Illegal immigration is a threat to national security

This country has a problem with Islamic terrorism.  In addressing this threat, the federal government has unfortunately overreacted at the airports while letting the Canadian and Mexican borders go unattended.

Nam tua res agitur paries cum proximo ardet.

You need an Inspector General to report the obvious?
IG Report:  DHS Admitting Noncitizens Without ID May 'Increase National Security Risks'.  Federal agencies tasked with protecting U.S. borders have allowed illegal border crossers to enter the United States without adequate vetting and board domestic flights, a new Department of Homeland Security inspector general report found.  The 37-page document published on September 30 may be heavily redacted, but it paints a clear picture of the "potential risk" posed to Americans thanks to the willingness of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the Transportation Security Agency to admit noncitizens without ID into the country.

Biden-Harris Border Legacy: 1.7 Million Potential National Security Threats.  The U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary and Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement has released its interim staff report on the Biden-Harris border crisis and warns that the terrorist threat to the U.S. has skyrocketed.  The report identified more than 1.7 million potential illegal aliens from countries like Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Syria that have crossed the U.S. border since 2021.  The report describes how the Biden administration's open borders policies have welcomed more than 7.6 million illegal aliens into the country with 1.9 million known "gotaways" whose whereabouts are currently unknown.

27 'Special Interest Aliens' Arrested in Large Migrant Group at Texas Border.  Texas Highway Patrol troopers interdicted a large group of migrants shortly after they waded across the shallow Rio Grande north of Eagle Pass on Monday [9/30/2024].  The large group was one of two that the agency interdicted that day.  According to a spokesperson for the Texas Highway Patrol, 27 migrants within the group were "Special Interest Aliens," citizens of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, and India.  A second group of 41 migrants was arrested earlier in the day, bringing the total number of migrants apprehended by the Texas Army National Guard soldiers and the Texas troopers in the Eagle Pass area on Monday to 271.

FBI charges five Chinese nationals after the group was caught spying on a military base, but waits until they're out of custody.  We seem to be at war with China, but the Asian nation is the only one acting like it, and I surmise this can be for only one of two reasons — either, a) a complete lack of awareness and ability, or b) intentionality.  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have a severely soiled reputation (having brought the U.S. to the brink of collapse), but arguably, their biggest failure is that of diplomacy, or foreign affairs.  They wouldn't recognize impending disaster if it hit them in the face:  the Afghanistan withdrawal, the de facto invitation to all the world's impoverished foreigners, Israel and Hamas, Iran, Russia-Ukraine conflict, etc.  If you didn't know any better, and you were to judge them solely based on results, you'd think they were trying to cause World War III[,] which brings me to the alternative.  Option B:  They're deliberately facilitating China's aggression, and acting as saboteurs and orchestrating a situation in which the U.S. is at a major disadvantage.

Chinese Nationals Charged With Lying to Authorities After Being Caught Near Michigan Military Base.  Camp Grayling, Michigan, is the largest National Guard training base in the United States.  It encompasses 148,000 acres of training grounds and is used for combined arms field training exercises.  If you were an intelligence agent for a nation unfriendly to the United States, it's a place that you would want to observe, the better to observe United States forces in the field.  In August 2023, five University of Michigan students — all of them Chinese nationals — were confronted by a non-commissioned officer (NCO) in the woods near the base, and at the time, were questioned and let go.

Buried news:  Hamas digging tunnels under San Diego -IDF colonel.  Does San Diego have a 'Hamas' problem?  No, not the ignorant student protestors at universities being directed by Hamas's proxies.  No, not the terrorists rolling into the area from Joe Biden's and Kamala Harris's open border.  They may be seeing actual tunnels, dug by Hamas itself or its clients the Mexican cartels, coming in through Mexico.  The U.S. Border Patrol has discovered more than 200 of them since 2003, according to the Department of Customs & Border Protection.  The most recent one found, that there's any news on, at least, was a 2022 Tijuana-to-San Diego tunnel, complete with air conditioning, electricity and rail lines within, stretching a mile.  They are getting sophisticated.  Investigative reporter Todd Bensman thought the report, taken from an Israel Defense Forces colonel on reserve, made sense.  [Tweet]

Report: Roughly 100 illegal immigrants on FBI's terror watch list 'allowed to settle' in U.S. between 2021 and 2023.  On Monday, House Republicans of the House Judiciary Committee revealed approximately 100 illegal immigrants on the FBI's terror watch list not only entered the United States, but were allowed to settle here.  Significantly more, over 250 illegals on the terror watch list, were actually encountered at the southern border alone between 2021 and 2023; 34 people on the list are still int he Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) custody, but have not been deported thus far, according to the report.

We did it, Joe!  Homeland Security says seven to nine million visa recipients were never properly vetted.  Let's take a break from the "stock market crashing" and "World War III" news for a second and remind ourselves that the government's immigration policy is just as terrible as everything else they do!  Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) just dropped a bombshell, unearthing a report from the Office of Inspector General (OIG) at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that, well, isn't great.  According to this report, which was released in late June, somewhere between 7 and 9 million visa holders in the United States have skipped out on proper vetting procedures since 2020.

Scathing report reveals Biden-Harris admin has released dozens of migrants on terror watchlist into US.  Nearly 100 illegal immigrants on the terror watch list have been released into the United States during the Biden administration, while Border Patrol agents have encountered migrants on the watch list from dozens of different countries, a new House report is revealing.  "Under the Biden-Harris Administration, of the more than 250 illegal aliens on the terrorist watchlist who were encountered by Border Patrol at the southwest border between fiscal years 2021 and 2023, DHS has released into American communities at least 99, with at least 34 others in DHS custody but not yet removed from the United States," the report by Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee, a copy of which was first obtained by Fox News Digital, says.  The staff interim report also found that immigration judges granted bond to at least 27 migrants on the watchlist who entered illegally, and that Border Patrol has encountered tens of thousands of migrants from countries that could present national security risks — including 2,134 Afghan nationals, 33,347 Chinese nationals, 541 Iranian nationals, 520 Syrian nationals, and 3,104 Uzbek nationals.

The coming terrorist attacks.  Scarcely a week goes by we don't hear about more known terrorists caught — most are never caught — at the border, like these:  Border Patrol agents took three suspected Palestinian terrorists into custody earlier this month after they illegally crossed the border from Mexico into California, the New York Post reported.  One of the men reportedly had a "salacious photo" of a masked man holding an AK-47 rifle, the article states.  [Tweet]  Just another day at the border, just another batch of Islamist terrorists who happened to stroll across the Atlantic or Pacific on their way to our southern border.  Nothing to see here; move along, move along.  As one might expect, our Department of Homeland Security consistently avoids making our homeland secure: [...]

Bill Melugin-Over 120 Chinese Illegal Aliens Caught at Southern Border's San Diego Sector in Just One Day.  With the focus on the Presidential election, Americans must remember that the border is still wide open.  The San Diego Sector has seen a massive increase in illegal immigration, especially since Texas has taken action under Operation Lone Star to protect their State from the invasion.  In one day alone this past week, 127 Chinese illegal aliens were apprehended at the southern border in the San Diego sector in California, per CBP.

Packs of "Fighting Age Males" in Military Uniforms Entering U.S. through Remote Arizona Town.  As the nation's largest southern border crossings finally receive mainstream media coverage years into an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis, untold numbers of "fighting age males" dressed in military uniforms are entering the United States through remote areas with no Border Patrol presence.  It is a palpable security lapse unlikely to be reported by most news outlets and local, federal, and state law enforcement sources have provided Judicial Watch with detailed accounts, reports, diagrams, and photos of the situation which is terrorizing residents in a once harmonious Arizona town just a few miles from Mexico.  They blame the Biden administration's catastrophic open border policies for the serious problems that have gripped the area in the last few years.

The Coming Coup.  Gordon Chang has been warning of the makings of a Chinese army in the U.S. (in 2023, more than 30,000 military-aged individuals from China have entered) and says this:  ["]These were Chinese migrants, who had come into the U.S., they were here for less than three weeks, and what were they doing?  They were taking target practice with semi-automatic rifles.  Now if you're a migrant coming into the U.S. with just a backpack, you're probably thinking about, 'I need a place to live, I need to eat,' maybe get a job.  You don't think about sharpening your skills to kill Americans.["]  National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd also expressed concern and pointed out that "We know that the Chinese have huge gangs here in the United States, and they control certain parts of our country."  China is just one hostile country that has taken advantage of the open border.  We have Cubans and Venezuelans coming in as well.  Not to mention ISIS sympathizers.

Border Signs in Chinese Direct Illegal Crossers from China Where To Go In CA.  Greetings, everyone.  This will be quick, as I'm about to head out to film again.  I found signs in Chinese in a remote, difficult-to-traverse area on the border in the mountains near Jacumba, CA.  The signs direct Chinese illegal aliens where to go for "asylum."  An NGO is using Chinese-Americans on the border to assist those crossing illegally.  Chinese illegals are given flyers in Chinese that tell them where to go to get picked up for "asylum."  Border agents told me Chinese illegals try to avoid being picked up by them and arrange transportation from the border to the U.S. interior so they are undetected.

1,500 Illegal Immigrants From ISIS 'Recruiting Ground' Country Have Crossed The Border Since 2020.  Hundreds of migrants from Tajikistan, a country known for being an ISIS breeding ground, have crossed the southern border in never-before-seen numbers under President Biden's administration.  More than 1,500 Tajiks have been apprehended between October 2020 and May 2024, a stark increase from the previous 14 years, during which only 26 Tajikistan nationals were caught.  At least 500 Tajiks have been caught in 2024 alone, with most claiming asylum, according to the New York Post.  The article by the Post's Jennie Taer follows multiple reports that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested eight Tajikistan nationals with connections to ISIS in three major U.S. cities.  The House Homeland Security Committee attributed the rise in ISIS-connected crossings due to "Custom and Border Protection's ... limited ability to fully vet and screen those crossing" into the United States.  Officials have since then expelled the individuals from the country.

Can America defend itself against border terrorists?  Joe Biden's three-and-a-half-year long porous border has without a doubt allowed some vicious terrorists to enter our country.  The odds demand it.  It cannot be otherwise, given that almost zero care is being given to Americans and keeping these demons out. [...] Among those illegals there are sure to be terrorists who can't wait to pulverize our power grids, crash our banking system, blow up the Capitol, take hostages, kill Jews (it's always the Jews), and otherwise make Americans miserable.  They could hijack our cyber system, they could take hostages in schools, they could rampage in the streets, and burn houses down for fun.  They could ruin our economy by attempting yet another 9/11, only bigger.  The psychopathological mind of the terrorist knows no limits.

Migrants from 177 countries accept Biden's 'open invite' to US border, complicating law enforcement: expert.  Nearly 1.4 million undocumented immigrants from a staggering 177 countries traveled through Mexico to the United States from January to May, according to Mexico's National Institute of Migration.  Surges of illegal immigration "over brief periods of time" have happened in the past, said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, but this "huge variety" of countries is unprecedented.  Considering there are 193 member states in the United Nations, nearly the entire world is taking advantage of the president's "open invite," he said.  [Advertisement]  "There were always a few exotics, that's kind of my term.  They call them OTMs, other than Mexicans, because there were so few of them that they lumped them all together," Krikorian told Fox News Digital.  But President Biden "essentially invited mass illegal immigration by letting people get across the border, and word spreads, so you're getting people from everywhere."

Chinese secret police [are] organizing illegal immigrant border surges, too.  It's no secret that with the open border, criminals are incentivized to enter the U.S. illegally.  So are terrorists, as the recent Tajikistan pickups have indicated, in numbers that have soared.  So have spies and saboteurs as various cases have demonstrated, and now our military bases are taking in two foreign intruders per week, according to an admiral's statement.  Anyone else?  But of course:  The security organs of the Chinese communist state, same people who were last seen opening illegal police stations here in the U.S., some of which apparently are still running, given the lack of news about them. [...] The Chicom security forces provided maps of travel routes, maps of the holes in the border wall, and coached answers for every illegal border crosser to claim to be an asylum seeker, which will get them waved right through.  What they are up to after that is not known, but anyone who thinks it's benign is a boob.  It would square with some of the activity of Chinese migrants illegally crossing into the U.S., more than 30,000 of whom have entered illegally since October 2023 in San Diego County alone.

The Phony War.  [Scroll down]  And now we are facing an unprecedented invasion by millions of unvetted illegal immigrants, otherwise known as invaders, aided and abetted by our own government.  Some of these invaders are likely to be terrorists or foreign agents placed here for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with asylum and everything to do with advancing the interests of hostile foreign governments.  October 7, 2023 was a wake-up call for Israel, which ironically had tough gun control laws that prevented most citizens, including military reservists, from carrying weapons that could have helped to fight off Hamas terrorists. [...] The number of American citizens carrying handguns, in states where it is legal, has never been higher.  There are now 29 states with constitutional or permitless carry laws.  Over 22 million Americans now have concealed carry permits, and the number of permits has been going up since the "mostly peaceful" 2020 riots, even though more states no longer even require a permit to carry.

Chinese May Be 'Probing' American Military Readiness Through Base Breaches, Lawmaker Says.  Fears of attacks on the homeland and foreign espionage stemming from the border crisis are growing in light of illegal immigrants breaching military bases as well as those with suspected terrorist ties.  On June 11, news broke that eight Tajikistan nationals with possible connections to the terrorist group ISIS had been arrested in New York, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles in recent days.  Tajikistan nationals were responsible for the March 22 attack on the Crocus City Hall concert near Moscow that left more than 140 people dead and hundreds injured.  The individuals in the United States were being tracked by the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force.  They were taken into custody by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on immigration violation charges, according to wire agency reports.

Red Lights Are Flashing As Biden Ignores Them.  The number one responsibility of the President is to keep Americans safe.  Still, this President is either ignoring his purpose or is incapable of addressing the many ways we are threatened.  Some of these threats are old news.  The border crisis continues to be a threat to national security, and Biden and his team have not even labeled it a problem until this month.  Look past the smoke screen of Biden conflating illegal and legal immigration.  The people crossing our border are unvetted, dangerous people, and the executive order signed by Biden will not solve this crisis.  The EO does not shut down the border.  We have identified 8 ISIS members who illegally crossed our border just this week.  It is treasonous how Biden has created and then ignored our border crisis.  By the way, it is not just the southern border, as we have had over 3,000 illegals come to New England from Canada.  Our sovereignty has been destroyed.

Feds Arrest Russian Nationals With Suspected ISIS Ties In Major Sting Operation.  Federal law enforcement authorities apprehended a group of Russian nationals with suspected terrorist ties in a nationwide operation spanning several major U.S. cities.  Six Russian nationals believed to have ties to ISIS were arrested over the last week in a coordinated sting operation that spanned New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia, the New York Post first reported.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arrested the Russians, who originally hail from Tajikistan, after they were alerted by the FBI.

FBI busts Tajik illegal alien terror ring plotting an ISIS-style 'Boston marathon'-like attack.  If there's any doubt that open borders are a terrorist's bonanza, the evidence is starting to materialize. [...] The thing is, this is not the first group of illegal border crossers attempting to engage in these acts.  Last month, two illegal border crossers from Jordan were apprehended at Quantico Marine base, on what authorities suspected was a terrorist "dry run." [...] Nearly all of these terrorists and spies wouldn't so much as be here were it not for Joe Biden's open borders.  Unvetted, they are being let in and let go.  Sure, some illegal border-crossers may be good people otherwise, but it's pretty clear it's not all of them, and unfortunately for us, all it takes is one.  The fact that terrorists cannot get into the U.S. otherwise means the open border is all the more attractive.

Eight ISIS Linked Illegal Alien Border Crossers Arrested in Philly, LA and New York.  Eight illegal aliens previously released into the U.S. homeland by border officials, were arrested by ICE after the FBI intercepted their communication related to bomb plots and asked DHS to detain them.  Think about this.  DHS released ISIS terrorists into the USA, the terrorists planned terrorism, the FBI intercepted the plans, then asked DHS to pick them up.  One thing is certain, the FBI usually assists these terror plots, but there are lots of awake people looking at the FBI as suspect and sketchy now.  There must have been a massive paper trail, information system, and too many people who knew the background, which led the FBI to considering the group too dangerous to hide/support this time.  Oh, and the bad guys were from the same place the recent Moscow terrorists came from, which makes this even more interesting.

Combatting Our Homegrown Enemy.  Radical Islamists diametrically oppose western values and the freedoms we cherish, and they demonize Americans and Israelis as great evils that must be killed.  This is certainly not all Muslims, but bringing any anti-American radicals into our country is a recipe for disaster.  And that is why the enemy within wave them right in. [...] If you like America and the ideals it represents, would you bring the seeds of destruction into your country?  Of course you would not.  Only an enemy would do so.

Rejecting the Status Quo Is the Only Way to Survive.  The easiest way to navigate this Kafkaesque environment is to follow a simple rule:  whatever the government says, believe the opposite. [...] Homeland (in)Security doofus Mayorkas still claims the U.S. border is secure, even as foreign terrorists and Chinese nationals flash middle fingers at television cameras documenting America's invasion.

Biden admin asks Philippines to process Afghan refugees to resettle in the US.  The Department of Justice has proposed that the Philippines serve as a processing area for Afghan migrants before they are settled in the United States.  Justice Undersecretary Raul Vasquez commented on the proposal, which last year included a Senate inquiry to look into the US government's request.  Vasquez revealed that the initial plan involves hosting a few hundred Afghan nationals, with the potential to accommodate more if the arrangement proves successful.  Vasquez emphasized that national security is the primary concern in this matter.

The Editor says...
Why invite more national security problems into this country?

Are Biden officials covering up an attempted terror attack by illegal immigrants?  By refusing repeated chances to answer simple questions about a May 3 incident at Quantico Marine Corps base, the Biden administration has essentially confirmed one of America's worst — and most politically consequential — nightmares related to the ongoing border crisis.  Two illegal immigrants just attempted a terror attack on US soil.  We know that a Jordanian who illegally crossed the border joined up with another Jordanian who had overstayed his visa, and drove a box truck to the gates of Quantico.  They claimed to be Amazon delivery drivers, and tried to access a site that houses the FBI training academy, military officer training schools, and military criminal investigations and intelligence commands.  Quick-thinking military police stopped the truck, and charged the men with trespassing before turning them over to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Chinese Nationals Pour Into San Diego; No One Stops Them.  According to Bill Melugin, 118 Chinese nationals crossed illegally into the San Diego sector yesterday.  Fox reporter Melugin gets his information from CBP.  He said over 30,000 Chinese have come in since October 1st.  I'm sure they are all coming for a better life, even though most are single military-age men, and China is our frenemy.  This is unprecedented.  There is no sign that anyone cares or has done a thing to limit the influx.

Why Do Chinese Spies Keep Getting Sweetheart Deals?  Lately, there has been a rash of cases in which people in the military and intelligence community were caught spying for Communist China and handing over significant information to the enemy.  And then got slaps on the wrist.

Navy Commander Confirms Dozens of Penetration Operations by Foreign Nationals Reported at US Bases.  The US Fleet Forces Commander Admiral Daryl Caudle warned FOX News viewers that there have been an uptick in foreign nationals attempting to penetrate US military bases around the country.  These attempted breaches are taking place two to three times a week now.  Journalist Lara Logan reported on attempted breaches at several US bases by Chechens, Jordanians and Chinese.  [Tweets]  Of course, the blame for this goes back to Joe Biden and the Democrat Party's organized plan to open the borders to millions of unknown aliens[.]  U.S. Fleet Forces Commander Admiral Daryl Caudle told Bill Hemmer on America Reports that attempted penetrations of U.S. military bases by foreign nationals are taking place 'two or three times a week.'

Turkish Man Details How Easy it is to Cross the Border.  Fox News's Bill Melugin spoke to a Turkish man who crossed the border into Jacumba, CA.  He paid a cartel $10,000 and couldn't believe how easy it was to cross the border. [...] On Wednesday night, Melugin and his crew encountered groups of men from the Middle East and Asia in Jacumba.  The men came from Iran, Pakistan, China, Turkey, India, and Bangladesh.  None of the men came from Mexico.  Most will be considered "special interest aliens," which means they come from countries with security concerns.  They should undergo additional DHS vetting.  [Tweet with video clip]

White House Says It's Not Biden's Job to Secure the Border Amid Invasion of Military-Age Men.  White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday said it is not Joe Biden's job to secure the US border amid an invasion of millions of military-age men from the most dangerous parts of the world.  More than 10 million illegal aliens — mainly military-age men — have invaded the US since Joe Biden was installed in January 2021. [...] And what does the White House say about the invasion and carnage:  It's not Biden's job to secure the border.  It is literally Biden's Constitutional duty to secure the US border.

Importing terror.  On May 18, I posted "Terror Alert!"  It's the story of our anti-American State Department, finally issuing a warning to the effect that traveling overseas while American isn't exactly safe. [...] Since then, we know thousands, even tens of thousands, of probable terrorists from around the globe have swarmed over our borders.  The MMPA has been willing to admit some are on Terror Watch Lists, but far more than they've caught are "got aways," people they saw running into America, but didn't contact.  Far more were never seen as they infiltrated.  We also know thousands of military aged Chinese males, almost surely members of the Chinese military, have also been admitted.  They're stopped, briefly questioned, whatever information they provide is accepted, and they're turned loose into America.  Many are flown or bussed, at our expense, wherever they prefer to go.  The MMPA is not telling us what happened to those on the Terrorist Watch Lists.  Were they jailed?  Deported?  Flown wherever they wanted?  We don't have a need to know.  The MMPA has also admitted more than 100 instances of Chinese spies trying to breach our CONUS (Continental United States) military installations.

This is not the behavior of asylum-seekers and refugees.
Illegals land speedboat and barrel through crowded sand at San Diego's Ocean Beach.  Crowded enough for you at O.B., as the surfer dude haven of Ocean Beach is known in San Diego?  Here come the illegals, making it even more crowded.  [Tweet with video clip]  Yes, we've seen this phenomena already starting to happen now that San Diego has become the border crossing of choice for cartel-financed illegals into the U.S.  Nobody knows who they are, where they're going, or what they're doing.  But they are getting in, and what's more, nobody's doing anything about it.  A few months ago there was footage of illegals landing in tony La Jolla as cell phone cameras followed them.  Now, instead of slinking in in the dead of night, they're brazenly landing on crowded Ocean Beach where moms, dads, and kids with pails and shovels sit on towels, drink soda, play music throw Frisbies, play volleyball, put on the sunblock, stretch out for their suntans, splash in the cold water on their boogie boards, read beach books, or watch the surf roll in and out, sometimes with surfers dotting the waves.

House Committee To Investigate Spike In Chinese Illegal Immigration Following DCNF Report.  The House Homeland Security Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability will hold a hearing on Thursday concerning the roughly 8,000% increase in Chinese illegal immigration the U.S. has experienced since March 2021, a committee spokesperson told the DCNF. The DCNF recently revealed an internal U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) email showing that the Biden administration dramatically simplified the vetting process for Chinese illegal immigrants in April 2023, which has increased the speed of Chinese illegal immigrants entering the country.  The CBP email directed Border Patrol agents to reduce the 40 questions they were required to ask Chinese illegal immigrants down to just five "basic questions" concerning their "Military Service," "Universities," "POB/Region," "Employment" and "Political Party."

Terrorist watch list apprehensions at northern border continue to break records.  The number of known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) apprehended at the northern border in the first six months of fiscal 2024 continue to outpace those apprehended at the southwest border.  There have been 143 KSTs apprehended at the northern border through the first six months of this fiscal year compared to 92 at the southwest border, according to the most recent CBP data.  Those apprehended are known to law enforcement and in the national Terrorist Screening Dataset, a federal database that contains sensitive information on terrorist identities.  It originated as a consolidated terrorist watchlist "to house information on known or suspected terrorists but evolved over the last decade to include additional individuals who represent a potential threat to the United States, including known affiliates of watchlisted individuals," CBP explains.

More Chinese nationals crossed southern border in two days than in fiscal year 2021: report.  Border Patrol at the San Diego sector apprehended approximately 485 Chinese immigrants in just two days, surpassing the 323 encountered during the entirety of fiscal year 2021, according to a report by Fox News' Bill Melugin, based on information from a Customs and Border Patrol source.  [Tweet]  Melugin also commented that the "overwhelming majority of the Chinese are mass released as China is not cooperative with deportation flights from the U.S."  The trend of Chinese nationals across the US southern border has continued to escalate, with over 24,200 apprehensions of Chinese nationals in the first six months of fiscal year 2024.  [Advertisement]  This surge marks a staggering increase, with the number of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the border skyrocketing by 7,000% since 2021, and projected to rise by 14,000% by the end of the fiscal year, according to Fox News.

What is Biden's endgame in bringing in terrorists?  The ruling class left has seen the importation of thousands, if not millions of military-aged men from enemy nations. [...] It's axiomatic that the people who caused a problem are incapable of providing a solution, so how do they expect to remain in control after their open border and terror importation policies are implicated in the deaths of thousands of American citizens?  How do they expect to survive politically — if not stay out of federal prison — for the abject national security negligence in causing a terrorist attack in the states?

Six Reasons Chinese Nationals Are Illegally Crossing California's Southern Border.  Chinese nationals are crossing America's southern border at a rapid rate.  On Wednesday alone, the U.S. Border Patrol encountered 206 Chinese nationals crossing into the San Diego sector, Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin reported.  But the illegal entry of Chinese nationals into America through the Border Patrol's San Diego sector isn't new.  Chinese individuals long have worked with criminal cartels to get into the U.S., former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott says, but the numbers have shot up.  In January, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported over 3,700 encounters with Chinese nationals on the southern border, nearly all in the San Diego sector.  But back up to January 2021, when Joe Biden became president, and CBP encountered only 17 Chinese nationals at the southern border.  So what changed?

Democrats Have Deliberately Shattered The Ties Binding America.  In America, under Democrat leadership, we are intentionally splintering ourselves along artificially created fault lines, whether cultural or financial.  That must change if we are to survive. [...] Our country is shot through with millions of people who do not wish our nation well or, even worse, do not understand what is in their best interest or that of the country.  With shouts of "Death to America" echoing on American campuses, we can no longer be patient with those elements that seek to destroy us and show no loyalty to their mother country.

700 Chinese Migrants [were] Apprehended at California Border in One Week.  An unofficial report from U.S. Customs and Border Protection reviewed by Breitbart Texas revealed that nearly 700 migrants from the People's Republic of China (PRC) were apprehended entering the San Diego region in the third week of April.  Since the fiscal year began in October, more than 26,000 migrants from the PRC have been apprehended.  A CBP source, not authorized to speak to the media, told Breitbart Texas the number of Chinese migrants apprehended represents a more than threefold increase from the same time last year.  The source told Breitbart that China is now within the top ten nationalities encountered by the Border Patrol along the southern border.  The bulk of the Chinese nationals are released into the United States almost immediately the source says as China adamantly refuses to take their citizens back.

Carlsbad, California:  A group of mostly military age males invaded the beaches.  Local leaders from the San Diego area called for more U.S. border enforcement on Monday after a motor boat loaded with migrants navigated between surfers and beached itself in the affluent suburb of Carlsbad, California.  Circulated widely on social media, the video showed the boat running ashore on Saturday, when at least 16 people hopped out and ran to the street where an awaiting SUV took some of them away.  [Video clip]

Illegal Immigrant on Terror Watch List Released by Border Patrol, Spends a Year in the U.S..  We all know that the border patrol is very, very busy these days.  Very, very, very busy.  They're so busy that they are unable to perform the menial task of checking illegal immigrant names against the terror watch list database.  I thought that one of their basic tasks in protecting the border was to identify terrorists and arrest them or send them back to where they came from.  Apparently, that's just too difficult.  It gets very busy at the border — all that paperwork and then the rush to send the illegals on their way into the interior of the U.S.  So, it's not really border patrol's fault that they processed one Mohammad Kharwin, 48, an Afghan national, in March of last year, released him into the U.S. with a court date, and then discovered he was on the terrorist watch list.

Biden's open border policy is compromising our national security.  Open borders can be exploited by criminal organizations, smugglers, and potential terrorists.  Ensuring national security becomes a formidable task in such a scenario.  From a security perspective, the long Texas-Mexico border requires significant resources to secure, including workforce, equipment, technology, and infrastructure.  The overall budget for all agencies and operating costs in 2011 was $56.3 billion.  Despite these efforts, illegal immigration continues to be a significant issue.

The Great Biden Betrayal.  Sadly, intelligence from some of our three-letter agencies admit that terrorist attacks on United States soil are imminent.  What do they know that we don't?  Think about it.  They know terrorists are on our soil, but they're not saying how they got here.  Duh ... Ask any third grader which border they likely came over from and they'll likely tell you from our southern border. [...] President Joe Biden, as the head of the government and the one ultimately responsible for our nation's security, must acknowledge these failures and accept the consequences.  In any other context, such egregious lapses would demand resignation or removal from office.  Why should the presidency be any different?

Chinese Illegals Entering U.S. in Record Numbers.  The Joe Biden regime has overseen a surge of over 140,000 Chinese illegal aliens since fiscal year 2021, most of them military-aged men.  This surge represents a threat to national security, with El Centro Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gregory Bovino recently disclosing an incident in which a Chinese national infiltrated a Marine Corps base near the border.  Bovino confirmed the "purpose and intent behind his actions are still being investigated" and that he was in the country illegally.  Illegal entries by Chinese migrants rose from 23,471 in fiscal year 2021 to 27,756 in fiscal year 2022, then to 53,700 in 2023.  With reports of 36,912 apprehensions through February 2024, this year continues the upward trend.  The influx has been partly facilitated by TikTok, controlled by the Chinese government, with accounts on the platform providing detailed instructions on how to make the journey to the U.S. border.  Despite the obvious security implications, the Biden regime weakened the vetting process for Chinese illegal aliens in April 2023.

Oh Say Can You See?  [Scroll down]  Nobody is checking who they are, you realize.  They just step on US soil, get issued smartphones, loaded debit cards, walking-around cash money, airplane and bus tickets and, voila, there they are in your home town tomorrow, looking for something to occupy themselves.  Thanks a bunch, Alejandro Mayorkas!  Are you wondering what sort of mayhem they might be capable of unleashing any place from Bangor to Burbank in the weeks and months ahead? (And, while you're at it, think about all the food processing plant fires, train wrecks, and other mysterious tribulations around the country the past couple of years.) Consider that this very week alone, following the SSK Bridge disaster, absolutely nothing has been done by our government to stem that flow of countless potential saboteurs into the country.  The news media isn't even talking about it (of course).

Chinese Illegal Alien Arrested at US Military Base, but That May Just Be the Tip of the Iceberg.  We've been reporting on the huge flood of illegal aliens pouring across the southern border, and for more than three years now, Joe Biden has done nothing substantive to try to slow the flow.  In addition to all the resulting problems like the overwhelming of the system, the drugs and crime that has resulted from all this, it puts our nation in great danger because it's a massive national security threat.  The Biden team has no idea who is coming across that border.  There have been a lot of questions about Chinese men of military age coming across the border in ever-increasing numbers.  [Video clip]  Now, there's a report that a Chinese illegal alien was arrested by the Border Patrol after he breached a military base in the El Centro sector of California.  He was there without authorization and refused to leave.  His purpose & intent behind his actions are still being investigated.  [Tweet]

Are You Ready for a Major Jihad Attack in the U.S.? Because It's Coming.  What's coming is as plain as day.  Our nation can hardly be said to have a southern border at all anymore.  Even if the border were magically to reappear tomorrow, millions of people are already in the country without anyone knowing who or what they are.  One hundred sixty-nine people on the FBI's terror watch list were caught at the border in 2023; nobody knows how many people on that watch list got across the nonexistent border without being caught.  Four jihadis just murdered at least 137 people in Moscow.  They held the same beliefs as the Hamas jihadis who murdered 1,200 people in Israel on Oct. 7. How many people are in this country right now who aspire to be the next jihad warrior?  How many people are planning to become the next "martyr" and lay hold of the Qur'an's promise of a place in paradise for those who "kill and are killed" for Allah?  No one knows, and even asking such questions is not allowed.  Just last week, all of America's many intelligence agencies received instructions to avoid using terms such as "jihadist" so as to avoid committing the cardinal sin of "Islamophobia."

Bucking For A New Waco?  What would be the purpose of an open border if not to allow foreign enemies to invade the United States without papers, background checks or means of tracking them?  Put this in line with other domestic hostile actions toward the American people, such as the recent ruling that illegal immigrants could possess guns.  Everything that's taking place right now endangers the citizens and puts them at a disadvantage to a foreign force, especially if they're already in the United States.  We have been warned by FBI Director Christopher Wray that terrorists are likely to commit hostile acts on American soil in the near future.

Illegal Alien Arrested for Murder of 25-Year-Old Michigan Woman.  An illegal alien has been arrested in connection with the murder of a 25-year-old woman in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  The revelation was first reported by The Midwesterner, which identified the victim as 25-year-old Ruby Garcia and the suspect as Brandon Ortiz-Vite, also 25. [...] Garcia declined to provide information about their relationship, but noted that "he is currently in custody that's all we know as of right now and he is/was here illegally."

ABC/CBS/NBC Bury NY Post Bombshell on Suspected Terrorist Caught at the Border.  Published Sunday online and on the front page of Monday's print edition, our friend Jennie Taer at the New York Post dropped a bombshell that an illegal immigrant recently detained at the border told Customs and Border Protection officials only is he a member of the Lebanon-based, Iranian-linked Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah, but he wanted to travel New York to carry out a terror attack with a bomb.  Not surprisingly, none of this was mentioned on Sunday night or Monday morning by the major broadcast networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC on their flagship morning or evening news shows.  On Monday evening, it was the same story with ABC and CBS, but NBC Nightly News broke ice — albeit with a short, 45-second report.

