Liberals Use Emotion Instead of Reason
when making important decisions

Too many people seem to formulate their beliefs based upon other people's emotional outburts and bumper stickers rather than rational thought and objective examination of facts.  Apparently that is the case all over the country.  Even so-called conservatives know the power of emotional appeal and sentimental rhetoric, which is why, for example, the federal takeover of school standards was given the name of "No Child Left Behind."  What heartless beast of a Congressman would vote to leave children behind?  But you see, the Constitution does not authorize federal involvement in education issues.  The only way to keep people from mentioning that little technicality is to give that federal involvement an irresistibly warm and fuzzy name.

Other warm and fuzzy names that have been successfully applied in the past include "The Fairness Doctrine", "The Great Society" and "Social Security."  So-called conservatives use the same technique, which is one reason almost nobody in the Congress voted against the Patriot Act, even though they hadn't read it.  Many other words in the liberal vocabulary have their connotations — some more sinister than others.

Usually it is the more liberal-leaning voters who operate this way.  That's why political candidates are chosen (subconsciously or not) on the basis of hair styles or general cuteness.  But even without the influence of television, people seem to be easily swayed by sound bites and one-liners.

Liberal (or "progressive") politicians and their allies in the news media would like us all to believe that we live in an endless series of crises that only the government can resolve.  Every day there's another emergency, another shocking update, or another politically incorrect outburst that must be addressed with more legislation.

And no matter what evil deed you've done, liberals will forgive you.  All you have to do is apologize, cry on television, and go into rehab.

Here's a helpful tip for you liberal crybabies:  After fifty years of the same old chant, maybe it's time for something more convincing than, "Hey Hey Ho Ho [fill in the blank] has got to go.

CNN Commentator Says White People Who Don't Vote For Kamala Harris Need to Be Held Accountable.  CNN commentator and co-host of 'Native Land Pod,' Angela Rye, said white people who don't vote for Kamala Harris need to be held accountable.  This should win over the white vote!  In 2016, white non-Hispanic voters preferred Trump over Hillary Clinton 58% to 37%, according to the exit poll conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool.  In 2020, white non-Hispanic voters preferred Trump over Biden 58% to 41%, according to Roper Center for Public Opinion Research.

The Editor says...
The presidential election is conducted with a secret ballot for just this reason — so the losing party won't hold anyone "accountable."  This concept was universally understood until the public schools stopped teaching civics and history and good citizenship.

NASA warns solar storms may disrupt global internet access.  NASA has issued a warning about potential global internet disruptions as solar storms reach an explosive peak in the sun's current cycle.  The agency confirms that the sun is experiencing a particularly active phase, characterized by heightened solar activity, including powerful Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs).  These intense solar events could interfere with crucial technologies that sustain global communications, including satellites, GPS systems, and the internet.  Solar storms, driven by CMEs, occur when the sun ejects large amounts of plasma and magnetic fields into space.  If these ejections reach Earth, they have the potential to cause geomagnetic storms, which can severely affect electronic and communication systems.  The undersea cables that form the backbone of the global internet are especially vulnerable, as well as satellites that support telecommunications, weather systems, and navigation services.

The Editor says...
Lots of things might happen.  Alarming pronouncements about solar flares are made every couple of months, and NASA (which the news media never doubts) makes dire predictions about all the services that might be affected.  And they never are.  And everybody forgets about it and moves to the next crisis.

Tim Walz says his mother will starve without her Social Security checks.  Is Tim Walz "misspeaking" again, or is he just a "most notable coward" who doesn't take care of his own?  Now, Walz is notorious for peddling fictional personal stories for campaign points — stolen valor, IVF fantasies, heterosexuality (what kind of "straight" man starts an after-school gay club for children?) — so this may very well not be true, but according to Walz, without Social Security checks, his own mother would starve. [...] A little 90-year-old woman has to "wait" to eat?  In America?  And, as the mother of a state governor?  That cannot be real, but if it is, I'm appalled — I mean the allegations about Walz molesting little boys is literally as bad (and convincing) as it gets, but Walz's "character," by his own admission, is really just disgusting.

The Editor says...
There are only two possibilities:  Either the anecdote is a lie, in which case Walz is a liar, or the anecdote is true, in which case Walz is an unmitigated cad who has his mother depend on government handouts for her survival.  Pick one.  Either way, this story make Walz look even worse than he already did, which means (as usual) he didn't think it through before blurting it out.  That's not leadership material.

Kamala's newest lie:  Trump will send the army after you.  Vice President Kamala Harris sure lies a lot.  I'm not just talking about pretending she hasn't been the co-pilot of the Biden administration's inflation and the border invasion, but about everything.  She's got a plan to fix all the problems she helped cause — but she won't implement them unless she wins in November.  There is hardly an issue where she hasn't insincerely changed her position to get ahead, just as there is hardly a biographical detail about her running-mate that hasn't been embellished or fabricated.  But Harris's lies about Donald Trump are the worst of all.

Kamala Harris Is Priming Democrats For Violent Resistance If Trump Wins.  By now it's commonplace to note that Kamala Harris often seems out of her depth, like she's unsure what to say about policy, or how to explain her past positions, or why she hasn't already done the things she's promised to do if she's elected given that she's the current vice president.  But on one particular subject she's been consistent and forceful throughout her campaign.  She's adamant that Donald Trump will destroy America if he's reelected.  And not "destroy" in the sense of enact bad policies, but that he'll round people up with the military and put them in camps.  She talks about this all the time now.  At one point during her Wednesday evening interview with Bret Baier on Fox News, she became visibly upset after Baier played a clip of former President Donald Trump calling out the weaponization of government and the endless investigations and lawfare he's been subjected to.  The vice president, her voice rising in outrage, jabbed her finger at Baier and said, "You and I both know that he has talked about turning the American military on the American people.  He has talked about going after people who are engaged in peaceful protest.  He has talked about locking people up because they disagree with him."

Former Romney Strategist Warns Republicans Might 'Burn Down' Election Centers to Stop Black Votes.  Stuart Stevens of the Lincoln Project, a former campaign strategist for Mitt Romney's presidential run in 2012, suggests Republicans could "burn down" election centers in an effort to disenfranchise black voters.  Stevens was a guest of "Chris Jansing Reports" Tuesday, where he told the panel that Trump supporters might try to "violently disrupt" vote counts in predominantly black cities on Election Day.  He claims disputes over voting tallies in the previous election centered around cities that have a "high percentage of African-American voters," then presents a scenario in which the Trump campaign thinks they are in a losing position because of those locations.

'Our Democracy' Marks 'Their Duplicity'.  Presently, we are embroiled in a presidential campaign.  It is the apex of political messaging, as both parties and their well-heeled allies bombard the electorate with varying promises, claims, smears, and deceits.  [Advertisement]  One of the Democrats' and their "Never Trump" cohorts' favorite narratives is that the GOP candidate, former president Trump, is divisive and that he must be defeated to allow the Democrat nominee, Vice President Harris, to unite the nation.  To believe this, one must concur with the Democrats and Never Trumpers on two counts:  first, Mr. Trump, his MAGA supporters, and the GOP are divisive; and, second, Ms. Harris and the Democrats are not divisive but rather a unifying political force.  [Advertisement]  [Unrelated video clip]  For purposes of this piece, let us stipulate Mr. Trump and his MAGA and GOP supporters are "divisive," if only for the simple reason they dissent from the Democrats radical, extreme, and dangerous agenda; and, moreover, unapologetically champion the populist and conservative principles and policies they believe will promote and protect the liberty, prosperity, and security of our free republic.

Kamala Harris and the 'Fair Share'.  A PAC supporting Kamala Harris runs an ad that features Harris making the following impassioned statement, "We are helping dig families out of debt by telling billionaires to pay their fair share!"  The commercial presents this exclamation as Harris' "reason for running" for office, but does not explain what it means.  Some of the audience tries to guess what this statement means while Harris' supporters do not care and will vote for her regardless of what she says.  Those who care to understand must speculate for an explanation.  To whom will "billionaires" pay this undefined "fair share?"  We can guess that she is talking about paying taxes.  She does not explain how billionaires paying more taxes will help dig families out of debt.

The Editor says...
"Dig[ging] families out of debt" is not the proper role of government, and was never seen as such until very recently — and even then, only by politicians.

Who Is Going to Vote Democrat?  Life is difficult at the best of times, and people (should) work hard to succeed.  This does limit our time to study history, become knowledgeable in civic affairs, and truly investigate and research candidates to decide who would be the best for the country.  Kamala Harris is putting a lot of faith in this coterie of voters.  Her far-left past needs to be hidden because most Americans aren't radical, at least not as radical as she is.  So, she repeatedly lies about her record and hopes the Democratic media can cover for her, reach these low-information voters, and convince them she's the "moderate," and Trump is the "extremist."  It will undoubtedly work for millions because they'll vote for her.  They don't study, they don't read, they don't think, they don't know.

Does Chris Whitty regret scaring the public witless over Covid?  'If you go out, you can spread it.  People will die.'  That was the spine-chilling message pumped out by the UK government during the spring of 2020, as the world was hit by the first wave of Covid-19.  The fear-mongering over the then novel virus — from the government, from the media, from scientific experts — was relentless.  Government campaigns told us in no uncertain terms that we, or our loved ones, were going to die, unless we followed the strict instruction to 'stay at home'.  England's chief medical officer, Chris Whitty, who played a key role in the UK's pandemic response, now seems to regret the government's scare-mongering.

CNN gets all puppet-y again.  As for the people who always play the fear card, along with the race card, that is most of the media and other Democrats:  They have been telling people for decades that the Earth doesn't have much time left if we don't give up oil, coal, natural gas, and all the conveniences they provide.  We have been told we would kill people if we went to work, school, or church without masks and if we got within six feet of someone.  We are falsely told that millions of women would die if somehow state legislators set abortion limits.  The public has been lied to for over eight years that Trump is a dictator and a Russian pawn.  The public is lied to that Trump is an isolationist.  It is not isolationist to get peace accords in the Mideast, to keep energy prices low throughout the world, and to tell NATO members to spend more on defense to help protect themselves.  The public has been lied to for seven years that Trump supports Nazis and white supremacists.  The public is lied to that Trump politicized the Justice Department and will jail his political opponents and journalists.  The public is lied to that Trump will destroy the middle class and only supports the rich.  The public is lied to that democracy will end if he is elected and there will be no more elections.

Unhinged Democrat Goes Nuclear at House Hearing.  Rep. Stacey Plaskett, a Democrat who represents the at-large congressional district of the Virgin Islands, went on an unhinged rant at a House hearing Wednesday, held by the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, where she called Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) her "white male counterpart," Elon Musk "a far-right conspiracy theorist," and former President Donald Trump "would-be Führer."  [Advertisement]  Plaskett, a ranking member of the select subcommittee, said the purpose of the investigative body is to "test out conspiracy theories, prop up those stories that the far-right wishes to push into the American psyche, and to lay the groundwork for a dictatorial government led by Donald Trump."  "X, formerly called Twitter, is going to call me a racist.  They're gonna call me a disrespectful black b···· because I have said words against the chairman, my white male counterpart on this committee, [that] I'm a tool of the woke agenda!" Plaskett claimed on the House floor.  [Tweet]

Who's the Real Dictator?  Trump and the Absurd Accusation of Dictatorship.  One persistent theme coming from the Democrats is that Trump, if elected a second time, would become a dictator and end democracy.  For eight years, critics have called Trump an autocrat and likened him to the despised autocrats of the twentieth century, from Mussolini to Hitler. [...] If Trump were a dictator while he was President, then he was the most incompetent dictator in the history of the world.  Dictators control the police agencies of government; Trump was relentlessly pursued by them.  He didn't run the agencies; he spent much of time running away from them.  Moreover, dictators don't lose elections because they control them and rig them in their favor.  It is conceivable that the Chinese Communists are voted out of power in China?  That the mullahs in Iran lose an election?  Tyrants ensure they stay in power.  They certainly never relinquish power voluntarily; typically, they have to be ousted by force.  None of this applies to Trump.

Deep State Democrats and the Continuing Attempts to Kill President Trump.  What triggers the left-wing media?  Outrage and their ego.  They're outraged by sarcastic memes about illegal migrants eating cats and geese.  They're upset at those memes from "unsubstantiated" political remarks that mock the Democrats and Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden for overwhelming a small town in Ohio.  What is "substantiated" is that Biden and Harris have sent an unwanted 20,000 or so impoverished migrants from violent Haiti to Springfield, OH.  Yes, this an outrage!  The Democrats will not be ridiculed, especially not with memes.  But a president murdered before an election?  That doesn't stoke media's indignation.  "Today's apparent assassination attempt comes amid increasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail itself," said NBC's Lester Holt.  "Mr. Trump, his running mate JD Vance, continue to make baseless claims about Haitian immigrants in [Springfield] Ohio."  And former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton [...] argued the most important thing is that the news media is not doing enough to portray Trump as a threat to democracy.

White House Doubles Down on Trump Being a 'Threat' After Latest Brush With Death.  I can't recall anyone uttering anything this irresponsible from the White House podium.  Ever.  In the first White House presser since the latest attempt on former President Trump's life, Biden Administration spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre shockingly doubled down on vile, anti-Trump rhetoric that arguably led to yet another attempted assassination attempt.  [Advertisement]  In a jujitsu of what she thinks passes for logic, Karine Jean-Pierre told the White House press corps that Trump was a threat to democracy.  When Fox News White House reporter Peter Doocy challenged her, KJP told Doocy that his question was "dangerous."  This is just hours after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House urged Americans to tone down the political rhetoric after Trump's brush with a would-be assassin on Sunday.  The shocked Doocy asked Jean-Pierre, "How many more assassination attempts on Donald Trump until the president, vice president, and you pick a different word other than threat?"

26 Million Americans Believe Political Violence is Justified.  With the unrelenting claims of President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and others that democracy is about to die in America, some now feel a license to commit criminal acts in the name of "saving democracy."  It is the ultimate form of self-delusion that one saves democracy by committing political violence against those with whom you disagree.  We have seen this radicalism spread in past years from higher education into society at large.  Years ago, many of us were shocked by the conduct of University of Missouri communications professor Melissa Click who directed a mob against a student journalist covering a Black Lives Matter event.  Yet, Click was hired by Gonzaga University.  Since that time, we have seen a steady stream of professors joining students in shouting down, committing property damage, participating in riots, verbally attacking students, or even taking violent action in protests.  It is now common to hear inflammatory language from professors advocating "detonating white people," denouncing police, calling for Republicans to suffer, strangling police officers, celebrating the death of conservatives, calling for the killing of Trump supporters, supporting the murder of conservative protesters and other outrageous statements.

David Lammy warns climate change is a more urgent threat than dictators such as Vladimir Putin or terrorism.  Foreign Secretary David Lammy will today say that climate change is a more urgent threat than terrorism or dictators such as Vladimir Putin.  He is set to unveil plans for a Global Clean Power Alliance — a coalition of countries committed to speeding up the production of green energy.  But Mr Lammy's comments risk opening Labour up to accusations that the party is in the pockets of eco-zealots.

The Editor says...
Climate change is not a threat AT ALL.  Climate change is inevitable and unstoppable.  It is also natural and harmless.  Carbon dioxide is greatly beneficial.  Even if none of that is true, I can assure you that tyranny is far worse than bad weather.

Kamala Harris, Inflation, and Rip-Offs.  The Democrats have reduced every issue to mere symbolism.  They print dollars while passing an "Inflation Reduction Act" that pumps more dollars into the economy instead of "reducing" inflation.  Harris's commercials propose to fight inflation by "going after bad actors."  She does not name these "bad actors" — although she presumably does not mean any of the Hollywood actors that contribute to her campaign.  Her Justice Department could presumably "go after" these "bad actors" now — even though the case against them might be even flimsier than the myriad cases against Donald Trump.  Harris completes her symbolism by accusing Trump of proposing tax cuts for the "super rich."  Democrats have always attacked every tax cut as a "tax cut for the rich."  Now they need to add the word "super" because Americans have become desensitized to the propaganda.  Symbolism works only for so long before one needs to pile on even more sophomoric language.

Peter Doocy Decimates Kamala Campaign With One Simple Question.  If you've been alive and coherent for the past few years, you know that Kamala Harris has a problem selling her campaign. [...] But Fox's Peter Doocy ripped apart this effort by Harris with one simple question.  [Tweet with video clip]  He explained how Harris is always talking about things she claims she's done with Joe Biden.  Then, when they refer to former President Donald Trump, the people at Harris events chant, "We're not going back!"  "Like we're not going back to Trump because things are so good right now," Doocy said.  That's when he dropped the boom.  But if things are so good right now, he asked, why does the new banner at the Harris rally say "A New Way Forward"?  It would stand to reason if things were good now, you don't need a new way forward.

Democrats 'New Path Forward' Is Literally Communist Propaganda.  For all their cluck-clucking about blazing "a new path forward," Democrats are using a deceptive playbook that dates back at least a century.  The "new path forward" people — like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz — are employing old Bolshevik, Stalinist, Soviet, Maoist, and even Nazi tactics to burnish their message.  Beware, their latest slogan, "Strength Through Joy," is the exact slogan used by a 1933 National Socialist (Nazi) program to build support for the Nazi regime and control workers.  As if reading from a script of Adolf himself, Harris recently said, "The thing we like about hard work is we have fun doing hard work."  "Strength through joy" might be the most clever contemporary gaslighting strategy employed by the left.  Harris herself has ditched the Kamala Cackle for a broad smile and repeated references to "fun" on the campaign.  But more than 90% of her staff has departed since her elevation to vice president.  Illustrating their propaganda "joy" actually means grief for all.

Dems Threaten To Torpedo GOP's Gov't Funding Bill Targeting Noncitizen Voting.  Democrats are already pushing back against a Republican-led plan that would temporarily fund the federal government until March, decrying a separate bill attached to the measure that requires proof of U.S. citizenship for voter registration.  Speaker Mike Johnson is planning to introduce the continuing resolution (CR) next week with the hotly-contested SAVE Act tethered to it, which would require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections, Punchbowl reported Tuesday.  At the same time, a number of Democrats have called the effort a nonstarter and encouraged Republican lawmakers to be more "bipartisan."

The Editor says...
[#1] When has anyone demanded socialist Democrats lawmakers be more "bipartisan?"  [#2] The Republicans are already far more "bipartisan" than they should be, but the socialists are never satisfied.  [#3] How can an individual be "bipartisan?"  [#4] What is the purpose of a two-party political system if everybody is "bipartisan?"

PBS and the False Narrative of "Slowly Dying" Coral Reefs.  Coral reefs are some of creation's most strikingly beautiful places.  Clean and clear blue water, graceful whales and sea turtles, swarms of dazzling fishes, and amazing coral.  We can't get enough of coral reefs, so we adorn our walls with paintings and photos.  Saltwater aquariums abound in households, restaurants and businesses around the world.  Naturally, we want to protect all this goodness and beauty.  Stewardship is in our DNA.  Our emotions can kick in when a threat is perceived.  Unfortunately, nefarious people know this about us.  People whose agenda has more to do with global power and control than with protecting coral reefs. [...] Take for example the PBS News feature titled "Conservationists take drastic measures to save coral reefs from climate change."  Published earlier this year, the video begins by falsely claiming that coral reefs around the world are "slowly dying."

Daddy Government Is Afraid of His Rebellious Children.  In the United States, the Department of Justice maintains an almost perfect conviction rate.  Is that because prosecutors pursue only the guilty?  Or is it because lone defendants are up against federal law enforcement agencies with huge bureaucratic workforces and immense investigatory resources?  When the "United States of America" is a party to any case, the underdog sits on the other side.  Governments also relish playing parent. [...] Right now in America, the Democrat Party is doing its best to brand vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, "America's Dad."  Dictatorships, monarchies, and constitutional republics, it seems, all love to turn their rulers into daddy and mommy figures.  Why wouldn't they?  There is a great deal of perceived authority and omniscience ascribed to parents.

UN chief warns 'the ocean is overflowing' as Pacific sea-level rise surpasses global average.  The United Nations chief has warned of the peril faced by islands in the Pacific Ocean, as sea levels have risen almost twice the global average in the past 30 years.  Making a speech from the island nation of Tonga, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued a 'Save our Seas' plea for the world to increase support for countries endangered by the climate crisis.  "The ocean is overflowing," Guterres said.  "This is a crazy situation:  Rising seas are a crisis entirely of humanity's making.  "A crisis that will soon swell to an almost unimaginable scale, with no lifeboat to take us back to safety."  The Pacific Islands are being hit harder than most, suffering a triple blow of ocean heating, sea level rise and acidification.  The effects are harming ecosystems, damaging crops, contaminating fresh water sources, and destroying livelihoods.

The Editor says...
The rash pronouncements by the UN Secretary General were met with zero skepticism by the writer at, who passed along all the claims as if they were based on sound observations and established facts, which they are not.  For example, "Rising seas are a crisis entirely of humanity's making."  How does he know that?  How much have sea levels risen, to get him so alarmed?  Some number of millimeters?  What does he know about acidification?  How much additional acid would it take to make a measurable change in the pH of the entire Pacific ocean?  Can he prove such a thing has happened?  Why does the U.N. still exist?

Is America Reaching a Suicidal Level of Complacency?  [Scroll down]  Most Democrat voters are those who vote their feelings.  The non-voters and the "feelings" voters comprise the complacent gullible segment of Americans.  The MSM propaganda machinery is determined to sell the socialist narrative to the gullible.  It does so by playing to their feelings.  Socialism is described as "neighborliness."  Government seizure and redistribution is simply "spreading the wealth around."  The government picking commercial winners and losers is "saving the planet."  The propagandists hope the gullible find blind acceptance of the narrative less troublesome than observation and analysis.  The narrative asks us to sacrifice our freedom because
  •   Carbon dioxide is killing us — even though it's essential for life
  •   Speech is violence — but actual violence requires context
  •   Killing the unborn is a fundamental right — but defending ourselves is not, and
  •   All races are equal — but some are incapable of achievement without government intervention.
The narrative is designed to make the gullible "feel good" about sacrificing their rights for centralized control.

Here we go again with that hopey-changey scam.  Kamala Harris is trotting out Version 2.0 of Hope and Change.  Of course she can't call it that, since Obama owns that empty phrase and, besides, promising "change" sounds funny from someone whose distance away from the presidency the last four years was just a heartbeat, and a very feeble one at that.  And even she is smart enough not to make a dramatic multicolored poster of herself like the one Obama traded on, pictured above.  That's sui generis.  (Art, not so much.)  So... she ginned up something similar to "Hope and Change."  It's "Joy."  We're told her campaign is full of "joy." [...] The reason for Kamala's joy is that she looks forward to a future "unburdened by the past."  In other words, don't judge her by her words and actions in the past, including the past four years.  Instead, judge her by the words and actions you imagine her speaking and doing in the future.  Anyone who dredges up her words and deeds of the past is not unburdened by the past and is a real killjoy.

Half of America Are Cult Members.  The great Rush Limbaugh used to call them "low-information voters," the tens of millions of Americans who believe the mainstream media and who aren't engaged politically.  For them, if they do think about politics, it's at the level of a meme, the conventional wisdom that "Republicans are greedy and Democrats care."  On Election Day their decision is based not on the Truth but on how much they drank in the disinformation of the Establishment.  Today, matters are much worse.  Today, we are not politically divided based on our attitude to simple concepts, such as whether or not government should "do more," or whether the liberties of the individual should come first.  Today, one of the nation's parties has utter disdain for the Constitution and is supported by voters who act more like cultists than autonomous adults.  The Democrat Convention in Chicago is Exhibit A.

Robert Kennedy Jr.  Slams Hypocritical Democrats: 'The DNC in Chicago Is Claiming to Defend Voting Rights While Spending Millions to Keep Me Off the Ballot'.  Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has accused his own party of blatant hypocrisy regarding voting rights.  He asserts that while the Democratic National Committee (DNC) publicly champions the cause of voter access, they are simultaneously engaged in efforts to suppress the opponent's candidacy, including him.  Kennedy Jr., who is facing significant resistance from party insiders, claims that the DNC and various state-level organizations are employing underhanded tactics to undermine his campaign.  His vice-presidential pick, Nicole Shanahan, echoed these sentiments, highlighting the alarming trend of legal battles initiated by Democrats against political opponents.  "Trump has had 6 court battles to fight during this election, while we have 9 and counting across the country.  By bringing these suits against political opponents, the Democrats bankrupt the underpinnings of democracy," Shanahan said.

Who's to decide what's needed?  We often use the word "need" a little more than we probably should. [...] The truth is that our needs are much more basic than that.  We need clothing, food, shelter, etc.  And that worries me because Michelle Obama thinks that taking more than we absolutely need is a problem.  To be accurate, she said, "suspicious of people who took more than they need."  I find this fascinating because, well, the Obamas own three homes.  The least amount they paid for a home was $1.65 million, and that was in 2005.  I'm always amazed at how people who spend their lives working in the public sector and for non-profits can amass so much wealth, but apparently, that's just what they need.  Let's understand that most of us are living with far more than we absolutely need to survive.  We also have a lot of things that simply provide comfort, such as smartphones, televisions, computers, and so on. [...] Who decides what one needs?  To what level are we ascribing the term "need" anyway?  Does anyone need $750,000 for an hour-long speech?

Democrat Platform Says America Was Built on Stolen Land.  The DNC 2016 party platform began by claiming that "Democrats meet in Philadelphia with the same basic belief that animated the Continental Congress when they gathered here 240 years ago."  Four years later, out went the Continental Congress and all of America.  The 2020 DNC platform began with a politically fashionable 'land acknowledgement' asserting that America was an illegitimate entity operating on stolen land "built on Indigenous homelands."  The 2024 platform likewise begins with a 'land acknowledgement' claiming that Chicago properly belongs to 13 different Indian tribes.  Once again, the DNC asserts that they "recognize that our country was built on Indigenous homelands."  That is to say America should not exist.  If the Democrats truly believe it, why not turn over Chicago to the Indian tribes?

The Editor says...
If the Democrats are right about America (and they aren't), then what was the last country that was NOT "built on stolen land?"

Denial and Delusion:  The DNC at the United Center.  Opening night in Chicago saw a cavalcade of minor county and state officials, from county executives to lieutenant governors, clearly chosen to represent the rainbow — black and white, young and old, male and female — all bounding up to the microphone to deliver their brief pep talks and talking points, each one more jubilant than the last.  One minute, they were giving credit to the Biden-Harris regime for rebuilding roads and bridges, when those roads and bridges were the states' responsibilities, which states had been neglecting for years.  The next minute, they were patting themselves on the back for handling power outages, without admitting that it was Democrat policies that caused those power grid failures in the first place.

Big Media conducted polls to determine which climate terms induced the most hysteria.  As it turns out, all that hysterical language, tsk-tsk finger-wagging at we commoners to abandon our modern luxuries like personal vehicles and gas stoves, and temperature map graphics with exaggerated red shading to suggest that we're in an emergency situation didn't do anything but turn the people off of to the whole "urgency" of the narrative. [...] Now to backtrack a little bit:  According to Williams, in April 2019, a "team of advertising consultants" published another study that suggested the climate terms commonly used at the time ("climate change" and "global warming") didn't do enough to whip the average media consumer into a panic — they suggested buzzwords like "climate crisis" and "environmental collapse" as it elicited a stronger "emotional" response.  Yes, you read that correctly:  They didn't want to encourage a more rational response, or be more objective, but play to a person's emotions... and exploit them.  Without facts on your side, what else do you have?

No, GB News Isn't "Far Right".  One of the most peculiar aspects of the culture wars is that while the word 'fascist' is deployed more than ever, very few people seem to know what it actually means.  To take just one example, the journalist Paul Mason wrote a book called How to Stop Fascism in which he redefined the term so broadly that he was able to incorporate anyone who deviated from his own political worldview.  Convenient, isn't it?  This explains, although it does not excuse, Mason's recent histrionic thread on "fascism" in the U.K., which culminated in the demand for more state censorship and the suppression of the press.  That all fascist regimes in history have enacted such measures is an irony that appears to escape him.

Here is the non-sequitur of the month:
Kamala Harris Scolded Americans for Celebrating Christmas While Illegal Aliens Were Denied Amnesty.  Video from December 2017 surfaced Thursday of then Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) berating Americans for celebrating Christmas while illegal aliens were being denied amnesty.  Harris is now the presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee and her record is facing fresh scrutiny.  In the video first reported by Fox News, Harris is seen wagging her finger and scolding Americans, "And when we all sing happy tunes, and sing Merry Christmas, and wish each other Merry Christmas, these children are not going to have a Merry Christmas.  How dare we speak Merry Christmas.  How dare we?  They will not have a Merry Christmas."  [Tweet with video clip]

Don't Misunderestimate Her.  Those who are looking forward to a Trump victory in the coming (s)election might not want to get too cocky just yet.  The sudden departure under-duress of obviously declining Joe Biden does not make it more likely that Trump will win.  Arguably, it makes it less likely.  People who aren't Leftists have a weakness.  It is their assumption that Leftists — there are no Democrats anymore — base their opinions and actions on evidence, logic and principles.  They do not.  They base them on feelings — and their only "principle" is that power (to impose their feelings) must be pursued by any means necessary.

Deep State Carnival Barkers Distract Us with Kamala.  A manufactured cycle of psychological highs and lows keeps Americans' attention directed toward anything that is glamorous and away from everything that matters.  Consider the roller coaster we've all been riding at higher and higher rates of speed and evermore-dangerous heights these last few months:  One New York judge abuses a civil fraud statute to steal hundreds of millions of dollars from Donald Trump.  Another ignores settled law and relevant facts to help convict him of thirty-four fake felonies.  Democrats break out in euphoria.  Then, the U.S. Supreme Court steps in to recognize presidential immunity in a way that threatens three other criminal cases against bogeyman Trump.  Democrats scream obscenities in protest and demand the Court's "cancellation."

Trump Return Could See Climate Progress 'Unraveled,' Sally Jewell Says.  Sally Jewell, who served as US Interior secretary from 2013 to 2017, said the climate stakes of the election in November "could not be higher" and that she's "really afraid for the future of our planet" should former President Donald Trump return to the White House.  "To go backwards is not acceptable," Jewell told attendees at the Bloomberg Green Festival in Seattle on Thursday.  "I can't say enough about the importance of continuing the progress that has been made over the last three years" on climate change, she added, especially the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act.

The Editor says...
Nothing has been done by the Biden administration that will ever have any measurable impact on the world-wide climate.  There has been no "progress" in any direction.  Neither Donald Trump nor any other individual is a threat to the "the future of our planet."  The environmentalists do their best to stir up baseless fear.  That's all they've got.  They want you to be afraid of environmental catastrophe, so they can ride to the rescue and stop it.  In reality, there will be no catastrophe, and nothing they can do would ever alter the weather.  They hope you don't know that.

That Was Quick:  Biden Is Getting Nasty Again.  For one bright, shining moment Joe Biden made the case for toning down the rhetoric, turning down the political temperature, and unifying the country.  Of course, he didn't mean it, but at least you would have thought that he would recognize that getting nasty two days after an assassin shot Donald Trump, leaving one dead spectator and others grievously wounded.  But no, this is Joe Biden.  He is, at base, a nasty person who cannot NOT tell a lie and smear his opponents.  It is his nature, and the only thing holding him back now is his mental incapacity.  [Tweet with video clip]  Biden's position is that the problem with heated rhetoric is entirely on Republicans, and nothing he has ever said or done has been anything but loving and unifying.  All that talk of existential threat to democracy?  About MAGA extremists?  About this being the last election if Trump wins?  All totally normal, says Joe Biden.  It's Trump who is the nasty one.  [Tweet with video clip]

NEA Mussolini Demands 'All the Things' in Unhinged Speech.  At the annual assembly of the National Education Association (NEA) in Philadelphia last weekend, President Becky Pringle addressed representatives of the three-million-member labor union with a bombastic speech that sparked social media comparisons to Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini.  In her heavily political speech, Pringle raised such progressive issues as LGBTQ rights, unrestricted abortion, equity and inclusion.  She shouted about the union having "worked hard to rid ourselves of a tyrannical, deceitful, and corrupt [Trump] White House," about resisting any "scheme" such as school vouchers to "drain resources from our beloved public schools," about fighting nonexistent "book banning" in Florida, and about "transforming" the American educational system "into something it was never designed to be — a racially and socially just and equitable system that prepares every student, EVERY student, EVERY STUDENT, EVERY ONE!"

The Press and Pundits Make Wild Claims in the Wake of the Court's Immunity Decision.  On MSNBC, Rachel Maddow warned that the Supreme Court had just unleashed death squads to roam our streets.  CNN legal analyst Norm Eisen announced that murder was now legal (at least for presidents), while others predicted that the ruling on presidential immunity would invite "tyranny."  Anyone reading the coverage would conclude that James Madison has been replaced by John Wick in a new "Baba Yaga" Republic.  President Biden fueled the sense of panic in an address that repeated widespread false claims about the decision in Trump v. United States.  Biden told the country that "for all practical purposes, today's decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what a president can do."  That, of course, is not true.  I have long opposed sweeping presidential privileges and powers.  I have long argued that a sitting president can be criminally charged in office.  But the portrayal of this Supreme Court opinion by the left and the media is wildly off base.

About that 'insurrection'....  Democrats and their media toadies like to characterize "MAGA" types as crazed, gun-owning and gun-toting neanderthals of the "far right."  They frequently state or imply that these folks own every type of firearm imaginable, from pistols to shotguns to rifles to AR-15s.  They say guns should be banned because otherwise these gun-crazed fanatics carry them everywhere... and that would lead to bloodshed and death.  They don't just think the MAGA people shoot hundreds of rounds a day out back of their trailer parks, farms, or cabins in the boonies; they think they carry them into the shower, restaurants, bars, weddings, funerals, bar mitzvahs... everywhere!  The Democrat-Media Complex would have you believe that Trump urged these gun-toting extremists to overthrow the government — and directed them to "attack" the Capitol Building.  And, of course, they say, these mind-numbed Trump-loving automatons did as they were told.  Yet when all these MAGA folks strolled through the People's House in an attempt to seize power and reinstall Trump, not a one of them carried a firearm.  Is it possible that every one of these thousands of "violent" protesters and insurrectionists forgot their weapons?  Every one?

Stark Raving Mad.  You might think the Democrats would be able to keep it together, given that they control the presidency, the Senate, the federal bureaucracy, and the press, and are only a few seats away from controlling the House.  But, for whatever reason, they have gone mad.  Democrats have reached a fever pitch of hysteria that I doubt we have seen before in our history.  One example among many is their mental breakdown over the Supreme Court's presidential immunity decision, Trump v. United States.  As I wrote here, that decision was moderate, middle of the road, and entirely predictable.  While it addressed a novel issue, it is consistent with past Supreme Court decisions.  But to hear the Democrats tell it, the Court has unleashed anarchy and turned the president into a dictator.

Supreme Court's Trump immunity ruling is what the body was designed for — unpopular but constitutionally correct.  Within minutes of the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity, liberal politicians and pundits seemed to move from hyperbole to hyperventilation.  When not breathing into paper bags, critics predicted, again, the end of the republic.  CNN's Van Jones declared that it was "almost a license to thug, in a way." [...] Jones warned the justices that "politically it's bad" for them to rule this way.  The comment captures the misguided analysis of many media outlets.  The Supreme Court was designed to be unpopular; to take stands that are politically unpopular but constitutionally correct.  Indeed, the Democrats have become the very threat that the court was meant to resist.  Recently, senators demanded that Chief Justice John Roberts appear to answer to them for his own decisions.  (Roberts wisely declined.)

The Editor says...
This is the first time I've seen thug used as a verb.  Using a noun as a verb doesn't make it a verb.

Gullibility 101.  We watch Washington D.C. like we'd watch a ship steaming way too fast toward a crowd on the pier.  Our nation's capital is so filled with corruption, ladder-climbing, and plain stupidity that it's embarrassing to watch.  This is America?!?  Yet the Democrats we know personally are not guilty of those sins.  Many are smart, hard-working, kind, educated people and yet they voted for the wasted shell in the oval office — a man who is not only suffering from dementia, but has never been very bright, or very good.  A lot of these lovely people appear to be planning to vote for him again.  How can that be?  How can even a third of our compatriots think Biden is okay?  I believe it to be one of the most startling paradoxes of our time.  These proud, sophisticated, overeducated folks are, unlike the power brokers of the party, simply naive.  They're hopelessly gullible.  How they can possibly be both — naïve and sophisticated — is beyond me.

AOC goes bonkers at Bronx Bowman rally, breaking out into black English.  Is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez going off the deep end?  Sure seems like it, given her manic campaign appearance before a New York City crowd on behalf of beleaguered pro-Hamas congressman Jamaal Bowman, who's running for reelection, following a string of disgraceful incidents in Congress, such as being caught pulling a fire alarm in an apparent bid to disrupt Congressional proceedings.  [Two tweets with video clips]  Her mania can be seen here, too:  [Advertisement]  [Tweet with video clip]  [Advertisement]  She not only got out of control, bouncing up and down and waving her arms, she fell into speaking black English, complete with 'yalls' and other words and phrases that Democrats think will appeal to blacks in front of black audiences.  Hillary Clinton did this, Kamala Harris did this, and so did many others.  None of them has any sort of down-home black background, it's pure cosplay for them.

The trans superiority narrative.  The narrative is not merely a cry for "trans rights," but an in-your-face rejection of objective reality that begins before birth.  We are now told fetuses know in the womb they are trans, and mentally ill parents are encouraged to believe their infants have similar knowledge and must be transitioned lest they inevitably kill themselves.  "Do you want a trans son or a dead daughter?" supposed therapists and doctors demand.  What portion of the population "identifies" as trans?  That's a difficult question, largely because the only way to determine if anyone is trans is if they are willing to identify as such, and that identification is subject to immediate change.

Is it projection or just horse hockey?  I can't tell.
Chicago Teachers Union President Claims Republicans Don't Want Black Children to Read.  Stacy Davis Gates, president of the Chicago Teachers Union, seems nice.  She verified what a lot of teacher union critics say.  In a radio interview on Sunday, Gates told the host that conservatives don't want black children to learn to read because it is "part of the oath they take to be right wing."  [Advertisement]  Well now.  I must have missed that memo because I don't know anything about an oath. [...] It is as Republicans have claimed for many years — teacher unions are political activists not particularly focused on the needs of American school children.  The union contract being negotiated now with Chicago's public school system calls for an extra $50 [billion] in funding.  That's right — with a 'b'.  The giant hike would pay for wage hikes as well as other demands.  For example, the demands include fully paid-for abortions for union members, new migrant services and facilities, and many LGBTQ-related requirements and training in schools.

Biden Launches $50M Anti-Trump Ad Blitz to Highlight Trump's Conviction.  Joe Biden's campaign launched a $50 million television ad blitz on June 17, 2024, to hit Donald Trump over his 34-count felony business fraud conviction, which many of Trump's supporters describe as witchhunts.  The 81-year-old's ad campaign was created to highlight Trump's conviction by a Manhattan jury on May 30, 2024, attacking Trump by calling him "a convicted criminal who's only out for himself," the New York Post reported.  "In the courtroom, we see Donald Trump for who he is.  Meanwhile, Joe Biden's been working, lowering healthcare costs and making big corporations pay their fair share.  This election is between a convicted criminal who's only out for himself and a president who is fighting for your family," the narrator says in the 30-second ad titled "Character Matters."

The Editor says...
Yes, character matters.  Leaving a packet of cocaine in the White House matters.  Ten percent for the Big Guy matters.  Laundering money through Ukraine matters.  Lying about an abandoned laptop matters.  Stealing the 2020 presidential election matters.  Putting a brain-dead puppet in the White House who will sign any bill they put on his desk really matters.  Not knowing who the puppet masters are matters a lot, because nobody voted for them.

June temperatures [are] at half the level of this time last year.  Temperatures in June 2024 are at half the level of 2023, the Met Office has said, although warmer weather is predicted towards the end of the month.  While London was experiencing 32C (89.6F) a year ago, temperatures were around 16C (60.8F) in the capital on Tuesday.  Similarly Cambridge had temperatures of 30.3C (86.5F) on June 11 2023, and 15C (59F) on the same day in 2024.  Temperatures are around 2C (35.6F) below average for the time of year, with scattered showers this week that could turn into heavy rain by Thursday, while some areas could see ground frosts.

The Editor says...
Somehow I would like to rebut the article above without including a cliché like cherry-picking.  Oops, too late.  It's easy to find examples of a high (or low) temperature on some date that was "half" (or "double") the temperature on the same day in the previous year.  This is made easier by the use of the Celcius temperature scale, in which the day-to-day ambient temperatures are recorded with smaller numbers than in areas that use the Fahrenheit scale.  But a decrease from 32°C. to 16°C. does not mean it's only half as warm outside.  On the absolute (Kelvin) scale, that's a change from 305°K. to 289°K.  Hardly any difference.  This is another example of the news media attempting to make problems sound worse than they really are, and hoping you don't know why they are in error.  These are the same people who sound the alarm about a one-half degree average temperature increase by the end of this century.  On the absolute scale, it's almost no change at all.  It's background noise, especially compared to the temperature differences between day and night and between summer and winter.

AOC Worries Donald Trump Will Imprison Her Should He Win Re-Election..  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., recently expressed concern that if former President Trump were to win the November election, he might seek retribution against her by imprisoning her.  Ocasio-Cortez shared her apprehensions during an interview with podcast host Kara Swisher for "On with Kara Swisher," which was published on Thursday.  During their conversation, they covered various topics including the influence of technology corporations, Ocasio-Cortez's previous clashes with Amazon, conservative fundraising by tech moguls, Israel, artificial intelligence, and the upcoming presidential election.  Reflecting on Trump's past rhetoric, particularly his rallying cry of "lock her up" during his first campaign, Ocasio-Cortez remarked, "I mean, it sounds nuts, but I wouldn't be surprised if this guy threw me in jail.  He's out of his mind.  I mean, he did his whole first campaign around 'lock her up.'  This is his motto."

The Editor says...
"Lock her up" was not Trump's motto, nor is it now, but rather a spontaneous chant from some of the crowds at his rallies, and it referred to Hillary Clinton, not AOC.

The Evidence Is In:  Progressivism Is a Mental Illness.  If elections and societal outcomes were about policies, conservatives would win every election, every time.  By an overwhelming majority, the American electorate, even blacks, are desirous of a border wall with illegal migration sharply curtailed.  The public strongly favors mandatory voter ID.  The public wants a stronger police presence to ensure less crime.  A majority of voters prefer lower taxes; school choice; and a colorblind, meritocratic society, rather than the race and gender-obsessed, tribalistic caste and spoils system the Democrats have forced upon us.  Unfortunately, a majority of the electorate vote on base emotion, not policy, and this largely explains why Democrats are more successful at winning elections.  Democrats have made the personal political, injecting politics into all subject matter and all sectors of society, and know how to carve up the electorate by race, playing to ethnic voters' fears and resentments, inflaming and then stroking each tribe's erogenous zones.  This emotion-based play is why outright kooks and racists like AOC, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley are vastly more effective with the Democrat base than hapless and ineffectual Republicans are with the Republican voter base.

Maxine Waters Demands Widespread Investigation of Trump Supporters, Claims They're 'Domestic Terrorists'.  In a recent statement that has stirred significant controversy, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has called upon the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to investigate the Trump fanbase, labeling them as “domestic terrorists.”  Waters expressed deep concern over the potential for violence and unrest from these supporters, accusing them of being a threat to national security and democracy.  [Advertisement]  “I’m going to spend some time with the criminal justice system, with the justice system,” Waters said during an appearance on MSNBC.  “Tell us what is going on with the domestic terrorists?  Are they preparing a civil war against us?  Should we be concerned about our safety?  What is he doing with this divisive language?”  [Tweet]

Punked.  This week, a lot of people and institutions got "punked," that is, humiliated, by their own actions. [...] Let's start with the attack on Justice Samuel Alito.  The Left simply cannot abide the fact that it doesn't control all branches of the government, and threatens to pack the court and, barring that, disparages and tries to force the recusal of justices Clarence Thomas and Alito from the presidential immunity case, if not their removal from the court altogether.  They promote one pretext after another.  Someone — maybe a dummy or a prankster determined to expose them as idiots — reported that once the American flag at Alito's home in Virginia briefly was flown upside down.  In the fevered world of the Left, this represented Justice Alito's support of the January 6 "Insurrection." [...] Not satisfied with this first, not terribly successful, smear of the justice, a second flag, a pine tree with the words "An appeal to God" flown at the family's vacation home, became the get-Alito rallying point.  The usual media mob, and even the once sane Bill Kristol (who years before had endorsed Alito for the court) argued this was further evidence of disqualifying bias by Alito because one person on January 6 waved such a flag.  In fact, the flag is an historic one.  It was created during the Revolutionary War and was used by George Washington's troops.

Escaping from Bloody Reality.  The latest illustration of a disastrous gaffe concerns Kristi Noem, South Dakota's telegenic governor who was seriously considered a potential vice presidential candidate for Donald Trump.  In her forthcoming book, [...] she admitted to personally shooting her 14-month-old dog, Cricket, who was unsuitable for hunting due to her aggressive nature.  Cricket also killed chickens, seemingly for the fun of it.  She further dispatched a goat that smelled "disgusting, musky, rancid," and loved to chase her children, even knocking them down and dirtying their clothes.  The shooting incident happened 20 years ago but the current re-telling immediately went viral and her identity became Kristi Noem, puppy and goat killer. [...] According to the ASPCA's recent data, approximately 390,000 dogs are annually euthanized in its shelters.  An estimated 2 million dogs die in "puppy mills" each year due to being unsellable or no longer able to breed. [...] Clearly, the governor is not a sadistic nutcase, and she explains in her book that the purpose of telling this story is to show that she is willing to make tough decisions when necessary.  Roughly three-plus million dogs are euthanized annually, and 20 years ago Kristi Noem killed one.

The Damaging Modern Cultural Imperative of 'Compassion'.  Once you see misguided "compassion" as the foundational leftist value, it's no longer so confusing to see the relentless push for obscure and societally rare practices such as trans athletes, queer, or other strange and hard-to-define proclivities like gender fluidity.  We are no longer allowed to make judgments based on logic, history, and our powers of deductive reasoning.  Instead, we must travel with the herd and make sure we don't think independently or rationally, lest we realize that compassion is not a foundation but is, instead, the emotion we use that can fend off logic.

You are being nudged.  These strategies of influence exploit the fact that human beings operate almost all of the time on autopilot, making moment-by-moment decisions without conscious reflection and relying on imperfect heuristics to navigate the complexities of the world around them.  The most obvious example of the government's use of behavioural science strategies occurred throughout the Covid years, when the public health messaging campaign, aimed at levering compliance with restrictions and the vaccine rollout, was infused with these covert methods of persuasion.  Three of the most prominent nudges deployed during this period were fear-inflation, shaming and peer pressure — or "affect", "ego" and "norms", to use the language of behavioural science.  A frightened population is typically a compliant one, so we were bombarded with daily death counts and slogans such as, "If you go out, you can spread it, people will die".

Biden's Climate Change Scare Tactics Aren't Working.  First, the stage must be set.  The joke that currently occupies the Bully Pulpit says he's the first climate president, says he's making history by confronting the climate crisis, not denying it.  "I'm taking the most significant action on climate ever in the history of the world."  Now to his latest tactic.  Biden gave a warning on climate change in September 2021, when he surveyed damage caused by Hurricane Ida in New York and New Jersey.  "We've got to listen to the scientists ... they all tell us this is code red. ... The nation and the world are in peril, and that's not hyperbole.  This is everybody's crisis."  While in Louisiana he said, "We don't have any more time." [...] There's little doubt that our "first climate president" is trying to scare people, especially young voters, into thinking climate change has reached crisis mode and we must do whatever it takes to mitigate it — now!

Many of the 'Climate Experts' Surveyed by the Guardian in Recent Propaganda Blitz Turn Out to be Emotionally-Unstable Hysterics.  The Guardian last week published its survey of 'climate experts'.  The results are a predictable mush of fire-and-brimstone predictions and emotional incontinence.  This stunt may have convinced those already aligned to the newspaper's ideological agenda to redouble their characteristically shrill rhetoric, but encouraging scientists to speculate and emote about the future of the planet looks like an act of political desperation, not scientific communication.  For the purposes of creating this story, the Guardian's Environment Editor Damian Carrington contacted 843 'lead authors' of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's reports (IPCC) and 383 responded to his questions.  The actual substance of the survey does not seem to have been published by the paper, but the main response Carrington wanted to get from his respondents was an estimate of how much global warming there will be by the end of the century.

Fearmongering keeps the elites in power.  "CO2 levels are rising faster than ever" read the headline of the StarTribune, citing a recent Washington Post article.  The earth is burning up!  Back in the 1970s, "experts" were certain that the earth was going into a global deep freeze.  And that the "population bomb" would lead to a mass die-off of people in just a few short decades.  (And now most Western nations' fertility rates are well below replacement level.)  Soon thereafter, experts warned that acid rain was going to dissolve all our buildings and statues, and otherwise wreak havoc on us all.  That didn't happen, but groups like BLM and Antifa stepped in to do the job. [...] Purple loose strife is taking over our land, and zebra mussels and spiny water fleas are taking over our lakes, rivers, and oceans!  The glaciers are melting, and we're all going to drown!  Climate change is leading to drought everywhere and we're all going to die of thirst and starvation! [...] The incessant oncoming disasters rarely, if ever, pan out.

Maxine Waters Thinks Trump Supporters Are Training for Massive Attack on Nation.  California sure has a way of finding the worst possible candidates to represent them in Congress.  Many are the most extreme kind of leftists who saw Donald Trump's presidency as the second coming of Adolf Hitler.  Like, Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters, who, in a recent interview on MSNBC, spouted an unhinged conspiracy theory about evil Trump supporters.  As seen in a clip shared to the social media platform X by RNC Research, Waters spoke to Jonathan Capehart on his show, "The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart."  [Tweet with video clip]

Renowned Scientist:  All Covid-Vaxxed 'Will Die in 3 to 5 Years'.  A world-renowned scientist and leading immunology expert has raised the alarm with an explosive warning to the public that everyone who has been vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots "will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection."  The alert was issued by Professor Dr. Dolores Cahill.  Prof. Cahill has over 25 years of expertise in high-throughput protein array, antibody array, proteomics technology development, and automation.  The experience includes work on how proteins and antibodies can be used in biomedical applications, including in biomarker discovery, diagnostics, and personalized medicine.

The Editor says...
I don't believe everyone will die from vaccinations any more than I believe doomsday predictions about global warming.  Statements like this make good clickbait, that's all.

Marxist Health Officials Want You Committed.  One of the more insidious features of Marxism's manipulation of language is its stigmatization of opposing points of view as some form of mental disorder.  Opposition to "gay marriage" is said to be a "sign" of homophobia.  Distrusting Islamic terrorists who celebrate 9/11 and shout, "Death to America," is a "symptom" of Islamophobia.  Wanting the federal government to secure our borders and enforce existing immigration law "reveals" underlying xenophobia.  Not wanting biological men to force their way into ladies' locker-rooms and showers suggests that a person "suffers" from dreaded transphobia.  Notice that all these purported psychiatric disorders are categorized as "phobias," or more plainly, as "irrational fears."  Marxists routinely use loaded medical language not only to demonize or disgrace their foes but also to transform any political disagreement into something that it is not. [...] You could say that Marxists are committed to the lie that opposition to Marxism rests on irrational fear.

Joe Scarborough Melts Down Again, Says Trump Supporters "Hate America" and Want a "Dictatorship".  Watching Joe Scarborough's Morning Joe is a front-row seat to the effects of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Scarborough suffered a humiliating meltdown in March after getting called out for lying about President Trump on X.  Now, in his latest episode of unhinged anger, Scarborough rages that Trump supporters "hate America."  "What's wrong with you?  Who raised you?  What history did you read?  Where are you from?  Because you may claim to be from where I'm from, but you were not raised by the same teachers I was raised by, and you don't read," Scarborough said.

More projection:
Hillary Clinton Says Trump Wants to Kill His Opposition.  Hillary Clinton described Joe Biden and the Democrat party and she trashed Trump during her podcast interview with Marc Elias, a far-left lawyer who helped Hillary purchase the fake Trump-Russia dossier in 2016.  Typical projection.  "Putin does what [Trump] would like to do," Hillary Clinton said to corrupt left-wing lawyer Marc Elias on his "Democracy Docket" podcast.  "Kill his opposition, imprison his opposition, drive journalists into exile, rule without any check or balance.  That's what Trump really wants.  And so we have to be very conscious of how he sees the world because in that world, he only sees strong men leaders.  He sees Putin.  He sees Xi.  He sees Kim Jong Un in North Korea.  Those are the people he is modeling himself after and we've been down this road in our, you know, world history.  We sure don't want to go down that again."

It's time to talk about Eco-anxiety.  ["]If it bleeds, it leads["] has long been newspapers' motto and nothing has changed.  There's even books on the subject, as sociology writers pounce upon social manias like carrion birds.  Ben Cooke in reviewing The Weight of Nature by Clayton Page Aldern says how he reads about climate change and climate disasters every day, without any reflection upon the fact that fatalities from natural disasters (notice the importance of switching 'climate' with 'natural') have been in steady decline over the past 100 years.  In a no way hysteria-led piece of research, Scientists now say that even a pair of jeans could be bad for the environment.  Funny how they're not accusing lab coats, or even pointless face masks, of the same thing. [...] It's little wonder that eco-anxiety involves 'feeling grief, guilt, fear or hopelessness about the future of the planet due to climate change' if experts are competing for the bigger horror story.

Trump Apocalypse Hysteria Is Spiraling Into Madness.  Take a dip in the murky waters of recent Trump Apocalypse journalism — it says there's gonna be a civil war and dictatorship.  But don't worry, not really — it's just the politics of fear.  In a scary article subtitled "Donald Trump is warning that 2024 could be America's last election," New Republic alerts us that, if Trump wins, America is pretty much done being a democracy. [...] Whew.  Once you step across the line into writing about Trump dictatorships and Christian nationalism as living, breathing threats, things get pretty crazy pretty fast.  Why is this?  Occam's Razor says this is all hullabaloo, pure malarkey, with tabloid-jealous writers doing it for the most clicks and dopamine hits, trying to outdo one another trying to whip up fear of Trump.  It is good for business, and very easy to do.  Freed from the old-school journalism restraints of having to muster facts to support opinions, anything — including imagining a civil war — is possible.

No Political Movement On Earth Can Match The Hyperbole Of The Climate-Alarm Community.  When it comes to rank hyperbole, no political movement on earth can ever hope to match the stuff that comes out of the climate alarm community.  They have treated us to so many dire warnings about having just 10 years or 7 years or 12 years or 5 years to ward off certain impending doom since the global warming movement sprung to life in the 1980s that it has all long since become so much background noise to most ordinary citizens.  That in and of itself is a problem, given that, while we "normals" out here in flyover county laughingly dismiss their latest bit of nonsense, the activists and their coordinating policymakers keep doubling- and tripling-down on their freedom and energy security destroying initiatives.  Laugh all you want, but this is all deadly serious business.  There are trillions of dollars at stake.  A great example of the seemingly limitless stream of hyperbole came this week from United Nations executive climate secretary Simon Stiell, who told an audience at the Chatham House think tank in London that previous predictions of having just 12, or 10, or 7 years to act were overly generous.  In fact, in Mr. Steill's version of climate reality, the global community is now down to just 2 short years to reverse the flow of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to stave off catastrophic climate change of some sort or another.

Hidden Behind Climate Policies, Data From Nonexistent Temperature Stations.  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts July, August, and September will be hotter than usual.  And for those who view warmer temperatures as problematic, that's a significant cause for concern.  "Earth's issuing a distress call," said United Nations secretary-general António Guterres on March 19.  "The latest State of the Global Climate report shows a planet on the brink.

The Editor says...
The Earth is not issuing a distress call.  There is no climate emergency.

How to spot the next mania: Each new panic follows the same playbook.  The social mania displays a few consistent characteristics.  First and foremost, it never seems like a social mania at the time.  In the thick of a widespread preoccupation, its precepts simply seem like the truth.  Trans women are women; get over it.  Or:  masculinity is toxic; virtually all women have been subject to sexual torment and male abuse of power; regarding any accusations they make, no matter how far-fetched or petty, women must be believed.  Or:  Covid-19 is so lethal, and such a threat to our endurance as a species, that we've no choice but to shut down our whole economies and abdicate our every civil liberty to contain the disease.  Or:  all Western countries are "systemically racist"; all white people are genetically racist; the police are all racist (even if they're black) and should be defunded or abolished; the only remedy for "structural racism" is anti-meritocratic, over-compensatory racial quotas in hiring and education.

Dems Realize They Can't Win on Biden's Record, Stake Everything on Trump-Hate.  Hey, have you heard the news?  "Our democracy" is on the brink.  An unscrupulous narcissist with dictatorial ambitions and a hatred for legitimate political opposition could win the presidency in November, and that will very likely be the last time that patriotic Americans get a chance to elect their chief executive. [...] In fact, there is a very real threat to America's continuing to function as a free republic, but that threat isn't coming from where Democrats are claiming.  They're saying that if Bad Orange Man returns to the White House on Jan. 20, 2025, "democracy" will be dead. [...] This claim is not only absurd and offensive; it's a classic case of projection.  The American republic (remember, kids: it's not a democracy) is indeed in serious danger, but the danger is coming from those who are claiming that they are trying to save it from Trump.

Ready for the 2024 Election Pandemic?  It's that time of the election season again.  Pandemic time!  And this time it's angry!  [Tweet]  I don't want to dismiss the possibility of a genuinely bad pandemic hitting our shores because it is obviously possible.  But really?  After the last few years, you would have to be an idiot not to be suspicious when people start trotting out the "We are all going to die!" meme.  COVID, but 100 times worse!  Disease X.  Bird Flu.

It Seems Climate Extremism Knows No Bounds.  From blocking commutes by lying in traffic to vandalizing priceless pieces of art, it seems there's no conduct too low for the climate extremists[.]  The latest gambit came from a group called "Climate Defiance", which accused the head of Chevron of "killing people" during a disgraceful outburst in New York. [...] An alarming story from the Washington Post detailed that, "vast swaths of the United States are at risk of running short of power."  The rise of emerging technology like AI and data centers are two major drivers.  Power outages become even more frightening during bouts of extreme heat or cold that can quickly become life-or-death situations.  We need more energy from every direction.  Now is not the time to be taking the most reliable players off the board.  Then there is the issue of the environment.  American oil and gas companies are highly regulated and subject to strict standards.  They also are trying good faith partners in environmental stewardship.  Chevron has pledged $10 billion in lower 'carbon' investments and projects by 2028.  Other countries cannot say the same.

Republican 'War on Women' Is a Media Myth.  Republicans have been accused of waging a "war on women" for several election cycles now.  But is there any truth to this claim?  Democrats and their supporters in the media are leaning into an election-year fear-mongering campaign about Republican "bans" on reproductive rights.  In their redefinition, any limitation on abortion throughout pregnancy, even in the third trimester, is a "ban."  Even more disingenuous, Democrats have also accused Republicans of threatening birth control and, most recently, IVF.  Welcome to the political silly season.  Both parties have people on their fringes who take extreme positions, but that doesn't make it the party's position or long-term objective.  And both parties have political consultants who know how to misconstrue the intention behind certain pieces of legislation.

Globalism Thrives on Crisis.  Globalists know that nothing drives public policy so much as the fear of impending death.  Nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles may have scared the snot out of anyone living through the Cold War, but they were (and still are) the gifts that keep on giving for the military-industrial complex and national security surveillance State.  The more catastrophic the consequences of any perceived threat, the more likely that otherwise skeptical human beings will hand over their freedoms in exchange for the elusive promise of personal security.  Political systems specialize in exploiting this "Save Me!" impulse for maximum leverage.  "Looming apocalypse" is Big Government's best salesman every year.  Ghost stories about "global warming" work the same way.

San Francisco man who stabbed Asian woman, 94, multiple times gets probation after soft-touch judge was told he'd suffered 'trauma'.  A San Francisco man who stabbed a 94-year-old in the street has avoided jail after being sentenced to probation and a 'behavioral and mental health treatment program.'  Daniel Cauich stabbed Chinese and Vietnamese immigrant Anh 'Peng' Taylor multiple times in San Francisco's Lower Nob Hill neighborhood in broad daylight in June 2021.  The senseless attack was caught on camera and sent shockwaves through the city during a period of increased attacks on Asian Americans.

The Government Is Not Your Daddy.  It's no secret that many Democrat voters have "daddy" issues.  They grew up in homes without strong, loving fathers and desperately seek from government what they never found in their youths:  a protective authority figure and lifelong role model.  When Democrats with "daddy" issues find their way into power, they force their own psychological deficiencies upon the broader populace.  Why?  Because they try to play "father" to their constituents but have no idea how a good father is supposed to behave.  They scream and shout because they confuse insults and tantrums with masculinity.  They reimagine the ideal male leader as someone who would enjoy wearing make-up and behaving like a teenage girl.  They demand that male "allies" relinquish any say over the healthy delivery of their unborn children.  Instead of taking personal responsibility for missteps in life, they blame their problems on the nebulous "patriarchy" — or rather, the failed fathers of the past!

Synthetic Controversy.  [Scroll down]  Synthetic controversy is often weaponized and deployed in the context of another social media trolling strategy known as "rage farming" or "rage-baiting". Wikipedia defines these terms as manipulative tactics designed to elicit outrage with the goal of increasing internet traffic, online engagement, revenue and support.  Rage baiting or farming can be used as a tool to increase engagement, attract subscribers, followers, and supporters, which can be financially lucrative.  Rage baiting and rage farming manipulates users to respond in kind to offensive, inflammatory headlines, memes, tropes, or comments.  Rage-farming, which has become a widespread troll and bot tactic since at least January 2022, is an offshoot of rage-baiting where the outrage of the person being provoked is farmed or manipulated into an online engagement by rage-seeding that helps amplify the message of the original content creator.  It has also been used as a political tactic at the expense of one's opponent.  You are probably familiar with individual substacks, podcasters and self-styled online "independent reporters" who specialize in these methods.

I haven't seen this many projectors since elementary school.
Kamala Harris Says if Reelected, Trump Will Weaponize the Department of Justice Against His Enemies.  During a campaign appearance in Denver this week, Vice President Kamala Harris warned the audience that if Trump is reelected, he will weaponize the Department of Justice against his enemies.  That's a rather ironic statement, considering that this is exactly what the Biden administration is doing right now.  In recent years, Democrats have mastered the art of projection, accusing others of trying to do what they are actually doing in real time.

The true cost of everything.  [Scroll down]  Hope and change was out the window.  That mantra's time had passed.  It was now time to declare an all-out war on those who would destroy our democracy and was reflected in Biden's intro with a "worst of times" reference to FDR's wartime SOTU.  While not outright comparing himself to Roosevelt, the implication was there, and so was the thesis that freedom and democracy are under attack.  Having set his rhetorical table, he moved through his laundry list of issues, taking great care to touch all bases with all potential voting groups.  He laid out a smorgasbord board of pandering to every American, encouraging all of us to take what we wanted because there was more in the kitchen if we would only not rehire the previous cook.  The speech was also a liberal's road map for government largesse that would require Americans to suit up and go to war with big corporations, big pharma, unscrupulous landlords and all those (read: Republican) insurrectionists who are intent on bringing down the world's greatest democracy.  Some examples of Bidenspeak were:  "You can't love your country only when you win," "Trump failed at COVID," "I will restore Roe v. Wade again," and my favorite, which sums up his administration's and his party's credo:  "You can't lead America with ancient ideas."

The Editor says...
The Constitution, the Declaration of Indepence, the Magna Carta, and the Bible are full of "ancient ideas" that are well suited to government.

The Real State of the Union.  Most of the time, a president's State of the Union speech is avuncular. [...] The point of a president presenting himself as everyone's favorite uncle is to sell us on the idea that all is well in the Land of Oz:  "all friendly like" as Eliza Doolittle put it.  But obviously, right now in Bidenomics America, everything is not under control.  So forget Uncle Joe.  It was Biden the Barbarian, politics red in tooth and claw, on Thursday night.  Naturally, the president started out by bellowing that the U.S. is beset by enemies, foreign and domestic.  ["]What makes our moment rare is that freedom and democracy are under attack, both at home and overseas, at the very same time.["]  It's Putin abroad and insurrectionists at home.

Biden Campaign Releases New Ad Comparing Trump and His Supporters to the KKK.  The internal polling on African Americans must be through the roof for Donald Trump.  After his nasty dishonest SOTU Address last night — the Biden team released a new ad on Friday comparing Trump supporters to the KKK.  The Biden ad shows images of Donald Trump with KKK marchers and a noose.  Why is this not flagged by Google-YouTube for violent content and misinformation?  [Video clip]

Fact-Checking the Fabulist in Chief's State of the Union.  During Thursday's State of the Union address, Biden fully displayed his fabulist tendencies.  His assessment of the administration's accomplishments and his impact was not anchored in reality. [...] Of course, he went on a "pay your fair share" rant, accusing Republicans of giving corporations and the wealthy tax cuts.  The top 10% of taxpayers pay roughly 75% of all federal tax collected.  And the U.S. Treasury begs to differ.  The wealthy pay a much larger share of their total income.

Trump's Promise — Retribution or Revenge?  [Scroll down]  The New York Times, with a long history of publishing falsehoods about Donald Trump, has already labeled Trump's potential second term, "The Retribution Presidency."  There is a smell of panic rising from midtown Manhattan and from the Beltway.  Is this revenge or retribution?  Is there a distinction? [...] Here is a summary of the two terms.  Words do matter.
  •   Retribution is a form of punishment imposed by law and legally authorized.
  •   Revenge, in contrast, is a form of personal punishment, one not sanctioned by law.
  •   The ultimate goal of Retribution is to punish the wrongdoer or offender and ensure that justice is served to the victim and public as a whole.
  •   Revenge, however, is a form of payback, to ensure that personal justice is served.  Thus, the goal of Revenge is vengeance or getting even.
  •   Retribution is only carried out for crimes and wrongs recognized in the law.  It is not personal and not fueled by a desire to persistently seek the suffering of the wrongdoer.  Instead, it imposes a punishment that is proportionate to the gravity of the crime or wrong.  Furthermore, it is governed by procedural rules and codes of conduct.
  •   In contrast, Revenge can be carried out for various wrongs, injuries, suffering and any other action considered harmful or hurtful.  There is no limit to the type of punishment imposed and the severity of such punishment.  As mentioned before, Revenge is personal and driven by a strong emotional desire to see the suffering of the person who committed the wrong or injury.
Which of these two words describe what the deep state ruling class has done to Trump versus what he will hopefully do if reelected president?

John Kerry Tries Out A New Climate Catchphrase To Ratchet Up The Fear.  In an interview with The Guardian this week, ex-White House climate envoy John Kerry tried out new language to describe the globalist view of what is happening with the world's climate.  Now, according to Mr. Kerry, we are in the midst of a "climate breakdown."  To review, here is the progression of favored terminology dictated by the globalist elites related to their climate hysteria:
  •   In the beginning, there was "global warming."
  •   Then, the favored talking point morphed into the more inclusive "climate change" to allow the scaremongers to blame every weather event, whether warm or cold, on their problem.
  •   Next, they elevated the fright rhetoric to a nebulous "climate crisis."
  •   When that didn't work to sufficiently hold the public's attention, they elevated it further to a "climate emergency."
  •   Seeing their 2024 election year polls lagging, they now move to the even more alarming "climate breakdown."
Can a "climate catastrophe" or, even better, a "climate collapse" be far behind?

Joe Biden's Scary Speech on Jan. 6.  Just recently, ahead of the anniversary of Jan. 6, President Joe Biden gave a speech near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, to kick off his 2024 campaign.  His theme was that the upcoming presidential election will determine whether or not America remains a democracy because a vote for Donald Trump is a vote to end democracy in America.

On Being a White, Male, Nazi, Insurrectionist RINO.  A recent email exchange with a feminist college professor regarding the resignation of Harvard president Claudine Gay was abruptly terminated with an angry email informing me that White men were responsible for all the evils in America and that if this group of racist "genocidal maniacs" were eliminated this country would be a more "loving and hospitable" place for women and people of color.  A stance long espoused by the radical American Left and a position increasingly permeating the festering halls of academia.  My immediate thought after the exchange was that we have reached the pinnacle of lunacy in this country and that my résumé is now complete.  I am not only a racist but, due to my sex and skin color, I am also a genocidal maniac who should be summarily executed.  Per many in the Democrat Party, I am a Nazi sympathizer because I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 as well as financially supported, campaigned, and voted for him in 2020 but far worse, I am extraordinarily fond of this nation.  The Biden Administration has categorized me as an "insurrectionist" for attending the January 6, 2021 "Stop the Steal" rally.

So Trump is Really Hitler?  Donald Trump is often compared to Hitler by otherwise normal people.  If they go beyond a simple assertion of similarity the fearful ones do not compare the actions and experiences of the two, but rather they take their worst imaginings of what Trump might do in the future — which, surprisingly, are very like what Hitler did.  These wild fears are too removed from reality to deserve serious consideration.  But we have detailed information about both Trump and Hitler, so real comparisons can be made, and there are significant differences that ought to be remembered.  The first has to do with political activity.  From the end of World War I when Hitler was nearly 30 years old he devoted his life exclusively to seeking power.  Donald Trump, on the other hand, graduated from U. Penn at the age of 22, and for the next 40 years or more devoted himself to making money. [...] In 2016, at the age of 70, Donald Trump, for the first time, decided to seek power.  He subjected himself to years of calumny and subversion and harassment by petty politicians, lawyers, and media personalities.  His net wealth declined significantly.

Taylor Lorenz Whines About Missing Christmas, Blames the Unmasked.  When it comes to the COVID-19 hysteria, it appears most people have moved on.  But others can't seem to let the pandemic go.  Washington Post media activist Taylor Lorenz is one of the latter.  Since it became clear that the coronavirus was no longer a threat, she has been insisting that the rest of the nation should still go through mask and vaccine mandates and take precautions to keep people like her safe.

Dem Rep. Moulton:  We Need Citizenship for DACA Kids.  On Friday's broadcast of CNN International's "State of the Race," Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) stated that Israel and Ukraine funding are important and border security needs to be tightened, but House Speaker Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) is "catering to the extremists" by putting them together because it doesn't include "a pathway to citizenship for kids like DACA kids, who came here with their parents through no fault of their own, and are essentially living as aliens in their own country."

The Editor says...
No, they are living as aliens in someone else's country, because they are aliens!  If you don't like living as an alien, go back to your home country.

Globalists Fear the Unconquerable.  For fifty years, politicians and oligarchs in search of an excuse to seize greater control over economic activity have urged humanity to fear the weather.  If the recent government-induced hyperventilation over COVID is a harbinger of things to come, politicians and oligarchs will continue to urge humanity to fear pathogenic illnesses.  What if the spirit of Montaigne, Henley, or Kipling instead gripped today's generations as they did in the past?  Children would not be indoctrinated to fear a "climate apocalypse"; they would be assured that humanity is never more ingenious than when it is tested.  Grown adults would not be infantilized to hide under their beds at the sound of a sneeze; they would be encouraged to "keep calm and carry on" for the sake of their families and communities.  Can you imagine political leaders telling those generations who endured the Great Depression and two world wars that the obstacles before them were too daunting to survive?  Yet political "leaders" today throw their hands up in the air at the first sign of trouble and scream for everyone to hear, "We're all gonna die!"

Dictatorship Is as Dictatorship Does.  The lower President Biden sinks in the polls, the more outlandish his claims about his likely 2024 opponent become.  He insists that the main reason he is running for another term is that former President Trump poses an existential threat to "our democracy."  Recently, for example, Biden equated Trump's speeches with the "language you heard in Nazi Germany in the '30s."  This is an increasingly popular theme with Trump's antagonists.  TDS victim Liz Cheney recently told CBS News that electing Trump was analogous to "sleepwalking into dictatorship."  Trump, on the other hand, says that Biden is the real threat: "Joe Biden is the destroyer of American democracy."  In a healthy political environment with a properly functioning Fourth Estate, the voters could easily differentiate between fact and fiction in this surreal debate.  Sadly, the legacy media amounts to little more than the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.  There are still honest news outlets — like the one you're reading now — but many are being systematically suppressed on behalf of the government through entities such as Newsguard that ostensibly identify and demonetize purveyors of "misinformation."

Joe Biden's dull-witted campaign, plagiarized from Obama.  Anybody smell the aroma of stale campaign narratives, dating from the Obama years?  Look at these talking points coming out from Team Biden's stepped-up presidential campaign on Twitter: [Tweets] [...] It sounds like the consultants and political operatives crafting the Biden campaign can't think of a thing good to say about the Biden administration, so they resort to the old Obama-era tropes, plagiarizing them in the Biden way.  Tax the rich and all will be fixed.  Women make 59 cents on the dollar compared to what men make.  Trump wants to take away your health care.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Blames 'Right-Wing Extremists' for City's Problems.  Democrat Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson blamed "right-wing extremism" for some of the ills facing his crime-ridden city.  Johnson issued his statement about the "far right" during a press conference on Tuesday.  "What we've seen is a very raggedy form of right-wing extremism," the mayor said.  "Everyone knows that the right-wing extremism in this country has targeted democratically run cities, and quite frankly, they have been quite intentional about going after democratically ran [sic] cities that are led by people of color."

The Editor says...
What does "going after" mean?  If someone "goes after" you, does that cause you to make bad decisions?

Pope Francis:  Climate Change Puts 'Life on Earth' at Risk.  Pope Francis asserted Sunday that global warming is contrary to God's plan and presents a significant risk to all "life on earth."  "Besides war, our world is threatened by another great danger, that of the climate, which puts life on Earth, especially for the future generations, at risk," the pontiff stated in a written text, which was read aloud by his aide Monsignor Paolo Braida following the weekly Angelus prayer.

The Editor says...
The Pope is either badly misinformed, poorly educated, delusional, or dishonest to state that the Earth has been operating perfectly for thousands of years, but our use of the internal combustion engine is about to make it uninhabitable.

Another Climate Snow Job.  A federal bureaucrat is telling us that due to human activity, global snowfall is in decline.  There's no reason to be worried, though.  We've seen the climate doomsday predictions before, and somehow they always turn out to be wrong.  Nearly a quarter of a century ago, we were assured by the British Independent that "Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past."  (Don't bother to try to find the story in the Independent's archives — that page doesn't exist or has been moved, presumably because it's an embarrassment to the newspaper.)  In that article, reporter Charles Onians appealed to the correct authorities, citing David Viner, then a senior scientist at the climatic research unit of the University of East Anglia, who declared that "within a few years winter snowfall will become 'a very rare and exciting event.'"  He told Onians that "children just aren't going to know what snow is."

Former Democrat Senator Says Trump Is More Dangerous Than Hitler.  MSNBC contributor and former Democrat U.S. Senator of Missouri, Claire McCaskill, recently went on air and wrongly claimed Donald Trump is "even more dangerous" than dictators Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler.  While on MSNBC's Dateline, McCaskill stated, "A lot of people have tried to draw similarities between Mussolini and Hitler and the use of the terminology like 'vermin' and the drive that those men had towards autocracy and dictatorship."  She continued, "The difference, though, I think makes Donald Trump even more dangerous, and that is he has no philosophy he believes in."

Joe Biden supporters had an especially paranoid couple of days.  It's amazing that this man was once a congressman, because he clearly has zero understanding of both political philosophies and the American political system — for the umpteenth time, fascism is a leftist ideology and America was never supposed to be a democracy — and on a recently-broadcast televised MSNBC segment, Joe Scarborough issued an ominous warning: if President Trump secures a second term, he will "imprison" and "execute" any and all political opponents that he can.  Projection much?  Who's really been imprisoning and executing political opponents?  Does the name Ashli Babbitt ring a bell?  What about Craig Robertson?  Owen Shroyer?  Or how about the J6ers?  Or, is this a signal of guilt?  Has he done something criminal and he's starting to sweat?  Talk about paranoia!  But it wasn't just Scarborough because Scary Larry, a prominent Twitter Democrat, announced that another Trump presidency meant an official Brownshirt squad, and Trump already had his gang ready to go:  [Tweet]

Why Governments Have Replaced God with Global Warming.  At the United Nations, dopey diplomats speak in flowery clichés about the value of international cooperation.  In the real world, though, governments succeed in corralling their peoples into pens only if everyone is afraid.  North Korea's dictator must make his people afraid of Americans.  America's dictator must make his people afraid of Russians.  The European Union's dictators must make their hodgepodge of nations all afraid of nationalists.  The ruling atheists must make their postmodern peoples all hostile to Israel.  And the whole smorgasbord of manipulative, malicious governments must keep the world's peasants perpetually petrified of COVID... and "hate speech"... and Donald Trump... and, most importantly, "global warming"!

New York Times Claims 'Economic Turmoil' if Trump Enforces Border Laws.  The nation will be pushed toward "social and economic turmoil," if a reelected President Donald Trump tries to enforce Congress's border laws, the New York Times claimed on November 11.  "Sweeping Raids, Giant Camps and Mass Deportations:  Inside Trump's 2025 Immigration Plans," declared the headline for an article about President Donald Trump's campaign promises to enforce border policies if he is elected.

Unhinged Democrats seethe at Republicans even existing.  A viral video of a Democrat abusing a poll greeter on Election Day in northern Virginia encapsulates how the demonization of "MAGA Republicans" and the weaponization of the justice system has unhinged and energized voters on the left.  [Profanity-infused tirade omitted.]  The object of his ire was Matthew Hurtt, the clean-cut young chairman of the Arlington County Republicans, who was handing out sample ballots alongside his Democratic counterpart.  "Have a nice day," Hurtt said pleasantly.  The courtesy only further enraged the aggressor, who has been identified online as a federal government employee — no surprise. [...] Arlington Man clearly has anger management issues, but his freak-out at the imaginary threat posed by his Republican neighbors is by design.  He's a model product of the Disinformation Industrial Complex, brainwashed and triggered by the hateful lies he's been fed about the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and the nature of Republicans.  He is why Democrats work so hard to preserve their dishonest "narrative" — and that requires censorship of dissenting views and suppression of contrary evidence, as well as seeding lies into the media.  It's why Hillary Clinton salivates about "deprogramming" her political opponents.  She is projecting again.

Was October 7 an Earthquake for the Democrats?  [The average] Joe has always voted for Democrats because a vote for Republicans is unthinkable.  A vote for a Republican would be a vote for
  •   Putting Blacks back in chains,
  •   Pushing grandma off a cliff,
  •   Returning women to their role as domestic servants,
  •   Turning the Earth into a lifeless cinder, and
  •   Giving machine guns to every deranged nut looking for a headline.
In short, Joe has bought the "Republicans are evil" rubbish of the propagandists.  True evil always masquerades as virtue.  Joe has simply been fooled by the virtuous mask — so he votes Democrat.

The Food Insecurity Lie.  President Joe Biden says 24 million Americans "suffer from food insecurity!"  News anchors were shocked that there is "food insecurity in the richest country in the world!"  ABC hosts turned "insecurity" into "hunger."  But in my new video, Rachel Sheffield, who researches welfare policy at the Heritage Foundation, explains, "Food insecurity is not the same thing as hunger.  It just means that they had to rely on cheaper foods, store-brand alternatives ... or reduce variety."  Really?  The alarm about "food insecurity" is based on that?  Well, yes.

The Elite Conspiracy to Monopolize Opinion Through Propaganda.  Sadly, we are not taught how to guard against these techniques, writes Michelle Stiles in One Idea to Rule Them All:  Reverse Engineering American Propaganda.  This ignorance, she says, has "devastating consequences for both individuals and society as a whole." [...] The author's primary motivation in writing the book is to help people recognize the extent of propaganda.  One key, she says, is to pinpoint the distortion of reality through words — size-challenged for fat, and minor-attracted persons for pedophiles come to mind.  Another, she says, is the manipulative infusion of moral connotations into language — science vs. anti-science, and climate denier or climate skeptic for those who question climate change.  She hopes her parsing of numerous examples will teach those who believe in freedom to recognize patterns of manipulation, start to follow the money, listen to whistleblowers, and dig deep to seek the truth and counter tyranny.

The actual 'climate change' agenda.  The latest edition of the State of the Climate Report, published this week in the journal BioScience, begins rather ominously:  "Life on planet Earth is under siege.  We are now in an uncharted territory."  These sentences are meant to instill abject fear and evoke a sense of doom in the general public.  However, they are patently absurd and ought to be disregarded outright.

The Role of the Smartphone and Digital Content in the Left's Revolution.  Christopher Rufo, Douglas Murray, and Victor Davis Hanson have all pointed out that we are in the middle of a cultural revolution that is assailing our culture, values, traditions, and institutions, our national security and sovereignty, our economy, our Constitution and rule of law, and our overall quality of life.  The percentage of Americans saying they are worse off is at its highest level since 2009.  One of the most fascinating aspects of this obvious decline is that leftists have managed to convince a very large portion (in many cases a majority) of Americans to support the divisive and corrosive policies producing their own destruction.  What arguments have leftists used to accomplish this?  Chiefly, though not exclusively, they have employed a trifecta of completely nonsensical tropes about race, gender, and climate.

Climate Change Alarmist Al Gore Declares War on Fossil Fuel Industry.  Climate change alarmist and former United States Vice President Al Gore has blasted the fossil fuel industry, accusing oil and gas companies of "using the atmosphere as an open sewer."  Mr. Gore, whose climate rants have grown progressively more unhinged, said this week that fossil fuel companies are "digging and drilling and pumping up the fossilized remains of dead animals and plants and burning them in ways that use the atmosphere as an open sewer, threatening the future of humanity."

Boston's mayor declares 'heat emergency' for high-80s summer day.  The reputation of "politician" precedes any civil servant, so right off the bat, I hold a less-than-flattering bias against those entering government (to put it mildly); it's a "guilty until proven innocent" prejudice, but I will say, it's evenly applied.  Then last week, Michelle Wu, Boston's hardcore leftist mayor, opened her big mouth and showed (again) just how right on the money one can be when you operate under the assumption that ineptitude and uselessness are shared traits amongst elected officials.  On September 7th, Wu declared a "heat emergency" saying temperatures were expected to reach into the... ready for this?  The nineties.  (Turns out, Thursday the 7th peaked at 89°F and Friday reached 88°F.)

'Experts' swear the world is on the brink of disaster — again.  Weather forecasters have trouble predicting weather accurately a few days out, yet we are supposed to believe they can predict the climate 100  years out within a degree if we just cave to the radical green pushers and surrender all our liberties.  Does that make any sense?

Democrats' 2024 Magic Bullet:  Mass Mail-In Voting.  Put it together and Biden's road to 270 electoral votes is paved on reusing the 2020 COVID playbook.  Hence the recent ramp-up in COVID panic, once again ushering in debates regarding school closings, masking and, ultimately, more sweeping changes to the country's election systems.  Even the most doe-eyed twentysomething Biden White House staffer must realize that the full-on lockdowns of the early pandemic are not coming back.  However, a new COVID variant gives left-wing activists justification to usher in mass mail-in balloting once again — you know, for "safety" reasons.  After all, you don't want grandma to die, do you?

If it Saves One Life and Other Meretricious Lies.  It's not unusual that power-mad politicians justify depriving us of liberty using the appeal to emotion:  "If it saves one life."  Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo justified the statewide shutdown with this poppycock:  "And if everything we do saves just one life, I'll be happy."  Former president Obama said "If we save even one life from gun violence, it's worth it."  Then vice president Joe Biden endorsed that:  "As the President said, if your actions result in only saving one life, they're worth taking."  This is not justifiable constitutionally any more than it is factually:  These actions often cost far more lives than the theoretical one life saved.  Everything in life is a tradeoff.

Red-state university demands faculty 'accept and encourage change for the greater good'.  As always throughout history, "for the greater good" go individual rights and the notions of natural law... and freedom.  "For the greater good" means that if you are in the minority (of anything), you are likely screwed.  And, as individuals, we are all a "minority of one," the ultimate minority.  So do you like your home?  Sorry, it's in the way of plans for a community center/public park/bike path.  You've gotta give it up for the greater good.  Wanna keep your hunting rifle?  That's as may be, but we in government think it presents a hazard to many other people, so hand it over.  Fond of your burger, your gas stove, your gas car, your gas lawnmower?  Too bad, you can't have them... because we say they are bad for the climate.  The greater good, you know.  Are you refusing to comply with a stranger's demands that you address him by his preferred pronouns?  Have you expressed support for J.K. Rowling or Jason Aldean on social media?  Are you a "MAGA" supporter who is planning to vote for Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election?  So sorry, but we can't allow that.  You must be ostracized, punished, or canceled (one way or another) for the greater good.

Using the Dictator's — and the Mafia's — Playbook.  During President Trump's presidency, the Dems, leftists, and other anti-Americans screamed that he was going to "destroy Democracy."  Daily we heard warnings about authoritarianism (imposed by Trump), voter suppression (executed by Trump), how he was going to throw Hillary in jail and investigate Biden (his rival).  It turns out that Joe Biden and his Dems are everything, and more, of the authoritarians, vote suppressors, and witch-hunters they accused Trump (and his followers) of being.  Then again, projection has long been a character trait of totalitarians — accuse others of what you're doing or planning on doing.

Self-Involved NASA Climate Scientist Complains about "Climate Grief".  I would like to introduce you to Dr. Kimberley R. Miner, a Climate Scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, California, and a Climate Change Institute Research Assistant Professor.  She is also a Fellow at the Center for Climate and Security in DC and Co-chair of the NASA Interagency Forum on Climate Change Risks, Impacts, and Adaptation.  Given those credentials, you might expect an editorial she prepared for a leading science publication would be a sober, serious analysis of the data related to the Earth's atmosphere, oceanic currents, or geologic history.  You would be wrong.  In Nature, Miner wrote a histrionic, emotion-laden diatribe about "climate grief."

Kimberley Miner: 'I'm a NASA Climate Scientist.  Here's How I'm Handling Climate Grief'.  NASA climate scientist Kimberly Miner of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory & University of Maine: "I am in my mid-thirties, working at NASA as a scientist, and I already have five scientist friends with severe, emergent health challenges.  They are all affected by overwork, exhaustion and extreme stress."  "The best treatment for climate grief, he says, is knowing you've made a contribution to reducing emissions or building resilience."

In California This Weekend, We Saw, Again, How Easy It Is to Panic Americans.  I am writing this column on a beautiful sunny day in Southern California.  It is a Monday in mid-August, so it is not a national holiday, yet in Los Angeles County, where I live, all the schools and all government offices are closed.  Why?  Because, for the past week, the National Weather Service, state and local authorities, and national and local media have been ceaselessly warning that a tropical storm would hit Southern California on Sunday night and Monday with a "life-threatening" intensity not seen since the last tropical storm hit California in 1939, 84 years ago. [...] Unlike the invisible COVID-19 virus, the reason for panic this time was completely visible.  All these people needed to do was walk outside of their home or hotel — or just look out the window.  Had they done so, they would have seen that steady but moderate rain was falling.  Just rain.  No high winds, no downpour, no storm, not even thunder or lightning.

Is This The Most Asinine Sentence Ever Written About 'Climate Change'?  In reporting on a Montana case in which a judge ruled that the state had to include the climate effect of oil and gas permits before deciding on them, the Associated Press showed just how brain-dead the discussions of "global warming" have become.  District Court Judge Kathy Seeley ruled in favor of several young plaintiffs — ranging in age from 5 to 22 — saying they "have a fundamental constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment, which includes climate as part of the environmental-support system." [...] The ruling was heralded by the likes of Julia Olson, executive director of the Oregon-based Our Children's Trust, which has filed similar lawsuits in other states, who said: "Today's ruling in Montana is a game-changer that marks a turning point in this generation's efforts to save the planet from the devastating effects of human-caused climate chaos."  (Apparently, after "global warming," and "climate change," and "climate crisis" failed to move the needle, the left is trying out "climate chaos.")

Democrats' proposed wealth tax spells doom for entrepreneurs and economic growth.  A group of far-left lawmakers has introduced yet another bill to soak the rich.  The new bill is called the Oppose Limitless Inequality Growth and Reverse Community Harms Act — the OLIGARCH Act, get it?  It would introduce an entirely new tax on wealth above $120 million, starting at 2% and climbing to 8%.  This new tax would be in addition to the income tax.  Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) claims the legislation is designed to "tax extreme wealth, reduce inequality, and combat the threat to democracy posed by aristocracy."

"Global Boiling": An Assault On Reason and Science.  An interesting and troubling double standard is applied to the acceptability of individual actions and those of political agents.  An individual declaring an emergency when none exists, e.g., shouting "fire" in a crowded cinema, would lead to rightful punishment, yet public officials can do so without attracting the same scrutiny.  According to United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, "the era of global warming has ended" and "the era of global boiling has arrived."  Of course, this statement was made with little or no sense of perspective or the possibility that any sensible human would challenge or refute it.  This comment is the latest reference relating to what is and has been going on with the weather and climate.  After the warming showed a slowdown; climate change became the operative term, but this was found to be insufficiently alarming.  In turn, climate action became the necessary antidote to a "climate emergency" or "climate crisis."  Having gone full circle, with the focus back to the fetish with high temperatures during a seasonal, localized and predictable heatwave, the assertion is that we are in the midst of climate boiling.

Nancy Pelosi says the U.S. will come to an End if Trump is re-elected.  Nancy Pelosi thinks that the U.S. is doomed if Donald Trump becomes president again and says the latest indictment of the ex-President stands the best chance of getting him into prison rather than the White House.  The former House Speaker launched the war of words with Trump after claiming he looked like a 'scared puppy' during his D.C. court appearance on Thursday.  She also called the third and latest indictment against Trump 'beautiful' and said he knows he is going to have to face the music for trying to overturn the 2020 election results.

Global boiling?  Don't be ridiculous.  And just like that we've entered a new epoch.  'The era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived', decreed UN chief António Guterres last week.  It's hard to know what's worse: the hubris and arrogance of this globalist official who imagines he has the right to declare the start of an entire new age, or the servile compliance of the media elites who lapped up his deranged edict about the coming heat death of Earth. 'Era of global boiling has arrived and it is terrifying', said the front page of the Guardian, as if Guterres's word was gospel, his every utterance a divine truth.  We urgently need to throw the waters of reason on this delirious talk of a 'boiling' planet.

Does it seem as though every news story lately is on climate doom?  [Scroll down]  [Y]ou've probably also noticed that these days that there isn't a news story that somehow doesn't have a climate connection.  That is by design, and not an overwrought term "conspiracy theory."  (The ruling class needs to know that it's used that excuse far too many times, but we digress.)  What are global cooling, global warming, global boiling, climate change, climate crisis, and now climate emergency?  Will it soon be climate calamity, catastrophe, or cataclysm, depending on which sounds scariest and will bring in the most money and votes?  The initiative of the Columbia Journalism Review and The Nation, proudly announced four years ago, was entitled "Covering Climate Now," "Transforming the media's coverage of the climate crisis."  It quickly amassed more than 170 news outlets from around the world to Rahm this propaganda down our throats.  It triumphantly announced that "Climate Stories Are Everywhere."

UN: Don't Call It Global Warming, Call It "Global Boiling".  When you constantly have to rename and rebrand whatever scam you're pushing this week, it's a scam.  Corporations constantly rename certain products to upsell them or make them sound new and exciting.  It's not junk anymore, it's e-junk or smart junk, and it's not global warming anymore, it's climate change.  No wait, that sounds boring.  Let's switch to Global Boiling, that sounds new and exciting.

U.N. Chief Guterres Warns 'Era of Global Boiling' Is Here.  Be afraid.  Be very, very afraid.  United Nations chief Antonio Guterres on Thursday night rolled out some of his most apocalyptic climate rhetoric to date declaring "the era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived."  He went on to lament how "terrifying" it is seeing children "swept away by monsoon rains, families running from the flames, workers collapsing in scorching heat."  The veteran Portuguese socialist painted his picture of a world in peril during a streamed speech from U.N. headquarters in New York, returning once more to a theme of climate doom he has used almost without respite since he took office.

The Left's Latest Trump Freakout — He Wants To Control The Executive Branch!  It didn't take long for a New York Times article about Donald Trump's plans to "increase presidential power in 2025" for the left to suffer yet another mental breakdown, rushing on the air and in print to call the news "terrifying," "frightening," "menacing," "incredibly alarming."  And, of course, "fascist," or as a University of North Carolina professor took to the Atlantic to declare, "a new kind of fascism."  What has the left grasping for the Xanax again?  Here are the horrifying facts as reported by the Times:  Trump — as well as other Republicans running for office — hope to "increase the president's authority" over the executive branch of government, including "independent" federal agencies.  "He wants to revive the practice of 'impounding' funds, refusing to spend money Congress has appropriated for programs a president doesn't like," the Times reports.  "He intends to strip employment protections from tens of thousands of career civil servants, making it easier to replace them if they are deemed obstacles to his agenda."

Who wants to read 15 tweets about how the Left uses "climate change" as a rhetorical trap?  Auron MacIntyre has some thoughts to help us understand the rhetorical tricks the Left uses and why we so often fall for them.  [Tweet]  We all know the climate agenda is a hoax to gain power, but being reactionary and anti-environment is far from the correct response. [...] The climate changes by definition.  Some lefties, the RFK Jr. types, and maybe even the Al Gores of the world, care about the environment.  But most are using this as a tool to consolidate power in a totalitarian fashion.  I mean, have you read the Green New Deal? [...] Why else would the Left be attaching EVERYTHING to "Climate Justice" or "Environmental Equity"?  It's all about one plan to consolidate power and do so as the "good guys" who care about the planet and the poor.

Join Us in Mocking Ilhan Omar for Saying Earth Broke Heat Record Last Set in 117,977 BC.  Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) called for a "national climate emergency." She says the government must take action because the Earth "broke the record for the hottest day in 120,000 years."  In other words, Omar thinks the Earth broke a record it last set in 117,977 BC.  Except, she does not know that.  Daily temperature records do not date back 120 thousand years ago.  Omar appears to refer to a flimsy report from a local Florida outlet WFLA-TV that matched her tweet.  But even that report admitted it cites a dashboard that dates back to only 1979 and warned data "should NOT be taken as 'official' observational records."  Official enough for Omar, the densest of The Squad members, nonetheless.

Unearthed Video Shows Teachers Union President Ranting And Raving On Stage, Calling Students 'Our Babies'.  A recently unearthed video shows the head of the largest teachers union wailing on stage during a keynote address, calling students "our babies."  During the National Education Association's (NEA) July 3 Representative Assembly, Becky Pringle gave a keynote speech addressing more than 6,000 NEA delegates in Orlando, Florida.  Toward the end of her speech, Pringle shouted about the union's "righteous fight for freedom" and changing "the world for our students."  "We will never bend," Pringle shouted.  "We will never be broken because we are the NEA and we will always do what we must to be worthy of our students.  Thank you NEA for all you do every day for our babies and for our colleagues and for your states and for this country.  Onward NEA.  Onward."

The Brutal Crushing of the Lower 50%.  Last week the WEFers held their summer camp in China.  More to come, they warned us.  More pandemics, more catastrophic global warming, more inflation, hell on wheels, they promise us, Armageddon is coming.  Be very afraid.  The following was a particularly lovely event:  "How to Stay Within Planetary Boundaries - Carrot or Stick?" which focused on whether to incentivize or force compliance with "climate goals".  It was hosted by some joker who edits a magazine called Nature Energy, no doubt funded by the WEF and read by exactly nobody.

The Assault on Our Rights is Not Sustainable.  The Left is big on de-escalation of conflict.  They insist on talk rather than action to address rioting, theft, and even violent assault.  The one place where they will not use it is in politics.  De-escalation of political conflict would require them to do something they are loath to — debate ideas.  The left is instead attacking our right to speech.  Try disagreeing with any element of leftist orthodoxy and see what happens.  Challenging any of their core positions will not be met with robust debate, but with insults, cancellation, and even physical attack.  Challenge them on:
  •   Climate change — you're a denier.
  •   Trans grooming of children — you're a homophobe.
  •   Affirmative action — you're a racist.
  •   Abortion — you're anti-human rights.
  •   2020 election — you're part of the big lie.
The Left insists that words can be a form of assault.  That's a silly assertion that one's opinion is somehow harmful to others.  However, they use that claim as justification for "cancellation," which really is an attack on the well-being of others.

Messaging vs. reality: Democrats leave ordinary Americans behind.  A car in front of me recently at a traffic light had a political sticker on its rear bumper that read, "Leave no one behind — vote Democrat."  The message isn't new, and I've seen the sticker before, but I found it freshly notable because it has surely never been more obviously false than it is today.  It expressed the quintessence of the party's message that Democrats are for the masses, the millions of little guys, rather than the big guys who have too much power already.

If You Think All Teachers Are 'Heroes,' You're Part Of The Problem.  Many factors have contributed to the downfall of America's schools.  One rarely discussed issue is the disproportionate praise heaped on the teaching industry, which has led teachers to believe the scope of their influence ought to extend beyond the teaching of facts and figures.  As a society, we have praised teachers to the extent that even mild criticism of the profession is met with a chorus of boos.  "My sister is a teacher!"  When discussing widespread problems in the profession, instead of presenting an actual argument, those who reflexively defend the industry will often mention having friends or relatives who are teachers, as if this anecdotal tidbit is a meaningful response.  "Teachers are heroes" is practically an infallible dictum.  It is unclear why teachers, by default, deserve the disproportionate praise our society gives them.  Even suggesting that they might deserve merely the same amount of respect we give most other professions (the horror!) will be perceived by many as "an attack on teachers."

Could you point us to some land that isn't "stolen?"
Is America Really Founded on "Stolen Land?".  There are few things liberals in America love to do more than mar the 4th of July with their endless [complaining] about what a rotten country they believe America happens to be.  Maybe they feel like there are so many people celebrating America that they have even more of a duty than normal to show their contempt and scorn for a nation that provided them more opportunities than anywhere else on earth.  For example, take Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, the founders of Ben & Jerry's.  They have a success story you probably wouldn't see in a lot of places other than America:  ["]With a $5 correspondence course in ice cream-making from Penn State and a $12,000 investment ($4,000 of it borrowed), Ben and Jerry open their first ice cream scoop shop in a renovated gas station in Burlington, Vermont.["]  From those humble beginnings, these two diehard advocates of socialism sold their billion-dollar ice cream business to multinational corporation Unilever and became reportedly worth 150 million dollars each.  With that background, you might think Ben & Jerry would be two of the biggest advocates of capitalism and America that have ever lived, but of course, creatures of the Left never seem to look at it that way.

AOC proposes subpoenas and impeachment to limit SCOTUS justices' power following landmark decisions.  Democratic "Squad" member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., slammed the U.S. Supreme Court for what she called an "abuse of power" Sunday, following landmark decisions this past week rejecting affirmative action and Biden's student loan debt plan.  She proposed impeachment and subpoenas be put into play in order to limit the justices' power.  "The Supreme Court is far overreaching their authority," Ocasio-Cortez said on CNN's "State of the Union."  "And I believe, frankly, that we really need to be having conversations about judicial review as a check on the courts as well," she added.

Some of These Reactions to the Affirmative Action Ruling Are Getting Ugly.  It's a cycle of whining we've all come to know from the Left when they don't get their way, and this week was a brutal one for progressives in America.  From this ruling on college admissions to Joe Biden not being able to cancel student debt unilaterally, the Left learned that Biden isn't a king. [...] While liberal America's initial reactions to the affirmative action ruling will undoubtedly be centered on how Justice Clarence Thomas is evil, how we're veering back toward pre-Civil War times, how the GOP is racist, and how the Supreme Court is illegitimate because they handed down a decision we didn't like; it's children's hour.  But a nasty war within America's minority communities is about to erupt between blacks and Asians.  It's the issue that splinters these voting blocs, and it's best to let these two sides duke it out, vent, and take swings at one another because it won't be pretty.  And yes, some Asian progressives will hurl grenades into their own tent, accusing 'Fellow Yellows' of siding with white supremacy if they agree with the Court's decision.

Democrats Don't Care About Democracy.  Since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, Democrats and their media lackeys have crafted a narrative that they, and only they, are defenders of democracy against encroaching fascism, authoritarianism, and institutional racism.  They have also complained about the anti-institutionalism of "MAGA Republicans" who supposedly threaten America's institutions and rule of law.  Of course, this is a big lie considering the constant demeaning of the Supreme Court as "illegitimate" and "not normal."  To Democrats, democracy means getting everything they want and making sure conservatives, Republicans, and especially Christians never get anything they want.  Democracy is simply a magical abracadabra word, having now taken on sacred and mystical feeling, to be utilized as a bludgeoning force of bloviated rhetoric to legitimize their totalitarian impulses and policies.  They want to strongarm the Court with threats to rule in their favor.  If the Court does so, no problem.  The hypocrisy of Democrats is nothing new.  But it cannot ever be set aside.

Kamala Harris Says 'Book Bans' Make LGBT People 'Afraid' For Their Lives.  Vice President Kamala Harris said Monday that so-called "book bans" make LGBT people fear for their lives.  Allegations of book banning started after Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation protecting parental rights in Florida in March 2022, which led to schools pulling multiple books on the grounds of having explicit content, including "Gender Queer," "Let's Talk About It" and "It's Perfectly Normal."  Parents across the country have raised objections to books with sexually explicit content in recent years.

Four Ways the Deep State Betrays Americans.  In defending America's two-tiered (in)justice system currently dedicated to covering up Biden family crimes while persecuting Trump and his supporters, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland had the audacity to declare that any condemnation of the secret police "constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy and essential to the safety of the American people."  Hear that, plebes?  "Democracy" will survive only if the people's voices are silenced and the powerful institutions are obeyed.  The opinions of commoners are "attacks," while the crimes of institutions are "essential."  To save "democracy," defend the dictatorship!

MSNBC Host Mika Brzezinski Claims Abortion Bans Will Kill Women, But None Have Died.  Pro-abortion firebrand and MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski joined New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY) on Monday's Morning Joe to discuss Hochul's plans to subvert Republican pro-life legislation.  During the segment, Brzezinski made the brain busting claim that not allowing women to get abortions will leave them dead or sterilized, followed by Hochul's Freudian slip in which she called for utilizing military arsenals against those who oppose abortion.  Brzezinski dedicated the segment to Kathy Hochul's legislation that would enable abortion providers in New York to send abortion pills to women in Republican states, effectively bypassing the laws enacted in those states in the wake of RoeRoe v. Wade's repeal by the United States Supreme Court.  She, along with Hochul and activist Lauren Leader fearmongered about the necessity of abortion, and simultaneously threatened Republicans.

Garland: Questioning the Integrity of the Justice Department Is an Attack on — You Guessed It.  With the sweetheart deal that Hunter Biden just got from federal prosecutors, Attorney General Merrick Garland has once again confirmed that he has taken the Justice Department, which was once the envy of the world for its indefatigable commitment to equal justice for all, and turned it into a squad of legal hit men for foes of the Biden regime and a legal laundromat for the regime's members and cronies, most notably for the alleged president's crackhead influence-peddling son.  Garland himself, however, bristles if you believe your lying eyes on this matter.  On Friday he complained that charges that his Justice Department was doling out frame jobs for dissidents and skates for friends of the regime was a threat to — that's right! — our "democracy."

President Trump Did What Ross Perot Could Not.  As Governor Mike Huckabee noticed during his recent appearance on NewsMax, the affairs of the prevailing political regime are scandals that dwarf Watergate.  Those comprising the Obama-Biden cabal have abused their powers for years with defining hallmarks like illegal surveillance and political persecution; but they've also weaponized the most powerful departments and agencies of the federal government, all funded by your tax dollars, against those (like President Trump) who stand in the way of the monopolization of political power for which they have an insatiable desire.  And, in a manner characteristic of their communist mentality, they consider anything that obstructs their power grab as "evil" and every detrimental action taken against their opponents as "good" — or, according to standard Marxian terminology used by Soviet rulers and similar regimes elsewhere: "progress."

What does 'freedom of the press' mean when the media eagerly join with the censors?  Right now, censorship is more prevalent than at any time in our lifetimes.  And it's actually embraced by the mainstream media, the Biden administration and the Democrats' party as a whole.  The Twitter Files published by a group of independent journalists, show the intense censorship promoted by the administration and its agencies through pressure on the tech companies.  The mainstream media ignores and suppresses the revelations of the Twitter Files and anything else that would embarrass the administration or offend its supporters.  Democrats profess to be concerned about censorship, but only in so far as it involves what they call "book banning" in Florida, which is really regulating what books can be included in public school libraries.  That is something that has always occurred everywhere and with good reason, because some books are not appropriate for young people.  But until it became likely that Governor Ron DeSantis might be a presidential contender, it had never before been called "book banning."

If You Think You've See A Rabid Climate Nut, Wait Until You Get A Load Of This.  [The video clip speaks for itself, with a language warning, of course.  The man in the video is an example of a person who thinks that the person who yells loudest wins an argument.]

If You're Going To Use The Word 'Fascism,' Learn What It Means.  A couple of days ago, we posted a satirical piece, call it a sati-torial, with a list of headlines we're never going to see.  One of them said "Democrats Realize They've Been Using The Word 'Fascist' Wrong For Decades."  There's a lot of truth in there.  The way the political left tosses around that word shows that they have no idea what it means.  Or maybe they do.  And they're intentionally applying it wrongly because they're driven by their depravity.  Either way, we've been hearing it for decades.  And its use has accelerated in recent years along with the irresponsible usage of "white supremacy" and "white privilege."

The Corruption of Climate Science.  For over 50 years, with increasing frequency, corrupted, careerist scientists have produced biased studies that, amplified by agenda-driven corporate and political special interests, constitute a "consensus" that is supposedly "beyond debate." We are in a "climate crisis."  To cope with this climate emergency, all measures are justifiable.  This is overblown, one-sided, distorted, and manipulative propaganda.  It is the language of authoritarians and corporatists bent on achieving even more centralized political power and economic wealth.  It is a scam, perhaps the most audacious, all-encompassing fraud in human history.  It is a scam that explicitly targets and crushes the middle class in developed nations and the entire aspiring populations in developing nations, at the same time as its messaging is designed to secure their fervent acquiescence.

Progressives Are Purely Emotional.  Whether it be DEI, CRT, ESG, the Green New Deal, reparations, newly revised/lowered physical requirements for military/fire/police duty or anything else, compared to conservatives, progressives insist that they know more about the facts of the matter, they feel more deeply and are more compassionate and understanding, and most importantly, progressives contend that their positions are the only ones that will benefit the country.  All high-profile progressives not only claim that they are correct about a given topic, they consistently maintain that conservative positions are not only wrong, but they are designed to deliberately diminish the quality of life for specific demographic groups that progressives think conservatives wish to harm.

Important climate change "Save That Date" in 17 days.  Contrary to the hyperbole on the evening broadcast and the Weather Channel's penchant for naming every breeze that goes by, we are not in bad shape at all.  [Chart, not shown here.]  Although the media has upped their graphics game to match the current CLIMATE EMERGENCY.  Red makes everything more dramatic, so maybe the Luddites will pay attention to our shrieking now.

Will Wokeness Be Our Demise?  People infected with wokeness blame racism, white supremacy, homophobes, misogyny, religion, climate change, capitalism, etc. when things don't go their way.  They insist that a human is a man when biology proves, through DNA, anatomical bone structure, and genitalia she was born with, that the human is female.  And vice versa.  Woke has become a medical industrial money-making vehicle for transgender surgeries and lifelong hormones, starting in early childhood.  Body dysmorphia is a mental condition for which treatment is needed.  Just like anorexia.  Both may be fatal.  The woke want to spread their ideology.  They attempt to control language through invented words and phrases.  They impose rules for others to use:  pronouns, of their choice, for example.  If the pronouns they claim are not obeyed to their satisfaction, they may threaten violence due to trigger words, which they call verbal violence.  Or they may announce that someone hurt their feelings, and that person is therefore evil.

After Pushing Russia Hoax, Hillary Clinton Says Trump Winning in 2024 Would 'End Democracy in America'.  Hillary Clinton misled the American people by fabricating the Russia Hoax to smear President Donald Trump in the eyes of voters.  Clinton's 2016 campaign, with her full knowledge, planted the story and then pushed for investigations from her allies in the FBI and other federal agencies.  In any other country what she did would be called a coup and she would be in handcuffs.

Newsom Melts Down As Target Pulls Some 'Pride' Products Amid Outrage: 'Doesn't Stop Here'.  The governor of the largest state in the country is lashing out on Twitter at the CEO of Target over its decision to remove some of its "Pride" collection products.  On Tuesday night, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) tweeted, "CEO of Target Brian Cornell selling out the LGBTQ+ community to extremists is a real profile in courage."  "This isn't just a couple stores in the South.  There is a systematic attack on the gay community happening across the country.  Wake up America," he continued.  Finally, the tweet took a bizarre, fearmongering turn as Newsom claimed, "This doesn't stop here.  You're black?  You're Asian?  You're Jewish?  You're a woman?  You're next."  [Tweet]

Nebraska senator flips out debating ban on sex change surgeries for minors, screams 'we need trans people'.  A Friday morning session in the unicameral Nebraska legislature devolved into chaos after one Democratic lawmaker began shouting her support for transgender people amid a debate on a bill to ban sex change procedures for minors in the state.  The bill, which was ultimately approved by lawmakers and sent to Republican Gov. Jim Pillen's desk to become law, bans sex change procedures for minors, as well as abortion after 12 weeks of pregnancy.  In voicing her disapproval to the measure Friday morning, state Democrat Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh slapped the lectern and repeatedly shouted: "Transgender people belong here, we need trans people, we love trans people."

The Durham Probe Exposes Our Elites as Lawless Dictators, and their Allies as Corrupt Collaborators.  When Democrats and NeverTrumpers adopted the term "Resistance" for their efforts to frustrate Trump, they were telegraphing the fact that no rules applied, no means however corrupt or even violent was off the table.  They would leave no rule unbroken, no string unpulled, no method untried.  That was how thoroughly they rejected the voters' will, and how much they despised the voters.  Hillary Clinton's use of the word "Deplorables" quickly backfired.  Instead, supporters of Trump's center-right agenda were smeared with stickier epithets.  They were outright "racists," "white nationalists," "Christian nationalists," or (in Biden's current usage) "domestic extremists."  Not fellow Americans who differed with the politics of our urban, coastal elites, but barely human time-bombs ticking, waiting to explode with violence and hate.

Beware the Globalist 'One Health' Propaganda Merging Pandemic and Climate 'Emergencies'.  First UNICEF, followed by GAVI, the WHO, the UN, the Council of Europe, the BMJ, the Guardian, the Financial Times, Save the Children and now the Labour Party have all told you:  "No one is safe until everyone is safe."  This slogan is designed to garner ideals of equity and togetherness and induce a warm, fuzzy feeling whilst in actual fact it is cold and calculating.  The ultimate purpose of this slogan is to diminish the range of your thought and to perpetuate the state of emergency.  Its teaching is a top-down imposition with no grounding in reality, amplified with mantra-like repetition by many (seemingly) independent voices until it is no longer questioned by the masses.  This is an insidious form of indoctrination.  The techniques employed by these sloganeers are not new and echo those of totalitarian regimes.  Unless we are able to comprehend the power of this manipulation then we cannot safeguard ourselves from the danger that it poses.

Does anyone else have a problem fathoming woke cliches and edicts? 
  [#1]   If diversity is our strength, is unity a weakness?  Should we be the Diverse States of America?
  [#3]   If gender is a social construct, why does it take gender affirming surgery to alter it?
  [#5]   If there are over 20 genders, what is the relevance of a gender reveal party?
  [#6]   If race is a social construct, what is the legitimacy of skin color-based educational and career advancement?
  [#8]   If CRT is a theory, why must we respond to it as fact?
  [#14]   Why in the most technically advanced nation on earth does it take two weeks to learn election results?
  [#18]   If abortion is a woman's health issue, is pregnancy a disease?

Seething Rage in former Institutions of Higher Learning.  The rejection of free speech has seeped out of our universities into K-12 schools and into the culture generally, where it breeds dogmatism, hatred and even violence (talk about fascists?).  One would think that anyone of even modest intelligence would see how dangerous this is but the enormous levels of narcissistic self-absorption, an essential concomitant to the dogmatic intolerance promulgated by the left, instilled into the young over the past decades, prevents people from seeing anything beyond their own imagined reflections.  It is only common sense that the reason adolescent undergraduates refuse to debate certain issues is that they cannot defend them.  If one is really confident in one's views, one is happy, even eager, to debate them respectfully and civilly.  It is likely that, at some level, the undergraduate censors know that their rote recitation of slogans and bumper stickers in a homogeneous leftist echo-chamber does not constitute a serious position.

White House calls Kevin McCarthy's budget a 'ransom note' that would 'give asthma to our children' and let oil companies produce chemicals that 'melt bones'.  The White House amped up its attacks on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's budget Friday as it moves toward a floor vote — calling it a risk to health and environmental programs and would 'poison the lungs of our children.'  It was just the latest attack on an emerging budget document set to get a key House vote next week, amid a standoff over raising the nation's $31 trillion debt limit and House Republicans' demands for cuts.  White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the plan put forward by the House Budget Committee amounted to 'holding our economy hostage' that she said would 'kill jobs, fill our cities with smog, and give asthma to our children.'

Karine Jean-Pierre Says House Republicans Want to Fill Our Cities with Smog, Give Asthma to Kids and Poison Children.  White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Friday said House Republicans want to fill cities with smog and give asthma to children.  Karine Jean-Pierre trashed Republicans ahead of Joe Biden's announcement to sign an executive order on 'environmental justice.'  The affirmative action White House spox claimed House Speaker McCarthy's plan will poison children and literally melt bones.

The Editor says...
"Environmental justice" is a contrived expression used by socialists to advance almost any of their causes, because it sounds good but it means nothing.  Nobody ever asks the far-left troublemakers to define this term.  The implication is that the environment unjustly affects some people more than others.  (Wow, that environment is mean!)  I guess the envirnoment can victimize certain groups of people, in the same way that global warming causes everything and everything causes global warming.

Biden Secretary Appears To Cry Because Of Climate Change During Hearing.  President Joe Biden's Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland appeared to begin crying over the issue of climate change while giving testimony during a U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources hearing.  "I really do have to say that all of this is because climate change is the crisis of our lifetime," Haaland said, as she then appeared to start crying briefly.  "We have an obligation to future generations to make sure that we have a planet for them to live on.  And that's why I'm here, and that's why I'm working incredibly hard to make sure that we can realize that transition, that we can have differing energy sources.  We can't continue to be a one-industry country," Haaland said.  [Video clip]

The Editor says...
The Secretary is delusional if she thinks that the U.S. is a one-industry country (what industry is that?), or if she thinks that climate change is a crisis, or if she thinks there won't be a planet for future generations to live on.  It is as if she gets all of her information from comic books.  She is one of the most poorly-informed public officials I've ever heard.  There is no climate crisis.  The climate is changing, but so gradually that you wouldn't notice any difference if a century's worth of climate change happened overnight.

Young people are too scared to have kids — and climate change hysteria is to blame.  This is terrible.  After all, if almost half our young people are too frightened to start families, there won't be a civilisation left to save.  Their fear isn't just tragic, however.  It's also pathetic.  The future may be fraught with danger, but then, the future always has been.  Say you were young during the Black Death, or the Blitz.  Or, for that matter, at any point during the many millennia before the invention of penicillin, or electricity, or dentists.  Did all those generations of young people think, "We can't possibly bring children into this hideous world.  The future is simply too bleak"?  No.  We know they didn't.  Because if they had, we wouldn't be here.

The Editor says...
These extremely fragile snowflakes actually believe that global warming is about to render the Earth uninhabitable, based on nothing but fear.  Facts don't matter any more, only sensationalism.

Progressives [are] Not Interested in the Good of the Country.  Predictably, progressives always go right to their favorite boogeyman: Gun control.  "When will we learn?  How much more will it take?"  No new gun laws would have prevented any of these shootings.  The cause is far deeper, having more to do with the shifting/diminishing sense of personal responsibility, the distorted and totally unjustified feeling of entitlement amongst the young, and the growing dissolution of the traditional two-parent nuclear family that is no longer present to impart the time-tested values of right-and-wrong the way they did two or three generations ago.  These are the major deep-rooted causal reasons of mass violence and band-aid gun law "fixes" will have no effect.

Scientific American Compares DeSantis to Mussolini.  It is hardly breaking news that many once-trustworthy science and medical publications have been infected by leftist ideology.  One of the worst cases involved the Lancet, which published an editorial in May of 2020 that openly urged American voters to replace then-President Trump.  Sadly, this disease has continued to metastasize.  The latest outbreak just appeared in Scientific American, which published an opinion piece on Friday claiming that the education policies of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis "mirror past fascist strategies in ways that are disquieting for American democracy."

Democrats' assault on democracy focuses on whose 'voices are being channeled' not on the law.  This month, there was an "assault on democracy" in Tennessee.  It was not three members halting the legislative process, but rather their expulsion.  It appears that nothing says democracy like a bullhorn and obstructing legislative work.  I recently wrote a column on how American politics has become a simple matter of amplification after Democrats stopped the Tennessee House proceedings with a bullhorn to protest the lack of gun control measures.  I noted, "Today, for many, there is no room for nuance.  Instead, they live in a world occupied only by 'fascists' and 'insurrectionists.'" [...] Vice President Harris did not visit the families of the victims of the recent mass shooting in Nashville, but flew to the state to express her outrage at the expulsion of two legislators.  She praised the legislators while blaming the Republicans for victimizing the families whom she ignored on her visit.

Kansas: Democrat who defied Party on trans sports threatened with death by colleagues.  KS Representative Marvin Robinson (D-KCK) was told to "go die" by a colleague and that he had "blood on his hands" for voting to override Kansas Governor Kelley's veto of a bill banning boys from playing in girls' sports. [...] Contrary to the truth, Democrats keep claiming that banning transgender athletes from playing sports with children of the opposite sex would require "genital inspections" of the kids.  This is a lie.  Not even remotely true.  Children are identified as their biological sex from the time they enter school and athletes often require physical exams by doctors in order to participate.  No school or government official "inspects" a child's genitals, yet this claim is repeated endlessly because... it works.  It sounds awful and confirms the priors of liberals that Republicans are evil.  When the bill returned for consideration after the governor's veto the legislature overrode, putting the bill into law.  Rep. Robinson voted with the Republicans, despite being otherwise progressive.  He prayed on the issue and decided he could not join his Democrat colleagues despite his progressive bona fides.

The Psychological Ties Between Heightened Emotionality and School Shootings.  How can we come together if we can't understand and compromise on any given set of facts?  For some, facts are fungible and can mean whatever you want, which is a logical fallacy.  One plus one must always equal two, and no one can change that!  Increasingly, this is not universally understood.

Racism, Inc..  Hopefully, more and more Americans are becoming aware that modern liberalism is moving increasingly away from any semblance of normalized, rational thought and behavior.  The Left's whole mindset has become radicalized.  One of the Democratic Party's main coalitions, of course, is based on "race" and "racism," and thus their followers are being trained to think in those terms and see almost everything through a "racial" lens.  It is ludicrous in the extreme, but is an unwavering staple of modern Leftist thought.  It isn't really "thought," it's brainwashing, a blind acceptance of propaganda with no real evidence to support it.

Whoopi Mocks Conservatives Who Lost Everything In Tornadoes: 'There Hasn't Been Much Denying Of Climate Change'.  Whoopi Goldberg mocked conservatives during Thursday's broadcast of "The View," claiming that she hadn't heard as many people denying climate change since their houses had been "blown down ... for the fourth or the fifth time."  Goldberg joined her co-hosts on the ABC midday talk show in a preemptive post-mortem of the Republican Party in the wake of former President Donald Trump's indictment on Tuesday — beginning with co-host Joy Behar's claim that the party would never win another election. [...] Behar went on to claim that people would refuse to vote Republican because they didn't want to see more school shootings or tornadoes, appearing to suggest that voting Democrat would somehow prevent those things from happening.

The Progressive Backlash to DeSantis's Permitless Carry Is Baseless and Unhinged.  On Monday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law allowing "constitutional carry" in his state.  Then, progressives and Democrats online had an absolute meltdown in response.  "Sickening," the official Democratic Party's Twitter account wrote of the news.  "Hiding behind closed doors and with the NRA by his side, Ron DeSantis just signed a bill that could make it easier for criminals to carry guns.  He's prioritizing winning the MAGA base over our kids' safety."

The great gun control myth.  Mass murders and school shootings have become so commonplace that the average person can accurately predict the results.  From politicians to special interest groups to private citizens who share the same anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment sentiment, the responses have been reduced to redundant, recycled talking points.
  •   Enough is enough
  •   Ban assault weapons
  •   Who needs weapons of war?
  •   We need gun violence prevention legislation to keep or children safe.

Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman SCREAMS at Republicans as They Leave House Chamber.  Democrats want your guns.  They've turned ALL of our cities into violent [places] and now they want YOU to give up your only protection!  These people are just crazy.  Representative Jamaal Bowman of New York screamed at Republican lawmakers as they exited the Capitol building on Wednesday evening [3/29/2023].  Rep. Bowman was captured on video screaming "They're cowards!  They're all cowards.  They won't do anything to save the lives of our children at all.  Cowards."

Gun Control Activist Takes Over Nashville Police School Shooting Briefing.  A gun control activist took over the Nashville Police's briefing and began ranting about the problem with guns after the officers had concluded giving initial details about a school shooting at Covenant School, a private Christian elementary school that has left three students and three adults dead.  The woman walked up to the microphones and asked the journalists if they were tired of reporting on school shootings.  She revealed she is currently on family vacation with her child but she came down to the scene when the news broke.  "I have been lobbying in D.C. since we survived a mass shooting in July.  I have met with over 130 lawmakers.  How is this still happening?  How are our children still dying and why are we failing them?  Gun violence is the number one killer of children and teens.  It has overtaken cars," the woman said.

Doug Emhoff Compares School Board Meetings to the Holocaust.  Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff compared the "hate" at public school board meetings Wednesday [3/15/2023] to that which motivated the Holocaust, in which the Nazis exterminated six million Jews and millions of other people.  Emhoff was speaking at the South by Southwest (SXSW) conference, a trendy gathering of tech-savvy entrepreneurs and artists in Austin, Texas.  He was interviewed by the Symone Sanders, the former spokesperson for his wife, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Academia's latest invention: 'petro-masculinity'.  For a member of the academic class, there's a burden to bring something intellectually worthwhile to the table.  When you have nothing to offer (like the vast majority of college professors), you simply invent new scholarly-ish terms.  Instead of "pedophile" or "child predator," academia offers us the softer "minor-attracted person."  Instead of "sexual mutilation" or "medical malpractice," we get "gender-affirming care."  And now, drum roll, please...Cara Daggett, a professor at Virginia Tech and a "climate sociologist," unveils her latest literary horror:  "petro-masculinity."  (Apparently, all it takes to signal academic genius as a leftist is to smash a couple of buzzwords together separated by a hyphen.)

The Grand Unified Theory of Victimhood!
Hillary Ties It All Together, Says Women Are the Main Victims of Climate Change, Especially In Ukraine.  This is why Hillary Clinton rose to the top and came within an ace of shattering the highest, toughest glass ceiling of all:  she knows how to tie together all the Left's favorite talking points into one neat package.  Of course, the end result has nothing whatsoever to do with reality, but when did that ever stop Leftists?

The Editor says...
Oh no, I would say left-handed, transgender, indigenous inner-city women in underserved communities in Ukraine are hardest hit; especially those who are affected by asthma resulting from exposure to second-hand smoke, PM-2.5, and gas-guzzling cell phone towers due to the lack of access to public transportation caused by rising sea levels and boiling oceans.  It's all Donald Trump's fault, obviously.

The Democrats are Down to Begging Their Enemies to Keep Their False Jan 6 Narrative Alive.  The Democrats have assumed quite a few different kinds of attitudes over the course of the last year and all surrounding one topic; the events of January 6.  First, they were horrified and scared of being harmed, then they were righteously furious, then they were stoically pursuing justice.  Their noble quest to bring the guilty to justice over an attempted "insurrection" was one of epic proportions and they would stop at nothing to right the wrongs and protect the country from the murderous and treasonous machinations of Trump and those who consider themselves MAGA fanatics.

At least he didn't say "Democracy."
Ken Burns Calls Ron DeSantis and Tucker Carlson 'Huge Threat to Our Republic'.  It's been a day of the left and their fellow travelers throwing tantrums over Tucker Carlson's coverage of the Jan. 6 video footage.  I wrote earlier about Tucker's coverage as well as Adam Kinzinger's continued meltdown.  There have been a lot of bad takes.  But perhaps one of the worst came from documentary filmmaker Ken Burns, the guy known for his history documentaries.  Now I must admit to having watched some of his work, including on the Civil War and the history of baseball, and enjoying it.  If you liked his work and thought he sounded knowledgeable, you may want to adjust your opinion after this.  It's a terrible thing to lose one's mind to leftism.  He not only railed on Tucker but he lost it on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as well.  [Tweet]

The Unhinged Meltdowns Outside SCOTUS Over Student Debt Are Something to See.  There have been some pretty nutty meltdowns over the past day regarding the student debt forgiveness matter that is presently before the Supreme Court.  The reaction of Democrats and some in the media has been wild, showing that they don't care about the Consitution, all they care about is paying off their base for the bribe that was offered before the midterms.  They know they will likely lose since there is no support in the Constitution for Joe Biden's ability to unilaterally forgive student debt.  But they want to put on a show now so that the leftists base will blame SCOTUS and not who they should be blaming — Joe Biden and the Democrats who lied to them on this issue.

Neil Oliver Outlines the Weaponry of Words, as Used to Shut Down Truth and Hide Perversion and Corruption.  The slow creep of ugliness into the language of public debate is impossible to ignore.  It is a truly sad state of affairs, a degradation of the quality of discourse, that should finally give us pause, make us stop and take a long hard look at the reality presently being forced upon us.  But the fact is we have grown accustomed to the knee-jerk application of lazy slurs and the smearing of reputations, to the casual abuse of those around us with some of the vilest accusations imaginable. [...] It has been done on purpose and the name-calling has been led and driven by government, by nudge units and the rest of the little wizards tasked with the psychological manipulation and perversion of society.  It really got going with "anti-vaxxer", "covidiot", "covid-denier" and "granny-killer" that became the round-the-clock stock in trade not just of government ministers but most effectively from the mouths of familiar TV journalists and other media figures.  As with "racist", "misogynist" and "transphobe" the panoply of pandemic epithets were the childishly effective bludgeon used to try and knock any and all dissent or downright disobedience on the head.  As well as about silencing and controlling, it has been about division.  Lockdowns and social distancing kept us physically apart, but even more sinister now is the way we are being set at each other's throats, fracturing and damaging the very fabric of society.

Biden claims Republicans are repeating the Joseph McCarthy hearings of the 1950s.  The White House on Thursday blasted the new House subcommittee on 'weaponization' of government with a scorching letter that compared it to red-baiting probes of the 1950s.  'Today, Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan is launching the Fox News reboot of the House Un-American Activities Committee with a political stunt that weaponizes Congress to carry out the priorities of extreme MAGA Republicans in Congress,' wrote White House spokesman Ian Sams in a four-page memo to 'interested parties.'  The blast also referenced the infamous Wisconsin Sen. Joseph McCarthy hearings that followed 1950s House hearings meant to root out communists in government, Hollywood, and other areas.

Jiggery-Pokery Wokery.  As amusing and bemusing as its zealous adherents appear, their devotion to wokeism's edicts (I won't call them "principles") is deadly serious.  Any small business-owner who has had the misfortune of struggling to earn a living near the scene of some perceived injustice providing the pretense for Antifa and Black Lives Matter arsonists to unleash a new criminal campaign of burning, looting, and murdering in the name of "justice," knows that once the woke go berserker, no innocent person or private property is safe.  The woke love to destroy whatever they touch — culture, infrastructure, social cohesion, rational thought.  To be woke is to embrace chaos and injury as a philosophy.  From an anthropological perspective, wokeism is fascinating because its practitioners believe they are creative freethinkers while they act as lobotomized sheep.  Whatever the woke wizards posing as priests tell their needy followers, the woke herds accept as truth.  Russia stole the election from Hillary!  Man-made global warming causes earthquakes!  Black police officers killing a black suspect is proof of "white supremacy"!  These assertions, thrown out to their intended audience with all the intellectual depth of a viral internet meme, are never questioned or analyzed.  They are quickly accepted as doctrinal "truths" to be defended at all preposterous costs.

The Rise of Transgenderism Leaves Civilization Undefended.  If you're like me you've probably had it with being afraid of the sheer rise in power that the transgender movement has amassed in little over two years.  It has many people scared, truly scared.  Scared of saying (I'm going to say it):  Biological men can never be real women; men cannot have babies; referring to oneself as "they" is beyond grammatically infelicitous, it renders one a nonsensical and a conceptual non-entity; the transgender affirmation of adolescents, which means agreeing to visiting a host of atrocities on a child's body and plying it with irreversible drugs, is child abuse; trans women (biological men) have no business participating in (real) women's sports.  There I've said it all — at least as much as I care to for now.  Why are people scared of offending trans people?  Misgendering another person, I am told, is the worst offense you can commit against another human being — as bad as rape and murder.  No kidding.  How did a small minority of people get to command the language, protocols, norms and framing methods of an entire culture in so short a space of time?  Who handed all that power to them, and why?

Biden Ramps Up Another Far-Left Obsession by Claiming Climate Change Worse Than 'Nuclear Weapons'.  We've been covering lately how President Joe Biden and his administration are particularly obsessed with abortion, but on Tuesday afternoon the president reminded how he's equally overly focused on another Democratic talking point, which would be climate change.  Biden addressed the issue during a fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in New York City.  Not only did he warn about climate change when it comes to emphasize we have "a real big problem," he claimed that it's even worse than nuclear weapons.  "If we don't stay under 1.5 degrees Celsius incr- — we're going to have a real problem," he said, stumbling over his words.  "It's the single-most existential threat to humanity we've ever faced, including nuclear weapons."  On its face, it's a pretty stunning statement.

Dave Chappelle Says out Loud What Absolutely Everyone Is Thinking About Trans Activists.  [Scroll down] These kinds of protests by the radical trans lobby are nothing more than performance art and they always pick on a group they know won't fight back (again, minus our barricade-throwing heroine).  They are absolute phonies trying to stir up trouble where there isn't any.  It's just the left being the left — the supply of legitimate anti-trans crimes doesn't come close to meeting their insatiable demand, so they try to create it by taunting people not looking for a fight.  Their hope, of course, is that someone will finally snap and fight back, thus they'll be able to make the the claim that the trans community is being victimized.  Unfortunately for the perma-woke, Dave Chappelle's got their number and he's not afraid to say what we're all thinking:  Their ultimate goal is to garner publicity and to create controversy where there isn't any — and it's a tired schtick that's long since run its course.

Enough with the 'Hostage-Taking' Nonsense.  In a column, [Washington Post columnist Catherine] Rampell expands on the metaphor.  "Sorting out the country's fiscal challenges is a worthwhile goal," she concedes, although it is one that should ideally be pursued through the process of regular order (which both parties long ago abandoned when it comes to the budget).  But she contends that "holding the debt limit hostage" in pursuit of that objective will have the opposite of its intended consequence. [...] Maybe overextended analogies and colorful language are necessary to get anyone who isn't steeped in partisan minutia to engage in the otherwise banal process of negotiated cuts to the bloated federal budget.  It reprises the ill-considered rhetorical flourishes Obama administration functionaries deployed to discredit Republican tactics in the 44th president's second term.  Then, administration officials likened GOP members to terrorists "with a bomb strapped to their chest."  Obama himself deemed the GOP's effort to hold one of his nominees, Loretta Lynch, "hostage" illegitimate — an endeavor Sen. Dick Durbin said was the equivalent of forcing this African-American woman to the "back of the bus."  At the time, the White House regularly compared its opponents with "arsonists, anarchists, extortionists, blackmailers," as one reporter summarized.

Nashville woman speaks out after using gun to defend against teen carjackers.  Two teenage brothers, one 15-years-old and the other a year younger, are now in after allegedly carjacking a Nashville woman at gunpoint on Monday morning and firing shots at her hours later when she spotted them driving in the stolen vehicle.  Quaneishia Wiggins says she was on her way to work early Monday morning just after 4 a.m. when she noticed a car driving erratically.  She honked her horn as she drove past the vehicle, but noticed when she pulled in to work that the vehicle was now following her.  When she opened her driver's side door, Wiggins says a juvenile in a ski mask and holding a gun ran up, with two others close behind.  They demanded her phone, wallet, and keys before quickly speeding off in her Dodge Journey.

Biden's 'Jim Crow 2.0' Lie About Georgia's Election Law Just Got Shredded.  The election security law passed by Republican lawmakers in Georgia and signed into law by the Peach State's GOP Governor Brian Kemp drew some of the most outlandish claims from Democrats who, for some reason, oppose making it harder to cheat and easier to vote in elections.  President Biden called the election security law "Jim Crow 2.0" and urged Major League Baseball to yank the All-Star Game from Atlanta, which they did — all based on a lie.  Woke corporations signed an open letter and used it to virtue signal their opposition to what they alleged would be racist disenfranchisement of voters in Georgia.  Celebrities took to their Instagram and Twitter followers to smear the law, furthering false claims.  Failed Democrat candidate for governor Stacey Abrams declared that the law proved definitively that Georgia Republicans were racist and wanted to return, as Biden had hinted, to some revamped iteration of disgraceful Jim Crow policies.  But then the 2022 primary election happened, and voter turnout records were broken.

At Davos, the Rev. John Kerry Signals His Place Among the Elect.  In my 2015 book, Scarlet Letters, I spoke of the emergence of a Neo-Puritan movement in America.  But not until Biden "climate envoy" John Kerry began pontificating at Davos did any prominent member of the Neo-Puritan elect speak specifically to the cult's existence. [...] This Neo-Puritan anxiety inspires the woke to signal their virtue not just on their car bumpers but in their very front yards.  The signs are everywhere: "Black Lives Matter," "Stop Asian Hate," and the wonderfully inclusive, all-purpose dogma display that begins with, "In this house, we believe," and concludes with the laughable, "Kindness is everything."  Not content to proclaim their own virtue, the more sanctimonious among the woke feel the need to contest the worthiness of others.

How Al Gore Amassed a $330 Million Climate Fortune by Terrifying Everyone.  Former Vice President and 2000 presidential election loser Al Gore has spent his post-political career warning anyone who will listen that the earth is in its death throes due to global warming (now called climate change because somehow that's better).  His 2006 documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" amassed $49 million at the world box office and catapulted Al into the top ranks of climate hysterics, and he's never looked back, constantly jetting to meetings around the world to preach his truth.  This week he's at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, because of course he is.  Is he doing this because he truly believes what he's saying, or because he cares so very much about you?  While we can't read his mind, one thing we do know for sure:  climate change has been very, very good to Al Gore.  Though he was worth approximately $1.7 million at the end of his vice presidency, he has now amassed an estimated $330 million fortune, owns houses in Virginia, California, and Tennessee, and receives a cool $2 million a month for a figurehead position at the Generation Investment Management green energy fund he founded with former Goldman Sachs Managing Director David W. Blood.

Al Gore Goes On A Crazy Rant About Climate Change At Davos.  Rain bombs?  Boiling oceans?  600k Herohima nukes exploding every day?  [Video clip]

Al Gore WEF Meltdown: 'Boiling the Oceans,' 'Rain Bombs,' a Billion 'Climate Refugees'.  Former Vice President Al Gore said that "greenhouse gas pollution" was "boiling the oceans," causing "rain bombs," and creating "climate refugees" during remarks at a World Economic Forum (WEF) event in Davos, Switzerland on Tuesday.  Gore joined a panel discussion ostensibly examining what the WEF and the White House regularly describe as a "climate crisis" driven by consumption of fossil fuels.  One of the panel's hosts framed it as a "planetary crisis" driving "mass extinction" while "really putting humanity's future at risk."

The Editor says...
People who claim that the oceans are boiling, etc., should be ignored, and certainly should not be given any power.

Why Deception Is Essential to the Left.  News item: Stanford University withdraws its "Harmful Language" list after it received widespread publicity — and universal ridicule.  But other universities are quietly imposing similar "language guidance" albeit without high-profile master lists that would expose them to the withering laughter and contempt they deserve.  News item: The Biden Administration rushes to reassure Americans that there is "no plan" to ban natural gas stoves.  This is a lie, of course.  Lots of progressive cities — and even New York state — are moving to impose bans on all natural gas appliances.  There is no doubt that the climatistas are determined to take away your gas stoves.  What do these two stories have in common?  In both cases the left was too open and explicit about what they wanted, drawing unwanted and premature attention.

Fox's Geraldo Rivera Slammed for Calling AR-15s 'Automatic Rifles'.  Longtime journalist and Fox News co-host Geraldo Rivera received a wave of criticism on Twitter Tuesday after incorrectly identifying the AR-15 as an "automatic rifle."  In an exchange on the opinion roundtable show, "The Five," Rivera discussed President Joe Biden's pledge to ban assault rifles with his fellow co-hosts.  "I submit to you, ladies and gentlemen, there is no legitimate reason ... to have an AR-15," Rivera tells the table.

Get Ready for 'Climate Change Death' Tracking.  With Covid more or less spent as a coercive lever, the regime needs a new body count to justify continued undemocratic policymaking and execution.  Climate change stands at the ready.  So be prepared to start hearing about "climate change death" numbers.  Anytime someone runs himself over with his truck in the snow, it will be labeled a climate change death.  The cause of death isn't the point.  The number is what matters.  If the authorities can gin up sizable enough death numbers, it can use them to support its climate change agenda and create a sense of urgency.  Anything somewhat weather-related will do.  The messaging?  Climate change kills people now.  We need to stop climate change.  To do so, you must surrender more and more of your human rights and freedoms. [...] We've seen this before.  We know how it works.  Alarmism speaks to the personal health and safety of you and everyone around you.  You could die if something isn't done.  You could die if the person next to you doesn't make the required sacrifices.  After all, if you care about the planet and your fellow humans, it's the least you can do.  Do your part.  Just give up the car, they say.  Just ride the bus.  Just move into the city, and live in an apartment.  Just turn in your guns.  Just have less than two kids or none at all.

Let the fearful and godless abstain from reproduction!
Birth Rate in Freefall as 1 in 4 Americans Puts Off Having Kids Due to Climate Fears.  I remember being on a golf course talking politics and a friend "jokingly" called me a "breeder."  I have four kids; he's chosen to forgo parenthood altogether.  After a moment of stunned silence, I realized two things:  one, that there are plenty of folks who think that having children is evil, and two, that this person was not in fact my friend.  He's not alone in his thinking though:  a survey by Veolia, an environmental utility firm, reveals that a quarter of respondents described "not being at peace" due to global warming and said they were "giving up long-term projects such as having children."  The poll should be taken with a grain of salt, however, as the Paris-based company posts other polls on their Twitter feed that all seem to arrive at similar conclusions:  that a majority of inhabitants of the earth spend their waking hours freaking out over the future of the planet.  [Tweet]

Keywords:  Lobbyists, echo chamber, talking points.
The Creepy Cult Surrounding the Gas Stove Panic Gets Exposed.  If you've been on social media the last day or so, you've probably noticed there's a moral panic occurring over gas stoves.  According to Democrats far and wide, they are dangerous, cause asthma, and must be banned by the federal government.  As RedState reported, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushed that line on Tuesday, resulting in much mockery given she herself has a gas stove.  But what's astonishing is that amidst her absolute certainty on the topic, she had never even mentioned the issue prior.  [Tweet]  In other words, in the span of just 24 hours, Ocasio-Cortez saw some questionable study, promoted it on the internet, gained legions of supporters for her position, and then tried to pretend that everyone else had been ignoring her desperate calls.  As Charles W. Cook notes, it's cultish behavior.  Is there anything the New York congresswoman could say that her army of simps wouldn't agree with?  And none of them even gave a second thought as to whether what she was saying was true or made any sense.  It wasn't just Ocasio-Cortez, though.  Other Democrats lined up to preach the dangers of gas stoves, having all suddenly become experts on the matter.  [Tweet]

Consumer Safety Commission Walks Back Gas-Stove Threat amid Backlash.  U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission chairman Alexander D. Hoehn-Saric issued a statement Wednesday assuring the public that his agency has no intention of banning gas stoves after a commission official drew the ire of the cooking public by suggesting the appliances might be banned in the near future due to the alleged health threat they pose to Americans.  "Over the past several days, there has been a lot of attention paid to gas stove emissions and to the Consumer Product Safety Commission," Hoehn-Saric wrote in an official statement released Wednesday.  "To be clear, I am not looking to ban gas stoves and the CPSC has no proceeding to do so."  Commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. had originally told Bloomberg News that fears over air quality caused by gas stoves was creating "a hidden hazard."  "Any option is on the table.  Products that can't be made safe can be banned," Trumka Jr. insisted.  The comments came following Senator Cory Booker (D., N.J.) and Representative Don Beyer (D., Va.) urging the federal agency to investigate the issue due to its allegedly disproportionate impact on black, Latino, and low-income households.

The Editor says...
Wait, is this a solution to global warming, air pollution, asthma, or access/equity/fairness/racism?

