Editor's Note: Anti-war dissent began even before the war started in Iraq. Part
of this may be just reaction to President Bush's sudden popularity, but some of it is coming from people who
clearly do not see the United States as having any moral justification for fighting back when attacked.
There are plenty of people who insist on waiting for permission from the United Nations before making any
military move, but there are many others who, for their own political benefit, don't want to see a
Republican president successfully defend or avenge the United States.
More recently, anti-war dissent has come from all over the political spectrum, because the
invasion of Iraq and removal of Saddam Hussein was a good thing, but the Iraqi people have
failed to pick up the ball and run with it. So now we're stuck there, trying to get
people to act like they live in 21st century civilization. It may get very ugly when
the U.S. pulls out of Iraq, just as it did when the U.S. left Vietnam.
When your country is
attacked, there can be no "peace" movement. Featured speakers: Cindy Sheehan, Congressman John Murtha, Congressman Charlie Rangel, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Senator Harry Reid, Code Pink, Jane Fonda, and The Dixie Chicks.
Material about specific individuals has been moved to the bottom of the page, for
the benefit of those who came to this page looking for generic anti-anti-war
commentary, which is at the top of the page. These subsections might be about to
split off to a page of their own.
The so-called "peace" movement
divides Americans and gives aid and comfort to our enemies.
ANSWER Coalition of America's Enemies. The large protest against Israel and in
support of the Hamas terrorists on November 4 in Washington, D.C. was primarily organized by the
ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism). It has called for a wave of disruption
across the country on November 9 to "Shut It Down for Palestine." This group was founded just
three days after the September 11, 2001 Al-Qaeda terrorist attack on New York City and the Pentagon
that killed some 3,000 people. ANSWER's declared aim was to create "a massive antiwar
movement" that would block U.S. retaliation against the attacks. So now ANSWER wants to block
Israeli retaliation against the October 7, 2023 terrorist attacks which killed over 1,400
people. They are not "antiwar" and certainly have no interest in "peace." ANSWER picks sides
in conflicts around the world, protesting the actions of one side, and justifying the actions of
the other. They want victory for their chosen side which is invariably the side acting
against the United States, its friends, and its allies. That is the core nature of the Left.
This Column to Anyone Who Claims Bush Lied about WMDs in Iraq. There are many legitimate criticisms of the way
the Bush Administration conducted the war in Iraq and even more of the way Obama threw away all the blood and treasure we
spent there for the sake of politics, but you have to be malicious or just an imbecile at this point to accuse Bush of lying
about WMDs. To begin with, numerous foreign intelligence agencies also believed that Saddam Hussein had an active WMD
program. The "intelligence agencies of Germany, Israel, Russia, Britain, China and France" all believed Saddam
had WMDs. CIA Director George Tenet also rather famously said that it was a "slam dunk" that there were weapons of mass
destruction in Iraq.
crowd stunningly silent on ISIS plan. I could have sworn we were going to war against
the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). But the president, a well-known theologian, has
informed us that despite what the Muslims of ISIS say, the Islamic State "is not Islamic." So I
guess we're in a war against SIS — the State of Iraq and Syria. But it still is a war,
isn't it, Mr. Secretary Kerry? "I think that's the wrong terminology," he sniffed yesterday.
"What we are engaging in is a very significant counterterrorism operation." Does that make it ...
a police action? Will we have to destroy the village in order to save it?
The Wise Latina? I Think
Not. Racial resentments became a political weapon in the mid-sixties and were used to
roil up college students already seething from the Vietnam War. With a brother in the marines I
could hardly join them but I hoped the protesters realized how fortunate they were to live in a
country that allowed dissent. It has always bothered me that anti-war protesters never protest the
countries that actually start the conflicts. It's so much easier to condemn America for everything
even though our entry into wars is due to treaty obligations, self defense or humanitarian relief.
What Happened to the Antiwar Movement? Barack
Obama owes his presidency largely to the Iraq war. It was Obama's purity on the war — he opposed it when Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and others
were voting for it — that endeared him to the Democratic Party's base. Indeed, one could say that the contemporary American Left owes its vigor,
if not its existence, to the Iraq war. Those who lived through the years from 2003 to 2008 won't forget it — the online hysteria, the
demonstrations, the wild charges, the assassination fantasies, the calls for impeachment. Remember when antiwar demonstrations could bring out enough
people to fill the streets?
If you knew who was behind
"Close-Gitmo" push, you'd be shocked. Just dig a little deeper into who has been driving the anti-Gitmo disinformation campaign
these past 12 years, and we discover an international, fervently anti-American, far-left coalition attacking the nation through a savvy
propaganda effort. This includes those linked to Al Qaeda financiers, communist groups, anarchist movements — backed by
sympathetic press and politicians.
The silence of the hams: Celebs on Syria.
In the era of "warmonger" Republicans in the White House, the Toronto International Film Festival would have been fertile ground for
bold, outspoken "dissent" from actors against war in the Middle East. You'd expect the same agitation, but this time coupled
with a dash of betrayal, when President Obama was on the brink of missile attacks in Syria. Instead, the Hollywood Reporter
found nothing there but an icy pile of "no comments" from more than a dozen celebs, including Susan Sarandon, Josh Brolin,
Penn Jillette and Tim Robbins.
Syria situation further strains Obama's relationship with the antiwar movement.
Antiwar activist Nathan Ryan looked to candidate Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential campaign to channel his opposition to the Iraq war.
But now, with Obama making a muscular case for military strikes on Syria, he is looking elsewhere.
The mask is off: They hated Bush, not war.
Maybe anti-war demonstrators are unemployed, back home & getting on their parents' health insurance policies. Or, maybe they've all decided to watch President
Obama talk "hip hop" on MTV rather than care anymore about premeditated wars without Congress or international coalitions. [...] We do know that the anti-war
left is mute and out of business now that "hope and change" is the one starting wars.
You Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Which
Way Journalists Blow. Remember back in what was it — 2006 or thereabouts — when left-leaning critics
of President Bush couldn't stop talking about how nothing was more red, white, and blue than good old-fashioned American dissent?
Why, our very country was founded by an act of dissent, didn't you know! [...] Those were good times, friends, and they stopped pretty
much the minute that liberals and Democrats took control of the federal government. The antiwar movement disappeared once it became
clear that Barack Obama wasn't going to shut down Gitmo or stop bombing places or [care] about that constitutional stuff he used to teach
in law school.
The anti-war protestors are all completely silent. U.S.
carried out 333 drone strikes in Afghanistan this year alone. The United States carried out more drone strikes in Afghanistan this year
than it has done in all the years put together in Pakistan since it launched the covert air war there eight years ago, it has been revealed.
The feminists are silent, too. Next question: Must women
register for the draft? For as long as women have been excluded from combat, they've also been exempt from having to
register for the Selective Service System, the database kept just in case all hell breaks loose and the U.S. must reintroduce the
draft. But now that women are being admitted into combat units, the justification for making only young men register is on shaky
ground. "It would seem a little strange to have nearly every job in the military open to women and not also require them to
register for Selective Service," said David McKean, legal director at the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network.
59 percent support women entering
would-be draft, poll says. As the Pentagon unveiled plans to reverse a ban on women serving on the front lines, a poll released Wednesday [6/19/2013]
found that most registered voters believe women should be eligible for a military draft if one is reinstituted. The survey conducted by Mason-Dixon
Polling & Research shows that 59 percent believe women should be included if a draft becomes necessary again, compared to 38 percent who say they
should not be included.
Prez wants to spy on US. Can you imagine what
would have happened if the Bush administration had implemented "no-probable-cause" searches like these? Actually they tried to. The
Republican Congress stopped it. So Obama's doing it the "executive order" way: He's launched widespread spying on we the people,
directly from the White House, without going through our elected representatives. And where are the liberals? Where are Michael "War
Crimes" Moore and Keith "Bush Is A Fascist" Olbermann?
Nader: War Criminal Obama Worse Than Bush.
"He's gone beyond George W. Bush in drones, for example. He thinks the world is his plate, that national sovereignties mean nothing,
drones can go anywhere."
NDAA and Suspension of Habeas Corpus: Not Just for "Enemy Combatants" Anymore. Remember all
those neocons and Republicans who cheered George W. Bush's "indefinite detainment" of "enemy combatants"?
Many of them — though, amazingly, not all — have lost their enthusiasm for trampling the
Constitution now that Obama's administration has suspended habeas corpus for American citizens, too, with the
National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA).
This proves that anti-war protests are not about war at all. Obama Gets a
Blank Check for Endless War. Record numbers of U.S. troops are dying under Obama,
but the anti-war movement is nowhere to be found.
Did All the Anti-War Protestors Go? The anti-war movement was all over the news before President
Obama was elected. But apparently they weren't really anti-war ... they were just anti-President Bush.
The peacenik hypocrites.
American troops are dying in Afghanistan in record numbers, drone-launched missiles are killing more people
in Pakistan, American aircraft are carrying out missions over Libya, terrorist detainees are facing military
tribunals at Guantanamo Bay, and WikiLeaker Pfc. Bradley Manning is allegedly being tortured. Despite
all this grist, the antiwar movement in 2011 is a shadow of its Bush-era self.
The hypocrisy of the American left:
President Barack Obama bowed to his generals' demands by tripling troops in an unending war. CODEPINK did
nothing. Obama backed down on Guantanamo Bay. Anti-war protesters stayed at home. America
invaded its third Muslim country in a decade. The American left meekly went along. Without the
slightest hint of irony, liberals defended the president's indefensible position by returning again to a
pose of moral certainty. Democrats streamed to the floors of the House and Senate to praise the
president for invading Libya.
Obama's Libyan War.
Think of all the militant anti-war types who were thrilled at the removal of the Bush "war machine" in 2008,
only to see President Obama's strained endorsement of military action in Libya. Oh, how the political
wave of the hard left has crashed ashore. It seems like only yesterday when they were celebrating Cindy
Sheehan as she flagrantly called President Bush "the biggest terrorist in the world." ... Over the last two
years, these chagrined radicals have watched in stunned disbelief while their hero Obama continued the Iraq
War wrap-up on the generals' timeline and then added more troops in Afghanistan. They listened in shock
as Team Obama announced it was reversing itself on indefinite detentions at Guantanamo. And now he's
started his very own kinetic military action.
Blood for Oil' Is for Sale! "No blood for oil" was a popular slogan chanted by the left in
opposition to President George W. Bush's push to send U.S. forces into Iraq. Now that President
Obama authorized Operation Odyssey Dawn in Libya, I have been waiting to hear chants of "no blood for oil."
I am happy to report, I don't hear them. ... In fact, as NATO forces are lobbing missiles to enforce a no-fly
zone over the country with Africa's largest oil and gas reserves, the nobloodforoil.org domain name is
for sale.
Whatever Happened to the Anti-War
Movement? Remember those hoary days of raucous protest when anti-war protesters sent
thousands of people into the streets sometimes with only a days notice? Now consider this:
have you seen any of these giant protests since 2008 presidential election? Yeah, no one else
has, either. Do you wonder why that is? Well, it's because the anti-war movement was nothing
else but a hypocritical proxy issue used solely to get rid of President Bush and the Republicans.
It was never about war at all.
crowd silent since Obama took over. The silence is deafening. That would be the silence
of the hams, the people who for years waved signs, screamed about the evil Bush administration's war on Iraq,
defaced stop signs with silly slogans, shed crocodile tears on news of the deaths of American soldiers and
generally did all they could to vilify other Americans who might disagree.
Peaceniks Target Killer Drones.
For nearly 30 years, Father Louie Vitale — a 76-year-old former Air Force navigator turned Franciscan
monk and peace activist — has traveled to the remote deserts of the Southwest to demonstrate
against ... well, just about everything involving America's military.
Obama's War Policies Worse than
Bush's, Anti-War Activist Says. President Barack Obama's war policies in Iraq and Afghanistan
are criminal and worse than those of former President Bush, according to Adam Kokesh, who serves on the board
of directors of the anti-war group Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW). Kokesh and other members of
the IVAW gathered on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on Thursday to call on Obama to end the wars
in Iraq and Afghanistan.
U.S. deserter ordered to leave Canada.
The first female U.S. Iraq war resister to seek refuge in Canada has been ordered to leave the country before
the end of the month or face deportation. ... Roughly 200 American war resisters are believed to be living in
Canada at this time. A handful have been ordered to leave, and await court rulings to determine whether
they can appeal the orders.
The Wilting Anti-War Movement: Anti-war
movements are a fixture of American culture dating back to the Revolution. Americans argue about their wars before,
during and after. That's an inherent feature of how democracies go to war. Nevertheless, the role of
dissenters in shaping American attitudes is particularly overblown. Americans like to make up their own
minds. Anti-war movements don't drive public will. They ride the crest of the public opinion wave.
How the
Party of Defeat Lost Fallujah: A new assessment produced by the U.S. Army has found the
military's fiercest foes did not receive their training from al-Qaeda, Ansar al-Islam, or Hezbollah,
but from Harvard University, the Columbia School of Journalism, and the New York Times editorial board.
An assessment produced by analysts at the U.S. Army's National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) has found
the hardest-fought battle of the Iraq War, the siege of Fallujah in April 2004, was lost not on the
battlefield but in the court of public opinion.
No Vote for the Troops. Even
Barack Obama, who opposed the Iraq troop surge, has finally acknowledged its success. But some of his
fellow Democrats in Congress apparently remain unconvinced. Earlier this week, Senate Majority Leader Harry
Reid and Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin teamed up to block a vote on a bipartisan resolution "recognizing the
strategic success of the troop surge in Iraq" and thanking our men and women in uniform for their efforts.
The Last Refuge of Hypocrites. The left makes no secret of the fact that they hate war. But
the truth of the matter is that their opposition to armed conflict is situational. It depends entirely
on the party affiliation of the commander in chief and, of course, on the politics of the enemy.
An unlikely alliance:
What do the far left and Islamists have in common? Not a lot, you may say, but you would be wrong.
Despite being ideologically at the extremes of the political spectrum, they in fact share one worrying
trait. ... By having a common foe in western capitalism, which they conveniently blame for all of the
world's ills, they have developed a marriage of convenience against the odds.
Losing the
Information War with Amendment 56. The Democrats are angry. Despite investing enormous
effort undermining the military, things are going fairly well in Iraq. General Petraeus and the surge
have been a success, not that you would know that from the media coverage, which has been, to say the least,
sparse. The anti-Bush themes of an "Iraqi quagmire" and "surge failure" were premature, and all the
congressional show hearings, the choreographed Code Pink performance art and the MoveOn.org smears were
for naught.
Great Surge, Let's Quit. It's
official. There will be no more argument from the Democrats about the success of the troop surge. Their plan is
to bury their error in judgment in a larger fabricated argument about American hegemony.
Veterans don't forget.
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid say they "support the troops," but they have long seemed determined to
quickly surrender the achievements of our military, no matter the consequences. If they had their way,
the lasting damage of their politically-motivated inflexibility would surely include a widening of the divide
between those who serve in uniform and those who merely claim to support them. They just don't get it.
Obama's "No": In an
interview yesterday [7/21/2008] with Senator Obama, ABC's Terry Moran listed just a few of the by now seemingly endless
data points demonstrating that the so-called surge, which Obama opposed at the time it was announced, is a
success. Moran then asked this (excellent) question: Knowing what you know now, would you support
the surge?" Obama's answer was, "No."
Hypocrites. Am I the only one who's noticed the silence? Mere months ago, left-wing
bloggers and demonstrators were wailing Support our troops, bring them home! seven days a week.
Now their presidential candidate has announced that he won't bring all those troops home, but will simply
transfer combat forces from Iraq to Afghanistan — expanding that war. (He's discussed
possibly invading Pakistan, too.) And the left's quiet as a graveyard at midnight.
Need To Learn That Weakness Invites Attack. Bad actors on the international scene, whether they
be rogue nations or terrorists, cannot be wished away, nor can they always be convinced to see the error of
their ways with sweet reason. Moreover, the sad fact is that paradoxically, if the West doesn't prepare for
armed conflict or eschews the cruel but necessary parts of it, it will only invite more violence and turmoil.
Safe From Truth: House Democrats
have passed a bill to stifle the good news that we're winning in Iraq. They are so invested in losing that they
apparently fear a popular backlash against them from victory.
Not Leftists. We're Much More Radical Than That". The officials of modern pacifist
denominations have largely coalesced with the larger Religious Left in demanding that Christianity reject all
force at all times. Often they will condemn specific U.S. military actions while not fully explaining
that even if Osama bin Laden were openly targeting a nuke at an American city, they would oppose any
physical force against him. For the modern Religious Left, every security situation should be addressed
through aggressive "peacemaking," apologies, or increased international welfare as an atonement.
The Left's Fairy
Tale: The trouble with the leftists' view of the war on terrorism is not merely that they believe lies, as
we have so frequently and so recently proven they do. The problem is they believe so many lies, errors so
ahistorical and counterfactual as to represent an unreality. The leftist's myths, intricately layered and
mutually reinforcing, bond in such a way as to enclose their adherent within an ideologically driven mania.
Caught Between
Iraq and a Hard Base. [In late 2006] Democrats had a foolproof plan to gain power: Use
the "disastrous" war in Iraq to split the Republican base off from the center, force Republicans in Congress
to desert the president, defund the war effort, and compel withdrawal. Declaring defeat in advance, and
even embracing it, they tried to cripple the surge before it started. Nancy Pelosi in the House and
Harry Reid in the Senate led a chorus of Democrats who declared the war lost.
Memory and the Left:
It's difficult to avoid exasperation over the left's absolute refusal to acknowledge the new realities of the
Iraq war. The surge, the Anbar awakening, the collapse of the militias (particularly that belonging to
everybody's favorite would-be caliph, Moqtada al-Sadr) — it's as if none of it ever happened, as if
one the most impressive turnabouts in modern military annals never took place. The left, including its
Democratic political wing and placeholders in the media, continue on with the same defeatist drone that we've
heard since 2003 .
Folly: Diplomas won't make jihadis go away. In all the brouhaha over the New Yorker's
satirical cover cartoon of Barack and Michelle Obama, a truly "tasteless and offensive" passage in the
magazine's feature article got lost. The magazine piece quotes Obama's recommendations for how to stop
jihad, which he had previously published in a local Chicago newspaper eight days after 9/11. It's a
self-parody of blind, deaf, and dumb Kumbaya liberalism.
The Politics of Peace: What's behind the
anti-war movement? Many of the organizers against the Iraq War are the same people who in 1968
disrupted the nation during the Vietnam War and helped push Lyndon Johnson from office. The new anti-war
movement has centered on an umbrella group named International ANSWER (an acronym for "Act Now to Stop War and
End Racism"). However, under that new name is an old political group: ANSWER is an off-spring of
Workers World, a Communist splinter party.
Party of
Defeat. Criticism of government policy is essential to a democracy. But in the last five
years the Democratic Party has crossed the line from criticism of war policy to fundamental sabotage of the
war itself, a position no American party has taken until now.
The ugly face of peace, anti-war style. [Scroll
down] "Soon thereafter, I was walking to another appointment when I found myself stalked by the radicals who pulled up
alongside me in a car yelling obscenities at me for daring to report on their disgusting conduct," [Move America Forward]'s
diminutive Melanie Morgan told Canada Free Press (CFP). "What angers me most is that these people don't stop there,"
said Morgan. "They've planted bombs at recruiting centers (not allegedly just at Times Square but St. Louis
too!). They pumped eight rounds of gunfire into the Denver military recruiting center. They've set fire to
recruiting centers in San Jose, CA and Asheville, NC.
of the Left. A ranking member of the U.S. government, [Senator Harry] Reid responded to a major terrorist
attack by calling for surrender. The vultures of the left habitually hover, waiting for bad news from Iraq.
Whatever bad thing happens becomes their propaganda item du jour.
They Really Do Plan to Surrender.
The surge's success so far has defanged the antiwar movement — for the moment. If John McCain is elected
president, Petraeus and Crocker will probably have the backing of the new administration. But no matter who is elected
in November, a large-scale American military and economic commitment to Iraq may outlast the Bush presidency.
An anti-anti-war protest... Protesting the Antiwar
Protestors: [Rich] Davis, 54, is a pro-military protester who makes a public stand each week in support of the
troops and their mission. In 2001, Mr. Davis retired from the Navy and ended up settling in West Chester, where he
spent 2006 and 2007 watching antiwar protesters rally each Saturday from 11 a.m. until noon outside the courthouse near
his apartment.