Illegal migrant from Lebanon caught at border admitted he's a Hezbollah terrorist.  A Lebanese migrant who was caught sneaking over the border admitted he's a member of Hezbollah, he hoped to make a bomb, and his destination was New York, The [New York] Post can reveal.  Basel Bassel Ebbadi, 22, was caught by border patrol on March 9 near El Paso, Texas.  While in custody he asked what he was doing in the US, to which he replied:  "I'm going to try to make a bomb," according to a Border Patrol document exclusively obtained by The [New York] Post.  But Ebbadi later claimed in an interview that he had been trying to flee Lebanon and Hamas because he "didn't want to kill people" and said "once you're in in, [sic] you can never get out," according to internal ICE documents.

Consequences Minus Truth.  Are you feeling more confident that the US military can competently defend our country?  Probably more like the opposite, because the manipulation of language is being used deliberately to turn our country inside-out and upside-down.  At this point we probably could not successfully pacify a Caribbean island if we had to, and you've got to wonder what might happen if we have to contend with countless hostile subversive cadres who have slipped across the border with the estimated nine-million others ushered in by the government's welcome wagon.  Momentous events await.

Terrorism and Drugs in the US Homeland.  More illegal immigrants and undocumented persons entered the country, and more Americans died of drug overdoses under Biden than under any other US president.  More Americans died of drug overdoses under Biden than died of COVID under Trump, but the same people who were calling for mask mandates and lockdowns are not calling for a lockdown of the border or a crackdown on users, sellers, traffickers, and buyers.  (By the way, nearly three times as many Americans died of COVID under Biden as under Trump)."  Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines told Congress that groups like the Islamic State and Iran-backed militias, such as Hamas, are the largest threats to US interests, but most of the attacks have been overseas.  Narcoterrorism, however, is growing as foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs) are using drug trafficking as a means of supporting their terrorist operations.  The Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah works through a global network of gangs and cartels, trafficking cocaine and opium to the US.

Mexican Military Incursions on US Soil Worry Border Agents.  As daylight begins to fade at an abandoned illegal immigrant camp at the border wall near Jacumba, in California's San Diego County, a couple of Mexican soldiers armed with assault rifles patrol the rocky terrain in the hills above.  Below them, white tents along the Mexican side of the border wall signal the army presence as Mexican national guard (Guardia Nacional) troops pull up in a truck.  They set up camp here in early February.  On Feb. 29, a Mexican soldier hides behind a rock as he realizes reporters have seen him on the U.S. side of the border.  Several moments later, he ducks back under the barbed wire fence into Mexico.  Manny Bayon, a National Border Patrol Council spokesman in San Diego, said usually any incursion by the Mexican military is directly reported to headquarters and the White House is notified.  After watching an Epoch Times video of the Mexican soldier in the hills above the San Judas break, Mr. Bayon said it's obvious that the soldier was on U.S. soil.

The Editor says...
The Mexican military would treat the border with more respect if Joe Biden did the same.

Are the thousands of Chinese 'migrants' flooding into the U.S. really a sleeper army?  Topped with razor wire that glints menacingly in the desert sun, a 30ft steel fence runs along part of the vast U.S.-Mexican border, providing an imposing bulwark in America's war against illegal immigration.  But at a certain point, where the fence runs up against a rocky outcrop, there is a 4ft gap, loosely blocked with more razor wire.  Predictably, it fails to discourage a steady stream of migrants, who simply step around the wire and enter the promised land.

Death of a Nation, Birth of Another.  [Scroll down]  Those foreign fighters being escorted into the country through the southern border will try to take over different parts of America to claim it for their native land.  How will we fight them off if we can't get permission from Washington DC? Believing that we need permission is the failure point.  I know we won't do it willingly, my point is to prepare for it.  Governors all across the nation need to recognize that they will be sitting in the seat when it all comes down and they can embrace the destruction or start planning for victory right now.

[The] Courage to Serve Act [is] designed to lure foreigners into [the] US military.  Two House members, one Democrat and one Republican, recently introduced the Courage to Serve Act, which, if passed into law, would provide an expedited path to citizenship for illegal migrants who sign up to serve in the U.S. military. [...] Welcome to the new mercenary American military.  Give free stuff to illegal invaders — including a path to citizenship — and hope they jump at the chance to defend the nation they've been told is a heinous hellhole of discrimination and oppression.  (But, oddly enough, incredibly generous to "undocumented citizens!")

Chinese outnumber Mexican migrants crossing into Calif, mostly military age males.  The number of Chinese migrants who have crossed into California via the San Diego border with Mexico is now greater than the number of Mexican nationals who swarm into the progressive sanctuary state.  Citing data obtained from Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Fox News reports that "Chinese nationals are the second-largest nationality encountered at the border in San Diego Sector since the fiscal year began in October."  "There have been 21,000 Chinese nationals encountered, second only to Colombia (28,000)," the data revealed.  "Third is Mexican nationals with 18,700, followed by Brazil (8,700) and Ecuador (7,700). Other countries of origin include Turkey, Guinea, India, Guatemala and Peru."  Last week, between Saturday and Monday, Border Patrol apprehended 452 Chinese nationals in the San Diego Sector alone, according to Fox.  That's "more than the entirety of FY 2021 across the whole border," the outlet notes.  [Tweet]

Video: Syrians in Tactical Gear Cross Southern Border, Stop to Talk with Interviewer.  Video footage recorded at America's southern border purportedly shows a group of Syrian men illegally entering the United States while decked out in tactical gear commonly used by military and law enforcement personnel, as well as government contractors.  "Where are you from?" a man with a camera asked the group of fighting-aged males illegally entering the United States at the southern border.  All three of those whose answers appeared on camera identified themselves as Syrians, but only one of them would speak to the interviewer at any length, and he used fairly clear English to do so. [...] But while the video recording of Syrians crossing the southern border and talking about their supposed reasons for entering America is bad enough, it becomes all the more interesting when it's realized that the Syrians are wearing 5.11 tactical gear, a higher-end American brand commonly used by military and law enforcement personnel, as well as private military and government contractors.  The 5.11 gear's southern border cameo begs the question:  Are illegal invaders from the Middle East crossing America's southern border in tactical gear that they were provided back home, by the United States or one of its allies, during one of the many military incursions into Syria in recent years, which continue to this day?  Or, was the gear stolen from an American military installation?

Number of Chinese migrants crossing the border at San Diego now exceeds Mexicans.  The number of Chinese nationals crossing the southern US border near San Diego has eclipsed the number of Mexicans in recent months, according to a new report.  US Customs and Border Protection has recorded 21,000 encounters with Chinese nationals in the San Diego Sector since the fiscal year began in October, according to CBP data obtained by Fox News that is not yet public.  That's more than the 18,700 encounters with Mexican nationals during the same period, and second only to the 28,000 Columbians CBP reported encountering in the sector.

The Truth About Migrants in the US Military.  A recently sponsored Uniparty bill, The Courage to Serve Act, establishes a pilot program allowing illegal migrants to join the US military and get on the fast track to citizenship.  It's a reward for coming illegally.  Instead of closing the border, they're attracting more illegal immigrants, and they're selling out our US military at the same time.

There Sure Are a Lot of Chinese Illegal Immigrants Sneaking Over the Southern Border.  President Joe Biden's border crisis is getting quite diverse.  The southern border has reportedly seen a considerable surge in the percentage of illegal immigrants entering the country from China.  The increase will likely raise eyebrows, questions, and possibly the usage of Google Translate at the southern border.  Border Patrol agents have run into rising numbers of Chinese illegal immigrants trying to cross into the states. [...] The uptick in Chinese illegals at the southern border has become so pronounced, journalist Bill Melugin, who frequently reports on the border crisis, humorously noted that his Spanish-speaking skills were "not doing me a whole lot of good down here" because a "massive explosion of Chinese nationals" were showing up to try to cross the border.

Chinese Nationals Are Surging Over The Border — This Isn't A Crisis, It's An Invasion.  The uptick in Chinese nationals illegally crossing the southern border proves the record-breaking number of foreigners walking into our nation and being shipped by border agents to American cities with little to no vetting is no longer a crisis but a full-fledged invasion.  The Biden administration's long-held talking point is that the current border crisis is fueled by a surge of struggling migrants from unstable Latin American countries.  Chinese migrants, however, not natural disaster victims in Central America, have become the fastest-growing people group to take advantage of the lapsed southern U.S. border.  Border Patrol agents in San Diego alone recorded encounters with 269 Chinese nationals on Monday, Fox News's Bill Melugin reports.  Since the 2024 fiscal year began, Customs and Border Protection clocked more than 20,000 Chinese nationals illegally crossing into the U.S. via the southern border.  Some of them crossed with the help of the Chinese Communist Party-linked app TikTok.

The Newest Wave of Invaders Over Our Open Southern Border:  Chinese Nationals.  We're giving away our country and our birthright to a hostile communist foreign power.

Chinese Border Invasion In Progress?  On Joe Rogan's podcast, Bret Weinstein talked about traveling to Panama to see illegal alien migration problem firsthand, and came away with some disturbing information.  [Video clip]  [...] "The international community has arranged separate encampments.  The Chinese are in many cases traveling a separate way across the Darien Gap.  They're skipping some of the worst parts of it traveling by boat." [...] "When asked where they're from, where they're going, why they're going, they are uninterested in talking.  There's a hostility to it that I found shocking." [...] "[If they] didn't like the way things were in China, they feared their government, they thought that there was economic opportunity, they would be curious about Americans.  These are soon to be their countrymen.  They would tend to be interested in talking.  And even if they, for some reason, because they had lived under a totalitarian regime, felt that they couldn't talk, they wouldn't be broadcasting hostility, they would be ambivalent or something." [...] "That is not the impression that they leave when interacting with them, so I found that utterly alarming." [...] "I wonder if the [larger migration] is a cloak for this other migration from China, which is nothing if not mysterious.  Why are they letting it happen?  Why do you think the government is allowing the border to be so porous, and why are they resisting when Texas tries to do something about it?"

China's Infiltrators: 'They Are Coming Here to Kill Us'.  Chinese attackers are already in America, more are arriving by the day, and they are armed.  Videos posted to X (Twitter) show Chinese migrants firing pistols.  One video is of a Chinese female with a sniper rifle.  [Tweet]  There is no Second Amendment in China, and Chinese citizens are not permitted to possess firearms.  So is it possible that the shooters in the videos are merely taking advantage of a new-found freedom in their new home country?  Unlikely.  One of the migrants videoed was in America for only three weeks and arrived in the country with no money and no identification.  If you had just landed somewhere as a migrant with nothing to your name, you would undoubtedly be preoccupied with finding your next meal, getting a place to live, making a livelihood.  You would not, within weeks of entering your new homeland, be sharpening your skills to kill.  You would not be thinking of killing unless... that is what you came to do.

San Diego border agents arrest 269 Chinese migrants in a single day.  San Diego Border Patrol agents have faced an untenable flood of Chinese migrants sneaking over the border each day, raising fears over the growing influence of the hostile state in the US.  Border sources claim that 269 Chinese migrants were apprehended by CBP officials in a single day this week, according to Fox News' Bill Melugin[,] with the number not including those who manage to cross undetected.  Chinese nationals now make up the largest growing demographic of migrants crossing the porous US-Mexico border.  And 2024 is already well on-track to easily exceed the staggering 37,000 Chinese migrants who were apprehended by the CBP in the 2023 fiscal year.

Report: Mayorkas Paid Chinese Communists to Come Illegally.  As you read this, keep in mind that Sen. Dick Durbin wants to allow illegal aliens to serve in the U.S. Military.  You can see the problem, can't you?  There is also the case of the Taiwanese helicopter pilot who was going to steal 50-year-old US technology for a $15 million payoff from China.  Former FBI agent, West Point graduate, and patriot David Baumblatt has an important message for Americans:  "Illegal Chinese migrants are the fastest growing group crossing into the U.S. from Mexico.  I am a US Citizen and Military Veteran, and when I travel to America, I am Detained, Searched, Interrogated, Surveilled, Humiliated, Deceived, and Assaulted by my government.  However, all of these illegal Chinese spies are allowed to enter FREELY.["]

Chinese Nationals [are the] Fastest Growing Group of Border Crossers.  A gap exists on the Southern California-Mexico border near Jacumba Hot Springs, CA, located 60 miles east of San Diego.  Locals named the gap the San Judas Break.  Quite a few of the Chinese nationals come from the middle class.  They arrive with roller bags filled with clothes and other items.  One national took 40 days to arrive at the border:  Thailand, Morocco, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and Nicaragua.  Many choose to fly to Ecuador since the country "doesn't require a visa for Chinese nationals" and then to Tijuana.  In Tijuana, the nationals pay smugglers "$400 for the hour-long drive to the gap at the border."  The nationals know about the gap from TikTok, which also has posts with tips about smugglers and directions.

Yes, America is Being Invaded.  Migration is being used to attack Finland, Italy, France, Poland and — no surprise — America.  But the Biden administration is asleep at the switch, oblivious to the threat.  Though most of the migrants crossing the U.S. southern border are in search of economic opportunity, some are used as tools by our enemies.  Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is rightly sounding the alarm about what he calls an "invasion."  So are 10 top-ranking former FBI executives, who sent a warning letter to Congress on Jan. 17 about a "new and unfamiliar" type of warfare.  Heed their words.  The letter points to the danger of a large number of military-age men "who could begin attacking gatherings of unarmed citizens," duplicating the horrors of the Oct. 7 Hamas attack.  The letter also warns that some of the migrants are on the terror watchlist or are from countries designated as state sponsors of terrorism.  Europe gets it.  French Minister of the Interior Gerald Darmanin cautioned back in October that failing to expel illegal immigrants has led to past terrorist incidents, and will again.  The Left claims it's "racist" to refer to migration as an "invasion."  Nonsense.  Ask Finland.

Bret Weinstein Discusses the Possibilities Behind the Invasion at Our Southern Border.  Tucker Carlson interviews Bret Weinstein who traveled to the Darien Gap to understand who's behind the invasion of our country.  His conclusion:  "it's not a friendly migration."  He sits down with Tucker Carlson for an in-depth review and analysis.  Weinstein is perplexed, albeit with various theories about the origination and motives behind the mass invasion, however, if you have followed the issue closely since the first rendition during the Obama era in January 2011, the entire "crisis" is nothing more than one growing continuum of the fundamental change.  Obama originated the UAC Central American migration.  The additional arrivals are a confluence of natural opportunists facilitated by various leftist orgs and countries.  The interview itself is very interesting, including how the Chinese saw the opportunity created by the Obama effort and started taking advantage of it.  [Video clip]

The Black Swan Events That Could Determine This Election.  The border has been and is going to remain wide open.  The Republican Squish Caucus's border compromise, which was to give Democrats millions of more immigrants in return for destroying the Republican party, seems to be going nowhere, thank goodness.  The problem is that Joe Biden will continue to refuse to do his job at the border and enforce our laws.  Millions of military-age males are coming into this country, and some of them want to kill us.  I wrote about this in my new novel, The Attack, where thousands of military-age males infiltrate the country and trigger a devastating terrorist assault on Americans using very simple means to maximize casualties and demoralize our country.  This could absolutely happen.  Even some ex-FBI officials, the most incompetent people in the universe, have predicted this possibility and are warning of it.  If we get hit by a massive terrorist attack that kills tens of thousands of Americans [...] it will doom Joe Biden and the Democrats.  Put aside the duty to defend Americans from being murdered, which Democrats care nothing about.  Setting yourself up for that kind of fall is simply political malpractice.

Terrorist Caught Illegally Crossing The Border Was Allowed To Roam Free For Nearly A Year, Memo Says.  Federal authorities caught a terrorist at the U.S. southern border and released him into the country, where he roamed freely for nearly a year before being arrested in Minnesota just days ago, according to an internal federal memo exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.  The unnamed individual, who the memo only identifies as a member of the Somali terror group al-Shabaab, was released shortly after being caught illegally crossing the southern border near San Ysidro, California on March 13, 2023, according to the memo, which the DCNF is not publishing in order to protect the identity of a confidential source.  The Terrorist Screening Center "deemed him a 'mismatch'" after running his name through the terror watchlist, according to the memo, which was sent to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials.

Biden's Open Border Is a National Security 'Risk This Country Cannot Afford'.  "We are witnessing a human tragedy," says House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul at a press conference along the waters of the Rio Grande in Anzalduas Park near McAllen as the Biden administration escalates its harassment of Texas for enforcing the international border with Mexico.  McCaul and a bipartisan delegation of House lawmakers from Texas — Democrat Henry Cuellar and Republicans Monica De La Cruz and Randy Weber — have just finished a boat tour with the Texas Department of Public Safety.  Behind McCaul is a sign declaring "BEWARE OF ALLIGATORS" and, beyond that, two DPS boats loaded with firepower and ballistic shields.  On the opposite shore, a few individuals gather to watch what's going on from Mexico.  McCaul and his colleagues are in Texas to see, first-hand, what federal border patrol agents and state authorities are facing as new records continue to be set for the number of illegal immigrants encountered along the southern border.

Just Look At All These Poor Women And Children At The Southern Border Looking For A Better Life.  The left tried to paint the invasion at the southern border with Mexico as just hordes of women and children fleeing terrible conditions in their own countries but this is what's really going on.  Tens of thousands of military-aged men from Africa have poured across the border over the past few months since Europe is starting to crack down on African migrants.  [Video clip]

Blue States Are Hiring Illegals as Police, Giving Them Guns.  As you likely know, blue states have been playing a cute and dangerous game to drive up their gun crime stats:
  [#1]   Release prisoners from jail
  [#2]   Keep them free with cashless bail
  [#3]   More criminals on the streets with guns means more crime
  [#4]   Use the inflated crime stats to take away your gat

The Editor says...
I play Scrabble as much as the next guy, but I thought gat was a typo until I looked it up.  It's slang for a gun, as you might have inferred from the context.

'Their' Democracy:  Tyranny Comes to the US.  [Scroll down]  Even illegals from countries hostile to U.S. interests get help from Biden's people.  For example, the administration lowered the vetting process for illegal Chinese aliens, resulting in an explosion of wealthy Chinese men invading our border.  Additionally, under the Biden administration, illegals are allowed to board U.S. aircraft without proper identification, something denied to everyone else.  Now we learn that DHS will give illegals U.S.-issued IDs even though many have no official documentation.  Despite confirmation from the government that terrorists are among these illegals, the administration continues to stonewall efforts to stop the invasion.  Giving aid to America's enemies is considered treason under Article III, sec. 3 of the U.S. Constitution.

16K Chinese Migrants Headed for U.S. Border, Detained.  Border Patrol agents apprehended tens of thousands of illegal Chinese migrants headed for the U.S. border as President Joe Biden's immigration crisis continues to threaten the nation's national security risk.  Since October 1, 2023, Border Patrol agents have detained nearly 16,000 Chinese nationals who illegally crossed the border between ports of entry.  According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection reports, 9,844 migrants were apprehended in October and November, leaving roughly 6,800 to be arrested since December 1, 2023.  In addition, Mexican authorities detained 40 Chinese illegal migrants who were traveling by bus in southern Mexico on their way to the United States.  That same day, Mexican authorities apprehended 180 migrants in the state of Oaxaca coming from Central and South America[,] also heading for the U.S.

What does $31 million get the Chinese from Biden?  Easy access into the United States, apparently.  Many have wondered why the Chinese would steer in the vicinity of $31 million to the Biden crime family.  Exactly what were they seeking in return?  We may know the answer.  Writing in Substack, Sam Faddis asked the same question and believes he has come upon an answer.  Biden, Faddis notes, has gone above and beyond in catering to the Chinese.  Still, the most egregious step the Biden administration has taken is virtually eliminating any control on Chinese nationals entering the country.  The administration has basically "greased the skids" to increase the flow of military-aged Chinese males entering the US, most across the southern border.

Terrorist attacks in America: for what are they waiting?  We somehow managed to get through Christmas and New Year's Eve without terrorist attacks.  For what are they waiting?  The FBI has admitted they're watching at least 300 people on the Terrorist Watch List (TWL).  Never mind why people on the TWL were allowed into the country so they could be watched in the first place.  That's "need to know" and Americans don't have a need to know.  Our security apparatus has also admitted thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of military aged males from countries that would like every American dead have crossed the border.  These are countries like Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and many others.  They've also grudgingly admitted it appears plenty of these military aged males, who happen to be Chinese, just might be members of the Chinese military.  That's the military aged males with whom they briefly chatted before giving them free rides on buses or jets to their preferred destinations.  There are loads more "gotaways" — people they saw but didn't chat with or give free rides — and even more they never saw.

Our Incompetent Elite Is Opening Up America to Attack.  The entire southern border is wide open — it would be a joke if it weren't going to lead to so many deaths.  We're seeing tens of thousands of military-aged males walking into the United States.  Some of them are infiltrators.  It will not take much to organize a force that launches simultaneous attacks over the width and breadth of this country.  Think 10/7 on steroids.  We are not prepared for such a mass attack.  Our law enforcement can barely contain a single freak with a gun.  Do you remember those idiots in Boston who blew up the marathon with a pressure cooker bomb?  There were two of them with a couple of handguns, and they completely locked down a major metropolis for a couple of days.  Two untrained idiots with a pair of pistols shut down the whole city of Boston.  So what happens if you have 10,000 suicidal jihadists with smuggled-in automatic weapons simply waiting for an order?  Those of you who have been in the military understand command and control, but what happens if you don't need it?  What happens if you just position these people, arm them, and have them wait until a set time to go to a specific place and start murdering Americans?

No Border — Say Goodbye to America.  Financial ramifications are a fraction of the problem.  What about the fact that there are millions of young, military aged men, from all over the world, including countries not friendly to U.S. interests, unvetted, with unknown backgrounds or intentions, now in this country?  How many are, as Trump would describe, "bad hombres"?  Intent on crime or terrorism?  The number of Chinese migrants crossing into America has risen dramatically.  If 4 million to 5 million migrants come to America each year, and 10 percent are troublemakers, that's 450,000, the same size as the active duty U.S. Army.  Our enemies would not need to attack us from the outside, their militaries may already be embedded in America.  Is this migration?  Or an invasion?  And why is it being allowed, facilitated, and encouraged?

Northern Border Drama:  ICE Returned an Iranian National with Terrorism Ties Back to Canada.  The Biden border crisis extends to the northern border the United States shares with Canada.  Joe Biden isn't paying any attention to that border, either.  An Iranian national who has been living in Canada was apprehended when he crossed the U.S. border.  He has ties to terrorism.  The third time was the charm for him as it is being reported that he tried two times in October to illegally enter the United States.  He entered the U.S. near Niagra Falls and was apprehended by Border Patrol.  Friday, ICE announced that Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) sent him back to Canada.  He is a "national security priority" wanted on assault charges in Canada.

Our Razor's Edge.  Many of the loudest and most violent anti-Jewish protestors in the U.S. are immigrants, green card holders, or on student visas.  That fact is confusing to Americans.  Why would those who have fled despotic regimes in the Middle East to study, work, or reside in a free America, once safely here, rally for the very dictatorships they left behind and apparently do not wish to return to?  Why trash the very foundation and values of their American hosts who ensure their newfound freedoms?  For weeks, the American people have been relatively silent as they digested these ongoing catastrophes.  But at some point, their patience will run out.

Today, They Are Blocking Airports And Storming Government Buildings.  Tomorrow, What They Will Do Will Be Far Worse.  Radical Islamic activists are increasingly causing major problems all over the United States.  They are blocking airports, storming government buildings and causing all sorts of chaos in the streets.  Unfortunately, thanks to the Biden administration more Muslim extremists continue to pour into this country with each passing day.  They have learned how to game the system just like hordes of other illegal immigrants have.  We are literally committing national suicide, but as long as Joe Biden is in the White House our borders are going to continue to be wide open. [...] Over the past few months, there have been endless examples of pro-Palestinian extremists causing trouble.  But this is just the beginning.  Thanks to the very foolish policies of our leaders, there are now 49.5 million people living in this country that were not born here. [...] If people come here legally and want to abide by our laws and integrate into our society, I have no problem with that.  Unfortunately, there are millions upon millions of immigrants that have come here that have no intention of following our laws or integrating into our society.  Instead, they intend to change our society.

Gotaways with Rifles, Military-Age Men by the Thousands Daily.  Border patrol sector Chiefs have said what's coming over the border keeps us up at night.  They made their comments during interviews with the House Homeland Security Committee.  Fox News Digital obtained excerpts from transcripts of interviews with the committee taken during the year.  Then-chief patrol agent Jason Owens, now head of the border patrol, told lawmakers that a major concern for the agency is the impact of the humanitarian crisis.  Perhaps even more important are the known gotaways, carrying rifles, and wearing body armor.  Agents are constantly diverted from doing their job as thousands of military-age men pour across our border.

TSA Letting Illegals Board Flights Without Passports.  Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) tells me that thousands of illegal aliens are being flown to cities and towns across the nation courtesy of the American taxpayers.  Norman said a pilot reached out to him for a major American air carrier and was very disturbed about the illegals who he was being forced to board his plane.  The pilot said none of the illegals had government identification or medical clearance.  Meanwhile, journalist Bill Melugin posted a photograph of a sign at the Tucson airport.  The sign directed illegals with no passports to form a separate line.  There's a very real chance that terrorists have been allowed to board jetliners.  And now those terrorists and sleeper cells may be in your communities.

5 All-Time Worsts for America with Joe Biden as President.  Perhaps most concerning to law enforcement agencies is the skyrocketing number of illegal aliens arriving at the border who are matches for those listed on the federal government's "Terrorist Watch List."  In fiscal year 2023, 169 illegal alien terrorists were arrested by Border Patrol attempting to cross the southern border.  "The number of individuals apprehended illegally crossing the southwest border and found to be on the terrorist watchlist has increased 2,500 percent from Fiscal Years 2017-2020 to Fiscal Year 2023.  And those are only who we've caught," [Rep. Mark] Green said this week.  "How many others have slipped by as Border Patrol agents have increasingly been pulled off the line to process illegal aliens crossing the border?" he continued.  "How many violent criminals and gang members are now at large in our communities?"

Thousands of Military-Age Men From India, Middle East and Africa Invade Eagle Pass and Lukeville.  Thousands of military-age men from India, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East invaded Eagle Pass and Lukeville on Wednesday [12/20/2023].  December is on track to be a record month for illegal border crossings.  According to Customs and Border Protection, more than 300,000 illegals will likely pour into the US in December on Joe Biden's open border invitation.  Video posted to X by NewsNation correspondent Jorge Ventura showed thousands of illegals — mainly military-age males — at the Eagle Pass, Texas port of entry waiting to be processed.  Border Patrol agents are overwhelmed and thousands more are on the way.

Hordes Of Military-Age Chinese Men Being Brought Into The United States.  Over the past couple of years, vast numbers of illegal immigrants from China have been pouring over our southern border.  Most of them are military-age men.  So why has there been such a dramatic spike?  Is some sort of a coordinated effort going on that we don't know about?  In this article, I am going to try to make some connections.  Taken on their own, some of the stories that I am about to share with you may not seem that significant.  But when you step back and take a look at the bigger picture, it becomes clear that something very unusual is happening.  Could it be possible that hordes of military-age Chinese men are being brought into this country in an attempt to destabilize our nation?

Large Groups Of Military-Aged Chinese Men Apprehended By The Border Patrol In Jacumba Springs, CA.  Is this the PLA?  [Video clip]

Don't enlist America's enemies.  Senator Dick Durbin said the quiet part out loud about the Biden administration's hollowing out of the U.S. military.  In floor remarks yesterday, he declared it now needs to tap what he described as "undocumented" persons who "want to serve and risk their lives for this country."  To be sure, Team Biden's effective destruction of our borders has created an immense pool of fit, military-age men who are willing to do a job in uniform that increasing numbers of Americans won't.  The bad news is that, while many such men would probably be happy to enlist, especially if thereby fast-tracked for citizenship, they appear to be Communist Chinese special forces.  Countless others hail from the armies, terrorist organizations, and prisons of Sharia-supremacist or otherwise hostile nations.

Senator Dick Durbin Proposes Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Join U.S. Military as a Pathway to Citizenship.  In a controversial turn of policy advocacy, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) is now advocating for a bold and contentious plan as proposed by another Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL):  allowing illegal immigrants to serve in the U.S. military as a pathway to citizenship.  In his recent address, highlighted the demand for legal immigration, suggesting that illegal immigrants who can pass physical and background tests should be allowed to serve in the military.  In return for their honorable service, they would be granted U.S. citizenship.  Durbin's rationale hinges on the military's current recruitment struggles.

The Editor says...
[#1] "[T]he military's current recruitment struggles" were self-inflicted.  Nobody wants to sign up for the military when the keys to promotion and success are sexual confusion and perversion rather than hard work and good decisions.  [#2] Some of these "immigrants" who want so badly to join the U.S. military are Chinese spies.

Joe Biden Ignores Rising Inflow of Chinese Illegal Migrants.  More than 100,000 Chinese nationals have migrated into the United States since 2021, and the federal government is doing little to block them or to send them home, the New York Times reported on November 24. [...] In 2015, for example, federal officials tried to deport more than a dozen violent Chinese migrants back to their home country, Reuters reported.  "But, not for the first time, China failed to provide the necessary documents, and three months later not one of those arrested has been deported, and many have been released from custody," Reuters said.

National security is non-existent in a nation without a border.  The admittance of anyone, without substantive qualifications to enter is, in effect, an unregulated border and therefore non-existent.  To hear DHS, FBI, CIA, NSA and DOD complain then about the need to protect and defend national security is a farce.  While it is important to enforce laws against all manner of possible threats to the homeland, it does not comport then, to allowing the invasion of nearly a million military-age men from hostile nations such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, China, Russia and numerous hostile African nations.  The illogical pretense of securing the nation by attacking, jailing and surveilling American citizens who hold jobs and pay taxes for the crime of being patriotic to the Constitutional principles that are being violated by open borders, systematic sexual abuse of school children and censoring speech in opposition to those violations cannot be allowed to go unnoticed.

Officials don't know how thousands of African migrants end up in Tijuana.  Officials in Tijuana say they are baffled as they try to figure out how thousands of migrants from Africa keep showing up in their region.  Enrique Lucero, head of Tijuana's Migrant Affairs Office, says they've yet to find out who is bringing the Africans to Tijuana or how they are getting here.  "The flow is constant, and we don't know how they make their way here," said Lucero.  "There is no register at the airport or bus stations."

Terror Attacks on American Soil Are Imminent.  As the [critical] evidence grows for impeachment of Biden, a devastating attack on the U.S. could be the very thing that would keep the insanely power-hungry Democrats in charge.  I wouldn't put it past them to allow such a horror in their own country.  Remember, those aligned against America are totally fine with the deaths caused by creating and spreading genetically-engineered diseases, and forcing ordinary Americans (and our military personnel) to take a "vaccine" that kills.  They have disregarded our Constitution and laws by weaponizing our judicial system against peaceful protesters on January 6th and Trump's efforts to run for election in 2024.  We must loudly demand that our elected officials direct our intelligence and law enforcement to seal the border, track down and detain military-aged infiltrators, and put all important installations and infrastructure on high-alert immediately.  Anything short of this will be seen as a gross dereliction of duty should something horrible occur.

Threats to the United States now at a Whole New Level.  The open-border policy of the Biden regime is effectively advancing in the United States what the replacement migration policies accomplished in Europe, which is to pave the way for the New World Order, by breaking down identification with and affection for the nation-state.  Among the eight million migrants from dozens of countries who have swarmed across the U.S. southern border during the nearly three years of the Biden administration, there are a good number of radical Islamists from terrorist hotbeds in the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa, Hezb'allah from Venezuela, and both Chinese PLA special forces, and Chinese military age single men.  If only one percent of the eight million migrants who have arrived in Biden's first three years are radicalized America-haters, that would be 80,000 people who could wreak havoc in the United States.

Fox Host Confronts John Kirby Over Potential Terrorists Who 'Slip Through' Border.  Fox News host Neil Cavuto pressed White House spokesman John Kirby on Monday about Hamas sympathizers sneaking through the U.S.-Mexico border after a deadly terrorist attack in Israel.  The Justice Department secured an indictment against Sohaib Abuayyash, a 20-year-old Palestinian who was in the United States illegally, on a federal firearms charge Friday.  "Do you feel there's a threat that some nefarious elements, including Hamas members or those sympathetic or inspired by Hamas, to do the same thing here?" Cavuto asked Kirby, referencing the Oct. 7 attack on multiple locations in southern Israel carried out by the radical Islamic terrorist group, and he added:  "That maybe they snuck through the border and are here?"  An Oct. 20 memo from the San Diego Field Office Intelligence Division of Customs and Border Protection warned that Hamas and Hezbollah could be infiltrating into the United States through the U.S.-Mexico border.  Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas was unable to say how many members of the radical Islamic terrorist organizations may have entered the United States through the southern border during testimony at a Senate hearing Tuesday.

Keep Your Head on a Swivel.  During Biden's time in office, border patrol officers have "encountered" nearly seven million immigrants, while over two million "known gotaways" evaded initial detection.  Tens of thousands of Middle Easterners have successfully entered the country illegally.  In 2023 alone, nearly one thousand people on the FBI's terrorist watchlist have been apprehended, but nobody knows the true scope of terrorist "gotaways."  The cold, hard truth is this:  through its open border policies and refugee resettlement programs, the federal government is actively aiding and abetting the next terrorist attack on the United States.  The FBI has proved time and again that it has no interest in preventing Islamic terrorism inside America's borders.  While it directs its funding resources and agents' time toward targeting Trump supporters for their political beliefs, it has repeatedly failed to act on intelligence that would have prevented every Islamic terror attack since 9/11.  Neither the FBI nor the larger Intelligence Community is motivated by the prospect of saving American lives.

Illegal Alien, Wanted for Terrorism, Had Been Freed into U.S. by Biden's DHS.  An illegal alien wanted for terrorism in Senegal was arrested in late October just blocks from New York City's One World Trade Center after having been released into the United States by President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  Just this week, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas repeatedly told the Senate Homeland Security Committee that illegal aliens who are "national security threats" are promptly arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents and deported.  Despite Mayorkas' assertion, an illegal alien — from either the Islamic Republic of Mauritania or Senegal — arrived at the United States-Mexico border on Oct. 3 near Lukeville, Arizona.  The illegal alien was given a Notice to Appear (NTA) before a federal immigration judge and released into the United States interior.

