.  That's only 0.006% of the population, but leftists can see the bodies and the grieving friends and relatives.  The victims are "that which is seen."  What they cannot see, because the left plays information peek-a-boo with them, is the roughly 500,000 to 3,000,000 lives that guns save annually through defensive gun use.  The average leftist "takes no account of that which is not seen."

Defensive gun use and reality.  How often do Americans use guns in lawful self-defense?  It's a difficult question to answer, in part because many who send a criminal to flight by merely demonstrating they are armed, never report the incident.  The same is true for many who brandish their handguns, or even point them at criminals, instantly convincing them running for their lives is the better part of valor.  Refusing to report is surely common in blue states, where law-abiding citizens can be virtually certain if they report lawful self-defense, they're far more likely than the criminal that forced them to defend themselves to be arrested and prosecuted.  Even in red states, many don't want to take the chance.  Another factor that has become obvious during the Biden administration is as many as 7,000 police agencies — surely most if not all blue — have stopped reporting crimes, particularly violent crimes.  This represents about a 35% reduction in the number of cities reporting crimes.

The Home Defense Shotgun.  Anyone who wants to prepare themselves for home defense, riots, and looting will want to own a shotgun.  There are many reasons why someone should have a shotgun available in their possession for the preparation of such events.  Even if you are not interested in hunting or recreational shooting, a shotgun is always good to have for home defense purposes no matter who you are.  No one likes to think that their family or property will ever be in danger, but there is always the possibility of someone trying to break into your home for whatever reason.  As a prepper, you need to be ready for anything.  Someone could break into your home no matter where in America you live.  There is an even greater chance of this happening if there is a natural disaster or riot taking place in your area.

More Defensive Gun Uses Undermine Government Claims About Armed Civilians.  It should be painfully obvious to anyone paying attention that the Biden administration distrusts an armed civilian population and is willing to fudge the truth time and again to defend its untenable positions.  But for those living blissfully unaware of the Biden administration's animosity toward gun owners, it once again demonstrated its animosity in clear terms.  Earlier this month, the Commerce Department's Bureau of Industry and Security accidentally said the quiet part out loud:  It thinks that only the government really can be trusted with firearms, even when the government at issue is notoriously corrupt.  Fortunately, the bureau's new export regulations — though problematic in many ways — don't affect the Second Amendment rights of U.S. citizens.  They do, however, explicitly push a United Nations-backed talking point that wrongly blames lawfully armed civilians for criminal gun trafficking and insists that guns are safest when in the hands of government actors.

The Editor says...
The article above is accompanied by a stock picture from Getty Images, showing an evil white man creeping up on a well-armed woman.  In every illustrated discussion of rampant crime in America, the perpetrators are always depicted as white men.  This is an obvious departure from the truth.

San Antonio Police Sgt. Says Defensive Gun Uses are Becoming More Common.  According to crime analyst Jeff Asher, homicides in San Antonio have dropped 50 percent so far this year when compared to the same time period in 2023.  At the same time, one member of the San Antonio Police Department says he's seeing an increase in defensive gun uses, including two separate incidents on Thursday morning. [...] KSAT-TV has also documented multiple armed citizens who've fought back against burglars, car thieves, and home invaders, and while neither Valle or the television station provided any hard numbers regarding incidents in which lawful gun owners defended themselves this year, it does appear that San Antonio DGU's are becoming more common than what we've seen in the past.  Valle says there are probably multiple factors involved in the increase, but I'd say it starts with more people exercising their Second Amendment rights.  More guns don't equate to more crime, but it does mean more opportunities for criminals to encounter a legally armed citizen when they're picking out their targets.

To distract from increasing 'migrant crime' the Bidenites tout 'the largest one-year decline' in homicides.  To detract from the obvious increasing "migrant crime," the Democrats are now taking credit for a "historic" one year drop in homicides in 2023.  I would love to see which policies they implemented that they believe caused the drop, because it certainly is not their open border policies, no-cash bail policies, or the pro-crime prosecutors who let career criminals roam the streets. [...] But wait, I thought they told us that more guns equals more murders?  So how are murders down while gun sales are near a record high?

When Americans Do the Job Their Police Won't Do.  Recent instances of Vermont store-goers detaining and even assaulting would-be thieves reveal growing societal tensions seeded by progressive policies.  Vermont's law enforcement services are anemic due to anti-police rhetoric, racialization of courts, and lax prosecutorial policies.  Vermont is not enforcing basic criminal laws, as gang-related violence and property crimes transform communities, drug overdoses skyrocket, and businesses are compromised.  Citizens are tired of being victimized by government failure:  many are taking matters into their own hands.

Good guys with guns stopping mass shootings is no myth.  Whenever there is a mass shooting, we often note that if a good guy with a gun had been present, things might well have been very different.  If we get loud enough, the media will invariably trot out a handful of stories quoting "experts" — people who are generally activists by happen to work in academia — who say that good guys with guns almost never stop mass shootings.

12 Defensive Gun Uses Show Armed Citizens Make Communities Safer.  As the nation continues to reel from historic violent crime spikes, many gun control activists turn reflexively to the same "bumper sticker slogan" policy "solutions" that fail to address real problems while often undermining the Second Amendment rights of peaceable citizens.  Last week, some Hartford, Connecticut, residents made headlines for taking a different approach.  Instead of demanding that their fellow citizens abandon their rights to armed self-defense, they announced that they would henceforth start exercising those rights in a public manner to enhance community safety.  These residents say they will soon start conducting "legal, armed community patrols" on a regular basis, with the goal of preventing gun violence in a city experiencing homicide totals not seen in several decades.

2021 National Firearm Survey: What Do Americans Own, And Why?  Just how often guns are used for self-defense is a hotly-debated issue.  Part of that debate is what counts as a "use."  The National Firearm Survey looked at uses where the gun was fired as well as those where it was not.  The survey found:
  •   31.1% of gun owners, or approximately 25.3 million adult Americans, have used a gun in self-defense.
  •   In most cases (81.9%) the gun is not fired.
  •   There are approximately 1.67 million defensive uses of firearms per year.
  •   The majority of defensive gun uses take place outside of the home (74.8%), and many (51.2%) involve more than one assailant.
  •   Handguns are the firearm most commonly used in defensive incidents (65.9%), followed by shotguns (21.0%) and rifles (13.1%).

There have been no shooting attacks in schools where teachers can legally carry guns.  Earlier this month, cameras filmed Rep. Jamaal Bowman, New York Democrat, yelling in the halls of Congress that "Republicans won't do [anything] when it comes to gun violence."  It's a common refrain from gun control advocates.  "Force [Republicans] to respond!' Mr. Bowman shouted.  "Why [...] won't they do anything to save America's children?  And let them explain that all the way up to Election Day on 2024."  That was when one of us, Rep. Thomas Massie, Kentucky Republican, happened to walk by and pointed out, "Did you know there's never been a school shooting in a school that allows teachers to carry?"  "Carry guns?!" Mr. Bowman shouted back at the top of his lungs.  "More guns lead to more death!"  When Mr. Massie tried to respond, Mr. Bowman continued shouting so loudly that Mr. Massie could not be heard.  Mr. Massie reminded Mr. Bowman that, at that very moment, both of them were being protected by guns in the U.S. Capitol.

The wild, wild United States of America.  Somewhere along the line, we forgot that we were responsible to defending ourselves and loved ones.  We abdicated that responsibility to our local and state governments.  In turning the responsibility of our safety and security to our local law enforcement, we are now dependent on their process and response times.  We consciously or unconsciously agreed to firearm restrictions and gun-free zones.  These laws made soft targets of banks, schools, churches, shopping malls and concert venues, to name a few.  A "bad guy" shows up with a firearm regardless of magazine capacity or firearm type, and proceeds to do whatever he wants until the police show up.  This response time could be five minutes or one and a half hours.  A great amount of damage and loss of life can happen within a short time frame.  These shooters know this.  They know that they will not face immediate resistance to their plan.  Shooters do not charge into a biker bar or hunting club to take life.  Why not?  Because they know the people inside the establishment are armed and their evil mission will be over before it started.

Defending Yourself in Blue Cities Might Land You in Prison.  [Scroll down]  Bernhard Goetz — a 37-year-old white man — shot four black teens who surrounded him and asked for a $5 "donation" back in 1984, making himself something of a hero back when your average New Yorker was sick of getting bopped, robbed, raped, or shot.  Goetz would eventually beat the attempted murder rap and do a mere 250 days in jail on an illegal gun charge.  Those were the days, my friend.  What's truly terrifying isn't so much today's crime rate, but being sent to jail if I clock an animal trying to kill me or brutalize my fiancee.  Commie prosecutors — many funded by George Soros — have been told to punish crime victims who dare stand up for and protect themselves from the lefty legions of drug zombies, street thugs, and modern brown shirts who roam the outhouses we once called Chicago, Austin, New York City, Seattle, and San Francisco — in other words, Democrat-run American cities.

Why Biden infringes on the right to bear arms.  Rabid gun-control advocates seek to infringe on citizens' constitutional right to use a gun.  Yet gun ownership has been proven by countless studies not to increase gun crimes.  Rather, defund-the-police efforts, lax bail laws, and soft sentencing are the reasons for increasing gun crime.  The Left rabidly pushes the media to report on gun-related violence feeding this false narrative.  According to the Daily Signal, 27 of the top 30 crime-ridden cities are run by Democrats.  As the justice system becomes less interested in protecting citizens more people are protecting themselves.  Senseless measures to ban guns results in more guns, not less.  Armed citizens save lives.  By having a gun to deter an intruder you may have saved your own, and possibly the lives of others, and often without even firing a shot.  According to a 2021 National Firearms Survey, defensively approximately 82% of the time gun owners don't fire their guns.

FBI Underreports Defensive Gun Use to Congress.  In mid-December, Dr. John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) and a world-recognized expert on guns and crime, testified before a Congressional subcommittee on violence and made some startling revelations.  Perhaps one of the most important was that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) covered up the fact that armed citizens use their guns quite frequently to stop active shooter attacks.  According to Lott's testimony before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security, the FBI grossly underreported the number of times armed citizens had stopped active shooters over an eight-year period from 2014 to 2021.

Sam Bankman-Fried's family pays $10K a week for armed security, sources say.  Amid death threats and sudden global infamy, accused FTX fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried and his parents have turned their posh Stanford home into a heavily guarded fortress.  The family is shelling out roughly $10,000 a week to have a private Bay Area security firm patrol the leafy, 3,000-square-foot residence with several armed guards working around the clock, sources told The [New York] Post.  "They're nervous," one source said. "There have been death threats.  They're not taking any chances."

CDC removed stats on defensive gun use over pressure from gun control activists: report.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reportedly removed statistics on defensive gun use in the U.S. following pressure from gun control advocates.  The stats sourced from a CDC-commissioned study finding that instances of defensive gun use occur between 60,000 and 2.5 million times per year.  References to that study were deleted from the site following private meetings with gun control advocates in 2021, emails obtained and published by The Reload show.  "[T]hat 2.5 Million number needs to be killed, buried, dug up, killed again and buried again," Mark Bryant, executive director of the Gun Violence Archive, wrote to the CDC in one of the emails.  "It is highly misleading, is used out of context and I honestly believe it has zero value — even as an outlier point in honest DGU discussions."

Black Guns Matter.  We know about Black Lives Matter.  My new video is about a group called Black Guns Matter.  Maj Toure, a Philadelphia high school dropout-turned-activist, tells me he started it after he got tired of hearing people endless chanting, "Black lives matter," but saying nothing "when it's time for black people to defend their lives."  Toure carries a gun wherever he goes.  "This is my human right," he says.  "If anybody wants to come chase me down about that, let's go to court."  He encourages others to arm themselves, especially people who live in high-crime neighborhoods.  I point out that means he wants more guns in places where there are already more shootings.  That's the point, says Toure.  "The only thing that's going to stop evil are good, solid people strong enough to stop them."  He sells a T-shirt with the slogan "Make criminals afraid again" printed on the front.

What other reason could there be?
Handgun owners carrying daily in US doubled in 4 years; self-protection cited as main reason: study.  Twice the number of Americans were carrying handguns daily in 2019 compared to 2015, according to a new study published this month.  Around 6,000 gun owners carried handguns every day in 2019, up from 3,000 in 2015, according to a study from the American Journal of Public Health published on Nov. 16.  The number of respondents to the online survey who said they had carried a gun in the last month also nearly doubled from 9 million to 16 million in 2015.  The study focuses solely on owners carrying a handgun on their person, not in their car.

Expert: FBI undercounts armed citizens stopping attacks.  The FBI has been vastly undercounting the times a mass shooting or active shooting event has been stopped by legally armed citizens, according to an independent report provided to [the Washington Examiner].  In the new report, some undercounting has been "by an order of more than 10," suggesting that the so-called "good guy with a gun" event is not rare and may be involved in a third or more of the attacks.  "An analysis by my organization identified a total of 360 active shooter incidents during that period and found that an armed citizen stopped 124," said John R. Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center. "There were another 24 cases that we didn't include where armed civilians stopped armed attacks, but the suspect didn't fire his gun.  Those cases are excluded from our calculations, though it could be argued that a civilian also stopped what likely could have been an active shooting event," he added.

Sheriff Urges Floridians to Shoot Looters in Wake of Hurricane Ian.  The message that hurricane-ravaged Florida is an inhospitable place for looters was driven home by an outspoken Polk County sheriff, who in a media appearance on Friday urged Floridians to shoot looters breaking into their homes so they look "like grated cheese."  Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd issued the warning during an Oct. 7 appearance on "Fox & Friends," while commenting on the problem of looters preying on vulnerable households in the wake of Hurricane Ian's devastation.  "I would highly suggest that if a looter breaks into your home, comes into your home while you're there to steal stuff, that you take your gun and you shoot him," Judd said.  "You shoot him so he looks like grated cheese because you know what?  That's one looter that will not break into anyone else's home and take advantage of them when they're the most vulnerable and the most weak," the sheriff added.

Massive errors in FBI's Active Shooting Reports regarding cases where civilians stop attacks.  The shooting that killed three people and injured another at a Greenwood, Indiana, mall on July 17 drew broad national attention because of how it ended — when 22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken, carrying a licensed handgun, fatally shot the attacker.  While Dicken was praised for his courage and skill — squeezing off his first shot 15 seconds after the attack began, from a distance of 40 yards — much of the immediate news coverage drew from FBI-approved statistics to assert that armed citizens almost never stop such attackers: [...] Evidence compiled by the Crime Prevention Research Center shows that the sources the media relied on undercounted the number of instances in which armed citizens have thwarted such attacks by an order of more than ten, saving untold numbers of lives.  Of course, law-abiding citizens stopping these attacks are not rare.  What is rare is national news coverage of those incidents.  Although those many news stories about the Greenwood shooting also suggested that the defensive use of guns might endanger others, there is no evidence that these acts have harmed innocent victims.

Armed citizens stop more mass shootings than you might think.  According to a recent report on active shootings released by the FBI, armed citizens have stopped less than 5% of mass shootings, but Dr. John Lott with the Crime Prevention Research Center has crunched the numbers and found them to be massively underreported.  In fact, as he details on today's Bearing Arms' Cam & Co, his data shows almost half of all mass shootings in 2021 were ended by a "good guy with a gun."  What accounts for the wide discrepancy in the FBI's figures and Lott's findings?

Conservatives Defend Their Mountaintop.  The progressive left is confrontational and hell-bent on burning the Constitution and permanently transforming this nation.  With no compromise in their rhetoric and actions, they are giving freedom-loving Americans no option but to stand up and defend a nation we love — a nation that has brought freedom, prosperity, and the belief that flawed men can embrace noble principles for the betterment of mankind.  We all witnessed the crime, violence, and destruction perpetrated in U.S. cities during the 2020 riots.  Since almost 70% of the American population lives in suburban or rural communities, most watched this anarchy from the safety of their living rooms.  Others in the direct path of this destruction were forced to watch helplessly as their communities were set ablaze.  Is it a coincidence that since 2000, the two years of record gun sales were in 2020 and 2021?  This is not the action of a people who will go quietly into that good night.  It appears to be the action of ordinary American citizens who want to protect their families, property, and way of life.

LA Democrat mayoral candidate Rep. Bass says [she] no longer feels safe after burglary, guns taken.  Los Angeles Democrat mayoral candidate Rep. Karen Bass says she no longer feels safe in the city after her home was burglarized and two guns were taken.  "I came home one evening to see my house in disarray, and it was very traumatizing," she told Fox 11 Los Angeles on Thursday.  "My safety was shattered."  However, Bass, a Los Angeles native, says her Sept. 9 ordeal has not changed her policies while running for mayor because she "thought from the beginning that the number one job of the mayor is to make sure that Angelenos are safe."

States with higher rate of gun ownership do not correlate with more gun murders, data show.  Calls have rung out across the nation demanding gun control laws in a bid to curb violent crimes such as the recent series of mass shootings.  Data, however, show that in states with higher percentages of households with at least one gun, crimes are not higher than in states with strict gun laws.  "Gun ownership is higher in states with fewer restrictions, and homicide rates in these states are lower.  People can protect themselves," George Mason University Professor Emerita Joyce Lee Malcolm told Fox News Digital of what she's found through her research.  Malcolm pointed to a study on burglars from 1986 that found 34% of burglars interviewed reported "to having been scared off, shot at, wounded or captured by an armed victim."  Fox News Digital compiled FBI data from 2019 detailing murders and gun murders per 100,000 population for most states, as well as assembled Rand Corporation data released in 2020 showing the percentage of households with at least one firearm in 2016.  The data does not reflect the skyrocketing violent crimes of 2020 and likely undercounts the current percentages of homes with at least one firearm as it does not reflect the influx of Americans who rushed to arm themselves in 2020.

It's Not About the AR-15.  [Scroll down]  Guns, like any tool, have myriad uses, based upon the user's desire.  A hammer, for example, is equally useful in driving nails into wood as it is in fatally cracking a person's skull.  The distinction is that a hammer's primary purpose is to drive nails into other objects.  A gun's primary purpose, for most people, is not to kill migratory birds, but to kill people who might do them harm.  According to a Gallup survey in October 2021, a full 88-percent of gun owners say that "protection against crime" is a reason for their owning a gun.  That is to say, nine-out-of-ten gun owners keep their guns so that they can potentially kill other people if the need arises.

How concealed and open carry can stop crime Nationwide.  The history of firearms has been a rocky one, especially since the invention of the radio and television.  With more crime stories and statistics at our fingertips, firearms have received a bad name in the name of ratings.  We're here to clear the name of firearms worldwide and tell you our guaranteed crime-reduction solution:  More Concealed and Open Carry.  You've heard the saying "more guns equals more crime".  How about, "more guns equals LESS crime"?  First, let's ask the important question; who is in possession of these guns?  More guns would equal more crime if they were in the hands of criminals.  Now, put more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens and watch the tables turn.

Stats Validate What Gun Owners Have Been Saying For Years.  A common narrative from anti-gun activists asserts that more guns equal more crime.  But those of us who own guns have known this storyline to be false all along.  It never made sense, and now we have data to prove it.  According to a recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, there is a direct correlation between gun ownership and crime, but that correlation doesn't align with the storyline from the "guns are bad" crowd.  In fact, shocker:  it shows just the opposite.  The NBER analysis used Tennessee's database for handgun carry permit holders, and then cross-referenced that data with crime statistics in those zip codes.  It was determined that once information from the database was publicized, in areas where gun ownership was highest, burglaries were correspondingly lower.  Conversely, in areas with relatively low gun ownership, burglaries were considerably higher.

Sheriff In Florida Tells Citizens He Prefers They Shoot Intruders Dead, Save The Tax Payers Money.  Homeowners in the Florida Panhandle are being encouraged by one sheriff to shoot burglars who enter their homes.  The comments by Santa Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson come after deputies took into custody a "frequent flyer" who is accused of breaking into several homes on Wednesday, April 20.  Brandon J. Harris, who Johnson said has been arrested 17 times, faces seven charges after his most recent arrest.  [Video clip]

Fourth Circuit:  A Person has a Right to Come to the Door with a Firearm.  On March 30, 2022, a three judge panel of the Fourth Circuit published an opinion in the case of Knibbs v Momphard.  The Court found for the Estate of Knibbs, which is suing Deputy Momphard of the Macon County Sheriff's Department.  It was a split opinion, for the Knibbs Estate.  Important precedents involving firearms and the Second Amendment are solidified by this opinion, which cites several previous cases.  The Constitutional Amendment primarily cited is the Fourth Amendment.  However, the citation to the Fourth relies on the Second Amendment, which includes the possession of a firearm in the home for self defense.  This author sees the important issues in this case, clarified by the March 30 opinion, as:
  [#1]   The mere possession of a firearm by a homeowner is not sufficient to justify the use of deadly force by officers.
  [#2]   There is a right to come to the door with a firearm.
  [#3]   Officers must identify themselves as officers to gain qualified immunity.
  [#4]   Mere verbal announcement, without visual confirmation, is not sufficient to gain qualified immunity.
  [#5]   Sufficient precedent exists for officers to be aware of their duty in these situations.

Concealed Carry Permit Applications Soar 600% in Philadelphia.  Applications for concealed carry permits have soared a staggering 600 percent in Philadelphia.  Law-abiding residents are responding to the Democrat-controlled city's skyrocketing violent crime rates by arming themselves.  The latest figures follow reports that a concealed carry permit holder shot and killed an alleged robber around lunchtime Wednesday in a Philadelphia corner store.

Terrified Beverly Hills residents flock to buy guns from city's only firearms store.  As Long Angeles crime spirals out of control, even some of the city's wealthiest residents have flocked to Beverly Hills' only gun store to buy firearms to protect themselves and their belongings.  Beverly Hills Guns first opened by appointment only in July 2020, and has seen upscale residents from Santa Monica to the Hollywood Hills increasingly in a panic following some high-profile smash and grabs and violent home invasions in recent weeks, Los Angeles Magazine reports.  Many are self-proclaimed progressives who've never even held a gun before, but who've been so spooked by soaring crime in the famously wealthy enclave that they've decided to arm themselves.

The Editor says...
I hope somebody is showing these new gun owners how to handle the guns safely.  And how to reload quickly, if need be.

L.A.'s Arms Race of the Affluent.  In Beverly Hills, even the purchase of a firearm comes with certain... expectations.  The city's only gun store, Beverly Hills Guns, is a "concierge service" by appointment only, for a largely affluent clientele.  And business is booming.  Since opening in July 2020, the store has seen upscale residents from Santa Monica to the Hollywood Hills increasingly in a panic following several high-profile smash-and-grab and violent home invasion robberies.  The apparent siege has brought in a daily stream of anxious business owners and prominent actors, real estate moguls and film execs, says owner Russell Stuart.  Most are arming themselves for the first time.

"Gun crazy" New Hampshire has the lowest murder rate in the nation.  The top three states in the nation that have the lowest number of homicides also have some of the least restrictive gun laws in the country.  One of those states, New Hampshire, reported only 12 during the year 2020.  Democrats and liberals want the world to believe that less restrictive gun laws mean there will be more violence and mayhem.  However, the opposite is true, at least in terms of New Hampshire.  The State of New Hampshire does have gun laws that dictate when a person can legally own a firearm.  The common-sense measures are that they are of legal age, they are not the subject of any type of judge order (injunction), and they are not a convicted felon.

10 More Examples of Defensive Gun Use That Undercut New York's Logic on Restrictive Firearms Laws.  The Second Amendment is premised on the natural right of self-defense, the need for which is greatest where the risk of crime is highest.  Crime data clearly show that people are victimized outside their homes more often than inside their homes.  Additionally, people in urban areas are far more likely to be victims of crime — and therefore more likely to need to defend themselves with a gun — than are people in rural areas.  And Americans routinely use guns to defend themselves successfully from crime.  Almost every major study on the issue has found that Americans use their firearms in self-defense between 500,000 and 3 million times annually, according to a 2013 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen of Memphis Says Law-Abiding Citizens with Guns Don't Deter Criminals.  U.S. Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN-09) said at a House Judiciary hearing last week that good people with firearms do not stop bad people with firearms.  "Show me a case in Memphis where a good man or woman with a gun protected and stopped the use of a weapon.  That canard doesn't occur.  That dog won't hunt.  It doesn't happen.  You talk about people losing their Second Amendment rights through these procedures," Cohen said, referring to various states' red flag laws. [...] Dan Zimmerman, writing about Cohen's remarks for The Truth About Guns, called Cohen a liar.  "We're sorry to burst the Congressman's well-insulated, Beltway-bound bubble, but surely even he heard about the shooting at the West Freeway Church of Christ outside Fort Worth that was stopped by a congregant with a pistol?  It was caught on video for all the world to see.  But that was almost two years ago!  Someone as busy and important as a U.S. Congressman can't be expected to remember something like that!" Zimmerman wrote.

Immigrant Attacks Elderly Gentlemen In His Car; The Elderly Gentlemen Shows That Guns Keep Society Safer.  Unlike this generation, which seems determined to denigrate the roles of men and fathers, many Americans had dads who taught their sons and daughters the proper use of shotguns and rifles, and how to shoot.  We were all expected to learn how to shoot a firearm.  After the Second World War and Korea and amidst the threat of Soviet totalitarianism, Americans were taught to defend their families, and their country.  Liberty, self-armament, patriotism, and citizenship were inextricably bound.  The right to keep and bear arms has become even more crucial to those who are heading into sunset years.  The elderly are especially vulnerable to violent crime and, as a result, the number of senior citizens carrying firearms is on the rise.  Nearly 23,000 people over 65 took basic firearm training courses from NRA-certified instructors in 2015, four times the number five years earlier.  Since 2010, seniors' demand for firearms training climbed 400 percent.

Congresswoman stocks up on guns after anarchists vandalize her home.  A South Carolina congresswoman is stocking up on firearms and taking target practice after her home was vandalized.  Rep. Nancy Mace said she decided to carry a weapon after a Memorial Day incident when profanity and anarchist symbols were scrawled in spray paint on her Charleston property, according to Fox News.  "It doesn't feel good that I feel like I have to look behind my shoulder every day.  It doesn't feel safe," the Republican freshman lawmaker told the network.  "I carry a gun wherever I go today.  Wherever I'm allowed to, I do carry."

Our Quasi-Soviet States of America.  Guns are an impediment to the advance of leftism.  It is much easier for the criminal elements to terrorize unarmed citizens, and criminals are important instruments of the left.  If the police are neutered, the natural reaction of the citizens is to prepare to defend themselves.  Outlawing guns is a maneuver to make this more difficult.  The leftist law enforcement organizations will do their best to punish citizens who successfully defend themselves with guns.

Guns are an effective deterrent!
Walls erected outside Academy Awards to protect the Hollywood elite.  Security fencing was erected around the perimeter of Union Station in Downtown Los Angeles on Sunday to provide protection for the Hollywood elite and their Academy Award ceremony.  The red carpet, and the dazzling celebs who walked it, were well secured from the general public.  Union Station was cordoned off with fencing, and the entrances were also blocked, with security guards and additional measures.  The Post Millennial reported that Union Station is typically home to a high-population of homeless people.  Yet the City of Los Angeles forced those city dwellers to move from their temporary digs in order to make room for the Oscars.  The city moved the homeless under the alleged threat of destroying their belongings if they failed to comply.

Minnesota provides proof that the Second Amendment matters.  With the latest riots out of Brooklyn Center, a suburb of Minneapolis, we're once again seeing the power of guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens.  The images show maddened mobs destroying store windows and, once inside, either looting the stores or simply engaging in wanton destruction.  The only exceptions are those stores that have armed owners standing guard.  Julio Rosas, as usual, was on the scene and made a point of showing how guns changed the dynamic between the mob and intended victims:  [Tweet]  It really is that simple: there are more law-abiding people in America than there are criminals.  When the former have guns, they use them exactly as the Founders intended: to protect themselves from anyone seeking to interfere with their lives, liberty, or property.  With that in mind, you understand what it means that the current government is determined to pry your guns out of your hands.

Amid Renewed Rioting in Minneapolis, a Lesson on the Second Amendment.  The natural right of self-defense is what the Second Amendment is about.  Not hunting.  Anyone who interjects hunting into discussions of the Second Amendment is either trying to deceive or doesn't know the amendment and its true purpose.  The right to keep and bear arms is about the citizen's ability to defend himself or herself and their family and property against tyrants.  Sometimes those tyrants are from the government.  Sometimes government breaks down, and self-defense is a matter of life or death.

Asian Americans Flock To Second Amendment For Protection.  Asian Americans are flocking to gun stores to arm themselves for self-defense amid the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes.  Forbes spoke to Jimmy Gong, owner of Jimmy's Sport Shop in Mineola, New York, and he said, "There are more Asians being introduced to firearms.  Before, there was never gun culture in the Asian community.  But after the pandemic and all the hate crime going on, there are more Asians buying guns to defend themselves."  Gong noted his business doubled during the era of coronavirus, and half of his customer base is comprised of Asian Americans.

DC Police Chief Threatens Pistol-Packing GOP Rep. Boebert.  It appears as though our country becomes more divided by the day, politically speaking, as evidenced by the behavior displayed by public officials in Democrat-run cities when it comes to Republicans and conservatives.  You may have heard in recent days that freshman Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) led a successful effort to preserve a 1960s-era congressional rule that allowed lawmakers to carry concealed weapons on the Capitol Hill grounds.  In a letter signed by 83 current and freshmen lawmakers, she wrote to House leaders, "If Members can't carry on Capitol grounds, they can't protect themselves in D.C. while making their way to and from their offices to perform their official duties.  The 'last-mile' transition of self-protection is critical.  The current regulations provide transitional coverage once the Member is physically on campus."  The Second Amendment is near and dear to Boebert.  She is the owner of a gun-themed restaurant, Shooters Grill, in Rifle, Colorado (not even kidding) where the wait staff all open-carry handguns.  In a fundraising message after arriving being sworn in, Boebert reiterated her support for our fundamental right to keep and bear arms — anywhere.

GOP congresswoman Boebert defends decision to carry gun in DC: 'I am my own security'.  U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., told "Fox & Friends" there is "no question" she will carry her Glock handgun in Washington, D.C., despite pushback from the chief of police.  The newly elected lawmaker and owner of Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colo., defended her viral ad Tuesday [1/5/2021].  "It's right there in our Constitution.  It's an amendment to our Constitution, and there's an absolute uproar over people wanting to defend myself," the 34-year-old mother of four said.  "I mean, come on.  I'm 5-foot, 100 pounds.  I am now in one of the most dangerous cities in America.  The violent crime rate here is 158% times the national average.  I will be walking alone a lot," she said.  "Just like I say in my ad, being a member of Congress is pretty basic.  I don't go to work in an armored vehicle.  I don't have personal police escorts.  I am my own security here and my most basic right is my right to defend myself," Boebert concluded.

Ohio Governor Signs Gun Bill Eliminating Duty to Retreat.  An individual's duty to retreat before using force has been eliminated in Ohio under a gun rights bill signed by Republican Gov. Mike DeWine on Monday despite the governor's vocal concerns that GOP lawmakers were ignoring his own legislation proposed following the 2019 mass shooting in Dayton.  The measure expands the so-called "stand your ground" right from an individual's house and car to any place, "if that person is in a place in which the person lawfully has a right to be."  As recently as last month DeWine hinted he might veto the bill, saying lawmakers should focus on what he sent them instead.  But on Monday, he signed the bill in "the spirit of cooperation" with the General Assembly.

Three Masked Robbers Have the Advantage Until Homeowner Outguns Them, Police Say.  With the violence many Americas have witnessed in their communities in the past year, it's important to remember the importance of your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.  But you're arguably more likely to face violent criminals inside your home than you are near public demonstrations.  This year's protests, riots and other forms of political violence are historic, but they will subside.  The threat of being victimized by a home invasion will always remain.

A Message to Texas Democrat Terry Meza Who Doesn't Understand Home Defense or Texas for That Matter.  Telling a Texan to put down his guns in his own home when someone breaks into it is like telling a fish not to swim.  It's impossible for him to do.  Yet that's exactly what Texas State Representative Terry Meza is attempting to do, as she's introduced HB196 which would effectively prevent Texans from defending themselves in their own home until every other option has been exhausted.

DeSantis Expands Stand Your Ground Law, Moves to Allow Citizens to Shoot Looters, Rioters Targeting Businesses.  Gov. Ron DeSantis has moved to expand the state's Stand Your Ground Law and give armed citizens the green light to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting businesses.  His "anti-mob" legislation sparked outcry from critics who called it dangerous, 'clearly political' and would allow armed citizens to shoot and potentially kill anyone they suspect of looting, Fox News reports.  DeSantis' legislation comes in response to a spread of riots and looting in Florida and nationwide this summer following the death of George Floyd, a black man who died while being detained by a white Minneapolis police officer.  The legislation is an attempt to prevent "violent and disorderly assemblies" by permitting violence against anyone involved in the "interruption or impairment" of a business, reportedly described in the draft as being a burglary within 500 feet of "violent or disorderly assembly," according to reporting by the Miami Herald Tuesday [11/10/2020].

Gov. DeSantis Introduces 'Anti-Mob' Legislation To Allow Floridians To Shoot Rioters And Looters.  Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has proposed an "anti-mob" bill that would allow residents to shoot rioters and looters who target businesses following nationwide unrest.  The law would expand the state's self-defense law, which currently forbids "the use of force in defense of property," by increasing what constitutes a "forcible felony," according to the Miami Herald.  DeSantis seeks to make looting or "interruption or impairment" of a business such a felony, thereby justifying deadly force to prevent it, the local outlet reported.

Gun control hypocrites:
Celebrity apartments will be protected by armed guards on Election Day.  Celebrity digs in New York City like the luxury Chelsea apartment building will be protected by armed guards on Election Day, as the Big Apple and cities all across the country prepare for post-election violence.  One building, the London Terrace Towers, sent an email to residents saying, "As you are aware, government enforcement agencies across the country are making plans to control the possible civil unrest following the upcoming presidential election," Page Six reported.  "Regardless of the outcome of [Tuesday's] election, our concerns range from isolated violent incidents to a long stretch of mass protests, confrontations between extremists, and potential property damage," the management email noted further.  As such, the management team will be hiring extra security guards for the duration, which Page Six notes will be "armed," according to "insiders."

These 10 Examples of Defensive Gun Use Underscore Second Amendment's True Purpose.  Unfortunately for gun control advocates, the Second Amendment is not, and never has been, concerned with the protection of hunting or sport shooting.  It is concerned with the protection of something much more fundamental to American democracy — maintaining the "security of a free state."  An armed citizenry is the best and most natural defense against threats to individual rights, whether those threats stem from a tyrannical government, a foreign army, an anarchic mob, or an individual criminal.  And although the threat from a tyrannical government or foreign army may appear remote or far-fetched, the threats from anarchic mobs and individual criminals are very common.  Every day, untold numbers of Americans rely on their Second Amendment rights to protect their lives and livelihoods.

How Often Do Citizens Use Guns to Stop Violence?  In a New York Times column entitled "How to Reduce Shootings," Nicholas Kristof writes, "It is true that guns are occasionally used to stop violence.  But contrary to what the National Rifle Association suggests, this is rare.  One study by the Violence Policy Center found that in 2012 there were 259 justifiable homicides by a private citizen using a firearm."  That statement grossly misleads by pretending that firearms only stop violence when they are used to kill criminals.  As explained by the National Academies of Sciences in a 300+ page analysis of firearms studies, "effective defensive gun use need not ever lead the perpetrator to be wounded or killed.  Rather, to assess the benefits of self-defense, one needs to measure crime and injury averted.  The particular outcome of an offender is of little relevance."  Likewise, a 1995 paper in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology states, "This is also too serious a matter to base conclusions on silly statistics comparing the number of lives taken with guns with the number of criminals killed by victims.  Killing a criminal is not a benefit to the victim, but rather a nightmare to be suffered for years afterward."  The purpose of having a gun for defense is not to kill criminals but to prevent them from killing or harming others.

50+ Questions No Reporter Dares Ask Joe Biden And His Campaign.  On Guns:  In 2013 you suggested that people, especially women, acquire a shotgun for self-defense over an AR-15 because ARs are "harder to aim, harder to use."  Have you ever shot an AR?  You have expressed interest in banning the AR-15, but would you be in favor of banning all semiautomatic rifles?  If not, why not?  How would such bans be enforced given the popularity of such guns?  Who would compel American citizens to hand them over — the police?

A Time for Prejudice.  "Prejudice" in this context means simply to pre-judge certain kinds of criminal cases, and many jurisdictions' Castle Doctrines already do.  Florida statute 776.013, "Home protection; use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm" prejudges a motorist's use of deadly force against a carjacker in favor of the former.  "A person is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily harm to himself or herself..." if the aggressor was trying to drag the person from his or her car.  Common sense says that trying to drag people from vehicles, as practiced by Black Lives Matter and Antifa extremists, puts victims in reasonable fear for their lives regardless of jurisdiction.

Self-defense in an America where laws are disregarded.  Emboldened by the lack of consequences, the political left in this country has escalated from yelling at people in restaurants to physical assaults, property destruction, and even murder.  Senator Rand Paul's account of the harrowing events of the leftist mob following the last night of the Republican convention serves as another reminder for Americans to consider their personal safety.  Self-defense is often an uncomfortable topic for many.  A friend recently asked what he should do in circumstances where he and his wife are accosted in public.  Setting aside the grief that this is even a topic in our country, he referred to his own health issues as an impediment to self-defense.  My response:  "The question needs to be asked and answered long before any altercation."  "What are you prepared to do?"

Nearly Five Million Americans Became Gun Owners in First Half of 2020.  Nearly five million Americans became first-time gun owners in 2020, according to a new report.  The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the gun industry's trade group, estimates that 17.1 million guns have been sold between January and August with 4.84 million Americans purchasing their first guns.  The sales — especially to new owners — represent a significant shift in American attitudes on gun ownership.  "This is a tectonic shift in the firearm and ammunition industry marketplace and complete transformation of today's gun-owning community," Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF senior vice president and general counsel, said in a statement.

Kennesaw, Georgia:  To Live There, By Law You Must Own a Gun.  In 1982, the little town of Kennesaw, Georgia passed an ordinance that every able-bodied family must own a gun. [...] The liberals, of course, warned that Kennesaw would become the Wild West.  Like all liberal predictions, this one belongs in the sewer.  In the 25 years that the law had been in place, not one murder or defensive shooting took place.  The first murder finally did occur in 2014, 32 years into the ordinance.

Abolish police, and the Second Amendment becomes a first resort.  At any given moment, your safety really is in your own hands.  Usually, no one else can protect you if someone wants to do you harm.  Even in good times, the police are usually minutes away when seconds count.  If everyone chooses to disrespect and disobey the law, there is no police force large enough to restore order.  And as the experience in Portland is showing, a simple lack of political will on the part of politicians can be enough to let lawlessness reign over a major city's downtown area.  Naturally, the Second Amendment takes on an added importance in such a context.

Defensive gun uses
Defensive Gun Uses in the U.S.  All of the law-abiding citizens featured in this database successfully defended their liberties, lives, or livelihoods with the lawful use of a firearm.  These cases are not based on hearsay, but on verifiable reports found through public sources.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost every major study on defensive gun use has found that Americans use their firearms defensively between 500,000 and 3 million times each year.  There's good reason to believe that most defensive gun uses are never reported to law enforcement, much less picked up by local or national media outlets.

11 More Examples of How Firearms Save Gun Owners' Lives, Property.  At a time when some gun control advocates appear intent on painting lawful gun ownership as a danger to society, and the Second Amendment as little more than an outdated protection of a person's right to hunt, it's important to remember the regular role armed citizens play in defending inalienable rights.  As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention affirmed in a 2013 report, almost all major studies on defensive gun uses have concluded that Americans use firearms in self-defense between 500,000 and 3 million times every year.  The vast majority of them will receive little or no media attention.

Biden: Hero Who Stopped Texas Church Shooter Was Wrong To Have A Gun.  During a question and answer session on NBC's "Today" show, former vice president and rumored presidential 2020 contender Joe Biden said the hero who stopped the Texas church shooter earlier this month should not have been allowed to carry an AR-15. [...] Biden apparently doesn't think guns are useful for self-defense and protecting others, even though police and soldiers can't stop bad guys without guns, and neither can private citizens.  Public records are replete with instances of private citizens enjoying protection against evil when armed.

Female Gun Owners: We Prefer the AR-15.  In the aftermath of a recent Florida self-defense shooting, female gun owners argued that the AR-15 provides specific advantages to women for home defense, vehemently rejecting the views of gun-control activists who insist the firearm is unnecessary.  Speaking with the Washington Free Beacon on Friday [11/8/2019], five female firearm owners and advocates said the AR-15 platform offers several features that are ideal for women specifically.  Robyn M. Sandoval, executive director of A Girl & A Gun Women's Shooting League, said the rifle is both more effective and safer for female shooters.

These Gun Owners Were Able to Confront Criminals in September.  Not only do Americans use their firearms for lawful purposes far more often than they use them to commit crimes, but studies routinely show that a very small number of repeat criminal offenders are responsible for the majority of gun-related crimes, even though they're already prohibited from possessing firearms.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded in 2013 that "almost all major studies" on defensive gun uses have found that Americans defend themselves with their firearms between 500,000 and 3 million times each year.  This makes lawful gun owners an important factor in overall public safety.  Every month this year, we've highlighted in The Daily Signal just some of the many times that law-abiding citizens used their firearms to defend themselves or others from threats to their lives or livelihoods.

Violent Crime Drops As Concealed Carry Numbers Increase.  We learned from the FBI this week that violent crime and homicides declined in 2018.  Now a new report from the Crime Prevention Research Center shows while crime is down, the number of Americans who possess a concealed carry license is growing.  In fact, the number of concealed carry license holders grew by 1.4 million people to 18.66 million, and at this pace, will eclipse 20-million concealed carry holders in 2020.

No Shots Fired — The Missing Statistic in Defensive Gun Use.  When was the last time you heard on the news about someone using a gun to save their life, the life of others, or property... without firing a shot?  Exactly.  And that's a problem.

Texas mass shooting survivor lobbies Congress for less gun control.  Since surviving a 1991 mass shooting at a Luby's in Killeen, Suzanna Gratia Hupp has lobbied for looser gun control laws that she says could have allowed her to save the 23 victims, including both of her parents.

Natural Disasters and the AR-15.  While there may be power outages and other wind-caused damage from the storm, unpredictable storms like [Hurricane] Dorian stretch the ability of government entities, including public utilities, to accommodate the needs of people who are in harm's way.  If government cannot protect us at all times and in all places — and that is never feasible or desirable, much less possible — how are individuals supposed to protect themselves in the wake of a disaster absent law enforcement? [...] Consider that when London banned guns, knife attacks increased, which led the mayor to call for knife control and the regulation of knives. [...] [C]ountless others on the Left do not want to protect life; they want us to be unable to defend ourselves from the violence of the stronger and, therefore, become more dependent on them.

A Michigan Court Case Shows the Right of Armed Self-Defense Is Broader Than You Might Think.  Yesterday [8/20/2019] the Michigan Court of Appeals handed down a decision in a highly public and very controversial case that gun owners across the United States should applaud.  In short, it demonstrates and validates the value of armed self-defense even when you do not pull the trigger and — crucially — have no cause to pull the trigger.  It justifies the brandishing of a gun as pre-emptive measure to block the use of unlawful force.

We Don't Need Red Flag Laws, We Need More Good Americans To Get Guns.  Evil comes in many forms, and far too often we search for answers in places they can never be found.  A new government "war on hate" won't change a single person's heart.  Whether evil uses white supremacy or Antifa to justify its need for blood, the need remains just the same.  Killers are still out there.  They're everywhere.  Take responsibility for your own protection.  If you truly desire to be safe, then pick up a weapon, train with it, and make yourself so.

CDC, in Surveys It Never Bothered Making Public, Provides More Evidence That Plenty of Americans Innocently Defend Themselves with Guns.  Many people who support gun control are angry that the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are not legally allowed to use money from Congress to do research whose purpose is "to advocate or promote gun control."  (This is not the same as doing no research into gun violence, though it seems to discourage many potential recipients of CDC money.)  But in the 1990s, the CDC itself did look into one of the more controversial questions in gun social science:  How often do innocent Americans use guns in self-defense, and how does that compare to the harms guns can cause in the hands of violent criminals?  Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck conducted the most thorough previously known survey data on the question in the 1990s.  His study, which has been harshly disputed in pro-gun-control quarters, indicated that there were more than 2.2 million such defensive uses of guns (DGUs) in America a year.

Latest News of Self-Defense With Firearms Contradicts Gun Control Rhetoric.  Gun control advocates long have controlled the narrative about defensive uses of firearms, calling the "good guy with a gun" scenario a "myth meant to scare people into buying guns for self-defense."  This is a false narrative that does not reflect reality.  Despite a backdrop of rhetoric asserting that "the average person ... has basically no chance in their lifetime ever to use a gun in self-defense," the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in a 2013 report concluded that studies routinely find that Americans use firearms in defense of themselves or others between 500,000 and 3 million times every year.

How Many Lives Are Saved by Guns — and Why Don't Gun Controllers Care?  [Scroll down]  As to defensives uses of guns, the CDC report said, "Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was 'used' by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies. ... Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year, in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008."  Criminologist and researcher Gary Kleck, using his own commissioned phone surveys and number extrapolation, estimates that Americans use guns for defensive purposes 1.2 million times each year — and that 1 in 6 Americans who have used guns defensively believe someone would have died but for their ability to resort to their defensive use of firearms.

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI].  The FBI has published 3 reports that collectively detail active shooter events from 2000-2017.  The first report covered events from 2000 to 2013, the second covered 2014-2015, and the third and most recent covered 2016-2017.  It is important to note that the FBI has no specific system in place for finding and cataloging active shooter events.  They manually search for and include them in their reports the same way anyone else might Google it which of course means there is room for error particularly in missing events that should have been included.

Pinellas Sheriff Bob Gualtieri now supports armed teachers to stop school shooters.  Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri now supports arming teachers and other school personnel as a line of defense against school shootings, a striking change of heart driven by his work with a state commission investigating February's massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.  Gualtieri said Friday [11/23/2018] he changed his mind after watching surveillance video and studying the timelines of Parkland and other school shootings as chairman of the commission established to review what went wrong and recommend ways to make schools safer.

Crime Plummets After QuikTrip Stores Add Good Guys with Guns.  QuikTrip convenience stores added good guys with guns in Wichita, Kansas, and the results were so good that they are expanding the program to stores in other areas.  The NRA noted, "After implementing the new strategy at its Wichita, Kansas locations and seeing success, QuikTrip, the massive gas station and convenience store chain said it would expand the policy to other stores."  KWCH reports that the good guys with guns will be armed security, but QuikTrip also left the door open to armed clerks in situations where the clerks "have previous experience and necessary licenses."

Vigils Won't Stop Murderous Anti-Semitism, Guns Will.  Jews Can Shoot is a Jewish 2nd Amendment civil rights group.  And after the Pittsburgh shooting, and the rising anti-Semitism on the alt-left and the alt-right, its message is more relevant than ever.  "With all due respect, singing songs, lighting candles and posting the phrase "Never Again", regardless of the number of exclamation points, is not going to stop anyone from killing Jews," Wise writes in the latest JCS newsletter.  "Fear of being shot by armed Jews.  That's what will stop them."

Armed and Unarmed:  A difference in Mindset.  Being armed or unarmed is, in many ways, a state of mind.  An armed person sees the world differently from a person who has decided to be unarmed.

VICE: There Are No 'Good Guys With a Gun'.  In an article meant to argue that owning a gun makes one's home more dangerous VICE magazine stated:  "'good guys with a gun' don't really exist."  They make this claim in contraction to academic work proving otherwise.  For example, Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck's academic work on self-defense gun uses shows a minimum of 760,000 such uses each year, and notes that the number could be as high as 2.5 million.  Kleck's has never been countered with empirical evidence.  VICE tries to take a swipe at Kleck's work by noting that he counted instances in which a gun was drawn in self-defense but not fired.  But why is that a negative?

Oh by the way this amazing comprehensive CDC study says guns save lives, did we forget to mention that?  If you've ever been in argument with a gun controller, you've heard them either cite non-existent or artificially manipulated CDC statistics, or lament that the CDC can't properly study gun deaths.  What you haven't heard is that the CDC actually does have some gun data of pretty important use, and it shows that people have defended their own lives with guns.

CDC, in Surveys It Never Bothered Making Public, Provides More Evidence that Plenty of Americans Innocently Defend Themselves with Guns.  Many people who support gun control are angry that the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are not legally allowed to use money from Congress to do research whose purpose is "to advocate or promote gun control."  (This is not the same as doing no research into gun violence, though it seems to discourage many potential recipients of CDC money.)  But in the 1990s, the CDC itself did look into one of the more controversial questions in gun social science:  How often do innocent Americans use guns in self-defense, and how does that compare to the harms guns can cause in the hands of violent criminals?  Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck conducted the most thorough previously known survey data on the question in the 1990s.  His study, which has been harshly disputed in pro-gun-control quarters, indicated that there were more than 2.2 million such defensive uses of guns (DGUs) in America a year.

CDC Survey On Defensive Gun Use Was Never Publicized.  Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck has been arguing that point for a quarter of a century, saying that his own research led him to believe that DGU was far more prevalent than gun-control advocates claim.  The CDC's data, collected a few years after Kleck's survey, appears to corroborate his findings, reported.  The question asked in the CDC survey addressed the use or threatened use of a firearm to deter a crime.  "During the last 12 months, have you confronted another person with a firearm, even if you did not fire it, to protect yourself, your property, or someone else?"  Kleck, upon reviewing the CDC's data, noted just how close it came to mirroring his own.

The Best Government Survey on Guns You've Never Heard Of.  A survey by the Centers for Disease Control on defensive gun use (DGU) in the United States that shows DGU happening more regularly than gun crimes has never been publicized.  Gary Kleck, a Florida State criminologist, conducted his own study of DGU and his results mirror those of the CDC. [...] But why did this particular survey not receive the attention that such an important subject should have gotten?  The same reason that we never see government studies on salt that contradict the accepted view that excessive salt causes high blood pressure or studies on second hand smoke that prove it's not as harmful as the government says.

Unpublished CDC Study Confirms over 2 Million Annual Defensive Gun Uses.  An unpublished Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study confirms Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck's findings of more than two million defensive handgun uses (DGUs) per year.  Since the early 1990s, Kleck has maintained that there is a minimum of 760,000 DGUs annually.  That is his low estimate; Kleck and research partner Marc Gertz have contended the actual number is closer to 2.5 million.

Gun Control Logical Fallacy:  Ignoring Lives Saved.  A person who dies because they did not have a gun is just as dead as a person who is murdered with a gun.  In practice, overall unjustified homicides tend to rise a bit when gun are banned or restricted.  Those who push for disarmed populations use a logical fallacy when arguing for gun restrictions and gun bans.  They only count people who are killed with guns, and ignore people who are killed because they were unarmed or disarmed.  This logical fallacy is called an irrelevancy argument.  Whenever you see a chart or graph or statistic that uses the terms "gun homicide", "gun deaths", "gun suicides" or "gun violence".  The people using it are promoting a logical fallacy.

Scammed by a Black, a Woman, and Now a 17-Year-Old.  The AR-15 is not a machine gun and has saved numerous homeowners' lives.  Women defend themselves with guns against sexual abuse 200,000 times per year.  Guns are used 80 times more often to save a life than to take a life.  Of the 2,581,268 gun-related incidents each year, 2,549,596 are self-defense.  Only 31,000 are assaults.  American gun-owners kill 1,500 criminals each year.  Police kill 600 criminals annually.

CDC Study:  Use of Firearms for Self-Defense is 'Important Crime Deterrent'.  "Self-defense can be an important crime deterrent,"says a new report by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  The $10 million study was commissioned by President Barack Obama as part of 23 executive orders he signed in January [2013].  "Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was 'used' by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies," the CDC study, entitled "Priorities For Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence," states.  The report, which notes that " violent crimes, including homicides specifically, have declined in the past five years," also pointed out that "some firearm violence results in death, but most does not."  In fact, the CDC report said, most incidents involving the discharge of firearms do not result in a fatality.

Ignorance and lack of logic underlie Progs' Second Amendment position.  There are around 270,000,000 guns in America, but only 11,000 were used in crimes last year.  The vast number by far, are used for creation, for self-defense, or not at all.

What America Can Learn from Israeli Gun Laws.  When mass shootings take plan in the U.S., commentators routinely raise Israel as a case study to prove that guns in the hands of citizens save lives.  Israel, with its long and painful history of contending with terrorism, is rich with examples that prove this contention.  In recent years, armed citizens have stopped dozens of terrorists.  In some cases, those citizens acted when cowardly police officers shrank from danger.

The Children's Crusade.  Google "woman shoots intruder" and you'll find many reports of women who have used a gun to protect themselves.  Add "saves children" and you'll find the story of Melinda Herman of Loganville, Georgia.  In 2013, she was in her home with her two children when a man forced his way inside.  She hid with the children and telephoned for help but the intruder discovered them before police could arrive.  What he would have done, we don't know, for Mrs. Herman shot him.  He died but she and her children didn't.

The 'Good Guy With A Gun' Made A Positive Difference In 2017.  The mainstream media ridiculed the NRA's Wayne LaPierre when he said, "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is with a good guy with a gun."  But La Pierre was again proven correct during the past year.  Armed "good guys" made a very big an positive difference in 2018[.]  While the news typically concentrates on gun-related crimes — including this week's car smash burglary of a Bellevue, Washington gun store in which dozens of handguns were taken — law-abiding gun owners made a difference more than once during 2017, and the odds are that armed citizens will do it again in 2018.

Gun Controllers Choose to Ignore the Hundreds of Thousands of Cases of Good Guys with Guns.  Less than three hours after the tragedy at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) was looking to score political points. [...] Murphy's attempt to dismiss [former NRA Instructor Stephen] Willeford's courageous response to the shooting is in keeping with gun control advocates' longstanding messaging efforts and shows the depths anti-gun activists will sink to bury the facts.  According to these gun-control proponents, good guys with guns don't stop bad guys with guns.  In order to justify this position, gun control activists ignore cases where armed civilians have put a halt to mass violence.  Like a perverse Goldilocks, gun controllers will discount cases where a criminal was stopped before they were able to carry out sufficient carnage, and, as in the case of the shooting in Southerland Springs, dismiss a case where the killer was able to exact significant violence before an armed citizen could arrive.  When you look past gun control advocates and much of the media's biased filtering, there are a number of documented cases where armed citizens have confronted these types of killers and likely saved lives.

Good Guy With a Gun May Have Saved Lots of Lives in Texas Church.  Fact is good guys with guns do stop crimes.
In 2007 Jeanne Assam saved countless lives at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado by dispatching a shooter who opened fire on the congregation as people were exiting the church.
In 2014, Mark Vaughan, a reserve sheriff's deputy and Vaughan Foods chief operating officer, used his personal firearm to wound Alton Nolen, who beheaded a woman at the food processing plant in Oklahoma.
In 2012, an 18-year-old Oklahoma mother saved the lives of her baby and herself after a knife-wielding intruder attempted to enter her mobile home shortly after her husband died of lung cancer.  Sarah McKinley fired, killing one suspect and scaring off the other intruder.
In 2012, a 71-year-old Florida man saved the lives of many at an internet cafe when robbers entered the cafe with weapons.  Samuel Williams pulled out his gun and scared off the suspects.
In 2010, a 69-year-old Alabama grandmother fired three shots after hearing a burglar break into her house.  Ethel Jones wounded and scared off the intruder, who was later arrested by police.
And yesterday [11/5/2017] in Texas, a neighbor got his gun and stopped Devin P. Kelley from killing even more church-goers, driving him from the scene before police were able to arrive.

Statistical Anomalies Do Not Deserve Blood Sacrifice of the Remainder.  Mass shootings are statistical outcasts in a land where guns are used (CDC figures) some 250,000 times a year to deter crime, or frighten away an intruder.  No matter how many times these mass shootings take place, the knowledge that gun ownership reduces crime and protects families cannot be dispelled by emotional arguments.  No matter how many mass shootings occur, when the solution is to follow the pattern of history that has resulted in the deaths of over 100 million unarmed, defenseless people, there is not much of an argument the collectivists can make to persuade them.

Florida Sheriff Considers Concealed Carry Permit Holders the "First Line of Defense".  Sheriff Wayne Ivey of Brevard County, FL, who has posted videos declaring "we can't afford to sit back and wait for the next act of terrorism", doesn't worry about being politically correct, "just correct."  "If you are a concealed carry permit holder, carry your guns with you.  It's not doing you any good at the house, it's not doing you any good in the car."

4 Dead, More Injured in Chicago — Media Silent.  At least 2,190 people have been shot in Chicago this year, compared to 2,399 this time last year, statistics show.  So, the shootings are down just a little bit, but the murders are up.  I guess the killers are getting to be better shots.  Chicago is living proof that gun control does not work.  If people were able to arm themselves there for protection, a lot of this would stop.  I guarantee it.  But the progressives in power won't let that happen.

Yes, Killing Them Is A Perfectly Good Option.  If people were trained to react less as sheep waiting for slaughter, and the people in charge weren't so deathly afraid of fighting back, many lives might have been saved that were otherwise sacrificed.  Unfortunately, we live in a country where the dominant culture mandates that all uses of firearms are bad, possible even evil, even when such use results in dead bad guys and surviving good guys.  This is why active shooters stopped by citizens with firearms are rarely, or barely, reported.

The Czech Republic Is Planning To Fight Terrorism By Arming Its Citizens.  The Czech Republic is doing something very few European countries are doing.  To combat terrorism, they're arming their citizens with guns.  This is such a common sense solution, you would think that all countries would do it but they don't.

Fla. Sheriff Grady Judd urges residents to carry guns: 'Ducks need to shoot back'.  A sheriff in Florida has warned citizens to avoid being a "sitting duck" by arming themselves in the wake of mass attacks around the world.  While running and hiding can be a good option during some attacks, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said Americans must be prepared to fight back.  "If you're not afraid of a gun, get one," the sheriff told a local ABC affiliate.  "Become proficient.  Get a concealed firearms license and carry it.  And if you need to shoot somebody, shoot 'em a lot."

'This is war': Florida sheriff urges citizens to arm themselves in case of attack.  A Florida sheriff's office posted a controversial message on social media, urging citizens to arm themselves in self-defense.  Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey posted the video on Facebook Wednesday [6/7/2017], two days after a deadly workplace shooting in nearby Orlando claimed the lives of five people.  "Folks, now more than ever is the time for our citizens to be prepared to serve as the first line of defense, not only for them, but for their families," Sheriff Ivey said.  As images of the Fort Lauderdale airport shooting and Pulse nightclub massacre flashed on-screen, Ivey warned residents that attacks have happened locally as well as abroad.

About those two Capitol Police officers.  [Scroll down]  That's the point of the defensive use of firearms:  to make the attacker stop.  If the attacker happens to be killed, well, that's just an unfortunate side effect of having been stopped.

Hundreds of Detroit Women Flock to Free Gun Training Event.  Hundreds of women showed up for free gun training in Detroit, Mich., on Sunday [5/21/2017].  The event, which has been held annually for the last six years, saw its best turnout yet.  Organizers said about 700 women expressed interest in the training and around 600 attended.  The goal, they said, was helping women learn how to protect themselves.  "We teach women how to shoot and discharge a firearm, and a personal protection strategy," Rick Ector, the founder of Legally Armed in Detroit and creator of the event, told the Detroit Free Press.  "This is an event to see if owning a gun for personal protection is right for you.  If it's not right for you, find some other means of protecting yourself."

21 Highly Practical Tips Women Can Use to Begin Successful Concealed Carry.  Women who succeed at concealed carry do two things very well:  First they identify the correct steps to make them successful with carry and conceal.  Second, they strictly follow those steps to learn and be able to protect themselves and others from an attacker.  But you are probably wondering "How do I find the steps that I need to take to be successful with concealed carry?"  I want to answer that question in this article.

Gun Control Activist Attacks Conservative Radio Host Over Women Defending Themselves.  The founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, Shannon Watts, attacked conservative commentator and gun rights advocate Dana Loesch on Monday, saying that women like her live to "shoot thugs in the head."  The National Rifle Association posted a video on its Twitter account over the weekend featuring Loesch discussing the importance of women speaking out and defending their families.  "I'm a mom and just like millions of other women, that's why I own guns," Loesch said.  "We're responsible, we're law-abiding, and we're everything that makes America strong.  Every day we're willing to use a firearm to defend our families, but the media will never tell those stories."

More guns could mean safer citizens, advocates argue.  Because criminals are going to break the law regardless, they argue, the solution to less gun violence is more guns — and fewer restrictions — for "law-abiding" residents, who might then deter potential shooters or intervene and stop them from doing more harm.  "Here we go again.  Another gun-free zone.  Another place where a shooter can take lives and cause injury, and there's nobody there armed to protect anybody or to stop the shooter," said Marion Hammer, the NRA's long-time Tallahassee lobbyist.

Compiling Cases Where Concealed Handgun Permit Holders Have Stopped Mass Public Shootings and Other Mass Attacks.  This past Friday [10/14/2016], an Uber driver with a permitted concealed handgun stopped what likely would have been a mass public shooting.  Police arrived on the scene quickly, but the Uber driver had still already taken care of the situation before they arrived. [...] In a Washington Post column, Eugene Volokh asks:  "Have civilians with permitted concealed handguns stopped such mass shootings before?"  We provided Volokh with a list of cases that used.  The Uber driver case isn't even the first mass public shooting in Chicago that has been stopped by a concealed handgun permit holder.

Charlotte violence sparks self defense gun buying spree.  The explosion of racial violence in Charlotte, N.C. has led to a gun buying spree by locals worried about their safety.  At Hyatt Guns, one of the nation's largest, staff arrived Thursday morning after the second night of riots and encountered a line of buyers.  "First off, our prayers are with law enforcement this morning.  People are afraid.  They see lunacy in the streets being perpetrated by criminals and they are gearing up to protect themselves," Justin Anderson, director of marketing for Hyatt Guns told [the Washington Examiner].

Tim Schmidt:  Concealed Carry Has 'Powerful Deterrent Effect' Against Crime and Domestic Terror Attacks.  Tim Schmidt, president and founder of the U.S. Concealed Carry Association, was a guest on Tuesday's [9/20/2016] Breitbart News Daily to talk about the weekend's terror attacks.  As SiriusXM host Alex Marlow noted, they were further examples of the jihadist strategy of hitting "soft targets" or "anti-gun safe spaces" featuring large numbers of unarmed victims.  "The bottom line is that gun-free zones, they simply do not work," said Schmidt.  "Criminals pay no attention to these gun-free zones.  Ultimately, what happens is that only law-abiding citizens pay attention to them, so what you have, in essence, is a whole bunch of soft targets."

A Woman's Self-Defense Guide to Concealed Carry.  A stark difference from 20 years ago, women across the country are owning guns and participating in target shooting and hunting more than at any time in the past.  According to a 2015 survey by the National Sports Shooting Foundation (NSSF), more than one-third of women gun owners identified as new to gun ownership.  But that's not all.  Between 2004 and 2011, the report shows there was a 77-percent increase in women who own firearms, a 36-percent increase in women who target shoot, and a 23-percent increase in women who hunt.  Yet, even with more women engaging in shooting sports, that's still not the reason so many are purchasing guns.  It's not for hunting.  It's not for fun.  It's for self-defense.

CDC Study Ordered by Obama Contradicts White House Anti-gun Narrative.  In January, following the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, President Obama issued a "Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence," along with 22 other "initiatives."  That study, subcontracted out to the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, was completed in June and contained some surprises for the president.  Obama had announced at the beginning of the year his push for three major gun control initiatives — universal background checks, a ban on "assault weapons," and a ban on "high-capacity" magazines — to prevent future mass shootings, no doubt hoping that the CDC study would oblige him by providing evidence that additional gun control measures were justified to reduce gun violence.  On the contrary, that study refuted nearly all the standard anti-gun narrative and instead supported many of the positions taken by gun ownership supporters.  For example, the majority of gun-related deaths between 2000 and 2010 were due to suicide and not criminal violence.

Gun Ownership, Concealed-Carry Permits Up Among Women and Minorities.  Antonia Okafor, a Dallas resident, says she believes a gun can be the great equalizer for women to defend themselves — one reason she is now the southwest regional director for a group called Students for Concealed Carry.  State laws allowing residents to carry concealed weapons have been enacted in all 50 states, with varying degrees of regulation — most recently on college campuses.

Nine Myths Of Gun Control.  Compared to about 35,000 gun deaths every year, 2.5 million good Americans use guns to protect themselves, their families, and their livelihoods — there are 65 lives protected by guns for every life lost to a gun — five lives are protected per minute — and, of those 2.5 million protective uses of guns, about 1/2 million are believed to have saved lives.

These Gun Owners Are Least Likely Criminals, Report Finds.  Concealed-carry permit holders are nearly the most law-abiding demographic of Americans, a new report by the Crime Prevention Research Center says — comparing the permit holders foremost with police.  "Indeed, it is impossible to think of any other group in the U.S. that is anywhere near as law-abiding," says the report, titled "Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States 2016."  From 2007 through 2015, permits issued by state and local governments increased by 215 percent, to more than 14 million Americans, according to the data.

The Perversion of Science and Medicine, Part II.  [Scroll down]  In a 1986 NEJM paper, Dr. [Arthur] Kellermann and associates, for example, claimed their "scientific research" proved that defending oneself or one's family with a firearm in the home is dangerous and counter productive, claiming "a gun owner is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than an intruder."  This erroneous assertion is what has been accurately termed Kellermann's "43 times fallacy" for gun ownership by Dr. Edgar Suter, Chairman of DIPR.  In a critical review article published in the March 1994 issue of the Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia (JMAG), Dr. Suter not only found evidence of "methodologic and conceptual errors," such as prejudicially-truncated data and non-sequitor logic used in their pro-gun control arguments, but also "overt mendacity," including the listing of "the correct methodology which was described but never used by the authors."  Moreover, these gun control researchers failed to consider and "deceptively understated" the protective benefits of guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens protecting themselves, their families, and their property.  Dr. Suter writes:  "The true measure of the protective benefits of guns are the lives saved, the injuries prevented, the medical costs saved, and the property protected — not the burglar or rapist body count.  Since only 0.1%-0.2% of defensive gun usage involves the death of the criminal, any study, such as this, that counts criminal deaths as the only measure of the protective benefits of guns will expectedly underestimate the benefits of firearms by a factor of 500 to 1,000." [...] Between 25 [and] 75 lives are saved by a gun for every life lost to a gun.  Medical costs saved by guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens are 15 times greater than costs incurred by criminal uses of firearms.

11 times a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy, saving lives.  With tragic events such as the shooting of a bible study group at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, the stories of heroic self defense and lives saved by legal gun owners are often overlooked.  Here are just a few stories of law-abiding citizens using guns to defend themselves against criminals.

Survey Of Police Chiefs: '76 Percent' Say Armed Citizens Reduce Violent Crime.  An even higher percentage — nearly 88 — stated their conviction that "any vetted citizen" should be able to purchase a gun "for sport or self-defense."  According to the survey, nearly "87 percent" of police chiefs support national reciprocity of concealed carry permits.  National reciprocity would treat concealed carry permits like a driver's license, making the concealed carry permit of any state valid in every state.  This would do away the headaches law-abiding citizens get by trying to remember which states recognize their permit and which do not.  It would also make life easier for patrol officers during a traffic stop by giving them a more unified set of permit rules to remember.

Americans urged to 'buy a gun, get trained, carry it always'.  Calls for strict gun control following a deadly week in America come despite new statistics that show gun deaths plummeting as sales of firearms soar.  According to the industry's trade group, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, homicides by gun have dropped 43 percent since 1991.  Other crime with a gun such as robberies have decreased even more, by 70 percent since 1993.  In a graphic display of the numbers, NSSF also showed that unintentional deaths with a gun have dropped 82 percent.  Along the way, gun sales have soared to 140 million a year.

The One Chart That Destroys the Democrats' Apoplectic Gun-Grabs.  Gun murder rates in states where people are heavily armed are much lower than the low gun ownership states.  The ten lowest gun ownership states average 3.9 gun murders per 10,000 people.  The ten highest gun ownership states average about half that at 2.0 murders per 10,000 people.  The evidence is unequivocal that criminals are deterred by guns.

A Survey Not Designed to Measure Defensive Gun Use Finds Little of It.  A study in the latest issue of Preventive Medicine estimates that less than 1 percent of crime victims use guns in self-defense.  The authors, Harvard health policy professor David Hemenway and University of Vermont economist Sara Solnick, find that using a gun seems to be effective at reducing property loss but "is not associated with a reduced risk of victim injury."  It will surprise no one familiar with the long-running debate about defensive gun use (DGU) that the source of the data for this study is the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), which consistently generates much lower DGU estimates than other surveys do.  At least some of that gap can be plausibly explained by weaknesses in the NCVS that Hemenway and Solnick do not seriously address or, for the most part, even mention.

Guns and Self Defense.  Gun control proponents want legislation that will restrict access to firearms.  The rationale for such legislation is to reduce accidental shootings and the criminal use of guns against people.  But if harm reduction is the goal, policymakers should pause to consider how many crimes — murders, rapes, assaults, robberies — are thwarted by ordinary persons who were fortunate enough to have access to a gun.  Gun control proponents cannot deny that people use guns successfully against criminals, but they tend to play down how often such events take place.

Defensive Gun Use Is Not a Myth.  [Scroll down]  In order for a survey respondent to report a typical DGU, she or he must be willing to report all three of the following elements of the event:  (1) a crime victimization experience, (2) his or her possession of a gun, and (3) his or her own commission of a crime.  The last element is relevant because most DGUs occur away from the user's home, and only about 1 percent of the population in 1993, when we conducted our survey, had a permit that allowed them to legally carry a gun through public spaces.  Thus, although survey-reported defensive gun uses themselves rarely involve criminal behavior (that is, the defender did not use the gun to commit a criminal assault or other offense), most (at least back in 1993) involved unlawful possession of a gun in a public place by the defender.  So what does research on the flaws in surveys of crime-related behaviors tell us?  It consistently indicates that survey respondents underreport (1) crime victimization experiences, (2) gun ownership and (3) their own illegal behavior.

Gun Rights Advocates Have A Devastating New Argument Against Gun Control.  The fact is that there is no point in arguing with liberal gun-control advocates because their argument is never in good faith.  They slander gun owners as murderers.  They lie about their ultimate aim, which is to ban and confiscate all privately owned weapons.  And they adopt a pose of reasonability, yet their position is not susceptible to change because of evidence, facts or law.  None of those matter — they already have their conclusion.  This has to do with power — their power.  You can't argue with someone who is lying about his position or whose position is not based upon reason.  You can talk all day about how crime has diminished where concealed carry is allowed, while it flourishes in Democrat blue cities where gun control is tightest.  You can point to statistics showing that law-abiding citizens who carry legally are exponentially less likely to commit gun crimes than other people.  You can cite examples of armed citizens protecting themselves and their communities with guns.

More guns!
Private Firearms vs. Officers Feloniously Killed in the U.S. 1961 - 2013.  In the 1960's, the United States private firearms stock was increasing.  The number of police officers feloniously killed was also increasing.  At the time, people might be forgiven if they thought there was a causal relationship.  Now we have considerable more data.  While the private firearms stock has continued to increase, the number of police feloniously killed has fallen from the highs in the early to mid 1970s, and has dropped to about the same level as the middle 1960s.  2013 had the lowest number of police feloniously killed since 1887.

Gun Lies.  [Guns are often] used to prevent crime.  The homeowner pulls out the gun and the attacker flees.  No one knows how often this happens because these prevented crimes don't become news and don't get reported to the government, but an estimate from the Violence Policy Center suggests crimes may be prevented by guns tens of thousands of times per year.  Add politics to the mix and the anti-gun statistics get even more misleading.

Private Citizens stop 16% of mass shootings.  [Scroll down]  Let's accept for the moment that the odds of being involved in an active shooter incident are relatively rare; with that being said we don't carry our guns because we're optimists.  But if it happens, citizens, and armed citizens can stop them.  Think about that for a moment.  We're not talking about some rambo'd up fantasy hero, but average citizens who are in the right place with the courage to act.  I want you to do a little exercise.  Set a timer on your watch for 180 seconds.  Start the timer and stare at the blank wall until it stops.  That's how long the average active shooter has to roam free before police even arrive.  180 seconds is a LONG time.

Nothing at all true about gun control.  Back in the day, people were not told they could not own guns.  Local governments tried to stop gun fights by stopping people from carrying guns.  People carried guns in holsters.  Only card sharks carried pistols under their coats and they were not drunken gun fighters.  No carry ordinances were not to take guns away they were to stop roudy cow pokes from shooting up the town.  It was a method to control the peace.  Outside of 'town' a gun was a man's only protection.  Today, no-carry is a method to control the people into no ownership.

The Attack on Self-Defense.  Some years back, a public service TV ad depicted patients being told by a doctor that they had a tobacco-related illness:  lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, etc.  It asked, "If you're not planning to quit smoking, then what are you planning?"  So let me ask:  If you're not planning to use a firearm to defend your home against invasion, what are you planning to do?

Where's the coverage of heroes who stop mass killings?  Heroic citizens stopping someone from killing a large number of people don't seem to be considered news worthy.  Don't people want to read about a brave soul risking his life by running towards the sound of gunfire while others run away?  Yet, such stories never get national news coverage by the national mainstream media.  While accidental gunshots get national coverage, few people have any idea how often concealed handgun permit holders stopping mass killings.

Ruidoso man shoots would-be burglar.  A Ruidoso homeowner shot one of two alleged would-be burglars Saturday night [2/7/2015], according to the Ruidoso Police Department.  The department reports that Saiben R. Gabaldon, who was born in 1992, and another man kicked in the door to a home in the 100 block of Sunny Slope Drive in Ruidoso while the homeowner was there with his young child.  The homeowner, who had armed himself with a .45 caliber pistol, confronted the two men inside the home.  The homeowner, fearing for the safety of himself and his child, fired one round at Gabaldon, striking Gabaldon in the back of the left leg.  The other unknown male fled the scene and was not located.

Woman fatally shoots robber at Homewood hotel.  The shooting happened about 3:40 a.m. [2/8/2015] at America's Best Inn and Suites on Summit Parkway, confirmed police spokesman Sgt. Andrew Didcoct.  A woman was inside her room, possibly with the door propped open, when a man came in and robbed her at gunpoint.  The woman pulled her own gun and shot the man, police said.  The man was pronounced dead on the scene.  He was not carrying any identification and his identity had not been released this evening.

Man shoots, kills intruder.  Sheriff's deputies arrived at the home in the 46100 block of Adams Street around 3:30 a.m. [2/7/2015] after hearing reports of a "prowler" in the area, according to a Riverside County Sheriff's release.  They also got a call from a woman who told them that her husband had shot an intruder inside their home.  Deputies found the man in the residence suffering from two gunshot wounds.  He was taken to the hospital where he later died.

68-year-old East Lake man shoots 2 burglary suspects, [injuring] one of them critically.  The incident happened this morning [12/11/2014] at a home in the 7800 block of Second Avenue South.  Birmingham police spokesman Lt. Sean Edwards said East Precinct officers were called to the man's home just before 10:30 a.m. on a report of a burglary in progress.  The victim told officers he heard noises in the front of his house and went to investigation.  He encountered two men, and fired his handgun at them.

Super-Amnesty Will Turn Your City into Detroit.  After another bloody weekend in Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel branded the shootings unacceptable and the city's top cop demanded more gun control laws.  Chicago's murder rate has actually dropped since concealed carry became legal.  Emanuel's lawsuits over his illegal gun control laws have left the already struggling city deep in the hole and forced to cover the NRA's million dollars in legal bills.  Concealed carry paid off over that bloody weekend when a vet carrying a gun returned fire stopping a massacre before it happened.  The original shooter ended up in the hospital, but nobody ended up in the morgue, which kept the death toll for the weekend down to fourteen.  Fourteen isn't pretty, but it's better than twenty or thirty.

When can you legally use a gun against an unarmed person?  One of the most common laments to come out of Ferguson these last days has been that surely it was outrageous for Office Darren Wilson to use his service pistol to shoot an "unarmed" Mike Brown.  (Earlier iterations of this narrative went further in their misinformation, describing the 18-year-old 6'4" 292 pound Brown as a "kid" or "child," as well as falsely claiming that Wilson shot Brown in the back, but such misinformation falls outside the scope of this post.)  Similar arguments were made in the context of the shooting by George Zimmerman of the "unarmed" Trayvon Martin.  The notion that a defender may use a firearm in self-defense only if they themselves are faced with a firearm is entertainingly naive, but has no basis in actual law, nor in common sense.

Hard Truth for Gun-Control Advocates: Permit Holders [are] Extremely Law-Abiding.  Individuals employing the "more guns more crime" logic are using shoddy research as the basis for their claim.  "If you look at information from the Justice Department, they have something called the National Crime Victimization survey.  What you find is that guns are used in crime about 250,000 times a year."  John R. Lott Jr., economist, Yale professor, and president of Crime Prevention Research Center, told Townhall.  "If you look at similar surveys of people who use guns defensively, it's about two million times a year.  So basically people are using guns defensively to stop crimes about four to five times more frequently each year than guns are used to commit a crime.  Most people don't realize that."  The truth is that individuals with gun-permits are extremely law-abiding.  Less than one percent of licensed firearm holders have had their permits revoked due to misdemeanors.

Guns empower women more than modern feminism.  The confidence from learning to shoot a pistol is far superior to any gender studies course.  [Video clip]

Detroit police chief gives credit to armed citizens for drop in crime.  Detroit has experienced 37 percent fewer robberies in 2014 than during the same period last year, 22 percent fewer break-ins of businesses and homes, and 30 percent fewer carjackings.  [Police Chief James] Craig attributed the drop to better police work and criminals being reluctant to prey on citizens who may be carrying guns.  "Criminals are getting the message that good Detroiters are armed and will use that weapon," said Craig, who has repeatedly said he believes armed citizens deter crime.

A confrontation in Urbana, IL.  It has been estimated that between 200,000 to 300,000 righteous use of a firearm in the defense or possible defense of innocent life go unreported each year because the firearm is either never discharged or an armed citizen never reported the incident even after discharging their firearm since no deaths were involved.  In each case the armed, law-abiding citizen says he or she believes they may have been killed, kidnapped or severely injured if they hadn't pulled their pistol.  I am now one of those people.

"Castle" Defense: What Can-May-Should-Must You Do.  Home invasion is perhaps the most frightening and dangerous of all violent crimes (it is committed out of public sight usually without fixed time/escape constraints and innocent occupants, often women and children, are rarely able to flee).  It is becoming somewhat commonplace during daylight hours and at night in both urban and rural neighborhoods.

Yes, Guns Kill, But How Often Are They Used in Self-Defense?  Criminologist Gary Kleck estimates that 2.5 million Americans use guns to defend themselves each year.  Out of that number, 400,000 believe that but for their firearms, they would have been dead.  Professor Emeritus James Q. Wilson, the UCLA public policy expert, says:  "We know from Census Bureau surveys that something beyond 100,000 uses of guns for self-defense occur every year.  We know from smaller surveys of a commercial nature that the number may be as high as 2½ or 3 million.  We don't know what the right number is, but whatever the right number is, it's not a trivial number."

Criminals avoid armed citizens.  Kennesaw, Georgia:  In 1982, this suburb of Atlanta passed a law requiring heads of households to keep at least one firearm in the house.  The residential burglary rate subsequently dropped 89% in Kennesaw, compared to the modest 10.4% drop in Georgia as a whole.  Ten years later (1991), the residential burglary rate in Kennesaw was still 72% lower than it had been in 1981, before the law was passed.

Guns and Self-Defense.  Every 13 seconds an American gun owner uses a firearm in defense against a criminal.

CDC Study: Use of Firearms For Self-Defense is 'Important Crime Deterrent'.  "Self-defense can be an important crime deterrent,"says a new report by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  The $10 million study was commissioned by President Barack Obama as part of 23 executive orders he signed in January.

How Often Do We Use Guns in Self-Defense?  The gun owners' lobby opposes restrictions on civilian acquisition and possession of firearms because, it contends, law-abiding people need guns to defend themselves.  Millions of people also use guns for hunting and target-shooting.  But at the core of the NRA's argument is self-defense:  the ultimate right to protect one's ability to remain upright and breathing.

Guns and Self Defense.  Gun control proponents want legislation that will restrict access to firearms.  The rationale for such legislation is to reduce accidental shootings and the criminal use of guns against people.  But if harm reduction is the goal, policymakers should pause to consider how many crimes — murders, rapes, assaults, robberies — are thwarted by ordinary persons who were fortunate enough to have access to a gun.  Gun control proponents cannot deny that people use guns successfully against criminals, but they tend to play down how often such events take place.

Guns Save Lives.  The defensive use of guns is usually either not discussed at all in the media or else is depicted as if it means bullets flying in all directions, like the gunfight at the OK Corral.  But most defensive uses of guns do not involve actually pulling the trigger.  If someone comes at you with a knife and you point a gun at him, he is very unlikely to keep coming, and far more likely to head in the other direction, perhaps in some haste, if he has a brain in his head.  Only if he is an idiot are you likely to have to pull the trigger.  And if he is an idiot with a knife coming after you, you had better have a trigger to pull.

10 Stories That Prove Guns Save Lives.  There are thousands of good and decent Americans who are alive today precisely because they had guns.  Gun control advocates might think the world would be a better place if those people and the ones you're about to read about were dead and the people menacing them had gotten away with their crimes, but those of us who are serious about our Second Amendment rights disagree.

Despite National Tragedy, Truth Is, Guns Save Lives.  Leftist anti-gun zealots in D.C., N.Y. and L.A. should admit, once and for all, what they really want:  the outlawing of privately-owned firearms by American citizens.  Of course they'll never reveal their true motives, so instead tragedies such as the Newtown massacre are exploited to erode our Second Amendment rights.  The unspoken secret harbored among these gun-hating movie stars and politicians is that many of them have concealed carry permits, as do their armed bodyguards.  Plus, they work in buildings protected by metal detectors and security personnel that brandish weapons.  In other words, they'll remain safe, but nobody else will.

"How Many Rapes Are Stopped Each Year By A Gun?"  In the early 1990's a study concluded that 650 rapes a day were stopped because the victim was — or may have been — armed.  But the number of women who carry, and the number of homes with guns, is much higher now.  The latest prisoners surveys estimate that 3,600 rapes a day are never attempted because the victim either showed a gun, said she had a gun, or the rapist though the victim had a gun for some other reason.

When Kids and Guns Mix.  The mainstream media won't report stories of children who have successfully used guns in self-defense to save their lives.

Gun control regulations disarm women.  In reality, guns make women safer.  In a violent confrontation, guns reverse the balance of power.  Armed with a gun, a woman may even have the advantage over a violent attacker.  More than 90 percent of violent crimes occur without a firearm, according to federal statistics.  When a violent criminal threatens or attacks a woman, he rarely uses a gun.  Attackers use their size and physical strength, preying on women who are at a severe disadvantage.

Defensive Gun Use Statistics.  According to the National Self Defense Survey conducted by Florida State University criminologists in 1994, the rate of Defensive Gun Uses can be projected nationwide to approximately 2.5 million per year — one Defensive Gun Use every 13 seconds.  Among 15.7% of gun defenders interviewed nationwide during The National Self Defense Survey, the defender believed that someone "almost certainly" would have died had the gun not been used for protection — a life saved by a privately held gun about once every 1.3 minutes.

Guns save more lives than they take; prevent more injuries than they inflict.  Guns [are] used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense.  Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year — or about 6,850 times a day.  This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.  Of the 2.5 million times citizens use their guns to defend themselves every year, the overwhelming majority merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers.  Less than 8% of the time, a citizen will kill or wound his/her attacker.

Guns Used in Self-defense.  According to the authors of Cato's recently released study on how often guns are used by citizens to prevent crime, "tens of thousands of crimes are prevented each year by ordinary citizens with guns."  In a study of more than 5,000 news reports over an eight-year period, Clayton Cramer and David Burnett showed that the mere presence of an armed citizen thwarts many crimes, even beyond those that are reported by the police and subsequently printed in the newspaper.

How often do Americans use guns for defensive purposes?  Criminologist and researcher Gary Kleck, using his own commissioned phone surveys and number extrapolation, estimates that 2.5 million Americans use guns for defensive purposes each year.  He further found that of those who had used guns defensively, one in six believed someone would have been dead if they had not resorted to their defensive use of firearms.

Same story, much older article:
How Often Are Firearms Used in Self-Defense?  There are approximately two million defensive gun uses per year by law abiding citizens.  That was one of the findings in a national survey conducted by Gary Kleck, a Florida State University criminologist in 1993.

Same story again:
Simple metal propulsion:  According to a 1993 survey conducted by Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck, approximately 2 million law-abiding citizens per year use guns to resist crimes.

Be prepared for evil.  Regardless of whether we can fathom the evil and carnage that some rabid monsters do, we must be prepared and ready to respond to evil at a moment's notice. ... [S]adly, another lunatic will commit more mass carnage — maybe not tomorrow, next week or even next year.  But it will happen again, just as it did at Luby's cafeteria in Texas, at Virginia Tech, at a McDonald's in San Diego, at Columbine High School in Colorado and at a shopping mall in Omaha.

Colorado Shooting and Gun Control.  [Scroll down]  As a matter of fact, Gun Owners of America, at, cites statistics indicating guns are used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense, or around 80 times a day (other statistics estimate this number could range as low as 1.5 million, but either number is a lot!).  This includes 200,000 women a year using guns to defend themselves against sexual abuse.  As a matter of fact, as of 2008, armed citizens killed more violent bad guys than the police (1,527 vs. 606).

The Truth About Guns.  [Scroll down]  Are Guns Useful for Self-Defense?  As it turns out, they are. According to research by renowned Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck, guns are used between 800,000 and 2.5 million times every year in self-defense.  A study by John Lott and David Mustard found that handguns appear to help women more than men.  While murder rates drop when either sex carries more guns, the effect is especially pronounced when women carry.

Black Americans March for MLK and a Shotgun.  For example, consider Charles Hicks.  A black American whose father, Robert Hicks, was "a prominent leader in Deacons for Defense and Justice — an organization of black men in Louisiana who used shotguns and rifles to repel attacks by white vigilantes during the 1960s."  Hicks understands that without access to firearms, the Ku Klux Klan and others would have had their way with black citizens.

Meanwhile in the UK... be sure not to injure your rapist.  It's a well established fact that, despite our special relationship with our friends in Great Britain, the folks across the pond do not enjoy the same fundamental freedoms as their breakaway former subjects in the colonies.  One of the more stark differences is seen is in their lack of a fundamental right to keep and bear arms.  The rules in the UK are restrictive to the point where you're probably more likely to find a unicorn than a shotgun on any given block.  But as the NRA found in a recent article, the Queen's government takes the issue of not being able to defend yourself even more seriously than you might have imagined.

Shotguns have 'virtually sold out' in Austria amid fears of a massive influx of migrants, dealers claim.  Weapon sales are soaring in Austria as citizens of the small Alpine nation become paranoid over the numbers of refugees crowding into their country.  In a country of 8.5 million people, there are now an estimated 900,000 firearms in homes.  And gun dealers report that it is women driving the sales rush.  This year alone, police say 70,000 guns have been sold.

French Ambassador: 'Only in the Movies' Does Someone Use a Gun to Defend Himself.  Wednesday [11/25/2015] on Fox News Channel's "Special Report," French Ambassador to the United States Gerard Araud defend a tweet he had posted in response to Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump immediately following the terror attacks in Paris earlier this month.  Araud described Trump as a "vulture" for a tweet Trump had made earlier in the year following the January attack on Charlie Hebdo.  Araud acknowledged he deleted the tweet, explaining it was immediately as his home country was reeling from the attacks, but doubled down on the sentiment he originally conveyed, which was using a gun to defend themselves in such a situation is something "only in the movies."

Obama Tells a Rape Victim a Gun Won't Protect Her.  Liberals like to talk about women's rights but among those rights is, or should be, the second right enshrined in the Constitution's Bill of Rights — the right to keep and bear arms to protect one's self.  A woman's body is her own, liberals tell us, and she has the right to choose to have an abortion.  But the same liberals would deny women like Kimberly Corban the right to defend her body, and her children, with a firearm against the predators who lurk among us.

12 Times Mass Shootings Were Stopped by Good Guys With Guns.  [Example #3] Appalachian School of Law, Jan. 16, 2002:  A 43-year-old former student armed with a .380 handgun killed Dean Anthony Sutin and Professor Thomas Blackwell with point blank shots and went on to kill fellow student Angela Dales as well as wounding three others before being confronted at gunpoint by law students Tracy Bridges, a county sheriff's deputy, and Mikael Gross, a police officer, after retrieving their personal handguns from their vehicles.  The gunman was then apprehended by other students.  Gross and Bridges lost valuable response time accessing their handguns because of the law school's standing as a gun-free zone.

The case of Mark and Patricia McCloskey:

St. Louis Couple Who Displayed Guns at BLM Protesters To Protect Themselves Have Their Records Expunged.  A judge has cleared the misdemeanor convictions of a St. Louis couple who displayed firearms to protect their home against Black Lives Matter protesters outside their residence in 2020.  Mark and Patricia McCloskey are now seeking the return of their firearms.  In January, the attorneys petitioned for their convictions to be erased.  Judge Joseph P. Whyte granted the expungement on Wednesday, noting that the process aims to provide rehabilitated individuals with a fresh start, according to the St.  Louis Post-Dispatch.  [Tweet]

Missouri Court Claims Mark McCloskey Still Guilty of Gun Charge, despite Pardon.  A Missouri court just ruled that Mark McCloskey is still guilty of the gun charges that the state's Republican governor issued an official pardon for.  McCloskey is the attorney who was infamously caught on camera — alongside his wife — brandishing a firearm amid a Black Lives Matter protest that took place outside of his home during the summer of 2020.  The McCloskeys were forced to exercise their Second Amendment rights to defend themselves and their property after the BLM mob had gathered outside their home.  Despite the couple legally owning the firearms and not firing any shots, Democrat prosecutors charged the McCloskeys with gun crimes.

Report Out on Former St Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Is As Bad As You'd Imagine.  If "Kim Gardner" rings a tiny bell but you can't quite put a finger on it, I am sure your memory will be refreshed the second you see this June 2020 video.  It was taken during the BLM fiery-but-peaceful riot summer, and in St Louis specifically, where some of the most tragic looting, burning and murderous behavior happened.  [Video clip]  The city was ablaze with out of control destruction and violence proving how much black lives mattered. [...] And Mark McCloskey, the St Louis attorney seen with his wife protecting their home from the crowd breaking through the locked gate onto private property, was correct.  There was no way radical leftist Kim Gardner, Circuit Attorney of St Louis, was going to let rich, white folks get away with facing down a mob literally on their doorstep. [...] The McCloskeys might well still be in a heap of liberal legal hot water had it not been for a serious error of arrogant judgement by Garner.  If this sounds familiar again, it seems to be a theme with these types.  Gardner used the McCloskey case in her email solicitations for fundraising.  That was a bridge-to-a-fair-trial too far.  A St. Louis judge threw her and her office off the case six months later.

Man apparently fueled by road rage follows woman into parking lot, tries to enter her vehicle — but she's carrying a gun and fatally shoots him.  Wake County District Attorney Lorrin Freeman told WTVD-TV that no charges were being filed in Tuesday's shooting outside a Food Lion in Raleigh.  Steven McLamb, 49, was shot shortly after 5 p.m. in the Food Lion parking lot in the Greystone Village Shopping Center, the station said, adding that he later died at a hospital.  Freeman told WTVD that video of the incident as well as witnesses helped to clarify what led up to the shooting.  "We were fortunate to have access to various video," Freeman noted to the station.  "Also there were witnesses in the area that were interviewed and were able to give a pretty clear picture as to what happened here."

McCloskeys put on probation as attorneys by Missouri Supreme Court.  A Missouri couple who held guns outside their home when a group of protesters entered their private St. Louis neighborhood in June 2020 were put on probation as attorneys Tuesday by the Missouri Supreme Court and could have their licenses suspended if they violate the terms.  Mark McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault over the incident involving Black Lives Matter protesters and paid a $750 fine.  His wife, Patricia McCloskey, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was ordered to pay a $2,000 fine.  The couple was pardoned by Missouri Gov. Mike Parson last year.  Mark McCloskey, who is now running for a U.S. Senate seat in the state, said he was disappointed by the court's ruling and may appeal it to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Judge dismisses weapons charge in Rittenhouse murder trial.  Closing arguments at Kyle Rittenhouse's murder trial began Monday with a prosecutor questioning whether Rittenhouse was really there to help the night he showed up in Kenosha with a rifle during a protest against racial injustice.  Prosecutor Thomas Binger told the jury that Rittenhouse had no connection to the business he said he was going to protect, he ran around with an assault rifle, and he lied about being an emergency medical technician.  "Does that suggest to you that he genuinely is there to help?" Binger asked.  Binger repeatedly showed a segment of drone video that he said shows Rittenhouse pointing the gun at protesters after setting down a fire extinguisher.

Cori Bush rips pardon of Missouri couple who brandished guns at BLM protesters.  Progressive Democratic Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri is expressing her outrage after the governor pardoned the couple who brandished firearms at Black Lives Matter protesters marching past their St.  Louis home during last summer's riots — calling the move "absolutely unbelievable."  "It was absolutely unbelievable," Bush, who was among the marchers, told CNN on Wednesday, a day after Republican Gov. Mike Parson announced that he pardoned Mark and Patricia McCloskey.  Mark had pleaded guilty to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault and Patricia pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment.  The couple had been initially indicted on felony charges.  "They pointed their guns totally recklessly to a group of non-violent protesters walking down a street that had no clue that they lived there," the 45-year-old member of "The Squad" said.

Missouri Governor Pardons Armed St. Louis Couple Who Confronted BLM Mob.  Missouri governor Mike Parson announced Tuesday that he had pardoned Mark McCloskey and Patricia McCloskey, the armed St. Louis couple who confronted Black Lives Matter protesters outside their mansion last year.  The Republican governor pardoned the pair on Friday [7/30/2021].  Mark McCloskey pleaded guilty in June to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault and was fined $750, while Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was fined $2,000. [...] As the charges were misdemeanors, the couple did not face the possibility of losing their law licenses or their rights to own firearms.  However, they had previously agreed to forfeit the weapons they brandished as hundreds of protesters, who were trespassing in their gated community, stood outside their home last June yelling threats at them.

McCloskey's Beat Rap, Claim Victory in Plea Deal with Anti-gun Prosecutor.  Almost a year ago, on 28 June, 2020, a mob of loud, screaming BLM protestors in St. Louis, Missouri, followed the agitators/leaders into private property through a locked gate.  Reacting to the threats, Mark and Patricia McCloskey grabbed two firearms, an AR-15 type rifle and an inoperable Bryco semi-automatic pistol.  The McCloskeys seemed fully justified under Missouri law.  The state Attorney General defended them in public.  The Governor said he would pardon them if they were prosecuted.  This did not deter radical St. Louis Circuit Attorney (prosecutor) Kim Gardner.  She insisted on prosecuting the McCloskeys.  Eventually she was removed from the case for conflict of interest.  Gardner appealed the decision, lost the appeal, then appealed the the Missouri Supreme Court, which decided not to hear the case.

After Being Forced To Forfeit Their Guns, The McCloskeys Show Off A New AR-15.  Mark McCloskey posted a picture Sunday [6/20/2021] showing he and his wife Patricia aren't giving up their guns quite easily.  McCloskey debuted the new AR-15 with the caption, "Check out my new AR."  [Tweet]

Mark and Patricia McCloskey Plead Guilty to Charges, Will Surrender Guns.  The St. Louis couple who were seen holding firearms as Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists approached their home pleaded guilty to several misdemeanor charges and surrendered their guns.  Mark McCloskey, a lawyer, pleaded guilty to a Class C misdemeanor of fourth-degree assault, while his wife, Patricia McCloskey, pleaded guilty to a Class A misdemeanor of second-degree harassment.  They will pay the maximum fines of $2,000 and $750, and they won't serve any jail time.  More notably, however, the two will be forced to forfeit the weapons they were holding when they confronted BLM protesters who were marching near their home last summer.  On Thursday evening [6/17/2021], following the guilty pleas, Mark McCloskey told Newsmax why the couple pleaded the way they did. [...]

St. Louis gun-waving couple pleads guilty to misdemeanors.  A St. Louis couple who gained notoriety for pointing guns at social justice demonstrators pleaded guilty Thursday to misdemeanor charges, but the man left the courthouse defiantly pledging to "do it again" if faced with the same circumstances.  Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was fined $2,000.  Her husband, Mark McCloskey, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault and was fined $750.  They also agreed to give up the weapons they used during the confrontation.

CNN Freaks at Gun Rights Defender McCloskey Running for Senate.  On Thursday's [5/20/2021] New Day show, CNN had moderate Republican ex-Congresswoman Barbara Comstock on the show to react to the days news and be critical of her own party.  Co-host Brianna Keilar began by bringing up Missouri resident Mark McCloskey, whom a local Democratic prosecutor charged with a crime after he and his wife brandished guns to defend their property from left-wing protesters who were trespassing.  Noting that he is running for the U.S. Senate as a Republican, Keilar played up the felony charged and portrayed him as unworthy of being elected:  [Video clip]

Investigation finds massive wrongdoing by prosecutor in case against ex-Missouri governor.  Missouri's chief legal disciplinary officer accused St. Louis' top prosecutor of sweeping misconduct in the failed prosecution of former Gov. Eric Greitens, saying she lied to judges in court filings and testimony, withheld exculpatory evidence from the defense, misled her own prosecution team and violated the constitutional right to a fair trial.  St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner, one of the early local prosecutors bankrolled by liberal megadonor George Soros since 2016, engaged in 62 acts of misconduct that resulted in 79 false representations during Greitens' now-dismissed criminal prosecution, according to Chief Disciplinary Counsel Alan Pratzel's memo obtained Wednesday [5/5/2021] by Just the News.

St. Louis lawyer McCloskey who defended home amid BLM demonstration mulls Senate bid.  St. Louis lawyer Mark McCloskey, who last summer armed himself to defend his home amid a social justice protest, is considering running for a Senate seat in Missouri.  McCloskey told Politico on Tuesday that he was considering a run for the being left open next year by retiring GOP Sen. Roy Blunt.  However, he did not elaborate further on his plans.  He and his wife gained national attention in June 2020 after the posting of videos and pictures of him and his wife each armed with a gun outside their home at Black Lives Matter protesters marching into their gated community.

The Left's Campaign Against Self-Defense.  Three cases of self-defense stand out in particular: the Michael Strickland case, the Mark and Patricia McCloskey case, and the Kyle Rittenhouse case. [...] Ironically, circuit attorney Kim Gardner released dozens of rioters held for looting, arson, and destruction in St Louis.  Two trial court judges had disqualified Gardner for prosecuting the McCloskey case because she inappropriately used it in fundraising emails before the Democratic primary.  She recently requested that the Missouri Supreme Court restore her authority to prosecute the case.  The McCloskey's ordeal isn't over.  As Mark McCloskey astutely observed, "The circuit attorney has apparently decided her job as a prosecutor isn't to keep us safe from criminals but to keep the criminals safe from us."

St. Louis prosecutor Gardner loses second appeal to try Missouri couple who defended home with guns.  St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner has lost her second appeal to be reinstated as a prosecutor in a case against couple Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who used firearms to defend their home after Black Lives Matter protesters this summer broke into their gated community.  The Missouri Court of Appeals on Wednesday [1/20/2021] ejected Gardner's appeal, after being disqualified last month from the case by Circuit Judge Michael Stelzer, according to the Washington Examiner.  Gardner was taken off the McCloskey case after she was found to have initiated a "criminal prosecution for political purposes" following reports that she used the charges to send out fundraising emails for her reelection bid, Circuit Judge Thomas Clark said.

Court Keeps St. Louis Prosecutor Off McCloskey Gun Cases.  St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner is still off the McCloskey case after the Missouri Court of Appeals in St. Louis rejected her argument that she shouldn't have been removed as prosecutor by a St. Louis judge late last year.  Because Gardner used the case against Mark and Patricia McCloskey in fundraising appeals during her re-election campaign, Judge Michael Stelzer determined in two separate decisions that Gardner had disqualified herself.

The most honorable people of 2020: The McCloskeys.  Other than getting Joe Biden elected, there's nothing the national media worked harder on this year than finding random white people to call racist.  The most famous example being the St. Louis couple, Mark and Patricia McCloskey.  But if there are any heroes of 2020, it's them.  The McCloskeys are, right now, in a legal battle after they were ridiculously charged this summer with unlawful use of a weapon.  The two had stood on their own property, armed with guns, to ward off a mob of Black Lives Matter protesters who had broken into their gated community.  To understand how frivolous and obviously political the charges against the McCloskeys are, consider that the circuit attorney who brought them, Democrat Kim Gardner, has since been removed from the case by a judge after Gardner was caught using them in fundraising emails for her reelection campaign.  In other words, Gardner was using her coming fight with the McCloskeys — she hadn't even brought the charges yet — to help fund her race.

Judge Tosses Prosecutor From McCloskey Gun Case.  A St. Louis judge has ordered Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner and her entire office off of the prosecution of Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple charged with unlawful use of a weapon after they displayed a rifle and pistol as hundreds of protesters trespassed through their private neighborhood as they made their way to the home of St. Louis mayor Lyda Krewson for a demonstration.  On Thursday [12/10/2020], Judge Thomas Clark ruled that Gardner's repeated references to the McCloskey case in fundraising emails for her re-election effort "raise the appearance of impropriety and jeopardize the defendant's right to a fair trial."

There's Been a Huge Development in the McCloskey Case.  Mark and Patricia McCloskey, were indicted on one count each of unlawful use of a weapon for pointing guns at protestors on June 28 when a crowd marched down Portland Place, a private street in the Central West End.  They were also charged with tampering with physical evidence, a felony.  We can say with a reasonable degree of certainty that Ms. Gardner is not the brightest bulb in the room.  Gardner sent out two fundraising emails mentioning the criticisms of her office made by President Donald Trump and Governor Mike Parson, saying they were "fighting for the two who pointed guns at citizens during the Black Lives Matter protests."  How dumb was that?  Circuit Judge Thomas Clark II said she "raised the appearance" that she "initiated a criminal prosecution for political purposes" and promptly disqualified her.

Judge disqualifies prosecutor — and her entire office — from one McCloskey case for politicizing it.  Kim Gardner won her election while using Mark McCloskey as a fundraising tool.  She just lost in court for the same reason.  A Missouri judge took the unusual step of disqualifying the prosecutor and her entire office from prosecuting McCloskey, scolding Gardner for politicizing the case.

Virginia resident shoots 2 suspects during alleged home invasion: report.  Two suspects in Virginia suffered non-life-threatening wounds this week after being shot by the resident during the alleged home invasion, according to reports.  The suspects were identified as James Franklin, 27, of Roanoke, and Alan Douglas Mould, 26, of Lynchburg.  Both men were charged with breaking and entering and assault and battery, Roanoke FOX station WFXR-TV reported.

Should the McCloskeys Have Waited for the Police?  On June 28, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, a St. Louis couple, were confronted in the growing dark by hundreds of angry protesters bursting through a gate onto their front yard.  "Private property!" Mark shouted, but as dozens more poured onto their property, he and Patricia got their guns and, standing in front of their house, ordered the mob to leave. [...] Fortunately, no shot was fired, no one was hurt.  After a tense altercation the crowd moved on to their original target, the home of Lyda Krewson, the St. Louis mayor down the road.  Krewson had angered them when, in reading letters calling for defunding the St. Louis Police, she included the names and some addresses of the writers.  She apologized, but the protesters demanded her resignation.  Presumably, they didn't want anyone showing up at their houses.  The McCloskeys own their guns legally and under Missouri's "castle doctrine," they have a specific right to protect themselves and their homes by use of force if necessary.

McCloskeys Indicted By Grand Jury On Felony Weapons, Evidence Tampering Charges.  Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple that stood in front of their home over the summer holding firearms as a large group of demonstrators marched by, were indicted on Tuesday [10/6/2020] on felony weapons and evidence tampering charges.  "Lawyer Joel Schwartz said he was told a grand jury indicted his clients on felony counts of unlawful use of a weapon and evidence tampering," the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.  "He said he had no details.  A St. Louis court clerk said the indictment was filed Tuesday but that she was not authorized to provide a copy."  Schwartz said, "I am not surprised that the grand jury indicted them but I'll certainly be interested in what was presented to the grand jury."  The couple was each charged by Democrat Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner in July with one felony count of brandishing a firearm.

Prosecutors Drop Trespassing Charges Against BLM Crowd, Indict McCloskeys.  St. Louis lawyer Mark McCloskey decried a grand jury's decision to indict him and his wife after the city declined to prosecute members of a Black Lives Matter crowd accused of trespassing on the couple's property.  On Tuesday [10/6/2020], McCloskey and his wife were indicted on charges of exhibiting guns and tampering with evidence in connection to a June protest in which the couple confronted Black Lives Matter protesters on their property.  "What you're witnessing here, in this case, is just an opportunity for the government — the leftist, Democrat government — of the city of St. Louis to persecute us for doing no more than exercising our Second Amendment rights," McCloskey said in a press conference after the indictment.

Grand jury indicts St. Louis couple who pointed guns at protesters.  A grand jury in St. Louis on Tuesday [10/6/2020] indicted Mark and Patricia McCloskey on counts of exhibiting a weapon and tampering with evidence four months after footage circulated showing the couple pointing guns at Black Lives Matter protesters outside their home.  The couple's attorney, Joel Schwartz, said the grand jury reached the decision after the McCloskeys appeared before a judge earlier in the day, NBC affiliate KSDK reported.  St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner had issued felony charges against the couple in June for unlawful use of a weapon.  The grand jury added the tampering-with-evidence charge on Tuesday.

Kyle Rittenhouse Lawyers Release Statement of Kyle's Actions on 25 August, 2020.  As the news and video of Kyle Rittenhouse defending himself with an Smith and Wesson AR15 style rifle against several attackers circulated on the Internet, numerous attempts were made to start accounts for people to contribute to his legal defense.  Both Gofundme and Fundly accounts and others were started, only to be taken down by corporate owners almost immediately.  Accounts used to fund bailfor Antifa and BLM were left up.  Well known tort lawyer Lin Woods, represented Nicholas Sandman, and prominent criminal attorney Pierce Bainbride stepped up and said thy would aid Kyle and family pro-bono, without charge.  Numerous other lawyers also agreed to help.

St. Louis BLM protesters from McCloskey confrontation cited for trespassing.  Nine Black Lives Matter protesters who were confronted by an armed St. Louis couple on their lawn have been issued citations for trespassing, officials told Fox News.  The June 28 encounter between the demonstrators, and Mark and Patricia McCloskey made headlines as the country was gripped by nationwide protests over police brutality.  The couple — both personal injury lawyers — were seen on video and in photos pointing a handgun and a rifle as demonstrators moved through their neighborhood.

St Louis lawyer couple who aimed guns at BLM protesters appear in court.  A white St Louis couple facing felony charges for waving guns at Black Lives Matter protesters outside their home appeared in court on Monday [8/31/2020], where their attorney said they're anxious to prove 'with absolute certainty' that they did not commit a crime.  One week after Mark and Patricia McCloskey spoke on video to the Republican National Convention, they were in court briefly Monday morning and did not enter a plea.  The judge continued their case until October 6.

CNN reporter tries to debunk black Trump support with wild claim Trump's sending message to 'white America'.  CNN and one of its reporters were slammed for attacking President Trump as a "racial flame-thrower" and analyzing his "appeal to white voters."  During a discussion following Wednesday's [8/26/2020] Republican National Convention, CNN host Anderson Cooper spoke with a panel of guests which included political reporter Nia-Malika Henderson who presented a head-scratching argument about Trump's message to white voters that "you won't have to share that power in his America."  Henderson explained "exactly what happened" when the Missouri couple, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, had defended their St. Louis home from protesters [...] "They drew guns on people who were outside their home on a sidewalk because they were black.  I mean, that's exactly what happened in that instance," Henderson claimed of the McCloskeys.

Gun-Toting St. Louis Couple:  Democrats Want To Spread 'Chaos And Violence Into Our Communities'.  Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple who defended their home from demonstrators who allegedly threatened them and came onto private property, slammed the Democratic Party during the Republican National Convention's opening night, warning that the Democratic Party presents a threat to everyday Americans because of how extreme it's becoming.  "America is such a great country that you not only have the right to own a gun and use it to defend yourself, but thousands of Americans will offer you free advice on how to use it.  At least that's what we experienced," Patricia McCloskey said.  "But in all seriousness, what you saw happen to us could just as easily happen to any of you who are watching from quiet neighborhoods around our country.  And that's what we want to speak to you about tonight."

You Knew It was Coming:  MSNBC Host Floats Canceling the McCloskeys at GOP Convention.  Guest-hosting MSNB's [sic] AM Joy today [8/22/2020], Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post and MSNBC suggested that network execs shouldn't show the "felonious couple," i.e. the McCloskeys, when they speak at the RNC convention next week.  And guest on the show claimed that President Trump would use the McCloskeys as an example to promote a "violent mutiny" should he lose the election.  The McCloskeys made national news when they defended their home by displaying weapons when a large BLM group entered their gated community.  The McCloskeys have been convicted of nothing, and the Missouri Attorney General has intervened, calling their indictment by the Democrat St. Louis Circuit Attorney a "politically motivated prosecution."  And the governor of Missouri has stated that he would pardon the couple, if convicted, saying "they're being attacked frankly by a political process that's really unfortunate."

The McCloskeys will appear at next week's Republican National Convention.  The St. Louis couple who threatened Black Lives Matter protesters with firearms will appear at next week's Republican National Convention to show their support for Donald Trump.  A Trump adviser on Monday [8/17/2020] confirmed the participation of Patricia and Mark McCloskey at the week-long virtual event where the president hopes to secure more votes for the White House race.  The McCloskeys face felony charges of unlawful use of a weapon after confronting protesters in their upscale Missouri neighborhood with weapons back on June 28.

Fake news alert:  The McCloskeys aren't "gun-toting" people unless confronted at their house by violent mobs.
Gun-toting St. Louis couple will declare support for Trump at RNC.  The St. Louis couple who wielded firearms while Black Lives Matter protesters gathered outside their mansion will make an appearance at the Republican National Convention next week, a report said Monday [8/17/2020].  Personal injury attorneys Mark and Patricia McCloskey are expected to express their support for President Trump during the virtual weeklong event, party officials told the Washington Post.  A spokesman for the convention declined to comment on the appearance to the Post.

Prosecutor in McCloskey Case Pressured Cop to File a Falsified Probable Cause Warrant.  I wonder why the media hasn't picked upon this story. [...] You've already heard that the prosecutor, Chris Hinckley (one of Kim Gardner's handpicked minions) ordered the lab to dissassemble and then reassemble the non-operative gun into an operative condition, so he could then charge Mrs. McCloskey with brandishing a working gun.  That's falsification of physical evidence right there.  But Hinckney's efforts at falsification went further than that.  Hickney pressured the lead detective to sign a warrant application (which assistant Hinckley had written) that contained a bunch of false claims.  The detective demanded these false claims be removed, but Hinckley fought for them.

Political Pressure to Persecute McCloskys Gun Charges, Details of Gate Entry.  Christine Byers of KSDK in Misouri has uncovered evidence of prosecutorial misconduct by St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner's office.  Kim is one of the radical prosecutors who has been elected with money from George Soros linked radical leftist "Justice & Public Safety" political action committee.  Gardner has drawn national attention with her decision to prosecute a St Louis couple for defending their home against an angry mob of Black Lives Matter agitators.  The document obtained by 5 On Your Side (KDSK) show pressure was applied by Gardner's office to structure the police report, so as to alter the evidence to justify a warrant, and then, criminal charges.  Gardner's Assistant Circuit Attorney, Chis Hinckley, had pushed the lead investigator, Sgt. Curtis Burgdorf, into signing a charging document that Hinckley wrote.  Burgdorf was unwilling to sign onto a document he disagreed with, but finally signed off, after revisions, under the political pressure from Hinckley.

Kim Gardner says the McCloskeys are turning their prosecution into 'political theater'.  Last month the McCloskeys filed twin motions to have St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner disqualified from their case.  Their argument was that Gardner had used their case for political fundraising both before and after charging them.  After referencing the case, the fundraiser concluded, "Kim needs your help to fight back!  Her election is only weeks away."  Last week, Kim Gardner responded to those motions and her response accuses the McCloskeys of turning their prosecution into "political theater" and claims there was nothing wrong with mentioning the case in fundraising appeals.

Buy Guns and Ammo — You can't count on the state for your security.  Recently, in St. Louis, Missouri, a married couple successfully defended their home with a rifle and a pistol against a BLM mob allegedly endangering their lives.  For this, the city's lead prosecutor is attempting to press charges against them.  The whole episode is perfectly symbolic of the chaos in America.

Soros Boosts St. Louis Prosecutor After Indictment of Gun-Toting Couple.  Liberal billionaire George Soros is redoubling his efforts to reelect the St. Louis prosecutor who brought felony charges against a couple for pointing guns at Black Lives Matter protesters after they broke through the couple's front gates.  Soros poured $116,000 into the Missouri Justice & Public Safety PAC, which is working to reelect St. Louis circuit attorney Kim Gardner.  Gardner is facing former homicide prosecutor Mary Pat Carl in Tuesday's Democratic primary.  Gardner has generated controversy during her first four years in office.  She hired a private investigator to look into allegations against former Missouri governor Eric Greitens (R.), who was charged with felony invasion of privacy, instead of working with police.  Gardner's investigator lied under oath and the prosecutor's conduct set off a separate probe into the handling of the case.

McCloskeys Fire Back at Prosecutor Who Charged Them With Brandishing.  When St. Louis Circuit Attorney (chief prosecutor) Kimberly Gardner announced last week that she was bringing charges against the St. Louis couple who made the news defending themselves and their home against rampaging protestors in June, she said:  ["]Today, my office filed charges against Mark and Patricia McCloskey following an incident involving peaceful, unarmed protesters on June 28th.  It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner [i.e., brandishing] at those participating in nonviolent protest, and while we are fortunate this situation did not escalate into deadly force, this type of conduct is unacceptable in St. Louis.["]  This resulted in immediate pushback from the White House to the U.S. Senate to the Missouri governor's mansion to the state's attorney general.  It also resulted in the McCloskeys filing a lawsuit demanding that Gardner be disqualified, along with the St. Louis Circuit Attorney's Office (CAO).  According to Missouri Governor Mike Parson, the president is "interested" in being kept informed about the case and has offered any assistance he could as president.  Parson said he would likely pardon the couple if they should be convicted, adding:  "A mob does not have the right to charge your property.  They [the McCloskeys] had every right to defend themselves."

Missouri AG Intervenes to Drop Charges Against St. Louis Couple Who Fended off Mob With AR-15.  The McCloskey response was not illegal.  It was not out of control.  It was right.  And yet, they faced the legal wrath of God from St. Louis Prosecutor Kim Gardner who charged them with brandishing.  Their weapons were seized by police.  Well, now Missouri's Attorney General Eric Schmitt is stepping to stop what pretty much is a politically motivated legal action against the McCloskeys.  [Video clips]

St. Louis Prosecutor's Office Appears to Have Tampered With Evidence in McCloskey Gun Case.  St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner's staff appears to have tampered with evidence in order to press charges against the St. Louis woman who waved a gun at the Black Lives Matter rioters who stormed her neighborhood last month.  Patricia McCloskey's gun was inoperable when she voluntarily surrendered it to the police, but prosecutors reassembled it into working order so they could charge her with a crime.  Gardner announced her intention to prosecute Mark and Patricia McCloskey after images of the gun-toting couple defending their $1.15 million home against the BLM mob went viral.  According to KSDK, a member of Gardner's staff "ordered crime lab experts to disassemble and reassemble" the weapon and after it had been rendered operable, wrote that it was "readily capable of lethal use" in charging documents.

The accelerating collapse of St. Louis, the most violent city in America.  [Scroll down]  Days before the incident at the McCloskey residence, Krewson had publicly revealed the names and addresses of advocates calling for defunding the police department, which provoked city-wide outrage and drew bipartisan calls for the mayor's resignation.  The protesters with whom the McCloskeys clashed in late June were marching to Krewson's house nearby; more recently, a mob returned to tear down the police barricade protecting her residence.  The McCloskeys have now been charged with unlawful use of a weapon, as Gardner remains more focused on headline-grabbing cases than on quelling the city's crime epidemic.  The McCloskeys were trying, they said, to protect their home.  Whatever one thinks of their methods, their home and neighborhood remain relatively safe.  The same cannot be said of St. Louis.

St Louis prosecutor tampered with evidence to charge Mrs. McCloskey.  St. Louis homeowners Mark and Patricia McCloskey were charged with felony misuse of a firearm and a misdemeanor assault charge after waving guns at an unruly mob of 'protesters' who stormed through their private community.  The couple said they were frightened and feared for their safety.  Assistant Circuit Attorney Chris Hinckley stated in charging documents that the gun was "readily capable of lethal use," referencing Mrs. McCloskey's handgun.  However, her handgun was NOT "readily capable of lethal use" at the time she used it to discourage the protesters.  It was disabled by the couple so it could be used as a prop.  The corrupt prosecutor had it fixed so Mrs. McCloskey could be charged.  Seriously, that's what they did.

St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner is engaged in a political prosecution.  [Thread reader]  The right to defend one's person, family, home and property has deep roots in Missouri law.  Self-defense is the central component of the right to keep & bear arms, which receives the highest protection from the MO Constitution.  MO statutes specifically authorize citizens to use firearms to deter assailants & protect themselves, their families & homes from threatening or violent intruders.  A highly publicized criminal prosecution of citizens for exercising these fundamental freedoms threatens to intimidate & deter law-abiding citizens from exercising their constitutional right of self defense.  My job as AG is to protect the fundamental rights of all Missourians, including the right to keep & bear arm in self defense of one's person and home.  This case casts an ominous shadow over those fundamental rights.  The prosecution sends a powerful message to all Missourians that they exercise their fundamental right to self defense at their peril.  Missourians should not fear exposure to criminal prosecution, even prison time, when they use firearms to defend themselves and their homes.

Missouri Attorney General Seeks to Dismiss Charges Against Couple Who Brandished Firearms Defending Their Home from the Mob.  Monday [7/20/2020], St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner filed charges against the couple filmed flashing firearms to protect their property from a looting mob.  The McCloskeys were charged with "felony unlawful use of a weapon."  Later Monday, Missouri's AG moved to have the charges dismissed saying, "The right to keep and bear arms is given the highest level of protection in our constitution and our laws, including the Castle Doctrine, which provides broad rights to Missourians who are protecting their property and lives from those who wish to do them harm."

McCloskey Gun Inoperable When Police Seized It, But Prosecution Ordered Crime Lab to Make It Operable and 'Lethal'.  [Scroll down]  The Missouri Attorney General said he would be looking into dismissing the case because in his opinion it had no basis and was political in its filing.  The Missouri governor said if they were convicted he would likely pardon them.  But a story breaking today shows another big problem in the case and it's pretty troubling.  When the gun that Patricia McCloskey had was turned over to the authorities, it was inoperable and inoperable when it arrived at the St. Louis Police crime lab.  According to the McCloskey's attorney, Joel Schwartz, the gun was inoperable during the incident in question with the protesters and couldn't have hurt anyone.  The McCloskeys, who are both attorneys, had used the gun as a prop during a trial.

'Equal Justice': The Politicization of Prosecution.  As she announced felony charges against the McCloskeys, St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner noted something that most people missed:  that she was elected to pursue "equal justice."  What exactly is "equal justice," and how is it distinguished from justice?  "Equal justice" is a term used by neoleftist politicians to alert their base of racial disparities in the criminal justice system, with the implication that "racial equity" must be actively pursued.  It is most commonly used by Soros-sponsored wolves in prosecutors' clothing.  It is a political movement to interject a race consideration component into the criminal justice system.  There is even an Equal Justice Initiative organization, a Soros-sponsored group that advertises itself as "committed to ending mass incarceration and excessive punishment in the United States, to challenging racial and economic injustice, and to protecting basic human rights for the most vulnerable people in American society."  But what does race and "ending mass incarceration" have to do with charging a White suburban couple, the McCloskeys?  Why was the term "equal justice" relevant in this particular prosecution?

St. Louis couple who brandished weapons at protesters charged.  The St. Louis couple who made national news for brandishing firearms at protesters who were approaching their house have been charged.  St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner filed charges against Mark and Patricia McCloskey on Monday.  They were each charged with one count of unlawful use of a weapon, flourishing, according to KSDK, a local NBC affiliate.  The weapons charge is a class D felony, and they face anywhere from one to four years in prison and fines of up to $5,000 if convicted.

Democrat Prosecutor Charges McCloskeys With Felonies After Using Guns To Defend Private Property.  St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, a Democrat, announced on Monday [7/20/2020] that she is charging the St. Louis couple who defended their private property using firearms last month with felony unlawful use of a weapon.  The couple is also reportedly facing a fourth-degree misdemeanor assault charge.  "Mark and Patricia McCloskey each are facing a single felony count of unlawful use of a weapon — exhibiting," The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.  "Charging documents say he pointed an AR-15 rifle at protesters and she wielded a semiautomatic handgun, placing those protesters in fear of injury."

The Editor says...
Violent protesters and rioters only respond to fear of injury.  That's the language they use, and that's what they understand.  They don't listen.  They don't reason.  They don't have any regard for private property.  But they do recognize firearms.

Missouri AG Files To Dismiss Charges Against McCloskeys: 'I Won't Stand By While Missouri Law Is Being Ignored'.  On Monday, following the news that St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the city's top prosecutor, announced that Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the couple who pointed guns at a crowd in front of their home, would be charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt filed a brief that would dismiss the charges.  The brief stated that Schmitt "respectfully requests that the Court dismiss this case at the earlier possible opportunity."  "The right to keep and bear arms is given the highest level of protection in our constitution and our laws, including the Castle Doctrine, which provides broad rights to Missourians who are protecting their property and lives from those who wish to do them harm," Schmitt told Fox News, adding, "Despite this, Circuit Attorney Gardner filed suit against the McCloskeys, who, according to published reports, were defending their property and safety.  As Missouri's Chief law enforcement officer, I won't stand by while Missouri law is being ignored."

Governor says Pardon will be likely if St. Louis couple is charged.  Missouri Governor Mike Parson (R) suggested during an interview that a pardon would likely happen if the controversial St. Louis couple was charged with a crime.  The interview took place on the Marc Cox Morning Show, where they asked Gov. Parson if he would even consider issuing a pardon over this incident.  "I think that's exactly what would happen," Parson said.  He later added that based on what he knows about the case, "I don't think they're going to spend any time in jail."

MO Governor to Issue Pardon if Armed St. Louis Couple Charged.  Missouri Governor Mike Parson (R) suggests he will pardon St. Louis couple Mark and Patricia McCloskey if they are charged over brandishing firearms to keep protesters from their home. [...] The New York Post quoted St. Louis Prosecutor Kimberly Gardner saying, "I am alarmed at the events that occurred over the weekend, where peaceful protestors were met by guns."  She added, "We must protect the right to peacefully protest, and any attempt to chill it through intimidation or threat of deadly force will not be tolerated."

Soros comes to the aid of rogue St. Louis prosecutor.  We've been writing about Kim Gardner, the incompetent leftist St. Louis prosecutor, who is persecuting the McCloskeys for defending their home against a mob.  We've also been encouraging readers to contribute here to the campaign of Mary Pat Carl, who is running against Gardner in next month's primary.  The importance of this primary is highlighted by news that a George Soros-linked group has contributed $78,000 to Gardner's campaign.  This is part of Soros' effort to undermine order in the U.S. by electing prosecutors who want to hamstring the police and go easy on criminals.  His organization backed Gardner financially in 2016, and it's doing so again this year.  Gardner's relatively brief tenure as St. Louis prosecutor has been a disaster for law and order.  Prosecutors have left in droves.  Gardner's conviction rate in cases that go trial is abysmal.  And, not surprisingly, the homicide rate is soaring.

Missouri Gov. says Trump will 'get involved' in case of gun-toting St. Louis couple.  The St. Louis couple who pointed guns at Black Lives Matters protesters last month say they believe they acted within their rights to protect their home as Missouri's Governor announces President Donald Trump will get involved in the case.  Mark and Patricia McCloskey are under investigation for brandishing an AR-15 and a handgun at protesters in front of their mansion on June 28, claiming they feared for their lives.  St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the prosecutor investigating the couple, says Gov. Mike Parson and Trump 'came after her' and are intimidating her for reviewing the case.

Couple Who Defended Home: 'Rumor Is That We Are Going To Be Indicted Shortly'.  Mark McCloskey, the homeowner who defended his St. Louis home recently from a large mob of demonstrators, told Fox News on Monday that he excepts to be "indicted shortly."  The segment came after St. Louis law enforcement officials served a warrant on the McCloskeys late last week and confiscated the rifle that he used to defend his home.  "The police were really very professional and very nice," McCloskey said.  "The cops that came out to issue the search warrant on us, they were almost apologetic.  They didn't want to have to be there.  They were doing their job.  Patty wanted to take a picture to document it, and she asked if they wouldn't mind facing away from the camera so that people wouldn't get mad at them if their faces were shown on TV."

The Editor says...
The cops didn't want to be there.  They didn't want to take the couple's guns.  They were only following orders.  Does that sound familiar?  Adolph Hitler only needed a few cops and bureaucrats like these guys to get where he got.  People who were willing to follow orders, no matter what those orders were.  The same thing is happening now in the U.S.A., not only with gun confiscations, but with the Mask Police making sure we all wear muzzles in public.  The mask mandate will end as soon as you take your mask off!  What are they gonna do about it?

Local St. Charles Gun Store Announces Free AR15 to McCloskeys After Police Confiscate Their Rifle.  On Friday night [7/10/2020] St. Louis Police served homeowners Mark and Patricia McCloskey with a search warrant and confiscated their rifle.  The McCloskeys made national headlines when they defended their home from hundreds of BLM protesters who trespassed into their neighborhood to protest at the home of the St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson.  Following the visit to their home by St. Louis City Police local gun store Alien Armory Tactical announced they will donate a free AR15 to the McCloskeys after Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner sent police to their house to confiscate their rifle.

72-Year-Old Nashville Homeowner Shoots, Kills Intruder.  South Precinct detectives are classifying this morning's fatal shooting of a home burglar on Radnor Street as a case of justifiable homicide.  The investigation shows that Henry Schuster, 72, shot Taylor Lowery, 27, after finding Lowery, a stranger, in his bathroom.  Schuster told detectives that he returned home just before 5:30 a.m. after eating breakfast at a local restaurant and found a kitchen window screen laying on the floor along with several items that had been on the window sill.  Schuster drew a pistol and began checking the rooms of his house.  He said he encountered Lowery in a bathroom and shot him when, he said, Lowery lunged at him grabbing for the gun.  Schuster then ran outside and called 911.

Elderly Homeowner Shoots, Kills Alleged Intruder After Breakfast.  A 72-year-old homeowner shot and killed an alleged intruder he discovered in his Nashville, Tennessee, home Wednesday morning [7/1/2020].  WSMV reports the incident occurred around 5:30 a.m., when the homeowner, Henry Schuster, returned to his house after eating breakfast.  Schuster told police he noticed the screen from his kitchen window had been removed, making him suspect someone had made entry into the home through it.  Schuster then pulled his gun and conducted a room-to-room check through the house.  When he entered the bathroom 27-year-old Taylor Lowery was allegedly there and "lunged at him grabbing for the gun."  Schuster responded by shooting Lowery, fatally wounding him.

Police Seize Gun From St. Louis Couple Threatened By Mob.  Police reportedly executed a search warrant Friday evening, seizing a gun from the St. Louis couple who defended their home against a mob in late June.  Sources told 5 on Your Side, an NBC News affiliate, that police seized the rifle seen in footage of the central west end duo, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, both personal injury attorneys.  The couple told police that the pistol brandished by Mrs. McCloskey was in their lawyer's possession.  When a mob of people stormed through the McCloskey's neighborhood early last week, in what the media described as a protest en route to the home of St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson, the pair wielded firearms in front of their private residence to defend themselves and deter rioters.

Missouri couple's gun rights defended in letter to AG Barr from 12 GOP lawmakers.  Twelve Republican members of Congress have written to U.S. Attorney General William Barr, arguing in defense of the Second Amendment rights of a Missouri couple whose rifle and handgun are now in the possession of local authorities.  Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who made national headlines in late June when they took up arms to defend their home from protesters who entered their St. Louis neighborhood, had their rifle seized Friday when local police executed a search warrant.  Then on Saturday, a lawyer — who represented the couple until recently — surrendered to police a handgun that Patricia McCloskey held during the June incident, FOX 2 of St. Louis reported.

Cops Raid Mansion Of St. Louis Couple Who Defended Home From Protesters, Confiscate AR-15.  St. Louis authorities confiscated an AR-15 used by Mark McCloskey, who made headlines with his wife Patricia last month when they defended their historic mansion from protesters who had broken down a gate to trespass on their private road.  Police executed a search warrant Friday evening at the McCloskey's home, seizing the rifle used in the June 28 incident, according to KSDK.  The couple said their attorney was in possession of the pistol Patricia McCloskey brandished during the confrontation.  The raid comes two weeks after St. Louis circuit attorney Kimberly Gardner vowed to work with the St. Louis Police Department to conduct an investigation into the incident.  According to the report, there are no charges against the McCloskeys at this time, as the warrant was just for the guns.