Muslim charity executive indicted as spy. A former top official with the Southfield-based Muslim
charity Life for Relief and Development spied for the regime of the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and
organized a 2002 congressional junket to Iraq secretly paid for by the Iraqi Intelligence Service, a federal
indictment unsealed Wednesday alleges. There is no evidence the congressmen knew Iraqi intelligence paid
for the trip. The indictment does not identify the congressmen, but records show former U.S. Rep David
Bonior, D-Mount Clemens, and two other congressmen made that trip to Iraq.
Same story as above: Saddam And The Three Stooges:
As the U.S. prepared for war in October 2002, Washington state's Jim McDermott flew to Iraq on a Saddam-praising
junket with fellow Democrats Mike Thompson of California and David Bonior of Michigan. Rather than support
the U.S., they condemned U.N. sanctions, vouched for Saddam's probity and publicly declared America's democratically
elected president a liar. Now we learn the junket was just as it seemed at the time — a
Saddam-paid propaganda production, starring three U.S. dupes.
More commentary on the same story: Three Blind Mice.
There was a time in this country (when people cared about such things) that those three Congressmen would have
been severely reprimanded by their colleagues for being so stupid as to become a paid stooge for a murderous,
thuggish, dictator like Saddam Hussein. No more. Instead, this entire incident will be brushed off
as a "non-story." It takes a special kind of idiot to take the Iraqis "at their face value."
Saddam's Useful
Idiots: Keeping up a long, ignoble tradition of the American Left. Fresh allegations that Iraqi
intelligence funded the prewar propaganda trip to Saddam Hussein's Iraq by U.S. Representatives Jim McDermott,
David Bonior, and Mike Thompson should not surprise anyone familiar with the history of the American Left.
Ideological tourism, in which totalitarian powers engineer the junkets of influential leftists in exchange for
positive publicity in the enemy nation, has seduced the likes of such radical heavyweights as Lincoln
Steffens, W.E.B Du Bois, John Reed, and Tom Hayden.
Vandals dump paint on veterans memorial.
Vandals dumped a bucket of red paint on a downtown veterans memorial this morning, the fifth anniversary of the
U.S. invasion of Iraq, in what police suspect was a symbolic act of protest. Passers-by spotted the
blood-toned paint on the Anchorage Veterans Memorial, in the Delaney Park Strip off I Street, during the
morning commute and reported it to police.
Marvelous Gifts From the Democrats in Santa's Workshop: Mustering the moxie to approve just one
of a dozen appropriations bills for the fiscal year begun Oct. 1 — the defense appropriation
bill — they stripped it of $96 billion for the troops in Iraq, saying the measure can wait until
oh, some time next year. Proclaiming their support for the troops but insisting U.S. and allied
forces could not prevail in Iraq, now, amid mounting indicators of success, they are doing their best
to ensure allied defeat.
Introspection Was the Rage.
The left simply cannot imagine itself opposing any anti-American ideology no matter how depraved. And it
is hard to imagine one more depraved than Islamofascism, which seeks to do Hitler one better as regards the
Jews and, for good measure, enslave the rest of us. It is precisely the same type of intellectual who
once apologized for the Nazis and the Bolsheviks, who is now able to apologize for the Bin Ladenists.
we land punches in Iraq, Dems just hit the canvas. "War is just like boxing," said Gen. George
Patton. "When you get your opponent on the ropes, you must keep punching the hell out of him and not let
him recover." Today in Iraq, the enemy is on the ropes. Our Air Force has pummeled Al Qaeda with
40,000 pounds of bombs. Soldiers and Marines have reduced northern Al Qaeda safe havens to rubble.
Contractors are delivering tons of supplies and securing our diplomats.
in Denial Over Iraq Recovery. The pessimists and defeatists who declared the surge doomed and
prophesied that we were digging ourselves into a deeper hole have been proven wrong. The story of Iraq
at this point is that terrorists have been killed, captured or driven out of territory retaken and cleansed
by American and Iraqi forces — a coalition that has stabilized much of the country.
Taking Cues From Left-Wing Group, McConnell Says. The people connected with MoveOn seem to be
"recycled from the 1960s," said [Senator Mitch] McConnell. "They are not interested in what's good for
the country in my view, and they don't care if our soldiers leave without honor and it's clear they don't
respect General Petraeus at all, who almost everyone thinks is a straight shooter and an outstanding general."
Who Has Betrayed Whom?
The ad itself accused General Petraeus of betraying America and "cooking the books for the White House," of
lying, in other words. The Soros-backed, MoveOn folks made a number of scurrilous charges, most of which
were easily debunked by the Washington Post Fact Checker, who gave the ad a three-Pinocchio label for
dishonesty, stating that Move On's charges contained "significant factual error and/or obvious
war report discredited. Naturally there was great interest when the Lancet published
a study in October 2006, three weeks before the midterm US elections, reporting that 655,000 people had
died in Iraq as a result of the US-led war. But the truth, it turns out, is that the report
was drenched with politics, and its jaw-dropping conclusions should have inspired anything but
confidence. Much of the funding for the study came from the Open Society Institute of leftist
billionaire George Soros, a strident critic of the Iraq war who, as Munro and Cannon point out,
"spent $30 million trying to defeat Bush in 2004."
Anti-war Soros funded
Iraq study. A study that claimed 650,000 people were killed as a result of the
invasion of Iraq was partly funded by the antiwar billionaire George Soros. Soros, 77, provided
almost half the £50,000 cost of the research, which appeared in The Lancet, the medical
journal. Its claim was 10 times higher than consensus estimates of the number of
war dead.
in denial. Denial is the first stage of grieving. Democrats seem stuck there when
it comes to the war in Iraq. It's odd that his fellow Democrats are mourning success in Iraq,
Sen. Joseph Lieberman said in a speech Nov. 8. "Democrats have remained emotionally
invested in a narrative of defeat and retreat in Iraq, reluctant to acknowledge the progress we are
now achieving, or even that the progress has enabled us to begin drawing down our troops there,"
he said.
Up or We'll Shout You Down. Gen. Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker came to Washington
lawmakers to give their views, and they did so. The Code Pink activists in the room didn't
want to hear from them, and more than that, they wanted to prevent others from hearing from them.
So they disrupted the hearings until they were removed from the room.
Code Pink Protesters Try Witchcraft at Anti-Marine
Rallies. Code Pink is now resorting to witchcraft to beef up the number of its supporters protesting a
controversial Marine Corps Recruiting Center in Berkeley, Calif. The group frequently announces bizarre theme weeks
in front of the office, but their numbers have been dwindling and the events get little media attention.
58 Votes
on Iraq War This Year: Why? Republicans Ask. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on
Thursday [11/8/2007] that she will bring another troops-out-of-Iraq bill to the House floor on Friday. It
will be the 58th "politically motivated" bill on the Iraq war by the House and Senate this year, Republicans
Predicting dirtiest presidential campaign
ever. Accusing a veteran soldier of "betrayal" is pretty much the same as applying
the "N" word to an African-American. You just don't use an equivalent of the word "traitor"
on someone who has dedicated his uniformed adult life to serving America spotlessly, fearlessly and
honorably. Unless you're a prominent Democrat advocating the party's left-wing "MoveOn.org"
political lobbying unit, you don't play politics with an all-out war.
Senate Passed Amendment Supporting
General Petraeus and U.S. Troops. 25 Democrats Voted against it and 3 Democrats didn't vote.
This Amendment also sends a clear message to the U.S. Armed Forces, letting them know that MoveOn.org
and their liberal cohorts in the Senate do not speak for the majority of Americans.
Phony Soldiers, Phony
Outrage, and Phony Patriotism. Smarting from the public relations disaster of the Betray us ad, a
Soros-funded group, Media Matters, ginned up a fake scandal to demonstrate to those who rely on the mainstream
media for their news, that "both sides do it."
Liberals: A Puzzlement.
What [liberals] refuse to acknowledge is that we are at war with Islamic fundamentalism. [Saddam]
Hussein may have had had nothing to do with the USS Cole or the first bombing of the Twin Towers or the
attacks on our embassies and our Marine base. So what? Germany and Italy had nothing to do with
Pearl Harbor. It's the mission that matters, not the venue.
Why The Left
Supports Defeat: I spent the vast majority of my life in the San Francisco Bay Area and what
I saw wasn't pretty; it was an unbridled, dedicated, unreasoning and unreasonable hatred of America and all
that it stands for. The present defeatist attitude; the belief that we "can't win" in Iraq, is nothing
more than a present day iteration of the same fervor we saw during the Vietnam War and the Cold War.
Bill Clinton, Secret War Opponent.
As Hillary Clinton herself might put it, it is frankly naïve to be surprised when convenient historical
revisions come out of Bill Clinton's mouth. The latest retroactive adjustment is Bill's claim at an Iowa
event this week that he "approved of Afghanistan and opposed Iraq from the beginning" — a
revelation to the many anti-war activists who received no public help from the former President.
12 arrested as Fort
Lewis cargo unloaded. Protesters on foot blocked traffic at Fourth and Plum about
noon [11/10/2007] by jumping in front of 18-wheelers towing cargo containers containing military equipment
bound for Fort Lewis. But Olympia police in riot gear moved in quickly, spraying pepper
spray in the faces of the protesters, pushing them with their batons and dragging them away
from the road.
Did FDR Invade North Africa? One of the clichéd questions of the Left
is "Why did Bush invade Iraq? We were attacked by Saudi Arabians on 9/11!" Or so
goes the customary narrative. This mantra is supposed to expose President Bush's
stupidity. But in fact The Question reveals the asker's own clueless blunder about war
and strategy. The proper answer is to point to other presidents and other wars.
and Clinton want to surrender. I will not mince words. The call to bring
our troops home from Iraq is nothing short of a surrender that will move the theater of war
from Baghdad to the streets of the United States. … On Sunday, the New York Times called
for a surrender in Iraq. In so doing, the newspaper abandoned any pretense of
liberalism, of decency and of compassion for one's fellow man.
Anti-Bush Activists Arrested Near U.N.. About a
dozen anti-war protesters were arrested today during demonstration against President Bush's speech to the
United Nations General Assembly. "I want Bush and Cheney arrested," a protester who knelt on the
sidewalk before being handcuffed, Ben Maurer, said.
Fed Up With War, Some Won't Pay Taxes.
When the United States invaded Iraq more than four years ago, war opponent David Gross asked his bosses for a
radical pay cut, enough so he wouldn't have to pay taxes to support the war. "I was having a hard time
looking at myself in the mirror," Gross said. "I knew the bombs falling were in part paid with my tax
dollars. I had to actually do something concrete to remove my complicity."
The Editor says...
Yes, David, I understand. I'd like to "remove my complicity" by withholding my tax dollars
from the Departments of Labor, Education, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, Energy, Interior,
Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development. But unfortunately, we can't pick and choose.
Marxists and Islamo-fascists
of the World Unite! If any doubt still existed regarding bonds being formed between the hardcore
left and elements within Islam, one needed to look no further than the leftist "Festival of Resistence"
conference held at the University of Toronto last weekend for confirmation. ... In the audience were members
from such stimulating groups as the environment, First Nations, the anti-war movement and the transgendered
(Was Marx a cross dresser?). But while diverse in nature, the one commonality they all possessed, one
can be assured, was hatred of capitalism, Israel, the United States and of Western civilization.
An Open Campaign of Lies, Bribery and Treason.
The full-court press to turn Iraq into the next Vietnam is a story of international intrigue, wholesale lies,
congressional bribery and systemic partisan treason on a scale never before seen in the United States.
The entire world is watching, including our enemies, and nobody is calling it a scandal?
From the Halls of Malibu to the Shores of Kennedy.
Democrats claim Gen. David Petraeus' report to Congress on the surge was a put-up job with a pre-ordained conclusion.
As if their response wasn't. Democrats yearn for America to be defeated on the battlefield and oppose any use
of the military -- except when they can find individual malcontents in the military willing to denounce the war
and call for a humiliating retreat.
Sen. Clinton's
Slur: Sen. Hillary Clinton yesterday [9/12/2007] found herself positioned firmly to the left of
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi regarding that disgusting New York Times/MoveOn "General Betray Us" attack on Gen.
David Petraeus' integrity. That's not an enviable position for a woman who's trying to convince the
American people that she's fit to be president of the United States.
Why the
Antiwar Democrats Will Retreat: When it comes to issues of war, Democrats are an intimidated
lot. Sens. Clinton, Edwards, Biden, Dodd and Reid were all stampeded by Bush into voting him a blank
check for war in October 2002. Now they regret what they did. But, in a showdown, they will
do it again.
Hollywood Hates
the Troops. "We've killed over 400,000 of their citizens." That's what actor Tim Robbins
thinks U.S. troops have been doing in Iraq. He made the claim last week in an appearance on HBO's Real
Time with Bill Maher. He's wrong, of course. American soldiers have not been slaughtering 300
Iraqis a day for the last four years. Even for one of Hollywood's most feculent personalities, this is
an appalling slander of U.S. troops.
Cuban Declares War On The Troops. Billionaire Mark Cuban has decided to put all of his weight
behind a campaign to smear US troops in Iraq as "monsters'. Cuban has decided that De Palma's
film "Redacted" must be seen as the cornerstone of his and De Palma's self-declared anti-victory
campaign against America and her troops fighing in Iraq.
Check for the Antiwar Crowd. As an Iraq war veteran who participated in combat operations and
political reconciliation efforts, I take issue with some of the arguments repeatedly being made on Capitol
Hill. Most recently I was bothered by statements from Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), who cited three
common antiwar arguments in his June 21 op-ed, "Lincoln's Example for Iraq," all of which run counter
to realities on the ground in Iraq.
an idiot or worse. It pains me to waste valuable time and space taking issue with the rantings
of Rosie O'Donnell, but her recent remarks equating U.S military men and women in Iraq with "terrorists" demand
a rational response. Yes, I know Rosie is an idiot, and a loudmouthed idiot, to boot. Normally, I
resist ad hominem attacks. In this case, however, that description is an accurate, clinical observation.
The Left's Definition of a "Hero":
Their idea of a military hero is Army Lt. Ehren Watada. Did Watada take a bullet for his
comrades? Rescue innocent civilians from insurgent forces? Throw himself on a grenade?
Ambush a terrorist sniper nest? No. Watada's the soldier who went on trial this week
for defying orders to be deployed to Iraq — after volunteering for duty.
Bush is not a foreign policy. "Hate is not a family value" is a popular bumper
sticker slogan many liberals have proudly displayed on their vehicles alongside Gore/Lieberman and
Kerry/Edwards stickers. … For several years, most Democrats' "policy" on Iraq consisted of hatred
for whatever policy George Bush supported. Over the past couple of years, though, that "policy"
has evolved from hatred of Bush and any policy he suggested to a call for withdrawal before
the mission is complete.
Party: Why did a majority of Democratic senators — such as Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton,
Chris Dodd, John Edwards, Harry Reid, Jay Rockefeller, and Chuck Schumer — vote to authorize a war
with Iraq on Oct. 11, 2002? And why is this war now supposedly George Bush's misfortune and not
for a vice president's death is evil. The assassination attempt on Vice President Dick Cheney in
Afghanistan drew praise from a few members of the antiwar left. Have these people lost their minds?
Our Enemies Won't Bring Peace. Will the next President, Democrat or Republican,
respond by withdrawing our troops in abject fear and sue for peace? What will peace cost?
Perhaps conversion to Islam. Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the leaders of
al-Qaeda, bin Laden and al-Zawahiri, have publicly stated all our sins will be forgiven if we
convert and urged President Bush to lead the way with his personal conversion.
The Editor says...
The President of Iran wants the President of the U.S. to establish a Muslim theocracy. In response, the
great Democrat leaders, who seem to fear
a Christian theocracy, are all completely
silent. Cowards!
Why (Some) Liberals Hate America: What
would have been considered treason 40 years ago is now accepted as cutting edge commentary. Democrats
appear to be rooting for defeat in Iraq as a way to defeat George Bush. Pundits routinely give terrorists
the benefit of the doubt while excoriating America. Hollywood stars denounce their homeland on foreign soil.
excluded from hospital concert. Folk singer and anti-war activist Joan Baez says she does not
know why she was not allowed to perform for recovering soldiers at a US Army hospital.
protesters vow more office takeovers. Peace activists armed with poetry occupied the
Capitol Hill office of Rep. Chris Van Hollen (Md.), chairman of the Democratic Congressional
Campaign Committee, Tuesday to protest Democrats' support for a bill funding the Iraq war.
They camped out in his office for nearly eight hours, reading verse and reciting the names and
biographies of soldiers killed in Iraq, punctuating each by banging on a gong they had brought
with them.
Michigan Congressman Mike Rogers'
Office Vandalized Over Iraq War. The unknown individuals splattered red paint on the
Lansing building and put up a sign saying the Republican has "blood" on his hands. They also
spray painted the sidewalk with the words "no more deaths," glued shut the front door of the
building and destroyed security cameras, said Andy Keiser, Rogers' chief of staff.
Saddam Goes to the Trash Heap of History.
The simple fact that an Arab dictator may face a hangman's noose for the first time in history seems to have
eluded the anti-war crowd. But such a vivid reminder of the vulnerability of modern-day thugs who have
ruled millions of Arabs through force and intimidation is not lost on the Arab masses or, for that matter,
anyone else who lives where such rulers exist.
Pacifists versus
peace: One of the many failings of our educational system is that it sends out into the world
people who cannot tell rhetoric from reality. They have learned no systematic way to analyze ideas,
derive their implications and test those implications against hard facts. "Peace" movements are among
those who take advantage of this widespread inability to see beyond rhetoric to realities. Few people
even seem interested in the actual track record of so-called "peace" movements — that is, whether
such movements actually produce peace or war.
Appeasement as War
Doctrine: Appeasement has become the non-violent solution our Open Society Elite employ in
search of a universalized democracy in what they term the Global Village.
Councilman Refuses to Stand for Pledge.
City Councilman Tom Rawles ... began getting the threats last month after he started refusing to recite or stand
for the Pledge of Allegiance during council meetings to protest the war in Iraq. He has sat out for the
pledge twice so far.
Movement against war is
growing, activists say. It hasn't exactly been easy over the past few years for San Diego's
anti-war activists. They've been heckled. Dismissed by the media. A few have been arrested.
Many of their events have attracted only a few dozen people or so. But some local war critics are
cautiously optimistic that their movement may be gaining steam and mainstream support. They think a
tipping point may have been reached.
Code Pink Undermines War on Terror.
The women wear pink dresses and sportswear and carry pink parasols and pink protest signs that declare their
opposition to the Iraq war. Mainly white and middle-aged, they proclaim themselves to be the wives and
mothers and daughters of men and women in the armed services, and they say they are earnestly devoted to peace
and opposed to U.S. war policies.
Lied: Hillary '07 vs. Hillary '02-'03. Yesterday we did a then-and-now with Mrs. Clinton,
showing how she is literally lying over the weekend in Iowa, in Des Moines as she was describing to people how
she voted for the Iraq war and what it meant. She wasn't voting for the war, she was voting for the
president to negotiate, and he mistrusted everybody and tricked her and misused her vote, which she was not
authorizing anybody to go to war. We found sound bites from 2003 speaking to Code Pink where she
contradicted herself in every substantive way possible, even before the Iraq war started.
The Vietnam history you haven't heard:
With ever-increasing frequency, Americans are told that Iraq is another Vietnam, usually by those accusing the
Bush administration of miring the United States in a hopeless war. For most who make this comparison, the
Vietnam War was an act of hubris, fought for no good reason and in alliance with cowards. But new
historical research shows this conventional interpretation of Vietnam to be deeply flawed. The analogy,
therefore, must be rethought.
Democrats Dance With Terror Networks, or Destroy Them? By underestimating and ignoring Saddam's
domestic and international mandate for terror, this nation's leading Democrats have re-sown the seeds of
unawareness and complacency, which can only return to haunt us all if the War on Terror is considered a moot
point for pacifists, who would rather dance a political fandango with the diabolical than disturb, or
demolish, our sworn enemies.
sad heritage in wartime. President Lyndon Johnson's administration mismanaged the Vietnam war to
prevent America from winning the war. He was aided and abetted by traitors like Hanoi Jane and John Kerry,
who became heroes to the Communist government in Hanoi. As a result, America lost 58,000 troops in vain
and abandoned an estimated eight million people to "re-education" (AKA: death) camps. … You can be sure
that the current crop of Democrats in Congress will strive to maintain this heritage.