Special Forces Veteran Tells Joe Rogan Terror Attacks Are Coming to U.S. Because of Open Border.  Tim Kennedy is a Special Forces veteran who now works in television and other media.  During a recent appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast, Kennedy warned that terror attacks are coming to the United States due to Joe Biden's open border.  Millions of Americans see the danger that Biden has put the country in, but he does not seem to care, even after the horrors we just witnessed in Israel.  As Kennedy explains, it's just a matter of numbers and time.

Law Enforcement Intel Report Warns of Terrorism Coming to the US, Biden Admin Does Nothing to Prevent It.  In a recent warning to American law enforcement, the San Diego Field Office of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Department's Intelligence Division has issued a chilling but not surprising advisement for law enforcement agencies along the southern border to expect terrorist groups like Hamas to enter the United States through the open southern border.  In the advisory, which is marked "Law Enforcement Sensitive," the agency says that people in the U.S. who are sympathetic to Hamas and are attempting to join the group in the area of the war may attempt to leave through the southern border.  In addition to this, they further warn that foreign fighters associated or sympathetic with Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad will most likely attempt to conceal their travel or transit to the United States by coming through the open southern borders.

House Republican Sounds Alarm About Cuba Helping Smuggle Chinese Nationals Into U.S..  China and Cuba have reportedly teamed up to transport Chinese nationals across the Atlantic Ocean's Straits of Florida and smuggle them into the United States, according to a top Florida Republican lawmaker.  U.S. Rep. Carlos Gimenez, who represents the Florida Keys, warned about the alleged partnership between the two communist nations in an interview with the Daily Mail on Sunday — after 17 Chinese nationals were apprehended inside the congressman's district last week.  "This is the first time I think we've caught [Chinese nationals] trying to cross getting into the Keys area ... it's concerning," Gimenez told during an exclusive interview. "I don't know who they are, why they're here, or what they were doing."  U.S. Border Patrol agents and Florida Highway Patrol troopers responded to a vessel landing in Key Largo on October 23, which led to authorities capturing three Ecuadorians and another 17 Chinese immigrants — 11 men and six women, according to local media.

House Republican Sounds Alarm About Cuba Helping Smuggle Chinese Nationals Into U.S..  China and Cuba have reportedly teamed up to transport Chinese nationals across the Atlantic Ocean's Straits of Florida and smuggle them into the United States, according to a top Florida Republican lawmaker.  U.S. Rep. Carlos Gimenez, who represents the Florida Keys, warned about the alleged partnership between the two communist nations in an interview with the Daily Mail on Sunday — after 17 Chinese nationals were apprehended inside the congressman's district last week.  "This is the first time I think we've caught [Chinese nationals] trying to cross getting into the Keys area ... it's concerning," Gimenez told during an exclusive interview.  "I don't know who they are, why they're here, or what they were doing."  U.S. Border Patrol agents and Florida Highway Patrol troopers responded to a vessel landing in Key Largo on October 23, which led to authorities capturing three Ecuadorians and another 17 Chinese immigrants — 11 men and six women, according to local media.

100 Syrians, 50 Iranians Cross Biden's Open Border in October, Says Source.  According to a source within CBP, the influx of Special Interest Migrants across the U.S./Mexico border continues early in the NEW fiscal year as nearly 100 Syrian and 50 Iranian nationals have been apprehended by the Border Patrol since the beginning of October.  The source says the influx of Syrian and Iranian Special Interest Migrants is concerning, considering the turmoil unfolding in the Middle East.  The Syrian and Iranian migrants were apprehended in multiple sectors across the southwest border during October.  The latest arrest of an Iranian national by the Border Patrol occurred near Eagle Pass, Texas, on Saturday.  The Iranian national was discovered within a single group of more than 300 that crossed into the small border city.  A debrief of the Iranian migrant is pending as of press time, according to the source.

Customs and Border Patrol Issue Warning for Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah Arrivals Posing as Illegal Aliens During Border Influx.  We should all be aware of the domestic threat posed after several years of BLM alignment with various groups promoting Islamic Jihad.  The extreme elements of the Palestinian movement have swelled in the U.S since 2009 and the introduction of sympathies for the Muslim Brotherhood.  In addition to the preexisting threat, Customs and Border Patrol are also raising the alert for potential Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad fighters to cross the U.S southern border as the influx of illegal aliens continues unabated by the Biden administration.  In a leaked memo from the San Diego Field Office of the CBP:  "Individuals with terrorism connections are interested in using established travel routes and permissive environments to facilitate access to the United States," the alert warns.

House Republicans:  Joe Biden Has No Authority to Import Palestinians to U.S. Through Parole Loophole.  A group of House Republicans is reminding President Joe Biden he does not have any authority under existing federal immigration law to bring Palestinians from Gaza to the United States via a parole pipeline.  Reps.  Josh Brecheen (R-OK), Andy Ogles (R-TN), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), and Clay Higgins (R-LA) have sent a letter to Biden asking him to oppose resettling Palestinians across American communities — an issue the White House has been silent on even as Reps.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) have voiced their support for such a plan.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken:  Americans Must Accept Migrants.  President Joe Biden's foreign policy chief, Antony Blinken, says Americans must give foreigners the opportunity to migrate into their U.S. homeland.  "You have to give them an opportunity to do that," Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at an event at Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy in Texas.  Blinken did not urge his government peers to enforce the immigration laws that protect Americans from employers who hire illegal immigrants that undercut Americans' bargaining power in the labor market.  He also did not mention the many polls showing the growing public opposition to Biden's mass illegal migration.

CBP Warns of Hamas and Hezbollah Fighters on Southwest Border.  Having an open border also means having a big target on our backs.  Beyond the millions of invaders, a more motivated group might decide to take a shot. [...] [A] memo, first reported by the Daily Caller, doesn't just warn about people on terror watchlists, rather it flags "military age males" in "military gear" with "weapons" and "insignia patches" of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad showing up on the border.  That's well beyond people on terror watchlists infiltrating the United States.  That is suggestive of a Hamas Oct 7 scenario.  Now we've had plenty of warnings and alerts that didn't pan out.  Most of them probably did not.  As I wrote earlier offensive intelligence is vastly more useful than defensive intelligence.  And most chatter turns out to be just noise.  But it's still deeply troubling that there is anything like this in the aether.  It's also an urgent warning to secure our border before it becomes reality.

CBP memo sounds alarm on Hamas, Hezbollah fighters potentially using southern border to enter US.  A Customs and Border Protection (CBP) memo is warning staff of the risk that foreign terrorist fighters engaged in the Israel-Hamas conflict could soon be attempting to enter the United States via the besieged southern border.  In a Friday memo by the agency's San Diego Field Office's intelligence unit, obtained by Fox News, the agency warns that individuals "inspired by, or reacting to, the current Israel-Hamas conflict may attempt travel to or from the area of hostilities in the Middle East via circuitous transit across the Southwest border."  "Foreign fighters motivated by ideology or mercenary soldiers of fortune may attempt to obfuscate travel to or from the US to or from countries in the Middle East through Mexico."

Palestinian refugees are a risk America can't afford to take.  Following the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel and the ensuing outbreak of another war in the Middle East, influential people in Washington, D.C., are already calling for the U.S. to take in Palestinian refugees.  They couldn't be more wrong.  While the war is still in its early days, it is expected that up to one million Palestinians living in Gaza could soon become refugees.  Progressive members of Congress and anti-borders groups are already claiming the U.S. has a responsibility to take in some of these refugees, but fail to mention that importing migrants from an area that glorifies and idolizes terrorists could put the national security of the U.S. at grave risk.  It is well-known that a large majority of the Palestinian people have been brainwashed by their government to hate the U.S. and Israel.  Children in Gaza are taught from a young age about the glories of martyrdom and violent Jihad.  Palestinians voted in 2006 to elect Hamas as their government, the same terrorist organization that just led the greatest slaughter of the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Americans Must Be Ready to Import Palestinians.  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a leading voice of the Democrat Party's far-left wing, is suggesting Americans must be ready to bring Palestinians to their communities.  During an interview on CNN, Ocasio-Cortez was asked whether Arab countries in the Middle East ought to open their borders to Palestinians rather than the United States.  In response, Ocasio-Cortez suggested she would support such Arab countries taking in Palestinians, but Americans would also need to be open to refugee resettlement.

Loudly public Hamas supporter turns up as an official DHS 'asylum officer'.  Amid the migrant surge at the border, Joe Biden instituted the questionable position of "asylum officers" instead of legally mandated judges to adjudicate asylum claims for the millions of illegals crossing into the U.S. and being allowed to move about the country.  I've warned in the past that the positions would be filled by open-borders activists from the NGOs who would wave through every claim as valid, but it's worse than that.

The Writing Is on the Wall:  America Likely to Be Hit Because of the Invasion From Mexico.  If any form of terrorist attack comes to this nation, and it will come, how are you prepared to handle that?  Millions of people have streamed across the border, and we have no idea who many of them are or where they came from, so the chances are it won't be just a day of attacks like on 9/11 — it'll be multiple attacks around the country like Hamas and Hezbollah are inflicting on Israel right now.

Biden's open border.  President Biden's open border is an open invitation to unvetted Jihadists yearning to victimize Americans.  Per Reuters, over 10,000 illegal aliens cross the U.S. border daily.  Trump has pointed out for some time now that Biden's open border is "the crime of the century," since it is responsible for the fact that many countries are emptying their prisons and helping their criminals to escape to America: "They are emptying their jails into our country.  They will destroy our country — all because of a rigged election."  Jihadists, aka Islamic Holy Warriors, are also coming across.  How could they resist an invitation like the border Biden has been holding open?

Biden Admits Terrorism Threats In America Are Up But Won't Stop Welcoming Them Over The Border.  Biden administration officials including President Joe Biden warned over the weekend that Hamas' attack on Israel has resulted in an increased threat of terrorism within U.S. borders.  FBI Director Christopher Wray warned on Saturday that the "heightened environment" presented by the fighting in Israel and Gaza has caused "an increase in reported threats."  "We've got to be on the lookout, especially for lone actors who may take inspiration from recent events to commit violence of their own," Wray said during his address at the International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference.  "I'd encourage you to stay vigilant because as the first line of defense protecting our communities, you're often the first to see the signs that someone may be mobilizing to violence."

Since we no longer have borders there is no need for safety theater.  If you accept the government's conservative estimates, at the current pace, the Biden regime will have allowed a minimum of more than 2.3 million future Democrats into the U.S. over a 12-month span alone.  Thanks to state and federal taxpayers, these illegal immigrants have been transported, clothed, and fed and have received free healthcare and accommodations at New York hotels, among other locales.  To take advantage of many of these taxpayer-funded benefits, the regime plans to issue them ID cards.  Have illegals been tested for Covid?  Even at the height of the pandemic they were not.  Were they expected to be vaccinated?  While the federal government mandated that federal employees and armed service members be vaccinated, it gave illegal immigrants a pass.  Have they been investigated, or even questioned, about their criminal histories?  Hardly.  As a result, an untold number of those who've crossed into the United States illegally are no doubt criminals in their own countries who've decided to see how the pickings are up north.  Others are possibly members of foreign terrorist cells with the ability, the will, and perhaps the mission to strike American targets.

We Are Sitting Ducks And Our Leaders Do Not Care.  I typically write my Townhall columns a couple of days ahead of time, and I hope that events don't overcome this one.  Why am I worried?  Because what I'm writing about now is the deadly threat that our incompetent elite, led by that senile, corrupt, dust puppet masquerading as our president, have allowed to fester in our country.  Last Thursday, I wrote about how the left literally wants to see you raped and murdered.  Well, the left has also left the door open for the murderers.  Now, half the Third World is waltzing across our southern border, and how do you think this is going to end?  Think it ends well?  Does it seem like a really smart idea?  Of course not, which is why they are doing it.

Four Iranians considered a terrorist threat caught at the US-Mexico border.  A fourth Iranian on the terror watchlist was caught trying to get into the U.S. through the southern border over the weekend as the war between Israel and Tehran-backed terror group Hamas rages on.  The man in his 40s is the fourth Iranian to be apprehended by customs officials since the start of October.  It came after Hamas terrorists launched a murderous onslaught on Israel on Oct. 7, killing men, women and children.

It's the Border, Stupid!  In 2023, it's the economy again, but not only the economy.  Our national debt is over $33 trillion, growing by $5 billion a day, with interest payments costing taxpayers almost $2 billion each day.  Much of it is or was going to one of the most corrupt countries in the world, holding no vital US interest, or spent on the nonsensical "Green New Deal," while most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.  While not pleasant, America can survive a recession or depression, as we did a hundred years ago.  But what if we are invaded and conquered?  That's a new scenario for America.  The past two world wars, and subsequent wars were all fought overseas, not in the US homeland.  Invasions don't always happen by ships and planes.  What if we simply allow the enemy to move into the country, ready for activation at any time?  In other words, America's future enemy combatants may already be here.  Republicans should be shouting, "It's the border, stupid!"

Sen. Cotton Demands DHS 'Immediately Deport' Foreign Nationals That Express Support For Hamas Attacks.  Republican Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton sent a letter Monday to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas calling on the agency to deport any foreign nationals, including those on a student visa, who have expressed support for Hamas' attacks on Israel.  "I write to urge you to immediately deport any foreign national — including and especially any alien on a student visa — that has expressed support for Hamas and its murderous attacks on Israel," he wrote.  "Federal law is clear that any alien who 'endorses or espouses terrorist activity or persuades others to endorse or espouse terrorist activity or support a terrorist organization' is inadmissible and must be deported.  Swiftly removing and permanently barring from future reentry any foreign student who signed onto or shared approvingly the anti-Semitic letter from the Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee on October 7 would be a good place to start," Cotton wrote in the letter.

Attorneys General Demand Biden End 'Catch and Release' of Millions of Illegal Aliens Amid Terrorism Concerns.  A coalition of Republican attorneys general are calling on President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to close its catch and release network that has freed nearly three million border crossers and illegal aliens into the United States.  This week, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, along with 26 fellow Republican attorneys general, filed a Petition for Rulemaking to DHS, asking the agency to end its catch and release network that includes a parole pipeline where border crossers and illegal aliens arrive at the southern border in the hopes of being released into American communities.

Terrorist Watchlist Encounters at Southern Border Up 7,450% Under Biden, Setting New FY Record.  The number of people on the Terrorist Watchlist caught trying to illegally enter the U.S. through the southern border has skyrocketed since Pres.  Joe Biden took office, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) enforcement statistics reveal.  Last updated on September 15, CBP enforcement statistics show that Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 set a record for the number of people on the U.S. government's terror watchlist caught trying to illegally enter the U.S., hitting 151 with two weeks to spare.

America's Armageddon.  [Scroll down]  Given we now have 1.5 million illegal got aways, plus thousands of Chinese nationals — across our country — we must acknowledge we could have an army of over 30,000 such insurgents in each of our fifty states.  Even if we imagine only 1% (300) of these illegal got aways and Chinese nationals are insurgents, if they decided to undertake either a coordinated or uncoordinated actions to sabotage and subvert our country, they could cause extreme harm, disruption, and destruction.  A mere 300 insurgents would suck up most of the any state's law enforcement and emergency response resources to handle, address, and stem complete chaos, panic, and anarchy.  We could split the difference, and imagine 10% or 3000, of the fuller 30,000 being insurgents.  Why?  Because these individuals were aided by the cartels, who are working with China, and therefore have a mission, a purpose, to their entry.  What is it?  And let's not forget, they're still coming over the border!

61K 'Special Interest Aliens' Entered U.S. through Biden's Open Border in 2023, Says DHS.  According to a Department of Homeland Security report reviewed by Breitbart Texas, 61,471 migrants from "Special Interest Countries" entered the United States in Fiscal Year 2023.  According to a source within CBP, most of the migrants, mainly single adult males from countries subject to travel warnings by the U.S. State Department due to terrorism, were released into the United States to pursue asylum claims.  The number of migrants from special interest countries climbed by more than 140% from fiscal year 2022 when Border Patrol agents encountered more than 25,500 Special Interest migrants across the southwest border.  In all, more than 112,600 "Special Interest Aliens" made the crossing in two years.

Never Mind Those Hordes of Military-Aged Chinese Men With the Same Clothing, Haircuts, and Tattoos Swarming Our Southern Border.  Experts believe that more than seven million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since *President Biden occupied the White House.  The apparatchiks in the Pravda Press downplay the situation by assuring us the invaders are "families," even though most of the videos we see are of single, military-aged men, frequently from Venezuela.  But the most onerous onslaught at our northern and southern borders is the disturbing number of single, military-aged Chinese men and women finding their way into our country and disappearing once they get in.  Why would Chinese nationals fly into Panama and make a seemingly arduous voyage to our southern border?  According to Anthony Rubin, the founder of Muckraker, who filmed Chinese people lining up for a seat on a U.S.-bound bus, they aren't able to simply fly in and wait for their visas to expire like they did in the good old days.  "This would be for people who can't fly into the U.S. directly," Rubin told Fox News.

Hundreds of African migrants sneak into the US in broad daylight.  Baba, a mechanic from the West African nation of Mauritania threw himself to the ground and prayed seconds after squeezing through the steel fence at the Mexican border in Arizona.  'Joe Biden opened the door for us,' he gleefully yelled as dusk fell and the migrants waited to be picked up and processed by U.S. authorities.  'I wanted to come here to be free.  You cannot put a price on freedom,' added Baba, one of an increasing number of migrants from several African countries who are now joining the influx along the southern border.

Seven 9/11 Hijackers Were in U.S. Thanks to Loophole Used by 854K Illegal Aliens Last Year.  Seven of the 19 Islamic terrorists who hijacked commercial planes on September 11, 2001, killing nearly 3,000 Americans, remained in the United States after overstaying their visas thanks to a wide-open loophole that allowed nearly 854,000 illegal aliens to stay in the U.S. [...] Seven of the 19 terrorists overstayed their visas either before the attacks or at the time of the attacks.  Despite U.S. immigration law requiring their detainment and potential deportation, none were detained or deported. [...] Today, that visa overstay loophole used by seven of the 9/11 terrorists remains wide open and even larger than decades ago.  In June, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued its annual report revealing that nearly 854,000 illegal aliens overstayed their visas in 2022.

Feds Flagged Nearly 75,000 Illegal Migrants As Potential National Security Risks.  Customs and Border Protection (CBP) flagged 74,904 illegal migrants nationwide for potentially posing risks to national security between October 2022 and August, according to CBP data obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller News Foundation.  Certain illegal migrants are deemed to be "special interest aliens" because they may have travel patterns that "possibly have a nexus to terrorism" or may come from countries with such ties, according to a 2019 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) fact sheet.  Border Patrol agents encountered 25,627 "special interest" illegal migrants in fiscal year 2022, compared to 3,675 encounters in fiscal year 2021, according to internal agency data previously obtained by the DCNF; however, this data doesn't account for all CBP encounters of special interest aliens.

The Biden administration has effectively outsourced U.S. immigration to the Mexican cartels.  [Video clip]  The video above features Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s mini-documentary "Midnight At the Border," in which he travels to the U.S.-Mexico border in Yuma, Arizona, to investigate the illegal immigration issue firsthand. [...] A major take-home from Kennedy's exposé of the border crisis is that the Biden administration has effectively outsourced U.S. immigration to the cartels.  Several cartels are in fact now fighting for supremacy.  According to Jonathan Lines, Yuma County, Arizona, supervisor for District 2, there have been 300 assassinations in the past 18 months, as the cartels fight for control of the human trafficking business.  On the night that Kennedy visited Yuma, some 150 people from all over the world crossed the border.  And, as noted by Lines, that's a new phenomenon.  In the past, most of the border-jumpers came from Mexico and South America.  Now, most of those entering the U.S. illegally are from China, Africa and Eastern Europe.  People are also coming from Russia, Syria, Ukraine, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Bangladesh.  They've heard there's no border control, so they make their way to Mexico first, and then cross over from there.

Biden Admin Freed Illegal Aliens Brought in by ISIS Smuggler.  The Biden administration has rammed open the border and freed illegal alien invaders who claim 'asylum' while assigning them court dates in 2035.  Anyone who wants to come to America and stay here just has to hop on a plane to Mexico, cross the border, and claim he's fleeing high crime or bad weather and he's in.  Who's taking advantage of this?  Everyone.  Including terrorists.  Nearly 200 illegals on terror watch lists were caught on the border, at least one more was released, and now migrants brought by an ISIS-linked smuggler were also released into the country.

Who knew that ISIS would try to take advantage of an open border?  [Scroll down]  What would a responsible president do?  First, he would close the border and let the system digest the ones already here.  The mayor of New York City might support that.  He could use a break from the buses.  Second, he would assure the country that further steps would be implemented to keep out criminals or security threats.  This is consistent with the oath that he took when he assumed the position.  Third, why aren't we talking to Mexico about this?  It's hard for me to believe that Mexico cannot stop this in a heartbeat.  Or maybe they can't and that would call for unilateral action against the criminal elements profiting from the human traffic.

Large numbers of Chinese illegal aliens are showing up in America.  Here are just a few things to consider about China vis-à-vis America:
  •   Its shoddy goods completely undercut our manufacturing sector, helped for years by greedy American unions that killed the goose that laid the golden manufacturing egg and by legislatively cheap postage.
  •   Speaking of China's large economic empire, it controls most of the rare earth elements on which our modern world relies, whether here or in Africa.
  •   It's allied itself with Russia, and the two nations are showing increased aggression against America.
  •   Millions of Chinese-government-connected dollars have ended up in Biden family accounts.
  •   It blatantly sent a spy balloon floating across areas of America that are critical for national security, and (coincidentally, I'm sure) Joe Biden just let it happen.
  •   COVID — and I'm not even talking about that terrifying, illegal Chinese-connected bio lab in California.

The Continuing Border Catastrophe the Biden Admin Is Hiding.  Illegal aliens are flooding into areas of Arizona and Texas, Bensman explained.  Their countries of origin include U.S. enemies or terrorist hotspots like China and Afghanistan.  And there's an unknown number of illegals evading Border Patrol altogether: "a surge of runners and got-aways is underway.  Since Biden took office, some 1.7 million foreign nationals have become got-aways in total, smashing historic records.  Now that number seems only to be going up."  In fact, Fiscal Year 2023 is "projected to top 1 million got-aways."  The border crisis is worse than ever.  The number of military-age Chinese migrants is way up, in what some are warning is a covert invasion by America's enemy the Chinese Communist Party.  There are also thousands of criminals among the illegal aliens entering.

Government Report Faults Border Crisis for Premature Release of Suspected Terrorist.  In an unusual, scathing, and much-redacted public report, the Department of Homeland Security's independent Office of Inspector General has released the results of an investigation into one of several U.S. releases of border-crossing immigrants who flagged positive on the FBI's Terrorist Watchlist.  The report — titled "CBP Released a Migrant on a Terrorist Watchlist, and ICE Faced Information Sharing Challenges Planning and Conducting the Arrest" — describes a cavalcade of multi-agency mistakes that led to the April 19, 2022, release of an unnamed migrant who, after crossing two days earlier among the 30,000 a month then pouring through an unfinished, cancelled section of Trump administration border wall near Yuma, Ariz., initially flagged — inconclusively — as a suspected terrorist.  But the report states that because border agents "were busy processing an increased flow of migrants" who were clogging the area's central processing center at the time, agents released the suspect into the interior before the inconclusive alert could be resolved, which normally would happen quickly under established inter-agency routines.

Feds: Biden's DHS Let Illegal Alien on 'Terror Watch List' Board Domestic Flight After Freeing Him into U.S..  President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) allowed an illegal alien on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) "Terrorist Watch List" to board a domestic flight after releasing him into the United States, a federal probe reveals.  A report issued by DHS Inspector General (IG) Joseph Cuffari details how DHS, on April 19, 2022, released an illegal alien into the surrounding community near Blythe, California, after he first arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border near Yuma, Arizona, on April 17, 2022 as a result of multiple data sharing and communication failures internally at the agency.

U.S. Border Patrol Set a Record in May for Terrorism Suspects Encountered.  The media largely ignores the crisis at the southern border for political reasons.  Simply put, they don't want to make Biden look bad and they agree with the idea of flooding the country with people who they expect to vote Democrat.  But there is another major issue tied to the southern border and that is national security.  America's enemies see that the border is open and some of them are taking advantage of this weakness.

China is putting its soldiers on U.S. soil, thanks to Joe Biden's open border.  Is China positioning its soldiers on U.S. soil in preparation for a conflict with the U.S.? [...] It sounds fantastical, the figment of a fevered mind seeing Chinese conspiracies all over the place.  But there's reason to think it's not.  The information is correlated with a striking rise in Chinese illegal border crossers into the U.S. through our southern border, some 10,000 from October 2022, the beginning of the federal fiscal year, through April 2023, a sharp rise compared to about 2,000 who arrived from the same period last year.  Virtually all of them are military-aged young men.  Might that just be the plan?  Green's point, that this was how Russia began its offensive against Ukraine, is likely important — this is the new style of warfare for nations that mean to win, at least, and the Chinese are famous for copycatting.

Top GOP Rep Says There's Evidence The Biden Admin Released Migrants With Chinese Military Ties Into The US.  House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green possesses evidence that some Chinese migrants that crossed the southern border illegally and were released into the U.S. under the Biden administration are connected to the Chinese Communist Party and China's People's Liberation Army (PLA), he told the Daily Caller News Foundation during a press conference Wednesday.  The intelligence came directly from a Border Patrol sector chief, Green told the DCNF.  Border Patrol has seen a roughly 393% increase in illegal Chinese migrants at the southern border, with 9,711 Chinese migrant encounters recorded between October 2022 and April.

Warfare Defense Expert: Chinese Military Intelligence Pouring in Illegally.  Dr. Lawrence Sellin describes himself on his Twitter profile as a "Biological & Chemical Warfare Defense Expert, IT & pharmaceutical industries, medical research, Colonel U.S. Army Reserve retired, Iraq & Afghanistan veteran."  He has sent out the alarm as to the number of Chinese Communist Party members pouring into our country illegally.  He said they are financed by Chinese people already living in the country.  "No question that Chinese military/intelligence personnel are crossing into the U.S. with the Chinese illegal alien invaders, whose numbers are increasing.  The U.S. government is helping China do it.  Inside the U.S., invaders get support from the CCP Fifth Column already in place," Sellin tweeted.

Misplaced Biden Priorities in the Dept of Defense.  Consider these actions, all of which have made America much weaker: [...] [#2] The wide-open US-Mexican border.  Without secure borders and tightly controlled immigration, there is no US national security.  Certainly not when criminals, would-be terrorists, narco-traffickers, human traffickers, gang-bangers, and other ne'er-do-wells are free to enter America without fear of incarceration or deportation.  Estimates of nearly 6 million illegal aliens have streamed across the border since Biden reversed the Trump administration's immigration policies in one of his first actions.  Breitbart reported last October that there have been "5.5 million encounters" along the border, but no one knows how many people slipped through undetected.  The Biden administration is even leveraging UN dollars to "pre-legalize" illegal immigrants before they enter the US, as reported by the Center for Immigration Studies.  Fentanyl-related deaths in the US have increased to an average of 100,000 per year due to cartel-provided access to the drug (the drug and its precursors are manufactured in China).

Chinese entries through our southern border are up 900 percent.  Since Joe Biden's inauguration on January 20, 2021, most Americans have been dumbfounded by his open border policy and its administration by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who has continued to gaslight us with the claim right up to the present that, "the southern border is secure."  In fact, the records show anything but a secure border.  In just 28 months since Biden's inauguration, over six million illegal aliens have entered the United States — including criminals, terrorists, and human, child, sex and lethal drug trafficking cartels — all of whom put enormous burden on American schools, health care facilities and law enforcement.  And now that Biden has allowed Title 42 to expire, with record numbers of immigrants having gathered at the southern border to enter the U.S., many now recognize that this chaos may be intentional Biden administration policy.

San Diego Border Patrol Agents Arrested Afghan National on the FBI's Terror Watchlist.  On Wednesday, Border Patrol agents in San Diego arrested an Afghan national on the FBI's terror watchlist who illegally crossed with a group of migrants near Otay Mesa, CA, according to FOX News correspondent Bill Melugin.  [Tweet]  Republican Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) confirmed the arrest with their CBP contact.  "Biden's open borders aren't just a gateway to five million illegals, record human and child trafficking and the deadliest drug crisis in our history," Issa said in a statement.

Why Are Thousands of Military-Age Chinese Men Suddenly "Migrating" Across Our Southern Border?  Vast numbers of Chinese citizens are illegally crossing our border with Mexico.  The U.S. Border Patrol is able to apprehend some of them, but thanks to the Biden administration once they are processed most of them are given "notices to appear" and are then freely released into our communities.  That means that they are running around without any supervision whatsoever.  As you will see in the videos that I have posted in this article, men make up the overwhelming majority of the Chinese citizens that are "migrating" across our southern border, and almost all of those men are of military age.  In some cases, these men are paying human smugglers as much as $35,000 to get them into Texas.  So either those men are independently wealthy, or someone else is providing that money.  Unfortunately, most Americans don't even realize that this is happening, because Fox News is the only major news network that is giving much attention to this crisis.

CBP: 82 Individuals on Terror Watchlist Caught Crossing U.S.-Mexico Border So Far in FY2023.  "I anticipate terminating the national emergency concerning the COVID-19 pandemic on May 11, 2023," President Joe Biden said in February.  The end of the COVID emergency means that Title 42, the public health authority, will no longer be used as grounds to immediately expel illegal border-crossers.  As the March numbers suggest, the anticipated end of Title 42 next month may prompt another surge at the nation's borders.  Of particular concern is the growing number of people on the terrorist watchlist apprehended between ports of entry.  CBP says in the first six months of Fiscal Year 2023, 80 people named in the Terrorist Screening Dataset (TSDS) have been apprehended between ports of entry at the southwest border; and 2 have been apprehended at the northern border, for a total of 82 so far this fiscal year.

Noted China Expert Warns: 'People's Liberation Army' Agents Enter the US Through the Southern Border.  First off, look at the goofy look on Biden's face in the feature image.  What's it tell you — other than he's clueless, but we already know that?  It tells me that Joe Biden honestly believes ChiCom dictator Xi Jinping is one of his pals, and as such, honors every word he gives our inept president — and then some.  For that, and innumerable other ominous reasons, Joe Biden is a dangerous fool who has no business plopped in the Oval Office, must less negotiating with communists whose stated goal is world domination.

Growing trend: Chinese nationals at the southern border.  There is something odd going on at the southern border.  Groups of Chinese nationals have been spotted as they try to make their way to the United States.  The sudden uptick in the number of Chinese nationals making the trek to the border is not getting the press coverage it should. [...] What is notable is the people have no bags, they are not carrying personal belongings, or even wearing backpacks.  Do they look like they have been traveling on foot for a very long time?  They look fresh and their clothes are clean.  Something is fishy.  The group doesn't look like a typical group of migrants attempting to come to the U.S. border and cross over illegally into the country from Mexico.  The timing is odd, too.  This is a time when Xi and Putin are making a great effort to convey their budding partnership on the world stage.  The two brutal dictators are meeting in Moscow this week and addressing each other as "dear friend."  The reach of China is spreading out all around the world and it is clear the intention is to replace the United States as the leader of the world.  There are plenty of distractions going on right now.  A sudden surge of Chinese nationals out of nowhere arriving at the southern border can easily fall through the cracks in news coverage.

Biden Regime Now Releasing Hordes of Chinese Illegal Aliens Into US.  The Biden Regime is now releasing hordes of Chinese illegal aliens into the United States with NTAs (notice to appear).  Fox News captured the Chinese illegals being released to an NGO in Brownsville, Texas on Tuesday.  The illegals were given NTAs because there are so many crossing into the US and no more space to house them, according to Fox News.  Border Patrol says the number of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the border has recently spiked.  Border Patrol has encountered over 4,300 Chinese illegals in 2023 — up from 2,176 in 2022 and 450 in 2021.

Southern border agents arrested sixteen people on the FBI's terror watchlist last month.  Southern border agents arrested sixteen people on the FBI's terror watchlist last month as border arrests are set to outpace record numbers encountered in the last year.  It brings the total number of encounters for the 2023 fiscal year to 69, which is on the trajectory to exceeding the 98 encounters made in the year prior.  It comes as Republicans demand answers for why the Biden administration is spending millions to store unused border wall panels as the country is inundated with illegal migrants risking their lives to cross onto American soil, and enough drugs to kill five times the population of the U.S. flood in.

House Oversight Hearing Reveals CBP Apprehended 98 on Terror Watchlist in the Last Year Alone.  As RedState's Bob Hoge detailed recently, the latest numbers from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveal that since October 1, 2022, 38 individuals arrested at the southern border have names that match those on the FBI's Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB).  These are individuals who can be "reasonably suspected to be involved in terrorism (or related activities)."  At a House Oversight Committee hearing, on Tuesday, CBP officials confirmed to Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI) that nearly 100 individuals on that terror watch list were apprehended in Fiscal Year 2022 alone.

The state of our union under Biden: A weaker, less secure, more divided America.  Next week, President Joe Biden will address Congress on the state of the union, as the Constitution dictates.  He ought to take an honest look at the country and the many problems it faces — problems his administration has either created or worsened.  Over the next week, the Washington Examiner will report on a few of the important problems plaguing the country and how they are affecting the public every day.  The most glaring crisis our country faces today is at the southern border, where hundreds of thousands of immigrants are crossing into the country illegally every month, overwhelming immigration officials and border towns.  Just last week, border agents confirmed that more than 1.2 million immigrants evaded immigration enforcement completely.  Who knows how many of these immigrants were on the terror watch list, as at least 70,000 apprehended immigrants have been, or were part of the drug cartels flooding our cities with fentanyl.  The reason the border crisis angers the public so deeply — indeed, it is almost always listed as a top concern for voters — is that it makes clear how little respect Biden's administration has for America's sovereignty.