Missouri couple who defended home have rifle seized during police search: report.  Authorities in St. Louis executed a search warrant Friday evening [7/10/2020] at the home of Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the couple who made headlines last month when they took up arms to defend their home from protesters.  During the search, police seized the rifle that Mark McCloskey was shown holding during the June 28 incident, KSDK-TV of St. Louis reported, citing information from a source.  The couple claimed the pistol that Patricia McCloskey held during the June confrontation was already in the possession of their attorney, the station reported.

Protesters return to home of St. Louis couple who drew guns.  Several hundred protesters made a peaceful return trip to the St. Louis mansion owned by a white couple whose armed defense of their home during an earlier demonstration earned them both scorn and support.

Have we reached the point at which self-defense is a crime?  Thirty-five American states have stand-your-ground laws, while the remaining fifteen require retreat only when it can be done with absolute safety (although none require retreat when the attack takes place in a person's own home or "castle").  America strongly supports self-defense.  Or does it?  Recently, activist prosecutors seem to be criminalizing self-defense when whites use it against blacks. [...] Mark and Patricia McCloskey, of St. Louis, Missouri, protected themselves with guns after Black Lives Matters protesters, some of whom were wielding guns, broke down their gate and verbally threatened them.  The McCloskeys, who are Democrats and earlier supported BLM, did not fire their guns but made clear that they intended to defend themselves:  [Video clip]  [...] To recap:  A mob, some members of which appeared to be armed and dangerous, trespassed on the McCloskeys' property.  The McCloskeys used guns to warn the mob off their property but did not fire the guns.  Now a prosecutor who won her election with help from George Soros says the McCloskeys' conduct constituted a "violent assault" that may justify a criminal charge.  Missouri is a "stand your ground" state.

The Time Has Come to ARM.  Last week in St. Louis, an angry mob trespassed on the property of Mark and Patricia McCloskey and threatened harm to the couple.  "I was a person scared for my life who was protecting my wife, my home, my hearth, my livelihood," McCloskey told reporters, describing his state of mind as he brandished an AR-15 and Patricia brandished a handgun.  Their actions kept the mob at bay and brought to light another chilling reality.  Local prosecutor Kimberly Gardner faulted the McCloskeys for protecting their lives and property.  Missouri State Representative Rasheen Aldridge, who organized the protest, claimed "We're not doing anything where we're hurting anyone or putting anyone in danger."  The McCloskeys, both attorneys, recognized the danger but no local, state, or national organization came to their aid.

Dana Loesch defends armed couple smeared as racists: 'This is what defunding the police looks like'.  The St. Louis couple forced to defend their upscale home in a private neighborhood from a Black Lives Matter mob was all the rage on the internet Monday [6/29/2020].  Mark and Patricia McCloskey, a husband and wife personal injury lawyer team, held the mob at bay with guns after hundreds broke through a metal gate and marched onto their property, and the couple was eviscerated online for their actions.  Dana Loesch, the former spokesperson for the National Rifle Association, appeared on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" to stress that the McCloskeys — who've said that they were terrified — did not commit any crimes in trying to defend themselves.

Mississippi Gov. Defends Armed Couple: 'Totally Within Their Rights'.  Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves (R) spoke up for the armed couple who stood outside their home to keep protesters away by saying they were "totally within their rights."

'I'm Glad You're A Mind Reader': St. Louis Homeowner Snaps At Chris Cuomo In Heated Exchange.  St. Louis attorney Mark McCloskey snapped at CNN anchor Chris Cuomo during a heated exchange Wednesday [7/1/2020] on CNN.  McCloskey, whose image went viral when he and his wife Patricia armed themselves to confront protesters marching through their gated community, appeared on "Cuomo Prime Time" alongside his attorney.  The St. Louis-based attorney, who said that he had initially been reluctant to appear on Cuomo's show, appeared to be frustrated when Cuomo pressed him to explain why President Donald Trump had retweeted video of the confrontation.

'Different Angles Show Different Things': Missouri Sheriff Reacts To St. Louis Gun-Wielding Couple.  Jackson County Sheriff Darryl Forte joined the Daily Caller's Stephanie Hamill for a wide-ranging interview on the effort to defund police, the Black Lives Matter protests and the St. Louis couple who are under fire for pointing their firearms at protesters.  As for the gun wielding couple, Forte says the way they handled the situation could be an issue for them.  "Yes, there's open carry, but anytime you have someone pointing a gun at someone and we don't have all the details, we don't know what they're going through, we don't know if they've been threatened before, but from what I've seen and again you gotta be real careful with this, from what I've seen in the media, different angles show different things, but they were pointing at the protesters and that might cause them a problem."

CNN's Cuomo Accuses Mark McCloskey of Being the 'Face of White Resistance' to Black Lives Matter.  Tuesday [6/30/2020], on his CNN program, host Chris Cuomo challenged St. Louis homeowner Mark McCloskey on the merits of his use of self-defense of life and property by brandishing a firearm in front of his home as a mob of protesters threatened him and his wife.  According to Cuomo, by doing so, McCloskey and his wife had become the "face of white resistance" to the Black Lives Matter protest movement.

Armed St. Louis couple speaks out about what really happened and it doesn't fit left's narrative one bit.  The armed St. Louis couple who protected their home from a Black Lives Matter invasion said the thugs threatened to kill them and their dog after trespassing on their private property by cutting through an iron gate.  Mark McCloskey, 63, and his wife Patricia, 61, said they had no choice but to resort to their Second-Amendment right to self-defense because the police didn't show up after they frantically called 911 begging for help.  The McCloskeys said they only retrieved their guns when they saw that the mob who had trespassed on their property were themselves armed and began threatening to hurt them.

St. Louis Man Who Pulled A Gun On BLM Speaks Out: 'The Only Thing That Stopped the Mob Was my Rifle'.  The mainstream media was quick to attack the Saint Louis couple that drew guns on the BLM mob today [6/29/2020].  This is what CNN reported today:  They say the man and the woman — now identified as Mark and Patricia McCloskey — came out of the house with the firearms.  At one point in his 31-second video, the woman points the handgun in the direction of protesters.  They accused the homeowners of pulling out guns on peaceful protesters.

The Revolution Comes to Portland Place.  Mark McCloskey of St. Louis, Missouri is the kind of guy for whom many of our readers would harbor a deep-seated animus, though he has now achieved a moment of infamy for something he and his wife were 100 percent correct in doing.  It was McCloskey who alighted from the side porch of his palatial $1.15 million manse in the exclusive gated Portland Place neighborhood, rifle in hand, to challenge a mob of "mostly peaceful" protesters who had broken down the gate and were charging up his street to "demonstrate" at the home of that city's mayor, you see.  Upon that action McCloskey and his wife Patty instantly became the face of the terrified White People Of Privilege, the panicked homeowners making a show of deadly force to protect their unfairly-won filthy lucre from the Black Lives Matter movement intent on redistributive justice by any means necessary.

Police Consider Charging Crowd Confronted By Armed St. Louis Couple With Trespassing, Intimidation.  A group of protesters in Missouri who famously found themselves facing an armed husband and wife may soon be facing multiple charges.  As a group of demonstrators marched toward the home of St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson's home on Sunday night to demand that she resign, they marched through an area that was closed off to the public, where a husband-wife team stood outside with a rifle and a gun to protect their property.

Soros Funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Threatens Legal Action Against Property Owners Who Defended Themselves Against Rampaging Mob.  This is a great example why law-abiding citizens need to be very involved in local elections.  The husband and wife who defended themselves and protected their property from looters/protestors are now being threatened by a Soros funded STL Circuit Attorney.  Ms. Kimberly M Gardner is an activist within the legal profession who has an expressed purpose to destroy property rights, advance the cause of a socialist society, and collapse the legal system that allows citizens to protect themselves from the rampaging mob.

Armed Homeowners Confront Protesters.  Armed homeowners greeted protesters marching through private property in their upscale neighborhood in St. Louis.  The couple, Patty and Mark McCloskey who are both personal injury lawyers, shouted at the protesters to keep moving while brandishing a handgun and an AR-15.  The protesters, which numbered about 300, had broken through the gate of the community and were on their way to Mayor Lyda Krewson's house to demand the mayor's resignation after she read the names and addresses on a Facebook live broadcast of a number of residents who had written her letters telling her to defund the police department.  Ironically, revealing the names and addresses of political opponents — a tactic called doxing — has been a standard weapon used by Antifa, ISIS and other extremist groups over the years.  This time the tables were turned and the protesters were having none of it.

St. Louis Authorities Will Investigate Homeowners Who Met Trespassing Protesters With Guns.  St. Louis attorneys Mark and Patricia McCloskey went viral when they stood in front of their million-dollar home with firearms and confronted protesters — but now Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has vowed to have them investigated.  The McCloskeys, Mark armed with a rifle and Patricia with a handgun, stood outside as protesters marched by on the way to Democratic St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson's home.  The protesters had broken down a gate to march onto the private drive — and McCloskey repeatedly yelled at them that it was private property.

The case of Kyle Rittenhouse:

This event (or one like it) was inevitable, in the face of violent and destructive rioters acting without regard for other people's injuries or loss.  It happened that the first person backed into a position to use deadly force to defend himself is only 17 years old, and probably shouldn't have been on the scene.  But now this young man is the object of news media derision (much like Nick Sandmann) and is at the center of an important test case about self-defense.

A Tale of Two Cities:  Kenosha vs. Waukesha.  Kyle Rittenhouse was a 17-year-old armed youth who volunteered to protect business properties at the height of the August 2020 arson, riots, and looting in Kenosha.  He was pursued and attacked by three members from a larger group who chased the armed youth, presumably either to disarm, injure, or kill him — or perhaps all three.  Rittenhouse variously was assaulted, kicked, and had a firearm pointed at him.  In reaction, he fatally shot two of his pursuing attackers and wounded a third.  Kenosha prosecutors reviewed videos of the altercations.  They saw clearly that Rittenhouse was running away from his assailants.  He was variously rushed by one assailant, kicked by another, and struck with a skateboard by still another.  Again, a final pursuer pointed a gun at him at close range.  No matter.  The Kenosha district attorney's office charged Rittenhouse with several felonies including two first-degree homicide charges.  All four whom Rittenhouse fired at — whether he missed, wounded, or fatally shot — had lengthy arrest records.  Three were convicted felons; the fourth had a long arrest record.

Another recap:
Antifa Wants Guns After Rittenhouse Verdict.  I Say Have at It.  Antifa and BLM typically throw their tantrums in liberal hellholes, or where guns aren't easily allowed, like Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and New York City.  Kenosha, Wisc., was a different story.  When Antifa and BLM went to Kenosha to riot against the police shooting of an armed black sexual predator named Jacob Blake, they were probably thinking they could play by their usual rules: burn and loot with near impunity, and attack whomever they want.  Kyle Rittenhouse changed those rules.  Wisconsin is a pretty gun-friendly state.  Yes, the 17-year-old Rittenhouse had the absolute legal right to possess that big, scary AR-15, which I hope the cops have returned to its owner by now, considering they gave an Antifa skank his ax back after attacking a GOP senator's doorway.  Antifa watched in horror as the juror read the verdict we were all expecting: not guilty on all counts.  Most of us were shocked the case was even brought to trial, considering that the mob's attack on Rittenhouse was caught on video.  We can thank the Soros-back DA in Kenosha for that debacle.

The Angry Mob Comes for Kyle Rittenhouse Again.  After spending days on social media churning up hatred toward Kyle Rittenhouse, an organized and planned mob of angry protesters intimidated, chased, and charged at people who attended an event at the University of Memphis where he was speaking.  The mob chanting, "no justice, no peace," an implicit call for violence, charged and screeched at people who attended the Turning Point USA-sponsored event for Rittenhouse.  The mob followed people who left the event to their cars.  Thankfully, police intervened and prevented a riot — or worse.

The Latest Media Story on Kyle Rittenhouse Proves the Left Is Still Very Bitter About His Acquittal.  Kyle Rittenhouse is the one that got away.  Despite all the king's horses and all the king's men coming together to take him down, they weren't successful in getting Rittenhouse thrown into prison for murder, and instead, Rittenhouse walked away a free man after being forced to shoot three men in self-defense, one of which was a pedophile.  The left hasn't forgiven Rittenhouse since.  Ever since then, Rittenhouse will pop up randomly on trending lists and media stories.  Each time he does, it's usually some attempt to destroy his image or laugh at some kind of misfortune.  A recently released story once again surfaced on Saturday claiming that Rittenhouse is now "broke."

Rittenhouse's Surviving BLM Attacker Run Over by Black Driver.  Back in 2020, Antifa anarchists and BLM Marxists were torching Kenosha, Wisc., ostensibly because the police shot a black man who had just sexually assaulted his ex-girlfriend and was reaching for a knife.  Kyle Rittenhouse, then 17 years old, was cleaning up riot-torn Kenosha when he was attacked by at least four bolshie frondeurs, three of whom he perforated with an assault weapon a semi-automatic rifle.  Two of them, including convicted child rapist Joe Rosenbaum, died on the spot.  The lone survivor, Gaige Grosskreutz, survived but lost his right bicep.  Grosskreutz has since grown a beard and changed his name to Paul Prediger.  On Sept. 2, the newly named Prediger was walking down Milwaukee's Brady Street when he was plowed over by a man driving an SUV.

Kyle Rittenhouse Attacker Gaige Grosskreutz Hit By Car In Milwaukee — New Name Revealed.  The criminal Paul Prediger, formerly known as Gaige Grosskreutz, chastised Kenosha County Eye for reporting first, that he secretly asked a judge to change his name.  Grosskreutz is known for being the man who pointed a gun at then-17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse during the riots of 2020 and was shot for it.  Rittenhouse was acquitted of any wrong-doing for shooting the career criminal.  Grosskreutz told the judge in Milwaukee that his name change needed to be secret in order to protect himself from "far right" people who have been threatening his life.  Although Grosskreutz would have us believe that he is in fear for his life, he couldn't help himself when he decided to go on WISN 12 ABC news to talk about being run over.  According to WISN 12, Grosskreutz suffered a lacerated liver and multiple broken bones.

Kyle Rittenhouse Is Being Sued Again and the Lawyer Is Making Insane Claims.  Kyle Rittenhouse revealed on Friday, the third anniversary of the incident during the BLM riots in Kenosha that made him famous, he is been sued again, this time by a firm representing the estate of Joesph Rosenbaum.  Texas Scorecard reports those also being sued by Rosenbaum's estate are Kenosha officials, different Sheriff's departments, the City of Kenosha, the City of West Allis, and several counties for "compensatory and punitive damages" for the "wrongful death" of Rosenbaum.  They are requesting a jury trial for conspiracy to deprive constitutional rights, conspiracy to obstruct justice based on invidious discrimination, and First Amendment retaliation.

Cleanup in Kenosha, Aisle 4.  A coda to Kyle Rittenhouse's ordeal recently occurred:  conviction of one of his aggressors, armed rioter (now armed robber/kidnapper) Joshua Ziminski, on unrelated felony charges.  Rittenhouse, George Zimmerman, and NYC subway Samaritans Daniel Penny and Jordan Williams are frontline warriors battling to preserve civilization.  Rittenhouse's legal ordeal continues.  He faces litigation from Gaige Grosskreutz (wounded after pointing a gun at Rittenhouse) and a wrongful death action from Anthony Huber's estate, shot by Rittenhouse after Huber bashed him with a skateboard.  Grosskreutz's complaint, more diatribe than lawsuit, features the word "White" 20 times, two more times than in the Huber suit.  During his Tucker Carlson interview Rittenhouse revealed the tribulations endured during his 87-day incarceration.  Rittenhouse was designated as a sacrificial offering.  His criminal trial was highly politicized, somewhat similar to Derek Chauvin's case. [...] [T]he three individuals Rittenhouse shot also deserve scrutiny.  The 36-year-old Joseph Rosenbaum was shot after assaulting Rittenhouse and grabbing for his gun.  He was mentally unstable, often homeless, and released that day from a hospital stay after treatment for attempted suicide.  Rosenbaum had been medicated with antidepressants and bipolar drugs.

19 Times Democrats And DOJ Deliberately Politicized Law Enforcement.  [#19] As Kyle Rittenhouse faced murder charges in Wisconsin over three men shot in self-defense at the Kenosha riots of 2020, the FBI gave prosecutors aerial surveillance footage of the scenes to land a conviction.  When the defense tried to access "the rest" of the FBI footage, the bureau claimed it was no longer available.

Think the FBI Deserves the Benefit of the Doubt?  Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of politicized charges brought against him last summer when he shot three men in self-defense.  Two died, and contrary to the media's racialized coverage of the trial, all three were white.  During the proceedings, wherein an 18-year-old Rittenhouse (now 19) faced life in prison, prosecutors used aerial footage from FBI surveillance in their effort to convict Rittenhouse.  When the defense tried to access "the rest" of the FBI footage from the night in question, however, the bureau claimed it no longer existed.

Rittenhouse hires Sandmann lawyer, plans to file 10 defamation lawsuits.  Kyle Rittenhouse has hired Todd McMurtry, the lawyer who represented Covington Catholic student Nicholas Sandmann in his defamation lawsuits against NBC-Universal, CNN and the Washington Post.  McMurtry said this week he expects Rittenhouse will have "at least 10" defamation lawsuits against prominent figures and companies — including Facebook's Mark Zuckerburg — for their comments about the exonerated teen.  "I've been hired to head the effort to determine whom to sue, when to sue, where to sue.  We're going to look at everything that's been said, determine which of those comments are legally actionable and proceed from there," McMurtry told Fox News Digital on Thursday, adding that he's confident "that there's probably 10 to 15 solid" cases against "large defendants."

Proposal to memorialize man killed by Kyle Rittenhouse tabled after meeting chaos.  A public meeting in Kenosha, Wis., descended into chaos Monday night as one resident accused the parks commission of quietly trying to approve a proposal to memorialize one of the two men killed by Kyle Rittenhouse in 2020.  The commission ultimately tabled the proposal after multiple residents showed opposing the placement of a memorial tree and plaque commemorating Anthony Huber at Anderson Park.  Huber was captured on video chasing Rittenhouse and attempting to hit him with a skateboard before Rittenhouse fatally shot him in the chest during protests on Aug. 25, 2020.  The proposal was requested earlier this month by Huber's girlfriend Hannah Gittings, according to the commission's agenda, and it flew under the public's radar until Kevin Mathewson, a former Kenosha alderman and current investigative journalist, published an article about the issue on his website.

Kyle Rittenhouse Launches New Initiative to Hold Media Outlets Accountable For Telling Defamatory Lies.  Kyle Rittenhouse on Monday announced that he is launching a new initiative aimed at holding major media outlets and celebrities like Whoopi Goldberg accountable for telling "malicious defamatory lies."  Last November, the 18-year-old was acquitted of all charges related to the shooting deaths of two antifa rioters, and the injury of a third in Kenosha, Wisconsin in August of 2020.  The jury found that he had acted in self-defense.  Charges ranged from intentional homicide to recklessly endangering safety.  Rittenhouse shared a video on Twitter promoting the new Media Accountability Project, which raises funds for his legal challenges against media outlets and personalities that defamed him before, during, and after his trial.

Kyle Rittenhouse says he will sue Whoopi Goldberg and other 'celebrities, politicians and athletes' for calling him a murderer.  Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse plans to take aim at the people and organizations who called him a 'murderer', a 'white supremacist' among other things in the run up to his trial and subsequent acquittal.  Rittenhouse killed two men and wounded a third during confrontations amid anti-police protests in Kenosha in August 2020.  He testified that he acted in self-defense.  Last November, the 18-year-old was found not guilty of first-degree intentional homicide and other charges, and walked out of court a free man.

Kyle Rittenhouse won't get his gun back, but will get a share of his $2 million bail.  Kyle Rittenhouse's rifle will be dismantled at the Wisconsin state crime lab in April, and he will get to keep nearly $1 million of the crowd-funded bail that was posted to keep him out of jail during his homicide trial last year.  At a short hearing Friday [1/28/2022], Judge Bruce Schroeder approved two deals.  One, agreed to by Rittenhouse, was to let authorities destroy the rifle.  The other was to divvy up his $2 million bail with actor Ricky Schroder and a Texas non-profit organization led by Atlanta lawyer Lin Wood.  Under the agreement, $920,000 will be paid, in trust, to Richards & Dimmer, the Racine law firm that defended Rittenhouse.  Another $925,000 will go to #FightBack Foundation.  Schroder, who posed with Rittenhouse soon after he was released on bail, gets back $150,000 he contributed.

Top five media lies of 2021.  [#1] Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist who shot black people:  Kyle Rittenhouse was a 17-year-old teenager who shot three men in self-defense during a Black Lives Matter riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  His trial took place in November of 2021.  Video evidence made it clear that Rittenhouse had acted in self-defense.  All the looters he shot were white.  The facts did not stop the media from trying to portray Rittenhouse as a white supremacist who "crossed state lines" to murder black people.  Despite having the entire mainstream media playing against him, Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges.  Rittenhouse has said that he is looking into the possibility of suing the corporate media for defamation.

Demonizing Kyle Rittenhouse.  On November 19, Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges in the shootings of Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and Gaige Grosskreutz in Kenosha, WI.  His defense established that the teenager was acting in self-defense; the prosecution was unable to prove otherwise.  Even media outlets not aligned with the conservative view were constrained to observe that among the "undisputed facts" of the case are that Rosenbaum chased and later advanced on Rittenhouse when he stood his ground; that Huber hit him with a skateboard and lunged for his rifle; and that Grosskreutz pointed a handgun at him.  Yet, the young man continues to be vilified.  Students for Socialism, an avowedly Marxist-Leninist student club at Arizona State University (ASU), is rallying to deny Rittenhouse "further admission" to the university.  (He is no longer enrolled there, though he had taken an online course in nursing earlier.)  In its petitions, the group describes him as a "racist killer" and says that "even with a not-guilty verdict from a flawed justice system — Kyle Rittenhouse is still guilty in the eyes of the people."

Big Tech Couldn't Shut Down Rittenhouse and the Truth.  The Rittenhouse trial is over, and despite the belligerent efforts of the national mob, a young man was rightfully spared.  The loudest among the mob may have been the prosecutor, corporate media, and the president of the United States, but the most insidious was Big Tech.  The men and women who run Silicon Valley could not have been clearer on where they stood.  They were relentless in their campaign to derail Rittenhouse's trial, undermine his constitutional rights, and permanently defame his character.  The shift in Big Tech's "values" is as marked as it is troubling.  In a few short years, a handful of innovative American companies that loved this country and valued their customers has morphed into a corporate oligarchy that loathes the notion of American sovereignty, colludes with foreign powers, despises at least half of the citizenry — and actively works to destroy teenage boys.

The Beauty of the Jury System as it Came in the Rittenhouse Trial.  The Kyle Rittenhouse trial was one of, if not, the most highly publicized and politicized cases since the trial of O.J. Simpson, with the jury's Nov. 19 verdict causing a storm of both approbation and disapprobation around the world.  Such high profile cases are bound to elicit aggressive responses from all sides.  Yet what changed this time was the difference in response from certain sections of the public; namely, the that some viewed the American justice system as defunct and obsolete, based on the fact that Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted on all charges, and, therefore, needed to be reconstructed.  I disagree entirely.  The one notable fact about the Rittenhouse trial was the success of the system that acquitted Rittenhouse on all charges.

Body Cam Is out on Rittenhouse Jury Stalking and It Just Nails NBC to the Wall.  Bodycam video has just been released about the incident involving NBC producer James Morrison following the Rittenhouse jury bus during jury deliberations.  The judge spoke about the jury stalking incident calling it an "extremely serious matter" and banned anyone from MSNBC from the courthouse.  [Tweet]  NBC had released a very carefully-worded statement trying to suggest that the producer had just committed a traffic violation near the van, that they weren't trying to contact the jurors "during deliberations." [...] But the bodycam footage makes it very clear that they were staking out the jury and that it wasn't just Morrison involved.

Shocking Police Bodycam Footage Reveals NBC Had Multiple 'Journalists' Stalking Rittenhouse Jury.  One of the most breathtaking twists during the high-drama trial of Kyle Rittenhouse was the moment that Judge Schroeder banned NBC from the courthouse after one of their journalists got caught running a red light while stalking the jury bus.  |"Last evening, a person who identified himself as James Morrison and claimed he was a producer for NBC News... and under the supervision of someone named Irene Byon in New York... he was following at a distance and went through a red light," said Schroeder.  "He stated he had been instructed to by Ms. Byon to follow the jury bus."

Police Release Bodycam Footage of MSNBC Freelancer Who Followed Rittenhouse Jury Bus.  The Kenosha police released the bodycam video from when the jury bus for the Kyle Rittenhouse was being followed by a freelancer for MSNBC named James J. Morrison, who was pulled over by police and received a traffic citation.  Kenosha police say they pulled Morrison over because he was following a block behind the bus, and drive through a red light at one point.  MSNBC was barred from the court room after the incident.  Morrison told police that a supervisor (NBC producer Irene Byon) instructed him to follow the bus.  Now that the footage is out, the incident looks even sketchier than described.

Consequences Needed for Rittenhouse Prosecutors.  I can no more read the minds of Rittenhouse prosecutors Thomas Binger (D-WI) and James Kraus than Kyle Rittenhouse could read the minds of his assailants, as Binger and Kraus apparently think he should have done.  I cannot therefore state as a fact that they filed the case for political reasons.  This is only my opinion based on what I read (the probable cause document and the prosecution's side of the story as told in court) and saw (the videos). The four corners of Deputy Attorney General Angelina Gabriele's probable cause document stipulates that the three men whom Rittenhouse shot were all the initial aggressors, and pursued him when he attempted to retreat.  Binger and Kraus therefore walked into the courtroom with diddly squat and, when the judge threw out the misdemeanor gun possession charge, that was the end of diddly.  It is very disturbing, however, that the jury needed more than ten minutes to similarly get rid of squat.

Lawmaker Introduces 'Kyle's Law' to Prevent 'Malicious Prosecution' in Cases of Self-Defense.  Oklahoma state Sen. Nathan Dahm (R) filed "Kyle's Law" last week to shield state residents from politically-driven prosecution in situations where they act in self-defense.  FOX 23 reports the legislation, Senate Bill 1120, is designed to prevent residents from being forced to endure trials that are conducted for "political reasons."

Legal Experts Have Bad News for Civil Rights Suits Against Kyle Rittenhouse.  Civil rights lawsuits in the Kyle Rittenhouse case have been something of a topic for conversation, especially since the young man was found "not guilty" of all charges on November 19. Except it looks like there's bad news for anyone hoping to collect from Rittenhouse, since William Jacobson, a legal analyst who is a professor at Cornell Law School and founder of Legal Insurrection, told the Washington Examiner they "will fail."  A unanimous jury found Rittenhouse not because they believe that he fatally shot Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber and shot and injured Gaige Grosskreutz in self-defense.  Jacobson indicated that the self-defense argument "will be just as overwhelming in a civil case."  He also shared that "[t]here is no obvious basis for a civil rights prosecution against Rittenhouse."  For someone to be found guilty in a civil suit, the test is of a preponderance of evidence, rather than reasonable doubt, though Jacobson shared that test will fail too.

This certainly sounds like baseless and malicious defamation, especially after his acquittal:
Woke ASU Students Issue 'List of Demands;' Plan Rally Demanding Kyle Rittenhouse Be Expelled From School.  The woke mob is relentless.  After Kyle Rittenhouse's acquittal on all counts earlier this month, leftist student activist groups at Arizona State University have issued a 'list of demands' that calls on the school to immediately expel him from campus because they claim he is a white supremacist and a "blood-thirsty murderer."  In addition to issuing their woke demands, radical student organizations like MEChA, Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine, and the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition are planning a rally this week to "get murderer Kyle Rittenhouse off [the] campus."  Rittenhouse is a student at ASU, but he is not on campus and is enrolled as an online student.

The Cynical and Dangerous Weaponization of the "White Supremacist" Label.  Within hours of the August 25, 2020, shootings in Kenosha, Wisconsin — not days, but hours — it was decreed as unquestioned fact in mainstream political and media circles that the shooter, Kyle Rittenhouse, was a "white supremacist."  Over the next fifteen months, up to and including his acquittal by a jury of his peers on all charges, this label was applied to him more times than one can count by corporate media outlets as though it were proven fact.  Indeed, that Rittenhouse was a "white supremacist" was deemed so unquestionably true that questioning it was cast as evidence of one's own racist inclinations (defending a white supremacist).  Yet all along, there was never any substantial evidence, let alone convincing proof, that it was true.  This fact is, or at least should be, an extraordinary, even scandalous, event:  a 17-year-old was widely vilified as being a white supremacist by a union of national media and major politicians despite there being no evidence to support the accusation.  Yet it took his acquittal by a jury who heard all the evidence and testimony for parts of the corporate press to finally summon the courage to point out that what had been Gospel about Rittenhouse for the last fifteen months was, in fact, utterly baseless.

Celebrating the Rittenhouse Verdict... for America.  We celebrate for appropriate jurisprudence.  We celebrate for rejection of "mob rule."  We celebrate for a jury agreeing to uphold civil society and the rule of law.  We celebrate the reaffirming of the significance of the Second Amendment.  Finally, we celebrate because using this particular case illuminated and reinforced the God-given right to self-defense for Americans now and in the future, and that's foundational to justice.  Above anything else, the Rittenhouse case is about justice.  While the lunatic MSM peddled narratives about white supremacy, racism, vigilantism, and unequal justice, they completely ignored fundamental justice.  When civil society breaks down and police departments are defunded, or peace officers decide to go on hiatus because local mayors advocate that mobs should be allowed to "rampage" and go "wild 'n out," the average citizen needs to know when and how to engage in appropriate self-defense.  This Rittenhouse case helped clarify the parameters.  Americans now more fully understand how we can help protect ourselves and our community if we are personally confronted and our life is put at risk.

A common thread in Waukesha tragedy, Kenosha shootings:  Government failure.  When white teenager Kyle Rittenhouse shot three white men who were violently assaulting him, it somehow got treated by the press and politicians as a racial hate crime.  President Joe Biden (falsely) called Rittenhouse a white supremacist, and the discussion of his case was so focused on racial issues that many Americans mistakenly thought that the three men Rittenhouse shot were black.

Kenosha Prosecutors Exemplify the Problem with America's Justice System.  It is undoubtedly true that the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Friday was a victory over dishonest and overreaching prosecutors, over a largely dishonest national media, and over the same elements that produced mob rule in Kenosha in the summer of 2020.  The jurors, in their questions and their diligence, clearly overcame the immense media bias against Rittenhouse, and the intermittent chanting and howling by mobs outside the courthouse of often rather explicit threats against the jurors if they did not convict.  The case was widely misrepresented as a trial of white-supremacist vigilantism intruding into Wisconsin from outside to aggravate the oppression of blacks in Kenosha.  The jurors deduced that the defendant was invited to Kenosha by his family, had been asked to help defend an automobile dealership in the event of violence, was a legal carrier of the specific weapon that he owned, which was legally in the home of relatives in Kenosha.

The Real Lesson of the Rittenhouse Trial.  [Scroll down]  Rittenhouse should never have been brought to trial.  This fate befell him because of unsubstantiated media charges, seconded by President Biden, that Rittenhouse was a white supremacist murderer.  If he was found guilty even in the face of video evidence that proved his innocence, why would we think that a superior court would reverse that initial decision?  Perhaps the judges involved would be afraid of risking media incitement directed against their own persons.  We might notice that President Biden and Vice-President Harris went after Rittenhouse, even after his acquittal.  We may also assume that neither the government nor the media is through blackening his reputation.

Rittenhouse: If Prosecutors Can Do What They Did to Me, Imagine What They Can Do To A Person Of Color Without Resources Or Publicity.  During an interview aired on Monday's [11/22/2021] edition of the Fox News Channel's "Tucker Carlson Tonight," Kyle Rittenhouse argued that there is "a lot of prosecutorial misconduct" in the criminal justice system and stated that if prosecutors can do what they did to him, "imagine what they could have done to a person of color who doesn't maybe have the resources I do or it's not widely publicized like my case."

Tucker Carlson's exclusive Rittenhouse interview draws nearly 5 million viewers.  Fox News Channel's "Tucker Carlson Tonight" averaged nearly five million viewers on Monday [11/22/2021] during the news-making, exclusive first interview with Kyle Rittenhouse, dominating cable news and outdrawing CNN and MSNBC combined.  "Tucker Carlson Tonight" averaged 4.9 million viewers from 8-9 p.m.ET, compared to only 1.2 million for MSNBC and a dismal 762,000 for struggling CNN during the same time period.  It was the second-highest rated episode of "Tucker" this year and outdrew CNN by 549%.  "Tucker" also crushed competitors among the advertiser-coveted demographic of adults age 25-54, averaging a staggering 891,000 demo viewers compared to 180,000 for CNN and only 150,000 for MSNBC.

Everything the Media Told You About Kyle Rittenhouse Was Wrong.  Last week's acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager charged with the murder of two men in Kenosha, Wis., likely came as a shock to millions of Americans who had relied on the media to inform their understanding of the case.  From the time Rittenhouse killed two men on the streets of Kenosha last August, media characterizations of the event suggested his conviction was a foregone conclusion.  He was a troubled kid, "a high school dropout who viewed law enforcement as his personal heroes" and had "an affinity for guns."  Many took pains to point out that he had attended a rally for then-president Donald Trump.  A New York Times report found that he "showed strong support for officers."  The Daily Beast referred to him as a "fanatic."  The men Rittenhouse shot in self-defense quickly became sympathetic figures.  Anthony Huber, who attacked Rittenhouse with a skateboard, died doing something "heroic," according to CNN — which was quoting Huber's girlfriend.  In a piece that has since been edited, the network described Joseph Rosenbaum, a convicted child rapist, as somebody who would "make you laugh out of nowhere."

Reddit Post of Alleged Brother of Joseph Rosenbaum Victim Slams Celeb Praise of Pedophile, Highlights Simple Truth.  Over the weekend, the left has spent a good deal of its time raging over the outcome of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.  They clearly didn't get the outcome they wanted after Rittenhouse was ruled not guilty on all charges, and have made ludicrous claims about his status as a murderer and how this country is a racist mess that only benefits white supremacists.  To be clear, there are no indications whatsoever that Rittenhouse is racist in any regard, and the people he had to shoot in self-defense were all white.  But amid the hot takes about Rittenhouse were disgusting defense and praise of those Rittenhouse had shot.  We've been covering some of these reactions both during and after the trial here at RedState, and it's given us a pretty good idea of some of the lunacy people are willing to embrace in order to keep their worldview intact.

There's Been Continual Media Dishonesty in the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial.  Unfortunately, the polarization over the Kyle Rittenhouse trial is pretty easy to explain.  There's the relatively benign if misleading reports on Friday by ABC, CBS, & NBC Evening News broadcasts announcing the verdict.  All three outlets called the riots "protests" and avoided saying anything about Rittenhouse being attacked before using his gun.  NBC at least went as far as saying that there were "protests and unrest."  Others went much farther.  On MSNBC, Rutgers Professor Brittney Cooper claimed:  "Today what we were told was that white self-defense trumps everybody else's sense of safety and protection.  Even when white folks are carrying the gun and they are under no threat at all.  As Kyle Rittenhouse admitted himself, he was not threatened.  He didn't think that there was a threat.  He came there to intimidate, and he was allowed to do so."  Of course, Rittenhouse said no such thing.  He clearly said how he was threatened and in fear of his life.  He never even remotely implied that he came there to intimidate anyone.  But the other guest on MSNBC agreed with Cooper, and the host never contradicted her.

Misinformation About Kyle Rittenhouse Case Floods Social Media, TV Networks.  Kyle Rittenhouse shot three black men.  Kyle Rittenhouse traveled across state lines with a gun.  Kyle Rittenhouse had an AK-47.  These are three examples of false information being spread about Rittenhouse, whose trial ended last week with his acquittal.  Prominent influencers, including lawmakers and reporters, are sources of some of the misinformation — possibly disinformation — leaving experts troubled.  On CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday [11/21/2021], reporter Mark Strassman falsely said Rittenhouse "drove in from Illinois armed for battle."  On CNN's "Cuomo Prime Time" on Friday, Harvard University professor Cornell William Brooks falsely said Rittenhouse was carrying an AK-47.  The Independent falsely reported late last week that Rittenhouse shot three black men.  Rittenhouse, 17 years old at the time, shot three men, two fatally, with an AR-15 in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Aug. 25, 2020.  All were white, as is Rittenhouse.  The gun was bought by a friend and was picked up by the teenager, who resided in Illinois, from a home in Kenosha.

When Will America Reach Peak Insanity?  Consider the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, acquitted (justly) last week of the homicide and reckless endangerment charges that should have never been brought against him.  Not only was the prosecution malicious (for which the prosecutors should be sued), the web of lies that corrupted the entire case were in service of a nefarious political agenda.  Rittenhouse did not kill two black men and wound another, as some media outlets claimed.  The men he shot in self-defense were white.  Nor could it be said the men were mere protesters, as so many asserted.  Rittenhouse was also called a white supremacist, even by I'll-bring-the-country-together candidate Joe Biden, though there's no evidence that he is.  It simply fit the narrative and that was good enough.  These examples are but surface coverage of the untruths politicians, the media and half-wit celebrities spread about Rittenhouse, because they saw the episode, from the self-defense shootings to the trial, as an opportunity to further demonize firearms and to make the streets safe for the "right" kind of protesting, which to the sane and decent among us is known as rioting by the left.

CBS Corrects False Claim Rittenhouse Crossed State Lines While Armed.  CBS has corrected the false claim a reporter offered on air regarding Kyle Rittenhouse.  On Sunday's [11/21/2021] "Face the Nation," Mark Strassman falsely reported that Rittenhouse "drove in from Illinois armed for battle."  The falsehood was one of many spread by news outlets and influencers in the wake of Rittenhouse being acquitted.  The network has not responded to a request for comment and Strassman couldn't be reached.  Viewers weren't made aware of the misinformation but CBS has added an editor's note to the transcript of the morning show.  "Kyle Rittenhouse testified that he did not drive to Kenosha with a weapon.  It was not illegal for Rittenhouse to posses [sic] that particular weapon.  We apologize for this oversight in language," CBS said in the note.

The Editor says...
Preventing an "oversight in language" is what the well-paid managing editors are for.  And if this had been the first and only time that a poor choice of words was used to describe Mr. Rittenhouse, it might be forgivable, but apparently this was part of a continuing pattern.  All of the managers in the CBS newsroom are responsible for making sure their "news" stories are accurate, truthful, and free of defamatory pronouncements.  In this they failed, and must now pay the price.

Yes, Kyle Rittenhouse is a Hero.  The sunshine patriots are at it again, folks.  In either another unreciprocated attempt to appear even-handed, or from a deep sense of shame at their own meekness, a number of conservatives are bleating that, while they support Kyle Rittenhouse's acquittal, they nonetheless take pains to emphasize that he is not a hero.  Tom Slater at Spiked writes that Rittenhouse should have stayed at home.  John Kass of the Chicago Tribune also writes that Rittenhouse shouldn't have been there, and that he'll carry the "stain" of this forever.  Tiana Lowe at the Washington Examiner writes that Rittenhouse's victimization doesn't automatically confer heroism, and that he "should never have gone to an active riot zone in defiance of a curfew."  Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz (who defended Jeffrey Epstein in court and who argues the age of consent for sex should be fifteen) likewise says Rittenhouse shouldn't have come to Kenosha.  Former police chief Dan Llorens lets readers know six times that Rittenhouse is "no hero" and speculates that, as Rittenhouse grows older, "perhaps he will begin to understand."  Because nothing wins over a skeptical audience like belittling condescension.

Kyle Rittenhouse and our Liberal Friends.  We now know that our liberal friends, in general, did not know that Rittenhouse shot only white guys, that Rittenhouse was not exactly "crossing state lines," because his father, his friends and his job were all in Kenosha.  And so on.  Bless their hearts.  But our liberals are right that Rittenhouse was a vigilante.  Earth to liberals: when you defund the police, or have the police stand down in a riot, what you get is vigilantes.  This is a primate male instinctive defensive behavior that goes all the way back to chimps. [...] By the way, did you notice, Alec Baldwin and Mr. Prosecutor, that all photos of Rittenhouse with a gun show his trigger finger flat along the trigger assembly and not curled against the trigger?  Somebody taught him that in gun-safety class. [...] Do you see what this means?  It means that Rittenhouse on August 25 was helping other people in the community.  He then was asked to join a group of adults protecting a used car lot.  Guess what: that is what we expect young single males to do, including go fight our wars for us.

Tucker Carlson's interview with Kyle Rittenhouse is fascinating.  Tucker Carlson scored the first interview with Kyle Rittenhouse and I highly recommend it.  Before the trial, Rittenhouse was a human Rorschach test:  We all saw what we wanted to see.  Tucker's interview revealed a real person: articulate, intelligent, principled, nuanced in his opinions, and even-tempered.  To the left, which is uninterested in facts, Rittenhouse became a slope-browed White supremacist who grabbed his illegal Illinois rifle and crossed state lines to Kenosha hoping to bag himself a few of those Black Lives Matter people and was forced to settle for shooting their White allies.  Conservatives got the facts right (Kyle had ties to Kenosha; had a legal gun, was helping to clean up graffiti, put out fires, and guard property; and found himself in mortal danger from three lifelong felons whom he then shot, killing two).  However, conservatives also turned him into a plaster saint.

Kyle Rittenhouse, 18, accuses Biden 'defaming him' by labeling him a 'white supremacist'.  Kyle Rittenhouse has opened up about his year from hell after being charged with murder for fatally shooting two protesters, wrongly branded a white supremacist and jailed for almost three months — until he was acquitted of all charges last week when a court found he'd been acting in self defense.  Rittenhouse, 18, spoke to Tucker Carlson on Monday night in his first post-acquittal interview where he revealed he'd been forced to hire bodyguards after his release on Friday due to multiple death threats.  He lays some of the blame for the level of vitriol on Joe Biden who he accused of 'defamation' and 'malice' after the president labeled him a white supremacist last year.  The teen also confirmed he was considering legal action.

Rittenhouse Hints Plans to Sue Media, Biden for 'Defaming' Him.  One of the big takeaways from Kyle Rittenhouse's interview with Tucker Carlson, which aired Monday night, was that he and his lawyers were gearing up to stick it to the liberal media and the radical politicians with defamation lawsuits.  He wouldn't go into detail, but it was clear he was setting the groundwork for what many, included Nicholas Sandmann, were urging him to do.  Along with calling the liberal media's comments about him a "disgrace to this county," Rittenhouse teased what his legal team was working on after Carlson asked him pointedly about the possibility of "holding some of these liars to account, do you plan to do that?"

Kyle Rittenhouse Reveals All to Tucker Carlson, Addresses Joe Biden Directly.  After being found not guilty on all counts last Friday, an announcement that Kyle Rittenhouse would sit down with Tucker Carlson to give an exclusive interview rocked the news world.  Fox News had apparently been filming the teenager throughout the trial, and tonight, the exchange went live, with Rittenhouse revealing all the details of exactly what happened and where he stands.  One interesting aspect of the saga is just how close Rittenhouse came to being completely screwed over by Lin Wood.  After the shootings initially happened, Wood quickly began fundraising off the event.  That entire time, Rittenhouse was left rotting in jail.

Twitter Suspended Me For Saying Kyle Rittenhouse Did Nothing Wrong — After His Acquittal.  Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong.  So said a jury of his peers after weeks of witness testimony, a careful review of the video evidence, and Rittenhouse's own dramatic appearance on the stand.  Twitter, however, reached a different verdict.  In the exuberant hours after Rittenhouse's acquittal, I tweeted the phrase "Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong" to my 10,000 followers.  The tweet went viral, generating hundreds of retweets and thousands of likes.  Included was a photo of my suspension, from a few days earlier, for saying the exact same phrase.  I felt vindicated.  Twitter, however, got the last laugh.  On Sunday morning, I woke up to another suspension for insisting that Rittenhouse was in the right.  The first had been for 12 hours.  This one is for seven days.

CNN Flip Flopped on A Ridiculous Amount of Lies they Spewed About Kyle Rittenhouse, Saving Face?  Just two minutes after the Kyle Rittenhouse trial ended CNN ran a video admitting a lot of the claims they made over the last year were in fact completely wrong.  Listen as this news reporter goes through a long list of things CNN once claimed were wrong are now proven to be 100% accurate.  CNN even lists several things they themselves made up were in fact wrong.  [Video clip]

Kyle Rittenhouse and the Red-Pilling of America.  Remember, leftism only succeeds when surrounded by a fog of lies.  When the fog lifts, people reject it.  And the media pumped out all the fog it could.  There were people who literally did not know the collection of criminals and/or perverts Kyle exorcised were as white as Mitt Romney at a Cure concert.  Really.  That was the media's doing, [...] But when people watched the trial, they saw something entirely different from what they had been fed by the Enemy of the People, and it stuck.  People were shocked [...] to see that they were being lied to, and hard.  Not little lies.  Not careless errors.  No, these were calculated, intentional lies designed to push the party line.  And their lies were revealed to all in that Kenosha courtroom.  The liberal champions were Binger and Lunchbox, the [...] assistant DAs who were incompetent when they weren't straight-up lying.  And people saw it all.

Why The Left Keeps Talking About Kyle Rittenhouse Crossing A State Line.  [Scroll down]  Biden's done his part:  He appointed an Attorney General whose partisanship and lack of character make one shudder at how close he came to being on the Supreme Court, and then put an unqualified racist fanatic in charge of the DOJ's powerful Civil Rights Division so she could use it "to end hate."  We spent last summer, and this recent trial, watching how Antifa, BLM, and the woke mob go about "ending hate."  All this makes it no surprise that an obstreperous Rep. Jerry Nadler would immediately claim the Rittenhouse verdict "justifies federal review by DOJ."  This wasn't just Jerry being spontaneous.  The Biden administration always intended to use the DOJ to destroy Rittenhouse on the slimmest pretext if the mob didn't get its way.  Between a brave American jury and a raging mob, the jury cannot be allowed to win.

The Rittenhouse Trial Underscores the Left's Determination to Eliminate the Natural Right of Self-Defense.  The Founders were steeped in the history of mankind and recognized that among the first steps taken by all despotic governments throughout the ages was the usurpation by the state of the natural right of self-defense.  This was accomplished first and foremost by the seizure and outlawing of any weapons the citizenry might be able to use for that purpose.  A process often, and with disastrous results, repeated throughout the Twentieth Century in nations such as Russia, Germany, Italy, China, and Cambodia among others.  This is the tension now afoot in the United States as the American left, the heirs to the legacy of Plato, Hobbes, Marx, Lenin, and Hitler are hellbent on eviscerating the right of self-defense.  It is not a coincidence that over the past 60 years the left is the source of all gun legislation, regulation, and furor.  Now they claim there is a need to rein in "arbitrary" self-defense claims as they are being abused by the "enemies of the state."  The incessant drumbeat of falsely claiming that Kyle Rittenhouse "crossed state lines" is an overt attempt to justify more federal gun control.  Thus, the determination to pack the Courts with likeminded or easily intimidated judges and prosecutors, as the left knows once they can eliminate or greatly alter the laws of self-defense, they have essentially gutted the Second Amendment.

Unsaid: Joseph Rosenbaum Might Have Committed Suicide-by-Rittenhouse.  Why would you chase and lunge at, or otherwise attack, a young man who's carrying a semi-automatic rifle?  This is what happened last August 25th in the Kyle Rittenhouse affair, and it's crazy behavior.  Yet with respect to at least one of the three men shot in self-defense by Rittenhouse, Joseph Rosenbaum, there may be a logical explanation for such craziness:  Rosenbaum really was, clinically speaking, crazy. [...] It's not unusual for mentally ill people to attempt suicide — and to sometimes conscript others into their self-destructive endeavors.  Note that Rosenbaum "was on antidepressants and medication to treat his bipolar disorder," NPR reported his fiancée, Kariann Swart, as having testified at the Rittenhouse trial.  "He had been in a hospital following a suicide attempt" (emphasis added) and was released the very day he was shot.

A Former Prosecutor's Take on the Rittenhouse Trial and Verdict.  Could Kyle Rittenhouse face another trial?  Does Rittenhouse have grounds to sue media outlets for defamation?  What about the behavior of the prosecutors during the trial?  The Heritage Foundation's Zack Smith, a former prosecutor, joins Tim Doescher of "Heritage Explains" to answer these questions and more.  [Video clip]

Kyle Rittenhouse's lawyer says he's received so many death threats he's no longer using his phone.  Mark Richards, Kyle Rittenhouse's criminal defense attorney, told Insider that he has received so many death threats that he was no longer using his own cellphone.  Richards said that he "can't count" the number of death threats he's received recently.  "It's too high," he added.  The attorney has since taken to using his wife's cellphone, which he used to speak to Insider, but added that her number has also been targeted by people making death threats.  Richards said:  "I would love for things to change, for people to talk to one another without fighting, but, unfortunately, I don't see it changing it any time soon."

From Kenosha riots to Kyle Rittenhouse trial, biased media coverage makes everyone angrier.  The full acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse is now in.  The result was hardly a surprise to many of us who watched the trial rather than the media coverage.  The jury spent days carefully considering the evidence and could not find a single count that was supported beyond a reasonable doubt. [...] There was, however, a second verdict in that courtroom for those who have been maintaining a distorted or incomplete account to this trial.  From the outset, politicians and media figures insisted that this was a case of murders committed by a white supremacist.  Then-presidential candidate Joe Biden labeled Rittenhouse a "white supremacist" in a tweet showing his photo and demanded to know why then-President Donald Trump did not "disavow white supremacists."  Much of the media followed suit with an echo chamber of coverage that led some people to believe that these were essentially executions on the streets of Kenosha.  Columnist Elie Mystal called the trial a sham.

Six Things We Learned From The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial.  There were protesters in front of the courthouse from the beginning of the trial — an increasing amount of them, in fact — and while some were pro-Rittenhouse, the majority were anti-Rittenhouse.  Those protesters were demanding that Rittenhouse be found guilty and were extremely vocal in their pleas.  And while most of us have probably felt the urge to smack a reporter upside the head on occasion, we suppress those inclinations because we're rational human beings.  But such was not the case with one anti-Rittenhouse protester, who went so far as to physically body slam a reporter.  That assault led to the young man's arrest, after which it was determined that the body slammer had a felony warrant out for his arrest.  What nice bunch of concerned citizens, those anti-Rittenhouse protesters.  One of the protesters outside of the courthouse was carrying an AR-15, which is obviously not allowed, and jurors had expressed various fears from the very beginning of the process.  Additionally, the judge at the trial, Bruce Schroeder, received thousands of death threats and vile messages.  This type of nonsense has no place in our justice system, and it seems clear that such actions are increasingly common because they've worked in the past.

MSNBC's History Of Doxxing Normal People Shadows Attempt To Follow Rittenhouse Jury.  MSNBC is in some hot water after someone who was allegedly sent by one of the network's producers reportedly got arrested while following the bus carrying the jury for the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and was suspected of trying to photograph them.  The judge has since banned MSNBC from the courtroom for the rest of the trial.  The man, who reportedly identified himself as James J. Morrison and said he was instructed to follow the jury by MSNBC's Irene Byon, was pulled over and issued citations for running a red light.  Police say that although they suspected he was attempting to take pictures, he didn't obtain any photographs of the jury.  NBC tried to run damage control and issued a statement saying he "never contacted or intended to contact the jurors during deliberations, and never photographed or intended to photograph them."  But why would Morrison run a red light behind the bus if not to make sure he didn't lose it?  And why was Morrison following the jury if not to photograph or contact them?  The investigation is still open, so we don't know the whole story, but the situation stinks of foul play:  of jury tampering, obstruction of justice, and potential jury intimidation or doxxing.

Virginia Police Officer Fired After Donating to Rittenhouse's Defense Fund Wants His Job Back.  Lieutenant William Kelly wants his job back after the Norfolk Police Department fired him following a $25 anonymous donation made to Kyle Rittenhouse's legal defense fund in April 2021.  Rittenhouse's two-week trial for the shooting of three men during the 2020 Kenosha riots concluded on Friday with a not guilty jury verdict.  Kelly, a 42-year-old, 19-year police veteran and father of three, was ten months away from his pension vesting when the Norfolk Police Department fired him.

Kyle Rittenhouse Violated the Safari Principle.  In essence, the underlying elements of the Safari Principle narrative begin with a pretense that victims of the mob, any mob or individual predator, have no one except themselves to blame because they did not follow the rules of the safari.  When in the proximity of any person, event or situation that is engaged in an unlawful act supported by the political left, you are not permitted to exit your vehicle or engage in activity that will lead to your targeting.  If you enter their "space to destroy", you are to blame for your own outcome.  The safari narrative includes catch phrases like "he should not have gotten out of the car," and "he shouldn't have traveled to Kenosha," all based on the same principle.

Unrequited rage:  The demand for mob justice in the Rittenhouse trial.  The aftermath of the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict is a lesson in unrequited rage.  After a jury of 12 citizens in Kenosha, Wis., acquitted Rittenhouse on all charges, politicians and media figures lashed out at the judge, the jury and the entire legal system.  Like our politics and our media, the legal system has become a vehicle for collective rage; there is no room for doubt or deviation from our predispositions.  Yet in denouncing "vigilante justice," pundits and politicians seem to be advocating for a form of mob justice.  The difference between vigilante and mob justice?  Perspective and numbers.

British Newspaper Reports That Kyle Rittenhouse Shot Three Black Men.  Not long after a jury in Kenosha, Wisconsin found Rittenhouse not guilty of murder, attempted murder and reckless endangerment, The Independent newspaper updated its front-page coverage of the trial.  The sub-headline, which has now been taken down, said:  "Full story:  Teenager who shot three black men with rifle found not guilty on all charges."  All three of the men shot by Rittenhouse were actually white.

Denver attorney who represents criminal shot while pointing gun at Rittenhouse files civil lawsuit.  On Friday, November 19th, a jury found 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty on all counts, however, there is still more legal action ahead.  According to reports, Denver attorney Milo Schwab, who represents two of the individuals who were shot by Rittenhouse, plans to file civil action.  In an interview before testimony in the criminal trial began, Schwab said:  "A criminal case and civil case are different, but we are reaching for larger questions."  Schwab's clients are the family of Joseph Rosenbaum, one of the men who died and Gaige Grosskreutz who was wounded by Rittenhouse during the shooting.

Heroes and Zeros:  The Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict.  [A] 12-member panel of jurors in Kenosha, Wisconsin ignored threats shouted on the courtroom steps to find Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty of all the charges against him.  The judge and defense counsel bravely labored on, ignoring the many death threats against them.  Kyle was brave to defend himself during the riot and at the trial where the prosecution engaged in numerous unethical acts, not the least of which was charging him with crimes for which they lacked any reasonable scintilla of evidence.  Videos, most taken by amateurs at the scene of the rioting, revealed that he had defended himself against three thugs with long criminal records who had physically threatened him, like hyenas charging the smallest gazelle in the herd.  The conclusion was solidly based on the facts and law in a distressing world where mobs think they, not reason, fact, or law, should rule the day.  They have been given leeway by Democrat party leaders to think that way.  In the strikingly pusillanimous ranks were the governor of Wisconsin and the usual Democrat party pols, including the president and vice-president.

The Criminal Records of the Men Shot in Kenosha.  We've decided to tell you the criminal histories of the three men, including Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, who were involved in the Kenosha shooting in Wisconsin.  Here's why.  We think the public is entitled to know all of the context to properly understand what unfolded that night.  The Kenosha County District Attorney has charged Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, with first-degree intentional homicide in the shooting death of Anthony M. Huber; with first-degree reckless homicide in the shooting death of Joseph D. Rosenbaum; and with attempted first-degree intentional homicide for wounding Gaige Grosskreutz.  Read the criminal complaint here.  Rittenhouse's attorney says he acted in self-defense when attacked by what the lawyer called a vicious mob.

We can't pretend this is a permanent victory.  [Thread reader]  This case reminded us that our justice system, like every other institution our ancestors built, is under siege, and that the besiegers are very close to victory[.]  Every part of the prosecution's case was built on lies and deception.  The claimed Joseph Rosenbaum, a serial child rapist, wasn't reaching for Kyle's gun when eyewitnesses and video evidence both showed otherwise[.]  They called Kyle a "coward" for not using his fists against his attackers, including an attacker about to shoot him in the head with a handgun[.]  [Tweet]  They claimed Kyle had no right to self-defense simply because he had a gun.  They said that, when the mob overtook Kyle as he fled toward police, his legal duty was to lie down and be executed[.]  There were reports of potential jurors being filmed before the trial even started, and activists have been threatening the jury to issue a guilty verdict or else.

Could Kyle Rittenhouse SUE Biden?  Kenosha teen 'has a defamation case against president for calling him a white supremacist' before murder trial says expert.  Kyle Rittenhouse, who was found not guilty on all charges Friday in a controversial trial that has divided the nation, may possibly have a defamation case against President Joe Biden over reference to 'white supremacists' in a video, experts said.  The video was posted in a September 2020 tweet, which could now possibly cause Biden legal trouble, according to lawyer Todd McMurtry, who helped Nicolas Sandmann sue news outlets for upward of $800 million for defamation.  The now-19-year-old famously settled with CNN and The Washington Post after they deemed him a racist when he was seen in viral video footage wearing a MAGA hat.

Rep. Nadler Calls for Federal DOJ To Consider Charges Against Kyle Rittenhouse.  The left's reaction to Kyle Rittenhouse being acquitted of all charges was predictable and not particularly creative. [...] But one Democrat is taking things further by calling on the Biden DOJ to consider federal charges against Rittenhouse.  Rep. Jerry Nadler, who is chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, tweeted his call for a federal review just hours after the jury's verdict was announced.  [Tweet]  Many on the left, who so nonchalantly and callously dismiss the damage done to people and property by BLM and Antifa, support Nadler's call for a federal investigation.  It could be argued that Democrats are so accustomed to things going their way that they can't handle it when they lose.

How Unethical Were the Prosecutors Trying to Put Kyle Rittenhouse in Prison?  Let Us Count the Ways.  Americans, already disgusted by the FBI, manufactured Trump Russia scandals, and counterintelligence investigations into concerned parents like they're members of Al Qaeda, closely watched this case and were repulsed by the chicanery used to prosecute Rittenhouse.  They're supposed to be the justice guys, right?  It's a wonder that Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all counts.  You can blame Leftist propagandists or your laziness if you believed that Rittenhouse's assailants were black, or that his gun was illegal, or that he brought it "across state lines," or that he was a "chaos tourist" and a "vigilante."  But there's a special Mike Nifong-sized ring of hell for prosecutors who introduce these slanders into a courtroom, knowing that their subterfuge might put a kid away for the rest of his life.  Thomas Binger and Jim Kraus did this in many ways, by invoking lies — that they knew were lies — into pre-trial bail hearings, motions, and then ultimately into the courtroom itself in the trial.  All of these lies were dutifully transcribed by friendly journalists.

Crazed Reactions to the Rittenhouse Verdict.  Joe Biden, having groundlessly denounced Kyle Rittenhouse as a "white supremacist" last year, says he is "angry" over Rittenhouse's acquittal:  ["]While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included, we must acknowledge that the jury has spoken.["]  What is Biden angry about?  That the jury, which saw the evidence, didn't agree with his view of the case, not having seen the evidence?  These are highly irresponsible words from the President of the United States, particularly in a climate where mobs have threatened reprisals against the jurors.  Then we have the Governor of Wisconsin, Tony Evers. [...] Evers says he is opposed to violence, but he doesn't seem to have a problem with the violent acts of those who attacked Rittenhouse.  And somehow the Rittenhouse case is bound up with matters of race and "equity," even though no such concepts had any role in the trial. [...] For all the Democrats' talk about the rule of law, they only respect legal processes that turn out their way.  Just ask Stacey Abrams.  Democrats will use the Rittenhouse verdict to continue fanning the flames of race hatred for a long time to come — weirdly, since Rittenhouse and those whom he shot were all white.

Kyle Rittenhouse's offense.  To leftists and the prosecutors who did their bidding, Kyle Rittenhouse's offense wasn't any of the things he was charged with.  He clearly had an unassailable defense to all of the charges against him.  But that didn't matter because Rittenhouse was guilty of something else — showing up armed at a leftist riot or, as the left called it, "vigilantism."  As the left and the prosecution see it, Rittenhouse never should have gone to Kenosha.  Once there, he shouldn't have defended property from the rioters.  And having done that, he certainly shouldn't have left the property and entered the street.  Indeed, the prosecution saw fit to show the jury that the group defending the property was warned by the mob not to enter the street.  Finally, Rittenhouse shouldn't have been armed, of course.  But America is still a free country.  Rittenhouse had every right to come to Kenosha.  He had the right to help protect property there from the mob, as well as to leave the property and enter street.  The mob had no right to restrict his access.  And finally Rittenhouse had the right to be armed.  Indeed, the gun charge against him was so weak it never got to the jury.

FLASHBACK: GoFundMe deleted Rittenhouse fundraiser but allowed fundraisers for Antifa militants.  GoFundMe is a crowdsourcing platform that many people often use to get help paying for medical and legal expenses, but the administrators of the site don't let just anyone use it.  The rules are different for radical leftists than they are for conservatives.  When supporters of alleged Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse launched a GoFundMe to help with his legal defense fees, the site admins took the campaign down and refunded the donations.  It appears that GoFundMe does not think Rittenhouse is deserving of a defence, but that Antifa militants are.  The site told The Washington Times that the campaigns for Rittenhouse violated their terms of service.  The site's terms of use prohibit "activity that GoFundMe may deem in its sole discretion to be unacceptable."

The Rittenhouse trial:  Our corporate media and big tech are truly sinister.  Nothing more conclusively proves the depraved nature of the American media than the Rittenhouse trial.  The then-seventeen-year-old, as numerous videos of the event proved, was clearly under attack by the three men who chased him and he subsequently shot in self-defense.  There is simply no doubt about that.  There was no racial aspect to what happened.  The two men who died were criminals.  Jacob Rosenbaum had just served fifteen years in prison for anally raping five boys, ages 9 [to] 11.  That night he set a dumpster on fire, was swinging a heavy chain around and screaming the n-word.  Huber, the man who had hit Rittenhouse with a skateboard, also had a criminal record for domestic abuse.  So did Grosskreutz who admitted under oath to pointing a gun at Rittenhouse's head before Rittenhouse pulled the trigger injuring his arm.  Jacob Blake, the thug whose shooting by police got the riot going thanks to the media, was a rapist as well.  He was in the act of kidnapping a child and threatening the police with a knife when he was shot. [...] There are people today, even after the verdict, who think Rittenhouse shot Black men, that Rittenhouse was there, in the city his father lives in, to purposefully engage with BLM rioters, that his gun was illegal.  None of that is true.

Kyle Rittenhouse acquitted of all charges in Kenosha shooting.  Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted Friday on all charges in the shootings that killed two men and injured a third during last year's violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  The 18-year-old defendant broke down in tears and collapsed in his seat as the not-guilty verdict was read out in court.  The shaking teen hugged one of his lawyers before he was whisked out of the courtroom through the judge's chambers by a sheriff's deputy.  Rittenhouse had been charged with homicide, attempted homicide and reckless endangerment in the deaths of Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, and the wounding of Gaige Grosskreutz, 27, on Aug. 25, 2020.

The Kenosha vigilantes were the men who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse.  All three times Kyle Rittenhouse shot his gun in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on the night of Aug. 25, he was retreating from someone trying to assault him.  That was evident within days, and the state's foolish attempt to prosecute him made it obvious.  Politicians, commentators, and academics on the Left are all furious that the self-defense argument carried the day.  They call Rittenhouse a "vigilante" and say that the verdict will spawn more vigilantism.  [Tweets]  If a man shoots someone he thinks is trying to do grave physical harm to him, is he acting as a "vigilante"?  If anyone acted as vigilantes in this story, it was the two men who tried to take down Rittenhouse after he shot Joseph Rosenbaum in self-defense.  Recall the facts:  Joseph Rosenbaum, a serial pedophile and violent felon, was on the streets of Kenosha simply to enjoy a riot, and because he couldn't stay with his girlfriend thanks to a restraining order.  Rosenbaum, unprovoked, chased down Rittenhouse and, as he caught up to him, Rittenhouse turned and shot him.  Neither player there is a vigilante.  Rosenbaum was a violent, probably mentally ill aggressor attacking someone because he decided he didn't like him.  Rittenhouse was acting in self-defense.

Acquittal could spur Kyle Rittenhouse to launch flurry of defamation suits, legal experts say.  The acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse on Friday could put the 18-year-old defendant in a prime position to launch a flurry of defamation lawsuits against media outlets and personalities who dubbed him a "white supremacist" and even likened him to a "school shooter" after he shot and killed two men in self-defense during riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last year.  Numerous outlets also spread misinformation about the case, called Rittenhouse a "vigilante," and matter-of-factly stated his guilt in the deaths of two men and wounding of another.  A jury on Friday found Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges after determining he acted in self-defense during the August 2020 riots in the town where his father lived.  Now, say experts, whether Rittenhouse can win damages in civil suits could boil down to whether a jury finds the media's language was defamatory, opinion, or rhetorical hyperbole.

The Rittenhouse List:  Who Should Kyle Sue?  Mark Richards, the attorney for Kyle Rittenhouse, said in the press conference following the reading of the trial verdict that he would not be a part of any civil lawsuits that Rittenhouse might file.  No worries, I am sure that when the time is right, Rittenhouse will have a plethora of top civil rights attorneys ready to take that on.  We have not seen such media malpractice and egregious miscarriage of due process since 2019, when Nicholas Sandmann was accused of harassing a Native American who was actually harassing him.  Led by the hacks at CNN, they targeted and sought to destroy that teenage boy's life.  You would have thought after Sandmann won his unprecedented $25 million settlement against CNN and others, that the legacy media would have learned their lesson, but apparently not.

The Media's Verdict on Kyle Rittenhouse.  Here is what I thought was true about Kyle Rittenhouse during the last days of August 2020 based on mainstream media accounts:  The 17-year-old was a racist vigilante.  I thought he drove across state lines, to Kenosha, Wisc., with an illegally acquired semi-automatic rifle to a town to which he had no connection.  I thought he went there because he knew there were Black Lives Matter protests and he wanted to start a fight.  And I thought that by the end of the evening of August 25, 2020, he had done just that, killing two peaceful protestors and injuring a third.  It turns out that account was mostly wrong.  Unless you're a regular reader of independent reporting — Jacob Siegel of Tablet Magazine and Jesse Singal stand out for being ahead of the pack (and pilloried, like clockwork, for not going along with the herd) — you would have been served a pack of lies about what happened during those terrible days in Kenosha.  And you would have been shocked over the past two weeks as the trial unfolded in Wisconsin as every core claim was undermined by the evidence of what actually happened that night.  This wasn't a disinformation campaign waged by Reddit trolls or anonymous Twitter accounts.  It was one pushed by the mainstream media and sitting members of Congress for the sake of an expedient political narrative — a narrative that asked people to believe, among other unrealities, that blocks of burning buildings somehow constituted peaceful protests.

Joe Biden and His Handlers Immediately Walk Back the President's Kyle Rittenhouse Comments.  As RedState reported, the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial sent shockwaves through the country today.  In the end, the teenager was found not guilty on all counts, having acted in self-defense when he killed two men and injured a third during the Kenosha riots.  Of course, the hysterical responses came in hot and heavy, with many on the left having an absolute meltdown.  They truly wanted to see an innocent man thrown in prison for life in order to feed their racial narrative, which ironically doesn't even apply to this case given it involved a white teenager shooting three white men that were attacking him.  But then, there was Joe Biden.  In a surprising move, he actually hit the right notes initially, answering a question about the trial on the White House lawn this afternoon.  Per an earlier RedState report, the president praised the jury, noting that he stood by their decision and that the system works.

Progressives, Democrats erupt over Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal: 'This is disgusting'.  Prominent Democrats, progressives, and left-leaning groups erupted Friday following Kyle Rittenhouse's acquittal on all charges in his closely watched trial in Kenosha, Wis., calling it a miscarriage of justice.  The 18-year-old Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all five counts, including the two most serious of intentional homicide, in last year's shootings during violent unrest in Kenosha.  Rittenhouse successfully argued he acted in self-defense when he wounded one man and shot and killed Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber.  New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, D., fumed over the verdict.

The moral of the Rittenhouse acquittal:  Rioting has consequences.  More than a year after being smeared by the likes of President Joe Biden and the "Squad" as a white supremacist murderer, Kyle Rittenhouse has finally, and rightly, been acquitted on all charges pertaining to the fateful Kenosha night that ended in him shooting three protesters in self-defense.  Predictably, Democrats and cable news are already back on the offensive.  House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler has demanded the Justice Department investigate the acquittal while White House press secretary Jen Psaki calls for protests.  With chants of "no justice, no peace" already blaring from the steps of the Kenosha courthouse, it seems the Rittenhouse case may result in exactly what triggered the trial in the first place.

Goal Of Rittenhouse Prosecution and Media Manipulation Is To Render "Citizens Not Being Able To Defend Themselves".  [Scroll down]  So the narrative is Kyle Rittenhouse is a militia member who crossed state lines with a weapon to shoot peaceful protest is protestors.  None of those things are true, other than he did cross the state line.  Like that's some big deal nowadays, but he wasn't carrying a weapon.  The weapon was already in Wisconsin.  He was lawfully able to possess it in Wisconsin.  That's why the judge threw out the charge of being a minor in possession.  He wasn't in an militia.  Remember there's certainly no evidence introduced to that.  And he didn't shoot peaceful protestors.  He shoot shot three extremely violent people who tried to kill him.  So that media narrative is out there.  It will never go away.  And that has framed the case for political purposes, that this is white supremacy on trial here.  So you have Black Lives Matter protesters out there claiming racism for a white kid who shot three white people.  This has nothing to do with race yet.  That's what it's turned into.

What does Biden stand to gain from a conviction?  How is the Rittenhouse case any concern of his?
President Biden is 'angry and concerned' at Kyle Rittenhouse's not guilty verdict.  President Biden is 'angry and concerned' after Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all charges Friday, but says he stands by the jury's decision.  The president weighed in on the divisive, high-profile case hours after the verdict was read, telling reporters, 'I stand with the jury as the jury system has concluded.  The jury system works and you have to abide by it.'  In an attempt to placate both sides, he later released a statement that read:  'While the verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included, we must acknowledge that the jury has spoken.

The Editor says...
Joe Biden had just undergone a colonoscopy when the verdict was announced.  His response to the verdict was almost certainly written before today, and was probably written by somebody else.

Once more with feeling!  Media coverage of the Rittenhouse case was hot garbage.  We covered this territory during the trial but now that it's over it's worth remembering that the media's coverage of this case was terrible from the moment it happened.  Today, Drew Holden put together a thread hitting some of the lowlights: [...]

Rittenhouse Prosecutor Concealed the Identity of a Key Player in the Kenosha Shootings From the Defense Team.  One of the central figures in the shootings of August 25, 2020, in Kenosha, WI, was the guy the prosecution called "Jump Kick Man."  As Rittenhouse lies flat on his back on the street, "Jump Kick Man" races up and, well, lands a jump kick on Rittenhouse's head.  You can see him in the right foreground wearing white trousers as this video starts.  [Video clip]  Rittenhouse fires at least one shot at that assailant.  However, that attack ensured that Lefty Grosskreutz could catch up with Rittenhouse, menace him with a loaded weapon he illegally possessed, and get shot.  Shooting at Drop Kick Man is Count #3, Reckless Endangerment, in Rittenhouse's indictment.  This man was known only as "Drop Kick Man," and the prosecution left the impression he had not been identified throughout the trial.  Pardon my shocked face as I report to you that not only is the identity of "Drop Kick Man" known, it was known before the trial ended (in reality, they almost certainly knew before it started), he offered to testify for the prosecution, and they turned down his offer, and they never shared that information with the defense.

Kenosha Crowd Reacts to Rittenhouse Verdict... and It's Not What the Lying Media Told You Would Happen.  Townhall Media's Julio Rosa is on the ground in Kenosha capturing the events as they unfold after Kyle Rittenhouse was declared not guilty on all counts by a jury of his peers.  Based on media reporting in the last few weeks, you might have expected the crowd outside to explode with rage and immediately begin burning down the courthouse.  That's not what happened.  Not only is the crowd overwhelmingly cheering for Rittenhouse and his right to self-defense, but the majority of the cars driving by were honking their horns in support of the verdict.  This reaction gives me hope for America.  Perhaps Americans do understand why our Constitutional rights are still important and why the mob cannot be allowed to have power over the law.

Are the SJW thugs unaware that everyone in the Rittenhouse incident was white?  Kyle Rittenhouse shot three people.  The first two died.  It's interesting to see who they were.  The backgrounds of these guys is not determinative of Rittenhouse's guilt or innocence — there's no open season on creeps — but it's relevant in piecing together the story of that deadly night.  The first who was shot served 14 years in prison for raping a child and then for dozens of in-prison disciplinary violations.  He was a registered sex offender and was found guilty of assault, arson and narcotics crimes.  He was wanted at the time of the shooting for bail-jumping and domestic abuse, and had been released from a hospital for a suicide attempt a few hours before the shooting.  He was chasing Rittenhouse when Rittenhouse turned around and shot him.  The second was an "avid skateboarder" with a "quick wit" according to his obit.  This quickwit had been convicted of domestic abuse and disorderly conduct a few years ago and served time in 2012 for choking his brother.  He was swinging his skateboard at Rittenhouse, avidly, at the time Rittenhouse shot him.  The third, who survived, was armed with a handgun for which he had a concealed weapons permit — which was expired.  He testified and the video shows that he pointed the gun at Rittenhouse before Rittenhouse shot him.  Here's one thing the three guys who were shot were not:  They weren't black.  Nonetheless, the media and the social justice warrior thugs who periodically burn Democrat-controlled cities frame this as three blacks getting shot by a white supremacist.  How can that be?

Kyle Rittenhouse Not Guilty On All Counts.  A seven-woman, five-man jury has returned a verdict in the self-defense case of Kyle Rittenhouse.  The jury spent four days deliberating whether the now-18-year-old would be locked up in a cell for the rest of life or be free after the attacks on August 25, 2020.  In the end, they decided that Rittenhouse was not guilty of maliciously killing two men and wounding another at the Kenosha riots in 2020.  Before the jury came in, Judge Bruce Schroeder told those gathered in the courtroom not to react and said if people couldn't control themselves they'd be escorted out.  Police were also deployed around the courthouse prior to the verdict being read.  Jurors spent four days picking through two weeks of trial testimony and evidence to determine whether the teen defended his life legally or if he "recklessly" or "intentionally" committed murder or attempted murder.

The Rittenhouse Trial Shows Us Why Cameras in Courtrooms Is the Proper Move for Our Legal System.  The past couple of weeks showed it was beneficial that we were able to watch the Rittenhouse trial for ourselves.  Make no mistake, there has been no shortage of imbalanced visuals and cerebrally-challenged commentary surrounding the case over the past weeks that is the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.  From a prosecution team that had dreams of a post-verdict TV career to a judge who was very comfortable in his robe or the defendant who became social media fodder after breaking down on the stand and a lawyer whose face-palm became a meme after his witness unraveled their case with one answer — this had all the earmarks of a legal jesters' cabaret.

10 Media Myths Exploded During the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial.  [#1] "White supremacist":  There was never any evidence that Rittenhouse was a "white supremacist," even by the time Biden made that false claim last September.  The prosecution confirmed that fact during the trial when it failed to produce evidence of any kind that Rittenhouse was a "white supremacist" or had racial motivations.  The owners of the car dealership who asked Rittenhouse and others for help were Indian-American. [...] [#7] Rittenhouse "crossed state lines":  It is true that Rittenhouse is from Antioch, Illinois.  But he was working last summer as a lifeguard in Wisconsin, and his father lives in Kenosha — a fact that tripped the prosecution when they tried to portray Rittenhouse as a kind of outsider, a "chaos tourist" who neither cared about nor was familiar with the local community.

Judge bars MSNBC from entering Kenosha County Courthouse.  NBC News said Thursday that a freelancer "never intended to contact" the Rittenhouse jurors, but did not deny that he may have been following the jury van on Wednesday evening [11/17/2021].  "Last night, a freelancer received a traffic citation.  While the traffic violation took place near the jury van, the freelancer never contacted or intended to contact the jurors during deliberations, and never photographed or intended to photograph them.  We regret the incident and will fully cooperate with the authorities on any investigation," an NBC spokesperson told Fox News Digital.  Judge Bruce Schroeder said Thursday morning that the freelancer, was following the jury van from about a block away at the direction of an MSNBC booking producer when he ran a red light and was pulled over.

The Shameless Lying and Obfuscating Begins After MSNBC Is Booted From the Rittenhouse Trial.  As RedState reported earlier this afternoon, the judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse case set off another round of consternation by banning leftwing network MSNBC from the courtroom.  Immediately, leftwing figures moved to once again accuse him of bias and of being "MAGA." You know, because enforcing basic safety rules means he must be a biased Trump fan.  [Tweet]  Of course, Judge Schroeder had an excellent reason to do what he did.  The MNSBC journalist in question was following the jury bus, attempting to take pictures of them.  He even ran a red light while doing so, and there is absolutely no reason to do that unless the goal was for MSNBC to eventually target them, almost assuredly leading to their exposure.  And if the verdict doesn't come back guilty, those jurors are going to be in real danger.

MSNBC Producer Followed And Harassed A Rittenhouse Juror Home And Was Arrested As MSNBC Has Been Banned From Kenosha Courthouse.  Today a news broke out that a media person followed a Rittenhouse juror home.  Kenosha police said at the time that it is under investigation.  But a few moments ago Judge Schroeder just came in and revealed that the person identified himself as being from MSNBC and he was following the jury bus.  As a response, he banned the mainstream media giant!  Judge Schroeder banned MSNBC from the courthouse after a man claiming to be affiliated with the courthouse allegedly tried to photograph the jury on Wednesday night.  Judge Schroeder:  ["]Kenosha police reported someone followed the bus carrying the Rittenhouse jurors last night while claiming to work for MSNBC.  It is under investigation.  No one working for MSNBC will be allowed inside the courthouse for the duration of the trial."

Kyle Rittenhouse facts are different than what we were told.  People are totally absorbed in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and you have to ask, why is that?  Why is it so fascinating?  Well part of the reason it's just so interesting is because the facts are so different from what we've been told for more than a year, completely different, and it is shocking to compare reality against the version of reality we've been force fed.  Here is one example.  Just days after Rittenhouse was first arrested, that was back in August of 2020, a pro-censorship organization called PolitiFact published what it called a fact check of the case.  In a posting on its website, PolitiFact claimed that Kyle Rittenhouse had committed a crime by carrying a firearm in the State of Wisconsin. [...] Social media companies use PolitiFact's edicts as a pretext to censor any speech online that contradicts the official line of the Democratic Party, the so-called narrative.  So if PolitiFact disagrees with what you're posting, then you are by definition spreading misinformation and you must be silenced.  That's how it works.  So naturally, other media organizations echoed this position immediately.

Legal Expert in Self-Defense Breaks Down Kyle Rittenhouse Trial.  The murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, after eight days of testimony, has gone to a jury in Kenosha, Wisconsin, to arrive at verdicts in the highly publicized case.  The jury, which finished its second day of deliberation Tuesday, was considering seven counts, including first-degree intentional homicide, first-degree reckless homicide, and attempted first-degree homicide.  As Americans wait to learn Rittenhouse's fate, it's helpful to look back and see how we got here.  Self-defense expert and attorney Andrew Branca extensively covered the trial's ins and outs.  Branca has written that he thinks the jury should find Rittenhouse, 18, not guilty because he acted in self-defense in shooting three men who pursued him during a riot in Kenosha, killing two.  "I don't even think it's close.  It should be an acquittal on all these criminal charges," Branca says.  "I'm sure what we're experiencing here is a holdout of one or perhaps two jurors.  The evidence is not close on any of these issues."

Rittenhouse Jury Asks About Videos; Judge: 'My Nightmare Has Come True'.  The jury in the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse asked Judge Bruce Schroeder in the Kenosha County Court on Wednesday morning whether it should view video evidence in court or in private, prompting the judge to quip:  "My nightmare has come true."  The judge was referring to controversies over the video evidence presented by the prosecution during the trial, including whether zoomed-in images enhanced by artificial intelligence were admissible, and whether the prosecution withheld a higher resolution version of a video than the version that had been provided to the defense until the last day of the trial.

Kyle Rittenhouse and the False Narrative.  The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is an important moment in American culture, because this isn't just about Kyle Rittenhouse. [...] For me, the unacknowledged heroes of the Rittenhouse case are the intrepid videographers who were on the scene recording what was taking place on the street.  Without them, Rittenhouse would probably be facing a real risk of being convicted for double murder.  Why?  Because he's dealing with a dishonest prosecutor, who doesn't hesitate to say things he knows are misleading; dishonest detectives, who don't hesitate to twist the truth; and a dishonest media, which has been brazenly lying about what happened between Rittenhouse and his combatants for a whole year. [...] If you read media accounts of the confrontation, you would get the clear impression that it was Rittenhouse who was chasing Rosenbaum, not the other way around.  For anyone reading these accounts, it would seem that the men were minding their own business when Rittenhouse decided on his own to hunt and gun them down.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Kyle Rittenhouse's attorneys allege that the prosecution hid evidence.  During the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, the prosecution argued that Kyle provoked the men who attacked him by waving his gun.  To prove this, during the trial, the prosecution gave the defense fuzzy drone footage.  There was a great deal of argument about what could be extrapolated from that fuzzy view.  It turns out that the prosecution had within its possession a high-quality video that it played for the judge after the trial ended.  On this, and other evidentiary grounds, the defense moved for a mistrial with prejudice. [...] Under Wisconsin law, when the defense makes a demand, the prosecution must provide to the defense "[a]ny physical evidence that the district attorney intends to offer in evidence at the trial" and "[a]ny exculpatory evidence."  That's Wisconsin Stat. § 971.23(1)(g) & (h).  I don't have the time to research the law, but my bet is that if Wisconsin's appellate court ever had before it the question of whether the prosecutor may get away with producing bastardized, degraded versions of the requested evidence, it would say emphatically not.  The motion for a mistrial with prejudice also raises the fact that, when Kyle Rittenhouse took the witness stand, the prosecutors improperly accused him of keeping silent after his arrest.

Rittenhouse mystery:  What happened to mistrial motion over prosecutorial misconduct?  Good question.  In fact, as the Chicago Tribune points out, defense attorneys for Kyle Rittenhouse accused prosecutors of two separate acts of misconduct — one that made a splash in the courtroom, and one that pointedly did not.  Both give reason for Judge Bruce Schroeder to declare a mistrial with prejudice, according to the defense brief ... but Schroeder has yet to rule on either.

It's all about the narrative — facts [notwithstanding].  According to the media, Kyle Rittenhouse was a white supremacist.  According to the media, Kyle Rittenhouse was an active shooter.  According to the media, Kyle Rittenhouse was a murderer.  In reality, he was none of these.  Kyle Rittenhouse was a 17-year-old young man who went to Kenosha, Wisconsin, in order to protect businesses and administer medical aid to those who needed it.  He was chased down by Joseph Rosenbaum, a 36-year-old convicted child molester; he shot Rosenbaum when Rosenbaum grabbed for his gun.  He was then chased down by Anthony Huber, 26, a man convicted of two felony counts of strangulation and suffering after pulling a knife on his brother and grandmother and choking his brother; Rittenhouse shot Huber when Huber tried to slam his skateboard into Rittenhouse's head.  Finally, Gaige Grosskreutz, 27, a member of a radical Antifa offshoot, approached Rittenhouse with a pistol in his hand; Rittenhouse shot him in the biceps.  All of this was on tape.  It was verified by witness testimony and physical evidence.  Yet Rittenhouse was brought to trial anyway.  He was brought to trial because his case became the center of a political firestorm.

Divorced From the Truth; Wedded to the Lies They Have Been Told.  At this writing, the verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial has not been rendered, so the defendant is still in serious legal jeopardy and the jury could find him guilty. [...] As a casual observer of the trial's progress and witness testimony, I had taken notice that the prosecution was not doing a stellar job.  However, what truly grabbed my attention was that a star prosecution witness, Gaige Grosskreutz, was forced to admit under oath that he did indeed advance toward and threaten Kyle Rittenhouse's life by pointing his illegal handgun at him.  Rittenhouse responded to the threat of bodily harm and shot Grosskreutz in the bicep.  Out of curiosity, I wanted to see how state-controlled media would respond to the devasting cross-examination testimony, so I watched "NBC Nightly News."  In predictable but nonetheless gobsmacking bias, Lester Holt dutifully ignored Grosskruetz's testimony that he had pointed his handgun at Rittenhouse.  Truth ignored, narrative unscathed — unless one has learned not to trust anything the corrupt, partisan media are saying.

PolitiFact Stands By Their Rittenhouse Illegal Weapon Fact Check.  Judge Bruce Schroeder threw out one of the charges against 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse on Monday, in the midst of a trial that has grabbed the nation's attention this month.  The charge involved the allegation that Rittenhouse possessed a dangerous weapon as a minor.  The fact-checkers at PolitiFact have been invested in this charge for over a year now.  Last August, as part of their fact-checking agreement with Facebook, PolitiFact writer Daniel Funke took a Facebook user to task for suggesting that Rittenhouse carried the rifle legally. [...] PolitiFact stepped back into the debate on Tuesday after Judge Schroeder dropped the charge against Rittenhouse.  This time, the site amended its original article with an "editor's note" that's almost as long as the original post.

BLM protesters scream at Kyle Rittenhouse supporters as tensions flare on courthouse steps.  Black Lives Matter protesters demonstrating on the steps of Kenosha's courthouse threatened on Tuesday to 'shut down' the city if Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted, as the National Guard were put on standby to deal with any potential unrest.  An activist with a megaphone, wearing a BLM hoodie, urged on his fellow protesters, chanting: 'If Kenosha don't get it, shut it down'.  He then began chanting: 'Seven shots in the back' — a reference to Jacob Blake, a black man who was shot seven times by a white officer in Kenosha on August 23, 2020.

Tucker Carlson Described The 'Whole Point' Of The Kyle Rittenhouse Prosecution, And It's Horrifying.  The Kyle Rittenhouse trial has been an absolute disaster for the prosecution by every possible sane standard.  Yet, lead prosecutor Thomas Binger and his team press on, concocting the absurdest of 'logic' and grasping at outlandish legal straws in a desperate attempt to try to put someone who clearly seems like an innocent teenager in prison for life.  So, is this all really about Kyle Rittenhouse, or is it about something else entirely?  Fox News host Tucker Carlson had a chilling theory during Monday night's "Tucker Carlson Tonight" opening monologue:  [Video clip]  Like it or not, their decision will either affirm the longstanding, God-given legal right to self-defense, or it will embolden leftists who dream of abolishing it entirely.

Sole survivor of Kyle Rittenhouse shootings has criminal past: report.  The only survivor of the 2020 Wisconsin shootings by teenager Kyle Rittenhouse has a lengthy criminal record that includes burglary, drunk driving and a domestic incident, according to a new report.  Gaige Grosskreutz, 28, was in court just six days before Rittenhouse's murder trial — where he was a star witness — to have a recent drunk driving charge dismissed "on a technicality," the Daily Mail reported Monday [11/15/2021].  Yet Grosskreutz's list of prior scrapes with the law was not revealed to the jury when he testified at Rittenhouse's murder trial that he attended demonstrations in Kenosha on Aug. 25, 2020, to serve as a paramedic.  But records reviewed by the Mail show that Grosskreutz has a criminal record dating back more than 10 years, the outlet said.

Kenosha Police Are Letting BLM Assault People Right In Front Of The Courthouse During Rittenhouse Trial.  The outcome of the state's charges against Kyle Rittenhouse is now in the hands of the jury, and ahead of a possible verdict, authorities in Kenosha are asserting they are prepared.  "The Kenosha County Sheriff's Department and Kenosha Police Department understand and recognize the anxiety surrounding the Kyle Rittenhouse trial," said a statement released Tuesday by the agencies.  Authorities added that they currently have no reason to close roads, enact curfews or ask the community to modify daily routines.  But videos that are taken in front of the courthouse show that the police are not doing anything as BLM aggressively moves towards Rittenhouse supporters and in some cases attacks them for exercising their First Amendment rights!

Rittenhouse Trial Prosecutor Called Rioting BLM Crowd 'Heroes.' Here's What Those 'Heroes' Were Doing.  During his closing argument on Monday [11/15/2021], Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger called the crowd that had been rioting on the night of August 25, 2020, a crowd that "was full of heroes" because they were trying to stop an "active shooter," that shooter being Kyle Rittenhouse.  "You know, we've had several police officers testify that in an active shooter situation, their first instinct, their first training is to go in and stop the threat.  They don't sit there and wonder, well, maybe it was self-defense.  I don't know, I'm going to, you know, wait and see.  And every day we read about heroes that stop active shooters.  That's what was going on here.  And that crowd was right.  And that crowd was full of heroes.  That crowd did something that, honestly, I'm not sure I would've had the courage to do," Binger told the jury.

Judge drops Kyle Rittenhouse's misdemeanor gun charge and warns that prosecution's evidence could see the case 'fall like a house of cards'.  The judge in the Kenosha shooter case has dismissed count 6 from Kyle Rittenhouse's rap sheet — illegal possession of a firearm.  In the latest blow to the beleaguered prosecution, Judge Bruce Schroeder dropped the charge Monday morning after the defense successfully argued that it is illegal for anyone under 18 to carry a 'short-barreled rifle' — a rifle with a barrel shorter than 16 inches — but it is legal to carry a longer rifle in Wisconsin.  Rittenhouse was 17 at the time of the shootings and the prosecution was forced to concede that the AR-15 carried by Rittenhouse on August 25, 2020 was more than 16 inches, which is of legal length.  'Well then,' Judge Schroeder stated, 'Count six is dismissed.'

The Editor says...
The fact that Count 6 was filed against the defendant in the first place is proof that the prosecution doesn't have its facts straight.

Fact-Checkers Had Their Facts About Rittenhouse's Gun Rights All Wrong.  In the case against Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, the left-wing corporate fact-checkers did what they do best and made up their own facts, specifically about the then-17-year-old's right to carry a rifle.  "'Perfectly legal' for Rittenhouse to carry a gun?  False," said the leftist Poynter Institute's Politifact in a phony fact-check, a talking point that picked up steam and undergirded the prosecution's case against the teen.  Judge Bruce Schroeder put the so-called fact-checkers in their place on Monday, however, when he dismissed the misdemeanor charge of possession of a dangerous weapon, a charge that had previously been considered the easiest for the state to prove.

That's What Happens When Society Collapses.  There could be a verdict in the Rittenhouse trial as early as today.  Closing arguments (and antics, in the case of the prosecutor, see picture below) were made yesterday.  Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger argued that Rittenhouse provoked the attack, thereby forfeiting his right to self-defense. [...] Jury deliberation begins this morning.  The governor has called out 500 National Guard to be on hand in the event the verdict drives the roving horde to begin their Christmas shopping ahead of black Friday.  I'm unclear what the pretext for this riot will be.  The shooter is white, the 3 people who were shot, including the 2 dead men, were white.  There was no police involvement to blame.  How then will the verdict, any verdict, in this case result in the allegation of 'systemic racism and police brutality' which is all that's necessary these days to provide sanctioned rioting and looting?  Your guess is as good as mine, but mark my words:  there will be riots if BLM has anything to say about it.

Defense opens closing statement by calling prosecutor a liar.  The prosecutors closing statement ended earlier today followed by a brief recess.  The trial then resumed with defense attorney Mark Richards presenting closing arguments for his client.  Richards started his arguments by immediately calling prosecutor Thomas Binger a liar. [...] If you've been watching the trial then you may have noticed before today that Richards doesn't seem to have a very high opinion of Binger.  I would describe their relationship in the courtroom as "chippy." It looks to me like Richards took the opportunity of closing arguments to make it clear to the jury he's not a fan of the prosecutor.  And that does help his client since if the jury does not believe the prosecutor is reliable, they are less likely to believe his account of the case.

Rittenhouse Prosecutor Thomas Binger Has Swung and Missed Before at Charging Armed Self-Defense.  From his opening statement to closing argument, Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger has not just made missteps, as the legacy media loves to call them, he has literally stepped in the muck, then kept wading in up to his knees.  My colleagues Nick Arama and Jim Thompson are working attorneys, and don't just play ones on TV.  Along with our other contributors that have covered the trial of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, they have given us great analysis on just how badly Binger has screwed up an already weak case that should have never been brought to trial.

Rittenhouse Prosecution's Rebuttal Argument Was So Bad It Made Jaws Drop.  We've been writing about how awful the Rittenhouse prosecution's case has been.  But the prosecution's falsehoods during their closing today were more than beyond the pale.  Every lawyer wants to put on the best possible case they can.  But it doesn't mean that you falsely frame the law or the facts to the jury.  The prosecutor's first obligation is not to win — but to seek justice and the truth, even if that means that they lose in the process.  That wasn't what we saw on display today in that courtroom.  However, if ADA Thomas Binger's closing remarks earlier today were bad and troubling from an ethical point of view — and they were — they also had the potential to confuse the jury.  They presented a false idea of what the law and the facts were.  Binger even tried to argue provocation at the last minute.

Twitter Explodes After Rittenhouse Prosecutor Points Gun At Jury With Finger On Trigger.  During closing arguments in the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial, the prosecution lawyer pointed an AR-15 directly at the jury with his finger on the trigger.  He broke every law of gun safety, and Twitter users exploded with reaction.

Prosecutor in Rittenhouse Case Praises Rioters; 'That Crowd Was Full of Heroes'.  Prosecutor Thomas Binger praised the mob of Black Lives Matter rioters who chased Kyle Rittenhouse through the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin, last Aug. 25:  "That crowd was right.  And that crowd was full of heroes," he said in closing arguments. [...] The crowd that chased Rittenhouse included people who had set fires and smashed property during Black Lives Matter riots.

7 Unreal Moments from the Rittenhouse Prosecutor's Closing Argument.  After Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Bruce Schroeder read through nearly 40 pages of jury instructions on Monday, Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger began the prosecution's closing argument in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse.  Stretching on for more than two hours, Binger's closing argument meandered through a selectively chosen set of facts that defied logic, ignored reality, and seemed at times unbelievable.  [#1] At one point in his argument, Binger sounded like a CNN reporter when he characterized the violent rioters that were laying siege to Kenosha as a "crowd full of heroes."  As Townhall's Julio Rosas covered in August 2020, the BLM and Antifa rioters who razed Kenosha were anything but heroes.  [Tweet]  Compare Binger's description with the reality of what Julio captured on video and reported — including the burning of an American flag, shouts of "death to America," and attempts to breach a fence around the courthouse in which the trial is now taking place:  [Tweet]

Prosecutor Points Rifle Toward Jury With Finger On Trigger, Orders Them To Convict Kyle Rittenhouse In Closing Statement.  During the prosecution's closing argument during the Kyle Rittenhouse homicide trial on Monday, Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger picked up an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle and shouldered it in a shooting position with the barrel pointed in the jury's general direction towards the left side of the courtroom with his finger inside the trigger guard, in a violation of firearm safety etiquette.  "And then raises his left hand to the gun and points," Binger said while picking up the rifle.  "This is what we see in the video.  Him putting the fire extinguisher on the ground and then raising the gun." Binger's claim that Rittenhouse was pointing his weapon at violent rioters prior to the shootings is based on a heavily disputed piece of grainy drone video footage.

Rittenhouse jury to begin deliberations at 9am today as Kenosha National Guard prepares for chaos.  The jury in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse will retire to consider their verdict on Tuesday at 9am, as the city of Kenosha braced for protests ahead of the verdict.  Rittenhouse, 18, is charged with first-degree intentional homicide and other counts for killing Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber and wounding Gaige Grosskreutz on August 25, 2020.  On Tuesday deliberations will begin in the case that has stirred fierce debate in the U.S. over guns, vigilantism and law and order.  The jury has not been sequestered.

Doubling Down on Victim Blaming.  The murder trial of young Kyle Rittenhouse, the only noteworthy prosecution to come out of the 2020 Kenosha riots, has become a surrogate for a war that the American Left has long tried to keep under the radar: the war against the concept of self-defense.  The Left finds itself in a quandary.  They cannot say "you have no right to self-defense" in so many words.  They must get there in another way, a roundabout way, but one in keeping with their longstanding effort to defang America's police departments.  Create technicality acquittals, and erect restrictive rules of engagement for police.  Build red-tape barriers to keep private security guards from being armed and trained.  Overrule the castle doctrine in the courtroom.  Build in so many restrictions to self-defense that it becomes a toothless defense.  In the case of Kyle Rittenhouse, the self-defense case is so obvious that the prosecution had to resort to a claim of provocation, that the young man's armed presence was itself a provocation.  The evidence is clear that he was one of many (if not enough) law-abiding citizens who arrived in town in the hope that a show of solidarity in support of the business district would dissuade the protesters from further rioting.  Sitting there with a gun, as one of hundreds of other property owners and supporters with guns, should have — theoretically at least — discouraged the demonstrators from escalating into violence.

MSNBC skips Kyle Rittenhouse defense's closing argument after airing prosecutor's case to jury.  MSNBC snubbed the defense team of Kyle Rittenhouse during closing arguments on Monday after airing the prosecutor's case to the jury that the 18-year-old was guilty of murder.  Rittenhouse's trial is coming to a close after weeks of intensity in the courtroom with prosecutors arguing to the jury that he intended to kill Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber as well as Gaige Grosskreutz, who survived following the altercation.  The defense argued Rittenhouse was acting in self-defense.  However, after hours of coverage dedicated to the prosecutors, both MSNBC as well as CNN opted out of covering the kickoff of the defense team's closing argument, airing the White House ceremony of President Biden signing the bipartisan infrastructure bill into law.

Rittenhouse Prosecutor Places Finger On Rifle Trigger, Points Barrel At People In Courtroom.  During Monday's [11/15/2021] closing arguments in the nationally covered trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger pointed a rifle at people in the room while placing his finger on the trigger.  Binger was attempting to illustrate Rittenhouse allegedly provoking people by being armed.  The moment quickly went viral online as many people mocked the prosecutor for his poor firearm etiquette.  Some Twitter users noted Alec Baldwin just killed a person on a movie set with a gun he presumed to be empty.

Rittenhouse Prosecutor Insanity:  You Lose Right to Self-Defense When You're the One Who Brought the Gun.  Throughout the trial of 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, lead prosecutor Thomas Binger has embarrassed himself multiple times.  On Monday, he made arguably his most outrageous statement yet.  Binger was attempting to make the point during his closing argument that Rittenhouse was the aggressor and was not acting in self-defense when he killed Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber.  Instead, Binger made a false claim that can only be described as nonsensical.  "You lose the right to self-defense when you're the one who brought the gun," he said before continuing, "when you're the one creating the danger, when you're the one provoking other people."

Twitter Decides Rittenhouse is Guilty, Bans People for Saying He Is Innocent.  We might as well stop the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse now, because the Big Tech overlords over at Twitter have already determined his guilt.  They're the ones who get to decide what the truth is nowadays anyway.  The 18-year-old Rittenhouse faces homicide and other charges related to the shooting of three men, two of them fatally, during the unrest of August 2020.

How long can MSNBC viewers fall for the lies?  [Scroll down]  Here's another MSNBC fable — that Kyle Rittenhouse, in the words of one commentator on that network, was "arguably a domestic terrorist."  The MSNBC talking heads were infuriated that Rittenhouse crossed a state line from Antioch, Illinois — which borders Wisconsin, to travel during the riot (oops, unrest) in Kenosha, where his father lived and where Rittenhouse worked.  The truth has since emerged that the then-17-year-old was just trying to help out in a lawless zone who was forced into a situation where he had no choice but to defend himself.  [Video clip]  Oh, just so you know, I don't believe that minors should be waking around with an AK-47.

The Editor says...
Mr. Rittenhouse wasn't just "walking around," and he had an AR-15.

Judge questions Rittenhouse gun charge, raising doubts about prosecution's case.  In covering the motions hearing last week in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, I noted a surprising comment from Judge Bruce Schroeder that he had "spent hours" with the Wisconsin gun law and could not state with certainty what it means in this case.  The statement could effectively knock out the misdemeanor gun possession count — the one count that could still be in play for the jury after the prosecution's case on the more serious offense appeared to collapse in court.  A close examination of that provision reveals ample reason to question not just its meaning but its application to this case.  The unlawful possession of the gun has been a prominent fact cited not only by the prosecutors but the press.

This Democrat Criminal Prosecution System is Deeply Immoral.  The same media that described the BLM/ANTIFA 2020 mob violence that destroyed private and federal property and attacked and killed people across America as "peaceful protesters" were baying for the blood of a Kenosha teenager.  In Salt Lake City, they hounded an anonymous Craig Shepherd for sending $10 for Rittenhouse's legal defense.  In Virginia, police sergeant William Kelly, a father of three and a wife suffering with cancer, was fired from his job without a pension for sending $25 to Rittenhouse's defense.  This is where America is heading.  Kyle Rittenhouse is a metaphor for innocent Americans against both the criminal mob and the new anti-citizen criminal justice system.  This 17-year-old volunteered to protect someone's property and ended up shooting people about to kill him.  Even the prosecution's star witness, a man who had been shot by the teenager, admitted, "Yes, I had a loaded gun and I was running at him."

Alan Dershowitz:  Kyle Rittenhouse Should Be Acquitted, Should Sue Media Outlets.  Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz argued that Kyle Rittenhouse "should be acquitted" of killing two men and wounding a third during riots and protests last year in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and he should file defamation lawsuits against media outlets claiming he's guilty.  "If I were a juror, I would vote that there was reasonable doubt [and] that he did act in self-defense," Dershowitz told Newsmax on Saturday [11/13/2021].   Rittenhouse, if he is acquitted, will then "bring lawsuits" against corporate outlets including CNN for articles claiming the teen engaged in "vigilante justice," Dershowitz said.  "It's CNN who is involved in vigilante justice.  It's The New Yorker that's guilty of vigilante justice," he said.

The Lynching of Kyle Rittenhouse.  It's a word you aren't allowed to say — lynching — because leftists have claimed domain over it, making it an exclusively race-based thing, which is ironic considering the fact that it was Democrats who were lynching black people in the south.  But the literal definition, at least until liberals pressure into changing it, is "to put to death, especially by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority" and "to criticize, condemn, etc., in public."  While he hasn't been killed by the liberal mob, at least not yet, what the media is doing to Kyle Rittenhouse is exactly what the second definition of lynching is.  It's shocking that, at this point in the trial, there has really only been one person I've seen acknowledge they were wrong about the Rittenhouse narrative, and it wasn't even anyone at a mainstream outlet.  It was Ana Kasparian from The Young Turks.  She straight up admitted she'd gotten some of the most basic facts of the case wrong in the past, without trying to qualify or justify her screw-ups.  How someone who ostensibly works in news could get these basics so wrong, she didn't say; nor did she say whether or not lawyers had advised her to "correct" the record to avoid any future liability issues.  Whatever the reason, she did it.  Everyone else has only doubled down.

The real villains in the Rittenhouse trial.  After the defense rested in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, the lawyers on both sides met with the judge to go over possible jury instructions and the introduction of lesser charges.  A video was shown of a mob of rioters with axes and what appeared to be baseball bats destroying the cars at a local auto dealership.  The prosecution was arguing that Rittenhouse had lost his right of self-defense because he had a clear path to run away.  The defense countered by pointing out that the supposed clear path went through the out-of-control mob portrayed on the video.  This moment was emblematic of the prosecution's entire case.  In the state's opinion, the presence of armed citizens trying to prevent the burning and destruction of property in and of itself constituted a provocation of the rioters sufficient for them to justify their attacks on Rittenhouse and negate his right of self-defense.  As crazy as this sounds, much of the media and most of the Democrat party agree with the prosecutors.

All He Had Was a Handgun.  In medieval days, before there were secular dramas, there were roving bands of semi-professional actors performing morality plays. [...] Today, we have criminal trials as national entertainment.  They usually take days and too often devolve into farce, as did the Kenosha trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, fumbled by the prosecutors (looking so much like Laurel and Hardy) trying the 17-year-old hero for shooting two felons to death and wounding a third man during a days' long riot, arson and looting.  The rioting predictably followed the mayor's ordering a standdown of police and rescue teams and the governor's failure to order in the state National Guard.  It's impossible to choose the worst of the bumbling questions Kyle was asked, but perhaps my favorite was this, respecting the shooting in the arm of a Craig Grosskreutz who held a gun to his head:  "All he had was a handgun. why did you think that was a threat?"  I take it the prosecutor John Binder never had a gun held to his head.  Had I, I certainly would have considered it life-threatening.

Tucker Carlson Comments On Child Rapist Who Attacked Kyle Rittenhouse.  This week, the Kyle Rittenhouse trial heated up as more and more details came out about exactly what happened that night.  In true Tucker Carlson fashion, he had a hilarious and sarcastic take on the trial, especially when it comes to Joseph Rosenbaum, a chid rapist who attacked Rittenhouse that night last summer.  "The trial confirmed exactly what happened, and here are the facts about it.  A convicted child rapist called Joseph Rosenbaum was released from a mental hospital and then went directly to join the mob that was burning downtown Kenosha.  Once he got to the riot, Rosenbaum saw Kyle Rittenhouse and immediately threatened to kill him," Tucker explained.  Rosenbaum then chased Rittenhouse and tried to pull the gun from his hands.  When he did that, Kyle Rittenhouse shot him.  So Joseph Rosenbaum died as he had lived, trying to touch an unwilling minor," Tucker hilariously said.

When all the media narratives collapse.  [Scroll down]  And these mass deceptions have consequences.  We are seeing this now in the Rittenhouse case — a gruesome story of a reckless teen with a rifle in the wake of the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha.  The impression many got from much of the media was that a far-right vigilante, in the middle of race riots, had gone looking for trouble far from home and injured one man, and killed two, in a shooting spree.  Here's the NYT on August 26, the morning after the killings:  "The authorities were investigating whether the white teenager who was arrested ... was part of a vigilante group.  His social media accounts appeared to show an intense affinity for guns, law enforcement and President Trump."  Rittenhouse's race is specified; the race of the men he killed and injured were not (they were also white).  Almost immediately, the complicated facts became unimportant. [...] I'm not defending Rittenhouse.  And I understand news gathering is fallible.  But there's a media pattern here.  And it reaches far wider than Rittenhouse.

Kyle Rittenhouse Prosecutors Caught Tampering Evidence.  The prosecution in the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial is caught tampering with evidence, The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial has turned into a political show trial!  The late stages of Kyle Rittenhouse's murder trial in the shooting of three men highlighted the U.S. legal system's constant debate over forensic technologies, even fundamental ideas taken for granted outside the courtroom.  Rittenhouse's defense team challenged Kenosha County prosecutors' attempt to introduce enlarged images taken from drone video footage.  Prosecutors said the images were a clear contradiction of Rittenhouse's earlier testimony that he had not pointed his weapon at protesters prior to killing Joseph Rosenbaum.

Moving the Goalposts:  Kyle Rittenhouse Prosecution Pushes a "Multitude" of Lesser Crimes In Last-Ditch Attempt to Secure Some Jail Time.  After having their entire case obliterated by video evidence and bombshell witness testimony all week — with some of the worst blows coming from their own 'star' witnesses — prosecutors for the state's case against Kyle Rittenhouse finally came to the realization that their arguments had gotten them nowhere.  In a shocking admission on Friday [11/12/2021], the prosecution said that because of the evidence presented in the case "a reasonable jury or juror" could acquit Rittenhouse on the most serious charges that he faces.  Even the least serious of the charges that Rittenhouse faces — illegal possession of a firearm — may be dismissed by the judge in the case.  As it stands, Rittenhouse is charged with six counts, including one count of first-degree intentional homicide, one count of reckless first-degree intentional homicide, and one count of first-degree attempted intentional homicide, all of which carry a mandatory life sentence each.

CNN Has an Unbelievable Take on Your Basic Right to Defend Yourself.  We've seen a lot of bad media takes when it comes to the Rittenhouse case but we can always count on CNN to deliver some more.  This segment with John Berman, Brianna Keilar, and Don Lemon is something else.  [Video clip]  Keilar talks about "white vigilantism" and compares the Rittenhouse case to the Ahmaud Arbery case.  This is offensive because the Rittenhouse case has nothing to do with race and nothing to do with the Ahmaud Arbery case.  Comparing the two and talking about vigilantism is an indication that Keilar has no idea about the facts in this case.  But what is the big offense that Kyle Rittenhouse committed in the left's mind besides shooting people?  It's that he dared to help people defend their property.

One fuzzy drone image may send Kyle Rittenhouse to prison.  Up until Friday, the Kyle Rittenhouse trial was very clear: easily understood videos and witness testimony (including testimony from the prosecution witnesses) showed that Kyle, despite trying hard to avoid conflict, was attacked by a crazed child rapist, whom Kyle shot as the rapist was grabbing Kyle's gun, at which point a mob went after Kyle.  He then shot and killed a domestic abuser trying to bash his head in with a skateboard, and shot and wounded a felon aiming a loaded, illegal gun at his head.  On Thursday, however, the court allowed prosecutors to enter into evidence a fuzzy photo from a late-produced drone, an image prosecutors argue shows Kyle "provoking" the attacks against him.  Provocation destroys Kyle's assertion that he acted in self-defense.  Andrew Branca explains how well the prosecution did on Friday.  The "unicorn" evidence that the prosecutors successfully fought to get admitted is the drone footage that they just coincidentally found at the last minute before the trial.

Through the Looking Glass at the Rittenhouse Trial.  John has written about Kyle Rittenhouse's decision to take the witness stand today, and about the cross-examination of Rittenhouse.  Andy McCarthy's column on the same subjects is also worth reading.  McCarthy offers several reasons why Rittenhouse, with the advice of his lawyers, could reasonably have decided to testify even though the burden of proof is with the prosecution and the prosecution doesn't seem to have made its case.

Rittenhouse Trial Brings Out The Crazy.  I am not sure how liberals expected the Kyle Rittenhouse murder trial to go.  Anyone who had seen the videos of Rittenhouse's interactions with the men who were chasing him, striking him and trying to kill him knew that he had a strong case of self-defense.  But apparently the fact that Rittenhouse has a defense — and is so bold as to assert it! — came as a surprise to the Left.  Liberal reactions to the trial have included disparagement of Rittenhouse's crying on the witness stand as he recounted the most traumatic events of his life.

Turley: The media oddly missed the "crash and burn" of Rittenhouse prosecutors this week.  They didn't miss it at all — national media outlets just tried their best to report around it.  We have covered the errors and outright violations committed by Kenosha prosecutors in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, and so our readers are aware of what Jonathan Turley describes as the "crash and burn" of the murder case over the past week.  Most media consumers have instead been fed a narrative of judicial bias and bizarre attempts to inject race into a case where the accused, the alleged victims, and most of the witnesses are all white.

Prosecutors crash and burn in Kyle Rittenhouse case, but polarized America doesn't see it.  The trial of Kyle Rittenhouse increasingly seems like a legal version of the parable of the blind men and the elephant.  By only touching discrete parts of the animal, the men describe vastly different animals.  In coverage of this trial, one would think that there were parallel trials occurring in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  One consensus however is emerging:  Things are not going well for the prosecution.  But the reason for this developing failure depends greatly on what media you are watching other than the trial itself.  It is either the product of systemic errors or systemic racism.  Rittenhouse is facing six charges that range from first-degree homicide to a misdemeanor of being a minor in possession of a dangerous weapon.  At this stage, the prosecution may celebrate even a misdemeanor conviction.

Rittenhouse Prosecutor Tells Witness His Riot Videos Are 'Very Slanted Against the People Who Are Rioting'.  Prosecutor Thomas Binger attempted to discredit independent journalist Drew Hernandez Thursday by portraying his coverage of the riots as "very slanted," but his effort backfired.  Hernandez captured key video footage in Kenosha on August 25, 2020, the night of the shootings.  "Your videos that you have captured of these incidents that you call 'riots' they're very slanted against the people who are rioting.  You characterize them as 'Antifa, BLM rioters.' Correct?" Binger asked Hernandez, who works for Real America's Voice.  The videographer replied matter-of factly, "because they are rioting in the footage, yes absolutely."

It Takes Tulsi Gabbard Just 20 Seconds to Explain Everything Wrong With Rittenhouse Trial.  Former Hawaii Congresswoman and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard has never been one to shy away from wading into hot button topics and angering "her side" in the process, and the Kyle Rittenhouse case has been no exception.  As we've previously reported, the prosecution in the closely-watched trial has done themselves zero favors over the last few days, suffering serious setbacks such as Judge Bruce Schroeder repeatedly admonishing them over their courtroom antics, with inarguably the biggest setback being that one of the prosecution's star witnesses admitted on the stand that Rittenhouse only shot at him after he (the witness) pointed a gun at him.  But while the trial drags on and the particulars are discussed and debated, one thing that has been made more than clear from the outset — well before the trial even started, in fact — is that there never should have been a trial in the first place.

The Kyle Rittenhouse Prosecutor's Case Comes Down To Rioting Good, Self-Defense Bad.  If you follow the prosecution's case against Kyle Rittenhouse, the only logical end is the assertion that self-defense is almost never an option and visiting the scene of a riot is only okay if you are there to burn property.  There are other facets to lead prosecutor Thomas Binger's arguments — that Rittenhouse, 18, was in illegal possession of a gun, that he showed up in Kenosha, Wis., that night of violent rioting because he was pursuing danger, and that he could have easily done things differently.  But the bulk of Binger's questioning of Rittenhouse on Wednesday relied on the assumption that unless a person has physically touched you, and if you were at the scene for reasons not in line with others present, there is no reason to protect yourself with force that may prove deadly.  Rittenhouse face chargers for the murders of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, as well as the intentional homicide of Gaige Grosskreutz.  It's not disputed, and it's on video, that Rittenhouse shot all three, and only Grosskreutz survived.  It's also on video and backed up by eyewitness testimony that each of the three men was running after Rittenhouse and making attempts to take his gun.  Grosskreutz, who was armed at the time, himself said he tried grabbing Rittenhouse's AR-15.

[The] Kyle Rittenhouse shooting [is] a clear case of self-defense.  It was hard to watch Kyle Rittenhouse break down during almost five hours in the witness box Wednesday [11/10/2021].  Over and over, he was forced to relive the traumatic evening of August 25, 2020, when he was chased by a murderous antifa mob and ended up shooting dead two of his attackers and wounding a third in riot-plagued Kenosha, Wis.  He was 17 at the time.  Taking a life bears heavily on any normal person, and the baby-faced teen was overcome with emotion as he recounted the moment when he found himself cornered, an angry mob in front of him, and an aggressive Joseph Rosenbaum lunging for his rifle.  "If I would had let Mr. Rosenbaum get my gun, he would have killed me," he told the court.

Rittenhouse Takes the Stand.  Today [11/10/2021] Kyle Rittenhouse took the stand to testify in his own defense.  I was glad to see it.  Commentators always say how risky it is for a criminal defendant to testify, but not testifying is risky too — the overwhelming majority of criminal defendants who don't testify are convicted.  And in my opinion, Rittenhouse had a good story to tell.  Victoria Tate has an account of Rittenhouse's direct testimony at PJ Media.  It sounds as though the testimony was gripping, and he did well, describing the verbal and physical threats and assaults made against him by the three men whom he shot, he says, in self-defense.  Andrew Branca describes the Assistant District Attorney's cross-examination at Legal Insurrection.  It sounds as though the wheels came off:  ADA Binger repeatedly behaved improperly, drawing strong rebukes from the judge and the threat of a motion for a mistrial with prejudice (meaning that the state would not be able to re-try Rittenhouse) from the defense.  Based on what I have seen, it appears that the prosecution has more or less collapsed.

Trial Explodes:  Defense Seeks Mistrial as Kyle Rittenhouse Cries on Stand, Judge Berates Prosecutor.  Kyle Rittenhouse's defense attorneys said Wednesday that they will file for a mistrial with prejudice, citing constitutional violations and misconduct by the prosecution.  Kenosha County Judge Bruce Schroeder said he would take the motion under advisement.  Should he declare a mistrial, Rittenhouse would be released and the state would not be permitted to re-try him on the same charges.  The motion for a mistrial was filed in response to Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger's cross examination of Rittenhouse, which he began by implying that the defendant's silence ahead of the trial was potentially incriminating.  Rittenhouse's attorney objected to the line of questioning.  After instructing the jury to leave the room, the judge sustained the defense's objection and berated the prosecutor for implying Rittenhouse should be penalized for exercising his constitutional right to remain silent.

Judge in Rittenhouse Trial Admonishes Malicious Prosecution For Ignoring Pretrial Rulings on Evidence.  Kenosha County Judge Bruce Schroeder was very frustrated by the prosecution in the case against Kyle Rittenhouse today.  The defendant took the stand in his own defense after the prosecution clearly failed to present their case.  Even the prosecution's own witnesses affirmed the accused was acting in self-defense.  A desperate prosecution appears to prefer a mistrial in lieu of a most likely acquittal, by attempting today to introduce evidence against the accused.  Judge Schroeder was furious at the prosecution for refusing to adhere to pretrial rulings.

Media Pounce on Rittenhouse Judge's Ringtone During Trial.  Media figures went wild on Wednesday [11/10/2021] with accusations of bias on the part of Kyle Rittenhouse trial Judge Bruce Schroeder after his ringtone erupted in the courtroom — allegedly to Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA," though others heard "Southern Cross" by Crosby, Stills, and Nash.  The moment occurred as the Kyle Rittenhouse defense tried to argue that the prosecution was deliberately trying to cause a mistrial by breaking several pre-trial orders to cover up for their lousy performance in the hopes of a do-over.  [Numerous tweets]

Kyle Rittenhouse's Call of Duty Habit and Post-Arrest Silence Aren't Evidence of His Guilt.  Kyle Rittenhouse is the star witness in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.  And today the 18-year-old took the stand, testifying that he acted in self-defense when he shot three men, ultimately killing two, during unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on August 25, 2020.  The testimony was arguably the climax in the proceedings against Rittenhouse, who is facing multiple homicide charges and has become symbolic of just about everything the viewer wants to see.  To many on the left, he's a vigilante upholding racist structures; to some on the right, a protector who filled a void left by law enforcement.  But there was another courtroom fixture centerstage on Monday:  Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger, who — no matter how you feel about Rittenhouse — should serve as a reminder of just how pitifully low prosecutors will stoop while in pursuit of a conviction.

"Insane" genius:  Did Rittenhouse gamble pay off?  We won't know the final answer to this until the jury comes back, of course, but perhaps Kyle Rittenhouse's decision to testify isn't as "insane" as it first looked.  With prosecutors seemingly doing their level best to establish all of the elements of self-defense for Rittenhouse, putting the 18-year-old defendant on the stand and subject him to cross-examination appeared to be a pointless risk.  Not so, writes our friend Andrew McCarthy at National Review.  While the testimony took place today, McCarthy reminded readers that a refusal to testify would also have been a risk.  And given how badly prosecutors had performed already, the gamble here was calculated ... and likely a winner.

The Rittenhouse case highlights tyrannical prosecutors.  America is suffering from a rash of prosecutors who are petty tyrants bent on fundamentally changing America by nullifying our duly enacted laws.  That is as unconstitutional at the county and state level as it is at the federal level.  Nothing illustrates this more clearly than the conduct of the prosecutors in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.  Prosecutors are part of the executive branch and it is their sworn duty to uphold all laws.  They have no power to nullify laws they don't like, whether it be bail, property crimes, or the laws governing illegal aliens and immigration.  A particularly damaging example of this is occurring in Wisconsin, where the fundamental right to keep and bear arms in self-defense is under attack by an outrageously abusive district attorney's office.

A disgraceful prosecution finally rested in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.  On Tuesday, the Kyle Rittenhouse prosecution rested its case after its witnesses once again strongly supported Kyle's assertion that he only acted in self-defense.  In a righteous world, the judge would, on his own initiative, order a directed verdict in Kyle's favor.  Instead, it emerged that there's a plan to terrorize the jurors (and, by implication, the judge).  Also the mainstream media, of course, pretended the prosecution had actually proved its case.  Once again, I've turned to Andrew Branca's excellent post summarizing what happened at the trial, and, again, I'm just skimming the surface of his analysis.  To orient those of you who haven't been following this, Kyle Rittenhouse borrowed a rifle, gathered his medical kit, and headed to Kenosha in the wake of the Jacob Blake riots.  His goal was to help clean up the damage, offer first aid, and protect businesses from being destroyed.  Instead, he shot three White communist felons, two of whom died.  Video footage supported the claim of self-defense, and, as the six days of trial have shown, witness testimony did, too.  The prosecution put on two final witnesses before resting its case:  James Armstrong, an imaging expert witness, and Doug Kelley, M.D., who performed autopsies on the two men Kyle killed.  Armstrong was a substantively useless witness, while Kelley's evidence affirmatively helped the defense.

Who is the Wisconsin judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?  The Wisconsin judge overseeing the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse tore into a prosecutor Wednesday during a testy exchange over his cross-examination of the teenager and questions over his silence after his arrest and his protection of private property.  Judge Bruce Schroeder scolded Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger after he asked Rittenhouse whether he knew the use of deadly force can not be used to protect property.  Schroeder accused Binger of trying to improperly introduce testimony that he said earlier he wasn't inclined to include.  "I was astonished when you began your examination by commenting on the defendant's post-arrest silence.  That's basic law.  It's been basic law in this country for 40 years, 50 years.  I have no idea why you would do something like that," Schroeder told Binger with the jury out of the courtroom.

Defense Moves for Mistrial in Kyle Rittenhouse Case; Judge to Prosecutor: 'I Don't Believe You!'  The defense in the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin, moved Wednesday afternoon for a mistrial based on the prosecution's violations of the defendant's rights and the judge's previous rulings about admissible evidence.  Defense attorney Corey Chirafisi asked Judge Bruce Schroeder to declare a mistrial "with prejudice," which would prevent prosecutors from bringing the charges again.  That provision, Chirafisi claimed, was necessary to prevent prosecutors from deliberately ruining their own case to get "another kick at the cat."  He said that prosecutors, led by Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger, had acted in "bad faith" — a key element of dismissal with prejudice.  The motion came after a lunch break, and after Judge Schroeder had admonished the prosecution that it had committed a "grave constitutional violation" by referring to Rittenhouse's previous silence, which conflicts with his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent.

The Leftist Media Lied Through Their Teeth about Kyle Rittenhouse.  One clip after another shows just how many lies the liberal media was willing to concoct in order to pain Kyle Rittenhouse as the bad guy.  Now, that the case has been seen and viewed publicly, most intelligent people are realizing all of the lies the liberal media told, i.e.  "A white supremacist," who was "looking to murder protesters."  Is just that, more lies from a media who makes the story up as they go.

Did Rittenhouse prosecutors try to manufacture testimony?  Is this standard operating procedure among prosecutors, or is this as bad as it looks?  When this clip from the testimony of Nathan DeBruin in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial got published on Twitter, I asked that question in earnest.  The answer remains unclear, but it certainly looks as though DeBruin is describing an attempt by prosecutors to pressure DeBruin into amending his police statement to favor their case.  "Suborn perjury" isn't quite accurate, but this seems to go beyond mere witness coaching too:  [Tweet]  Not being an attorney myself, perhaps this episode has more nuance than it seems.  However, one can imagine that the jury has little or no insight into prosecutions either.  Does anyone wonder what they make of this exchange?

Judge Dismisses Curfew Charge Against Rittenhouse.  The judge presiding over the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse granted the defense's motion to drop the curfew citation charge on Tuesday [11/9/2021].  After the prosecution rested its case against Rittenhouse, the defense argued the prosecution had not provided any evidence a curfew had been in place, to which Judge Bruce Schroeder agreed.  Schroeder denied a second attempt by the defense to dismiss the possession of a dangerous weapon by a minor charge on Tuesday morning, Kenosha News reported.  Rittenhouse was in possession of an AR-15 the night he allegedly shot three people, killing two, and was under the age of 18 at the time.  "These restrictions only apply to a person under age 18 who possesses or is armed with a rifle or a shotgun if the firearm is a short-barreled rifle or short-barreled shotgun, or if the person is not in compliance with the hunting regulations," according to Wisconsin law.

NYT: Say, this Rittenhouse case does look a bit like self-defense.  Give one cheer to the Gray Lady for actually recognizing the story from yesterday's testimony at the Kyle Rittenhouse trial — and an endless supply of raspberries to the rest of the media.  Defense attorneys caught star witness and purported "victim" Gaige Grosskreutz in multiple lies and got him to admit pointing a gun at Rittenhouse before being shot. [...] The Times does its best to rehab the prosecutors' case, using one witness to claim that prosecutors have demonstrated the elements of reckless endangerment.  If Rittenhouse had only been charged with that, perhaps that might be news.  However, prosecutors charged Rittenhouse with two counts of murder and another count of attempted murder — and the "reckless endangerment" came from Rittenhouse's panicked fire in self-defense, a point that the Times neglects.

Radical Congresswoman Post Lies About Kyle Rittenhouse On Social Media And They Do Nothing But Ban Regular People For Saying He Was Innocent.  There is a concerted propaganda campaign underway to condemn Kyle Rittenhouse as a white supremacist and domestic terrorist.  There is no evidence for any such thing.  In fact, the testimony produced this week in Rittenhouse's trial suggests these characterizations are just plain false.  That hasn't stopped Democratic politicians and various celebrities from making the claim.

The Star Witness for Prosecution in Rittenhouse Trial Just Blew Up the State's Case.  The man wounded by Kyle Rittenhouse on August 25, 2020, during the Kenosha, Wisc., riots blew up the state's case against the accused murderer under cross-examination on Monday afternoon.  Though Gaige Grosskreutz spent a couple of hours on the witness stand, the man Rittenhouse wounded that night blew up the state's case in one short span of cross-examination on Monday.  Two other men were killed by Rittenhouse that night.  Grosskreutz was a medic and was a peripatetic protester. [...] Prosecutors hoped his wounded status would amplify the importance of his eyewitness testimony, but things didn't quite go the way prosecutors were hoping for on Monday.  He made two major admissions during his testimony that had at least one of the prosecutors holding his head in his hands.

Case Against Kyle Rittenhouse Collapses As Key Attacker Admits Rittenhouse Did Not Shoot Until Witness Pointed a Gun At Him.  Gaige Grosskreutz was one of the attackers of Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha Wisconsin last year.  After giving testimony earlier today attempting to paint himself as a victim of Rittenhouse, the witness/attacker admitted today in during cross examination he was shot only after he threatened Rittenhouse by pointing a gun at him inches away from his head.  While the prosecution hoped Grosskreutz's sketchy testimony would assist their case, the actual testimony supports the defense claim of Rittenhouse acting in self defense after being attacked by a mob.  [Video clip]

Judge Schroeder Says Someone Tried to Doxx Jury in Kyle Rittenhouse Trial.  Circuit Court Judge Bruce E. Schroeder reported that someone was seen recording a video of Kyle Rittenhouse's jury when they were picked up by the bus for the courtroom this morning.  Schroeder said the officers asked the person to delete the video and if it happens again they will take the phone and bring it to court.  "At pickup, there was someone there and video recording the jury, which officers approached the person and required [them] ... to delete the video and return the phone to him.  I've instructed that if it happens again, they are to take the phone and bring it here," Schroeder said.

Did this moment just end the Rittenhouse trial?  The dude testified under oath that Kyle Rittenhouse did not fire on him until he advanced on Rittenhouse with his own gun pointed at him!  Then Rittenhouse's reaction to the testimony!  He knew how huge it was.  Then the prosecutor at the end, just slumped over in utter defeat!  [Video clip, language warning.]

Directed Verdict and Big Problems for the Prosecution in the Rittenhouse Case.  We reported earlier about the bombshell testimony at the Rittenhouse trial from Gaige Grosskreutz — the third man shot by Kyle Rittenhouse.  He admitted Rittenhouse didn't fire until he advanced on him and pointed his gun at him.  In other words, a perfect example of self-defense in that interaction.  [Video clip]  Many may have wondered about the comment about a "directed verdict" mentioned in that first video.  The defense can move, after the prosecution has presented its case, for what's called a "directed verdict."  That means that even given the most favorable reading of the evidence as presented by the prosecution, no reasonable jury could find the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.  The judge could grant that motion in whole or in part as to the charges.

Media Reveals Just How Misleading They Can Be When It Comes to Rittenhouse Coverage.  We've written before about how the prosecution seems to have been imploding its own case in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse.  There was the opening statement where the prosecutor, Thomas Binger, claimed that Rittenhouse was chasing Joseph Rosenbaum rather than the truth that it was the other way around. [...] Today was perhaps the capper of them all that completely blew up the case.  The defense was questioning Gaige Grosskreutz — the third man Rittenhouse shot.  Grosskreutz admitted that he advanced on Rittenhouse and pointed the gun at him and it was only after that, that Rittenhouse shot him. [...] We see how media is portraying the trial today so we can see just how misleading it is because we know what happened at the trial.  We can't always see all the facts in a story that the media reports on in the way we did here.  Yet, this is how they are casting the trial?  Are they kidding?  And they wonder why Americans no longer trust them?  This is a perfect example of why.

FBI Lost HD Rittenhouse Video, Never Told The Defense It Existed.  Unseen footage taken by the FBI from the night of the shootings in Kenosha, Wisconsin, surfaced on Tuesday during day one of Kyle Rittenhouse's trial.  According to Jack Posobiec of Human Events, the FBI allegedly had an HD version of the video but never told the Rittenhouse defense it existed.  In footage obtained by Human Events, the FBI appears to have taken aerial footage of Rittenhouse and the other participants involved in the shooting.  Some of the footage, which is black-and-white and grainy, was shot from an FBI surveillance drone.

Rittenhouse On Trial.  Kyle Rittenhouse is the then-17 year old boy who showed up in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during the violent riots, looting and arson that occurred last year.  Rittenhouse, armed with a rifle, wanted to help maintain order and protect private property, but it was a misguided mission to say the least.  He ran afoul of extreme leftists, most likely Antifa members, and, coming under attack, shot three of them, two fatally.  Viewing the videos that were circulating at the time, it seemed pretty clear to me that the kid acted in self-defense.  Now Rittenhouse is being prosecuted for murder.

