Old Photos of KRLD-TV
From the Charley Dobkins Collection

KRLD-TV engineer Charley Dobkins recently sent me these pictures.  There are six or eight people I recognize in these pictures, but of course these pictures were taken long before I met any of them.

Just a reminder:  Click the "thumbnail" pictures to enlarge them.

Master Control Dig that fancy Master Control switcher!  It looks like a "handwriting analysis" machine at the State Fair!  The film chain controls are on the right, and the two racks on the left are for utility monitors.  Charley Dobkins is on the right, and the man on the left might be Royce Jones.

Master Control Left to right:  H. H. Whittenburg, Charley Dobkins, Gene Pasalek, Leroy May, and Richard Bauer.

Studio crew The studio crew in "hurry up and wait" mode.  The man on the left is unidentified, but the man on the right is Al Montez.

Videotape room It was casual day in the videotape room.  Here we see Gene Dimock and director Bernie Deford.

KRLD-TV studio Ken Hunter and Marvin Reynolds in the studio, with an old black-and-white camera.

KRLD-TV studio Charley says this is the view from the control room, looking into Studio A.  But I thought the Studio A control room had always been on the second floor.

Updated 7/27/2006:
Fox 4's Ron Dowd offered an explanation yesterday, when I showed him these pictures.  Before the building was expanded in 1963, Studio A and its control room were on the ground floor.  After the building expansion, Studio A became the front lobby and reception area, while the control room became the General Manager's office.  That explains why both of those rooms were so huge.

KRLD-TV studio Ben Molina and Tony Garrett.

Richard Bauer, K5RB Richard Bauer at the controls of the VR-1000.

KRLD Radio control room Jim Birdsong in the KRLD radio control room.

KRLD Radio control room Another view of the radio control room.  There is a Magnecorder in the upper right, sitting on a shelf.

I've worked with Magnecorders before, back in the early 1970s, and I found them to be barely adequate for the task of recording and playing back taped programs.  Too bad eBay wasn't around back then, because the Magnecorders I knew were not quite old enough for a museum, but too old to be of any value, except in the most frugal radio stations in the most insignificant cities.  And that's exactly where I worked.

KRLD Radio control room Otto Nilson in the radio control room.

Tony Garrett Tony Garrett prepares for a newscast.

Notice the film projector, the rotary-dial phone, the ashtray, the 6½ ounce Coke bottle, the manual typewriter, and the Brylcreem.

KRLD-TV studio Al Montez, Richard Kelly, Jack Harrison and Jim Underwood in the KRLD-TV studio.

KRLD-TV studio Richard Kelly (holding a cigarette) and Jack Harrison.

Jack Harrison Jack Harrison announcing, with the photographer's reflection in the window.

Church remote crew A crew of seven (plus the photographer who took this picture, I assume) arrives for a Sunday morning church remote.  By 1982, these remotes were done by a two- or three-person crew; one to run the camera and the other to set up a signal from the church back to the studio, and (sometimes) a third person at the studio to run a camera for the sign language interpreter.  By about 1990 the church remotes were completely eliminated.

The man closest to the camera is Bob Jacobs.

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Document location https://akdart.com/vtr/vtr11.html
Updated October 9, 2007.
Version 2.11.5

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Entire contents Copyright ©2007 by Andrew K. Dart
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