Overview: Planned
Parenthood Doesn't Need Our Taxes. Planned Parenthood is an industrial-scale baby abattoir responsible for more
than 300,000 American deaths annually and a degradation of human dignity on the order of Josef Mengele, and the urgent issue
of the day is whether it should be privately or publicly funded. Democrats are for the latter. Republicans are of
the more modest opinion that if you want to slaughter your child in utero, you should have to pay for it yourself. That
is what would happen if congressional Republicans succeed in defunding Planned Parenthood, which they currently plan to do as
part of the process of dismantling President Obama's Affordable Care Act. Planned Parenthood is the recipient of more
than $500 million annually in taxpayer dollars ($528.4 million in fiscal year 2013-14), or about 40 percent of its
annual revenue. Under the Hyde amendment, the organization is technically prohibited from using this money to finance
abortions. In reality, the amendment simply provides a $500-million cushion atop which Planned Parenthood can conduct
its slaughterous business — and the technical separation of funds depends entirely on Planned Parenthood being
scrupulous in its accounting, which it isn't, to put it mildly.
gives Planned Parenthood exec $495K to study 'oppression' and abortion. A Planned
Parenthood executive is researching "power and oppression" and "reproductive health services" with
the help of nearly half a million in taxpayer funds. The study, "Enhancing Policy Impact for
Reproductive Health Equity," will look at "societal dynamics of power and oppression" can affect
access to sexual and reproductive health services. The study runs through Aug. 2026.
These "societal dynamics" disproportionately harm "individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous,
and people of color... those with disabilities and chronic disease, individuals who are transgender
or gender-nonconforming... and people of lower socioeconomic status," according to study author
Elizabeth Janiak. Janiak is a Harvard University professor whose research "explores how
government and institutional policies create inequities in access to and quality of sexual and
reproductive health... care," according to her faculty bio. Janiak also serves as director of
social science research at the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts.
Demand Details on COVID-19 Funds Received by Planned Parenthood. Several Republican
senators are demanding detailed information about the federal funds allocated to Planned Parenthood
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Citing concerns over the use of taxpayer money, GOP lawmakers
are calling for transparency regarding the financial support the organization received under
pandemic relief programs to perform procedures such as abortion. This push arises amid
ongoing scrutiny of how government funds were distributed and whether they were adequately
allocated to essential services during the health crisis. Senators Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Rand
Paul (R-KY) have sent a letter to SBA Administrator Kelly Loeffler questioning Planned Parenthood's
receipt of funds from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The PPP was created under the
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2020 to help businesses impacted by
government-imposed lockdowns. However, it was later discovered that these funds were going
toward funding abortions. "Not a single tax dollar should fund abortions," Ernst told the
Daily Signal.
States Fight to Hold Planned Parenthood Accountable for $17 Million in Medicaid
Fraud. A federal appeals court has deal two states a minor setback in their efforts
to get the Planned Parenthood abortion business to pay back millions in Medicaid fraud. As
LifeNews previously reported, Texas officials have filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood
saying that the abortion business filed millions in false Medicaid claims for which it improperly
received taxpayer reimbursement. With the repayments, damages and fines, the abortion chain
could face a $1.8 billion judgment. In 2021, a Texas judge allowed the state to defund
Planned Parenthood and kick the abortion giant out of its state Medicaid program.
Parenthood Makes $2 Billion Killing Babies, It Doesn't Need Our Tax Dollars. The
deep blue state of Maryland, home to many federal bureaucrats, was one of 7 states that fell
to Planned Parenthood's publicly funded attacks on state constitutions in 2024. The Maryland
Reproductive Freedom Amendment was legislatively referred by the Maryland General Assembly, where
pro-abortion legislators outnumber pro-life legislators nearly 3 to 1. While the odds
were firmly stacked against the National Right to Life affiliates in Democrat-controlled states, the
re-election of pro-life President Donald J. Trump gave battle weary pro-lifers reason to
hope. During his first term, President Trump was a champion for life. Most notably,
Trump successfully nominated three pro-life justices to the Supreme Court — a measure
which many credit for the overturning of Roe v. Wade and nearly 50 years of
federal abortion mandates on the states. Other significant pro-life actions included Trump's
restoration of Title X Family Planning Program rules to prohibit funding of abortion businesses
as well as his deep cuts to the funding of unethical fetal tissue testing at federal biomedical
research labs like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) located in Maryland.