[The] Man Kyle Rittenhouse Shot Had [a] Loaded Handgun, Witness Testifies.  A witness at the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse testified Friday that one of the men Rittenhouse shot was holding a gun that was loaded and ready to be fired.  Jason Lackowski, the seventh witness called by the prosecution, said he helped Gaige Grosskreutz, who survived after Rittenhouse shot and injured him in his right arm during riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin last summer.  Lackowski said he helped apply a tourniquet to Grosskreutz's arm and emptied his handgun, and that was when he observed that the gun had a bullet in the chamber.

The FBI Just Admitted Something Terrifying and No One Seems to Be Noticing.  Why [...] was there an FBI drone directly over the [Rittenhouse] shooting?  Have we even considered the ramifications of what that actually means?  Our government, for any reason that they perceive to be a threat, can conduct mass surveillance of you without a warrant?  Certainly, this was a public place and the courts have ruled that surveillance can be conducted in public without a warrant, however, there were local police resources.  Why would the FBI be conducting this surveillance if they had no way of stopping or preventing what was happening, from occurring?  Regardless of the legality of it, should we as citizens become comfortable with the idea that this is normal? [...] And probably most importantly, how did you end up directly over this shooting that night, despite all the other areas in the city where bad things were happening?  While I have never been a conspiracy theorist and abhor conspiracy theories, it seems wildly coincidental that of the several dozen square block area of Kenosha where there was violence going down that night, that you end up directly over the one shooting that is going to cause a national debate?  I can't be the only one here thinking that's awfully convenient.

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is a master class in how not to prosecute a case.  On August 25, 2020, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, armed with an AR-15 and a medical kit, went to Kenosha, Wisconsin to offer first aid and protect businesses against looting and arson.  By evening's end, Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber were dead, and Gaige Grosskreutz had a hole in his arm.  Rittenhouse is now being tried for murder, although he claims — and video evidence and witness testimony confirm — he acted in self-defense.  The trial started this week, and it's been sufficiently fascinating, thanks to mismanaged evidence (including FBI wrongdoing) and an incompetent prosecutor, to merit a short review.  These are some highlights. [...]

FBI Spy Video Shows Kyle Rittenhouse Being Chased Down at Kenosha Riot — Which Explains Why You've Never Seen It.  For more than a year, prosecutors in the Kyle Rittenhouse case have possessed FBI spy video footage taken by a fixed wing plane flying above the Kenosha riots.  Kyle Rittenhouse's defense attorneys say they only learned of its existence recently.  On Tuesday, the public finally got a look at it.  It's pretty clear why the prosecution was playing hide-the-ball with the evidence and why Rittenhouse's defense attorneys were the first to show it in court.  Over prosecutorial objections, Judge Bruce Schroeder allowed Rittenhouse's attorneys to use their opening statement to show photos, videos, and, yes, the FBI's FLIR thermal images of the first of three shootings the night of August 25, 2020.  It was an unusual move and one you'll see more defense attorneys replicate in the future.  The thermal technology video answers more than a few questions about who started what on the night of August 25, 2020.  The FBI's video conflicts with a story line prosecutors told jurors earlier in the day in opening statements.

New Kyle Rittenhouse Video From The Night Of His Shootings May Help His Case Moving Forward.  Human Events Daily has obtained never-before-seen FBI footage of the Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting.  The footage shows Rittenhouse being stalked by a mob as he tried to run from them.  Some of the footage was shot from above by an FBI drone.  [Video clip]

FBI Sat On Bombshell Footage From Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting.  On Tuesday, opening statements in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, an18-year-old aspiring police officer accused of fatally shooting two men and wounding a third on the night of Aug. 25, 2020, as BLM riots raged in the streets of Kenosha in response to a white-on-black police shooting.  While prosecutors have slapped the teen with two counts of homicide and one count of attempted homicide, Rittenhouse has pleaded not guilty to all charges, claiming self-defense.  Now, new footage has emerged which bolsters his case.  [Video clip]

Rittenhouse Defense Team Implodes Hours Before Jury Selection.  Mere hours before jury selection began in the self-defense trial of Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin, a key defense attorney who put together a "dream team" of jury selection experts announced he was off the case.  Robert Barnes says the change in the defense team means someone is "deliberately sabotaging Kyle's defense."  Kyle Rittenhouse is the 17-year-old who shot three people, two of whom died, at the Kenosha riots in August of 2020.  He claims the shootings were in self-defense. [...] After eight months of affiliation with the Rittenhouse case, Barnes, a nationally acclaimed defense attorney, said lead attorney Mark Richards won't share jury information or allow any of Barnes's 20-person team of experts into the courtroom to observe the jury selection.

Wisconsin Weapons Statutes, and the Definition of Dangerous Weapons.  The legislative history in Wisconsin and of the particular law, 948.60 are at the crux of the matter.  Ordinary rifles and shotguns, which are not considered "concealable" in Wisconsin or federal law, have never been defined as "dangerous weapons" under Wisconsin law.  The definition of "dangerous weapons" is very limited.  It is reasonable that rifles and shotguns were excluded from the list of "dangerous weapons", because they are not "concealable" under the law.  Wisconsin has a long history of differentiating between rifles and shotguns and concealable firearms.  Rifles and shotguns are used in crime a tiny fraction of the amount concealable weapons are.  Traditionally firearms which cannot easily be concealed are considered less dangerous because other people can see them and avoid confrontations with the armed person.

Wisconsin Judge Says Men Shot By Kyle Rittenhouse May Be Referred to as 'Rioters', 'Looters', and 'Arsonists' — But Not as 'Victims'.  A judge has ruled that the three men who were shot by Kyle Rittenhouse during a riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last year, may not be referred to as victims during the trial, but defense attorneys may refer to them as "rioters," "looters," or "arsonists" as long as they provide evidence.  "If more than one of them were engaged in arson, rioting, looting, I'm not going to tell the defense you can't call them that," Kenosha County Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder said.  On the other hand, "The word 'victim' is a loaded, loaded word," he said. "'Alleged victim' is a cousin to it."  The judge also said that prosecutors may use their own harsh terms to describe Rittenhouse, such as "cold-blooded killer," as long as they back it up with evidence.

Kyle Rittenhouse decisions to shoot were reasonable, use-of-force expert testifies.  An Illinois man who shot three people during a protest over police brutality in Wisconsin last year was justified because the men confronted him and two of them tried to wrestle his gun away, a use-of-force expert called by the defense testified at a pretrial hearing Tuesday [10/5/2021].  The expert, John Black, spent hours outlining the moments that led to Kyle Rittenhouse's decisions to shoot Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber and Gaige Grosskreutz, offering a preview of the defense team's strategy when Rittenhouse's trial begins next month.  Black testified that video shows Rosenbaum chasing Rittenhouse and reaching for the teenager's gun, Huber attacking Rittenhouse with a skateboard and trying to wrestle away his gun, and Grosskreutz running at him with a pistol in his hand.

Kyle Rittenhouse Makes First In-Person Court Appearance In Wisconsin Ahead Of November Trial.  Kyle Rittenhouse, the 18-year-old accused of shooting and killing two people and wounding another during protests last year, made his first in-person court appearance Friday morning [5/21/2021] in Kenosha, Wis.  The defense and prosecution said the November trial could take up to two weeks.  Friday was Rittenhouse's first in-person appearance as previous legal proceedings were held virtually due to the pandemic.  Rittenhouse faces multiple felony counts of reckless homicide and reckless endangerment, as well as a misdemeanor count of being a minor in possession of a firearm.

Somewhat related:
Va. Cop Fired Over Kyle Rittenhouse Donation Fights to Get His Job Back.  Norfolk, Va., police Lieutenant William Kelly lost his job last month after a data breach at the crowdfunding site GiveSendGo revealed that Kelly had contributed to help the legal defense of Kyle Rittenhouse, the then-17-year-old boy who opened fire amid riots in Kenosha, Wisc., seemingly in self-defense.  Rittenhouse faces murder charges in the deaths of two men.  On May 7, Kelly's lawyers filed a due process grievance against the decision to fire him, demanding a full reinstatement, restoration of benefits and seniority, and more.  Kelly had been 10 months shy of 20 years with the department.  At that point, he could have received retirement savings without a penalty.  When he got fired, he also lost health insurance for himself, his wife — who is sick with cancer — and their three kids.

Crowdfunding Data Breach Triggers Witch Hunt Against Cops Who Support Kyle Rittenhouse.  A data breach at the Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo has revealed the identities of law enforcement personnel who contributed to the legal defense fund for Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old boy who opened fire amid the chaos of riots in Kenosha, Wisc., seemingly in self-defense.  The Guardian contacted the employers of cops who dared to contribute to Rittenhouse, in what the founders of GiveSendGo suggested was an attempt to get the cops fired.

Murder trial of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse pushed to November.  A Wisconsin judge on Wednesday pushed back the murder trial of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse to November.  The ruling came after prosecutors and defense lawyers asked Kenosha County Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder for more time to prepare their cases — which includes a public opinion poll being conducted by Rittenhouse's attorneys, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported.  Rittenhouse, 18, faces murder and attempted murder charges for shooting three protesters in the Wisconsin city on Aug. 25.  The teen was with armed militia members who were guarding local businesses amid unrest over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

Militant Leftists Attempt to Intimidate Judge in Rittenhouse Self Defense Case.  On Friday evening, 12 February, a group of about a dozen far-left protestors, allied with the DA's office in Kenosha, called for the removal of Judge Bruce Schroeder, because the Judge followed the rule of law and refused to facilitate the political persecution of Kyle Rittenhouse.  Rittenhouse is being tried for the self-defense shooting of three men who attacked him as he fled from mobs during the Kenosha riots.  Judge Schroeder required the DA to follow the rule of law.

Prosecutor in Rittenhouse Case Floored After Judge Releases Decision and Shuts Down Any Attempt to Argue It.  Contrary to the claims from the left, America is still a place where the justice system ignores public opinion and treats everyone equally under the law — at least for now.  Kyle Rittenhouse, the teen at the center of a national controversy after he shot three people during the Kenosha, Wisconsin, riots on Aug. 25, will not be rearrested on charges that he violated his parole after he failed to notify authorities that he'd moved from his Antioch, Illinois, apartment, The Associated Press reported.  Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger petitioned Judge Bruce Schroeder for another arrest warrant and argued for a $200,000 increase of Rittenhouse's bail, which he posted in November.

Kyle Rittenhouse Abruptly Extradited to Kenosha Wisconsin.  On 31 October, 2020, there was an extradition hearing for Kyle Rittenhouse in the Lake County courthouse in Waukegan, Illinois.  The Judge ruled that Kyle should be extradited to Wisconsin, for the self defense shootings of people who followed and attacked him in Kenosha, during the riots in that city.  Kyle worked as a lifeguard in Kenosha.  His home in Illinois is about 15 miles from Kenosha.  The hearing was held on Friday morning.  The judge issued his ruling Friday afternoon.  John Pierce, Kyle's attorney, had said he would appeal the extradition.  It was implied that Kyle would stay in custody in Illinois until the appeal was processed.  That did not happen.  Kyle was handed over to Kenosha sheriff deputies at the state line on the afternoon of Friday, 31 October.

Bail set at $2 million for Kyle Rittenhouse, the teen accused in fatal Kenosha shootings.  A Kenosha County court commissioner set bail at $2 million for Kyle Rittenhouse at his first Wisconsin court appearance Monday, after being extradited from Lake County, Illinois, on Friday afternoon [10/30/2020].  Rittenhouse, 17, faces homicide charges from the Aug. 25 shootings during the civil unrest that followed the police shooting of Jacob Blake, who was left paralyzed, two days earlier.  Rittenhouse is charged with killing Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, and wounding Gaige Grosskreutz, 22.  His attorneys say he acted in self-defense.  During a Zoom hearing, Court Commissioner Loren Keating said he considered Rittenhouse a flight risk, given the fact he faces decades or life in prison if convicted, and might have the help of thousands of supporters nationwide if he decide not to return to court.

Lake County prosecutors announce they will not file charges against Kyle Rittenhouse.  Lake County prosecutors said that the gun Kyle Rittenhouse used in the Kenosha shooting was bought, stored and used in Wisconsin.  No charges will be filed against him in Lake County.  Rittenhouse, 17, of Antioch, is facing charges in Wisconsin of first-degree intentional homicide, two counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety, first-degree reckless homicide, attempted first-degree intentional homicide and possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18.  The Lake County State's Attorney's Office announced Tuesday [10/13/2020] that an extensive investigation was conducted by the Antioch Police Department.  The investigation revealed the gun used in the Kenosha shooting was purchased, stored and used in Wisconsin.

Man Who Fired First Shots Behind Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha Has Been Charged.  The man who fired the first shots from behind Kyle Rittenhouse during the fatal incident in Kenosha has been charged.  Joshua Ziminski, 35, has been charged with disorderly conduct and use of a dangerous weapon for firing his weapon during the incident on August 25. According to the charging document, obtained by The Gateway Pundit, while investigating the shooting by Rittenhouse, Kenosha detectives obtained videos in which Ziminski "was holding a black handgun, which he was holding in his left hand, pointing downward. [...]"

Kyle Rittenhouse extradition 'dangerous' due to political climate:  Lawyers.  Defense attorneys for alleged killer Kyle Rittenhouse argued on Friday that it would be dangerous to extradite the 17-year-old teenager, citing fears of retaliation and a divided political climate.  Rittenhouse [...] appeared via Zoom for an Illinois hearing where his attorney contested the teen's extradition to Wisconsin to face homicide and other charges in connection with the August shootings.  The hearing, which lasted about five minutes, ended Friday morning [10/9/2020] without a decision and it's unclear when the judge will issue a ruling.  The judge gave state prosecutors seven days to respond to the motion and scheduled an in-person hearing for Oct. 30.

The Editor says...
The article above is from ABC News, and it reeks with left-wing bias.  The writer calls Mr. Rittenhouse "an alleged white supremacist," and goes on to say, "Joe Biden's campaign has criticized President Donald Trump's failure to condemn white supremacists," which is misleading, irrelevant and immaterial in an article about the Rittenhouse extradition.

Sandmann's Lawyer to Sue Joe Biden for Calling Kyle Rittenhouse a White Supremacist.  On Wednesday [9/30/2020], Lin Wood announced he would sue Democratic nominee Joe Biden for libel after the candidate released an ad suggesting that his client, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, is a "white supremacist" responsible for violence in Kenosha, Wisc.  Wood has represented Nick Sandmann, the Covington Catholic High School graduate repeatedly defamed by the legacy media after the March for Life last year.  Wood has represented Sandmann in wresting money from CNN and The Washington Post in defamation lawsuits.

Rittenhouse Lawyer L. Lin Wood to Sue Joe Biden for Smearing His Client in Anti-Trump Video.  An attorney representing Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager who fatally shot two agitators, and wounded another during a violent riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, has vowed to sue Joe Biden and the Biden/Harris Campaign for libel.  President Trump "is not Biden's biggest problem," attorney L. Lin Wood declared on Wednesday [9/30/2020].  Biden, in an effort to paint President Trump as a racist supporter of white supremacism, tweeted out a video montage of alleged white supremacists that included an image of the 17-year-old Rittenhouse carrying an AR-15 rifle in Kenosha during the August 25 riot.

Kyle Rittenhouse to sue Biden, campaign for libel, attorney says.  An attorney representing alleged Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse has announced plans to sue Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his campaign for libel on his client's behalf after Biden shared a video that appears to suggest the teenager is a White supremacist.  Lin Wood, Rittenhouse's civil attorney, confirmed to Fox News on Wednesday his intention to sue the former vice president and his campaign on his client's behalf, just hours after Biden posted the 50-second clip to Twitter.

Christian group raises over $500K for Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse.  A Christian crowdfunding site has raised more than $520,000 to help cover legal fees for Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse.  The GiveSendGo site, created shortly after Rittenhouse shot three Black Lives Matter protesters in the Wisconsin city on Aug. 25, killing two, is sponsored by a group called "Friends of the Rittenhouse family," which is based in Atlanta, Georgia.  The group set an initial goal of $500,00 [sic] but had surpassed that by Monday [9/28/2020], with nearly $523,000 in contributions.

New 11-min Kyle Rittenhouse video reveals powerful evidence refuting murder charge.  New video footage from the Kenosha riots last month unveiled this Tuesday evening on Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" offers additional evidence that shooter Kyle Rittenhouse had acted in self-defense when he'd opened fire and allegedly killed two left-wing extremists and injured a third.  The footage also seems to demonstrate that Rittenhouse's intentions had been noble and that the Illinois teen had purposefully crossed state lines to protect Kenosha business owners, not stir up trouble.  [Video clip]

Kyle Rittenhouse: Political Prisoner.  Kyle Rittenhouse is a political prisoner.  Just before midnight on 25 August, 2020, Kyle Rittenhouse shot three people who attacked him in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in self defense.  Rittenhouse was legally there performing voluntary actions to minimize damage done by rioters.  He was fleeing a mob pursuing him when he was forced to defend himself, shooting three of numerous pursuers at two separate locations.  All three of the people shot got within contact range of Rittenhouse.  Two were attempting to disarm him, the third had a semi-automatic pistol in his hand.  The first attacker had been aggressive earlier and had challenged a black man to shoot him, saying shoot me n*gga!" more than once.  The first attacker was a felon and sex offender who chased Rittenhouse and tried to take his rifle.  After that defensive shooting, Kyle Rittenhouse fled the mob and attempted to turn himself in to police custody.  There is audio of his intent to do so as he ran from the mob.  One of his attackers asked him what he was doing while the attacker was live streaming and running close to Rittenhouse.  Kyle Rittenhouse said "I am going to the police".  Rittenhouse was repeatedly attacked as he ran in an attempt to reach the police.  Rittenouse tripped and went down on the street, and was attacked in a coordinated manner by multiple assailants.

Dallas high school sparks outrage after Kenosha gunman Kyle Rittenhouse is named in 'Hero for the Modern Age' assignment alongside Gandhi, Malcolm X.  Parents and students at a high school in Dallas are outraged after a school assignment called 'Hero for the Modern Age' named Kenosha gunman Kyle Rittenhouse.  The assignment was given to seniors in an English class at W.T. White High School in Dallas, Texas, and had two parts; first asking students to write a biography for the six people listed and then asking them to write a one-page essay on which of those six people they believed best demonstrated the concept of a hero.  Activist Malcolm X and Mahatma Gandhi were among those listed as people to chose from, alongside Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who shot and killed two Black Lives Matters protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last month.

Gun Rights Group Details Why They Think The Rittenhouse Shooting Was 'Self Defense'.  A spokesperson for the Gun Owners of America, a prominent Second Amendment group, told the Daily Caller News Foundation that Kyle Rittenhouse's actions in Kenosha, Wisconsin last week were justified in the context of self defense.  Firearms instructor and GOA spokesman Alan Rice, who spoke on behalf of the organization's lawyers, insisted 17-year-old Rittenhouse was within his legal right to self preservation when he allegedly shot three people, killing two of them, in the riots that followed the police shooting of Jacob Blake.  "We don't think he did anything wrong as far as defending himself and using a firearm," Rice told the DCNF in a phone interview.  "They chased him, they followed him and he was forced to fire in self defense."

Rep. Massie:  Kyle Rittenhouse 'exhibited incredible restraint'.  Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) has said he would not vote to convict Kyle Rittenhouse, who has been accused of killing two people in Kenosha.  On Friday, he defended the 17-year-old's actions.  Based on the footage, Massie claimed it was clearly self-defense.  After seeing the evidence and social media footage, the lawmaker believes Rittenhouse was not acting out of malicious intent, but was fearful of his safety.  He added the young man was a lot more merciful than he could have been.

Kenosha Prosecutor Proves Kyle Rittenhouse's Case.  I downloaded and read the charges filed against Kyle Rittenhouse by Kenosha assistant district attorney Angelina Gabriele.  If I were on the jury and read only the D.A.'s side of the story, I would acquit Rittenhouse for the most serious charges without even listening to his side.  The only one that looks to me as if it could have merit is "possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18," which is a misdemeanor.  Let's start with Rittenhouse's first assailant, Joseph D. Rosenbaum.  If this is Joseph Don Rosenbaum from Arizona, he served prison time, which is usually consistent with a felony conviction.  I was unable to confirm from AZ or WI records that he was a sexual offender, as some have claimed.  The following is not Rittenhouse's side of the story as told by himself or his attorney; it is the prosecutor's side of the story. [...]

Where's "The Talk" When We Need It?  [Scroll down]  With the verdict in, liberals have lost their minds about Rittenhouse.  They tell outrageous lies about him, lionize the ex-cons he shot and aggressively censor anyone who takes his side.  Rep. Ayanna Pressley and Sen. Chris Murphy called Rittenhouse a "white supremacist" and "white nationalist," respectively (in non-congressionally immunized tweets, for any lawyers who might be interested).  Meanwhile, for suggesting that Rittenhouse may be innocent, both Rittenhouse's attorney and I have been suspended from Twitter.  Oh by the way, over the weekend, an hour away in Chicago, 54 people were shot; 10 are dead.  Woke media:  Everyone involved was black, right?  No big deal.

Discover blocks donations to site raising money for Kyle Rittenhouse defense.  Discover Financial Services has blocked customers from making donations on a Christian crowdfunding site that was raising money for accused Kenosha gunman Kyle Rittenhouse, a report said.  GiveSendGo has raised more than $380,000 for the 17-year-old, who has been receiving support in some conservative circles who claim he acted in self-defense when he fatally shot two protesters with an AR-15 style rifle during a chaotic night following the shooting of Jacob Blake.  The credit card company, in emails to Forbes, said the action was taken for operating regulation violations.  The violation wasn't explained.

Kyle Rittenhouse's Attorney:  This Was 100% Self Defense, "Kyle Is A Good Kid".  "Kenosha Kid" Kyle Rittenhouse's lawyer joined Tucker Carlson on Fox News this week to explain his self-defense argument in the deadly protest shooting last week.  Rittenhouse is charged as an adult with two counts of first-degree homicide, said his attorney John Pierce.  He also shot a third person who was assaulting him with a handgun.  "The firearm never crossed state lines," Pierce said, in reference to one of the main issues in the case.  "That is a legal firearm in the state of Wisconsin.  Wisconsin is an open carry state.  That charge is incorrect as a matter of state law."  "He was in imminent danger of serious bodily harm or death.  This is 100% self-defense, Tucker — Kyle is a good kid."

What does 'without evidence' mean?  President Trump spoke mildly in defense of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse on Tuesday, saying that the 17-year-old seemed to be defending himself when he shot three people, killing two of them.  NPR, fresh off of interviewing In Defense of Looting author Vicky Osterweil, had something stern to say about that, tweeting 'President Trump declined to condemn the actions of the suspected 17-year-old shooter of three protesters against police brutality in Kenosha — claiming, without evidence, that it appeared the gunman was acting in self-defense.'  Without evidence!  Cockburn tries to live an upright life these days, but he had to pause for a moment to be sure he had not mistakenly consumed peyote or some other mind-altering substance.  Without evidence?  The entire Rittenhouse episode was caught on tape.  You can watch both shootings on YouTube, along with lengthy dissections of what they show.  You can watch him get interviewed immediately before the shooting.  Without evidence?  Kyle Rittenhouse's night in Kenosha is one of the single best-documented shootings of all time.

17-Yr-Old Kenosha Shooter's Legal Team Makes Amazing Statement Clearing His Name.  The media has lied [a lot] about Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who shot three in Kenosha last week, but now his legal team is correcting the record.  There has been one lie after another perpetrated by the left-wing, anti-American media about Rittenhouse.  We have been told he is a "white supremacist," but no evidence was ever supplied.  He was called a "militia member."  Again, no evidence.  Then they said he was "coordinating with the police."  Another false statement.  The media next said he transported a "machine gun" across state lines.  Nada on the proof.  It was said he was "looking for someone to kill."  Yep, no evidence cited.  These are just a few of the lies the leftist media told you about this young man.

Trump appears to back claim suspected teen gunman acted in self-defense, rips 'left-wing political violence'.  Ahead of his trip to Wisconsin, President Trump embraced the claim that the teenager accused of fatally shooting two protesters and injuring another in Kenosha last week was acting in self-defense — as he tore into Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and other Democrats and accused them of stoking "left-wing political violence."  During a White House press briefing, Trump appeared to support the claim that 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was acting in self-defense.  He said the teenager tripped and that "he probably would have been killed" if he hadn't use used his weapon.  "He was in very big trouble," Trump said.  "He probably would have been killed."  The defendant's legal team claim he was acting in self-defense.  Social media video shows Rittenhouse, who has been charged with murder, being chased before he fell and fired at his pursuers.

National 'Public' Radio declares Kenosha shooter guilty before trial despite evidence of self-defense, sparks calls to Defund NPR.  Centrist taxpayer-funded outlet National Public Radio (NPR) has attacked US President Donald Trump for "defending" the shooter of three protesters in Kenosha.  Trump supporters have renewed a longstanding call to defund it.  NPR tore into Trump after he "declined to condemn" the actions of the 17-year-old Illinois resident who shot three protesters — allegedly in self-defense — amid ongoing rioting in Kenosha.  The news outlet jeered that Trump had claimed, "without evidence, that it appeared the gunman was acting in self-defense."  While the president also acknowledged there was an ongoing investigation into the actions of Kyle Rittenhouse, who has been charged with six criminal counts including first-degree murder over his shooting three people during the riots in Kenosha, NPR focused on his refusal to pass judgement on the young gunman.

The Charges Against Kyle Rittenhouse.  On August 27th, prosecutors in Kenosha County filed six charges against Kyle Rittenhouse which read as follows:
  [#1]   First degree reckless homicide, use of a dangerous weapon
  [#2]   First degree recklessly endangering safety, use of a dangerous weapon
  [#3]   First degree intentional homicide, use of a dangerous weapon
  [#4]   Attempt first degree intentional homicide, use of a dangerous weapon
  [#5]   First degree recklessly endangering safety, use of a dangerous weapon
  [#6]   Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18.
A detailed breakdown of the facts of the case can be found [elsew]here.  What follows is a breakdown of the law applicable to the case.  Counts 1, 3, and 4 relate to shots fired at Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and Gaige Grosskreutz respectively, all of whom are on film attacking Kyle Rittenhouse as he attempts to flee.  Count 2 is ancillary to Count 1, relating to Daily Caller reporter Richard McGinnis, who was following Rosenbaum at the time of the incident and was therefore in Kyle's line of fire.  Count 5 refers to the two shots fired at the unknown male who attempted a jumping stomp on Kyle's head after he tripped and fell while fleeing a violent mob.  Both shots missed and the man fled the scene.  Count 6 is an attempt to punish Kyle for merely having the gun.

A Tyranny Perpetual and Universal?  [Scroll down]  This story is still "developing" as they say, but as of Friday, August 28, a young man who appears to have had a Molotov cocktail thrown at him, a loaded pistol pointed at his face, and his head bashed with a skateboard after being chased by three Antifa thugs is currently in jail on a charge of first-degree murder.  The fundamental right of self-defense — the bedrock foundation of all our other rights — increasingly is not honored if you're a member of a disfavored group and your attacker is not.

Kyle Rittenhouse Was Working as a Lifeguard in Kenosha the Day of the Shooting, Went to Clean Vandalism at School After Work.  Kyle Rittenhouse is a community lifeguard who was working in Kenosha the day of the shooting.  This simple fact destroys the narrative being peddled by the mainstream media that he had "crossed state lines" to harm the rioters.  In a statement by Rittenhouse's legal team at Pierce Bainbridge, provided to the Gateway Pundit, they explained that "after Kyle finished his work that day as a community lifeguard in Kenosha, he wanted to help clean up some of the damage, so he and a friend went to the local public high school to remove graffiti by rioters."

The Kenosha County DA Has a History of Prosecuting Self-Defense Cases.  Just as more details in the case against Kyle Rittenhouse are released, questions should be raised into the judgment of the crowd pacifying DA who filed the charges against the 17-year-old accused of murder.  Even included in the court filing establishing the charges are numerous claims that Rittenhouse was attacked before ever firing a shot.  District Attorney Michael Graveley's filing suggests that Rittenhouse hadn't threatened anyone prior to being rushed by Joseph Rosenbaum, who was subsequently shot and killed by Rittenhouse.  The filing details that the witness to the shooting saw Rosenbaum attempt to take the rifle from Rittenhouse before Rittenhouse turned and fired shots at Rosenbaum.  The DA's filing was also woefully short on details (saying Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag at Rittenhouse but video evidence clearly showed the bag had items in it which could have injured Rittenhouse — says it "appears" Gaige Grosskreutz was holding a firearm) but despite this lack of video supported explanation the complaint still lays the clear details that Rittenhouse didn't fire a single shot at anyone who didn't pose a threat to him.

Accused Kenosha shooter's lawyer claims self-defense amid new video.  A 17-year-old charged in two shooting deaths amid a chaotic demonstration in Kenosha, Wis., earlier this week feared for his life after being attacked by rioters who chased and beat him, his attorney said Friday [8/28/2020].  In a lengthy statement, the lawyer for Kyle Rittenhouse, John Pierce, said prosecutors rushed to judgment in charging his client to appease "divisive" and "destructive" forces without analyzing Tuesday's events.  "This was not a serious investigation," Pierce said.  "Rather, after learning Kyle may have had conservative political viewpoints, they immediately saw him as a convenient target who they could use as a scapegoat to distract from the Jacob Blake shooting and the government's abject failure to ensure basic law and order to citizens."

New videos show Rittenhouse under attack as man points gun at him, other guns fire in background.  Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old arrested Wednesday after shooting three people and killing two of them during rioting in Kenosha, Wisconsin Tuesday, has been charged with first-degree intentional homicide along with five other charges.  Rittenhouse, who crossed over state lines from Antioch, Illinois to Kenosha, a few minutes away, also faces charges of first-degree reckless homicide, two counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety, attempted first-degree intentional homicide and possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18, the Chicago Tribune reported.  The gun rights advocacy group, Gun Owners of America (GOA) has come out in support of Rittenhouse, in what they say was not intentional homicide but instead was self-defense.  Videos showing the various angles of the shootings also show other people had weapons and may have been attacking Rittenhouse.

Man Shot in the Arm by Kyle Rittenhouse Says His Only Regret Was "Not Killing the Kid".  The Black Lives Matter protester in Kenosha who was shot in the arm by Kyle Rittenhouse says that his only regret was "not killing the kid," a statement that will do wonders to help Rittenhouse's self-defense argument.  Gaige Grosskreutz, who was caught on camera pointing a gun at Rittenhouse before the teenager show him in the arm, made the comments after doctors were able to save the limb from being amputated. [...] "Well this literally shows INTENT TO KILL, so Kyle Rittenhouse's defense lawyer just got an early Christmas present," tweeted Mike Cernovich.

Official Legal Defense Fund For Kyle Rittenhouse Launched by Attnys L. Lin Wood And John Pierce.  Nick Sandmann's attorney L Lin Wood has teamed up with John Pierce and the law firm Pierce Bainbridge, which has represented President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani and former Trump adviser Carter Page, to provide 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse with a top notch defense team.  Rittenhouse was officially charged on Thursday with first-degree intentional homicide, first-degree reckless homicide, two counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety, attempted first-degree intentional homicide and possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18 and is facing life in prison.

Sandmann Lawyer L. Lin Wood Offers to Represent 17-Year-Old Kenosha Shooter Pro Bono.  The attorney who is representing Covington Catholic teen Nick Sandmann has offered to represent the Kenosha gunman Kyle Rittenhouse pro bono.  Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Illinois resident, was arrested by police on Wednesday for first-degree murder after he allegedly fatally shot two rioters, and wounded another in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Tuesday evening [8/25/2020].  The shooting took place around 11:45 p.m. near a car dealership as antifa/BLM rioters rampaged through town for the third night in a row following the police shooting of 29-year-old Jacob Blake.  According to independent journalists reporting from the scene, Rittenhouse was part of an armed group that was there to protect local businesses.  He was also spotted cleaning graffiti the day of the shooting.

About That Kenosha Shooter.  Let's stipulate starting out that Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old from Antioch, Illinois, who has been arrested and charged with murder for shooting two people during the Kenosha riots two nights ago, should not have been present at the scene with a semi-auto rifle.  That's no place for a 17-year-old, even if he is a regular at the gun range.  And resorting to vigilantism is a sure path to a breakdown in the rule of law and perhaps even open civil war.  We'll hold off a recitation of Lincoln' Lyceum Address on this point for some other time, as well as scoring the appalling negligence of Democratic political leaders in Wisconsin.  That said, there appears to be a decent case that Rittenhouse acted in self-defense.  Who says this?  Sit down for the answer:  a team of reporters from the New York Times.  I'm starting to think someone from Fox News has spiked the water at the Times, as this story makes two sensible news stories in one day from the Times.  Or maybe the panic is that high at DNC headquarters.

Kyle Rittenhouse Was Right to Fire His Weapon.  [Scroll down]  [Video clips] Both of these pieces of footage [show] Rittenhouse was firing with the intention of self-defense, not assault.  He is always moving away, attempting to flee pursuers and never fires until his pursuers are right on top of him.  If that's the case then no death that occurred as a result of Rittenhouse firing his weapon was not his fault due to Wisconsin's "Castle Doctrine" law.  He was clearly under attack and as such, was within legal bounds when he pulled the trigger from his legal firearm.

Background information about the riot:
This is why Jacob Blake had a warrant out for his arrest.  The cops involved in the shooting of Jacob Blake — which touched off a fresh wave of angry, anti-police sentiment across the country — were attempting to arrest him for violating a restraining order stemming from an alleged sexual assault, The [New York] Post has learned.  Blake, 29, was forbidden from going to the Kenosha home of his alleged victim from the May 3 incident, and police were dispatched Sunday following a 911 call saying he was there.  The responding officers were aware he had an open warrant for felony sexual assault, according to dispatch records and the Kenosha Professional Police Association, which released a statement on the incident on Friday [8/28/2020].  That police union statement also claimed that Blake was armed with a knife at the time of the shooting — and had put one cop in a headlock and shrugged off two Taser attempts while resisting arrest.

The Fools of Kenosha.  On Sunday [8/23/2020], a black man named Jacob Blake was shot seven times by a police officer in Kenosha after Blake refused to comply with his orders.  The details of what happened remain murky.  We know that the cops were called in response to a complaint by a woman who claimed that Blake had taken her keys; we know that there was a warrant out for Blake that cited sexual assault, trespassing, and disorderly conduct; and we know that Blake had a knife "in his possession" at the time of the shooting.  Beyond that, however, we remain largely in the dark.  The nature of these cases depends heavily on the details, and, at the moment, those details are few and far between.  One would not know this by the reaction.  Within hours of the video of the shooting hitting the Internet, the city of Kenosha was on fire.  Cars were torched.  Businesses were destroyed.

Other specific cases:

Note:  The case of Mark and Patricia McCloskey in St. Louis is in a section above.  (Scroll up or click here.)  The case of Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha is in a section above.  (Scroll up or click here.)

Resident Shoots Alleged Home Intruder Twice With Shotgun.  An alleged intruder was shot twice with a shotgun by an El Cerrito, California, resident Tuesday mid-morning and survived to receive treatment for his injuries.  Contra Costa News identified the alleged intruder as 56-year-old William Nidever.  He was "airlifted to a trauma center for treatment of his injuries."  NBC Bay Area described Nidever as "a transient" and pointed out that the resident believed Nidever had a gun.

The Editor says...
If the "intruder" broke into somebody's house with the apparent intent to commit an additional felony, it doesn't matter if he was armed or not.  Put me on that jury!

Las Vegas Homeowner Shoots And Kills Intruder.  A Las Vegas resident recently shot and killed an intruder attempting to break into their home in the morning hours of Thursday, September 26th.  Police say the shooting occurred while the homeowner was on the phone with authorities reporting the man had already broken a window and was acting "extremely irrational."  It was around 7:40 am when the 20-something-year-old resident of the Spring Valley neighborhood in Southwest Las Vegas dialed 911 to report the home was being broken into.  Las Vegas Metro Police Department officers rushed to the scene but did not arrive before the dispatcher heard a shot fired.

Armed Citizen Saves Woman And Child During Carjacking And Sexual Assault.  A woman's screams caught the attention of an unnamed hero on August 30th in Tazewell County, Virginia.  Armed with a 9mm handgun, the Good Samaritan moved swiftly toward danger, putting himself in harm's way to protect the life of a stranger and her child.  Unknowingly coming face to face with a suspect already wanted on two outstanding warrants, the harrowing confrontation unfolded.  Moments earlier at a Lee's Kar-Go convenience store, the suspect, 30-year-old Cody Dailey, forcefully attempted to seize control of a truck, assaulting the female driver and terrifying the woman's child, saying, "I'm going to rape your mommy."  Before the heinous threat or worse could be carried out, with a sense of duty, obligation and clarity that organizations like Brady United, Everytown and March for Our Lives could never understand, the courageous Good Samaritan's voice rang out, confronting the attacker and ordering him to stop immediately.

Texas Teacher Grabs His Gun A Rescues A 15-Year-Old Being Raped Outside His Home.  Texas teacher grabs his gun and rescues a 15-year-old girl from being sexually assaulted outside his home 'I'm 15, help me!'  "I looked out the window and I saw a man beating up a woman on the ground ... trying to take her clothes off" he said[.]  The Harris County Sheriff's Office reported the incident occurred shortly before midnight on July 28[.]  [Video clip]

Good Samaritan with a gun saves a 15-year-old girl from being raped on a Texas sidewalk.  As long as you're not in a Democrat stronghold, you can in fact come to the defense of someone weaker than you who's being threatened and attacked by a violent assailant, without fear of being thrown in jail.  While New Yorker Daniel Penny awaits trial, faces 15 years in prison, and is burdened by legal fees, Texan David Garza is being hailed a "quick-thinking hero" who saved a young girl's life.

Alleged home intruder brings knife to gunfight with disabled Vietnam veteran and pays the ultimate price.  Adisabled Vietnam veteran said he grabbed his gun after waking up Monday morning to find a male intruder armed with a knife breaking into his bedroom at his home in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Danny Ricketts told KOB-TV he retrieved the gun from his nightstand, shot the alleged intruder, and then called police.  "I could see it was a knife sticking under the window, sort of wiggling back and forth, and the window was coming up," Ricketts said about the incident.  Ricketts added that he keeps a gun nearby because he suffers from PTSD.  He's an amputee and uses a wheelchair.

Gun control for thee but not for me.  A U.S. marshal protecting Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor's home shot an armed man attempting to carjack him on Friday.  This instance is just one example of how guns used in self-defense can be vital for one's safety, especially in Washington, D.C. Coincidentally, Justice Sotomayor has a history of opposing the right to bear arms for self-defense.  The would-be carjacker approached the marshal's vehicle with a handgun.  While he pointed his weapon toward the driver's window, the marshal inside drew his firearm and shot the assailant.  A second U.S. marshal also opened fire on the carjacker.  The attacker was subsequently taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening wounds.  Washington has been suffering under a crime wave that has persisted since the pandemic.  The city had the fifth-highest homicide rate in 2023 and is on pace to have a higher death toll in 2024.  The arrest rate has been consistently low since before the pandemic, the police force is at a half-century low, and the legal system remains slow to prosecute.  This dangerous security situation means that personal defense is all the more important now in Washington DC.

Shotgun-toting Texas homeowner fatally shoots intruder who allegedly refused to leave property, lunged at homeowner, wife.  Ashotgun-toting homeowner in San Antonio, Texas, fatally shot an intruder who allegedly refused to leave his property and lunged at him and his wife.  Police were called to a residence in the 800 block of Allende Drive in the city's west side around 1 a.m.  Sunday for a report of a shooting, KEYE-TV reported.  A male came to the home's door, after which the homeowner asked him to leave, investigators told the station.  The male returned a short time later and again was asked to leave, KEYE reported.  Soon after, the homeowner heard noises coming from the back yard, officials told  With that, the homeowner grabbed a shotgun, checked the yard, and again saw the same male, the outlet said.  The homeowner asked the male to leave their yard, but the male lunged at the homeowner and his wife, after which the homeowner fired a shot that hit the male in the stomach, reported.

Three People [were] Shot At Chicago Salvation Army, Concealed Carry Citizen Returns Fire.  On Friday afternoon, a shooting incident occurred at the Salvation Army Cross Generations Worship & Community Center in Blue Island, Illinois.  Gunmen opened fire during a service, resulting in at least three people being wounded.  The service was being held in honor of Princess Jamya Bell, 19, who was previously shot and killed in Chicago on June 3.  [Video clip]  According to Blue Island police, the shooters arrived in a vehicle and unleashed gunfire towards the building.  One person at the service, who had a concealed carry permit, returned fire.  ThThe chaotic scene left four people injured, with some being taken to nearby hospitals for treatment.  Tom Wogan, Blue Island City Administrator, expressed his concern over the incident, especially considering the possibility of it being a retaliatory act.  The Salvation Army also issued a statement conveying their deep concern and extending prayers for the swift recovery of the victims and the healing of the Blue Island community.

Armed Robber Picked The Wrong Mobile Phone Store To Rob.  A suspected robber wearing a motorcycle helmet gets shot after trying to rob a cell phone store in Uvaranas, Brazil.  As the robber appeared to pull out his gun, the store owner pulled out his own firearm & shot the man.  [Video clip]

Serial Carjacker Shot Dead By Homeowner Defending His Family.  A series of carjackings came to a dramatic end on Wednesday night in Lehigh Acres when a courageous homeowner put an end to the crime spree.  According to the Lee County Sheriff's Office, the suspect, identified as 23-year-old Ja'Darian Graham, was shot dead by a relative during a shootout.  The crime spree began at the Lee Blvd.  Plaza, where Graham attempted to carjack a vehicle but was unsuccessful as the occupants refused to surrender.  In response, he fired his weapon into the ground, indicating his willingness to use force.  Undeterred by his failed attempt, Graham then seized control of another vehicle at the same plaza.  However, he inexplicably abandoned the car in the middle of the road on Lee Blvd. and Hazlewood Ave., fleeing on foot to a nearby gas station.  Graham's third carjacking took place at the Exon gas station, where he entered a car but was unable to operate the stick shift.  In frustration, he resorted to firing shots into the car's hood before fleeing on foot once again.

Intruder armed with knife runs right into gun-toting homeowner.  It's appears a Texas home intruder may not have watched the iconic movie "The Untouchables" — which includes a warning of sorts to avoid bringing a knife to a gunfight — because this guy did just that Monday night in Taylor.  The city is about 45 minutes northeast of Austin.  The Taylor Press said officers responded to an 11:35 p.m. call about a male with a knife attempting to enter a house in the 2300 block of Donna Drive.  As officers were headed to the residence, the paper said the male had entered the house — and that the homeowner shot the male.

Mississippi Police Say Homeowners Won't Face Charges in Fatal Shooting of Intruders.  Police are recommending murder charges after two of three robbers were killed by their intended victims on Monday, but it's the third accused robber who's facing prosecution, not the individuals who acted in self-defense.  My thanks to eagle-eyed Bearing Arms reader Fred for alerting me to this incident, where authorities in Gulfport, Mississippi have concluded that the homeowners were justified in using deadly force to protect themselves from what police describe as a "targeted" robbery of a residence.  Under Mississippi law, however, accomplices to a crime can be charged with murder if any of their partners are killed in the course of their criminal activity.

Texas Pizza Delivery Driver Delivers Pizza With a Side of Bullets to Robbery Suspect.  Despite how delicious a good pizza can be, everyone knows it isn't great for their health, but for one would-be robber, it actually proved fatal.  Such was the case in Houston last weekend when a pizza delivery driver delivered more than just the pepperoni when he fatally shot one of two men who attempted to rob him, police reported.  The incident occurred around 12:40 a.m.  Sunday at an apartment complex, WTHR reported.  The driver had arrived to deliver a pizza when he was confronted by two men demanding money "at gunpoint."  HPD stated that the driver, facing an imminent threat, pulled out his own firearm and fired, killing one of the assailants.  The second suspect fled the scene.

Grand Jury Declines to Prosecute Texas Mother Who Shot 14-Year-Old Boy During Break-In.  A Texas mother who shot a 14-year-old boy will face no charges after a grand jury decided not to indict her.  The decision closes the door on a tragic case in which a mother was forced to use her firearm to defend her children.  The incident occurred in December when Aleah Wallace discovered that the boy was trying to break into her home through a window.

Knife-Wielding Suspect Shot Dead By Springdale Cop — Justified, Saved Victim.  In a recent statement released by the Springdale Police Department, Washington County Prosecuting Attorney Matt Durrett has deemed the actions of Cpl. Danny Wright, a Springdale police officer, as justified in his use of deadly force against Dimitri Calvert.  The incident, which took place on March 12, resulted in the death of Calvert.

Pittsburgh-area woman shoots and kills home intruder: police.  A Beaver County woman shot and killed a man who broke into her home in the middle of the night, police said.  "The door to her basement opened and there stands this guy who she had no idea who he was, and she ended up shooting him three times and killing him," Beaver County District Attorney Nate Bible said.  The district attorney described the terrifying moments inside the home on 10th Avenue in Beaver Falls on Wednesday.  The homeowner showed KDKA-TV the basement window the man busted open to get inside the home.  The woman, armed with a 9mm handgun, went downstairs after hearing noises and came face to face with the stranger.

Woman charged in fatal shooting acted in self-defense, her attorney says.  Officers were called Sunday afternoon to the 2600 block of Cliffwood Drive, where 40-year-old Lloyd Ashley was found shot to death.  Police announced Monday [4/22/2024] that 19-year-old Valencia Jones is charged with murder, according to jail records.  Warren L. Martin Jr., an attorney representing Jones, said she acted in self-defense.  "While the death of Mr. Lloyd Ashley Jr. is tragic, it was wholly justified," Martin said in a statement to 16 WAPT News.  Martin accused Ashley of breaking into the home on Cliffwood Drive and pointing a gun at her.  "In fear for her life, Valencia defensively fired a weapon, striking Mr. Ashley," Martin said.  "The absolute privilege under Mississippi's Castle Law doctrine applies in this matter, and the charges filed against Ms. Valencia Jones should be dismissed immediately."

Arkansas Prosecutor Says [an] Elderly Man [was] Justified in Shooting [an] Intruder.  It took investigators more than six months to reach their conclusion, but authorities in Sebastian County, Arkansas have officially cleared an elderly man of any wrongdoing after he shot an intruder in his Fort Smith home last June.  The break-in happened in broad daylight, around 2:00 p.m. on the afternoon of June 28th.  The homeowner heard a noise coming from the rear of the home, and grabbed his shotgun for protection.  Just then a neighbor called to alert him that someone was trying to break into the residence, prompting the elderly gun owner to dial 911.  Before police could get to the house, however, the homeowner heard his glass patio door shatter.  As the intruder stepped inside, the homeowner fired twice and struck the prowler.

Oakland Thugs Thought This Asian Run Jewelry Store Was An Easy Mark, The Owner's Gun Changed Their Minds Fast.  Eight armed suspects ransacked the legacy Oakland Chinatown business Phuong Jewelry yesterday at around 12:30.  The family tells journalist Dion Lim that 85-90% of their inventory was taken in less than one minute.  Watch as owner Diane runs to the back & gets her year old husband.  He storms out with a firearm and scares the suspects away!  [Video clip]

'Heroic' mom, 85, kills masked intruder in gunfight protecting disabled son while handcuffed to chair and shot 4 times.  An 85-year-old Idaho mother fatally shot a masked intruder who held her hostage at gunpoint while her disabled son slept down the hall during a horrifying home invasion.  Christine Jenneiahn's "grit, determination, and will to live" is "what saved her that night," Bingham County Prosecutor Ryan Jolley said after announcing Wednesday that Jenneiahn justifiably killed Derek Condon, 39, on March 13.  "This case presents an easy analysis of self-defense and justifiable homicide," Jolley wrote in the case review shared by the Bingham County Sheriff's Office.  "It also presents one of the most heroic acts of self-preservation I have ever heard of."

Mississippi Store Owner Won't Be Charged for Shooting Knife Wielding Attacker.  Police have determined no charges are warranted in a West Jackson, Miss., defensive shooting in which a man chased and attempted to attack the owner of Big Boy's Convenient Store before the owner fired his handgun, killing the man.  Musa Ali Ghna told WLBT 3, said he has not been the same since the incident and, while he has dealt with violence before, he never had to defend himself to the point where he was forced to take another person's life.

70-year-old, gun-toting homeowner sends lead-powered message to intruder.  Steve Huntley, 70, was asleep early Thursday morning when the noises commenced.  Huntley — who lives in the Memphis neighborhood of Nutbush — told WREG-TV the sound was a "bump, bump, bump."  "That's what got my dogs stirred up," he added to the station.  Sure enough, Huntley said an intruder was trying to get into his home through a back door — and the elderly homeowner told WREG he stood face-to-face with the intruder.  "I shoved him," Huntley recounted to the station.  "He hit the ground down there.  I slammed the door and went in to get my pistol."

Elderly homeowner fatally shoots burglary suspect after struggle in residence during early morning hours, cops say.  An elderly New Mexico homeowner fatally shot a burglary suspect after a struggle in the homeowner's residence over the weekend, Española police said.  Española is about a half-hour north of Santa Fe.  Police said they got a call early Saturday morning about a burglary in progress in the 500 block of Middle San Pedro Road.  Police said arriving officers learned an elderly homeowner confronted the burglary suspect in the residence, after which a struggle ensued, and the homeowner shot the suspect at least once.  The burglary suspect was pronounced dead at the scene, police said.  "This is an ongoing and active investigation, and further details will be provided in the coming days," police added.

Armed Robber Killed, Armed Citizen Wounded in Chicago Shootout.  A would-be robber made a fatal mistake on Friday morning when he targeted a Chicago man who had the means and motivation to defend his life.  According to authorities, a 60-year-old man was confronted outside his home around 5:30 this morning by an armed suspect who demanded the victim hand over his belongings.  Instead, the man chose to fight back.

Thug Tries To Rob 100k In Jewels From Jewelry Store In Chicago, The Owner Was Armed and Dangerous.  A man trying to rob a jewelry store in the Loop Saturday morning was shot by an employee inside, and it was all captured on surveillance cameras inside and outside the store.  The incident happened just before 11 a.m. on Jeweler's Row, in the 0-100 block of North Wabash Avenue.  Surveillance video shows the would-be robber, who wore a red sweatshirt, walking around for about a minute before he took off running toward the entrance.  He began to bash in a glass case, and that's when the employee reached behind the counter and began shooting at the man before he tried to get away.  [Video clip]

Texas Man Shoots Hammer-Wielding Home Invader.  When we think about a home invasion or an armed burglary, the scenario that runs through most of our minds is a late-night break in, with the suspects operating under the cover of darkness.  These incidents don't always play out that way, however.  Even in broad daylight we can find ourselves the victim of a violent attack in the sanctity of our own home, which was the case for one unfortunate homeowner in the north Texas city of Denison this week.

Homeowner shoots intruder, who quickly flees residence.  A Louisiana homeowner shot an intruder early Tuesday morning, after which the intruder fled the scene — and Houma police said they soon arrested two suspects involved in the burglary.  Houma is about an hour southwest of New Orleans.  A homeowner in the in the 300 block of Roberta Grove Boulevard told police — who responded to the scene around 5:15 a.m. — that he shot an intruder.  The victim said he heard a noise on the first floor of his home and went down the stairs to investigate, police said.  The victim added that the intruder confronted him on the first floor, after which the homeowner fired his gun and the intruder fled from the home, police said.  Police said their investigation determined that the suspect had been wounded.

Sheriff Says 'They Have a Right to Protect Their Home' After Texas Teen Shoots Burglary Suspect.  A 14-year-old in Harris County, Texas who was alone in his home shot and killed a suspected burglar early Thursday morning after the man tried to gain entry to the residence.  Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez says the shooting happened shortly after several homeowners in the area had contacted police to alert them that someone was trying to break into their own residences, while one neighbor told reporters she saw the man acting strangely before he approached the home where the teen lives with his family.

Armed Chicago Tow Truck Drivers Provide Violent Attacker With a Trip to the Hospital.  In the streets of Chicago, a gang member learned a hard lesson after he opened fire on two armed citizens.  The Windy City has been a dangerous place for years due to the flawed soft-on-crime policies of the local government, making responsible gun ownership even more important for law-abiding residents.  This particular incident occurred on January 31 when Soto, a tow truck driver, got into a dispute with two other tow truck drivers over a job.  The situation soon turned dangerous when he decided to fire on the two men.

Armed Homeowner Delivers Fatal Lesson About Why It Was a Bad Idea to Break Into His Home.  A homeowner in Limestone County, Alabama, avoided a potentially tragic situation when he used his firearm to defend himself against a home intruder.  The incident shines a critical spotlight on the importance of gun ownership and the ability to defend one's life and property.  According to a report from local authorities, the would-be burglar met his end while trying to break into a residence in the early hours of the morning.  The homeowner exercised his right to self-defense and confronted the intruder. [...] In this case, the homeowner appears to have taken the correct steps.  He called the authorities, but they were not able to arrive quickly enough to stop the intruder from gaining entry to the home, which meant that the armed citizen had to take his protection into his own hands.

New Orleans Carjacker Hospitalized After Victim Shoots in Self-Defense.  According to New Orleans police, carjackings have noticeably declined in the Crescent City over the past couple of years; down by almost 50 percent compared to 2022, when there was almost a carjacking reported every day.  Some of those crimes received national attention at the time because of the shocking nature of the incidents, like the carjacking of 73-year-old Linda Frickey, who was killed when four teenagers ended up dragging her behind her vehicle after they forced her out of her car and drove away with her arm still tangled in the driver's seatbelt.  Three of the four ended up taking plea deals for attempted manslaughter last November, while John Honore, who was 17 at the time of the carjacking, was found guilty of second-degree murder and was sentenced to 25 years to life just a couple of weeks ago.

Gun-toting 17-year-old holds up Chicago restaurant, cops say.  But concealed carrier on premises isn't having it.  A gun-toting male — only 17 years old — held up a Chicago restaurant Monday night, police said.  But also in the establishment was a concealed-carrying man who took issue with what was happening and opened fire on the suspect.  Police said the teen entered the Taco Burrito King at 5413 W. Belmont Ave. off Long Avenue in the Belmont Cragin neighborhood — and at gunpoint, demanded the contents of the cash register, WBBM-TV reported.  The clerk behind the register complied with the teen's demands, but police told the station that a man with a concealed carry license was also in the Mexican restaurant — and he confronted the gun-toting teen.

Oklahoma woman shoots and kills man who broke into her home:  Police.  An Oklahoma woman shot and killed a man who had broken into her apartment in the town of Bartlesville, according to police.  The woman told Bartlesville Police she did not know the suspect, identified as a 23-year-old man.  Police said the woman called 911 on the morning of Jan. 12 and reported that someone was breaking into her apartment in the 1800 block of South Keeler Avenue.  While officers were on the way, the woman said she had shot the intruder.  According to police, the woman was justified in using deadly force to protect herself inside her home.  Police said they interviewed the woman and released her.

Homeowner shoots alleged burglar 5 times.  A Missouri homeowner shot an alleged burglar five times during a middle-of-the-night altercation over the weekend, and the male who apparently tried breaking into the Qulin home died days later.  Butler County Sheriff Mark Dobbs said deputies responded to a home on Strawberry Lane around 3 a.m.  Saturday for a report of a person shot, KFVS-TV reported.  Arriving deputies were told an intruder tried to break into the home, and the homeowner shot him five times, the station said.

Texas Woman Shoots Armed, Estranged Husband Trying to Break Into Her Home.  Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez says no charges are expected after a woman was forced to defend herself when her armed and estranged husband forcibly entered her home early Tuesday morning.  As it turns out, he wasn't the only one with a gun, and the woman opened fire as he was trying to force his way inside the residence.

'Good Guy With a Gun' Escapes the Claws of a Soros-Funded Prosecutor.  A Houston, TX, grand jury has elected not to charge a man who shot and killed a career criminal who tried to hold up a Houston taqueria in January 2023.  On January 5, 2023, 30-year-old Eric Eugene Washington entered El Ranchito taqueria in southwest Houston, brandishing what turned out to be a toy pistol and demanding the customers give him their money.  As Washington goes to leave the shop, one of the customers shoots him nine times. [...] The customer then left the restaurant.  Four days later, the 46-year-old shooter, who remains anonymous, contacted Houston homicide detectives via his attorney.  At the time, I had two major concerns.  First and foremost, the district attorney for Harris County and Houston is George Soros-funded Kim Ogg.  Ogg runs an office that coddles criminals; killing a protected, even if not endangered, species seemed guaranteed to unleash a [storm].

Alleged Intruder in Critical Condition After Homeowner Opens Fire.  An alleged home intruder was hospitalized in critical condition after a Mascotte, Florida, homeowner opened fire on him shortly after 6:00 a.m.  Thursday.  WESH reported that the alleged intruder is 16 years old.  Police believe the suspect tried to break into another home before being shot by the homeowner at the second residence.

Seattle Homeowner Uses Rifle to Fend Off 4 Home Invaders in Early Morning Home Invasion Attempt.  Remember, no one needs more than ten rounds of ammunition to protect themselves.  If you think you do, you're doing it wrong.  We've been reliably informed of that fact by the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex and all of the smartest people for years now on a regular basis.  Magazine capacity limits are dubious in their effectiveness at best and are in the process of being swept into the ash heap of gun control history.  Still, though, they remain one of the primary footings on which the argument for civilian disarmament is based.  And then things like this happen which, for some reason, don't get quite as much coverage as the braying jackasses who know everything about "common sense gun safety."  Or something.  Let's go now to the perpetually peaceful neighborhood of Beacon Hill Seattle which, we're told, has been the location of a number of home invasions recently including one home that was the target of multiple attempts at illegal entry.

Knife-wielding wannabe carjacker demands driver's keys, experiences sudden change of heart when victim pulls gun on him.  Aknife-wielding wannabe carjacker demanded a driver's keys in the parking lot of an Oregon Walmart last week — but quickly changed his mind when the victim pulled a gun on him.  Officers from the McMinnville Police Department responded to a local Walmart around 11:25 a.m. last Tuesday after a report of an attempted robbery in the parking lot, authorities said.  McMinnville is about an hour southwest of Portland.  Police said the victim was loading items into his car when an adult male carrying a large knife approached him and demanded his car keys.

Catalytic Converter Thieves Thought They Could Steal From an Armed Citizen.  They Thought Wrong..  Early Wednesday morning, a resident of West Miami-Dade County experienced a harrowing encounter with would-be thieves that underscores the rise in catalytic converter thefts.  This is one of the most overlooked crimes that grew in frequency during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Fortunately, the victim was armed and was able to fight off a pair of thieves trying to steal the catalytic converter from his vehicle. [...] The catalytic converter is a component designed to reduce vehicle emissions.  It has become a target for thieves due to the high cost of the part and the precious metals it contains.  These metals, such as platinum, palladium, and rhodium can fetch a pretty penny on the black market.  Moreover, the ease with which the part can be removed led to a surge in thefts in different areas of the country.

Armed Food Truck Driver in Maine Shoots, Stops Knife-Wielding Man From Menacing Motorists.  On December 1st, a Maine food truck operator may have saved lives when he used his legally owned and carried sidearm to engage and stop a knife-wielding man who was threatening to stab passersby and motorists.  That's a good thing, and one that the legacy media routinely overlooks — or flat-out pretends doesn't happen. [...] Mr. Poto showed not only restraint but an amazingly clear-headed approach to the encounter; he kept his cool, employed what force was necessary, and almost certainly saved the lives and well-being of others in the area.  Good for him.  The legacy media hates incidents like this.  Self-defense is one of the reasons (not the only one) that the Second Amendment exists and despite the maundering of a certain dementia-raddled public figure, guns in the hands of law-abiding private citizens ensure not only our domestic security but our political security as well.

4 Florida Thugs Shoot Dog During Home Invasion — Severe Consequences Follow.  In a shocking incident on a tranquil Monday evening in Summerfield, Florida, 35-year-old Shawn Peterson and his girlfriend found themselves facing four armed intruders who forcibly entered their home.  The couple, quick on their feet, sought refuge in their bedroom, barricading themselves behind a locked door.  However, their loyal pit bull, "Zeus," sprang into action, courageously charging at the attackers and ultimately paying a heavy price.  Zeus was shot three times, sustaining a head injury in the process.  Despite the adversity, Peterson commended his faithful companion, stating, "He's a good dog.  He never leaves my side."  Recalling the terrifying moment, Peterson shared, "I just heard my back door get kicked in, and next thing I know, my dog ran out, and I heard a gunshot."  The situation took a sinister turn when one of the intruders, identified as Shawn King, attempted to push his gun through the bedroom door.  Undeterred, Peterson and his girlfriend swiftly retaliated.

Austin Home Intruder Should Have Thought Twice Before Breaking Into This Armed Citizen's House.  Another incident involving defensive gun use has occurred in my hometown, Austin, Texas.  This incident not only magnifies Austin's increased crime rates but also shows how important it is to own firearms.  The altercation took place in northwest Austin on October 21 when a home intruder attempted to gain entry into an armed civilians' home. [...] After police arrived on the scene, they found [Ricardo] Cortez suffering from a gunshot wound.  Despite their efforts, he succumbed to his injuries a short time after the encounter occurred.  The Austin Police Department classified the incident as the city's 56th homicide of the year, which matches last 2022's count but is a decrease from the 72 that occurred in 2021.

They will let you carry a gun, until the first time you use it.
LA Homeowner Who Opened Fire on Armed Robbers at His House Has Carry Permit Revoked.  The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department notified Vince Ricci, the Los Angeles Mid-City homeowner who opened fire on armed suspects who tried to get into his house, that his carry permit had been revoked.  Last Sunday, Ricci was returning to his home when he turned the tide on two would-be-armed robbers when he drew his own licensed concealed firearm and opened fire on them.  Ricci had just returned to his home after going to the gym when the two armed robbers ran into his front yard and confronted him at his front door.  They tried to force their way into the home as Ricci was unlocking the front door.  The two suspects had already produced handguns and had pointed them at him when Ricci, who said that he "thought he was going to die," produced his own handgun and opened fire on both suspects.  Although no suspects were hit by his rounds, his actions immediately caused the two suspects to flee the area.

Armed homeowner who defended home in shootout unloads on liberal politicians.  A concealed carry holder in Los Angeles who was forced to defend himself and his family in a terrifying shootout at his front door is demanding LA leaders prosecute criminals terrorizing law-abiding residents.  "Every single person that I know has gotten stuck up," LA entrepreneur Vince Ricci told Fox News Digital this week.  "It's not normal."  Ricci said he was returning to his gated Los Angeles home Saturday evening after hitting the gym when two armed men jumped his fence and tried to force their way into his home.

13-Year-Old Shot By Intended Victim in D.C. Carjacking.  While most cities around the country are witnessing a decline in violent crime, Washington, D.C. is bucking the trend.  Homicides are up 33% this year compared to the same point in 2022, while robberies have increased by 70% over last year's levels.  Carjackings in particular are soaring, with more than 650 reported through September 1st compared to 485 in 2022.  Many of these carjackings are being committed by juveniles, including an incident on Saturday night that led to shots being fired by the suspects' intended victim.

Three Thugs Announce Themselves As Seattle Police, Try To Kick Down Door.  Masked men announced themselves as 'Seattle Police' before trying to kick in the door.  The homeowner however was armed and started firing shots through the door.  [Video clip]

Alleged home intruder was shot in the head by female homeowner, LAPD says.  A female homeowner shot an alleged home intruder in the head in the Hollywood Hills in California according to the Los Angeles Police Department.  Police said the shooting was reported at about 9:30 p.m. on Sunday night at a a residence on Hollyridge Drive.  A man called the police and said his wife had shot an intruder with a shotgun while he was trying to get into the home.

Cali Thugs Picked The Wrong Jewelry Store.  A group of masked, hammer-carrying suspects smashed into Manhattan Beach's Prestige Jewelers for the second time in a decade over the weekend.  But this time, the thieves didn't have time to pilfer an estimated $250,000 of Rolex watches and diamonds.  This time, they got far less because of an employee.  On Saturday, five hoodie-wearing thieves smashed up the store's jewelry showcases, according to Manhattan Beach Police.  The worker pulled out a gun and fired on the suspects, eventually chasing them from the store, police confirmed.  [Video clip]

These 12 Defensive Gun Uses Show Absurdity of Attacking Second Amendment Rights.  In a legal battle that made national headlines, the governor of New Mexico last month sought to unilaterally suspend the right of residents to bear arms in public.  This insanely unconstitutional measure — which courts fortunately brought to a quick halt — would be troubling on its own, given the Supreme Court's clear defining of the right to keep and bear arms in the 2022 case New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v.  Bruen.  However, the move by New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, a Democrat, is merely the most recent in a long parade of attacks by gun control activist politicians seeking to thumb their noses at the Supreme Court and undermine the Second Amendment.

Good Guy With a Gun Stops Alleged Robber, Saves the Day.  Two alleged thieves were in for the shock of their lives when they reportedly assaulted a store clerk and attempted to run off with $1,200.  The incident reportedly unfolded Sept. 13 around 10 p.m. as a Family Dollar location in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, was preparing to close for the night.  Two suspects are said to have come in looking for a lost cellphone but, once inside, they allegedly pulled out a gun and demanded money from a store employee, Fox News reported.  "Give me the money, or I will kill you," one of the assailants reportedly said, before grabbing money from the safe and pistol-whipping the employee.  But just when the situation seemed the most dire, the owner of another nearby store heard the commotion, grabbed a firearm, and ran over to help.

Two masked crooks try breaking into home in broad daylight, meet homeowner's armed son.  A pair of masked men tried to break into a Las Vegas home in broad daylight earlier this week, police said — and they promptly ran into the homeowner's son, who had armed himself with a gun and shot one intruder dead and wounded the other.

This murder suspect broke into an Ohio family's basement armed with a knife but wasn't counting on the father who shot him on the stairs.  An Ohio man sought in connection with the killing of a 77-year-old woman ended up with gunshot wounds after breaking into a Georgia home on Thursday.  According to the Fayette County Sheriff's Office (FCSO), Michael James Brooks II, a resident of Columbus, Ohio, is still hospitalized due to injuries sustained during the home intrusion.  Once he is released from the hospital, he will be confronted with charges including burglary, home invasion, and theft by receiving in Georgia, as well as murder charges in Ohio.

Burglar Dared a Georgia Homeowner to Shoot Him During a Break-In.  An Ohio man, who is accused of stabbing to death a 77-year-old woman, was shot by a man defending his family during a home invasion on Thursday, according to the Fayette County Sheriff's Office.  Michael James Brooks II, 28, of Columbus, Ohio, was recovering in an area hospital on Friday.  Once released, he will face home invasion, burglary, and theft by receiving in Georgia and murder charges in Ohio.  Just before 2 a.m. Thursday, the Fayette County 911 got a call from a resident in north Fayette County about a possible intruder in his house.  At the same time, they also received a notice from the alarm company for that residence.  Deputies were just a couple of minutes away.

Georgia Homeowner Shoots Wanted Murderer Who Broke Into His Home.  A Georgia homeowner was forced to use his firearm to defend himself after an intruder broke into his residence.  The incident further underscores the importance of gun ownership and the ability to defend oneself even in one's own home.  The situation started when an intruder carrying a knife broke into the resident's home. [...] Fortunately for the homeowner, he happens to live in a state that does not impose strict gun control laws.  His being a gun owner ensured that he had the ability to defend himself from a potential murderer.  While law enforcement has not released much detail about his criminal history, the fact that he is wanted for murder says all we need to know about how dangerous this situation could have become, especially had the homeowner not been armed.  It's situations like these that show you that one can never know when they might be placed in a dangerous situation.

An Armed Chicago Homeowner Shoots Intruder, Highlighting the Urgency of Gun Ownership in the Windy City.  Chicago had another bloody weekend with a string of gun violence incidents.  It's an issue that seemingly comes up every single week as the Windy City deals with an ongoing rash of violent crimes.  Over 30 people were shot, including six children.  However, there is one incident that brings a more nuanced perspective to the overall debate over violent crime and lawful gun ownership.  A Chicago man is still alive thanks to his firearm, which he used to protect himself and his property from a home intruder on Monday.

FBI Has Been Undercounting Active Shooter Incidents Stopped By Armed Civilians.  New analysis shows that the FBI has severely undercounted the number of active shooter situations where the assailant was stopped by a law abiding citizen carrying a firearm.  According to an FBI report, over the period from 2014 through 2022, armed citizens stopped only 4.6 percent of active shooter incidents.  However, new analysis from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) shows that figure is actually 35.7 percent.  The organization says that the number of instances where armed citizens thwarted such attacks is undercounted by an order of more than ten.  "Of course, law-abiding citizens stopping these attacks are not rare," CPRC says in the report.  "What is rare is national news coverage of those incidents."  CPRC says that the FBI defines active shooter incidents as those where an person actively kills or attempts to kill people in a populated, public area.  The nation's top law enforcement agency, however, does not include incidents it concludes are related to other criminal activity, like robbery or fighting over drug turf.

Armed Homeowner Describes Harrowing Decision During Home Invasion.  When a homeowner in Butler, Pennsylvania, heard the sound of someone breaking into his home, he did what many Americans would do: he grabbed his gun to protect himself and his girlfriend.  An intoxicated intruder had broken into his home through his basement and Cox had to use his firearm to stop him.  However, this story is a bit different from other examples of people using guns for self-defense.  In this case, the person defending himself deliberately ensured that he did not take the life of the intruder: [...]

New Orleans-area cabby fatally shoots armed robber suspected of multiple attacks.  A cab driver in the Crescent City suburb of Metairie, Louisiana will not face charges after shooting and killing the man who was trying to rob him at gunpoint last week.  23-year-old Gerald Pope allegedly targeted the 43-year-old cabby around 1 a.m. Monday morning as the armed citizen was sitting in his vehicle at an intersection in the city's southeast side, pulling a gun and demanding the driver hand over his cash.

Texas store owner sends two thugs to the morgue after attempted 'jugging' robbery.  The owner of Ruiz Cash & Carry convenience store located in Houston's East End went to the bank to deposit funds from that day's business transactions.  He then went back to his store where he was attacked from behind, according to TheBlaze.  He was reportedly bashed in the back of the head with an unidentified blunt object.  The owner then turned to see the masked men wearing gloves who were assaulting him.  Unfortunately for them, he was armed and fired at the thieves, along with an employee who was also packing and ran out after hearing the attack take place.  Two of the suspects were hit by gunfire and died at the scene.

Indiana woman fatally shoots man holding gun to husband's head, police say.  A woman in Indiana saw that her husband was in danger as a man who formerly dated "the homeowner's" daughter held a gun to his head.  She took aim and shot the suspect.  He later died at a nearby hospital, police said.  The fatal shooting in defense of another took place about 6:40 p.m. Monday evening at a residence in the 7700 block of Organ Springs Road in Salem, Indiana, according to law enforcement authorities, reported the Daily Wire.  Police identified the decedent as 45-year-old Michael Chastain.  He drove onto the front yard of the couple's home before grabbing the husband and forcing him to the ground while pointing a pistol at his head.  His wife witnessed the dramatic situation unfold from inside the home.  It was unclear where she was when she took the shot, but she fired and struck Chastain with her own handgun, investigators said.

A Robber Thought He Would Knock Over a Gas Station - An Armed Citizen Disagreed.  This would-be robber had no idea he was bringing a knife to a gunfight.  Unfortunately for him, he was about to learn the hard way.  An armed citizen in Michigan saved lives during an attempted robbery while he was inside a local gas station.

Woman Guns Down Gang of Home Invaders in Philly.  A gang of burglars paid a heavy price for breaking into an apartment in Philadelphia when a female resident opened fire, sending at least two suspects to the hospital, according to reports.  The harrowing incident unfolded at around 1 a.m. on Sunday in the Germantown neighborhood of the City of Brotherly Love.  A woman arrived at her residence and found four male suspects had forced entry, authorities say.  During an ensuing confrontation, the woman drew a firearm and shot at least two of the suspects.

Armed Store Clerk Takes Down Robber in Nashville.  Members of the anti-gunner lobby love to claim that situations involving "good guys with guns" don't happen.  Yet, local news outlets seem to report daily on stories in which law-abiding citizens use firearms to defend themselves or someone else.  The latest occurred in Nashville, Tennessee, when a store clerk was forced to use a gun to defend himself from a would-be robber.  This is another situation demonstrating how important it is to be armed, especially in major cities.

Would-be victim guns down suspects trying to rob him at ATM.  At least two suspects died Friday after the man they tried to rob at a San Antonio bank pulled out a firearm and shot them.  The incident occurred around noon when the man was attempting to withdraw money at a drive-thru ATM, according to the San Antonio Police Department.  Two men approached the man and attempted to rob him, but the would-be victim brandished a firearm and shot the suspects, Chief William McManus said.

Video Shows Florida Homeowner Open Fire on 4 Home Invaders.  Safety tip: don't mess with an armed Florida Man.  Video captured aspiring criminals knocking on a homeowner's door in Escambia County, Florida.  When he opened the door, two of them pushed him back inside while a third pulled a gun[.]  As the homeowner was being bull-rushed, he dropped a handgun he was holding when he opened the door and one of the attackers picked it up.  That's when the homeowner grabbed a rifle.

Man who allegedly breaks into residence comes face to face with armed homeowner who ends encounter in lethal fashion.  After a man allegedly broke into a Colorado Springs residence Tuesday night, he was met by an armed homeowner who ended things in lethal fashion.  Police arrived at the home in the 700 block of Nebula Court just before 8 p.m. believing they were responding to a burglary, KRDO-TV reported.  The homeowner told officers he shot the man who broke in, the station said.  Police told KRDO the alleged intruder — identified as 28-year-old William Zink — ran from the house after he was shot, and officers found him bleeding in a nearby ditch.  Zink was taken to a hospital where he died, the station added.

The Editor says...
Stories of this sort are in the local news several times a week, if you know where to find them.  The names are different, but the plot is usually the same:  Some stranger breaks into a house in the middle of the night, and Surprise! the homeowner has a gun, and the suspect is killed.  And then, everybody except the invaded family forgets all about it.

Early Morning Amarillo, Texas Home Invader Shot Down By Armed Female Victim.  Cedric Milligan, 53, didn't finish near the top of his high school class.  In fact, he might not have finished high school at all given his lack of common sense in breaking into a woman's home in Amarillo, Texas.  Only the lowest of the low-information types don't know of the Lone Star State's reputation for the widespread embrace of gun ownership.  They love their guns in Texas just like they love baseball, apple pie and all things American — at least outside of Austin.  So unless someone is clinically stupid or has a death wish, most folks know it's a very bad idea to violently force entry into occupied dwellings in most of the state.

Violent attacker meets his match when pregnant mom pulls her pistol.  An Arkansas thug who tried to victimize an out-of-town family during their Memorial Day visit to Little Rock got more than he bargained for when an armed mom reacted to being attacked in a parking garage by fighting back, with the pregnant mom pulling a gun and shooting the attacker.  The incident went down at a River Market public garage when the family was packing up after spending the day celebrating the birthday of a seven-year-old girl.  They were confronted by the criminal who assaulted them, striking the father several times as he was loading a wagon onto the top of the vehicle.  When the assailant then got into the front seat of the vehicle and hit the woman, she then acted in self-defense by utilizing her Second Amendment rights, producing the pistol that she, fortunately, was carrying in her purse, and ended the threat by putting a bullet into the man who picked the wrong family to mess with.

Man who shot NYC mugger arraigned on multiple gun charges, held on $50K bail.  The Queens man accused of gunning down a would-be mugger earlier this week was arraigned Friday on dozens of gun charges related to the weapon he used in the incident and for allegedly stockpiling illegal firearms in his apartment.  Charles Foehner, 65, was slapped with 25 counts of criminal possession of a weapon for using an unlicensed gun to fatally blast mugger Cody Gonzalez, 32, in the chest in a Kew Gardens driveway Wednesday — and for allegedly keeping an arsenal of illicit handguns, revolvers and rifles at this home in the quiet neighborhood.  In a confession, Foehner allegedly told authorities he was packing the illegal pistol in question to protect himself as New York City crime rates soar, Assistant District Attorney Joseph Randazzo said in court.

Store clerk shoots 'dirtbag' robbery suspect 8 times, ending wild police chase from Florida to Georgia.  A Georgia convenience store clerk shot a "dirtbag" robbery suspect eight times, ending a wild police chase that started in Florida early Friday morning and concluded in Georgia.  The Flagler County Sheriff's Office said it got a call around 3:30 a.m. about a man who robbed a Circle K gas station store in Palm Coast, demanding all the money in the register — about $90.  According to an WXJT-TV video report, the suspect also grabbed items from the store and demanded the clerk give him a pack of cigarettes, add money to the pump so he could fill up his car with gas, and give him quarters so he could add air to his tires.

Intruder rushed resident before being shot multiple times Monday night.  Police said an intruder was shot and killed while forcibly entering a home off North Acadian Thruway Monday night [4/24/2023].  The Baton Rouge Police Department said someone was shot multiple times after forcing themselves into a home on Ontario Street near N. Acadian around 10 p.m. Monday.  Officers later said that Lawrence Bajoie, 37, reportedly banged on the door multiple times before the resident opened the door.  Bajoie allegedly charged the resident and hit him before the resident shot him multiple times.

Home intruder shot dead in Northeast Austin, APD says.  A Northeast Austin homeowner shot and killed a suspected intruder during an attempted break-in early Tuesday morning [4/18/2023].  According to the Austin Police Department, at around 5:31 a.m., officers responded to a call in the 7600 block of Bethune Avenue, where a female resident reported a man attempting to break into her home through the door and a window.  The caller then stated that the male suspect had entered the home, followed by the sound of gunshots.  Upon arrival at the scene, the APD officers and EMS medics found the male suspect dead.  APD says the preliminary investigation indicates that the suspect was shot by one of the residents in self-defense.

4 men charged in Bethlehem Township home invasion; 2 were shot by resident, one is at large.  Four men were charged in an early morning home invasion in Bethlehem Township, the Northampton County district attorney's office said.  Two of the men were shot by an occupant of the house, leaving one in critical condition, and a third remained at large Thursday afternoon.  According to a news release, Millito Delgado, 45, Michael Matas, 29, Francis Ferrando, 23, and Anthony Santiago, 29, entered the house on the 2000 block of Willow Park Road around 4 a.m. Thursday.  Three people were in the house, one of whom opened fire and hit Matas and Ferrando.  Matas, hit seven times, was in critical but stable condition and is expected to survive.  Ferrando was hit in the leg, the release said.  They, along with Delgado, were in custody.

Man shoots, kills intruder in Ohio home, police say.  A man who reportedly was trespassing in a home Saturday was shot and killed by the homeowner.  WBNS Channel 10 reports the shooting occurred at about 6 p.m. in the Southern Orchards neighborhood of Columbus.  Officers were called to the home for reports of a trespasser.  By the time officers arrived, the homeowner had shot and killed the intruder, police tell WCMH Channel 4.  The accused trespasser, whose identity has not been released, was pronounced dead at the scene.

3 suspects shot when customer opened fire during robbery at SE Houston gas station, HPD says.  A shopper at a southeast Houston convenience store opened fire when four masked robbers stormed inside, sending three suspects to the hospital.  Houston police said at least one of the robbery suspects was armed.  HPD officers were called to a Circle K convenience store at a Valero gas station located at 8040 South Loop East at 7:55 p.m. Thursday [4/13/2023].  According to Asst.  Chief Ernest Garcia, four suspects in masks entered the store and started robbing customers at gunpoint.  That's when an armed customer pulled out [his or her] weapon and shot at the suspects, Garcia said.  Three of the robbery suspects were shot.

Armed, would-be robber apparently picks wrong victim.  A gun-toting, would-be robber apparently picked the wrong victim earlier this week on a Philadelphia street — a man with his own gun who used it to fatally shoot the alleged perp.  Authorities told WTXF-TV the man was targeted at gunpoint just before 7 p.m.  Tuesday in the 7000 block of North 15th Street in the city's West Oak Lane neighborhood.  WPVI-TV said in its video report that the alleged robbery victim told police the man he shot had gotten out of a parked car and that a woman was inside the vehicle.  Police found a man estimated to be in his 30s with three gunshot wounds to the abdomen, WTXF said, citing preliminary information.  WPVI, citing police, said he was shot three times in the back.

Houston: Four Armed Robbers Attempt Gas Station Heist, An Armed Customer Shoots Three.  Things went poorly for four aspiring armed criminals in Houston.  Four yoots piled out of a car and attempted an armed robbery at a Valero gas station.  At some point in the would be holdup, a customer drew his own gun and fired on the bandits.  The good guy's shots put such a spring in the step of the robbers that one ran right out of his shoe.  As the gunsmoke dissipated, three of the bad guys had sprung leaks.  Two of the wounded and one who narrowly dodged a fresh piercing piled back into their car and "self-transported" to the hospital.  A third, immobilized by his wounds, was transported by ambulance after police arrived.  The good guy with a gun went home physically uninjured.

Lead Detective in Daniel Perry Case: Soros-Funded DA Removed 100 Pages of Evidence from Jury.  A Texas soldier was found guilty of murder on Friday after Soros-backed District Attorney Jose Garza sought murder charges for an act of self defense during the 2020 George Floyd riots.  Sgt. Daniel Perry, an army soldier who shot and killed an armed BLM-Antifa protester in Austin in July 2020 was indicted on a murder charge in 2021.  Perry's lawyer, Clint Broden, argued his client, who was driving Uber when rioters mobbed his car, was acting in self-defense after the BLM activist, Garrett Foster pointed a gun at him.  A Travis County jury found Daniel Perry guilty of murder.  A video from that night shows that the victim aimed an AK-47 at Perry before he was shot dead.

Armed citizen puts down car thief who tried to shoot him.  Technology can do a lot of amazing things.  Apple's AirTags, for example, allow to you basically Lojack any of your belongings and find them with the help of your phone.  An armed citizen in Texas used this technology to track down his stolen car.  Maybe not the best move in the world, to be clear, but he did and he probably figured he had a right to find his stolen property.  That's when things started to go sideways.  That wasn't great for the thief. [...] While we have a right to keep and bear arms and use them to defend ourselves, it's usually for the best not to go into a situation where we know violence is at least a strong possibility.  That said, the armed citizen didn't seem to be breaking the law while the now-deceased thief was.  Currently, the authorities are determining whether to file charges against the armed citizen and while I'm not a lawyer, I can see why they'd consider that.  If you instigate the confrontation, and then it turns into a shooting, you can often be charged for that shooting.  That doesn't mean they should file charges, though.

Armed intruders break down home's front door in middle of night, but homeowner pulls his own gun.  Armed intruders broke down the front door of an Oregon home in the middle of the night last week — but it turns out the homeowner had his own gun and fired it multiple times at the crooks, wounding them before they hightailed it away from the scene.  Springfield police said they responded to the home in the 400 block of South 51st Place at 1:51 a.m. Friday, KTVL-TV reported, and the victim said two suspects used force to break down the home's front door.  Both suspects were armed, authorities added to the station.  But the victim told police he was armed with his own weapon and fired multiple rounds at the suspects, authorities told KTVL, adding that both suspects suffered multiple gunshot wounds and fled the scene in a vehicle.

Pregnant Woman Shot In Chicago While Allegedly Attempting To Rob Car: Police.  A pregnant woman in Chicago, Illinois, died Monday after multiple rounds of gunfire hit her during an alleged car robbery attempt, police say.  Genesis Escobar, 21, and her unborn child were killed at around 1 p.m. after she reportedly entered a car in Belmont Cragin in the Northwest side of Chicago, allegedly with the intention of robbing it.  A gunfight erupted between individuals inside the vehicle and someone outside, hitting Escobar in her shoulder, back and hand, police told ABC7.  Though first responders pronounced Escobar dead at the scene, she was brought to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center, where doctors were unable to save her would-be firstborn, according to the outlet.

California homeowner fights back, survives shootout with armed burglars.  A Bakersfield man is recovering from his injuries and two suspects are in custody after a burglary was apparently interrupted last week.  Authorities say the homeowner was pulling into his driveway around 7 p.m.  last Thursday evening, but spotted a strange vehicle already parked there.  Moments later, at least two individuals came running out the front door of the home, one of them armed.  According to the homeowner, the armed suspect then opened fire.

Texas 'licensed-to-carry' bystander shot El Paso mall shooter as he targeted more would-be victims: police.  Police in El Paso, Texas say that a "licensed-to-carry" bystander shot the alleged gunman who is accused of killing one person and injuring another three.  The suspect, a 16-year-old Hispanic male, is accused of shooting the individuals after a "confrontation ensued" between two groups at Cielo Vista Mall on Wednesday evening at 5:05 p.m.  The El Paso Police Department said the confrontation eventually escalated into a "physical fight," and the 16-year-old pulled out a handgun, fatally shooting Angeles Zaragoza, 17, and injuring another 17-year-old and 15-year-old.

Armed Store Clerk Stops Armed Robbery.  This week our 2A For Today Modern Militiaman spotlight is on a Convenience store clerk turned armed security in Sugar Land, Texas, who came face to face with an armed robber [...]  [Video clip]

2nd Amendment steps in after cops step back in wake of defund movement in Chicago.  An 80-year-old man living near Chicago's O'Hare airport was left "battered" late last month when two intruders knocked on his door and entered his home.  The elderly man was a legal gun owner and managed to fire off a shot, hitting one intruder and sending the other running for cover.  The incident is one of dozens that have played out in the Windy City in recent years.  Legally armed citizens are taking matters into their own hands, thwarting attacks and other crimes.

Homeowner shoots armed intruder in the neck during attempted break-in.  An armed intruder got way more than he bargained for after breaking into a home in North Carolina where he was met by the homeowner who was also packing and not afraid to use his weapon, leaving the criminal in critical condition in the aftermath of the encounter.  The Mount Airy Police Department reported that they responded to a call at a residence concerning a shooting that took place around 4:19 pm on Tuesday, according to WFMY.  When officers showed up at the home in the 300 block of Andrews Street, they found the suspected burglar, Daniel Scott Laskey Brown, 26, with a gunshot wound to his neck, bleeding, and lying in the front yard of the homeowner, Joshua Wade Murphy, 41, who was holding a shotgun when they arrived.

Chicago man shot by concealed carry holder on Green Line train has 32 arrests in last 10 years.  Darius Moss is no stranger to police in Chicago.  Since 2014 Moss has been arrested an incredible 32 times since 2014; a rap sheet that has also resulted in at least four felony convictions during that same time period.  Moss's latest arrest came on Friday afternoon, after authorities say he robbed a man at gunpoint on a Green Line train.  Since Chicago bans firearms from all CTA premises, Moss may have (rightfully) believed that the odds of his victim also being armed were pretty slim, but the repeat offender ended up winning the armed citizen lottery by picking an off-duty security guard who had a gun of his own as his intended target.

No charges for gas station clerk who blasted suspected armed robber.  An Arizona clerk proved unwilling to end up buried while working the graveyard shift this week at a gas station in Avondale.  Brian (who has also been referred to as Ryan in some reports) was working at the Chevron gas station Wednesday morning on 107th Avenue and Indian School Road.  Around 5:15 a.m., a potential robber barged in, waving a handgun and jabbering about money.  While the robber was unintelligible on account of his face covering, Brian told KSAZ-TV that "he didn't need to say anything."  "The moment he pointed the gun at me, it was pretty obvious what he was there for," the clerk told the station.

'Relentless wave' of robberies is forcing Houston business owners to sleep in their businesses with guns.  Business owners in Houston, Texas, say that a crime spree described as a "relentless wave" of robberies is forcing them to sleep at their businesses overnight armed with guns.  Coaches Pub owner Robert Curry told KHOU-TV that he saved up money for many years and moved to Houston to purchase a bar and accomplish his dream.  "I lived in my RV for the first four months that I was here in Houston to get it started," Curry said.  "And honestly, it was my baby."  But just eight months later, he says that a string of robberies might put him out of business.  He's even gotten to know the favorite drink of one of the robbers caught on surveillance.  "Weirdly enough, he likes amaretto, so there's a bottle that he just can't resist," Curry said.

Ohio teen uses mom's gun to defend against home invasion.  The issue of gun storage has been in the news recently, thanks in large part to a couple of high-profile incidents involving young children getting access to firearms; a 6-year-old in Virginia, who somehow got ahold of his mother's gun, brought it to school and shot his teacher as well as an Indiana toddler caught on camera walking around an apartment complex with his father's pistol.  Gun control advocates have seized on these disturbing stories to advance their own agenda, using them as supposed examples of the need for gun storage laws that subject parents or guardians to criminal charges if a minor accesses their firearm.

Violent career criminal out on parole shot and killed by mother protecting her children after he invaded her home.  A career criminal has been shot and killed by a mother protecting her family after attempting to force his way into a home.  The criminal was out on parole after serving prison time for armed robbery at the time of his death.  The Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff's Office received a call of shots being fired on January 8th just before 5 a.m. in the area of Klein Road.  When deputies arrived on the scene, they located 51-year-old Robert Rheams deceased at the scene.  Investigators spoke to the homeowner and learned that Rheams, who had a criminal history, had broken into the home in the early morning hours and had been armed with a shovel and lug wrench.

Investigators claim teen died in attempted Little Rock carjacking, two other teens facing murder charge.  Affidavits released Monday show investigators believe a juvenile died after being shot when he and two teens attempted to carjack a woman outside a Little Rock apartment Sunday night [12/18/2022].  The teens, identified as 18-year-old Daryl Jones and 15-year-old Tamarion Jones, now both face a charge of capital murder in the case.

Homeowner shoots, kills intruder, second suspect arrested.  The Winston County Sheriff's Office says a home invasion on Dec. 13 resulted in the homeowner shooting and killing one of the intruders.  The invasion happened at a home off County Road 21 in the Poplar Springs area.  Deputies arrived on scene and found a male dead in the home.  WCSO says they learned two suspects entered the home, one of them armed with a handgun.  That suspect hit one of the residents in the head with the handgun.  The sheriff's office says the suspect then began shooting inside the home.

Homeowner shoots, kills burglary suspect in Vancouver, police say.  A would-be burglar was shot and killed by a homeowner Thursday night after he reportedly broke in through the window of a Vancouver house, police said.  Vancouver Police officers were called out at about 11:20 p.m. on reports of a burglary in progress at a home in the 2900 block of Northeast 157th Court.  According to police, someone broke a second story window and went inside of the home when he was confronted by the homeowner, who shot the suspect.

Police: Louisiana homeowner kills man defending his home.  One person is dead and two others are wanted fugitives after a homeowner shot and killed a man in an attempted home invasion Tuesday night, authorities said.  The Iberia Parish Sheriff's Office said Wednesday deputies responded to a call at about 10:30 p.m.  Tuesday in the 9000 block of Old Jeanerette Road.  Upon arrival deputies found a deceased male inside the home.  Police said the deceased male had entered the home with two other men and fired his gun at the homeowner, and the homeowner shot the intruder.  The two remaining suspects fled the home and are still at large.

3 would-be robbers shot in Houston area, 2 dead in 5 days.  Authorities are investigating at least three shootings this week when the victim of a robbery or burglary shot the people allegedly committing the crimes.  Since Sunday, three people have been shot in Houston while authorities say they were attempting robberies.  Of the three people shot, two of them died.  "The way society is going, more and more people are going to look to that and say hey look, the officers can't defend us because there's not enough of them to be here," said Douglas Griffith, President of the Houston Police Officers' Union.  "So, they are going to take matters into their own hands."

Las Vegas woman shoots and kills man who attempted to carjack her — using his own weapon.  File this one under karma.  A Las Vegas carjacker found out the hard way it isn't a good idea to try to carjack a mama bear.  According to Fox News, a woman shot and killed a suspected carjacker in North Las Vegas last month as he was attempting to drive off in her car.  The incident unfolded when the intended victim and a friend parked adjacent to another friend's house while waiting to go inside for an early Thanksgiving dinner on Nov. 19.  Suddenly, a car pulled in front of them and parked, they told investigators from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police, Fox 5 in Las Vegas reported.  [Video clip]

Chicago: Concealed Carry holder surprises three would-be robbers.  A trio of teens looking for victims to rob in Chicago wound up being victims themselves. [...] The teens, who the story says were between 15 and 18, were all injured.  The driver was shot in the head as he tried to drive away and crashed the car. [...] Looking at multiple sources for this story I noticed that this is just one of several incidents like this in Chicago recently.

Resident Opens Fire, Kills One Alleged Intruder, Wounds 3 Others.  The resident of a home in DeKalb County, Georgia, opened fire on four alleged robbery suspects, killing one and wounding three, around 5 p.m.  Friday [11/25/2022].  The Associated Press reports that one of the four suspects allegedly had a gun and "exchanged gunfire" with the resident.

23-Year-Old Chicago Woman Shoots Armed Carjacker In Head.  A 23-year-old Chicago woman who was legally carrying a concealed weapon was able to defend herself against four armed carjackers who tried to steal her Toyota Corolla on Wednesday night [11/23/2022].  The incident occurred at about 2 a.m. on Nov. 22 [sic] as the woman was sitting in her car near the corner of 89th Street and Kenwood Avenue in the Calumet Heights neighborhood, WBBM reported.  The woman told responding officers that a black sedan pulled up beside her car and four men got out of it.  Police said the woman said one of the men brandished a gun at her and tried to open her car door, WBBM reported.  The driver of the Toyota they were trying to steal — a 23-year-old woman with a concealed carry permit — pulled out her legally-owned handgun, according to police.  Police said she shot the man who was trying to get into her car in the head, WBBM reported.

Travesty of Justice: Ian Cranston Found Guilty of Manslaughter for Shooting Assailant in Self-Defense.  Ian Cranston was found guilty of first-degree manslaughter on Wednesday for shooting a black assailant in self-defense in a case that never should have even gone to court. [...] Cranston never would have been charged if he was black or if the man he shot was white.

Home Invasion Suspect Shoots Alleged Accomplice; Homeowner's Son Guns Down Shooter.  A man was killed Thursday night during a firefight in which investigators think one home invasion suspect might have accidentally shot an accomplice.  Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez reported that the incident happened about 11:30 p.m. in Katy, Texas, when two men pounded on the door of a home, wearing body armor and shouting that they were from the Houston Police Department, according to KTRK-TV.  There were three adults — a woman and her two sons — in the home at the time, KTRK reported.

Man Brutally Beating Pregnant Girlfriend Confronted by Good Guy With a Gun Who Ends It Right There.  Despite the lunacy of gun grabbers like embattled New York Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul, who recently declared, there's "no such thing as a good guy with a gun," facts belie the idiocy of the Second-Amendment-threatening claim, from clueless Joe Biden, and on down the Democrat totem pole.  The most recent case in point came in July, when a 22-year-old hero neutralized a would-be mass killer in an Indianapolis-area mall in just 15 seconds, as the shooter emerged from a bathroom and opened fire, killing three people.  Yet, on cue, the gun grabbers came out of the woodwork to condemn the hero, [...]

2 suspects shot, killed during robbery at Magic Mall in Orlando, police say.  Two robbery suspects were shot and killed at a shopping plaza in Orlando on Friday, according to the police department.  The shooting happened at Magic Mall on West Colonial Drive east of John Young Parkway around 11:45 a.m.  The Orlando Police Department said four people, at least one with a weapon, robbed a jewelry booth inside the mall.  The store owner shot at the suspects, police said.  One suspect was found dead at the scene, while the other three suspects drove off, the department said.  Police later found the vehicle nearby and found one suspect inside with a gunshot wound.

Jewelry Store Owner Opens Fire, Kills Two Robbers.  A jewelry store owner shot and killed two of four armed robbery suspects inside his store in Orlando, Florida's, Magic Mall just before noon on Friday.  ClickOnOrlando reports that police indicated four people, "at least one with a weapon," entered the store.  The store owner opened fire when he ascertained an alleged armed robbery being attempted.  One of the four suspects was killed at the scene and the other three fled.  However, one of the three who fled had also been shot and was pronounced dead upon arriving at a hospital.

Ice-Cold Cop Grabbed His Rifle, And Downed Active Shooter From 180 yards With A Single Shot.  In the weeks since the police murder of George Floyd, school districts across the country have cut ties with police departments.  The shift has the potential to reverse a trend that's lasted more than two decades, as law enforcement has become increasingly intertwined with education.  Many school shootings could have been avoided if there were armed officers in those schools!  A video that is slowly becoming viral shows why armed highly trained police officers can save lives in active shooting situations.  The video shows a police officer as he calmly parked, put down his coffee, grabbed his rifle, sighted in with his red dot, used the cruiser to brace himself, then downed an active shooter at 183 yards!

Criminal At A Florida Gas Station Has His Robbery Attempt Thwarted By The Lawful And Righteous Force Of The Second Amendment.  A man casually carrying a shotgun and claiming to be from Chicago walked into a Florida convenience store during an attempted robbery but got a huge surprise when the clerk displayed his own weapon, authorities said.  Rakim Stephen Tate, 32, made a bad decision that "became a worse decision" when he walked into a convenience store on Sept. 9 with a visible shotgun to his side, the Escambia County Sheriff's Office said Monday.  Unfortunately for Tate, the store clerk saw him arming himself before entering the store.  This allowed the clerk time to procure his own weapon as Tate entered.

50-Year-Old Woman Buys Revolver, Unexpectedly Puts It to Heroic Use the Very Next Day.  She may not have anticipated it when she decided to buy a gun, but Yuhui Zheng ended up using her revolver to defend her home and her husband just one day after acquiring it.  Around 10:20 p.m. on Saturday in Patterson, California, police found a young intruder, shot in the house of Yuhi Zheng and her husband Yang Luan after Zheng shot the intruder in self-defense, the news release from the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Office that was posted on Facebook reported.  The news release reported that the police got a report of shots fired and headed to the location.  According to the release "[t]he reporting party called to say they had received a phone call from one of their female, Mandarin-speaking neighbors to say she had just shot and killed an intruder."  When police arrived at the home, they found 22-year-old Angelo Santana dead in the house, KCRA-TV reported.

Texas teen uses shotgun to put an end to a home invasion.  Three armed men in ski masks attempted to enter a home in Channelview, roughly 20 minutes east of Houston.  Inside the residence were an adult female, two 17-year-olds and a 12-year-old.  As the three men attempted to gain entry to the home, one of the 17-year-olds grabbed a shotgun, firing at the intruders several times, according to the Harris County Sheriff's Office.  As reported by KPRC 2, when authorities arrived, they found that two of the alleged intruders had been wounded by the gunshot blasts.  Both men were pronounced dead at the scene.

Oklahoma man shoots and kills burglary suspect who entered his condo.  An Oklahoma man shot and killed a suspected burglar who broke into his Tulsa home in the early hours of Sunday morning, according to local reports.  The homeowner told police that he opened fire as a man was entering his home at Brandy Chase Condominiums around 2:00 a.m., according to FOX 23 News.  The alleged burglar was found dead by police at the bottom of a staircase with a gunshot wound.

Milwaukee mom fatally shoots intruder, claims self-defense.  A Milwaukee woman claims she was defending her children when she fatally shot an intruder who entered her home.  The mother of two, who asked to remain anonymous, said she was showering before work Monday morning when she heard her 12- and 14-year-old screaming from the living room, news station TMJ4 reported.  She immediately ran to her room, grabbed her gun, and confronted the intruder, who was undeterred by the family's two pit bulls.  She then shot him multiple times.

California liquor store owner shoots would-be robber.  An elderly convenience store owner in California is being hailed as a hero after he shot at a would-be robber who ran out of the store screaming that his arm was "shot off."  Shocking surveillance footage from Norco Market & Liquor in the 2800 block of Clark Avenue in Norco showed a masked assailant entering the business at about 2:47 a.m. Sunday with an AR-15-style rifle pointed at the 80-year-old store owner.  The suspect yelled, "Freeze, hands in the air," but within seconds, quick-thinking store owner Craig Cope pulled out a shotgun from under the counter and immediately shot once at the robber, hitting him in the arm.

Same story as above, with video:
Armed Thug Picked The Wrong Elderly Store Owner To Mess With.  On Sunday, July 31, 2022, at about 2:47 AM, deputies from the Norco Sheriff's Station responded to reports of an attempted armed robbery at a business located in the 800 block of 6th Street.  The investigation was corroborated by surveillance video and revealed four armed suspects arrived at the business in a dark-colored vehicle.  These suspects approached the business entrance armed with long guns wearing facial coverings and hoods.  Immediately upon entering the business with the rifles pointed at the ready, an employee inside the business fired a single shot from a shotgun, causing the suspects to flee the business.  [Video clip]

A shocking video shows how racialized America has become.  The video is a simple one:  Someone inside a busy urban venue (it seems like a coffee shop) is filming a brutal beatdown on the street outside.  Two young Black men are attacking an older White man.  We don't know why the fight is happening or how long it's been going on.  It's simple a violent two-on-one beat down.  The people inside the venue, near the person filming, seem to be watching with interest but no concern.  That two young men are beating an older man is apparently a "whatever" emotionally.  And then, as the men vanish behind a poster on the venue wall, you suddenly hear the people inside gasp, cry out, and otherwise sound like people in serious distress.  At that moment, the two Black men who were involved in the fight start scrambling away, and we see why:  The White man has pulled a gun on them.  He's not shooting or waving it wildly; he's simply holding it steadily, forcing them to back up.

Illegal Immigrant Emerges From Woods, Jumps Gate, Kicks Door.  A man was fatally shot and killed by a homeowner on Monday, July 25, in York County, according to The York Poquoson sheriff's office.  On Tuesday, July 26, the sheriff's office identified the man as 20-year-old Antonio Beltran Flores Perez, who jumped a gate and tried to forcefully enter the home after emerging from a treeline.  The sheriff's office received a call for shooting after 5 pm in the 300 block of Corvette Drive.  The neighborhood is situated near Queens Lake Middle School.

10 Times a Good Guy With a Gun Saved Lives.  Last weekend, a law-abiding citizen with a gun quickly ended a mass shooting in progress at an Indiana mall as soon as the gunman began firing.  Less than three weeks after the state's constitutional carry law took effect, the armed bystander, identified as 22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken, delivered the kill shot that stopped the active shooter who is accused of murdering three victims and wounding two others, including a little girl who suffered minor injuries.  Although it's against Simon Property Group's code of conduct for anyone to carry a weapon inside its shopping centers, local leadership was thankful the young man was "very proficient" with a pistol and took swift action regardless.  Greenwood Police Chief Jim Ison told reporters at a news conference that "the real hero of the day is the citizen that was lawfully carrying a firearm in that food court."  The city's "grateful" Mayor Mark Myers praised the "good Samaritan" who "saved lives" during the Sunday shooting and prevented "further bloodshed."

Guns and Masculinity.  [Scroll down]  Last weekend, 22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken stopped a mass shooter at Indiana's Greenwood Park Mall by taking him out with a handgun within seconds of the shooter launching his rampage.  In a sane world, Dicken would be unanimously hailed as a hero.  And sane people have hailed him as such.  Greenwood Police Chief Jim Ison said of Dicken, "I'm going to tell you, the real hero of the day was the citizen that was lawfully carrying a firearm in the food court and was able to stop the shooter almost as soon as he began."  But instead of being grateful and relieved that Dicken's courage, skill, and concealed-carry weapon limited the murderer to three victims (still a terrible loss, but it could have been exponentially worse), Democrats openly resent the fact that Dicken is living refutation of their false narrative that a "good guy with a gun" is a myth.

Missouri shopper shoots, kills armed robber holding knife to clerk's neck.  An unassuming customer saved a gas station clerk's life Saturday morning in Missouri after a robbery suspect put a knife to the employee's neck.  Lance Bush, 26, allegedly held the female clerk of the gas station at knifepoint while the customer, who was concealed carrying, sat in his car in the parking lot.  After noticing the bizarre dynamic between the would-be robbery suspect and his hostage, the anonymous customer repeatedly asked if everything was "okay."

A Good Guy with a Gun.  When covering mass shootings, we prefer not to name the culprits.  For the heroes, the opposite rule ought to obtain.  Elisjsha Dicken, the 22-year-old Hoosier who halted a mall shooting on Sunday evening, is one of those heroes.  The problem of public mass shootings is extremely complicated, and, while it may be tempting or convenient to pretend otherwise, it is highly unlikely that a single solution can bring the scourge under control.  To acknowledge this, however, is not to suggest that there is nothing that can help at the margins, and, clearly, the existence of lawful concealed carriers can help at the margins.  Just 15 seconds elapsed between the beginning of the shooting at the Greenwood Park Mall and Elisjsha Dicken's intervening.  Had Dicken not been there, the three innocent people who were killed would have been joined by many others.

Another 'Good Guy With A Gun' Episode Destroys The Left's Anti-Gun Narrative.  The fact that our Second Amendment right to bear arms is protected, or better stated "shall not be infringed," is one that irks our friends on the left, perhaps more so than any other Constitutional right.  Their attitude tends to be, "Damn you and your rights, we'll do all the infringing we want."  They typically crank up their volume on such assertions after a tragic school shooting and do their best to ignore episodes that show the benefit of private gun ownership.  After two brutal incidents in Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, New York, in May, gun rights opponents were pushing hard on their narrative.  Assault weapons are unnecessary, they told us.  No one needs high-capacity magazines, they said.  The notion of a good guy with a gun being an effective method of halting a bad guy with a gun was a myth, they assured us.  Then July rolled around, and instances of heroic, gun-toting Americans shutting down demonic, violent criminals have become impossible to ignore.

To The Left, This Hero's A Zero.  In these violent times, a shooting event is often over before law enforcement arrives at the scene.  As those with bad intentions search for soft targets, they often choose "gun-free zones" such as malls, as the site of their hoped-for mass casualty event.  Sometimes, however, a law-abiding citizen breaks the rules taped to the entrance and becomes a hero by ending the shooting (and the shooter); a hero to most but, apparently, not to those on the Left.  This exact scenario played on Sunday, July 17, 2022, when a 20-year-old man decided to shoot up a mall in Greenwood, Indiana.  Emerging from a food court restroom, he got far enough to kill three people and injure at least two others before being taken down by an armed civilian bystander.

Indiana police say 'Good Samaritan' took out mall shooter in 15 seconds, landed 8 of 10 shots.  Police say it took Elisjsha Dicken just 15 seconds to neutralize a man who opened fire on shoppers at an Indiana mall — quick action they believe saved countless lives.  "The time lapse between the moment that Jonathan Sapirman exited the restroom and began shooting, and when he was shot by the civilian was only fifteen seconds, not two minutes," Greenwood Police Chief James Ison said Tuesday in a statement.  "The surveillance video shows Sapirman exit the restroom at 5:56:48 pm.  He was neutralized by Dicken at 5:57:03 pm."  The statement corrects a previous police timeline in which authorities said the incident lasted two minutes.  Police also revealed that a preliminary autopsy report on the gunman showed that he was struck eight times and died of his wounds, meaning Dicken only missed the shooter twice despite engaging the threat from a distance.

Houston would-be robber shot and killed by victim: report.  A suspected robber was shot and killed over the weekend by his intended victim who had his own weapon, Houston police said.  The robbery occurred around 10:30 p.m. when a man was leaving an ATM.  Another man tried to rob him and the victim pulled out a gun, Fox Houston reported.  Both men fired their weapons.  The suspect was struck once and authorities pronounced him dead at the scene.  The news outlet said the shooter remained at the scene and cooperated with investigators.  In June, another Texas gun owner defended himself against when he shot a teenage would-be robber in Austin.  The suspect in that case, Jaylyn Reed, 17, was charged with aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon.  At the time of the alleged crime, he had just been released from juvenile detention with an ankle monitor, which he cut off.  He was shot in the leg and taken to a hospital.

St. Louis man shoots and kills robbery suspect while stopping at gas station for bathroom break.  Police say a 26-year-old man was on a "violent crime spree" targeting multiple gas stations in St. Charles, Mo., early Saturday morning when a customer taking a bathroom break at a third station shot and killed him.  The St. Charles Police Department said they were already investigating an armed robbery at one gas station and a burglary at another when they received reports of shots fired at a third:  a Quik Trip location roughly 22 miles outside St. Louis.  "Police Officers arrived to discover the suspect had been shot by a citizen during the armed robbery.  The suspect was transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced deceased," St. Charles police said in a Facebook post.

Leftists can't deal with the fact that guns save lives.  Anti-liberty leftists are missing the point entirely when complaining that the Greenwood good Samaritan violated their nonsensical  gun free  massacre zone rules.  Does anyone want to guess why the mass-murdering miscreant chose that place to make a name for himself?  Could it be that like many other murderers, it chose a massacre zone, a place that deprives the innocent of their God-given right of self-defense?  For some strange reason, anti-liberty leftists think that silly little signs and codes of conduct that say "no weapons" are going to work, even though they've never worked before.  The latest revelation is that the good Samaritan "violated" the sacred massacre zone rules of the mall, entirely missing the point that the mass murderer also violated that rule.  Given that a good guy with a gun stopped this crime in progress, does anyone want to guess how long this story is going to stick around?

Police say 'Good Samaritan' prevented further loss of life in Indiana mall shooting.  Police say the "Good Samaritan" who ended a mass shooting at an Indiana mall by killing the gunman saved lives, noting that it only took two minutes from the time the suspect opened fire until when he was shot.  "Many more people would have died last night if not for the responsible armed citizen," Greenwood Police Chief James Ison said during a press conference Monday [7/18/2022].  The Good Samaritan, who was identified as Elisjsha Dicken, engaged the gunman within two minutes of the start of the shooting Sunday at Greenwood Park Mall.  Police said Dicken approached the gunman from a distance and fired 10 rounds of ammunition at him, striking and killing him before he could retreat to a nearby bathroom.

Good Guy with Gun Prevents Mass Shooting at Indianapolis Mall.  A man entered an Indianapolis area shopping mall Sunday evening, proceeded to the food court, and began shooting.  Things could have been so much worse had it not been for a good guy with a gun.  At around 6 p.m. local time, an "adult male" entered the mall with a rifle and several magazines.  He proceeded to the food court where he started shooting.  3 people were killed and two injured by the psychotic gunman before a good samaritan with a gun took action and killed the attacker.

Good Guy With Gun Takes out Shooter in Indiana Mall Shooting.  The attacker was a male with a rifle and several magazines.  But what stopped him almost immediately, according to the police, was a good Samaritan with a handgun who saw the shooting and responded, shooting the attacker and killing him.  The hero is a 22-year-old man who had a legal permit and is cooperating with the police.

Burglar Picked The Wrong Armed Veteran To Mess With.  A gun battle breaks out in a quiet neighborhood near Jonesboro after a quick thinking homeowner jumped into action after seeing a group of men on his property.  Surveillance video captured the scary moments, and thankfully he escaped without injuries.  "My first thought was to protect my house and protect my property.  I just wanted to get the intruders away," Whitfield Smith said.

Wild video shows Florida home invaders running for their lives after resident opens fire.  Pulse-pounding video shows the moment a trio of Florida home invaders frantically reverse course after a resident blasts at them with a gun.  The footage from the Escambia County Sheriff's Office shows the men gathering and chatting in front of the residence on July 7 before one of them opens the door and shoves the homeowner inside.  Two of the suspects barge in while a third can be seen standing guard outside with what appears to be a firearm.  Deputies said the homeowner dropped a gun he was holding while trying to fend off the attack and that the pistol was picked up by one of the intruders.  But the victim managed to scramble to another part of the house where he kept additional firearms and began shooting at his assailants.

Texas dad shoots carjackers to save infant children, wife.  A Texas father shot two teenage would-be robbers Sunday night after the pair tried to carjack his SUV with his wife and two infant children inside.  Local news reports that "The father, who happened to be armed, fired several rounds through a rear window and hit both suspects, according to deputies.  His wife then continued driving to get away."  The two alleged robbers had crept up behind the vehicle as the family was arriving at their Harris County home in Houstin just a little after midnight on Sunday.  The pair tried to open the SUV's rear door, right where the two infants were seated, when the father pulled his gun and fired.  In a statement, Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said, "The adult male feared for the safety of his family and fired shots and struck both suspects."

Man Tried To Rob Another Man By Gunpoint, However, The Man Being Robbed Also Had A Gun.  During an attempted robbery at Ryan Howard Jersey store in Philadelphia, the would-be robber received instant justice and was killed.  As a man tried to get money out of an ATM just after 1 a.m., another man walked into the store and announced a robbery, police said.  Police believe the victim then took out his own gun and shoot the would-be robber who died.  Police are now looking for the victim and they would like to charge him because of Pennsylvania's stand your ground rule.

Alleged Intruder in Critical Condition After 93-Year-Old Homeowner Opens Fire.  An alleged intruder is in critical condition after being shot by a 93-year-old Moreno Valley, California, homeowner early Wednesday morning.  FOX 11 notes that the incident occurred "in the 24300 block of Eucalyptus Avenue."  ABC 7 reports that Riverside County Sheriff's deputies arrived at the home to find the alleged intruder shot.  He was transported to a hospital.  Oscar Malma's wife is related to the 93-year-old homeowner, and Malma told ABC 7 that the homeowner's property has been the targeted by burglars/intruders numerous times.

Arizona homeowner shoots and kills two intruders:  Police.  An Arizona homeowner shot and killed two people trying to break into his home on Saturday morning, according to police.  Officers responded to 911 calls coming from a street on Phoenix around 7:45 a.m. and found two men with gunshot wounds on the ground in front of a home.  Witnesses told police the shooter was inside the home next to where the men were lying, Sgt. Philip Krynsky of the Phoenix Police Department said, according to FOX 10.  "The officers were able to successfully carry the men to await paramedics," Krynsky said.  "The officers were able to communicate with the three occupants of the home and they were detained peacefully.  The two men were taken to separate hospitals where they both died from their injuries."

Armed Robber Confronts Dollar Store Clerk With Gun, Clerk Shoots Him Dead.  A 23-year-old Ohio man was shot and killed while trying to rob a Dollar General store at gunpoint.  Roosevelt Rappley entered the Dayton-area store, produced a firearm, and started demanding money.  One of the store clerks was a concealed carry permit holder and was legally armed.  Once the suspect pointed his weapon at this clerk, he drew his own weapon and fired, striking the subject in the chest.  Rappley returned fire, hitting no one, before stumbling outside and collapsing.  He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Florida woman shot and killed intruder that attacked her in bedroom: police.  The right to bear arms came in handy on Tuesday morning when a woman shot and killed an intruder in her bedroom in Clearwater, Florida.  According to the Clearwater Police Department, the victim woke up to find suspect Justin Wright in her bedroom around 9 a.m. and fired a single gunshot that killed Wright after he attacked her, WFLA reports.  "She was able to reach out and call 911 during this attack, but the attack persisted," Clearwater Police Chief Daniel Slaughter told the outlet.  "At which time, she was able to retrieve a gun that she had lawfully."  Wright lived on the same street as the victim, according to WFLA.  Clearwater police told WFLA that they are investigating the incident to determine if the shooting was justifiable homicide but believe that the woman's injuries were consistent with self-defense.

Legally armed Iowa woman shoots violent unprovoked attacker in grocery store:  Police.  A legally armed woman in a Des Moine, Iowa, grocery store shot another woman who violently attacked her Sunday morning, police say.  "This was something spontaneous that unfortunately happened in that grocery store where a lot of people were grocery shopping this morning," said Sgt. Paul Parizek of the Des Moines Police Department said of the Sunday incident, according to KCCI.  Police said suspect Kapri Lashawn Francis, 30, attacked the woman without provocation inside a Hy-Vee grocery store at about 10 a.m. local time.  The unidentified woman was legally armed and fired one shot at Francis.

As more people get guns and carry permits, Philly sees a sharp rise in homicides ruled justified.  In May, a South Philadelphia man stepped out of his house for a smoke when police said a gun-wielding man rode up on a bicycle and demanded money.  The homeowner dropped his cigarette, pulled out his licensed gun, and fatally shot the would-be robber in the head.  In March, an assistant manager at a Dollar General store in North Philadelphia used his legal gun to shoot a man who police said burst into the store in a ski mask, demanded money, and threatened to kill the cashier.  "I'm opening up the register for you, sir," said the manager, who instead pulled his own handgun and shot the robber in the head, killing him.  The same month, a customer with a carry permit inside Max Food Market in the Yorktown section fatally shot a gunman who tried to rob him while he was playing a video poker machine.  "You have to defend yourself," said Maximo Torres Rodriquez, the store's owner.  "You have to do it."

Texas woman fatally shoots suspected stalker who kicked in front door.  A Texas woman shot and killed her suspected stalker after he kicked in her front door, police say.  The shooting unfolded last Monday evening in Harris County at the Gateway at Ellington apartment complex.  Houston Police responded to the apartments and found a male with a gunshot wound to the chest.  The unidentified man was pronounced dead at the scene.  Police said the unidentified woman shot the suspected stalker after he kicked in her front door.  The woman told police she had recently moved to get away from the man, SBG San Antonio reported.  Police said they found damage to the woman's door frame.

Outnumbered homeowner is shot, but his furious return fire sends invaders to an early grave.  As Democrats rabidly try to erode Americans' Second Amendment right to self-defense, another chilling incident affirms once again that a good guy with a gun is the best antidote to an armed bad guy.  On Thursday, two gunmen who invaded a house in Carbon Hill, Alabama, were shot dead by the armed homeowner, WIAT-TV in Birmingham reported.  The homeowner, who was shot multiple times and injured when gunfire was exchanged during the burglary, is now recovering after surgery.

The Near Mass Shooting Most of the Media Won't Tell You About.  A woman with a concealed handgun stopped a mass shooting this week after a man attacked a graduation party in Charleston, West Virginia.  "Police said a woman who was lawfully carrying a pistol shot and killed a man who began shooting at a crowd of people Wednesday night in Charleston," location Fox 11 reported about the incident.  "Dennis Butler was killed after allegedly shooting at dozens of people attending a graduation party Wednesday near the Vista View Apartment complex.  No injuries were reported from those at the party.  Investigators said Butler was warned about speeding in the area with children present before he left.  He later returned with an AR-15-style firearm and began firing into the crowd before he was shot and killed."

69-yr-old Florida woman says she warned home invader to 'back off dude', but he didn't.  Now, he's dead.  A 69-year-old-woman in Florida remembers telling a home invader to "back off" before shooting him dead, she says, as she recalled the day of the alleged invasion.  The United States 2nd Amendment and Florida's Stand Your Ground state law once again helped save two innocent lives, potentially; they certainly helped stop an alleged home burglary in progress.  "Back off, dude," are the words Orange County-based homeowner Virginia Morrison recalled shouting at the man who broke into her house in an attempted but botched robbery, according to WESH.  "I fired a shot above him," she recounted.  "'Back off, dude, I'll shoot you.'  And he just keeps coming toward me.  So I shot him."

11 Examples of Defensive Gun Use Dispel NYC Mayor's Concerns on Open Carry.  Any week now, the Supreme Court will render its decision in the pivotal Second Amendment case New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, where a majority seems poised to strike down New York laws that effectively prohibit law-abiding citizens from carrying firearms in public for self-defense.  New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat, recently lamented the likely outcome of the case, telling reporters that city residents should be "very concerned" and noting that his administration "did our job of getting the guns off the streets."  Respectfully, Mr. Mayor, your city's soaring violent crime rates prove that you haven't succeeded in getting guns off the streets.  In fact, New York's entire legal framework succeeds only in rendering law-abiding New Yorkers defenseless in the face of criminals who continue to illegally carry firearms and use them to commit heinous acts.  This reality was made painfully obvious during recent mass public shootings in New York state, including one Saturday in Buffalo where the perpetrator's manifesto explained in detail how New York's strict gun laws "put him at ease" by ensuring that his victims, even if armed, would have a more limited capacity to fight back.

Indiana homeowner shoots 2 suspected armed intruders, holds others at gunpoint until cops arrive.  An Indiana homeowner fatally shot two armed home intruders over the weekend and held another two at gunpoint until police arrived on the scene, according to authorities.  DeKalb County Sheriff's Department and Auburn Police Department arrived at a home in DeKalb County after 6 a.m.  Sunday [5/15/2022] and found two deceased people and another pair being held at gunpoint by a homeowner.

Philadelphia: Legal Gun Owner Shoots Would-Be Robber.  In another example of self-defense in Philadelphia, a resident fatally shot an armed would-be robber while he was outside smoking a cigarette on Wednesday night, Philadelphia Police said.  The South Philadelphia resident was licensed to carry.  "It looked like a robbery victim, at this time, turned the tables on a would-be robber and shot him in the head," Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small told NBC 10.  The incident took place shortly after 11:30 pm on Wednesday near Moyamensing Avenue.  A 24-year-old man was smoking outside his home when an Asian man approached him while riding a bike, law enforcement said.  The man then pulled out a gun and "announced a robbery."

Texas mom shoots home intruder while her three kids sleep.  In what authorities currently believe was a clear-cut case of self-defense, an unidentified mom in San Antonio shot and killed a man who had just broken into her family home.  The mom, believed to be between 30 and 40 years of age was with her three children at around 10 pm on Thursday night in her home on 600 Kashmuir Place in Southeast San Antonio when the incident occurred.

Man dressed as health care worker tries to force his way into elderly woman's home, gets fatally shot by homeowner's son.  Authorities with the Houston Police Department (HPD) have stated that an individual dressed as a healthcare worker was fatally shot after forcing his way into an elderly woman's home.  [Tweet]  According to FOX26, the incident occurred at a residence located in the 12500-block of Cooperstown Drive around 11:30 p.m on April 11th.  The fatal shooting will now be referred to a Harris County grand jury.  Officers with HPD said that a 65-year-old woman that was home alone received a knock on her door from a man wearing scrubs who was claiming to be a health care worker.  The woman refused to let the man in and called her 40-year-old son, who was only a few blocks away.

More Philadelphia Self Defense Shootings in First Quarter 2022, than entire Previous Years.  And in late January, an attempted carjacking suspect was shot six times after a pizza delivery driver, who was licensed to carry, fought back in Kensington.  The Action News Data Journalism team found a significant increase in defensive shootings.  In just the first three months of this year, more people have been shot in defensive shootings than in each of the last three entire years.  If defensive shootings continue at the same rate through the rest of the year, Philadelphia is on track to have more than five times as many of these incidents as last year.

Suspects shot with their own guns during home invasion in Williamson NY.  According to investigators, the four teenagers went to the home on Pearsall Road in Williamson on March 23 with a shotgun, two handguns and a machete.  They say the residents were able to take the guns from the alleged intruders and then returned fire, striking the teens.  "Forced entry through the front door of the residence and then a melee, a scrum, ensued from there," said Capt. Miklos Szoczei of the New York State Police.  "And that's when the weapons were taken from the suspects during that altercation."

Update of Pistol or Handgun Defenses Against Bears 123 cases, 98% effective, April 11, 2022.  The author and his associates have been researching the effectiveness of pistols when they are fired as a defense against bears for several years.  The research started as an attempt to find cases where pistols were ineffective.  In October of 2016, a poster on claimed there were numerous failures when people attempted to use pistols as a defensive tool against bears.  The author knew there were several cases where the use of a pistol resulted in an effective defense.  Because access to handguns, bear spray, knives, rifles, and shotguns all involve similar problems, only cases where a handgun was actually fired are considered.  None of these systems do any good if they cannot be accessed in time to be used to stop an attack.

Kingsessing Restaurant Owner Shoots Armed Robbery Suspect, Police Say.  Philadelphia police say a store owner shot an armed robbery suspect in Kingsessing.  It happened around 5:30 p.m. Monday [4/11/2022] in the 5400 block of Chester Avenue.  Investigators say a man attempted to rob a Chinese takeout restaurant.  They say the owner shot the 25-year-old suspect in the elbow.

Chief Deputy:  Dale County homeowner shoots intruder.  A Midland City homeowner shot a man who attempted to break into his house early Wednesday, according to the Dale County Sheriff's Office.  "The suspect attempted several ways gain entry into the home, including entering through a child's bedroom window," Chief Deputy Mason Bynum told News 4.  The homeowner fired, striking the intruder in the head and sending him to a Dothan hospital with what Bynum described to News 4 as life-threatening injuries.

Alleged home intruder shot in Camp County.  An alleged home intruder was shot in Camp County early Thursday morning [4/7/2022].  According to the Camp County Sheriff's Office, they were called to a report of a person breaking into a mobile home brandishing a knife on County Road 4151.  The 911 dispatcher was advised that the intruder had been shot.  Deputy Brandon Morris responded and was backed up by Pittsburg Police Department Officers.  Upon their arrival, the gun was secured.

Intruder Shot in Head While Breaking Into Child's Bedroom.  A Dale County, Ala. man called the police a little after 6 a.m. on Wednesday [4/6/2022] to report that a person was trying to break into his home.  [Tweet]  When police arrived, they found a broken window through which the thug had tried to enter.  They also found the thug on the ground, weighing roughly 25 grams more than he did when he arrived, having been shot once in the head by the homeowner.  The would-be intruder was transported to the hospital, where he was admitted in critical condition.  The villain had apparently tried to enter the residence at several points before breaking the window.

Paraguayan Gun Store Owners Has one Incredibly Fast Draw, Takes Out a Would be Robber in Seconds.  According to police, two thieves arrived at the establishment and gave a voice of robbery, but the owner reacted.  Security camera footage from the store shows the moment when two robbers enter with guns drawn and the quick reaction of the owner who pulls his pistol from his waist and shoots the robbers.  One of them falls and the other runs away and flees with the support of another partner who was waiting in the getaway vehicle.  [Video clip]

Philly store manager fends off armed robber with legally carried gun.  Amazingly, this is actually the second armed citizen story we've covered this week involving a defensive gun use at a dollar store.  The first was in Miami, where the wife of a Family Dollar store manager defended her husband against an attack.  The latest?  A manager at a Dollar General in Philadelphia who shot and killed an attempted robber Thursday evening [3/24/2022].

Two intruders breaking into Florida homes killed by armed homeowners.  A child sex offender wanted for shooting a sheriff's deputy was shot and killed by an armed homeowner when he broke into a West Palm Beach home early Saturday morning, according to the West Palm Beach Police Department.  The suspect broke a window at the home and climbed inside around 4 a.m.  When the unlucky burglar turned on the bedroom light, the couple sleeping inside were awakened.  The couple, a 44-year-old man and 53-year-old woman, confronted the intruder, and resulted "in the intruder being shot by one of the residents," according to the West Palm Beach Police Department.

Concealed Carry Permit Holder Shoots A Dog Trying To Tear Apart A Small Child — The Mother.  A woman was wounded by shrapnel after a shot was fired at a vicious dog on Friday morning, Philadelphia police say.  It happened in the 6100 block of Ogontz Avenue at 7:14 a.m.  Police say the dog was mauling a small child when a man fired his gun at the animal.  [Video clip]

A Group Of Armed Robbers Approach Peninsula Jewelry Store Owner — He Shows Them The Power Of The Second Amendment.  An attempted armed robbery of a jewelry store near Redwood City on Monday led to the store owner using his own gun to shoot at the suspects, though no one was hurt, according to his wife and co-owner.  San Mateo County sheriff's officials said deputies were called to Plaza Jewelers at 3303 Middlefield Rd. at 5:50 p.m. Monday night.  Surveillance video shows the moment three masked gunmen stormed into Plaza Jewelers Monday evening, ordered everyone to the ground, and demanded their money and jewelry.  But they're seen frantically running out of the store seconds later — after the store owner shot at them.

Shooting death ruled justifiable after juvenile shoots back at intruder.  A recent homicide at a Columbia apartment complex has been determined to be justified after a man tried to break into an apartment and was shot by a juvenile, according to the Richland County Sheriff's Department.  On Sunday, February 6, around 5 p.m., deputies responded to Gable Hill Apartments on Ross Road after receiving reports of an unresponsive man.  Upon their arrival, deputies say they found a man inside of an apartment who was deceased.  He appeared to have a gunshot wound to the upper body and evidence of a shooting was observed in the apartment, according to investigators.

OSBI: Homeowner shoots, kills man inside home.  Agents with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation are looking into the death of a Hugo man.  Just before midnight [2/3/2022], dispatchers received a 911 call about a shooting near Sawyer, Oklahoma.  Choctaw County deputies and Choctaw Tribal police responded to the scene and found 29-year-old Lonnie Cole dead outside of the home.  Choctaw County asked the OSBI for assistance.  Based on the initial investigation, authorities say the homeowner arrived at the house and found Cole in his home.  Investigators say there was an altercation between the two men before the homeowner shot Cole.

Upstate resident shoots and kills intruder during burglary.  The Cherokee County Sheriff's Office is investigating an overnight burglary that left one person dead.  According to the Sheriff's Office, deputies were called to a home on Deana Lane in Blacksburg shortly after 2:20 a.m.  Wednesday [2/2/2022].  There, they say that 29-year-old Roger Robertson forced his way into the home and assaulted one of the residents. [...] "Somebody had broke into the house, busted through the front door and started attacking my little brother with an object."  The Cherokee County Sheriff's office said the resident, feared for their safety, then fired a single round, striking Robertson in the chest.

Police: Armed intruder shot by homeowner in exchange of gunfire.  A homeowner shot an armed suspect who broke into their home in Rainier, Ore., early Sunday morning [1/30/2022], police said.  The Rainier Police Department said officers responded to a call about a burglary at a home in the 600 block of West C Street in the early hours of the day.  When they arrived, they learned a burglar had attempted to rob the homeowner and they exchanged gunfire.  The suspect was shot but is expected to survive.  The homeowner was not hurt.

Pizza delivery driver shoots armed carjacker in Kensington, police say.  Police say a pizza delivery driver turned the tables on an armed carjacker and shot him multiple times Thursday night [1/27/2022] in Kensington.  According to investigators, a 39-year-old delivery driver was delivering food on the 3300 block of H Street just after 7:30 p.m. when he was approached by an armed carjacker.  The 35-year-old suspect allegedly pointed a gun at the delivery driver and demanded his car, police said.

