President Obama's Intentions for America

Note:  You might want to start at the Barack Obama Index Page, especially if you arrived here by using a search engine.

Obama fraternizes quite cordially (and sympathizes) with dictators in other countries

Obama shows great potential — as a Marxist dictator!

All this adulation is a bit much

People, places, and things named after Barack Obama

The Obama Highway — one of many!

A rodeo clown makes fun of Obama, and immediately loses his job

Snitch on Your Neighbor

When you send your email address to the White House, you get...  Spam!

        President Obama and Gun Control.

        Obama resides on the outskirts of the law.

        INTERPOL is granted immunity from U.S. law.

        Obama is weakening America's defenses

        Obama is weakening our allies' defenses

        Evidently Obama hates America

        Obama bows down to King Abdullah

        Obama bows to Emperor Akihito

        Obama fraternizes quite cordially with dictators in other countries

        Taking control of the internet

        Egypt hits the internet kill switch and Obama takes notes.

        Libya hits the internet kill switch after Egypt set the example.

        Using public schools as indoctrination centers

        Obama's narcissism

        Homeland Security vs. the right wing

        Obama's stealthy moves toward gun control

        President for life?

        The Swine Flu Panic

        Oath Keepers:  Just say no!

Obama is no friend of Israel

The Clamor for Obama's impeachment.

Obamacare:  unmitigated socialism.

Here a czar, there a czar, everywhere a czar czar.

The Obama team manipulates the news media

        Obama vs Fox News Channel

        Obama and the news media versus Toyota

        Using the National Endowment for the Arts as a propaganda tool

Who's really happy about Obama's presidency?

Obama's Culture of Corruption

Nationalizing the banks

Nationalizing General Motors and Chrysler

Miscellaneous scandals:

Goldman Sachs and the Obama Administration

Civilian trials and incarceration for terrorists


Operation Gun Runner

Preferential Treatment of the Black Panthers


The firing of Inspector General Gerald Walpin

The Spontaneous War in Libya

Obama and taxpayer-funded abortions

Obama vs the Catholic Church

The Missile Defense Agency logo

"Truth Teams" -- the 2012 version of "Snitch on Your Neighbor"

Obama attempts to redefine September 11

Obama shows great potential — as a Marxist dictator!

This subsection has moved to a page of its own, located here.

The return of the Snitch on Your Neighbor program:

Likewise, this subsection has moved to a page of its own, located here.

When you send your email address to the White House, you get...  Spam!

An Instance of the Permanent Campaign.  [Scroll down]  I received dozens (maybe hundreds) of similar emails from the Democrats and the Obama campaign during 2012, but I misinterpreted them.  I thought that no campaign would humiliate itself by using such a hysterical tone and over the top hyperbole unless it was desperate.  I concluded that the Obama campaign's polls must be showing their candidate behind.  I was entirely wrong:  rather, the Democrats have figured out that this tone, simultaneously informal and vicious, with absurd claims and cartoonish caricatures, is what appeals to Democrat-leaning low-information voters.

OFA Email: Attack Congressional Republicans on Sequester.  The email pushes the boundaries of the standard that defines allowable communications that can be sent out by "issues advocacy" social welfare non-profit groups organized under Section 501(c)4 of the Internal Revenue code.  In effect, Wednesday's OFA email constitutes one of the first campaign ads of the 2014 mid-term Congressional elections, sent by a partisan Democratic organization billing itself as a social welfare group.

Is Obama Using Anti-Gun Spambots?  Texas Congressman Steve Stockman has blown the whistle on President Obama's anti-gun Twitter campaign.  Stockman says that hardly any of Obama's anti-gun tweets come from actual human beings, while most are computer-generated spam.

Obama Email During Hurricane: 'Got a Phone? Get His Back'.  As Hurricane Sandy rocks the east coast, the Obama campaign soldiers on via email.  Tasteless email.

Obama's mopey new fundraising e-mail: 'I don't want to lose this election.'.  Fired up, ready to mope.  It's not new for the Obama campaign's e-mails to be written in the style of stalker; the come down from '08 e-mails has been noticeable.  But I'm betting the base could have used just a little more crowing this morning.

President Obama, Bill Collector-In-Chief.  [Scroll down]  The most straightforward comparision for this email — that it invokes the language of a bill collector — has some pretty revealing implications. As president, Obama rings up $5 trillion in new debt and wants to raise taxes, but he acts like his supporters are in arrears with his campaign!  And if that's how he treats people who sign up for his mailing list, can you imagine how he's inclined to treat ordinary taxpayers with no campaign records showing they've given him money?

Obama Campaign Sends Three Fundraising Emails in One Day.  The media is spending a vast amount of time making the case that President Obama has an insurmountable lead.  In fact, the media seems to be making the case that Mitt Romney should simply throw in the towel.  But if the Obama campaign's emails are any indicator, this race is far from over.  Today [9/30/2012] — a Sunday — the Obama campaign sent no less than three fundraising emails, two from the President, and one from the First Lady.

Obama camp set to harangue donors with text messages.  The key to the new tool is the credit card technology, a first for a presidential campaign, that allows donors who give even a few dollars to let the campaign save their credit card information.  The campaign can then charge their saved credit card whatever amount the donor elects via text message.

Obama Camp Sending Creepy, Intimidating Email To Former Donors.  It's no secret that the Obama campaign is falling short of its fundraising goals this election season.  Now, it looks like they're getting desperate, using SEIU-like intimidation techniques to drive their fund-raising numbers up.  Last night, a former Obama supporter forwarded BigGovernment an email sent out Sunday by the Obama campaign.  It's equal parts desperate and creepy.

Choking on Obamaspam.  I have no idea how Barack Obama got my email address but a few weeks ago there it was in my inbox — a message from the President.  I decided to break my lifelong rule of zapping all emails from strangers and so, out of curiosity, I opened it up.  I got a lot more than an email.  Under the spell of the wizard in the White House, I then clicked on "I'm in," opening a floodgate of junk email that now seems unstoppable.

White House Acknowledges Unsolicited E-Mails on Health Care.  The White House for the first time Sunday [8/16/2009] somewhat acknowledged that people across the country received unsolicited e-mails last week on health care from the administration, suggesting the problem on third-party groups it claimed placed the recipients' names on the distribution list.  In a written statement released exclusively to FOX News, White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said the White House hopes those who received the e-mails without signing up for them were not "inconvenienced" by the messages.

The Editor says...
The White House explanation was, in so many words, that their web site was hacked, and some malicious third party loaded up the White House computer with email addresses.  It's the old "somebody else did it" excuse.  If the White House story is true, then the people in charge of the White House web site are incompetent.  If the story is not true, then the White House is being run by liars.  Take your pick:  they are incompetent or they are dishonest.  [See update below.]

White House Blames E-Mail Controversy on 'Sinister Conspiracy Theories' .  The White House is blaming the controversy over its Web site and mass e-mails on viral rumors, "fear-mongering" and "sinister conspiracy theories" even as it acknowledges problems with its online practices.  After confirming to FOX News over the weekend that third-party groups could be responsible for official White House e-mails that have been sent to people who never signed up for them, President Obama's new media director took to the official White House blog to "clear up" the confusion.

Just as I suspected.  After they were caught spamming, they had to admit it.

Spammer in Chief.  Al Gore might have taken the initiative in creating the Internet, but no one seems to have bothered to teach basic netiquette to Barack Obama and his White House staff.  As they have grown more desperate in their attempts to remake America's medical system in the image of the post office, they have resorted to increasingly obnoxious email tactics.

White House Reveals Identity of Firm That Sent Unsolicited E-Mails on Health Reform.  The White House hired a private communications company based in Minnesota to distribute mass e-mails, helping to shed light on how some recipients received e-mails in support of President Obama's health care plan without signing up for them, FOX News has learned.  The company, Govdelivery, describes itself as the world's leading provider of government-to-citizen communication solutions and says its e-mail service provides a fully-automated on-demand public communication system.

Sign Our Birthday Card! ...Oh, By the Way, Where Do You Vote?  The Obama campaign would like you to sign a birthday card for Vice President Joe Biden. ... Oh, by the way, at the link they would like your e-mail, name, and zip code... almost as if their motive isn't simply the thoughtful gesture to offer warm birthday wishes but to gather updated location information about their e-mailing list to assist with get-out-the-vote efforts.

You're Starting to Creep Me Out, First Family.  What do you do when the president, vice president, and first and second ladies won't stop harassing you?  Before the last election, I signed up for updates from the Barack Obama campaign.  They proceeded to spam me with e-mails, which is fine.  But lately these messages have become stalker-y.

Republican says it's 'creepy' Obama campaign requesting GOP email addresses.  A House Republican thinks it's a little "creepy" that President Obama's reelection campaign is offering donors a chance to enter the email addresses of Republican friends.  Rep. Dennis Ross (R-Fla.) tweeted Wednesday:  "Obama campaign asking for donors to give them GOP email addresses.  Tricky, yes.  Creepy, definitely."

The Editor says...
There is only a short distance from creepy to dangerous.

Obama Wants to Spam Your Email, But is it Legal?  Barack Obama wants to have some "fun" at the expense of republicans by asking lefties to give their email addresses to his re-election campaign.  Why?  So Obama campaign workers can spam your inbox with lefty propaganda. ... It is a violation of federal law, the Can Spam Law, for a business to spam your email box if you did not give them your email address.

The Draft Dodger and the Spammer.  What, after all, could the Obama campaign hope to do with such a list?  The best theory the RNC could come up with, presumably because anything worse would have sounded completely paranoid, is "to target conservative voters with misinformation and attacks against our GOP candidates in 2012."  Imagine the reverse:  the RNC sending out (say) birther emails to hard-core Obama supporters.  It sounds like an excellent way of drumming up turnout for the opposition.

Obama Campaign Collecting GOP Emails.  The Obama information collection effort is cast under the mischievous guise of asking Obama supporters to "have a little fun at the expense of a Republican in your life" by signing them up to get an email from the Obama campaign ribbing them for having "inspired" the Obama supporter to donate.  The result, however, is that the Obama campaign gets a new trove of Republican email addresses that it could never have collected through voluntary submissions.

Obama Campaign Encouraging Supporters To Donate In Republicans' Names.  I'm beyond caring what the regime does with our emails.  Scores of conservatives have already turned themselves in at Attackwatch.  What are they going to do?  But I do care that the President of the United States thinks it's cute to cause fellow Americans distress at Christmas time by inspiring supporters to donate to his reelection campaign in their names, putting them on the WH spam list.  It's not cute, and it's not funny.  Family members will fight and friendships will be lost over this.

Michelle Obama Donor Letter.  Michelle Obama sent out this creepy letter to donors today [3/17/2012] begging donors for cash.

Get a Load of This Slightly Threatening Email From the Obama Re-Election Campaign.  If this email were sent by a charitable organization such as the American Red Cross, we would feel a little harassed.  But to receive an email like this from a national political campaign, well, that would make us feel downright nervous.

Obama's Creepy Emails And Ads.  There are elements of the Obama re-election campaign that turn my stomach.  Emails like this one from "Michelle Obama" with the cringe-inducing content-line:  "Me Again."  Yes, you again.  Like I need more spam.

The smallness of the new Obama.  It has become the disappearing presidency.  He went from peddling the "audacity of hope" to sheer hopelessness.  From promising change to — literally — begging for change.  Any spare change.  One of the latest depressing pitches came from Ann Marie Habershaw inside President Obama's campaign.  "Hi," it begins, as if we are friends.  Which is really kind of creepy.  And sad.  We certainly are not.  "Yep, me again," she goes on, trying to make light of the fact that she has clearly become a pest.  "Surprise:  I'm here to ask you for money."  Really, that is what she actually wrote.  Beyond depressing.  Sad, pathetic, and she knows it.

Obama Supporters Barraged With Pleas for Cash.  Each plea for money from President Obama and his allies has become more urgent and desperate than the last. [...] The urgent and repeated appeals, sent to millions of Mr. Obama's supporters via e-mail and text messages, are a vivid reminder that the president's campaign is likely to raise significantly less than Mitt Romney and Republicans for the third month in a row in July.

NYT notices Obama campaign's increasing desperation for contributions.  Politicians use their e-mail lists to continually hit their base with requests for donations.  Everyone who puts their name on a political list expects to see those e-mails on a constant basis, usually tied to the news cycle.

