The War on Walmart

Liberals hate Walmart because it represents capitalism.  Socialists and Communists can't stand it when capitalism succeeds.

Liberals especially hate Walmart because it is the country's largest employer and the employees of Walmart are not unionized.

One anti-Walmart organization is called the WalMart Alliance for Reform Now, and is a subsidiary of ACORN.  If you're not familiar with ACORN, you can read some eye-opening information about the group here and here and here.

Walmart rescinds policy of locking up multicultural hair products.  Walmart is ending a long-standing policy under which some of its stores kept personal care products designed for people of color in locked display cases.  The retailer's about-face comes after years of criticism of the practice, including a black shopper in Colorado this week who called it "ridiculous.'  The company on Wednesday [6/10/2020] said it is abolishing the practice in place in about a dozen of its 4,700 stores nationwide and that it will no longer keep multicultural hair care and beauty products under lock and key.  "Like other retailers, the cases were put in place to deter shoplifters from some products such as electronics, automotive, cosmetics and other personal care products," Walmart said in a statement sent to CBS MoneyWatch.

Portland Passes "Green New Deal" Carbon Tax, First Of Its Kind in the Nation.  Referring to it with happy little buzzwords such as "climate justice," the city of Portland will soon be implementing the first (and hopefully only) "green new deal" carbon tax in the nation, which city "leaders" estimate will suck $60 million out of the economy.  The money will allegedly be going toward "creating" "green energy" jobs.  They say the tax will only affect The Evil Corporations™ specifically referring to Walmart.

Bedbugs intentionally released into Pennsylvania Walmart, police claim.  The parasitic insects were first found last Thursday crawling inside a closed pill bottle that was found in a boy's jacket left in a changing room of the store in Edinboro, Pennsylvania State Police said in a release.  Experts from health safety company Ecolab were called in the following day — and an employee soon found bugs crawling around the men's changing rooms, the force said.  On Saturday [1/4/2020], yet another bottle with live bugs was found in the men's department near where belts are sold, police said.

DOJ sues Walmart for allegedly refusing to hire employee with naval reserve obligations.  The Justice Department filed suit Wednesday [10/30/2019] alleging Walmart denied a Navy Reserve officer a job due to upcoming reserve duties.  In May 2016, Hunger said she applied for a summer job at Walmart while in the Naval Reserve.  After applying online, she received a call from a Walmart in Grand Junction, Colo.  At the end of the call, Hunger mentioned she had to attend a mandatory two-week annual training for reserve duty during the summer.  The personnel coordinator from Walmart told Hunger Walmart could not support that kind of time off, and ended the call.  She never heard from the superstore again.

Homeless set up camp in Walmart parking lot, police say they can't do much about it.  I've written a lot about homelessness on the west coast and the property crime that tends to go with it.  This story from Garden Grove in Orange County is happening just about five miles from my house.  Homeless people have set up a camp of sorts in the parking lot of a local Walmart.  There are complaints about harassment of shoppers, break-ins and vandalism of parked cars, and shoplifting from the store itself.  And yet, not much is happening to change it.  A nearby store has hired security guards to patrol the lot as well as maintenance people to clean up the trash left behind by the homeless but that doesn't solve the crime or other problems.  According to KCAL 9, the Walmart where this homeless camp is being set up has refused to ask people to leave and local police say there's not much they can do.

Walmart's CEO Caves to Socialist Bernie Sanders.  When Bernie Sanders crashed Walmart's shareholder meeting Wednesday and lectured executives on how they should run their business, CEO Doug McMillon should have laughed him out of the room for his ill-informed claims and for pushing a minimum wage hike that would hurt the very people it's supposed to help.  Instead, McMillon waved the white flag.  He told the company's owners that the current federal minimum wage is "too low" and that "it's time for Congress to put a thoughtful plan in place to increase the minimum wage."

Everybody's Business.  Consumer tracking surveys tell us that 95 percent of American shoppers spend money at Walmart every year, though the retail giant has been derided as a downtown killer, exploiter of workers, and anti-union powerhouse since the mid-1980s, when as a young reporter I covered the company's implausible rise.  Close behind is McDonald's, where nine out of ten Americans make purchases every year, despite a drumbeat of criticism about the quality and nutritional value of the chain's food.  Similarly, a recent analysis of consumer data ranked Facebook as America's most hated company.  Yet more than half of all Americans use it, and that number appears to be growing, albeit modestly.

Bernie Sanders Wants To 'Stop Walmart'? From What?  Sen. Bernie Sanders, a self-declared socialist who's never held a steady job outside government, thinks he knows better than CEOs how to run a business.  And yes, he's serious.  Fresh off what Sanders sees as success in pushing Jeff Bezos to raise Amazon's minimum wage to $15, Sanders has set his sights on a longtime bete noire of the left:  Walmart.  With typical Sanders subtlety, his new legislative proposal is called the "Stop WALMART act."  Under it, big employers like Walmart would be banned from buying back shares in their own company unless they paid all their workers at least $15 an hour.  They'd also have to cap CEO pay at 150 times the median employee pay, and provide seven days of paid sick leave.

Union Walmart protests fizzle as a Black Friday tradition.  Unions have stopped trying to use Walmart's day-after-Thanksgiving 'Black Friday' sales to launch public relations blitzes against the corporation, effectively conceding that the once-high profile efforts were making little headway toward organizing a union at the nation's largest employer.  "We actually don't have any events planned for Black Friday," said Amy Ritter, spokeswoman for Making Change at Walmart, a nonprofit activist group funded and run by the United Food and Commercial Workers.

Amazon Fights Walmart for Low-Income Shoppers. Inc [...] said Tuesday [6/6/2017] that it will offer a nearly 20% segment of the U.S. population — people who obtain government assistance with cards typically used for food stamps — a $5.99 monthly Prime membership, less than the $10.99 a month or $99 annual plan for other consumers.  The membership buys access to unlimited two-day shipping, video and music content, photo storage and other perks.

Myth Busted:  Taxpayers Are Not Subsidizing Walmart's Low Wages.  It's tax season, which means that union groups are once again out in force claiming that because Walmart doesn't pay its workers enough, taxpayers are forced to make up the difference.  This is, to put it politely, pure poppycock.  The latest to make this claim is Lonnie Sheppard of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, who says that "every American taxpayer is paying a tax they never heard of:  the Walmart Tax." [...] (By the way, Walmart actually paid $6.2 billion in federal income taxes in 2014.)

U.S. judge rules that investors can sue Walmart over Mexican bribery claims.  Walmart will face a class-action lawsuit amid accusations that the retail giant defrauded its shareholders by allegedly concealing bribes that helped the company expand its operations in Mexico.  The decision was handed down on Tuesday by U.S. District Judge Susan Hickey in Arkansas, who rejected claims by the world's largest retailer that a Michigan pension fund has no legal standing to lead the case because it had not suffered any stock losses.

Obama Finds an Ally in Walmart, Whose Stores He Once Shunned.  As a freshman senator with his eye on the presidency, Barack Obama said he'd never shop at a Walmart and held the company up as an emblem of corporate greed.  Today, Walmart Stores Inc. is one of Obama's most reliable corporate allies, a go-to partner that's backed the White House on more than a dozen business initiatives, particularly Obamacare and climate change.

Walmart to reopen 5 stores closed for plumbing issues that became a labor dispute.  Walmart is planning to reopen five stores it closed last April for major plumping problems including two in Texas located in Midland and Livingston.  The abrupt store closings became the subject of a complaint filed with the National Labor Relations Board by the United Food and Commercial Workers Union on behalf of the 2,200 employees.  The complaint filed in April [2015] argued that the closings were retaliation for labor activism.

Walmart stores that were suddenly closed for plumbing issues haven't sought permits.  Employees of a Walmart in Brandon that abruptly closed Monday were among more than 2,000 employees nationwide who learned almost simultaneously they were being laid off.  In a nearly identical manner at every store, Walmart corporate officials visited the five locations, called an impromptu meeting in the back of the store and told employees that the stores would be closing that evening.  Besides Brandon, the affected locations were in Pico Rivera, Calif., Livingston, Texas, Midland, Texas, Tulsa, Okla.