Parenthood Not a Legitimate Women's Healthcare Provider, Must Be Defunded Immediately.
After a New York Times exposé detailing dangerous failures at Planned Parenthood, and
now with the latest disturbing social media content, it is clear that Planned Parenthood is not a
legitimate women's healthcare provider and must be defunded immediately. The New York Times
article, reveals alarming details, stating: "Planned Parenthood has botched care, tired staff, failed
abortions, misplaced IUDs, and inadequately trained personnel." [...] It is unconscionable that
$700 million in taxpayer funding annually is being funneled to an organization that not only
jeopardizes women's health but also promotes messaging that degrades and trivializes serious women's
healthcare. Following the New York Times report and these disturbing social media posts,
Stanton Public Policy Center is calling for the immediate defunding of Planned Parenthood.
We will be personally delivering copies of the Times article and these social media images to
members of Congress as they work to end taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood.
Parenthood appears to scrub Instagram as fears of DOGE cuts loom. Planned Parenthood
caught the internet's attention on Thursday after all of its Instagram posts were deleted within
hours of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary RFK Jr.'s swearing in. The organization,
in an apparent nod to this move, posted a pair of eyes on a black background on its Instagram story
with no explanation." On Friday, Planned Parenthood posted another story, an animated gif
with the words "I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me," and later there were just three posts
on its Instagram page, all about condom use. As speculation swirled about the mysterious
disappearance of the posts, many pro-life advocates started to call for the defunding of Planned
Parenthood. This also comes just days after a conservative watchdog nonprofit founded by
former Vice President Mike Pence, urged the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) to cut
federal spending on Planned Parenthood.
Richards, former Planned Parenthood president, dies at 67. Cecile Richards, a women's
rights activist and former president of Planned Parenthood, has died at 67, her family said.
"This morning our beloved Cecile passed away at home, surrounded by her family and her ever-loyal
dog, Ollie. Our hearts are broken today but no words can do justice to the joy she brought to
our lives," her family said in a statement Monday.
Medical Board Director Removed After Being Exposed as Planned Parenthood Employee.
Robert Bredt, medical director of the Texas Medical Board (TMB), the state agency responsible for
ensuring ethical standards and quality care in medicine, was forced out after the discovery of a
blatantly unethical conflict of interest. After it was made public that Bredt worked for a
Planned Parenthood-affiliated lab while fulfilling his role as the Texas Medical Board Director,
Operation Rescue's legal counsel, State Rep. Briscoe Cain (R-TX) demanded the "immediate
termination" of Bredt. Following a December 30 letter, 62-year-old Bredt escaped being
fired by submitting retirement paperwork on January 7. Bredt had been employed in this
public capacity since 2012, earning $185,000 annually. According to his resumé, he was
working for Planned Parenthood South Texas in 2011 — even before he began fulfilling his
public role with the state licensing board.
Winners and Losers: Year in Review. [Planned Parenthood: Loser!] Pro-life
voters ended their losing streak at the ballot box, stopping three statewide constitutional
amendments in support of abortion. Those wins in Florida, Nebraska, and South Dakota give the
pro-life cause a reason for optimism, even as measures passed in seven other states. More
importantly, the left's pro-abortion enthusiasm appeared to wane at the ballot box. Unlike
the 2022 midterm election, when the issue halted the Republican "red wave," this time Democrats
were on defense for a range of other issues, including inflation, border security, and crime.