Obama, Spamander-in-Chief.  On most days I get emails from the president, his wife or the reelection staff.  They offer me the chance to dine with President Barack Obama, "hang" with the first lady, shoot some hoops at the White House or spend the evening with the first couple at the home of "Sex and the City" star Sarah Jessica Parker.  The email invitation from Carrie Bradshaw had the suggestive subject line:  "My place."  At least it didn't say, "Mr. Big."

Could Our President Be Any Whinier?  In recent weeks, I have published several fundraising emails I have received from Barack Obama or his surrogates.  They are notable, I think, for their desperate tone.  Which is good:  a campaign that thought it was doing well would not address its supporters in such humiliating fashion.

Obama Email to Supporters: If I Lose, It's Your Fault.  Today [8/26/2012], President Obama sent out a campaign email essentially blaming his supporters if he loses.  See, he's supposedly being outspent.  And because he's supposedly being outspent, he's losing.  And he can't spend more money unless his supporters fork it over.

How the Obama campaign guessed my income from my phone number.  [Scroll down]  I was at a Democrat fundraiser for media types in Chicago.  At the start of the evening, everyone was encouraged to provide their cell numbers to the organisers.  By 2am, myself (an associate producer), as well as a low-ranked intern, a mid-ranked MSNBC assistant producer and a senior executive producer were all out at a bar together.  Suddenly, all of our phones beeped simultaneously — we had texts direct from Barack Obama, of all people.

Obama campaign uses email list to rally supporters on 'fiscal cliff'.  Supporters of President Obama received an email outlining the president's position on the "fiscal cliff" Wednesday [11/21/2012], the first evidence of his plan to use his massive campaign infrastructure to advocate for policy goals. [...] "Thanks to your feedback, we're taking immediate action on one of your suggestions:  keeping you informed about how the President is fighting for you so you can continue to talk to your friends, family, and neighbors," the email reads.

Obama Campaign Manager Sends Email Begging for Gun Control Support.  President Obama's top campaign adviser Jim Messina is still sending campaign emails (the campaign ended over two months ago).  This time, Messina is asking supporters to help push President Obama's gun control agenda.

Creepy: Obama OFA Responds To Being Caught Using Spambots on Twitter To Push Gun Control.  [Scroll down]  Ms. Slack, the author, seems not to have had any hesitancy with simply publishing the response of OFA without question.  Of course, why should one doubt the word of OFA?  They are a new "non-partisan" "grassroots" organization who doesn't support any candidates, despite the fact that their agenda, according to their first tweet, is to pass the agenda of Barack Obama.

The Dealergate section is now located here.

Here a czar, there a czar, everywhere a czar czar.

This subsection has been moved to a page of its own, located here.

Obama fraternizes quite cordially (and sympathizes) with dictators in other countries

Why is Obama so friendly with third-world dictators and with the leaders of China and Russia?  Does he see them as role models?

Related topic:  Cuba

Obama and Communist China Agree.  Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and President Barack Obama rendezvoused Saturday, Sept. 3, in the People's Republic of China.  Thus unfolded a moment of unusual clarity in the struggle between those who believe in individual liberty and those who believe government should plan and control our lives.  The purpose of the meeting?  The Communist leader and the president handed over to the secretary general documents declaring their nations were officially joining the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Ho Chi Minh, Obama's Freedom Fighter.  All I wanted to do last week was enjoy my vacation.  Instead, I was assaulted by another breathtaking statement from the president of the United States, provided courtesy of an official White House press release.  The occasion was a July 25 meeting between President Obama and the leader of communist Vietnam.  Obama stated:  "President Sang shared with me a copy of a letter sent by Ho Chi Minh to Harry Truman.  And we discussed the fact that Ho Chi Minh was actually inspired by the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the words of Thomas Jefferson."  This, of course, is utter nonsense.  Ho Chi Minh was a committed Marxist-Leninist revolutionary who cut his teeth at Moscow's Lenin School.  He became one of the Soviet Comintern's most successful agents.  Among the testimonies to his efforts are the countless boat people from Vietnam who now live in America (many of whom voted for Obama).  But not only is Obama's statement nonsense; it's also the product of communist propaganda.

Obama's Ho Chi Minh Trail.  On his visit to meet with Communist leaders in Vietnam, Obama criticized the United States for having, "too much money in our politics, and rising economic inequality, racial bias in our criminal justice system."  He praised Ho Chi Minh's evocation of the "American Declaration of Independence" and claimed that we had "shared ideals" with the murderous Communist dictator.  Shortly after the "evocation" that Obama praised, his beloved Ho was hard at work purging the opposition, political and religious.  When Obama references these "shared ideals", does he perhaps mean Ho's declaration, "All who do not follow the line laid down by me will be broken."

Obama and Ho Chi Minh:  Embracing Evil.  On his visit to meet with Communist leaders in Vietnam, Obama criticized the United States for having, "too much money in our politics, and rising economic inequality, racial bias in our criminal justice system."  He praised Ho Chi Minh's evocation of the "American Declaration of Independence" and claimed that we had "shared ideals" with the murderous Communist dictator.  Shortly after the "evocation" that Obama praised, his beloved Ho was hard at work purging the opposition, political and religious.  When Obama references these "shared ideals", does he perhaps mean Ho's declaration, "All who do not follow the line laid down by me will be broken."  Perhaps he means the euphemistically named "land reform" which may have killed up to a million people.  Like Stalin and Mao, Ho Chi Minh seized land and executed property owners as "enemies of the state".  The original plan had been to murder one in a thousand.  But the relatively modest plan for mass murder was swiftly exceeded by the enthusiastic Communist death squads.

Obama Gives Kitchen Sink Away to Vietnam.  [Scroll down]  The last American president to visit Vietnam was draft dodger, Bill Clinton, but my concern is once again it appears that having an exhibit in the Obama presidential library trumps all.  I don't think we should be giving away the kitchen sink without ensuring the dishes are clean.  Why not demand these communist countries, with whom we are "normalizing" relations, improve their human rights record.  Unless, we are, as Raul Castro dictated to Obama, guilty of worse violations — after all Obama just stood there and allowed Castro to rant about the United States.  Hmm, perhaps Obama could have brought attention to the fact that Cubans are showing up on our shores, not the reverse.

U.S. Ends Decades-Long Arms Embargo On Vietnam.  The U.S. is ending a decades long arms embargo on Vietnam, President Obama announced Monday in Hanoi.  At a press conference alongside Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang, the president said lifting the embargo, which has been in place since 1975, will further normalize relations between the two countries.  "This change will ensure Vietnam has access to the equipment it needs to defend itself and removes a lingering vestige of the Cold War," he said.

The Editor says...
The Vietnam war was not the Cold War, you moron!

Vietnamese leader quotes Ho Chi Minh in toast to U.S..  Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang quoted his country's former communist president during the Vietnam War, Ho Chi Minh, as he toasted improved relations between the U.S. and Vietnam and welcomed President Obama to Hanoi.  At a state lunch, Quang thanked Obama for traveling so far to mark an "another crucial milestone" in the relationship.  "The reversed development of the Vietnam-U.S. relations in the past years is clear evidence of President Ho Chi Minh's statement, 'Bear the cold winter, and we shall be welcomed by spring.'"

Fidel Castro says Obama's 'syrupy words' were enough to cause a heart attack.  President Obama's "syrupy" words about brotherhood and shared history, and his call to leave behind the enmity of the past, were enough to give Cubans "a heart attack," former president Fidel Castro said Monday in his first public response to Obama's visit to Cuba last week. "We don't need any gifts from the empire," Castro wrote in a scathing article, addressed to "Brother Obama" and published in Granma, the Cuban Communist Party newspaper.

The Apology Tour of Our Next President.  In Havana recently, President Obama talked of the similarities between Cuba and the United States, as if a constitutional republic of some 240 years and a thuggish and murderous communist dictatorship were kindred souls. [...] Obama also missed the irony that, while he had just warmed up to a present-day Cuban dictatorship with blood on its hands, he then blamed his distant predecessors for warming up to a long-gone Argentine dictatorship with blood on its hands.  Argentine General Galtieri and his predecessors, who may have overseen the killing of some 20,000, are long dead; Raul Castro, who may have the blood of about the same number on his hands, is very much alive — and in the back-slapping company of President Obama.

Are We Ready for Reality after the Brussels Terror Attacks?  [Scroll down] Meanwhile, the current president is in Havana, posing in front of a mural of Che Guevara (a man who put his own friends in front of firing squads.  Doesn't Obama know?  I'm afraid he does) and agreeing with Raul Castro that America has an income inequality problem.  Doesn't Obama know that the great "revolutionary" Fidel is a billionaire?  How's that for income inequality in a horribly impoverished country?  I have been to Cuba, and except for the elites, every single citizen is in misery and being watched by the secret police.

More about Cuba.

The Castro dynasty's favorite American.  [Scroll down]  So this is why I say that Obama is the Castros' favorite American.  He has made it possible for the family, and Castro Inc., to stay in power.  Not bad for Ra਀l Castro, a man drowning last fall but now firmly in control after the Obama lifeline.

How Obama abandoned allies for African dictators.  Few moves taken by the Obama administration have been more consequential and less explored than his disastrous foreign policy.  While ObamaCare, immigration reform, and his now famous 'rule-by-decree' have long been under media's scrutiny, a patchwork of diplomatic missteps have failed to rise to the top of the media cycle.  However, historians looking back at America's first black president will surely point out that his most fateful legacy has been shifting our country's foreign policy center of gravity away from some of our closest allies in favor of a motley group of questionable leaders.

Obama facing bipartisan criticism for meeting with Vietnam's Communist Party head.  President Obama is facing bipartisan criticism for hosting Vietnam's Communist Party boss at the White House this week, given the government's "deplorable" human rights record and "authoritarian" one-party system.  The president met Tuesday [7/7/2015] with Nguyen Phu Trong, head of Vietnam's Communist Party.  Trong does not hold an official government position, but is regarded as the nation's de-facto leader for directing Vietnam's controlling party.  But the meeting, coming after the administration took yet another step to normalize relations with Communist Cuba, rubbed many on Capitol Hill the wrong way.

Obama likes Castro because they both hate capitalism.
Castro's Silky Forked Tongue Of Praise For Greece.  The Cuban tyrant's greeting ought to terrify the Greeks, given his game for the past 50 years — a long record of default, deadbeatery and corruption unmatched in the hemisphere on a per capita basis.  Castro, remember, is a totalitarian communist committed as "a revolutionary" to destroying the capitalist system.  For all the attention there has been on his long record of human rights violations, his efforts to make economic warfare on the West and destroy the capitalist system is equally notable.  What could be the basis for Castro's gushing letter to the Greeks?  His own record of attempting to create a "debtor's cartel" to rise up against the Western powers, particularly the United States, and collectively default on all the billions owed to its banks.

Obama facing bipartisan criticism for meeting with Vietnam's Communist Party head.  President Obama is facing bipartisan criticism for hosting Vietnam's Communist Party boss at the White House this week, given the government's "deplorable" human rights record and "authoritarian" one-party system.  The president met Tuesday [7/7/2015] with Nguyen Phu Trong, head of Vietnam's Communist Party.  Trong does not hold an official government position, but is regarded as the nation's de-facto leader for directing Vietnam's controlling party.  But the meeting, coming after the administration took yet another step to normalize relations with Communist Cuba, rubbed many on Capitol Hill the wrong way.

Admin Calls Venezuela Outreach 'Hallmark of Diplomatic Efforts'.  After cozying up to Cuba, is "normalizing" relations with the Venezuelan regime next up for the Obama administration?  Reuters reported yesterday that the administration has embarked on "quiet diplomacy" with Caracas in "an attempt to improve their acrimonious relations," with President Nicolas Maduro reaching out three months after President Obama announced his Cuba plans.

Vietnam Communist Party chief to meet Obama on landmark U.S. trip.  Vietnam's Communist Party chief will visit the United States next week in a landmark trip that could prove pivotal in Washington's bid to bolster its Asian alliances in the back yard of an increasingly assertive China.  Nguyen Phu Trong will meet U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House as the former war enemies mark two decades of calibrated engagement since the normalization of ties that have expanded rapidly in the past year.

Why are we rewarding murderous dictators?  For decades the American left has done its best to convince us that Cuba is a benign, progressive paradise that just needs to be unshackled from our tyranny.  But the record is clear:  The Castros are running a murderous dictatorship 90 miles south of Key West that has exported violence around the world.  Enter Barack Obama.  Yesterday [7/1/2015] he took to the White House Rose Garden to celebrate normalized relations with the most despotic regime in the Western Hemisphere.  It is meant to be his crowning foreign policy accomplishment, which is appropriate, because it's every bit as ill-conceived as everything else Obama has done overseas.