Walmart suddenly closes 5 stores, lays off 2200. Why?  Conspiracy theorists are working overtime to explain why Walmart suddenly closed 5 stores in 3 states this week, laying off 2200 workers.  The stores are expected to reopen in 6 months.  The company claims the closings are releated [sic] to ongoing and pervasive plumbing problems.  But the conspiracy theorists believe it has more to do with workers who took part in the Black Friday strike than with faulty sewers.

Is Walmart connecting to the US underground tunnel network?  Speculation is mounting after Walmart's shocking and abrupt decision to shut down 5 of its stores, each for 6 months, in 4 different states (Pico Rivera, CA; Midland, TX; Livingston, TX; Tulsa, OK; Brandon, FL). Apparently, employees were given only 5 hours notice.  They were also given 60 days severance pay.  The official excuse given by Walmart is plumbing problems, which is sheer nonsense.  It does not take 6 months to repair a few toilets, or even to replace a sewer line.  In fact, Walmart could erect an entire new store within that time frame!  Giant corporations run on greed and profits; it is unthinkable that they would willingly forgo 6 months of revenue for such a small problem.  So what's really going on?  It's not just labor activism.  Is Walmart perhaps preparing for some massive event due to come?  Are they connecting to the US underground tunnel system?

Mystery surrounds Walmart's bizarre cover story of closing five stores for six months due to "plumbing problems".  Walmart has suddenly announced it is shuttering five stores from Florida to California for a six-month period due to what the company claims are "plumbing problems." Nobody except the ultra-gullible really believes the Walmart cover story, however.  "The retail chain announced Monday that five stores are shutting down — one in Brandon, two in Texas, one in Oklahoma and one in California — due to clogging and drainage problems," reports News Channel 8 in Florida.  The sudden closures were only announced five hours before they took place, thrusting thousands of employees out of work with little or no notice.

Get a look inside the renovated Walmart that was closed in April.  For six months, the closed Walmart Supercenter at 207 S. Memorial Drive seemed devoid of activity.  Not so on Thursday afternoon [11/5/2015] — dozens of employees scurried within the store, stacking the last of the merchandise, making adjustments on the displays and tightening up the fixtures in the restrooms. [...] For example, the signs identifying the aisles are now much larger and simpler, allowing customers to quickly identify where they need to go.  These include new signs on the walls, such as a large "Electronics" on the wall behind the electronics section.

The Editor says...
None of those changes would have required closing the store.  It is far more likely that Walmart closed the five stores for six months in order to lay off troublemakers and union organizers, and wipe out everybody's seniority in the process.

"Sweeping changes" usually aren't undertaken without notice.
Sweeping changes coming to the suddenly closed Walmart at Admiral and Memorial.  Walmart plans an extensive remodel at its recently closed supercenter before it reopens, according to permits recently filed with the city of Tulsa.  Walmart initially cited plumbing problems as its reason for closing the store at Admiral Place and Memorial Drive in April.  The permits, filed July 15, indicate the store is set to get a remodeled grocery, pharmacy, customer service center, nail salon, restrooms and auto center, along with new signs, repaired front doors and demolition, plumbing and electrical work.

Walmart's Pico Rivera 'Plumbing Problem'.  The Pico Rivera store is one of five Walmart stores around the country suddenly closed due to vaguely defined plumbing problems.  The others are in Midland, TX — where more than 400 employees got the news on a Tuesday afternoon that they no longer had a job on Wednesday — along with Livingston TX, Brandon FL and Tulsa, OK.  The United Food and Commercial Workers have filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board asking that the 2,200 layoffs at the five stores be rehired.  As it is, if and when the stores re-open, workers must re-apply for their former positions, with no guarantees of a job.  The employees of two of the shut-down stores — in Pico Rivera and Tulsa — have been active in organizing efforts by OUR Walmart to improve working conditions.

After Closing Stores, Walmart's "Plumbing Problems" Excuse Doesn't Hold Water.  This week, hundreds of employees at Walmart stores across the country were informed that they no longer have a job at the retailer.  Walmart suddenly announced that it would be immediately closing five stores for at least six months due to "plumbing problems." While the company claimed the problems have persisted for the last few years, in each incident, Walmart only gave employees a few hours' notice that their stores were closing.  Remarkably, Walmart's spokesperson, Delia Garcia, claimed "these are not layoffs" just before clarifying that "everyone will have to reapply as if new employees" once the stores reopen.

Video: Walmart 'Plumbing' Issue Related To DHS Underground Tunnel Network:  "This Is A Very Real Situation".  There's been much speculation about the recent closures of Walmart stores around the country.  Walmart claims the their stores, closed almost simultaneously in different cities, is a result of plumbing issues.  But many employees and customers suspect that something else is going on, though no one, including store managers, has any idea what that might be.  Several theories have popped up, with some claiming that it is an economic issue and Walmart may have shut those stores down because of lackluster sales, but they don't want to announce falling retail sales so as to avoid a hit to their stock price. [...] Others have suggested that the closings may have something to do with upcoming military exercises and the possibility that the massive stores could be used as detention centers for American citizens.

Questions Swirl Over Bizarre Walmart Closures.  Employees and customers are not buying Walmart's explanation that it is closing five nationwide stores for six months due to "plumbing" issues, with questions swirling about the sudden closures that left hundreds of workers unemployed.

Walmart reopens 4 closed Supercenters.  Four of the five Walmart Supercenters that abruptly closed this spring due to what the company called plumbing issues reopened on Friday [11/6/2015] — all four featuring elements of an upgraded décor and a new layout for certain departments rolled out for the first time last month at a pilot store near company headquarters in Rogers, Ark.  The reopened stores are located in Tulsa, Okla., Midland and Livingston, Texas, and Pico Rivera, Calif.  A fifth store in Brandon, Fla., remains closed.

Anti-Walmart Union Stays Quiet as Hillary Gets Big Donation From Heiress Alice Walton.  A major anti-Walmart union is staying tight-lipped about billionaire Walmart heiress Alice Walton's six-figure donation to Hillary Clinton.  The United Food and Commercial Workers Union endorsed Clinton in January, less than one month after Walton contributed more than $353,000 to a pro-Hillary fund.  International president of the UFCW Marc Perrone wrote in a statement, "It is our members' strong belief that Hillary Clinton is not just the strongest presidential candidate, but the right one."

District leaders furious Walmart breaking promise to build stores in poor neighborhoods.  Walmart abruptly announced Friday [1/15/2016] that it was abandoning a promise to build stores in Washington's poorest neighborhoods, an agreement that had been key to the deal allowing the retailer to begin operating in the nation's capital.  The giant retailer cited increasing costs for the new projects and disappointing performance at the three D.C. stores it opened over the past several years.  But news that Walmart would pull out of two supercenters planned for east of the Anacostia River, where its wares and jobs are wanted most, shocked D.C. leaders.  In one case, the city had already committed $90 million to make a development surrounding one of the stores viable.

Mob of 50 Black Teens Storm Georgia Walmart, Destroy and Steal Store.  Do you think the Old Media establishment will report this story of a mob of 50 black teenagers swarming a Walmart in Georgia and destroying the place? [...] But imagine if it was a mob of 50 white kids doing this?

Video: Who's really protesting Walmart?  Tis the season, once again upon us, when an age old tradition returns to cities and towns across the nation.  I don't mean the usual Thanksgiving feasts of yesterday or even the commercial mayhem of Black Friday.  We're talking about the annual protests of Walmart by their beleaguered workers who want a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and, much more to the point, official union representation. [...] This collection of students and paid union regulars represent the segmented factions pushing Walmart to turn their workforce over to organized labor.  They recently experienced a split in their ranks as some factions decided that the old ways weren't working, but they've still managed to assemble some AstroTurf to get the word out.

Killing the Golden Goose.  Under three different CEOs, Walmart has done all kinds of somersaults to appease left-wing critics.  In 2005, Lee Scott set goals of "zero waste" and "100 percent" conversion to renewable energy.  In 2009, Mike Duke, the next CEO, took on Obamacare — as an outspoken supporter of the unpopular health care bill.  This was "a stunning metamorphosis," the Wall Street Journal declared in a company profile.  Walmart had gone from being a "whipping boy of the political left to corporate leviathan now welcomed with open arms by a Democratic White House."