Why Isn't Homeland Security Monitoring A Muslim-Only Immigrant Shelter At The US Border?  In October, U.S. Border Patrol caught another nine border-crossing immigrants who were on the FBI's terrorism watch list, adding to the already record-breaking 98 during the just-ended fiscal 2022 and 14 during the prior fiscal year.  Those 121 suspected terrorist border crossings should strike President Joe Biden's homeland security establishment and the general public as a "system blinking red" moment, to requote the infamous 9/11 Commission Report line about failures to act on threat information.  But my recent fact-finding trip to Mexico's first and only shelter that expressly caters to U.S.-bound Muslim immigrants indicated Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) sees no blinking red lights amid this current mass-migration border crisis.  In June 2022, the San Diego-based Latina Muslim Foundation noticed significant enough numbers of U.S.-bound travelers from the Islamic world to justify opening the Albergue Assabil/Mesquijta Taybah shelter in a two-story, 8,000-square-foot former nightclub in Tijuana just two blocks from the border wall, which all who stay there intend to bypass one way or another.

Dozens on Terrorist Watchlist Among Record 2.4 Million Migrants Caught in FY 2022.  Besides shattering a U.S. record for apprehending nearly 2.4 million illegal immigrants along the Mexican border in fiscal year 2022, Border Patrol agents arrested hundreds of gang members — mostly from the famously violent Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) — and dozens of people on the national terrorist watchlist.  Federal agents also confiscated thousands of pounds of drugs, mainly methamphetamine, according to government figures released by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) just days ago.  The startling year-end (fiscal years run from October to September) stats depict a chaotic Mexican border region rife with lawlessness that is inevitably seeping north.

Biden sets new record for terrorism suspects at border.  The Border Patrol apprehended 20 terrorism suspects in September, bringing the total for fiscal year 2022 to nearly 100, according to new data released late Friday that shows the Biden administration obliterating previous records.  Experts say the numbers are a leading indicator of the chaos at the southern border, because when more are caught, it means even more are likely getting through.  The 20 suspects nabbed in September is a new monthly record, easily topping the previous high of 15 set in May.

9/11 Hijackers Overstayed Visas, Remained in U.S. Thanks to Loophole Now Used by 685K Illegal Aliens.  Seven of the 19 Islamic terrorists who hijacked commercial planes on September 11, 2001 (9/11), killing nearly 3,000 Americans, remained in the United States after overstaying their visas thanks to a wide-open loophole that continues to allow about 685,000 illegal aliens to stay in the U.S.  In total, all 19 terrorists arrived legally in the U.S. as 16 secured tourist visas and three obtained business and student visas.  Eventually, on September 11, the terrorists executed attacks in New York City, New York, Washington, DC, and Pennsylvania that killed 2,977 Americans and have since left thousands more Americans dead with illnesses related to the attacks.

Fix The CIA - Before It Is Too Late.  Our southern border is effectively non-existent.  Anything and anyone can come across that imaginary line at any time.  It could be a team of suicide bombers.  It could be a crew with a "dirty bomb" already built in the back of a panel truck.  It might be a half dozen individuals already infected with a highly communicable disease that will make COVID look like a walk in the park.  Hollywood would have you understand that all sorts of high-tech gear and "gee whiz" gizmos will allow us to detect such threats and prevent catastrophe.  I wish that were true.  It is not.  One of the best ways to tell us about an attack ahead of time is going to be reporting from a human source with the right access.  Unfortunately, the CIA — whose bread and butter is recruiting and running human sources — has been getting worse at its trade for some time now.  No corrective action has been taken.  No one has been held accountable.

50 illegal migrants on terror watch list have been caught at the border so far this year.  More illegal immigrants on a terror watch lift have been caught crossing the southern border so-far this year than during the last five years combined, figures reveal.  Since the fiscal year began in October, 50 migrants who appeared in the federal Terrorist Screening Dataset have been intercepted while trying to cross into the US between official checkpoints at the southern border, according to Customs and Border Patrol statistics.  That's up from just 15 for the 2021 fiscal year, three in 2020, none in 2019, six in 2018 and two in 2017 according to the enforcement statistics data released on Wednesday by CBP.

More Proof the Border Is a National Security Issue.  Those who argue for an America without borders are like teenagers lecturing their parents about how the world works.  They brim with passion and confidence, augmented by like-minded peers and social media that affirm their beliefs.  Only years later, after experiencing the harsh world for themselves, are they gobsmacked with the reality that much of what they believed turned out to be wrong.  At least some young people have such an epiphany.  The anti-borders lobby, by contrast, learns nothing and digs deeper into their positions no matter how much reality proves them wrong.

20,000 Ukrainians jumped U.S. border in April.  More than 20,000 Ukrainians stormed the U.S.-Mexico border last month, showing up at border crossings and asking to be let in under a new leniency policy from the Biden administration.  Some 1,500 others snuck across the border between ports of entry and were apprehended by Border Patrol agents, according to new Homeland Security statistics released Tuesday [5/17/2022].  The Ukrainians were part of a record surge of non-traditional migrants who reached the border in April, exposing new challenges for the Biden administration.

Suspected Terrorists Who Crossed Border Into United States May Have Been Released:  Mayorkas.  Some of the 42 illegal immigrants who were arrested by U.S. border agents and identified as suspected terrorists may have been released into the United States, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandryo Mayorkas said on May 4.  "Some may be placed in removal proceedings.  Some may be placed in criminal custody.  Some may be cooperating with law enforcement.  Some may be downgraded from the terrorist rating,"  Mayorkas told the Senate Homeland & Governmental Affairs Committee in Washington.  Mayorkas said officials in his agency know the "precise disposition" of each of the 42 suspected terrorists but declined to share that information in a public setting.

23 People on [the] Terrorist Database [were] Stopped at [the] Southern Border in 2021.  What was once known as the Southern border of the United States is essentially nonexistent in this second year of Old Joe Biden's misrule, and so it was no surprise Monday [4/25/2022] when it came to light that in 2021, the Border Patrol had caught at least 23 people at the border who are on the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB).  Terrorists can see what's happening at the border as much as anyone else can; why shouldn't they take advantage of the mess Old Joe has made?  And those 23, of course, were just the ones who got caught.  Fox News reported Monday that "between Jan. 20," the day Biden began pretending to be president, "and Dec. 27, 2021, there were 23 encounters with individuals whose names matched on the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB)." [...] But the administration has every reason to stonewall such requests, as nothing demonstrates the catastrophe that is Biden's handling of the border crisis more vividly than the entry of known terrorists into the United States.

Biden's DHS Prioritizes Gender Ideology As The Border Implodes.  President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) introduced various measures to accommodate transgender and nonbinary individuals in its security processes as migrants continued to pour through the southern border.  The DHS Equity Action Plan calls binary gender a "construct" and strives to remove gender from the screening processes used in airports, border security and citizenship and naturalization processes.  Meanwhile, Border Patrol saw around 41,000 migrants cross the southern border in March alone.  National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd told lawmakers that migrants from countries all over the world, including nations with terrorism ties, were coming over the border and that agents had apprehended 34 individuals with names matching those on the terrorist watch list.

Russians, Ukrainians Increasingly Using Southern Border to Get into U.S..  Russian and Ukrainian nationals are increasingly arriving at the United States-Mexico border in the hopes of being released into the nation's interior, newly released data shows.  As Republican and Democrat lawmakers focus their attention on the borders of Ukraine amidst Russia's invasion, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data reveals that a growing number of Russians and Ukrainians are using the southern border to get released into the U.S. interior.

Biden administration released Islamist terror suspect into U.S. after he crossed border illegally.  House Republicans are seeking a hearing to investigate how the Biden administration released a suspected Islamist terrorist into the United States after being stopped crossing the southern border illegally.  Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), ranking member of the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, sent a request to House Democrats requesting authorization to hold the hearing, writing:  "There is no known case in which a foreign national who pinged on a terror watch list was simply released on his own recognizance.  "The facts in the case strongly suggest that the Biden Administration failed to follow appropriate protocols with respect to suspected terrorists."

14 illegal immigrants on terror watch list [were] stopped at [the] border in 2021, former Border Patrol chief says.  Law enforcement intercepted 14 illegal immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border who were on the terrorist watchlist, a former top official said, more than the four stops that the Department of Homeland Security had disclosed.  U.S. Border Patrol agents stopped 14 noncitizens who were named on the terror watchlist and tried to sneak into the United States between October 2020 and August 2021, one month short of the entire fiscal year 2021, according to recently retired Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott, who disclosed the number during a panel discussion at a Texas Public Policy Foundation conference in Austin this month and in a follow-up conversation with the Washington Examiner.

Texas Dept. of Public Safety Lt.: TSA Allowing Arrest Warrants as ID 'Is a National Security Threat' and Criminals Will Exploit It.  On Friday's [1/21/2022] broadcast of the Fox Business Network's "Evening Edit," Texas Dept. of Public Safety Lt. Christopher Olivarez said TSA allowing illegal immigrants to use arrest warrants as identification at airport security checkpoints is "going to be an opportunity these criminal organizations are going to take full advantage of" by having gang members "come across and try to board these planes so they can make it further into the country."  And "that is a national security threat."

Why Was Texas Synagogue Jihadi Allowed Into U.S. Two Weeks Ago Despite 'Long Criminal Record'?  The family of Malik Faisal Akram, the Islamic jihadi from Britain who took hostages in Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, Saturday, has "demanded to know how he was allowed into America despite a long criminal record," says the UK's Daily Mail.  More than just his family should be asking this question.  How was this man able to storm a synagogue in Texas and take people hostage at gunpoint when he shouldn't have been allowed into the United States in the first place?  If anything shows how broken our immigration system is under the regime of Biden's handlers, it is this entire episode.

Biden Administration Takes Down Post on 'Potential Terrorist' Apprehended at Southern Border.  President Joe Biden's administration has deleted a social media post that informed the public that a "potential terrorist" had been apprehended this month at the U.S.-Mexico border.  Chris Clem, a top Border Patrol agent, posted pictures on Twitter last week showing the man who was apprehended.  Clem included the man's age (21), his country of origin (Saudi Arabia), and said the male was "linked to several Yemeni subjects of interest."  But Clem's post was taken down recently, Customs and Border Protection (CBP), which includes Border Patrol, confirmed to The Epoch Times on Dec. 29.  "All individuals encountered at or between U.S. ports of entry are screened and vetted against a broad range of law enforcement and intelligence information to determine if they pose a threat to national security or public safety, consistent with the law.  CBP is continuing to investigate the matter following its standard protocols.  This may include referral, if appropriate, to other relevant law enforcement entities for further investigation and a custody determination," Luis Miranda, CBP's public affairs assistant commissioner, said in an emailed statement.

Homan: Recent apprehension of terror-linked migrant show Biden policies dangerous for America.  Tom Homan, former Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), has once again lambasted President Joe Biden over his handling, or lack thereof, of the border situation.  As the ongoing border crisis worsens, a 21-year-old man was caught trying to illegally enter the country at Yuma, Arizona with some disturbing details.  The man, whose name has not been released, allegedly has ties to terrorist networks in Yemen and was wearing a jacket with a Central Oneida County Volunteer Ambulance Corps patch.  Since the organization is in Albany, New York, this has led to some speculation that the man may have been involved with some kind of plot involving that part of the country.  This has led to more commentary by Homan, a frequent critic of Biden and his border policies, to take to Fox News on Monday to call the president out.

Saudi Arabian 'potential terrorist' nabbed at US-Mexico border; ties to Yemeni subjects of interest, feds say.  A "potential terrorist" with links to a number of "Yemeni subjects of interest" was captured in Arizona late last week after illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. Border Patrol officials announced Monday [12/20/2021].  The 21-year-old man was apprehended Thursday night entering the U.S. from Mexico through Yuma, Arizona, according to a tweet from Yuma Sector Chief Patrol Agent Chris T. Clem.  He appears to have been wearing a jacket emblazoned with an American flag patch and another that stated:  "Central Oneida County Volunteer."  [Tweet]  The man is allegedly from Saudi Arabia and "is linked to several Yemeni subjects of interest."

Illegal immigrant Russians nabbed making run at U.S. border.  Three vehicles piled with Russian illegal immigrants made a run at the U.S. border on Sunday, drawing gunfire from a Homeland Security officer.  A Mercedes and a Ford SUV rushed toward the San Ysidro border crossing at a high rate of speed, and a Customs and Border Protection officer who was walking among the cars awaiting entry fired at the Mercedes, the government said.  The bullets didn't wound anyone, but the Mercedes crashed into the Ford and two people in the Mercedes were injured, CBP said Tuesday.  Officers found 18 Russians among the two vehicles.

Good News!  Illegal Migrants Are Allowed to Fly Without ID.  Good news: the Biden administration has once again proven that it is not "racist" by allowing illegal migrants to board commercial flights around the country even though they don't have identification.  And really, what could possibly go wrong?  This disturbing revelation comes from Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas), who has been investigating the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) as part of a larger investigation into what the Daily Caller described as "whistleblower documents alleging an operation to move migrants across the country without standard documentation." [...] Said Gooden:  "When I asked a border patrol officer about TSA allowing migrants to fly with no identification, they told me a Notice to Appear is not sufficient identification and they often have to take migrants at their word that they are who they say they are.  TSA and non-profit groups are putting millions of Americans travelling for Christmas at risk by allowing these unknown and unvetted migrants to board planes and fly across the country."

Biden Admin Didn't Actually Bother Vetting Afghan Refugees.  The Obama administration liked to claim that it engaged in thorough vetting of the Muslim refugees it brought to America.  The Biden administration dispensed with the pretense of even bothering.  While vetting isn't especially effective, it still is manpower resource intensive and time consuming.  The Biden administration had set out to quickly move Afghan refugees through a pipeline from Muslim countries hosting them that didn't want them to the U.S. And with huge unprecedented numbers of migrants with little in the way of paperwork and a narrow time frame, there was no time for any of that.  How did the Biden admin manage it?  They didn't.

Jihadis Are Entering the US Across the Southern Border.  [Video clip]

Reports: Cartels to Provoke Border Agents, Illegal-alien Invasion Could Provide Cover for Bioweapons Terrorism.  The Biden Regime's failure to stop the illegal-alien invasion at the southern border and vilification of the Border Patrol has handed the drug cartels and America's enemies a major weapon they can use to attack the country.  The cartels, Lara Logan of Fox News reported, are pushing drug smugglers to confront border agents to provoke a reaction that will be recorded and further undermine the border force.  The mass invasion could provide cover for a terrorist or foreign power to smuggle a bioweapon into the country, she said, citing national security experts.  So the threat the illegal aliens represent is not just one of budget-busting numbers or the inevitable crime wave Americans will suffer.  They and Biden, the man who invited them in, are gravely endangering national security.

100 Afghan Evacuees Flown To US Flagged For Terrorist Ties.  At least 100 Afghan refugees who were set to enter the US have been flagged for terrorist ties, NBC News reports, and will now be sent to Kosovo where they will undergo additional screening and review.  Specifically the 100 were "flagged for possible ties to the Taliban or terror groups."  NBC detailed that "of more than 30,000 evacuees from Afghanistan to the U.S., about 10,000 needed additional screening as of Friday, said the sources, and of those about 100 were flagged for possible ties to the Taliban or terror groups."

Ted Cruz says Afghan refugees are 'getting Ubers' from Fort Bliss when they arrive in the US.  Ted Cruz claimed Afghan refugees can call an uber to leave their holding location in the U.S. as Republican criticism of the Biden administration's vetting process ramped up ahead of the U.S. withdraw from Afghanistan.  The criticism came amid a report that an Afghan man who had been convicted of rape and had been deported from the U.S. was allowed to board an Afghan evacuation flight to America.  Cruz is one several Republican lawmakers who have criticized President Joe Biden's handling of the situation in Afghanistan.

Suspected terrorists crossing border 'at a level we have never seen before,' outgoing Border Patrol chief says.  Unprecedented numbers of known or suspected terrorists have crossed the southern border in recent months, the outgoing Border Patrol chief said.  The head of the Border Patrol, Rodney Scott, told his 19,000 agents before retiring on Aug. 14 that their national security mission is paramount right now despite the Biden administration's focus on migrant families and children who are coming across the United States-Mexico boundary at record rates.

Panamanian Official:  Terrorists Blending With Migrants from Outside Americas Trying to Reach U.S..  Panamanian authorities have detected terrorists trying to blend in with the unprecedented number of migrants from Haiti, Cuba, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East attempting to reach the U.S. and Canada through the Central American country, the country's top diplomat warned.  Erika Mouynes, the foreign minister in Panama, wrote an article published by Foreign Policy pleading for help from the U.S., where many of these migrants who escape apprehension intend to go, and the international community, describing the situation as a humanitarian crisis.

Why Do Feds Keep Suppressing News Of Suspected Muslim Terrorists Crossing The Southern Border?  Project Veritas recently released a video based on content leaked from within Border Patrol, reporting that Al-Bokari, a suspected Yemeni Arab terrorist known to be in Mexico, had not been detained and deported by the Mexican authorities, and that the U.S. Border Patrol had caught him crossing the border.  [Video clip]  But the phenomenon of potential terrorists attempting cross the southern border is not new — nor is the fact that the U.S. government has long appeared determined to cover it up (note that this story had to be leaked), under both Republican and Democrat presidents.  Thus earlier this month, Customs and Border Patrol announced two separate apprehensions of Yemeni individuals on the Terrorist Watch List — only subsequently to scrub the announcement from its website without explanation.

What if the Next 9/11 Terrorist Attack is Just Days Away?  Joe Biden is either insane; or he doesn't care about the lives of Americans like you and me, and our precious children; or he's a puppet for the forces of evil, intent on destroying this great country.  Because what other reason could there be for leaving our border wide open and inviting the whole world in?  Border agents should be looking for terrorists.  Instead Biden has turned them into babysitters.  In March 172,000 illegal aliens got through our open border.  That's up 71% from February.  But this is a trickle compared to what's coming. [...] Trust me, the whole world is coming.  Each month the word spreads.  Everyone who gets to our border is let in, given a free lawyer; given cash by Catholic charities; a government-issued debit card (filled with money provided by our taxes); and a plane or bus ticket wherever they want to go.  Without ID by the way.  That's right.  Any illegal alien, coming from the worst terrorist hellholes in the world, can board a plane in the U.S., with no ID, no Covid test, and no idea if they're a terrorist.

Another grim sign the Biden admin aims to hide the worst news from the border.  The US Customs and Border Patrol just took down its press release announcing the apprehension of two suspected terrorists in Southern California after just a day.  The agency described them as Yemeni nationals named on the FBI terrorism watchlist and "No Fly" list.  CBP agents found both suspects in the El Centro sector of California several hours from the US-Mexico border.  One reportedly had a cellphone SIM card hidden in his shoe.  This, after Republican pressure forced the CBP to confirm last month that four suspected terrorists on the FBI's watchlist, three Yemenis and a Serb, had been stopped at the border since October.  Now it's up to six ... that we know of.

Border officials arresting terror suspects is 'rare,' White House says.  The White House is downplaying the national security implications of two suspected terrorists being arrested at the southern border as federal officials struggle with a surge in migrant crossings under President Joe Biden.  It is "uncommon" for border agents to apprehend known or suspected terrorists, White House press secretary Jen Psaki insisted Tuesday [4/6/2021].  "While this is rare, this is a reflection of them doing their jobs," Psaki told reporters, referring to Border Patrol and other federal officers.

Nothing to see here:  DHS deletes announcement of terror suspects arrested at border.  Homeland Security has removed the press release announcing the arrest of two Yemeni men on the terrorist watch list.  The release was posted Monday [4/5/2021], but by Tuesday morning it was no longer available.  An archived version is still available at the Internet Archive.  The deletion sparked questions on Capitol Hill.

BP agents arrest two Yemeni men identified on terror watch list.  Border Patrol agents in the El Centro Sector of the U.S.-Mexico border arrested two Yemeni nationals with terrorism ties in two separate incidents within the last two months, according to a Monday press release.  On January 29, agents made the first arrest around three miles west of the Calexico Port of Entry.  Agents then transported the illegal alien, 33, to the El Centro Processing Center for immigration and conducted a criminal history screening, where he was found to be on both the FBI's Terrorism Watch List and the No-Fly list.

Two Yemenis on FBI Terrorism Watch List Apprehended at Border in California.  El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents arrested two Yemeni nationals who illegally crossed the border into the U.S. in separate incidents during the past two months.  Agents identified both men as being on the FBI's Terrorism Watch List and the No-Fly list.  Agents assigned to the El Centro Border Patrol Station on March 30 arrested a migrant for illegally entering the United States approximately two miles west of the Calexico Port of Entry.  The agents transported the man to the El Centro Processing Center where all migrants undergo a biometric background investigation and criminal background check, according to information obtained from CBP officials.

U.S. arrested two Yemenis on terror watchlist who tried to cross border from Mexico.  U.S. border agents in recent months arrested two Yemeni men on a terror watchlist in separate incidents as they crossed the border with Mexico illegally, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced on Monday [4/5/2021].  The men, arrested in January and March near a port of entry in California, were on a U.S. government watchlist for terrorism suspects and a "no-fly" list, CBP said in a press release.

Wait... Four People on the FBI's Terror Watchlist Were Arrested at Border?  They're already here.  This has been a national security concern for years.  Terrorists using the broken border situation to slip through the cracks and plot mayhem on American soil.  The border is in crisis mode right now.  The Biden concentration camps are at capacity, COVID is running rampant, and Democrats simply do not care.  There are political calculations to their indifference of course — but now four people matching names on the FBI's terror watch list have been arrested at the border.  Three were from Yemen, one was from Serbia.

Suspected terrorists caught exploiting border crisis, GOP leaders say.  The tens of thousands of people rushing the US-Mexico border in recent weeks include not just Central American migrants, but suspected terrorists, Republican lawmakers said Monday as they toured the crossing amid the escalating crisis.  "Individuals that they have on the watchlist for terrorism are now starting to exploit the southern border," said Rep. John Katko (R-NY).  "We need to wake up."  Katko made the disturbing revelation as he and other members of a Republican contingent led by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California addressed reporters in El Paso, Texas.

Revealed: 104 terrorist border crossings.  Critics laughed at former President Donald Trump when he claimed that terrorists, "some real bad ones," had crossed the border just as he was selling Congress on paying for a border wall.  But it turns out that Trump was correct that in the waves of illegal immigrants pouring over the southern border in the last decade were dozens of terrorists and terror sympathizers.  In his new book, America's Covert Border War, The Untold Story of the Nation's Battle to Prevent Jihadist Infiltration, journalist and former counterterrorism intelligence official Todd Bensman found a model in Europe that could play out in the United States.  There, he found 104 crossed the border.  That, he told [The Washington Examiner], "proved the concept that border crossings by terrorists can and does happen."

Terror Arrest Highlights How Perilous Biden's Immigration Plans Are.  On December 16, 2020 the Justice Department issued a press release about the arrest of alleged terrorist, Cholo Abdi Abdullah, who was conspiring with other terrorists from an al Qaeda-affiliated terror organization to carry out a 9/11-style terror attack inside the United States.  This substantiates a point I have made on numerous occasions, where the threats posed to America and Americans by foreign radical Islamic Terrorist organizations are concerned, the "All Clear" has most certainly not been sounded.  However apparently Joe Biden and Kamal Harris never got or, more likely, never read the memo.  Biden and Harris have both enthusiastically promised (threatened) to all but end immigration law enforcement and remove the restrictions that prohibit the entry of aliens from countries that sponsor terrorism and whose backgrounds cannot be effectively vetted.

Trump Administration Wins Court Victory On Immigration.  On Monday [9/14/2020], the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals handed the Trump administration a victory, ruling 2-1 that a preliminary injunction barring implementation of decisions to terminate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designations of Sudan, Nicaragua, Haiti, and El Salvador would be vacated.  Ed Whelan noted at National Review, "It might seem surprising that there would be any controversy over DHS's authority to terminate a temporary designation years later.  But after ordering DHS to provide the administrative record for its termination decisions, federal district judge Edward Chen granted plaintiffs (TPS beneficiaries from these countries and their children) injunctive relief based on their claims under the Administrative Procedure Act and the Equal Protection Clause."

Feds bust Chinese national illegally crossing into US with $28K worth of gold bars.  A Chinese national illegally crossed into the United States from Canada earlier this week — while carrying a number of gold bars worth more than $28,500 and about $10,000 cash, authorities said Thursday [8/6/2020].  The 36-year-old woman was arrested by Border Patrol agents near the town of Amity in Maine on Tuesday, the agency said in a statement.  Investigators from the agency determined the spot where the woman crossed the border by matching footprints with her shoes, according to the statement.  The woman told them she had been legally allowed in Canada as a student, then illegally crossed the border in the hope of visiting her friend in California.  When Border Patrol searched her, they found the cash and about 14.25 ounces of gold bars, according to the statement.

Trump Was Right:  Potential Terror Threat at Border as Iranian Illegals Caught in Texas.  Of course, you don't need a flood of terrorists to enter the United States for real damage to occur.  Nineteen hijackers were all that were needed for the deadliest terror attack in history.  Given that the United States is by far the biggest target of terrorism in the world, a porous border represents an especial danger — even if it's not being used, at present, to smuggle terrorists into the country.  For proof, I present the case of three individuals from a terror-sponsoring nation who were detained at the southern border late last month.

Three Migrants from Yemen Apprehended in Human Smuggling Op off California Coast.  San Diego Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended eight migrants including three men from Yemen during a failed human smuggling attempt off the California coast.  During the early morning hours of February 21, the Joint Harbor Operations Center notified Border Patrol agents about a suspicious boat approaching U.S. waters.  Border Patrol agents operating surveillance equipment located the boat in the dense fog, according to information obtained from San Diego Sector Border Patrol officials.

Homeland Security deputy secretary says New York is 'reintroducing the problem that caused 9/11' by passing law that gives undocumented migrants driver's licenses.  The second highest-up person in the Department of Homeland Security said on Thursday that New York has 'reintroduced the problem that caused 9/11' by giving undocumented migrants driver's licenses.  The Trump administration this week banned all New York state residents from applying to or renewing their membership to Global Entry and other Trusted Traveler Programs because of a new state law which allows undocumented migrants to obtain driver's licenses.  The programs speed up travel times in airports and require an interview, passport check and fingerprint check before approval.

Alleged al-Qaida leader arrested in Phoenix, accused of killing two Iraqi police officers.  An Iraqi man who is alleged to have been the leader of a group of Al-Qaida terrorists has been arrested in Phoenix, according to federal officials.  Ali Yousif Ahmed Al-Nouri, a 42-year-old Phoenix resident, is wanted to stand trial in Iraq on charges of the premeditated murder of two Iraqi police officers, according to a statement by Michael Bailey, the U.S. Attorney for Arizona, and Brian A. Benczkowski, Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department's Criminal Division.  Ahmed served as the leader of a group of al-Qaida terrorists in Al-Fallujah, Iraq, according to information provided by the Iraq government in support of an extradition request, the statement said.

Ten Chinese Migrants Apprehended in Arizona After Vehicle Pursuit near Border.  Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended ten Chinese migrants following a police pursuit when the Mexican cartel-connected human smuggler refused to stop.  Additional migrants escaped over an unsecured section of the border into Mexico.  Welton Station Border Patrol agents received a sensor activation notice indicating possible human or drug smuggling activity on the afternoon of New Year's Eve.

Border Patrol agent shoots Russian allegedly trying to sneak into US.  A Border Patrol agent shot and wounded a Russian citizen who appeared to be trying to enter the United States illegally from Mexico, the Border Patrol said.  The agent was trying to arrest the man just after 7:15 p.m. on the U.S.-Mexico border east of Lukeville, Ariz., Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said in a statement.  "As the agent attempted to arrest the subject, a physical altercation ensued, and the agent discharged his firearm, striking the subject," CBP said.

ICE deports Russian operative Marina Butina.  The woman at the center of a Russian influence-peddling scheme has been deported, ICE announced Friday evening [10/25/2019].  Maria Butina was convicted last year of acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign government, as part of the FBI's efforts to combat the Russian government's meddling in the 2016 election.  She was sentenced to 18 months, was released Friday [10/25/2019], and deported back to Russia the same day, in a flight from Miami to Moscow, the agency said.

Chinese Migrants Apprehended After Illegally Crossing into New Mexico.  During the past week, El Paso Sector Border Patrol agents assigned to the Las Cruces.  Lordsburg and Santa Teresa Stations disrupted several human smuggling attempts.  The enforcement actions led to the arrest of migrants illegally in the country from China, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico, according to information obtained from El Paso Sector Border Patrol officials.  The New Mexico border with Mexico falls under the El Paso Sector's area of responsibility.

ICE sweeps out a slew of war criminals and human rights violators shielded by sanctuary cities.  Democrats, who have called for the abolition of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency for months, screaming loudly about its raids on illegal immigrants, and demonizing its officers, suddenly don't have a lot to say about this one.

Mexican President Confirms Alert over 3 ISIS Terror Suspects Headed to Border.  Mexico's President and his top security official confirmed the warning by the U.S. government about three ISIS terror suspects who were likely headed north.  The three individuals were recently detained in Nicaragua.  Breitbart News first reported exclusively about a security alert issued by U.S. Homeland Security which warned Mexico about three ISIS terror suspects.

ISIS plotted to send westerners to U.S through Mexico border: report.  A chilling confession from a captured ISIS fighter has shed light on how the terrorist group intended to exploit the vulnerabilities of the U.S. border with Mexico, using English speakers and westerners to take advantage of smuggling routes and target financial institutions.  Seized ISIS fighter Abu Henricki, a Canadian citizen with dual citizenship with Trinidad, last month said that he was sought out by the violent insurgency's leadership to attack the U.S. from a route starting in Central America, according to a study by the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism (ICSVE) and published in Homeland Security Today.

Islamism and Immigration:  A New Front for Troublemaking.  Recently, Islamist groups such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) have opened up a new field of activity.  Going beyond lobbying against the Trump administration's "Muslim ban" and caps on refugee admittance, CAIR and its allies have enthusiastically jumped into the larger fight for open immigration in general, becoming involved in many protests focused on the U.S.-Mexican border.  For example, CAIR-San Diego held a "Prayer Beyond Borders" event "to pray for peace and justice in the borderlands," and CAIR National was one of the sponsors for a series of Mother's Day rallies "to call for [an] end to immigrant family separation [and] child detention."

Hezbollah Sleeper Agent Convicted of Plotting U.S. Terror Attacks.  Tensions and hostilities between the United States and Iran have been ramping up and while the news media focuses on how Iran has been operating throughout the Middle East threatening our allies including Israel, the media has ignored that operatives of Hezbollah have, for many years, been operating widely throughout Latin America in conjunction with drug cartels that engage in the smuggling of huge quantities of narcotics into the United States as well as huge numbers of aliens.  This not only provides a major source of revenue for Iran to fund its wide-ranging terrorist operations but to provide Iran with opportunities to move sleeper agents into the United States.

Iran's Secret Weapon Against America Is Our Own Sanctuary Laws.  With the Trump administration turning up the heat via economic sanctions and the dissolution of the Obama-era nuclear deal, Iran may be getting desperate.  Direct military confrontation with the U.S. would be a losing proposition for Iran.  Terrorism, however, is a low-risk, high-reward bet.  If America were weakened by another massive terror attack in the homeland, it would advance the interests of the ruling Iranian mullahs and give them greater hegemony over the Middle East.  That's where our immigration laws become a factor.  While America fights with itself over what to do about our porous borders, the bad actors of the world have been paying attention.

The New York Times Says "Give Trump His Border Money".  [Scroll down]  While the Times manages to get the top line decision right, they still had to get their shots in.  "There is no pressing national security threat — no invasion of murderers, drug cartels or terrorists.  No matter how often Mr. Trump delivers such warnings, they bear little resemblance to the truth," it said.  They of course base that on absolutely nothing.  When you have 100,000 un-vetted people crossing in a few weeks time, the idea that the drug cartels and gangs aren't heavily taking advantage of that is nonsensical.  They are out to make money, among other things.  As the system is being overrun, it's common sense that bad actors would work toward their own gain.  The Times assuming otherwise is pure gaslighting.

Terrorist who lied to get U.S. citizenship sentenced to prison, will be deported after.  A convicted terrorist who was able to lie his way to U.S. citizenship has been sentenced to prison and will be deported afterward, according to CNN.  Vallmoe Shqaire, 51, became a U.S. citizen in 2008, even after doing time in Israeli prison for attempting to blow up a bus as a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization.  Shqaire had been recruited by the PLO in the 1980s and attempted the bus attack in 1998.  It failed, and no one was hurt, but Shqaire still did four years in prison in Israel.

Thousands of Illegal Aliens from Terrorist Nations Live in U.S. after Being "Deported".  Months after Judicial Watch reported that migrants from terrorist nations try to enter the U.S. via Mexico at record rates, government figures show that more than 10,000 illegal aliens from countries that sponsor terrorism currently live here.  It's not clear how they entered the country but federal authorities know about them because they have either been deported or have final removal orders pending.  Nevertheless, they are not in custody and roam freely in unsuspecting communities throughout America.  The distressing statistics were obtained from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) by a public interest group that favors secure borders and exposes the harms of mass migration.

Study: Over 10K Illegal Aliens in U.S. from Terrorist-Sponsored Countries.  There are more than 10,000 illegal aliens living in the United States who are from foreign countries that have been designated as state sponsors of terrorism by the State Department.  Newly obtained federal data from the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) reveals there to be over 10,000 illegal aliens living in the U.S. from countries that are state sponsors of terrorism, including Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan.

Immigrants from 50 countries illegally entering US: Border Patrol official.  Illegal immigrants from 50 different countries — including China, Bangladesh, Turkey, Egypt and Romania — have been caught crossing into the US from Mexico, a top Border Patrol official testified Tuesday [4/9/2019].  "People are traveling across hemispheres to attempt to illegally enter the US, using the same pathways as the Central Americans," Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Patrol Agent Rodolfo Karisch said at a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing.  The revelation came as President Trump said he would not relaunch his administration's policy of separating children from their families at the southern border — but continued railing against the surge of Central American asylum seekers seeking entry to the US.