One Dictator Meets Another: Obama Shares A Dinner Table With Castro.  Turning the page on a half-century of hostility, President Barack Obama signaled Thursday [4/9/2015] he will soon remove Cuba from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism, boosting hopes for improved ties as he prepared for a historic encounter with Cuban President Raul Castro.

Obama Says He Would Act Fast To Take Cuba Off Terrorism List.  President Barack Obama said Tuesday he would act fast to take Cuba off the list of terrorism-sponsoring countries once he gets a State Department recommendation.  "As soon as I get a recommendation, I'll be in a position to act on it," Obama said in an interview with National Public Radio.  In a March interview with Reuters Obama had said he hoped to have an embassy open in Cuba by the time of the April 10-11 Summit of the Americas later this week.  There Obama will meet with Cuban president Raul Castro.  Cuba has made it clear that it will not move on certain negotiations until it is removed from the list.

Iran's Supreme Leader exchanges 'secret letter' with US president.  Iran's Supreme Leader has reportedly sent a secret letter to the US president in response to a possible thaw in relations between the two countries.  Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's foremost political figure, allegedly wrote to US leader Barack Obama after a presidential letter in October that suggested the possibility of US-Iranian cooperation against Isis.

Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei sent Obama secret letter: WSJ.  Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has responded to overtures from U.S. President Barack Obama amid nuclear talks by sending him a secret letter, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday [2/13/2015].

Iran's Peace Letter from a Poison Pen.  Deep down, many of Iran's leaders just want peace, these emissaries say, but they always end up getting undermined by the hardliners.  Now, the hardliner of all hardliners, the supreme leader himself, is talking about peace too.  And he's even suggesting an alliance against a common foe.

Report: Iran refutes claim supreme leader wrote US president.  Iran has denied a report that its supreme leader wrote a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama, the Islamic Republic's official news agency reported, as the country negotiates with world powers over its contested nuclear program.

Obama's troubling counterterrorism allies: dictators.  As President Obama stumbles in implementing his own strategy for combating terrorism, the United States is reverting, almost by default, to an earlier, failed approach:  a reliance on dictators to do our dirty work.

US, Cuba seek to normalize relations after Alan Gross released.  The Obama administration is moving to normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba, after American Alan Gross was released from the communist country Wednesday [12/17/2014] following five years in prison.  Sources say President Obama plans to announce the opening of a U.S. embassy in Havana and call on Congress to lift the long-standing embargo.  Senior administration officials said Obama spoke with Cuban leader Raul Castro for more than 45 minutes on Tuesday, the first substantive presidential-level discussion between the U.S. and Cuba since 1961.

The Editor says...
Obama is building his legacy as a communist sympathizer and an enabler of petty tyrants and dictators.

Obama's monsters ball.  President Barack Obama drew the diplomatic line somewhere at the first ever U.S-Africa summit at the White House this week by not inviting Zimbabwe's brutal dictator Robert Mugabe.  But the guest list still included several other African leaders with only slightly better human rights records.

Obama's Handshake With Castro A Deal With The Devil.  President Obama extended a hearty handshake to Cuba's iron-fisted dictator Raul Castro just as the latter was beating up dissidents back home on the eve of Human Rights Day.  No good will come of this.

Obama is giving away F-16 jets to a middle east dictator.
Lawmakers question gift of 20 F-16s to Morsi's Egypt.  Key lawmakers expressing concerns about the Obama administration's plan to send 20 F-16 fighter jets to Egypt, where new President Mohamed Morsi's allegiances are as uncertain as his grip on power.  Under a foreign aid deal signed in 2010, when Morsi's U.S.-friendly predecessor Hosni Mubarak was in charge, the U.S. is giving the planes to Egypt's air force, which already has more than 200 of the aircraft.

Does Egypt Need Advance Aircraft?  The announcement that 20 F-16s are being given to Egypt, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer, should be of interest to senators already uneasy about the president's widely reported choice of Susan Rice for Secretary of State, replacing the retiring Mrs. Hillary Clinton.

Pharaoh.  In a word Morsi is the very kind of dictator which President Obama so vehemently denounced in Hosni Mubarak.

Obama and the Morsi Dictatorship.  Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has had quite a week.  He helped broker a cease-fire between his Hamas ally and Israel to the acclaim of the international community as well as the United States and his new friend President Obama.  He followed that triumph up by issuing new decrees that effectively give him dictatorial powers over Egypt.

Report: Obama Congratulates Top Chinese Communist on New Position.  A report in the Chinese state-run Xinhua outlet claims that President Barack Obama congratulated Xi Jinping on his "election" to be the top Communist in China.  Jinping will be the next president of China, and now controls the Chinese military.  "I recall your successful visit to the United States last February, and the positive and constructive discussions we had about the future of U.S.-China relations," Obama reportedly told the Chinese Communist chief.

Obama Sends Another Hug To Hugo.  Obama's famous laughing, back-slapping encounter with the communist dictator at the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad could have been dismissed at the time as a rube's mistake on a treacherous diplomatic front.  But after an interview with a Miami TV station, where he declared Chavez "not a serious threat" to U.S. interests, one wonders what side Obama is on.

Obama and a White House invite for dictator.  Barack Obama has come under fire for extending a formal invitation to a shamed African dictator who has ruthlessly plundered billions of dollars from his own country.  The U.S. President will today [6/9/2011] have a coveted private meeting with President Ali Bongo of Gabon in the Oval Office despite his appalling track record.

The Obama administration sides with Argentina and Venezuela in OAS declaration on the Falklands.
Another slap in the face for Britain.  President Obama was effusive in his praise for the Special Relationship when he visited London recently, but his administration continues to slap Britain in the face over the highly sensitive Falklands issue.  Washington signed on to a "draft declaration on the question of the Malvinas Islands" passed by unanimous consent by the General Assembly of the Organisation of American States (OAS) at its meeting in San Salvador yesterday [6/7/2011], an issue which had been heavily pushed by Argentina.  In doing so, the United States sided not only with Buenos Aires, but also with a number of anti-American regimes including Hugo Chavez's Venezuela and Daniel Ortega's Nicaragua.

As Putin Crushes Russia's Internet, Obama Stands By.  In America, the opposition party candidates began jockeying for position and the incumbent declared his intentions.  In Russia, where there is no opposition party and the incumbent is a mere figurehead, the corrupt dictatorial regime began systematically eradicating political dissent on the Internet. ... In fact ... Obama may actually support the Kremlin's efforts to wipe out privacy on the Internet.  His administration is actively seeking to crack open Skype and Gmail, just like the Putin Gestapo.

Obama Admin Lobbying Honduras To Allow Zelaya Back In?  When Zelaya was removed from office in July of 2009, the Obama administration at first joined with leftist dictators Fidel Castro of Cuba, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, and Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua in calling for his reinstatement. ... After their amateurish and myopic miscalculation, which exposed the Obama State Department's lack of experience and incompetence, one could imagine the White House would want to avoid the subject of Honduras and Zelaya altogether.  That, however, does not seem to be the case...

Chinese Pianist Plays Propaganda Tune at White House.  Lang Lang the pianist says he chose it. Chairman Hu Jintao recognized it as soon as he heard it.  Patriotic Chinese Internet users were delighted as soon as they saw the videos online.  Early morning TV viewers in China knew it would be played an hour or two beforehand.  At the White House State dinner on Jan. 19, about six minutes into his set, Lang Lang began tapping out a famous anti-American propaganda melody from the Korean War:  the theme song to the movie "Battle on Shangganling Mountain."

Did Pianist Lang Lang Dis the White House?  Chinese-born pianist Lang Lang in many ways embodies the Sino-American comity that both President Hu Jintao and President Barack Obama emphasized during their summit this past week — which is no doubt why he was chosen to perform at the White House state dinner for Mr. Hu on Wednesday [1/19/2011].  So it comes as a bit of a surprise that he is now being praised by nationalist Internet users in China for a perceived anti-U.S. slight supposedly implied in the 28-year-old's choice of music that night.

The Editor asks...
Does anyone believe Obama and/or the White House staff was unaware of the musical selections Lang Lang planned to play?  If they were all caught off guard, they're incompetent; otherwise, they're communist sympathizers.  Or they could be both.

A musical insult.  Chinese pianist Lang Lang painted the ivories red in the White House at last week's state dinner, playing an anti-American song for President Obama.  Lang chose a tune from a propaganda flick about the Korean War, in which heroic and outnumbered Chinese troops mow down the American "jackal."

Don't Shoot the Pianist?  [Scroll down]  After the dinner, when Chinese democrats and human-rights advocates blew the whistle on him, [Lang Lang] and his team went on their campaign.  To English-speaking audiences, he said, "Propaganda song?  Anti-American associations?  All new to me!"  He has not said anything like this in Chinese.  How could he?  It would be completely absurd.  It would mark him out as one of the dumbest Chinese on the planet — which he most certainly is not.

Bowing and Kowtowing: Is This A Foreign Policy?  [Scroll down]  Now, we come to a State Dinner for China's President Hu Jintao.  It's already been remarked that there has been no State Dinner for Britain's Prime Minister.  Nor for Israel's.  Nor Canada's.  But this special honor has been given to the jailer of the 2010 Peace Prize recipient, Liu Xiaobo by the winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.  Talk about weird!

Obama careful to avoid criticism of Hu during state visit.  While calling human rights in China "a very serious issue," President Obama on Wednesday [1/19/2011] was still careful to avoid criticizing visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao, saying instead that "we come from very different cultures."

Obama, Dictators and democrats.  In his Inaugural Address, President Obama spoke directly to the world's rogue nations.  "[W]e will extend a hand," he said, "if you are willing to unclench your fist."  Question:  How many rogue nations can you hold in one hand?  Let's try to count.

Can We Get Beyond Race?  Something here is not quite right.  Our president ran on a platform of racial transcendence, but he now heads south to talk race ... with some leaders who have explicitly employed racially charged stereotypes, such as Chavez's use of "Go to Hell, Gringos," or Brazil's president Lula's reference to "white blue-eyed" bankers who caused the financial meltdown.

Chavez Handshake May Cost U.S. Billions.  How much will President Obama's handshake with Venezuela's Hugo Chavez cost the U.S.?  Despite Chavez' bombastic rhetoric about his socialist revolution, the reality is that Venezuela is going broke. ... What has also been absent from press coverage is any perspective on just how our relations with Venezuela became so frosty in the first place.  The implication is that George W. was just a big old grump and couldn't get along with his neighbors.

Yukking it up with Daniel Ortega, &c..  Many of Obama's foreign-policy touches have been sickening — morally sickening.  The Arabiya interview.  The New Year's greeting.  The bow to the Saudi king.  The rejoining of the U.N. "Human Rights Council," that disgrace.  The soul-brother clasp with Chávez.  This light remark about the Bay of Pigs. Etc., etc. ... During the campaign, some of us said that Obama appeared to have the mindset of a Marxist grad student.  Highly disturbing to see that borne out in his presidency.

An Ugly Handshake with Hugo Chavez.  In one photo, President Obama is grinning as he clasps Hugo Chavez by the hand.  In another, he grasps Chavez warmly by the shoulder.  Those pictures disgusted several members of Congress.  Some said so on national television.  Responding to criticism of this encounter, the president was by turns cavalier and obtuse.  About the left-wing rant of a book Chavez gave him, Obama said mildly, "It was a nice gesture to give me a book.  I'm a reader."

America the Apologetic.  Obama chatted amiably and treated respectfully the oppressors of those brave people in Venezuela and Nicaragua who are putting their lives on the line in order to advance democracy.  President Obama completely ignored them.  That is bad in its own right and, when combined with Secretary of State Clinton's remarks to the Chinese that we are essentially prepared to overlook their human rights violations, sends exactly the wrong signal to both the forces of liberation and the forces of oppression.

Hugo Chavez's gift to Obama is a Latin leftist's bible.  The book that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez gave his U.S. counterpart, Barack Obama, has long been regarded as a bible for the Latin American left, found on the bookshelves and university reading lists of a generation of students in the region.

The book is also known as...
The Idiot's Bible.  Just days after Hugo Chávez gave President Barack Obama a copy of "Open Veins of Latin America" in Trinidad last week, the English-language version of the book shot to the No. 2 slot on  Americans seemed to be curious about Mr. Chávez's reading tastes.  But in Latin America, "Open Veins" is a well-known rant by Uruguayan Marxist Eduardo Galeano.  And it also has another distinction that Mr. Chávez may be less inclined to publicize:  It is widely regarded in free-market circles as "the idiot's bible."