Kansas City police investigating deadly shooting near 80th and Euclid Ave.  Kansas City Police Department is investigating a homicide near E. 80th Street and Euclid Avenue.  Police responded to a call around 11:15 a.m.  Saturday [1/22/2022] on a reported prowler.  The call was later upgraded to a shooting call.  Upon arrival, officers located a man suffering from a gunshot wounds behind a house.  The man was taken to a hospital, where he died from his injuries.  The homeowner told FOX4 that she was standing in her kitchen when the man tried to break in her back door.  That's when she fired.

A Man Shoots His Neighbors Pitbull trying to Attack Him.  The neighbor seems extremely angry that his dog was just gunned down in front of him, but yet seemed to make no attempts at stopping his dog from attacking this man who had to carry a gun just to get his mail.  As a person who wholeheartedly loves his own pets as if they were kids, this was the neighbors fault.  That dog was clearly going in for a bite.  [Video clip]

Police: Pizza delivery driver shoots attempted carjacker 6 times in Philadelphia.  An attempted carjacking suspect was seriously injured after a pizza delivery driver fought back against his attacker on Thursday night. [...] Police say the delivery driver was approached by a 23-year-old man who pointed a gun at the male victim and demanded he get out of the car.  "The driver of that car — when he saw that this male was pointing a gun at him, demanding that he get out of the vehicle — brandished his own firearm, which he was legally allowed to carry," said Philadelphia Police Inspector DF Pace.  The victim, who police say has a license to carry, grabbed his own gun and shot the suspect six times.

23-Year-Old Woman Tried To Pull A Home Invasion With Her Squad.  [Scroll down]  Responding officers located 23yr old Shabria Furlow,, suffering from at least one gunshot wound.  Furlow was pronounced deceased on the scene.  Authorities say that the homeowner was justified in killing Furlow because it was "just legitimate self-defense," according to Christopher King, a spokesman for the St.  Louis County prosecuting attorney's office.  "She shows up with a number of armed males," King said.  Furlow was allegedly caught on a home camera nearby approaching the home with four men.  The owner who confirmed that he is a proud supporter of the second amendment said that he made the only rational decision that was available!

Corner Store Clerk Shows Why The Second Amendment Works.  The Gwinnett County Police Department says the robbery happened around 3:30 a.m. [1/10/2022] at the Speedway gas station on Lake Road Terrace.  The clerk said that a suspect was lingering in the store, left, and returned a short while later, approaching the register with a gun.  The suspect pulled out the firearm, tapped it on the counter, and allegedly said:  "Give me everything."  The clerk emptied the register, and as he handed over the cash decided to serve the criminal instant justice as he pulled out his own gun and emptied it into the robber.

Husband of Democrat Lawmaker Who Was Carjacked in Illinois Exchanged Gunfire With the Attackers.  The husband of Democrat Illinois State Senator Kimberly Lightford fired shots with his legal gun as she was being carjacked this week, according to reports.  The hijackers also shot at her husband, Eric McKennie, as they stole Lightford's Mercedes-Benz SUV on Tuesday evening [12/21/2021].  "It was a lot of shots being fired.  I think they were shooting at my husband and me and luckily enough my husband is concealed and carry and he was able to protect us," Lightford told ABC 7.

Florida Sheriff Praises Resident Who Opened Fire on Intruder: 'He Shot Him a Lot'.  Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd praised a Lakeland, Florida, man for shooting an alleged intruder Wednesday saying, "He shot him a lot."  Steven Stillwell, 42, allegedly threw a flower pot through glass doors in hopes of gaining entry into the house, WFLA reported.  The Lakeland resident then shot Stillwell "three times."  Stillwell was still alive when deputies arrived and is now hospitalized in stable condition.  Sheriff Judd responded to the incident by saying, "I'm proud of our homeowner for defending himself.  It's called a 'Castle Doctrine.'  He has the right to protect himself and his home from unknown intruders," WESH noted.

Video Shows That Confronting Thieves Without A Firearm Is Never A Good Choice.  Investigators in Bountiful need the public's help to identify several suspects who were involved in the shooting of a homeowner during a car burglary.  Bountiful Police released home surveillance video of the shooting which shows several suspects approaching cars in front of homes on 2700 South.  A homeowner was awake and ran outside to confront the suspects.  The video shows the man run into the driveway at which point the suspect runoff and then several shots are fired.  [Video clip]

Beverly Hills residents arming themselves with guns in wake of violence.  "I've always been anti-gun," said Debbie Mizrahie of Beverly Hills.  "But I am right now in the process of getting myself shooting lessons because I now understand that there may be a need for me to know how to defend myself and my family.  We're living in fear."  During Black Lives Matter protests last year, Mizrahie told The [New York] Post, her neighbor's home was firebombed with Molotov cocktails.  "My kids were outside and they saw a huge explosion," she said.  "[The neighbor's] backyard went up in smoke.  Trees burned down ... But it's only gotten worse.  Beverly Hills has been targeted."  Mizrahie, a 40-something mother of two teenagers, isn't alone.  Ever since the protests last year descended into riots and lootings, a growing number of Beverly Hills residents have been buying weapons.

Bellevue Police:  Possible home intruder shot and killed by resident.  Bellevue Police said a man was shot and killed inside a home near 17th and Yorktown Street overnight.  Officers said they were called to a home for a possible home invasion around 3:39 a.m. Saturday which "resulted in the 43-year-old intruder being shot."  The intruder has been identified as forty-three-year-old, Lou P. Slaughter Jr., of Omaha.  BPD said three people were inside the home when the man Slaughter Jr. tried to get in.

Woman With Concealed Carry Permit Shoots At Would-Be Armed Carjacker In Roseland.  A woman fought back and fired her own gun when a would-be carjacker pointed a gun at her outside a bank in Roseland on Monday afternoon [11/29/2021].  CBS 2's Jermont Terry talked with the woman exclusively afterward.  She did not appear on camera, but did speak for an audio recording. [...] "Thank God I had my gun, or I'd probably be dead right now," the woman said.

Philadelphia Police:  Homeowner Shoots Intruder Inside Holmesburg Home.  A homeowner opened fire on an intruder in Holmesburg on Sunday night [11/28/2021], police say.  The shooting happened around 11 p.m. on the 4700 block of Ashville Street.  Police say they arrived to find a 31-year-old suspect shot in the face in the basement.

Casper man shoots person trying to forcefully enter a home, police say.  A Casper man shot a person who was attempting to forcefully enter a home in Cheyenne, police there said.  The man who was shot fled the scene.  Officers later found him at a Motel 6 in Cheyenne, suffering from a gunshot wound, police said.  He was taken by ambulance to Cheyenne Regional Medical Center.  The shooting occurred at about 9:30 p.m. Friday [11/26/2021] at a home on the 3800 block of Greenway Street on the city's east side.  Police were told a 51-year-old man from Cheyenne tried to force his way inside a home through the front door.

Homeowner holds alleged burglar at gunpoint.  Daniel Earl, 38, of Quincy could have gotten shot Tuesday [11/23/2021] by homeowner Jim Johnson, authorities said, instead Earl is in jail, where he faces a prison sentence on a charge of home invasion as a habitual offender.  Johnson arrived at his Sebring Road home and observed the front door ajar.  He looked into the living room and saw Earl facing away from him with a hatchet in his hand, authorities said.  Johnson went back to his truck, got a handgun, and held Earl at gunpoint.

Robbers Pulls Out A Gun On A Off-Duty Cop With An Ice Cream Cone (And A Gun).  We received a video this morning that looks really similar to the video from the LA Restaurant where an elderly couple was robbed.  In the video from LA, the couple has been robbed at gunpoint by two armed robbers while dining at a restaurant in Los Angeles.  [Video clip] [...] But a video that we've received this morning shows totally different story when you can use your self-defense rights and save your life and the lives of the ones around you!  [Another video clip]

Burglar Trying To Break Into A Car Parked On The Driveway, The Homeowner Comes Out And Serves Him Instant Justice.  A home invasion is often very sudden.  There is no way to know for sure if there are multiple intruders.  You also don't know their intentions.  But, you do know one thing:  they just committed a felony, which means they probably don't have inhibitions about committing another felony.  And they probably don't want any witnesses to their crime.  You must assume the worst:  that they are there with violent intent.  A homeowner shot at a would-be burglar in a Summerlin neighborhood near Hualapai and Town Center last night.  The homeowner said he's still shaken up after firing on someone he thought was trying to break into his home.  [Video clip]

Teen Pulls Gun On Truck Driver During Argument, Turns Out The Driver Was A Cop And Was Well Armed.  Authorities in Colorado say a 17-year-old boy died following an exchange of gunfire with a former Greenwood Village police officer after an argument Wednesday night, a spokesperson with the Aurora Police Department said Thursday.  The shooting was reported at approximately 10:30 p.m.  Wednesday in the 900 block of S. Addison Way, near the intersection of South Gun Club Road and E. Belleview Ave., according to police.  The caller who reported the shooting told dispatch two people shot each other.  Once at the scene, Aurora police found two males suffering from gunshot wounds, and both were taken to the hospital, where the teen was pronounced dead.  [Video clip]

Black Teen Pulls Gun On Truck Driver During Argument, Turns Out The Driver Was A Ex-Cop And Was Well Armed.  Authorities in Colorado say a 17-year-old boy died following an exchange of gunfire with a former Greenwood Village police officer after an argument Wednesday night, a spokesperson with the Aurora Police Department said Thursday [11/25/2021]. The shooting was reported at approximately 10:30 p.m. Wednesday in the 900 block of S. Addison Way, near the intersection of South Gun Club Road and E. Belleview Ave., according to police.  The caller who reported the shooting told dispatch two people shot each other.  Once at the scene, Aurora police found two males suffering from gunshot wounds, and both were taken to the hospital, where the teen was pronounced dead.

A Woman Realized That Her Stick Wasn't Gonna Stand A Chance With That Pistol.  Many people in today's world carry guns.  Some of us do it legally, and go out of our way to meet legal requirements and pay the government for permission to exercise the fundamental human right to self-defense.  Others do it illegally, and are the main reason why some people choose to arm themselves when they venture away from their homes.  No matter which side of the argument you find yourself on, remember that those who wish to legally carry concealed guns are people who do not want to be victims of such miscreants.  They are just regular folks like you and me, people with families who would like to legally carry an effective means of defense on their person, just in case they encounter some of the bad folks in a situation where confrontation can't be avoided.  That's all.  They don't want to shoot anyone, and most pray that never happens... they just want a chance.

Deliveryman Shows Why The Second Amendment Saves Lives.  The delivery driver has a license to carry a concealed weapon, according to police.  Two armed suspects picked the wrong to rob Saturday in Philadelphia's Mayfair section.  Police say the victim was leaving his home after dropping off a delivery to his family after midnight on the 3200 block of Longshore Avenue.  That's when three suspects attempted to rob him, officials say.

Retired Police Captain Shot During Robbery In City Suffering Massive Crime Spike.  A retired Oakland Police Captain was shot and wounded during a robbery attempt at a gas station Thursday, the Oaklandside reported.  Ersie Joyner, an officer who retired in 2019 after 28 years of service, was pumping gas when three people in hooded sweatshirts and face masks tried to rob him.  Surveillance video shows the three individuals grab Joyner and try to take his belongings.  Joyner drew a gun, killed one of the suspects and may have wounded another before the three individuals fled the scene, the Oaklandside reported.

Compilation: Proof that Guns Save Lives..  While the media and their Democrat puppet masters in congress are attempting to disarm Americans through any means they can think of.  Guns continue to save lives around the country.  One stat you will never see the bias media relay to the public is just how many times a gun has saved a life of an adult or their children as armed criminals bust in their homes.  [Video clip]

Homie Decided To Bring A Knife To A Gun Fight In Kalamazoo, It Didn't End Well.  A Kalamazoo County Sheriff's Deputy shot and killed a man Monday morning at a Shell gas station, according to Undersheriff James VanDyken.  The incident happened around 2:45 a.m. at the Shell located on 35th Street in Galesburg.  In a news conference Monday afternoon, the sheriff's office released an audio recording of the 911 call, along with body-cam video of the incident that shows what led to the deadly shooting.  [Video clip]

Doorbell Cam Captures The Moment This Man Outdraws And Shoots His Attacker.  The freedom to carry a gun in this country is a privilege I refuse to take for granted.  It is arguably one of the most valuable freedoms we have been blessed with in this nation, and I will defend it with every ounce of my being.  Despite what we are being told by the media and the leaders of this country, one thing remains true: guns save lives.  From a young age, my parents taught my sisters and I the value of the Second Amendment and how to be responsible gun owners.  When my mom's car was broken into while she was at work, I was never more grateful that she had her gun to protect her had the criminals still been in the parking garage when she got off work.  I am so grateful for the lessons my parents taught me regarding the Second Amendment.  It showed me the importance of being able to protect myself and those that I love from those who would wish to do harm.  [Video clip]

There Are Far More Defensive Gun Uses Than Murders.  Here's Why You Rarely Hear of Them.  While Americans know that guns take many innocent lives every year, many don't know that firearms also save them.  On May 15, an attacker at an apartment complex in Fort Smith, Ark., fatally shot a woman and then fired 93 rounds at other people before a man killed him with a bolt-action rifle.  Police said he "likely saved a number of lives in the process."  On June 30, a 12-year-old Louisiana boy used a hunting rifle to stop an armed burglar who was threatening his mother's life during a home invasion.  On July 4, a Chicago gunman shot into a crowd of people, killing one and wounding two others before a concealed handgun permit holder shot and wounded the attacker.  Police praised him for stepping in.  These are just a few of the nearly 1,000 instances reported by the media so far this year in which gun owners have stopped mass shootings and other murderous acts, saving countless lives.  And crime experts say such high-profile cases represent only a small fraction of the instances in which guns are used defensively.

Houston woman shoots and kills 'peeping Tom' peering through window' with barrage of rifle fire.  A Texas woman shot and killed an alleged peeping Tom standing outside her bedroom window through the exterior wall of her home with a barrage of rifle fire, police say.  The shooting took place at around 11.15 pm Friday [9/10/2021] on Irvington Boulevard in Houston, and when cops arrived at the scene, they said, they found the man lying dead on the driveway of the house.  The woman was in her bedroom, and told officers that she became scared after she saw a man looking through her window.

Suspected peeping Tom shot, killed by female homeowner.  A suspected peeping Tom was shot and killed by a female homeowner in Houston Friday night.  It happened around 11:15 p.m. on Irvington Blvd at Knight Street just North of downtown.  According to Houston Police, they arrived at the home and found a man dead on the driveway of a home.  Police say the man was looking into a bedroom window from outside and the woman inside the home got scared and grabbed a rifle.  She shot several times at the suspect through the wall of the home.  Police say the man was shot one time and died at the scene.

Customer shoots would-be robber in the face outside convenience store, HPD says.  A would-be robber was shot in the face after he tried to steal from a man in southeast Houston, according to authorities.  The shooting happened just before 11 p.m. Wednesday [9/8/2021] outside a convenience store on Monroe Road and Airport.  Houston police said a driver dropped off the suspect in the parking lot of the store.

These 4 Armed Thugs Picked The Wrong House To Try And Rob.  A Phoenix homeowner was seen on video shooting at suspects who were trying to break into a home, and police are asking for tips to find them.  The Phoenix Police Department shared a video of the attempted robbery on Tuesday.  Four men can be seen kicking open a front door when the gunshot goes off at which point the suspects flee.  Police said the homeowner was alerted by a motion sensor and the home was equipped with surveillance cameras.  [Video clip]

Trespasser who jumped into swimming pool held at gunpoint by homeowner.  A trespasser who jumped into a swimming pool was held at gunpoint by the homeowner until law enforcement arrived on the scene.  The homeowner on Micro Racetrack Road in Fruitland Park used a .357-caliber snub nose revolver Saturday afternoon to detain 46-year-old Clayton Charles Glass until Lake County sheriff's deputies responded to the scene.  The homeowner saw Glass enter the screen-in enclosure around his swimming pool and the homeowner confronted him.

Morristown homeowner accused of fatally shooting intoxicated man.  Officials with the Morristown Police Department said a man was arrested after he allegedly shot an unknown intoxicated man that allegedly entered his property.  On Wednesday, July 28, Morristown officers were dispatched to the 1100 block of Clover Dale Lane in response to an intoxicated intruder, according to police.  Officials said the incident turned into a fight between the homeowner and the individual.  An incident report stated the altercation led to shots being fired before officers arrived.

Teenager shot following gunfight with resident during home invasion.  Police are investigating a home invasion on the West Side.  The incident happened around 11 p.m. Wednesday at a home on N. San Ignacio Avenue near W. Commerce Street.  Police said a 17-year-old boy broke into the home armed with a rifle and a handgun.  The home had four people inside.  At some point, one of the people inside the home opened fire on the suspect who was trying to rob the house.

Man shot after entering home, exchanging fire with homeowner in 3rd shooting this week.  One person is in the hospital after reportedly entering a residence and exchanging gunfire with the homeowner Saturday afternoon [7/24/2021], police say.  Evansville police spokeswoman Sgt. Anna Gray said an armed man went into a home near the 1800 block of McConnell Avenue.  The homeowner and the man reportedly fired their guns at each other, and the man who entered the house was shot.  An EPD incident report says the shooting was reported at 2:19 p.m.

Dale City homeowner justified in shooting intruder earlier this month.  Police say a Dale City homeowner who shot a would-be intruder earlier this month did so in self defense and no charges will be filed.  Police were called to the 4300 block of Glendale Road about 9:55 p.m., July 6, where they found a 43-year-old man suffering from a gunshot wound.  Officers provided immediate first aid until rescue workers arrived.  The investigation revealed the homeowner heard a loud noise at the front door, and then heard someone trying to open a living room window, Prince William County police Master Officer Renee Carr said.  At that point, the homeowner went outside and encountered a stranger on the porch.  Shots were then fired by the homeowner and the man was struck, Carr said.

Homeowner shoots and kills armed man in Woodbridge.  A homeowner in Woodbridge shot and killed an armed man as he came toward the front door of her home, according to authorities.  Prince William County police said the incident unfolded at 12:25 a.m. Thursday [7/22/2021] in the 4100 block of Hoffman Drive just off the Prince William Parkway.  The homeowner, a 44-year-old woman, said she was leaving her home when she saw a stranger, who was wearing a mask and armed with a handgun, coming toward her from the side of her house.  The woman, who police said was also armed with a gun, shot the man as he came toward the front door.  When officers arrived, they found the man had a loaded handgun.  He was taken to a hospital where he later died, police said.  The woman was not hurt.

Suspected Home Intruder Shot Dead in Ottawa.  The LaSalle County Coroner's Office identified a man who was shot and killed Wednesday night in the 800 block of Tomahawk Drive in Ottawa as 33-year-old Mathew E. Cavanaugh, who is described as homeless.  Ottawa police say they were called to Tomahawk Drive for a report of a person intruding into a home in which gunshots were fired.  When police arrived, they found Cavanaugh dead.  Police say he was identified as the intruder.

California homeowner shoots would-be burglars; 1 dead and 1 injured.  An attempted burglary in California turned sour for a pair of intruders when the homeowner shot them, killing one and injuring the other.  The homeowner fought back when two people broke into his home in Guinda shortly after 9 p.m., killing a male suspect while a female suspect survived.  The surviving suspect was taken to a local hospital with a serious injury.  The unnamed homeowner said he saw headlights in his driveway, which gave him time to get his firearm and stand ready when the suspects tried to break in, FOX 40 reported.

12 Year Old Blows Away Home Intruder In Louisiana.  A 12-year-old boy who feared for his life and mother's shot and killed an armed burglar during a home invasion in East Feliciana Parish on Wednesday, June 30.  According to the East Feliciana Parish Sheriff's Office, witnesses saw Brad LeBlanc, 32, armed with a pistol and made contact with the primary female resident in the 5800 block of Winchester Lane outside her home in the early Wednesday morning.  [Video clip]

Home intruder on parole fatally shot after picking on the wrong house.  An armed thug kicked down the door of an elderly couple while they were eating breakfast but got more than he bargained for when the homeowner turned out to be a Second Amendment patriot.  On Tuesday morning [7/6/2021], the California couple said they heard a knock at their door, followed by an attempt to kick down the door after they didn't respond to the knock, Fairfield police revealed.  The homeowner saw the suspect on his Ring surveillance camera, [according] to a Facebook post from Councilwoman Catherine Moy.  They spotted that the stranger was armed as he approached and quickly realized it wasn't a friendly visit.

California Homeowner Shoots, Kills Suspected Intruder:  Sheriff's Office.  A suspected home intruder has died after initiating a shoot-out with a rural California homeowner, according to the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Office.  The deceased, 41-year-old Rodney Lee Martin, was found inside the home with a stolen firearm on his person, authorities said.  At around 12:22 p.m. on Friday [7/2/2021], deputies responded to a 911 call from a homeowner in unincorporated Modesto, according to a statement from the sheriff's office.  Upon arrival, they found Martin dead from at least one gunshot wound. [...] FOX 40 noted that Friday's incident was the second death that week of a suspected home intruder in the Modesto area.  On Tuesday, 32-year-old suspect Pearl Fierro allegedly used a fire extinguisher to break a sliding glass door at an elderly couple's home and threatened to kill them.  Fierro was shot by a woman who lived in the home after several warnings, investigators say.  The suspect was able to break into one of the couple's vehicles, where she died.

3 people shot, man with concealed carry license steps in, shoots gunman, Chicago police say.  The gunman who shot three people standing in a South Austin alley on the Fourth of July may have gotten away with the brazen attack that left a woman dead — had a witness with a concealed carry license not stepped in, a Chicago police statement suggests.  Officers were called to the first block of North Menard Avenue around 10:45 p.m. Sunday and found a total of four people shot, a police notification said.  But one of the injured men was alleged to be the shooter who had shot the other three people before an uninvolved witness pulled his own gun and shot the attacker, officials said.

Father shoots alleged 'peeping Tom' outside little girl's window in NW Harris Co..  A father shot a man who he claimed was looking into his child's window in northwest Harris County late Sunday night.  According to Harris County sheriff's deputies, a husband and wife confronted an intoxicated man inappropriately touching himself outside their young daughter's window around 10 p.m. Sunday [6/27/2021].

Pharr police:  One dead in possible home invasion robbery.  Officers with the Pharr Police Department arrived at the 700 block of Frieda Street Friday evening [6/18/2021] after two suspects entered a home by force, according to a news release from the Pharr Police Department.  "Multiple shots were fired inside the residence resulting in the death of one of the suspects, Hispanic male in his 20's[,]" [t]he news release stated.

Cops: Driver shoots man who forced him to stop, pulled him from vehicle.  A man was arrested Thursday night [6/17/2021] after forcing a driver out of his car and attacking him in northwest Atlanta, police said.  Officers were called to the 900 block of Brady Avenue around 11 p.m. for a report of a shooting.  A 24-year-old man said he was driving south when Jamarcus James Holiday, 24, pulled up beside him in another car and threatened him, the police report said.  The man told police he did not know Holiday.  He then pulled into the parking lot of the Miller Union restaurant and asked the valet to call police, the report said.

Vicksburg woman shoots home intruder.  A would-be burglar was shot when the homeowner caught them in the act Thursday afternoon [6/17/2021].  A homeowner arrived to perform a daily check on her home in the 900 block of Hillcrest Street.  Upon entering the home, just after 11 a.m., she discovered a burglary in progress.  She fired what she described as a warning shot according to 911 radio traffic and then exited the home, yelling for people nearby to call 911.  She then re-entered the home and another shot was fired before the burglar fled from the rear of the home on foot.

Suspected robber killed in shootout at west Birmingham auto repair shop.  A shootout between an auto repair shop worker and a suspected robber left one of them dead Saturday morning [6/19/2021].  Birmingham police Saturday afternoon identified the slain man as Josiah Bryant.  He was 22 and lived in Birmingham.  The shooting happened at 7:45 a.m. at Hatcher's Auto Transmission Center on Tuscaloosa Avenue.  Officer Truman Fitzgerald said a store associate was opening the shop for business when an armed man entered and tried to rob him.

Homeowner shoots, kills suspect in Enterprise burglary.  A suspect is dead following a weekend burglary in Enterprise.  According to Enterprise police Lt. Billy Haglund, Spencer Hines Layton, 31, was shot and killed during a burglary in the 200 block of Brookshire Drive around 5:30 a.m. Sunday [6/13/2021].  Officers were called to the scene after a report of a burglary in progress.  Haglund said when officers made it to the home, they found a man, identified as Layton, who'd been fatally shot by the homeowner during the burglary.

Citizen shoots suspect accused in Carmichael truck, crowbar rampage, authorities say.  One pedestrian was killed and three other victims were injured in an apparent rampage Monday morning [6/21/2021] in Carmichael involving the driver of a pickup truck who allegedly rammed two people, exited his vehicle and attacked two others while wielding a crowbar and a gun, authorities said.  The suspect struck two pedestrians with his vehicle, hit a third person with a crowbar and injured a fourth with either the crowbar or the suspect's gun before being shot himself by another citizen, Sacramento County Sheriff's Office personnel said.  The suspect was hospitalized and is in custody.

Security Guard Shoots Man Who Pulled Gun When Asked To Pay For Snacks At West Englewood Gas Station.  Chicago police say around midnight [6/19/2021], a 40-year-old man went into a Clark station in the 6100 block of South Ashland Avenue and began eating things without paying.  When the 58-year-old security guard on duty told him to pay, that man pulled out a gun instead.  The security guard then drew his own gun and fired, hitting the man in the abdomen.

This Guy Tried To Carjack The Wrong Homeboy In Dallas Yesterday.  Carjackings are up over 30% in Dallas this year so this OG was ready.  A Glock 9 with a 30 round clip will be sure to bring the carjacking numbers down if enough citizens of Dallas carry them.  [Video clip]

Teacher Uses Concealed Gun to Stop Alleged Schoolyard Kidnapping of Utah Girl.  A school teacher in Ogden, Utah has been hailed a hero for preventing the alleged kidnapping of an 11-year-old girl from a school playground by using his concealed firearm.  Lt. Brian Eynon of the Ogden City Police Department described the incident to ABC4.  "An employee was watching the kids from the inside and observed the suspect walk up to this 11-year-old girl [on the playground] and put his hands on her in an attempt to take her," Lt. Eynon said.  "He ran outside, the employee did, and confronted the suspect.  At that same time, the girl had the ability to pull away from the suspect."  According to ABC4, the teacher got all 20 students away from the playground and into the school, which the suspect then tried to force his way into.

Home Intruder Shot By 85-Year-Old Resident In Cathedral City.  A suspect who was allegedly shot by an 85-year-old Cathedral City homeowner in self-defense remained hospitalized Monday [5/17/2021], police reported.  The shooting occurred about 6:15 p.m. Sunday in the 38200 block of Chuperosa Lane, according to Cathedral City police Sgt. Albert Ruiz.  Patrol officers responded to the house following a 911 call reporting a male intruder had entered the home and threatened the residents, he said.  The suspect, whose name was not released, allegedly "made threats against their lives," spurring the 85-year-old homeowner to grab his gun and shoot the suspect once in the upper body, Ruiz said.

Man dies after alleged burglary in Frankfort.  One man has died after being shot after allegedly breaking into a home in Frankfort on Tuesday [5/11/2021].  According to Frankfort police, dispatch responded to a burglary in progress on Wallace Avenue at around 9:35 a.m.  The caller mentioned that he shot the alleged intruder, later identified as 35-year-old Stephen Smallwood.

Newark Barbershop Robber Shot In Face By Off-Duty Officer Headed To Fed Pen.  Philip Hedgespeth picked the wrong barbershop to rob when the man in the chair turned out to be an off-duty Newark police officer who shot him in the face.  Now the ex-con is headed back behind bars — only this time it's for a federal stretch of more than nine years.  Hedgespeth, 45, must serve out the entire plea-bargained sentence:  Unlike in the state prison system, federal convicts don't get parole.

Man With Rifle Stops Mass Shooter.  Good thing Colion Noir is doing the reporting the national media refuses to do.  [Video clip]

Armed Citizen Intervenes, Saves Jewish Family from Alleged Attack.  An armed citizen in Miami, Florida, intervened and saved a Jewish family that was allegedly under attack after leaving their synagogue.  On May 21, 2021, Fox News reported that Eric Orgen and his family were walking down the sidewalk in the Bal Harbor neighborhood when a group of men allegedly pulled up in a vehicle and "started shouting and throwing garbage at them."

Armed Citizen Uses Rifle To Stop Attempted Mass Shooting.  A shooting in Fort Smith, Arkansas that left an elderly woman dead could have had many more victims, according to neighbors, if an armed citizen hadn't stepped up and put down the killer on Saturday morning [5/15/2021].  Police say that 87-year old Lois Hicks was shot and killed in her apartment by 26-year old Zachary Arnold, who then continued to fire rounds from a rifle at other apartments in the complex on the city's south side, targeting other residents.

Enraged Man Kicks In Ex-Girlfriend's Door, Gets Blown Away In Pensicola.  Criminal charges will not be filed against a woman who shot and killed a man after he broke into her home Tuesday in what authorities have determined was a "stand your ground" case.  The names of the parties involved in the shooting had not been released as of Wednesday afternoon.  Escambia County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Amber Southard said it goes against ECSO policy to release the name of a victim.  Escambia County Sheriff Chip Simmons said his agency investigated the shooting and determined the woman acted in self-defense to protect herself and those inside the house — including children — from violence.  [Video clip]

Man suspected of raping woman in Kroger bathroom chased down and held at gunpoint by marine veteran.  A marine veteran is being hailed as a hero after he chased down a man suspected of sexually assaulting a woman at a Kroger bathroom.  The startling incident unfolded at the grocery store in Savannah, Georgia, on April 27.  Shoppers at the Kroger grocery store heard a woman screaming from the bathroom that she was being assaulted.  A man allegedly ran out of the bathroom and tried to flee the scene.  That's when marine veteran Damian Austin jumped into action.  "It made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck because it wasn't a normal yell," Austin told KFOR.

Armed and Eating:  BLM/Antifa Stumble Into Bad Situation.  A group of angry BLM/Antifa protesters marched in front of Churchill Downs ahead of the 147th Kentucky Derby Saturday, chanting Breonna Taylor's name.  After a few minutes of continuing the march down Bardstown, some of the protesters began harassing diners at La Chasse.  As the protesters, some wearing body armor, moved into the outdoor dinning area and confronting those sitting, a man eating on the restaurant's patio pulled a gun while his associate argued with a clearly hostile protester.  [Video clip]

More Self Defense Gun Stories.  You probably didn't see this news covered by the mainstream media, but again last week, responsible gun owners defended themselves and the people they love.  Self-defense instructor Michael Woodland joins the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast to look at four new examples.  Were these gun owners lucky, or did they have a plan?  [Podcast]

These 11 Incidents Underscore Outrage of Biden's Slap in Face to Gun Owners.  The Daily Signal each month publishes an article highlighting some of the previous month's many news stories on defensive gun use that you may have missed — or that might not have made it to the national spotlight in the first place.  The examples below represent only a small portion of the news stories on defensive gun use that we found in March.  You may explore more by using The Heritage Foundation's interactive Defensive Gun Use Database.

Woman shoots man breaking into her Lexington apartment.  A man is in jail after police said a woman shot an intruder at her home early Tuesday morning [4/6/2021].  The woman called 911 around 3:30 a.m. and said she shot at a man who was breaking into her apartment in the 500 block of Hollow Creek Road, just off Russell Cave, Lexington police said.  About 15 minutes later, a man walked into a hospital with a gunshot wound.

Photo: Armed Civilians Stand Guard Outside Brooklyn Center Store.  As riots rage on the streets of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, armed civilians were photographed standing guard outside a business to keep looters away. [...] Similar defenses of businesses were sent during the riots that erupted in response to the death of George Floyd.  On May 30, 2020, Breitbart News reported that some Minneapolis store owners armed with AR-15s, AK-47s, pistols, and other firearms, banded together to protect their property.

Armed Robber Picked The Wrong Market To Hold Up, Ends Up With Two Slugs In The Back.  A 29-year-old robber was shot in the back twice remains hospitalized at the Hospital do Pronto Socorro João XXIII (HPS) after attempting a robbery at a cell phone store in Bairro Castelo, in Belo Horizonte.  The case is seen as self-defense, and one of the proofs is the video recorded by the store's camera system.  The footage clearly shows that the man enters the store, pretending that his cell phone is in trouble.  He hands it over to the merchant, who, after checking the device, returns it to the man.  As soon as he picks up the device, he pulls out a revolver and announces the robbery.  [Video clip - somewhat graphic content.]

Denver homeowner shoots and kills intruder, police say.  A Denver homeowner shot and killed an intruder Saturday [3/20/2021], according to Denver police.  The shooting happened in the 2200 block of Lafayette Street at about 9:15 p.m., a police spokesman said.  "This incident is being investigated as a homicide in which an adult male intruder was shot by the homeowner," police tweeted Sunday.  Police spokesman Tyrone Campbell could not say Sunday why the man was considered an "intruder" or whether he was inside or outside the house when he was shot.

One arrested, one shot by resident after reportedly breaking into Union County home.  One person was shot after he reportedly broke into a home in Union County early Sunday morning, according to deputies.  Deputies say two people, one armed with a handgun, broke into an occupied home around 12:45 a.m. on Rock Hill Church Road.  Once they got into the home, the resident of the home grabbed a rifle and fired several shots at the home intruders, according to officers.

Suspected burglar killed after attempted invasion of West Side apartment.  Columbus police said a resident shot and killed a suspected burglar early Sunday morning [3/21/2021] when the man entered an apartment on the West Side.  Police were called at 1:58 a.m. to an apartment on the 3400 block of Wilson Woods Drive near Wilson Road on a report of a shooting.  The suspected burglar, identified as 36-year-old Allen Lester McKinney, was found outside on a walkway unresponsive and suffering from a gunshot wound.  A medic pronounced the North Side man dead at 2:07 a.m. at the scene.  The apartment's residents — a 24-year-old female and a 23-year-old male — told police that the man had forced entry into their residence before one of them shot him.

Armored truck crew shoots robbery suspect at North Austin bank.  An armored truck crew shot a gunman who tried to rob them Friday morning at a bank in the North Austin neighborhood.  An armed passenger of an SUV stepped out and demanded money from a guard as he unloaded an ATM, according to a statement from Chicago police.  The security guard, who worked on the truck, took out his own gun and fired shots, striking the person in the "center of his torso area," police said.

Beverly man, 69, with concealed carry license, shoots at 3 would-be robbers, injuring 1, cops say.  A 69-year-old concealed carry license holder defended himself Tuesday night against a group of teenagers in a stolen vehicle when they approached him in Beverly and demanded his belongings, police said.  Instead of handing over his wallet or other items, the man drew his handgun and shot toward the group of boys trying to rob him about 10:35 p.m. in the 10600 block of South Leavitt Street, according to a statement from police.  One of the attackers was shot in the knee, police said.

These 11 Examples of Defensive Gun Use Undermine Push for More Gun Control.  Many gun control advocates have fooled themselves — and far too many others — into believing that we create safer communities by placing increasingly burdensome restrictions on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.  The reality, however, is that firearms are used far more often for lawful purposes than they are used to commit acts of criminal violence.  Almost every major study on the issue found that Americans use their firearms in self-defense between 500,000 and 3 million times a year, according to a 2013 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  We have good reason to believe that many of these defensive gun uses aren't reported to police, much less make the local or national news.  For this reason, The Daily Signal each month publishes an article highlighting some of the previous month's many news stories on defensive gun use that you may have missed — or that might not have made it to the national spotlight in the first place. [...]

Armed Citizen Stops Robbery Suspect at Chick-fil-A in Atlanta:  Police.  An armed person stopped an attempted burglary in Atlanta this week, police said.  On March 8 around 3:03 p.m., officers responded to a Chik-fil-A on Peachtree Street.  "Upon arrival, officers spoke with witnesses who stated a black male walked inside, produced a firearm and demanded money from several employees.  The employees fled and the suspect exited the business a short time later.  Several nearby citizens confronted the suspect as he was leaving.  One of the citizens was armed and at some point, during the confrontation, the citizen fired several shots.  The suspect ran on foot and was apprehended nearby, by the citizens and held until police arrived," the Atlanta Police Department said in a preliminary update sent to The Epoch Times.  "The suspect's weapon was recovered.  No one was struck by the gunfire and charges are pending against the robbery suspect.  No charges have been filed against the citizen and the investigation continues," the department added.  The suspect was identified as Willie Gloston IV, 23.

2 Athens residents killed, 2 jailed in attempted Barrow County robbery.  Two Athens residents were shot to death and two more are in jail after authorities said the four attempted to rob a person Tuesday in Barrow County.  Those killed were identified as Jose Barrera, 19, and Erika Contreras, 19, according to the Barrow County Sheriff's Office, which released the names Friday [3/5/2021].  The two were shot to death during an attempted robbery on Beech Creek Circle, a neighborhood east of Winder off Georgia Highway 82, according to deputies.  Julio Rivera, 20, and Alphonzo Gonzalez, 19, were arrested and charged with attempted armed robbery and aggravated assault.  They remain in jail without bond.

Pensacola homeowner recounts home invasion where he shot a suspect.  It was just after 3 a.m.  Thursday [3/4/2021] when Keith Fendley undoubtedly sensed an intruder in his home off W. Jackson St. Fendley, a registered gun owner in Florida, never planned on using his weapon for self defense, but he's glad he was prepared.

Prosecutors close case of Cincinnati killing, will not charge store owner.  Prosecutors investigating the shooting death of an unarmed Black man by a white Cincinnati store owner said on Tuesday they have evidence the shooting victim robbed the store twice before and they were closing the case.  Da'Shawn Tye's family has called for a federal civil rights investigation into his Nov. 19 death.  In a statement, Hamilton County Prosecutor Joseph Deters for the first time provided details about what led to his decision not to charge the store owner with any crimes.  Deters said the store owner feared for his life.

Gas station clerk shoots, kills man in Phoenix.  A man is dead after being shot by a gas station clerk in Phoenix.  Phoenix police say the shooting happened just after 11 p.m. on March 1 at a Chevron station near 44th Street and McDowell Road.  Investigators say a man threatened to harm customers and when the clerk tried to intervene, the man armed himself with a baton and attacked the clerk who then shot him.

Woman shoots intruder in neck while home alone with child, police say.  A 31-year-old Port Huron woman shot a man in the neck Sunday morning [3/1/2021] after she claimed he tried to break into her home.  The woman's neighbor in the 900 block of Huron Avenue in Port Huron called police at 5:07 a.m. Sunday, Feb. 28, to report that a disorderly male was yelling for help in the street.  Minutes later, a female resident of a home on the block, called 911 stating she had shot someone trying to break into her home.  She was home alone with a small child, according to a Port Huron Police Department news release.

Louisiana shooting spree leaves 3 dead; armed citizens credited with saving lives.  Armed citizens were credited with limiting fatalities in a shooting in Louisiana on Saturday [2/20/2021] that left three people dead, including the suspect, according to authorities.  The outburst, at a gun store and range just down the road from Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport, also left two people wounded, according to the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office. [...] "At this time, it appears a suspect shot two victims inside the location, then was engaged and shot outside the location by multiple other individuals," the sheriff's statement continued.  "The suspect is one of the deceased on scene."  Employees at the Jefferson Gun Outlet typically carry sidearms at the facility, but it was not immediately clear whether the good Samaritans were customers, outlet employees or other individuals.

Oakland Chinatown store owner who intervened in robbery arrested.  An Oakland Chinatown liquor store owner was arrested by police after he intervened in a robbery outside his store on Monday [2/15/2021], KTVU has learned.  A 36-year-old man faces one count of felony assault with a firearm, authorities said.  A community member told KTVU that the store owner fired four gunshots when he witnessed a woman being robbed for her camera outside his store at 9th and Franklin streets on Monday at about 5:45 p.m.  No one was injured after his gun went off.

12-year-old kills home intruder after 73-year-old woman shot during robbery.  A 12-year-old boy fatally shot a man to protect his grandmother when two intruders broke into her North Carolina home, authorities said.  The incident occurred shortly after 12:30 a.m. Saturday when two masked men entered 73-year-old Linda Ellis' home in Goldsboro, news station WRAL reported.  The pair demanded money and shot Ellis in the leg, prompting the 12-year-old to open fire, police said.  "[The intruder] just shot his grandma... He would have shot him too, he would've shot me too, he would've killed us all," the boy's great-uncle, Randolph Bunn, told news station WTVD.

23-year-old woman fights back, reportedly shoots suspect during attempted robbery.  The mother of a 23-year-old woman who shot at an attempted robber at a Valero gas station told Local 10 News that her daughter had a legal license to carry the firearm.  Miami-Dade police said the victim shot the suspect multiple times during the attempted robbery.  Miami-Dade Police said the shooting took place at 7 a.m. [2/13/2021] at the gas station near Northwest 79th Street and 13th Court.

Homeowner shoots man trying break into house with pickax, police say.  A homeowner on the city's South Side shot a man who was attempting to break into his home early Friday morning, San Antonio police said.  Officers were called around 1 a.m. to the home in the 100 block of Arlington Court, not far from South Presa Street after receiving word of burglary.  According to police, the homeowner, a 24-year-old man, fired gunshots shots at the intruder while he tried to force his way inside through a side window using a pickax.  Police said the intruder, a 22-year-old man, was hit multiple times but was able to run to a nearby fire station for help.

Sheriff: Father of 3 shoots, kills burglar at Polk County home.  The Polk County Sheriff's Office said Jory Plummer burglarized a home in his neighborhood where a husband, wife, and their three children were sleeping [2/7/2021]. Deputies said the wife heard banging on the front door and woke up her husband, who went to the front of the house to check on the noise.  The husband found their front door had been forced open and immediately armed himself with a handgun.  The man said he found the suspected burglar, Plummer, in his front yard "out of control" and yelling curse words at him.  Deputies said the husband told Plummer multiple times to go home.  The man said Plummer began to run at him, so he fired one round of his gun, hitting him.  Plummer reportedly began walking away, but turned around and charged at the husband again.  The man shot Plummer a second time.  First responders transported the suspected burglar to Sebring Hospital where he died.

University City homeowner says they [sic] shot and killed a burglar in garage.  Police said on Friday [1/29/2021] they are investigating a fatal shooting that happened overnight after a homeowner says they [sic] shot and killed an intruder.  Police went to the 7500 block of Liberty Avenue shortly after midnight when a homeowner called them about a shooting.  When they arrived they found a man dead in a detached garage.  The homeowner told police he got into a fight with a burglar who refused to leave after the homeowner caught him in the garage.  During the struggle, the homeowner told police he fired his weapon at the man who then died, police say.  University City Police as well as the St.  Louis County Prosecuting Attorney's Office are investigating the shooting.

Teen shot during home invasion arrested.  A Shreveport teenager has been arrested in connection with a foiled burglary during which a resident shot an intruder, police confirm.  It was about midnight Thursday when a family heard someone breaking into their home in the 3800 block of Fairfield Avenue.  That's at Dudley Drive and a few blocks from Mall St.  Vincent in Shreveport's Fairfield neighborhood.  The homeowner told police that someone was trying to force his way in through a rear window.  The resident, who was inside at the time, armed himself with a gun and fired at the intruder, grazing him in his right hip.

Fort Worth auto shop employee shoots at intruder armed with shotgun, police say.  An auto shop employee in north Fort Worth went to investigate a noise early Thursday morning [1/28/2021], taking a handgun with him, when he saw a man pointing a shotgun at him.  The employee fired toward the intruder, police said.

Investigation underway after homeowner shoots, kills armed intruder Sunday evening in Moss Point.  Police are investigating after a homeowner shot and killed an armed intruder Sunday evening in Moss Point.  Police say they received a call at around 6:30 p.m.  Sunday, Jan. 24, reporting, "shots fired" in the Mill Avenue area of East Moss Point.  Officers responded to the 911 calls and after arriving, found a man laying in the roadway.  The male victim appeared to have been shot was pronounced dead on scene.

Man with concealed carry permit shoots and kills robbery suspect inside Chicago cell phone store.  A man was shot and killed while trying to rob a cell phone store in Chicago on Saturday [12/26/2020], police said.  The would-be robber entered the cell phone shop on the 3400 hundred block of West Chicago Avenue in Humboldt Park around 7 p.m.  A man on the scene shot the robbery suspect in the chest and abdomen, police said.  It is not clear if the man was the owner, employee, or another customer.  Police said the shooter, 29, had a valid concealed carry permit.

Joshua Johnson
Store clerk shoots man attempting to rob convenience store, police say.  Unexpected shots were fired when a young man attempted to rob a Mississippi convenience store, Tunica County Sheriff's Office reported.  According to police, at exactly 6:42 p.m. on December 23rd, they received a call about an armed robbery at a local store.  The suspect walked into the store with a handgun and demanded money from the store clerk, police said.

String of armed robberies ends with suspect shot at corner store in Rochester.  A string of armed convenience store robberies that started in Victor ended on Thurston Road in Rochester Wednesday night, when an employee of Angelo's Grocery Store shot the suspect.  That's according to Rochester police, who say the suspect — a 25-year-old Rochester man — is in custody.  Investigators say the suspect began by robbing a Kwik Fill in Victor and then robbed a FastTrac on West Ridge Road and a Family Dollar on Dewey Avenue. [...] While attempting to the last of the robberies, RPD officials said the store owner produced a legally owned hand gun and fired at the suspect, striking him.  The store owner stayed on scene until police arrived.

Man Shot In Alleged Burglary.  Police say a suspected burglar was shot in a southeast Clarksdale home Thursday night by the homeowner.  The Clarksdale Police Department said it was called to the 1000 block of Russwin Street, at 1:38 pm on a burglary in progress.  While en route, police said their units also learned that the suspect was shot by the homeowner.  When officers arrived at the home they said they found both the home's occupant and suspect, who was identified only as a black male, still on the scene.  Police said the suspect in the burglary had been shot three times in the middle section of his body.

MPD: Woman shoots, kills man stealing items from her vehicle.  Midland Police are investigating a deadly shooting that took place Friday morning [12/18/2020].  Officers responded to the 4400 block of Northcrest Drive at around 4 a.m.  According to MPD, a 21 year old woman had gone to her vehicle and found a man inside without her consent who was stealing her items.  The woman shot the man, who was identified as Jarrod Adron Roberts, 36.

Attorney's office:  No charges filed against pawn shop owner in man's shooting death.  Nobody will be charged in connection to a man's death in May because looters destroyed all security video and only one witness cooperated.  The Hennepin County Attorney's Office said Monday that a pawn shop owner won't be charged in Calvin Horton Jr.'s death after a six-month investigation by Minneapolis police, citing insufficient evidence to overcome a self-defense argument.  Officers were called to 1538 E. Lake Street around dusk on May 27 and found Horton lying on the sidewalk, suffering from a gunshot wound.  He later died at a hospital.

Rosedale man fatally shot in Walmart parking lot was attempting to rob another man, police say.  Baltimore County police say a 20-year-old Rosedale man who died Sunday [12/13/2020] was fatally shot in a Walmart parking lot after he attempted to rob someone. [...] When police arrived, Peach said, they found Kumar Jumar Burney suffering from a gunshot wound to the upper body. [...] Police said Burney arranged a meetup in the parking lot with a man he found on a popular app selling an expensive pair of shoes.  During the transaction, police said, Burney attempted to rob the seller, who pulled a handgun, shot Burney once, then called 9-1-1 and remained at the scene.

Police: Man in Las Vegas killed after attempting break-in.  A man who police in Las Vegas said was attempting to break into an office building and used car dealership died after being shot by an employee, authorities said.  Police said the man was trying to enter a United Way office and nearby car dealership on Friday when an employee confronted him.  Police believe the alleged burglar was homeless and armed with barbecue utensils.

Three Masked Robbers Have the Advantage Until Homeowner Outguns Them, Police Say.  A homeowner in Conyers, Georgia, and his neighbors learned in September 2019 the importance of being ready to protect home and family.  In the community's Pine Forest neighborhood, in the middle of the night, three masked people entered the home of the man, and one of the intruders fired shots from a pistol at the home's residents, according to police.  The intruders turned out to be teens — two 15-year-olds and one 16-year-old, WSB-TV in Atlanta reported.  They entered the home at about 4 a.m. and were armed with a handgun and the element of surprise, authorities said.  But the man who owned the home possessed a much larger weapon than a pistol, and he didn't hesitate to use it.

Homeowner Shoots Four Armed Men Who Break Into His House, Killing Two.  And the other two will be charged for felony murder.  They committed a felony which resulted, indirectly, in the deaths of two people.  It doesn't matter that those two people were their accomplices.  That's the neat thing about the felony murder charge.  A little good news in a month that's had very little of it.

Armed 14-Year-Old Attempts Carjacking, Is Shot Dead By Vehicle Owner.  A 14-year-old was fatally shot by a man as he and another person attempted to steal the man's car Sunday afternoon [11/29/2020]in Jennings.  A St. Louis County Police Department press release states that officers from the City of Jennings precinct were dispatched to a reported shooting at 3:47 pm at the intersection of Jennings Station Road and Lewis and Clark Boulevard.  Arriving officers found a boy who had attempted to run away after being shot.  He was taken to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.  He has been identified as Damaurio Thomas, 14, of St. Louis.

Police: Detroit woman shoots home invader in attic after warning.  A man was allegedly spotted on surveillance camera entering the home earlier in the day [12/2/2020], but was never seen inside or found.  That night, the homeowner, 38, heard noises.  She grabbed a gun and moved toward the sound.  It was coming from the attic.  Police say she entered the attic and warned whoever was there to show themselves.  When he did not, and she saw movement, she fired and struck the man.

Resident of Home Shoots and Kills Armed Suspect in the 17600 block of Fenton.  On Monday, November 30th, 2020, at approximately 7:00 p.m., in the 17600 block of Fenton, the 22-year-old male suspect, armed with a long gun, entered a home without permission.  Once inside, he confronted an occupant of the home at gunpoint.  At some point during the incident, the resident, who is a CPL holder, produced his handgun and fired multiple shots at the 22-year-old male suspect, striking and fatally wounding him.  Medics responded to the location and pronounced the 22-year-old man dead at the scene.  Officers recovered both weapons from the scene.

Carjacking victim shoots, kills 14-year-old suspect in Jennings.  A 14-year-old boy suspected in an attempted carjacking has died after being shot by the car's owner, police said Monday [11/30/2020].  The boy was identified as Damaurio Thomas of the 5100 block of Lexington Avenue in St.  Louis.  The attempted robbery occurred at 9301 Lewis and Clark Boulevard in Jennings, on the parking lot of a gas station.  Police were notified about 3:45 p.m.  Sunday and found the car's owner and Damaurio near Jennings Station Road and Lewis and Clark Boulevard.  Police said the man who fired the fatal shot was 53 years old.

Clerk shoots robbery suspect in Tuscumbia.  A robbery suspect was airlifted to Huntsville Hospital Monday [11/23/2020] after being shot at a Tuscumbia gas station, police said.  Tuscumbia Police Chief Tony Logan said the robbery happened at the Fuel City on Highway 72 around 11 a.m.  A clerk shot the suspect as he was trying to get away, Logan said.  The clerk, Miranda Mullins, told News 19 she was suspicious of the man when he came into the store because he had his hood up and was wearing sunglasses.  Mullins said the man demanded money at gunpoint.  As he was leaving, Mullins said she pulled a gun from under the counter and shot him in the shoulder.

Suspected burglar shot by resident in south Columbus.  Police are investigating a shooting that left an alleged burglar injured.  According to the Columbus Division of Police, at about 12:54 a.m., Tuesday, an officer observed a vehicle parked in front of a home in the 600 block of Ann Street.  While investigating the vehicle, a resident of the home approached the officer and said that a man had broken into his residence and he had shot the suspect.  The officer then located Branden M. Longhenry, 32, lying in the backseat of the vehicle, suffering from a gunshot wound to the torso.

Woman, 67, fatally shoots man stealing from her Marquette Park garage: police.  A 67-year-old woman shot and killed a man allegedly stealing items from her garage Sunday morning [10/25/2020] in Marquette Park on the Southwest Side.  The homeowner got a call from her neighbor, alerting her that someone was breaking into her garage in the 7100 block of South Mozart Street, according to Chicago police spokeswoman Sally Bown.  The woman told investigators she went outside with a gun and found the man exiting a side door of the garage, holding some of her belongings, Bown said.  She shot him in the chest.

BLM and ANTIFA Thugs Smash Businesses' Windows, Destroy Property Until They Get To THis Well-Armed Bail-Bondsmen.  Notice how these fascists come to a complete standstill once they come face to face with some deadly weaponry during a night of wilding in Vancouver Washington.  Don't even mess with bail-bondsmen, they are used to dealing with thugs.  [Video clip]

Texas Heroes Rail Against Biden Gun-Control Plans.  Two Texas men who took down attackers in separate high-profile church shootings criticized Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden's support for strict new gun-control measures in an ad the National Rifle Association released Tuesday [10/27/2020].  Stephen Willeford, who used his AR-15 to end the Sutherland Springs church attack in which 26 people were murdered, and Jack Wilson, who shot and killed an attacker who had murdered two at the West Freeway Church of Christ, slammed Biden's gun plan.  In the video, the pair condemn the former vice president's proposals as "insane," saying Biden will "make the Second Amendment extinct."  They critique Biden's support for a ban on guns such as the popular AR-15 and on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.  They also take issue with Biden's comments criticizing the right to carry guns in church — the very thing the men believe helped them save lives.  "Biden's dream is to leave us all defenseless against criminals," Wilson says.

MI: Grand Rapids Plans Two Cheap Gun Opportunities, 24 October and 7 November 2020.  The Grand Rapids Michigan Police Department has announced they will be running two gun turn-in events in Grand Rapids, two weeks apart. [...] Gun turn-in events have become rare in states where private sales are legal.  Private buyers advertise at the events and ruin the propaganda value for those who want the population disarmed. [...] Michigan residents can help make the turn-in in Grand Rapids more effective by standing on the curb with your "Cash for Guns" sign, or at a folding table, willing to offer more than the gift card for firearms that are more valuable.  It would be best if numerous private parties were available, as more good guns could then be transferred into responsible hands.  This action serves many useful purposes.  It stretches the turn-in budget so that more guns can be taken off the street.  It helps keep fearful widows from being defrauded of most of the market value of the gun they are turning in.  It prevents valuable assets from being destroyed by bureaucratic inflexibility.  It is a win-win-win situation.

Robbery victim shoots, kills suspected thief on way to meet online date.  A man claims he shot and killed another man who tried to rob him during what he believed was a meetup with a woman he met online.  According to deputies in Harris County, the victim said he planned to meet the woman at an apartment complex along Uvalde Road in Northeast Houston when two men walked up and tried to rob him at gunpoint.  The victim said he pulled out his own gun and shot one of the men before taking off.  He drove to a nearby gas station where he called for help.  [10/16/2020]

Local homeowner shoots man he says vandalized his truck.  Police are investigating after a Killeen homeowner told officers he shot a man who vandalized his truck and then threatened him with an aluminum baseball bat.  The resident, who wasn't identified, told officers the man arrived at his home at around 9:15 a.m.  Tuesday [10/13/2020] in the 1900 block of Kingwood Drive and damaged his truck, which was parked in the driveway, police spokeswoman Ofelia Miramontez said.  When the resident went outside, he saw the man driving off in a blue Honda.

Home intruder shot in Kinsey Sunday morning dies.  The Houston County Sheriff's Office providing additional details today [10/14/2020] in a shooting over the weekend that led to one man's death.  No charges will be filed in the case, because Sheriff Donald Valenza said 34-year-old Dantrail Mills was trying to break into a Kinsey home when he was shot by the homeowner. [...] Mills is no stranger to law enforcement.  He's been arrested more than 20 times.  He was currently on federal probation.

Coroner identifies person fatally shot during reported burglary in Dorchester Co..  A coroner has identified the person who was fatally shot amid a reported burglary in Dorchester County on Friday night [10/9/2020].  According to officials, just before 10 p.m., deputies responded to 105 King Street after learning of shots being fired.  At the scene, authorities were told that one suspect was shot inside the house during an altercation with a homeowner.

Feral hog shot dead in East Idaho.  From a distance, it looked like some garbage had blown into Neal Andrus' corral on County Line Road in Jefferson County on a recent afternoon.  When Andrus went to retrieve it, he found it wasn't garbage at all but a large, black hog sleeping in the sun.  It didn't look like any domestic hog he'd ever seen.  "Every indication told me it was a feral hog with its long snout, short tusks and coarse hair that stood up all along its back," Andrus said. [...] At about dusk, the hog disappeared into some tall overgrowth along a canal and wasn't an easy target for the deputy.  When Andrus maneuvered around the hog to push it back to the deputy, it turned and charged Andrus from about 20 feet.  Andrus shot and killed it.  "It wasn't exactly my easiest moment in the world when it came at me," he said.  "Luckily I had my .45."

Police: Convenience Store Clerk Shoots, Kills Armed Robber.  Police say the clerk of an Ohio convenience store shot and killed one of two suspects during an attempted robbery, and the other suspect and a woman who was in the store were arrested later.

Jewelry store owner shoots robbery suspect 4 times after being stabbed in the head.  A jewelry store owner got attacked in an attempted robbery, being stabbed in the head -- but shot the suspect four times.  Both men are still alive after the incident which happened at Naya's Jewelry on Joseph Campau Friday afternoon [10/9/2020].

Homeowner targeted in NW Miami-Dade home invasion, shootout shares ordeal.  Exterior surveillance cameras showed a family guest's Mercedes-Benz SUV pulling into the driveway.  Seconds later, the perpetrators are seen rushing the vehicle.  The driver of the SUV was forced inside by the robbers, as a group in the home watched the Miami Heat playing in the NBA Finals.  The armed subjects are seen ordering everyone to the ground.  Pacheco, who was in her bedroom at the time, said she grabbed her pistol.  "I said, 'Don't shoot!  My son is in here!'" she said[.]  7News cameras captured parts of Pacheco's home riddled with bullet holes, including a closet door, a bathroom door, a bed's headboard and the TV.  Shattered glass in her front door has since been replaced.

Police: Store owner shoots armed robber.  Police say a store owner shot an armed robber who officers are now questioning in connection with three other robberies reported Sunday [10/18/2020].  San Diego police said a man walked into La Michoacana, a market and taco shop at 1702 Vesta Street, with a gun around 10:40 a.m. and demanded money from two cash registers.  The store owner, a 40-year-old man, handed over the money then grabbed his own gun as the suspect walked away.  The store owner "challenged the suspect" then shot him twice when the suspect turned back toward him, according to police.

Man shoots at suspects during attempted robbery at Neiman Marcus.  Atlanta Police have detained two people at Lenox Mall after multiple shots were fired early Friday evening [10/16/2020].  Around 4:45 p.m. an off-duty officer was flagged down by a witness who stated a person was being robbed inside Neiman Marcus.  The victim told the officer he checking out at the cash register when he was attacked by multiple Black males in an attempt to steal his bag.  During the attack, the victim pulled out a weapon and shot at the four suspects.

Asian Man in Chinatown Shows Why Conceal Carry Works So Well As He Stops Thug With A Flash Of His Gun.  A video shared by ABC7 News shows the co-owner of the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory in San Francisco's Chinatown flashing his concealed weapon Saturday afternoon to stop an attack on a tourist from intensifying.  Kevin Chan was in front of his shop when a man wearing a black sweatshirt pushed a tourist across the alleyway with a strong shove.  [Video clip]

Texas grand jury:  No action against killer of church shooter.  A grand jury in Texas decided Monday [9/28/2020] to take no action against a man who fatally shot an armed man who killed two people at a Fort Worth-area church in late December, prosecutors said.  Jack Wilson, a firearms instructor who trained a volunteer security team at the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, fatally shot Keith Thomas Kinnunen during a Dec. 29 service after he shot and killed 67-year-old Richard White, another security volunteer, and 64-year-old Anton "Tony" Wallace, a server.

BLM Thugs Interrogate Store Owner If He Supports BLM And Cares About Breonna Taylor, Store Owner Is WELL ARMED And Could Care Less.  This Black Lives Matter thugs are going around Louisville businesses and demanding owners for loyalty to the BLM cause.  If store owners don't acquiesce, then who knows, maybe they won't have a store for long.  This shop owner had purchased an insurance policy beforehand and proudly displayed it in his second amendment loving hands.  [Video clip]

Grand Jury Indicts Omaha Man Who Shot BLM Attacker.  Back in May, a Nebraska man named Jake Gardner was allegedly assaulted, along with his elderly father, by Black Lives Matter protesters outside their family-owned bar.  In the scuffle, Gardner shot and killed a young black man named James Scurlock, who had reportedly climbed onto his back and put him in a choke hold.  Charges against Gardener were not pursued on the grounds of self-defense, but now a grand jury has reversed that decision and indicted Gardner.

Jake Gardner, 'shook up' by indictment in James Scurlock's death, kills himself.  The surreal and sordid ordeal involving a white Omaha bar owner and a young Black Omaha man ended Sunday with a staggering development.  Jake Gardner — awaiting arrest after a grand jury in Omaha indicted him last week — shot himself outside a medical clinic in suburban Portland, Oregon, two law enforcement officials told The World-Herald.  Police in Hillsboro, Oregon, found the 38-year-old former Marine dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound about 12:20 p.m.  Gardner's attorneys, Stu Dornan and Tom Monaghan, said Gardner shot himself on the day he had said he would surrender in connection with manslaughter and three other felony charges stemming from the May 30 confrontation that led to the death of 22-year-old James Scurlock.

Remember Jake Gardner.  Yesterday, we posted the story of a wounded war vet with PTSD who owned a bar in Omaha, Nebraska.  He was essentially killed by the mob.  In May, while trying to stop a repeat looter calling himself Black Lives Matter, the bar owner Jake Gardner was forced into a physical fight with the Black Lives Matter group.  Mr. Gardner fired off two warning shots to stop their assault.  The group backed off but one 22-year-old black man decided to try and choke Mr. Garnder while straddling his back.  In a clear case of self-defense, Mr. Gardner shot the criminal and the criminal died.  The DA saw no need to charge Mr. Gardner with anything after seeing the video.  Things changed after months of assaults by the BLM and the media.  The DA surrendered to the mob and charged Mr. Gardner for an assortment of crimes.  That was Friday.  By Monday, Mr. Gardner was dead.  He shot himself to death.

Innocent Until Proven Trump Supporter.  [Scroll down]  Gardner rushed to help his father, then backed away toward the bar, lifting his shirt to show the protesters he was armed, and telling them to move along.  Again, it's all on tape.  Murmurings can be heard from the crowd:  "That (expletive) got a gun" and "It's not worth it (expletive) you stu-..."  At that point, peaceful protester Alayna Melendez leapt on Gardner from behind (not subscribers to the Marquess of Queensberry rules, these peaceful protesters), knocking him down and into the street, whereupon yet another peaceful protester jumped on top of Gardner, who fired two warning shots in the air, scattering his first two assailants.  Again: all on tape.  Three seconds later, as Gardner was trying to get up, Scurlock jumped on him from behind and put him in a chokehold — which I believe is considered definitive proof of intentional murder when performed by a police officer.  In videos, Gardner can be heard yelling, "Get off me!  Get off me!"  With his right arm pinned, and Scurlock choking him, Gardner moved the gun to his left hand and shot over his shoulder, hitting Scurlock in the collarbone, killing him.

Home invasion suspect shot in Flower Mound.  A home invasion suspect is in critical condition after being shot by a Flower Mound homeowner on Sunday afternoon [9/13/2020].  Flower Mound police responded to a shooting call at approximately 2:22 p.m. Sunday in the 5400 block of Briar Lane.  During the 911 call, the homeowner stated he had shot at an unknown male and female, who had allegedly broken into his house through the back door.  After the gunshot, both individuals fled the location in a vehicle.  Upon arrival, police were able to locate the vehicle a short distance away, where it was determined the male suspect had been shot one time in the chest.

Man trying to rob taxi driver shot with his own gun.  An Oregon man was arrested Tuesday after he allegedly tried to rob a cab driver at gunpoint before getting shot by his own firearm, investigators said.  Josiah Johnson, 18, was picked up by the cab driver in Gresham, Ore., and asked to be driven to Aloha, about 25 miles away.  The driver asked the passenger to provide his phone as collateral due to the long drive, police said.  When they arrived at the destination, the driver said Johnson tried to pay with a $100 bill, which he immediately recognized was fake, according to the police.

Oregon woman holds suspected arsonist at gunpoint as wildfires rage.  An Oregon woman forced a suspected arsonist to the ground at gunpoint after she found him on her property with matches, dramatic video footage shows.  "What are you doing on my property?  Did you light anything on fire?" Kat Cast shouts as she clutches a firearm, according to footage she posted on Facebook.  When the unidentified man responds that he was "just passing through," she demands to know why he's holding matches.

Woman in Oregon holds arsonist in the ground at gunpoint.  An Oregon woman held an alleged arsonist at gunpoint until police arrived at the scene after the man claimed he was going to start a fire on her property.  In the footage shared on Kat Cast's Facebook page, Cast is seen driving up to the man as someone in her vehicle films the incident.  Cast gets out the vehicle holding a handgun, walks over to the man, who has not been identified, and orders him to get on the ground.  [Video clip]

Police: Klamath Falls Man Shot by 'Armed Citizen' After Trying to Murder [His] Girlfriend.  Officers responding to a reported gunshot victim on Sunday later discovered that he was the instigator of an attempted murder, according to Klamath Falls Police.  Officers were dispatched to the 800-block of E Main Street in Klamath Falls after a 911 call reporting that a man had been shot outside of a convenience store.  They arrived to find 29-year-old Taylor Reed Jackson suffering from gunshot wounds to the right shoulder and right leg.  Jackson was taken to Sky Lakes Medical Center for treatment of his injuries.

Commonwealth Attorney:  Son justified in shooting of father armed with axe in Lee County fight.  A shooting in Lee County involving a father and son has been ruled as justified, according to Commonwealth Attorney H. Fuller Cridlin.  Virginia State Police began investigating a shooting on Sugar Maple Drive on August 5.  VSP reported that the shooting occurred after a fight started between two family members and involved an axe.  According to a post from Cridlin on Wednesday, August 19, the shooting was ruled as justified due to the 53-year-old father in the fight swinging the axe at his son and saying he planned to kill him.

Man arraigned on assault charges for argument leading to gunfire in Youngstown.  Reports said a woman used an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle Friday to defend herself from an ex-boyfriend who fired several rounds at her from a semiautomatic handgun.  Dwaylin Jenkins, 30, of Youngstown, was arraigned in municipal court Monday [8/10/2020] on a charge of felonious assault for an argument that led to an exchange of gunfire about 10:45 a.m.  Friday at the woman's home in the 100 block of North Evanston Avenue.

Customer confronts suspects with gun at Columbia Waffle House, shots fired.  Richland County deputies say two suspects have been arrested in an early morning attempted armed robbery of a Columbia Waffle House.  Officers cahrged 19-year-old Jamal Ford and 22-year-old Kenji Yates with attempted armed robbery.  Investigators say it happened around midnight on Tuesday, August 11 at the Waffle House located on 2345 Broad River Road.

Burglar High On Drugs Held At Gunpoint By Resident, ECSO Reports.  An alleged burglar high on methamphetamine and spice was held at gunpoint until deputies arrived after he walked into a Cottage Hill home.  Matthew Arrington Haveard, age 35 of Cantonment, was charged with felony burglary of an occupied dwelling.  He was released from the Escambia County Jail Wednesday on a $5,000 bond.  A resident of Wishbone Road told the Escambia County Sheriff's Office that he was at home on his computer just after 9 p.m.  Monday when he noticed Haveard inside the home.  Haveard immediately raised his hands when confronted, and the resident grabbed his handgun before leading Haveard back outside.

Name, timeline released in Palo deadly home invasion.  The Linn County Sheriff's Office has released more information on a deadly home invasion in Palo Monday morning.  Authorities said the intruder has been identified as Kevin Kawanzel Harris, 40, of Cedar Rapids.  It all started before 3 a.m. when Harris crashed his Buick Encore into two parked vehicles in the 4600 block of Timber Road.  Shortly after, several homeowners in the area of Sage and Ridgeview Drives in Palo called 911 to report someone attempting to break into their homes.  It is believed by authorities that Harris was the subject of these calls.

FPPD: Port St. Lucie man acting erratically was fatally shot by other man in parking lot.  Fearing for his life, a Fort Pierce man fatally shot a Port St. Lucie man in a bank parking lot, Fort Pierce Police said.  On Friday afternoon [9/4/2020] around 3:51 p.m., officers said they got a call about a shooting outside the Wells Fargo Bank Branch, located at 2597 South U.S. Highway 1.  When officers arrived, they said they found a 43-year-old Port St. Lucie man dead from a gunshot wound at the scene.

Off-Duty Cook County Corrections Officer Shoots Armed Robber Who Was Trying To Carjack Him, Officials Say.  An off-duty Cook County Sheriff's corrections officer shot and wounded a man who was trying to carjack him along with two others in South Chicago early Thursday morning [9/3/2020], officials said.  Around 2:30 a.m., the off-duty corrections officer was getting out of his car in the 7900 block of South Essex Avenue when three men walked up and tried to steal his car, according to the Sheriff's office.

Park Manor robbery:  Man shot, killed while trying to rob South Side gas station, Chicago police say.  A man trying to rob a gas station in Park Manor on the South Side Thursday night was shot and killed in the process, Chicago police said.  The man tried to rob the gas station in the 6700-block of South Cottage Grove Avenue about 9:50 p.m. with a shotgun, police said.  But another individual shot the would-be robber in the back and face before the shooter left the store, according to police. [...] The shooter has not yet been found, police said.

Man with concealed carry permit scares off would-be carjacker.  A Colorado man says he doesn't regret his actions after confronting a would-be carjacker outside a local supremarket.  About 12:30 p.m. on Aug. 28, Paul Heagerty says he feared the worst when a man walked up to him while he was putting away his groceries and threatened him with a gun.

Billings pizza delivery driver shoots alleged robber.  One man is in the hospital with a gunshot wound after apparently trying to rob a worker delivering a pizza on the South Side Friday night [9/11/2020].  Multiple Billings Police Department cruisers responded around 8:20 p.m. to the 300 block of South 28th Street, blocking off a portion of the road between Third and Fourth Avenue South.  The condition of the man is unknown, and police are still conducting an investigation.  "The pizza delivery guy was attempting to deliver pizzas, when he claims that he was robbed.  While in the process of being robbed, in self-defense he's claiming, he fired a weapon, striking the suspect," said Billings Police Sgt. Clyde Reid.

Police: Carjackers charged with murder after victim kills accomplice in self-defense.  A man and woman have been charged with murder after an armed carjacking victim shot and killed their 18-year-old accomplice in self defense at a South County car wash over the weekend. [...] St. Louis County prosecutors on Tuesday [9/1/2020] charged Markus Billingsley, 34, and Radonna Smith, 36, both of the 3900 block of South Grand Boulevard in St. Louis, 63118, with a slate of felonies in Whitfield's death.  Along with second-degree murder, prosecutors also charged the pair with first-degree assault, first-degree robbery, vehicle hijacking and four counts of armed criminal action.  It is the first known use in South County of the newly enacted vehicle hijacking/carjacking law sponsored by Rep. David Gregory of Sunset Hills.  Billingsley and Smith are being held in the St. Louis County Justice Center on $250,000 cash-only bond.

Police: Resident shoots & kills intruder in NE Baltimore home invasion.  A resident shot and killed an intruder during a home invasion in northeast Baltimore early this morning [9/9/2020], confirmed city police.  It happened at about 2:09 a.m. on Marx Avenue near Simms Avenue, in the Moravia/Belair Road area.  Investigators said a 20-year-old man had just broken into the home when he was confronted by someone who lived there.  The resident took out a gun and shot the intruder.

Investigation ongoing after homeowner shoots alleged intruder in St.  Landry Parish.  [Scroll down]  Homeowners have the right to protect themselves and their property, Sheriff Guidroz says, however he adds you must be able to prove an imminent threat.  "I don't want people to think they can't protect themselves, but you have to feel your life or family member's life is in danger," continues Sheriff Guidroz.  Sheriff Guidroz explains once a suspect is fleeing or their back is turned, there is no probable cause for a weapon's discharge.  "Once the threat has diminished, law enforcement or homeowners do not have to right by law to take or use deadly fire," Sheriff Guidroz explains.

Gun Store Owner Who Shot Alleged Robber: 'Don't Come Back, I've Got More Ammo'.  A gun store owner in Richardson, Texas, faked a heart attack during an alleged armed robbery Thursday, buying time to get his hands on a gun and shoot one of the suspects.  CBS DFW reported the incident occurred around 3 p.m. at Mike's Gun Room.  Fox 4 reported that 77-year-old Mike Brown was in the store by himself when four masked men entered, acting as customers, then proceeded with an alleged robbery attempt.

Gun Saves Man from Peaceful Protest.  This is an excellent example of a situation in which the mere display of a handgun sent dozens of attackers scrambling to get away.  [Video clip]

Attacker shot in the neck
Pennsylvania woman surprises attacker by shooting him in the neck with 'warning shot': cops.  In this case, the shooting victim wasn't a victim at all.  Instead, the shooting investigation turned on its head when police found the shooter — who was the real victim.  As WJAC-TV in Johnstown reports, what started as a call for a man with a gunshot wound to his neck turned into a case of an assault thwarted by a woman with a gun who said she only meant to fire a warning shot.  But the bullet found its target, instead.

Florida woman shoots, kills man trying to break into her home.  A Florida woman shot and killed a man who returned to her home after an argument early Saturday [8/22/2020] and tried to use a tire iron to smash his way inside, authorities said.  The shooting happened just after 6 a.m. in an unincorporated area of Auburndale in Polk County, Sheriff Grady Judd said at a news conference.  Judd said it appeared the "shooter was perfectly legal to defend her home from a burglar."

Suspect shot in home invasion.  A suspect in a home invasion is being treated for gunshot wounds after exchanging gun fire with the home owner, the Cullman County Sheriff's Office reported.  According to the CCSO, residents of a Garden City home woke in the early morning hours of Monday, Aug. 17 to find four suspects breaking in.  Upon seeing the homeowner, who was armed, the suspects exited the home with the homeowner in pursuit.  One suspect, who has not been identified, was shot during an exchange of gunfire and is now being treated in a regional hospital.  Charges are pending on the suspect.

Police: Man shoots teen during attempted home invasion in Logan.  Authorities are investigating after a man opened fire on a teenager and another man during an attempted home invasion in Logan early Friday morning [8/14/2020].  Police were responding to the victim's home when officers say they were flagged down by a wounded 17-year-old male near the intersection of 11th Street and Chew Avenue.

Woman armed with handgun stops burglary, four people arrested, Bell County Sheriff's Department says.  A Bell County woman armed with a gun confronted a burglar who broke into her home in the 3800 block of Stillhouse Dr. Monday night [8/17/2020], according to the Bell County Sheriff's Department.  The woman was upstairs and heard what sounded like someone kicking down the front door, the sheriff's department said.  She went down stairs with a handgun and confronted the burglar, who the sheriff's department said was also armed.

Suspect shot in home invasion dies; police seeking accomplice.  Tulsa police are searching for a man with a gunshot wound after a homeowner reportedly shot two men who broke into his home early Friday morning [8/7/2020].  Officers responded to the home in the 800 block of North New Haven Avenue about 1:40 a.m.  Friday and found the homeowner bleeding from the head after being pistol whipped.  The homeowner said his dog's barking alerted them to the intruders' presence.  Despite being pistol whipped, the homeowner told investigators he managed to take the gun away and shoot both intruders.  The man found in the bedroom, who remains unidentified, was taken St. John Medical Center and was pronounced dead later Friday morning.  The homeowner was reportedly hospitalized with head injuries.

Homeowner In Poulsbo Shoots Man Suspected of Causing Crashes.  The incident started at about 4:30 p.m. [8/5/2020] on Viking Way, where 38-year-old Eric William Rose was believed to have been driving a 2008 Jeep.  Witnesses said he was traveling at a high rate of speed when he rear-ended a pickup.  Rose then continued driving, but crossed into the oncoming lane and had a nearly head-on collision with another vehicle.  There were no serious injuries reported from the crash, but Rose reportedly ran from the scene to a nearby property where he attempted to enter the house.  Deputies say a confrontation ensued between the driver and the homeowner that ended when the homeowner fired several shots from a handgun at Rose, who was later declared dead at the scene.  The homeowner was not arrested.  He and his wife were cooperative with investigators and gave a statement Monday.

Seattle Protesters Turned Away When Confronted by Armed Residents: 'That's Why You Are Peaceful'.  Left-wing protesters were chased off by armed residents in the Seattle suburbs ... and it was glorious.  With their faces covered and their backpacks bulging with heaven-knows-what, a group of protesters were on their way to Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best's Snohomish County home on Saturday when they were successfully stopped and chased away by a group of people who identified themselves as local residents.  The protesters were then informed they were trespassing on a private road and that local law enforcement was on the way.

Black Mass Shooter Kills Two Random Men in Indiana Before Being Gunned Down by CCW Holder.  On Wednesday 22-year-old black male Joshua Hayes traveled a few miles outside Indianapolis to Brownsburg, a neighboring community.  Joshua Hayes stopped his car, got out and started shooting at the first people he saw — two white males working at a cemetery.  One victim was hit, and fell in the road.  Shooter Hayes walked up to him and shot him three times point blank in the chest killing him.  Hayes then chased the second man down shooting at him and hitting him.  Joshua Hayes then approached the wounded man, and as his gun was pointed at the second victim's head, a man sitting in his car (which was hit by bullets) witnessing all of this and a concealed carry weapon holder, got out of his vehicle and shot the shooter dead. [...] Of course, this did not make any national headlines.  Just like the like the young white mother Jessica Whitaker who was shot in Indianapolis by Black Lives Matter protesters.

Florida homeowner shoots 3 home intruders, 2 fatally: sheriff.  A teen was facing charges for a would-be armed home invasion robbery in Florida in which his two accomplices were shot and killed and he was wounded, authorities said.  The person who shot them was the homeowner victim who had a gun and used it to defend himself when he encountered the intruders in his home in Wesley Chapel shortly before 1 a.m.  Friday, Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco said.  "The victim in this case was exercising his Second Amendment right to protect himself in his home," Nocco said.

Three Men Break Into a Gun Collector's Home, None of Them Leave Without Leaks, Only One Leaves the Good Way.  Whether the police are defunded or not, your first line of defense doesn't come from someone with a badge.  In most situations, of course, when time is of the essence, you're on your own.  A squad car can show up after the fact, and a report can be written; but in most cases when danger finds you, a cop won't be your salvation.  A Florida homeowner can attest to such, as he was recently met with a middle-of-the-night home invasion.  As relayed Fox News, the man was playing video games around 1 a.m.  Friday night [7/10/2020] in the Wesley Chapel area when he heard shattering glass.  Subsequently, he grabbed his firearm.  As it turned out, a crew of young men had broken in.  The intruding trio consisted of 21-year-olds Luis Casado and Khyle Durham as well as 19-year-old Jeremiah Trammel.  It was three against one, but the king of the castle was locked and loaded.

Robbery Suspect Shot Dead by Convenience Store Bystander.  An armed bystander shot a robbery suspect dead in the parking lot of a Scottsdale, Arizona, convenience store early Friday morning [7/3/2020].  12 News reports the robbery suspect, 38-year-old Robert Blackwater, entered a Circle K on Indian School and 82nd Street and allegedly shot at the clerk, who fled the store unharmed.

Portland Rioters Surround Car and Driver Shoots His Way Out.  Every night for the past six weeks in Portland, Oregon, antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters, looters and vandals have turned what used to be a nice neighborhood in downtown into a war zone.  Portlanders are sick of it.  The police commissioner/mayor and the new BLM-approved police chief have done little about it.  The Portland Police Officers Association held a scathing news conference, issuing a no-confidence throwdown to City Hall and begging elected officials to stop defending antifa.  But next to nothing has been done by local Portland police.

Deadly shooting of a teen maybe connected to attempted robbery.  A deadly shooting of a 15-year-old maybe connected to an attempted robbery investigation.  WREG first told you Sunday afternoon [6/29/2020] a 15-year-old was dropped off at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital with a gunshot wound, in critical condition.

Sister pulls out gun and saves her brother from would-be robbers.  An attempted home invasion and robbery is thwarted by a sister with a gun who's quick reaction helped to save her brother.  It was early Sunday morning [6/28/2020] when a Shreveport homeowner said he was working on his Jeep in his garage along with his sister when two men with guns rushed up to him shouting "where's the money?"  "I was leaning into my Jeep and two boys came up behind me and one grabbed me by my arm and the other grabbed me by my head and went to walk me into my house and ... we ended up getting into a shootout in my garage," he said.

Police: Alleged intruder shot, killed by homeowner in Coloma Township.  One man is dead after he allegedly broke into a home in Coloma Township and was shot by the homeowner early Thursday morning [6/25/2020].  Coloma Township Police Chief Wes Smigielski identified the deceased man as Kevin Cox, 47.  The homeowner's name is being withheld as the investigation continues, Smigielski said.

Homeowner fatally shoots man in DeKalb County, sheriff says.  The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is investigating a deadly shooting in DeKalb County.  One man died in the shooting on Carter Drive in Smithville at about 12:30 p.m.  Thursday [6/25/2020].  Responding crews found the man lying on the front porch of a home with gunshot wounds.  He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Cleveland resident fatally shoots alleged burglar; police investigating.  The Cleveland Division of Police is investigating the shooting death of a 40-year-old man.  Officials responded to a home in the 3300 block of East 137th Street around 9:20 a.m. for a call indicating a burglary and shooting.  At the scene, the victim found shot inside the home and later died at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center.  He has since been identified as Lavar Overton.

Domestic Terrorism — Missouri Couple Defends Their Home From Rampaging Mob Who Broke Through Perimeter Gate on Private Property.  Coming soon to a home near you.  A Missouri mob of looters/protestors was very lucky not to be legally shot as a well-armed couple defend their home from the mob that broke through their perimeter gate.  Video shows the armed couple facing down the mob.  The important aspect is here the mob was not on a public street; the mob represented a clear threat; and Missouri has strong Castle Doctrine laws that do not require a duty of the homeowner to retreat from the threat.  This mob was very fortunate the couple were well disciplined in their use of firearms.

St. Louis couple draw firearms on protesters outside their home.  A married couple brandished firearms at a group of protesters who marched through their upscale St. Louis neighborhood Sunday night on their way to the home of Mayor Lyda Krewson.  The male homeowner stood barefoot on his Renaissance-style porch in the Central West End neighborhood while carrying a semi-automatic weapon around 6 p.m. local time, while his wife pointed a pistol at the gathering.  The couple confronted the group of about 300 protesters after they breached a gate in the neighborhood, according to a local NBC affiliate.  A video on Twitter showed the woman pointing the firearm at passing protesters while shouting.

88-year-old liquor store owner who shot alleged thief no 'little old lady'.  Tough-talking, alleged shoplifter-shooting, 88-year-old Nashville liquor store owner May Boyce wants criminals to know "I'm fed up and I'm not taking it anymore."  The octogenarian was back at work Saturday after being charged with aggravated assault for shooting a man she said was trying to steal whiskey.  "I did what I had to do, and I hope word gets out on the street that I'm fed up and I'm not taking it anymore," she told The [New York] Post Saturday [6/20/2020] from her store, where supportive customers lined up.  "You've got to stick up for yourself sometimes."  Boyce said she's been robbed a number of times in the past, especially over the past four years, and she's often been scared.

Raging mob of protesters violently attack, threaten to kill man until he pulls out his gun.  Why is he the one arrested?  A member of a violent New Mexico rage mob brought a skateboard to a gun fight, with the expected outcome occurring.  As seen in a viral video, a man is beating a hasty retreat from a left-wing protest at a monument of conquistador Juan de Oñate — the mob was calling for the statue to be removed, and began to take matters into their own hands with a pickax, according to the Albuquerque Journal.  This being a fair representation of the left-wing chaos in American streets today.  Members of the armed New Mexico Civil Guard, a civilian group, tried to protect the monument, intervening when the pickax was deployed, the newspaper reported — why local police were not involved is another question.

Looter Dead After Allegedly Breaking into Gun Store, Getting Shot by Owner.  A looter who allegedly broke into a Philadelphia gun store overnight was pronounced dead at the scene after the store owner shot him in the head just after 4 a.m.  Fox 5 reports a "crew of looters reportedly attempted to break in," but the store owner was ready for them.  6 ABC reports the owner had his business, the Firing Line Gun Range and Gun Store, staked out because of another attempted burglary and he was watching surveillance cameras when he saw "three or four men use wire cutters to break through the gate and enter the store."

Man shot, killed during burglary attempt at South Philadelphia gun store, police say.  Police said one person is dead following a shooting during a burglary attempt inside a South Philadelphia gun store early Tuesday [6/2/2020].  It happened around 4:20 a.m. on the 1500 block of South Front Street in the Pennsport section of the city.

Robbery victim shoots, kills suspect in DeKalb neighborhood, cops say.  Police said a robbery suspect was shot and killed by his intended victim Friday morning [5/29/2020] in a neighborhood near Lithonia High School.  The man who was killed, identified as 19-year-old Aaron Cobb, is accused of going to a location on Marbut Farms Trace about 1 a.m. to commit a robbery, DeKalb police spokeswoman Michaela Vincent told  Cobb was allegedly accompanied by others at the time of the shooting.

Person shot during attempted home invasion in Lorain.  The Lorain [Ohio] Police Department is investigating a May 29 shooting where a homeowner shot an intruder.  Officers were called at 12:33 p.m. to the 1500 block of West 24th Street for the incident, according to a Lorain police news release.  Officers arrived and found an 18-year-old Lorain man outside of the home with a gunshot wound to the head.  At the time of the release, he was in grave condition.  He was transported to Mercy Health Lorain Hospital by LifeCare.

70-year-old man attacked, stabbed while walking down McKees Rocks street.  Allegheny County police are searching for a man accused of stabbing a 70-year-old man in McKees Rocks Wednesday night [5/27/2020].  The man was walking on Wright Street around 10:15 p.m. when police said he was attacked and stabbed with a knife by another man who was following him.  The victim was able to stop the attack by pulling out a gun he was legally allowed to carry and firing a shot.

Suspected burglar fatally shot by homeowner in Everett.  A suspected burglar was shot dead by a homeowner during an apparent break-in in Everett Thursday morning [5/28/2020].  The homeowner called 911 just before 5 a.m. to report shooting someone inside his home along 126th Street Southeast, according to Aaron Snell with Everett Police.  Officers arrived to find a critically wounded man in his 30s.  Officers and medics attempted to revive the man, but he was later pronounced dead at the scene.  Investigators believe the burglar broke into the home and went into a room containing guns.  The homeowner, a man in his 70s, awoke to sounds in his home, confronted the intruder and shot him, Snell said.

Apparent burglar shot, killed after breaking into Hesperia home.  A Hesperia man was shot and killed after he forced his way into a home in the middle of the night, authorities said.  Sheriff's deputies say Julian Robert Sanchez Garcia, 31, of Hesperia, forced his way into a home on Balsam Avenue around 2:49 a.m.  Monday [5/25/2020].  Two men who were home at the time say they heard yelling and pounding on the front door at the time.  They said Garcia then forced his way inside the home.  A shooting occurred and Garcia was struck by gunfire and later pronounced dead at the scene.

Highly Trained Competitive Shooter Survives Gunfight.  In this situation, with a weapon pointed directly at him and his GF, BJ decided to take action and drew his handgun.  The armed attacker started shooting right away, firing a total of 8 shots, and hitting a tire of BJ's car.  BJ fired back 10 shots and got all ten hits, 9 in the body and one in "the central nervous system."  The distance between the attackers and BJ was very significant, which was even noted in a police report.  According to BJ himself, who kindly answered my questions when I was working on the article:  "Fight started at 14 yards, ended at 23."  Despite the relatively long distance to the attackers, low light conditions, and the fact that the threat was moving and shooting back, BJ "saw the sights at all times" and did not miss a single shot.

Italian Bakery Owners Welcome Cleveland Looters with an Impressive Arsenal.  What began as a peaceful protest in Cleveland on Saturday — over the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer — turned violent as the day progressed, prompting Mayor Frank Jackson to issue an 8 p.m. curfew and to request National Guard reinforcements to protect the city from rioters.  Corbo's, a tiny family-owned bakery in the city's historic Playhouse Square district, took matters into their own hands, brandishing their firearms when rioters came calling.

Give Up Your Guns Because Democrats Will Totally Protect You.  Watching the Minneapolis Police Department abandon its precinct to the torch and crowbar-wielding peaceful protesters in that Democrat-run state and city, my first thought was that I should disarm.  After all, I have been reliably informed by our smart and competent elite betters that I don't need firearms because the police will protect me, and I am sure that even though they can't defend their own police station they will absolutely defend me, my family, and our pet unicorn Chet.  Confusingly, I have also been reliably informed that the police are evil monsters of racism and badness and that they should be the only ones with guns because of reasons that I am not clear on, but I do know that our smart and competent elite betters know better.  If you have any doubts about that, just look at the urban paradise that is progressive Minneapolis.

Citizens With AR15's Protect Salem Storefronts During Protest.  As the riots swept the nation over the weekend, the terrorists set their sights on lil' ol' Salem, Oregon, about an hour south of Portland.  Upon hearing news of the protests, Glamour Salon owner Lindsey Graham put out a call for armed citizens to come and defend her shop and other stores in the area.  You may recall that Graham has been the target of state fines and threats after she dared to open her salon in defiance of the governor's Covid orders.

Rochester Business owner Pulls Up To His Business Being Looted, Pulls Out Shotgun, STARTS BLASTING!.  A Rochester, New York store owner pulled up to his business on Saturday and saw it being surrounded by looters, so he did something about it.  The man jumped out of his car, grabbed his gun, and bravely dashed towards his store while firing.  The looters scattered like cockroaches as the man approached the building, Terminator style.  [Video clip]

As Minneapolis Burns, Armed Citizens Deter Rioters and Looters Without Firing a Shot.  The only thing between several businesses and a bunch of people rioting is a couple of unnamed armed citizens.  As all hell breaks loose in Minneapolis over the lack of action taken against a police officer who killed a citizen on video, some self-titled "free Americans" helped store owners protect their property.  They heard that the store owners had boarded up windows and were standing guard with machetes, and they went to help.  But if you think the men were there because they disagreed with the protests, you'd be incorrect.

Husband in 70s Shoots, Kills Suspect to Stop Attack on Wife.  Florida's Bay County Sheriff's Office (BSCO) indicates a husband in his 70s intervened to stop an attack on his wife Tuesday by shooting and killing an intrusion suspect.  Fox New reported that the incident occurred in Panama City just after 6 a.m.

Nathan Jerrell Edwards
One man dead in Panama City home invasion.  Around 6 a.m.  Bay County deputies got a call about a man breaking and entering near the 2300 block of Mound Avenue.  Neighbors say a call like this is very usual for the area. [...] "The homeowner was actually out in the driveway loading gas cans into his vehicle," said Bay County Sheriff Tommy Ford.  Deputies say the homeowner felt uncomfortable when he saw Edwards approaching him in a threatening manner, so he went inside.  "The homeowner then heard the front door crash and the subject basically crashed through the glass and entered the home.  A female inside the residence was in the living room area on the couch and the subject attacked her," said Ford.

Rioting Erupted In Minneapolis and 'Armed Rednecks' Stepped In to Protect Businesses.  Chaos erupted in Minneapolis Wednesday night, with people looting and rioting following the death of George Floyd, a black man who was killed by a white police officer.  Two men decided to utilize their Second Amendment rights to prevent people from looting nearby stores. [...] The two men were asked why they were protecting the particular businesses they were in front of.  They said they had been patrolling businesses nearby and ended up in that parking lot because the smoke shop was closed but the owners were having the defend their business.

Florida man shoots at three armed robbers who broke into his home.  Three armed robbers got the shock of their lives when they broke into a Florida apartment — and were shot at by the person inside, police said.  Chilling surveillance video shows the trio walking up to a second-story Neptune Beach residence on Tuesday evening, as one of them uses his body to push in the door.  Seconds later, about five gunshots ring out and the three men scurrying out, with one even leaping over the balcony to the ground.  [Video clip]

Woman Shoots Intrusion Suspect Dead After Attack on Her Fiance.  An intrusion suspect in Fredericksburg, Texas, was shot dead by a homeowner's fiance Saturday morning after he allegedly choked the homeowner unconscious.  The woman was the homeowner's fiancee.  KVUE reports the incident began when the 73-year-old homeowner hold noises in the night and went to investigate.  The homeowner, Curtis Roys, discovered that an individual, 19-year-old Cleto Neri Solorzano, was allegedly trying to break through the patio door.

Armed Samaritan in California Takes Out Criminal who Shot at Police.  Another Armed Samaritan came to the assistance of police during a gunfight.  This example is somewhat unusual.  It occurred in California, which routinely infringes on Second Amendment rights.

Virginia Store Employee Jailed for Shooting Masked Burglars.  An employee working at a smoke shop business in Arlington, Virginia has been arrested and charged after the Arlington County Police Department says he shot at people trying to break into the store where he was working, according to The Daily Caller.  Jowan Zuber, the smoke shop owner defended the jailed employee who could face decades in prison for firing his weapon at a group of masked burglars, wounding one.

Virginia Clerk Is Locked Up for Shooting at 3 Masked Robbers in His Store.  A Virginia store clerk heard a crash that sounded like a car had crashed into the place at 4:30 a.m. on Sunday.  He grabbed a gun and shot at three masked men he found stealing merchandise and cash from the shop.  When it was over, the clerk was the one in handcuffs.  He now sits in jail on no bail, charged with crimes for which he could be locked up for 20 years.  Those charges include:  "Malicious Wounding, Reckless Handling of a Firearm and Violation of a Protective Order."  Police say they'll get around to charging the robbers later.

Concealed carrier fatally shoots active shooter suspect in Oklahoma.  A concealed carry permit holder fatally shot a woman after she reportedly began firing on customers at a north Tulsa, Okla. shopping center on Friday [3/27/2020].  Tulsa Police responded to a shooting incident outside a shopping center on the 5300 block of North Peoria Avenue around 6:30 p.m. Friday [3/27/2020], Tulsa World reported.  The still-unidentified woman was found dead at the scene.

Thank the Second Amendment:  Armed hero stops possible Florida mass shooting.  How can you tell whether or not the liberal media will pick up an incident of gun violence and turn it into a national story?  It's simple:  If the shooting is successful, they will give it wall-to-wall coverage for a week.  If it is stopped by an armed citizen, however, the liberal media will almost always pretend it never happened or glance over the story with only brief mention or coverage.  This oversight is perhaps a bit more understandable at the moment, given the national coronavirus crisis consuming the country and dominating media coverage.  But it's still absolutely worth highlighting the heroic story of a man who on Friday shot and stopped an armed shooter who opened fire on shoppers at a shopping center in Oklahoma

Good Guy With a Gun Stops Woman Who Allegedly Opened Fire on Customers at Tulsa Shopping Plaza.  A "good guy with a gun" fatally shot a woman who had allegedly began to open fire on customers at a shopping plaza in Oklahoma on Friday evening [3/27/2020].  The woman had reportedly got into an altercation in the parking lot of the shopping center in Tulsa and returned with a gun a few minutes later.

Indy homeowner shoots and kills suspected intruder, police say.  A homeowner opened fire on a man police say was trying to break into his home early Tuesday morning [3/24/2020].

Gardnerville man shot by homeowner during attempted home invasion in Douglas County.  A Gardnerville man is dead after being shot during an attempted home invasion in Douglas County on Saturday night [3/21/2020].  Deputies responded to the 1400 block of Bumblebee Dr. shortly after 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 21.  When police arrived on scene, the found 36-year-old Josuha McCarthy dead from multiple gunshot wounds.

Man shot while trying to break into Gwinnett home, police say.  A man was shot in the leg Wednesday while trying to break into a home in Gwinnett County, police said.  According to a Gwinnett police report, the resident was in the bedroom of his home on Peachtree Street when he heard loud banging at his back door shortly before 9 p.m.

One injured in late night shooting.  A late night shooting landed a burglary suspect in the hospital.  Just after 4 a.m. [3/20/2020] police were called to the 1200 block of Bernice Drive.  According to CCPD, a man with at least one gunshot wound stumbled out of a home and knocked on a neighbors door.  They called 9-1-1.  Police originally detained the accused shooter, but later learned he was the homeowner.  They say the man who'd been shot broke into the house.

Man shot, off-duty Chicago cop returns fire in Gage Park, police say.  A man was shot, and an off-duty Chicago police officer who was with him returned fire Friday night in the Gage Park neighborhood on the Southwest Side.  About 8 p.m., the 41-year-old man and off-duty Chicago police officer were sitting inside a vehicle in the 5100 block of South Washtenaw Avenue when an unknown black vehicle pulled up, according to Chicago police.  Someone from the black vehicle opened fire at them and grazed the 41-year-old with a bullet in the calf, police said.

West Side Neighborhood Watch.  Police responded to a disturbance in the parking lot of a West Market Street store March 1 after a man reported a group of males approached him, demanded his motorcycle and threatened him.  The victim, who has a permit to carry a gun, put his hand on the weapon, took out his cellphone and told them he was calling the police and they fled.  Police located the males, and the victim identified them.  An adult man and three juveniles were charged with disorderly conduct.  The juveniles were released to their parents.

Homeowner shoots and kills suspect who kicked in the back door and charged him.  A 19-year-old was shot and killed while breaking into a Vancouver home the night of February 13th, authorities said.  Vancouver PD responded to what they believe was a burglary around 10:20 p.m. in the River View Neighborhood along Southeast Beach Drive.  Police said the suspect kicked in a back door and was inside the home when they were confronted by the homeowner, who had a gun.  The burglar charged the homeowner, who fired and shot the suspect.  The suspect ran outside and collapsed.  When authorities arrived the suspect was already dead.

Man dead after attempted robbery, shootout on Tuscarora Reservation.  One man is dead after an aborted robbery on the Tuscarora Reservation early Sunday led to a high-speed chase that ended with the arrest of three suspects in the Town of Wheatfield, according to the Niagara County Sheriff's Office and Lewiston police.  The Sheriff's Office dispatch received a call at 4:48 a.m. of shots fired in the area of Mount Hope Road in the Town of Lewiston.  The Sheriff's Office said three armed suspects entered the house, exchanged shots with the homeowner and fled the scene.

State's Attorney:  Property owner who shot man in self-defense identified as local public defender.  The Tazewell County State's Attorney, Stu Umholtz, confirmed that the man who fired the fatal shots in this case, is also the Tazewell County Public Defender.  According to police, Luke Taylor, shot at 41-year-old Daniel L. Williamson after he charged at Taylor and bit his face and head.  Police said the shots were fired in self-defense.

Masked intruder shot during home invasion in Katy.  A home invasion suspect was shot Friday morning [2/28/2020] in Katy, a sergeant with the Harris County Sheriff's Office confirmed.  The suspect, who was reportedly wearing a mask, was shot in the arm after burglarizing a home in the 18700 block of Sandleford.  The suspect was taken to a nearby hospital where he is expected to survive.

12 Times Gun Owners Defended Themselves and Others.  According to almost every major study on the issue, Americans use their firearms defensively between 500,000 and 3 million times each year.  Even if we assume the lower end of this range, it means an incredible number of times that Americans relied on the Second Amendment — not government getting there on time — to protect their inalienable rights.  During every month of last year, we highlighted some of the stories of average, everyday Americans who used their guns to protect their lives and livelihoods from criminals.  The first month of 2020 provided still more examples of citizens exercising their Second Amendment rights in defense of themselves and others.

Husband and wife draw their guns and take down gunman who burst into fried chicken restaurant.  A pair of married off-duty police officers on a date night foiled an armed robbery at a fried chicken restaurant.  Dramatic CCTV footage shows Detective Chase McKeown and Officer Nicole McKeown draw their weapons and confront the masked gunman in the Raising Cane's branch in Louisville, Kentucky.  The pair gave chase as the robber fled through the town and arrested him nearby with the help of local officers.  The couple, who are officers with the Elizabethtown Police Department about 50 miles south of Louisville, were enjoying their weekly date night on Saturday when the suspect entered the restaurant wearing a surgical face mask.

Hunter kills boar charging at him.  "Experienced hunters say that wild boar can be even more dangerous to hunt than a bear.  Equipped with thick, razor-sharp tusks, and a razor-sharp mind (hogs are the 4th most intelligent animal in the world) a wild boar can weigh a staggering 660 lbs and exhibit extremely aggressive and unpredictable behavior.  Hunters be warned!  After wounding a boar, give the animal plenty of time before you follow it in to the bush.  Otherwise, you'll go from being the hunter to the hunted.  [Video clip]

Pregnant Mother Saved Family by Killing Intruder with AR-15.  Jeremy King, who was attacked by the masked intruders, said "it became real violent, real fast," according to Bay News 9.  During the home invasion, King endured a severe beating at the hands of the masked men. [...] King tried to inform them, "'I have nothing for you," He recounted, "And they're like, 'Give me everything you got.'  It became real violent, real fast."  In the meantime, King's heavily pregnant wife witnessed the beating, before the masked gunmen fired in her direction.  The eight-month-pregnant mother returned fire with her semi-automatic rifle, scoring a hit on one intruder who managed to escape, but was found dead in a ditch roughly 200 feet away from the Kings' home.

Armed NC dad 'turned the tables' on home invader after hearing daughter scream.  In yet another case of a good guy with a gun being able to protect himself and his family from a criminal, a North Carolina dad "turned the tables" on a home invasion suspect after hearing his daughter scream.  The homeowner was lying in his bed when his daughter screamed.  Rushing to her room, he "tackled" the man after finding him there, holding him at gunpoint for the police, WBTV reported.  The confrontation took place Thursday morning in Lincolnton, after the man's wife and daughter returned from a dentist appointment, according to the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office.

Dad tackles burglar after hearing daughter scream, holds him at gunpoint until deputies arrive.  A father and homeowner "turned the tables" on a home invasion suspect and held him at gunpoint until deputies arrived, according to the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office.  The incident happened Thursday morning at a home on Philadelphia Church Road.  Officials say the homeowner was lying in bed when his wife and daughter returned home from a dentist appointment.  A short time later, he heard his daughter scream and rushed to her room where he found an intruder.

Gibson County Sheriff's Office:  Homeowner fatally shot man attempting to enter home.  The Gibson County Sheriff's Office is investigating the Thursday evening [2/6/2020] shooting death of a 43-year-old man by a homeowner, who authorities say was in his legal right to be armed, according to an initial investigation.  Around 6 p.m. on Thursday, Gibson County deputies responded to a shooting at 73 Oak Grove Rd in Milan, TN and found the man laying in the carport.  The homeowners said the man wanted to enter the home even though they didn't know him, according to the initial report.  A confrontation ensued, and the 31-year-old male homeowner shot the man.  He was pronounced dead at Milan Emergency Room, and his body was sent to the medical examiner's office for an autopsy.

Homeowner shoots suspected burglar at northeast Houston home.  A homeowner said he woke up to find a burglar reaching into his home in Fifth Ward overnight, according to police.  Officers with the Houston Police Department responded to the 1800 block of Capron at about 1:30 a.m.  Thursday.  They found a man shot in the back.  A homeowner said earlier in the evening he heard a noise, and when he went to investigate he found the man reaching into his home where the A/C unit is.

4 criminals tried to rob a pizza driver with a toy gun; he shot them with a real one.  Four criminals recently got the surprise of their lives when they approached a pizza delivery driver with a toy gun and attempted to rob him, only to find themselves being shot at by the driver's very real pistol.  The altercation occurred in Charlotte, North Carolina, early Tuesday morning [1/21/2020], when four individuals approached a driver delivering a pizza to an apartment complex.  The driver said they pointed what looked like a rifle at him.  He was able to draw his own handgun and fire at them, after which they fled.

Pizza delivery driver pulls gun, shoots would-be robbers.  A pizza delivery worker in North Carolina shot three goons who he says tried to rob him while he was on the job, according to a report.  The chaotic incident unfolded late Monday [1/20/2020] outside an apartment complex in the city of Charlotte, WSOC-TV reported.  Police say the delivery guy was dropping off pizza to the building when he was ambushed by four people — who allegedly aimed what he believed to be a rifle at his head, according to the outlet.  But the pie courier pulled out his own pistol and opened fire, striking three of them.

Armed Citizen Shoots And Kills Suspect Who Ambushed And Shot State Trooper On Highway.  A state trooper was shot by a random suspect as he was trying to help a woman who had just had her vehicle roll over on the highway.  Described as an ambush-style attack, the trooper was attempting to block lanes of the highway when a man came up and shot him in the chest.  A fight between the two then began on the ground.  A driver saw what was happening and tried to come to the aid of the trooper, who was asking for help.  The suspect ignored the man's commands to stop the attack, at which time the man went to his vehicle to retrieve his firearm.  He ran back to the scene, shooting and killing the suspect.

Police: Man fires shots at suspects who tried to steal vehicle at west Charlotte gas station.  A man fired several shots at his own vehicle Thursday morning [1/16/2020] after police said a group of "kids" tried to steal his car from a west Charlotte gas station. [...] The victim, who is in his 20s and has a concealed carry license, told FOX 46 that he "unloaded his entire magazine at his own car, aiming at the tires," after he saw two suspects jump into his car at pump #1 at the gas station.  The suspects reportedly showed a weapon as they drove off on at least three flat tires.

Armed cashier at Lima business halts attempted armed robbery.  An armed cashier at Lima business thwarted an armed robbery attempt Tuesday night [1/14/2020]. According to a statement released Wednesday by the Lima Police Department, two males entered Hermies Party Shop on St. Johns Road shortly after 8 p.m.  Tuesday with pistols drawn.  They demanded the cashier give them money from the cash register.  Both males were dressed in black Nike sweatsuits and had their faces covered, although one male ran up the aisle toward the cashier and lifted the white handkerchief covering his face.

Police: Robbery victim shoots assailant outside Fayetteville Burger King.  A man attempting a robbery outside a Burger King on Monday morning [1/13/2020] was shot when the victim pulled a handgun and fired several shots at him, according to the Fayetteville Police Department.  The shooting was reported about 9:45 a.m. at the restaurant in the 2800 block of Bragg Boulevard.  Officers found a man with a gunshot wound in the parking lot of the restaurant.

3 men try to rob man at gunpoint in Madison, victim pulls out his own gun and fires back.  A man turned the tables on three men trying to rob him at gunpoint Monday night [1/13/2020] in Madison when he pulled out his own handgun and began shooting.  One of the suspects was hit when the victim shot at the would-be robbers and is recovering in the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

JSO: homeowner shoots, wounds intruder.  Jacksonville police say a burglary suspect was wounded during an exchange of gunfire with a Westside homeowner Saturday night [1/11/2020].  Police were en route to a report of a burglary in the 7100 block of Ricker Road when the call was upgraded to a shooting about 9 p.m., the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office said.  The Sheriff's Office said investigation showed the homeowner exchanged gunfire with an intruder — a man who then fled in a white compact pickup truck.

Killeen homeowner shoots, kills burglar who was breaking into his home.  A homeowner shot and killed a man who tried to break into his house Friday morning, according to Killeen police.  Police spokeswoman Ofelia Miramontez said James Centron Taylor Mitchell, 18, forced his way into the home on Corinne Dr. a little before 10 a.m.  The homeowner fired multiple gunshots at the man who then ran away.

What 1,602 Miles Teaches about Guns.  It's 1,602 miles from Monsey, New York to White Settlement, Texas.  It's a world of values and maturity away.  It's the new standard unit of the distance we now need to travel in America from childhood to adulthood, New York to Texas.

Group tries to rob Texas gun store.  One suspect killed by 79-year-old veteran, business owner.  Others run.  Looks like we have some nominees for worlds dumbest criminals of 2020, after an attempted robbery of a gun shop left one of the suspects dead.  In Harris County, Texas, a group of several suspects decided to rob a local gun store when they met the 79-year-old owner in the commission of it.  Authorities reported that the gun store owner exchanged fire with the suspects, striking and killing one of them.

Hillsborough man, while thwarting home robbery, shoots two teens, killing one: deputies.  Two teenagers attempting a home robbery in Hillsborough County were shot by a resident equipped with a legal firearm Saturday evening [1/4/2020].  One of the teenagers died.  The other is in critical condition, according to the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office.

Alleged Home Invader Dies After Bringing Baseball Bat to Gunfight.  A home invasion suspect allegedly armed with a baseball bat died after being shot by a Columbus, Indiana, homeowner.  RTV6 Indianapolis reports that the shooting occurred around 1:00 a.m. Saturday morning [1/4/2020], after the homeowner was allegedly confronted by a suspect with a bat.

Firearms Instructor Took Out Gunman at Texas Church Service.  Alarms went off in Jack Wilson's head the moment a man wearing a fake beard, a wig, a hat, and a long coat walked into a Texas church for Sunday services.  By the time the man approached a communion server and pulled out a shotgun, Wilson and another security volunteer were already reaching for their own guns.  The attacker shot the other volunteer, Richard White, and then the server, Anton "Tony" Wallace, sending congregants scrambling for cover.  The gunman was heading toward the front of the sanctuary as Wilson searched for a clear line of fire.

Man who shot church gunman gets highest Texas civilian honor.  Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday gave Texas' highest civilian honor to a 71-year-old man who shot and killed an armed attacker at a church in December.  Abbott gave Jack Wilson the Governor's Medal of Courage during a ceremony in Austin, calling him a hero for stopping the shooter at a church in the Fort Worth-area town of White Settlement.

Bitter Clingers in Texas Shoot Back.  The reason the Founders put the Second Amendment in the Constitution, the document Democrats and liberals selectively embrace or read things into when convenient, was seen last Sunday at the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas, near Forth Worth where, dare we say it again, good guys with guns stopped a bad guy with a gun.  Note the plural is used here, for video footage shows at least seven guns were drawn with seconds of the killer opening fire on the parishioners inside, killing two.  But only two, as a wider massacre was stopped by those who don't believe in gun-free zones.  Two of those who returned fires were armed security guards, you know, the people used to guard our money and our politicians, but whom our politicians won't let protect our schoolchildren.

[Beto] Is Taken Down in Pinpoint Tactical Strike After Church Shooting Response.  Showing that the cliché, "when seconds count, cops are only minutes away," is a cliché for a reason, the wanna-be mass murderer was dispatched within six seconds of getting off his first shot, preventing a mass bloodbath.  Two men were killed by the shotgun-toting bad guy before the volunteer guard unholstered and neutralized him. [...] But it didn't occur to Beto that saving lives was actually a good thing.  The gruesome video showed that the reaction time of one of the multiple good guys with guns was lightning-quick.  The church's volunteer security guard took down the bad guy with one shot from with his pistol from across the sanctuary.  Instead of praising the man who stopped a mass casualty event, Beto couldn't help but point out that "what we're doing in Texas, what we are doing in this country, when it comes to guns is not working."

An Armed Guard in a Texas Church Struck Down a Murderer Immediately; Joe Biden Called His Ability to Do So 'Irrational'.  As I wrote previously, there's no better example of the life-saving answer to a bad guy with the gun.  The church security guard answered immediately.  Because of that, any further loss of life was prevented.  But Joe Biden didn't want the guard to have a gun.  As reported by The Daily Wire, when Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill into law earlier this year permitting those within houses of worship to pack heat, Joltin' Joe called it "totally irrational."

The mass murder that didn't happen because Texans are smarter than New Yorkers, Californians and progressives everywhere.  Worshippers in a suburb of Fort Worth, Texas heroically demonstrated the wisdom of our Founders and the superiority of Texas-style governance yesterday [12/29/2019] when an attempt was made to slaughter a large number of people at the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement (can you imagine a pair of names more likely to elicit scorn from elitists?).  Armed parishioners fought back and shot the gunman dead before he was able to slaughter more than two of them.

Gunman, 43, who murdered two worshipers during a Texas church service before being shot dead by an ex-FBI agent, 70.  The gunman in Sunday's church shooting in Texas [...] had a criminal past which involved arrests for theft and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.  He killed two people - security guard Richard White, 67, and grandfather Anton 'Tony' Wallace, 64, who had just handed out communion - before being brought down by former FBI agent Jack Wilson, 70.

River Oaks Man Identified as Gunman in White Settlement Church Shooting.  The man who fatally shot two people at a White Settlement Church on Sunday before being killed by church security has been identified as [...] a River Oaks man with a criminal record, according to two law enforcement sources.  [The shooter] is believed to have been wearing a disguise, including a fake beard, when he stood up, pulled a shotgun from his clothing and opened fire inside the church, killing 64-year-old Anton Wallace, a church deacon from Fort Worth, and 67-year-old Richard White, of River Oaks.

Barack Obama's Gun Control Executive Order Big Fail.  Six seconds — six split seconds — and Texas state law permitting concealed firearms inside places of worship saved lives at the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, just outside Fort Worth on Sunday [12/29/2019].  A [...] gunman shot down two parishioners when he opened fire on innocents praying inside the church.  The two parishioners died at a nearby hospital.  The gunman was fatally shot six seconds after opening fire by two volunteer armed security guards.

Gunman kills one and critically injures another inside a packed Texas church before he's shot dead.  A man pulled out a shotgun at a Texas church service and fired on worshippers Sunday, killing two people before he was shot to death by congregants who fired back, police said Sunday [12/29/2019].  Authorities at a news conference praised the two congregants who opened fire as part of a volunteer security team at West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement. [...] 'This team responded quickly and within six seconds, the shooting was over.  Two of the parishioners who were volunteers of the security force drew their weapons and took out the killer immediately, saving untold number of lives,' said Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who also hailed the state's gun laws.

Don't Mess With Texas.  This short video is suddenly everywhere.  It comes from a livestream of the service at the church near Fort Worth where someone opened fire on parishioners with what looks like a shotgun.  He was immediately shot by two legally armed persons, one of whom reportedly was a security guard.  It appears that altogether, there were six people who immediately pulled guns in response to the shooter.

Flashback: Joe Biden Recently Attacked the Governor of Texas for Allowing Church-Goers to Carry Weapons.  Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden recently attacked the governor of Texas for allowing church-goers to carry weapons when they go to worship.  His statements gained new relevance on Sunday after a gunman at West Freeway Church of Christ in northwest Texas was stopped by armed church-goers.  At least four people, including one security guard, pulled weapons in response to the shooter.

Church Shooting Reported In Texas, Armed Churchgoers Stopped It, Reports Say.  Multiple people were reportedly shot at a church in Texas on Sunday and a reporter who claimed to have viewed video footage of the attack suggested that armed churchgoers stopped the attacker.  The attack happened in White Settlement, which is on the western edge of Fort Worth, Texas, at the West Freeway Church of Christ. [...] CBS News Dallas reported that a witness confirmed to them that another church member shot the suspect.

Concealed Carrier Kills Robbery Suspect in Gas Station Gunfight.  A concealed carrier at a Houston, Texas, gas station shot and killed an armed robbery suspect during a gunfight around 4:00 p.m. Friday [12/27/2019].  Fox 26 reports the suspect allegedly approached while the concealed carrier was sitting in his jeep, and a gunfight ensued.  Multiple rounds were fired from both men but a witness said, "The man with the Jeep was a better shot."

Georgia Man Won't Be Charged For Self-Defense Shooting.  Having to defend yourself at a gas station late at night almost sounds like a cliche, but there's a reason that perception exists.  Convenience stores are popular targets with criminals and since most have gas pumps, they're what most people think of when they hear the term "gas station."  Armed robberies aren't usually carried out in the daylight.  Unfortunately, some self-defense shootings aren't obviously self-defense shootings, so good guys get arrested and charged.  That's a fate one Georgia man was recently spared after he acted in self-defense at a Dekalb County gas station.

Armed Resident Shoots, Kills Three Home Invaders In Houston Suburb.  Three not-so-wise men picked the wrong suburban Houston home to invade in the early morning hours of December 23rd and paid the ultimate price for their crime.  Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez says a resident saw the three men in dark clothing approach the home before hiding, but when the intruders gained entry, they were met by another resident who was armed with a shotgun and fired in self-defense.

Texas homeowner shoots, kills 3 with shotgun during break-in.  A Texas homeowner shot and killed three people who he said were trying to break into his trailer home, authorities said.  The homeowner was injured in the exchange of gunfire Monday and remained hospitalized, Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez told reporters.

Masked gunman killed after shootout in Lauderhill home invasion.  A Lauderhill homeowner traded gunfire with a masked intruder and killed the assailant early Saturday [12/21/2019], police said.  Officers responded to the home in the 4400 block of Northwest 16th Street after a 911 call about 12:45 a.m.  They found a dead man and a weapon.  "There was a masked gunman on the floor, deceased," said Lt. Michael Santiago, spokesman for Lauderhill police.

Deadly shooting at DeKalb gas station was in self-defense, police say.  Police investigated a deadly shooting near Interstate 20 in DeKalb County Saturday night [12/21/2019].  Police confirmed one person was shot and killed at the Texaco gas station off Gresham Road.  The shooter stayed on the scene and police have determined the shooting was in self-defense.

MSP: Man armed with knife shot, killed by homeowners during home invasion.  A man was fatally shot after he broke into a Manistee County home with a knife and assaulted the occupants inside, according to Michigan State Police.  On Dec. 22 at 1:30 p.m. troopers were sent to a report of a home invasion and shooting on 1st Street in Copemish.  MSP said a 29-year-old Copemish man, identified as Nathan Reed, forced his way into a house while brandishing a knife when a man and woman were inside.  There was a physical struggle and one of the occupants shot Reed with a firearm.

Shop owner kills two masked men after attempted robbery.  The Fresno Police Department is now investigating whether a store owner could face charges for shooting two men who'd just robbed his smoke shop.  Fresno Police say three men came in, threatened the clerk at Smoke N Vape on Blackstone and Cambridge, and took money from the cash register.  As they were running out of the store, the store owner showed up, and he and the men running out got into a gun fight.  Two of the robbers were shot, and died at the hospital last night [12/20/2019].

Brookhaven homeowner shoots, kills burglary suspect, police say.  Police confirmed a homeowner shot and killed a burglary suspect Wednesday afternoon [12/18/2019] in DeKalb County. [...] Officers are talking to the homeowner to find out exactly what happened, but it appears the homeowner interrupted the burglary inside his home.

Myrtletown Card Shop Owner Fires Gun at Would-be Robbers; HCSO Releases Suspects' Descriptions.  According to the store owner, just prior to deputies' arrival a female suspect entered the business and inquired about selling baseball cards.  As the store owner was completing the transaction, an unknown male suspect entered the business and attempted to steal the business' money drawer.  A struggle ensued between the store owner and the male suspect.  At some point during the altercation the store owner discharged a concealed firearm once.  The suspects then reportedly fled the business, uninjured, on foot without the business' money drawer.  [12/17/2019]

Police: FedEx Driver Fatally Shoots Suspect During Armed Robbery In Northeast Philadelphia.  Police say a FedEx driver fatally shot a suspect during an attempted robbery in Northeast Philadelphia on Tuesday night [12/17/2019].  The shooting happened shortly after 7 p.m. on the 600 block of Unruh Avenue in the city's Lawndale neighborhood.

Pennsylvania: FedEx Driver Uses Gun To Kill Armed Robber & Prevents Another UPS-Like Hijacking.  Earlier this month in Florida, a tragedy unfolded when two armed thugs hijacked a UPS truck with the driver still inside. [...] Had the UPS driver been armed, he may still be alive, along with the innocent bystander who was also killed in the unnecessary crossfire.  Adding weight to this claim is the fact that a very similar situation unfolded on Tuesday in Philadelphia.  In this situation, however, when the armed thug attempted to rob and possibly hijack a FedEx driver, that driver was armed.

Examples of Armed Citizens Defending Themselves and Others.  A bank employee was leaving for the night Oct. 2 when she reportedly saw a naked man charging at her.  After she repeatedly told him to stop, she drew her concealed-carry pistol and fired two shots, hitting him once and causing him to flee.  Harrison Police officers found him nearby and took him into custody.  The suspect was airlifted to a hospital.  The Harrison police chief said no charges will be filed against the employee as she has the right to defend herself and was in legal possession of her firearm.  He added that it was obvious that the armed citizen had trained with her firearm.

McCleary woman says she had no choice when she shot, killed estranged husband.  A woman says she had no choice but to defend herself and her friend when she shot and killed her estranged husband Wednesday night at a McCleary home.  The man had a domestic violence protection order against him and she says he broke in and attacked them with a knife.

Alleged intruder killed during home invasion.  The Limestone County Sheriff's Office reported that the shooting occurred around 12:30 a.m.  Wednesday morning, Nov. 27.  The shooter was a resident at the home located in the 24000 block of Garrett Road.  The shooter reportedly came home and found the intruder.  The intruder then attacked the resident.

Man shot during break-in charged.  A home invasion turned violent for an intruder after the apartment dweller took aim in the dark and shot him.  Police quickly caught up with Edwin D. Calligan, 23, of the 500 block of Leith Street, after he was driven by his companions to Lutheran ER Statewood.  Due to the serious nature of his wound — a gunshot to the right upper thigh that exited his posterior — Calligan was transported to a regular hospital, court records said.  Calligan was charged Monday [11/18/2019] with burglary with a deadly weapon, carrying a handgun without a license, residential break-in and criminal recklessness committed with a deadly weapon.

KCSO: Attempted robbery leads to gun battle, killing of 1 suspect at East Bakersfield market.  ccording to the sheriff's office, three armed men entered the market and demanded money from a clerk.  Officials said at least one store employee exhanged gunfire with the three suspects, striking and killing one of them.  The man's body was found lying in the parking lot with a gunshot wound to his upper body.  He was pronounced dead at the scene.  The two other suspects fled from the scene.

Miami Man Guns Down AK-47 Wielding Robber.  A 60-Year-old Miami man said he was forced to shoot and kill a gunman who had broken in to his van early Monday morning [11/25/2019] in an attempt to rob him of his jewelry.  "The guy I killed last night, he put an AK-47 to my [...] face," said Donovan Stewart.  Stewart told CBS4'S Peter D'Oench that he had to act quickly because he was worried about the safety of his 11-year-old son and girlfriend who were in the van with him.  "I am from Kingstontown in Jamaica," he said, "and I am not going to go out like a punk.  So I emptied my Glock in his chest.  This man tried to get in my van while I was sleeping and he was surprised to see what I did."

The AR-15: The Real Story.  Beto O'Rourke will never get the chance to take away the AR-15 kept in the home of Jeremy King of Lithia, Florida.  King and his family are grateful for that and for the right to keep and bear arms enshrined, without any asterisk, in the Second Amendment of the Constitution that Democrats claim to be defending.  Yep, that AR-15, the very same "assault" weapon owned by bitter clingers said to endanger such families and the neighborhoods they live in.  Instead, it saved his family from an intruder who broke into his house, pistol-whipped Mr. King, grabbed his 11-year-old daughter, and threatened to leave the King family another statistic buried deep in the news.

Heavily pregnant mother uses an AR-15 to kill a home intruder after two men burst into her Florida home.  A heavily pregnant woman used an AR-15 to kill a home intruder after two masked men entered her home in Florida, pistol whipped her husband and violently grabbed their daughter.  Jeremy King, 34, was at his home in Lithia, Florida with his 31-year-old wife when the two armed men stormed in last Wednesday [10/30/2019] at about 9pm before pointing a gun at his head and demanding money.

SCSO: Resident who shot home invasion suspect will likely not face charges.  According to what the Scott County Sheriff's Office has gathered so far — the tenant acted in self-defense when they say Pierson forced his way into the apartment.  "The suspect forced his way in the apartment, and the male that lives there fired a shot striking him in the leg," Scott County Sheriff Chris Holder said.  Holder said he was charged with breaking and entering in the nighttime with the intent to commit larceny.

Attempted robber shot, killed inside Highland Park restaurant.  An attempted robber has been shot and killed inside a restaurant in Highland Park early Thursday morning [10/24/2019].  The incident happened at the Woodward Bistro on Woodward near Davison.  The man came inside the restaurant with the intent to rob the place, according to police.

Fostoria home invasion death ID'd as Toledo man.  An intruder is dead after breaking into a home and struggling with the man inside [10/19/2019].  A fingerprint search identified the deceased individual as Christopher F. Cavaness Jr, 30, of Toledo.

Homeowner shoots and kills man accused of breaking into home.  A homeowner shot one of two intruders breaking into his house in north Houston Saturday [10/19/2019], according to authorities. [...] According to police, the homeowner shot one intruder several times, but the other suspect ran away.

Off-duty cop opens fire on armed robbers.  [In Brazil.]  [Video clip]

Ex-boyfriend expected to survive shooting in east Las Vegas.  Las Vegas police believe a man was acting in self-defense Monday night when he shot his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend inside an east Las Vegas apartment.  About 7:15 p.m., a woman and her boyfriend were inside an apartment on the 1400 block of North Sandhill Road when the woman's former boyfriend tried to kick the door in, prompting the current boyfriend to open fire, according to Metropolitan Police Department Lt. David Gordon.  Police found the ex-boyfriend a few buildings away, suffering from multiple gunshot wounds, Gordon said.

Attempted armed robbery in Franklin foiled after owner pulls personal gun.  The Franklin Police Department is asking the public's help identifying two suspects who attempted an armed robbery Wednesday [10/16/2019] at Bluegrass Cellular on Nashville Road in Franklin.  Police say the person in the "Scream" mask wearing an ASAP FERG hoodie pointed a handgun at the store owner, but both men were chased from the store by the owner who pulled his own firearm.

Florence man dismissed of murder charges.  Murder charges against a Florence man have been dismissed.  According to court documents, Marcus Jermaine Weakley has been granted immunity from the charges under state law self-defense laws. [...] Circuit judge Will Powell stated in the order of dismissal, Marcus Weakley was justified when using deadly physical force when he shot and killed Patton Shipley in June of 2018.  A testimony stated during a hearing that Shipley shot at Weakley first.

Armed Robber Gets Shot and Killed, Siblings Blame Clerk.  Roosevelt Rappley, 23, walked into a Dollar General store in Dayton, Ohio last week with the clear intent to commit a crime.  He decided to brandish a loaded handgun at the clerk, and to demand money from the till.  No one made him do it.  The choice was his.  After that, he no longer had the right to make any choices.

The Editor says...
His siblings seem to think that armed robbery is an honorable profession.

Dallas Homeowner Shoot[s] Burglar, Goes Back To Bed.  Dallas homeowner James Michael Meyer, 72, is charged with murder after allegedly shooting a burglar then going back to bed.  But there is a lot more to that story.

Dallas man accused of fatally shooting burglar and going back to bed before calling 911.  A Dallas man is accused of fatally shooting a burglar outside his Old East Dallas home Thursday and going back to bed before calling police nearly two hours later.  James Michael Meyer, 72, has been charged with murder.  He was in the Dallas County Jail in lieu of $150,000 bail Friday evening [9/27/2019].  According to an arrest warrant affidavit, officers were dispatched at 7:04 a.m. on a home invasion call in the 5400 block of Philip Avenue, near Interstate 30 and Grand Avenue, where they found the body of an unknown male face down in a park behind the home.  Dallas-Fire Rescue workers noted that blood on the body was dry and eventually determined that the person had been dead for some time.

South Philadelphia homeowner could face charges after shooting intruder.  Police say it was a fight for survival during a home invasion Wednesday night [9/25/2019] around 11 p.m., along the 2200 Block of South Darien Street in South Philadelphia.  Officers say two armed men stormed into the home and were confronted by the 22-year-old homeowner.  Police say the homeowner got into a scuffle with one of the suspects.  Before it was over, multiple shots were fired and one of the suspects was dead.

Suspected burglar shot by Munford homeowner.  A suspected burglar was shot by a homeowner in Munford.  The Tipton County Sheriff's Office said a homeowner noticed that his surveillance cameras outside his home were being moved so he got his gun and went to see what was going on.  When he went outside he found a man in his yard who then lunged at him.  That's when the homeowner reportedly shot him.

Police: Man shot in attempt to burglarize Sylvan Drive home.  The victims of an early-morning burglary and assault turned the tables on their attacker, shooting the 25-year-old suspect, according to police.  Jeremy Brister was transported by Hamilton County EMS to a local hospital around 1:30 a.m.  Saturday [9/21/2019] after police responded to a report of a person being shot on the 600 block of Sylvan Drive.  "Officers secured the scene and called for the CPD Violent Crimes Unit to respond," reads a news release from the Chattanooga Police Department.

Passenger shoots man who attempted to steal girlfriend's vehicle in Walgreens parking lot.  A man shot an attempted carjacker who allegedly tried to steal his girlfriend's vehicle in northwest Houston.  Deputies say the attempted carjacking happened in a Walgreens parking lot near Antoine and Gulf Bank around 8:30 p.m. [9/12/2019]  The man told deputies he was sitting inside of his girlfriend's vehicle when another man opened the driver's side door, sat down and then told him to get out of the vehicle.

Would-Be Car Burglar Held at Gunpoint for Craig Troopers.  Alaska State Troopers responded to Port Saint Nicholas Road in Craig after receiving a call reporting a man being held at gunpoint at that location early Friday morning, AST reported today [9/13/2019].  The caller reported that her husband was holding down a suspect at gunpoint this morning after he caught the suspect, later identified by troopers as 21-year-old Jacob Moser, "breaking into their vehicle."

Suspected thieves may have been shot by man they were trying to rob, say police.  Police say two men who were found with gunshot wounds at a shopping center in the Alamo Ranch area may have been shot by a person they were trying to rob.  According to a police report, the injured men asked a security guard for help at the shopping center at the corner of Loop 1604 and Culebra Road at about 9 p.m. on Wednesday [9/11/2019].  The men were suffering from gunshot wounds and told officers they were shot near Loop 1604 and Babcock.