Ex-GOP Lawmaker Says House Investigations of FBI, CIA Will 'Shred the Integrity of the Federal Govt'.  Our tale begins with Kentucky Republican Rep. Thomas Massie's revelation that now-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy agreed, as part of a deal with GOP lawmakers opposed to his speakership bid, to the formation of a committee modeled after the 1975 Senate Select Committee, formed by Senator Frank Church, which investigated abuses by the CIA, FBI, National Security Agency, and the IRS, as reported by my colleague Nick Arama.  Enter, ex-Republican Congressman-turned-MSNBC analyst David Jolly and his appearance on Katie Phang's Saturday morning show. [...] I wonder if it occurred to Katie Phang to tell David Jolly, in reference to "shredding the integrity of the federal government," that that ship has already sailed?  Nah, not a chance.  So I will.  The federal government under Joe Biden and Democrat control has already shredded itself, Mr. Jolly, including Attorney General Merrick Garland's, Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Internal Revenue Service.

Dem Lawmakers Say They Worry Their Republican Colleagues Could Shoot Up Congress.  Some House Democrats are concerned that their Republican colleagues could shoot up Congress after metal detectors were removed from the House of Representatives, they told Raw Story.  "A lot of my Republican colleagues glorify violence and proudly display the firearms they have in their offices, so it just makes me nervous that we could have a workplace violent event.  They're not the most stable people," Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell said in an interview this week with Raw Story.  Metal detectors were first installed in the House of Representatives following the Jan 6. riots, but were removed at the start of 118th Congress.

The Editor says...
I stopped listening when they mentioned Eric Swalwell, and I've never heard of Raw Story.

Focus on emotion over rational thinking says Washington state Department of Health.  The Washington state Department of Health's climate curriculum instructs teachers to focus on "emotions" over "rational thinking", according to curriculum lesson plans.  The department recently released a five-part curriculum to help students learn about the "intersections of biological, societal, and environmental issues."  The second phase of the curriculum, "Climate Change & Pregnancy," tells educators and students to "pay attention" to their emotions as "for too long" science has caused "rational thinking" to be prioritized.  "Climate change and pregnancy"?  Pray tell, "educators," does climate change cause pregnancy?  Prevent it?  Or both at the same time?  In any case, man caused climate change is causing "pregnancy change," right?

Alone At The End Of History.  Pondering the end of the world turns out to be a 21st century preoccupation.  Doomsday has never seemed nearer than now.  "Polls conducted in 2012 across 20 countries found over 14% of people believe the world will end in their lifetime ... The general public believed the likeliest cause would be nuclear war, while experts thought it would be artificial intelligence.  Only 3% of Britons thought the end would be caused by the Last Judgement.  People who proclaim they 'trust the science' are especially sunk in gloom.  For example Greta Thunberg's message to young people is 'you are not going to reach adulthood because of climate change'.  Greta famously wrote, "you lied to us.  You gave us false hope.  You told us that the future was something to look forward to.  And the saddest thing is that most children are not even aware of the fate that awaits us."

The Left cannot argue.  The Left has gotten so intellectually and creatively lazy that they just recycle ad hominem attacks rather than even try to engage in arguments.  They point to "experts" as if that is convincing (we can find an "expert" to say anything); they accuse others of evil as if that invalidates an argument; what they almost never ever do is engage in logical conversations.

The Wasteland of Leftist Compassion.  Compassion is one of the greatest of human virtues.  But effective compassion comes with an obligation to do more than what merely feels and sounds good.  Public policies motivated by compassion must also consider the full complexity of the challenge — the unintended consequences and the reality of human nature — and strike a balance between what is desired and what is possible. [...] Without taking a balanced and holistic approach to compassion, special interests hijack public policy and reap perpetual profits working on problems that never go away.  For them, ineffective compassion is good business.  But it leaves behind a wasteland. [...] Emotional appeals to voters and politicians demanding displays of compassion are the means by which the Left claims the moral high ground.  And in those appeals, and the misguided policies that result, entire industries are created — industries populated by individuals whose careers depend on perpetuating the fraud.

The Climate Alarmists Are Deeply Disturbed People.  We feel confident in saying that not a single prediction of global warming catastrophe has occurred.  The alarmists know their forecasts of doom have been comically wrong.  But rather than admit their errors, they point to natural events as evidence that they're not wrong and keep warning us that the end is near.  There must be something wrong with them.  It was David Viner, a senior research scientist at the University of East Anglia's climatic research unit, who told the Independent in 2000 that within just a few years, winter snow was going to become "a very rare and exciting event."  "Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said, 22 years before snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere reached a record high.  Retired meteorologist Anthony Watts called Viner's foolish statement "likely one of the most cited articles ever that illustrates the chutzpah and sheer hubris on display from a climate scientist who was so certain he could predict the future with certainty."

Are We Living in a 'Post-Truth' Society?  The online Cambridge dictionary defines "post-truth" to mean "relating to a situation in which people are more likely to accept an argument based on their emotions and beliefs, rather than one based on facts." Given this definition, I personally believe much of the United States has transitioned to a "post-truth" society, and many of us will become casualties of this new paradigm before harsh reality steers our nation back to an "objective truth"-based decision-making. [...] What caused our society to reach this tipping point?  I believe that objective truth is dying from a thousand little cuts and these cuts are a purposeful strategy to destroy our society and groom a population so it can be manipulated through feelings.  I will mention a few below (I am sure the reader can come up with dozens more):
  •   Participation Trophies (avoid the trauma of losing and starve the intuition of how to win)
  •   Eliminate Traditional Roles (break down the nuclear family by eliminating mothers and fathers, the distinction between men and women)
  •   Changing Definitions of Words (causing words to have no objective meaning, crippling our ability to communicate with each other rationally)
  •   Toxic Masculinity (discourage boys from becoming men who know how to manage the risks needed to provide for and protect a family)
  •   Teach children how to avoid trauma with trigger warnings and safe spaces (teaches children to avoid facts and data that would promote rational thought leading to objective truth and an informed intuition)
  •   Censor Speech (so that "my truth" will not be confronted by "the truth")
All these assaults on the truth are carefully planned and promoted by those who want to tear down our country to replace it with a new paradigm.

Destroyed ecosystems, drug payments, and child slavery are the legacies of the 'renewable' energy industry.  As conservatives, we often find ourselves on the receiving end of derision and unfounded castigation; we're slandered with ad hominem attacks, labeled "anti-environmentalists" or "science deniers."  Believe that property rights belong to Americans, rather than insects as the Endangered Species Act legislates?  Anti-environmentalist!  Are you concerned the green agenda might be a thinly-disguised attempt to install global communism, given the fact the "green" revolution seems to be meticulously following Marx's instruction for a cultural revolution?  Climate change denier!

Twitter explodes after MSNBC health columnist calls to cancel Thanksgiving, postpone Christmas.  Prominent Twitter users erupted into a series of arguments after an MSNBC health columnist floated the idea of canceling Thanksgiving and moving winter holidays to prevent illness.  On Wednesday, Dr. Esther Choo, a professor of emergency medicine at Oregon Health and Science University, gave her thoughts on how to prevent respiratory illnesses, such as COVID-19 and RSV, during the holiday season.  She tweeted that "for so many reasons" Thanksgiving should be canceled, winter holidays should be moved to the summer, and winter holidays should be more "hygge," or cozy.

The Editor says...
I challenge you to find hygge in any dictionary, by which I mean a big dusty old book with a lot of definitions and pronunciations.  It's not only obscure, it isn't even a valid Scrabble word.

MSNBC's Reid: GOP Trying to Keep Thanksgiving 'Simplistic Fairytale' to Erase Genocide.  MSNBC's Joy Reid said Wednesday on her show "The ReidOut" that she believed Republicans want to portray Thanksgiving as a "simplistic fairytale" to cover up for America being founded on "violence" and "genocide." [...] Reid added, "The Klan is still active, and as Americans, we continue to choose violence.  We are a country that chooses violence over and over again.  There is no facet of American society that is untouched by it."

The Editor says...
Suppose you wanted to find a member of the KKK.  Where would you look?  When was the last time the KKK took credit for an act of violence or terrorism?  Upon what basis does Joy Reid claim that "the Klan is still active?"

Leftists are dangerously dehumanizing their political opponents.  On November 3, Sunny Hostin, a cohost on The View, said, "White suburban women voting for Republicans are like roaches voting for the bug spray Raid."  Her hostility supposedly stemmed from Republican opposition to abortion.  A co-panelist Alyssa Farah Griffin pointed out her previous opposition to abortion based on her Catholic faith, but Hostin was not deterred.  On the one hand, this is a silly spat on a silly show.  On the other hand, it matters a great deal when someone with a national platform likens people to insects.  Hostin's language is similar to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, in 2018, referring to Jews as termites.

About "Deniers".  It all started with Holocaust deniers.  That phrase has a clear meaning:  it refers to someone who denies that the Holocaust took place.  But liberals saw potential in the locution, an opportunity to disqualify their opponents without actually making an argument.  Thus, they started labeling people as "climate deniers."  What does that mean?  Someone who denies that we have a climate?  There is no such person.  Someone who denies that our climate changes?  There is no such person.  No: a "climate denier" is anyone who questions any of a long list of theories that liberals string together to justify devastating our standard of living for no good reason.  But, hey: they are "deniers," just like Holocaust deniers, so all argument is at an end.  Liberals must have thought that strategy worked, because now we have "election deniers."

Rich people are depriving poor people of cheap energy in the name of climate change.  Few appear to care about climate change more than global celebrities.  In 2019, Leonardo DiCaprio told the U.N., "Climate Change is our single greatest security threat."  Late last year, DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence starred in the Hollywood climate disaster movie, "Don't Look Up." Said Lawrence, "You're watching these hurricanes now and it's hard, especially while promoting this movie, not to feel Mother Nature's rage or wrath."  In a United Nations speech earlier this year, Prince Harry said "Climate change is wreaking havoc on our planet, with the most vulnerable suffering most of all."  All have urged individuals and nations to radically reduce their carbon emissions.

Three Primary Factors Stopped That Red Wave.  The Democrats have a huge advantage with legions of union foot soldiers who excel at rounding up their lightly-motivated voters and strong-arming them if necessary.  My experience with leftist voters is that they're more emotional than rational, so the Democrats just need to scare them about some issue, and voila!  They get their votes.

Bill Maher Goes Off the Rails, Claims Democracy Will End on Election Day.  Talk show host and "HBO star" Bill Maher reminded the world again this week that he's as intellectually dishonest as he is hypocritical.  The atheist "comedian" went on a deranged rant this week dooming the midterm election results in the face of an undeniable "red wave" of conservative candidates and "election deniers" gaining traction in the polls.  If a "red-wave" did truly hit the ballot boxes this week, the country would likely see Republicans control the House and Senate to Maher's lament.

The Pathetic Democratic Pantheon.  Over the last few months the four icons of the Democratic Party — Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi — have hit the campaign trail.  They've weighed in on everything from "right-wing violence" and "election denialists" to the now tired "un-American" semi-fascist MAGA voter — and had nothing much to say about inflation, the border, crime, energy, or the Afghanistan debacle.  In this, they remind us just how impoverished and calcified is this left-wing pantheon.  So why should we take anything they say seriously, given their own records — and especially given their mastery of projecting their own shortcomings upon others as some sort of private exculpation or preemptive political strategy?

'Blaxploitation' continues to rear its ugly, demonic head.  'Blaxploitation' is a term commonly used to confirm instances of the exploitation of black people. [...] Predictably every two years, the Party/candidates with grotesque intentions to manipulate (therefore abuse and malign) black voters do all they can to agitate the emotion of rage.  It's a known fact:  Voters wholly driven by emotion (in this case, racial agitation) cannot be thoughtful and logical or exercise prudence.  That said, the current Blaxploitation scheme encourages racial animus and rage, so the widespread economic carnage we've endured (inflation, recession, and food/gas shortages) due to bad policies are ignored, while shielding those responsible for bad policies from accountability at the ballot box.  This is why Leftist/Progressive/Democrats inflame every situation into plots with some level of nefariously embedded "racism" and "white supremacy" instigated supposedly by conservatives/GOP, whites, and Christians.

Ardern's Propaganda reaches the Level of Insanity; People who question vaccine safety are linked to Nazis, ISIS, Terrorism, Serial Killers, ....  A few days ago, I wrote that last year's government Covid advice about disinformation, when read today in the light of recently published science, was itself disinformation.  That night I watched 'Web of Chaos', an hour-long Television New Zealand, TVNZ, government-funded documentary compiled with the help of main players from our very own Disinformation Project.  Web of Chaos is deeply anti-intellectual, anti-religious, against medical choice, and politically biased.  Is this just a lone-wolf director giving us his opinion?  No.  It is funded propaganda.  As such, it is part of a wide-ranging ongoing government campaign to control the New Zealand public narrative.

Top Dem Says US Could Become Nazi Germany If the GOP Wins.  Even top congressional Democrats realize they will get creamed next week.  They can't pivot on messaging right now — it's too late.  Sure, now they know that the economy, inflation, and crime were some of the major concerns for voters, not abortion, but that ship has long sailed.  Joe Biden's approvals remain in the toilet, inflation is still here — remember when they said it would be transitory — and 2022 didn't turn into the abortion rights election.  Democrats gambled and lost, so their go-to move is to scare the [...] voters, warning them if the GOP wins, we're going to become Nazi Germany.  It's a comically predictable reaction from a sophomoric party that loves to throw a tantrum when they know defeat is imminent.  They had 18 months to govern and couldn't do that.  Voters have voiced their concerns about the economy, only to be dismissed or smeared as racist by liberals.  When white suburban women, a Democratic-leaning voting bloc, decided to shift to the GOP by a 26-point margin, that should have been a huge red flag for Democrats that their agenda was failing.

MSNBC Lets Go of Conspiracy Theorist Tiffany Cross.  In the same glorious week election-deniers Jake Tapper and Shepard Smith were respectively demoted and left without a show, conspiracy theorist Tiffany Cross was shown the door at MSNBC.  After two years at the far-left outlet, Cross, who hosted a Saturday show called Cross Connection, had become infamous and a running joke for spreading wild-eyed conspiracy theories, most of which were based on what you might call racial paranoia.  In the same glorious week election-deniers Jake Tapper and Shepard Smith were respectively demoted and left without a show, conspiracy theorist Tiffany Cross was shown the door at MSNBC.  After two years at the far-left outlet, Cross, who hosted a Saturday show called Cross Connection, had become infamous and a running joke for spreading wild-eyed conspiracy theories, most of which were based on what you might call racial paranoia.  From last month:  "I would say a civil war is here.  And I don't mean to be hyperbolic."

Control Freaks and the Guilt Trip Travel Agency.  Some years ago, I visited an aquarium in Monterey, California.  At first glance, it seemed like an interesting place, but sadly, I'm one of those people who read the entire sign explaining each exhibit.  After reading a few signs, I realized that each was a composition using a few words to describe the critter in the tank and progressing into a sad description of how man's actions — or even just man's presence on the planet — was causing trouble for the creature on display.  In short, it was one guilt trip after another, until I finally got the message and stopped reading the signs.  If it had been just one aquarium, it wouldn't be worth mentioning.  But this theme is repeated in many places these days.  It is so pervasive that years ago I nicknamed it the Guilt Trip Travel Agency.

Obama says democracy under threat if Republicans win in Arizona.  Former (and sort of current) president Barack Obama used a rally in Phoenix Wednesday night to deliver a crazy remark about America's system of self-government.  The Anointed One asserted that if the Arizona Republican candidates are successful, "democracy as we know it may not survive" there.  He added, "That's not an exaggeration.  That is a fact."  Opinions are now facts, as facts are "disinformation" to the wannabe tyrants called Democrats.  Democrats have routinely asserted recently that "our democracy is in danger" if Republicans do well on a national scale in the upcoming midterm elections.  Now they are doing the same at the local level.  What will they claim next?  "If the Republican candidate wins in West Topeka, our democracy may not survive"?  What gall!

Michael Beschloss Says GOP Victory in Midterms Will Mean 'Our Children Will Be Arrested and Conceivably Killed'.  MSNBC presidential historian Michael Beschloss on Wednesday night warned that if Republican candidates win their races next week, American democracy and the free press could end, historians may no longer exist, and "our children" could all die at the hands of a "brutal authoritarian system."  President Joe Biden said in his Wednesday night speech that, in the upcoming midterms, "democracy itself is "at stake," a message that MSNBC's Chris Hayes and much of the media have been repeating for months.  Hayes played clips from the speech, including the president saying that electing certain Republicans is a "path to chaos" — a comment with which Hayes clearly agreed.

11 Years Ago, Democrats Got Everything Wrong.  They Are Doing It Again.  On January 8, 2011, shortly after 10:00 AM, Democrat Representative Gabby Giffords and 18 other people were shot.  Six died.  Within minutes, every form of media was set ablaze with speculation. [...] By early afternoon, Jared Loughner a white male, had been identified as the shooter.  Loughner was instantly linked to neo-Nazis and white supremacists.  He was linked to the Tea Party and then to the "right wing" generally. [...] By mid-afternoon, a graphic with crosshairs "targeting" Democrat districts was shown on CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post DailyKos, and dozens of other shows and internet sites about every 30 seconds.  The map, they loudly claimed, was definitive proof that Sarah Palin's PAC map had incited Loughner.  Palin was to blame.  The right was to blame.  All Republicans were to blame.  By nightfall, the torches were lit and the pitchforks were out. [...] Almost nothing media initially reported was accurate.  Palin had nothing to do with Loughner's personal grudge against Giffords.  Within weeks, America knew conclusively that Loughner never saw Palin's target map, and that "target maps" have been used for decades.

Warning! Crime Deniers on the Ballot in All 50 States!  Next Tuesday, voters, please remember that Democrats will never run out of excuses for criminals.  They drone on about "racism," "root causes," "poverty," "drug addiction," "his gun dropped," "mental illness," "learning disabilities," "he made a mistake" and "prison doesn't work"!  It's not the government's job to probe criminals' psyches.  These are predators, monsters, feral beasts attacking civilization, with no regard for your property, bodily integrity or life.  The government's only job is to keep them away from us, not to ensure that they have fulfilling lives.

PBS Warns Of Civil War Started By 'Christian' 'White Men'.  PBS took the democracy is in danger hysteria to new levels on Tuesday's Amanpour and Company as Hari Sreenivasan interviewed Prof. Barbara F. Walter to inquire on just how close the United States is to another civil war.  Walter, who wrote the book How Civil Wars Start, warned that all the pieces are in place for "Christian" "white men" to start one.  Sreenivasan began by accepting the premise that a civil war could break out and asked, "You have studied several types of societies who have been on the brink of, who've been in the middle of, a civil war, who've been after, who've survived after one.  How is America on that timeline?  How far along a timeline toward a civil war is the United States?"

Could [Democrat] Politics Be Even More Childish?  Turn on the television, listen to the radio, or take a stroll through the internet.  Democrats and their media confederates are busy dishing out the nonsense in helpings large enough to choke a giant.  Either they are intentionally trying to deceive, or they are extraordinarily puerile.  Or both.  There are no other possibilities.  To listen to the Democrats as they go begging for votes, to consume the tripe that their helpers in the press are putting out, one would think the Republicans are fascist white supremacists who will kill democracy while setting up themselves in a permanent position of unchallengeable power.  Says Keisha Lance Bottoms, a presidential senior adviser and former Atlanta mayor: "This MAGA Republican agenda is an effort to disrupt our democracy.  So, whether it be through November and beyond November, I think it will always be important to call out any effort there is to destroy — essentially, destroy the United States of America."

Notice "Country over Party" never means "over Democrats?".  It's no secret that Obama and the entire political left believes that Donald Trump peddled outrageous and conspiratorial lies about election integrity in multiple states following the 2020 presidential election.  They continue to boisterously complain that those lies represent a deep and deadly threat to the preservation of our republic.  To save our democratic institutions, progressives are begging the public to set aside politics as usual (meaning legitimate concerns over gas prices, gender mutilation of children, inflation, and a cognitively questionable chief executive) and put "country over party."  I can't be the only one who recognizes that the phrase only ever cuts one way.  When was the last time you heard anyone advocate "country over party" when it would involve rejecting a Democrat Party candidate?  Seriously.  Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, The Lincoln Project, The Bulwark — they all have created an entire political existence out of rejecting Republican candidates in the name of saving democracy.  Cheney just de facto endorsed Nancy Pelosi to remain Speaker of the House because electing a Republican to the position wouldn't be "good for the country."

Dems, Media Demand GOP Call Off Campaign.  Three days out from an attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband in their San Francisco home, we still know precious little about the attacker's motivations — or, for that matter, about what precipitated the attack itself.  That hasn't stopped Democratic politicians and their allies in the mainstream media from fingering the culprits — their Republican adversaries — and concluding that, eight days out from an election in which they are bracing for a shellacking, the GOP should spend the final week of the campaign sitting on the bench, reflecting, atoning.  How convenient.  How cravenly and transparently political.  Pelosi herself, meanwhile, is fundraising on the back of the attack.

Stacey Abrams: Georgia Sheriffs 'Want to Take Black People Off the Streets'.  Stacey Abrams, the Democratic nominee for governor in Georgia, declared during a debate with Kemp on Sunday night that 107 sheriffs had endorsed her opponent, incumbent Republican Brian Kemp, because they "want to be able to take black people off the streets."  Kemp unveiled the mass endorsement of his reelection bid in November 2021, arguing at the time that "it has never been more dangerous to put on a uniform, and we've seen that during this once-in-a-century pandemic, civil unrest and the radical defund-the-police movement that continues to gain steam in Washington, D.C., and other liberal cities across the country."  "Despite being vilified by many, these men and women get up every day and put the uniform on and serve and protect us," he added.  The governor has characterized calls for defunding the police as "simply an insane idea."  Abrams has denied that she supports defunding law enforcement, but she serves as a leader in multiple organizations that do.

'Save Our Democracy' Is the New 'Russia Collusion'.  At this point, it would save everyone time if Democrats could simply point to a policy agenda item that isn't going to save democracy — if such a thing exists.  If Republicans vote, they are killing democracy.  If they don't vote, they are killing democracy.  The only way to "save democracy," writes The Washington Post's Max Boot, is to empower one-party rule — a position that probably sounds counterintuitive to anyone with a middle-school education. "Now you need to vote to literally save democracy once again," contends President Joe Biden, or we will lose our "fundamental rights and freedoms like the right to choose, the right to privacy, the right to vote — our very democracy."  Chilling stuff.  But it doesn't end there.  You will remember that by failing to "reform" the filibuster, which would entail authorizing the thinnest of fleeting majorities to shove through massive generational "reforms" without any national consensus or debate, we are also killing democracy.  This has been the position not only of left-wing pundits and The New York Times editorial board but also senators tasked with defending their institution.

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell lays it on THICK for Fetterman, compares him to Winston Churchill.  It's all hands on deck to save Democrat Pennsylvania Senate hopeful John Fetterman from himself after his historic implosion during Tuesday's debate with his GOP rival Dr. Mehmet Oz and the party's propagandists are frantically trying to put Humpty Dumpty back together again to mitigate the damage.  Fetterman's performance was a nightmare scenario for the party and the corrupt, partisan media is pulling out all stops to spin the debacle with the narrative now being pushed that the hulking lieutenant governor's inability to form coherent thoughts and sentences despite having a closed captioning system provided to him was a heroic effort due to his being a stroke survivor, a triumph over his disability comparable to some of western civilization's most towering historic figures.  MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell likened Fetterman to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, laying it on thick with the sort of WWII rhetoric that makes gullible leftists with little real knowledge of history swoon.  [Video clip]

John Fetterman's wife claims 'swimming in America is very racist'.  The wife of Democratic Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman claimed "swimming in America is very racist" — as she likened her husband's use of closed captioning to turning up the brightness on a smartphone.  "Historically, swimming in America is very racist, and usually when you look at drowning statistics, it usually affects children of color, because of lack of access," Gisele Fetterman said on the iGen politics podcast on Thursday.  Gisele made the comments while discussing how she and her husband, Pennsylvania's lieutenant governor, had decided not to move into the state-owned mansion in Harrisburg but made the pool accessible to the public.

Democrats: The Only Way To Save Democracy Is One-Party Rule.  At this point, it would save everyone time if Democrats could simply point to a policy agenda item that isn't going to save democracy — if such a thing exists.  If Republicans vote, they are killing democracy.  If they don't vote, they are killing democracy.  The only way to "save democracy," writes The Washington Post's Max Boot, is to empower one-party rule — a position that probably sounds counterintuitive to anyone with a middle-school education.  "Now you need to vote to literally save democracy again," contends President Joe Biden, or we will lose our "fundamental rights and freedoms like the right to choose, the right to privacy, the right to vote — our very democracy."  Chilling stuff.  But it doesn't end there.  You will remember that by failing to "reform" the filibuster, which would entail authorizing the thinnest of fleeting majorities to shove through massive generational "reforms" without any national consensus or debate, we are also killing democracy. [...] Then again, if we don't nationalize the economy to avert a climate crisis, we are also killing democracy. [...] The only way to save democracy is to allow one party (guess which one?) to federalize elections, so they can compel states to count mail-in votes that arrive 10 days late, legalize ballot harvesting, force the overturning of dozens of existing voter ID laws, allow felons to vote, create onerous burdens to chill speech, and empower bureaucrats to redraw congressional districts.  Otherwise ... well, you know.

Will 'Democracy Die in Darkness' After November?  The Republicans were always going to win big in November, regardless of what biased pundits professed.  There was likely never a sudden "blue resurgence" or "red collapse" of late summer.  Those fantasies were mostly Democratic Party talking points.  They were readily regurgitated by the fusion media and biased pollsters.  The ruse was transparently designed to dampen conservative turnout and fundraising, while fueling interparty squabbling over supposedly "unelectable MAGA candidates." [...] All the last-minute Joe Biden giveaways like student-loan forgiveness, marijuana pardons, and COVID relief checks will be too little, too late.  All the Trump-derangement syndrome psychodramatic distractions from the January 6 committee to the Mar-a-Lago raid will be too transparently desperate.  And all the shrill 11th-hour warnings of a new variant of racism from the multimillionaire Obamas on the stump will be just that — shrill.

Stacey Abrams Is Just Making it Up As She Goes Along.  It looks like Stacey Abrams was getting into the Halloween spirit during a recent event with Oprah Winfrey.  Abrams, who is running a likely-doomed campaign to oust Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, had a conversation with the media mogul about her race, which isn't going so well at the moment.  She used the opportunity to try to gin up support by scaring [...] the audience.  She made some rather questionable comments in an effort to terrify voters into supporting her over Kemp, who is giving her a thorough thrashing in the polls.  During the discussion, Abrams implied that Georgia residents will have no healthcare if her opponent wins.

MSNBC, CNN contributor claims Republicans will ban all birth control 'Nationwide'.  A known MSNBC/CNN contributor who's also a prolific liar claimed in a [...] tweet posted Friday that Republicans intend to ban condoms, abortion, Plan B pills, and birth control pills if they retake Congress next month.  Never mind that such a drastic proposal would require the approval of President Joe Biden, a far-left Democrat who loves him some abortion and birth control.  "There will be no condoms.  There will be no abortions.  There will be no Plan B pills.  There will be no birth control pills," MSNBC/CNN contributor Tristan Snell tweeted.  "Republicans will ban them all — nationwide, all 50 states and DC.  They've literally promised to do this, and we need to listen — and take action," he added.

The Dem's last talking point.  When the campaign season was ramping up things were already looking pretty bad for the Party.  The economy was sputtering and Biden's popularity was in the toilet, so they had very little to work with.  So they pivoted away from talking about what their "accomplishments" were and what their future plans would be to a very simple, straightforward message: Republicans are very very scary.  Almost every single utterance from Democrats, and pretty much all their commercials have focused on abortion and Donald Trump.  And all of them were about how extreme and dangerous a Republican victory would be.  The message attached to both is:  be very very afraid of Republicans because they want to destroy Democracy and jail your daughters if they don't give in to forced pregnancy.

MSNBC anchors, other media pundits fuel civil war fears over midterms: 'Democracy looks like it's over'.  With the midterms less than a month away, left-leaning news outlets and political commentators are resorting to dark predictions about the future of the country with warnings of imminent civil war if Republicans retake control of Congress in November.  Talk of a second civil war among liberal journalists, television personalities and lawmakers has become increasingly commonplace following the raid on former President Trump's Mar-a-Lago home on Aug. 8, after which liberal pundits repeatedly claimed on-air that evolving distrust for the U.S. government among Trump supporters would lead to escalated political violence.  The topic resurfaced weeks later when President Biden called his predecessor and "MAGA Republicans" a threat to "the very foundations of our republic" in a controversial speech in Philadelphia.

MSNBC Host Wants Barack Obama To Lead A Hotline To Save America From Republicans.  MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace suggested Monday that the United States might need a "Democracy commission" or some other organization that could save America from the Republicans — and she thought that former President Barack Obama could potentially spearhead such an effort.  Wallace, who hosts "Deadline: White House" on the left-leaning network posed the question to former Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) — and even McCaskill quickly dismissed the idea that a "commission" of any sort was necessary.

How Liberals Respond When You Try to Debate Them.  [Scroll down] It is my belief that this inability to discuss political issues is because my liberal friends look only at online sites that share their worldview; they watch only TV news that reinforces their worldview; they discuss politics only with people who share their worldview; and they often look at social media that make them think the liberal view on a topic is the only rational one to have.  This isolationism creates an echo chamber, where only one type of ideology is allowed in, and this forces liberals to think of conservatives as caricatures of what conservatives really believe.

Sadly, we've become an idiocracy.  Do I need to list all the stupidity currently being presented as fact?  It'd be a very long list.  It's hard even to pick out a few points to address.  I'll try to keep the list manageable:  What makes me most angry daily is "gun violence."  Living in the SF Bay Area, we seem to have a lot of guns causing a lot of violence. [...] It's so much easier to talk about preventing "gun violence" than addressing who is doing the shooting and what societal norms have been trampled to allow such things to fester and grow. [...] If we want to change things, we need to acknowledge that much of the violence comes from Blacks (who prey mostly on each other) and illegal aliens (any violence from them is unacceptable).  Reality, folks! Around here, it's generally the same unhinged, gangbanger cohort doing the shooting.

Liberals Giddy Over Hurricane Ian Because It Might Hurt Ron DeSantis.  It's no secret that the mainstream media and liberal pundit class are not fans of Florida's Republican Governor Ron DeSantis.  From the day he took office, through COVID, and amid Biden's border crisis, the media has never resisted an opportunity — however frivolous — to attack the man known to conservatives as "America's Governor."  The media seethed as thousands of weary blue state residents fled from New York and California to Florida's ample freedom, lied through their teeth about Florida's parental rights law, and screeched "Nazi tactics!" when DeSantis gave some illegal immigrants the chance to see how America's elites live on Martha's Vineyard.  But now, even the media has found another low with their anti-DeSantis attacks:  salivating over the chance for a hurricane to devastate Florida and make its governor look bad.

Remembering Hate Speech.  It has been a canard of the Left that "words matter."  We are lectured that "hate speech" leads inevitably to street violence.  So how ironic that the Left defames nearly half of America as dangerous "semi-fascist" extremists, white-raged and privileged, ultra MAGA, and guilty of all sorts of thought crimes from secession to civil insurrection?  And what is the result?  Does this constant demonization matter?  And what are the bitter fruits of such labors?  After all, what did Barack Obama long ago mean by "clingers" or once Hillary Clinton by "deplorables" and "irredeemables"?  What did Joe Biden imply by "dregs" and "chumps" and "semi-fascists"?  Or what did the FBI lovebirds really mean by smelly Walmart goers and "hillbillies"?  After a point, did not America get this monotonous message?  And what does Joe Biden really mean when he recycles his academic advisors' tired tropes of right-wing insurrectionists threatening the republic?

MAGA's Real Crime?  Spotlighting Government Failure.  For a nation not engaged in violent civil war, it sure sounds as if 75 million Trump voters have been officially declared the enemy.  Senator Mazie Hirono says pro-life Americans who oppose abortion are "literally a call to arms."  Representative Hank Johnson says parents attending school board meetings to protest racist, sexualized, and Marxist indoctrination disguised as academic curricula are part of a "coordinated attack happening across the country."  Ohio Senate candidate Tim Ryan says, "We've gotta kill and confront" MAGA "extremists."  Department of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas claims that the country's biggest national security threats come from "domestic extremists" who are "radicalized" by "anti-government sentiment" or "false narratives propagated on online platforms."  Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Mark Warner commemorated the twenty-first anniversary of the 9/11 Islamic terror attacks by equating those heinous acts with the January 6 Capitol protests.

Ron DeSantis' Holocaust — Update.  It's no surprise that Ron DeSantis has become the Democrats' bête noire.  He is just so much better than they are on both policy and politics, and that makes him dangerous to their ability to continue destroying America.  So we have now reached the "Ron DeSantis is a Nazi" phase of demonization.  It's actually kind of glorious to see, because this tactic only works to gin up their communist base while simultaneous waking people up to a genuine crisis at the border.  Few normal people believe DeSantis is really evil, which is why Florida has become a magnet for disaffected Americans who want to move where they are still free to be.

Scientists warn South Florida coastal cities will be affected by sea level rise.  Sea level rise is increasing at a dramatic rate.  Scientists at the University of Miami warn that if we don't act soon, coastal cities and towns will slowly diminish.  Scientists say a few decades from now, downtown Miami will be underwater.  ["]The tide is coming in and eventually it's not going to go back out," says Dr. Harold Wanless, a Geologist and Professor of Geography and Sustainable Development at University of Miami[.]  "Climate change is real.  This isn't something that might happen," he says.  "The problem is, sea level is rising at an accelerating rate now because of ice melting in Greenland and Antarctica.  So for now what is just a high tide — a rare high tide... is going to become a frequent high tide," he says.  So what does that mean for us?  According to Dr. Wanelss's research, by the year 2060, nearly 60% of Miami-Dade county will be underwater.  "Now since the ice melt started we're up to a rate of almost two feet per century," he says.

The Editor says...
[#1] There is no unusual "ice melt" occurring in Antarctica or Greenland that would cause the world-wide sea level to increase by a foot or more.  [#2] All of New Orleans is below sea level.  Somehow they deal with it.  How much of the city of New Orleans is flooded today?  [#3] The professor at the center of this news report will be retired and most likely deceased by 2060, so he will be immune to criticism when his prediction falls flat.

Rubio Labeled 'Transphobic' for Telling the Truth About Pregnancy.  Sen. Marco Rubio provoked the left on Monday by stating a biological truth about pregnancy.  Delivering remarks at the National Conservatism Conference in Miami, Florida, Rubio said as far as he knows, "every single human being that's ever been born was born of a biological woman."  The notion that "men can get pregnant" is propagated by not only woke commentators and professors, Rubio pointed out, but is also being embraced by the likes of the Centers for Disease Control, among others, who have changed their terminology to "pregnant people."  Considering Rubio's talk was titled, "The Loss of Common Sense: The New Divide in American Politics," the criticism he received only proved his point.

Everyone Around Biden Is an Election Denier, Including Him.  If you watched Joe Biden's primetime speech on Thursday, you would have seen him insist that anyone who questions the results of an election is a "threat to our democracy."  "Democracy cannot survive when one side believes that there are only two outcomes to an election: either they win or they were cheated," he claimed.  "And that's where MAGA Republicans are today."  Conveniently absent from his speech was the acknowledgment that Democrats have a long history of believing that the only two outcomes of an election are when they win or the election was stolen — including himself.  In 2020, when a supporter of his told him she thought Trump was an illegitimate president, he agreed.  In 2013, he also said he believed that Al Gore won the 2000 presidential election that he actually lost.  Biden's vice president, Kamala Harris, also said that Trump was an illegitimate president.  Biden's press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, also believes the 2016 election was stolen from Hillary.  On top of that his own chief of staff, Ron Klain, still believes that the 2000 election was "stolen" from Al Gore.

Why 'Educated' Liberal Women Are the Real Threat to Our Republic.  When last Thursday night Joe Biden told America, "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans" threaten "the very foundations of our republic," he missed the mark.  The real threat comes from the unlikeliest of suspects:  educated liberal females, or "ELFs" for short.  These are the women who will proudly vote Democrat regardless of soaring inflation, rising gas prices, rampant crime in the streets, the unchecked flood of illegal aliens, and oppressive COVID policies that have irreparably damaged all children, the poor most notably.  If NBC's polling from April is to be believed, this is the only demographic cohort more favorably inclined to Democrats in 2022 than in 2018.  Unable to sell these women on his accomplishments — there are none — Biden last week appealed to their paranoia.  What made this pitch strategic is his target audience's proven susceptibility to fear-based propaganda.

Nearly 1 In 4 Democratic Voters Believe Men Can Get Pregnant: Poll.  Nearly one in four Democratic voters believe men can get pregnant, according to a new poll.  The online survey, conducted by WPA Intelligence from August 22-25, found 22% of Democrats agreed with the statement, "Some men can get pregnant."  The percentage rose when only including women, and a whopping 36% of white, college-educated female Democrats concurred.  "Overall, few Americans think men can get pregnant," said WPAi Managing Director Conor Maguire.  "But with 36% of a core Democratic constituency (college-educated white Democratic women) and one out of five Democrat voters believing this, one can see why Democratic leaders coddle the radical gender theory movement."

The recipe for a Democrat October surprise.  The corrupt media are already working overtime to set the stage by playing up the "civil war" potential and predicting violence from "white supremacists and far-right extremists."  The president and Dems in Congress will have no choice but to react decisively to save democracy and protect the American people from this horrible MAGA threat.  The critical decision will need to be made: will they have time for more televised show trials before the election, or should they just move on to declaring martial law and postponing the election indefinitely?  A year ago, I would have thought this scenario impossibly absurd.  I also never thought an ex-U.S. president's home could be raided by the FBI, or a current president could make such a hateful, incendiary, and shall I say "semi-fascist" speech.  Perhaps they will not need to make that decision at all if the media do their "job" and manufacture enough hate and resentment toward Republicans.

White House: Trump Supporters Are an 'Extreme Threat to Our Democracy'.  According to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Joe Biden considers Trump supporters an "extreme threat to our democracy."  "President thinks that there is an extremist threat to our democracy," Jean-Pierre said during Wednesday's press briefing.  "The President has been clear as he can be on that particular piece.  When we talk about our democracy, when we talk about our freedoms, the way that he sees it is the MAGA Republicans are the most energized part of the Republican Party.  That extreme — this is an extreme threat to our democracy, to our freedom, to our rights."

Joe Biden Calls on Americans to 'Stop' MAGA Republicans.  President Joe Biden called on Americans to "stop" MAGA Republicans, whom he consistently cast as a dark force against democracy in his "Soul of the Nation" prime-time speech on Thursday [9/1/2022].  While much of the president's dark and brooding speech focused on demonizing MAGA Republicans, one particular moment took the demonization a step further when the president appeared to suggest that Americans take up the mantle of isolating Trump supporters.  The president said this after portraying MAGA Republicans as direct threats to American democracy.  "MAGA Republicans do not respect the constitution," he said.  "They do not believe in the rule of law, they do not believe in the rule of law, they do not recognize the will of the people."  "MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards," he added.  "Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose.  No right to privacy.  No right to contraception.  No right to marry who you love.  They promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence."

The Editor says...
If Republicans "do not believe in the rule of law," why were they all upset about Hillary Clinton's secret email server, Anthony Weiner's laptop, Hunter Biden's laptop, and Sandy Berger's socks?  Why were they all upset about BLM riots, unprecedented quarantines for healthy citizens, Jeffrey Epstein's murder, mandatory vaccinations, and the stolen presidential election in 2020? Why are they now upset about the political prisoners from the January 6th (2021) protest, the wide-open international border, and the noisy protests in front of the Supreme Court justices' homes? If the rule of law doesn't matter, why does anyone even mention the murder rate in Chicago, violent crime in the New York City subways, or the homeless bums defecating in the streets in San Francisco?

Lying Joe Biden is unfit to save the 'soul of the nation'.  President Biden is going to deliver a prime-time speech Thursday on what the White House calls the "battle for the soul of the nation."  It's a timely topic with rich possibilities, but none richer than the notion that the Big Guy is qualified to address America's soul.  Unless he's going to confess how his family made millions by selling access to foreign governments and Communist oligarchs, Biden will be stuck spinning a web of fiction.  No problem there because fiction is what he's good at.

Who Are The Real 'Semi-Fascists'?  President Joe Biden caused quite a stir late last week after accusing supporters of former President Donald Trump of following a political creed of "semi-fascism."  But it's yet another case of the far-left Democratic Party projecting its own grievous sins on the political opposition.  This was Saul Alinsky's 13th rule:  "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."  The Biden administration and the Democrats are following this rule to a T.  They constantly call Republicans, conservatives and those "deplorable" moderate Americans in middle America the most vile names — "racists," "fascists," "Nazis," and worse — and have launched an all-out, non-stop Deep State campaign against the man they fear the most, Donald Trump.

Synopsis: If you drive your car, all the fish in the ocean will die!
For marine life to survive, we must cut carbon emissions.  A study published on August 22 in the journal Nature Climate Change found that if greenhouse gases continue to be emitted at their current rate, nearly 90 percent of all marine species could face extinction by the end of this century.  The most impacted groups would be the ocean's top predators (particularly tuna and shark, since they are hunted by humans for food), areas with large amounts of biodiversity, and coastal fisheries of low-income nations, according to the study.

The Editor says...
Awww.  It's always the "low-income nations" that are hardest hit by global warming.  And it's your fault, for filling up your gas tank, you evil person.  No, the reality is that "low-income nations" will always be miserable places to live, largely because most of them are run by heavy-handed socialist autocrats.  Also note that it's mighty bold to predict that almost all marine life will end in the next 77 years.  Rash predictions of that sort have been made numerous times in the last 60 years, and the dire pronouncements always flop, at no cost to those who make them.

The only people who believe this are those who do not believe the Bible.
Now it's 'mega-floods' that will destroy the whole world.  This time, it is mega-floods in California replacing mega-droughts, and again they are supposedly caused by us and fossil fuels.  Not once do journalists [care] that their previous dire predictions have been 100% false.  To the compliant, complicit media, and other Democrats, floods, droughts, too much snow, too little snow, record cold, record warmth are all caused by us, instead of cyclical and natural.  The solution is always bigger government and more control of our lives.  It is arrogant and ignorant for anyone to pretend they can control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activities if we just hand over trillions of dollars and let bureaucrats and politicians control all aspects of our lives.  As with long droughts, mega-floods occurred long before humans, fossil fuels, cows, cars, power plants, and everything else we are told causes warming and looming disaster could have been the cause.

The Editor says...
Really?  The whole world will be flooded?  Including Colorado?  Including Nepal?  Where will all that water come from?  Where is the water right now?  Do environmentalists ever think through their ideas before taking them to the newspapers?

The FBI Could Have Just Knocked.  Democrats run around the country and cable news screaming about whatever it is any Republican is doing or saying is a "threat to democracy!"  Meanwhile, the true threat to democracy is a political party that denounces everything and every institution as a "threat to democracy" only when they don't control it.  That's exactly what Democrats do.  Fox News?  Threat to democracy.  The Supreme Court?  Threat to democracy.  Parents at school board meetings not wanting their kids indoctrinated and groomed?  Obvious threat to democracy and terrorism.  Declaring the 2020 election to be suspicious?  You might as well set the Constitution on fire.  The 2016 election?  The 2018 election in Georgia?  [Indeed], the 2000 or 2004 elections?  Not a problem, but 2020 is a threat!  To call Democrats raging hypocrites is to do a disservice to parents with a lit Marlboro hanging out of their mouths lecturing their kids about how they aren't allowed to smoke, a Kennedy telling people not to drink or AOC encouraging people to learn critical thinking skills.  Still, in all honesty, the FBI could have just knocked.

Climate Emergency? What A Crock, Part 1.  Joe Biden did not declare a climate emergency last week, as many in his party urged him to do.  One Democratic senator claimed that the changing climate required "bold, intense executive action" from the president.  Another said Biden needed to move because "the climate crisis is a threat to national security."  But there's no emergency.  It's a wholly manufactured charade.  Though he put off an executive action, Biden said last Wednesday that he has "a responsibility to act with urgency and resolve when our nation faces clear and present danger.  And that's what climate change is about.  It is literally, not figuratively, a clear and present danger.  The health of our citizens and our communities is literally at stake."  His non-COVID fever continued:  "Climate change is literally an existential threat to our nation and to the world. ... Right now, 100 million Americans are under heat alert — 100 million Americans.  Ninety communities across America set records for high temperatures just this year, including here in New England as we speak."

Climate Emergency?  What A Crock, Part 2.  Just last week, congressional Democrats were urging President Joe Biden to declare a climate emergency because some Americans were enduring a patch of hot weather.  Though more than a bit meshuga, they couldn't match the fever of Bill Weir.  The CNN chief climate correspondent said, also last week, that "the fate of life on earth is at stake" because Washington isn't doing more to cool the planet.

The Great Flattening of Joe Biden's Eco-Hammer.  What is a climate emergency?  Since climate is weather averaged over 30 years or more, no one really knows.  Could it have something to do with the summertime heat wave stressing electrical grids in California and elsewhere?  You might think so, but summertime heat waves are short-term weather phenomena.  This is not climate gone wild.  In other words, a heat wave does not a climate emergency make.  Has there been a sudden demand from the American people to do something about climate change?  Considering that only 1% of American families see climate change as one of their biggest concerns, the answer is no.

'Life On Earth Is At Stake': CNN Correspondent Suggests Biden Use Military To Produce Electric Vehicles.  CNN correspondent Bill Weir suggested that the Biden administration mobilize the military to produce electric vehicles and claimed "life on Earth was at stake" due to climate change on CNN Tuesday [7/26/2022].  Weir expressed frustration that the filibuster was preventing Congress from passing legislation and that President Joe Biden was limited in his ability to tackle climate change during his appearance on CNN.  He suggested the nationalization of industries as one method to mitigate the issue. [...] Biden announced executive actions to combat climate change Wednesday [7/20/2022], including funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to combat extreme heat along with efforts to lower the cost of cooling homes.

The Editor says...
How is FEMA expected "to combat extreme heat?"

MSNBC's Malcolm Nance lays out hysterical political horrors if GOP wins back Congress.  If the Republicans prevail in the upcoming midterm elections, it will be the end of democracy, future elections will be cancelled, the U.S. will become a militarized dictatorship and Congress will come to resemble the Russian Duma with weekly impeachments of President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris.  The fantastic prediction comes courtesy of MSNBC national security analyst Malcolm Nance, one of the left-wing network's most unhinged members on a very deep bench of cranks, hysterics and conspiracy theorists, a man whose extensive history of fascistic kookiness has endeared himself to the Resistance members.

MSNBC Analyst Says If Republicans Win They'll Cancel Elections, Impeach Biden Weekly.  MSNBC analyst Malcolm Nance predicted that a litany of horrors and injustices would certainly follow if Republicans were successful in their efforts to retake control of the House, the Senate, or both in November's midterm elections.

The Editor says...
It would be a waste of pixels to quote any further from the absurd claims put forth by Mr. Nance.

Democrats Discover Another 'Threat to Democracy'.  Before departing for its summer recess, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to take up Moore v. Harper, a redistricting dispute between North Carolina's legislature and Supreme Court.  The latter struck down two congressional maps enacted by the former and then imposed its own redistricting scheme.  The North Carolina General Assembly petitioned SCOTUS to rule that this violated the U.S. Constitution.  Predictably, the mere fact that the justices agreed to hear the case at all has produced panic among Democrats and a deluge of dire predictions about the death of democracy.  Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe warns, "Adopting the independent state legislature theory would amount to right-wing justices making up law to create an outcome of one-party rule."  Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) predicts, "If accepted, this extreme theory would lay the groundwork to allow rogue state legislatures to overturn the will of the people in future elections."  The Democratic Association of Secretaries of State issued the following hysterical statement:  "The Supreme Court's decision to hear the 'independent state legislature' theory behind the Moore v. Harper case brings us one step closer to a judicial coup."

Taking over from whom?
Dem Cori Bush Hates White People, Claims 'They Are Taking Over the U.S.'.  Squad member and Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo), who is constantly pulling the race card every chance she gets, asserted that she hates white people and that the U.S. is under attack by them.  In a tweet, the left-wing lawmaker said there is a growing "white supremacist movement" in not only her state of Missouri, but throughout the whole nation. [...] According to Bush, "white fear" and "white power" is a "crisis" that would disembark the fundamental and constitutional right to vote.

Don Lemon Throws a Hissy Fit, Demands Republicans Be Treated as 'Danger to Society'.  The new leadership at CNN came in declaring that they wanted to get away from the biased journalism that has been the hallmark of CNN for the past few years.  But it sounds like Don Lemon is throwing a bit of a fit over the concept of being an objective unbiased journalist — something he doesn't exactly know how to be.  He doesn't think it's right to be "fair" to Republicans, because he believes that Republicans are such a danger to society.  [Video clip]

Conflating 'Originalist' with 'Conservative' is a Deliberate Act of Deception.  Immediately after the recent SCOTUS rulings on abortion and the EPA, many voices from the Left immediately labeled the justices "extremist," undemocratic, and dangerous.  They claimed the SCOTUS made a "substantially conservative" turn, because in addition to "originalist" Justice Clarence Thomas, Donald Trump's three appointees also adhered to the same philosophy of interpretation. [...] Kamala Harris accused the Court of telling women what to do with their own bodies.  Elizabeth Warren, presumably representing her tribe's privileged position at Harvard, tweeted that the SCOTUS decided that "it's more important to protect guns than to protect women." Writer Steve Brodner stated, "robed extremists" made a "deadly decision" to "sacrifice women."  AOC, not to be outdone on inflammatory rhetoric, wrote that with these SCOTUS rulings, "We are witnessing a judicial coup in process," — and so on.

After Dobbs, MSNBC legal analyst predicts privacy will be 'abolished,' desegregation next.  MSNBC legal analyst Glenn Kirschner argued desegregation and privacy rights could vanish because of the Supreme Court's recent ruling to overturn the landmark abortion case, Roe v. Wade.  The former federal prosecutor complained to New York Times columnist and MSNBC guest host Charles Blow about the spate of "horrible" decisions made by the court that upset the left, such as protecting the rights of religious schools and public prayer.  He suggested the court had given states, "unfettered power."

Kamala likens [the] end of Roe v. Wade to slavery.  Vice President Kamala Harris likened the end of Roe v. Wade to slavery by saying that the Supreme Court's ruling was an example of the United States government 'trying to claim ownership over human bodies.'  Harris made the comparison while speaking at the Essence Festival in New Orleans on Saturday. [...] Her remarks were made eight days after the highest court overturned the 1973 landmark ruling, which had guaranteed nationwide abortion access for nearly 50 years.  At least 26 states are now set to enact partial or total bans on abortion, with Democrat-run areas offering to act as 'sanctuaries' for women from states where bans have been imposed to come and receive free terminations.

AOC Wants to Abolish the Supreme Court 'for the Sake of the Planet'.  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) stated the Supreme Court should undergo "reforms" or be abolished "for the sake of the planet."  Moments after President Joe Biden announced in Europe that he supports a carveout to codify Roe v. Wade, a tactic that Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) has opposed, Ocasio-Cortez stated a "filibuster carveout is not enough."  "We need to reform or do away with the whole thing, for the sake of the planet," she claimed, retweeting a Thursday ruling by the Supreme Court that reduces the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) scope of authority to regulate emissions.

MSNBC's Joy Reid:  A 'Far-Right Christian Court' Is Holding Americans 'Hostage'.  MSNBC anchor Joy Ann Reid claimed Americans are being "held hostage" by a "far-right Christian court" following the Supreme Court's various rulings which she argued frequently rules "in favor of religious institutions."  Reid made the remarks on the Supreme Court's overruling of Roe v. Wade, holding in the Dobbs case that the Constitution does not include a right to abortion[.]  The far-left anchor then claimed that in a country "that's supposedly founded on the separation of church and state, we Americans find ourselves being held hostage by a far right Christian court."

1988 was 34 years ago.  GHWB [Bush 41] is the last Republican President to be elected without Democrats claiming his election was illegitimate.  2000 was 22 years ago.  For anyone 40 and younger, every Republican President since they were eligible to vote has been considered illegitimate by both Dems and the press. [...] Another part of my internet life is very Left indeed.  I keep my mouth shut over there because that's where I go to try to escape politics.  I am here to tell you that the Kids These Days do not understand what Dobbs did.  They believe, utterly, that abortion was just banned.  They believe that Republicans are an existential threat to democracy and that Republicans should be banned from all manner of things, practicing medicine, practicing law, going to college at all, holding jobs, partaking in society at large.  Because Republicans are evil and cheat.

Josh Hawley Responds Accordingly After Becerra Hints HHS Might Violate Federal Law Over Abortion Ruling.  For the last 18 months or so since the Capitol riot, Republicans have been treated to a chorus of hypocritical lectures from Democrats, their NeverTrump allies, and the mainstream media about how it is unconscionable and un-American to "disrespect our sacred institutions" and "undermine our democracy" by doing things Democrats have done in the past like question election results.  Not surprisingly, those "rules" magically fly right out the window when these same Democrats are hit with election results they don't like or a judicial ruling on which they don't agree, something we've seen play out on a national level in a dangerous way since the Friday Supreme Court ruling where a majority of Justices agreed that Roe v Wade must be overturned.

The news media only quotes the people who are upset and disappointed by the ruling.
Pelosi says Supreme Court is 'eviscerating American rights' following Roe decision.  Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Friday [6/24/2022] slammed the Supreme Court decision striking down Roe v. Wade, arguing that the justices are "eviscerating American rights."  Pelosi — in remarks at her weekly press conference, which took place minutes after the decision was released — said the ruling is an "insult" and "a slap in the face to women."  "This morning, the radical Supreme Court is eviscerating American rights and endangering their health and safety," Pelosi said.

Michelle Obama leads furious criticism of SCOTUS overturning of Roe v. Wade.  Michelle Obama and Amy Schumer are leading the furious public criticism of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade today — with the former First Lady slamming the move as 'horrifying' while warning that it will have 'devastating consequences' for women across the US.

This is what the Left has instead of logical thinking:
Bill Clinton:  Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision has 'put our democracy at risk'.  Former President Clinton is slamming the Supreme Court's ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, saying it contributes to putting "democracy at risk" and calling the high court "radical" and "activist."  "This decision puts partisanship ahead of precedent, ideology ahead of evidence, and the power of a small minority ahead of the clear will of the people," Clinton said in a statement on Friday.

Maxine Waters reacts to Dobbs ruling: 'The hell with the Supreme Court.  We will defy them'.  Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., pledged to defy and protest the Supreme Court following its decision Friday overturning Roe v. Wade.  "You ain't seen nothing yet," Waters said from the steps of the court.  "Women are going to control their bodies no matter how they try and stop us.  The hell with the Supreme Court.  We will defy them.  Women will be in control of their bodies.  And if they think Black women are intimidated or afraid, they got another thought coming."  "Black women will be out in droves," she continued.  "We will be out by the thousands, we will be out by the millions.  We are going to make sure we fight for the right to control our own bodies."

The Editor says...
Therein lies the controversy, for those who stop yelling and give the issue a few moments of thought:  The body of the unborn child in utero is not the mother's body.  It is the body of a separate person.

Memo To The Clintons:  Please Go Away And Don't Come Back.  The Clintons are back at the top of the news, claiming in recent separate interviews that we are at risk of "losing our democracy."  Of course we're not a democracy, and shrieking about "losing" it is the Democrats' cover for their campaign to achieve absolute and unchallenged political power in this country.  And no one is more to blame for that than the Clintons.  In an interview with talk show host James Corden, a hopelessly silly man who apparently fawns over every Democrat he talks to, Bill said he believes "there's a fair chance that we could completely lose our constitutional democracy for a couple of decades if we keep making — if we make bad decisions."  Two days later, Hillary, who said she won't run for president in 2024, assured a Financial Times reporter that "we are standing on the precipice of losing our democracy."  It's become a Democratic Party talking point, and fits in neatly with the Jan. 6 show trial.

Joy Behar claims, with zero evidence, voting rights [are] being stripped from Black people.  Joy Behar, co-host of 'The View' has claimed that voting rights are being taken away from African Americans.  She made this claim during an episode celebrating Juneteenth and provided no evidence to back up her bold claim.  [Video clip]  Joy Behar said:  "We should be aware on a day like this that voting rights are being systematically taken away from African Americans and other people too in this country... It's a good day to reflect on that, I think."  However, Behar's comment lacked any evidence or information to back it up.  She did not voice concerns over any particular politics, bills, or anything that would indicate anyone has lost the right to vote.

Barren sloganeering for graduation day.  My advice to graduates would be to fit comfortably and profitably into this marvelous temporal gift of life we've been given.  However, on Graduation Day the tedious amongst us blow up cartoon balloons that say "Go out there and change the world."  These seven words are a literary Rube Goldberg contraption of Kamala Harris proportions; phrases that sound contemplative but in fact are empty of purpose and meaning.  And it just seems like the worst thing to say to a child of 18.  People who think unproductive thoughts want to change the world.  Intellectually insecure Presidents want to change the world.  Journalists of slender and myopic vision want to change the world.  Would-be SCOTUS assassins want to change the world.  Everybody wants to change the world.

Them: 'You Must Care!' Us: 'No.'  We refuse to care about stupid Democrat obsessions.  We don't care about climate change.  It's a hoax designed to fill the hole in lib souls that used to be filled with faith, and for the ruling caste, it's a tool to steal our money and freedom.  We don't care about some alleged moral necessity to disarm normal Americans.  When they whine, "The purpose of guns is to hurt people," we nod.  Yes, they are.  Our guns never have and never will hurt anyone who is not a criminal or an aspiring tyrant.  But when those categories of bad people get uppity, yeah, we reserve our right to hurt them within the bounds of proper laws and morality.  We don't care about claims that America was stolen from other people.  Like every other patch of inhabitable dirt on the planet, America was conquered from people who conquered it from someone else first.  When we make a "land acknowledgment," it goes as follows:  "Yeah, we took it, and now it's ours."

Pa. Democrat Congresswoman Goes Full Nazi, Says GOP Must Be 'Cleansed'.  Despite being an advocate of "civility," "decency," and "unity" in the past, Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.) has apparently been so radicalized by her caucus that she now says the Republican Party is "diseased" and must be "cleansed."  "This is, in my opinion, a diseased Republican Party.  And it needs to be cured and cleansed," Houlahan said on the Daily Beast's The New Abnormal podcast last month.  "So the stakes of having a Republican, as an example, in my seat are more than just policy differences.  They are democracy, in my opinion."  The GOP is "diseased" and must be "cleansed?" Where have you heard such rhetoric before?  It bears a shocking resemblance to the rhetoric of the Nazi Party.

The dystopian state of our nation.  [Scroll down]  Fear-mongering is their number-one tool; the media, electronic and social, are completely on board.  Fomenting crime, unnecessary COVID mandates, lockdowns, calculated supply chain shortages, the doubling of gas prices, etc. — all these are part of their program to disrupt and destroy what was once the greatest nation on the planet.  Despite the seeming randomness of what is happening, it's all part of their plan:  wreck America as founded, and reconstitute it as their oligarchic playground.

The "Net Zero" Agenda Has Devastating Consequences.  Human beings — regardless of race, religion or culture — like to embrace any belief that is absolute.  This is because absolute beliefs are simple, easy to comprehend, and false positives that offer us a false sense of security. [...] Why bring this up?  Because when hearing statements that are universally absolute like: "the science is settled", you know that we are dealing with a cult, not science.  It is why the governments' statements about carbon zero and the road to zero emissions are dangerous.  Because they're absolute, allow for the demonization, and hence eradication of anyone that opposes this narrative.  It is literally impossible to get to truth without the ability to view the possibilities of other or new facts.  This is true of any field, not just climate science.  As of right now you'll notice the "absolute," which cannot therefore be questioned can be found in the following topics:
  •   Covid
  •   Climate change (CO2 emissions and "net zero")
  •   Ukraine
  •   BLM
  •   LGBQT
  •   Critical race theory
  •   Privileged white males

A friendly reminder that many gun control groups routinely inflate school shooting numbers.  [Threat reader]  [Scroll down]  Are these all instances of gun violence?  Yes.  Are they all problematic in their own right?  Yes.  But packaging these as part of some "school shooting" epidemic is dishonest nonsense.  [Indeed], they literally count a cop who shot himself in his own vehicle vaguely near an elementary school.  Presumably overnight.  In mid-JULY. We've got a 25-year-old fatally shot [and I quote here] "near a school playground."  On a Sunday evening.  A 17-year-old fatally shot outside of an elementary school... on Veteran's Day, when school wasn't in session.  It doesn't get less absurd.  They include an instance where, after a night game for an adult league flag football league, a man fatally shot a member of the opposing team because of an on-field dispute... solely because it happened behind an elementary school. [...] We've got an instance where a stray bullet struck a window of an elementary school while no one was inside the building.  We've got "a couple shots fired near a middle school baseball field on a Friday evening while a 20 year old and friends were taking batting practice," apparently not directed at anyone associated with the school, and as far as anyone can tell there were no injuries.  There are bullets hitting the outside wall of a middle school gym in the early morning before anyone was on the campus, likely during an unrelated drive-by shooting.

It's Time to Drop the Word 'Homophobia'.  [Scroll down]  The word is a tool of ideological warfare.  It frames the argument in a way that one side of the argument is "good" and the other "bad."  It weaponizes language to make one person psychologically healthy and the other psychologically dysfunctional.  It bypasses rational, logical debate in favor of defining the person in the debate.  In this way, it "wins" arguments by intimidating anyone away from even getting into the debate arena.  It silences rational debate by preventing it from ever happening.  Calling someone a "homophobe" is an easy, no-cost way to establish moral superiority on the cheap.  "Logic," "rationality," "clarity," and so on — all part of the hard work involved in defining words clearly and thinking rigorously — are irrelevant.  The point is power.

Democrats Are Fooling Themselves On Guns.  Did you know that 76 percent of voters support the Democrat's "Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2022?" What kind of depraved fascist wouldn't want to prevent domestic terrorism or the prosecution of domestic terrorists, right?  Now, how many of those voters would support the bill if they knew the FBI had recently investigated law-abiding parents as "domestic terrorists" for protesting against identitarian curriculums and lockdowns in their schools?  I suspect the numbers might look quite different.  Time and time again we see the same process play out.  First, legacy media adopts the Democratic Party's favored euphemisms or language to mislead the public — think, "Don't Say Gay."  Pollsters then wrap their questions in ambiguous, disingenuous, or misleading terms to get the answers they seek from voters.  Once pollsters reinforce their priors, the media reports on the results.  After their rhetoric has been laundered, Democrats claim their agenda is widely popular and thus, democracy is being undermined by those who won't support these preferred policies.

School Shootings — Beyond the Hype and Spin.  Start with the spin.  President Joe Biden, in prepared remarks after the Uvalde shooting, asked, "But these kinds of mass shootings never happen with the kind of frequency that they happen in America."  Actually, the opposite.  The five worst mass shootings worldwide occurred outside the U.S. as did 32 of the top 50, contradicting Biden's assertion.  Then there is the inevitable blame on ill defined "assault weapons," which is a made-up and ambiguous term invented by the anti-gun lobby in the 1980s.  Perhaps the confusion lies in the distinction between automatic and semi-automatic firearms, the latter being what most gun owners and law enforcement use and the former being machine guns, which are incredibly difficult for civilians to obtain legally.

Bedtime for Beto.  Democratic Texas gubernatorial candidate Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke disrupted Governor Greg Abbott's press conference called to update the public on yesterday's school shooting.  O'Rourke is one of the breed of politicians — politicians without a conscience and with no thought other than themselves — that finds the moment of unspeakable tragedy fit to undertake histrionic displays and hysterical lectures promoting their favored causes.  I can't believe this is even good politics, but it is what it is, somewhere south of disgusting.

Beto O'Rourke interrupts Texas governor's news conference on school shooting.  Beto O'Rourke, a Democratic candidate for Texas governor, approached the stage during Gov. Greg Abbott's news conference Wednesday, confronting him over the Robb Elementary School shooting that left 19 children and two teachers dead.  O'Rourke told Abbott the shooting was "totally predictable" and that he was "doing nothing."  "This is on you until you choose to do something different," O'Rourke continued.

Democrats Sure Are 'Historic!'  One thing Democrats in the media sure know how to do is beat a word to death, and they do so collectively. [...] Did you know that Barack Obama's election was historic?  Did you know his reelection was historic?  Were you aware of the fact that Hillary Clinton's candidacy was historic?  As was her term as First Lady, her election to the Senate, and her appointment to be Secretary of State?  Technically, all of those things are historic — historic in that they happened and are a part of history.  I'd also add I found them all to be historically bad, as in one of, if not the worst events in their respective categories.  But that's not how the Democrat Media Industrial Complex means them.  The left uses the word to imply a sense of importance and success.  The problem is there's never any actual success accompanying it.

Dem Rep should have done more research before blaming Dallas shooting on 'white supremacy'.  In a rush to blame all the horrors of the world on dangerous Republican rhetoric, the chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-Ohio), was quick to blame last week's shooting at a Korean hair salon in Dallas on "White supremacy" and that racist white replacement theory.  The only problem with her argument?  The suspect in the shooting is a black man.  Standing outside the Capitol Thursday with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) standing approvingly behind her, Beatty told the press, "On Monday, three people in a Korean-owned hair salon in Dallas were gunned by yet another white supremacy replacement theorist."

Hostin Declares All GOP Voters 'Biggest Domestic Threat' to America.  The rhetoric from ABC's The View has steadily grown more and more dangerous and possibly inciting, as co-host Sunny Hostin spent part of Thursday's [5/19/2022] show maligning all 74 million Republican 2020 voters by calling them the "biggest domestic threat" to the country after House Republicans opposed a Democratic-led effort against so-called "domestic terrorism."  Both she and co-host Sara Haines scoffed at concerns that slapping on labels could lead to a slippery slope.  After playing soundbites of GOP opposition on the House floor and Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) calling Republican representatives racist, co-hosts Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg dismissed the existence of Antifa and called the GOP the real terrorists.

How the Left Shuts Down Talk of Election Fraud.  [For instance,] The Law of Merited Impossibility:  This is when Leftists tell you, "Oh, what you're worried about will never happen," and then when it does, tell you, "It will be for the best and you deserve it, anyway."  One example of this, to counter the Right's "slippery slope" concerns, might be, "Oh, just because men are able to self-identify as women, that doesn't mean they'll be exposing themselves in locker rooms!  Goodness, that will never happen."  And then, when it does, they say, "Now it's the way it should be, and if you have a problem, deal with it because you're homophobic."  As I apply this to election fraud, it might start out with them saying, "Mail-in balloting will never lead to fraud big enough to change elections!" Then, when you suspect it has, they say, "Hey, the important thing is to make every vote count and not disenfranchise any racial group, you racist."

Yale Students Call for 'Unrelenting Daily Confrontation' Against Roe Opponents and Tossing the Constitution.  Some Yale law students are calling for the "unrelenting daily ostracization" of people who disagree with them on abortion — as if they don't ostracize them already anyway.  But in addition to giving conservative students migraines because of their constant caterwauling, the frothing radicals want to toss the Constitution too.  They don't say what we should replace it with.  Because that would require actual thought — something the radicals are unfamiliar with.  They do a great job emoting and wailing and gnashing their teeth, but when it comes to thinking, it's as mysterious as Oak Island.  A first-year law student, Shyamala Ramakrishna, is beside herself with grief and paranoid fear about "conspirators in the Christo-fascist political takeover we all seem to be posting frantically about."  She means those mild-mannered lawyer types in the campus Federalist Society.  Yale Federalists may be upper-class twits, but "Christo-fascists"?  Really now.

Top Democrat Leader Declares 'We're at War,' Asserts Joe Biden [is] off Limits for Criticism.  In one of the most "wait, what?" moments of 2022, a top Democrat leader in the House has declared that the United States is currently at war.  That's not an exaggeration nor an uncharitable reading of the situation.  Apparently, unbeknownst to the public at large, Congress and the White House have managed to enter into a war with Russia without going through any of the constitutional steps to do so.  Truly, nothing surprises me anymore.  [Tweet with video clip]

Woke Hypocrisy:  A User's Guide.  Wokeism is not what it pretends to be.  It fools a lot of people by pretending to be about high ideals.  It pretends to struggle against injustice, overcome oppression, and so on.  But in reality, it's something very different. [...] They want two sets of rules — some for us, others for them.  For example:  Offending them is a terrible thing.  It's so terrible, in fact, that they've been trying to make it illegal to hurt their feelings.  Yet they can offend us all the time.  They insist that subjective feelings are profoundly important — important enough to write laws and even base entire societies on.  Yet our feelings are routinely ignored, minimized, dismissed, mischaracterized, or forcefully suppressed.  They justify everything they do based on their imaginary fantasies and utopian ideals, yet they dismiss everything we do because of the sinister aims they imagine we have.

Liberals: Shut up and Sit Down.  Liberals have invested their entire personas in their liberalism.  If that is proved to be wrongheaded, their lives come apart, or so they believe.  What is striking is that talking to a liberal has become utterly useless.  When you present them with reasonable information and validated facts, they not only do not believe you, they are not listening.  They seem to be mutants without functioning ears.  I have personal experience with this kind of deafness, as have my friends who have family members who behave the same way this student did.  Liberal arguments run out quickly.  At that point, the insults set in because there is nowhere else to go.

Non sequitur of the week:
Clueless Mitchell Wonders If Court Will Overturn Brown v. Board Of Education Next.  MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell wondered on her Thursday [5/12/2022] show that if the Supreme Court cares so little about precedent in Roe v. Wade, will it also overturn Brown v Board of Education.  Because her guest was former Attorney General Eric Holder, nobody pointed out that Brown is the case conservatives cite to justify overturning longstanding precedents.  Mitchell began by asking Holder about the leak of the draft opinion, "How unprecedented, first of all, is the leak?  And the way they came down in terms of breaking president, precedent, ignoring stare decisis and deciding to completely overrule Roe v. Wade after 49 years."

The Thousand-Year Progressive Reich.  Democrat "thought leaders," influencers, politicos, and voters all speak the same progressive patois — sustainability, equity, intersectionality, cultural appropriation, white fragility, and of course racism.  United in kneejerk conformity, they have all mastered the vernacular of victimhood and meaningless platitudes. [...] On a given day, they just know that Mike Lindell and his pillows represent a direct threat to global democracy.  If Oracle co-founder and 2nd tier billionaire Larry Ellison donates a few million dollars for a conservative cause, that's illegitimate dark money and progressives are aghast; however, if 1st tier billionaire George Soros gives tens of billions of dollars to far left progressive causes, that's not dark money, it's philanthropy.  The tattooed wastrels of Antifa, most of them hideously ugly middle-aged white men, have engaged in a years-long orgy of rioting, defacing, and destroying once vibrant downtowns nationwide.

Biden FDA Chief Insists "Misinformation" is Impacting Life Expectancy in the US.  So much for COVID, abortions, cancer, heart attacks, violent crime, or fentanyl killing off people like the plague.  They all need to move aside.  There's a new threat that has been identified by the 'experts.'  Now, the Biden regime says that online "misinformation" — a/k/a the exercising of free speech rights — is impacting life expectancy in the United States, according to Biden's FDA chief Robert Califf.  And no, he isn't talking about all of the "safe and effective" propaganda that has been force-fed to populations around the globe by elitist tyrants who are hellbent on jabbing them full of experimental mRNA treatments — actually, it's quite the opposite.

Swalwell called GOP 'party of mass shooters' in attempt to argue for abortion — It backfired BIGLY.  U.S. Rep. Eric Swalwell has once again made a complete fool of himself, this time with a defense of abortion in which he brought up the completely unrelated issue of school shootings to blame Republicans for mass murder as justification for his support for the killing of the unborn.  Drawing on President Joe Biden's recent demonizing of nearly half of the American electorate whom he accused of being the "most extreme political organization" in the nation's history, the California Democrat upped the ante with his latest unhinged Twitter outburst.  "You know who had a heartbeat?  Every child murdered in their school because Republicans are the party of mass shooters.  This isn't about heartbeats.  This is about criminalizing women," wrote Swalwell.

CNN Claims Pro-Life Supporters Will Turn Violent with SCOTUS Victory, Amish Extremists now Threatening ANTIFA Peacekeepers.  This example is just another example of how the Ministry of Truth operates.  Political violence is speech, unless actual speech is heard from their opposition; then, it becomes violence.  War is peace.  Water is dry, etc.  George Orwell sighs.  Knowing there is an increased likelihood of violence incited by far-left democrat activists and the White House, CNN moves their advance narrative engineering team into place to lay the blame for violence at the feet of their political opposition.  With Roe v Wade potentially being overturned, Amish extremists are now going to lay siege to the peaceful assembly of ANTIFA in DC, or something equally stupid.  [Video clip]

A Dem Senator Tried to Play the Abortion Game on Twitter and Lost... Badly.  She's not going away.  She hails from a state bluer than the water which surrounds it.  Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) will be representing Hawaii until the end times, so we just need to get used to what seems to be an endless stream of stupidity.  It was already bad enough that she didn't know what illegal immigration was which led to ICE officials explaining why it's a felony during a Senate hearing.  Do you remember that one from the Trump years?  She was unhinged during the Amy Coney Barrett hearings.  She got hit by her own boomerang during the Ketanji Jackson Brown hearings.  And now, with the opinion in the Dobbs abortion case being leaked where the Court is primed to overturn Roe v. Wade, Hirono decided to wonder if there were any comparable things "that the government can do to men that even comes close to forcing a woman to have a child."

Elizabeth Warren explodes on 'The View', claims police could investigate 'miscarriages' if Roe overturned.  Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has been "madder than hell" since the leak of the Supreme Court draft opinion that overturns Roe v Wade.  The outspoken liberal politician continued her strong defense of Roe during a Friday segment on ABC's The View.  During her guest appearance, Warren offered several extreme hypotheticals on how the U.S. government could abuse women if Roe v Wade is gutted in the near future.  She fretted that miscarriages could be "investigated" by the police or that women might be punished for accidentally injuring their unborn babies while picking up packages in the mail.  She also worried that morning-after pills could disappear, in vitro fertilization could be limited, and women's "most personal choices" would be criminalized.

Intelligence Panel Chairman Adam Schiff Downplays SCOTUS Breach: 'I Don't Care How the Draft Leaked'.  House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) tweeted on Wednesday [5/4/2022] that he did not care how the draft of the Supreme Court opinion on Roe v. Wade leaked — despite it being an unprecedented breach in the Supreme Court's modern history.  "I don't care how the draft leaked.  That's a sideshow," he tweeted, in remarks reminiscent of his efforts to protect the identity of the leaker of former President Donald Trump's classified call with the Ukrainian president.  "What I care about is that a small number of conservative justices, who lied about their plans to the Senate, intend to deprive millions of women of reproductive care.  Codifying Roe isn't enough.  We must expand the court," he tweeted.

The Editor says...
Nobody is trying "to deprive millions of women of reproductive care."  Killing your offspring is not reproduction, and certainly isn't care.

The American Mushroom Cloud.  The left's reaction to anything that doesn't go its way becomes louder, shriller and more hysterical by the day, if not the hour.  Its response to the alleged draft of a Supreme Court ruling that would overturn Roe v. Wade landed like a cruise missile with a hot warhead.  But that's the way today's Democrats operate.  Counterattack any and every event that threatens their agenda by scorching as much earth as possible.  There are plenty of candidates for the most hinge-free response to the draft.  But before we go further, we'd like to highlight Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren descent into madness.  Watch the video with the audio muted.  Does her body language, the spasmodic gesturing, the pointed finger remind anyone of a 20th century figure whose speeches we're used to seeing in black-and-white newsreels?

NBC Reporter Claims Unborn Babies are "Pregnancies That Will Turn Into Children".  One of the more insufferable liberal hacks out there, NBC correspondent Yamiche Alcindor grotesquely minimized life on Tuesday in the wake of Monday's leaked draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, lamenting "women of color... will be forced to have pregnancies that they cannot afford... the will then turn into children" and commiserated with women who believe the end of Roe is "like someone has died."

Dick Durbin Mocks Americans, While Schumer Threatens the Supreme Court.  The meltdowns of the Democrats were something to behold on Tuesday over the leaked draft opinion, suggesting that the Supreme Court was going to overturn Roe v. Wade.  But they were also stoking anger against the Court, threatening and trying to intimidate the justices, and undermine another branch of the government.  Never let Democrats ever argue they're "preserving norms" — all they ever are trying to do is preserve their power, and they don't care what they have to do to hold onto that power.

Sen. Ed Markey Is A Dangerous Insurrectionist Who Must Be Canceled!  The left's freakout over a leaked draft of a Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade is hardly surprising.  It has a collective breakdown whenever it loses on an issue, even a trivial one.  But what did surprise us was the radical, downright insurrectionist talk spewed by at least one Democrat.  The unprecedented leak of a draft of a Supreme Court opinion — apparently in hopes that it would somehow change the outcome — was a sign of the left's unbalanced mental state.  As soon as the leak hit the internet, protests erupted, calls for packing the court and ending the filibuster re-emerged, and the hyperbole gushed forth. [...] What really caught our eye, however, was what Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey said:  "A stolen, illegitimate, and far-right Supreme Court majority appears set to destroy the right to abortion, an essential right which protects the health, safety, and freedom of millions of Americans.  There is no other recourse.  We must expand the court."  Read those words carefully.  Stolen.  Illegitimate.  What does Markey mean?

NBC Host Suggests Republicans Are Nazis.  Elon Musk slammed NBC News on Monday [5/2/2022] in response to a rant from a far-Left MSNBC host who claimed that Musk bought Twitter and turned it over to "the far-right."  MSNBC's Mehdi Hasan, who has compared non-Muslims to "cattle," tried to downplay America's far-Left by claiming that they only want to "give us free health care and free childcare" while claiming that the far-right "wants to give us white supremacy and no democracy."

CNN Analyst Melts Down Over Musk's Purchase of Twitter.  The same leftists who claimed social media isn't censoring conservatives are melting down over Elon Musk's decision to buy Twitter.  Elon Musk purchased Twitter for $44 billion dollars last week and the left is not taking it well.  Musk has stated that he believes 'free speech' on social media should match the law of the country.  "I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law," Musk said.  The Biden Regime is so frightened over Musk's decision to buy Twitter that they responded by creating an Orwellian, unconstitutional "Ministry of Truth."  Twitter censored the Hunter Biden laptop story shortly before the 2020 election so Joe Biden is working overtime to make sure he has full control over the internet.

David Brooks says critics of teaching gender dysphoria to young children are, unlike him, "barbarically lunatic" "cruel" "crazies" who "dehumanize" their opponents.  Florida recently passed a law that leftist opponents and their collaborators in the media have branded the "Don't Say Gay" law.  Actually, however, the law does not say "don't say gay."  Rather, the law says:  "Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."  Note the classrooms to which this prohibition applies — only kindergarten through third grade.  And note the persons to whom it applies — only instructors, not students.  And note the subject to which it applies — only sexual identity and sexual orientation, not any other sex issue.  But using authority figures like teachers to indoctrinate kindergarteners into the wonders of transsexuality is something the left wants.

The Mask Mandate Is Over, and Some Leftists Are Sure We're All Gonna Die.  A federal judge struck down Biden's handlers' mask mandate, and now the true mask believers are sure that we are all doomed, doomed, I tell you. [...] Even Old Joe won't appeal the decision to set aside the mask mandate, which is a tacit admission that he and his handlers know it's nonsense, more superstition and the illusion of protection than anything else, but hey, trust the science, or whatever.

Ten Steps to Totalitarianism.  Does anybody still think totalitarianism can't happen here?  Ask yourself how many of these steps we've already galloped past. [... #6] Doomsday Fear-mongering:  Government power rests on citizens' acceptance that only the State can tackle big problems.  Therefore, government has a natural incentive to invent big problems for its citizens.  Rallying around the flag is not limited to times of war.  Governments have used COVID-19 to mandate personal health treatments, lock down entire economies, censor dissenting points of view, and keep people monitored or under house arrest.  Governments have used apocalyptic tales of climate change to push for greater State control over industry.  Governments have declared emergencies over "systemic racism" and "transgender rights" to assert control over private companies.  Governments insist that "misinformation" is so deadly that censorship must be embraced.  Fear is a tool for maintaining control, so governments mass-produce fear for their own benefit.

Keep Texas Red founder:  Democrats are exploiting human emotions to make people vote for them.  The Democrats are exploiting human emotions to make people vote for them, according to Keep Texas Red founder and author Joseph Vargas.  "We use a lot of the emotion and that's something that works very well with Hispanics.  And pretty much it works with any other race, but they use emotion to make other people, especially Hispanics, feel like they're actually being part of a greater cause.  It's something that's for the common good," Vargas told host Alex Newman during a recent episode of "The Sentinel Report."  "They also use a lot of negative branding and this selective outrage.  And they always change the definition of language.  So you take these things, you have the change in manipulation of emotion, negative branding, selective outrage and language, then you have what I call the Democrat modus operandi, [...]

We Also Are at War as LGBTQ and Other Extremist Cultural Enemies Seek to Destroy Our Way of Life.  Our culture and history are not assured.  Colleges successfully destroy so many.  With almost all liberal-arts department chairmanships and social-sciences tenured professorships locked two decades and more for the Campus Left, a generation has been decimated. [...] AOC is not merely an idiot but a metaphor for her generation, reflecting a four-year "education" costing $160,000 to $200,000 — graduating cum laude in economics — yet not understanding civics, how math works, nor core aspects of American history.  Nor economics. [...] As for AOC-as-Metaphor, she boldly asserts:
  [#1]   The 22nd Amendment passed Congress in 1947 and was ratified in 1951 to stop FDR, who died in 1945, from seeking a fifth term in 1952.
  [#2]   American ICE agents providing shelter, food, and medicines to undocumented aliens at our Southern border are akin to WWII Nazis, and the shelters are equivalent to Dachau and Auschwitz.
  [#3]   Our planet will end in nine years.  Democracy in America will end in ten years.
  [#4]   The surge in crime — including Chicago Saturday night drive-bys, Los Angeles homeless randomly stabbing store clerks to death in fashion boutiques, and New Yorkers pushed off subway station platforms — all directly are the result of a child-care tax benefit ending, requiring parents to pay for baby formula. [...]

The Cathedral or the Bizarre.  [Scroll down]  The psychological sword of the state is the political formula.  A political formula is any thought — good or bad, true or false, crazy or sane — that convinces the subject to love, serve, and obey the officials.  For instance, the slogan "Black Lives Matter" is a political formula.  It exhorts us to support those forces, persons, and institutions that promote, or are purported to promote, "Black Lives."  Since such forces have power (otherwise, how could they promote anything?), they must be official.  Indeed, we wake up every day with these good messages buzzing in every dental filling — a weird condition, especially if purely spontaneous.  The slogan asks you to support a power — which need not be good or bad, true or false, crazy or sane.  It does not ask you to think about how well this regime works for you; indeed, it asks you not to think about that — unless, of course, you are "Black."

Jan. 6 Witch Hunt Committee Wants Garland to Hunt Trump.  To the Americans who have managed to stay sane amid the prevailing madness, Attorney General Merrick Garland is a hyper-partisan authoritarian who has sicced the FBI on parents who are concerned about their children, exaggerating imaginary threats for political purposes while ignoring real terrorists.  But to the even more rabid members of the House Jan. 6 committee, Garland is a big lovable marshmallow who has been far too easy on the traitor Trump and his white supremacist followers.  They want him to act, to contain the Trump threat, preferably before the "insurrectionists" score big gains in the 2022 midterm elections.  The Associated Press, which can always be relied upon to amplify the concerns of the Leftists in the corridors of power in Washington, reported Saturday that "lawmakers investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol are increasingly going public with critical statements, court filings and more to deliver a blunt message to Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice."

The New Authoritarians.  [Scroll down]  During lockdowns and vaccine mandates, tech and pharmaceutical companies made astronomical profits and were aided and abetted at every turn by their pajama-class foot soldiers.  While lockdowns plunged millions of Americans into conditions of unemployment, despair, and hunger, it gave professionals a luxury:  a time to rest at home and be free from stressors like commuting.  As billionaires saw their wealth surge, the upper-middle class stayed silent or complicit. [...] This silencing had serious repercussions.  It is now commonly acknowledged, for example, that school closures were a mistake, but those who spoke up early lost friends, jobs, and opportunities.  What is dismissed as cancel culture is actually central to the authoritarian project.  A new idea ("flatten the curve," "save Grandma," "two weeks to stop the spread") can be introduced at any moment, and if it's framed as morally necessary and unquestionable, it will receive resounding support from the most well-educated class.

Who Are the Real Haters?  Isn't it interesting that we don't hear conservatives discussing hate, but liberals can't stop discussing hate?  Apparently, when you're a secular humanist, there's nothing that gives so much pleasure as disdaining other humans.  It might also be a case of radicals following Saul Alinsky's every rule.  Here's the big one: whatever crime you commit, accuse your enemies of doing that very thing.  In practice, this permits endless denunciation of Trump, which seems to let progressives feel better about themselves.  We need some shrinks to explore this weirdness.  Projection and transference are psychiatric concepts that explain how emotions can start in one spot and end up somewhere else.  Children who hate their parents might redirect that hatred from the parents to some more convenient target — oh, you know, like a guy named Trump.

Democrats Call Republican Senators Racist for Treating Ketanji Jackson Like Everyone Else.  Here we go again.  Democrats have found yet another opportunity to falsely label their political opposition as racist.  The Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson began on Monday [3/21/2022] and the left is already characterizing Republican senators as vicious racists for daring to question her qualifications.  Even Mr. Magoo could have seen this coming from a mile away.  Several members of the left-wing chattering class have already started lobbing erroneous accusations of racism at GOP lawmakers for questioning the nominee.  Professional race-baiter Elie Mystal wrote a piece for The Nation in which he predicted Republicans are going to do all kinds of racisms to keep Jackson from being appointed to the Supreme Court.

COVID Proves Politicizing Everything Breaks Everything.  While Democrats and "health officials" united to impose vaccine mandates, mask mandates, and numerous restrictions, nothing stopped the pandemic from getting worse.  Everything got worse even after we did everything the Left wanted.  This taps a common thread that passes through so much of the Left's agenda.  As the Left hypes an emotional response to a problem, the rush to action skips over a fundamental question that should precede any mandate or expenditure of public funds:  Does the proposed solution work?  Does the Left's prescription for climate change have any effect on climate?  Does the Left's intervention in education improve educational outcomes?  Does the Left's response to homelessness improve the homelessness problem?  Does funding for drug treatment programs help reduce drug abuse?  Does the Left's foreign policy lead to more peace?  Does borrowing trillions of dollars to "invest in people" lead to more productivity?  Has the Left's stewardship of universities resulted in better-educated graduates? [...] The Left's prescriptions for virtually every social problem always have two things in common.  First, they're expensive.  Second, they don't work.

AOC Whispers to Her Followers That Most People Don't Know What Capitalism Is.  Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York suggested in a recent social media post that most people "don't really know what capitalism is."  In a Thursday Instagram story, the progressive congresswoman whispered a "secret" to her followers.  "Let me tell you a secret," Ocasio-Cortez said in a whisper.  "Most people don't really know what capitalism is.  Most people don't even know what socialism is.  But most people are not capitalists, because they don't have capitalist money.  They're not billionaires."  "The label doesn't matter as much as talking about policies," she continued, still whispering.  "That's easier to understand.  Do you think people should die because they can't afford insulin?  Do you think that fossil fuel CEOs should decide whether the planet gets set on fire?  Me neither."

The 'T' Word.  It is not a word that should be thrown around lightly.  Treason is a word with a very special meaning.  According to Merriam-Webster:  "An overt act to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or sovereign's family." [...] The crime of treason still carries the death penalty.  It is a very, very serious offense.  Treason is the only crime mentioned by name in the U.S. Constitution. [...] Recently, talk show host Tucker Carlson and former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard have been publicly accused of treason, or coming close to treason, by the likes of prominent legal scholar Laurence Tribe (who certainly should know better), Sen. Mitt Romney (who isn't expected to know much), ousted Democrat pol Claire McCaskill, talk show host Keith Olbermann (both village idiots), and the harpies at The View, who know absolutely nothing and revel in their own ignorance, on national television.

Whose Democracy Is This, Anyway?  Democrats have been insisting that "our democracy is under attack" ever since Donald Trump's upset election in 2016. [...] It's the official position of the Biden administration that January 6 conclusively proves questioning the election outcome or any other talk that "sow[s] discord or undermine[s] public trust in U.S. government institutions" guarantees more right-wing "[m]ass casualty attacks."  This is their pretext to justify police-state tactics against any political opponent they choose. [...] Neither the Left nor their lapdog media can endure hoi polloi challenging their official narratives.  This is why so many Joe Biden speeches feature scripted outbursts of faux rage that he's "sick of this stuff" and his "patience is wearing thin."  But the Left has worn the people's patience even thinner — by unleashing a hundred official narratives that have, virtually every one, been exposed as cynical hoaxes.  They've picked the wrong time to break ground for their dreamed-of Ministry of Truth.

Biden Promises Executive Action on Climate Change as Energy Costs Spike.  President Joe Biden reassured donors Monday that he would use his executive powers to act on climate change, even as energy prices are at record highs.  "The climate crisis is the existential threat.  That's not hyperbole; it's a fact," Biden said after taking the podium at a Democratic National Committee Fundraiser in Washington, DC.  Biden promised to take "aggressive" executive actions on climate regulations even if the Supreme Court overruled him.  He acknowledged that progress on the issue of climate change was difficult to achieve in Congress, hinting that donors could help him pressure lawmakers.

The Editor says...
There is no climate crisis.  The weather is not an existential threat.

The Four Pillars of Vacuity.  The recently appointed New York City schools chancellor David Banks portrays himself as righteous, as an idealist, and as a reformer.  According to him, he is a man with a vision to make right a broken system.  It is a given of new hires to this position that they portray themselves as men who can and will put humpty-dumpty together again. [...] Chancellor Banks has publicly announced his vision supporting what he calls the Four Pillars of his visionary policy.  Under Pillar #1 ("reimagining the student experience") he asks us "Why don't we provide the kind of experiences where kids can't wait to get up in the morning to get to school?"  To have this question as his opening shot at so-called reform should alarm the reader immediately.  Very few students at any age can't wait to get to school.  To posit that as a goal is totally unrealistic.  Has he forgotten that we have compulsory education in the public schools.

The Economic Balloon That May Finally End Progressive Leftism.  The Laws of Economics are as immutable as the Law of Gravity, but few leftists grasp this fact.  When it comes to the Democrats' energy policies, I believe this immutability will finally be the Democrats' downfall.  People are reaching a pain point that the progressives can no longer deflect onto others.  Based on the progressive left's detrimental influence on President Biden's energy policies, the resulting accelerated inflation and energy-cost rise are very visible to average Americans.  The administration acts as if there is no causal connection between the two.  But what can we expect from people who work from feelings and not facts?  Just like they are amazed when we defund police and don't jail criminals and then crime rates spike.  No connection.

'Follow the science': As Year 3 of the pandemic begins, a simple slogan becomes a political weapon.  Two years ago, when science writer Faye Flam launched a podcast to explore why so many Americans were drawn to misinformation about the coronavirus pandemic, she settled on a name she figured would steer clear of politics:  "Follow the Science."  The podcast flourished, but its title has posed a constant dilemma for Flam as the phrase "follow the science," far from uniting Americans, became a weapon, wielded in derision by both sides of the national divide over how to confront the coronavirus.  Like so many Americans, when Flam hears "follow the science" these days, she braces for a statement likely to be anything but scientific:  "The phrase became associated with safety-ism and overcaution, like people would use it sarcastically when they saw someone running through a field wearing an N95 mask," she said.  At the same time, "follow the science" also became a taunt deployed by vaccine and mask advocates against those who spurned such mandatory public health measures.

The Power of the Powerless Is Real.  Now consider all of the slogans we daily encounter from government and corporate mouthpieces alike:  Black Lives Matter!; Build Back Better!; Trans Rights Are Human Rights!; The Science Is Settled!; Save the Earth!; Stop Global Warming!; The War on Women Is Real!; We're All in This Together!; Abortion Is Health Care!; My Body, My Choice!  It doesn't matter how vapid, factually incorrect, or contradictory the political slogan.  What matters is that all of us repeat them obediently to prove our allegiance to and faith in the system.

"Blue Anon" Says Russia Is Responsible For Every Problem And If You Doubt It You're A Russian Asset.  Aaron Mate of The Gray Zone joined FNC's Tucker Carlson on Friday to discuss the U.S. government's assertion that Russia plans to fake a justification for war in Ukraine, and how that fits into the larger Trump-Russia collusion/Blue Anon situation.  "I think the reason why this Russiagate/Russian disinformation campaign has been so pervasive is that it serves such a wide spectrum of powerful interests," he said.  "They have an animus towards Russia because Russia is a deterrent to U.S. hegemony."  "We know about QAnon.  There's a cult called Blue Anon, in which Russia is responsible for every single U.S. problem and if you disagree with that, you're a Russian asset."  [Video clip]

Hollywood and Anti-Semitism.  One of the existing mysteries is why actors and celebrities, whose job is to misrepresent people and actions, are taken seriously when they pontificate on political, social, and economic events.  The most recent example is the outburst of support from film professionals speaking out in support of Emma Watson, the British actress born in Paris, who shot to stardom as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter movies, and has become a well-known actress.  Watson, an outspoken feminist who has declared Barack Obama as one of her heroes, issued an Instagram post, illustrating a pro-Palestinian political rally featuring Palestinian flags, overlaid with the words, "Solidarity is a verb."

Biden's 'Anger' Over High Insulin Prices Is Fake.  Here's Why.  On Friday, Joe Biden started yelling in anger during a speech in Pennsylvania while talking about the high price of insulin. [...] Biden isn't furious.  His rage is phony, clearly scripted, probably suggested by one of his handlers who thought that, if he appears more animated and invigorated, it will quell concerns that he cannot handle the presidency — which polls show is indeed a concern for most Americans.

Dear Liberals:  Stop The 'Enemies' Thing.  One helpful thing about our liberal friends is that they always signal to us who their enemies are.  January 6 rioters?  They are "armed insurrectionists."  Parents opposed to Critical Race Theory in schools?  They are "domestic terrorists" and the FBI will know the reason why.  Climate change skeptics?  They are "climate deniers," as in "Holocaust deniers."  Opponents of DEI?  They are "white oppressors" and "systemic racists."  But when Vladimir Putin threatens the sanctity of the Ukraine, President Biden blathers on about a "minor incursion."  So, not really an enemy.

The moment Joe Biden finally lost his credibility.  If President Joe Biden's disorderly and lethal Afghanistan withdrawal was the moment that fractured voters' regard for him, then his vicious Atlanta speech last week may be the moment that defines his presidency.  Speaking Tuesday at Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta University, Biden uttered venomous, brutal accusations lacking factual basis.  His shouting-in-the-wind delivery was inexplicable, and his decision to lash out at members of his own party — Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema — appears to have only strengthened their resolve not to give in to his demands.  Biden called those who disagree with his political views on legislation "domestic enemies."  He compared them to Confederate President Jefferson Davis and former Alabama Democratic Party Committeeman and ardent, violent segregationist Bull Connor.  In American politics, that is about as divisive as one can get — at least he didn't mention Hitler.

Turning the Tables on Our Tyrants.  There are moments in battle when your opponent commits a tactical error, and if you see it, seize upon it, and exploit it, victory follows.  The COVID-1984 authoritarians have become so enamored with their own power that they are blindly committing such an error today.  For two years now, they have engaged in a classic "divide and conquer" military strategy aimed at weakening any popular revolts against their policies by pitting segments of society against each other.  We must shut down the economy and go into two weeks of lockdowns, or else grandparents will die!  You were either for protecting older people from illness or complicit in their deaths.  We must all wear masks to contain the spread of disease!  You were either "caring" or "selfishly" causing harm.  We must shut down the school system to protect our children!  You were either a responsible parent or a monster.  We must "vaccinate" our populations or we'll never be able to return to normal!  You were either a "good" person or a "science-denier."  Generational differences have been mercilessly exploited to sow division.

The Four Horsemen of the Left's Artificial Apocalypse.  [#4] For over two hundred years, the Malthusians have been obsessed with controlling the world's population.  Eugenics, genocide, and abortion are a few of the evils they have wrought.  Replacing the family with government is an easy and effective way for government to decide who may reproduce.  Convincing people that hydrocarbon energy must be swapped for energies popular a thousand years ago is the surest way to hinder innovation, economic wealth, and generational growth.  Brainwashing people into believing that the planet is about to die is the kind of psychological terror that coerces free people into subjugating themselves by handing total power to unscrupulous government thugs.

The Histrionics and Melodrama Around 1/6 Are Laughable, but They Serve Several Key Purposes.  The number of people killed by pro-Trump supporters at the January 6 Capitol riot is equal to the number of pro-Trump supporters who brandished guns or knives inside the Capitol.  That is the same number as the total of Americans who — after a full year of a Democrat-led DOJ conducting what is heralded as "the most expansive federal law enforcement investigation in US history" — have been charged with inciting insurrection, sedition, treason or conspiracy to overthrow the government as a result of that riot one year ago. [...] That number is zero.  But just as these rather crucial facts do not prevent the dominant wing of the U.S. corporate media and Democratic Party leaders from continuing to insist that Donald Trump's 2016 election victory was illegitimate due to his collusion with the Kremlin, it also does not prevent January 6 from being widely described in those same circles as an Insurrection, an attempted coup, an event as traumatizing as Pearl Harbor (2,403 dead) or the 9/11 attack (2,977 dead), and as the gravest attack on American democracy since the mid-19th Century Civil War (750,000 dead).

Progressives Finally Realize That Covid Is Not a 'Moral Failing'.  Earlier this week, CNN's Chris Cillizza lamented that, throughout the pandemic, "Societally we unknowingly turned having Covid into some sort of judgment on your character."  To remedy this, Cillizza suggested, "We need to recognize that getting Covid isn't a moral failing!  It's a super infectious disease that you can protect against, sure, but can't guarantee you won't get it."  "Unknowingly"?  "We need to recognize"?  "Societally"?  Does Chris Cillizza live in a sensory-deprivation tank?  There has been nothing "unknowing" about the implication that catching Covid is evidence of a "moral failing."  It has been the core of the progressive response to the disease.  We see it every time that someone who disagrees with the maximalist approach to lockdowns, restrictions, or mandates is labeled a "Covidiot."  We see it every time the governor of Florida is described stupidly as "DeathSantis," or the governor of Texas is accused of belonging to a "death cult," or any politician or writer with a different risk calculus than Anthony Fauci is charged with wanting "to kill grandma."

Fear is the Mind Killer.  Witness the fearfulness engulfing Americans:
  •   Fear of the virus.
  •   Fear of being called a racist.
  •   Fear of being cancelled.
  •   Fear of the other.
  •   Fear of defending beliefs.
  •   Fear of our history.
  •   Fear of not being woke.
  •   Fear even of saying the truth.
Fear works. [...] Our Fearful Leader bangs his drum of fear incessantly, hammering a dent into our sense of free ill.  Nine days before Christmas, the President told us, "I want to send a direct message to the American people....  We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated — for themselves, their families and the hospitals they'll soon overwhelm."  Prepare for your winter of death, he advises.  Never in American history has a president openly told Americans to be afraid:  death is coming for you.  Quite the opposite is the norm.

Liberals Pounce on Snowstorm Traffic Disaster in Virginia to Blame Glenn Youngkin, Who Hasn't Been Sworn in Yet.  Hundreds of drivers were stranded on I-95 in Virginia this week due to a snowstorm and an ensuing traffic jam.  Liberals on social media used the opportunity to bash Glenn Youngkin, but there's one little problem.  Youngkin isn't the governor yet.  This was Ralph Northam's problem.  And make no mistake, this was a big problem.

Glenn Youngkin Gets Blamed for I-95 Traffic Snarls as Actual Governor Ralph Northam Appears to Be MIA.  Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have been chock full of posts over the last 24 hours or so from understandably angry folks in the Virginia/D.C. area who have either been stuck for hours on I-95 in the middle of freezing temperatures and snow on the roads or who have family members and friends who are. [...] As the frustrations mount and the insane clips and photos of what things look like continue to roll in, some have taken to the Twitter machine to blame Republican Glenn Youngkin, who I should point out is the Gov.-Elect and won't be sworn in until January 15th.

Unvaxxed are 'Extremists, Misogynists, And Racists' According to Canada's Communist Prime Minister.  It's no secret that Canada's racist Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, who was caught doing blackface just a few years ago just claimed that anyone who refuses to get the death jab that is currently killing people en masse around the globe from heart attacks, strokes, to other forms of death caused by the vax, is a racist, mysoginist, or just a general extremist... all because we refuse to listen to the media and instead listen to the science.  The question is, what have they put into this death jab that they're soooooo worried about you refusing to receive.  Any time the government tries to force you to do something, it's probably not good for you according to history.  [Video clip]

Democracy is not in crisis just because Democrats are losing.  You'll get no argument from me that the riots were anything but bad news, but every day is not January 6.  That's hysteria and the media is inviting more of it. [...] This message from left-wing partisans like Sullivan and Jay Rosen literally boils down to this:  Unapologetically side with the Democrats because anything less is tantamount to abandoning democracy.  Yesterday, fellow progressive Greg Sargent wrote a piece about the "horror show" of Republicans (gasp!) winning state elections.

The Woke Mob's Destruction of the English Language.  Rep. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, a member of the progressive "squad," recently accused those who disagree with student debt cancellation of "policy violence."  That is, to disagree with the left now is "violence."  This kind of linguistic legislation by the left is now common.  Words mean whatever they want them to mean in order to achieve their far-left goals.  Pressley's statement is also an implied threat.  Since violence is justified in response to violence, Pressley is letting American's know what is coming if they do not get their way.  The venomous hatred spewed by the Woke mob in the name of tolerance and inclusivity is indefensible.  That is why they do not defend it.  Instead, they generally try to bully people into submitting to their demands.

Biden nominee equated 'proof of citizenship' with 'voter suppression,' likened felon voting ban to slavery.  One of President Biden's judicial nominees reportedly disparaged various voting restrictions in the United States, including by comparing slavery to the ban on felons voting and "proof of citizenship" to "voter suppression."  "When you add laws that prohibit people with a criminal conviction from voting, it's practically the same system as during slavery — Black people who have lost their freedom and cannot vote," attorney Nancy Gbana Abudu said in a post for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).  "And without access to the ballot, a victim of the system cannot elect the very officials pulling the levers to hire the police, determine which cases are prosecuted and what sentences are imposed."

Joe Biden's Top 25 Worst Moments of 2021.  [#9] Joe Biden Claims January 6th Rioters a Bigger Threat to Democracy than Confederates in Civil War:  In July, Biden claimed the January 6h protesters of the 2020 election were more dangerous to the United States than the confederates in the Civil War.  "We're facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War.  It's not hyperbole — since the Civil War," Biden said in an interview.  "Confederates, back then, never breached the Capitol as insurrectionists did on January 6."  Biden repeatedly shared this questionable talking point throughout 2021 as he tried to smear his political opponents as "insurrectionists" who tried to overthrow democracy itself.  "I'm not saying this to alarm you.  I'm saying this because you should be alarmed," Biden said.  During his address to Congress, Biden called the protests the "worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War," ignoring the attack on Pearl Harbor, assassinations of presidents, and previous attacks on the Capitol building.

Biden shifts COVID fearmongering narrative to 'voter suppression'.  President Biden seems to be giving up on his federal COVID vaccine mandate, handing those decisions back to the individual states, while he pivots to laying the groundwork for blaming Republicans for voter suppression in the looming 2022 midterm election wipeout that is on the horizon.  "When it comes to voter suppression, it's no longer just about making it easy for eligible people to vote — it's about whether or not those votes will count at all.  It's simple:  voter suppression is un-American, un-democratic, and unpatriotic," Biden tweeted.  Democrats are expected to get walloped in the 2022 midterm elections due to Biden's unpopularity and his disastrous policies.  He appears to be laying the groundwork to blame Republicans for not federalizing elections, calling it by the misnomer "voter suppression."

Democrats are angry and confused.  [Scroll down]  But perhaps more telling than Democratic anger and vitriol is their apparently genuine misunderstanding of how our republic works.  Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York was reported in the Washington Post as saying, "Why do we have to acquiesce to what members of another party think we should be doing, what so called moderates think we should be doing?"  To which there are several answers.  First, you are not acquiescing to what "members of another party" are saying; you are being defeated by a bipartisan majority in the Senate, made up of at least one member of your own party — there could well be others — and the entire Republican caucus.  They disagree with you.  That's how democracy works:  The majority decides.

America Is Much More than Its Government.  [Scroll down]  Right now we have death, debt, and dystopia brought to us by a man with dementia yammering incessantly about "our precious democracy."  Isn't it revealing that the handful who occupy the seat of government are always so insistent on pretending that they represent "democracy"?  That's called propaganda, friends, so that the real majority is linguistically bullied into submission by fewer Americans than have been killed by the China Virus.  How does one king bring ninety-nine lords to heel?  By whispering into each noble's ear that the other ninety-eight are already on his side.  As it was with feudalism, it is today with the American government:  how dare you stand up to Congress and the White House?  That's an attack on Democracy itself!

Rep. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts Says 'Student Debt Is Policy Violence'.  Joe Biden has announced that the extension on not making student loan payments is ending in February.  This is a pet issue for progressives who wanted Biden to forgive all student debt.  They are not happy that he is not doing their bidding on this and MA Democrat Ayanna Pressley is even calling student debt "policy violence" whatever that means.

Why Is the Left Worried Suddenly About the End of Democracy?  What is behind recent pessimistic appraisals of democracy's future, from Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, Brian Williams and other elite intellectuals, media personalities, and politicians on the Left?  Some are warning about its possible erosion in 2024.  Others predict the democracy downturn as early 2022, with scary scenarios of "autocracy" and Trump "coups."  To answer that question, understand first what is not behind these shrill forecasts.  They are not worried about 2 million foreign nationals crashing the border in a single year, without vaccinations during a pandemic.  Yet it seems insurrectionary for a government simply to nullify its own immigration laws.  They are not worried that some 800,000 foreign nationals, some residing illegally, will now vote in New York City elections.  They are not worried that there are formal efforts to dismantle the U.S. Constitution by junking the 233-year-old Electoral College or the preeminence of the states in establishing ballot laws in national elections.  They are not worried that we are witnessing an unprecedented left-wing effort to scrap the 180-year-old filibuster, the 150-year-old nine-person Supreme Court, and the 60-year tradition of 50 states, for naked political advantage.

MSNBC's Heilemann Claims '30 Million People Right Now' Ready to Take Up Arms for Trump.  MSNBC network national affairs analyst John Heilemann said Sunday [12/12/2021] on NBC's "Meet the Press" that there were "30 million people right now who are ready to take up arms" for former President Donald Trump.

Was Trump Right?  UV Light Therapy Shows Promise in COVID Patients.  You're not going to believe this, but you now have more ammunition against the idiots running around saying Trump told people to inject themselves with bleach.  He never did that.  What he did do was inartfully try to describe a new technology that relies on UV light to be injected through a catheter into parts of the body (like the lungs) where the light can act as a "disinfectant" and kill viruses. [...] What this proves is very significant.  President Trump has been maligned and defamed for more than a year based on the lie that the "disinfectant" he mentioned during a COVID press conference was bleach.  The fake news did that.  They turned the word "disinfectant" into bleach before our very eyes and hardly anyone noticed.

Looney Bette Midler Wants Trump Arrested for 'Trying to Kill' Biden.  Liberal activist, washed up entertainer and full time lunatic Bette Midler is calling for former President Donald Trump to be arrested for trying to kill Joe Biden.  Midler claimed to her two million followers that Trump is the devil and attempted to infect Biden with Covid-19 during the presidential campaign in order to beat him.

Bette Midler:  Trump is the Devil, Should Be Arrested for Attempted Murder of Joe Biden.  When did Trump try to kill Old Joe, you ask?  Why, it all goes back to the sensationalistic recent fake news claim that Trump had tested positive for the dreaded killer disease with a 99% survival rate before his first debate with Biden.  As my PJ Media colleague Matt Margolis noted here Thursday [12/2/2021], Trump's test was actually a false positive, followed by two negative tests before the debate, so Old Joe was never actually in any danger.  Midler, however, was unmoved by these facts.

The Editor says...
Not only that, she had a year to get her facts straight, and still didn't.

"The View" on abortion:  These pleasure-seeking right-wingers don't consider the consequences of sex.  I've heard a lot of pro-choice arguments in my day but I've never heard someone accuse the anti-abortion side of the debate of being cavalier about the stakes in pregnancy.  Especially religious pro-lifers.  Normally the left's knock on them is the opposite of Joy Behar's take here, that they view sex through the too-narrow lens of procreation rather than as something pleasurable in its own right.  But Joy's giving away the game, isn't she?  Because pregnancy is difficult and disruptive and expensive for a woman, her view is that women should be able to end that pregnancy as easily as possible.  There are no other moral considerations.

CNBC Pundit Calls Unvaxxed People "Psychotic", Demands U.S. Military Hunt Them Down, Force Vaccine or Force Quarantine.  This is one of the people inside the inner circle of Nancy Pelosi, a good personal friend.  As you watch this short video segment ask yourself about the mental stability of a person who would advocate publicly for American citizens to be hunted down by the U.S. military, vaccinated against their will or forcibly quarantined.  This was actually broadcast to the CNBC audience.  In a twisted display of irony, financial pundit Jim Cramer calls unvaccinated people "psychotic"?  [Video clip]

Government science grants increasingly promote 'woke' ideas, study finds.  Nearly a third of government science grant abstracts now use terminology such as "equity," "diversity," and "inclusion," a new report says, up from just under 3% in 1990.  The report, published earlier this month by the Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology, details how the National Science Foundation, the government's primary distributor of scientific grants, has substantially increased the use of "highly politicized terms" in grant abstracts.  "The frequency of documents containing highly politicized terms has been increasing consistently over the last three decades," the report says.  "As of 2020, 30.4% of all grants had one of the following politicized terms: 'equity,' 'diversity,' 'inclusion,' 'gender,' 'marginalize,' 'underrepresented,' or 'disparity.'  This is up from 2.9% in 1990."

BLM is all about that holiday cheer, aren't they?  Normal people:  Despite the messiness of human nature and history, we have been blessed with a nation of abundance, learning, and freedom beyond measure, where people of all backgrounds can sit at the table as friends and neighbors.  BLM:  YOU PEOPLE ARE ALL LITERALLY HITLER.  DIE! DIE! [...] All BLM knows how to do is divide.  They won't acknowledge real history.  They want to get neighbors to hate each other so they can conquer the supposedly "stolen" land.

I guess the climate must have changed abruptly in January.
Dem Rep Says Biden's Border Crisis is REALLY Caused by Climate Change.  Democrat Congresswoman Veronica Escobar confused millions of Americans on the steps of the US Capitol Wednesday [11/17/2021] when she claimed "much of the migration" crisis at the US-border is a result of global warming.  "We are seeing longer, hotter summers...  That's killing people.  For those who have been covering the movement of migrants across our hemisphere, there is no doubt that much of that migration is coming from the climate crisis...  Unless we do something, we should expect all of that humanitarian need to continue," said the Congresswoman.  "We can take action this week...  Building a new economy, ensuring there is equity, and we are able to have a planet where we can live!" she added.

Democrat Voters are Among the Most Gullible People on Earth.  The primary reason the United States finds itself in its current predicament is the vast number of credulous and mis-educated Americans who, over the past two decades, have blindly pledged their undying allegiance to the current iteration of Democrat party.  They do so because they have been willingly duped into believing that the political opposition, conservatives and Republicans, are the personification of evil who are hellbent on transforming the nation into a dystopian nightmare.  The philosophical underpinnings of the Democrat party or the falsehoods its elected members regurgitate are immaterial to their voters, as long as this dire threat, as personified by Donald Trump in 2020, is vanquished by any and all means possible, including unconstrained voter fraud and manipulation.

Bizarre UN Video Warns Humans About Coming 'Climate Disaster' Extinction.  In a truly bizarre video released by the United Nations Development Programme on Wednesday, a talking computer-generated dinosaur warns humans that they must take urgent action to avoid what our histrionic friends in the Democrat Party are fond of calling "the existential threat of our time" — climate change (or whatever they're now calling it) action to avoid extinction.  Yes, the extinction of mankind is apparently right around the global warming corner if we don't get [...] in gear and stop being mean to the planet and our environment before we enter into irreversible climate armageddon.  And of course, the talking dinosaur has a name:  Frankie the Dino.

The Editor says...
The climate is changing so little and so slowly that the global average temperature will make an imperceptible small change over the course of your lifetime.  Nobody is going to be extinct.  You will never meet a "climate refugee."  People don't move from one country to another because of bad weather.  There will never be a war fought over global warming.  Most of all, the climate will never be affected by legislation.

We Got Here Because of Cowardice.  We Get Out With Courage.  A lot of people want to convince you that you need a Ph.D. or a law degree or dozens of hours of free time to read dense texts about critical theory to understand the woke movement and its worldview.  You do not.  You simply need to believe your own eyes and ears.  Let me offer the briefest overview of the core beliefs of the Woke Revolution, which are abundantly clear to anyone willing to look past the hashtags and the jargon.  It begins by stipulating that the forces of justice and progress are in a war against backwardness and tyranny.  And in a war, the normal rules of the game must be suspended.  Indeed, this ideology would argue that those rules are not just obstacles to justice, but tools of oppression.  They are the master's tools.  And the master's tools cannot dismantle the master's house.  So the tools themselves are not just replaced but repudiated.  And in so doing, persuasion — the purpose of argument — is replaced with public shaming.  Moral complexity is replaced with moral certainty.  Facts are replaced with feelings.

Why Progressives Think Confronting CRT is 'Terrorism'.  The cornerstone of tyranny is to delegitimize the opposition.  In the age of terror, there is no easier way to delegitimize the opposition than to assert they are terrorists.  The Justice Department, led by that petty tyrant Merrick Garland (thank God he isn't on the Supreme Court), has asserted that parents and anyone in general concerned with critical race theory and other tools of educational propaganda are domestic terrorists.  What a surprise.  Not.  The reason that progressives consider any concern against federal indoctrination as tantamount to terrorism is because progressives cannot allow any opposition to their totalitarian whims.  So much for tolerance and respecting other peoples' opinions.  This is always the impetus of tyrannical movements.  Any disagreement threatens to shatter the illusion of Utopian totalitarian progress.

MSNBC Guest Murphy: 'The Texas Legislature Should Be Impeached for Treason'.  Law professor Wendy Murphy said Tuesday [10/12/2021] on MSNBC that the Texas legislature should be impeached for treason for passing a law banning abortions after six weeks into a pregnancy.  Murphy said, "I think that it is so clear that the six-week abortion ban is unconstitutional.  What everybody should be talking about is whether a state can avoid complying with the Constitution by passing a law that forbids the courts to correct them when they do it."

Video: High School Teacher Bullies Her Unvaccianted Students, Accuses Them Of Killing People — The School Tried To Destroy Evidence.  Tanner is a 10th-grader at Puyallup High School.  He says his biology teacher became upset that some students were improperly wearing their masks.  It set her off on a rant against her unvaccinated students.  She called unvaccinated students "selfish" and said they weren't welcome at school.  She accused her unvaccinated students of killing people by spreading variants of the virus, warning them that they could "literally kill everyone on the planet."  That teacher is now on paid administrative leave pending an investigation into her conduct.  But before the investigation took place, the school's vice principal, who identifies as an abolitionist educator, tried to have the video evidence deleted[.]

What's A Branch COVIDian?  Mom compares unmasked children to "deadly biological weapons, loaded firearms, and homicide[.]"  This is the result of intentional fear-mongering and watching too much CNN.  Happened at Richardson Independent School District, Texas.  [Video clip]

If Government Concern for Your Health was Real (and not Political)....  Hitler embraced this model, saying, as paraphrased in many sources: 'Make the lie big, tell it over, and over, and over again, and the people will believe anything.'  COVID could kill you!  You're selfish for being unvaxxed!  You're spreading it!  Variants are here!  More are coming!  Get vaccinated, and follow on with innumerable boosters as necessary every eight months.  Make that five.  This is so important that we've dispatched all testing protocols.  Don't worry!  The FDA has, or shortly will, approve everything.

FL Dem hysterically claims Jan 6 was FAR worse than 3,000 dead on 9/11.  Former Florida Democrat congressional candidate Pam Keith outrageously claimed that 9/11 was not the worst attack to ever hit the United States in her lifetime, it was the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021.  "On 1/6/2021, 9/11/2001 ceased being the worst thing that happened to America in my lifetime.  It's really weird and painful to process and say that.  But it's the truth.  And quite frankly... it's not even close," the current executive director of Fight 4 Florida's Future tweeted on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.  "Today makes 20 years since one of the most impactful events of my life.  I was in DC, completely freaked out, in a daze of horror & rage.  Little did I know that the damage of that day would pale SO MUCH in comparison to the ongoing horror visited upon our nation on 11/8/2016," she also tweeted concerning the election of former President Trump.

MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart calls Trump supporters 'more worrisome' than the Taliban or ISIS.  On the eve of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart announced that he believed that Trump supporters are more of a threat than the Taliban or ISIS.  Capehart called out 'MAGA and the domestic threat', which he said was far 'more worrisome than any foreign threat', during an appearance at PBS NewsHour on Friday [9/10/2021].  The Washington Post columnist and news host went on to describe the last several years as 'one giant step forward, and then two giant steps back.'

Left-wing ideologues on 20th anniversary of 9/11: The Capitol riot was worse.  Give it a rest, just for one day.  Saturday marked the 20th anniversary of the day Islamic terrorists brutally murdered nearly 3,000 Americans, some of whom were crushed by the collapsing World Trade Center towers while others fell to their deaths or were burned alive.  It was a somber occasion, leaving many as angry as they were sad.  However, not everyone treated the anniversary with the gravity it deserved.  Indeed, rather than pause their partisan activism for even 24 hours to mourn the dead, or at least allow the victims of the attacks to grieve in peace, certain left-wing activists continued this weekend to attack their conservative neighbors.  Some even saw the 20th anniversary as a perfect opportunity to draw a straight line between the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and 9/11.

'If It Saves One Life' Is Their Dumbest Argument Yet, But They Continue To Trot It Out.  A favored tactic of the left is using emotion-laden arguments to further their narrative.  Fortunately for them, in the debate over masks in schools, few things are more emotional than the idea of a child dying, whether it's of or with COVID-19 or anything else.  And true to form, they constantly beat the fact that, yes, some children do die of or with COVID, over the heads of those who cite the potentially harmful long-term effects of masking children. [...] In our interactions with each other, the risk of virus transmission has always existed.  Until the COVID era, society had accepted that it cannot properly function without humans having normal interactions with one another.  That view, of course, has largely been jettisoned in favor of widespread public masking, an intervention that has never been proven to work to any significant or relevant degree.  Yet somehow, our overlords have managed to convince the majority of the gullible public that placing a moist, bacteria-laden piece of cloth over a child's mouth and nose will somehow keep that child from getting COVID-19, a virus they pretend is dangerous to children by citing anecdotes instead of data.  Assuming their intentions are good (I know, that's a BIG assumption), they do it because they think "one life" saved is worth any intervention employed, proof of effectiveness [notwithstanding].

Yep, Texas Is Exactly Like Afghanistan Now. 100 Percent.  There are very few issues out there that seem to send progressives right over the edge harder than abortion.  The primary talking point, in the wake of the Biden administration's dismal failure in Afghanistan, is that the Texas pro-life law is exactly the same type of Sharia law the Taliban imposes on women in Afghanistan.  This is mind-bogglingly ignorant rhetoric that we cannot let pass.  First of all, how extremely Islamophobic of the left to attack the religious beliefs of those of the Islamic faith.  The same group that accused the Trump administration of being xenophobic and racist for implementing a ban of travelers from majority-Muslim countries is now just throwing "Sharia" accusations willy nilly.  It is, by their own standards, vile racism.  Second, it is an extremely base-level analysis that doesn't actually do a pro-choice argument justice.  It is simply laziness to jump to that sort of rhetoric.  And we know why they jump to it.

Ex-Obama education chief compares anti-mask Americans to suicide bombers.  A former Obama administration Cabinet official on Sunday compared Americans who oppose face masks and vaccines to suicide bombing terrorists that killed Americans at the Kabul airport.  As the families of U.S. service members that died as a result of the ISIS-K attack in Afghanistan last week met with President Biden, Arne Duncan tweeted that he saw a comparison between the killers in Afghanistan and those Americans who oppose masks and vaccines.  "Have you noticed how strikingly similar both the mindsets and actions between the suicide bombers at Kabul's airport, and the anti-mask and anti-vax people here?" Mr. Duncan said on Twitter.  "They both blow themselves up, inflict harm on those around them, and are convinced they are fighting for freedom."

Taliban Under The Bed.  After the fall on Kabul, our elitists raced to Twitter and other forums to equate the Taliban to conservatives and Republicans in the U.S. What kind of country are we becoming, in which a significant part of it cannot, or will not, distinguish the difference between terrorism and political differences? [...] Much of the effort to link America's political right to the Taliban is nothing more than pathetic virtue signaling.  It's the screeching of attention-hungry media personalities and celebrities who desperately need to show the world they're on the right side of history, and are morally and intellectually superior than most of their fellow Americans.  Unfortunately, what they say influences others.

Texas Teacher in Tears Likens Lack of Mask Mandates to Mass Shootings.  As Americans face the prospect of reopened schools, some are deathly afraid.  Case in point:  Austin resident Jenny Gillis, who recently posted an impassioned plea.

The Editor says...
Maybe you shouldn't be a teacher if you live in constant fear.  Maybe you should turn off your TV and get some fresh, unfiltered air.

The 'Kids Are Dying From COVID' Rhetoric Is Lacking Serious Context.  At the moment, while kids are returning to classrooms here and across the country, there is a growing trend among reporters, pundits, politicians, and various people with verified platforms on social media panicking about the kids who are dying from COVID-19.  [Tweet]  The piece she links to is this New York Times story on hospitals in Texas.  The governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, has made high-profile executive decisions regarding COVID-19 safety measures that have gotten a lot of these folks riled up.  The problem is that, despite this surge, we're still not seeing major numbers in children.

Phony Doctor Starts To Laugh While Pretending To Cry About COVID Live During Newscast.  A good crisis actor is hard to find these days.  That is what CBS found out during the evening news with Norah O'Donnell.  This supposed doctor who goes by the name of Mia Meyers starts out talking about how people need to take the Delta variant seriously because of its transmissibility.  She then starts into something about 'our children before launching into her crocodile tear routine, which morphs into full-blown laughter.  Fake news strikes out again!  [Video clip]

Oklahoma School Board Member Says Children Can Commit Murder By Not Wearing Masks.  A local school board member in Oklahoma said Monday [8/9/2021] that she's worried small children might "murder" each other by spreading the coronavirus without wearing masks.  "It's just not OK for kids to commit murder by coming to school without a mask," said Norman Public Schools board member Linda Sexton.  [Video clip]

Are These Stories Real?  Or Are the Media Trying to Overcome 'Vaccine Hesitancy' by Using Fear Porn?  [Scroll down beyond the highly dubious anecdote.]  On the whole, I'd take my chances on my own rather than to submit to the tender mercies of someone who obviously holds me in contempt.  I have some questions about the entire story.  For instance, according to the CDC, there has not been a single COVID-related death in Alabama under 40 in over a month.  There have only been 110 such deaths in Alabama since the pandemic started.  There is no public data, so far as I can find, that gives the number of intubated patients, the number of patients in the ICU by age, etc., since the vaccine became available.  The absence of empirical data to back up undocumented anecdotes doesn't give me great confidence in the story.  And the source is a Facebook post.

No, libs, the Jan. 6 events weren't a 'coup'.  Here's what Jan. 6 wasn't:  It wasn't the "worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War."  Nor did it veer anywhere near the vicinity of being as dangerous as 9/11.  Nor was it a "coup" or an "insurrection" — not in any way we commonly understand those words.  It wasn't a "putsch."  Nor did it, as the chairman of the Jan. 6 committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson, claimed, come "dangerously close to succeeding" in upending "American democracy."  That's all a myth.  It was a riot.

Unscripted remarks start to haunt President Biden.  President Biden has been more freewheeling with his remarks in the last few weeks, leading to slip-ups the White House has had to clean up.  The most recent example came Friday, when Biden accused Facebook of "killing people" because of the misinformation spread on the social media network about coronavirus vaccines.  It was a striking statement that triggered a furious response from Facebook.  And on Monday, it became clear Biden had gone further and been more biting than he intended.  Less than three days after his initial remarks, the president reversed course, saying Facebook "isn't killing people."

Joe Biden's Misery Index Rises.  In this past week, we've seen the absurd spectacle of a group of Texas state legislators commandeering a private plane as they fled from Texas to escape the ability of the governor of Texas to require them to return to Austin and discharge the duty they were elected to carry out, in this case, vote on a voting reform bill. [...] The proposed Texas voting rules that occasioned the flight of the Democratic legislators require voter identification, prohibit ballot-harvesting and the casting of votes by one person on behalf of other people, provide a reasonable (i.e., not open-ended) window of hours and days for voting, and assure that the counting process will be witnessed by representatives of all contending parties.  The attempt by the Democrats to portray this as "voter suppression" is an outrage, especially Joe Biden's nonsensical volcanic eruption last week that such efforts have produced the "greatest crisis since the Civil War," even after he had conceded, following months of violent objection, that voter identification is actually not a bad idea.

As they start sentencing January 6 detainees, the Democrats have a problem.  Since January 6, the Democrats have played up the kerfuffle in the Capitol on January as the worst thing ever in American history, while ignoring the innumerable times leftists have aggressively invaded the Capitol. [...] Within minutes of January 6, the Democrats, who had turned a blind eye to the incredible violence of 2020, much of it played out on federal property, had their narrative in place:  When elderly, unarmed people clamored to enter the Capitol — and the Capitol police opened the doors to let them in — that was an "insurrection."  D.C., therefore, had to be turned into an armed camp.  This was a convenient way to hide the fact that, had D.C. been open for business as usual on inauguration day, no one would have turned up to see the doddering mound of corruption that is Joe Biden false swear an oath he immediately ignored.  Since January 6, Democrats have escalated their rhetoric.  Steve Cohen, a Tennessee Democrat, likened January 6 to the Exodus and Pearl Harbor.

Fear Free Speech:  Biden Denounces Big Tech as "Killing People" By Not Censoring Speech.  President Joe Biden slammed Big Tech companies this week for "killing people" by failing to engage in even greater censorship of free speech on issues related to the pandemic.  It was a surprising condemnation of companies who have been loyal allies of Biden, including killing stories embarrassing to his family like the Hunter Biden laptop scandal before the election.  It also has censored stories questioning his victory in 2020.  Nevertheless, Biden denounced the range of uncensored free speech as the cause of death for many — the ultimate anti-free speech trope for those seeking to convince people to embrace their own censorship.  Biden was asked by a reporter what his message was to "platforms like Facebook" on the subject of "COVID misinformation."  He responded "They're killing people.  The only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated, and they're killing people."  This comes as these companies have been criticized for censoring debates over the origin or treatment of Covid-19.

Biden says social media is 'killing people' with vaccine misinformation.  President Biden said social media platforms such as Facebook were 'killing people' as the White House on Friday [7/16/2021] doubled down on the danger of COVID-19 misinformation.  He spoke to reporters minutes after the issue dominated a White House press briefing, with reporters asking whether the administration was spying on American citizens by flagging misleading, dangerous information.  As he left for a weekend at Camp David, Biden was asked if he had a message for social media companies like Facebook.  They're killing people.  I mean it really,' he said.  'Look, the only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated.  'And they're killing people.'

Trump Winds and Biden Whirlwinds.  What was the catalyst that turned a left-wing Democratic Party into a cultural revolutionary mob?  In other words, why in our 233rd year of the republic are Democrats so intent to destroy the Electoral College, pack the court, admit new states to the Union, junk the filibuster, and federalize national election laws?  What was so wrong with assimilation, integration, intermarriage, the "content of our character," and race as incidental rather than essential to who we are?  What has the woke revolution offered us instead?  Since when did regaining a House majority equate to impeaching a president on the eve of a reelection campaign, with his future and fiercest campaign opponents possibly as senators to be sitting in judgment on him in any Senate trial?  What was common to all the "bombshells" and "walls are closing in" mythologies regarding meetings with Russians in Trump Tower, or mysterious "pings" of Trump tower machines automatically communicating with Russians, or the certain impending indictments of the Trump family?

Biden Implies that Civil War Confederate Soldiers Were Better People Than Trump Supporters on Jan. 6th.  During an unhinged speech on Wednesday in Philadelphia, President Joe Biden implied that Confederate soldiers were better people than the Trump supporters at the January 6th riot because not even the "confederates" during the Civil War "never breached the Capitol."  The comments from Biden came when he accused Republicans of attempting to "suppress and subvert the right to vote" with voter security laws.  "There's an unfolding assault taking place in America today, an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote in fair and free elections, an assault on democracy, an assault on liberty, and assault on who we are, who we are as Americans, for make no mistake, bullies and merchants of fear, peddlers of lies, are threatening the very foundation of our country," Biden stated.

Biden Labels GOP Voting Laws Greatest Threat to American Democracy Since Civil War.  Speaking from the National Constitutional Center in Philadelphia on Tuesday, President Biden forcefully condemned the wave of election integrity laws recently passed in red states, calling the laws an "assault" on the right to vote and the "most significant threat" to the U.S. since the Civil War.  There is "an unfolding assault taking place in America today, an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote," Biden said.

Biden calls GOP voting bills 'odious and vicious' and are 'the most significant threat to democracy since the Civil War'.  President Joe Biden on Tuesday [7/13/2021] launched an assault on attempts by Republican-controlled states to change voting rights laws, blasting them as a 'threat to democracy' and vowing to protect 'free and fair elections.'  'This is election subversion.  It is the most dangerous threat to voting in the integrity of free and fair elections in our history,' he said, speaking at the historic National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.  Voting issues have become a top priority for both parties.

20 Questions for Nancy Pelosi About January 6.  No one has milked the events of January 6 more than House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).  She set the official narrative early and often, a storyline her scribes in the news media have dutifully repeated without question or scrutiny.  "[Y]esterday, the president of the United States incited an armed insurrection against America, the gleeful desecration of the U.S. Capitol, which is the temple of our American democracy," Pelosi lamented in a hyperdramatic press conference the day after the raucous protest.  She accused President Trump of "sedition" and urged his cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him just two weeks before he officially left the White House.  Nearly every word in her opening statement that day is untrue.  The president didn't "incite" the violence; it was not an insurrection, armed or otherwise, and the only person who used a firearm was a still-unidentified Capitol police officer who killed an unarmed female veteran.

An Ugly War Among Leftist YouTubers Shows Two Common, Toxic Pathologies Plaguing U.S. Politics.  From Hillary Clinton and Howard Dean to Rachel Maddow and countless other liberal cable hosts, casually and falsely smearing people as paid Russian agents is now completely normalized behavior in liberal culture.  And the list of people whose reputations have been destroyed from evidence-free and cynically deployed sexual harassment allegations or other vague accusations of sexual misconduct is too long to comprehensively chronicle.  I examine these two issues in the format of video, which can be watched on the player below, because that is where so much of it has played out and because it seemed that is how the severity and magnitude of these abuses could be most effectively conveyed:  [Video clip]

Controlling the World Is Easy.  [Scroll down]  Whenever you heard raw numbers of cases, hospitalizations, or deaths it was because those numbers were bad.  When they weren't so bad, you started hearing percentages.  Why?  Because certain ways of presenting information can make it seem better or worse than it really is. [...] Going from 10,000 deaths per day to 20,000 deaths per day is a 100 percent increase in the number of deaths.  So is going from 1 death per day to 2 deaths per day.  If you want to scare [...] people in the hope that they continue watching your news program, you headline the story with, "There has been a stunning, 100 percent increase in the number of COVID deaths in just 24 hours."  You're not lying, it's an accurate statement.  It's just presented in an absolutely fraudulent way to manipulate the audience.  That's what so much of what the left does has become.

Sociology professor claims shelter dogs killed due to white supremacy.  Do you know why some dogs in shelters end up perishing?  Simple neglect?  The sad status of being unwanted?  Global warming?  Nope.  According to Katja Guenther, a professor of gender and sexuality studies at the University of California-Riverside, these canine deaths are due to "capitalism, anthroparchy, white supremacy and patriarchy."  Of course.  Guenther says, for example, that people of color who abandon their dogs are likely victims "ensnared in the legal system," forced to leave their animals behind "under the duress of sudden eviction or deportation or arrest."

Women Want to Know Why Men Don't Want to Marry Anymore... Allow Me.  [Scroll down]  Thanks to the design of the female brain, women have trouble having a thought without attaching an emotion to it.  They're more likely to feel their thoughts than men are, and what's more, they're more likely to be expressive about it. [...] But there's a hitch.  In today's society, emotion is increasingly valued over logistical thinking.  Especially for women, the pitfalls are numerous.  "Your truth" is pushed over THE truth.

Virginia Democrats Say Parents Who Want Schools To Reopen Might Be KKK Members.  Shortly after Fairfax County, Virginia, attracted national criticism for bending to teachers union pressure to keep schools closed and for a school board member's anti-Semitic rhetoric, Democrat and union operatives say they found a flyer from the KKK that helps with both issues.  Democrats said that since the flyer purportedly showed that the KKK does not like school board members, and parents angry that schools remained closed for nearly an entire year also do not like school board members, the parents might be KKK sympathizers.

Media has No Standards for Phrase "Surge in Gun Violence" but Loves using it Anyway.  Whenever mainstream outlets use the phrase "surge in gun violence" or "surge of gun violence" you can be relatively assured that they are arguing via left-wing meme rather than any useful statistic.  Most importantly, when someone hears 'gun violence' they are likely thinking criminal use of a gun, when that phrase is deliberately vague so as to overinclude many gun uses that most readers would not intend, such as suicides, defensive gun uses, and accidental discharges.  But this phrase, 'surge in gun violence' is so commonplace that it appears in many mainstream outlets, even when they provide no evidence for the statistical rise in violence, no theory as to why it is rising, and no causal allegation of any kind.

MSNBC Hack Melts Down Trying to Turn Voters Against Trump: 'What If Trump Kills Someone?'  MSNBC left-wing contributor Donny Deutsch really wants people to stop supporting Donald Trump.  During a segment on MSNBC, Deutsch had quite the meltdown trying to "convince" people that they shouldn't support Trump.  At one point, he shouted "what if Trump kills someone" before them insulting Americans by saying "even then" they wouldn't stop supporting the former president.  [Video clip]

Biden tells US graduate class of 2021 that systemic racism is one of 'the greatest crises of our time' and compares it to the Vietnam War.  President Joe Biden told new graduates that systemic racism is one of the 'greatest crises of our time' and said it was an 'inflection point' similar to the Vietnam War.  Biden's brief video message to graduates was released by the White House under his @POTUS address as the coronavirus pandemic has put a dent in commencement ceremonies.  Comparing today's students to those who graduated during the era of the civil rights and anti-war protest movements, Biden encouraged them to seize the moment to tackle climate change and systemic racism which he described as one of 'the great crises of our time'.

Unhinged Joe Scarborough Demands Trump Supporters Leave US and Be Replaced By Immigrants.  MSNBC host Joe Scarborough went on an unhinged rant during his show Morning Joe, demanding that Trump supporters leave the US and be replaced by immigrants.  Of course, any time someone on the right asserts that the Democrat Party is attempting to replace American voters they are called racist, bigoted, conspiracy theorists.  "America, love it or leave it! ... Just leave ... Get [...] out!  We don't want you here," Scarborough shouted.

MSNBC Contributor Calls Republicans 'White Nationalists' Who Support Terrorism.  MSNBC contributor Dean Obeidallah said Sunday [5/23/2021] all Republicans are white nationalists who defend terrorism.  "In the GOP today, you're either defending a terrorist or you're out of the GOP.  That's where they are," said the host of SiriusXM Progress' "The Dean Obeidallah Show."  "It's the party we're dealing with.  They're not a political party, they're a white nationalist movement.  They're a fascist threat to our nation.  That's not hyperbolic, that's academic."

Don Lemon Claims Democratic Party Is The Only One 'Living In Reality' And Also That He Is A 'Journalist'.  CNN host Don Lemon slammed the Republican party on CNN Friday, saying that they are not "operating in reality" and are "obsolete."  "Well, right now, the person who is in the White House is a Democrat," Lemon said.  "The people who are in charge of Congress are Democrats.  The people who are in the majority, slightly, in the Senate, are Democrats.  The only party, now, that is operating in reality, is the Democratic party."  "The Republican party is obsolete," he continued.  "The Republican party is not dealing and living in reality.  So, you cannot negotiate with a party that doesn't operate on logic."

Disgusting MSNBC: Pro-Life Conservatives 'Won't Be Happy' Until Rape Victims Are in Jail.  MSNBC was one step away from saying we were literally in "The Handmaid's Tale", Monday afternoon.  Host Nicolle Wallace and her frenzied feminist panel spent the first twenty minutes of her show hysterically panicking over news that the Supreme Court would be eventually ruling on a Mississippi abortion law that passed in 2018.  The state law bans abortions after 15 weeks where the mother or baby was not in danger.  Apparently, that is radical and extreme to the majority of Americans, at least according to MSNBC's Wallace.  She declared, "Just the decision to take up this case really strikes fear in the hearts of everyone who cares about this issue, which if you look at polls is 65% of Americans that support reproductive freedoms."  Former Democrat Senator and MSNBC analyst Claire McCaskill then lectured women younger than her who don't remember life before Roe while she savagely smeared pro-life advocates as callous to rape victims: [...]

Saying "No" to Black People.  San Dimas is a city in L.A. County.  Demographics:  roughly 50% non-Hispanic white, 33% Hispanic of any race, 14% Asian, 1.8% black.  Last month in San Dimas an L.A. County Sheriff's deputy pulled over a woman who was texting while driving, a ticketable offense in this state.  The deputy was a calm, composed Hispanic (as I've often mentioned, the LASD is over 50% Hispanic).  And the driver was a [...] crazy black lady, a college professor (though currently not employed as such) who tried every trick she could to bait the deputy into a confrontation.  Body-cam footage captured the incident.  In a voice dripping with hostility, Textquesha repeatedly calls the deputy a "murderer."  "You're a murderer, you're a murderer."  The deputy remains as cool as Fonzie in a fridge.  He continues about his business, not taking the bait, but not bending.  "You scared me and made me think you were going to murder me," the woman bleats.  "You're threatening to kill me and my son!  You're trying to threaten to kill me."

Dems Comparing Modern Laws to Jim Crow:  Is it Hyperbole, Ignorance, or Dishonesty?  Virtually every day we see new examples of our friends on the left overplaying their hands as they engage in wild exaggerations.  They told us Donald Trump is a Nazi.  (No, he isn't, because a true Nazi leader would have thrown you in a concentration camp for criticizing him.)  They've told us if we use the 'OK' hand signal then we're White Supremacists.  (No, that's been a gesture which has been used for over a century indicating "all is well.")  And they accuse us of being science-deniers if we dare to question climate change conclusions or COVID pandemic propaganda.  (Actually, we're simply demanding logic and accountability.)  But the most egregious of all modern leftist talking points may be with their practice of labeling any law they don't like as akin to "Jim Crow."  Last month, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC), a man with considerable power and without whose support Joe Biden would not have been elected, said of the controversial Georgia voting law from earlier this year, "Just look through it and look throughout history, and you will know that what is taking place today is a new Jim Crow, just that simple."

The Liberals Who Can't Quit Lockdown.  In surveys, Democrats express more worry about the pandemic than Republicans do.  People who describe themselves as "very liberal" are distinctly anxious.  This spring, after the vaccine rollout had started, a third of very liberal people were "very concerned" about becoming seriously ill from COVID-19, compared with a quarter of both liberals and moderates, according to a study conducted by the University of North Carolina political scientist Marc Hetherington.  And 43 percent of very liberal respondents believed that getting the coronavirus would have a "very bad" effect on their life, compared with a third of liberals and moderates.

The Editor says...
The explanation might be very simple:  I suspect Democrats watch television — especially MSNBC and CNN — more than Republicans.  I also suspect they seldom question what they hear on TV; and being godless humanists, they are far more susceptible to the fear that television spreads daily.

If There's Nothing to Hide, Why Are Democrats Freaking Out about the Arizona Audit?  If you have been keeping an eye on the election audit taking place right now in Maricopa County, Arizona, then you also know that Democrats, news propagandists, and "concerned" NeverTrump Republicans are beginning to sound more and more like trapped rats squeaking in fear.  An army of lawyers — many of the same political operatives who manipulated the November election by contravening existing election laws and flooding battleground states with uncontrolled and unverified mail-in ballots — are begging state and federal courts to stop the audit midcourse and petitioning Arizona's Democrat secretary of state and Merrick Garland's Department of Justice to intervene under the absurd pretense that ensuring election integrity somehow deprives voters of their civil rights.  Arizonan and Biden-supporter Cindy McCain has publicly called the vote recount "ludicrous" because "the election is over."  And MSNBC's Rachel Maddow is so terrified of what the auditors might find that she insists that the whole exercise is not only "dangerous," but also the "end of democracy."