Obama and Chavez
Obama Among the Dictators.  Hugo Chávez is a tin-pot dictator who has debauched Venezuela's democracy.  Normally in such circumstances, an American president would show reserve.  The weirdly ebullient Mr. Obama did not, and that image was the photo seen 'round the world.

Honor Thy Country.  President Obama believes that his decision to shake hands with Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez at a summit of Latin leaders in Trinidad was the right thing to do.  He dismisses critics who accuse him of sending the wrong signals, of projecting an image of weakness, and of apologizing too much on his trips abroad.

Obama's Handshake With Chavez: Outreach or Irresponsibility?  President Obama's presence and diplomatic persona at the Summit of the Americas was a hit in Latin America, but his different approach toward international relations has drawn criticism from Republican opponents. ... The moment that took the spotlight — and probably drew the most criticism — was his handshake with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who has openly denounced U.S. foreign policies, once called President Bush "the devil" and has often rallied the region in criticizing the United States.

Obama, Chavez, And The CIA:  Who Is Most Dangerous?  So, who's the real "enemy of the state," anyway?  Over the past week we've seen an extraordinary display of discernment — or lack of discernment, if you will — from the President of the United States.  It started with President Obama allowing himself to be photographed and recorded while glad-handing, back-slapping, and generally enjoying the company of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.  It ended with the Obama Administration toying with the idea of attempting to prosecute members of the Bush Administration for being to mean to terrorists.

Missing in Action: American Mainstream Media.  The government now puts itself in charge of everything from running large companies, such as General Motors, to determining compensation for businesses under government control. ... Obama has — so far — appointed some 15 "czars," including a "technology czar," a "car czar," a "pay czar" and a "Great Lakes czar."  Objections or concerns about an unconstitutional seizure of power, anyone?

Senior Democrat Says Obama's Czars Unconstitutional.  Last week President Obama appointed yet another "czar" with massive government power, answering only to him.  Even before this latest appointment, the top-ranking Democrat in the Senate wrote President Obama a letter saying that these czars are unconstitutional.  President Obama's "czar strategy" is an unprecedented power grab centralizing authority in the White House, outside congressional oversight and in violation of the Constitution.

Venezuela Chavez says "Comrade" Obama more left-wing.  Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez said on Tuesday [6/2/2009] that he and Cuban ally Fidel Castro risk being more conservative than U.S. President Barack Obama as Washington prepares to take control of General Motors Corp.  During one of Chavez's customary lectures on the "curse" of capitalism and the bonanzas of socialism, the Venezuelan leader made reference to GM's bankruptcy filing, which is expected to give the U.S. government a 60 percent stake in the 100-year-old former symbol of American might.

Rooting for the Enemy.  The Honduras mess is going to heat up, not cool down.  Will President Obama keep rooting for the side that rallies to the cry "Yanqui go home"?  Obama threw his lot in with deposed Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, who's seen throughout the region as a stooge of Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez.  Indeed, Chavez has already threatened military action to return Zelaya to power.

Comradeship:  Obama Adopts the Communist Party's Position on Honduras.  There was no coup in Honduras.  The government of Honduras functioned as it was constitutionally mandated to do.  Former president Manuel Zelaya attempted cling to ascendancy by circumventing the constitution.  Venezuelan tyrant, Hugo Chavez, operating as the Latin American David Axelrod, has been abetting Zelaya. ... The government of Honduras performed as it should, which is more than we can anticipate from ours during Obama's hegemony.  Barack Obama is, once again, taking a stand against liberty and democracy.

Obama stands with tyrants.  Dictators and demagogues can rest easy on President Obama's watch.  When thousands of Iranians flooded the streets of Tehran protesting a rigged election and were beaten and shot down by pro-regime thugs, the president bided his time before making a series of noncommittal statements.  He seemed to hope it would all just go away.  However, when a socialist demagogue was ejected unceremoniously from Honduras on Sunday [6/28/2009] by his own government for trying to establish a presidency for life, Mr. Obama instantly sprang to his defense.

Banana Democrats.  As a result of his brazen disregard for the law, [Mel] Zelaya found himself escorted from office by the military Sunday morning, and into exile.  Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Cuba's Fidel Castro rushed to blame the U.S., calling it a "yanqui coup."  President Obama on Monday called the action "not legal," and claimed that Zelaya is still the legitimate president.  There was a coup all right, but it wasn't committed by the U.S. or the Honduran court.  It was committed by Zelaya himself.  He brazenly defied the law, and Hondurans overwhelmingly supported his removal.

Obama: A Profile in Cowardice.  Obama and his people have been working around the clock to restore Zelaya to power, even while stating that they want the whole thing to be "free from external influence and interference" (the hypocrisy on that line alone is almost enough to choke even Chavez himself).  The question is why? ... Why wouldn't Obama panic at the sight of a Congress and Supreme Court removing a left wing Socialist President who violated the Constitution in pushing to make himself el-presidente for life, by violating term limits.  Let alone the military dumping said President across border.  Obama no doubt has nightmares of waking up on a C-31 transport to Kenya, after enough of his wrongdoing leads him to being booted out of the White House by what remains of the American legislative and judicial infrastructure.

The Wages of Chavismo.  As military "coups" go, the one this weekend in Honduras was strangely, well, democratic.  The military didn't oust President Manuel Zelaya on its own but instead followed an order of the Supreme Court.  It also quickly turned power over to the president of the Honduran Congress, a man from the same party as Mr. Zelaya.  The legislature and legal authorities all remain intact.  We mention these not so small details because they are being overlooked as the world, including the U.S. President, denounces tiny Honduras in a way that it never has, say, Iran.

Obama and the Bad Villagers.  Mr. Zelaya's attempt to create his own referendum, complete with Venezuelan ballots, was clearly a violation of his country's Constitution.  What else was the Honduran Supreme Court supposed to conclude?  For the American president Barack Obama to paint broad and clumsy strokes about "democratic elections" without mentioning Zelaya's blatant disregard for Honduran law is both outrageous and frightening.  His refusal to lend support for those courageous Hondurans defending the law is also inexcusable.

A U.S./U.N. Plot Against Anti-Communist Honduras.  The people of Honduras are pleading for media fairness and understanding of how they saved their democratic system of government from an international conspiracy based in Venezuela and Cuba. ... On Tuesday [6/30/2009] the leftist governments of Barack Obama and Hugo Chavez sponsored a United Nations resolution that condemned the people of Honduras for resisting the spread of communism by evicting a would-be dictator.  Many people in Honduras view "Mel" as a puppet of Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, who is destroying the democratic system and the opposition in that country.

A 'coup' in Honduras?  Nonsense.  Sometimes, the whole world prefers a lie to the truth.  The White House, the United Nations, the Organization of American States, and much of the media have condemned the ouster of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya this past weekend as a coup d'état.  That is nonsense.  In fact, what happened here is nothing short of the triumph of the rule of law.

Obama Sides With Marxists Over Honduras.  The so-called "military coup" in Honduras was a successful effort by Honduran patriots to preserve their constitutional system of government from an international alliance of communists and socialists backed by Iran.  Not surprisingly, America's Marxist President has come down on the anti-American side.

Obama's Selective Meddling.  Help me out here.  President Obama immediately "meddles" in the affairs of Honduras, denouncing a military coup, the intent of which is to preserve the country's constitution, but when it comes to Iran's fraudulent election and the violent repression of demonstrators who wanted their votes counted, the president initially vacillates and equivocates.  Are we expected to accept this as a consistent foreign policy? ... The fingerprints (or in this case the boot prints) of the Castro brothers, Venezuela's dictator Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua are all over this.  If one is known by the company one keeps, the specter of the Castros and their protege dictators joining Mr. Obama in denouncing the Honduran military coup is not reassuring.

Obama's Attraction to Human Rights Violators.  With each fist bump from Hugo Chavez, Team Medvedev/Putin, Kim Jong-Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, one would expect that Obama would learn to close his open palm and offer up the tough policy that he promised would appear.  Yet the only world leader who has seen Obama's stick wielding, clenched fist is Israeli Prime Minister, Benyamin Netanyahu.

Obama 'meddles' in Honduras — and chooses the wrong side.  Secretary of State Clinton said that Honduras' actions "should be condemned by all" and President Obama said that his administration would "stand with democracy" by supporting Zelaya's reinstatement.  Propping up an authoritarian undermining his country's constitution (which he claimed needs fixing to reflect a new "national reality," apparently one in which he rules forever) is a strange way to demonstrate that solidarity.

Wrong Again.  It took the Obama administration eight days to figure out whether Iranians being gunned down for protesting a fraudulent election and demanding basic civil liberties deserved to be acknowledged by the president of the United States.  It took the O-Team less than eight hours to side with Cuba's Fidel Castro, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega over the ouster of Manuel Zelaya in Honduras.

Left for Life.  When the "mullah-cracy" that controls the government in Iran made a mockery of the rule of law with its sham election earlier in June, Obama was strangely silent. ... By contrast, Obama's response to events in Honduras was immediate and energetic.  He condemned the expulsion of Zelaya from his office and his country, asserting that it was "not legal" and "a terrible precedent."  What happened to Obama's alleged respect for sovereignty and unwillingness to "meddle?"

Socialist Leader Finds Common Ground with Obama.  Socialist International President George Papandreou has a lot in common with President Barack Obama.  Both the world leaders have called for nations to come together to solve the global recession and both claim it is necessary to focus on a green economy.

Obama is wrong to support Zelaya.  President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have seriously misjudged who the defenders of democracy in Honduras are and who isn't.

Obama's Great Torpor.  Yesterday [7/7/2009] President Obama spoke at the New Economic School in Moscow. ... In part the speech reiterates themes sounded in his Cairo speech.  In part Obama flatters Russia and Russian history, omitting any mention of Soviet tyranny and terror.  The twenty million victims of Stalin's Great Terror are tossed down the memory hole.

Hugo's Hands Are All Over Honduras.  Never has the U.S. bent over so far backwards to accomodate an tyrant.  After Honduran President Mel Zelaya was thrown out June 28 for trying to make himself dictator for life, the U.S. showered him with solicitude and support for his reinstatement.

Leading "Progressive" Describes Obama-Chavez Axis.  A leading member of the "Progressives for Obama" network is speculating, apparently with good reason, that the leftist governments of Barack Obama and Hugo Chavez have come to an understanding that Honduras should be turned over to anti-American forces allied with the Venezuelan communist ruler.

Honduras Outraged by Obama-Chavez Alliance.  I continue to receive messages from Honduran citizens upset at the international media for their distorted coverage of the situation in the Central American country.  The people support the ouster of Manuel "Mel" Zelaya, who is considered a puppet of Venezuelan Communist ruler Hugo Chavez.  They are mystified that an American president would want to return this Chavez puppet to power in Honduras.

Obama and Kadhafi shake hands.  US President Barack Obama shook hands warmly on Thursday with Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi, long reviled in Washington.  The landmark handshake took place as leaders from major economic powers and emerging nations prepared to take a group photo at a summit in L'Aquila, central Italy.

Coup are you? Part III.  President Obama has claimed that the removal of Honduran president Mel Zelaya is "illegal."  However, Hans Bader, senior counsel at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, demonstrates otherwise.  Bader points out that Zelaya flouted court rulings by using intimidation to try to get Hondurans to change their constitution to allow him to extend his tenure in office.  In response, the country's Supreme Court issued an arrest warrant for Zelaya, which the military enforced by seizing Zelaya and kicking him out of the country.

Obama Rewrites the Cold War.  There are two different versions of the story of the end of the Cold War: the Russian version, and the truth.  President Barack Obama endorsed the Russian version in Moscow last week.

Obama, Our Marxist-Minded President.  We have a president, a state department, a U.N., and an Organization of American States (OAS) that is now backing the communists, Marxists, socialists, and tyrants that want to take over Honduras.  This is a case study of how a radical socialist president, backed by Congressional majorities, and a mainstream media in the tank, can do the most outrageous things and get away with them.  But it is also a grim reminder that we have not only elected a radical, left-wing president with a history of questionable associates, but a president that can now be fairly labeled a socialist and communist sympathizer and supporter.