Uncle Charlie Wants
You! Mr. Rangel's real argument is about class in America, not over the best way to fight Islamic
terrorism overseas. He's suggesting that somehow only the poor serve in Uncle Sam's Army. But his
views are both out of date and condescending to those who do serve. Alas, they are shared by many on the
political left, who think that the military places an unfair burden on the working class.
The new voter
fraud: Liberal Democrats — which is to say, most Democratic politicians and all of
their leaders — are ready to try almost any "alternatives to incarceration" of criminals and almost
any alternative to maintaining military strength as a deterrent to enemy nations. More is involved than
an unwillingness to face unpleasant facts of life. There is a coherent ideology behind these
positions. That ideology goes back more than two centuries — and has failed in country
after country over those centuries.
behind the "anti-war" label. When hawkish Sen. Joe Lieberman lost by four points in the Democratic
primary in Connecticut to ultraliberal millionaire Ned Lamont, the media credited this hard left with the
upset. In truth, however, the liberal media themselves were a major part of the equation.
War protesters convicted of
blocking road near Bush ranch. Two war protesters who pitched tents in a ditch near President
Bush's Crawford ranch earlier this year each were convicted Thursday of obstructing a street, a state
misdemeanor charge. Hiram Myers, a retired Oklahoma attorney, and Emily Hardy, an Austin psychiatrist,
each were fined $150.
[Oh yeah, that'll teach them a lesson. $150 is pocket change for a lawyer and a psychiatrist.]
Charges dismissed against anti-war
grannies. A judge dismissed defiant-trespass charges against 11 anti-war grandmothers who had
refused to leave a Center City military recruiting office in June after trying to enlist to replace troops
serving in Iraq.
The Party Of
Defeat. On Iraq, the Democrats are the party of defeat. That's not a partisan smear,
but a fact. The further we slide toward defeat, the higher the Democrats' political fortunes rise.
To the extent they offer any clear policy alternative for Iraq, it is either — depending on your
point of view — to admit, or to guarantee, defeat with a rapid drawdown of American troops. So,
their political self-interest objectively coincides with a defeat, and the kind of pullout endorsed at times
by high-profile leaders in the party would hasten it.
Why do
Democrats crave defeat? Why are they so intent on humiliating their fellow citizens? And why
don't they have at least some modicum of pride about the greatest nation the world has ever produced? In
other words, why are they so insistent on seeing America pummeled?
At The Heart Of Liberalism. Saddam was a contemporary Hitler. He had used weapons of mass
destruction on his own people and for the purposes of genocide. He defied United Nations resolutions to
search for them and was usually ambiguous as to whether he had them. He labored to dupe leaders in the
Arab world and his generals into thinking he had them. He gave rewards to suicide bombers, and harbored
terrorists on his soil, for instance the late Abu Nidal, the mastermind of terrorist attacks in over
20 countries, including the hijacking of the Achille Lauro.
[And in spite of all that, the article goes on to say, liberals
protest the war just for the sake of protesting.]
Deadly chic: On the
fifth anniversary week of the September 11 attacks, the anger of entertainment industry liberals and
antiwar zealots is directed not at Islamic terrorists telling us to convert or die. Not at American
al Qaeda operative Adam Gadahn smirking at our country's pain and praising the throat-slitting,
children-incinerating hijackers as "strong-willed men." No, their thoughts are not focused on killing
jihadists. Their dreams lie with killing George W. Bush. The mainstreaming of presidential
assassination chic is on.
Liberalism and National
Security — The Ultimate Dichotomy. The evidence is continuing to mount but it seems clear that
modern liberalism is at odds with national security. Whether they sit on the Supreme Court, occupy a seat
in Congress, or publish some of our nation's largest newspapers, several high profile liberals have
significantly impeded our ability to wage the War on Terror, and we may be less safe as a result.
President Cheney was right. Almost since the day many of them voted for
the resolution authorizing the president to attack Iraq, the Democrats have been
obstructing and hurling nonstop invective at President Bush. Couldn't these
people, just once, have put partisanship aside and applauded our progress in
Iraq? Couldn't they have celebrated the ouster of the brutal dictator?
The Politics of Peace: What's Behind
the Anti-War Movement? In looking at the activist strategies and radical backgrounds of anti-war
organizers, [John] Tierney concludes that the movement's leaders are anti-American rather than anti-war.
Indeed, the anti-war movement wants war and violence, not peace — if it will lead to the overthrow
of American institutions and government.
Who is the peace
movement? Not since the Vietnam War has there been a "peace" movement as large and as ubiquitous
as the one against American military action to remove the dictator Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq.
Beginning in October 2002, tens and then hundreds of thousands of citizens were mobilized by organizers to
protest the policies of the Bush Administration to rein in the rogue Baghdad regime.
Wake Up! We Are At War. Why
do so many Americans refuse to face the fact that our country is at war with international terrorism? The
leading terrorist group, al-Qaeda, is fighting us on the ground in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Both Iran
and North Korea are threatening nuclear war. And yet many Americans, including some Congressional Democrats,
denounce President Bush, and in so doing, weaken our country's ability to resist Islamic fascism.
Berserk 'peace'
activism. Nobel Peace Laureate Betty Williams displayed what the Australian media
called "her feisty Irish spirit" to hundreds of schoolchildren this week in a murder-minded
diatribe against President Bush. … While the kids cheered, Mrs. Williams, the world-renowned
pacifist, fumed: "Right now, I would love to kill George Bush." In America, we don't
call this irrational hatred "feisty Irish spirit." We call it "unhinged." Or, as
Charles Krauthammer first diagnosed it, Bush Derangement Syndrome.
Activist's Fiery Death Prompts
Questions. "Here is the statement I want to make: if I am required to pay for your barbaric
war, I choose not to live in your world…," he wrote in his suicide note. … There was only one
problem: No one was listening.
A Controversial Death Provokes a Controversial
Play. Do you remember the name Rachel Corrie? Maybe not. She was a 23-year-old
American peace activist killed by an Israeli Army bulldozer as she tried to block the destruction of a
Palestinian's house in Gaza in March 2003.
What Part of the War on Terrorism Do They
Support? Assuming against all logic and reason that the Democrats have some serious objection
to the war in Iraq, perhaps they could tell us which part of the war on terrorism they do support. That
would be easier than rattling off the long list of counterterrorism measures they vehemently oppose.
They oppose the National Security Agency listening to people who are calling specific phone numbers
found on al-Qaida cell phones and computers.
"The terrorists
have won". In the current war on Islamofascism, no platitude is nearly as ridiculous as the
constant harangue that "if we do X, then the terrorists have won." X can be virtually anything.
Where Never is Heard a Discouraging
Word. I've been dismissive of Democratic charges that the Bush administration is suppressing
dissent. I think that I, in common with most people, define government suppression of dissent as a
situation in which the government tortures, imprisons or kills dissenters. … If this type of oppression
were indeed happening here, Cindy Sheehan, instead of swinging from the trees in Crawford and enjoying her
milkshake hunger strike, would be in some dank prison cell having the soles of her feet whipped.
Preserve our country's values while not
jeopardizing its very existence. One Congressional Democrat, John Conyers of Michigan, announced
his intention to impeach the President when Republicans lose control of both Houses of Congress. There
is something terribly wrong with people seeking to demean and weaken the president in war time, thereby
strengthening our country's enemies. As a result of the language and tactics of those opposed to
our presence in Iraq, our enemies have been emboldened, believing the American public to be sharply
divided on the war, and in fact at war with itself.
Here's a war protest that's hard to
stomach. Hollywood actor-activists including Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon and anti-war
campaigners led by bereaved mother Cindy Sheehan plan to launch a hunger strike … Novelist Alice
Walker and actor Danny Glover will join a "rolling" fast, a relay in which 2,700 activists pledge to refuse
food for at least 24 hours, and then hand over to a comrade.
The Editor's sardonic humor kicks in ...
Wow -- 24 hours without food! This level of courage, commitment and self-denial is seldom seen in Hollywood.
'Iraq war' truth
squad. Critics of our involvement in Iraq have embraced arguments or "facts" that frequently
do not stand up to scrutiny.
can't find anything good to say after al-Zarqawi hit. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is dead —
and none too soon. Yet within minutes of the president's Rose Garden announcement of this fact,
an "expert" being interviewed on a national taxpayer-funded radio news show decreed Zarqawi's death meant
little in the grand scheme of things.
The Party's Over.
The contemporary Democratic Party has corrupted itself so far in its American self-loathing
that it is in every sense at odds with the Constitution its elected members have sworn not
only to abide by, but to protect. The current generation of Democrats has so railed and
rebelled against the "power of America" that they have spiritually joined with those
sworn to destroy us.
This Guy Was Almost President? Sen. John Kerry has spent a career taking the side of America's
enemies. His call last week for a pullout from Iraq was the latest evidence he is unfit to serve in the
Senate — never mind the White House. Kerry's proposal to withdraw us completely from Iraq by July of
next year was resoundingly defeated in the Senate by a vote of 86 to 13. And just days before,
he said the deadline should be the end of this year.
savagery at heart of terrorism. While U.S. troops in an area south of Baghdad were carefully
working their way through a diabolically arranged series of booby traps surrounding the mutilated bodies of
two of their fellow soldiers, Democrats in Congress were tiptoeing around the issue of giving up the fight
against the extremists responsible for this horrific scene. … The Democrats substituted the word
"redeployment" for withdrawal … but in the lexicon of most congressional Democrats, redeployment
is a synonym for retreat, if not outright surrender.
Who didn't think Iraq
had WMD? Fifty-one percent of Americans, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, think the
commander in chief "deliberately misled" us about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction (WMD). "Deliberately
misled"? Once again, let's go to the videotape.
Senator Ted
Kennedy — "Peace Criminal"? America lost the Vietnam War, not on the battlefield,
but on the home front of public support. Anti-war activists and the liberal media helped
turn public opinion sharply against the war. Although our soldiers won every major battle
in the field, public opinion turned against a war increasingly perceived as "unwinnable."
Big Fat Lawsuit Filed Against Michael
Moore. A double-amputee Iraq-war vet is suing Michael Moore for $85 million, claiming the
portly peacenik recycled an old interview and used it out of context to make him appear anti-war in
"Fahrenheit 9/11." Sgt. Peter Damon, 33, who strongly supports America's invasion of Iraq, said
he never agreed to be in the 2004 movie, which trashes President Bush.
generals get on the slippery slope. Last time around, the anti-war left did not have a very
high opinion of generals. A popular slogan in the 1960s was "war is too important to be left to the
generals." It was the generals who had advocated attacking Cuba during the missile crisis of
October 1962, while the civilians preferred — and got — a diplomatic solution.
discontent: Currently, there are about 4,700 living members of the retired General Officer
corps, most of whom left active duty between Operation Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Last
week, .13 (that's point one three) percent (or 13 ten-thousandths) of them decided to help write the
Democrats' '06 midterm-election playbook.
Peace Activists Benefit
From Military Action. If it is the position of these peace activists that it is an abomination
before the eyes of God to even have a military or that it is wrong to use force to overcome evil in all
instances, shouldn't these prisoners have been willing to remain in the custody of their captors, who are
themselves merely adherents of the "religion of peace" responding to the aggression of decadent Western
powers, until social workers or other do-gooder types arrived on the scene to negotiate their release
through rational persuasion alone?
Anti-War Protests
Dwindle. Since the start of the War in Iraq, the number of protesters at anti-war rallies has
been progressively smaller. This year, the trend continues, much to the chagrin of the rabid left wing.
Pacifist group
revealed as moral imbeciles. When the three Western hostages were rescued by coalition
forces in Iraq last week and returned to Canada, was I the only one who was disappointed? Was I
the only one who thought … Is this what all the fuss was about? These smarmy,
international busybodies, the Gladys Kravitzes of the Iraq occupation, peering out at the world
from behind the curtains with their pursed little disapproving lips? These sanctimonious,
reality challenged little creeps?
The peace
movement is an infantile movement. Their Gandhi is Cindy Sheehan, who is either a lunatic
or one of the many self-promoters who, with little talent and no demonstrated knowledge of international
relations, become media stars on behalf of peace. Sheehan was given a ticket to the State of the
Union speech by a member of Congress. Would you care to guess which party that member
represents? The member's name is Lynn C. Woolsey, and she insists "I didn't see this as a
political act at all." One of the Democrats' complaints about the president is that he is a
liar. What is the Hon. Woolsey?
College Radicals Take to the
Streets. An anti-war march in downtown Manhattan ends-up supporting peace, Communism
and illegal immigration. The Columbia Spectator reports that "tens of thousands took to the
streets" on Saturday [4/29/2006] calling for peace and withdrawal from Iraq. According to
the Spectator, the following organizations rallied for the "Peace and Justice Festival": United
For Peace & Justice, the National Organization For Women, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, the National
Youth and Student Peace Coalition, Veterans For Peace, College Democrats, Campus Antiwar Network,
and various other campus organizations.
David Letterman Denounces Iraq War
and Criticism of Sheehan. Displaying a hostility to President Bush and the Iraq war
similar to that expressed by Comedy Central's Jon Stewart, on Tuesday's Late Show [1/3/2006] David
Letterman went further than I've ever heard him in revealing his derision for President Bush's
decision to launch the Iraq war and contempt for anyone who dares to criticize Cindy Sheehan.
The Plot to Kill the
President: The Washington Post recently reported that pro-terrorist
Sunni Muslims in Iraq said they "love Cindy Sheehan" because of her anti-Bush and
anti-war protests. They said they watch the protests on satellite television. There
is also plenty of opportunity to get motivated to hate Bush by reading Frank Rich
columns in the New York Times.
Peace at Any Cost: The list
of feel-good bumper stickers such as "Think globally, act locally" and "You can't hug your kids with nuclear
arms" should now be countered with "Nobody can afford 'peace at any cost.'"
Dissent or
sedition? So when does dissent become sedition? Are they one in the same? What's
the difference between sedition and treason? These are questions I've bandied about recently, as our
politically polarized nation has split even further on issues of Iraq and the global war on terror, Iran,
nuclear proliferation, port and border security, immigration, race relations, procedures for collecting
intelligence, and then 360-degrees back to Iraq.
What the captured
documents show. President Bush has made errors, as all humans do, but one thing he has not
been guilty of is bad faith. The same cannot be said of his critics.
Peace activist seeks Delaware
House seat. Unlike other candidates who have challenged Delaware's popular Republican congressman
in recent elections, Michael Berg shouldn't have a problem with name recognition. Since he spoke out two
years ago about the death of his son, Nick, a 26-year-old contractor who was beheaded in Iraq, Berg has been
interviewed, marched in anti-war protests and given speeches around the globe.
Movement Casualty of In-Fighting. With new polls showing that more than half of Americans
believe the war in Iraq is going badly and that Iraq will never become a stable democracy, you might think
that anti-war groups in the U.S. would be trumpeting their influence. Instead, the groups appear to be
caught in their own brand of civil war, criticizing each other for management styles, sympathizing with
Communist dictators and pandering to the media.
Bill would limit protesters' access to military
funerals. The bill would require protesters to remain 300 feet away from funerals and would
ban them from demonstrating for 30 minutes before a funeral starts and for 30 minutes after the
funeral ends.
The Tom Fox
tragedy: The death of "peace activist" Tom Fox, and the threatened execution of the three
others held with him in Iraq, is doubly tragic. It is tragic whenever an innocent person is
murdered. It is also tragic because the likelihood that the presence of Fox and his colleagues would
change the attitude or behavior of their captors was zero to none.
Belafonte is Flirting With Treason, Black Conservative Says. "Harry Belafonte's hatred of
President Bush is causing him to embrace America's enemies," the Rev. [Jesse Lee] Peterson said in a press
release. "I also believe that his actions are treasonous as described by Article Three, Section
Three of the U.S. Constitution, which says that 'adhering to our enemies, giving them Aid and
Comfort' constitutes treason."
Man Talking? When I heard there would be a protest on MLK Day in San Antonio, Texas, where
the largest parade in the nation is held for this heralded man, I questioned why.
Desperate Liberals Going Stark Naked. In
a desperate attempt to get out their message to an uninterested public, antiwar leftists have turned
towards increasingly pathetic protest tactics. They have slandered our country on foreign soil,
practically threatened to sue the American public for boycotting in response, disrupted urban functioning
with their rowdy demonstrations and have stated their plans to vandalize military bases.
name "American": Democrats led by Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean have
dealt treacherously with our military forces in the field, never missing an opportunity to
rally them with rhetoric about "a war fought for a lie."
The pendulum
is swinging away from patriotism. In response to the editorial writers, reporters
and politician who are critical of President Bush's policies regarding Iraq – some of
whom are calling for the president's impeachment – and especially Howard Dean, who is
declaring the war a lost cause, I offer the following quotes by a former president who was well
liked and respected by the American people and highly regarded by the media….
Liberals Hate Freedom,
Not War. "How DARE you imply that we hate freedom?" That's what red-faced
Liberals say, even as they protest against the war for freedom in Iraq and call our President
a war criminal. Liberals are such hypocrites, and I for one am sick of it.
and patriotism. The Democrats are determined to win the war and will stop at nothing to
vanquish the enemy. The only problem is that they're fighting the wrong war against an imaginary
Syriana: How hopeless is Hollywood? More than four years after the terrorist attacks of
September 11, 2001, America's movie moguls seem to have not a clue about who attacked us or why, or
what sort of war we're fighting.
idea for the Abortion Party: Aid the enemy. There is no plausible explanation
for the Democrats' behavior other than that they long to see U.S. troops shot, humiliated, and
driven from the field of battle. They fill the airwaves with treason, but when called to
vote on withdrawing troops, disavow their own public statements. These people are not
only traitors, they are gutless traitors.
Code Pink: The aimless John Kerry continues his long legacy of public
troop-smearing — taking to CBS News airwaves to accuse American soldiers
in Iraq of "terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs
of the — of — the historical customs, religious customs." This
kind of deranged defeatism will earn you a Code Pink T-shirt and a hug from Cindy Sheehan.
Marine's words: I don't know if the war in Iraq is ultimately unwinnable, but
what I do know makes me skeptical of those who say so. … Liberals seem always to believe
that America will lose its wars, and when it doesn't, that it should.
the Trumpet of Retreat. We now have a legitimate comparison between the Vietnam
War and what is taking place in Iraq. … Those who would impose a timetable rather than
seek victory have an obligation to say what they believe will follow precipitous withdrawal. If
it's disaster for the Iraqis and for us, will they take full responsibility? Quitting before
a stable democracy and self-sufficient Iraqi military is in place isn't a strategy. It
is surrender.
Sheehan Allies Sue to Protest
Near Bush Ranch. Three war protesters on Monday [11/21/2005] filed a federal
lawsuit against McLennan County, claiming two new ordinances banning roadside parking and
camping infringe on their right to protest near President Bush's Crawford ranch.
Call them what
they are — Traitors. Let's be clear: There is nothing wrong with honest
criticism of an American president; to the contrary, we have written extensively about President Bush's
policy failures. The dishonest and politically motivated accusations of Kennedy, Reid, Durbin and
their ilk, however, are nothing short of — and we don't use this
term lightly — treasonous.
Botched and Biased "Over There". "Peace at any price" purveyors are going gaga
over the new FX Channel series "depicting" the Iraq war, "Over There," produced by Steven
Bochco of Hill Street Blues fame.
rotten to the Corps. It's pretty clear that those making movies in Tinsel Town don't know
any real men like Aaron Mankin. They apparently prefer cowardice over courage; witless whiners to
real patriots; gutless wimps and hollow phonies to men who know the meaning of self-sacrifice and
integrity. That's the only conclusion one can draw after seeing Hollywood's latest
anti-military travesty — "Jarhead."
Hillary lie America into war? Reasonable people could and did disagree on whether
it was wise to invade Iraq. President Bush and Sen. Clinton, relying on the same intelligence,
happened to agree. But reasonable people can draw only one conclusion now on the argument
advanced by some of Sen. Clinton's Democratic colleagues that President Bush lied America into
war. It is simply preposterous.
Canadian Alternative: Disappointed
with the outcome of the 2004 election? By all means, if you're an unemployed,
tree-hugging, dope smoking, homosexual war protester, please do renounce
your US citizenship and leave the country. Canada is your kind of place. They
welcome you. (And don't come back.)