Why won't middle class people shop at Walmart?  Walmart's stock took a steep drop as the company announced that it was expecting lower profits.  There are a number of problems Walmart has, such as its website and fulfillment not being quite as good as, but Walmart is primarily a brick and mortar store, not an internet company.  The basic problem as I see it is that middle class people are afraid to shop there.  If you look at reviews on Yelp one of the most common words used to describe Walmart is "ghetto".

Walmart sued for denying health insurance to gay worker's wife.  A Walmart Stores Inc employee sued the retailer on Tuesday [7/14/2015], saying its prior policy of denying health insurance to the spouses of gay employees violated gender discrimination laws.

Organized mob (of no particular race, according to media) ransacks a Walmart, attacks handicapped man in motorized cart.  The fragile bonds of civilization that keep society peaceful and orderly are fraying in the face of mobs organized online.  Last Sunday [6/28/2015], an organized mob of about four dozen people attacked a Walmart in Macon, Georgia, intentionally doing damage to displays and merchandise and dragging a man out of motorized cart and throwing him to the floor.

Report: Macon Walmart mob wanted to see how much damage it could do.  Surveillance video of a wee-hours ruckus at a Macon Walmart on Sunday shows a teenager race inside flashing gang signs ahead of a mob of four dozen or so people who burst in and smashed merchandise.  The commotion, which caused an estimated $2,000 in damage, appears to have been planned.  Some in the crowd also snatched a man, apparently a shopper at the Zebulon Road store, from a motorized shopping cart and dragged him to the floor, Bibb County sheriff's officials said Monday [6/29/2015].

Mob of 50 Black Teens Storm Georgia Walmart, Destroy and Steal Store.  Do you think the Old Media establishment will report this story of a mob of 50 black teenagers swarming a Walmart in Georgia and destroying the place?

Also posted under black mobs.

Walmart Workers Manifestly Reject Big Labor's Class-Warfare Propaganda — And With Good Reason.  Today [11/28/2014] the union-boss front group Our Walmart staged its third annual nationwide "Black Friday" protests against America's largest retailer at more than 1500 store locations across the country.  This year, once again, only a tiny fraction of the protesters were actual Walmart employees, and among the 1.3 million Americans who work for Walmart the overwhelming majority did not participate in or otherwise support the demonstrations.

Walmart workers scarce at Black Friday anti-Walmart protest in D.C.  Organizers of a post-Thanksgiving protest on behalf of workers at a Walmart in downtown Washington, D.C. identified only one of the participants as actually working at that store.  The admission underscores the fact that few Walmart workers have been involved in the protests.  "Thirty striking workers from Washington, D.C., Virginia and Maryland took part in today's protest, and Melinda Gaino, one of the striking workers, works at the H Street Store," said Julie Anderson, a spokeswoman for the 1.3 million member United Food and Commercial Workers union, which organized the event.

Ferguson Protests Move to Target, Walmart Stores.  According to Johnetta Elzie, who had been tweeting and posting videos of the protests, demonstrations occurred at a Walmart and Target in Brentwood, two Walmarts in St. Charles and one Walmart in Manchester.

Why Democrats need rich people, too.  The populist Democratic senator from Massachusetts was in the Dirksen Senate Office Building [11/18/2014], hosting an event to push Walmart to raise wages and improve working conditions.  "No one in this country should work full time and still live in poverty," she said, wearing a green wristband to show solidarity with Walmart workers.  "Today a person can work full time, and a momma and a baby on a full-time minimum job cannot keep themselves out of poverty — and that's wrong."

The Editor says...
The minimum wage was never intended to support an entire family, or to support any individual in perpetuity -- especially a single mother.  If you're still living on one minimum-wage job when you're 30 years old, there's something wrong with your ambition glands, or with your education.

Walmart's Response To The New York Times Is Great.  The Arkansas-based company responded to an article from New York Times columnist Timothy Egan, titled "The Corporate Daddy" by doing the work that it felt Egan's Times editors should have done. [...] The retail giant apparently couldn't resist sarcasm after it found what it considered numerous problems with Egan's piece in which he criticized the company for paying its 2.2 million employees what he called "humiliating wages."  "Walmart is a net drain on taxpayers," wrote Egan in the missive, adding that the company forces "employees into public assistance with its poverty-wage structure.  "We are the largest tax payer in America," Tovar wrote in his edit.  "Can we see your math?"

Walmart hands NY Times' editors their own posteriors.  I have never met David Tovar, Walmart's vice president, corporate communications, but I'd like to shake his hand.  In this brilliant response to a column by Timothy Egan of the New York Times, Mr. Tovar puts to shame the editors who worked on the Egan piece, literally taking a red pencil to the piece they deigned to publish, and showing them how to do their jobs.

Mayor's alternative to Walmart? Downtown baseball stadium.  In an effort to block Walmart's proposed store in the city's downtown, Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt is pitching the idea of instead using the site for a new baseball stadium.  Schmitt has floated the stadium idea privately to several aldermen and other civic leaders as an alternative to Walmart's planned retail superstore in the Broadway shopping district.

Robert Reich Rips White House 'Numbskull' Who Arranged Obama Walmart Speech.  Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich ripped into the White House on Friday [5/9/2014] for the decision to allow President Barack Obama to hold a press event at a Walmart.  Calling the staffer at the White House who planned the event a "numbskull," Reich wondered how it was possible for the president's staff to essentially endorse Walmart in spite of what he said was their unfair compensation practices.  "What numbskull in the White House arranged this?" an incensed Reich wrote on his Facebook page on Thursday [5/8/2014].  He went on to lambaste the company over its carbon emissions and it's [sic] labor practices.

Anti-Walmart union leader once threatened janitorial company with death threats.  The anti-Walmart crusader leading the fight to unionize the company once threatened a non-union janitorial company with death threats, The Daily Caller has learned.  Dan Schlademan runs the United Food and Commercial Workers Union's (UFCW) Making Change at Walmart group, which is fighting for pay hikes for Walmart employees and to block the retail giant from opening new stores that could drive down wages in various regions.  The Making Change at Walmart campaign is organizing employees at every stage of the Walmart supply chain, including logistics and warehouse workers.

Surprise! Walmart health plan is cheaper, offers more coverage than Obamacare.  New Obamacare health insurance enrollees may feel a pang of envy when they eye the coverage plans offered by Walmart to its employees.  For many years, the giant discount retailer has been the target of unions and liberal activists who have harshly criticized the company's health care plans, calling them "notorious for failing to provide health benefits" and "substandard."  But a Washington Examiner comparison of the two health insurance programs found that Walmart's plan is more affordable and provides significantly better access to high-quality medical care than Obamacare.

Can a Minimum-Wage Hike Really Motivate Voters?.  [Scroll down]  Also, Walmart, another corporation the Left sees as evil for paying insufficient wages, opened its first two stores in Washington, D.C., yesterday [12/4/2013].  The D.C. council had spent much of the year debating a law that would have required Walmart to pay $12.50 an hour in wages and benefits.  The law would have applied to any "big box" store, but not to smaller businesses.  The D.C. council instead decided to raise the minimum wage in the city to $11.50 by 2016.

At Last, Walmart Opens in Washington, D.C.  At the corner of First and H Streets in Northwest Washington, the balloons were all set, hanging stories high in the cold morning air. [...] The time had finally come for Washington, D.C. — the last holdout in the lower 48 — to get its first two Walmart stores.  In 1996, Vermont was the last state to go Walmart blue.  Now it's Washington's turn, and four more stores are planned.

Union Member Admits Being Paid To Protest Against Walmart On Video.  On Black Friday [11/29/2013], leftists organized a nationwide protests at several Walmart locations in order to try to extort union dues from the supermarket chain's vast employee pool.  Ostensibly, they were advocating for higher wages, but among the long list of the demands was their true intent — to unionize the nation's largest employe, second only to the federal government.  Walmart haters have a long history of pushing lengthy demands onto the retail chain.

Walmart says only 20 employees joined Black Friday protests.  A press conference call by the activist group OUR Walmart turned awkward when the group was repeatedly unable to say how many Walmart employees had joined in the group's long-planned Black Friday protests.  Walmart itself put the figure at just 20.

Black Friday union strikes against Walmart likely to fizzle.  The "widespread, massive strikes and protests" targeting Walmart on Black Friday will almost certainly fall flat, says one union watchdog closely monitoring the labor group planning the pickets.  OUR Walmart, a close affiliate of the massive United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW), is threatening the big-box chain with crippling strikes and angry crowds during next week's crucial Black Friday sale unless the company raises worker wages.