Obama, Chavez Are Both Nationalizing Private Companies, Venezuelan Political Analyst Says.  Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is taking over private companies in order to deal with the economic crisis that has affected both his country and the United States, and the Obama administration is trying to do roughly the same thing, Venezuelan political analyst Dr. Luis Vicente León told Monday [7/27/2009].

U.S. Supporting Communist Takeover of Honduras.  There's been attention paid to Honduras because its former president, Manuel Zelaya tried to do an end-run around its constitution to become the same kind of president-for-life as Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.  Chavez, whose hero is Fidel Castro, is a flat-out Communist and, of course, he is supporting Zelaya's return to power.

Why does Obama support Zelaya?  Manuel Zelaya wants to return to Honduras as president and then, of course, continue his efforts to be a big-time socialist dictator, a Hugo Chavez lookalike, and the surprising thing is that the Obama administration seems to want the very same thing.

Obama and the Happy Dictator.  One thing to be said about Barack Obama's efforts at outreach in the Muslim world:  there's at least one dictator who is just delighted. ... We're talking about a potentate who imprisoned his only rival during the last election and locks up democracy activists and those who question the viability of a Mubarak dynasty.

U.S lawmakers support Zimbabwe's unity government.  The largest delegation of U.S. lawmakers to visit Zimbabwe in a decade is calling on the country's leaders to ensure the success of the unity government.  The delegation concluded a two-day visit Thursday [9/3/2009] to monitor the progress of the government formed in February.

The Editor says...
What the Seattle newspaper calls a "unity government" is actually a ruthless dictatorship, as I have been observing here.

Democracy under attack — by the U.S.A.  America might refuse to honor the upcoming election results of another democratic nation.  But our State Department has taken this hostile posture not toward Venezuela or Iran — where dictatorships thrive through doubtful and fraudulent elections — but toward Honduras, which removed a usurping president this summer in an action supported by the letter of its own constitution.

This Could Be Interesting.  Reuters is reporting that Manuel Zelaya, the ousted president of Honduras, has managed to return to the country and is now holed up in the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa to avoid arrest.

Zelaya returns.  Today's news brings word that Manuel Zelaya will return as the president of Honduras thanks to American diplomatic pressure.  It is perfectly fitting that the signal diplomatic triumph of President Obama's first year in office is the restoration to power of the lawfully deposed Honduran thug and friend of Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega and Hugh Chavez.

The Time Of Tyrants.  Daniel Ortega muscled Nicaragua's courts to permit his permanent re-election, effectively making him dictator.  He's not alone.  After the U.S.' shabby treatment of tiny Honduras, a new wave of tyrants is rising.

Zelaya Wins, Honduras Loses.  The Republic of Panama has reestablished diplomatic relations with Honduras and will provide observers for the upcoming elections.  A Google translation of the text of the accord is available courtesy of el Tiempo, a Honduran daily newspaper.

Obama Defaults on Honduras.  One country, Honduras, rejected the Chavista vitriol and embraced freedom, democracy, and the rule of law.  This should have been seen as a win for freedom over tyranny.  But instead, President Obama and his administration condemned the Honduran people and stood with a "who's who" list of tyrants and thugs of Latin America.

Zelaya's Useful Idiot.  It is widely suspected that [Manuel] Zelaya was seeking to change the Constitution in order to extend his presidency, which is limited to one term by Honduran law.  In a hastily arranged conference call just hours after she returned from her three-day trip to Honduras last Thursday [11/19/2009], [Congresswoman Jan] Schakowsky claimed to speak for Congressional Democrats and the U.S. government when she stated "the coup against President Zelaya is illegal and, along with every other nation in the region and the world, we don't recognize the coup regime as the legitimate government of Honduras."

Honduras:  Obama administration finally and completely abandons Zelaya.  The Obama administration's wishy-washy attitude toward Honduran elections finally lands him on the right side of the issue:  in favor of Honduras and its democracy, and against ousted President Manuel Zelaya, who was thrown out after attempting to extend his reign illegally.

Why does Barack Obama side with dictators?  It took Barack Obama 10 days to speak out clearly against the savage beatings and killings meted out by the Iranian regime on the streets of Tehran.  It was just a matter of hours however before the Obama administration was loudly voicing its condemnation of the bloodless removal from power of populist dictator Manuel Zelaya in Honduras.  President Obama joined the odious likes of Hugo Chavez, Daniel Orgtega and Fidel Castro in calling for Zelaya to be reinstated.  Chavez, it should be noted, immediately threatened to invade Honduras, which was met by silence from the White House.

Paying Off 'La Raza'.  If you were president of the United States, would you hire an alleged former spy for Fidel Castro to be ambassador to El Salvador, a country teetering on the brink of hard-core socialism?  President Obama just did.

Who is more likely to do something like this:  A loyal American or a Communist?
Mao and the Christmas Tree:  The President's Yuletide Jeer.  It isn't often that matters of art enter the political news cycle.  The Obama administration is determined to change that.  Over the holiday week, Andrew Breitbart's Big Government drew its readers' attention to the ornamentation on the White House Christmas tree — in particular, an ornament featuring a picture of the Chinese dictator Mao Zedong.

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful."
Psalm 1:1    


This subsection has now moved here.

The firing of Inspector General Gerald Walpin

This subsection has now moved here.

Taking control of the internet

This subsection is now on a page of its own, located here.

Egypt hits the internet kill switch

This subsection is now on a page of its own, located here.

Libya hits the internet kill switch

This subsection is now on a page of its own, located here.

Using public schools as indoctrination centers

At first I thought this controversy was about a single event, but evidently there are two parts to the story.  The first part is about a video presentation in which an assortment of so-called celebrities urge the school kids to pledge their allegiance to Barack Obama.  Anyone who has studied the history of Germany in the 1940s can tell you what that could lead to.  The second angle of the story has to do with a video teleconference on September 8, 2009, in which President Obama himself addressed the school attendees himself.

Part 1

The story of LA teachers indoctrinating kids on ObamaCare goes national.  Millions of people are having second or third thoughts as they get new health insurance bills with steeply hiked rates, as employers cut work hours to save on insurance coverage or as companies drop the coverage plans and leave workers to go on the government's version.  In desperation, the Obama administration is seeking any way it can to promote ObamaCare to the uninformed.  California's health insurance clearinghouse got $37 million in taxpayer funds just to push the plan in the Golden state.

California Schools to Train Kids to Sell ObamaCare.  The Los Angeles Unified School District will use a state grant to train teens to promote ObamaCare to family members.  Covered California, the state's health insurance exchange, announced grants of $37 million on May 14 to promote the nationally unpopular law.  LAUSD will receive $990,000.  The district listed as a primary outcome for its project, "Teens trained to be messengers to family members."

L.A. schools use your tax dollars teaching students to sell ObamaCare at home.  With great excitement, the Los Angeles Unified School District has designed a nearly $1 million program to train teenagers to promote the glories of ObamaCare to parents, relatives and friends at home.  The state's health insurance exchange, Covered California, is handing $990,000 to LA schools, along with federal grants totaling 36-million more U.S. taxpayer dollars to districts around the most populous state.  The goal is to train millions of student messengers statewide to sell the idea of government-subsidized health insurance to parents and relatives at home and to get more people enrolled in ObamaCare.

Abusing School Kids With Pro-Obama Propaganda.  A number of teachers have reacted with appropriate indignation to the misuse of public resources and precious school time to encourage the cult of Obama worship.  Carole (not her real name), a gutsy middle school teacher in the Midwest, discussed the upcoming speech on my radio show on Monday [8/31/2009].  Teachers from four different states called in to say that they would follow her example and refuse to devote class hours to watching and discussing the presidential address.

Parents upset over 'leftist propaganda' video.  [Scroll down slowly]  Gayle Ruzicka, president of conservative Utah Eagle Forum, said the video was blatantly political.  She said other offensive pledges included, "I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama," "I pledge allegiance to the funk, to the united funk of funkadelica," and pledges to not use plastic grocery bags and not flush the toilet after urinating.  "It's very inappropriate to show a radical, leftist propaganda piece that political to children," Ruzicka said.  "If parents want their children to learn about those things and do them in the home, wonderful, fine, but it's not the place of the school to show a one-sided propaganda piece to children without parents knowing about it."

WH withdraws call for students to 'help' Obama.  President Obama's plan to inspire the nation's schoolchildren with a video address next week erupted into controversy Wednesday [9/2/2009], forcing the White House to pull out its eraser and rewrite a government recommendation that teachers nationwide assign students a paper on how to "help the president."

The Sayings Of Chairman Barack.  Great news.  Our leader will be addressing all schoolchildren on September 8th.  And the Department of Education has helpfully prepared a menu of activities for the day.  As you'll note above, 7-12th graders are to view quotations from Pres. Obama, discuss them, and strive to understand what "the president believes is important" for students to be successful in school.  Wonderful.  But why stop with students?  Shouldn't Americans of all ages have the benefit of the President's wisdom?  And why limit it to one day, and only to the topic of education?

Watch the Obama indoctrination video.  It's no wonder kids have such short attention spans.

Rage Against the Obama Propaganda Machine.  In this video, various tabloid types seeking to "Be the Change" vow to "smile more" and "love more."  Other plans include "to be the voice for those who have no voice"; and to not always flush the toilet, for the sake of the planet; "To pledge allegiance to the funk, of the United Funk of Funkadelica"; and, most audaciously, "To free one million people from slavery in the next five years."  Yes, it was a bit of a mix.  The culmination of the whole mess, however, was very clear; to "pledge to be of service to Barack Obama ... to be a servant of our president and all mankind."

"Liberals have long realized that, if they can win the battle over what is taught in schools, they will win elections."
 — Phyllis Schlafly      

Obama's Education Power Grab.  The President is in the process of creating a top-down strategy to "prepare" (translated to mean indoctrinate) teachers to literally transform education as we know it, from an American system to a full-fledged corporatist regime where big business backs the socialist programs.  No wonder Obama devoted 11 paragraphs in his SOTU to the topic of education.  Helping him to implement these goals are co-conspirators Michelle Rhee, former DC schools chancellor and founder of, and Anita Dunn, former WH communications director.

Part 2

Obama's Classroom Campaign: No Junior Lobbyist Left Behind.  "ABC" stands for All Barack's Children.  On Sept. 8, young students across the country will be watching television.  Yes, they'll be parked in front of boob tubes and computer screens watching President Obama's address on education.  Instead of practicing cursive, reviewing multiplication tables, diagramming sentences or learning something concrete, America's kids will be lectured about the importance of learning.

Right blasts Obama speech to students.  President Barack Obama's plans for a televised back-to-school address to students next week are drawing fire from some conservatives, who say he's just trying to indoctrinate them to his political beliefs.

What Does Obama Want with Our Children?  As many parents are focused on back to school clothes and supplies, the royal Czar Czar prepares to circumvent parental authority and speak directly to our children in one week.  What will he command?  That's a good question that the media won't ask, and one that could easily be answered right now while parents still have time to decide if they need a sitter or not.  But like all things Obama does, it's spur of the moment and covert.

WH, Dept of Education Revise Language.  In an acknowledgment that the Department of Education provided lesson plans written somewhat inartfully, surrounding the President Obama's speech to students next Tuesday, the White House today [9/2/2009] announced that it had rewritten one of the sections in question.

School Districts in Six States to Refrain from Showing Presidential Address.  White House officials seemed to be caught flat-footed by the response to what they say was a simple back to school address by President Obama to students across the nation — and has turned into a firestorm.  The White House now admits that one of the lessons plans surrounding the speech was written clumsily, subjecting it to misinterpretation, and had to be re-written.  Some parents are talking about keeping their kids from school on tuesday (sic) to avoid the president's remarks.

Some Schools Will Block or Delay Obama's Pep Talk for Students.  Parents who want their children to hear President Obama's back-to-school message Tuesday might have to keep them home.  School systems from the Washington suburbs to Houston are balking at airing the speech to all of their students.

Some Parents Choose Not to Allow Their Kids to Hear Obama's National Address.  [Regine] Gordon, of Tampa, Fla., is among a growing number of parents across the country who are troubled by the president's plan to address elementary, middle and high school students in an online and televised speech Tuesday.  "It's a form of indoctrination, and I think, really, it's indicative of the culture that the Obama administration is trying to create," Gordon told on Thursday.  "It's very socialistic."

School Officials Leave Obama Broadcast Up to Schools.  Virginia schools are fielding questions about a back-to-school speech President Barack Obama plans to make to students after conservative columnists and talk-radio hosts roundly criticized what they're calling an attempt to indoctrinate children.