This has nothing to do with the war, but
as long as we're talking about going to Canada . . . Immigrating
to Canada becomes a revolving door for some. For many, immigrating to Canada is not a
permanent move, according to a new Statistics Canada report. The report addresses the choices
of men who immigrated to Canada between the ages of 25 and 45. It found that between 1980 and
2000, nearly one-third of those who immigrated to Canada left within 20 years. Nearly 60 percent
of those who left, did so within one year of arriving in Canada.
It's Important To
Ask The Right Questions. A favorite slogan of the anti-war crowd is, "War is not the
answer." Yet everyone, except extreme pacifists would agree that whether war is in fact the
answer depends on the question. In some contexts, war is the answer.
A strong defense establishment
is essential to the preservation of our nation. The Left doesn't
support the troops and should admit it. Liberals, Democrats and others on the
Left frequently state that they "support the troops." For most of them, whether they
realize it or not, this is not true. They feel they must say this because the majority
of Americans would find any other position unacceptable.
the CIA. Political correctness reigns in the U.S. government at every level, and the
CIA is no exception. The result is an agency that is conducting a steady leak campaign against
President Bush designed to discredit the Iraq war and undermine the war on terror.
super-patriots: Perpetual critics of President Bush's initiation and
prosecution of the war in Iraq are displaying a perverse glee over his currently
low approval ratings and the public's waning support for the war.
New War Effort: Terrorism Chic. Slow to awaken after the 9/11 attacks,
Hollywood has finally come around to contributing what it can in the War on Terror: namely,
glossy, star-studded movies that sympathize with the enemy.
The Pennsylvania
funeral furor: Someone needs to tell these Democrats that you can't be against
the war and supportive of the troops at the same time.
The Peace Movement Isn't About
Peace. It's about carrying on the left's war against America. When your country is
attacked, when the enemy has targeted every American regardless of race, gender or age for death, there
can be no "peace" movement. There can only be a movement that divides Americans and gives aid and
comfort to our enemies.
Many are
anti-war only if the president is Bush. Did Barbara Streisand, now
loudly clamoring against a possible Bush attack on Iraq, speak out when President
Bill Clinton in 1999 arm-twisted our reluctant NATO allies and launched a massive
and devastating air war against Serbia? That was a tiny sovereign country that
had never attacked the United States nor threatened any vital U.S. interests. Clinton
even did so without U.N. approval and against the explicit denunciation of the U.N. secretary
Let's quit
confusing. It's easy to blame President Bush for failing sufficiently to
articulate his case for the war against Iraq, but he does have a nation to lead and a
war to fight. Plus, he already made the case for attacking Iraq at the time it
mattered — before we attacked. He convinced Congress —
overwhelmingly — and the American people.
Just one question
for opponents of the war: Do you believe we are fighting evil people in Iraq? That
is how supporters of the war regard the Baathists and the Islamic suicide terrorists, the people we are
fighting in Iraq. Because if you cannot answer it, or avoid answering it, or answer "no," we
know enough about your moral compass to know that further dialogue is unnecessary.
left is worth nothing. There were intellectually and morally honest
arguments against going to war in Iraq. But once the war began, a moral person
could not oppose it. No moral person could hope for, let alone act on behalf
of, a victory for the Arab/Islamic fascists. Just ask yourself but two
questions: If America wins, will there be an increase or decrease in
goodness in Iraq and in the world? And then ask what would happen
if the Al Qaeda/Zarqawi/Baathists win.
protesters fall silent. Many myths and half-truths about the Vietnam War whipped up by
the communist propaganda machine have been allowed to persist unchecked in discourse about
Iraq. Today, on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the fall of Saigon, perhaps
some lessons can be learned from this painful chapter in history.
on parade: With freedom on the move across the Middle East and beyond,
aggrieved anti-war protesters here in the United States have nothing better to do
this weekend than what they have always done: stand in the way.
Saddam's Secret Campaign to
Stop the War: Shocking evidence demonstrates that controversial former
U.S. Marine and former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter, who now writes for the
anti-American Arab "news" organization Al Jazeera, was involved in a controversial
effort to stop the war by enlisting prominent personalities in a "peace" campaign.
New Accuracy In Media Film Tells Truth
About Iraq War. The release of AIM's powerful new documentary, "Confronting Iraq," could
represent the last best hope to change the national debate over the war in Iraq. Produced by Roger
Aronoff of AIM, the film sets the record straight about Saddam Hussein, his weapons of mass destruction,
ties to terrorists, and threats to America and the world. It portrays the war in Iraq as a noble cause
essential to America's survival in the "clash of civilizations" between the West and fanatical Islam.
No foreign
military bases should be allowed on American soil. Read this One Thousand Dead U.S. Soldiers
in Iraq: A Much Needed U.S. Perspective. The average monthly death
toll for US soldiers in Iraq is 55.6 deaths per month while the average reported
murders per month in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York City are 48.7, 51.9 and 49.3 deaths
per month respectively. The murder stats in the US cities are for hostile deaths
only — whereas the death toll in Iraq includes both hostile and accidental
deaths. This makes our own murder rate in Los Angeles even more staggering. Yet
there is not an equivalent amount of reporting or mourning in spite of comparable death.
first? Wars cannot be won by pursuing safety. They can be won only by
accepting risks. The ouster of Saddam did not lead to the flourishing of Rotary clubs
and political party conventions where everyone wears funny hats. Instead,
Saddam loyalists —Iraq's former ruling class — went
underground where they re-grouped, re-armed and are now on a killing spree.
the worst that could happen? Viewed in the context of the possible
negative results of a decision, only the most partisan and disingenuous fool could
suggest that President Bush's choice to invade Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein from
power was the wrong one.
Diversion: The Case Against the War in Iraq Has Weakened. You
can argue that the conflict in Iraq is a distraction from the "War on Terrorism". But
that argument is weaker than it was a few days ago — before Abu Musab Zarqawi,
the leader of the foreign jihadis in Iraq, formally declared his allegiance
to Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda.
Environmentalists are AWOL on
Saddam. Saddam Hussein has committed some of the biggest environmental crimes
of all time. During the 1991 Gulf War, Saddam's troops set 600 Kuwaiti
oil wells ablaze "creating a toxic smoke that choked the atmosphere and blocked
the sun," according to news reports. However, most environmental groups have gone
absent-without-leave when it comes to removing Saddam — even without the use
of force. A few are protesting the war.
Why GI Joe Riles the
Left: Over the 4th of July weekend, antiwar protesters demanded that the Minnesota Twins
baseball team cancel a promotional giveway of "G.I. Joe" action figures. … The campaign
against "war toys" is another example of American leftists emulating the decadence of socialist Europe.
the West survive? The Muslim world is at war with Western civilization. We
have the military might to thwart them. The question is: Do we have the
intelligence to recognize the attack and the will to defend ourselves from annihilation?
Justifiable, Necessary and Winnable War. Anti-war activists have been
feeling their oats. Pro-liberation advocates have been feeling woozy. So
let's get back to basics, and ask three simple questions, to remind ourselves
how we got here — and to consider where we need to go.
The pugnacious antiwar
left, after shooting mostly blanks at President Bush since we invaded Iraq, believes he is finally
wounded. And like sharks, their appetites are surging with the scent of his first drops of blood.
Peace a Chance To Do What, Exactly? Sometimes, there is no choice but
to meet danger with force. To resort to war is not the sign of ultimate failure, as
some argue, it's just the sign of diplomacy's failure. But we shouldn't let
failed diplomacy fester while stealthy enemies strengthen and scheme. Now that
we've seen how easily terrorists can bring death to our door, we must prevent them from
acquiring weapons from thugs like Saddam Hussein.
Peaceniks: Warmongers
for America's Enemies. The suicidal stance of peaceniks is no innocent
error or mere overflow of youthful idealism. It is the product of a fundamentally immoral
commitment: the commitment to ignore reality — from the historical evidence of the consequences
of pacifism to the very existence of the violent threats that confront us today — in
favor of the wish that laying down our arms will achieve peace somehow.
Iraq is
not Vietnam: Why Operation Iraqi Freedom can remain a success. As
American and British troops continue to be killed in Iraq, some observers are
comparing the guerilla-style attacks with the guerilla war the U.S. faced in
Vietnam. We're even hearing the word "quagmire" again. While there are
superficial similarities — U.S. troops ambushed by unseen assailants — the
differences are much more significant.
Some Dared Call it
Treason. In remarks ignored by the major media, Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky called for
correspondent Peter Arnett to be tried as a traitor to the U.S. "I think Mr. Arnett should be met
at the border and arrested should he come back to America," he said.
Peace Marchers Make Strong Case — for
Bush. "We support our troops when they shoot their officers" proclaimed a banner carried
by protesters at a pro-homicide march in San Francisco recently. Whoops, sorry, it was a
"pro-peace" march. Perhaps you'll forgive me if I can't tell the difference. So many of
the "peace" marches contain assaults on police officers that it sometimes seems the peace protesters
have taken a page from the Baath party handbook.
People Against the
American Way: The same people who were colossally wrong about the war on terror (in both
Afghanistan and Iraq); who clamored for America to sheathe its sword when America itself was under
attack; who defamed America and its supporters as enemies of freedom even after the wars that led to
liberation - these same people, now that history has thoroughly embarrassed them and refuted
their claims, are … on the attack!
Hollywood Appeasers Cash In
on Anti-U.S. Rants. Don't believe the whining of Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon and other
Tinseltown leftists who claim they're paying a price for opposing Operation Iraqi Freedom. They're
getting rich from their anti-U.S. activism, according to the liberal Washington Post.
Leftist Lies About the
War: Almost invariably, when protesters cry "peace" they mainly mean peace for their own
minds – absolution from sacrifice or the need to make difficult choices. To that end,
they are willing to wage total war against the truth.
Greens and Socialists Unite to Oppose War.
There is hardly any element of our economy that hasn't been under attack by these "environmentalists."
The immediate enemy is Iraq. The other enemy is the environmentalists for whom Socialism/Communism is
the guiding agenda behind their varied agendas.
party turns French. Rep. Dennis Kucinich and Sen. John Kerry are simply this
week's poster boys for what we might call the Frenchification of the Democratic
Party. France's opposition to America bares a striking resemblance to the
Democratic Party's opposition to President Bush.
France helped Iraqis escape.
The French government secretly supplied fleeing Iraqi officials with passports in Syria that allowed them to
escape to Europe, The Washington Times has learned.
The "other
Jesse" slams war protesters: Outspoken cultural activist Jesse Lee Peterson
is blasting the organizers of anti-war protests occurring across the nation, saying they
are "trying to rip our country apart from within."
in Bush Country: What Texas anti-war activists really believe and who is
funding their activities.
Murray Praises bin Laden. Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., is under
fire for "outrageous and despicable" comments to schoolchildren, remarks
largely ignored by the media establishment, that America should emulate
mass-murdering terrorist Osama bin Laden.
senator praises bin Laden. Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., told a group of
high-school students in her state that the U.S. should adopt Osama bin Laden's
nation-building tactics.
Likens bin Laden to America's Founding Fathers. Sen. Patty "Osama Mama" Murray
isn't the only Democrat on Capitol Hill who has kind words for mass-murdering terrorist
Osama bin Laden: Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, likens him to our Founding Fathers.
Thought Police, Before and After September 11th: Since
September 11th, expressions of patriotism have flourished and the
American flag has flown proudly. However, there are those who have challenged
displays of patriotism on the grounds that they may offend others, especially
foreign students. For example, the town of Chapel Hill banned a restaurant's
banner proclaiming "God Bless America, Woe unto Her Enemies." Elsewhere, a
college librarian ordered an employee to remove a sticker proclaiming "Proud
to Be an American." Some colleges have banned the display of the American flag
on campus stating that it may be considered offensive to others.
and terrorism: stages of same disease. Like everything liberals oppose
but don't have a good argument for, all reasonable national security measures are
called "unconstitutional." Whenever liberals are losing on substance, they
pretend to be upset about process.
The Intellectual Rape of Oakland's
Schools: This week, Dan Siegel and the Oakland school board led their corrupt and failing school
in an exercise in anti-American propaganda, turning over all of Oakland's schoolchildren, from the first grade
to high school, to the tender mercies of radical ideologues and their rants against the war in Iraq, the
president and America.
this "peace movement". Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., the darling of the
new "peace movement," has introduced a resolution calling for the U.S. to work with
the United Nations rather than take on Iraq in the war on terrorism.
Loves Jihad – But Hates America. Hiding jihad's awful legacy is
standard operating procedure at Harvard. A professor of Islamic history portrays
jihad as "a struggle without arms." The Harvard Islamic Society's faculty adviser
defines true jihad as no more fearsome than "to do good in society." All this
is part of a pattern of pretending Islam had nothing to do with 9/11.
Another War Brought on by
Pacifism. Those who shape public opinion at home and abroad had still not
gotten over the fashionable attitudes from the Carter administration years that the West
should retreat gracefully before the emerging forces of the Third World, as well as
accommodating the advancing might of the Communist world.
Liberal Bishops Blame America
and Poverty For Terrorism. Unwilling to acknowledge that hate-filled Muslim
extremists declared war on the United States on September 11, these befuddled liberals
believe that we should reason with the killers and establish a global welfare system to
eliminate poverty.
Sarandon Urges Sympathy for Suicide Bombers. Left-wing actress Susan Sarandon
says the U.S. and Israel should show some understanding toward suicide-bombing terrorists
currently trying to provoke World War III in the Mideast, and not react
like "shoot-'em-up" cowboys.
Anti-Americanism blamed on college
teachers. Professors and administrators are to blame for anti-American sentiment on college
campuses today, according to a report by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni. More than
140 college campuses in 36 states have held anti-war rallies denouncing the country's military
actions in Afghanistan, the report says.
Criticism from Conservative
Columnists: Conservatives have been troubled by actions taken by the Bush administration that are
aimed at withholding information that would normally be made public and that by law and precedent should be
made public.
Fischer Applauds WTC Attacks: Bobby Fischer, the reclusive
American chess grandmaster, has broken years of silence to support the terrorist attacks
on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Mr. Fischer said: "This is all
wonderful news. It is time to finish off the US once and for all.
A Patriotic
Professor is Falsely Accused. If higher education is an enlightened search
for truth, these misguided Muslim students have chosen a dead end paved with lies.
P.C. College Condemns War
on Terror. A liberal — and we do mean liberal — arts college in
Massachusetts has won the dubious distinction of being the first to officially condemn America's war
against terrorism.
The New War on Ashcroft: Patrick
Leahy's latest strategy. Today [11/28/2001] Senate Judiciary Committee chairman
Patrick Leahy begins an intensive series of hearings designed to examine military tribunals,
detention of suspects and witnesses, and other aspects of the Bush Justice Department's response to
terrorism. But Republicans believe the hearings have a secondary purpose as well: to renew
the attacks on Attorney General John Ashcroft that began during his confirmation hearings
ten months ago.
All We Are Saying,
Etc. If there's one quality that defines the antiwar movement, from the generals down to
the foot soldiers, it's thoughtlessness. Absent thought, in the literal sense, the movement is
sustained by gesture. By chanting. By ranting. By guitar-strumming
and candle-waving.
Losing on the home
front. America-haters have the upper hand on many campuses. They are ever so
sensitive to the feelings of Middle Eastern Muslims and completely insensitive to the feelings of
patriotic Americans.
"Desperate" Democrats Attack War
on Terrorism. The Democrats have taken off the gloves. Ever since September 11
they've fumed over President Bush's popularity and kept up the pretense of a loyal opposition by claiming to
support the war on terrorism while attacking him on everything else. Now they're even questioning the
war effort.
Clinton Joins the
Blame-America-First Crowd. Bill Clinton says that terror has existed in America for
hundreds of years and the U.S. is "paying a price today" for its past sins.
A Little Help
From Our Enemies: Rushing to find allies in the "war on terrorism," America has enlisted
the help of some new "friends" who are themselves longtime sponsors of terrorism.
Intolerance: A few weeks ago, the Madison, Wisconsin, school board banned the recitation
of the Pledge of Allegiance and the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner from its classrooms. The
AP reports that proponents of the ban argued that the pledge's phrase — "one nation, under
God" — is inappropriately religious, and the national anthem's lyrics are militaristic.
Debunking the Clichés of
Pacifism: The philosophy of pacifism can be expressed in a single principle: "The
use of force is morally wrong." This means that ALL force — any kind of force — is
out of the question and must be opposed.
Demands California School to Drop 'God Bless America' Display. The Northern California
chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is battling to prevent a school in Rocklin, Calif.
from displaying the phrase, 'God Bless America.' The group argues that any demonstration of
patriotism in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks should be secularized.
Politically correct
terrorism: America is in danger of losing this war. But not because of any lack of
military might or intelligence capability, nor even because of any unwillingness to sustain grievous
human and financial losses. No, America is in danger of losing this war because of
political correctness.
Pacificism Empowers Terrorism. When
pacifists hold-up their "Global peace and unity" signs, remember that their version of "peace" means
standing in a circle singing "kum ba yah" while terrorists murder your loved ones.
Pacifism on Principle is Suicide.
Pacifists of the 20th century had a lot of blood on their hands for weakening the Western democracies in
the face of rising belligerence and military might in aggressor nations like Nazi Germany and imperial Japan.
The A-bomb was
a lifesaver. The 60th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has
arrived with little of the fury that accompanied the 50th. A decade ago, a bruising battle
broke out over the Smithsonian Institution's plan for an exhibit suggesting that the American use
of atomic weapons had been a racist war crime that served no legitimate military aim.
Berkeley vs.
America: President Bush urged citizens this week to go back to work and try
to restore normalcy to their everyday lives. Accordingly, the People's Republic of
Berkeley, Calif., wasted no time in returning to its business as usual: stifling
political dissent under the guise of "tolerance," stamping out every last ember
of patriotism for the cause of "peace," and hating America while greedily
feasting off the fruits of freedom so lovingly tended by their fellow countrymen.
Group Retracts Editorial Bashing US. The environmental group Earth Island Institute has
pulled from its Internet web site an editorial that blamed U.S. energy and environmental policy for the
September 11 attack on New York and Washington, D.C.
Page Promotes Pacifist Line. A nationally syndicated newspaper page for kids ages 6-11
urges young readers to put the September 11 terrorist attacks in perspective, stressing peace,
compassion, and prayers for terrorists.
Activists Say No To War. A coalition of Hollywood celebrities, left-wing groups and
pacifists are calling on the United States and President Bush to suspend any planned military response
to the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C.
Editor's Note:
If you're a pacifist, please read the quotation at the bottom of this page.
About Rep. Lee the Appeaser: Rep. Barbara Lee has replaced Rep. Gary Condit as America's most despised
California Democrat. Even the liberals on NPR Saturday night were clucking
over Lee being the only member of Congress to vote against using force on terrorists.
Traitorous Media Works
Leftist Agenda. Even now, in the midst of the most vicious and horrific attack on
Americans on American soil, the leftist media have shown themselves not only incapable of supporting the
nation, but of actually undermining the President, with relish. The despicable traitors
have made it their mission to undercut the authority of President Bush during America's darkest hour,
proving themselves even more cowardly than the terrorist murderers who are the only beneficiaries of
such contemptible conduct.
Washington Post, Jennings,
ABC Step Up Attack on President Bush. Major media, including Peter Jennings' ABC News and
the Washington Post have launched a full-scale spin war against President Bush. Already, liberal
media outlets have been raising questions about the president's taking a circuitous route back to
Washington from Florida after being informed of Tuesday's terrorism.
A Few Suggested
Targets: While Washington scurries about looking for appropriate targets for retaliation
against America's enemies, I have a few suggestions for Mr. Bush about who he ought to put in the
nation's cross hairs: Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, Andrea Mitchell, the New York Times, Mary
McGrory, The Washington Post and all the other Benedict Arnolds in the anti-American media rat
pack mindlessly attacking President Bush.
New York Times Attacking
President Bush. How depraved can the liberal media be? How despicable?
How utterly anti-American? The New York Times, the flagship of the liberal elites, the group that
helped lead us to this mess, the same cabal that had only nice things to say about Bill Clinton,
opened up a ferocious broadside against President Bush in the middle of one of the worst crises
ever to hit our country.