US Intelligence agencies challenge Biden's climate alarmism.  The U.S. government's intelligence analysts are failing to match the heated rhetoric used by President Biden and his administration in describing threats posed by climate change, instead dubbing vague "direct" or "indirect" dangers from global warming.  Mr. Biden is set to host a virtual summit of some 40 world leaders Thursday and Friday devoted exclusively to climate change, which the White House now regards as a "crisis" requiring immediate, global action to avert catastrophe.  "There is little time left to avoid setting the world on a dangerous, potentially catastrophic, climate trajectory," Mr. Biden stated in a sweeping executive order signed in January.

The Editor says...
There's always "little time left," and the predictions of catastrophe are always proven wrong.  That's because all the predictions are based on exaggerations.

MSNBC: Don't Know How Florida Bill Will Suppress Voting, But 'A Lot of Bleeding'.  MSNBC correspondent Sam Brock admitted on Thursday's [5/6/2021] Hallie Jackson Reports that critics of Florida's new election law do not know how it will suppress the vote, but are certain it will.  After criticizing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for excluding non-Fox media in the signing ceremony, Brock added "I spoke with a voting law expert who said it's like 1,000 paper cuts.  It's not clear what any one of the components of S.B. 90 will actually do in terms of suppressing the vote.  When you add them all up together, it could make for a lot of bleeding when it comes to voter access, Hallie."

What's Behind Vaccine Hysteria?  If you are reluctant to get the COVID vaccine and beginning to feel overrun by forces pressuring you to get vaccinated, you aren't alone and you aren't crazy.  There's a reason you feel the way you do.  You are being manipulated.  We are being bombarded with commercials pushing us to be socially responsible.  Medical professionals, celebrities, and folks in our communities admonish us not to shirk our civic duty.  Suddenly, the vaccine is the only way to normalcy.  Friends and family openly brag about their vaccinations and gasp in astonishment when they find out you haven't decided or, worse, that you will not get it.  Doctors who inquire also give that disapproving look.  The president routinely stokes fear, recently decrying the unvaccinated.  Andrew Cuomo had the gall to suggest that the unvaccinated "could kill their own grandmother."

COVID Madness, NY Governor Cuomo Calls Unvaccinated Youth "Grandma Killers".  New York Governor Andrew Cuomo held a press conference today [5/3/2021] pondering why the number of people in the state taking the COVID vaccine is dropping even with increased availability.

'Worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War!' Can Biden really be this dumb?  Whoa!  Joe Biden thinks that that relatively mild, wholly unarmed breach of the Capitol was the "worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War!" How historically ignorant are his speechwriters?  They seem to have forgotten about the assassination of Lincoln, WWI, Pearl Harbor and WWII, the Kennedy assassination, 9/11!  Did they really think that line would resonate with anyone with a modicum of historical knowledge?  While the entire speech was banal, this was the most egregious spoken line.  That an American president would utter such an unspeakable lie is the measure of this man.  He is a fool.  Surely, he knows better but he and his handlers believe that most Americans are so dumb, so uninformed, they will accept such a lie as true.

Twitter ridicules Joe Biden after he calls Capitol storming the 'worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War' in first address to Congress.  Joe Biden said during his first address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday evening [4/28/2021] that the Capitol storming on January 6 was the 'worst attack' on democracy since the Civil War.  The claim immediately led to major backlash, especially from those on right-wing Twitter, who pointed to a slew of other tragedies in America between the 1860s and 2021 — like the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, Pearl Harbor, presidential assassinations and others.  'January 6 was worse than 9/11?  Or Pearl Harbor?'  Glenn Greenwald, a journalist and former attorney wrote in a Twitter thread.

Lefty yard sign
Do those yard signs signal virtue or stupidity?  On a recent walk, I came across a neighborhood littered with the yard sign in this photo.  It seems the provocative platitudes we've seen on bumper stickers for a century have now taken root in our yards. [...] "No Human is Illegal" deliberately mischaracterizes the debate over illegal immigration.  No one contends that a person entering the country illegally is an illegal human.  Rather, they contend that such a person has committed an illegal act.  Note that Americans opposed to this law-breaking at the border do not call the law-breakers "illegal humans."  They call them "illegal immigrants."  Because they have immigrated illegally.  If I author a yard sign like this, maybe I should include, "Sophistry and Demagoguery are no Substitute for Good Faith Discussion."

This is one of the dumbest opinions ever propagated through an excerpt on this web site:
The climate crisis demands a national Black climate agenda.  Climate change is not an isolated crisis — it is a symptom of our economic system.  That system has jeopardized the future of life on this planet.  According to two independent, globally reviewed and scientifically-based reports give us less than a decade before we reach the point of no return with the global climate crisis. [...] The climate is going through human accelerated change that threatens all life on earth.  It is important that we understand climate change as a byproduct of an economic system based on extraction, exploitation, accumulation through dispossession — and racism.

The Editor says...
[#1] Racism does not cause global warming.  [#2] Ask Oprah Winfrey, Bill Cosby, or any of several overpaid basketball players if they find capitalism (or the weather!) to be especially oppressive because of their race.  [#3] The world-wide economic system has not "jeopardized the future of life on this planet."  The opposite is true.  Many people live much longer now than they would have without capitalist prosperity, even if that prosperity is unevenly distributed.  [#4] How fast is the climate changing?  Global average temperatures are increasing so slowly that if a century of natural changes were to happen in the next two minutes, you wouldn't even notice.  [#5] How many degrees of warming (or cooling) would it take to "jeopardize[] the future of life on this planet?"  If temperatures change at the rate of five degrees per century, wouldn't intelligent people adapt to it, or move to a different latitude?  [#6] The author of the article above appears to be one of those pathetic people who is determined to live life as a perpetual victim, while clamoring for attention on social media.

Cancel culture comes for the cops.  Human nature makes it tempting to put others' actions in the worst possible light.  Social media has made it commonplace.  Woke cancel culture has made it almost a virtue.  This is how we get what we got Tuesday and Wednesday in the aftermath of a police shooting in Columbus:  Celebrities, journalists, and Democrats raced to be the first to get it the most wrong.  Liberals signaled their virtue and won woke points by stripping as much context as possible out of these tragedies.  The difficulty in fitting the facts into the narrative simply made these contortions that much more admirable.  Being uncharitable to the unworthy, favoring politically correct narratives over facts, and stirring up mobs whenever possible are the pillars of cancel culture.  "Accountability" has long been a euphemism cancelers hide behind in order to claim there is no such thing as cancel culture.  Digging up old tweets to get someone fired, objecting to allowing a conservative to write for a major publication's op-ed page, demanding the ability to police private conversations — that's not authoritarian, censorious behavior; it's simply "accountability."  NBA star LeBron James knows the lingo.  He also clearly knows the game:  Facts don't matter, the narrative matters.

The Actual Number of Unarmed Black Men Shot and Killed By Police Every Year Will Blow Liberals' Minds.  Most Americans are convinced there is an "epidemic" of police shooting unarmed black males in America.  This widespread misperception is reinforced with misreportage, sensationalized reportage, missing context, and the lack of reporting on analogous cases.  In February, a survey was released that showed how many adults overestimate the number of adult unarmed black males were killed by police officers in 2019 (the last year with full data available). The Skeptic Research Center published the results, which were broken down by political ideology. [...] The Washington Post's police shooting database further underscores how rare it is that unarmed black males are shot by police officers.  Its reported police killings of unarmed black males in 2019 is far below even the 27 reported by Mapping Police Violence.  It is a total of 11 — fewer than a dozen cases.  If one sorts the database for the last six years, one finds a total of 129 people shot and killed by police.  This is an average of 21 unarmed black males per year out of a population of approximately 20 million.  This is virtually 'one in a million.'

Climate 'Emergency'? Not So Fast.  We are both scientists who can attest that the research literature does not support the claim of a climate emergency.  Nor will there be one.  None of the lurid predictions — dangerously accelerating sea-level rise, increasingly extreme weather, more deadly forest fires, unprecedented warming, etc. — are any more accurate than the fire-and-brimstone sermons used to stoke fanaticism in medieval crusaders.  True believers assert that this emergency can be averted only by eliminating greenhouse-gas emissions.  Greenhouse gases include ubiquitous water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide, and above all, carbon dioxide, a gas released when fossil fuels are burned to power transportation, generate electricity, and are used to manufacture amenities of modern life.  Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere let sunlight warm the earth's surface.  But they absorb some of the heat radiation from the surface and atmosphere that would otherwise cool more efficiently by escaping directly to space.  Greenhouse gases — and clouds — keep the earth's surface temperature several tens of degrees Celsius warmer than it would be without them.  So far, climate crusaders have refrained from vilifying water vapor and clouds, which make the largest contribution to greenhouse warming of the earth.  Carbon dioxide, demonized as "carbon pollution," is an improbable villain.  Green plants use the energy of sunlight to manufacture sugar and other organic molecules of life from carbon dioxide and water molecules.  A byproduct of photosynthesis is the oxygen of our atmosphere.  Each human exhales about two pounds of the "pollutant" carbon dioxide every day.

Dem Rep. Plays The Victim, Says Capitol Mayhem Was Like Pearl Harbor.  Democrats are not only still bringing up the Jan. 6 chaos at the U.S. Capitol, now some are acting as if it was comparable to one of the worst attacks against America.  During an off-the-rails interview on CNN, Tennessee Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen claimed that the Jan. 6 Capitol mayhem was comparable to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, where over 2,000 U.S. soldiers were killed and the country was dragged into World War II.  "January 6th is a day like that," Cohen said.  "It's a day that should be remembered in America because our democracy was at stake.  It was under attack as much as Pearl Harbor was an attack on our country."  "This was an attack on the United States Constitution," he continued.

Things We Can Live Without.  It must be pleasant to be a liberal.  Every political principle fits on a bumper sticker.  All problems can be chalked up to (1) racism, (2) capitalism, (3) global warming, or (4) Donald Trump.

Once again, Democrats are off to the racists.  Once again the Democrats are off to the racists.  Every time they can't explain their position on some public policy issue, they accuse Republicans and conservatives of being racist.  Look no further than the state of Georgia.  Almost two weeks ago, Gov. Brian Kemp signed SB 202 into law.  It was an election reform bill that Democrats effectively branded as "racist," "voter suppression" and "anti-civil rights."  The law expands early voting for primary and general elections, includes more voting on Saturdays and Sundays, and requires voter ID.  Only in the world of radical liberalism can more of an opportunity to do something be "suppression"; requiring one to prove they are who they say they are as "racism"; and applying the same rules to everyone as "anti-civil rights."

Biden's War on CO2 — Starving Planet Earth.  Carbon dioxide is persona non grata in leftist circles.  Listening to Democrat blathering over CO2, which they exhale copiously with each breath, one would think this gas is poisonous, on par with Sarin or other nerve gases.  In reality, CO2 is plant food, and essential for life on planet Earth.  One of President Biden's first executive orders, signed on January 20, aims to "restore science to tackle the climate crisis."  Joe claims, "the policy of my Administration to listen to the science."  Really? [...] In the executive order, Biden emphasizes the "social cost of carbon," whatever that means.  Is there a social cost of air and water too?  Is the word "social" a convenient excuse to invoke "social justice," "systemic racism," "oppression," "intersectionality," "privilege," and other leftist dog-whistle buzzwords in the grand plan of fundamentally transforming America?

AOC: Anyone who uses term 'surge' about border crisis is invoking a 'militaristic frame'.  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is condemning the use of the term "surge" when discussing the ongoing border crisis at the southern border.  "They wanna say, 'But what about the surge?'" Ocasio-Cortez said on Tuesday night during an Instagram Live session.  "Well, first of all, just gut check, stop.  Anyone who's using the term 'surge' around you consciously is trying to invoke a militaristic frame."  "And that's a problem because this is not a surge, these are children and they are not insurgents and we are not being invaded, which by the way is a White supremacist idea-philosophy, the idea that if another is coming in the population that this is an invasion of who we are," the congresswoman continued.

This sounds a lot like the global warming fearmongers.
'Scared' CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky warns of 'impending doom'.  CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky became emotional at a White House coronavirus press briefing on Monday [3/29/2021] — her voice breaking as she warned that the US is facing "impending doom" as COVID-19 cases rise again.  "I'm gonna lose the script and I'm going to reflect on the recurring feeling I have of impending doom," Walensky told reporters at the briefing.  "We have so much to look forward to, so much promise and potential of where we are, and so much reason for hope.  But right now I'm scared."  "I know what it's like as a physician to stand in that patient room, gowned, gloved, masked, shielded and to be the last person to touch some else's loved one because their loved one couldn't be there," she continued.

9 Highlights From Senate Hearing on Federal Takeover of Elections.  Lawmakers listened to ominous references to the South's Jim Crow era and Maoist China as the Senate held its first hearing on Democrats' legislation to nationalize elections while eliminating voter ID and most other state election safeguards.  "This bill has rightly been called the Corrupt Politicians Act because it is designed to keep corrupt politicians in office," Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said as he denounced the legislation.  The hearing Wednesday [3/24/2021] also saw the return of former Attorney General Eric Holder to Capitol Hill to advocate passage of Democrats' bill, and in particular changing how congressional districts are redrawn.  Holder insisted that voter fraud "simply doesn't exist."  And Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer demanded at one point:  "I would like to ask my Republican colleagues, why are you so afraid of democracy?"

The settled science of 'shut up'.  "Liberalism" was the enemy of truth and clarity throughout the Cold War.  Public debate was full of wordplay.  Nimbleness of language ruled the day, with liberals parsing their way through the decay of communism 'til they could blame the decadence of capitalism for all the world's woes. [...] Today's adversary is illiberalism, leftism.  Words still matter, for words constitute the building blocks of ideas.  Argument suffers as one block after another is made "off limits."  Soon enough, entire arguments are forbidden.  Today, the subject can be anthropogenic climate change, the veracity of the November 2020 vote, the efficacy of employing certain antimicrobials in treating COVID-19, or whether the Capitol riot of January 6 is better described an armed insurrection or a pitiful flash mob.  In each instance, the left loudly insists that the issue is "settled."  By that, they mean to say to us, "Shut up."

They Said Things Would Be Much Worse in States without Lockdowns.  They Were Wrong.  Like nearly all US states, Georgia imposed a stay-at-home order in March 2020 in response to demands from public health officials claiming a stay-at-home order would lessen total deaths from covid-19.  But unlike most states, Georgia ended its stay-at-home order after only five weeks, and proceeded to lower other restrictions quickly.  The legacy media responded with furious opposition. [...] All this hyperbole about human sacrifice and recklessness leads us to conclude that states which ended lockdowns quickly must have experienced far worse numbers of deaths from covid than states which maintained lockdowns longer.  Indeed, when it came to lockdowns, we were told, the longer the better.  Ideally, lockdowns shouldn't be loosened up at all until everyone can be vaccinated.  But things didn't turn out that way.  Experts have scrambled to come up with explanations for why this is the case, but the fact remains some of the most strict states (i.e., New York and Massachusetts) have covid deaths at far worse rates than the "reckless" states like Georgia and Florida.

It's Cool to be Conservative.  I believe there are actually two general categories of Democrat voters.  The first are the true leftist zealots who are committed to achieving some form of socialism.  They don't value individual liberty.  They seek top-down control of every aspect of our society.  Their idea of utopia is a world in which elites with superior education manage all aspects of our lives — how we assemble, what we may say, and how we must live.  Their objectives are diametrically opposed to those of our founders.  They can't be reasoned with, and shouldn't be bargained with.  But the second, and larger, group of Democrat voters has more promise.  Although they would never call themselves "conservatives," they actually love America and value its founding principles.  Even so, they continue to vote for politicians promising some variant of socialism. [...] They've come to accept the narrative that's been fed to them by media and academia.
  •   They don't support unlimited abortion, but Republicans are against women's health.
  •   They don't support open borders, but Republicans are cruel racists.
  •   They like energy independence, but Republicans want to destroy the environment.
  •   They don't support a welfare state, but Republicans want the poor to go away and die.

Truths, oaths, and affirmations.  Over the past four years, we have been asked to believe many lies, some small, some big, and some of immense consequence.  To recall just a few:  The Russia hoax, Covington Catholic, Brett Kavanaugh, and BLM. For many of us, these lies have been exposed and discredited, but for many of our neighbors, co-workers, and friends they are unchallenged buttresses of their worldview.  Why, despite all the evidence to the contrary, do these lies persist among so many people?  The answer is that the emotions associated with them persist.  Many people feel that Russian collusion is real, Covington Catholics kids are racist, Brett Kavanaugh is a serial rapist, and BLM is standing up against a racist structure that murders unarmed black men.  Their emotions define their reality.

Pelosi's perverse 'love' excuse for Biden's border disaster.  Showing just how far from reality she operates, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday waved off the growing border disaster by explaining that President Joe Biden's policies are all about a "love of children."  "I trust the Biden administration's policy to be based on humanitarian and love of children rather than political points or red meat for their — for their Republican base," she said.  More:  "The difference between this administration and one before is great in terms of how we meet the needs of these children," including having "a humanitarian reception for them wherever they are."  Reality check:  Biden's policies and irresponsible rhetoric have prompted a surge of unaccompanied children crossing the border.

So where are the nightly network news pictures of all the 'kids in cages'?  The media posted fake news stories with "kids in cages" pictures dating the Obama/Biden years in their four-year collusion with Democrats to destroy President Trump.  So where are the nightly televised pictures today of kids sleeping on cement floors in crowded facilities?  Somehow, we do not see them. [...] Where's Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, who went down for a photo-op wearing white, in order to weep in front of an empty parking lot, and compare illegal immigrant detentions during the Trump administration to Nazi concentration camps?  Where is the Hollywood crowd who have always protested Trump's actions?  I must assume none of them really cared and it was always a political attack or else they would be actively protesting.  The Biden administration also clearly doesn't care about how contagious the coronavirus, which migrants are bringing in with them, is.  They are not quarantining the migrant kids who are sick or the kids who have had contact with other sick people.  Nope, they are crowding them into jail-like facilities and then sending them around the U.S. to expose others.

Sheila Jackson Lee:  Texans Who Go Maskless Face 'Destiny of Death'.  Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) on Wednesday declared Texans who do not wear a mask during the coronavirus pandemic face "a destiny of death."  "Do not have a 'remove mask' party tonight, because you will be walking into a destiny of death," Jackson Lee said during a speech on House of Representative floor.  [Tweet with video clip]  Jackson Lee's warning coincides with Texas lifting its mandatory mask restriction across the state.

The Editor says...
Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, unfortunately, really does represent a lot of poorly-educated people in Houston who place their trust and faith in the government, in the news media, and in face masks.  If Covid-19 was anywhere near as deadly and as contagious as the government and the news media would have had us believe a year ago, the face masks most people wear wouldn't do any good, especially when they are worn in such a manner that they are obviously useless.  But perhaps unlike some of her constituents, Representative Sheila Jackson Lee appears to have learned nothing in the last year, beyond what she was told at the outset of the Coronavirus panic.  The rest of us now know that business shutdowns, school closings, and mandatory masks do more harm than good.

The Smug Arrogance Of The 'Science' Crowd.  Last summer, fed up with Democrats' claim that theirs is the "Party of Science," we pointed out that it is in reality the Party of Science Fiction.  We hope others have had their fill, too, and public opinion will force the Democrats to grow up.  "Science" is never invoked by the political left to illuminate, educate, or guide.  It's used to terminate discussion, to shut down debate.  It's employed in exactly the same way "racist" has been used for decades.  Not as a legitimate charge but a bomb thrown into a conversation in an effort to "other" the person or persons the smear is directed toward.  It's a means closing off further dialogue, a bully's tactic. [...] It's a convenient — and shallow — way of showing the rest of us that they're intellectually and morally superior.

Democrat Sits Bravely on Capitol Steps to "Send a Message" to QAnon and Various Other Groups Which Are Not Planning an Armed Insurrection.  Bravely risking nothing at all, sitting behind tall razor-topped fences and National Guardsmen armed with M-16's.  [Derisive tweets]

It's hard to swallow this nonsense, as it comes from a former representative of the Abortion Party.
Beto O'Rourke:  Republican Party Is a 'Cult of Death' — They 'Literally Want to Sacrifice' Lives.  Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D) said Wednesday [3/3/2021] on MSNBC's "Deadline" the Republican Party is a "cult of death."  Discussing Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) lifting the COVID-19 mask mandate, anchor Nicolle Wallace said, "It sounds like it isn't going to work on the science side.  There's a lot of skepticism in Texas that it's not going to work on the economic side as well.  Why is he doing it?"  O'Rourke said, "They literally want to sacrifice the lives of our fellow Texans, for I don't know, for political gain?  To satisfy certain powerful interests within the state?  This isn't hyperbole. [...]"

The Editor says...
Yes it is hyperbole.  It's also a pack of lies.  Tyranny is worse than disease, and mask mandates are tyranny.

Pareto Speaks to Us About Environmentalism.  The emotional core of the belief [in global warming] is fear of modern technology.  Global warming is only the latest of a string of, doomsday scenarios, justified by dubious scientific claims, dating back as far as the 1940's. [...] These scares have in common the theme that modern technology is backfiring.  The scares play to and promote this emotional belief.  To many people, technology is an object of suspicion and fear.  There is romantic nostalgia for an idealized simpler time in the past.  For example, the organic food movement basically advocates growing food by restricting technology to that used prior to about 1930.  This is based on the idea that pesticides and synthetic fertilizer is harmful, a belief that is scientifically not supportable.  Plants don't care whether they get nitrogen from synthetic fertilizer or chicken manure.  Pesticides used to kill insects are not passed into the food product except in microscopic, harmless quantities.  The advocates of organic farming don't mention that half the world population would starve if their less productive farming schemes were universally adopted.

Why Are Dems Nuking GOP Voters' No. 1 Issue?  You've probably seen the poll about the top concerns of GOP voters and Democratic voters; it's been all over conservative media.  The top three concerns of Republican voters are:
  [#1]   Illegal immigration
  [#2]   Lack of support for the police
  [#3]   High taxes
Democratic voters live in a completely different world.  Their top three concerns are:
  [#1]   Donald Trump's voters
  [#2]   White nationalism
  [#3]   Systemic racism
[...] Initially, I was as outraged as you about the hatey-hate Democratic voters.  But then I realized that it all made sense. [...] What would be the biggest threat to the comfortable global educated and credentialed elite and its noble plan to Build Back Better in a scientifically designed Great Reset?  Exactly:  a resurgence of nationalism all across the world.  And "whites" — whoever they are, wherever they are, however they are scientifically identified by top-notch scientists — are in the forefront of this planetary cultural and political movement.  What about "systemic racism?"  Do you seriously think that our liberal friends will ever agree to stop the fight against racists?  Let's face it, liberals have had a glorious 50 years accusing everyone else of being racists; they have made racism the new Original Sin.  But it's in the nature of a tire that it will slowly deflate unless you pump it up from time to time.  There must be racism, there simply must, because the power of our liberal friends begins and ends with the nuclear weapon of "Racist!"

Elite Liberal Guilt (Again).  Why did Democrats and the media elevate the afternoon mob at the Capitol in January into the gravest threat to American democracy in living memory, a veritable insurrection?  For the same reason that they have ridiculously inflated ever since November 2016 the threat of white supremacist uprisings in America.  And for the same reasons college officials have been willing to cast their own institutions as hives of systemic racism and "rape culture," even though the campuses are some of the most progressive zones on planet earth.  And for the same reasons elites everywhere framed President Trump as dangerous, reckless, an outrage, abominable, a Russian asset, a dictator, a crime boss, a maniac.  The reason is this:  such over-the-top alarms and nightmare visions were necessary if sober and rational America was to overcome the disaster of that awful election of yore.

Poll Shows Republicans Care About Issues, Democrats Just Hate Republicans.  A Echelon Insights poll shows that Republican priorities surround the big issues of the day, while Democrat concerns are focused almost solely on hating Republicans. [...] Starting with the most concerned, the top issues of concern for Republican voters are illegal immigration, lack of support for police, high taxes, left-wing media bias, the moral decline of the country, socialism, Antifa, China, late-term abortion, election fraud, tech censorship, and discrimination against Christians. [...] Starting with the most concerned, the top issues of concern for Democrat voters are — no joke — Trump supporters, white nationalism, systemic racism, gun violence, healthcare coverage, domestic terror, police brutality, discrimination against the alphabet people, sexism, voter suppression, student debt, and capitalism.

WaPo During Trump: 'Kids In Cages'; WaPo During Biden: 'Migrant Facility For Children'.  The once-great Washington Post is now just another outlet of Newspeak.  In an Orwellian twist, the Jeff Bezos-owned paper has morphed "kids in cages" into "migrant facility for children."  Throughout former President Donald Trump's four years in the White House, the mainstream media, like the Post, repeatedly cited "kids in cages," claiming foreigners entering the U.S. illegally had their children ruthlessly snatched from them and shoved into cages (it was actually former President Barack Obama who started the practice).

No Proof January 6 Was an 'Armed Insurrection'.  Since the Justice Department launched its nationwide manhunt to track down and arrest anyone involved with the Capitol breach on January 6, hundreds of perpetrators have been arrested.  Most face misdemeanor charges for trespassing or disorderly conduct, but dozens are in jail and denied bond for the thoughtcrime of believing the 2020 presidential election wasn't on the up-and-up. [...] Almost as embarrassing as the bad behavior of a handful of Trump supporters that day is the conduct of the national news media and Washington lawmakers.  The country has been subjected to a public group therapy session of sorts wherein grown adults — Republicans and Democrats alike, elected to defend the country at all costs — now recount their harrowing experiences on January 6, which include running away from no one in particular or insisting, without evidence, that they were on the verge of being "murdered."

The Compound Fractures of Identity Politics.  Every citizen fatality in the custody of a government official — like George Floyd's excruciating death in Minneapolis — deserves a solemn response and ultimate accounting, including both criminal investigation and broader assessment.  The fear and fury flowing from recent law-enforcement casualties, however, have been inflamed and manipulated by opportunists to produce something much more sweeping.  Hard facts and data about our systems of law and policing are being ignored.  Emotional hysteria is increasingly substituted for reasoned problem-solving.  There is enormous pressure to conform to approved ideological assertions, and people expressing alternate views are often railroaded.

Whataboutism Is A Nonsense Word That Defends Hypocrisy.  There is obvious hypocrisy at work comparing the single riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and the summer of violence the nation endured last year.  For progressives this is easy.  They think the violent protests of 2020 were fine.  But anti-Trump conservatives can't really do that.  They don't support Vice President Kamala Harris helping to bail out rioting arsonists and know that if Trump had done anything like it he would have been crucified for it when Harris clearly wasn't.  To get themselves out of this dilemma they appeal to "whataboutism."  The idea has its roots in the Soviet Union, which would use it to deflect from its own horrible actions by pointing to bad actions done by the United States.  It is a version of the tu quoque logical fallacy, but with a big difference.  In the latter, a personal failing of the person making the accusation is appealed to, not an apples to apples comparison of events with similar contexts.  Comparing the way this summer's riots were dealt with and how the Capitol riot is being dealt with is not a fallacy, it's how logic works.  In every aspect of our lives, from law, to science, to medicine, to child-rearing, and relationships, we compare similar past situations when making a current choice.

Trump defense team bounces back.  The defense of Donald Trump at his impeachment trial got off to a rocky start earlier this week.  There's no denying that.  Today [2/12/2021], however, the defense team came back strong in its closing argument.  Trump's lawyers used only about two and half hours of their allotted 16 to respond to the House managers' case.  That was enough to demolish it and to show the dishonesty of the managers' presentation. [...] As I've said before, I think there is a decent, although ultimately unpersuasive, case for impeachment.  But the House was in too big a rush to have made that case.  The Article of Impeachment is an embarrassment, so it's not surprising that the managers relied on emotion and distortion, rather than reason, in presenting it.

Pelosi: US Capitol Police 'Martyrs' Will Get Congressional Gold Medal.  U.S. Capitol Police officers who protected the building during the events of Jan. 6 will receive the Congressional Gold Medal, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced on Feb. 11.  Officer Brian Sicknick, who was involved in confronting rioters at the Capitol, died the day after the breach, while Capitol officer Howard Liebengood and Metropolitan officer Jeffrey Smith committed suicide days after the riot.  Eugene Goodman, another officer, was hailed for successfully guiding Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) away from the mob and back to the Senate chamber on Jan. 6.  "It's been such a sad time for us, but as we see what is being presented, we also see the extraordinary valor of the Capitol Police who risked and gave their lives to save our Capitol, our democracy, our lives.  They are martyrs for our democracy.  Martyrs for our democracy, those who lost their lives," Pelosi told reporters in Washington during a press conference.

The Editor says...
The officers who committed suicide are not martyrs.  The officer who went back to his office and suffered a stroke is not a martyr.  The officer who did his job and escorted RINO Romney back to the Senate chamber is not a martyr.  A martyr is someone who is killed because of his or her (religious) beliefs.  Nancy Pelosi is using the unfortunate deaths of three police officers as political leverage, in order to amplify the myth that her political opponents are all dangerous extremists.

What we still don't know about the Capitol riot.  On Jan. 6, supporters of Donald Trump swarmed the Capitol building.  Some forced their way inside, and Washington has never been the same.  It may never be the same.  As a result of what happened on Jan. 6, your descendants will live in a very different country.  Some in Congress have compared that day to 9/11. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has likened it to Pearl Harbor, which spurred America's entry into the Second World War.  Every day we hear new and more florid comparisons from Democratic partisans.  But Tuesay night, CNN outdid all of them by comparing what happened Jan. 6 to the Rwandan genocide.  Keep in mind that close to a million people were murdered in Rwanda in 1994, about 70% of all ethnic Tutsis in the country.  Entire towns were hacked to death with machetes.  People were set on fire and crushed alive by bulldozers.  Hundreds of thousands of women were raped.  It was among the most horrifying crimes in human history.

This Impeachment Of Donald John Trump Is Trial By Feelings.  The case against Donald John Trump in this, his second impeachment trial, is a curious thing.  The single charge is that he allegedly incited a riot at the Capitol by contesting the results of the 2020 election.  But his actions do not meet the legal definition of incitement.  As we are constantly reminded, a Senate impeachment trial is not a criminal trial, so the senators can choose to define incitement however they want, but so far they haven't.  The opening statement from the House managers was almost solely focused on feelings and emotion.  At one point, Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., literally broke down in tears while describing the riot.  But what he did not offer was a standard by which Trump's guilt or innocence on the charge of incitement could be based.  This is very important because a precedent is being set here.  Likewise, on day two, the Democrats once again made a mainly emotional appeal, focused on video and images from the riots.

[Announcer voice:]  The following apocryphal recollection appears to have been greatly embellished for presentation at this time.
Squad member Ayanna Pressley says she felt 'deep and ancestral' terror as she barricaded herself in her office during Capitol siege.  Democratic 'Squad' member Ayanna Pressley says she felt a 'deep and ancestral' terror while she was barricading herself in her office during last month's Capitol riots as she slammed white supremacist mobs.  The Massachusetts congresswoman spoke her fear in an interview on CNN's State of the Union on Sunday [2/7/2021] — exactly one month after the deadly insurrection at the US Capitol.  'As a black woman, to be barricaded in my office using office furniture and water bottles on the ground in the dark, that terror, those moments of terror, is familiar in a deep and ancestral way for me,' Pressley said.

Also posted under Perpetual victimhood.

'Drag All Of These People Into Prison': Joe Scarborough Wants 20-Year Sentence For Everyone Who Got Inside Capitol.  MSNBC host Joe Scarborough on Monday [2/8/2021] said it is "critical" for the FBI to launch the largest manhunt in U.S. history, to "drag" all of the people who breached the Capitol on Jan. 6 into prison, and for them to serve a sentence of 20 years for "committing sedition against the United States of America."  Scarborough, alongside co-host Mika Brzezinski, discussed on "Morning Joe" the recent arrests and ongoing investigation by the FBI into the Capitol riots.  Brzezinski began by going over some of the actions the FBI has recently taken in the investigation.

How did we go so wrong?  Today, we have a political party in power that throws around words like "science" but deliberately ignores actual scientific methods and evidence, and tries to convince us that boys can be girls just by saying so; that babies in the womb aren't actually people; that homosexuality is somehow not a choice, despite no evidence to the contrary; and that "peaceful protests" can include arson, looting, shootings, and even death.  Our culture and our nation are being infected from a self-inflicted wound, perpetrated by elected foolish and selfish elected representatives who cater to feelings not facts.  Welcome to the modern Democratic party.

Jill Biden:  We Owe It to Our Dogs to Keep Wearing Masks.  Jill Biden has urged Americans in a filmed public service announcement to keep wearing their masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Biden appeared in a video with her family's two dogs Champ and Major.  The ad was titled "Puppy Bowl XVII" which coincides with this year's Super Bowl on Sunday.  "The unconditional love from a dog is one of the most beautiful things on earth, and we owe it to them to keep ourselves healthy," Biden said in the video.

The Editor says...
That's all you've got?  Wear a mask because you owe it to a dog?  If I don't have a dog, is it okay to forego the mask now?

Biden's Rapidly Deflating Honeymoon Balloon.  After just two weeks, a few political realities are starting to encroach upon the Biden fairyland, whose nativity was heralded in Fox News' Trump-hater Chris Wallace's assertion that Biden's inaugural address was the best in over 60 years.  After all the tear-jerking promises to emancipate Central American waifs from the "Auschwitz-like" cages, as they were called in Pelosi-speak (despite the fact that President Obama set them up), and the compassion-signaling to the open borders advocates, Biden punted.  He reopened a "cage" claiming to emancipate the country from the "moral shame" of his predecessor.  He is waiting for the reunification of children "ripped out of the arms" of migrant families, although he knows many of the children were brought in as public relations props by people to whom they are not related; in any case, they were abandoned.

All It Took Was One Election for 'Kids in Cages' to Become Acceptable Once Again.  In an amazing announcement this week the Biden administration has declared they will be reopening a facility in Texas this week in order to temporarily house hundreds of migrant youths who have recently entered the country.  If your head just tilted like a dog hearing a harmonica, you are not alone.  All of a sudden, it appears, the concept of housing young children from other countries in a government setting is acceptable.  Yes, this sounds like a contradiction from a narrative we have been served for the past four years, but just you wait.  I recommend wearing eye protection, as the flying shrapnel from euphemisms will be likely.  The location, in Carrizo Springs Texas, will be run by the Office of Refugee Resettlement is tabbed for "overflow" purposes, and will be able to house 700 migrant children.  This is being dubbed a temporary influx care facility.  That's a handy shift in nomenclature.

Unity: MSNBC Host Suggests Using Drone Strikes On Trump Supporters.  During a segment on MSNBC, host Nicolle Wallace suggested that the United States could use drone strikes against Trump supporters to stop "domestic terrorism."  The comments came earlier in the week when Wallace was discussing the events that unfolded at the US Capitol on January 6th.  Wallace suggested that the United States could stop "domestic terrorism... with a drone strike for the crime of inciting violence, inciting terrorism."  Luke Rudkowski summarized on Twitter, saying:  "So... they are pretty much saying they have to stop incitement of violence by inciting violence themselves!  This as MSNBC's Nicole Wallace suggests we use domestic Drone strikes on Americans as a solution to lockdown protestors!"

MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace Full-on Loses It Talking About Trump and Drone Killing People for the Crime of 'Incitement'.  MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace has said some pretty crazy things in the past and she is a full-blown biased Trump hater.  But even she went to new heights with her latest comments about how to deal with people who 'incite' violence.  Listen to this as she claims there's a bulletin that there's a "persistent threat" until the "end of April" from "domestic extremists" built around the "belief" that the election was fraudulent and that the "COVID restrictions aren't necessary" which she claimed were "ideologies pushed by Donald Trump."  Wallace then goes on to talk about how George W. Bush and Barack Obama killed terrorists who incited violence with drone strikes and that Mitch McConnell understood that that was necessary to root out terrorism.  So therefore McConnell should understand the importance of convicting on impeachment.

Mass Hysteria:  Maxine Waters Says Trump 'Should Be Charged With Premeditated Murder'.  After spending 30 years in Washington, there isn't much Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) can take credit for, with the exception of becoming one of her party's best gaslighters.  Because if you can't really accomplish anything legislatively as a lawmaker, then find something else to be good at — right?  "Mad Maxine" was at it again Wednesday during an appearance with one of cable news' biggest racists, MSNBC's Joy Reid, "where she made the bold claim that Trump should be charged with premeditated murder," PJ Media reported, adding:  "Waters even launched a new conspiracy theory by alleging, without evidence, that Trump had 'advance planning about the invasion' at the Capitol."

Who's Running the Asylum?  House Democrat Urges Biden to Declare 'White Supremacy' a 'National Security Threat'.  No, this is not from a sick version of the satire site Babylon Bee.  California Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Twilight Zone) has sent a letter to Joe Biden urging him to issue an executive order identifying white supremacy as a threat to national security. [...] Speier, who chairs the House Armed Services Military Personnel subcommittee, also pushed federal agencies to screen military recruits and those seeking government security clearances for ties to violent extremism on social media, as reported by Reuters.

The 'Big Lie' And Big Liars.  You wouldn't know it by watching the news today, but there was a time when Nazi comparisons were beyond the pale; they'd get you shut out of polite society and denounced by the Anti-Defamation League, now it gets you a cable news contract.  More than that, it gets you elected president of the United States, as Joe Biden has used "the Big Lie" to describe United States senators exercising their constitutional authority to question state certification of the Electoral College vote.  Of course, Biden's framing was, in and of itself, a Big Lie.  Those Senators were not attempting to thwart democracy, they were engaging in it.  They weren't trying to overturn the election results, they were demanding answers to the subversion of the Constitution by state officials circumventing election laws.  That should concern everyone.  You can tell who benefited from the thwarting of rules by who objects to their enforcement, or even looking into it.

A Tsunami of Hate.  [Scroll down]  How virulent is the anti-white and anti-American racism of the Democrat Party?  Consider this unhinged but also unchallenged statement by Vice President Kamala Harris defending the Black Lives Matters rioters whose "protests" caused billions in property damage, led to 25 deaths and injured 2000 police officers in the summer of 2020:  "The reality is that the life of a black person in America has never been treated as fully human... It's no wonder people are taking to the streets [to protest].  And I support them."

Pelosi slammed for 'inciteful' rhetoric after calling pro-2nd Amendment GOP lawmakers 'enemy within'.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's use of inciteful rhetoric shows no signs of abatement, as the California Democrat who previously referred to then-President Donald Trump as a "domestic enemy" called Republican lawmakers the "enemy within."  The reason for this egregious slander is because some GOP lawmakers want to carry a firearm — see Second Amendment.  Continuing to exploit the storming of the U.S. Capitol earlier this month with extreme hyperbole — it wasn't an attempt to overthrow government — for maximum political value, Democrats are working hard to demonize and dehumanize the GOP.  "I do believe, and I have said this all along, that we will probably need a supplemental for more security for members when the enemy is within the House of Representatives, a threat that members are concerned about in addition to what is happening outside," Pelosi said Thursday [1/28/2021] while speaking to reporters.

That's all you've got?  How did you make it through high school?
Rep. Cori Bush says 'a maskless Marjorie Taylor Greene' berated her in hallway.  Democratic Rep. Cori Bush said Friday she is moving her congressional office further away from Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene after she claims Ms. Greene "berated" her in a hallway.  "A maskless Marjorie Taylor Greene & her staff berated me in a hallway.  She targeted me & others on social media," Ms. Bush, of Missouri, tweeted to her 704,000 followers.  "I'm moving my office away from hers for my team's safety," she wrote.

Is There a "Climate Emergency"?  The word "emergency" means a crisis that threatens immediate harm unless urgent action is taken.  "Climate change" refers to long slow variations in key features of our weather, such as 30-year averages of temperature and precipitation.  It is only measurable over decades and centuries.  Some of the changes can be beneficial and some can be harmful depending on how we adapt.  Regardless of whether climate change is natural or human-caused, the words "emergency" and "crisis" do not apply.

AOC: Ted Cruz 'Almost Had Me Murdered 3 Weeks Ago,' 'Tried to Get Me Killed,' Must RESIGN.  Controversial Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez exploded on Senator Ted Cruz on social media Thursday; saying the Republican "almost had her murdered three weeks ago" during the Capitol Hill incursion.  "I am happy to work with Republicans on this issue where there's common ground, but you almost had me murdered 3 weeks ago so you can sit this one out.  Happy to work w/ almost any other GOP that aren't trying to get me killed.  In the meantime if you want to help, you can resign," posted AOC on Twitter.

The Editor says...
At the risk of encouraging AOC by giving her outbursts any notice at all, let me just state the obvious:  If Ted Cruz is a potential murderer, his resignation from the Senate wouldn't make any difference.

Terrified members of Congress demand funds to hire 24-hour armed guards or local police protection at their homes and demand their addresses are kept secret.  Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted armed Republican members of Congress as 'the enemy within' the House of Representatives on Thursday as lawmakers asked for additional funds for security amid increasing threats to their safety.  'We will probably need a supplemental for more security for members when the enemy is within the House of Representatives,' she conceded at her press conference on Capitol Hill Thursday [1/28/2021].  Asked to specific who she meant by the enemy within, Pelosi forcefully responded:  'It means that we have members of Congress who want to bring guns onto the floor and have threatened violence on other members of Congress.'

'Enemy is within the House': Pelosi warns of GOP security threat.  Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that House Republicans pose a threat to Democrats, and she pledged additional federal money to boost security in the Capitol.  Pelosi said Congress must pass a supplemental spending bill to provide funds "for security for members, when the enemy is within the House of Representatives of a threat that members are concerned about, in addition to what is happening outside."  Pelosi and Democrats fear Republican members of Congress carrying guns.  The California Democrat has installed metal detectors at the doors to the House chamber, prompting protests from GOP lawmakers.  When asked to elaborate on the enemies comment, Pelosi told the Washington Examiner, "It means we have members of Congress who want to bring guns on the floor and have threatened violence on other members of Congress."

So much for harmony and unification.
Speaker Pelosi labels Republicans 'the enemy within'.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is under fire for labeling Republican lawmakers as "the enemy within." On Thursday, the top Democrat called for better security at the U.S. Capitol and baselessly accused Republicans of endorsing political violence.  Pelosi appeared to refer to remarks by congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-Ga.) who said she would bring a gun to the capitol to protect herself.  The House Speaker's remarks are widely seen as a call for a political purge against Republicans.

Democrats Want Biden To Be The Dictator They Said Trump Was.  Donald Trump was treated by the opposition party and media (we repeat ourselves) like no other president in our memory.  He was called a dictator, a tyrant, an authoritarian, and a fascist, to name a few childish invectives hurled his way.  Of course his adversaries were projecting.  It's the Democrats and their media collaborators who yearn for absolute power.  Trump was accused of being a dictator at the same time he was trying to weaken the federal government through tax cuts and deregulation.  The agitators — the elected, unelected, functionaries, and self-appointed — who made the allegations were never required to explain why a dictator would undermine his power base by downsizing the government under his charge; how a tyrant could be impeached twice; how an authoritarian failed to expand his authority during a pandemic; how a fascist brokered peace deals in the Middle East; how someone routinely called "Hitler" willingly walked away from his "dictatorship" after losing an election; how screaming heads could insult him and his family without fear of punishment.  Yet Trump was a dictator just because they said he was.  Questioning the proposition is not allowed.

Democrats Want a 'Return to Civility'; When Did They Practice It?  A 2020 Joe Biden campaign ad described the pending election as an "opportunity to leave the dark, angry politics of the past behind us."  After Biden's election, he, Democrats and media urge a "return to civility."  But when did the Democrats practice the very civility to which they seek to return?  Let's go to the videotape: [...] Former Rep. William Clay Sr., D-Mo., said President Ronald Reagan was "trying to replace the Bill of Rights with fascist precepts lifted verbatim from 'Mein Kampf.'"  Coretta Scott King, in 1980, said, "I am scared that if Ronald Reagan gets into office, we are going to see more of the Ku Klux Klan and a resurgence of the Nazi Party."  After Republicans took control of the House in the mid-'90s, Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., compared the newly conservative-majority House to "the Duma and the Reichstag," referring to the legislature set up by Czar Nicholas II of Russia and the parliament of the German Weimar Republic that brought Hitler to power.  About President George Herbert Walker Bush, Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., said:  "I believe (Bush) is a racist for many, many reasons. ... (He's) a mean-spirited man who has no care or concern about what happens to the African American community. ... I truly believe that."

AOC: There Are 'Legitimate White Supremacist Sympathizers' In Republican Caucus.  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) accused Republican lawmakers of being racists again.  In fact, she claimed that there are "legitimate white supremacist sympathizers" among GOP House members. [...] The socialist lawmaker made the comments during an appearance on MSNBC on Wednesday evening [1/27/2021] during a conversation about her experience with the U.S. Capitol riots.  She previously stated that she chose to hunker down in a less safe area because the more secure area was occupied by Republican lawmakers.  AOC intimated that she was too afraid to hide alongside GOP representatives because she supposedly believed they would harm her since they are white supremacists who hate brown people.

Flashback: Biden Suggested Only "Dictators" Legislate By Executive Order, Then He Signs 33 In His First Week.  Nearly every day of former President Donald Trump's term, someone — either from the opposition party or from the Democrat-aligned media — called him some version of authoritarian.  That was especially the case whenever Trump issued an executive order, many if not most of which were summarily challenged by left-wing groups in court, often successfully.  It never made any sense to call a president whose executive orders were overturned and who eventually got kicked off of all social media a tyrant and a dictator since not too many tyrants and dictators throughout the history of Humankind had their orders contradicted or struck down by any legal body.

Democrats Expose Dynamics of the Oligarchy:  A legal, democratic recall election is now a "coup" attempt by extremists.  "This recall effort, which really ought to be called 'the California coup,' is being led by right-wing conspiracy theorists, white nationalists, anti-vaxxers and groups who encourage violence on our democratic institutions."  That was California Democratic Party chair Rusty Hicks, in a January 12 press conference, joined by Fresno city councilman Nelson Esparza who called the recall "treasonous."  That language prompted Ben Christopher of CalMatters to clarify the matter.  "Unlike a coup, which is an illegal seizure of power," Christopher wrote, "a recall campaign is a democratic mechanism written into the California constitution that allows voters to remove an elected official by popular vote."  This legal, democratic mechanism is what the California Democrats call "treasonous," and it models what national Democrats have been deploying since 2016.

Ayanna Pressley - AP Photo by Jacquelyn Martin
GOP Committed Chemical Warfare by Not Wearing Masks Says Clueless Elected Official.  [Scroll down]  The Biden administration is going to make a feeble attempt of trying to bring the nation together and it will fail in spectacular fashion with comments like these being made. [...] The dirty li'l secret in Dem circles is that once the Orange Guy Bad boogeyman is off to Mar-a-Lago, the nincompoop radicals in the new Socialist Democrat Party will start to pressure Joe and Kamala to do every wacky thing that comes across their fertile li'l minds.  Biden, Inc. won't be able to stop them from raising Cain all over the media, being Don Lemon needs ratings, baby!  And what better way to do that than by allowing people to say their colleagues are committing chemical warfare by not wearing a mask?  I'm sure that this is just the opening salvo and some other crackpot theory that the raging left will bellow will be featured weekly and maybe even daily.

Can Democrats Purge GOP 'Insurrectionists'?  If you aren't worried about the heavy-handed and histrionic reaction by the Democrats to the recent "insurrection" at the Capitol, including the farcical second impeachment of President Trump and the increasingly irresponsible use of words like "seditious" and "treasonous" to describe Republicans, you should be.  Every authoritarian seizure of power since the Athenian coup of 411 BC by a small cadre of oligarchs was ostensibly meant to save "the people" from some manufactured crisis or wildly exaggerated threat.  If you don't think the January 6 mayhem in Washington falls into the latter category, look at its description at Wikipedia, where it's listed under "Coups and attempts since 2010."  If listing the January 6 mayhem in this category seems ludicrously excessive, it's a model of judicious circumspection compared to the absurd portrayals of the incident by the Democrats.

NBC nonsense
Imagine being this detached from reality.  This installment of unhinged hysterics comes to us from NBC News.  ["]WASHINGTON — After last week's deadly assault on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of President Donald Trump, members of Congress are expressing something once unthinkable:  that some of their own colleagues may be endangering their lives.  Not in a rhetorical sense, but in a direct and immediate way.["]  Yes, some Democrats in congress are genuinely worried that their conservative colleagues are going to actually murder them.

Trump, supporters likened to Nazis, Saddam's Ba'ath Party in cable-news demonization duel.  President Trump and his supporters were likened to dictators, despots, terrorists, and genocidal maniacs this week by dueling cable news competitors and elected officials.  MSNBC viewers watched programming on Wednesday with analogies to the Ba'ath Party under Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, while CNN's were warned about large amounts of "Nazis" and "Klan" members permeating the Republican Party.  The cable news punditry was punctuated by Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California likening Mr. Trump to the terrorist who orchestrated the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks — Osama bin Laden — during an interview with "PBS NewsHour."

Don Lemon Doubles Down; Says ALL Trump Supporters Are Complicit With The KKK.  CNN's Don Lemon isn't just the dumbest man on television, like President Trump has said, he's also one of the most dangerous.  While his gaslighting in the past has no doubt inspired left-wing kooks around the country to at least consider violence against conservatives and supporters of the president, his recent rhetoric is going to get someone killed one of these days — and when it happens, he needs to be held legally accountable for it.  During his nightly hand-off with another of the network's lunatics, Chris Cuomo, on Wednesday, Lemon proclaimed that anyone and everyone who voted for the president — that would be nearly 75 million Americans at last count — was a member of, or aligned with, the Ku Klux Klan, as well as responsible for the riot-nee-'insurrection' at the U.S. Capitol Building last week.

AOC said she avoided 'extraction points' during Capitol storm because she feared 'white supremacist members of Congress would disclose her location so she could get hurt or kidnapped'.  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) expressed concern that her own colleagues in Congress might have shared her location to the mob of fanatic Trump supporters while they were storming the Capitol last Wednesday.  Ocasio-Cortez's remarks comes as other Democrats have sounded off on the possibility that some GOP members of the Congress abetted the rioters as they stormed the building.  Lawmakers were instructed to head for a designated 'extraction point' to seek protection from the chaos, but AOC asserted that that wasn't really an option 'because there were QAnon and white-supremacist sympathizers and, frankly, white-supremacist members of Congress in that extraction point who I know and who I have felt would disclose my location and would create opportunities to allow me to be hurt, kidnapped, et cetera.'

The Editor says...
Actual "white supremacists" are extremely rare in this country.  I've known a lot of rednecks, and I've only run across a couple of people who might have been white supremacists, back in the 20th century.  I suspect most people like that are in prison or dead.  But if such a person still exists, he or she generally keeps his feelings private.  It is difficult to imagine that an actual white supremacist would be elected to Congress.  Yet, nobody seems to object when AOC claims there are "white-supremacist sympathizers and, frankly, white-supremacist members of Congress."

Union head says opening schools is 'white supremacy,' suicide concern 'white privilege'.  The president of the Pasco Association of Educators (PAE) claims reopening schools for in-person learning is an example of "white supremacy," and compares listening to concerned parents to following rioters breaking into the U.S. Capitol.  He even says concern over student suicide is an example of "white privilege."  Scott Wilson, PAE president, made a series of unhinged, controversial remarks during a Pasco School Board meeting this week.  The statements come as the union pushes for total remote learning for elementary schools, even with near-consensus from the medical community that it is safe to reopen schools with mitigation policies in place.  The petition the union promotes baselessly calls in-person learning "unsafe and unsustainable."

AOC Loses Her Mind With Hyperbole About Capitol Protest, But Here's a Little Reality Check for Her.  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was running fast and free with with the hyperbole when she appeared on ABC with George Stephanopoulos on Sunday [1/10/2021], attacking Republicans over the Capitol protest and demanding "accountability." [...] "We came close to nearly half of the House dying on Wednesday."  She also then later made a misleading comment about the number about police deaths in relation to the protest.  "Five people died and we just learned another officer lost his life," she claimed. [...] First, only one officer has died, he died after he returned to his office and may have died as a result of an underlying medical condition.  The story that he was hit with a fire extinguisher was reported as "fact" but was not confirmed.  Another officer committed suicide, so he did not "lose his life" from the protest.  Second, no, nearly half of Congress didn't come close to dying, no members died, nor were any actually even personally attacked.

Congressman: If an Officer Hadn't Fired the Shot That Killed Ashli Babbitt, Rioters Would've Hanged Black People.  Democratic Georgia Rep. Hank Johnson has strong words about those causing chaos at the Capitol.  Guesting on MSNBC's PoliticsNation Saturday [1/9/2021], the politician claimed that, had a Capitol police officer not fired the shot which struck unarmed Ashli Babbitt (who later died), he and others would've been literally lynched. [...] In response to Al [Sharpton] asking how many congresspeople were there, Hank kept things clear:  The breachers were in business to murder by rope.

The Editor says...
Oh!  That explains it.  Go back and look at the pictures of the crowd.  Everybody was carrying ropes!  Now we know why.

NY state Sen. John Liu sparks outrage with tweet calling Capitol siege scarier than 9/11.  A New York lawmaker from Queens is getting big blowback for tweeting that since Wednesday's Capitol riots, the 9/11 attack is no longer his most frightening memory.  "Seeing the Twin Towers crumble is no longer the most frightening moment of my life," tweeted state Sen. John Liu (D-Queens).  The tweet, which Liu sent at 4:26 p.m.  Wednesday afternoon, as the Washington, D.C., riot unfolded, is still being blasted as tone-deaf days later.

Our only option is a steady Civil Rights movement to make it illegal, step by step, to do this to us.  [Thread reader] Every person on the left believes they just survived the parallel to the rise of Nazism in Germany and they defeated it.  They stopped it.  They believe all Republicans are 1950's white racists.  They feel empowered to live out their Civil Rights warrior fantasies.  They imagine themselves toppling Jim Crow and the Confederacy and the Nazi army in one swoop and every powerful authority is on their side. [...] They think we are the people in old 1950's photos angrily shouting at black school children.  We are not people to them.  We are symbols of what they feel morally driven to remove from the world.  The most powerful people who influence technology see us the same way.

Only In Your Imagination Was That An Attempted "Coup".  At no point yesterday was the American government at risk of being "overthrown," as members of Congress have laughably suggested.  Per usual, our guardians of consensus can't bring themselves to describe what unfolded with any degree of dispassion or calm.  Instead we're told by the incoming Senate Majority Leader, for example, that January 6, 2021 will now "live in infamy" right alongside December 7, 1941.  Elected officials issued emotional notices that they were "okay," like they had just narrowly avoided being crushed in an earthquake, or escaped the World Trade Center on 9/11. [...] Journalists and pundits, glorying in their natural state — which is to peddle as much free-flowing hysteria as possible — eagerly invoke all the same rhetoric that they'd abhor in other circumstances on civil libertarian grounds.  "Domestic terrorism," "insurrection," and other such terms now being promoted by the corporate media will nicely advance the upcoming project of "making sure something like this never happens again."  Use your imagination as to what kind of remedial measures that will entail.

Biden says Capitol was stormed by 'riotous mob,' 'domestic terrorists'.  President-elect Joe Biden said on Thursday that the supporters of President Trump who attacked the Capitol a day earlier were "a riotous mob" and "domestic terrorists."  And Biden charged Trump with "inciting a mob to attack the Capitol," which he said was the culmination of four years of "unrelenting attack" by the president "on the institutions of our democracy."

Biden References Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels as he Attacks Hawley and Cruz.  78-year-old Joe Biden on Friday [1/8/2021] referenced Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels as he attacked Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz.  Biden compared GOP Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz to Nazis because they supported President Trump and his "election falsehoods."  Both Hawley and Cruz exercised their Constitutional right when they objected to Biden's fraudulent electors this week when Congress convened in a joint session.  Biden compared them to Goebbels and said, "It's the Big Lie.  The Big Lie."

Keith Olbermann Demands Prison Time For President Trump, Ivanka And Don Jr.  In Deranged Rant.  Not even the prospect of a Biden-Harris administration will satisfy the more deranged elements of the so-called resistance who are braying for revenge. [...] The graying, once-dapper Olbermann has gone completely off the deep end since he was jettisoned by his former employer and outside of a short return to ESPN, he has spent the years since his prime time departure on the internet raving about Trump.  He had previously called for President Trump to get the death penalty for every single COVID death which doesn't seem to be remotely excessive to those with late-stage TDS.

Sen. Murphy:  Josh Hawley Is 'Engaged in the Attempted Overthrow of Democracy'.  Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) said Wednesday on MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports" that his colleague Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) is attempting to overthrow democracy by announcing he will object to the certification of President-elect Joe Biden's electoral college win in the Senate on January 6.  Mitchell said, "Your Republican colleague Josh Hawley of Missouri announcing today he's going to object to the Electoral College vote certification on January 6.  It's unlikely to change the result, it's not going to happen, but it's going to cause delay, lengthy debate, both Houses in Joint Session.  It's a complicated process that sets off."

The Editor says...
[#1] We live in a democratic republic, not a democracy.  [#2] The people who conspired to introduce massive voter fraud in at least five states are the ones who are subverting democracy and attempting to overthrow President Trump.

Washington Post:  Denying Election Results Is like Denying Holocaust.  In a Washington Post editorial published Wednesday [12/23/2020], authors Deborah E. Lipstadt and Norman Eisen argue for the radical comparison of challenging recent election results with denying that a Nazi Holocaust, the "best-documented genocide in the world," ever occurred.  The essay, titled "Denying the Holocaust threatens democracy.  So does denying the election results," makes several comparisons while suggesting how to combat such "denial."  Claiming to have "learned the hard way" to take Holocaust denial seriously, the authors state they have "watched with alarm the birth of another powerful disinformation mythology," referring to the "false conviction pushed by Trump and his enablers" that the recent election was "stolen."

News readers consider themselves heroes, until the moment they consider themselves victims.
Jim Acosta goes after Trump supporters: 'A number of us received death threats... we feel endangered'.  CNN's prima donna White House correspondent Jim Acosta became a household name not for his reporting, but for his politically-motivated clashes with President Donald Trump.  Acosta has also targeted the president's supporters, only to then complain that he was receiving death threats, which helped ensure that he remained the center of attention.

Unwrapping Liberal Hypocrisy for Christmas.  Each Christmas for the last twenty or so years I have received a Christmas card from a cousin of mine.  She's a very sweet person who, despite a very humble upbringing, has led a very privileged life. [...] This year's synopsis started out waxing philosophic, and it struck me as a very accurate encapsulation of liberal thinking as a whole; she wrote, "I long for world that puts humanity before lines on a map.  I long for a world that admits we're killing our host.  I long for a world alive in the realization that humans, everywhere, are remarkably similar.  I long for a world that recognizes an education is about far more than training for a job or vocations...". It goes on for another line or two, but I think you get the point.

The Editor says...
The lefty propaganda is then skillfully picked apart and exposed for what it is.

Charles Payne cracks down on Democrat's claim capitalism is form of 'slavery'.  Fox Business host Charles Payne slammed Congressman-elect Jamaal Bowman over his "dangerous" claims about American capitalism.  Payne called out the incoming New York Democrat for being part of a "concerted effort" to attack the nation and its system of capitalism in order to usher in an alternative that has proved "disastrous" everywhere else.  The host of "Making Money with Charles Payne" spoke with Fox News anchor Trace Gallagher about Bowman's claims that capitalism is a form of "slavery."

The Left Redefines Resistance as 'Sedition'.  It was inevitable that the Democrats would overreact to legal challenges by President Trump and other Republicans to corrupt election practices in swing states, but some responses have been unhinged even by their standards.  One recurring refrain is particularly disturbing — that lawyers, members of Congress, and state attorneys general who supported post-election litigation are guilty of sedition.  At least one Democratic congressman insists that attorneys representing the president in such challenges should be disbarred and that House members who supported Texas v. Pennsylvania in the Supreme Court shouldn't be seated in Congress.  One of the defendants in that ill-fated lawsuit described it as a "seditious abuse of the judicial process."  This dangerous view of dissent has a long, sordid history among progressives.

The Dehumanization of the Non-Compliant.  On a major highway here in western Montana, there's a blinking sign like those generally used in construction zones.  Usually these signs tell you to slow down or move over for a closed lane.  For the last several months, however, it's had a different message.  "Wear masks," it blinks.  "Be kind."  The message is clear.  If you do not wear a mask, you're not being kind.  And unkind people are bad people. [...] The flip side of the "kind, good humans wear masks and stay home" doctrine is, of course, that the people who question the status quo are unkind.  Who likes unkind people?  No one.  And while the conventional belief started as merely "anti-mask people are wrong," over the months it has become something far different.  Now, these are the things leveled repeatedly and loudly about the non-compliant:
    They are stupid, mentally deficient.
    They are incapable of reason, unwilling to "believe science."
    They are okay with people dying; in fact, they kill people themselves with their conduct.  They are murderers.
    They are evil.  They don't care about people.
    They are sociopaths and psychos.
    They are inhumane.

MSNBC Hack Steve Schmidt Compares Trump Supporters To '20s Or 30s' Nazi Germany.  MSNBC contributor Steve Schmidt proved once again he's a liberal hack who will say the most outrageous things imaginable about Trump supporters.  During an interview on "Deadline," Schmidt — a Never-Trumper who cofounded The Lincoln Project — compared supporters of President Donald Trump marching in Washington, D.C., over the weekend to brownshirts from Fascist Italy or Nazi Germany in the "1920s or 1930s."  "But we should all be terrified of what we saw this weekend in Washington, D.C., and we should think about it," Schmidt said.  "What is it that we saw this weekend in Washington?  What was it?  They weren't wearing brown and black uniforms like they would have in Italy or in Germany in the 1920s or 1930s, but they're the same people," he continued.

Schiff: Republicans Who Signed on to TX Lawsuit a 'Danger to the Country'.  House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Friday [12/11/2020] on MSNBC's "All In" that Republican lawmakers and attorneys general who signed on to the Texas lawsuit to contest the presidential election results of four battleground states were all "a danger to the country" because they only care about "perpetuation of their power."

Having lost their boogeyman, the Dems will lose their evil radicalism.  I voted twice for President Trump.  But he has indisputably been a polarizing figure.  He doesn't seem to mind; he basks in his opponents' hatred.  The Democrats are more than happy to oblige him.  The last Republican they hated with this fervor and fever was Abraham Lincoln.  At least in the case of Lincoln, the Dem hatred was on the basis of policy, not personality.  The Dems hated Lincoln for his policy against slavery.  (An aside:  many millennials think Lincoln was a Dem and the southern slave owners were Republicans.  It's possible they are taught that.)  In the case of Trump, the Dems originally hated him not for his policies but for his existence.  They hated him because he denied the presidency to their anointed one, Hillary Clinton.

The Left's Adoption of Schrödinger's Cat.  Anyone having the misfortune of being exposed to CNN or MSNBC for more than a few minutes during any discussion of COVID-19 will likely hear the mantra "follow the science;" repeatedly.  It's likely to be heard on discussions on climate change as well.  But while those topics have multiple aspects that remain unsettled, there are other subjects on which science is much more precise.  Men have one X and one Y chromosome in every cell in their bodies, whereas women have two X chromosomes, regardless of how one "identifies;" that's science.  A 21-week old fetus is likely to be able to survive outside of the womb, which clearly makes it a human being; that's science.  Viruses don't discriminate based on ideology, choosing to infect attendees at pro-Trump rallies while passing over peaceful BLM protesters; that's science.  For the Left, to "follow the science" means to ignore the science they don't like.

Unhinged: Atlanta Mayor Says Trump Will 'Eat His Own Children'.  It's clear that Democrats will continue spewing sick and twisted rhetoric against President Trump and his family until the end of time.  That was just made even more apparent on CNN.  During an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, Democratic Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said President Trump would "eat his own children".  Yes, really.  "He will eat his own children, I'm sure, if he found it prudent.  He's now picking a fight with Brian Kemp... the governor who he was closely allied with," she said.  She also suggested that Trump would "turn on anybody if the situation warrants it."

Contesting Election Results in Court Isn't the End of Democracy.  Quite the Opposite.  Is a disputed presidential election the end of democracy as we know it?  That's what many pundits and members of the legacy media are claiming as President Donald Trump has challenged election results in a number of states — both legally and rhetorically.  It seems that much of the media hivemind now insists that voter fraud never happens, that it's equally impossible for an election to be stolen or tainted in any way, and that going a few weeks with two rival candidates both declaring victory (including one they really don't like) means we are witnessing the end of America as a free country.  It's amazing that this is the case after countless Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, insisted that Trump colluded with Russians to steal the 2016 election, a story that most major media outlets ran with for years without providing any hard evidence.

How Mail-In Voting Makes Social Pressure So Much Easier.  Emotional extortion seems to be more widely and openly practiced these days.  Just when I thought it couldn't get much worse, a young woman on TikTok proudly displayed the story of how she and her five sisters had "intense exchanges" with her terminally ill father.  Her problem was that he was conservative and planned to vote for Trump.  She explained — on index cards to background music — that the talks were hard because "we'll almost certainly lose him in the next few weeks/months."  In the end, the father told them that he voted "for Biden-Harris 2020."  The gushing daughter reported that her father said he did so "because it matters to my girls and my girls matter to me."  She actually saw this abuse of a father's love as a victory she should publicly declare.  No matter one's favored candidate, such deathbed badgering is ghastly.

Dem senator: 'Hundreds' of Trump-appointed judges 'too far right to be allowed to sit peaceably'.  Sen. Chris Coons is calling for sweeping federal court reform following Justice Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court, saying there are "hundreds" of President Trump-appointed judges in the lower courts who are too right-leaning to be "allowed to sit peaceably."  Mr. Coons, Delaware Democrat and member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, made the comments during an appearance Monday night [10/26/2020] on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show," saying Democrats need to have "a wide-open conversation about how we rebalance our courts."  "Yes, the two Supreme Court seats that have been stolen through these processes that are wildly hypocritical have been used to jam through nominees," he said.

Democrats go ballistic after Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation.  Amy Coney Barrett's ascension to the Supreme Court marks the first time in 81 years that the Republicans will have a majority on the Supreme Court.  The Democrats, rather than accepting gracefully that the regularly applied constitutional rules finally stopped favoring them, have responded with a complete meltdown.  They've resorted to apocalyptic predictions, hysterical rants, and threats, lots and lots of threats.  The last time the Democrats behaved this disgracefully was in 1860, a temper tantrum that ended in a civil war that left over 650,000 Americans dead. [...] Chuck Schumer, in a surge of hysteria and stupidity, ranted that the confirmation was a "sordid chapter" in American history and "one of the darkest days in the 231-year history of the United States Senate."

Out of the gates, calls for Justice Amy Coney Barrett's impeachment emerge over Pennsylvania.  Less than 24 hours after she was confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court, Justice Amy Coney Barrett is already being asked to recuse herself from a case and liberals are calling for her impeachment.  Barrett will begin hearing oral arguments next week after being sworn in at a private ceremony at the Supreme Court Tuesday.  But her confirmation late Monday — with not a single Democrat vote — set off apoplectic reactions from the left and calls for packing the high court in revenge.  Critics of President Donald Trump have already begun the impeachment narrative against his Supreme Court pick should she not recuse herself from a Pennsylvania election case.

The Editor says...
All this talk about impeachment is just a way to agitate the Democrat base and get out the vote.  The impeachment hype will disappear after the election.

Rob Reiner Claims Trump's Closing Strategy Is to 'Kill as Many Americans as Possible'.  Far-left Hollywood actor and director Rob Reiner belted out another wild rant exactly one week before Election Day, claiming that President Donald Trump's "closing strategy" is to "kill as many Americans as possible."  "Trump's closing strategy:  Blanket the country with super spreader rallies and kill as many Americans as possible," wrote Rob Reiner on Tuesday [10/27/2020], bizarrely suggesting that the president is trying to kill his own countrymen.

The Editor says...
[#1] There is a reason this man is known as "Meat-Head."  Think for just a moment about what he's claiming.  President Trump is a politician, running for re-election.  Why would he go around the country attempting to demimate his voter base, by spreading disease?  [#2] If someone wanted to "kill as many Americans as possible," the Coronavirus would be a very ineffective weapon — masks or no masks.

Behar Rages, Says Trump Should Be Charged With 'Crimes Against Humanity'.  ABC's "The View" co-host Joy Behar says President Donald Trump and members of his administration should be charged with "crimes against humanity" because of its immigration policy and vowed to not "be a part of a country" that separates children from their parents.

Handmaid's Fail:  Liberal Cosplay Couldn't Stop Amy Coney Barrett from Joining Supreme Court.  Amy Coney Barrett officially joined the Supreme Court on Monday, one year to the day after President Donald J. Trump successfully assassinated ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and 38 days since the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  Barrett was sworn in at the White House after the Senate voted 52-48 to confirm her nomination, an outcome favored by a majority of Americans.  Barrett's "her-storic" ascension to the High Court is a victory for Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the Republican Party, and all Americans who support greater female representation in government.  Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) said today "will go down as one of the darkest days in the 231-year history of the United States Senate," while Sen. Ed Marley (D., Mass.) denounced Barrett as a "racist," sexist" "homophobe." Others suggested Barrett was secretly plotting to reinstitute slavery in the United States.

The Editor says...
Do the Democrats really think people are that stupid?  Do they really think the voters will believe that one person can "reinstitute slavery in the United States?"

Joe Scarborough:  Trump 'Would Kill Reporters If He Could Get Away With It'.  MSNBC host Joe Scarborough asserted on Monday that President Trump would "kill reporters" if possible and that Russian President Vladimir Putin is more open to answering "tough questions" than Trump.  Scarborough, who hosts MSNBC's "Morning Joe" and has long feuded with the president, slammed Trump for how he handled an interview for CBS's "60 Minutes" program with reporter Lesley Stahl.  Trump ended the interview midway through and eventually released an unedited version ahead of CBS's airing of the program.  Scarborough said that Trump avoided answering Stahl's questions, then went on to assert that Trump would be worse to reporters than Putin if Trump could "get away with it."

The Editor says...
A lot of people would kill reporters if they could get away with it.  And not just reporters.  But in almost every case, they can't get away with it, largely because of the deterrent known as capital punishment.

With All the Nazi Talk in This Election, Who Were the Nazis?  [Scroll down]  Who were the Nazis, and what do they stand for?  Few people can answer that correctly, despite their strong emotional attachment painting their political foes as such.  To understand the Nazis accurately, you have to read their own quotes and propaganda.  The story told by the Nazis themselves depicts a very different party than what modern journalists would like us to believe.  The Nazi (National Socialist German Workers Party) or National Socialists as they called themselves, had the following five key characteristics:
  •   The Nazis were a self-proclaimed socialist movement that called for the end of capitalism, abolishment of non-labor income (interest and finance), and proposed an all-powerful central authority to regulate the market
  •   Racial identity politics was used to identify an oppressor class (Jews), that embodied both the evil nature of capitalism and the anti-German nature of communism
  •   Strong nationalistic pride was a core pitch to the people to justify a stronger central authority
  •   The party used militant radical socialist activists to harass businesses and political enemies with acts of violence
  •   Limitations on free speech and removing access to dissenting views

Bill de Blasio: 'Observers' will protect NYC voters on Election Day.  The city will deploy a team of "observers" to low-income and immigrant communities to thwart voter intimidation on Election Day, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Friday [10/23/2020].  "Clearly President Trump has tried to discourage people from voting, suggested election results will not be legitimate," the mayor said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."  "Some of his followers clearly have been practicing intimidation tactics around this country."

The Editor says...
How are these "intimidation tactics" being implemented?  The election hasn't happened yet.

Vile Scarborough:  You're 'Un-American' If You Vote for Trump.  While most left-wing journalists try to channel all their anger at President Trump, they will occasionally go straight to the punch and just start attacking people who support him.  On Tuesday morning [10/20/2020], the co-hosts of MSNBC's Morning Joe scolded American voters who dare, for any reason, to vote for Trump.  With Election Day exactly two weeks away, and millions of Americans already voting, co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski decided it was time to launch a brutal verbal assault against Trump supporters.  Apparently triggered by Trump speaking publicly about the Biden family's alleged corruption on Monday, Scarborough whined that it's unacceptable to vote for him for any reason.

Warren delivers doomsday warning, says Trump threatens 'all life on this planet'.  Sen. Elizabeth Warren brought a truly apocalyptic warning to Minnesota in her attempts to get voters to support Joe Biden.  The Massachusetts Democrat told students in St. Paul over the weekend that "all life" would be subject to extinction if President Trump wins reelection in November.  "What has Donald Trump done for four years?" she asked Sunday [10/18/2020].  "He not only hasn't made things better; he has actively made them worse.  He withdraws from the Paris Climate Accord; he's put a coal lobbyist in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency.  What could possibly go wrong?  He has opened up for offshore drilling, and he has said yes to the oil companies.  They can drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Preserve.  Donald Trump threatens the existence of human life, of all life, on this planet.  And on November 3 we will hold Donald Trump accountable!"

Democrats fears of 'threats to democracy' ring hollow.  In June, Senator Kamala Harris called President Trump a "clear and present threat to American democracy."  Two months later, former President Obama threatened, "This administration has shown it will tear our democracy down if that's what it takes to win."  This has become a consistent talking point.  Yet these same critics speak and act as if America were irredeemable and American institutions were inconvenient obstacles.  The message of late is that America is racist, unjust, and built to sustain inequity.  The Biden-Harris campaign believes that America exhibits systemic racism.  Something with a "systemic" characteristic is tainted to its core.

New contender for top unstable liberal meltdown could be right here, folks.  Enjoy!  For people who claim to be so reasonable, sane and democratic, self-identified Democrats have a proven record of acting stunningly unhinged.  From threatening to blow up the White House to assaulting children, Democrats have exhibited a loud, endless cacophony of unbridled rage ever since President Donald Trump stepped into the White House as president roughly four years ago.  One would think that their shenanigans would have tapered off once they'd seen that the president wasn't going to usher in "a new age of darkness," as the Democrats at The Guardian had put it in a piece published right before the 2016 election.  But no, it hasn't — if anything, their irrationality has only grown, so much so that these days it's hard to tell whether they're under the influence or not.  [Video clip]

New Jersey mayor's Facebook post blasting Trump and his supporters prompts outcry.  A New Jersey mayor has come under fire for a private Facebook post that condemned President Donald Trump and likened his supporters to "religious zealots" who want to "enact the Christian version of Sharia law."  The post, allegedly from Flemington Mayor Betsy Driver, was shared Saturday [10/10/2020] on the Hunterdon GOP's website.  "This is day one of the new SCOTUS terms — the religious zealots want to enact the Christian version of Sharia law," the post reads. [...] Hunterdon GOP Chair Gabe Plumer, who shared the post online, derided it as "shameful" and "insulting," and called on Driver to resign.

9 Warning Signs of Democrat Radicalization.  When was the last time Democrats looked happy about anything?  For them, we are in a perpetual state of danger and misery.  Unconscious racism taints everything in America.  Masculinity is toxic.  Carbon dioxide emissions — the very gas we exhale with each breath — guarantee the planet's doom in five or ten or twenty years' time.  Math is racist.  Merit is racist.  Working hard, owning a home, getting married, and having children are all threateningly normative.  Virtue and vice are too judgmental.  The representative image of the Democratic Party is no longer FDR or JFK; it is the indelible video clip of a young woman screaming at the sky on the day of President Trump's inauguration.

They Want You To Be Afraid.  [Scroll down]  Oh no, the flu is going to kill you!  Or the Proud Boys are coming, all 23 of them!  Or NRA people with guns will get you!  Or Mike Pence is gonna handmaid you!  Or Russians!  There's always something you have to be afraid of, and always something they promise to protect you from — if you only obey. [...] You're supposed to be scared of getting sick so you give up your rights.  You're supposed to be scared of rioters so you elect [Joe Biden] and he'll call them off before they get to your suburb.  You're supposed to be afraid to say what you think to avoid being cancelled and losing your job.  But Trump is not afraid, nor should you be.  That is not to say that the threat posed by the elite is not real.  They can hurt you, but it is the fear of being hurt they use as their tool.

Even Dem Lawmakers Seem Shocked by Jennifer Rubin's Suggestion for Walter Reed.  President Trump is back at the White House after spending a few days recovering from the coronavirus at the Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, the nation's largest joint military medical center.  While he was in the hospital's presidential suite, Trump had the energy to carry out some of his duties and record a few videos to provide updates on his condition for the American people.  He even summoned the energy to make a visit to his supporters who had gathered outside the hospital.  He hopped in a car with a few Secret Service agents and waved to fans as they drove by.  But that drive-by resulted in another round of negative media coverage for the president.  Outlets accused Trump of putting those spectators and his Secret Service detail in danger.  And Washington Post contributor Jennifer Rubin put the blame on Walter Reed.  "Walter Reed MDs are morally and professionally responsible for allowing this," Rubin wrote of the decision to either allow Trump to greet supporters outside the hospital or to be released on Monday.  In her next series of tweets, she asked if there were any adults at Walter Reed.

The Editor says...
[#1] President Trump's fans wouldn't have objected if he had come out to greet them face-to-unmasked-face and had shaken everyone's unwashed hands and kissed their babies.  [#2]  If Barack H. Obama had done exactly the same thing that Trump did, i.e., drive by and wave, it probably would have been portrayed as the warmest expression of goodwill that the reporters had ever seen.

Brzezinski on Trump Returning to WH from COVID Bout: 'Isn't This Manslaughter?'  MSNBC's "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski on Tuesday asked if President Donald Trump could be guilty of "manslaughter" if he got someone at the White House sick and they eventually died as a result of his having the coronavirus.  Brzezinski said she hopes it does not happen, but asked host Joe Scarborough if Trump is endangering the lives of members of the Secret Service by exposing them "to his deadly virus."

The Editor says...
Apparently it ain't that deadly, Mika.  And since nobody died as a result of this incident, it's not manslaughter.

CNN analyst, fmr. FBI agent: 'We have a biological terrorist in the White House'.  Asha Rangappa, an analyst for CNN and a former special agent for the FBI, tweeted a thread on Tuesday [10/6/2020] in which she said, "We have a biological terrorist in the White House."  This follows President Donald Trump returning to the White House on Monday evening after treatment for the Coronavirus at a military hospital and the news that more senior White House and military officials testing positive for the virus.  [Tweets]  In defending her claim, Rangappa cited a Justice Department memo stating back in March that the novel Coronavirus "appears to meet the statutory definition of a biological agent" and that those who engage in the "purposeful exposure and infections of others" could be charged for terrorism-related offenses.

The Editor says...
[#1] President Trump lives in the White House.  That is his residence.  If he wants to run around his house with no mask, that's his decision to make.  [#2] If the "purposeful exposure and infections of others" is a crime, why aren't the BLM rioters all in prison?  At least the ones who spat on the cops and threw bottles of urine at them. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

Trump Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.  [T]he Left's reaction to President Trump's China virus convalescence has been so psychotic as to be unprecedented in modern American history.  Any semblance of class, perspective, and patriotism has gone with Gone with the Wind, banished, as usual, by media madwomen blasting even the hospital that cured him.  "When Trump walked through the doors, Walter Reed had a sterling reputation," tweeted once sane New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd.  "As he walks out 72 hours later, its reputation is in tatters.  There's nothing Trump can't ruin."  Dowd's Washington Post counterpart Jennifer Rubin surpassed her rabidness on Twitter.  "Congress might want to defund Walter Reed.  It is a public health hazard."  Even if you differ with Trump ideologically, nothing he has done — or not done in the case of the pandemic — merits such open guttural hatred, often rising to a death wish for not only Trump but us who support him.

Hollywood Celebs Erupt with Rage over Trump Leaving Walter Reed: 'Faking Recovery!' Doctors 'Lying for a Mass Murderer'.  Hollywood elites experienced an epic meltdown after President Donald Trump tweeted that he would be leaving Walter Reed Military Hospital on Monday evening.  At the center of Hollywood's temper tantrum was the president's advice:  "Don't be afraid of Covid.  Don't let it dominate your life."  Those words set off a Hollywood freak out in which celebrities launched social media attacks at the president and even his medical team, spreading conspiracy theories and wild accusations intended to hurt Trump.

Leftists Explode Over Trump Taking Short Ride Outside Hospital:  Charge Him With Crimes, Remove From Power.  Left-wing media figures took to Twitter on Sunday afternoon following President Donald Trump temporarily leaving Walter Reed Medical Center and taking a short drive to see his supporters who were outside showing their enthusiasm for the president.  The most notable hit came from Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin, who called for the Maryland Attorney General to "indict Trump for reckless endangerment" and "assault."  [Tweet]  Rubin suggested that Trump needed to be immediately removed from power through the 25th Amendment and claimed that the GOP was a "death cult" and not a "pro-life party."

White House Correspondents' Association Whines Reporters Weren't Invited On Trump Drive.  The White House Correspondents' Association complained on Sunday afternoon [10/4/2020] that journalists were not invited on President Donald Trump's short drive outside of Walter Reed Medical Center, calling it "outrageous."  The statement came as journalists complained about Trump allegedly not wearing the right kind of mask during the drive while others called for him to face criminal charges and to be removed from power.

Barrett Nomination Revives Obamascare Tactics.  The first question asked by moderator Chris Wallace during Tuesday night's presidential debate was about President Trump's nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to fill the current vacancy on the Supreme Court.  After Trump explained why he nominated her, former Vice President Joe Biden claimed, "She thinks the Affordable Care Act is not constitutional."  He went on to imply that, if confirmed, Barrett would join a cabal of conservative justices in a plot to strike down the "reform" law.  The consequences of this, Biden said, would be to eliminate the health coverage of "a hundred million people who have pre-existing conditions."  This sordid scare tactic was routinely deployed by the Democrats in their failed attempt to retake the Senate majority during the 2018 midterms.  It has no basis in reality, of course, as the president pointed out immediately:  "There aren't a hundred million people with pre-existing conditions."

Joe Biden Supporter Cries When She Spots Trucks With Trump Flags.  Thanks to Twitter and other social media echo chambers, we've created a segment of society that can't handle an opinion different than their own.  Watch as this Joe Biden supporter have a complete meltdown when she spots a couple of pickup trucks flying Trump 2020 flags.  [Video clip]

Contrary to appearances, sometimes karma does get leftists.  What's been frustrating for four years is that Democrats are escaping well-deserved consequences.  Those behind the Russia hoax, which is easily the most serious political scandal in American history, have not only walked free, they've gotten rich through book deals and speaking engagements.  In America's Democrat-run cities, Soros-funded prosecutors won't charge people who have acted violently and, often, seditiously.  This sense of karmic passes may explain the enthusiasm for a video showing a driver so busy signaling her disdain for Trump supporters that she crashes into another car — only to learn that the police were eyewitnesses. [...] This video is one more in a series of videos showing screaming, white, leftist women.  At the beginning of the Black Lives Matter protests, I wrote that leftism harms white women.  I included in that article several videos showing deranged, self-righteous women.  With the election drawing near, it's getting worse.

Crazed Woman Frantically Flips Off Trump Rally, Then Something Hilarious Happens.  Friends don't let their friends drive while suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Unfortunately for the woman in this video, she must not have any friends willing to speak sanity into her life.  Upon seeing a Trump rally on the side of a road, she decided it'd be a great idea to let her foot off the brake, hang out the window, and frantically throw up the bird at people.  That didn't go well.  Be sure and watch to the end because it gets even better.  [Video clip]

Liberals on a dose of lunacy to protect Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat.  The mouth-frothing rage of Democrats over the possible filling of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seat on the Supreme Court before Inauguration Day is shocking, but predictable, after the "Summer of Love" we've endured.  Now they're threatening to "burn it all down" if Republicans fill the vacancy soon.  Hysterical RBG cultists holding vigil in Washington on Saturday night warned of a "civil war."  Threats to kill Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell flooded Twitter, and dozens of police had to guard his Kentucky home as protesters descended on it.  It wasn't just random psychopaths on social media threatening to "storm the White House and burn it to the [...] ground."  High-profile liberals issued dire threats on Twitter.

Dems Are About to Learn How Much Republicans Are Still Seething 2 Years After Kavanaugh Hearings.  The Democrats are an unstable and emotional lot on their best days.  Their politics, after all, are logic-free and purely emotion-based. [...] They're not going to take this well.  They're rallying around Ginsburg's purported "last wish," which I don't for a moment believe happened.  It sounds like those convenient "My 8-year-old said..." stories they love to make up over on the Left.  Democrats are such ghouls and so afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome I can see any one of them lying about a loved one's dying words to score some political points, especially because ORANGE MAN BAD.

As a Trump-hating son shows, nobody does self-righteous hatred like the left.  Leo Guinan ("he/him") has bravely and smugly gone public with his decision to blackmail his father for being a Trump-supporter.  Unless Daddy changes his ways, he'll never see his grandchildren again.  Guinan oozes self-righteous hatred.  The only good thing about his post is that people were appalled and contemptuous.

Crazy Lady Meltdown While Driving.  When someone dies and you're more worried about yourself and not actually mourning the person.  [Video clip, language warning.]

Biden: Elect Trump and watch the suburbs burn and flood and get blown away.  Finally, both presidential candidates agree on one thing: after the election, the suburbs are gonna burn, baby.  If we elect Joe Biden, Donald Trump claims, they'll burn as Black Lives Matter forces police into further retreat.  If we re-elect Trump, Biden warns, then the climate will burn the suburbs.  Frankly, I'd take my chances with climate change over BLM and the Democrats pandering to them.  But wait, Biden says, there's more!  Suburbanites won't just get the fire, but the floods and the wind, and who knows what else[.]

President Trump may be battered by the waves, but he will not sink.  [Scroll down]  What ails the left is that leftists believe everything they think, and their thinking is characterized by pomposity and intolerance.  One has to look no farther than Twitter to be clobbered by the gross intolerance of Democrats.  They are rude, profane, wholly without manners or grace.  There are the vicious rioters in the streets whom the Democrats refuse to condemn, and there are the equally vicious boors who drive the contempt in which social media is drowning.  Those often anonymous haters hide behind their not so clever handles like schoolyard bullies who cry for their mothers if their true identities are discovered.  That's when they cry "racism," or "white supremacy," or "white privilege," even if, as most of them are, they are white.  There is nothing more absurd than watching a young white female carrying a Black Lives Matter sign shouting obscenities in the face of a black policeman to illustrate the depth of the left's vacuity.

The Importance of Rules.  [Scroll down]  The "official" Black Lives Matter organization are nothing more than domestic terrorists with a catchy slogan of passive-aggressive perfection.  After all, only a racist or white supremacist would ever suggest that black lives don't matter.  It's the same sort of cognitive manipulation that ideological movements tend to employ as a tactical maneuver against their opponents; for example, by their own labeling techniques "pro-choice" advocates imply that anti-abortion people are actually opposed to the ability to choose between life and death by arguing that a fetus is not a baby, while the "pro-life" movement is drawing attention to the fact an abortion is the death of a human being.

Analysis of the phrase, "Black Lives Matter".  [Scroll down]  Aside from progressive mayors, BLM rioters, and Dylan Roof, one is hard-pressed to find Americans of any political persuasion who behave like black lives don't matter.  In fact, conservatives take this statement to the next logical steps.  Black lives, White lives and Hispanic lives matter.  Unborn lives matter and police lives matter.  But by declaring Black Lives Matter, they are concerned only with black people who have been shot by police.  The justification for the shooting, or the lack thereof, or any other pertinent fact of a specific case, does not factor into their reasoning.  The black victim is merely a prop, brutishly exploited to peddle an anti-police narrative.  But don't posit to a yard sign prophet any of these seemingly a priori statements without first donning a face shield, because spittle will most definitely fly.  By insisting that all lives matter rather than just those of a single race, you are somehow the racist.

From riots to the filibuster, liberal America won't accept political opposition.  America's left-wing has taken a dark and dangerous turn, now openly expressing a desire for its political opposition to be delegitimized, criminalized, intimidated and ultimately banished.  This attitude has been boiling since Donald Trump became president.  He's too dangerous to be allowed to speak, they said, as the likes of Sen. Kamala Harris called on Twitter to suspend his account.  But that seems quaint compared to the left's rhetoric of the last few days.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi labeled Republicans "domestic enemies" and "enemies of the state" in an unhinged rant rivaling any of Trump's crazier tweets.  And that was after Rep. Ayanna Pressley called for GOP officials to be harassed with "unrest in the streets."

Democratic senator says Trump 'deliberately killing people' by holding rallies.  Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said Saturday [8/29/2020] President Trump is "deliberately killing people" with his rallies amid the coronavirus pandemic.  "Can we take the gloves off and tell the truth?  Trump is deliberately killing people," Murphy wrote on Twitter.  "He holds rallies where people get infected.  On Thursday, no social distancing or masks, sending a clear message that the CDC should be ignored."  "His plan is to kill people.  Let's just say it," Murphy continued.  On Friday, the president held a rally in New Hampshire for supporters, however masks were mandatory as were temperature checks.

The Editor says...
[#1] Think about it.  Why would President Trump kill his own supporters?  [#2] Where is the Senator's concern for the spread of coronavirus among the rioters in Democrat-controlled cities?  [#3] The pandemic (if it ever was a pandemic) was over at least a month ago.

The Collapse of the Democrat Brand.  The Democrats' brand has collapsed beyond repair and they know it.  The current strategy to prevent the flock from fleeing the pasture is not preserving their brand, but branding the alternative option as so deplorable that it's beneath consideration.  The only way to cover up the noxious fumes of leftism is to double down on the negative branding of Republicans as a party of hate.  "Love Trumps Hate," "Make America Hate Again," "Hate Has No Home Here" — these are merely a few of the slogans attempting to link hate to the conservative brand.  Hate speech, hate crimes, hate groups — everything is "hate."

Translate this.  Kamala Harris makes my skin crawl.  She gives synthetic products a bad name.  Her acceptance speech as the Democrats' vice presidential nominee this past Wednesday night (text here) was meant to apply the veneer of normality to her characteristic bizarreries.  I want to pause only over one passage, beginning with this statement:  "And while this virus touches us all, let's be honest, it is not an equal opportunity offender.  Black, Latino and Indigenous people are suffering and dying disproportionately."  Why?  She explains:  "This is not a coincidence.  It is the effect of structural racism.  Of inequities in education and technology, health care and housing, job security and transportation."  How does that work?  Harris continues:  "The injustice in reproductive and maternal health care.  In the excessive use of force by police.  And in our broader criminal justice system."

Biden's speech managed to be simultaneously vapid and disgraceful.  Here's a short list of Biden's platitudes:  Trump is darkness.  I am light.  FDR was a great president.  Help young people by ending Trump's darkness.  America is racist.  More darkness, more light.  You must judge Trump's entire presidency by looking at the six months of the Wuhan virus and its damage to the economy (damage wrought, though he doesn't say it, by Democrat politicians).  America had the worst virus outbreak in the world.  (That's not true, by the way, but it is true that Democrat policies, especially regarding nursing homes, made it horrifically worse than it should have been.)  Trump will kill the economy.  Trump will take people's insurance.  Wasn't Obama great?  Trump isn't great.  No one suffers in America the way minorities do.  Trump didn't protect Americans, but I will. [...]

The USPS Lunacy Continues:  Democrat Lawmaker 'Chains' Himself to Mailbox:  Trump's 'Not Getting This One!'  As the Democrats continue to charge that Donald Trump wants to do away with the US Postal Service, a Democrat Congressman from Oregon (where else?) has come up with a "unique" way to demonstrate his opposition to Trump — by "chaining" himself to a mailbox.  Rep. Peter DeFazis, who represents Oregon's 4th Congressional District (in which the left-wing college town of Eugene is located) "chained" himself to the mailbox on Tuesday, in defiance of the Trump administration's proposed changes to the the USPS.

CNN screen shot
Dems and media pushing Trump = Hitler and Mussolini as never before.  There is more than a whiff of desperation in the re-emergence of the thermonuclear bomb of hysterical rhetoric, that President Trump is just like (or even worse than!) Hitler.  Never mind the absence of death camps — the very fact that his enemies are free to employ the most irresponsible and vile language against him without disappearing in the dead of night refutes the charge.  Yet we have taxpayer-funded PBS and NPR pushing the comparison hard ("Trump is the most dangerous figure in human history"), and, on the same weekend, the man who handed the Democrats' nomination to Biden joining the absurdist chorus as one of CNN's most prominent anchors accepts the comparison to Mussolini and even Hitler and moves along to the next topic.

Ocasio-Cortez Gets Hysterical About 'Unmarked' Police Vehicle Arresting Wanted Criminal.  It must be exhausting for radicals to be always outraged about everything.  I don't know about you, but it would get real boring real quick to have to respond to everything that happens in American society as if the world were teetering on the brink of destruction. [...] The New York City Police Department is being accused of kidnapping an innocent woman off the streets and tossing her into an unmarked SUV.  It outraged the ACLU.  It outraged Black Lives Matter.  And it outraged Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who got the vapors because, well, the ACLU apparently said to get hysterical.

No Holds Barred at the House Lynch Session.  [Attorney General William Barr] is strong and fierce, does not give an inch, does not get thrown off message, sticks to his guns, and sticks it to those who would take him down. [...] For the Democrats the hearing [7/28/2020] was "no holds barred."  No lie was off the table.  No insult was beneath them.  Under the guise of asking the Attorney General to answer questions, they rather used their allotted time to berate him, to berate President Trump, and to lie about the Antifa and other anarchist-driven riots that seek to undermine our Republic and to tear away our freedom.  They were not asking questions, and they did not allow Barr to answer them or speak when he tried.  Rather, they were like a parent on a tear against a child in big trouble, or a boss on a rampage about to fire his or her employee.

Maxine Waters:  Trump 'Is a Wanna-Be Dictator Acting Like a Dictator' with Portland Officers.  Wednesday [7/29/2020] Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told TMZ President Donald Trump was "acting like a dictator" by sending federal agents to Portland to quell protests.

The Editor says...
For an example of "a wanna-be dictator acting like a dictator," look no further than Barack H. Obama.

The distraught and desperate Democrats are flailing.  The left loves the vocabulary of the Third Reich.  Nancy Pelosi, who was horrified whenever Trump called COVID-19 the Wuhan virus, now calls it the "Trump virus."  No verbal assault is too low for leftists.  As usual, the Democrats make the mistake of assuming that Trump-supporters are rather stupid, easily manipulated by their mono-minded media and sound bites.  They don't seem to grasp the fact that much of America is laughing at them for their misplaced arrogance and crying for the residents of those cities being destroyed by leftist officials and the well organized, well funded anarchist groups that have turned them into war zones.  What's their plan?  To discredit the outcome of the election before it takes place.  Every Democrat who appears on a cable or network news program as well as every radical on CNN and MSNBC has received his talking points:  Trump will refuse to leave the W.H. if he loses, he will use the military one way or another, he will commit voter fraud, etc.  These are all things leftists actually do.

MSNBC's Brian Williams Whacks Federal Agents as 'Jackbooted Thugs,' Invokes Mussolini.  Twenty-five years ago, former president George H.W. Bush quit the National Rifle Association over a fundraising letter which referred to federal law enforcement as "jackbooted thugs."  This delighted the media elites then.  The script has flipped.  Now the term is welcomed by left-wing media outlets.  Several times this week, MSNBC host Brian Williams has used his primetime show The 11th Hour to hype Twitter comments by never-Trumper MSNBC contributor Steve Schmidt in which the bitter former Republican slammed federal agents in Portland as "jackbooted thugs" and "stormtroopers."  On Wednesday's [7/22/2020] show, the MSNBC host even had Schmidt on as a guest and gave him a platform to further bash federal agents, with Williams provocatively invoking Benito Mussolini's Italy.

Democrats continue to lay the groundwork for Resistance II: The Civil War.  It started with Hillary Clinton, who has spent the last three-and-a-half years insisting that she was cheated out of her rightful place in the Oval Office.  Last week, she opined, "Well, I think it is a fair point to raise as to whether or not, if he loses, he's going to go quietly or not."  And then she issued the marching order:  "And we have to be ready for that."  How does one get ready to overthrow the duly elected president of the United States?  After all, the Democrats' Deep State efforts during Trump's first term have failed.  Democrats are therefore getting their ducks in a row for a more aggressive challenge. [...] Now, Rep. Maxine Waters (D., the slums of L.A.) is on the job.  And if you thought Krugman and Pelosi were unhinged, Waters shows that they're rank amateurs.  Waters was on Joy Reid's new "ReidOut" show on MSNBC.  To Waters, when she looks at Portland, it's 1938 in Berlin all over again.

The Left is signing up citizens to physically remove President Trump from office if he loses.  The left continued to spread the narrative that President Donald Trump may refuse to leave the White House if he loses the election in November.  And left-wing political commentator and Young Turks host Cenk Uygur added to the conspiracy theories on Tuesday [7/21/2020] as he, too, offered a way to rid the country of the president in case the United States military "does not remove him from office" after a supposed loss in November.

The Climate Virus:  Hysteria Needs To Shelter In Place.  [Scroll down]  That's a heavy load of mania for the public to bear.  So we'd like to present a single headline in rebuttal:  "Climate-change hysteria costs lives — but activists want to keep panic alive."  It tops an op-ed in the New York Post written by Michael Shellenberger, who last month apologized, "on behalf of environmentalists," for being part of the "climate scare we created over the last 30 years." [...] He said he decided to speak out last year "after it became clear to me that alarmism was harming mental health."  The author and activist cited "a major survey of 30,000 people around the world," which discovered "nearly half believed climate change would make humanity extinct," and reported that mental-health professionals are routinely finding "themselves addressing adolescent anxiety over climate."  One in five United Kingdom children, he says, have "reported having nightmares about it."

The Age of Conspiracy.  [Scroll down]  "Like every successful con," Rupert Darwall writes in Green Tyranny, "maintaining audience credulity depends on preventing the audience from noticing what the trickster is up to," a tactic known in the trade as "defining the baseline" — that is, by deceptively touting how damaged the world would be minus whatever transformation is envisioned.  In all too many instances, there is no dispositive proof that such would be the case.  Much to the chagrin of our false prophets, the seas do not rise to engulf our cities and low-lying islands, famine does not fall upon the land, populations do not grow extinct, the air is not becoming unbreathable, the spring does not grow silent, and the world does not end on a given date — though it may on the next given date, or the next.  We can always hope.  Unfortunately, we cannot rely on the media and the large digital platforms to enlighten us since these, especially Google, have become manifestly, and often confessedly, manipulators of search results as well as agents of disinformation, organs of censorship and propaganda outlets lobbying for one side of the political divide.

Thomas Sowell: 'Systemic Racism' Has 'No Meaning'.  Conservative African American economist Thomas Sowell says that the term "systemic racism," which is central to the Black Lives Matter movement, has "no meaning." [...] Sowell, who recently turned 90, was born poor in North Carolina, and grew up in Harlem before attending the Stuyvesant magnet school and moving on to the Ivy League and the University of Chicago.  Initially attracted to the left, Sowell eventually rejected socialism in favor of conservatism.  He has written some of the most important critiques of left-wing dogma.

Schiff: Country Continues to Be 'at Jeopardy' Without Trump Financial Records.  Thursday [7/9/2020] on MSNBC's "The Last Word," House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said if Congress was delayed in receiving the financial records of President Donald Trump because of court battles, "the country continues to be at jeopardy during that delay."

Is It Time For Americans To Start Talking About The Devil?  [Scroll down]  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying that all these anti-white radicals have consciously entered a pact with the Devil.  Yes, there are those Alinskyites who have deliberately sold their souls to Satan, but most radicals are unwittingly under his spell.  Think about it:  Do you ever wonder why it is so impossible to communicate facts and logic to an Open Borders zealot?  Try as we might we can never break the hypnotic hold that anti-Historical American Nation malice has on these people.  Do they not seem like they are operating under a kind of otherworldly spell?  Saint Paul warns us that Satan's minions often appear as "ministers of righteousness" exercising the art of soul murder by employing the language of goodwill.  In due course, today's ministers of righteousness are working overtime to ruin the lives of ordinary white people like Amy Cooper, Nick Sandmann, or Paula Deen.  They experience a moral thrill whenever they cancel, dox, and deplatform people whose only crime is being white.

The Philosophy Behind Our Culture Wars and the Advancing Nihilism:  Post-Modernism.  In my last article, [...] I submitted that the culture wars taking place in the streets and universities across the United States and parts of Europe were symptoms of a larger moral pandemic whose philosophic roots both spawned and legitimized anarchical impulses run amok.  I pointed out that moral relativism advances the idea that there are no objective criteria to adjudicate among competing truth claims.  Its ruling principle is subjectivism.  What one feels is the truth constitutes the truth.  Logic and reason, according to the more radical school of subjectivism, is the creation of racist and imperialist white constructs.  But if nihilism is the logical concomitant of relativism, one must now ask:  what is the school and the philosophical foundation of relativism?  What first foundational principles underscore the relativism that gives rise to the nihilism in the streets and in our educational systems?  That school of thought is postmodernism.

The Democrats' Bonfire of Inanities.  Emotion is now fact.  Even worse, emotion has become a guaranteed right.  Whatever one feels is correct and justified ,no matter how ignorant or detached from reality or history it may be.  Furthermore, any misguided grievance one may have based on that troubled emotion empowers that person with the right to do anything he wants.  Tear down a statue of Christopher Columbus or Andrew Jackson?  Sure.  Deface a statue to Robert E. Lee or Arthur Ashe on Monument Avenue in Richmond?  Have at it!

The Movement to Destroy a Nation.  Nation-wide protests weeks after George Floyd's murder turned into a movement to destroy a nation.  Parading as an attack on racial injustice, the movement has turned into an obliteration of history.  This week that devastation set its eyes on faith.  Less than one week ago, protesters rekindled the call for removing confederate statues.  Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, in a show of solidarity with the protest mob, removed two portraits of former House speakers who were part of the Confederacy.  From there, the momentum quickly shifted to anyone whose statue is seen as offensive, who may have held racist or politically incorrect views of another era, or who may (or may not) have owned slaves or supported slavery at any time.  Never mind that the qualifiers of what constitutes "offensive" is blurred; the momentum of eradicating history is ruled by emotion, not reason.

Counsel of the Woke.  In hindsight, it's astonishing how quickly Americans ceded political authority to the public-health apparatus.  This isn't only antithetical to self-rule; it also accords constitutional protection to elite causes — and only elite causes.  Attending a Black Lives Matter protest is permissible.  Attending a church service is not.  Left unchecked, the progressive-scientific alliance will penetrate additional domains of life.  Whether it's "housing is healthcare," "harm reduction saves lives," or "antiracism is public health," slogans abound for subsuming science into politics.

The Democratic Party hates science.  Today's Democratic Party insists that a beautiful, full-term human baby just about to be born isn't really a human being and therefore can be slaughtered at will — maybe even after he or she is born — just as long as "the mother and her doctor" agree.  The Democratic Party's top leaders also passionately warn that the entire earth will become uninhabitable within 10 years due to global warming — unless, that is, America goes full totalitarian/socialist right now and adopts their Green New Deal at an estimated cost of $93 trillion.  After all, it's "settled science."  The modern Democratic Party likewise contends there are dozens of different genders that never before existed throughout history, that men can menstruate, get pregnant and have babies, and that if you don't agree with all this, you're a deplorable bigot.  And anti-science.

How Sweet to Be a Democrat.  They seem to think it's game to engage in despicable acts and dare anyone to hold them accountable.  No matter how bold and in your face the act, no matter how crazy the statement or preposterous the proposal (think Green New Deal), they know they will not be seriously questioned or held to account, let alone disciplined. [...] They can do and say whatever they please, safe in the knowledge that they have the media in their pockets and that most younger people haven't been taught anything that's true or that matters and therefore have no way to sort truth from fiction.  They know that many — if not most — folks rely solely on emotion, not reason and evidence, to determine what is real and what is fake.  They utilize this knowledge and those people in their incessant quest for power at all costs.

Harvard Professor:  "Defunding The Police Is Not A Solution And Could Cost Thousands Of Black Lives".  A Harvard university Professor has urged that defunding the police would cause more loss of life, citing figures showing that there are "450 excess homicides per year" when police are not able to do their jobs proficiently.  "Defunding the police is not a solution and could cost thousands of black lives," professor Roland Fryer wrote in an email to the College Fix.  Fryer has recently authored a research paper titled "Policing the Police:  The Impact of "Pattern-or-Practice Investigations on Crime," noting that police are less present when 'viral incidents' occur, meaning crime, including homicides increase... a lot.  "Our estimates suggest that investigating police departments after viral incidents of police violence is responsible for approximately 450 excess homicides per year" the paper reads.

'We Need to Have a Conversation'.  Recently, the ability to "have a conversation," let alone actually solve a problem, has shriveled like a piece of rotting fruit.  In part, the violence of this last week demonstrates that, but the problem has been a long time developing.  Any productive conversation requires certain components, and if any are missing, communication, and therefore the development of solutions, becomes impossible.  Let me list these components:  [#1] Vocabulary:  Those trying to talk to each other must have a common vocabulary that they use to mean the same things. [...] I've lost any understanding that I ever had of what racist means and I have no idea at all what is meant by systemic racism.  What system?  Are there racist policies in the post office?  Do police departments have black arrest quotas?  If there are policies at fault (I think of the welfare system, the easy availability of abortion services, or the deplorable condition of schools in black neighborhoods), those affected need to address those issues directly.  Stealing Rolex watches isn't likely to be helpful.

Why Did they Close the Schools?  On March 12, 2020, a banshee-like cry went out to an email list of public health professionals and government officials who were then in a state of mental meltdown.  Pull the trigger now, screamed the memo.  Close the schools.  As with any email chain, there were a few dominant voices who post more than others and with more passion, while others shrink back in fear of being shamed.  Such was the case here: one disciple of computer modeling, Dr. Carter Mecher of the Veterans Administration, was convinced that the coronavirus was another Spanish Flu.  Why he didn't explain.  Mostly he wanted to try out his closure/lockdown/social-distance model on which he had been working for 14 years since he first became a convert to agent-based modeling techniques.  Coronavirus of 2020 was as good an excuse as any.  Mecher emerged as the leader of the list, sending hundreds of messages of increasing alarm.

50 Questions About Racism In America.  Yesterday [6/5/2020], while running some errands, I witnessed a group of young, mostly white "protesters" peacefully demonstrating at a major intersection during the middle of the day.  Out of roughly 40-50 people, approximately three were black, there were a few white males, and a couple of "older folks."  The rest were young high-school-aged white females.  They were holding up signs that read, "I can't breathe" and "Black Lives Matter."  For the record, I am generally against all kinds of protests like this, not because I don't believe in the reason behind the protest, but that I believe it to be a general waste of time.  I'm not convinced that anyone drives by a sign that says, "I can't breathe" and suddenly changes their mind about people's right to breathe because some pink-haired high-school girl was holding up a sign.

Maxine Waters Freaks Out:  Remove Trump 'Before this Would-Be Dictator Takes Us All Down'.  Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) on Friday, an outspoken progressive politician who has publicly demanded President Trump's removal from office, wondered if anyone in Trump's cabinet would invoke the 25th amendment "before this would-be dictator takes us all down."  Waters, as demonstrators across the country began to take to the streets for Friday night protests, proclaimed that Trump is "amassing the power of a dictator" and asked if any "brave" figure within his cabinet "would move to initiate the 25th amendment to remove him from office."

The Editor says...
When Barack H. Obama conducted himself like a dictator, Rep. Maxine Waters raised no objections.

Leftists Rage over President Trump's Church Walk:  Trump Is a 'Fascist'.  Prominent leftists on Monday [6/1/2020] raged over President Trump's walk to St. John's Episcopal Church after authorities cleared out protesters in the area around Lafayette Park, accusing the president of having demonstrators "viciously attacked" for a "photo op" and deeming him a "fascist."  The president concluded his Rose Garden address by announcing his intention to "pay my respects to a very, very special place."  From there, Trump departed, walking to the historic church that rioters targeted on Sunday night.

People nurture and savor their pleasurable fear.  The odds of a young healthy American catching and dying of the COVID virus are roughly 1 in 70,000 and going down.  Their odds of dying of sunstroke are ten times greater.  Their odds of dying in a car wreck or by suicide are a thousand times greater.  So why are many young healthy people afraid of dying of the virus?  I have a theory.  It's because fear is pleasurable. [...] Moreover, fear is not just highly stimulating but is also easy to get.  We can simply watch a scary movie or take a roller coaster ride.  Or get hysterical about COVID killing us.  Ah, you say, but there's no real danger in those things.  That's the point.  That's why they're perfect methods for stimulating fear.  With safe scary things like COVID, people get all the enjoyment of fear stimulation with none of the effort required to deal with real danger.

On Trump-Hatred.  It has now become common for leftists to accost those who differ by going into hysterics.  Hysterics often exhibiting shrieking about how Trump lies, and how he's the most awful person in the world.  This has become somewhat normative for the left.  I have personally witnessed many left-leaning individuals who act otherwise sane, erupt in reckless anger, going on diatribes of how Trump lies.  All the time.  This malicious soul eating anger, its zeal, its unbridled passion is something exhibited by most leftist elites, yet excused.  It's beyond over the top, it's beyond unsetting, but there it is for all to see.

An absurd and outrageous shot at Bill Barr.  The Justice Department's decision to dismiss the prosecution of Gen. Flynn caused left liberal heads to explode.  None exploded more loudly than that of Norman Ornstein.  He tweeted, "Bill Barr is a fascist."  No serious analyst would make such a claim, even in the heat of the moment.  It's certainly not fascist to call for review of a case in which a public servant may have been set up for prosecution by his political enemies, and then to drop the prosecution based on a thorough review by a respected U.S. attorney.  If Barr had ordered dismissal of the case against the recommendation of that U.S. attorney, his action would be problematic, but not fascist.

CNN, MSNBC Suffer EPIC Meltdowns Over 'Nuts,' 'Terrifying' Flynn Decision; 'The Fix Is In!'  In a Thursday afternoon that felt like a trip back to life before the coronavirus pandemic, CNN and MSNBC were not only apoplectic over the Department of Justice dropping its case against retired General Michael Flynn, but despondent over the "demoralizing," "destructive," "nuts," and "terrifying" "injustice" that signaled "the collapse of the Justice Department" and "the rule of law."

Schiff: Dropping Flynn Case 'Puts Us Back in the Category of Almost an Emerging Democracy.  On Thursday's [5/7/2020] broadcast of MSNBC's "All In," House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) reacted to the dropping of charges against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn by stating the move "really puts us back in the category of almost an emerging democracy, where the rule of law is not yet firmly established, where prosecutorial decisions are made on the basis of politics."

The Five Worst Types of Virtue-Signaling.  [#1] Virtue-signaling the implausible, for cheap applause:  In the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo addressed concerns about the potential economic damage of banning citizens from working by claiming, "if everything we can do saves just one life, I'll be happy."  A few days later, Cuomo tweeted, "My mother is not expendable.  Your mother is not expendable.  We will not put a dollar figure on human life."  It might be surprising that an ardent supporter of unrestricted abortion would profess such a commitment to saving lives, but even if we ignore Cuomo's abortion stance, his statements instantly qualify as among the worst of its kind.  This type of virtue-signaling is particularly egregious because upholding this newly declared standard is so impractical that it's obviously insincere.

In Wisconsin, yet another Democratic 'we're all going to die' claim fails.  When the Wisconsin Supreme Court allowed Wisconsin's election to proceed on April 7, Democrats claimed that Republicans were trying to kill people.  It turns out (surprise!) that Democrats were wrong again.  On April 6, a day before Wisconsin residents were set to go to the polls to vote, Wisconsin's governor, Tony Evers, citing virus concerns, canceled the elections so they could be rescheduled for June.  The Legislature, however, countered that order by filing an emergency appeal with the Wisconsin Supreme Court.  That same day, the state Supreme Court, in a 4-2 ruling, blocked the order, allowing the election to take place.  The United States Supreme Court also ruled that absentee ballots had to be received by the end of Election Day to be counted.  Taken together, these rulings prevented ballot harvesting of the type that turned long-standing Republican counties in California bright blue.  Democrats were apoplectic.

COVID-Shamers And Seven Of Their Most Ridiculous Arguments.  From the safety of their beltway townhouses, leftists point their judgemental fingers at anyone who isn't meeting their definition of "social distancing" or who, worse, expresses any opinion about the ongoing Wuhan coronavirus pandemic that they disagree with. [...] Here are several of their most ridiculous retorts, and how to counter them:  "You want grandma to die." [...] "You just care about stock market." [...] "Gazillions will die." [...] "The virus will decide when things return to normal." [...] "You don't care about science." [...] "If one life is saved it's all worth it."

MSNBC contributor says Trump's 'crime cult' wants mass murder, 'many more to die'.  Whereas the craziest denizens of the political right tend to inhabit the outermost fringes of the movement, the most demented denizens of the political left tend to be mainstream left-wing media stars.  Take so-called "journalist" and author Sarah Kendzior, whose work has appeared in Al Jazeera, Marie Claire, The Guardian, The New York Times and The Boston Globe — and whose commentary has frequently been featured on MSNBC's "AM Joy."

Dem lawmaker wants Trump prosecuted at international court for 'crimes against humanity'.  A Democratic state representative in Ohio said she "can't take it anymore" and vowed to refer President Trump to the International Criminal Court for "crimes against humanity" over Trump's promotion of a drug that has not been conclusively proven to fight the coronavirus.  State Rep. Tavia Galonski tweeted Sunday [4/5/2020] after President Trump spoke about hydroxychloroquine at his daily press briefing.  The drug, normally used to treat malaria, is one of several that the president has pointed to as showing promise in the fight against COVID-19, but its effectiveness has been a subject of debate.

How 'Triggerism' Replaced Factualism on Islam.  One upon a time, whenever two or more parties disagreed, the logical thing for them to do was resort to argumentation.  It was not enough to say, "I'm right and you're wrong" (unless they were children).  The winner of the debate was the one who could better substantiate his position — that is, the one whose position better accorded with reality.  Today, the one side that is wrong about virtually everything, the liberal left, has forgone argumentation, and even sophistry, precisely because it cannot contend with those armed with facts.  It has, instead, relied on conditioning its adherents to react to so-called "trigger" words and concepts — never mind if those words and concepts accord with reality or not.

Shouting Democrat ruled out of order in House floor speech on coronavirus bill.  In a heated debate regarding a proposed economic relief bill to provide financial protection for American businesses and workers during the coronavirus pandemic, one Michigan Democrat demanded to be heard after her allotted speaking time on the House floor had expired.  Donning pink latex gloves, Rep. Haley Stevens shouted at colleagues on Thursday [3/26/2020] even as she was ruled out of order.  Stevens' voice grew louder despite House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer's attempts to give her more time to finish speaking. [...] At times during her explosive speech, other members of the House attempted to shout Stevens down, but she kept speaking as the gavel punctuated her out-of-procedure action.

The Editor says...
Video of this outburst, and profound disregard for the rules of order in the House, can be found here.

Watch out for the Chicken Littles gleefully pushing panic and doom.  [Scroll down]  Unfortunately, the explosive growth over the past decade of social media has given rise to a kind of panic loop, a second-by-second retailing of the worst possible scenarios raised by the outbreak.  There is something peculiar going on in the way certain people are discussing the coronavirus — journalists, pundits and the armies of "influencers" endowed with a blue checkmark for no obvious reason.  It's almost as though they are taking a salacious pleasure in the grimmest and most haunting possibilities.  It's like Chicken Little is secretly thrilled the sky is falling.  Social media is full of those who are gripped by a perverse hunger to convey their unshakable belief in the transcendent seriousness of the present crisis by slathering any and every horrendous possibility it raises on our daily bread — and then sating their hunger by gobbling it up with salacious zest.  This is an obscenely effective way to make precisely the impression social media is designed to make — which is just that, to make an impression.

I am coronaed out.  Folks, I have had my fill of corona-mania.  Also, I am sick of people accusing me of being irresponsible and insensitive for not surrendering to the absurd Democrat and fake news media narrative that says Trump is handling the virus wrong and we're all going to die.

Time to scrap the Goldwater Rule.  There are few ironclad rules in American politics.  But here is one: if you are a Republican, no tactic is too disreputable to be deployed against you.  I think for example, of the disgusting campaign waged to keep Judge Robert Bork from the Supreme Court in the 1980s. 'Lion of the Senate' Ted Kennedy led that charge ('in Robert Bork's America...'), though he was aided by a young senator named Joe Biden.  Journalists went through Bork's trash and reviewed the movies he rented for incriminating evidence.  Other campaigns of vilification against Republican Supreme Court nominees include the one conducted against Clarence Thomas and, most recently, the extraordinary full-court press against Brett Kavanaugh.  But the calumny is directed not just against judicial nominees.  Every Republican candidate since Ronald Reagan has been compared to Hitler ('literally Hitler') by the left.  Even the Grecian Formula candidate, Mitt Romney, was made an honorary Nazi during his campaign for president in 2012.  (Joe Biden got in on the action then by warning blacks that he would put 'y'all back in chains'.

Disorder in the courts:  Federal judge blasts Chief Justice John Roberts.  A federal judge leveled harsh accusations against Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and the rest of the conservative majority, claiming that they are "actively participating in undermining American democracy."  Judge Lynn Adelman of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin blasted the Roberts-led court in an article titled "The Roberts Court's Assault on Democracy," set to be published in the Harvard Law & Policy Review.

Here's How Eric Holder Helped the Obama Administration Transform the Democratic Party into a Party of Thugs.  Nancy Pelosi sat before a group of Northwestern University students on Monday morning [3/8/2020] and said, "Civilization as we know it is at stake."  No, she wasn't talking about the coronavirus, she was talking about if President Trump wins the election.

Nancy Pelosi: 'Civilization as We Know It Is at Stake' in 2020 Election.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Monday waxed hyperbolic about the 2020 presidential election, telling an audience that "civilization as we know it is at stake."  Pelosi made the remark during a speech at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, [3/9/2020] according to Fox News correspondent Rob DiRienzo.

Big Tech's Civilization-busting Bias.  Roughly speaking, approximately 35 percent of the electorate will vote Democrat and 35 percent Republican regardless.  It's the 30 percent in-between who'll "decide" the election.  Capturing a majority of them will likely win you the day.  Now, these are people who, like so many others, often make emotion-based voting decisions.  They have no firm party allegiances and choose who they perceive is the best candidate.  So, if you alter their perception, you alter their vote.  This is what big Tech does.  By exposing voters to just the right news at just the right time, they manipulate opinion.

There's a reason he's known as "Meat-head."
Rob Reiner:  If Dems Don't Take Out Trump in 2020 We Will Lose Our Democracy and Earth.  Director and actor Rob Reiner warned Monday on MSNBC's "All In" that if the Democratic presidential nominee does not beat President Donald Trump in 2020, America will lose our Democracy to Trump's authoritarianism.  Reiner also said the earth would become uninhabitable due to inaction on global warming.

Dick Van Dyke Backs Bernie Sanders:  Four More Years of Trump Is the End of Democracy.  Hollywood writer-singer-dancer Dick Van Dyke formally backed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in a video endorsement on Friday [2/21/2020], warning voters that another four years of President Trump will effectively end American democracy.  Sanders, 78, touted the video endorsement from the Mary Poppins legend, 94, in an apparent effort to appeal to older voters.  Van Dyke described himself in the video endorsement as a "very enthusiastic" Sanders supporter and warned that American democracy will cease to exist if Trump wins the election in November.

Chris Matthews facing calls to resign for comparing Sanders Nevada victory to Nazi invasion of France.  MSNBC host Chris Matthews is facing backlash online for equating Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders's win in the 2020 Nevada Democratic caucuses to the Nazi regime's takeover of France.  During a conversation with MSNBC anchor Brian Williams Saturday night, the Hardball host likened the democratic socialist's decisive victory in Nevada to the Nazi's victory over France in World War II.

Chris Matthews Melts Down — Compares Commie Bernie Sanders Winning Nevada to France Falling to the Nazis in 1940.  Apparently Bernie Sanders does not give Chris Matthews a tingling sensation up his leg. [...] Communist Bernie Sanders won big in Nevada with 55% of the vote with 5% reporting[.]  MSNBC's Chris Matthews melted down and compared Communist Bernie Sanders winning the Nevada caucuses on Saturday to France falling to the Nazis in 1940.

Why Democratic Enthusiasm Is Down.  Why aren't their voters more motivated?  The answer is that a political campaign that relies on stoking voter rage against any politician, including Donald Trump, for an entire presidential term is doomed to become rather dull.  This is particularly true if the iniquitous actions attributed to the President consistently turn out to be wildly exaggerated or simply fabricated.  The Democrats have leveled so many absurd accusations against Trump that most informed voters just yawn when they read about yet another "bombshell" revelation that allegedly confirms his fell designs on democracy.

Meacham Meltdown on NBC: 'Monarch' 'King' Trump Now 'Above the Law'.  As it appears more and more likely that the Senate will be moving to exclude witnesses and acquit Donald Trump, the journalistic reaction has become frenzied.  After MSNBC compared it to letting a wife beater go, NBC's Jon Meacham on Friday [1/31/2020] fretted that the Senate is making Trump a "king" who is "above the law."  He warned, "President Trump is functionally a monarch at this point.  If the king does it, it's okay."  The NBC historian panicked, "I think the significance of today and going into the weekend and into next week is, I think, it is now arguable... that Donald Trump may well have now become the most powerful president in American history."

10 Years Later:  Gloomy Predictions Following Citizens United Decision Didn't Happen.  Predictions that the decision by the Supreme Court 10 years ago in Citizens United v. FEC (Federal Election Commission) would allow "dark money" to invade and take over the political process in the United States have failed to materialize.  Instead, the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech has been strengthened in the political arena, to the benefit of the Republic.  Some Democrats still haven't gotten the memo.  Senator Tom Udall (D-N.M.) declared just last week that "Ten years after Citizens United our democracy has reached a crisis point.  Just look at the ever-increasing amount of secret money flooding [into] our elections."  The New York Times whined at the time of the ruling that the decision "paved the way for corporations to use their vast treasuries to overwhelm elections ... thrust[ing] politics back to the robber-baron era of the 19th century."  Udall didn't bother to check his facts, and the Times is silent over the failure of its gloomy prediction.

Tom Steyer accuses Trump of 'torturing' children and committing 'crimes against humanity'.  Presidential candidate Tom Steyer accused President Donald Trump of "torturing" children and committing "crimes against humanity" in his latest campaign invective.  The California billionaire made the incendiary comments while appearing on C-SPAN Tuesday [1/28/2020].  "He's not opposed to immigration, he's opposed to immigration by non-white people," claimed Steyer.

David Hogg:  "Black," "LGBTQ" and "Non-binary" Women Founded Gun Control "Centuries Ago".  Did the Russians hack David Hogg's brain?  Some observers may thus wonder after a tweet the anti-Second Amendment activist and now Harvard freshman sent on Sunday [1/26/2020].  "This is a tweet for for [sic] the founders of the gun violence prevention movement started centuries ago by almost entirely black, brown and indigenous lgbtq women and non binary people that never got on the news or in most history books," wrote Hogg, 19, a survivor of the 2018 Parkland mass shooting.  "We may not know all your names but thank you."  It's tempting to say here, "Babylon Bee or Onion, is that you?"  No satirist could have made an anti-gunner look more ridiculous, and we do have to consider the remote possibility that Hogg is trolling (though he has no history whatsoever of exhibiting humor).

The Mass Media's Campaign of Moral Panic.  In early October, Chuck Todd stared stone-faced into MSNBC's living rooms and intoned gravely, "I don't say this lightly, but let's be frank — a national nightmare is upon us.  The basic rules of our democracy are under attack from the president[.] ... [T]hat all but ensures his impeachment in the House of Representatives. ... This moment should arguably be a national emergency.  The Founding Fathers would have considered it a national emergency — if the president publicly lobbied multiple governments to interfere in the next election.  It's tough to say lightly, but this is the moment we're at."  Said lightly or not, coming a week after House speaker Nancy Pelosi's announcement of an impeachment inquiry, Charles David "Chuck" Todd — the 12th incarnation of Meet the Press moderators and NBC News's political director, responsible for all aspects of NBC's political coverage — was initiating a "moral panic."  Using his platform as the voice of "the longest-running program on network television," and arguably mass media's highest-profile soldier in the Trump resistance, Todd's intention was deliberate and unmistakable: to instill public fear.  It had moral panic written all over it — perfect for an impeachment.

Making the Planet Fit for Food:  Climate Protesters Attack Vermont's Dairy Farms.  The Vermont Governor's annual "State of the State" address was interrupted this year by a loud group of protesters, who refused to stop screaming bizarre slogans until the Vermont State House session was closed so they could be physically escorted from the building.  Amidst their shouts of "I'm afraid I'm going to die!" and "Climate justice is migrant justice!," were repeated condemnations of Vermont's "dairy industry."  This vague "industry" boogeyman is actually nonexistent in Vermont.  The state's dairy farms have steadily declined, and even its largest operations are puny in contrast to the mega-dairies elsewhere.

Hey, GOP! This is What Pushback Looks Like.  Republican voters have lamented for years over the lack of pushback from their elected leaders.  Democrats and the media hurl baseless and libelous accusations at Republicans, only to be met with a weak defense at best, or silence at worst. Republicans want to push granny off a cliff, make senior citizens eat dog food, starve children and put them in cages.  Republicans are racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic, Islamophobic, mean-spirited, and ignorant.  Watch any cable news show and get a healthy dose of this garbage.  If you don't like the news, watch late night "comedy," entertainment award shows, or virtually any television series to hear much the same.  It's one-way propaganda with no pushback.

Don't Panic, Just Worry.  Simply put, we have become unable to rouse ourselves to take public problems seriously unless we can persuade ourselves that they present immediate and utterly apocalyptic dangers. [...] "The climate crisis is the existential crisis for our world," Elizabeth Warren said in one recent Democratic presidential debate.  "It puts every living thing on this planet at risk."  Not to be outdone, Pete Buttigieg put a deadline on the prophecy:  "Science tells us we have 12 years before we reach the horizon of catastrophe when it comes to our climate."  Andrew Yang thinks inequality is such a threat, too.  "To me, without dramatic change, the best-case scenario is a hyper-stratified society like something out of The Hunger Games or Guatemala with the occasional mass shooting," he wrote in his 2019 book The War on Normal People.  "The worst case is widespread despair, violence and the utter collapse of our society." [...] But most of the time, this rhetoric of cataclysm isn't even deployed in the service of particular policy priorities.  It's simply a way of talking about the danger posed by the other party.

'I Voted For Clinton' Hashtag Trends After Iran Strike.  Then Hillary Clinton's Iran Strategy Surfaced.  The hashtag, #IVotedForClinton, trended Tuesday night [1/7/2020] and Wednesday morning as those who proudly voted against President Donald Trump expressed their moral superiority in the wake of Iran's missile attack on several Iraqi bases hosting American troops.  There was just one big problem:  Hillary Clinton also had an aggressive Iran strategy that included the possibility of a major — "obliterating" — attack.  The hashtag began trending Tuesday night, as word broke that Iran had retaliated against the United States for killing Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani in a surgical strike inside Iraq last week by targeting U.S. military stationed at Iraqi military bases.  The attack did not result in any casualties and may have effectively ended climbing tensions.

The nightmare scenario if Hillary or Biden controlled foreign policy today.  A dive into Hillary Clinton's and Joe Biden's past statements about Iran reveals that America is very lucky that neither occupies the White House.  Looking at their past statements shows that each was an unguided, unprincipled missile who would have made a dangerous Commander-in-Chief.  The DailyWire reports that, since Iran took over the news, the hashtag "#IVotedForClinton" started trending on Twitter: [...] The problem is that Hillary's past behavior had nothing to do with respect, dignity, or statesmanlike behavior.  Hillary, after all, was the Secretary of State who boasted after Muammar Qaddafi's death, "We came, we saw, he died."  (This of course is the same woman who laughed when describing how she her clever legal tactics protected a child rapist from getting convicted.)  When it comes to spiking the football over people's deaths, Hillary and dignity . . . well, let's just say they're not a matched set.

The Media Claims That The NFL Discriminates Against Black Coaches.  The Facts Tell A Completely Different Story.  There has been a renewed panic this year over the supposed lack of black head coaches in the NFL.  To be precise, this panic is renewed every year around this time, when the demographic make up of new coaching hires inevitably fall short of the media's arbitrary expectations.  USA Today tells us that the NFL is "failing coaching candidates of color."  A column on Yahoo Sports laments that "black coaching hires" remain at a "dismal level."  We are not told precisely what the Black Coaching Level is supposed to be.  The Washington Post reports that black coaches are suffering from a "denial of opportunity."

Gun 'sanctuaries' compared to slavery, 'dangerous,' 'ugly,' 'disturbing'.  A new line of attack on Virginia's fast-growing gun sanctuary movement, which is propelling similar pro-gun efforts in other states, compares it to slavery, drawing criticism from movement leaders who have won support in 91% of the state's counties.  In the latest Washington Post slam on the movement, dubbed "vigilantism" in a recent editorial, the paper gave space Sunday to a critic who said the "thinking" behind the organic movement is what propelled slavery and opposed the civil rights movement.  Peter Galuszka called the movement "disturbing," "reactionary," "hysteria," "ugly," and "dangerous."

Pelosi's Democrats unite and catalyze the GOP.  Have you ever heard congressional Democrats pay such homage to the Constitution?  A Martian visitor to the House Democratic impeachment speeches might conclude that he happened upon a cult of constitutional originalists — that earthling James Madison's ghost had possessed every last one of them.  If I hear the words "threat to our democracy" one more time, I might just have to surrender out of sheer listener fatigue. [...] Despite all their professions of love for "our democracy," they are fair-weather supporters of our system and of the people's will, flouting the system whenever it serves their ends.

New Yorker Editor: 'Future of the Earth' Hangs on Trump's Impeachment.  CNN's so-called Reliable Sources has become a home for nutty pontificators.  Host Brian Stelter has welcomed unethical shrinks who have claimed President Trump was the most prolific killer in human history, a former cult member who claims Trump was a "destructive cult" leader, and Dan Rather.  During Sunday's latest edition, he had on New Yorker editor David Remnick, who proclaimed in all seriousness that the "future of the Earth" hung on Trump's impeachment and removal from office.  In talking about what he hoped would change after impeachment, Remnick said he wanted people to understand how high the stakes were when removing Trump from office.  According to him, it was larger than one man; the future of democracy and the world were hanging in the balance.

Nancy Pelosi Compares Impeachment to Battle of the Bulge Against Nazi Germany.  Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) launched the debate over the impeachment of President Donald Trump on Wednesday by comparing the Democrats' struggle to remove him from office to the Battle of the Bulge against Nazi Germany in World War II.  Described as "Hitler's Last Gamble," the battle began in December 1944, when the Nazis sent 200,000 troops into a surprise attack against American forces.  Though the Americans prevailed, 100,000 were killed or wounded over two months of fighting.  Pelosi drew an analogy between the impeachment debate and that battle, the largest ever fought by the U.S. Army.

Gov. Tim Walz to Trump on refugees: 'The inn is not full in Minnesota'.  Gov. Tim Walz notified the Trump administration Friday [12/13/2019] that the state will continue to welcome refugees, pointedly saying that the "inn is not full in Minnesota."  In a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Walz wrote that he rejects the intent of President Donald Trump's recent executive order requiring state and local governments to independently approve the resettlement of refugees in their communities.  The DFL governor also sought to highlight the contributions of immigrants and refugees.  "Minnesota has a strong moral tradition of welcoming those who seek refuge," Walz wrote.  "Refugees strengthen our communities.  Bringing new cultures and fresh perspectives, they contribute to the social fabric of our state.  Opening businesses and supporting existing ones, they are critical to the success of our economy.

The Editor says...
[#1] Using the phrase "the inn is not full" is an attempt to inject the emotional appeal of Christmas as a diversion.  This is particularly offensive coming from an official of the Abortion Party.  [#2] The immigrants who are being called "refugees" are, in my opinion, no such thing.  They just can't get food stamps in the countries they came from.  [#3] "Refugees strengthen our communities" is an outright lie.  The people calling themselves refugees are either destitute and in need of a handout, or they are Muslims coming here to reproduce rapidly, outnumber us at the ballot box, and then take over the country.  If they were all millionaires and doctors, they might strengthen the community, but they're not.  [#4] "Bringing new cultures and fresh perspectives" is code for the imposition of Sharia law.  It's also code for, "they can't speak English."  [#5] Immigrants are not "critical to the success of our economy."  The economy is doing well already.

Also posted under Lies about immigration.

Emma Thompson Delivers End-Times Climate Prophecy:  Foretells 'Pets Eaten, Crop Failures, and Ruined Lives'.  Oscar-winning actress and climate activist Emma Thompson has seen the future and behold, it is grim.  She warned Thursday [12/5/2019] the "climate crisis" means Britons must prepare for "crop failures" and the prospect of eating their own pets to survive a future of cataclysmic weather events, great suffering and injustice.

The Editor says...
[#1] Being an actress does not enhance the value of one's opinion about the weather.  [#2] One degree of temperature change per century isn't enough to cause anything of this sort.

Pelosi: 'Civilization as we Know it Today Is at Stake in the Next Election'.  During a town hall on CNN on Thursday [12/5/2019], House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stated that "Civilization as we know it" is "at stake" in the 2020 election, and that she doesn't know if America can "sustain" a second term of President Trump.  Pelosi said, "[T]he damage that this administration has done to America, America's a great country.  We can sustain.  Two terms, I don't know."

Republicans Will Live to Regret Joining Climate Alarmists.  Anxiety about global warming is skyrocketing in the Western world to the point one psychiatrist says, "I believe that everyone now has some climate anxiety."  It's no wonder.  Western leaders stoke the fires.  On November 28, 2019, the European parliament declared a global climate emergency.  Its members were responding in part to a children's crusade to save the planet.  In March 2019, millions of children in over 120 countries skipped school to embark on what has become a series of "climate strikes." [...] "Climate crisis" and "climate emergency" are replacing the neutral-sounding "climate change."  Then there's the threatening "extreme weather," which has become a major focus as warming has stalled over the last two decades. [...] A spokesperson for the climate change activist organization Extinction Rebellion (XR) said the group makes unsubstantiated predictions of billions of deaths within just a few years because "alarmist language works."

How America's Students Need to Get 'Woke'.  Today's university students want to "wake" the nation to problems that they and their professors have identified as threatening our very existence.  And they issue these periodic alarms in hyperbolic terms:  we have just 10, 20 — fill in the blanks — years to end fossil fuel use or else die from global warming.  They warn us that there is a veritable war waged on American women who have been limited to a mere 800,000 abortions on average per year.  Sexism must explain why only 56 percent of college students are women.

We Must Confront 'Climate Change' with Reason Rather Than Emotion.  As you might imagine, alarmists who want to motivate a lackadaisical public would want something more dramatic than "climate change."  Most surveys that ask us to rate "the most important thing'"among a list of policy choices generally rank "climate change" at or near the bottom.  Other priorities are seen as more important, including health care, the homeless, unemployment, education, and perhaps even fixing potholes.  So, ramping up the emotion of "climate change" is important if it is to have a higher priority, and especially if major transformations in lifestyle and government expenditures are required.  The winning terms in Spark Neuro's research were "climate crisis" and "environmental destruction."

CNN Hopes Americans Fret Over Climate 'Catastrophe' This ThanksgivingCNN Newsroom co-host Jim Sciutto and "climate correspondent" Bill Weir spent time Wednesday [11/27/2019] warning it may be "too late" to stop the upcoming environmental global catastrophe.  While most Americans are going to be enjoying their families and remembering what they are thankful for this holiday, the CNN duo claimed families would be sitting around worrying about how the world is going to become uninhabitable in the next decade.  Sciutto opened the segment hyping a new United Nations report that warned humanity was running out of time to stop the impending catastrophe.  "Folks, this is important.  A new United Nations report warns that countries are running out of time to limit — just limit, the climate crisis and it could soon be too late to prevent temperatures around the world from rising to near catastrophic levels.  This is real!" Sciutto fretted, really laying on the dramatics.

The Editor says...
There is no climate crisis.  There is no extraordinary world-wide temperature increase:  Certainly nothing you'd ever notice, and definitely nothing that can or should be fixed by shutting down all industrial activity.

The Emotionalism of the Left.  Those on the left claim they hold their views because they are intellectually superior to those of us on the right.  But studies have shown that liberals are more emotional than conservatives.  Perhaps this is the real reason for their views.  If you look at the positions liberals take on issues, it's easy to see how their emotions drive them, crowding out logic and facts.

After the Impeachment.  There's rough road ahead no matter which of the opponents wins.  The two sides of the deepening conflict are very different in their composition and hot-button issues, but also especially in responses to losing. [...] Here, the Traditionalists, who rely more on factual content and logical coherence, are at a distinct disadvantage in that their issues don't stir the emotions as much as those employed by the Resistance.

Liberal Pundits, Activists Strike Back After Obama Suggests Democrats Not Move Too Far Left.  Liberal pundits and activists criticized former President Barack Obama on Saturday morning after he suggested the Democratic Party should avoid leaning "too far left" ahead of the 2020 election.  Democrats laid into the former president after he urged them to consider a moderate approach during a fundraising meeting Friday [11/15/2019].  Climate activists and pundits turned on Obama, suggesting on Twitter that he was enabling that white supremacists gain a foothold in American politics.

The Editor says...
What does white supremacy have to do with the climate?

Impeachment by Focus Group.  Anyone following the increasingly desperate Democratic impeachment effort will by now be aware that they have exchanged the term "quid pro quo" for "bribery" and "extortion."  They rebranded President Trump's alleged offenses, according to a Washington Post report, after the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee conducted a number of focus groups to test their messaging.  The use of a marketing tool for something so serious confirms that, for the Democrats, impeachment is just another election strategy they hope will get traction if they dumb down the narrative.  This betrays breathtaking contempt for the nation's institutions as well as the voters.

Democrats Are Failing the Reality Test.  It's hard to think of a major Democrat issue and proposed solution that is not a fake.  It's an emergency.  What's the emergency?  Everything.  The planet, white privilege, transgender rights, Nazi policies on the border, killer cops.  A health care crisis so dire the government must ban private insurance, private doctors, and private hospitals.  Most of all President Trump is a walking emergency.  His voters are hate-filled bigots who love his authoritarian tendencies.  They are a danger to our democracy.

Nancy Pelosi Says 'The Growing Climate Crisis is the Existential Threat of Our Time'.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) issued a statement on Monday [11/4/2019] condemning President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement and declaring that the "growing climate crisis is the existential threat of our time."

The Editor says...
There is no climate crisis.  The weather is not an existential threat.  Nobody care about global warming any more.  Even if you're as old as Nancy Pelosi, the climate is indistinguishable today from the climate in the year you were born.

How Did Democrats Get Here?  Ordinary Democrats' extreme hatred of Trump and his supporters is far from normal.  Insisting we enforce immigration laws on the books is not the second coming of Hitler.  Democrats genuinely believe it is.  They talk themselves into nonsense, while Trump is gains popularity among Hispanic voters (who made up 30 percent of the audience at his rally in New Mexico).  The fact that Presidents Clinton and Obama both urged securing our borders makes no difference.  When Trump obeys American law, he is evil.

Bernie Sanders:  Trump Is Racist, Sexist, Xenophobe, Homophobe, Religious Bigot.  Presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) campaigned in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on Sunday night alongside Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and attempted to slam President Donald Trump with unsubstantiated labels.  "This is, in addition to all of that, a president who is a racist, who is a sexist, who is a xenophobe, a homophobe, and a religious bigot," Bernie Sanders claimed.  "This is a president who is trying to divide us up based on the color of our skin, where we were born, our sexual orientation, or our religion."

Pete Buttigieg: 'We Will Not Recognize' America if Donald Trump Is Re-Elected in 2020.  Mayor Pete Buttigieg said Friday [11/1/2019] that Democrats would not recognize America if President Donald Trump was re-elected in 2020.  "This country cannot afford four more years of Donald Trump," he said.  "We will not recognize it if he gets reelected."

Steve Schmidt:  If Trump Is Not Impeached the American Republic Will No Longer Exist.  On Thursday's broadcast of MSNBC's "Deadline," Steve Schmidt, John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign manager, said President Donald Trump must be removed from office by impeachment or "we don't live in the American republic that existed from 1787 until 2017."

Alex Vindman's Impeachment Testimony Completely Rested On His Personal Opinions.  A lot of rhetoric is being thrown around, both in print media and on TV, about Lt. Col. Alex Vindman's testimony before the House Intelligence Committee about President Trump's phone call with the president of Ukraine.  He has been lauded by Democrats and the press (excuse the redundancy), and most of the commentary and reporting ignores any analysis of his allegations about the call.  In Vindman's testimony, I see more appeals to emotion than to analysis and reason.

Democrats may come to regret choosing impeachment over independents.  Ukraine.  Doral.  Impeachment.  Syria.  Schiff and Pelosi.  Hunter and Joe.  Trump and Trump.  Impeachment.  Secret hearings and secret Russian "assets."  Impeachment.  The media can't get enough of it.  Most people have had enough already.

Democrats Seek to Drown Trump in Drama.  Democrats are running their own version of a hostage scenario, only they've taken a sizable portion of the American public hostage to their eardrum-splitting insanity.  Their hope is to create a crushing wave of noise and disruption through the use of bogus impeachment screeds, relentless media attacks, Antifa violence, never-ending investigations, daily Deep State leaks, Intelligence Community hits, strategically placed partisan polls, and the rest of the tactics they are deploying.  That noise becomes overwhelming, which is the point.  The never-ending churn is intended to wear out America to where enough voters so desire a return to "normalcy" that they will submit and vote for the Democrat.  They are trying to force voters to wave the white flag.  Their hope is that drama-exhausted voters will blame President Trump for their misdeeds and pull the lever for the Democrat.