Cumberland homeowner shoots, kills suspected burglar.  A Cumberland County homeowner shot and killed a suspected burglar Wednesday night [9/11/2019], authorities said.  Deputies went to 507 Snow Hill Road at about 8:30 p.m. in response to a reported burglary.  The homeowner, 46-year-old Tony Libson, told deputies two masked individuals broke into his home and shot him, but he was able to return fire.  Deputies found Henry Miller, 23, dead outside the home.  The second intruder is believed to have fled after the shooting, possibly in a white sedan, authorities said.

Wichita Falls PD: Liquor store owner gets in shootout with gang members invading his home.  A Wichita Falls man and his wife closed the liquor store they have owned 25 years like they normally do at 9 p.m. and drove home, only to immediately be faced with armed gang members invading their home through the garage, according to court documents.  The husband exchanged gunfire with two masked men, and his wife was shot in the leg, according to court records.  The ensuing police investigation involved DNA from a shoe one suspect lost in the garage.  A Wichita County grand jury handed down an indictment against Dequavious Eugene Sanderson last week in connection with the home invasion, court records showed.

Texas Drive-In Manager Defends Herself From Robber Armed With Bat.  The manager of a drive-in theater in Hockley, Texas was forced to defend herself against a pair of robbers after she was beaten with a baseball bat by one of the suspects. [...] Thank goodness she had a gun for self-defense, because otherwise this story could have ended up very differently.

2 injured in shooting at Statesboro apartment complex.  Statesboro Police are investigating after two people were shot during a robbery at an apartment complex on Saturday night [9/14/2019].  Statesboro Police Chief Mike Broadhead says that the shooting at the Cambridge Apartments involved two groups of people.  Police say it appears an attempted home invasion led to an exchange of gunfire.

Second deadly home invasion in 24 hours leaves intruder in Fayetteville dead, another at large.  Police said they responded to the 400 block of Lands End Road around 6:48 p.m. [9/12/2019] to a report of a shooting.  They said two men forced open the front door to the home.  One of them was armed with a gun.  The homeowner got his gun and exchanged gunfire with the two men.  Police found a man whom they believe to be one of the intruders with gunshot wounds.  Jensen Rojas-Marrero died at the scene.  A second man fled the house and is still being sought.

A Georgia man shot and killed 3 masked teens as they attempted to rob him at his home.  A Georgia homeowner shot and killed three masked teens as they approached his residence with their faces covered, authorities said.  The three victims, one 15-year-old and two 16-year-olds, were all from the area but did not live in the specific neighborhood they were in, the Rockdale County Sheriff's Office said.  The teens approached three residents at the front yard of a home early Monday morning [9/16/2019] and attempted to rob them, authorities say.

Three masked teens open fire on Georgia homeowner — and don't live to regret it.  Kudos to CNN for covering this story out of Georgia, especially in this political atmosphere.  As politicians insist that so-called "assault weapons" are not legitimate self-defense firearms, one man may have proven them wrong.  Police now believe that a homeowner armed with a "semi-automatic rifle" acted in self-defense in killing three teenage intruders after they opened fire on him.

Homeowner shoots and kills 3 masked men in possible 'stand your ground' case.  A homeowner in Georgia shot and killed three young masked men at his home early Monday morning, according to Rockdale County Sheriff Eric Levett.  Authorities identified the three deceased individuals as juveniles Monday evening — two 16-year-olds and one 15-year-old — but have not released their names.  The sheriff's office told ABC News it waited to release information about the teens, all from Conyers, Georgia, until all three families were notified.

A Houston Woman Proves To Her Attackers And The Media That A Gun Is A Girl's Best Friend.  Those who would take your guns from you like to pretend that the "good guy with a gun" scenario is a myth. [...] According to KHOU-TV, a woman in Houston, Texas, was pulling into her apartment when a group of men descended on her car and attempted to get at her.  The men thought they had the upper hand until the woman showed them how mistaken they were: [...] The man was later transported to the hospital for two gunshot wounds and was last seen in surgery.  The woman, meanwhile, will face zero charges after describing the men as being armed themselves.  And there you have it.  Maybe those men would have taken her purse and that would have been the end of it, or maybe not.  Maybe they intended to do a lot more than that.  We'll never know and that we don't have to know is the best part of this story.  The woman's ability to defend herself with the best means possible is what kept this story from becoming tragic.

Houston woman's concealed carry weapon saves her from attack.  On or around 2:30 a.m. Tuesday on Creekbend at Fondren in southwest Houston, a LaChelle Hudgins was approaching her place of residence.  She noticed a group of men assembled nearby, approximately 20 yards away.  As she parked her car by her home, the subjects approached her vehicle, and one or more of the men, reached through her Passenger Side window and grabbed for her purse. [...] Hudgins quickly reacted and grabbed her concealed pistol from the purse, and fired "the only two shots left in her gun, hitting one of the men."  "It was all I had in my gun.  I shot until I couldn't shoot anymore," Hudgins said.  "I saved my life."

WPD: Man fatally shot after trying to enter neighbor's home.  A homeowner fatally shot a neighbor who was trying to enter his home Monday [9/2/2019], according to Wilmington police.  WPD officials say 41-year-old Paul Levon Roland Jr. tried to gain entry into a residence on Rutledge Drive by kicking the door in.

Police investigating homicide in northeast Oklahoma City.  Police are investigating a homicide Monday afternoon [9/2/2019] in northeast Oklahoma City.  Authorities told KOCO 5 that officers were called around 2 p.m. to a home on Northeast 44th Street between Martin Luther King and Prospect avenues after receiving a report of a possible home invasion.  The person inside the home shot the intruder, who was later pronounced dead.

Woman shoots ex-boyfriend in chest as he tries to break into her home.  According to police on scene, the woman was home in the 800 block of Kirk Place when she heard someone trying to break in the back window around 2:00 a.m. [9/1/2019]  The woman told police she grabbed her gun and stuck it outside the window.  The man trying to break in, now identified only as her ex-boyfriend, tried to take the gun from her but she shot him before he could.

Youngstown store owner shoots suspects in attempted robbery.  An attempted robbery took place at Conroy's Party Shop on South Avenue around 11:30 p.m.  Friday [8/30/2019].  Police say four males with guns entered the store, two of which were shot by the store's owner.

OSBI seeking robbery suspects who tied up elderly couple in Tuttle.  The husband was beaten by one of the suspects and then tied up along with his wife, according to a report from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.  The husband was able to break free and access a loaded gun within the home and he shot at the suspects.  The two suspects fled after shots were fired.  They fled the scene in a vehicle waiting outside the couple's home.  A third suspect was driving the vehicle.  [8/31/2019]

He broke in, had a gun, but resident shot him, Jackson police say.  An armed man was shot while breaking into an apartment early Friday [8/30/2019], according to the Jackson Police Department.  Johnathan Jenkins, 27, is charged with residential burglary, armed robbery and aggravated assault for the incident that occurred in the 900 block of E. Northside Drive, JPD said.

Workers recall moment off-duty officer took down shooter.  The off-duty officer was in the right place at the right time and was talking to construction crews when they heard gunshots.  About 120 feet away from where he stood, a man was shooting at two men and a woman.  "I heard a couple shots, turned around," said Anthony Alaniz, a construction worker.  "I told the officer, 'Hey man, they are shooting behind us.'"  When they looked up, they saw a 31-year-old man shooting at a woman.  She was dodging bullets and screaming for help.  "The shooter was cold-hearted," Alaniz said.  "He didn't want any witnesses, that's for sure.  He was chasing the woman around the car."  [8/30/2019]

84-Year-Old Man Shoots Would-Be Home Invader in Dallas.  An 84-year-old repeat robbery victim shot an attempted home invasion suspect who tried to break into his home early Wednesday morning [8/28/2019].  Officers responded to a residential street near Loop 12 and Interstate 35E around 1:30 a.m, Dallas police said.  Neighborhood crimewatch leader DeRouens Mitchell praised the victim for taking a stand.  "If more people would shoot at the robbers or invaders, they would think twice about breaking into their homes.  'Hey this person may be armed,'" Mitchell said.

Teens shot and killed by homeowner identified.  Two 17-year-old boys are dead after a shooting at a home in Dayton Wednesday night [8/28/2019]. [...] Dayton Police say the teens were trespassing on the homeowner's property when the shooting occurred.  The shooter has been taken into custody for further questioning.  The teens have been identified as Devin Henderson and Javier Harrison, both of Dayton.

Store clerk shoots would be robber; police investigating.  A man is recovering after attempting to rob a Shreveport liquor store early Monday morning [8/26/2019].  Police were called just before 12:30 a.m. to The Liquor Store in the 4600 block of Mansfield Road.  The store's clerk shot the would-be robber.

Suspect shot by off-duty officer arrested for allegedly assaulting officer with a rock.  El Cerrito police have arrested a man, armed with a rock, for assault with a deadly weapon on a police officer.  The man, described by police as a transient, was shot and injured by an off-duty San Francisco police officer during the incident.  Thomas Vincent Whalen, 44, allegedly used the rock against the off-duty officer in a residential neighborhood Sunday night [8/25/2019].

Also posted under Many homeless people are violent and/or insane and should be locked up.

Off-duty officer & retired officer fatally shoot armed robbery suspect.  An off-duty Baltimore school police officer and a retired Department of Corrections officer shot and killed an armed robbery suspect after he tried to rob them in north Baltimore Saturday night [8/24/2019], reported city police.

Man shot by homeowner during attempted break-in, police say.  A man is in critical condition after he was shot by a female homeowner during what Flint police are saying was an attempted break-in.  Officers with the Flint Police Department responded Sunday, Aug. 25 to the 2300 block of Kellar Avenue, between Dayton Street and Welch Boulevard, for a report of shots fired.  An initial investigation by Flint police revealed the man had fled the Kellar Avenue home where he'd attempted to break into a residence and was shot by the homeowner.

Grand Forks man fired shots into ground after walking into an alleged burglary in progress.  A man here arrived to work Friday morning, Aug. 23, thinking it was going to be a routine day, but it nearly turned deadly after police say he interrupted a burglary and defended himself by pulling a gun and shooting it at intruders.  When the employee of Tri-State Paving came into work he wasn't alone, according to the Grand Forks Police Department, which said he quickly realized it wasn't a co-worker, but two men trying to steal some dirt bikes.

MetroPCS Employee Fatally Shoots Would-Be Robber.  A would-be robber was shot and killed by an employee at a local cell phone store Monday afternoon [8/26/2019].  The tense encounter that lasted less than 12 seconds was captured on surveillance video.  Police say the suspect was there to rob the place and he likely didn't know the only employee inside was armed.  Eyewitness News obtained surveillance video of the incident.

Neighbor [is being] called [a] 'hero' after killing [a] domestic violence suspect.  Two armed neighbors exchanged gunfire on Wednesday night, deputies said.  The surviving neighbor is being hailed for trying to help a family in distress.  The other neighbor is accused of domestic violence just before he was shot and killed.  Pasco Sheriff Chris Nocco said the surviving neighbor was trying to help a family in distress before gunfire erupted.  "All indications here, he was a hero," Nocco said.

Diamond Davis: Old enough to know better.
Officials: 5 teens charged with murder after accomplice is shot during attempted burglary.  A 75-year-old man shot a 14-year-old who authorities say was in the man's Lake County driveway trying to break into his car, and the five teens accused of being the boy's accomplices are charged with his murder.  Charged with first-degree murder are one 16-year-old boy, three 17-year-old boys and 18-year-old Diamond C. Davis, all of Chicago.  The names of the dead teen, the juvenile suspects and the 75-year-old have not been released.  Though none of the five are accused of pulling the trigger, they are charged under a state law known as the felony murder rule, which allows a person to be charged with the murder of an accomplice killed in the commission of certain crimes.

Texas homeowner fatally shoots armed suspect during robbery attempt, cops say.  A North Texas homeowner on Sunday [8/11/2019] fatally shot an alleged intruder after the suspect pulled out a gun when confronted, a report said.  The dramatic scene unfolded in Saginaw, a suburb of Forth Worth, at about 5 p.m., according to CBS local.  The homeowner reportedly fetched his gun after hearing the commotion.  There were reportedly two would-be burglars, according to reports.

14-Year-Old Uses Handgun To Defend Sisters From Intruders.  Right now, so-called "safe storage" laws are all the rage in anti-gun states.  I also kind of see why.  When you no little about guns or using one in self-defense, you simply assume that it can be easily accessed should the need arise, but locking up a gun keeps it out of the "wrong" hands, be that burglar or child.  However, kids sometimes need to defend themselves too.  While we have age limits on the sale of firearms, we don't have age limits on defending your life.  Nor should we.  Recently, a young woman may have proven just how wrongheaded safe storage laws actually are.  She used a gun to protect herself and her sisters.

Good Guy with Gun Stops Armed Man in Missouri Walmart.  A good guy with a gun stopped a man carrying a rifle and 100 rounds of ammunition in a Springfield, Missouri, Walmart Thursday [8/8/2019].  KY3 reports that Springfield Police "responded to a call of an active shooter at the Walmart:  Neighborhood Market at Republic Rd."  They arrived to find the suspect wearing "body armor and military fatigues" and being held at gunpoint by an off-duty firefighter.

Firearm used in Dayton Domestic/Mass Murder was an AM 15 Pistol.  The mass murder in Dayton Ohio appears to have started with the killing of the perpetrator's sister and the wounding of her boyfriend.  Several rampage murders have started with the killing of relatives.  Ideologically motivated rampage murders seldom do.

Couple holds home invasion suspect at gunpoint.  Homeowners held a man and woman, accused of breaking into a Military Highway home, at gunpoint until police arrived to make the arrests.  The Amelia couple, whose names were not revealed to protect their identities, awoke Saturday morning [8/3/2019] to the sound of dogs barking. [...]

Knoxville man arrested for attempted first degree murder following burglary, KPD says.  The Knoxville Police Department says a Knoxville man was arrested and charged with attempted first-degree murder after an attempted burglary that left one person seriously injured.  Tykemiem Stewart, 20, was arrested for attempted first-degree murder and attempted aggravated burglary, according to KPD.  The Knoxville Police Department says officers responded to reports of multiple shots fired early Saturday morning [8/3/2019].  According to police reports, Stewart and a juvenile attempted to break into a home through the back door on Jersey Avenue.

Three men shot in St. Louis in just over 90 minutes, one killed.  Three men were shot in a little more than 90 minutes overnight Sunday [8/4/2019] and early Monday, St. Louis police said.  Police responded to a call of a "prowler attempting entry" and then a shooting call at 11:30 p.m.  Sunday in the 4600 block of South Compton Avenue.  Officers found a 21-year-old man suffering from a gunshot wound to his leg.  Upon investigation, police learned that the 21-year-old man was attempting to enter a woman's house when a 20-year-old man shot at him.  The shooter then fled from the house.

Police: 3 men arrested after trying to rob CPL holder, crashing into Detroit house during getaway.  Three men were taken into custody Thursday [8/1/2019] after trying to rob a man who turned out to be a concealed pistol license holder and crashing into a house while trying to get away from him, police said. [...] The men were trying to rob someone when they noticed the 49-year-old, police said.  They tried to rob him, but he pulled out his gun and started to fire shots at them, according to authorities.

Police: Man shot, killed after breaking into West Memphis home.  One man is dead after he kicked in the door and someone inside grabbed a handgun, police said.  West Memphis police officers were called to scene on the 100 block of Stuart Avenue before 6 a.m. on Thursday morning [8/1/2019].  According to police, Bernard Bullins, 26, has been identified as the man who was killed.

Deadly West Memphis shooting ruled self-defense.  A shooting that killed a man in a West Memphis home early Thursday morning [8/1/2019] was ruled self-defense by police.  Officers responded to 147 Stuart Avenue at 4:30 a.m. for a report that a man had kicked in the door to an apartment and was collapsed in the bedroom doorway.  Police identified the man as Bernard Bullins, 26, and said he was found dead with gunshot wounds.

Commerce [TX] Robbery Attempt Ends in Suspect's Death.  In Commerce, police are investigating an apparent home invasion and robbery attempt that resulted in the shooting death of one of the suspects.  Late Tuesday night [7/30/2019], police received a report of a home invasion in the 900 block of Bois D'Arc Street, immediately south of State Highway 224.

Man shoots suspected robber at Antioch ATM.  Metro Nashville police said a suspected robber was shot multiple times by the man was he trying to hold up at an Antioch ATM [7/30/2019].

Burglary suspect shot and killed by Escambia County homeowner, ECSO confirms.  An Escambia County homeowner shot and killed a burglary suspect a little after midnight Tuesday [7/30/2019], authorities have confirmed. [...] Authorities have not released names of the suspect nor of the homeowner as the matter remains under investigation, [spokeswoman Melony] Peterson said.  The shooting will be reviewed by both the ECSO and the State Attorney's Office, according to Assistant State Attorney Greg Marcille.  "Obviously, the homeowner has a right to defend themselves under the self-defense statute and the 'stand your ground' statute," Marcille said.

Man shoots intruder who 'aggressively' approached him at his Surprise [Arizona] home.  A man shot an intruder who aggressively approached the man as he arrived at his Surprise home with his wife and child on Friday [7/26/2019], police said.

Intruder shot during home invasion on Nick Davis Road.  Police say a man was shot during a home invasion.  Officials say they were called to the 27000-block of Nick Davis Road around midnight Monday [7/22/2019].  According to officials, the residents were woken by an unknown man rummaging through their house.  Officials say that during a scuffle, one of the residents shot the intruder.

Good guy with gun fatally shoots 7-Eleven robber.  A pistol-packing customer shot two robbers who tried to stick up a convenience store in Virginia, killing one suspect and seriously wounding another, police said.  The shooting broke out at a 7-Eleven in Virginia Beach early Thursday [7/25/2019] when two armed males wearing masks walked into the store and demanded money.  A man in the store with a legal gun then "confronted and ultimately shot" the suspects.  A third man was also later arrested outside the 7-Eleven, Virginia Beach police said in a statement.

Pennsylvania Woman Shoots Attackers In Walmart.  Two women attacked Rojanai Alston (22) in a Walmart in North Versailles, Pennsylvania.  She then drew a firearm in response and shot one of the attackers in her arm and leg.  [Video clip] [...] The startling images show how the women threw themselves at Alston from behind and beat her repeatedly, apparently after a fiery dispute.

UT Home Invader Brings Knife To Gun Fight, Illustrates Why We Need Guns.  If you ask the average gun owner why they have a gun, they'll probably answer with something about personal defense.  The sound of an intruder in your home in the middle of the night is a scary scenario, but one that every gun owner has probably considered.  How will they enter?  How will I respond if they come in through this door or this window?  What are my best fields of fire to keep from potentially hurting others?  All of these are things to think about, sure, but if it happens, you have to react, especially when the bad guys are coming into the house armed.

Gas station clerk shoots at 2 crooks, kills 1 after robbery near Fort Lauderdale.  Deputies are investigating after a gas station clerk said he shot at two robbers — killing one — near Fort Lauderdale.  The robbery happened at a Valero gas station along the 2400 block of West Sunrise Boulevard, Wednesday afternoon [7/10/2019].

Would-be robber shot and killed in north Harris County.  Deputies believe two men tried to rob the victim as he got out of his vehicle.  The suspects and victim exchanged gunfire.  When deputies arrived they found one of the alleged robbers with a gunshot wound.  CPR began immediately, and he was rushed to the hospital where he was declared dead. [7/9/2019]

1 dead, 1 injured in Radcliff burglary.  One person was shot and killed and another person was injured when police said they burglarized a home in Radcliff.  Kobie Long, 20, of Radcliff, died after he was shot in the 1100 block of North Wilson Road around 3:30 a.m.  Sunday [7/7/2019], Hardin County coroner Dr. Lee said.  Radcliff Police Department chief Jeff Cross said Long and another man were shot after they forced entry into the home and started a fight.

Teen who tried to rob fireworks stand dies after being shot in face with own gun.  A 19-year-old who attempted to rob a fireworks stand in north Harris County has died after being shot in the face with his own gun by one of the stand's employees, according to deputies.  [7/4/2019]

Police: Man shot at Pontiac Avenue home was burglar.  A man who was shot while breaking into a Pontiac Avenue home during the early-morning hours of June 27 is facing multiple charges, according to Cranston Police Maj. Todd Patalano.  Brendan Anderson, 36, Cranston, is still being treated at Rhode Island Hospital, Patalano said Tuesday.  He is charged with burglary, assault and disorderly conduct.  Patalano said officers responded to 1012 Pontiac Ave. at 3:10 a.m.  In the home's basement, a man in his 30s was found with a gunshot wound in the area of his upper chest and shoulder.

Victim identified in Lawrence County shooting.  Both county and state law enforcement are investigating a shooting early Saturday at Lake Charles State Park that left a person dead, according to Lawrence County Sheriff Jeff Yates.  Yates said authorities got a call around 3:15 a.m.  June 29 about the shooting.  On Monday, July 1, Lawrence County Sergeant Jamie White said in a news release that a woman said that an intruder had been shot in her home.

Woman slashed outside Brooklyn Whole Foods during robbery attempt: police.  A woman was slashed by a thief outside a Whole Foods in Brooklyn Monday night before a store security guard stepped in and detained the man at gunpoint until police arrived, police said.  The suspect approached the woman while she was sitting in her car at about 9:30 p.m. in the Whole Foods parking lot on Third Avenue near Third Street in Gowanus, cops and a witness said.

Officer Gets Shot, Then Armed Citizen Comes To Her Rescue.  A legally armed citizen helped save a wounded police officer from the inmate who shot her and tried to force her to help him escape on Friday [6/14/2019].

Police investigating fatal shooting of alleged intruder at home on Detroit's west side.  According to a preliminary investigation, police say a male homeowner was outdoors with his family and children when he heard a commotion inside his house.  He found a man inside his home with a shot gun.  [6/18/2019]

Deputies: Disgruntled customer fired shots at auto repair shop owner.  Detectives said they have spoken with the district attorney's office about increasing charges for a man accused of opening fire at an auto repair shop owner in Lincoln County on Thursday [6/13/2019].  Officials said investigators are looking to increase charges from assault with a deadly weapon to attempted murder.  They said he was an angry customer who had already threatened the owner before opening fire.

Gun-wielding Alabama granny held wanted man at gunpoint, investigators say.  A gun-wielding grandmother in Alabama confronted a wanted man in her driveway on Monday after he crashed a stolen car near her home, according to investigators.  Marcia Black, 75, said she pointed a rifle at the suspect while her 15-year-old granddaughter called 911.  "I was just calm as can be.  I knew I was in control," the grandmother-of-four told WAAY-TV on Tuesday [6/18/2019].

Customer Foils Robbery by Shooting Suspect Multiple Times.  A Coatesville, Pennsylvania, convenience store customer foiled an alleged Tuesday night [5/28/2019] robbery attempt by shooting the suspect multiple times.  Daily Local News reports the incident occurred in the Turkey Hill Market, where the suspect allegedly displayed a firearm and "demanded money from employees."  The concealed permit holder went into the store, drew his gun, and shot the suspect multiple times.

Hatchet-wielding thief backs down when store clerk pulls out gun but firearm costs employee his job.  Oregon authorities are seeking a would-be thief who was armed with a hatchet when he tried to rob a convenience store, only to flee when the clerk drew a gun and called 911.  However, the clerk's quick thinking cost him his job, with the president of Plaid Pantry in Oak Grove explaining to local station KOIN-TV that the chain has a zero-tolerance policy for weapons.  He said employees are trained to de-escalate robbery situations to avoid injury, according to the station.

Man Tries to Kidnap a 5-Year-Old Girl — Mom Pulls a Gun.  A woman and her daughter were shopping at a mall in West Virginia when things took a terrible turn.  And if the mother had not been armed and willing to use her firearm, there's no telling how badly this story would have ended.

The Second Amendment Saved These Gun Owners' Lives in April.  Twelve separate incidents of defensive use of firearms in one month.

Father shoots, kills home intruder in Lancaster.  Los Angeles County Sheriff's detectives say the man got into the home through one of the downstairs rear windows and walked into an upstairs bedroom.  That's when the homeowner who feared for the safety of himself and his children grabbed a gun and fired a shot, hitting the suspect, according to authorities.

Sheriff: 2 people shot to death in Hesperia home as they assaulted owner.  Two people were shot to death [5/11/2019] in a Hesperia residence as they assaulted the elderly homeowner, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department said. [...] About 3:30 a.m., the homeowner called out for help, and another resident came to his aid.

HCSO: Teenage robbery suspect shot, killed by security guard at north Harris County Walgreens.  A 16-year-old robbery suspect is dead after he was shot by a security guard late Saturday night [5/11/2019] at a Walgreens in north Harris County, Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said.  His accomplice, an 18-year-old, was also shot by the security guard.

East Memphis woman shoots burglar after he kicks down her door.  A man wanted by Shelby County deputies ended up in the hospital after being shot by a homeowner Sunday [5/5/2019].  Police say William Barnes was shot after he kicked in the front door of a home on South Holmes Street.  Four days later the shooting still has one neighbor traumatized.

Armed robber found dead hours after being shot in DeSoto.  DeSoto PD is investigating a man's claim that he fatally shot an armed robber, but didn't know it until the next day.  A homeowner called police Tuesday morning [5/7/2019] after finding a body in a DeSoto neighborhood.  Police had investigated a report of gunshots there late Monday night, but they did not find anything.  Then, the would-be robbery victim came forward.

Neighbor shoots, kills pitbull after it attacks woman.  Memphis police are investigating after a woman was allegedly attacked by a pitbull Saturday morning [5/4/2019].  The woman's neighbor shot and killed the dog after the incident.

Hero border patrol agent who drew his gun and chased after synagogue shooter is praised by Trump at White House ceremony.  The off-duty border patrol agent who rushed the Californian synagogue shooter away from worshipers last month was praised for his efforts at a White House ceremony on Thursday [5/2/2019].  Jonathan Morales chased after the gunman who opened fire at the Chabad of Poway synagogue near San Diego last weekend.  He and a local resident Oscar Stewart, an army veteran who was inside praying, chased gunman John Earnest, 19, into the parking lot after he opened fire.

As Media Pushes Gun Control Narrative, Synagogue Shooting Proves Truth.  Something is very broken in our nation.  Let's get that out of the way right now.  There's no justification for mass shootings, even if they're rare. [...] We are now in the aftermath of the deadly attack.  Right on cue, the anti-gunners are trying to figure out how to blame the attack on a lack of gun control, despite California's strict regulations on firearms.  No one knows where the killer got his gun, so they're going to speculate and pontificate just the same.  However, what they're not talking about is interesting.  You see, while we're told that the "good guy with a gun" is a myth by the media and anti-gun organizations (but I repeat myself), part of the reason this attack only claimed one life is because of a good guy with a gun.

Trump during NRA speech invites people on stage who used AR-15s to stop attacks.  Toward the end of his speech at the National Rifle Association's Annual Meetings and Exhibits, President Trump invited two people on stage who used AR-15 rifles to stop attacks.  The AR-15, and rifles similar to it, are frequently targeted for bans among pro-gun control groups and politicians because of their use in mass shootings.  Handguns, however, make up the vast majority of homicides by guns in comparisons to rifles.  Trump brought up Mark Vaughan, an Oklahoma County Reserve deputy, who stopped a knife attack that took place at work with his AR-15 that he had in his car.

Rapper Bun B shoots armed intruder at his Houston home.  Rapper Bun B shot an armed robber at his Houston home after the robber allegedly pulled a gun on his wife when she opened the door, police said.  Police said Bun B, whose real name is Bernard Freeman, exchanged gunfire with the suspect when he tried to flee from the rapper's car.  The UGK rapper's wife, Queen Freeman, had opened the door thinking it was a delivery, police said.

Homeowner Turns the Tables on Shotgun-Wielding Intruder.  Footage of an Idaho man snatching the gun from a suspected home invader has surfaced following an attempted February break-in.  [Video clip]

Police investigating shootings in Salt Lake City, West Jordan.  Just after 10 p.m. [4/10/2019], a woman in the 100 West block of Paxton Avenue heard her dog barking and went outside to investigate.  She was confronted by at least two men and an altercation ensued, according to Salt Lake police.  During the confrontation, one of the men in the yard pulled out a handgun.  That's when a man inside the house came outside with his own handgun and shot one of the men in the yard, police said.

No One Had A Problem Watching A Man Get Beaten Up Until He Pulled Out His Gun.  According to CWB Chicago, the incident occurred at Magnificient Mile where just two days prior, a violent mob forced police to intervene, resulting in 21 arrests.  Video shot from within the McDonalds showed two young black men attempted to assault an older white man.  One of the young men attempted to wield mace against the older man, but quickly retreated as the other got into a grappling match with the older man.  The fight resumes behind ads on McDonald's windows, but suddenly the young man grappling with the older man retreated.  As the older man came into view, he could be seen holding a gun at the youth attacking him.

Attack on River North McDonald's security guard caught on video.  Two people attacked a security guard at a downtown McDonald's restaurant and the incident was caught on cell phone video.  It is unknown how the incident began but video shows the security officer working the McDonald's at 10 E Chicago Avenue fighting with two men.  As customers look on, the security guard drew his weapon and the men backed off.

73-year-old jitney driver talks about his decision to shoot would-be robber.  "All I saw was the barrel of the gun," said 73-year-old Crosby Marshall.  The jitney driver said he decided to fire his gun, killing a man who he said had just tried to rob him Wednesday afternoon [4/3/2019] in Duquesne.

LPD: Sunday shooting appears to be in self-defense.  A man is recovering in a hospital after being shot several times Sunday morning in Laurel.  According to Laurel police, it appears the shooting was in self-defense.  Police Chief Tommy Cox said the shots were fired around 7 a.m. on Maplewood Drive.  That's where responding officers found a man suffering from several gunshot wounds.  The man was rushed to South Central Regional Medical Center and was still there Monday [4/1/2019] receiving treatment, Cox said.

Woman fatally shoots man who attacked her near 61st and Peoria, police say.  A man was fatally shot during an altercation with a woman in south Tulsa on Tuesday [4/2/2019], police said. [...] [Cpl. Jack] Ritter said officers learned based on the store's surveillance video footage that the woman and a friend were walking from a store to her apartment when the man attacked her, jumping on her back.  After a struggle, she shot him twice in the upper torso with her gun, according to a Tulsa Police Department news release.

Arizona homeowner shoots, kills suspected intruder, injures another: 'Better come in ready'.  An Arizona homeowner shot and killed a suspected intruder and injured another man when the duo tried to break into a house Saturday [3/30/2019], police said.  Michael Ahumada, 34, was killed when he and another unidentified man tried to break into a home in Phoenix just after 1 a.m.  Saturday, police told FOX10 Phoenix.

Police: Family Dollar clerk pulls gun on men armed with swords.  It was back to business for Precious Spencer just days after the Family Dollar on Bessemer Road was robbed by two men armed with swords.  "One had a short one and one had a long one," described Spencer.  Spencer, who had only been on the job for two days, was in the store with two more managers when it happened.  She said one of those managers spotted the two men and took action.

Suspect shot after home invasion southeast of Indianapolis.  A suspect was shot following an home invasion early Friday [3/22/2019] southeast of Indianapolis.

Centreville homeowner shoots robber during attempted burglary.  One man was shot early Friday morning [3/22/2019] following a home invasion in Centreville, Illinois.

Intruder killed by tenant while forcing way into SW Houston apartment.  An intruder is dead after he was met with gunfire when he forced his way into a southwest Houston apartment, police said.  Officers said the incident happened around 12:30 a.m.  Thursday [3/21/2019] at the Marquette at Piney Point apartment complex on Westheimer near Fondren Road.

Brownsville woman in her 80s defends home from intruder.  Early Monday morning [3/18/2019], Brownsville [Tennessee] police responded to a reported home break-in.  "Once patrol arrived, they found her window — the kitchen window — had been broken into with some kind of brick or stone," Evans said.  The victim, a woman in her 80s, told police she was in bed when she heard a loud noise, grabbed her weapon and went to check on it.

Man fatally shot during alleged home invasion in Bell County.  Investigators have identified the man fatally shot during an alleged home invasion in Bell County.  The Bell County coroner said Jeffery Dwayne Fuston, 27, died Thursday morning [3/21/2019].

One of New Zealand Mass Murderer's Primary Goals:  Gun Control in the United States.  The mass murderer in New Zealand was not an ordinary active shooter.  He is a political terrorist who is working to advance a political agenda.  One of his primary goals is to further gun control in the United States.  His manifesto clearly states that goal.

Pit bull shot, killed after attacking 6-year-old girl near Covington.  A pit bull that was attacking a 6-year-old girl was shot and killed in Newton County, authorities said.  Evelyn Rico told Channel 2 Action News that she was the first to hear the girl being attacked in her front yard, which is off Fieldview Lane in unincorporated Covington.

Suspected armed robber shot by employee at Mally Laundromat.  According to the store owner, two men in masks entered the business with a gun and pistol-whipped the employee.  The clerk confronted the gunman, armed himself and shot the robber once in the chest.  [3/20/2019]

Shooters Fled Second Mosque Attack As Good Guy With A Gun Returned Fire, Report Says.  An attack on a New Zealand mosque was reportedly stopped on Friday when a good guy with a gun fired at the attacker[s] causing them to flee the scene, according to local media.

Report: Good Guy with Gun Chased, Shot at New Zealand Attackers.  Multiple mosques were targeted during attacks in New Zealand on Friday [3/15/2019], and an armed man reportedly fired back at the shooters in the Linwood area of Christchurch.  The New Zealand Herald reports that the local man with the gun fired on the shooters after they unleashed "multiple gunshots" on the mosque in Linwood.  The armed man ran after the shooters, firing two shots at them with "a rifle or shotgun" as they undertook their escape.

Intrusion Suspect Meets Armed Homeowner, Gets Shot Multiple Times.  Fox 5 reported that the incident occurred [3/8/2019] in Atlanta, where a returning homeowner was greeted by an intrusion suspect.  The homeowner opened fire on the intruder, shooting him multiple times in the leg.  Atlanta Police Officer Stephanie Brown said, "He noticed a door was open, a man came out of a room yelling and screaming, the homeowner pulled out his firearm and fired several because he felt like his life was in danger."

Police investigating shooting death of intruder inside Murray home.  Police say one person is dead after a shooting in Murray.  That person was an intruder inside a Murray home and was shot to death by the homeowner [3/10/2019].

Homeowner finds intruder in his house, pulls out his gun and shoots.  When an Atlanta man walked into his house on Arthur Street Friday morning [3/8/2019], he was startled when he saw an intruder.  Police say that's when the homeowner grabbed his gun.  "He noticed a door was open, a man came out of a room yelling and screaming, the homeowner pulled out his firearm and fired several because he felt like his life was in danger," said Atlanta Police Officer Stephanie Brown.

Store clerk kills robbery suspect at Houston liquor store.  A robbery suspect was killed and a second ran away after a liquor store clerk opened fire in southeast Houston, police say.  The clerk opened fire during a robbery Wednesday night [3/6/2019] at Mike's Liquor Store in the 8700 block of MLK Boulevard near Reed.  Houston police said that at least two armed suspects went into the store, where two employees were working at the time.

Kenefick homeowner allegedly shoots intruder.  A Kenefick homeowner shot a burglary suspect in the back around 11:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 5, at a property on the 2100 block of FM 2797, authorities say.  The homeowner, Joshua Fields, was on alert after a burglary at his home earlier in the week.  Several items were stolen in that burglary.  The suspect, 54-year-old Paul Pigg, was shot after Fields allegedly spotted him with items that had been stolen from a storage building on his property.

Independence homeowner shoots intruder.  An Independence homeowner shot and injured an intruder who broke into a home early Wednesday [3/6/2019].  At about 4 a.m., a man forced his way through the front door of a home in the 1300 block of South McHenry Street in eastern Independence.  "At some point there was a confrontation between him and the homeowner," said Independence police spokesman Tom Gentry.  "The homeowner had a weapon and shot the intruder."

Georgia woman, 79, reportedly shoots at suspected home intruder: 'I got something for you'.  A 79-year-old homeowner in Georgia reportedly fired off two shots during an attempted home invasion earlier this month.  The actions taken by the unidentified woman to ward off the intruder before responders could arrive at her residence on Feb. 12 were captured on her 911 call, ABC News reported Wednesday.  The woman was reportedly heard on the audio of the call, obtained by the outlet from Jackson County Emergency Services officials, confirming that someone "tried to get in the back door."

Police: Gunman shot, killed by homeowner who wrestled weapon away.  A man who was confronted by two men with guns wrestled one of the weapons away and shot a suspect dead, said police.  The shooting happened shortly after 1 a.m. at a home on Leonidas Drive, near I-10 and South WW White Road.  Officers say the homeowner was confronted by two gunmen who drove up to his house.  He wrestled one of the guns away and shot one of the suspects in the chest and head.  The other gunman ran off.

NC home intruder killed in shootout with homeowner, police say.  A homeowner shot and killed someone trying to break into their home early Sunday in Eden in what police are investigating as a triple shooting.  Deonte Eric Smith and Dieontra Shukur Clark forced their way into a home on the 800 block of Bridge Street after midnight Sunday [2/17/2019], according to Eden police.

Police: Good Samaritan fires shot to stop would-be stabbing.  An armed good Samaritan intervened to stop a man trying to stab another person near a business Sunday night [2/17/2019], police said.  "Some guy was going crazy with a knife trying to stab someone and a good Samaritan fired a shot to stop it," said Daytona Beach police Capt. Scott Goss.  "We are not saying right now but both suspects are in custody," Goss said, when asked if the good Samaritan's bullet struck the knife-wielding suspect.

DA: Man's use of deadly force against attacker justified.  Antonio Santiago had been heading to a friend's house in the 1000 block of Turner Street.  Santiago was approached by two men as he parked his vehicle, officials said.  The men, who had their faces partially covered, forced open his car door and demanded money.  Shane Gesnaker, one of the men, was holding what was described as a black pistol.  Gesnaker struck Santiago in the left side of his face.  Santiago said the men had sprayed him in the face with pepper spray or mace.  Santiago then grabbed his 9mm handgun and fired one shot at the men, who then fled.  Gesnaker was struck by a bullet and fell to the ground about 50 feet from Santiago's vehicle.  Santiago was a licensed gun owner with a permit to carry.

Florida resident kills two men who were attempting home invasion.  Two men — one of whom had a gun — were shot and killed by a Florida homeowner in an apparent act of self-defense after the resident caught the duo trying to break into his Titusville home Thursday [2/7/2019], officials said.  The Brevard County Sheriff's Office said the incident happened around noon, with one of the men dying at the scene and the other pronounced dead later at a hospital.  "The second one was able to run from the residence, made it down the street and collapsed down the street," Brevard Sheriff's Spokesman Todd Goodyear told FOX35 Orlando.

Nashville man tries robbing woman before her husband shoots him, police say.  A would-be thief was shot Monday night after the victim's husband stopped the crime in progress, chased the man down and opened fire, police said.  The suspect, Jordan Ponce, 19, approached a 25-year-old woman walking home Monday night in Antioch about 9:30 p.m., Metro Nashville Police said in a press release. [...] A department spokesperson told Fox News on Tuesday that Ponce is in the hospital and being treated for wounds to his stomach and hands.

Houston Gunfight as Deadly as OK Corral, Three Killed, Two Wounded, Defender used AK.  On 19 January, 2019, at about 1 a.m. in the morning, a gunfight occurred on Sherman Street in Houston, Texas.  It was in the Magnolia Park neighborhood.  Magnolia Park has been a traditionally ethnic Mexican part of Houston for over 100 years.  It is considered a bit rough.  There were five home invaders.  There was one home defender.

Deputies: 70-Year-Old WV Woman Shot Home Invader.  Deputies with the Pocahontas County Sheriff's Department are investigating an attempted robbery that happened during the early morning hours on Monday, Feb. 4, 2019.  They were called to a home on Seneca Trail near Hillsboro, WV at around 3:10 a.m.  When investigators arrived they found Jesse Blake, 34 of Marlinton, WV lying in the yard.  He had been shot.  Blake allegedly tried breaking two windows to get into the house.  Deputies said that is when the 70-year-old woman who lived in the home shot him with a .22 magnum rifle.

Police: One shot in argument between tow truck drivers in Pittsburgh.  [Scroll down]  An earlier accident on Washington Boulevard [2/2/2019] drew multiple tow trucks.  Two truck drivers started arguing, according to George.  "One went to his truck, grabbed a bat, and approached the other unidentified driver," she said.  Then the unidentified driver pulled out a gun and shot the driver who was holding the bat, she said.

Registered sex offender shot twice by homeowner during home invasion.  Police in one Eastern Carolina city say a registered sex offender from New Bern was shot after he broke into a home early this morning.  Elizabeth City police say it happened in the 400 block of Bell Street around 6:30 a.m.  They say Tyrell Johnson came into the home through a back door and was confronted by the homeowner who ended up shooting him twice.

Retired corrections officer shoots home intruder in Queens.  Police say a retired corrections officer has shot a man who was breaking into his Queens home.  The shooting happened around 1:15 p.m. on Wednesday [1/30/2019] at the retiree's home, located on 138th Avenue and 227th Street in Laurelton.  Police say the wounded man was taken to a hospital with what they believed to be a head injury.

Campobello burglary victim encourages women to get weapons training.  A Spartanburg County woman who found suspected burglars rummaging through her deceased mother's home is talking about the importance of protecting yourself in the home.  Lydia Stewart told us she was armed and able to protect herself before police officers arrived. [...] "I finished the [concealed weapons] class three weeks ago prior to this accident and it helped me make some good decisions, wise decisions," Stewart said.

Robber points gun at Family Dollar employees — his last mistake was ignoring an armed customer behind him.  A suspected robber is dead after allegedly trying to rob a Family Dollar in Dekalb County, Georgia, and ignoring the customer who was armed behind him during the altercation.  The attempted robbery occurred on Tuesday morning [1/29/2019] when a man walked into the discount store and pointed a gun at two employees.  While one employee was handing over money to the robber, a customer walked from the back of the store to the front, and witnessed the robber pointing his gun at the employee's head.  He then pulled his own gun out and shot the robber several times.  The suspect was pronounced dead at the scene.

Alabama: Wounded IHOP Employee Shoots & Kills Armed Man Shooting At Employees.  A Huntsville, Alabama International House of Pancakes employee drew his own gun in self-defense and the defense of others after a man began shooting at store employees.  In the process, the employee was wounded but the confrontation ended with the aggressor being killed, according to police.

IHop Employee Shoots and Kills Active Shooter at Restaurant.  Two people, including a suspected active shooter are dead following a fatal altercation at a Huntsville, Alabama IHOP restaurant earlier this week.  The armed employee who drew his own firearm to stop the shooting was also wounded in the shootout.  Police are new releasing more details about the incident.  "We have crime scene investigators and our major crimes unit is here," Lt. Michael Johnson said Wednesday night [1/16/2019].

Samaritan CCW Gun Holder Stops Suspects At Loomis Grocery Store.  KCRA TV-3 (NBC) reports 01-02-19 in Loomis, California, an incident began around 8:25 in the evening.  A male and female pair of shoplifters were spotted stealing from a Raley's store by a security officer.

Neighbor who came to Jayme Closs' aid: 'We were armed and ready' for suspect to come looking.  When Jayme Closs showed up at their doorstep, the Kasinskas family sprung into action, taking two steps before most anything else.  They called 911.  And they grabbed their firearms, in case the kidnapped teen's abductor was in pursuit.  Kristin Kasiskas told Fox News that she and her husband immediately recognized the 13-year-old Wisconsin girl whose October kidnapping captivated the nation when a neighbor, Jeanne Nutter, frantically knocked on their door at 4 p.m. on Thursday [1/10/2019].  "When our neighbor Jeanne came in with Jayme, she said:  'Get a gun.  We don't know if he's after us,'" Kasinskas said.  "So we were armed and ready in case this person showed up."

NBC News Reports Armed Intruder as an 'Unwanted House Visitor'.  NBC News now reports armed home intruders who are known to the homeowners are unwanted house visitors.  One of these unwanted visitors was shot and killed by a New Jersey man with his own gun.  The two men did know each other but that doesn't change the fact that one came brandishing a gun.  The owner of the home had to fight this unwanted house visitor off and he fought for his life, according to reports.  The intruder allegedly arrived at the residence brandishing a semi-automatic handgun and a fight erupted with the man who lives at the home.

Chicago woman with concealed carry license shoots, kills robber: police.  Police say a woman with a concealed carry license shot and killed a man who tried to rob her.  It happened just before 6 a.m. Tuesday [1/8/2019] in the 500 block of West 103rd Street in Chicago's Fernwood neighborhood.  The 25-year-old woman was standing at a corner, possibly waiting for a bus, when a man, armed with a weapon, tried to rob her.  Police say she showed her weapon and then shot the man in the neck.  He fled the scene and was located in the 400 block of West 103rd.

Robbery suspects thwarted by licensed gun owner, report says.  A good Samaritan armed with a gun stopped two suspected shoplifters from allegedly trying to stab a security guard outside a California grocery store, according to reports.  Authorities said Brandon Smith, 25, of Santa Cruz, and Elizabeth Almand, 23, of Watsonville, were spotted shoplifting by a security guard around 8:25 p.m.  Wednesday [1/2/2019] inside a Raley's grocery store in Loomis, just northwest of Sacramento, KRCA-TV reported.

Arizona resident shoots four burglars, killing one, police say.  One person is dead and three others are injured after they were shot by a resident of an Arizona home they were trying to burglarize, police said.  The Yuma County Sheriff's Office responded to a 911 call at approximately 1:38 a.m.  Thursday [1/3/2019] and discovered that four individuals were shot after breaking into a home.

Armed customer killed 16-year-old armed robbery suspect at Wichita gas station, police say.  The suspect in an armed robbery who was shot in the head by a customer at a south Wichita gas station died at the hospital, police said.  Wichita police did not identify the person who was killed, but said in a Saturday news release that he was a 16-year-old male.  The customer who shot him has not been arrested.

Wisconsin man, 75, who shot, killed suspected robber says 'I still feel bad'.  A 75-year-old man who shot and killed a suspected robber outside his Wisconsin home on Wednesday said he's still consumed by grief over the chaotic incident.  Henry Bell was returning to his Milwaukee home when he said he was approached by two people who attempted to rob him.  "When I walked past him, he said 'hand me the money,'" Bell told FOX6.

Florida, politician shoots intruder who invaded his garage.  A Palmetto City, Florida city commissioner shot an intruder who invaded his garage after crashing a car into another house while fleeing the cops.  [12/30/2018]

Math Professor Changes Equation On Home Invasion.  If there's one scenario more than any other that prompts people to own a firearm, it's probably home invasions.  I don't have hard data on that or anything, just an impression based on my experiences talking with people through the years.  I suspect my experiences and impressions aren't unique, either.  In Missoula, Montana, a math professor found himself faced with a home invasion.  Luckily, he was armed and could change the equation on the criminal.

Police: LSU players involved in shooting acted in self-defense.  Two LSU football players involved in a fatal shooting Saturday in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, were the victims of an attempted robbery who acted in self-defense by shooting the man who was allegedly trying to rob them, Baton Rouge police said Sunday morning [12/23/2018].  Police spokesman Sgt. L'Jean McKneely said in a statement that the two student-athletes, who have been identified as sophomore running back Clyde Edwards-Helaire and walk-on linebacker Jared Small, were attempting to sell an electronic item in the Scotlandville area of Baton Rouge when the man, Kobe Johnson, pulled out a weapon and demanded their belongings.

Man shot by Sarasota homeowner after trying to enter house.  A man is in critical condition after he was shot by a Sarasota homeowner when he tried to enter their house.  Deputies were called to the 2900 block of Mayflower Street around 2:30 am on Saturday [12/22/2018].  The initial call came in as a shooting.  When police arrived on scene, they found 28-year-old James Jarvis of Bradenton was wounded.

Attempted robbery at McDonald's ends in gunfire.  A man trying to rob a McDonald's on the Northwest Freeway was hospitalized after being shot by a customer Friday night [12/21/2018].  Houston police received reports around 8:45 p.m. of an aggravated robbery at the McDonald's at 12020 Northwest Freeway.  The male suspect was shot in the shoulder and chest area by a customer after another customer threw a chair at him.  He then drove himself to a local hospital in a black sedan.

Police: Attempted Home Invasion Turns Deadly Early Saturday in Jacksonville.  A man who police say was breaking windows and trying to get into a home off Old St. Augustine Road near Interstate 95 was shot to death early this morning [12/22/2018], according to the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office.

Robbery suspect shot, critically wounded at New Orleans East auto-parts store:  NOPD.  A robbery suspect was critically wounded when he was shot Friday night (Dec. 21) at a New Orleans East auto-parts store, New Orleans police confirmed.  Police responded just after 6 p.m. to a call of shots fired in the 9300 block of Chef Menteur Highway and arrived to find a robbery victim had shot a suspected robber, the NOPD said late Friday.  The NOPD did not indicate whether the robbery victim is affiliated with the store.

Homeowner shoots, kills home invader in Davidson County, sheriff's office says.  A homeowner shot and killed a man trying to get into his home in Davidson County Thursday night [12/20/2018], according to a news release from the Davidson County Sheriff's Office.

Concealed carry holder turned citizen cop, helped Springfield officer as his gun jammed.  A Springfield man was recently given one of the top honors in the state from law enforcement.  Jerry Pendergrass is a conceal carry owner who turned citizen cop in a life or death situation.  Springfield police and the Missouri Police Chiefs Association awarded Pendergrass the President's Citizen Award.  His quick action helped save an officer potentially from getting shot.

Judge finds Florence man not guilty in 2015 fatal Narrow Paved Road shooting on grounds of self-defense.  After facing a murder charge for three years, 34-year-old George Jacob Shine was found not guilty by reason of self-defense in general sessions court at the Sumter County Judicial Center Monday [12/17/2018].

3 shot, 1 dead at Tulsa Walgreens.  Tulsa police are investigating an incident that left three shot and one person dead at a Walgreens on 71st and Lewis Wednesday afternoon [12/19/2018].  An armed customer got into an argument with an employee in the photo department, officers told KJRH.  It is unclear at this time who shot first, but the Walgreens employee, who has a concealed-carry license, hit the suspect and killed him.

Man shot, killed while trying to break into home, deputies say.  One person who tried to break into an Upstate home was shot and killed Wednesday night [12/19/2018] by the homeowner, Anderson county deputies said.  The shooting happened at a home on Chauga Drive behind the Walmart on Highway 28, deputies said.  Deputies said at least two people tried to break into the home and one was fatally shot.

WPD: 'Aggressive' panhandler shot in downtown Wilmington after attacking man.  Police say an "aggressive" panhandler was shot in downtown Wilmington after attacking a man Monday night [12/17/2018].  According to Jennifer Dandron, spokeswoman for the Wilmington Police Department, officers with the department's downtown task force responded to the 30 block of North Front Street around 9 p.m. after receiving a shots fired report.

Shooting of Criminal by Citizen NOT Reported by Police & NOT Unusual.  On 7 December 2018, at about 7:45 p.m., the owner of the Alibaba's convenience store in Syracuse, New York shot and wounded an armed robber.  The robber ended up in the hospital.  The story made the news.  A local reporter for, Patrick Lohmann, investigated the story and wrote it up.  While doing a followup, Lohmann discovered the store owner had shot another robbery suspect six weeks earlier.  That story did not make the news.

Derrick Hart
Suspected robber shot by victim in Lawrence [Indiana] strip mall.  A suspected robber is now in the hospital after police say he hopped into the wrong car. [...] "Unbeknownst to the robbery suspect, the victim had his own firearm and so they engaged in an exchange of gunfire," [Lawrence police Deputy Chief Gary] Woodruff said.  Woodruff said the suspected robber, identified by police as 18-year-old Derrick Hart, was shot twice.  The victim of the intended robbery was also shot but is now home recovering.

Man Brutally Attacked, Robbed, Then Saved By Armed Wife.  One of my favorite sayings is that God created all men, but Sam Colt made all men equal.  Well, Mr. Colt and his colleagues have made women pretty [...] equal as well, and that's a wonderful thing.  After all, there's a man alive right now that might not have been if his wife weren't armed.

Attacker Killed In Self-Defense Held Up As Evidence Of Gun Violence.  For most folks, having to shoot someone in self-defense is horrific.  It's a traumatizing affair all on its own, completely separate from the attack that necessitated an armed response.  But it's something that has to be done, or else you're going to die at the hands of a maniac.  Imagine, though, sometime later you find out that the man who attacked you, who tried to strangle you, was being held up as a victim of "gun violence."  How would you respond?  Well, that's the reality facing one woman right now.

Store Clerk Shoots Suspect, Foils Robbery.  An armed clerk shot a suspect and foiled a robbery at the Cowboy Store in Fort Worth, Texas, on Wednesday morning [12/5/2018].  The Star-Telegram reports that the incident occurred around 4:00 a.m.  The Dallas Morning News reports that the suspect, 27-year-old Kenneth Darnell Bridgewater, was armed when he entered the store; he attempted to rob the business but was thwarted by an armed clerk who shot him in the leg.

Woman Kills Escaped Prisoner Who Kicked Her Door In.  I'm not sure anything will get the collective heart rates of a community racing quite like an escaped prisoner in the area.  Hollywood has told us countless stories of the horrors that can befall people at the hands of escapees.  The fact that some of these are based on true stories certainly doesn't help with that.  For one South Carolina woman, that fear became all too real, until she used her Second Amendment rights to rewrite the script.

Prison Escapee Is Fatally Shot by Woman After He Breaks Into Her Home, Sheriff Says.  A felon who escaped from a South Carolina prison early Tuesday morning and barged into a woman's home was fatally shot by the homeowner in what the local sheriff described as a "shining example" of why people should own guns and know how to use them.  The episode began around 2:35 a.m. on Tuesday [12/4/2018] when a pair of Pickens County Prison inmates hatched what Sheriff Rick Clark said was a "premeditated plan" to escape.  While the authorities said they were still investigating exactly how the inmates got out of the prison, in the northwest corner of the state, Sheriff Clark said the inmates assaulted two detention officers in the process.  By Tuesday night, the officers were "sore and a little bruised," but resting at home with injuries that were not life threatening, the sheriff said.

Police:  Barbershop owner shot attacker in self-defense.  Philadelphia police say a barbershop owner shot and wounded a man [11/12/2018] who he says was attacking him.

Armed robber [was] shot [and] killed with [his] own gun after [the] victim [fought] back.  An armed robbery on Detroit's east side didn't go as expected when a victim decided to fight back late Monday night [11/12/2018].  Police say a botched armed robbery turned deadly when two robbers approached a man on Annott Street demanding cash.  The victim was able to wrestle the gun away from one of the suspects — killing one armed suspect and wounding the other.

W. E. Flint
WPD: Suspect shot by victim during armed robbery.  An armed robbery suspect was shot by one of his would-be victims Wednesday night [11/14/2018], according to Wilmington [NC] police.  Wilmington Police Department officials say officers responded to the 500 block of Steamboat Springs Avenue Wednesday night in reference to an armed robbery in progress.  The suspect fled the scene before they arrived.

Intruder shot to death by Tigard homeowner.  An intruder was shot to death by the owner of a small townhouse in Tigard early Wednesday [11/14/2018] while 2 teenagers were at home.  Tigard police said the homeowner called 911 around 7 a.m. to report the trespasser.  When officers arrived at the home on SW Sage Terrace, the suspect, later identified as Jose Luis Gonzalez Jr., was dead.

Armed man helps subdue suspect in deadly stabbing in Seattle.  A Good Samaritan with a concealed carry permit is being credited with helping to subdue a man involved in a deadly stabbing on Friday at a busy tourist spot in Seattle.  Scott Brown was working at one of the food stands in the Armory, the food-court area in the Seattle Center, when the stabbing took place.

Police: Burglary Suspect Shot, Killed By Homeowner In Mt. Oliver.  Allegheny County Homicide Unit Detectives said a suspect is dead after an attempted home invasion in Mount Oliver.  Lt. Andrew Schurman said the man who resides in the home on Sherman Avenue shot and killed the intruder just after 5 a.m. Thursday [11/1/2018].  Detectives said the intruder had a weapon "similar to an assault rifle" and they think he entered through a second-story window.

South Carolina Mother Shoots Man During Attempted Home Invasion.  A South Carolina mother of three shot a man who knocked down the door to her house in an attempted home invasion.  Ashley Jones told Fox that she heard someone banging on the door of her house in Anderson County on Nov. 1 around 6 a.m.  She looked out the window but couldn't see who was at the door, so she asked through the door who it was.  No one answered her but she heard people talking to each other so she grabbed her gun.

Suspect 'critical' after armed homeowner fires back: reports.  An armed resident returned fire and critically wounded a 19-year-old suspect after a drive-by shooting resulted in the death of an 11-year-old girl who was inside her family's home in a suburb north of Las Vegas on Thursday night, according to reports.

Masked Man Opens Fire At A McDonald's.  Heroic Pistol-Packing Dad Ends Him.  A masked gunman who opened fire in an Alabama McDonald's restaurant on Saturday night was met with gunfire that ended his life from a pistol-packing father, a man who's been rightly praised as a hero by store employees.  According to WBRC-TV, an armed man wearing a mask entered the Birmingham McDonald's when an employee opened the front door for a father and his sons to leave the establishment.  When the masked man opened fire, the father pulled out his pistol and began firing at the suspect.

Alabama McDonald's gunman killed by armed dad, who is injured in shootout.  A brave dad armed with a pistol stopped what could have been a mass shooting Saturday inside an Alabama McDonald's when he took down a masked gunman who had stormed in and opened fire.  The unidentified father was leaving the establishment with his sons when a masked man walked into the Birmingham fast-food restaurant and started shooting, WBRC-TV reported.  The father returned fire and, during the ensuing shootout, the gunman, the father and one of the man's teenage sons were struck, according to the station.  The gunman, who was not identified, later died of his injuries.  The other two injuries were not considered life-threatening.

Kootenai County homeowner shoots and kills intruder.  The Kootenai County Sheriff's Office is investigating an early morning home invasion where the homeowner shot and killed the intruder.  Deputies were called to a home near Post Falls early Monday morning [10/29/2018] at about 1:30 am following the shooting.  The Sheriff's Office says the intruder broke into the home and was shot and killed by the homeowner.

Police: Lexington homeowner fires shots at robber leaving scene.  Lexington police responded to a robbery Friday afternoon on Jacks Creek Road.  The homeowner says someone came in the side door of his house, and he thought it was a farm worker.  It turned out to be a man wearing a gray bandana with a gun.  The robber told the homeowner to get on the ground before taking money from his pockets.  The robber was looking to steal firearms, but the victim was able to convince the robber to not take the weapons.

Suspect dead, woman injured after home invasion.  Police are investigating a home invasion in an upscale New Mexico neighborhood that left the suspect dead and a woman injured.  Ruidoso Police say an intruder broke into a home on Country Club Drive just before 6:30 Thursday morning [10/25/2018].  "The scene is secure.  There is no public safety threat," said Kerry Gladden, a spokesperson for the Village of Ruidoso.

Woman with baby in car shot and killed suspected kidnapper during police chase.  A woman shot and killed a man while he was driving a car carrying a 10-month-old baby on Thursday [10/25/2018] in California, police said. [...] Police said the chaos started a few blocks away from the crash.  That's when a woman in a car tried to flag down an officer, saying the driver was kidnapping her, according to the Fairfield Police Department.  "I think she yelled something to the effect that she was being assaulted and then the vehicle drove away," Fairfield Police Lt. Greg Hurlbut said.

Shootout in West Oak Lane take-out restaurant leaves would-be robber critical, police say.  Philadelphia police said a gun battle erupted inside of a West Oak Lane take-out restaurant Thursday night [10/25/2018].  It happened just before 8 p.m. on the 7300 block of North 19th street.  Police were called to Peter's Chicken and Seafood for a report of an armed robbery with shots fired.  Officers said when they arrived they were informed there was a shootout inside of the store between a would-be robber and the shop owner.

Homeowner Catches, Detains Burglar At Gunpoint:  Sheriff.  A homeowner in Happy Valley captured and detained a burglar who was caught red-handed stealing items from the homeowner's property, according to the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office.  Also arrested was the alleged burglar's so-called lookout, who was found sleeping in the getaway car one block away.  Oregon City resident Edward Carleton Cerf, 20, and Milwaukie resident Gabriella Maureen Solis, 19, were taken to Clackamas County Jail and charged with burglary.  Cerf is also being held on a parole violation.

Intruder shot during fierce fight in Orange County home, deputies say.  An intruder was shot late Wednesday [10/24/2018] in a fierce struggle with a resident during an Orange County home invasion, sheriff's deputies said.

Clerk foils holdup at former Mayor Charlie Smithgall's pharmacy; 1 suspect shot, second at large.  A clerk foiled a robbery Tuesday afternoon [10/23/2018] at Smithgall's Pharmacy in Lancaster city by shooting one of two alleged robbers, hitting the man several times, police said.  The other alleged robber, who was wearing a black mask and black clothing, fled the West Lemon Street pharmacy and remained at large at last report Tuesday.  "They came to the store on a mission," police Chief Jarrad Berkihiser said of the suspects.

Sheriff: Armed homeowner shoots intruder in barn.  A homeowner armed with a shotgun confronted and shot an intruder in his pole barn Tuesday night [8/14/2018].  When the homeowner, a 79-year-old man, heard an intruder in the pole barn around 11:20 at his home in Inland Township he grabbed a shotgun and confronted the man, according to Benzie County Sheriff's Deputies.  After telling the man to get off his property, the homeowner reported the intruder came toward him in a threatening manner, deputies said.

Richmond Homeowner Shoots Intruder in Self-Defense:  Police.  A home-invasion robbery suspect was shot while breaking into a residence in Richmond early this morning, according to police.  The shooting was reported at 12:15 a.m. at a residence in the 3100 block of Alta Mira Drive.  Investigators said a 47-year-old man attempted to break into two homes, and then after allegedly entered a third home by breaking a window.

Homeowner shoots intruder.  The El Dorado County Sheriff's Office is reporting that an intruder was hospitalized after a homeowner in Cool fired several rounds at the suspect.  The incident took place in Cool's Indian Rock Road area on Monday night.  The initial report to authorities was that a home-invasion was taking place.  "The caller said a man entered their residence and began damaging the inside," the Sheriff's Office reported.  "The caller was able to safely escape with his wife and young child to a neighbor's residence."

Naked intruder shot by Aurora homeowner was a known gang member.  An Aurora police officer on Monday [7/30/2018] shot a man, Richard Black, after Black shot an intruder, according to the family attorney.  The intruder has since been identified as Dajon Harper, a known gang member with a lengthy criminal history.

Burglary suspect stopped by armed homeowner while 'lookout' slept in car, police say.  An Oregon homeowner held a burglar at gunpoint last week after she caught him attempting to leave her house with stolen items, police said.  Authorities in Clackamas County responded to a burglary report at a home in Happy Valley, around 2:50 p.m.  Oct. 18, Portland's Fox 12 Oregon reported.  Responding officers found homeowner Dawn Lisa-DesVoigne holding the burglar at gunpoint.

Police: Intruder dies after being shot by Orem homeowner.  A 49-year-old man died from his injuries after he was shot by a homeowner during a confrontation Monday morning [10/15/2018], police said.  The homeowner told police he heard a noise coming from his detached garage near 400 North and 800 West about 7 a.m., according to Orem Police Lt. Craig Martinez.  The homeowner then grabbed a handgun and confronted the 49-year-old man who was in the garage, Martinez said.  The homeowner then shot the intruder multiple times after a confrontation in the garage, according to Martinez.

KPD: Suspected burglar who died after homeowner shot him during break-in identified.  A suspected burglar has died after a homeowner allegedly shot him when he was breaking into a home on Lamp Drive early Thursday morning [10/11/2018].  A preliminary investigation into the attempted burglary and shooting shows a male started beating on the door and trying to get into the home around 1:22 a.m.  When he couldn't get in, he tried to break into a window while armed with a handgun, according to KPD.

Police say man shoots intruder at his home.  Police are investigating after a woman called to report that her husband had shot an intruder in their home [9/13/2018].

East side homeowner shoots intruder.  A homeowner on Detroit's east side shot in intruder early Thursday [9/27/2018], police said.  The shooting took place about 2 a.m. on the 12000 block of Minden, which is south of East McNichols and east of Gunston.  Officer Dan Donakowski said the suspect forced entry through a window, but then heard the victim moving around and tried to hide behind a couch.

Suspected burglar shot dead by Albuquerque homeowner.  Police say the way an intruder got into an Albuquerque home should serve as a warning to others.  Albuquerque Police say that burglar managed to get a garage door open from the outside, but the Foothills homeowner confronted the suspect and shot and killed him on site [10/4/2018].  The incident is apparently in-line with a trend seen by officers, and anyone with a garage door with windows and a safety pull cord on the inside track should take note.

Alleged intruder shot by homeowner in Pittsylvania County has died, officials say.  The man shot by a Pittsylvania County homeowner after officials say he tried to force himself into the person's home on Sunday night has died, according to investigators.  Staff at Carilion Hospital in Roanoke say that 22-year-old Nicholas Marlowe died shortly before midnight on Sunday night [9/30/2018].  Investigators say they returned to the scene Monday to talk with potential witnesses and to review the scene.

Resident scares off home invaders with gun, Michigan police search for suspects.  Michigan State Police are in search of suspects who attempted a home invasion in Bainbridge Township Wednesday night [9/26/2018], but were scared off by an armed homeowner.  Christina Utley and her family live just off of M-140 in Bainbridge Township and Wednesday night just before midnight, she says she heard suspicious noises outside her home and woke up her boyfriend just in time to stop a home invasion.

Bystander shoots at dog that attacked, injured 2 children, Racine police say.  Two youths were injured when they were attacked by a pit bull terrier Wednesday morning [9/26/2018], according to Racine police.  According to police Sgt. Adam Malacara, officers responded at 8:57 a.m. to the 700 block of Sydney Drive for reports of a dog bite and gunshots.  An investigation revealed that two children had been walking to their bus stop when they were attacked by a dog.  A citizen in the area heard the children screaming and saw the dog attacking them.

Hope Mills woman assaulted, intruder shot during home break-in.  Officers were told that a man had broken into the residence [9/27/2018] and assaulted a woman inside the house and that another occupant fired a shot at the intruder, the release said.  The woman who was assaulted had injuries that were not life-threatening.

East side homeowner shoots intruder.  A homeowner on Detroit's east side shot in intruder early Thursday [9/27/2018], police said.  The shooting took place about 2 a.m. on the 12000 block of Minden, which is south of East McNichols and east of Gunston.  Officer Dan Donakowski said the suspect forced entry through a window, but then heard the victim moving around and tried to hide behind a couch.

Gun, knife struggle in Minot apartment building results in arrest.  An apparent fight between a man brandishing a large knife and another with a shotgun at a southwest Minot apartment building has resulted in the arrest of one of the men.  Blake Lund, 37, of Minot, was arrested after police said an investigation revealed that he had forced open a door to an apartment and confronted a man with the knife about 6:45 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 24.  The apartment resident retrieved a shotgun for self-defense, police said, and Lund then tried to disarm the man.  A shot fired which resulted in police being called.

Man claims self-defense in motel shooting.  A Texas man says he shot a would-be mugger who came at him with a knife early Friday morning [9/21/2018] outside a Clovis motel.  Zion Flores, 20, of Mission, Texas, said he was in his car about 8:15 a.m. when two men came toward him, one slashing his tire with a knife.  Flores said he responded by pulling a gun and firing in self-defense.

Cicero's top cop praises concealed gun holder who fired at suspect after officer shot.  Cicero's top cop is praising the actions of a concealed gun holder who opened fire on a suspect who had shot one of the town's officers after a traffic stop on the Stevenson Expressway during evening rush hour Thursday [9/13/2018].  "We were lucky enough to have a citizen on the street there who is a conceal carry holder, and he engaged in gunfire with the suspect," Cicero Police Supt. Jerry Chlada Jr. said outside Mount Sinai Hospital, where Officer Luis Duarte was listed in good condition after undergoing surgery for four bullet wounds to the arm, leg and side.

Pharmacist Uses Firearm To Thwart Robbery.  Guns save lives.  We've said that a thousand times here at Bearing Arms and we're not unique.  Every gun website on the internet has made that argument, and we're not unique either.  Just about every gun rights activist and supporter has made the same claim.  And, more importantly, we can back it up with both data and anecdotes, such as the pharmacist who stopped a robbery in his store.

Homeowner Shoots, Kills One Of Three Armed Intruders.  Police are investigating after a homeowner shot and killed one of three armed intruders shortly after midnight.  It happened on East Overton Road.  The homeowner told police he was surprised when three armed men attempted a home invasion robbery.  He grabbed his own gun, fatally shooting one of them, and the other two fled on foot.

Good Girl with a Gun Saves Her Mother's Life, Perhaps Saves the Entire Family.  When police arrived Steven Kelley, 46, was dead from two gunshot wounds.  The gun was fired by the daughter of the woman he was choking to death.  According to WBTV, "The DA's office concluded, based on the facts and the evidence, that the shooting was justified and no charges will be filed."  Steven Kelley was a convicted felon and "had multiple guns in the house and frequently carried one," the report said.  He had also threatened girlfriend Chandra Nierman before.

Two Armed Men Arrested After Pharmacy Owner Opens Fire & Foils Robbery.  Just recently, two armed men barged into a pharmacy in Princess Anne, Maryland and attempted to rob it.  Thankfully, though, the owner of the pharmacy also had a firearm.  Upon hearing the commotion caused by the robbery, he grabbed his handgun and went to investigate.  Moments later, he reportedly saw one of the robbers who had targeted his store for theft holding what appeared to be an "assault rifle" and promptly opened fire, causing the two punks, who likely didn't expect that to happen, to flee.

Kokomo homeowner holds burglary suspect at gunpoint until police arrive.  A Kokomo resident sits in jail on a felony burglary charge after police say a husband and wife caught the man in the middle of a home invasion, chased him down and held the suspect at gunpoint until officers arrived.  Marcus Woolever, 27, is being held at the Howard County Jail on a $20,000 bond following the incident, which involved a red pull-behind wagon loaded with goods, ready to be stolen, inside a home in the 1000 block of East Vaile Avenue.

Man Keeps Committing Crimes... Gets Shot and Killed.  Most people do not want to become involved in violence.  But violence only takes one party.  Violence can come to people if they want it or not.  Eventually, perpetrators run into someone who fights back.  Sometimes, the perpetrator does not survive the encounter.  Smart criminals learn and decide not to continue their criminal acts.

Sheriff: Armed homeowner shoots intruder in barn.  When the homeowner, a 79-year-old man, heard an intruder in the pole barn around 11:20 [pm, 8/14/2018] at his home in Inland Township he grabbed a shotgun and confronted the man, according to Benzie County Sheriff's Deputies.  After telling the man to get off his property, the homeowner reported the intruder came toward him in a threatening manner, deputies said.  Deputies said the homeowner fired a single shot and hit the the intruder in both legs.

Intruder shot during robbery in Robeson County.  A man is in the hospital after he was shot Monday night [8/13/2018] when he tried to rob a couple at their home on McMillan Road in the Pembroke area of Robeson County, according to Robeson County Sheriff Ken Sealey.  Sealey said the man came to the home armed with gun.  He added the man knocked on the door and, when the couple let him inside, he pulled out a gun to rob them.

Cable repairman shoots armed robber in Northline.  An 18-year-old man was shot late Tuesday [8/14/2018] while attempting to rob a pair of cable repairmen in north Houston, police said.  The attempted robbery happened just before midnight, said Lt. Larry Crowson of the Houston Police Department.  Two cable repairmen were working on a cable box in the Northline neighborhood, near Fulton and Veenstra.  At least two armed men approached them and attempted to rob them, Crowson said, but one of the repairmen — who has a concealed handgun license — pulled out a gun.

No charges against Beaver Falls pizza delivery man who killed alleged robber.  A pizza delivery man in Beaver Falls who shot and killed a man who stabbed him and attempted to rob him will not be charged, according to a news release issued by police.  Beaver Falls police Chief John Deluca described the Aug. 10 shooting as a "justifiable use of deadly force."  "Upon confirming all of these facts with the Beaver County District Attorney David Lozier, we do not anticipate filing criminal charges against the victim at this time," Deluca said in the release.

Police: Raleigh man found shot to death suspected in convenience store robbery.  A man found shot to death in north Raleigh late Saturday might have been wounded in a convenience store robbery that night, police said Monday [8/13/2018].  The body of Derrick Malik Wiley, 21, was found in the 4200 block of Waterbury Road, off New Hope Church Road just west of Capital Boulevard.  Investigators said Wiley was a suspect in a robbery of a Mini Mart in the 5500 block of Old Wake Forest Road.  During that incident, a store employee exchanged gunfire with the robber.

Texas woman shoots man who reportedly exposed himself, tried to break into her house.  A Texas grandmother shot a man who was reportedly masturbating and trying to break into her home Tuesday evening [8/7/2018], Houston police say. [...] She told police the man followed her to her front door and tried to break [in].  That's when she said she fired at him through the door, striking him in the chest, Crowson said.

Good Guy with a Gun Stops a Potential Mass Shooter at a School Event.  A good guy with a gun stopped a potential mass shooter Saturday who opened fire on a back to school event.  An armed bystander shot a man who open-fired following a fistfight, police said.  The shooter returned to the park after a fistfight and began firing.  A bystander licensed to a carry a firearm then shot the shooter, who was flown to a nearby hospital with life-threatening injuries, police said.  The bystander who shot the suspect waited for officers and has been fully cooperative with the investigation, police said.

Armed Bystander Halts Mass Shooting During School Cookout At Florida Park.  A Florida man is being hailed a hero after he took out a gunman who opened fire at a park during a back-to-school event.  According to police, an altercation broke between the suspect and another individual during a cookout at a park in Titusville on Saturday night [8/4/2018].  Authorities said the suspect left the park and returned with a gun a short while later and opened fire onto a crowd of more than 100 people, including children.  That's when an armed bystander — with a license to carry permit — pulled out his gun and shot the suspect.

Mystery Man at McAllen Mall Robbery:  Armed Citizen or Plain Clothes Police?  In a video of the attempted armed robbery of a McAllen, Texas mall jewelry store, the seven suspects were captured by three armed people.  One of the armed people, in a uniform, is said to be a police officer working mall security.  Another one, in a red shirt, is said to be a citizen with a Texas license to carry, in a Fox News Video.  The third, showing a badge in his left hand, appears to be another police officer.

Man wounded after attempted burglary in Centreville.  Fairfax County police are investigating a shooting after a reported burglary attempt Monday morning [7/30/2018] near Centreville, Virginia. [...] A homeowner, they said, apparently confronted a man on his property near the front porch.  The homeowner then fired a gun several times, wounding the man.  It appears the two did not know each other, police said.

Miller County homeowner shoots intruder.  According to the Miller County Sheriff's Office, deputies responded to a home in the 100 block of Old Bagnell Road in Eldon, Missouri on Monday, July 23 for a reported shooting. [...] Investigators told ABC 17 News that deputies learned during the investigation the gunshot victim unlawfully entered the home with a hatchet and made threats toward the owner.  The homeowner reportedly got into a fight with the person and shot the intruder once they entered the home.

Prosecutor: Homeowner who shot intruder was "justified".  Miller County's prosecutor says a homeowner was justified when they shot an intruder last week.  The Miller County's Sheriff's Office said it happened July 23 at 116 Old Bagnell Road.  Investigators say the intruder entered the residence illegally and started a confrontation with the homeowner, who shot him in the arm.

Intruder shot and killed in south St. Louis home.  A violent attack in south St. Louis left a man dead, but the person who pulled the trigger is not being charged with a crime.  It's because St. Louis police said the man who died broke into a home, and the man inside shot and killed that intruder, possibly in self-defense.

Man shoots at burglar in bedroom of east Las Vegas home.  Las Vegas police are investigating Wednesday morning after a man shot at a burglar standing in the bedroom in his east Las Vegas home.  Police were called about 3:30 a.m. to a home at 2727 San Vincente St., near Pecos Road and Carey Avenue, according to Metropolitan Police Department Lt. David Gordon.  The man was home alone when he woke up to a noise and saw another man in his bedroom, Gordon said.  He grabbed a handgun and fired three shots at the other man, who ran away.

Bus Driver Shoots Man After Being Hit With Pepper Spray on I-95 in Delaware, Police Say.  A bus driver shot a man who sprayed him with pepper spray during an altercation on I-95 in New Castle, Delaware, according to police. [...] Both men then got out of their vehicles and an altercation ensued, police said.  The driver of the Durango, a 53-year-old Wilmington man, allegedly took out pepper spray and sprayed the bus driver in the face.  The bus driver then pulled out a handgun and fired at the 53-year-old man, striking him in the upper torso, police said.

Armed 80-year-old finds intruder inside home, holds him until police arrive.  An 80-year-old homeowner asked News 4 not to reveal his identity but said he returned home recently to find clues that someone had been in and around his house. [...] The man didn't wait for police, he grabbed a handgun and started searching the house himself.  When he looked in the basement he saw more clues someone had been in the home.  "Well I had to reach in and turn a light on under the steps and that was a little bit concerning but I did it.  When I stepped inside he was really on his knees.  I guess when I turned that light on he was starting to get up," said the homeowner.  The man said he checked the burglar to make sure he wasn't armed and then marched him outside to wait for police.  The homeowner's 53-year-old son was outside and on the phone with a police dispatcher.

Woman fends off East Memphis home intruders with shotgun.  [Scroll down]  "Then I heard a boom and things went silent, and thought she had burst in through the wood door at front and it just got quiet."  The woman was trying to come in through the front door.  At that point, Lyne's two dogs lost it.  And that's when she swallowed her fears and grabbed the shotgun her husband told her to use for protection.  Now charging for the side door, where the woman had broken the glass and ready to come in, Lyne and the shotgun stopped the woman dead in her tracks.

Seven Armed Illegal Aliens Charged in Texas Mall Robbery.  Seven Mexican nationals who entered the U.S. illegally were arraigned on Monday after they attempted to rob a jewelry store at gunpoint in the La Plaza Mall in McAllen, Texas, on Saturday [7/28/2018], local media and Fox News reported.  The seven men were charged with aggravated robbery.  During they robbery they brandished handguns and smashed the glass display cases.  There were no injuries or gunfire during the attempted robbery, and an undercover police officer with a concealed-carry handgun helped stop the crime.

Texas: Intruder Holds His Wife at Gunpoint, Man Shoots Intruder in the Head.  Here's another "good guy with a gun" story that did not quite make the national news.  What do you do when someone comes to your home and holds one of your family members at gunpoint?  In Texas they do not hesitate.  They shoot to kill.

Good Gal With a Gun Saves Co-Worker from Violent Thug.  A waitress at a George Webb restaurant in Milwaukee was attacked on June 28 by a regular customer at the restaurant who felt she wasn't serving him fast enough, Fox News reported.  After cursing at the server throughout the night, he came behind the counter and punched her in the face.  Seconds later, another waitress with a concealed carry permit pulled out a handgun from her waistband and pointed at him until he backed off.

Restaurant Employee Pulls Gun on Thug Who Punched a Woman, Ends Situation.  In a video that is circulating across Twitter, a man can be seen venturing back into the kitchen of a George Webb restaurant.  The woman at the grill is clearly confused, when all of a sudden the man punches the worker in the face.  That is when her co-worker whips out a gun and points it at the attacker.  The man moves towards the armed woman, but she holds her ground.  He then leaves.

Armed Mother 1, Carjacker/Kidnapper 0.  According to the report, the woman left her two kids in the car when she ran into a Dallas-era Shell station.  She then jumped into the passenger seat when the carjacker jumped into the driver's seat.  She ordered him to stop, but nevertheless he persisted.  So she grabbed her gun out of the the glove box and shot him.

Mom shoots man who took her car with kids inside.  A woman shot a man who she says took her car at a southern Dallas gas station Wednesday night [7/4/2018].  Michelle Booker-Hicks told FOX 4 it happened around 10 p.m. as she was paying for her gas at a Shell station along Interstate 35 near Camp Wisdom Road.  Booker-Hicks saw a man get into the car with her 2 and 4-year-old sons in the back seat.  She jumped back in too, grabbed a gun from her glove box and shot the man in the face to get him to stop.

A warning shot to the face:
Dallas Woman Rescues Toddlers From Carjacker By Shooting Him In The Head.  On Wednesday night [7/4/2018], a woman in Dallas, Texas, rescued her two toddlers after a man jumped into her SUV and tried to drive away with them.  Michelle Booker-Hicks jumped into the passenger seat and ordered the man to stop the car.  When he refused, she reached into the glove box, pulled out a gun and shot him in the head, causing him to drive into a utility pole.  Michelle Booker-Hicks said she was paying for gas at a Shell gas station around 10 p.m.  Wednesday when the suspect climbed inside her SUV and tried to carjack the car with her two little boys.

MSNBC Ignores Woman Who Used Gun to Save Her Children from Carjacker.  Between Thursday evening [7/5/2018] and Friday morning, most of the networks ran at least one report on a mother in Dallas who shot a carjacker as he tried to steal her car while her two young children were still inside.  But the far-left MSNBC has been true to form in not making any room during its 24 hour a day airtime to give any attention to this story of a woman using a gun to defend her children which even CNN made room for a few times.  CBS also has not given any attention to the story so far.

The Editor says...
I'm no lawyer, but as far as I know, carjacking is not a legal term.  The suspect found a vehicle unlocked with the engine running.  He got in and drove off.  If he had used a weapon or had taken the vehicle by threat or force he probably would have been charged with aggravated robbery instead of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle.  He is also charged with unlawful restraint, not kidnapping, because he was apparently after the car, not the kids in the back seat.
Here's a tip of the hat to Terry Van Sickle for his free advice on the technicalities.

Hartford woman shot and killed man attempting to break into home.  Geneva County Sheriff Tony Helms told WDHN that just after 8 p.m.  June 23, emergency responders arrived at a rural home on County Road 69, outside of Hartford.  Helms said that before their arrival, a Hispanic male had attempted to break through a door of the residence when the woman inside repeatedly told the individual to get away that she had called authorities.  Helms said that when the individual began to gain entry into the home, the woman got a shotgun and fired through the door striking and killing the man.

Neighbor shoots burglar at southeast Houston home, police say.  Two teenage girls hid inside a bedroom while a man broke into their home in Southeast Houston and a neighbor shot him, according to police.  Police said a man knocked on the front door of a house on Ventura near Marietta about 7:30 a.m.  Tuesday [6/26/2018].  A 12-year-old girl and 14-year-old girl inside the home didn't answer the door, police said.  Police said Damond Augbon, 19, went to the back of the home and broke in through a window.

Virginia mother shoots armed man, 25, who flew 8,500 miles from New Zealand and tried to break into her home.  A man from New Zealand was shot after he travelled to the home of a 14-year-old girl in Virginia he was reportedly communicating with online.  Troy George Skinner, 25, was shot on Friday after he allegedly smashed a glass door and tried to enter the home in Goochland, Virginia.  He is now fighting for his life after being shot in the neck by the girl's mother.

Suspected intruder shot at North Little Rock home, police say.  North Little Rock police said a suspected intruder was shot Tuesday morning [6/19/2018] while breaking into a home.  When officers responded shortly after 11 a.m. to the Somerset Drive address, the 34-year-old resident told them he was watching a movie with a female guest when heard an individual kicking his front door.

2 dead in home invasion; Cocoa police search for 2 other suspects.  Jaleen Malik Howard's last action to protect his apartment from three home invaders may have provided one of the biggest clues into who killed him. [...] One round from Howard's gun struck and fatally wounded Rahkwon Shiem Yarveez Oquendo, 22, causing him to collapse in the street in front of the Peachtree Apartments on Peachtree Street east of U.S. 1.  [6/19/2018]

Woman shoots 'high' 16-year-old intruder in her Pierce County home.  A Pierce County woman called 911 at 3:15 Saturday morning [6/16/2018] to report that she had just shot an unknown intruder in her home, located on 118th Street South in Parkland, Washington.  Parkland is located in Pierce County, about 40 miles south of Seattle.  The woman told dispatchers she was holding the suspect at gunpoint and "said she was unable to let the deputies inside her home because the injured suspect was laying against her front door," the Pierce County Sheriff's Department said in a news release.

Burglary suspect shot by shop owner in Temple City.  A man who broke into a Temple City business early Monday [6/18/2018] was shot and wounded by the owner, authorities said.  Sheriff's Lt. Tom McNeil said the injured suspect was expected to survive.  Deputies caught a second suspect who fled the scene when he crashed several streets away, in the 4400 block of Temple City Boulevard.  The two men had tried to break into an automotive business in the 4700 block of Miller Drive around 4 a.m., the lieutenant said.  The owner was at the shop.

Media Lining Up to Defend Black Teen Shot in Carjacking, Attempted Murder.  What's it like to feel powerless?  A lieutenant in the Chicago Fire Department may find out.  The fireman committed the grave sin of defending himself and his property from an aggressor.  Now he is the target of a social media campaign to ex post facto punish him for having the audacity to protect what is rightfully his.

Pastor who shot suspect in Tumwater carjacking spree tells his story.  [David] George isn't just the pastor of the Oakville Assembly of God Church.  He describes himself as a trained EMT with the town's fire department, a certified gun-range safety officer and a licensed concealed-carry holder who has trained for active shooter situations.  George is the man who has been called a hero for using the gun he carries to stop the bizarre and deadly rampage of carjackings and shootings by McCleary resident Tim O. Day that ultimately injured three people, one critically.

Armed Civilians Shoot Would-Be Mass Shooter At Washington Walmart.  "There were three civilians going after him (the shooter) to shoot him and two of them had their guns up — and then the third guy shot him through the window of the car," explains Megan Chadwick to KIRO 7 news, as she witnessed a would-be mass shooter taken out by multiple armed citizens at a Walmart just outside of Olympia, WA.

"Suspected Walmart robber tries to carjack two different cars, both drivers pull out guns".  The robber tries to carjack a vehicle, but the driver pulls a concealed handgun on him.  He then tries to carjack a second driver, only to find that she is also armed.  At that point, the driver gives up and hides in the restroom of a nearby store.  [Jacksonville, Florida, June 12, 2018.]

Robber shot in Oak Lawn.  Police responded to the area of Cedar Springs Road and Hawthorne Avenue around 3:25 a.m. after a person said someone tried to rob them.  Police said the victim pulled a handgun and shot the suspect to protect himself and the suspect fled to a hospital.

Nebraska man shoots intruder in his home.  Officers were sent to a house in Wisner around 6:50 a.m. Thursday [5/24/2018] on a report that someone was trying to break into the locked home.  They found a wounded man lying on a floor inside and a resident armed with a handgun that had been fired.

Intruder shot by homeowner in Worcester facing trespassing, assault charges.  A 29-year-old Worcester man who was shot by a homeowner early Sunday morning [4/29/2018] while allegedly trespassing in his yard will be arraigned Tuesday on criminal charges, police said.  Zachary Bailey is expected to be arraigned in Worcester District Court on charges of attempted breaking and entering into a motor vehicle, assault and battery, and trespassing in connection with the incident on Second Street, Worcester police said.

Disturbed intruder shot by Kitsap County homeowner.  A 28-year-old man who police said appeared to be delusional was shot by a homeowner in the Southworth area of South Kitsap early Thursday [4/27/2018].  The Kitsap County Sheriff's Office was called to the home at about 2 a.m. on Thursday.  The homeowner said he armed himself and went downstairs to investigate after he heard yelling and loud banging on his living and dining room windows.  His family was home at the time of the incident.

Homeowner kills intruder in Trinity.  A homeowner shot and killed an intruder inside a home in Trinity about 2:15 Mother's Day morning [5/13/2018].  The shooting happened at a house on Trinity's Creek Meadow Drive.  Officers with the Trinity Police Department rushed to the scene.  However, Decatur Police detectives are handling the investigation.  The Decatur Police Department was asked to take over the investigation due to a family conflict, according to Decatur Police spokeswoman Emily Long.  Police say the intruder got his hands on a knife once he made his way inside.

Hero mom saves the day, killing gunman outside school.  A gunman who targeted a group of families gathered for a Mother's Day celebration at a school in Brazil was fatally shot by an off-duty cop.  Katia Sastre was praised by local officials for her bravery and was credited with saving the day.  [Video clip]

Civilians kill gunman after 3 shot at Oklahoma restaurant.  The man suspected of shooting three people inside an Oklahoma City restaurant before being fatally shot by bystanders had no obvious connection to the victims or the restaurant, and was legally authorized to carry a firearm, authorities said Friday [5/25/2018].

Gunman shot dead by armed bystander in restaurant shooting.  A man who injured two people when he opened fire in an Oklahoma City restaurant Thursday night [5/24/2018] was shot dead by an armed bystander, police said.  The suspect walked into a Louie's restaurant in the Lake Hefner area and shot two people inside, according to the Oklahoma City Police Department.  A person with a pistol confronted the gunman and fatally shot him, the cops said.

2 Shot At Louie's On Lake Hefner; Suspect Killed By Armed Citizen.  A mother and daughter were shot Thursday night [5/24/2018] at a popular restaurant on Lake Hefner in northwest Oklahoma City, police said.  The shooting occurred at Louie's Grill & Bar at 9401 Lake Hefner Parkway around 6:30 p.m.  According to Captain Bo Mathews with the Oklahoma City Police Department, the suspect described as an 18 to 20-year-old white male entered the restaurant and opened fire.

Bystander shoots and kills gunman who opened fire on packed Oklahoma restaurant.  An armed passerby has shot dead a gunman who opened fire on a packed Oklahoma restaurant in a terrifying shooting which left a woman and two children injured.  The shooter, a white male who was wearing eye glasses and ear protection at the time, was confronted by a person standing outside the restaurant as he tried to flee, and shot dead.  He was the only person killed in the shooting, which left four in hospital, and Police Captain Bo Matthews told reporters the armed civilian was 'a blessing'.

Turns out Oklahoma restaurant shooter was a security guard who believed he was under demonic attack!.  The man who was taken down by two good guys with a gun, after he shot three people yesterday at restaurant in Oklahoma City, reportedly worked as an armed security guard.  From the sound of it he may have planned on walking away, as he was wearing ear and eye protection when he began shooting: [...]

Man opens fire inside Oklahoma restaurant before 'armed citizen' shoots, kills him, police say.  A man "opened fire" Thursday [5/24/2018] in an Oklahoma restaurant, leaving at least four people injured, before he was fatally shot by a bystander, police said.  The gunfire unfolded at about 6:30 p.m. local time at Louie's on the Lake in Oklahoma City, Fox 25 News reported.

Oklahoma City good guys with guns were 'not average citizens'.  As Twitchy reported, it was not just one but two armed citizens who confronted and killed a man who had opened fire inside an Oklahoma City restaurant Thursday night, injuring three.  We were ready for the spin against the "good guy with a gun" narrative, and it came quickly.  Moms Demand founder Shannon Watts, for example, noted that the gunman was shot in the parking lot after he had shot his victims.  Guess he just should have been allowed to walk away, then?  Now it's Saturday, and she's still trying to downplay the "good guy with a gun" angle.  We agree with her that the men were not average citizens ... they bravely went above and beyond.

Police: Man shoots juvenile after he pulls out gun during motorcycle sale.  Police said officers spoke with John Billett, 47, at the scene, who told them he had made arrangements online to meet with Rodnicka Richardson, 20, to sell a motorcycle.  During their meeting, Billett said Richardson was joined by Khalil Graves, 20, and the juvenile.  When he asked for payment before giving Richardson the motorcycle's papers, the juvenile pulled out a gun and demanded the motorcycle.  Billett, who was armed, shot the juvenile in the neck.

Rabid fox attacks three people in Oswego County.  When George Stevens walked outside into his backyard last Wednesday [5/9/2018], he felt something bite him in the back of the leg.  When he turned around, he was eye-to-eye with an aggressive gray fox.  "After he bit me in the thigh he came back and latched on to my forearm.  I picked my arm up in the air, and he's hanging off my arm, so I grabbed him by the middle of the back and ripped him loose," Stevens said. [...] Eventually, the fox attacked a third man who shot the animal.

Armed intruder shot by apartment resident taken to local hospital.  An armed man who forced his way into an apartment early Friday [5/18/2018] in Waco was shot twice by a resident, police say. [...] Investigators said residents of an apartment in the complex heard a knock on the door, just before midnight.  Not knowing who the person outside was, one of the residents grabbed his pistol, police said.  Minutes later, a second person came to the door and when residents opened it, the armed man forced his way inside where the resident with the pistol was sitting on the couch.

Jack in the Box shooter feared for his safety, says he shot in self defense.  "Whenever people invoke self-defense, we always work slowly and methodically to make sure we have a totality of all the available information," Porter said.  "In this case, we have some video footage which supports Mr. Garris' account."  The shooting is also being reviewed by the Deschutes County District Attorney's Office.

Intruder Shot During Apparent Burglary.  Lt. David Myer of the Springfield Police tells KOLR10 that a man attempted to climb in a window in the apartment complex in the 2800 block of south Nettleton shortly before 2:30 this morning [5/16/2018].  That is when someone inside shot the suspect.

Memphis man robbed at bank, pulls gun on suspects.  An attempted robbery was stopped by the victim after he pulled out his gun in defense.  It happened on the 3700 block of Lamar close to Knight Arnold near Oakhaven.  Court records said Robert Coats and Williams Spears were arrested and charged with aggravated assault and attempted robbery.

Homeowner shoots burglary suspect inside Lake Worth house.  The homeowner said he saw Mouassite holding a flashlight on the second floor of his home.  He then shot Mouassite to "defend himself as well as his wife and daughter," a deputy wrote in the report.  When deputies arrived, the homeowner was chasing Mouassite behind his home, according to a sheriff's office report.  Deputies arrested Mouassite when spontaneously he said, "It's all a mistake, I went into the wrong house," a deputy wrote.  Mouassite had a gunshot wound to his right arm and was taken to JFK Medical Center for treatment.

The Editor says...
Seems like he would notice he was in "the wrong house" before arriving on the second floor.

Intruder fatally shot.  Police arrived to find a 21-year-old lying on the sidewalk with multiple gunshot wounds, according to the release.  The man was transported to Northwest Medical Center, where he died from his injuries, authorities said.  The person who initially called police about a burglary said he heard someone beating on the door of his apartment and didn't get an answer when he asked who was there.  A male and female then kicked in the door and entered the home, prompting the resident to fire a handgun he was armed with, the release states.  [5/14/2018]

Attempted robbery suspect dies after being shot by victim, crashing into yard.  Police said the suspect, identified as 24-year-old Francisco Martinez Jr., was found with gunshot wounds to the chest.  Investigators said Martinez attempted to rob three victims two blocks away, in the area of Northwest 22nd Avenue and 28th Street.

Homeowner Kills Intruder In Trinity.  The shooting happened at a house on Trinity's Creek Meadow Drive.  Officers with the Trinity Police Department rushed to the scene.  However, Decatur Police detectives are handling the investigation.  "The Decatur Police Department was asked to take over the investigation due to a family conflict," according to Decatur Police spokeswoman Emily Long.  Police say the intruder got his hands on a knife once he made his way inside.  He hurt two people.

Civilians used concealed handguns to stop dozens of crimes in the last few weeks.  [For example,] Raleigh, North Carolina, April 26, 2018:  Jonathan Tyrone Peace, 28, has been charged with common law robbery in connection with the incident Thursday in the 300 block of South Blount Street around 3 p.m., police said.  He suffered a gunshot wound to the chest and was rushed for medical treatment to WakeMed. ... Police said Morgen Matthews, 23, was walking on South Blount Street when Peace tried to rob her.  She fired her weapon to stop him from attacking her, police said.  She remained on the scene until police arrived, authorities said. ... The caller said the woman was "violently accosted" before she fired the gun.

Man with concealed weapons permit shoots and kills man who tries to rob him in Gainesville.  A man with a concealed weapons permit pulled out a gun on a robber and shot him to death in Gainesville, police reported.  According to a report in the Gainesville Sun, the shooting appears to be in self defense and the shooter will not face charges.  Police identified the dead man as Arkeen Bennett.  The name of the shooter was not released.  At about 1:15 a.m.  Monday, the man was returning home from the movies with a family member when Bennett pulled a gun and cocked it.  The other man pulled a gun of his own and fired, striking Bennett, who ran to a vehicle and was driven away by someone else.  The other man with the gun then called 911.  Bennett was later found dead.

FBI Claims 8 Active Shooters Thwarted By Good Guy With A Gun.  Every time there's a mass shooting, gun owners routinely comment that we only wish there'd been a good guy with a gun there to stop the attack.  Anti-gunners routinely scoff at such a suggestion, arguing that good guys with a gun don't stop mass shootings.  So, who is right?  Well, according to the FBI, we are.

Woman Uses Her Gun to Defend Her Family, Finds Herself Facing Two Years in Prison.  Imagine living in a Stand Your Ground state and having a crazed, angry individual ram their car into yours.  To make matters worse, your two-year-old daughter is in the car, and your mother is standing nearby.  Fearing for their safety, you grab your unloaded, legally purchased firearm from inside the car to scare off the attacker.  But soon after the incident, you're the one who finds themselves behind bars, serving a two-year mandatory prison sentence on felony possession of a firearm charge because police reports state you committed a felony with your firearm.  Furthermore, the individual who intentionally crashed their car into yours, making you fear for your life and the lives of your family, gets off scot-free.  It sounds like insanity, but this is the account of Siwatu-Salama Ra, a pregnant, African American woman, and legal gun owner.

Grandma, 70, shoots alleged home intruder: 'Kill him before he kills me'.  A gun-toting 70-year-old grandmother took matters into her own hands early Saturday morning [5/5/2018] when she shot and wounded an alleged home intruder attempting to break into her Philadelphia residence.  Maxine Thompson told FOX29 she woke up around 4:30 a.m. and heard banging outside her house.  Police said a 43-year-old man attempted to break into the grandmother's Philadelphia home at the time.

Woman who used gun to save officer's life is sued by criminal's family.  An Indiana woman who used her gun to save the life of a police officer is being sued by the criminal's family for "wrongful death".  The incident occurred started when a police officer and criminal resisting arrest began to fight.  When Kysite could see that the officer was loosing and the criminal was reaching for his gun, she decided to exercise her second amendment right.  The Fraternal Order of Police are covering the officer's legal fees and have set up a Go Fund ME page for Kystie.

23-year-old woman gets her permit, gun.  It pays off big time just a week later.  Morgen Matthews, 23, was simply walking down a Raleigh, North Carolina, street in broad daylight Thursday when an attacker reportedly attempted to rob Matthews.  Lucky for Matthews, she'd gotten her gun permit a year ago and had just bought her very own firearm the week before.

Security guard hit with a pipe.  Police said a man is in the hospital after he was shot by a security guard at a Tulsa QuikTrip Tuesday evening, April 24.  The shooting happened at 9:20 p.m. at the convenience store at Admiral and Memorial.  Police said the man was trying to shoplift from the store when the security guard stopped him.  He later returned to the store with a pipe and hit the guard before officers said the security guard shot him once in the torso.

Brazil Homeowner Shoots an Alleged Intruder, Investigation Under Prosecutor Review.  The Brazil police department told News 10 the incident happened early Sunday morning [4/22/2018].  It happened at a house on Ashley Street.  Officers said they found Raymond Morris with a gunshot wound to his leg.  The homeowner told police Morris kicked in his front door.

Woman pulls gun on would-be robber, saves husband, family says.  Police in Memphis, Tennessee, are searching for a man who allegedly attempted a robbery outside a Whitehaven home in broad daylight [4/22/2018].

He tried to buy an iPhone via Facebook.  Now he's glad he brought a gun to the deal.  Roberto Rodriguez, of Richardson, Texas, wanted an affordable iPhone for his 11-year-old daughter, so he turned to Facebook Marketplace.  He had no idea before the exchange was over, though, he'd have to shoot two people.

Robber attempts to ambush former DeKalb police officer.  Authorities are on the hunt for a dangerous armed robber who ambushed a homeowner in his driveway.  It all happened in a quiet neighborhood in Newton County.  But homeowner Carlos Wicker had a surprise as well.  Wicker was armed, was a former police officer, and says he was more than prepared to take on the suspect [4/17/2018].

Police: Dad shoots intruder — daughter's ex-boyfriend.  A father shot a man at his daughter's home in Santa Ana overnight as the intruder — the woman's ex-boyfriend — tried to crawl through a window, police said.  The incident occurred on Sunday, April 22 at about 1:50 a.m.  Police responded to the house in the 1600 block of W. McFadden earlier, after receiving a domestic violence call, but the ex-boyfriend was not there when they arrived, Santa Ana Police Cpl.  Anthony Bertagna said.  "Apparently, he returned later," Bertagna said.  "The father confronted the suspect as he was coming through a window."

Man shoots, kills carjacking suspect near Millenia mall.  A man in his 20s is dead after a carjacking attempt at a New Texas Fried Chicken east of the Mall at Millenia in Orlando turned fatal early Sunday, an Orange County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman said.  Leon Anthony Ducally, 49, told deputies he shot Jan Demetri Goodman, 26, who was assaulting and carjacking him as he walked into the business at 2200 Americana Boulevard, spokeswoman Jane Watrel said.  Watrel said Ducally has a valid concealed-carry permit.

Suspected burglar shot, killed by homeowner in Greenville Co.  ID'd.  Deputies are investigating the fatal shooting of a suspected burglar.  The Greenville County Sheriff's Office said a resident arrived home Friday morning [4/20/2018] and found someone inside their home on Easterlin Way.  Deputies say the resident fired at least one round before going outside to call law enforcement.  Officers responding to a reported burglary at the home found the subject dead in a closet.

The Invisible Victims of Gun Control.  She'd always "felt safe in her neighborhood," said an unnamed young woman in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.  That is, until around midnight of October 25, 2008, when she heard a crash in her basement.  A 47-year-old registered sex offender named Ronnie W. Preyer had broken into her home.  She "made a beeline to the back door, but Preyer was waiting for her," writes Bridget DiCosmo of the Southeast Missourian.  She fought back, but was punched, "twice, she thinks."  Before leaving, her rapist told her, "Don't tell anybody, I know where you live."  "I wasn't going to tell, but the more I thought about it, the worse I felt," she recalls.  The landlord fixed her window and installed security devices to the doors, and, "in a gesture that may have saved her life, purchased a shotgun for her" before teaching her how to load it.

PD: Resident shoots man after he breaks in, threatens family.  A man who broke into a home in Stockton Saturday morning is dead after a resident shot him, the Stockton Police Department said.  Officers arrived at the home on South Monroe Street at 8:15 a.m., police said.  The resident of the home shot a man who broke into his home and made threats to his family, police said.  He was transported to a hospital but did not survive.

Woman Shoots Hatchet-Wielding Would-Be Robber, Police Say.  A woman shot a hatchet-wielding would-be robber when he confronted her in a parking lot Friday night [4/13/2018], police said.  The man, who has not been identified, walked up to the woman and demanded her keys as she got into her car around 8:40 p.m., according to KOLD.  Instead of her keys, she grabbed her handgun and told him to leave, according to KVOA.

Woman Shoots, Kills Home Invader.  Guns save lives.  We say that over and over, and we provide a mountain of data to prove it, but some people refuse to see it that way.  They look at the numbers and apparently read it as "Blah, blah, blah" or something.  So we tend to share stories of people defending themselves to prove that it does happen and isn't some clever manipulation of data.  You know, like this woman in South Carolina who killed an alleged attacker with a shotgun.

Coroner: Woman shoots, kills intruder armed with shotgun after home invasion.  Cherokee County Coroner Dennis Fowler said a Gaffney man was shot and killed during an alleged home invasion early Friday morning [4/6/2018].  Fowler said a woman shot and killed Charles Shannon Alley, 41, of Tansi Trail after he forced his way into a home while armed and began fighting with another man in the house.

Jason Falconer, Concealed Carry Instructor who Stopped Mall Attack, recieves Congressional Badge of Bravery.  Jason Falconer received the Congressional Badge of Bravery as an off-duty officer.  But Jason was more than an off-duty officer, he was a professional firearms trainer for the Minnesota carry permit.  As with many other instructors, he made it his business to train others to be aware and ready to stop an attack with deadly force, if it became necessary.

Armed robber shot after victim and witness pull their own guns, St. Louis police say.  A would-be robber and one of his intended victims were injured after gunfire erupted at a home on South Jefferson Avenue Wednesday night [4/4/2018], police said.  The robber entered the home and shot a man inside, but another victim in the house was able to get a gun and fire back, and a witness outside also fired shots at the fleeing bandit, police said.  The injured suspect was arrested about eight miles away.

Woman with gun who chased burglary suspect from home confronts him in court.  The Oconee County Sheriff's Office is investigating after a suspect entered a woman's home on Wednesday [4/4/2018].  Deputies said they received a 911 call around 1:45 p.m. about an intruder at a home on North Laurel Street.  According to investigators, a woman at the home was armed and pulled her gun on the suspect, who fled the scene.

Man says he fatally shot intruder at building he was renovating, KC police say.  A man said he fatally shot an intruder early Friday [4/6/2018] at a vacant apartment building he was renovating, according to Kansas City police.

Police: Owner of vacant home shoots intruder in Bartlesville.  The owner of a vacant home shot an intruder who was reportedly hiding in the attic, Bartlesville police said.  The man who was shot was taken to a local hospital then to a Tulsa hospital with injuries that were not life-threatening, police said [4/1/2018].

Man shot in home invasion attempt in Far East Dallas.  A Far East Dallas man fatally shot a man attempting to enter his apartment Tuesday afternoon [4/3/2018], police said. [...] The 28-year-old man whose identity has not been released had reportedly assaulted the 54-year-old homeowner and attempted to enter his apartment, police said.

UK: Man Defends Himself from Burglars, Killing One, and Gets Arrested for Murder.  [T]oday we're learning a retired old [man] defended himself against two burglars in the Olde Country.  He defended himself well, killing one of the burglars.  Only for the bobbies to arrest him — the home-owner and victim — for murder.

Attempted armed robber shot by church security guard in West Garfield Park.  An investigation is underway after an attempted armed robbery suspect is shot overnight by a church security guard.  It happened just after 8 p.m.  Wednesday [3/28/2018] near a church on the 4400 block of West Maypole in West Garfield Park.  Police said a 27-year-old gunman burst into the Maypole Avenue Church of Christ and announced a robbery.  He was immediately confronted by a 57-year-old security guard, who is a concealed carry cardholder.

Arnold pawn shop owner who killed robber won't be charged.  A pawn shop owner who fatally shot an armed robber in his store Thursday [3/22/2018] will not be charged with a crime, police said Wednesday.  Arnold police Thomas Leassner said prosecutors have studied the case and determined the shop owner was justified in killing the gunman.

HPD: Homeowner fatally shoots man breaking into pickup truck.  A homeowner was inside his home when he heard a noise and looked out his window to find a man breaking into his truck.  The homeowner grabbed his gun and ran outside to confront the man when a scuffle ensued and the man was shot [3/26/2018].

Home owner shoots would-be intruder.  A Branch County home-invasion incident was interrupted when the owner of the residence shot and struck one of the three would-be intruders.  State police said the incident occurred around 12:30 a.m.  Tuesday [3/27/2018 (?)] in the 1200 block of Berlew Road in Algansee Township, where the suspects broke out windows and attempted to break-in through the front door.

Media Bias Evident in Coverage of Great Mills High School Shooting.  Just hours after the shooting at Great Mills High School in Maryland that ended without significant blood being shed by innocents thanks to an armed school resource officer (SRO), Gadsen1805 commented regarding an AP story about the incident:  "Good guy with a gun puts an end to a planned mass shooting ... let's see how much press this gets."  A better question Gadsen1805 might have asked is "How is the mainstream media going to twist this to fit their anti-gun agenda?"

Uber Eats driver shoots man during attempted robbery at IHOP, Memphis police say.  An Uber Eats driver told police that he arrived at the restaurant around 12:30 a.m. to pick up a food delivery.  He said as he got in his car, a man approached, pointed a gun at him and demanded his car keys and money, according to a police incident report.  The driver said he reached in the console of his 2016 Hyundai, retrieved his .40-caliber gun and fired twice.  The men who attempted to rob the driver returned fire, police said.

David Vea
Charges: Man stabbed man renting movie who 'gave him a look'.  David Tuipulotu Vea, 21, is charged in 3rd District Court with aggravated assault, a second-degree felony, and possession of a weapon by a restricted person, a third-degree felony.  On March 23, Vea, who had just purchased beer at Holiday Oil, 4391 W. 3500 South, and exited the store, walked up to a man renting a movie at a kiosk, swore at him, and stabbed him three times in the neck with a pocket knife, according to charging documents.  The man responded by going to his car, retrieving his gun, and shooting Vea in the leg, the charges state.  "Vea fell to the ground and dropped the knife, then got up and continued to run," according to the charges.

Two defensive gun uses by concealed handgun permit holders in Chicago this past week.  An armed suburban man with a concealed-carry license intervened in a 3-on-1 beating and robbery in River North yesterday evening, according to a witness and police.  The victim was in the 700 block of North Clark around 8:30 p.m. when three offenders wearing white surgical masks attacked him and began taking his property, police said.  A passing motorist who saw the robbery unfold pulled over, unholstered his concealed firearm and intervened in the attack.

Illinois Man Uses AR-15 To Save A Life.  Time and time again, we're told that there's absolutely no reason to have an AR-15 except to take a human life.  They're "weapons of war," they're tools designed to kill and nothing else, some say.  However, an Illinois man is alive today because of an AR-15 in the hands of a private citizen.

Maryland School Shooting Ended, Assailant Shot Dead By Armed, Trained Guard.  Some anti-gun activists sought to discredit the "good guy with a gun" riposte after Parkland by pointing out that at least one armed police officer — and possibly four — stood outside that besieged Florida high school while a massacre was underway inside.  But that dereliction of duty did not disprove the premise of the argument; it proved that a "good guy with a gun" is useless in the face of evil if he's unwilling to do what is necessary to protect victims.  Which brings us to this morning's school shooting in Maryland — which appears to have been different from Parkland in a number of discrete respects:  (1) This doesn't look like it was intended to be a spree killing, at least at first; officials are telling the media that the male assailant targeted a specific female victim.  (2) We don't yet know what type of gun was used by the would-be killer (as of this writing, there are no reported fatalities, aside from the attempted killer), but based on some context clues, it seems fairly likely that he was not carrying a large semi-automatic rifle, but rather a handgun — the type of weapon used in the vast majority of US gun crime.  We are awaiting further details on this front.  (3) The incident, which could have spiraled into something much more heartbreaking and deadly, was put to a stop by a school resource officer (i.e. a "good guy") with a gun.  This individual reportedly did what the job required and quite possibly saved lives — [...]

Good Man With a Gun Brings School Shooting To a Halt in Maryland.  It may be too early to say exactly what happened at Great Mills High School in Maryland, where a gunman this morning wounded two students.  It's not too soon, though, to wonder whether this will emerge as a vindication of the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre, who coined the formulation that "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun." [...] This strikes us as an important moment, coming, as it does, in the wake of Parkland, when parents, school officials, and legislators all over the country are intensifying their search for policy solutions.  Nearly all of the proposals being offered by liberal think tanks and legislators are focused on narrowing the applicability of the Second Amendment guarantees of the right to keep and bear arms.

Suspect in Weakley County, TN break in shot and killed.  A McKenzie, Tennessee man was killed during a break in Thursday night [3/15/2018]. [...] Deputies say 40-year-old Terry Lee Haynes of McKenzie was shot after he broke into the apartment by kicking in a sliding glass door and confronting the resident of the apartment in his bedroom.  Haynes died at the scene.

Homeowner's son shoots man trying to breaking into garage, police say.  A Milwaukee man shot at an intruder Wednesday afternoon [3/14/2018] who was trying to break into his garage in an alley off 11th Street, between Walker Street and National Avenue, police said.  Police said the man heard a noise near the garage about 2:40 p.m. and went to check it out.  He saw another man trying to pry open the garage door with a crowbar.

Father shoots, kills intruder to protect kids, police say; no charges filed.  A father home with his two children wrestled with a masked intruder, grabbed a gun and shot him to death early Thursday [3/15/2018], DeKalb County police said.  About 12:20 a.m., three people broke into the man's Covington Glen apartment in the 1700 block of Thicket Way and fought with him.  "They had handguns," Lt. Rod Bryant said.  "They started shooting at him." [...] The masked intruder was found dead in the parking lot.  He had on a pair of gloves, Bryant said.

AR-15-Wielding Neighbor Speaks Out, 2 Charged In Stabbing.  A witness used an AR-15 rifle to stop a knife attack Monday in the 100 block of Harbor Drive, the Kendall County Sheriff's Office said.  According to police, deputies responded to a report of one person with a knife and another with a gun at the Oswego Township apartment complex.  An investigation revealed the incident began as a "neighbor dispute," with the suspect inflicting multiple stab wounds on the victim, a 28-year-old man.

AR-15 Used for North Carolina Home Defense.  On the 7th of February, 2018, three young men approached a home in Catawba County at about 6 p.m.  One of the young men, a 17-year-old, shot at the intended victim.  The intended victim, also 17, was armed and fired back, hitting the attacker several times, killing him.

Here Are 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America.  [#7] Legally owned firearms are used for lawful purposes much more often than they are used to commit crimes or suicide. [...] Semi-automatic rifles (such as the AR-15) are commonly used as self-defense weapons in the homes of law-abiding citizens because they are easier to control than handguns, are more versatile than handguns, and offer the advantage of up to 30 rounds of protection.  Even Vox has published stories defending the use of the AR-15.  AR-15s have been used to save lives on many occasions, including:
Oswego, Illinois (2018) — A man with an AR-15 intervened to stop a neighbor's knife attack and cited the larger weapon's "intimidation factor" as a reason why the attacker dropped the knife.
Catawba County, North Carolina (2018) — A 17-year-old successfully fought off three armed attackers with his AR-15.
Houston, Texas (2017) — A homeowner survived a drive-by shooting by defending himself with his AR-15.
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma (2017) — A homeowner's son killed three would-be burglars with an AR-15 (the man was later deemed to have acted in justifiable self-defense).
Ferguson, Missouri (2014) — African-American men protected a white man's store from rioters by standing outside armed with AR-15s.
Texas (2013) — A 15-year-old boy used an AR-15 during a home invasion to save both his life and that of his 12-year-old sister.
Rochester, New York (2013) — Home intruders fled after facing an AR-15.

Son Shoots Alleged Carjacker To Protect Mother.  For one Atlanta-area woman, a potentially traumatic carjacking ended quickly and, while not peacefully, with the alleged bad guy being the one in the proverbial "world of hurt."

Liquor store owners shoot robber to save their lives.  A family-run liquor store in Tulsa, Oklahoma, was hit by an armed robber as a mother and daughter fought for their lives.  The dramatic shootout took place at Forest Acres Liquor when an armed robber, dressed in all black with a black mask over his face, breaks into the store with a sawed-off shotgun demanding cash from the register.

Brown and Bennett
13-year-old kills home invader with handgun.  Fearing for his safety, the boy grabbed his mother's handgun.  As the suspects tried to make their way into the house, the boy opened fire, but the suspects reacted by returning fire before fleeing from the scene.  The boy chased the suspects out of the home and continued to fire as they fled in their vehicle.  The boy, who was uninjured, then called his mother, who instructed him to call the police.  Investigators combed the area around the boy's home and discovered a Colt .45 pistol, which was believed to belong to the suspects.  A short time later, one of the suspects, later identified as Lamar Anthwan Brown, 31, was dropped off by the second suspect outside the emergency room of nearby Trident Medical Center.  Brown, who was shot three times, died at the medical facility.  The second suspect, Ira Bennett, 28, later turned himself in to authorities.  He was charged with first-degree burglary and possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime.

Liquor store robber triggered a gun battle.  But mother and daughter working were ready, video shows.  If his mugshot is any indication, this suspected robber was no match for the mother-daughter pair he tried to take on last week, according to police.  Ashley Lee, 30, was working at her family's liquor store in Tulsa, Okla., last Thursday when a man with a sawed-off shotgun walked into the store and pointed his weapon at her, surveillance video shows.  Lee's mother — Tina Ring, 53 — was also working that night at the store, Forest Acres Liquor, the Tulsa World reports.  "I didn't want him to hurt my daughter," Ring told the the newspaper.  "That was my main thought."

Carjacking Suspect Shot Dead by Man With Concealed Weapon in Wisconsin, Police Say.  A carjacking suspect was shot and killed by a man who had a concealed weapon on him in Milwaukee on Monday [2/26/2018], officials said.  The Milwaukee Police Department said in a news release the 21-year-old suspect, identified as Carlos Martin, was shot after he attempted to carjack a 24-year-old man around 5:50 a.m. near the Milwaukee MachineTool Corporation.  "This is the worst thing that could possibly happen to someone," MPD Captain Andra Williams told FOX6.

Polar Bear Attack Stopped with Three Shots from .44 Magnum Revolver.  On Thursday, 19 March, 2015, a woman with a .44 magnum stopped a polar bear from attacking Jakub Moravec, 37, in the Svalbard archipelago.  Polar bear attacks are expected there, and tourists are not allowed unless they carry a high powered firearm.  In this case, the rifles were left outside the tents, but inside the protective alarm wire.  The armed woman, mother of Zuzanna Hakova, shot the bear three times with the revolver.

Man shoots, kills attacker during attempted robbery outside northwest side business: police.  A man fought back and shot another man who was trying to rob him early Monday [2/26/2018] in the parking lot of Milwaukee MachineTool Corporation in the city's northwest side Silverswan neighborhood, police said.  In a statement, Milwaukee police said a 21-year-old man died outside the business near North 91st Street and West Flagg Avenue shortly before 6 a.m.  He was identified Tuesday as Carlos Martin.

AR-15-Wielding Neighbor Speaks Out After Stopping Knife Attack.  A witness used an AR-15 rifle to stop a knife attack Monday [2/26/2018] in the 100 block of Harbor Drive, the Kendall County Sheriff's Office said.  According to police, deputies responded to a report of one person with a knife and another with a gun at the Oswego Township apartment complex.  An investigation revealed the incident began as a "neighbor dispute," with the suspect inflicting multiple stab wounds on the victim, a 28-year-old man.

Business owner shoots, kills intruder.  A man shot and killed someone trying to break into his business on northwest Houston overnight.  According to the Houston Police Department, it happened just after midnight early Monday at a business located in the 6100 block of Pinemont Drive, just east of Highway 290. There's still crime scene tape up blocking off the area as HPD investigates.

Police: 16 year old shot, killed during burglary attempt.  Killeen police said a 16-year-old was shot and killed during a suspected burglary at a home in northeast Killeen on Wednesday [2/21/2018]. A Killeen police spokeswoman said the teen's next of kin has been notified, but his name would not be released because he was a minor.  KPD officers arrived in the 1700 block of Spring Rose Circle shortly after 6:15 p.m.  Wednesday on a shots fired call.  Upon arrival, officers found a black male lying in the home.

Homeowner kills man who 'unlawfully entered' house.  A man was shot and killed by a homeowner early Sunday morning [2/25/2018], Baton Rouge Police confirm.  According to officials, the shooting happened at roughly 3:30 a.m. at a home located in the 3400 block of Canyonland.  David Michael Paul Martin, 26, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Man kills intruder breaking into Schertz home, police say.  A man shot and killed a burglar breaking into his home Thursday afternoon [2/22/2018], police say.  A report from the Schertz Police Department says that they were called to a residence at the 4000 block of Brook Hollow Drive around 2:15 pm for a reported violent disturbance.  When they arrived at the scene, they found that a man had been shot several times.

Police: Suspected intruder fatally shot by Arkansas homeowner.  A 40-year-old man who was fatally shot Thursday night [2/22/2018] appears to have been killed during a home invasion, Arkansas State Police said, citing a preliminary investigation.  Authorities said "initial statements" gathered at the scene indicated that Jeffery L. Baker "forcefully entered" a home on South LaSalle Street in Rector, after which the homeowner shot him.  Baker died at the scene.

Teen burglary suspect shot inside home.  Orange County deputies say they're investigating the death of a teenage suspect who was shot and killed inside an Avalon Lakes neighborhood.  Neighbor Hector Albelo says, "Some intruder came into the house and then the man was down."  [2/23/2018]

Spanaway dad shoots suspect crouched outside children's room.  Investigators say a burglary suspect was hospitalized after being shot by a homeowner who was trying to protect his family.  The homeowner, who did not want to release his name, told KIRO 7 it was terrifying to come face to face with the suspect around 2:18 a.m.  Monday morning [2/19/2018].

Reminder: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting.  Since the high school shooting in Florida, the anti-gun rhetoric has been flying fast and furious across the leftist media.  There's no responsibility attached to the shooter who killed 17 people; only the NRA and an AR-15 are to blame, apparently.  But just three short months ago, the NRA and an AR-15 were used to stop the Sutherland Springs church massacre in Texas thanks to a brave and well-armed citizen, Stephen Willeford.

Potentially Deadly Mass Shooting Thwarted, Ignored by MSM.  Mainstream media (MSM) bias was never more clearly displayed than when it ignored what could have been one of the deadliest mass shootings in American history in favor of the Florida school shooting.  It happened the same day — Valentine's Day — in Amarillo, Texas, when an armed street person entered the Faith City Mission and took between 100 and 150 worshipers hostage.  Joshua Len Jones, age 35, who had been attending the morning service, left the building, retrieved a handgun, reentered the building, and threatened worshipers with it[.]  The MSM was no doubt alerted by local media as soon as the event took place.  But what unfolded would not serve their anti-gun agenda and be the headline in the evening news.  "Man with nasty hateful dangerous probably illegal firearm shoots and kills dozens" would scream the headline.  One Clay Murdock, a student at the mission, refused to run or hide.  Instead, he chose to run toward danger, tackling Jones with the help of other church security people.  As far as the MSM was concerned, that was the end of the story:  no shooting, no one killed or injured, a nothing burger, move on, looking for something else to cover.

Sex Offender Breaks into Home — Mother of 12yr.  Old Girl Puts Him On The Highway To Hell.  He's dead.  We don't feel sorry for him either.  He was found lurking in a closet in the home of a woman and 12-year-old girl.  He's a registered sex offender.  And their home had been recently burglarized — twice.  He's dead and gone.

Parents of slain Pizza Hut robber angry that victim used a gun against him.  Self-defense is regarded as a right deriving from natural law.  But that offers no justification to the parents of Michael Grace, Jr. of Charlotte, NC, who was shot to death while attempting to rob a Pizza Hut. [...] I may be an extremist, but it seems to me that if one decides to commit a crime, the victims should have more rights than the perpetrator, especially the right to defend themselves from the presumption of violence that accompanies a robbery, home invasion, or other property crime.

Man carrying concealed pistol stops attack on Utah police officer.  A Utah police officer who was being attacked on Friday was saved by a passerby with a concealed pistol, officials said.  The unidentified police officer confronted the attacker, identified as Paul Douglas Anderson, after spotting feet dangling from a donation bin in Springville, FOX 13 Salt Lake City reported on Saturday [2/3/2018].

Homeowner shoots would-be intruder multiple times near Aldine, deputies say.  A would-be intruder was reportedly hospitalized Tuesday night [1/30/2018] after being shot multiple times by a homeowner near the Aldine area.  Investigators said the suspect tried to kick down the front door of a home on Anice Street near Ponder Lane around 6:30 p.m.  However, the homeowner grabbed his gun and fired at the suspect several times.  The suspect ran off and the homeowner called police.

Intrusion Suspect Allegedly Assaults Homeowner, Dies After Being Shot.  A suspect who allegedly entered a Rolla, Missouri, home and assaulted the homeowner died after the homeowner shot him.  The incident occurred Tuesday [1/16/2018] around 1:15 a.m.  According to KOZR, Phelps County Sheriff's deputies who responded to the incident said the homeowner claimed 39-year-old William Lee Dale came into the residence and assaulted him.  The homeowner "said he feared for his life and shot Dale in the upper torso."  Dale was pronounced dead at the scene.

Intrusion Suspect Allegedly Threatens 82-Year-Old Homeowner, Gets Shot Dead.  An armed 82-year-old man in Kanawha County, West Virginia, turned the tables on a home intrusion suspect Saturday [1/13/2018] by pulling a gun and shooting him dead.  The deceased suspect was identified as 24-year-old Timothy Dean Coker.  According to WSAZ, Kanawha County deputies say Coker allegedly "broke in through a window in the garage where the 82-year-old homeowner was working and threatened the homeowner."  The homeowner responded by pulling a handgun and shooting the suspect, fatally wounding him.

Thugs Rob 7-Eleven with Fake Guns.  Security Guard's Gun is Real.  Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.  In this case, people really are dumber than a bag of all yellow Starburst.  Kids, let this story be a lesson to you:  stay in school.  Learn.  If you're not learning anything useful in school, go learn something useful.  Do not blacken the orange tip of a toy gun to raid a 7-Eleven till.

Florida Homeowner Catches Thug Breaking Into His Car, Delivers Brutal Instant Justice.  According to local news source CBS12, the shocking incident took place at approximately 5 a.m. on Saturday, January 13, 2017.  Police said that the homeowner walked out to confront the suspect identified as 22-year-old Walder Jean Saintelus and a fight took place.  Although investigators are still withholding many details in regards to what the victim and suspect said to each other, the outcome has rocked the community.  [64-year-old Frank] Johnston didn't walk out his front door unprepared.  When he confronted Saintelus, he was armed and ready to defend his life and his property.

Tamarac homeowner kills man trying to break into his car, deputies say.  Keyla Concepcion, a spokeswoman for the Broward County Sheriff's Office, said Frank Johnston, 64, was walking his dog around 5 a.m. when he saw Walder Saintelus breaking into his neighbors' cars in the 9500 block of Northwest 82nd Street. [...] Saintelus has been accused of property crimes before.  He had been arrested on grand theft and dealing in stolen property charges in 2017.  He agreed to a plea deal and received three years probation in October.  Johnston was not arrested.

Deputies: Name of man killed by homeowner after apparent home invasion released.  Timothy Dean Coker, 24, of Ripley, WV was killed during the incident [1/13/2018].  Deputies with the Kanawha County Sheriff's Office tell WSAZ that in the early morning hours Saturday, an 82-year-old man was working in his garage.  Coker allegedly broke into the garage through a window and threatened the homeowner.  The homeowner shot Coker, according to deputies, killing him.

Chicago Police:  Legal gun owner fatally shoots robber.  A 23-year-old man was fatally shot Monday evening by a 58-year-old man he was trying to rob in the South Side Austin neighborhood.  Shaquille Gales, 23, of Bellwood, walked up to the older man about 5:45 p.m. in the 5500 block of West Thomas Street, pulled out a gun and demanded his property, according to Chicago Police and the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office.  The 58-year-old, a concealed-carry permit holder, pulled out his own weapon and shot the attempted robber, police said.

Six Defensive Gun Uses by people legally carrying guns over 6 days.  A conservation officer made contact with a man, identified as Justin Holland, 25, who was near a vehicle along State Road 56.  During their interaction, police say Holland began to resist the officer and started a fight.  A woman at a nearby home came to assist the officer, who was reportedly being overtaken by Holland.  The woman fired a single shot from her personal firearm, hitting Holland in the torso.

Yet another case where a concealed handgun permit holder saved a police officer.  These cases just don't get national news coverage.  A concealed handgun permit holder saved a police officer who was being ambushed in Arizona at I-10 in Tonopah (January 12, 2017).

Police: Woman shoots burglar in her bedroom Saturday morning.  Police say a 76-year-old woman shot and wounded a suspected burglar she found in her bedroom early Saturday morning [12/30/2017].

Homeowner shoots man dead in home invasion near Leon Valley.  Officers responded to the 7300 Block of Marble Creek Drive, near Leon Valley, around 2:40 p.m. to a shooting in progress where they found a man had been shot by a homeowner, police say.  In a news release Saturday, police identified the homeowner as Kevin Clifton.  Police say Clifton heard the "burglary suspect" banging on his windows attempting to enter the home.  When he confronted the suspect, police say Clifton began to fear for his life and shot the man.

Grandma stops home invasion in Putnam County.  Yvonda "Bonnie" Gatens woke up to the sound of a man trying to pry open her bedroom window early Christmas Eve morning.  Gatens lives off Showen Hill Road in Putnam County.  She and her late husband built their home 40 years ago.  After she heard the noise at the window, she called 911 and grabbed her gun.

Man fends off burglars in Bryans Road home invasion.  The homeowner reported two male suspects kicked open his front door and, at gunpoint, demanded money.  A male occupant of the house heard the robbery, grabbed a gun, and hid in a nearby room.  The suspects entered the room and pointed the gun at the man who then fired shots at the suspect with the gun.  Both suspects fled and were subsequently located nearby.  One of the suspects had a gunshot wound to his neck.

New Hanover Co. authorities ID man shot and killed during home invasion.  The New Hanover County Sheriff's Office has identified a man who was shot and killed during a home invasion early Sunday morning [12/24/2017].  Hakim Hanifah, 31, of Wilmington, died in the incident, a Tuesday afternoon news release said.  Lt. Jerry Brewer said Hanifah was a validated gang member.

Cleveland man killed in home invasion was released from prison three days earlier.  The 20-year-old man shot and killed early Wednesday [12/20/2017] after he broke into a man's home in Cleveland was released from prison three days before the home invasion.  Cornelius Love of Cleveland was released from prison on Sunday, according to state prison records.  He would have been on probation until 2020.

Redwood City man shoots and kills his own dog after surprise attack.  A Redwood City man shot and killed his own dog when it attacked him on a walk Wednesday [12/27/2017], police said.  The 76-year-old man was walking his dog, a large mastiff, in the 1300 block of Elmer Street in unincorporated Belmont when the dog turned and bit him in the lower leg.  The attack continued, police said, until the man pulled out a handgun and fatally shot the dog.  The man was taken to the hospital for treatment but police said he is expected to recover.  The gun was recovered and secured as evidence.  Police said the man did not have a permit for a concealed weapon.