Syrian national apprehended trying to enter US illegally hiding in a train from Mexico.  A 46-year-old Syrian man has been detained for attempting to enter the United States from Mexico illegally by hiding in a train, border protection agents say.  Customs and Border Protection officials report agents apprehended the man last weekend, after a train from Mexico passed through an imaging system at the downtown Calexico port screening center in southern California.  "CPB officers noticed an anomaly on the lower side of the commercial railcar," leading to the compartment on the outside of the train where the man was hiding.  The man was taken to a secure location, where officials confirmed, partly through fingerprinting, that he is a Syrian national without documentation authorizing his entry into the United States.

Rio Grande Valley Border Chief:  We Have Intercepted Migrants from Bangladesh, Turkey, Romania and China.  Rodolfo Karisch, chief of the U.S. Border Patrol's Rio Grande Valley Sector, told the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight, Management and Accountability on Thursday, that the Border Patrol in his sector has intercepted illegal aliens trying to enter the United States "from 40 different countries, including Bangladesh, Turkey, Romania and China."  "I want to provide some perspective on the challenges facing our men and women at the Southwest border," Karisch told the committee in his opening statement.  "Though I cannot speak for all of the components of Customs and Border Protection, I can provide a first-hand account of the complex border-security environment and ask for your assistance in helping our frontline men and women.  "In our line of work, Border Patrol agents rarely know exactly who or what they will encounter," he said.

Terrorist Who Targeted Americans Takes Over Mexican Cartel on Texas Border.  A verified and convicted terrorist who attacked a U.S. Consulate with a grenade and automatic rifle fire has taken over the ruthless Los Zetas cartel, a group headquartered at the Texas border in the Nuevo Laredo-Laredo metropolitan border area.  Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, sits immediately across the border from Laredo, Texas, and is the only urban location along the entire U.S.-Mexico Border that does not have any fencing or constructed security barrier of any kind.  The convicted terrorist, Hector Raul Luna Luna, is known as "El Tory" and was convicted in the 2008 terror attack on the U.S. Consulate in Monterrey, Mexico.  He was released from prison due to bribes paid by Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) and has now taken over the dominant faction of Los Zetas, Cartel Del Noreste (CDN), to open up the lucrative and unsecured border corridor into Texas.

Democrats who say there is no threat of terrorists crossing our border are delusional.  According to the Democrats and the mainstream media, Americans shouldn't be concerned about terrorists crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.  Ever since President Donald Trump began highlighting the connection between weak border security and terrorist infiltration, his political opponents have done everything to downplay the real consequences of our broken immigration system.

Prayer Rugs at the Mexican Border:  How Important?  The pundits who responded so energetically to the president's casual citation of a news article need prayer rugs to prove the presence of border migration from Islamic nations about as much as astronauts orbiting the planet need Eratosthenes's calculations to know the Earth is round. [...] Outlets penned whole articles dedicated to wrongly stating that such migration isn't happening or, as one in Vox stated, was happening "at vanishingly small rates". A Washington Post piece said of the prayer rug report, in raising the prospect that Islamic nation migrants were reaching the border, that it was "similar to the claims of a conspiracy theory that has long been popular with the far-right and anti-Muslim figures and publications."  The Post writer even went to the research length of listing "prayer rug rumors, their debunking, and their reanimation during border security conversations over the years."  The overwhelming gist of all the blowback was "Trump Lied Again!" and that it's not true migrants from Muslim-majority countries cross the southern border or that it's a national security issue.  But as I pointed out in a posting here very recently, that perception runs into the brick wall of facts on the ground and President Barack Obama's DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, who believed the threat of land border-crossing migration from Islamic countries had become so grave by 2016 that he ordered a massive, government-wide initiative to counter it.

More evidence of Muslim terrorists crossing our Southern Border.  Ranchers and farmers near the U.S.-Mexico border have been finding Islamic prayer rugs on their properties in recent months, according to one rancher who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation by the drug cartels, many of whom are heavily involved in human smuggling.

Border rancher: 'We've found prayer rugs out here.  It's unreal'.  Ranchers and farmers near the U.S.-Mexico border have been finding prayer rugs on their properties in recent months, according to one rancher who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation by cartels who move the individuals.  The mats are pieces of carpet that those of the Muslim faith kneel on as they worship.  "There's a lot of people coming in not just from Mexico," the rancher said.  "People, the general public, just don't get the terrorist threats of that.  That's what's really scary.  You don't know what's coming across.  We've found prayer rugs out here.  It's unreal.  It's not just Mexican nationals that are coming across."

President Trump Will Win the Border Wall Security Argument.  The president will win the political argument over the need for a border wall, and the reasons are simple:  (1) most common-sense Americans agree with the need; and (2) democrats, only comfortable within their echo-chamber, always over-play their hand.  It really is that simple.  There is a genuine crisis at the border; and illegal entry into the United States is a national security issue.

Border Patrol Officer Shares Scale of International Influx into U.S. Southern Border.  Straight from the epicenter of the issue, the U.S. Border Patrol outlines a single day of captured illegal aliens from countries other than Central America and Mexico.  Just yesterday [1/9/2019] alone over 113 illegal entry apprehensions from Pakistan, India, China, Ecuador, Romania, Nicaragua and more.  This CBP data is just from one border state in one day.

Canada Becoming a Potential Base for Terrorists to Attack the US.  The US and Canada share the longest undefended border in the world.  There hasn't been a reason to defend it because there hasn't been a serious threat from either country in a couple hundred years.  There is now.  Canada is today the happy home of thousands of radical Islamists, ex-ISIS fighters and the Muslim Brotherhood.  Their numbers continue to grow, with Islamists infiltrating the Canadian government on several levels.  Many Americans assume that all is peaceful and well with their northern neighbor.  But security experts here warn that by welcoming radical Islamists, Canada now presents a danger to the United States.

Texas: Border patrol apprehends four Muslims from Bangladesh illegally crossing into US.  Why are they entering the country that way?  It isn't hard to understand.  The Investigative Project reported in January 2017:  "A report by the Texas Department of Public Safety raises concerns about ISIS terrorists using the Mexican border both to enter and leave the country.  It noted that at least 13 aspiring terrorists have tried to cross into Mexico, or considered trying, since 2012."

Caravan Jihad?  [Scroll down]  Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales stated last Thursday [10/11/2018] that his security forces had caught "close to 100 people completely linked to terrorist issues, with ISIS and that not only have we arrested them within our territory, but they have been deported to their countries of origin."  Guatemala's Secretary of Strategic Intelligence, Mario Duarte, confirmed that "the individuals intercepted, detained, prosecuted or returned to their country of origin, is close to 100."  He referred to "several citizens of Syrian origin who were detained with false documents were detained, for which they were prosecuted and subjected to criminal proceedings," and then deported in 2016.

Homeland Security secretary says there are 'absolutely' Middle Easterners in migrant caravans.  Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told Fox News that intelligence "absolutely" indicates that the migrant caravans traveling through Mexico to the United States include people from the Middle East and Southeast Asia.  "We absolutely see people from the Middle East, from southeast Asia, from other parts of the world," Nielsen said.  "They are not just from Central America.  "We don't always know exactly who they are," she continued.  "What I can tell you is we stopped 3,000 people last year at the southwest border who had patterns of travel similar to a terrorist.  We call those special interest aliens."

Terrorist Travel to the United States Southern Border.  As explained already at some length in my recent CIS Backgrounder, migrants from Muslim-majority countries routinely get to the U.S. Southwest border by first reaching Latin America and traveling smuggling routes northward.  Human smuggling networks that move these so-called "special interest aliens" through Latin America pose a recognized vulnerability of terrorist infiltration, which has driven significant American homeland security efforts to degrade them.  These efforts are chiefly led by ICE Homeland Security Investigations stationed throughout Latin America.  To those of us who pay attention to related policy and operational matters, one important source of unclassified information can always be counted on to refresh analytical thinking.  It comes from the U.S. State Department's annual "Country Reports on Terrorism" by the agency's Bureau of Counterterrorism.  The latest report, reflecting calendar year 2017, was just released this month.

100 ISIS Terrorists Caught in Guatemala as Central American Caravan Heads to U.S.  In a startling revelation, Guatemala's president announced in the country's largest newspaper that nearly 100 ISIS terrorists have been apprehended in the impoverished Central American nation.  Why should Americans care about this?  A caravan of Central American migrants is making its way north.  Let's not forget that Guatemala is one of the countries that bombarded the U.S. with illegal immigrant minors under Barack Obama's open border free-for-all.  They came in droves from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala through the Mexican border and for years Uncle Sam rolled out the welcome mat offering housing, food, medical treatment and a free education[.]  A terrorist could have easily slipped in considering the minors, coined Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC), were not properly vetted and some turned out to be violent gangbangers who went on to commit heinous crimes in their adopted land of opportunity.  In fact, the nation's most violent street gang, Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), was energized by the barrage of UACs.

ISIS Fighter Omar Ameen Easily Achieved Refugee Entry Into the U.S. — Arrested Yesterday For Extradition To Iraq.  The U.S. Dept of Justice detained ISIS fighter Omar Ameen in Sacramento, California, yesterday [8/15/2018] pending extradition back to Iraq on murder charges.  Incredibly Ameen gained State Department entry into the U.S. through the refugee system.  Despite the claims of the Obama administration, Omar Ameen's ability to enter the United States is a clear example of weaknesses within the refugee process and lies told by former administration officials about the security therein.

DOJ: Iraqi man who fought, killed for ISIS entered US as refugee under Obama.  An Iraqi national who fought for the Islamic State and pretended to be a refugee to enter the United States during former President Barack Obama's second term was arrested Wednesday and has begun legal proceedings to be deported to face murder charges for killing a police officer in his home country.  FBI agents from the Joint Terrorism Task Force arrested Omar Abdulsattar Ameen at an apartment building in Sacramento, Calif., on a warrant an Iraqi federal court had issued in May.  The FBI had been investigating Ameen since 2016, according to a release by the Justice Department.

McCaul: 'We stop 10 terrorists every day from getting into this country'.  The immigration bill could stall on Capitol Hill for all sorts of reasons, some of them predictable, some not.  At the moment Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, has a specific source of concern over the status of the legislation as debate continues and the wheels of Congress only twitch in response.  The Texas Republican says national security is at stake.  But he assured "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace that he remains an "eternal optimist" about the potential passage of the immigration bill, which he said is merit-based and not an "amnesty."

Kirstjen Nielsen tells Fox News more than a dozen known or suspected terrorists try to enter US each day.  More than a dozen known or suspected terrorists are trying to get into the U.S. on any given day, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told Fox News, citing new internal department data.  "People think of border security in very different ways but to me it's very simple: border security is national security," Nielsen said.  "What we see at the Department of Homeland Security, we see 15 terrorists either planning to travel or actually traveling to the United States each day, known and suspected terrorists.  So that means they are coming through our legal land, port and air but they could be coming across that (southwest) border."

Muslim group sues to block Trump terrorism report.  Two anti-Trump organizations filed a lawsuit Monday [4/9/2018] arguing that a government report earlier this year linking immigrants to most of the country's terrorism cases since 2001 is so misleading that it violates federal law.  The request seeks to recruit federal judges to police the accuracy of the administration, in what — if it's successful — could become a model for anti-Trump groups to push back on a president they see as having a tenuous connection to the truth.  The January report concluded that 73 percent of the 549 people convicted of international terrorism between 2001 and 2016 were foreign born.

Bangladesh Nationals Continue to Flood Texas Border.  Border Patrol agents in the Laredo Sector of Texas continue to find more Bangladesh nationals being smuggled across the border from Mexico.  Agents arrested 12 over the Easter weekend alone.  The Laredo Sector continues to lead the nation in the apprehension of Bangladeshis smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico.  Over the Easter weekend, agents arrested 12 in three separate incidents, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).  The crossings all took place in southern Laredo where border barriers are virtually non-existent.  "It goes to show that our agents are arresting people from all over the world on a daily basis.  Their intentions for entering the country illegally can only be determined after they have been arrested," Laredo Sector Assistant Chief Patrol Agent Gabriel Acosta said in a written statement.

Sen. Tim Scott:  Porous Border 'Is Certainly A National Security Issue'.  Tim Scott (R-S.C.), a member of the Armed Services Committee, said without an act of Congress, President Trump cannot use military funding to pay for his border wall, as Trump suggested he might do.  "I think it would take an act of Congress to make sure that we prioritize and appropriate the dollars for that objective," Scott told CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday [4/1/2018].

Extreme vetting:  State Dept. to demand tourists' social media history.  The State Department will publish new rules this week to require most visitors and immigrants to the U.S. to divulge their recent social media histories, carrying out one of the key security enhancements from President Trump's extreme vetting executive order.  Travelers would also be asked to list phone numbers, email addresses and international travel during the previous five years, and to detail any immigration problems they have had, whether with the U.S. or elsewhere.

Merit-based migration must mean moral merit, too.  The White House has listed a phenomenal 15 Jihadis who have been caught in acts of terrorism against the U.S., all because they were let in based on winning diversity lottery slots, or were able to take advantage of chain migration privileges. [...] The White House uses these examples to argue against these two destructive policies, which are already unpopular based on the numbers of poorly educated, ill-adapted nationals from bad countries who have little chance of succeeding in the U.S. and who are unlikely to like it here anyway.  Such immigrants are heavy consumers of social services, and as they assimilate into the underclass, eventually become Democratic voters.  The whole thing pretty well amounts to importing poverty.

WH Shows 15 Jihadis Who Got Visas by Lottery or Chain Migration.  White House officials rolled out a list of 15 visa-lottery jihadis and chain-migration terrorists to pressure Democrats towards a compromise on the president's "framework" amnesty-and-immigration plan.  The February 2 list of jihadis includes a senior leader in the Islamic counter-attack against personal freedom, Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook.  He is an "alleged United States Hamas leader [who] received his green card through a predecessor program to the visa lottery," said the statement.  "Marzook was deported in 1997 for terrorist activities."

Trump's merit-based immigration system.  If we can't control — or even know — who enters this country, it's much harder to keep people safe.  This is not a hypothetical matter.  A new report from the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security reveals that nearly three out of every four people convicted of international terrorism-related offenses in federal courts since 9/11 were born outside of this country.  Terrorists and their sympathizers shouldn't be allowed in this country, and yet this report shows that hundreds of them have endangered the lives of the citizens we work for.  The report goes on to state that over the same time, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has removed more than 1,700 aliens with national security concerns, and that the vast majority of the FBI's open counterterrorism investigations in the United States arise from threats by international terrorists.

White House: 73% of convicted terrorists since 9/11 were non-citizens.  Between September 11, 2001 and December 31, 2016, 549 people were convicted of international terror offenses in United States federal court.  Of those convicted terrorists, 254 were foreign-born non-citizens accounting for 73% of the convictions, according to a senior administration official who provided the data for reporters during a background briefing Tuesday [1/16/2018].  The high percentage of foreign-born non-citizens convicted of terror activities in the United States "highlights the importance of reforming the immigration system," the administration official said, including the "importance of ending the practices of chain migration and the visa lottery system."  In addition to the terror convictions since 9/11, 1,716 aliens have been removed from the country for "national security concerns," the administration official said.

Diversity Visa Lottery Winner Offered to Kill Obama for ISIS.  Abdurasul Hasanovich Juraboev was both lucky and evil.  His luck was demonstrated when he won admission to the United States through the diversity visa lottery; his evilness, by his stated willingness to assassinate the president of the United States or commit a terrorist attack in New York City — if he could not travel to Syria to join the Islamic State, and if that is what the Islamic State ordered him to do.  When Juraboev was sentenced to 15 years in prison on Oct. 27, 2017, New York City Police Commissioner James O'Neill summarized his case in a statement released by the U.S. Justice Department.  "The defendant in this case lived in Brooklyn while making plans to travel to Syria to support a design(at)ed terrorist organization," O'Neill said.  "If that was not successful, the defendant schemed of bombing Coney Island or killing the president of the United States."

Obama's ICE Didn't Follow Procedure For Checking Illegal Immigrants' Ties to Terrorism.  During the Obama administration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement was not following proper procedures when checking if illegal aliens were known terrorists, jeopardizing national security, according to an audit.  The office of inspector general found that between 2013 and 2015, ICE was not screening illegal immigrants who had been released for terrorist ties.  Every single case of a suspected terrorist reviewed by the inspector general included errors, where ICE officials were not in compliance with security standards.  "ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) faces challenges in implementing the Known or Suspected Terrorist Encounter Protocol (KSTEP) screening process, which is used to identify aliens who may be known or suspected terrorists," the inspector general said.  "Although ERO uses KSTEP to screen all aliens who are in ICE custody, ERO policy does not require continued screening of the approximately 2.37 million aliens when released and under ICE supervision."  Between 2013 and 2015 there were 142 cases of illegal immigrants who were detained and identified as "known or suspected terrorists."  The inspector general reviewed 40 of those cases.

Somali averages are terrible.  [Scroll down]  Tens of millions of dollars sluice though annually from U.S. taxpayers to the resettlement agencies, most of which have deceptively churchy-sounding names.  Then, after refugees have been settled in our country a few weeks, the agencies hand them over to municipal, state, and national welfare services, with untold billions of further costs to the public fisc for healthcare, education, housing, and law enforcement stretching away into the future.  That's the process by which the U.S.A. acquired a big population of Somalis — around 150,000, of whom about half live in Minnesota.  The Census Bureau estimates that 74,000 people in Minnesota speak Somali.  There's the Minnesota connection.  Why so many Somalis in Minnesota?  It's a combination of things. [...] And then, once the so-called refugee is settled in the U.S.A., he's free to move from one place to another.  The most attractive place for him to move to is whichever place has the biggest concentration of his fellow-countrymen.  So there's a snowball effect:  augmented, once people have been here long enough to get citizenship, by chain migration.  Somalis are black; they're also, for the most part, Muslim.  So they are twofers for Designated Victim Status, and white Americans better not even hint at anything negative about them.

Shootings in Harrisburg 'a terror attack': Homeland Security.  The Department of Homeland Security referred to the three shootings in Harrisburg on Friday as "a terror attack."  Tyler Q. Houlton, acting press secretary for agency, tweeted a statement Saturday about the incidents.  Houlton said that Ahmed El-Mofty was a naturalized U.S. citizen who was admitted to the country from Egypt on a family-based immigration visa.  "The long chain of migration that led to the suspect's admission into the United States was initiated years ago by a distant relative of the suspect," Houlton said in a release.  "One of the most recent links in that chain was an extended family member admitted into the United States from Egypt on an F24 visa."

Homeland Security says chain migration let terrorism-related suspects into U.S.  The Department of Homeland Security said chain migration is the common element in two cases allegedly tied to terrorism activities, according to a statement released Saturday [12/23/2017].  In the statement on Twitter, Acting Press Secretary Tyler Houlton said DHS "can confirm the suspect involved in a terror attack in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and another suspect arrested on terror-related money laundering charges were both beneficiaries of extended family chain migration."

Sally Yates's Rebellion Ends with a Whimper.  Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates has had a whirlwind year as the left's newest darling.  She became an instant political celebrity when she refused to defend President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration and travel from terror-prone countries — the so-called "travel ban."  Trump promptly fired her, which earned her a Senate hearing, a graduation speech at Harvard Law School, and talk about a bright future as a Democratic Party politician.  But Yates's rebellion ended with a whimper on Monday [12/4/2017], as the U.S. Supreme Court knocked down several lower court injunctions and let the third version of Trump's travel ban stand, for now.

Supreme Court Allows Latest Travel Ban To Take Full And Immediate Effect.  The U.S. Supreme Court Monday [12/4/2017] allowed the latest iteration of President Donald Trump's travel ban to take full effect for the time being, as lower courts continue to wrestle with lawsuits fighting the ban.  The order permits the administration to enforce the president's September proclamation, which suspends entry of foreign nationals from seven nations, including Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen.  Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor noted their dissent from the Court's decision.

In a Win for Trump, Supreme Court Upholds 'Extreme Vetting' Travel Ban.  President Donald Trump won a big victory Monday in the Supreme Court, which upheld his "extreme vetting" on immigration into the United States.  The dispute over the policy stemmed from its application to six majority-Muslim countries.  Lower federal courts in California, Hawaii, and Maryland ruled the ban was unconstitutional.  In September, the administration revised the policy to add North Korea, Venezuela, and Chad to the list.  It dropped Sudan and kept Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen.

Orwellian 'defense bill' imports 3,500 more Afghan immigrants.  In the United States of Orwell, a "defense bill" means bringing in more immigrants from one of the most dangerous countries in the world.  Our backwards strategy of spending up to $4 trillion in the Middle East primarily to referee Islamic civil wars and even grow Iranian hegemony — all for the purpose of defending our homeland — ends in bringing in more Islamists to our shores. [...] Now Congress is set to bring in more Afghans, when the country is more volatile than ever and it's nearly impossible to distinguish a Taliban operative from non-Taliban.

Cultural Marxism and its discontents.  The deadly Islamic terrorist truck attack in New York City on Halloween exposed a caldron of issues, from national security to immigration policy.  But it's about much more than that.  The attack and its aftermath have shone a light on the left's campaign to radically transform America through cultural Marxism.  That's the revolutionary philosophy that aims to cure inequality by destroying traditional Western culture.  This includes massive, unrestricted immigration.

How Leftists Aid the Jihadis' Deadly Cause.  The West and the United States are dealing with a supremacist, expansionist religion that seeks to annex the entire world by any means necessary, especially violence.  As in Austria, which the Nazis took over in 1938, the Islamschluss finds willing collaborators, like the weasely Herr Zeller in The Sound of Music.  In America, the collaborators bring in Muslims by any means necessary, such as the "diversity visa" of Sayfullo Saipov.  The Diversity Visa program, launched by New York Senator Chuck Schumer in 1990, makes 50,000 visas available, on a random basis, to people from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States.  Sayfullo Saipov is one of the lottery winners, though what he has to do with "diversity" is a mystery. [...] Saipov had no skill America needs, but the Diversity Visa program is all about bringing in people America doesn't need.

Iraqi and Egyptian Nationals Caught After Sneaking Across Open Border.  One Iraqi national and one Egyptian national were apprehended by U.S. Border Patrol agents after the individuals from terror-hotbeds had illegally entered the U.S. from Mexico.  U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confirmed the concerning apprehensions to Breitbart Texas in a statement.  CBP declined to confirm that the foreign nationals were men, though a source operating under the umbrella of their agency claimed they were both males to Breitbart Texas.

"Islamic Refugee" With Gas Pipeline Plans Arrested in New Mexico Border County.  Despite official denials from authorities Judicial Watch stands by its reporting, which was subsequently corroborated by National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers Chairman Zack Taylor.  Police in a U.S. town bordering Mexico have apprehended an undocumented, Middle Eastern woman in possession of the region's gas pipeline plans, law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch.  Authorities describe the woman as an "Islamic refugee" pulled over during a traffic stop by a deputy sheriff in Luna County, New Mexico which shares a 54-mile border with Mexico.  County authorities alerted the U.S. Border Patrol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) has been deployed to the area to investigate, sources with firsthand knowledge of the probe confirm.

Southwest border is 'gaping wound' in homeland security, DHS chief says.  The lack of a border wall is "a gaping wound" in the country's defenses, Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly said Tuesday, saying Border Patrol officials in the ground in Texas and Arizona can point to exact spots where fencing is needed right now.  Mr. Kelly also promised a marked jump in morale at his department, saying tens of thousands of immigration agents had been despondent after having their hands tied by the Obama administration, and are now eager to get back to enforcing the law — the job they were hired to do.

Former INS Agent:  Refugee Screening is to Process People, Not ID Terrorists.  Just discovered by a citizen activist is this May 2016 discussion about the pros and cons of admitting Middle Eastern refugees to the US at McCuistion, a non-profit organization.  We learned that The Foundation for Responsible Television has been producing the McCuistion Program for 20 years.  A.J. Irwin, a former Homeland Security agent and expert on terrorism describes the screening process that we have been told is so long and so thorough.

Thousands of Terrorists, Foreign Fighters Tried to Enter America, New Data Shows.  The Department of Homeland Security stopped more than 22,000 "high-risk" travelers from entering the United States in 2015, but officials remain uncertain about how effective these security screening methods are, opening the possibility that risky individuals such as terrorists are still being approved for entry into America, according to a new government report highlighting these flaws.  More than 8,100 "known or suspected terrorists, or individuals with connections to known or suspected terrorists, attempted to apply for travel to the United States or board U.S.-bound flights" in 2015, according to the report, which chides U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for failing to determine how effective its current screening methods are.

Video Reveals USCIS Complacency Regarding Fake Passports for Syrians.  An undercover video recorded by an operative from the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) during a visit to a United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office in Port Chester, New York, on January 6, revealed that USCIS officials — even if informed that aliens attempting to enter the United States have false credentials — will sometimes admit the aliens anyway.  AFDI operative Laura Loomer went to the USCIS office just north of New York City and told an official there that she had met a family of illegal aliens from Syria who were afraid to visit the government office themselves because "they don't have documents because they came here illegally," with forged passports.

Jihadists Train, Plan U.S. Attack from Mexican Border State of Nuevo León.  A Jihadi-cartel alliance in the Mexican state of Nuevo León is collaborating to carry out attacks in American cities and ports of entry along the southern border, according to intelligence obtained by Judicial Watch from confidential U.S. and Mexican law enforcement sources.  As part of the plan, militant Islamists have arrived recently at the Monterrey International Airport situated in Apodaca, Nuevo León, about 130 miles south of the Texas border.  An internal Mexican law enforcement report obtained by Judicial Watch confirms that Islamic terrorists have "people along the border, principally in Tijuana, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas."  Cartel informants tell law enforcement contacts that "they are only waiting for the order and the times to carry out a simultaneous attack in the different ports of entry or cities of the United States of America."  Drug cartels have a working "agreement" with Islamic terrorists, according to a high-ranking Mexican police administrator, who said that men from the Middle East arrive regularly into the country to "train" jihadists.

Thousands of African Muslim invaders in Tijuana refugee camp have been crossing into the U.S. illegally.  The invaders, nearly all of whom are young males from Africa, are flooding into the U.S. on a daily basis from this camp.  While Americans have been distracted with the presidential election, thousands Muslim illegals have been allowed entry from Mexico, at the same time Obama has ordered Border Patrols to stand down.

Exclusive: Three Pakistani Men Apprehended in U.S. at Arizona Border.  Three Pakistani men were apprehended after crossing into the U.S. from Mexico in the Tucson Sector.  A combination of sources — including official confirmation from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) — revealed the men were in fact apprehended and are currently in U.S. federal custody.  Breitbart Texas sources first released the information and CBP confirmed via email.

With focus on Mexico border, criminals, terrorists may be entering via Canada, report says.  The images were worrisome — four men in camouflage outfits, with what seemed like weapons in tow, crossing the U.S. border.  Then there's the video showing another group sneaking across the border late at night.  Neither group was stopped, and U.S. border officials still do not know who they are or where they ended up.  Part of the reason why is because these illegal entries didn't occur along the U.S.'s closely-watched 2,000-mile-long border with Mexico.  They happened on the border with Canada, which despite being nearly three times longer at 5,500 miles, has long stretches that are unmanned and unpatrolled, with only gadgets — such as cameras — to document illicit activity, according to the New York Times.

Immigration Official Admits 'Many' Refugees Have Been Convicted of Terrorist Offenses, Can't Say How Many.  U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director Leon Rodriguez told Congress Thursday [9/29/2016] that "not a single act of actual terrorist violence has been a committed by a refugee" who underwent USCIS screening procedures since 9/11, but later admitted that there were "many people" who came into the refugee program as adults who were convicted of terrorist offenses.  "The fact is that since Sept. 11, not a single act of actual terrorist violence has been committed by a refugee who has undergone our screening procedures.  There have been individuals who came to the U.S. as children," Rodriguez told the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest during its hearing on the refugee resettlement program.

DHS Secretary 'Concerned' About Illegal Aliens From Middle East.  Poverty and violence in Central America continue to push hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens toward the United States, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told Congress on Tuesday.  He said he's particularly concerned about infiltrators from the Middle East.  "I am concerned about what we refer to as the special interest alien that comes from the other hemisphere that turns up on our southern border," Johnson told the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

Leaked FBI Data Reveals 1000s Of Terrorist Encounters In The USA.  If Bush were still president, would this be a front page story?  Shouldn't it be even if he's not?

Secret Report:  Terrorists Running Wild Within U.S. Borders.  The Obama administration has been concealing the staggering breadth of terrorist activity in the United States — quantified as close to 8,000 terrorist encounters in a recent year — a leaked government report suggests.  There are disturbing parallels between the Obama administration's ongoing cover-up of the true extent of terrorist operations in the U.S. and its election season cover-up four years ago of the real causes of the Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack on Sept. 11, 2012. [...] There have been 92 Muslim terrorist plots in the U.S. since Sept. 11, 2001.  The overwhelming majority of those plots took place during Barack Obama's presidency.

Islamist Killers Do Not Have a 'Right' To Be Here.  Hillary Clinton, responding to the knife attack in a St. Cloud, Minnesota mall for which ISIS took credit and the bombing in New York's Chelsea neighborhood by a gay-hating Afghan-born Islamist who was a naturalized American citizen, warned us not about the dangers of radical Islamic terrorism, but of intolerance to Muslim-Americans: [...] Yes, Hillary, there are a lot of naturalized American citizens, including the 858 from what are euphemistically called "special interest countries", naturalized by "mistake" due to the use of multiple identities and fingerprints not digitized in any database.  This speaks to Donald Trump's [idea] about a cessation of admitting refugees from these countries until we know what we're doing.  Clearly we do not.

DHS Secretary 'Just Recently Asked' Officials to 'Focus on Immigrants Coming Illegally From Other Hemispheres'.  Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson says he "just recently" asked the Border Patrol "to focus" on illegal immigrants coming from "other hemispheres," including the Middle East.  "In terms of the Southwest border, I just recently asked for them to focus on immigrants coming illegally from other hemispheres, from the Middle East and so forth, to detect them and block them before they even get to the homeland, working with governments in South America, Central America to prevent that from happening," Johnson told "Fox News Sunday."

Hundreds of Somalis and other Africans coming across US southern border, requesting asylum.  This is nothing new, it's been going on for all the years I've been writing this blog.  However, I expect the pace has been picking up lately as they fear that Trump might be serious about the wall.  You know that anyone, supposedly impoverished, but with the resources to travel across the world to get to our border, has to be up to no good.  In fact, since we take thousands (over 8,000 Somalis this year alone) of supposedly legitimate refugees from Africa, my first question is, so why didn't they apply through regular channels?

Visa security loophole exploited by 9/11 attackers [is] still open 15 years later.  At least five of the Sept. 11 hijackers exploited a glaring hole in visa security to stay in the U.S. beyond their time — allowing them to board the planes and conduct their murderous attack.  Fifteen years later, and despite a clear consensus on the need for improvement, that gaping hole remains.  "In too many cases that's still happening — they come in legally, but we don't know if they've left, and if they haven't left, we don't know where they are," said Tom Kean, former governor of New Jersey and chairman of the 9/11 Commission that looked into the 2001 attack and crafted a long list of changes to put homeland security on firmer footing.  "That is probably the most important unfulfilled recommendation," Mr. Kean told reporters this week ahead of the commemoration of the attack that ushered in the current war-on-terrorism era.

916 Illegals From Terror-Linked Countries Apprehended Since 2014.  U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehended at least 916 illegal immigrants from countries linked to terrorism trying to sneak into the United States across the Southwest border in 2014 and 2015, according to a Breitbart News tally gleaned from federal data released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  During that period, nearly 370 may have successfully entered the United States, according to U.S. government estimate of "gotaways."  The number of illegals from terror-linked countries, officially known as Special Interest Aliens (SIAs), arrested along the U.S.-Mexico border has nearly doubled to 462 in 2015 alone, from 255 in 2011, the last year for which the government released data without a FOIA request.

Thousands of Middle Eastern Illegal Immigrants Busted with Forged Papers at Border.  U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents working with Mexican immigration officials have found thousands of non-Hispanic illegal immigrants crossing Mexico's southern border to make their way to Texas.  The "extra-continental" immigrants enter countries as far south as Brazil and make their way to the United States, often with forged travel documents.  "The reality is that the vast majority of the people that Mexico encounters [on its southern border] that are extra-continental will eventually end up on our border," a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) official told Reuters this week.

Shock report:  Feds vetting immigrants for terrorists ask if Communists, not ISIS.  A new analysis of how the United States "vets" immigrants reveals that written visa and citizenship surveys ask if applicants are World War II Nazi veterans or sympathizers, but not members of ISIS, al Qaeda or other Islamic terror groups at war with America.

Report: Illegal Migrants from Terror-Linked Countries Surging at Southern Border.  U.S. officials are trying to establish closer cooperation with various Latin American nations to combat an increase in the number of illegal migrants from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East attempting to sneak into the United States.  Between October 2015 and May 2016, the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency, a component of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), detained 5,350 African and Asian migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border, according to Reuters.  The apprehensions of illegals from Africa and Asia during that period marks an increase from those that took place in all of 2015 (4,261) and 2014 (1,831).

ISIS Terrorist Tells Feds He Has Jihadist Brothers in Mexico Confirming JW Reports.  An ISIS operative arrested and criminally charged in Ohio this month has confirmed that the terrorist group has cells in Mexico, according to federal authorities.  Judicial Watch has reported this for years, documenting it in a series of articles as part of an ongoing investigation on the connection between drug cartels, corruption and terrorism on the southern border.  In fact, last spring Judicial Watch broke a story about an ISIS camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas in an area known as "Anapra" situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.  Though a number of high-level law enforcement, intelligence and military sources on both sides of the border have provided Judicial Watch with evidence that Islamic terrorist cells are operating in Mexico, the Obama administration has publicly denied it, both to Judicial Watch and in mainstream media outlets.  Now we have a terrorism suspect in custody proudly affirming it.