With the incoming Trump administration poised to restore pro-life protections, Planned Parenthood
will also be a target of Congress. The abortion giant relies on taxpayer funding for its
operations. In recent years, Planned Parenthood has expanded its portfolio to include
transgender services. Abortion remains its priority, however. With approximately 200
abortions for every adoption referral, there's no mistaking this organization's evil intentions.
Joe honors Planned Parenthood operative with Presidential Medal of Freedom behind closed
doors. [Joe Biden is] 83. His party threw him out. He's on his way out
from the White House with a big pension, lifetime Secret Service protection, and a big state
funeral. In short, he owes no one. He has no need "to be good" because political
horsetrading is over, he needs nothing, and no one needs him. So what does Biden do?
Showers a Planned Parenthood operative with U.S. honors — away from the public eye.
[...] So abortion is no longer a "regrettable necessity" or "private" and "agonizing" decision in
this person's mind, it's a celebratory act of affirmation to be told to all. What's more,
this person did a lot to ensure that everyone out there without certain scruples got one.
She's reportedly responsible for 314,000 abortions, which involve an agonizing death for the baby
involved and often the cutting up of the baby and selling him or her for spare parts to morally
unconcerned medical researchers.
Parenthood Caught Selling 23-Week-Old Aborted Babies to University for Research. The
nation's biggest abortion business has been shown once again to be selling the body parts of
aborted babies. The latest expose' of the Planned Parenthood abortion giant comes via never-
before-seen documents released under a California public records request. They show Planned
Parenthood selling 23-week-old aborted babies to a university for dubious research[.] Newly
revealed documents show Planned Parenthood supplying UC San Diego with aborted babies parts from
unborn babies killed in elective abortions , including viable babies up to 23 weeks. The
agreements suggest the use of fetal material for research projects in exchange for potential
intellectual property rights.
Parenthood sold bodies of 'viable' babies to University of California, new docs reveal.
Newly obtained documents show that Planned Parenthood supplied the University of California San
Diego (UCSD) with "viable" dead babies up to six months old in exchange for patent deals, renewing
suspicions that the nation's largest abortion chain could be committing partial-birth abortions and
even infanticide in violation of federal law. The pro-life Center for Medical Progress (CMP)
revealed Thursday that a public records request turned up a research plan submitted to and approved
by the UCSD Institutional Review Board (IRB) that states, "We will collect tissues from fetuses
ranging from 4 to 23 weeks' gestational age from subjects undergoing elective surgical
pregnancy termination at Planned Parenthood in San Diego," including on patients with "viable non
anomalous" — i.e., capable of surviving outside the womb, and not having abnormalities
that would complicate their survivability or quality of life.
Biden Awards Medal to Baby Killer-in-Chief. As another proof of the fact that Joe
Biden is less Catholic than a steak on a Lenten Friday, the Meanderer-in-Chief just awarded the
Medal of Freedom to a former president of abortion giant Planned Parenthood. Ah, for the days
when American presidents believed in our founding principle of the right to life. Abortions
kill unborn babies by dismemberment, head crushing, and other unspeakably horrific methods.
They also have numerous negative effects on women's mental and physical health. Yet a woman
who oversaw Planned Parenthood during a period when it murdered almost 4 million babies in
cruel, tortuous ways has just been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by "Catholic" Joe
Biden. Biden's X account posted, "Today, I had the honor of awarding Cecile Richards the
Presidential Medal of Freedom. With absolute courage, she fearlessly leads us forward to be
the America we say we are — a nation of freedom." Democrats are disgusting in how
they apply such sacred words as freedom to anti-American evils such as abortion.