Anti-Trump Psychodrama 10.0?  What do the Kavanaugh hearings, Jussie Smollett, the Covington kids, the Mueller investigation, and now the Trump phone call all have in common?  Staged melodrama, media collusion hysteria, progressive demands that justice be served immediately, promises of walls-are-closing-in blockbuster revelations from new witnesses, supposed surprise revelatory documents, fusions between Democratic politicians and Washington bureaucrats — and then bust, nada, and teeth-gnashing as the truth catches up to various rumor-mongers.

MSNBC: Only Liberal Media Watchers Understand 'Sins of the President'.  Appearing on MSNBC Live With Stephanie Ruhle on Friday morning [10/4/2019], NBC News senior media reporter Dylan Byers warned that President Trump's reaction to the Democrats' impeachment push was a "very strategic effort" and argued that only those getting their news from liberal media outlets would truly understand the "sins of the President." [...] [J]ust minutes before this segment, anchor Stephanie Ruhle declared the President to be a "sociopath" and labeled all Republicans as his "enablers."  Not exactly sober news coverage.

In Trump impeachment, 'no one is above the law' could backfire on Democrats.  "No one is above the law," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as she announced the Democratic effort to impeach President Trump over the Ukraine matter.  The phrase has become a Democratic mantra in the new impeachment push.  But it could, in the end, serve to highlight the weakness of the Democratic strategy. [...] Democrats might better say, "No president is above impeachment," which lacks punch but is more accurate.  Doing so, however, would emphasize the political nature of the battle and could make it more difficult for Democrats to win broad support for removing Trump.  So they say, "No one is above the law."  But what, exactly, does that mean?

Krugman: Either Trump Goes to Jail, or 'Thousands of Journalists' in 'Prison Camps'.  Shelby Talcott at the Daily Caller reports New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman was making wild and silly prdictions again, this time about the Trump impeachment attempt:  "Starting to look like two possible outcomes:  Trump and a number of others end up in jail, or thousands of journalists end up in prison camps." [...] This is the kind of crud that leftists throw non-stop, even now, when there isn't a single example of a journalist in jail, despite their wild predictions before the inauguration.

Climate Hysteria Is Damaging Children.  Climate activist Greta Thunberg's recent speech to the United Nations seemed to reveal a deeply troubled individual.  She said her childhood was taken away from her by the looming threat of climate change, and she blamed world leaders for letting it happen.  She has every reason to be upset, but she is directing her anger at the wrong people.  The real culprit is the green catastrophe industry that manufactures crises out of nothing.  The critical ingredient in Thunberg's climate anxiety is her youth.  Had she been older, she would have lived through so many false alarms that she would have grown numb and wary of green catastrophists. [...] Green catastrophism is a never-ending story.  Green activists try to scare people into submission, and the youngest and most ignorant are always the most vulnerable, as evidenced by Thunberg, who falsely believes that the world is heading for mass extinction.

St Greta Thunberg and the fake Climate Change Children's Crusade.  [Scroll down]  Which leads to the current issue of Greta Thunberg and her inflammatory public remarks.  Her exploiters chose to incorporate her vulnerability as an organic part of their latest PR stunt.  This possesses the hallmarks of a well-funded, worldwide propaganda movement that chose to exploit Greta Thunberg and elevate her to the level of secular saint.  These evil clowns have clearly taken advantage of a vulnerable young woman and have managed to weaponize her condition.  That's considerably worse than what got Michael Knowles exiled to Fox News Purgatory for life.  Even worse, far from any opponent using Greta's Asperger's condition as an opening for ad hominem attacks, at least one hard left publication — The Guardian — chose to shamelessly exploit the situation to add even greater levels of virtual signaling to this already appalling case of child exploitation.

Far-Left 'MSNBC' Conspiracy Theorist Joy Reid Says 'White Christian Men' Want Apartheid In America.  Joy Reid, a far-left conspiracy theorist and host on 'MSNBC,' said 'White Christian men' want to bring racially segregated apartheid to America in order to keep power.  [Video clip]

Colorado Communists Protest Outside ICE Warden's Home: 'No Borders, No Nations!'  Communists and anti-enforcement activists in Denver, Colorado, protested outside the home of an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility warden, shouting, "No borders, no nations, no racist deportations!"  As Breitbart News has chronicled, Abolish ICE Denver, Denver Communists, and Denver Action Network organized outside the home of Aurora's ICE processing center warden Johnny Choate, arriving in shirts reading, "Let them all in," and, "Close the concentration camps."

Writer Freaks Out Over People Eating Delicious Chick-fil-A: 'They're Eating Fried Chicken SPITEFULLY!'  A Canadian publication, The Star, has printed an unintentionally hilarious editorial by a very disgruntled LGBTQWTF writer, Andrew Wheeler.  Mr. Wheeler is very upset.  His outrage and dismay have been caused by your love of delicious chicken from Chick-fil-A.  How dare you???  In an essay entitled "Chick-fil-A is ideologically opposed to my existence," Wheeler rails against the insensitivity of people who love chicken and waffle fries because it hurts his feelings, or something.

Swedish Teen Activist Exploited by Left Lectures US Congress on Alleged Climate Change.  When the left isn't killing unborn babies, they're exploiting children.  First they trotted out David Hogg to lecture us on the 2nd Amendment, now a 16-year-old from Sweden is lecturing us on non-existent global warming.  16-year-old Swedish 'Climate Change' activist Greta Thunberg appeared before US lawmakers on Wednesday [9/18/2019] to lecture the US on the climate hoax.

Good News.  I rarely watch cable news anymore.  It's all hysteria, all the time.  CNN: "We are destroying the planet."  MSNBC: "The middle class is disappearing!"  President Donald Trump says drug trafficking "is worse than ever!"  I'm glad my favorite magazine, Reason, cuts through the gloom and tells us the truth:  There is less war and more food.  We live healthier and longer lives. [...] It's a surprising message, since most journalists tell us everything's terrible.

Omar Compares Migrant Shelters to Dungeons Used in African Slave Trade.  Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) compared migrant shelters in the U.S. to dungeons used during the African slave trade, according to a video that surfaced Saturday evening [9/14/2019].

How AR-15s Became the Plastic Straws of the Gun World.  Demagogues need scapegoats.  Yet just as banning plastic straws won't make a dent in the ocean-polluting plastics problem, banning "assault rifles" (which aren't) won't save even one life.  It's tragic how, just like faddish teenagers playing a dangerous or stupid social-media-driven prank, so-called adults go on misguided, media-driven, lynch-mob kicks.  Remember when SUVs were demonized as planet killers approximately 15 to 20 years ago?  Some environmentalists claimed that SUV drivers were essentially "hate group" members, and other vandalism-crazy greenies would, ironically, set fire to the vehicles to combat global warming.  Yet SUVs currently appear more popular than ever, and all is quiet on the gas-guzzler front.  What happened?  The demagogues and their dupes have moved on to a different neurotic fixation.

Hands Off the Electoral College.  Everyone had that one annoying childhood friend who would spoil every game. [...] Nothing better typifies the Left's disdain for our institutions today.  The Supreme Court was fine until President Trump appointed two constitutionalist justices, but now, Democrats are openly supporting court-packing to ram their agenda through.  The Senate was fine for centuries, but now, when Democrats control the House but not the Senate, leftists openly call for its abolition.  The latest fad on the left is the push to eliminate the Electoral College, which has lately been tarred as a "racist scam," a "misogynistic and sexist" institution, and the "greatest threat to our democracy."

We've got to throw everything at the climate crisis.  The climate crisis threatens global sea-level rises of well over half a metre if we fail to act, while tidal storm surges will reach many times that height.  Fiercer and more frequent hurricanes will batter us, and millions of people who live in areas where crops have failed and wells run dry will be forced to flee their homes.

The Editor says...
That was just a brief excerpt.  The article goes on at length in a hysterical recitation of dire predictions of certain doom that's almost completely avoidable, if we don't all spend trillions of dollars to stop climate change right now!  But the writer offers no evidence to back up any of her assorted claims (the Amazon jungle is burning up, the polar ice caps are melting, people are fleeing their homes because of the climate, the sea level is rapidly rising, etc.)  We are supposed to accept these claims, apparently, along with her expensive solutions — whether or not you can see any change in the weather for yourself.

The Climate-Change Depressives.  For the past few years, climate-change activism has shifted its focus from the potential dangers of climate change to the present threat of "climate crisis."  If the idea was to scare people into facing the problem squarely, it's working.  But not in the way activists had hoped.  Some on the left are so convinced by claims of flood, drought, and fire that they now deem the problem unsolvable.  Of course, if all the doomsday tales were actually true, then these climate-change depressives would be dead right.  Lucky for all of us, they've merely been taken in by a publicity campaign gone wild.

This man is a buffoon.
Beto O'Rourke declares 'right' to live close to work; rich should 'be forced' to live among poor.  Presidential hopeful Beto O'Rourke says it is a fundamental "right" for individuals to live near their place of employment and that wealthy Americans should "be forced" to live among the poor.  "Living close to work shouldn't be a luxury for the rich.  It's a right for everyone," the former Texas congressman tweeted Monday evening [9/9/2019].

One thing to change:  Anecdotes aren't data.  One death from a self-driving Tesla makes worldwide headlines, but the 1.25 million deaths each year from human-driven vehicles don't.  Small children are traumatized by school drills that teach them how to hide from rampage shooters, who have an infinitesimal chance of killing them compared with car crashes, drownings, or, for that matter, non-rampage killers, who slay the equivalent of a Sandy Hook and a half every day.  Several heavily publicized police shootings have persuaded activists that minorities are in mortal danger from racist cops, whereas three analyses (two by Harvard faculty, Sendhil Mullainathan and Roland Fryer) have shown no racial bias in police shootings.  Many people are convinced that the country is irredeemably racist, sexist, homophobic, and sexually assaultive, whereas all of these scourges are in steady decline (albeit not quickly enough).  People on both the right and left have become cynical about global institutions because they think that the world is becoming poorer and more war-torn, whereas in recent decades global measures of extreme poverty and battle deaths have plummeted.

The leftist, Democrat socialist, Green Hypocrite folks talk a good story.  [Scroll down]  Many in this new category are celebrities, politicians, and others with megaphones far louder than their own green moral turpitude.  They're everywhere, it seems, spewing death and destruction from inside their gas-guzzling limousines and Lear jets.  They attend meaningful conferences the world over the better to preach to us of the virtues of ceding trillions of dollars to fend off global climate change.  Examples of fatalistic rhetoric by these greenies unfortunately abound.  U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez famously warns us that we have but ten years to live.

San Francisco Declares NRA a 'Domestic Terrorist Organization'.  San Francisco, the "sanctuary city" for illegal aliens — now crowded with homeless people camping and defecating on sidewalks — has just declared the National Rifle Association a "domestic terrorist organization."  The resolution, which the Board of Supervisors passed unanimously Tuesday, urges the rest of the country to "do the same."  The resolution accuses the NRA or mustering "its considerable wealth and organizational strength to promote gun ownership and incite gun owners to acts of violence."

The Return of the Tea-Party-is-Racist Smear.  [Scroll down]  My most vivid recollection of the great Tea Party's Taxpayer March on Washington on the National Mall on September 12, 2009 was the white Tea Partiers being overjoyed to meet and greet the few black Americans that turned up at the event.  It was even a bit embarrassing to see how pathetically glad they were to see African-Americans joining their parade.  So there you are:  if the Tea Partiers were overjoyed to see blacks at their march, that's racism, straight up!  But hey:  If you opposed any of President Obama's initiatives, they called you a racist.  If you oppose Affirmative Action or "diversity and inclusion" they call you a racist.  If you attack any liberal black politician they call you a racist.  If you oppose any liberal program they call you a racist.  Not to mention that if you disagree with a feminist they call you a sexist, and if you disagree with an LGBT they call you a homophobe.

Rejection of Moral Absolutes Plagues the Modern Left.  Recently, the GOP candidate in Louisiana's governor's race, Ralph Abraham, made headlines — headlines! — because he ran a 30-second ad that included the phrase "as a doctor, I can assure you, there are only two genders."  They were so aghast at MSNBC that host Chris Jansing declared that Abraham's comments were "incendiary."  According to NewsBusters, Jansing's guest — because the Left must have its "experts" explain to us why there are not only two genders — went even farther and said that to declare that there are only two genders is now "despicable" and "un-American."  In other words, a statement that, just a few years ago, the vast majority of us would've considered so obvious that it was patronizing is now "incendiary" and "despicable."

The Amazon Scam.  Emmanuel Macron may not technically be a celebrity, but he tweets like one.  Prior to the G-7 summit, the French president declared on Twitter, "The Amazon rain forest — the lungs which produce 20% of our planet's oxygen — is on fire."  He added that "our house is burning," and called the fires an "international crisis." [...] The Amazon fires are catnip for proponents of radical action on the climate.  They pine for a mediagenic, easy-to-understand planetary emergency and are happy to manufacture one as necessary. [...] Is the Amazon the lungs of the world?  No.  This is drivel based on an erroneous understanding of how the atmosphere gets its oxygen.

AOC's Instagram Rant Confirms Her Cluelessness About Climate Change.  During an Instagram live video, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., discussed her thoughts on climate change.  Her comments were riddled with factual inaccuracies.  In part of her video, Ocasio-Cortez said, "Even when I was on vacation, I woke up in the middle of the night at 3:30 in the morning just concerned about climate change."  As the video continued, Ocasio-Cortez said diseases are going to escape from frozen glaciers and humans will "contract" them.

Yes, Immigrants Should Be Less Dependent On U.S. Welfare, And So Should Everyone Else.  The Trump administration announced long-awaited "public charge" immigration regulations this week, and the furor immediately kicked up to derangement level.  Reason's Shikha Dalmia called the policy a "complete abuse of the original understanding" of the law.  In the Washington Post, opinion writer Paul Waldman said the policy sends a message:  "We hate you and we don't want you here, and if you come we will treat you with all the cruelty we can muster."  CNN's legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin went so far as to call the proposed regulation "un-American."  There is very little nuance left in political discourse.  Every administration policy is said to be the key to saving America or the final step in dooming it, depending on your point of view.

The battle cry of the politically homeless.  I'm tired of the toxic tribalism infecting the very foundations of our democracy, straining our relationships, and poisoning our view of our fellow humans.  I'm tired of everyone being outraged, getting worked up over the latest news cycle only to forget about it two hours later.  Tired of being afraid to voice my own opinions, of knowing how saying the wrong thing at a barbecue while someone is filming on their iPhone could result in a nationwide clarion call for my head on a pike.  I'm tired of rage mobs and cancelations.

SUNY Women's Studies Staffer:  Milking Cows Is 'Sexual Assault'.  A new research paper published last week by a staff member of the women's studies department at SUNY Brockport makes the case that the dairy industry's production process involves the "rape" and "sexual assault" of cows.  According to a report by Campus Reform, a staff member of the women's studies department at The College at Brockport, State University of New York argued in a recently published academic journal article that the production of milk on farms is akin to "rape" and "sexual assault.

The Left and Its Dishonest 'Truths'.  [Scroll down]  So how does the Left lie to mischaracterize?  It's oftentimes subtle, but it comes as follows:  If you believe in legal, controlled immigration and want to prevent illegal crossings by supporting border walls, then you are anti-immigrant and a xenophobe.  If you oppose programs such as affirmative action because you believe that blacks are just as capable at succeeding or failing as whites, it doesn't matter.  You hate black people and are therefore a racist.  If you believe that welfare programs should be used more as a helping hand, for when one truly needs them, rather than as a perpetual handout, making one a permanent ward of the state, it doesn't matter.  You hate the poor.  Dare challenge the basic premise of the "gender pay-gap" by stating that the "77 cents on the dollar" average is not based on an objective apples-to-apples comparison — and voilà:  you are now a women-hater!  If you believe that men who self-identify as women shouldn't be allowed to compete in women's sports because it would be unfair for women, it does not matter!  You are a transphobe.  You may not have a problem personally with "marriage" defined between two members of the same sex.  However, what if [...] you still adhere to the biblical definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman?  Guess what:  you're a homophobe.

Red Flags and White Supremacists.  For the past two years, the left's 'go to' words were "Russia," "Mueller," and "collusion."  Mueller's investigation and report were a big swing and a miss and not surprisingly these words have quickly been erased from the vocabularies of cable news anchors and their panels.  On a dime, coincident with a handful of mass shootings, the left's new favorite words are "racist" and "white supremacist."

Proposed Gun Laws Would Do Nothing to Prevent Mass Killings, and Everyone Knows It.  The demonization of "assault weapons" is merely a pretext to get gaggles of ignorant, squealing soccer moms who don't know a muzzle from a buttplate to demand what the Democrats have always wanted: total gun control.

Civil War Over 2nd Amendment?  Pay Attention.  This is the time when a good government can go bad, when the laws of freedom that have governed us for over 200 years are in jeopardy.  It could easily lead to civil war to have everyone who owns a semi-automatic rifle instantly become a criminal.  It's what happens when people run on emotion rather than rational thought on the consequences of their actions.

Nicolle Wallace Apologizes for Saying Trump Is 'Talking About Exterminating Latinos'.  On Tuesday night [8/6/2019], failed McCain/Palin campaign official, former Republican, and MSNBC's Deadline:  White House host Nicolle Wallace apologized for claiming during Monday's show that President Donald Trump has been "talking about exterminating Latinos."

MSNBC host apologizes after guest said 'natural conclusion' of Trump's rhetoric could lead to an 'extermination' of Latinos.  MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace issued an apology Tuesday evening over remarks made during a panel discussion stemming from a guest's suggestion that President Trump has been "talking about exterminating Latinos."  On Monday [8/5/2019], Wallace led a conversation where USA Today opinion columnist Raul Reyes slammed Trump's remarks condemning white supremacy since he had "basically declared open season on Latinos" during his entire presidency.

NBC News contributor raises suspicions over Trump's order to fly US flags half-staff until Aug. 8.  NBC News contributor Frank Figliuzzi said Monday [8/5/2019] that President Trump's decision to fly American flags half-staff until Aug. 8, in response to the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings, could be seen by white supremacists as a nod to Adolf Hitler.

Language Now Has No Meaning.  The most fascist group in America today is called "Antifa," short for anti-fascist.  Any criticism of a non-White is called "racism."  Any criticism of a non-male is "misogyny."  An innocent righteous Caucasian male gets tagged before a Senate Judiciary Committee by a perjurious woman as a "rapist."  Even the term "Holocaust" is up for grabs.  Rashida Tlaib finds it "calming" to think about the Holocaust.  Every thing you don't like is a "Holocaust," and every person you don't like is a "Nazi," and every place you don't like is a "concentration camp."

10 Things Democrats Want to Take Away.  Lately, Democrats have been talking a lot about "what's at stake."  Want to know what's at stake?  A booming economy, safer communities, and a strong military.  When everyday Americans look at their bigger paychecks or the "now hiring" signs in their hometowns, they have only one party to thank for that.  Spoiler:  it isn't the Democrats.  No, they fought us every step of the way as we worked to help everyone in this country have a chance at a better life.  When we rolled back regulations that were hurting families and small business owners, they voted NO.  When we overhauled an outdated tax code so that workers and families could get ahead, they voted NO.  And they had plenty of chances to help us with border security, and they always voted NO.

The Suicide 'Squad'.  They're like a Pavlovian experiment gone wrong — whenever anyone challenges them or their assertions, or does not immediately capitulate to their every demand, "RACISM!" is cried.  For the first time in my life I have some pity for Saturday Night Live writers because how do you mock that?  You could have them act rationally in a skit, but that wouldn't work.  For comedy to be truly funny it has to be based in reality.  And the Gang of Four don't live in reality.

The Left's Shorthand Smear Tactics.  Bringing up truths — even when uncomfortable or inconvenient — is not "smearing."  Neither is asking legitimate questions about the ideology, background, or constitutional eligibility of "people of color in politics."  The "smearing" happens when the media, in near-perfect unison, silences the askers with the awful charge of racism.

Genius! Beto O'Rourke:  "In My Administration We Are Going to Make Sure No One Is Criminally Prosecuted for Being a Human Being".  Beto O'Rourke came out with a new promise to voters on Sunday [7/14/2019].  The liberal darling and dunce told reporters he will "make sure" under his administration that "no one is criminally prosecuted for being a human being."  Thank goodness!  That is such a relief.

Fake News Begins With Fake Language.  The term "Alien" has been all but expunged from the immigration vernacular, even though it is a term that is an integral element of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). [...] The media now uses more obfuscating terms to describe illegal aliens.  In addition to referring to them as immigrants (thereby insulting and impugning lawful immigrants) lately they refer to them as "asylum seekers" and "migrants." [...] For many Americans, however, the term "asylum seeker" falsely engenders legitimacy and creates sympathy for illegal aliens.  "Sanctuary Cities" promise to protect "immigrants" from ICE.  Immigrants need no such protection.  Those jurisdiction protect illegal aliens including criminals, fugitives and potentially terrorists.  Americans are well-known for being compassionate and thus using such terminology is designed to generate empathy and obfuscate the truth.

CNN's Bakari Sellers:  Trump Administration Is 'Literally Terrorizing People' With ICE Raids.  Former Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum argued Sunday [7/14/2019] that the Trump administration is "literally terrorizing people" by going through with planned ICE raids on illegal immigrants under deportation orders.  During a panel segment of "State of the Union" with Jake Tapper, Gillum called the raids a "strategy" designed to "demonize black and brown people" in order to secure a second term in the White House.

Could I have some news with my emotions, please?  Emotion now blankets the media landscape like an infant's crib at bedtime.  Google "Shepard Smith emotional," and up come nearly 3 million results, many of them focused on the Fox anchor's recent visceral response to immigrant suffering.  A search of "Rachel Maddow crying" delivers more than 1 million offerings, many for the MSNBC host's reaction to border detentions and the Mueller report.  "Brooke Baldwin tears" uncovers nearly 2 million entries for the CNN reporter's reaction to a variety of news events.  They are not alone.  Contemporary culture trusts feelings over facts, rewards heated emotion — tears or anger — and rejects medium cool.  The effect on journalism is unmistakable.  And a lot of the blame can be placed on those all-too-common twin devils:  television and the internet.

Former Border Patrol Chief Tom Homan Explodes at Hearing, Goes Off on Unhinged Democrat.  For months Democrats claimed the record border crossings was a manufactured crisis.  Now they are attacking US Border Patrol for not having enough resources.  Congress is responsible to provide resources but they refuse to do their job.  The Democrats took turns attacking former ICE Director Tom Homan.  Rep. Garcia was particularly vile with his attacks on Homan.  Have we not learned from the internment of Japanese Americans?... Do you not care?  Is it because these children do not look like children that are around you?  I don't get it.  Have you ever held a deceased child in your arms?

Why Climate Activists Threaten Endangered Species With Extinction.  Last Saturday [6/22/2019], police in New York arrested 70 people protesting the lack of attention to climate change.  They unfurled a banner that read, "climate change = mass murder" with the word "change" crossed out and replaced by the word "emergency."  It was just the latest in a series of high-profile protests organized by an exciting new environmental group, Extinction Rebellion.  In April, police in London arrested more than 1,000 people committing civil disobedience during a week of protests.  As police arrested Extinction Rebellion protesters on Waterloo Bridge, Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg spoke to activists at nearby Hyde Park.  "We are now facing an existential crisis, the climate crisis and ecological crisis, which have never been treated as crises before," said the 16-year-old.

The Lost Left.  What an amazing last week we've had. [...] It wouldn't be correct to judge where the week started, as every one of the Democrats' unnerving errors built upon a previous gaffe.  For example, there was Frederica Wilson, the abjectly, obscenely idiotic congresswoman from the Miami area, who threw a tantrum and demanded that people who make fun of members of Congress ought to be "prosecuted."  Wilson's laughable outburst, or at least her latest one in a never-ending string of them, built upon a similarly stupid statement by her fellow Democrat Congresscritter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who amid a shameful trip to a holding facility along our border with Mexico alleged that illegal immigrants housed in that facility were forced to drink out of toilets.

How odd that nobody ever noticed this until now.
Congresswomen Tweet 'Declaration of Independence Is Sexist, Racist, Prejudiced'.  On the Fourth of July, Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) marked Independence Day by tweeting an article from the progressive news outlet Salon, condemning the Declaration of Independence because the document "did not condemn slavery, protect the rights of women or include Native Americans."

Open Borders Mean Closed Opportunities for National Prosperity.  "We Believe No Human is Illegal."  "Black Lives Matter."  "No matter where you are from, we're glad you're our neighbor."  One [sign] in my ultra-liberal neighborhood speaks to me more than the others, however, as it tends to provoke a personal identity crisis.  "Everyone is Welcome Here," it reads. [...] This particular slogan also invites questioning as to where the other limits of this sentiment are drawn.  Because surely not everyone should be welcome.  To say that everyone — no matter their character or intentions — is welcome into a country does not just contradict logic and infantilize ethics, politics, and civil society.  It also means that you simply do not have a country anymore.

Democrat 2020 illegal immigration hysteria reaches new heights.  The madness kicked off with the question of what should be done to the thousands of people converging daily at the southern border.  Kamala Harris announced that she "will release children from cages."  John Hickenlooper expressed his utmost disbelief "that this country would sanction federal agents to take children from the arms of their parents, put them in cages, actually put them up for adoption[.]"  "This president, though, for immigrants, there is nothing he will not do to separate a family, cage a child," Eric Swalwell chimed in.  To anyone affected by amnesia, let it be known that the president signed an executive order last year that directed the Department of Homeland Security to keep families together after they were detained crossing the border illegally.

Democrats' New Favorite Word to Bludgeon Trump: 'Ethical'.  Last fall, the New York Times published a "definitive list" of Trump's ethical violations.  With a definitive list already in print, why continue with more now, as the paper did June 13 with a story about the president's comments on listening to trash on his opponents?  Obviously, the Times isn't done with "unethical."  On June 13, Nancy Pelosi got a lot of press for saying, "He does not know right from wrong," but the truth is, that's a ridiculous generalization.  It's the sort of thing progressives, or children, say when they don't like someone.

While We Are on the Subject of Nazis....  The Nazi seizure of power and subsequent destruction of democracy were made possible by Nazi fearmongering that manipulated a German public into voting away their rights.  But it must be noted that the circumstances that led to Hitler's rise to power were something of a perfect storm, and they bear no resemblance to modern America. [...] This has not, however, stopped either party from engaging in more than a little fearmongering of its own. [...] Following the Trump-Hitler comparison, [Don] Lemon suggested an equivalence between Trump supporters and the Kool-Aid drinkers at Jonestown, Guyana.  He also says, "For people of color in this county, this [i.e., the presidential election] is a life or death issue."  This is absurd.  No one, no matter their color or creed, faces "life or death" circumstances at the polls in 2020.

AOC: I'm Outraged That Mitch McConnell Killed The House Border Bill I Voted Against!  The outrage never stops with Rep. Ocasio-Cortez.  Today she expressed outraged that a House border funding bill did not pass in the Senate.  She said this despite the fact that she vocally opposed the same bill and refused to vote for it when it was passed by the House earlier this week.

Biden Likens Cultural Effects Of Trump's 2016 Victory To RFK's Assassination.  Former Vice President Joe Biden compared President Donald Trump's 2016 election victory to the assassinations of former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and civil rights leader Martin Luther King.  Trump's victory awakened the millennial generation to the importance of getting involved in politics, Biden said in an interview Saturday [6/22/2019].  The former vice president is one of 25 prominent Democrats running against Trump in 2020.

The Editor says...
There are not "25 prominent Democrats" running in the 2020 election.  There are about six or eight who have any reasonable chance of being nominated (and then soundly defeated by Trump), followed by various party insiders, mayors and miscellaneous bureaucrats that nobody outside of his or her home state has ever heard of.  The chaff and the dregs are just adding background noise.  And the whole process, in my opinion, is a charade, because the Democratic Party machine has already selected the nominee.

Dangerous Derangement.  America cannot continue as a republic without the acceptance that one party routinely will be turned out of office.  Democrats no longer accept that bedrock principle of American liberty.  They see themselves as the only party entitled to govern.  "Trump Derangement Syndrome" and the Russian collusion frame-up are two faces of the same coin:  Democrats now reject the orderly succession of power through duly constituted elections.  Democrats have whipped the nation into mass hysteria for three years.  It's a destructive game, manipulating people into a rage until Americans see each other as enemies.  Most dangerous of all, driven by the social justice agenda of Obama progressives, Democrats are purposely delegitimizing our democratic institutions.

Ocasio-Cortez Showcases the Left's Reverse McCarthyism.  Backing up one's arguments with facts and sound reasoning is difficult and time consuming, especially when you try to defend a demonstrably bankrupt ideology like socialism.  It's much easier and less time consuming simply to yell "Nazi!" at all conservatives and draw half-witted historical comparisons as Ocasio-Cortez did.

AOC compares border crisis to Nazi Germany as the US gives free healthcare to illegal immigrants.  Because freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., once said that "a very, very long time ago" she had Jews in her family, I'm assuming it's culturally fine for her to make Holocaust comparisons as she sees fit.  But are we allowed to call her an airhead for effectively accusing U.S. Border Patrol agents, which are currently breaking their backs to to save dying Central Americans, of functioning like Nazis?

'I don't use those words lightly': AOC compares US southern border to the Holocaust.  Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused U.S. immigration officials of running "concentration camps" on the U.S. southern border.  Ocasio-Cortez spoke to her followers on Instagram in another one of her live, unscripted videos on Monday evening [6/17/2019].  The New York Democrat said current U.S. immigration policy rivals the Nazi's treatment of Jews and other prisoners in World War II.  "The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border, and that is exactly what they are.  They are concentration camps," Ocasio-Cortez said.

Responsible people recoil when politically pejorative terms are hurled around.  The word "Racist!" has no meaning anymore.  During the Wasted Obama Decade, Holy War rampages by Arab Muslims on Jihad were called "workplace violence," but opponents of Obamacare were called "Racist!" When one compares a contemplative reasoned federal judge who is pro-life with David Duke and Adolf Hitler — well, "Racist!" means nothing.  Maybe that is the reason that the true racists — Al Sharpton, Linda Sarsour, Tamika Mallory, etc. — never are called "Racist!" but instead hurl the epithet at others who simply agree with the economic principles of Milton Friedman or the founding principles of the Constitution.  There is no end to the outrageous defamation and hyperbolic character assassination.

Where's The Apocalypse?  With less than 10 days until the first Democrat debate, the most relevant question each and every candidate should be asked is, "Where's the apocalypse?"  Where is the doom and gloom we were assured would follow Donald Trump's ascendency to the presidency?  Where is the economic meltdown?  Where is the tyrannical usurpation of power?

A Movement of Professional Victims and Conspiracy Theories.  If the radicals had red hats, they would say, "They're Out To Get You."  TOTGY has been the leftist motto since before Marx learned to shave and then decided to stop doing it.  The arc of history may bend toward many places, but the black rainbow serviced by a snarling leprechaun with a PhD and a cocaine problem always begins and ends in the same paranoid place.  They're destroying the planet.  They're hoarding all the wealth.  They start all the wars.  They're dividing the country.  They're killing kids in schools.  They're conspiring with the Russians.  They killed JFK.  The Democrats crave inspirational leaders for the same reason that alcoholics need mouthwash.  It covers up the ugly stench.  Lefties love packaging their hateful ravings, paranoid delusions and plans for world domination with moving soliloquies about everyone coming together to make a difference.

When did Congressional testimony become performance art?  In the last 10 years, the rules of the game have changed.  Politicians, activists and writers are no longer giving testimony to a committee, as [Alexander P.] Butterfield did in 1973.  They are competing for attention and influence on the internet.

Dem Marsha Fudge shouts at GOP rep after being scolded for bashing Trump and 'dumb' supporters on House floor.  Blinded by righteous indignation and hatred of President Donald Trump, Democrats treat rules and protocol as mere inconveniences when it comes to attacking Trump.  All of which made for an interesting exchange on the House floor Tuesday when a Republican member clashed with a colleague from across the aisle.  In an apparent effort to skirt the rules, Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, read an alleged constituent letter that described the president as a "mobster, a con man, a gangster" and said he was "sexually condescending to women."

'Foolish insult': Biden blasted for promising to 'cure cancer'.  Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has received a wave of backlash for promising to finding a cure to cancer if he is elected in 2020.  "I've worked so hard in my career, that I promise you, if I'm elected president you're gonna see single most important thing that changes America, we're gonna cure cancer," Biden said in Iowa on Tuesday [6/11/2019].  When Biden was vice president to President Barack Obama, he had led the "Cancer Moonshot," which resulted in a report outlining recommendations for funding and areas to focus research.  Biden also lost one of his sons, Beau, to cancer in 2015.

It may be too late to save the natural world, says Prince Charles.  Prince Charles fears the natural world may be doomed as efforts to counter climate change are 'coming too late'.  The lifelong environmental campaigner, 70, admitted the loss of biodiversity 'terrifies me' and said 'the really difficult thing' is presenting acceptable alternatives for people.  He said a key issue is the 'untold damage' done to the world's water cycle, in a nod to the fact that 'we seem to have forgotten that everything in nature is interconnected'.

The Editor says...
If you are terrified by "the loss of biodiversity," whatever that means, then you are a snowflake who watches too much television.

The Seven Self-Serving Stratagems of the Despotic Left.  Today America is in a state of confusion and uncertainty as a vast swath of the American electorate is deluged with inscrutable conversations by the body politic meant only to obfuscate and deceive.  Among these are the fictitious wonders of socialism, the necessity of an across-the-board transformation of a supposed flawed culture, and the invented character failings and policy shortcomings of a faux tyrant, Donald Trump.  Lost amid all the storm and fury of accusations, fabrications, fealty to failed ideology and childish name-calling is the reality that the threat to this nation is not any failed philosophical belief or the duped throughout society espousing them, but the increasing number of zealots manipulating the masses to vote for them through utopian promises and empty rhetoric.

The UN's species extinction fraud.  We have encroached on the habitat of some animals.  But in fact not a single species has been shown to be either threatened or endangered by warming of the Earth by man's increasing use of fossil fuels and the carbon dioxide emissions therefrom.  The recent alarmist report, to the contrary, issued by the UN, contains no physical evidence whatever.  It is entirely based on cherry picked sampling data which is then fed into a mathematical equation primed to yield the absurd alarmist report which a willing media announces in shrieking tones (as usual).  These people know they are lying but are not bothered by it, which is why we get so many horrid politicians.

Climate change scare stories reach the point of psychological terrorism.  The corporate media cartels have become hubs of hatred and "journo-terrorism" that targets the psyche of the masses.  The quack science hoax of so-called "climate change" is used to terrorize the public into believing that their planet will somehow be destroyed by carbon dioxide — the very molecule that has been rapidly re-greening the Earth over the past four decades, according to NASA.  Now, a new round of "science" has been studying the mental stress of the victims of this psychological terrorism pushed by the dishonest media, and they've reached an even more bizarre conclusion.  Scientists now claim that climate change is causing "mental anguish" among humans.  Seriously.  Of course, the real source of the mental anguish is the lies and panic propaganda of the corporate media and the pathetic scientific establishment which has figured out that if you want more government grant money, you have to conduct "research" that identifies some new crisis to be blamed on climate change.  In fact, the very phrase "climate change" isn't scary enough yet to achieve the desired goal of mass mental terrorism, so media outlets around the world are now ordering their obedient writers to start using the phrase "climate crisis."

Calling climate change 'catastrophic' makes it harder to find real answers.  Ever notice how, in the last decade or so, we quietly stopped just having storms and started having "extreme weather events"?  It feels like no temperature drop or seasonal downpour is too small for the media to slap a scary name on it and issue minute-by-minute warnings.  Well, now some news outlets and campaigners are trying to do the exact same thing for climate change itself.  "Global warming" isn't scary enough to push through the expensive bills campaigners want.  Instead of "climate change," The Guardian has now decided to call it "climate emergency."  And the British newspaper isn't alone:  Democratic presidential candidates including Beto O'Rourke and Kamala Harris use similar language, as does Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Impeach or get off the pot, Democrats.  When House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler and Speaker Nancy Pelosi claimed that the United States had been plunged into a "constitutional crisis," a large swath of the media took to plying this fantasy for them.  "Ever wonder what a constitutional crisis looks like?  Well, open your eyes," CNN's Don Lemon explained to his viewers.  "The president of the United States is just blowing right through our system of checks and balances, the very thing that is supposed to keep our Congress, the judiciary, and the executive branch working, which means our country working."  None of this is remotely true.  Our checks and balances are working exactly as they should.

Cohen Pushes Pelosi to Impeach Trump Because He's 'Raping the Country'.  Rep. Steve Cohen (D., Tenn.) on Monday called for the impeachment of President Donald Trump, accusing him of "raping the country."  Cohen stood up and yelled for Trump to be impeached during a Democratic Steering and Policy Committee meeting with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), prompting Pelosi to push back saying, "This is not about politics, it's about what's best for the American people," according to Politico.

Study: Many Democrats Claiming Mental Distress After Trump Election Were Faking It.  In the wake of the 2016 election, liberals nationwide were claiming significant mental/emotional distress.  Last month so-called comedian Chelsea Handler claimed Trump's election drove her to drugs and to seek psychiatrist help for anxiety relief, yada, yada, yada.  But, according to a new study published in SAGE Open (an open-access, peer-reviewed, academic journal), many registered Democrats were embellishing their mental anguish "as a means to back their party."

CNN Goes Melodramatic To Push Gun Control Agenda After Colorado Shooting.  CNN took to not only politicizing the recent school shooting in Colorado but doing so with a melodramatic new gimmick.  Brooke Baldwin simply emoted into the camera as images flashed behind her on a screen.  First, you see Baldwin at her desk at CNN.  Then, you see the inside of a classroom where students are discussing the incident.  "I'm afraid that one day I'll go to school and I'll never come out," one grieving student sobs.  "What actions will you take to protect people like me and my classmates from this happening?"  Then we see Baldwin again, hands folded in her lap, glaring angrily at the camera.

"Little Girl Voice" of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calling America to Fascism.  The "little girl voice" is a prime prop in the lexicon of Justice Democrat Casting Call Winner Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC).  Tell folk the planet on which they live will be dead and gone within 12 years, and what you get is a scare monger's Big Fail.  Say it in the plaintive voice of a 'little girl' and all bleeding heart liberals will flock to your rescue like seagulls to strewn garbage.  Little girl voices always engender immediate sympathy.  Just ask Christine Blasey Ford during her epic attempts to destroy Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh.  But everything about AOC is a well orchestrated ACT of which her little girl voice is only the most recognizable part.

Gillibrand says Roe faces doom with Kavanaugh on SCOTUS.  Presidential hopeful Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., warned Wednesday that "radical" Supreme Court Justices like Brett Kavanaugh put abortion rights in grave danger.  "We used to believe in precedent in this country," Gillibrand said during an appearance on MSNBC.  "But under President Trump, he's trying to upend the entire court system."

Don't You Know It's the End of the World?  The annual United Nations Global Environment Outlook is just out, and it goes way beyond anything previously "reported."  Environmentalists are desperate to eliminate fossil fuels and shift energy production to their favored industries, so they've discovered that the climate is not just worsening.  Rather, it's the end of the world.  The report was the product of an organization that calls itself "the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda."  I thought individual countries set their own agendas, not a bunch of bureaucrats with headquarters in Nairobi, but the U.N. begs to differ.

Trump vs.  Congress Isn't a 'Constitutional Crisis,' It's How the Constitution Is Designed to Work.  House Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi say we are now in a "constitutional crisis" because Attorney General William Barr declined to comply with a Judiciary Committee subpoena for the unredacted Mueller Report and underlying materials based on President Trump's assertion of executive privilege.  The Judiciary Committee responded by recommending, with a party-line vote, that Barr be held in contempt.  The Democrats' pronouncement comes amidst other disputes between the executive and legislative Branches:  Barr's no-show at a Judiciary Committee hearing; the Treasury Department's refusal to provide the House Ways & Means Committee with Trump's business and personal tax information; and the unresolved effort by the House Intelligence Committee to get the full Mueller Report, ostensibly for counterintelligence purposes.

Adam Schiff:  America Will Not Survive Another Four Years with Trump.  Sunday on ABC's "This Week," House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) proclaimed America could not survive another four years of Donald Trump as president.  Schiff said, "I don't think this country could survive another four years with a president like this who gets up every day trying to find new and inventive ways to divide us."

Fake Illegal Alien Families.  Remember Time magazine's fake-news "Crying Girl," promoted in June 2018 as a global symbol of Trump's heartless "zero tolerance" stance?  Two-year-old Yanela Sanchez was never separated from her mother.  In fact, she had been dragged across the border unbeknownst to and against the wishes of her father back in Honduras.  He obliterated the "all migrants are simply escaping persecution and violence" narrative by revealing that he had a "good job" and the family's life was "fine."  He "never got the chance to say goodbye" to his daughter before his wife paid a coyote $6,000 to bring them to the U.S.  Yanela's mother, who now bides her time awaiting an immigration-court hearing in migrant housing in Washington, D.C. (most likely subsidized by you and me), abandoned her husband and three other children for a chance to win in the asylum-fraud lottery.  She made the decision to tear her own family apart, not Trump.

Children Have to Listen to Fake News, Too, and It's Not Good for Them.  [Scroll down]  Then there are the children who live each day in the certain knowledge that climate change means they'll never live through their twenties.  The youth-based Sunrise Movement describes its adherents as "ordinary young people who are scared about what the climate crisis means for the people and places we love."  Can you name any other organization that identifies it members as "people who are scared"?  When a group of Sunrise kids showed up outside Sen. Dianne Feinstein's office demanding she vote for the Green New Deal, they were pleading, "We have come to a point where our Earth is dying, literally," and "[s]cientists have said that we have 12 years to turn this around."

Did Swalwell Really Just Compare Mueller Report to September 11?  Yes.  Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), who thinks President Trump is a Russian agent (and, yes, I will mention this every day until the primary), has made another farfetched comparison.  On Twitter, he put special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation on par with the attack on Pearl Harbor and the September 11 terror attacks by way of condemning Trump's relationship with Vladimir Putin.

The Brainwashing of a Nation.  Since the Left still lacks total control over the United States, it relies on repetition, itself a form of control and stress, to create fear and panic.  It makes up for its lack of physical control by bombarding Americans with messages meant to inspire fear, love, hate and guilt through the media, through the educational system, through entertainment and through every possible messaging channel.  Global Warming panic is one of a succession of manufactured leftist crises in America that began with a class crisis. transitioned to a racial crisis, and then to an environmental crisis.

Hirono to Barr: 'You Lied to Congress ... You Lied ... You Should Resign!'  At a hearing on Russian interference in the 2016 election held today by the Senate Judiciary Committee, Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono (Hawaii) spent nearly all of her allotted time not asking questions of the witness, Attorney General William Barr, but berating him as a flunkie for President Trump and repeatedly accusing him of lying to Congress.  "You lied to Congress," claimed Hirono.  "You told Rep. Charlie Crist [D-Fla.] that you didn't know what objections Mueller's team might have to your March 24th so-called summary.  You told Sen. Chris Van Hollen [D-Md.] that you didn't know if Bob Mueller supported your conclusions, but you knew.  You lied.  And now we know."

Biden goes light on policy, heavy on emotion.  Joe Biden has a healthcare plan, but doesn't "have the time to completely lay out all the details."  He also has a proposal for college debt, but no specifics on that either because "I don't have time; I don't want to keep you standing any longer."  The former vice president's ideas on climate change and foreign policy?  Also works in progress.  Yet there's time for relatively lengthy anecdotes about how his dad long ago was unable to secure a loan to help send him to a school he wanted to attend.

David Attenborough, dead bats and how radical Green propaganda relies on tragedy por.  "Tragedy porn" is now a standard green propaganda technique.  You've probably been on the receiving end of it, and will recognise it once I describe it.  First of all you need a victim.  Animals — preferably fluffy ones, and preferably with large eyes — are ideal, but people will do at a pinch.  Then you have to film them in the process of dying or otherwise suffering.  A presenter or scientist needs to be on hand to describe the events, preferably choking away their tears.  Then you blame global warming.  It is often an effective technique, but care is required.  Last week, tragedy porn proved to be the undoing of Sir David Attenborough, when on Netflix a carefully contrived story that global warming was driving walruses over cliff tops unravelled over the course of a week, as a series of flaws were discovered in the narrative and in the tales spun by the production team as they attempted to cover up what they had done.  Once it emerged that the production team may well have played a role in causing the tragedy, it all started to look a bit problematic.

Indy Deli Owner Welcomes NRA Guests, Councilman Says He's Feeding Nazis.  The City of Indianapolis welcomed the NRA convention to town last week.  You won't be surprised to know that not everyone was thrilled with the members' presence.  It's not every day, however, that a city-county councilor becomes so unhinged that he accuses a Jewish deli owner of "feeding Nazis".  That's what happened when Brian Shapiro, owner of Shapiro's Deli, welcomed convention-goers to Indianapolis and extended his hospitality.

Another Warning Of 'Imminent' Climate Catastrophe.  The Washington Post, apparently written and edited by the descendants of Henny Penny, is advising us to "start planning for the fact that climate change is" going to cause natural disasters to become more destructive.  "The Environmental Protection Agency published a 150-page document this past week with a straightforward message for coping with the fallout from natural disasters across the country," the Post reported over the weekend.  "The language, included in guidance on how to address the debris left in the wake of floods, hurricanes and wildfires."  Apparently we are to be not only supposed to be frightened by the report, we should also exasperated because it "is at odds with the rhetoric of the EPA's own leader, Andrew Wheeler."  But then being "at odds" with previous predictions of human-caused weather catastrophes means being in accord with reality.

Fake Climate Science and Scientists.  Real science — and real scientists — seek to understand natural phenomena and processes.  They pose hypotheses that they think best explain what they have witnessed, then test them against actual evidence, observations and experimental data.  If the hypotheses (and predictions based on them) are borne out by their subsequent findings, the hypotheses become theories, rules, laws of nature — at least until someone finds new evidence that pokes holes in their assessments, or devises better explanations.  Real science does not involve simply declaring that you "believe" something, It's not immutable doctrine.  It doesn't claim "science is real" — or demand that a particular scientific explanation be carved in stone.

Hillary Clinton Compared The Mueller Report To 9/11.  Hillary Clinton weighed in on special counsel Robert Mueller's report in a Wednesday op-ed and compared "the president's possible obstruction of justice" to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  The 2016 Democratic nominee for president claimed in the op-ed that the Mueller report revealed a "serious crime against Americans" committed by President Donald Trump.  Her allegations come after Attorney General William Barr announced on April 18 there was no evidence Trump conspired with Russians or committed an obstruction of justice.

Democrats Are Using Ilhan Omar As An Excuse To Chill Speech.  Democrats have spent the past two-plus years accusing the president of the United States and his allies of seditiously conspiring with our enemies to destroy "democracy."  For the most part this fairytale has been cynically deployed by politicians to undermine the legitimacy of a Republican presidency, yet millions of Americans now believe their votes were upended by a foreign power.  There is no more serious charge against an elected official than treason.  Then again, for decades before the 2016 election, Democrats argued that Republicans were literally killing their fellow Americans when cutting taxes, murdering the sick when rejecting nationalized health care, and sentencing the poor to death when rejecting socialist schemes.  Not to mention suppressing the minority vote when asking for ID, engaging in Nazi-like actions when enforcing existing border laws, and destroying the world when failing to embrace a takeover of the economy.  And so on.

Beto O'Rourke's 3 Lies That Will Cost Him the Election.  [#3] Trump Put Kids in Cages:  This is the biggest lie of the bunch.  Before we destroy it, we'll acknowledge that under President Trump, immigrant children have been separated from their families.  That's the closest thing to a tinge of truth in Beto's statement.  Here's the real breakdown.  The separation of families at the border is a law that was written by Democrats, signed into law by President Clinton and then upheld by Democratic judges in the 9th Circuit.  It isn't President Trump's policy at all, and anyone who paid any attention would know that this practice happened under Obama's 8 year reign.  The change that President Trump introduced was to get rid of the actual cages.  Maybe you've seen a picture circulating of children in chain-link cages?  That was under Obama's Administration.  It was Donald Trump who ended that practice.  Beto isn't stretching the truth on this one.  He's telling as big a lie as there is.

Pelosi: 'It Is Deeply Alarming That the Trump Administration Official Who Put Children in Cages Is Reportedly Resigning Because She Is Not Extreme Enough'.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) said in a statement Monday morning "that it is deeply disturbing" that Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is resigning because she is "not extreme enough for the White House's liking."  "It is deeply alarming that the Trump Administration official who put children in cages is reportedly resigning because she is not extreme enough for the White House's liking," said Pelosi.  "The president's dangerous and cruel anti-immigrant policies have only worsened the humanitarian suffering at the border and inflicted vast suffering on the families who have been torn apart," Pelosi said.

The Editor says...
[#1] The president's efforts against illegal immigration are merely an attempt to enforce the law.  There is nothing dangerous or cruel about keeping invaders and freeloaders out of this country.  [#2] If there is any "humanitarian suffering at the border," it is entirely the fault of the Central American opportunists who have been lured to the north by the aroma of food stamps, AFDC, and an excessively-high minimum wage.  [#3]  Many of "the families who have been torn apart" are not families at all.

Eric Swalwell's New Campaign Slogan Ruthlessly Mocked On Twitter.  Less than an hour after tweeting his presidential bid announcement Monday evening [4/8/2019], Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell used another tweet to share with America what appeared to be his new campaign slogan.  "Are you ready America?" Swalwell tweeted.  "Let's go big, be bold, and do good!"

Beto O'Rourke Is Fauxbama.  "Let us be clear: we will not be defined by our fears or the smallness of our differences; we will instead be known by our ambitions, our aspirations and the resolve, the creativity, the service and sacrifice by which we will have achieved them," O'Rourke says on Twitter, delivering the kind of pre-chewed pablum Obama could have delivered, and probably did.  It's possible to get excited about this kind of thing, but it takes some doing.  "Whatever our differences — where you live, who you love, to whom you pray, for whom you voted in the last election, let those differences not define us or divide us at this moment," O'Rourke said at his El Paso campaign kickoff.  "Let's agree going forward, before we are anything else, we are Americans first."  As if anyone was saying we were Hungarians first.

Sen. Udall: 'We Now Have a New Kind of Refugee - Climate Refugees'.  Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) used his opening statement at an Appropriations subcommittee hearing on the Environmental Protection Agency's 2020 budget request to warn about the existence of "a new kind of refugee — climate refugees" — a byproduct of climate change.  "First and foremost, this administration has abandoned all efforts to fight climate change, and you've personally doubled down on that by denying climate change is even a major crisis.  Administrator Wheeler, climate change is a major and very real crisis," said Udall, ranking member of the Subcommittee on Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies.

The Editor says...
The climate changes constantly.  It always has.  Neither short-term nor long-term changes in the weather are crises.  Moreover, there are no climate refugees.  Nobody is coming to this country because the climate in their former home country is insufferable.  Residents of the U.S. routinely move from one place to another, in some cases annually, because they like the weather somewhere else.  (For example, one might live in Houston in the winter and Kennebunkport in the summer.)  Such a person is not a climate refugee.

Social Justice Is at Odds with American Ideas of Justice.  The Left has a particular interest in what it misleadingly calls "social justice."  This demands that historical injustices committed against members of particular victim groups require not only government assistance, but also the differential application of criminal justice.  This is the root of the Left's recent talk of "mass incarceration."  The racially different outcomes in criminal sentencing are deemed a massive injustice without regard to differences in the per capita rate of crimes.  According to this way of thinking, the fairness of the procedures that were involved in any particular person's incarceration may be ignored; the mere fact of inequality of outcome by itself cries out for justice in the eyes of the Left.  Leftist social justice is diametrically opposed to the Anglo-American tradition of individualized justice.

Why do the least-bright people rise to the top?  That the greatest nation on the planet has to suffer fools like Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Maxine Waters, Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, every anchor at CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC, Bill Maher, all the late-night not-comics, celebrities who pay to get their kids into colleges they would not be admitted to on their own merit, is a tragedy, the tragedy of wealth and success.  Our left bothers itself with mounting numbers of gender identities, intersectionality, non-sensical notions about race (they now support segregation), and the thoroughly idiotic obsession with climate change.  This is the plight of a wealthy nation.  The leftists have to invent things to be mad about.  There can never be happiness, gratitude for what our nation has accomplished and provided to the rest of the word.  No.  There can only be anger, dissatisfaction and rage against old crimes, slights and perceived offenses.

The perils of the 'Chicken Little' approach to fighting climate change.  The United Nations opened the bidding by announcing last year that we had 12 years to keep the pace of climate change from accelerating too fast to contain the damage.  Like a high-school game of telephone, this quickly became a blanket statement that we have "12 years to save the planet." [...] There are people who nonetheless believe that climate change is a world-threatening calamity and that exaggeration is a necessary tool to galvanize public opinion.  If you Google the phrase "12 years to save the planet," you will find people who think it's literally true.

Democrats Introduce $100 Million 'End Diaper Need' Act.  Two Democratic congresswomen on Thursday introduced the "End Diaper Need Act of 2019", a bill they say "would create a $100 million demonstration program for distributing free diapers and diapering products in states, communities, and nonprofits around the nation to help reduce the diaper need in low-income families and underserved communities."  Representatives Barbara Lee from California and Rosa DeLauro from Connecticut are the sponsors.  "No family should have to choose between buying diapers for their child or buying groceries — but that is exactly the situation many families face every day," said Congresswoman DeLauro in a press release.

The Editor says...
From what I've seen at convenience stores, the lower-class customers have plenty of money for cigarettes, beer, and lottery tickets.  In fact, they're probably poor because they make unwise choices and they have faulty priorities.  In the example above, the Congresswoman claims that there are poor people who can't buy groceries if they buy diapers.  Nonsense.  People like that don't buy groceries at all.  You and I are already buying their groceries with food stamps.

Changing the Rules.  The news cycle is so unnaturally shrill as if it was the status quo itself was screaming.  From unenacted policies to the automatic assignment of blame to Western civilization the news cycle has become one continuous rant.  Referring to the root causes of the Christchurch mosque massacre a Slate article argued: "we are a nation born of shame.  A white-majority Australia exists only as the result of a genocidal invasion."  Speech has never been more dangerous nor points of view more opposed.  When the demand isn't "why didn't you denounce this" or "why didn't you apologize for that" it is may be "why did you misgender me?"  You can go to jail for saying "he" instead of "she".

Cory Booker blames flooding in the Midwest on lack of empathy.  Senator Cory Booker got his sanctimonious platitudes mixed up yesterday [3/18/2019] in an on-air interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC.  The topic was "hate" and the unspoken target beyond obvious, so perhaps secure in the knowledge that there would no probing challenges coming his way from MSDNC, he put his brain on auto-pilot as he activated the synapses, leading to his store of vaguely profound-sounding empty banalities.

Beto the Buffoon.  During his online announcement speech, O'Rourke warned that the United States faces "maximum peril," but the nation remains the "the last great hope of Earth."  At a speech in Iowa, O'Rourke warned that "not to be dramatic, but literally, the future of the world depends on us right now."  In other words, if Americans do not elect Beto as their next President, the world may self-destruct.  Clearly, this candidate is a total clown.

Inslee: Humanity Down to 'One Chance at Survival' Because of Climate Change.  Democratic presidential candidate Jay Inslee said humanity is down to one last "chance at survival" because of climate change.  Campaigning in New Hampshire, the single-issue Democrat called for a "full-scale, full-throated" response to combating the weather.  "We have exactly one chance left to defeat climate change — and that's during the next administration," Inslee said during a living room stop in Bedford, N.H., over the weekend, the Guardian reported.

We will never bow to the leftist mob's attempts to silence us, no matter what.  As anyone who has ever been caught in its gears can tell you, the great American outrage machine is a remarkable thing.  One day you're having dinner with your family, imagining everything is fine.  The next, your phone is exploding with calls from reporters.  They read you snippets from a press release written by Democratic Party operatives.  They demand to know how you could possibly have said something so awful and offensive, and ask something like, "Do you have a statement on how immoral you are?"  It's a bewildering moment, especially when the quotes in question are more than a decade old.  There's really not that much you can do to respond.  It's pointless to try to explain how the words were spoken in jest or taken out of context, or in any case, bear no resemblance to what you actually think or would want for the country.  None of that matters.  Nobody cares.  You know the role you're required to play.  You are a sinner that needs the forgiveness of Twitter.

Al Gore says climate change can 'bring about the end of civilization' during talk in Atlanta: report.  Former Vice President Al Gore turned up the rhetorical heat during a conference in Atlanta on Thursday, where he warned that climate change could bring about the end of civilization.  "What is going on in the public square right now is more important than any time since the Civil War," Gore said before an audience of nearly 2,000 people.  "We are facing an ecological crisis that can bring about the end of civilization."

Democratic Presidential Candidates Perfect Orwell's Language Manipulation.  Then there is Cory Booker, a speaker who often reverts to the rhetorical device known as "the big stick."  When asked about paying for the Green New Deal, Booker responded by raising his voice and barking that "we can have it both ways."  By this he implies that there would be no crippling cost to eliminating carbon fuels.  Sen. Booker did not explain just how this would work, as if vigorously asserting that having it both ways were the same as doing so.  But what is really meant by "having it both ways"?

Debunking Decades of Climate Alarmism.  As The Daily Signal's Jarrett Stepman reminds us, "Panics over looming environmental and climate apocalypse have been with us for a long time."  The rise of environmental and climate alarmism began in earnest during the 1960s and '70s, but the path began long before that.  As Stepman explains, "Thomas Malthus famously predicted in his 1798 book 'An Essay on the Principle of Population' that population growth would overtake food supply and mass starvation would result unless population controls were implemented."  Subsequent centuries have featured similar trepidation.  There are five notable examples, says Stepman, beginning with the inaugural 1970 Earth Day.  At the time, North Texas State University professor Peter Gunter ominously predicted, "By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine."  Conversely, undernourishment has plummeted worldwide.

Truly Bad People.  "The world is coming to an end" is meant to inspire only disaster avoidance if obedience is granted to liberals' demand.  This occurs on nearly every issue.  Climate change will kill you, unless Democrats get their way.  President Trump is going to start a civil war if he's not reelected.  You name it and Democrats are offering a false choice between destruction or salvation, a salvation that can only be granted by surrender.  An Associated Press story on global warming opens with, "A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed..."

Kamala Harris Asks CBP: Why Do You Take Toys Away From Children in Your Custody?  At a hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) expressed more concern about the welfare of illegal alien children in U.S. custody than she did about the welfare of those same children on the perilous journey north, when they are subject to all kinds of injury and sexual abuse.  Harris was particularly concerned about allegations of sexual abuse in U.S. detention facilities; and about the removal of toys from children in Customs and Border Protection custody.

Hillary Clinton says country is in 'full-fledged crisis' during speech in Selma to mark 'Bloody Sunday'.  Former Secretary of State and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton offered a stark view of the country on Sunday, comparing the current "crisis in our democracy" to the turbulence that occurred amid the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s.  Speaking during a reception in Selma, Ala. to mark the 54th anniversary of "Bloody Sunday" and to receive the International Unity Award at the Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King Unity Breakfast, Clinton said that the United States is facing a "full-fledged crisis in our democracy."

The Age of the Hyper-Authentic Para-Social Pseudo-Celebrity Politician.  Have you noticed more and more politicians broadcasting their visits to the dentist or live-streaming themselves cooking their favorite Instant Pot mac-and-cheese recipe or posting footage of themselves chugging beer in their kitchen (as Beto O'Rourke and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth Warren have all done)?  You're not alone.  These efforts at hyper-authenticity are rapidly becoming the new normal.

The 5 Biggest Widely Accepted Lies in Politics.  [#5] Diversity is a strength:  While you might be able to make the argument that diversity of thought is a strength, diversity itself is a weakness.  In fact, much of the political infighting, hatred, and disagreement in modern American politics centers around diversity.  Every disagreement between a liberal minority and non-liberal white American is summed up as racism.  Every failing of a woman or female disagreement with a man is summed up as sexism.  We can't have a sane immigration policy because it's declared as racism against Hispanics.  Accusations of racism and sexism have almost completely replaced arguments and rational thought on the Left because who needs to have good ideas if you can just argue that your opponents' arguments are invalid because they're bad people? [...] All across the planet, the more diversity you see in culture, the more strife, bloodshed and, problems you see.

Rep. Omar Laments Low Pay of McDonald's Employees Who Work '40 Hours a Day'.  Rep. Ilhan Omar (D.-Minn.) said in a Thursday morning hearing of the House Education and Labor Committee that the Chief Executive Officer of McDonald's gets paid $21.8 million a year while the median earnings for workers at the restaurant chain "who put in 40 hours a day" is $7000 per year.  The hearing was examining the possibility of lifting the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.  On Thursday evening [2/7/2019], Omar tweeted out a video clip of her talking at the hearing about McDonald's workers who put in "40 hours a day."  Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D.-Mich.) then retweeted Omar's tweet.

The Editor says...
Please think before you tweet — unless you're a Democrat.

Why Climate Change Isn't Science.  Strictly speaking, "Climate Change" theory isn't really a scientific theory at all. [...] What "Climate Change" is, is a bunch of doomsday predictions.  Now, predictions are the critical part of the scientific method.  They are what enable a theory to be proven or disproven.  If they prove false, they're also the best way to refute a theory.  Climate change alarmists have made lots of predictions.  Perhaps too many, because not one of their predictions whose expiration date has passed has proven correct.  Here's a sampling, courtesy of Anthony Watts [...]

The Unilateral Disarmament Of Conservatives.  Conservatives will always have logic, facts and commonsense on their side, but that only goes so far.  Where they fail is in the emotion-driven narratives.  Of course, they (the Left) have a willing and compliant media structure behind them who would rather spends hours of coverage about the plight of an illegal immigrant caravan and devote scant minutes to the victim of a crime at the hands of an illegal immigrant.

DC school won't play sports at Christian school where Karen Pence teaches: 'They feel unsafe'.  A progressive school in the nation's capital said its students will not be playing sports at the school where Second Lady Karen Pence teaches part-time because of safety concerns.  Jessica Donovan, headmaster of Sheridan School, a K-8 institution located in northwest D.C. that has a tuition of more than $36,000 a year, sent a letter to parents saying Immanuel Christian School's policies were an "obvious challenge" given the school's "fundamental belief in diversity and inclusion."

The Editor says...
This is the first time I've seen anyone claim that a lack of "diversity and inclusion" was a safety issue.

Harris Urges Gun Control:  Put Members of Congress in a Locked Room With Autopsy Photos of Babies.  Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) told a CNN town hall Monday night she has a "harsh" suggestion on how to force Congress to pass stricter gun control.  Citing the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, Harris noted that "twenty 6- and 7-year-old babies were massacred," but still, Congress "failed to act."  "I think somebody should have required all those members of Congress to go in a room, in a locked room, no press, nobody else, and look at the autopsy photographs of those babies.  And then you vote your conscience.["]

The Editor says...
A six-year-old is not a baby.  I wonder if Ms. Harris would care to see photos of some of the millions of actual babies killed by the abortionists that her party eagerly supports.

The Famed 'Doomsday Clock' Is Little More Than A Liberal Angst Meter.  When the Doomsday Clock launched in 1947, the initial setting was seven minutes to midnight.  Since then, it's gone up and down.  The furthest it got from doomsday was 17 minutes in 1991.  But it's clear from its movements over the past seven decades that the Doomsday Clock is more about politics than any sort of scientific measure of the risk of nuclear annihilation.  After all, the Clock routinely counted down after a Republican wins the White House, and ticked up when Democrats reclaim the presidency.

Apocalypse Creep.  Nothing says "end of the world" like a big fake clock.  The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists gave its annual Doomsday Clock presentation on Thursday [1/24/2019] and announced that it's still two minutes to midnight.  Last year, the group of 15 scholars and scientists moved the phony minute hand of fate 30 seconds closer to Armageddon, from two-and-a-half minutes to midnight to its present setting, 11:58 pm sharp.  By the Bulletin's logic, we're as close to the end as we've ever been.  The whole thing is adorably retro.

Mean-Spirited' Partisan Extremists.  The Left, and the mainstream media are highly adept at poisoning the well of public opinion.  For years they have used labels to malign, disparage and frame the narrative of the day along the lines of Republicans are racist, xenophobic, sexist, hateful, evil, and my personal favorite, "mean-spirited."  The "mean-spirited" label was used liberally (pardon the pun) and, though vacuous, was used to good effect by the Left — all without the bother of having to support their "counter-arguments" with facts.  Not enough resources for health care for all, that's "mean-spirited."  Denying DC statehood?  That's "mean-spirited."  Failing to end the government shutdown?  That's "mean-spirited."

Ocasio-Cortez Preaches The End Of The World In 12 Years Due To Climate Change, Calls It Millennial's WW2.  According to Fox News, the fresh-faced democratic socialist New York congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has joined the doom and gloom ranks of Bill Nye and Al Gore in her prophesying the end times via climate change.  She even compared it to fighting the Nazis: [...] Of course, Ocasio-Cortez didn't explain how the world would end in 12 years, as she's not typically inclined to explain everything.  Just trust her.  We're going to see the world end in 12 years because corporations are producing things and generating waste.

The Shaming of Karen Pence.  In scarcely a week, the vice president's wife has become a public face of hate.  CNN's John King suggests that what Mrs. Pence has done is so grievous maybe taxpayers shouldn't fund her Secret Service security protection.  The American Civil Liberties Union says she's sending "a terrible message to students."  The Guardian sees in Mrs. Pence a reminder of "the vice-president's dangerous bigotry."  During a Saturday night performance in Las Vegas, Lady Gaga told her fans that what Mrs. Pence has done confirms she and her husband are "the worst representation of what it means to be Christian."  A former Washington Post editor and senior writer for Politico tweets:  "How can this happen in America?"  So what is this terrible thing Mrs. Pence has done?  She plans to teach art part-time at Immanuel Christian School in Northern Virginia.  This is a small private K-8 academy where Mrs. Pence has taught before.  It adheres to a biblically rooted view of human sexuality.

In this age of contention, even a simple census question prompts outrage.  Questions for the census come and go through the years, reflecting changes in society during the 10 years since the previous population count.  When the country was largely rural, for instance, the census asked about the acreage of specific crops.  The first national headcount in 1790, which found 3.9 million people in 13 states, also inquired how many white women and slaves lived in the household.  On its face, the new census question is quite simple really, asking if the respondent is a U.S. citizen.  It was a short-form census question until 2010, when President Barack Obama deleted it.

Alyssa Milano: 'The Red MAGA Hat Is the New White Hood'.  Actress and leftist activist Alyssa Milano smeared the millions of Americans who support President Donald Trump and wear his "Make America Great Again" hat, equating them to the racist killers of the Ku Klux Klan.

The Editor says...
She's an actress.  Her opinion is no more important than yours or mine.  But the sensationalists in the so-called news media seem to think that actors' opinions sell newspapers.  And of course, "selling newspapers" is just an expression, because nobody buys newspapers any more, except perhaps the owners of caged birds.

How the media convinces us we're all outraged — even when no one cares.  Lazy media reporters who are too lazy to even actually speak to people anymore are instead constructing Potemkin Villages of fake hate, fake disgust and fake outrage.  They're Contemptkin Villages.  No one really lives there.  The laziest hacks can build them using tweets, even tweets from anonymous Twitter accounts.  Somehow these hacks are employed at places like the BBC and the [New York] Times. [...] Shameless online editors today figure that readers will click through to anything that is supposedly making anyone mad.  And if the underlying story doesn't actually contain any evidence that anyone has blown his lid, too late!  Made ya click.

New Oversight Chairman Calls All-Out Probe of Trump 'a Fight for the Soul of Our Democracy'.  The new chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee says he will do all he can to investigate President Donald Trump and his administration over the next two years.  "We are in a fight for the soul of our democracy," Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., said in an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes" that aired on Jan. 13.  "And you've got to understand that.  This is serious business."  Cummings said that, as chairman of the committee, he has the authority to investigate anything he deems appropriate to examine.

Why are people in DC such pigs?  The shoe is on the other foot in the shutdown, and EPA workers do not like it.  Regulators who have to put the screws on businesses and force factories to close find themselves laid off. [...] The Guardian did a story on the plight of EPA workers, "'It's ruining people's lives': federal workers count cost of shutdown."  The story went as expected.  White-collar workers face blue-collar blues.  Randy Erwin, president of the National Federation of Federal Employees, said, "This shutdown isn't funny anymore.  Right now, it's ruining people's lives."  Not having a border wall ruined a few lives as well.  Ask the Angel Moms.

How many times have the media predicted doom because of Trump, and how many times have they been dead wrong?  On Thursday [1/10/2019], there was a screaming headline on Drudge saying, "Doomsday."  The article was from NBC News, and the source of the doomsday report was the ever reliable Mark Zandi of Moody's.  The purpose of the report was not to be objective news, because anyone with a brain knows that the shutdown will end soon.  The purpose was to scare the public, tamp down economic growth, and destroy Trump.

Shutdown reaches the people-will-die stage.  People Will Die is the last-resort of the Democrat Party arguments.  CBS reported on June 26, 2017, "Nancy Pelosi warns 'hundreds of thousands of people will die' if GOP health bill passes."  The Daily Caller reported on July 10, 2018, "'People Will Die': Yale Students, Faculty Outraged Brett Kavanaugh Might End Abortion."  The Guardian reported on September 19, 2018, "'People will die': Obama official's warning as Trump slashes refugee numbers."  And of course, CNBC reported on December 4, 2017, "Economist Larry Summers predicts 10,000 will die per year due to tax reform."

The Incredible Shrinking Credibility of the Climate Movement.  I'm old enough now to have lived through several predictions of environmental doom.  The purveyors of this eve of destruction theme come at us regularly, issue one forecast after another that is never realized and are seldom held to account.  I've learned enough at this point to know they'll always be with us.  No amount of facts, history or logic will change that; there's just too much emotional investment and too many special interests involved.  Human nature is human nature and it isn't pretty.  Nonetheless, the truth eventually outs as those who buy into the fear and the distortions invariably take things too far and illustrate the emperor has no clothes.  That's the tipping point and it looks like we're about there.

How the Left Appropriates Christianity.  This mess at our southern border is stirring up the Sunday-school wannabes again, and as a Christian and a conservative I am getting tired of being schooled by liberal Christians and nonbelievers about what my opinions should be, about what Jesus would do. [...] Biblically speaking, the blending of cultures is pictured as risky at best.  In fact, during the movement of the Jews into the land God had promised them, they were sometimes told to annihilate an entire nation, including its women, children, and livestock.  There was no "Love thy neighbor" in that because these lands contained cultures of incredible evil, cultures that celebrated throwing their babies into the fires of the idols they worshipped.  There is no loving a neighbor like that and there is no loving Islam, either.  There is no loving MS13.  No loving child predators and human trafficking.  No loving the poisoning of youth with drugs.

Era of the Trumper Tantrum.  Mothers and fathers drag their six and seven-year-old children 2,000 miles to the border of another country and scream, "Let me in!" And when those children die — one after the father refuses medical care — the media stand up, stamp their feet, and angrily scream the question, "How could you?" But their ire is directed at America, not at the criminally negligent parents, because it's our country's responsibility to honor and obey whatever a tantrum thrower insists is his right. [...] The forever angry and outraged Democrats, historically anti-illegal immigration when they thought aliens would provide cheap labor benefitting industry (can't have profits unless they get to give the money to friends and family), are now pro-illegal alien who come here for benefits and are willing to vote illegally.

Proof That Everything Liberals Say About America and Immigration Is Wrong.  Democrats have done their best to portray America as xenophobic simply because they voted for a man in President Trump who seeks to curb illegal immigration.  "Trump takes us back to the darkest days of American xenophobia," a headline for an op-ed in the Washington Post reads.  "(Trump) and the rest of his immigration allies also sound like the very people back then who made it their goal to make America white," they wrote.  This new survey by Pew puts that ridiculous notion to rest.

Pelosi: 'The Existential Threat of the Climate Crisis' Threatens 'The Whole of God's Creation'.  While vacationing in Hawaii on Friday [12/28/2018], House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) announced in a statement that she will be naming Rep. Kathy Castor (D.-Fla.) to chair a new committee the incoming Democrat-controlled House of Representatives will create to deal with "the climate crisis."  Pelosi described the "climate crisis" as an "existential threat" that threatens "the whole of God's creation."  "The American people have demanded action to combat the climate crisis, which threatens our public health, our economy, our national security and the whole of God's creation," said Pelosi.

The Editor says...
According to Gallup, only five percent of Americans consider "Environment-Pollution" to be this country's top problem.  And that category is broad enough to include smoke from wildfires (caused by Democrat mismanagement), bad drinking water in Detroit (ditto), plastic straws in the ocean (a non-problem), styrofoam cups (ditto), light pollution (ditto), carbon dioxide in the air (which is not pollution at all), needles and feces in the streets (caused by Democrat politics), and many other minor issues that have been caused or amplified by people like Nancy Pelosi.  Hardly anyone, according to Gallup, is demanding action to "combat the climate crisis," since there is no crisis.  Minor problems here and there, in Democrat-controlled states and cities, but no crises, and certainly nothing that threatens our national security.  To say that climate problems threaten "the whole of God's creation" is a meaningless emotional outburst intended only to generate headlines and sound bites.  Baby-killing Democrats only mention God when it is politically expedient.

Ocasio-Cortez Accuses White House Of 'Starving Out' Puerto Rico.  Democratic New York Rep-Elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez amplified her criticism of President Trump's handling of Puerto Rico's recovery in a late-night tweet on Friday [12/28/2018].  "The White House is starving out the island of Puerto Rico by denying the disaster recovery funds it needs," Ocasio-Cortez said.  "First went the schools.  Now, women are going missing across the island.  If we let this to happen to some Americans, what prevents it from happening to others?  To all of us?"

The Media Was Still Unglued in 2018.  The comparisons to dictators (especially Hitler) were once shocking, but no longer.  These smears arrive almost daily.  Take perpetually malcontent Steve Schmidt lecturing on MSNBC. Trump "creates a mass sense of victimization amongst his base," he said.  "And then he asserts extraordinary claims of power to protect the victims from the scapegoated populations and the nefarious conspiracy.  That is fundamentally illiberal, deeply un-American, and, frankly, could be straight out of Munich circa 1928."  Then there's the racial panic.  "Killing black people is an old American tradition, but it is experiencing a revival in the Trump era," wrote New York Times columnist Paul Krugman.  Trump & Co. is responsible for encouraging the murder of blacks?  O-o-K.  Krugman wrote this junk after a lone gunman killed two African-Americans at a supermarket in Louisville, Kentucky.  Any terrible event can be quickly blamed on Trump.

Students Want 'Clarence Thomas' Building Renamed.  Then They're Asked To Explain Why.  In October, students at the Savannah College of Art and Design launched a petition calling for the removal of the name of "anti-woman" Justice Thomas, a native of Savannah who happens to be a conservative, from one of the campus buildings.  Campus Reform notes that the petition has managed to rack up over 2,000 signatures from students and community members.  In a video posted Monday, Campus Reform media director Cabot Phillips visits the Georgia school to find out why students are so enthused about erasing Justice Thomas's existence on the campus.  The same students who are all in for signing the petition also admit that they actually don't know much, if anything, about the justice.  Nonetheless, that doesn't stop one student from comparing him to "Hitler."

What's 'immoral' about caring for America's poor first?  Congressional Dems are butting heads with President Trump over his demand for $5 billion to continue building a wall along the southern border.  Likely incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi vows she won't spend one dollar for a wall and calls the idea "immoral."  Not building the wall is what's truly immoral.  Allowing poor migrants to flood across the southern border forces taxpayers to toil longer and pay more taxes to feed and house them, accommodate their children in public schools and pay for their medical care.  Americans are already maxed out caring for our own needy, including the homeless sprawled on city streets.  This nation has some 40 million people in poverty, one out of every eight people and one of every six children.  That's far higher than the share of people living in poverty in Canada or the UK.

Stop Equating Every Immigration Situation with the Holocaust!  During the past two years when liberal groups disagreed with President Trump on a particular immigration situation, they tried justifying their position by comparing the plight of the refugee or immigrant to that of victims of the Holocaust.  Just recently, Representative-elect from the Bronx Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez equated the plight of the Caravan people to that of the Jews in the 1940s trying to escape the Holocaust and attempting to sail to America.  It was similarly brought up two years ago when tens of thousands of Muslims leaving Syria toward the United States were met by a President who wanted to place a ceiling on how many could enter and who rightfully demanded they be vetted comprehensively, as opposed to what had previously been rather perfunctory and easy questioning.

America's Trojan Horses Are Sacking Us From Within.  The most deceptive Trojan Horse trots around as compassion.  By twisting the meaning of equality, fairness and justice, liberals shame politicians into overspending on social programs, ignoring federal laws, and giving special rights to "victim" groups.  The migrant caravan is the latest victim group.  Carrying the Honduran flag, thousands of migrants stormed the Mexican border headed for America, taunting Trump along the way.  They used women and children as human shields, attacked U.S. Border Patrol, and admitted they're just looking for a better life.  The "caravan" turned out to be a Trojan Horse — unarmed intruders disguised as asylum seekers.  But the rock-throwing didn't stop CNN's Chris Cuomo from trying to disarm us with compassion.

Is Open Borders the Biblical Stance?  On my Facebook (FB) page, one poster said that anyone who doesn't support open borders "has no conscience" and is "unaware of the Bible."  One FB friend accused me of being an "evil virus" because I don't support open borders.  Another, an influential Catholic author, is accusing anyone who doesn't support open borders of being "satanic".  Another shared a popular meme declaring, "Real Christians would be waiting for the caravan with food, water, clothing, and offering any help needed."  I've been trying to talk to those calling me "satanic" and a "virus."

The National Anthem Protests — Do Facts Matter?  NFL player Colin Kaepernick, who started the protests, did so over the supposed widespread instances of police brutality against blacks.  Kaepernick said, "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. ... There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."  According to the Centers for Disease Control, since 1968 police killings of blacks have declined nearly 75 percent.  According to The Washington Post, almost 500 whites were killed by cops in 2015, an average of more than one a day.  Two hundred fifty-nine blacks were killed by the police.  Most suspects killed by police had a weapon.  Now for some perspective.  Do you know anyone who has been struck by lightning?  Neither do most people.  Yet each year an average of about 300 Americans are killed or injured by lightning.  That's approximately 40 more than the number of blacks killed by the police in 2015.  Is there an "epidemic" of Americans being struck and injured by lightning?

Establishment Media Smear Trump as 'Nazi,' 'Virus,' 'Unfit to Be Human'.  The video below, compiled by the Media Research Center, is not a compilation gathered from the darkest recesses of the Internet, is not cherry-picked from some obscure left-wing YouTube show.  This is the establishment media, this is CNN, this is NBC News, this is the Washington Post, this is the New York Times, this is ABC News, and this is CBS attacking President Trump and his supporters as "Nazis," "white supremacists," a "virus," and "unfit to be human."  [Video clip]

Democrats have intentionally divided the country and stoked fear among the public for a very long time.  Democrats have always tried to scare the people on food stamps, Medicare, social security and Medicaid.  Republicans want to starve children.  Democrats support Iran that spreads terrorism and pledges death to Israel and death to America.  Democrats are the ones who support Louis Farrakhan, not Republicans.  Democrats are the ones that had the KKK leader as an honorable leader in the Senate for years, not Republicans.  Democrats are the ones that pushed the fictional "hands up don't shoot" narrative to gin up racial hate and hate towards cops, not Republicans.  Who knows how many deaths and how much violence that caused.  Democrats are the ones who created a fictional dossier to destroy a political opponent and used the Justice Department to spy on them.  The person that shot up the Jews in Pittsburgh hates Trump yet somehow the media blames Trump.  The media has supported Democrats no matter what they say or do and now they are willing enablers and participants in seeking to destroy Trump and other Republicans no matter how much propaganda they have to spread.

The left is desperate and floundering badly.  Readers of AT are likely to have seen the many, many clips of deranged leftists who spew their anti-Trump venom 24-7 on CNN and MSNBC.  No reason to name them all — they all say exactly the same things.  Each one of them morphs seamlessly into the next one.  It is hard to imagine the level of their rhetoric being worse than it was throughout the 2016 campaign, but it is.  They have gone off the rails, out of their minds. [...] The left's accusations have ramped up beyond calling Trump Hitler, Stalin, tyrant, dictator, etc.  They call him racist a thousand times a day, even though the man has never said or done a racist thing in his life.

Is It 'Hate Speech' to Tell the Truth?  Americans are no longer a free people, if debate on major public-policy issues is effectively criminalized, which is what the Democrats and their allies are attempting to do with regard to our immigration policy.  We are now being told in effect that it is "hate speech" to express opposition to the open-borders agenda of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and such of their billionaire donors as George Soros.  Democrats and their media allies have recently taken to declaring that it is a "dog whistle" of racism and anti-Semitism for any Republican even to mention the name of Soros in connection with the immigration issue.  If you don't think the United States should throw open its borders to welcome the caravan of Honduran migrants now headed north through Mexico, and if you call attention to how Democrats are cheering on this horde of would-be foreign invaders, well, you must be some kind of Nazi who wants to kill Jews.  Or at least that's the general drift of liberal rhetoric in the final week of the midterm election campaign.

It's Democrats, Not Republicans, Who Are The Extremists Today.  Every day in the run-up to the midterm elections, the mainstream news peddles the same message:  Republicans are extremists.  But look at the data, and you see that it's Democrats who are increasingly well outside the mainstream. [...] Here's a tiny sampling of recent headlines:  "How Republican Extremism Became Normalized."  "Yes, the Republican Party Has Become Pathological."  "Why Are Republicans Promoting Ultra-Right Extremism."  "The Proud Boys, the GOP, and 'The Fascist Creep.'"  What evidence is there of this, other than President Trump's often abrasive rhetoric, and the actions of a few crazed lunatics?

NBC Journalist:  Stop With the False Equivalencies.  It's 'Plain as Day' That Republicans Are Just Worse.  [Scroll down]  Democrats routinely and reflexively argue against GOP policy proposals in deeply emotional and doom-laden terms, frequently claiming that if implemented, Republican ideas would dehumanize, harm, or even kill large groups of people.  Liberals deployed the 'people will die' panic against the healthcare bill, and the tax reform bill, and even assailed a shift in internet regulations as a severe affront to human dignity — thus unleashing a grotesque cascade of racism and threats against the official who spearheaded the change.  While opposing Republican budget tactics under divided government, an Obama administration spokesman referred to the opposition party as "kidnappers" "arsonists" and "suicide bombers."  The previous Vice President — who once warned a heavily black audience that the 2012 GOP presidential ticket would put them "back in chains" — compared Tea Party Republicans to "terrorists."

Rage Makes You Stupid.  Our politics is full of performative outrage, histrionics that are designed to imbue unserious people with an air moral seriousness and to keep the rubes emotionally invested long enough to get them to a commercial break.  It almost inevitably is the case that people have the strongest feelings about the things they know the least about; people who actually know about any subject of genuine interest understand that such subjects tend to be complicated, and that expressions of outrage, however cathartic, do not render them any less recondite.

Hollywood's Midterm Meltdown: 'No Human Beings Are Illegal;' Being Transgender the 'Truest Form of America's Freedom'.  Less than two weeks from the most expensive and, perhaps, consequential midterm election in a generation, some of Hollywood's most influential stars have taken to social media to spew deranged and self-centered hot takes about President Donald Trump and the issues facing the nation.  Left-wing documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, among other Hollywood figures, said the thousands of migrants marching toward the U.S.-Mexico border are being used by President Trump as a "racist fear tactic to win the Midterms."

MSNBC's Alter: 'You Can Kiss Democracy Goodbye' If GOP Keeps Congress.  On Sunday's [10/21/2018] MSNBC Live, longtime journalist and liberal MSNBC contributor Jonathan Alter proclaimed that "you can kiss democracy goodbye" if Republicans retain control of the House of Representatives as he also complained that the press are not being tough enough on President Donald Trump as he has given the media more access before the midterm elections.

Senator Heitkamp Had the Dumbest Possible Excuse for Voting Against Kavanaugh.  [Scroll down]  It's not about watching the testimony and deciding whether Kavanaugh or Ford seemed more convincing based on their delivery.  That's not searching for the truth.  It's a self-indulgent exercise in reality television.  It's a Rorschach test.  We make decisions based on evidence and proof.  We go with facts, not personalities.  A Senator empowered to help decide who sits on the Supreme Court bragging that she was going with body language is an embarrassment announcing her lack of responsibility and seriousness.

The Liar Christine Ford.  The forces of darkness and hate have receded just a bit from their full-throated screaming fits surrounding the Kavanaugh confirmation.  Their bullying tactics of doxing of Senators and threats of constant harassment of individuals did not yield the outcome they sought.  These are the acts of communists determined to destroy the political machinery of the republic.  It is a mistake to believe that the protesters were in the halls of Congress out of some sense of injustice.  Communists do not function that way.  Communists are proactive, they design (and in many cases, including this one, PAY for) the protest before they have a cause, because it is not an action that communists protest, it is the very functioning of the republic.  Their goal is to have ONLY their side heard in any debate and to drive their enemies out of the public square.  The Kavanaugh confirmation merely illuminated their tactics, it was not the cause of it.

Some anti-Kavanaugh protesters were paid to help make 'viral moments,' Vice News editor says.  Advocacy groups paid protesters opposing the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court to help create "viral moments," including the now-famous elevator confrontation of Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., a top editor for Vice News claimed Sunday [10/7/2018].  Shawna Thomas, appearing on ABC News' "This Week," said a lot of protesters were "normal people who were mad" about Kavanaugh's nomination.  However, she also added that "we also saw people who were organized."  She singled out one of the women who confronted Flake on Sept. 28, saying that one of them worked for the advocacy group UltraViolet and "was paid" to "steer people in the right ways to be able to confront senators."

Hirono: Protesters Running Senators Out of Restaurants Justified Because of White Supremacists.  Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union," Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) said protestors forcing U.S. Senators to leave restaurants, like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was justified "because when you look at white supremacists and all that."

Kavanaugh Foes Fill Senate Gallery With Sounds of the Insane.  I was in the Senate gallery this afternoon when Justice Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed.  You would have thought I was at an exorcism in an insane asylum.  Perhaps you were watching on television and heard the disruptions, though you certainly didn't see them.  The attenuated audio probably didn't catch the frightening, incoherent shrieking — including the lingering screaming and howling as they were being dragged down the hallways outside the gallery.  If there was any doubt that the opposition to Kavanaugh was unhinged, uncivil, disruptive, rude, and borderline nuts, my experience in the gallery made it clear.

MSNBC Freaks:  Kavanaugh Confirmation Means Racism, 'Back to the '50s'.  Just seconds after Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the United States Supreme Court, MSNBC hosts suffered a meltdown, raging against a country founded on "the idea that being a free white" man gives you all the power.  Host Joy Reid suggested that feeling returned on Saturday as Mitch McConnell imposed a form of tyranny.  Reid slimed, "Mitch McConnell has decided that order means that people like Mitch McConnell, men like him rule.  He believes in rule.  Democrats tend to believe in governing.  Republicans believe in rule."

Hysterical 'Kavanope' Harpies Set Women Back 100 Years.  Never have I felt more ashamed of my sex than in the last two weeks watching hysterical harridans trashing tradition, decorum, and common decency.  The Kavanaugh confirmation circus has brought out the worst of womankind — [women] who forced themselves, writhing with hatred and ignorance, into our living rooms and smart devices uninvited and without consent.  I've never felt so assaulted in my life than after watching the fiendish, frenzied temper tantrums of a thousand deranged females during what is supposed to be tedious, uneventful Senate procedure to seat a Supreme Court justice.  These screeching gorgons have bigger problems than Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.  Their performance during this uproarious time has called into serious question their fitness to even participate in any serious matter of state.

Social Justice Warriors of the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Ever wonder why, while watching the Kavanaugh hearings, you thought you were peering through a keyhole at a particularly unruly and infantile kindergarten class with the teachers off on a two-hour bathroom break?  Think no further than our college campuses today, where so-called Social Justice Warriors rule the roost, isolating themselves in "safe spaces," pushing "trigger warnings," and accusing everybody and his sister of "microaggressions" and "cultural appropriation" while making sure — oh how they make sure — no speaker gets within miles of the premises with a thought that might offend their precious snowflake sensibilities.  If you're looking for the provenance, for the raison d'être of the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, why they throw the rule of law, even the simple need for corroboration, out the window, actually laughing it off as completely irrelevant while relying entirely on "feelings" (definitely in quotes) and sex roles out of a gender studies class, it is those Social Justice Warriors.

Sharpton: Trump Base Are Like People Who Attended Lynchings After Church.  Friday on MSNBC's "Deadline," Al Sharpton said President Donald Trump's supporters are like people who "would go to church and then go to the lynching after clothing themselves in morality."  When host Nicolle Wallace asked why the president is graded on a curve, Sharpton said, "Because I think that we're dealing with a bully and he's been able to make people defensive that ought not be defensive.  They ought to be on the offense.  And we need to stop apologizing for calling out what it is.  What he is doing is outrageous.  When he mentions Adam's article about the lynchings, let's not forget these people would go to church and then go to the lynching after clothing themselves in morality.  And that's what we're seeing today."

Sen Hirono Claims Women Don't Lie.  Senator Mazie Hirono claims women don't lie.  The Hawaiian representative is clearly living in denial.  I guess that's the only way to join the ranks of the far left female senators.  The limelight of Pelosi, Mad Maxine and Elizabeth Warren has a certain shine to it, and Senator Hirono obviously wants to join their club.  Sure, she's said a lot of moronic things lately, but most of them are pure opinion.

Susan Collins is a 'rape apologist,' Women's March claims following Kavanaugh support announcement.  GOP Sen. Susan Collins on Friday [10/5/2018] was dubbed a "rape apologist" by a women's activist group amid her decision to support the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.  The Women's March posted a photo of the Maine lawmaker on Twitter with the caption, "This is who @SenatorCollins is" and the words "rape apologist" in a red box across her face.  The post also plugged a website to "cancel Kavanaugh."

Antifa Website Calls for 'Slaughter' of 'Fascistic Border Patrol Dogs and Their Bosses'.  In a post Thursday [9/20/2018] at far-left antifa website Incendiary News, an activist advocated for revolutionaries to rise up and "slaughter" what he called "fascistic Border Patrol dogs and their bosses," Far Left Watch reported on Friday.  Disturbingly, far-left activists have in recent months become more brazenly militant and violent in their rhetoric on their websites and social media, as PJ Media has documented [elsewhere].  The author of the Incendiary News piece, Ulrike Salazar, likens Border Patrol agents to SS troops who "take away young boys and girls, tear apart families, throw away undesirables into dark and cramped dungeons."

'The System's Not Working' Is Liberal Speak For 'We're Not Getting What We Want'.  Democrats are increasingly comfortable arguing against the "undemocratic" Constitution, seeing the system as the opposition.  We see it most notably with opposition to the Electoral College, but centralizing federal power has long been a goal of the Left.  If you support big government, it's useful, but it's also an expedient political argument to offer a civic-challenged electorate that recoils at the word "undemocratic."  Many liberals don't believe in proportional representation at all because they'd like to see New York and California dictating how people in Idaho and Arizona live their lives.  That's no secret.

Nancy Pelosi:  Civilization 'In Jeopardy' If GOP Takes Senate.  On the one hand, California U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi claims that Democrats are not "fear-mongers;" on the other hand, she believes civilization is doomed if Republicans take control of the Senate from Democrats in November.  The former speaker of the House made those dramatic, incongruous statements on "Real Time with Bill Maher," which aired live from Washington, D.C. Friday [9/14/2018].  Maher asked Pelosi about recent polling which shows that the GOP is likely to take over the upper chamber and asked, given gridlock in Washingon, why it matters that Democrats keep control.  "It would be very important for the Democrats to retain control of the Senate," Pelosi told Maher.  "Civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate."

Joe Scarborough says Trump is 'a bigger threat to the American dream than foreign adversaries' in 9/11 op ed.  The feud between President Donald Trump and MSNBC host Joe Scarborough has been kept under wraps in recent months, but it exploded in a very big way on Tuesday [9/11/2018].  That is when The Washington Post published an editorial by Scarborough with the headline 'Trump is harming the dream of America more than any foreign adversary ever could'.  Scarborough wrote in his piece about that 'the tragic lessons of that time are still lost on our leaders,' referring to both George W. Bush and Barack Obama as well as Trump.  He did single out Trump however in the headline and to close the piece, while suggesting that the president's supporters were complicit in his actions.  He also tweeted it out.

The Intoxicating Effects of Socialist Benevolence.  [Scroll down]  It doesn't matter that the welfare state actually creates more of the poverty and dependence it was instituted to abolish.  The intentions behind it are benevolent.  Which is one of the reasons it is so seductive.  It flatters the vanity of those who espouse it even as it nourishes the egalitarian ambitions that have always been at the center of Enlightened thought.  This is why Stove describes benevolence as "the heroin of the Enlightened."  It is intoxicating, addictive, expensive, and ultimately ruinous.

The Elephant at the Southern Border.  Imagine a low-I.Q. person trying to follow a public debate on, say, spending more on education, that includes such basic economic concepts as opportunity costs and trade-offs.  Can he draw the connection between government mandating cheaper medical costs and fewer doctors?  Probably not.  Ditto for calculating non-economic costs, especially non-obvious ones.  Try explaining to those who can't get past 6th grade that artificially high minimum wages in practice harms intended beneficiaries, since these mandates raise the cost of hiring alleged beneficiaries.  Or that alluring soak-the-rich tax rates will fail, since the wealthy will escape confiscatory taxes or refuse to invest in economically productive ventures.  Can they grasp America's foundational political principles? [...] Such intellectual insufficiencies almost guarantee widespread Bernie Sanders-style demagogy, a world where voters embrace free lunches thanks, supposedly, to an endless supply of billionaires agreeable to being fleeced.

A marred confirmation hearing that has embarrassed us all.  The hearing involving Judge Kavanaugh has provided the American public with a firsthand glimpse of the confirmation process in action.  While the hearing was supposed to provide the senators with an opportunity to question Judge Kavanaugh about his thoughts on different issues (some have done this), it has (so far) been marred by childish and partisan conduct embarrassing for the participants and the country as a whole.

God Bless Judge Kavanaugh.  Any trick.  Any sneering innuendo.  Any vile trick will do to try to upset Judge Kavanaugh.  My favorites are the idiotic sniping by our California Senator "Kamala" Harris.  She's trying to "trap" Judge K. into saying he either met or did not meet with some unnamed person about the Mueller inquiry into Russian witch craft.  There's no point to the questions and no point is ever dragged forth, except that Kamala Harris is a fool.  Then there's New Jersey's Cory Booker, who wants to show that he's even more of a fool than our Senator Harris.  He's got some public papers which he's trying to show are secret and he's Martin Luther King, Jr. by revealing papers that are already public.  How stupid can you get, Senator?

The Cory Booker you see has always been an imaginary creation.  Cory Booker is Spartacus!  Cory Booker is the Saint of Newark.  Cory Booker is your friend.  Wait long enough, and Cory Booker can be your hero, too.  This week, the future presidential candidate defiantly claimed to put his Senate job on the line during the Supreme Court confirmation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh, announcing that he would illegally release confidential emails sent by the nominee in 2001 and 2002 concerning racial profiling — a topic that could potentially derail the president's pick.  Never mind that the emails weren't confidential or that the documents merely demonstrated that Kavanaugh had expressed opposition to using racial profiling in post-9/11 law enforcement screenings.  Facts are a trifling concern when you're a self-styled hero.

UN poverty report blasting Trump, US for 'hatred for the poor' uses data from last year of Obama's presidency.  A recent United Nations report blasting President Trump and America in general for harboring "contempt" and "hatred for the poor" is based on highly inaccurate data that can't easily be used to compare the U.S. to other nations.  The U.N. report's main contentions read like an attack on the Trump administration by the Democratic Party:  America has 40 million poor people, including 18.5 million who live in extreme poverty; U.S. policies regarding the poor are "cruel and inhuman;" the Trump tax cuts aren't working and will worsen inequality; and the U.S. needs to spend less on defense of our nation and more on social programs.

Cory Booker Has a Performative Streak.  Sen. Cory Booker amped up the drama around Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings Thursday when he passionately defended his decision to release confidential documents about the judge's record.  Booker said he understood the consequences could be expulsion from the Senate.  Booker's political career is marked by making performative gestures that attract attention going back to his time as a city council member in Newark.

Democrats' Kavanaugh Tantrums Are An Embarrassment.  Any doubt that Democrats are desperate to stall Judge Brett Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court ended Tuesday, when they made a mockery of the confirmation hearings.  This was nothing more than bad political theater.

Kaepernick won't stand for the flag but he'll bow down to the Nike dollar?  'Believe in something, even it means sacrificing everything.'  Those are the words emblazoned across NFL star Colin Kaepernick's face in Nike's new campaign to mark 30 years of its 'Just Do It' advertising slogan.  'Sacrifice' is a big word, meaning 'to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person'.  'Everything' is an even bigger word, meaning 'all that exists'.  So to sacrifice everything is a major undertaking.

Our New Hollywood Overlords.  The one thing the progressive left doesn't understand about most Americans is they don't live in a constant state of jealousy and envy of people who have more than they do.  They aren't looking to empower the government to take from someone with more to give things to them.

Polis: Women Will Die if Republican Wins Gubernatorial Election.  Democratic Rep. Jared Polis, a candidate for governor of Colorado, warned voters on Thursday [8/30/2018] that women will likely die at an increased rate if they elect his Republican opponent, Walker Stapleton.  "If Walker Stapleton was elected, mortality for women would likely go up with these policies he's advocating, the HIV infection rate would go up," Polis said.

Barack Obama in 2008: Both Parties 'Have Monkeyed Around With Elections'.  Barack Obama warned supporters that politicians had "monkeyed around" with elections, during a campaign speech at Kent State University in New Philadelphia, Ohio, on September 3, 2008.  Then-Senator Obama (D-IL) said:  "I come from Chicago.  It's not as if it's just Republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past.  Sometimes Democrats have, too.  You know, whenever people are in power, they have this tendency to try to tilt things in their direction."

Flashback: Here's a Long List of Top Democrats Saying "Monkeying Around".  Yesterday [8/29/2018] a firestorm erupted when Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis said during an interview on Fox News, "The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state."  His Democrat opponent Andrew Gillum and his friends in the leftist media immediately pounced, saying the use of the term was a "racist bullhorn."

Why Cold-Hearted Law Enforcement Is Necessary.  In recent weeks, the story of the wife of a U.S. Marine who was forced to leave the country because she was an illegal alien tugged at our collective heartstrings.  Stories like this give even the strongest Trump supporters pause.  While this instinctive sympathy for the Marine's plight shows that we are human, it doesn't change the fact that cold-hearted law enforcement is good policy.  It is true that the administration could keep an eye out for such special cases and intervene to avoid having them stir up controversy and second guessing.  Doing so would be a mistake, however.  These hard stories can be helpful, even if the conventional opinion is that they show how "mean" Trump's administration is.  The ruthlessness involved in absolute unbiased enforcement of the laws has a certain appeal.

The Dems' big problem.  [We] were warned by such geniuses as Paul Krugman and Robert Reich that a Trump presidency would cause the sky and markets to fall, that our streets would be filled with wretched, smelly homeless, that we would be, by now, experiencing mind-blowing Grapes of Wrath-like poverty. [...] The Dems, who not too many months ago touted Venezuela as the nation to emulate.  The Dems, who claimed that Trump's new tax plan only put peanuts in the working man's pockets.  The Dems, who claimed that Trump's taunting of North Korea's baby-faced leader would result in nuclear carnage.  The Dems, who prophesied that Trump's tariffs would doom our economy.  The Dems who put all their marbles on outing Trump's collusion with Russia...  What have they accomplished?

Dealing with Democrats' Swarm Tactics.  The entire left-wing tactic is formulaic:
  •   Make the accusations.  That alone is often enough to do the trick, even if the accusations are completely baseless — remember Harry Reid accusing Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes.
  •   Find someone to corroborate the accusations with verbal, unreliable, one-sided statements.
  •   Enlist the media to perseverate on whatever the accusations are to the point of blocking out the real news and ignoring any information that might exonerate the accused.
  •   Demand that the Republican targets immediately resign and admit to their guilt.
  •   Hype the mantra that this is part of the Republican culture of corruption or Trump tyranny or far-right-wing hate or Alt-Right fascism and that is why constituents must vote for the Democrat.

Immigration — The left's recruiting tool and deceptive marketing ploy.  Like local elections, every time the left wants more money for schools, or community sympathy for immigration or some other social policy — it's always about the kids.  And using kids as pawns in their political power play is nothing more than abusive and embarrassing for those who strive to understand the real issues at hand.  Confusing a controversial issue reliant on truth and facts is always best disguised with emotional tears and subtext.  Something many on the left tend to do repeatedly.  It's hard sometimes to know where their stance is.  Of course it also swings pro or con based on the current sentiment of voters as to the immigration issue needs/benefits/compassions/legality and all-important election cycles.

Watch as ex-CIA analyst falls victim to Trump Derangement Syndrome, goes berserk on CNN.  We now have a visual depiction of the onset of a Trump Derangement Syndrome episode, causing a presumably serious person to lose self-control.  If the psychology and psychiatry professions were not so politicized and left wing, it could be useful documentary evidence for DSM-6 to include TDS as a recognized diagnosis.  Friday [8/17/2018], on Anderson Cooper's CNN show AC 360 (with substitute host Jim Sciutto), ex-CIA executive Phil Mudd reacted badly to the charge from fellow panelist Paris Dennard that "courtesy" security clearances for former national security officials enable them to cash in.  The video below is worth watching for its 1 minute and 43 seconds of TDS building into a full-blown breakdown.  [Video clip]

Charlottesville Is In A State Of Panic Over A Few Nazis Who Might Not Even Show Up.  A year after violent brawls and a vehicular homicide marked a neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, the town is shutting itself down for three days.  Is this because the Nazis are coming back?  No, it's because they might come back, a speculation that is spinning a fair number of people around here into a full-blown panic.

Cory Booker laments 'savagely wrong' state of American culture.  Sen. Cory Booker implored an audience in New Orleans on Friday [8/3/2018] to combat the "savagely wrong" state of American culture by thinking about the importance of a "civic gospel."

Booker: Senators Who Support Trump's SCOTUS Pick Are 'Complicit in Evil'.  Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) urged all Democrats to oppose President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, saying anyone who supports him is "complicit in the evil."  "I'm here to call on folks to understand that in a moral moment there is no neutral.  In a moral moment there is no bystanders," Booker said, alongside senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

When it comes to Brett Kavanaugh, fear is the Left's most powerful weapon.  From the moment President Trump announced his second Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, reactions from the Left have been extreme.  Though the president's shortlist contained jurists who struck even greater fear within the hearts of leftists than the final candidate, the usual crowd continues to warn us of impending doom.  Too many individuals see every event during this presidency through an apocalyptic lens.  There is no saving any strength for crises that actually cause legitimate concern.  Each day is an exhausting repeat of the one before, complete with hand-wringing and fear-mongering.  On Tuesday [7/31/2018], Justice Anthony Kennedy ended his 30-year tenure on the high court.  His official departure is the start of a new chapter, one that is sure to include a sharp increase in hysteria as we get closer to confirmation hearings.

The Democrat Future Isn't Socialist, It's Crazy.  Leftist politics is based on outrage.  The greater the outrage against class, race, gender or identity, the greater the totalitarian overreaction of terrorist violence it justifies.  But the Pelosis and Schumers want radical outrage without radical violence.  And that just leaves its base hopelessly and helplessly enraged.

Democrat Socialist Rising Red Star Ocasia-Cortez: Enforcing the Border Is "On the Same Spectrum as Ethnic Cleansing".  Why aren't the media asking other Democrats if they agree with this idea?  That is standard media procedure for Republicans whenever one Republican makes a statement that commands less than majority support.

Church Swaps 'Caged Jesus' for Mirror in 'ICE Detention' Protest Display.  The Indianapolis church that gained Internet fame overnight for putting statues of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in a cage at the beginning of this month replaced the statues with a mirror Thursday [7/24/2018] to encourage "self-reflection."  Christ Church Cathedral placed a small mirror with the phrase "#EveryFamilyIsHoly" inside the chain-link fence on Thursday morning as part of its latest campaign to protest the Trump administration's immigration policies.

Also posted under the one-sided separation of church and state.

"Occupy ICE" Finally Ejected from Portland, But They Left a Nasty Surprise Behind.  It happens every time a group of unwashed, miserable liberals gathers.  From the Dakota pipeline to numerous environmental movements, when leftists come together to demonstrate, you can count on a few things.  First, you can count on nothing happening.  Liberals love to march and rally.  But rarely do they have any real goals or objectives.  It's all about making a lot of noise for the cameras.  The liberal media will cover it like it's the most important event in history.  They never have anything meaningful to say or clear intentions once the excitement is over.  Do you know what "Occupy Wall Street" was really meant to achieve?  How about the "Women's March"?  Exactly.  These "movements" are nothing more than grownup temper tantrums.

Ocasio-Cortez: Trump Zero-Tolerance Policy on Spectrum of 'Ethnic Cleansing'.  Democratic-Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thinks President Donald Trump's "zero-tolerance" enforcement policy is on the spectrum of "ethnic cleansing." [...] This is not the first time left-wing activists vehemently opposed to President Donald Trump's immigration agenda have made sensational accusations about "ethnic cleansing."  After Trump referred to MS-13 illegal immigrant gangsters as "animals" earlier this year, the pro-amnesty group United We Dream group also accused Trump of "building up a racially motivated rationale for his immoral and brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing."

Deliver Us to Evil.  So many have written about the left's meltdowns over the past years — meltdowns that include our mainstream media, or what I call the Democrat-media complex.  The left has been (correctly) called unhinged, serial liars, power-mad, angry, out of control, spite-filled, envious, spoiled, while constantly engaging in toddler-like tantrums.  The left has been exposed (correctly) as brimming with hatred for opponents, being filled with inane, oft-times insane beliefs.  These are the libertine #MeTooers who all knew that their heroes were sexual predators, are fully gender confused, and are unsurpassed hypocrites.  The left apparently now supports socialism, despises free enterprise, can't abide religious expression (hate god), can't handle other opinions or debate, believes so many things that simply aren't so, is trying to squelch the First Amendment as much as it can in institutions it rules, has embraced the invasion of America by illegal aliens and the replacement of the American voting population by said illegals, and supports the demonization of white males.  And that's just the short list.

Just How Far Will the Left Go?  Trump as Hitler, Mussolini, or Stalin is now old hat.  Trump as traitor was boring long ago.  What can one say after she has compared Trump's agenda to Pearl Harbor, the Holocaust, and 9/11?

If the tax cuts, immigration policy, or NATO and Russian summits are equal to killing 3,000 Americans, what is left to the imagination?  If talking sloppily about Putin is tantamount to the Holocaust, then what exactly was the Holocaust, a bad press conference?

The Greatest Hysteria in American History.  You and I are living through the greatest mass hysteria in American history.  For many Americans, the McCarthy era held that dubious distinction, but what is happening now is incomparably worse.  For one thing, any hysteria that existed then was directed against the greatest evil in the world at the time: communism. [...] In contrast, the country is choking on hysteria over the extremely unlikely possibility — for which there is still no evidence — that Donald Trump's campaign colluded with the Russian government to meddle in the 2016 presidential election, and the absurdity that President Trump works for Russian President Vladimir Putin.  For another, the mainstream media did not support McCarthy.  Most in the media were highly critical of McCarthy.  Today, the mainstream media are not the voices of caution.  They are the creators of the hysteria.

The Trump/Putin Summit Is the Worst Thing Ever Until the Next Worst Thing Ever.  Here's a secret everyone knows:  this Trump/Russia/Treason thing is nonsense.  The Russians will do whatever they can to destabilize our country, and have been trying since long before Teddy Kennedy actually did collude with the Reds against Ronald Reagan.  Of course they want to destabilize us.  They're Russians. [...] It's kind of hard to have a rational discussion with people screaming "traitor" and "treason," especially when they have been screaming "traitor" and "treason" for the last 18 months and we've seen no traitoring or treasoning.  But the facts don't deter them.

Trump Keeps on Ticking.  Pearl Harbor.  Kristallnacht.  Treason.  High crimes and misdemeanors.  These are some of the hyperventilating left's overheated and ludicrous characterizations of President Trump's remarks at his Helsinki press conference with Vladimir Putin.  Listening to the Democrats and their wholly owned media subsidiary, you would have thought that Trump had (a) smilingly handed Putin a large red "reset" button or (b) had been caught on a hot mic during a global nuclear security summit murmuring to Putin's representative that, after the midterm elections, he would have more flexibility in his dealings with Russia or (c) had signed off on a deal to give the Russians control of 20% of America's uranium reserves in return for a $140,000,000 donation by Russian interests to his family's foundation and a $500,000 fee paid to Melania for giving a speech in Moscow or (d) endangered national security by transmitting classified government documents over an unsecure private email server or (e) paid Russians for salacious, unverified slime to discredit Hillary Clinton or (f) during a presidential debate casually dismissed the Russian threat by joking that "The 1980s called; they want their foreign policy back."

MoveOn declares low wages 'violence'.  In their campaign for a $15 job-killing minimum wage, the leftwingers at have declared low wages "violence." [...] Because it shows how unserious they are, and it also shows that by negating the meaning of words, they can justify real violence as their result.  If the minimum wage as it is is 'violence,' well then what is to stop a bloody uprising in response?  They characterize everything except real violence as "violence" these days, as Instapundit's Glenn Reynolds has noted.  It goes to show that the left really has a hostility to the idea of words having meaning.  This fuels their extremism, as ever crazier things ever more divorced from reality are said, as words are completely drained of meaning.

Dems' Big Lie About Kavanaugh.  Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) says Democrats can sink Kavanaugh by showing how his appointment will lead to a court majority that "repeals ACA with its protections for pre-existing conditions."  It's demagoguery.  And it's working, as demagoguery too often does.  Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), a frequent Trump ally, is already moaning that the SCOTUS appointment will determine if "West Virginians with pre-existing conditions will lose their healthcare."  Not true.  Even if the Supreme Court does strike down the ACA someday, the era of insurance companies turning down applicants with health problems is over.  Across the country, Republican and Democratic state lawmakers agree on that.  They are busy devising smarter ways to protect people with pre-existing conditions and keep insurance affordable, with or without Obamacare.  Not one of these plans throws people with health problems under the bus.  Democrats' rhetoric about losing coverage for pre-existing conditions is hysteria.

Exploring the Depths of Democrat Depravity.  Democrats act on emotion.  It is essential for them to prove that the Trump presidency is illegitimate, a mistake, illegal, improper, and should never have happened.  They want Republicans banned from all venues, disappeared, silenced permanently.

What is roiling the water in DC? Abject fear!  [Scroll down]  As for the left-wing media tools, they are equally disoriented by the successes Trump is racking up with alacrity — so disoriented that they are self-destructing before our eyes.  Any montage of the not-analysts on CNN and MSNBC throughout the last few days reveals a full group meltdown of monstrous proportions.  Their shark-jumping criticism of Trump over the Putin press conference has made their mania over the border look like a toddler tantrum.  This time they have exposed themselves for who they really are:  terrified, ignorant, blinkered narcissists discovering they are completely irrelevant.

Cummings Slams Politically Charged Trump EPA Program.  Turns Out To Be Obama EPA Program.  On Friday evening [7/13/2018] there was a story at Politico which didn't seem to gain much traction, what with all of the Trump activity going on.  Congressman Elija Cummings (D-Md) is the ranking member on the House Oversight Committee and he's demanding that committee chair Trey Gowdy issue a subpoena to the EPA over their handling of both FOIA submissions and requests from Congress for documents, saying that Scott Pruitt's administration was "screening" requests based on political sensitivity.  These were all part of a skyrocketing number of such requests the EPA has received under the Trump administration, [...] So this is the program that Cummings has "discovered" and determined to be involved in assigning special handling to requests deemed "complex or politically sensitive."  Turns out that's exactly why the program was set up by Barack Obama's EPA.

No, this doesn't make Democrats sound like kooks.  "The Obama Administration's CIA director, John Brennan, charged that President Trump's post-summit press conference with Russia President Vladimir Putin was an act of treason," Grabienews reported.  "Donald Trump's press performance in Helsinki rises to and exceeds the threshold of 'high crimes and misdemeanors,'" Brennan tweeted.  "It was nothing short of treasonous.  Not only were Trump's comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin.  Republican Patriots:  Where are you???"  Treason requires the nation to be at war, which was why communists Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were charged with espionage and not treason for giving the Russians secrets to build their first nuclear bombs.

Left's Claims Of 'Treason' On Trump-Putin Talks Smack Of Dangerous Political Hysteria.  We don't believe President Trump served his presidency well by meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.  It was a summit without an agenda, and as far as we can tell achieved nothing concrete politically or strategically.  His performance at the press conference deserves criticism.  That said, the hysterical response from the mainstream media, the Washington leftist power elite and the progressives that are the new de facto rulers of the Democratic Party was so extreme it makes one think they're losing it.  Following Trump's talk with Putin, lefty talking heads exploded with talk of "Treason."

Ann Coulter:  Media, GOP, Democrat Reaction to Trump-Putin Summit 'Exactly Like Muslim Ban' HysteriaNew York Times best-selling author and populist conservative columnist Ann Coulter says the establishment media, Republican Party, and Democrat reaction to President Donald Trump's historic summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin is "exactly like" the hysteria that followed the president's call for a travel ban from a handful of Muslim-majority countries.  In an interview with talk radio host Howie Carr, Coulter said the establishment media and both political parties are reaching a level of outrage that has not been seen since Trump's announcement in 2015 that he would implement an immigration ban from a handful of countries with Islamic terrorism issues.

An MSNBC analyst was 'nauseous' about the Trump-Putin meeting.  [Scroll down]  During the 1:00 p.m.  Eastern hour of MSNBC Live, the network's national security analyst and former Obama official Evelyn Farkas lambasted the President's performance as "despicable" and "outrageous," and called for "mass resignations" from the Republican Party.  Such an attractive picture.  So let me ask her something:  Was she nauseous when Obama said he would be flexible with Russia?  Nauseous when Hillary did the reset button with Russia?  Nauseous when Obama laughed at Mitt Romney back in 2012 when he said Putin and Russia were dangerous?  Nauseous when Obama reneged on commitment to put in missile shields in Poland and the Czech Republic?  Nauseous when Obama called off the cyber investigation against Russian hacking?  Nauseous when Hillary and Obama let the Russian buy 20% of U.S.-produced uranium?  Nauseous when Obama reneged on our commitment to help Ukraine defend itself from Russian invaders?  Nauseous when Obama refused to enforce his own red line threat in Syria?  Nauseous when the DNC wouldn't let the intelligence agencies or the Justice department have access to the very hacked DNC computers? [...]

CNN Anchor Calls Russian Meddling 'A Terror Strike'.  CNN host Michael Smerconish went on a rant Saturday morning calling the Russian election meddling "a terror strike."  [Video clip]

Save the children, say the pro-choicers.  The hypocrisy is astonishing, the level of ignorance and self-delusion mind-boggling, the cognitive dissonance textbook.  Protesters march, chanting, "Hey, hey, hey, NRA, how many kids have you killed today?"  Immigration activists block a bus carrying the children of "immigrants" to a holding facility and roar, "Set the babies free!"  These are likely the same people who champion the separation of children from their mothers' wombs by means of the vacuum hose, the scalpel, or drugs.

Democrat's 'Purple Heart' remark at Strzok hearing spurs veterans to plan protest march.  Some veterans in Tennessee say they're planning a protest march following a congressman's comment this week that embattled FBI official Peter Strzok deserved a Purple Heart for enduring a House panel's grilling over allegations of bias against President Donald Trump.  Sean Higgins, an Air Force veteran from Memphis, is leading the upcoming march, the Tennessean reported.  Higgins told the paper that many constituents of Democratic U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen are [very angry] after Cohen said Strzok deserved the military award.

Jeffrey Toobin's Clueless Supreme Court Meltdowns Should Embarrass CNN.  Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy's retirement has ignited a competition in Big Media for apocalyptic hot-takes on how a marginally more conservative Supreme Court will destroy America.  CNN's senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin seems bent on taking home the trophy for the most molten meltdown.

SCOTUS Panic Shows Gov't Has Too Much Power.  The left — including our reliably leftist media — has had prodigious success defeating GOP candidates by lobbing deceitful personal attacks ("Paul Ryan will push granny off a cliff!"  "Bush is Hitler!"  "Mitt Romney caused people to die of cancer!").  And they have thwarted Republican policy initiatives with hysterical warnings of the catastrophes that will transpire.  ("Poor people will starve!"  "The environment will be destroyed!")  More concerned about bad press than of betraying their constituents, congressional Republicans have managed to do precious little, despite control of both houses of Congress since 2014.

The Nomination of [Fill In The Blank] to the Supreme Court Means [Really Bad Things].  We all know that Cheeto Hitler is a deep-cover Russian agent who stole the election even though Hillary got the popular vote and it's not fair. [...] We must not allow Trump to destroy this beautiful country we claim to love even though it's also somehow the worst place in the world.  It's time to call your senators.  Make clever signs and hold them up at rallies while chanting slogans.  Think up inspiring hashtags.  Do anything you can to make your voice heard.

Pelosi: 'Civilization As We Know It ... Is at Risk in This Election'.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said in a Rolling Stone interview that civilization as we currently know it is "at risk" in the 2018 midterm election.  "You have something like 104 districts that are more favorable than the Conor Lamb district Democrats won in Pennsylvania.  That's probably too big a playing field to be serious about funding races all across it.  How do you narrow it down?" Rolling Stone reporter Tim Dickinson asked.  "Civilization as we know it today is at risk in this election.  We have to win," Pelosi responded.  "We have to win."  Pelosi added that if the election was held today, Democrats would win.  "If the election were today — no question we would win," Pelosi said.  "But you have to be aware of the undercurrents.  Because you don't know what can come along — and what comes along eclipses what you're doing."

On Immigration and the Supreme Court, Democrats Are Snookered.  The president's press secretary, Sarah Sanders, was evicted, ex officio, from a Virginia restaurant that appeared to be named after its bellicose owner (The Red Hen), as she then stormed across the street and demanded a competitor not serve Mrs. Sanders either.  Maxine Waters, the egregious and inexplicably prosperous African-American foghorn of racist demagogy for decades from the Great Arsenal of Political Stupidity, California, called on the Democratic faithful to harass Trump supporters in all circumstances.  The Homeland Security secretary was heckled and derided unmercifully in a Washington restaurant as she tried to have her dinner, and protesters then gathered in front of her house and shouted obscenities (because her department is in charge of immigration).  This was over the unmitigated nonsense about 2,300 children abandoned by illegal intruders into America, being "torn from the arms of their parents."  They are fed and sheltered better than they are accustomed to in the countries they fled, and their parents had no business putting them at this risk.  The United States has 2,700,000 minors separated from parents in prison; 400,000 children in foster care; 760,000 separated from parents in the military, and there are over 16,000 children in insalubrious shelters in New York City alone.

Bible-Ignorant Church Puts Mary and Joseph in Cage 'Like Trump Immigrants'.  The leaders of a Christian church in Indianapolis have proven their complete lack of Bible literacy by creating a display featuring Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus in a cage to protest President Donald Trump's immigration policy.  Only, Joseph and Mary were not immigrants, so the whole absurd display is Biblically ignorant.  Christ Church Cathedral in Indianapolis placed a cage made of a chain-linked fence on its lawn and then put the usual nativity scene of statues of Baby Jesus, Mary, and Joseph inside as a way to represent the Holy Family being detained by Donald Trump's immigration authorities.

Indianapolis church locks up Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus to condemn immigration policy.  An Indianapolis church made a bold statement on a lawn near Monument Circle Tuesday morning, placing statues of Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus inside a fence to condemn the current immigration policies.  Christ Church Cathedral, also known as "The Church on the Circle," locked up Mary, Joseph, and Jesus as part of its Every Family is Holy campaign.  The church's dean, Steve Carlson, said the campaign is to bring awareness to and condemn the United States' zero-tolerance immigration policy.  "They were a homeless family with nowhere to stay," Carlson said.

The Editor says...
Joseph and Mary were not homeless.  They were forced out of town by Big Government.  And if "every family is holy," what do we need churches for?

If America Is So Bad, Why Do They Keep Coming Here?  As Americans celebrate the country's 242nd birthday, clamoring left-wing progressives loudly and incessantly paint the republic as a very dark place.  The United States under President Donald Trump is routinely described as something out of "The Handmaid's Tale" and in the grips of white supremacists, or — in less incendiary terms — "white nationalists."  Trump himself is regularly compared to Adolf Hitler and called a Nazi.  Liberals complain that Trump is "kidnapping" illegal immigrant children and throwing them in "cages."  Those "cages" — which actually are care facilities run by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHS) — have alternately been characterized as "internment camps," "black sites" and "concentration camps."  What's more, activists on the Left contend that America is so thoroughly racist that individual acts of kindness and respect are insufficient to overcome "institutional racism," innate bias and "white privilege."

Remember, the Democrats are the people who said George W. Bush was a warmonger.
Billionaire Democrat Donor Calls For 'Nuclear War' To Stop Trump.  Billionaire Democrat donor Tom Steyer called for a "nuclear war" to stop President Trump — then took back his comment after the interviewer called his point "sobering."  "Maybe we can have, like, a nuclear war and then we get a real course correction," Steyer told The Rolling Stone in an interview published Friday [6/29/2018].  He was elaborating on his belief that it is imperative for Congress to impeach Trump immediately, because the "checks and balances system" set up in the constitution isn't working, and the only other option is to wait around for economic disaster and war.

Ben Garrison meltdown cartoon
We may be in for a long, hot summer.  Michael Moore has had enough of Trump.  He wants to 'go to war.'  Such talk seems at odds with his outspoken commitment against firearms, but he told Stephen Colbert "It's time to put our bodies on the line to stop Trump!" In that respect he possess a formidable, if corpulent weapon.  He also labeled Trump as 'evil.'  Colbert lamented that 'we are supremely screwed' because the president gets to appoint another conservative Supreme Court Justice.  Colbert pitched a hissy fit and said Trump would fundamentally change the course of the Supreme Court.

Open Borders Ralliers Raise Holocaust Imagery to Vilify Trump Administration.  Open borders protesters in Washington, DC, laid the defamatory slurs on thick in protest signs attacking President Trump, his administration, and Republicans as racists on the basis of separating minors from adults who illegally cross the U.S. southern border.

Mob Violence and Gun Ownership.  It has become clear that attempted political overthrow is being effected through emotional waves.  The zealots, conditioned to react hysterically to whatever triggers have been implanted, escalate their hyper-emotional, anti-intellectual reactions with each propagandized day.  Sadly, this also has caused people who have access to facts and should know better to become pliant on the basis of disinformation concerning the legal need to conduct investigations of illegal border-crossers who misuse children.  This has been the policy since Clinton was president, but suddenly it is Hitlerian, because temporary separation of family members is the same as killing 6 million Jews and enslaving the rest.  What is also different is the extent to which members of the Democrat base are being encouraged by normalizing mob violence.

'We're Looking at the Destruction of the Constitution': Kamala Harris Rips Trump's Potential SCOTUS Picks.  California Senator Kamala Harris (D) claimed that President Trump nominating a new justice to the Supreme Court in the wake of Anthony Kennedy's retirement means "we are looking at the destruction of the Constitution."  Harris, considered a potential opponent to Trump in the 2020 presidential election, said on MSNBC that Trump has consistently nominated "ideologues" to lifetime appointments on other federal courts.

He Survived Nazi Concentration Camps — He Has a Message for Those Who Think America Runs Its Own.  High-profile members of America's media and political circles have used amplified, irresponsible rhetoric to describe President Trump's immigration detainment policies.  Terminology from Nazi Germany is now regularly used to describe American immigration policy in the public arena.  Many have likened illegal alien detainment facilities on the Southern border to "concentration camps," referred to Trump as a "Nazi" or "Hitler" and call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents the "Gestapo."  Democratic Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal likened America's zero tolerance immigration policy to the "cattle cars of Nazi Germany."  Many pundits and politicians have echoed the sentiment.

One Flew Over The Democrat Party.  On one hand, they run from discussions of ANYTHING with tangible measurements — i.e. economics and crime — while on the other hand, their emotional message resonates with high school kids like David Hogg — because they are themselves childish.  Their arguments are childish, their solutions are childish, their lies are childish, and their behavior is childish.  And now the children are becoming dangerous.  [Video clip]

Outrage, Inc..  [F]eigning and fomenting outrage is now the principal strategy of the American Left.  That such campaigns are centrally orchestrated and conducted can no longer be plausibly denied.  The onset is too discrete; the shrieks of outrage are too well tuned.  The unanimity displayed by the participants — elected officials, media allies, and various activists — cannot be a spontaneous phenomenon. [...] Leftist mouthpieces, including elected officials, lie, distort, conceal, misattribute, and generally manipulate information to get private citizens' attention.  In their awareness that ordinary men can't focus on many things at once, leftists strive to keep us occupied with whatever they can feign outrage about.

Delusion About Detentions:  On Family Separation at the Border.  Upstanding journalists, their fellow right-minded pundits, and progressive elected official friends are outraged!  According to them, the Trump Administration's approach to immigration enforcement is cruel, un-American, inhumane, barbaric, and even medically dangerous. [...] The problem is the facts are at odds with the conventional media interpretation of existing legal precedent, prior administrations' practices, and even relevant federal statutes.  You know, the law.  But being wrong on the facts has never stopped the media and their useful idiots in the commentariat from maligning the Trump Administration unfairly to suit their agenda.  Now they're shrieking about "baby jails."  It's insane.

Amazon Employees Say ICE Contract Is Like Assisting Hitler With The Holocaust.  Amazon employees sent an open letter to CEO Jeff Bezos Friday protesting the company's contract with Immigration and Customs Enforce (ICE), comparing it to IBM's contract with Adolf Hitler during the second world war.  "As ethically concerned Amazonians, we demand a choice in what we build, and a say in how it is used.  We learn from history, and we understand how IBM's systems were employed in the 1940s to help Hitler," the letter states.  "IBM did not take responsibility then, and by the time their role was understood, it was too late.  We will not let that happen again.  The time to act is now."

The Editor says...
It is astonishing that presumably well-educated adults can live in such ignorance.  President Trump is disrupting the establishment, but he's acting within the law.  For a better example of an American president acting like a dictator, take a close look at Barack H. Obama.  Moreover, I don't think the holocaust victims were sneaking into concentration camps by the thousands.  And I don't think ICE is executing illegal aliens.

Academics blast immigration enforcement as 'child abuse'.  Professors and university administrators across the country are blasting the Trump Administration's policy of separating illegal immigrant families at the border as "immoral," "unethical," and "government-sanctioned child abuse."  An open letter signed by more than 3,000 professors even declares that anyone who doesn't speak out against the policy is "complicit with nothing less than child abuse and torture."

Is The United States On A Road To Becoming Ungovernable?  Generations of Americans have complained about government, but they have always gone along with the system.  Unfortunately, things are changing in a fundamental way.  Instead of just complaining about government, Americans are being trained to think of government as the enemy.  We certainly witnessed a great deal of this under Barack Obama, and without a doubt Obama was absolutely terrible, but now under Donald Trump things have gone to an entirely new level.  We literally have millions of people in this country that truly believe that President Trump is the moral equivalent of Adolf Hitler and that the Republican Party is a bunch of fascists.  Of course some conservatives have been saying similar things about Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the Democrats for years.  But with Trump we are witnessing something that we have never seen before.  The mainstream media is actually pounding the drumbeats of hatred for our president day after day, and when you say something long enough and loud enough some people are going to believe you.

No more 'internment camps': Democrats disrupt congressional hearing.  U.S. President Donald Trump told Republican lawmakers on Tuesday he would back either of the immigration bills making their way through the House of Representatives, as the outcry grew over his administration's separation of immigrant parents and children at the U.S.-Mexico border.

No child should be used as a protest prop.  Actor Ron Perlman earned nearly 8,000 retweets when he posted a picture of a small crying child in a cage with the words "Trump, Sessions, McConnell, Ryan, this is on YOU!"  When multiple people responded with a link to Snopes informing him that the photo was a fake, and actually of a child at a protest, Perlman tweeted back:  "Maybe it's you!  Maybe you're fake."  The photo told a story he wanted to tell, and the fact that it wasn't real was irrelevant.  As of Thursday, the photo remained up on Perlman's page.  It's what used to be called "fake but accurate" but today goes by President Trump's preferred term, "fake news."  It's just too good to check.

Gun Lies, Myths, Half-Truths, and Conspiracy Theories.  What conspiracy theorizing Democrats call "assault weapons," "assault rifles," and "weapons of war" are identical to hunting rifles: same functionality, magazine capacity, rate of fire, and caliber.  The only difference is the aesthetic.  Saying "weapon of war" is far heart-poundingly scarier-sounding than "the shooter used a rifle that our fathers, uncles, and cousins used to hunt deer and quail."

Kellyanne Conway Rips Media for Comparing Child Detention Centers to Concentration Camps.  Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway slammed media outlets on Sunday [6/17/2018] for comparing child immigrant detention centers to concentration camps.  "What an outrageous disrespect to the 6 million who perished [in the Holocaust]," Conway said of the comparison during an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press".  MSNBC and other outlets have been reporting from inside the shelters for illegal immigrant children who are separated from their parents at the border.  Reporters discovered that children are cared for by trained professionals and are kept in relatively good conditions, but that hasn't stopped some commentators from likening the shelters to "concentration camps."

All Apple employees now get standing desks — and Tim Cook has said he believes 'sitting is the new cancer'.  Most of what happens inside Apple Park, the iPhone company's stunning new headquarters, is top secret.  But Apple CEO Tim Cook recently disclosed one new detail about the work environment:  Everyone gets a standing desk.  "We have given all of our employees, 100%, standing desks.  If you can stand for a while, then sit, and so on and so forth, it's much better for your lifestyle," Cook said in a recent interview with The Carlyle Group's David Rubenstein published on Wednesday [6/13/2018].

The Editor says...
Sitting is not cancer.  Sitting does not cause cancer.  For that matter, smoking is not cancer.  Working in a coal mine is not cancer.  Moreover, cancer is not inevitable, whether you sit or you stand or you smoke.  Alas, sometimes you have to do what the boss wants, even though he's a fool, a control freak, or an egomaniac.

America the Horrible?  American women live under a suffocating patriarchy.  Rape culture flourishes in the United States.  Toxic masculinity stunts the emotional and professional growth of American females.  Sexual harassment and predation are ubiquitous in American workplaces.  College campuses are maelstroms of sexual violence.  Female students need safe spaces where they can escape abusive male power.  These propositions are self-evident to a large, interlocking establishment of government bureaucrats, progressive politicians, college administrators, faculty, "activists," professionals, and journalists.  Yet this same establishment is up in arms over a recent declaration by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions that female aliens caught trying to enter the country illegally will no longer be automatically considered for asylum by dint of claiming that they are victims of domestic abuse.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accuses the Trump administration of "staggering cruelty" in condemning "vulnerable innocent women to a lifetime of violence and even death."  The American Bar Association charged that Sessions would "further victimize those most in need of protection."

To Trump's Critics:  Where's the Beef?  Bill Maher, caring and wise leftist that he is, longs for a recession, as that offers the best chance of getting rid of Trump.  Who needs all those stinking jobs, anyway?  A befuddled George Soros recently observed that "everything that could go wrong" has indeed come to pass, and moreover, he is certain that Donald Trump is "willing to destroy the world."  Oh, and lest you haven't heard, Trump is a racist, sexist, xenophobe, homophobe, Hitler, fascist (a word that has lost all meaning in modern popular discourse), and the dumbest man ever to be elected president.  Yet in all of these dire warnings and assertions, precious little evidence for such eschatological claims is ever offered, even as all data to the contrary are studiously ignored.

'Separating babies from their mothers is immoral': Catholic leaders denounce Trump's zero-tolerance border protection policy.  Leaders of the Catholic church are criticizing the Trump administration over its border protection policy, saying that separating mothers who illegally come into the US from their children is 'immoral'.  Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, the president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, called out president Donald Trump and his 'zero-tolerance' policy on Wednesday [6/13/2018] during the the group's spring conference.

AMA Unscientifically Calls Gun Violence a "Disease".  Crime is not a health problem.  Murder is not a disease.  When people who claim to be guided by the rules of science start throwing around overheated rhetoric like that, they lose all credibility.

The Right to Discriminate.  The left has created a macabre myth that runs counter to the whole experience of mankind.  The left has persuaded the gullible masses of America, including, sadly, most conservatives, that "discrimination" by individuals and businesses is wrong and that it violates the Constitution.  Precisely the opposite is true.  All serious cognition and all honest moral judgments involve discrimination.  When individuals and businesses are not free to discriminate, then the power to determine what is true and false and good and bad becomes the sole property of the state — or that even more odious creature, that lobotomized Frankenstein monster, "society."

Constitutional Crisis?  What Constitutional Crisis?  What if that constitutional crisis over the subpoena or indictment of Donald Trump that every TV pundit, wringing sweaty palms, has forewarned never comes to pass?  By constitutional crisis, I mean an unprecedented state of affairs that contributes to a decline in the Constitution's perceived legitimacy or sends a chicken-with-its-head-cut-off emergency pleading to the Supreme Court.  Looking wide and far, I see no such decline, no such headless chicken.  Do you?  Even Trump's whimsically executed pardons, which come loaded with potential pardons for those who've been indicted in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's investigation, have done no more "damage" to our faith in the Constitution than, say, President Bill Clinton's pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich.

Schumer Gets Hysterical After SCOTUS Defends Ohio's Voter Registration Process.  On Monday [6/11/2018], Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer ripped the Supreme Court's decision to rule in favor of the "Use it or Lose it" voter registration process, saying it would "disenfranchise" voters.

Cher: 'Scott Pruitt Deserves to Be in Prison'.  Pop icon Cher has joined the chorus of liberals demanding that Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt be imprisoned for his alleged crimes against nature.  The "Believe" singer took to Twitter on Sunday [6/3/2018] and said, "Scott Pruitt deserves to be in prison."

The Astonishing Silliness of CNN.  The good people at CNN can do what they want, but this blatant chyron-splaining sends a rather clear and unfortunate message:  that they think their audience is daft and incapable of figuring things out for themselves.  CNN is frequently breathless when no one should be breathless, which would be kind of exhausting, if anyone cared.  Take this headline from the network's website this week:  "The 45 Most Astonishing Lines from Donald Trump's Nashville Speech."

Hard Truths About School Shootings and Gun Violence.  In response to the tragic shooting at a Santa Fe, Texas high school earlier in May, former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan tweeted, "What if no children went to school until gun laws changed to keep them safe?  My family is all in if we can do this at scale.  Parents, will you please join us?"  Duncan's shoot-from-the-hip reaction embodies the "action for the sake of action" mentality that so often follows in the wake of heartbreaking school violence.  Duncan, the former CEO of Chicago Public Schools, served as secretary of education under President Barack Obama.  Apparently, Duncan is taking advice from Chicago's mayor and former Obama chief-of-staff, Rahm Emanuel, who infamously quipped, "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

Dear Ex-Friends in #TheResistance.  As the whole charade you have been suckered into over the last 18 months starts to fall apart — that Trump would not survive his presidency; he would be betrayed by his own staff, family, and/or political party; he would destroy the Republican Party; he would be declared mentally ill and removed from office; he would be handcuffed and dragged out of the White House by Robert Mueller for "colluding" with Russia — let me remind you what complete fools you have made of yourselves.

Watch: Far-Left Parkland Activists Scream On Grocery Store Floor, Demand Boycott.  Parkland gun control activists threw themselves on the floor of a Florida grocery store on Friday, screaming and yelling for customers to boycott the store because of political donations that it had made.  The "die-in" was organized by far-left activist and provocateur David Hogg, who has launched multiple boycotts aimed at those who support the NRA or who criticize him.

Hillary Clinton Just Said If You Believe in the Rule of Law, Vote Democrat.  Hillary Clinton, the poster child for corruption, scandal, pay-for-play, lying to the American people, and of course, illegally using private email servers to handle classified information, believes the Democrat Party is the way to go if you respect "the rule of law."  Not only did she say it, but she said it with a straight face.  "If you believe that standing up for evidence and reason and respecting the rule of law is critical to our democracy," Clinton claimed, "you've got to vote for Democrats."

Weasel of the Week:  Educrat Arne Duncan.  Beltway education bureaucrats abhor families who choose to keep their kids out of public schools — unless it's to grandstand over gun control.  Behold Arne Duncan, longtime pal of Barack Obama and former U.S. Department of Education secretary, who called last weekend for parents nationwide to withdraw students from classes "until gun laws (are) changed to keep them safe."  Emotions are still raw after a teen shot 10 classmates and teachers to death in Texas last week.  But Duncan has no excuse for his cynical, made-for-cable-TV exploitation of the Santa Fe High School massacre.  Existing state laws banning minors under 18 from purchasing or possessing guns didn't stop the shooter.  Neither did laws against possessing sawed-off shotguns or pipe bombs.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz:  Let's Face It, The NRA Is Just Shy Of Being A Terrorist Organization.  It's fun to compare this rhetoric to Democratic rhetoric about groups that actually are terrorist organizations.

Big news that the MSM downplays and ignores.  Democrats are acting as though they are morally opposed to Gina Haspel because of the intensive interrogation techniques after 9-11.  Somehow, they weren't outraged when they voted for John Brennan even though he was higher up than Gina Haspel at the CIA at the time.  They didn't seem concerned at all about waterboarding when they and John McCain voted for Brennan.  Selective outrage and selective morality indicate that they don't really care.  They appear to be sexist because they are willing to vote against an extremely qualified woman while they voted for a man with the same history or worse.

Rep. William Lacy Clay on 2020 Census Citizenship Question: 'American Version of Ethnic Cleansing'.  Democrats who oppose the Trump administration's move to add a citizenship question to the 2020 U.S. Census held a press conference at the Capitol on Tuesday, including Rep. William Lacy Clay Jr. (D-MO), who compared it to killings based on race.  "Let's not fool each other," Clay said.  "We know what this is."  "This is the Trump administration's American version of ethnic cleansing in order to blur the lines of accuracy in the Census," Clay said.  "That's what this question is about."  "That's what the motivation is," Clay continued.  "This is to have an inaccurate Census so that they can continue denying the fact that this country is becoming more browner and blacker."

The Obama Legacy Deserves To Be Destroyed.  In 2012, Obama told the nation that Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which by any standard was a stand-in for legislation, was merely "a temporary stopgap measure."  By the time Trump overturned it, the measure represented "who we are as a people."  That's because by "temporary" Obama always meant "until Democrats can make it permanent through the courts or electoral victories."

The Semantic Whoredom of the Left.  [Scroll down]  I realized it wasn't just their etymology that was faulty but that these people had in fact built themselves an entirely new language, with words that are in common use [...] voided of their signification and filled with meanings they were never meant to have, meanings that can only be understood if you share the basic assumptions of leftist liberals. [...] There are a few hundred other words that have similarly been beaten until they lose all self-respect and now are passed from mouth to mouth in leftist circles as a sad parody of the words they used to be.  Possibly the most common of those is "racist."

This is not a man with a sound mind.
Chelsea Manning vows to eliminate US borders, close prisons and abolish ICE before it commits 'ethnic cleansing'.  Chelsea Manning is no longer living as a transgender woman in a male military prison, serving the lengthiest sentence ever for revealing US government secrets.  She's free to grow out her hair, travel the world, and spend time with whomever she likes.  But a year since former President Barack Obama commuted Manning's 35-year sentence, America's most famous convicted leaker isn't taking an extended vacation.  Far from it:  The Oklahoma native has decided to make an unlikely bid for the U.S. Senate in her adopted state of Maryland.

Cultural-appropriation Outrage Shows People Are Desperate To Be Offended.  Without cultural appropriation, American blacks would never have picked up European musical instruments to create the blues and jazz.  Without cultural appropriation, white and black artists alike would never have spun these wonderful creations into rock and roll.  Nearly every meal you've ever eaten is the byproduct of centuries of cultural appropriation, to one extent or another.  This column is written in English, a language that contains hundreds of thousands of words appropriated from other tongues.  Just under two-thirds of our language derives from Latin or French.  About a quarter is Germanic in origin.  And about a sixth comes from Greek, Arabic and other languages.

The left preemptively blames Trump for Hawaiian lava and volcano response.  It's been unspeakably stressful for the people affected by the volcanic activity right now, so whipping up fears is rather appalling.  What's even less helpful is the sort of scaremongering we are seeing from the left, on Twitter, claiming President Trump doesn't want to help the people of Hawaii affected by the volcanic activity, as if that were actually true. [...] Seems that in the case of Trump, the pre-emptive Katrina-style blasts are starting before any disaster has even happened.

Pelosi and Democrats trying to scare women into voting for them.  For a long time, the Democrats have been successful by scaring people into voting for them.  It's a tactic used when you can't persuade people on policy.  Americans were recently reminded of the Democrats' usual refrain when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi declared President Trump's tax cuts as "Armageddon."