Stand for America, Stand
With Bush! I am as outraged by the American media elitists — supposedly on our
side — as I am by our enemies. NewsMax has been reporting on the snide, undermining and
absolutely unpatriotic comments being
made by the major media as the country faces one of its worst crises ever — with even greater
potential dangers looming over the horizon.
Insurrection: Code
Pink and Various Pro-Terrorism Jihadis Take Over Senate Dining Hall, Forbidding Senators from
Eating There. It's illegal for people on the right. Lefties are always welcome
to take over whatever building they fancy. [...] Sometimes it is the house of the
people — like when rabid pro-abortion activists trap Senators in elevators or block them
from entering. Other times, the government orders up a Woke Nazi dragnet to round up people
who profaned the "people's house" with their unsightly presence. ["]Some of the
demonstrators appeared to be same individuals that interrupted testimony from Secretary of Defense
Lloyd Austin during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing this morning. In March, more
than a dozen pro-Palestine demonstrators were arrested at the Russell Senate Office Building.["]
No jail time though, right? Sounds like "obstructing the functions" of government to me.
But I have a feeling that the DOJ will see it as just more Righteous Protesting.
Pink Endorses Hamas Attacks on Israel. The masks are finally completely off of the
communist front groups that have led the "anti-war" movement the past two decades. The
communist group Code Pink, founded in 2002 to oppose the U.S. liberation of Iraq from the regime of
the mass-murdering, genocidal, war-mongering tyrant Saddam Hussein, posted the group's endorsement
of the Hamas attacks on Israel Saturday as other "anti-war" groups announced plans for pro-Hamas
rallies to be held across the U.S. over the long Columbus Day holiday weekend.
the IRS Allowed China Nonprofits to Buy Code Pink. The 'House Select Committee on the
Chinese Communist Party' was in session when a Code Pink activist disrupted it by holding up a sign
reading, "China Is Not Our Enemy." "The United States needs collaboration, not competition,
with China," she insisted. Collaboration was the correct term. While most people
stopped paying attention to Code Pink in the aftermath of the Iraq War, the leftist anti-war group
never went away, but beyond the backing for Venezuela, Iran and the other usual terror states, it's
become a vocal defender of China. The level of collaboration between Code Pink and China is
unusual even on the anti-war Left. "If the U.S. crushes China," Code Pink co-founder Jodie
Evans claimed, it "would cut off hope for the human race and life on Earth."
Fonda, Daniel Ellsberg Join With Code Pink's Anti-War Protest. It's enough to bring on flashbacks to the early
1970s — Jane Fonda and Daniel Ellsberg joined in with others in Washington, D.C. to protest the attack that killed
Iranian General Qassem Suleimani. The anti-war rally was held across from the White House in Lafayette Square. If
you are of a certain age, you know there is a lot of history with the two elderly anti-war protesters. In 1972, Fonda
traveled to Hanoi to protest the Vietnam war. She was photographed atop an anti-aircraft gun, earning her the nickname
of Hanoi Jane. Ellsberg became known in 1971 when he released the Pentagon Papers, a top-secret Pentagon study on the
U.S. decision-making in relation to the Vietnam war.
Code Pink's 'Baby Trump' blimp permit doesn't allow helium. Code Pink can have the "Baby Trump" blimp on the
National Mall for President Trump's Lincoln Memorial speech on Thursday — just not off the ground and not where
Mr. Trump can see it, the group claimed. According to a Tuesday [7/2/2019] press release from Code Pink, the National
Park Service has granted the left-wing gadflies a demonstration permit. But it "does not allow the balloon to be filled with
any helium, only air, and the permit is not in the location we requested — within line of sight of the Lincoln Memorial
where President Trump will be speaking," the group said.
Pink granted permit to fly 'Baby Trump' over July 4 address. The National Park Service has reportedly granted a
liberal activist group the right to fly the "Baby Trump" blimp over the National Mall during President Trump's July 4
speech. According to WTTG Channel 5, the Fox affiliate in Washington, Code Pink will be taunting the president as
he delivers an Independence Day speech at the Lincoln Memorial, though exactly where is still being worked out.
Pink applies for permit to fly 'Baby Trump' on July 4, and Trump supporters are cheering them on. Code Pink,
the radically far-left group whose cognitively dissonant members think President Donald Trump is a dictator but love
themselves Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro, reportedly intends to protest the president's Lincoln Memorial address on
Independence Day. The group's plan involves importing a "Baby Trump" balloon and flying it over "any open grassy area
nearest to [the] Lincoln Memorial," according to a permit application reviewed by The Washington Post. The goal?
Presumably to aggravate Trump and his supporters? There's just one problem: From the looks of it, Trump and his
supporters reportedly love "Baby Trump."
Pink Is Apparently Squatting In The Venezuelan Embassy in Washington. Colorado Republican Rep. Scott
Tipton sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Friday requesting that members of radical activist group Code Pink be
removed from the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, D.C., which they have apparently occupied for the last several weeks.
Conviction for Laughing in Sessions Hearing Overturned. A Code Pink activist's conviction for disrupting
Congress by laughing during Attorney General Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing was thrown out by a D.C. judge on Friday
[7/14/2017]. Desiree Fairooz was one of three Code Pink members arrested in January while protesting Sessions'
confirmation. She laughed after Sessions' fellow Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby said Sessions had a clear,
well-documented, "extensive record of treating all Americans equally under the law." A jury found her guilty of
"disorderly or disruptive conduct" with the intention of disrupting congressional proceedings, and parading, demonstrating
or picketing in May.
Are Horrified Woman Who Laughed During Sessions' Hearing Could Go to Prison. Remember all the protesters who
interrupted Jeff Sessions' confirmation hearing as Senators debated whether he should be Attorney General? Some of them
might be in prison soon. Specifically, one woman who maintains she just laughed out loud might be heading behind bars
for one year. People are less than thrilled about what is being labeled explicit fascism. Today [5/3/2017], a
Virginia woman by the name of Desiree A. Fairooz was found guilty of disorderly conduct and parading or demonstrating
on Capitol grounds, according to the New York Times. Two other activists from the group she was with, Code Pink,
were also convicted for two separate charges of parading or demonstrating.
Pink demonstration causes disruption during Trump speech. Demonstrations of outside the Republican National
Convention spilled into the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland on Thursday night [7/21/2016] during Donald Trump's presidential acceptance
speech. While Trump was speaking, a Code Pink protester on the second deck of the arena unfurled an anti-war banner as Trump was
talking about his foreign policy in the Middle East. People around the protester struggled to get the banner away from her.
It took several minutes to eject the protester from the building as she scuffled with other crowd members.
Exclusive — Code
Pink Founder: We'll Try to Infiltrate, Disrupt RNC. Medea Benjamin, co-founder of the infamous Code Pink
leftwing antiwar activist group, admitted in an interview with this reporter that her organization will attempt to infiltrate
the Republican National Convention here this week with the goal of disrupting the event. Code Pink has a history of
infiltrating and briefly disrupting events, including the confirmation hearing for CIA Director John Brennan; a Senate
hearing at which Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel was testifying about the threat posed by the Islamic State; Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu's 2011 address to Congress, and many others.
Activists Confront DHS Secretary: 'I'm an Illegal Alien'. The man tasked with enforcing the nation's
immigration laws found himself face-to-face with a self-proclaimed "illegal alien" Monday in a meeting with
far-leftwing activists from the protest group CODEPINK.
Code Pink founder: Democrats quiet in
challenging Obama. Anti-war protesters are objecting to military action in Syria, but their efforts pale compared to the crowds that came out
against the Iraq and Afghanistan wars — and Medea Benjamin, co-founder of the women's anti-war group Code Pink, blames the Democrats[.]
"We've been protesting Obama's foreign policy for years now, but we can't get the same numbers because the people who would've been yelling and screaming
about this stuff under Bush are quiet under Obama," she said.
The Editor says...
This proves that anti-war protesters don't care about war as much as they care about politics.
Who Invited Code Pink's Medea Benjamin to
Obama's Speech? President Barack Obama was heckled Thursday by leftist terrorist ally Susan 'Medea' Benjamin while giving
a speech on national security issues at the National Defense University at Ft. McNair in Washington, D.C. Curiously, Obama's staff
let Benjamin interrupt and engage Obama several times on issues like Guantanamo and drones over several minutes before she was forcibly
removed from the press rows in the back of the auditorium where the speech was being given.
#Occupy Leftists Drink Chardonnay in First Class.
Two weeks ago, Andrew Breitbart called me and laughingly told me that he had just boarded a plane and wanted me
to guess who he had passed in first class as he made his way to his coach seat. I immediately guessed that
it was someone who publicly stands in "solidarity" with "the 99%" as he or she sips chardonnay in seats only the
1% can typically afford. It turned out to be Jodie Evans, co-founder of Code Pink, enjoying the good life.
The Code Pink Blues.
It was a cold day in the maelstrom of a Midwest blizzard when I inadvertently stumbled upon the glossy, pink,
smiling cheerleaders of the Code Pink website. The attraction can only be compared to the inexplicable
instinct to slow and gawk at a horrific accident, only to be left with images of a sad and unanswered tragedy.
Trolling Code Pink's website is nothing less than an assault on rational thinking. If only I'd turned away.
Time to Curb "Code
Pink". Finally, a member of Congress has announced a laudable plan to do something about the abusive
behavior of demonstrators of the anti-war left. The First Amendment protects vitriolic insults to military
personnel, but anti-war anarchy goes beyond constitutional rights of free speech.
Pink co-founder is Obama bundler. A co-founder of the anti-war group Code Pink, which has made a
name for itself by interrupting hearings on Capitol Hill, is a fundraising bundler for Barack Obama. Jodie
Evans has pledged to raise at least $50,000 for Obama, according the Democrat's campaign site.
Top Dem Meets Regularly with
Code Pink. Code Pink, an anti-war group known for its frequent and sometimes raucous protests
on Capitol Hill, meets regularly with Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Ind.), who serves on the Armed Services Committee
and the Select Committee on Intelligence, according to his staff.
'Peace' Advocates Playing Dirty. Once
content to thump drums and dig deep for chants that rhyme, the "peace" movement's foothold on the public
soapbox has slipped. The peaceniks — ANSWER, MoveOn.org, Code Pink and the rest —
are in the midst of very public identity crisis. They are facing, for the first time, visible and vocal
opposition to both their words and their methods. And it has made them angry.
The Violence of the Lambs.
The disgusting pro-tyranny group Code Pink met with the Iranian president for two hours during his visit to
New York, and I'm not sure what is more revolting: that Ahmadinejad had the opportunity to hold court
with his most dedicated western apologists, or that those apologists continue to be described in the press as
"peace activists." If Code Pink is a peace group, then the United States Marine Corps is a knitting
Protester in SF attempts to
handcuff Karl Rove. An anti-war protester confronted former Bush administration aide Karl
Rove while he spoke at a San Francisco mortgage bankers' meeting. A statement by the group Code Pink
identified the woman as 58-year-old Janine Boneparth, who tried to handcuff Rove in what she called a
citizen's arrest for "treason."
Code Pink
embraces shoe-thrower. Following the lead of Iraqi shoe-thrower Muntazer al-Zaidi, Code Pink on
Thursday launched its own protest using footwear. The anti-war group known for disrupting congressional
hearings featuring prominent Bush administration officials gathered in Washington Thursday to put hundreds of
shoes in front of the White House.
Code Pink Hearts Iran's Mullahs. On
Wednesday, November 26, a 39-year-old woman, Fatemeh Haqiqat-Pajouh, was hanged, together with nine male prisoners, in
Tehran's infamous Evin prison. In 2001, Fatemeh had killed her husband while he was attempting to rape Fatemeh's
then-14-year-old daughter, Zahra, born from a previous marriage. ... A few days before Fatemeh's execution, Medea Benjamin
and Jodie Evans, two wealthy American women and co-founders of Code Pink, arrived in Tehran on a "citizen diplomacy"
trip. ... Benjamin and Evans wrote daily accounts of their trip to Tehran on their blog — and wasted not a word
on poor Fatemeh or on the tragedy of women's rights in Iran under the mullahs and their Sharia laws.
A Toast to Old
Media's — and Old Medea's — Defeat in Iraq. This victory — or, if you
must, "the end of the war with Iraqi and U.S. forces firmly in control" — is a major setback for those who
worked tirelessly for defeat. At every opportunity, the defeatists employed or extended tactics that had ultimately
"succeeded" in bringing about the fall of South Vietnam and Cambodia's killing fields — but which also led to
Carter-era weakness, which finally caused enough disgusted Americans to elect Ronald Reagan.
Even the Democrats don't like them. Code Pink changes its hue. With
its cardinal mission not yet accomplished and Iraq now back seated by the domestic economic crisis, Code Pink is
broadening its protest efforts and engaging in a two-front war of its own. Is the mission now survival? ... "I
don't think the Democrats ever fully embraced Code Pink," said Rebecca Kirszner, former communications director to
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). "Code Pink was always a little more extreme than the establishment."
Even outside Washington, other left-leaning groups have viewed the rosy ring of peaceniks with incredulity, if not
contempt. "Code Pink has never been more than a nuisance — an ineffective, self-indulgent, obnoxious
and tone-deaf organization," said Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas.
Whose side are they on? Obama
Ally Code Pink Invites Muslim Brotherhood: 'Join Us In Cleansing Our Country'. Fresh on the heels
of their Hamas-protected trip to Gaza, the so-called feminist, American antiwar group Code Pink, co-founded by top
Obama funder Jodie Evans, is running banner advertisements on the English language version of the official Web site
of a terrorist sympathizing group, the Muslim Brotherhood, one of which invites the Muslim Brotherhood to "join us
in cleansing our country."
Code Pink's
Support for the Enemy: Code Pink members became known during the Bush Administration as
confrontational anti-war protestors, but the group is actually worse than that. Code Pink's
leadership has aligned with almost every tyrannical force opposing the U.S., from Chavez to Ahmadinejad
to Hamas to Iraq insurgents. Code Pink is acting more like the ambassador for enemies of the
free world than an advocate for peace.
Pink Tells Gold Star Mom: Your Son Deserved to Die. Numerous times over the past four years
I have confronted the antics of Jodie Evans and her anti-war Code Pink cronies. We've all seen the nightly
news with them being arrested time and time again throwing their leftist temper tantrums with their pink boa
feathers wrapped around their necks as they kick and scream like a two-year-old throwing a tantrum to get
attention. They have sent over $600,000.00 to the terrorists in Fallujah, or as they called them,
"freedom fighting" heroes. You would think treasonous acts like this would have them locked in jail.
Over and over they have attacked our military recruiting offices causing thousands of dollars of damage to the
offices and threatening the recruiters.
Barbara Boxer,
Code Pink's favorite Senator. As a US Senator, [California Senator Barbara] Boxer voted against
health care reconciliation bill amendments to exempt veterans from a new tax on medical devices, including
prosthetics such as artificial limbs. Perhaps the most revealing window into Boxer's true feelings
towards our military is her close alliance with Code Pink, a radical leftist group that reviles American
troops as terrorists and assassins while praising their enemies as freedom fighters.
An Enemy
Within — Code Pink and Its Democrat Enablers. Last week, American Thinker published
evidence that Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Congressmen Henry Waxman (D-CA), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), and
Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) made it possible in 2004 for Code Pink and other radical groups to deliver
$600,000 in cash and supplies to enemy insurgents and their families in Fallujah. Two days later,
Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson posted the diplomatic letter Waxman wrote to assist Code Pink's mission.
Waxman's Republican opponent, Korean War veteran and former Marine Chuck Wilkerson, calls the letter a "smoking
Boxer Approved Code Pink Trip to Fallujah. So would aiding and abetting terrorists to kill US
soldiers qualify as behavior unbefitting of a sitting US senator? On October 12, Scott Swett at
the American Thinker reported that Senator Barabara Boxer (D-CA) along with Representatives Raul Grijalva
(D-AZ), Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Henry Waxman (D-CA) secured diplomatic courtesy letters that allowed
anti-American Code Pink activists to travel to Fallujah, Iraq. The radicals traveled to Fallujah in
late 2004 to donate $600,000 worth of humanitarian aid to the people who had just killed 51 Americans
and wounded 560 more earlier that month.
Over 'Hanoi Jane' — Meet 'Baghdad Barbara'. Shockingly and tragically, at the same
time our servicemen were staring into the eyes of evil, Senator Barbara Boxer and Congressman Henry Waxman
were conspiring with radical leftist groups Code Pink and Global Exchange. Groups who were committed
to America's defeat in Iraq and were providing aid and support to our nation's enemies.
on Michelle Obama's message to them in SF: "Keep up the great work". First Lady Michelle Obama, accepting an
anti-war petition at a fundraiser in San Francisco last week, told the CodePink member who presented her with 20,000 signatures,
"Keep up the great work," the organization's co-founders say.
Pink Repeatedly Disrupts ISIS Senate Hearing, Drives Carl Levin Crazy. Protesters from
anti-war group Code Pink stood up during Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday to
loudly express opposition to the ongoing aerial campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and
Syria, repeatedly interrupting senators and panelists and driving Democratic chairman Carl Levin up
the wall. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Martin Dempsey had just
walked into the hearing room when protesters clad in pink and holding anti-war slogans crowded just
behind the panel. "No more war!" they chanted, their voices mingling chaotically.
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney:
Congresswoman Cynthia "Jihad" McKinney: An Enemy
from Within. Between September 11 and December 31, 2001, 100 of the 108 McKinney
contributors of more than $100 were identifiably Arab or Middle Eastern. Throw in McKinney's seats on the
House Armed Services and International Relations Committees, and you have yourself lots of interesting questions.
Rep. Ackerman Turns Blue
Over Congresswoman's Antics. Rep. Gary Ackerman, D-N.Y., doesn't think much of his
colleague Cynthia McKinney's efforts to win a $10 million donation from Saudi prince Alwaleed bin
Talal, and said so Friday in language usually reserved for R-rated cable television comedy.
Cynthia McKinney:
Today's Hanoi Jane. During World War II, we had Tokyo Rose sending demoralizing messages
to our troops. During Vietnam, we had Hanoi Jane Fonda sending her treasonous messages to our boys
in Southeast Asia, while aiming the Communists' cannons at them. And in this War Against Terrorism,
we have Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, D-Ga., – Jihad Cindy – to
demoralize us and give aid and comfort to the enemy.
Update: Former
U.S. Rep. McKinney enters presidential race as Green. Former Georgia congresswoman Cynthia
McKinney is running for president as a member of the Green Party, which she says shares her views on ending
the Iraq war, protecting the environment and other issues. McKinney, who served five terms in Congress
before losing her seat to a fellow Democrat last year, declared her candidacy in a video posted late Sunday
on the Web site of a group that had been drafting her to run.
Much more about Ms. McKinney can
be found on this page.
Senator Harry Reid:
Reid: Professional Menace. Reid joined House Speaker and fellow president-slanderer Nancy
Pelosi in sending a letter to President Bush berating him for not listening to the will of the American people
on Iraq. If Reid were truly interested in deferring to the will of the American people, he would tender
his resignation today .
Reid: Working Overtime For Failure in Iraq. The time for niceties has passed. The
leaders of the Democratic party not only do not support the war effort, they do not want our troops to win and
it is getting harder every day to pretend that they do.
Reid adjusts antiwar strategy.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has refocused his antiwar crusade as his and Congress' job-approval ratings
plummet to all-time lows. Mr. Reid began the week Monday by vowing to "push very, very hard" for
troop withdrawal from Iraq in a Defense Department budget authorization bill in two weeks.
Reid's White Flag: With enemies like Democratic Senate Majority Harry Reid, the terrorists don't
need friends. Yesterday, all by his lonesome, Reid ran up the white flag in the War on Terror — at
least in the Iraqi theater. "This war is lost," he said. "[The troop] surge is not accomplishing
anything." And in the dark recesses of some damp cave, Osama bin Laden broke into a wide
grin — even as Tehran's mullahs swapped high-fives.
Harry Reid, Loser. The Senate
Majority Leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, believes the war in Iraq is lost. … Last November, the Democrats
seized control of Congress on the pretense that they wanted to change our policy regarding Iraq but
not — as they, to a man (and a woman) insisted — to merely cut and run. We knew they weren't
being truthful then, but too many people were taken in. Now all pretense is dispensed
with: we can see the man behind the curtain.