How Big Labor enlisted the NLRB against Walmart.  Big Labor's campaign against Walmart got a major new ally Monday [11/18/2013]:  the federal government.  The National Labor Relations Board announced it is pursuing charges that the nonunion retail giant retaliated against some of it workers for engaging in union activities.  The NLRB's action suggests Big Labor is reaping some serious rewards for its aggressive push to get the administration to stock the labor law enforcement agency with union-friendly appointees.

EBT benefit card glitch sparks Walmart shopping sprees in Louisiana.  The Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) system allows recipients of government food stamps to purchase goods using a digital card with a set spending limit, but for a few hours over the weekend, that limit disappeared for many users visiting Walmart stores in Louisiana.  Walmart and local police in Springhill and Mansfield confirmed to CBS affiliate KSLA that officers were called into the stores to help maintain order Saturday as shoppers swept through the aisles at two stores and bought as much as they could carry.

The Louisiana Heist.  On Saturday [10/12/2013], Louisiana's "EBT" system malfunctioned, causing spending limits on users' food-stamp cards temporarily to be lifted.  In two counties at least, recipients noticed the error, spread the word, and set about trying to check out as much as they could fit into shopping carts. At Walmarts in the towns of Springhill and Mansfield, employees called corporate headquarters to ask what they should do.  They were instructed to "keep the registers ringing."  This they did — and with a vengeance.  By the time that proper limits on the cards had been restored a couple of hours later, the shelves had been all but stripped bare.

The Editor says...
The government has the names and addresses of everyone who committed this fraud.  Why haven't the perpetrators been arrested?

Walmart food stamp bonanza proof of abused system.  A week ago, the technology that assessed spending limits on debit cards for food-stamp recipients malfunctioned.  As a result, there was no way for stores to tell how much value was left on individual cards.  Many merchants refused to accept the cards until the problem was fixed.  Not wanting to risk having anyone go hungry, Walmart allowed people to use the cards.  Unfortunately, the food-stamp recipients treated the stores' generosity as a bonanza, and filled carts with much more than they were entitled to.  As word got out, the two Walmarts quickly found themselves overwhelmed by other food-stamp recipients doing the same.

Walmart compared to Hitler at DC living wage rally.  Comedian and civil rights activist Dick Gregory compared Walmart to the leader of Nazi Germany at a "living wage" rally in front of the D.C. City Council on Tuesday [9/17/2013].  "When you look at Hitler and those thugs, you can put Walmart right next to them," Gregory said in his speech to the 150 or so people at the event.  The crowd was gathered to protest D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray's veto of a bill that would have singled out the retail giant and forced it pay its employees $12.50 an hour.

D.C. Mayor Gray vetoes 'living wage' bill aimed at Walmart, setting up decisive council vote.  Mayor Vincent C. Gray vetoed legislation Thursday [9/12/2013] that would force the District's largest retailers to pay their workers significantly more, choosing the potential for jobs and development at home over joining a national fight against low-wage work.  Gray's quandary is playing out in many U.S. cities, where local leaders who generally sympathize with worker causes are also eager to lure jobs and commerce for their constituents.

Walmart workers to strike for higher wage, right to unionize.  Thousands of Walmart employees around the country will hold a massive strike on Thursday [9/5/2013], demanding higher wages, the right to unionize and the rehiring of more than 70 employees fired for striking earlier in the summer.  The strike is being organized by a group called "OUR Walmart," according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.  It comes on heels of last week's strike by fast food workers with similar demands.

The Editor says...
Here is a bit of advice for the union organizers:  If you are employed by a store, that doesn't make it your store.

Walmart Shrugs: Pulls Plans to Build Stores in Washington, D.C.  Writing in the Washington Post on Tuesday [7/11/2013], Walmart's regional general manager Alex Barron told Washington, D.C.'s city council that if they voted to pass the Large Retailer Accountability Act (LRAA), his company would "not pursue [building] stores at Skyland, Capitol Gateway or New York Avenue" shopping centers, and they would "thoroughly review" their interest in completing three other stores near completion elsewhere in the district.

DC Politicos Block Walmart, Help Special Interests, Hurt The Poor.  Why, when there is no question that nothing has created more wealth and eradicated more poverty than capitalism, do left wing politicians hate it so much?  After all, it's supposed to be the left that cares about the poor.  The latest chapter in this ongoing saga of economic perversity is action being taken in Washington, DC, to prevent Walmart from opening stores there.

The Left, Walmart, and the D.C. City Council Fiasco.  Yesterday, the liberal majority of the D.C. City Council voted that if Walmart opens three stores in the underserviced poor areas of the nation's capital — inhabited largely by African-Americans — it cannot do so unless the chain raises the minimum wage of its employees to $12.50 per hour.  That action reflects how far removed from reality the council members are.

D.C. Council approves 'living wage' bill over Walmart ultimatum.  D.C. lawmakers gave final approval Wednesday to a bill requiring some large retailers to pay their employees a 50 percent premium over the city's minimum wage, a day after Walmart warned that the law would jeopardize its plans in the city.  The retail giant had linked the future of at least three planned stores in the District to the proposal.  But its ultimatum did not change any legislators' minds.  The 8 to 5 roll call matched the outcome of an earlier vote on the matter, taken before Walmart's warning.

DC City Council bullies Walmart to enrich unions.  The city council of the nation's capital is engaged in a game of chicken with the nation's biggest private employer, Walmart.  Legislation custom-designed to force the Arkansas retailer to employ unionized workers in its planned new stores in the District has been passed, and in response the company has threatened to stop construction on 3 stores underway, and cancel plans for 3 more.

Walmart says it will pull out of D.C. plans should city mandate 'living wage'.  The world's largest retailer delivered an ultimatum to District lawmakers Tuesday, telling them less than 24 hours before a decisive vote that at least three planned Walmarts will not open in the city if a super-minimum-wage proposal becomes law. [...] The D.C. Council bill would require retailers with corporate sales of $1 billion or more and operating in spaces 75,000 square feet or larger to pay their employees no less than $12.50 an hour.  The city's minimum wage is $8.25.

D.C. Council poised to chase off 900 jobs because they don't like Walmart.  Businesses are not obligated to open in your city or your neighborhood, particularly when you incentivize them to locate elsewhere. Washington, D.C. is particularly susceptible to losing potential jobs (particularly in entry-level and working class retail positions, as opposed to lobbyist slots) to nearby jurisdictions because it doesn't take much to simply cross the bridge to friendlier climes in, say, Virginia.

D.C.'s minimum wage folly.  The nation's post-election leftward lurch is gaining momentum.  Six states, including New York and California, are agitating for a boost in the minimum wage.  Sen. Tom Harkin, Iowa Democrat, wants the federal government to set a nationwide wage floor that will automatically rise each year.  Not to be left out, D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson on Tuesday circulated his proposal for a 55 percent increase in the minimum wage over the federal level, which he would only apply to employees of the "big box" retailers that liberals love to hate.

Walmart and Hostess: Two Union Stories.  Yes critics can argue that Walmart gets its products cheaply made in China, wrecking jobs here.  That's a legitimate point.  However, does anyone seriously think shutting down Walmart will stop that trend?

Paid Enough to Buy the Product.  In the past several years, a virtual industry has been created in bashing Walmart.  From leftist church groups to the AFL-CIO to the Chronicles, Walmart has been the favorite whipping boy of people on all sides of the political spectrum.  Thus, it was no surprise when I recently received an emailed article from the quasi-Marxist Sojourners magazine not only attacking Walmart for the usual set of "sins" that the critics claim, but also a new transgression:  Walmart's business practices, on net, make our economy worse off and leave us poorer.

Walmart: Only 50 employees protested; UFCW disputes.  Walmart claimed today [11/23/2012] that the much-hyped Black Friday protests at the non-union retail giant fizzled out, with only 50 associates — their term for employees — taking part.  The United Food and Commercial Workers union, which organized the protests, disputed that figure though.  It said "hundreds and hundreds" joined in at events across the country.

Failure Of Walmart Walkout Underscores Union Decline.  Despite gaining a stranglehold over the public sector, unions are losing ground in the private sector.  This was seen again in the failed union walkouts against retail giant Walmart.