Rabid skunk attacks fenced-in dogs in Whitefield.  [Scroll down]  The skunk was chasing the dogs, which weigh 100-plus pounds each, around the enclosure and trying to get in the doggie door.  Sciascia managed to get the "terrified" dogs inside and secure them in a room upstairs.  She then went outside with her pistol, where the skunk was running around at random, "like a chicken with its head cut off," she said.  She shot and killed the skunk just feet from the front door.  "I shot it right in front of the doorway," she said.  "I didn't really have a choice.  It was right there and it wasn't giving up."  She later took the skunk's carcass to the Maine Health and Environmental Testing Laboratory in Augusta, where the skunk tested positive for rabies Tuesday, Dec. 5.  An employee of the laboratory confirmed the positive test.

Court records:  Gary homeowner shoots at would-be burglars, sends one to hospital with gunshot wound.  A homeowner reportedly scared off two would-be burglars Nov. 28 and sent one to the hospital with a gunshot wound in his groin area, according to Lake Criminal Court records filed Thursday [12/7/2017].  Nicholas Jonathan Reeves and Leventes Avery Strong, both age 24 of Gary, were charged Thursday in Lake Criminal Court.  Both face two counts of burglary and one count of unlawful possession of a firearm as a serious violent felon, a probable cause affidavit shows.

Woman Fatally Shoots Man Inside Fort Smith Apartment.  Police in Fort Smith say a woman fatally shot a man who she said forced his way into her apartment [12/7/2017].

Father kills armed robber threatening his family at restaurant.  A man is dead after police say a father shot and killed him for threatening his family inside a Popeye's Chicken restaurant in San Antonio.  Police say the robber approached the father around 8:30 Wednesday night while he was waiting for his kids to leave the bathroom.  That's when the robber pointed his gun at the family.  The father pulled out his own gun and killed the robber in the middle of the dining area.

CPL holder pulls gun to scare off man attacking her.  The woman says she saw the man holding something shiny, possibly a knife.  "She put the gun into the suspect's stomach and said, 'I don't want to kill you,'" Dwojakowski said.  Police say the man appeared shocked and quickly ran off.  The woman describes him as a black male in his 30s, medium build, clean shaven, with a scar on his upper lip.

84-Year-Old Korean War Vet Kills Home Intruder In One Point-Blank Shot.  An 84-year-old Korean War veteran killed a home intruder Friday [12/8/2017] with a single shot right to the chest, and he's crediting God with his success.  Two robbers tried to break into Korean War veteran Don Lutz's home early on Friday morning in Lawrence County, Penn., but were quickly dissuaded by some serious firepower.  "Two guys tried to rob me, and I killed one of them," Don Lutz said, according to WTAE-TV.  "Maybe the other one, the bullet hit him, too.  I hope so."

Female Hero With A Handgun Saves Policeman's Life in Georgia.  The left just seems to hate guns, for a plethora of misguided reasons.  What the liberal world fails to understand is there is no weapon on the planet, gun, knife, or otherwise, that can indiscriminately kill all by its lonesome.  There must be an operator handling that weapon for any damage to be inflicted.  Yet, still, the democrats and their looney leftist army continue to work toward creating an America in which only the bad guys will have firearms.  Luckily for one police officer in the state of Georgia, we have not yet arrived at that fateful day.

Armed Good Samaritan saves cop from killer.  On Tuesday [12/5/2017], a pistol-packing woman saved the life of a police officer in Dawson County, Georgia.  According to Fox 5 Atlanta, kind-hearted Sgt. Randy Harkness was giving a homeless man a ride to a local filling station on Highway 53 where he planned to give him some money.  Unfortunately for the cop, the vagrant then physically assaulted the officer.  According to the Dawson County Sheriff Jeff Johson, the homeless man may have tried to reach for the officer's service pistol.  Dawson County is located in a rural area at the north end of Georgia.

Teens Try To Rob Armed Marine Veteran — Live To Regret It.  Some teens in Houston recently made a very dumb mistake.  They approached a man in his garage and attempted to rob him.  What they didn't know was that the man was a Marine veteran who was armed.

Phoenix police:  Woman fatally shoots intruder in home.  A man is dead after being shot by a woman after he reportedly forced his way into her home in what Phoenix police say apparently was a robbery attempt.

Suspected burglar held at gunpoint by homeowner.  A homeowner held a burglary suspect at gunpoint after he found him on his property in south Rankin County, authorities said.  The 62-year-old homeowner said he saw headlights shining behind his workshop Wednesday evening [11/15/2017] and found Alexander Landry, 49, inside one of his vehicles.  The homeowner held Landry at gunpoint and tied him up until deputies arrived, officials with the Rankin County Sheriff's Office said.

Robbery suspect killed in violent gas station shootout in north Houston.  A North Freeway gas station owner was making coffee inside his store this morning [11/12/2017], when a pair of would-be robbers ran inside.  Moments later, there was gunfire, and it wasn't one-sided.  Mohammed Kahloon was struck as many as eight times in his left arm, according to his family.  Kahloon is right-handed, and he always wears a pistol on the job.  No customers were inside the store at the time and another employee sought safety in a back room.  The shooting was recorded on the store's security video.  Kahloon drew his gun and fired back, according to police, striking at least one of the suspects.

Buyer shoots seller trying to rob them during online sale near West Nashville Kroger.  Metro Police said a buyer turned the tables on a seller who was trying to rob them near West Nashville Kroger while meeting up for an online sale.  Police Lt. Matt Sears said the two people were meeting up for the purchase of a vehicle — but at one point the seller brandished a gun and tried to rob the buyer.  But, police said the buyer had a gun of their own and shot the seller.

The Editor says...
The news media are now reluctant to name "online" sales web site associated with double-dealing criminals.

Would-be robber shot by victim near Lowertown park, St.  Paul police say.  A man was shot Tuesday night [11/7/2017] in downtown St. Paul when he tried to rob a man who was carrying a gun, police say.  "It appears the would-be robbery victim shot the would-be robber," Steve Linders, a St.  Paul Police Department spokesman, said of the incident near Mears Park in the Lowertown area.

Homeowner shoots and kills burglary suspect, police say.  A homeowner shot and killed an alleged burglary suspect after he caught him trying to break into his house, according to police.  Police were called to a residence in the 10800 block of Camp Bowie Boulevard in far west Fort Worth about 7:15 p.m.  Tuesday [11/7/2017], a police call log showed.  The homeowner had the suspect pinned down and was holding a gun on him, the call log stated.

Whittier liquor store clerk shoots, kills suspected robber.  An employee of a Whittier liquor store fatally shot a man suspected of trying to rob the business Monday night [11/6/2017].  A second man suspected in what police said was an attempted robbery fled the scene.  Coroner's spokesman Ed Winter said the dead man has not been identified but described him as a black man between 25 and 35 years old.

Surveillance video shows how customer gunned down armed robber.  Police say the shooting is an example of a legal gun owner using his weapon to protect himself.  On September 13, surveillance video shows a gunman entered the Advance Auto Parts store in Dolton, went behind the service counter and came face to face with a customer while two employees locked themselves in a washroom and called 911.  But this armed robbery had a different ending than most.  The gunman tried but failed to escape through a back door.  He then heads out the front door where he's shot and killed.  Not by police, but by the customer he had confronted earlier.

Suspect Shot After Using Pellet Gun In Attempted Robbery On South Side.  A suspect tried to rob a man using a pellet gun early Sunday [11/5/2017] but instead was shot multiple times with a handgun in the Oakland neighborhood on the South Side.  A 23-year-old man was walking into his home about 1:20 a.m. when a 20-year-old walked up behind him in the 500 block of East 38th and pulled out what appeared to be a gun while he announced a robbery, according to Chicago Police.  The older man took out his own legally-owned handgun and fired at the robber, police said.  The younger man was shot in the abdomen and both legs.

Austin Hero Pulls Gun On Rapist.  A lot of people don't take their guns with them when they're doing certain things, particularly on a run.  After all, even a lightweight pistol is going to cause issues with your everyday running shorts, and no one wants to wear a fanny pack, especially one loaded down with a firearm, right?  Well, Josh Williams of Austin, Texas didn't worry about any of that.  Eventually, anyway, and at least one area resident is thankful for that.

MSNBC Panel Falsely Claims Heroic Neighbor Didn't End Texas Shooter's Rampage.  On Tuesday's episode of Meet the Press Daily, panelist Yamiche Alcindor and host Chuck Todd incorrectly said Stephen Willeford did not exchange fire with the Texas church shooter or end his attack.  "When I was watching President Trump today, and he was making his argument that [the shooter] was essentially stopped by someone with a gun, I thought he killed himself," Yamiche Alicindor, a national reporter for the New York Times, said.  "There was not a big gun fight, and he was not stopped.  There needs to be a fact check on how it was stopped."  "Right," Chuck Todd responded.  "The narrative with Mike Huckabee and the president is a little bit off the rails."  The facts show that Stephen Willeford did exchange gunfire with the Texas gunman as his attack was still preceding.  The story of Farida Brown, as told to the Washington Post by her son David Brown, makes it clear that at least some of the survivors of the attack credit Willeford with saving their lives.

Levin: Texas Church Shooting Hero Is 'Everything the Liberals Hate About Americans'.  On his nationally syndicated radio talk show Tuesday [11/7/2017], host Mark Levin explained why the Texas church shooting "is being covered differently by the media than Las Vegas," saying, it's because the hero in Texas is "everything the liberals hate about Americans, about America."  "He's everything the liberals hate about Americans and America," said Mark Levin.  "[He's] the plumber, white Christian, male, NRA member, former NRA instructor, owning an AR-15 — he's not wearing shoes when he runs outside his very modest house — and he stops the killer."

Hero Who Shot Texas Church Attacker Is Former NRA Instructor.  The hero who stopped Sunday's Sutherland Springs, Texas, attack with an AR-15 is a former NRA instructor who retrieved his rifle after his daughter ran into his bedroom to tell him she heard gunshots at the church.  CNN described Stephen Willeford as someone who grabbed his AR-15 before he grabbed his shoes.  He ran out of his home barefooted, rifle in hand, to engage the attacker, Devin Kelley.  Willford positioned himself behind a car and shot the attacker as he walked out of the church during the attack.

The heroes of Sutherland Springs.  Before the Texas church shooter encountered any police officers, he was run off a highway and dead.  He had been shot and chased by two private citizens who took it upon themselves to respond to a heinous crime when no one with a badge was anywhere to be found.  The church shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas, is another heart-breaking chapter in the country's epidemic of mass shootings.  Devin Patrick Kelley shot and killed 26 people and wounded another 20, accounting for nearly everyone in the small church.

Stephen Willeford, Man Who Shot Church Gunman Was an NRA Certified Instructor.  So all the "news" from liberals and the media is how bad the NRA is after the Texas church shooting yesterday.  Stephen Willeford one of many heroes yesterday, who shot the militant liberal atheist as he tried to get away was an NRA certified instruction from 2002-2004.

Texas Officials Credit Armed Citizen with Stopping Church Massacre.  During a November 6 press conference, officials credited an armed citizen with stopping the church massacre in Sutherland Springs, Texas.  The citizen who stopped the Texas church attack is described as a man who grabbed his AR-15 before he grabbed his shoes.  Witness Johnnie Langendorff said the good guy with the gun — identified as Stephen Willeford — ran out of his house without any shoes, holding his rifle determined to end the attack on the church.

Robbery Suspect Shot By Dallas Homeowner.  It's a terrifying scenario that I think most of us have run through a time or two.  A sudden, violent entrance into our home, the place where we find peace and solitude with our families.  Our castle.  The situation probably gets wargamed by almost every gun owner from time to time.  We run through the scenario and what we would do, praying we'd never have to use it.  For one Dallas homeowner, however, the nightmare became reality.

Father Uses .44 Magnum to Shoot Grizzly Bear off Son.  [Scroll down]  The FWP officers told Dave if he had bear spray, he might have avoided having to shoot the bear.  Dave noted the FWP officers were all armed with shotguns and had loaded pistols on their hips. [...] Dave told me if he had spray and had sprayed the bear, he would have had to spray Rory as well.  Then, if the bear turned on him, Rory would have been unable to help. [...] David Buckallew said "I will depend on my .44 magnum."  The bear never vocalized during the attack.  Dave said you could hear the loud breath of the bear, but there were no warning growls, or other sounds from the bear.  FWP found the dead bear the next day. [...] The bear did not have any tags, or previous history of aggressive encounters with humans.  Unprovoked grizzly attacks have been noted throughout the history of grizzly bears.  The current fad is to always assign a human motivation.

Store clerk fires shot at would-be robber on Near West Side.  About 11:10 a.m. [10/27/2017], a man entered a convenience store in the 700 block of South Western, displayed what appeared to be a weapon and demanded property, according to Chicago Police.  The clerk fired one shot at the suspect, and the man ran away, police said.  The clerk was not certain whether or not the man was struck by the bullet.

Burglar signaled to SC woman to be quiet.  Instead, she pulled out her gun and shot him.  A man accused of breaking into a woman's home is sitting in jail Friday [10/27/2017] with four gunshot wounds to his rear end, after she shot him.  Samuel Jeter, 42, is facing first-degree burglary charges and is being held at the Spartanburg County Detention Center.  He was found unresponsive by law Spartanburg Police officers who followed a trail of blood to the backyard of Katrina Walker, according to multiple reports.

Homeowner armed with a gun confronts teens breaking into car.  A homeowner armed with a gun confronts two teens breaking into a car in his driveway.  Jesse Giles says he was awake inside his home around 1:00 a.m. when his motion sensitive light went off in the driveway.  He grabbed his gun and opened his front door.  He saw a teen in his car looking for valuables.

Good Samaritan helps family, stops carjacking suspect.  A Good Samaritan who witnessed a carjacking in Fort Worth took matters into his own hands by shooting the suspect.  The crime happened around 7 a.m. [10/26/2017] at a gas station in the 3900 block of East Lancaster Avenue.  Police said an armed man walked up to Joanna Avalos in the parking lot and demanded her vehicle with her two young kids inside.

1 dead after CPL holder returns fire on gunmen at Highland Park gas station.  A concealed pistol license holder shot and killed a man who shot at him and others early Saturday [10/21/2017] in Highland Park, police said.  Police said two men were in a car in the parking lot of the Sunoco gas station at Hamilton Avenue and Webb Street.  Police said another car with one person inside pulled up about 12 a.m. and began talking with the men in the first car.

Police: Armed clerk thwarts robber at 7-Eleven.  A 56-year-old clerk told police that the suspect, armed with a knife, had approached him and demanded money.  The suspect swiped two packs of cigarettes before backing the clerk into a corner and demanding he open the register.  The clerk then drew his own handgun and the suspect fled on foot.  [10/9/2017]

Indiana man, 84, shoots at intruders on his property to protect grandson.  An 84-year-old man didn't wait for police to arrive when he saw a pair of intruders creeping around his property.  Robert Elliot tells WXIN he saw two masked men in a truck lurking around his home.  Surveillance video shows one of them using an ax to break down the door of a barn.  A second suspect later appears.  Elliot says when he saw the robbers getting close to another home where his grandson was staying, he grabbed his gun and opened fire.  [10/20/2017]

Homeowner fights off, shoots at intruder in Bridgeton home invasion.  A Craven County homeowner was injured Friday morning [10/20/2017] after fighting off an armed man who broke into his home, the New Bern Police Department said.  Police responded at about 6:18 a.m. after an intruder broke into a home on Purifoy Street armed with a handgun and demanded money.

Burglary suspect shot by relative.  A man wanted in connection with a pair of Palmetto community burglaries was shot by his stepfather Friday afternoon [10/20/2017].  Lee County Sheriff Jim Johnson said deputies were called to a Highway 6 residence south of Plantersville around 4:45 p.m. where a male came home and confronted his mother and stepfather.  "He had a baseball bat in his hand and assaulted both of them," Johnson said.  "At one point, the stepfather was able to get a .45-caliber handgun and shoot the suspect.  He was carried to the North Mississippi Medical Center in bad condition."

Armed-robbery suspect shot by victim's son:  NOPD.  After robbing a woman of her purse at gunpoint, one of two armed-robbery suspects was shot to the right leg and left foot by the victim's son in the Dillard area last week, according to New Orleans Police.  Jeremy Davis, 20, was taken to a local hospital for treatment before he was booked into the Orleans Justice Center jail in the armed robbery, police said.  Brandon Morgan, who is in his early 30s, is also accused in the robbery, which occurred about 12:30 p.m.  Oct. 13 in the 3800 block of Havana Place, in Gentilly.

Milton man dies after reportedly being shot by homeowner.  An unidentified adult man is dead after reportedly being shot by a Milton homeowner.  On Saturday, Oct. 21st, just after 12:40 am, the Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office (SRCSO) Dispatch Center received a 911 call from the 5000 block of Bent Tree Road in Milton.  The caller stated an individual was screaming for help at the front door.  During the 911 call, a gunshot was also heard over the telephone.  Dispatch was then told that someone had been shot by a resident.

Police: Apartment resident fatally shoots suspected robber in self-defense.  One man is dead and another is claiming self-defense after an early Sunday [10/15/2017] shooting sparked by a suspected robbery.  Shortly after 3:30 a.m., officers from the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department were called to the 3000 block of Bavarian West Drive on a call of a person shot.  Upon arrival they found a 20-year-old man unresponsive and suffering from a gunshot wound inside an apartment, police said.  Medics tried to revive him, but he was pronounced dead at the scene.

McMinnville home intruder shot.  A home intruder was shot by a McMinnville resident early Sunday morning [10/15/2017]. Police gave this account:  Shortly after 6 a.m., officers responded to the 1300 block of S.W. Gilorr St.  An unidentified resident called 911 to report that an intruder had attempted to break in to the residence and was shot by the homeowner.

Grandmother Holds Kidnapper at Gun Point.  A pistol-packing grandmother says she kept her cool and waited for the right moment to pull her gun on a kidnapper with a knife.  "The grace of God is what saved me, and the sense to have calm, and have my weapon," said Diane McIntire, of Missouri.  McIntire says she pulled up in the parking lot of Southpark Mall in Moline last Sunday to buy vitamins, when a man who appeared to be waiting for a bus, suddenly appeared with a knife at the driver's side door.

Police: Woman shoots, kills teen who carjacked her son in Clearwater.  Louise Ornduff and her son Kalaeb were there to negotiate the sale of a 2016 Nissan Rogue with Lasupta Singletary, 18, and Jernalen Dreshaw Coleman, 17, at the Bank of America at Belcher and Belleair roads, according to Clearwater police.  But instead of a handover of cash for the car, the meeting turned deadly.  The men, armed with guns, demanded the keys to the 2016 Hyundai Veloster that Kalaeb Ornduff, 18, had driven to the bank, police said.  As the men drove from the scene, Louise Ornduff fired a shot, hitting Singletary.

Oklahoma Terrorist Gets Death Penalty.  Speaking to the jury that had already convicted Alton Alexander Nolen of first-degree murder in the death of Colleen Hufford, Cleveland County, Oklahoma, district attorney Greg Mashburn said of Nolen, "He wants the death penalty.  Give him what he wants." [...] After cutting off Hufford's head, Nolen then proceeded to stab a second victim, Traci Johnson.  Mark Vaughn, the chief operating officer of Vaughn Foods in Moore, Oklahoma, put an end to Nolen's murder spree with several shots from the rifle he kept at work.  It was a striking example of how the right of an individual citizen to keep and bear arms prevented additional killings.

Robbery thwarted when victim pulls out concealed gun.  An attempted robbery in Detroit did not go as planned when the intended victim pulled out a gun and started shooting in a harrowing incident caught on high-definition surveillance video.  Detroit police said Sanchez Quinn, 29, attempted to rob two men at gunpoint outside a supermarket Sunday night [10/8/2017] when he was met with resistance.  What Quinn reportedly didn't know was that one of those men was actually a Concealed Pistol License holder.

60-year-old Texas woman shoots and kills an armed home intruder, the other intruder is on the run.  A 60-year-old Texas woman, alone in her Texas home, opened fire on two would-be armed robbers, killing one of them.  The woman, not yet identified, told deputies two armed men entered her garage around 11:30 a.m. [8/1/2017], WTSP reported.  According to deputies, both men were armed with pistols.  "Both were armed with pistols.  She confronted both suspects, retrieved a handgun and fired several times at both subjects," said Harris County Sheriff's Office Deputy Thomas Gilliland.

Private Security Guard stopped the Las Vegas Mass Killing.  It was a heroic private security guard who stopped the mass killing coming from the Mandalay Bay Hotel.  In the timeline published yesterday [10/3/2017], it was not clear if the security guard was accompanying the police, or ahead of them.  Now we know. [...] I believe the security guard saved lives with his prompt response.  The four officers who formed a team and responded immediately are also heroes.  They took the initiative and literally ran to the sound of the guns.  Police are reactionary by nature.  The private security guard was on his home turf.  He was the one who arrived first, and stopped the slaughter.  We often see this in mass killings.

Athens police investigating three weekend shootings.  Athens police on Monday [10/2/2017] continued investigating three weekend shootings, the first occurring early Saturday when a man returned to his eastside home and exchanged gunfire with a burglar.

HPD: Victim shoots, injures suspected carjacker in Greenspoint.  The victim of an alleged carjacking fought off his attacker, putting the suspect in the hospital early Monday [10/2/2017] in the Greater Greenspoint area.  The suspect approached the man in the parking lot of the Deer Creek Apartments on Imperial Valley near N. Beltway 8 at 2 a.m.  Investigators said the suspect took the victim's car keys and started to drive away.  As the suspect was leaving, the victim pulled out a gun and fired.

Lorain man tells police he shot intruder; victim flown to MetroHealth.  A 32-year-old man was in critical condition after police say he was shot while breaking into another man's home.  Police are not releasing the name of either person at this time.  According to police, officers responded to calls of a shooting at 1:51 a.m.  Sunday [10/1/2017] on Colorado Avenue where they found the 32-year-old with a single gunshot wound to his right thigh.

Gun beats knife in Lebanon altercation.  A man who pulled a knife on a driver in Lebanon Thursday evening [9/28/2017] found himself staring at a gun when a bystander with a concealed carry permit intervened, according to Lebanon police officials.  Michael Ryan VanGelder, 30, is alleged to have brandished a large, fixed-blade knife at Elizah Bullock, 39, after a verbal dispute at about 7 p.m. near 809 S. Main St.

Would-be robber shot by armed victim near Tanger Outlets in Myrtle Beach.  The victim of a reported armed robbery in Myrtle Beach may just be alive because the would-be robber's gun jammed as he attempted to shoot at the victim.  Horry County Police officers were called to Factory Stores Boulevard off of Highway 501 in the Myrtle Beach area around 11 p.m. [9/29/2017] for a shooting.  The incident report notes that upon arrival, the officer was flagged down by a person on Waccamaw Pines Drive, who pointed the officer to a gun on the side of the road.  The witness told police that the gun was possibly thrown by the alleged robber.

Suspect shot in home invasion.  One person is in stable condition after being shot.  It happened about 12:45 pm, in the 1800-block of East Keys Street.  Police responded to a report of a home invasion.  When they arrived, they found the homeowner reported shooting someone who forced entry into the home.  The suspect is hospitalized with a gunshot wound and is being treated.

Dr. John Lott:  Another "concealed carry" hero with a gun stops mass shooter.  There was a horrible race-related shooting in an American church earlier this week.  If you didn't hear about it, it may be because it doesn't fit the Media Party's narrative.

Donations pour in for woman who lost job after shooting robbery suspect.  Nearly $10,000 has been raised as of Tuesday night for a mother of three who lost her job at an Albuquerque, N.M., gas station after shooting an armed robbery suspect.  Jennifer Wertz said the suspect pointed a gun at her at a Circle K gas station last week, forcing her to defend herself.  "I grabbed my gun from my pocket, I cocked it, and I shot," Wertz said, according to FOX6.  "I'm sick and tired of being a sitting duck."

Church Shooting Spree Stopped by Usher with Gun.  One woman was killed and eight people, including the 25-year-old gunman from Sudan, were injured in what officials are calling a "mass casualty" incident at a church in Antioch, Tennessee, Sunday morning.  Nashville Police have identified the suspect in the mass shooting at the Church of Christ as Emanuel Kidega Samson. [...] [police spokesman Don] Aaron said the church usher, who has a valid carry permit, then went out to his car and retrieved his own gun, holding it on the gunman until police arrived.  Police described the 6-foot-5 [Robert] Engle as "extraordinarily brave."  "He's the hero.  He's the person who stopped this madness," Metro Nashville Police Chief Steve Anderson said during a news conference.

Employee fatally shot attempted robber near 41st & L.  L Street was eerie and shut down Monday night [9/18/2017] as investigators took over the area, focused on the corner of 41st Street and the Bizarre Glass tobacco and accessories store.

New surveillance video shows aftermath of Circle K shooting.  The 23-year-old attempted robber of an Albuquerque Circle K is in the hospital after he was shot by store clerk Monday [9/18/2017].  Police have identified the suspect as Ferron Mendez.

Employee Fights Back, Shoots Attempted Robber At KY Business.  Louisville Metro Police are investigating a shooting [9/17/2017] at a business in Okolona. [...] A report from LMPD states a man tried to rob a business at that location.  The suspect and an employee got into an altercation and the suspect was shot, police said.

Homeowner shoots at intruder during home invasion.  The Cass County Sheriff's Office says deputies responded [9/16/2017] to a report of an intruder.  When they arrived they learned a man had made entry into the home but ran off when the homeowner shot at him.  The intruder is described as white and about 6 feet 5 inches tall with a very large body.  At the time of the incident, the intruder was wearing all black clothing.

The Editor says...
Note:  Suspects are never described in the mainstream press as "black" when they're black, but there's no hesitation to specify that a suspect is "white" if that's what he is.

1 of 2 intruders shot, killed in Jefferson County home invasion.  One of two intruders was shot and killed during a Jefferson County home invasion Friday night [9/15/2017] near Adamsville.  Jefferson County sheriff's deputies were dispatched just before 10:30 p.m. on a report of a disturbance at a home in the 200 block of Bayview Drive, said Chief Deputy Randy Christian.  A woman called 911 to tell authorities that her husband had yelled from the back of the house for her to call 911 and then she heard what she believed to be a gunshot.  Once on the scene, deputies found an adult male victim dead on the floor in the house.

Burglar fatally shot by SeaTac homeowner; 2nd suspect at large.  King County deputies say a homeowner fatally shot a suspect who broke into a home in SeaTac.  The shooting happened in the 17600 block of 38th Avenue South Thursday morning [9/14/2017].  Police say a man was at home with his children when he heard sounds of someone trying to break in through the back door.

Suspected carjacker shot by victim in Selma [TX].  The Texas Rangers are investigating, and a suspected carjacker is dead after being shot in Selma by his intended victim.  Heathcliff Garcia, 34, died at the San Antonio Military Medical Center after a Thursday afternoon [9/14/2017] shooting near the 8000 block of Old Austin Road.  Selma police believe Garcia and another man committed several car burglaries in the area before the shooting.

Police: Resident shot and killed intruder.  Troopers tell Eyewitness News 30-year-old Cody Englert from Jersey Shore tried to break into a house on Fourth Street near Avis early Wednesday morning [9/13/2017].  State police say he was shot and killed by someone who lives at the home.

Neighbors help police catch burglars in South Shreveport.  A tight-knit community became even tighter after neighbors caught two burglars breaking into a home just before noon Monday [9/11/2017].  Neighbor says, "my wife came out heard the suspects kicking the front door in."  They called 9-1-1 and when police arrived.  The suspects took off running in different directions.  The neighbors heard a gun shot[, but] it wasn't from police.

Sheriff's Department: 69-year-old Sierra Vista woman shoots intruder.  A 69-year-old Sierra Vista woman shot a man she says was trying to break into her house Thursday night [9/7/2017], just hours after a burglary there, the Cochise County Sheriff's Department said.  The wounded man, 26, was in critical condition at a Tucson hospital Friday, said Carol A. Capas, a spokeswoman for the department.

Robber has gun stolen from him, gets shot in the hand in Gresham.  A 23-year-old man was wounded Saturday morning [9/9/2017] when the person he was allegedly trying to rob stole his gun from him and shot him in the South Side Gresham neighborhood.  Dennis Evans, 23, faces felony counts of attempted murder and armed robbery, according to Chicago Police.

Fatal Shooting of Suspected Home Intruder Near Downey.  A suspected intruder was fatally shot by a resident early Friday morning [9/8/2017] in rural Bannock County, authorities said.  The Bannock County Sheriff's Office reports the shooting occurred during what appears to be a home invasion at a residence on Idaho Highway 40 just west of Downey.  A man was reportedly forcing his way through the door of the residence around 4:30 a.m.  Friday when the man living in the house opened fire, the Sheriff's Office said.

Prosecutor: Springfield homeowner 'absolutely within his rights' to shoot intruder.  A prosecutor on Thursday [9/7/2017] in Hampden Superior Court said Springfield resident Sean McCarthy was "absolutely within his rights as a homeowner" when he shot and injured Jordan Eady on Feb. 7, 2015.  McCarthy was not charged with any crime, as police said the shooting was justified.  McCarthy is a licensed gun owner.

Indiana homeowner fires gun, scares off intruders, police say.  Police in Indiana are on the hunt for two suspects who reportedly fled a home invasion after the homeowner fired gunshots.  Officers were called to a home in Warren County, Ind., around 3:30 a.m.  Tuesday [9/5/2017], FOX59 reported.

Woman shoots suspect in Middletown burglary attempt.  A Middletown woman shot a suspect during an alleged burglary attempt Wednesday night [9/6/2017] at her home.  At about 7 p.m.  Wednesday, police responded to the 600 block of Wilson Street after a report of numerous shots fired, said Lt. Jimmy Cunningham.

Taco Bell employees pull guns, kill masked suspect during armed robbery.  Two masked and armed men entered a Cleveland Taco Bell this week during an attempted robbery, but only one lived to talk about it.  Police and EMS workers arrived at a Taco Bell at West 117th Street and Franklin Boulevard on Wednesday morning [9/6/2017] to find 24-year-old De'Carlo Jackson barely breathing and filled with bullet wounds.  He was pronounced dead at a local hospital shortly afterward, although a second suspect managed to escape a trio of armed employees during the robbery attempt.  Taco Bell has a corporate policy against employees being armed on the job, but Jonathan Witmer-Rich, an associate professor at Cleveland Marshall College of Law, told a local ABC affiliate that this will have no bearing on the criminal investigation.

Police: Off-duty Chicago fire lieutenant fatally shoots man who stole car.  An off-duty Chicago fire lieutenant shot and killed someone who was trying to steal his car in the North Austin neighborhood Monday morning [8/21/2017], according to police.  The West Side shooting happened about 10 a.m. in the 1400 block of North Lockwood Avenue, according to police.  The lieutenant was not working at the time and has a concealed-carry permit, according to police sources.

Baton Rouge Road shooting under investigation.  A Friday night [8/18/2017] shooting incident is under investigation at this hour by the Chester County Sheriff's Office.  According to reports, the incident was a home invasion.  The homeowner shot and killed the suspect.  The homeowner was also injured during the incident.

Gunman opens fire at Ohio judge, who takes out gun and fires back.  A judge in Ohio returned fire at a man who "ambushed" him outside his courthouse, officials say.  The judge was wounded, and the suspect killed, in an 8am shoot out.  Jefferson County Judge Joseph Bruzzese Jr was heading to work at a courthouse in Steubenville, Ohio, where he had worked for 20 years, when he was attacked by a lone gunman.  The 65-year-old judge was shot in the stomach and chest, and was rushed to the hospital via helicopter.

Seminole, Florida, stabber stopped by — drumroll, please — a gun.  A mass stabber cutting into three victims in Seminole, Florida, was apparently stopped dead in his tracks when his fourth target pulled out a gun.  Don't expect this story to make CNN headlines.

61-year-old man shoots teenager trying to steal his gun on Detroit's west side.  A robbery attempt in Detroit backfired when a teenager picked the wrong man to mess with and quickly learned he wasn't the only person armed.  Darius Summers is a mild-mannered musician in Detroit who just turned 61 years old this week.  He also recently received his license to carry a concealed weapon.

Deputies: Homeowner shoots, kills home intruder in Lakeland.  Hillsborough County sheriff's deputies are conducting a death investigation in Lakeland.  Investigators say it appears elderly homeowners on Deeson Road were woken up by an unknown intruder in their home.  The male homeowner shot the intruder, according to detectives, and the intruder died at the scene.

Store owner fatally shoots armed robber in NW Harris Co.  A northwest Harris County store owner is in critical condition after investigators say he was involved in a shoot-out with an armed robber.  "He's not the type of person to carry a gun, but he has to carry a gun because he keeps getting robbed," explained a family friend.  It happened at Lakewood Food Mart on Cedar Point near Grant Road at around 10:30 p.m.  Thursday [8/3/2017].

Break-in suspect shot, man in home charged.  A man is charged with attempted murder and a raft of firearms offences after helping fend off home invaders, one of whom he's now charged with shooting.  Kyle Earl Munroe was arrested on July 12 after RCMP and Halifax Regional Police responded to a report of a home invasion involving firearms at a home in Porters Lake.  Police said that three men entered the residence with guns and a struggle took place with two men inside.  The two in the home seized a firearm from one of the suspects and several shots were fired as the suspects fled.  Police later located one of the suspects, who had non-life-threatening gunshot wounds.

Aggravated Robbery Suspect Gets Smoked by Store Employee in Texas.  Waco Police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton said at 11:15 p.m.  Saturday night [7/29/2017], an armed robbery suspect wearing a ski mask walked into Tee's Smoke Shop and demanded money at gunpoint.  Unfortunately for him, the employee behind the counter was armed, and defending his own life, drew his weapon and shot the suspect several times.  The employee's swift defensive action caused the suspect to flee the scene, but police said he was later dropped off at Baylor Scott & White Hillcrest Medical Center by an unidentified, but obviously caring, friend.

DA declines to file charges against homeowner who shot teenage burglar.  The 62-year-old caller said he was at home [6/24/2017] when he heard noises outside and armed himself with a 12-gauge shotgun as someone continued to try to enter the home.  The man told investigators he opened his front door and fired at the teen when the he rushed at him with an object — later identified as a framing hammer — in a threatening manner.  The teen, dressed in dark clothing, ran a short distance before collapsing in the driveway, where he died, investigators say.  He

GBI: Detective shoots, kills man on his property.  The Georgia Bureau of Investigation says they're investigating the shooting death of a man by a detective in Haralson County.  The incident occurred on July 20.

Pizza Hut Employee Shoots Wannabe Robbers.  Two armed masked men walk inside a Pizza Hut on 17th St. in Sarasota, hoping to rob the place but for one employee becoming a victim wasn't an option.  Just before midnight [6/26/2017], 22-year-old Alexsandr Gorislavets faced a life and death situation when 20-year-old Henry Morley and 21-year-old Shawnathan Young pointed a gun at him.  Gorislavets fired back with his legal to carry gun because he feared for his life.

Elderly man shoots suspect in attempted Madison robbery.  Two men tried to rob an elderly man in Madison [6/19/2017], but the victim fought back, pulled out a gun, and shot one of them.  The other suspect remains on the run, and police say they are still in the initial stages of the investigation so they aren't releasing many details at this time.

Intruder dead, another arrested and more arrests possible after homeowner defends property.  One person was shot and killed in a home invasion late Tuesday night [7/18/2017] in Zachary.  According to the Zachary Police Department, the shooting occurred in the 4000 block of McHugh Road when a group of people tried to break into an apartment.  The suspect, Damon Hayes, Jr., 20, was shot and killed by a homeowner.

Resident shoots robbery suspect dead in south KC at Timber Lake apartments, police say.  Police are on the scene of a deadly shooting near Red Bridge Road and Montgall Avenue Tuesday [7/18/2017].  According to police, the initial call came in around 5 a.m. to report a disturbance involving shots fired.  Responding officers found one person dead about one block away from where the initial call came in.  It took those officers about an hour to locate the victim.

Teenage suspect in Duquesne home invasion detained.  Police detained a 17-year-old boy who was shot in the leg late Monday [7/17/2017] after allegedly trying to break into a home along Clearvue Avenue in Duquesne, according to Allegheny County police Superintendent Coleman McDonough.  McDonough said the teenager fled the area in a car after being shot but drove it over an embankment.

Man shoots mammoth 820 pound wild hog in his front yard.  Samson resident Wade Seago knew something was up outside of his home last week when the family's pet schnauzer, Cruiser, started barking constantly.  The Seagos live on 100 acres in the rural south Alabama town.  The property and surrounding area is teeming with wildlife so it's not unusual for their dog to bark at deer, raccoons or other wild visitors.  But this was different. [...] Seago is an avid deer hunter and runs a taxidermy business in Samson.  He was also a prison guard for several years.  He told me that hogs are abundant in the area and he has seen them on his property before, but none the size of this one.

Armed With Her Dad's Gun, This 17-Year-Old Girl Fended Off A Wanted Man Who Broke Into Her Home.  A 17-year-old girl defended herself with her dad's gun from a wanted car thief who broke into her home while she slept Monday morning [7/17/2017].  When Kimber Wood of Spokane County, Washington awoke, it was to the sound of someone breaking into her home.  Luckily, her parents had warned her there was a suspected car thief on the loose in their area, so she had slept with her dad's gun under her pillow, KHQ reports.

Police: Homeowner shoots robbery suspect during attack on Indy's far east side.  Police say a homeowner on the far east side of Indianapolis shot an attempted robbery suspect late Thursday night [7/13/2017].  The shooting occurred in the 3200 block of Milford Road just before 11 p.m.  IMPD officers tell us a man was returning home when another man attacked him.  The two men got into a fight, and during the altercation the suspect was shot in the back.  Police aren't sure at this time whether the gun belongs to the homeowner or the suspect.  Police say it's possible the homeowner disarmed the suspect.

Sanford woman shoots, kills home intruder.  The Lee County Sheriff's Office is investigating after a Sanford woman shot and killed an intruder Thursday morning [7/13/2017].  Deputies said a woman at 320 S. Plank Road grabbed her pistol after hearing somebody jiggling her door knob just before 11 a.m.  When the woman answered the door, Bryant Latrelle Martin, 29, of 281 S. Plank Road, attempted to force his way into the house and got into a struggle with the homeowner, authorities said.

Police: Victim shoots suspect during robbery attempt in east Columbus.  Columbus police are investigating a shooting that sent a robbery suspect to the hospital.  According to the Columbus Division of Police, at about 7:22am, Thursday [7/13/2017], officers were called to the 6000 block of Barbour Ridge Drive on the report of a shooting.  Police say during a robbery attempt, the victim shot the suspect.

Columbia victim says shot own handgun at armed robber; suspect on the run.  Columbia police said they are investigating an attempted armed robbery on Claudell Lane, which the victim says he prevented by pulling his own gun and shooting at the robber.  Police said they received calls of gunshots being heard around 11:30 p.m.  Saturday [7/8/2017].  When police arrived at the scene, they found a 27-year-old male victim who had been approached by a black man at 1014 Claudell Lane.  The victim told police the robber pointed a handgun at him and demanded his belongings.  The victim said he pulled out his own handgun and fired several shots at the robber.

Prince George's Co.  Police investigate fatal shooting after home break-in.  A home invasion left a suspect dead and the home's occupant in the hospital.  Prince George's County Police are still investigating, but say at around 12:30 p.m., two suspects entered a home in the 12600 block of Lusby Lane in Brandywine and then gunshots rang out.  One of the suspects was shot and killed.  The other one ran away.  One of the home's occupants suffered non-life threatening injuries.

Man Fatally Shot In Attempted Robbery Identified; One Charged With Murder.  According to Crawford County Sheriff Darin Layman, detectives determined that around 4 a.m., Skiles, Moritz and Jones arrived at the residence.  Moritz got out of the vehicle with his face covered and a baseball bat in hand.  Skiles and Jones remained in the vehicle and could hear glass breaking and what they believed to be a gunshot.  Moritz returned to the vehicle and said he had been shot.  They fled the area.

Congressional Staffer Could have Stopped Baseball Field Attack, but Second Amendment Rights were Chilled by D.C. law.  In the aftermath of the baseball field assassination attempt on several Republican Congressmen and their staff, we are finding that District of Columbia infringements on the Second Amendment played a significant role in hampering defense against the attack. [...] Several Congressmen have said that having personal weapons at the ball field could have mitigated or shortened the attack.  Representative Mo Brooks from Alabama said that he could have mounted an effective defensive action.

Homeowner stops intruder after home invasion.  Around midnight on June 25th, Krystal Kasprytzki and her husband were in their home, when the door swung open.  They called out for who they thought was her father, but no one answered.  When they walked toward the entrance to the home, they noticed an unknown man walking into the house.  Krystal was able to grab her gun and stop the man, and take him outside. [...] Krystal tells 40/29 News they normally keep one bullet in the gun, but her husband told her after the incident it was completely empty.

Source: Robbery suspect shot by 7-Eleven clerk, in critical condition.  A robbery suspect is in critical condition after he was shot by a 7-Eleven clerk Saturday [6/24/2017], a source tells 10 On Your Side.  Virginia Beach police say Davin McClenney robbed the 7-Eleven in the 300 block of Kellam Road.  Officers were called to a reported robbery at the convenience store at 1:06 a.m.  Saturday.  Police say when they got on scene, they found McClenney with a gunshot wound to his upper body.

Castaic Home Invasion Ends With Intruder Shot By Homeowner.  Around 2 a.m., a woman noticed a man was trying to force entry into her home on the 36000 block of Ridge Route Road.  Once the suspect had forced entry into her home, the woman fled her residence and then called 911 to report the break in, but she then saw the suspect leave her home.  Thinking she was safe, the woman returned to her home and then barricaded the front door.  However, the suspect then broke into the home using a rear entrance, according to Sheriff's Station officials.  This time around, however, the woman armed herself with a handgun.  After a short confrontation with the suspect, the homeowner fired a shot at the suspect, hitting him in the chest.

Video captures armed showdown between clerk and would-be robber in Las Vegas.  While the thief grabbed an iPad and cellphone, the store owner was grabbing his gun from a safe.  When the man saw the gun, he immediately dropped the items and walked out with his hands up.  The store owner says he actually took a gun class a month ago as part of training for a concealed weapons permit.  He says he never had his finger on the trigger, and if he would not have taken the gun class, he probably would have shot the robber, something he's sure he would have regretted.

Father, teen son choke kidnapper, shoot him 5 times during attempted robbery.  A kidnapper was choked and shot five times during a deadly confrontation after he forced a father and son to drive to an ATM at gunpoint early Wednesday, DeKalb County police said.  Police don't expect to file charges against Roy Farrell, 39, and his 16-year-old son, who were first confronted by the suspect at The Oaks at Stonecrest Apartment Homes on Evans Mill Road.  "This was a justified shooting (self-defense)," DeKalb police spokeswoman Shiera Campbell said.

Armed 11-Year-Old Boy Saves Fishermen From Charging Bear.  Quick action from a Hoonah boy saved a fishing party from a charging brown bear on June 18, the Empire has learned through Alaska State Troopers and family members.  It was the first Defense of Life or Property (DLP) killing in the Hoonah area this year, according to trooper spokesperson Megan Peters.  When the attack occurred, Elliot Clark, then 11 years old, was walking through the woods near Game Creek in Port Frederick[,] several miles south of Hoonah.

Elderly homeowner shoots car burglary suspect.  An 85-year-old East County man opened fire on a suspected car burglar at his rural home early Wednesday [6/14/2017], after which the wounded intruder allegedly continued attempting to steal vehicles and burned down an auxiliary residence on the property before being arrested.

Jacksonville woman shoots, kills abusive ex-boyfriend during break in.  A Jacksonville woman shot and killed her abusive ex-boyfriend after he broke into her apartment on Wednesday [6/14/2017].  Jacksonville Sheriff's Office said the woman shot and killed 33-year-old Michael Turner after he broke a window and got inside her apartment just before 6 a.m.

Police identify alleged robber in fatal shooting.  A 32-year-old male employee of Little B's in Victoria fatally shot an [sic] man who allegedly attempted to rob the store late Thursday [6/15/2017].  "Shortly after 9 p.m.  Thursday, Milton T. Gaither, 34, of Dinwiddie, entered the Little B Convenience Store located in the 1700 block of Main Street in Victoria," State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller said.  "Gaither was wearing a mask, displayed a handgun and demanded money from the cash register.  As Gaither fled the store, shots were fired.

Hero homeowner holds escaped Georgia inmates at gunpoint until arrests.  A Tennessee homeowner held two escaped inmates wanted in the killing of two prison guards at gunpoint Thursday [6/15/2017] until authorities arrived and made the arrests.  Tennessee Highway Patrol spokesman Lt. Bill Miller said late Thursday that the homeowner caught Donnie Rowe and Ricky Dubose trying to steal his vehicle. [...] Rowe and Dubose are accused of killing two guards on a prison transfer bus early Tuesday.

Hero homeowner holds escaped Georgia inmates at gunpoint until arrests.  A Tennessee homeowner held two escaped inmates wanted in the killing of two prison guards at gunpoint Thursday [6/15/2017] until authorities arrived and made the arrests.  Tennessee Highway Patrol spokesman Lt. Bill Miller said late Thursday that the homeowner caught Donnie Rowe and Ricky Dubose trying to steal his vehicle. [...] Rowe and Dubose are accused of killing two guards on a prison transfer bus early Tuesday.

Capitol Police heroes used guns to prevent massacre on ballfield.  Three U.S. Capitol Police officers, who were at the field as part of their duty to protect a senior Republican lawmaker, were returning fire.  They turned the murderous assault by a left-wing fanatic into a raging gunbattle that kept the man off balance and outside the ballfield fence, giving lawmakers and staffers a chance to run for their lives.  The agents then kept the gunman from getting a bead into the concrete dugout where more than a dozen lawmakers and staffers were huddled.

A Long History of Leftist Hatred.  James T. Hodgkinson of Belleville, Illinois, who aspired to end his life as a mass murderer of Republican Congressmen, was a Donald Trump hater and a Bernie Sanders backer.  Like many before him, Hodgkinson was a malevolent man of the hating and hard left.  His planned atrocity failed because two Capitol Hill cops were at that Alexandria baseball field, providing security for House Whip Steve Scalise.  Had those cops not been there, a massacre would have ensued with many more dead than the gunman.

A mass shooting isn't surprising given the mainstreaming of political violence by Democrat extremists.  It's shocking, but not altogether surprising, that a mass-shooting occurred during a Republican Congressional sports outing.  Senator Rand Paul, who observed the volley of 50 or 60 shots, said that a "massacre" had been narrowly averted.  If House Majority Whip Steve Scalise's security detail hadn't been present, Paul said, it would have been a slaughter.

Homeowner shoots home invasion suspect, police searching for 2nd intruder.  Jeanerette [Louisiana] Police are investigating an early morning shooting that left one man in critical condition.  A suspect broke into a house in the 2000 block of Frisco Street around 2:30 a.m.  Wednesday [6/7/2017], according to Chief Jeffery Matthews.  The 60-year-old homeowner was watching TV in the living room room when she heard a noise and went got her gun from the bed room.  The home owner went into the kitchen after hearing the noise again.  The suspect shot at her and she returned fire, shooting him four times.

Burglary ends in a death:  Man killed, another wounded during possible robbery in Norfolk.  A would-be burglar was shot dead Friday morning [6/9/2017] during a home invasion next to Norfolk Naval Station, police said.  Kuwan Robinson, 17, and three others tried to break into a unit just after midnight at the Breezy Point Apartments in the 8600 block of Glen Myrtle Ave., police said, but he was shot during the attempt.  Robinson, of North Chesterfield (just south of Richmond), died in the front yard of the apartment complex.

Fayetteville homeowner shoots armed robber during exchange of gunfire.  A Statham man who held residents at gunpoint and assaulted one has been charged in a June 4 armed robbery at a residence near Fayetteville.  The man before fleeing the home was shot by one of the victims in an exchange of gunfire.  Corey Jamiah Simmons, 22, was charged with armed robbery, kidnapping and aggravated assault, according to Sheriff Barry Babb.

Douglas [Alaska] homeowner shoots 725-pound brown bear.  For the first time since 1974, a brown bear has been shot on the Douglas Island.  Fearing being charged by an estimated 725-pound brown bear, an unidentified Douglas man shot the bear at about 6:30 a.m.  May 25, Alaska Department of Fish & Game wildlife regional supervisor Ryan Scott said.  "Normally, we expect bears to just run away, to flee," Scott said in a phone interview Wednesday.  "Apparently this bear turned around and faced the homeowner.  The homeowner felt it was imminent, it coming to him."

Lancaster city homeowner shoots intruder after early Sunday morning break-in, police say.  Police said William Louis Stewart, 46, of Lancaster, kicked in the door, prompting a woman who lives there to scream for help from the first floor.  The woman's husband, who was asleep upstairs, heard the commotion, retrieved a handgun, and confronted the intruder, who was advancing with a piece of wood, police said.  The husband shot Stewart once in the chest, after which his wife called 911, according to police.  [6/4/2017]

Suspected burglar, two others wounded in separate shootings in Milwaukee.  According to police:  A 26-year-old man was shot shortly after noon [6/2/2017] while trying to burglarize a home in the 6700 block of N. 58th St.  The man was seriously wounded and the person who shot him remained on the scene and was cooperating with police.

Oklahoma Man Uses A Gun To Prevent 'One Of The Worst Things Imaginable'.  In Oklahoma a firearms owner prevented a horrific crime when he shot a neighbor who was attempting to drown twin babies.  This story was probably not well received by Moms Demand Action and Planned Parenthood.  Using a gun to prevent someone from killing babies must rub them in all wrong directions.

Neighbor Shoots Knife-Wielding Man Trying to Drown Babies in Bathtub.  According to The Ada News, police said the suspect — 27-year-old Leland Foster — "forced his way into a home in the 1800 block of East 6th Street" and tried to killed his own three-month-old twins.  Ada Public Information Director Lisa Bratcher said Central Dispatch received a 911 call from the mother of the twins wherein the mother said she and the babies were under attack by a suspect armed with a knife.  Bratcher said "dispatchers could hear the woman screaming in the background amid sounds of a struggle."  A neighbor, Cash Freeman, was alerted to the situation by a 12-year-old who fled the home, frantically seeking help.  Freeman grabbed his revolver and entered the home, where he found Foster allegedly holding the twins under water in the bathtub.  Freeman shot Foster two times, killing him and saving the babies.

Burglar shot after breaking into northwest Oklahoma City apartment, police say.  Police are investigating after a burglar was shot Saturday afternoon [5/20/2017] while breaking into a northwest Oklahoma City apartment.  Officials said the burglar broke into an apartment complex in the 5700 block of Northwest 23rd Street, near North MacArthur Boulevard.  A resident was at the apartment and shot the burglar in the side.

Homeowner Catches Burglar In Act, Shots Fired.  A shot was fired after a man was caught breaking into a home on East Loudon Friday afternoon [5/19/2017].  Police say a burglar was caught stealing clothes.  Someone inside fired a shot at him.  No one was hurt.

Pillars of the community
Mom pulls out guns to chase off 5 suspected burglars.  "I got up and came running through the hallway and my gun was sitting on the dog cage, and the guy was standing in the kitchen.  He had just busted my door open," Lee said.  Lee then grabbed her .45-caliber handgun and her shotgun.  "I put the gun in his face and asked him if there was something I could do for him, and he was gone just that quick," Lee said.

HPD: Uncle kills masked suspect, wounds another during home invasion.  A man came to the rescue when his relatives next door were tied up and assaulted during a home invasion in northeast Houston overnight.  Houston Police Department officers responded around 4 a.m.  Tuesday [5/9/2017] to a call of a burglary in progress at a home in the 3700 block of Crandon Street.

Domino's Pizza Driver Suspended After Fatally Shooting Armed Teenager Trying To Rob Him.  A Domino's pizza delivery driver fatally shot an armed 16-year-old teenager who was attempting to rob him Saturday [5/7/2017].  According to authorities, the delivery driver was in the 1400 block of Springwood Drive near Mesquite Metropolitan Airport about 11:20 p.m when teenager and another suspect confronted him.  The house that the driver was delivering pizza to was vacant.  One of the robbers fired a handgun at the driver, who returned fire, while the two fled.  One of the two robbers was shot and found nearby but later died.

The Editor says...
I'd rather be suspended than shot.

Hero Sports Bar Customer Fatally Shoots Gunman Who'd Just Killed Employee:  Cops.  A scene of both tragedy and heroism unfolded in Texas on Wednesday when cops say a man walked into a sports bar and fatally shot an employee.  But before the suspect could get away, an armed patron of Arlington's Zona Caliente Sports Bar reportedly drew his own weapon and opened fire on the gunman, killing him.  Cops did not clarify whether a third person who was also injured was a customer or employee of the bar.  The person was reportedly injured by shattered glass.  What cops have said, however, is that the quick draw customer may have saved lives.

2 men die, 1 hospitalized after homeowner shoots at drive-by suspects, officials say.  According to officers, the Nissan drove by the man's yard and the men started to shoot at the man.  Authorities said the man standing in his yard, who has a concealed handgun license, shot back at the car hit all three men in the vehicle.  Houston police said the Nissan crashed into another vehicle.  Police said three of the men got out the Nissan and continued to exchange gunfire with the homeowner.  Police said the homeowner struck all three men.  [5/6/2017]

Resident shoots man trying to break into Far East Dallas apartment .  A man shot an intruder who tried breaking into his Far East Dallas apartment early Monday [5/1/2017], police say.  The resident was watching TV in his room about 1:45 a.m., when he heard someone banging on the apartment door, police said.  The front door slammed and the man noticed someone walk inside.  The resident shot at the 35-year-old suspect, who ran away.

Fight, shooting puts two West Valley City men in hospital.  Two men were taken to the hospital after a home invasion and fight apparently culminated in gunfire early Monday morning [5/1/2017] in West Valley City.  Public safety dispatchers say 911 calls reporting gunshots sent police rushing to a home at 4158 W. Paskay Drive (4400 South) at 3:19 a.m.  West Valley City police spokeswoman Roxeanne Vainuku said officers arrived to find an 18-year-old man, suffering gunshot wounds, lying in the street.  He allegedly had broken into the house and was confronted by the male homeowner.

Police ID would-be robber killed by employee on smoke break outside St. Louis 7-Eleven.  The night after a 7-Eleven employee found herself in a fatal early morning shootout with an armed robber Monday, a worker in his first day on the job at the same store swore he would never work the wee hours there.  "I want to feel safe," Davon Dodson said.  "I let them (the 7-Eleven operators) know I would never work overnight.  No way."  The female worker involved in the shootout had stepped out of the store at 509 Bates Street for a smoke break when an armed man tried to rob her about 3:50 a.m., according to police.  She pulled out a gun and exchanged fire with the would-be robber, killing him.

Police: man shot while trying to steal car.  Tucson police say a man was shot after trying to steal a car in the 2800 block of East Manchester Street on Saturday, April 22.  A spokesman for the Tucson Police Department says when a man armed with a gun tried to steal a car, the victim fired several shots at the suspect, hitting him.

Homeowner opens fire on burglars in far southeast Dallas.  A homeowner shot two burglary suspects early Friday [4/21/2017] in far southeast Dallas. [...] One of the intruders was taken to a hospital in critical condition, police said.  The other fled before officers arrived.

Possible home invasion suspect shot.  The homeowner confronted an armed perpetrator, who was dressed in all black and wearing a ski-mask.  The two-exchanged gun fire and the suspect fled the area on foot.  At the time of the call deputies were unable to locate the suspect.  More than two hours later, just before 7 a.m. [4/22/2017], deputies were notified of a 16-year-old male gunshot victim at Wadley Hospital.

Woman feared 'for her life' when she shot burglar.  An Ohio woman said she was "fearing for her life" when she shot an intruder who tackled her after she discovered him in the garage of her parents' south Bloomington home early Friday morning [4/21/2017].  "Anything could have happened by just the way he lunged at me, and I had the gun in his face and told him not to come out because I would shoot," said Kim Sinnott of Hamilton, Ohio.  "He probably thought I wouldn't shoot."

Lawton homeowner shoots and kills burglar.  A man is dead after police say he was shot while trying to break into a woman's home in Lawton [4/18/2017].

Texas man shoots two would-be burglars, kills one.  Huntsville police believe a homeowner was justified in shooting two men who were attempting to burglarize his home Wednesday night [4/13/2017], killing one of them and wounding the other.  According to police, the homeowner pulled into his driveway shortly before 11 p.m.  Wednesday in the Elkins Lake subdivision.  Officers say the homeowner noticed the back door had been kicked in.  Officers said that's when the homeowner went back to his car and got his handgun.

Homeowner shoots, kills intruder near Brown's Point.  A homeowner shot and killed a 27-year-old man who forced his way into his home early Saturday morning [4/15/2017].

One dead, one sought after fatal Ozark home invasion robbery.  The Ozark Police Department is searching for a man in connection with a fatal home invasion robbery late Wednesday night [4/13/2017]. [...] The caller stated two white males entered his residence and attempted to rob him.  The caller said one of the suspects pulled out a weapon and, at that point, gun fire was exchanged between the robbery victim and one of the suspects.

Intruder killed in central Las Vegas robbery-home invasion.  One person was fatally shot Thursday morning [4/13/2017] in what Las Vegas police are calling a robbery-home invasion in the central valley. [...] Police received a call about 1 a.m. from a man in his mid-20s who said he shot another man who broke into his apartment, Lt. Dan McGrath said.

Police: Intruder asked homeowner 'Why did you shoot me?'.  A Des Moines police report of a woman injured in an overnight shooting is now a robbery investigation. [...] A 71-year-old man at the residence told police he was not regularly staying at the house but had stayed there Monday night [4/10/2017], waiting for burglars with his gun, because the home had been broken into several times over the last week.  The man told police he heard a noise and saw a women [sic] in the house wearing a headlamp.  According to police, when the man confronted the woman, she said she was there with her boyfriend and asked him not to shoot.

Concealed carrier holds stabbing suspect until police arrive.  Austin [Arkansas] police are crediting a concealed carry holder for helping save a man who was being stabbed by his brother. [...] Upon further investigation, authorities learned a Good Samaritan, identified as Lt. Brandon Teel, witnessed the incident and reported the crime to police.  When he realized the severity of the fight, police say Teel took out his concealed weapon, for which he has a valid permit, and held the suspect until Austin officers were able to take him into custody.

Orlando man shoots home invader in the hip.  An Orlando man said he gave an intruder two warnings to get out of his house Tuesday morning [3/28/2017] before he shot the intruder in the hip.  Juan Delgado, 65, said he was trained how to fire a gun in the Army, but always hoped he would never have to use one in his home.

Five Greenville teens charged in Lenoir County home break-in.  Five Greenville teens have been charged with Monday's [3/27/2017] home break-in where one of them was shot by the homeowner.  Two of those arrested are athletes at J.H. Rose High School.  Lenoir County Sheriff Ronnie Ingram says the five have all been charged with breaking & entering, larceny after B&E, possession of stolen goods and felony conspiracy.

Invaders Break In Marine Vet's Home — One of Them is Dead, the Other In the Hospital.  A Marine veteran in Salt Lake City had his door kicked in just after 3am and two men dressed in black entered his apartment.  One of them didn't make it out because he was shot dead.  Marine veteran Brian Sant lived in the apartment that two men broke into during the early morning hours on Thursday [3/30/2017].  He had just finished working a late shift and was still awake in his living room and his 29-year-old son had gone to bed, according to the Salt Lake Tribune.  Another unnamed adult was also inside the apartment at the time.  Puleaga Danny Tupu, 33, of West Valley City and another man kicked in the door on Sant.  One of the men was holding a 2-foot-long metal pipe.  Both men were dressed in black with hoods.  Sant began to fight the men in the living room, and that's when his son was awakened by the commotion.  He stepped out of his bedroom and fired at both men, killing one and wounding the other.

Teen Shoots and Wounds 4 AM Home Invaders.  The Bowling Green Daily News reports [3/20/2017] The Kentucky State Police Post 3 received a request for assistance from the Edmonson County Sheriff's Office around 4:16 a.m.  Sunday [3/26/2017] regarding a man who had been shot after entering a home.  According to the KSP, a preliminary investigation indicated that two adults went to the residence on Rocky Hill Road to confront a 17-year-old male.  The two men got into a confrontation with the teenager.  The young victim then retrieved a shotgun and fired it at one of the men, striking him in the abdomen.

Home invasion gone wrong:  Utah resident kills one suspect, injures another.  One person is dead and another is in the hospital after a home invasion in Salt Lake City early Thursday morning.  Authorities were called to an apartment near 731 S. 300 E. at about 3 a.m.  Police say two men broke into the apartment overnight and one of the residents inside the apartment shot the suspects.  One of the suspects died in the apartment and another collapsed just outside the door.

Homeowner's son kills three would-be burglars with AR-15.  Three would-be robbers were shot and killed Monday [3/28/2017] when an Oklahoma homeowner's son opened fire on them with an AR-15, authorities said.  Wagoner County sheriff's deputies were called to the home in Broken Arrow, southeast of Tulsa, around 12:30 p.m. local time.  When they arrived, they found the three dead suspects and two uninjured residents.

Accused burglar identified after being shot and killed.  A man who was shot and killed Friday [3/24/2017] during an attempted home invasion has been identified, according to police. [...] According to police, the detained man said an exchange of gunfire occurred after Chatman attempted to rob him at gunpoint.

Police: Victims shoots armed robbery suspect.  A man accused of an attempted armed robbery Thursday night [3/23/2017] was shot in the process and died early Friday morning, according to investigators.  The Baton Rouge Police Department reported Kylin Spencer, 19, died at the hospital from gunshot wounds.

Masked teenage burglars who were gunned down by homeowner's son had struck property already that day.  The three teenage raiders who were shot dead while breaking into a house had already robbed the property hours earlier, can reveal.  They went back for a second robbery and paid with their lives.  They had stolen alcohol from a garage at the rear of the detached house before returning and breaking into the main house and meeting their deaths.  Police say that having got away with the first raid they decided to chance a second robbery in the belief that the house was unoccupied.

Springfield home invasion ends in exchange of gunfire.  Springfield police are investigating after a home invasion ended in an exchange of gunfire between the homeowner and the suspects early Saturday morning [3/25/2017].  The incident happened in the 800 block of Kings Lane around 2 a.m.  Springfield police reported three young men entered the residence with guns drawn and began demanding money from the homeowner.

Police: Man shot in head while trying to rob house in Wissinoming.  A 29-year-old man was shot in the head by a man he was trying to rob during a home invasion in Wissinoming on Friday [3/24/2017], according to police.  The would-be robber, whom police did not identify, forced his way into a home on the 6100 block of Hegerman Street around 12:10 a.m.  Friday, pointing a gun at a 21-year-old man who was leaving the house and ordering him back inside, police said.  Inside the house, police said, the 29-year-old demanded money and jewelry from the 21-year-old and another man, also 29, holding them both at gunpoint.

Retired Officer Shoots Masked Neighbor Holding a Machete in Cypress.  The retired HPD officer, 58, was working in his yard [3/25/2017] when he was approached by his neighbor, Harris County Sheriff's Office said.  His 20-year-old neighbor was wearing a ski mask and holding a machete.  He told the retired officer that he was there to kill him, authorities reported.  The officer discharged his weapon, hitting the neighbor in the stomach.

They smashed through the back door.  The homeowner's son fired an AR-15, cops say.  Gunfire rang out Monday afternoon [3/27/2017] in a home in Broken Arrow, an Oklahoma city 15 miles southeast of Tulsa.  Three intruders were killed after the son of the homeowner fired a semiautomatic rifle in what local law enforcement officers later described as an act of self-defense, though their investigation remains open.

Three Teen Burglars Killed By Broken Arrow Homeowner's Son, Deputies Say.  Three teenagers were killed Monday [3/27/2017], shot by a man as they were breaking into his home.  Officers say it happened at a home near 91st and Clearview Drive in Wagoner County.  The Wagoner County Sheriff's Office said the homeowner and his adult son were in the home when three males wearing masks and gloves tried to break in at about 12:30 p.m.  The homeowner's son shot the intruders with a rifle, deputies said, killing all three.

Video shows Ohio food mart clerk shooting would-be robber in hand.  Surveillance video obtained Friday [3/10/2017] shows a clerk at an Ohio convenience store shooting and wounding a would-be armed robber.  "It was really tough," the clerk told Fox 28 Columbus, which aired the video.  "It's not easy to shoot someone, especially with someone who never had to deal with guns."

Masked Robber Shot And Killed By Arlington Store Clerk.  Arlington Police say a convenience store clerk shot and killed a masked robber Monday night [3/6/2017].  It happened at the Super Save in the 2500 block of East Abram Street around 7:45 p.m.

Deputies: Man trying to break into house shot by homeowner.  A burglar breaking into a Poulsbo home was critically wounded when he was shot by the homeowner, Kitsap County Sheriff's deputies said.  A 911 call came in for help just before 2 a.m. [3/5/2017], deputies said.  Deputies arrived to find a suspected burglar wounded at the home.

Del City Homeowner Shoots And Kills Intruder, No Arrests Made.  A homeowner told police he shot a man who aggressively came through his front door in Del City Saturday night [3/4/2017].  The shooting happened about 9:30 p.m., in the 4400 block of SE 37th Street.

Deputies: Intruder shot dead by homeowner in Stanislaus County.  A man was killed during a home-invasion robbery at a house in the Stanislaus County town of Empire, and although a teen was caught, two people remain outstanding, officers said Thursday [3/2/2017].

Retired Berkeley County deputy shoots, wounds 16-year-old burglar.  A retired Berkeley County deputy shot and wounded a burglar at his home Wednesday morning [3/1/2017], according to the State Law Enforcement Division.  SLED spokesman Thom Berry says it happened at a home on Poplar Hill Drive in Ridgeville.

One Dead In Apparent Home Invasion In Foley.  Authorities have confirmed that the individual killed on scene Tuesday night [2/28/2017] was an intruder in the home.  Foley Police say 20-year-old intruder Sedrick D. Jemison broke three doors with a pick-axe before entering the business, Elite Marine, in Foley.  The business owner, who also lives on the property, was awoken by a "loud crash" and retaliated with a gun.  The intruder was shot dead.  No arrests have been made.

Homeowner fearing for his life shoots intruder.  A homeowner shot and injured an intruder late Tuesday afternoon [2/28/2017] in the city's Woodstock area, the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office said.  About 4:45 p.m., the owner of a vacant house on Prospect Street, just east of Edgewood Avenue North, went to check on his rental property when he said he heard a TV on and found that the place had been ransacked.  The homeowner, who wished to remain anonymous, said he went room by room until he got to a back bedroom and saw a stranger inside.

Woman shoots man breaking into Dayton home.  A man was shot while trying to break into a house in Dayton.  It happened around 4:40 a.m. on Thursday [2/23/2017] at a house in the 200 block of Baltimore Street.  Police say a woman called 911 and said a man had been shot while trying to break into the house.

Boise woman scares off attempted carjacker with pistol.  A woman saved herself from a dangerous situation with her pistol kept in her car Monday [2/20/2017].  "I couldn't believe it, it was shock and fear," said the unidentified woman.  It happened at the corner of west Kootenai and south Hilton streets.  A woman just dropped off her 9-year-old daughter Monday morning around 7:30 a.m.

CPSO: Homeowner shoots alleged intruder.  A man is in the hospital after he was shot by a homeowner as he allegedly was attempting to enter her home.  Around 7 a.m.  Wednesday [2/22/2017], a woman called 911 to tell authorities she had just shot an intruder, according to Calcasieu Parish Sheriff Tony Mancuso.  Deputies found the suspect, Derrick Wayne Brown, 31, at the Gauthier Campus of Lake Charles Memorial with a non-life threatening gunshot wound.

13-Year-Old Uses his Mom's Glock to Defend Himself From 6-Time Felon.  Every parent has had the concern of someone breaking into their home while their children were home.  This nightmare became a reality for the parents of a South Carolina boy, who was only 13 years-old.  The teenager was home alone when he heard someone breaking in.  Instead of calling 911 and hiding while he waited for help to arrive, which could have easily rendered him a victim... he chose to take matters into his own hands!  The 13-year-old grabbed his mother's Glock, and fired 3 rounds at Lamar Anthwan Brown, who was standing at the back door.  Brown, a 31-year-old felon, returned fire, but quickly retreated to a getaway car.

Elwood homeowner shoots intruder.  An intruder picked the wrong home to hit.  On Thursday [2/2/2017] around 9:30 p.m., Elwood police responded to a home on South K Street.  Detectives learned a man caught an intruder breaking into his home and shot him.

Vietnam veteran justified in killing robber.  An armed veteran from St. Louis killed one man and injured another during an armed robbery attempt in the metro east.  But, on Friday [2/3/2017], prosecutors said the veteran's actions are justified, and could help solve dozens of other violent crimes in Illinois and Missouri.  Madison County State's Attorney Tom Gibbons said this case should serve as a warning to criminals.  If you're coming to the Metro East to break the law, you could end up staring down the barrel of a gun.

St. Joseph Woman Shoots at Burglar in Attempted Home Invasion.  A homeowner reportedly shot at a burglar during an attempted home invasion on Cudmore Avenue Saturday morning [2/4/2017].  Sgt. Byrom with the St.  Joseph Police Department said a woman called shortly after 7 a.m. Saturday to report the attempted burglary.  She told police that she shot her personal firearm at an individual she believed was trying to break into her home.

Restaurant owner shoots two would-be robbers, police say.  According to officials, the owner of J&S Bar B Que at 8312 Mesa Drive was closing around 10:50 p.m. Saturday [2/4/2017].  Two males jumped out from behind a large garbage bin and attempted to rob him, police said.  According to investigators, the owner pulled a gun and shot a couple times at the would-be robbers.

Resident, suspected intruder shot during attempted home invasion on Indianapolis' south side.  A resident and a suspected home intruder were both shot during an attempted home invasion on Indianapolis' south side.  Officers with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department were called to the area of East Hanna Avenue just before 5 p.m.  Monday [2/6/2017].  Police say two people were rushed to the hospital with apparent gunshot wounds.  They believe one of those was the suspected intruder, and the other was the person living in the home.

Police:  Woman fatally shoots Benning soldier breaking into her apartment.  The Fort Benning soldier killed in a Sunday morning [2/5/2017] shooting on Armour Avenue had broken into an apartment and was shot by the resident living there, according to a police report on the incident.  Christopher Warden, 31, a Fort Benning soldier apparently thought the apartment was where his wife had gone to pick up her daughter.  An unidentified friend of Warden's and a neighbor in the apartments tried to tell Warden he was at the wrong address.  But Warden beat and kicked the door, then broke out a window and climbed through.

Father kills intruder who shot son in Lemon Grove.  An armed intruder who shot a Lemon Grove man was killed by the victim's father during a home invasion early Tuesday [2/7/2017], police said.  A second robber escaped.  The wounded man, Francisco Suarez Jr., 22, is expected to survive, Sheriff's Lt. Kenneth Nelson said.  He said it appears that the household was targeted by the robbers.

Upper Darby Woman Fights Back, Shoots Laundromat Attacker With His Own Gun.  Mor Khantha is a Laotian-born mother of three.  She was working her overnight shift at the laundromat when the incident occurred.  Surveillance video shows a man armed with a 9 millimeter handgun enter the laundromat.  Police say he was attempting to rob and rape the woman after trapping her in the restroom.  A wrestling match ensued between the two.

Police: Mother Shoots At Woman Trying To Break Into Tulsa Home.  A Tulsa mother is urging others to teach their kids to never answer the door if a stranger knocks.  That training paid off Friday [2/3/2017] when police say an intoxicated woman tried breaking into several homes after being shot at by another homeowner.  Police said Heather Ward tried to break into a home near 8th and Saint Louis through a kid's bedroom window; in return, the mother shot at her.

Police: Lothian homeowner shoots burglar in the head.  A Lothian man shot a burglar twice Thursday morning [2/2/2017] — once in the head — after he tried to attack him and his wife in their home, Anne Arundel County police said. [...] Police said an unidentified man tried to break into the home while the couple living there was at home.

Homeowner cleared after fatally shooting suspected intruder.  A homeowner in Macomb County won't face criminal charges after it's believed he shot and killed an intruder during a breaking and entering about 10 p.m. Sunday, Roseville Police Chief James P. Berlin says.  "After due deliberation the (Macomb County) Prosecutors Office has declined to bring forth any charges against the homeowner who fired the fatal shot in this incident," Berlin said in a statement Wednesday [2/1/2017].

Two dead in apparent home invasion shootout.  Two men were shot and killed Monday morning [1/30/2017] in what authorities believe was a home invasion in the Rancho Tehama area of western Tehama County.  The Sheriff's Office received reports just after 10 a.m.  Monday of a man being shot in the area of Amador Court and Rancho Tehama Reserve Road.  Deputies responded to the entrance of Black Ranch where the owner of the residence reported a dead man was in his driveway.

Police ID alleged burglar shot at tavern.  No charges will be filed against the man who shot an alleged burglar in his business Saturday morning [1/28/2017], but the suspect will face a burglary charge once he is released from the hospital.  Charles W. Casford, owner of the Junction Tavern in DePue told Bureau County sheriff's deputies and state police investigators that he was in the living area attached to the business when, at approximately 5:24 a.m. Saturday, he was alerted to a loud noise in the bar area of the Junction.

Pistol-packing deli owner fires at robbers in gripping surveillance video.  Two masked men entered Camilo Liquor on Sixth Avenue on January 6 and proclaimed that it was a "stick up," according to the report.  At around 6:30 p.m., the men rushed the deli's counter, but the establishment's owner, Jose Camilo, can be seen in surveillance video grabbing his own gun and shooting at them, scaring them off.

Intruder shot by homeowner in New Haven.  Police in New Haven are investigating after they said an intruder was shot [1/16/2017] by a homeowner at 199 Pine Street.  Police said the suspect, Jorge Ortiz, 26, address unknown, is alive, and they said he was shot in the shoulder.  He was taken to Yale New Haven Hospital.

Suspect in Cleveland home invasion shot by one of his victims.  Cleveland police report that on January 13th at around 11 p.m., a man went outside to the driveway of a home on Coath Avenue to get a cell phone charger from his car.  He was approached by the suspect, who told him, at gunpoint, to go back inside the house.  Another man inside the home saw the victim walking towards the house with his hands held up in the air and shot at the suspect.

Craigslist seller shoots buyer after assault; Akron man charged with robbery.  A Plain Township man shot an Akron man Thursday [1/19/2017] during a Craigs-list sale that went bad, authorities said.  Ronald Henderson, 18, went to a Brushmore Avenue Northwest home in Plain Township on Thursday afternoon to purchase a cellphone from a 57-year-old man who lived there.  Deputies reported that the two quarreled, Henderson grew agitated, assaulted the man and attempted to rob him at gunpoint.  The homeowner responded by drawing his own gun and shooting Henderson.

Woman fires shot, intruder leaves, sheriff's office says.  A King City community woman fired a bullet from a handgun at a man attempting to break into her apartment early Saturday morning [1/14/2017] and the man fled, the Washington County Sheriff's Office said.  Sheriff's deputies were searching Saturday for the man, who is believed to be Louis Jarvis Jr., 40.  A sheriff's news release says Jarvis is involved in a child custody dispute with the woman, who lives in an apartment complex at 12070 S.W. Fischer Road.  Jarvis has never lived at the apartment, the release says.  Deputies, called to the apartment shortly after 2 a.m., found the front door had been kicked in.  The woman told deputies the man left after she fired a gunshot.

Taxi driver uses legal gun to defend against ice pick attack.  A Rochester taxi driver says he was forced to pull a gun to protect him from a passenger who tried to attack him with an ice pick.  "I believe she would have killed me had if i had been close enough to her," said Collin Green, the man who drove the taxi.

PD: Armed robber shot by clerk, "They're supposed to just hand over the money.".  [Scroll down]  The suspect ran and tried to get on his bike but realized, "his arm didn't work."  He went to a nearby restaurant to ask for help.  Police contacted him there and the suspect was taken to the hospital for a gunshot wound to his arm.  It was there, police say, that he admitted to the robberies.  He allegedly told police that he targeted gas stations because "they are supposed to just hand over the money and not try to stop anyone."  He's been charged with armed robbery and attempted armed robbery.

Video: Idiot Attempts To Rob Gun Store And Pays The Price.  A Cobb County, Georgia gun store owner quickly served up some justice to one of the armed robbers that barged into his business on Monday morning [1/9/2017].  The owner, 64-year-old Jimmy Groover, and another employee were working behind the display cases when two masked men rushed in holding them up at gunpoint.  [Video clip]

Motorist with gun kills man beating wounded Arizona trooper.  An Arizona trooper who had been shot and was being beaten by a man with a pistol was saved Thursday [1/12/2017] by a motorist who killed his attacker, authorities said.  The man who came upon the scene warned the suspect to stop striking the officer, but the assailant continued, said Capt. Damon Cecil, a spokesman for the Arizona Department of Public Safety.  The good Samaritan got a gun from his car and shot the suspect, who died at the scene.

Armed Citizen Kills Highway Sniper Who Ambushed Trooper in Arizona.  I'm going to caution that major details in this story appear to have changed at least twice, but we're fairly certain that these are the facts now that the dust has settled. [...] There were prior versions of the story reported in other news outlets that first suggested the man who shot the trooper might have been an occupant of the overturned vehicle, while another said it was the trooper who shot the suspect.  Evidence now suggests that the trooper was responding to the incident when an unknown party shot him, then attempted to continue his attack.  A Good Samaritan stopped, got his gun from his vehicle when the man wouldn't stop attacking the trooper, and shot the suspect dead.  The trooper is now in stable condition.

Authorities:  Trooper was shot by driver he sought to help.  The man who shot and severely beat an Arizona state trooper last week was a former member of the Mexican federal police who was in the country illegally, authorities said.

Armed & Ready Texas Granny Chases Intruder Away During Home Invasion.  What started out to be a normal night for one ArkLaTex grandma turned out to be anything but typical.  Seventy four year-old Rebbie Roberson says she sat down to watch the news Sunday evening when a masked intruder suddenly appeared.  Roberson said, "And when I started to get up, he was in here on me with a gun facing me right to my face.  So I had to walk right out in front of him.  I didn't know if he was going to kill me or what."  In a move that likely saved her life, Roberson had a loaded gun on a nearby table and she grabbed it.

Armed robber is shot dead by a quick-thinking gun store owner who pulls his gun and opens fire.  An armed robber was killed on camera as he tried to hold up a gun store by its 64-year-old owner.  Surveillance footage at Dixie Gun and Pawn in Mableton, Georgia, showed the moment the would-be criminal and an accomplice stormed into the store dressed in ski masks.  They aimed their guns towards an employee who held his hands up in a plea for mercy before store owner Jimmy Groover opened fire.

Robber found dead after victim fired shots, police say.  According to Houston police, a 76-year-old man was robbed of his wallet [1/9/2017] and at least two people fled the scene in a pickup.  As the robbers were fleeing, the victim fired shots at them, police said.  The pickup was later found in the 1600 block of Collingsworth Street and the passenger was pronounced dead, police said.

McCracken County homeowner fatally shoots apparent burglar.  A homeowner shot and killed an apparent burglar and seriously wounded another on Saturday night [1/7/2017].  The McCracken County Sheriff's Office identified the two men who were shot as 39-year-old Toby William Reed of Cunningham, Kentucky, and 34-year-old Christopher Ingram, of Paducah.  Reed died at the scene.  Ingram remains in a Tennessee hospital in serious condition.

Man fatally shoots home intruder.  The Sarasota County Sheriff's Office says they were called the 2300 block of Constitution Blvd around 1:30 p.m. [1/9/2017] on reports of a shooting.  After investigating, police say a man, identified as Glenn Edward Oliver, 30, forced his way in through a window while the family was out of town.  When the homeowner and family returned, he noticed things were out of place and was then attacked by the suspect who then ran into a bedroom and grabbed a baseball bat.  The homeowner used a firearm to shoot and kill the suspect.

New Orleans woman scares off burglar by picking up knife first, then gun.  Investigators say Adams forced his way into the woman's home on Eads Street around 5:20 a.m. [1/7/2017]  Police say he and the victim got into a fight.  The woman pulled out a knife and officials say Adams ran away.  Police say Adams returned and this time the woman pulled out a gun and shot two rounds, sending him fleeing a second time.  He returned a third time with a gun, police say.  This time, he was arrested when police arrived at the scene.

Police:  Suspected robber shot in Back of the Yards.  The 23-year-old showed up at Mercy Hospital about 5:45 p.m. [1/6/2017] with multiple gunshot wounds, police said.  Investigators think he was wounded when carrying out a robbery about 15 minutes earlier in the 4800 block of South Wolcott, police said.

2 fatal Henrico home invasions ruled self-defense killings.  The separate fatal shootings of two young men, including that of a former Glen Allen High School football standout, have been ruled justifiable after authorities concluded they were killed in self-defense after rushing into homes and threatening the occupants.  The Henrico County Commonwealth's Attorney's Office has ruled that Taivon M. Fox, 19, and Jarrelle J. Pringle, 21, were killed in unrelated home invasions Oct. 29 and Dec. 2, respectively, while armed with a baseball bat or a gun.

Woman fires shot to ward off home invasion.  A Bartholomew County woman is recovering from her injuries from a home invasion Wednesday [1/4/2017].  Police say she was able to fire a gunshot at two people who came in her home wearing masks on County Road 675 West around 2:45 p.m.

Man shot during home invasion charged with several felonies; shooting deemed justified.  A man shot in the abdomen by a 77-year-old during what authorities called an armed home invasion has been charged with seven felonies. [...] The 77-year-old homeowner is not to be charged because the prosecutor deemed his actions against Irving, allegedly weilding a knife and in search of money, were justified.  Citizens have a right to use deadly force when they reasonably believe their lives or the lives of others are in danger, Prosecutor Jerry Jarzynka said.

Tanglewood Homeowner Shoots Burglar Breaking Into His House.  "It's really surreal," says Mike Colgin, a mild-mannered retiree who never expected to open fire on an intruder into his home.  Tuesday morning [1/3/2017] around 4:30 a.m., Colgin was asleep inside his Tanglewood home when he heard the sound of glass breaking.  That's when he grabbed the gun and began walking down the hall toward the living room.

Man walking dog shoots, kills would-be robber.  A man walking his dog Tuesday night near his home shot two people who tried to rob him, killing one and wounding the other.  Deonte M. Thomas, 17, of Milwaukee was shot to death and his 18-year-old companion was wounded, police said.  The 36-year-old man had a concealed-carry permit.

Store employee fatally shoots armed robber in Candler.  Authorities in western North Carolina say a 21-year-old man was fatally shot while robbing a Mexican grocery store.  The Buncombe County Sheriff's Office says deputies found Darwin Villatoro lying on the ground near Tienda Mexicana in Candler about 8:30 p.m.  Friday [12/23/2016] after a store employee called 911.  The Asheville resident was pronounced dead at the scene.  The sheriff's office says the employee who called 911 told deputies a robber brandished a gun, and the two exchanged gunfire.

Danville resident shot in gunfire exchange with intruder.  A 71-year-old Danville man was shot Friday night [12/30/2016] in an exchange of gunfire with an intruder in his Wooding Avenue home.  Police responded to the 300 block of Wooding Avenue at about 10:15 p.m.  Friday.  The victim told officers he was in his home when he heard a knock at his front door, according to a news release from the Danville Police Department.

Man with concealed-carry permit fatally shoots would-be robber.  A man with a concealed-carry license fatally shot a would-be robber in Chatham Friday afternoon [12/30/2016], sources said.  The 23-year-old man was walking in the 8200 block of South Ingleside about 1:54 p.m. when another male pulled out a gun and tried to rob him, according to police.  A fight broke out and the 23-year-old, who was licensed to carry a firearm, pulled out his own gun and shot the would-be robber in the head, killing him, sources said.

Teen shot, killed by CCW permit holder, while attempting armed robbery:  "Picked the wrong guy".  Milwaukee police are investigating a fatal shooting that occurred late Tuesday night, December 27th.  The deceased has been identified as 17-year-old Deonte Thomas. [...] Police say their preliminary investigation reveals Thomas was attempting to commit a robbery at the time of the shooting and was shot by the 36-year-old Milwaukee man who was being robbed — who was out walking his dog on Tuesday night.

Two West Side residents turn tables on home invaders in separate incidents.  Residents managed to turn the tide against home invaders during two separate incidents overnight [12/27/2016] on the West Side.  San Antonio Police Department Sgt. Thomas Brittain said the first home invasion occurred late Tuesday just before midnight in the 100 block of Farrel Drive when a resident heard banging on windows before his front door was broken don [sic].

Cartersville store clerk shoots, kills would-be robber.  Police said when masked men walked into a convenience store in Cartersville and started firing, the clerk pulled out his gun and shot back.  One of the masked men was hit and killed and police are still looking for two others.  It happened at the Sunoco on Highway 411 around 3:30 Tuesday morning [12/27/2016].

Police continue to search for man believed to be shot during home invasion.  Police are continuing to search for an intruder believed to have been shot when he entered the home of an elderly man on Winifred Street. [...] A man fired at least four times Friday night [12/23/2016] at the intruder, said to be armed with a knife, and the man fled with the homeowner's gun and pickup truck.

Police: Gun store owner shoots, kills armed robber.  A gun store owner shot and killed a man attempting to rob his store Monday morning [12/26/2016], according to police.  The owner of Dixie Gun and Pawn on Veterans Memorial Parkway in Cobb County, along with one other worker, had just opened the store when two men with ski masks and guns came in, according to investigators.  Police say the owner pulled out his gun and fired, hitting one of the gunmen.

Son kills home burglary suspect outside Kingwood home.  A burglary suspect was shot and killed in a Kingwood home on Christmas Eve.  According to police, the incident happened around 9:45 p.m.  Saturday [12/24/2016] on Longleaf Pines Lane when a resident noticed broken glass in a front window of his home.  Police said as he was checking out the glass, the homeowner noticed a suspect in his home.  He then alerted his son who was also in the house with his wife.  The son, who carries a weapon, shot the suspect.

Alleged car burglar killed outside Fort Bend home.  Law enforcement authorities around Houston are investigating two incidents of homeowners using deadly force to protect their property.  Both happened early Christmas morning [12/25/2016].  In one instance, a homeowner shot and killed a suspected burglar inside a house on Longleaf Pines Lane in Kingwood.  In Fort Bend County on Malin Court, a man shot and killed someone who was rummaging through his truck.

Three Thugs Shot Committing Home Invasions In San Antonio.  Two different home invasions turned out poorly for the criminals in San Antonio (TX) last night [12/27/2016].

Two West Side residents turn tables on home invaders in separate incidents.  San Antonio Police Department Sgt. Thomas Brittain said the first home invasion occurred late Tuesday just before midnight in the 100 block of Farrel Drive when a resident heard banging on windows before his front door was broken don [sic].

Philadelphia police: Two would-be robbers shot in separate incidents.  Police say a 30-year-old man who attempted to rob an auto repair shop was shot three times by the shop's owner. [...] About three hours later, authorities say a pizza deliveryman shot a 19-year-old man who tried to rob him.

Tulsa Homeowner Shoots Man In Possible Break-In.  Police are still investigating after a homeowner shot a man trying to break into his house early Wednesday [12/7/2016] near 91st and Memorial.  Officers say at about 1:15 a.m., [a] man jumped over the homeowner's fence and tried to break into a bedroom door, which led to the home's backyard.  Police say the homeowner grabbed his girlfriend's pistol and started shooting at the intruder through the door.

IMPD: Victim justified in shooting suspected robber.  Investigators believe the victim of a fatal shooting on the northeast side Sunday [12/11/2016] was trying to rob the man who shot him.  A 19-year-old man died in the shooting at the Cottages of Fall Creek Apartments in the 6800 block of East 56th Street, according to the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department.  "Detectives believe it is a self-defense case and witnesses support that allegation," Sgt. Kendale Adams said in an email Monday.  The shooter was interviewed by police and released, Adams said.

Homeowner shoots two people during attempted robbery, police say.  Indianapolis Metropolitan police believe two people who arrived at an Indianapolis hospital with gunshot wounds Friday morning [12/9/2016] were involved in a robbery. [...] According to IMPD, someone inside their home on South Sherman heard a knock at the door and didn't answer.  Three people then tried kicking in the door.  The homeowner shot at them, police said.

Cops: Homeowner shoots teen during Chester burglary attempt.  A 31-year-old homeowner Wednesday [12/7/2016] shot one of two juveniles in the leg when he interrupted an apparent burglary, according to police. [...] According to Amaro, the sleeping homeowner was awakened by a noise inside the residence and proceeded to check it out, discovering the intruders.

Liquor Store Owner Exchanges Gunfire With Robbers.  Police are searching for robbers who exchanged gunfire with a store employee Tuesday night [12/6/2016] in the Portage Park neighborhood on the Northwest Side.  The gunfire erupted between the suspects and the worker about 9:20 p.m. in the store in the 4200 block of North Milwaukee, according to Chicago Police.  The robbers made off with cash and merchandise.

Homeowner fights back in attempted home invasion.  An Anderson County homeowner stopped an attempted robbery by shooting at the man trying to enter his home on Wednesday [12/7/2016].  "At around 2:15 p.m. in the 5600 block of FM 320, an individual heard someone trying to break in the door of his home," said Sheriff Greg Taylor.  "The home owner fired several shots at the individual that he described as a black male, possibly wearing brown coveralls, but he may have changed by now."

Police identify armed intruder who was shot, killed by Ilion homeowner.  Ilion police have confirmed that there was a shooting on Richfield Street in the village of Ilion this morning [12/7/2016].  "What we know right now is that it was a robbery attempt and the suspect entered the home, and the homeowner was able to shoot the suspect," Ilion Police Chief Tim Parisi said.  Parisi said the intruder is dead, and the homeowner is okay.

Man fires shot during East Lansing home invasion.  Police are looking for three men after a resident fired a shot at them when they broke into his apartment early Tuesday, officials said.  East Lansing police were called to a unit in the Timberlake Apartment complex on Coolidge Road, at about 3 a.m. [12/6/2016], said Det.  Sgt. Chad Connelly.

Culpeper homeowner shoots, kills alleged intruder.  An alleged intruder was shot and killed Thursday evening [12/1/2016] by a Culpeper County property owner.  According to the Culpeper County Sheriff's Office, the department received a report of a shooting at a home in the 14000 block of Woodland Church Road at 6:22 p.m.  Units from the sheriff's office responded and found an alleged intruder shot by the homeowner.  The suspect is dead.

Fayetteville homeowner shoots intruder twice, police say.  Just after 2:30 a.m. [12/1/2016], the homeowner said he heard noises coming from his back door.  Police said the homeowner then saw a male intruder entering the home.  The homeowner told police the suspect approached him so he fired a shot, hitting the intruder in the stomach.  The intruder kept approaching the homeowner so another shot was fired, also hitting him.

Intruder Shot and Killed at Antioch Home.  On November 29 at approximately 11:55 pm, Antioch Police Officers were dispatched to the 2900 block of Winding Lane on the report of an intruder breaking into a residence and that the intruder had just been shot.  According to Antioch Police Sergeant Tom Fuhrmann, when officers arrived they found a 21 year old, male, Antioch resident (the intruder) suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.

Homeowner Shoots, Kills Possible Intruder in Apple Valley.  The fatal shooting of a man inside an Apple Valley home by the homeowner is still under investigation, but after being interviewed by detectives, the homeowner is not being held Wednesday [11/30/2016], according to the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department.

911 Recording Documents Homeowner's Fatal Shot at Home Intruder.  A man in Sunrise, FL was forced to use his gun to defend himself from three home intruders Monday morning [11/28/2016] and the shots that ended one of the intruders lives was caught on tape.  The homeowner, Warren Darlow, said he saw a car pull into his driveway and saw three unfamiliar black men exit the vehicle and approach his house.  Suspecting the men were planning to break in, Darlow grabbed his a shotgun, loaded it and called 911.  But as he was on with the 911 dispatcher, the suspects smashed a glass door and gained entry into the home where Darlow was.

Officer Horujko, Stopped Terror Attack, Competitive Shooter.  Here are some details about the Ohio State University officer who acted so quickly and decisively to stop the terrorist car and knife attack Monday morning, the 28th of November, about 9 a.m.  Horujko was president of his high school rocket club, leading him toward an engineering degree. [...] Horujko, like many engineers, liked guns.  He was a competitive shooter.  But Horujco found he was not passionate about engineering.  He liked police work better.  He switched his major.

Ohio State police officer hailed for swiftly killing attacker.  The 28-year-old police officer who shot and killed the man behind Monday's [11/28/2016] attacks at Ohio State University is being hailed for his quick actions.  "Our officer was on scene in less than a minute and he ended the situation in less than a minute," Ohio State University Police Chief Craig Stone said at a press conference Monday afternoon.

Meet the Hero Cop Who Took Down the Somali Stabber at Ohio State.  Abdul Razak Ali Artan's "ram and stab" rampage at Ohio State University Monday morning [11/28/2016] sent ten people to the hospital — including one who is in critical condition — but it could have been much, much worse.  Thanks to the quick actions of 28-year-old Ohio State University officer Alan Horujko, the threat was eliminated in less than two minutes. The officer was in the area responding to a fire alarm when Artan plowed his vehicle into a number of pedestrians and then jumped out and started stabbing at them.

Florida Grocery Clerk Teaches Would-Be Robber How Concealed Carry Works.  A Florida grocery store clerk noticed a man wearing sunglasses around midnight over the Thanksgiving weekend and became suspicious that he might try and rob the store.  Police say that William Smith, 29, pulled a gun on the clerk and demanded money from the cash register.  There was just one problem.  The clerk happened to have his concealed carry permit, grabbed his own gun, and shot at Smith.

US yoga instructor kills 2 burglars in self-defense in Chile.  Authorities in Chile say that a yoga instructor originally from Texas shot and killed two men who invaded her home on the outskirts of Santiago.

Police: Clerk shot, killed robbery suspect.  A gas station clerk shot and killed a suspected serial robber during a Saturday evening [11/19/2016] holdup in south Tallahassee.  Matthew Brown, a 20-year-old connected to several recent Leon County robberies, was shot and killed at the Sunoco gas station at the corner of Woodville Highway and Gaile Avenue.  Shortly after, court documents said, police arrested Brown's suspected getaway driver, Kendrick Herring.  The 26-year-old was released from prison in September after being cleared in a 2011 fatal shooting.

Suspected home invader shot, killed by homeowner in Florence.  A home invasion in Florence left the suspect dead early Tuesday [11/22/2016].  Florence police say the homeowner shot and killed the suspect, identified as James Devaughn Demoss, 26, of Hanceville.  At about 3 a.m., officers responded to call about shots fired in the 1100 block of East Limestone Street.  As officers were responding to the scene, the homeowner notified them that the shots were fired during a home invasion.

Homeowners shoot intruder.  A man was shot in the torso after a home invasion early Saturday morning [11/19/2016], Corpus Christi Police Senior Officer Travis Pace said.  About 3:30 a.m.  Saturday, a homeowner heard a knock on the front door of her house in the 6700 block of Labonte Drive, Pace said.  The homeowner looked out the window and did not recognize the stranger at the door.  When she went to tell her husband about it, the couple heard the man come in through the back door.  The husband shot the intruder in the torso.

Intruder in home invasion shot and killed by homeowner in east Louisville identified.  Louisville Metro Police are investigating after a man is shot and killed in east Louisville.  It happened shortly after 3:30 p.m. [11/18/2016] at a home in the 3800 block of Northumberland Drive near Westport Road in the Worthington Hills area.  LMPD says two men tried to break into a home at that location when a female homeowner shot and killed one of them.

Man shot and killed while trying to rob two people at Days Inn in downtown Chattanooga.  One man is dead after a shooting at the Days Inn on Carter Street just off M.L. King Boulevard. [...] Some guests said the shooting was part of an attempted robbery, but the target instead pulled a weapon and shot the would-be robber.  The man died at the scene.

Home invasion leads to gunfight.  Three men break into a home on Deer Creek Drive.  Inside is a woman and an adult male.  The adult male is armed and a gunfight starts inside.  Eventually the gunshots end and the three men flee the home.  There are no injuries but it's the fourth time since 2015 the house has been targeted for a home invasion.

Maricopa County Sheriff's Office:  Buckeye homeowner shoots 18-year-old burglar.  A teenage burglar was shot by a homeowner after breaking into a Buckeye residence Wednesday [11/16/2016], according to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office.  The shooting occurred just after 1 p.m. near Watson and Lower Buckeye roads, after the homeowners returned to see an unknown vehicle parked in front of the house, Sheriff's Office spokesman Douglas Matteson said.  The homeowners confronted an 18-year-old man upon entering the house, Matteson said.  A struggle took place, and the man was shot multiple times, Matteson said.

Iowa man's stabbing rampage stopped by a man with a gun.  Police say an Iowa man had stabbed two people repeatedly last month before a man pulled a gun and ordered the attacker to get on the ground.  Adam Scott Jacobsen, 28, stabbed Jeffrey Miller 24 times and Denice Bennett eight times at an apartment complex before Daniel Williams drew his firearm, according to police.  "He pulled the gun and ordered him to lie on the ground," said Cedar Falls Police Chief Jeff Olson.  He said Jacobsen stayed on the ground until police got there, and that Williams holstered his gun before police arrived.

Using Guns To Save Lives And Stop Home Invasions.  [Commentary on the article above, and the one below!]

Gun-toting grandmother foils home invasion; 3 arrested.  Two men and a woman have been arrested after grandmother with a gun thwarted an attempted burglary at her home in Coweta County, Ga., according to deputies.  "I don't know why they selected that house, but they picked the wrong one," Colonel James Yarbrough from the Coweta County Sheriff's Office said. [11/11/2016]

Robber shot, killed by pizza shop customer, police say.  A pizza shop customer armed with a gun shot and killed one robber and injured another as they tried to hold up the Pennsylvania restaurant, according to police.  [11/15/2016]

CCW Holder Rescues Deputy From Maniac.  This incident illustrates why police tend not to object to law-abiding citizens exercising their Second Amendment rights.

Passerby shoots, kills suspect fighting deputy on I-75.  A passerby shot and killed a person who was fighting with a Lee County Sheriff's Office deputy on Interstate 75 Monday morning [11/14/2016]. [...] The passerby, who had a Concealed Weapons License, exited his vehicle and told the suspect he'd shoot him if he didn't stop beating the deputy, sources said.  After noncompliance from the suspect, the passerby shot the suspect three times, sources said.  The suspect later died.

Witness:  Armed Person Shoots & Kills Suspect Attacking Deputy.  A suspect is dead and a deputy is in the hospital after a shooting took place on I-75 near the Corkscrew Road exit, according to Lee County deputies.  Witnesses who say they saw the whole thing happen told us a deputy tried to pull over a man near the exit.  The suspect took off in his vehicle reaching speeds up to 100 miles per hour.  Eventually, the driver got out of his car and attacked the deputy.  That's when witnesses say a third person came over and shot the suspect.

Community Rallies Around Hero Who Shot Attempted Cop-Killer.  A south Florida community is rallying around a concealed carrier who shot and killed Edward Strother, a 53-year-old man who twice attempted kill a Lee County Deputy for no apparent reason. [...] A concealed carry permit holder who desires to remain anonymous left the safety of his vehicle to confront Strother.  He told Strother to get off Deputy Bardes numerous times, and when Strother refused to stop his attack on Barnes, the concealed carrier fired at Strother three times, hitting him with three bullets, ending the fight, and saving Bardes life.

Police: 18-year-old man robbing Gresham store gets shot by clerk.  An 18-year-old man attempting to rob a store Wednesday evening [11/9/2016] in the South Side Gresham neighborhood was shot by the clerk, according to Chicago Police.  The would-be robber was shot multiple times by the clerk at 7:56 p.m. in the 8100 block of South Racine, police said.

Home invasion suspect found suffering from gunshot wounds.  A man found with two gunshot wounds to the legs is identified as the missing suspect in a home invasion.  A phone call to Jefferson County 911 led to the missing suspect from Monday night's [11/7/2016] home invasion.

Armed intruder shot, killed in Shoreline.  King County Sheriff's Office says an armed intruder was shot and killed after he and another person kicked in a door to a Shoreline home Saturday [11/12/2016].  Police say they were called to the home in the 14500 block of Whitman Ave N around 7 a.m. for a report of a robbery at gunpoint.  When they arrived, a man was found shot in the home.

Ex-NYPD cop shoots 2 who allegedly tried to mug her in Newark.  A woman who retired from the New York Police Department nine months ago shot two city men when they attempted to rob her Thursday night, Public Safety Director Anthony Ambrose said.  The 43-year-old woman, whose name was not disclosed, was getting into her car at Commerce Street and McCarter Highway around 9:30 p.m. when she was approached by the two men, who demanded money at gunpoint, Ambrose said.  The woman, who retired as a detective from the NYPD, fired her gun at the two men, who fled from the scene after being hit.

Possible serial robbery suspect shot and killed inside North Las Vegas 7-Eleven.  North Las Vegas police say a man attempting to rob a 7-Eleven ended up shot by an armed slot machine guard.  The attempted robbery happened just after 3:30 Thursday morning [11/10/2016] near Cheyenne and I-15 but police as discovered, it may not have been the man's first time robbing businesses in the area.

Intruder shot and killed in Muncie apartment robbery.  The woman tenant of the apartment told police that two people broke into her apartment in an attempt to rob her.  The woman fired shots at the intruders fatally wounding one of them, Trayon Turner of Indianapolis.  The other intruder ran from the scene.

Alleged burglar shot and killed by Uniontown homeowner.  An alleged burglar was shot and killed after breaking into an 81-year-old man's home early Friday morning [11/4/2016].  [Video clip]

Man shoots at burglar climbing through window.  Yuma Police Department (YPD) officials say the man claims he woke up to what sounded like someone trying to kick down the door to his house.  The man then heard a noise coming from his bathroom, grabbed a gun and fired two shots when he saw the burglar climbing through the window.  [11/9/2016]

Bellaire Homeowner Shoots at Intruders.  Kenneth Hall is on the run from the Belmont County Sheriff's Office, and is likely suffering from two gunshot wounds that he sustained after he allegedly invaded a home in Bellaire.  Sheriff's Deputy Chief James Zuzack today [11/10/2016] said Hall and an accomplice, whose name is unavailable, came to a home Tuesday night on Pipe Creek Road.  Hall was allegedly armed with a gun, and his accomplice may have been, too, he said.

Elderly Hamilton man shoots robbery suspect.  An 88-year-old man had just finished washing his car in the front yard of his Lindenwald residence Tuesday night when a man and a woman cornered him, demanded money and forced him into the house.  But the senior citizen was able to get his hands on a gun in the drawer of a coffee table and shoot the male robber in the leg.  "They hit me on the face and in the chest.  I thought they were going to beat my brains out," the man said.

Homeowner shoots and injures alleged burglar.  Brownsville police continue to investigate a shooting in which a homeowner allegedly shot a man trying to break into his home.  The incident happened at around 3:30 a.m.  Tuesday [11/8/2016] on Linda Lane in the Southmost area of town.  "He was trying to break in or broke into the house and the owner ended up shooting him,"police spokesman J.J. Trevino said.  The suspect took off and ended up at a local hospital where he remains.

The Editor says...
Southmost is at the southernmost tip of Texas.

2 shot, including suspect, during Shippensburg robbery.  One of two men shot during a home invasion near Shippensburg University late Monday [11/7/2016] is a suspect in the burglary case.  Kevin Malik Kenney, 20, of Philadelphia, was shot after he and Harrisburg resident Sherrod E. Baltimore, 21, forced their way into an apartment in the 1200 block of Bard Drive, Shippensburg Township, at about 10:30 p.m., police said.

Pinch man fires at burglars at neighbor's home, police say.  A Pinch man shot at people who broke into his neighbor's house on Sunday [11/6/2016], according to police.  On Sunday at about 4:40 p.m., the man called 911 reporting he interrupted a burglary at his neighbor's home, according to Sgt. Brian Humphreys, spokesman for the Kanawha sheriff's office.  He said he saw the people at his neighbor's house and confronted them.  He also shot their vehicle, striking the rear glass and a tire before they fled, according to Humphreys.

Police:  Homeowner shoots attempted home intruder.  Salem Police say it appears as though a homeowner shot an attempted home intruder Friday afternoon [11/4/2016].  The shooting was reported around 5:30 p.m. at an apartment complex off Kacey Circle Drive.  Initial reports say the homeowner shot the intruder, then called police.

Man shot by victim in home invasion released from hospital, faces several charges.  An 18-year-old man faces multiple charges after he was shot [10/26/2016] by a man he attacked during a home invasion robbery, police said. [...] [Diego] Vallejo had a hatchet while another person was carrying a bayonet-style knife, police said.

Man, 82, shoots and kills home intruder.  An 82-year old man used a gun that's been on his nightstand for 30 years to shoot a burglar in Uniontown early Friday morning [11/4/2016].  Uniontown police say the home invasion happened at 1:30 a.m., in the 100 block of Lenox Street.  Police will not disclose the name of the homeowner, but they say he was awakened by a burglar and the two engaged in a physical confrontation.

Thug Got Killed Robbing a Pizza Hut, Mom Wants Self-Defending Employee Charged With a Crime.  Last month, Michael Grace Jr. stormed a Pizza Hut restaurant in October and demanded money with a handgun pointed.  Things didn't quite work out for him as one of the employees had his own handgun and shot the would-be robber in the head killing him.  Police recovered a gun and pronounced Grace dead at the scene.  It's as clear-cut a case of self-defense as you will ever hear about.  The super liberal Washington Post feels like this extremely justified shooting is really more proof that America is racist against black people and highlighted Grace's mother who wants this employee charged with a crime for killing her thug son.

Man killed in Turlock was an alleged intruder shot by homeowner, police say.  A suspected intruder was shot dead Monday afternoon by a homeowner at a house near downtown Turlock, authorities said.  Turlock police Sgt. Stephen Webb said his agency received a call just after 1 p.m. that a man had been shot at a house in the 300 block of North Thor Street.  When officers arrived, they found the man with life-threatening injuries.  Officers performed CPR on the man before paramedics arrived and took him to a nearby hospital, where he later was pronounced dead.

Pizza Hut employee shoots, kills man attempting to rob store in west Charlotte.  A Pizza Hut employee shot and killed a man during an attempted armed robbery after hours at the store early Sunday morning in west Charlotte, according to Charlotte Mecklenburg Police.

Intruder shot, killed by homeowner in Person County home invasion.  A homeowner shot and killed a masked man early Sunday [9/7/2014] who had broken into the Timberlake home, aimed a shotgun and demanded money, authorities said.  Person County Sheriff Dewey Jones said the homeowner, whom he did not name, discovered Jonathan Ellias Ziminack, 25, in the bedroom at about 5 a.m. wearing a mask "like a hoodie (but) only his eyes were showing."

Home Intruder Shot After Firing Multiple Rounds at Rigby Homeowner.  [Scroll down]  Further investigation revealed that the home owner discovered a suspect inside his residence.  The suspect allegedly fired multiple rounds from a handgun at the homeowner.  At that time the homeowner's son retrieved a shotgun and shot the intruder in the lower abdomen.  The suspect was located in the front yard of the residence on the deputies arrival.

Long Grove homeowner shoots at would-be intruder.  A would-be burglar who narrowly missed being shot by a Long Grove homeowner remained in the Lake County jail Friday [10/21/2016].

Intruder killed in Wyoming home invasion.  An alleged home intruder was killed [10/16/2016] after he failed to obey the orders of a Wyoming homeowner who gave him the opportunity to leave.

Wayne County Homeowner Fatally Shoots Intruder.  Authorities say a homeowner fatally shot a 32-year-old man who broke into his Wayne County home as his family slept. [...] According to the Wayne County Sheriff's Office, the first time the alarm went off, the homeowner got up but went back to bed after finding nothing wrong.  But when the alarm sounded again, the homeowner was surprised by a masked intruder wearing all black and holding a gun.  [10/22/2016]

Illustration courtesy
Home Intruder Shot And Killed by 69 Year Old.  The man killed was identified by authorities as a local 40 year old.  The 69 year old resident told sheriff's investigators that the individual attempted to kick open the front door of the home.  The resident called 911 when the kicking began.

This Woman is a Nightmare for Gun Haters.  Ashley Mundy is the gun haters worse nightmare.  She is a woman whose father encouraged her to obtain a concealed carry license.  She used her personal defensive handgun to defend herself and her child.  She shot a neighbor high on meth who had broken into her house and was disabling her security system.  He had a machete.  Any woman who sees this news interview is likely to identify with this single mother who felt compelled to defend her child.

Attempted armed robbery in Plantation turns deadly for suspect.  An attempted armed robbery in Plantation ended with one suspect fatally shot and another fleeing the scene, Tuesday night [10/18/2016].  Three people who were sitting at the park were approached by two male subjects, at approximately 9:29 p.m., at the Plantation Multi-Cultural Park, located at 460 N.W. 43rd Ave.  Police said that was when the subjects tried to have a conversation with them before attempting to rob the three victims at gunpoint.  Police said that if one of the victims didn't have a license to carry a weapon, the outcome would have been a very different one.

Man is shot dead by security guard after trying to stab customers in store, LAPD says.  A security guard at a Sylmar store shot and killed a man who police say threatened customers with a shard of glass.  The shooting was reported about 3:40 p.m. in the 13700 block of Foothill Boulevard, according to Officer Tony Im of the Los Angeles Police Department.  The man, 45, came into a store in the San Fernando Valley neighborhood and attempted to stab customers, Im said.  The security guard opened fire and shot the man, Im said.  The man was pronounced dead at the scene.

Man selling Xbox in Cleveland shoots teen who tried to rob him at gunpoint, police say.  Two 17-year-old boys are facing felony charges related to an armed robbery that ended in one of the teens being shot Sunday in the city's Collinwood neighborhood.  The teens arranged to buy a man's Xbox but instead forced him to hand over the video game system and his car keys.  The teens fired several shots at the man, who returned fire and shot one teen in the shoulder, police said.

Man shot in the leg after home invasion in Newport News.  Around 2:27 a.m. [10/21/2016], a 54-year-old resident woke up to the sound of someone inside his home on Moyer Road.  Police say the homeowner went to investigate the noise and was confronted by what he believed was one intruder.  However, the homeowner was then confronted by a second intruder and a struggle ensued.  The homeowner and a suspect fired shots at each other before both suspects fled the scene.  The homeowner was shot in the left leg.

Bargersville Woman Shoots At Intruder Who Attacked Her Inside Her Home.  It happened around 12:30 a.m.  Friday [10/21/2016] in the Harvest Grove neighborhood near State Road 135 and Whiteland Road.  Police say a woman was letting her dog outside when a man wearing a ski mask and grey jacket ran inside her home and attacked her.  The woman, who was home by herself, told police the man assaulted her in her living room.  She said she was able to get away and run upstairs, but was followed by the attacker.  That's when she said she went to her bedroom, grabbed her husband's gun and shot at the man twice before he ran away.

Police: Father shoots home intruder who tried to start fire.  Police say a father shot a home intruder in the stomach after the intruder broke into his family's home and attempted to start a fire early Sunday in Central Lubbock.  Police responded to a burglary call about 2:15 a.m.  Sunday [10/23/2016] in the 3700 block of 28th Street, according to a statement from Lubbock police spokeswoman Tiffany Pelt.

Pastor Gets Beaten As His Wife Shoots Armed Robber.  A Philadelphia pastor was being beaten by an armed robber when his wife pulled out a gun and shot the armed man who was attempting to rob her and her family.

Car owner fatally shoots 15-year-old he says tried to steal vehicle from driveway, sheriff says.  A car owner shot at two teenagers, killing one, after they tried to steal his vehicle Tuesday night [10/11/2016], Spartanburg County Sheriff Chuck Wright said. [...] The sheriff said one suspect was hit and killed, and deputies searched into early Wednesday morning for the other young man who ran from the scene.

Robbery suspect shot multiple times by intended victim.  A robbery suspect was shot several times by a Beaumont man who was walking to his car Tuesday night [10/11/2016] at a Beaumont apartment complex.  Police received a call at about 9:42 p.m. from a man who told dispatchers that an armed man had attempted to rob him according to a release from the Beaumont Police Department.

Worker fatally shoots would-be robber at 'Hip Hop Shop' in Detroit.  A worker shot and killed an alleged would-be robber Monday [10/10/2016] at the "Hip Hop Shop" on Detroit's west side, police said.  The Hip Hop Shop is a place made famous by Detroit rapper Eminem.  Police said the shooting appeared to be a case of a worker fighting back against a robber.

Fort Lauderdale store clerk and suspect shot during attempted armed robbery.  A Fort Lauderdale convenience store clerk was shot [10/11/2016] by a suspected armed robber, police said, but not before firing back multiple times.  According to Fort Lauderdale Police, a store clerk working at Comet Food Market located at 2696 SW 8th St., near Saint Thomas High School, was confronted by an armed man wearing a mask who entered his family's convenience store.  "There was a robbery where the suspect, an adult black male, entered the store — masked — attempted to rob the store and the clerk," said Tracy Figone of Fort Lauderdale Police.

Army veteran shoots neighbor who broke into Akron home.  A senior citizen, who is also an Army veteran, took matters into his own hands [10/9/2016] after a burglar charged into his Akron home.  The homeowner wrestled with the intruder and then shot him in the leg.  Craig Noggle, 66, is sore from bruises on his lower back and arm after fighting for his life inside his home on Sullivan Avenue.

Houston Smoke Shop Robbery Fail.  A Houston smoke shop robbery didn't go well for this wannabe thug, as he learned why robbing stores in Texas is a bad idea.  [8/25/2016]

Off-Duty Hero Saves Citizens From Deranged Man in Texas.  During the pre-dawn hours Friday morning [10/14/2016], an off-duty Beaumont Texas police officer was compelled to defend multiple people from a vicious assault.  Chaz Logan York, 23, of Vidor was armed with a baseball bat and had assaulted several people before the officer intervened and ultimately, shot and killed the assailant.

Woman Kills Home Intruder, Now Media Outraged at Her!  54-year-old Gwendolyn Jenrette shot and killed a 17-year-old teen that broke into her Liberty City home on Thursday [10/6/2016] and now the teen's family members are calling for the state's attorney to file charges against the woman. [...] Jenrette raced home last Thursday after she received an alert from a security system company that there was a possible break-in at her home.  Police were also alerted and dispatched to the home, however, Janrette arrived and found 17-year-old Trevon Johnson climbing out of a window.  According to investigators, there was then a confrontation between Johnson and Jenrette and police officers responding to the scene heard at least one gunshot.  They immediately entered the backyard and found Johnson on the ground bleeding from an apparent gunshot wound.

Texas Gun Owner Prevents Armed Store Robbery.  While parking his car in front of the store [9/30/2016], the good Samaritan saw AutoZone employees being held at gunpoint.  The customer pulled out his gun and entered the store, demanding the three criminals drop their weapons and get on the ground.  He kept the suspects in place until the police arrived.  No shots were fired, and there were no reported injuries.

Attempted robbers held at gunpoint by good Samaritan.  A customer pulled up outside the store and saw what was happening, according to authorities.  The customer had a concealed handgun permit, so he took matter into his own hands, deputies said.  The customer went inside the store and told all three men to get on the ground and to release their weapons while they waited for deputies to arrive, according to authorities.

Swatara police:  Woman carjacked at Walmart pulled gun on robber.  Authorities said [Michael] Ortiz fled the Walmart after his theft attempt just before noon [9/30/2016].  As security officers chased him, he entered a woman's car in the parking lot and demanded she drive him away from the store.  As they drove on Grayson Road, police said Ortiz threatened the woman and her passenger by claiming he had something that would give them HIV if they didn't do as he said.  The tables turned, however, when the car reached a red light at the intersection of Grayson and Mushroom Hill Road.  The female passenger exited the car, pulled her handgun, and demanded that Ortiz get out, police said.

No charges expected after would-be robber killed, 2nd suspect sought:  Cops.  A man who shot a would-be robber to death in the Grand Boulevard area this week is not expected to face charges, as investigators seek a second attacker who escaped the attempted robbery, police said Friday [9/30/2016].  Killed was Treamel Gray, 23, of the 18900 block of South Avers Avenue in Flossmoor, who was pronounced dead at 8:35 p.m. at the scene of the attack, according to the Cook County medical examiner's office.

Man Shot Dead After Trying To Rob Gun Owner.  A man with a concealed-carry license shot and killed an armed robber Wednesday night in Grand Boulevard, police said.  At 8:20 p.m., the man was sitting in a car with another man in the 4300 block of South State Street when two men with guns walked up and tried to rob them, said Officer Ana Pacheco, a Chicago Police spokeswoman.

Attempted Home Invasion Goes Badly For Suspect.  Authorities say one man was shot and two are on the run after they tried to break into a Lee County home Wednesday evening [9/28/2016].  Sheriff Jim Johnson says it was around 5:15 p.m. when two to three Black males went to a house on County Road 1534.  One of the suspects kicked in a door.  The tenant fired one round, hitting the suspect in the chest.

Muncie police:  Would-be intruder shot dead.  City police say a Muncie man was fatally shot early Wednesday [9/21/2016] while he was trying to stage an armed invasion of an eastside apartment.  Scott Allen Gilliam, 26, was pronounced dead at the scene of the shooting, in the 1500 block of East Washington Street, Delaware County Coroner Scott Hahn said.

Lubbock couple with gun in car shoots armed robber, couple escapes unharmed.  According to the Lubbock Police Department, Kedrick Trotty and Christy Trotty pulled into their driveway and were approached by a robber wearing a black ski mask and wielding a handgun.  The robber, identified by police as Jamarcus Johnson, threatened Kedrick, the driver, demanded money, and demanded that Kendrick get out of the vehicle.  While Johnson was focused on the driver, the female passenger, Kendrick's wife, got a handgun from their car and was able to hand it to her husband.  The driver fired several rounds at the armed suspect, hitting him once in the leg.

One dead in Frayser after resident shoots armed acquaintance.  A man shot and killed an armed acquaintance who entered his home Sunday morning, and Memphis police said he will not be charged in the homicide.  According to police, officers responded to a shooting call at 5:50 a.m. in the 2900 block of Letrec Cove in Frayser.  Officers found a man unresponsive with a gunshot wound.  He was pronounced dead on the scene.  Police determined the victim entered the shooter's home and was armed, police said, and the resident shot the victim.

Police:  Homeowner shoots man breaking into his home.  Columbus police said a man who broke into a Franklinton home early Friday morning was stopped when he was shot by the homeowner.  Police were dispatched to Dana Avenue in Franklinton just after 4:30 a.m. on a report of a shooting.  When they arrived, they found Fredrick Eisnaugle, 27, suffering from a gunshot wound.  Officers learned that Eisnaugle had kicked in the back door of a home two streets away on S. Princeton Avenue.

Woman opens fire on three armed burglars who broke into her home.  Incredible footage has been released showing the moment a Georgia woman rushed out of her bed in the middle of the night and opened fire at three armed men who broke into her house, killing one.  The surveillance footage, released by the Gwinnett County Police Department, shows the intruders — all of whom are carrying guns — bursting through the front door and rummaging through the house in the September 16 incident in Gwinnett.  Seconds after entering the home, the woman is seen coming out of her bedroom in pajamas with a handgun, and fires several shots at the armed suspects, according to WSB TV 2.  [Video clip]

Pastor's wife shoots armed man who tried to rob her family.  Pastor Robert Cook, his wife and 12-year-old son were returning home when they were approached by a man armed with a rifle Thursday night [9/15/2016].

Security guard shoots, kills man attempting to ram vehicle into crowd in Ensley.  Early Saturday morning [9/17/2016], a security guard shot and killed a male driver who tried to ram into a crowd of people gathered near a nightclub.  Police say this happened in the 500 block of 19th Street in Ensley around 2:30 a.m.  Preliminary investigation revealed the victim collided with a parked vehicle.  He subsequently pinned a man between two vehicles with his foot still on the accelerator.  The victim then disengaged from that vehicle and attempted to collide with other parked vehicles and potential victims.  To try and keep others from getting hurt, police say the security guard opened fire on the driver, killing him.

Woman Shoots Man Trying to Break Into Warner Robins Home.  A woman shot a man trying to break into her home in Warner Robins early Friday morning [9/16/2016]. [...] 27-year-old Martiez Holmes is charged with criminal attempt to commit burglary and giving a false name.  He was released from the hospital Friday.

Woman shoots, kills home invasion suspect.  A suspect in an alleged home invasion is dead after being shot by the owner of the home early Friday morning [9/16/2016]. [...] Gwinnett County Police Corporal Deon Washington tells CBS46 News that the suspect, identified as 28 year-old Antonio Leeks, kicked in the door of the home and awoke the homeowner.  After grabbing her handgun, the homeowner went to investigate and saw three males coming through the door.

Hero who Stopped Mass Stabbing in St.  Cloud, MN, is Firearms Instructor, Concealed Carry Advocate.  Jason Falconer is the armed citizen who stopped the mass stabbing in the Crossroads Center Mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota, on Saturday evening, September 18th, 2016.  Falconer is competitive shooter, firearms instructor and CEO of Tactical Advantage.

Hero cop saved mall patrons during stabbing rampage.  A hero cop saved bystanders at a Minnesota mall when a knife-wielding terrorist descended on the shoppers Saturday evening, slashing eight of them before he was killed by the off-duty officer.  St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis described surveillance footage of the attack, which has not yet been released, lauding the officer's response and calling the video akin to a "training video for law enforcement."

Lafayette homeowner shoots, kills naked man in his back yard.  A Lafayette homeowner Friday morning [9/16/2016] shot and killed an armed and naked man he found trespassing in his back yard, according to the Lafayette Police Department.  The homeowner reported the trespassing call shortly after 8 a.m. in the 100 block of Fanny Street, police said.  During the encounter, police said the homeowner shot and killed the man, who died on the scene.

Homeowner shoots, kills would-be burglar.  Investigators said the homeowner didn't know the man who broke into his home [9/16/2016].  Police said three people, including an older child were at the home.  Neighbors said they're worried about the safety of their families.

Burglary suspect shot by Pleasant Grove resident during break-in.  A man who was trying to break into a home in Pleasant Grove was shot by the resident Saturday [9/17/2016], police said.  James Nero, 30, broke into a house in the 1000 block of Burlywood Drive around 11:20 a.m., police said.  After hearing glass break, the resident found Nero standing inside, according to police.  The man, whom police did not name, then shot at Nero.

Home intruder shot and killed.  An Augusta man was fatally shot early Monday [9/12/2016] by the resident of an Wrightsboro Road home while attempting to break into the residence, according to the Richmond County Sheriff's Office.

No charges to be filed in shooting of Wrightsboro Rd home invasion suspect.  An Augusta homeowner will not be facing charges for shooting and killing a man who broke into his home.  At around 2:54 a.m Monday, September 12, the Richmond County Sheriff's Office was called out to 2439½ Wrightsboro Road for a reported home invasion.  When they arrived at the scene, deputies found forty-year-old Anthony James Lawson dead with at least one gunshot wound.  He was pronounced dead at the scene at 3:38 a.m.

Pastor's wife shoots would-be robber in Northeast Philly.  [Scroll down]  "Yo, yo, yo," the man said progressively louder to Cook.  "I turned around and there was a shotgun in my face," Robert Cook said.  His son was in shock, standing side-by-side to the robber.  The boy was afraid that if he moved, the man would shoot his father, he later told his parents.  Cook, who had been held up at gunpoint once before, realized the assailant was not wearing a mask and thought they might be killed because they would be able to identify him.

Homeowner shoots intruder armed with crochet hook in Mountlake Terrace.  The resident of the home called 911 to say he had shot the man, who was dressed in black.  The man who was shot is apparently in his mid-20s.  He carried no identification.  A female companion of the intruder left before police arrived.

Intruder shot after Tampa resident spies him on home surveillance phone app.  A burglar was shot and seriously wounded Tuesday [8/30/2016] after the occupant of a home spotted him remotely on her mobile surveillance app and called her father to investigate, police said.

Off-duty officer halts robbery at SW Houston mall.  Houston Police said one of their own, an off-duty officer named I. Almasri, was working security [8/27/2016].  As he did his rounds near the Jewelry Dog store, he heard commotion and saw two men with bandanas over their faces walking toward the business.  As one robber smashed glass displays with a hammer, the officer pulled his gun and ran toward the robbers.  Before he got there, the second masked man pulled a pistol and shot first.

Man shoots a BB gun, second person returns fire with real gun.  Tulsa police say a road rage incident happened around 1:43 a.m. [8/28/2016]  During this time, an unidentified man fired a BB gun at a second vehicle.  It turned out to be a big mistake.  "One of the passengers in that vehicle has a license to carry conceal and pulls out his gun and returns fire at the vehicle who was shooting at them with a BB gun," police said.

Men fall from ceiling in robbery attempt at check cashing store.  The manager of Discount Check Cashing, 1411 Rocky Creek Road, and an employee reportedly heard noises in the ceiling sometime before 9:15 a.m. [8/27/2016], and as the manager investigated, two men fell from the ceiling, according to a sheriff's office news release.  While one of the men tried to rob the business, a man in the store exchanged gunfire with one of the suspects, according to the release.  One of the suspects, 22-year-old Rarrekcus Delbridge, of Lawrenceville, was shot in the leg.  He was taken to The Medical Center, Navicent Health, where he was later charged with aggravated assault and criminal attempt to commit armed robbery.

Victim injured in gunfire exchange during home invasion.  The victim of a home invasion in West Palm Beach was injured after exchanging gunfire with the intruders, deputies said Friday night [8/27/2016].

Store manager describes shootout with robber.  Sajjad Chaudry had never fired a gun before.  The manager at Ray's Supermarket on Franklin Street said a police officer had once showed him how operate the .380-caliber semi-automatic pistol that was kept at the store.  That quick lesson came into play on the night of Nov. 18, 2015, when he found himself in a shootout with an armed robber.

No charges filed against elderly CPL holder in Eastpointe shooting.  No criminal charges will be filed against a 91-year-old concealed pistol license holder who shot a suspected robber [8/22/2016] outside of a pharmacy in Eastpointe, according to police and prosecutors.  Instead, the Macomb County Prosecutor's Office authorized an arrest warrant charging the man who was shot, Richard Ashford, with assault with a dangerous weapon, Prosecutor Eric Smith said in a news release.  "This is a textbook case for why concealed pistol licenses are issued in the first place," Smith said in the release.  "American citizens have the right to protect themselves in the face of clear assault."

91-year-old CPL holder shoots attempted robbery suspect at pharmacy.  Police said a 91-year-old man shot a man they say was going to try and rob him in the parking lot of an Eastpointe pharmacy.  The 91-year-old man pulled into the Rite Aid parking lot around 10:15 am Monday [8/22/2016] and got out of his vehicle.  That's when he said the suspect made him feel uneasy.  He said the suspect approached him and was acting erattically, even as the victim walked away.

Florida Man Arrested for Shooting Alligator That Threatened His Horses, Attacked His Stepson.  A Florida man was arrested on Tuesday for shooting an alligator that was threatening his horses and attacked his stepson.  Reginald Blanton of Bushnell, Florida noticed his horses were startled by something in one of his fields.  He grabbed his gun and went to investigate.  What he found was a nearly ten-foot-long alligator.  Since the gator was mere feet from his horses, Blanton said he feared they might be attacked.  That's why he pulled out his 9mm pistol and shot at the gator.

Brave KY Homeowner Takes on Four Armed Robbers to Protect Family.  Did he do it with hugs?  Love?  Empathy?  Nope — he protected himself and his family with a gun.  According to Kentucky State Police, Kevin J. Helton, 48, Cindy Puckett, 41, Jonathan Goodan, 45, and Brittany Crouch, 28, broke into a Carter County residence at 123 Clark Hollow shortly after 8:15 a.m.  Saturday.  After forcing their way inside, state police said the suspects proceeded to rob the home of an undisclosed amount of cash.  But during the armed robbery, an altercation broke out between the homeowner and one of the suspects.  According to police, the homeowner was able to secure a weapon and took aim, killing Helton.

Baptist Minister Holds Kidnapper at Gunpoint, Frees 9-Year-Old Girl.  Why don't we see these stories in the headlines of newspapers and topping lead stories on news programs across the country?  Authorities confirmed 9-year-old Carlie Trent was found yesterday afternoon more than a week after she was kidnapped by her uncle in Tennessee.  And wouldn't you know it?  A good guy with a gun held her kidnapper at gunpoint, freeing the little girl and alerting authorities to their whereabouts.

Bad Guy With Machete Vs.  Armed Citizen:  Who Wins?  Everyone.  A couple went to go pick up their belongings when Concepcion Vega, 33, began yelling at the man.  When yelling didn't get the point across, Vega went inside and got a machete.  He came out and began swinging it around violently.  Well, that's about enough of that.  Fearing for his life, the man drew his handgun and shot twice.  Neither shot landed but it was enough for Vega to retreat.

Four People, Dog Stabbed During Buffalo Grove Home Invasion.  Four people and their family dog were stabbed early Wednesday [8/10/2016], when two masked men broke into their home in north suburban Buffalo Grove.  Police said the homeowner grabbed a handgun during the home invasion, and opened fire, chasing off the suspects.

Armed homeowner scares off would-be burglars in Pittsburgh neighborhood.  A homeowner armed with a gun scared off two would-be burglars who broke into his home early Tuesday morning [8/9/2016], Pittsburgh police said.  Authorities said the men smashed a kitchen window to enter the home on Adelaide Street around 2:30 a.m.  The sound of the breaking glass woke up the homeowner.  Police said he grabbed his gun and confronted the men in his kitchen.

Would-be robber shot in northwest Charlotte.  Early Tuesday morning three people attempted to rob a person on Mellwood Drive, according to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police.  Police said during the attempted robbery the group shot at the victim.  The victim had a gun and returned fire and hitting one of the would-be robbers.  The injured would-be robber then drove away and told police he was shot during an attempted robbery.