Critical Infrastructure Being Guarded by Muslim Immigrants.  We know that Omar Mateen, the Orlando shooter, was employed by G4S Plc, a British security firm whose clients in more than 100 countries include the U.S. government (e.g.  DHS).  It is also known that his firm was part of a larger organization that participated in the catch and release of OTM's (other than Mexicans) at the southern border.  The OTM's consisted of people from other Central American countries as well as Muslims from the Middle East.  Once these OTM's were caught, they were released into the deep interior of the country without being screened and without supervision.  Mateen's firm is technically operating under the direction of DHS on this matter.  The catch and release of Muslims at the southern border violates our nation's immigration laws.  However, as we witnessed last week with the FBI giving Clinton a get out of jail card for self-admitted criminal activity, our federal government is playing by its own rules that they are making up as they go along.

Muslim Profiling Isn't Illegal Unconstitutional, or Un-American.  Current federal law [Title 8, Section 1182 of the U.S. Code, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952] gives the President legal authority to suspend — by a simple proclamation, and without any action by Congress — the entry of "any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States [who] would be detrimental to the interests of the United States," and to do so indefinitely.  President Obama has in fact already used this power.  This existing statutory grant of authority to the President, and to those to whom he may delegate this power, is very broad, and a very recent Supreme Court decision held that he could withhold visas on national security grounds without providing any reason at all.  Thus, even without any action by Congress to give him additional authority, it is likely that the President could at least temporarily ban immigrants who are Muslim.  If Congress were to back this proposal by enacting specific legislation to carry it out, the case for its legality would be even stronger.  And there is clear precedent.  Indeed, over a period of more than 100 years, Congress has repeatedly limited immigration by many different groups of people seeking admission.

"Islamic Refugee" With Gas Pipeline Plans Arrested in New Mexico Border County.  Police in a U.S. town bordering Mexico have apprehended an undocumented, Middle Eastern woman in possession of the region's gas pipeline plans, law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch.  Authorities describe the woman as an "Islamic refugee" pulled over during a traffic stop by a deputy sheriff in Luna County, New Mexico which shares a 54-mile border with Mexico.  County authorities alerted the U.S. Border Patrol and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) has been deployed to the area to investigate, sources with firsthand knowledge of the probe confirm.

Visa Waiver Program countries aren't sharing travelers' criminal, terrorism records with U.S.  A third of the countries whose citizens can travel to the U.S. without a visa aren't sharing critical terrorism or criminal record data with American authorities, creating a major security risk, the government's chief watchdog said Monday [5/6/2016].  There are 38 countries in the visa waiver program and each of them has agreed to grant the U.S. access to data on stolen or lost passports, on criminal history of would-be travelers, and on terrorism risks.  But while all countries share passport data, a third don't report criminal history and a third fail to share their terrorism and national security records, the Government Accountability Office said.

Yes, Terrorists Are Setting Their Sights on Our Open Southern Border.  According to press reports, a man arrested as part of an Islamic State (ISIS) group in Minnesota claimed he wanted to setup a pipeline to funnel terrorists into the U.S. through Mexico.  The story rekindles concerns over the security of our southern border.  It should come as no surprise that there are reports of terrorists trying to cross from Mexico to the U.S. — it's been tried before.  In 2011, Iranian agents tried to recruit a Mexican cartel to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States with a car bomb while he dined at a restaurant in Washington, D.C.  The assault on our border is overwhelming — and it's not just about jumping over walls.  U.S. officials just discovered a massive 800-foot tunnel under the border — complete with elevator.  This means that bad actors are increasingly flying over the border, and they've used undersea craft, as well as speedboats, to smuggle people into the U.S.

State Dept.  Official: 'No Excuse for Governments to Not Enforce Effective Border Controls'.  The U.S. State Department's Acting Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Justin Siberell, told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee in a written statement today [5/26/2016] that "[t]here is no excuse for governments to not enforce effective border controls."  "There is no greater priority than keeping America safe from the threat of terrorism," Siberell told the committee at a hearing on "Protecting America from the Threat of ISIS."  In his written statement and spoken testimony, Siberell cited the importance of border security in foreign nations to stopping the flow of terrorists.

General Boykin:  Obama Is Letting In Terrorists — GOP Too Weak To Stop Him.  Lt.  General Jerry Boykin is a former Delta Force commander.  He recently came out firing at both the President and the GOP.  First, he claims the President is bordering on "impeachable" offenses by allowing terrorists to actively flow across our border with Mexico. [...] He goes on to say that the GOP are basically spineless and unable to stop the president.  The most shocking statement is how grave the General feels the situation has become.  For the good of the country, General Boykin could see military leaders stepping in.

Why Were Texas Game Wardens Just Issued Nuclear Radiation Detectors?  After countless reports about the potential for nuclear or radioactive weapons of mass destruction being smuggled into the United States, the State of Texas is has begun to take the threat seriously.

Is ISIS Moving To Texas?  Little by little ISIS seems to be moving in on Texas, not just by radicalizing Texans but by slipping through the unprotected U.S./Mexican border.  Thanks to the efforts of Judicial Watch, information became publicly available about the arrest of four members of ISIS/jihadists who were caught in McAllen and Pharr, Texas in 2014.  This in addition to eye witness sources who confirmed to Judicial Watch much more recent ISIS-related border crossings and an ISIS Camp 8 miles south of El Paso, Texas.

Consequences of Bad People Among Us.  During World War II the United States completely shut down any immigration of persons from the countries we were at war with, Germany, Italy and Japan.  Our government did not disallow these people from coming into the country because they believed every last one of them were dangerous, because they were being insensitive, or because they were just a bunch of racists.  The United States Government shut down the immigration of persons from the countries we were at war with because we were unable to tell the good from the bad.

Yes, We Need a Canadian Border Wall.  Canada's sloppy, rushed and reckless Syrian refugee resettlement program is America's looming national security nightmare. [...] The Canadian liberal government has fast-tracked tens of thousands of Syrian Muslims into its country over the past five months and now plans to double its interim 25,000 goal by 2019.  The bleeding-heart Canucks are forging ahead despite reports this week of the country's failed $16 million screening program to stop Islamic terrorists from slipping through the cracks.  Multiple databases are not interoperable.  Information is outdated or useless.  Canadian agents are delivering incomplete background checks too late to matter, anyway.  Result:  Garbage in, garbage out, and untold numbers of unvetted refugees from jihad hotbeds on the loose at our doorstep.

Syrian surge! 'Refugees' flood into U.S. at rate of 358 per week.  A flood of Muslim refugees from Syria, an average of 358 per week to be exact, is expected to arrive in the United States between now and the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30.  The Obama administration has decided to implement a "surge" in Syrian refugees, fast-tracking the arrival of those fleeing civil war in that country to make good on its commitment of bringing 10,000 by the end of fiscal 2016.  The "surge" is needed because the administration has delivered only 1,411 in the first six-and-a-half months of the year.

DHS Says Mexican Border "More Secure now than it has Been in Many, Many Years".  Islamic terrorists and droves of illegal immigrants — mainly youths — have slipped into the United States through Mexico recently, but the deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) insists the "the border is more secure now than it has been in many, many years.  This delusional assessment brings to mind when President Obama's first DHS secretary, Janet Napolitano, repeatedly proclaimed the border is as secure as it's ever been amid escalating drug-cartel violence that spilled into the U.S. and a crisis of narcotics and human smuggling in the region.  Though the situation has only worsened, the administration continues to repeat the same lies even though a number of reports have confirmed that Islamic terrorists have entered the U.S. through the famously porous southern border and tens of thousands of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) keep crossing in without ever encountering federal agents before touching American soil.  If anything the southern border has become a national security threat of epic proportions, illustrated by Judicial Watch's reporting in the last few years.

ISIS Camp a Few Miles from Texas, Mexican Authorities Confirm.  ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, according to Judicial Watch sources that include a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector.  The exact location where the terrorist group has established its base is around eight miles from the U.S. border in an area known as "Anapra" situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.  Another ISIS cell to the west of Ciudad Juárez, in Puerto Palomas, targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States, the same knowledgeable sources confirm.  During the course of a joint operation last week, Mexican Army and federal law enforcement officials discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu, as well as "plans" of Fort Bliss — the sprawling military installation that houses the US Army's 1st Armored Division.  Muslim prayer rugs were recovered with the documents during the operation.

Hundreds of Convicted Terrorists Are Already Held in U.S. Prisons.  Republican leaders have blocked the closing of the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, because they say they do not want terrorists held on United States soil.  But American prisons currently hold 443 convicted terrorists, far more than the 89 men who remain imprisoned in Cuba.  The New York Times was able to confirm locations for about a third of the terrorists, shown on the map above.  The Department of Justice would not release the names or locations of the other prisoners who had been convicted of terrorism.

What is Homeland Security Hiding Behind Immigration Numbers?  As Americans ominously observe the raging fire of suicidal immigration policies implemented by our European friends across the pond, one of the first questions on their minds is:  how many of these Islamic radicals have been admitted to our country?  The answer is we don't even know how many people in total have come to our country since 2013 because the Department of Homeland Security has refused to publish that data or make it available to Congress.

Paris Jihad: It's Immigration, Stupid.  Republicans in Congress know what they have to do.  If they fail to convene this week and immediately work towards ending the Islamic refugee program, it's safe to say they should all resign from office.  At its core, the predominant job of the federal government is to protect the citizenry from invasion.  That is the essence of the social compact and why we agreed to form a constitutional federal union in the first place.

Belgian Terrorists Can Still Enter US Without a Visa.  Leading lawmakers identified Belgium as a hotspot for terrorism months ago and are warning that many of the radicalized individuals living there are still able to travel to the United States without first obtaining a visa and undergoing thorough security checks.  Rep. Ron DeSantis (R., Fla.), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told the Washington Free Beacon Tuesday afternoon [3/22/2016] that current flaws in the U.S. visa waiver program — which facilities travel to the United States from partner nations including Belgium — have created a loophole that could permit radicalized individuals to legally enter the United States with minimal background checks.

Report: Border Patrol corruption is a 'national security threat'.  The U.S. Border Patrol's discipline for corruption and abuse is so weak it poses a threat to national security, a new government report found.  A new 49-page report from an independent task force said corruption in the Border Patrol poses "a national security threat" because it undermines the agency's ability to protect the country from terrorism.

Disclosure: Another 41 Foreign-Born Individuals Snagged On Terror Charges.  Following the discovery of a terrorist cell in Texas allegedly operated by an Iraqi who entered the United States as a refugee, the Washington Free Beacon has learned of an additional 41 individuals who have been implicated in terrorist plots in the United States since 2014, bringing the total number of terrorists discovered since that time to 113, according to information provided by Congressional sources.  Since August, however, the Obama administration has stonewalled Congressional efforts to obtain more detailed immigration histories of these individuals, prompting frustration on Capitol Hill and accusation that the administration is covering up these histories to avoid exposing flaws in the U.S. screening process.

Feds can't say whereabouts of those whose visas were revoked over terror threat.  The Obama administration cannot be sure of the whereabouts of thousands of foreigners in the U.S. who had their visas revoked over terror concerns and other reasons, a State Department official acknowledged Thursday [12/17/2015].  The admission, made at a House oversight hearing examining immigrant vetting in the wake of major terror attacks, drew a sharp rebuke from the committee chairman.  "You don't have a clue do you?" Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told Michele Thoren Bond, assistant secretary for the Bureau of Consular Affairs.

Team led by Middle Eastern Woman Caught Surveilling U.S. Facility on Mexican Border.  A Middle Eastern woman was caught surveilling a U.S. port of entry on the Mexican border holding a sketchbook with Arabic writing and drawings of the facility and its security system, federal law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch.  The woman has been identified as 23-year-old Leila Abdelrazaq, according to a Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) report obtained by JW this week.  Abdelrazaq appeared to have two accomplices, a 31-year-old man named Gabriel Schivone and a 28-year-old woman named Leslie Mcafee.  CBP agents noticed the trio "observing the facilities" at the Port of Mariposa in Nogales, Arizona on December 2.  Schivone was first noticed inside the entrance of the pedestrian area while the two women stood outside by the entry door, the CPB document states.

Unlimited Muslim immigration: A Congress of fools or traitors?  Senate bill 153, the Immigration Innovation Act (or I-Squared), led by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), would allow for virtually unlimited Muslim immigration into the United States. [...] A recent Pew Research report found that "nearly all Muslims in Afghanistan (99%) and most in Iraq (91%) and Pakistan (84%) support sharia law as official law."  Yet in the last five years, the U.S. has issued 83,000 green cards to Pakistan, 83,000 green cards to Iraq and 11,000 green cards to Afghanistan.  According to Fox News' Chad Pergram, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and House Republicans are gearing up to attach a proposal to the omnibus spending bill that gives Barack Obama a blank check, empowering him to bring in an unlimited number of refugees.

A hardline shift from an immigration reformer.  I know this is not my usual position.  But this is a war.  Therefore I have come to believe there should be no immigration or visa waivers until the U.S. adopts a completely new system to stop radical Islamic terrorists from entering the country.  A wartime lockdown.  And a big change in my thinking.  ISIS and related Islamic terrorists are already here.  More are coming.  We must stop them.  Until FBI director James Comey gives us the green light, I say seal the borders.  Here's what we must do:  Completely reform the vetting process for immigrants and foreign visitors.  Change the screening process.  Come up with a new visa-application review process.  Stop this nonsense of marriage-visa fraud.  And in the meantime, seal the borders.

ISIS Crossing Southern Border From Mexico?  Terror Debate Sparks Alarm Over Possible Islamic State Immigration.  Tim Foley recently returned from a 10-day patrol mission through the cactus and bush-covered borderland that stretches between Mexico and the U.S. states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.  He's one of many Americans concerned about a porous border that sits just 400 yards from his home, but also among the few who has taken matters into his own hands.

Argentina arrests 7 Syrians citizens with fake passports heading north.  Argentina has arrested seven Syrian citizens in Buenos Aires for using falsified Greek passports, continuing a trend of migrants from the troubled Middle Eastern nation using Latin America as a pathway to refugee status.  The Syrians, who were detained in Buenos Aires in two operations that targeted false passport holders, said that they were refugees fleeing their home country.  Two of the seven were purportedly on their way to Uruguay.

Female San Bernardino shooter reportedly entered US on 'fiancée' visa with inaccurate address.  The ISIS-inspired female terrorist in the recent mass killings in San Bernardino, Calif., reportedly entered the country on a so-called "fiancée visa" that listed a false or at least inaccurate foreign home address.  The woman, Tashfeen Malik, listed an address in her home country of Pakistan.  This summer, she received her Green Card, which allows immigrants to legally live and work in the United States, according to ABC News.  The Department of Homeland Security did not respond Saturday to a Fox News request for comment.

5 arrested on Ohio Turnpike in Trumbull County.  They are all from in and around Columbus and are being held in the Trumbull County Jail.  Officials confirmed with WCMH in Columbus that there was no terrorist link to the alleged activity.  Once the vehicle was stopped, it was searched.  According to the report, the five men arrested were Jibril Abdiselam, 24; Mohammeddeq Hassan, 27; Mohamed Mahamoud, 26; Zakaria Warsame, 25; and Said Sheikh.

Same story as above, but now it turns out they're "foreign nationals."
Ohio: 5 Muslim Foreign Nationals Arrested with Identify Theft Equipment.  How many did they help around and through the vetting process?

Caution:  graphic images.
List of Refugee Jihadis Secretly Arrested in America.  [M]any of the jihad attempts in the United States are launched by the children of Muslim refugees and migrants.  That list include the two Chechen brothers who bombed the Boston Marathon, and Anwar al-Awlaki who was killed by a U.S missile strike when he fled to Yemen after the 9/11 atrocity.  That means the Americans' federal government is actively importing national-security problems that will eventually cost billions of dollars to manage, but cannot be eliminated.

'Fear itself': A tale of two speeches.  First, a few facts:
  •   At least two of the Muslims involved in the Paris terror attacks were posing as Syrian refugees, and several others had visited Syria, where ISIS controls a large swath of the countryside.
  •   The vast majority of the Syrian "migrants" arriving in Europe and who will appeal to the UN for refugee status are neither widows nor orphans, but rather able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 30, the same demographic that is associated with suicide bombings and attacks throughout the Muslim world and Europe.
  •   Five Syrians were apprehended earlier this month in Honduras with fake Greek passports, and other Syrians have been trying to cross the border from Mexico into the U.S.  No doubt they have heard that once you are across the border, you stand a pretty good chance of being invited to stay by either a judge, Congress, or a lawless president operating outside the bounds of the Constitution.
  [...] We have been fooled so many times by Muslim immigrants and refugees who turned out to harbor deadly intentions that we can never live down our shame.

These armed civilians are patrolling the border to keep ISIS out of America.  Tim "Nailer" Foley was more than 5,000 miles away from Paris when Islamic State terrorists launched a series of coordinated attacks throughout the French capital, killing 130 people and injuring hundreds more.  But Foley — a former construction foreman who now spends his days with a band of heavily armed civilians, voluntarily patrolling the some of the most remote and dangerous stretches of the U.S.-Mexico border — wasn't surprised.  For years now, Foley said, he's been warning the FBI that sprinkled among the groups of immigrants he intercepts illegally crossing the border are foreign nationals who aren't from Mexico.

680,000 Green Cards Given to Immigrants of Muslim Countries.  The United States has issued 680,000 green cards to immigrants of Muslim-majority countries, according to data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  The green cards were issued within the last five years and will be reissued again in five years.  Among the people who received green cards are individuals who entered the United States as refugees.  The data, released by Senator Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), adds that these, "refugees have instant access to federal welfare and entitlements, along with local benefits and education services; these costs are not offset."

Five Syrians Stopped at Laredo International Bridge One.  Five more Syrians have been stopped at a Laredo port of entry on Friday [11/20/2015].  This brings the total number of Syrians seeking to enter the US through our city this week up to 13.

US May Have Let 'Dozens' of Terrorists Into Country As Refugees.  Several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees, according to FBI agents investigating the remnants of roadside bombs recovered from Iraq and Afghanistan.  The discovery in 2009 of two al Qaeda-Iraq terrorists living as refugees in Bowling Green, Kentucky — who later admitted in court that they'd attacked U.S. soldiers in Iraq — prompted the bureau to assign hundreds of specialists to an around-the-clock effort aimed at checking its archive of 100,000 improvised explosive devices collected in the war zones, known as IEDs, for other suspected terrorists' fingerprints.

Left, Media [Bewail] Breitbart Scoop on Syrians at Border.  The story, citing federal officials speaking on condition of anonymity, reports that "eight Syrian illegal aliens attempted to enter Texas from Mexico in the Laredo Sector" and were "apprehended at the Juarez Lincoln Bridge in Laredo, Texas, also known officially as Port of Entry 1."  No one can dispute those facts.  So they are trying to spin them.

6 Men from Pakistan, Afghanistan Busted Illegally Entering Arizona from Mexico.  A highly trusted federal agent working under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has confirmed to Breitbart Texas that a group composed of 5 Pakistani men and 1 man from Afghanistan was captured by U.S. Border Patrol agents after having illegally crossed the porous U.S.-Mexico border in the Tucson Sector of Arizona.

State Dept. Says Syrian Refugees Can Live 'Wherever They Want'.  Obama recently berated those who oppose allowing Syrian refugees entry to the US.  "That's shameful.  That's not American.  That's not who we are," said our Incompetent-in-Chief.  No, Barry, the real "shameful, not American, not who we are" thing is:  having you in the WH.

Five Syrians arrested in Honduras trying to reach U.S. with stolen Greek passports.  Honduran authorities said on Wednesday [11/18/2015] they had intercepted six Syrian nationals traveling on doctored Greek passports in the past week, including five who had been trying to reach the United States.  Five of the men were detained late on Tuesday [11/17/2015] in the Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa, on arrival from Costa Rica, and had been planning to head to the border with neighboring Guatemala.

Report: al Qaeda Terrorists Entered United States Through Refugee Program.  Two al Qaeda terrorists who had killed American soldiers were able to enter the country as refugees, according to a report released Wednesday [11/18/2015] from the House Homeland Security committee.  Waad Ramadan Alwan and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, two Iraqi refugees settled in Bowling Green, Kentucky, after killing American soldiers, whom they bragged about having "for lunch and dinner."  In 2010, they were caught handling weapons, including included a machine gun and a missile launcher, that they planned to smuggle to insurgents in Iraq.

Report: 8 Syrians Caught at Texas Border in Laredo.  Two federal agents operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are claiming that eight Syrian illegal aliens attempted to enter Texas from Mexico in the Laredo Sector.  The federal agents spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity, however, a local president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) confirmed that Laredo Border Patrol agents have been officially contacting the organization with concerns over reports from other federal agents about Syrians illegally entering the country in the Laredo Sector.  The reports have caused a stir among the sector's Border Patrol agents.

Many U.S. 'Citizen Terrorists' Are Also Legal Immigrants.  Dozens of the U.S. citizens arrested in recent years on terror-related charges are immigrants admitted to the United States legally who later obtained citizenship.  More than 70 U.S. residents have been publicly arrested and charged with conspiring to help, attempting to help, or actually helping terror networks such as Islamic State in recent years.  At least 15 of them received U.S. citizenship after being admitted to the country legally, including one of the Boston bombers.

Threat poll
Texas poll: Illegal immigration is the greatest threat to the United States.  A new poll released by the University of Texas and the Texas Tribune — conducted before the Paris terrorist attacks — reveals that Texas voters overwhelmingly view illegal immigration and foreign terrorist groups as the greatest threats facing the United States.

First 10,000 Syrian refugees destined for 180 unsuspecting US communities.  After the Hayride broke the exclusive story on 10,000 Syrian refugees possibly resettling in Baton Rouge, Lafayette and Metairie, it has now come to light that refugees are already coming into the New Orleans area.  Catholic Charities, which receive federal grants from U.S. Department of State/Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, have apparently taken in two Syrian refugee families already and are expecting many more.

You will never guess how the U.S. is 'vetting' Syrian refugees.  Normally, if someone wants to come into the United States, say, from France or Germany, our government can check with the French or German government to see if this person has a criminal record, or even is who he says he is.  But when it comes to refugees from Syria, what is called "vetting" relies mostly on one source of information:  the refugee.

It Begins: A Syrian Refugee is Already Missing in Louisiana.  Liberals continue to tell us the "vetting process" for refugees is under control and the federal government is monitoring everyone once they're in the country, but that's a total fallacy.  Take a look at what just happened in Louisiana.

Thanks, Obama! Syrian 'Refugee' Goes Missing in Louisiana, Has Reportedly Fled the State.  Good thing we have zero identity or photo of this so-called refugee.

New Report: 93% Increase In Immigration From Saudi Arabia.  The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has published another analysis of the immigration population based on Census data released last week from the American Community Survey (ACS).  The ACS is a widespread household survey and contains very detailed questions about the current population and arrival of immigrants.  One of the striking results of this survey is that it reveals a massive increase in immigration from "predominantly Muslim countries," as broken down by CIS.

Obama to "increase and accelerate" Islamist invasion of U.S.  What the media reports is a mere sliver of what is actually in progress and being planned. [...] Obama needs to be impeached immediately.  Those who swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution are derelict of duty and have been for some time.  Not only will Obama force American towns and cities to absorb millions of illegal aliens and Muslim invaders, but he is making American taxpayers bear 100% of the cost.  The plunder of American taxpayers is compounded by the theft of billions of dollars from Americans sent to Muslim nations, often directly to terrorist organizers and organizations.

Immigration: A Nation-Destroying Weapon of War!  Immigration degrades and ultimately destroys our native culture and replaces it with immigrant culture.  If immigration is left unchecked, the United States will become a third world country before the decade is out!  Last night's horrific attack in Paris is the inevitable result of Globalist policies[,] and they bear full responsibility for the deaths and violence that their criminally-insane open borders policies have produced.  Unless we immediately obtain control of our borders and expel all illegal immigrants, the violence we will shortly face will be far worse than anything that has happened in France[.]

Democrats going to the mat over taking in tens of thousands of Syrian refugees.  It is inconceivable to me that anything close to a majority of American voters wants to put ourselves at risk from ISIS infiltrators in the name of compassion for draft age males streaming into Europe from ISISland.

Rand Paul: Rubio Blocked Amendment That Would Have Protected U.S. From Jihadists.  Asked about the Paris attacks, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul singled out opponent Florida Sen. Marco Rubio on Saturday for blocking an amendment he offered to the 2013 Senate immigration bill that would have made it harder for foreigners from countries with a large jihadist presence to come to the United States.

7 Shocking Facts About Islamic Immigration.  Has America already become like Europe with respect to homegrown terror and Islamic immigration?  Either way, what can we do to delay the inevitable slide into cultural suicide and crossing that point of no return many European countries have already traversed?

Jindal demands answers about Syrian refugees arriving to Louisiana after Paris attacks.  In the wake of the recent terrorist attacks by an IS (Islamic State) in Paris, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal released a letter addressed to President Obama in regards to Syrian refugees seeking asylum in Louisiana.  The letter was also copied to Sylvia Burwell, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, Jeh Johnson, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security and James Comey, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigations.

Carson: Don't let Middle Eastern refugees into US.  In the wake of apparent terror attacks in Paris on Friday, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said the United States should deny refugees from the Middle East admittance into the country. [...] Carson called the "global Islamic movement" an "existential threat" and said lawmakers should block the Obama administration from allowing more refugees from the Middle East into the United States.

Jihadists Disguised as Refugees.  Muslim extremists and jihadists pretend to be asylum seekers and apply for asylum in Europe, according to reports from intelligence and security services since the mid-1990s.  The then Dutch Domestic Security Service BVD (now the AIVD) reported in May 1998 that radical Muslims from Tunisian, Egyptian and Algerian terrorist organizations had applied for asylum in the Netherlands.  "These asylum seekers can count on the support of local sympathizers."  And in April 2001 the BVD/AIVD warned of "Islamic war veterans" posing as people who "are looking for asylum or illegal migrants who seek refuge in Western countries who will continue the fight or support it."

Comey: Feds have roughly 900 domestic probes about Islamic State operatives, other extremists.  FBI Director James Comey said Friday [10/23/2015] that federal authorities have an estimated 900 active investigations pending against suspected Islamic State-inspired operatives and other home-grown violent extremists across the country.  In a speech to intelligence officials, Comey initially indicated that all 900 of the inquiries were ISIL related.  Later, officials said the vast majority involved ISIL but the number also included other U.S.-based extremists.

13 reasons why we should not admit Muslim 'refugees'.  [#1] They are not "refugees."  They are invaders; soldiers of Allah:  What is unfolding is hijra, otherwise known as immigration jihad.  It is written in the Quran and is a powerful strategy the Islamic world has used for many centuries to overwhelm nations and assert dominance.  We must not allow our culture to be undermined and destroyed by increasing the population of Muslims in the United States.  [#2] The vast majority of Muslims flooding into the West are young men:  We are being invaded by an army of young fighting-age men from across the Islamic world. Muslim males often wreak havoc wherever they go, including disproportionately high levels of involvement with criminal activity, rape, threats against others, terrorism, and everything in between.  We should not be importing a demographic of people who have a propensity toward violence.

Muslim 'Refugees' and Terrorism in America.  While the World Trade Center bombing and the Boston Marathon bombing cases are the most famous terrorist attacks by Muslim refugees, there are numerous other cases of Muslim refugee terror.  America has been resettling huge numbers of Somali Muslim refugees.  One of them, Nuradin Abdi, was an illegal alien who wanted to bomb a shopping mall in Columbus, Ohio after using his refugee travel document to fly back to Africa for terrorism training while claiming that he wanted to visit Mecca.  Mohamed Osman Mohamud, a Somali refugee, plotted to bomb a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland in 2010.  "I want whoever is attending that event to leave, to leave dead or injured," he said.

John Bolton: Germany's Syrian Refugee Pledge Puts U.S. at Risk.  Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton warned that the large number of refugees going to Germany from Syria poses a terrorist threat to the United States.  Bolton cited the Lebanese education minister estimating that about 2 percent of the refugees could be Islamic terrorists.  "If you think of Germany, which said it would accept 800,000 refugees, 2 percent of that is 16,000 terrorists in Germany.  Once they get into Western Europe, the path to this country is obviously substantially easier," Bolton said at a Federalist Society event in Washington.

Time to Fight Back in the Holy War of Islamism.  Europe is inexplicably importing even more Muslims who proclaim openly that their ideology gives them the Allah-given right to kill, rob, rape, and/or enslave those not like themselves, including the wrong kinds of Muslims.  Germany is even evicting its own citizens from their apartments to make room for them.  You can take the Muslim out of the Islamic State but you cannot take the Islamic State out of the IS Muslim, as shown by the honor killing of a rape victim in Germany. The Obama Administration meanwhile wants to import hundreds if not thousands of school shootings, Fort Hood massacres, Boston Marathon bombings, and 9/11s waiting for times and places to happen.

Lots Of The Illegals Crossing Into Texas Are Coming From Terrorist Nations.  No, the border isn't secure.  A secure border would allow the U.S. government to decide who gets to come in and who doesn't.  And that's not what's going on.

Obama administration admitted 1,519 foreigners with terrorist ties into the U.S.  Judicial Watch reports that the Obama administration has granted asylum or residency to 1,519 foreigners with terrorist ties.  This information comes from an annual report to Congress by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).  More than half of the terror supporters granted asylum or residency by Team Obama provided material support to terrorist organizations, according to the USCIS report.  Other received military-type training from a terrorist organization (nine fall into this category), voluntarily provided medical care to members of a terrorist group, or solicited funds or recruited individuals for membership in a terrorist organization.

U.S. Gives 1,519 Engaged in Terrorism "While Under Duress" Residency, Asylum.  As if the President Obama's sweeping amnesty measures haven't compromised national security enough, the administration let 1,519 "inadmissible" foreigners embroiled in terrorism into the U.S. last year because the crimes were committed "while under duress."  Before the Obama administration tweaked a federal law last year, these foreign nationals would have been banned from the country for supporting terrorist causes.  But under the changes the Secretary of Homeland Security has "discretionary authority" to waive certain grounds of inadmissibility relating to terrorism.

Islamic State Terrorists Caught Crossing Into Europe Posing As Refugees.  Five men have been arrested as they attempted to cross the Bulgarian-Macedonian border with decapitation videos and Islamic State propaganda on their phones.  The terrorist suspects had been posing as refugees.

The immigrant invasion no candidate is talking about.  With immigration front and center in the political debate, I've yet to hear any candidate address the significant threat to our national security otherwise known as importing hordes of Muslims.  Nor is anyone talking about the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into every arm of our government.  Why the silence on these matters of utmost importance?  Surely with a small group of candidates fearlessly bucking political correctness and the establishment, we should have at least a couple of them putting these issues front and center.  But no one is.

Chart Lists Terrorists in U.S. Due to Lax Immigration Policies.  Examples include a naturalized U.S. citizen from Somalia (Hinda Osman Dhirane) charged with conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, a lawful permanent resident (Akhror Saidakhmetov) from Kazakhstan charged with conspiracy to provide material support to Al Qaeda in Iraq, a Yemeni national named Mufid A. Elfgeeh who also supported a foreign terrorist organization, possessed illegal firearms and attempted to kill U.S. government officers and a Syrian national named Mohamad Saeed Kodaimati who knowingly made false, fraudulently and fictitious statements to the FBI.  That's just a snippet of a long list of foreigners with terrorist ties who have been granted U.S. entry by the Obama administration.

'Immigrant': The New N-Word.  Did Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev swim across the Rio Grande to get to Boston?  Did Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez hire coyotes to sneak him across the border so he could shoot four Marines and a sailor in Chattanooga?  No.  Our government invited them in.

Arabic: Most Common Language of Refugees in America.  In light of the now-daily reports of jihad-related arrests in the US and the religiously-motivated bloodshed in Garland, Texas, Chattanooga, Tennessee and Boston, it is essential that we remember this April news report.  Arabic is the most common spoken language of refugees in America.  Which means that things are only getting worse.  Muslim immigration from jihad nations must be a top priority of the GOP presidential candidate who hopes to win the nom.

Top Immigration Agency Touts 'Path To Citizenship' As Means For Blunting Homegrown Terror.  The top U.S. immigration agency told a Senate subcommittee it is working to blunt homegrown terrorism by marketing U.S. citizenship to immigrants.  "In furtherance of DHS's mission to safeguard the homeland, [United States Citizenship and Immigration Services] is committed to fostering integration and community cohesion," the agency recently told the Immigration and the National Interest Subcommittee in records obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Mexican Cartels Smuggle Terrorists into U.S. Through Rural Texas Border Region.  Terrorists have entered the U.S. through Mexico for years and in fact, an internal Texas Department of Public Safety report leaked by the media months ago documents that several members of known Islamist terrorist organizations have been apprehended crossing the southern border in recent years.  Now they're also being smuggled in through border region airfields, according to [Judicial Watch]'s civilian, law enforcement and intelligence sources.

Exploding Muslim Immigration Overwhelms FBI.  The FBI failed to stop another terror attack, this time in Chattanooga, and the pressure building on the bureau from President Obama's reckless immigration policies may be reaching a boiling point, say security experts.  And the problem goes far beyond a loose border, where some 400,000 illegal aliens enter each year.  It's also the ease with which someone from a hostile Middle Eastern country can get a visa.  Under current U.S. immigration policy, an ISIS terrorist doesn't need to hop a fence or swim a river to reach America.  He can enter the U.S. legally as a student, as a skilled guest-worker, as a refugee, as an entrepreneur, or as a tourist — and fly here in the comfort of a jumbo jet.

White House Welcomes Terror Immigration to America.  Tennessee is to Muslim refugees as New York is to Muslim hijacked planes.  Chattanooga, the site of the latest Muslim terror attack against America, is a "preferred community" for resettlement along with Knoxville and Nashville.  Nashville was designated a "Gateway City" for Iraqis.  Hundreds of Somali Muslims were dumped in Shelbyville and the Murfreesboro Mega-Mosque became national news because of its terror ties.  Over the last decade, middle Tennessee's Muslim population tripled.  The rise of Islam in Tennessee as Muslims from terror zones like Iraq and Somalia flooded its towns and cities brought hate and violence.