It Bad Enough Yet? In 2016 California AG [Kamala] Harris prosecuted whistleblower
David Daleiden, who exposed Planned Parenthood's (PP) role in selling organs and body tissues from
aborted children. She ordered California DOJ agents to raid Daleiden's home and seize files
and equipment he used to make his undercover videos. Charges against Daleiden include
recording the PP executives without their permission. Selling aborted baby body parts isn't
the problem, the problem is documenting and exposing the crime. It's worth noting that PP has
contributed heavily to Harris's campaigns. Daleiden is reportedly still awaiting trial on the
felony counts in San Francisco Superior Court while the PP staffers who are on video discussing the
illegal sale of aborted baby body parts have not been charged.
International Planned Parenthood Federation's "Deliver Enable Toolkit" shows teachers how to scale
"comprehensive sexuality education" for children under age 10 — going so far as to
present the exploitation of women through prostitution, as a normal "interpersonal relationship."
According to Planned Parenthood's Toolkit, "Commercial sex work" is as normal as working in a
hardware store or being an office manager. Maybe more so. Really? Katie Brown,
American Life League's national director, noted: "Public schools are allowing the organization that
killed almost 393,000 preborn children by abortion in 2023 unfettered access to thousands of
elementary, middle, and high school students in their classrooms." She added, "And it is
spending taxpayer dollars to do so." Which, perversely, might be why a judge recently rejected
a request to suspend the sale of a city-owned property to the Virginia League of Planned Parenthood
for just $10.
Worked At Planned Parenthood For 17 Years. Here's Why I Am Saying No To
Kamala. When I fled civil unrest and violence in Mexico City for the United States as
a young girl, I had no idea that I would eventually become sucked into another violent regime: the
U.S. abortion industry. Unfortunately, the 17 years I spent working as an employee of
Planned Parenthood opened my eyes to unspeakable horrors inflicted on babies and moms that Democrat
politicians like Kamala Harris facilitate. Today, as Vice President Kamala Harris seeks to
win the White House, I hope my story serves as a warning that Harris' laundry list of incompetency
and injustice against immigrants and women make her unfit to lead our nation. Planned
Parenthood hired me back in 2000, I believe in large part because I was undocumented, which made me
a useful envoy to the immigrant community. Over the next 17 years, the organization
groomed me into one of their leading employees. Yet as I was showered with bonuses, titles
and even Planned Parenthood's 2016 "Employee of the Year," I began uncovering the truth about the
coercion and exploitation the organization relied upon as part of its business model.
Cardinal Blesses DNC Without Mentioning Jesus. Cardinal Blase Cupich, the progressive
Catholic Archbishop of Chicago, offered the invocation for the Democratic National Convention (DNC)
Monday without ever mentioning Jesus Christ. Calling him simply the "God of all creation,"
Cardinal Cupich invoked the divinity without witnessing to Jesus or calling out the moral evil
around him. Planned Parenthood of America, the United States' biggest abortion provider,
publicly offered free abortions and vasectomies for the duration of the DNC, in keeping with its
steadfast support for the Democratic party, which advocates abortion on demand during the nine
months of pregnancy. "Planned Parenthood has long been the driving force behind the culture of
death," American Life League President Judie Brown said in a statement. "The Democratic party
has been at the forefront of fueling the Planned Parenthood engine," Brown said. "Now that PP
has chosen to provide free child killing at the DNC, the combination, or should we say bloody
wedding, is complete."
Parenthood Sneaks Into Small Town to Set Up Abortion Business. Documents recently
uncovered by the Family Council in Little Rock, Arkansas, revealed that Planned Parenthood Great
Plains secretly purchased a building in Pittsburg, Kansas, through a string of property investment
limited liability companies, one of which is based in Little Rock. The 990 tax form for
Planned Parenthood Great Plains reveals the following connections: [Chart] On April 10,
Southeast Kansas Property Investment LLC secured a building permit for the location at 2310 Tucker
Terrace in Pittsburg. The description indicated the permit was for a "health center remodel,
exam and lab remodel, gutted and turned into the front entrance." [...] Pittsburg is a small town
with a population of just over 20,000. Though small, there are numerous reasons that Planned
Parenthood would target the town. It is the home of Pittsburg University, a public university
with enrollment of over 6,500, and is located only 5 miles from the Missouri state line and
under 30 miles from the Oklahoma state line. Both border states are abortion free.