More school districts taking harder line on Obama's speech.  It's rare we hear from Dickinson ISD, but the small Galveston County school district sent us a press release today with its take on President Obama's Sept. 8 address to schoolchildren.

Critics Decry Obama's 'Indoctrination' Plan for Students.  A suggested lesson plan that calls on school kids to write letters to themselves about what they can do to help President Obama is troubling some education experts, who say it establishes the president as a "superintendent in chief" and may indoctrinate children to support him politically.  But the White House says the speech is merely "designed to encourage kids to stay in school."

In Loco Parentis.  Barack Obama's plans to reach out to millions of suggestible school children has met with parental consternation.  Their collective alarm is a bit tardy.  Radical Leftists already have control of the public school system. ... The Left is asserting that there is nothing intrinsically amiss with the president talking to school kids and eoncoraging them to study diligently and do well in school.  This argument might carry more weight if Obama were willing to liberate his own school records to illustrate his point.

Some object to Obama speech to students.  Some Texas parents are asking school principals to excuse their children from listening to a speech that President Obama will make to schools next week on the grounds that it smacks of political indoctrination.

Obama's plan to speak to schoolchildren ignites furor.  Obama announced the speech weeks ago, but opposition and concerns spread rapidly Wednesday morning through conservative social networking Web sites and radio talk shows.

Bogeyman Bamster back to scare you into submission on September 8.  Barack Hussein Obama is not even unique.  He only stands out because he is methodically dismantling the country he was elected to lead — and that country just happens to be the leader of the Free World. ... But not since the days of Hitler and Stalin has one of them stomped over the backs of parents in order to go after their school children.  And that is just what Obama is trying to do next week with his plans to inspire the nation's schoolchildren with a video address to tens of millions of children in their classrooms.  Without the sales pitch, it's astroturfing of the youngest and most innocent.  Presidential aides now acknowledge that the White House helped the U.S. Education Department craft the proposal ...

Local School Districts Pass on Obama's Speech.  School districts across Texas are pondering whether they'll have their students watch a national address by President Barack Obama next week.  The speech on the importance of education is aimed directly at the nation's school children at 11 a.m. Tuesday.  Obama has asked school districts to carry the live webcast.

Scrappleface:  Obama will urge kids to go to private school.  A draft copy of President Barack Obama's planned September 8 address to America's public school children, tells students that "If you want to grow up to be like me, you should beg your parents to put you in private school, right now."

The Brainwashing Bunch.  American news outlets (well at least those not in Barack Obama's lap) are filled with criticism on the Department of Education plans to bring Obama's agenda into our nation's classrooms.  The ploy to reach and teach our children through a presidential speech and through instruction guides (little red books?) appears to be stalled for now as parents — if nor educational unions — resist the idea of brain-swaying our children into writing paeans to Obama and his agenda.
Inexplicable italics in original.

Obama Offends — And Doesn't Seem To Know It.  For example, it is suggested that students in grades 7-12 should, before the President's speech, write their responses to the following questions:  "Why does President Obama want to speak with us today?;"  "How will he inspire us?:"  and "How will he challenge us?"  That line of questioning may seem harmless to some.  But notice that President Obama, himself — not education, not the idea of becoming a learned person, but Barack Obama — is the central theme of the questioning.  And it presupposes that President Obama is, necessarily, inspiring to all who hear him.

A Call to Arms for Parents Upset About Obama's Public School Address.  Public school parents cannot afford to be passive any longer.  You cannot simply delegate your child's education to others — some who are wholeheartedly committed to subverting the traditions and values you hold dear — and walk away.  You must be prepared to work as hard as homeschooling parents when the need arises.  You must make every effort to know what is going on in your children's schools — and now, obviously, coming down from the executive branch — and become a parent activist in what in some places is beginning to look like a resistance movement.

Obama Remarks on Education.  The White House has released the text of the speech the President will give to America's schoolchildren tomorrow [9/8/2009].

The Editor says...
Note that the text was released on a holiday, when it was least likely to be read.

Obama exhorts kids to pay attention in school.  In a speech that drew fire even before he delivered it, President Barack Obama is telling the nation's schoolchildren he "expects great things from each of you."

Obama Heeds Dictator Handbook With School Speech.  President Barack Obama cannot possibly intend to resemble an aspiring dictator.  Somehow, he keeps doing so.  Now he's going ahead with plans to address America's schoolchildren, having dropped the part about encouraging those children to then "write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president."  This administration's run is rapidly transforming into an episode of "The Twilight Zone."

Administration's Suggestions for Teachers:  Post Obama Quotes on Classroom Walls.  The "corrected" lesson plans the U.S. Department of Education is suggesting that schools around the country use to turn President Obama's speech to students today into a "teachable moment" still call for teachers to read books about Obama and to post quotations from Obama in large print on classroom walls.  The Department of Education created two "menus of classroom activities" for use with the president's speech.

A crucial week for Obama's teleprompter.  The White House, first dismissing the protests as "silly" and pretending that Mr. Obama's speech was really only about hand-washing and good toilet etiquette, finally backed down with the familiar explanation that "we didn't do it and we won't do it again (at least until next time)."  Arne Duncan, the secretary of education, offered a "clarification" that his bureaucrats were only trying to say that the kids should "write a letter about your own goals and what you're going to do to achieve those goals."  Some "clarification."  If you can't trust the teacher to write a simple declarative sentence in the first place, who can you trust?

When Bush spoke to students, Democrats investigated, held hearings.  When President George H.W. Bush delivered a similar speech on October 1, 1991, from Alice Deal Junior High School in Washington DC, the controversy was just beginning.  Democrats, then the majority party in Congress, not only denounced Bush's speech — they also ordered the General Accounting Office to investigate its production and later summoned top Bush administration officials to Capitol Hill for an extensive hearing on the issue.

It's not the speech itself that's offensive...
The Problem Is Obama's Dictatorial Style and Socialist Agenda.  Obama's botched attempt to force American school children to promise to help him shows again how he is out of touch with average American family values.  The politicizing of public school classrooms outraged parents and teachers. ... The public outrage stems primarily from Obama's dictatorial style of forcing children to support him.  Who can't help but think of the Soviet Union during the Cold War?

Revealing Convergence:  Van Jones and the Education Speech.  What is the actual lesson of Obama's academic career?  The answer is:  We don't know, because no one has ever seen any of his academic work, or his transcripts from high school, Occidental College, Columbia University, or Harvard Law School.  We have no idea how hard the president worked in school. We don't know what he did or did not master or like.

NEA Scandal:  U.S. Senator Cornyn's Letter to President Obama.  "... [E]ven if no NEA funding was intended for political purposes, one cannot escape the disturbing impression that this Administration — including appointees within the White House and the NEA — believes that it is appropriate for the federal government to enlist the arts community for the purpose of furthering a specific political agenda.

Lessons of Obama's School Speech.  His offense was to use his office to impose on a captive audience of youngsters in an appearance that inevitably carries the odor of politics.  No one objects when he speaks to the nation or Congress on TV, because we can ignore him or jeer him as we choose.  But some parents who distrust him feel aggrieved that he can force his message on defenseless children.

Obama DID Talk Politics With The Kids.  The president traveled to Wakefield High to give a speech on education reform.  The speech was posted in advance on the White House Web site to quell fears that the president intended to plug his political agenda to impressionable minds.  Although the president avoided controversial topics in his speech, he did promote health care reform in a face-to-face discussion at Wakefield High School.

Training Kids to Be Obama's Servants.  The Menu for grades 7-12 instructs teachers to post "notable quotes" from Obama's speeches on the board, and to have students "take notes while President Obama talks" and identify "the three most important words in the speech."  Students should be queried:  "What is President Obama inspiring you to do?" and "How will he inspire us?"  The hero worship and brainwashing built into these lesson plans are, to say the least, inappropriate.  Parents should rise up and stop the public schools from using classroom or assembly time to teach schoolchildren to be cheerleaders for Obama and his policies.

Obama's Titanic arrogance and the folly of ignoring the masses on 9/12.  [Obama's] malignantly narcissistic Cult of Personality led him last week to attempt the enlistment of the nation's children into his "Obama Jugen" with the complicity of the NEA which is heavily influenced by one William Ayers with whom Obama claims to be only casually acquainted.  The speech he gave was not the one originally intended.  The original was to be accompanied by Lesson Plans and "Workbooks" so the nation's children could "help" the president and "serve" his leviathan bureaucracy.

Education.  Instead of President Obama addressing school students across the nation, he might have accomplished more by focusing his attention on the educational rot in schools in the nation's capital.

Fearing Obama.  It's true that [President Obama] does like to play the Dear Leader role.  The national speech to schoolchildren was right out of the Mussolini and Peron handbook, while the "lesson plans" and quotations of the One's wisdom recommended for classroom use come direct from Stalin and Mao.  But it's all theater, of a piece with his epoch-making speeches that never seem to contain a quotable line and revolutionary programs that can't quite get rolling.

President Obama Goes to School.  Obama is the real message.  Trust him.  Nah, it's not a matter of self-promotion; not at all.  It's pure-as-driven-snow selflessness.  Look at me, he fairly shouts.  Look what I did!  This President is well-practiced at speech-making, bringing it to near art form, with a cadre of excellent writers feeding teleprompters.  (Woe be to Obama if the teleprompter breaks down.)  Obama has has been on TV many times (112 by one count) so far in his presidency, like no other president.  Why not pop up in the nation's schools, too?  With this speech, a self-focused Promotion of Himself.  Makes a swell photo op, too.  Think FDR's Fireside chats, kiddies at his knee in rapt attention.

Part 3

The public schools offer their services without being asked.

Common Core Lesson Teaches Children Obama Is A Messiah.  During the Soul Train Awards in 2012, comedian and actor Jamie Foxx exhorted a wildly cheering crowd to "first of all (give) honor to god, and our lord and savior Barack Obama," exhibiting the all-too-widespread hero worship that casts rational thought aside and labels even legitimate criticism as virtual blasphemy.  The same cult of personality is creeping into lesson plans and reading materials being created under the guise of the platform for nationalized education known as Common Core.  One new lesson teaches our children that Obama is indeed the messiah.

Obama biography, required reading, tells fourth-graders that white Americans are racists.  Some parents in Dupo, Ill. are not happy that a biography of President Barack Obama is required reading for fourth-graders.  They say the book contains a host of controversial elements, not least of which is that it casts white Americans who disagree with Obama's politics as racist.  Fourth-grade students at Bluffview Elementary School were instructed that they would be tested and graded on the book's contents, reports  The book, called simply "Barack Obama," is published by Lerner Publications.

Common Core third grade book goes full Dear Leader on Obama.  [Quoting an Amazon review of the book:]  I'm pretty neutral about Barack Obama as a person and a candidate, but the messianic message in this utterly insipid book makes me roll my eyes over and over again.  The language is decent enough on a technical level for that age group, though patronizing.  When he starts seeing the ghosts of JFK and MLK and references are made to Langston's Harlem, I'm not sure that the kids that the book is aimed at are going to pick up on the references.  The illustrations are passable in the beginning, but as it continues, they become more and more over-the-top (Barack Obama crying in church, Barack Obama praying with a butterfly perched on his clasped hands, Barack Obama glowing with a heavenly aura).  Cramming this political tripe into a children's book is bad enough, but the heavy-handed treatment and political sloganizing makes it unbearable.

Obama's 1984.  Every totalitarian leader knows how crucial it is to indoctrinate children into the cult of personality, in order to secure the future for the Party.  Joseph Stalin presented himself as a strong, caring father figure to Soviet children, just as Hitler and Saddam Hussein did for their people.  Now, in the age of Obama, Chris Rock described the President and First Lady Michelle as "kind of like the mom and the dad of the country.  And when your dad says something, you listen."  We have disturbing video of New Jersey elementary school students being taught to rap his praises ("Mmm mmm mmm, Barack Hussein Obama").  Then there is the even creepier video of Venice, California schoolchildren in matching "Imagine Hope" t-shirts singing "Obama's gonna change it, Obama's gonna lead 'em" and chanting "Yes, we can" before a banner of his red, white and blue "O" icon.  Such indoctrination is unprecedented in American history.

W.H. Releases Letters from Little Kids Pleading for Gun Control.  Half way through the article, the AP admits, "The White House shared three such letters with The Associated Press, from young writers who seemed to agree that Obama should do what's necessary to make it harder for people to get guns."  White House spokesman Jay Carney announced yesterday that Obama will be surrounded by little kids when he announces his gun proposal later today. [...] The White House appears not to have released a single letter to the AP in opposition to President Obama's gun proposal.