Teen shoots alleged trespasser while family is at funeral.  A teen shot an alleged trespasser while house sitting for a family that was out of town for a funeral, Abbeville County Sheriff Ray Watson said.  The teen told deputies he confronted the suspect who was going toward a shed full of equipment and property around 3:40 p.m.  Friday [8/5/2016].  The teen says the suspect reached behind his back and the teen fired because he was afraid the suspect was armed.

Intruder Shot In Yulee Home Invasion.  According to Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper, Timothy William Rasbeary, 72, died from a pistol wound early Monday morning [7/4/2016] after Rasbeary allegedly "busted out" the front door of a Yulee house where the homeowner, Christopher E. Kuches, was sleeping on the couch.  Kuches pulled out a pistol and shot the intruder.

Police: Homeowner Shoots Would-Be Intruder.  An Owsley County homeowner tells LEX 18 that he was left with little choice but to shoot after a group of individuals attempted to break into his home this morning [7/26/2016].

Woman Kills Home Intruder, Now Media Outraged at Her!  54-year-old Gwendolyn Jenrette shot and killed a 17-year-old teen that broke into her Liberty City home on Thursday and now the teen's family members are calling for the state's attorney to file charges against the woman.  What's more, The Washington Post is using the incident to criticize Florida's homeowner protection laws.  Jenrette raced home last Thursday after she received an alert from a security system company that there was a possible break-in at her home.  Police were also alerted and dispatched to the home, however, Janrette arrived and found 17-year-old Trevon Johnson climbing out of a window.  According to investigators, there was then a confrontation between Johnson and Jenrette and police officers responding to the scene heard at least one gunshot.  They immediately entered the backyard and found Johnson on the ground bleeding from an apparent gunshot wound.  He was immediately transported to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead later that evening.

Frederick County, Va. homeowner shoots intruder.  A Middletown home owner shot an intruder on Thursday morning [7/21/2016] at the 700 block of Klines Mill Road. [...] The intruder was transported to Winchester Medical Center with gunshot wounds and is currently in critical condition.

SE Portland homeowner fatally shoots intruder.  Multiple people — one of whom was shot dead — are suspected in an apparent home invasion robbery early Thursday morning [7/14/2016] in Southeast Portland.  The homeowner who fatally shot one of the intruders was treated and released from a Portland hospital, police said.  No one has been arrested.

Police: 1 dead after Palos homeowner shoots intruders.  One man is dead and another injured after being shot by a Palos Township homeowner when they attempted to enter the home Tuesday night [7/5/2016], police said.  "The victim of an attempted home invasion, who had a valid conceal carry license, shot two male intruders fatally killing one and wounding the other," Janet De La Torre, a Cook County Sheriff's Department spokeswoman, said in a statement.

Homeowner shoots and kills intruder during attempted home invasion.  A south suburban homeowner shot and killed an intruder who had broken into his home [7/5/2016].  The incident happened in Palos Park — now, the Cook County Sheriff's Office is investigating.  The Cook County Sheriff's Department says the homeowner is a legal gun owner.  He killed one man, and shot and wounded another when they attempted to break into his house in a quiet upscale neighborhood.

Deputies: Homeowner shoots, kills intruder.  A would-be burglar was shot and killed early Monday morning by a homeowner in Yulee, the Nassau County Sheriff's Office said.  Deputies said the suspect, later identified as 72-year-old Timothy Rasbeary, kicked in the front door of a home around sunrise on Miner Road, near Buccaneer Trail, between Turk Lane and Shady Oak Drive.  The homeowner was asleep on the couch and had a pistol with him, Sheriff Bill Leeper said.

Homeowner Shoots, Kills Armed Intruder.  A homeowner confronted, then shot and killed one of two armed men who had "unlawfully" entered his home.  The incident occurred in Flagler County, Florida, around 2 a.m. on Wednesday [7/13/2016].

Elderly man shoots, kills would-be intruder.  A robbery suspect is dead Thursday after an elderly homeowner shot him while he was attempting to break down the man's front door.  The shooting was reported just before 10 a.m. in the 9700 block of Autumn Dew, near Braun Road and Loop 1604.  According to San Antonio Police, an elderly couple was inside of their home when the suspect broke the door handle off the front door.

Phoenix homeowner shoots home intrusion suspect overnight.  According to police on scene near 83rd Avenue and Osborn Road, a man arrived home [7/14/2016] to find that his arcadia door had been broken, but did not find anything inside his home.  Later, he awoke to find a man inside his house with a crowbar.  The homeowner chased the suspect outside the home, shot the suspect and held him at gunpoint until police arrived.

Homeowner shoots intruder, second suspect arrested.  Deputies say they are is currently investigating an incident where two men armed with handguns entered the home around 2 a.m. on Wednesday morning [7/13/2016].  Once inside, they say the homeowner confronted the intruders, shooting one of them.  That suspect died at the scene.

Police: Hoosick homeowner shoots alleged intruder.  A North Hoosick homeowner shot and wounded a man who threatened him and tried to enter his home, police said Saturday [6/25/2016].

Police: Homeowner shoots bedroom intruder in western Las Vegas Valley.  The homeowner said he woke up to find the male suspect inside his bedroom [7/5/2016].  The suspect was shot in the right thigh and attempted to escape.  He was detained in the backyard and arrested.

Intruder was lucky 82-year-old homeowner didn't shoot to kill.  An 82-year-old Korean War vet says he didn't shoot to kill the man trying to kick in his front door at 3:30 Sunday morning [6/26/2016].  Erwin D. Cardenas, 32, of Miamisburg, Ohio, should be grateful for that.  The Compton Road homeowner told WCPO Monday that the man banging on his door woke him from his sleep.  He said he grabbed his .38 Smith & Wesson and gave several warnings before taking aim at the man's left shoulder.

Police:  South Elgin resident shot intruder.  A late-night home invasion Saturday [7/9/2016] in South Elgin left one intruder hospitalized with a bullet wound suffered when the homeowner wrested a gun away from an accomplice and fired on them, police said.  South Elgin police said both men were later captured and now face home invasion and aggravated battery charges in the confrontation that left the homeowner with a fractured eye socket.

Castle Doctrine:  Homeowner 'Justified' in Shooting Intruder.  The shooting of an intruder who "pushed through the door" of a home on July 2 has been ruled "justified" by the District Attorney in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania.  According to 11 News, 21-year-old Brandan Vallies was trying to enter the home in "the early hours," and the homeowner warned him to leave.  Vallies did not comply, "pushed through the door," and the homeowner shot him in the stomach.

Portland police identify man shot dead during suspected home invasion.  A man who was shot dead after allegedly breaking into a Southeast Portland home early Thursday [7/14/2016] has been identified as 30-year-old Anthony James Lazarides, police announced Friday.  The medical examiner found that Lazarides died of gunshot wounds, Sgt. Pete Simpson, a Portland police spokesman, said in a news release.  Investigators say the 45-year-old homeowner, who has not been identified, shot and killed Lazarides during a home invasion that included at least one other assailant.

Homeowner shoots man after apparent home invasion.  According to investigators, 21-year-old Brandan Vallies was trying to break into a house through a side door during the early hours on Saturday [7/2/2016].  Pennsylvania State Police told Channel 11 that the homeowner told the 21-year-old to leave as he pushed through the door.  The homeowner pulled out a gun and shot Vallies in the stomach.

Homeowner shoots, injures man who broke into house, police say.  A homeowner shot and injured an intruder early Sunday [7/17/2016] on N. Waterloo Street, Jackson police reported.  The man allegedly broke into the house in the 500 block, near E. Ganson Street, Jackson police Sgt. Tom Tinklepaugh said.  He was hospitalized, undergoing surgery and expected to survive.

Armed customer stops robbery at Circle K in Dayton.  Police said a masked man walked into the store [9/27/2014] and pointed a crhome [sic] handgun at the clerk, demanding money.  One of the store's six customers saw what was happening and drew a .45-caliber handgun from his side.  He pointed it at the robber and told him to leave, according to the report.

Customer with gun stops armed robbery.  Two people with handguns entered the store about 10:40 p.m. [9/21/2015] and demanded money.  One of the intruders pointed a gun at a customer, Officer Katie Flood said.  The security guard went inside to pay, saw the robbery happening and drew his own gun, Flood said.  The robbers ran from the store with an undisclosed amount of money.

Armed Samaritan Stops Suspected Robber At Gunpoint.  [Scroll down]  That resident grabbed his Smith & Wesson handgun from his car's trunk and took off after the robber.  At some point, the suspected robber ditched his gun but found himself facing the resident holding him at gunpoint.  "I told him to freeze.  I pointed my firearm at him.  I told him to drop the wallet and wait for the police," the resident said.  The suspect dropped the wallet, but tried to run.  The resident put his gun away, tackled the robber and kept him there until police arrived.  His robbery weapon, recovered by police turned out to be a replica firearm.  The would-be robber had only been out of jail for a week.

Officials: Jewelry store employee fatally shoots robber.  Authorities say an employee of a jewelry store in Atlanta shot and killed an armed robber [7/6/2016].

Good Guy with Gun Stops Armed Robber in Texas.  The suspect, 25-year-old Matthey Wayne Richardson entered a Metro PCS store on Martin Luther King Blvd. in South Dallas around 6:45 p.m. on Thursday night [4/28/2016] and ordered everyone in the store to get down on the floor, the Dallas Morning News' Matt Peterson reported.

Clerk, customers stop would-be robber.  Customers and employees at a local supermarket are being credited for stopping a man who allegedly grabbed fistfuls of money during a robbery and tried to flee.  [7/22/2016]

Lumberton store employee thwarts robbery by shooting suspect.  An employee at a Lumberton convenience store shot a would-be robber Friday [7/15/2016] as he held a weapon to a second employee's head.

At Aspen Mountain, gondola, restaurant close after employee shoots bear.  A young bear's visit to the Sundeck atop Aspen Mountain early Saturday morning [7/16/2016] prompted Aspen Skiing Co. to temporarily shut down the gondola and restaurant after an employee shot the bruin.  Authorities with Colorado Parks and Wildlife later that morning found the yearling under the deck of the restaurant, where it was reeling from two gunshot wounds.  Parks and Wildlife officials subsequently killed it, authorities said.

Police: Leitchfield man shot and killed after forcing entry into ex-girlfriend's home.  Police say one man is dead after forcing his way into the home of his ex-girlfriend on Saturday night [7/16/2016].  According to the Grayson County Sheriff's Department, dispatchers received a call on Saturday around 9:22 p.m. from a woman advising that her ex-boyfriend, 43-year-old Patrick Dewayne Decker of Leitchfield, "had busted in her front door and caused her to fire several shots at him when he entered her home." [...] The sheriff's department said it appeared that Decker was shot in the chest at least one time.  Authorities say Decker was pronounced dead at the scene by the Grayson County Deputy Coroner.

Man reports shooting burglar in Great Bend home.  According to the chief, officers learned that a 65-year-old male was staying at the residence with an elderly man who lives there.  The 65-year-old man claimed that he heard noise outside and walked around the house to investigate.  When he came back inside, he allegedly saw the younger man (who was apparently burglarizing the house) wrestling with the elderly resident.  He then shot the alleged burglar.

Robber with AK-47 shot by Waffle House customer, DeSoto police say.  DeSoto police have identified the suspect in an aggravated robbery at a Waffle House last week.  About 2:30 a.m.  Thursday [7/14/2016], police were called to the Waffle House in the 1500 block of North Beckley Avenue, where they found a man shot in the parking lot.  Customers told police that the man had come into the restaurant, armed with an AK-47, and robbed numerous people as well as the business.

Man who tried to rob Waffle House with an AK-47 is shot by customer.  According to the DeSoto Police Department, Antione Cooper, 26, entered the restaurant in the 1500 block of North Beckley Avenue at 2:30 a.m.  Thursday [7/14/2016].  Patrons at the Waffle House told police Cooper robbed several customers before leaving the restaurant and entering the parking lot.  A handgun-licensed customer, whose wife was on her way to meet him at the restaurant, followed Cooper to the parking lot, fearing for his wife's safety, according to DeSoto police.  Police said the customer called to Cooper once they were outside.  Cooper pointed the AK-47 in the customer's direction, prompting the customer to shoot Cooper several times, according to police in the southern Dallas suburb.

Phoenix police:  Homeowner shoots crowbar-wielding intruder.  Phoenix police say a crowbar-wielding intruder shot by a homeowner [7/14/2016] is hospitalized with a non-life-threatening injury.

Homeowner shoots and kills armed intruder; second intruder escapes.  The Flagler County Sheriff's Office is currently investigating an incident where two men armed with handguns unlawfully entered a home located at 3 Frank Place, Apt. A, in Palm Coast at approximately 2 a.m. July 13.  Once inside, a resident of the home confronted the armed men and shot one of them.  That suspect died at the scene.  The second suspect fled the scene and was not located after deputies and a K-9 team searched the area.

SE Portland homeowner fatally shoots intruder.  Multiple people — one of whom was shot dead — are suspected in an apparent home invasion robbery early Thursday morning [7/14/2016] in Southeast Portland.  The homeowner who fatally shot one of the intruders was treated and released from a Portland hospital, police said.  No one has been arrested.

Home owner pulls gun on burglary suspect.  [Scroll down]  He [the resident] then saw a male subject standing near the property and immediately pointed a gun at the suspect and told him not to move.  The suspect said he was coming from a friend's house and began to move away from the house towards the street.  Court documents say the homeowner then exited house with his shotgun as the suspect ran to his vehicle.  The man hit the driver side window with the butt of the shotgun and the suspect fled the scene.  The couple then found the TV on the side of the house in the backyard, along with a knife that they claimed did not belong to them.

Intruder shot by off-duty St. Louis County officer after online argument about Black Lives Matter, family says.  A former Affton High School football standout forced his way into a South County home and was shot and killed by an off-duty officer inside after a Facebook dispute over Black Lives Matter apparently boiled over late Saturday afternoon [7/9/2016].  That's what can be pieced together from the accounts of police and an uncle of Tyler Gebhard, who said the young man had been struggling with mental health issues.

Off-duty cop shoots dead black football star, 20, who had bipolar disorder after he broke into the officer's home following an online argument about Black Lives Matter.  An off-duty police officer shot and killed a young black man after he broke into his St Louis home Saturday evening, following an argument over Black Lives Matter.  The family, who were in the house at the time, said the victim was known to them and had recently had an argument with the officer about the growing unrest over police violence, according to CBS.  Tyler Gebhard, 20, had rung the doorbell of the Lakeshire home around 5.30 pm Saturday, police say.  The officer's wife and infant answered the door and after seeing who it was, immediately ran upstairs to hide with her mother-in-law.

Police say alleged Marathon robber was armed with large bladed object before being shot, killed by customer.  East Ridge Police Department Capt. Tim Mullinax said the customer entered the Marathon station at 4011 Ringgold Road [6/30/2016] armed with a large bladed object.  He stole money from the register and "a large quantity of cigarettes," then grabbed the clerk and forced her to accompany him out of the store.  Outside, Mullinax said, the alleged robber and the clerk encountered a customer who noticed what was happening inside.  After grabbing a handgun from his vehicle, the customer fired several shots at the man, hitting him at least once in the torso, Mullinax said.

Home Invasion Suspect Shot in the Chest by Victim.  Harris County Sheriff's deputies say Michael Brown tried to rob man on Saturday morning [6/25/2016] at the Copper Ridge apartments on Cypress Station near Hollow Tree.  Hours after the fatal shooting and attempted robbery, Brown was found still in the apartment complex.  Deputies say they followed a blood trail and found Brown with a gunshot wound to the chest.  Detectives say he was wearing a ski mask when they located the suspect.

Roommate shoots, kills home-invasion suspect in Everett.  A home-invasion robbery in South Everett turned into a fatal shooting and a police manhunt Saturday morning [6/25/2016], authorities said. [...] The men demanded money from people in the living room, Beaton said.  A roommate heard the disturbance from another room, saw what he thought was an armed robbery and starting shooting, Beaton said.  One of the intruders was hit and died at the scene, and the other ran away, he said.

Case of mom fatally shooting intruder sparks debate.  A mother who returned to her Portland home with her two children early Sunday morning [6/26/2016] shot and killed an intruder who was inside.  Tara-Alexis Ford, 33, found a stranger in one of her children's bedrooms inside her home in the 4100 block of Southeast 118th Place at about 1:45 a.m.  Armed with a handgun, she shot and killed the man, who has been identified as David Daniel McCrary, 59, from Gresham.  The Oregon State Medical Examiner determined that McCrary died of a single gunshot wound.

Purse Snatcher Shoots Woman 4 Times, Witness Shoots Robber.  A woman was shot four times by a man who demanded her purse while she was leaving work.  It happened Wednesday night [6/29/2016] at 10 p.m. in the 3600 block of Vaughn Blvd.  A witness shot the suspect as he was fleeing the scene. [...] Police described the suspect as a black male in his late teens to early 20s, 5'6" with a skinny build.  He was wearing jeans without a t-shirt and has braided hair.

Legally armed victim shoots his attackers, leaving one robber in serious condition.  A licensed gun carrier that was being robbed shot at his attackers Thursday morning [6/30/2016] on the city's west side, hitting at least one of them. [...] The other three suspects, all in their 20s, took off.

Grandmother with gun confronts intruders in her house.  [Scroll down]  About 12:45 Tuesday afternoon [6/28/2016] she went to the peephole and saw a man was at her front door, banging on the door, ringing the bell.  He left but came back a few minutes later, with a T-shirt over his head, and putting on gloves, so she ran to the bedroom to get a handgun from the dresser beside her bed.

Homeowners Hold Burglar At Gunpoint.  This morning [7/1/2016] at 7:45 am, Vigo County Sheriff's Deputies were called to a residence on East Moyer Drive when the homeowner found a man in her garage.  The homeowner and her husband, who were both armed, held the burglar at gun point until deputies arrived and took him into custody.

Deputies apprehend Clarkesville burglary suspect who fled homeowner's warning shot.  [Scroll down]  When deputies spoke with the homeowner, they learned that he saw a white male trying to make entry.  The suspect had apparently reached through a broken pane of glass in the kitchen and was attempting to unlock the door.  That's when the resident opened fire but did not strike the suspect.  He fled the area but was later found at Fay Street Apartments in Cornelia, Ga. and arrested without incident, officials said.

Madison police investigating shot fired at apartment intruder.  The 23-year-old resident told police he aimed at the intruder and hoped to wound, but not kill.  The bullet missed the intruder and hit drywall in the apartment.  The resident immediately called 911, police said.  He told the officers that he came out of the bathroom and found the intruder near his desk and laptop computer.  He said it looked like the man came in through a sliding door.

Police: Man Shoots Would-Be Robber in Portage Park.  A 19-year-old man is in the hospital after he was shot by the person he was allegedly trying to rob late Thursday [6/30/2016].

Spokane Valley bank robbery suspect shot by customer.  Detectives with the Spokane Valley Police Department are still searching for the man who robbed Spokane Teachers Credit Union Thursday afternoon [7/1/2016].  Detectives say an armed man walked into the bank, jumped the counter and demanded money.  During the robbery, an armed citizen drew a concealed gun he was legally carrying and fired at the robber.  The suspect fled the bank and was last seen running north.  A perimeter was quickly set up, but the suspect was not found.

Burglar Arrested After Being Held At Gunpoint By Homeowner.  The Taylor County [Kentucky] Sheriff's department said they responded to a home on Fairvew Road on reports of a home invasion just before 11 p.m.  Friday night.  Once they got there they found the suspect, 34-year-old Danny Berry, had been held at gunpoint by the home owner.  And off-duty Campbellsville police officer was detaining the subject when deputies got to the scene.

Greeley man stops suspected robber at gunpoint, then tackles and holds him until police arrive.  [Kaleb] Caddy said he can't stand it when people steal.  He said he didn't waste any time.  He grabbed his Smith & Wesson handgun from his car's trunk and took off after the robber.  At some point during the foot chase, and before Caddy caught him, Gonzales threw away his gun, which officers found later.  Eventually, the suspected robber jumped a fence and found himself at Caddy's gunpoint.

Deputies: CWP holder injures Spartanburg Co. nightclub shooting suspect.  Deputies with Spartanburg County said a man faces multiple attempted murder charges after opening fire outside a nightclub early Sunday morning [6/26/2016].  The shooting happened around 3:30 a.m. at Playoffz nightclub on Inman Road in Lyman.  Deputies said 32-year-old Jody Ray Thompson pulled out a gun after getting into an argument with another man and fired several rounds toward a crowd that had gathered out in front of the club.  "His rounds struck three victims, and almost struck a fourth victim, who in self-defense, pulled his own weapon and fired, striking Thompson in the leg," Lt. Kevin Bobo said.

Hey Media:  Another Nightclub Shooting, This Time No Massacre.  A man with a concealed carry permit in South Carolina prevented a massacre in a nightclub.  But this example of Second Amendment saving lives hasn't garnered media interests.  According to a report on The Federalist, "A man with a concealed carry license stopped a shooter after the latter opened fire on a crowd of people at a nightclub in South Carolina early Sunday morning."  Writer Bre Payton explained, "After getting into a fight with another person, the 32-year-old suspect pulled out a gun and began to fire at a crowd of people gathered outside of the club, hitting and injuring four, WISTV reports.  One of the victims, who holds a concealed-carry permit, shot back in self-defense, hitting the suspect in the leg."

Concealed Carrier Prevents Mass Shooting At SC Nightclub.  A man with a concealed carry license stopped a shooter after the latter opened fire on a crowd of people at a nightclub in South Carolina early Sunday morning, according to  After getting into a fight with another person, the 32-year-old suspect pulled out a gun and began to fire at a crowd of people gathered outside of the club, hitting and injuring four, WISTV reports.  One of the victims, who holds a concealed-carry permit, shot back in self-defense, hitting the suspect in the leg.  The suspect has been charged with four counts of attempted murder.  He was also charged for unlawfully carrying a weapon and for carrying one while committing a violent crime.

Customer with concealed carry permit fatally shoots ax-wielding attacker at 7-Eleven.  A customer at a 7-Eleven store outside Seattle shot and killed a masked man who attacked a clerk with an ax early Sunday [6/26/2016].  Investigators said the shooting happened at the store in White Center at approximately 5:45 a.m. local time.  Witnesses said the man entered the store and swung a hatchet toward the customer before turning his attention to the clerk.  As the assailant attacked, the customer pulled out a pistol and fired, hitting the suspect.  The clerk suffered minor injuries to his stomach and the suspect was pronounced dead at the scene.

Defense Against Animals: 14 Foot Python in Backyard Oklahoma.  One of the most underrated defensive uses of firearms is for defense against animals, either to protect property or people.  This 14 foot python was probably turned loose by an irresponsible owner who could no longer take care of it.  Perhaps they became frightened by it.  A snake this large is a clear and present danger to pets and small children.  While most snakes can be dispatched with a shovel or hoe, I would not want to attempt that with this python.  It might take offense.  A firearm is a stand off weapon that allows you to apply deadly force at a distance.  A picture with the article shows the python was shot in the head, killing it quickly and humanely.

Balch Springs homeowner shoots home invasion suspect.  A homeowner shot a man who entered his Balch Springs house in an apparent home invasion Monday afternoon [6/20/2016].

NOPD: Armed robber flees when man reveals gun in glove box.  A would-be robber fled after the man he was attempting to rob showed he was armed, New Orleans police said.  The attempted robbery was reported about 10:24 a.m.  Monday [6/20/2016] near the intersection of Franklin Avenue and Acacia Street.  Police said a 44-year-old man was in his vehicle when he was approached by a man he didn't know.

SW Portland homeowner shoots man trying to break into home through window, official says.  A Southwest Portland homeowner shot a man who was trying to break into his home through a backyard window Wednesday afternoon [6/22/2016], an official said.  Responders found the intruder completely naked in a water fountain in the home's backyard, said Capt. Steve Alexander, a Multnomah County Sheriff's Office spokesman.  The intruder was taken to a hospital for treatment of a gunshot wound that didn't appear to threaten his life, Alexander said.

Burglar Shot in the Leg by Person He Tried to Burglarize, Rio Dell Police Say.  From the Rio Dell [California] Police Department:  ["]On June 22nd, 2016 at about 1900 hours officers responded to the area of the 300 block of 1st Avenue in Rio Dell for a report of a subject who had been shot.  The gunshot victim was located and medical assistance provided for a non-life-threatening gunshot wound to the subjects leg.["]

Waynesboro business owners 'proud' of pharmacy employee's actions.  Shop owners have welcomed the actions of an Antietam Pharmacy employee who used his concealed firearm to shoot a robber [6/20/2016].  Eric Christie, owner of Christie's House of Pipes and Cigars, said it was great to have someone stand up to protect their life and liberty and to defend their property.

Hartford homeowner shoots intruder during attempted home invasion.  Hartford [Alabama] police responded to a home invasion late Tuesday night [6/14/2016] during which the homeowner shot an intruder trying to burglarize his home.  Hartford Police Chief Annie Ward said police officers responded to a home invasion and shooting between 11:15 and 11:30 p.m. on North Fifth Avenue.  "It was an attempted home invasion and the home owner shot the suspect," Ward said.

Naked Florida Man Poops on Himself During Home Invasion, Shot by Female Homeowner.  A Floridian woman shot and wounded a naked, poop-covered home invader Sunday night [6/19/2016].  27-year-old Victor Etherington, who, according to deputies was intoxicated, demanded entry to an Ocala residence.  The homeowner (name still unknown), not recognizing him, told him to leave.  The poopetrator kicked in the door, prompting the woman to take refuge in her bedroom, grab a .22, and call 911. Etherington chased her upstairs, removed his soiled shorts and forced his way into the closet, and that's when the homeowner shot him once in the gut.

Missouri 11-year-old fatally shoots 16-year-old intruder.  An 11-year-old Missouri boy shot and killed a 16-year-old boy during an attempted home invasion Thursday afternoon [9/3/2016], St. Louis County police said.  Police said two suspects tried to break into the home north of downtown St. Louis twice before the shooting on Thursday.  On the third try, authorities said the unidentified teen went through the home's unlocked front door while the 11-year-old and a 4-year-old girl were home alone.  Police said the younger boy shot the teen in the head.  The would-be burglar's body was found in the home's front foyer.  Investigators said no one else was hurt in the incident.  The second suspect fled the scene after the shooting, but was later taken into custody.

Prosecutor: Officer-involved shooting during Cincinnati bank robbery was justified.  Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters said the fatal officer-involved shooting at a Fifth Third Bank will not even be taken to a grand jury.  Deters said the incident "was as clean a police-involved shooting that I've ever seen."  Deters, Cincinnati Police Chief Eliot Isaac and Hamilton County Coroner Lakshmi Sammarco released the May 25 surveillance video from inside the Madisonville bank.  Terry Frost, 20, was killed.  [Video clip]

Name of suspect killed by Wayne Co. homeowner released.  According to the highway patrol, the suspect was shot while trying to burglarize a home near the Chaonia Landing area in southeastern Wayne County.  They say the suspect had a gunshot wound to the chest.  According to the highway patrol, the suspect was taken to a Poplar Bluff hospital where he died from his injuries [5/24/2016].

Chainsaw vs.  Gun:  Alleged Road Rage Incident Gets Out of Control.  Michael Salafia, 30, turned himself in on a warrant for the May 6 incident, police said.  Salafia was allegedly involved in a dispute with another motorist.  He exited his vehicle at a red light and approached another operator with a chainsaw in hand, according to police.  He started the chainsaw and shouted racist slurs at the driver, a black male.  The man pulled out a legally owned handgun in an effort to stop Salafia from advancing, police said.

Robber dead in Easton after store clerk, thieves exchange gunfire.  One robber is dead after an Easton store clerk and two thieves exchanged gunfire Tuesday night [5/31/2016], according to the Fresno County Sheriff's Office.  The dead robber was identified Wednesday by the sheriff's office as 17-year-old Isaac Garcia of Fresno.  His alleged accomplice was still on the loose.

Night prowler shot in face.  A man broke into a house in the Weimer neighborhood in the early hours of May 29 and was shot in the face by the homeowner.  At about 4:30 a.m., 30-year-old Yvon Juteau — known to police from previous incidents — allegedly entered a house on Juniper Road while people were sleeping, Interim Police Chief Lt. Dave Maggio of the Taos Police Department said.  The homeowner told police that he and his wife were asleep when he heard a loud crash.  He grabbed his .38 special revolver and a flashlight and walked down the hallway to find a man, allegedly Juteau, holding up a crowbar in his right hand, threatening him with it.

Woman shoots at would-be robber in Little Rock.  Little Rock police were called to an attempted robbery at 3608 Asher Ave.  Sunday morning after a woman shot at a man trying to rob her.  Tiffany Williamson, 34, told police she was sitting in her car playing with her dog when a man approached the front of her vehicle.  The man pointed a black semi-automatic handgun and said, "Give me all you got," she told police.  Williamson, who works as an armed guard, told police that she grabbed her gun beside her seat and fired one shot through the windshield at the man.

Police identify suspected intruder killed by homeowners.  Indianapolis police have identified the apparent intruder they say was fatally shot by the occupants of an east-side home he entered early Tuesday [5/31/2016].  The suspected intruder, identified as 53-year-old James Neal, was shot multiple times inside a house in the 700 block of South Bosart Avenue about 6 a.m., IMPD Capt. Richard Riddle said.  Investigators said a family of three was sleeping when the sounds of Neal inside the home woke them.  "The husband confronted Neal with a shotgun, and the two struggled over the weapon.  The wife got a second weapon from another room and also confronted Neal," said an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department statement.

Bucks pharmacist shoots, kills masked gunman during stickup.  Kenneth Lee spotted the shotgun-toting man in the frightening Halloween mask in the parking lot of the drug store, via security cameras.  "'I am armed.  Do not come into the store,'" police said the pharmacist shouted repeatedly at the man as he came through the door and walked the 35 feet toward the counter.  Using an umbrella as a shield, the masked man vaulted the counter.  Lee then fired several shots from a 9mm handgun, and when police arrived they found the would-be robber dead on the floor.

Armed Robber Ventilated by Citizen While Trying To Hold Up Convenience Store.  The Tampa Bay Times reports this week (5/10/2016) in Riverview, a man who tried to rob three other men at a convenience store on Tuesday was killed when one of his intended victims fatally shot him. [...] The deceased robber had a criminal record that includes convictions for grand theft and burglary as well a possible charge of conspiracy to commit murder.

Homeowner kills intruder.  At 4:38 a.m.  Sunday [5/15/2016], [Odessa, Texas] officers responded to a report of a burglary in progress with shots being fired.  When they arrived, they saw a man who had suffered multiple gunshot wounds, a news release indicated.  Their preliminary investigation indicated that the homeowner, Raul Munoz, 51, was awakened by his wife after she heard a banging noise coming from the front door, the release stated.  Munoz told the officers that he had heard someone banging on the door and that the door frame began to crack, they said.

Police: Phoenix taco shop employee fatally shoots robber.  The employee of a Phoenix taco shop told police he shot a man who robbed the restaurant Tuesday night [5/10/2016], according to officials.  Police say man who was shot has since died.

Suspected home invader dead after being shot at by victim; 2 cohorts arrested in Pike County.  Lt. Troy Johnson of the Pike County Sheriff's Office said they were called to a home in the 100 block of County Road 3016 at about 2:30 a.m. [5/12/2016]  He said the 36-year-old resident told them he answered a knock on his door and three men forced their way inside.  The victim said one of them pulled a gun on him and told him to "give it up," Johnson said.  The victim said he grabbed the gun and got it away from the robber.  He said he shot at them as they advanced on him.  All three fled on foot after the shot was fired.

Dining Off-Duty Cop Stops Fatal Stabbing Rampage in Massachusetts Mall.  A stabbing rampage that left two victims dead and several others injured ended when an off-duty police officer fatally shot the suspect.  Plymouth County Sheriff's Deputy Jimmy Creed was off-duty "with his bride, just having dinner," when the chaos unfolded, police sources told ABC News.  They were dining at Bertucci's Italian restaurant in the Galleria Mall in Taunton, about 40 miles south of Boston.  Suspect Arthur DaRosa had walked into the restaurant and "armed himself with a knife and stabbed two people," District Attorney Thomas Quinn said in a statement released early this morning [5/11/2016].

Armed Citizens Saving Police Officers.  This article was originally by Ohioans for Concealed Carry PAC and then by the Kentucky Concealed Carry Coalition.  It has ceased to exist on those pages.  I found it on, where it was republished.  It is a compilation worth keeping.  The article was originally published before February 8th, 2009.  It has not been updated since then.  I know that it is only a partial listing.  For example it does not list the case of Rory Vertigan, who shot, then captured one of three drug dealers who ambushed and killed Officer Marc Atkinson of the Phoenix Police Department on March 26, 1999.  All three drug dealers were illegal aliens.

Great-granny, 80, got a gun, kills a home intruder who attacked husband.  This 80-year-old great-granny got a gun and wasn't afraid to use it.  Barb Moles shot and killed a home intruder who beat her husband with a crowbar and stabbed him with a knife. [...] Moles, a grandmother of eight and a great-grandmother of three, pulled the trigger four times.  Three bullets hit the mark, KOMO reported.

80-Year Old Woman Saves Her Husband's Life with a GUN!  An intruder who appeared to be looking for prescription drugs stabbed a 75-year old man in the abdomen in Western Washington.  His 80-year old wife, trained in firearms, went for her gun emptied it into the stranger, saving her husband, herself and her 45-year old son who was in the house at the time.  The elderly man is listed in serious condition at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle and is in a lot of pain according to his wife.  "It could have been a very bad situation," said neighbor Richard Cross.  "It could have been three homicides over there instead of one intruder biting the dust."

Dallas PD: Attempted robber shot by store manager.  An attempted robber is in critical condition after police say a Dallas store employee shot him when he tried to rob the store.  The shooting happened Thursday [4/28/2016] at a Metro PCS store in the 2600 block of MLK Jr.  Boulevard around 6:38 p.m.  One witness says he and his son were the only customers in the store when the robber came in with a hand gun and told everyone to get on the ground.  He says that's when he heard shots.

Robber 'Cries Like a Baby' After Being Shot by 11-Year-Old.  An 11-year-old boy is safe and a robber is in the hospital after an altercation on Wednesday night [4/27/2016] in Alabama.  Chris Gaither, the 11-year-old, was home alone when a man broke into his Talladega home.  Gaither went and armed himself with a 9mm handgun.  That's when the robber threatened his life.  "When he was coming down the stairs," he told WVTM, "that's when he told me he was going to kill me, F-you and all that."  Gaither then told him he was going to shoot him if he didn't leave the home immediately.  "I told him I was gonna kill him and all that, with a gun, if he didn't get out of my house," he said.

Homeowner says husband shot two teenagers breaking into house.  A homeowner says her husband shot two teenage intruders on Wednesday afternoon [4/20/2016].  The shooting happened around 12:30 p.m. at a home on Schneiter Avenue, near Taylor Boulevard in south Louisville.

Erie police:  Ohio kidnapping suspect beat homeowners before he was shot.  Erie police said they believe chance played a big part in the case of a kidnapping suspect from the Cleveland area who was shot Tuesday morning in a quiet neighborhood west of Frontier Park.  A male neighbor fired after the suspect broke into the house next door, police said.  Police will not file charges against the neighbor, Erie police Lt. Stan Green said.

Fatal shooting in Nebo likely self-defense, deputies say.  Officers say it was reported that 71-year-old Allen Causby parked on private property off of Lake Lamar Loop on Thursday afternoon [4/14/2016].  According to authorities, landowner Larry Gilliand smashed Causby's car window with a cane and told him to leave.  Deputies say Causby, who lives nearby, returned to the property around 6 p.m. armed with a handgun and began firing shots at the 67-year-old owner.  Gilliand returned fire and fatally shot Causby in the head.

Man faces sentencing in home invasion where 11-year-old girl pulled shotgun.  A plea deal has been reached in connection with a home invasion where an 11-year-old girl used a shotgun to defend herself inside a Lapeer County home.  James Wasson, 54, pleaded no contest on Thursday, April 14 to multiple counts of first-degree and second-degree home invasion among 18 felony offenses connected to nine break-ins, according to the Lapeer County Assistant Prosecutor Emil Joseph.

Armed Victim may have Shot, Killed 2 in Kidnap/Car Crash.  Much of a successful defensive gun use (DGU) depends on situational awareness and judgment about picking the time and place to make your play.  In Henderson Nevada, it appears that a planned kidnap/robbery was foiled by one of the victims who was armed with a concealed handgun.

Coroner identifies both men shot in vehicle.  The Clark County coroner has identified both men who were shot and killed during an altercation inside a vehicle in Henderson.  The men are 34-year-old lanard Lafare Wilson Jr. and 25-year-old Selvy Auston.  No city of residence was officially listed for either man.  Both men were killed by multiple gunshots. [...] Multiple neighbors tell 13 Action News the shooter is a beloved local jeweler.  We're told he was defending himself during a botched robbery.  Police have not confirmed those details.

Sheriff: Man shot trying to break into home.  A man was shot Thursday night [4/7/2016] after he allegedly tried to break into a Jones County residence, according to The Jones County Sheriff's Department.  Timothy Jefcoat, 33 of Soso, was trying to visit a woman at the home when police say he became belligerent and refused to leave.  According to the news release, the victim, a man at the residence, said Jefcoat then tried to force his way into the home.

Woman shoots, kills man who kicked in front door, police say.  Kansas City police are investigating a fatal shooting at a home near 56th Street and Swope Parkway.  Police were called to the home just after 11 p.m.  Wednesday [4/13/2016] to investigate reports of gunshots in the area.  The homeowner told police she heard loud banging and knocking on her front door.  A police news release said the woman got her gun because she could not see who it was at the door and was scared for her life.  The woman, who was questioned and released from custody, told investigators that she shot the man after he kicked in the front door and came after her.

Homeowner shoots man who set fire to his house, police say.  A homeowner shot a masked intruder he found using a blowtorch to start a fire that destroyed his suburban Phoenix home, authorities said Thursday [4/7/2016].

Suspect in home invasion shot dead in Blacklick.  A man who police say was trying to break into a home in Blacklick was shot and killed Wednesday night [4/6/2016].  Columbus police were called to a home in Macandrews Way just after 7:00 p.m. on a report of a shooting.  When officers arrived, they found 24-year-old Nathaniel Easley lying in the middle of the road, suffering from a gunshot wound.  He was taken to an area hospital where he later died.

Self-defense leads to fatal shooting at gas station, say police.  [Scroll down]  "The video shows the deceased, who his larger than the shooter, physically shoving and pulling the shooter back and forth.  The video also shows the deceased attempting to grab for the firearm.  The shooter order the deceased back and told him he would shoot him if he did not stop," said a statement from police.  "The shooter retreated into a corner of the store while still being attacked.  With nowhere left to retreat, the shooter fires one round striking the deceased.  The deceased does not stop his attacks and the shooter fires two more rounds, striking the subject, who then falls to the ground," the statement concluded.

HCSO: Drunk Man Searching For Ex-Girlfriend Shot After Attack Attempt.  Deputies say a heavily intoxicated man was shot while attempting to get into an apartment in northwest Harris County overnight [4/4/2016]. [...] Investigators with the Harris County Sheriff's Office say the man arrived at the front door of what he thought was his ex-girlfriend's apartment.  The man allegedly began banging on the door and attempted to kick the door in.  As it turns out, deputies say the man was at the wrong apartment.

Video Shows Clerk Foiling Robbery Ring in Des Plaines.  Dramatic surveillance video shows a quick-thinking grocery store clerk who helped bust a robbery ring in suburban Des Plaines [3/26/2016]. [...] Surveillance cameras captured the 16 year old, wearing a hoodie as he approached the counter with an item from the store.  When the clerk arrives, the juvenile then pulls out an air soft gun.  The clerk then reaches behind the counter and pulls out his own gun.  The teen then runs out of the store as did another 16-year old who was with him.  The clerk fired shots after them, but no one was hurt.

Family Laments Shooting Death of Teen Burglar By Homeowner.  [P]rotecting the lives of innocent victims must be held as the higher priority, while the lives of criminals, while not worthless, are devalued by their decision to commit crimes against society.  That's why I have very little sympathy for the lives of violent criminals like Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown, or that of lesser criminals such as recently-deceased burglar Trevon Johnson.

Suspect Shot During Robbery Attempt at Selma ATM.  Selma police are investigating an attempted robbery where a man was shot.  Lt. Sam Miller says a masked man with a gun walked up to a woman at an ATM at 10 o'clock Monday night [3/7/2016] and demanded money.  He says the woman's grandson saw what was happening and pulled out a gun of his own.  He says the two men exchanged gunfire and the suspect was shot and ran off.

Relatives of Dead Teen Burglar Defend his Actions.  Some have said that people in black urban ghettos see "burglar", "thief", and "armed robber" as viable career options; that they view concealed carry permits as an OSHA safety violation.  That seems to be what is being displayed here.  It is not a viable option for a civilization.  These attitudes have been fostered by leftists for generations.  They view private property as illegitimate, and theft as property redistribution.  They have assiduously propagandized the black community with these attitudes.

Man Shot To Death After Allegedly Trying To Break Into Canyon Country Apartment.  The resident and other witnesses told sheriff's personnel the man who was shot was trying to get into the apartment.  The renter reportedly told the man to leave numerous times and that he didn't live there, but the shooting victim apparently ignored the warnings, according to Jansen.  When the suspect allegedly broke out a window and started to climb inside the apartment the resident shot him multiple times.

Man Robs Store With Fake Gun, Gets Shot By Clerk's Real One.  Convicted felon Jarrell Blackmon pulled a fake gun in his attempt to rob a Pensacola, Florida convenience store.  It was real enough that the clerk thought it was a credible threat, and fired a shot through Blackmon's neck.

Customer with concealed carry permit fatally shoots ax-wielding attacker at 7-Eleven.  A customer at a 7-Eleven store outside Seattle shot and killed a masked man who attacked a clerk with an ax early Sunday [3/13/2016].  Investigators said the shooting happened at the store in White Center at approximately 5:45 a.m. local time.  Witnesses said the man entered the store and swung a hatchet toward the customer before turning his attention to the clerk.  As the assailant attacked, the customer pulled out a pistol and fired, hitting the suspect.

Customer with concealed carry permit is hailed a 'hero'.  An early morning at a Washington 7-Eleven almost turned tragic when a masked man with an ax came charging through the door and started swinging without a word.  But just as he managed to slice the clerk in the stomach, a 60-year-old customer who was having a cup of coffee pulled out his gun and shot the attacker dead at the Burien store.  Kuldeep Singh, 58, believes he would have died had it not been for his regular customer, who had a concealed carry permit for his pistol and is being called a hero by police.

Customer shoots masked, hatchet-wielding attacker in Burien 7-Eleven.  A customer shot and killed a hatchet-wielding man attacking a clerk at a convenience store in Burien Sunday morning [3/13/2016].  About 5:45 a.m., a masked man about 40 years old walked into a 7-Eleven store near South 110th Street and 8th Avenue South and swung a hatchet at a customer, said King County Sheriff's Sgt. Cindi West.  The man then went behind the counter and attacked the 58-year-old clerk, never saying anything.  Within seconds, a customer pulled out a handgun and shot and killed the attacker, likely saving the clerk's life, West said.

Mississippi Fugitive Rafael McCloud Fatally Shot After Forcing Way Into Home: Police.  A family being held hostage by a suspected murderer fatally shot him Thursday morning — ending the multi-agency manhunt for the armed and dangerous felon, police said.  The fugitive, Rafael McCloud, 34, had approached a man in Vicksburg while he was starting his car outside of his home, Vicksburg Police Chief Walter Armstrong told NBC affiliate WLBT.  McCloud ordered the man inside, where he tied him and his wife up, Armstrong said.  At one point, McCloud stabbed the man in the shoulder and he got loose.  The man and his wife managed to grab a gun and one of them shot McCloud during the hours-long struggle, Armstrong told The Associated Press.

Man who was shot during home invasion now behind bars.  23-year-old Danny Lewis of Greenville went before a judge Monday morning [2/22/2016], charged with armed robbery and burglary.  The Pitt County Sheriff's Office says Lewis, along with 19 year old Ryan Aytch of La Grange and 23 year old Dashawn Dail of Kinston, invaded a home on Paul's Place in Grimesland last Tuesday.

Homeowner shoots, kills burglary suspect in SW Houston.  The shooting happened about 1:30 a.m. [3/1/2016] in the 8500 block of Maplecrest Drive near Elmsworth Drive, said Ken Fregia, a homicide investigator with the Houston Police Department.  Fregia said the homeowner, identified as an Asian man, told investigators he was asleep but woke up when he heard the sound of glass breaking at his front door.  He grabbed a gun and went to investigate.  He saw a man breaking into the door and entering his home.  He confronted him and fired several gunshots at him, wounding the suspect.

2 Alleged Intruders Hospitalized, Shot By Detroit Homeowner.  Police in Detroit are investigating a shooting Tuesday afternoon [3/1/2016] at a home on Outer Drive.  Officer Jennifer Moreno said a homeowner claims he was sitting in a back room of the house, at around 1:30 p.m., when he was confronted by a pair of intruders.  "Two unknown suspects broke in through a window," Moreno said.  "The victim fired shots at the suspects, striking them both, and he actually held one of the suspects for officers."

Man Shoots 2 Younger Men During Fight in Queen Village: Police.  The 65-year-old man was walking with his wife on the 700 block of S. 2nd Street shortly after 8:30 p.m. Tuesday [3/1/2016] when they were approached by a 21-year-old man and a 20-year-old man, police said.  Investigators say the two younger men and the 65-year-old man got into an argument which then became physical.  The younger men, one of whom is from Cinnaminson, New Jersey, allegedly began to beat the 65-year-old man.  The 65-year-old man, who has a license to carry, then pulled out a .45 caliber pistol and opened fire, according to investigators.  The 21-year-old was struck once in the neck while the 20-year-old was struck in the stomach.

Resident Shoots And Kills Suspected Burglar In North Columbus.  A resident shot and killed a person believed to be breaking into a north Columbus home early Sunday morning [2/21/2016].  Columbus Police said it happened around 3 a.m. on Duxberry Avenue.  The resident told police that 26-year-old Tory Jones forced his way into the home.  When officers arrived at the home, they found Jones had been shot and had died from a gunshot wound.

Tulsa police: Man killed during suspected home invasion.  Tulsa Police Sgt. Dave Walker says a woman called 911 early Friday [2/19/2016] to report that a man came to her door asking to use the phone, then forced himself inside and began gathering items to steal.

Burglary suspect shot, injured in Seabrook.  A man was shot early Wednesday morning [2/17/2016] in Seabrook as he attempted to break into a storage trailer, a Beaufort County Sheriff's Office release said.  The owner of the property saw the unidentified man enter the trailer and fired a handgun twice in the direction of the trailer, according to the release.

Farmer who shot intruder walks free.  A farmer who shot and injured a man he believed to be a burglar walked free from court yesterday [2/22/2016].  Father-of-two Frederick Hemstock, 55, fired at Gary Smith after he discovered him trespassing on his land in the early hours of the morning.  As he wept tears of relief yesterday, a judge criticised the lack of police response to a 999 call made by Mr Hemstock's wife, Wendy.  She had been told that officers would not turn out unless property had actually been stolen.  Minutes later her husband, who had grabbed a shotgun kept under his bed, fired at Smith's car.  The shot ripped through the vehicle and hit him in the stomach.

Resident shoots, kills suspected intruder.  Columbus police said they were contacted at about 3:13 am Sunday [2/21/2016] from a resident at 1566 Duxberry Ave. about a man attempting to kick in a back door.  Police said the attacker, Tory L. Jones, forced his way into the home and attacked resident Darryl A. Francis, 36.  Francis then shot Jones.  Medics pronounced Jones dead at about 4:07 am.

Police: Tampa liquor store clerk fatally shoots armed robber; second suspect flees.  One of two men attempting to rob a Tampa liquor store was shot to death in an exchange of gunfire with the clerk late Sunday [2/21/2016], police said.  Cody Bolesta, 20, was found fatally shot on the sidewalk near Cut Rate Liquors, at 3312 N. 15th St., in the V.M. Ybor neighborhood, police said.  Detectives are working to track down the other suspect, who fled the scene.

DeKalb County Sheriff's employee shoots home invader.  Police say three teenagers kicked in the door to an Ellenwood home on Bosenberry Way Friday [2/5/2016].  The woman, who lives at that house works for the Dekalb County Sheriff's Office and shot one of them. [...] Around 10:30 p.m., the sheriff's employee was sleeping when her sons woke her up and said intruders were in the house.  Police say that's when the woman grabbed her gun and shot one of the suspects.

Off-duty MPD officer shoots would-be burglar in Southaven.  An off-duty Memphis police officer shot someone in Southaven on Monday [2/8/2016].  Police said the person was shot after he kicked in a door during a burglary.  Off-duty officer Brian Falatko saw him and shot him in the shoulder.

Report: Victim overpowers three men, shoots suspect during attack.  Police officers responded to Sumner Avenue for a reported shooting shortly before 7 p.m. [2/6/2016]  The victim told officers he walked out of his home to go to church and was approached by three young black men.  One of the men was holding a gun and demanded money.  According to a report released on Tuesday, the 35-year-old victim grabbed for the gun and a struggle ensued.

Dallas Police: Resident Shot And Killed Armed Burglar.  An East Dallas resident shot and killed an armed suspect who police say tried to burglarize his house.  The shooting happened around 10:15 Friday morning [2/5/2016] at the corner of Freeport Drive and Gross Road.  Police say at this point, no charges are being filed against the resident.

Police: Gun owner saved cop from attack by kids.  Police are crediting a vigilant gun owner with saving the life of an Upper Darby cop Friday [2/12/2016] after he saw the officer being attacked and surrounded by a large group of teens.  "There were 40 kids.  If it wasn't for the good Samaritan stepping forward, he'd have been dead meat," Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said.  "There's no doubt they would have attacked him."

Marine Vet With Concealed-Carry Permit Saves Texas Deputy's Life.  On January 19, Bastrop County Deputy Dylan Dorris attempted to pull over a motorist who was driving erratically.  The driver did not initially comply, but he eventually stopped at a gas station.  Once the vehicle was stopped, Dorris attempted to arrest the driver, but he resisted.  While Dorris was struggling with the driver, the man allegedly reached for the deputy's weapon.  That's when Marine veteran and concealed-carry permit holder Scott Perkins jumped into action.

NJ Man who Shoots Three Problem Bears gets $4,000+ Fines and Fees.  In October, 2014, a 76-year-old New Jersey resident shot three problem bears on his property.  One was an adult sow that was on his deck and looking in through his sliding glass door.  The location of the two juvenile bears when they were shot, is disputed, but was either on the deck or close to it.  Bears are more dangerous as they are larding up for the winter hibernation.  Bears that display this level of familiarity with humans, who associate humans with food, are a severe problems waiting to happen.  It is why the conservation community has come up with a well used phrase:  A fed bear is a dead bear.  Judge James G. Devine handed down the fines against Robert Ehling on the 28th of January, 2016.  I found the judges attitude a bit disturbing in one particular sense.  He thought that Robert C. Ehling acted as a "vigilante".

Also posted under Please refrain from defending your own life and property.

Suspect Flees After Attempted Home Invasion In OKC.  A suspect is on the loose after police say he attempted to break into a home on S. MacArthur Blvd in Oklahoma City.  According to police, the man attempted to enter the home around 3 a.m. [1/28/2016] but the home owner heard him.  The suspect took off after the home owner fired one gun shot into the air.  No one was injured.

Homeowner shoots suspected burglar outside home.  Police say a suspect in a home invasion was shot and killed in a neighborhood west of Iroquois Park early Thursday morning [1/28/2016].  The man was found shot outside of a home on the 6800 block of Manslick Road.

NOPD makes multiple arrests in shooting on Esplanade and Claiborne Avneues [sic].  The NOPD has arrested a 30-year-old man who allegedly opened fire on a group of individuals at a gas station at the intersection of Claiborne and Esplanade Avenues this afternoon (Jan 31).  Richard Macklin (DOB: 10-1-85), faces three counts of Aggravated Battery by Shooting and one count of Illegal Discharge of a Weapon for his involvement in the incident. [...] During the course of the investigation, detectives determined that Macklin was the aggressor in the incident.  He will be booked once he is released from the hospital.  The other individual who returned fire will not be booked in the shooting.  At this time, detectives believe it was an act of self-defense.

Same incident as described above:
New Orleans Legal Gun Carrier Stops Mass Shooting.  For those who say that armed citizens and especially concealed carry permit holders, never stop mass shootings, this is a counter example that proves them wrong.

Store employee shoots two robbery suspects, killing one.  Hampton police say an employee shot two suspects as they attempted to rob a store, killing one and wounding the other.  Police got a call to Gift Card ATM store on West Mercury Boulevard near Salem Street at 6:21 p.m. Friday [1/29/2016], according to Sergeant Matt Bond.  Officers found Timothy Johnson, 18, suffering from a gunshot wound and pronounced him dead on the scene.

Suspected home intruder shot dead in NW Spokane.  A northwest Spokane resident shot and killed what he believed to be a home intruder Saturday night [1/30/2016], Spokane police said.  Police responded to a report of shots fired in the 6500 block of North Assembly Street, north of West Francis avenue, just after 10 p.m.  A woman had called to say her husband shot an intruder.

Woman fatally shot man who broke into Woodlawn home.  A woman fatally shot a man who broke into her home and beat her early Sunday [1/31/2016] in the Woodlawn neighborhood on the South Side. [...] The 28-year-old woman was able to grab a handgun and shot the man to death during the struggle, police said.

NE ABQ Shop owner fights alleged robbers.  The owner of Jim Coad Rare Coin Shop shot at a group of alleged robbers trying to steal from him, according to Albuquerque Police Department. [...] KOB has confirmed that at least two suspects tried to steal from the store but their attempt was cut short when the store owner started fighting them back.

71-Year-Old Armed Woman Fights Off Robber.  [Scroll down]  When the man became distracted by a customer[, Janet] Willis was able to grab her 9mm handgun.  "When he turned around I said 'I'll blow your guts all over this store,'" she told the paper.  "Then I led him out."  She kept her gun pointed at the attempted robber as he ran out and got into a car he had apparently stolen at another point.  That car had a flat tire and the sparks created by driving on the rim caused the stolen car to be set ablaze.  Shortly thereafter the suspect, 21-year-old Prince William Dennis, was arrested by police.  "I admire her for doing what she did to thwart the robbery," Captain Chris Bish of the Morgan County Sheriff's Office said of Willis.  "I'm grateful for the outcome."  Willis said this was not the first time she had defended herself with a firearm.  [1/31/2016]

Colorado homeowner robbed at gunpoint may face charges for killing suspect.  A Colorado homeowner who was tied up and robbed at gunpoint Sunday [1/24/2016] may face charges for shooting and killing the suspect who was fleeing in a stolen car, Fox 31 reported.  The unidentified homeowner, who managed somehow to untie himself after the robbery, reportedly went outside his home in Littleton and fired shots into the car at the fleeing suspect.  The man in the car was reportedly identified as David Martinez, 38, who has a long criminal history of burglary, theft and drugs.  Martinez crashed the car about a block later and died.  The Denver Channel reported that under the state's Make My Day law, a homeowner is able to shoot an intruder who enters the home, but, according to one legal analyst, the law does not protect a homeowner if the shooting occurs from the porch, yard or driveway.

South Carolina barber, his client fatally shoot armed robber during stickup.  A would-be South Carolina robber who tried to stick up a barber shop was killed Friday when the lead stylist and his client pulled out their concealed weapons and opened fire on the intruder.  A second suspect is still on the lam following the raid at Next Up Barber Shop in Columbia, officials said.  Store surveillance video caught the harrowing invasion — and the resulting shooting.  The shop was packed with customers — including young children — when two gunmen stormed into the store and demanded cash, barber Brandon Dreher said.

Armed victim shoots suspected robber.  Mobile police have released the name of the robbery suspect who was shot and killed by his intended victim.  Police also say the man's actions were justified to protect himself and possible a friend.  Mobile Police say the robbery victim was with his girlfriend when he was approached by an armed man in the Twin Oaks parking lot last night [1/18/2016].

Suspected Burglar Shot by Homeowner in Redondo Beach.  A suspected burglar was shot and detained by the homeowner in Redondo Beach early Tuesday morning [1/19/2016], according to the Redondo Beach Police Department.  At around 2:50 a.m., police received a call of a shooting at the 2000 block of Nelson Avenue, Lt. Todd Heywood said.  When officers arrived, they found the homeowner restraining the suspect on the street he said.

Fort Worth homeowner kills teen burglary suspect.  A teenager police say was breaking into a home in Fort Worth was shot and killed this morning by someone living in the house.  Police said they got a call around 8:30 a.m. from a man who lives in the 4000 block of Miami Springs Drive.  He said his son had just fired shots at two men who kicked in their door.

Robbery suspect shot by store owner.  Police now believe a robbery Saturday morning at a Fort Gay convenience store is related to an attempt to steal an ATM at the same location on Thursday [1/14/2016].  The Wayne County Sheriff's Department arrested James Daniel Hicks, 39, who has residences in both Logan and Parkersburg.  Deputies also believe there may be a second suspect.

Man shot by Ark. homeowner during alleged robbery.  A Blytheville homeowner has shot an apparent burglar as the two exchanged gunfire.

Woman scares off home intruder with gun.  A Savannah woman says she had a gun in one hand while dialing 911 in the other, after an intruder entered her home Tuesday night [1/12/2016].  "I would have definitely shot him before I let him come up the stairs to my kids," Kim Lyle says.  "I have no doubt in my mind I would have shot him."

Senior store owner pulls gun on armed robber.  The hunt is on for a robber that started a gun battle in a St. Louis Grocery store [1/4/2016].  Sone Maniphonh is one 63 year old you don't want to mess with.

Cops: Liquor store clerk fatally shoots 2 would-be robbers, 15 and 17.  Two would-be robbers who were fatally shot at a liquor store in the Gresham neighborhood Saturday night [1/9/2016] have been identified as a 15-year-old boy and a 17-year-old boy, authorities said.  Keshawn Marzette, 15, of the 8300 block of South Throop Street, and William Larson, 17, of the same address, were pronounced dead on the scene, according to the Cook County medical examiner's office.

Business owner shoots robbery suspect threatening customer.  Police say a business owner shot one robbery suspect and scared away two others when he saw the men threaten and try to rob a frequent customer.  At 5:30 a.m. Monday [1/4/2016], officers responded to a call about a robbery in the 1600 block of S. Beltline Road.  According to a DPD news release, the victim, who frequents a standalone car wash on South Beltline Road between Highway 175 and Seagoville Rd., was approached by three men who pointed guns at him and demanded money.

The Editor says...
Having lived in Dallas County most of my life, I can tell you that if you're visiting a car wash on Seagoville Road at 5:00 a.m., it would be headline news if you didn't get robbed.

Police: Man shot trying to rob Detroit CPL holder.  A would-be robber ended up in the hospital Tuesday night after trying to mug a concealed pistol license holder in Detroit, police said.  The armed suspect approached another man about 8:15 p.m. [1/5/2016] near Ohio and Beechdale on the city's west side then "announced the hold-up," said Sgt. Cassandra Lewis, a spokeswoman for the Detroit Police Department.  The other man refused and pulled out his weapon, which he's legally allowed to carry, she said.

Off-duty cop shoots suspect in Jimmy John's robbery.  An off-duty Jacksonville Sheriff's Officer shoots a robber near Beach and University.  We're told veteran officer Michael Price saw the suspect get a ski mask out of a car Sunday night [1/3/2016], and a few minutes later the Jimmy John's was robbed.  Police then tried to stop the car that was involved.

Two fire shots at would-be intruder in Pasadena.  An intruder suspected of breaking into a Pasadena home was greeted with a hail of bullets Tuesday morning [12/29/2016].  Although he has not been charged with a crime and remains in the hospital with three to four bullet wounds, Channel 2 has learned the man has a criminal history.

Armed Intruder Killed by Homeowner.  A 24-year-old man was shot and killed after he unlawfully entered a Lakeland home Friday morning [1/1/2016], according to the Polk County Sheriff's Office.  It happened around 6:30 a.m. at a home on Chestnut Hills Drive.

Same story as above:
Intruder Shot and Killed by Homeowner in Lakeland, Deputies Say.  A 24-year-old man was shot and killed after he unlawfully entered a Lakeland home Friday morning [1/1/2016], according to the Polk County Sheriff's Office.  It happened around 6:30 a.m. at a home on Chestnut Hills Drive.  Deputies said Chevez Antwann Faison entered the home and fired shots at two people inside.  He was then shot and killed by the homeowner.  No one else was injured.

Concealed Nation Fan Fends Off Three Home Invaders With M&P Shield.  A father and son successfully fought off three home invaders in an early morning all-out fight for survival.  Columbus police confirm that there was a home invasion in vicinity of 2:30 am where three suspected attackers kicked in the front door and immediately set to assaulting the son who was first to respond.  Thankfully, his father was in the other room and able to flush out the attackers — using nothing less than his future everyday carry pistol, the M&P Shield.

Would-be robber shot in chest by woman, 65, after he followed her home.  Manchester Police arrested a would-be robber who was shot Jan 4 outside an apartment building on South Porter Street.  Police say Michael Bontaites was shot by his intended victim, a 65-year-old woman, who told Bontaites followed her home from a local gas station where she stopped briefly after work.  Bontaites, 23, who has no fixed address, was shot in the chest by the woman, whose identity was not released by police.  Bontaites sustained a single gunshot wound to the chest.

Nevada Home Owner Uses Semi-Auto Carbine in Self Defense.  In the video,the homeowner says that he saw three men stalking the house.  One broke in with a mask and a hammer.  The homeowner fired two shots; then his rifle jammed, as the intruder ran off.

Grandmother, 65, says she shot man who tried to mug her.  A 65-year-old grandmother said she didn't have time to think when she pulled out her .32-caliber handgun and shot a man who tried to mug her outside her south Manchester apartment building late Monday night [1/4/2016].

Texas Store Owner's Son Kills Armed Robber To Save Sister's Life.  What's the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun?  Why, a good guy with a gun.  Everybody knows that but Democrats.

Suspect fatally shot in Trotwood home invasion.  Trotwood [Ohio] Police say the homeowner was at home [12/28/2015] with her four children when three armed men wearing ski masks forced their way inside the house.  Police say the suspects grabbed the woman, assaulted her, and forced her into a back bedroom, holding her at gunpoint.  Officers say the suspects were trying to steal a safe.  At one point, the woman was able to get away, and grabbed a gun hidden in a dresser.  Police s ay when she fired the gun at the suspects, they ran out of the home.

San Bernardino: Clerks shoot liquor store robber.  One of the robbers, armed with a black handgun that was later determined to be a BB gun, demanded money from a clerk.  San Bernardino police Lt. Richard Lawhead said the two clerks, "fearing for their lives, armed themselves and shot" the suspect with pistols they had stashed under the counter.  Lawhead said it is not against the law for a storekeeper to stow a gun, adding the shooters were "legally permitted" to carry weapons.  The suspects fled the scene in a vehicle and were detained by Colton police a short distance away [12/25/2015].

Teenager Shot And Killed While Attempting To Break Into Columbus Home.  Columbus police say officers responding to the shooting found 18-year-old Amir Kirby inside the home Monday afternoon [12/28/2015], and he died at the scene.  Police say the resident who fired at Kirby was questioned by detectives and faced no charges as of Monday night.  They didn't identify that man or release other details about the alleged home invasion.

HPD: Suspect shot during attempted robbery.  Police are investigating a shooting that at least one robbery suspect wounded in west Houston overnight [12/13/2015].  It was the end to a night out that a group of people and then men who tried to rob them never expected.

Armed Residents Save Elderly Man's Life After Hearing Cries For Help.  Armed Gwinnett County residents packing heat, took action after hearing a man's cries for help.  They credit their guns with saving the elderly man's life.  "Help, he is trying to kill me, help me, help me."  Those are the chilling words Karen Duncan heard as she walked up her friend's driveway in Lawrenceville Monday afternoon [12/7/2015].

Woman shoots man accused of domestic assault.  Police were called to the location on report of an unknown trouble at 1:09 p.m. Thursday, the release said.  Upon arrival they found a female who told police she had been assaulted.  She told authorities her [sic] and Wilson got into a verbal argument that escalated when [Kevin Lamar] Wilson began to allegedly kick, hit and strangle her.  The release said the female showed visible signs of an assault.  The female, fearing for her life, grabbed a firearm and shot Wilson in the arm, the release said.

Craig County Prosecutor Shoots Burglar Inside Her Home, Police Say.  Rogers County Sheriff Scott Walton said, "We don't know if he knew whether that house was occupied or not, but he found out shortly after he entered it." [...] Walton said, "She was a victim in her home, with a very high expectation of safety and privacy, and an intruder comes in and she was ready to deal with it and did so."  Walton said Starkey is a serial burglar who, he believes, is linked to many burglaries in the area.

Warren County family believes burglar targeted bedridden mother.  Around 6:30 a.m. [12/10/2015], a woman in a home on Zoar Road woke up and found her medication, money and jewelry missing from her bedside.  The woman, who is partially paralyzed and confined to bed, alerted the rest of her family.  Someone heard a noise coming from the basement.  Holly Swader, 23, said she grabbed her father's .22-caliber pistol and went into the basement, where she saw an unknown man[.]  Swader said she fired four or five shots at the stranger as he was climbing out a window.  She thinks she hit him.

Burglar Shot by Odessa Homeowner.  Police say a homeowner shot an armed suspect early Monday morning [12/7/2015] after he tried to force his way into the house.  The incident in the 3200 block of Rembrandt started just after 2:00 a.m. when the 35-year-old homeowner, Hector Garcia, saw a man attempting to kick in the front door to his residence while holding a gun.  The Odessa Police Department says Garcia fired multiple rounds at the suspect, who immediately fled the scene in a truck.

Jefferson man shoots neighbor's dogs.  A Jefferson Walk man who shot his neighbor's two dogs after they entered his house in an aggressive manner toward his children will not face charges, Jackson County Animal Control said Friday.  An officer was dispatched to the complainant's house on Liberty Drive address where the incident happened on Wednesday evening [11/17/2015].

Suspect Shot Saturday During Morning Burglary.  On Saturday mornning [sic] [11/21/2015], Amarillo Police responded to a homeowner holding two burglary suspects at gunpoint on the 5200 block of Royce.  The homeowner said he saw two burglars removing his property from a shed in the back of his house.  The homeowner armed himself with a pistol and ran outside to confront the burglars.  He ordered them to the ground.  One of the burglars aggressively threw down the items he had stolen and violently lunged at the homeowner.  The homeowner then shot the burglar.

Police: Dallas homeowner shoots, kills intruder.  A Dallas homeowner shot and killed one of two intruders early Tuesday morning [11/24/2015] at his residence, said Dallas police in a statement released later in the morning.

Couple, ages 70 and 66, holds crook at gunpoint.  Earlier this week, an area couple was able to get a suspected thief on his knees with his hands behind his back by the time police arrive.

Cheyenne Police: Self-defense likely in double shooting.  While detectives continue to investigate a dual homicide that happened here Sunday night [11/15/2015], the Cheyenne Police Department announced Friday [11/20/2015] that at least one of the deaths seems to have involved self-defense.

Cincinnati Police: Gas station owner shot armed suspect in East Price Hill.  A gas station owner shot a suspect Friday night [11/20/2015] in East Price Hill, Cincinnati police said.  Officers got a report of a robbery at the Marathon station at Warsaw Avenue and Del Monte Place at 7:45 p.m., Lt. Craig Gregoire said.  At some point, the owner shot at the armed suspect, Gregoire said.  A bullet grazed the man in the stomach, and he flagged down an officer about a block and a half away, on Del Monte, Gregoire said.  He added that officers recovered a gun from the suspect.  The station owner wasn't harmed.

Woman shoots at robbery suspect outside of Walmart.  A shooting was caught on camera outside of a Walmart in McLennan County Friday afternoon [11/20/2015].  Andre Dawson, 27, was in the line of fire after a woman shot at him when he allegedly tried to steal the purse of a different woman.  Witnesses recorded the incident from across the street.

Ex-cop not facing charges for shooting teen burglary suspect.  The retired police officer who shot a 16-year-old burglary suspect in the Grand Island area will not face charges, the state attorney's office said Friday [11/20/2015].  Emmett Latimer and his wife were taking their daily stroll in their subdivision that sits between Leesburg and Eustis on Aug. 4.  The walk took a turn when the 69-year-old retired Detroit officer allegedly spotted a teen burglarizing a home on Cavalier Court and decided to investigate.

Summerville man dies, N. Charleston man arrested after shootout with 13-year-old.  A 13-year-old Ladson boy fended off two would-be burglars by using his mother's gun to protect himself while home alone Tuesday [11/10/2015].  He killed one of them in an exchange of gunfire, and the second suspect was later arrested, according to the Charleston County Sheriff's Office.

Denver DA: Homeowner Who Shot, Killed Intruder Won't Be Charged.  Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey has decided against filing charges against a man after a deadly shooting at a home near the intersection of Winona Court and Floyd Avenue last week.  Just before 2 a.m. last Friday [11/6/2015] police responded to a call of what they said was a prowler who forced his way into a home.

Man shoots intruder during home invasion.  Louisville police were called out just before 7:30 a.m. [11/8/2015] to the 1400 block of Oakwood Avenue. [...] Police said when a man tried to break into this house he was shot by a man inside.  Officers at the scene said the man who was shot took off running, but was later found at the hospital.

Authorities say would-be burglar shot, killed by 13-year-old.  The Charleston County Sheriff's Office says a would-be burglar has been shot and killed [11/10/2015] by a 13-year-old who was at home alone and used his mother's gun.

HCPD: Deadly shooting in Green Sea self-defense.  Kendale Jermain Herring, 29, of Green Sea was killed in the shooting [11/5/2015].  The shooting suspect is a 22-year-old, of Lumberton, NC.  According to an email from the Horry County Police Department, investigators have determined the shooter acted in self-defense.

Intruder killed by homeowner at Lake Carolina residence.  Richland County Deputies are investigating an early morning fatal shooting near Lake Carolina.  Just after 1 AM [11/10/2015], deputies responded to the 200 block of Baysdale Drive for a shooting. [...] The homeowner then told officers the suspect started a fight and hit him multiple times.  The homeowner was able to retrieve a handgun and shot the suspect.

Police: Macon man shot, killed Sunday was trying to rob men.  Bibb County deputies are saying that a man who was shot and killed late Sunday [11/8/2015] on Gray Highway was attempting to rob three other men.  Bibb County deputies found Migel Diadell, 20, lying on the ground with gunshot wounds behind O'Reilly Auto Parts at about 11 p.m. He was later pronounced dead at the hospital.

Tulsa Police: Homeowner Shoots, Kills Intruder.  Tulsa Police are investigating a shooting in a neighborhood near Martin Luther King Boulevard and Apache that left a man dead.  Police said a homeowner shot an intruder who kicked in the door of the home in the 300 block of East 27th Court North around 10:30 a.m. Sunday [11/8/2015].  A man who lives at the home shot the intruder in the chest, according to Corporal Phil Snow.

Homeowner Shoots and Kills Burglar: Garland Police.  Garland police say a homeowner shot a burglar, sending him to the hospital where he later died.  Police said they got a call that a man was breaking in to a home in the 2600 block of Richland Drive Thursday [7/2/2015].

Armed Female Homeowner Shoots and Kills Persistent Intruder.  A 22-year-old Detroit man is dead after he failed to stop attempting to break in an Ohio home with metal bars on the windows.  He was subsequently shot and killed by the female homeowner [9/9/2015].

Homeowner shoots and kills burglar suspect.  About 7 p.m. [8/7/2015], a 63-year-old homeowner saw a 35-year-old man trying to break into one of his cars in the 9000 block of Airline.  Carrying his shotgun, he yelled at the burglar to leave.  The man started to move toward the homeowner with some object in hand, so the homeowner, fearing for his safety, shot the burglar, killing him, officials said.

Placitas homeowner shoots, kills intruder, sheriff's office says.  Lt. Keith Elder said that between 6 and 6:30 a.m. [9/16/2015], the male intruder entered a home located on N.M. 165 in Placitas.  As the two men struggled over a handgun, the homeowner "overpowered" and shot the intruder.  Elder said investigators believe that the gun involved in the shooting belonged to the intruder.  Neighbors reported hearing multiple gunshots.

San Jose homeowner shot, injured by burglary suspects.  A man was shot late Thursday morning [10/22/2015] by one of three burglary suspects he confronted in the driveway of his home in South San Jose, according to police.  The homeowner, who was identified by ABC7 as 29-year-old Albert Soumountha, was not seriously hurt.  Police issued an alert to neighboring law enforcement agencies reporting that firearms were stolen from the victim's home in the 300 block of Greenpark Way near Branham Lane and Vistapark Drive.

Intense Video Shows Man Shooting At Armed Robbers Entering His Garage.  A surveillance video clip shows a man driving into his garage when three armed men come in as the garage door is attempting to close.  The man, an off-duty police officer, was with his wife in the car.  Things turn violent quickly, as one of the armed robbers starts to open the man's car door while he has a gun in his hand.  Within a second, both men fire a shot.  The victim seems to get his shot off just a split second before the armed robber.  [Video clip]

Two more Bear Spray Failures in Montana.  Bear spray is a useful tool that can help protect humans and bears in limited circumstances.  It seems that if a bear is not serious about mauling, killing, and/or eating the human, the spray can convince a bear to stop investigating the human and leave them alone.  But the ability of spray to stop bears bent on attack is far less certain.  Here are two more cases where bear spray failed and bullets were necessary. [...]

Would-Be Robbers Shot in the Act.  Two would-be robbers get more than they bargain for after a late-night robbery on the Northside.  It happened before midnight [no date given] near an apartment complex off of Wurzbach Road.  That's where the men approached a woman — and robber her at gunpoint — taking off as she screamed.

Woman, 82, shoots at intruder.  "She looked out and saw a male she didn't know," said Decatur Police detective Lt. Shannon Gutierrez Seal [10/27/2015].  "She chose not to answer her door. She called the police as the person continued to knock on her door for about five mintues."  As officers were dispatched to her home, she made no indication to the man outside that she was home.  "She retrieved her gun, a .38 special, and waited in her dining room so she'd be ready," Seal said.  Several minutes later, the man kicked in the back door and entered the house.  "So she shot at him," Seal said.

Market employees shoot, kill masked robbers in Reading.  When police arrived on scene [10/31/0215], they found two men suffering from gunshot wounds.  One of them died at the scene; the other died a short time later at Reading Hospital, police said.  Reading police said it looks as though three masked men entered the market.  One of them was armed with a pistol, which he fired inside the market, and another man could be seen pointing a stun gun at one of the employees, according to police, who did not know if the third man was armed.

Homeowner and suspect dead after home invasion turns to gun battle.  Police say the incident began at a nearby home when [Jesse] Bruner, who was armed with a sawed-off shotgun, banged on the victim's door.  The victim answered the door with his gun and a fight between the two ensued, according to police.  The fight dragged into the middle of the street where the two men exchanged gunfire.  Both were killed, according to police.

Americans aren't giving up their guns.  Despite several years of Michael Bloomberg and others spending hundreds of millions of dollars attacking the NRA, a new Gallup poll shows that non-gun owners have a favorable opinion of the NRA (by 7 percentage points).  Moderates are even 17 percentage points more likely to have a favorable opinion.  Overall, the NRA has a significantly more favorable image than either President Obama or Hillary Clinton.

Witnesses: Security guard shoots, kills would-be robber.  Phoenix police are investigating a deadly shooting on Monday afternoon [10/26/2015] that may have been the result of an attempted robbery. [...] According to witnesses at the scene, a man entered the store, waved a gun around and announced a robbery was to take place. They said a security guard then emerged from the back of the store and a struggle ensued.

Gun-Free Zone Hypocrisy.  In President Obama's hometown of Chicago on Halloween night Saturday [10/31/2015], a robbery was thwarted when a concealed carry permit holder with a valid firearm owner's ID card under Illinois law shot the thug dead.  It showed that even in Obama's Chicago, more guns mean less crime and, in this case, one less career criminal.  It also shows that opponents' fears that concealed carry laws will mean carnage in the streets as garden-variety disputes escalate into a proverbial gunfight at the OK Corral are false.  Since the U.S. 7th Court of appeals struck down Illinois' ban on concealed carry as unconstitutional in December, 2012, there has been no wave of carnage perpetrated by concealed carry holders in Illinois or anywhere.

Rare as hen's teeth: Concealed carry permit holder thwarts an armed robbery in Chicago, kills assailant.  The normal weekend carnage in the president's hometown of Chicago sports a most unusual incident.  Despite all its stringent gun laws, a fully-permitted concealed carry armed citizen managed to prevent an armed robbery at a deli/check cashing store in a poor Hispanic neighborhood.

Hazy Hippo Employee Thwarts Robbery By Pointing Gun At Suspect.  Authorities have released an image of a person accused of attempting to rob the Hazy Hippo shop in Loveland.  The man reportedly threatened an employee with a baton on Tuesday [10/20/2015].  Investigators say the thief took off when the employee pulled out a gun.

Homeowner with gun finds man in his garage.  Paul Jerome Wilson, 33, was arrested early Tuesday [10/20/2015] on suspicion of second-degree burglary, trespass of a dwelling and possession of burglary tools after a homeowner said he walked into his garage to smoke a cigarette and found Wilson inside the garage in the 400 block of 29 1/2 Road, according to an arrest affidavit.

JSO: Driver shoots attempted robber during pizza delivery.  Police say a Domino's delivery driver was delivering pizzas [10/24/2015] near Timothys Landing off 103rd street when he was approached by two armed man, demanding money.  The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office said the deliveryman grabbed his own gun and shot one of the suspects.

Man Shot While Allegedly Breaking Into Home.  [Kentucky] State police say a Henderson County man shot someone who was breaking into his home Friday night [10/23/2015].

Woman with gun killed after breaking into home, police say.  Police identified the woman shot and killed inside a Nottoway home Wednesday morning [10/21/2015] as 35-year-old Lakisha S. Knight of Crewe.  Virginia State Police said Knight was shot and killed after she broke into a home on East Courthouse Road.

Toledo man shoots armed robber outside of home, reports say.  Terrance Reid, 21, arrived home from his job as a welder at about 4 a.m. [10/20/2015] when police say he was approached in the front yard by Antonio Hadley, 40, of Toledo, just outside the house, WTVG Channel 13 reports.  According to the Toledo Blade, Reid told police that Hadley had a handgun.  Reid, who has a concealed-carry permit, pulled out a handgun and fired several shots at Hadley, who ran away, police say.  Reid then called 911.  "He was a little quicker on the draw and he shot the suspect," Toledo Police Lt. Joe Heffernan tells WTVG.

Armed bar employee shoots robbery suspect.  Police said early Sunday morning [10/25/2015] Randy Thomas, 24, and another suspect entered a bar in the 4800 block of Erdman Avenue armed with guns.  The pair robbed several bar patrons at gunpoint, according to police.  An armed bar employee told Thomas he was calling the police.  That's when Thomas reached into the front pocket of his hoodie, possibly for a weapon.  The employee fired his gun, hitting Thomas in the abdomen.

Detroit pastor shoots, kills hammer-wielding church intruder.  Cops say Deante Smith, 25, attacked the unidentified pastor [10/18/2015] and threatened several parishioners of The City of God church with a brick and hammer, FOX2 reported.  Police said the attack was not random; the pastor and Smith knew each other and the two have had problems in the past.

Texarkana resident shoots suspected burglar during home invasion.  Police are investigating a possible home invasion and shooting in Texarkana, Texas.  The incident happened around 1:15 p.m. Tuesday [10/13/2015] [when] officers responded to a shots fired call in the area of Celeste and King Streets in the Beverly neighborhood.  While checking the area, officers located Dakyree Hawkins, 20, of Texarkana, Texas lying in the street in the 600 block of Jerome St. suffering from an apparent gunshot wound to the upper thigh.

Customer shoots and kills armed robber in Charleston Waffle House: cops.  A customer at a Waffle House in Charleston, S.C. opened fire on a would-be robber and killed him early Saturday morning [10/10/2015] — and will not be charged for the shooting, police said.  "No one was hurt, which is the best part," Waffle House division manager Brandon Rogers told the Post and Courier.  "No one was injured — besides the suspect."

Reseda ome invasion fails as 'victim' shoots at robber.  An attempted home-invasion robbery in Reseda early Saturday [10/3/2015] didn't go according to plan when the intended victim grabbed a gun and shot at the intruder.  The would-be robber fled into the night, and it wasn't known if the individual was was hit by the gunfire.

Trespassing suspect shot, killed in Greeley.  Greeley Police confirm they have found the body of a trespassing suspect inside of a Greeley home.  They're now trying to determine if the "Make My Day" law applies in this case.

Neighbor shoots aggressive dog involved in fight with another dog.  The 60-year-old homeowner was bitten [9/29/2015] when she attempted to separate her fighting dogs, police said.  The woman screamed for help as she feared the aggressive dog would kill her other dog.  Armed with a gun, the woman's neighbor went to the house to assist her.  The neighbor saw that the aggressive dog had the other dog by the threat and shot it twice.  The shooting stopped the attack and the dogs were separated.

Homeowner shoots suspect during home invasion.  A homeowner here shot a man who claimed he was with a gas company but tried to break into his home, according to the Harris County Sheriff's Office.  The suspect was with another man who asked the homeowner where his gas meter was located Tuesday afternoon [9/29/2015].  The homeowner directed the two men to his backyard, but told deputies he was suspicious and grabbed a gun.

Woman, 66, knocked to ground, robbed at gunpoint in Treme.  A 66-year-old woman was knocked to the ground and robbed of her purse by an armed man Thursday morning (Oct. 1) in the city's Treme neighborhood, New Orleans police said.  The woman told detectives she was walking near the corner of North Villere Street and Ursulines Avenue around 9:40 a.m. when the man came up to her.  Armed with a black semi-automatic pistol, the man ordered the woman to give up her property, police said.  Her hesitation to follow his command angered the man, police said, and he knocked the woman to the ground.  He then took her purse and left in a car of unknown make and model.

SAPD: Homeowner blasts burglar with shotgun.  San Antonio Police said the two unnamed suspects broke into a man's home in the 500 block of Cumberland Road.  He met his intruders with a shotgun.  Investigators said the man hit one of the suspect's over the head with a shotgun, then shot the other suspect after he claimed he had a gun.

Homeowner shoots and kills alleged intruder.  [Columbus] Police say a man is dead after he tried to break into a home and the homeowner shot him.  William Evans IV 23, is the man who died in this shooting, on South Hampton Road on the northeast side. [...] Police are looking for a gold or light-colored SUV with two black males inside in connection with the crime.

Man Shoots Burglar with "Vintage" Revolver  A 67-Year-Old disabled Rockland Maine man was tired of being burglarized and his medications stolen.  He described himself as a "walking drugstore".  He purchased what the reporter described as a vintage gun.  Harvey said "I bought a gun.  Best thing I ever did."  On August 25, Harvey Lembo was on the phone to police when he shot the burglary suspect.  Pistols are handy when one hand is employed on another critical task.

Victim with Concealed Carry Permit and two suspects shot during armed robbery at Detroit bank.  Police continue to investigate a shooting that occurred Thursday on Detroit's west side at Warren and Asbury Park.  Police say a 50-year-old resident of the neighborhood was going to the ATM at a Citizens' Bank branch when he was approached by two young men that police describe as being around 18 years old.  Those young men were armed with a sawed off rifle and a handgun.

Robbery Attempt At Light Rail Station Backfires When Would-Be Victim Gets The Gun.  A shooting late Wednesday night [9/2/2015] at a light rail station led to an arrest after the would-be robber had the tables turned on him by his victim.  The shooting happened after 10 p.m. at 1250 5th Street on the Auraria Campus.  Denver police say James Arellano, 21, from Westminster, had a gun and smacked a victim on the head while attempting to rob a man and woman on the C line after first harassing a pair of teenagers.

Burglary suspect shot in head, arrested.  An Oakland man was shot in the head before he was arrested on suspicion of attempting to burglarize a home Wednesday morning [9/2/2015], police said.  Officers responded to a report of a residential burglary at 11:13 a.m., according to El Cerrito police.  They did not provide an address for where the incident occurred.  The 85-year-old resident armed himself and met face-to-face with two alleged burglars after they entered his home by breaking in the back door, police said. The resident shot at the suspects, who immediately fled.

Fayette Homeowner Confronts Suspect With Gun, Thwarts Burglary Attempt.  Fayette County deputies said a resident confronted a suspect at gunpoint and thwarted a burglary attempt, and officers are investigating the incident and another similar county burglary.  Fayette 911 reported in the early-morning hours of Wednesday [9/2/2015] about a burglary in progress at a residence located at 19958 Midland Trail in Ansted, according to a news release from the Fayette County Sheriff's Department.

Pizza delivery driver shoots teen robbery suspect.  Police say a Norfolk pizza delivery driver turned the tables on a teen robbery suspect.  Officers were called to the 900 block of Galt Street around 9:30 p.m. Sunday for the report of a shooting.  The investigation revealed a 15-year-old tried to rob a Chanello's pizza delivery driver at gunpoint.  But, the driver also had a gun and shot the teen.

'No, you're dead,' man tells would-be robbers.  A man opened fire on a group of would-be robbers outside his Orlando home.  The victim, Eric James, told WESH 2 he noticed someone driving a minivan with the headlights off Sunday morning [8/30/2015].  One of the men in the vehicle then approached him in the driveway and demanded his money and threatened to kill him.  James then says he pulled out his gun and fired about four to five rounds at the suspects.

Jonesboro PD: Woman shoots at robbery suspects.  According to the incident report from the Jonesboro Police Department, a woman was in bed Thursday night [9/3/2015] at her home in the 2900 block of Willow Road when her dog started barking.  She got up and said she saw two men, one on her front porch and another going to the back.  The report states she warned the man at the front porch she had a gun.  A few seconds later, she says he kicked the door open and she shot at him.

Apartment owner fires shot at burglar.  Vancouver police rushed to the Bridge Creek apartments just after 10:15 p.m. Friday night [9/4/2015] on a call of a break-in.  Police say the people who live in the apartment came home to find a man inside.  One of them fired a shot at the burglar, who then took off out the back door.

Bear Showing No Fear Shot & Killed By Campers Near Winter Park.  A bear was shot and killed by campers on U.S. Forest Service land near Winter Park on Sunday [9/6/2015].  According to Mike Porras with Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the bear came into the family's campground while they were present and went after some food that was out.  An armed adult attempted to scare the bear by firing two shots but the bear didn't show any fear and wouldn't leave.  The camper then shot and killed the bear and immediately reported the shooting to wildlife officers.

Homeowner shoots suspects during home invasion.  Hartford police said a home owner shot two suspects who attempted to break into his Tredeau Street home late Saturday night [9/5/2015].  Police said they received calls just before 11 p.m. Saturday [9/5/2015] reporting a home invasion in progress at 109 Tredeau St. and that shots had been fired.  When officers arrived they discovered the homeowner was approached by two suspects who pointed a gun at him.  The homeowner, who is a legal pistol permit holder, was armed at the time of the incident and used his firearm to shoot the suspects several times.

Police: Home invasion victim fights back against four intruders, shoots and kills one.  A home invasion victim fought back against four intruders, shooting and killing one of them, at a Gresham [Oregon] mobile home park Saturday night [9/5/2015], according to police.

11-Year-Old Kid Shoots Person Breaking into Home in Missouri.  An 11-year-old child shot and killed an individual breaking into a home in St. Louis Thursday afternoon [9/3/2015].  Police said that the 11-year-old shot a single round from a handgun, killing a 16-year-old intruder who had entered the home in St. Louis County, the local Fox affiliate reported.  The 16-year-old was one of two suspects who attempted twice to break into the home Thursday while the 11-year-old and a 4-year-old girl were inside alone.  The now-dead suspect entered the residence through the front door after 2 P.M., upon which the 11-year-old shot the suspect.  According to authorities, the second intruder fled the scene after shots were fired and has since been taken into custody.

St. Louis boy, 11, left alone with sister shoots and kills persistent teen intruder.  An 11-year-old St. Louis-area boy left alone at home with his 4-year-old sister staved off several home invasion attempts before finally shooting and killing a 16-year-old intruder, according to police.  At least one neighbor, however, offered a different account of the shooting, telling CNN affiliate KMOV that the boys were arguing on the front porch before the younger child pulled out a gun and shot the teenager.  The incident occurred Thursday afternoon [9/3/2015] in north St. Louis County.  Police called to the home discovered the teenager's body lying in the front foyer.

11 Year Old Thwarts Home Invasion With A Gun, Cops Criticize Mother.  An 11-year-old boy shoots an almost 17-year-old who had broken into his home, saving his 4-year-old sister and scaring away another burglar.  The burglars repeatedly tried to break into the home, finally succeeding on their third attempt.  The mother apparently purchased the handgun because of several previous attempted break-ins of her home.  One can only imagine the relief that the mother had that her children were safe.  Yet, the reaction from police and authorities was to question why the gun was so easily accessible.

Also posted under Please refrain from defending your own life and property.

"Good Guy With A Gun" Store Clerk Kills Armed Thug To Defend Self, Customer.  Ahmad Samhan was simply trying to make a living at his family's convenience store in Wauconda, Illinois Sunday night when a masked man came in and pointed a gun at him and another customer in the store, and demanded money.  Instead of giving up the store's $20s, Mr. Samhan instead opted to give the robber .40s.

Left Freaks Out After Sheriff Says Gun Could Have Saved Woman's Life.  Guns are tools.  Sometimes, a tool can be used for good and sometimes it can be used for malice.  Every day in America, guns save the lives of police officers, of soldiers and of common citizens.  When one sheriff highlighted that a woman could have been saved by a gun, the left did not like his candor.

Lantana Homeowner Shoots Intruders; 1 Dead, 1 Injured.  A homeowner comes home to find two people in his house.  After several shots were fired, one of the intruders is dead and the other is wounded.

2 men attempt to rob, rape elderly woman in her Monterey County home.  Two men armed with knives entered the home and made their way into a bedroom, where they tried to rob and rape an elderly woman, according to sheriff's officials.  The woman was able to defend herself with a firearm, sheriff's officials said.

No charges to be filed in South Bend home invasion shooting.  The investigation revealed that the homeowner returned to his home and found a person had entered his dwelling unlawfully, and was still in the home.  When the homeowner confronted the uninvited trespasser (identified as Curtis Trent), a physical confrontation ensued.  During the course of the encounter, a shot was fired.  Mr. Trent subsequently died from his injuries.

Texas Pastor Shoots Intruder.  Some people are under the impression to that to be a Christian, one must be a pacifist.  That isn't the wisest of assertions, as a serial criminal breaking into The Church of New Beginnings in Baytown, Texas, learned the hard way.

"Because They Take The Money, I Shoot Them.".  One of these days criminals are going to learn that armed robbery is not a smart career in a nation where citizens are increasingly obtaining firearms and quality training in defensive gun use.  Wednesday [6/17/2015] was not that day.

Houston Store Clerk Kills Two Of Three Armed Robbers.  A family-owned convenience store was the target of a trio of armed robbers Monday [7/13/2015] in Houston for the second time in two weeks.  The violent thugs stormed into the store and began pistol-whipping the men behind the counter.  They didn't apparently see the clerk on the floor, who drew his concealed weapon and started dispensing instant justice.

Female Concealed Carrier Shoots Knife-Wielding Robber In Houston.  The robber clearly thought that he had the upper hand, and the woman appears to have played the situation she was presented about as well as anyone could.  She feigned compliance before putting a bullet into the bad guy, forcing him to flee for his life.  She appears to have escaped injury entirely.  The bad guy had to be life-flighted to Texas Medical Center due to blood loss, but they were able to stabilize him and he will be facing charges of aggravated robbery.

No charges after Morgan man wounds two intruders.  No charges are expected to be filed against an elderly man who shot two people who were trying to break into his home.  Morgan County Chief Deputy Steve Cochran said the shooting happened early Tuesday [7/28/2015] in the Petros community.  The man's neighbors are supporting his act of self defense.

Victim returns gunfire with suspects in home invasion.  According to the CPD [Conyers, Georgia], the brother awoke just before 3 a.m. to a loud bang and saw his bedroom door had been forced open.  "He advised he immediately shut the door and went to look for his gun, thinking someone was in the house," the incident report states.

Boulder police: Armed witness rescued woman from attempted murder outside church.  Police describe Heriberto Haro-Luna, drunk and incensed, confronting his recently estranged wife in a Boulder church parking lot, trapping her by the neck and threatening to slit her throat as she uttered final prayers.  It was just before 6 p.m. Thursday [7/30/2015], and an employee of Sacred Heart of Jesus, at 14th Street and Mapleton Avenue, happened to be walking to his car — with his concealed handgun — as the confrontation simmered.

Armed senior 'Santa' thwarts home invasion in Redford Township.  Ron Henrick is 79 and in his retirement likes to work as a clown and as Santa Claus every Christmas.  When one of his neighbors busted into his house, Santa grabbed his 12-gauge shotgun.  "I was going to shoot his a**," said Henrick.

Cincinnati man shoots at 1-year-old boy, is shot by man with concealed carry permit.  A 62-year-old man with a gun in each hand fired at four people — including a 1-year-old boy — before a civilian with a concealed carry permit returned fire and wounded the shooter, cops told FOX19.  Thomas McCary is being held without bond on four counts of felonious assault.

Woman who shot alleged attacker may have slain a serial killer, police say.  A woman in Charleston, W.Va., may have saved her own life and the lives of many other women, as well, when she shot and killed an alleged attacker in her home last week.  Neal Falls showed up at the woman's home on July 18 after answering an escort ad she had placed on, according to police.  He showed up with a "kill list," multiple pairs of handcuffs and a Subaru full of weapons and tools, including a shovel, knives, a bulletproof vest, a machete, bleach, trash bags, sledgehammers and axes, according to Fox affiliate KPTV.

Store Clerk Shoots and Kills Robbers But The Police Are Saying He Shouldn't Have.  A convenience store getting robbed in a bad neighborhood isn't really newsy or Earth shattering.  But in this case, two happened on the same day in different states... and with different results.

Lynne Russell, former CNN anchor: Second Amendment saved our lives.  Former CNN anchor Lynne Russell is giving credit to the Second Amendment after her husband fatally shot an armed felon who opened fire on them in their New Mexico motel room last week.  "The discussion over the debate to own a gun is just ridiculous," she told Fox News.  "As Americans we have the right to bear arms and as humans the right to protect ourselves.  I'm sure that the man who shot my husband did not have a gun permit.  Criminals will always have guns.  The rest of us legally obtain our gun permits," she added,

Lynne Russell, ex-CNN anchor, and her husband are alive thanks to a gun.  Lynne Russell and her husband, Chuck de Caro, believe they would be dead if she hadn't been carrying a gun.  Late Wednesday night [7/1/2015], Russell was forced at gunpoint from a motel parking lot into her room.  The robber, not satisfied with merely taking her husband's briefcase, started shooting at him.  Fortunately, Russell had handed de Caro her purse, with her handgun inside it.  De Caro shot the attacker, who later died at the hospital.

Police identify motel intruder shot by ex-CNN reporter.  Tomorio Walton had absconded from parole out of Memphis, and it wasn't clear how long he had been in New Mexico, Albuquerque Police Department spokesman Tanner Tixier said late Thursday [7/2/2015].

Police Identify Armed Gunman Who Attacked Former CNN Host and Husband.  Former CNN anchor Lynne Russell was also a deputy sheriff, private investigator and martial artist.  Her husband, Chuck de Carlo, who also reported for CNN, is an ex-special forces man with a biography well versed in defending himself.  Together they had his and hers guns with them in their hotel room.  Perp picked the wrong couple to mess with.

Restaurant Cook Shoots Armed Robber, Protecting 20+ Lives In Detroit.  Customers at a Detroit restaurant are calling an employee a hero for shooting an armed robber that pointed a gun at customers during a Sunday morning [6/21/2015] holdup: [...] It isn't clear at this time whether the cook who shot the robber was carrying a concealed weapon, or whether he had the firearm placed somewhere in the building.  What is clear is that Detroit homicide detectives investigating the scene are looking at this as a presumed case of justified self-defense.

Two Suspects Shot In Reported Armed Burglary Attempt.  In talking to the victim, Investigators say only one individual actually tried to enter the home.  That intruder was hit multiple times when the resident shot at him.  However a second man waiting outside in the car that took the intruder from the scene was also hit by a bullet from the gunfire.

Off-Duty Corrections Officer Fatally Shoots Robbery Suspect in Queens.  Police say the suspect walked up to a group of men standing with their motorcycles in Ozone Park [6/13/2015] and pointed a gun, demanding they turn over the keys to the motorcycles.  When officers arrived, they found the suspect lying on the ground with a gunshot wound to the head.

Report: SW Atlanta homeowner shoots, kills suspected robber.  A man was at his home on the 200 block of Howell Terrace [in Atlanta 6/14/2015]] when two men tried to break in, according to Channel 2.  Police told Channel 2 he fought back, overpowering one of the suspects and shooting him multiple times.

Teen With Fake Gun Shot Trying To Mug Concealed Carrier With Real Gun.  Note to bad guys:  You never know who is legally carrying in Florida.  Best be quick about your business or pick another line of work.  But, if you're not going to heed either, please DO keep bringing plastic guns to a gun fight.

KPD: Bystander shoots, kills robber at East Knoxville convenience store.  [Knoxville] Officers responded to the Breadbox located on the 6200 block of Asheville Highway around 2:35 a.m [6/15/2015] after receiving a call that shots had been fired.  When officials arrived, they found Tamon J. Stapleton, 18, dead with a gunshot wound.  Police say Stapleton, armed with a 9mm handgun, had entered the store and was forcing the female clerk behind the counter at gunpoint.

Man shot during break-in at Winston-Salem home.  The homeowner was woken up [6/15/2015] by an alarm activation on his property and responded outside to check.  While investigating the alarm activation, the homeowner told FOX8 he saw at least one person inside his shed.  He then discharged a firearm.

Man shot, killed during alleged robbery on east side.  A man was shot and killed [6/13/2015] during an alleged robbery on the city's east side, according to Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department. [...] A man told police that he shot someone who was robbing him, IMPD said.

Police: Man shoots burglar who used doggie door.  A man who officers say broke into a home through a doggie door was shot by the homeowner Thursday morning [6/11/2015]. [...] Preliminary information at the scene indicated the suspect got into the home through the doggie door before they were spotted by the homeowner inside the house.

Woman fires at home burglars: 'I let loose on them'.  Five men who broke into Dietta Gueye's east side home early Tuesday morning [6/9/2015] got more than they bargained for when the 34-year-old woman opened fire at them with the 9 mm Glock she keeps by her bedside.  "They weren't ready for that 9 I had," she chuckled from a lawn chair in front of her house hours after the home invasion.

Shooting victim pulls gun on attackers.  According to the Orange County Sheriff's Office, a 25-year-old victim told deputies he was walking home [6/14/2015] when several people got out of a silver-colored car and began shooting at him.  Deputies say the victim pulled out his own gun and returned fire.

Three Alleged Armed Robbers Pick the Wrong Victim: 1 Dead, 1 Critical, 1 Wounded.  On May 29, three black males walked up to three white males moving into an apartment and allegedly demanded money at gunpoint.  One of the three residents pulled a gun and opened fire, killing one on the alleged robbers, critically wounding a second, and injuring the third.  The incident occurred around 11 pm in Aurora, Colorado.

Verdict in Squatter Shooting Case: Not Guilty.  It took the Sparks NV jury fewer than 7 hours last night to find 74-year-old Wayne Burgarello not guilty of all charges in the shooting of two squatters, one of whom died of his injuries, reports the Reno Gazette Journal.  Burgarello had been charged with murder for the death he caused and was also subject to conviction on the lesser included charge of manslaughter; he was also charged with attempted murder for the victim who survived.

Nevada jury finds man not guilty in killing of unarmed trespasser.  Accused of murder for confronting two unarmed trespassers with a deadly barrage of gunfire, Wayne Burgarello walked out of a Nevada courthouse a free man after the jury found him not guilty of all charges in the latest of a series of cases nationally testing the boundaries of stand-your-ground self-defense laws.

Sheriff Appreciates Armed Homeowner.  Armed citizens and local Sheriff departments make an almost unbeatable combination when they work together, resulting in low crime rates.  It is only when a sizable percentage of the population do not trust the local peace officers, and refuse to cooperate with them, that crime rates skyrocket.  Conversely, when local peace officers show that they respect and appreciate armed citizens, it builds mutual trust and respect.

Police: Eagle River man shot, killed bear in his yard.  An Eagle River man shot and killed a "large male black bear" that he said was threatening him and his dog at his home Saturday afternoon [5/16/2015], according to Anchorage police.  Anchorage area biologist Dave Battle said the incident appears to be the first reported self-defense killing of a bear in Anchorage this year.

Mass Killings Stopped by Armed Citizens, Updated.  Mass Killings Stopped by Armed Citizens has been my most popular article.  It was published on 16 December, 2012.  I had been collecting these incidents for a few years, ever since I noticed that the old media gave them virtually no coverage.  They received a little local coverage, but were ignored/spiked by the national media.  In the original publication, there were eight incidents.  Readers quickly brought more to my attention, swelling the list to fifteen.  Over the last two years, seven more incidents have been added.

Cops shoot hammer-wielding suspect in Midtown.  Dramatic video released by the department shows career criminal David Baril, 30, strike Police Officer Lauren O'Rourke three times with the weapon before her partner opened fire around 10 a.m. on Eighth Avenue and West 37th Street.  Officer Geraldo Casaigne saved his partner's life, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said.  "These officers had no chance to call for assistance — they acted quickly and instinctively," Bratton said.

Winterville police identify man killed in Friday night home invasion.  Police have released the name of the man killed Friday night [5/8/2015] during a home invasion in Winterville.  James Daley of Farmville died after police say he was shot while forcing his way into the home on Ashley Meadows Drive around 10:40 p.m.  Daley was the estranged husband of one of the residents of the home, according to officers.

Minerva area home-invasion ends in death for intruder, sheriff says.  A suspect in an early morning [5/9/2015] home invasion-style incident is dead after the homeowner apparently shot him, according to a news release from the Columbiana County Sheriff's Office.

Albuquerque Police: No charges for Los Altos Skate Park shooter.  Police say they've identified the person who killed a teenager at a northeast skate park in March, however, that shooter is unlikely to face any charges.  Albuquerque Police released new information in the Los Altos Skate Park shooting on Friday, including more than a dozen screen shots from a cell phone video of the shooting.  17-year old Jaquise Lewis was killed in the shooting, however, police say it appears the man who killed him fired in self-defense.  He likely won't be facing charges, unless witnesses can prove otherwise.

Pregnant woman, 8-year-old attacked by rabid fox.  "I turned around, I just saw the dust here, the kid was on the ground," Martin said.  "So I immediately ran over... I got him against the fence, I kicked him a bunch of times.  I thought he was dead at that point."  But after a few moments, Martin said the fox got up and began charging the family again, so he grabbed his gun and shot the fox three times.

Man Draws, but avoids Shooting.  I ran across the street to get away from the woman, and then the men advanced toward me.  One of the men wore a red sweatshirt, the other had no shirt on.  The man with no shirt on began running toward me, so I told him "I'm not getting in a fight with you stupid, I've got a gun on my hip!"  #vc

Armed Citizen Saves Officer Under Attack In Oklahoma City.  A rookie Oklahoma City police officer became separated from his partner during a foot pursuit and managed to close in on the robbery suspect they were chasing.  The suspect managed to get control of the officer's baton and started striking him in the head repeatedly, and the incident might have become another murder of an officer in the line of duty if it wasn't for an armed citizen stepping in to save the day.

Witness Pulled Gun On Burglary Suspect Who Was Beating OKC Officer.  New information is coming out regarding the rookie Oklahoma City police officer who was beaten by a suspect with his own baton following a burglary on the northwest side of the metro.  An armed witness may have been the only thing that kept that officer from a more serious beating, or worse.  It happened just after 2 p.m. Tuesday [5/5/2015] in the 2800 block of W. Park Pl.  Rookie Officer Adam Eller and field training officer Sgt. Michael Lambert were responding to the burglary call.

It Takes a Good Guy with a Gun to Defend Freedom of Speech.  The traffic cop with a pistol took on two terrorists in body armor, armed with assault rifles and extra ammo.  And when it was over, two Muslim terrorists were dead and freedom of speech was alive.

Instead of Mercedes, Carjacker gets bullet to the chest from armed citizen.  In one of those feel good stories that the lamestream media assures you never happens, a carjacker was stopped dead in his tracks (literally) when he decided to jack a car in the wrong parking lot.

Detroit police: Homeowner shot, 1 killed during home invasion.  A Detroit homeowner is recovering after being shot early Monday morning [5/4/2015] during a deadly shoot-out with someone who broke into his home.

Pleasant Grove man shoots and kills alleged home intruder.  A Pleasant Grove man shot and killed a man who allegedly was trying to break into his home Sunday [5/3/2015].

No charges in fatal home invasion shooting.  The man who fatally shot a home intruder in December [12/9/2014] will not face charges.  77-year-old Bobby Shaw told police he was inside his home in Tyler when he said 44-year-old Luke Garrison broke in.  Shaw fatally shot Garrison with a shotgun.

HPD: Employee shoots, kills would-be robber in east Houston.  According to HPD, an employee was carrying a bag as he arrived to work [4/30/2015].  When he got to the door of the business, a robber put a gun to his back and demanded cash.  The worker had a concealed handgun license and was hiding his own gun underneath the bag.  When he turned to face the robber, he shot the robber two to three times in the chest.

Armed Man Stops Crime Spree, Media notices!  A small number of violent criminals commit a large number of violent crimes.  These criminals only recognize naked force;  sometimes the person with a gun who stops them is a victim who is armed; sometimes it is a concerned citizen; sometimes it is the police.  In this case in Utah, the criminal committed multiple crimes in one morning, with multiple warrants for his arrest pending prior to that.

Sometimes Violence is Apparently the Answer.  Whatever you think about how offensive it is and whether it should or should not have occurred, the only thing that people should be saying today is that no one should have been shot for attending.  Yet instead of condemning the shooters, most liberals are focused on condemning the fact that the event occurred.

Shotgun, dachshund thwart Fla. thieves.  A St. Petersburg woman credits her shotgun and her dachshund for fending off would-be robbers.  Maryanne Benedict took protecting her safety and home into her own hands today.  Thieves hopped her fence in broad daylight at the home on 33rd Avenue North Friday afternoon [4/17/2015].

Boyd County Homeowner Fatally Shoots Intruder.  It happened Saturday [4/4/2015] on Oneal Drive in Rush, Ky.  Police were called to an alleged burglary which resulted in Gregory W. Coddington being fatally shot by the homeowner.

Attempted robbery suspect arrested after armed Burbank resident scares him off with warning shot.  A 42-year-old man was arrested Friday evening [4/3/2015] after he allegedly attempted to rob a Burbank home but was scared off when a resident armed himself and fired a warning shot, police said.

Citizen shoots suspected car thief after woman jumps on car hood.  A gun-toting citizen possibly saved a woman's life Friday [4/3/2015] when he shot a thief who was trying to drive off with her car, Smyrna police said.  That is because the woman climbed on the hood of her escaping Honda, apparently intent on stopping the theft from a car wash.  That prompted the driver to speed up, witnesses told Channel 2 Action News.

Cedar Lake woman fires gun, scares off intruder.  A Cedar Lake woman fired a shot from her handgun, scaring off an intruder who had entered her home early Friday morning [4/3/2015].  The incident occurred at 1:05 a.m. Friday in the 7700 block of 134th Place.  Cedar Lake Police Chief Jerry Smith said the woman told police she was in an upstairs bedroom sleeping when her barking dogs woke her up.

Warning shot fired during attempted home invasion in Sanford.  A warning shot was fired from a Sanford house during an attempted home invasion [3/31/2015], according to police.

Intruder shot by Detroit homeowner after breaking into house.  Authorities say a 21-year-old man was shot Monday [3/30/2015] when he broke into a home on Detroit's east side.  Police say a 29-year-old woman was upstairs when someone broke into her house in the 5500 block of University Place.

Suspect Shot, Killed During Robbery Attempt.  Police have released the identity of the would-be robber who was shot and killed [3/30/2015] after barging into a store and attacking the owner with a box cutter.

Armed 84-Year-Old Saves Wife From Punk.  Being 84 years old does not necessarily mean being a victim — not so long as our precious natural right to bear arms is honored:  [Video clip]

Catawba County Sheriff Coy Reid Supports armed Defense of Home.  A homeowner shot an intruder in North Carolina on Monday, February 23, 2015.  An accomplice escaped.  The pair broke in through a basement window, then broke down a door to gain access to the house.  The homeowner called 911.  He armed himself with a 12 gauge shotgun.  When the intruders kicked open the basement door and approached him in a hallway, the homeowner shot one once in the chest.  The intruder died at the scene.

Police: Justified self-defense in North Austin homicide.  An Austin police sergeant said Monday [2/23/2015] that a fatal shooting in North Austin on Saturday appears to be an example of justified self-defense.  Sgt. Brian Miller with Austin police's Homicide Unit said Castle Doctrine should apply in the killing of 26-year-old Ray Anthony Arredondo.  A resident of a North Austin apartment shot and killed Arredondo after he broke into the tenant's home and threatened him with a gun.  "He has the right to defend his homestead," Miller said.

Suspected armed robber shot dead in West Virginia pharmacy.  Pharmacist Don Radcliff fatally shot 25-year-old Terry Gillenwater last Wednesday morning [2/18/2015] after he allegedly brandished a gun at workers at the busy Good Family Pharmacy in Pinch, West Virginia who had joked earlier about his masked appearance.  Despite the fatal shooting occurring in the morning, the shop was open and ready for business in the afternoon with the owner saying, "we cleaned it up pretty quickly and got back to work."

The Editor says...
Excellent.  Don't stop for a moment of silence, bagpipes, grief counselors, a balloon release or "closure."  Mop the floor and get back to work.  The message to the next armed robber will be crystal clear:  You will be killed on the spot and immediately forgotten.

Tulsa Residents Are Lawfully Killing Bad Guys At A Rate Of 1 Every 10 Days.  We're only 50 days into 2015, but those 50 days have been wild ones in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and a bad one for criminals.  Tusla's residents have already put five bad guys in the ground in shootings that have been ruled justifiable self-defense.  It's not a trend that anyone expects to continue.  There were only eight legal homicides in Tulsa in all of 2014, and only two of those incidents involving average citizens.  The other six justifiable homicides in Tulsa in 2014 involved police officers.

How many people are alive because one man ignored Sonic's request to leave his handgun at home?  On February 8[,] 2015, a customer who ignored Sonic's request that "customers refrain from bringing guns to the restaurant" was able to pull his gun and shoot one of three alleged armed robbers, killing him and stopping the would-be robbery.

1 killed in Owens Cross Roads home invasion.  One person is dead following a home invasion in Owens Cross Roads Monday night [2/9/2015]. [...] According to WHNT, the homeowner told deputies that at least two men broke into his home, at which time he opened fire in self-defense.

Woman Kills Sex Offender Breaking Into Her Home In Texas.  A woman living near Canton, Texas, didn't follow the Moms Demand Action playbook when a serial felon and sex offender attempted to break into her home.  She didn't cower impotently in fear.  She didn't place a desperate, fruitless 911 call, screaming for a police officer or deputy that would never arrive in time to save her.  Actually, that isn't entirely true.  She did eventually call 911, but only after she shot sex offender Chris Foster dead.

Police: Suspected burglar shot in apparent home invasion.  Police said the homeowner saw the suspected burglar in the kitchen and shot him.  The suspected burglar was taken to a local hospital in unknown condition.

Police say 11-year-old girl used her own shotgun to scare off robbers in Lapeer County.  An 11-year-old girl used the shotgun she normally keeps to go hunting with her father to scare off a robber in her home, police said.  The girl was alone at her North Branch Township home on Five Lakes Road about 3:45 p.m. on Jan. 30 when police said she surprised burglars who had broken into the house.

Terrifying footage shows man kicking down apartment door wielding a machete.  Twain Thomas, 54, from Potacello, Idaho, was threatening residents with the weapon in his building in February 2013, when he kicked down the door of James Cvengros and his girlfriend Kaila Gearhart's home.

Taco Bell Thief Demands Victim Drop Pants, Victim Kills Him.  On Tuesday [1/13/2015], an armed man approached a patron in a Taco Bell parking lot, demanded he drop his pants, and was subsequently shot and killed.  The attempted armed robbery took place in Pompano Beach, Florida.

Tulsa Convenience Store Reopens After Clerk Shoots Attempted Robbers.  Two of the four suspects that attempted to rob a store clerk are now behind bars; the other two were shot and killed by the clerk.  Police said the men went into the Ryan's convenience store near 21st and Mingo Wednesday night [1/14/2015], wearing masks and carrying guns.  They said they fired one shot at the clerk but he fired back twice, killing two of the suspects.

Pasadena man holds burglary suspect at gunpoint while waiting for police.  Pasadena Police Lt. Kelly Evans said a man attempted to enter a home [1/7/2015] through a back door.  "When confronted by the resident, he entered the garage," Evans said.  The man then got inside an unlocked vehicle in the garage.  He said the resident detained the suspect at gunpoint until police showed up.

Pizza delivery driver shoots armed robber in DeKalb County.  When she arrived, the unnamed driver was met in the driveway by a 24-year-old man who acted like he was picking up the delivery.  The man pulled out a gun, forced the driver out of the car, and attempted to rob her.  The victim was armed with a handgun she was able to retrieve from her pocket and shot the suspect.  A second suspect got into the victim's Silver Honda and drove away.

Papa John's Pizza stands by employee who shot armed robber in self defense.  The pizza franchise told Thursday [1/15/2015] the employee, who hasn't been named, will not be fired from the company.  The employee was making a delivery in Decatur, Ga., Sunday night [1/11/2015] when a man approached her vehicle, forcing her onto the ground at gunpoint, according to the DeKalb County Police Department.  The woman, who had a gun in her pocket, was able to fire at the man while on the ground — striking the alleged assailant, identified as 24-year-old Donquaz Stevenson, in the face.

More commentary on the Papa John's case:
On Firearms, Liberalism Breeds Confusion.  [Scroll down]  But wait! This particular driver believed — evidently correctly — that she was delivering in a hazardous area, and that she would be safer if she were armed. Carrying a gun may have saved her life.  Why, exactly, does Papa John's think that a company policy banning firearms makes its employees safer?  On the contrary, isn't it possible that the criminals who planned this carjacking were aware of the policy and singled out Papa John's precisely because they believed the driver would be an easy target?  Isn't it likely that Papa John's is endangering its drivers by publicly disarming them?

Business owner shoots, kills intruder.  Police say a Jackson man was defending his business when he shot and killed an intruder on Saturday [1/10/2015].  Jamie L. Rose was declared dead on the scene at First Line Automotive on Highway 80 and Gault Street after police say he was trying to break into the store.

Pueblo Police Say Man Shot During Reported Home Invasion.  Pueblo police are investigating a reported home invasion that resulted in a shooting early Saturday [1/10/2015].  Authorities say the homeowner in the 1700 block of East 3rd used a gun to defend himself.  A short time later, a man was found injured in the street.

Hurst Resident Shoots & Kills Robbery Suspect.  A homeowner in Hurst was shot while confronting a robbery suspect on Thursday night [1/8/2015], but was then able to return fire, killing one suspect and wounding another man.

Female Gun Store Owner Shoots 3 Robbers Who Killed Her Husband.  The owner of a women's gun shop has died following a shootout during which he and his wife took down three of the four armed robbers who burst into their Kansas-based store, police have said.  John Bieker, 44, and his wife, Rebecca, reportedly got into a gunfight with the men after they attempted to rob She's a Pistol in Shawnee, suburban Kansas City, at around 2.15 pm on Friday [1/9/2015].

Homeowner shoots, kills suspect during home invasion in SW Houston.  One man is dead after a suspect was shot and killed during an attempted home invasion late Wednesday [12/24/2014] in southwest Houston, police said.

14-Year-Old Stops Home Invasion.  [Scroll down]  A few minutes later, Anna Marie Wyant told a 911 operator what had happened.  "The man was breaking into the window," she told the operator.  "He was halfway in the window.  My grandson told him to stop and get out of here and he didn't so my grandson shot him. ... Somebody just broke in the house and we shot him."

Homeowner shoots, kills burglar.  The owner shot the intruder "an unknown number of times," according to police.  When the shooting ended, the man who had burst through the window lay dead on the kitchen floor.  The homeowner's sister said the intruder left her brother no choice.

Retired Homeowner Shoots Two Female Intruders.  A retired man, 60, was inside his home Wednesday [10/29/2014] in Atascocita, Texas when two females began banging on his door, according to Your Houston News. [...] Lt. [Walter] Stensland states what happened.  "They knocked on the door several times.  There was no answer and at that time they obviously didn't think anyone was there and they broke a window and gained entry."  As the two intruders broke the window by the front door, and began unlocking the door, that is when the homeowner made his second call to 911 informing them he had a shotgun.

Orange County homeowner shoots, kills intruder.  An early morning robbery Tuesday [11/25/2014] turned deadly when the homeowner turned the gun on the intruder.

Homeowner shoots intruder in burglary attempt.  About 3:35 a.m. Saturday [10/4/2014], officers were sent to a home on Woodstone on reports of an activated burglary alarm and that the homeowner shot someone who was attempting to break in, Amarillo Police Department Sgt. Brent Barbee said Monday.  When officers arrived, they found the homeowner and a man on the ground in the backyard of the home, near a rear-entry driveway.  The man had a serious gunshot wound in his thigh, police said.

Man shoots would-be iPhone robber, NOPD says.  A man who was robbed of his iPhone shot the would-be robber in the chest Friday night [11/21/2014] in the city's Gentilly neighborhood, New Orleans police said.

Armed Victim Thwarts Attackers.  It's not often a victim sends his attackers off running, but that's exactly what happened at this motel Wednesday morning [11/19/2014]. [...] Police say two men with their faces covered forced their way into the victim's room. During the scuffle, the victim was shot in the arm.

Suspect Can't Cover it All; Customer with CCW Shoots Him.  Tyerre Allan was only 25 years old, and he just got out of jail for a robbery that was done years ago.  Police say he was already a suspect in other crimes. [...] There were five or six customers in the Indiana Cash America Pawn shop, as well as 3-4 employees.  It appears that Tyerre, just out of jail, tried to ply his trade. [...] A customer pulled out his own gun, and it did not end well for the recently released felon.

Deputies: Homeowner scares off attempted break-in suspect with gun.  Anderson County K-9s were assisting in the search for a person after a reported attempted breaking and entering.  Deputies said a homeowner on the 1500 block of Big Creek Road fired a gun to scare off the person trying to break in on Thursday afternoon [11/20/2014].

Alleged intruder shot in Berry Creek home Monday night.  A man was shot twice Monday night [11/17/2014] after he allegedly forced his way into a Berry Creek home, according to authorities.  Deputies found Albert Sprague with at least two gunshot wounds outside a residence on Simpson Ranch Road, according to a press release from the Butte County Sheriff's Office. [...] Sprague told deputies he was shot by the home's occupant, according to the Sheriff's Office.

Garvin County Woman Cleared Of Wrong Doing In Boyfriend's Death.  A Garvin County woman, arrested in connection with the shooting death of her boyfriend will not face any charges.  32-year old Jessica Hopper was arrested last week after deputies responded to reports of a shooting at a home Hopper shared with Felix Clayton Williams. [...] The sheriff's office says investigators determined that Hopper was being assaulted and acted in self defense when she shot Williams.

Man killed in North Side shooting; shooter tells police it was self-defense.  Columbus police say no charges have been filed in a Friday night [11/21/2014] shooting on the North Side that left a 49-year-old man dead.  The shooter said he fired in self-defense.

Rosedale man shot another when attacked.  A 74-year-old man trying to help his female neighbor shot another man in self-defense Friday [11/21/2014] when he came upon the woman's apparent stalker.

KY: Armed Woman Stops Theft of her Gun.  Women are the fastest growing segment of the gun culture.  It has been reported that minority women benefit the most from the legal carry of guns.  Stephanie Carter notes that in Texas, the fastest growing demographic of concealed handgun permit holders is black women.  The ability to be legally armed brings about a profound change of attitude.

Teenager stops home burglary.  "I was home sending an email to my teachers about homework when my dogs started barking and I looked out the window but I didn't see anybody there so I went to the top of the stairs with the gun to make sure there wasn't anybody downstairs and then that's when the door opened and I saw him," said Justin Kugler.  Kugler says he was pretty scared because he noticed Roberts had a knife on him, but he was armed and ready for Roberts at the top of the stairs.

Man Shot and Killed by Homeowner in Home Invasion.  A spike in crime has some homeowners taking matters into their own hands.  This is all after a man accused of breaking into a home along Campbells Creek Road was shot and killed Wednesday morning by the homeowner.  The accused robber, Robert Andrew Carter, 31, died on the scene.

District Attorney: Colorado Springs burglary shooting was justified.  The Fourth Judicial District Attorney's Office said their investigation found a 59-year-old resident of a home in that area was awakened by the sound of an intruder.  While investigating the noise, she heard the sound of breaking glass and saw someone pushing in the window blinds and beginning to crawl in through a broken window.  Although she warned the intruder to stop and told him she had a gun, the intruder continued to enter the home, the investigation found.  Even after the woman fired a warning shot, the intruder continued crawling into the home.

This gunshot may or may not have saved a victim's life, but the robber lost his.
Police say man dumped at northwest Dallas gas station was shot while committing robbery.  Dallas police say a man who was fatally shot and dumped at a northwest Dallas gas station Wednesday night had just committed a robbery.  Saeid Ardestani, 56, was found wounded about 6:15 p.m. at the Valero station at Webb Chapel Extension and Larga Drive.  Surveillance video shows a man and woman leaving him there and speeding off after calling 911.

State attorney: Man who killed biker justified.  A biker who shot and killed another biker outside a Jacksonville Beach restaurant in June was justified in doing so, State Attorney Angela Corey announced Friday [11/7/2014].  Corey said Kristopher Stone was attacked by 40-year-old Zachariah Tipton and suffered great bodily harm before he pulled his gun and shot Tipton while in the parking lot outside Nippers Beach Grille about 8 p.m. June 26.

Man shoots 400-pound bear that twice tried to get at dog food.  A Florida man shot and killed a 400-pound black bear after it broke into his house two nights in a row to get to a bag of dog food, a state wildlife officer said on Friday [10/245/2014].  "I felt in danger enough that since it wouldn't leave I had to shoot it," said Victor Peters of Lady Lake of the Wednesday night [10/22/2014] incident in a video interview posted online by the Orlando Sentinel.

Intruder dead in Bellevue apartment shooting.  An armed intruder is dead after a homeowner opens fire.  Bellevue Police released the results of a preliminary investigation after more than 12 hours on the scene [10/25/2014].

Hero Grandpa — North Carolina Home Invasion.  Grandpa was shot multiple times by three thugs yet he did not stop shooting back.  He killed one thug and wounded two thugs who were arrested in the hospital.  Grandpa is in an Intensive Care Unit.

New details emerge on Canada shooting suspect.  The booming sounds of gunfire filled the halls of Canada's parliament as security forces spotted the suspected shooter.  Streams of people fled from the building as police rushed to secure the area.  The violent spree ended when 58-year-old sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers shot and killed the alleged gunman.  Vickers has a ceremonial role but is credited for stopping the attack outside a caucus room where members of parliament were holding meetings.

Two Pennsylvania lawmakers involved in shoot-out with would-be robber near Capitol.  After a day of votes and then an event for a fellow House member, two freshman representatives, Marty Flynn, D-Lackawanna, and Ryan Bizzarro, D-Erie, were a few blocks from the Capitol on their walk home a little before 11 p.m. Tuesday when a man pointed a gun and demanded a wallet, Mr. Flynn said.  When the man trained his gun on Mr. Bizzarro, Mr. Flynn drew his own weapon, a Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 380 pistol, he told reporters.

Man pulls 13-inch knife during fight at Northeast Philadelphia Pathmark, gets shot.  A man who brought a knife to a gunfight at a Northeast Philadelphia supermarket late Sunday afternoon learned the hard way that picking an argument with a stranger can be a pretty bad idea.

Single customer wins shootout with four armed robbers in Texas bar.  A rather startling story out of Texas from early Saturday morning [10/4/2014] comes our way and it puts a bit of a twist on the old saying about a bad guy with a gun and a good guy with a gun.  This tale actually involved four bad guys.

Illinois Concealed Carry Works: Attempted carjacking thwarted in Chi-town.  Concealed carry saves lives and deters crime. It happens each and every day throughout America. And now that Illinois has right-to-carry, it happens a lot more often in Illinois — even Chicago, home to some of America's strictest gun laws. You didn't read about this incident in the Chicago Tribune or Sun-Times because it doesn't fit the media's template of irresponsible gun owners!

Turlock woman turns the table on robber.  The female victim was sitting outside her residence [9/21/2014] when she was accosted by an unknown black male subject.  The man grabbed the woman's hair and put a gun to the back of her head, said Turlock Police spokesperson Officer Mayra Lewis.  The suspect searched the woman's car and when he didn't find anything in there, he told her to take him inside and hand over her money and credit cards.  Inside the home the woman told the robber the items were stored in a safe.  She opened the safe, but instead of pulling out money, she pulled out her own gun.

Detroit homeowner opens fire on suspected intruders, kills 1.  Detroit police Sgt. Michael Woody says the two 19-year-old suspects, a male and a female, broke into the home on the 19000 block of Asbury Park just before 6 a.m. [4/9/2014.]  Woody says the 47-year-old homeowner fired several shots with a rifle, striking both suspects after they broke a window and tried to get in.  The male was transported to a local hospital and pronounced dead, Woody says.  The female suspect was struck in the leg, transported and listed in critical condition.  The homeowner wasn't injured.

Mother opens fire on armed robbery suspects at downtown Charleston home.  Investigators say a downtown Charleston woman had a surprise in store for two would-be robbers when she took out a gun and opened fire on them [8/20/2014].

Orlando store owner opens fire on robbers inside business.  Orange County deputies said they are looking for two men who barged into a store and fired shots Thursday night [5/15/2014] before the store owner returned fire.  Deputies said they were called to the African Store on Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando after the men, who were wearing masks, ran inside to rob the business.

Store Owner Opens Fire on Robbery Suspect.  An armed suspect picked the wrong store to rob, after the owner pulled out his own gun and opened fire [9/25/2012].  New Haven Police said they were looking for the suspect for months, and claimed he held up stores in the Hill section of the city all summer.

Video: Marathon Gas Clerk Shoots, Kills 2 of 3 Armed Robbers.  Three armed and masked men took guns into a Marathon gas station in Canton, Ohio and attacked a clerk.  The clerk was armed, though, and he fought back.  In a scuffle, the clerk was reportedly shot in the leg and hip, but the injuries were not life-threatening.  He proved to be a better shot than his attackers and hit at least two of them.  [Video clip]

Store Clerk Shoots and Kills 2 of 3 Armed Robbers in Gunfight.  All three suspects were able to flee the scene, but the two suspects who were shot were found nearby and taken to an area hospital, where they both died.  The third suspect managed to escape unharmed and is being sought by police.  If he is caught, it is likely he will be charged with the murder of his two deceased accomplices.  [Video clip]

Religion of Peace Update.  Oklahoma got a dose of peace yesterday, when Alton Nolen, apparently a Muslim convert, beheaded a co-worker at the food company where he worked.  He attacked a second woman and would have killed her too, except that the company's COO has a gun and knows how to use it.

Houston convenience store owner kills robber in gunfight.  A young man whose family convenience store had been a target for criminals since it opened gunned down a robber this weekend when the man threatened his sister.

Springfield convenience store owner fights off would-be robber who stuck fake gun in his mouth.  Video footage from Wednesday's [9/10/2014] attempted armed robbery at a Six Corners market shows the store owner fending off an assailant who allegedly stuck a fake gun in his face.  "He put it in my mouth," said the owner of Walnut Convenience Store, who pulled out a real gun after fighting 20-year-old Fernell Pelzer.

Police: Union Twp. resident shoots intruder in self-defense.  A suspect was taken to the hospital in critical condition after being shot during a reported home invasion early Wednesday morning in Union Township. [...] Demetrius Robinson, 24, was found shot by a resident of the home in self-defense, officers said after conducting a preliminary investigation.

Deputies: Resident opens fire on intruders, fatally shoots one.  A man who lives in a third floor apartment says he was asleep when he heard something at the front door and went to investigate.  He told sheriff's deputies at least two men then forced their way inside the apartment.  He then confronted the two suspects and fired his weapon several times.

Woman Uses Her Gun To Ward Off Abduction.  An Ohio woman who is licensed to carry a gun but had only recently started carrying one for protection put it to good use earlier this week.  Dinah Burns was out walking her dog, Gracie, on a path near an elementary school in Lancaster on Monday [8/25/2014] when two men approached her with a baseball bat and threatened to abduct her.  "Two gentlemen came out of the woods, one holding a baseball bat, and said 'You're coming with us,'" Burns told WBNS, adding that Gracie was little help in deterring the men.

Gwinnett woman, 73, chases burglar suspect from home with gunshots.  According to a report on the incident obtained by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Thursday, [Hilda] Douglas said someone rang her doorbell around 9:45 p.m. on Aug. 3.  She looked out her bedroom window and spotted a truck parked nearby in the middle of the intersection of Falconhurst Drive and Hewatt Road.  Douglas called 911 and waited.  Moments later, however, she heard glass shattering and then the pottery she placed in front of her backdoor breaking so she grabbed her gun.

Homeowner Shoots at Intruder, Thwarting Robbery.  Neighbors in a quiet community in Diamond Bar were shocked.  A neighbor shot at a burglar who broke into his home Friday [8/8/2014].