Why Insurgents in Iraq Think They're Winning:
So how much damage did Harry Reid do when he blurted out recently that the war is lost? Well look no
further than the "Today" show and the interview by Matt Lauer of John Burns … Insurgents in Iraq only act
like they come from the Stone Age. In fact they are modern people who know how to find out how their
enemy's morale is holding up.
Enemy has found a good friend in top Senate
Democrat. The world now knows this for certain: America will cut and run when and if Democrats
gain control of the White House. Meanwhile, Reid has become the poster boy of the Muslim
world — their most valuable ally and their most effective saboteur. Considering the
competition from fellow Democrats, that's quite an accomplishment.
Price We Will Pay For Reid's Perfidy: If Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid, Democrat, is not a
traitor, then the word has no meaning. Mr. Reid, as the entire world now knows, said last week that
the war in Iraq is already lost. This week we learn that Senator Reid's remarks are being quoted on
Islamist jihad Web sites. The damage Reid and his comrades have done to the missions in Iraq and
Afghanistan is incalculable.
Reid labels military leader 'incompetent'.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called Marine Gen. Peter Pace, the outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, "incompetent" during an interview Tuesday with a group of liberal bloggers, a comment that was never
reported. Reid made similar disparaging remarks about Army Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander
in Iraq, said several sources familiar with the interview.
'Orrible 'Arry Reid: How much lower
can Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-NV) sink? Every time he seems to hit bottom, Reid does
something that delves deeper.
Good news in Iraq is bad
news for the anti-war lobby. In April, US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared the war in
Iraq lost, saying the the extreme violence in the country proved the surge was accomplishing nothing.
This week Senator Reid is still engaged in the vain attempt to block funding for the war in the US Senate,
refusing to acknowledge the extraordinary success of the surge.
Congressman John Murtha:
John Murtha is Sorry. Representative
John Murtha is one sorry man, and by sorry, I do not mean apologetic. His efforts to smear the military
in the court of public opinion, the Marines in particular, has been elaborate, elongated and disgraceful.
It is hard to fathom that this man was ever a member of a group that he seems to hold in such contempt.
Murtha, Hero of the War Protesters. To embrace him, the antiwar left has ignored Murtha's
dealmaking with a man they revile, former Republican leader Tom DeLay. And his support for oil drilling
in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and doling out pork from his seat on the powerful Appropriations defense
subcommittee to defense companies in his district. And the delight he also inspires in antiabortion,
pro-gun advocates.
The cut-and-run
crowd. It would be easy to portray Jack Murtha, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid or any of
the other wheezy prophets of the Defeatocrat Party as oddities were it not for the fact that
their position on Iraq is deeply consonant with what the Modern Democratic Party
has believed for 50 years.
(Past) Time for Murtha to Resign. In a video teleconference last Thursday [11/29/2007],
Murtha told his constituents, "I think the 'surge' is working." Jack Murtha is remembered as the
main opponent of American involvement in Iraq, who argued not merely against the surge but for an immediate
withdrawal while al-Zarqawi still treated Anbar province as the beachhead of a new, pan-Islamic Caliphate.
The Abscam unindicted co-conspirator has demoralized the troops for years by claiming the war is "lost" and
can never be "won militarily"; he has now vindicated the president and invalidated his unchanging,
interminable counsel of withdrawal.
Memo to
Murtha: I ask you, sir: Has such a vicious charge ever before been leveled at an
American president in a time of war — or even a time of peace? But
you have not taken this low road. Instead, you have said you
believe the war in Iraq "cannot be won" and that "it's time to bring
the troops home." This is a discussion worth having.
The Murtha
'strategy'. Rep. John Murtha (D., Pa.) imagines himself to be the scourge of the hawks in the
Bush Administration. Many journalists do, too, because they keep inviting him to appear on talk
shows. … Mr. Murtha's newfound fame is a product of his call for immediate withdrawal from
Iraq — or, in the dishonest way he likes to phrase it, "redeployment" from Iraq.
the Real Murtha Stand Up? Contrary to popular opinion, Rep. John Murtha, the decorated
ex-Marine who called for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq, is no hawk. He may also soon be
probed for misusing defense appropriations. … Despite media and partisan insistence that after
some deep introspection Murtha just recently changed his position on Iraq, his stand is nothing
new. A year and a half ago, he and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., held a
joint press conference to announce that the war in Iraq isn't winnable.
Anti-War Stance Overshadows Abscam Past. Members of the press have given extensive and glowing
coverage to Rep. John Murtha's criticism of the war in Iraq, but have overlooked a number of other
controversies the Pennsylvania Democrat has experienced over the past 25 years. This includes his
reported role as an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Abscam bribery scandal of the late 1970s and early 1980s.
War Hero Status Called Into Question. Murtha is a retired marine and was the first Vietnam
combat veteran elected to Congress. Since 1967, there have been at least three different accounts of
the injuries that purportedly earned Murtha his Purple Hearts. Those accounts also appear to conflict
with the limited military records that are available, and Murtha has thus far refused to release his own
military records.
mangled medal stories. Like Kerry, Murtha's medals came for surface wounds that never
caused his evacuation from the battlefield, and like Kerry, he attempted to get his medals by political
manipulation, in Murtha's case, through then-Rep. John Saylor. But Saylor's office felt it was
odd for Murtha to seek medals for "superficial lacerations."
Democrats Believe America Can't Win,' GOP Says. Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) says the United States
needs to "change direction" in Iraq — because "we can't win a war like this." Murtha,
appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday [6/18/2006], said he's concerned about the financial and
emotional costs of the war, not to mention the way it's being conducted.
Osama's Congressman:
Murtha claims we need to withdraw now, because, "It's worse today than it was six months ago when I spoke
out initially." His evidence? Insufficient rubbish collection. "When I spoke out, the garbage wasn't being
collected, oil production below pre-war level — all those things indicated to me we weren't winning this,
and it's the same today, if not worse."
Murtha's irresponsible
remarks: Rep. John Murtha, who last year called for the immediate pullout of U.S. troops
from Iraq, this week accused an entire Marine company of murdering 15 Iraqis "in cold
blood." … By turning the presumption of innocence standard on its head, Mr. Murtha is
duty-bound to name his sources or provide evidence. Otherwise, he must immediately apologize
to the Marines he so recklessly labeled as cold-blooded murderers.
Reasonable Doubt. Eager to score points against President George W. Bush, US Representative
John Murtha (D-PA) is calling the November 19 incident in Haditha "murder". He claims there is a
"cover up." Over 40 news stories appeared Memorial Day weekend calling Haditha, "an atrocity" or "a
massacre." Murtha says, Haditha "is worse than abu-Ghraib."
The Editor says...
If Congressman Murtha is so worried about murders and cover-ups, he
should read about
Ron Brown, Mary Mahoney and Vince Foster.
Murtha's second
act: [Congressman] Murtha, at age 74, has announced his candidacy for majority leader if the
Democrats regain control of the House in the 2006 elections. Jack Murtha proves there are second acts
in American politics. I had forgotten that federal prosecutors designated him an unindicted
co-conspirator in the Abscam investigation 26 years ago.
America might not have beaten the Japanese if
Jack Murtha had been around. Are we serious about the war? Can anyone imagine Congress in
1942 passing a provision like the one in the current bill? Would they constrain Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower the way they propose to constrain Gen. David H. Petraeus? Mr. Murtha has good
intentions, but he's got it exactly wrong. If U.S. forces lack the equipment or training they
need, it's his job, as the chairman of the one subcommittee specifically responsible for originating defense
appropriations, to make sure they get it.
Lied; Marines Were Tried (And Acquitted). Even the infamously left-leaning Reuters (which refuses
to call the 9/11 hijackers "terrorists") noted, "The reports brought international condemnation on U.S. troops
in Iraq and famously inspired Rep. John Murtha, a Democrat from Pennsylvania and critic of the war, to charge
that the Marines had killed the civilians 'in cold blood.'" The damage of Murtha's single news
conference alone can hardly be overestimated.
Half-cocked on Haditha.
If you call someone a cold-blooded killer in public, you'd better have the facts on your side. That's
our free, untrained legal advice for Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., who said precisely that about a handful of
Marines once accused of killing civilians in Haditha, Iraq.
The Marines Vs. Haditha Smear Merchants:
Yet another U.S. Marine, Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani, had charges dropped Tuesday [6/17/2008] in the so-called Haditha
massacre — bringing the total number of Marines who've been cleared or won case dismissals in the Iraq war incident
to seven. "Undue command influence" on the prosecution led to the outcome in Chessani's case. Bottom line: That's
zero for seven for military prosecutors, with one trial left to go.
Condemn And Remove
Congressman Murtha. Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani, a father of six children and a 20-year war hero, spent the past
three years having to survive under the horrendous pressure of being considered a war criminal. He was not granted due
process, neither were the other seven supposedly murderous soldiers. Each was presumed guilty and had to prove their
innocence. Seven out of the eight soldiers have already been exonerated and the eighth has not yet been tried.
The opportunist, Murtha, rushed to judgment and did not even wait for an internal military investigation.
Jack: Seven Marines have been cleared or won case dismissals in the Iraq war incident Murtha
recklessly adjudicated in the court of public opinion — with willing mainstream journalists
swinging their nooses. Perhaps that complicity explains the great media wall of silence
around [Bill] Russell's upstart campaign.
Exonerated Marine to sue Rep. Murtha.
One of the Marines cleared in the killings of Iraqi civilians in the town of Haditha plans to sue his congressman
today for statements he says defamed him and other members of his squad. Former Marine Lance Cpl. Justin
Sharratt, 24, of Canonsburg, will file a civil lawsuit against U.S. Rep. John P. Murtha, D-Johnstown, who
was widely quoted two years ago saying that eight Marines carried out a cold-blooded killing of 24 civilians
in the Iraqi town on Nov. 19, 2005.
Marine sues Rep. Murtha over Haditha comments. A former Marine sued Rep. John Murtha for slander
on Thursday [9/25/2008], saying the congressman damaged his reputation by saying he and his comrades killed women and
children "in cold blood" in Haditha, Iraq, in November 2005. Former Lance Cpl. Justin Sharratt filed
the federal lawsuit in Pittsburgh. Sharratt claims the comments the high-ranking Pennsylvania Democrat
made on news shows in May 2006 also violated his constitutional rights to due process and presumption of
Murtha sued over remarks.
In May 2006, six months after 24 people were killed in a small Iraqi town, U.S. Rep. John Murtha made a
startling accusation. American soldiers, he contended, had killed innocent civilians "in cold blood."
Now, less than six weeks before the longtime Johnstown Democrat is up for re-election, a Marine involved in
the now-infamous Haditha incident is suing Murtha for slander.
Trying to
Lose The War We're In. Even as [Secretary of Defense Robert] Gates was telling unpleasant truths to
people in uniform — for it is they who will most bear the brunt of the Long War — congressional
Democrats revealed how deeply they remain a state of denial. Rep. John Murtha, the chairman of the House
appropriations defense subcommittee, announced his opposition to the Bush administration's plan (and the supposed
position of presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama) to increase the size of the active-duty Army and Marine Corps.
Murtha seeks immunity from
suit. A Marine who sued U.S. Rep. John Murtha for defamation urged a federal appeals court
Tuesday [11/18/2008] to order the Johnstown Democrat to testify under oath in the case. An attorney for Staff
Sgt. Frank Wuterich told the court that he needs Murtha's deposition to determine how often the congressman
made the claim that Marines in Iraq engaged in "cold-blooded murder and war crimes" in the slayings of
civilians in Haditha.
Disservice: In honoring Murtha, the Navy insults its own. In bestowing the navy's highest
civilian medal, the Distinguished Public Service Award, upon Rep. John P. Murtha (D., Pa.) last month, the
secretary of the Navy acted as a supplicant — an accountant happy to be given funds and
disinclined to question the source.
Marine acquitted on
all counts. U.S. Marine Sgt. Ryan Weemer was acquitted by a military jury Thursday [4/9/2009] of
murdering an unarmed Iraqi insurgent during fierce fighting in the city of Fallujah in 2004.
immune from Marine's defamation suit. Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) is immune from a defamation suit
filed against him by a U.S. Marine, a federal appeals court ruled on Tuesday [4/14/2009]. Staff Sgt.
Frank Wuterich filed suit against Murtha, claiming that the veteran lawmaker damaged his reputation when he
told the press that Wuterich's squad in 2005 killed civilians in cold blood in Haditha, Iraq.
Suit vs. Murtha revised. U.S.
Rep. John Murtha, D-Johnstown, shouldn't be immune from a defamation lawsuit for saying Marines killed Iraqi women and
children "in cold blood," because the lawmaker's comments came outside the scope of his official duties, a former
Marine's attorney said.
The Dixie Chicks:
Chicks are slammed for VERY off-key performance of the Star-Spangled Banner at DNC.
Country legends The Chicks were heavily panned for an awkwardly off-key performance of the National
Anthem at the Democrat National Convention. The Nashville natives, who created a firestorm of
controversy 20 years ago over criticism of George W. Bush and the Iraq War, were a
highly-anticipated get for the DNC on its final night. However, their performance of the
Star-Spangled Banner was almost universally slammed, even by fans of the band formerly known as
'The Dixie Chicks' before dropping the d-word in 2020.
Times Gushes Over Lefty Dixie Chicks: 'Witches Who Could Not Be Burned'. The band formerly known as The Dixie
Chicks made the front of the New York Times Sunday Styles with a full-page photo under the puffed-up headline "Still
Fearless." Inside was a two-page spread with posed photos, "A Sisterhood Skilled at Ignoring the Static." The
text box: "Three women flourished in an industry that never really loved or defended them." Fortunately for the
"Chicks" (who recently ditched the "racist" part of their name but kept the "sexist" one) the gushing by the liberal press
made up for it. The online version came with the ironic headline, "The Chicks Are Done Caring What People
Think." So why did they just change their name?
Dixie Chicks
Officially Change Name to 'The Chicks'. The Dixie Chicks have officially changed their name to "the Chicks,"
after public discussions arose over the appropriateness of the Civil War-era "Dixie" as part of their moniker. The
group had long been unofficially referred to as simply the Chicks by many fans and most of their associates in the music
industry, but losing the "Dixie" is still a surprise, albeit a pleasant one to some supporters who had been quietly
uncomfortable with the name and its historic connotations.
Chicks' Singer Attacks Trump for Being 'Elderly'. Natalie Maines, the 43 year-old lead singer of the "Dixie
Chicks" musical group took to Instagram Sunday to mock President Donald Trump's age and accuse him of senility. [...] The
Dixie Chicks stirred controversy lost fans back in 2003 when they lashed out at another Republican President, George W. Bush,
saying they were "ashamed" of having him as president. Back in 2003, her band was ostracized from country radio after
the group said it was against the Iraq War and that they were "ashamed" then-President George W. Bush was from Texas.
the Dixie Chicks just 'shut up and sing'? It seems particularly quaint, especially during an election cycle
featuring ever more mind-boggling statements, but all it took to incite an uproar in 2003 were the following 32 words:
"Just so you know, we're on the good side with y'all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we're ashamed that the
President of the United States is from Texas." For the Dixie Chicks, those two sentences lit a fire that continues to
smolder, over a decade later.
Chicks' Natalie Maines: 'I'm Ashamed Ted Cruz Claims to Be American'. Natalie Maines infamously spoke her mind about war and
then-President George W. Bush back in 2003, when she told a London crowd that she was "ashamed that the President of the United States is
from Texas." Now, the Dixie Chicks member is bringing that comment back to mind and voicing her opinion on Republican presidential
candidate (and fellow Texan) Ted Cruz.
Celebrities display indifference toward American
sovereignty. Like every gasbag with a soapbox before her, from Jane Fonda to Barbra Streisand,
Natalie Maines has no clue what it took in blood, sweat and sacrifice to obtain the freedom she now so blithely
takes for granted. Unfortunately for us, her celebrity gives her a mass forum with which to waste our time,
and her fame lends an air of credibility to her obtuseness.
How the Chicks
survived their scrap with Bush. When [Natalie] Maines made her comment on March 10,
2003, 10 days before Operation Iraqi Freedom unleashed "shock and awe" over Baghdad, the Dixie Chicks
were probably the biggest act in country music. Yet within days, their music vanished from the charts
and the airwaves, apoplectic rednecks crushed piles of their CDs with tractors, and the FBI was feverishly
monitoring death threats against the trio.
singing the songs, but is anybody listening? In music, as in politics, timing is
everything. In early 2003, just six weeks after performing the national anthem here to
kick off Super Bowl XXXVII, the Dixie Chicks became national pariahs after its lead singer,
Natalie Maines, told a London concert audience the Texas trio was "ashamed" to be from the
same state as President Bush. Result: derision, death threats, charges of sedition
and worse.
Dixie Chicks: Counting Chickens Before They are Hatched. Just a short while ago, USA Today
did a feature article on the country band The Dixie Chicks. They became infamous in March of 2003, when
their leader, Natalie Maines, stated that she was embarrassed to be a native of Texas because of President
Bush's decision to invade Iraq. Immediately radio stations boycotted their albums, former fans
boycotted concerts, and they were dubbed as unpatriotic cheap shot artists. The starship that
had soared to the top of the country music charts abruptly crashed to earth.
Open Tour in Support of Kerry. The Dixie Chicks faced radio-station boycotts
and a talk-show furor last year after their lead singer, Natalie Maines, disparaged President
Bush onstage. "We have nothing to lose at this point, so any sort of fear or inhibition
is out the window," Ms. Maines said by telephone this week. "We definitely want a regime
change, and now that we're getting down to the wire I'm even less afraid to speak out. I
just think things are absolutely life or death right now."
Fried Dixie Chicks: Natalie Maines has the right to speak her mind, but
what she said was imbecilic. Since her commercial success is predicated in part on her
band's ability to capture the American sense of life musically, I can't help but think
her statements signed the death warrant of her public career.
Country radio nixes Dixie
Chicks. It appears the war U.S. country radio stations mounted against the politically
outspoken Dixie Chicks has not abated in the least.
Old 'tude keeps Dixie Chicks' new music off
the air. The Dixie Chicks aren't ready to make nice, and it seems the feeling is mutual. With
their new album, Taking the Long Way, in stores Tuesday [5/30/2006], no Houston stations — country
or pop — claim to be playing any of the trio's new music.
Ditsy Chicks foul the
nest. When their formerly roaring career imploded overnight, Natalie Maines, the engaging lead
singer who'd made the self-destructive statement, eventually made a reluctant half apology. But their
record sales all but vanished, their audiences dwindled dramatically and it appeared the Dixie Chicks might
well wind up on a Col. Sanders menu.
... and don't come back! With U.S.
ticket sales slow, Chicks head north of border. They may not be running for elected office, but
the Dixie Chicks appear to be struggling to work out a kind of political map of their own, heading for concert
arenas where ticket sales are brisker and the fans may be more forgiving.
Dixie Chicks: Crossing
over burning bridges. It's the best of times and the worst of times for the Dixie
Chicks. Ostracized by country fans in 2003, the trio — Emily Robison, Natalie Maines and
Martie Maguire — have fallen gratefully into the loving arms of the national media on the
strength of a defiant new CD. Last month the Chicks scored a cover story in
Time magazine and a flattering profile on "60 Minutes."
If you're interested in their side of the story ... "Let them Hate
Us". Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks discusses her group's new album and her outspoken
criticism of "acting" US President George W. Bush, the boycotts, the death threats, their betrayal
by Nashville and why the group is "not ready to make nice."
Not ready to make
nice. Marketing of the latest Chicks' CD has had little to do with the music. It has mainly
consisted of selling an image of a trio of rebels exercising their right to dissent and playing the role of
victims suffering political persecution.
Chicks tour struggling in several markets. Initial ticket sales for the Dixie Chicks' upcoming
tour are far below expectations and several dates will likely be canceled or postoned. … Early
ticket sales are clearly not meeting projections. The plug was pulled on public on-sales for shows in
Indianapolis), Oklahoma City, Memphis and Houston because of tepid pre-sales in a national promotion
with Target stores.
The Editor says...
Hmmm... Target. Isn't that the same store that chased away the Salvation Army
last Christmas?
Willie: Dixie Chicks 'got
a raw deal'. Willie Nelson says the Dixie Chicks "got a raw deal" from a disapproving public
following their criticism of President Bush.
Chicks cancel shows. Several concerts on the Dixie Chicks' "Accidents & Accusations" tour have
been canceled after slow ticket sales, but the group says it has replaced them with other dates. Kansas
City, Houston, St. Louis, Memphis and Knoxville are among 14 cities no longer on the original schedule
released in May, according to a revised itinerary posted Thursday [8/3/2006] on the Dixie Chick's Web site.