Columbia Instructor:  Going Vegan Fights Racist Violence.  According to an instructor at Columbia University, eating a vegan diet can help fight racist violence.  The adjunct lecturer, Christopher-Sebastian McJetters, made the comments during a lecture for Cornell Students for Animal Rights, according to the Cornell Daily Sun.  "I want to talk about the psychology that goes into why we do this, the way that we do this, and the ways that animal violence and exploitation manifests itself outside of our food system," he said.  According to McJetters, "what we do to other animals informs how we treat one another on this planet, and it is always — always — someone who doesn't have institutional power, and they're usually brown."  "Whiteness has analyzed us and decided that we are not worthy of our individual selves and our individual bodily autonomy and that we get to be objectified and used," he said.  "Both of us, black people and animals."

Can America Survive the Latest Plague?  The left survives within a self-made mirage that uses well written speeches containing caring and poetic language and emotional appeals that appear to be on the side of good, protecting the weak and needy in society.  But in fact, the left exploits and manipulates both weak and poor to continue to remain in power.  Consider the infected American cities of Detroit, Baltimore, and Chicago, where the left has total control and can implement whatever programs it wants, and look at the result:  perpetual devastation, crime, and misery.

Emma González Makes an Absurd Ideological Saint.  The major problem in [Rebecca] Mead's article is that she implicitly compares González's tears and, one assumes, her acts, with those of St.  Joan.  But Joan of Arc died for her faith.  She was a martyr.  The gravity of this act, the courage she had, and the power this gave her over her oppressors simply is not comparable to anything that Emma González may have done.  Mead's intent is to show great courage and perhaps even sacrifice on González's part but she digs a hole for herself when she unwittingly reduces González and her pain to a "political expression" and "performance."  In the event that González was just engaged in a theatrical performance, then we have to take it for what it is.  There is no shred of honesty, only manipulation of images to evoke a certain response from the people.

Scammed by a Black, a Woman, and Now a 17-Year-Old.  Leftists believe that the masses are as shallow as they are, placing surface appearance above character.  That is why leftists select front-persons based on race, gender, etc. to be the face of leftists' attacks on mainstream Americans. [...] For example:  Obama's skin color provided cover for him to unconstitutionally further leftists' mission to transform America into a socialist-progressive nation.  Opposing Obama was declared racist.  Leftists assumed that Hillary would win the White House and they could use her gender for cover to continue implementing their agenda.  Hillary and her fellow leftists still blame her crushing electoral defeat on misogyny.

Stop Using The Holocaust To Push Gun Control.  Since WWII, we've heard countless warnings not to compare world leaders with whom one might disagree to Hitler.  There are few in subsequent world history who quite compare as leaders who have orchestrated mass murder at the hands of state agents:  Pol Pot, Slobodon Milosevic, the Kims of North Korea.  Those with a healthy sense of historical frame of reference would not dare compare a political opponent or event to those of the Holocaust.  The systematic murder of millions of Jews at the hands of a government was, thankfully, an anomalous event in human history.  What Nikolaus Cruz did when he killed 17 innocent victims in Parkland was atrocious.  But is it really comparable to genocide?

Oh no! 1% of our economy is in danger.  According to the insipid press, President Trump has ignited a trade war with China that will bring down both economies.  The press is better at presidential election predictions than it is economics. [...] The tariffs will affect less than 1% of the economy.

Do 5 Million Americans Really Live in Third World Poverty?  Nobel Prize-winning economist Angus Deaton recently published an op-ed in the New York Times titled "The U.S. Can No Longer Hide from Its Deep Poverty Problem."  Deaton asserted that 5.3 million Americans (or 1.7 percent of the population) live on less than $4 per day and "are as destitute as the world's poorest people. ... [Their] suffering, through material poverty and poor health, is as bad [as] or worse than that of the people in Africa or in Asia."  But measurements of poverty and deep poverty based on income are seriously flawed, because U.S. government income surveys:
  •   omit or severely undercount most of the $1.1 trillion that the government spends on means-tested welfare assistance each year;
  •   omit or undercount off-the-books earnings, which are prevalent in low-income communities;
  •   omit the incomes of cohabiting partners and parents; and
  •   ignore assets acquired in prior periods.
The omission and undercounting of welfare aid is particularly troubling.  For example, in 2016, federal, state, and local governments spent $223 billion on cash, food, and housing benefits for low-income families with children, an amount three times that needed to eliminate all official poverty and ten times that needed to wipe out deep poverty among them.  But the Census Bureau's income surveys counted only $7.6 billion of this spending for purposes of assessing poverty or deep poverty.

The Teenage Demagogues.  These young activists are making our public debate even more poisonous and less civil, and are doing it as teenagers.  They are precocious that way. [...] The student activists presume that there is a ready solution to mass shootings that everyone knows, and the only reason why someone might not act on this universally accepted policy is malice or corruption.  This makes the other side the equivalent of murderers.

Who Runs March for Our Lives?  Follow the money.  It's a strange political fact, but nearly every major anti-gun group has been a front group. [...] Everytown for Gun Safety was formed out of two other groups:  Moms Demand Action and Mayors Against Illegal Guns.  Both are actually front groups for Michael Bloomberg, the lefty billionaire and former boss of the Big Apple, who used New York City resources to host at least one of its websites.  So Everytown is really New York City.  March for Our Lives is on every cable channel, but who runs it?  The photogenic teen fronts are out front.  But it's obvious to everyone that a bunch of teens don't have the resources and skills to coordinate a nationwide movement.  Instead it's the experienced activists who are actually running things.

Gimme That Old Time Religion.  The biggest albatross of environmentalism is its well-deserved reputation for apocalypticism:  the world is always going to come to and end because of... plastic bags!  Bee colony collapse disorder!  Endocrine disruptors!  Velociraptors! [...] Why, people often ask me, are environmentalists so gloomy about the human prospect?  I have a simple answer:  it makes them happy.  Seriously:  if you point out to environmentalists the data showing many environmental problems on the national and global scale are improving, they usually go into a rage.  Good news is bad news.

Before anything was known about the perpetrator or his motives...
Black Caucus members call for action on Austin bombings.  Congressional Black Caucus members want the bombings in Austin, Texas, to be classified as "terrorist attacks" — and are calling on officials to determine whether they are "ideologically or racially motivated."  While the two young men injured in the most recent blast are both white, all of the other victims have been either black or Hispanic.

The Editor says...
Do they really believe the cops weren't already working on those questions?

Parkland Kids:  The Return of the Grieving Activist.  According to many gun-control advocates, 18-year-olds are too immature to handle guns — but are mature enough to advise us on gun policy.  Thus we're told we must "listen to the voices" of the young Parkland shooting survivors.  Not only that, we're not to question or oppose them because they're young, they're survivors and, by golly, because it's absolutely devastating to the anti-gun agenda!  There's something truly reprehensible about this situation, and it's not conservatives criticizing the positions of activist Parkland students such as David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez.  It's that liberals are using the students as human props and human shields, letting them throw the punches and then condemning the assailed if they dare defend themselves.

CNN Runs Story Comparing ICE Agents To Nazis.  The full article tells the story of a Jewish woman who is hiding a Catholic, Latino family from deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  "For the woman, the link from the present to the history of World War II is strong," the authors write, noting that Jewish people also feared being kicked out of their homes during the Holocaust.  The article apparently does not feel the need to point out the key differences between Jewish people during the Holocaust and illegal immigrants in the U.S. — chiefly that Jewish people were being exterminated by their own government.  A number of people lashed out at CNN for the offensive comparison.

'Believe All Women' at Your Peril.  The "Believe All Women" meme is now rooted in our manifold hierarchies of oppression.  It will continue to do untold harm to both men and women unless we can return to the approximate sanity of the past, before the absurdly named "Twitter" feeds, the duplicitous and unaccountable intimacy of Facebook, and the Fake News Media came to substitute for investigative justice.

Fugitive Cities Have Harbored 10,000 Criminal-Alien Recidivists.  The phrase "sanctuary cities" is warm and welcoming.  Sanctuaries are safe, cozy, and sometimes therapeutic.  This term is also a deceptive euphemism for something thoroughly unacceptable.

I hope Democrats defend sanctuary cities.  It's bad policy, and it'll cost them.  Open-border radicals in California and other liberal strongholds must be held accountable.  Of course, liberals would have you believe that they are only interested in protecting the poor, the oppressed and the hardworking who have nowhere else to go.  But in many cases, their actions allow dangerous and sometimes repeat criminals to be shielded from deportation or prison.

NRA called 'terrorist organization' in billboard funded by former Clinton staffer.  A new controversial Florida billboard is targeting the National Rifle Association as a "terrorist organization."  The anti-NRA billboard is funded by Claude Taylor, a former White House staffer for President Bill Clinton, through MAD DOG PAC, a political action committee that also erected billboards calling for President Trump's impeachment in states across the country.

Virginia Democrats 'Offended' And 'Emotionally Shaken' By Republican Citing Historical Facts.  So far, I like what I see from [Nick] Freitas who is now running for the Republican nomination to challenge Tim Kaine's U.S. Senate seat.  However I'm reluctant to go further than that because so many politicians who once appeared reasonable to me have disappointed me greatly.

The First Amendment Is In Far Greater Danger Than The Second.  A case in point of this change has been the aftermath of the Parkland school shooting.  Despite the complexity of the issues involved and the diversity of views held by Americans as to the proper response, the elites have pursued a scorched earth campaign against those who do not hold their black-and-white views on guns.  In the news media, a narrative emphasizing the immediate necessity of national gun control legislation has become a 24-hour rallying cry, with victims of the tragedy exploited to advance this narrative and brand those who disagree as somehow complicit in the violence.  Meanwhile, corporations have begun to sever ties with the NRA, sending a message that only one side of the debate is socially acceptable while the other is deserving of punishment. [...] Make no mistake:  an America with total elite control over the population and where dissent from their views is vilified is not an America at all.

Trump's Win is the Reichstag Fire of Internet Censorship.  It's no coincidence that the central conspiracy theory surrounding the 2016 election involves free speech or that the solution is internet censorship.  The claim that Russian trolls and bots rigged the election has zero actual evidence behind it.  But it's a convenient tool for not only delegitimizing Trump, but the very idea of a free and open internet where anyone can say anything they choose.  Senator Ben Cardin, Rep. Jerry Nadler and other members of Congress compared the election influence conspiracy to Pearl Harbor.  Rep. Jim Himes went even further, suggesting that it had eclipsed 9/11 by claiming that it, "is up there with Pearl Harbor in terms of its seriousness as a challenge to this country."  What they're really saying is that Democrats losing an election is worse than the murder of 3,000 people.

An Open Letter to David Hogg.  Who is David Hogg and why should we care?  He seems to think he is now a policy expert and can arrange for his thoughts and opinions to be taken seriously.  How many times have you heard him on CNN or MSNBC slandering those who disagree with him or heard him say "I am not going to allow".  My first thought is who [...] does he think he is.  The son of a supposed FBI agent father and a VIP mother who works for CNN (his own words) what makes him any more expert just because he was in the building next to where the shooting occurred?  His condescending attitude and his inability to see past the myopic preening group that are his handlers is self serving.  His present course will allow him to move forward in his future plans as either a journalist of politician, another progressive leftists that can lie easily and do nothing more than push the Alinsky principles forward.  He is the perfect "victim" he can say and demean anyone he likes and lie about facts and can do it with impunity because he can always fall back on being a "victim".  Any who call out his lies or his demeaning of others will be set upon by the socialists who are cheering him on.

How Identity Politics Is Made to Destroy Us.  In January, when negotiations over the fate of 800,000 DACA recipients broke down, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) blamed the impasse on the alleged racism of President Trump and his senior advisers.  "Last night the president put forth a plan," Pelosi told the U.S. Conference of Mayors.  "Let me just say what I said last night, that plan is a campaign to make America white again."  This was not only an obvious lie, but a spectacularly brazen one, since Trump's announced plan would provide a path to citizenship not only for the illegal aliens who had benefited from President Obama's constitutionally suspect Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, all of whom are nonwhite, but for a million additional illegals, mainly from Latin America, who are also mainly nonwhite.

Sheriff Scott Israel shoves aside NRA as scapegoat for Parkland massacre.  Leftists love scapegoats when they get to choose them.  But their narrative on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School mass slaughter is crashing and burning.  The statist gun-grabbers thought they had another golden opportunity when 17 people were massacred at a high school in an affluent suburb of Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  Plenty of articulate student survivors and grieving parents to mobilize for kangaroo court town halls and to be bussed to Tallahassee and Washington, D.C. spelled good visuals and heartbreaking stories.  The knee-jerk response of the left-media combine following a school shooting always is to blame the NRA, which stands in the way of dreams of tyranny.  If only Americans didn't have access to guns, we'd all be safe, goes the familiar mantra, ignoring mass slaughters in gun-restrictive locales the Bataclan in Paris.

Remark By Teachers Union President Shows Just How Inhuman Political Discourse Has Become.  In a recent BuzzFeed News article about the difficulties that "school choice Democrats" will face in the near political future, one interviewee made a remark that disturbed me. [...] Weingarten's comment is, in a word, destructive.  She attributed to DeVos, as if it were a simple fact, a negative internal characteristic she couldn't possibly know to be true.  DeVos "doesn't care about children."  That's a serious accusation, yet Weingarten didn't hesitate to make it.  If this were a one-off remark, perhaps it wouldn't be so troubling.  However, these types of statements have become the first response in nearly all political debates.

Nikolas Cruz Is the Result of 'It Takes a Village'.  Does everyone see what the Democrats have done?  They've pitted children against us, thereby mainstreaming and normalizing child exploitation.  What the Democrats did to Parkland student Emma Gonzalez was as sickening a display as any I've ever witnessed.  They coaxed an understandably distraught child to spew one debunked Democrat lie after another — and, of course, plenty of invective toward President Trump.  David Hogg, a 17-year-old Parkland student, asked on CNN:  "If you can't get elected without taking money from child murderers, why are you running?"  Normal question from a 17-year-old, right?  Wondering aloud if he came up with that question all on his own, with such emotionally vivid lingual sophistication and political acumen, must make me a grumpy old gun nut who thinks our youth are stupid.

The Contemptible American Left.  The American left, whose enthusiasts traffic constantly in victimhood and noble intentions, are once again exploiting and manipulating a tragedy.  They are now shamelessly claiming not only that teenagers who have been victims of or witnesses to a shooting must be the recipients of the nation's sympathy, but that whatever they say — however inane or uninformed, as long as it conforms with the left's anti-gun orthodoxy — cannot be questioned.  Their unfortunate experience gives rise to their newly minted status as unassailable spokespersons in any debate regarding gun control.  Therefore, anyone who has the temerity to question or criticize these newly anointed voices of reason is an insensitive brute who favors continued and unabated gun violence.

Why The Left Finds Wisdom In The Shrieks Of Parkland's Traumatized Teens.  Leftism's cult of youth is coming out in glorious display by showcasing Stoneman Douglas High School students and their pending movement for severe gun control measures.  Yes, "cult" perfectly suits a media rendered awe-stricken and rationally stunted by the shrieks of children.  They share a psychological profile with historic cultists, from Adolph Hitler's Nuremberg crowds to Jim Jones' flock:  the mind shuts down and rewires itself to make rational — in a democracy! — such Manichaean claims like "You're either with us or you're against us."  But so much of leftism makes sense when you realize it's a species of Christian heresy, gnostic millenarianism to be exact, that perverts so many of orthodox Christianity's fundamental teachings.

Let It Snow!  Let It Snow! Let It Snow!  Stop calling "snowflakes" snowflakes. [...] The irony is that a snowflake is so intricate yet so impromptu, suggesting the existence of an intelligent designer, while the snowflakes are so unintelligent as to make intelligent design inconceivable.  It takes faith to believe in a designer we cannot see, when what we do see can cause us to lose faith in ourselves.  What I see is rage instead of reason, groupthink instead of independent thought, tribalism instead of trial and error.  If the snowflakes bury this country with their illogic, blanketing the deserts and the plains with fury — bombarding the hills and the streets with fear — the sunshine of truth will be unable to melt their mountain of lies.

Schoolboy Cameron Kasky.  The U.S. media apparatus — specifically for current events, CNN and Jake Tapper's narrative engineers — consistently indoctrinate and manipulate children.  Indeed, in the history of Fabian political advancement children have always been a focus point for advancing their authoritarian control objectives.  However, today — as with prior history, the media's ideological lust intoxicates them, and the engineers have a tendency to go too far.

The Florida School Shooting:  Typical Leftist Exploitation.  When I first heard about the terrible Florida school shooting, I knew that the American left (Democrats, fake news, and Hollywood) would shamefully exploit the victims the way they always do.  The leftists' manual, Rules for Radicals, says, "In the arena of action a threat or a crisis becomes almost a precondition to communication."  In other words, "Never let a crisis go to waste."  Always exploit the victim's pain and suffering to further the leftist agenda.  We've seen leftists repeatedly use this insidious, heartless tactic.  Every time a tragic incident happens, cold, calculating leftist operatives run to the victims with open arms, pretending to have their best interests at heart, vowing to fix the problem.  But rather than seek real commonsense solutions, leftists use victims as cover to further their extreme agenda and attack people they hate:  Christians, gun-owners, the NRA, conservatives, Republicans, achievers, non-victim-minded minorities, and straight white men.

Teenage Survivors Are Not Immune from Criticism When They Push Gun Control.  Democrats have perfected the art of using sympathetic public figures to argue for positions most Americans reject, then accusing critics of mean-spiritedness when they disagree.  We saw that tactic in the Khizr Khan controversy in 2016, when a Muslim father whose son died fighting for the U.S. blasted Donald Trump from the podium at the Democratic National Convention.  When Trump responded, he was accused of attacking a Gold Star family.  Likewise in the gun control debate, where people who disagree with impassioned calls for gun control from some of the students who survived the Parkland shooting are being accused of attacking children.

Do Not Let the Children Lead.  America is not a juvenilocracy.  It is a constitutional republic.  There is a reason we don't elect high school sophomores and juniors to public office or allow them to cast ballots.  There are many, many reasons, actually.  Pubescents are fueled by hormones and dopamine and pizza and Sonic shakes.  They're fickle and fragile and fierce and forgetful.  They hate you.  They love you.  They need you.  They ignore you.  They know everything.  They know nothing.  All in the span of 10 seconds.  I know.  I have two of them.

Leftists Use Teens as Pawns for Gun Control.  First, a point we always make.  So-called "assault weapons" are nothing of the sort.  That's a made-up term by the Leftmedia meant to make people afraid of what is a basic semi-automatic rifle with certain cosmetic features.  Find out the truth here.  Second, it's incredibly unfortunate that teenagers likely suffering post-traumatic stress from a horrific attack are being held up as the sage voices of reason and unassailable moral authority.  The Left is using these kids as pawns to advance gun control, and it's arguably even more sick than politicians making a platform out of the caskets of Sandy Hook's children.

'KILL THE NRA' Scrawled Across Vandalized Billboard In Kentucky.  The leftist push for gun control in the wake of a Florida school shooting took a turn for the bizarre — and creepy — Tuesday morning [2/20/2018], after a billboard in Louisville, Kentucky was vandalized with the words, "KILL THE NRA."  The billboard is apparently "calling out the National Rifle Association following the recent school shootings in Kentucky and Florida," according to local media.  The message was signed, "Resist 45" — the calling card of a local Kentucky group that "opposes President Donald Trump" (to put it mildly) — likely some of the same people who have been suggesting Republicans have "blood on their hands" for supporting gun rights.

Democrats Blame Republicans, Demand Gun Control After Florida School Shooting.  Democrats immediately politicized the Florida school shooting that left at least 17 people dead on Wednesday and demanded gun control legislation, even before it was known how the shooter got his gun and whether any proposed legislation would have stopped it.  Some Democrats blamed Republicans for Wednesday's [2/14/2018] tragedy, without citing any evidence whatsoever.

Dem Congressman With Violent District:  Mass Shootings [are] Caused By Poverty.  Who knew?  All these shootings weren't caused by guns, but by poverty.  So let's end the whole gun control thing and just work on more poverty programs.  Or does that just apply to Dem districts?  Poor Democrats shoot people because of poverty.  Rich Democrats shoot people because guns exist.  Do Democrats ever take responsibility for anything?

The Angry Liberal Mob.  Have you ever wondered why liberals, particularly activist liberals, are so angry all the time?  It's not that they're angry people, or at least it's not just that they're angry people, it's for a different, very important reason — anger overrides logic.  Anger is kryptonite to logic, and for liberalism to work, to attract a large audience, logic has to be overridden.

Sen. Menendez: 'Chain Migration' Is 'Cruel' To Descendants Of Slaves.  "Chain migration" refers to immigration policy that allows the extended families of immigrants to join them in the United States.  According to Menendez, who is fresh off of a corruption trial, the term is "cruel" and "obscene."  "I find it obscene, the phrase 'chain migration,'" Menendez told CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer.  "It is incredibly cruel to those whose ancestors were brought to this country in chains in slavery."  "It is a dehumanizing element of what is, in essence, family reunification, which has been the core of American immigration principal for over a century," Menendez continued, "the belief that when we have families together, that ultimately they strengthen not only themselves and help each other but they help build communities and help build our nation."

How the Left Plays at Oppression and Encourages Tyrants.  I've been seeing graying women with t-shirts proclaiming they're resisting, watched colleges and universities fly their flag at half mast, and banged my head gently against the dashboard at cars with bumper stickers proudly proclaiming the driver a member of the resistance.  I've heard women proclaim they're marching for lost rights, though no one can answer me on what rights they lost.  Oh, yeah, I've also been informed, loudly, in public spaces, that liberals are afraid to speak their mind and that the awful dictator, Trump, has chilled their speech. [...] They know they can go around sloganeering and screaming and calling a freely elected president a tyrant and the equivalent of Hitler, and no one will do anything.

The Fake National Security Behind Obama's Watergate.  Before the Nunes memo was released, Democrats, the media and its intelligence sources insisted that it would undermine national security, reveal tradecraft secrets and even get agents killed.  Senator Cory Booker warned that it might be treasonously "endangering fellow Americans in the intelligence community."  It was, but not in the way that he meant.  The memo didn't have anything resembling classified information it.  Neither did the Grassley-Graham criminal referral which was heavily redacted to screen out all the "classified information."  What did the classified information consist of?  The Grassley-Graham criminal referral went through two FBI redactions.  Julie Kelly at American Greatness compared the two versions to see what was hidden.  Most of the redactions in the first version, that were exposed in the second version, involved the problems with the FISA warrant application's reliance on Christopher Steele.  The references to the FISA warrant, which is classified, allowed figures in the FBI to redact it.  But none of the references reveal anything damaging to our national security.

Our Infrastructure is not Crumbling.  One of the great myths of American politics, no matter who is president and no matter who runs Congress, is that our infrastructure is "crumbling."  Former president Barack Obama repeatedly warned us about our "crumbling infrastructure."  President Donald Trump now tells us that our infrastructure is "crumbling."  The next president is going to hatch a giant plan to fix our crumbling infrastructure as well, because most voters want to believe infrastructure is crumbling.  The infrastructure is not crumbling. [...] So "crumbling infrastructure" peddlers play on this concern by habitually agonizing over things like the impending outbreak of tragic bridge collapses that will kill thousands.  They bring up tragedies like the 2007 disaster with the Interstate 35 bridge over the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis even though, according to federal investigators, the collapse was due to a design flaw rather than decaying infrastructure.  Many outlets and politicians simply ignore the inconvenient fact that the rare fatality involving infrastructure typically has nothing to do with "crumbling" and everything to do with natural elements or human error.

Hillary Clinton Predicts Women Will 'Bear the Brunt' of 'Climate Change'.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton predicted Monday [2/5/2018] during a human rights event at Georgetown University that climate change will force women to "bear the brunt of looking for the food, looking for the firewood, looking for the place to migrate to ..."  Such migration won't be led by men, she maintained, but rather by women "when all of the grass is finally gone as the desertification moves south and you have to keep moving your livestock or your crops are no longer growing."

The Editor says...
What amount of global warming or cooling would prevent crops from growing?  If such a change ever took place, would it be possible to move your livestock to a more favorable area?  As usual, those who spread climate doomsday predictions are hoping the general public won't think it through.

The Memo Reveals The Coup Against America.  The Democrats and the media spent a week lying to the American people about the "memo."  The memo was full of "classified information" and releasing" it would expose "our spying methods."  By "our," they didn't mean American spying methods.  They meant Obama's spying methods.  A former White House Ethics Lawyer claimed that the Nunes memo would undermine "national security."  On MSNBC, Senator Chris Van Hollen threatened that if the memo is released, the FBI and DOJ "will refuse to share information with the House and Senate Intelligence Committees."  Senator Cory Booker howled that releasing the memo was "treasonous" and might be "revealing sources and methods" and even "endangering fellow Americans in the intelligence community."  The memo isn't treasonous.  It reveals a treasonous effort by the Democrats to use our intelligence agencies to rig an election and overturn the will of the voters.

Luis Gutierrez Stormed Out Of House Chamber During SOTU.  Illinois Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez stormed out of President Donald Trump's first State Of The Union address Tuesday night as "USA" chants erupted on the House floor.  Toward the end of Trump's speech, Gutierrez was spotted on camera getting up and exiting the chamber after Trump praised monuments across the country.  As members of Congress applauded the president's comments, the Illinois Democrat rose from his seat and walked out the door.

Using Nullification To Destroy Federalism.  [Scroll down]  In other words, the so-called "Dreamers," who are here illegally are being defended along with other illegals who, in addition to being illegals, are also criminals.  And this is all under the name of diversity.  Trump is being characterized as a pathological xenophobe.  This enforcement is presumably motivated by his hate and the hate of his supporters for non-white peoples, especially Hispanics.  And this pervasive and obsessive anti-Latino tendency is reinforced by an additional dimension of his mindset, and that of his Christian, conservative, dumb, working-class mindsets, by Islamophobia. [...] This rejection is always appended with the suffix "phobia."  Phobias are fears, but not merely fears.  They are irrational fears.

Unhinged: Michael Moore assails Trump, 'unfit,' 'narcissist, 'sociopath,' 'threat to humanity'.  One of the chief organizers of Monday's counter-State of the Union in New York City is charging that President Trump needs to be overthrown before he ends the world.  Really.

How a Civil War Happens.  When Democrats control the Senate, then Harry Reid and his boys and girls are the sane, wise heads that keep the crazy guys in the House in check.  But when Republicans control the Senate, then it's an outmoded body inspired by racism.  When Democrats run the Supreme Court, then it has the power to decide everything in the country.  But when Republicans control the Supreme Court, it's a dangerous body that no one should pay attention to.  When a Democrat is in the White House, states aren't even allowed to enforce immigration law.  But when a Republican is in the White House, states can create their own immigration laws.

The Democratic Party of Today.  Identity politics encourages fraud.  Remember the white woman, Rachel Dolezal, who claimed to be black and thereby took a position in the NAACP somewhere?  She was exposed as a fraud, but continued to claim that she was black.  Few people seemed to care.  This is what the Democratic Party has come to.  It is not only that the party is filled with phonies, but that the party has no standards.  It is without class.  It is the party of maudlin claims and easy outrage, often childish outrage.

Trump forces Democratic hand on immigration.  Ah, the Art of The Donald.  Kick back and enjoy the ride.  "Trump plan to offer citizenship to 1.8 million undocumented immigrants," the BBC reported.  How did the illegal aliens react?  "Let's call this proposal for what it is:  a white supremacist ransom note.  Our fear, our pain, and our lives must not be used to shackle our parents and ban those seeking refuge; we must not be used to tear apart the moral fabric of this country," the group United We Dream said in a statement.

Dick Durbin Claims Amnesty Is 'Civil Rights Issue of Our Time'.  Democratic Senators believe amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants is the "civil rights issue of our time," declared Sen. Dick Durbin, just before he voted January 22 to end the 2018 budget filibuster.  Durbin's promotion of illegal immigrants above African-Americans and other Americans spotlights the party's decision that Americans' deficits in wealth, job opportunities, and education are subordinate to the party's strategy of allying with business to import foreign voters via the nation's mass-immigration laws.

Transgenderism Is an Intellectual Disease.  Are we really helping people just because we choose not to hurt their feelings?  Hurt feelings used to be considered a necessary step along the way of learning to live well.  Avoiding them at all costs now seems to be the very summit of human wisdom.

Apple: Get Ready For Our $350 Billion US Investment — Thanks To Tax ReformCrumbs, Nancy Pelosi will say — it's all crumbs!  Twenty thousand American workers over the next five years may disagree.  Apple announced today that they plan to invest heavily in their US infrastructure, in large part because of the tax reform bill that Democrats claimed would kill people.

The further Oprah-izing of America.  Years ago, when Oprah became a national phenomenon, I coined the phrase "the Oprah-izaton of America."  It seemed as though Oprah had seduced many Americans into placing feelings above facts and logic.  Fake news media and most politicians have become Oprah-ized, behaving as though feelings trump everything.  For example, rather than honestly dealing with the negative consequences of illegals invading our country, leftists and politicians are most concerned with the emotional side of the issue.

The Weaponization of History and Journalism.  Writing the truth is no way to succeed as an author.  Only a small percentage of readers are interested in the truth.  Most want their biases or brainwashing vindicated.  They want to read what they already believe.  It is comforting, reassuring.  When their ignorance is confronted, they become angry.  The way to be successful as a writer is to pick a group and give them what they want.  There is always a market for romance novels and for histories that uphold a country's myths.  On the Internet successful sites are those that play to one ideology or another, to one emotion or the other, or to one interest group or another.  The single rule for success is to confine truth to what the readership group you serve believes.

The Left's False Vision of Economics and Morality.  Commentaries by the left repeatedly emphasize the words "fairness," "morality," "equality," "community," and "the poor."  According to the left, morality and fairness are economic concepts, not biblically based, divinely approved commands.  Morality and fairness are undermined by "disparity."  The rich, and possibly those awful, fanatical, and outrageously hypocritical conservative Christians, are disrupting "community" (sometimes referred to as the "global village"). [...] The idea of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer expresses resentment for the rich and is a ploy of demagogues rather than a significant or useful economic concept.  The drumbeat of class warfare is a bottomless pit.

Ex-Obama Treasury secretary:  Tax cuts 'leaving us broke'.  Former Treasury Secretary Jack Lew expressed concerns about the new GOP tax law's impact on the debt, arguing that it is "leaving us broke" and could lead to cuts in social safety net programs.  "I fear that the next shoe to drop is going to be an attack on the most vulnerable in our society," Lew said in a Bloomberg interview.  "How are we going to pay for the deficit caused by the tax cut?  You're going to see proposals to cut health insurance from poor people, to take basic food support away from poor people, to attack Medicare and Social Security."

The Editor says...
Memo to the former Treasury Secretary:  Deficits are not caused by tax cuts.  Deficits are caused by spending borrowed money, mostly on stuff we don't really need.  Call me if you need further advice.

Environmentalists Freak Out Over Trump's Repeal Of Rule Which Never Went Into Effect.  The green energy, "keep it in the ground" folks are off to a bad start in 2018.  It turns out that another one of Barack Obama's signature "achievements" in energy regulation, the one which would heavily regulate fracking on federal lands, is going away.  Given what a dirty word "fracking" has become in liberal circles, this is causing all manner of outrage on the left.  There's only one catch here... the rule in question never even went into effect for even a single day.

Railroaded: The Real Reasons Al Franken Is No Longer A Senator.  Three weeks after volunteering as Democratic Party tribute Hunger-Games-Style, Al Franken has finally relinquished his Senate seat.  Operation:  Moral High Ground, the Democrats' transparent plan to claim victory in America's #metoo moment, was a simple one.  Step One:  Run Al Franken out of town.  No ethics investigation.  No consideration of Minnesota voters.  No censure or lesser discipline.  Just an aggressive Franken-ectomoy.  Step Two:  Sit back and wait for alleged pedophile Roy Moore to win a Senate seat in Alabama's special election.  Step Three:  Make sure Franken's exit shares a news cycle with Roy Moore's entrance.  It would have been the Holy Grail of partisan juxtaposition — the split-screen video image to end all split screen video images.  Step Four:  Scream into the echo chamber that Republicans are the Roy Moore party and Democrats are the party of women.

17 Things That Need To Die With 2017.  [#6] Democrats claiming that Republican legislation will kill people.  From the 2012 ad showing a Paul Ryan-look alike literally shoving Granny off a cliff to their panic attacks over any discussion of repealing Obamacare to the latest whinging over the tax bill, the Democrats love to assign a death toll to Republican policies.  Just look at the nonsense over Net Neutrality.  According to Twitter, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai was changing the policy because he was the puppet of big internet companies who were going to destroy the internet as we know it and charge you $10 per tweet and blood will run in the streets and all sorts of horrors.  It's been a few weeks since and somehow we all survived.  AOL Instant Messenger is dead, but the rest of the internet still lives.  The hysteria was even worse over the tax bill.

Virginia Dem:  GOP Government 'Dangerous to All Living Creatures,' Especially Federal Workers.  Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) urged Congress before the holiday break to protect federal workers in the event of a government shutdown, adding that a "united" federal government under Republican leadership is "dangerous to all living creatures."  "They've already been asked to sacrifice in a way no other group in America has been asked to sacrifice, contributing well over $200 billion to deficit reduction," he said on a conference call Dec. 20 with American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) National President David Cox Sr.

'Morning Joe' guest worried Trump might invalidate 2018 midterm elections — even though he couldn't.  A guest on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" oddly declared Friday that she is worried President Trump may try to invalidate the 2018 midterm elections to avoid a Democratic Congress — something the President can't actually do.  Regular co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were absent, but Republican pollster and Washington Examiner columnist Kristen Soltis Anderson more than made up for the extreme anti-Trump rhetoric that MSNBC viewers have come to expect from the liberal morning show.

In Attacking Trump Tax Cuts as 'Theft,' Democrats Prove They Don't Believe in Private Property.  When Republicans in the U.S. House and Senate passed historic tax reform that will decrease taxes for more than 80 percent of Americans, Democrats branded the tax cut a "heist."  Terms such as "looting," "theft," and "heist" suggested that Republicans weren't giving Americans back more of their hard-earned money, but rather stealing from the poor to give to the rich.  This rhetoric is revealing — it shows that Democrats no longer believe in private property, a cornerstone of American values and the basis on which President Abraham Lincoln argued against slavery.  "Shamefully, Republicans were cheering against the children as they rob from their future and ransack the middle class to reward the rich," House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) tweeted, adding the hashtag #GOPTaxScam.  She was far from alone in adopting such rhetoric.

On what basis is this claim made?
Kathy Griffin Claims She'd Be 'Shot' By A Trump Supporter If She Went On A National Comedy Tour.  Comedian Kathy Griffin claims that, while she's doing well on tour overseas, she's unable to do a U.S. national comedy tour because she'd "be shot" by a Trump supporter.  Speaking to Politico Wednesday [12/27/2017], Griffin says that, after posing for a controversial photo that showed her holding up Donald Trump's (fake) severed head, she's received death threats that she's afraid Americans will act on.  "I wish I could tour in the U.S. without getting shot — I know I can't.  I was in the middle of a 50-city tour when the tweet happened.  It was canceled in 24 hours," Griffin said, apparently unaware that the backlash to her photo was not simply swift but also, generally, bipartisan.

Attn. Nancy Pelosi!  CBS News finds families who WON'T be killed by the tax bill.  You know it's bad for the Dems when even the mainstream media can't give an assist.  Here's a CBS News story that did NOT cooperate with the Democrat narrative of "Armageddon" and mass misery.

Psychologist says he sent a gift-wrapped package of manure to Steve Mnuchin's Bel Air mansion.  A Los Angeles psychologist says he hand-delivered gift-wrapped package of manure to Steve Mnuchin's Bel Air mansion because the GOP tax bill is 'bulls***'.  Robby Strong identified himself as the man who dropped off a box of horse manure at Mnuchin's house in an interview with

Democrats 'manufacturing a crisis' over prospect of Mueller firing, sources say.  Democrats are "manufacturing a crisis" with their drumbeat of warnings about the possible firing of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, sources familiar with the relationship between Mueller's office and President Trump's legal team say.  The sources insisted to Fox News that Mueller is not going to be fired, and the discussion is nothing more than speculation and rumor.  Further, they said the legal team has an "excellent" and "very professional" relationship with Mueller and his team.  "The fact is [Democrats] have been caught red handed manufacturing a crisis and all the phony allegations," one source said.

The Democrats Stink of Weakness and Defeat.  Armageddon, she called it.  That was Nancy Pelosi, the insane woman who is somehow in charge of the Democrats' House caucus, speaking about the just-passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.  The bill would later pass in the House, largely on the same party lines it's passed throughout the legislative process, due to procedural necessities, Wednesday [12/20/2017].  [...] We wouldn't take Pelosi seriously, because it's impossible to truly do so.  After all, she's completely crazy and it's obvious to anyone who bothers to observe both the gibberish emanating from her lips and the unstable body language surrounding it.  Except that the unhinged sentiments she offered as a reaction to the passage of a bill which will provide a tax cut to 80 percent of the American public aren't just hers.  They belong to the entire Democratic Party.

New York Times Column Says Trump Is About To Stage A Coup.  A New York Times contributor cranked the President Donald Trump-hysteria-meter to 11 on Thursday when he wrote the president "and his allies seem on the verge of staging a coup against independent institutions and the rule of law."  In the column "The Real Coup Plot Is Trump's," New York Times contributor and Harvard University lecturer Yascha Mounk warns readers about the upcoming assault on American democracy that the president is plotting.  Fox News host Jesse Watters recently claimed that in the midst of all the alleged bias within the FBI, that "we have a coup on our hands in America."  Mounk doesn't cite any evidence that Trump is preparing to fire special counsel Robert Mueller — the president, after all, has said repeatedly that he doesn't intend to.

Taxpayer rebellions in the blue states?  The Democrats are hysterical about the Trump tax reform.  You'd probably be hysterical, too if someone was about to blow up your little kingdom.  For years, high-tax states benefited by passing the cost to the rest of the country, or allowing their residents to write off their state taxes on their IRS return.  In other words, the real losers of Trump tax reform are the state legislatures in California and Illinois, [...]

On the Left, It Is All Hysteria, All the Time.  I have been observing politics for a long time, and have never seen anything like the present moment.  The Democrats have dialed the hysteria meter up to 12, and absolutely everything is a crisis.  One type of faux crisis is particularly transparent.  It is exemplified by the Left's current fit over net neutrality, a policy that few understand and, I think, fewer still have much reason to care about.

Hundreds of EPA Employees Have Quit Under Trump.  Over 700 employees at the Environmental Protection Agency have quit or taken early retirement during the Trump administration so far, bringing the agency close to employment levels not seen since Reagan.  ThinkProgress, whose senior editor is scared of his plumber who he fears may have voted for Trump, is warning that the exodus will lead to "dirtier air" and "dirtier water."  "Since Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt took over the top job at the agency in March, more than 700 employees have either retired, taken voluntary buyouts, or quit, signaling the second-highest exodus of employees from the agency in nearly a decade," the liberal blog reported.

The Editor says...
As I have said numerous times since at least September 26, 2011, the EPA could disappear tomorrow and the air and water would not get dirtier, because all 50 states have their own EPA-equivalents.

Guilt By Accusation Is The New NormTime has named #MeToo its 'Person of the Year' and every other day the hashtag lynch mob drags someone else in front of the spotlight.  The accusations range from rape to harsh words.  The evidence is hearsay.  The target is shamed, fired from every job he ever held and purged from polite society.  Some are guilty.  Some might be innocent.  But we'll never know because there's no investigation.  The time frame between accusation and purge is hours or days when it takes your average HR department a week to file a form.  Just like in every totalitarian leftist state, the accusation is enough.  And then it's on to the next one. [...] And don't ask any questions.  Only bad people ask questions.  Only bad people want proof.  Only bad people don't instantly believe an accusation.  And you're either with #MeToo or with its targets.  But maybe we should start asking a few questions.

Will Net-Neutrality Zealots Apologize When The Internet Fails To Crash And Burn?  On Thursday, the FCC voted 3-2 to overturn the Obama administration's 2015 regulatory regime, under which the FCC had granted itself virtually unlimited authority to regulate internet service providers in the name of "net neutrality."  In a tweet after the ruling, the ACLU said the decision "represents a radical departure that risks erosion of the biggest free-speech platform the world has ever known."  Mignon Clyburn, one of the two Democratic commissioners at the FCC, claimed that overturning the Obama rules would give "the green light to our nation's largest broadband providers to engage in anti-consumer practices, including blocking, slowing down traffic, and paid prioritization of online applications and services."  Most of the other reactions aren't fit to print here.

Net neutrality is dead.  Good riddance.  Net neutrality is dead.  This is a good thing.  Even if there were no other compelling arguments in favor of killing net neutrality (though there are), the end of net neutrality would be welcome because it will frustrate the hopes of the largest group temper tantrum thrown by non-toddlers in recent American history.  Has this country ever seen a more simperingly childish mob than the one responsible for the outcry over this boring prudential question concerning the allocation of hertz?  Has so much canned emotion ever been spilled over so bland and technocratic and uniquely prudential an issue?  Having strong feelings about net neutrality — which essentially mandates that your internet service provider treats all internet traffic and data equally — is like getting upset over a public-access TV debate on the generic ballot or the proceedings of the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans, and Insular Affairs.  If nothing else, ludicrous statements like the one from the heads of the New York, Brooklyn, and Queens Public Library systems calling the proposed change "appalling" and the gravest threat to education this country faces do the helpful work of reminding us that, like public schools, libraries in this country are now little more than transmission centers for digital entertainment.

Liberals Love Lynch Mob 'Justice'.  Last week, Democrats forced two of their own (Senator Al Franken and Rep. John Conyers) to walk the plank in response to mere allegations of wrongdoing, in a transparent attempt to position their party to try to score political points against President Trump and the GOP.  In neither case did a court of law determine that the two politicians had engaged in wrongdoing.  Nor did a congressional ethics panel take testimony, gather evidence or make findings.  Instead, to appease the appetites of a rabid liberal mob (and out of political expediency), Democrats stripped two of their colleagues of their right to a fair hearing and forced them to resign under a cloud of shame.

Dear Democrats:  Does Trump do anything that's not racist?  A good journalist should ask John Lewis and himself what policies of Trump make him a racist.  A bad journalist would just repeat over and over again the claim that Trump is a racist, no questions asked.  People claim that Trump is anti-Muslim because he has severe vetting on six or seven Muslim countries.  Since there are around 50 majority-Muslim countries, how could that policy be anti-Muslim?  They also claim that Trump is a racist because he wants to enforce our immigration laws that John Lewis and Congress wrote.  Enforcing laws of the land is certainly not racist.  Every policy I have seen that Trump has proposed seems to involve transferring the power and money from the federal government back to the people, where it belongs.  Not once have I seen a policy that is not for all races, all religions, and both sexes.  So why is Trump called a racist?

That Democratic rhetoric about taxing the rich?  It's a con.  Democrats have asserted for years that the rich aren't paying enough in taxes.  In her Democratic National Convention speech in 2016, Hillary Clinton put it in the party's characteristically way, saying "Wall Street, corporations, and the super-rich are going to start paying their fair share of taxes."  Never mind that, according to the most recent data, the "1 percent" pay more than 25 percent of all federal tax revenue, more than the bottom 60 percent of income earners combined.  Democrats are usually loathe to give a specific number, but whatever the rich are paying, it isn't enough.

Woke Conservatives And The Awesome Power Of Not Caring.  Have you noticed that if you fail to do, think, and vote exactly the way that the liberals and their Fredocon minions demand, you're a racist, sexist, homophobic, child molesting, greedy, NRA terrorist determined to murder kids?  Yeah, you probably have.  And you've probably also realized that if you do everything that the liberals and their Never Trump minions demand, you're still a racist, sexist, homophobic, child molesting, greedy, NRA terrorist determined to murder kids.  When you understand that, you're on your way to being conservative woke.  And when you're conservative woke, you're ready to deploy the most powerful non-bullet firing weapon in your liberty-loving arsenal — your devastating capability not to [care] what the liberals and their Conservative, Inc., cruise-shilling Benedict Arnold buddies say.  When you don't care anymore, they got nothing.

A Time for War:  The Gathering Storm.  [Scroll down]  This past weekend was a perfect example.  Brian Ross starts a series of false reports, so bad that the stock market dives, the leftist media breathlessly reports that President Trump is finished, and do their version of a happy dance.  Except, the report was not true, the networks once again proved to be unworthy sources of news, just repeating a false narrative.  Then the tax plan surprisingly passed the Senate.  The left, as usual, had a collective hissy fit, droning on about how lost we are as a country.  Oh, the horror!  Tax cuts!!  We're doomed!!!

Recap of the half-baked opposition to Roy Moore:
Experts Killed Epistemology.  A few weeks before an election, a newspaper owned by Jeff Bezos publishes a rambling set of memories about dates that Roy Moore went on roughly forty years ago.  Three stories involve Moore dating teenage girls of legal age when he was in his early thirties but courting them with nothing more than a kiss and respecting their families and honor.  A fourth involves a far-fetched tale about Moore luring a fourteen-year-old out of a courthouse, stripping down to his underwear, and trying to molest her.  A din rises from the lairs of angry LGBT advocates who have hated Roy Moore for years.  They just happen to have come under fire with unprecedented attention to pederastic grooming in gay Hollywood.  Joining these longstanding antagonists of Moore are the familiar voices from the Southern Poverty Law Center and the predictable squad of NeverTrumps — Ross Douthat, David French, Ben Shapiro, etc. — rushing to drop more of the headlines we have come to expect from them.  The straw men multiply and start marching into the bonfire on cue.

Pelosi: GOP tax proposal 'the worst bill in the history' of Congress.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) declared unequivocally on Monday that the GOP tax overhaul is the worst legislation ever considered by Congress.  "I have said that this was stiff competition by some of the other things they have put forth, is the worst bill in the history of the United States Congress," Pelosi said during House floor debate on the tax proposal.  Pelosi cited the rushed process and impact on the deficit to justify her assertion.  [Video clip]

How Democrats Corrupt English To Create Hysteria.  Whenever the rare threat of a passable Republican bill emerges, we learn from Democrats that thousands, or perhaps millions, of lives are at stake.  Once it passes, we learn that America is over.  Taxes?  Health care?  Bogus international treaties?  Internet regulations that were only instituted last year?  It really doesn't matter.  These days, the rhetoric is always apocalyptic and always bellicose.  How did so many liberals convince themselves that tax reform (a rare cut that is, according to sometime-reliable Washington Post factcheckers, only the eighth largest in history) signals the implosion of American life?  Everyone tends to dramatize the consequences of policy for effect, of course, but a Democratic Party drifting towards Bernie-ism is far more likely to perceive cuts in taxation as limiting state control and thus an attack on all decency and morality.  Taxation is the finest tool of redistribution, so it's understandable.

Democrats — Still the Party of Slavery after all these years.  According to Melissa Harris-Perry people have "...the right to health care, and to education, and to decent housing and to quality food at all times."  Perry is certainly not the first Democrat to argue that people have a "right" to the labor of others.  I have been fielding this argument in the course of debates about health care for years.  To be fair, I think sometimes such rhetoric is simply the result of a lack of deep thinking.  But like it or not, health care, education, housing, and food are all either services or tangible items which come from the labor of real people, people who many Democrats believe should be compelled to toil without compensation to provide for the "rights" of others.  To put it more simply, people like Harris-Perry are calling for certain people to be forced to work without compensation for the benefit of others.  Anytime you designate a good or service that must be produced by someone to be a right, you make the producer a slave.

Anti-Trump MSNBC host Joy Reid thinks rural Americans are 'core threat' to democracy.  MSNBC host Joy Reid thinks that rural Americans are "the core threat to our democracy" and pointed to a series of tweets by liberal author Jared Yates Sexton that claimed Trump supporters "do not believe in the Constitution or any founding principles unless they're advantageous" as proof of her far-left theory. [...] Reid, who tweets so often that it's amazing she finds time to do anything else, has a feed that is essentially the anti-Trump talking points of the far left on a daily basis.

Progressives Whine about Obamacare Premiums.  It's wrong, of course, to revel in the misfortune of others.  I nonetheless laughed aloud when I read what the editors of the New York Times imagine is a heart-rending tale of several Obamacare supporters who, having ignored years of conservative warnings about the inevitability of premium increases under Obamacare, now lament the financial difficulties they face due to the high cost of health coverage.  It would be easier to feel sympathy for these people if they admitted they were wrong about the "Affordable Care Act."  But progressives don't do that.  Instead, they blame President Trump and the GOP.  The author of the piece takes us to that vortex of progressive virtue, Charlottesville, Virginia, and attempts to tug on our heart strings with the stories of people like Sara Stovall.

This must stop
Democrat Fundraising Letter Tied Tax Cuts To Neo-Nazis.  Democrats certainly don't appear to have an issue with using fear to fundraise.  A Senate Majority PAC mailer with an enclosed letter from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer tied together the Kremlin and neo-Nazis with corporate tax cuts.  "This Must Stop," the mailer says above the words, "Corporate Tax Cuts.  Discrimination.  Kremlin.  Medicaid Cuts.  Bribes.  Repealing Health Care.  Neo-Nazis."

Know the facts:  Anti-gun activists utilize emotional grief to line their pockets.  The Second Amendment is under siege now more than ever.  Every day, we see more assaults made on our Constitutional rights to keep and bear arms.  Radical gun-grabbing organizations like Moms Demand Action, Everytown for Gun Safety, and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence are just a few of the national organizations that seek to take away law abiding citizens' guns, and it's not much better at the university level.  There's a Student Pledge Against Gun Violence and a campaign to "Keep Guns Off Campus."  In many cases, students cannot exercise their recognized rights just because they step foot on campus.  These radical organizations employ misleading phrases to win over new supporters such as "Secure freedom from gun violence", "Disarm Hate," and "take common-sense steps to save lives".  However, they don't tell you what gun-grabbers' real intentions are.  These organizations carefully craft phrases they know will cause an emotional response from Americans.  It's all propaganda used to fill their pockets and combat their boogeyman:  the National Rifle Association.

Do Trump's liberal critics seem increasingly unhinged?  Last week's anniversary of Trump's election sparked widespread teeth-gnashing by the nation's pundits.  Trump is supposedly the gravest threat to American democracy since the secession of the Confederacy.  His presidency, probably, continues to be a boon for antidepressant sales across the land.  New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg, in a column last week headlined "Anniversary of the Apocalypse," lamented the "terror-struck and vertiginous days" after Trump's win and the ongoing "metaphysical whiplash" and "hideous interregnum," which leaves her "poleaxed by grief at the destruction of our civic inheritance."  Professor Henry Giroux of McMaster University frothed that Trump's "ascendancy in American politics has made visible a culture of cruelty, a contempt for civic literacy, a corrupt mode of governance and a disdain for informed judgment that has been decades in the making."

Democrats Bring Words to a Gun Fight.  What kind of vermin mocks prayer and politicizes human tragedy after a dark-hearted creep who reportedly bought dogs online and used them for target practice walks into a church and kills 26 innocent people?  Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, for one, and leftists at large.  Just after the Sutherland Springs, Texas shooting, Warren tweeted:  "Thoughts and prayers are not enough, GOP.  We must end this violence.  We must stop these tragedies.  People are dying while you wait."  The Hollywood hypocrite crowd paused from sexually assaulting each other long enough to attack the faithful for their "thoughts and prayers."  Meanwhile, Democrats chimed in, mocking Christians and promoting gun control.  As if gun control would have prevented this deranged nut job from illegally acquiring guns and shooting innocent people, including young children and a pregnant woman point blank.

Senator to Colleagues:  Is Political Backing from Gun Industry 'Worth the Blood'?  One of the biggest gun-control advocates in Congress ripped colleagues after the Sutherland Springs, Texas, mass shooting, telling fellow lawmakers to "shed" their "cowardly cover and do something." [...] "As long as our nation chooses to flood the county with dangerous weapons and consciously let those weapons fall into the hands of dangerous people, these killings will not abate," he added.

The Editor says...
As long as known violent atheist nut-cases roam the streets, the background check system fails miserably, and church-going citizens fail to prepare to defend themselves, bad people will kill good people.  I'm somewhat surprised that half the congregation wasn't armed and ready for this now-deceased perpetrator.  At times like this, political opportunism doesn't help.

Chelsea Handler slammed for political tweet hours after Texas mass shooting.  Comedian Chelsea Handler has drawn criticism for a tweet blaming Republicans just hours after a mass shooting in Texas.  Handler tweeted on Sunday afternoon:  'Innocent people go to church on Sunday to honor their God, and while doing so, get shot in killed.  What country?  America.  Why?  Republicans.'  At least 27 are feared dead after a gunman stormed into the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday morning [11/5/2017], among them the pastor's 14-year-old daughter.

The Congressional Black Caucus:  Purveyors of Black Urban Decline.  Every week a prominent Democrat is in the news labeling their opposition as racist as if it is some sort of sport.  Do you support school choice that helps struggling black parents end generational poverty?  Racist.  Call out black crime rates that disproportionately claim black victims?  Racist.  Criticize the welfare state that keeps black people hooked on government handouts?  Racist.  Are you a Republican?  Automatic racist.  And if you're a black conservative like I am, it's even worse.  No substantive conversation can take place in this environment.

NY Times:  We Should Give Dreamers And People Illegally Crossing The Border Legal Protections.  It's always something.  Always some sort of sob story.  Always some feelings based excuse for people to break our laws and violate our sovereignty.  We read in the article about the supporters being enraged that Trump would dare try and stop people coming in illegally, because something something.

If Corn Pops are racist, what about Cocoa Puffs or Count Chocula?  Kellogg's has apologized after a member of the Social Justice Breakfast Brigade complained about racially insensitive artwork on a package of Corn Pops.  The artwork included cartoon characters shaped like corn kernels frolicking about in a shopping mall.  All but one of the kernels was yellow.  The lone brown kernel was working as a janitor. [...] The notion that a major American company was forced to apologize after somebody got their flakes frosted by a cartoon corn kernel demonstrates just how perpetually offended and overly sensitive we've become.

Anguished Liberals Plan to 'Scream Helplessly at the Sky' on Anniversary of Trump Election.  Progressives have taken their Trump derangement syndrome to a whole new level.  Thousands of anguished libs in Boston and Philadelphia will be taking part in scream fests on Nov. 8 to commemorate the anniversary of Donald Trump's election.  Liberals in other cities around the country are likely to step up to the crazy plate as well as the big day draws near.  Over 4,000 Facebook users in the Boston area have RSVP'd to attend the event they're calling "Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election."

Who Says We Spend 'Too Much' On Health Care?  There's no question that the U.S. devotes far more resources to health care than any other country.  Health spending in the U.S. accounts for more than 17% of GDP.  Among industrialized nations, the next closest is Sweden, where health care is 12% of its economy.  In Canada, health care spending is less than 11% of GDP.  In the U.K., it's 9%, according to the World Health Organization.  So what?  The U.S. is a very rich country, and as a result, Americans spend more on just about anything than any other country in the world.  The U.S. spends more per capita on advertising, more on national defense, more on information and communications technology, more on leisure activities.  The country also gives far more to charities than any other nation in the world.

Holder: 'Our Democracy Is Under Attack' — I Don't Know If I'll Run for Office.  On Monday's [10/23/2017] broadcast of MSNBC's "Rachel Maddow Show," former Attorney General Eric Holder stated he didn't know if he will ever run for office and argued that between gerrymandering and voter suppression laws, "our democracy is under attack."

Everything you know about police shootings is wrong.  Ninety-five percent of officers go through their entire careers without discharging their weapons.  Contrary to public image, officers do not wish to be in a deadly-force incident and do everything in their power to avoid it at all costs, often times to their own peril.  There are about 34,000 arrests each day in this country and well over 10 million a year, and in many of those arrests suspects are taken into custody safely even when many are extremely violent.  Only a very small number result in shots fired.

Democratic chairman:  Trump 'most dangerous' president ever.  Trying to quell accusations that he is ousting activists from the party's left flank, Democratic Chairman Tom Perez told fellow Democrats on Saturday [10/21/2017] that unity is crucial in the fight against President Donald Trump, whom he lambasted as an "existential threat" to the nation.

Trump doesn't owe Obama anything.  It's nine months into the administration, and there is no rest for the hair-on-fire coverage.  Whether it's Trump's move to make changes to NAFTA, decertify the Iran deal, eliminate some ObamaCare rules or cut taxes, each is greeted with a collective howl of outrage.  Every report is a parade of horrors that celebrates critics as truth-telling prophets.  All the code words about cruelty to the poor and benefits for the rich are trotted out, capped with warnings about race and gender impacts.  The hyperbolic language is designed to stoke partisan fear and rally the resistance. [...] And so it goes, day after day, issue after issue.  Stripped of policy fig leaves, the media reaction amounts to, "You can't do that!  That's not how Barack Obama did it!"

The Normalization of Gun Violence Lies.  It takes six months in America to get an x-ray, but you can buy an AR-15 immediately.  That is one of the lies pushed by gun control advocates in the United States.  It is easier to buy a gun in the United States than vote.  Never mind that one needs photographic identification to do the former and, in still many places, not the later.  But again, this is a lie pushed by gun control advocates.  The very people who tell us Donald Trump is a fascist would have us hand over all our guns to him.  The very people who demand Christians provide goods and services to certain weddings or be put out of business tell us we can trust them with our freedom if we give up our guns.  The problem with gun control arguments in the United States is that so many of the gun control advocates lie.  Having never touched a gun, let alone fired one, they make stuff up.  We see this routinely in the news media.

Enough Already with 'Pay Your Fair Share'.  Taxes are the next frontier.  Republicans are the party of lower taxes and smaller government, aren't they?  That's what I always thought until the past 16 years.  The national debt doubled under a Republican president, then doubled again under a Democrat president — while the GOP controlled Congress during most of those 16 years.  If health care reform is a harbinger of tax reform, it's likely that nothing will happen.  Taxes will remain where they are.  And hopefully, many GOP representatives and senators, after 2018, will not remain where they are, primaried into early retirement.

Jimmy Kimmel Versus Our Constitutional Rights.  There may be no more menacing threat to liberty than shallow fools like Jimmy Kimmel, who relies on cheap emotional tactics to sell authoritarianism to glassy-eyed nitwits.  Characteristically, he leapt at the chance to exploit the Las Vegas Massacre to advance his agenda, shamelessly blaming the bloodshed on Republicans.

Now it's a War on Pipelines.  For years, activists claimed the world was rapidly depleting its oil and natural gas supplies.  The fracking revolution (horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing) obliterated that argument, by sending US oil and gas production to new heights.  Indeed, record gas supplies and plummeting gas prices combined with the Obama EPA war on coal to shutter many coal-fired power plants.  So the battle increasingly shifted to the far more emotional claim that continued reliance on fossil fuels (which provide over 80% of the US and global energy that powers modern civilization and living standards) will cause dangerous manmade global warming and climate change.  This gave birth to the climate and renewable energy consortium and the "keep it in the ground" movement.  No evidence to the contrary will budge them from their hysteria-laden talking points on looming climate cataclysms.

Protesters disrupt, delay Obamacare repeal hearing.  Protesters upended the GOP's sole hearing on a last-gasp Obamacare repeal right as the gavel fell Monday [9/25/2017], forcing its Republican chairman to recess the session until he could get order.  "No cuts to Medicaid!  Save our liberty!" the protesters chanted repeatedly.  Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, Utah Republican, tried to restore order by banging the gavel but then waited for Capitol Police to break it up.

The Editor says...
Was there no liberty in this country before Medicaid?

The Left catapulted Valerie Plame to stardom without figuring out what she thinks.  Valerie Plame is many things.  The left-wing darling just tweeted an article accusing Jews of starting American wars.  After the predictable blowback, Plame first encouraged her audience "to put aside your biases" and read the article before admitting that she "didn't do my homework on the platform."

"White Privilege" Is A Racist Concept.  I, and many other black Americans, have spent a lifetime hoping I would be judged by who I am rather than assumptions made solely based upon the color of my skin.  I am disgusted when I hear people on cable news channels and other news platforms use the label of "white privilege" when referring to an individual they have most likely never met.  Even worse, when it is used in reference to a group of people that are undoubtedly uniquely diverse in nearly every way beyond the color of their skin.  Just as with the other well-known reprehensible titans in the world of derogatory terms that we can all agree are soaking in racist intention, the label of "white privilege" is used to strip away all the intricacies that make up an individual's character and delegitimize their accomplishments.  In a broader sense, terms like these are used to even question an individual's right to exist in a given space because of the color of their skin.  I cannot understand why there is not more push back when the label "white privilege" is used.

Ideology unbound.  Often when the Left talks about having a national conversation they mean the thoughts that occur to them and no one else. [...] Imprisoned by their own imperatives they arrive at policy positions — such as limits on free speech — which they regard as "settled" even though hundreds of millions may not even know what they are talking about.  This insidious process of begging the question is typical of totalitarian propaganda which made abundant use of expressions like "undeniably", "unquestionably" or as "everyone knows" or their more modern equivalents like as "all decent people agree ...", "the science is settled" or "this is not who we are" to assume what must otherwise be proved.  But it nevertheless compels obedience like a herd driving itself along.

The Nazi Tar Baby.  Putting fascism on the "right" end of your antiquated political scale probably makes sense, as it was opposed to what is on the "left" end of that scale.  That means, of course, you are embracing a base assumption of Progressives.  They argue, as a matter of core morality, that all opposition to them is reactionary and incoherent.  Therefore, nothing on the Right can exist in isolation.  It can only exists in opposition to the Left.  In that regard, they are correct about fascism.  It was a devil with an expiry date that has long past.

Hate on display — climate activists go bonkers over #Irma and nonexistent climate connection.  Here is a collection of some of the most hateful tweets, essays, and posts from climate alarmists that are trying to pin hurricanes Harvey and Irma on the shoulders of climate skeptics.  I must not be trying hard enough, because I'm not on the death sentence list.

Climate Depot's Morano receives threatening email: 'You and your children should be burned in public'Marc Morano received the following barely literate email:  ["]Although it is my belief that you and your children should be burned in public.  Not be cause [sic] you are " a skeptic", I honestly believe that you know the science is true, but because you are to [sic] cowardly to engage in a real dialog. [..."]

Don't buy into all of that rosy PR about DACA.  Who wants to deport "Dreamers"?  Not many people, it turns out.  Even veteran immigration restrictionists seem willing to legalize this subset of immigrants in the country illegally if it is part of a package deal.  That's true even though a lot of what's said about the DACA recipients is PR-style hooey.  For example, it's often said — indeed, former President Barack Obama just recently said — that the approximately 800,000 of them were "brought to this country by their parents."  Well, many were.  But that's not required to qualify as a protected Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program recipient under the various plans, including Obama's.  You just have to have entered the country illegally before age 16.  You could have decided to sneak in against your parents' wishes.  You're still a "Dreamer!"

Obama's Preening Facebook Post on DACA Sidesteps His Own Culpability.  [Scroll down]  On the matter of "cruelty," tell me:  Was it cruel to ignore the DREAMers in 2009 and 2010?  Were they any less dream-filled or striving at that time?  Was it cruel to implement a legally shoddy, admittedly temporary policy that could be instantly reversed by a subsequent president, thereby injecting chaos and fearful uncertainty back into DREAMers' lives after they'd already identified themselves to the federal government?  Was it cruel to touch off the unaccompanied minor crisis at the southern border, which was heavily attributed to reports of an amnesty for children? [...] Finally, where in the constitution is the president afforded special dispensation to abolish "cruelty" or enforce "basic decency" as he sees fit, regardless of the separation of powers?  Take a moment to consider the right-wing projects that might be accomplished under Obama's subjective, law-ignoring, "that's not who we are" standard.

Tired of sob stories?  Here's some tales you might not have seen.  Have you read enough sob stories about "Dreamers" yet?  Amazing, isn't it, that the United States was somehow able not only to survive but also to prosper and thrive for almost 200 years before the massive invasion by the Third World began after Ted Kennedy's Immigration Reform Act of 1965.  How did we get along with all these wonderful illegal immigrants who are, after all, only committing the crimes Americans can't be bothered committing anymore?

There Is No Such Thing As a 'Deserving DREAMer'.  Over and over again, from the mouths of politicians in both parties, identity politics purveyors and cheap labor lobbyists, we hear the same refrains about President Obama's 800,000 amnestied illegal alien youths:  "They don't deserve to be punished."  "They deserve protection."  "They deserve the American dream."  Deserve, deserve, deserve.  Over and over again, in countless cookie-cutter op-ed pieces published over the past month, so-called DREAMers have vociferously lamented President Donald Trump's push to eventually undo their unconstitutional five-year reprieves from deportation plus coveted work permits.

America's Post-Charlottesville Nervous Breakdown Was Deliberately Induced.  Wars are won or lost based mostly on perceptions of events, not on what actually happens.  This is true for any given battlefield, whether it's the 1968 Tet Offensive in Vietnam or the ideological battlefield over the future of the First Amendment as played out in Charlottesville in 2017.  The reality of what takes place in the public arena is always secondary to any projected illusion.  So let's never forget this:  Whoever has the power to dictate public perceptions of reality is in a position to dictate public opinion and behavior.  Abusing language and images to stir up emotions is an ancient trick of power-mongers.  And once journalism turns into unchecked propaganda, we become trapped in its dangerous illusions.

Where Are All the White Supremacists?  Still flailing desperately like a half-crushed bug about its electoral defeat last November, the modern left is tossing the term "white supremacist" at any suspected counterrevolutionaries with the same zealous abandon that Antifa chucks urine-filled bottles at old white ladies who wave American flags.  We are led to believe that race doesn't exist — which would imply that white people don't exist, either — but that through some sort of socially righteous prestidigitation, white people are easy to spot and must be scapegoated for all human, animal, and plant suffering across the universe from the dawn of time.  And if you think that's a ridiculous burden to bear, that's only because you're a "white supremacist."

Nazi-Hunting Fantasies Have Unhinged The Left.  I'm worried that the Charlottesville riots are making the Left psychologically unhinged in the same way that they have been unhinged by the election of Donald Trump, only more so.  The problem with their reaction to Donald Trump is that he seems to so totally vindicate all of their political prejudices that he justifies an even more vicious vilification of anyone who opposes their agenda.  Everyone who supports free market capitalism is a rich jerk who looks down on poor people?  Check.  Anyone who complains about political correctness just wants to be a sexist boor?  Check.  Anyone who talks hawkishly about Islamic terrorism must be driven by a neurotic need to prove his masculinity?  Check.

Dakota Access Pipeline Developer Sues Greenpeace Over 'Eco-Terrorist' Campaign.  Energy Transfer Partners, the developer behind the Dakota Access Pipeline, has sued Greenpeace and several other groups for what it calls a 'campaigns of misinformation."  ETP argues in the lawsuit filed Tuesday [8/22/2017] that environmental groups are running a racket designed to raise money by emotionalizing issues.

Will The Left Start Calling For New York To Be Renamed?  Ever since the Charlottesville protests, the Left has ramped up their crusade against Confederate monuments and street named after Confederate generals.  Using their logic, they should be calling for renaming the leftist mecca of New York, whose namesake is derived from a slave trader.  The Daily Caller reminded everyone that New York is named after the former duke of York, James Stuart, who would eventually become King James II.  James formed the Royal African Company (RAC), which eventually "became the largest single company involved in the slave trade," according to a 1999 UNESCO paper.  The RAC traded an average of 5,000 slaves per year from 1680-6 and a total of 30,000 from 1680-1700.  The company remained in the slave trading industry until it moved to trading gold dust and ivory in 1731.

If Nazis and KKK are Trump's base, how did he win the election?  [Scroll down]  CNN contributor, presidential historian, and left-wing Democrat Douglas Brinkley supplies an actual number, saying "10 to 15 percent of Trump's base are KKK white nationalists and alt-right racists."  Really?  Given that Trump received about 63 million votes, that would mean close to 10 million are KKK members or racists.  The broader implication is that those of us who voted for Donald Trump and still support him are all racists.  Not in the abstract, either.  A friend of over 40 years who despises Donald Trump called me "a white racist" over my continued support of the president.  As if calling me names will make me change my mind.

Democratic Former Senator Finally Says What Left Is Thinking:  All Republicans Are Nazis.  In a recent column for The Guardian, former Democratic senator for Wisconsin Russ Feingold clarified what all this controversy about white supremacists and Confederate statues is really all about:  Republicans are Nazis.  "The lesson from Charlottesville is not how dangerous the neo-Nazis are," he writes.  "It is the unmasking of the Republican party leadership.  In the wake of last weekend's horror and tragedy, let us finally, finally rip off the veneer that Trump's affinity for white supremacy is distinct from the Republican agenda of voter suppression, renewed mass incarceration and the expulsion of immigrants."  Finally, finally, someone on the Left just came out and said it.  Being a Republican is apparently no different than being a white supremacist.  Supporting a lower marginal tax rate puts you in the same company as the Ku Klux Klan.  Therefore, punching a Nazi is the same as punching someone wearing a MAGA hat.

USA Today redefines 'racist' so it applies to pretty much everyone.  Racism is a serious thing.  Racism is a horrible thing.  Racism deserves to be treated as a serious, horrible thing.  Those who are truly racist need to be called out as such, held accountable for their awful attitudes and never allowed to turn their attitudes into action that can hurt anyone.  But we're in danger of losing our seriousness on the subject of racism, and it's precisely because the media and the left are more interested in using the issue as a wedge, even to the point where they're goading supposed Republicans into signing on with this foolishness.  If everyone is a racist, then racism is meaningless.

Mainstream conservative groups alarmed to be found on 'hate map'.  Brad Dacus was thousands of miles away in California last weekend when the Charlottesville protest erupted, so he was flabbergasted when CNN labeled his Pacific Justice Institute a "hate group."  "Here are all the active hate groups where you live," said the CNN wire story headline on Chicago's WGN-TV website.  The article listed the 917 organizations on the Southern Poverty Law Center's much-disputed "hate map," which names racist groups like the Aryan Nation alongside mainstream conservative organizations such as the Alliance Defending Freedom and the Family Research Council.

The Democrats Wanted Charlottesville.  Leftists, liberals, Democrats, progressives, and the media (it's all the same) wanted these riots — and in keeping with their longstanding efforts to control the national conversation, they want the Nazis and white supremacists labeled as "alt-right." [...] They want every description of Nazis and white supremacists to include the descriptor, "alt-right" because then anyone who defines himself as a man of the right can more easily be transformed into a Nazi for the benefit of the less informed.

A story about deleting history.  My guess is that most of the people bringing down monuments are caught up in a rage and have not thought through just exactly what they are doing.  After all, why would anyone bring down a statue that honors the Confederate soldier as just happened in Durham, North Carolina?  We can disagree about the war, but can't we honor the men who were drafted or volunteered to fight?  Isn't that what The Vietnam Memorial is about?

The Civil Rights Con.  [H]ere is what is now defined as equivalent to the abolition of slavery, suffrage for women, and the elimination of government sponsored racism:
  •   Those who willfully choose to be identified and defined by what they do in the privacy of their bedroom must be given governmental protection and recognition
  •   Despite what science may determine, the nation, in order to insure equal rights and outcomes, must ratify that there are no differences between men and women.
  •   What is considered to be a mental illness by scores of medical professionals (transgenderism) must be recast as not only normal behavior but a government protected civil right.
  •   All white people, even those living in squalor in Appalachia or the inner cities, are privileged citizens because of their skin color and must, because of their inbred racism, defer to the other races in order to insure the elimination of their racist proclivities.
That this litany of "civil rights" even exists or is seriously being equated to the essential civil rights movements of the past beggars the imagination.

The "Poor Illegal" Media Narrative and Why It's Not Working.  It is not compassionate to Americans or immigrants to allow illegal aliens to ignore our laws.  The corruption rampant in Los Angeles County and throughout other major urban areas follows from the arbitrary disregard for our nation's legal sovereignty and cultural integrity.  The liberal, marginalized national media still wants to push an illegal alien sob story narrative at all costs.  Look over the list below of the latest sob stories the national readership endured over the past week (and month): [...]

A Brain Is a Terrible Thing to Wash.  Nazi propagandist Joe Goebbels reportedly said, "A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth."  'Everyone knows that the Russians interfered in the U.S. election.'  When it is discussed on TV, it is mentioned without qualification.  It is a known and accepted fact.  It is on a par with saying the earth is round.  However, ask for evidence.  There is none.  There is a dossier.  This dossier was so poorly created that even Vice President Joe Biden believed it was bogus.  If you can't fool Joe Biden you can't fool anybody.  After months of investigation by thousands of researchers eager to make a name for themselves, the result is zero.

Rights are Rights, and Military Service Isn't One.  When Donald Trump announced his plan to ban transgender people from military service, [opposition] quickly began trending on Twitter. [...] Whether you support President Trump's policy or not, Americans must reconsider the claim that everyone has a right to military service.  The political theory of the social compact — under which the Founders built America — says natural rights, i.e., true rights, are synonymous with personhood and belong to you simply because you exist. [...] [T]he progressive theory of rights has blurred the lines between privilege, opportunity, discrimination, and rights:  Now, privilege and opportunity are synonymous with rights, and discrimination is what happens when anyone cannot enjoy privilege and opportunity, regardless of whether discrimination happened.

The Identity Crisis of the American Left.  Many supporters of leftist leaders are clearly in a state of confusion regarding the nature and direction of the dangerously morphing Democratic Party.  The "militants" change their slogans as often as teens swap subcultures, and they come up with new names quicker than a snake can shed its skin. [...] They know that "Trump is a Nazi" but can't explain why.  If you disagree with them, you are "a Nazi," too.  The "militants" fancy themselves a revolutionary movement but are unwilling to use logical thinking; they hope to "acquire personality" in a rioting crowd and resolve identity conflict through flag-burning.

An attack by Trump "on the whole LGBT community"?  The question of whether transgender people should serve in the military is first and foremost a decision about how best to defend America militarily.  The purpose of our armed forces is not to promote or reject the LGBT agenda.  Its purpose is not to serve as a model for tolerance of transgender and other LGBT people, or to afford them employment opportunities, or even to treat them fairly as individuals.  The purpose of our armed forces is to defend the country from its enemies.

Agenda Behind Global Warming Alarmism.  The alarmism got a big push in June 1988 when James Hansen, of NASA's Goddard Institute, testified before a senate committee that he was "99 percent" sure that global warming was already underway.  He was a very small minority in the scientific community, but that's not the impression the media gave.  The same media that scarcely a decade earlier were publicizing warnings of a coming ice age pounced on Hansen's statement and were now filling the public with warnings of the opposite threat and familiar claims that something must be done "before it's too late."

The Zeroth Amendment.  Calling someone "racist" is now approaching a blood libel.  The word "racist" is increasingly a dog whistle for violence by masked blackshirts against anyone so demeaned.  The differences among white voters were stark:  Only 11 percent of white Trump voters labeled as racist the view that American whites have a moral right to vote that the immigration system not be exploited to drive them into political and cultural impotence.  In contrast, 73 percent of Hillary's white voters think that it's racist for white Americans to have an opinion on who gets to immigrate.

The Voter Purges Aren't Coming, Just Another Silly Democratic Narrative.  On the morning of the first meeting of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Election Integrity, Vanita Gupta — the head of the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division under the Obama administration — published a "Moon Landing Was Faked"-level rant about the Committee's supposed dangers to American democracy.  She really did title it "The Voter Purges Are Coming."  They aren't, Miss Gupta, but your op-ed does a tremendous job of making the case for an immediate purge of Obama-era executive branch hires.

Perez: 'It's a War on Voters' Being Waged by Republicans.  Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez said Wednesday that Republicans are trying to "trample on our most sacred freedoms."  The comments were part of Perez's Time magazine op-ed written in response to President Donald Trump's Voter Integrity Commission.

Cummings: Voter fraud commission will 'suppress the vote'.  Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) slammed President Trump's voter fraud panel on Wednesday, arguing that the real motive behind the presidential commission was to "suppress the vote."  In a series of tweets, Cummings went after the commission for not investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and accused the panel's vice chairman, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, of not respecting voters' personal information.

The Editor says...
The voter fraud commission is indeed an attempt to suppress the votes — of dead people!

Impersonators of God.  Obama himself began his presidency with the odd notion that he could control the world with a series of speeches — not speeches announcing particular policies, but speeches constructed entirely of grand dreams and virtue-signaling tropes.  Not to be ignored is the left's confidence in flinging the word "racist" like a voodoo curse.  To be fair, the tactic of shaming their opponents has worked well for them for decades — withering weak Republicans in place like Christ's fig tree.  We drown in the perennial mantras of "diversity," "social justice," and "white privilege" — vague ideas that are moldable enough to suit whatever magic incantation the circumstance requires.  All of it nonsense.

Climate-change fearmongering has turned totally unhinged.  One of the hallmarks of the "Ugly American" is the habit of thinking foreigners will understand what you're saying if you just shout it louder and louder.  The Ugly Environmentalist does something similar.  He exaggerates the challenge of global warming by using ever more hysterical rhetoric, thinking that if the last doomsday prediction didn't work, this one will.  For instance, Stephen Hawking, the famous astrophysicist, recently said that the consequences of Donald Trump's withdrawal from the Paris climate accord were monumental:  "Trump's action could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of 250 degrees [Celsius] and raining sulfuric acid."  As Nathan Cofnas notes in The Weekly Standard, this is nuts.

ICE Director:  There's No Population Of Illegal Aliens Which Is Off The Table.  It really is a simple concept:  anyone who is unlawfully present in the United States can be picked up and subject to deportation orders at any time, regardless of who they are, what their age is, or how they came to the country.  Every illegal has their own sob story, designed to bring out the squishes in defense of allowing the illegal to stay in the country.

Al Gore Likened The Climate Change Movement To Campaign Ending Slavery.  Former Vice President Al Gore compared the fight to end man-made global warming to the abolishment of slavery and the push for gay marriage.  "The abolition of slavery, woman's suffrage ... and more recently the gay rights movement," Gore said Thursday about the importance of staying ahead of the curve on environmental issues.  The mission to reduce the Earth's temperature is on par with other "great moral causes" that have improved humanity, he told an audience at the EcoCity World Summit in Australia.  Gore has made similar comments in the past.  He told reporters in 2013 that so-called climate change "deniers" are like alcoholic fathers who act belligerently when someone mentions the issue.

Conspicuous Wealth and Consummate Hypocrisy.  It's no secret one of the most enduring pillars of the American Left's political strategy is class warfare.  And no one is a bigger target than wealthy Americans.  Make that some wealthy Americans, like the Koch brothers.  Harry Reid insisted they're un-American "shadowy billionaires" who "pour unlimited money into our democracy to rig the system."  Billionaires like Tom Steyer, who donated $100 million to Democrats in 2016, or George Soros, whose far more shadowy political contributions dwarf those of the Koch brothers?  Some "fat cats" are more equal than others.

Why They Hate Trump So Much.  One of the reasons the Leftists are so angry at President Trump isn't so much because he won, even though Leftists are incapable of being gracious losers.  It's that they were told that the Second Coming of Typhoid Mary would occur, and like all children, are mad that Papa CNN and Mama MSNBC were wrong.  See what I did there?  They aren't angry that CNN and MSNBC and the entire Democrat Media Complex lied to them, but that they were wrong.  Which is, of course, how they are still able to hold their Parental Media Betters in high regard, even as CNN implodes.  Every day since the election, then, Leftists have tried everything under the sun to de-legitimize a duly-elected president.  He didn't win the popular vote!  "Not My President"! Find faithless electors!  Impeach him!  More than 50 classless Democrats boycotted the inauguration.  And, of course, the "Russian hacking" claims.

Liberals Are in Trouble — and They Know It.  Gone are the days in which liberals worked inside a consensus and engaged in debate with others.  Everywhere, liberal democracy seems to be endangered by the breakdown of political discourse.  This is due to a great crisis inside the left worldwide.  It is no longer a movement of ideas.  Liberals have no new ideas because they have adopted such an extreme relativism that they no longer strongly believe in anything.  Everything is fluid and undefined.  In this way, they have undermined their own foundation of logic and authority that is essential to the functioning of any political movement.  As a result, the old days of rational debate are over.  The left exploits emotions and resentments, but can no longer be held to the logic of ideas.

What a dope!

Stephen Hawking [says] Trump's Withdrawal From Paris Farce Will Cause 250° Temperatures, Sulfuric Acid Rain.  The problem with professional doom-mongering is that you have to keep escalating the hysteria or people lose interest.  Before long, your outlandish predictions exceed the credulity of the audience, and you find they are laughing instead of gasping in horror.  Al Gore is one example.  Another is Stephen Hawking.

Global Warming Alarmists Have Jumped The Shark:  Stephen Hawking Claims Climate Change Could Turn Earth Into Venus.  Proponents of man-made global warming have a habit of making frightening predictions that never come true.  Every ten years or so, they tells us that within a decade the human race will have destroyed the planet with our carbon emitting vehicles and power plants.  They say the same thing every time.  The seas will rise several feet, atmospheric temperatures will skyrocket, ecosystems will be obliterated, and human civilization will collapse.  And after ten years passes by without incident, they shamelessly make their next prediction.

Bernie Sanders Attacks Fox News.  Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' office crafted and published a video attacking Fox News commentators for mocking Sanders' claims that the proposed Senate health care bill — which was recently shelved due to a lack of votes — would cause "thousands" of people to die.  Sanders' Twitter account posted the video, which reached almost three minutes in length, with the caption:  "Fox News may not like it, but these are the facts:  Thousands of our fellow Americans will die if the Republican health care bill is passed."

A piece of hateful plastic
Stray Piece of Plastic Wrap Investigated as Hate Crime.  Libs are getting desperate in their search for racism against someone other than whites: [...] Now even stray pieces of rubbish count as racist if they have knots in them, on the grounds that nooses have knots, and as we all know, only black people were ever hanged.

MSNBC Contributor:  Hillary Lost Because Obama Is Black.  MSNBC contributor Wendy Sherman believes that Hillary Clinton may have lost the election because it was too hard for America to elect the first female president directly after the first black president.  Sherman was on a panel at the Aspen Ideas Festival discussing modern political technology when she segued into the bizarre comment.

The Left Espouses Dangerously Stupid Health-Care Rhetoric.  Earlier this month a political zealot went to a baseball practice intending to kill as many Republican congressmen as he could.  As often happens after such horrible events, various politicians and media figures suggested that we should tone down the rhetoric and not paint everything in apocalyptic terms, casting Republicans or Democrats as villains with traitorous or evil intent in their hearts.  Words have consequences, they sagely said into the TV cameras.  Two weeks later, many of the very same people are describing Republicans as murderers for proposing changes to Medicaid.  "Forget death panels," Hillary Clinton tweeted.  "If Republicans pass this bill, they're the death party." Senator Elizabeth Warren said the tax cuts in the bill amount to "blood money."

Democrats React To GOP Healthcare Bill With Same Hate Speech That Incited Scalise Shooting.  Many suggested the shooter James Hodgkinson was motivated to kill Republicans by years of hateful rhetoric spewed by Democratic party politicians.  For years the Democrats have portrayed Republicans as rich, greedy, narcissistic, fat-cat, corporate chieftains and/or hillbilly, gun-toting, misogynist, xenophobic religious fanatics who hate Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, and want to reinstitute slavery.  For example, pro-life Republicans aren't characterized as anti-abortion they are described as conducting a war on women.  Republicans that wanted America to control its borders were called anti-Hispanic, or the GOP members who called members of ISIS, radical Islamist terrorists were described as hating Muslims, etc. [...] Any pretense of toning down the rhetoric ended on Thursday [6/22/2017] as the senate GOP release[d] their version of a repeal/replace Obamacare bill.  Within minutes of the bill being posted online the attacks began.

Despite What You've Heard, The Senate Bill Doesn't Slash, Gut, Or Even Cut Medicaid.  First, the Senate bill doesn't change Medicaid at all for three years.  That means spending on the program will continue to grow, just as it is slated to now — at an annual 5% clip — until 2021.  What does that mean in dollar terms?  Under the Senate's "shredding" reform, Medicaid's budget in 2021 will be $85 billion bigger than it is this year, and $209 billion (or 79%) bigger than it was in 2013.  What about after that?  Under the Senate plan, there'd be a three-year transition to a new way of financing Medicaid.  And then, starting in 2025 federal Medicaid spending would be capped each year, with the cap set to grow at the overall inflation rate.

If A Trump Supporter Had Shot A Democratic Congressman.  It is not possible to understand the left — and, therefore, the media and the current state of American life — without understanding how the left uses and relies on hysteria.  Hysteria is to the left as oxygen is to biological life.  From the moment Donald Trump was elected president, America has been drowning in left-wing hysteria, all fomented by the media and the Democratic Party.  The charge of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign is hysteria.  The claim that the president engaged in obstruction of justice is hysteria.  As I have pointed out, the charge of Trump's election unleashing hate and anti-Semitism, which dominated American media for months, was hysteria.

Despite not knowing a anything about it, 66% of millennials oppose Trump budget.  Just like Congress passes bills before they know what's in them, millennials are passing judgement on President Donald Trump's budget before the full details are known and understood.  Millennials, which mostly get their news from Facebook, couldn't possibly understand the impacts of Trump's budget overhaul, but in a GenForward poll, 66 percent of young Americans say they oppose the budget because it helps the rich.  How exactly does the Trump budget help the rich?

Trump's education cuts aren't 'devastating,' they're smart.  It's the end of the world as we know it — at least that's what some people would have us believe about President Trump's education budget.  It's "a devastating blow to the country's public education system," according to National School Boards Assn.  CEO Thomas Gentzel.  More like a "wrecking ball," says Lily Eskelsen Garc'a, president of the National Education Assn. teachers' union.  No, it's a veritable "assault on the American Dream," insists John B. King Jr., former Obama administration secretary of education.

What Happened To The Hysteria About Trump-Induced Anti-Semitism?  If you think about it, there is never an extended period of time — one year, let's say — during which society is not engulfed by a hysteria induced by the left.  The mother of them all is global warming, or "climate change," as the left has come to call it (because the warming was not quite enough to induce widespread panic).  Hysterics like billionaires Al Gore and Tom Steyer, along with virtually all the Western news media, warn us that the existence of life on Earth is threatened by carbon emissions.  But in its longevity, global warming is almost unique among left-wing hysterias.  In general, left-wing hysterias last for much less time, from a few months to a year or two.  And when they end — because the hysteria is widely recognized as fraudulent — they're immediately dropped and completely forgotten.  The left never pays a price for its hysteria.

'People Will Die... Seas Will Rise': CA's Brown Signs Energy Deal with China.  Tucker Carlson debated a Bay Area radio host over his support for Gov. Jerry Brown's (D-Calif.) clean energy accord with China.  Brown previously slammed President Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris accord, warning that "people will die, habitats will be destroyed and the seas will rise."  Carlson pointed out that it is unconstitutional for a state to usurp federal powers and act on its own when dealing with other nations.  KGO's Ethan Bearman said the agreement signed with President Xi Jinping is nonbinding and therefore still legal.

Media Bias In Action:  NY Times Makes Obama The Victim Of His Incompetence.  The concern here is we are a culture that demands a ton of information, and we want it fast.  Twitter, Facebook, Apple News, news alerts and email alerts keep us up to date on every bit of news we want from sports to politics.  Unfortunately, an environment also exists wherein people are happy to read a headline and not read an article.

Sorry, Global Warming Hasn't Caused a Health Crisis.  The statement of Mary Pittman, president and CEO of the Public Health Institute, reads like a script from a low-budget 1950s science fiction film:  "Climate change is perhaps the most important public health issue of our time.  Aggressive, unilateral and mutual action is urgently needed to protect our people and our planet."  Likewise, Alden Meyer from the Union of Concerned Scientists and Dr. Georges Benjamin of the American Public Health Association stop just short of flapping their arms around and shouting "Danger, Will Robinson!"  In an effort to provide some "scientific" cover for these outraged experts, the author of the [Los Angeles] Times piece refers her readers to the climate and health assessment from the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP).  Sadly, the scientific credibility of USGCRP is somewhat less than stellar.  It has, for example, consistently overstated the adverse health effects of extreme heat — a phenomenon that has itself been wildly exaggerated without ever being credibly connected to anthropomorphic climate change.

The Anti-Trump Tide Recedes.  The tide is going out and the whole collusion nonsense (which Tom Friedman of the New York Times said was as serious as the Pearl Harbor and 9/11 attacks) is now down to dark murmurings about the president's son-in-law speaking after the election with the Russian ambassador.  Jared Kushner has let it be known that the ambassador called him and that he will be happy to testify under oath to any appropriate congressional committee whenever he is asked. [...] Neither the president nor his son-in-law evince the slightest concern about the strength of their constitutional and legal positions, and the rather besieged air of the first hundred days White House has faded as the rabid nature of the Schumers and Schiffs has also abated.

The Left's Betrayal Of Terrorism's Victims.  The recent massacre of Ariana Grande concertgoers in Manchester at the hands of a Muslim suicide bomber prompted the usual celebrity blather about conquering terrorism through love.  Pop superstar Katy Perry, for example, pleaded "No barriers, no borders, we all just need to co-exist.  We're just all loving on each other and we should just stay loving on each other."  Sorry, but as much singalong fun as The Beatles' "All You Need is Love" was half a century ago, it's not a counterterrorism strategy.

An avalanche of pullouts from the Paris Climate Agreement?  The screeching brouhaha over President Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement could, at first glance, be called a global episode of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  But with the intensity of the rage, it seems to be more than that.  Former United Nations has-been and ex-president of Ireland Mary Robinson called the U.S. a "rogue state."  France's President Emmanuel Macron offered "refuge" to America's climate scientists, as if these people were actually in danger of losing tenure or maybe a grant, not to mention an imaginary knock on the door at midnight.  Former Obama "mind meld" Ben Rhodes calls it "moral wreckage," adding:  "The rest of the world will watch in horror."  Billionaire greenie Tom Steyer calls Trump's act "a traitorous act of war."  We know they've gone off the deep end.  Obama's legacy is at stake, for one.

Kerry: 'Kids Will Have Worse Asthma' Thanks to Trump Ditching Paris Climate Deal.  Former Secretary of State John Kerry ripped President Trump's decision to abandon the Paris climate deal yesterday, saying the lungs of American children will take the hit.  "He is not helping the forgotten American ... their kids will have worse asthma in the summer," Kerry said on MSNBC Thursday [6/1/2017].

Pelosi says Trump 'dishonoring' God in global warming decision.  Rep. Nancy Pelosi said Thursday [6/1/2017] that President Trump was "dishonoring" God and questioned whether his grandchildren will even be able to breathe air after his announcement a day earlier that he would withdraw from the Paris climate accord.  "How is he ever going to explain to his grandchildren what he did to the air they breathe — assuming they breathe air," she said at her weekly press conference.  She compared the president to racist segregationists during the civil rights movement, said Mr. Trump's decision was yet another reason he needed to release his tax returns, and said the U.S. has isolated itself from the world, joining just Syria in rejecting the Paris agreement as too onerous.

The Editor says...
It is somewhat disturbing that one of the country's most rabid supporters of abortion, for any reason and at any stage of pregnancy, has the temerity to accuse someone else of dishonoring God.  But in this case, Ms. Pelosi is attempting to make a connection where none exists.  The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could double, and you'd probably never notice, except that your lawn would be greener.  The Paris agreement has nothing to do with air pollution.  Nancy Pelosi apparently hopes you don't think for yourself.

Tom Steyer:  Trump Breaking Paris Climate Deal Would Be a 'Traitorous Act of War'.  Liberal megadonor Tom Steyer issued a statement that if President Donald Trump pulls America out of the Paris climate deal, that would not just be treason, but an "act of war" against the American people.  He ended his statement by demonizing Trump, the fossil fuel companies, and the Republican Party.  "If Donald Trump pulls the United States out of the Paris agreement he will be committing a traitorous act of war against the American people," Steyer declared in a statement Sunday.  "The Paris Agreement is essential to leaving a healthy, safe and prosperous world to our children, but Trump is making it clear that he's willing to sacrifice America's best interests for the sake of special interest profits."

ACLU: U.S. Exiting Paris Climate Accord Is 'An Assault on Communities of Color'.  Pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord is racist, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) declared in response to President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the climate deal President Barack Obama unilaterally committed the U.S. to without the Senate's approval.  "Pulling out of the Paris Agreement would be a massive step back for racial justice, and an assault on communities of color across the U.S.," ACLU warned in a Twitter post Thursday [6/1/2017].  "Climate change doesn't affect us all equally," it states, claiming "Black and brown people are more likely to live near coal plants."

Someone Needs To Say It — 'Profit' Isn't A Bad Word.  Profit and surplus are measures of a company's financial success, i.e., its ability to pay its own way and finance its future.  In a competitive, free-market, law-and-order economy, as we have in the United States, prices and ultimate profitability are controlled primarily by market forces.  When government steps in and interferes with these natural forces, bad things often happen.

Kerry: Air Conditioners as Big a Threat as ISIS.  Secretary of State John Kerry said in Vienna on Friday [5/26/2017] that air conditioners and refrigerators are as big of a threat to life as the threat of terrorism posed by groups like the Islamic State.  The Washington Examiner reported that Kerry was in Vienna to amend the 1987 Montreal Protocol that would phase out hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs, from basic household and commercial appliances like air conditioners, refrigerators, and inhalers.

Heroin dealers deserve prison, not sympathy.  The deadly poison that is heroin made its way to your small town from Mexico, where it was grown and processed, later to be trafficked to your neighborhood where its target customers were someone's children, parents, brothers and sisters.  But right now, when you open the newspaper or turn on the television, you learn that the person that brought the drugs into your neighborhood, which ultimately made their way to your child, is considered by many in both the media and the public to be a "non-violent, low-level drug offender."

Federal Prosecutor Says DOJ's New Focus On Drug Crimes Will Target People Wearing 'Heavy Gold And Chains'.  A federal prosecutor said Thursday [5/25/2017] that the Department of Justice's efforts under Jeff Sessions to aggressively prosecute drug crimes will target people wearing "heavy gold and chains."  The attorney general gave a speech in Memphis where he touted his recent charging memo that rolls back former Attorney General Eric Holder's policy to not charge many drug offenders with mandatory minimums.

Democrats probably think this is air-tight logic:
Pelosi Complains Trump's Trip 'Wasn't Even Alphabetical'.  On Thursday [5/25/2017], House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) questioned President Donald Trump's failure to visit countries in alphabetical order.  Asked at a press conference to comment on Trump's trip abroad, Pelosi expressed concern that Trump didn't start with Canada (with the letter "C") like previous presidents:  "I thought it was unusual for the President of the United States to go to Saudi Arabia first.  Saudi Arabia?" Pelosi said.  "It wasn't even alphabetical.  I mean, Saudi Arabia."

The Democrats' Second Secession & America's New Civil War.  [Scroll down]  The left has created a term of art — "people of color" — to promote its collectivist views on ethnicity and race.  "People of color" is not grammatical English — we do not refer to "crayons of color" or "televisions of color."  It is a French construction, reflecting the way French people speak.  "People of color" is an invention of ideologues to serve an ideological purpose, which is to organize the world into the categories of cultural Marxism — into oppressors and oppressed. [...] The whole world is people of color except white people — the designated oppressors.

Strong Enough.  Did anyone realize the onslaught that a Democratic loss would bring?  Did anyone predict just how juvenile and inane the Democratic base would be?  Did anyone understand the petulance and nastiness Democratic officials would display?  Did anyone predict how hyperbolic and crazy the leftist media would become?  It is disconcerting how many have become so unhinged over the past years.  Even so, it's not possible to have guessed just how extreme and hyperbolic the left would become.  Championing "resistance" as if they were in a revolutionary cadre in a South American country was not expected.  Acting like whining toddlers en masse was not anticipated.  A media in total hysterical lockstep to unearth any evidence that Trump was bad, going as low as critiquing two servings of ice cream for him, was not foreseen.

Democratic Party fundraising crashes and burns.  [R]eading the media, I was under the impression that Democrats are fired-up, energized by the sheer awfulness of Donald Trump.  All those women marching in funny hats, all the anger, all that negative media coverage must assuredly mean that the Democratic Party is prospering, buoyed by anger-fueled donations.  Actually, not so much.

Dem insiders now worried about dashing the scandal expectations of their base.  Lots of people on the left are making money and are buoyed by a level of anger and discontent among the Democrat base that has not been seen since the election of Abraham Lincoln.  Just yesterday, Democrats in California, meeting at their state convention, disgraced themselves with a scene of mass vulgarity that has no precedent on American politics that I know of.  Along with money and enthusiasm, the Blame Russia Strategy has created soaring expectations among the base that President Trump will be removed from office because the evidence of treason — so far lacking — just must be there, simply because they desire it so deeply.

Behold the Democrats' Olympic-grade Flip-flops on James Comey.  Democrats and liberals who were once driven by concern for the common man now are fueled by little more than opportunism, hypocrisy, and situation ethics.

The Most Asinine Claim About the AHCA.  If one takes seriously the wild characterizations of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) that have appeared in the media since last week, the Republicans have transformed the House of Representatives from a branch of the national legislature into a veritable abattoir.  The GOP is not merely guilty of "consigning thousands of people with serious illnesses to death," as one erstwhile news outlet put it, "the Republicans are taking health services away from disabled children, women who give birth, and survivors of rape and sexual assault."  And what has motivated the GOP to wreak such carnage?  Why, racism, of course.

The Unscientific Claims of the March for Science.  The posters were wittier and there were fewer pink hats, but last weekend's March for Science was no less about partisan grandstanding and name calling than any other political rally.  The message this time?  We are pro-science and anyone who disagrees with us is anti-science. [...] Marchers allege "an alarming trend toward discrediting scientific consensus and restricting scientific discovery."  They are fighting for "science that upholds the common good and for political leaders and policy makers to enact evidence based policies in the public interest."  For all its lofty rhetorical appeal, however, the argument suffers from glaring flaws in logic.  The Marcher for Science conflates scientific findings with public-policy choices.

Bill Nye, the Scientism Guy.  If you loved Bill Nye the Science Guy, do yourself a favor and don't call up the kiddie entertainer's new Netflix show Bill Nye Saves the World.  Bitter, angry, shouty, conspiratorial, vulgar, wheedling, given to absurd hyperbole, and blithely eager to wreak punishment on his enemies, Nye comes across mentally as several milliliters short of a beaker.  It's as if Kermit the Frog somehow morphed into Michael Moore.  The new show (supposedly aimed at adults but still written at a grade-school level) uses occasional references to science to introduce simple political advocacy, broken up by bad jokes and interludes of actual screaming.

Schumer: Money for Border Wall Could Be Used to 'Give Just About Every American Broadband'.  "The money is better used elsewhere," Schumer said.  "If the wall is $50 billion dollars, you could use that money to give just about every American broadband."

The Editor says...
Maybe the Senator's assertion (about what can be purchased with $50 billion dollars) is true, but generally [#1] just because you have money on hand, that doesn't mean it has to be spent, and [#2] one prioritizes budget items and spends money on the things one needs the most.  The border wall is a matter of national defense which is needed a lot more than "broadband" service for every American.  (Or a lot of other things — like close-up pictures of other planets.)  Illegal aliens can be deterred with low-tech physical obstacles that are only a little more daunting than the Rio Grande.  Razor wire, for example.  And [#3] broadband service is really overrated:  Most Americans watch too much television already.

Clearing the Cobwebs.  Liberals have no rational point to make, but they make it loudly, wearing ridiculous costumes, shouting obscenities and marching, marching, marching.  They even marched for science!  Who is against science?  Is science something we vote for?  An activist Muslim woman, who is in favor of Sharia law, organized the women's march.  What?!  Are we to assume that the women's movement is now in favor of female genital mutilation and honor killings?

'Science' Know-It-Alls on the March.  The multiple thousands who marched throughout America and the world last weekend hoped to whip up support for "Science."  Well.  I'm sold.  And what next?  Do more than a handful doubt the indispensability of Science to the human condition?  Science's God-given nature may in these secularizing times meet with less affirmation than in the old days.  But who turns his back on Harvey, Pasteur, and Salk, not to mention Edison, Willis Carrier, and the inventor of the triple blade razor?  The question posed last weekend:  "Are we Americans pro- or anti-science?"  The question behind the question:  "Who defines Science?" There the fighting commences.

The March for ... What?  The March for Science is tomorrow and no one in their right mind would say they are against it because of its name.  First of all, you are standing against the right of people to march for whatever cause they wish.  Second, you would be portrayed as someone who is against science.  I am all for science.  I think the climate changes.  It always has and always will.  Yet I have been portrayed as anti-science and a climate change "denier" by many who will be marching for things I certainly believe in.  Just who does not believe in science?  It's a straw man the marchers are marching against.

The Greatest Threat to America Isn't Islam — It's the Left.  The left has found the great weakness of conservatives:  their conscience and decency.  When someone accuses them of being racist or some other form of evil, their reflex is to apologize and appease.  The more conservatives placate and soothe, the louder the left screams racism — because it works.  The cultural decay of our civilization will continue until conservatives choose to stand up and say "enough."

Former University Professor Suggests the NRA Is 'More Dangerous' Than ISIS.  A former University of Missouri journalism professor is suggesting that the National Rifle Association (NRA) is more dangerous than ISIS.  George Kennedy, former managing editor at the Columbia Missourian newspaper and professor emeritus at the university's prestigious journalism school, brought up the comparison in a column published Thursday [4/20/2017] by the Missourian.

The Editor says...
When journalism students are taught by political activists, it should be no surprise when the students become activists themselves, masquerading as journalists.

Alt-Left Insanity:  Steal The Vote From White Men, Then Steal Their Stuff.  The alt-left are like the Rosie Ruiz of politics.  Ruiz won the 1980 Boston Marathon and she did it in classic liberal style. [...] Liberals learned their lessons from Rosie.  The way to win is to fix the race.  Now they apply that strategy wherever they can — workplaces, academia and, of course, media.  Their way to fix every race is to make every race about race.  Elections?  Racist.  Business?  Racist.  Dating?  Racist.  Picking up someone's pencil and being polite to her?  Yep, you got it, racist.  Because somehow you expect people who are illegally in America to, you know, obey the law.

The "Resistance" Democrats Are A Terrorist Party.  What does #Resistance really mean?  It means the overthrow of our government. [...] Leftist media outlets are feeding the faithful a fantasy that President Trump will be brought down.  There is fevered speculation about the 25th Amendment, a coup or impeachment due to whatever scandal has been manufactured last.  This fantasy is part clickbait.  Leftist media outlets are feeding the worst impulses of their readers.

The Left's New Cure-All: 'Science'.  Alas, this March for Science does not appear to be largely about science, or about people who know a great deal about science, or even about people who want to know a great deal about science.  Keeping up with today's hottest trends, the March for Science has wrapped itself in identity politics, cranked up the oven to "scorch," and potentially set things on track to unceremoniously collapse into one giant intersectional soufflé.  The troubles brewing within the March for Science surfaced in January, marked by a now-deleted official tweet:  "Colonization, racism, immigration, native rights, sexism, ableism, queer-, trans-, intersex-phobia, & econ justice are scientific issues."  Since then, the addled march has torn through four different diversity statements, shellacked by critics on both sides.

How many buzzwords can the liberal media write in one sentence?  I was reading a very poorly written Los Angeles Times article about North Carolina legislators introducing a bill to define marriage as between a man and a woman, and I was surprised to read the following sentence:  ["]Opponents of the legislation castigated it as an unnecessary step that will stoke division in a state still reeling from the fallout of a controversial bill regulating which bathrooms transgender people can use.["]  I have rarely seen a sentence so sensationalistically, so chock-full of so many liberal buzzwords.  The over-dramatization of facts makes this news article read like an action thriller.

Flashback:  When Dems Loved the Nuclear Option.  When Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid triggered the nuclear option for most presidential appointees in 2013, Democrats were ecstatic.  MSNBC's Chris Hayes cheered the move as "an armative win for democracy," while his colleague Rachel Maddow gushed:  "This is a huge freaking deal.  This is like 3-inch headlines.  This is like people who don't even care about politics really ought to care about this!"

Democrats Aren't the Opposition.  The Media Is.  The only thing standing between Trump and his agenda, whatever that is, is the media.  Just look at how terribly the Democrats have handled the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.  Spurred on by their progressive base to "resist" anything and everything Trump does, the Senate Democrats made a huge strategic error in choosing to filibuster the appointment.  Not over any specific policy reason, mind you.  Mainly because the seat was, in their words, "stolen."  But the Republicans didn't steal anything; that seat was in the hands of the American people the whole time.  The Democrats, with their silly "stolen seat" rhetoric, pretended the GOP didn't make the open Supreme Court seat a major voting issue.

Self-Busting Myths.  Most people recognize the markets are probably overvalued and a correction of some kind seems likely, particularly since there has been a wild, almost runaway bull market since Trump's election.  And yet every day the market drops 100 points is a signal the president is about to destroy the economy.

The Meals On Wheels Lie Keeps Rolling Along.  Let's start with a basic fact.  Contrary to news reports last week, President Trump is not eliminating funding for Meals on Wheels.  He's not even cutting it.  How do we know this?  Meals on Wheels says so.  A statement issued by Meals on Wheels America on Thursday notes that 35% of the revenues at the 5,000 or so local Meals on Wheels programs come via the Older Americans Act Nutrition Program.  Trump's budget outline says nothing about this program whatsoever.

Meals on Wheels Program Will Not Be Eliminated by Federal Budget.  Various media outlets have published articles claiming that the Trump administration's federal budget will eliminate funding for the Meals on Wheels program, whose volunteer drivers deliver hot meals to senior Americans across the country.  But the federal budget is cutting funds to a federal grant program that provides just three percent of the Meals on Wheels revenue budget, and the program will still receive significant federal funding.

Supreme Court needs judges like Gorsuch because America has leaders like Schumer.  Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., [...] trotted out three people, representing supposed "victims" of [Judge Neil] Gorsuch's jurisprudence.  He hoped to demonstrate that Gorsuch is hostile toward workers and cancer patients, and takes the side of "the powerful" and corporations against the "powerless" little guy.  Never mind that in all three cases, one of which was decided unanimously by a three judge panel that included one of former President Bill Clinton's appointees, Gorsuch scrupulously applied the text of the laws as written by the Congress in which Schumer serves.  Schumer just didn't like the outcomes or, to be more precise, he hopes the outcomes might be sufficiently tear-jerking that they can inflict damage on the judge's chances of confirmation.

Seniors Won't Starve if Meals on Wheels Loses Government Grants.  There are hundreds of Meals on Wheels organizations around the country, so it's hard to generalize, but overwhelmingly, the groups get the majority of revenue from charitable giving, not government funds.  In 2015, for instance, the national Meals on Wheels reported that government grants accounted for just 3 percent of its annual revenues of $7.5 million.  Meals on Wheels for San Diego County in California says that government grants made up just 1.5 percent ($68,534) of its revenues of $4.4 million. [...] As Matt Welch writes, we have gotten so used to increased government spending on everything that any cut to any program is automatically cast in apocalyptic terms.

Science is real
The Liberal Testament of Lies Says 'Science Is Real'.  Over the last few weeks yard signs have been cropping up like crocuses in my very liberal north Seattle neighborhood. [...] This yard sign is a Testament of Lies.  Everything on the sign is a lie; it is a list of bullying lies, non-negotiable demands that liberals want to ram down your throat.  But the one that struck me was the sans-serif extra-bold condensed SCIENCE IS REAL.  No it's not, liberals, and it just shows how little you know of science that you would think that.  The last chap that thought science was real was Thomas Aquinas.

Confessions of a Climate Change 'Denier'.  A few days ago I had a conversation with a very smart university professor of history and somehow the climate change subject came up.  Almost instantly he responded to my thoughts by saying:  "You must be one of those deniers who rejects the science consensus."  This is the new form of intellectual bullying and it's intentionally designed is to stop the conversation not advance it.  In the academies it is a technique to close off scientific inquiry.  When the liberals talk of consensus, what consensus are they talking about?

Trump's Budget is an Attack On the Bureaucratic State.  So according to journalists, Donald Trump's proposed budget cuts are "big," "deep," "dramatic," "massive," and so on.  With each breathless adjective — often coupled with excellent verbs like "gut" and "slash" — they add to the apocalypticism that's engulfed the Left.  "Reading through the Trump budget," tweeted The New York Times' Nicholas Kristof, "I feel as the Romans must have felt in 456 AD as the barbarians conquered and ushered in the dark ages."  Vox claimed that the budget plan is a proposal to "dramatically remake the federal government."  If only.  In perspective, all of this melodrama is over probably less than 1 percent of the national budget.

Disagreeing With Democrats Is Now Considered Un-American.  Sen. Charles Schumer can barely get through an interview without calling one Trump policy or another un-American.  When he heard that the administration was considering using 100,000 National Guard troops to round up illegal immigrants, he called it "one of the most un-American things that would happen in the last century."  (It turns out that such a plan was never under consideration.)  When Trump signed an executive order suspending visa applications from terror-prone countries, Schumer called it un-American.  When Trump revised that order, Schumer said "it is still un-American."

Soros-Financed Groups Provided Script for Anti-Trump Town Halls.  An organization partnered with far-left groups that calls itself the Revolutionary Love Project distributed an actual script with anti-Trump talking points for citizens to use when meeting with constituents in town halls, including during last week's Congressional recess.  The script provides word-for-word language suggestions that accuse the Trump administration of "xenophobia, racism, and Islamophobia."  It asks activists to use the descriptors to petition their representatives to "forcefully condemn" and support legislation opposing President Trump's immigration and border security agendas.

Also posted under Lies about Obamacare.

No, Repealing Obamacare Won't Kill Off Thousands of Americans.  Among the most popular of the potentially looming tragedies cited by proponents of Obamacare is that thousands of Americans will die if Republicans are successful in repealing it.  David Himmelstein and Steffie Woolhandler at the Chicago Tribune, for example, posit that "repealing Obamacare will kill" as many as 43,000 people every year due to a lack of health insurance.  Note that they don't just suggest that 43,000 people will die as a result of the repeal.  Specifically, their argument is that Republicans, and you that may support the effort toward repeal, will kill them.  It's hard to miss the political currency they're aiming for with the shocking headline.  Their argument is utterly insane.

No, Obamacare Has Not Saved American Lives.  Repealing the Affordable Care Act, Democrats say, will "make America sick again."  Bernie Sanders warns "36,000 people will die yearly as a result."  But as with most ACA defenses, these claims describe an imaginary health-care reform that works, not the legislation passed by Congress in 2010.  In reality, the best statistical estimate of the number of lives saved each year by the ACA is zero.  Some studies do suggest that health insurance can saves lives.  But these focus either on individuals with private coverage or on the Massachusetts health-care reform law of 2006, which primarily expanded private coverage within the Bay State.  The ACA, by contrast, is primarily an expansion of Medicaid; in recent years, the share of Americans with private insurance has declined.

How illegal immigrant advocates demonize Trump and terrify people.  The New York Times describes 11 million people — those who are living in the country illegally — as sleepless with anxiety, waiting for the "fists pounding on the door, the agents in black, the van ride, the cell."  Who has thrown such fear into this community?  How about the Left, aided and abetted by the liberal media, which has purposefully distorted President Trump's immigration policies, characterizing them erroneously as a radical departure from past practices?  In a feverish blast to donors sent out yesterday [2/22/2017], the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee claims that "Donald Trump plans to add thousands of immigration agents and begin deporting "almost all" undocumented immigrants."  That is, excuse the expression, fake news.  Trump is doing no such thing.

'Refuse Fascism' Organizer Tells Tucker, Trump Is 'Operating Out Of Hitler's Playbook'.  Political activist Sunsara Taylor told Tucker Carlson Tuesday night [2/21/2017] that, "in the name of humanity, [the] 7 billion people on this planet need to pour into the streets" and protest President Trump.  "Look, we're facing an emergency," the "Refuse Fascism" organizer told The Daily Caller founder.  "Humanity is facing an emergency.  A fascist regime has seized the reins of power in one of the strongest — no the sole super power in the world.  Trump and Pence are operating out of Hitler's playbook, only they have nuclear weapons."

CBS: Trump Immigration Order Creates 'Climate of Fear' for Illegal 'Citizens'.  The journalists at CBS This Morning on Wednesday [2/22/2017] openly fretted that Donald Trump's new immigration orders "could create a climate of fear" for illegal "citizens."  (Yes, co-host Gayle King used the word "citizen.")  Talking to USA Today bureau chief Susan Page, Anthony Mason worried, "This could create a climate of fear in the immigrant community, if it hasn't already."  Page agreed, "I think it has."  She justified, "Remember that two-thirds of illegal immigrants have been here at least a decade.  So, they're really part of the fabric of our life.  Although, admittedly, they're here illegally."

The Editor says...
It doesn't matter if an illegal alien has been in this country for 30 years or 30 minutes.  In fact, if an alien has been here illegally for more than a year, and hasn't made any attempt to acquire naturalization or get permission to be here or learn English, that indicates that he or she has no intention of assimilating.

Trump Is Beating the Media at Its Own Game.  [The Left] doesn't respond to arguments with arguments but with stigmatizing names designed to end debate.  As the communications arm of the left, the media conforms perfectly to Lenin's method.  Instead of rebutting the arguments of conservatives, it has found it easier to brand them as "enemies" of science, women, minorities, the poor, and so on.  Whenever editors say that they refuse to acknowledge "two sides" on such matters as "marriage equality" or Darwinism or climate change, they are paying homage to Lenin's devious politics by shorthand.

The Uses of Populism.  Populism is certainly identified with lots of grassroots movements, from far left through the center to far right.  The common tie is that ordinary voters feel estranged from an elite class in politics, government, the media, and entertainment — a phenomenon that dates from the Solonian crisis at Athens and the Gracchi of Rome to Ross Perot, the Tea Party, and Donald Trump.  Often prairie-fire outrage manifests in emotional responses to existing affronts rather than carefully crafted policies designed to remedy perceived grievances.

Normalizing Degeneracy.  [Scroll down]  His group is another one of these "antifascist" movements you see with kids wearing masks, smashing Bank of America windows, and punching "Nazis" (anyone who disagrees with them) in the face.  They purport to be about equality, but I just had an epiphany and realized they're actually mentally ill perverts who are at war with normalcy because it exposes them for the freaks they truly are.  One of their favorite accusations is we are "normalizing white supremacy."  This sounds like a world where skinheads with swastika tattoos pack your groceries and it's very confusing if you take it literally, but what it really means is:  "Normal" is the worst thing imaginable.  If you recognize it as a concept, you're a Nazi.

The continuing liberal meltdown.  During the election and after the inauguration of President Trump we've been swamped with vile, sanctimonious lectures from the smug smart set, a privileged class of superrich celebrities, actors, television comedians and music performers.  We've had screeds from Meryl Streep, Madonna and Ashley Judd.  Robert De Niro assured us earlier in the month that he still wants to punch Mr. Trump in the face.  Lena Dunham continues to whine, Susan Sarandon and Cher remain bereft for the nation, and want us to know how horrible they feel.  Because it's their feelings that matter.  The most revealing aspect of the continuing liberal meltdown is how anti-woman the so-called feminist movement has really become.

Stop Calling Donald Trump A Fascist, Because He's Not One.  He might be a bully, a cynic, and a misogynist.  His statement to Bill O'Reilly over the weekend drawing a moral equivalency between the United State and Russia was disgraceful and idiotic.  His casual comment about destroying the career of a Texas state senator who wants to reform civil-asset forfeiture laws was thuggish and disturbing.  He incessant tweeting is irritating and foolish and needs to stop.  But Trump's not a fascist, and nothing he's done since taking office suggests he's setting America on the path to a fascist dictatorship.

Justice Ginsburg:  Yeah, I Would Support Changing The Electoral College.  Hillary Clinton ran for president — and she lost.  But the Left still can't let it go. [...] There was a huge outcry to abolish or tweak the Electoral College because liberals think that whoever gets the most popular votes should be president, which also exposed that they also failed civics class.  The popular vote means nothing.  Whoever wins the majority of the Electoral College is elected president of the United States.  Trump won the majority of the states (30) and 304 electoral votes.  He won.  No one disputes that, not even Clinton's campaign team.  Yet, we saw endless thought pieces about how the Electoral College was antiquated (wrong) and had racist roots (even more wrong).

Innocence, Foolishness, Stupidity and Which is Which?  There are loaded words out there.  Words that have been given meaning far beyond their normal weight, if one can call it that.  Refugees is such a word.  It is far more loaded than other words in the same family, like immigrants, or migrants.  It seems to outrank citizens.  Europe has largely surrendered to refugees.  The word carries along with itself ideas of empathy, pity, caring, welcome, fugitive, displaced person, asylum seeker, boat people.

Hashtag Mentality and Today's College Students.  [Scroll down]  A simple fact check, or reading of the executive order would have revealed that Trump's executive order was not a Muslim ban.  It was a temporary freeze on the inflow of individuals from the most war-torn countries in the Middle East.  Dozens of other Muslim countries, such as Indonesia, were never affected by the order.  Social media-driven mobs, however, likely don't know that Indonesia is host to more Muslims than any country in the world.  It doesn't matter.  Social media users don't care.

The Environmental Left and Keystone XL.  [Scroll down]  With respect to climate change, Keystone XL would transport 830,000 barrels per day of Canadian crude oil, the total GHG emissions from which would be 147 [to] 159 million metric tons per year on a life-cycle basis.  In the extreme case in which that oil does not displace any other crude oil production elsewhere in the world, the increase in GHG emissions would be about 0.4 percent of the world total.  So:  what would the resulting temperature effect be in the year 2100, using the National Center for Atmospheric Research climate model, under the highest IPCC assumption about the climate sensitivity of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations?  Answer:  about four ten-thousandths of a degree, a number rather inconsistent with apocalypse view of Keystone XL as a "carbon bomb that would cook the planet."

Useful Idiots No More.  "Tell him you are a Muslim, tell him you are a Muslim," Nancy Pelosi instructed Congressman Andre Carson at an anti-Trump rally on Monday, moments after she had just introduced him as a "Muslim member of Congress."  She apparently felt that the crowd hadn't sufficiently gotten the point.  Pelosi normally rattles on about the dangers of "religion in politics," but on Monday night [1/30/2017] she very much wanted religion in it — and not just any religion, but the most patriarchal of them.  To see feminists hawking Islam so feverishly is an amusing spectacle, especially since a day or so later Pelosi had recovered her fear of religion in the public square and creeping Christian patriarchy.

Saying A Supreme Court Seat is "Stolen" Is As Fake As Fake News Can Get.  It is not possible to steal a Supreme Court seat.  It highlights the arrogance of the Democratic Party that they think they were entitled to a Supreme Court seat.  The President, as even Donald Trump is learning, does not always get what he wants.  But Democrats believe any system that denies they what they want is illegitimate, so they have conjured from thin air the grievance that a Supreme Court seat was "stolen."

The Party of Outrage.  In a speech on the Senate floor Tuesday [1/31/2017], Minority Leader Chuck Schumer declared that the early theme defining President Donald Trump's administration was "incompetence leading to chaos."  "It's amazing how poorly done so many things have been that have come out of the White House in the first two weeks," the New York Democrat said.  A few hours later during a CNN town hall, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California said Trump's selection of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court was bad "if you breathe air, drink water, eat food or take medicine."

How to Defeat Weaponized Empathy.  It's like the TV commercials showing starving African children, covered in maggots and flies.  I've no doubt that the cameraman deliberately engineers the scene for maximum effect.  Donate or else you're a bad person who hates the starving Africans.  Support Syrian refugee resettlement in your country, or else you support dead children.  The tactic is used for everything from welfare policy, to Social Security disbursement, to immigration and even climate change.  Support climate change legislation, or else you want the poor residents of some tropical island to drown.  Support Black Lives Matter or else you're a racist who hates black people.

Saul Alinsky in the White House... Still?  Derisive laughter has abounded from all corners of leftist-esteemed newsrooms and ivory towers at the notion of "alternative facts."  Cries of the Trump administration's "pure lunacy" are being made in article after article, in newscast after newscast.  It's as if leftists cannot stop themselves, seemingly taken over by some outside power, like a flu bug that persistently convulses the stomach, forcing them to vomit all manner of liberal diatribe.  And that is, precisely, the genius of Saul Alinsky's tactics, by which conservatives have been fantastically tormented for decades.

These crybabies had their protests planned well in advance.  Do you think any of these people standing in the streets with pre-printed signs about Trump's temporary ban even read the Executive Order they're protesting?  Of course they didn't.  They have no idea what it says.

Pelosi: Gorsuch 'Against Employees' Rights, Clean Air, Clean Water, Food Safety' — Even Autistic Children.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the star of a CNN town hall on Tuesday night, signaled her opposition to President Trump's nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, calling the nomination "a very hostile appointment."

Seven Inconvenient Facts About Trump's Refugee Actions.  The sober and logical reasons for President Donald Trump's executive order on refugees and visitors are rising above the noise after an evening of hysterical over-reactions and emotional meltdowns on the nation's TV networks.  Advocates of sane, secure immigration policy have long noted that it's almost impossible to have a reasonable discussion of the refugee and immigration issues, because it's been sentimentalized and politicized beyond the realm of rational thought.  This weekend brings them another superb example of media-magnified shrieking about fascism, bleating about "white nationalists," howling about "religious persecution," false invocations of the Constitution, and theatrical sobbing on behalf of the Statue of Liberty.

The Statue of Liberty Has Nothing to Do with Immigration.  The Statue of Liberty represents Libertas, Roman goddess of Liberty.  She bears a torch liberty.  She bears a torch and a tabula ansata.  It's a tabula that evokes the law on which is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of Independence.  That's what words are on the Statue of Liberty, words that commemorate July 4th, 1776.  A broken chain lies at the feet of the Statue of Liberty.  The Statue of Liberty had absolutely nothing to do with immigration.  So why do people think that it does?  Well, there was a socialist poet.  (Are poets anything other than socialists and communists?)  Her name was Emma Lazarus, and her poem was called The New Colossus, and it included the lines, "Give me your tired, give me your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."  That was not part of the creation of the Statue of Liberty.  It was not delivered with the Statue of Liberty.  It came later.  The poem written by Emma Lazarus was written to help raise money for the statue's pedestal.

Trump's Reassertion of Common Sense is a shattering experience for death-wish liberals, bishops, and RINOs.  The grandstanding hysteria over Trump's travel ban on people coming from seven terrorist countries falls into the category of sound and fury signifying nothing, save the persistence of death-wish liberalism in our politics.  It happened so "abruptly," harrumphed the chattering class.  Really?  Trump has only been talking about the ban for over a year.  People in those countries had since his victory in November time to "prepare" for it.  Besides, since when has it been a constitutional right for peoples residing in terrorist hotbeds to travel inconvenience-free to America?

Are We Going To Freak Out Every Time Trump Does What He Promised?  Three months ago, Candidate Trump promised that on Day One of his presidency he would, if elected, "suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur." President Trump didn't get around to that until Day Seven, which means he was a week late.  Yet everyone is acting as if this all came out of the blue.

The Great Disconfirmation.  There is a famous study in psychology by three guys named Leon Festinger, Henry Riecken and Stanley Schachter.  They studied a UFO cult based in Chicago that claimed space aliens were due to arrive on a certain date.  When that failed to happen, the cult did not dissolve.  It transformed into something else.  That's an important lesson to keep in mind when watching the antics of the Left of late.  Their lunacy is not directed at the rest of us.  They don't care what you or anyone else thinks about what's happening.  Their public acts are about signalling to the rest of the believers.  By holding protests and making fools of themselves in a public way, they are providing support for one another as they work through the disconfirmation.  Like herd animals, they are huddling together in the face if danger.  It is pure instinct.  If they were left to sit alone at home, they would have no one around to help them through their doubts.  These are people whose entire sense of self is dependent on the identity of the group, so getting out and "making their voices heard" lets them focus on something other than the disconfirmation.  Trump as Hitler provides a short term bridge between the failed prophesy and whatever comes next for the New Religion.  They can tell themselves that their faith was not wrong, it was just subverted by mysterious forces, or Hitler.

DHS to Publish Weekly List of Crimes Committed by Illegal Aliens in Sanctuary Cities.  Any attempt to get the illegal immigration situation under control will result in the media bringing out its big guns:  tearjerker stories about the put-upon victims, impoverished urchins with their daddies dragged away in chains by the Stormtroopers, leaving one and all with the certitude that only a total monster would enforce immigration law.  For once, those defending America are fighting fire with fire.

What Has Obama Done to Us, and How Was He Able to Do It?  Nothing one could say about the many flaws inherent in Mrs. Clinton's character and background would keep those types from backing her.  The same was true in 2008 and 2012, when overwhelming percentages of African-Americans voted for Obama just because he identified as black.  Since Obama has further divided Americans into quarreling tribes, it's unlikely that this pattern of voting behavior will change greatly in the near future.

Want to Know Why Trump Won?  Just Ask His Supporters.  [Scroll down]  Half of Buffalo has moved out of the city since the 1950s?  A wave of suicide is decimating middle-aged white men?  Meth has taken over life in a small Wisconsin river town?  Divorced veterans are languishing in soup kitchens and homeless shelters across Tennessee?  Political correctness has no answers to these problems.  In fact, P.C. forbids answers to those problems, because acknowledging them as problems would take away from the focus on "hate."  Only "hate" matters, and none of those tribulations can be credibly attributed to hate.

Democrats, crime and poverty
You'll never guess which political party leads in poverty and crime.  I'd be more a lot more snarky if the human toll wasn't so devastating.  The sad fact remains:  progressives don't get it and never will.  Their policies are based on emotion, not facts.  Feelings, not human experience.  Their policies are those of a cult, not a real political party.

Calif. church to stop praying for president by name, says 'Trump' is 'literally a trauma trigger'.  Leaders of a California church have come to the decision to stop praying for the president of the United States by name, because they say "Donald Trump" is a "trauma trigger" for some parishioners.  Mike Kinman, the rector of All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, said in a Jan. 6 open letter that the church is removing the names of all leaders from its prayers as a compromise to fulfill their duties as Episcopalians while also protecting the "vulnerable among us in this hour."

Why Obamacare's '20 Million' Number Is Fake.  Liberals are notorious for caring about "groups" of people, but when it gets down to individual persons, not so much.  You're about to see this play out in spades as Democrats cry crocodile tears over the coming repeal of Obamacare.  You hear it over and over again:  "This will be catastrophic for the 20 million people who were previously uninsured but now have coverage!  You can't take away their health care!"  First of all, no one is talking about doing that.  Any repeal legislation will have a transition period for those who got coverage through Obamacare to move to new plans.  And second, they will have more choices and better options.

What to expect from Obamacare's replacement.  Former Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid paused on his way out the door to warn, "People are going to die" if the health-care law is repealed.  His successor, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, was only slightly less gloomy, warning of "chaos" and claiming ObamaCare repeal would "make America sick again."  New York Times columnist Paul Krugman suggested Republicans were preparing to "snatch insurance away from millions," while a CNN report claimed that repeal would lead to the loss of 3 million jobs.  Let's all get a grip.  Initially, any changes will be very small and incremental.  Repeal won't happen overnight, or all at once.  Rather, Republicans are likely to establish a sunset date, three or four years from now, allowing time to craft a replacement.  Still, sooner or later, we'll be living under a very different health-care system.  Therefore, over the next few days, we'll take a look at what it's really going to mean for health-care consumers, patients, doctors, hospitals, insurers, businesses and taxpayers.

Poll: Schumer's 'Make America Sick Again' slogan bombs.  The Democrats' new healthcare slogan, "Make America Sick Again," is a clunker with a majority of voters, according to fresh data from a Republican pollster.  The national survey, conducted for a GOP political group, asked 1,000 likely voters if they agree that, "If Republicans repeal the Affordable Care Act, it will make America sick again."  Overall, only 32.1 percent of voters agreed, including, at 57.1 percent, a majority of Democrats; 64.8 percent of Independents disagreed, as did 85.9 percent of Republicans.

Rosie O'Donnel calls for MARTIAL LAW and Trump's inauguration to be delayed.  Donald Trump will be sworn in one week from tomorrow as the 45th president of the United States, and his nemesis Rosie O'Donnell has now gone into overdrive trying to find a way to stop him from taking office.  On Wednesday [1/11/2017], O'Donnell unveiled her latest plan to delay the inauguration, calling for the implementation of a military government and the suspension of all laws in the United States until Trump has been cleared of any role in the Russian hacking scandal.  'I FULLY SUPPORT IMPOSING MARTIAL LAW - DELAYING THE INAUGURATION - UNTIL TRUMP IS "CLEARED" OF ALL CHARGES,' wrote O'Donnell, who fired off a number of tweets criticizing Trump on the same day he gave his first press conference.

Protesters dressed as KKK members [were] dragged out of Sessions' attorney general hearing.  Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) had barely entered the room for his Attorney General confirmation hearing when he was met by protesters.  A pair of men dressed as KKK members jumped up on their seats in the back of the Senate hearing room the moment Sessions walked in, adopting seemingly fake southern accents to troll the controversial senator.

This Leftist Got Scared Of His Plumber Because Of Trump.  Certain radical leftists constantly attribute motives to random people without knowing those people.  Plumbers do not want to murder you just because they are plumbers; it turns out that many plumbers are even Democrats!  People with southern accents are not out to murder Jews en masse.  If you feel like you're living in near-Nazi Germany because a random plumber came to your house at your request to fix your shower and then was — gasp! — polite but had a different accent and different profession than you, then perhaps you're the political hypochondriac.

Protesters dressed as KKK members dragged out of Sessions' attorney general hearing.  Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) had barely entered the room for his Attorney General confirmation hearing when he was met by protesters.  A pair of men dressed as KKK members jumped up on their seats in the back of the Senate hearing room the moment Sessions walked in, adopting seemingly fake southern accents to troll the controversial senator.  "Thank you so much for being here for the people.  White people don't get arrested.  You can't arrest me, I'm white!  What do we have to do, wait for the inauguration?  This is craziness!" one of the men said as he was dragged out of the room by Capitol police.

Sorry, But The Republican Party Isn't 'Extremist'.  In Slate, Jamelle Bouie asserts that the "Republican Party in 2017 isn't an ordinary political party.  It is an ideological outlier, the most extreme party coalition since the Civil War."  If this depiction sounds familiar, it's probably because you've been hearing iterations of it from the moment you started following politics — and it doesn't matter how long ago you started.  This Congress, this president, this Republican, is always the most extreme America has ever seen.

Liberals Awake From an 8-Year Moral Coma.  We are awash in leftist, progressive, liberal mystics, telling us through tears and in panicked tones exactly what Donald Trump's presidency will look like and how it will end, before he has held the job for even one second.  In hysterics, they speak of the un-American things Trump will do in the future, and how "afraid" the leftists are of someone whose personal history shows no hint of the things they predict.  Bruce Springsteen expresses his concerns about competence, and the newly dark dynamic that Trump allegedly brings to politics.  Robert Reich produces instructional videos for mindless liberals about how Trump controls the media message, which is a harbinger of tyranny.  Where have these people been for eight years?

Broken: The Sickening, Stale, and Worn Out Narratives of the Left.  [After the 2016 election,] The left, rather than learn something about themselves, devolved into full petulant toddlers, moaning, whining, shrieking, needing therapy — all the things we've watched since they lost.  They have been pitiful, doubling down on their now failing Alinsky playbook.  Watching their meltdown has been revealing.  Not only are they melting down on college campuses, but their adult voters have failed to step forward to stop their leaders from making total fools of themselves.  [Indeed], their leaders, including their failed president, are running around making silly excuses for their loss, each of which has shown to be preposterous.  The latest:  the Russians "hacked" the election.  That carefully crafted way of phrasing this peculiar (and preposterous) talking point should say it all.

Celebrities Call for 'Month of Resistance' to Fight 'Fascist' Trump.  Rosie O'Donnell, Debra Messing, Ed Asner and Michael Shannon are among the dozens of artists, entertainers, and activists who have attached their names to an effort calling for a month-long protest to stop President-elect Donald Trump.  "No!  In the Name of Humanity We Refuse to Accept a Fascist America!" reads a full-page ad placed in the New York Times on Wednesday [1/4/2017] by the group Refuse Fascism.

Let Democrats be Democrats.  President-Elect Trump's every utterance, action, and choice is condemned as demagoguery, war mongering, or ethnically or sexually discriminatory by Democrats and their allies.  He has been criticized for saving American jobs (Carrier), for saving taxpayers money (Boeing), and for starting to rein in a bloated federal bureaucracy (Scott Pruitt to head the rogue EPA).  Clearly, he can do nothing right.  The two camps are divided as much by opposing worldviews as by opposing political views.

Democrats prepare for early 'act of cowardice' with GOP attempt to repeal Obamacare.  Democrats mounted a preemptive attack as the new Congress gets ready to meet Tuesday, accusing Republicans of "cowardice" for what is expected to be an early-session effort to repeal Obamacare.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, preparing for her fourth straight Congress in the minority — she lost her speakership in 2010, in an anti-Obamacare backlash — now says it's the GOP that will pay a political price if it moves to dismantle the Affordable Care Act.  "You break it, you own it," the California Democrat said.

The Editor says...
The last sentence is particularly amusing, because Obamacare is already broken, and the Democrats already own it, since they alone implemented it, yet their only solution is more government intervention.

Democrats Won't Fix Their Religion Problem Any Time Soon.  "If we let those Christian groups stay on campus, how can we keep out the Klan?"  Defend religious liberty in higher education, and that is the question you'll be forced to answer.  I've heard it every year at least once for the last 16 years, since I first defended a Christian student group, at Tufts University in 2000.  The problem, you see, is that Christian groups stubbornly wish to be led by Christians, and at hundreds of universities they have refused to sign pledges or conform to policies that mandate that they not even consider a candidate's religious faith when that person seeks to run a campus Christian fellowship.  In radical eyes, imposing faith-based litmus tests is mere subterfuge, the benign-sounding pretext that masks homophobia, transphobia, and misogyny.

Professor: North Carolina Is No Longer a Democracy Because Republicans Win Too Many Elections.  A taxpayer-funded political science professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has concluded that political conditions in North Carolina are comparable to political conditions in totalitarian nations such as Cuba, Venezuela and Iran because Republicans are too politically successful.  The professor, Andrew Reynolds, aired his 936-word grievance last week in The News & Observer, a newspaper out of Raleigh.  North Carolina "can no longer be classified as a full democracy," Reynolds declares, because the statewide Republican Party has been too successful at winning the state's winner-take-all elections.

Infantile Rage on the Left.  Normal Americans never wanted to crush the coal industry or squeeze our domestic oil supply to please fantasy-driven greens, constantly screaming that the world is coming to an end.  Obama's idea that he would personally "stop the rising of the oceans" makes our eyes roll.  The fantasy left has taken over the Democratic Party, and a lot of American voters see that. [...] Climate catastrophism is common in tribal groups, as reported by anthropologists.  Human beings conduct rain dances in times of drought and pray for the monsoon to end in countries bedeviled by that constant downpour.  Weather magic is a cultural universal, and claiming to calm the rising oceans is a very common superstition.  "Superstition" is the right word for liberal campaigns against (non-existent) global freezing and global warming, against phony claims about the oceans overflowing, against the great benefits of coal and oil (the lifeblood of human prosperity), against nuclear power, against GMO foods, and much more.

Author Freaks When Tucker Carlson Reads Passages From His own Book.  Author and racial activist Tariq Nasheed stopped by Monday's broadcast of "Tucker Carlson Tonight" to talk about alleged white supremacists serving in Trump's cabinet, yet berated the Fox News host for citing passages from Nasheed's own book, "The Art of Mackin'."  Nasheed — who writes on a variety of subjects including picking up chicks and the subversive nature of systemic racism — tweeted that Trump's nominees include members of "a white supremacists [sic] sect that literally throw up Nazi salutes."

Rep. Ellison:  In Texas There's A Little Girl Worried 'The Detention Squad' is Coming For Her Parents.  During a speech to Texas Democrats over the weekend, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) warned that some children were wondering if "the detention squad" is coming for thier parents.  "Somewhere in Texas right now, there is a little girl wondering whether the detention squad is going to take her parents away," Ellison can be seen telling the gathering in a video posted by the Texas Progressive Caucus.  Ellison also warned Texas Democrats of people threatening to privatize Social Security, wanting to register Muslims, and people getting "roped up" by police.

The United States Of Crybabies.  The hyper-emotional reactions to Donald Trump's election occasioned much commentary about the state of America's millennials.  On college campuses across the country there were "cry-ins," group "primal screams," and designated "healing spaces."  The general mood was captured in a tweet from the student body president at American University:  "For those who viewed [the election outcome] as unfavorable, anger, sadness, grief, and frustration were brought to the fore.  It's important to note that those feelings are valid and justified.  People are scared and people are worried about their futures and their lives."

UN Chief:  Abandoning Paris Climate Deal Will 'Condemn Future Generations to Untold Suffering'.  Ban told a Council on Foreign Relations audience Friday that the accord, reached at a U.N. conference in the French capital a year ago, was "key to sustainable future for us, human being, and our planet Earth."  "To jettison or damage it is to condemn future generations to untold suffering."  Ban declared that the planet was at "a critical juncture."  "We are ... the last generation that can avert the existential threat of climate change," he said.  "We are the last generation to do something to prevent — stop this climate change happening."

NY Times Has Great News:  Our Republic Is Ending, Becoming Either Nazi Germany Or The Roman Empire!  The Sore Loser Symphony continues.  Trump Derangement Syndrome reigns.  Buzzfeed's Chris Geidner lays out the Sore Loser playbook for how Democrats will attempt to block Trump.  Michael Moore has his own Sore Loser request for the Electoral College.  And then there's Sore Loser Paul Krugman, who had nary a bad word or complaint about Obama during the past 8 years, proclaiming we're either heading towards Nazi Germany or the Roman Empire.

The Electoral College revolt scheme is a ludicrous liberal fantasy.  During the campaign, when Hillary Clinton and the media widely expected the "blue wall" of Rust Belt states (Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania) to remain in Democratic hands, no one raised any objections to the system under which this country has elected its executive since 1792. [...] Five weeks later, Democrats and the media have seized on the Russians as their latest explanation for losing the presidency, and in a panic, are questioning the legitimacy of the outcome. [...] Democrats have gone from total apathy before the election to total outrage in its immediate aftermath.  Many have suddenly decided that the Electoral College is the bulwark of democracy against the dark night of Donald Trump.

The Growth Of Global Warming Nonsense:  Surely We've Reached Peak Madness.  They have tried for decades to frighten everyone on the planet and all this time later, few are scared because they see the gaping holes in the narrative, the miserably failed forecasts, the glaring lack of evidence and the garbage dump of lies.  Yet the activists continue to behave and screech as if the world is on the brink and there are only days left to save it.  Average Westerners simply trying to live their lives honestly and work hard for their families aren't moved by the braying.

The Democrats thrive on fear:
Pelosi on Ryan's Medicaid Plan:  People 'Won't Be Able to Go to Their Own Doctor'.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said on Wednesday that House Speaker Paul Ryan's (R-Wisc.) proposal to cut Medicaid spending over time to help balance the federal budget would prevent seniors from seeing the doctor of their choosing.  "And I might add with what they want to do to the Affordable Care Act and what they want to do in the Ryan budget to Medicaid — a trillion dollars over 10 years taken out of Medicaid," Pelosi said.  "Two thirds of that goes to long-term heath care to our seniors."  "They won't be able to go to their own doctor if you take this away," Pelosi said.

Mika Brzezinski Bombshell:  Clinton Camp Called NBC, Tried to Get Me Pulled Off Air.  Our old colleague Mark Finkelstein at Legal Insurrection caught a humdinger today.  Mika Brzezinski revealed on the air that Hillary Clinton's campaign called NBC brass and demanded Mika be taken off the air for something "journalistically inappropriate." [...] The morning crew was discussing how the Clintonites couldn't understand they had made some big mistakes, like the "basket of deplorables" comment.  Scarborough brought up the Democrat who "sniveled" at DNC chair Donna Brazile that by letting Trump win, "You and your friends will die of old age and I'm going to die from climate change.  You and your friends let this happen, which is going to cut 40 years off my life expectancy."

The Editor says...
Reminder:  The projected (not yet observed) rate of global warming is about one degree per century.  Deal with it.  It's not going to kill anybody.  You won't even notice, even if this tiny change occurs, which is now highly doubtful.

Activists Tell Scientists To Download Climate Change Data Before Trump Deletes It.  Environmental activists are afraid the Trump administration will alter or delete data sets scientists use to track global warming after the president-elect takes control in January.  The accusation, first reported by Mashable, has gotten at least one climate scientist to create a list of climate data sets his colleagues don't want to see deleted.

CNN's Stelter:  Trump Win a 'National Emergency'.  Those who expected the mainstream media to pause and reflect on its own biases following President-Elect Donald Trump's victory are surely disappointed.  It has become inescapably clear that rather than attempt to break free from the ideological echo chamber in which they exist, liberal journalists in the mainstream media are only doubling down on progressive propaganda — descending ever further into self-parody.

Disgrace under pressure.  A month after the surprise election of Donald Trump in November (surprising to no one more than to Trump and Clinton), the losers are still working through the stages of anguish in ways that seem strange to many observers but of which they appear oddly proud.  Not only do they brag of the length and intensity of their bouts of sobbing — "crying as if someone died" was a common description — but, as New York magazine reported days later, professional women all over the country are making a brave stand to protest Trump's election by doing hideous things to their hair.  Because "the election results felt like an attack on minorities, women, and marginalized people in general," a "vegan chef" cut her hair off to send Trump a "message."  Others like her got buzz cuts, flat tops or tossed out their extensions, and went platinum, or black.