Homeowner shoots at burglar in Diamond Bar.  A homeowner shot at a burglar during a break-in Friday afternoon [8/8/2014] in Diamond Bar, authorities said.  A man was at home about 1:30 p.m. in the 400 block of N. Del Sol Lane when he heard a smashing noise, Los Angeles County sheriff's Lt. Frank Rivera said.  He soon discovered the noise was created by an intruder bashing his way through the home's front door.  Investigators suspect the burglar did not realize anyone was home when he forced his way into the house, Rivera said.  The burglar and homeowner encountered one another in the living room.

Beaten homeowner turns tables on intruder and kills suspect, according to Jacksonville police.  Bruised and bloodied by an intruder, a Jacksonville man and woman exchanged gunfire with the invader and put an end to an assault early Friday [8/15/2014] at their home.  The two were hospitalized, but a child there was unharmed and the suspect is dead, police said.  The dead man has been identified as Marquise Trevel Yates, 21, whose last known address was in the 6100 block of Arlington Expressway.

Jewelry Store Magnet for Gunplay.  A jewelry store in Little Saigon, Orange County California, has become a magnet for robbers.  In 2012, there was an attempted robbery in which one of the robbers was shot.  In 2013, several shots were fired at a thief who fought with the store owner, and escaped with a $9,000 watch.  Yesterday, 21 August, 2014, another robbery attempt ended in gunfire as a store employee drove off two robbers who had smashed a display case.

Police: Charleston woman shot at teens who tried to rob her at gunpoint.  The woman told detectives she was getting out of her car with her child in her arms when two teens with guns approached her from the rear of the apartment building.  The teens ordered her into the house.  Once she was inside, she ran into her bedroom, put her child on the bed and grabbed her gun, the report says.

SAPD: Alleged intruder shot, killed in home invasion.  Witnesses tell San Antonio police two men broke into an apartment unit by breaking down a door, but someone inside the apartment opened fire on them. The men attempted to run, but one was shot several times, San Antonio police said.

Police: Wife shoots suspected car burglar to defend husband.  The Eureka Police Department is currently searching for two male suspects, one of whom may have a gunshot wound to the leg, after a woman shot at a man who attacked her husband when he confronted the men outside the couple's Highland Avenue home early this morning [8/18/2014], according to Detective Ron Harpham.

Florida homeowners, child survive shootout with intruder.  A Jacksonville man and woman are in stable condition after a shootout with an intruder that broke into their home Friday morning [8/15/2014].

Detroit Homeowners Have Fatally Shot 7 Intruders In Past 7 Weeks.  A Wednesday [4/9/2014] shooting in Detroit marks another in a high number of alleged self-defense killings in the city this year.  A 47-year-old man on Detroit's west side opened fire on two teens who forcibly entered his home through a window in the early hours of Wednesday morning, according to Detroit Police.  The homeowner fatally shot one of the intruders.

Alleged intruder shot by SC homeowner, charged.  A Walhalla man has been charged after deputies said he was shot by a homeowner in an act of self-defense.

Woman Shoots Man Found Sleeping Inside Her Delaware Home.  Police have now identified the man they say was caught sleeping in a woman's New Castle County home and then ended up shot by the homeowner.  Delaware State Police say Gregory Alexander, 21, will be charged with criminal trespass once he is released from the hospital.  He is recovering Tuesday [8/5/2014] after being shot in the buttocks by a homeowner in Stanton.

Long Beach resident fatally shoots alleged burglar.  Authorities said a Long Beach resident fatally shot a man early Sunday who was allegedly trying to burglarize his home.  Police responded to a 911 call of a burglary in progress about 3 a.m. in the 2800 block of East 3rd Street.  The caller said the suspected burglar was shot inside the house, said Sgt. Megan Zabel, a spokeswoman with the Long Beach Police Department.

Man Wins Gunfight with Teen Gang Member.  Gunfights at close range often result in both participants being hit.  It takes time for bullet wounds to take effect.  In this incident in Florida, we do not know the calibers, other than both participants were using handguns.

CMPD: Robber, store employee exchange gunfire at mini mart.  Police said the men, who had their faces covered, were armed with handguns.  They stormed the store demanding money.  Police said one of the men fired a shot at the store's 73-year-old security guard as they ran from the store.  The security guard shot back and no one was hit. [...] Police said the suspects, described as black males in their early 20s with their faces covered, ran off.

Baton Rouge homeowner shoots alleged home invader Wednesday morning.  A 19-year-old man was shot early Wednesday morning [8/6/2014] after he allegedly tried to burglarize a home in Baton Rouge, according to Baton Rouge Police Capt. Ronald Norman.  The suspect, whose name has not been released, is facing non-life threatening gunshot injuries.

Man Shot After [he was] Found Burglarizing Garage.  According to College Station Police, the 30-year-old homeowner came outside and found 23-year-old Daniel Pinon of Navasota actively burglarizing his garage in the 3200 block of Wildrye [8/5/2014].  The homeowner and Pinon got in a short physical fight, at which point the homeowner, who had grabbed his gun, shot Pinon in his left leg.  Pinon then fled on foot.

Strange KC home invasion: One suspect shot in leg, one suffers panic attack.  Police were still sorting through information, but they received a report that one of the suspected home invaders was shot in the leg when they entered the home and were chased off by a resident.  One of the suspects also apparently suffered a panic attack following the chase.

Teenage intruders shot by homeowner in Lithonia.  A woman who lives at the home, who asked to remain anonymous, said the intruders first rang the doorbell to her home.  That woke up the woman's son, who was napping at the time.  The young man saw three intruders breaking in through the back of the house and saw a strange car in his driveway.  He grabbed his gun and opened fire, striking two of the teens [8/5/2014].

Suspected Burglar Shot by Female Homeowner in Delaware.  Police say the home was vacant and under renovation.  When the homeowner and her son arrived to check on the home just before 6:00 a.m. [8/5/2014], she found someone inside.  After a confrontation, police say, there was a struggle and the homeowner, who was armed with a gun, fired one shot, striking the suspect in the lower body.

Police identify man killed during break in at Garland apartment complex.  Police have identified the man they believe was killed while breaking into an apartment Thursday night [8/7/2014].  Michael Paxton, 18, died moments after he was shot by the man living in the apartment.  Garland detectives believe that three other men were with Paxton on Thursday, and that they were planning to steal from the apartment.  They also think Paxton was carrying the handgun police found at the scene.

Intruder killed inside Garland apartment.  Police said a 22-year-old man met officers outside his apartment and told them he'd shot one of the suspects after four armed men tried to kick in his door. [...] Officers found the suspect, 18-year-old Michael Paxton, wounded on the floor inside.  He died before he got to the hospital.  They say he was no stranger to the neighborhood; they connected him to a recent armed robbery at a convenience store directly across the street.

Private Buyers "Run Off" from Turn In "buy back" Event.  Private buyers competed with ShopRite food cards for guns at a Baltimore City gun turn in "buy back" on Saturday, the 26th of July.  That may be one reason that this event only collected half as many guns as last year's event did.  231 guns were turned in this year, 460 last year.  The term "buy back" is a bit of propaganda, because the people buying the guns never owned them in the first place.

Autauga grand jury clears homeowner who killed intruder.  The Autauga County Grand Jury has cleared a Booth homeowner in a case where she shot and killed an armed burglar who had forced his way inside her home.  The panel wrapped up deliberations Friday morning [7/25/2014].  The grand jury took no action against the unidentified homeowner, said District Attorney Randall Houston.

Homeowner fires gun to scare off home invader.  The resident reported she was at home when a bald man with a stocky build wearing a white tank top forced his way into the home.  Authorities said after a struggle the homeowner was able to retreat to a bedroom where her firearm was located.  She fired the weapon at the man and he ran out.

Homeowner shoots man who refused to leave his property.  Neighbors say it all happened pretty quickly.  "I heard yelling and screaming, sounded like two men and a woman," said neighbor Randy Watts.  "As I went outside to see what was going on, I heard two distinct gunshots."  Police say an elderly couple was arguing with a man they did not know, who was intoxicated and belligerent in front of their home.  When the man refused to leave their property, police say the homeowner went and got his gun, came back out and fired at the man.  Police say the man then ran and was found a few blocks away by officers.

Homeowner justified in shooting at allegedly pregnant intruder.  It seems that every few months a controversial case of self-defense hits the news cycle, making us debate anew whether or not citizens, particularly homeowners, have the right to engage in certain, allegedly defensive, actions.  An already complex issue is made infinitely more complicated by the addition of age, gender, and race as factors.  Actions justified in the name of self-defense must pass the reasonable person standard: Would a "reasonable" person have thought it necessary to perform that action to protect himself or herself from death or serious injury?

Sheriff: Man Attacked Homeowner before Fatal Shooting.  Sheriff Brian Jespersen says 34-year-old Benjamin Beaudoin, of Mendota Heights, died from the injuries after allegedly committing two separate home invasions Saturday morning [7/26/2014] in Ray, Minnesota.  The sheriff says Beaudoin first broke into a couple's home around 5 a.m. about 15 miles south of International Falls.  Jespersen says the husband and wife fought off the intruder.

Police identify suspect killed in Sunday's home invasion.  Police have identified the suspect killed in a Sunday [7/27/2014] home invasion as a 17-year-old.  The intruder, Brandon Ford, was shot and killed by the homeowner Sunday afternoon in the 3100 block of N. College Avenue around 1:00 p.m.  Several men were in the house on the west side of College Avenue when three men tried to get into the house, according to police.  Both sides shot at each other and Ford was killed.

Suspect's Mom Arrested in Robbery That Ended in Shooting.  The mother of a man charged with murder stemming from the fatal shooting of his alleged accomplice by a homeowner during a Long Beach robbery has been arrested on suspicion of robbery in connection with the case.  Ruby Adams, 49, of Long Beach, was booked into jail on Thursday night [7/24/2014], police said Friday.  She is the mother of Gus Polly Adams, a suspect in a Tuesday night robbery that ended with his accomplice getting shot by the homeowner.

Teen arrested after gas station clerk pulls gun.  A 16-year-old Jefferson County man whom authorities say attempted to rob a gas station was instead locked in its bathroom when a gun-wielding clerk trapped him there until police arrived.

Homeowner shoots, kills intruder.  When is it okay to shoot someone in self-defense? That's what Atlanta police are looking closely at after a man in his 50's was shot and killed by a homeowner in Southwest Atlanta Monday morning [7/14/2014].  The suspect was confronted by the homeowner outside a home at 470 Connell Avenue SW at 7:30AM, according to Captain Paul Guerrucci.

Intruder Shot, Killed By Indianapolis Homeowner.  The incident happened in the 3100 block of N. College Avenue around 1:00 p.m. [7/27/2014], according to police.  Investigators say several men were in the house on the west side of College Avenue when three men tried to get into the house.  Gunfire was exchanged and one of the suspected intruders was killed.

Home intruder shot dead despite several warnings from homeowner.  Police say the middle-aged homeowner saw a young man approaching her house in Detroit's Brightmoor neighborhood with a brick Friday afternoon.  She yelled for him to go away but he continued to come towards the home.  She went and got her handgun and, again, told him to go away.  The man with the brick then went to the side of the front door and started to break through the window.  The homeowner fired two shots, killing the suspect.  He was coming through a window at the time he was shot.

Police: Homeowner fatally shoots intruder in midst of crime spree.  A Northland homeowner grabbed his shotgun and fatally shot a man who burst into the family's garage while in the midst of a crime spree, Kansas City police say.  Police identified the man as 30-year-old Christopher Robinson, of Kansas City, KS.  Robinson was a suspect in multiple car burglaries and a carjacking. He even broke into one home and stole a vehicle that he rammed through the garage door, police said.

Intruder fatally shot by South Side man in garage.  For the second time in a week, the alarm at Emerson and Nancy Frazier's South Side ranch home blared.  The couple — he is 69, she is 58 — got out of bed about 4 a.m. yesterday [5/12/2014] to investigate who was breaking into their garage this time.  Gun in hand, Mr. Frazier, known as "Moley," and his wife went to the detached garage behind their house at 990 Bruckner Rd. and encountered two men. [...] Mr. Frazier shot one of the intruders in the chest, according to accounts by relatives.  The other tried to wrestle the gun from Mr. Frazier before running away.

Psychiatrist uses his own gun to shoot patient who killed caseworker in front of him.  A Pennsylvania doctor is being hailed a hero today after he seriously injured a patient who went on a shooting spree in his office.  Dr. Lee Silverman, a psychiatrist, told police that the patient, identified as Richard Plotts, fatally shot a caseworker at their hospital complex before the doctor pulled out his own gun and exchanged fire with him and wounded him, a prosecutor said Thursday night [7/24/2014]. [...] Yeadon Police Chief Donald Molineux said that 'without a doubt, I believe the doctor saved lives.' [...] Silverman was armed, apparently against hospital policy.

The Editor says...
If Doctor Silverman had obeyed the "gun free zone" rules, he would be dead today, and many others would likely be dead, too.

Police praise 'heroic' doctor and caseworker stopped psychiatric patient.  Medical staff who helped stop a gunman from killing more people at a Pennsylvania hospital on Thursday [7/24/2014] have been been hailed as heroes.  Dr Lee Silverman, who police say may have been the intended target, and caseworker John D'Alonzo, were able to quickly stop Richard Plotts after he shot dead their co-worker.  The 49-year-old, who has a history of mental illness, was attempting to reload his gun when Silverman fired several shots, and D'Alonzo wrestled him to the ground. [...] Hospital policy bars anyone except on-duty law enforcement officers from carrying weapons on campus, a Mercy Health System spokeswoman said.

Lions and Guns in Nebraska.  Animal attacks may not be recorded as defensive gun uses in most surveys, and they are never recorded as justifiable homicides.  But defensive uses of guns against animals occur frequently.  I was surprised to learn of the number of mountain lions that have been shot in defensive situations in Nebraska.

Prichard woman shoots juvenile who was breaking into her home.  A Prichard homeowner shot and wounded one of two juveniles who broke into her home last week, according to authorities.

Pittsburgh police say man shoots 2 home invasion suspects, killing 1 after apartment break-in.  Pittsburgh police say a man shot two others who forced their way into his apartment, killing one of them.

Two shot, one killed in Carrick home invasion.  Two men were shot by a Carrick resident early Tuesday morning [7/22/2014] when they allegedly attempted to rob an apartment.

Corte Madera homeowner shoots man during road rage incident.  A homeowner shot another man who followed him into his garage during a road rage incident in Corte Madera Thursday morning [7/17/2014], authorities said.

Armed Pasco homeowner shoots at burglary suspect.  A 21-year-old Tampa man on probation for burglarizing an occupied dwelling may have escaped with his life Sunday morning [7/13/2014] after he was found inside the home of a gun owner.  Michael Jose Zamora-Norris, of 1103 East 127th St., Tampa, went into a home on Boyette Oaks Place early Sunday and woke up the homeowners as he walked through the living room, a Pasco County Sheriff's Office report said.  A man inside the house loaded two rounds into his shotgun and confronted Zamora-Norris in a hallway, the report said.

Officials: Fatal shooting deemed self-defense.  The New Hampshire attorney general's office says no charges will be filed against a man who shot to death his friend during an altercation in May.

Jackson PD: Homeowner opens fire, killing 1 intruder, injuring another.  Assistant Police Chief Lee Vance said it appears the two men had broken into the house and were confronted by the homeowner.  Jonquez Porter, 19, was killed, according to Jackson Police Department spokeswoman Officer Colendula Green.  "The homeowners confronted them.  He shot one individual several times.  The second one was able to escape through a window," Vance said.

Police: Pit bull shot, killed after it bites woman.  A Covington resident shot and killed a pit bull on Thursday morning [7/17/2014] after it bit a woman and repeatedly got away from its owner.  The dog was loose in the 1900 block of Scott Boulevard when it bit a woman who was visiting in the neighborhood, said Covington Police Chief Spike Jones.  "She was not seriously injured," Jones said.

Man treated for gunshot wounds is charged for home break-in.  A man from Springfield is charged for a home invasion and a shooting at a house in north Springfield early last Friday [7/11/2014].  Police believe Tre Williams, 20, was shot by a man in the home during the break-in.  Prosecutors charged Williams with first-degree assault, burglary and armed criminal action.

SAPD: Homeowner shoots intruder multiple times.  A homeowner shot an alleged intruder multiple times early Tuesday morning [7/15/2014] on the near South Side. [...] Police said the alleged intruder, a man in his 20s, broke into the home through a back window and was confronted by the homeowner.  The 70-year-old homeowner then shot the intruder three times in the leg, police said.

Veteran With Concealed Carry Permit Shoots Back At Chicago Gunman.  One of the spate of shootings that took place in Chicago, Ill. over the July 4th holiday weekend involved a veteran with a concealed carry permit who was forced to a shoot a man who began firing on him and a group of friends.  The incident occurred Friday night [7/4/2014], the Chicago Tribune reports.

Muhlenberg Township man dies after shooting in Reading.  A Muhlenberg Township man accused of participating in the robbery and beating of a 60-year-old city man early Friday was fatally shot when one of the victim's neighbors came to the victim's aid. [...] "The shooting remains under investigation, but we let the man go home," [District Attorney John T.] Adams said.  "At this point, the shooting appears to be justified."

Sheriff: Knife-wielding burglar no match for homeowner, his shotgun.  According to the Sheriff's Office, the homeowner and his girlfriend were in their living room in the 2900 block of Little Hanaford Road shortly before 7:30 a.m. [6/30/2014] when Sean Ferrel, a 43-year-old homeless and likely intoxicated man armed with a knife, entered through an unlocked sliding door.

Robber shot dead after holdup at Los Angeles medical marijuana dispensary: police.  The two men showed up to "Nature's Cure" around 12:15 p.m. Wednesday [6/25/2014] and tried to "engage" the guard when he opened fire on the thieves, KTLA-TV reported.  One man was hit and ran from outside the pot shop to a nearby Westin Hotel, where he collapsed and died. [...] The robber's accomplice, a black man in a brown baseball cap, beige shirt and green pants, took off in a black BMW.

Would-be robber flees when woman says husband has loaded shotgun.  A man wearing a plastic Batman mask was scared away when the elderly woman he was trying to rob Friday morning [6/27/2014] told him her husband was in the bedroom with a loaded shotgun, according to the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office. [...] The male suspect was described as black, between approximately 5 foot, 7 inches and 6 foot tall, gray hoodie and sweatpants.

The Editor says...
Unfortunately, that description matches a lot of people.

Midland PD: La Bodega gunman was attempting a robbery.  A manager at La Bodega Mexican Restaurant and Bar said he is grateful for the off-duty police officer who killed a gunman intending to rob the business' safe on Friday night [6/27/2014].  Operations Manager Brian Schaetz said no customers or employees were physically injured in the shooting and believes that's because of the efforts of the police officer who shot and killed 35-year-old Nyocomus Garnett.  "He saved people's lives," said Schaetz, who took this as incident as a warning sign to other criminals in Midland.  "We have a community that takes care of each other."

Gunfight Video has Valuable Lessons.  There are several lessons to be learned from the video.  As is common, numerous things could have been done better by all three participants.  The first lesson is that you do not have to be a perfect gunfighter to be effective.  You simply have to be more effective than the opposition.  Most criminals are not well trained in either shooting or tactics.  They tend to believe that everything will go according to plan.

Off duty soldier with a handgun saved 100 lives as terrorists ran amok.  A former marine emerged as a hero of the Nairobi siege yesterday after he was credited with saving up to 100 lives.  The ex soldier was having coffee at the Westgate mall when it was attacked by Islamists on Saturday.  With a gun tucked into his waistband, he was pictured helping two women from the complex.

Man fatally shot after break-in at northern Indiana home.  Miami County Sheriff Tim Miller [...] says investigators found signs of forced entry into the residence, and the unidentified homeowner claims to have shot Sturgill in self-defense.

Attempted robbery averted.  WKBN received footage Tuesday of a dramatic confrontation during an attempted robbery two weeks ago at a Sami Quick Stop in Struthers.  The video shows the alleged robber drawing what looks to be a gun and yelling at the store's clerk, who then pulls out a gun of his own and fires one shot at the man.  Police said the shot hit and wounded the suspect.

Man won't be charged in deadly Lincoln Park shooting.  The Wayne County Prosecutor's Office has declined to charge a 27-year-old Westland man who allegedly fired a fatal shot on a 33-year-old Detroit man at an apartment complex on Fort Street on Sunday.  The man was released from custody after prosecutors determined that the Westland man acted in self-defense, Lincoln Park police said Thursday [6/5/2014].

Woman shoots at would-be home intruders.  A woman shot an intruder when he tried to force his way into her apartment early Thursday morning [5/29/2014].  Police say at least three people approached the victim's door at the Laurel Ridge apartment complex just after midnight.  According to the police report, the renter responded to a knock at the door and the suspects told her they were with the East Point Police Department.

Police: Homeowner opens fire after being stabbed.  Police said that shortly after 6 a.m., a man knocked on the front door of a Coalville resident.  The man cut the homeowner in the neck with a knife.  The homeowner then used a handgun to fire three shots into the man's torso.

Police: Dad shoots, kills man who held gun to teen daughter.  An attempted home invasion turned into a murder investigation Tuesday morning.  One suspect is dead and another is in critical condition after allegedly holding a gun to a teen's head.

Cops: Son Of Abortion Doctor Kermit Gosnell Shot During West Phila. Robbery.  A suspected burglar got a whole lot more than he bargained for when police say he broke into a row house in Mantua.  Police have confirmed the identity of that suspect as the son of convicted abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell.

Marine With CCW Foils Robbery, Kills One Of Two Suspects.  On May 29 a retired Marine eating lunch at a Houston, TX, strip mall reacted to a robbery in progress by retrieving his concealed carry (CCW) handgun, killing one of the suspected robbers, and sending the second one fleeing.  According to the Houston Chronicle, the 28-year-old Marine veteran saw two suspects put bandannas over their faces before going into a Game Stop.  "Minutes later, one [of the robbers] ran out carrying several video game systems in his arms."  The former Marine went to his pick-up truck, "retrieved a semi-automatic pistol, and told a bystander to call 911."

Wannabe Gangsters Just 'Tryin' to Eat' When Killed During Break-In.  After breaking into an elderly widow's house twice in a row, two teenagers were killed by an armed occupant, in self-defense.  Steven Crider, 17, and Michael Sambrano, 14, were shot in the chest numerous times after breaking in to the widow's home.  Now, the dead thieves' friends and family are publicly complaining that "it was wrong that they were shot" and that the thieves were just "tryin' to eat."

The Editor says...
Painting the perpetrator as a victim is a worn-out old strategy.  If you're just trying to eat, check out the dumpster behind the homeless shelter.  Or maybe you should examine the garbage cans at the nearest public school, where they serve tasteless vegetarian slop that nobody wants.

'Make My Day' Law Likely After Homeowner Shoots Burglary Suspect.  According to police, a homeowner shot a juvenile burglary suspect, who suffered injuries that aren't considered life-threatening.  "The homeowner was at home at the time and he heard some glass breaking and went on down," said Sgt. Patrick Theriot from the Denver Police Department.  The homeowner told CBS4's Stan Bush the 17-year-old burglary suspect broke in through a back window of his him, lunged at him, and he shot him in the shoulder.

Stopped in 80 Seconds: Armed Response, Not Gun Control, Halted School Rampage.  [Scroll down]  A story concludes that school shooters aren't interested in a fight; they're interested in soft targets that will leave them in control of the situation long enough to accomplish their evil deed.  In this case, the perpetrators was met instead with a hard target — an armed, qualified security presence that was ready and willing to stop him — and did so in just 80 seconds.  Gun-control laws didn't stop a possible massacre at Arapahoe High School.  A good guy with a gun stopped the rampage and in doing so almost certainly prevented much greater harm. For that, we can all be thankful.

Armed School Resource Officer Confronted Arapahoe High School Shooter.  When an armed school resource officer entered the room, Pierson believed he was cornered and turned his gun on himself, Robinson said.  The entire attack lasted approximately 80 seconds and was captured by security cameras.

The Editor says...
Notice that the police didn't arrive in 80 seconds — the nearest guy with a gun did.

Oregon School Shooting Stopped by Armed Resource Officers!  It has now been confirmed, that the the Reynolds School shooting in Troutdale, Oregon was stopped by the schools armed resource officers.  Officers Nick Thompson and Kyle Harris were on duty at Reynolds High School when they heard gunshots.  They arrived at the scene in less than one minute, and at least one of those officers fired their [sic] weapon.

Teen breaks into home, confronted by owner.  Wayne Milner told Channel 2's Mike Petchenik he was working in his home office on Granite Ridge Place Thursday [5/8/2014] when he heard a commotion coming from his master bedroom.  "I get up, walk into the hall, and I see a male sitting on the floor going through my wife's jewelry box," Milner said.  Milner said he immediately grabbed his gun and confronted the strange man.

Burglar shot by 83-year-old victim, escapes.  The victim told police that a man knocked on his back door and told him he needed help.  The victim said he turned to call 911, and the burglar began kicking the door, broke the glass and came inside.  Police said the 83-year-old man grabbed a handgun and shot the burglar in the chest once.

She Got a Gun and Concealed Carry Permit Last Year.  A 50-year-old Detroit woman shot an intruder early Tuesday morning [4/29/2014] after he tried to break into her home with a crowbar.  Now she's very thankful she decided to take advantage of her Second Amendment rights last year.

Sacramento homeowner shoots, kills 2 burglars, police say.  A homeowner in Sacramento shot and killed two burglars in self-defense early Sunday morning, police officials said.  Just after midnight, Sacramento police were called to a home in the 1000 block of Arcade Boulevard in North Sacramento after receiving a report of a burglary in progress.  But by the time police arrived two minutes later, two men in their late teens or early 20s who were reportedly burglarizing the home were dead.

Family shoots and kills burglary suspect in Winter Haven.  Luis A. Pena went to check on [a noise] and found somebody rattling the french doors leading off a back porch area.  He pulled out a gun and fired a shot trying to scare off the intruder but the burglar didn't stop.  The young man went back to the kitchen where his mother and father were, both armed.  Police say Large continued to charge at the residents and the three of them all shot at the intruder when they saw him.

Gunman invades Dollar General, meets concealed carry permit holder.  Another story crosses our desk, courtesy of Rationality Rebooted.  I've gone through a few reports of this story and it's still not clear why Kevin Mclaughlin went into the Dollar General in Orrville, Alabama last week, but it certainly wasn't to find a good deal on tube socks.  He began shouting and waving a gun around, herding customers and an employee into a back room.  Things were looking bad, but that's when he ran into Marlo Ellis.

Home intruder found woman with pistol, police say.  [A] 31-year-old Glenville woman was alone when she heard someone trying to force their way inside Wednesday, so she grabbed a handgun that she trains with on a regular basis, Southwestern Regional police said.  She then called 911 and reported a burglary in progress, police said.  When the man eventually kicked in her front door and entered the home in the 7700 block of Glenville Road, the woman leveled the gun and told the intruder not to come any closer, police said.

Homeowner shoots, kills 2 men on Detroit's west side.  A 51-year-old Detroit man is being questioned regarding a shooting at his home that left two other men dead.  The shooting happened Tuesday morning on Dexter Street, which is near Livernois and the Lodge Freeway.  The homeowner shot the men as they tried to break into the home.  Police found them dead in the driveway.  Local 4 has learned that the same home was broken into last week.  The homeowner has cooperated with Detroit police.  It does not appear he will face charges.

Home invasion in Mercer County results in 2 shot.  A 20-year-old man accused of breaking into a North Dakota home and exchanging gunfire with one of the residents was charged Tuesday [4/1/2014] with attempted murder.

Homeowner kills intruder, two others arrested.  Police said three people forced their way into the home and began fighting with the homeowners.  One of the suspects was shot and killed at the scene.

Lawrence County resident shoots one of three armed men during home invasion.  A man shot one of three armed men who forcibly entered his Lawrence County home early Friday morning [3/28/2014], state police in New Castle said.  The 25-year-old male who lives in the North Beaver home was treated at a local hospital for cuts and abrasions following the 1:15 a.m. home invasion, police said.  He had been shot at by Richard Javens, 43, of New Castle, who was struck in the chest with a shotgun blast, police said.

Would-Be Robber Shot, Killed by Resident.  Police say two masked men with guns attempted to rob the residents of a home in the 2600 block of Shadyside Avenue just after 7 p.m.  A resident of the home got into a fight with one of the would-be robbers over his gun.  A struggle ensued, and the robber, identified as 26-year-old Dexter Manigault of northeast D.C. was shot.  He and a co-conspirator fled the scene in a getaway car, driven by a third suspect.

Prosecutors won't charge janitor, say he killed teens in self-defense.  Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm announced Wednesday that Jeremy Rossetto will not be charged in connection with the March 12 shooting death of two teens who were hitting him with a souvenir baseball bat.  The district attorney's office reviewed the police investigation, interviewed witnesses and viewed witness cellphone video before concluding that Rossetto shot the teens in self-defense.

Chance encounter with CHL holder saves Frisco woman from robber.  There is constant sound and motion at DART's Convention Center Station, and it's one of Kim Lanphere's regular stops.  "I use DART 30-to-40 times a week," she said.  "At most stations, I feel relatively safe, because there's light and people."  But as of Saturday, her feeling of safety is gone.  Dallas police say she passed 23-year-old Jamail Koroma on a sidewalk near the station.  "I felt him change his gait, and at the time I had by bag here," she said, motioning by her side, "and I put it on my shoulder, just to hold it safe."

Free advice:  Don't ever break in to a cop's house, or a former cop's house, or a wanna-be cop's house.
Off-duty HPD officer shoots, kills burglar.  A Houston Police Department officer was asleep in his north Harris County townhome this morning when three men broke in.  At least one was armed.  The officer, who was off-duty, used his service weapon to shoot the armed suspect.  The invader was pronounced dead later at a hospital nearby.  The other suspects fled.

Man saves mother's life by holding intruder at gunpoint.  Kenny Guffey said he was driving home from work around 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday when he called is 83-year-old mother, Christine Guffey.  "We were talking probably ten minutes and then all of the sudden her voice panicked and she said, 'What are you doing in my house, oh no, he's got a knife.  What are you doing with the knife?'" said Guffey.  Luckily, Guffey was only two minutes away from her Balsam Road home.  When he got there, he went inside with his gun drawn.

Suspect Shot by Homeowner During Burglary Attempt.  According to Sheriff Jeff Lawless, the homeowner who was startled by noises, retrieved a handgun and went towards the front door where he found the intruder coming toward him.  Lawless says the homeowner then fired his weapon striking the intruder twice.

Woman warns, kills man breaking into her home.  Police say the man tried to break into the house through a side window.  The homeowner, a 54-year-old woman, heard the man and went to another room to get a gun.  The woman warned the intruder she had a gun and was going to shoot him if he came into her home, but the man continued entering through the side window and the woman shot him in the chest.

Detroit homeowner shoots, kills invader; police seek 2nd suspect.  A Detroit homeowner shot at two intruders Thursday afternoon, killing one of them at the home in the 8200 block of Penrod Street on the city's west side, police say.  The homeowner, who was not injured, first heard glass shatter.  It was two robbers breaking in through a back window.  "One burglar partially inside of his house ... he went and retrieved his weapon and fired off a couple of shots, hitting the individual coming through his window," said Detroit police Deputy Chief Rodney Johnson.

Leicester homeowner shoots at break-in suspects.  Buncombe County deputies arrested two Asheville men in connection with a home invasion. [...] A Leicester homeowner who managed to grab a pistol as two men kicked in the door of his home Thursday opened fire on the intruders and may have hit one of them, Sheriff Van Duncan said.

Intruder shot by person inside a North Port home.  A man who broke into a home in North Port was shot to death by someone inside the home.  It happened just after midnight Saturday on Deming Avenue.  Police say the intruder managed to get inside the home and that's when he was shot by one of the occupants.

Detroit homeowner kills 1 intruder, wounds another.  Two men who broke into a southwest Detroit house early Saturday morning encountered an armed homeowner who opened fire, killing one of the intruders and wounding the other.  The incident is the second this week involving a homeowner who used a firearm to fend off intruders.

Burglary binge in Citrus, Hernando counties leaves one suspect dead.  Johnathan Braden crossed paths twice with armed residents during a string of burglaries Tuesday [1/21/2014], investigators say.  The first time, at a home on Flavian Road just south of the Citrus-Hernando line, Braden fled on foot with his accomplice.  Braden, 27, didn't survive the second encounter, three hours later and about a mile away.

Utah: Concealed Carry in Schools; Zero School Shootings. Coincidence?  There are many likely contributors to the fact that Utah has zero school-related shootings.  Utah is one of the states that has the least restrictions on second amendment rights in the nation.  It is one of the few that do not forbid concealed carry permit holders from carrying their personal defensive firearms in schools.  Utah has very little crime, with one of the lowest homicide rates in the country.

Police ID man killed during home invasion.  Phoenix police continued their investigation into what exactly led to the shooting of a man who broke into a home near 43rd Avenue and Bethany Home on Friday morning [1/17/2014].  A 77-year-old man who was in the home shot at the suspect with a shotgun about 3:19 a.m., said Sgt. Tommy Thompson of the Phoenix Police Department.  The man told police his house had been burglarized the day before, Thompson said.  The intruder, William Thomas Mackey, 30, died at the scene, Thompson said.

Resident Turns on Home Invaders with AK-47.  A home invasion in Florida took a strange turn after the resident went after the suspects with an AK-47.  According to NBC Miami6, one home invasion suspect was fatally shot and two others are on the run from authorities after a Davie, Florida resident fired his AK-47 at his attackers last Thursday [1/2/2014].

Police: Gun-carrying passerby 'did noble thing' halting Minneapolis store robbery.  Inside his neighborhood market, Mohamed S. Ahmed was screaming for help after a pair of armed robbers had left him bleeding.  Outside the northeast Minneapolis store, two men pounded on the window, trying to get back into the University Market after Ahmed managed to lock them out.  "They seemed really agitated, super agitated," said Matt Dosser, who was walking by about 9:30 p.m. Tuesday [12/17/2013].  At first, "nothing made sense, then I saw the gun."  Dosser, who has a permit to carry a gun, reached for his own weapon.

Man shot dead during Melbourne break-in, police say.  A man who allegedly broke into a Melbourne home was killed Sunday morning when the homeowner shot him, police said.  Jermaine Williams, 28, was shot around 2:13 a.m. at a home in the 1100 block of Mathers Street.  He was pronounced dead at Holmes Regional Medical Center.

Intruder shot and killed by homeowner.  An apparent intruder is dead after a possible home invasion led a homeowner to shoot him.

Charges expected against men shot at Monroe business.  According to Monroe police, a man told investigators two other men attacked him.  He said he fought back and fired shots.  One man was hit four times.  The other was struck once.

Niles man testifies about firing shot that killed intruder.  Roy Hahn, 41, told jurors Tuesday [12/10/2013] in Michael Burns' murder trial that he woke up from a "dead sleep" to hear "a loud crunching or cracking" coming from a side door being pried open. [...] He got up from his bed, walked to the kitchen and saw that "someome was prying the door open."  Moments later, he "looked out the window and saw someone or two people run to the front of the house, so I went back into my bedroom, I grabbed my shotgun, and I heard the front door being pried open, so I shot through the front door."

Police: Robber killed by clerk after exchange of gunfire.  A 25-year-old man who was trying to rob a store on the South Side, was shot and killed by the store's clerk.

Hampton: 76-year-old homeowner shoots suspected burglar hiding in closet.  The 76-year-old man will not be charged in connection to the shooting, police said.

Police: DeKalb homeowner shoots intruder.  "He called 911 from a cell phone as he observed people inside the home," Fore said.  "As he was on the phone with 911, the three suspects exited the rear of his home and ran toward him."  That is when the homeowner pulled out his gun and shot one of the suspects, police said.  The remaining two suspects fled on foot.

1 dead after Church's manager shoots robbery suspect in NW Harris County.  One suspect is dead after workers at a Church's Chicken restaurant fought off an attempted robbery Friday night [12/13/2013] in northwest Harris County, deputies said.

76-Year Old Burglary Victim Thwarts Theft.  On December 10th, 76-year old Leon Winder found a burglar hiding in his closet.  He opened fire and later told reporters, "I was firing on him and he couldn't say nothing."

Teen Playing 'Knockout Game' Shot Twice by Victim.  A teen playing the "Knockout Game" in Lansing, Michigan unwittingly targeted a concealed carry permit holder and was shot twice.  He survived and is now in jail.  As Breitbart News previously reported, the "Knockout Game" thrives in areas where victims are unarmed.

Man shoots his attacker to death.  When police arrived on the scene at 6702 Forest Drive they found the suspect dead.  Family members identified the suspect as Harvey Lee Ray Jr.  Witnesses on the scene and the intended victim told police Ray was beating on the victim's vehicle and eventually pulled him from it.

Armed intruder shot, killed by Sandstone, Minn., homeowner.  Police in Sandstone, Minn. confirmed a homeowner shot and killed an armed intruder around 2:30 a.m. on Thursday [11/14/2013].  Two men in their 20s apparently tried to rob the man's Pine County home, one of them armed with a handgun, Chief Deputy Steven Blackwell said.  The homeowner was asleep on the couch when he woke up to a man standing over him with a gun.  After spending nearly half an hour at gunpoint, the homeowner, who is in his 70s, was able to grab his own handgun and shoot the armed suspect at the scene.

Pine Co. Sheriff: Suspects Broke into Home Looking for Pain Killers, 1 Shot Dead.  23-year-old Gypsy Watt is dead, and a 16-year-old boy was arrested, then charged with burglary and assault on Friday.  A cancer patient is shaken up after the two broke into his Pine County farmhouse around 2:30 a.m. Thursday [11/14/2013].  Police say the men, who were just out of jail, when they broke into 75-year-old Charles Carlson's home, on Fox Road near Sandstone.  Both men have long criminal histories, and one had a gun.

Don't Mess With an Old (Armed) Man In Minnesota, two young, fit men thought they could easily victimize an elderly man with some physical limitations.  They thought wrong.  The erstwhile victim, Charles Carlson, was sleeping on his porch after two A.M., when he awoke to noises and ran into Gypsy Wayne in his kitchen.  Gypsy Wayne also had a teenage accomplice with him.

Gwinnett man uses gun to prevent carjacking.  A Grayson man thwarts a would-be carjacker by pulling his own gun on the suspect.  Tariq Bell and his 13-year-old daughter had just left a Snellville music store when a man tried to take his vehicle with Bell's daughter inside.  Snellville Police say the suspect, 40-year-old Ben Kline of Atlanta, and another man had just robbed a person at a nearby extended stay hotel.  Despite being detained by officers, Kline broke free and led police on a foot chase.

Husband and wife shoot intruder.  The couple and their 12 year old son were awakened at approximately 4 a.m. Wednesday when a man broke into their home located in the 5200 block of Oakdale Waterford Hwy.  According to the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department, the husband heard a noise and found the suspect standing inside the residence.  The husband and wife confronted the suspect after arming themselves with handguns and calling 911.

Small Georgia Town Forms Posse, Corners Armed Robbery Suspect.  For 60-year-old Ken Lowery the commotion began around 2:30 Thursday afternoon as he stepped inside Aden's convenience store and encountered the store clerk in distress. [...] Lowery, a retired corrections officer, ended up tracking the suspect down roughly 200 yards away from the store.  He fired a warning shot from his deer rifle and says the suspect stashed his gun and money, and hid in a nearby shed, where he was soon arrested by Dodge County sheriff's deputies.

Teen killed during robbery attempt in Catoosa County.  A Catoosa County Sheriff's Office has confirmed to Channel 3 that a teenager was the suspect that died Monday [11/11/2013] after he and another boy attempted to rob a 69-year-old at his residence.

PD: Robber shot several times by Phoenix homeowner.  A suspect was wounded as he tried to break into a north Phoenix home Friday afternoon [11/8/2013].

Good news for the Gonazage Seniors who defended themselves against home invader: No expulsion.  As you may have read earlier here, a pair of Gonzaga seniors were facing expulsion after they used a firearm to repel a home invader who was a six-time convicted felon.

Man Uses Gun to Chase Out Burglars.  A Green Bay man credits his handgun for keeping him safe in an attempted burglary overnight [10/16/2013]. [...] He said as soon as the burglars saw the gun, "they kind of hustled out".

Pastor pulls gun, stops robbery at Evansville business.  Pastor Carl Sanders says he only wanted to buy a Gatorade when he stopped at the store, Friday night.  When he got inside he witnessed a man trying to rob a store clerk with what appeared to be a gun wrapped in plastic.  "He was coming at me saying, 'get on the ground,'" said Sanders.  "But I couldn't see what he had...  That's when I pulled my weapon and say, 'No, you get on the ground.'"

Suspected Armed Robber Shot and Killed by Pharmacist.  The pharmacist initially retreated, but when he could retreat no longer, he pulled his own concealed weapon and shot and killed the masked gunman.

Resident Shoots At Home Invasion Suspects.  Authorities in Alabama and Florida are on the lookup for two home invasion suspects that fled after the resident opened fire at them Sunday afternoon [10/20/2013].

Guns save lives, not necessarily jobs.
Gas station clerk fired for pulling gun on knife-wielding robber.  A 29-year-old gas station clerk who thwarted a robbery by pulling out a handgun was fired for violating his company's 'no firearms' policy.  Shannon 'Bear' Cothran was working alone at a New Hampshire Shell outlet when he was threatened by a knife-wielding man demanding money about 3am yesterday.  When Cothran pulled out his Ruger LCP .380 handgun, the masked would-be thief fled the Nashua station and is on the run from police.

Gun-toting employee has no regrets.  For most of us, an encounter with a knife-wielding would-be robber would leave us anything but calm.  Shannon "Bear" Cothran, on the other hand, is utterly unperturbed.  Unperturbed and, alas, unemployed.

Gwinnett home invasion suspect shot by homeowner.  Around 11 a.m., the homeowner, whose name was not released, called 911 to report that two suspects were attempting to break into his home, according to Cpl. Jake Smith with Gwinnett police.  Moments later, while the homeowner was still on the phone with 911, one of the suspects forced his way into the home through a window, Smith said.  "The homeowner retrieved a handgun and fired at the suspect, striking him," Smith said in an emailed statement.  "Both suspects retreated to a black passenger car and fled the scene."

Police: Gunman shot during home invasion robbery.  [Scroll down]  Meantime, a man who had been in the kitchen when the gunmen burst in armed himself with a gun and ran out the front door, police said.  He soon returned through the front door and confronted one of the gunmen, shooting him multiple times, after which the gunman fell to the floor, police said.

Robbery suspect shot and killed by store owner, two suspects at large.  A spokesperson for the Beaumont Police Department has identified a robbery suspect who was shot and killed during an armed robbery in Beaumont's north end Tuesday evening [9/17/2013].

Vacaville resident shoots intruder.  Two would-be burglars got more than they bargained for Sunday morning — including a trip to the hospital for one — after the owner of the Vacaville home they allegedly broke into greeted them with a gun.  Around 8:20 a.m., Vacaville police dispatchers began receiving 911 calls reporting gunshots near the 100 block of Marna Drive, including a call from Jamie Aguirre, who said he had just shot an intruder in his home.  Aguirre, 38, "voluntarily disabled the weapon" and complied with officers as soon as they arrived, police said.

Man killed in shootout at burglary in Munhall.  As they turned down an alley and walked past a garage, Allegheny County police said, the men decided to sneak inside through a door panel.  Moments later, one of them, Andrew E. Stevens, 23, raised a handgun and shot at the garage's owner, police said, and was killed by the owner's return fire.

Retired federal agent shoots armed robber outside Harris County home.  An armed robber ended up in the emergency room late Sunday after he tried to hold up a retired federal agent outside his brother-in-law's northwest Harris County home, constables said.

Drive through owner shoots robbery suspect.  Two white males entered the 3rd Base Drive Thru, 3535 Linden Ave., this evening [9/15/2013] and approached the clerk attempting to rob the store.  At least one of the men was thought to display a handgun, police said.  The owner of the store, who was in the back of the drive through, came out with his own gun and shot at the suspects.

Homeowner shoots burglar in North Austin.  Austin Police say 2 suspects attempted to break into the house in broad daylight around lunchtime [9/15/2013].  Unfortunately for them, the homeowner was home and shot one of them.

Missoula homeowner shoots early morning intruder.  Defending his home from an intruder, a 77-year-old Missoula homeowner shot a man in the torso early Sunday morning [9/15/2013].

Resident shoots suspected burglar in northeast Houston.  A homeowner fought back when a suspect allegedly broke into his northeast Houston home early this morning [9/13/2013], opening fire on the intruder.

Suspect Fatally Shot In Accomack Co. Home Invasion.  One suspect was reportedly shot and killed by the homeowner.  A female suspect was wounded Another female suspect remains in the hospital recovering from wounds sustained during the alleged attempted robbery.  Two more suspects are still at-large.

Lake Mary homeowner shoots at would-be burglars.  A couple of accused burglars got more than they bargained for Wednesday morning [8/28/2013], when Lake Mary police said they tried to break into a man's house on Webster Street. [...] "I heard a crash, and glass breaking, a tremendous crash," said homeowner John Davies. [...] "I'm just sorry if I missed."

Roanoke Police: Resident Shoots & Kills Intruder, No Charges Filed.  Officers responded to a home on Ferncliff Avenue a little before midnight.  They say it appears someone was trying to break into the home and was shot by a person inside.  The suspect was found near the home and pronounced dead at the hospital.

Homeowner holds burglar at gunpoint; Additional suspects arrested in Tyler.  The homeowner said he then heard something in the back of the house, and realized what was happening.  He told KETK that he immediately grabbed his shotgun, and several of the burglars got into an SUV and left.  "The burglars were in different vehicles," Moore said.  "Four of them left the scene in a Chevrolet Tahoe, but one of them was in a different vehicle and was detained at gunpoint by the homeowner."  "My shotgun wasn't loaded, but he didn't know that," the homeowner said.

Robbery suspect shot by clerk in north Charlotte.  A 21-year-old man killed by a north Charlotte convenience store employee Thursday night [8/29/2013] is the second alleged robber shot to death at the store in the past six years.

Robber shot dead in home invasion.  A would-be robber was fatally shot Wednesday [8/28/2013] and an accomplice was hospitalized after a homeowner returned gunfire during a home invasion on Marsh Market Road in northwestern Accomack County.  It was the second time in the area this year in which the victim of a home-invasion robbery fired a shot at an armed intruder.

Man, 73, shoots and wounds burglary suspect at his Oakland Park home.  A 73-year-old Oakland Park man stood his ground Wednesday and now a burglary suspect is in the hospital recovering from several gunshot wounds, the Broward Sheriff's Office said. [...] A neighbor heard the glass shatter, came outside, saw the suspect putting stolen property in the car and she called 911 to give operators a description and tag number, Jachles said.  After loading up the car, the burglar attacked the woman to get her phone and that's when the 73-year-old man fired shots at the intruder, wounding him several times, he said.

Sometimes cops do their best work when they're off duty.
Off-duty Detroit cop shoots carjacking suspect in Southfield.  An early morning fatal shooting apparently occurred Monday [8/26/2013] when teenagers attempted to carjack a vehicle from an off-duty Detroit police officer.

Helena Police: Liquor Store Owners Shoots Robber.  Helena [Georgia] police say a liquor store owner shot a man who was trying to rob her store.

'Point 'em out, knock 'em out': Brutal game ends when assault victim fires his concealed handgun.  The game was called "point 'em out, knock 'em out," and it was as random as it was brutal.  The object:  Target an innocent victim for no other reason than they are there, then sucker punch him or her.  But on this day in Lansing, there would be no punch.  The teen-age attacker had a stun gun.  He did not know his would-be victim was carrying a legally concealed pistol.

Would-be robber shot, killed by Domino's pizza driver.  Investigators said Byron Park, a Domino's employee, had just delivered a pizza to one of the rooms at the Days Inn off US-192 near Interstate 95.  Park, 54, went back to his car, sat down and starting counting his money and tip, waiting for his next call for a delivery.  That's when investigators said 32-year-old Fredrick Kelly Jr. approached him with a knife, demanding money and threatening to kill him.  Park pulled out his firearm and fired once toward Kelly, who was struck and pronounced dead at the scene.

Iowa husband shoots, kills escaped inmate who held him, wife hostage.  An Iowa man shot and killed an escaped inmate on Tuesday [8/20/2013] after the convict held him and his wife hostage in their home, investigators said.

Arrest made in Land O' Lakes home invasion shooting.  Detectives say [18-year-old Ryan] Mills and another man busted into a Land O' Lakes home brandishing a fake gun.  Turns out, someone in that home had a real gun and opened fire on the two men, shooting them both.

Citizen pulls gun, nabs suspect in Mount Pleasant [South Carolina] gas-station holdup.  A citizen pulled a gun and nabbed one of two men who held up a Mount Pleasant gas station Wednesday night [6/26/2013], according to police.

Two suspects shot after possible Land O' lakes home invasion.  Pasco Sheriff's deputies are currently investigating a shooting that may be the result of a foiled home invasion and robbery attempt.

The deceased perp brought a knife to a gun fight.
Rifle-toting woman shoots, kills man outside gas station.  Homicide investigators with HPD said a woman who shot and killed a man in a gas station parking lot may have feared for her life.

NJ robber threatened to kill store owner's family, robber shot dead by owner.  An armed man walked into a Newark, New Jersey "cash-for-gold" jewelry store Monday afternoon and demanded the store owner fill his backpack with money and gold, only after threatening to kill the man's family if he did not comply, the store owner told police.  According to a local news report, the store owner filled the suspect's backpack, but also fatally shot him once during the course of the robbery.

Accused Burglar Shot by Homeowner Dies.  Deputies say 20-year-old Rashawn Calvin tried to break into a house Saturday night [6/1/2013] on Jonesy in Southeast Shelby County.  Once inside, the homeowner shot him several times, including once in the head.

Judge praises boy who shot mother's attacker.  The State Coroner has today praised a 12-year-old boy for shooting dead a convicted criminal who was attacking his mother in their Coburg home.

Man fatally shoots 2 intruders after home invasion in North Houston.  Police say three men broke into an apartment, demanded money and showed a gun, but what they didn't know is the resident also had a gun and ended up shooting two of them to death.

Home Invasion Shooting Investigation.  At 1 a.m. Friday [6/28/2013], two men kicked in the side door of a home in the 3600-block of Fay Street, just north of Mastin Lake Road.  They were armed with a shotgun.  But the homeowner was also armed.

Cops: Man shot 2 teens who broke into house.  Two teenagers were hospitalized and a third arrested after the three allegedly tried to burglarize a Lithonia-area home Monday afternoon [8/5/2013], DeKalb County police said.  A resident fired multiple shots, striking two of the suspects.

Husband shoots [and kills] armed bank robber.  A Texas man dramatically turned the tables on two bank robbery suspects who had abducted him and his wife on Thursday [8/1/2013], by pulling a gun on the duo and shooting them both, killing one.

Homeowner shoots alleged burglar.  When deputies arrived they found one male suffering from a gun shot wound.

Some of Trayvon Martin's Tweets That Stand Out (Language Warning).  Martin is not the angel he's being portrayed as in the press.  Pointing this out isn't a "smear campaign;" it's journalism.  Towards that end, Trayvon Martin's Twitter account, which was deleted after his death, no doubt because it made him look perfectly awful, has now surfaced.

Deputies say neighbor shot after barging into home.  A man with unclear intentions spent his Saturday [8/10/2013] in the hospital after getting shot by his neighbor who believed he was an intruder.  Mike, who doesn't want his last name used, is grateful he knows how to use a gun.

Teen fatally shot while trying to rob another man, Mobile police say.  The 17-year-old killed in an early morning shooting on July 30 appears to have been attempting to rob another person when he was shot, said a Mobile Police Department spokeswoman.

Home invasion shooting in North Tulsa.  A woman and her boyfriend are grateful to be alive after an armed man is caught red-handed invading their home and stealing their stuff.

Woman Fires at Burglary Suspect.  Detectives say the woman pulled out a gun and shot toward the suspect while he was trying to get into her mobile home.  Detectives say the man ended up running from the scene and remains on the loose.

Kennedy Jewelry reopens after attempted robbery and gun fight.  Police said the suspects attempted to rob the business at gunpoint but were met by a worker with a gun himself.

Homeowner shoots 1 suspect in Tuskegee robbery case.  A shooting and robbery investigation is underway in Tuskegee.  Police say a homeowner opened fire on two men who were allegedly trying to steal items from the man's home.

Police say man who shot dogs was defending himself.  A resident of the 1400 block of Sharon Street on the city's near-east side reportedly shot two of his neighbor's dogs, killing one and wounding the other, around 7:50 p.m. Saturday [7/27/2013].  Police said in a Sunday news release that the two "pit bull type" dogs were charging at the man, who felt threatened.

Indiana homeowner shoots, kills suspect during 'peculiar' home invasion .  The incident occurred about 3 a.m. [7/24/2013] when the suspect, Joshua Renick, apparently kicked in the door of Chad Heugel's Indianapolis home.  Police were called about the same time when neighbors heard several gunshots. [...] Court records showed that Renick had an extensive criminal history that encompassed at least four states and included criminal confinement, resisting law enforcement and armed robbery.

Police: Resident Shoots Armed Suspect in Burglary.  Prince William County Police identified a suspect in the burglary after he sought treatment for a gunshot wound at a D.C. hospital.

Hamtramck jewelry store owner shoots, kills would-be robber.  A jewelry store owner shot at three armed robbery suspects Thursday [8/1/2013], killing one of them.

Police say man shot and killed masked man in his driveway during attack.  According to the police, the homeowner and a woman were leaving the house and were getting into the homeowner's car when they were approached by two men wearing masks.  One of the men had a handgun and used it to pistol-whip the homeowner and then attempted to pull him from the vehicle.  The homeowner managed to retrieve a gun from the car and shot the suspect several times.

Police: Would-be Waffle House bandit shot by customer.  A would-be robber was shot early Monday [7/29/2013] when he tried to hold up a south Fulton County Waffle House, police said.

Don't Bring A Bat To A Gun Store: Man's Robbery Attempt Fails Miserably.  An Oregon man learned the hard way yesterday that a bat is probably not the best tool for robbing a gun store.  22-year-old Derrick Mosley reportedly attempted to rob Discount Gun Sales in Beaverton, Ore., on Thursday [7/25/2013].  Wielding a baseball bat, Mosley strolled into the store and smashed a display case.  But, according to police, upon attempting to steal a gun from the smashed case, he learned that gun beats bat.

Robber Blunders and is then shot.  La'Tay McKelley [...] has been charged with attempted murder and armed robbery of Cortez Coins in Ellenton, Florida.  La'Tay, according to surveillance photos and the shop owner, attempted to rob the store and shoot the owner.  He pulled the trigger at least three times.  When the pistol failed to fire, he pistol whipped the owner before the owner shot La'Tay.  Fortunately, La'Tay has either not had instruction in proper pistolcraft or did not pay attention when instructed.

One robber shot fatally, another wounded.  The fatal shooting of one robbery suspect and wounding of another at 10401 Jensen Drive about 10:15 a.m. on Thursday (July 11) will be referred to a Harris County grand jury.  One male suspect was pronounced dead at the scene.

Homeowner opens fire on suspects running from police in southwest Houston.  Residents fed up with crime helped police nab a suspect who ran through their neighborhood while trying to get away from police.  The young man was taken into custody early Wednesday [7/10/2013] following a chase in southwest Houston.  The search for his three accomplices continues.

Homeowner Holds Thieves At Gunpoint.  The hot weather prompted the Davis family to cookout Sunday, July 7th.  But the cookout ended when their dog Scooby started barking toward their backyard.  "When I came around the corner there was a vehicle parked right out here in our alley, and I hadn't noticed at first but there was a guy completely under the hood of my husbands truck," said Jaynessa Davis, homeowner.  Two men [...] were rummaging under the hood of their truck.

Doggy-door burglary suspect arrested after shots fired in Lake County.  The resident, whose identity wasn't released, said at about 6:15 a.m., the occupants of the house heard what sounded like someone trying to break into the house through the doggy door.  The man armed himself and went to investigate the noise, Lt. Steve Brooks said.  He saw a man crawling through the dog door with what appeared to be a black handgun in his hand.  When the suspect started to lift the gun toward the victim, he fired twice at him, Brooks said.  The man immediately backed out of the dog door and ran away.

Four arrested, fifth suspect shot after home invasion in Wilmington.  Police say the suspects broke into a home at 1901 Colwell Ave. just after midnight.  Callers told dispatch they heard a gunshot go off inside the home.  When officers arrived they found a shotgun and blood on the floor.  Investigators say during the invasion one of the victims shot [Jamar Hakeen] Gordon.  No charges are being filed against the resident.

One arrested after man shoots at intruders; police searching for suspect who may be wounded.  According to police, the son entered the house and found two men inside.  They apparently had entered through the window.  The man told police one of the intruders confronted him with a knife, so he fired at least two shots at the suspects from inside his house.

Customer shoots, kills robber outside Atlanta shop.  Police say an armed man trying to rob customers outside an Atlanta shoe store was fatally shot by one of the patrons waiting in line to buy sneakers.

Dog-provoked bear attack in NW Wisconsin.  A man is recovering at a Twin Cities hospital after he was attacked by a black bear Monday night [6/17/2013] near Shell Lake in northwestern Wisconsin.  According to the Wisconsin DNR, the bear attack was provoked by the man's dog.  The victim's brother, who was inside the family's cabin, stepped out and shot the bear.

Police: Hudson Falls man shot dead in Vermont after stabbing pregnant ex-girlfriend.  Vermont State Police said Aaron Allen, 28, of Hudson Falls, died after being shot by Michael White, 24. [...] "He came to kill her, and who knows, they all could have been dead if Mikey hadn't stopped him," Debbie White said Monday afternoon [6/17/2013].

Homeowner shoots intruder, police say.  A San Bernardino homeowner alerted to an intruder by his daughter shot and wounded the burglar after he tried to attack the homeowner late Saturday, June 15, police say.

Business Owner Pulls Own Gun, Kills Robber In Newark.  The suspect announced a robbery, and ordered the owner to fill the backpack with money and gold.  The suspect said he would shoot the owner's family members if the owner did not comply, authorities said.  But the owner fought back.  He pulled his own gun, and shot the suspect.

Sheriff: Man interrupts, shoots at burglars.  A man came home to find two men breaking into his home on Dole Road, and the Sheriff's office says he fired a pistol at the men.

ATF agent shoots, wounds burglary suspect while defending Spring home.  A federal agent shot and wounded a burglary suspect while defending his north Harris County home on Sunday morning [6/16/2013], deputies said.

Homeowner Shoots at Suspects in Home Invasion.  Investigators said the incident occurred shortly before 9:30 p.m. with the homeowner shooting multiple times at two black male suspects.

Grandmother, 72, fends off burglar with a single shot from .357 magnum handgun.  A burglar came in for the shock of his life when he burglarized the house of a 72-year-old grandmother and her disabled World War II veteran husband.  The elderly lady turned Dirty Harry as she defended her home in Orange County, California, and her wheel-chair-bound husband — scaring off the 31-year-old assailant by firing a single shot from her .357magnum revolver as he tried to break through the front door.

No charges filed against man who shot, killed intruder in home.  Authorities will not file criminal charges against a man who shot and killed an intruder in his home last month.  Orangeburg County Sheriff Leroy Ravenell says the death of 21-year-old DeShawn Randolph has been classified as self-defense under the state's 'stand your ground' law.

Medford gun firing incident highlights law enforcement double standard.  "[Corey] Thompson was charged with Unlawful Use of a Weapon, Menacing and Reckless Endangering," the report states, after he allegedly fired one round from an AR-15 personal defense rifle into the ground because, he claims, wanted felon Jonathon Kinsella "was trying to break in through his back door."  [Note:  The Medford Police Department Media Release spells their first names "Cory" and "Jonathan."]  Police say the shot was unwarranted, because "the suspect was walking away."

Homeowner and intruder exchange gunfire.  According to police, a Fort Stewart soldier, living at the Colonial Park Condos, 1100 Pineland Ave., was upstairs with his wife shortly after midnight when he heard someone enter his residence.  He then went downstairs and confronted the intruder with a firearm.  The two men exchanged gunfire.

Home Invasion Suspect Shot.  A home invasion suspect is in critical condition after getting shot in S.E. Shelby County.  Shelby County Deputies were called to the scene in the 4400 block of Jonsey just before 9:00 p.m. Saturday night.  When they arrived they found a male with multiple gunshot wounds.

Homeowner fires handgun to stop alleged burglars.  A homeowner fired his handgun into the ground three times to stop three men from stealing his appliances, according to the Kern County Sheriff's Office.

Brooklyn Boy, 10, Grabs Gun from Armed Home Invaders, Fires Shot: Police.  A 10-year-old boy fought back against two robbers who tried to break into his family's home in Brooklyn Monday, grabbing a gun dropped by one of the suspects and firing a shot that scared them off, police said.

Warner Robins Homeowner Shoots, Kills Alleged Intruder Early Sunday Morning.  Ronald Lewis Burnett, 36, was found by officers unconscious and lying on the ground outside the house at 205 Thomas Boulevard.  He was taken to the Houston Medical Center and pronounced dead, having sustained an apparent gunshot to the chest.  Officers were told that Burnett tried to break into the house and was shot by 32-year-old homeowner, Travis Lucas.

Gun owner stops home invaders dead.  When a group of black men were planning a home-invasion robbery in Fayetteville, N.C., on Friday [4/12/2013], they stuck to an M.O. that had succeeded all over the country, but made one fatal error:  They chose the wrong home.  The residents of the targeted house were home at the time and armed.  After what local authorities report as a "gun battle," two of alleged robbers died.

LA Homeowner Says His 'Large Gun' Helped Thwart Attempted Burglary.  A homeowner in the Wilshire-Crest area of Los Angeles credits his quick thinking — and his "large gun" — for helping him stave off three apparent burglars.

Washington Jewelry Store Owner Wins Gunfight With Armed Robber, Sends Him Fleeing.  An armed man entered a jewelry store in Kent, Washington and attempted to rob it.  At some point during a confrontation with the store owner, gunfire erupted.  Once the would be robber was met with armed resistance, he fled the store.

Pipe, club and finally gun needed to stop savage pit bull attack on woman in Detroit.  Numerous people attempted to stop the relentlessly violent mauling of a woman by two pit bulls on Charles in Detroit late Tuesday afternoon [4/16/2013].  They used a pipe, vehicle steering-column auto-theft device, and finally, a gun.

Robber shot dead by would-be victim outside Ft. Worth store.  A would-be robber was shot dead by a person with a concealed handgun license outside a Metro PCS store in the 7400 block of Wichita St. in Ft. Worth on Tuesday afternoon.  Investigators say Desmond Paige, 20, tried to rob a man using Craigslist.  The would-be victim brought his gun to the sale just in case.  The man with the CHL was shot in the arm and the hand by the robber, but Paige was shot multiple times in the chest.

Homeowner uses Shotgun to stop Burglars.  An Omaha resident who found an intruder in his garage early Saturday offered some words of wisdom to the young man as they waited for police to arrive.  Rob Wegman, who lives near 212th Street and West Maple Road, said he told the man that if he wanted nice things, he should get a job. [...] Wegman said he held a 12-gauge shotgun on the intruder in a detached garage behind his home while his wife called police.

Heath Resident Fires Shot, Chases Off Would-Be Burglar.  Police say a man in Heath [Ohio] fired a weapon at a would-be burglar on Thursday morning [4/11/2013].  The break-in occurred after 4 a.m. Thursday on the 900 block of Northbrook Court.  The resident said he was awoken by his dog and spotted a person with a flashlight in his home.

Police: Home intruder shot, killed at Charlotte apartment.  Police said they are investigating after a home intruder was shot and killed while trying to force his way into a Charlotte apartment. [...] Charlotte-Mecklenburg homicide investigators said the intruder was shot after struggling over a weapon with the man who lived there.

Robber Shot, Victim Wounded.  Two men were shot, including the suspect, during a botched robbery attempt of a Marrero [Louisiana] sandwich shop Saturday night, the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office said.

Report: Homeowner shoots, hits tire; burglary suspects flee, found later.  After they allegedly drove toward him, a homeowner shot at a Ford Taurus carrying three burglary suspects leaving his Melton Hill Drive property Saturday, authorities said.  He hit a tire.  But the trio was able to escape in the black car — at least temporarily, authorities said.

Oklahoma teens killed in Texas shooting; armed homeowner praised.  Authorities were investigating an attempted robbery scene in north Texas on Thursday where two Oklahoma teenagers were found fatally shot — possibly by self-inflicted gunshots — and the local sheriff praised the armed homeowner who fired on the suspected intruders.

Pennsylvania Music Store Owner Shoots, Kills Intruder .  "He wanted to look at guitars.  He didn't ask for any money," the 72-year-old said Saturday evening, after being treated for injuries and released from UPMC Mercy hospital.  And then, seemingly unprovoked, Mr. Moore pounced, clubbing her on the head.  Just as suddenly, police said, Mr. Moore was dead, shot and killed by Mrs. Armen's husband, Alfred, 73, after a brief but violent struggle inside their store late Saturday morning [4/27/2013].

Law enforcement investigates third shooting in a day.  The Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department tells Action 7 News they were called to a home on Southfort around midnight Wednesday.  There, they say, a man had broken into a home.  The homeowner allegedly shot the intruder, taking him down.

Iraq War vet thwarts break-in at Michigan gas station.  Police say an Iraq War veteran thwarted two would-be burglars at his northern Michigan gas station by kicking one of them and ordering them away with an AR-15 rifle.

Attempted robbery ends with victim shooting suspect, police say; suspects in court.  Two of the three suspects arrested in connection with an attempted robbery that ended with one of the suspects getting shot, made their initial appearances in Yuma Justice Court on Tuesday afternoon [4/30/2013].

Attempted Robbery Lands Two Suspects In Jail And A Third In The Hospital.  The victim of the robbery stated that two male subjects had approached him as he stood in front of his trailer and demanded his money.  The victim stated that one of the subjects had been armed with a handgun.  The victim had also been armed with a legally concealed handgun, and upon being threatened, the victim and the suspect exchanged gunfire.

Intruder Dials 911 Because He Fears Homeowner May Have a Gun!  [T]he intruder, Timothy James Chapek, became so frightened of Mackenzie that he called 911.  You can hear her in the background of his call, with her two German Shepherds barking, when Chapek exclaimed, "I just broke in to a house and the owners came home... I think they might have guns."

80 Year Old With Gun Manages To Fight Off 5 Armed Robbers.  What would have happened to the man had he not had a gun?

Intruder killed while breaking into Colorado prosecutor's home.  An intruder who forced his way into the mountain home of a Colorado deputy district attorney was shot dead by either the prosecutor or her police officer husband, authorities said on Tuesday [4/2/2013].

Cocky Burglar Has Gun Put To His Head By Naked Man.  Clinton Keller was one cocky burglar.  Not only did he break into an occupied home in the middle of the night, he made multiple trips in and out of the house.  It seems he was stockpiling the items he was most interested in on the front lawn.  Unfortunately for Keller, he made a little bit too much noise entering the master bedroom and woke up Eric Martin, who was in bed with his wife.

Police: Would-be burglar shot dead by homeowner.  Police said the homeowner shot the suspect when he saw him attempting to break into his home.

Home invasion victim shoots, kills one.  A 63-year-old Philadelphia man shot and killed one of two men who broke into his home early Sunday morning [3/31/2013] after they climbed into the residence through a second-floor window and fought him, police said.

Woman, 22, fends off attacker with handgun.  An man who police said grabbed a 22-year-old woman by her hair and assaulted her Sunday night [3/31/2013] got quite a surprise when she pulled out her handgun to defend herself.  Police said the suspect ran away when he saw the gun.  The woman was not seriously hurt.

Exeter homeowner holds burglar at gunpoint, police say.  A Pennside man broke through the front door of an Exeter Township home early Sunday [3/31/2013] only to find himself facing the barrel of a shotgun, township police said.  Officers arrived at the home in the 500 block of Church Lane Road and found would-be burglar Alexander D. Diaz-Cruz on the floor being held at gunpoint by homeowner Martin Zellers, police said.

Marine with concealed carry permit stops man from beating woman.  A Wisconsin Marine Corps veteran used a concealed weapon to stop a man on the street from nearly kicking his ex-girlfriend to death on Tuesday [3/12/2013].

Concealed carry permit holder saves Police Officer.  Permit holder saves a police officer from what would certainly be serious injury if not worse.

Covington woman shoots at armed burglar in her home.  A Covington woman who awoke to find an armed man in the doorway to her bedroom was able to frighten him by screaming and then fired several shots at him as he fled, according to the St. Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office.

No arrests planned in fatal shooting Monday, says Sumner County sheriff.  Sumner County law enforcement authorities said they finished their investigation of a fatal shooting Monday night [3/4/2013] in which a 41-year-old man from Iowa was shot by a farmer.

Miami police: Would-be robber is shot by victim, dies.  An attempted robbery backfired when the victim fatally shot his attacker Tuesday night [3/5/2013] in northwest Miami, police said.

Intruder Shot By Homeowner In District Heights.  According to Cpl. McKinney, a preliminary investigation indicates the injured man was banging loudly on an apartment door.  The homeowner, armed with a handgun, opened the door to investigate.  That's when the man forced his way into the apartment.  In response, the homeowner shot the intruder who then attempted to take refuge in another apartment where he was later found by police.

Robbery suspect shot and killed by Dollar General Store manager.  According to the Knoxville Police Department, an armed robber went into the Dollar General Store on Asheville Highway and the robber demanded money from the store's safe.  The store manager complied.  The shooting occurred seconds later outside the store.

Burglary suspect shot, arrested seeking medical help.  Texarkana, Texas Police say a man who forced his way into a house with an armed guest was later arrested after seeking medical attention for his gunshot wound.  The incident happened about 10:30 p.m. Sunday at a residence in the 2000 block of Wood Street, where police say the homeowner told them about how two masked males had forcefully entered her home and ordered everyone to lie on the floor.  Both intruders appeared to be armed with handguns.

Son, 21, 'saved mother and father's life' after shooting home invader.  A 21-year-old son shot dead an intruder to protect his parents when three men stormed their suburban home on Thursday night [2/21/2013].  The residents, who are from Eastern Europe, were enjoying some family time together and baking a cake when they heard a knock on the door at around 8pm.

Family fights back when 3 gunmen storm their home; one intruder shot.  A 21-year-old man sprang into action to protect his family Thursday night [2/21/2013] when three suspects barged into their northwest Harris County home.

Man Shoots and Kills Two Home Invaders: National Media Silent.  In yet another example of self defence using a firearm, a man used a gun to defend himself, and his toddler son from home invaders.  Yet, the national media chose to take a pass on covering it.

Would-Be Robber Shot Multiple Times at Metro PCS Store.  The day after a takeover robbery at a Metro PCS store on Folsom Boulevard that left the suspect dead, the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department has no one in custody and may never. [...] The suspect's name hasn't been released at this point, but FOX40 has learned he's a 30-year-old parolee with an extensive criminal record.

Dad says he killed intruders while defending his home.  The man said he and his two-year-old son were sleeping when he heard a loud crash inside his home off Route 460 early Sunday morning [2/17/2013].  The man said he grabbed a handgun and left his room to investigate.  Soon he found three men inside his home.

Security guard fights back!  An armed couple who stormed a business in Michigan wielding guns were forced to flee when a member of staff pulled out a semi-automatic rifle.  According to police, the pair entered the tax preparation business brandishing their firearms but little did they know the security guard was carrying an AR-15.  After sudden panic, the guard ran at the attackers and let off two shots resulting in the terrified duo running out of the premises before they could harm anyone.

Why do civilians need assault weapons?  In Harris County, Texas, a fifteen-year-old boy was home alone with his twelve-year-old sister when two burglars broke into the house.  The young boy got his father's assault rifle and shot one of the burglars.  The boy and his sister were unharmed, and the burglars were apprehended.  Assault rifles can take lives, but as shown in this case, they can also save lives.

Utah Resident Forced to Forfeit Gun Used to Stop Home Invasion.  In late January, 64-year old Clare Niederhauser was arrested for shooting at burglars fleeing from his property.  At a plea deal hearing, he apologized for firing the shots, agreed to pay a $700 fine, take a weapons class, and forfeit the weapon he used.  Fellow residents of Layton, UT are coming to the aid of the elderly man, who was arrested after firing a shot at a burglar's vehicle and a fleeing accomplice after they attempted to break in to his property with a crowbar.

Related page:  Please refrain from defending your own life and property.

Homeowner shoots, wounds would-be burglar.  Police arrested a 39-year-old man Monday night [2/4/2013] after a homeowner shot and wounded him while he was trying to break into a house in north Houston, officials said.

Suspect shot, killed in west Vegas break-in.  Police said one of three men believed to have broken into a west Las Vegas home was killed after a homeowner opened fire at the group.

Police release name of suspect shot in Garrard County burglary.  They say they came home and found a burglar inside.  But a central Kentucky couple turned the tables on the intruder, and police say the husband shot him.

Utah store owner pulls gun to foil knife-wielding robber.  A knife-wielding, would-be bandit got an unpleasant surprise Monday when he tried to hold up a South Salt Lake convenience store and found himself facing a gun.

Serial burglar shot by homeowner.  Police say a serial burglar, who has been arrested 37 times, was shot by a homeowner in northwest Albuquerque Sunday morning [3/18/2012].

Why You Never Bring a Brick to a Gun Fight.  [Scroll down]  Good on that Good Samaritan neighbor.  Had he not intervened, who knows how badly the woman would have been hurt.  And had he intervened and not had a gun, there's no telling how much more damage the bad guy would have done to him with that brick.

Burglar Rolls Snake-Eyes in Vegas.  KLAS-TV in Las Vegas reports that in the early morning hours of Tuesday [2/5/2013] a man in his seventies shot and killed an armed intruder who had just broken into the man's home along with a couple of armed partners-in-crime.  After dialing 9-1-1 and alerting police to the home invasion, the man shot and killed one of the intruders.

Suspect Shot and Killed in Attempted Home Invasion in Fairborn, Ohio.  Well, shouldn't this be flooding the news channels, considering everything else?

Armed guard disarms shooter at Georgia middle school.  An armed guard at a Georgia middle school disarmed a student who had opened fire, wounding one person. [...] The guard will be disappeared from the story because his actions don't fit the narrative.  It will be forgotten how many lives he may have saved, and how his presence proved the efficacy of hiring armed security for our schools.

Armed Guard Stops Shooter.  While DHS seeks 7,000 semiautomatic guns with 30-round clips for self-defense, it makes a video saying you should use scissors to overpower armed predators.  Luckily, a school guard in Atlanta thought differently.

Martin Luther King Jr. High School coach shoots attackers.  Police sources tell 7 Action News that a women's basketball coach from Martin Luther King, Jr. Senior High School shot two men who attacked him as he was walking two basketball players to their cars in the school parking lot.  Police sources say the coach was walking the two girls to their cars when two men allegedly approached and one pulled out a gun and grabbed him by his chain necklace.  The coach then pulled out his gun and shot both of them, according to sources.  The man who shot the attackers was 70 years old, according to police.

The Editor says...
The streets and schools named after Martin Luther King are often the most dangerous places in town.  Use your favorite search engine to find "Martin Luther King Boulevard after dark."

Urban streets named for MLK still struggle.  A walk down the 6-mile city street named for the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. yields plenty of images that would surely unsettle the civil rights leader:  shuttered storefronts, open-air drug markets and a glut of pawn shops, quickie check-cashing providers and liquor stores.

Armed veteran in wheelchair thwarts home invasion.  Authorities say a U.S. Army veteran who uses a wheelchair wielded a pistol to run off a man who broke into his home near Athens [Georgia].

Home Intruders Decide Not to Stick Around After Seeing Their 'Victim' Holding an AR-15.
No Shots Fired.  "By the time I had it out and ready, one of the men came at my door, slowly opened it, saw that there was a barrel on the other side and from there backed out," Raymond recalled.  After seeing the barrel of an AR-15 staring them in the face, the two men fled from the apartment.  No shots were fired and no one was injured.  In fact, the rifle wasn't even loaded at the time of the incident, Raymond said.

D.C. man who shot dogs biting boy could face charges.  The incident unfolded Sunday afternoon [1/20/2013], after three pit bulls attacked an 11-year-old boy as he rode his bicycle through the Brightwood neighborhood of Northwest, according to a police report.  When the man, a neighbor, saw the boy being mauled by the dogs, he went inside his home and got a gun.  The man killed one of the dogs.  The gunfire attracted the attention of a police officer in the area near Eighth and Sheridan streets, where the attack occurred.  The officer responded and shot the other two pit bulls as they continued to attack the boy.

Georgia College Student Saves Himself, Ten Friends By Shooting At Masked Attackers, Killing One.  But no, he shouldn't have had an "evil gun"...

College Student Shoots, Kills Home Invader.  A group of college students said they are lucky to be alive and they're thanking the quick-thinking of one of their own.  Police said a fellow student shot and killed one of two masked me who burst into an apartment.  Channel 2 Action News reporter Tom Jones met with one of the students to talk about the incident.  "Apparently, his intent was to rape and murder us all," said student Charles Bailey.

Grandma With Gun Halts Store Robbery.  A gun-carrying grandmother in Milwaukee foiled an attempted robbery when she pulled a firearm on the suspect as he grabbed for her grocery store cash register.  Ernestine Aldana, 48, was behind the counter at the San Ignacio Market when a man in a dark hat pulled a knife on her and attempted to rob the store register, police said.

CBS Actually Covers Gun Self-Defense Case Promoted By NRA; ABC, NBC Punt.  On Friday's [1/11/2013] CBS This Morning, Bill Plante refreshingly spotlighted how firearms are used to protect the lives of ordinary Americans.  Plante noted how the National Rifle Association "Tweeted a story... about Melinda Herman, a Georgia woman who shot an intruder in self-defense as she waited with her two children in a closet....  She fired at the man multiple times with a .38 caliber handgun."  The two other Big Three morning shows failed to mention this story during their coverage of the current gun control debate.

School Shooting in Tennessee That National Media Did Not Report.  I am sure that no one outside of our immediate region has ever heard the story, because the only person who was shot — and killed — was the gunman.  These types of stories don't fit the narrative of those who want "gun-free zones" and so are ignored by the national media.

Never bring a cattle prod to a gun fight.
Police: Fla. clerk's gun beats thief's cattle prod.  Authorities say a Florida Panhandle man has been arrested after he tried to rob a convenience store with a cattle prod but was thwarted by a clerk with a gun.

Armed businessman confronts thieves in the act, deputies say.  A 64-year-old man armed with a shotgun caught two burglary suspects in the act Monday [1/7/2013] and detained the men until deputies arrived, the Volusia County Sheriff's Office reported.  The owner of West Crane Services on Newport Avenue told deputies his business was burglarized last week, so he staked out the property at night anticipating the thieves would return.

Homeowner shoots at two men breaking into his Vallejo residence.  At about 11:45 a.m. the man found the two men breaking into his home in the 200 block of Windsor Court, police said.  The man then armed himself with a weapon and took a shot at the suspects, who fled the house in a champagne four-door late 1990s Cadillac, police said.

Concealed Carry Holder Teaches Armed Robber Why It's a Bad Idea to Pull a Gun on a Dad.  A father in Columbus, Ohio was forced to defend himself and his 2-month-old son when a man pulled a gun and attempted to rob him on Monday night [1/7/2013].  Luckily, Kelby Smith, 34, owns a permit to carry a concealed handgun and was able to shoot the robber.

Armed Florida senior changes would-be robber's life with legal handgun.  Here's some more news for the media gatekeepers to bury, since it runs strongly counter to their preferred gun-control narrative:  a 71-year-old Florida man used his lawfully carried firearm to thwart an armed robbery at an Internet cafe in Ocala, Florida.

Girls With Guns.  In October 2012, 12-year-old Kendra St. Clair was also at home alone when a home invader kicked in her back door.  Her mother advised her over the phone to hide in the bathroom.  Luckily, the preteen grabbed her parents' handgun first — and shot the intruder in the shoulder.  "When I had the gun, I didn't think I was actually going to have to shoot somebody," she told ABC News.  "I think it's going to change me a whole lot, knowing that I can hold my head up high and nothing can hurt me anymore."  Now that's girl power.

Boy Uses AR15 To Stop A Home Invasion.  Bottom line, banning the AR15 and its variants is banning perhaps the single most effective weapon for home defense.  That is particularly true for women and teens.  Keep that in mind as the left tries to disarm America in the wake of Sandy Hook.

Mother Hiding with Kids Shoots Intruder.  As I've mentioned before, while I'm a huge supporter of the Second Amendment, I'm no fan of guns and sincerely wish that owning one (or three) wasn't a necessary responsibility, especially when you have a family.  Here's another reason why that's the case.

Mother Hiding with Kids Shoots Intruder.  A woman hiding in her attic with children shot an intruder multiple times before fleeing to safety Friday [1/4/2013].  The incident happened at a home on Henderson Ridge Lane in Loganville around 1 p.m.  The woman was working in an upstairs office when she spotted a strange man outside a window, according to Walton County Sheriff Joe Chapman.  He said she took her 9-year-old twins to a crawlspace before the man broke in using a crowbar.  But the man eventually found the family.

Cops: Mother of two surprises intruder with five gunshots.  The Loganville mother of two assumed the knocks on her front door Friday afternoon were from a solicitor.  "Don't answer," she yelled to her 9-year-old twins playing downstairs.  When the visitor began repeatedly ringing the doorbell, she called her husband at work.  "Get the kids and hide," he told his wife.

This didn't happen; please ignore this post.  Liberal-fascists would rather this woman had been raped and murdered, and her children right along with her.

Obama's Disarm the Victim Movement.  So now we're learning that Barack Obama wants to make the sale of high capacity magazines illegal.  How nice.  Nice — and easy to expose as completely absurd.  Let's just use one occurrence to address the dream shared by Dear Ruler and liberals of eliminating these high-capacity magazines in rifles and handguns.  To show the absurdity of this idea, let's just go back to Loganville, Georgia 11 days ago.

The December 16 Movie Theater Shooting You Didn't Hear About.  The story was covered locally, but seeing as it happened just one day after the Sandyhook massacre in Connecticut, you would think it would have gotten more airplay in the MSM.  Don't stories like this one play right into their anti-gun hands?  No — not this one.

Here's Why Someone Would Need To Own An 'Assault' Rifle.  The left keeps asking why anyone needs an "assault" rifle.  Here's one reason — in 2010, a Texas teen used a rifle similar to the one used in Newtown to defend his younger sister and himself from home invaders.

Three in the Head.  I carried a gun in New York City for more than a decade — back when there were thousands of murders a year and the Bronx led the nation in killings.  On at least four occasions, that gun saved my life, and in a couple of instances, the lives of people who were with me at the time.

Intruder fatally shot after breaking into Glen Burnie business, police say.  Anne Arundel County police are investigating a report that an employee in a coin shop in Glen Burnie shot and killed an intruder Tuesday morning [12/25/2012].

Police: Man defends himself, kills robbery suspect.  Police in Atlanta say a man was defending himself when he shot and killed a suspected robber on Christmas Eve.

When assault weapons saved Koreatown.  This year marked the 20th anniversary of the Los Angeles riots, sparked by the acquittal of four Los Angeles Police Department officers accused of beating the now-deceased Rodney King.  During the five days, mobs around Los Angeles looted stores, burnt 3,767 buildings, caused more than $1 billion in property damage, and led to the deaths of more than 50 people and left another 4,000 injured.  A story that has been forgotten since then is that of the brave storeowners in Koreatown who fended off mobs with handguns, rifles and assault weapons.

Ohio crime victims fire back in 2 shooting incidents.  In separate incidents less than 12 hours apart, crime victims fought back by shooting robbers Sunday [12/9/2012] and early Monday, killing one suspect and injuring three.  In both cases, the crime victims were not hurt.

Robbery Suspect Shot and Killed in Triple Shooting.  Two robbery victims turn the tables on the man who tried to rob them.  The victims, a man and woman were shot, but in the end its the robber who didn't make it out alive.

Attempted Battle Creek robber shot in head.  A clerk at a Battle Creek convenience store wasn't about to be robbed.  The 28-year-old man running the register at Liberty Mart Convenience store shot the attempted thief in the head when the suspect pulled a knife and demanded money.

Cafe manager fends off robbers.  The manager at an Internet sweepstakes busines fired twice at robbers early this morning and chased them from the business, police reported.

Neighbor handcuffs, detains would-be-burglars at gunpoint.  Many neighbors said this has brought them even closer.  "You have all this stuff that happens in the neighborhoods in Houston, where people are getting shot and killed and raped and murdered.  We're not having it," said neighbor Suzanne Lumus.

Big Lake men subdue serial burglar.  A bail-jumping burglar may be feeling lucky at the possibility of spending the next several decades in jail after an armed confrontation that nearly left him shot.  Joshua Beaty, 25, was in the process of robbing the Big Lake area home of James Conner Oct. 26 when Conner and a couple of his friends caught Beaty in the act.

Fruit vendor grateful after customer shoots gunman.  A South Florida fruit vendor is speaking out with words of gratitude for a customer who stepped in after someone tried to mug him.  Blood stains and crime scene tape remain on the sidewalk marking the spot of the near-fatal confrontation that occurred Tuesday afternoon [11/27/2012].

Retired Marine Shoots Home Intruder During Break-In.  If you're a thief, there are a couple of warning signs that you should watch out for.  A dog bowl and a leash in the front yard would tip you off that you're probably going to get bitten.  A sign that reads, "Trespassers will be shot!" is pretty self-explanatory.  The home of 77-year-old Lloyd McCarty is similarly filled with warning signs.

Home Invader Shot in Boardman, Ohio.  Officers said one of the suspects, Keemoni Harris, 22, of Campbell, and the homeowner, James Truman Sr., exchanged gunfire, firing about five shots.  Truman wasn't hit, but officials said Harris went to the hospital with three non-life threatening gun shot wounds.

Man Shoots Intruder in Santa Maria.  An unidentified intruder was shot Sunday evening [12/9/2012] in Santa Maria when he knocked on a homeowner's door and brandished a gun.

Santa Maria man recovering in hospital after shooting.  Police say when the homeowner answered the door, the man outside threatened the him with a gun.  Police say the homeowner also had a gun and shot the man at the door several times.

Owasso homeowner shoots, kills intruder.  An investigation is underway after an Owasso homeowner shoots and kills a man that Owasso Police say was breaking into his home.
[Atrocious grammar in original.]

Mass Killings Stopped by Armed Citizens.  There are several documented cases where armed citizens have stopped mass attacks by gunmen.  Let me list a few:  The Pearl, Mississippi school shooting was stopped by the vice principal Joel Myrick with a Colt .45, The Appalachian School shooting was stopped by two students with handguns.  Both of the above incidents were stopped by the armed citizens threatening the shooter without firing.

"Gun free" zone confirmed.  The Sandy Hook school was a gun-free zone, meaning Mr. Lanza knew that no one could shoot back when he entered the school or the classroom where his mother taught.  The shooting in July in a movie theater in Aurora, Colo. was also in a gun-free zone.  Rather than engaging in yet another debate about the Second Amendment, perhaps we should be discussing whether security is enhanced or weakened by not allowing a school to be armed for self defense.

Homeowner shoots intruder near Mulvane.  A 31-year-old burglary suspect is listed in serious but stable condition after he was shot in the chest by a homeowner in rural Mulvane [Kansas].

California Resident Shoots Home Invader.  The resident heard someone remove a screen and break a kitchen window to gain access to his home, so the resident armed himself with a handgun, the sheriff's office said.

Store clerk, would-be robber trade gunshots.  An attempted armed robbery went bad quickly for the gunman Friday night [12/7/2012] when a store clerk pulled out his own weapon and began blasting away.

Sheriff: Armed homeowner walks burglar outside to wait for deputies.  A George County man found himself on the wrong end of a homeowner's gun after allegedly breaking into a home on Crenshaw Road Saturday night.  Sheriff Dean Howell said just after midnight, dispatch received a call from a homeowner who said he was holding a burglar at gunpoint.

Woman Carrying Concealed Weapon At Nail Salon Stops Armed Robbery.  Here in Mass[achusetts] where it's almost impossible for a law abiding citizen to carry a concealed weapon this story would have ended much differently.

Casper Police: Nail salon customer packs heat, gunman leaves.  A gunman retreated from a Casper nail salon last week after realizing one of its customers was packing heat. [...] A witness said the man then reached into his coat pocket and began to take out a silver-colored pistol.  At that moment, a woman who was getting her nails done reached into her purse and got her own firearm.  Police say the man never fully raised the gun and left the building after seeing the customer had her weapon out.

Lesson Of Sandy Hook, Clackamas — Ban Gun-Free Zones.  In the target-rich environment of the Clackamas Town Center two weeks before Christmas, the shooter managed to kill only two people before killing himself.  A far worse tragedy was prevented when he was confronted by a hero named Nick Meli.  As the shooter was having difficulty with his weapon, Meli pulled his and took aim, reluctant to fire lest an innocent bystander be hit.  But he didn't have to pull the trigger:  The shooter fled when confronted, ending his own life before it could be done for him.  We will never know how many lives were saved by an armed citizen that day.

Clackamas Mall shooter killed himself after seeing gun carrier aiming at him.  Nick Meli never shot his gun out of fear of hitting a bystander, but apparently seeing him with his gun was enough for the shooter at Clackamas Mall earlier this month to turn the gun on himself and commit suicide.

Clackamas mall shooter faced shopper with concealed weapon.  Nick Meli is emotionally drained.  The 22-year-old was at Clackamas Town Center with a friend and her baby when a masked man opened fire. [...] "I'm not beating myself up cause I didn't shoot him," said Meli.  "I know after he saw me, I think the last shot he fired was the one he used on himself."

Virtually Unreported: CCW Holder Likely Prevented Larger Clackamas Mall Death Toll.  If certain aspects of stories relating to an incident of gun violence don't fit the template, they usually doesn't get reported at all.  But if such things somehow get some local exposure, they rarely escape into the broader national news environment.

Citizen With Concealed Carry Permit May Have Saved Lives During Oregon Mall Shooting.  The shooting last week at the mall in Clackamas, Oregon has been overshadowed by the tragedy that unfolded Friday morning at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.  In Oregon two innocent human beings lost their lives, but perhaps the carnage would have been worse if not for Nick Meli, who has a concealed carry permit and was in the mall when the gunman opened fire.

Waffle House Robber Killed By Concealed Carry Permit Holder.  I hate to see a kid throw his life away, literally, for whatever could be stolen from a Waffle House, but when you start pointing guns at people and robbing them, you forfeit your right to take in oxygen.  This is especially true if there is someone with a gun pointed at you.

Retired SC Highway Patrol trooper shoots, kills home intruder in Bluffton.  A retired S.C. Highway Patrol trooper shot and killed an intruder after a struggle in his Bluffton home early Wednesday [11/14/2012], according to the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office.  Former trooper Lt. William "Chuck" Wise was attacked by a man attempting to break into his Palmetto Bluff Road home at 2:15 a.m. when Wise fired several shots, striking and killing him, investigators say.  The body of 39-year-old Paul Edward Rowell was found in the main entryway, the Sheriff's Office said.

Homeowner fatally shot attacker, another suspect flees, police say.  A Palm Beach Gardens man was found dead in front of a Holly Hill home Friday night [11/16/2012], and investigators say he is one two suspects that tried to rob the house.

Mystery: Virginia gun violence falls as gun sales soar.  So, who are the people buying all these guns?  That's right, ladies.

12-Year-Old Defends Herself with Gun.  This past Wednesday [10/17/2012] a young 12-year old girl in Bryan County, Oklahoma was able to protect her life when an intruder kicked in her back door and entered her house.  Frantically, she called her mother who advised her to grab their household gun, hide in the closet, and call 911.  The intruder made his way through the house, and as he was opening the door of the closet, the young girl shot him through the closet door.  The intruder left the house and the girl was found unharmed.  The police arrived and took the man into custody.

'I aimed right for his heart'.  A 92-year-old war veteran who shot dead an intruder at his home says he has only one regret — that he didn't shoot the alleged burglar's accomplices.  Earl Jones from Boone County, Kentucky, killed Lloyd (Adam) Maxwell after the intruder broke into his home at 2am on Monday [9/2/2012] with two accomplices.

Armed bystander stops stabbing outside school.  A woman is in critical condition after she was stabbed outside her child's school Tuesday morning. [...] Police say a bystander who happened to be a concealed handgun license holder pulled his weapon and ordered [Roberto] Barron to drop the knife.

Buy a gun.  One thing the national news media will always ignore is the practice of lawful self-defense.  For example, most people are probably not aware of the fact that American citizens use a firearm to defend themselves more than 2.4 million times every year.  That is more than 6,500 times every day.  This means that, each year, firearms are used 60 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.  Furthermore, of the 2.4 million self-defense cases, more than 192,000 are by women defending themselves against sexual assault.  And in less than eight percent of those occasions is a shot actually fired.  The vast majority of the time (92%), the mere presence of a firearm helps to avert a major crime from occurring.

Gun Owner Saves Cop's Life by Shooting Deranged Gunman!
Another Old [Man] Steps In To Save A Life.  This time in Early, Texas.  This was remarkably good shooting by the hero.  He must practice a lot.  If not for his interference others would have died.

65-year-old woman thwarts robbery on jewellery store.  Five armed men who attempted to rob a jewellery store were left scrambling for the door when a 65-year-old woman opened fire on them.  The handgun-wielding thieves, clad in hoodies, were forced to flee Continental Jewelry in Garden Grove, California, after the woman chased after them last week.

What Gun Haters Don't Want You to Know.  The other side of the gun rights argument is that guns save lives.  A 65 year-old female jewelry store owner singlehandedly chased off five masked thugs who were robbing her Greenwich store.  She fired two shots in the air as she ran after them.  They were knocking into each other trying to get out the door.

Gun carrying man ends stabbing spree at Salt Lake grocery store.  A citizen with a gun stopped a knife wielding man as he began stabbing people Thursday evening [7/26/2012] at the downtown Salt Lake City Smith's store.  Police say the suspect purchased a knife inside the store and then turned it into a weapon.  Smith's employee Dorothy Espinoza says, "He pulled it out and stood outside the Smiths in the foyer.  And just started stabbing people and yelling you killed my people.  You killed my people."

Gun Carrying Man Stops Stabbing Spree in Utah.  Another Second Amendment success story:  A man carrying a gun in a Utah grocery store stopped a man that went on a stabbing spree after purchasing the knife in the store.

Salt Lake City Citizen Shows Why Anti-Gun Nuts are Blockheads.  Notice the individuals who took the knife to the stomach and head were not carrying a form of self-defense.  If you can't figure this out, then perhaps you should do the rest of us a favor and skip the voting booth in November.

Two Aurora Shootings: One Widely Known; the Other Ignored.  On April 22 of this year a convicted felon, just out of jail, went to an Aurora, Colorado, church and shot and killed a member of the congregation before being killed himself by a congregant carrying a gun. [...] Because the perpetrator was able to claim only one life before being killed himself by someone carrying a gun and acting in self-defense, it garnered relatively little publicity.

Excellent — concealed-carrier stops an armed robbery.  Ah, sweet justice — drink it in, it always goes down smooth.  There are few things that warm my heart quite so much as watching a lawfully armed citizen give a good lesson to a couple of bad guys who seek to threaten, intimidate, and possibly cause fatal bodily harm to others while undermining the rule of law.  In an Internet cafe in Florida the other night, two armed robbers likely gained a newfound respect for the Second Amendment, the hard way.

71-year-old patron fires on, scares off would-be robbers.  Two men attempted an armed robbery at the Palms Internet Cafe in Florida Friday night [7/13/2012], the Marion County Sheriff's Office reports. [...] 71-year-old patron Samuel Williams drew his own handgun when the two masked men, one with a baseball bat and the other with a hand gun, barged into the Palms.

Surprise! Would-be cafe robbers run into one tough 71-year-old.  Two hooded men, their faces covered, went into a Florida Internet cafe Friday, hefting a baseball bat and toting a handgun.  What they couldn't have expected to encounter was Samuel Williams, a fleet-of-foot senior citizen with a gun.  The two suspects, identified by authorities as DuWayne Henderson and Davis Dawkins, went spinning and running after Williams, 71, dropped to one knee and aimed his .380.

14-year-old Phoenix boy shoots armed intruder.  A 14-year-old boy shot and nearly killed an intruder who broke into his Phoenix home and pulled a gun on him while he was watching his three younger siblings, police said Saturday [6/23/2012].

Teen Stands Ground, Saves Family.  An Arizona 14 year boy shoots and seriously wounds an intruder to his home.  The teen was watching his younger siblings when a woman first rang the door bell, then began pounding on the door.  He realized something was not right and ran upstairs where a gun was stored.  As he returned a male intruder kicked down the door and entered with gun in hand.

Good Girl with Gun Lives, Bad Guy with Knife Dies.  [Sarah] McKinley, who had just lost her husband to lung cancer on Christmas Day, was home with her 3-month-old baby boy on New Year's Eve when two dillweeds decided they were going to break into her casa.  Good Sarah was having none of it. [...] Sarah probably thought that things couldn't get any worse after losing her husband on Christmas Day.  And yet things did get worse.  But, thankfully, she was trained and had a gun.

Man With Concealed Carry Permit Stops Attacker.  An attacker bought the knife inside a local market in Salt Lake City, UT, then stabbed one man in the side of the head and another person in the stomach.  The attack took place in the market parking lot.  A bystander with a concealed carry permit witnessed the attack and stepped in to keep it from escalating.

Georgia Granny Thwarts 2 Would-Be Robbers in Shootout.  Authorities in Georgia say a grandmother foiled a robbery attempt by two armed men by getting into a shootout with them, injuring one man.

'I carry a gun all the time' says woman who thwarted Macon holdup attempt.  Looking at Lulu Campbell's bullet-riddled silver Toyota Tundra, common sense says the 57-year-old grandmother should be dead.  It's impossible to tell how many bullets were fired at 2 a.m. Saturday morning [4/21/2012] on English Avenue, but what started as an armed robbery attempt turned into a full-blown firefight.

Witness: Home invader shot dead on South Side.  A man was shot to death on the front steps of an Englewood home, and a witness said it was a home invasion that was foiled by a man who lives there.

Intruder shot entering home.  There was a bang at the door.  Then a second bang and the door swung open.  An intruder with a handgun had barely come inside the apartment when it happened, recalled the man who lives there.  The intruder pointed the gun at him, he said, so he grabbed his own handgun and fired at least twice.

Homeowners With Guns Fight Back.  In the wake of two home invasions in three days, some metro area homeowners, fed up with violence are willing to risk it all and fight back bad guys.  Monday [4/9/2012], a Kansas City woman, scared for her life, shot and killed a 17-year-old armed intruder.

Another NYC shooting death that doesn't fit the MSM Narrative.  A 48-year old retired NYC police lieutenant is being heralded as a hero for shooting down a would-be armed robber, but you won't hear much about this story from the MSM because it doesn't fit the "Trayvon Martin" narrative.  The New York Post reported Friday [4/13/2012] that two men attempted to rob a drug store at gun point looking for cash and expensive prescription drugs.  What they got was more than they bargained for.

Gun owners are not to blame.  Last year, in Gwinnett County, Ga., a woman in her early 50s was getting out of the shower when the bathroom lights suddenly went out.  As she stepped out into the dark, a man slammed her onto the tile floor.  Injured but still conscious, she tried to fight him off when she felt a blade against her throat.  During the attempted sexual assault that followed, the woman managed to break free and retrieve the .22-caliber pistol she kept in the bedroom.  She shot her intruder several times, killing him.

Intruder stopped for snack before fatal shooting.  A homeowner fatally shot a would-be robber who entered his house in Springville early Thursday morning [3/1/2012].  The intruder apparently stopped for a snack and changed clothes before going upstairs to threaten the home's residents.

Detroit: With Fewer Police and Rising Crime, "Justifiable Homicides" Soar.  Living in a city with a substantially diminished police force, a growing number of the residents of Detroit, Michigan, have decided that they can take a "bite out of crime" all on their own, and are using firearms in self-defense to protect themselves from the burgeoning ranks of violent criminals.

Detroit citizens no longer rely on police as self-defense killings skyrocket.
911 is a Joke.  Justifiable homicide in the city [of Detroit] shot up 79 percent in 2011 from the previous year, as citizens in the long-suffering city armed themselves and took matters into their own hands.  The local rate of self-defense killings now stands 2,200 percent above the national average.  Residents, unable to rely on a dwindling police force to keep them safe, are fighting back against the criminal scourge on their own.  And they're offering no apologies. ... The last time [Detroit resident Julia] Brown, 73, called the Detroit police, they didn't show up until the next day.

National Guardsman thwarts Red Line robbery; 3 teens arrested.  Three teens who attempted to rob a judo instructor with a replica gun at a CTA station got more than they bargained for, police say.  It wasn't the judo teacher who taught them a lesson, authorities say, but an Army National Guardsman armed with a real gun.

Also posted under violent crime on mass transit.

Oklahoma Woman Shoots, Kills Intruder.  A young Oklahoma mother shot and killed an intruder to protect her 3-month-old baby on New Year's Eve, less than a week after the baby's father died of cancer.

Mother With a Gun.  If the National Rifle Association had an award for Mother of the Year, it might already have a winner.  When two men began to break into her home on New Year's Eve, Sarah Dawn McKinley of Blanchard, Okla., popped a bottle into her crying three-month-old baby's mouth and reached for her guns.

Antioch man answered burglar's knife with gun.  An alleged burglar was shot dead by the owner of a vacant Antioch home after the suspect threatened him with a knife, police said Monday [11/7/2011].

Armed pizza deliveryman shoots, wounds would-be robber.  A Papa John's Pizza delivery driver told police that he drew his own handgun and shot a gunman who tried to rob him Thursday night [11/3/2011] in southeast Memphis. ... Only eight months before and about three miles west, another Papa John's driver, 56-year-old Ron Brake, was fatally wounded during a robbery after delivering pizza at an apartment complex in Hickory Hill.

Developer with shotgun scared off Oakland rioters.  Oakland developer Phil Tagami is used to working behind the scenes to broker some of the biggest deals in town.  Late Wednesday [11/2/2011], he was using different persuasive skills — holding a loaded shotgun to scare away rioters trying to get into a downtown building.

Clerk at Del's 24 Hour shop shoots, kills would-be robber who grabbed child.  A clerk at a landmark East Naples corner store shot and killed a man Tuesday [10/18/2011] as he attempted to rob the family-run shop and flee with her 1-year-old daughter.

Victim shoots robbery suspect in Applebee's parking lot.  Authorities say a would-be victim pulled a gun and shot a man who tried to rob him in a restaurant parking lot in St. Petersburg.

Johnson City homeowner shoots intruder in chest, police say.  "This case involving the home invasion and home owner shooting the intruder appears to be justified; however (Johnson City Police Department) will submit this case to the district attorney and present the facts to a grand jury in Blanco County," Police Chief Randy Holland said.  "I can only hope and pray that would-be criminals everywhere are deterred by this incident."

West Virginia 72-Year-Old Repels Home Invasion.  At noon Saturday [7/23/2011], 72 year old Menuard Frazier's home was invaded by three men who beat him and tied him up while they robbed his residence.  According to WSAZ, the three men knocked and asked the retiree to use the phone.  As he led them to the kitchen, they jumped him, tied his legs up and put a sheet over his head.

Hotel clerk kills Orangeburg robber.  A small woman in her 50s working as a hotel clerk at a Columbia area Days Inn shot and killed a robber "more than double her size" Monday morning [7/25/2011], Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott said.  The man, Vincent Carson, 43, of Orangeburg, had held a knife to her throat, put the knife down and was apparently going to tie her up and sexually assault her, Lott said.

Congressman Boswell fights off armed intruder at Iowa farm house.  A home invasion at Rep. Leonard Boswell's Iowa farm ended when his 22-year-old grandson fetched a shotgun and aimed it at the intruder, according to a statement from the congressman's office.  No one was seriously injured.

Woman: 'I shot him as much as I could'.  The crying woman told a 911 operator she "shot him as much as I could" and moments later police found her would-be attacker dead in the back yard of her Gwinnett County home.  The woman was getting out of the shower when 34-year-old Israel Perez Puentes, armed with a knife, dragged her to the bedroom where he planned to rape her, police said.

Police ID slain home invasion suspect.  The man who police say was killed by a homeowner during an attempted sexual assault was identified Thursday [5/11/2011] as Israel Perez Puentes, 34, of Alpharetta.  A Gwinnett County woman shot and killed Puentes Wednesday morning after the knife-wielding man attacked her in the shower, police said.

3rd suspect turns himself in after homeowner kills intruder.  Cecil Barwick was home alone inside his Stony Landing home Wednesday morning [4/13/2011] when police say he heard voices and footsteps from upstairs.  The 50-year-old man grabbed his handgun and quickly came face to face with one of the men who broke into his house and had been rifling through his belongings upstairs.

NOPD: N.O. Woman Kills Armed Home Intruder.  The NOPD is investigating the fatal shooting of man they describe as an "armed home intruder." ... According to investigators, 21-year-old Melvin Plummer of Marrero entered a house occupied by a 30-year-old woman and her three children and brandished a handgun.  The woman, who has a concealed weapons permit, pulled a gun and shot Plummer multiple times.

Owner kills 3 robbers in jewelry store shootout.  In the back room of a humble jewelry store and pawn shop in Houston's East End Thursday afternoon [12/16/2010], a gunman tied Eva Castillo's wrists tightly — too tightly.  She complained of the pain, so he loosened the bindings.  Then Castillo's husband was ordered at gunpoint to put his hands behind his back.  But Ramon Castillo had a surprise for the gunman and two cohorts, who had announced they were robbing the business.  Castillo pulled a pistol from his waistband and shot the gunman dead.

Robbery Suspect Charged With Murder After Alleged Accomplices Killed by Homeowner.  Three young black men break into a white man's home in rural Northern California.  The homeowner shoots two of them to death — but it's the surviving black man who is charged with murder.

Pistol-packing Ala. grandmother shoots intruder in bedroom.  Police say 69-year-old Ethel Jones shot 18-year-old Michael O'Neal Bynum in the abdomen when she said she found him inside her bedroom.

Robbers pick wrong target; two shot, one killed by gun-toting victim.  Two would-be robbers forgot to ask their victim a key question:  Do you have a gun and know how to use it? ... The man, who works for a local gun range, declined comment Friday [7/2/2010].  He asked that his name not be published because authorities told him the attempted robbery may be gang-related.

Victim had just fixed meal when he was assaulted and stabbed.
"If I'd had a trigger lock, I'd be dead."

Check out the Civilian Gun Self-Defense Blog.  Where Clayton Cramer and Pete Drum keep track of civilians using guns in self-defense.

Somewhat related:
The Gun I Didn't Have.  The most street-wise punk knows it is stupid to bring a knife to a gunfight.  I followed the laws, stayed legal, and left my guns at home when I came here.  The gun regulations of our nation's capitol put me face to face with a criminal who ignores the laws.  Law enforcement was not there to protect me and the rules I followed stole my right to protect myself.  Where's the justice in that?

Robbery victim fights back, kills robber.  Hazelwood police said a robbery victim, in his 50's, opened fire on and killed a would-be robber Tuesday night.  The shooting happened at the intersection of Dunn and Cortena Roads around 8:40 p.m Tuesday [5/4/2010].  Chief Carl Wolf said the would-be robber walked up behind the man on the street and tried to rob him.

Wife of 80-year-old who shot intruder: 'He saved our lives'.  The intruder — who police said wore stockings over his hands to keep from leaving prints — wiggled the brass doorknob of the locked door that led to the first-floor apartment, but it didn't open, the family said.  He then turned to the oversized glass window of the 80-year-old's bedroom, pulled out his gun and shot, police and family said.  But just as the man got off a second round, the homeowner, who had a handgun of his own, fired a single shot, killing the intruder, a police source said.

Man, 80, 'did what he had to do,' killing home invader.  An 80-year-old Army veteran shot and killed an armed man who'd broken in to the two-flat where he and his wife live in East Garfield Park early this morning and fired at him.  He did what his son said "he had to do" after having vowed not to be victimized again following a robbery months earlier.

A Gun For Grandpa.  Chicago is deciding whether to prosecute a great-grandfather and Korean War veteran under its handgun ban.  He refused to be a victim, and now there's one less armed thug roaming the streets.  What's the problem?

Criminals aren't only ones ignoring city handgun ban.  When police caught up to a fleeing drug suspect early Thursday [6/3/2010], they had little problem arresting him.  They found him in a private home he had entered, wounded in the chest by a resident with a handgun.  The shooting occurred about a week after an 80-year-old Army veteran used a handgun to shoot and kill an armed burglar who had broken into his home.  In both cases, the weapons violated the city's 28-year-old handgun ban, but police so far have declined to press charges.

The Editor says...
If these Chicago residents had complied with the handgun ban, they would probably be dead.

73-year-old collars intruder at Spartanburg home.  "When I jacked that round in the chamber, he sat down and was holding onto the rail," Easler said.  "I know he was scared.  "I told him, You do anything sudden, you're liable to end up dead.'"  The man complied, and Easler held him at gunpoint in a bathroom off the kitchen until deputies from the Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office arrived about 10 minutes later.

Homeowner fatally shoots burglary suspect.  A homeowner shot and killed a suspected burglar who came at him with a tire iron Tuesday [7/28/2009] after breaking into a storage shed on the man's property in east Harris County, officals said.  Although the shooting will be referred to a Harris County grand jury, investigators said it appears to be self-defense.

Woman, 70, who killed intruder at motel feels sick about shooting.  The 70-year-old woman who shot a would-be robber at a North Side motel last night is attending the All-American Quarter Horse Congress today and feels sick about the shooting, according to her son.

Naked Man, 91, Holds Drunken Intruder at Gunpoint.  Authorities said a naked 91-year-old man was able to hold a drunken intruder at gunpoint until deputies arrived.

Texas Resident Shot and Killed 2 Teenagers During Home Invasion.  Police in Texas say a group of teenagers were trying to break into a home when a resident opened fire and killed two of the youths.  San Marcos Police Chief Howard Williams says the shootings happened shortly before 2 a.m. Friday [9/4/2009].  He says two 16-year-olds died and a third teenager was seriously wounded.

Pregnant woman holds intruder at gun point.  The lesson here is never threaten an expecting mother, especially if she's armed with a shotgun.  "I was angry," Randi Fairley says.  "I was really mad that he was in my house."

Business Owner Fires on 4 Robbers, Killing 2, Police Say.  A 72-year-old Harlem business owner used a shotgun to blast four men who tried to rob his restaurant-supply business Thursday afternoon, killing two and sending two others to the hospital with gunshot wounds, the New York City police said.

Detroit mugger critical after victim retaliates.  A 32-year-old suffered a graze wound to the head but seriously injured a 17-year-old trying to rob him at gunpoint in Detroit early today [8/25/2009], according to police.  The intended robbery victim, who has a permit to carry a weapon, pulled out his gun when he was confronted...

Concealed Carry Permits Are Life Savers.  In research sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice, in which almost 2,000 felons were interviewed, 34% of felons said they had been "scared off, shot at, wounded or captured by an armed victim" and 40% of these criminals admitted that they had been deterred from committing a crime out of fear that the potential victim was armed.  Allowing law-abiding people to arm themselves offers more than piece of mind for those individuals — it pays off for everybody through lower crime rates.

Wellington teacher fatally shoots armed intruder, PBSO says.  One man is dead and a couple is left shaken after a home-invasion robbery turned deadly early Monday [2/16/2009].  The intruder wound up dead after he was shot by Heath Miller, 34, a popular music teacher at Howell L. Watkins MIddle School.  The dead man is identified as Robert Rishard Tomlin, 22.

Farmer's daughter disarms terrorist and shoots him dead with AK47.  An Indian farmer's daughter disarmed a terrorist leader who broke into her home, attacked him with an axe and shot him dead with his own gun.

Guns Are Still Saving Lives.  On June 30, 2002, two Iowa youths escaped from a school for troubled teenagers.  For twelve hours, they terrorized the Woods community, stealing four automobiles and managing to evade capture by police.  According to the Rapid City Journal, Pete Paul Fast Horse and Jeremy Feltman were in a stolen Ford four-wheel-drive when they "sped through an intersection and crashed into an embankment."  They then fled on foot from pursuing police and approached the house of Sena Lauritzen.  When the 55-year-old grandmother saw the fugitives attempting to enter her house through a patio door, she grabbed a shotgun and held them until police arrived.  "This is my little bit of heaven," she said after the incident.  "They had no right to invade it."

Child shoots intruder during home break-in.  A ten-year-old boy left home alone with his sister used his mother's gun to shoot an intruder in the face, police said.  Late Tuesday, West Baton Rouge Parish sheriff's deputies received a call to a Port Allen apartment complex after several shots rang out from inside one of the apartments.

Ambushed pizza man kills attacker.  Three men charged in the attempted pizza robbery Saturday [3/7/2009] had their bond set this morning at $250,000 each by Magistrate Brian Jeffcoat. ... Each is charged with criminal conspiracy and strong armed robbery of Pizza Hut delivery man Christopher Steven Miller, 43.  Miller shot and killed one of the assailants who attacked him when he attempted to deliver a pizza to a house on Avery Place Lane near Irmo High School.

Pizza man says fear he'd die led to shooting.  A pizza deliveryman, who said Monday he has been held up twice before, fired shots that killed a teenager during a holdup because he feared he would die and not see his wife and 5-year-old daughter again.  "I believe everyone has the right to defend themselves if their lives are threatened," Christopher Miller, 43, said in a statement issued through police.

Cops: Cape Girardeau woman kills man who returned to rape her second time.  An intended rape victim shot and killed her attacker this morning [10/31/2008] in Cape Girardeau when he broke into her home to rape her a second time, police said.  The 57-year-old woman shot RonnieW. Preyer, 47, a registered sex offender, in the chest with a shotgun when he broke through her locked basement door.  The woman told police he was the same man who raped her several days earlier.

Crime-fighting's future merely a guy with a gun.  Chris is an Ocoee [Florida] man who keeps a .40-caliber semiautomatic pistol in his glove box.  Last week, while shopping at his favorite Kangaroo Express, he used it.  Chris had stopped there for a pack of smokes and a slice of pizza with the clerk.  While leaving, he noticed a man casing the joint.

Tables Turned on Intruder During Home Invasion.  The tables turned on a burglar when a homeowner took matters into his own hands. … The pregnant woman inside the home was getting ready to give her 18-month-old child a bath when she heard noises.

Robbed twice, San Pablo shop owner was ready to shoot.  Amariae Sanders was a 16-year-old boy who may have thought a San Pablo gift shop would be an easy mark.  But when he vaulted the counter while armed with a sawed-off shotgun, he had no way of knowing that the store owner would fight back, police say.

Man who threatened Christians may lose eye.  A man who came to the home of two women whom he had threatened to decapitate with a knife received a blow to the head that could cost him an eye, according to Colorado Springs police.  Russell Bowman, who claims to be an atheist, threatened the women because they are Christian on Sept. 8.  On Friday [9/12/2008], he arrived at their apartment and stood in a hallway, according to a police report.

Elderly Woman Grabs Gun, Holds Would-Be Burglar At Bay.  An 85-year-old great-grandmother from Lake Lynn, Fayette County kept an alleged burglar at bay using a .22-caliber pistol.  According to police, a 17-year-old suspect was attempting to burglarize Leda Smith overnight.  That's when Smith grabbed her gun and told the teen that she would shoot him if he moved, police said.

Robbery ends when employee pulls out a gun.  Two men tried to rob an Old Hickory Sonic restaurant, but an assistant manager pulled out a gun and fired shots, causing the suspects to flee.  Police believe that one or both of the suspects was wounded.  Metro police Capt. Michele Donegan said that at approximately 10:30 p.m. Thursday [7/3/2008], two men, one of whom was armed with a handgun, went inside the Sonic at 1410 Robinson Road, in Old Hickory [Tennessee].

Customer pulls gun, stops robbery.  It was a busy night Monday at Buck's IGA on the 3000 block of South Meridian Street.  "Charlie," who didn't want his image or name used with this story, was in line to check out.  A man police later identified as Dwain Smith reportedly ran into the store wearing a ski mask and yelling.

Man Cleared for Killing Neighbor's Burglars.  A Texas man who shot and killed two men he believed to be burglarizing his neighbor's home won't be going to trial.  A grand jury today failed to indict Joe Horn, a 61-year-old computer technician who lives in an affluent subdivision in Pasadena, Texas.

Joe Horn cleared by grand jury in Pasadena shootings.  The shooting of two burglary suspects has sparked heated debate about property rights, gun control and other issues.  A Harris County grand jury decided today that Joe Horn should not be charged with a crime for shooting two suspected burglars he confronted outside his neighbor's home in Pasadena last fall.  The decision to clear Horn of wrongdoing came two weeks after the grand jury began considering evidence in the case, including Horn's testimony last week.

'I wouldn't be here' if not for gun.  Glen Soustek knows a handgun saved his life.  "If it weren't for my gun, I wouldn't be here," he said.  "The last the world would have heard about me would be a blurb on Page 8:  'Coin shop owner shot dead in backroom.'"

Right to carry v. right to know:  In a St. Louis suburb this week, Riccardo Crossland was charged with robbery and assault after he and another thug held a 23-year-old Florida man at gunpoint, demanding his money.  After obtaining his wallet and watch, Crossland turned and took a few steps away from the robbery victim, then turned back and raised his weapon.  Unfortunately for Crossland, the man he was robbing was legally permitted to carry a concealed handgun — and was carrying one at the time.

'Gun-free' school zones?  What do felons think about an armed citizenry?  A survey of convicted felons by the National Institute of Justice found 74 percent of the felons agreed that, "One reason burglars avoid houses when people are home is that they fear being shot during the crime."  The survey also asked these felons whether they had abandoned at least one crime because they feared the intended victim might be armed.

Homeowner Shoots Teen Suspect During Home Invasion.  A 16-year-old home invasion suspect is recovering from gunshot wounds after a Union City man said the teen kicked in the back door of his townhome Saturday [6/21/2008].  The 28-year-old homeowner said the teen rang the doorbell, but when no one answered, the suspect went around to the back of the townhouse.  Police said the resident got his gun and shot the teen in the shoulder after the suspect kicked in the back door and entered the home.

80-year-old puts attacker in hospital.  Investigators say they were definitely going to rob him — possibly even kill him.  But an 80-year-old North Texan wasn't about to let that happen, so he took action. … In short, even at 80, he is someone you just don't mess with.  What the men didn't know is [James] Picket had taken a pistol and put it in his pocket before opening the door.

80-Year-Old Man Shoots, Beats Up Attackers.  James Picket may be 80, but he's no pushover.  The North Texas man proved that when a couple of guys up to no good knocked on his door last weekend and tried to mess with him.

Wayne Homeowner Kills Intruder.  Three armed men broke into the home at 2546 Old Mount Olive Highway at about 12:30 a.m. while the family slept inside.  The intruders held two adults and four children, ages 4, 5 and 8, at gunpoint and ransacked the house, authorities said.  During the robbery, one of the suspects fired a shot, prompting the man who lives in the house to grab a gun and shoot back, authorities said.

Resident Shoots and Kills Home Invader.  A Phoenix homeowner shot and killed a home invader who had kicked in the front door of the house and was attempting to break into the bedroom where he and his family were sleeping, Phoenix police said.

Wife produces 9mm and husband opens fire.
Couple at East Dallas cleaners work together to foil, kill robber.  Customers picking up pants and shirts pulled up beside a large bloodstain Monday in the parking lot of Joe's Cleaners.  Asked to describe his lethal encounter with a robber a few hours earlier, owner Joseph Baggett apologized for saying little.

Gunshots deter break-ins.  There were similarities in two attempted burglaries in Jackson on Friday [9/28/2007].  The residents of both homes were watching television when the alleged suspects were caught in the act.  And in both cases, the suspects were fired on.

Suspected burglar fatally shot at Harris County home. A southwest Harris County homeowner shot and killed a man he discovered climbing into a window of his house at about 2:15 a.m. today, investigators said.  Steven Dunbar, who apparently lived several blocks away, died in the window of the home in the 3400 block of Cascadia, Harris County sheriff's homicide Det. Rolf Nelson said.

Fort Lauderdale jeweler shoots two gunmen.  A jewelry store owner critically wounded two armed men in a shootout Wednesday [5/9/2007] after the pair tried to rob his shop, police said. … A police spokeswoman said it is unlikely that store owner Hugo Villalta, whose gun is licensed, will face any charges.

Teen shot by Houston homeowner in alleged break-in.  After a sleepless night, [Bob] Manross said that the pistol-carrying teen broke into his home, called him by his first name and threatened to shoot him unless he handed over his cash.  Manross said he fooled the invader, whom he recognized. "I told him I didn't have the money with me but I'd get it from the other room," said Manross, who had a loaded rifle just a room away from his kitchen.

Intruder with sledgehammer is shot and killed.  Jamie Buck was asleep early Friday when a sledgehammer shattered his side door's window and a stranger burst into his rented home, demanding money or jewelry.  That was the last demand would ever make.  Brandenburg, 31, was shot to death inside Buck's Bishop Avenue home early Friday, seven weeks after Brandenburg's latest release from jail.

Would-be robbers outgunned at LaFollette home.  Two Campbell County [Tennessee] men toting a pellet gun picked the wrong house to rob Tuesday night [1/9/2007] when the homeowner grabbed a pistol and opened fire, authorities said.  "They brought a BB gun to a real gunfight," LaFollette Police Department Detective Jeff Allen said.

Chicks Carrying Guns and Kicking Tail.  Over the past couple weeks, there have been a couple stories floating around that just warmed my little heart, but they didn't get a lot of attention, so I have decided to give them plenty.  Do you wonder what kind of story it takes to warm my cold, conservative heart?  Well, wonder no longer.

Chicks With Guns, Part II.  I got more mail from last week's column than any of my others — some from grandmas, some from single gals, some from shooting instructors.  I got new stories, weapon recommendations, invitations to the shooting range.

Police:  Homeowner Shoots Burglary Suspect.  A man accused of breaking into a Daytona Beach home was shot by the homeowner Tuesday night, according to police.  Thomas Lockhart, 28, is in critical condition at Halifax Medical Center after being shot just after 10 p.m. at a house on Orange Avenue in Daytona Beach.  Police said they responded to a 911 call from Walter Watson, 70, whose house had already been burglarized three times this week, and found Lockhart suffering from a gunshot wound.

Tennessee Carjacker Picks the Wrong Guy To Assault:  A man who turned the tables and fatally shot a would-be carjacker in Nashville deserves a "good citizenship" award for fighting crime, according to a national gun advocacy group.

74-year-old shoots intruder.  Willie Brown said he thought he was back in a foxhole in Korea on Thursday morning [6/15/2006] when a burglar stood at the door to Brown's bedroom.  "He said, 'I got a knife, don't move,'" Brown recalled.  "I reached behind my back and whipped my gun from under my pillow and said, 'Take this .38,' and I blasted him."

Guns Save Lives.  Such a large number of defensive gun uses poses a problem for gun control activists.  When guns are widely used for self-defense, legislation that makes using them more difficult, like safe storage, trigger locks, and outright bans, just condemns more people to being beaten, robbed, raped, and murdered.  This happened in Britain, where rates of violent crime, gun robbery and murder skyrocketed after handguns were banned and registered owners were required to surrender their weapons.

John Stossel / ABC News Explode Gun Control Myth:  Interviewing a group of prison inmates, John Stossel reports, "Some maximum security felons I spoke to in New Jersey scoffed at measures like the Brady law.  They said they'll have no trouble getting guns if they want them.  A Justice Department study confirmed what the prisoners said.  But get this:  the felons say that the thing they fear the most is not the police, not time in prison, but, you, another American who might be armed."

Surviving Home Invasions:  "People who defend themselves in a home invasion fare better than those who don't.  That's just how it is."  A collection of news reports of home invasions, anecdotal evidence for the effective use of guns in self-defense.

11-year-old shoots, kills assailant threatening his grandmother:  When Tony D. Murry held a box cutter to Sue Gay's neck Monday night, Gay's 11-year-old adopted son ran upstairs and grabbed a gun.
This is an original compilation, Copyright © 2024 by Andrew K. Dart

Florida Dad shoots intruders to save daughter and himself:  Semiautomatic gun under pillow foils attempted robbery in hotel room.

104 cases of lives being saved through the lawful use of guns You will rarely - if ever - hear stories like this on the television news.

Exercising the Right Case after case in which the lawful use of guns saved lives.
[More cases]  [More]  [More]  [More]  [More]  [More]  [More]  [More]  [More!] 

The Latest Armed Self-defense News StoriesDozens of similar cases!

Huge collection of anecdotes:  Cases in which guns saved lives.

Guns Save Lives:  You would think that a man who saved three people's lives, at considerable risk to his own, would be recognized as a hero.  But his story would be politically incorrect, so it has received virtually no media attention and his name remains unknown.

People don't stop killers.  People with guns do.  [Both] Virginia Tech [and] the University of Tennessee … think that by making their campuses "gun-free," they'll make people safer, when in fact they're only disarming the people who follow rules, law-abiding people who are no danger at all.  This merely ensures that the murderers have a free hand.  If there were more responsible, armed people on campuses, mass murder would be harder.

Armed citizens can defuse terrorist threat:  Israeli Police Inspector General Shlomo Aharonisky has repeatedly called on all concealed-handgun-permit holders to carry firearms at all times.  In March [2002], Israeli police announced they wanted to increase the number of Israelis carrying handguns by 60,000.  "There's no question that weapons in the hands of the public have prevented acts of terror or stopped them while they were in progress," Aharonisky says.  [Meanwhile in the U.S.,] the police seem more concerned about monitoring law-abiding citizens than in protecting them.

When It's Guns, Media Miss Big Part Of Picture:  When more than one person gets killed, the crimes get not only national but international news coverage.  On the other hand, when was the last time that you heard the national evening news reporting about a citizen using a gun to save lives?  Few people realize that people use guns defensively to stop about 2 million crimes a year, according to national surveys.

Guns Save Lives.  Some gun control advocates begrudgingly concede that the Second Amendment does protect citizens' right to own guns, but nearly all feel that 'reasonable' restrictions on this right ought to be enforced.  Mandatory waiting periods, trigger locks, and handgun bans:  common sense devices to control gun violence.  But what do these measures really accomplish?

How guns save lives:  Florida State University Professor Gary Kleck recently estimated that Americans use firearms at least 2.5 million times a year for self-defense.

Annie, Get Your Gun:  Women with firearms help make America safer.

Guns in the Hands of Private Citizens Make Us All Safer:  To the anti-gun lobby, the worst news of all had to be the way in which tens of thousands of Americans reacted to the atrocities of September 11:  They went out and bought guns.

Professor Cites Evidence That Guns Stop Crimes Yale University Professor John R. Lott Jr., author of "More Guns, Less Crime" says his research shows that guns used defensively stop about two million crimes a year, five times the amount of crimes in which guns are used.

Related story:  The Great Gun Fight:  A debate about the validity of the statements in John R. Lott Jr.'s book, "More Guns, Less Crime."

Crime Plunges in Pro-gun Town.

Good Kids With GunsYoung people have used guns responsibly to protect themselves or loved ones from death or injury.

Kids and Guns:  With greater youth accessibility to guns in the past, why wasn't there the kind of violence we see with today's much more restricted access to guns?

Gun Control Science MisfiresGun control advocates used to claim that more guns meant more crime.  Research demonstrated, though, that more guns meant less crime.  As the criminology argument faded, gun control advocates began arguing guns were a public health problem.

Politics Fuels Mandatory Gun Ownership Laws:  Behind every door in Kennesaw, Ga., in theory, is a loaded firearm awaiting anyone who dares to unlawfully enter a home.  In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council voted to put into effect an ordinance that requires the male head of the household to keep at the ready a firearm for the protection of his home and family.

Gun Buying Surge Shows Many Feel 'Responsible for Their Own Safety':  Larry Pratt, president of Gun Owners of America, agrees that the increased sale of firearms reflects a new attitude among Americans that they are vulnerable and must take responsibility for protecting themselves.

Israel is Arming its Civilians — Why Aren't We?  Inundated as we are with anti-gun propaganda, many well-meaning Americans cannot imagine how guns in private hands might be useful in fighting terror.  The Israelis do not suffer from such confusion.

W. Wimps Out on Guns:  The GOP president was silent about the untold number of gun shootings committed every year in self-defense.  Just two weeks ago, a 12-year-old girl in Clarksdale, Miss., saved her mother's life when she shot and killed an abusive ex-boyfriend who had forced his way into the apartment and started choking her mom.

Gun Stops Gunman Before Serious Damage Was Done [3/22/01] - Unlike previous school shootings where troubled teens have turned guns on their classmates, it was the gun of a campus police officer - and his willingness to use it — that brought a quick end to Thursday's mayhem.

I Am Alive, No Thanks to Gun Control.  There are times in our lives when many of our most basic assumptions come under a barrage from the heavy artillery of reality.  Some of us receive such a wake-up call in the form of a life-threatening event that literally shatters our lives.  It is then up to us to do our best to take inventory of the damage to body and soul, pick up the pieces, and start afresh.  I would like to tell you, at the time of the anniversary of a horrible encounter that almost killed me, of such a time of reckoning.

The Benefits of Firearms by Miguel A. Faria Jr., M.D.

Firearms in America:  The Facts  Martin L. Fackler, MD says firearms are not the problem.

Camper Wakes Up in Midst of Bear Attack:  A man out camping with his brother woke up with one heck of a headache, only to discover that a bear was biting him in the head.  Thanks to his quick reactions — and to the handgun he was carrying — Rodney Black, 51, will be OK.

Woman Fatally Shoots Intruder:  A man is dead after police say he tried to sexually assault a woman in her own home.

When Will We Learn?  Guns in the Right Hands Save Lives!

If You Want to Stop a Killer, You Have to Speak His Language

Huge assortment of RKBA Links.

        "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed one."
— Cesare Beccaria,            
Essay on Crimes and Punishments, 1764            

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