Dixie Chicks at Center of Ad
Flap. The Dixie Chicks are again at the center of a controversy over the limits of opinionated
talk. A film company said Friday that NBC wouldn't accept an advertisement for "Shut Up & Sing," a movie
about the fuss created by Dixie Chick Natalie Maines' comment that she was ashamed President Bush was a fellow
Texan. The network suggested the complaint may be a publicity stunt.
Bias alert: The article below is very sympathetic to the Dixie Chicks. Dixie
Chicks dissed again. Television networks the CW and NBC are allegedly refusing to air
commercials for the band's movie, "Shut up and Sing." … The ad, which is a truncated form of
the full trailer, is a 30 second montage with voice over stating "If you think we're living
in a free society, wait until you disagree with it."
Radio, promoter each blames other for cut
in Chicks tour. More than 20,000 Dixie Chicks fans in Houston bought the band's latest album,
the 1.5 million-selling Taking the Long Way. That much is clear, along with the fact that the
Dixie Chicks' Houston concert date was canceled. … The Houston-based concert promoter that booked the
Dixie Chicks' Accidents and Accusations Tour says Houston's country radio stations refused advertising
dollars to promote the show.
Chicks stay the course; fans still stay
away. Some music lovers can't forgive the popular Dixie Chicks for dissing the president and then
country music. … The Texas trio first upset fans when lead singer Natalie Maines dissed President Bush
at a London concert in 2003. She issued an apology, then retracted it. More recently, the Chicks
said they don't want their album in the same changer with discs by Toby Keith and Reba McEntire, a
pronouncement akin to a NASCAR driver dissing rednecks.
still steaming, by George. Dixie Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines says she's not ready to
make nice with US president George W Bush. The outspoken country music singer is sticking to
her comments that she's ashamed Bush was from her home state of Texas.
Chicks, dissent, and "whacked" paranoia. The singers were free to say whatever they wanted, just as the
buying public was free to say whatever they wanted with respect to what the Dixie Chicks said. There was public
outcry, and indeed the Dixie Chicks lost fans and concertgoers. But they also garnered new fans, including fawning
press. Their "naked" cover on Rolling Stone seems to have started a new fad: the Multimillionaire Artist As
Suffering Figure of Persecution.
Dixie Chicks singer sued for
defamation. Dixie Chicks singer Natalie Maines is the target of a defamation lawsuit by the stepfather of one
of three 8-year-old boys slain in 1993. Maines spoke out for three people convicted of the slayings and alleged the
stepfather was instead involved in the killings.
Cindy Sheehan:
A Good Reason People Hate The Media. Robert Mueller has become the latest Cindy Sheehan. Remember
her? She was on MSNBC and CNN so often during the last few years of the George W. Bush administration that you would've
thought she had her own show. The mother of a slain US soldier was the perfect face to put out there to attack Bush in
the way the last threads of standards wouldn't allow journalists at the time to do. Sheehan became THE face of the
anti-war movement; every statement she made was reported and taken seriously, no matter how absurd. Once Barack Obama
was elected, not only did Sheehan's number get deleted from the phone of every journalist, the entire anti-war movement
ceased to exist. As Obama bombed more and more countries and places like Libya descended into chaos because of it,
Cindy's data plan never once approached its limit. She was no longer useful for attacking Republicans, therefore
she was no longer useful.
Cindy Sheehan: 'I almost feel sorry
for Bush' and 'Hillary's record has been sanitized'. If you were paying attention during the Bush years, you'll
no doubt remember Cindy Sheehan. After losing her son in Iraq, she became the left's anti-war focal point. Almost
overnight, she found herself a staple of the 24-hour news nets and a regular Sunday morning guest. She camped out in
front of Bush's home, marched, spoke wherever possible, and never missed an opportunity to decry "Bush's imperial war for
oil." Now, in a new op-ed titled "I led the anti-war movement against George W. Bush 11 years ago. Hillary
Clinton is hardly better," Sheehan attacks Hillary's "sanitized" record, tears into the biased media, and admits she almost
feels sorry for the former President.
the Benghazi families have absolute moral authority? Shrieking Cindy Sheehan, the Gold Star mother, whom I
accused at the time of using her fallen soldier son's coffin as a podium from which she attacked George W. Bush and his
administration, was the darling of the mainstream media. Cindy was a California housewife whose son, Casey, was killed in
combat in Iraq in 2004. His death drove his distraught mother into such a state that she left behind and eventually divorced
her husband of almost three decades to take to the barricades of peace activism. The leftist antiwar movement quickly
elevated her to celebrity spokesperson status because her son's death, conferring on her a special cachet to speak with moral
authority to the government conducting the war in which her son died. [...] The antiwar movement quickly molded this moral
authority into a club with which they and a compliant mainstream media beat down any Bush supporters who dared question
Sheehan's ear-piercing screeches.
No Cindy Sheehan-Style Media
Attention for Benghazi Victim's Father. For partisan Democrats, when the word "Benghazi" comes up, the sophisticated thing to do
is roll your eyes. If the name Charles Woods comes up, the normal thing to do is say, "Who?" So let's talk about Cindy Sheehan for
a moment instead. Remember her? For a while, she was the Joan of Arc of the anti-war Left. The mother of a U.S. Army specialist
killed in Iraq, Sheehan held a vigil outside President George W. Bush's ranch, demanding to meet with him so she could denounce the war to his
face. The mainstream media swooned. Sheehan's "moral authority," New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd genuflected, was
"absolute." [...] Sheehan's use-by date was January 20, 2009, President Obama's inauguration day. She was — and is — a
vocal critic of Obama, too. But there was no room in the script for that.
There's a shortage of anti-war outrage on the left.
When George W. Bush took the White House to his Prairie Chapel Ranch near Crawford, Texas, there was always Cindy Sheehan, surrounded by reporters and photographers,
protesting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. She became the left's pet rock. She packed up and left Texas long ago, and hasn't camped outside the White House
or any of the Massachusetts mansions where President Obama spends his vacations. She may be suffering a shortage of outrage, or it may be that her outrage has
a new target. She wants to run for governor of California to depose Gov. Jerry Brown because he's not liberal enough.
Sheehan declares Obama as bad as Bush.
Sheehan tells POLITICO in an email that, if the president claims to have had a strong term with regards to foreign policy, she's not going
to buy it.
Useful Idiot: That [Howard] Zinn's introduction overshadows anything in Cindy Sheehan's
book underscores what a puppet she is of the more experienced Left. She's still their most useful
symbol of that strange new notion of bleeding-heart entitlement: All citizens (or maybe, these
days, all illegal aliens) who disagree with the president are entitled to have him stop what he's
doing and listen to their complaints individually — especially if they're parents of soldiers
killed fighting in Iraq.
controversial remarks: Some of the comments [Cindy Sheehan] has made since she first
came to prominence this summer have provoked heated criticism. … In one widely-disparaged remark, made in the
wake of Hurricane Katrina, she called on Bush to pull US troops out of "occupied New Orleans."
On another occasion, Sheehan caused controversy by saying that a Republican senator who supported
Bush had fallen "in lockstep behind his Fuhrer." … In an e-mail sent in her name to a US
television show, she allegedly wrote that "my son joined the Army to protect America, not Israel."
outrage on free speech: I feel sorry for Cindy Sheehan. She lost her beloved son,
Casey, in the Iraq war, and for that she has my sympathy. But losing your son in a war doesn't
give you license to violate House decorum, as she did by wearing a t-shirt (reading: "2,245 Dead. How
many more?") before President Bush's State of the Union speech Tuesday night. It also doesn't grant
you special wisdom on foreign relations in South America. If it did, Sheehan would not have let
herself be embraced by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
The reception is chilly in Canada. Cindy Sheehan: a shameful example
of grieving. Surprise can not sum up the feeling I got when I learned that Cindy Sheehan, pawn
of the American press, had flown to Canada to petition our government to encourage treason in her own
country. This is the same woman who felt it necessary to dishonor her own son's memory by protesting
the fact that her son, an adult, had died doing what he had chosen to do; protecting freedom.
Crocodile Tears. Cindy
Sheehan has now been squatting in a roadside ditch near President Bush's Crawford, Texas ranch
since August 6. And every day more aging hippies, professional grievance-mongers, and
underemployed liberal arts majors show up with their backpacks and banjos to join her.
Fred Barnes Calls
Sheehan a "Crackpot," Rues Media Focus on Her. Barnes criticized both
her and the media's treatment of her: "This woman wants to go in and tell the
President that the war is about oil because the President wants to pay off his
buddies. She's a crackpot, and yet the press treats her as some important protestor."
The Liberal Media's
Newest Hero. Numerous quotes illustrate the transparent media bias in favor
of anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan.
Looking the
other way. On August 6, as her 15 minutes of fame was just beginning,
Cindy Sheehan used an odd term in a TV interview with Mark Knoller of CBS. She referred
to the foreign insurgents and terrorists in Iraq as "freedom fighters." Knoller cut those
words out of his report, he told me, because he "really wasn't interested." He should have
left them in. In fact, alarm bells should have rung in his brain.
Cindy Sheehan's Emotional Crackup. The media frenzy surrounding Cindy Sheehan,
the woman who lost a son in Iraq, is a prime example of what has gone wrong with 24-hour "news"
coverage. The woman is clearly unhinged, and while we need to respect her grief at losing
her son, it is now abundantly evident that her campaign has moved beyond her personal loss to
her political ideology.
is not worth dying for!" So said Cindy Sheehan in April of this year at a rally in
support of Attorney Lynne Stewart, who was convicted of aiding and abetting terrorism. Some
commentators have speculated that Sheehan is a political innocent being controlled by radical
leftists such as Michael Moore. I say her words prove that she has become a radical
leftist in her own right.
NY Times Only Tells Half the
Story on Cindy Sheehan. It's one thing to be anti-war. … But,
anti-American statements? That's a different story and one the MSM
does not want to bring out because it would open too many eyes to the whole truth.
Behind Cindy Sheehan? The story of Cindy Sheehan is a sad story all the way
round. It is sad she lost her son in the Iraq War. It is sad that she is
being exploited by far left. It is also sad that she is being exploited by the media
and that she seems to enjoy it. The latest example of this crass exploitation is the
August 13 page-one story in the Washington Post about how the anti-war mother has gained
"visibility." The Post and other media have given her this "visibility." They
are feeding off one another to promote an anti-war agenda.
Cindy Sheehan's Sinister Piffle: Sheehan
has obviously taken a short course in the Michael Moore/Ramsey Clark school of Iraq analysis and has
not succeeded in making it one atom more elegant or persuasive. … What dreary sentimental
nonsense this all is, and how much space has been wasted on it. Most irritating is the snide
idea that the president is "on vacation" and thus idly ignoring his suffering subjects….
Cindy Sheehan: Victim of
Liberal-Left. With each new interview and TV commercial, it is increasingly
clear that she has allowed herself to become the mouthpiece for the liberal left's
anti-war, anti-Bush vitriol.
Sheen, Sheehan and
Sharpton star in theater of absurd. When Cindy Sheehan knelt to place flowers on her
son's grave, alone with her pain, she was a sympathetic character whose loss would break a million
hearts. When Cindy Sheehan knelt to place flowers next to a stage-prop cross erected for
Nikons and networks in Crawford, she was an actress studiously performing for an audience that
may easily find other places for their sympathies to repose.
Even Cindy Sheehan
can go too far. In their haste to assault President Bush and the war in Iraq,
Sheehan's allies have ignored her extremism. They have ignored her attempt to undermine
other military families and to destroy the morale of troops still in combat. Those on
the radical anti-war left are only too happy to trumpet Sheehan's disgusting message.
Some parents mean
more than others. Cindy Sheehan is wrapping up operations in Crawford, Texas, and
preparing to torment the East Coast with her "Camp Casey" circus, much to the delight of the
cheerleading national media.
What Cindy Sheehan Really Wants: When
are the bureau chiefs of our newspapers and networks going to snap out of their own vacation-induced
trances and send some grown-up correspondents down to Crawford, Texas? For weeks now, Cindy
Sheehan has not been asked a single question that is any tougher than "How does it feel?" The
media have been acting as her megaphone.
Now You Sheehan, Now You
Don't. We're guessing Sheehan won't come back, and even if she does,
who cares? … Reporters can't possibly be both bored enough and creative enough
to keep this story going.
Dear Cindy
Sheehan: I know you want to talk to President Bush about the conflict in Iraq, the
war in which your son, Specialist Casey Sheehan, was tragically killed. I also know that while
the President met with you previously, he is not eager to see you again — not now that you
are affiliated with Moveon.org and supported by David Duke and handled by slick public
relations professionals.
Cindy, the
War in Iraq, and Dissent in a Time of War. Speech that endangers American
lives can be restricted in wartime, censorship in wartime is standard for all countries,
including all democracies, and speech has led to trials — and
convictions — for treason, Tokyo Rose and Axis Sally being two obvious examples.
The Editor mutters:
[Not only does Cindy not speak for me, I doubt if she speaks for her son.]
Sheehan Delivers Katrina Aid To Moslem Radical. As discussed elsewhere,
Cindy Sheehan's compadres, the august Veterans For Peace, have been helping themselves
to Red Cross food and other supplies. So the supplies they brag about having delivered
to former Black Panther and now Moslem radical, Malik Rahim, were almost certainly pilfered
from the Red Cross.
The Million Yawn March: I
count 29 people. This is her entire protest party. Including Cindy. … The
organizers backing her show hope to draw "ten of thousands" of fellow protestors this weekend, but
if this sad crowd and last night's turnout of just 150 in New York are any indication, the fledging
anti-war movement of Cindy Sheehan is all but dead.
Reds and Cindy Sheehan Come
to Town. As the U.S. gets hit by another hurricane, the Cindy Sheehan
media circus is blowing into Washington, D.C. On Saturday [9/24/2005] she's a featured
speaker at a communist-organized "anti-war" rally.
the colorful fringe. One potentially big story was the most recent left-wing march on
Washington to protest the Iraq war, which was reduced to snippets on some network shows. But
the nation's biggest newspapers, with ample space to fill, were there. And based on their
stories, it was hard to tell whether they were covering it — or sponsoring it.
Sheehan has spent her
sympathy. Cindy Sheehan, whose son Casey was killed in action in Iraq
on April 4, 2004, has become the face of the anti-war movement in the United States. While
her grief is understandable, her rhetoric is outrageous.
You don't
build a movement on that. A large number of Americans feel deep and understandable unease
about the war in Iraq, and want nothing more than to pull out. But the antiwar movement is singularly
disserved by its leadership, such as it is. Its de facto leader is Cindy Sheehan, who
catapulted herself into that role by quite brilliantly exploiting the media's hunger
for political news during the August recess, and by wrapping herself in the courage
of her son Casey, who died in Iraq.
bad news: Cindy Sheehan was more or less a summer-long anti-Bush media construct,
kept aloft by withholding the news that she regards "insurgents" in Iraq as "freedom fighters," hates
her country (America "is not worth dying for") and thinks Lynne Stewart, the lawyer convicted
of aiding terrorists, is a real-life Atticus Finch, the heroic attorney of "To Kill a
Mockingbird." She's a loony Michael Moore clone, protected by the media's "bereaved mom"
Cindy: Answer
a Question about ANSWER. One of the few remaining high-class shows
on the Fox News channel, Special Report with Brit Hume, explored the sensitive
topic of who ran the September 24 demonstration in Washington, D.C. First
there was a report by reporter Jim Angle on how the communist Workers World Party
played a key role, and how it supports dictators such as Kim Jong Il and even
the Iraqi terrorists.
This is what's known as cahoots: Cindy vs.
Hillary. Harsh criticism of President Bush by [Cindy] Sheehan, whose son was killed
in Iraq, was faithfully reported for months. But she was hardly covered last Saturday
when she called [Hillary Rodham] Clinton "a political animal who believes
she has to be a war hawk to keep up with the big boys."
Sheehan Found Guilty of Misdemeanor. Iraq War protester Cindy Sheehan and 26 other
peace activists were found guilty Thursday of protesting without a permit near the White House. They
were each ordered to pay $75 in fines and court costs, but Sheehan's lawyer said he plans to appeal
the verdict.
Cindy Sheehan buys property in
Crawford. War protester Cindy Sheehan has purchased a 5-acre plot in Crawford with some of the
insurance money she received after her son was killed in Iraq.
[Eventually somebody sold rifles to the Indians, and now somebody has sold land in
Crawford to Cindy Sheehan.]
Texas Town Disturbed by Sheehan and her
Protests. The protesters group said it outgrew a 1-acre lot about a mile from Bush's ranch that
a sympathetic landowner provided. Several hundred demonstrators returned to the lot over Thanksgiving
and Easter. Many of the town's 700 residents fear the traffic congestion, noise from rallies and odor
from portable toilets — complaints from residents near the other campsite — will affect
those closer to town.
returns: "peace mom" back in Central Texas. Cindy Sheehan is back in town. After
flying in from Jordan on Saturday night [8/5/2006], Sheehan led a day of anti-war protests that culminated
in an afternoon march in heat exceeding 100 degrees from the site of Camp Casey I to a checkpoint
outside President Bush's ranch.
Sheehan resumes war protest near Bush's
ranch. Under the blazing Texas sun, Sheehan and more than 50 demonstrators again marched a mile
and a half toward Bush's ranch, stopping at a roadblock. As the Secret Service agents stood silently,
Sheehan held up her California driver's license and said she wanted to meet with the president.
[AS IF the Secret Service guys
don't know who she is.]
Lonesome doves: Praying for peace, or at least a
breeze. As night fell, about 50 peace activists sat in a circle under a blanket of stars and
chanted a Hindu mantra. "Ommmmmm," they began, as one, in a droning monotone. ... The anti-war
demonstrators don't complain about the heat and Spartan conditions and shrug off the occasional "drive-by
shoutings" from motorists traveling along state Texas 317. Passers-by yell at the strangers, telling
peaceniks to get a life, to get a job, to go home.
Back Out Of Sheehan Protest. The International Socialist Organization has rescinded its
sponsorship of Cindy Sheehan's upcoming 17-day anti-war protest in Washington, D.C., according
to a spokesman for the event.
Scofflaw! Sheehan tracked down for unpaid
traffic ticket. Police tracked down war protester Cindy Sheehan at a vigil near President Bush's
ranch for failing to pay a traffic ticket. Officers from the Waco suburb of Woodway went to a roadblock
near the ranch Tuesday night [8/29/2006] where Sheehan and other war protesters had gathered, said Sheehan's
spokeswoman Tiffany Burns.
Cindy Sheehan's friend in
need. The news is as cruel lately as the Midwest's Children's Blizzard. First you find out
that Cindy Sheehan was a paid shill of the Kerry campaign all along, that she dabbles in the darker side of
the internet, and you dab at a reflexive tear at that news.
Cindy Sheehan Goes on Trial for Trespassing at
U.N. Mission. Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, who protested the Iraq war by camping outside
President Bush's Texas ranch, went on trial with three other women Tuesday [12/5/2006] on charges of
trespassing at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. The women tried to deliver an anti-war
petition with 70,000-plus signatures to mission officials on March 6.
Sheehan Among 4 Convicted of
Trespassing. Peace activist Cindy Sheehan and three other women were convicted of trespassing
Monday [12/11/2006] for trying to delivery an anti-Iraq war petition to the U.S. Mission to the United Nations
and refusing to leave.
Sheehanoia Redux: Remember Cindy
Sheehan? Neither does anyone else, which we suppose is why the Associated Press is now putting forward a
new "folk hero" for the "anti-war movement": Rosemarie Jackowski, a diminutive sexagenarian from Vermont
who was arrested in 2003 for disrupting traffic and has been appealing her conviction ever since.
Worn Out Welcome? Cindy Sheehan No Longer
on Tips of Everyone's Tongues. Public opposition to the war in Iraq reached a crescendo in
2006, fueling a backlash against the Bush administration and the Republican Party in the congressional
midterm elections. But throughout the fall election season, the "peace mom" who played a large
part in launching the anti-war movement was comparatively silent. Cindy Sheehan has been largely
absent from the political stage in recent months.