Fail: Lone Union Worker Walks Out of Walmart.  The walkout was led by — and entirely constituted by — Vanessa Ferreira, 59.  She told her manager that she was going on strike.  The other workers watched her leave, shrugged, and went back about their business.

So, How Did Those Walmart Protests Go?  Well, in Chicago, protestors were bussed in to stand with the lone store employee who decided to protest.  Our Walmart claims there were protestors in over 100 cities today, which would be an astronomical number of people protesting.  Walmart had a slightly different estimate.  "We estimate that less than 50 associates participated in the protest nationwide.  In fact, this year, roughly the same number of associates missed their scheduled shift as last year," Walmart chief executive Bill Simon said.

Would-be killer decides against rampage at 'Twilight' screening for Walmart instead.  A homicidal Missouri man who planned to slaughter viewers watching the "Twilight" movie series finale instead targeted a nearby Walmart to rachet up the death toll.  Blaec Lammers, 20, remained held on $500,000 bond Saturday [11/17/2012] after his mass murder plot was undermined by a phone call from his terrified mother to police.

Walmart files U.S. labor charge against union.  Walmart Stores Inc is taking its first legal step to stop months of protests and rallies outside Walmart stores, targeting the union that it says is behind such actions.

The wealthiest person in each of the 50 states.  Bill Gates, who is America's wealthiest person worth $64.5 billion, still lives in Seattle, Washington near to the headquarters of Microsoft which he founded, while Walmart heir, Jim Walton, worth $33.6 billion lives in Bentonville, Arkansas, where the retail giant is headquartered.

The Walmart Effect Comes To Health Care.  Giant discounter Walmart says it will soon offer vaccinations for a wide variety of ailments.  Can the "Walmart Effect," which has helped slash U.S. inflation, do the same thing for soaring health care costs?

Thousands rally against Walmart in Chinatown.  Several thousand people, led by a banner that read "Walmart= Poverty," marched through Chinatown in downtown Los Angeles Saturday [6/30/2012] to decry the giant retailer's plans for a neighborhood grocery store and the chain's low-end wage scale and non-unionized workforce.

Walmart Caves to Van Jones, Drops ALEC Support.  The coordinated leftist attempt to destroy the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) over ALEC's support for voter ID and "stand your ground" laws reached a new low today when Walmart, the biggest retailer in America, suspended its membership in the group.

Understanding the Progressive Mind.  [Scroll down]  In a recent editorial, the editors of the Chattanooga Times called for the imprisonment of Walmart executives and the destruction of Walmart stores because the company did what every other company has done when it wants to do business in Mexico:  pay some bribes.

House Democrats launch probe of alleged bribery at Walmart.  A pair of top House Democrats disclosed Monday [4/23/2012] they are investigating allegations that Walmart's Mexican subsidiary paid bribes to speed permits for new-store openings.

Walmart hit by bribery probe, shares plunge.  Walmart Stores Inc lost $10 billion of its market value on Monday [4/23/2012] on concerns that a bribery investigation in Mexico could be very costly and hinder its plans to grow.  In a sign that the problem was widening for the world's largest retailer, two U.S. lawmakers said they were launching their own investigation into allegations in a New York Times article that Walmart de Mexico had engaged in a multi-year campaign of bribery to build its business.

Vast Mexico Bribery Case Hushed Up by Walmart After Top-Level Struggle.  In September 2005, a senior Walmart lawyer received an alarming e-mail from a former executive at the company's largest foreign subsidiary, Walmart de Mexico.  In the e-mail and follow-up conversations, the former executive described how Walmart de Mexico had orchestrated a campaign of bribery to win market dominance.  In its rush to build stores, he said, the company had paid bribes to obtain permits in virtually every corner of the country.

The Editor says...
So what?  Nothing gets done in Mexico without bribery.  It's part of their way of life.  The way business is conducted in other countries — even by U.S.-based companies — should be of no concern to American politicians.

The Permit Plague.  [T]he untold scandal here is that businessmen, at home and abroad, are compelled to secure government permits.  When corrupt officials use this (illegitimate) power to shake down companies, one should blame not the businesses that are attempting to be productive, but the statist idea that such permissions are a proper function of government.  The way to eradicate such corruption is to fight for the complete separation of state and economics.

Why the civil service is no way to run a business.  Think back over the years about your experiences in your local department of motor vehicles.  Only the most strenuous efforts by local officials, like former Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty, get a DMV operating with anything close to Walmart efficiency.  The folks who concocted this lawsuit against Walmart want, in effect, to model the private sector of the economy on the civil service.  That's why they took on the largest private-sector company of them all.

How Walmart drives progressives crazy.  One reason Walmart is such a fun company to observe is it drives progressives nuts.  They have a split personality before the Bentonville behemoth.  One day they hate the retailing giant for undercutting mom-and-pop shops, for contributing to sprawl and all manner of other alleged social ills.  The next minute they love Walmart, even saying it's on the "side of the angels" for fighting banks over the issue of "interchange fees."

Walmart In Unions' Cross Hairs.  The union idea of civil discourse is to protest outside opponents' private homes.  Now union supporters are targeting a developer, with fliers showing a bull's-eye and his home address.

Liberals abhor capitalism, profit, and free-market success.
Liberals Don't Hate Money, They Hate Walmart The hypocrisy, inconsistency and general idiocy of our age — a "liberal" age — knows no limits.  Consider liberal/socialist outrage over Walmart.  Walmart, liberals argue, is greedy and exploits its workers by not paying them what they consider enough.  How much is enough?  This is never specified.  However, the definition is clear:  "Enough" consists of more than workers are currently making at any given time.  It will never be enough.  The issue is profit.  Liberals hate profit and success, especially when it occurs in the free market.

Thuggery Prevails among Leftist Unions.  In Washington, D.C., a group calling itself "Walmart Free DC" targeted the developer of a proposed Walmart in that city for a protest.  The location of that protest?  The front lawn of the man's private residence, where 25 people showed up last Thursday night.  How did they know where to go?  The group distributed a flyer with the developer's home address — one which also contained drawings of cross-hairs and a smiley face.  The group claimed it is not affiliated with any particular union, but on the right side of its website home page it displays a link to "Walmart Watch" which is funded by two union groups, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and United Commercial and Food Workers International Union.

Activists wage campaign against Walmart in D.C.  Neighborhood activists, affordable housing advocates and labor unions are mounting campaigns aimed at thwarting Walmart's plan to open its first stores in D.C. ... Thursday night [12/16/2010], about 20 activists staged a protest at the home of a development executive planning the store, walking in circles on the snow-covered sidewalk chanting "Keep D.C. Walmart free."

Union makes State Senate Democrats return Walmart money.  State Senate Democrats have bowed to pressure from furious labor leaders and returned a controversial $15,000 campaign contribution they received from Walmart, The [New York] Post has learned.  The action came just days after last week's disclosure in The Post that the Democrats had accepted the cash from the union-resisting Arkansas-based retail chain, which is believed to be interested in putting its first city store in Senate Democratic Leader John Sampson's Brooklyn district.

Walmart Strikes Back.  It's quite a role reversal:  The feds are complaining about getting dragged into court, having to file time-consuming paperwork, and generally being treated like any taxpayer who get crosswise with the IRS.  It seems Walmart, the 800-pound gorilla of retailers, is challenging a fine in connection with the death of a clerk at one of its stores on Long Island, who was trampled to death the day after Thanksgiving of 2008.  The poor guy was overrun by a crowd — or rather mob — rushing into the store for the biggest shopping day of the year.  As a result, Walmart was fined $7,000 by OSHA, the federal job-safety agency.

'Walmart Moms' Turn on the Democrats.  The bad news for Democrats keeps pouring in.  Now it comes from Walmart moms — women with children under 18 who shop at Walmart.  They tend to be Democrats and more of them than not voted for President Obama in 2008.  But they're leaning Republican this year.

Economic Myths, Fallacies and Stupidity.  [Scroll down]  Walmart owns 8,300 stores, of which 4,000 are in 44 different countries.  Its 2010 revenues are expected to top $500 billion.  Putting Walmart's revenues in perspective, they exceed the 2009 GDP of all but 18 of the world's 181 countries.  Why is Walmart so successful?  Millions of people voluntarily enter their stores and part with their money in exchange for Walmart's products and services.  In order for that to happen, Walmart and millions of other profit-motivated businesses must please people.