The Editor says...
I suspect the little kids were instructed by their unionized teachers to write to the President, and were probably told exactly what to say.  The little kids, as far as I know, have not been interrogated about their letter-writing initiative.

Video:  School kids taught to praise Obama.

Video stirs controversy.  An Internet video showing children at a local elementary school singing song praising President Barack Obama is garnering national attention and its appropriateness will be the subject of a school district review.

Review Ordered of Video Showing Students Singing Praises of President Obama.  Nearly 20 young children are captured in an online video as they sing songs that overflow with campaign slogans and praise for "Barack Hussein Obama," as they repeatedly chant the president's name and celebrate his accomplishments.

The Editor says...
Singing about his accomplishments is premature at best.  What has he accomplished?

Why Obama Sycophants Are So Compromised.  [Scroll down]  This week a video tape turned up from a Burlington New Jersey public elementary school in which the children themselves were the ones singing literal praise and worship tunes to the President.  Singing about his "great accomplishments," making the "economy number one again," and replacing the name of the crucified Lord and inserting the name of President Obama were just some of the elements of the tape.  Nearly everyone in the nation described the event as creepy and inappropriate, and even liberal trolls on conservative blogs were referring to the tape as "scary."  Everyone except the principal of the school where the event took place, that is.

Singing Heil Obama in New Jersey.  Red alert to parents:  If you send your children to a public school, they may be secretly indoctrinated in the cult of Obama-worship.  If that's not your plan for your children, you had better act now, before it's too late.  We now know that the "I pledge" video shown in Utah in August, and only afterward discovered by parents, was not isolated evidence of indoctrination of public schoolchildren in the new cult of Obama-worship.  Second-graders in New Jersey were taught to sing songs of praise and fidelity to Barack Obama in February and again in June, and parents only found out about it this September.

Indoctrination Watch:  Obama school praise hymn of the day.  Take a look at the Obama worship song that students at Longfellow Elementary in Howard County, MD were assigned to memorize last week, according to Red Maryland's Brian Griffiths.

Protesters come to NJ school over Obama song.  About 70 protesters let their voices be heard outside a school in New Jersey where students sang praise of President Barack Obama.  Members of anti-tax Tea Party groups and others joined outside B. Bernice Young School in Burlington Township Monday [10/12/2009] to denounce what they believe was political indoctrination of students.

N.J. School Official:  Obama Song Video Violated Students' Privacy.  The superintendent of a South Jersey school district stands behind the student performance of songs about President Obama that created a national stir last month.  The video that captured the children is another matter.  Burlington Township Superintendent Christopher Manno today discussed the results of an internal investigation concerning the controversial songs.

Protesters Rail Against Obama Song In N.J. School.  A New Jersey elementary school is under scrutiny after students were seen on tape singing a song in praise of President Barack Obama.  On Monday [10/12/2009], dozens of protesters chanted outside the school, saying the children are being brainwashed.

Not Ashamed to Love My Country.  Liberalism has contributed greatly to the decline of patriotism.  The hostile takeover of our schools by Liberalism has indoctrinated many of our kids to hate their country.  They are encouraged to sing the praises of Barack Hussein Obama, but not of God and country.

Elementary Epidemic:  11 Uncovered Videos Show School Children Performing Praises to Obama.  Big Hollywood has already posted a couple disturbing videos of young school children singing/speaking praises to President Obama, but when eleven more dropped in our email box it came as quite a shock.  What seemed like an aberration now appears to be a troubling pattern.  Maybe "epidemic" is a better word.

Presenting:  The 'Fourth Graders For Obama' YouTube Channel.  Here's a little mid-week scare courtesy of the 4thgraders4obama YouTube Channel.  Yes, you read that right, an entire portal filled with nearly a dozen videos devoted to nine and ten year-olds singing, speaking and in general, getting awfully excited over a politician on the brink of having us all long for the good old days of Jimmy Carter.

Obama Recruiting Radicals in High Schools.  Barack Obama is using our public school system to recruit for his Alinsky-inspired private army.  Organizing for America (OFA), formerly Obama For America, is recruiting in our high schools to "build on the movement that elected President Obama by empowering students across the country to help us bring about our agenda" — that is, his agenda of socialism for the United States of America.

Obama Using Public Schools To Recruit Agenda Advancing Interns.  A rather disturbing document surfaced on the Internet Saturday with grave implications concerning how the Obama administration is recruiting interns from public schools to assist in advancing the President's agenda along with his desire to get Democrats including himself elected.  Even scarier, the internship application recommends participants read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."

Ohio High School Accused of Promoting Political Agenda in Classroom.  An Ohio high school teacher's giving students job applications for a Democratic organization that included suggested radical reading material has raising concerns of indoctrination in the classroom.  The government teacher at Perry High School in Massillon, Ohio, handed out forms recruiting students to intern for Organizing for America, a grassroots organization with direct ties to the Democratic National Committee and the successor organization for Obama for America.

Organizing for America can Recruit in New York Schools but the Boy Scouts Can't.  The Boy Scout's law conflicts with the Obama agenda, and a title of honorary president of the Boy Scouts is more of a hassle than it is an honor of Obama.  If Obama could find a way to use the Boy Scouts as community organizers, a sudden interest would appear.

Organizing Kids for Obama.  Obama is using the public schools to recruit a private army of high-schoolers to "build on the movement that elected President Obama by empowering students across the country to help us bring about our agenda."  We now know that Obama's "agenda" is to move the United States into European-style socialism.  Obama's Internet outreach during his campaign, Obama for America, has been renamed Organizing for America (OFA) in order to recruit students to join a cult of Obama and become activists for his goals.

An Open Letter to the Evil Tyrants in Washington.  You and your ilk have been creeping into our institutions for much of the last century.  You have crawled into our schools, polluted our colleges, and for most of the past thirty or more years have poisoned the minds of untold numbers of children and young adults, and you have deliberately lowered the educational standards to create a class of dumbed-down kids, while you continuously scream for "more money for education!"  Now, you will use many young people of our country as unwitting tools to be your personal army, your Gestapo.

Teachers Take Kids on a Protest Trip to Arizona.  Standing in front of a wall-to-wall mural featuring a who's who of revolutionaries, including Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, and boldly displaying the motto Patria o Muerte, Venceremos!!! (Fatherland or Death, We Shall Overcome!!!), a group of teachers, students, parents and community activists in the Los Angeles Unified School District gathered last month for an unusual field trip — to Arizona, to protest that state's controversial immigration law.

No teacher left behind.  The black-hole of public education which continues to suck in obscene amounts of tax dollars in spite of the economic plight of their benefactors show what can happen when the liberals have near total control of any institution for a lengthy period of time.  The left has removed the foundation of objective knowledge in favor of agenda based indoctrination and now we are dealing with the consequences. ... Hey, here's an idea.  Why not teach the students how to read, write and do arithmetic instead of devoting endless hours teaching them to sing and dance in praise of Obama!

Biden Tells Third-Graders Obama Is 'Really Cool'.  Vice President Joe Biden remains a loyal wingman, talking up the president even to people who won't be eligible to vote for another decade or so.  During a recent visit to an after-school program in Redwood City, California, Biden repeatedly described Obama as "really cool" to a group of third-graders.  "Barack Obama is really cool," Biden told the students.  "No, he's not coming today, but he's really cool."  According to MSNBC, Biden also called Michelle Obama "the nicest person you'll ever meet."

Boxer's Campaign Solicits Help From Los Angeles Area Students Via Teachers.  California's Flash Report recently obtained a letter proving that Barbara Boxer's campaign has attempted to solicit Los Angeles public school government and social studies teachers to urge students to "volunteer" for the Barbara Boxer senatorial campaign.

California Wins Dumbest State Award in Landslide.  [Scroll down]  Even when news broke last week that Ms. Boxer had illegally implored California's public school teachers to send their students to work for her campaign, the dumb-beyond-dumb citizens of California just rolled their eyes, donned their valley-girl ninny suits, and marched right in to vote for the Hollywood candidate.

The hippie holiday.  Newsweek magazine dismissed the first Earth Day in 1970 as "a bizarre nationwide rain dance."  The only difference between then and now is that the rain dancers moved into the government and pushed their views on impressionable school children around the world.  The Environmental Protection Agency website encourages kids to "Join with other teens to green your energy scene," because nothing says "cool" quite like earning the EPA's coveted title of "Climate Ambassador."

EPA Raps for Kids: 'Public Transportation Is the Way to Go'.  "Click it, flip it, turn the handle to the right, turn off the water, twist the handle real tight."  So begins a song about climate change, available for downloading from the EPA's Web site.  The EPA says we should "blast out" the song at our Earth Day celebrations — "because if this won't save the planet nothing will."  The song tells children, "The climate is changing and that's a fact..." ... According to the Washington Times, the song was recorded by Ted Coopwood of the EPA's Office of Children's Health Programs, who has written a number of raps intended to galvanize kids to take an interest in the environment.

Obama Administration to Honor 'Green' Schools That Teach 'Environmental Literacy'.  Next year on Earth Day, the Obama administration plans to announce which U.S. schools have been selected as "Green Ribbon Schools," a designation that will "honor" schools for "creating healthy and sustainable learning environments" and for "teaching environmental literacy."  The Green Ribbon Schools program was announced in late April, but details on how schools will be picked or what the honor entails have not been released.

This man is a narcissist
Obama reads children book about himself.  Before his speech Tuesday [10/4/2011] at Eastfield College in Mesquite, Texas, President Obama stopped by an early childhood education laboratory to read to children ages 3 to 5.  Among his reading selections:  A book about the presidential dog Bo, including a drawing of the president himself.

Occupy Your Third Graders.  This month a report surfaced of 3rd graders in Charlottesville, Virginia singing a song that the kiddos wrote (or so we were told) about being part of the 99% "Occupiers."  Here is a sample of the lyrics that the 9-year-olds supposedly drafted and then crooned for their comrades in class.
I used to be sad, now I'm satisfied
'Cause I really have enough
Though I lost my yacht and plane
Didn't need that extra stuff

The Editor says...
Pick a third grader in a public school at random and ask him (or her) if he (or she) knows what a yacht is.

10,000 Students To Be Bused In For First Lady Exercise Event.  Thousands of students, several well-known athletes and a number of politicians are expected to join Michelle Obama for an event in Des Moines that will promote exercise and healthy eating.

Elementary School Kids Indoctrinated About Obama's Incredible Awesomeness.  A tipster sends in this video from Cass Elementary School in Livonia, MI.  The video purportedly shows a dramatic and inspirational movie montage tribute to President Barack Obama displayed to the assembled children as part of the school's Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration.  Most of the school children appear to be less than inspired.

The Ministry of PropOganda.  [Scroll down]  Yet when educational institutions are systematically teaching their young children to chant phrases supporting Barack Obama's political agenda...well, there's just no harm in that.  School children singing in support of the notion of "spreading the wealth around":  "Hooray, Mr. President!  We honor your great plans to make this country's economy number one again!"  Children too young to know the meaning or implications of Obama's proposed "change" involving expansive government infrastructure, yet creepily singing:  "Obama's gonna change it, Obama's gonna lead 'em, we're gonna change it, and rearrange it."  And most recently, children innocently singing the nonpartisan phrase "Who do we know is the man?  Barack Obama is our man!  He's our man, yes he can!"  All this, though... it's all innocent in the eyes of the left.

Teacher tells eighth grade class to dig up dirt on GOP field.  President Obama may have a secret weapon to propel him to victory in November — an eighth grade class in Virginia, whose students were told by their teacher to do opposition research on the GOP presidential field and then pass along whatever they found to the Obama campaign.

Obama Administration Honors 78 Schools for Educating 'Tomorrow's Environmental Leaders'.  The Obama administration on Monday [4/23/2012] recognized 78 schools across the nation for their efforts to promote a "green" environment — and train budding environmental activists for "jobs of the future."  "Science, environmental and outdoor education play a central role in providing children with a well-rounded education, helping prepare them for the jobs of the future," said U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan.  He schools that focus on the environment can help students build "real-world skillsets."

Oh, boy!  Green collar jobs for everyone!

Indoctrination 101: Teaching Chicago Students to Protest.  Jones College Prep, a Chicago Public Schools "selective enrollment" school, held "Social Justice Week" in March, a collection of events geared towards turning students into activists.