[And that's probably because the liberals in the news media realize that we're all tired of
hearing about Cindy, so her appearance on television does more harm than good, from their
And yet she struggles to stay in the headlines ... Cindy Sheehan Arrested Outside Bush's Texas
Ranch. Peace activist Cindy Sheehan and four other protesters were arrested Thursday [12/28/2006]
for blocking a road near President Bush's ranch, delaying the arrival of Vice President Dick Cheney's motorcade,
authorities said.
Cindy Sheehan routs the
Democrats. Cindy Sheehan, the "peace activist" who famously besieged President Bush at Prairie
Chapel Ranch, yesterday [1/3/2007] routed the leaders of the new House Democratic majority from their press
conference where they attempted to present their legislative agenda. Chants of "de-escalate, investigate,
troops home now," drowned out the new majority leaders, including Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, the chairman
of the Democratic House Caucus.
I Paid for This Microphone, Mr.
Emanuel. Like the ghost of Hamlet's father haunting Elsinore Castle, antiwar activist Cindy
Sheehan appeared at the Capitol this week to send the new Democratic leaders a clear message: Remember
me. "Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic leadership can no longer tell us what is on the table," Sheehan
said on Wednesday [1/3/2007], after commandeering a set of microphones from Democratic Rep. Rahm Emanuel.
"We are the ones that put them in power and they are not including the peace movement."
in Cuba to Protest Gitmo Prison. American "peace mom" Cindy Sheehan called for the closure of
the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as she and other activists arrived here Saturday to draw
attention to the nearly 400 terror suspects held at the remote site.
'No!' to Cindy. How many times have you sat in front of the TV over the last four years, watching
anti-war activists march on Washington, chase the ROTC off your local college campus, vandalize war memorials,
insult the troops and wreak havoc under the surrender banner?
Bush critic
Sheehan blasts US Democrats. Prominent Iraq war opponent Cindy Sheehan urged US President
George W. Bush on Friday to "end this madness" and accused his Democratic foes of having "betrayed"
their anti-war supporters.
Anti-war activist mother
quits role. US anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan has announced she no longer wants to be the public
face of the movement against the US-led invasion of Iraq, a cause she spearheaded following the death of her
soldier son. Ms Sheehan, best known for camping out at US President George W. Bush's Texas ranch,
said she has become disillusioned with the struggle, which has ravaged her bank account, wrecked her marriage
and strained her relationship with her surviving children.
Sheehan leaves Crawford, 'resigns' as
protest leader. Cindy Sheehan, the soldier's mother who galvanized an anti-war movement with her
monthlong protest outside President Bush's ranch, says she's done being the public face of the movement.
Crawford happy to see war foe hit the road.
Folks in this one-stoplight town near President Bush's ranch said Friday they are thrilled that Cindy Sheehan is
packing up her tents and lanterns as she steps down as the face of the anti-war movement.
War backers seek to buy
protest site. Days after Cindy Sheehan said she was stepping down as the face of the anti-war
movement, an organization that supports the U.S. intervention in Iraq said Friday it plans to buy her protest
site outside President Bush's ranch.
Sheehan Selling Land to Radio
Show Host. Cindy Sheehan will sell her war protest site near President Bush's ranch to a California
radio talk show host, who will preserve it as a peace memorial, her spokeswoman said.
Sheehan Considers Challenge to Pelosi.
Six weeks after announcing her departure from the peace movement, Cindy Sheehan said Sunday that she plans to run
against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unless she introduces articles of impeachment against President Bush in the
next two weeks.
The Party of Cindy (Sheehan): Cindy
Sheehan's announcement that she will challenge House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if she doesn't move to impeach
President Bush raises a serious question: Who comprises Cindy's base? … Aside from aliens, Sheehan
would draw from a wide range of people: felons, drug addicts, and anybody with more body piercings than
Frankenstein's wife. The one group she may not have in the bag is the anti-war group.
epic narcissism of Cindy Sheehan: Even the American left's netroots are getting tired of Cindy
Sheehan. It's a shame it took them so long. Sheehan, the epic narcissist who became the face of the
anti-war movement, has been banned from posting any further entries on Daily Kos, arguably the most influential
of all liberal blogs in the US. Sheehan has said she will decide on July 23 whether to go ahead with
her attempt to oust Pelosi — who is, incidentally, about as liberal as congressional Democrats
get — from her San Francisco district. "Democrats and Americans feel betrayed by the
Democratic leadership," Sheehan recently proclaimed with her customary certitude.
Sheehan wants
impeachment, Pelosi's job. [Cindy] Sheehan, whose 24-year-old son Casey was killed in
Iraq, has been saying for two weeks that she would seek to oust Pelosi from office by running
against her as an independent in her San Francisco district if Pelosi didn't change her mind
by July 23 on trying to impeach Bush.
Dems hit Sheehan candidacy. A local
Democratic Club has criticized the decision by anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan to run against House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi. "If you continue with this threat to embarrass the speaker, it is very possible that the
voters will turn against the Democratic leadership in Congress and return the Republicans to the majority,"
stated a letter written by J. Paton Marshall, corresponding secretary for the Robert F. Kennedy
Democratic Club.
Washington, D.C., Judge Issues Bench Warrant
for Cindy Sheehan. A bench warrant was issued Thursday [9/27/2007] for antiwar activist Cindy
Sheehan, who did not appear for arraignment Thursday in a Washington, D.C., courtroom to face charges related
to her Sept. 10 disorderly conduct arrest on Capitol Hill.
Sheehan in Egypt for Islamists. Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan joined a protest Wednesday [2/13/2008]
seeking the support of Egypt's first lady in ending a military trial of members of the country's largest Islamic
Anti-war Cindy Sheehan files
to take on Pelosi. Peace activist Cindy Sheehan wants to snatch House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's congressional
seat from her in November, but first she's going to need the help — and signatures — of 10,198 friends
and supporters. Sheehan was at San Francisco City Hall on Friday [4/25/2008] to take out papers for her independent
run for Congress, but without those signatures from voters in the district, her name won't show up on the ballot.
Cindy Sheehan
to Lead Protest at Bush House. Remember the grieving mother turned war protester who camped outside the
Bush ranch in Crawford during the blazing summer heat? Well, Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq, is
scheduled to lead a protest outside the Bush house in Preston Hollow this weekend, according to the Dallas Peace
It's Not Easy Being a
Has-Been. Like a child star, Sheehan has gone from being the center of attention to standing around
wondering where all the cameras went.
Principled Protester. Turns out at least one person from the anti-war left has principles,
after all. Too bad it's ... Cindy Sheehan.
Sheehan: Where Have All the Cameras Gone? Cindy Sheehan brings Camp Casey to Martha's
Vineyard. Meanwhile, the mainstream media is as apathetic about her new protest as they are about
an Afghan body count.
An Evening with Cindy
Sheehan and Bill Ayers. It doesn't seem to be much fun to be a darling of the left these days.
Tuesday night [6/15/2010], I heard a torrent of whining when Bill Ayers and Cindy Sheehan were joined via
Skype by avowed communist atheist Sunsara Taylor for an event at the Evanston Public Library, just north
of Chicago. Turnout was a disappointing eighty souls or so in a location accessible by El train,
odd in light of the fact that the event was sponsored by no fewer than five organizations.
Sheehan cleared of D.C. charges. A D.C. judge cleared activist Cindy Sheehan on a charge
stemming from an anti-war protest in front the White House. D.C. Superior Court Judge Robert E.
Morin found Sheehan not guilty of crossing a police line in March.
Sheehan Antiwar Activism Continues Despite Being Used by the Democrats. We don't read much about Cindy
Sheehan's antiwar activism these days, perhaps because her political utility has faded. Sheehan has railed against
President Barack Obama as she did against Bush. The press, for the most part, has shrugged.
Feds sue anti-war activist
Cindy Sheehan over back taxes. The federal government has filed a lawsuit to force anti-war activist
Cindy Sheehan to provide her financial records to the Internal Revenue Service. An IRS revenue officer said
Sheehan refused to answer any questions about her finances after receiving a summons at her Vacaville home.
32 Grieving Parents with
Absolute Moral Authority over Obama. When [...] Cindy Sheehan theatrically pursued President George Bush for months after her
son Casey was killed in Iraq, she was proclaimed to have "absolute moral authority" by New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd.
Well, I hereby proclaim the absolute moral authority of the Terrys, Zapatas, Longs, and the parents of the 13 men and women murdered at
Fort Hood. Maybe these bereaved mothers and fathers should take inspiration from Cindy Sheehan and join together for some
attention-grabbing theater inside the Democratic National Convention.
Deep-Sixing the News (to Save a President).
Remember Cindy Sheehan, who became a celebrated anti-war activist after losing a son in the Iraq war in early 2004? She first gained
fame during the 2004 presidential campaign and later camped out for three years outside President George W. Bush's ranch. While
the major news media hung on her every word during and after the 2004 presidential race, the same television stations and newspapers have
ignored Charles Woods, father of Ty Woods, a former SEAL killed in Benghazi.
Cindy Sheehan makes Socialist run for
Calif. governor slot. Liberal activist Cindy Sheehan, the activist mother of a slain Iraq solider who ran as the vice presidential candidate
for the Peace and Freedom Party alongside Roseanne Barr, announced last week that she's throwing her hat in the ring for a shot at being the next governor
of California.
Congressman Charlie Rangel:
Some people will say anything to get on television. That appears to be the
primary motivation for Congressman Charlie Rangel's proposal to reinstate the draft.
Rangel Will Seek to Reinstate Draft. Americans would have to sign up for a new military draft
after turning 18 if the incoming chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee has his way. Rep.
Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said Sunday he sees his idea as a way to deter politicians from launching wars and to
bolster U.S. troop levels insufficient to cover potential future action in Iran, North Korea and Iraq.
Uncle Charlie Wants
You! Mr. Rangel's real argument is about class in America, not over the best way to fight Islamic
terrorism overseas. He's suggesting that somehow only the poor serve in Uncle Sam's Army. But his
views are both out of date and condescending to those who do serve. Alas, they are shared by many on the
political left, who think that the military places an unfair burden on the working class.
Congressman Rangel brought this same subject up several times over the last couple of years and in the
last session of Congress the Republicans called his bluff. They called for an immediate
floor vote and Mr. Rangel voted against the draft.*.
The vote was 402 to 2.*.
to "Rangel" some facts. If Rangel has facts that support his contention that our troops are
poor, ill-educated dead-enders with no prospects for success in civilian life, he ought to present those
facts. Otherwise, he should stop abusing our brave men and women in uniform, learn to face the truth
and start acting like a responsible leader.
Charlie Rangel Is Wrong About
Recruits. Rep. Charlie Rangel (D.-N.Y.), soon to chair the powerful House Ways and Means Committee,
has announced his intention to try to reinstate the draft. … Rangel claims that mostly poor people with
few opportunities enlist, often driven to military service because of structural unemployment. … This
serious charge — that the most vulnerable citizens are being hauled away to fight in corporate
America's wars of choice while the elite are earning fortunes — is untrue.
Democrat Would Draft Your Daughter.
By now, anybody paying attention to the media in recent weeks knows that Rep. Charles Rangel (D.-N.Y.), who
will become Ways and Means chairman in the next Congress, wants to reinstate the draft. What many may not
know is that Rangel wants to draft not only all young American males, but also all young American females, to
serve in the military or some alternative civilian service.
Reinstating the Military Draft. Contrary
to Rep. Rangel's assertion, a draft would tend to give rise to greater, not less, use of the military.
Today's all-volunteer military consists of high-quality soldiers and fewer misfits than
yesteryear. … The military draft is an offense to the values of liberty, causes misallocation of
resources, and there's a higher risk of getting a bunch of misfits. The all-volunteer military
does none of this.
Draft Equals Moral Bankruptcy. Turning
citizens into slaves is no way to instill loyalty or to build a competent army. You don't preserve
freedom by sacrificing freedom. If a war is truly in a nation's defense, people will be willing to
fight to defend themselves. If they aren't, then they deserve what they get. It the war is not
worth fighting, then the government has no business fighting it, much less drafting people to fight
in it.
The Military Draft and Draft Registration Versus
Freedom: The Constitution says to Congress, "Raise an army, but do it with volunteers." So
how is it we've had a military draft? Mostly, by means of the same justification given for other
intrusions on our liberty: crisis.
Charlie Rangel Doesn't Understand Real
Men. When Charlie Rangel closed out the year by seconding John Kerry's sentiment that men end
up in the military by default rather than choice, he exposed something that many have long suspected not only
about Rangel and Kerry, but about the Democratic Party itself: they don't understand the nature of men.
Jane Fonda:
Jane Fonda Tells Bill Maher She Has No Idea What Far Left Policies Are. Good old
'Hanoi' Jane Fonda recently appeared on Bill Maher's podcast and played dumb on the topic of fare
left policies. When Maher suggested that the extreme left is one of the reasons that Joe
Biden lost the election, Fonda stupidly asks him 'who is the far left?' as if she doesn't
know. When Maher uses the example of leftists saying that men can get pregnant, she claims to
have never heard anyone say this. Maher tells her that she likely watches media that never
tells her any of this, which is likely correct. Fonda is probably MSNBC's number one fan.
[Tweets with video clips.] Jane Fonda knows exactly what the far left is. She has been
a part of it for decades.
March of Dimes Syndrome and Beyond. John Tierney in City Journal has written
that all activists are infected with "The March of Dimes Syndrome." As he writes:
["]The March helped fund the vaccines that eventually ended the polio epidemics —
but not the organization, which, after polio's eradication, changed its mission to preventing birth
defects.["] Actually, per Wikipedia, after polio, the March of Dimes first dealt with
rubella, then neonatal care, then fetal alcohol syndrome. But you get the point.
Consider Jane Fonda. First, she protested the Vietnam War, then she protested nuclear power,
and now climate with "Fire Drill Fridays." Bless her heart.
Hanoi Jane Honored. Something called the L.A. Press Club has
bestowed its annual "Visionary Award" on Hanoi Jane. Why? I wondered that too.
Reminder# 11,487: Hollywood Hates You.
Conservatives will stomach certain actors and actresses, even if that individual has gone out of their way to constantly insult who we are
and what we believe in. Jane Fonda, however, is something lower than that. She doesn't simply hurl insults at us, she's given
aid and comfort to those who were not only were fighting to enslave an entire population under communism, but were killing the American
servicemen selflessly fighting to keep that population liberated.
'Truth' About Jane Fonda's Trip to Hanoi is Bad Enough. 73 year-old, two time Academy Award-winner
Jane Fonda spends 4200-plus words "explaining" her infamous 1972 trip to Hanoi where she was infamously photographed
sitting on a North Vietnamese (translation: the enemy) anti-aircraft gun (translation: a weapon used to kill
American pilots). It's a long, anguished, intellectually dishonest rationalization from the aging actresses
titled: "The Truth About My Trip to Hanoi."
Fonda Claims QVC Cancelled Appearance Because of Her Politics. In a blog post that appeared
this weekend on her personal website, actress and activist Jane Fonda claimed that home shopping channel
QVC cancelled her scheduled appearance on the network due to her political views. Fonda, 73, was set
to discuss her recently-published book "Prime Time" on QVC this Saturday, but she says that the network
uninvited her after customers called to complain.
Jane, QVC and the triumph of capitalism. The explanation for why Fonda's segment was
cancelled depends on who's answering the question. A spokesperson at QVC stated that a scheduling
conflict had caused Fonda's snake-oil sale to be axed. Fonda is skeptical of QVC's response.
She claims that top network executives caved to unnamed "extremists" who were pressuring the network to
cut Fonda's segment because of her liberal political activism.
Jane Fonda's
second coming: Having made her first movie in many years that was a box
office success, [Jane] Fonda apparently thinks her new visibility gives her a certain
credibility to comment on the Iraq war.
American Traitor: Guilty As Charged. For three decades Jane Fonda
obfuscated, distorted and lied about virtually everything connected with her wartime
trip to North Vietnam: her motive, her acts, her intent, and her contribution
to the Communists' war effort. With the aid of clever handlers, she so successfully
suppressed and spun her conduct in Hanoi that many Americans didn't know what she had
done there, and, more important, the legal significance.
Treason is Not Merely Dissenting Against
Wars. Most prominent (but hardly alone) among the Vietnam war protestors was actress
Jane Fonda, whose name still arouses indignation among American patriots, and deservedly so. Two
of her deeds merit special condemnation and indelibly blacken her character.
Cindy, the
War in Iraq, and Dissent in a Time of War. Speech that endangers American
lives can be restricted in wartime, censorship in wartime is standard for all countries,
including all democracies, and speech has led to trials — and
convictions — for treason, Tokyo Rose and Axis Sally being two obvious examples.
Cindy Sheehan's Radical
Strategist: To anyone familiar with the world of professional protesting — protests
against globalism, capitalism, war, police tactics, and dozens of other causes — the presence
of [Lisa] Fithian is a sign of how far Cindy Sheehan has strayed from the roots of her "one mom" crusade
against George W. Bush. Or, perhaps more accurately, it is a sign that the "one mom" crusade was
never just one mom.
Vegetable oil and
tours of "duty": "Hanoi Jane" Fonda seems to have tired of her moniker. The
wilted flower child who firmly established her place in American history when she mounted a North
Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun has decided it's time to teach a whole new generation to blame
America first.
Jane Fonda's Magical
Mystery Tour: Many Vietnam vets do not forgive Fonda for what they view as treason and
for making their lives harder, especially prisoners of war who were tortured in her name. To her
limited credit, Fonda has apologized. Still, her newest foray into antiwar territory feels
like a cartoonish parody of her former self.
From Hanoi Jane to Imam
Obama. Befitting an actress, she had her picture taken. Sitting at a North Vietnamese
anti-aircraft battery. Smiling, wearing a military helmet, Fonda happily posed as her Communist
hosts grinned and laughed along with her at the image of the famous American leftist film star clapping with
joy as if she were poised to shoot down their enemy — American pilots. Later, Fonda took to
Radio Hanoi to broadcast her views to the world. She accused the President of the United States of being
a "war criminal" and insisted that returning American POW's who said the North Vietnamese had tortured them
were "hypocrites and liars." In a flash, Fonda won the nickname "Hanoi Jane." It was not meant
with affection.
Jane under fire: QVC 'drops Fonda. It's been 39 years years since Jane Fonda shocked the
American public by straddling a Viet Cong anti-aircraft gun during the Vietnam War. She wrote in her 2005
autobiography that she'd been tricked into that gesture and has since apologised for her radical stance, but
apparently that's not long enough for many QVC fans to forget the actress's anti-war activities.
'Hanoi Jane' Fonda Honor
Withdrawn. The sponsor of an effort to honor Jane Fonda in the Georgia state Senate
withdrew her resolution Thursday [3/16/2006], after a rocky reception from some colleagues and a
phone call from the actress' office.
Liberals Are a Thousand Times Smarter Than
Conservatives — Just Ask Them! [Scroll down] A jaw-dropping article was recently
published on Hollywood icon Jane Fonda in the UK Daily Mail. What stood out from that essay, more than
anything else, was how mindless Fonda's conversion to extreme leftism had been. Jane, like many other
professional entertainers, had no real education to draw upon to form her view of the world, and so simply
fell into what was popular and supposedly profound. But the details of her conversion portray an
utterly brain-dead approach.
Protest Jane Fonda. The Frederick Speaker Series kicked off Friday evening with Jane
Fonda as the presenter. While event organizers were excited to have her speak, not everyone was
happy about her visit. Jane Fonda is a woman known for many things — fitness expert, best-selling
author, accomplished actress, but among the veteran community, she's remembered for a picture taken with
the North Vietnamese military in 1972. "She's a traitor, she was treasonous in her conduct during
the Vietnam War and was detrimental to the entire war cause," said Mike Sater, a Vietnam War veteran.
'Hanoi Jane' Moment Was A 'Huge Mistake'. Actress Jane Fonda issued an apology late
Friday [1/16/2015] for her infamous visit to North Vietnam in 1972, a moment that earned her the
dubious nickname "Hanoi Jane." Fonda called it a "huge mistake" during a speech given at an
arts center in Frederick, Maryland, the Associated Press reports. She made her comments in
response to protests against her appearance.
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The
decayed and degraded state of morals and patriotic feelings which thinks
that nothing is worth war is much worse. The man who has nothing for which he is
willing to fight and nothing that he cares more about than his personal safety
is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free unless made and kept so
by the exertions of better men than himself.
- John S. Mills (1806-1873)
English philosopher and economist