Harris Ordered Raid on Undercover Journalist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood's Sale of Baby
Parts. Former California Attorney General Kamala Harris ordered a raid on David
Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress, who exposed Planned Parenthood's heinous
practice of selling aborted baby parts. The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that Planned
Parenthood was caught admitting to this barbaric activity, and Kamala Harris, instead of
investigating the illegal trafficking of fetal organs, went after the journalist who brought the
truth to light. The controversy began in 2015 when Daleiden, posing as a laboratory
wholesaler, secretly recorded conversations with top officials at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast,
including Dr. Ann Schutt-Ainé, the chief medical officer, and Tram Nguyen, RN, the
branch's vice president of abortion access.
Did Planned Parenthood Become One of the Country's Largest Suppliers of Testosterone?
For Cristina Hineman, the situation felt urgent: the 17-year-old needed treatment at Planned
Parenthood, where she knew she wouldn't be subjected to humiliating questions, or an unnecessary
waiting period, or lectures, or prying about her certainty. But it wasn't an abortion she
sought. It was testosterone. Planned Parenthood was founded a century ago to promote
birth control. Today, its nearly 600 clinics nationwide make it the largest single provider
of abortion, contraception, reproductive care, and sex education in the U.S. It has also, in
less than a decade, become the country's leading provider of gender transition hormones for young
adults, according to insurance claim data. In 2015, around two dozen of their clinics began
offering this service. Now it's available at nearly 450 locations.
'Crime' Harris Was Toughest on was Journalism. Finally, Congress has taken an
interest in the work done by investigative journalist David Daleiden and his colleague Sandra
Merritt nearly a decade ago. A week ago, for instance, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene
released the full versions of subpoenaed undercover videos that were featured at the March hearing,
"Investigating the Black Market of Baby Organ Harvesting." As shocking as the videos are and
as evil as the practice is, the more immediate problem is the possible election of presidential
candidate Kamala Harris. While attorney general of the trend-setting California, Harris
helped usher in the age of proto-fascism even before it was cool. In an eye-opening email to
mentor James O'Keefe, Daleiden described the brutal role Harris played in protecting her
benefactor, Planned Parenthood, from his and Merritt's investigation. [...]
Parenthood Abortion Biz Will Spend $40 Million Supporting Biden and Democrats.
The Planned Parenthood abortion business has revealed a $40 million commitment for the 2024
election cycle, intending to bolster its lucrative abortion business and endorse President Joe
Biden along with prominent congressional Democrats. This announcement follows the U.S.
Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wade two years ago, which ended the made-up "right" to
abortion. Planned Parenthood's initiative seeks to support candidates nationwide who advocate
for abortion rights. The heavy election investment comes after the abortion giant got
hundreds of millions of tax dollars.
Size Of Planned Parenthood's Global Murder Campaign Will Shock You. Planned
Parenthood's recent expansion to supply mail-order drugs for on-demand abortions allows women to
request the pills via app and have them shipped to their homes. With no appointment
necessary, women in Illinois, Washington, Maryland, and Hawaii can submit a request for
mifepristone and misoprostol, the two components of a chemical abortion, and within 24 hours
the abortion facility mails out the drugs. The disturbing reality is that abortions carried
out by Planned Parenthood are the fourth-leading cause of death in the United States, and the group
is a vast organization intent on bringing abortion to every corner of the globe.