Tina Fey Warns:  Prepare for Nazi America Under a Donald Trump Presidency.  Lately, Hollywood has been in a bit of panic mode.  Clearly the election of Donald Trump has thrown them through a loop because they left no room for even the slimmest possibility of Trump winning the presidency.  Comedian Tina Fey is no different and let her apparent distress be known to David Letterman in an interview he conducted with her for The Hollywood Reporter.  The former late-night host commiserated with the former Saturday Night Live comedian over their newly found realization of American's "misogyny" — (rich, coming from the host who admitted to sleeping with his interns) — and how they would deal with the disappointing blow.

The Democrats' Nauseating Putin Hypocrisy.  The degree to which the Democrats have changed their tune on Vladimir Putin almost on a proverbial dime is either black comic or nauseating or both, depending on how you want to look at it.  Whatever it is, it is a extremely obvious example of how party politics is conducted in our era (possibly always).  If your side does it, it's diplomatic genius bound to yield peace in our time.  If the other side does the exact same thing, it's a horrendous mistake bordering on treason likely to cause a national calamity, if not global Armageddon.

Chris Cuomo Sneers:  Climate Change Skepticism Like Opposing Interracial MarriageNew Day co-anchor Chris Cuomo on Thursday continued the media freak out over Donald Trump picking a climate change doubter to run the Environmental Protection Agency.  He even outrageously compared those with similar beliefs to past opposition of interracial marriage.  While discussing the appointment of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to run the EPA, Cuomo ranted to CNN co-anchor Alisyn Camerota, "People thought the world was flat."  He continued, "People thought blacks and whites shouldn't marry.  People thought blacks shouldn't be equal.  That doesn't mean you accept it as fact as a leader."

The Election's Ominous Results.  Yes, it is good that Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, especially in light of revelations of her private email security breaches and pay-for-play administration of the State Department.  If true, she belongs in prison.  However, what is ominous is the number of voters who, despite all that was known of her crimes, still voted for her. [...] And when she lost, her followers broke down in tearful recriminations about the "glass ceiling" in the belief that those who voted for Trump did so because they couldn't stand the thought of a woman being president.  For such voters, the real Hillary — the crook, the felon, the chronic liar, the apparent accomplice to rape after the fact; the botched leader of men in battle at Benghazi — played no role in their decision.  They voted for an idol who represented attitudes toward the relationships between men and women, men and men, women and women, the virtues of the welfare state.

John Conyers now claiming the electoral college is rooted in slavery.  When the Democrats lose, they hate anything that they think contributes to their loss and once again they've taken aim at the electoral college after Trump beat the pantsuit off of Hillary a month ago.  Today John Conyers held a forum on the Future of the Electoral College where he proceeded to argue for the abolition of the electoral college by claiming it is rooted in slavery.  [Video clip]

(Knee)-Jerk of the Week:  Tim Kaine was really in a hurry to blame the NRA for attack at Ohio State.  Yesterday a man described as an 18-year-old Somali refugee (Obama's still trying to determine if he should be categorized as "widow" or "orphan") injured many people at Ohio State by ramming them with a car and slashing others with a knife.  The sound of a campus officer taking down the attacker with a gun led to early reports of an "active shooter" situation, but Hillary's former running-mate Tim Kaine didn't need to wait for any more details because his lefty instinct had kicked in.

Kaine Tweets OSU 'Senseless Act of Gun Violence' — Updates After No Gun Involved.  With early reports of an "active shooter" on the Ohio State University campus Monday, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) tweeted about the "senseless act of gun violence" before updating the campus attack was performed with a car and a knife.  "Deeply saddened by the senseless act of gun violence at Ohio State this morning.  Praying for the injured and the entire Buckeye community," Kaine tweeted at 11:58 AM.  The Associated Press reports authorities are saying nine people were injured at Ohio State University when an attacker purposely drove over a curb and into pedestrians and then got out of the vehicle and began stabbing people with a butcher knife.

Somali Refugee Stabs Students, Left Blames Guns.  So, it turns out that the supposed mass shooting at Ohio State University today was actually a mass stabbing allegedly perpetrated by a 20-year-old Somali refugee named Ali Mohammed, who drove his car into a crowd and then hopped out, hacking innocents with a butcher knife.  This has been a humiliating experience for the left, which immediately jumped to typical gun control talking points based on their desired story.

All This Silliness about Abolishing the Electoral College.  "How could this have happened?" the media pundit bemoans, as he looks over the foolproof election data that he disseminated prior to the election.  "How do I tell my daughter that America elected a racist, sexist bully?" the self-loathing, white-privileged mother cries, as she glances at her previous article about how a state law prohibiting confused men from entering what may be a little girls' bathroom is somehow tantamount to misogyny.  "Love trumps hate!" reads a banner among the rioters in the street, as they visit violence and destruction upon innocent people and businesses in their community.  Perhaps sillier than all of that, however, is the incessant mantra amongst all of these people about how Hillary may have actually won the election because she garnered more of the popular vote than Trump.

Thanksgiving: Hillary Fans Encourage Nasty, Vindictive Family Dinners.  Resentful liberals across the country are thankful that Thanksgiving is an opportunity to insult relatives who may have voted for President-elect Donald Trump.  A slew of liberals in the news and entertainment world offer guides for like-minded lefties on what to do when forced to break bread with their supposedly "racist," "bigoted," and "misogynistic" relatives.  Gothamist's Scott Heins, for instance, told his readers he loathed his dad's "bigotry and misogyny" and claimed his construction-worker father voted Trump because he was excited by the candidate's "white nationalism."  Heins also seemed to consider Thanksgiving dinner as little else but drudgery that he was obligated to suffer.

Bannon Is The New Halliburton For Our Precious Left.  We saw this all the way back in 2000 when Bush was 'selected' and 'stole' the election.  Back then 'Shrub' was daddy's little Bush who used the invasion of Iraq as a ruse; a 'War For Oil'. [...] When someone back then shouted 'Halliburton' it was its own assertion, dissertation and conclusion, all in one word.  There was no need for them to back it up or connect any dots.  You just need a megaphone.  For a Leftist, the only requirement are decibels. [...] The Left are pamphleteers in a world of conversation.  They are the bumper sticker society.

The left is 'projecting' its own evil onto conservatives.  Everything the left witnesses is shot through the prism of race.  Race is their oxygen, and they can't take a breath without it.  Of late, Lebron James, and the liberal press, thinks a reference to the people with whom he travels as his "posse" is racist.  (The pendulum is hitting the wall.)  Gene Autry and Roy Rogers had posses — was that racist?  The absurdity and prevalence of these instances requires no further comment.  Who invites race into each discussion or dissection of the events of the day?  The "projecting" left.

Rob Reiner:  Trump represents last 'battle of the Civil War'.  The last shots of the Civil War rang out in 1865, but director Rob Reiner believes the election of Donald Trump represents the final gasp in the war among the states.  "The way I look at it, if you are trying to take an overview — the holistic approach — we are fighting the last big major battle of the Civil War," Reiner said Monday evening [11/14/2016] at a D.C. screening of his new film, "LBJ."

Moonbat Meltdowns:  Trump Win Compared To "Nazi Germany".  Rob Reiner's character on the 1970's hit TV show All In The Family was nicknamed "Meathead."  Seems like it is still a very good name for him.  His comments comparing Donald Trump to "Jewish policemen in the Warsaw ghetto" are repulsive, ignorant and extremely offensive.

Democrats believe in democracy only until they lose an election.  The last time a national mental breakdown this severe happened was sixteen years ago when Bush beat Gore.  The Democrats reacted gracefully to their defeat by insisting that they didn't really lose because Bush stole the election.  Psychiatrists were soon tending to lefties suffering from depression.  Others protested outside the Florida Supreme Court, President Bush's home and their parents' basement.  Jesse Jackson accused Republicans of a "coup."  Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson warned that "without justice there will be no peace."  Thousands protested Bush's inauguration waving signs like, "We want Bush out of D.C." and "You're not our president."  The Congressional Black Caucus tried to obstruct the certification of the Electoral College vote.  Then when Bush won again in the next election, they did it all over again.  Expect them to try it one more time.  Because they don't believe in democracy.  They believe in their own absolute entitlement to power.  Any election that they win is legitimate.  Any election that they lose is illegitimate.

Democrat Goes Unhinged Over Trump On House Floor!  I've seen a lot of bad reactions to Trump becoming President, but this is by far the worst. [...] Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.) couldn't stand it that Donald Trump has won the Presidency, so he has reverted back to a third-grade style of expressing himself where he is slinging insults and stomping his feet.

Harry Reid:  I Wondered After the Election 'Is the World Gonna Be Destroyed?'.  Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid let loose on Donald Trump in a lengthy interview with MSNBC's Chris Hayes tonight [11/17/2016].  Reid, who tore into Trump on the Senate floor over harassment and racist incidents happening around the country, continued to say Trump's response to such things have been severely lacking.  And Trump's "stop it!", as far as Reid is concerned, was weak.  Hayes pointed out that Republican leaders haven't really said much about these incidents, and Reid declared, "Donald Trump was created by Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan."

Dem lawmaker says Sessions would drag the country back to dark times.  A Democratic lawmaker is slamming the selection of Sen. Jeff Sessions as President-elect Trump's attorney general by going so far as to argue the Alabama senator would drag the United States back into the days of rampant racism and suppression of minorities.  In a blistering statement about a fellow lawmaker, Illinois Rep. Luis Gutierrez seemed to use the Republican's full name — Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III — in an attempt to invoke Confederacy imagery.  "If you have nostalgia for the days when blacks kept quiet, gays were in the closet, immigrants were invisible and women stayed in the kitchen, Sen. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is your man," Gutierrez said.

Liberal hysteria over Trump is rapidly becoming self-satire.  It turns out that the hundred million dollars' worth of Hillary campaign demonization has paid off in creating millions of people gripped by hysteria over the utter evilness of Donald Trump.  Calling Trump Hitler is already passé, so the quest for superlatives of evil is running out of material.  According to a U.S. congressman, Hitler, and even Stalin and Mao, are all pikers in terms of mass killing.

Another Smackdown of the Smug Elite.  Demagogues like Hillary Clinton can point to the fact that women as a group do not receive as much income as men as a group.  But, factual studies over the past 40 years have shown repeatedly that, when you compare women who work as many hours a year as men, and as many continuous years in the same occupations as men, the income differences shrink to the vanishing point, and sometimes even reverse.  But how many politicians or media people care about facts, when the facts go against their preconceptions?

There Is No Violent Hate-Crimewave in 'Trump's America'.  [W]hile all sorts of horrible incidents are being reported on Twitter and Facebook... well, anyone can say anything on Twitter and Facebook.  The bulk of these stories are "friend of a friend" told me types.  But if men were really going around pulling knives on Muslim women on public buses in Trump's name, there would at least be local or campus news reports of it.  Same, too, for the alleged wave of transgender teen suicides which keep getting mentioned in media but for which no one can offer any evidence.

Dear Progressives, Thank You for Reminding Us of the Real Reasons We Fight You.  As if they see the world in only one or two dimensions, so-called "progressives" seem incapable of processing their overwhelming emotions outside a narrow framework of self-pity and raging narcissism.  Because they appear to think about the world around them in ways guided entirely by emotion, unlike their foes who see emotion as a dangerous foundation for permanent change, they react to disappointment or loss as self-righteous victims, or antisocial thugs, rather than mentally sound individuals.  It seems necessary to their fragile psyches to believe that any opposition to their obvious superiority is illegitimate, and therefore its proponents deserving of punishment.  The irony of this fact will be utterly lost on any progressive reading this.

The Shocking Intolerance of Anti-Trump Liberals.  [Scroll down]  What are the rights that supposedly Trump is going to take away?  We've been living in a country where, as The Weekly Standard's Mark Hemingway tweeted, "Obama did sue nuns over birth control for crying out loud," where religious bakers and florists have been told they have to participate in same-sex weddings, where an African-American fire chief lost his job over a book he wrote about his religious beliefs that included passages on same-sex marriage, and yet, the real threat to rights is from Trump?

Sidney Blumenthal: 'Right-Wing' FBI Agents Took Down Hillary In A 'Coup D'Etat'.  Longtime Clinton insider Sidney Blumenthal claims that a group of "right-wing agents" in the FBI staged a coup d'etat to prevent Hillary Clinton from behind elected president.  Blumenthal, a former journalist who has been nicknamed "Grassy Knoll" by some in Clintonworld because of his tendency to latch on to conspiracy theories, made the charge in an interview on Dutch television after Clinton's loss to Donald Trump.

'Tears' and 'fear': Harry Reid is not taking Trump's election well.  Nancy Pelosi spoke with President-elect Donald Trump by phone to congratulate him on his victory.  Hillary Clinton graciously conceded.  President Obama called for a "peaceful transfer of power."  Harry Reid, not so much.  The pugilistic Senate Democratic leader who is retiring this term issued a 473-word statement Friday railing against Trump's election, saying it has "emboldened the forces of hate and bigotry" as the country is overcome by "tears" and "fear."

If the House and Senate had term limits, they'd all be "unleashed" all the time.
Harry Reid unleashed:  Election shows America is 'hate and bigotry'.  Other Democratic lawmakers are being gracious in defeat, but retiring Sen. Harry Reid unleashed fury on Donald Trump and the country Friday [11/11/2016], saying his election confirms the ascendance of "hate and bigotry in America." [...] He said racial, ethnic, religious and sexual minorities and children of illegal immigrants all have reason to be afraid.  "Winning the electoral college does not absolve Trump of the grave sins he committed against millions of Americans.  Donald Trump may not possess the capacity to assuage those fears, but he owes it to this nation to try," Mr. Reid said.

The Editor says...
Harry Reid is sowing the seeds of fear among the people who don't do a lot of rational evaluation.  By the time there's another presidential election, Harry Reid will be long ago forgotten.

The Great Liberal Freakout.  [Liberals had the same reactions] the day after Ronald Reagan's election in 1980.

'That Frightens Me': Capehart Tears Up Discussing Trump PresidencyWashington Post Opinion Writer and MSNBC contributor Jonathan Capehart stated that President Obama's legacy disappearing under a Trump presidency "frightens" him during an emotional interview with Channel 4 News on Thursday [11/10/2016], "[T]he election of President Obama was a great moment for this country, and now we stand two months away from — excuse me — from all of that disappearing," Capehart said, pausing to hold back tears.

Read the Letter Aaron Sorkin Wrote His Daughter After Donald Trump Was Elected President.  [One big emotional outburst without any basis in fact, assuming facts not in evidence.  Excerpt omitted as a public service.]

Celebrity Meltdowns.  It's been some low-hanging fruit watching celebrities react to this election, but low-hanging fruit is delicious.  Lady Gaga asked that we "say a prayer America" and then blew Trump's mind by standing outside one of his buildings with a sign that said "Love trumps hate."  This is a powerful message because Trump hates love.  He was hoping that eventually he could wipe out all the love in America but Gaga was ensuring him that no matter how hard he tried, it would still be there.  Where do these people get their views from — Dr. Seuss?

Slate screenshot
Slate Goes Ape.  My wife pointed out the front page of today's Slate.  (Slate, if you are not familiar with it, is a left-wing on-line magazine.)  You can enlarge this image and then just ponder it.  There are numerous delights to be discovered, from "Donald Trump's Victory Proves That America Hates Women" to "Trump Won the Election By Promising a Resurgent White Supremacy."  Sure he did!  One question:  doesn't a complete lack of self-knowledge sometimes come back to bite you?

The Democrat Media Complex Will Never Understand What Happened Tuesday Night.  [Scroll down]  When discussing voters beyond the coastal bubbles, MSM Clinton apologists focus solely on race.  The economic situations of any white voters in flyover states are left at the door as the pundits rush headlong to the only explanation they've really known for 8 years when confronted by the reality that not everyone thinks the same as they do.  They see only ethnic and racial voting blocs, not people.  If they do spend a moment contemplating the people of middle America as individuals, then the "white privilege" subroutine of their "Racism!" programming kicks in, quickly mollifying any internal conflict that may have been brought on by the brief introduction of evidence contrary to the narrative.

Southern Poverty Law Center Facing 'New Reality,' Calls Trump Advisers 'Far-Right Extremists'.  The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an organization that has been praised by Obama's Justice Department for combating "domestic extremism" and designates groups on a "Hate Map" including some controversial listings of conservative groups, reacted Wednesday [11/9/2016] to the news of President-elect Donald Trump's win calling it a "new reality."  "Today, we're facing a new reality — a president-elect who has denigrated people because of their race, their religion, their ethnicity, their gender, and more," SPLC President Richard Cohen wrote.  "Our mission is to hold Donald Trump to what he is saying now — that he will be a president for all Americans and that he will work to bind the wounds of division, wounds that his own words have caused."

Celebrity Meltdowns.  The Hollywood liberals have created a universe that's right out of a horror movie.  "We've let a hatemonger lead our great nation," said Chris Evans, the guy who plays Captain America.  "I just want to remind everyone that we are looking at a very close race with a presidential candidate who was endorsed by the KKK," added the rich-from-birth Rashida Jones.

Why Liberals are Dangerous.  The Left (liberal mainstream media) practically had a ticker tape parade for Ohio Gov. John Kasich for answers he gave on two issues during the GOP debate.  Liberals' praise of Kasich shows they have chosen emotion over logical, reasoned thinking.  This makes liberals irresponsible and dangerous.  These people must never be in charge.

Democrats need to get past their hysteria and move on.  Tuesday's surprise loss has Democrats in disbelief and denial — clawing for excuses, predicting Armageddon and refusing to accept the results.  It's unhealthy. [...] Reality check:  Trump scored slightly less of the white vote than Mitt Romney — and higher percentages of blacks and Latinos.  And women voted for him at about the same rate as they did for Mitt Romney in 2012 and John McCain in 2008.  Is every presidential election a war between the sexes?

Censoring Language as Offensive Violates the Constitution.  The First Amendment does not say that the freedom of speech can be infringed by somebody claiming to be offended by the exercise of someone else's speech.  This standard of personal feeling is not written anywhere into any right protected by the Constitution.  Feelings are not relevant — they simply are not mentioned as variables that influence legislation.  If they were, people should have the power to shut down government regulations because they were offended by them.  But, curiously, those who promote using the concept of personal offense never speak of limiting government, only limiting the people.

PBS Host Tavis Smiley Fears Slavery Could Return Under President Trump.  In a recent op-ed for Time magazine, Public Broadcasting Service late-night host Tavis Smiley expressed concern that blacks in America might one day return to slavery if Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump wins the election on November 8.  "In my lifetime, I have never seen Congress so blatantly mock our Constitution," he stated.  "It's especially striking that it comes from the political party that's always lecturing us about the 'rule of law,' What's worse is that they're getting away with it."

The Editor says...
What's ironic here is that Hillary Clinton intends to do away with the Second Amendment, which would be a giant step toward oppression, if not slavery, for all of us.

Michael Moore:  Trump Voters Are 'Legal Terrorists'.  Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore said in a recent interview that Donald Trump voters are "legal terrorist[s]" and that society should treat the Republican presidential candidate as it would a pedophile.  Moore made the provocative remarks in an interview with Rolling Stone while pitching a new documentary, "Michael Moore in Trumpland."  Moore said he went to union halls for the film and met with longtime Democrats who are considering voting for Trump in November.  His goal, he said, was to force them "to think about the damage they could do by being a legal terrorist on November 8th."

The Editor says...
It takes a special kind of paranoia to compare voting to an act of terrorism.  Legitimate voting (as opposed to voting more than once, voting under someone else's name, and voting while dead) is one of the most peaceful, honorable and orderly ways to participate in government.

The 5 Most Outrageous Hillary Clinton Lies From The Last Debate.  Was there anything more ridiculous last night [10/19/2016] than Hillary's answer on guns?  When pressed by Wallace to explain her opposition to 2008's landmark District of Columbia v. Heller decision, Clinton went through a checklist of platitudes before landing on the following:  ["]You mentioned the Heller decision, and what I was saying that you reference, Chris, was that I disagreed with the way the court applied the Second Amendment in that case.  Because what the District of Columbia was trying to do was protect toddlers from guns.["]  Hillary brought up "toddlers" a few more times, because little children are mostly adorable and no one wants to see them shot.  The thing is, the Heller case revolves around Richard Heller, a then 66-year-old police officer in Washington DC, who was allowed to carry a gun in a federal office building to protect politicians and strangers, but not in his home to protect himself, his family, or his property.  Also of note, the Heller decision had nothing to do with toddlers or saving toddlers' lives or toddler gun safety or even toddlers shooting at each other.

No, Hillary Clinton, The Supreme Court's Heller Decision Wasn't About Toddlers.  During the final presidential debate on Wednesday night, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told another unbelievable whopper about the country's gun laws.  In her answer to a question about her views on gun rights, Clinton said she opposed the Supreme Court's Heller decision, which recognized the constitutional right for individuals to own and carry firearms, because it was about whether toddlers should have guns.  Yes, she said that.  It's a lie so absurd that I honestly don't know where to begin, but I'll give it a shot:  No, the Heller decision was not about toddlers.  It had nothing to do with toddlers.  Nothing.  It's no coincidence that the word "toddler" doesn't appear in either the majority or dissenting opinions in the case.  Nor does the word "toddler" appear anywhere in the 110-page transcript of the case's oral arguments before the Supreme Court.  Because the case had absolutely nothing to do with toddlers.

Clinton staff debated how much 'outrage' to show lawmakers over Benghazi, emails show.  As Hillary Clinton prepared to testify to the House Select Committee on Benghazi in October 2015, her communications and legal teams debated how much "outrage" she should display for lawmakers in her opening statement.  In emails published by Wikileaks Monday [10/10/2016], a draft of Mrs. Clinton's opening remarks to the committee included a line from her book "Hard Choices" in 2014:  "I will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans."  Clinton campaign adviser Mandy Grunwald liked that line because, she said, "we need a bit of moral outrage."

Common Core Update:  Feelings are More Important than Accuracy in Math Answers.  "Any emotion, feeling, statement, or catchphrase is an acceptable answer to most of the problems in the new mathematics standards," a Common Core representative informed interested media outlets.  "As long as students are being sincere, genuine, authentic, and true to themselves at the time they are answering the question, that's all we can ask as educators."  "Who are we to tell anyone that their own mathematical truth is wrong?" the Common Core representative added.  The Babylon Bee reports that these same touch-feely standards will be added into the Common Core standards set for history, biology, and chemistry. English literature teachers apparently are already able to take the students' feelings into account when it comes to filling out report cards.

Pence deserves credit for not throat-punching Kaine.  After watching Tuesday night's [10/4/2016] vice presidential debate, it's pretty evident why the Democratic Party's official symbol is a jackass.  Sen. Tim Kaine was rude, condescending and the man would simply not stop interrupting Gov. Mike Pence.  He even had the gall to butt into the Indiana governor's poignant comments about the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks.  The Republican National Committee accused Kaine of interrupting Pence 72 times — and they've got the video to back up their claims.

Hillary's 'Deplorable' Ain't the Half of It.  Let's have a reality check about the -isms and the -phobias.  Racism is a problem?  You mean in the country that went to war to free the slaves, that passed the civil rights acts?  That elected a black president?  Sexism?  You mean the country that gave women the vote, that has encouraged women, indeed, has mandated that women get preference at the university and the workplace?  Homophobia?  You mean the country that doesn't riot in indignation when elite gays get to harass the little people for not wanting to bake a gay wedding cake?  Islamophobia?  You mean the country in which a supermarket checker gets to wear the hijab, a defiant statement of separation and act of segregation in my book, and gets to live to tell the tale?  You know what I think?  I think that the ordinary white middle class has shown the most amazing patience and sturdiness as they have marked time for the last 50 years while liberals deployed government force to help blacks, women, gays, Hispanics, Muslims at their expense.

Use These 3 Strategies to Talk to a Liberal About Income Inequality.  The phrase "income inequality" has a lot going for it.  It's catchy and memorable, and "inequality" breeds an immediate emotional response — contempt for the existence of an unfair policy and outrage that people might support it.  Those who cry out in favor of ending it have successfully packaged their indignation as a pep rally for the masses; those who cry out against the existence of "income inequality" are seen as selfish and uncaring.

Capitalism Works If Government Would Just Get Out of the Way!  The media, Hollywood, and even some of our fellow citizens bash "big pharma," big oil, or big retailers like Wal-Mart.  But in reality what do those "big" evil companies do?  They provide needed products and services at reasonable prices, and jobs, enabling our national economic engine, and our quality of life, to keep chugging along.  They have limited control over much of their expenses, but to be able to continue doing what they do, they achieve a modest profit to ensure their viability in future years, and allow us to have a job.  When politicians promise "free stuff" at the expense of taxpayers, they're doing nothing more than attempting bribery — they promise free stuff for our votes.  And it's not their free stuff.  It's stuff they promise to use governmental coercion to forcibly take from others, in order to redistribute to those they're bribing.

Trolls Will Save The World.  Trolling has become a byword for everything the left disagrees with, particularly if it's boisterous, mischievous and provocative.  Even straightforward political disagreement, not intended to provoke, is sometimes described as "trolling" by leftists who can't tell the difference between someone who doesn't believe as they do and an "abuser" or "harasser."  A real troll, of course, does aim to provoke.  They do aim to cause mild rage.  They aim to prank, to goad, to wind people up.  Their opinions are designed to be outrageous.  And in a society of grievance, monitored by a media governed by outrage, they are enjoying something of a heyday.

What A Horrible Country.  My takeaway from the Democratic National Convention so far is that we're a sexist, racist, homophobic country full of monsters hunting young black men, sex traffickers, and greedy people [...] The "Mothers of the Movement" speeches were the most exploitive thing I've seen this year.  The speakers were mothers of people who either committed suicide (Sandra Bland), were killed by someone they were attacking (Trayvon Martin), or killed by some random guy (Jordan Davis), not the #BlackLivesMatter "victims" of police they were billed as.  Nothing Hillary, or any politician, could do would have saved any of them.

Revealing Gun Control Legislation Takes aim at Youth Shooting Sports.  On Tuesday, July 12, 2016, two Democratic legislators introduced another gun control bill — this time, to effectively end all youth shooting sports and hunting programs in the United States.  Think that's bad?  Wait 'till you read how it's worded.  Senator Edward J. Markey and Congressman Ruben Gallego introduced new legislation that claims will "ensure that powerful, military-style weapons don't end up in the hands of children".

How Obama Divides America.  At the funeral service for five slain Dallas cops, President Barack Obama delivered another one of his needlessly politicized lectures.  As is customary these days, those who were critical of his rhetoric were branded racists and unthinking haters. [...] Why wouldn't Obama offer completely unsubstantiated claims about guns?  "It is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than get his hands on a computer or even a book," was a contention Obama made that no rational person could ever possibly believe.  It's meant to convey the idea that half the nation cares more about the NRA than about children.

There Is No Such Thing As "Gun Violence."  It's Pure Propaganda.  "Gun Violence" is pure political propaganda.  A gun, whether the tiniest Derringer, or an enormous artillery cannon, is an inanimate object.  It in incapable of doing anything whatsoever without action by a shooter.  It is very clearly the shooters who may or may not be "violent."  Saying "gun violence" suggests that without the inanimate objects of guns, there would be no violence, which is absurd.  Far more homicides or deaths take place without guns at all.

Democrats: Guns sit-in just a taste of guerrilla tactics to come.  House Democrats' 24-hour gun-control protest marks a turning point in Congress as a major escalation in minority battle tactics, lawmakers in both parties said Thursday — and a move that brings fundamental risks for the institution.  Already rank-and-file Democrats, energized by nationwide publicity and praise they received for occupying the House floor over demands for a gun vote, are saying they'll likely use the same strategy again.

Ryan: Democrats Now Fundraising 'Off of a Tragedy' — But In U.S. We Don't Take Constitutional Rights Away Without Due Process.  House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) said in his press briefing on Thursday that the Democrats' sit-in to protest gun control measures not being brought for a vote was a "stunt" asking, "If this is not a political stunt, then why are they trying to raise money off of this?  Off of a tragedy."  He also explained that the gun-control measure the Democrats want failed in the Senate and in committee on a bipartisan basis because "in this country, we do not take away people's constitutional rights without due process."

Hillaryism.  "I believe in an America always moving toward the future."  (Hillary Clinton, June 21)  This was not the most important line in Clinton's Ohio economic policy speech, only the most amazing.  Surely there cannot be a more vacuous, meaningless piece of political rhetoric.  Every terrestrial entity from nematode to the United States of America moves forward into the future quite on its own, thank you.  Where else is there to go?  To be fair, however, spouting emptiness is tempting when you have the impossible task of running as the de facto incumbent in a ragingly "change" year.  Clinton is trapped by circumstance.  She's the status quo candidate, Barack Obama's heir, running essentially on more of the same when, after two terms and glaring failures both at home and abroad, Americans are hardly clamoring for four more years.

The Symbolic Self-Liquidation Of The Democratic Sit-In.  The House gun control stunt has all the trappings of a sit-in protest. Because they're, you know, sitting on the floor and all.  But what are they occupying?  Their own legislative chamber. [...] Ah, but if they sat in the chairs, this would look exactly like any ordinary day in the House of Representatives, and it would be obvious that nothing brave or interesting is happening.  Then there are the copious quantities of food that make the whole think look like a catered picnic.

Dem: 'The Second Amendment needs some changing'.  Rep. Mike Doyle, D-Pa., called for a revision of the Second Amendment during Wednesday's [6/22/2016] "sit-in" on the House floor, which has shut down the House while Democrats demand a vote on gun control legislation.  "The Second Amendment needs some changing, because Americans don't agree with it and we've had it," Doyle shouted on the House floor.  "We're not going to watch any more people in this country get slaughtered and do nothing."

The Gun Control Farce.  Do tighter gun control laws reduce the murder rate?  That is not an esoteric question, nor one for which no empirical evidence is available.  Think about it.  We have 50 states, each with its own gun control laws, and many of those laws have gotten either tighter or looser over the years.  There must be tons of data that could indicate whether murder rates went up or down when either of these things happened.  But have you ever heard any gun control advocate cite any such data?  Tragically, gun control has become one of those fact-free issues that spawn outbursts of emotional rhetoric and mutual recriminations about the National Rifle Association or the Second Amendment.

Gun Control Advocates Peddle Another 'Turning Point' Myth After Orlando Attack.  The Washington Post ran an op-ed Sunday arguing that, because the attacker targeted a gay nightclub, the gay community could accomplish what gun control advocates have failed for decades to achieve.  "This time, things might be different," University of Toronto sociologists Jennifer Carlson and David Pettinicchio wrote in a Post op-ed. [...] Except this is the same basic script gun control advocates have trotted out after every headline-grabbing shooting.  After the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the New York Times claimed the attack was "profoundly swaying Americans' views on guns."  Trayvon Martin's shooting was supposed to be another "turning point."  The shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was also going to "shift the gun control debate."  A 1993 rampage at a San Francisco law firm was once cited as "a crucial turning point in the gun control movement."  And, as today, the media play up quickie polls that seem to show a big jump in support for more gun laws.

The entire front page of the Boston Globe pushes a gun ban.  Please note that the Orlando shooter did not — repeat, did not — use an AR-15 in his Islam-inspired terrorist attack.  The weapon he used was a Sig Sauer MCX, not even close to being an AR-15. The fact that the media has chosen the AR-15 as the poster gun for banning "assault" weapons is typical of our dumb as a stone media when it comes to firearms.  But you might note the manipulative, emotional appeal from gun control hysterics.  Since they are unable to use factual arguments, they appeal to the heart and hope people don't catch on that what they are proposing won't stop a single terrorist or nutcase from commiting mass murder.

Why Liberals Are So Obsessed With Racism, Homosexuality and Transsexualism.  Conservatives care about logic.  Liberals care about emotion.  Conservatives care about whether a program works or not.  Liberals care about how supporting a program makes them feel.  Conservatives take the positions they do because they believe they're best for society.  Liberals take the positions they do because they make them feel and look compassionate or superior to hold those positions.  Once you understand those basics, it's very easy to see why both sides hold the positions they do on most issues and to comprehend why there's so little middle ground.  Once you get the mentalities, you can predict where each side will come down on issues.

Going Ape Over Shooting Harambe.  [Scroll down]  As Vox's Max Fisher wrote last year, "You'll notice that most of these [Internet mob-justice efforts] trace back not to the crime's impact on society, but rather the degree to which punishing the crime will feel good for the punishers."  And "feel" is the operative word, as the lack of a sense of proportion here certainly doesn't reflect rationality.  It's not surprising that many people anthropomorphize animals.  They're weaned on entertainment (e.g., cartoons) that does so, portraying animals that think and talk as people do; couple this with the environmentalist agenda permeating school curricula and society in general, and it's a potent one-two punch.

Hillary's latest tall tale.  Separated by at least 7 inches in height, presidential contenders Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are set to test the adage that "size matters," according to researchers, who have found that voters, whether they acknowledge it or not, are often influenced by a candidate's physical stature and overall appearance.  Height is just one of the crazier — but often accurate — predictors of a presidential election outcome.  Other striking harbingers of success are eye color and length of name.  Blue eyes seem to win out, and candidates with more letters in their last names tend to emerge victorious.  But height is one of the most pervasive tests.  The taller candidate has won the popular vote in more than two-thirds of the elections since 1950.

OMB Director on Climate Change: 'When Surging Seas Storm Onto Wall Street That Stifles Commerce'.  Shaun Donovan, the director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Barack Obama, said on Friday that the world's commerce will be harmed when climate change causes the nation's financial center to be flooded and transportation to come to a halt.  "When the surging seas storm onto Wall Street that stifles commerce globally," Donovan said at the Climate Action 2016 summit in Washington, D.C.

PC Culture Effectively Using Words as Weapons.  Apparently, having a different opinion from anyone is now being translated as 'hate speech.' If you think the idea of having a man with his private parts still attached being allowed to use the women's facilities is outrageous, then you hate all gays and the government needs to enact laws to protect the LGBT community.  If however a state tries to protect the right for women's privacy in the facilities, then liberal celebrities must boycott those states.  All criticism of Hillary Clinton is sexism; all criticism of President Obama's policies is proof that racism is back in America.  The tea party and all Republicans are racists, anti-gay, Islamaphobic and whatever negative the mainstream media can dream up and since the nation has forgotten how to reason, those lies are accepted as truths.

UnAmerican ESPN.  What a joy it must be to be a leftist knucklehead.  There's your opinion — and then there's hate.  There's free speech for all — except those who disagree with you.  There's tolerance for everyone — except the opposition.  There's every kind of diversity — except diversity of thought.

EPA: 'Earth Day Is Like the Super Bowl and The Final Four Combined'.  In a blog posted on the Environmental Protection Agency's website on Thursday [4/21/2016] entitled "Water You Up To For Earth Day," the author compared environmentalists' enthusiasm for the occasion to the excitement fans feel for Super Bowl and the Final Four.

How Democrats Win Debates By Corrupting The English Language.  Democrats have long deployed "loophole" as a means of implying that gun laws were being broken.  Basically, all of life is a giant loophole until Democrats come up with a way to regulate or tax it.  In its economic usage, "loophole" — probably more of a dysphemism — creates the false impression that people are getting away with breaking the law or doing something unethical.  It's a way to skip the entire debate portion of the conversation and get right to the accusation.  So when Clinton promises to close the loophole of corporate inversion, which she does all the time, what she means to say is that Democrats disapprove of this completely legal thing that corporations do to shield their money from the highest corporate tax rate in the OECD.  Loopholes are like "giveaways;" monies which DC has yet to double and triple tax.

Bernie Sanders Declares Voter ID Laws the New Jim Crow, Actual Black People Disagree.  [Scroll down]  "You would have thought that after all we have gone through as a country to make sure that people have the right to vote, regardless of the color of their skin, that these Republican governors would show some mercy and not try to bring us back to Jim Crow days," he argued.  The intended effect of his remarks were just to tar Republicans as racists, but in the process he managed to smear eight out of ten Americans, including a majority of Democrats.  Polls have consistently found that voter ID laws are very popular with general population.  Whites and Republicans are most likely to support them, but these polls also find a majority of blacks and Hispanics also support voter ID laws.

Legal Plunder.  If you're employed, beware.  An alarming attitude is sweeping the nation that your paycheck is fair game to fix any social problem.  Left-wing legislators across the nation are mandating deductions from everyone's paycheck to fund paid family medical leave programs.  The programs are used mostly by women to stay home with their newborns.  Sounds warm and fuzzy, but looting your paycheck to fund it amounts to legal plunder.  The left is using the law to take what you've earned and give the money to someone else.

Know The Political Parties By Their Characteristics.  Democrats seem to identify the world by misrepresentations and crises.  They claim that the Republicans have a "war on women".  Can anyone who is able to think at all really believe that Republicans are waging war against their sisters, mothers and daughters?  And the phrase "war on women" is directed at women in the Republican Party as well as men.  What form of idiot would say such a thing?  A modern Democrat, that's who.  If Democrats could control themselves to state that only Republican men hate women then maybe they could make the case.  But to say that Republican women hate their own daughters and mothers, and by logical extension, themselves, is totally absurd.

Want to Improve Your State?  Pass an Anti-LGBT Law!  This week Mississippi passed their own religious freedom bill, House Bill 1523, which has been repeatedly dubbed the 'horrific anti-LGBT law' in the media with promises to make the lives of LGBT citizens an oppressive living nightmare.  Naturally, like all other religious freedom bills in the country, LGBT citizens are not even involved, let alone discriminated against.  But the narrative cry is so loud no one is capable of grasping this simple and logical point. [...] Sobbing and terrified LGBTers will continue cranking out article after article detailing their imagined discrimination while absolutely none ever occurs.  Uninformed average people will imagine restaurants putting up 'no gays allowed' signs and ambulances turning away transgender people dying in the streets, regardless of the truth of the situation.

Demagoguery and the Minimum Wage.  Particularly among politicians of the left, raising the minimum wage has long been a staple as a campaign talking point. [...] As economists have taught for generations, price controls (wages are prices) never achieve their intended ends.  Simply put, there are irrefutable laws of economics that cannot be repealed by political action.  Demagoguery and emotional appeal may produce short-term political advantage, but ultimately claims based on unsound economics must disappoint those who put faith in those claims.  Minimum wage laws are an exemplar of political action that cannot live up to its claims.

Transportation Secretary: Inequitable Distribution of Sidewalks Is Obstacle to American Dream.  Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx told a crowd in North Carolina Tuesday that "only 49% of low-income neighborhoods have sidewalks" while more affluent areas have near 90%.  In order to have a society where "everyone has a shot at the American Dream, than it's imperative that we acknowledge these challenges."  Foxx made the comments to the Charlotte Rotary Club where he discussed the ways that infrastructure should connect people to opportunity.

The Editor says...
Opportunities are not confined to the sidewalks in rich neighborhoods.

U.S. Extends Amnesty to "Battered Spouses".  Weeks after granting illegal immigrants in Flint, Michigan a special reprieve from deportation over the area's water crisis, the Obama administration has quietly expanded its boundless amnesty to award undocumented aliens with work authorization if they claim to be "battered spouses."  The administration appears to be getting quite creative to meet its goal of implementing a far-flung amnesty that will ultimately apply to all of the millions living in the U.S.  illegally.

The Editor says...
There is a nationwide contest now being conducted by the Left, to see who is the most pathetic victim and who can heap the most costly gifts on that victim.  Every illegal alien can be Queen For A Day, with the right sob story.  Daytime television shows thrive on this celebration of victimhood:  It is not uncommon to see a daytime talk show solicit nominations for the biggest victim, who, if selected, will get a new car and a make-over and a trip to Hawaii.

Those aren't our values.  [Scroll down]  A person whose decisions are based on values rarely knows what those values are outside of non-specific catch phrases:  multiculturalism, peace, hope and change, self-expression, progressivism, socialism, LGBT.  Whatever is currently politically correct is a value.  Values have no logic behind them, are based instead on feelings.  Morals have reasons — for instance, society is based on the family, therefore any behavior that threatens the family is verboten.  Values lean on one's personal desires, morals on the concern for the preservation of an entire society.  If a culture begins to lean more on values than morals the entire society is at risk — a values culture does not recognize the dangers of this world.

Politically Correct Counterterrorism.  Every time another mass murder occurs, the media's coverage focuses on the memorials — piles of flowers, rows of candles and hand-drawn signs — and the calls for "unity" and pledges of resolve by national leaders. But all the memorials are totally meaningless.  They are merely a stage for politicians to act on, professing emotion, proclaiming unity, and calling for everyone to just keep calm and carry on.  Nothing else results from them.

Students terrified by 'Trump 2016' chalk drawings.  Emory University in Atlanta is under siege at this hour from a chalk-wielding Donald Trump supporter who caused a massive outbreak of micro-aggressions among frightened students.  Terrified collegians are hunkered down in their safe spaces — traumatized by whoever wrote "Trump 2016" and "Accept the Inevitable: Trump 2016" on campus sidewalks.  "That was a bit alarming," one panicked student told The Emory Wheel.  "What exactly is inevitable?  Why does it have to be accepted?"

Enough With The Teddy Bears And Tears: It's Time To Take Our Civilization Back.  Since the world learned of the dozens dead, hundreds injured, and hundreds of thousands affected by Monday's attack on the NATO and European Union capital, we have seen an outpouring of what is commonly known as "solidarity".  This word — most commonly associated with hard-left politics, trades union activism, socialism, and poseur indie rock bands — has come to mean very little in reality.  In effect, "standing in solidarity" with someone now means that you have observed the situation, changed your Facebook profile picture accordingly, and patted yourself on the back.

According To Democrats, It's 'Un-American' To Enforce Immigration Laws.  Hillary Clinton made quite the incredulous claim last week.  In an interview with an Arizona radio station, Clinton asserted the U.S.-Mexico border is secure and migration from the Central American country was no longer a problem.  "I think we've done a really good job securing the border," the Democratic front-runner confidently stated.

Sanders: We Need to Make Sure Federal Contracts Go to People Who Need It Most.  Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Sunday [3/13/2016] at the CNN TV One Democratic presidential town hall in Ohio that federal contracts and money should go to those most in need.  "What we have got to do, not just as a party but as a nation, make sure that federal contracts and money goes to those people who need it the most," Sanders said.

The Editor says...
In a free market, one does not ordinarily rely upon businesses that don't have many customers, because those businesses are often incompetent.  For example, a restaurant that is never crowded is probably no good.  So it makes no sense to bring federal contracts to the "people who need it the most," because merely needing the business is not a qualification.  That's would be common sense, which is a concept that is completely foreign to those on the far left.

The left's intolerance [was] on full display Friday.  How did the land of the free and home of the brave turn into this?  The answer is intolerance with a lot of ignorance!  Last night, I saw a protester with a sign that read "health care for all."  Does this young woman know about Obamacare?  Or is she saying that she wants taxpayers to pay for health care?  I saw a couple of people with Mexican flags.  This is very interesting, because Mexico deports illegal immigrants.  I saw a young man answer a reporter's questions with just one obscenity after another.  Are his parents proud of him?  Wonder what will happen when this kid grows up and has prospective employers ask him about that video on YouTube...  In fact, most of the protesters interviewed didn't have a clue about a thing or were just angry that Mr. Trump had come to their campus.

The non-disaster of 150,000 missing penguins?  They just went somewhere else.  Much fuss was made of 150,000 missing penguins in Antarctica as if climate change had killed them.  A monster iceberg had washed in, stopping the cute swimming tuxedos from getting to dinner and the colony of 160,000 suddenly shrank to 10,000.  Where did all those penguins go?  In previous tough times, when they could be tracked they just split up and went to different colonies.  Given that the penguins have survived repeated ice ages and warming for millions of years who would have thought that they would have a strategy for dealing with the odd big iceberg?

Audubon Goes over the Edge.  The cover of the January-February 2016 issue of Audubon Magazine proclaims: Arctic on the Edge: As global warming opens our most critical bird habitat, the world is closing in.  In reality, it is the magazine's writers and editors who have gone over the edge with their misleading reports on the Arctic.  This magazine is so awash in misstatements of fact and plain ignorance of history, science, and culture, that they must not go unchallenged — especially since they epitomize the false and misleading claims that have characterized far too much of the U.S. and worldwide "news coverage" of "dangerous manmade climate change."

Obama is the Meanest, Most Polarizing Figure in American Politics.  [Scroll down]  True to form, Obama detaches himself from the meaness and polarization as if he has no part in it.  The fact is that President Obama has set the tone for American politics over the last decade and he is the meanest, most polarizing figure of them all.  This is after all a man who speaks of Republicans as enemies and he sure treats them that way whether accusing the GOP of wanting "dirtier air, dirtier water and people with less health care", claiming that opposition to the entry of Syrian refugees was a recruitment tool for ISIS or stating Senate Republicans had common cause with the Iranian mullahs.  Let us not forget his contempt for a wide swath of Americans who he believes bitterly cling to their guns and their religion.  I would suggest that it is the Islamists who are far more bitter in their clinging.

Propaganda isn't cheap.
Feds Spend $156,340 to Talk About 'Food Deserts'.  The National Endowment for the Humanities is spending more than $300,000 to talk about "food deserts" in Pennsylvania and sea level rise in Miami.  The projects are part of the federal agency's "Humanities in the Public Square" initiative, which awarded $3.6 million worth of grants in December.

Of Course Whites Commit Most Of The Crime In Fargo You Idiots.  It's time for another fantastically stupid "exclusive" news story from the folks at Fargo-based television news station Valley News Live.  Their big revelation?  White people commit most of the crime in Fargo.  A city where, according to the U.S. Census, is 90.2 percent white.

Just To Be Clear.  Words don't simply lose meaning by themselves; the meaning is stripped from them through abuse.  To be called a racist was once a serious charge, as was to claim racism.  Unfortunately for real victims of racism, every utterance today is subject to accusations of racism, which dilutes real incidents of racism to background noise.  Once left-wing activists discovered they could mobilize masses, obtain influence and power, and, more importantly, monetize claims of racism, real or manufactured, it was game on.  The word may have retained its meaning, but the charge is all but meaningless.

Liberals Are Simple-Minded.  It is almost a truism among psychological researchers that conservatives are simple-minded and dogmatic.  Liberals, meanwhile, are supposed to be more complex and open-minded thinkers.  But a new paper is calling those conclusions into question.

Hillary Clinton comes out against deportation raids in break with Obama.  Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton joined her rivals Monday [1/11/2016] in opposing the Obama administration's deportation raids targeting Central American immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally and ignored deportation orders.  Speaking at a forum aimed at young and minority voters in Iowa, Clinton said the raids had "sown fear and division in immigrant communities across the country.  People are afraid to go to work.  They are afraid to send their kids to school.  They are afraid to go to the hospital, or even the grocery store."

The Editor says...
How I wish all that were true, but it's not.  Illegal aliens are very comfortable here in the U.S.  They are afraid of no one — especially during rush-hour traffic!  They don't have to know a word of English because there are Spanish-only stations on radio and TV.  (That should be illegal, but it's not.)  Nobody is at the grocery store or the hospital looking for illegal aliens; in fact, the emergency room at the county hospital is their doctor's office.  And if the feds give them any trouble at all, there are hundreds of lawyers ready to help.

Obama's fake tears?  Several readers noted that if a person applies a dab of menthol or camphor to his fingertip, it can induce tears.  Likely many of us are familiar with this when we inadvertently touch or rub our eye after we've used a substance that is irritating.  (Bengay comes to mind.)  It stings and causes one's eye to get red and to tear — our body's automatic response to remove the substance from our eye.  [A blogger by the name of] willmay posted that there are products called "tear stick" and "tear blower" readily available for actors who need to cry on cue.

A commander-in-chief's crying has consequences.  I've never subscribed to that ancient admonition that real men don't cry. [...] I can imagine the tears of frustration shed by those soldiers and sailors who wash out of elite programs like Ranger and SEAL training, especially those dismissed in the latter stages, after they've endured so much — not exactly the kind of people you'd be inclined to dismiss as crybabies except at your own peril.  But what I've never witnessed is a commanding officer going before a parade field of massed troops and wiping away tears as he discusses new regulations he is about to implement and the reasons that necessitate the changes.  That, in effect, is what our commander-in-chief did recently in his speech about the new executive orders regarding gun control he is preparing to issue.

Showman-in-Chief.  It was beautifully choreographed, like a great ballet, and performed with consummate skill and understated eloquence.  First of all, the scene was set with a room full of people who had lost loved ones to gun violence.  A father whose son had been gunned down made a long introduction before the president showed up, walked down the aisle and up on to the stage to growing applause.  As political theater, it put Donald Trump's rantings in the shade.  As for the substance of what Obama said, there was very little substance, and much of it false, but one of the signs of great artistry was that the presentation overshadowed the substance.

Oh, yes.  The old phony crying act:
How to fake cry with Barack Obama.  Want to learn how to fake cry like Barack Obama did today as his fascist gun control speech?  It's really quite simple.  It's all acting 101.  [This article includes] a video of how Obama faked crying that has since sent the media into a swoon.  The same media who routinely mocked John Boehner from crying.

The Tearful Dictator.  We've now reached the apex of the Feelings Age.  It no longer matter what good policy looks like.  It no longer matters what the Constitution says.  All that matters is that our politicians care about people like us.  During the 2012 election, Mitt Romney won a wide variety of exit polls regarding policy, from leadership skill to values.  But he lost the election because Obama clocked him 81 percent to 18 percent on the crucial issue of "cares about people like me."  And now Obama has come to collect.  But he can't do it without the tears.  That's because the tears grant him the patina of vulnerability.  No one fears the dictator who shows his human side.

Obama's Legacy Will Be Executive Abuse.  "Change, as always, is going to take all of us," Obama theorized the other day.  "The gun lobby is loud and well organized in its defense of effortlessly available guns for anyone.  The rest of us are going to have to be just as passionate and well organized in our defense of our kids.  That's the work of citizenship — to stand up and fight for the change that we seek."  Get it?  You can be with the loud and reprehensible gun lobby who supports allowing criminals to obtain guns "effortlessly," or you can stand with the kids.  Your choice!  Well, not exactly your choice.  As a reactionary, I wonder is it really the duty of "citizenship" to cheer on a president who single-handedly constrains Americans from practicing one of their constitutional rights?  If President Bush had instituted a series of restrictions on the abortion industry — since it has a loud, well-organized, and well-funded lobby that wants to make abortions "effortlessly" available — without congressional input, would that have been procedurally okay with liberals?  You know, for the children?  I don't imagine so.

The American Left and the Death of Political Discourse.  Those who publically espouse the statist philosophy do so in age-old and threadbare platitudes.  The depth of thought rarely exceeds three basic tenets:  1) capitalism and individual wealth accumulation is evil; 2) only an economy and society dominated and controlled by a powerful central government, controlled by the left, can guarantee fairness of outcome and absence of any moral absolutes and 3) anyone who disagrees with 1 and 2 is dangerous, ignorant and not only greedy but tyrannical and thus must be relegated to the ash heap of society by any means possible. [...] Mindlessly defending American Progressivism, regardless of it irrefutable failures, is all that matters.  This is most evident when the advocates of this errant viewpoint appear on television or the radio to debate or discuss the issues of the day.

Obama's gun control lies.  In what was surely the most sickening display of presidential demagoguery in the history of the United States, President Obama wept — wept — crocodile tears in a calculated effort to gain the support of the ignorant, the clueless, and the stupid while announcing multiple violations of the Bill of Rights yesterday [1/5/2015].  Obama's speech alternated between effeminate weeping, pleading, and sanctimonious, holier-than-thou indignation as he presented a litany of falsehoods, straw man arguments, and outright lies as justification for his plan to strip the American public of constitutionally enumerated rights.

Did Bill Cosby's grandpa sweater make you feel bad for him? .  Bill Cosby's perp walk was striking for its overwhelming lack of grace and power.  It was an exploitation of our assumptions of fragile old age.  It was the explicit manipulation of a studiously unattractive sweater. [...] He looked as though he had been suddenly rousted from a fireside nap, helped up from his comfortable rocking chair and asked to put aside his favorite cigar, then forced to make a bewildering appearance before a judge.  That was the first-glance illusion as he stumbled down the path towards the courthouse door.

The Left's Retreat to Fantasy.  The left's slide into irrationality in recent years should come as no surprise.  There is no way the ideology — in particular regarding its record — can be rationally defended any longer.  Virtually every claim made by the left has been negated repeatedly, often in the most sanguinary terms imaginable.  No reasonable defense remains; all that exists is irrationality.

Why Fund Amtrak? Because All Must Serve The Capitol.  [Scroll down]  The left is always dabbling in fictional dystopias where there is a yawning chasm between rich and poor, where the country is riven by racial conflict, and where the whole nation has to be impoverished to serve the power and vanity of the Capitol — and yet somehow this is the system they always create when they're in power, in places like Baltimore and Chicago.

Racism: 'White Men Must Be Stopped' Says Salon Magazine.  Originally published on Alternet under the equally racist title "The Future of Life Depends on Bringing the 500-Year Rampage of the White Man to a Halt," [Detroit labor activist Frank] Joyce throws punches wildly, using every bit of guilt inducing mumbo-jumbo he can muster up to make his case that white men are biggest problem facing the planet and it's the white people reading his article who need to do the "restraining" of white people.

Debunking 5 Phony Statistics Liberals Love To Toss Around.  Liberals are all about emotions, not facts.  Since that's the case, liberals do a terrible job of coming up with any sort of evidence to support their agenda.  More often than not, when they do come up with a great statistic that's repeated over and over, it's fake.  If you want some examples, here are five phony statistics you'll regularly hear from liberals.

'Nightly Show' Smears 'Creepy' Cruz; Will 'Do Everything the KKK Does,' Has Mental Problems.  In what may be the worst series of attacks by the liberal media on Ted Cruz, Monday's [12/14/2015] Nightly Show on Comedy Central featured host Larry Wilmore declaring that the "creepy" Cruz may be mentally disturbed with guest Aida Rodriguez firmly asserting that, if elected, Cruz's agenda would be to "do everything the KKK does."  During the panel segment, Rodriguez began building to her obscene comparison by first attacking Cruz's Christian faith by trying to joke that Christians who believe in the Second Amendment must also believe that people can shoot one another to death and merely "ask for forgiveness, and [then] go about their business."

New Hillary Ad: '44 Boys Is Too Many' in White House.  Hillary Clinton released an ad this morning featuring girls saying there have been too many boys in the White House.  "It has been ridiculous that there has never been a female president before," one of the girls says, reading from a letter that she wrote to Clinton.  "Forty-four boys is too many," writes another.  The Clinton camp used this as the title of the ad.  "It will be hard work to be a grandma and president," another girl says.  "I know you can do it."

The Editor says...
Anyone who thinks these girls wrote letters to Hillary Clinton is obviously unaware of the meaning of astroturf, in a political context.  Are we to believe that every one of these little girls wrote spontaneously to Mrs. Clinton, because they're all so interested in the outcome of the next election, and even though some of the letters are apparently written with crayons, there's not one misspelled word in any of them?  Hillary Clinton thinks you're stupid, and Hillary Clinton hopes the emotional appeal of a group of precocious little girls will pull just one more undecided (and gullible) female voter over to her side.

Hillary Clinton's $275 Billion 'Shovel Ready' Sequel Is Based On Two Big Lies.  When Hillary Clinton announced her $275 billion infrastructure spending plan, she said what every politician says when they try to get more money spent on roads and bridges — that the nation's infrastructure is falling apart.  "I don't have to tell you what a sorry state we're in," she said in Boston over the weekend pushing the added spending.  "Our roads and bridges are potholed and crumbling."  But is that true?  On Monday [11/30/2015], the Government Accountability Office released a report showing that the nation's bridges, at least, are in better shape than they were a decade ago.

The Surging Anti-American Sentiment of the Left.  [Scroll down]  Few Democrats have demonstrated this better than Barack Obama who panders to stupidity and emotions in his relentless push to sell policies ranging from Obamacare to the Iran deal.  Daniel Greenfield of Front Page Mag elaborates that the "Obama toolbox is the same no matter what the issue might be.  His political allies rush out smear campaigns accusing opponents of everything from treason to racism.  The media fills with phony polls.  The White House spews lies that it contradicts before denying that it ever contradicted them.  Letters by 'independent' experts are solicited without those worthies admitting their ties to the White House."

Poetry does not an immigration policy make.  During the immigration debates prompted by the coming election, the likes of Eleanor Clift and other liberal spokespersons often cite the poetry on the Statue of Liberty as confirmation that our nation is steeped in some type of open-door immigration policy.  A little research proves that not to be the case.

When Only Tyrants Have Guns...  The gullible that rely on emotion rather than logic are easy prey for such opportunists as Bloomberg, Dianne Feinstein, Eric Holder and of course Barack Hussein Obama. Governmental anti-gun types are shameless in their efforts to exploit a tide of mindless emotionalism by advocating what they euphemistically refer to as "sensible gun laws".  While they bend over backwards attempting to sell their notions as "sensible", there is nothing sensible about it.  To these control freaks, the only solution to gun shootings is to disarm the law abiding.

A ruined generation (or two).  Neil Cavuto interviewed Keely Mullen this week.  Mullen is the organizer of the Million Student March, which she described as "a movement for a more equitable and fair system of education as opposed to the really corporate model that we have right now."  They have three core demands:  (1) free public college, (2) cancelation of student debt, and (3) a $15/hr minimum wage for students who work on campus.  Cavuto asked her how all of that would be paid for.  Her answer (wait for it):  the top 1% of people who are hoarding all the wealth!

Watch Ted Cruz Destroy Harry Reid Over Opposition To Kate's Law.  Ted Cruz has been on the Senate floor fighting for the passage of Kate's law, the law named for Kate Steinle who was murdered by an illegal alien in July of this year.  The bill would block states and cities from receiving federal law enforcement funding if they refuse to communicate with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement due to that state or city's "sanctuary city" policies.  One of the bill[']s most vocal opponents has been Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.  During yesterday's debate on the Senate floor, Reid falsely characterized the bill as one that would "tear innocent families apart."  [Video clip]

Harry Reid: Kate's Law 'Yet Another Attack on the Immigrant Community'.  Senator Ted Cruz skirmished with Senate minority leader Harry Reid Wednesday [11/4/2015] over a bill that would impose mandatory-minimum sentences on criminal immigrants who return to the United States following deportation.  The Texas Republican took to the Senate floor to celebrate last night's electoral defeat of San Francisco sheriff Ross Mirkarimi, who defended the city's sanctuary policy this summer after Kathryn Steinle was killed there by an immigrant who had been deported five times.  "That is a striking statement of where the American people are on this issue," he said Wednesday [11/4/2015].

Embrace Gun Control, Wasserman Schultz Shrieks at Democrats.  At the Florida Democratic Party Convention, held October 30-November 1, Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz claimed, "The Florida Democratic Party is back and better than ever."  Also back, it would seem, is the national party's misguided emphasis on gun control.  Speaking at a convention event held at the Walt Disney World Yacht and Beach Club Resort, Wasserman Schultz launched into an anti-gun screed aimed at getting members of her party to more fervently pursue gun control.  According to the Orlando Sentinel, Wasserman Schultz demanded, "Democrats!  We must close the gun show loophole!  Democrats!  We must require background checks for all gun purchases!"  Indulging her penchant for hyperbole, Wasserman Schultz added, "We can't sit idly by and allow thousands and thousands of lives to be mowed down!"

Noe neighbor says don't call thieves 'criminals'.  In a recent thread on NextDoor, a group of neighbors living in the Noe Valley-Glen Park area debated whether labeling a person who commits petty theft as a "criminal" is offensive.  In the site's Crime and Safety area, where residents share strategies for fighting crime, Malkia Cyril asked her Noe Valley neighbors to stop using the label because it shows lack of empathy and understanding.  Cyril suggested that instead of calling the thief who took the bicycle from your garage a criminal, you should be more respectful and call him or her "the person who stole my bicycle."

CNN's Deplorable Sally Kohn Lies About "Children" Killed With Guns.  CNN commentator and activist Sally Kohn took the lowest of the low roads today [10/29/2015] in an op-ed calling for more gun control.  Kohn claims that CNN host Ashleigh Banfield made the claim that "10,000 children are killed by guns every year," and so — of course — we need more gun laws. [...] You'll note that Sally doesn't provide a source for the claim that she attributes to Ashleigh, and that's probably for the very good reason is that the claim is blatant propaganda.  Kohn is intentionally misquoting the headline of MSNBC article from last year, Nearly 10,000 American children are injured or killed by guns every year.  When you actually go to the MSNBC article, you'll find that the story's lede doesn't come close to saying that 10,000 kids are killed by guns in a given year.  It's all a sleight of hand based on the study of a single year's data.

The Editor says...
The article above goes on to explain that the actual number was 3,453, and the victims were "gang-bangers shooting other gang bangers."  When you hear a Democrat using the word children for emotional leverage in an otherwise futile argument, remember that anyone under the age of 18 is technically a child, and there are plenty of 17-year-old fatherless thugs on Martin Luther King Boulevard (in any big city!) who have no reservations about unprovoked homicide.

Community Organizing America.  The modern art of a community organizer seems fairly simple.  The proverbial agitator identifies a particular aggrieved racial, ethnic, gender, or class group that believes equality of opportunity must guarantee equality of result.  Then he "organizes" the victims by claiming that their ostensible failure to obtain parity can only be due to systematic racism, sexism, and bias by the supposed callous establishment majority (usually emblemized as callous white, male, heterosexual Christians).  Myth is useful (e.g., "hands up, don't shoot" or "one in four women on campus suffer sexual assault").  Next he mounts a shrill campaign to demand "fairness" and "equality" [...]

Wait, Just a Minute, What is DC Trying To Hide?  Do you care about America first?  Well, that makes you a nativist.  Do you support Border Security?  Well that makes you a bigot.  Do you support Russia killing ISIS?  Well, that makes you an isolationist.  Do you support forcing Congress to actually come up with budget legislation?  Well, that makes you a right-wing extremist.  Do you support actually seeing the details of the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal?  Well, that makes you a close-minded hater of free markets.  Do you support law enforcement?  Well that makes you a racist.

MSM Deploys Mediscare Against Carson.  Mediscare is, of course, deployed by the Democrat-MSM complex in every election cycle to terrify seniors with the claim that Republicans want to deprive them of health care.  It was famously used against Paul Ryan, who proposed a premium support plan to help control Medicare spending.  This heresy resulted in a TV ad showing a Ryan-lookalike throwing an old lady off a cliff.  It is now being deployed against Carson pursuant to his proposal to gradually transition U.S. health care away from government-run programs to a system in which every American would have a Health Savings Account (HSA) supplemented by catastrophic coverage.

Leftist loses [his] mind when accused of supporting Muslim immigrants for emotional reasons.  Simon Schama's breakdown on Question Time is a thing of horrid beauty.  He shakes with outrage, waves his finger as if it were a baton of self-righteousness and quivers all over.  The entire video is a showcase of leftist madness in which Schama's breakdown is the key moment.  Accused of putting emotion ahead of reason, the leftist Schama can only answer the charge with more emotion.  He can't rationally defend his position.  Neither can anyone else.  The madness concludes with a woman explaining that you can't oppose migrants because we all migrated from Africa in the slow mindless tone of voice that suggests she's either a schoolteacher or a career bureaucrat.

Women Disarming Women.  The gun control movement has become the new feminist battleground.  Courtesy of millions of dollars flowing from Michael Bloomberg to women-fronted groups, the face of "gun control" is now decidedly female.  Feminization of the issue is not by happenstance.  It is a deliberate strategy designed to appeal to gender voters, to beta males, to those who make decisions based on emotion rather than fact, and to those who are ill-informed but know what is best for all.  If this movement is successful, the consequences will be tragic and deadly — especially for women.

Sedgwick County Chairman Richard Ranzau target of recall push by immigration group.  The Immigration Advocacy Network announced Monday [10/19/2015] it will seek to recall Sedgwick County Commission Chair Richard Ranzau.  "Mr. Ranzau has failed in providing and protecting the health and welfare of Sedgwick County citizens who he was elected to protect," Sandrine Lisk, director of advocacy for the group, said in describing the legal justification for the petition. [...] Lisk said the potential recall is a direct backlash to Ranzau's view that illegal immigrants shouldn't benefit from the federal Women, Infants and Children program.

The Editor says...
The activists behind this recall are squawking about "the health and welfare of Sedgwick County citizens," but they are rallying in support of illegal aliens who are not citizens.  Most illegal aliens, in my opinion, would have stayed on the other side of the border had they not been enticed by free stuff like food stamps, TANF, AFDC and WIC.

Income Inequality: Totally Irrelevant In A Country Like America.  The fundamental issue behind income inequality could be boiled down to a single question:  Are poor Americans better or worse off because Bill Gates ($79 billion net worth), Oprah Winfrey ($3 billion net worth), Michael Jordan ($1 billion net worth) and Mark Zuckerberg ($40 billion net worth) are living in the United States?

Open Season on the Police.  [Scroll down]  In the most recent case, the teenager happened to be white, but the story doesn't seem to change much, whatever the complexion of the guy who violated the law.  Nor does the sad ending change, with the young wise guy shot dead.  Nor do the reactions of the media and the parents vary much.  "He was only a kid" is an almost automatic reaction of the parents and the media.  "He didn't deserve to be killed" over a traffic violation, or because he didn't drop a toy gun when ordered to, or some other minor infraction.  Are we so addicted to talking points and sound bites that we can't be bothered to use common sense?

Game Plan for Taking Back Our Kids.  On a road trip visiting relatives in five states, I was stunned by how well leftist media and public education had transformed the yoots (youths) in my family into brain-dead liberal zombies.  They believe that white cops murder blacks.  Opposing Planned Parenthood equals hatred for women.  Republicans are rich, racist, and mean.  Democrats truly care about them.

The Massive Ignorance Behind The Guns Cause Crime Agenda.  The arguments for gun control or gun confiscation basically boil down to this:  "If guns were illegal, they would not be available.  If they weren't available, people like that crazy killer in [fill-in-the-blank-with-location-of-latest-shooting-here] would not be able to use them."  This assumes that a crazy psychopathic killer, hell-bent on murder, would let an obstacle like finding a gun legally stop him.  This is absurd.  A crazy psychopathic killer, by definition, has decided that he must do his evil deed, and indeed is even entitled to do it.  There will be an underground "market" for guns, if they are outlawed, just as presently there is an underground "black market" for marijuana, heroin and cocaine.

Now I'm 'Anti-American'.  There's a great new book out by Jack Cashill called "Scarlet Letters." [...] Cashill's hypothesis is so simple, persuasive and elegantly expressed, I found myself scratching my head and wondering why I hadn't ever considered the matter before.  So-called "progressives" have, in effect, created a new neo-puritanical religion that empowers them, even commands them, to do unto others what they accuse others of doing to them.  They heap insults on them like "homophobe," "racist," "fascist, "climate-change denier" and "Islamophobe," to name but a few, in hopes of branding others with a new version of the old "Scarlet Letter" device.  It doesn't matter if the slur is accurate, truthful, fair or sincere.  Usually it isn't.  It's just their attempt to impose their new moral code, to strike fear and apprehension into the minds, souls and psyches of their political and spiritual adversaries.  And it works.

The 'Income Inequality' Scam.  The term 'income inequality' is preposterous; one may as well bewail inequality of respect.  Income and respect are both earned and tend to differ among us.  How much that we receive of either responds mostly to our efforts as judged in the eyes of others.  'Income inequality' mavens are proclaiming that they, not the market, should decide incomes.  Parsing that, one finds the desire to replace economics with politics.  Historically, the wealth of Western civilization appears to rest upon doing the opposite.

Congressman on Going Green: Minorities Won't Be Hurt by Eschewing Fossil Fuels.  Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), ranking member of the House Natural Resources Committee, pushed back against politicians who argue that hurting the fossil fuel industry would adversely impact the poor, saying a "minimal" amount of minorities are working in the industry. [...] Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), a member of the House Financial Services Committee, advocated for the implementation of zero waste policies.  "Did you know that no animal other than us creates waste?  We're the only ones who have waste.  Nobody else has garbage cans because everything else is usable in some kind of way but we throw stuff in garbage cans like it's useless.

The Editor says...
Anyone who has ever shoveled muck out of a barn, cleaned a bird cage, or maintained an aquarium, knows that all animals create waste.

Elizabeth Warren: 'Government Permits Us To Do Things Together That None of Us Could Do Alone'.  Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said at a discussion on infrastructure investment and job creation on Thursday [10/8/2015] that government can accomplish more than individuals.  "Government permits us to do things together that none of us could do alone," Warren said at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace event in Washington, D.C.

The Editor says...
First of all, the idea that the government "permits us" to do things is a poor choice of words.  We have the right to work together on our own projects.  One does not need a permit to exercise a right.  Second, while it is true that groups of people can do things together that individuals cannot do alone, those groups could be churches, extended families, non-profit organizations, or capitalist companies.  And it's a lot easier to accomplish great things without the government's "help."  Highways, water pipes and sewer lines are examples of beneficial public works projects at the state and local level, but what is the federal government doing on our collective behalf, other than gathering tax revenue, printing money like there's no tomorrow, and throwing money away (again, like there's no tomorrow) on a trillion-dollar welfare state and an assortment of pointless pork-barrel projects such as the exploration of other planets?

Charlatans and Sheep: Part II.  [Scroll down]  Another of the magic feats of political rhetoric in our time is to blame "a legacy of slavery" for problems in the black community today.  The repulsiveness of slavery immediately seizes our attention, just as effectively as the attractiveness of a magician's scantily clad female assistant or the distraction of a flash of light or a loud noise on stage.  Here again, rhetoric distracts attention from questions about logic or evidence.  The "legacy of slavery" argument is not just a convenient excuse for bad behavior, it allows politicians to escape responsibility for the consequences of the government policies they imposed.

Michelle Obama's misguided girl power agenda.  While liberals love to talk about the War on Women, it clearly has not affected their educational prospects. [...] In an interview in the magazine Education Next, [Richard] Whitmire cites a 2009 study by the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University that tracked the students who graduated from Boston public schools.  For every 167 women in four-year colleges, there were only 100 men.  But poverty wasn't the problem — all the kids were coming from the same neighborhoods.

'Gun Control' Is Actually Conservative Control.  Any casual observer of reality in America can figure out which citizens are likely to embrace the Second Amendment, and which will need to change pants at the mere thought of a gun.  Liberals are terrified of guns in a way that is utterly detached from logic and reason.  They aren't terrified of their cars.  They aren't frightened of their carving knives, or pruning shears, or hammers, or baseball bats.  Liberals are terrified of guns because they've been conditioned to believe they are possessed of evil, and can only do evil.  By extension, many of them further believe that to touch one, or use one, is tantamount to a betrayal of their own imagined morality.  This same set of fallacies enables them to comfortably indulge their considerable capacity for bigotry and unabashed hatred for those who have no use for superstitions and delusions.

How to make a progressive's head explode.  Progressives love to emote when discussing politics.  Right now, in the wake of the Roseburg shootings, they are emoting about the need for "commonsense" gun control, which gives them an opportunity to compassionately wring their hands while blaming conservatives for the suffering they deplore.

Piece of String Creates Hate Crime Panic.  When the black studies student saw a piece of string in a tree, she did what any self-respecting black studies student would do:  shriek racism.  The string looked like rope.  And rope means lynching.  And that meant within a few minutes of this Tuesday night discovery on the campus of the University of Delaware, the entire university community from the acting president on down was in a full hate-crime panic.

Liberals Are Done Debating.  You're not anti-Iran deal; you're pro-war.  Just as you're not pro-Second Amendment; you're pro-mass shootings.  You're not concerned about terrorism or (genuine) illiberalism; you're a bigot.  You're not pro-school choice; you're anti-children.  You're not pro-traditional marriage; you're anti-dignity.  You're not pro-entitlement reform; you're anti-retirement.  You're not in favor of a cost-benefit analysis when it comes to climate change policy; you're anti-science.  Skeptic.  Denier.  Psychopath.  Why do you hate Earth?  Don't like big government?  You're a nihilist.  Forget what your policy does; watch your tone.  Transphobic.  Homophobic.  Eleutherophobic.  Sure, you may claim that you want to save unborn girls from the scalpels of Planned Parenthood, but your real goal is to control women.

Infiltrating the #BlackLivesMatter Cult.  [Scroll down]  Many of these people are what Karl Marx might have called an American version of the Lumpenproletariat.  They are so hopelessly inept at life that they need to explain away their failures.  Their list of scapegoats is long.  They blame imaginary systemic racial discrimination, markets, white people, police, corporations, Republicans, insufficiently generous welfare programs, and whatever else trickles down day to day from their intellectual betters in the academy.  They need something to believe in.  They need something to explain why their lives [stink].  They hate America, and they want to burn it down.  These are Obama's people.  They're the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's people.  They're Minister Louis Farrakhan's people.

How Hillary Clinton is using old photographs to make herself more 'relatable'.  Follow Hillary Clinton's Instagram feed, and you'll see her as a toddler in Park Ridge, Illinois, riding a tricycle.  On Facebook, you'll meet her as an almost unrecognizable young Arkansas mother with brown hair, big glasses and loafers, spotting her daughter on a pony ride; on the website Medium, she stares out at you, just another earnest face in a crowd posing for a 1965 high school class picture.  In the first television ads of the campaign, she is seemingly from another era, pictured in grainy black and white, about 10 years old with a half-smile on her face, hair pulled back in a pollyanna, holding her mother's hand.

Environmentalists Use 21 Children To Sue Obama Over Global Warming.  Environmentalists and a former NASA climate scientist are using 21 children to sue the federal government for allowing the burning of fossil fuels and "knowingly" harming future generations by causing global warming.  The intent of the lawsuit:  to force the U.S. with a court order to phase out fossil fuel use and reduce atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide to 350 parts per million by the end of the century.

Gun Control Shills Won't Let Roanoke Journalists' Murders Go To Waste.  [Scroll down]  Even the reporter's grieving father, Andrew Parker, got drawn into the gun control debate.  Mr. Parker told Megyn Kelly on Fox News on Wednesday:  "My mission in life, and I talked to the governor [McAuliffe] today, he called me, I told him I am going to do something whatever it takes to get gun legislation, to shame people, to legislators, into doing something about closing loopholes in background checks."  McAuliffe apparently encouraged Parker to speak out on the issue.  But when reporters asked McAuliffe whether the killer was prohibited from legally buying a gun, he replied:  "I don't know anything."  By late Wednesday night, it turned out that all their assumptions were wrong.  Vester Lee Flanagan, the killer, had legally bought the gun from a registered firearms dealer.  The so-called expanded background checks, which would have mandated background checks on private transfers, would have done nothing to stop this attack.  Indeed, such expanded background checks would not have stopped any of the mass public shootings that President Obama has frequently pointed to in justifying such a law.

Strategic Lying and Obama.  [Scroll down]  Essentially, ObamaCare was a manipulation of peoples' emotions in order to initially induce them to accept a set of claims as being true.  Americans were told they could keep their doctors and that health insurance premiums would go down.  Anyone daring to expose the manipulations became an object of scorn and humiliation, via ad hominem attacks.  Yet the Obama White House knowingly mischaracterized the healthcare plan.

Western Civilization: The Final Frontier?  Remember the emotional gambits used to sell ObamaCare?  I do.  I still laugh at the nonsensical stupidity of some of them — like appealing to our heartstrings with examples like the woman who claimed she'd been forced to wear her dead sister's dentures.  Or Sandra Fluke's soulful appeal for her coed friends who didn't have a spare $9 a month for birth control pills.

A Brief History of White Privilege.  Like most PC concepts, "white privilege" has never been adequately defined.  Quite deliberately so — the idea is to have a concept so elastic and amorphous that it can be stretched to cover any given situation, distorted through multiple dimensions, and immediately changeable if necessary.  White privilege is a tactic rather than an idea, and to ask for a specific definition is to ask for something that has never been and cannot be.  But it does feature one basic element, not easily denied or cast aside, that, in fact, the concept cannot work at all without.  That is the contention that benefits — social, economic, academic, and historical — are automatically conferred to an individual simply as a matter of being white (don't ask for a definition of "white" either — you won't get one).

Hillary Clinton: Republicans Want to Put Immigrants in 'Boxcars'.  Very few people called Hillary Clinton out on her "Republicans are terrorists" comment from yesterday [8/27/2015], so she appears to be doubling down on the inappropriate historical allusions.  Today, though, instead of saying that Republicans were just like those guys in the Middle East who sell women into sex slavery, mutilate their genitals, gang rape them repeatedly and then sell their organs on the black market for cash, she noted that Republicans who oppose immigration reform are just like those Nazis who rounded up Europe's Jewish population in railroad cars bound for concentration camps.

Obama: Virginia shooting shows gun control is more urgent than fighting terrorism.  We touched yesterday on the left's out-of-the-gate seizing on the Roanoke shooting to kick off the latest gun control push.  It's what they do, and no one was surprised that they did it — tinged as always with warnings like "we can't wait any longer," which imply, I guess, that everyone knows the left's gun control agenda would stop killings like this, and we're all just dragging our feet because the approval of the NRA is more important than the lives of folks like Alison Parker and Adam Ward.

Jarrett on Gun-Control Push: 'Everyone Should Be Able to Live in Our Country'.  White House senior advisor Valerie Jarrett said the administration is renewing its call for gun control because while Wednesday's journalist murders in Virginia "may not have been a mass shooting... it felt like a mass shooting."

Hillary Clinton vows to be gun-control president.  "We have got to do something about gun violence in America — and I will take it on," Mrs. Clinton said in an on-camera statement to reports while on campaign trail in Iowa.  In an emotional plea for more restrictive gun laws, Mrs. Clinton said that too many people known that the availability of firearms is a problem in the United States but avoid the subject because "it is hard."

Dem Rep.: Scott Walker 'Tightening the Noose, Literally, Around African-Americans'.  Democratic Congresswoman Gwen Moore accused Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker of "literally" tightening the noose around African-Americans Monday [8/24/2015].  Moore, who is black and represents the city of Milwaukee, Wisc., made the comments during a conference call with reporters timed to coincide with the Wisconsin Governor's arrival in South Carolina.

The New Party Line: Hillary As Victim?  Of course, you can't put anything past the Rodham/Clintons.  They are utterly shameless in their rabid hunger for Power.  They wouldn't recognize Virtue if it slapped them upside the head with a 2&215;4.  So don't be surprised if it turns out this is exactly what they're doing.  And the Left has a long and sordid history of portraying themselves as victims.

Fair or exploitative? Environmental groups using kids as plaintiffs.  In their battle against fossil fuels, environmental organizations have long used the courts to achieve what they can't win in the marketplace.  But in an increasing number of recent lawsuits, those organizations are employing a new twist: Using kids as plaintiffs.  Eugene, Ore.-based Our Children's Trust has been one of the driving forces behind a series of lawsuits in various states with children acting as plaintiffs, some as young as 8 years old.

Mission creep:  HHS cross-promotes EPA program.
HHS pitches 'clean power' for kids with claims it will cut asthma, pollen, and Lyme disease.  It's nothing but a Stalinist propaganda campaign, taking over every aspect of intellectual life.  It has no tether to any legitimate exercise of government power — which would start, if nowhere else, with executive departments staying in their lanes and not advertising each other's programs with heavy-breathing flourishes.

The Biggest Idiots in Politics: The #Blacklivesmatter Protesters.  [F]irst of all, despite the name, the group doesn't care about most #blacklives.  On average, 1,876 black babies are aborted PER DAY in the United States.  Many of those innocents are slaughtered via Planned Parenthood, an organization founded by a woman who wanted to use abortion to help control the population of black Americans because she believed they were inferior.  The #blacklivesmatter protesters don't care about those black lives.  They also don't care about the staggering number of black Americans murdered by other black Americans.  Roughly 8,000 to 9,000 black Americans are murdered per year and per the FBI, from 1980-2008, 93% of black men who were murdered, were murdered by other black men.  Those numbers dwarf the total number of Americans killed by police in more than a decade according to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Per the CDC from 1999 to 2011, "2,151 whites died by being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks."

Gun Controllers Demand Apple Remove Pistol-Shaped Emoji From iPhone.  On July 30, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (NYAGV) launched a campaign to pressure Apple into removing the popular pistol-shaped emoji from the iPhone platform.  NYAGV believes Congress will pass more gun control if Apple removes the emoji.  Thus, a video accompanying the campaign says that by removing the emoji, Apple can "show [that] America wants stricter access to real guns."

Police kill more whites than blacks, but minority deaths generate more outrage.  Nobel Prize-winning novelist Toni Morrison says she wants to see an officer shoot an unarmed white teenager in the back before agreeing that the "conversation about race" is over, but she almost certainly already has received her wish.  An analysis released last week shows that more white people died at the hands of law enforcement than those of any other race in the last two years, even as the Justice Department, social-justice groups and media coverage focus on black victims of police force.

O'Malley: American citizenship is 'a human right'.  Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley took his pro-immigration stance to a new level Friday [7/24/2015] by declaring citizenship "a human right."  O'Malley, who has long been an advocate for illegal immigrant rights, has made amnesty a centerpiece of his campaign since he declared two months ago.  His comments come in response to Texas health officials asking a federal judge to dismiss a lawsuit by immigrant parents who were denied birth certificates for their U.S.-born children.

The Editor says...
If it's true — and it isn't — that U.S. citizenship is a human right, then one would be able to select and acquire the citizenship of any country in the world — or all of them!  This would result in the dissolution of international borders, and, in no time at all, anarchy.

Proposed Raise for Fast-Food Employees Divides Low-Wage Workers.  Advocates for workers across the country cheered last week when New York became the first state to recommend a $15-an-hour minimum wage specifically for fast-food workers.  But in New York City, the decision has created a stark new divide between low-wage workers who will receive the boost in their paychecks and those who will not.

The Editor says...
The article immediately above appears on its surface to be about an increase in the minimum wage, but in reality it is a pathetic anecdote about how difficult it is to get by on a minimum wage job.  The article includes no discussion of the merits of the minimum wage per se, just a tear-jerking infomercial for big government.

Progressive liberals reveal their true character.  Liberal Democrats love to run for office wearing missionary robes.  They proclaim that they will help the poor, that they want the minimum wage raised, and that they want the sick, helpless, and elderly to receive money that they will take from the rich.  Republicans are not qualified to run government, Democrats say, since they are mean, selfish corporate types who want to do nothing but grab money from the working class and keep it to themselves.  Oh, really?  Look what Democrats do in Chicago, a crucible of Democratic rule.

Amnesty activists use children to confront Scott Walker.  During the summer of 2013, we began to see immigration amnesty activists use the Why do you want to deport my daddy? tactic against Republicans.  The tactic involves sending children to confront candidates — with the video rolling.  It all was a set up, in the hope the candidate would do something stupid or mean.  [Video clip]

Scott Walker shows how it's done confronting video ambush by illegal alien family.  The illegal immigration activists who set up a video ambush of Scott Walker in Plainfield, Iowa thought they could really embarrass him, but Walker deftly turned the tables on them.

If the Confederate flag offends you, ask who designed it.  After alleged mass murderer Dylann Roof was captured, news media discovered a photo of him with the Confederate battle flag.  Somehow, this flag has become an issue that more than one Democratic spokesperson has asserted will become a problem for Republicans in the 2016 election.  How can that be? [...] This flag was designed by Democrats.  Democrats whipped slaves under this flag.  After the Confederacy was defeated, Democrat Nathan Bedford Forrest founded the Ku Klux Klan, which continued to carry the Confederate battle flag during a reign of terror against blacks and Republicans.  The Confederate battle flag was raised on the grounds of the state house in South Carolina by a Democratic governor.  A Republican governor ordered it taken down.  Why would this be a problem for Republicans?

Zero tolerance for Confederate flag, nuance for Islamic terror.  Even without the recent controversies, there's no reason to fly a Confederate flag in downtown Montpelier except to offend.  But is that really the intent when the descendant of a Confederate soldier puts a flag on his ancestor's tombstone once a year?  According to many on the left, it is.  "If we don't eradicate the Confederate flag," writes "social theorist" Frank Smecker, "we can only expect more of such racist, depraved acts (like Dylann Roof's) in our future."  I'm no big fan of the Confederate flag, but do serious people believe that if Roof didn't have access to the banner, he would have pursued a life of peace?

A Legacy of Cliches.  Discussions of racial problems almost invariably bring out the cliche of "a legacy of slavery."  But anyone who is being serious, as distinguished from being political, would surely want to know if whatever he is talking about — whether fatherless children, crime or whatever — is in fact a legacy of slavery or of some of the many other things that have been done in the century and a half since slavery ended.  Another cliche that has come into vogue is that slavery is "America's original sin."  The great Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said that a good catch phrase could stop thinking for fifty years.  Catch phrases about slavery have stopped people from thinking, even longer than that.

The Declaration of Codependence.  You'd think the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage that advocates so desperately wanted would have brought about some semblance of closure or calm, at least temporarily, to those who celebrated it.  You'd be wrong.  Victimhood, which people used to fight against, is now a coveted position in society.  When that status is lifted, even in a way progressive advocates want, the threat of losing that sought-after position is met with a desperate scramble of reclamation.

The Party of the Head vs. the Party of the Heart.  Democrats learned a long time ago that by appealing to the heart, it's a much easier route to get the voter's attention and to win them over to their point of view.  When Republicans and conservatives have been accused of being racist, sexist, homophobic, or the party of the rich white male for so long, it's easy to accept because of the simplicity of the message and also because it appeals to a sense of victimhood.  Everyone loves being either an underdog or rooting for the underdog.  It endows moral superiority despite that fact it's almost always rooted in distortions or outright falsehoods.

Time for Conservatives to go on the Offensive in the Framing Wars.  The left has figured out how to successfully push through its agenda by using one simple tactic:  demonizing the right.  Even if there is no truth to the cruel labels, the left has figured out they work.  Repeat the words "bigot," "hate," "sexist" and "intolerant" enough and they will start to stick.  It's known as the "framing war," and Republicans aren't very good at it, probably because we're too nice.  We're the party of Judeo-Christian morality, so calling the opposition names isn't considered polite.  Instead, we naively think we can stick to debating the substance of issues and the truth will win out.  We saw how a very small minority within the left, the gay community — less than three percent of the population — was able to implement same-sex marriage.  A small group of radicals labeled anyone who disagreed with their approach as bigots full of hate.

Friend of Charleston Victim: Fox News 'Hate Speech' a Potential Influence.  Todd Rutherford, a South Carolina state legislator and a friend of one of the victims, spoke out on CNN this afternoon about how "the rhetoric in South Carolina, the rhetoric nationwide, has led people to believe... that it's okay to walk into a church and take nine lives."  Rutherford spoke to Jake Tapper about the Charleston church shooting and the death of his friend Reverend Clementa Pinckney.  He said that South Carolina is part of the problem because there's no hate crimes law and the Confederate flag flies at the capitol.  Rutherford referred to networks using "coded language" before calling out one network in particular: [...]

Bill Maher Says Matt Drudge, Fox News And Conservative Media Inspired Dylann Roof.  Comedian Bill Maher said conservative media — including the Drudge Report, Fox News and The Daily Caller — may have a hand in inspiring Dylann Roof to shoot up a black church in Charleston, S.C. this week.  Maher was discussing the massacre with a panel on his HBO show, "Real Time with Bill Maher," that included Daily Caller senior contributor Matt Lewis.  "We can never know why someone snaps, but I bet you I know where he got his news," Maher said, referring to Roof, who killed nine people in the attack on Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church.

OMalley: A single life 'worth more than all the guns in the United States'.  Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley may not be doing well in the polls, but he's putting in a concerted effort to make his voice heard on gun violence in the wake of the recent Charleston massacres.  "A single American life is worth more than all the guns in the United States," O'Malley said while giving a speech at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in San Francisco.  "How many senseless acts of violence do we have to endure as a people before we stand up to the congressional lobbyists of the National Rifle Association?  How many more Americans have to die?"  While governor of Maryland, O'Malley instituted laws banning assault weapons and high capacity gun magazines that "exist only to inflict human casualty."

This Racist Act Does Not Make Us a Racist Country.  Unfortunately, a critical mass of left-wing ideology (and organizations in service of that ideology) profit from perpetuating the narrative that the United States is an irredeemably racist country. Over at the New Republic, Rebecca Traister argues that Roof "provided the United States with the latest installment of a history lesson we adamantly refuse to learn:  that our racist past is not past.  It is present.  It is unending.  It is, in many ways that we seem congenitally unable to acknowledge, fundamentally unchanged."  In her piece, Traister speaks of Emmett Till and the 14-year old girl who had a gun pulled on her by a police officer in McKinney, Texas as if they were interchangeable parts.  They are not.  Emmett Till's killers were motivated by race and because racists were in power they got away with murder.

Democrats thrive on anxiety:
The Worrywart Generation.  Apparently a large fraction of America's creative talent is being used for the creation of imaginary anxieties.  These faux phobias are doing great damage to our abilities to live our lives to the fullest.  A partial list of bogus anxieties would include sustainability, GMOs, glutens, pesticides, running out of resources, CO2, fossil fuels, insufficient diversity, climate change, endangered species, landfills, loss of wet lands, carbon footprints, fracking, plastic bags, renewability, sugary soft drinks, and "white privilege."

Rev. Michael Pfleger: NRA 'Will Pay for the Murder' of Chicago Children.  On June 6, Reverend Michael Pfleger listed recent shootings in heavily gun-controlled Chicago then said the NRA "will pay pay for the murder of our children."  He was joined by Reverend Jesse Jackson and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence president Dan Gross.  Pleger [sic], Jackson, and Gross rallied outside of Chuck's Gun Shop, where Jackson recently rallied for the ban of guns already banned in Chicago.

What Is Senator Whitehouse Smoking?  Internet enthusiasts are quite familiar with Godwin's Law, which says that the longer an online argument continues, eventually someone will compare his opponent to Hitler.  Well we have already had that for years in the debates over climate policy.  Those favoring aggressive government intervention aren't content to call coal, oil, and gas "dirty energy," or to label carbon dioxide emissions "pollution" — even though trees breathe it and we exhale it.  No, the alarmists go even further with their rhetorical smears, routinely calling their opponents "deniers," making an obvious (and intended) comparison to the Holocaust.  In his recent piece, Senator Whitehouse has decided that the Nazis apparently aren't bad enough, so he's bringing in lung cancer.

Is Obama a villain? Or only delusional?  Liberals are still lulled by lying Democrats with big smiles. [...] Obama's million-dollar grin is one of his biggest assets, and he obviously believes he can still sucker the same folks who fell for the same lies before.  Bill Clinton did it.  Carter did it.  Barack Obama wants his chance.  Barack Obama has made the world much more dangerous than ever before.  We have had lying politicians before, but not in a world of rogue regimes armed with nuclear weapons.

The Myth that Republicans are Growing More Extreme.  Today's Democratic Party makes common cause with the criminals who burn down poor people's neighborhoods in American cities.  And yet the Right is somehow alleged to be more susceptible to "extremism."

7 Stages of the Progressive Agenda, Stage 4: Declare the issue a CRISIS!  Sometimes Progressives will skip over the first three stages to Stage 4, in which case, this is where it really starts.  You don't get anything through Congress or the courts simply by saying it's "nice to have."  No.  It is a CRISIS!  Lives are in danger!  Planet is in peril!  Time is running out!  We must start taking steps to begin taking action NOW!  A crisis receives even more funding, and the establishment of a government agency to impose regulations that will eventually bring it under control — but only as long as funding continues and keeps pace with inflation.

Socialist "Justice".  Goods don't get matched to consumer needs by anyone's burning desire for justice.  The amazing coordination of the marketplace happens because sellers and buyers are free.  Sellers can sell whatever they choose at prices they choose.  Buyers decide whether to pay.  That flexibility — and chance to make a profit — is what persuades people to create what customers want and risk their own money and safety to stock it in a store.  Without the free market setting prices and allocating resources, all the cries of "justice" in the world don't help anyone.

How Progressives Stifle Dissent.  During the Obama tenure, the charge of "racist" has been unavoidable to any who were critical of the president.  Whether it was criticism of Obamacare, lack of transparency, fiscal profligacy, inscrutable foreign policy, class-envy fomentation, and anti-capitalist policies, it didn't matter.  Regardless of the logic, data, facts, or strength of argument, if you opposed the administration policies and initiatives, you were a racist.  At least according to the sycophants, who were either oblivious to logic, data, or facts, and had an empty logical quiver from which to fire back with anything except blanks.

Amtrak is a Government Failure.  The bodies had barely cooled from Tuesday's [5/12/2015] deadly Amtrak derailing when the usual sources began agitating for bigger government in response.  The rush to campaign for more federal spending on infrastructure was so swift that it preceded any indication of the actual cause of the crash.

What Amtrak Spends Its Money On.  Before the bodies had been pulled out of the wreckage, Democrats were preaching the poor-mouth about Amtrak funding, often dishonestly.  (Seriously, how is it that a Washington Post writer and his Washington Post editors don't understand how federal spending works?)  Smoking ruins of train cars in Philadelphia, and the usual ghouls start up with the usual thing:  "Oh, if those mean Republicans had only let us spend money on the trains, this wouldn't have happened!"

The latest lunatic postmodern target: Motherhood.  In 1996, a physicist named Alan Sokal published an essay in a trendy academic journal called Social Text.  Sokal argued that gravity "is a social construct" — meaning it is something invented by society rather than an immutable law of nature.  Sokal didn't mean it.  In fact, he wrote and submitted the article to Social Text as a test to see whether "a leading North American journal of cultural studies" would "publish an article liberally salted with nonsense if (a) it sounded good and (b) it flattered the editors' ideological preconceptions."  Social Text failed the Sokal test.  It did publish the article.

Liberal Media's Latest Lie: Lack of Infrastructure Spending Caused Amtrak Crash.  In 2009, didn't Barack Obama market his unprecedented $787 billion "Stimulus" program under the banner of repairing America's failing infrastructure?  Why, yes, yes he did. [...] Fast forward to this week's tragic Amtrak accident.  Cue legacy media jumping to the "You low-life taxpayers aren't spending enough money on infrastructure!" argument.

Never let a crisis go to waste.  A few minutes ago on MSNBC's Morning Joe [5/13/2015], the show was interrupted by a press conference from the hospital where many of the injured passengers from last night's hellacious Amtrak crash were taken.  Once that was over, former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell came on to goose everyone into a spirited discussion of how America's meager spending on infrastructure is to blame.  I was disappointed to see Joe Scarborough, who's increasingly a useful brake on this kind of groupthink, jump in with both feet.  China spends so much more than us on infrastucture!  So does Barbados!  (I assume that was in percentage terms.)

The Editor says...
Many on the political left immediately politicized the accident, some blaming it on "crumbling infrastructure."  But infrastructure spending can't prepare for a train that's going twice the speed limit, which this one was.

Bill Nye "The Hot Air Guy".  There may have been a time, in an era long, long ago, in which it was fair and accurate to describe Bill Nye as "The Science Guy."  He now has become a religious figure — in the Church of Climate Scientology. [...] So Bill Nye the IPCC Guy is lying to you.  He is lying to you to help give a large and controlling government increasing control over your freedoms and your property.  He is doing so by promoting a crisis using hysterical language, in order to make people take drastic action without thinking first.  If that makes someone a "Science Guy," we need to go back and relearn our society's definition of science.

The Unassailable Virtue of Victims.  If Hillary Clinton wins the presidency in 2016 she will not only be the nation's first woman president but our second affirmative-action president.  By affirmative-action president I mean that she, like Barack Obama, will have got into office partly for reasons extraneous to her political philosophy or to her merits, which, though fully tested while holding some of the highest offices in the land, have not been notably distinguished. [...] How have we come to the point where we elect presidents of the United States not on their intrinsic qualities but because of the accidents of their birth: because they are black, or women, or, one day doubtless, gay, or disabled — not, in other words, for themselves but for the causes they seem to embody or represent, for their status as members of a victim group?

The Left's Imaginary Monsters.  We're talking about setting up colonies on Mars, a planet with an average temperature of negative 81 degrees Fahrenheit, an atmosphere that will quickly strangle you without regret, and a cosmic location that is, on average, 140 million miles away.  This is spectacular, mind-blowing stuff.  Yet, amazingly, even in the face of a pioneering and potentially dangerous push to brave the frontier of the cosmos — and a potential scientific miracle — many of today's leftists simply shrug, reboot to their default "offended" position, and spit out a laundry list of banal oppression clichés, much like an angry, poorly programmed R2D2.

The Inconvenient Truth about Ghetto Communities' Social Breakdown.  When the recorded fatal shooting of a fleeing man in South Carolina brought instant condemnation by whites and blacks alike, and by the most conservative as well as the most liberal commentators, that moment of mutual understanding was very fleeting, as if mutual understanding were something to be avoided, as a threat to a vision of "us against them" that was more popular.  That vision is nowhere more clearly expressed than in attempts to automatically depict whatever social problems exist in ghetto communities as being caused by the sins or negligence of whites, whether racism in general or a "legacy of slavery" in particular.  Like most emotionally powerful visions, it is seldom, if ever, subjected to the test of evidence.

The Hillary Op-Ed Challenge: How many platitudes can you fit in one paragraph?  In the 1950s, college students used to try squeezing as many of their friends as possible into telephone booths.  In the 1960s, the fad shifted to Volkswagens.  Perhaps hearkening back to her youth, Hillary Clinton wrote an op-ed in the Des Moines Register that attempts to squeeze as many platitudes it can into the Iowa newspaper's column inches.  One paragraph in particular wins the prize.

Obama urges GOP to stop denying climate change.  President Obama on Wednesday [4/22/2015] challenged Republicans to stop denying climate change and take steps to tackle severe weather and floods that are impacting many states.  "Climate change can no longer be denied.  It can't be edited out.  It can't be omitted from the conversation.  And action can no longer be delayed," the president said, speaking from Everglades National Park in Florida, a battleground state in the coming 2016 presidential elections.

The Editor says...
Nobody doubts that the climate changes from day to day, or from one century to another.  But there is considerable doubt and debate about the role of industrial activity in climate change; and even if carbon dioxide causes global warming, (a) such warming might be quite welcome, (b) the warming is so gradual nobody will ever notice, and (c) we're not going to give up the use of electric power to stop it.

Black Murderers Matter.  Building hysterias based on falsehoods is a primary modus operandi on the left.  One can even say that without hysteria there is no left.  First a lie or exaggeration is manufactured.  Then it is repeated over and over by the mainstream media and myriad left-wing groups; academics hold conferences and write thoughtful-sounding op-ed pieces about the fake issue; meanwhile activists on its behalf demonstrate, taking over public buildings and highways, sometimes violently.

Hillary Clinton's insultingly vapid video.  The more I watch Hillary Clinton's announcement video, the less I like it. [...] For one, the video was relentlessly, insultingly vapid — a Verizon commercial without the substance.  "Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times, but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top," Clinton said in what passed for a meaty message.  "Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion."  Seriously, this makes Ronald Reagan's gauzy "It's Morning Again in America" commercial look like a Brookings Institution seminar on economic policy.

America's Decay Is Speeding Up.  There are no moral truths because there is no longer a religious basis for morality.  More than the Enlightenment, it was the Bible — especially the Hebrew Bible (which was one reason America's Christians were different from most European Christians) that guided the Founders' and other Americans' values.  Not anymore.  Instead of being guided by a code higher than themselves, Americans are taught to rely on their feelings to determine how to behave.  Instead of being given moral guidance, children are asked, "How do you feel about it?"x

Limbaugh: Indiana Outrage Is the New 'Hands Up, Don't Shoot'.  Rush Limbaugh took on the backlash to the controversial Indiana religious freedom law today and compared it to the liberal reaction to Ferguson and how people ran with "hands up, don't shoot."  Limbaugh said that just like with the lie of "hands up, don't shoot," the liberal media is going wild about discrimination when really, he said, the law is just about saying "the freedom of religion clause in the First Amendment has been affirmed."

Selective Outrage over Religious Freedom.  Liberals are in a lather over the Religious Freedom Restoration Act signed into law by Indiana Governor Mike Pence.  The bill was passed by the people's representatives in the state legislature by a vote of 63-31, and then signed into law by the governor.  Listening to the outcry, one would think Indiana adopted Mein Kampf as its governing charter. [...] This is true March Madness.  A kneejerk politically correct response without any thoughtful examination of the facts.  Much like the bogus "Hands up don't shoot" meme, which was built on lies and false rumors.

Safety first.  Academia has given us so much for which not to be grateful — identity politics, race/gender studies and sundry unpleasantries. But it has topped itself now with one even better — the right to be treated as something quite fragile, always endangered and almost too precious to live.  Last December, the Boston Globe informed us that "students at Harvard Law School, joining their counterparts at a pair of other leading universities, have asked that final exams be postponed for students who have been 'traumatized' by recent grand jury decisions" in New York and Missouri, explaining "we cannot walk away from our pain."  In England, some female students suggested we move from clapping to hand waving to signal approval, as the sound of applause could be threatening.

Will Global Warming Cause Prostitution?  Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Lee has introduced a resolution in the House that is based on the premise that "women will disproportionately face harmful impacts from climate change."  This is parody come to life:  world about to end, women and minorities hit hardest!

Dem resolution warns global warming could force women into prostitution.  A California congresswoman warns global warming will be so detrimental to poor women, it will drive them to prostitution.  Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., has re-introduced legislation that forces the government to address all "policies and programs in the United States that are globally related to climate change" through the lens of gender.

How many degrees of warming does this require?
Congresswoman Claims Climate Change Will Turn Women Into Prostitutes.  On Wednesday [3/25/2015], California Democrat Barbara Lee proposed a resolution in the House of Representatives that claims women will eventually be forced into prostitution in order to obtain life-sustaining food and water for their families.  Lee introduced House Concurrent Resolution 29, warning that women will be forced into "transactional sex" to get enough food and clean water — all because global warming will create "conflict and instability" in the world.

The Editor says...
If warmer temperatures cause prostitution, why doesn't prostitution stop during the winter?

Rep. Barbara Lee: Stop Global Warming Before Everyone Gets an STI.  I don't delve much into the Global Climate Change debate, mostly because it seems like there's no real way to be part of the conversation on either side without looking like a complete lunatic, and I already do more than enough of that.  While I believe that stewardship of the environment is a very important thing, I'm not sure how the government, which can barely deliver the mail correctly on a good day, and frequently spends thirty times more on an item from a hardware store than it would cost on the black market in North Korea, is qualified to address the tragedies associated with a burning atmosphere and a rising ocean level.

GOP Traitors? Here's The Sordid History Of Democrats' Black-Market Diplomacy.  President Obama blasted the GOP again over efforts to halt his Iran giveaway deal, suggesting it was treason.  In reality, it's Democrats who have a long, sordid history of doing what they accuse Republicans of doing.  President Obama is ripping the GOP for opposing a reported deal in which we would take Iran's word that it won't develop nuclear weapons.  He's accused 47 Republicans who signed a letter to Iran's leaders, warning that any Congress can reverse deal they sign with Obama, of "making common cause" with the mullahs — a joke, given the enraged reaction from Tehran.

Will Hillary Break The Criminal Conduct Glass Ceiling?  Democrats have perfected the art of elevating identity as the cardinal attribute of anyone running for office.  Multi-culturalism, race, gender, and sexual preference are used to neutralize so-called white male privilege to advance the tyranny of equal outcomes.  Identity preferences first trumped competence and accomplishment.  That's how Barack Obama was sworn in as the first black president.  Next up is to elevate a woman to the White House.

Five Characters in Search of a Reason for New Orleans's Smoking Ban.  New Orleans's city council has unanimously approved a city-wide smoking ban in all bars and casinos, making it the latest big city to pass such a smoking ban without the courtesy of a popular vote.  The ban itself, like the others that came in cities before it, is purported to promote the public welfare.  Non-smokers, government officials argue, have the right to have their lungs be unafflicted by dangerous secondhand smoke if they choose to visit or work in any establishment.  In the case of New Orleans, teary-eyed city councilman James Gray II read aloud the names of people he knew who died of lung cancer, which "convinced" lawmakers to approve the smoking ban. [...] This is all about coerced behavior change and conformity to a government-approved lifestyle which is to be decided upon by our betters.

Vox Obama.  The president has had plenty of worshipful media coverage, certainly back in the day when "hope and change" wasn't so risible.  But none has ever been so in keeping with his own self-image and pose as the dispassionate, above-it-all paragon of reasonableness.  Vox Obama is the only rational guy in town.  Vox Obama is a non-ideological devotee of facts.  Vox Obama speaks in dulcet tones.  Vox Obama has data sliding beside his face to prove his points! [...] Vox called the video clips of its interviews "films."  They had dramatic cut-aways and soothing music, as well as cute gizmos and other supporting material flashing on the screen to illustrate the wisdom and correctness of everything Obama said.

Manufacturing Outrage.  Manufacturing outrage is the modus operandi of Obama and Democrats.  Liberal media are their tools.  The result has been destruction, pain and murder. [...] The last six years have seen an explosion of faux controversies generated by Democrats.  Aside from political ads attacking opponents (Paul Ryan pushing grandma and her wheelchair off a cliff; Romney as a bully, homophobe, dog abuser and carcinogenic (I may have missed a few calumnies).  Before those defamations, it was Sarah Palin who endured unceasing attacks.  And before that it was Obama's two opponents for the Senate who were targets of ginned up outrage. [...] And so it has been throughout Obama's presidency.  He has never missed an opportunity to manufacture outrage.

Obama now claiming 1 in 5 women in America have experienced rape or attempted rape.  Gone are the days that the president makes false claims that 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted while in college.  Now 20 percent of all women in America have been raped or nearly raped.  And 25 percent of American women — not just college women — have experienced domestic violence.

Exposed EPA Memo: Tie Fighting Global Warming To Americans' 'Personal Worries'.  An Environmental Protection Agency memo sent to top officials implored the agency to build up support for its agenda by tying its regulatory agenda to the "personal worries" of Americans.  "Polar ice caps and the polar bears have become the climate change 'mascots,' if you will, and personify the challenges we have in making this issue real for many Americans," reads a memo sent around to top agency officials in March 2009, just months after President Barack Obama took office.

Muslims and the Left's Death by Tolerance.  Tolerance always implies a perceived negative.  You wouldn't have to tolerate a delectable meal or a beautiful car; you relish those things.  But you would have to tolerate a stubborn cold, a painful rash or foul weather.  So Tolerance Lesson One for Leftists:  If you say you're tolerant of Muslims, it implies that you consider them a negative.  If you don't — if instead you like them or just view them neutrally — tolerance doesn't enter the equation.

The Empathy Epidemic.  Empathy has thus been cheapened and its meaning transformed when used by politicians and pundits.  Empathy absolves perpetrators from blame or is used to justify their actions — perpetrators are victims of the circumstances that have been imposed on them by others; they are the oppressed (the West; "privileged whites"; the 1%).  What has occurred is not just moral inversion but moral perversion.  Empathy has been used to garner support for political and economic policies.

The Real Torture Scandal in America.  Waterboarding is not designed to kill anyone.  None of the other enhanced interrogation techniques that liberals are screaming about are designed to cause lasting damage or death.  The reality is that the "torture" that liberals are getting upset about would be called torture only in the First World; in the rest of the world, it would be considered a mild first step.  That doesn't mean that enhanced interrogation techniques are acceptable or moral, but it does mean that they are a far cry from what most of the world thinks of when they hear the word "torture."

Panic play: Pelosi tries to stoke fear of 'another Republican shutdown'.  Democratic leaders in Congress used an upbeat jobs report Friday [12/5/2014] to spread fear about a possible government shutdown next week, pressuring Republicans make concessions in upcoming spending bills.

What evil lurks? The liberals know.  On a good day, about 80 percent of the content generated by left-leaning websites will be spent explaining why Republican positions on x, y and z are really expressions of their fear and loathing of non-white Americans, and how modern conservatives descend from John C. Calhoun, Jefferson Davis, the 1948 presidential campaign of Strom Thurmond and the Ku Klux Klan in its entirety in one straight and unbroken line.  MSNBC frets over the threat of the "dog whistle," by which one uses a commonplace phrase to send a sinister message to one's fellow bigots.  Only their network's anchors are apparently able to hear them.

Fiscal responsibility is 'anti-science' now.  The media framing for stories about fiscal responsibility now involves portraying Republicans as "anti-science" when they object to handing out fat research grants for stupid projects.  For example, Politico's big article on the subject is entitled, "Next Battle In the War on Science."  Got that?  Shutting down wasteful, and sometimes downright harmful, monkey-gambling studies and robot-squirrel construction projects is now a "war on science."  You don't want to spend a million bucks studying how ideas spread across Twitter, producing a study that might prove useful for anti-free-speech activists?  Why do you hate science, wingnut?

A Magic Pen And An Empty Suit.  The one positive thing I can say about the president's amnesty speech on Thursday is that I didn't lose any respect for him afterwards.  That is because me losing respect for Barack Obama is a mathematical impossibility at this point.  The speech had as much substance as the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.  An empty man in an empty hall spoke empty words to a nation that no longer believes him.  Only rank partisans, drooling drones, and the progressive media revere Barack Obama anymore.  We are watching the tumbling of an empty suit in a dryer. [...] Loaded with sob stories, the speech and the spin after attempted to make our feelings overwhelm our brains.  Unfortunately for Obama and the Democrats, tales of families being "ripped apart" because their child was born here while they are illegal are meaningless.

Sheila Jackson Lee: 'Selfish' for America to Deny Illegals Amnesty, Work Permits.  On Tuesday [11/18/2014], Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) said President Barack Obama's forthcoming unilateral action on immigration is not "amnesty" and declared that America would be "selfish" to deny illegal immigrants temporary work permits and amnesty.  Speaking on the House floor, Jackson Lee, who handed out candy to illegal immigrant juveniles this summer at detention centers, mentioned that Texas has 1.3 [sic] illegal immigrants and said she loves "living in a country that is known around the world for its humanitarian generosity."

U.S. Indian school's fundraising letters sent to millions signed by fictitious kids.  The boy's stories are heartbreaking:  "My dad drinks and hits me ... my mom chose drugs over me ... my home on the reservation isn't a safe place for me to be," wrote Josh Little Bear.  His request seems reasonable — send a few dollars to help St. Joseph's Indian School to keep "kids like me safe ... so we don't have to live this way anymore."  The story, begging for help, is part of massive national marketing campaign involving 30 million pieces of a mail a year.  And it's a successful one, raising more than $50 million last year.  But Josh Little Bear doesn't exist.  It's not just a pseudonym to protect a child.  The story is a fabrication, a compiling of events that may or may not have happened to paint a broad picture that Native American leaders say does not exist.

Jim Clyburn Compares Obama Exec Amnesty to Emancipation Proclamation, Integration of Military.  One of the top Democrats in the House is comparing President Barack Obama's forthcoming executive amnesty that would give illegal immigrants special treatment under law to the Emancipation Proclamation and the integration of the military, which allowed Americans to be treated equally under the law.

Why liberal compassion is an inane basis for political action.  Today, compassion fuels the American political bus.  No one can expect to lead the country without proving that he or she feels our pain.  That is a fatuous basis for policy, notes political scholar William Voegeli in a calm and reasoned book that carries the impishly inflammatory title, "The Pity Party: A Mean-Spirited Diatribe Against Liberal Compassion."  Compassion creates a co-dependency between the empathizers and the empathizees:  Liberalism is an "alliance of experts and victims," in the words of Harvard's Harvey Mansfield.

Heads up to Obama, the GOP, and the media: You've got it all wrong!  "Everybody agrees" is one of those false statements the left loves the use.  It bolsters their point by creating a feeling there is massive (it doesn't get much bigger than "everybody") support for their position.  There's just one problem.  The statement is a lie.  Yet few question it.  Coupled with that lie is a statement that goes hand-in-hand with "everyone agrees," which is:  "we've been talking about it for years."  Who's "we?"  The left?  Is that the "everyone" they're referring to?  This manner of speech is like a cheap marketing ploy for a product targeting a demographic of adolescents.

Landrieu Attacks Cassidy On Katrina Response. The Attack Has Backfired Horribly.  In the fight of her political life, Louisiana Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu took the gloves off on day 1 of the runoff election between her and Republican candidate Bill Cassidy.  Fewer than 24 hours later, the attack Landrieu launched went horribly wrong.

The 'War on Women' Failure Is a Very Bad Omen for Democrats' Future.  As things started to look really bad for Democrats in the waning days of the midterm election, we started to hear complaints that Democratic candidates had focused too much of their effort on flogging the idea of a Republican "war on women."  Colorado's Mark Udall returned to this theme so often that he was dubbed "Mark Uterus," and you can see where that got him:  he lost by a five-point margin.  And that's not the worst of it.

Obama's Economic Propaganda Has a Limited Shelf Life.  Democrats have continued to stoke their phony "war on women" issue and racial politics this election cycle because it's all they've got.  President Obama's domestic policy and foreign policy are in shambles, and they know it.

Losers.  [In the 2014 election,] the Democrats fielded (both incumbent and not) mostly loud nonentities picked for their dynastic names or past five minutes of notoriety, who assumed their loud identity politics would suffice in lieu of character, common sense, and past achievement.  Superficial bumper-sticker identities and progressive catch-phrases finally ran out of gas.

Hysterical Media Tell Us to Calm Down.  In the past week, The New York Times has ridiculed Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Gov. Chris Christie for having "fed panic" by ordering quarantines for health workers arriving from Ebola-plagued countries.  [...] I haven't noticed any panic.  If you want panic, review media coverage of the police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri.  That hair-on-fire coverage was based entirely, it turns out, on the media's gullibly swallowing inaccurate accounts of the incident.  For decades liberals have terrified soccer moms about a slew of imaginary terrors:  global warming, Alar on apples, breast implants, heterosexual AIDS, nuclear war, and Republicans taking away their birth control.

No telling whether tears help or hurt politicians.  For politicians, turning on the faucets, or seeming to, can endear them to voters or make them come across as not having sufficient toughness to lead.  Who wants to vote for a politician who cries? Depends on whom you ask, and whether the weeping seems authentic.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz embraces insanity, agrees GOP worse than Ebola, Islamic State.  Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz has finally embraced madness in her effort to keep her party afloat, agreeing on Sunday that Republicans are more frightening than the Islamic State and Ebola. [...] Ms. Schultz isn't the only Democrat willing to contend the GOP is worse than the bloodthirsty terrorist group.  Last month, Alabama congressional candidate J.T. Smith also suggested the actions of Republicans in Congress were worse than the Islamic State.

DNC Chair: Republicans Scarier Than Ebola And ISIS.  Appearing on CNN's "State Of The Union," [10/26/2014] Democratic National Committee Chairwoman, Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, agreed that the GOP is scarier that either Ebola or the terrorist organization ISIS.

The War on Women: Juanita Broaddrick and Bill Clinton.  To set the stage for why the country needs Hillary Clinton to be the next president, Democrats are trying to force-feed Americans a "war on women" pablum, when such a war — as they present it — does not exist.  For the real "war on women," however, Democrats might turn to Hillary Clinton herself and her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

An End to Defensive Republicanism.  Many of those who find Republicans anathema have never met one, nor care to.  Most of those who vociferously "hate" Fox News have obviously never watched it, cannot name a single commentator, and express skepticism that liberals appear regularly as contributors.

Where is C. Everett Koop when We Need Him?  Viruses and microbes have no regard for the emotional state of anyone, be that person calm or hysterical.  But for the Left, emotion rather than rationality is the key to public policy.  The idea is that if we all stay calm, maybe the Ebola crisis will just disappear.  This is one reason why Obama, ever committed to his image as the secular Messiah, tried by example to show he certainly was not afraid of Ebola.

The Racism of Open Borders.  Democrats, "progressives", liberals, communists, and fascists have all declared, albeit in rather shrill and hysterical tones, that we can't close our borders, and to try is clearly racist.  Does it seem odd to anyone else that every other country in the world, without exception, has restricted borders but us?

The Left's Religion of Unhappiness.  There is no one that the left hates more than a man who does not hate, who goes through the day without outrage and who does not spend his life stewing with vindictive resentments.  Leftists call it "privilege" now. [...] Privilege is the accusation that the very lack of resentment and grievance, neurotic responses to simple phrases and a cloud of free-floating anger, represents an ignorant oppression.  The happy are only happy at the expense of the unhappy and must recognize the unhappy privilege of their happiness.  Leftists are missionaries of unhappiness.

Michelle Obama warns Senate control, impeachment, rests on 'few hundred votes'.  First lady Michelle Obama, going to bat for Senate Democrats amid reports she is abandoning them on the campaign trail, is warning that control of the chamber and the potential Republican impeachment of her husband rests on just a few votes.

Why We Cannot Trust the White House on Ebola.  On Thursday morning [10/2/2014], I received my first well-produced Facebook message mocking those deluded souls, presumably on the right, who are worried about the spread of Ebola.  The only thing that surprised me about the message was that I had not seen one sooner.  The same people who gave us homophobia and Islamophobia (not to mention racism, sexism, classism, xenophobia, nativism, and climate denial) are about to give us Ebolaphobia.  As former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel notoriously said (while plagiarizing Winston Churchill), "You never let a serious crisis go to waste."

Climate Change is even worse than Ebola says British Medical Journal.  Climate change is even deadlier than ebola according to the editor of one of the world's oldest and most distinguished medical journals.  Fiona Godlee, editor in chief of the BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal; established 1840), claims in her latest editorial:  ["]Deaths from Ebola infection, tragic and frightening though they are, will pale into insignificance when compared with the mayhem we can expect for our children and grandchildren if the world does nothing to check its carbon emissions.  And action is needed now.["]

Author: Slavery Gives Us 'Responsibility' To Not Ban Flights From Liberia.  David Quammen, an author of multiple books on science and diseases, including "Ebola," and "Spillover," argued against a ban on flights to Liberia by stating the US has a "responsibility" to the nation "given the fact that this is a country that was founded in the 1820s, 1830s because of American slavery" on Thursday's [10/2/2014] "AC360" on CNN.

What's Racist, What's Not.  Liberals tend to devote a significant portion of their daily lives to proving how not racist they are.  One particularly expedient way of doing this is to declare that something a conservative has said or done is totally racist, and then to place oneself in opposition to the thing that was racist:  "See, I'm not a racist!"  As result, the List of Things That Are Racist has grown incomprehensibly long.

Equal Work? Government Has No Idea What That is.  "Equal pay for equal work!" the mantra goes.  "Women get only 73 cents on a man's dollar!"  These are oft-heard slogans, and we may well hear them again during the fall campaign with the War on Women afoot.  Now, going beyond the rhetoric, it's not widely known but nonetheless true that the intersex pay gap is attributable to different career choices men and women make: [...] But while I've examined these factors at length in the past, the topic today is something more fundamental.  This is that there would be a problem with even a well-intended equal-pay-for-equal-work scheme:  Hardly anyone knows what equal work is.  And the government hasn't the foggiest idea.

The Profound Stupidity Of Liberalism on Display.  The View is a television show that, apparently, a lot of women watch.  Currently, Rosie O'Donnell, who was once famous for something — I have no idea what — is one of the hosts.  Still, many women watch.  So this video of The View's women grappling with the Obama administration's response to ISIS terrorism is noteworthy.  I want to highlight O'Donnell's contribution near the end:  We are bombing Syria because Syria has so much oil, so there is a "financial incentive."  What [...] is this supposed to mean?  Why are liberals obsessed with oil?  And what, exactly, is the "financial incentive"?

Psych study: "trolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism".  Internet trolls are the thorn in the side of most people who dare to express an opinion on the internet.  Trolls are the people completely disinterested in honest debate, but love to hit and run.  They comment on blog posts, news articles, Facebook posts and anywhere else the internet provides a forum for their psychosis to be displayed in all its demented glory.

The Crumbling Climate-Change Consensus.  The United Nations Climate Summit will begin in New York this Tuesday [9/22/2014], but environmental activists didn't wait.  All day Sunday, they filled the streets of Manhattan for a march that featured Al Gore, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, and various Hollywood actors.  But they certainly didn't act like a movement that was winning.  There was a tone of fatalism in the comments of many with whom I spoke; they despair that the kind of radical change they advocate probably won't result from the normal democratic process.  It's no surprise then that the rhetoric of climate-change activists has become increasingly hysterical.

Pelosi's panic fire: GOP Senate would end 'civilization as we know it'.  House Minority Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi told "Real Time" host Bill Maher that Democrats are not "fear-mongers" but in the same breath said civilization is doomed if Republicans manage to take control of the Senate in November.  "It would be very important for the Democrats to retain control of the Senate," the California Democrat told Mr. Maher on his show Friday night [9/12/2014], which aired live from Washington.  "Civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if Republicans win the Senate."

Nancy Pelosi: Civilization 'In Jeopardy' If GOP Takes Senate.  On the one hand, California U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi claims that Democrats are not "fear-mongers;" on the other hand, she believes civilization is doomed if Republicans take control of the Senate from Democrats in November.  The former speaker of the House made those dramatic, incongruous statements on "Real Time with Bill Maher," which aired live from Washington, D.C. Friday [9/12/2014].

Why Republicans Should Never Play Nice with Democrats.  On Friday [9/12/2014], Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stated that Democrats had to retain control of the Senate.  Why?  Because "civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if the Republicans win the Senate."  She then claimed that Democrats were not "fear-mongers," but instead "messengers of hope."  TV host Bill Maher listened to this with a straight face.

Democratic congressional candidate compares GOP to Islamic State.  A Democratic candidate running against Alabama Rep. Mike Rogers shocked Twitter users Monday when he compared Republicans in Congress to Islamic State militants.  J.T. Smith, of Phenix City, is the Democratic nominee to represent Alabama's District 3, The Birmingham News reported.  "The greatest country on earth is being bullied from within.  Actions of Republicans in congress are worse than #ISIL," he tweeted on Labor Day to more than 3,000 followers.

Global Warming is NOT a "Pro-Life" Issue.  The "pro-life" controversy is one of the most important moral challenges in the history of this great nation.  On the contrary, man-made global warming is based on a very controversial debate that has not been settled.  Unfortunately, the science of the debate has been high jacked by those seeking a political and profit advantage.

Biden on Minors at Border: 'These Are Our Kids'.  Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday [8/6/2014] that the United States will be judged by how it treats the thousands of young immigrants showing up on its border, but warned that the U.S. will be forced to send some minors back to dangerous, unfortunate environments nonetheless.

A high-speed train wreck for Obama and liberalism.  Few of President Obama's initiatives are more emblematic of his early ambitions to be a transformational liberal leader than his vision for connecting the nation with a vast high-speed rail network.  The dream of building a system of bullet trains in the United States akin to what exists in Europe involves massive and sustained government spending, more money for unions, and promises to move the nation away from car-based transportation.  Thus, it represents everything that excites American liberals.  Obama's February 2009 economic stimulus package committed $8 billion to 79 projects spanning 31 states that were to lay the groundwork for "13 new, large-scale high-speed rail corridors across the country."  In his 2011 State of the Union address, Obama touted high-speed rail as a central part of his plan for "winning the future."

The Editor says...
Oh, good.  A plan for winning the future.  That argument makes perfect sense!  You wouldn't want to lose the future, would you?

Border Surge Is About Magnets, Not Gangs.  Justifying the Central American surge on our unguarded border as a flight from intolerable homeland violence, the political left has attempted to paint this year's 240,000-person influx of illegal aliens into the U.S. as a matter of refugees — and anyone who opposes the human flood tide as heartless.  Their pictures of women and toddlers tug on the heartstrings.  It's rubbish.  The border surge is mainly a rational response to a U.S. government that refuses to enforce its own border, offering a variety of incentives to lawbreakers — and a huge business opportunity for Central American smuggling gangs, which are drumming up new markets well beyond the traditional Mexican one.

Cooling the manufactured impeachment panic.  Manufacturing a crisis is what pundits and politicians do best, and the media mills are running three shifts daily now to manufacture panic over what the Democrats want the public to think is the impending impeachment of President Obama.  This might frighten the horses and scare the women in flyover country, but it's all fun and games in Washington, with the game recognized by Democrat and Republican for the scam it is.

Angry Dems Say Republicans Want to 'Return Children to Their Deaths'.  "Republicans want to indiscriminately return children to their deaths!" Rep. Tony Cardenas (D-Calif.) said in remarks on the House floor on Friday [8/1/2014], as members of the House of Representatives were forced to delay their August recess to deal with a border appropriations bill.  Cardenas was one of many Democrats who blasted Republicans for wanting to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States.

EPA goes from Environmental Protection Agency to Extremist Political Agenda.  During the week of July 28, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) held hearings in four cities:  Atlanta, Denver, Pittsburgh, and Washington[,] DC.  The two-day sessions were to allow the public to have their voice heard about the proposed rules it released on June 2 that will supposedly cut CO2 emissions by 30 percent.  Many, including myself, believe that these rules are really an attempt to shut down coal-fueled electricity generation and implement a cap-and-trade program that the Administration couldn't get through Congress in 2009, when cap-and-trade's obvious allies held both houses of Congress.  If the EPA's plans were clear, direct, and honest, the public would likely revolt outright.  Instead, the intent is hidden in pages of cumbersome language and the messaging becomes all about clean air and water — and about the health of children.

Dem Rep Accuses Border Patrol of Deliberately Torturing Unaccompanied Children.  On Tuesday [7/29/2014], members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus held a hearing on the humanitarian crisis on the ten of thousands of unaccompanied minors flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border.  During that hearing, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) likened the cold temperatures maintained inside the holding facilities to "torture."  Despite temperatures having reached over 100 degrees in El Paso, TX, the location of a Border Patrol holding facility, the Illinois Democrat insisted that the children were "deliberately held in really uncomfortable situations."

Eleven Commandments and the Color 9.  [S]o much shape-shifting is going on in the public arena that I often catch myself mid-stagger as if I'd just stepped off a roller coaster.  Such was my reaction after reading National Journal's article [7/18/2014] titled "Elizabeth Warren's 11 Commandments of Progressivism." [...] In the first place, the headline was as deceptive as I suspected; her "commandments" weren't really commandments, because none of them forbade progressives from doing anything, rather they demanded the cooperation of everyone else.  After all, the progressive dream cannot be realized unless absolutely everyone toes the line, willingly or otherwise.  Shangri-La cannot be perfect if anyone is allowed to leave.  Each of her statements started with the phrase "we believe" as if it were a statement of faith like you'd find on a church web site, and ended with either some activity she wants other people to stop doing, or with demands for benefits she thinks people either "deserve" or are "entitled to," terms she used almost as often as the word "equal."

Texas Congressman Thinks Rick Perry Could Create A 'Police State' At Border.  The ongoing war-of-words between Congressman Joaquín Castro (D-Texas) and Republican Gov. Rick Perry escalated on Monday when Castro fired off a letter warning Perry against creating a "police state" along the border.  In July, Perry announced he was sending 1,000 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexican border to help combat the flow of trafficking amid a surge of unaccompanied minors from Central America.  Perry said the troops are needed because of federal inaction, but Castro expressed significant concerns about their presence.

Liberals and 'the least of these'.  As America endures a massive invasion of illegal immigrants at our southern border, many liberals, whether in the media or on Capitol Hill, are attempting to claim the moral high ground in this matter and remind us that this is all about "the children." [...] It is appallingly duplicitous that liberals, whether referencing the "least of us," or calling for government action on behalf of "the children," are never talking about the unborn.

Our era of manufactured social strife.  Because today's political discourse is so dishonest and domestic affairs so muddled, we're living in an era of manufactured social strife.  Creating policy impasses, politicians pick unnecessary fights over our constitutional system's commitment to individual liberty and the rule of law, transforming dissenters into black-hearted villains with sinister agendas.  Faux-hysteria and fear mongering — especially in an election year — are potent tools for squeezing money and outrage from voting blocs whose "rights," they're told, are under assault.

Patrick Leahy Cites Holocaust Victims in Plea to Embrace Unaccompanied Minors.  In a speech urging his Senate colleagues to accept the thousands of unaccompanied minors crossing the border, Sen. Patrick Leahy reminded his colleagues of a time when the United States turned back Jews fleeing the Holocaust.

15 Ways Liberals Are Like Bratty Kids.  [#1] No matter what they fail at, it's always someone else's fault.  George Bush did it, the Republicans are mean, the dog ate Obama's homework.  It's not his fault that he's flunking every class!  [#2] They don't read history, they think their parents are stupid, and they don't need to know anything other than how they feel to make a decision.

The Border Crisis Is Obama's Hurricane Katrina? Don't Be Ridiculous!  Some (including some Democrats) are saying that the crisis on the Southwestern border is President Obama's Hurricane Katrina.  But there are at least two fundamental differences between the illegal immigration fiasco and Katrina.  First, the response to Hurricane Katrina was actually the largest and the fastest response to any natural disaster in history, as Popular Mechanics, as I recall, later documented.  Second, President Bush didn't cause the hurricane.  The current disaster is entirely attributable to Barack Obama's willful refusal to enforce the immigration laws, in violation of his oath of office.  Is Obama's subversion of the nation's laws an impeachable offense?  I don't think there is any doubt about it.

Obama channels Saul Alinsky with 'so sue me' speech.  Demagogues always pick a target on which to project a society's ills.  Obama and his policies have been in place for six years, yet the economy is contracting, millions of Americans are unemployed, the border is in chaos and terrorists are stronger than they've been in decades.  But that's all the fault of "Republicans" because, according to Obama, "they're doing nothing" but obstructing.  He thus freezes them as evil people who just want to give more tax breaks to their rich friends, let bankers gouge consumers and polluters trash the environment.  When they're finished with that, in Obama's warped telling, they will throw poor, starving women and children into the streets.

Sheila Jackson Lee: The Border Children Need Lollipops, Not Deportation.  Referring to the illegal immigrant minors as "homeless children," Jackson Lee said, "I took lollipops along with my colleagues into the detention center where children were.  I wasn't armed.  I wasn't fearful for my life.  This is not a national security crisis this is a humanitarian crisis."

I'm A Conservative And They Lied When They Said I Hate You.  Are you Hispanic, black, Asian, Jewish, gay, young, old, poor, or a woman?  Well, then you may have heard that conservatives like me hate you.  In fact, I'm sure you've probably heard some version of it a hundred times since it seems to be the standard rap for liberals these days.  "Those conservatives are racists!  They hate Hispanics!  They're homophobes!  They're Nazis!  They're engaged in a war on women!"  You get the idea.  Well, first off, do you really think you can trust liberals to tell you what motivates conservatives?

Is Obama Giving Up, or Going Soviet?  If you listen to progressives these days, the Supreme Court has granted corporations the power to compel their employees to go to church.  It has empowered corporations to tell women to throw away their contraceptives.  Five of the men on the court have declared full jihad against all of the women of America.  Next stop, subjugation, revocation of the right to vote, and the end of women's rights in America.  All of that is absurd, of course.

Anti-Catholic full-page ad in the New York Times today.  The Hobby Lobby decision has ignited liberals and unleashed their prejudice.  And this ad is shameful.  The New York Times has a full-page ad in its print edition today [7/3/2014] that should elicit protests around the nation (but likely won't).

6 Stupid Arguments About Hobby Lobby From Dumb Liberals.  The Supreme Court's decision today affirming the right of business owners to run their businesses in accordance with their religious beliefs has caused no small amount of consternation among the anti-science, functionally illiterate Left.  The Supreme Court just banned birth control forever.  Male justices just imprisoned women across America.  If you don't buy my stuff for me, it means you want to ban that stuff.  And so on and so forth.  Thanks to the wonder of the Internet, we have been given a wealth of riches when it comes to stupid arguments from stupid people.

Fresh Wind of Liberty Blows Across the Land.  Is anyone surprised that the left is hyperventilating and bouncing off the walls over the SCOTUS decision in the Hobby Lobby case? Planned Parenthood and others are decrying the "health risks" women face and the loss of "reproductive rights."  You'd think the decision reversed Griswold v Connecticut and banned the sale of contraceptives completely. [...] All that the Hobby Lobby decision does is to merely allow "closely-held corporations" to not have to pay for four specific chemical abortion pills.  Those businesses will still be required to provide (and the companies did not ask for exemption from these) sixteen other contraceptive pills.

MSNBC Contributor Compares SCOTUS Ruling To Terrorists Imposing Sharia Law.  Among the more irate responses to the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Hobby Lobby's religious objection to Obamacare is MSNBC contributor and supposed comedian John Fugelsang, who couldn't help but compare the ruling to extremist Muslim Sharia Law:

Obama's Hobby.  Contrary to the hysterica (e.g., the White House press secretary's claim the ruling "jeopardizes the health of women") the decision does not limit access to contraceptives.  All it means is that employees cannot demand they be provided — free — by family businesses with religious objections.

Gutierrez on Flood of Illegal Minors: 'Shame on Anybody That Wants to Demonize Children'.  Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), a vocal advocate of immigration reform, told Breitbart News on Wednesday [6/11/2014], "Shame on anybody that wants to demonize children" who are entering the country without guardians or documentation.  Gutierrez defended the surge of unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors flooding border states from Central America, saying the individuals would not qualify for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a directive signed by President Obama in June of 2012 calling for deferred action for particular illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have pursued education or military service in the country.  However, Gutierrez still says that those unaccompanied minors coming into the U.S. should still be given a safe place to stay.

Pelosi Visits the Border: 'Dazzling, Sparkling Array of God's Children'.  Despite appalling conditions in the holding pens and warehouses that are now full of Central American children, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said she was "dazzled" by what she saw at the U.S.-Mexico border on Saturday [6/28/2014]:  "What we just saw was so stunning, if you believe as we do, that every child, every person, has the park [sic] of divinity in them, and is therefore worthy of respect, what we saw in those rooms was (a) dazzling, sparkling array of God's children, worthy of respect."

The Editor says...
Ms. Pelosi does not hold the same view of children who have yet to see the light of day.

Democratic Congressman Compares IRS Scandal to Area 51, Obama Birth Certificate and Benghazi.  In Friday's House Ways and Means Committee hearing about Lois Lerner's missing emails, Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) compared the investigation to other famous conspiracy theories like Area 51, Obama's birth certificate — and the murder of four Americans in Benghazi.  He said it was not a serious investigation and wondered how IRS Commissioner Koskinen could take it seriously.

The Editor says...
Ridicule is one of the first defenses used by dishonest politicians and their shills.

More about Lois Lerner's very convenient computer crash.

Obama 'Absolutely' Wants to 'Just Go Off' on Climate Deniers in Congress.  In the clip that aired on CBS Sunday morning [6/8/2014], Obama stressed the national security implications of catastrophic climate change.  "We're obviously concerned about drought in California or hurricanes and floods along our coastlines and the possibility of more powerful storms or more severe droughts.  All of those things are bread-and-butter issues that touch on American families," Obama said.  "But when you start seeing how these shifts can displace people — entire countries can be finding themselves unable to feed themselves and the potential incidence of conflict that arises out of that — that gets your attention."

The Editor says...
Even if Mr. Obama's assertions were plausible, and they are not, nobody is displaced by the weather.  (If that were true, who would have returned to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina?)  No country will face famine after a one-degree temperature change.  No wars will be fought over changes in the weather.  Barack H. Obama knows that he can make rash pronouncements of this sort and nobody will challenge him.

Obama: GOP Lawmakers Care More About Oil Companies Than Kids.  Monday during President Barack Obama's announcement of his executive memorandum that will allow approximately 5 million people to cap their student loan payments at 10 percent of their income, he took "a pause off his prepared remarks" to rail against Republicans giving tax breaks to millionaires and oil companies while fighting student loan reform.  [Video clip]

The Post-Achievement Politics of Obama and Hillary.  Scandal management consists of Obama making a serious face and promising to take this serious problem very seriously before heading out for a round of serious golfing.  Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the VA; he is just as angry about it as you are.  All he's really doing though is matching your emotional tone to dampen your response.

Obama, Bergdahl and Moral Narcissism.  Moral Narcissism is an evocative term for the almost schizophrenic divide between intentions and results now common in our culture.  It doesn't matter how anything turns out as long as your intentions are good.  And, just as importantly, the only determinant of those intentions, the only one who defines them, is you.  In other words, if you propose or do something, it only matters that you feel good or righteous about what you did or are proposing, that it makes you feel better personally.

Gwyneth Paltrow: Mean words hurt water's feelings.  The Oscar winning actor and mother of two believes bad vibes can bum out water.  Yes, we're talking H2O.  "I am fascinated by the growing science behind the energy of consciousness and its effects on matter," she wrote on her website GOOP. "I have long had Dr Emoto's coffee table book on how negativity changes the structure of water, how the molecules behave differently depending on the words or music being expressed around it."

Obama Uses Sick Children To Push His Climate Agenda.  President Obama went to a children's hospital to tape his weekly address.  The subject this week was his climate agenda, and who better to use to push that agenda than sick kids? [...] Notice how he talked about "carbon pollution" and not carbon dioxide?

Obama's Inverted Grief Process.  When a scandal breaks in the newspapers, the president starts with acceptance, which he mixes in with a little anger — an emotion he invariably explains "no one" is feeling more than he is.  Then his upset subsides into bargaining — that all-purpose word "if" begins this step, followed by the promise to get to the bottom of a concern that he had previously conceded was real.  And, eventually, he ends up flat-out denying that there was ever a problem in the first instance. [...] Such a pattern has now been applied to scandals involving the IRS, the NSA, the Department of Justice, and Benghazi.  But not the Veterans Administration.  Why?

The Five's Beckel Accuses Guilfoyle of 'Treasonous' Remark About Obama.  What set Beckel off this time?  Well, his co-hosts were going after Obama on foreign policy and Dana Perino pointed out how al-Qaeda affiliates have "spread all over" during Obama's presidency.  Kimberly Guilfoyle said, "This is the problem.  I just don't think he understands — honestly — I really don't think he has a grasp on what it means to have a cohesive, coherent foreign policy or how to combat the war on terror.  We cannot go around to our enemies, 'Let me hug you and then let me drone you...'"  It was at this point that Beckel jumped in and shouted, "That's treasonous, what you just said!"  Guilfoyle shot back, "No, it actually is accurate!"  Beckel responded, "It is not accurate!  The way you guys treat the President of the United States is abysmal and disgusting!"

The Editor says...
I must have missed the memo that says it's treasonous to criticize an incompetent, lying president, who is himself arguably guilty of treason.

David Plouffe: 2010 Tea Party Candidates Were 'Witches and Defenders of Rape'.  Former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe remarked during an appearance on ABC's 'This Week' that Tea Party candidates in 2010 were "witches and defenders of rape."  Plouffe made his remarks during a panel discussion of how the Republican establishment was successfully fighting back against bad candidates in the 2014 mid-term elections.  "Well, let me say this, I mean, I don't get the celebration.  I mean, OK, maybe it's a low bar ... so they're not witches and defenders of rape," he said.

Global Warming Alarmists Are Getting Desperate.  California Gov. Jerry Brown's absurd contention that LAX Airport is going to be turned into a bathtub because of climate change is the latest example of how know-nothings in the media, entertainment and politics are reaching for ever more questionable arguments as they continue to fail to stoke fears in an American public that, contrary to their hateful claims, largely believes in global warming but isn't particularly worried about it.  Brown said that due to changes in glacier mass (breathlessly hyped as "collapse" by the media), in 200 years "the Los Angeles airport's going to be underwater."  No, it isn't.  A projected four-foot rise in sea levels won't much affect the airport, which sits 120 feet above sea level.

'Social Justice' Loons Compare Prison System to Apartheid.  Alice Green and her "social justice" cronies were on the steps of the Capitol today urging Governor Cuomo to establish a commission to "right the wrongs" that have been perpetrated upon criminals in New York's prison system. [...] Green, former Green Party candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and her cohorts are vocal supporters of the Free Mumia movement, a group intent on freeing Mumia Abu-Jamal, a death row inmate convicted 30 years ago of killing a Philadelphia police officer.

Five Times Obama Officials Expressed Outrage at Their Own Incompetence.  President Obama and members of his administration constantly express rage and anger over events totally within their control.  It's an odd and unsettling fact of American life that so many Americans seem to think that such expressions of frustration should substitute for actual competence.

Trick or truth! Can you even tell the difference?  Here are some commonly asserted falsehoods that you are expected to believe just because they are repeated often enough.  Falsehood No. 1)  Women are paid 77 percent of what men make for the same work, so therefore we need to pass new legislation to ensure women are paid fairly.  Actually, laws already exist to forbid gender-based pay discrimination, and occasions of true bias are rare.  What the proponents of pay equity really want is equal pay for unequal work.  They lump all jobs held by women together and all jobs held by men together and then create an artificial and meaningless average "male wage" and "female wage."  There is not even the pretense that such numbers represent wages for "equal work."  It is a sham and a mockery intended only as one more means of redistribution of wealth.

Benghazi: How to rebut Democratic talking points in 7 easy lessons.  [Scroll down]  The term "witch hunt" suggests false accusation or the deliberate punishing of the innocent.  Asking for information in an attempt to get to the bottom of a situation is not a witch hunt, especially when we already know that the video explanation was a false narrative and may therefore be the tip of a much bigger iceberg.  Speaking of the video, ironically, this is where the real witch hunt took place.  Since when is it against the law in America to express your opinion in a movie about Mohammad, Islam or any other subject?  Supposing Ambassador Stevens and the others had been murdered because of a video?  Even if such were the case, it is the responsibility of our President to punish the blood thirsty killers, not the film director.