Jobs On Aisle Three.  A group of ministers wants a big-box retailer to create jobs in a desolate area of President Obama's hometown.  In a largely jobless recovery, why are the labor unions and political bosses fighting the clergy?

Walmart means low-priced goods and good jobs.  [Scroll down slowly]  With such a reputation for ruthlessness, Walmart must be struggling to find workers, right?  Yet when the company opened a new store in St. Paul's Midway area in May 2004, about 6,000 applicants vied for 325 job openings, according to Joyce Niska, the store's acting manager in 2005.  That, too, was nothing new.  For years, people have beaten down the doors to work at Walmart.

Union Intensifies Efforts to Organize Workers at Walmart.  The United Food and Commercial Workers union is ramping up organizing at Walmart Stores Inc. after a five-year lull, dovetailing with its efforts to win support in Congress for a bill to make union organizing easier.

Fly on the Wall.  Some people, usually community activists, loath Walmart.  Others, like the family of four struggling to make ends meet, are in love with the chain.  I, meanwhile, am in awe of it.

Springsteen calls Walmart CD deal a mistake.  In an interview with Sunday's [2/1/2009] New York Times, Bruce Springsteen says he shouldn't have made a deal with Walmart.

Who did the most to help victims of Hurricane Katrina?  The results are recounted in a new paper on the disaster written by Steven Horwitz, an Austrian-school economist at St. Lawrence University in New York.  While [FEMA] fumbled about, doing almost as much to prevent essential supplies from reaching Louisiana and Mississippi as it could to facilitate it, Walmart managers performed feats of heroism.

Walmart ordered to allow union contract in Canada.  A Quebec arbitrator imposed a labor contract Friday [8/15/2008] at a unionized Walmart outlet there, marking the first such deal involving the retail giant in North America.

Walmart Back on Top of Fortune 500.  Walmart Stores Inc. dethroned Exxon Mobil Corp. to win back first place on the 2007 Fortune 500 list after a confluence of economic forces led American companies to their most profitable year in the compilation's 53-year history.

Walmart to Pay $530 Million in Bonuses to U.S. Staff.  Walmart Stores Inc., under pressure from unions and politicians to boost wages and benefits, increased its annual bonus payments for U.S. hourly workers to $530 million and announced new rewards programs for employees.

Theft rising at U.S. Walmart stores.  Shoppers at Walmart stores across America are loading carts with merchandise — maybe a flat-screen TV, a few DVDs and a six-pack of beer — and strolling out without paying.  Employees also are helping themselves to goods they haven't paid for.

Walmart Drives Democrats Batty.  The New York Times reported recently that the Democrats have, en masse, declared their party to be the enemy of the mega-box store.  Sen. Joe Biden Jr. (D-Del.) recently delivered a "blistering attack" on the company at an anti-Walmart rally in Iowa, and other Democrats have appeared at similar events.

Hatin' that Store.  Not long ago, the idea that attacking Walmart was smart politics was a somewhat quixotic notion, found mostly in union offices and a few left-wing websites.  Today, it's mainstream Democratic party doctrine. … The bottom line is that liberal Democrats — and virtually nobody else — believe Walmart is bad for America.

Hollywood economics:  Apparently Walmart does not pay its employees as much as third-party observers would like to see them paid.  But obviously it is not paying them less than their work is worth to other employers or they probably would not be working at Walmart.  Moreover, third parties who wax indignant are paying them nothing.

Waging War On Walmart:  Some progressives, as liberals now prefer to be known, would rather rid the world of Walmart than of Baathists.  The National Trust for Historic Preservation, which is not preserving its reputation for seriousness, has listed Vermont — all of it — among America's most endangered historic places.  Why?  Because of a threatened "onslaught" of seven more — Vermont has four — Walmarts.  The other 49 states have 3,044.  Texas has the greatest number (317), Hawaii the fewest (six) aside from Vermont.

The 'Walmart effect' strikes again.  By slashing prices on flat-panel TVs, the retail giant has clobbered another sector — this time, consumer-electronics stores.

The Editor says...
Please notice that the article above reeks with bias, castigating Walmart for undercutting the competition, as if there is something criminal about drastic price reductions.

Obama called hypocrite for wife's Walmart link.  [Michelle Obama] has just been re-elected to the board of an Illinois food-processing company, a position she took up two years ago to gain experience of the private sector.  And the biggest customer for the pickles and peppers produced by Treehouse Foods is the retail giant Walmart, the world's largest corporation and the bê'te noire of American liberals, including Sen Obama, for its employment practices, most notably its refusal to recognise trade unions.

Mrs Obama quits controversial job.  Michelle Obama, the wife of the American Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama, has resigned from the board of a food company whose biggest customer is Walmart, the retail giant under fire from her husband.  The Sunday Telegraph reported two weeks ago that her position at Treehouse Foods could raise claims of hypocrisy as Senator Obama attacked Walmart for its anti-union employment policies.

Edwards and Obama Battle Against Walmart:  Senator Obama and another potential Democratic 2008 presidential contender, a former North Carolina senator, John Edwards, will speak to activists from one of Walmart's most vociferous union-backed critics today as debate over the world's largest retailer becomes increasingly political.

Edwards Acknowledges Walmart Gaffe.  Walmart Stores Inc. said Thursday that a staff member for former Sen. John Edwards — a vocal critic of the retailer — asked his local Walmart store for help in getting the potential 2008 presidential candidate a Sony PlayStation 3.

Do as I say, not as I do.
Edwards acknowledges staff asked Walmart for Playstation 3.  Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards acknowledged Thursday that amid his criticism of Walmart Stores Inc., a volunteer member of his staff asked the world's largest retailer for help obtaining a hot new Sony Playstation 3 for Edwards' family.

Class Warfare in the Aisles of Walmart.  While ordinary working-class people across America were queuing for the new PlayStation 3, one fellow had a bright idea — dropping his boss's name at Walmart to get the next-gen console sent over on the QT for the boss's family.  Unfortunately, the boss was former Sen. John Edwards, John Kerry's would-be veep and famous nemesis of Walmart's evil dominion over the Earth.  The hypocrisy was delicious:  It was on the same day Edwards was talking to union activists about Walmart's labor policies.

Little minds don't grasp big-box appeal.  People who buy their groceries from Walmart — it has one-fifth of the nation's grocery business — save at least 17 percent.  But because unions are strong in many grocery stores trying to compete with Walmart, unions are yanking on the Democratic Party's leash, demanding laws to force Walmart to pay wages and benefits higher than those that already are high enough to attract 77 times more applicants than there were jobs at Evergreen Park's store.

Putting a lid on the big box.  With San Diego's City Council and mayor preparing for a showdown, America's biggest employer finds itself in a familiar place — at the center of a controversy over its superstores.

Shining the Light on Walmart's Corporate Social Responsibility Blind Spot.  Walmart's emphasis on fluorescent lighting illuminates a much deeper problem.  First, it illustrates the company doesn't understand the nature of its battle or the motivation of its adversaries.  For the Left and its socialism leanings, Walmart is a symbol of capitalism and free enterprise.  This represents a mortal threat to labor unions and aspiring liberal politicians who value economic equality through wealth redistribution.

Court Rejects Maryland's Anti-Walmart Law.  A federal appeals court on Wednesday said the State of Maryland may not require large retailers (Walmart was the target) to spend 8 percent of their payrolls on health care for employees.  In a 2-1 ruling, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit upheld a lower court ruling that said Maryland's law violated the Employee Retirement Income Security Act.

Walmart faces historic sex bias case.  The biggest sexual discrimination case in U.S. history advanced against Walmart Stores Inc. on Tuesday [2/6/2007] when a top court ruled that more than a million women could join a suit charging bias in pay and promotions.

City Council votes to place restrictions on big-box retailers.  San Diego has joined a growing list of cities nationwide to place restrictions on large retail developments — a move that pits the city squarely against Walmart, the nation's largest retailer.

The long, losing war to smear Walmart.  Pity the Walmart haters.  For them, these are dark days.  Until recently, you didn't have to work too hard to convince people that the world's biggest retailer was plotting to destroy every little community in which it set up shop.  Over the past decade, we've been repeatedly told that Walmart is a nasty, rapacious, corporate villain that exploits workers, crushes rivals and is responsible for everything from the U.S. trade deficit to the destruction of the environment.