fourth leading cause of death is abortion at the hands of Planned Parenthood. What
comes to mind when you think of the top causes of death in the U.S.? Many people's thoughts
immediately turn to killers like heart disease and cancer, but it turns out that the number-four
spot actually goes to abortions carried out by Planned Parenthood. The nation's biggest
abortion provider reported performing more than 392,000 abortions between October 1, 2021, and
September 30, 2022, in its 2022-2023 annual report, which amounts to killing 44 babies every
hour. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than
695,000 people died from heart disease in the U.S. in 2021, while 605,000 died from cancer,
416,000 are said to have died from COVID-19, and just shy of 225,000 died from accidents. As
upsetting as it may be to think that almost 400,000 babies never got a chance at life thanks to
this organization, that figure shouldn't be too surprising when you consider the fact that they
recommended abortion to pregnant clients 97 percent of the time instead of suggesting
alternatives such as adoption or supporting them in keeping their child.
Parenthood Checklist: More Abortions, Less Actual Health Care, More Tax Dollars Than
Ever. Planned Parenthood's 2022-2023 annual report is out. Unlike last year's
annual report, now we're finally able to see how the 2022 Dobbs decision overturning Roe v.
Wade is affecting Planned Parenthood's abortion numbers and bottom line. Spoiler alert:
Abortions and government funding are at all-time highs. Actual health care for things such as
cancer screening and preventive care continues to decline. More affiliates than ever are
providing "transgender services." [Many statistics.]
Parenthood Killed 392,715 Babies in Abortions Last Year, a Record Number. It was
another record year for the abortion giant Planned Parenthood — killing more babies in
abortions than ever before. Although Planned Parenthood bills itself as a woman's health
organization, in reality, it is little more than an abortion business. Planned Parenthood
just published its annual report, its own figures from the previous year. And when it comes
to abortions, the new report shows the abortion business killed 392,715 babies in abortions killed
in the last year. That's a 5% increase from the 2021-2022 figures. That's over 1,075
babies killed in abortions every single day of the year or 44 dead babies every single hour.
That's in insane figure for a company that giant claims its main focus is merely women's health
care. It's a horrific number that is almost difficult to comprehend and far surpasses any
genocide in human history.
Parenthood Caught Selling Livers From Aborted Babies for $1,500 in New Undercover Videos.
The Planned Parenthood abortions business was exposed several years ago as one of the biggest sellers
of body parts from aborted babies. Over a dozen videos chronicled, how America's biggest abortion
company kills babies in abortions and then potentially illegally sells their body parts to universities
for grisly, unproven research. Eventually, Planned Parenthood officials admitted under oath to
doing this. Now, unreleased footage from the initial series of videos from the Center for Medical
Progress shows more of this shocking truth. Previously censored undercover footage of Planned
Parenthood abortion officials, played for the first time in a Congressional hearing on Tuesday, shows
leadership from the nation's largest abortion provider admitting the "financial incentive" to sell
aborted fetal body parts and describing how to mutilate fetal bodies to hide violations of the federal
partial-birth abortion law.
AG Andrew Bailey Sues Planned Parenthood After KC Clinic Caught Trafficking Minors to Kansas For
Abortions. Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey filed suit against Planned
Parenthood Great Plains Thursday after a Kansas City clinic was caught in a conspiracy to traffic
minors out of state to obtain abortions without parental consent. "Today, I'm proud to
announce that the state of Missouri is moving forward with a lawsuit to permanently drive Planned
Parenthood from the state of Missouri," Bailey announced. [Tweet] Planned Parenthood Great
Plains has locations throughout Missouri that provide sexual and reproductive health care, as well
as "gender-affirming care" services. Planned Parenthood (PPFA) clinics in Missouri can no
longer provide abortion services because the state made the practice illegal after the Supreme
Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
Principal Goes Off On Planned Parenthood Rep Handing Out Abortion Pamphlets To Young Black
Students. This school principal snapped on Planned Parenthood representatives for
passing out pamphlets to her students. Planned Parenthood appears to ALWAYS target the Black
community. Margaret Sanger, the found of Planned Parenthood and rabid racist who wanted to
snuff out the black race through abortion would be proud of these efforts. [Video clip]
Parenthood Should Be Listed As A Domestic Terrorist Group. Planned Parenthood should
be listed as a domestic terrorist group, and I don't say that flippantly or to take away the
seriousness of domestic terrorism. I say it with sober and severe understanding. The
United States government-funded organization Planned Parenthood recently put out propaganda
encouraging parents to go ahead and transition their children into whatever gender their toddler
tells them they are today. This is not a joke. These people are very serious.