Gays Gone Wild: Life in America after the Ball is Over.  [Scroll down]  Ritualized crying became the weapon of choice.  We heard about well-intended homosexuals being thrown out of the house by mean Christian parents.  We heard about stellar gay citizens "just wanting to build families."  In endless performances of rhetorical masochism, we heard about kids of gay people longing to have society applaud their guardians for wrenching them away from their own biological roots.  We heard about horrible bullies committing all these mythical crimes against helpless gay people: [...] All of these stories, it turns out, were completely fabricated.  And this is a trimmed down list, believe me — the anti-gay hate crime hoaxes are astonishing in their volume and premeditation.  This is not a coincidence.

Dem State Senator: Calling A Fish From Asia An 'Asian Carp' Is 'Hurtful' and Offensive.  The Minnesota Senate on Monday [5/5/2014] approved John Hoffman's (D-MN) bill to change the name "Asian carp" so called because the species originates from Asia, to "invasive carp".  Since Asian carp were introduced in the U.S. in the 1970's, the fish have spread to dozens of states causing destruction in the delicate ecosystems of the waterways.

Amnesty, American Values, and Economic Dependency.  Preying on our sympathy, kindness, and generosity to foreign nations, we are being guilted and forced to be generous with lawbreakers by awarding them citizenship because they jumped a fence, swam across a river, or walked through the hot desert, putting their lives in peril, defying and disrespecting our borders and our laws.  This amnesty is forced on the American people at a time when we can ill-afford to be generous, with millions of Americans unemployed, underemployed, and on welfare, facing the fundamental destruction of our healthcare.

The Editor says...
Guilt is not a verb.

8 Things That Won't Get You Banned by the NBA.  Good riddance to Sterling.  But let's understand that ginning up the mob based on private feelings is a dangerous business.  We now live in a world in which racial feelings are more important than racist acts, and in which bad thought trumps bad action.

Obama EPA Chief Regina McCarthy: Pollution holds African-Americans back.  Regina "Gina" McCarthy, President Obama's chief of the Environmental Protection Agency, has essentially called pollution a force of racism in the US, saying that pollution is "holding back millions of African-Americans."  McCarthy made even more strange comments at an April 24 appearance at Clark Atlanta University sponsored by the Hip Hop Caucus, [...] The EPA chief, who was appointed by Obama in July of last year, claimed that black students are the "most vulnerable to climate change" and they should become "champion climate justice advocates."  Turning pollution into an excuse to throw the race card, McCarthy claimed that stopping pollution is all about "equity" and that minorities have been "overburdened by pollution and environmental health hazards for far too long."

Wisconsin Dem Candidate to Hand Out KKK Hoods at GOP Convention.  Wisconsin state representative and gubernatorial candidate Brett Husley will be handing out KKK hoods at a GOP state convention this weekend.  When you're a Democrat and don't have any policy solutions, yelling "racism" will still get many in your party out to the polls.

Wisconsin Democrat Brett Hulsey Sews KKK Hood to Give to GOP Legislators.  Brett Hulsey, a Wisconsin state representative and Democratic candidate for governor, thinks he has a surefire way to shoot past his better-funded and better-known primary opponent.  He has announced that he intends to hand out homemade KKK hoods to Republican members of the state legislature.  Hulsey is way, way back in the pack of candidates running for the Democrat nomination for Wisconsin Governor.

MSNBC's Chris Hayes: Preventing Global Warming Is Like Freeing Slaves.  In The Nation magazine MSNBC host Christopher Hayes spent thousands of words and four web pages explaining how those working at preventing global warming are somehow just like the abolitionists who fought to free the slaves just prior to the American Civil War.

The SPLC's Attack on Rush Limbaugh, David Horowitz, and Me.  If you are not aware of what the SPLC really is, you must first look at these two very important articles.  The first hails from Ken Silverstein and appeared in Harper's in the year 2000.  The second article, unfortunately under a firewall where it was originally published, is by the always insightful investigative journalist Charlotte Allen, and was the cover story in The Weekly Standard in their April 15, 2013 issue.  It is titled "King of the Fearmongers: Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center, scaring donors since 1971."

Cliven Bundy Delenda Est.  During the Punic Wars Cato and other notable Romans argued that Carthago Delenda Est, that is, Carthage must be destroyed.  Substitute sympathetic ordinary Americans, like Cliven Bundy, Joe the Plumber, and the superbly talented Sarah Palin for Carthage, and you have the rallying cry of the Democrats and their media enablers who will use any pretext to demonize those who dare to challenge their power.  Devoid of positions that can survive reasoned debate, the Democrats and the media who sustain them have determined that balkanizing the country along lines of race, ethnicity, and sexual preferences may yet provide enough votes to keep the party in power.  This week the domestic focus was on race.

Professor: 'Colleges Will Start Closing Up if Racist, Misogynist, Money-Grubbing GOP Wins'.  New audio reveals an Eastern Connecticut State University professor warning that Republicans will "want things to go back — not to to 1955, but to 1855" if they win control of Congress in November.  Republican victories could also put him out of a job, he cautioned.  "We will live in a very, very, very different kind of country if that happens," Professor Brent Terry told students in his Introduction to Creative Writing course, according to audio obtained by Campus Reform.  "I mean, colleges will start closing up if these people have their way."  Over the course of his rant, Terry characterized conservatives as "racist, misogynist, money-grubbing people."

Is she bragging or complaining?
Sen. Elizabeth Warren: America 'Rigged' to Benefit the Rich.  On Wednesday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) complained that America had "fundamentally changed" so that the rich get richer and the poor continue to struggle. [...] "That's what's fundamentally changed," Warren insisted.  "Look, it's tough out there.  It really is a rigged game, and it's set up now over and over and over."

Sen. Elizabeth Warren: It's 'Dangerous' to Want 'Big Government' to Disappear.  "Politics so often felt dirty to me — all the lobbyists and the cozy dealings and the special favors for those who could buy access.  But as I stood in the lobby outside Ted Kennedy's office, I felt as if I'd been washed clean," media favorite Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said in her book.  That quote sums up the message of Warren's new book "A Fighting Chance."

The Editor says...
Mary Jo Kopechne was unavailable to comment about people getting a "fighting chance."

[It would take a lot more urine] in the Portland Reservoir to Make It Unsafe to Drink.  A teenager urinated into one of the city's drinking water reservoirs the other day.  That's gross, sure, and aggravating — what a brat!  But in one of the most spectacularly stupid decisions in years, the city is going to drain the reservoir.  The most spectacularly stupid decision in about three years, anyway — if this sounds familiar, that's because Portland did the same thing in 2011.

The Editor says...
Ask yourself these questions:  Is every gallon in that open outdoor reservoir a gallon of pure potable water?  Do birds fly over and poop in it occasionally?  Do ducks spend the night in that water?  Are there any fish in that water?  Doesn't the city add chlorine to that water before pumping it to the city's distribution system?  Have you ever considered where drinking water comes from on the International Space Station?

Putting the 'pee' in Portland.  Tragedy struck Portland again last week at Reservoir No. 5, this time by a teenage terrorist armed with a bladder of death and destruction, or at least 8 ounces of annoying but harmless urine.  It was shock and awe all over again at the Portland water department.  What happened next is a textbook case of what can happen anywhere when bureaucrats are left loose and unsupervised. [...] David Shaff, the administrator of the Portland Water Bureau, quickly ordered the reservoir drained, all 38 million gallons of the stuff the San Joaquin Valley hundreds of miles south would kill for.  Tests showed the water was actually clear and clean, with no traces of urine, but Mr. Shaff was not thinking about public safety.  It was all about marketing.

Coalition of the Disappointed.  The "pay gap" is the ratio between median earnings for men and women, according to Census Bureau data.  But adjust for hours worked, occupation, decisions about marriage and children, education and risk, and equal work means equal pay.  The war on women is really a war on meaningful statistics.  To wit, applying the same broad median-earnings standard to the White House shows that female staffers make only 88 cents on the dollar of their male counterparts.

Statistical Frauds.  The "war on women" political slogan is in fact a war against common sense.  It is a statistical fraud when Barack Obama and other politicians say that women earn only 77 percent of what men earn — and that this is because of discrimination.  It would certainly be discrimination if women were doing the same work as men, for the same number of hours, with the same amount of training and experience, as well as other things being the same.  But study after study, over the past several decades, has shown repeatedly that those things are not the same.

Is President Obama Appalled By Claire Shipman, Too?  This week, President Obama has tried to rev up his base by flogging an obviously false statistic.  It hasn't gone as well as planned, partly because the media dropped its usual obsequiousness by questioning the assumptions of the claim that women make 77 cents for each dollar earned by men for the same work.  Turns out that when you control for different career choices, different hours worked, different amounts of time on the job, the supposed pay gap all but evaporates.

Barbara Boxer Says Keystone Pipeline a Cancer Risk.  Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) is now accusing the Keystone pipeline of being a cancer risk.  Her first point was that the pipeline "will bring 830,000 barrels of dirty tar sands oil into our nation every day."  She then segued to point #2 by asserting that the heavy tar sands oil will put people who live near refineries at risk for cancer.

Dems label foes 'un-American'.  Liberals have lately been employing a political term of abuse that was once mainly a weapon of the right.  Speaking at a Democratic fundraiser on Wednesday [4/9/2014] in Houston, President Obama described laws that he said restrict voting rights as "un-American." [...] "Un-American" has long been a multipurpose insult.  A quick Web search reveals that it has been used as a term of objection to, among other things, the National Rifle Association, torture, Rush Limbaugh and a willingness to repair, rather than replace, consumer goods.

Democrats' desperate war-on-women-baiting.  Don't be fooled by President Obama's new push for pay equity.  It sounds good, but it is nothing more than a political ploy to distract from the ever-conspicuous cloud of bad mojo following Democrats around as they brace for the 2014 midterm elections.  In the past few election cycles, a the left has done a masterful job of courting women by creating lines of division between Republicans and Democrats where they don't actually exist.

White House Defends Gender Pay Disparity By Mocking Male Reporters.  With President Obama under fire for paying his women staff less than his male staff despite a drive for "paycheck equality," White House Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri pushed back by noting the front row of the press corps in the White House Press Briefing was made up mostly of men.

White House #WarOnMath: Women do not make 77 cents on the dollar.  This Equal Pay Day, even the White House can't defend its frequent assertion that women make 77 cents on a man's dollar.  Why?  Because it's completely untrue.  But hey, War on Women and all that, so you're going to be hearing it anyway. 

Pelosi: Immigration law like internment of Japanese.  The deportation of foreigners living illegally in the United States is similar to the forced internment of ethnic-Japanese Americans in World War II, according to Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi.  "I'll be very honest with you:  Looking at the numbers at some point, in terms of how people are treated and deported and families separated and the rest, this has a scent of Japanese internment," Pelosi told a Politico reporter.  "It's really a black mark," said Pelosi.  Roughly 110,000 ethnic-Japanese immigrants and their American children were detained during World War II after Japan's sneak attack on Americans in Pearl Harbor.

The Editor says...
It's amusing to hear a politician like Nancy Pelosi begin a sentence with "I'll be very honest with you."  Perhaps she should refrain from using the Japanese roundup as an illustration.  Who was the President when the Japanese were locked up?  That's right, another Democrat.

Why Obama's Presidency Has to Be All About Race Now.  Despite what he and his cheerleaders in the press think, he is still losing the argument over ObamaCare.  The program has posted a few non-catastrophic enrollment numbers lately, but a lot of the public has already made up their minds.  They never liked the program much to begin with, and now that they know what's in it, they like it even less.  The economic recovery, such as it is, continues to be slow, painful, and jobless.  The president's foreign policy is spinning out of control in all directions.  So the left is doing what they always do when their policies fail:  make everything about race, instead.

The '77 Cents on the Dollar' Myth About Women's Pay.  The 23% gap implies that women work an extra 68 days to earn the same pay as a man.  Mr. Obama advocates allowing women to sue for wage discrimination, with employers bearing the burden of proving they did not discriminate.  But the numbers bandied about to make the claim of widespread discrimination are fundamentally misleading and economically illogical.

White House: The '77 cents' wage gap figure isn't accurate, but they'll use it anyway.  A White House adviser had to walk back the oft-repeated myth that women make 77 cents on the dollar that men make after being questioned about the figure during a conference call Monday [4/7/2014].  While detailing executive actions President Obama plans to take Tuesday regarding equal pay for women, Betsey Stevenson, a member of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, said very defiantly that despite women contributing 44 percent of their household incomes, they continue to make less than men.  Obama has declared Tuesday "Equal Pay Day" to highlight his administration's focus on that issue.

Why Aren't We No. 1?  There is a pastime among liberal pundits — the latest is Nicholas Kristof — to quote a new center left global ranking (with unbiased titles such as "The Social Progress Imperative") and then to decry that the United States is behind its major industrial competitors in things like "Internet Access" and "Ecosystem sustainability."  The subtext of these rants is that an illiberal, reactionary U.S. does not spend enough on government entitlements to promote parity, equality and social justice among its citizenry.

The Progressive Aristocracy.  Last week, we expanded the discussion to progressives' wide-ranging willingness to contradict their own professed principles: gun-control proponents who travel with armed bodyguards, voucher opponents who send their kids to private schools, and minimum-wage-hike advocates who pay their staff less than the minimum wage, among others.  So what do progressives really want?  If, as I suspect, the currency of progressivism isn't policies or results, but emotions, what does that approach build?  What kind of a country do you get when political leaders are driven by a desire to feel that they are more enlightened, noble, tolerant, wise, sensitive, conscious, and smart than most other people?

Obama casts GOP's balanced-budget plan as 'massive tax cuts' for millionaires.  President Obama on Saturday continued his election-year assault on the House GOP's latest budget proposal, telling Americans the plan would "raise taxes on middle-class families with kids" and cut crucial programs while giving more handouts to the rich.  In his weekly address, Mr. Obama made his case — without explicitly saying so — why voters should elect more Democrats in this November's midterm elections and contrasted the GOP plan with his party's priorities.

Rep. Fudge Says Changes in Ohio Voting Are 'Racist'.  Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) says the recent changes in voting in Ohio are "racist."  "I believe, personally, that a lot of this really is racist.  I believe that.  They cannot make me believe that they do not understand how important the right to vote is to me and people like me," Fudge told WKYC-TV last week.  "Ohio has become the butt of jokes — even in Washington.  Because our governor and our legislature are doing everything they can to prevent certain constituencies from voting.  Poor people, minorities, the elderly, the disabled — and they are doing it knowingly," Fudge said.

The Editor says...
Yes, it's true that the legislature is trying "to prevent certain constituencies from voting."  They're trying to prevent dead people from voting, and trying to prevent certain individuals from voting multiple times.  Those actions are already illegal, but the requirement of photo identification at the polls is the mechanism needed to put teeth into those laws.

More about election fraud and Voter ID laws.

5 Reasons Obama's 7.1 Million Number Is Meaningless.  On Tuesday [4/1/2014], President Obama triumphantly announced that, with the power of the mainstream media, Hollywood, and the threat of the IRS, the mission had been accomplished:  7.1 million Americans had selected an Obamacare plan.  Obama's tone was nothing short of exuberant:  "7.1 million Americans have now signed up for private insurance plans through these market places.  7.1!  Yep!"  He then went on to criticize those who had expressed objections to Obamacare for its deprivations of plans, doctors, drugs, and liberty:  "Why are folks working so hard for people not to have health insurance?"

Rate That Oligarch.  You may have noticed that our friends on the left have begun to refer to the Koch brothers and other rich conservatives as "oligarchs."  Like calling evangelicals "jihadists" and the tea party "racist," this comparison to the billionaires in Vladimir Putin's circle is meant to stigmatize and marginalize these men politically and socially.  This latest Saul Alinsky tactic got us thinking about who really qualifies as an American oligarch.

The 15 Dumbest Anti-Hobby Lobby Signs at the Supreme Court.  Supporters of an Affordable Care Act mandate that requires religious business people to violate their beliefs were out in full force this morning at the U.S. Supreme Court.  The high court heard arguments in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, which pits Obamacare against small businesses seeking to preserve personal and religious freedom.  Here's a look at some of the most nonsensical and ridiculous signs and participants at Tuesday's rally.

White House turns to cat pictures to sell Obamacare.  With the deadline for enrolling in the Obamacare exchanges just days away, the White House is scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas — including turning to cat GIFs, or animated videos made of multiple still photos.  The cats are just some of the goofy GIFs the White House has posted, according to the Florida Times-Union, which said the White House is trying to catch the latest retro Internet craze.

6 Arguments Only A Liberal Could Believe.  It's almost impossible to have any kind of meaningful discussion with a liberal because while you're trying to come up with logical points to support your position, he's trying to come up with new ways to convince people you're Hitler.  Modern liberalism has turned into a willful embrace of stupidity.  It's all about setting reason and intellect aside in order to take an emotionally-satisfying position that makes a liberal feel better about himself.  This is how people who are undeniably intelligent can feel good about taking brainless positions that hurt a lot of people.

Stopping just short of "daycare is a right" ...
Harry Reid: Daycare 'Isn't a Luxury, It's a Necessity'.  "For millions of families in the United States, childcare is their single largest household expense at nearly $15,000 a year," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday [3/12/2014] in a speech on the Senate floor.  "And in an economy where most families have two working parents, childcare isn't a luxury — it's a necessity."

2014 Strategy: Obama's Top 5 Distractions.  With Democratic 2014 Senate and House hopes receding faster than the rise of the tides under President Obama, the Obama administration and Democratic Party have decided to resort to their favorite page in the political playbook:  distraction and misdirection. [...] On Monday night, Democrats took to the floor of the Senate, talking for 15 straight hours about climate change. [...] The purpose of the all-nighter was to create the perception of conservatives as Bible-thumping cretins.

What the Senate's all-nighter on climate change is really about.  Dozens of Democratic senators plan to speak out Monday night [3/10/2014] into early Tuesday morning about their growing concerns with climate change.  Adopting a strategy used in the past year to great effect by Republican senators  — Ted Cruz, anyone? — at least 28 Democrats plan to use floor time to raise their concerns on the lack of attention being paid to climate change — although there is no single bill or even set of bills for which they will be advocating.

Senate Democrats' donor-friendly global warming show.  Senator after senator will undoubtedly join [Hawaii Democratic Sen. Brian] Schatz in insisting that Congress must act.  But the Democratic talkathon is not about any action in particular.  It's not being staged in support of, or opposition to, any specific legislative proposal.  And if there were proposed legislation under consideration, Democrats could just pass it, or at least bring it up for debate and a vote, because they control the Senate with a 55-seat majority.  But that, apparently, is not the point of the all-nighter.

Nothing but hot air from Senate Democrats' talkathon.  The talkathon is a product of the Senate's Climate Action Task Force, co-chaired by Sens. Barbara Boxer of California and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.  Boxer described the purpose of the marathon gabfest as a call to "wake up Congress" for "action" on global warming.  That's an odd claim coming from the chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.  Boxer has a solid majority on her committee and could report dozens of bills to the Senate floor.  So her committee is the first place to look for an explanation of the lack of action in the Senate.

'Absolutely Un-American': Dem Rep. Explodes During IRS Investigation Hearing; Issa Walks Out.  During a hearing of the House Oversight Committee into allegations that the Internal Revenue Service scrutinized conservative groups' tax-exempt status filings unduly, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) exploded at Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (D-CA). Cummings charged that the way in which the proceedings were being conducted were "Un-American."  In apparent protest, Issa then walked out of the committee hearing.

Elijah Cummings Gives Oscar-Worthy Performance in IRS Hearing Freakout.  It was a performance for the ages.  "You cannot have a one-sided investigation," shouted Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), the Ranking Democrat on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.  "There is something absolutely wrong with that.  And it's absolutely un-American."  His tirade — and it should be noted that while Cummings was yelling Issa remained composed and calm — was an instant made-for-YouTube moment, and I suspect that was exactly the point.

Pipeline protesters arrested at White House.  They chanted 'climate justice now' and carried signs with slogans such as 'don't tarnish the earth' in an effort to persuade President Barack Obama to reject the pipeline.

The Editor says...
What is "climate justice," and where is the evidence that someone has "tarnish[ed] the earth?"

Bill Clinton says Republicans want fewer people to vote.  Former President Bill Clinton has signed on to promote a new Democratic voter project, claiming that the GOP is trying with voter identification laws to block divorced women, college students, blacks, the disabled and younger Americans from voting.  "There is no greater assault on our core values than the rampant efforts to restrict the right to vote," Clinton said in a YouTube video distributed as part of the Democratic Party's new Voter Expansion Project unveiled Thursday [2/27/2014].

The Editor says...
Republicans want fewer dead people to vote.  Dead and fictitious people are an important component of the Democrats' base, but they do not have the right to vote.  As for the other groups, how many women have been married and divorced and do not have any identification with a photo on it?  (Nobody.)  How many college students do not have a photo ID issued by the college?  (Zero.)  How many "younger Americans" — who are old enough to vote legally — do not have a driver's license, which is a major goal at that age?  You no longer have to be a land owner to vote, but you should be engaged in our society to the extent that you carry some sort of identification.

VP Biden Claims 'Hatred' Is Force Behind Voter Id Laws.  On Tuesday [2/25/2014], Vice President Joe Biden blamed "hatred" as the motivating force behind voter identification laws in states such as North Carolina, Alabama, and Texas.  Biden wants new laws to block "former slave holding states in the south" from discrimination against blacks and other minorities.

Boxer warns Keystone will cause cancer.  Sen. Barbara Boxer wants to add a new element to the Keystone XL oil pipeline debate: its effects on health.  The California Democrat claims negative health effects from the proposed pipeline's development were ignored by the State Department's environmental impact review.  "The Environmental Impact Statement was woefully inadequate when it came to exploring human impacts of the pipeline," Boxer said Wednesday [2/26/2014] at a press conference held with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and anti-Keystone XL activists and environmentalists.

Why Obama is Uneducated.  A few years ago I participated in a radio debate on "white privilege" with a certain man, whose name is unimportant, who had a Ph.D. in "ethnic studies."  At one point he introduced an argument by saying, "If whites are 80 percent of the population...," which prompted me to interject and point out that whites (non-Hispanic) are now only 63 percent of America.  Of course, you might think that someone with a doctorate in "ethnic studies" would know what the ethnic and racial composition of the country is.

Exposing the Lie in the "War on Women".  A frequent refrain of President Obama's — asserted as earnestly as "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it" — is the claim repeated in his State of the Union address that women "make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns."  Promising to close the "embarrassing" gap, he declared that "women deserve equal pay for equal work."  While discrimination can't be ruled out, should it be the default explanation?  Are whites the victims of discrimination because they earn less than Asians?  If women do the same work for less, why would anyone hire a man?

The Party Of Science Has Absolutely No Clue What It's Talking About.  For years, a concerted effort has been made to intertwine scientific truth with progressive politics in the public imagination.  In recent weeks alone, Nancy Pelosi and Charlie Crist both earned headlines by trashing the "anti-science" GOP.  The left-leaning media works hard to make campaign issues out of contrived litmus tests that bear little relationship to real national issues.  Their project seems to be working.

President Obama's magic words and numbers.  The last progressive president promised Model Cities, with every child enjoying a Head Start en route to enjoying an Upward Bound into a Great Society.  Today's progressive president also uses words — and numbers — magically emancipated from reality.

Democrats: 1% Cut In Food Stamp Funding Is "Stealing".  Elected Democrats and movement progressives are up in arms over the meager cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP — commonly known as food stamps). [...] The overall SNAP program costs $70 billion per year.  Hipster congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) said "Congress has lost its way" and described the farm bill as "reverse Robin Hood legislation that steals food from the poor."

Obama's 'Give America a Raise' battle cry is misleading and disturbing.  To start, increasing the minimum wage would only affect a subset of Americans.  In 2012, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, just 1.6 million Americans were paid the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour.  That's far less than the millions of people who had their health insurance plans cancelled as a result of Obama's health care law, which Obama dismissed as representing only a small portion of the public.  It's true that Obama supports raising the minimum wage to $10.10, so if passed, the hike would affect more than the 1.6 million.  But the number who would see their earnings go up is certainly not all of America.

Sen. Tammy Baldwin: Birth Control 'Basic to Our Economic Prosperity'.  Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) says it was women joining the workforce after World War II that helped the economy grow, producing a "strong and healthy middle class."  And that continues to be the case today, she told MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell on Monday [1/27/2014].  "And now, in very, very significant numbers, women are... a part of the workforce and have contributed greatly to allowing families to get ahead in the economy.  What permits that is women being able to control when or whether they have children and how many.  And it is so basic to our economic prosperity that women have that control."

Democrat Fund Raising Letter Accuses Republicans Of A 'Revolting Anti-choice Agenda'.  Women's Health Rapid Response Fund accused Republicans of embracing a "revolting anti-choice agenda" for supporting pro-life candidates and organizations.  The media and fundraising apparatus of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, is making the most of the 41st anniversary of "Roe v Wade."  They are imploring supporters for donations to "show Boehner that there are consequences for Republicans unrelenting war against women."

Income Inequality: The Left's Next Big Con.  With the possible exception of global warming fraud, it would be difficult to identify another major political issue more dependent upon innumerable, uncontrollable variables than the difference in what two persons might earn or deserve.  In the case of both ideological causes, anyone claiming to have measured the variables, predicted them or solved for them in concocting a solution is nothing but a con artist.  And what do con men do?  They steal.

Republicans Clueless in Obamacare Message to Young Americans.  In December, reeling from surprising unpopularity among millennials, Obama returned to his trademark pied-piper "movement" rhetoric, likening healthcare policy to women's suffrage and the civil rights crusade.  You mustn't get discouraged when you're out to change the world, Obama said, because "change" and leadership take time and hard work!  It's a clever angle because young voters are easily seduced by two things which ordinarily would appear in tension:  altruism and self-importance.

To Each, According to His Delusions.  The latest faux issue to insinuate itself into our political polemics travels under the unedifying name of "income inequality."  As political abstractions go, this one is more incoherent than most.  (Shabbier too in its naked appeal to envy and resentment.)  Almost no one who uses the term says what he means by it.  But it has the ring of yet another incitement to leftist larceny.  Since President Obama heaved this dead cat into the room a few weeks ago, I've been waiting for anyone speaking for the Republican Party to say that this hustle is nothing more than Marxist boilerplate.  Since no one in the Grand Old Party has either the courage or the awareness to say this, I guess it's up to me.

No, Public Schools Are Not 'Jammed' with Students.  It's remarkable how often the conventional wisdom conflicts with data and evidence.  A recent article in the New York Times illustrates the case of public-school class sizes.  It describes schools as "jammed" because of an up-tick in student-teacher ratios coming out of the recession.  It's the type of story that fits comfortably within the (erroneous) conventional wisdom about underfunded schools.

Now Democrats beg for money to prevent Obama's impeachment.  President Obama's party is nervous that he might face impeachment proceedings — or at least it wants potential donors to think so.  The Democratic National Committee send a fundraising email on Saturday, titled 'Impeachment,' that warned several Republicans have raised the spectre of a move to bounce the president from office.

Obama To Hold Photo-Op With Americans Who Lost Unemployment Benefits.  As part of an effort to pressure Republicans into extending federal aid for three more months, Obama will hold a photo-op at the White House with Ameicans who lost their unemployment benefits at the start of the year.

The Editor says...
We're apparently supposed to feel sorry for goldbricks whose 99 weeks of unemployment checks have come to and end.  The President wants to extend unemployment benefits even further — preferably until after the next election day.

DNC sends email defending Obama from impeachment possibility.  The Democratic National Committee (DNC) sent out a paranoid email Saturday evening [12/28/2013] urging supporters to vote for Democrats so that Republicans can't impeach President Obama.  The email, subject line "Impeachment," was sent to Obama for America supporters, imploring them to contribute to the DNC's 2014 efforts.  "What do these people all have in common?," the email asked, featuring quotes from Republican Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, Rep. Kerry Bentivolio of Michigan, and Rep. Blake Farenthold of Texas discussing the possibility of impeaching Obama for one of his numerous instances of presidential misconduct.

Washington's three most irrational arguments in 2013"If we can save only one life..." The demagoguery started early in 2013, as Democrats tried to push gun-control laws in the wake of the December 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Conn.  The White House argued for gun restrictions using a litany of facile talking points, most absurdly this gem by President Obama:  "If there's even one life that can be saved, then we've got an obligation to try."

Global warming advocates should take out their earplugs.  Having a rational conversation about public policy issues is becoming increasingly difficult because so many advocates will brook no disagreement, even if their positions are contradicted by facts or logic.  Instead of engaging the argument, they demonize those who disagree with them as corrupt, ignorant, racist or worst [sic].  They use these ad hominem attacks, in turn, to justify their refusal to compromise.  The result is that urgent problems grow steadily worse.  Environmental issues often provide vivid examples of this process, especially if the issue is global warming.

Michelle Keeps it Real with Reverend Al.  After heading up a 'poor me' sob-story session with mothers in the Oval Office, packing for the nine-hour flight to Oahu, and wrapping up a 16-day Obamacare public relations blitz, 'Mom-to-Mom' Michelle found time to take to the airwaves and dial in to the "Keeping it Real with Reverend Al Sharpton" radio show.

Obama: 'You Can't Say You Take Pride in American Democracy' and Be in Favor of Voter ID Laws.  Yes, several states are mounting efforts to hinder the ability of certain people to vote; these "certain" people are ineligible voters.  Call it "extreme," but openly facilitating voter fraud to alter elections is hardly an affirmation of democracy, but a detriment to our election process.  On a side note, perhaps we could take President Obama more seriously when he speaks about voter fraud or voter intimidation if his Justice Department had not dropped the case against Black Panthers who intimidated voters in Philadelphia in 2008.

Obama portrayed as victim.  Some may think reporters and editors are simply clumsy or indifferent writers, and sometimes they are.  But much of the time they choose their words (and photos) with exquisite and subtle care.  They also realize that most people only look at the headlines and photos of most articles, and that those are therefore the most important elements, and that even people who do read the article often read only the first few paragraphs.

'A Cult Worthy of Jonestown'? Hey, Democrats Embraced Jim Jones!  John Podesta, soon to become a White House adviser, recently called the Republican party "a cult worthy of Jonestown."  Today he apologized.  It's an interesting metaphor, increasingly common — how often have you heard references to "drinking the Kool-Aid"? — but it's worth recalling that Jim Jones was, before his horrific, sadistic end, an increasingly influential figure in California politics, particularly Democratic-party politics.

Teamsters allege right-to-work laws are 'slavery'.  Michigan labor unions are understandably upset over the Wolverine State's adoption of a right-to-work law and are fighting it in every way they can.  Detroit-based Teamsters Local 214 has gone so far as to argue that it violates anti-slavery laws.

Environmentalism's Endless Lies.  [Scroll down]  There is no such thing as "environmental justice."  It is an invention of environmental groups that are intent on convincing people that whatever they do or fail to do somehow has an impact on the weather.  Indeed, the entire global warming hoax, now called climate change, was based on the lie that humans were responsible for producing huge amounts of carbon dioxide via industry, driving, or making some toast for breakfast.  The environmental enemy was and is the use of energy, but it is energy that has so vastly improved and protected everyone's life.

Pelosi: GOP Failure to Extend Unemployment Benefits Practically 'Immoral'.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says the Republican refusal to include unemployment benefits in the Ryan-Murray budget deal is immoral.  "It's interesting to note that they rejected unemployment insurance — this is so unconscionable, it's practically at the level of immoral to do.  The people who work hard, play by the rules, lose their job through no fault of their own, are not able to get — continue to get an unemployment insurance check."

Capitalizing on other people's tragedy and spending other people's money:
Meeting with Newtown families, Joe Biden to announce mental health push.  Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday [12/10/2013] will announce $100 million in government spending on mental health services, trumpeting the investment during a meeting with family members of victims from the massacre in Newtown, Conn.

The 'Unprecedented Opposition' Canard.  The rarely-unspoken subtext is that the GOP's groundbreaking vitriol and obstruction has been reserved for Obama because he's black.  By abiding and advancing this claim, Obama's supporters allege that conservatives have sought to delegitimize the president from his very first day in office.  Ironically, the reverse is closer to the truth; dating back to the 2008 campaign, many liberals have maliciously conflated conservative objections to Obama's policies with thinly-veiled racism.  Hurling the racism charge is a particularly insidious method of disqualifying Obama's critics, which is the whole point.  Concerns over wrongful IRS targeting?  Racism.  Strenuous disapproval of Obamacare?  Racism.

The politicization of Christmas:
Santa Warns In Greenpeace Video Christmas Will Be Canceled Due To Global Warming.  Greenpeace is warning children the world over Santa Claus might not be bringing gifts to them because of global warming.  A "Save the Arctic" video released by the environmental group shows a sullen and dirty Santa — played by Jim Carter of "Downton Abbey" — in a dark, concrete room with water dripping from the ceiling.

The Birth-Control Battle.  Maybe someone can explain to me how, exactly, conservatives are the aggressors in the culture war?  In the conventional narrative of American politics, conservatives are obsessed with social issues.  They want to impose their values on everyone else.  They want the government involved in your bedroom.  Those mean right-wingers want to make "health-care choices" for women.

Bring on the Draconian Cuts.  Hark, unless mine eyes are cheated, it appears that the House has passed a bill — on energy and water development — that would spend less money than we spent last year.  Indeed, that is the case:  The $30.4 billion bill is $2.9 billion less than was appropriated for 2013.  If my always-suspect English-major math is correct, that $2.9 billion represents a full 0.08 percent of 2012 federal outlays.  The White House has threated to veto these "draconian cuts."  Seriously — OMB put out a statement calling these "draconian cuts."  Does anybody over there know what "draconian" means?

Comprehensive Immigration Reform: The Part Justifies the Whole.  One of the problems with any kind of omnibus bill is that supporters will argue the whole bill must be passed based on the claimed merits of specific pieces.  This was the whole purpose of the DREAM Act:  Advocates pointed to the most sympathetic group of illegal aliens — those who came here as children and did well in school — as an unrebuttable argument for amnestying all 12 million illegals.

Morality, Anti-Morality, and Socialism.  During the ObamaCare enslavement, Speaker Pelosi made a statement of utmost dopiness, which captures the essence of humanist anti-morality.  She said to the effect that if young people had government healthcare they would be freed to be artists and musicians.  It expresses the delusion that self-actualization means being an artist, and implicitly denigrates most work and the virtue of diligence.  If everyone is to be a government-supported artist, who is left to make things, to raise children, to pay the bills?

EPA Chief: 'No More Urgent Threat to Public Health Than Climate Change'.  Ahead of her upcoming trip to China, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy told a liberal advocacy group in Washington on Monday that she has dedicated her life to protecting the environment:  "And I really see no greater issue and no more urgent threat to public health than climate change."

The Laughable Liberal 'Moral Imperative'.  When explaining why "richer people" have to pay higher taxes to finance health insurance for lower-income Americans, [Robert] Reich concludes, "It's only just that those with higher incomes bear some responsibility for maintaining the health of Americans who are less fortunate."  Did you catch that?  A liberal exclaiming that "it's only just" when explaining his plans for wealth redistribution.

Extreme weather events are increasing: yet another green propaganda myth.  At this point, I've heard quite enough.  "It's only called 'SuperStorm' Sandy by places like the BBC and the Guardian and the New York Times for emotive propaganda purposes.  And you do realise that it wasn't the strongest category of hurricane.  Just a cat 3... "  (And only a Cat 1, I should have added, by the time it reached shore).  This, I'm afraid, is where we're at in the great climate debate — and have been for some time.

Why is President Obama trying to politicize the holidays?  The administration knows many people will be unfamiliar with the etiquette of discussing national health care at Thanksgiving.  So Organizing for Action, the president's political committee, has created a strategy sheet and suggested talking points.  "Take advantage of downtime after meals or between holiday activities to start your talk," OFA advises.  It's especially important, the tip sheet says, to use special circumstances that might arise during a family celebration to press the case for health care.  For example, one OFA tweet showed pictures of a young man wielding a big knife to carve a turkey.  That was followed by a picture of the man with a bandage on his hand.  "Food-related injuries happen a lot this time of year," the message said.  "It's a good time to talk about getting coverage."

Common Core third grade book goes full Dear Leader on Obama.  The ground is being laid for future racial strife over Barack Obama once he is out of office.  His fanatical supporters, especially in the African-American community which has remained solidly in his camp despite all his demonstrated incompetence and lies, are being set up to see him as a martyr.

Obama, the Sultan of Sob Stories.  Mr. Obama has spoken at prayer memorials, exploited the grieving families of the Sandy Hook victims, and given seats of honor at the State of the Union speech to slain Chicago teen Hadiya Pendleton's parents, Cleo and Nat.  The president has read letters from terrified albeit amazingly articulate schoolchildren convinced that without drastic gun control measures they'll be gunned down in school, and even went so far as to assume symbolic parenthood of shooting victim Trayvon Martin.  For immigration reform, we now know all about DREAM actors, those fresh-faced illegal immigrants that any American would be proud to see marry their son or daughter.  In addition, we've heard stories about innocent Latinos just trying to buy ice cream cones for their children being harassed for their "papers" by mean xenophobes in Arizona.

Obamacare and Liberal Cruelty.  [Scroll down]  Democrats are even willing to have government lie to us for our own good.  Without the lies, they wouldn't have gotten Obamacare passed, and once passed, they would have been voted out of office in 2012.  They didn't want the voters to have the option to say no, because they know better what people should want.  They are the good people who care.  Those who oppose them are the bad people, who should be vilified and driven from the public arena.

Don't Forget the Other Entitlement Monsters.  Like Obamacare, the SNAP program takes a small problem that in the past was addressed by churches, families, mutual aid societies, and fraternal organizations, inflates it into a crisis by hyperbolic rhetoric, and then claims only a massive federal entitlement and regulatory regime can solve the problem.  That has been the progressive playbook for nearly a century, and the result has been a bloated federal bureaucracy, ruinous debt, and taxes appropriated from the producers of economic growth.

Barack Obama, Low Information President.  Obama's main support is from "low information voters."  These are voters who do not pay much attention to the news or events affecting the nation, or which politician is to blame for what.  They may be smart Americans.  But they just don't care that much about politics or the fate of the nation.  As a result, they are easily manipulated by superficial and emotional appeals in the mainstream media.

Oprah, Obama, and the Racism Dodge.  Since Democrats steamrolled the Affordable Care Act into law, its defenders have acted as if any opposition to the law is irrational, extremist, absurd, and, of course, racist.  They gave themselves license to dismiss all inconvenient facts simply by impugning the motives of those who point them out.

Science, Belief and Policy.  The number of people who understand the issues and who are, to varying degrees, sceptical of what they see as an unnecessarily alarmist view based on incomplete evidence is not really known, but it is substantial; probably much smaller than the mainstream, but then science is about assessing evidence rather than taking a democratic vote.  It is difficult to be objective, of course, but I see a large number of sceptics who are really what Matt Ridley has termed 'lukewarmists'.  They know that higher levels of carbon dioxide will have some effect on temperature but see no evidence either that this is the dominant effect or that current costly political prescriptions are likely to have any worthwhile impact.  For this, they are criticised by many and vilified as 'deniers' by their more zealous opponents.

Secretary of State John Kerry calls climate change the world's biggest threat.  Secretary of State John Kerry told a climate change conference in Poland Monday [11/18/2013] that global warming is the biggest challenge to the world.

The Editor says...
Climate change isn't a threat at all, especially since the climate has always changed and people have always adapted to it.  Climate change is the easiest excuse to utilize in the expansion of big government spending, because it has emotional appeal.  Whenever you hear politicians and "experts" say "we've got to do something," that's almost always untrue.

What The Know-Nothings Know.  They know that the world has been warming due to humanity's awfulness, even as it has cooled for the last 15 years or more, and their only answers involve hiding evidence.  They know global warming and cooling have never naturally happened before, because they left that data out of their computer runs.  They know that solar activity has nothing to do with global temperatures.  They know that anyone who points these matters out is "anti-science."  They know that only science paid for by liberals is "settled," and that to question evidently cooked "science" makes one equivalent to a Holocaust "denier."

'Fractivists' caught in flood of Colorado lies.  Massive storms dumped "biblical rainfall amounts" across nearly 2,000 square miles of Colorado last month, according to the National Weather Service.  The raging floods that followed killed at least eight people, damaged or destroyed nearly 2,000 homes, and wrecked more than 200 miles of state highways and 50 state bridges.  The Denver Post ran a front page aerial photo headlined, "Front Range Flooding: Oil spilling into mix," showing a trashed stream bed with brown stains near a "damaged tank" that "leaks crude."  Opportunistic flocks of Big Green eco-vultures already embroiled in five local anti-fracking ballot measures pounced on the tragedy as a propaganda vehicle.  Their basic strategy was to pose as "mom-and-pop victims with no money to stop this spilling, but Big Bad Oil is putting zillions into the campaign."

McDermott: Obamacare Outrage Part of Plot 'All Fabricated to Destroy the Safety Net'.  Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) hailed Obamacare as "the furthest that we've gotten in developing a social safety net for Americans."  "We have unemployment insurance.  We have Social Security, we have welfare programs of people who don't have money, and now, we're going to get a healthcare system for everybody, we've had one for senior citizens and for children.  And the Republican establishment, the Tea Party people are bound and determined to drive us back. [...]"

Another ObamaCare Lie: Mother's Dispute With Insurer.  The You-Can-Keep-Your-Insurance line isn't the only ObamaCare whopper the media never checked out.  There's also the tall tale about President Obama's mother's deathbed fight with her insurer.  In several speeches, as well as debates, Barack Obama claimed a heartless insurance company denied his mother, Ann Dunham, health care coverage because of a pre-existing cancer.  Her medical bills mounted while her health failed, he said.  Though she died a bankrupt woman in 1995, her nightmare inspired him to keep fighting for health care reform.  The heart-breaking anecdote was used to beat up insurers over denying pre-existing conditions and was key to selling ObamaCare.  Except it wasn't true.

Bankrupting America: Or, Gorbachev's revenge.  The one-two punch of Alinsky's Rules 4 and 5 is what has turned the United States into a basket case.  First our enemies have challenged us to live up to our nation's compassionate ideals; then they have ridiculed anyone who has questioned whether we really have the ability to do so.  Tea Party conservatives are painted as monsters because they have the audacity to point out that a 10-person lifeboat cannot save 30 people.  This is the obligatory result of a nation thinking with its heart and feeling with its brain.  The only possible way to fight back is with facts, and the fact is that leftists and communists have been straightforward and honest about their goals and their tactics as they seek to topple our government and our way of life.

Democratic strategy: Blame insurance companies, 'They are a fantastic enemy'.  Democrats and President Obama are being urged to go on the offense to save Obamacare and blame insurance companies for making them look like liars when they promised that costs wouldn't surge and Americans could keep their policies and doctors.  "For the life of me, I do not understand why we as Democrats are not aggressively blaming that on the insurance companies," said Celinda Lake, a top Democratic pollster.  "They are a fantastic enemy in this."

A Shocking Number.  It is an irony of history that waving the bloody shirt has in the Age of Obama become the Democrats' primary mode of discourse.  Oppose the Affordable Care Act?  Racism.  Like the Second Amendment?  Racism.  Black Barbie is on sale for half off, but white Barbie is full price?  Racism.  Black holes sucking the energy out of your quadrant?  Why single out the black ones?  Racism!  Waving the bloody shirt is not only about making an emotional appeal — it's a strategy for distraction.

5 Political Fallacies Too Many Americans Embrace.  [#1]  The more democracy we have, the better.  As Benjamin Franklin once said, "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch."  This is why our Founding Fathers made this country a republic, not a democracy.  They believed that the people should have their say, but also that certain underlying rules should remain in place that should take precedence over the will of a simple majority.

Gore: The Keystone XL pipeline is "ridiculous," an "atrocity," a "threat."  Self-titled "environmentalists'" recalcitrance on acknowledging the reality that Canada's oil sands are coming out of the ground — regardless of whether or not the Keystone pipeline's northern extension is built — truly knows no bounds.  It's only too bad they don't seem to realize that terrestrial pipelines are the relatively cleaner, safer, and more environmentally friendly method of transport for oil, natural gas, and petroleum products, and that by blocking the pipeline, they're probably doing more environmental harm than good in the long run.

The truth about civil rights and the Democrat Party.  After appearing on MSNBC this week where he compared the Tea Party movement to the Ku Klux Klan, Democrat Congressman Alan Grayson (D-Florida) stirred controversy when his KKK-themed fundraising email surfaced featuring a burning cross, men in white sheets, and the words Tea Party spelled out in flaming letters.  If anyone would know what the Ku Klux Klan stands for, it would be Grayson and his Democrat Party.

Alan Grayson Flaunts His Ignorance.  The Ku Klux Klan was the vicious thug wing of the Democratic Party.  You know, that political party which endorsed the KKK, refused to recognize the 14th Amendment?  The political party that encouraged the KKK to attack and kill Republicans and blacks.  That encouraged the KKK to burn down Republican offices, attack Republican homes, lynch blacks and in all ways try and destroy the Reconstruction of the South. [...] No less an authority than historian David Barton says in his book 'Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White' that not only did the Democrats work hand-in-glove with the Ku Klux Klan for generations, they started the KKK and endorsed its mayhem.

Grayson Defends Burning-Cross Image.  Representative Alan Grayson (D., Fla.) is standing by his campaign's use of a burning cross in a fundraising e-mail to illustrate a comparision between the Tea Party and the Klu Klux Klan.  "If the shoe fits, wear it," he said in a written statement.

U.S. Representative Puts Burning Cross in Fundraising Email.  Alan Grayson, the Democratic representative from Florida's 9th congressional district, sent out a fundraising email that showed a burning cross used to represent the "T" in Tea Party.

Liberal rep. compares Tea Party to KKK in fundraising pitch.  Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), a liberal firebrand known for his controversial comments, compared the Tea Party to the Ku Klux Klan in an email to supporters that features a photo of a burning cross.

Allen West: Obama doesn't share the racial experiences of me and other African-Americans.  On Tuesday's broadcast of Fox News Channel's "The Kelly File," former Florida congressman and Fox News contributor Allen West reacted to a fundraising email from Florida Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson's campaign that likened the tea party to the Ku Klux Klan.  The email featured images of two Klansmen in the background with a burning cross used as the "t" in "tea party."  West recounted his experiences as a young black man in the South and pointed to the absence of various civil rights leaders in response to the imagery Grayson used to identify so-called tea partiers.

Accountability, Obama-style.  [Scroll down]  Speaking of accountability, in the "Stay Classy, Democrats" file, we have this news item about Florida Rep. Alan Grayson comparing the Tea Party to the Klan.  Well maybe he would know:  after all, virtually the entire membership of the Klan were Democrats.  Worth keeping in mind.  Along with the forgotten fact that Bull Connor wasn't just a Democrat, but a member of the Democratic National Committee.

The Rape 'Epidemic' Doesn't Actually Exist.  A group of 100 protesters — including many topless women — recently marched the streets of Athens, Ohio chanting, "Blame the system, not the victim" and "Two, four, six, eight, stop the violence, stop the rape." [...] Not only is their movement built on a foundation of dubious statistics and a distorted view of masculinity, but it has already led to policies that have proved devastating to those who have been falsely accused.

How Crazy Are The Democrats?  The Democrats have achieved a public relations coup that any ministry of propaganda would be proud of.  Worried that the United States is $17 trillion in debt?  Radical!  Unconcerned about deficits that pile up as far as the eye can see?  Responsible!  Unhappy about an anemic economy in which a generation of young people struggles to find full-time employment?  Traitor!  Content with record levels of poverty and non-employment?  Moderate!  Want to get rid of a law that is opposed by most Americans, decimates the economy and is patently unworkable?  Crazy!  Delighted at the sight of millions of Americans losing their health insurance and being demoted to part-time employment?  Public-spirited!

Walmart food stamp bonanza proof of abused system.  The Republicans are being portrayed as heartless, simply for wanting to ensure that food stamps go to the truly needy and that families who might be struggling to put food on the table are not underwriting dependency and fraud.  But the critics do not want to debate; they want to slime.  So we have silly stories like the one in the Los Angeles Times the other day that was headlined:  "What would Jesus say about Republican attacks on food stamps?"

Dem Rep. Steve Cohen: Tea Party Republicans Are 'Domestic Enemies' We Took Oath To Defend Against.  Watch out, Alan Grayson: you've got competition when it comes to uttering the ugliest slur on Tea Party Republicans ...  Sure, you've compared them to the Klan.  But fellow Dem Steve Cohen has upped the ante.

The Editor says...
There can be no reconciliation with a politician who believes that those who adhere to the Constitution are his enemies.  I see secession as the only way out of the mess this country is in.  Let the other 49 states go bankrupt.

Media: Tea Party Is Racist, Evil, Should Die! And They're the Extremists.  Virtually the entire leftist media infrastructure began drooling when one moron showed up with a Confederate flag.  Suddenly, headlines began proclaiming that "protesters" had marched with a Confederate flag — one lone dummy became an entire movement.  "DC protesters wave the Confederate flag," stated.  MSNBC's Irin Carmon said that the presence of the Confederate flag was a not-so-subtle violent threat against Obama:  "To me, this is a threat.  This is a house where a black family lives."

The Editor says...
The way I see it, this may have been a misinterpretation of the Confederate flag.  It was more likely intended as a symbol of secession rather than racism.  It is either an unfortunate misunderstanding, or a televised emotional outburst intended to mislead the public.

The Kennedy Assassination Right-Wing Blame Game.  The fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy is nearly upon us, so one would expect America's public intellectuals to be gearing up to present a series of sober and illuminating reflections about the tragedy's cultural and political legacy.  Of course, that's not going to happen.  Any misty-eyed resonance that can be wrung out of JFK's death is already being exploited by our elite media gatekeepers to advance a political agenda.

Is Obama locked in a victim mentality?  President Obama's rhetoric is finally coming closer to what appears to be his psychological truth:  Because America victimized him and countless millions of others, any person or party or movement that opposes his views and does not yield to him is not just his adversary, but abusive, predatory and even threatening.  Again and again, President Obama has described members of Congress who insist on fiscal responsibility as having taken "hostages," "demanding a ransom," using "extortion," and threatening to "blow up" the government.

Obama, Master Deceiver.  [Scroll down]  Obama is also a master at racial warfare.  Because of what I will call "white guilt" he has been allowed to get away with more than anyone that's ever been elected to a public office.  If you criticize one of his programs, you are racist.  It's just that simple.

Obama campaign manager: House Republicans 'committing economic treason'.  President Barack Obama's former senior White House adviser and campaign manager David Plouffe accused House Republicans of "committing economic treason" during the partial government shutdown on Thursday [10/10/2013].

Obama, the Sultan of Sob Stories.  Barack Obama abusing stories of hardship has reduced the leader of the free world into a kind of carnival barker whose masterful art of psychological manipulation involves showcasing the maladies of suffering people as if they were sideshow freaks.  Now, as the government shutdown drags on, the White House is falling back on that old standby:  marshaling groups of people adversely affected by it.

Lessons in Liberal Projection: Conservatism Is 'Mean'?  Foolishly, liberalism attempts to make life fair, insuring equal outcomes via government controls.  However, life is not fair.  Humans make choices which produce various results.  One can never truly experience the thrill of victory without the agony of defeat.  Rightly, California parents are outraged over a ruling by liberals to punish/fine youth football teams that score too many points.  The message:  a team can be good, but not too good.

Why Is President Obama Lecturing Me?  President Obama accused Republicans on Tuesday [10/1/2013] of launching an "ideological crusade" to hold the "economy hostage" over "ideological" and "reckless" demands to dismantle his health care law.  "In other words," he said, "they demanded ransom just for doing their jobs."

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Alive.  The marginalization of the Tea Party is the point of nearly everything I read on the left these days; they are the giant ogres out to devour democracy.  I have very dear and old friends who are convinced Tea Party "terrorists" are undermining our political system, that Obamacare is "settled law" (the Left's fondness for "settled" concepts is striking for the Party of Reality and Science, and binds them philosophically with Islam, for which everything was settled in the seventh century), and that zealots have seized control of the House.

Sen. King: Conservatives dissuading people from Obamacare 'guilty of murder'.  Conservative groups advising Americans not to sign up for the Obamacare exchanges "are guilty of murder," according to Maine independent Sen. Angus King.  King, who caucuses with the Democrats, told Salon in an interview published Monday [9/30/2013] that efforts to dissuade young people from signing up is a "scandal," and a deadly one.  "That's a scandal — those people are guilty of murder in my opinion," King said in a Friday interview with Salon's Brian Beutler.  "Some of those people they persuade are going to end up dying because they don't have health insurance."

President: 'ObamaCare is life-or-death'.  "This is life-or-death stuff," Obama said in a Rose Garden appearance, adding that tens of thousands of Americans die each year for lack of health insurance, and others go bankrupt.

The Editor says...
People die every day, with or without medical insurance.  That has been the case for thousands of years.  Apparently Mr. Obama hopes you're stupid enough to believe that Obamacare will bring immortality.

Why 'Equality' Must Die.  Scour great works, such as the Bible, and you won't find talk of equality.  Not one bit — that is, unless you consider The Communist Manifesto a great work. [...] Just as there can be no numerical equality without at least two numbers, there can be no human equality on an island with a population of one.  And while you could increase patience through personal change, increasing equality necessitates societal change; it involves raising people up as much as they're able — which requires their cooperation — and insofar as they're unable, it involves bringing others down.  This is where compulsion enters the equation.  The point is that, unlike with virtues, increasing equality is always an endeavor of the collective.

'No children, happy to go extinct', tweets weatherman after grim climate-change report.  A meteorologist who has covered weather for the Wall Street Journal tweeted that he has decided not to have children in order to leave a lighter carbon footprint, and is considering having a vasectomy.  He also vowed to stop flying after the world's recent climate-change report made him cry.

Extremely Extreme Extremists.  Democrats and their media allies have spent the past week labeling Republicans "anarchists," "fanatics," "radicals," and "terrorists" who are wholly to blame for the situation that we are told will soon lead to a government shutdown.  And if all you know about this situation is what you get from the media, you might actually believe that this is a crisis created by Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and his fellow conservatives who sought to use the vote on a short-term spending bill as a means of preventing implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise known as Obamacare.

How to Make Obamacare Obsolete.  Republicans are falling into the trap the Democrats have set for them.  By repeatedly voting to overturn Obamacare without proposing any effective alternative, House Republicans are allowing Democrats to brand them as "enemies of the poor."

Who Are the Real Suicide Bombers?  This is really too easy:  President Obama is willing to negotiate with Iran, but not with the House of Representatives.  Commentators have been all over it, and I don't really have much to add.  Except to note that not only has Obama refused to negotiate with the House, he has also had his spokesman describe Republicans as suicide bombers.  The irony is rich: those who are concerned about $17 trillion in debt "have bombs strapped to their chests," while the world's biggest sponsor of actual suicide bombers — you know, the ones who blow people up, as opposed to disagreeing with Democrats — are newly-discovered moderates.

White House compares GOP to terrorists as government shutdown nears.  Senior White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer on Thursday compared Republican lawmakers to suicide bombers as the showdown over a possible government shutdown intensified.  "We are for cutting spending, we are for reforming our tax code, we are for reforming entitlements," Mr. Pfeiffer told CNN's Jake Tapper.  "But what we are not for is negotiating with people who have a bomb strapped to their chest."

Democratic Party Loves Ill-Informed Voters.  The ill-informed are more susceptible to emotional arguments.  They are more likely to see life as a zero-sum game.  They are more likely to believe that the prosperous become so only at someone else's expense.

Submit to Obamacare or you'll get Cervical Cancer and Die!  Suddenly, when it comes to Obamacare, "My body, my choice" goes right out the window — and anyone who disagrees is pro-cancer!

Taking the Fight to the Democrats.  Virginia so far has been a carbon copy of what Democrats did so successfully in last year's Senate and House races.  The approach runs thus:  A Democratic candidate, assisted by unions and outside partisan groups, floods the zone with attack ads, painting the GOP opponent as a tea-party nut who is too "extreme" for the state.  The left focuses on divisive wedge issues — like abortion — that resonate with women or other important voting constituencies.  As the Republican's unfavorable ratings rise, the Democrat presents himself as a reasonable moderate, in tune with the state's values.  A friendly media overlook the Democrat's reliably liberal record, and the lies within the smears against his opponent, and ultimately declares the Democrat unbeatable.

Congressman Calls House Judiciary Cmte. 'Murderers' Row': 'They All Like Their Guns'.  Apparently, being pro-Second Amendment in Congress is equivalent to supporting mass shootings in America.  At least, that's the interpretation of Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) during an appearance on MSNBC today.  Congressman Cohen, who is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, commented that the congressional reaction to the Navy Yard shooting on Monday September 16 wasn't that surprising given the inaction on gun-control legislation after the shootings in Newtown.

Wal-Mart compared to Hitler at DC living wage rally.  Comedian and civil rights activist Dick Gregory compared Wal-Mart to the leader of Nazi Germany at a "living wage" rally in front of the D.C. City Council on Tuesday [9/17/2013].  "When you look at Hitler and those thugs, you can put Wal-Mart right next to them," Gregory said in his speech to the 150 or so people at the event.  The crowd was gathered to protest D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray's veto of a bill that would have singled out the retail giant and forced it pay its employees $12.50 an hour.

Watch these clueless students fail to defend Obama's Nobel Peace Prize.  Students at the University of Southern California believe President Obama still deserves his Nobel Peace Prize, despite his stated preference for war with Syria.  How did they defend this view?  They couldn't.  In a video interview with Katherine Timpf of Campus Reform, USC students expressed confidence that Obama was still worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize he won just a few months after taking office in 2009.

The Democrats' Silly, Dishonest Excuse of 'Voter Suppression' in Colorado.  The term "voter suppression" implies someone making an effort to prevent people from voting, which is not what happened here, where the elections were amply covered in local, state, and national media and all of the usual polling places were open for all of the usual hours, with no intimidation or other obstacles.  The core of the Democrats' argument is that because voting by mail was limited, some sort of nefarious authorities have prevented Coloradans from casting votes.

Sebelius Describes Federal Government As 'Our Federal Family'.  September is National Preparedness Month, and in a news release urging everyone to be mindful of potential terror attacks, natural disasters, and pandemics, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said the federal government is ready to help:  "While our federal family is becoming better prepared to support the nation, we know that being truly resilient requires the whole community coming together," she said.

The Editor says...
Awwww... how nice.  A family!  With a Big Brother and everything.

'Federal Family' Is No Promoter Of Domestic Tranquility.  A news release issued Tuesday by Health and Human Services refers to "our federal family."  How charming of Washington to try to con Americans into thinking that it's a nurturing institution.  The federal government has in fact become a belligerent force, and for HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to make it sound as if it's a warm, cuddly family that merely wants to protect its own is an insidious use of language.  It's an obvious effort to cloud reality, to reshape Americans' thinking.

Our 'Federal Family'?  Some might simply assume that the phrase "federal family" was a poetic effort to create a warm, welcoming feeling while asking people to concentrate and plan on how to react to terrorists, earthquakes and hurricanes, as well as massive pandemics such as bird flu or a re-run of the plague.  Those subjects always generate warm and fuzzy emotions, don't they?  Unfortunately, the administration's propaganda department thought it was such a great phrase that they have been using it all over the place.

Twelve Unspoken Rules for Being A Liberal.  [#11]  Feelings are more important than logic:  Liberals base their positions on emotions, not facts and logic and then they work backwards to shore up their position.  This is why it's a waste of time to try to convince a liberal of anything based on logic.  You don't "logic" someone out of a position that he didn't use "logic" to come up with in the first place.

Krystal Ball Says GOP Has Replaced Jim Crow as Enemy of Black Americans.  MSNBC's Krystal Ball slammed the Republican Party in a tongue-in-cheek monologue at the end of Tuesday's The Cycle, declaring that the GOP is the new Jim Crow.  But in the process, she also drew attention to the problem of complacency among Democratic voters, seemingly resorting to an offensive stereotype that they are generally lazy, disinterested in public policy, and need to be driven by fear.

The Editor says...
How is that stereotype offensive?  Come to think of it, how is that a stereotype at all?  Stereotypes don't just materialize out of nowhere — they have factual roots.  At least this one does.  It isn't much of an exaggeration, if any, to describe Democrats as generally lazy (the food stamp crowd certainly is), disinterested in public policy (most Democrats don't care about the Constitutionality of their favorite government programs), driven by fear (since people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson keep Democrat voters in a constant state of alarm).

Jesse Jackson: 'Tea Party Is Resurrection of the Confederacy'.  Jesse Jackson has no doubt that on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, Republican opposition to President Obama's policies is motivated by racial animus reminiscent of the Civil War-era South.  "The tea party is the resurrection of the Confederacy, it's the Fort Sumter tea party," Jackson told Politico's Glenn Thrush.

Al Gore compares global warming skeptics with racists, apartheid supporters, and homophobes.  A skeptic is more likely to receive cheers than boos by challenging orthodoxy.  And Gore fails to mention in the interview that US emissions of CO2 have dropped to levels not seen since 1996 — without any of his carbon get rich quick schemes or silly government pronouncements about CO2 being poisonous.

Tolerance, Health and Fascism.  There is actually no threat to America of fascism coming from the right.  The essence of the American right, after all, is less government; and fascism, by definition, demands ever larger government.  Therefore, if there is a real fascist threat to America, it comes from the left, whose appetite for state power is essentially unlimited.  But because the left has so long dominated American intellectual, academic, artistic, and media life, it has succeeded in implanting fear of the right.

Maybe I Do Have Something to Hide.  Were the representatives of the American colonies at the First Continental Congress wrong to meet in secret to discuss a response to the Intolerable Acts?  Should they have allowed representatives of the British government to attend the meetings, take notes, and collect the names and correspondence of all those in attendance?  After all, "One who hasn't done anything wrong has nothing to hide."

Rep. Clyburn likens American media to Nazi propagandists.  Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.), the third-ranking House Democrat, on Wednesday accused the U.S. media of spreading "manufactured controversies" that pose dangers similar to the propaganda spread by the Nazis during the Holocaust. [...] "You have people's words and phrases being misrepresented and looped through the news media and thrown out there on the Internet, and people run with it because these things start getting reported in the mainstream media, and before you know it, people believe that stuff," Clyburn said.

Clyburn Compares 'Extreme Right-Wing' Blogs to Nazi Propaganda.  Democratic representative Jim Clyburn likened conservative media and websites to the propaganda outlets of Nazi Germany in a radio interview today [8/21/2013].  The South Carolina Democrat at first seemed to be going after the American media as a whole, but went on to target "extreme right-wing" bloggers for supposedly ginning up "manufactured controversies."  He warned of serious consequences of people's trusting such sources, saying "the people of Germany believed Hitler's foolishness that led to the Holocaust.  They believed that stuff."

The Editor says...
Please note that Nazi is a contraction of National Socialism.  Thus the Nazis were (and are) on the extreme left, not the far right.

The Left's Faux Martyr.  The Left has a new martyr.  Rosanell Eaton is a 92-year-old black woman with a compelling story about the harm done to vulnerable people, especially members of minority groups, by North Carolina's new voter-ID law.  But none of it holds up.  Rosanell Eaton isn't a martyr at all, in fact.

Free Cheese in a Socialist Mousetrap.  Public, self-described as "advocates for a healthier and more equitable world," sent a fundraising letter to Democrat voters, claiming that "millionaires who run the largest corporations on Earth want to slash the social insurance programs the rest of us rely on."  By slashing, they are referring to the logical proposal to increase eligibility age for Medicare, to correlate Medicare to income, and to modernize/privatize it.

Townhall Tactic 2013: Why do you want to deport my daddy?  [Scroll down]  The light bulb went on.  It couldn't be coincidence that in two townhalls, almost a thousand miles apart, similar questions were asked within days of each other meant to make the Republican look heartless to some young child for the possible break up of a family due to deportation of an illegal immigrant parent.  Some quick research revealed similar questions were asked at a town hall held by Paul Ryan [...] The Democrats want those 11 million new voters.  And if it means sending young children to townhalls to ask "Why do you want to deport my daddy?," then that's what will be done.  And there will be trackers at every event waiting for a Republican to flub the answer.

The Dems Rally Their Legions of Haters for 2014.  This email arrived yesterday from MoveOn, whose communications are generally indistinguishable from those of the Democratic Party.  The subject line was "New York Times stunner."  ["]Republicans are trying to steal control of the U.S. Senate by making it harder to vote.  Pitch in to help defend the right to vote and stop Republicans from stealing the 2014 election.["]  This plea requires a certain chutzpah, as stealing elections at the polls has always been a Democratic specialty.  I think what they are actually referring to is Republican efforts to ensure honest voting so that Democrats can't steal elections.

Dem Senator: I'm Embarrassed to Go to Europe Because Some Americans Lack Health Insurance.  Democratic senator Mary Landrieu says she's embarrassed to go to places in Europe like France and Spain because some Americans do not have health insurance.  Landrieu, who is up for reelection in 2014, represents the state of Louisiana.

The Editor says...
Nobody in Europe cares if "some Americans do not have health insurance."  If you are ashamed of this country, resign from the Senate.

Hillary Builds 2016 Campaign on Racial Politics.  Hillary Clinton has worked her way back in the news by making racially-charged remarks to the American Bar Association's annual meeting in San Francisco.  There is, she claimed, an ongoing "assault on voting rights."  But the only "assault" going on is a liberal assault on the truth about efforts to protect the integrity of our election process.

MSNBC's Ed Schultz: Only 'phony Christians' oppose Obamacare.  MSNBC host Ed Schultz blasted "phony" Christian conservatives who oppose Obamacare, saying the new health care law "is the most moral thing this country has ever done."  "This is good for America and I won't let them lie," Mr. Schultz said, according to the Blaze.  "They're phony Christians.  Phony Christians when they say that they are Christian but then they want to take away from their next-door neighbor.  They don't want to be their brother's keeper.

The Confused and Misguided Youth.  Dr. Thomas Sowell, Economics professor, economist, writer, and sage, encapsulated brilliantly what ails our youth.  "The problem isn't that Johnny can't read.  The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think.  The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling."  And the culprits are the American public education, an ever growing lack of religious education, and the indifferent parenting that does not question what children learn or do not learn in school.

Hillary's race card.  Madam Secretary hasn't missed a beat.  She knows that the calling card of Democrats in the Barack Obama era is a polarizing politics that seeks to fire up minority voters by stirring fears of fire hoses and police dogs.  Its basic vocabulary is imputations of racism; its evidentiary standard is low and dishonest; and its ethic is whatever works — so long as its stirs fear, anger, and resentment.  Get ready for Hope and Change 2.0.  The latest target is the state of North Carolina, which is accused of soiling itself with a new voter ID law, among other changes in its election laws.

Demoralize the anti-oil fringe.  It has become a familiar scene at major oil company annual meetings.  Protestors, some of whom have purchased token amounts of stock to appear, confound the proceedings by asking oil companies to exit their business in the name of the environment.  According to this fringe, oil companies have a responsibility to protect the planet from the scourge of fossil fuels.  Oil companies are portrayed as pushing their product while the planet overheats.  This black-and-white view of energy policy puts the global warming issue into a moral context.  It assumes everyone who believes in catastrophic climate-change theory is good, and those who don't are bad.  It also asserts that replacing fossil fuels will make the world better and "sustainable."

Is this the future of fracking?  From the sleepy backwater of Franklin Forks, just ten miles from the New York county line in rural Pennsylvania, blonde and photogenic Tammy [Manning] and her children have been feted by television companies and environmentalists alike:  portrayed as the 'perfect' example of how one family's lives have been blighted by a greedy energy company whose hunger for profit had put their health at serious risk.

The Deeply Secret Science of the EPA.  The EPA bolsters their case with drastic claims of all the people who will die if we don't eliminate the particular kind of pollution Ms. McCarthy is pushing on any particular day.  The EPA has gotten away with improbable claims about future deaths from whatever pollutant the EPA wants to ban.  Their unfounded regulations have been one of the most effective job killers of the past five years.  Carbon is not a pollutant, but one of the building blocks of life.  We are carbon life forms.  If we were to eliminate carbon from out atmosphere, we would eliminate all life.

More about the EPA.
More about carbon dioxide.

The Democrats' Anti-Gun Manual Exposed.  A shocking new report reveals a deliberate plan by Democrats to exploit incidents of gun violence to their advantage.  As Rahm Emanuel said, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste.  And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."  In other words, forget the facts of cases, the circumstances surrounding them, or even the victims themselves; just take advantage of circumstances and current events to push your agenda.  Or, as the manual puts it:  "The most powerful time to communicate is when concern and emotions are running at their peak."

Shot to the Heart.  Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner has uncovered a fascinating document:  an 80-page "talking points" monograph titled "Preventing Gun Violence Through Effective Messaging," written by a trio of Democratic political operatives.  The document, as Bedard writes, instructs politicians and advocates "to hype high-profile gun incidents like the Florida slaying of Trayvon Martin to win support for new gun control laws."  Essentially it's a how-to book on inciting a moral panic.

Democratic anti-gun 'guide' urged using Trayvon Martin's death to hit NRA, guns.  "The most powerful time to communicate is when concern and emotions are running at their peak," said the 80-page document titled "Preventing Gun Violence Through Effective Messaging," and produced by three Democratic firms led by the polling and research outfit Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research.

Leaked Democrat memo: Use tragedies to push for gun control: Lott.  Apparently Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns playbook has been discovered.

Rebranding Climate Change as a Public Health Issue.  To most people, climate change means melting snowcaps and helpless polar bears sweltering under escalating temperatures.  But most of the world's populations aren't likely to see an iceberg in their lifetimes, much less a stranded polar bear in the wild.  Which explains why the dangers of these environmental changes haven't exactly earned high priority on most people's list of attention-worthy crises.

Bias alert:
Polar bears are not sweltering as they sit on the polar ice, of which there is plenty.  There are no "dangers" associated with miniscule (and almost unmeasurably small) changes in the climate, except the danger of mysanthropic environmentalist socialism.

Rangel: Tea Party activists are 'white crackers'.  Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) on Friday likened House Republicans to "terrorists" and Tea Party activists to "white crackers" and segregationists.  In a wide-ranging interview with The Daily Beast, Rangel blamed the GOP for damaging American competitiveness.  "What is happening is sabotage.  Terrorists couldn't do a better job than the Republicans are doing," he said.  Rangel, 83, also compared fighting the Tea Party to fighting Southern segregationists.

Civil War: Dem Compares Obamacare Fight to Gettysburg.  Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) compared those who oppose Obamacare to the South in the Civil War saying, "This is Gettysburg, this is the big battle and after this the Civil War was pretty much down hill for the South.  That's really what's happening here for the forces against Obamacare."  McDermott appeared on C-Span's Washington Journal on Wednesday [7/24/2013].  The host asked if President Obama would compromise spending in other government departments in order to continue funding the implementation of Obamacare.

Trayvon Rallies Feature the Usual Suspects.  My sense is that the "Justice for Trayvon" rallies that were held in various cities today didn't amount to much.  One basic question is, did they even have much to do with Trayvon Martin? [...] This is exactly the same stupidity we have seen over and over from the left.  Boycott oranges!  Why?  They grow in Florida!  Boycott Coca-Cola!  Why?  Because they buy oranges! [...] Looking on the bright side, I doubt that a single orange, can of Coke, pair of shoes or box of Dixie cups will be forgone because of today's agitation.

Food Nannies Won't Be Stopped By Shoddy Science.  The Food and Drug Administration has begun to look at regulating the amount of salt in "processed" foods, and they're being cheered on by progressives.  ThinkProgress' health reporter Sy Mukherjee asked "why can't the FDA do more to crack down on these additives?", and lamented that foods generally recognized as safe cannot be so easily controlled by regulatory fiat.  Media Matters noted the "positive effects" from diets with reduced salt and said that those who disagreed with FDA regulations are waging a "war on health."

Trial on Pennsylvania voter-ID law gets underway.  The 2012 law "does not guarantee every voter can obtain ID needed to vote," lawyer Michael Rubin argued to Commonwealth Court Judge Bernard McGinley before a packed courtroom.  "It will make it harder to vote, not for one or two people but hundreds of thousands."

The Editor says...
Really?  There are "hundreds of thousands" of people who never drive a car, who never buy adult beverages or cigarettes, and who never travel by air?  Do those people keep their money in a mattress and pay cash for everything?  The Unabomber was that far off the grid, but are there "hundreds of thousands" like him in Pennsylvania?  And if there are people who are so completely disconnected from our society, should they vote?

Black caucus member to GOP: 'You all do not care about the 47 percent'.  As lawmakers began debating the rules of debate on the bill, more liberal Democrats and members of the CBC lined up to read similar messages of opposition, saying that the new farm bill "hurts the children of America" or "increases hunger in America."  "Is this what you call compassionate conservatism?" Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-N.Y.) asked at one point.  CBC member Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said stripping food stamps from farm bill constituted the "ripping apart of our literal hearts."

American Geophysical Union Scraps Science, Now Faith Based.  If you realize that the story is not really about global warming, but rather about changing the composition of the atmosphere, it becomes easy to understand why the believers are not disturbed by the fact that global warming, as measured by surface temperature, stopped 16 years ago.  They easily find other scientific theories to buttress their faith.  They ignore or discredit any science that challenges their faith.  They tell us that if we don't stop adding carbon dioxide to the air, we will have extreme weather and the oceans will become acidified.  The polar bears will die.  The wine will lose its flavor.  We will catch exotic diseases.  If one theory of doom is refuted, or becomes boring, there are plenty of others to take its place.

The Criminal Profiling of Conservative White Males.  What does it say that Leftists seem to react to virtually every highly visible criminal act with the hope that the "perp" is a white guy or, even better, a conservative white guy?

The Mindset of the Left.  When teenage thugs are called "troubled youth" by people on the political left, that tells us more about the mindset of the left than about these young hoodlums.  Seldom is there a speck of evidence that the thugs are troubled, and often there is ample evidence that they are in fact enjoying themselves, as they create trouble and dangers for others.  Why then the built-in excuse, when juvenile hoodlums are called "troubled youth" and mass murderers are just assumed to be "insane"?

Wasserman Schultz global warming hysteria.  Debbie Wasserman Schultz has claimed her Florida constituency will be underwater "in a few short years" because of global warming.

Obama: 'The Planet Will Boil Over' If Africans Are Allowed Cars and Air-Conditioning.  President Barack Obama said at a town hall event in Johannesburg, South Africa, on Saturday that unless we find new way of producing energy "the planet will boil over" if people in Africa are allowed to attain air conditioning, automobiles and big houses.

'Environmental Justice,' EPA Style.  Both [the civil rights and environmental] movements are stuck in the past, comparing issues of perceived environmental injustice to extreme events long past:  for the civil rights movement, it is always the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma; for the environmental movement, the Cuyahoga River still burns.  Christopher Foreman of the Brookings Institution, author of the best dispassionate study of the issue, notes that "the flexible locution 'environmental racism' is inherently provocative and was intended to be so."

Hillary's Children are 'Too Small to Fail'.  It's not news that shameless, self-promoting know-it-all Hillary Clinton has been champing at the bit for 40 years to assume the role of Big Kahuna.  After failing miserably as Barack Obama's secretary of state, now Ms. Hill is gearing up for another presidential run in 2016, when, instead of explaining what happened in Benghazi, she plans to divert attention by feigning concern for small children.

The Dangers of Democracy.  Americans in the modern world completely fail to comprehend two important points.  The first is that America — as organized under the Constitution — is not a democracy.  The second is that democracy, in its pure form, is nothing more than mob rule.

Critical Thinking about Climate Change.  As a life-long atmospheric and environmental scientist and long-time college-science educator, I am constantly bombarded with material from a variety of sources, including many environmental groups.  Take, for instance, what can be labeled "sales" literature that I recently received from the Environmental Defense Fund.

Al Sharpton: GOP 'Built on Fear and Obstruction'.  Rev. Al Sharpton, host of MSNBC's "PoliticsNation," said Friday that Republicans are "scared," because the party is "built on fear and obstruction."

The Editor says...
What are you trying to say, Al?  Republican are scared of each other?

Democrat Senator: Republicans Caused The Oklahoma Tornado By Not Believing in Global Warming.  One of the great ironies of the global warming debate is that the people who are skeptical of the phenomenon are the ones who make the science-based arguments, while the true believers who incessantly rant about "scientific consensus" all too often sound like this.

Obama: 'We Owe' Young Illegals a Path to Citizenship.  President Barack Obama said Tuesday [6/11/2013] that America "owes" it to certain illegal aliens to pass legislation providing a "pathway to citizenship."

The Editor says...
We owe illegal immigrants nothing.  Citizenship is not a debt that any country owes to foeigners.

Environmentalists accuse Los Angeles of 'environmental racism'.  Environmentalists are claiming in court that a massive railyard expansion at the port of Los Angeles represents "environmental racism," arguing that the project is in violation California air quality rules as well as state and federal civil rights laws.  The Los Angeles City Council approved the rail company BNSF's $500 million project, the Southern California International Gateway (SCIG), which is located four miles from the ports in San Pedro, Calif.

Biden says '11 Million Undocumented' in U.S. 'Required to Constantly Live in Fear'.  Speaking in Port-of-Spain in Trinidad and Tobago on Tuesday [5/28/2013], where he signed a trade agreement with a group of Caribbean nations, Vice President Joe Biden said that 11 million illegal aliens who have chosen to live in the United States "are required to constantly live in fear."

The Editor says...
If that were true, the illegal aliens would go home, because normal people don't choose to live in places where they live in constant fear.  (And especially where they are required to live in fear.)  Long, long ago it was true that people who quietly invaded a foreign country lived in constant fear of deportation, or worse.  In today's reality, illegal aliens are only rarely deported or even questioned, once they get well inside this country.  Meager jobs — which are unglamorous but pay better than Mexico's wages — are fairly plentiful, and immigrants are comforted by Spanish radio, TV and newspapers.  There is hardly any incentive to leave, and certainly no requirement to live in constant fear.

Democratic Congresswoman: It's 'Un-American' Not to Fund Obamacare 'Outreach'.  During Tuesday's [5/21/2013] hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D., Calif.) declared that failing to encourage people to sign up for government-mandated health insurance is downright "un-American."  Speier was referring to Congress's refusal to fund the Obama administration's Obamacare "outreach" efforts with taxpayer dollars (although the administration will still be running lots of taxpayer-financed pro-Obamacare propaganda ads later this summer with money that it has managed to cobble together from various sources).

Senate Dem tells Tea Partier that he's acting like a 'dictator'.  Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., scolded Tea Party Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, for acting like a "dictator" by demanding that Senate Democrats promise not to raise the debt limit during conference meetings with House Republicans.  "We don't have kings anymore," Landrieu said in response to Lee on the Senate floor this afternoon.  "We don't have dictators anymore.  We don't have people with special powers ... not anyone in this chamber is entitled to write the budget exactly the way they want it."

Dem Senator Uses Moore, OK Tragedy to Berate Republicans on Global Warming.  They're still digging dead children from the debris and Democrats are already playing politics.

Democratic Senator uses Okla. tornado for anti-GOP rant over global warming.  While many Americans were tuned into news coverage of the massive damage from tornadoes ravaging the state of Oklahoma, Rhode Island Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse took to the Senate floor to rail against his Republican colleagues for denying the theory of anthropogenic global warming.  Whitehouse spent 15 minutes chastising GOP senators and justified his remarks by alluding to states that seek federal assistance in the wake of natural disasters.

Dem. Senator Blames Tornado on Republicans.  On Monday, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) used the devastating Oklahoma tornado as an excuse to bash Republicans for denying global warming and implied Republicans were responsible for actually allowing the destructive natural disaster to occur.

The next day...
Democratic senator apologizes for citing Okla. tornadoes in climate change speech.  Rhode Island Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse has apologized for remarks Monday in which he linked Oklahoma "cyclones" to climate change while berating Republicans for their stance on the issue — around the time a massive tornado killed dozens in that state.

Bees, pesticides, more green lies.  Have we been here before?  You bet we have, from at least Silent Spring (1962) onwards.  We've seen it involve everything from DDT to the snail darter, the spotted owl to the polar bear and fracking.  The odd detail changes but the basic story is always the same:  man is bad, capitalism is evil, let's ban another vital element in the Western industrial economy.

Obama is the Ultimate Ad Hominem President.  The president can hardly go a day without impugning the motivations of his opponents.  They never have honest differences with the president.  Instead they are suffering from an illness ("fever"), cowardice (afraid of what Rush Limbaugh might say about them), and lack of patriotism (caring about elections rather than future generations).

Death in Benghazi, Dishonor in Washington.  Liberals, whose faith is the state and whose catechism consists of vapid slogans, have grown fond in recent years of declaiming that, "Government is simply the name for the things we do together."  If you're playing along at home, please note that list now includes being improperly audited, being secretly surveilled and being left to die at a U.S. diplomatic installation.

Green Tyranny.  Environmental activists and politicians would like you to think that we must love their regulations — or hate trees and animals.

Obama White House Wants To Govern By Permanent Crisis.  Bill Clinton governed by the permanent campaign.  Barack Obama wants to govern by the permanent crisis.  What most see as disasters Obama sees as opportunities to ram through his progressive agenda.

Obama hopes for extended crisis atmosphere.  President Barack Obama says he wants to "see if we can institutionalize" in Washington the community spirit that sometimes emerges after a terror attack or an industrial explosion.  The president made the comments during a fund-raising trip to New York, shortly after leaving Washington, D.C. in an uproar over an explosion of scandals, including last week's revelations of politically motivated IRS investigations and the White House's editing of reports on the lethal terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.

Obama donors compare Keystone decision to Lincoln's outlawing of slavery.  A group of 150 major Democratic donors and clean energy investors have sent President Obama a letter urging him to deny a presidential permit to the Keystone XL pipeline, comparing the decision's significance to Abraham Lincoln's push to end slavery through a constitutional amendment.

'No such thing as ethical oil,' Al Gore tells Toronto audience.  [Scroll down]  In a public interview with The Globe and Mail's editor-in-chief, John Stackhouse, Mr. Gore also spoke of his wish that U.S. president Barack Obama would cancel the Keystone XL pipeline intended to transport heavy crude from the Alberta oil sands to U.S. refineries.

Gore: 'There's no such thing as ethical oil'.  Former Vice President Gore on Tuesday [5/7/2013] said "there's no such thing as ethical oil," slamming the notion that importing oil from U.S. ally Canada was better than doing so from unfriendly nations.  "There's no such thing as ethical oil.  There's only dirty oil and dirtier oil," Gore told Canada's The Globe and Mail during a Tuesday event in Toronto.

Al Gore Makes A Crackpot Statement About Dirty Oil.  Speaking before an audience gathered by the Toronto Globe and Mail, the former vice president rejected the idea that oil from Alberta is "ethical oil" because, in the words of Globe and Mail editor-in-chief John Stackhouse, it is produced by a democratic nation that is committed to human rights. [...] While Gore's overall point is pure crackpottery, he is partly right.  There is no such thing as ethical oil.  But neither is there a such thing as unethical oil.  It is an inanimate commodity without moral orientation.

'We Are Incinerating the Planet... Because Too Many of Us Like to Eat Cheeseburgers'.  [David] Sirota made national news for his bizarre and bigoted hope that the Boston bomber would turn out to be "a white American."  Fresh off that fiasco, Sirota has turned his sights to changing the climate by changing America's diet.  According to Sirota's May 2 column, "the fastest way to reduce climate change" simply "requires us all to eat fewer animal products."  In cast that wasn't sufficiently clear, he added that "we are incinerating the planet and dooming future generations simply because too many of us like to eat cheeseburgers."

The Editor says...
There is a big difference between a one-degree temperature change and "incineration" of the entire planet — unless you are a left-wing alarmist.

Ayotte's gun vote: 'Disgusting' political bullying.  A senator's job is to study the issues that come before the Senate, to engage thoughtfully in debate and to cast a considered vote.  On the Senate's voluminous gun control legislation, Sen. Kelly Ayotte did that job incredibly well.  And for that she has been attacked by partisans on both sides whose emotional outbursts demonstrate why we need a Senate in the first place.

Journalistic Malpractice at the Houston Chronicle.  Mere mention of the Voting Rights Act is designed to frighten legislators and introduce race into any debate about election process laws.  In the past, it has served to clear the decks of any opposition to what Democrats want.  But the Voting Rights Act in no way affects the Texas legislation at issue [...]

Mugged by Reality.  You have heard the words.  You know the narrative.  Let's not rush to judgment.  These were lone wolves.  They were self-radicalized.  The system worked.  The dots were connected.  Osama Bin Laden is dead; GM is alive.  Al Qaeda is a shadow of its former self.  It is time for nation building at home.  Add up all of those lone wolves, however, and pretty soon you have a pack.

Kerry on Global Warming: 'The Science Is Screaming at All of Us and Demands Action'.  In a statement marking Earth Day, Secretary of State John Kerry pledges to deal "responsibly with the clear and present danger of climate change."  The former presidential candidate also notes the "fragile planet we share with the rest of humanity and which we must protect for future generations."

The Editor says...
Science does not scream.  Mr. Kerry and his earth-worshiping ilk seem to believe they are more powerful and more influential than they really are, and they underestimate the durability of the earth.

Obama's Psychodramas.  Barack Obama has a habit of trying to energize his legislative agenda by stoking the fires of emotionally charged current events — and in ways usually illogical and incoherent.  The shooting of Representative Gabby Giffords and the horrible mass murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School were cited as reasons for rapid enactment of new gun-control laws — even though the proposed tougher registration rules would not have prevented either mayhem.

The Power of Being "Offended" in Order to Shut Down Political Debate.  Progressives are increasingly claiming to be offended whenever those on the right disagree with their left-wing positions.  It doesn't matter what the issue is; the left will divert a legitimate political debate into an accusation that the right disagrees with them because they are full of hate towards them.

Who Cares What the Majority Wants on Guns?  The Founding Fathers worried that "some common impulse of passion" might lead many to subvert the rights of the few.  It's a rational fear, one that is played out endlessly.  Obama, who understands how to utilize public passion better than most, flew some of the Newtown families to Washington for a rally, imploring Americans to put "politics" aside and stop engaging in "political stunts."  This is, by any measure, a preposterous assertion coming from a politician piggybacking tragic events for political gain.

The President's Gun Tirade and You.  President Obama's lecturing little temper tantrum at the White House Wednesday should cause you some alarm.  What are we to think when the most powerful man in the country spits venom all over the Rose Garden, accusing opponents he lost to in a fair fight on Capitol Hill of lying, craven capitulation to political imperatives, and worst of all, not caring about dead children.

Hiding behind Grieving Mothers.  In any normal situation, the President's decision to push Francine Wheeler — a sobbing, grieving mother of a six-year-old boy killed at Sandy Hook — in front of the cameras to argue for the latest Senate gun control bill would be breathtaking for its exploitation and its cynicism.  Yet now it is a regular part and parcel of a typical left-wing tactic — to suppress rational discussion with a tidal wave of emotion.

Obama Exploits Grieving Sandy Hook Mother in Weekly Address.  It is [Francine] Wheeler's choice to appear on camera. But it is President Obama's choice to exploit her tragedy, perversely hiding behind her grief rather than making actual arguments as to why gun control would lower the rate of incidents like those in Sandy Hook.  Nothing Obama is pushing will make any child in America safer; calling on shooting victims' family members to avoid making a rational case for legislation is the hallmark of a political bully.

The Myth of the Falling Bridge.  The nation would benefit from reordering its infrastructure priorities — away from new highways, for example, where we are already overbuilt and usage is falling for the first extended period on record.  And we'd do well to take advantage of low interest rates and idle construction resources to knock out all of our future infrastructure needs.  But the idea that the U.S. has an infrastructure crisis?  No.  A broad, permanent increase in spending is unwarranted.

Air Force One Becomes Politicized Gun Control Tool.  In a speech Monday [4/8/2013] at the University of Hartford, accompanied by some of the parents of the victims of the Newtown massacre in December, in which 20 elementary school children and six adult staff were slaughtered, Obama claimed that his push for gun control was apolitical.  Why, then, was he yelling?  The president was thundering over and over that "this is not about politics."

Obama flying in Newtown human props for anti-gun speech.  Barack Obama knows full well that when it comes to using facts to argue for gun-grabbing laws, he doesn't have a leg to stand on.  Cue the human props!  After delivering an anti-gun speech in Hartford, Conn., later today [4/8/2013], Obama will fly 11 families of slain Sandy Hook children to D.C.

Guns Responsible for Global Warming.  [Scroll down]  But to liberals there's no problem here.  These are the same people who can claim that the global warming "problem" can be solved by closing coal-fired electric plants in the U.S. without even mentioning what's going on in China and India.  You have to conclude that whether it's gun control or global warming or whatever the left is most fervently pitching, facts don't matter:  emotions do.  And guns are a deep, emotional cultural issue for Americans.

For the Sake of the Children.  Again and again in the climate debate, we're urged to support a variety of measures for the sake of future generations — for our children and our grandchildren.  But that's one of the oldest tricks in the book.  Think of the children! can be used by anyone to advance any argument under the sun.

King of Fearmongers.  Cofounded in 1971 by Morris S. Dees Jr. and Joseph Levin Jr. (who is now general counsel), the SPLC [Southern Poverty Law Center] started out fighting legal battles against lingering segregation in the South.  More recently — and more lucratively, its critics say — it has transformed itself into an all-purpose antihate crusader, labeling 1,007 different organizations across America at last count as "anti-gay," "white nationalist," "anti-Muslim," "anti-immigrant," or just plain hateful (one SPLC category is "general hate").

Minority Student Needs.  Quack multiculturalism is the name [Professor Craig] Frisby gives to the vision of multiculturalism that promotes the falsehoods and distortions that dominate today's college agenda, sold under various names such as "valuing diversity," "being sensitive to cultural differences" and "cultural competence."  He identifies different brands of multiculturalism such as boutique, Kumbayah, light-and-fluffy, and bean-counting multiculturalism.  Insider language used to promote multiculturalism includes terms such as "practice tolerance," "celebrate diversity," "equity with excellence" and "differences are not deficits."

Global Warming? Oops! Never Mind!  Almost every place on Earth today has a different temperature from that of any other location.  So, is our planet's temperature rising?  Do we even know?  However, it is officially admitted:  Global warming stopped 15-20 years ago.  The mainstream media is struggling very hard to explain this away.  They admit that the Earth stopped warming 15 to 20 years ago.  But just you wait — disaster is coming unless we vote liberals into office.  They cannot explain the pause.  Yet they "know" global warming will kill us all unless we vote Democrat.

Notes from Obama's Easter Service.  Here are notes on the Easter service from the pool reporter, which included this part, "It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back ... for blacks to be back in the back of the bus ... for women to be back in the kitchen ... for immigrants to be back on their side of the border".

Reverend León vs. Dr. Carson.  I've been out of pocket, so I missed most of the hullabaloo about Reverend Luis León's indefensible Easter sermon at St. John's Episcopal Church in front of the Obama family.  Among his comments he said the "religious Right" wants "blacks to be back in the back of the bus, for women to be back in the kitchen, for gays to be in the closet, and for immigrants to be on their side of the border."

This guy sounds a lot like Jeremiah Wright.

An Instance of the Permanent Campaign.  [Scroll down]  I received dozens (maybe hundreds) of similar emails from the Democrats and the Obama campaign during 2012, but I misinterpreted them.  I thought that no campaign would humiliate itself by using such a hysterical tone and over the top hyperbole unless it was desperate.  I concluded that the Obama campaign's polls must be showing their candidate behind.  I was entirely wrong:  rather, the Democrats have figured out that this tone, simultaneously informal and vicious, with absurd claims and cartoonish caricatures, is what appeals to Democrat-leaning low-information voters.

The Darkness of Earth Hour.  Spreading awareness is the sole purpose of most environmental activism.  Awareness spreading doesn't make anything better, but makes people feel guilty, outraged, hopeful or some combination of the appropriate political sentiments in the face of an imminent armageddon that can only be fought by convincing everyone to be deeply concerned by it and disdainful of everyone who stands outside their Chicken Little consensus.

"Do it for the children returns."
Gun Control Activist Calls for Child's Rights Amendment to 'Counterbalance' Second Amendment.  During a speech at the Moms Demand Action rally for gun control in St. Louis, a call went out for a "Children's Right Amendment" to "counterbalance" the Second Amendment.  YouTube video posted by Jim Hoft shows Dr. Robert Flood at the March 30 rally, asking for support of a constitutional amendment, "The Children's Rights Amendment, or the CRA, would allow a more solid legal foundation to so-called counterbalance the legal interpretation of the Second and 14th Amendments as interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court," Flood said.

Sixth-grader status might not seem so bad to Dianne Feinstein now.  Too often, Feinstein (a non-lawyer) has marginalized herself as a Judiciary Committee member by opting to play Oprah, rather than engaging in meaningful legal analysis.  During the Roberts confirmation hearings, for example, Feinstein famously tried to have the nominee speak to her as a father and a husband, rather than a jurist.  No wonder she worries that she's not taken seriously.  [Ted] Cruz offered Feinstein the opportunity to join the adults.  Feinstein not only turned it down, she complained that the offer was demeaning.

Know Thy Enemy III: Celebrity Culture.  The education system has contributed on two fronts.  First, it really is cranking out stupider people.  After years of dumbed down curricula we have produced a generation or two of citizens who learned very few critical thinking skills but did learn how to absorb spoon-fed platitudes, bromides, politically correct factoids, half-truths and lies.  As such, they are great vessels for "received information."  In other words, they are the perfect low information citizen.  LoFos are citizens who tend not to recognize logic fallacies — which they wouldn't be able to rebut even if they did — but respond well to emotional appeals, sound-bites and bumper stickers.

Losing it: Dianne Feinstein compares common firearms to child pornography.  After getting ripped to shreds by Texas Senator Ted Cruz for her gun laws attempting to gun the Second Amednment, the questionable sanity of Dianne Feinstein took another blow as she compared semi-automatic firearms to child pornography.

Celebrities-in-Chief.  The Obamas are giving celebrity-worshiping America exactly what it wants:  a glittering facade of "coolness."  What's underneath it doesn't matter in the least. [...] There's a term for persons who are overly interested in appearing on television and other media but it's too impolite to use here.  But Mrs. Obama seems to be one of those persons.  And the sad truth is that America loves it.

We can't cut 2 percent of government spending, but the Muslim Brotherhood gets $250 million.  But... but... I thought we were totally tapped out.  Cutting one single dollar from Obama's non-budgeted federal spending would mean pay cuts for hard-working janitors, who would go insane sitting in 90-minute takeoff queues at airports while attempting to fly home in shame, only to be killed by bacteria from un-inspected meat, but on the bright side their bodies would be incinerated in house fires that we can no longer afford firemen to extinguish, so at least the infection wouldn't spread.

Obama just wants to watch the world burn.  [Scroll down]  The president has spent the last few weeks needling up the horrors that will come from cutting a scant 2 cents from ever federal dollar spent.  America will be less safe, parks will shut down, food will go uninspected, illegal aliens will run free, the elderly will die unattended — the list went on and on.

Gun Free Zones: The Ugly Truth.  The ugly truth is that gun free zones are not about irrational dreams of safety.  They are about power and control.  The irrational spouting about safety is just a way to get emotional support from those who don't really think about the issue.  Gun free zones are just another incremental way to move toward total control.

The Fatal Attraction of Progressive Rhetoric Upon Young Minds.  College students seem to love any argument made "passionately" — and, likewise, to scorn any argument constructed of objective reasons.  Of course, this doesn't bode at all well for our ailing republic.

President Obama's Colossal Media Blunder.  Eschewing talks with Congress or any pretense of leadership, he is instead flying around the country burning $180,000 an hour on Air Force One laying out a parade of horribles that will descend upon us if the growth of federal spending were reduced by one iota.  Why is he doing this?  Because the mainstream media are lapping it up.  Poisoned meat coming to grocery shelves near you!  Air traffic grinds to a screeching halt!  Fires, murder, and mayhem in the streets as first responders are laid off!

Is Obama Losing His Media Allies Over The Sequester?  Obama's education secretary went on Sunday talk shows to suggest that 40,000 teachers would lose their jobs, and his transportation secretary claimed air travelers would suffer huge delays.  Obama's chief of staff called sequester fallout a "devastating list of horribles."  All that over a plan that trims just 5% from discretionary spending, leaves exploding entitlement programs untouched, and will produce an $845 billion deficit?  Even the media appear — incredibly — to be growing skeptical of the administration's horrifying predictions.

Obama wants even the smallest tax cut to be perceived as catastrophic.
Obamageddon.  The White House political calculus seems to be that if Americans see that cutting 2.3% of federal spending is possible without catastrophe, they might learn something from the experience.  They might even conclude that government doesn't need to be as large as it is, or that government should do some things well but not many others poorly.  They might even learn that governing is about choosing, as opposed to merely allowing the government to grow willy-nilly year after year to gather more clients who depend on government.

Apocalypse not.  In any budget crisis, the first thing politicians do is to inflict as much pain on the public as possible.  Cut cops; close parks, libraries and emergency rooms.  The idea is to make people suffer so they'll clamor for tax increases — and keep the pols' gravy train running smoothly.  Never before, however, have we seen the tactic taken to such extremes on a national level as President Obama is now [...]

Puppet Press Finally Realizing It's Being Abused By Obama.  As early as last spring, the airwaves were being saturated with slick, systematic accusations that Mitt Romney was everything from a Mormon Ebenezer Scrooge, to finance felon, to murderer of the cancer-stricken wife of a laid-off union employee, to torturer of his family dog.  It was so effective that Romney's grand slam in the first debate couldn't undo the damage.  Where were the media during all of this? Comfortably in the Obama team's camp, compliantly allowing their strings to be pulled.

Using Gun Violence to Get Elected.  Because "using" crises is so valuable to the liberal ruling class, even if they had a solution to anything, they wouldn't apply it.  After all if your entire political strategy consists of using crises and problems to paint your adversaries as villains and enemies in order to get people to vote for you, the last thing you want to have happen is for a problem to be solved.

Government by Freakout.  It is always cliffs, ceilings and looming catastrophes with Barack Obama.  It is always government by freakout.  That's what's happening now with the daily sequester warnings.  Seven hundred thousand children will be dropped from Head Start.  Six hundred thousand women and children will be dropped from aid programs.  Meat won't be inspected.  Seven thousand TSA workers will be laid off, customs workers too, and air traffic controllers.  Lines at airports will be impossible.

A new verb.  "Mr. Speaker, what do you have to say about lobbying for Freddie Mac?"  "I have advised a number of organizations over the years.  The opposition is just trying to Alinsky me."

Pro-Obama election flyer marked with NAACP seal featured Klan, lynching imagery.  A presidential election flier disseminated in North Carolina and marked with a seal for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) featured Ku Klux Klan and lynching imagery as part of its presentation urging voters to head to the polls.  Another pro-Obama flier in North Carolina informed African-American voters that Mitt Romney would relegate them to "picking cotton" if elected president.

'War on Women' 2.0.  Democrats have nearly perfected the following exercise in cynical electioneering:  1) introduce legislation;  2) title it something that appeals to the vast majority of Americans who have no interest in learning what is actually in the bill, e.g., the "Violence Against Women Act";  3) make sure it is sufficiently noxious to the GOP that few Republicans will support it;  4) vote, and await headlines such as "[GOP Lawmaker] Votes No On Violence Against Women Act";  5) clip and use headline in 30-second campaign ad;  and 6)  repeat.

Obama really is the most transparent president in history.  Perhaps Rush Limbaugh said it best when he came to the realization that Barack Obama is like a glove-wearing thief who leaves no trace of his fingerprints on anything he does.  As Limbaugh puts it, Obama never governs because he is a perpetual campaigner.  The concept is simple.  If you are continuously in conflict with your opponents you can make a compliant media and an uninformed public believe that you are working your tail off to "fix" things for the American people.  In other words, never solve anything, just keep "fixing" them and making profound statements that you are in a never-ending battle with your evil opponents to fight for the little man.

Obama uses cops and firemen as props:
Republicans Would Rather Protect the Wealthy Than First Responders, Obama Says.  Speaking at the White House on Tuesday [2/19/2013], President Obama said Republicans have a choice:  "Do you want to see a bunch of first responders lose their jobs because you want to protect some special interest tax loophole?"  He was surrounded by emergency responders as he spoke.

The Editor says...
I wasn't aware that firemen and cops received their paychecks from the federal government.

Obama's Colossal Politics.  Who wouldn't want to live in Washington?  It's a wonderful world, a place where every problem of life can be reduced to just two words.  Gun control.  Immigration reform.  Climate control.  The deficit, which of course can be solved in two words:  a "balanced approach."  Things so hard haven't been so simple since Tinker Bell taught children to fly in "Peter Pan," also with two words — pixie dust.

The Left's Warped Definition of 'Internet Freedom' and an 'Open Internet'.  The Left has long demanded the implementation of their definition of an "Open Internet" and "Internet Freedom."  Sounds great, right?  Who could be opposed to that?  Then again, who could be against a "Fairness Doctrine?"  Or "Network Neutrality?"  All represent terrible government policy.  But the Left is very good at naming very bad policies.

What does the president mean by giving everyone a 'fair shot?'.  [Scroll down]  All this points to the abject failure of the MSM to perform its role of investigative critical analysis.  Our once vaunted free press held politicians accountable and asked hard questions of politicians and did not brook evasive answers.

Do you Care about the True Meaning of the Obama Speech?  The United States has paid trillions of dollars to schools and teachers for centuries.  No one ever said that no single person can train all the math and science teachers.  They are already educated and ready to teach.  The word "train" is a liberal word.  I was not trained to be a professional.  I was educated to be a professional.

What's an Assault Weapon?  Although arbitrary distinctions are a defining characteristic of "assault weapon" bans, recent polls indicate that most Americans support them.  New survey data suggest one possible explanation:  Most Americans don't know what "assault weapons" are.

Cruz educates Senate on gun violence in its 'fact free zone'.  Sen. Ted Cruz took his time today in the gun violence hearing to explain the fallacy of proposed Senate legislation going after so-called 'assault weapons' and 'gun show loophole', using charts and statistics and props.  He even told the Senate that many times it seems their policy is based on emotion and that decisions are made in a 'fact-free-zone'.

Military and Society Threatened by Women in Combat.  The first line of attack in political battles is language.  Getting people to phrase things your way is the first step to getting them to think your way.  In the foggy mess of the debate over women in combat, you will see media references to a "ban" being "lifted."  Bans are bad.  Lifting bans is good.  Therein lies the bias strangling this issue in the dominant media culture.

The Collectivist Mind Game, Part 2: Demonizing the Opposition.  [Scroll down]  In the meantime, certain rules must be followed to control the public opinion and, through it, the opposition itself.  Maintain the perception of being constantly under attack.  Don't examine the opponents' beliefs, nor answer their arguments.  Discredit any media channels that offer them a platform.  Enforce the following media template:  the opposition is evil, treasonous, unfathomable, and psychotic.  They can't be reasoned with. [...] And ridicule, ridicule, ridicule!

Barack Obama Is Boring.  This is the president's favorite false alternative:  either we do things "alone," or government does them for us "collectively."  What this world view leaves out, of course, is the voluntary cooperation of private individuals, particularly their cooperation in the free market.  Which is to say that he excludes from his world view the actual majority of human activity.  But this is the basic false alternative of every Obama speech, and it is the flimsy intellectual foundation of his entire presidency.

Forward! Obama's gun control agenda.  President Obama's Wednesday press conference was political theater at its best.  The carefully-selected audience applauded at all the right moments.  The reading of letters from children was classic heart-tugging emotionalism.  A little girl wrote:  "We are sad.  We want everybody to be happy and safe."  How could we want anything else?

The Significance of Obama's Inaugural Address.  In his inaugural speech he did what he seemingly cannot keep himself from doing: portraying himself and his followers as Children of Light and portraying his opponents as Children of Darkness.  You are either with Obama — or you are with the forces of cruelty and bigotry.  In Obama's world, there is no middle ground.  He is the Voice of Reason; those who oppose him are the voice of the mob.

Obama Uses Emotion And Children As Political Tools.  Children and grieving parents are far from the only tools President Obama has shamelessly exploited to expand government and curtail freedom.  Emotionalism has often been a weapon against liberty.

Sandy Hook: Obama's Latest Crisis To Exploit.  Liberals have an uncanny knack for designing solutions that do not address the problem at hand, and they're doing it again in their current effort to use the Sandy Hook shootings as fodder for promoting stringent gun control measures.  It's as if President Obama and his fellow travelers lie in wait for the unfolding of big events that they can use to incite the public's passions and thereby gain popular support for otherwise unpopular government action. [...] Democrats often seek to inflame our emotions to impede an honest, good-faith discussion on the merits of various issues.

In gun control push, Obama abandons logic and facts.  After December's Sandy Hook massacre, Obama has reached deeper than usual into his bag of debater's tricks and rhetorical ploys.  He assigns evil motives to those who disagree with him on policy.  He tries to pre-empt cost-benefit analysis with facile assertions that any policy is mandatory if it will save "only one life."  And the most contentious policy he seeks — a ban on so-called assault weapons — has near zero correlation to the problem he claims to be addressing.

Obama to add 'taxation without representation' plates to limo this weekend.  "President Obama has lived in the District now for four years and has seen firsthand how patently unfair it is for working families in D.C. to work hard, raise children and pay taxes without having a vote in Congress," the White House said in a statement.  "Attaching these plates to the presidential vehicles demonstrates the president's commitment to the principle of full representation for the people of the District of Columbia and his willingness to fight for voting rights, home rule and budget autonomy for the District."

The Editor says...
My congresswoman doesn't appear to agree with me about anything; so in effect, I have no representative in Washington.  But that doesn't make it more difficult for me "to work hard, raise children and pay taxes".

Hiding Behind the Children.  The substance of Obama's proposals will not matter.  This is strictly about emotion, not reason.  All that will matter will be the powerful visual image of Obama being surrounded by beautiful, young children of all backgrounds.  His underlying message will be, "Support my gun control proposals or else you hate children.  You don't hate children, do you?"

Prop-a-palooza: The Use and Abuse of Kiddie Human Shields.  The president of the United States will release a binder full of new gun-control executive orders on Wednesday [1/16/2013].  Instead of standing alone, bearing full responsibility for the imperial actions he is about to take, President Obama will surround himself with an audience of kids who wrote to him after the Newtown, Conn., school massacre.  This is the most cynical in Beltway theatrical staging — a feckless attempt to invoke "For the Children" immunity by hiding behind them.

W.H. Releases Letters from Little Kids Pleading for Gun Control.  Half way through the article, the AP admits, "The White House shared three such letters with The Associated Press, from young writers who seemed to agree that Obama should do what's necessary to make it harder for people to get guns."  White House spokesman Jay Carney announced yesterday that Obama will be surrounded by little kids when he announces his gun proposal later today. [...] The White House appears not to have released a single letter to the AP in opposition to President Obama's gun proposal.

The Editor says...
I suspect the little kids were instructed by their unionized teachers to write to the President, and were probably told exactly what to say.  The little kids, as far as I know, have not been interrogated about their letter-writing initiative.

Obama's use of wide-eyed children to promote his gun-control proposals.  There was something nauseating about the way Barack Obama surrounded himself with children as he unveiled his gun control plans.  It looked like emotional blackmail.  "Look these innocent babes in the face and tell them guns are good" — that was the implicit message of this cynical, innocence-exploiting press conference, which brought to mind one of the late Wacko Jacko's weird child-centred peace concerts more than it did a serious Lincoln-style presidential address.  What Obama and his advisers appear to have overlooked is that it doesn't matter one jot what children think of guns, or anything else for that matter:  politics is an adult business, and should be shaped by adult arguments, not childish fears.

Our Mean-Spirited President Gives a Press Conference and Talks About Guns.  Obama's comments on the debt ceiling were breathtakingly dishonest [...] Obama said, at least three or four times, that this year is different:  he refuses to negotiate with the Republicans because they insist on "getting 100 percent of what they want."  But wait!  The fact that Republicans are willing to negotiate means that they aren't insisting on getting 100%, while, conversely, the fact that Obama refuses to negotiate means that he is the one holding out for 100%.  Presumably most people are smart enough to understand this.

Soros: 13 New Gun Laws Needed Now.  Soros & Co. undoubtedly believe guns are the problem.  Rational people, on the other hand, know that criminals are the problem.  If we create registries, pass bans, and give the government a greater share in our daily lives than they already have, we will soon realize that we ourselves have infringed on the very right our Founders marked as sacrosanct — private gun ownership.

$6 Billion a Year for Mexican "Anchor Babies?"  Another major flaw in the Senate immigration bill is the failure to repeal the provision that babies born to illegal aliens in the U.S. get automatic U.S. citizenship.  This is known as birthright citizenship.  Birthright citizenship is one of the media's powerful tools to advance the Senate immigration bill.  The media use young children, even babies, as showpieces, arguing that if the government does not legalize, or grant amnesty to their parents, then these children will be left without mothers and fathers if their parents are deported.  It's one sob story after another.

Biden's faulty lifeguard logic.  'As the president said, if your actions result in only saving one life, they're worth taking," Vice President Joe Biden declared on Wednesday [1/9/2013] as he previewed what his commission on gun violence might actually do.  "There are executive orders, there's executive action that can be taken.  We haven't decided what that is yet.  But we're compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action that we believe is required."  Biden insisted that it is a moral imperative for the White House to do something:  "It's critically important that we act."

The Editor says...
Mr. Biden, if you could save a thousand little kids' lives every day, would you take action immediately?  That's about how many babies are aborted every day.  But alas, abortion is absolutely essential to the Democrat Party.

The Left's Greatest Mind-Trick: Politicizing Emotion.  Since so many on the left are dominated by feelings, and not animated as much by concern for facts and reason, most don't care about the consequences of their actions.  They just hope that things will get better.  This is not to say that left-wingers are stupid; they are rather expert rationalizers and sophists.  They put the cart before the horse — emotion before reason.  Today's typical totalitarian leftist is thus not a jackboot-wearing thug, but an overly sensitive, cardigan-wearing milquetoast, whose obsessions about feelings make him immune to rational argument.

Low-Info Voters Just Not Interested In Politics.  How many times have you tried to have a serious conversation about current events only to have your listeners say, "I'm not interested in politics"?  These are the low-info voters that the Republicans have never been able to communicate with but the Democrats know exactly how to reach them.  That is why they concentrate their connections in the mainstream media and Hollywood and why these voters know more about the Kardashians than what the fiscal cliff means to the economy or where Benghazi is.

Scandals show the Obama administration is corrupt.  President George W. Bush was despised by liberals not for anything he did, but for merely being.  His enemies foamed at the mouth just by his showing up on their TV screens.  Just as Obama's enemies have attacked his very legitimacy as president, Bush's were swearing to stop his presidency before he was inaugurated.  A deeply religious man, Bush faced leftists who see evangelicals as threats to democracy.  They claim he "stole" the 2000 election from Gore (hence his illegitimacy).  Because Clinton was corrupt, liberals needed Bush to be.

Nancy Pelosi coins a new term for gun control.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has adopted a new term for gun control, "gun violence prevention," in hopes that the euphemism will make it easier to marshal public opinion in favor of new gun laws as well as other policies designed to prevent shootings.

Climate News: Only 'Hobbit-Sized Humans' Capable of Surviving Global Warming.  The joint editor of the Climate News Network is warning that in as little as two centuries global warming will lead to "mass extinction," which may be good news for residents of "The Shire."  "Hobbit-sized humans, able to exist on less nourishing food, will have the best chance of survival in a warmer world, scientists say," said Paul Brown, a journalist and author, in an article entitled, "Mass extinction forecast with 6[°]C temperature rise," published on Jan. 7.

Actually, a few degrees of warming would be good for everybody.

Obama Exploits Sandy Hook to Push Gun Control Agenda.  The Obama administration and Democrats in Congress are launching a massive gun control campaign as the President begins his second term and a divided Capitol Hill returns to work.  Billed as a response to the Sandy Hook shootings in December, the campaign includes ten gun control bills that were introduced on the first day of the 113th Congress — none of which would have prevented the shootings from taking place.

Obama Using Gun Control to Distract from Financial Crisis.  As our national debt continues to soar, taxes to rise, and the overall economy to tank, President Obama is talking about... gun control.  He is doing this so he can seize on the emotions of those who operate emotionally rather than rationally, thereby diverting their attention from the real crisis our nation faces right now — which is financial in nature.

FBI: More People Killed with Hammers, Clubs Each Year than Rifles.  According to the FBI annual crime statistics, the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outnumbers the number of murders committed with a rifle.  This is an interesting fact, particularly amid the Democrats' feverish push to ban many different rifles, ostensibly to keep us safe of course.

The Real Country-Killer in 2013.  Simply trim a few percent from every program — here a little, there a little.  Isn't that obvious?  Yet big spenders howl as if entire programs must be completely eliminated — all or nothing.  People will be cut off and starving in the streets if the federal spending spree is slowed.  "What would you cut?" candidates are asked.  This is a trap.  Attack journalists twist whatever a candidate answers into a scandal of heartless cruelty.  During my five years working inside government, I saw that easily 15% of the federal budget could be cut, with no reduction in the output of government services, benefits, activities, or useful functions.

Let's Retire These Tired Straw Men in 2013.  The notion that somehow the budget is going to be balanced "on the backs of" a sacred-cow contingency (usually teachers, policemen, and firefighters) is quite difficult to respond to, simply because it doesn't make any sense coming from Obama and his party.  The Democrats extended the Bush tax cuts in December 2010 when they had total control of the federal government.  In January 2011, the Republicans gained control of only the House and couldn't push changes to tax policy.  Moreover, the Bush tax cuts helped the middle class and working class tremendously.

Progressives, Guns, and the Assault on Truth.  The silly idea of having "gun-free zones" falls right in the line of Progressivist thinking, and Progressives are people who do not like to be confused with facts.  The creation of these "zones" is not done in order to protect anyone; indeed, law-abiding people in those areas are more vulnerable to spree killers than they would be elsewhere.  No, the creation of "gun-free zones" is ideological, period.  Progressives are making the statement that guns are bad and that people need to be protected from the evils that the mere presence of a gun create.

Speed Limiters, Too?  Most people — including people who favor what they call "gun control" — would probably not support the idea of fitting all cars with speed governors.  But why?  Isn't the principle exactly the same?  A car is a machine that's capable of being used for "illegal" purposes.  It can be used to cause harm, even to kill.  Why should anyone be allowed to own a car with more capability than they need?

Murder by Numbers.  Listening to the latest media chatter, one could get the impression that murder in the US is historically bad and getting worse.  As the Reverend Al Sharpton put it, "The time for their talk is over.  Now's the time for action, and real change on gun control."  Actually, now would seem to be a very bad time for such action.  The reason is simple:  the murder rate is historically low and is already trending downward.

The Year the Dreams Died.  In continuing dismal economic times, Obama ran for reelection neither on his first-term achievements — Obamacare, bailouts, financial stimuli, and Keynesian mega-deficits — nor on more utopian promises.  Instead, Obama's campaign systematically reduced his rival, Wall Street financier Mitt Romney, to a conniving, felonious financial pirate who did dastardly things, from letting the uninsured die to putting his pet dog Seamus in a cage on top of the family car.

Conservatives Must Not Seek All Low-Info Voters.  Only ignorant fools hate the rich.  Wise men seek to learn what they did to get what they got.  Obama implies that all wealth belonging to conservatives is ill-gotten or undeserved.  He rebuked business owners, saying, "You didn't build that."  Despicably, some realize that business and the rich are not the enemy but still subscribe to Obama's "get 'em" attitude.  Such people are trash.  Democrats are notorious for appealing to voters' base instincts.

Fewer Guns, More Crime.  To President Obama, the word "politics" means anyone who disagrees with him, as in the phrase "It is time to put politics aside."  Whenever he says that, he is really saying "It is time to put aside anyone who disagrees with me on this issue."

People are Buying Guns and Ammunition for a Reason.  The AR 15 is taking lots of heat because it's an "assault weapon," but if an intruder breaks into your home and threatens your family, as far as you are concerned it's just an effective weapon.  High capacity magazines are under attack as well, but despite what you hear from pandering politicians, those magazines enable you to fire freely so that your attacker has to advance on you and your family through a wall of bullets.

Why Are Some People Prone to Obey?  [Scroll down]  Young people with limited vocabulary, narrow ideas, and little to no curiosity to learn about current events do not understand the troubling power of euphemisms.  Instead, they fall for the disingenuous notion of fairness without noting the specious logic of Obama's call for equality.

Demonizing NRA Won't Transform America.  More than any other lobby or cause, the NRA is the boogeyman of the American liberal imagination.  To listen to liberals talking about it is to hear a portrait of an organization that treats errant members of Congress the way heretics and Jews were handled by the Spanish Inquisition.  More than that, many liberals speak as if it is primarily a profit-making entity funded by gun manufacturers that has imposed a bizarre reign of terror on an unwilling populace.

The Return Of The Scary Gun Ban.  In the wake of the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut the usual suspects, including our president, have made noises about renewing the ban on assault weapons.  This ban was a truly bad idea when it was first imposed under the equally feckless Bill Clinton in 1994 as the Orwellian named Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act.  Why was it a bad idea?  Because no one knows what constitutes an assault weapon other than it is scary looking.

The Bullying Left Exploits Sandy Hook.  There is nothing viler than standing atop a heap of children's bodies denouncing all those who disagree politically as unfeeling monsters.  Yet that is precisely what many on the left have done. [...] Democratic Representative of N.Y. Jarrold Nadler accused the National Rifle Association of enabling mass murder.  This is a bully tactic, pure and simple.  Labeling your opponents heartless and cruel is a strategy designed to override logic and to end the political debate.  That's the only way the left can win this debate, and they know it.

The Post-Newtown Witch Hunt.  The incendiary witch hunt against law-abiding, peaceful gun owners is neither noble nor effective.  It's just plain insane.

The Facts about Mass Shootings.  Incidents of mass murder in the U.S. declined from 42 in the 1990s to 26 in the first decade of this century.  The chances of being killed in a mass shooting are about what they are for being struck by lightning.  Until the Newtown horror, the three worst K-12 school shootings ever had taken place in either Britain or Germany.

Gun Culture and Gun-Control Culture.  [Scroll down]  Something must be done.  Now.  Last week.  If only we ban more weapons, we can be as safe as Norway, home of the worst shooting spree of all, or Connecticut, which already has an assault weapons ban.  For the children... who had no one to protect them when a gunman came to their school and will still have no one to protect them when gun-control culture gets its way.

Yes, It's Time For Bus Control.
February 28, 1958:  Twenty-six children killed in a school bus crash in Kentucky.
May 21, 1967:  Twenty-eight children killed in a school bus crash in California.
September 22, 1989:  Nineteen children killed in a school bus crash in Texas.
[...] I do not mean to minimize the many individual tragedies these school bus deaths represent, nor do I wish to downplay the tragedies of school shootings.  I am simply pointing out that many things in this world are dangerous, but we accept these risks because they come paired with utility.

Welcome to the Thugocracy.  Obama, like all other liberals, thinks in vague terms like "fairness."  He doesn't worry about a fair process — whether or not it's right to allow a majority to discriminate against a minority simply because the minority is rich.  He worries instead about a fair outcome.  According to President Obama, a fair outcome — greater income redistribution — justifies the means.  If a majority votes to seize the money of a minority, that's fair, because greater income equality is fair.  No Democrat has yet explained convincingly why it wouldn't be most fair for the government to simply seize all wealth in the country and then split it up equally.

Okay, President Obama, Let's be Fair.  Let's be fair.  Present federal spending levels is damaging to future generations.  It steals from those that are coming after us and also shaves value from the currency.  Let us be fair to future generations and those who hold dollars.

Union Goons React Calmly As Michigan Becomes Right-to-Work State.  When Democrats ram legislation through it's doing the work of the people.  When the GOP does it, it's "slamming" though legislation.

Planting the Seeds of His Own Demise.  Did you not hear four years ago Obama the Magnificent bewail that America with 4 percent of the world's population consumes 25 percent of the world's resources?  So unfair, you know, the magic incantation of the Obama Regime. [...] The sloppiness in El Primo's thinking there is revealed by the phrase "the world's resources."  But America in reality never consumed any of the world's production.  It always only consumed 100% of America's production (including what it traded some of that production for).

Mantra Raves.  It's not hard if you have a show on MSNBC.  There's a mantra and all you do is repeat it, like a fourth grade math teacher going over the same fractions year after year until she starts to develop a dislike for 10-year-olds.  I get home from work and click on the TV and MSNBC's Chris Matthews is saying "the rich" aren't paying their "fair share."

Limiting Government.  There is no such thing as "a right to a job," "a right to health care," "a right to a decent home," et cetera. [...] Individual rights are not rights to the skills, knowledge, and/or products that others create.  Individual rights are rights to actions.  The right to life is the freedom to take those actions to sustain one's life.  The right to property is the right to keep what one earns.  The right to liberty is the freedom to move about freely, uncoerced, to visit and/or live and seek work where one chooses.  The right to the pursuit of happiness is the freedom to take those actions that one believes will result in one's enjoyment of life.

Costly Words.  I have several pet peeves, and one of them is the idea that when Americans get to keep their own money, it somehow "costs" the government.

5 Questions for Black Voters.  [#1]  Do you honestly believe that Republicans want to take away your right to vote?  The very idea that Republicans seek to suppress or eliminate the black vote is absurd to reasonable people, yet that's what Barack Obama, Joe Biden and other prominent Democrats were saying publicly, and apparently the more gullible folks believed them.  Using fear and resentment, the Obama campaign shamelessly riled up black voters to ensure their turnout, a tactic that is unconscionable.

Give Obama what he wants.  Those of us who think, rather than feel, understand that Obama's course will end up with the United States going bankrupt, because there isn't enough money on the planet, much less the US, to pay for all the goodies the Democrats want to bestow on their favored constituents.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Calls On GOP To Stop Waging 'War On Working People'.  Jackson Lee, who is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, also said that entitlement reform can wait until 2013 — and that cuts should be to "waste, fraud, and abuse," not to benefits.

The Editor says...
Genuine working people do not need "benefits" from the government.

Target: Old White Men.  While modern society prides itself on being unbiased, it's no exception to the rule that every age has its fashionable prejudices — and unfashionable people.  Among the latter today are white men, and the closer they are to "dead white male" status, to use a favored leftist descriptive, the greater the disdain in which they're held.

Democratic Newark Mayor Cory Booker may soon be living on food stamps.  Newark Mayor Cory Booker, a noted rising star in the Democratic Party, may soon be living on food stamps.  Booker has not fallen on hard times but, rather, has taken on a challenge to experience life enrolled into the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or food stamp program.

The Editor says...
The obvious goal of this stunt is to make us all feel sorry for people who don't work, and those who rely entirely on government handouts.

Obama's Smug America.  Obama is the one "we have been waiting for," chanted his followers in 2008.  They identified him as the agent of the final phase in liberalism's revolution.  In 2012, Obama drew upon this revolutionary hope again, coining "forward" as his campaign slogan.  The rhetoric was slightly more subdued — he toned down the talk of "fundamentally transforming" America — but it still rested on the same revolutionary promise.  No coherent criterion defines Obama's notion of revolutionary progress.  It is whatever liberalism deems good at the moment.

Left Turns Voting Rights Into a Farce.  Last week, First Lady Michelle Obama sounded a battle cry at a Congressional Black Caucus awards dinner when she said protecting the right to vote is the nation's most important civil rights issue.  If that were true, that would mean there no credible civil rights concerns in the country.  What Obama was talking about was the effort by Democrats to prevent the implementation of laws requiring voters to present a photo ID when casting their ballots.  The common sense measure has the support of the overwhelming majority of Americans.

Obama's Struggle.  On the campaign trail, Michelle Obama often employs the word "struggle."  It was actually Mrs. Obama's peculiar pronunciation — "shtruggle" — that first drew my attention to the frequency of her usage.  At the 2012 Democratic National Convention, her speech referred to some form of "struggle" nine times.

Obama's Biggest Opponent is the Truth.  An Obama ad aimed at northern Virginia women intones, "Mitt Romney opposes requiring coverage for contraception."  In fact, Mr. Romney opposes the president's unprecedented assault on religious liberties — in this case, the federal government forcing religious institutions (like church-sponsored hospitals, schools and charities) to provide insurance coverage for contraception in violation of their fundamental moral values and, incidentally, the First Amendment.

Endeavour's final final approach.  Interesting how attached humans can become to a machine with a name, as if it had a personality.  Or, more likely, carried within it some of the peoples' hopes and dreams.

The Fall of the House of Obama.  [Scroll down]  Consider President Obama's near-pathological insistence that the rich are not paying "their fair share," when any cursory review, easily accessible from the CBO, shows that the top fifth of all income tax earners pay approximately 94 percent of all income taxes.  The bottom half, or close to it, pays no federal income tax.  The implication is that we're all pulling our weight, but that the "millionaires and billionaires" are making out like bandits.  And somehow, throughout all this, the Republicans are guilty of perpetrating, as one Democratic congressman put it, some variant of "the big lie."

The president decides to stick with climatism.  Our president and 191 other world leaders of the United Nations continue to pursue futile policies to stop global warming.  Universities preach "sustainable development."  Companies tout their "green" programs.  Schools teach our children that if we change light bulbs, we can save polar bears.  But an increasing body of science shows that the theory of catastrophic manmade warming is nonsense.  Climate change is natural, and car emissions are insignificant.

Inarticulate Republicans Let Democrats Get Away With Lies.  The net result is that articulate Democrats can get away with the biggest lies, without any serious rebuttal from most Republicans.  I have not heard any Republican official or candidate even try to answer a standard claim of the Democrats, that "deregulation" is the reason the housing market went haywire and brought down the economy.  Therefore, according to the Democrats, Republicans who want to restore a free market are just trying to "go back to the same policies that got us into this mess in the first place."

The November Referendum on the Liberal Media.  The old media is dialing-up its defense of a failed Presidency.  It will cost them. [...] The Obama regime's slogans and memes, propagated by the legacy media today, include, but are not limited to, the Republican's "War on Women," "fair-share," "Forward," and the general characterization of "rich" Republicans as uncaring about the poor, minorities, LGBT persons, and so on.  The legacy media parrots these memes and repeats the Obama Re-Election Campaign's talking-points — daily.

Depending on Dependency.  The theme that most seemed to rouse the enthusiasm of delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte was that we are all responsible for one another — and that Republicans don't want to help the poor, the sick and the helpless. [...] Belief in the superior compassion of the political left is a worldwide phenomenon that goes back at least as far as the 18th century.  But in all that time, and in all those places, there has been little, if any, effort on the left to check this crucial assumption against facts.

Meaningless Words and Phrases.  [Scroll down]  Or consider Social Security, welfare, Medicaid, and other bankrupt programs.  People on such "assistance" often put in little to nothing and take out a lot.  True, it doesn't seem much to the people getting the checks, but in terms of national scale, it's digging quite a debt hole.  But since that bill will be paid by someone else, there is no call to slow it.  Is it "fair" to make future generations pay for our irresponsibility?

Union Director Raves That Teachers Started an 'Arab Spring' Against Emanuel.  Last year in Wisconsin, the liberal media picked up the very insulting comparison that protesting government employees in Wisconsin were creating an "Arab Spring" for Gov. Scott Walker, as if he were an Arab dictator.  "It's like Cairo moved to Madison," said ABC anchor Diane Sawyer.  Now that the teachers are on strike in Chicago, this insulting meme has now shifted to Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

Obama and Democrats want to conquer America, not unite it.  Barack Obama lights candles, Mitt Romney spreads darkness, and Usama bin Laden is dead.  There, I saved you the time of watching the Democratic convention.  For three grating days, demands for more government spending were coupled with sweeping character assassinations of Romney.

Planned Parenthood Prez: Without Birth Control 'Few Women Had Opportunity to Finish School'.  Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday that before birth control was legalized in the United States women did not have the opportunity to finish school and did not live long past the age of 50.  "Nearly 100 years ago when Planned Parenthood was founded, birth control was illegal," Richards told the convention.  "And as a result, few women had the opportunity to finish school, and we really weren't even expected to live much past the age of 50.

Biden, Obamas tell health care tall tales at Charlotte convention.  Vice President Joe Biden, first lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama all told a story during the Democratic National Convention about battles the president's mother waged with health care companies as she fought a terminal illness in 1995.  But the version of events presented Thursday night differs dramatically from others, including those of at least two biographers and Obama's own previous account.

Sandra Fluke: Women in America Are Silenced.  Sandra Fluke, the woman who asked taxpayers to foot the bill for her birth control in February, just wrapped up her speech at the 2012 DNC [9/5/2012].  Her remarks were brief but typical, arguing a Romney presidency would set women back and leave women to die "preventable deaths in emergency rooms."

Obama sells old ideas as new.  In this political Brigadoon, things are going well in America, so well in fact that President Obama obviously deserves a second term because Americans are better off than they were four years ago, and that the Republican Party is little more than a haven for old-fashioned robber barons who think like Klansmen but dress like Mr. Monopoly.  Obama doesn't quite say it like that, but he's perfectly happy to have his subalterns — some at the Democratic National Committee, some at MSNBC — make that case for him.

Shelia Jackson Lee warns 'rights' would be cut by Romney.  On MSNBC's Tuesday [9/4/2012] coverage of the Democratic National Convention, Texas Democratic Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee warned that social and civil rights could be denied for "promises" of economic rights if Mitt Romney defeats President Barack Obama in November.

Louisiana Teachers' Union Calls Black School Choice Group 'Pro-KKK'.  On Thursday [8/30/2012], in the shadow of the hurricane barreling down on the region, the Louisiana Federation of Teachers, a large teachers' union, launched an attack on the state's chapter of the Black Alliance for Educational Options, a nonprofit organization working to improve black educational achievement through education reform and school choice.  On its official Twitter account, the teachers' union ludicrously alleged that BAEO supports a "pro KKK curriculum," and sent out the statement to various followers.

The funny think about reform & fear.  That segment of the population that has the least to fear from a reform of Medicare or Social Security is the most fearful — namely, those already receiving Medicare or Social Security benefits.  It is understandable that people heavily dependent on these programs would fear losing their benefits, especially after a lifetime of paying into these programs.  But nobody in his right mind has even proposed taking away the benefits of those who are already receiving them.

The Herd of Independent Minds.  Just about any gregarious conservative can register the same complaint:  his friends of a liberal persuasion firmly believe in evolution, the hydrocarbon menace, technogenic global warming, and the virtues of green energy; they are convinced that racism is still rampant in America, that all the ills of inner-city schools can be cured by throwing more money at them, that criminals are actually victims of society, that voter fraud is a myth concocted by evil conservatives, that cheating at the polls is a sacred right of minorities, that illegal immigrants have committed no crime even though the word "illegal" is self-explanatory, that George Bush attacked Iraq at the behest of Halliburton to grab Iraqi oil...

The Politicization of Violence.  I don't really buy the claim that the political climate has gotten so much worse.  But even if it has, that hasn't led to more political violence.  Rather, it has led to the politicization of violence.

Southern Poverty Law Center's Lucrative 'Hate Group' Label.  Last week's shooting at the headquarters of the Family Research Council (FRC) has placed the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) back into the news.  The SPLC recently had placed the FRC on its list of hate groups because the SPLC claims that in its opposition to gay marriage, the FRC defames gays and lesbians.  It should be noted that the not-for-profit SPLC ostensibly began its mission to help those who had been victimized by civil rights violations by filing suits on their behalf.  In recent years, the SPLC greatly expanded its definition of civil rights and hate groups to the point where any organization that opposes the left's favored causes risks being labeled a hate group by the SPLC.

Democrats Campaign On Fear, Not Ideas.  Democratic National Committee head Debbie Wasserman Schultz said Ryan wants to "shred the safety net for seniors."  Service Employees International Union President Mary Kay Henry said Ryan has a "no-holds-barred record of attacking seniors, children and working men and women."  And Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., says with Ryan, Romney "has doubled down on his commitment to gut Social Security and end Medicare as we know it."  Never mind that last year, the left-leaning Politifact chose the Democrats' "end Medicare as we know it" line as "lie of the year."

Biden: Back on the chain gang.  Vice President Joe Biden told a racially mixed audience Wednesday [sic - Tuesday 8/14/2012] that if Republicans take back the White House, "They're going to put y'all back in chains." [...] There's no reason for the Obama campaign to apologize because hacking at the raw wound of racism is critical to the Democrats' reelection strategy.  This race is about race because if it were about issues, Democrats would lose.  Mr. Obama's moribund economic record would guarantee that.

FLOTUS: Obamacare keeps women from dying of cancer, but GOP would repeal it.  Who knew that cancer would emerge as a leitmotif of the Obama campaign?  First Lady Michelle Obama is the latest to invoke cancer on the campaign trail, but she did so to tout Obamacare rather than attack Mitt Romney directly.

Psychopaths-in-Chief.  I am not a qualified psychologist, but I can read as well as anyone.  I see this as a complex puzzle that is on the verge of coming into wide public recognition, just as mass-murdering psychopaths came into wide public awareness during the 1970s.  It is vital that the awareness is based on rational principles rather than Democratic Party talking points.

Nancy Pelosi's greatest "it's a conspiracy" hits.  The lawmaker most prone to imagining shadowy secret cabals influencing our politics is undoubtedly House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

Obama Ad: Romney is a Murderer.  Romney is forcing people to get cancer, and then when they get cancer, he's not allowing them to be treated.  So we have a campaign message here, basically:  "Republicans commit murder, poison the water, poison the air, and starve kids!"  The Democrats keep doing this stuff.  They've been doing it for as long as I'm alive because it must work.

Nancy Pelosi accuses Republicans of trying to kill children with E. coli.  Republicans don't want to spend money to protect children from the E. coli bacteria, said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) during a campaign event Monday [8/6/2012] in support of a Democrat running for a Florida congressional seat.

Those Perennially-Crumbling Roads and Bridges.  Just about a year ago, I observed that no matter how much the federal government spends on "infrastructure," we still get predictable cries that "we need to do something about our crumbling infrastructure."  The need to fix "crumbling roads and bridges" a perennial rallying cry in President Obama's speeches, even though he touts the stimulus as "the largest new investment in our nation's infrastructure since Eisenhower."  The government spends enormous sums of money, but there's never any sign of it having an impact, at least in the rhetoric of those who want to spend more.

Obama's Coercive Secular State.  The absence of free contraceptives, abortifacients, STD testing, and sterilizations, among other Sebelius-decreed "essential" services, constitutes a "war on women," says President Obama.  "It's a scary time to be a woman," warbles a stooge in one of his campaign ads.  Obama's arrogance is bottomless.  Even as he violates the freedom of the religious — reducing them to the status of serfs in his planned secularist and socialist state — he has the gall to cast them as the victimizers.

10 Concepts Liberals Talk About Incessantly But Don't Understand.  [#2]  Racism:  Liberals start with the presumption that only white people who don't belong to the Democratic Party can be racist.  So, for example, even if Jeremiah Wright can make it clear that he hates white people because of their skin color or if liberals take an explicitly racist political position, like suggesting that black people are too stupid and incompetent to get identification to vote, they can't be racist.  White Republicans, on the other hand, are generally assumed to be racist by default, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary.

Liberals Would Criminalize The American Ideal.  Invoking modern parlance, it is reasonable to say that liberals are doing their utmost to make Bain Capital the "new Halliburton."  Though comparatively few people can actually explain what Halliburton is, or how it functions, they "know" (having been spoon-fed the "facts" by the "mainstream media" for so long) that it is unquestionably evil, and a sinister tool of former Vice-President Dick Cheney.  If the Alinskyite effort to smear the reputation of Bain meets with similar success, the result will be a massive, widespread, and ultimately mindless condemnation of the investment firm, fervent in conviction, but lacking in substance.

So That This Never Happens Again.  The first reaction to the Aurora Massacre was the usual call for making sure that "this never happens again".  Everyone from New York City Mayor Bloomberg to author Salman Rushdie to mystery writer Patricia Cornwell called for imposing gun control to insure "this never happens again".  And yet if we were to confiscate every privately owned firearm and outlaw the manufacture of new ones in the country, if we were to forcibly institutionalize anyone suspected of being mentally ill, and if we added naked scanners to movie theaters; we still could not insure that this will never happen again.

It's Not Fair!  President Obama is right.  There is a lot of unfairness in America.  And he is the source of much of it. [...] Barack Obama has ditched the "hope and change" slogan of his 2008 campaign and is now peddling "fairness" as his mantra.  He promises he will make life "fair" for Americans.

Trashing Achievements.  Since everybody else uses the roads and the schools, why should high achievers be expected to feel like free loaders who owe still more to the government, because schools and roads are among the things that facilitate their work? According to Elizabeth Warren, because it is part of an "underlying social contract." Conjuring up some mythical agreement that nobody saw, much less signed, is an old ploy on the left — one that goes back at least a century, when Herbert Croly, the first editor of The New Republic magazine, wrote a book titled "The Promise of American Life." Whatever policy Herbert Croly happened to favor was magically transformed by rhetoric into a "promise" that American society was supposed to have made — and, implicitly, that American taxpayers should be forced to pay for. This pious hokum was so successful politically that all sorts of "social contracts" began to appear magically in the rhetoric of the left.

This youth movement has women covered.  Any media narrative involving young people presupposes that they are the forces of progress, wresting the world from the grasping clutches of mean, vengeful old men and making it a better place.

Those calculating liberals.  U.S. Rep. Bill Young, R-Indian Shores, the longest-serving Republican in Congress, was being bashed by liberals last week for being "insensitive."  To sensitive liberals, this is the worst of crimes.  It outranks more minor transgressions such as trying to protect your borders or trying to eliminate voting fraud.  And it's on a par with amassing great sums of wealth by actually producing something, as opposed to being able to stuff a ball through a hoop or impersonating someone in front of a camera.

5 Ways Liberalism Destroys Virtue.  Liberals are completely indifferent to whether the programs they advocate work or not.  It's all about how they make them feel.  A liberal will prefer a completely non-functional government program that makes them feel good about themselves over a program that works, but doesn't inflate their egos, 10 times out of 10.  The same goes for morality.  The standard isn't, "Is it right or is it wrong?" — it's whether it makes them feel nice or mean.  "Nice and wrong" is always preferable to "right and mean."  As most non-liberals over the age of 12 have long since discovered, feelings are an extremely poor replacement for logic, decency, and common sense.

Lawmakers Want 'Made in China' U.S. Olympic Uniforms Burned.  Lawmakers were outraged Thursday after an ABC World News report revealed that the U.S. Olympic team's opening ceremony outfits are made in China.  Some suggested making a bonfire with the outfits, which include berets and blazers.

The Editor says...
Is every country expected to have its uniforms made within its own borders?  That would be amusing.

U.S. Olympic Uniforms: Made in China by Democratic Donor's company.  Lawmakers were livid to discover that the United States' Olympic team uniforms were made in China. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) even suggested "they should take all the uniforms, put them in a big pile and burn them and start all over again."  The company who designed the uniforms, Ralph Lauren, has received less scrutiny.  Few outlets have noted that Ralph Lauren himself is a prominent contributor to President Obama and the Democratic Party.

Olympic Uniform Brouhaha Shows the Imperial Democratic Emperor Has No Clothes.  What I found most striking is the attitude of many of the liberals in Congress, typified by the statement by New York's Senator Gillibrand, as quoted by the Associated Press yesterday, that "There is no compelling reason why all of the uniforms cannot be made here on U.S. soil at the same price, at better quality."  This statement is a microcosm of what is wrong with the thinking of many liberals in general.  Unfortunately, it is obvious that there IS a compelling reason — though not a pleasant one, and many would say not a justified one — why uniforms were not made here on U.S. soil; unions have often rendered our goods not competitive, even with the savings of tariffs and international shipping costs.

Reid Worries About Olympic Uniforms, Not Budgets.  The Senate Majority Leader hasn't proposed a budget in three years, won't bring tax cuts to the floor, yet adds Olympic uniforms to a priority list that includes boxing rules, cowboy poetry and a train to nowhere.

The Left's False Claim of Suppression From Voter ID Laws.  On Monday [7/9/2012], Benjamin Jealous, president of the NAACP, decided to confront the issue of Voter ID.  Unfortunately, he embraced the left's absurd ideology that it is voter suppression and an assault on the rights of minorities.  He likened the movement of opposition to Voter ID laws to the Civil Right Movements with his reference to "Salem and Montgomery times".  This rhetoric is nothing but divisive.

Review: The Tyranny of Clichés: How Liberals Cheat in the War of Ideas.  [Jonah] Goldberg's revelations are meant not to compile an interesting batch of factoids to drop at dinner parties, but to illustrate his thesis:  the left employs clichés in order to cloak its ruthless, ruinous ideological aims in the language of easy-listening rhetoric, all the while denying that it is promoting a program attempting to establish a technocratic all-encompassing state in the name of the pragmatism of Progressivism:  "The greater good"; "Social justice"; "Violence never solves anything"; "Power corrupts."  The term "social justice" is a prime example.

Progressives Without Progress.  Conservatives are often attacked of being backwards-looking cavemen standing in the way of "progress".  Progressives and other leftists frequently engage in this attack.  For example, Majority Leader Harry Reid bashed Republicans for being "backwards-leaning" on energy and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz noted that Republicans want to turn back the clock for women.  This line of argument is consistently evoked by progressives in public discourse in an attempt to avoid discussing the merits and implications of their own positions.