Is Anti-Walmart Legislation Good for Us?  Does anti-Walmart legislation further the public interest?  Walmart's critics say that many of its employees earn wages so low that they qualify for benefits under Medicaid, costing the government money.  (The same is true of the U.S. Army, by the way.)  While it is true that some of the lower-wage workers employed at Walmart and elsewhere qualify for Medicaid, it's reasonable to ask whether an employer should be held responsible for providing its employees with health care just because it provides them with a job.

Defending a Vilified Walmart:  Walmart has recently been named by Black Enterprise magazine as one of the country's top companies for diversity.  The firm was also celebrated this year by Diversity Inc., Asian Enterprise Magazine, the National Association of Women, Black MBA Magazine, Careers and the Disabled Magazine and by Hispanic Magazine for similar accomplishments.  This is the company that Democrats are campaigning against?

The liberals have it all wrong.  The median household income of Walmart shoppers is under $40,000.  Walmart, the most prodigious job-creator in the history of the private sector in this galaxy, has almost as many employees (1.3 million) as the U.S. military has uniformed personnel.  A McKinsey company study concluded that Walmart accounted for 13 percent of the nation's productivity gains in the second half of the 1990s, which probably made Walmart about as important as the Federal Reserve in holding down inflation.

What Left and Right Both Miss About the Walmart Debate:  What's missing from the debate is the extent to which the Walmart story really is the antithesis of laissez-faire capitalism.  When you look under the rug, it turns out that Walmart is a beneficiary of corporate welfare.  When Walmart plans a new store, it typically asks local and county governments for an array of benefits, principally in the form of various economic development subsidies.

Here we have a complete reversal of the truth:
Walmart 'Has Declared War' on Dems, Union Foe Charges.  Walmart "has officially declared war on the Democratic Party" just three weeks before the Nov. 7 midterm elections, according to a group that wants to "change" the nation's biggest retail chain by unionizing its 1.3 million employees.

Union Group Links President Bush With Walmart.  A union-affiliated group says it plans to run campaign ads linking Walmart's "right-wing" agenda with that of President George W. Bush.  In other words, if you hate President Bush, you should hate Walmart as well.

Daley vetoes 'big-box' ordinance.  Infuriating organized labor and delighting business leaders, Mayor Daley today [9/11/2006] vetoed an ordinance that would have required Walmart and other "big-box" retailers to pay employees a "living wage" of at least $13-an-hour in wages and benefits by 2010.

Walmart against the wall?  A democratic presidential candidate on the campaign trail attacking corporations is nothing new.  Oil companies, drug manufacturers, and the tobacco industry have all found themselves on the receiving end of election-year criticism from Democratic politicians.  Democratic presidential contenders reportedly are at it again.  This time, Exxon and Pfizer's public relations departments can rest easier because there is a fresh corporate punching bag:  Walmart.

Walmart:  Always Low Prices without Union Vices.  On any given day, copious amounts of anti-Walmart sentiment circulate in the media.  Out of the spotlight, though, is past criticism of the Walton families' support of school choice.  Union detractors have settled on a different strategy and are achieving a certain degree of success influencing public opinion to observe the company in a negative light.  Critics would have the populace believe that Walmart depresses wages and eliminates jobs. … The most egregious accusation is that taxpayers and businesses indirectly pay the costs of Walmart's underinsured employees.  It is alleged it is because of Walmart, that their employees rely on healthcare subsidies, food stamps, housing vouchers, etc.; costing the federal taxpayer an average of $2,103 per worker.

'Walmart Law' Overturned in Maryland.  On July 19, a federal district court ruled Maryland's "Fair Share Health Care Fund Act" — more popularly known as the "Walmart law" — cannot be implemented because it violates a 32-year-old federal law.  The Maryland law would have required companies with 10,000 or more employees to spend at least 8 percent of their payroll on health benefits or pay into a state Medicaid fund the difference between 8 percent and the percentage actually spent on health benefits.

Walmart to test $4 generic drugs.  Walmart Stores Inc., long criticized for providing stingy health insurance, plans to make nearly 300 generic drugs much more affordable to its employees and customers.

Walmart expands discount drug sales.  Walmart announced today [10/05/2006] that it will sell select generic prescription drugs at a sharply reduced price in all of Florida, nearly four months earlier than expected.

Walmart to open 400 in-store clinics.  Walmart Stores Inc. said on Tuesday [4/24/2007] that it will contract with local hospitals and other organizations to open as many as 400 in-store health clinics in the next two to three years.

The Editor says...
That's a bad idea.  Walmart is already awash in bacteria.  It's one of the places that doctors warn patients to stay away from, if the patients have weakened immune systems.

Walmart job pays millions.  Who says you'll never get rich working at Walmart?  A federal magistrate judge has just approved a $2.8 million award for disability-based discrimination on behalf of plaintiff Patrick Brady, who suffers from cerebral palsy.  The company's offense?  It "violated federal and state laws by making a prohibited inquiry [relating to his disabilities] before giving Brady an employment offer.

Chicago Council Passes 'Living Wage' Act.  [An] ordinance, which passed 35-14 Wednesday [7/26/2006] after three hours of impassioned debate, requires mega-retailers to pay wages of at least $10 an hour plus $3 in fringe benefits by mid-2010. … The minimum wage in Illinois is $6.50 an hour and the federal minimum is $5.15.  Mayor Richard M. Daley and others warned the living wage proposal would drive jobs and desperately needed development from some of the city's poorest neighborhoods and lead giants like Walmart to abandon the city.

Did someone mention the Minimum Wage?

Bullying Walmart:  Texas has become the latest state to jump on the anti-Walmart bandwagon.  Lawmakers recently added an amendment to business tax legislation requiring employers with more than 100,000 employees (only Walmart qualifies) to report the number of employees who are either themselves or their families receiving benefits under Medicaid or the Texas Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).  It is a predictable first step: embarrass employers who do not provide health insurance to their employees.

Behind the 'Walmart Bill':  Labor union leaders, desperate to organize new members, view gargantuan retailer Walmart as both an elusive prize and a scapegoat for worker anger over rising health care costs.  But expensive union campaigns to tarnish Walmart's reputation have largely failed. Now union leaders and their allies in state legislatures are trying to legally mandate minimum health insurance benefits -- again, with limited results.

Who's Really Behind the Anti-Walmart Campaign?  ACORN, a national organization of low- and moderate-income persons, has been around since the early 1970s.  The organization claims about 175,000 member families in 80 cities and advocates left-wing populist approaches to a variety of issues including public housing, jobs, wages, taxes, and voter registration. … While advocating living wages, ACORN has opposed paying even minimum wages to its own workers.  This was made apparent back in 1995, when ACORN sued the state of California to be exempted from paying its own workers the minimum wage.

Walmart:  Always Under Attack.  Always.  When journalists start referring to "the retailing behemoth," a "giant" or a business that "destroys other companies," it's time for another Walmart story.

Group:  Clinton 'so proud' of Walmart.  Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton was an enthusiastic supporter of Walmart while she was first lady of Arkansas, according to new videos unearthed by the Center for Public Integrity, a journalistic watchdog group.

Hillary Clinton, no longer buying baking supplies at Walmart.  The real issue on her mind is surely, as usual, more political than principled: the current crusade by the left against Walmart.  The controlling wing of the Democratic Party seems perpetually caught in the mindset of its heyday, from FDR through LBJ, when politics was seen as the management of three branches of society — Big Government, Big Labor, and Big Business.

Walmart Imagemaker Quits Amid PR Flap.  In the [Los Angeles] Sentinel interview, Young was asked about whether he was concerned Walmart causes smaller, mom-and-pop stores to close.  "Well, I think they should; they ran the 'mom and pop' stores out of my neighborhood," the paper quoted Young as saying.  "But you see, those are the people who have been overcharging us, selling us stale bread and bad meat and wilted vegetables.  And they sold out and moved to Florida.  I think they've ripped off our communities enough.  First it was Jews, then it was Koreans and now it's Arabs; very few black people own these stores."