How can we make it politically OK to talk about limiting Muslim immigration?  Let's be very direct:  a substantial minority of Muslims in the world support terrorism and genocide.  That has to be true for organizations like ISIS, the Taliban, Boko Haram, al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab, and so on to exist.  These are large organizations, and they cannot exist without members and supporters, most (but not all) of them from countries in the Middle East.  Does it make sense, then, that we allow immigration of Muslims into the U.S.?  Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez was a Muslim Palestinian immigrant from Kuwait.  Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who bombed the Boston Marathon, was a Muslim immigrant from Kyrgyzstan.  They both killed many people.  And they are not the only ones.  Most Muslims we let into the United States will not become mass murderers.  But the problem is that a substantial minority of them sympathize with mass murderers, and some of those will go on to actually become mass murderers.  And the biggest point to make is that there is often no way for authorities to distinguish between a "conservative religious Muslim" and a "conservative religious Muslim who will commit mass murder."

Sessions: We Need Less Immigration, More Assimilation.  The terror attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee carried out by an Islamic immigrant from Kuwait has cast new attention on the inability of the United States to properly screen the 100,000 Middle Eastern immigrants added to the United States each year, as well as the tens of thousands of additional Muslim youth admitted as foreign students.

Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million.  The Associated Press and NBC are now reporting that Tennessee gunman Muhammed Youssef Abdulazees was an immigrant from the Muslim nation of Kuwait.  According to U.S. Census Data, the United States admits roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the fastest growing block of immigration into the United States.  Tennessee, in fact, is home to one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country, causing the President to give a recent speech there in favor of expansive immigration.

Walker: We'd Be Sending in Navy to Stop Illegals if They Were Swarming Our Sea Ports Like They Do Southern Border.  Republican Party 2016 primary frontrunner Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker told Breitbart News exclusively that if the invasion of illegal aliens that's currently swarming across America's southern border were coming in via America's sea ports, the government would be sending in the Navy to stop it.  Instead, the federal government — despite not having to at all — chooses, he says, to leave the U.S. border with Mexico wide open.

1.6 Million Immigrants from Predominantly Muslim Countries Since 9/11.  How many people in this country are aware of the fact that immigration from Islamic countries has doubled since 9/11?  According to data Conservative Review collated from the DHS Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, the U.S. has issued 1,628,854 green cards to immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries from 2001-2013.

Obama DHS busted shipping busloads of Somali Muslims into California.  Caught on video, a driver for a DHS transport bus told some folks at a California gas station that he was transporting Somali and African immigrants to detention centers in Victorville, CA.  #vc

DHS records describe Mexican government helicopters entering US, firing on Border Patrol.  How is this not a huge story?  Well, we know why it's not a huge story.  This sort of thing throws a wrench into the current illegal immigration narrative.  Specifically that we as Americans should't be concerned with what is happening along our southern border.

Concerns Of Muslim Immigration Surge Into Western World Come Into Focus.  The Muslim immigration warnings offered by Dutch politician Geert Wilders — who was in the facility in Garland, Texas, that was attacked by terrorists last weekend — seem to be coming true.  Wilders, who has asked his own parliament to hold an exhibition on the Muhammed cartoons from the Garland, Texas event, has warned frequently that high levels of Muslim immigration without assimilation to the Western world — Europe and the United States of America — are dangerous to the culture and values of the West.

Reports, Terrorist Acts Corroborate ISIS in Mexico Story JW Broke Last Month.  A number of reports have surfaced in the last few weeks that corroborate a story Judicial Watch broke in mid-April verifying that ISIS is operating in a Mexican border town just eight miles from El Paso, Texas. [...] JW's report was based on intelligence from a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police inspector and was met with denials from both the U.S. and Mexican government as well as skepticism from the mainstream media in both countries.

Obama State Dept. Shipping Thousands of Potential ISIS Members to Idaho and South Carolina.  [President Barack H.] Obama is sending hundreds of Muslims into the USA under the claim that they are refugees, a report finds.  Apparently Idaho and South Carolina are the areas the State Department has targeted for up to 2,000 Syrian refugees.

Judicial Watch Pinch-Hitting for the FBI.  Despite the growing menace and media savvy of the terrorist Islamic group ISIS, the FBI appears to be, once again, failing in its investigative and enforcement responsibilities.  The agency that let us down with 9/11 and, afterward, reacted mainly in a flurry of political correctness and appeasement toward Muslims is now trying to reassure the American public that we have nothing to fear from ISIS on the North American continent.  This despite warnings from the nonprofit Judicial Watch of ISIS activism in Mexico, and recent ISIS-related arrests in Minnesota.  More is needed from the nation's top domestic intelligence and security agency than this whistling in the dark if we are to be safe in our own country.

Video: Franklin Graham Calls on U.S. to Halt All Immigration of Muslims Coming from Countries with Islamic Terror Cells.  Reverend Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham and CEO of Samaritan's Purse, has called on the United States government to "stop allowing immigration of Muslims into this country."  "Each day's news seems to reveal new horrors from militant Islam," Graham said Monday [4/20/2015] in a post on Facebook.  "Can it be that the world is no longer as shocked by Christians having their heads cut off and then ISIS proudly promoting this on video?  We should continue to be horrified and nauseated."  "We should make sure our government and the current administration recognizes Islam for the danger it is, and that they are doing all they can to work against it," he said.

An Invasion of Refugees.  The invasion is a silent and secret one.  The soldiers come as refugees funneled through ratlines run by liberal churches and other pseudo-religious organizations.  Tens of thousands of Muslim migrants come from conflict zones to small towns and cities across the country just like Spartanburg each year.  But Spartanburg's fighting spirit is still alive and Congressman Trey Gowdy, who represents the Spartanburg area, has challenged a plan to dump migrants, including possibly Syrians, there, inquiring whether they have criminal records and what background checks have been performed on them.

Another Reason To Get Serious About Our Unguarded Border.  Judicial Watch reports that two Mexican officials — a field grade military officer and a federal police officer — have anonymously told them that IS terrorists have set up a camp outside Juarez, in Mexico's Chihuahua state, in a region eight miles from the U.S. border known as "Anapra."  Mexican officials deny it, U.S. law enforcement agencies more tentatively call it "unsubstantiated."  But it underlines that our border is still unguarded even after last summer's human waves of illegal immigration from Central America, significant U.S. interests — from oil installations to the Fort Bliss military base — are vulnerable.  Our enemies are still plotting against us.

IS Sets Up Camp Within A Few Miles Of Texas Border.  No sooner had President Obama gutted border enforcement than the Islamic State built a Mexican training camp just a few miles from Texas.  Did Obama doubt IS would take advantage of his immigration policies?  If he did, he is dangerously naive.  But we do not see how he could have been so clueless.  There were plenty of warnings that IS was targeting the border, and they emerged even as he was putting the final touches on his executive amnesty scheme.

ISIS Camp a Few Miles from Texas, Mexican Authorities Confirm.  ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, according to Judicial Watch sources that include a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector.  The exact location where the terrorist group has established its base is around eight miles from the U.S. border in an area known as "Anapra" situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.  Another ISIS cell to the west of Ciudad Juárez, in Puerto Palomas, targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States, the same knowledgeable sources confirm.

Obama Has Allowed 600,000 'Unscreened' Immigrants from Dangerous Muslim Nations to Enter USA.  Obama likes to pretend he has kept the nation safe and is quick to remind everyone that "he" killed bin Laden.  But with this huge flood of immigrants from dangerous Muslim nations, it is clear he's opened the gate for terrorists to flood our nation.

Megyn Kelly Grills Jindal on His Proposal to Restrict Muslim Immigration to U.S.  Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) has generated controversy for himself, yet again, by proposing that the U.S. government reform immigration laws to actively exclude Muslims who might potentially "want to come and try to impose some variant of Sharia law."  On Wednesday evening [3/18/2015], Fox's Megyn Kelly pressed the governor a bit on whether such ideas violate fundamental American principles.  In recent months, Jindal has described Muslim immigration as an "invasion" of sorts.  His recent suggestion on federal policy, however, has drawn the ire of Muslim-American advocacy groups alleging that he is attempting to "pander to society's margins" to regain points in GOP primary polling.

How and Why ISIS Will Use Texas to Enter the US.  [Scroll down]  To be specific, foreign terrorists would likely enter the U.S. through Texas because the behavior of the transnational criminal groups we more commonly call the Gulf cartel and the Zetas cartel routinely indicate that they are more interested in short-term gains and profit-making than long-term profit sustainability, unlike the various other transnational criminal groups that align themselves under the banner of the Sinaloa Federation.  A willingness to accept a large sum of money from a terrorist or group, regardless of the fact that it would lead to a temporary shutdown of the U.S.-Mexico border in the area where the illegal crossing occurred, would be necessary on the part of a specific cartel in order for them to allow such a crossing — and crossings rarely occur unless a cartel allows it.

General: IS Recruits Could Enter U.S. Via Caribbean.  The head of U.S. Southern Command has warned lawmakers that IS is radicalizing converts and other Muslims in Latin America and could train and send them north via human traffickers.  Gen. John Kelly issued his warning in a hearing Thursday [3/12/2015] before the Senate Armed Services Committee on defense appropriations for fiscal 2016.  He's concerned that in addition to the Iranian terrorist puppet Hezbollah being active in Latin America, the Islamic State is promoting and recruiting for jihad against the United States in the region.

What Are You Really Willing to Do to Stop Terrorists From Entering the U.S.?  For all too many of our leaders, while they claim that they would stop at nothing to protect America and Americans, the reality is far different. [...] It is inconceivable that any politician would not want to prevent terrorists from entering the United States and launching deadly terrorist attacks.  However, the failures of our immigration system undeniably enable international terrorists to enter the United States and, indeed, facilitates their ability to hide in plain sight and embed themselves in communities across our nation as they go about their deadly preparations to launch an attack.  There is nothing in any proposed legislation that addresses or remedies these critical failures in the immigration system.

Muslim Immigration Poses Serious National Security Threat.  Between 2010 and 2013, the Obama administration imported almost 300,000 new immigrants from Muslim nations — more immigrants than the U.S. let in from Central America and Mexico combined over that period.  This is a sea change in immigration flows, and it threatens national security.  Many of the recent Muslim immigrants are from terrorist hot spots like Iraq, where the Islamic State operates.  From 2010-2013, Obama ushered in 41,094 Iraqi nationals from there.  Now the State Department says it will quadruple the number of refugees brought here from Syria, where IS is headquartered.

The U.S. is admitting too many immigrants from high-risk countries.  There are several documented instances of Somalis who, given safe haven by our country, left America to join and fight with al-Shabaab in Somalia, that lawless and lost land, and even with ISIS in Syria and Iraq.  Liban Haji Mohamed, a former Somali refugee who later naturalized, is the most recent addition to the FBI's 10 Most Wanted list, for his activities in support of al-Shabaab and al-Qaeda.  One of the Kenya mall attackers was a former refugee who had lived in Minnesota.  Unfortunately, turncoat Somalis are not alone, as refugee communities go.

Border Patrol Agents Catch Middle Eastern Man Sneaking into Texas.  Border Patrol agents arrested a Middle-Eastern man as he tried to sneak into Texas by illegally crossing the border.  The man's country of origin was not readily available.  The arrest took place earlier this week just south of the border city of Pharr, where an agent took into custody a man from a Middle Eastern country, a border patrol spokesman confirmed to Breitbart Texas.

Obama Spokesman: Amnesty Is More Important Than Homeland Security.  President Barack Obama won't trim his unilateral amnesty, even by a tiny bit, to get a compromise that would allow bipartisan funding for the Department of Homeland Security, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Thursday [1/29/2015].  "Will the president change that executive action in any way in order to secure funding for the Department of Homeland Security?" a reporter asked Earnest.  "No, its not going to happen," Earnest replied.

Somewhat related:
Lawmakers fear US visa program could be exploited by foreign fighters.  The Visa Waiver Program allows travelers from 38 countries, including France and many other European and Asian nations, to enter the U.S. without a visa for stays up to 90 days.  American travelers enjoy a similar privilege across Europe and elsewhere.  But lawmakers are taking a close look at the program, particularly as new cases emerge of Europeans becoming radicalized in the Middle East and returning to wreak terror on their homeland.

DHS Arrested 1,191 Illegals in 2014 From Countries With Terrorism Problems.  The Department of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection reports that in fiscal year 2014 (Oct. 1 through Sept. 30) agents apprehended 1,191 individuals from 12 of the 14 countries that DHS and the State Department have considered as countries that have problems with terrorism.  In December, CBP released its apprehension statistics for 2014, which show that of the 486,651 apprehensions, 257,473 were from countries "other than Mexico."  Of those apprehended from countries "other than Mexico," CBP provided the countries of origin of those taken into custody.

Leaked Docs: USA Vulnerable to Criminals, Terrorists Entering Without Scrutiny After Obama Exec Amnesty.  Under the executive amnesty immigration action from President Barack Obama, internal administration documents show the administration is considering allowing terrorists, transnational criminals, and anyone else who wants to enter or stay inside the United States to not even answer if they've ever been connected with a crime.  The internal Obama administration documents, obtained by Breitbart News through a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) source, include a draft application for illegal immigrants seeking to stay in the country and future prospective immigrants seeking to the enter the country.

Jeh Johnson Thinks Turkish Terrorists Crossing Our Border Illegally Is Ok If They're Kurds.  The Washington Times reported that four Turkish terrorists were caught in Texas after being smuggled across our border for a mere $8000.  Secretary Jeh Johnson's response is they were Kurds and are on the same side as we are. [...] Why would Kurds fly here?  What is their purpose?  In any case, the bottom line which Johnson seems to be missing is that it's illegal.

4 Turkish terrorists caught in Texas after being smuggled across border.  Four men flew from Istanbul through Paris to Mexico City in late August, where they were met by a Turkish-speaking man who stashed them in a safe house until their Sept. 3 attempt to cross into the U.S. over the border with Mexico.  Their capture by the Border Patrol in Texas set off a fierce debate over the men's intentions, with some members of Congress saying they were terrorist fighters.  Homeland Security officials, including Secretary Jeh Johnson, countered that they were part of the Kurdish resistance which, like the U.S., is fighting the Islamic State's advance in Iraq.

Leaked DHS Report Reveals 13 Foreign Suspected Terrorists Illegally Entered Canada from US.  The data pertains only to one small region of the vast U.S.-Canadian border.  The report reveals that as of September 9, 2014, there have been 155 encounters in the area "involving 344 ethnic Somalis, 21 ethnic Ethiopians, five ethnic Kenyans, two ethnic Djiboutians, two ethnic Nigerians, and one ethnic Sudanese and Congolese subjects who have attempted or succeeded in entering Canada illegally near the Pembina, ND Port of Entry (POE) since June 2010.  These encounters include 13 subjects with terrorist-related records who have utilized this method of circumventing designated POEs."

Jeh Johnson: Americans 'Susceptible to Claims That We Have an Open, Porous Border'.  The nation's southern border is much more secure than the American people think it is, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told a gathering in Washington on Thursday [10/9/2014].  "Not enough has been said publicly by our government in a clear, concise way, about our border security efforts on behalf of the American people.  And in the absence of facts, the American public is susceptible to claims that we have an open, porous border, through which unaccompanied minors and members of terrorist organizations such as ISIL may pass."

Judicial Watch Confirms: Four ISIS Terrorists Arrested in Texas in Last 36 Hours — And Homeland Security Is Lying.  After Congressman Duncan Hunter went on Fox News and delivered this initial story the mainstream legacy news and the Obama administration went into a full court press to refute him.  The denials by DHS are absolute lies and we'll outline the proof in that regard.

FBI Should Arrest, Not 'Track,' American Jihadis.  Though they've given material assistance to terrorists by fighting for the Islamic State, which is a federal crime, the FBI director says American jihadis are "entitled" to come home and move about freely.  FBI Director James Comey told Scott Pelley on CBS' "60 Minutes" Sunday that we know who the dozen or so Americans fighting with the Islamic State are, but we can't do much more than follow them around if they decide to return to the U.S.  In the aftermath of 9/11, and in the face of IS atrocities and threats, this is an appalling statement.

Confirmed: 4 ISIS terrorists apprehended at southern border in last 36 hours.  Agents with the US Customs and Border Protection service have been complaining for years about our porous southern border.  Unlike the rest of DHS immigration agencies, they have been vocal about enforcing border security.  Perhaps the entry of these terrorists was the last straw.

California congressman claims 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas'.  A California Congressman claimed Tuesday that the Islamist terror group occupying the White House's attention in the Middle East is quietly slipping into the United States through its porous southern border — and that American border patrol agents have already captured ten of its soldiers.  Republican Duncan Hunter told a Fox News Channel audience that ISIS, the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, is actively infiltrating the U.S.

Report: Nearly 2.5 Million Immigrants From 'Predominantly Muslim Countries' Reside Inside U.S. Right Now.  In 2000, there were 1,518,755 immigrants from Muslim countries in the U.S. In 2010, That number stood at 2,184,664, and in 2013 it stands at 2,480,407.  Between 2010 and 2013, there was actually a greater increase in the number of immigrants from the Middle East than from Central America.  During that timeframe, 207,758 more immigrants moved to the U.S. from the Middle East, whereas only 113,744 immigrants came from Central America.

Letting in the Wrong Refugees.  Fresh terror busts in Australia expose a common Achilles' heel of the West:  Indiscriminate refugee policies turn free countries into breeding grounds for jihad.  It's the same game in America.  Soldiers of Islam have weaponized our blind generosity against us.  In Sydney this week, authorities detained a half-dozen Muslim plotters and arrested a top collaborator in an alleged conspiracy to kidnap and behead a random Australian citizen.  The accused mastermind?  Afghan refugee turned Aussie Islamic State recruiter Mohammad Ali Baryalei.  He and his aristocratic family were welcomed Down Under decades ago.  Baryalei returned the favor by taking to the streets of Sydney to recruit and radicalize dozens of fellow Muslim immigrants or their children.

The Anti-Terrorism Bloviators.  Summits and community organizing won't deter jihadists who are threatening to raise the black flag of the Islamic State over the White House.  But here are steps that actually would.  I've already urged revoking passports of Americans fighting for ISIS, reversing the administration's dangerous new policy of welcoming asylum seekers who've provided only "limited material support" to terrorists, outlawing visas to "study" at unaccredited institutions (visa mills), and cracking down on visa overstaying.  There is strong support in Congress for revoking passports, and bills have been introduced in the House and Senate to do so.  But the administration is stalling.

Obama Allowing the UN to Dump Hundreds of Thousands of Syrian Muslims in America.  Since the early 90s, the UN high commissioner for refugees has selected 200,000 to 250,000 refugees from Islamic countries to send to the U.S. Most come from Somalia and Iraq, and Obama has prepared for months to dump hundreds of thousands of Syrian Muslim refugees on American cities, just like our new illegal alien neighbors from our Southern border.

Obama Admin Threatening to ARREST Agents Warning of Terrorist Attack at Border.  Federal officials have threatened law enforcement agents with termination and criminal prosecution for leaking information about the threat of terrorist attacks near the Texas-Mexico border, according to a new report.  The government watchdog organization Judicial Watch (JW) says that after it reported on the possibility of radical Islamic terrorists in Juarez, Mexico — just across the border from El Paso — a memo containing warning agents about leaking information "came down through the chain of command."

The spread of Rocky Mountain jihad.  Obama administration officials are vehemently denying plots by ISIS operatives to cross our borders.  But the lesson here is clear:  Thanks to laptop recruitment, reckless visa policies and homegrown treachery, the U.S.-based jihad export-import business is and has been thriving.

Whatever happened to Yes We Can!?
Homeland Security: We can't stop ISIS from coming into US.  Homeland Security officials warned Wednesday they don't have a full picture of the Americans and Europeans heading to Syria to train with ISIS and therefore can't stop them from coming into the US.  "We don't have a fulsome picture in all cases," said Jennifer Lasley, a deputy undersecretary at the Department of Homeland Security.  "It does concern us," added Troy Miller, an acting assistant commissioner with US Customs and Border Protection.

Easy Visas, Lax Immigration Enforcement And Terrorists.  It's up to Congress to act on this urgent issue.  Congress should reverse Obama's dangerous new policy of granting asylum to people with terrorist connections.  Federal law bars it, but on Feb. 5, the administration went around Congress and loosened the law to welcome asylum seekers who have provided only "limited material support" to terrorists.  Next, Congress should outlaw visas to "study" at unaccredited institutions, which often are nothing more than visa mills.  Finally, Congress needs to crack down on overstaying visas.  Five of the 19 9/11 hijackers had overstayed tourist visas, and another was on a student visa.

If There's No Imminent Threat To Our Southern Border, Why Is Ft. Bliss Stepping Up Security?  Just hours before the start of the Labor Day weekend, Judicial Watch learned through a network of sensitive sources that an operational element of the terror army "ISIS" was active in the Mexican border city of Juarez — a stone's throw across the Rio Grande from El Paso, Texas.  According to our well-sourced information, the Juarez ISIS element is planning an imminent terror strike somewhere on the border.  Our sources warned that a car or other vehicle-type bomb attack was planned.  We learned that the warnings merited briefing the commanding general of Fort Bliss — the massive US Army post in El Paso.

ICE Released 169 Illegal Aliens Convicted of 'Homicide-Related' Crimes.  In the midst of the summer recess, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) issued a press release on Aug. 21 concerning a letter he wrote to the Department of Homeland Security seeking details about the release of 36,007 illegal aliens last year who had been convicted of a crime and were released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) while awaiting deportation proceedings.  The June 9 inquiry, addressed to DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, led to the revelation that of those thousands released, 169 had been convicted of "homicide-related" offenses.

Watchdog: Fed's denial of Islamic State Mexico threat 'so dishonest'.  The federal government believes a terrorist attack at the U.S.-Mexico border is imminent and has put out a bulletin on the matter, a government watchdog group reported Friday [8/29/2014].  Judicial Watch released a statement that said Islamic terrorist groups who have infiltrated the city of Ciudad Juarez aim to use car bombs to attack American interests.

Judicial Watch: Feds' Bulletin Describes Threat of Imminent Terrorist Attack on Southern Border.  For those of us who've been raising alarms about both the jihadist threat and the national-security vulnerability created by the Obama administration's non-enforcement of the immigration laws, this is not a surprise — particularly less than two weeks before September 11.  But it is nonetheless jarring to read.

Breitbart Texas Verifies ISIS Border Threat With Leaked Doc.  Breitbart Texas has exclusively obtained a leaked document warning federal agents about an ISIS-related terrorism threat across the entire US-Mexico border.  Though the document focuses on the Texas-Mexico border, Breitbart Texas has confirmed that federal agents across the entire US-Mexico border have received the ISIS terror warning.

South Texas Rancher Says Numbers of Illegals Are 'Overwhelming' on His Land.  We hear that the border flood of illegal aliens has slowed down somewhat because of the summer's brutal heat.  But the lower Rio Grande Valley is still quite busy, including diverse lawbreakers from around the world.  Breitbart reported on Aug 3 that illegals from more than 75 countries have crossed the open border.  Does nobody in Washington care about the national security threat?

Leaked CBP Report Shows Entire World Exploiting Open US Border.  A leaked intelligence analysis from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveals the exact numbers of illegal immigrants entering and attempting to enter the U.S. from more than 75 different countries.  The report was obtained by a trusted source within the CBP agency who leaked the document and spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity.

Rick Perry: Record Number of Illegals from Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan Being Caught at Border.  Texas Governor Rick Perry said a record number of illegal immigrants from Syria, Pakistan and Afghanistan have been apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border.  On Sunday's [8/3/2014] State of the Union on CNN, Perry said the "historic record highs" of individuals from "countries that have substantial terrorist ties" threaten America's national security.  Later on the program, Rep. Mike McCaul (R-TX), the House Homeland Security Committee Chair, said Iranian terrorists have had plans to sneak across the border.  He also said that others who want to do harm are seeking to exploit America's porous border.

Border agents: 'This is the dream of every terrorist in the world'.  The vice president of the National Border Patrol Council says the current border crisis is "the dream of every terrorist in the world," with illegal immigrants being able to board American jetliners without proper identification.  The union, which represents thousands of Border Patrol agents, has accused the Transportation Security Administration of letting illegals board American jetliners with only a "Notice to Appear" document — a claim the federal agency strongly denies, Fox News reported.  "This is a document that could easily be forged," union vice president Shawn Moran told Fox News.  "It is simply a computer printout with a name on it.  "This is the dream of every terrorist in the world," he said.  "There is no way of knowing who is on board the jetliners."

Open Borders or Open Society?  Anyone concerned about the survival of the greatest nation on earth knows that our national sovereignty depends in part on knowing who is coming in to the country, having defined borders and laws pertaining to immigration enforced.  Anyone interested in open borders and challenging immigration law that sets definitions and restrictions therefore, either doesn't understand the consequences, or knows [quite] well that the nation will not survive — and that ideologically-driven person is our nation's enemy.

Sessions To Congress: Back Ted Cruz Or Remain 'Complicit' In 'Nullification Of Border'.  Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee and a key immigration hawk, took to the Senate floor on Monday afternoon [7/21/2014] to attack the efforts by President Barack Obama to grant amnesty via executive order to millions of illegal aliens.  During his floor speech, Sessions endorsed a bill from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) that aims to curb the president's executive amnesty efforts — and called on his colleagues to cosponsor it.

Top General Says Mexico Border Security Now 'Existential' Threat to U.S.  A top United States general in charge of protecting the southern border says he's been unable to combat the steady flow of illegal drugs, weapons and people from Central America, and is looking to Congress for urgent help.  Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, commander of U.S. Southern Command, has asked Congress this year for more money, drones and ships for his mission — a request unlikely to be met.  Since October, an influx of nearly 100,000 migrants has made the dangerous journey north from Latin America to the United States border.  Most are children, and three-quarters of the unaccompanied minors have traveled thousands of miles from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

Muslim Prayer Rug Found on Arizona Border By Independendent [sic] American Security Contractors.  Matthew Leber spokesman for the American Patriot, Three Percent, sent Breitbart News photos of what American security contractors on the ground believe is a Muslim prayer rug found near the border in Arizona last week.  A member of the security team spoke with Breitbart News on Monday night [7/7/2014] saying they were on patrol right along the border came down into a wash and the area were working in just south of Sierra Vista in Coronado national forest.

What a Woman Found Outside a Texas Walmart Should Alarm You.  This brings up a lot of alarming questions that compound the situation on the border even more.  For one, why are there no reports on foreign nationals other than Mexicans and South Americans being reported in the flow of illegal immigration?  Walmart provided thousands of pairs of underwear, men's sizes 3x,4x, and XXL, in a donation to DHS.  They want us to believe that children and women comprise the bulk of illegal immigrants, but that is what was requested by DHS.  This inconsistency by the government has even sparked the ongoing underwear protest.  Why is the media only reporting children and women?  There is ample evidence to the contrary.

Immigration Criminal Voted for Gun Ban.  One of the chief concerns of America's Founders in the early days of the Republic was the possibility that foreigners would usurp American political power. [...] The possibility that foreigners might gain political power and subvert traditional American values is even more acute in today's climate of mass illegal immigration.  The latest case in point is that of former New York State Assemblywoman Gabriela Rosa, a Democrat, who pled guilty last week to immigration fraud charges that could land her in federal prison for up to ten years.

Crisis Leaves 'Vast Swaths' Of Border Unprotected, Cartels 'In Control'.  The massive influx of adults and minors crossing into the U.S. from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador has brought the Customs and Border Protection agency (CPB) past its capacity to provide security at the U.S./Mexico border, according to the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC). [...] "Mexican cartels are exploiting this crisis to get their shipments through.  They know our schedules, our shifts, our manpower, and how we react to these situations," said [NBPC] Vice President [Shawn] Moran.

Sheriffs' Association: Release Of Convicted Immigrants 'Unacceptable'.  The release of criminal immigrants awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings is "unacceptable," according to a sheriffs' association involved in discussions with the Obama administration about immigration reform.  In a letter this week to Department of Homeland Security Sec. Jeh Johnson, the Major County Sheriffs' Association — a group of elected sheriffs representing about 80 of the largest counties in the U.S. — expressed dismay at the Obama administration's release of criminal immigrants awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings.

Boehner: Obama move on N.M. monument could thwart immigration reform.  President Obama's new national monument in New Mexico, which he announced Wednesday, thrilled environmentalists, who said it preserves nearly 500,000 acres of spectacular and pristine lands, but it could also doom his hopes of getting Congress to pass an immigration bill this year.  House Speaker John A. Boehner said the president's unilateral move is exactly the type of action the GOP has been warning against, adding it shows the president isn't serious about enforcing border security.  Mr. Boehner has repeatedly said Republicans are reluctant to trust that the president will take seriously border security and immigration enforcement as part of a "comprehensive" deal that also would include the path to citizenship that Democrats prize.

Lawless Order Is How This White House Always Operates.  Of course, the president infamously refuses to enforce ObamaCare's mandates, and his Justice Department unconstitutionally eavesdrops on journalists, but there really is contempt for the law in most places you look within the executive branch.  An Immigration and Customs Enforcement document obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies last week revealed the release of over 36,000 aliens convicted of close to 88,000 crimes, including homicide, violent sex crimes and kidnapping.  On Wednesday [5/21/2014], taking a page from Bill Clinton, President Obama will nationalize about a half million acres of New Mexico bordering Mexico as the new Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument, infuriating local police who warn that Mexican drug cartels will use it as "a pathway for criminals to get into this country to do their criminal acts," as Dona Ana County Sheriff Todd Garrison told the Washington Times.

Republicans, Local Sheriff Warn Border Wilderness Zone Will Create Vast Drug Corridor.  A pending proposal from President Obama to create a vast new wilderness area on the U.S.-Mexico border is drawing criticism from Republican lawmakers and local law enforcement officials who say it would significantly impede border security.  The Obama administration is set to designate a 600,000 acre national monument in south-central New Mexico to be managed and controlled by the Bureau of Land Management, a federal agency.  The designated land will be called the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument, and environmentalists have long[ ]sought the designation.

Large Group Plans Mass Illegal Crossing Into Texas.  KGRV in McAllen reports that officers from several local law enforcement agencies have personnel on the Hidalgo International Bridge this afternoon.  They are there due to reports that a large group of individuals, said to be between 300 and 1,000 people, is in Reynosa, Mexico, across the Rio Grande from McAllen, Texas.

Senators Denounce Obama for Threatening 'Entire Constitutional System' By 'Nullifying' Immigration Laws.  On Thursday [4/24/2014], 22 Republican senators, including even Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), denounced President Barack Obama in a scathing letter for threatening America's "entire constitutional system" with his immigration "enforcement review" that threatens to "nullify" the nation's immigration laws.  "Your actions demonstrate an astonishing disregard for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the rights of American citizens and legal residents," the senators wrote in a letter to Obama.  "Our entire constitutional system is threatened when the Executive Branch suspends the law at its whim and our nation's sovereignty is imperiled when the commander-in-chief refuses to defend the integrity of its borders."

Sen. Sessions: 'Deliberate Plan by President' to Collapse U.S. Law Enforcement System.  Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) said today that Americans need to stand up to "a deliberate plan by the president of the United States" to collapse the nation's law enforcement system regarding illegal immigration.  "Our law enforcement system is in a state of collapse, and it's a deliberate plan by the president of the United States, and it's wrong.  And, people need to be aware of it and need to stand up to it and I believe the American people are beginning to do so."  Sen. Sessions rebuked U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Vice President Joe Biden for their pro-amnesty efforts:  "So, you come into the country illegally and the attorney general of the United States declares that these individuals have a civil right to amnesty.  How can this possibly be:  the chief law enforcement officer in America?"

Border Patrol Shifted $7M From Border Fence to Salaries.  As sequestration bore down in February 2013, the threat of furloughs for thousands of government workers was a common refrain from those warning of the dire effects of the across the board budget cuts. [...] As it turned out, DHS did not furlough any personnel, but rather relied on cuts to other areas and shifting funds from other budgets to cover salaries.  For instance, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) shifted $7 million from its border security fencing account to salaries and expenses.

News Flash: Immigration Must Benefit the Host Nation.  A root factor of the April 15th bombing in Boston is the self-destructive immigration policy of the United States, which willingly allows the infiltration of those either dedicated to or susceptible to being converted to the tenets and tactics of radical Islam.  Yet, despite the ongoing theatre in Washington D.C. regarding immigration reform, there is no effort to correct this glaring gap.  Instead, virtually all the national attention has turned to granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants before the border is fully secured.  Additionally, hidden within the legislation is a provision which establishes preferred status to those seeking to come to the United States from nations harboring active Jihadist movements such as Chechnya and Pakistan.

Muslim Marathon Massacre Terrorists Were Admitted to US as Refugees.  There are numerous lessons to take away from the Marathon Massacre, but one of these is that it's time to rethink our immigration policy, especially when it comes to refugees.  The Tsarnaevs came to the United States as refugees.  And like so many other Muslim refugees, they brought terror to our shores.

Holder Admits 'National Security Crisis Along Our Southwest Border'.  There is a "national security crisis" along the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, head of Obama's Department of Justice (DOJ), told lawmakers on Thursday.  Nevertheless, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has said that the southwest border is "as secure now as it has ever been" due to the Obama administration efforts.

The Arizona Fires and the Border.  The three recent fires in Southern Arizona once again bring the issue of border security to the forefront.  These fires are an exemplary example of how the border is not secure.  Experts and residents in the area interviewed by American Thinker are in complete agreement that all of these fires were set by people and that at least one, possibly all of the fires, were started by illegal immigrants.

663 Illegal Aliens From Countries With Ties to Terrorism Arrested.  Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), speaking at a conference on border issues Thursday [3/17/2011], said 663 individuals arrested along the southwest border in 2010 were from countries designated as "special interest" or from countries known to have ties with terrorism.  "It's not just that we're seeing immigration across our southern border from countries like Mexico — people seeking to work and provide for their families," said Cornyn, a member of the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on homeland security and terrorism.  "Indeed in the last year alone — where 445,000 individuals were detained at the southwest border — 59,000 came from countries other than Mexico.