They want to destroy everything that represents the family and traditional values.
Parenthood Caught Admitting It Does Secret Abortions on Teens "So the Parents Won't Find
Out". In a new video montage, the Planned Parenthood abortion business and other
abortion clinic representatives are caught on camera admitting that they take teens to other states
for secret abortions without their parents' consent. The new Project Veritas expose' shows
Emily, Kansas Planned Parenthood Managing Director admitting, "We do help people get to these
places." And in another clip, the undercover journalists asks if he needs any documentation
about his relationship to a teen exploited for an abortion, and the abortion clinic staffer says no.
Sent Nearly $2 Billion To Planned Parenthood And Other Pro-Abortion Groups, Gov't Report
Finds. Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocacy organizations received nearly
$2 billion in federal funding over a three year span, according to a new government report.
The Government Accountability Office disclosed in a Tuesday report that $1.89 billion in federal
dollars was allocated to multiple different pro-abortion organizations, including those that
perform abortion, over the three year period from 2019 to 2021. Planned Parenthood received the
overwhelming bulk of the sum, a whopping $1.78 billion, during the three-year period, all while it
performed 1.11 million abortions.
Parenthood Gets $670 Million of Our Tax Dollars, But Joe Biden Wants to Defund Pregnancy
Centers. States may no longer be able to utilize TANF dollars to fund pregnancy
resource center services (PRCs) for mothers if a proposed HHS rule goes into effect. On
Oct. 2, Secretary Xavier Becerra's agency stealthily posted the rule change that will affect
four states which use TANF funds for pregnancy resource centers: Missouri, Pennsylvania,
Louisiana and Indiana. The Biden administration's move goes against recent polling which
underscores the popularity of pregnancy resource centers. A Creative Response Concepts poll
found 74% are in favor of publicly funding these centers. The four states individually
utilize between $1 [and] 7 million of TANF dollars to fund pregnancy centers in a
year. According to SBA Pro-Life America State Policy Director Katie Daniel, the amount is a
drop in the bucket compared to Planned Parenthood, which received $670.4 million of federal
and state taxpayer dollars in 2021-2022.
Extreme? On its website, Planned Parenthood announces: "If you're pregnant and
thinking about abortion, you may have lots of questions. We're here to help." "Abortion
rights" groups pretend they are supporting women and defending women's rights. The reality is
that "helping" with abortion means ending a human life. Support for abortion is an extreme
position, and it has been deemed so for thousands of years. It is not difficult to find
numerous Bible verses defending the right to life and condemning murder in any form.
Jeremiah 1:5 (ESV) tells us: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you
were born I consecrated you." Christians celebrate the Annunciation on March 25,
the day when the angel Gabriel informed Mary that she would carry the baby Jesus, God incarnate from
the moment of conception. What if Mary had decided to seek an abortion? It's a chilling
thought, and it illustrates just how extreme the casual acceptance of abortion has become.
Menendez scandal is no different from what politicians do all the time. New Jersey's
Senator Bob Menendez is being charged, completely appropriate given the details, for allegedly
lining his pockets in exchange for what appears to be political support for Egypt. But
Menendez's apparent behavior is no different from that of countless other Democrat lawmakers; below
are a few examples of Democrats as a whole accepting campaign contributions in return for favorable
policies and regulations. People associated with Planned Parenthood donate to
Democrats. In return, Democrats kickback hundreds of millions of dollars per year to the
organization, while promoting abortion on demand. [...] Not only does PP get all this taxpayer
money, but Democrats and the politicized Justice Department conspire to close down Crisis Pregnancy
Centers. Heaven forbid that pregnant women are lovingly supported and listened to, with total
transparency about both the reality of abortion, and choosing life.