Holder's Jim Crow Politics.  Some of our liberal friends were a tad upset when we wrote last month that Attorney General Eric Holder was using the voter ID issue to stir up racial incitement.  But maybe they should complain to Mr. Holder, who can't seem to liberate himself from a Jim Crow-era political mindset.  Speaking to the NAACP in Houston on Tuesday [7/10/2012], Mr. Holder assailed the Texas law that requires voters to show some identification, using terms redolent of Deep South racism before the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  "Many of those without IDs would have to travel great distances to get them — and some would struggle to pay for the documents they might need to obtain them," he said.  "We call those poll taxes."

Holder compares Texas voter ID law to post slavery poll taxes.  In a speech at the annual NAACP conference, in Houston, Holder said many voters would have to travel "great distances" to get a government-issued photo ID and that some would "struggle" to pay for the requisite paperwork.  "We call these poll taxes," Holder said.  He also said the Texas law hurts minorities and that politics is the driving force behind the issue.  Holder called Texas the "center of our national debate" on voting rights issues and vowed the Justice Department would "aggressively" fight to enforce those rights.

Holder to NAACP: Photo ID Laws Will Reverse Civil Rights Gains.  One day after a three-judge panel heard arguments about the legality of Texas's photo ID voting law, Attorney General Eric Holder went to Houston to speak at the NAACP Convention.  Holder denounced Texas's photo ID law as a political stunt used to disenfranchise minorities during his speech.  Attendees and journalists were asked for photo IDs to verify their identities at the conference.

Democrats to Blacks: Stay Angry, Vote Democratic.  Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y., once said: "George (W.) Bush is our 'Bull' Connor — and if that doesn't get to you, nothing will be able to get to you.  It's time for us to be able to say that we're sick and tired, we're fired up and we're not going to take it anymore."  Connor was a racist sheriff who sicced dogs and water hoses on civil rights workers in the '60s.  Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., says Republicans "want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws."  The tactic is as obvious as it is insulting.  Tell black voters that "they" are out to "get them" — and pull that lever for us Democrats so we can resist their racist attempt to undermine your success.

Obama Co-Chair Eva Longoria: There Is No Way Women Can Vote Republican.  Eva Longoria, a national co-chair of President Barack Obama's reelection campaign, can't imagine why a woman would pull the lever for a Republican.  "I don't think it's a hard choice if you're a woman," said Longoria during an Obama campaign event in Colorado over the weekend, according to The Denver Post.  "We have to get out there and tell (others) 'If you're a woman, there is no way you can vote Republican.'"

Daily Kos Formula on ObamaCare: 'Conservatives Want to Hurt People,' Liberals Want to Help.  Laurence Lewis at Daily Kos couldn't help digressing from his blog on the San Francisco gay "pride" parade to ObamaCare.  "The difference on health care between Republicans and Democrats, between conservatives and liberals?  Republicans and conservatives want to take access to health care away from people," he wrote on Sunday [7/1/2012].  They "want to end Medicare and Medicaid as we know them.  In absolute contrast, Democrats and liberals want to build on the ACA, until access to quality health care is a national birth right.  In other words, Republicans and conservatives want to hurt people; Democrats and liberals want to help people."

A Political Glossary.  One of the most versatile terms in the political vocabulary is "fairness."  It has been used over a vast range of issues, from "fair trade" laws to the Fair Labor Standards Act.  And recently we have heard that the rich don't pay their "fair share" of taxes.  Some of us may want to see a definition of what is "fair."  But a concrete definition would destroy the versatility of the word, which is what makes it so useful politically.

7 Reasons Obama's Amnesty For Under 30 Illegals Is Terrible Policy.  [#5] Billing this as a way to help children is a dodge:  First of all, thirty year olds are not children.  They're adults and if they're eligible for this program, it means they're adults who've been knowingly breaking this country's laws for 12 years.  Someone like that is not worthy to receive American citizenship in the first place.  Oh, but what about the real children who will be helped by this program?  What about a 14 year old who was brought here five years ago by her parents?  Well, can't you see the obvious set-up here?  What happens when the 14 year old's parents are caught?  Then, when the law is enforced, people will claim we're "breaking up families."

Human Rights: A Governmental Power Grab.  [Scroll down]  This brings us to a dangerous scenario associated with human rights.  Namely, the way governments can use them as a justification for reaching deeper and deeper into the daily lives of their citizens.  A great example of this can be seen in the way President Obama and his surrogates couched many of their arguments for the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. ObamaCare, in the language of human rights.  According to them, health care is a human right which, in turn, justifies putting a system into place whereby every American has health care coverage.

Michelle Campaign E-Mail: Barack's Your Husband, Too.  The Obama campaign has sunk to a new low.  Today, Michelle Obama sent an email to the entire campaign list, titled "Being married to Barack."  It is precisely what you'd expect:  maudlin and ridiculous.

Showerhead flow rates, 1.6 gallon toilets.
Spare Us From All That Manipulative Green Guilt Nonsense!  Alright already!  Maybe I'll reuse that hotel towel, just like I often do at home.  But only if they spare me the planet protection and imperiled polar bear pitch and just be honest.

Van Jones: GOP will kill EPA, poison kids.  Van Jones, former green czar to President Obama, suggested that the Keystone XL pipeline could harm America the way crack cocaine destroys the human body as he called for a grassroots environmentalist movement to push for cap and trade.  Jones praised the activists who fought Keystone by developing a drug metaphor.  "They said, 'we're not going to let them jab this dirty needle of a pipeline into America.  We're not going to let them take the dirtiest energy ever created and cook it up and stick it into this country," he said at the Take Back the American Dream conference in Washington D.C. this morning [6/18/2012].

More about Van Jones.

Will Obama Try to Blow Up the Court?  There's no doubt the president will seek to demagogue the issue if the health care law is invalid and try to portray the Court and the bill's Republican opponents as seeking to snatch medicine out of the mouths of sick people, babies and the elderly.  That's a tactic that has had some success when it comes to defending entitlements against reform efforts.

Obama Administration Undermines Black Education.  The biggest hoax of the past two generations is still going strong — namely, the hoax that statistical differences in outcomes for different groups are due to the way other people treat those groups.  The latest example of this hoax is the joint crusade of the Department of Education and the Department of Justice against schools that discipline black males more often than other students.  According to Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, this disparity in punishment violates the "promise" of "equity."

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Left?  The left feeds on fear.  It does not try to persuade, but rather to excite or to terrify.  But over the last couple of decades, conservatives have learned that the left is a toothless predator which relies upon its snarls and roars more than any real power to punish.  The maledictions of leftism are familiar and suggest racial prejudice, misogyny, religious fanaticism, anti-social greed, indifference to pollution, etc.

The Recall Rationalization.  For the Left, Citizens United has practically supplanted Dred Scott as the worst Supreme Court decision of all time.  It held that political spending is a form of speech, and therefore corporations and unions can spend freely in elections.  The decision came down in January 2010.

The Anti-Democratic Party.  Democrats want the votes of everyone to count, from U.S. citizens to illegal aliens and lawfully disenfranchised felons.  Corrupt Democratic election officials routinely expand the electorate, accepting votes from the under-aged and the dead.  That's why they collectively freak out when the topic of voter photo ID comes up, advancing the most ridiculous arguments against ID requirements.  The poor, minorities, and the old are too dumb and frail to acquire voter ID — even though getting by without it is impossible in modern society.

The Morphing Obama Biography and the Skeptics.  An odd taboo has been created on noticing that the president of the United States has a biography that can adapt itself to the needs of the moment.  Go too far in raising an alarm, and be labeled "birther" and shunned in polite society. [...] Want to see Obama's college transcripts?  That's a hint at affirmative action — racist.  Wonder whether he attended as a foreign student?  That's birther.  Want to know more about Obama's religious beliefs and his relationship with Jeremiah Wright?  Racist.  Note that experts assert that the posted birth certificate is a probable digital forgery, or wonder if the White House was playing games in presenting such a strange document?  Birther.  Ask whether Obama wrote his autobiography?  That's racist and birther.  Vote for the blank box instead of Obama in the Democratic primary?  Racist.

Holder's Racial Incitement.  The United States of America has a black President whose chief law enforcement officer, Attorney General Eric Holder, is also black.  They have a lot of political power.  So how are they using it?  Well, one way is to assert to black audiences that voter ID laws are really attempts to disenfranchise black Americans.

Warming gas levels hit 'troubling milestone'.  The world's air has reached what scientists call a troubling new milestone for carbon dioxide, the main global warming pollutant.

Bias alert:
The carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere is not "troubling" to anyone except global warming alarmists.  Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.  Most of the greenhouse effect results from water vapor in the atmosphere, not carbon dioxide.  And that's just criticism of the first sentence in this heavily-biased article from the Associated Press. --> DOJ Not Even Pretending to be Nonpartisan Anymore.  Eric Holder is doing his best to scare black pastors into encouraging their congregations to vote for Obama using the Voter ID ruse.  Our "sacred" right to vote is in danger of being taken away thanks to evil Voter ID laws and other trumped up charges.

Jackson Lee: Women to be dragged out 'into the streets,' return to 'coat hangers' on abortion act.  During the 11 a.m. hour on MSNBC hosted by Thomas Roberts, Texas Democratic Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee warned of a worst case scenario if a bill proposed by Arizona Republican Rep. Trent Franks to put limitations on sex-selective abortions is signed into law.  Jackson Lee said that, despite "unanimous support" against these sort of abortions, women would be physically removed from clinics if Frank's proposed law were to be put into effect.

Rep. Keith Ellison: requiring voters to show IDs is malicious.  Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison from Minnesota tweeted a string of statistics May 30 in an attempt to stifle a non-profit's push to require voters to show a government-issued ID before entering a voting booth.

What is "meaningful work"?  [Scroll down]  The underlying notion seems to be that it is work whose performance is satisfying or enjoyable in itself.  But if that is the only kind of work that people should have to do, how is garbage to be collected, bed pans emptied in hospitals or jobs with life-threatening dangers to be performed?  Does anyone imagine that firemen enjoy going into burning homes and buildings to rescue people trapped by the flames?  That soldiers going into combat think it is fun?  In the real world, many things are done simply because they have to be done, not because doing them brings immediate pleasure to those who do them.

Biden: Tea Party stopped us from growing economy.  Vice President Joe Biden admitted to a group of supporters in New Hampshire this afternoon that the President would have been able help the economy "much, more" if the Tea Party hadn't taken the House.

Deception Fatigue.  [Scroll down]  This brilliant use of indirect labeling can be observed in Obama's dismissal of the constitutional role of the Supreme Court to interpret the law.  Obama said that he hoped that an "unelected body" wouldn't overturn his law.  This subtle derision implies that the role of the US Supreme Court is unfounded and somehow unsanctioned.  This kind of cynical demagoguery targets not the educated public participant, but the uneducated voter.

Great Barrier Reef is doing just fine.  Why do they expose us to this alarmist drivel?  Because, like the polar bear (but unlike, say, the snail darter), the Great Barrier Reef is big and impressive and captures the public imagination.  If somehow it can be co-opted by the eco-loons into their ongoing campaign to destroy the world economy and ensure that as many parts of the globe as possible become virtual no-go areas for humans, policed by brown-shirted enviro-zealots, then co-opt it they will.

More about the coral reef scare.

To Bigotry No Sanction.  Now that President Obama has "evolved" on the matter of same-sex marriage to the position favored by "enlightened" Americans, this would seem to be a good time for some rhetorical hygiene.  There are modest and civil proponents of same-sex marriage.  But the tone of many advocates has been shrill to the point of frothing.  The Southern Poverty Law Center, for example, put the National Organization for Marriage and the Family Research Council on its 2010 list of "hate groups" because of their opposition to gay marriage.

More about same-sex marriage.

If Conservatives Are Social Darwinists, Then...  They believe that corporations are possessed by evil demons and are responsible for poisoning the air and the water.  Ditto oil companies, which are poisoning the fracking gas wells.  Ditto greedy insurance companies that prevent us from getting affordable health care.  These witch-hunters dream of a gigantic auto da fe at Wall Street and Broad, in which the corporations and fundamentalists will be burned at the stake and purged of their demons in a great struggle of the 99% against the 1%.  President Obama's problem with Social Darwinism is that conservatives use it to promote an "on your own" society.  Like many liberals, he has studiously avoided studying what conservatives actually believe.

Forward, Comrades!  Communist leaders frequently used — and still use — the word "forward" as an imperative verb, not as an adverb, usually at the conclusion of speeches or articles.  It conveys a spirit of collective action and unity — as well as the conviction of the left that its ideas represent progress.  The term also has military connotations, evoking an order to charge on the battlefield — and it has been used that way, both for good and ill.

Bill Maher: Obama's reelection is black America's last hope.  On Friday's [5/4/2012] "Real Time with Bill Maher" on HBO, Maher said a Romney win in November would reflect poorly on "black America" and help conservatives undermine America's faith in black politicians.  "I think the second term for Obama is more important even than the first," Maher said.

America's Useful Idiots.  [D]espite the hardcore left accounting for less than 20% of the population, their influence extends far beyond thanks to the apparent inability of their peripheral supporters to use any modicum of reasoning — as the left in the United States has been able to identify and manipulate those susceptible to emotional arguments.

In Tropes They Trust.  Violence never solved anything.  Diversity is strength.  We're only as free as the least free among us.  One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.  Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.  It's a slippery slope.  I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.  Deploy one of these hoary, haughty pronouncements, and you may conclude you have made a watertight case and whatever discussion you are having can now come to a close, your interlocutor silenced by the unanswerable truth of your assertion.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Accuses GOP of 'Making Sure That We Would Redefine Rape'.  Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz of Florida, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, accused Republicans on Tuesday [5/1/2012] of "making sure that we would redefine rape."  "I think the agenda of the Republican Party and of Mitt Romney has clearly been — and can be interpreted as — an attack on the issues that matter to women," Wasserman-Schultz said during a conference call.

Obama on GOP Agenda.  Seeking to shore-up the important organized labor base for his 2012 reelection, President Barack Obama on Monday [4/30/2012] accused Republicans of seeking to dismantle unions and of being willing to let America "fall further behind" other countries by rejecting his infrastructure-spending proposals.

How to Keep the Poor Poor.  Media personality Tavis Smiley and Princeton philosophy professor Cornell West have just published their latest contribution to American poverty propaganda, "The Rich and the Rest of Us: A Poverty Manifesto." [...] Smiley and West's message is simple.  America today consists of a few powerful, rapacious rich people and a lot of unfortunate, exploited poor people.  The rich are rich because they are lucky.  The poor are poor because they are unlucky.  And the only way to solve the problem is activist government to manage the American economy and redistribute wealth.

Top five cliches that liberals use to avoid real arguments.  [#2]  'Violence never solved anything'[:]  It's a nice idea, but it's manifestly absurd.  If violence never solved anything, police would not have guns or nightsticks.  Obama helped solve the problem of Moammar Gaddafi with violence, and FDR helped solve the problem — far too late — of the Holocaust and Hitler with violence.  Invariably, the slogan (or its close cousin "War is not the answer") is invoked not as a blanket exhortation against violence, but as a narrow injunction against the United States, NATO or Republican presidents from trying to solve threats of violence with violence.

Dem Rep Smears 'Threatening' Tea Party As 'Racist,' 'Crazy,' 'Ugly.  Congresswoman Yvette Clarke (NY - 11) attacks the Republicans and the Tea Party at candidate forum hosted by "Prospect Heights Democrats for Reform."

Pelosi: GOP Wants 'Subsidies for Big Oil,' Democrats Want to 'Prevent Breast Cancer'.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said women's health care is the "old favorite target" of Republicans when it comes to budget cuts, adding that while the GOP wants "to protect subsidies for big oil," Democrats want to "prevent breast cancer" and "immunize our children."

Obama Lawyer: Arizona Law Will Result in 'Mass Incarceration'.  The lawyer arguing for the Obama administration against provisions in Arizona's controversial immigration law said Wednesday [4/25/2012] that if the U.S. Supreme Court upholds S.B. 1070 "mass incarceration" of Latinos would cause "significant foreign relations problems."  During oral arguments before the high court on the law — which allows state police to check the immigration status of individuals stopped, detained or arrested for other reasons — Solicitor General Donald Verrilli responded to Justice Antonin Scalia's remarks that Arizona seems to be merely enacting laws that are already federal statutes.

Union Leader Says Education Reforms Are an Attack Against 'Human Rights'.  Is teacher tenure a "human right"?  That's what the head of the Nevada State Education Association seemed to suggest in a television interview last weekend.  Appearing on a local news show, NSEA President Lynn Warne said the Silver State's new education reforms — which focus largely on teacher tenure — "really struck at the heart of what are educators' rights, workers' rights, human rights really."

#War On Women Fail.  Don't think the Democrats will give up on their silly "war on women" theme.  On the contrary, as long as they think there are still some voters dumb enough to be duped, they will keep it up.

Hugh Hefner warns of GOP 'war on sex'.  Hugh Hefner in an editorial for the May issue of Playboy magazine slammed the GOP presidential field as "repressed conservatives" who are "pounding on America's bedroom door."  Hefner warned readers of his empire's flagship magazine that members of the Republican Party are waging a "war on sex."

Unholy Trinity.  The self-described "Catholic" group protesting Rep. Paul Ryan's (R., Wis.) speech at Georgetown University Thursday has ties to the Obama administration and left-wing advocacy groups funded by liberal billionaire George Soros.  The protest, which aims to critique Ryan's "attacks on the poor" and will feature a 50-foot banner reading "Were You There When They Crucified The Poor?" is part of a broader effort to portray the Republican budget as a fundamentally anti-Catholic document heading into the 2012 election season.

Oklahoma Democratic chairman says Timothy McVeigh would be member of tea party were he alive today.  "I certainly stand by my remarks, because it's widely known that McVeigh was anti-government.  I think that he was a right-winger, and I think the current tea party people, while I'm not saying that they're proposing violence, they're anti-government," party Chairman Wallace Collins said.

Indiana Union Claims Right-to-Work Is Slavery.  Indiana's operating engineers' union has filed a suit against the state's new right-to-work law.  Among other counts in the lawsuit, they allege that providing union-negotiated benefits to non-union workers toiling alongside union members violates the 13th Amendment.  That is, because non-unionized workers aren't paying dues in exchange for the union's negotiations, union workers are being enslaved.

Obama's Coalition of the Enraged.  The president and his allies are wooing various groups of angry and disaffected minorities.  These, along with unhappy entitlement dependents, are to constitute most of the voters Obama seeks to lure into granting him another term, during which he hopes to complete his promise to "fundamentally transform" America.

Unhinged Chris Matthews Smears GOP Base.  An unhinged Chris Matthews on Monday [4/23/2012] excoriated Republican primary voters as racist, deriding them as the "Grand Wizard crowd."  Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele fought back, slamming "this Grand Wizard nonsense."

Van Jones: Conservatives Want to Kill Children for Jobs....or Something.  President Obama's former green jobs czar and communist Van Jones is now painting conservatives who believe the EPA is out of control as wanting to kill children for jobs.  Although it is true runway EPA regulations stifle job growth and are burdening the economy, by conservatives believing those regulations should be loosened or eliminated by no means they want to kill kids in the process.

The Most Boring Man in the World.  While Romney might not be able to carry a tune, let us remember that we're voting for the next American President, not the next American Idol.  So while Obama sings "Let's Stay Together" with the Reverend Al Green, Romney is actually figuring a way to bring the nation together.  Not very exciting perhaps.  But 3¼ years of Obama plus the trillions added to our debt is more than enough drama for a lifetime.

Cuddly Symbols Not Cooperating in Climate Panic.  You don't hear stories, as you do with dolphins, of polar bears rescuing drowning humans.  But polar bears, especially cubs, have a different claim on our sympathy — they're adorable.  We shudder to see winsome, furry mammals drifting off to sea on ice floes — all because we couldn't part with our SUVs.  A children's book prepared by the United Nations put it just that way. [...] The longest recorded polar bear swim, according to National Geographic, was 426 miles straight (though National Geographic is all in on climate change).  Since polar bears swim for a living, they're probably pretty good at gauging where land and ice floes are.

More about the liberals' use of polar bears for emotional leverage.

This Week's Exploding Cigar: Obama, the Dog Eater.  [Scroll down]  Ridicule and exposure are significant political tools, tools which the right better learn to use.  Obamacare, the economy and Obama's poor handling of it, and the increasing, unavoidable evidence that he is over his head in managing the executive branch are the big issues, but a great many voters are not as interested in such things.  They are low information voters who vote on an emotional basis and that cannot be ignored.

The Handbasket Express.  Conservative commentators often construe the liberal approach as endorsing a victim mentality.  Such a perspective is not entirely accurate.  While victimhood may be a byproduct of the liberal mindset, it is not liberals' aim.  Their aim, on the contrary, is power for the sake of power.  Like children, they are driven by emotions, not principles — fantasies, not realities.

Michelle: Barack 'brought us out of the dark, into the light'.  First lady Michelle Obama hit the campaign trail again Tuesday [4/17/2012], preaching the Gospel of Barack and telling a Nashville fundraiser that the nation is lucky to have him at the helm.  "We are so blessed to have him.  We are so blessed," she said to applause.  The reason:  "This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light."

Joe Kennedy III calls for ending 'cheap oil'.  As gas prices continue to soar around the country, Joe Kennedy III, the Democratic candidate for Rep. Barney Frank's seat, wrote an online letter to supporters calling for an end to "cheap oil."  "Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama — they've all talked about the same thing:  the need to wean ourselves off our debilitating dependence on foreign oil," Kennedy wrote.  "The cycle that allows cheap oil to trump tough choices has to stop," he continued.  "Forty years is enough."

Obama: The Lying King.  Unquestionably, Obama's re-election campaign strategy is designed to appeal to the stupid, our "sin" nature, and the lowest common denominator of our character.  Obama thrives on pitting the have-nots against the haves.  Obama divides Americans by demonizing the haves.  Obama's rhetoric proclaims that the masses have too little because the rich have too much.

The Democrats finally give in to despair.  As you may have noticed, the Dems have been off their game lately.  Even more than usual, I mean.  Well, now it's official:  They're panicking.  So much for "Hope and Change."  So much for "Yes We Can."  So much for "bipartisanship" and "looking at all ideas on the table" and all the other lies.  So much for trying to convince people that Obama is worth reelecting on his own merits.

Poisoning the Kids.  As a measure of the quality of air in our country, the U.S. EPA maintains data and statistics that quantify air quality from 1980 to the present.  Based on the U.S. EPA's own data, the national ambient air quality standards for certain target pollutants have all steadily and dramatically reduced.  As a national average:
  •   Carbon monoxide has been reduced 82%
  •   Ozone was reduced 28%
  •   Lead has been reduced 89%
  •   Nitrogen oxides have been reduced 52%
  •   Particulate matter as PM10 was reduced 38%, and fine particulate matter as PM 2.5 has been reduced 27%
  •   Sulfur dioxide has been reduced 83%
Regardless, according the Obama administration and its supporters, the quality of the air in our country is literally killing our kids.

Sebelius seeks civil rights support for U.S. healthcare law.  A top U.S. administration official asked civil rights activists on Thursday [4/12/2012] to help defend President Barack Obama's embattled healthcare law, saying the reform package faces an "enemy" determined to set American health policy back half a century.

Why Politicians Promise Heaven And Deliver Hell.  Some people are puzzled by the fact that so much that is said and done by politicians seems remote from reality.  But reality is not what gets politicians elected.  Appearances, rhetoric and emotions are what get them elected.  Reality is what the voters and taxpayers are left to deal with, as a result of electing them.

Brady Campaign President: NRA Put 'the Gun in George Zimmerman's Hands'.  The president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence accused National Rifle Association President Wayne LaPierre of being responsible for the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida by "putting the gun in George Zimmerman's hands."

Left Uses Trayvon Martin Tragedy To Smear America's Good Name.  In light of the tragic killing of black teenager Trayvon Martin — and the manufactured hysteria surrounding it — one thing needs to be stated as clearly and as often as possible:  The United States is the least racist and least xenophobic country in the world.  Foreigners of every race, ethnicity and religion know this.  Most Americans suspect this.  Most black Americans and the entire left deny this.

A community organizer's vision of America.  President Obama has quite a magician's skill for illusion.  He launched a scathing attack on the House Republican budget crafted by Rep. Paul Ryan, Wisconsin Republican, saying it would lead to violent crime, starving children, plane crashes, killing grandparents and cancer.  All of this is to distract the public from his own plan for America in a second term, which not even a single House Democrat voted for.

Nasa scientist: climate change is a moral issue on a par with slavery.  Averting the worst consequences of human-induced climate change is a "great moral issue" on a par with slavery, according to the leading Nasa climate scientist Prof Jim Hansen.  He argues that storing up expensive and destructive consequences for society in future is an "injustice of one generation to others".

Wasserman Schultz: Republicans Are "Rooting For Economic Failure".  "We have got a ways to go, we need to keep pushing.  But what's really bothersome to me, Candy, is that it almost seems like my Republican colleagues in Congress and Mitt Romney are rooting for economic failure," DNC Chairwomen Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) said on CNN's "State of the Union" this morning [4/8/2012].

Clyburn: Voter ID Laws Just Like Jim Crow.  U.S. House Assistant Democratic Leader Jim Clyburn said voter ID laws in South Carolina and elsewhere are reminiscent of post-Reconstruction Jim Crow laws.  Clyburn, D-S.C., and other voting rights advocates warn that laws requiring voters to present photo identification when they go to the polls could disenfranchise millions of Americans in the November elections.

The Editor says...
Voter ID laws do not prevent any living citizen from voting.  The one person in a million who does not have any form of photo identification card can get one from the government at any time.  As I see it, all the opposition to voter ID laws comes from people who want (to continue) to commit voter fraud.

Critical Race Theory: Of the Racists, By the Racists, and For the Racists.  The success of radical leftists in taking over administrative control of various institutions — the media, higher education and public worker unions — was partly based upon their tactic of accusing their opponents of being racist.  The truth is, it worked very well for a long time, and often still does.  Human nature is to give in to avoid being called racist; it's just not worth it for ordinary people doing everyday jobs — they didn't sign up for that kind of harassment.  The left knows it, and exploits it.

Why small business hates ObamaCare.  The uninsured cannot be denied care, as a matter of law, and most people wouldn't want them to be.  For some reason, the Left's normally unshakeable faith in "free" goods and services dissolves when they contemplate the cost of providing such care, so it became necessary to forcibly restructure the entire insurance industry with a gigantic budget-busting bill, shoved through Congress in the dead of night over the objections of the American people, and passed into law by people who never read its thousands of pages, in order to deal with the problem.

Obama Campaign: Republicans "Politicizing" Trayvon Martin's Death.  This is what's called "projection".

The Editor says...
It's the old Karl Marx strategy:  "Accuse others of what you do."  And if all you need is a five-second sound bite, it works.

Dem Reps Sponsor Resolution Blaming 'Racial Bias' For Trayvon Shooting.  There is little to no evidence that George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin because Martin was black.  But that hasn't stopped members of the Congressional Black Caucus from sponsoring a resolution linking Martin to gun control and lamenting supposed racial profiling of the teenager.

Pennsylvania State Rep. Calls Pro-Life Women 'Men With Breasts'.  Speaking at a rally today, Pennsylvania State Representative Babette Josephs suggested that pro-life women are not in fact women, but 'men with breasts'.  Apparently women cannot be truly women unless they support unfettered abortion.

Pa. House proposes preabortion ultrasound.  Pennsylvania could be the next battleground in the fight over whether a woman seeking an abortion must have an ultrasound exam and, if so, whether it involves inserting a probe into her vagina.  In Virginia last week, a preabortion ultrasound law derailed at the eleventh hour after opponents portrayed it as "state-sponsored rape" and late-night comedians piled on.

McMorris Rodgers: 'Democrats are waging a war on reality'.  Democrats and their supporters have been fundraising, campaigning and lobbying on the idea that Republicans are engaged in a "war on women."  The vice chairwoman of the House Republican Conference, however, alleges that it is the Democrats who are "waging a war on reality."

NOW President: Bishops Want 'Police Power of State to Prevent Women from Taking Birth Control'.  Roman Catholic bishops and other religious leaders have failed to keep women from using birth control and now want the "police power of the state" to stop women from doing so, National Organization for Women President Terry O'Neill said Thursday [3/1/2012] at a gathering of feminist activists.

The Editor says...
Of course that's a lie, but it makes a great TV sound bite, and apparently the Abortion Party has no compunction about lying to achieve their goals.

Ultrasounds drive people in Virginia crazy.  Give a National Organization for Women representative five minutes of airtime on national television and she'll make up a brand new Constitutional right to abortion that no one in the legal field recognized existed prior to Tuesday [2/28/2012], and the cookie-cutter objection that women are being "raped" by an ultrasound technique that Planned Parenthood already utilizes at a majority of its clinics.

Why I am so rude to Warmists.  [Scroll down]  It was prompted when I very vocally expressed my disgust at one of the standard phrases trotted out by Warmists and other eco-loons in these debates:  the one about "preserving the planet for future generations".  The reason this cant phrase makes me want to throw up every time I hear it is that it's such a grotesque inversion of reality.  It's not people on my side of the debate who want to ravage the countryside with wind farms (with no provision for decommissioning them), rein in economic growth, introduce wartime-style rationing, raise taxes, destroy farmland and rainforests to create biofuels, and base heinously expensive public policy on hysteria and junk science.  It's not people on my side of the debate who are condemning those "future generations" to a lower standard of living and an uglier environment in order to deal with a problem that doesn't exist.

Government workers vs. their unions: Cato.  As part of the payroll tax bill on Friday [2/17/2012], Congress voted to tweak federal worker benefits.  New federal hires will be required to make an additional contribution to their pension plans.  While just a small change, federal worker unions railed against the bill as if were armageddon.

Unionized workers typically live in an atmosphere of constant strife.

Dems Stage a Single-Witness 'Hearing' to Frame Their 'Reproductive Rights' Argument.  Because their witness was denied an opportunity to testify at last week's Republican-led hearing on religious freedom, House Democrats staged a hearing of their own Thursday, playing to the media and framing the argument as one of "women's health."

Showdown over school closings: Jackson says 'apartheid' exists in system.  The Rev. Jesse Jackson and members of the Chicago Teachers Union called on the board to table a vote and put off any closings and turnarounds until it addresses funding inequalities between poor and affluent schools. ... As he waited in line this morning [2/22/2012] to attend the meeting, Jackson said inequities in Chicago's public school system amount to educational "apartheid," echoing sentiments expressed in a Chicago Teachers Union report last week.

Maryland governor: GOP Wants to Outlaw Contraception.  Gov. Martin O'Malley said the Republican party works to "outlaw contraception," on CNN's "Starting Point" with Soledad O'Brien Friday [2/24/2012].

Wasserman Schultz: Americans "Overwhelmingly" Support ObamaCare.  DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz says Americans "overwhelmingly support" entitlements that are included in Obamacare.  Wasserman Schultz also calls the GOP field "extreme" and says they want to "tell women what we have to do with our bodies and control when and whether we could have a family by not allowing us access to contraception."

Maxine Waters: Boehner and Cantor 'Demons'.  Maxine Waters reminded us today that, should Democrats win back the House, she is in line to become the next chairwoman of the Financial Services Committee.  If that doesn't scare you, then just watch this video.  In it, she calls Speaker John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor "demons" who "would rather do whatever they can to destroy this president, rather than for the good of this country."

Maxine Waters calls Republican leaders 'demons'.  Rep. Maxine Waters, no stranger to controversy, is turning heads once again, this time for describing House Republican leaders as "demons."  The California Democrat's comments, which surfaced Wednesday [2/15/2012], were made last weekend at a state party convention in San Diego.  Video of her speech shows her rallying Democrats to win back control of the House in November.

Democrats: GOP Conscience Protection Amendment Would Take Us 'Back to Medical Dark Ages'.  Democratic Senators held a press conference on Tuesday [2/14/2012] to oppose a Republican-led amendment that would ensure conscience rights are protected under Obamacare, claiming the broadness of the proposal would turn the country back to the "medical dark ages" and keep women "barefoot and pregnant."

Harry Reid Says Republicans Want to Put 'Arsenic And Mercury in the Water'.  In remarks on the Senate floor Monday, [Senate Majority Leader Harry] Reid said Republicans would extend the payroll tax cut — if Democrats "will let us (Republicans) continue to put things like arsenic and mercury in the water of the American people."  The bill extending the payroll tax would eliminate an EPA pollution regulation, and that explains Reid's reference to arsenic and mercury in the drinking water.  The bill also would force President Obama to make a decision on the Keystone XL oil pipeline before the election.

Sheila Jackson Lee: Privatizing Airport Security Means Another 9/11.  Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee apparently believes that unless you have unionized government workers deemed as "officers" feeling you up at the airport, another 9-11 is on its way.  No surprise coming from the Congresswoman who is exempt from the invasive procedures the rest of us have to go through just to take a flight.

The Editor asks...
She's exempt from airport searches?  Really?  Why wasn't Senator Rand Paul exempt on January 23?

Democrats Vs. Republicans: Who's The Most Greedy?  Rich businessman Mitt Romney gave more than 16% of his income to charity last year.  A few years back, Barack and Michelle Obama gave less than 1% of theirs.  Aren't Republicans supposed to be the heartless ones?

Prez fans the flames.  State of the Union addresses are inherently political.  But there is something a bit unseemly about seeing the president exploit the raw insecurity many Americans feel about their finances, for election-year advantage.  This White House rarely hesitates to go there and President Barack Obama did so again last night.

Black Caucus charges voter ID laws aimed at Obama supporters.  The Congressional Black Caucus on Monday night [1/23/2012] took to the House floor to charge that voter ID laws popping up around the country are aimed at dissuading minority voters from voting, and making it harder for President Obama to win re-election.  "It is clear to me that whether racially based or not, this is a direct attempt, not only to undermine the election process, but a specific attempt to derail what surely would be and ought to be the re-election of Barack Obama," Rep. Donna Christensen (D-VI) said on the floor.

Is Obama 'Untethered to the Facts'? Are his lips moving?  Well, every commercial needs to grab the viewer's attention and this one does just that.  They come out fighting with "Secretive oil billionaires are attacking Obama."  That's an attention grabber, eh?  Right from the get-go, 'secretive oil billionaires.'  No names, no pictures, just a statement.

Don't trust your instincts.  Simple answers are so satisfying:  Green jobs will fix the economy.  Stimulus will create jobs.  Charity helps people more than commerce.  Everyone should vote.  Well, all those instinctive solutions are wrong.

Presidential nonsense:  Last week, President Barack Obama, at a Capital Hilton fundraising event, told the crowd, "We can't go back to this brand of you're-on-your-own economics."  Throughout my professional career as an economist, I've never come across the theory of "you're-on-your-own economics."  I'm guessing what the president means by — and finds offensive in — "you're-on-your-own economics" is that it's a system in which people are held responsible for their actions, that they take risks and must live with the results, that people can't force others to pay for their mistakes, and that they can't live at the expense of other people.

Obama: Republicans Want to Emulate China, Roll Back Minimum Wage, Prevent Unionization.  President Barack Obama accused Republicans of wanting to make America more like China, of seeking to roll back the minimum wage and of wanting to prevent collective bargaining and said the GOP wants to "get rid" of clean air and water rules.  Obama made the comments Monday [1/9/2012] at a campaign fundraiser at the Capital Hilton in Washington on the eve of the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary.

The Left's War on Voter Fraud Reform.  Although Democrats insist that little or no voter fraud is occurring, at least 55 former Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) employees or associates have been convicted of some form of voter fraud in 11 states, according to the Capital Research Center's Matthew Vadum.  Voter integrity rules are long overdue to prevent fraud, and Democrats seem to think that minority, young, and elderly people are morons who can't play by the same rules as everyone else.  The left's strategy is simple:  energize the base with false fears while depicting Republicans as barely disguised Klansmen with pitchforks and torches.

Will Obama steal the 2012 election?  The administration is trying to whip up minority frenzy, propagating the myth of widespread ballot suppression.  The goal is to foster a sense of racial persecution of blacks, intending to maximize voter turnout in November. ... Mr. Holder evidently wants to scuttle ID laws because he knows which organization will be hurt most:  ACORN.

Is Liberalism a Religion?  Whether the beliefs are true or false, if people didn't come to their religious convictions by means of reason, then reason isn't going to convince them to change their minds.  This same principle applies to collectivism and health care.  If people didn't come to the false religion of collectivism by means of reason, you are not going to talk them out of it by means of reason.  If you remember this principle, you will save yourself the agony of many, many pointless conversations.

Nation Reporter: 'Deep Racism' at the Heart of Food Stamp Reform.  With a record 46 million Americans now receiving food stamps and rampant abuse resulting in what the Wall Street Journal calls a "food stamp crime wave," Nation reporter Lizzie Ratner believes that "deep racism" is "at the heart of conservative food stamp critiques".

Sen. Boxer: GOP bill will kill 8,100 Americans.  California Democrat Sen. Barbara Boxer said on Tuesday [12/13/2011] that House Republicans will kill 8,100 Americans with the latest version of their payroll tax cut bill.  Speaking on the floor of the Senate, Boxer, the chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, assailed a provision House Republicans attached to their payroll tax-cut bill that would delay boiler regulations the Environmental Protection Agency recently enacted.

The Editor says...
I challenge you to name three people who have died as the direct result of exposure to the exhaust fumes from boilers.

Anti-safety? Old union trope withers.  The old chest-thumping power plays used by public employee unions for years are not resonating with voters like they used to. ... Still, the union brass know no other way to behave, so they keep pounding their chests as if the ancient tribal call will be enough to send the reformers with the green eye shades back to their offices to cower in fear.

Democrat Economic Illiteracy Has Consequences.  The Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, visited Capitol Hill last week and claimed that the unemployment rate will increase if Congress fails to extend the eligibility period for federal unemployment benefits.  My first reaction to this Orwellian assertion was a quiet chuckle.  Then it dawned on me that most Democrats will believe this nonsense.  These are, after all, people who believed that health care would be made cheaper by a law that increases demand for medical services while reducing the supply of health care providers.

EPA Fracking Report and Energy Politics.  Yesterday's EPA report raising water pollution worries about fracking in Wyoming amounts to psy-ops in the Obama re-election campaign. ... The only way Obama can defend his energy policies is to raise fears of pollution.

More unsupported hysteria over fracking.  Fracking was first used in Oklahoma in the 1940s and in the years since has been employed in more than a million oil and gas wells across the nation.  There is not a single independently documented instance of groundwater contamination by fracking anywhere in the country, a fact that was confirmed as recently as May by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson during congressional testimony.  So why did the EPA announce Thursday [12/8/2011] in a draft report that chemicals "likely" associated with fracking were found at a drilling site near Pavilion, Wyoming?

Democrat says GOP trying to deny blacks the right to vote.  A Democratic lawmaker said Wednesday [12/7/2011] on the House floor that Republican legislators around the country are purposefully trying to deny blacks the right to vote by pushing for voter identification laws.  "It's no coincidence that a disproportionate number of these affected voters come from communities of color as well as the poor, the elderly and students," said Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), a former chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Waxman: Solyndra, Green Subsidies Saving People from 'Fires, Droughts, and Floods'.  Representative Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said that Department of Energy subsidies, such as the the failed $535-million loan guarantee to solar company Sloyndra, were "saving" people from "fires, droughts and floods" that are caused by global warming.

Also posted under Global Warming is Blamed for Everything!

Jimmy Carter an Ally on the Left in Voter ID Crusade.  In every state that has enacted voter ID, most of the proponents are Republican and most opponents are Democrats.  "And it really got ugly when the [Republican-controlled Pennsylvania] House of Representatives took up the issue earlier this year," GOP State Rep. Curt Schroder recalled for Human Events.  "Supporters were called hatemongers and racist, and comparisons were made between us and Mississippians in the 1960s who tried to keep blacks from voting."

Wasserman Schultz accuses GOP of rigging elections with 'suppression laws'.  Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz on Wednesday night [11/16/2011] said Republican governors and legislatures are purposefully pressing for the enactment of voter-identification laws to suppress Democratic voter turnout in the 2012 election.  "State legislatures are attempting to impose voting restrictions that are the modern-day equivalent of poll taxes and literacy tests," the Florida congresswoman said on the House floor.

DNC Chair Denies On Camera 'Jim Crow' Claim She Made — On Camera.  DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) denies — on camera — a claim she made — also on camera — that Republicans want to 'literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws' by enforcing voter ID laws.  "I didn't.  That's not what I said," the DNC chair tells MRCTV when her on-air quote is repeated to her.

Transportation officials considering raising gas tax.  There is a new move to boost the taxes you pay every time you fill up.  A new state report shows California is hundreds of billions of dollars short when it comes to fixing its roads.  It is a funding gap that could delay more than 3,000 safety improvements.

The Editor scoffs...
Yeah, right.  Excuses are always given when tax increases are proposed, and they always have something to do with safety, or protecting the children, or saving grandma from starvation.  For this reason, taxes never decrease or expire.

Keep Fear Alive.  The pairing of the conservative movement with bias has a long history that over the years, as it has become less defensible, has only become more intense. ... MSNBC's Chris Matthews told Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus in August that the Tea Party has "a bad attitude towards race, towards black people, towards immigrants."  He called mention of food stamps a "racist dog whistle."  He obsessed over the idea that Rick Perry wants to secede from the Union, and his colleague Howard Fineman called the Tea Party plan to cut back on entitlements a "slow-motion secession" from the rest of the country.

Top 10 Joe Bidenisms.  [#1]  Republicans want more rapes:  While trying to sell President Obama's jobs bill, Biden hurled a vicious attack on Republicans blocking the bill, saying that if the bill didn't pass, murders and rapes would increase:  "It's not temporary when that 911 call comes in and a woman's being raped, if a cop shows up in time to prevent the rape.  It's not temporary to that woman. ... I wish they [Republicans] had some notion of what it was like to be on the other side of a gun, or a 200-pound man standing over you, telling you to submit."

Payday Loans.  The mindset of the left was recently displayed in a big, front-page story in the October 30th issue of the San Mateo County Times.  It was an investigative reporter's expose of the "payday loan" business and its lobbyists.  According to the reporter:  "In California lenders charge up to $45 in fees on a maximum $300 loan.  This amounts to an interest rate of 460 percent, trapping some borrowers into a never-ending cycle of debt." ... Using this kind of reasoning — or lack of reasoning — you could quote the price of salmon as $15,000 a ton or say a hotel room rents for $36,000 a year, when no consumer buys a ton of salmon and few people stay in a hotel room all year.  It is clever propaganda, but do people buy newspapers to be propagandized?

Biden Continues to Warn of Rapes and Murders If Jobs Bill Isn't Passed.  Last week, Vice President Joe Biden warned that more people would likely be raped and murdered if President Obama's jobs bill is not passed. ... Today, Biden reiterated his warning at an event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Obama is Losing His Honor.  In a speech earlier this year, [President Obama] accused Republicans of wanting the elderly, autistic and Down syndrome children to fend for themselves.  And this week, the president described the Republican economic plan as boiling down to this:  "Let's have dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance."

Murders, Rapes, Falling Bridges and Phantom Jobs.  Where's the outrage?  Where are the media?  Why don't they ask Obama why he's proposing to spend $447 billion on projects that aren't even necessary and trying to scare the public into supporting them?  Former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel famously said that "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste," but Obama has taken the maxim to a new level.  The enhanced version is:  "When all else fails to convince the electorate, fabricate a phony crisis, and fuel it with fear based on lies.

White House backs Biden's rape, murder remarks.  The White House on Thursday [10/20/2011] defended Vice President Joseph R. Biden's rhetoric that more Americans will be raped and killed if Republican lawmakers reject part of President Obama's jobs bill that would pay for more police officers on the street.

Biden's Criminal Lies.  Vice President Joe Biden's challenge to the GOP that blocking the jobs bill would mean more rapes and murders is beneath even the remarkably low standard he's set for that office.  His claim is also utterly bogus.

Obama: Republicans Want 'Dirtier Air, Dirtier Water'.  President Barack Obama said the Republican jobs proposal, released last week, would mean "dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance."  "The Republican plan says that what's been standing in the way between us and full employment are laws that keep companies from polluting as much as they want," Obama said in a speech at the regional airport in Asheville, N.C., on Monday [10/17/2011].

Sharpton: People Favoring Voter IDs Want to 'Revoke the Voting Rights Act'.  MSNBC's Al Sharpton lead a jobs rally in Washington, D.C., Saturday, and not surprisingly, he used the event to once again divide the nation along racial lines.  As he has disgracefully done on his PoliticsNation program on numerous occasions in recent weeks, Sharpton accused those favoring proper identification at the polls as wanting to "revoke the Voting Rights Act".

"They Won't Even Vote on It".  That's the subject line of an Obama campaign email blast sent out yesterday afternoon [10/4/2011], attacking House Republicans for not yet voting on his American Jobs Act:  "Though it's been nearly a month since he laid out this plan, House Republicans haven't acted to pass it," Obama campaign manager Jim Messina writes in the email.  "It's not clear which part of the bill they now object to:  building roads, hiring teachers, getting veterans back to work."  Of course, Republicans might lob the same charge right back at the Democrats.  The Senate GOP tried to force a vote on Obama's jobs act yesterday, but were blocked by Harry Reid, who simply doesn't have enough Democratic votes to pass the bill.

The Editor says...
I would be happy to answer Mr. Obama's remarkably stupid question.  The federal government has no constitutional authority to engage in "building roads, hiring teachers, [or] getting veterans back to work."  Those matters are "reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Obama mocks Perry, Republican debates.  President Obama broadened his attack on Republicans Sunday night, firing an indirect shot at Texas Gov. Rick Perry and condemning audience members at recent Republican debates. ... "I mean has anybody been watching the debates lately?" Obama said.  "You've got a governor whose state is on fire denying climate change."

Why Voter Photo Identification Is Crucial to Our Republic.  Voter identification requirements have been a source of contention for some time, despite increased evidence of voter fraud in recent elections.  Generally, the left opposes such requirements, and the right favors them.  As is usually the case, the left's position is based upon emotion, while the right's is more pragmatic — i.e., how to implement a simple constitutional mandate.

Obama's 'Hate the Rich' Campaign.  It angers me that Obama and his minions in the liberal media have put achievers, risk-takers, on the defensive.  It angers me that Obama's followers think that they are entitled to the fruit of someone else's labor.  Americans are extremely generous and willing to help people in need, domestic and foreign.  But no one is entitled to share in the bounty resulting from someone's risk, blood, sweat, and tears.  Any government which confiscates and redistributes wealth is immoral and evil.

EPA To Shut Down 20% of Coal Plants in 2012.  Susan Kraemer at CleanTechnica can barely contain her excitement at the prospect of environmental regulations.  In an article titled "Obama's EPA Cues 130 Billion Race to Cut Pollution By 2015", she reports that the EPA will shut down 20 percent of coal plants through the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule.  She acknowledges the cost of these regulations ($130 billion), but insists that this is actually good for the economy.  How, pray tell, does $130 billion in regulatory expenses transform into a $130 billion boon?

How did anyone survive before the EPA existed?
Dems: Heart attacks, asthma, deformed babies if EPA reined in.  House Democrats on Thursday evening [9/22/2011] warned that Republican attempts to rein in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations would lead directly to adverse health effects across America.

Our floundering 'federal family'.  In societies governed by persuasion, politics is mostly talk, so liberals' impoverishment of their vocabulary matters.  Having damaged liberalism's reputation, they call themselves progressives.  Having made the federal government's pretensions absurd, they have resurrected a supposed synonym for the government, the "federal family."  Having made federal spending suspect, they advocate "investments" — for "job creation," a euphemism for stimulus, another word they have made toxic.

Beating the Racism Card.  [The 2012] campaign is going to be about one thing:  racism.  No matter what else happens, racism will be the theme. ... This is the essence of totalitarian thought control:  you cannot win, you cannot remain aloof, you cannot get out of the game.  That being the case, the game board must be broken, the pieces scattered, and the rules burnt.

Obama Nation: The Power of Panic.  President Obama and the Democratic Party effectively turned every controversial issue they faced over the past three years into a potential crisis, and convinced the American people to support their solutions without question to avert presumed dire consequences.  Important works of legislation capable of changing the American way of life were passed on the basis of "we have to pass this now — or else!"

The Department Of Doublespeak.  The government's image well earned by its excesses are what the administration wants the public to forget when it uses the phrase "federal family."  In reality, our "federal family" is actually Big Brother — a ruling presence that burdens, manipulates, plunders, abuses and surveils the people.  Big Brother demands obedience and doesn't tolerate dissent. ... Covering up a government's reputation by referring to it as a family doesn't change the facts that produced the sullied reputation.  It is still an unwelcome force by any other name.

The Democrats' Invincible Ignorance.  I'm hearing from a disturbingly high number of people who apparently buy the Democratic Party line with no question whatsoever.  They exhibit a remarkable, frightful willingness to act against their own interests in blind service to partisanship and ideology.

Messiah of Hate.  The time when the Obama brand still seemed like it might have something to offer the American people is long past.  There will still be voters who go to the polls and pull the wrong lever, but they won't do it because they seriously believe that another term will make America a better place.  Rather they will do it for reasons of identity.  Political identity, racial identity and because 'anything is better than voting GOP' is also an identity.

Gore urges Obama to block pipeline for 'dirtiest source of fuel on the planet'.  Former Vice President Gore called on President Obama late Wednesday [8/31/2011] to reject a pending permit application for a controversial pipeline project, calling the oil that it would carry "the dirtiest fuel on the planet."

The Editor says...
I thought coal was supposed to be the dirtiest fuel.  In any event, the dirtiness of a coal mine doesn't matter to most people, as long as the coal goes straight to a power plant and is converted into electricity.

Big Three Nets Ignore Rep. Carson's Lynching Smear of Tea Party.  Representative Andre Carson's inflammatory attack on the Tea Party has yet to have receive any attention from the Big Three networks.  As reported by Politico on Wednesday, Rep. Carson accused Tea Party-friendly members of Congress of wanting to bring back Jim Crow and went so far to accuse his colleagues of wanting to bring back lynching:  "Some of them... would love to see you and me... hanging on a tree."

Andre Carson: Tea party wants blacks 'hanging on a tree'.  A top lawmaker in the Congressional Black Caucus says tea partiers on Capitol Hill would like to see African-Americans hanging from trees and accuses the movement of wishing for a return to the Jim Crow era.

'Climate scepticism is the new racism' says Gore.  Just as "racist" has been honed over the decades by liberal-lefties for casual use as a deadly weapon against anyone who disagrees them, so "climate denier" has become the new leftist shorthand for "evil, wrong, uncaring, right-wing — and almost certainly funded by Big Oil."  In both cases, the intent is the same:  to close down the argument by implying that your opponent is so morally compromised that his case isn't even worth consideration.

No, Showing Identification is Not a 'Poll Tax'.  There's an entirely absurd op-ed by Georgia Congressman John Lewis in today's New York Times about voter ID laws. ... What's odd is that Lewis and others constantly criticize voter ID laws without defining what they think would be sufficient proof of identity.  Do Lewis and other Democrats simply think showing up at the polls and taking someone's word that they are who they say they are should be sufficient?

7 Reasons Why Liberals Are Incapable of Understanding The World.  [#3]  Liberals emphasize feeling superior, not superior results.  Liberalism is all about appearances, not outcomes.  What matters to liberals is how a program makes them FEEL about themselves, not whether it works or not.  Thus a program like Headstart, which sounds good because it's designed to help children read, makes liberals feel good about themselves, even though the program doesn't work and wastes billions.  A ban on DDT makes liberals feel good about themselves because they're "protecting the environment" even though millions of people have died as a result.

The Democrats' Big Lie.  There are very few things the left is really good at, but one of them is propaganda, its bread and butter, the biggest arrow in its quiver.  While extolling "the working class", the socialist movement has always been an almost exclusive preserve of radical intellectuals.  These people, whose primary habitat is the ivory towers of academia, are far removed from reality.  They spend their lives talking non-stop, engaging in verbal games and coming up with slogans and catch-words and phrases, sometimes quite ingenious.

Facts? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Facts.  Progressives just like feeling good about what they believe in.  Thus, it completely eludes progressives why companies refuse to hire, or ship jobs overseas at every opportunity.  In prog-world, companies exist primarily to re-distribute wealth, not make a profit or turn out a product.  In prog-world, every business owner is suspect until proven otherwise, even as thousands of rules and regulations must be substituted for common sense and common decency.

Nancy Pelosi: 'You can kiss Medicare goodbye'.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi held a mid-morning press conference Thursday [07/28/2011], sharply denouncing Speaker John Boehner's debt limit plan, which will come up for a vote later in the day.  If Boehner's proposal becomes law, Pelosi said, "You can kiss Medicare goodbye."

'Life on this planet' about to change.  That thoughtful observer of the passing parade, Nancy Pelosi, weighed in on the "debt ceiling" negotiations the other day:  "What we're trying to do is save the world from the Republican budget.  We're trying to save life on this planet as we know it today."  It's always good to have things explained in terms we simpletons can understand.

To [Heck] with You People.  Tom Friedman — who knows a bit about Hezbollah — calls the tea partiers the "Hezbollah faction" of the GOP bent on taking the country on a "suicide mission."  All over the place, conservative Republicans are "hostage takers" and "terrorists," "terrorists" and "traitors."  They want to "end life as we know it on this planet," says Nancy Pelosi.

Al Franken Unveils Sign During Senate Floor Speech On Debt Crisis.  Yesterday [7/27/2011], Minnesota Senator Al Franken (D) addressed fellow members of the Senate with the help of a rather striking visual aid.  While explaining to his fellow politicians that, if a bill to increase the debt ceiling isn't passed by the August 2nd deadline, there would be no money for veterans, students or federal agents fighting terrorism, Franken elected to really drive his point home by unveiling a large blue and yellow sign reading "WELCOME TERRORISTS."

It's Not Fair!  Like little kids, liberals love to use the phrase "It's not fair."  When somebody is rich, liberals say "It's not fair."  Kind of reminds me of my younger brother when we were little.  Sometimes liberals use the phrase "redistribution of income" instead of "it's not fair" when they want to elevate the conversation and sound grown up.  What's kind of interesting is that when it comes to liberals' toys and money, they're very reluctant to give them up.  Whether it's taxes, toys, money, or political positions, "it's not fair" when they are held to the same standards as other Americans.

Class warfare, Obama-style.  President Obama is pushing for what he calls a "reasonable proposition" of tax increases mainly on those families with incomes of $250,000 or more.  "We weren't balancing the budget off of middle-class families and working-class families," he said last week.  "And we weren't letting hedge-fund managers or authors of best-selling books off the hook."  Left unsaid was that the top 10 percent of earners are already on the hook for around 70 percent of total income taxes, and the bottom 50 percent pay next to nothing.  If "fairness" was as important to liberals as they say it is, they would be seeking balance by raising taxes on the low end of the income scale.

Job-killing corporate jet tax.  President Obama is rummaging for cheap political points by attempting to tax corporate jets.  Apparently, if one uses a private jet, even for business, one must be punished.

An Industry Maligned.  The president won't let go of his obsession with the corporate jet tax break.  Eliminating the tax break is fine.  But there's no excuse for using the bully pulpit to beat up an industry struggling to recover.

Bloomberg Wants to Take Away Your Guns Before Al Qaeda Gets Them.  Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his little outfit "Mayors Against Illegal Guns" are at it again.  Hoping to gain traction for what has heretofore been an absolutely pathetic gun control campaign, Bloomberg is rolling out all the stops by trying to scare us into thinking Al Qaeda agents are buying their guns at U.S. gun shows.

The Education of a Compassionate Conservative.  [Scroll down]  Leftist assumption of control of academia and the media was so swift and thorough during the 1970s and 80s only because many conservatives had swallowed the liberal line that such values as self-reliance, merit, individualism, and fairness were not only immoral and indefensible but quite possibly racist and borderline fascist as well.

President Obama's war on facts.  President Obama's "corporate jet" line from his press conference Wednesday [6/29/2011] is crashing along with a host of other claims that fact-checkers dismissed in the hours after his speech.  Obama referred to private jets six times in his remarks, essentially describing the Republican position on how to decrease rampant deficits as being "willing to compromise their kids' safety so that some corporate jet owner continues to get a tax break."

The Alinsky Alert System.  Rule Number Five of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals calls for ridicule of the opposition whenever there is opportunity.  Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer and therein opened the gate to misconduct, just so long as it serves the cause.  It seems the more vitriolic the attack the better.  And truth, accuracy, fairness, all those things are simply a crutch for weak people and have no play in the radicals' game unless used in some kind of guise.  Today, Rule Number Five is the strongest tool that the liberals have among them and in light of current events, its use can only increase.

DNC Chair: GOP Aims to "Literally Drag" the Country Back to Jim Crow Era.  Lost the maelstrom of Weinergate was this delightful piece of intellectually honest, measured rhetoric from new DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL).  Thank goodness for Democrats, our nation's self-appointed civility police force.

Voter ID is no Jim Crow — I would know.  Having experienced the psychological pain of Jim Crow laws first-hand, I won't allow those who likely only read about Jim Crow in history books to trivialize it.  That's why I'm outraged about a recent edition of TV One's "Washington Watch" in which host Roland Martin and Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) compared state-level voter identification rules to Jim Crow.  To the contrary, requiring valid identification in exchange for something as sacred as a ballot is a pragmatic approach to governing.

Asking Voters for ID Is Not a Race Issue.  I don't get why [E.J.] Dionne thinks some people would have a hard time producing ID because of the color of their skin.  I can understand other reasons — homeless people might have a difficult time proving their place of residence, or illiterate people might not be able to fill in the paperwork — but to imply that getting and using an ID is somehow too difficult or onerous for some racial groups seems very condescending to me.  What does skin color or ethnic background have to do with it?  When we ask people to produce ID to get healthcare, as I had to, or to prove their identity to get an Amtrak ticket, no one says this is a return to segregation.

Rep. Steve King compared to McCarthy in ACORN floor spat.  Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.) made the comparison in comments on the House floor after King attempted to exclude dozens of groups related to ACORN from receiving government funds through an amendment to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) appropriations bill.  King proposed an amendment that would deny DHS funding to several ACORN affiliates across various states.

New DNC Boss Calls GOP 'Anti-Women'.  In an emotional assault on the Republicans, new Democratic Party Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Shultz today called the GOP agenda "anti-women" and "a war on women" that will backfire on Republicans in the 2012 election and provide a cushion for President Obama's re-election bid.  "It's just so hard for me to grasp how they could be so anti-women as they are," she said at a breakfast roundtable with reporters.

Mediscare: The Surprising Truth.  The Obama administration has repeatedly claimed that the health-reform bill it passed last year improved Medicare's finances.  Although you'd never know it from the current state of the Medicare debate — with the Republicans being portrayed as the Medicare Grinches — the laim is true only because ObamaCare explicitly commits to cutting health-care spending for the elderly and the disabled in future years.

Climate Activists Target States With Lawsuits.  A group of attorneys using children and young adults as plaintiffs plans to file legal actions in every state and the District of Columbia on Wednesday [5/4/2011] in an effort to force government intervention on climate change.

Left-leaning Center for American Progress blames Republicans for devastating tornadoes.  The left-leaning Center for American Progress published a blog post Thursday [4/28/2011] blaming Republicans for the tornadoes that devastated the South earlier this week.

CAP capitalizes on southern storm deaths.  [A recent] post by Brad Johnson really is a new low for the Center of American Progress:  "Storms Kill Over 250 Americans In States Represented By Climate Pollution Deniers." ... The official line at CAP now is that all weather events, all the time, everywhere, are all the direct result of global warming.

This was also posted under Global Warming is Blamed for Everything.

New ad portrays GOP attack on EPA as assault on babies.  With several key votes set for next week on the GOP's ongoing assault on the Environmental Protection Agency, this new ad gives us a hint on how the left intends to respond — by portraying the GOP push as an assault on children.

Obama's Character Defect.  Challenging people's character, their motivations, and their patriotism is back in fashion.  And so, in Barack Obama's world, the Republican vision for America consists of crumbling roads, collapsing bridges, young people unable to go to college, grandparents unable to afford nursing home care, and — this one is particularly classy — autistic and Down's Syndrome children will have to fend for themselves.

Obama's charity state.  President Obama made a big to-do about a big speech about his allegedly big new plan to reduce the really big deficit and fix the country the way a president is supposed to.  Predictably, he dusted off old far-left mantras as tired as Joe Biden at an Obama speech, spouting yet again that the way to end deficits is to raise taxes.  The rhetoric on the left is getting more shrill by the minute, with accusations of Republicans wanting to "steal" from poor people, women and senior citizens.  Yes — "steal" — as if there is money that is theirs and mean old Republicans want to break into their homes in the middle of the night and lift it from their wallets.

The Choice In 2012: Emotion Versus Ideas.  On Monday [4/4/2011] we witnessed the beginning of two campaigns to shape the direction of the nation's future.  President Obama declared that he would seek re-election in 2012, kicking off his pursuit of a second term with a web ad geared toward recruiting grassroots workers who would try to keep him in the White House.  In Congress, a much different campaign was launched by the Republicans, with Chairman of the Budget Committee Paul Ryan's release of the 2012 Republican budget.  Comparing these two opening salvos for next year's election, America's choice can be boiled down to a simple choice between the emotional ploys of the left, and the comprehensive solutions of the right.

They were outraged over "Death Panel" claims, but...
NBC Doesn't Object to Dem Calling GOP Budget a 'Death Trap'.  On Tuesday's [4/5/2011] NBC Nightly News, a report on the Republican 2012 budget proposal included a sound bite from Democratic Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who decried the plan and ranted:  "Medicare would become little more than a discount card.  This plan would literally be a death trap for some seniors."

Rep. Louise Slaughter: GOP Freshmen Came to Washington 'To Kill Women'.  Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) said today [4/7/2011] that the new Republicans elected to the House of Representatives last November came to Congress "to kill women."  She also likened Republican efforts to prohibit federal funding of abortion except in cases of rape, incest or where the life of the mother is endangered to actions taken by Nazis.

Schumer the extremist.  The New York Democrat was caught unaware that others were listening during a conference call he held with colleagues.  Mr. Schumer spoke a bit too liberally about his party's strategy to win the budget battle set to heat up next week.  "I always use the word 'extreme,' that's what the caucus instructed me to do the other week," Mr. Schumer is heard saying on tape to describe Republican proposals.  His favorite soundbites are:  "'Extreme cuts' and 'all these riders' and 'Boehner's in a box, but if he supports the Tea Party there's going to inevitably be a shutdown.'"

Even In California ...  Public-employee unions are being pummeled by Republican legislators and governors all over the country.  But they still seem to think they have the people on their side.  In Wisconsin they're talking recall against Gov. Scott Walker and his state house allies.  In California, they admit to losing some ground.  But they figure on winning it back with one of their tried-and-true ad campaigns, pulling on the public's heartstrings about teachers, cops and firefighters.

Gimme Gimme: A Tour of the Entitlement Mentality.  In the comment section of a recent NRB post regarding public employee unions and the related protests in Wisconsin, one of our readers demonstrated a curious inability to distinguish force from choice.  The exchange was instructive of the entitlement mentality propagated by the Left.  It is a worldview which includes relativism so extreme that it disputes the definition of words.

Understanding Keith Ellison.  It's weird watching Minnesota Fifth District Rep. Keith Ellison take his place on the national stage in opposition to Peter King's hearing on homegrown Islamic extremism this week.  Yesterday he played his role to the hilt in his testimony at the hearings, turning on the waterworks in the conclusion of his testimony.  The Star Tribune was duly impressed.

The tears of a clown.  Yesterday, Democratic Congressman Keith Ellison started crying during Republican Congressman Peter King's hearing on Muslim radicalism.  Ellison was describing the death of Mohammad Salam Hamdani, a Muslim killed on 9/11, when his voice began to crack.  I was watching the hearing at home, and I instantly felt sorry for the guy.  Here he was defending his faith and those who hold it, and it was overwhelming.  Then, I thought:  this dude is faking it.  For one thing, the sequence seemed off.  When people cry, the process is pretty much the same.

Obama plays the Medi-scare card against Republicans.  Medi-scare is back.  This week President Obama marched out Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to start a new Democratic campaign aimed at frightening senior citizens.  Her message:  They will be left with unfilled prescriptions, canceled rehab sessions and a thousand other pains because of spending cuts being sought by the terrible, hard-hearted Republicans in Congress.

Salvaging Government Journalism.  It's SOS time at National Public Radio — "save our subsidies."  Today [3/7/2011], NPR will put CEO Vivian Schiller in front of a sympathetic National Press Club audience to plead for Congress to spare its funding.  And if the announcement is anything to go by, Ms. Schiller will tug at the heart strings by insisting that "rural and economically distressed communities" will be hardest hit by this "significant blow" against public broadcasting.

Sen. Boxer on PBS cuts: 'Republicans have a vendetta against Elmo'.  Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said Tuesday that House Republicans want to strip government funding of PBS because they have a "vendetta against Elmo."

Harry Reid blasts 'mean-spirited' Republicans who want to cut taxpayer-funded poetry festival.  Amid calls for cuts to the federal budget, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid defended the National Endowment for the Arts during a floor speech Tuesday [3/8/2011], calling Republican proposals "mean-spirited" and saying events like government-funded poetry festivals should not be sacrificed to reduce the deficit.  "The mean-spirited bill, H.R. 1, eliminates National Public Broadcasting.  Now, that is really saying a lot, madam president.  It eliminates the National Endowment of the Humanities, National Endowment of the Arts.  These programs create jobs," Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said.

Rep. Rangel: Abolishing unions' collective bargaining 'close to slavery'.  State governments taking steps to "abolish" collective bargaining rights for workers is similar to slavery, Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) contends.

'Waiting for Superman' Exposes Human Cost of Collective Bargaining.  With what's happening today in Wisconsin we're hearing a lot about civil rights and workers rights and all those buzz words the Left uses to make something wicked sound noble.  The idea that collective bargaining is some kind of right is beyond absurd.

The Democrats' Tactic: Fearmongering.  Democrat leaders have been working overtime to foster fear among Americans by exaggerating the potential repercussions of a shutdown of the federal government.  Why?  Fearmongering is a great diversionary tactic for Democrats who do not want to be held accountable for out-of-control government spending and who have no intention of getting serious about budget cuts.  They myth of a reign of chaos induced by a government shutdown is just that — a myth.

Runaway Trains of Bureaucracy.  ObamaCare will spawn hundreds of new bureaucracies, and every one of them will begin chugging down the tracks, picking up steam and finding new challenges that require broader powers and increased funding.  Each one will produce a billowing cloud of paperwork to justify its existence, and acquire Congressional engineers who believe its acceleration is a moral imperative.  Demanding restraint from any bureaucracy is considered an act of heartless cruelty to its intended beneficiaries.

5 Political Catchphrases You Should Never Believe.  One of the most tragic things about modern politics is that it's practically impossible for the average American to understand what's going on without an interpreter.  By that, I mean that the "Saving Kittens, Baby Pandas, and Puppies Act of 2011" may actually be a bill that gives $10,000 tax credits to lawyers who defend sleazy zoos from negligence suits.  From there, things only get worse because the newspapers blindly parrot whatever the liberal line is on the bill...

How the Left Sees the Union Crisis in Madison.  For the Left, there is no real fiscal crisis.  The states can easily afford to give the public sector unions everything they ask for.  There is one easy answer:  tax the rich.

Journalists' sob stories block reform.  Now that budget battles have begun in earnest all around the country, those advocating spending cuts, Democratic and Republican, had better not expect any help in furthering their cause from the mainstream news media.  In fact, the news media might be their most formidable foe.  How so?  Well, now that we know the targets of the cuts, the news media, suckers for a sob story, are already throbbing with carefully orchestrated, heart-rending tales about what devastation those cuts will cause:  Children who won't be fed; students unable to afford college; classrooms bursting at the seams; cancers that will not be treated; trains that won't run; roads that won't be built; families becoming homeless or freezing in their unheated homes; single mothers who will lose child care and job training; food that will not be inspected; water and air that will be more polluted; farmers who will be forced from their land; playgrounds, parks, museums, libraries and health clinics that will be closed.  You know the drill.

7 Non-Political Differences Between Liberals and Conservatives:  If you understand one thing about liberals, understand this:  Liberalism is nothing more than "childlike emotionalism applied to adult issues."  That's why they don't care very much about whether the programs they advocate work or not.  Proposing programs isn't really about what will help the most people to liberals; it's about making them feel good about themselves.

Is This How a President Should Act?  We are witnessing the logical conclusion of the Democratic Party's philosophy, and it is this:  Your tax dollars exist to make public sector unions happy.  When we run out of other people's money to pay for those contracts and promises (most of which are negotiated outside of public view, often between union officials and the politicians that union officials helped elect), then we just need to raise taxes to cover a shortfall that is obviously Wall Street's fault.  Anyone who doesn't agree is a bully, and might just bear an uncanny resemblance to Hitler.

The "Judicial Activism" Ploy.  Barack Obama has a rhetorical solution for every problem.  Remember the repeated claims of "shovel-ready" projects that needed only federal stimulus money to get started?  Last year the President quietly admitted that there were not many "shovel-ready" projects, after all.  But the phrase served its political purpose at the time — and that was obviously all that mattered.  Now, in the wake of rulings by two different courts that ObamaCare is unconstitutional, rhetoric is being mobilized again, without any fussy worries about facts.

Americans Don't Have 'Sputnik Moments'.  Khrushchev had his Sputnik Moment.  The Soviets had their Sputnik Moment.  Communist sympathizers throughout the world had their Sputnik Moment.  But despite President Obama's comment during the State of the Union Address, Americans don't have Sputnik Moments.

Obama's Rathole Moment.  If there were a Nobel Prize for historical misstatement, this "Sputnik moment" speech would be the odds-on-favorite. ... It is almost as if Obama believes that in some dysfunctional inner-city school, there are kids with poor English skills about to drop out, but if we just rescue them and get them to return to the classroom and study algebra, America's future will be saved.  Yes, a bunch of middle-aged, nerdy white males got us to the moon, but it will take an entire village of ethnically, racially diverse and gender-balanced people, many of whom were the first in their family to finish high school, let alone attend college, to get us to Mars — a Spaceship Rainbow.

The Truth About 'Investments' Hurts.  "Think and grow rich" might work for an individual envisioning business success, but it is delusional as national economic policy.  We can't wish or will the country to prosperity, or recover from a recession caused by too much debt by incurring more debt.  "Together We Thrive" was not only inappropriate as a theme for a memorial to the victims of the Tucson shooter, it is the economic policy of a collective society, not of a free one.

The Biggest Lie in American Politics.  For decades, liberals have used "big business" as a bugaboo.  Leftists say corporations are mean, heartless and cruel — and what's more, they're inherently capitalist and conservative.  When the economy tanks, liberals blame right-wing corporations; when the regulatory state fails, liberals claim that corporations have perverted the system.

The 'Your Money Is Not Yours' Crowd.  One branch of American politics shares [Paul] Krugman's view that the money you earn — the material manifestation of your mental and physical labor — is not yours.  It belongs to the government.  This view was recently on display when some referred to the extension of the Bush tax rates as "tax cuts."  With tax cuts, taxpayers pay lower rates.  With an extension of tax rates, taxpayers keep paying the same rate.  Extending the Bush tax rates prevented tax rates from going up.  Nobody got a tax cut.

Calling Out Race Exploiter Al Sharpton.  [Al] Sharpton appeared on MSNBC with a panel of white liberals discussing gun control.  Speaking about gun violence in the black community, Sharpton said, "There are no gun manufacturing plants in the black community."  Wow, talk about passing the buck.  So according to Sharpton, black youths shooting each other, as always, is whitey's fault.  Evil gun manufacturers infiltrated the black community.  Poor powerless simple minded blacks, seduced by the shiny things, purchase their guns and use them on each other.  Incredibly, sycophant white liberal members of the MSNBC panel nodded in agreement with Sharpton.

No Apology Here: Congressman Cohen Defends Nazi Comment.  ABC News Jonathan Karl reports:  Congressman Steve Cohen, D-TN, says he has no intention of apologizing for comparing Republican rhetoric with Nazi propaganda.  "I didn't say anything that deserves an apology or requires an apology," Cohen told ABC News.  "I would never refer to Republican colleagues in an untoward way, I was talking about political propaganda."

Democrat Compares Republicans to Nazis.  The newfound civility didn't last long.  Political rhetoric in Congress doesn't get much nastier than the words of one House Democrat during the debate on repealing the health care law.  In an extraordinary outburst on the House floor, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) invoked the Holocaust to attack Republicans on health care and compared rhetoric on the issue to the work of infamous Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

The Hypocrisy Underlying Obama's Speech:  If Obama's opponents in Congress allow this unrelated tragedy to become an excuse for what liberals do best — promoting raw emotionalism over reason and facts — then they deserve to lose the ground they worked so hard to gain.  Here's hoping we get back to reality ... and soon.

More about Obama's Arizona speech / pep rally.

Liberals' Civility Test.  A week after President Obama's stirring remarks at the Tucson memorial service comes an important Civility Test for liberals.  ABC's Jonathan Karl reports that Democratic Representative Steve Cohen went to the well of the House and compared what Republicans are saying on health care to the work of the infamous Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

'Civil' Discourse:  A One-Way Street?  In the wake of the attempted murder of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, and the murders of six of her constituents who went to see her at a local Safeway grocery store, the American people have been hearing a lot about the need to return to "civility" in our political discourse.  What exactly does that mean?  It depends upon whom you ask.

Incitement to Tyranny.  The left-wing radicals are at it again, folks.  They're revving up their engines on the revolutionary wings of national mourning — and sparking the now very familiar incitement-to-tyranny fires among an anxiety-ridden populace. ... Another religious zealot of the "government can heal all wounds" cult, Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY) has used the Arizona tragedy to declare that "the FCC isn't working anymore" and demand a return to the "Fairness Doctrine."

Incitement to Tyranny.  The big-government cultists' reaction to the Arizona madman's rampage couldn't possibly have been more predictable.  Mounting a "never let a crisis go to waste" assault on the nation's airwaves, liberals have spun this tragic and insane act exactly as an unnamed Democrat source told Politico they should:  "They need to deftly pin this on the tea partiers. ... Just like the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma City bombing on the militia and anti-government people."

The Constitution Fetish.  Is there anything richer than a gaggle of smarmy progressives snickering at the conservative "Constitution fetish"?  "Fetish" is the fashionable Left's latest suggestive imagery turned talking point, a dig at the new Republican majority in the House, which began its session this week by reading the Constitution aloud.  It's as if Dracula were complaining about a crucifix fetish.  "Fetish," like "tea-bagger," slides easily off the tongues of the Big Thinkers who get their dithering law from Dalia Lithwick and their sophomoric style from Bill Maher.

'Politicians SHOULD be afraid of the people!' says dangerous US radical politician.  [Scroll down]  It only requires the most basic commonsense to appreciate, for example, that you know how to look after and spend your money better than the government does; that talent and hard work deserve better rewards than laziness and ineptitude; that education requires a certain amount of discipline and "elitism"; that people behave better when they accept responsibility for their own actions; that the law should be blind to race and religion, offering no special favours to privileged minorities; and so on.  This is why you'll so rarely hear the liberal-left arguing its case on the basis of facts or hard evidence.  Instead, when it's not emotionally blackmailing us with false sentiment, it's busy besmirching the name of its opponents by making out that the reason they think they do is not because they've thought long and hard about the world and seen it as it is but because they're evil.

Conservatives in the Crosshairs.  The bullets had hardly stopped whizzing when a cataract of commentary descended.  The first inundation came mostly from the Left.  Its basic message was epitomized by Paul Krugman:  The shooting was probably politically motivated.  The Tea Party.  Sarah Palin.  Scary.  "The climate that preceded the Oklahoma City bombing."  Beck.  Limbaugh.  "The evils of Partisanship."  "Culture of hate."  Et cetera.

The End Begins?  By a 236-181 margin, the House on Friday approved rules for the debate leading up to Wednesday's [1/5/2011] up-or-down vote on repeal legislation.  Democrats, fearing they may lose their grip on Americans' health care, launched into hysterics right away.

This Is No Reason For Reform.  Over and over we were told Washington had to take over health care because so many Americans lack insurance due to pre-existing medical conditions.  So how many fall into this category?  Try 8,000.  You read that right:  In this nation of nearly 311 million, the Democrats overhauled the world's best health care system to benefit 8,000 people.

The Constitutional Hypocrisy of the Left.  It was only a few years ago that Democrats accused George W. Bush of "shredding our Constitution" by monitoring international phone calls of suspected terrorists.  (The Constitution prohibits "unreasonable" searches.  Apparently Democrats think monitoring communications of foreign terrorists is "unreasonable," but full-body scans and pat-down searches of the traveling public at airports is quite reasonable).  And how could you forget that Bush "shredded the Constitution" by keeping terrorists detained at Guantanamo Bay without trials? ... Never mind the fact that Barack Obama hasn't closed Guantanamo as he promised, has he?  Not that many shrieks of protest from the political Left.

Everyone Knows...  It takes courage to stand up to the bromides masquerading as current truth.  Until the environmental movement was unmasked over global warming, those who challenged the prevailing sentiment were perceived as cranks.  That tag hasn't evanesced despite evidence of wrongdoing by the so-called environmental scientists.  Similarly, Mayor Michael Bloomberg invokes libertarian principles when he wants to burnish his liberal credentials, then considers it appropriate through ukase to impose his view on what New Yorkers should eat and drink.  While he doesn't quite say "everyone knows," it is implied in his public commentary.  "Everyone knows transfats are bad for you."

Internet Access Is Not a 'Civil Right'.  When bureaucrats talk about increasing our "access" to x, y or z, what they're really talking about is increasing exponentially their control over our lives.  As it is with the government health care takeover, so it is with the newly approved government plan to "increase" Internet "access."

Guaranteed tyranny.  [Scroll down]  The other hot new buzz phrase for tyranny is "access."  Pushing this term into the Orwellian lexicon of collectivist philosophy appears to be one of Sandra Fluke's missions in life.  Celebrating her own heroism in a CNN op-ed, Fluke used the word eight times.

Did someone mention Sandra Fluke?

Sen. Menendez writes concerned letter to Santa about global warming affecting the North Pole.  U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez today [12/23/2010] posted a letter to Santa Claus on his Huffington Post blog, expressing concern that Santa may have to leave the North Pole because of melting Arctic sea ice.

Global Warming Grinch.  Two days before Christmas, Democratic Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey sent a bizarre open letter to the North Pole to warn Santa about the "dramatic melting of the Arctic sea ice" due to the effects of carbon emissions.  "I am worried about your safety and your ability to deliver billions of Christmas gifts if the ice cap on the North Pole no longer stays frozen all year," the senator wrote.  "What will happen to your house, your workshop, the elves' houses and your reindeer barns?"

Enviros Play Their Christmas Card.  First it was the cuddly polar bears (Warning:  Polar bears only look cuddly from a distance.  They are not really.  Should you by chance have a close encounter with a polar bear, do not attempt to cuddle with it) and the cute little penguins, and now USA Today reports that reindeer are endangered by climate change.

More about the liberals' use of polar bears for emotional leverage.

The dangerous center.  It's a favorite refrain of the mainstream media to extol "centrism" and curse "extremism."  If you're looking at a large enough spectrum — say, with Stalinism, eugenics, slavery, and anarchy as the "extremes" — I agree, but within the confines of American politics, where the extremes are Jim DeMint and Bernie Sanders, this is silliness.

Memo to Conservatives: Quit Apologizing for Capitalism.  It's a testament to the power of propaganda and the appeal of emotion over reason that a system that has produced the greatest prosperity in world history is castigated on moral grounds, while those systems that have proliferated abject misery, poverty, tyranny and subjugation are hailed as morally superior.  Granted, most leftists don't openly confess their hostility to capitalism, but they come close, especially in their endless waging of class warfare.

And Everybody I Know...  If conservatives rally around the flag in times of crisis, liberals rally around the clique.  Their assurance that they are right coming from three little words.  "Everybody I Know."  The crazies clinging to their guns and religion might have voted for the Republicans, but everybody I know voted progressive.  Some wingnuts might not believe in Global Warming, but everybody I know does.  Some greedy people might want tax cuts, but everybody I know thinks taxes are too low.  Belief grouping is a natural human tendency, but it becomes dangerous when it's used to make decisions for a majority, based on the worldview of a minority.

'Tax cut' rhetoric doesn't cut it.  Let's face it, politics is largely the art of deception, and political rhetoric is largely the art of misstating issues.  A classic example is the current debate over whether to give money to the unemployed by extending how long unemployment benefits will be provided, or instead to give "tax cuts to the rich."

Dissecting The Demagoguery About 'Tax Cuts For The Rich'.  Democrats' insistence that the "rich" pay more in taxes is rivaled only by Republicans' apparent inability or unwillingness to engage them on this specific issue.  In [an] excerpt from testimony submitted to the Senate Finance Committee, economist Thomas Sowell attempts to fill that void.

Why the Democratic Party Cannot Survive.  Democrat principles are based on government being a force for good.  Government is presumed necessary to help individuals and ensure "social justice" (a term impossible to reasonably define).  This philosophy leads to bigger government, as in more spending, more taxes, and more regulatory control.  For Democrats, the keyword is "more," as in more government.

Welfare Creep in Laredo.  [Scroll down]  Poke around the Assurance Wireless web site a bit, and you find that this program, which is already available elsewhere and similar to existing programs, is made possible by the Universal Service Fund.  That was set up in 1996, ostensibly to expand communications networks.  At the time, some predicted that it would end up as some sort of welfare.  And so it has. ... Laredo's cell phone giveaway is an example.  The city is going for a one year grant from the USF, under the full and reasonable assumption that once the federal spigot is turned on, it won't be turned off no matter how dire our deficit situation gets.  Any threats to the free phone program will be blamed on the horrible, heartless Republicans, of course.  Democrats like [Veronica] Gonzalez believe that this is their party's route back to power:  drive up dependence, smear the Republicans for resisting, secure the Hispanic vote to the Democratic Party forever.

Playing the Hate Card.  The view that marriage means one man and one woman and that children flourish when raised by a married mother and father is rooted not only in biblical teachings but also in common sense; it's a truth proven by science as well as centuries of lived experience.  But children know that "hate" is a bad thing, and no one wants to be labeled a "hater."  It's not hard to imagine the pressure tactics that our children soon will face:  keep silent or risk being slapped with the label — "hater" — that will define them socially for years.  The label of "Hater" quickly shuts down reasonable discussion or open disagreement.  And that's the real point:  to intimidate proponents of traditional morality into keeping silent.  Put differently, it's to lock traditional morality in the closet so social engineers can be free to redefine marriage as they wish.

Woe Is Me!  In today's America, feelings have replaced facts as our governing policy.  Shame has been relegated to the back of the bus, and squeaky wheels have been given the place of honor.  Merit has been replaced by grievance-mongers.  Accomplishment and material success are vilified as having been attained on the backs of the have-nots.  And that's not fair!  In a rush to attain unearned moral virtue, millions of Americans have bowed to the PC police and advocated issues about which they know nothing in a desperate attempt to appear relevant, compassionate, and non-judgmental.  Useful idiots reign supreme.

Obama's Core Supporters and the Corruption of Idealism.  Unable to engage in rational argument, they fall back on slogans that mirror the protests of forty years ago.  One can only wonder if their youthful identification has blinded them to the fact that they are following not a heroic young leader to a new tomorrow, but a pied piper who leads them to their own destruction.

Financial Bigotry.  The "tax cuts for the rich" debate needs a new focus.  We are missing the point of the tax debate.  It is not about taxation in a recession.  The wealthy will be comparatively well-off regardless of the economic environment.  It is not about the wealthy's ability to promote job creation.  Our government does not care about private-sector growth when it considers government employment an acceptable (and even more valuable) alternative.  And it's certainly not that Republicans are in love with the rich, since households that vote Democrat tend to have higher incomes than those that vote Republican.

The Most Anti-Catholic Political Ad You'll Ever See.  A Democrat Party supporting independent non profit group has sent out perhaps THE most anti-Catholic political advertisement I've ever seen. ... What this is about is the fact that the Church stands strong against abortion and gay marriage.  And that makes some very angry.

Brass Oldies.  More than 80 years ago, the "tax cuts for the rich" argument was refuted, both in theory and in practice, by Andrew Mellon, who was Secretary of the Treasury in the 1920s.  When Mellon took office, there was a large national debt, the economy was stagnating, and tax rates were high, though the tax revenues were still not enough to cover government expenditures.  What was Mellon's prescription for getting out of this mess?  A series of major cuts in the tax rates!

Obama's Screaming Meemies May Be A Recording.  Obama is talking to his sheeple — back on the campaign trail.  The only thing he knows how to do is campaign.  He was doing it here in the west this week but it is always the same old story and lies.  They always fill the audience with his union supporters and other special interests that will scream and cheer on cue at his every word.  I am almost convinced that the screaming and cheering is a recording that they put on the videos.  It is just so silly to hear this screaming and cheering after every statement, when he has said absolutely nothing.  He tells them that "undocumented workers" will get free healthcare and they all scream and cheer, why?

NPR and the Liberal Subculture that Worships It.  NPR's reputation seems based largely on aesthetic considerations.  Its personalities are articulate and employ a more extensive vocabulary than commercial radio; its programs are professionally produced, with a slickness that conservative media cannot match; and its reporters are generally skilled at sounding calm and objective, even when they manifestly are not.  The more one begins to delve into the substance of NPR's programming, however, the more one senses that the network is neither particularly smart nor particularly informative.

More about NPR.

Obama's Politics of Fear.  As out-of-touch as ever with the mood and motivations of his fellow citizens, Obama carefully considered the change in the today's political climate and concluded not only are voters in this election motivated by fear, their fear is irrational because they obviously don't have the intellectual capacity to understand all of the great things that Democrats have done for them over the past nineteen months.

Red Herring Politics.  This year's October surprise that is getting the biggest play in the media is the revelation that California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman once employed a housekeeper — at $23 an hour — who turned out to be an illegal immigrant.  It is great political theater, with activist lawyer Gloria Allred putting her arm protectively around the unhappy-looking woman.  But why anyone should be unhappy at getting $23 an hour for housekeeping is by no means clear.  Maybe she is unhappy because Meg Whitman fired her when she learned that her housekeeper was an illegal immigrant, despite false documents that indicated she was legal when she was hired.

The 'Rich' Have Another Name:  'Employers'.  The LA Times proudly proclaims, "Obama blasts continued tax cuts for the rich!"  But every time you hear leftists refer to "the rich," remember that "the rich" are also known by these other terms:  employers, investors, the self-reliant, self-starters.

The Envious Feminists.  People are emotional beings, often governed more by feelings than reason.  And this is never truer than with leftist people.  If you want to understand liberals, know that most of their ideology is simply a pseudo-intellectual justification for what feels right to them.  As for these feelings, the one stereotypically associated with the left is compassion, which supposedly manifests itself in mercy, charity, forgiveness, and temperance.  In reality, though, the feeling that far better characterizes the left is envy.

Social Security Bait and Switch.  Democrats are trying to keep control of Congress by scaring the wig off grandma with a phantom GOP plot against Social Security.

Nil, Baby, Nil.  "Where is the outrage?  Where are the millions marching in the streets, where is the round-the-clock roadblock coverage tracking every moment of the crisis?"  Such were the questions asked by the Huffington Post's Peter Daou in late May.  And the declarations were no less bracing.  "We are at an inflection point, one that will likely determine the fate of our species," he informed readers.  The "planetary emergency" to which he was referring was not, as one may be forgiven for thinking, the appearance of alien spacecraft above civilization's greatest structural landmarks.  Daou's concerns were grounded in earthly developments.  Or, rather, a single earthly development:  a pipe broke.

The Parade of Bleeding Stumps.  As public spending becomes an increasingly important issue for the November elections, be prepared to see the left engaging in hysterical scare-mongering about the potential effect of spending cuts.  This has been seen recently in Britain, where such scare-mongering already has its own label — "The Parade of the Bleeding Stumps."  This unsavory phrase originates in British government bureaucracy and darkly refers to the Civil Service's clever response to the threat of spending cuts.

Obama decries demagoguing while, well, demagoguing.  As the granddaddy of political demagoguery, President Obama might have outdone himself with his recent admonition to political opponents not to "demagogue" the immigration issue.  A "demagogue" is "a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument."

Sour Grapes.  What is it about liberals that compels them to be such obnoxious, self-righteous know-it-alls?  Does it ever occur to them that there might be a reason for the things someone does?

Ending Birthright Citizenship.  When the open-borders lobby runs out of excuses for amnesty, their final resort is to "do it for the children."  Last year Nancy Pelosi told a crowd in San Francisco that "Our future is about our children" and "Taking parents from their children ... that's un-American."  When the speaker of the House considers enforcing our immigration laws "un-American," it becomes the constitutional duty of the states to stand against illegal immigration.  This is why I introduced SB 1070 into the Arizona legislature, which has prompted a much needed national debate about immigration.

Obama's Empathy Card.  Indeed, from his meagerly documented Harvard Law School days to his remarkably (to say the least) brief senatorial debut and eventual presidential election, Obama seems to have providentially benefited, again and again, from his followers' peculiar dependence on fleeting emotional impulses — in particular the mystifying, near-invincible pathos of empathy, which liberals rank as the most reliable gauge for making life-altering decisions.

Franken warns that GOP Congress would bring 'truly dangerous agenda'.  Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.), addressing a convention of liberal bloggers and activists Saturday evening [7/24/2010], implored the left to fight to stay in power in the midterm elections.  "If Republicans take back Congress they'll implement a truly dangerous agenda," Franken told the Netroots Nation gathering in Las Vegas.  "Everything is on the table, from repealing healthcare reform to privatizing Social Security."

The Editor says...
All that stuff was "on the table" the last time Republicans had the majority — and that which Al Franken so greatly fears did not come to pass.

Obama Is Wrong; Alternative Energy is Not an Alternative.  Obama is using the oil spill in the Gulf as an emotional lever to push his cap and trade policy.

The Truth About the Humane Society Of the United States.  Over the course of the last few months, the Center for Consumer Freedom has ramped up its effort to educate Americans about the deceptive fundraising and spending practices of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).  Most Americans don't realize that less than one half of one percent of the society's revenue goes to support hands-on pet shelters, despite their use of tear-jerking ads...

Obama and the Morning After.  Of course, the press sold Obama like the newest form of crack, getting the public fixated on his every word.  The same media that stalks Angelina and Paris anointed Obama the ultimate celebrity.  And to the addicted masses, entranced by leering reality shows and 24/7 texting, the Obama Show was just another sexually charged extravaganza.  But while reporters behaved like lovesick schoolgirls, Obama's sex appeal wasn't just manufactured by the press.  His handlers carefully crafted his image to seduce and excite.

Security Policy by Bumper Sticker.  Liberal approaches to foreign policy continue to rely more on wishful thinking than on realism or maturity.  But even in the context of liberalism, President Obama's recent policy declarations on the matter of nuclear weapons are juvenile and disturbing.  Speaking in Prague, the president declared, "I state clearly and with conviction America's commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons."  Has the president really thought this through?

Has Obama "Stimulated" the Economy Yet?  In the past sixteen months, Mr. Obama's immediate, short-term political need has produced a lot of public policy that positions the President to appear as though he's rescuing people — rescuing them from the economic downturn, from "greedy bankers" and "rich executives," from the threat of home foreclosure, from credit card debt, and so forth.  And part of the political calculus involved with this kind of policy is the assumption that as long as the President gives away enough "things" to the American electorate, and appears as though he's doing enough to "protect" them, the electorate will continue to vote for him and his party, regardless of what the economy does.

Demonstrations and Dependency.  Raucous public protests are hardly new but their celebration, at least in the US, is traceable to the 1960s anti-Vietnam War student activism and the civil rights movement.  Marching and chanting "for justice" soon infused civics textbooks and documentary films, not to mention the liberal-dominated mass media.  As a result, almost anything became possible, from the unqualified obtaining a college degree to saving the planet, if the public demands were sufficiently loud and strident.

The Remarkable Rise of Jan Brewer.  As women have moved into the forefront of conservative politics, they have become targets for serious assaults from the left.  The treatment they receive is far worse than that given male politicians of the same order, as we have clearly seen with Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann.  Families, looks, personality, grooming, every last element of their lives and persons becomes fodder for some of the trashiest elements of the contemporary political scene.  No insult is too low, no attack too foul.  The gentleman has truly become an extinct species, at least on the left side of the fence.  But nothing of the sort has happened with Jan Brewer.

A Bumper Sticker Presidency.  Is there any experience more delightful than being stuck in a traffic jam, choking on exhaust fumes behind a hybrid car festooned with leftist slogans?  Actually, yes!  This would be living in America, circa 2010, scarfing down Chairman Barack's toothsome and intellectually nutritious daily ration of brilliant policies, ultimately derived from liberal bumper stickers.  Is it not the most obvious fact on the planet that all of Obama's ideas are merely implemented leftist slogans?

Twelve Million Illegals — or Thirty?  It is no surprise that the American left is in hysterics regarding the new immigration law passed by Arizona.  In the fevered constitutions of those raised to believe feelings matter most, hysteria, race-huckstering, name-calling and outright lying are considered a viable substitute for a logical argument.  Intellectual dishonesty has been the left's stock in trade for decades.

Narcissism, Power, Fear of Death, and Liberalism.  Could it be that for liberals and certain therapists endowed with self-importance but without religion, influencing others is all they have?  Forcing others to do as they wish fends off their fear of insignificance, which is why it is so urgent that others go along.  It keeps their legacy alive.  Notice how many times people bring up "Ted Kennedy's legacy" of health care.  Is this more about keeping Kennedy's name immortal and his image alive than about real solutions to real-world problems?

President Obama Makes Poverty Permanent.  There's an old story — not apocryphal, unfortunately — in which a politician is heard to moan:  "50% earn less than the median income.  Something needs to be done!"  Oh, how I weep for those unfortunate people!  No, not those with less money, but those who find such cris du coeur convincing.

More about Poverty and Dependency in America.

When Lame Ducks Attack.  [Scroll down]  The party currently in power can't be expected to take defeat well.  Liberals, just like their toddler counterparts, can't modulate their emotions.  In other words, they are prone to tantrums.  Unlike toddlers, whose impact on the rest of the world is minimal, rulers of the Thugocracy can't be trusted to behave with a modicum of decorum in defeat.  The time between election day and the official ousting of the vulgarians may well make today's tumult and danger seem tame.  Be prepared.

(Tea) Party On.  [Scroll down slowly]  We live in a country where most peoples' knowledge of history is minimal and their attention span is limited by technologically-driven distractions.  Sound-bytes aimed at destroying the credibility of the Tea Party movement are being driven by those who know full well that "volume" — aka, the lie repeated often enough — is often the determining factor in winning the hearts and minds of the general public.

The Closing of the Liberal Mind:  The current issue of The New Republic contains a vapid, mean-spirited, and indefensible attack on one of the most important intellectual figures of our time.  Alan Wolfe's review of Thomas Sowell's new book, Intellectuals and Society, is not even a review.  Not a single idea presented in the book is addressed in Wolfe's text, which is simply a lengthy ad hominem attack on Sowell that displays astounding ignorance of both Sowell and his important intellectual oeuvre.

The Big Lie of Health Care Reform:  One-Sixth of the US Economy is threatened with a takeover by the Federal Government on the erroneous rationale that "Tens of millions of people in the US are without health care insurance, and therefore are being denied access to adequate health care."  Unjust!  Unfair!  This is, of course, an absolute lie.  And nor do some large number of people "die every day from lack of health insurance coverage."  That too is a lie.

We The People Losing Control Of Government.  Demagogue — a word of Greek origin — means a person who uses falsehoods, prejudices and emotional appeals to gain power.  Huey Long, governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932, U.S. senator from 1932 to 1935 and creator of the Share Our Wealth Program, fit that definition.  Long stirred crowds with fiery denunciations of corporate greed.  Ultimately, even fellow Democrats grew alarmed and backed away from his legislation.  Demagogue also describes how President Obama revved up crowds as he crisscrossed the country selling his health legislation.

A perfect storm is brewing for the IPCC.  Put the errors together and it can be seen that one after another they tick off all the central, iconic issues of the entire global warming saga.  Apart from those non-vanishing polar bears, no fears of climate change have been played on more insistently than these:  the destruction of Himalayan glaciers and Amazonian rainforest; famine in Africa; fast-rising sea levels; the threat of hurricanes, droughts, floods and heatwaves all becoming more frequent.  All these alarms were given special prominence in the IPCC's 2007 report and each of them has now been shown to be based, not on hard evidence, but on scare stories, derived not from proper scientists but from environmental activists.

Debating Obama's Health Care Clichés.  As I listened to the congressional Democrats recite their arguments for the Pelosi health care bill, I was reminded of those Bazooka gum wrappers.  Their speeches consisted of trite phrases devoid of any depth or intelligence, the words selected only for their emotional impact.  These arguments sound so compelling — as long as no measurable time is spent thinking about them.

Slavery and the healthcare debate.  Last week the Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid compared conservative opponents of his massive takeover of the American health system to slaveholders and segregationists.

Secondhand Hate:  Another step downhill for modern liberalism.  "They have ardent supporters who are nearly hysterical at the very election of President Barack Obama," Senator Sheldon Whitehouse roared about his Republican opponents in the closing hours of the Senate health care debate on December 20. ... Two weeks earlier, Majority Leader Harry Reid likened opponents of his bill to those who opposed the end of slavery.

When the Charm Rubs Off.  His Dec. 8 televised economics speech at the Brookings Institution was followed on Dec. 10 by his televised Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, which was remarkable for 38 uses of the pronoun "I."  And for disavowing a competence no one suspected him of. ("I do not bring with me today a definitive solution to the problems of war."  Note the superfluous adjective.)  And for an unnecessary notification.  ("Evil does exist in the world.")  And for delayed utopianism.  ("We will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes."  But in someone's.)  And for solemnly announcing something undisputed.  (There can be a just war.)  And for intellectual applesauce that should get speechwriters fired and editors hired.

Deliberative Analysis: RIP.  A troubling trend has emerged in regard to hot-button issues like anthropogenic global warming and health care.  It may not come as a surprise, but there no longer appears to be an interest by many on the left to engage in deliberative analysis and debate about proposed legislation.  There are a handful of stereotypical accusations and responses from the left, whether from the Democrat leadership (including the president), or the average, everyday liberal.  These irrational attacks must be addressed, broken down, and put away for good.

The Myth of the World Community.  Americans have been imprinted as never before from a very early age with the idea that they are part of a global community, rather than merely one nation.  But behind the olive branches and the posters of smiling children, lies a very different truth entirely.  The entire notion that there is a world community is itself mostly a myth.

Reid's Teachable Moment.  Harry Reid is an obvious product of a government education that he and other Liberals are inflicting on the rest of America, and he should be the poster child for school choice.  In his recent comment regarding Republicans' efforts to block "healthcare" legislation, Reid invoked the ghosts of Democrats past, claiming that Republicans tried to block emancipation and civil rights for blacks.  I believe Reid gave America yet another teachable moment.

Reid Compares Opponents of Health Care Reform to Supporters of Slavery.  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid took his GOP-blasting rhetoric to a new level Monday [12/7/2009], comparing Republicans who oppose health care reform to lawmakers who clung to the institution of slavery more than a century ago.

At what point does a liberal become a Stalinist?  I've started to gently question the beliefs of the liberals I know, without getting into any loud argument.  Much to my surprise, some of the gentle-sounding people I know actually talk murderously at times.  I wouldn't have believed it, because these are people I like a lot.  They have a warm side.  In their own minds they all believe they are driven by love and compassion.  And yet, some of them — certainly not most — seem ready to hang the current media scapegoat from the nearest gallows.  I also know a lot of really sweet, dumb liberals, people who are so desperate to be loving that they rationalize all the nonsense they are fed by our media.

Democrats and the Politics of Rage.  As liberal ideas have continued to lose at the polls over the last two decades, Democrats have become the party of utopian rage as they persist in replacing real political debate with effusive attacks on conservatives while promising to create an idyllic society for Americans.  Barack Obama epitomized these politics when he built a movement offering hope as his main political platform.  To bolster this emotionalism, Democrats have resorted almost whole-heartedly to conjuring up visions of racist conservatives opposing the first black president primarily because of his skin color.

I Thought 'Dissent Is Patriotic'.  Living in liberal Los Angeles, I am surrounded by people — and bumper stickers — I do not agree with.  One of the more popular liberal bumper stickers of the last decade tells us "Dissent is Patriotic."  Now, as it happens, it is impossible to truly disagree with that phrase, not because it is self-evidently true, but because it is self-evidently meaningless.  As are most left-wing bumper stickers.

America Needs a Climate Change Revolt.  [Scroll down]  In order to implement all this equality (also known as "social justice"), it takes a crisis.  Just this week, U. S. Rep. Alan Grayson, a Democrat from Florida, went on the House floor to say the Republican plan for health care is for people to "die quickly."  He charged that 45,000 people perish each year for lack of health insurance.  He even called the situation a "holocaust."  The Democrats seem to think if they can scare the dickens out of people, they can pass their agenda.

The Straight Poop On Radical Islam.  The problem is that liberals are not only nuts, but inconsistent.  They very much want to send our military to Africa to stop the savagery in the Sudan, but didn't want to see it employed against the equally barbaric Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot or Ho Chi Minh.  Funny how you never hear them insist that we have no business in Darfur because Sudan didn't attack us on 9/11 or point out that we have no compelling interest in sub-Sahara Africa.  But that's to be expected when people get their information from Bill Maher and Jon Stewart and their talking points from the likes of Bono and the Dixie Chicks.

Obama and faith:  Of all the silly arguments that have been passed off as deeply profound in American politics, the notion that politicians can't "impose" their personal morality on others has to top the list.

Opposing Obama is Satan's work?  A "right" to health care means the state must compel more than just payment.  It must compel medical care providers to render their services regardless of compensation or any other consideration.  If someone has a "right" to medical care, then a physician may not deny any care for any reason.  Doing so would be an infringement of the patient's "rights."

'Empathy' Is Code for Judicial Activism.  Mr. Obama said he wanted to replace Justice David Souter with someone who had "empathy" and who'd temper the court's decisions with a concern for the downtrodden, the powerless and the voiceless.  "Empathy" is the latest code word for liberal activism, for treating the Constitution as malleable clay to be kneaded and molded in whatever form justices want.  It represents an expansive view of the judiciary in which courts create policy that couldn't pass the legislative branch or, if it did, would generate voter backlash.

Thumbs-Down On Obama's 'Empathy' Standard.  Most Americans reject the broader criteria that judicial activists think can be brought to bear on Supreme Court decisions, including the "empathy" standard that President Obama has said is important in particularly difficult cases, a new IBD/TIPP Poll shows. ... On the empathy factor, a majority (51%) disagree with a statement paraphrasing remarks Obama made in 2005:  "When it comes to the Supreme Court justices, law and precedent should determine rulings in 95% of the cases, but in the really hard and important cases, justices should go with their heart."  Only 23% agree with the statement.  Most independent voters (58%), conservatives (61%) and moderates (50%) disagree with it.  Democrats (31%) and liberals (35%) are the leading supporters of the concept that justices should go with their heart.

Photographic Fraud.  Over the past two decades, judicial-confirmation hearings have often become exercises in character assassination against nominees that senators oppose for political reasons having nothing to do with the inflammatory charges that are aired on nationwide TV.  Judges who have for years supported civil rights have been depicted as racists.  Other events in their careers have been twisted beyond recognition.  Utterly irrelevant questions have been raised to appeal emotionally to uninformed television viewers.

The Six Problems With Modern Liberalism.  [#1]  You really didn't learn everything you needed to know in kindergarten:  Liberals love to think of themselves as sophisticated, nuanced intellectuals, but the truth is they have a kindergartner's view of the world.  If it has been defined as "nice" to people they like, they're for it.  If it has been defined as "mean" to people they like, they're against it — and that is about as deep as it gets.

I wish I were a liberal.  I'd like to be a liberal because then I'd be rewarded for all my shortcomings and nothing would ever be my fault.  I'd be an important cog in the wheel of social justice, and a cherished warrior in the current fight for equality. ... I'd like to be a liberal because everyone knows that conservatives are racist, homophobic, stupid and, well, beneath contempt.  Conservatives are motivated by — gasp — profit, instead of being nice.

The Notional Dangers of the Fictional Far Right.  Listen to Nancy Pelosi or Barney Frank or MSNBC reporters or the New York Times.  What is the mythical danger?  It is the "far right."  [But] the far right of the liberals' imagination simply does not exist.

Obama Loses His "Cool".  When the generation of Americans under the age of 30 gets around to realizing that this handsome young president might not be nearly as cool as they'd hoped, it won't be hard to affix a date on when the milk began to sour. ... Scratch a young Obama voter and you won't necessarily find someone who likes bailouts or cares about financial market regulations one way or another.  Instead you're likely to hear about how the awful Republicans wage wars, bait gays and racial minorities, and basically act like a bunch of mean old white men.  Party membership and voting are frequently more about group identity than philosophical orientation about the proper role of government.

Five Useful Idiots.  When there is no substance to a tantrum one must assume it is just a ploy for attention.  This generally comes from kids who were put into day-care too early and too often.  The irony is that America's move towards socialism drives up taxes, which forces mothers to work.  This, in turn, forces kids into day care.  This makes the kids seek attention by adopting political positions which happen to be chic (like socialism).

Honk!  You're Hateful.  Leftists have always confused their good intentions with actual virtue.  The tyranny allowed to spread by left wing appeasement, the neighborhoods and families destroyed by their corrupt welfare programs, the millions of lives snuffed out by environmentalist hysteria — these don't show up on their moral scorecards because they meant so very well.  Indeed, so swathed are they in the warm glow of their purposes, any question about the actual results of their actions strikes them as shockingly cruel.

The Age of Irresponsibility.  [Scroll down]  Suspicion.  Paranoia.  Contempt.  Resentment.  This sort of thinking doesn't make for reasonable politics.  And here, ultimately, is the problem with populism.  It is good at diagnosis but bad at prescription.  Are a large number of the folks in charge not performing their duties?  Yes.  Is American society suffering from a deficit of personal responsibility?  Absolutely.  But the populist too often goes overboard.  His rhetoric becomes too fiery.  His anger feeds on itself.  Asked what steps he'd take to address the problems he has identified, he says little more than "Throw the bums out!"  But that doesn't get us anywhere.  There are always new bums to take the old bums' places.

Mob Rule In D.C..  Of all the alarming things going on in Washington these days nothing is as shocking, or disheartening, as the collapse in respect for the rule of law and the Constitution.  Just look at the flap over AIG's bonuses. ... While letting AIG pay some employees retention bonuses might seem wrong or even immoral to some, it wasn't illegal.

Political Economy:  Mob Rule.  Cue the mob. It's time to storm the castles where rich folks — and quite likely just upper-middle-class folks — play games with our money.  Bankers and financiers are obviously all evil, even the ones who are trying to save us from impending catastrophe. ... That pretty much captures the mood of the public these days, exacerbated by name-calling and posturing on Capitol Hill and even encouraged — to a point — by President Obama.

The Gravy Train Is About to Leave the Station.  Now that the Democrats control all branches of government, there is only a debate about the level of "compassion," not whether any of this enormous spending that will mortgage our future to other nations is worthwhile.  In fact, President Obama echoed others when he said at his Monday night news conference there is no guarantee that any of this will work immediately, if at all.  That's a revealing statement about liberalism.  It doesn't matter if liberal ideas work, only that liberal intentions are good.

A Fool And Your Money.  Once again we have stubborn liberals who refuse to admit that their strategy is wrong and will not work, and instead not only give credence to their agenda with this scheme, but do so under the guise of "fairness".  Massachusetts Democrats recently advocated voting rights for illegal immigrants because it is an issue of "fairness".  President Obama aims to change the social fabric of this country because as is the system lacks "fairness".

Psychiatrist Says:  Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder.  Psychiatrist Lyle Rossiter, MD, wrote a book entitled, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness, in which he claims that the ideology motivating liberals is actually a mental disorder characterized by strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions.  "Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."

Welcome Back to Democratland.  It is a world in which facts always bow to feelings.  What matters is not so much that you do good, but that you feel virtuous, or perhaps more to the point, are seen to be virtuous.

I hope Obama Fails, too.  The left absolutely hated George W. Bush.  Their contempt for him was so profound and palpable that it was even given a name by psychiatrist Charles Krauthammer:  Bush Derangement Syndrome.  Now, most of the millions of leftists who despised the ex-president absolutely wanted him to fail; in fact, while they're loath to admit it, they felt this way even when his success was synonymous with our nation's (this even included the failure of the Iraq war).  And "felt" is the operative word; they were governed by emotion and hated the man with a burning passion.

Liberal emotion vs. Conservative logic:  It takes a lot more integrity, character, and courage to be a conservative than it does to be a liberal.  That's because at its most basic level, liberalism is nothing more than childlike emotionalism applied to adult issues.

Explaining Liberal Thinking In A Single Column.  Since liberals tend to support or oppose policies based on how those policies make them feel about themselves, they do very little intellectual examination of whether the policies they advocate work or not.  That's because it doesn't matter to them whether the policy is effective or not; it matters whether advocating the policy makes them feel "good" or "bad," "compassionate" or "stingy," "nice" or "mean."

Senate Finance Chairman: Congress Must Spend Money to 'Show it Cares'.  Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, said the federal government is going to have to spend a "significant" amount of money if it is going to get the country out of its current economic troubles — despite rapidly ballooning federal deficits, historic unemployment, and the hundreds of billions already spent.

Study:  brain switches off rationality when given 'expert advice'.  Financial advice can make us take leave of our senses, according to research that shows how the brain sets aside rationality when it gets the benefit of supposedly expert opinion.  When a bank manager or investment adviser recommends a financial decision, the brain tends to abdicate responsibility and defer to their authority with little independent thought, a study has suggested.

Big Oil Democrats:  Here is how you know Republicans are on the winning side of the oil drilling issue.  It's not that two-thirds of the American people support offshore drilling.  It's that the Democratic response has been to simply point at Republicans and shout, "Big Oil!"

Obama is dangerously unfit to be president.  "We are the ones we have been waiting for!"  Waving one's hands aloft and screaming "Yes we can!" is Obama's calculatedly emotional response to complex issues that require careful, thoughtful analysis.  The record of history is a mournful litany of the horrors wrought by cynical demagogues whose sole message was themselves.

Obama's Moral Equivalence Problem:  I guess we really shouldn't be surprised that Barack Obama sees no difference between our toppling of Saddam Hussein and Russia's invasion of Georgia.  On an emotional level — which is where most liberals live and breathe — the comparison is attractive.  But on an intellectual level, it is stupid and deceitful.

Mixing It Up With Left-Wingers.  If I had to describe liberals in a single word it would probably be "feminine."  In most cases, I wouldn't regard that word as a pejorative.  In its best sense, it conveys sensitivity and an emphasis on the emotional.  As it relates to liberals, it simply means that feelings trump everything else.  So it is that liberals love the idea of the U.N., excited by the notion of a lot of nations sitting down and talking out their problems, as if to a marriage counselor.  Unfortunately, when dealing with evil nations with evil intentions, the U.N. is nothing better than a bad joke.

Environmental extremism must be put in its place in the climate debate.  Environmental extremists have successfully applied intense emotional pressure — both moral and political — "you don't care about the planet, the children, or the future if you question us", let alone disagree, they assert.  Many politicians are caught in an awkward position because, while they understand how environmental extremism poses a very serious threat to our economies, including the ways that have brought us peace and prosperity, they also don?t want to be accused of not caring about the environment.

Sarah Palin and the Experience Factor.  Why is it that liberal misrepresentations are never fully addressed before they become established as received wisdom?  Whatever the topic may be, the left is consistently allowed to set the terms on which the argument takes place. ... In the past few years we've seen "WMDs were the sole reason for invading Iraq", "CO2 is the major driver of climatic trends", and "Karl Rove is the Devil Incarnate", to consider only three.  Each case is demonstrably false, yet each case has been allowed to dominate the public debate.

Are Polar Bears Really an Endangered Species?  Environmentalists use charismatic megafauna to raise awareness of and promote policy solutions to perceived environmental threats.  Studies show charismatic species are more likely to be protected than are less photogenic animals.  Giant pandas are charismatic megafauna, as are whales, salmon, eagles, and caribou.  The latest example is Ursus maritimus, the polar bear.  Environmental groups, claiming manmade global warming threatens the polar bears' survival, have called for an endangered species listing with extraordinarily far-reaching consequences.

Poll:  Humans Don't Cause Global Warming.  The survey confirmed wide discrepancies in belief between Americans identifying themselves as Democrat or Republican. ... Tom Kilgannon, president of the nonprofit Freedom Alliance, says the reasons for this partisan divide are simple.  "Those on the left are more likely to accept the global warming theory for two reasons," Kilgannon said.  "First, they tend to make public policy decisions based on emotion as a first reaction."  And second, Kilgannon continued, global warming fits the usual Democrat call for bigger government.

Populists equalize poverty.  Populism is back in fashion.  By populism, I mean the exploitation of the uninformed, angry impulses and unfiltered passions of the masses.  That anger and resentment has historically been directed at the usual villains and cardboard stereotypes:  bankers, insurance companies, "big pharma" (that means drug companies), agri-business, "the military-industrial complex," free trade, free markets and, of course, "the rich."

Oil Woes Left and Right:  So much for the idea that Bush went to war for cheap oil.  Yes, I know, they're now imagining that high gas prices are actually lining the pockets of the president's cronies at Exxon and Sunoco.  But this is not an argument advanced by grownups. … Conservatives are right to stress the virtues of non-carbon-emitting nuclear power, and liberals have strenuously opposed it for reasons that are 90 percent emotional and 10 percent rational.

A Skeptic's View of Voting:  Let's face it, ladies and gentlemen, if we raised the voting age to, say, 25, the Democratic party would go the way of the dodo and the Whigs.  Liberals want young kids voting for pretty much the same cynical reason they want to extend suffrage to illegal aliens, convicted felons and dead people.  It takes a certain mentality, a certain degree of gullibility, after all, to believe … that "hope" and "change" are any more profound and meaningful than "Tastes great, less filling" or "My bologna has a first name."

The Hidden Costs of Voting Early:  If people go to the polls during a swing in public opinion for one of the candidates, they may vote emotionally instead of rationally.  These days, much of the information released about the candidates must be dissected and discussed before it can be considered reliable.  It's hard to distinguish what is fact from fiction because the news is slanted by the opinion of the reporters. ... Complicating matters, the education system in this country is not providing voters a well rounded education that teaches them to think for themselves.  Much of what students learn these days is colored by a politically correct agenda or by the instructors charged with them.

The Bullet Counters:  The biggest and most common talking point when the police fire at someone is counting how many bullets they fired.  There are politicians, media people and — above all — community activists who can work themselves into a rage over how many bullets were fired.  If we stop and think — which of course the demagogues hope we will never do — it is hard to see any moral difference between killing someone with one bullet or with dozens of bullets.

The Dissent Deceit:  The latest example of utter nonsense is Obama's contribution, "The Audacity of Hope."  My fellow Americans, there is nothing audacious about hope.  Hope is what makes people buy lottery tickets instead of paying the bills.  Hope is for the old gals feeding the slots in Atlantic City.  It destroys the inner-city kid who quits school because he hopes he'll be a world-famous recording artist.

'Hope' and 'change' a gimmick.  If we just look beyond the attractive Obama package and ourselves for a moment, we might remember that the election is about actual issues.  What are we hoping for?  What is the "change" that the pro-Obama Kennedys are so excited about?  The fresh, young face of Obama represents change, yes.  But he also represents something very familiar:  liberalism.  Government as a permanent, inefficient, out-of-control crutch.

Liberalism is an Addiction.  Liberals have an impossible time defending their beliefs, which is why they rely on slogans and catch phrases, unfounded rumors and ad hominem attacks, on those who, like Sara Palin, think clearly and live according to Judeo-Christian principles.  The brains and values of left-wingers have decomposed to the point where they actually believe Keith Olbermann, Rosie O'Donnell and Chris Matthews make sense and that people like Whoopi Goldberg, Al Franken and Bill Maher, are funny.

Whoopi Goldberg and the Slavery Question.  On the September 12 edition of "View," host Whoopi Goldberg asked Senator John McCain, "Do I have to be worried about becoming a slave again?"  Goldberg's question was obviously a loaded attempt to either stump McCain or force him into saying something politically incorrect.

The Editor asks...
When was Whoopi Goldberg released from slavery?

Phony-Ops build the Obama Myth.  Barack Obama's appeal to his legions of enthusiasts rests in no small part in their hearts.  And where the heart is concerned, myths, images, and archetypes work their wonders on the nonrational faculties of the mind.  The biggest Phony-Op of the election season so far was that giant riverfront photo in Portland, Oregon with "the masses" yelling their lungs out, as if for a messianic King.

The Rev. Wright Connection Still Haunts Obama.  It's a little dangerous in interpreting polls to assume that voters' thinking proceeds along logical lines.  People who aren't professionally involved in politics, whose knowledge comes from bits and snippets of news, can hold beliefs that are contradictory or in tension with each other.  They don't feel obliged to resolve contradictions.

Barack Obama 'saves the world' (between speeches).  First, it was "Change you can believe in," a nice friendly bit of folderol that was no more scary than "I Like Ike." … But lately the slogan coming out of the Obama campaign is "We can save the world," which shows that some people can believe anything — and will — without the slightest provocation or evidence.

We Scream, We Swoon.  How Dumb Can We Get?  What was this, the Beatles tour of 1964?  And when they weren't screaming, the fair-sex Obama fans who dominated the rally of 16,000 were saying things like:  "Every time I hear him speak, I become more hopeful."  Huh?

Will Hillary's 'Secretary Of Poverty' Solve Problems Of The Poor?  The Do Something Disease compels posturing that shows off the compassion of politicos, rather than policies that actually improve the lives of afflicted citizens. Results don't matter, as long as the leader manages to demonstrate concern.  Good intentions — feelings — count for everything, with no consideration of real world consequences.

The Editor says...
You may recall that Lyndon Johnson said he was going to end "poverty as we know it" about 44 years ago.  Even the liberals don't believe poverty can be eliminated, which may be why the news media brushed off the idea.  Let history be your guide:  Did the creation of the Department of Education solve all the public education problems — or make them worse?  What about the Department of Energy?

The Anger of the Left:  Particular issues can arouse passions here and there for anyone with any political views.  But, for many on the left, indignation is not a sometime thing.  It is a way of life. … There doesn't even have to be any identifiable individual to arouse the ire of the left.  "Tax cuts for the rich" is more than a political slogan.  It is incitement to anger.

Dangerous Demagoguery.  Most people have too much of a sense of decency and too much common sense to have gone along with those horrors unless someone found a way to turn off their thinking and turn on their emotions.  That is how Jim Jones led hundreds of people to their deaths at Jonestown.  On a much larger scale, that is how Lenin created a regime of mass murder in Russia, how Hitler did the same thing in Germany and Mao in China.

Why a Black Artist Replaced the National Anthem:  [Scroll down]  The left's second contribution to Marie's value system has been its elevation of feelings above other values.  For example, one determines right and wrong on the basis of how one feels (as opposed to, let us say, asking what one's religion, or God, or any moral law that transcends one's own feelings would say on a given matter).  Now, the elevation of one's feelings above other considerations is generally viewed as a form of narcissism.  And while narcissism is as old as humanity, until the 1960s it was generally regarded as a character flaw.  Since the 1960s, however, it was more often heralded as a virtue.

The Identity Trap:  Both the feminist movement Clinton rides and the civil rights rhetoric Obama uses were constructed at a time when the enemy was the reactionary white male establishment.  Today, they are not facing the white male establishment.  They are facing each other.  All the rhetorical devices that have been a staple of identity politics are now being exploited by the Clinton and Obama campaigns against each other.  They are competing to play the victim.

Anti-liberal universities.  Classic liberals must be turning over in their graves when they see today's institutions of higher education.  University officials are silent while students shut down reasonable debate based on facts replacing it with emotional mob rule.  This behavior is the antithesis of historical liberalism that has stood for a free exchange of ideas.

Infantilism Of the Left:  Deep thinkers need not apply for admittance to the left side of the political spectrum.  Demagogues rely on this, and depend on emotion to carry their arguments.

Barack Obama — I'm sure we've seen him somewhere before.  Every time I listen to [Obama], I … find my mind wandering, asking itself things like:  'What does "the challenge of hope" mean?' … His is a rhetoric that soars and takes flight, but alights nowhere.  It declares that together we can do anything, but doesn't mention any of the things we can do. … Maybe Obama is so successful because he's the supreme master of what American politics excels in:  high-flown language that denotes as little as possible.

It's Not Change, Stupid.  After Iowa, poll readers, pundits, Republican and Democratic candidates declared the voters wanted "change."  No matter what "change" actually is, no matter that "change" means different things to different people:  "change" is what the voters want. … The sorry truth is that "change" was merely a phantom conjured by the political elite — a nano-trend, a shorthand, a figment, a wild goose chase.

The Democrats' bitter harvest.  "No war for oil" and "Bush lied; people died" are snappy short slogans that are essentially meaningless.  The bottom line is the Democratic Party hasn't had a new or original idea in nearly 40 years and that's why they will remain in the wilderness, no matter how low Bush's ratings fall.  The Democrats appear to be relying on events over which they have little or no control to transpire and bring them back into power.

Liberal Hatemongers:  A politically progressive friend of mine always seemed to root against baseball teams from the South.  The Braves, the Rangers, the Astros — he hated them all.  I asked him why, to which he replied, "Southerners are prejudiced."  The same logic is evident in the complaint the American political left has with conservative voters.

Blue America:  The land of the easily offended.  For one thing, conservatives are so used to being labeled as stupid, bigoted, ignorant, racist, homophobic, sexist, insensitive and intolerant that it is almost impossible to offend them.  Moreover, the culture does not allow them to feel offended, since they are not an officially designated minority.  For another, liberal positions are far more emotion-based than reason-based.

Liberal emotion vs. Conservative logic:  It takes a lot more integrity, character, and courage to be a conservative than it does to be a liberal.  That's because at its most basic level, liberalism is nothing more than childlike emotionalism applied to adult issues.  Going to war is mean, so we shouldn't do it.  That person is poor and it would be nice to give him money, so the government should do it.

Brother, can you spare a CHIP?  This would seem to be a fairly typical media trajectory.  The Democrats sign up a sick kid to read their Saturday morning radio address. … who needs facts when you've got the human-interest angle sewn up?

The Democrats' Unhealthy Poster Child Abuse:  After 12-year-old Graeme Frost delivered the Democratic radio address, which was penned for him by Senate staffers, conservatives across the Internet asked the questions the mainstream media wouldn't ask about the family's financial situation.  The couple claims an annual income of about $45,000.  Neither the Democrats nor the Baltimore Sun indicates how they verified that assertion before circulating it.  What is verifiable:  The Frosts own a home in Baltimore purchased for $55,000 16 years ago — and now worth an estimated $300,000.  That's a lot of equity.

If Congress Truly Wants to Help Children:  There has been a whole lot of hoopla over the past few weeks with the Democrats' latest attempt at foisting an expanded socialist encroachment upon the American electorate (SCHIP), via the really-getting-old-now, "It's-for-the-Children," ploy.  Nancy and Hillary both need to re-read their worn copies of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.  That ruthless revolutionary knew that once the folks see through your tactic, it becomes not only tiresome, but downright irritating.

Child's Play.  In truth, I do love kids.  But it's the "the" in The Children that's the problem.  It transforms children into a principle for which any violation of limited government is justified. … The idea was as simple as it was brilliant:  By making The Children the beneficiaries of welfare rather than the adults, the left could portray any attempt to curb the welfare state as "anti-child."

Get Ready for Bad News:  If you're not totally miserable and afraid by Election Day, Nov. 2, 2004, it will be due only to your understanding of what the Democrats are always up to.  They have only one arrow left in their quiver with which to grab back power:  scare tactics and the guilt trip.

My own Inconvenient Truth:  It's no wonder the political left is all over the global warming phenomenon, as it falls into line with the rest of their causes that require no logical argument, only a bumper sticker, protest sign, or T-shirt.  No matter what the weather happens to be doing — whether its snowing or scorching hot — these people will simply point to the nearest window and mumble, "Yeah man, global warming."

The Editor says...
Global warming is a perfect example of a left-wing cause that is based on bumper stickers and sound bites rather than logic and evidence.

Populists equalize poverty.  By populism, I mean the exploitation of the uninformed, angry impulses and unfiltered passions of the masses.  That anger and resentment has historically been directed at the usual villains and cardboard stereotypes:  bankers, insurance companies, "big pharma" (that means drug companies), agri-business, "the military-industrial complex," free trade, free markets and, of course, "the rich."  This mentality feeds on conspiracy theories and simplistic fantasies about the way the world works.  It seeks to impale the minority of "haves" on the pitchforks of the more numerous "have nots."

Why liberals fear global warming far more than conservatives do.  The usual liberal responses — to label a conservative position racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic or the like — obviously don't apply here.  So, liberals would have to fall back on the one remaining all-purpose liberal explanation:  "big business."

Stop your sobbing.  [Rachel Carson's] "Silent Spring" set the template for nearly a half century of environment writing:  wrap the latest scientific research about an ecological calamity in a tragic narrative that conjures nostalgia for Nature while prophesying ever worse disasters to come unless human societies repent for their sins against Nature and work for a return to a harmonious relationship with the natural world.  Eco-tragedies are premised on the notion that humankind's survival depends on understanding that ecological crises are a consequence of human intrusions on Nature, and that humans must let go of their consumer, religious, and ideological fantasies and recognize where their true self-interest lies.

A Democratic ploy for sympathy vote.  During the last election, the Democrats paraded Christopher Reeves out as a spokesman for stem-cell research.  Remember, if we did not elect John Kerry, Chris would be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.  The new "victim" for this year's dog-and-pony show is none other than actor Michael J. Fox.

The leftist gush:  Democrats appeal to reason while Republicans appeal to emotion, or at least that's the claptrap you get in a recent article in the New York Review of Books as one leftist praises another and both conveniently overlook a mountain of contrary evidence.

The Return of the Thought Police.  I mean no disregard for the sufferings of crime victims when I say we should be wary of laws named after them.  However well-intentioned, penal laws that memorialize victims deter reasoned debate about the rights of the accused.  They rely on emotional blackmail:  Oppose a law named for a murdered child, and you seem to insult her memory and exacerbate her parents' grief.

Frivolous politics:  Part IV.  It is not necessary to denigrate individuals in order to criticize their policies.  Unfortunately, there are too many voters — in both parties — who act as if choosing whom to vote for is like choosing sides to cheer or boo at a sports event.

In Politics, Aim for the Heart, Not the Head.  Given the enormous proliferation of policy questions today, surfing the emotional wave nowadays may be even more important than it was in 1935.  George E. Marcus, president of the International Society of Political Psychology, said modern research confirms that unless political ads evoke emotional responses, they don't have much effect.  Voters, he explained, need to be emotionally primed in some way before they will pay attention.

More politics of envy from the Democrats.  Wealth, of course, is produced by individuals going to work.  Not by politicians getting them ticked off that their neighbor is making more than they are.  But the latter is what the Democratic Party is about.

Bait and switch:  Ted Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) was one of the few who actually talked about the Marriage Protection Amendment itself.  He called any vote for the amendment "a vote for bigotry, pure and simple."  Well, that's pretty straightforward.  If Mr. Kennedy is correct, then about half the Senate, the president of the United States, the Pope, Billy Graham, the late Mother Teresa, Franklin Roosevelt, the Founding Fathers and a majority of the U.S. electorate are or were drooling, raving hatemongers.

Zoning challenges now extend to feelings and belief.  Remember when the city of Berkeley, Calif., declared itself a "nuclear-free zone"? … Many communities, mostly left-leaning university towns, have declared themselves nuclear-free.  Churches too.  The Unitarian Universalist Association is a nuclear-free zone.  These moves led to a broad "zone" movement, which is dedicated to the idea that communities can get rid of hate, violence, drunkenness, bullying and nuclear fears, mostly by emphatically declaring these evils to be gone from their areas.

Harry Reid and the end of liberal thought:  The highest-ranking Democrat in America, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, described the Senate bill making English the national language of the American people as "racist."  And the New York Times editorial page labeled the bill "xenophobic."  Welcome to the thoughtless world of contemporary liberalism.  Beginning in the 1960s, liberalism, once the home of many deep thinkers, began to substitute feeling for thought and descended into superficiality.

The Democrats have issues.  The Democratic leadership is fractured and dominated by people who are hysterical, abusive and oblivious.

Liberals and the Woman Who Hates Them.  Reacting with stupefied indignation whenever someone disagrees with them — especially in a way that makes people point and laugh at liberals — they seem to be in a constant state of outrage.  Liberals, and the conservatives who fear them, have a look of perpetual outrage, kind of the way Nancy Pelosi has a look of perpetual surprise.

Liberals tend to shout down their opponents instead of reasoning with them.

The Illiberalism of liberals.  Do you see a pattern here?  Does there not seem to be a concerted effort to prevent any person with whom the liberal activists disagree from being heard in Vermont?  Is there not an effort to restrict First Amendment rights?

Thought Police:  The Left vs. Free Speech.  For expressing my views to readers like you on these pages, hardcore leftists believe I should be put on trial as a war criminal.  It tells you all you need to know about the extreme left's view of the First Amendment:  Free speech is great, as long as it's their free speech (or extreme pornography).  But dissenting views must be censored.  The more effective the opponent, the more important it is to shut him down.

Online activists on the right, unite!  A digital war has broken out, and the conservative movement is losing.  Read the comment sections of right-leaning blogs, news sites and social forums, and the evidence is there in ugly abundance.  Internet hooligans are spewing their talking points to thwart the dissent of the newly-out-of-power.  We must not let that go unanswered.

Being Shouted Down:  On March 11, I joined a growing fraternity — conservatives who've been prevented from speaking on college campuses.  Student storm troopers have become the final arbiters of who may speak and what views may be expressed in academia — once dedicated to free inquiry and open discussion, now as intellectually open as a Stalinist gulag.  The academic archipelago?

Democrats Eager to Exploit Anger Over Gas Prices.  Democrats running for Congress are moving quickly to use the most recent surge in oil and gasoline prices to bash Republicans over energy policy, and more broadly, the direction of the country.

Democrats Try to Use Katrina as G.O.P. Used 9/11.  Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, toured a house on Friday [4/24/2006] that the Hurricane Katrina floods wrecked, picking up debris, lamenting the federal response and leaving little doubt of the powerful symbolism his party sees in the ruined neighborhoods here.  As Mr. Dean's well-covered hurricane-cleanup mission suggested, New Orleans may well become for Democrats in 2006 and 2008 what New York was for Republicans after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, an evocative metaphor rooted in tragedy that can potentially be turned to electoral advantage.

[Notice that Mr. Dean manages to clean up debris without getting his white shirt dirty.]

Anti-Poverty Spending Grows.  Brian Riedl, senior policy analyst in federal budgetary affairs at The Heritage Foundation, … called for facts to overcome emotion in the claim the rich are shortchanging the poor.

Chill out over global warming.  You'll often hear the left lecture about the importance of dissent in a free society.  Why not give it a whirl?  Start by challenging global warming hysteria next time you're at a LoDo cocktail party and see what happens.

A post-9/11 vocabulary test:  You see it in the refusal to profile at the airport, limit immigration from terrorist-enabling countries, and shut down Saudi pilot training programs — even to this day — for fear of hurting feelings.  You will see it throughout the week-long commemoration of 9/11 as pundits and scholars deemphasize the jihadi roots of the terrorist attacks in favor of "dialogue" and "tolerance" and self-flagellation.

Liberals and Their False Idols:  As psychiatrist Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr., points out in his new book, "The Liberal Mind:  The Psychological Causes of Political Madness," … the liberal agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority in the population by creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization; satisfying infantile claims of entitlement, indulgence and compensation; augmenting primitive feelings of envy; rejecting the sovereignty of the individual and subordinating him to the will of the government."

Democrats oppose windmill power because the windmills are unsightly.  U.S. Reps. Alan Mollohan and Nick Rahall, both West Virginia Democrats, are leading a high-profile fight against industrial wind farms on the state's mountaintop ridges. … Mollohan wrote, "Because of the huge physical size of these projects, their starkly industrial appearance, and the fact that they dominate the view of the entire area in which they are located, these projects naturally raise concerns when they are proposed to be sited in areas that people enjoy for their scenic, natural beauty."

"Success, simply by its existence, is proof positive to the Modern Liberal of some kind of chicanery and likely bigotry.  Failure, simply by its existence, is enough proof to them that failure has been victimized."

Coulter Foes Launch Hate-Filled Attacks.  Many of those writing the negative e-mails are outraged that a conservative would ask a conservative author questions from a conservative's perspective for a conservative newspaper.  One person writes, "You are so unfair and unbalanced!"  Well, there goes my shot as a Fox News anchor.

Liberals from another planet.  Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a liberal, and to have self-righteous blowhards like Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd and Charles Schumer, speaking for me.  And then I wake up screaming.

"Unhinged":  Michelle [Malkin] deliberately chose the title, "Unhinged," purposely, to convey that the American Left, generally speaking, has long since come unglued, giving itself over to irrationality and extremism rather than reasoned discourse.

Patrick J. Kennedy faithful flooding Rhode Island GOP with 'hate mail'.  Rhode Island Republicans have received piles of "hate mail" from supporters of U.S. Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy, angry that the GOP has called for the troubled six-term congressman to step down.  "This has clearly hit a raw nerve somewhere," Rhode Island GOP spokesman Chuck Newton told the Herald.  "We've received mountains of hate mail from all over."

The Senator who cried 'bigot'.  According to Minority Leader Harry Reid, even suggesting the Constitution should protect marriage as the union of husband and wife constitutes something like hate speech:  "For me, it is clear the reason for this debate is to divide our society, to pit one against another," Reid said.  "This is another one of the president's efforts to frighten, to distort, to distract and to confuse America."

The Terrell Owens Democrats.  The Terrell Owenization of the Democratic Party is pretty much complete.  Selfish, media-hogging, and utterly unconcerned about the impact of what they are doing to their team, the Dean-Reid-Pelosi Party has thrown its ongoing collective temper tantrum for months now.  And the media has shown up whenever they chose to flex their muscles in the driveway.

Attack dogs:  The boy who cried "Wolf" at least took the precaution of doing so when there was no alleged predator in view.  If he'd stood there crying "Wolf" while pointing at a hamster, he would have been led away for counseling.  That's the stage the Senate Democrats are at.

Your Turn.  Liberals seldom bother to attempt to marshal arguments.  Instead they resort to launching personal attacks and changing the subject.  Sometimes both in the same e-mail.

Fake but accurate.  Again.  Senator Ted Kennedy looks ridiculous today, in the wake of his foolish reliance on a bogus story of "repression" under the Bush administration's anti-terror efforts. … So the Senator's negative opinion, based on fiction, somehow is still real.  Because feelings matter more than facts, I suppose.

Good Economy, Bad Polls, What Gives?  President Bush's political opponents are always available and willing to poor-mouth the economy.  When he first entered Washington, all the talk was of recession.  That ended quickly, but Democrats clutched on to the budget deficit, caused of course by President Bush's tax cuts "for the rich."  Then it was unemployment; the worst economy since Hoover, they told us.  But the jobs situation improved during the 2004 campaign, so the "disappearing middle class" became the freak-out du jour.

Democrats Will Lose Because They Offer No Hope.  The Democrats offer no hope. It's that simple. The belief system of the Democratic Party is predicated on the assumption that there is no hope.  There is no hope that the poor and aged will ever be able to live financially independent of government aid.  There is no hope that we can still create a lasting peaceful democracy in Iraq.  There is no hope that we can guard our borders and remain the beacon of light on the hill.  There is no hope that women can survive having an unwanted child, even if that child could find love elsewhere.  There is no hope that those on welfare can take the reins of their own destiny.  There is no hope that God can be both primary in our hearts and ancillary in our politics.  There is no hope that marriage can remain a solely heterosexual institution.

Katrina Aftermath Highlights True Political Motives.  For liberals, the scope of the Katrina catastrophe, and the degree to which America is preoccupied with it, represent a golden opportunity to exploit emotions and distort circumstances as a means to maximize the political mileage that might be gained from it.  Such callous behavior, while heartless and absolutely appalling, is also absolutely consistent with standard liberal operating procedure.

Liberal reactions to the marriage amendment are not deep.  Virtually every news report about President George W. Bush's support for a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman describes it as "pandering" to the "far Right," the "radical Right" or, less pejoratively, "social conservatives" of the Republican Party.  Democrats regularly describe the amendment as enshrining "discrimination in the Constitution."  In the words of Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., "A vote for the amendment is a vote for bigotry — pure and simple."

Hate speech from the left - 2005 edition.  [2004 was] another year in which liberals engaged in, and mostly got away with, grotesque slanders and slurs about conservatives — the kind of poisonous rhetoric that should be unheard-of in a decent society.  Once again, too many on the left — not crackpots from the fringe, but mainstream players and pundits — chose to demonize conservatives as monsters rather than debate their ideas on the merits.

The extreme sport of insult:  The hard left decided long ago that George W. Bush is Hitler.  In maddened corners of the Internet and at swastika-choked antiwar marches, Bush is shown with a Nazi uniform or a Hitler mustache.

DNC Stands By Rangel After 'Hate Speech'.  The Democratic National Committee yesterday [9/27/2005] refused to distance itself from Rep. Charles Rangel's comparison of President Bush to an infamous Southern segregationist, Theophilus "Bull" Connor, remarks the Republican National Committee identified as "hate speech" and urged the DNC to repudiate.

A major problem for the Democrats:  The headline is this:  "Democrats Fragmented and in Disarray."  The story has two aspects that must trouble those Democrats who understand media.  The first aspect is that it is filled with dire portents.  Journalists are attracted to dire portents whether the portents are true or palpably absurd.  The second aspect that must trouble Democrats is that this news story happens to be true.

Catchy slogan
Catchy slogans make great bumper stickers, but they usually don't mean anything.  Take this one, for example.  Wouldn't it be more meaningful (and honest) to say, "Vote for the Abortion Party", or, "Vote for the people who brought you 1.6–Gallon Toilets", or "Let's Outlaw Everything that isn't Mandatory"?

Democrats' language is for 'losers'.  The Democrats' awkward new slogan — "Together, America can do better" — may not say much more than "Anybody would be an improvement on the current bunch of bozos," yet many Democrats are hoping that it will be enough to bring the party back to life this fall.

Supping at the children's table.  We must look at the Republicans as the Adult Party and the Democrats as naughty children sent to sup at the children's table.  Republicans lead, Democrats rebel.  George W. nominates serious judges and the Democrats throw tantrums.  Conservatives, dominant in the Adult Party, who try to conserve traditional ideals are, ironically, in the vanguard.

Hating Bush:  We have reached the point where much political debate consists of insults and name-calling, every attack is likely to be called a "lynching," and tired expressions such as "institutional terrorism," "institutional racism," and "intellectual McCarthyism" are supposed to be taken as real arguments.

Self-indulgence:  The enraged speeches and street disorders across the country that accompanied the inauguration of President Bush may tell us more than we want to know about what is happening to this country.  Elections are supposed to be an alternative to other ways of settling political differences, including riots, military coups and dictatorships.  But riots have been re-christened "demonstrations" by the mealy-mouth media.

Hate in America:  The protesters, while unable to disrupt the Republican National Convention as intended, represented a disturbing new development in the nation's politics:  hatred in the streets.  The organized demonstrations were purely negative, attacking George W. Bush with scant expression of support for John Kerry.  Individual marchers singled out any person they thought might be a convention delegate, firing off angry, often obscene, denunciations.

Politics Of Hate:  Its one thing to scare senior citizens about Social Security reform with hate speech, but to go so far as staging an assassination of the president over his idea for a Social Security fix, is kind of over the top.  In researching the politics of hate, I was surprised to get 1,690,000 hits on Google for "hate Bush."  But I was astonished to get 1,140,000 for "kill Bush."

Blind Anger.  Anger, the most toxic of emotions, has poisoned the American left and much of the Democratic Party. ... Anger has become the fashionable political mood in America's faculty lounges, big city newsrooms, and Democratic political events.  Anger is a terrific motivator.  Angry people contribute money, go to events, wear buttons, t-shirts, and funny hats, and readily slap bumper stickers on their Volvos, Beetles, mini-vans, and Lexuses.

The Ignorant and the Idiotic?  On the web, embittered liberals and Democratic activists are peddling spurious stories, urban legends really, about how IQ is inversely correlated with voting Republican.  In reality, no correlation exists.

Liberal chattering class unhinged.  Democrats have acted like victims of robbery the last four years, but now they're acting like women scorned, rejected by a dueling banjo-wielding electorate.  I guess I suspected they'd take their losses badly, but I didn't realize they'd unshackle all gentlemanly restraints on their septic bitterness.

Morals hypocrisy:  Isn't it ironic that liberals seem to resent conservatives for promoting moral issues and being judgmental when every ounce of their leftist fiber bristles with an air of moral superiority?  It's a turf thing, a matter of entitlement.  Liberals are truly annoyed that large segments of the population vote Republican primarily because of social issues, when for decades the "progressives" have claimed to have a monopoly on morality and compassion.

Michelle Malkin Axed for Views.  My experience, both as a columnist and an observer of life, is that liberals consider any bold assertion of conservative political thought "mean-spirited."  Indeed, the liberals' favorite charge against conservatives is that they are intrinsically mean, uncompassionate people.

"To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture."

Thomas Paine.        

"Life is a comedy to those who think
  and a tragedy to those who feel."

— George Santayana *        

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