NC Teacher Screams at Student: It's Criminal to Criticize Obama.  [Scroll down]  Clearly, the student should be teaching the class, and the teacher should be reading the Constitution more often.  The school district classified the exchange — which is obviously just another case of a pro-Obama teacher shoveling her views down students' throats — a "learning experience."  It isn't.  It's political intimidation, and it's just another example of how the American public school system has become an indoctrination tool for the left.  This teacher should be suspended or fired forthwith, if only for incompetence.

Video stirs debate on teacher's actions in North class.  After reviewing a video in which a North Rowan High School teacher tells a student he can be arrested for speaking ill of President Barack Obama, the Rowan-Salisbury School System said it can be a learning experience.  Meanwhile, an expert on politics at Catawba College says the social studies teacher just doesn't have her facts straight when she insists speaking your mind about a president can get you charged with a criminal offense.

Obama Admin Tells High Schools to Push Obamacare.  The Departments of Health and Human Services and Education are now acting as outlets for the Obama re-election campaign.  In a press announcement released yesterday [5/21/2012], HHS stated that HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan "are reaching out to campus leaders to remind graduating high school, college and university seniors about their new health insurance options under the Affordable Care Act — the health care law."

School kids taught to praise Obama.  Remember last year when that video of school kids singing about Obama appeared on the net to creep out parents?  Here's a new one of school kids being taught to sing praise of Obama.  No one knows yet where this took place, or what school.

Indoctrinate U: Professor Forces Students to Pledge They Vote For Obama and Democrats.  A professor in Florida is under fire today after forcing her students to sign a pledge to vote for Barack Obama and Democrats.

Professor Made Students Sign 'Vote for Obama' Pledge.  A Florida community college has launched an investigation and placed a tenured professor on leave over reports that she made students in a math class sign a pledge to vote for President Obama.  A spokesman for Brevard Community College told Fox News that Sharon Sweet was placed on an unpaid leave of absence effective immediately after they received a call from a concerned parent.

Obama and Your Child's Mind:  Why does President Obama want your child to read "Executive Order 13423: Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management" in school?  It's not the business of a president to shape your local school's reading assignments.  The Constitution and several federal laws prohibit it.  Yet by conditioning federal education aid and regulatory waivers on state acceptance of the "Common Core," Obama has managed to manipulate the states into adopting what is fast becoming a de facto national K-12 curriculum.

Houston elementary school assembly sings ode to Obama, but diss to Bush.  The superintendent of one Houston, Texas, school system was forced to issue an apology for an elementary-aged production with overtly political tones that praised President Obama while criticizing former President George W. Bush.  The assembly, at Katherine Smith Elementary School, was in celebration of Black History Month, The Blaze reported.

Obama should end up on Mount Rushmore say a third of George Washington profs surveyed.  According to a survey of George Washington University professors, some 30 percent generally endorse the eventual addition of President Barack Obama's face to the Mount Rushmore National Memorial.  The survey, conducted and reported by The College Fix, is hampered by an extremely limited sample size.  Nonetheless, the results are fascinating.

Obamacare ad agency asks high school marching bands to play pro-Obamacare songs.  The point of asking high school bands to play the Obamacare anthem is to create more attention for Cover Oregon.  It's not clear if the ad agency has asked the high school bands to play pro-Obamacare songs at football games or at other venues.  A primary reason the ads have generated national buzz is because they fail to provide any detail whatsoever concerning the Affordable Care Act.

School shows Obama campaign video that includes celebrities pledging 'be a servant to the President'.  A Wisconsin middle school has been forced to apologize after showing students a video produced after Barack Obama's 2008 election that included celebrities pledging to 'be a servant to the President.'  Some parents who watched the video at an assembly at Hudson Middle School in Hudson, Wisconsin, called it propaganda and complained that it was inappropriate for young minds.  The video, produced by Oprah Winfrey's production company, [...]

Creepy Propaganda: High School Bands To Play Obamacare Songs.  In the sort of creepy move you'd expect to see in Saddam Hussein's Iraq or Kim-Jung-Il's North Korea, high school bands in Oregon are being used as propaganda organs for Obamacare.

This is an original compilation, Copyright © 2023 by Andrew K. Dart

Homeland Security vs. the right wing

This subsection now has its own page.

"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold
  is for people of good conscience to remain silent."
Thomas Jefferson          

Obama's stealthy moves toward gun control

This subsection now resides on a new page.

All this adulation is a bit much

This subsection can be found on a new page.

A rodeo clown makes fun of Obama, and immediately loses his job.

Derisive mockery of Obama leads to termination.  The Missouri State Fair has banned for life a rodeo clown who wore a Barack Obama mask during a bull-riding competition and suggested that "Obama" might be run down by an angry bull.  "Hey, I know I'm a clown," the still-unidentified performer said.  "He [Obama] is just running around acting like one.  Doesn't know he is one."

Obama rodeo stunt leads to sensitivity training for Missouri State Fair clowns.  The Missouri State Fair will force rodeo clowns to complete sensitivity training after a clown mocked President Obama in a stunt one spectator likened to a Ku Klux Klan rally.  The fair's commission also approved a lifetime ban on the offending clown.  The controversy began on Saturday [8/10/2013] at the fair in Sedalia.

The NAACP says the clown was guilty of inciting violence against the president.  The Missouri chapter of the NAACP appealed for the U.S. Department of Justice and the Secret Service to launch an investigation and open a federal case against the rodeo clown who donned a mask of President Obama's face and mocked with the crowd:  Do you want to see a bull run down Mr. Obama?  The NAACP says the clown was guilty of inciting violence against the president.

Republican congressman invites 'Obama rodeo clown' to Texas.  A Texas Republican congressman has invited a rodeo clown who has been banned from the Missouri State Fair for a mocking depiction of President Obama to perform in his district.  Rep. Steve Stockman, a conservative whose rural district stretches east of Houston, said he was extending the invitation and defending the clown because liberals "want to crush dissent by isolating and polarizing anyone who questions Obama."

The White House Thinks Terrifying Overreaction to Rodeo Clown Appropriate.  A silly controversy surrounding a Missouri rodeo clown's decision to don a mask of President Barack Obama before taunting bulls to attack him — a traditional practice in American rodeo culture — became frighteningly serious on Wednesday [8/14/2013].  Rather than push back against the overwrought response from some Obama supporters, offended by the mockery of the president, the White House has tacitly condoned their response.  Clown-gate is no longer a laughing matter.

Rep. Stockman invites Obama rodeo clown to perform in Texas.  A conservative Texas lawmaker is inviting a rodeo clown banned from the Missouri state fair to perform in the Lone Star State instead.  Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Tex.) says that the unidentified rodeo clown and his colleagues have been unfairly targeted by liberals "to create a climate of fear."  He invited them to come perform at a fair in his southeastern Texas district instead.

GOP Congressman Invites Obama Rodeo Clown to Texas.  Representative Steve Stockman (R., Texas) has issued an invitation to the unnamed rodeo clown who wore a President Obama mask while performing at a fair in Missouri. [...] He blasted the critics of the rodeo clown for "ordering citizens into reeducation classes for mocking a liberal leader," and added that "Liberals have targeted this man for personal destruction to create a climate of fear."

Save the President from the Clowns: Bring Back Lese-Majeste!  By now all America has heard of the national tragedy that occurred in Missouri.  A rogue rodeo clown insulted the dignity of our princeps civitatis, I mean, President of the United States, at the Missouri State Fair. [...] Never before has our Republic faced such a threat to our leader or our national future.  Never before has the dignitas of our leading citizen been so violently attacked.

NAACP ripped for demanding federal probe of rodeo clown dressed as Obama.  Calls by the Missouri chapter of the NAACP for a federal investigation into a rodeo clown who donned a President Obama mask at the state fair last week are misguided and hypocritical, a Texas Republican congressman told on Thursday.  U.S. Rep. Steve Stockman, who has invited the clown who wore the mask to perform in Texas, said the request for probes into the incident by the Justice Department and Secret Service are "silly" and should be ignored.

Limbaugh: Outrage over rodeo clown same as Muslim reaction to Muhammad toon.  Rush Limbaugh weighed in on the recent uproar over a [Missouri] rodeo clown wearing a President Obama mask during a bull-riding event, saying that it's "no different than those countries reacting freakishly when there were cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad," first reported.  "It is as though President Obama is a messiah or is a god," he said, "and this little thing that happened at the Missouri State Fair is a defamation, a denunciation, almost a religious sacrilege that took place."

Dem. Guest Tells Fox: NAACP 'Jumped the Shark' on Rodeo Clown.  Appearing on Fox News Thursday morning [8/15/2013], Democratic analyst Jehmu Greene told host Martha MacCallum and conservative radio host Lars Larson that the NAACP had gone too far in calling for a Secret Service investigation of the Missouri State Fair rodeo clown incident.  "The NAACP has jumped the shark on this one," Greene said.  "They do really great work in communities around the country.  But this is — I agree with you, Lars — it's ridiculous."

It's A Rodeo Clown, People, And Clowns Too Have Rights.  Rodeo clowns have been making fun of presidents for decades.  Has everyone forgotten the incident at a Philadelphia rodeo in 1994, where a clown used a dummy with a George H.W. Bush mask to taunt a bull that subsequently impaled the dummy and sent the mask flying?  No one was fired.  But now, the screaming has begun from the progressive lynch mob over a rodeo clown in Missouri doing the same thing wearing an Obama mask.  These incidents may be in bad taste, but it's what freedom entails.

Dog the Wag.  In "Beyond Good and Evil," Nietzsche observed that "a man's maturity consists in having found again the seriousness one had as a child at play."  Such might be the credo of the professional clown.  Yes, the professional clown.  If it never occurred to you to think of clowning as a full-blown "profession," that makes two of us.  Reader, prepare to be educated.

Clowning Around.  You can bet your bottom dollar that if the nefarious Missouri clown had come across an equally cartoonish mask of George W., he would have performed the same bit with the bulls as he did with the Obama mask.  And Republicans would have laughed!  Or if they booed, it would have been a laughing, good-natured sort of booing.  Vaclav Havel (if my memory is correct) wrote on how the inability of a powerful leader to laugh at himself was both the sure sign of decadence, corruption, and incapacity, as well as a sign that he was on his way out, if only in the eye of the public.

Send in the Clowns.  [Scroll down]  In fact, the rodeo clown incident so ticked off the true believers in their secular messiah that it sent them into Paula Deen syndrome.  Once again, someone perceived to have offended leftist sensibilities became a target for complete destruction.  The left and the NAACP are actually calling for a federal investigation of the clown for "inciting violence against President Obama."  Yes, as a commentator at The Examiner points out, that would be the same left "who made movies depicting the assassination of President George W. Bush, who hanged Sarah Palin in effigy, whose messiah mocked her as a pig with lipstick, [and who are now] destroying the life of this man and his associates."

How a Missouri Rodeo Became a Phony Scandal.  If an eccentric, liberal, nudist musician had not attended a rodeo at the Missouri State Fair a week ago Saturday, the world would be a slightly happier place.  The State Fair would not have banned rodeo clown Tuffy Gessling for life.  The NAACP would not have asked the Secret Service to investigate Tuffy for a "hate crime."  His clown colleagues would not have been dispatched to sensitivity training.  And race tension nationwide would not have ratcheted up another notch.

Missouri's History Of Attacking Dissent.  Missouri has a history of persecuting its residents for disagreement with Barack Obama.  Clowngate isn't the first assault against free speech.  Let's review.

Rodeo clown Tuffy Gessling: Someone threatened to burn my house down.  The controversial rodeo clown banned for life from the Missouri State Fair for wearing a President Obama mask and mocking that a bull should run him down spoke out Monday about the death threats and fallout since the incident.  "I've had one lady spit in my face, called me a dirty name, spit in my face and walked off," Tuffy Gessling told KCTV 5 News.  "I've had somebody threaten to run me over.  One of them wanted to burn the house down," he added.

Controversial rodeo clown speaks out after death threats.  [Tuffy] Gessling's antics drew angry rebukes from politicians, a lifetime ban from the Missouri State Fair and more personal hits than he ever faced in the ring.  "I've had one lady spit in my face — called me a dirty name, spit in my face and walked off," Gessling said.  And he says there have been five death threats.

President for life?

Mr. Obama sure talks a lot about his hypothetical "third term."  He does know it's only hypothetical, right?

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Evidently Obama hates America

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Obama is no friend of Israel

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Obama is weakening America's defenses

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Updated September 20, 2016.

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