Young quits Walmart group after remarks.  Andrew Young, the former United Nations ambassador and mayor of Atlanta, said Thursday [8/17/2006] he has resigned as head of Working Families for Walmart, a Washington-based group that supports the retail giant.  His resignation followed the publication of comments he made to a reporter about Jewish-, Asian- and Arab-owned businesses.

Unions Protest Walmart's Health Care.  Unions representing six million workers planned to rally Wednesday [4/26/2006] in 35 cities from New York to Los Angeles to protest what they called inadequate health care coverage by Walmart Stores Inc., the nation's largest employer.

The Walmart Model:  Walmart does not pay high wages or provide healthcare benefits to all employees.  But not all workers today want full-time jobs (they may want to be home when kids return from school) or health insurance (many are covered by a spouse's policy or Medicare).  And Walmart promotes from within:  You can work your way up from the store floor to management ranks.

The latest liberal crusade is against the Walmart stores.  According to the New York Times, there is a book "by a group of scholars" due to be published this fall, arguing that Walmart has an "obligation" to "treat its employees better."  This can hardly be called news.  Nothing is easier than to find a group of academics — "scholars" if you agree with them — to advocate virtually anything on any subject.

The silly war against Walmart:  In response to Walmart's broader plan to build 40 new supercenters in California, opponents are mobilizing a coalition that includes the Nation of Islam and the once-grand civil-rights group the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.  How everyday low prices violate civil rights is a mystery.

Robbing Walmart:  Organized labor, having mightily tried and miserably failed to unionize even one of Walmart's 3,250 American stores, has turned to organizing state legislators. … Labor's allies include the "progressives" who have made Walmart the left's devil du jour.  Walmart's supposed sin is this:  One way it holds down prices (when it enters a market, retail prices decline 5 percent to 8 percent; nationally, it saves consumers $16 billion annually) is by not being a welfare state.  That is, by not offering higher wages and benefits than the labor market requires.

Walmart In Court Fight Over 'Wal-ocaust' T-Shirts.  A Georgia man has filed a lawsuit against Walmart in federal district court in Atlanta in a fight over his T-shirts that compare the retailer's business practices to the Holocaust.

The Editor says...
This is a very common Democrat tactic:  They will say or do something outrageous, and if there are any objections, follow up a few days later with, "Can't you take a joke?"  Examples abound:

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Why Does the Mainstream Media Blindly Accept Anti-Walmart 'Facts'?  It's the Christmas season, so it's not surprising that more than 100 million Americans shopped at a Walmart last week.  It is surprising how uncritically the mainstream media blindly touted a John Zogby survey claiming a majority of us think Walmart is "bad for America."

Attention, Walmart shoppers:  Let your conscience be your guide.  If you love buying cheap salmon from Walmart, you might not after reading Charles Fishman's new book, "The Walmart Effect."  Few issues in American life, except perhaps the war in Iraq, are as polarizing these days as how Walmart sits in our landscape, our economy and our consciousness.

One sorry mess of a party.  Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) returned a campaign contribution from Walmart while gladly pocketing cash from Paul Newman, Reese Witherspoon and other Hollywood liberals.  She even took a wad of dough from Jerry Springer, who made his fortune proving that nothing is too vile to broadcast.

The freedom to hate Walmart:  Walmart has found enormous success in the marketplace only because many people have voluntarily chosen to shop and work there.  Walmart employs more than 1.6 million people worldwide and, according to the company's published calculations, its lower prices saved the average American family $2,329 last year.

Liberals can't stand it when capitalism succeeds.
Democrats Introduce Bill Targeting Walmart.  Liberal Democrats are taking aim at "large, profitable companies" accused of shifting their health care costs onto taxpayers.  Their bill is part of a union-inspired anti-Walmart campaign.

The war on Walmart:  We know "the customer" isn't some paragon of wisdom and good judgment.  He's not even one thing — he's everybody.  You let "him" choose what suits him best.  Ah!  But only (according to the union) if he shops where the union has a foothold.  It might well mean higher prices, but, if so, tough.

Walmart Under Siege in the Culture Wars.  If a capitalist corporation gets to be a big success, it inevitably finds itself in the cross-hairs of leftist political activists who don't much like capitalism, and especially don't like large corporations.

FEMA versus Walmart:  Many people who think that government is the answer to our problems do not bother to check out the evidence.  But it can be eye-opening to compare how private businesses responded to hurricane Katrina and how local, state and national governments responded.

Walmart Launches Employee Voter Drive.  Walmart Stores Inc. yesterday [9/29/2006] launched a voter registration drive aimed at its 1.3 million U.S. employees in what it describes as the largest such effort by a private company.  The kickoff was held in Iowa, a key battleground in the upcoming midterm elections.  Workers at Walmart's roughly 3,800 other facilities across the country also received registration forms yesterday.

Watch Out for WalmartWatch.  This past week, an activist group calling itself WalmartWatch claimed to host more than 1,000 events protesting Walmart's hiring practices.  The group apparently got more than 400 unions, environmental advocacy groups, and other liberal groups to cosponsor the events as part of its "Higher Expectations Week."

The Walmart Employment Effect.  The U.S. economy entered its fifth year of expansion in November, with non-farm payroll employment, a broad economic indicator, having expanded by 4.5 million jobs (3.4 percent) since bottoming in May 2003.  Walmart, meanwhile, the nation's largest private employer, has been creating new jobs at a much higher rate.  Data obtained from Walmart show the retail giant expanding employment by 15 percent in the same two-and-a-half-year period.

On the other hand...

Liberal activists aren't the only people who don't like Walmart.  For many years, Walmart has been known as the leading killer of small-town radio stations.  Walmart doesn't advertise on small-town stations, and their rock-bottom prices make the Mom and Pop stores stop advertising in order to cut costs.

And now something new has been added to the mix:

Walmart's 'Gay' Partnership Risks Conservative 'Rollback'.  After months of criticism from union-backed groups over its employee pay and health care practices, Walmart now faces a potential "rollback" of support from conservatives because of the retail giant's partnership with a homosexual business coalition.

Walmart Called a 'Blatant Shill for Environmentalists'.  Walmart has long been under fire from labor unions for fighting attempts to unionize its employees, but a conservative ethics group Tuesday [12/5/2006] accused the retail giant of trying in recent years to appeal to liberal interests and "cowering" under pressure from activists.

Why did Walmart go gay?  Newer than Sears, less expensive than Target, much more hip than K-Mart there quite possibly couldn't be a more family-friendly vendor in all of America.  Until this week...

AFA Withdraws Walmart Boycott.  The corporate actions that had triggered the protest plans were little different from those taken by scores of major companies in recent years — Walmart paid $25,000 this summer to become a member of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and donated $60,000 to Out and Equal, which promotes gay-rights advances in the workplace.  However, some conservative activists depicted Walmart's engagement as endorsement of same-sex marriage and a pledge to give gay-owned businesses preferential treatment — assertions Walmart denied in its statement Tuesday [11/21/2006].

Walmart's Detractors Come In From the Cold.  The mellowing of the anti-Walmart movement is an unexpected development for the retailer, whose public image and share price were bruised by the well-financed union campaigns.  On Friday [6/6/2008], when the chain holds its shareholder meeting in Arkansas, investors are likely to applaud Walmart for fending off these detractors.

Walmart Goes Left.  Walmart, the family-friendly, patriotic company founded by the late Sam Walton has transformed itself into a reliable ally of the political left in order to boost revenues by pacifying its growing chorus of critics.  The company now funds radical groups and intimidates its suppliers into adopting its liberal, Big Government agenda. … The biggest recipient of Walmart money [in 2004]  — at $630,000 — was the National Council of La Raza (Spanish for "The Race"), a mostly left-wing Hispanic advocacy group — an interesting choice for a company accused by the government of giving work to illegal immigrants.

When the going gets tough, everybody shops at Walmart.
Financial turmoil becomes Christmas gift for Walmart.  The United States has two kinds of retailers these days:  those bracing for a grim holiday season, and Walmart Stores.  Sales at department stores and specialty retailers are falling rapidly.  They are cutting staff, discounting merchandise and liquidating stores to survive.  But even as the financial turmoil strangled discretionary spending at many stores, it sent struggling consumers into the arms of Walmart -- and left it, the world's largest retailer, poised for a blockbuster Christmas.

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Updated September 23, 2024.

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