Yes, Islamists Are Coming Through Mexico.  On January 11, U.S. Border Patrol agents pulled over a BMW near the Golden Acorn Casino, 50 miles east of San Diego, California.  The vehicle was driven by Kenneth R. Lawler.  Border Patrol agents found Lawler had tucked away in the trunk of his car a souvenir of sorts from Mexico:  a radical Muslim cleric by the name of Said Jaziri.  Lawler was arrested and is being held on charges of alien smuggling, while Jaziri is being held for illegally entering the country as well as being a material witness to the crime.

Terrorists crossing AZ border into U.S.?  On a single day in April, in a special cell block deep inside the Pinal County Jail, nearly 400 inmates sat awaiting trial or extradition after being detained trying to cross the Arizona border from Mexico.  Only about half of them were actually from Mexico. ... On that one day in April, according to records obtained by [KNXV-TV], Homeland Security officials were holding inmates from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Lebanon, and the Sudan.

ICE Busts California Flight School in Massive Visa Fraud Scheme.  The former owners of a California flight school have pleaded guilty in a massive visa fraud scheme in which they hired illegal immigrants as flight instructors — a scam that immigration officials say posed a "significant" threat to national security.

Bordering Disaster.  [Scroll down]  As illegal armed groups plot to blow up infrastructure even in this country, Democrats in Congress are more concerned about an illegal immigrant getting his feelings hurt if a police officer in Arizona asks him to show some ID.  Such distractions create opportunities for Mexico's already-odious drug traffickers to be even more ambitious.  The developments from Mexico parallel what happened in Colombia in the 1980s and 1990s, before that country got a grip on how to defeat drug lords.

Amnesty Will Legalize More Terrorists.  Shocking revelations continue in the wake of the failed terrorist attack on Times Square as we're informed by our government that Faisal Shahzad — the Pakistani-born terrorist responsible for the attack — was awarded American citizenship last year.  This latest disclosure exposes gaping security holes in our legal immigration system.  Now image what granting amnesty to the estimated 12-20 million illegal aliens in the country will do to the system.

Border checks limited to speed traffic.  U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers in Texas have been ordered to abbreviate national security checks at one of the nation"s busiest ports of entry to speed up travel between the United States and Mexico, according to official documents and multiple interviews with agents.

7,000 Iraqi refugees allowed to enter the US.  The United States agreed yesterday [2/14/2007] to allow up to 7,000 Iraqi refugees to enter the country, greatly expanding the number allowed until now.  It also agreed to pay more to help Iraq's Arab neighbors cope with the human tide fleeing increasing violence and economic hardship in their country.  The decision for this fiscal year came after mounting political and diplomatic pressure on the Bush administration to do more to remedy the consequences of a war it largely started.  Only 202 Iraqis were allowed in last year.

71% Say Immigration is a Threat to the U.S.  A national poll commissioned by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and conducted by Susquehanna Polling and Research shows that five years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Americans are more aware of people from foreign countries and believe illegal immigrants pose a threat to the United States, particularly as terrorists.

Left-Wing Extremists Want to 'Reconquista' Southwest .  [Olin] Tezcatlitoca is the leader of a tiny group called the "Mexica Movement," which advocates on behalf of "indigenous Americans," or those people without European ancestry.  "Kind of like the Jews wanted to take their land back after 2,000 years," said Tezcatlitoca.  "We're saying we lost this land 150 years ago in a clearly unjust war, in a clearly racist war against our people."

U.S. admits nearly 10,000 from "terrorism" states.  Nearly 10,000 people from countries designated as sponsors of terrorism have entered the United States under an immigration diversity program with relatively few restrictions, a report released on Friday [9/21/2007] said.  The report quoted a U.S. security officer in Turkey as saying it would be possible for Iranian intelligence officers to pose as applicants and not be detected if their identities were not already known to U.S. intelligence.

"American" Jihad, Courtesy of the Open Borders Lobby.  Most of the mainstream media have grudgingly reported that three of the six Muslim extremists arrested Tuesday [5/8/2007] for plotting to attack Fort Dix are illegal aliens.  Agents are now investigating whether they were smuggled across the border — and whether the others lied on their immigration papers to stay in the country.  However, not one major outlet has mentioned the fact that the ACLU, People for the American Way, and other pillars of the Open Borders Lobby opened a major battlefront in the jihadists' backyard in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, to prevent city officials from evicting illegals like them.

Brothers Charged in Terror Plot Lived Illegally in U.S. for 23 Years.  Three brothers charged in the alleged Fort Dix terror plot have been living illegally in the U.S. for more than 23 years and were accepted as Americans by neighbors and friends who had no idea they would scheme to attack military bases and slaughter GIs.

The Real Illegal Alien Threat:  As details emerge from the plot to kill American soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey, one thing is clear.  The United States may have more of a homegrown terrorist problem than some people imagine.

Political Correctness Will End Up Killing Us.  It boggles the mind that a nearly 1,000-page behemoth immigration proposal — the first major immigration reform legislation in a generation, and the first since the September 11th attack — has virtually nothing to say about addressing possible terrorist threats.  But the inadequacy of proposed immigration reforms is only part of the crisis.  As a new Pew Research Center poll makes clear, America faces a potentially greater problem:  American Muslims whose sympathies lie not with America but with its enemies.

Jihadists Exploit Our Hospitality and Open Borders … Again.  Well, here is the thanks we get.  Eight years ago, America opened its arms to tens of thousands of ethnic Albanian refugees from Kosovo.  The first planeload landed at Fort Dix, New Jersey.  Military leaders worked day and night to turn the base into a child-friendly village.  They coordinated medical and security checkups, mental health and trauma counseling and ethnic food preparations.

U.S. agencies missing links between illegal immigration and terrorism.  Alfonso Salinas was not who he seemed, according to U.S. Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security documents.  He lied to the agents about who he was, where he came from and what he was doing.  It would take nearly a week of interviews with federal agents before Alfonso Salinas would give his real name:  Ayman Sulmane Kamal, a Muslim born in Egypt — a country designated as "special-interest" by the United States for sponsoring terrorism.  Kamal's case is not an isolated one.

Texas Sheriffs Say Terrorists Entering US from Mexico.  The chief law enforcement officers of several Texas counties along the southern U.S. border warn that Arabic-speaking individuals are learning Spanish and integrating into Mexican culture before paying smugglers to sneak them into the United States.  The Texas Sheriffs' Border Coalition believes those individuals are likely terrorists and that drug cartels and some members of the Mexican military are helping them get across the border.

Iraqis are entering U.S. through Mexico.  U.S. and Mexican immigration agencies are investigating the arrival of small groups of Iraqis at the border in the past week and their possible connection to smuggling organizations.  Baja California agents and Mexican federal immigration officers found a group of four Friday night [12/22/2006] at a Tijuana hotel.  In addition, two groups of about two or three Iraqis turned themselves in earlier this week to U.S. inspectors at the San Ysidro and Otay Mesa ports of entry, asking for political asylum.

Undercover Investigators Get Into U.S. With Fake IDs.  Undercover investigators entered the United States using fake documents repeatedly this year — including some cases in which Homeland Security Department agents didn't ask for identification.  At nine border crossings on the Mexico and Canadian borders, agents "never questioned the authenticity of the counterfeit documents," according to Government Accountability Office testimony to be released Wednesday [8/2/2006].

Illegals From Terror-Sponsoring Nations are At Large in the US.  Almost half of the illegal aliens arriving in the U.S. from terrorist-sponsoring or "special interest" nations in the past few years have been released into the American population following their apprehension.  This key finding is published in an internal audit of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) obtained by Cybercast News Service.

Terrorist Loophole:  Senate Bill Disarms Law Enforcement.  The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA, S.2611) before the U.S. Senate is touted by proponents as a "compromise," combining amnesty for current illegal immigrants with stepped-up enforcement provisions.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  A previously unnoticed provision in this complicated legislation would disarm America's state and local police in the war against terrorism.

Making it easier for Al Qaeda.  Rep. Ed Royce cited specific security defects in the bill, including Section 117, which requires every level of government in the United States to consult with every level of government in Mexico before any fencing or other structures can be built on the U.S. side of the border.

Immigration's Fifteen Minutes:  Why Now?  There are far better routes than the Mexican border for terrorists to enter the US.  The Canadian border — much safer than the brutal southern desert — has about one-tenth the security of the Mexican border, even though at least two al Qaeda terrorists (Mohammed Atta and Ahmed Ressam) have used it to enter the United States in preparation for actual attacks.

Immigration Removal Procedures Implemented in the Aftermath of the September 11th Attacks.  The Federal government has very wide Constitutional authority to deal with matters of immigration.  And it also has a Constitutional obligation to insure national security.

9/11, the Pentagon, and our borders:  I know the White House didn't intend it, but the Pentagon 9/11 video release underscores why President Bush's push for a massive "guest worker"/enforcement-later approach to border security is such a betrayal of the memory of those who died in the attacks.

Nice catch for Homeland Security.  The IFCO bust was the biggest ever for ICE.  But if Chertoff follows through, IFCO may soon seem like just a nice-sized fish in a sea teeming with monstrous scofflaws.  The Social Security Administration already knows where the immigration-law-breaking Leviathans lurk.  We will soon learn if Congress and the administration really want to catch them.

Dual citizenship is a national security issue.
When a U.S. Citizen Is Not an American.  For terrorists and their sympathizers, U.S. citizenship is a powerful tool.  It gives them unabridged rights of access to the country, not to mention the right to work in sensitive installations such as nuclear plants, defense facilities, etc.  To those who are intent on destroying America from within, obtaining U.S. citizenship is a critical step.  To them, it is a clever subterfuge that wards off suspicion.

Red Alert:  Amnesty for Tens of Millions of Invaders on the Horizon.  While the invasion of our nation through the southern border continues unabated, our fearless leaders are once again busy cooking up cures that are worse than the disease.  The latest scheme is a form of de facto amnesty euphemistically called the "Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act."  And if it passes, it could be America's final act.

The illegal alien "gold card":  Nearly five years after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, our borders remain porous.  The deportation system remains broken.  The government's tracking systems for criminal illegal aliens and visa overstayers remain incomplete.  So, what's Washington's latest homeland security solution?  "Gold Cards" for illegal aliens.

Homeland Security:  Red Alert.  As illegal immigration continues unabated, the White House has seen fit to honor the chief of the Border Patrol, David Aguilar, with a presidential "Meritorious Executive" award, which comes with a cash bonus, for his outstanding performance.  I kid you not.

Open borders, closed minds.  Even in a world gone mad we should not expect to see a headline that Mexico is invading (or even incursioning into) the United States.

Is A War Going On In Texas?  If you don't have access to Texas newspapers or the internet, you may not have heard the sensational news about the enormous cache of weapons just seized in Laredo, Texas. … If bomb-making factories and firearms assembly plants are ordinary day-to-day business in the drug war along our southern border, the American people need to know more about it.

Border crossings:  News this week of the arrest of four Iraqis in Mexico on their way to the U.S. border is cause for concern.  The good news is that the Iraqis themselves appear to be harmless.  Mexican authorities have found no connection to terrorism and there are reports that they could in fact be part of Iraq's Christian minority.  But their attempt to illegally gain entry into the United States by way of Mexico undermines the false hope that terrorists wouldn't try to do the same.

By any means necessary.  A few weeks back, "uniformed drug traffickers" confronted Texas sheriff's deputies on the U.S.-Mexico border.  Texas authorities had tried to stop three SUVs near El Paso, but the SUVs immediately fled south.  The authorities gave chase, where what appeared to be the Mexican army was waiting for them.  They were armed, wore uniforms and their Humvee was allegedly topped with a .50 caliber machine gun.

Violence jumps on US-Mexican border.  Attacks on American border patrol agents along the U.S. border with Mexico have jumped more than 100 percent in the last year, Homeland Security officials said on Thursday [2/9/2006].

Secret Memo:  Smugglers Plan To Kill U.S. Border Agents.  Federal officials have warned U.S. Border Patrol agents that they could be the targets of assassins hired by immigrant smugglers, according to a confidential memo.

Able Danger and the jiggered timeline.  Of course, the very idea of considering INS entry records dispositive is itself a howler to anyone who pays attention.  Aside from the sloppiness of the controls at our borders and the inadequacy of the INS' record keeping, we know that [Mohamed] Atta's April 2001 entry upon which the Commission apparently relies, is itself mysterious.  He is recorded as having entered twice on the same day at the same entry point under two different visa numbers.

Illegal Aliens Captured Working at Hard-Target Facilities.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents have arrested 60 illegal aliens who performed contract work at 12 critical infrastructure sites, including seven petrochemical refineries, three power plants, a national air cargo facility, and a pipeline facility located in six different states. … There is no evidence that any have terrorist ties or were engaged in a terrorist plot.

Oak Ridge:  our de facto border.  Because the administration has not dedicated the resources needed — or shown the political will — to stop illegal aliens at the border, or to stop employers from hiring them inside the United States, America's de facto border now runs through Oak Ridge, Tenn.  We have found a place where the immigration laws will actually be enforced:  It is inside the gates of a nuclear weapons plant.

Foreign Workers With Fake Documents Entered Tennessee Nuke Plant.  Sixteen foreign-born construction workers with phony immigration documents were able to enter a nuclear weapons plant in eastern Tennessee because of lax security controls.

A glowing illegal alien alert.  It has now been almost four years since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.  But because the Bush administration has not made a priority of securing our border and enforcing the immigration laws within the United States itself, it has also failed in at least one instance to secure a weapons-of-mass-destruction facility on our own soil.

Immigration Policy:  A national security imperative.  Immigration, now more than ever before, has become a national-security issue.  And as the leader of the free world and its Western values, the United States stands in strategic and ideological opposition to the goals of these Jihadi terrorists.  We are thus their prime target, and a soft one at that, as demonstrated on September 11, 2001.  And yet our borders remain wide open to those who would destroy us.

Homeland insecurity:  The year in review.  Border Patrol officers and local investigative journalists in the Southwest reported on increasing numbers of Middle Eastern males entering illegally from Mexico.  Muslim prayer books and Arabic diaries were discovered on "Terrorist Alley" in southern Arizona.  Suspected al Qaeda operative Adnan Shukrijumah, a fugitive Saudi pilot who reportedly met with MS-13 earlier this year, is believed to be in Mexico.

Illegal aliens, with us forever.  All 19 hijackers on 9/11 entered the United States legally on government-issued visas, several of whom illegally overstayed their allotted time.  Now we hear there is another way aliens are able to remain in our country.  They sneak over our borders illegally, or illegally overstay their visas, and then become legal by exploiting a now-expired loophole known as 245(i), the section in a 1994 federal law that allows an illegal alien to apply for a green card, stay permanently in the United States, and subsequently apply for citizenship.

Why Revoke Tariq Ramadan's U.S. Visa?  It's not every day that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revokes a visa issued to a Swiss-national scholar scheduled to teach at one of America's premier universities.  But this has just happened, and it's a good thing too.  Americans should thank DHS for keeping Tariq Ramadan out of the United States.

The academic/media complex.  For some reason, Ramadan's inability to enter the country for an extended stay in an influential post seems to raise the hackles of weighty editorial pages from around the country.  Why would this particular academic get such special treatment?  It is just another manifestation of class solidarity within the liberal academic/media complex.

Hate Tour.  How the State Department invites and pays for extremists to visit the US.  Inviting members of extremist organizations or individuals that refuse a rational, civilized debate is, frankly, a waste of money.  If, moreover, the Americans chosen to meet with the program's foreign participants happen to be hard-line critics of the US, we have a recipe for disaster.

"Harmonizing" Our Decline:  Our standard of living is being deliberately undermined to merge our nation into a centrally directed global economy.

Revolution in America:  "I am not an American.  There is nothing about me that is American.  I don't want to be an American, and I have just as much right to be here as any of you."  Thus spoke one individual identified as a "Latino activist" during a session of the "National Conversation on American Pluralism and Identity," a $4 million project funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Aliens hiding in plain sight.  Nearly half of the 48 al Qaeda terrorists tied to violent acts in the United States between 1993 and 2001 committed significant immigration-law violations prior to those events but were never detained or deported, federal records show.

America's insane asylum for terrorists:  Do you know how the alleged "shopping-mall" bomber entered our country?  He didn't cross the border illegally.  He didn't sneak in on a ship.  He came through the front door at America's invitation.

Just what we need...
US Offers Citizenship To 7000 Ahiska Muslims.  The United States has agreed to grant citizenship to 7,000 Ahiska Muslims who will be settled in Pennsylvania, according to a Russian newspaper, Novie Izvestia.  It added that the Muslims would be housed near the grand mosque in Philadelphia.

Can Jihads be Assimilated?  Nothing has made Europeans wake up to what they have allowed mass immigration to do to them than the jihad many Muslims are licking their whiskers to wage against the new countries to which they have invited themselves.

Immigrants pour into US, unabated by war on terror:  The State Department saw only a 4 percent dip in immigrant visas.  The US still draws many from the Mideast.

Thanksgiving for immigrants:  Is it possible to take wise precautions against both terrorism and future disunity while honoring the pro-immigration flavor of American and biblical history?

Foreign Student Tracking Fiasco:  The INS can tell us that there are some 1 million foreigners now in the United States with student visas.  But it can't say how many of them actually are attending the schools they applied to, where they are if they transferred or dropped out, or whether the student data that schools give them are truthful or fraudulent.

State Department's Visa Boss Quits:  The chief of the State Department's consular affairs division announced her resignation Wednesday amid mounting criticism over how the department has issued visas to Arabs in the wake of September 11 terrorist attacks.

Feds Lose 2,000 Aliens Sought for Questioning About 9/11:  Thanks to more bungling from the INS, the federal government could not find nearly half the 4,112 registered immigrants sought for questioning about the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, according to a report issued today. [11/21/2002]

Who let Lee Malvo loose?  The mainstream media informed us this week that Lee Malvo, the reportedly "17-year-old" youth charged as a material witness in the sniper investigation along with John Mohammed, is a "Jamaican national."  As of this writing (Oct. 24), the Immigration and Naturalization Service refused to comment publicly on the exact nature of Malvo's immigration status.

Complex INS laws spared Malvo:  When INS officials released illegal alien Lee Boyd Malvo, aka the "sniper," they were just going by the book.

What to do about Malvogate:  There is a growing clamor for new congressional inquiries into how the Immigration and Naturalization Service recklessly releases illegal aliens like sniper suspect Lee Malvo — and then watches them disappear to commit brutal crimes against American citizens.  Please, no more hearings.  What we need now is action from the White House, not another redundant confab on Capitol Hill.

Three out of four in the U.S. want less Arab immigration:  More than three-fourths of Americans want U.S. immigration laws tightened to allow fewer immigrants from Arab or Muslim nations into the country.  Instead, Washington pays to move Muslims to the United States.

INS intensifies screening of Arab-Canadians:  The Justice Department, in a reasoned but controversial move, has given immigration officers authority to fingerprint, photograph and monitor visiting Canadians born in high-risk Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, according to sensitive internal documents obtained by WorldNetDaily.

Immigration is a Terrorist Weapon:  Unable to shut up about the glories of uncontrolled mass immigration, the Open Borders lobby ever since September 11 has periodically tried to tell us that the 19 foreign terrorists who entered the United States legally weren't really immigrants.  Therefore, you see, mass immigration is OK.  Like everything else the Open Borders crackpots claim, this is wrong.

End sanctuary for illegal immigrants:  What does fighting terrorism have to do with stemming massive illegal immigration?  Much more than government officials have been willing to let on over the past year.

Another immigration loophole:  Despite all we know about the people who are plotting to kill Americans, the United States has issued 50,000 visas since 9/11 to non-Israeli visitors from the Middle East.  Yet, the plan to consolidate border-security functions in the new Homeland Security Cabinet office doesn't include the issuing of visas by the State Department, which is the chief venue of potential terrorists.

Deadly Diversity, Dumb Program:  In the drawer of dumb, post-September 11 immigration ideas, the State Department's Diversity Visa Lottery program sits near the top of the heap.  How many lives have been sacrificed at the altar of diversity through this immigration set-aside program?

Who is Janis Sposato?  Here's a closer look at how bogus the immigration reform charade really is.

Banking on American Stupidity:  Here we are, at war with deadly foreign terrorists who exploited our lax immigration policies, and what are these U.S. financial institutions doing?  Making it easier for illegal immigrants to do business inside our borders.

Damaged by diversity:  Our national borders are the front lines of America's war against terrorism.  It should come as no surprise to anyone that our borders are being overrun.  They are open doors to the easy entry – legal and illegal – of those who would do us harm.

"Arab terrorists" crossing the border:  Middle Eastern illegals find easy entrance into U.S. from Mexico.

Student Visa System "Fraudulent":  At least 16 of the 19 terrorists who hijacked the four commercial airplanes used to destroy the World Trade Center and damage the Pentagon entered the U.S. with student and tourist visas that expired before Sept. 11.  This failure to enforce immigration policy has prompted calls to revise the system that permitted the terrorists to remain in the United States while they plotted their actions.

Restrict immigration, not civil liberties:  It is folly to be allied with Israel against its Muslim enemies and simultaneously to keep one's borders open to Muslim immigrants.

U.S. Wide Open to Terrorists, Experts Warn:  The United States' wide-open borders and chaotic immigration control system permitted the easy access of the terrorists who carried out the New York City attacks, and that openness is hampering the FBI's investigation, according to immigration experts.  The virtual breakdown of U.S. immigration controls, these experts say, will make it impossible for the Bush administration to effect the "homeland defense" that it is planning.

Immigration Reform Prophets vs. The Treason Lobby:  For years prior to the recent atrocities, critics of mass immigration and advocates of immigration restriction have argued that uncontrolled immigration would lead to precisely what it led to.

The Enemy Is Here — Not Just In Afghanistan.  By an overwhelming majority of 77 percent, the American public believes "the government is not doing enough to control the border and screen people allowed into the country," according to a Zogby poll just released last week.

Future widows of America:  write your congressman:  Congress has authority to pass a law tomorrow requiring aliens from suspect countries to leave.  As far as the Constitution is concerned, aliens, which is to say non-citizens, are here at this country's pleasure.  They have no constitutional right to be here.

Many Mexicans would prefer to forcibly reclaim the southwestern U.S.

Border Patrol Agent Tells Reporter That a Mountain in New Mexico is 'Not Ours' Anymore.  Matt Finn is a reliable reporter for FOX News who has been covering the border crisis.  In a tweet on Friday afternoon, Finn claimed that he was told by a Border Patrol agent that a mountain in Sunland Park, New Mexico no longer belongs to the United States, and that the cartels have taken it over.  Finn's tweet includes a video of some illegals crossing over just moments later.

Should We Give California or Texas Back?  Does anyone believe that Texas and California would be better governed, freer, or more prosperous under the control of Mexico?

Martha McSally's GOP primary challenger:  What if we let parts of Mexico become U.S. states?  Via RCP, let me stress up front that this guy, Daniel McCarthy, isn't some sort of Bill-Weld-style centrist running to the incumbent's left in the primary.  He's full MAGA.  He and the host, Garret Lewis, sneer at Paul Ryan and "Martha" for their repugnant RINO-ism.  I'll support Trump on the border in whatever he wants to do, McCarthy stresses, even standing for days on end on the Senate floor in a filibuster if it'll help somehow.  He's all for the border wall too. [...] [B]ut once we get done with the wall, he adds at 41:00 or so of the clip below, maybe we should think about inviting Mexicans to seek annexation by the United States.  [Video clip]

In 1988, four Mexican military troops with automatic weapons 'invaded' San Diego.  On Sunday, March 13, 1988, at 10:25 P.M., four Mexican military troops wearing camouflage uniforms and brandishing automatic weapons penetrated a mile and a half into U.S. territory south of San Diego, Calif.  Their entry point was an unfenced stretch of beach that separated Playas de Tijuana (Tijuana Beach), Mexico from Imperial Beach, Calif.  Within sight of the first group of American residential condominiums at the end of Seacoast Drive in Imperial Beach, the Mexicans accosted a group of a dozen Americans who were picnicking on the beach, pointing their loaded machine guns at the picnickers and ordering them to lie flat on the ground.  Before the tense situation could escalate any further, the group was spooked by a U.S. Border Patrol helicopter that spotted the incursion and landed on the beach.

A Forgotten Fact:  In 1917, Mexico Considered Invading the U.S.  This was the famous Zimmermann Telegram.  Decoded by the British, who passed it on to the Americans, it became a justification — along with unrestricted submarine warfare — for the U.S. declaration of war on Germany in April 1917.  In the end, Mexico turned down the proposal.  But what if Mexico had declared war on the United States?  In fact, Mexican president Venustiano Carranza did order his government to study the German offer, according to Friedrich Katz, in his book The Secret War in Mexico.  Carranza's decision wasn't surprising.  In Mexican eyes, the United States had illegally seized one-third of Mexico's territory during the 1847 Mexican-American War, including what are now the states of California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico.  In 1916, a U.S. Army expeditionary force had entered Mexico in pursuit of the notorious revolutionary Pancho Villa, who had raided American territory.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: 'Reconquistador!'  Hispanic rights activists postulate a land called Aztlan, originally extending up to the State of Oregon, all of Texas, and the Western third of the U.S.A.  They want to seize the Southwest of the United States and Texas and (re)create a new, independent nation.  They envision that they are taking "back" this land. [...] In reality, of course, these populations do not speak Mayan or Aztec or any Native American languages.  They speak Spanish.  Their names are Spanish.  Their cultural features are Spanish.  The Conquistadors — the Spaniards from Europe — conquered and occupied South America, Central America, and the islands of the Caribbean basin.  But they claim the United States as well.  There can be little doubt that Ocasio-Cortez lacks the education and analytical ability to comprehend any of this, but she has joined this movement with both feet.

Cultivating a New Generation of Racists On Campus.  The Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MEChA), or "Chicano Student Movement," describes itself as an organization that urges young Chicanos (people of Mexican ancestry living in the United States) to use "higher education" and "political involvement" to promote "cultural and historical pride," "liberation," and "self-determination" among their people.  In practice, MEChA aggressively promotes anti-Americanism and anti-white hatred by relentlessly stoking the fires of racial and ethnic grievance among Latino students.  MEChA's roots can be traced back to the Chicano Movement of the late 1960s, which emphasized "brown pride" while rejecting "acculturation and assimilation" into the American mainstream.  In that milieu, the first National Chicano Youth Liberation Conference, organized by an entity called Crusade for Justice, was held in Denver, Colorado in March 1969. Participants in this conference drafted the basic premises for the "Chicana/Chicano Movement" in a seminal document titled El Plan Espiritual de Aztlán (EPEA), which today is required reading for all members of MEChA's various chapters.

La Raza Declares War on Border Wall, Demands "Reconquista" of Southwest.  The National Council of La Raza, an organization that promotes the Reconquista of the southwest United States, called President Trump's Executive Order a "declaration of war" on the Hispanic community equivalent to the slave trade.  Janet Murgu'a, president of the National Council of La Raza, claimed the president's plan to build a wall on the southern border and deport violent illegal immigrants will "tarnish our nation's character."

The Obama Regime's Criminal Syndicate.  [Scroll down]  Among the radical leftist groups pre-approved by the settlement agreements to directly receive funds from the banks is none other than The National Council of La Raza, which bills itself as "the nation's largest Hispanic activist organization."  Yet, a brief history lesson on the reality of La Raza, which literally translates to "the race," shows us that the group has been connected to the Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MEChA), an extremist Mexican race hate group which firmly believes in exploiting illegal immigration to bring about 'La Reconquista', a violent overthrow of the southern U.S. states that would be absorbed into Greater Mexico. [...] According to a February 2016 independent monitor report, there are 147 "HUD-approved counseling agencies" that make up these third party groups like La Raza that are currently receiving hundreds of millions of dollars directly from the banks under the DOJ settlement agreements.

Jorge Ramos:  America Is 'Our Country, Not Theirs' — 'And We Are Not Going to Leave'.  Univision senior anchor Jorge Ramos declared on Friday [2/24/2017] that the United States belongs to Latino migrants, emphatically stating to a Spanish-speaking audience that "it is our country, not theirs."  Ramos took an unusual tack, pivoting from talk of diversity and togetherness into boasts of conquest.  Mass immigration, particularly illegal immigration, was a fait accompli.  There is nothing the U.S. can do about it, and they must accept that America is "not their" country and that illegal aliens, particularly Latinos, "are not going to leave," he said.

The Rage of Failure.  The flow of illegal immigration into the United States from Latin America is often made by families desperate to find a better life — and we can sympathize with them, even though that sympathy cannot descend into allowing violation of our immigration laws. [...] The worst possible action, for everyone's sake, would be to turn the Southwest into an extension of Mexico — and yet that is precisely what some militant Hispanics in America want, ensuring greater misery for everyone to sate their rage at the failure of Latin America over the last two hundred years.

The Obama Regime's Criminal Syndicate.  [Scroll down]  Specifically, the DOJ narrowed the list of entities eligible to receive funds by selecting "HUD-approved housing counseling agencies" as the only entities to which the banks could make disbursements for credit.  As the Wall Street Journal outlined in a piece highlighting the DOJ's liberal slush fund, "the department is in the process of funneling more than half-a-billion dollars to liberal activist groups."  Among the radical leftist groups pre-approved by the settlement agreements to directly receive funds from the banks is none other than The National Council of La Raza, which bills itself as "the nation's largest Hispanic activist organization."  Yet, a brief history lesson on the reality of La Raza, which literally translates to "the race," shows us that the group has been connected to the Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MEChA), an extremist Mexican race hate group which firmly believes in exploiting illegal immigration to bring about 'La Reconquista', a violent overthrow of the southern U.S. states that would be absorbed into Greater Mexico.  It should come as no surprise that La Raza is favored under these settlement agreements given that the racist organization supports the Democratic cause of open borders while Cecilia Munoz, a La Raza senior vice president, also serves on the White House Domestic Policy Council.

Univision Promotes 'Make America Mexico Again'.  Univision's May 19, 2016 edition of its late-night national news show Edición Nocturna featured a completely favorable story about drug legalization activist Jerónimo Saldaña, the creator and vendor of baseball caps that are stamped with the slogan "Make America Mexico Again."  Saldaña says he was inspired to start making and selling the hats after first seeing one on the Latino Rebels Facebook page and because, as he puts it, he just flat-out doesn't like Trump.  Surprising nobody, in its report Univision included no critical or opposing views against the hat.

Aztlan Rising — A New, Anti-American, National Consciousness Being Created Among Many Mexican-Americans.  One of the first theories many immigration patriots first get introduced to is the idea of Aztlan, what many Chicano activists call the American Southwest.  Aztlan is supposed to be a newly independent Chicano homeland someday, the ethnostate for Mestizos eager to throw off the American Empire and set up their own republic of blood and soil built upon the old identity of the Aztecs. [...] Does this mean that the American Southwest is literally going to be cut away from the United States?  Not necessarily.  It simply shows that there is a new national consciousness being created among many Mexican-Americans, one diametrically opposed to a common American identity.  It's something which shows that the "melting pot" has ceased to function.

Mexico Is Sending Us Colonists, Not Immigrants.  "Mexico First" has been the open, avowed policy of the government of Mexico for a generation, and Mexico expects its former residents to be loyal to Mexico for the next 200 years. [...] Why does Mexico devote so much effort to promoting and helping millions of its citizens leave Mexico and start a new life in "el Norte"?  Does the fact that the millions of Mexicans living in the U.S. send $25 billion dollars in cash remittances annually back to relatives in Mexico have anything to do with it — cash that provides 30 percent of Mexico's foreign investment, rivaling tourism in importance to the Mexican economy?

Could Illegal Alien Terror Hit the U.S.?  Are open-borders advocates and Hispanic activists sowing the seeds for revolution?  Not just a social revolution, but an armed, violent revolution?  In a little-discussed news item from this month, a 16-year-old illegal alien set a police cruiser on fire in Texas before attempting to swerve his car into two motorcycle cops during a police chase that followed.  Although he was armed — and aimed a rifle at the police twice — he was eventually apprehended without a shot being fired.  The teen, whose name hasn't been released due to his age, later told investigators he was tired of ICE "always sending Mexicans back to Mexico for no reason."  He said they are the ones in America "doing all the work."  He was also tired of "his people getting shot by police and nothing happening."  His broader motivation?  As he put it, to create a "war against the government."

Mexicans:  Southwest U.S. is ours.  A healthy majority of Mexicans claim that their country rightfully owns much of the southwestern United States, while most Americans believe Washington should adopt stricter immigration standards and deploy U.S. troops along the border, a new poll says.

Same story:
Most Mexicans Believe Chunk of US Belongs To Them:  A majority of Mexicans, according to a new Zogby International poll, believe the southwestern part of the United States rightfully belongs to Mexico and that Mexicans should have the right to enter the United States without first obtaining U.S. government permission.

Aztlan and Amalgamation.  While American troops engage al-Qaeda terrorist cells in far-flung battlefields across Asia and our military leadership prepares for a Gulf War encore against Iraq, our "friend" and "neighbor" to the South is relentlessly invading our homeland.  The Mexican government and radical "Chicano" groups in this country are pursuing the dream of La Reconquista – the "re-conquest" of the southwestern United States.

Mexican aliens seek to retake 'stolen' land.  La reconquista, a radical movement calling for Mexico to "reconquer" America's Southwest, has stepped out of the shadows at recent immigration-reform protests nationwide as marchers held signs saying, "Uncle Sam Stole Our Land!" and waved Mexico's flag.

Southwest shall secede from U.S., professor predicts:  Charles Truxillo, a professor of Chicano studies at the University of New Mexico, suggests "Republica del Norte" would be a good name for a new, sovereign Hispanic nation he foresees straddling the current border between the United States and Mexico.  The Republic of the North — he predicts its creation as "an inevitability" — would include all of the present U.S. states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, plus southern Colorado."

Mexico reconquering U.S. territory?  Writer says emigration is imposing Hispanic culture on North America.

Do We Want Mexifornia?  Californians cannot even obtain accurate numbers of how many of the state's more than 10 million Hispanic residents have arrived here from Mexico unlawfully in the last two decades.  No one believes the government's old insistence on a mere 6 million illegal residents nationwide; the real figure may be twice that.

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Updated October 7, 2024.

©2024 by Andrew K. Dart