Sex trafficker took all girls to Planned Parenthood. According to at least three
studies, Planned Parenthood is one of the most common clinical settings to which sex
traffickers bring their victims. Traffickers take the women and girls they abuse to Planned
Parenthood because, according to the survivors, Planned Parenthood does not ask questions.
Research published in 2014 by the Beazley Institute for Health Law and Policy found that survivors
of human trafficking have "had significant contact with clinical treatment facilities, most
commonly Planned Parenthood clinics." Another study from 2017, "Identifying Health Experiences of
Domestically Sex-Trafficked Women in the USA: A Qualitative Study in Rikers Island Jail," found
that "[e]mergency departments, Planned Parenthoods, and jails were common care sites." And "Sex
Trafficking Victims at Their Junction with the Healthcare Setting — A Mixed-Methods
Inquiry," published in 2019, found that the "most commonly visited community healthcare clinic is
Planned Parenthood...."
is a social construct says Planned Parenthood. I shouldn't be surprised, since
Planned Parenthood would be the last organization in the world to know anything about
virginity. But as a middle-aged guy my imagination isn't what it used to be, so I was a bit
taken aback by this hot take from the organization: [Tweet] Having once been a teenager I
can assure you that virginity is much more than a social construct, although admittedly different
societies have different takes on what import it has in social life.
Is Planned Parenthood Still a 501(c)(3)? "Planned Parenthood, as it turns out, has
violated 501(c)(3) Federal Law by opposing candidates in public statements," writes Sean Elijah Le
Van, an undergrad student at Columbia University. ([Surely], he must be miserable there.)
"This should cause them to lose their tax-exempt status, reserved for churches and charities," he
argues, pointing out that "The Church at Pierce Creek lost their tax-exempt status in 1993 over
opposing President Clinton." Le Van sent me his research into the situation, which he said I
could reproduce in this space. Since he makes a sound argument, I'm sharing it with you here
(lightly edited for PJ Media readers): [...] Nonetheless, says Le Van, "Planned Parenthood has
expressed vocal and written opposition to President Trump and his administration, as well as other
Republicans, during active campaigns." He then links to two of what he says are many such instances.
no longer in the classroom after allegedly forcing Christian students to fund Planned Parenthood.
A Christian student, who sued his business professor for forcing her class to fund an entity which fundraised
for Planned Parenthood and other progressive political causes, said that his Christian beliefs propelled him
to fight back. "My money is in the hands of Planned Parenthood," Nathan Barbieri, a Michigan State
University College of Business sophomore studying finance, said. He told Fox News Digital in an
interview that he was "very upset" about it. "For me, as a Christian, it's our calling. We're
supposed to expose the bad things that happen and not just sit back and... be abused. That's our
job," he said. Barbieri is one of two students suing his former business marketing professor, Amy
Wisner, who identifies as an "intersectional feminist." The university told Fox News Digital that
Wisner is no longer employed at the institution. Her Instagram similarly reflected that she
is a "former business communication professor."
Who Exposed Planned Parenthood Baby Part Sales Asks Supreme Court to Overturn Judgment Against
Her. Liberty Counsel has filed a petition for writ of certiorari asking the U.S.
Supreme Court to review the previous ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals against Sandra
Merritt in Planned Parenthood's multimillion-dollar civil lawsuit for her undercover investigation
of the abortion giant. The implications of this case have far-reaching First Amendment
consequences involving free speech and undercover journalism. In the petition for writ of
certiorari, Liberty Counsel asks the High Court to consider "whether the First Amendment's Free
Speech Clause protects newsgathering journalists, who operate under an alias to document and expose
what they reasonably believe to be unlawful conduct, from being subjected to punitive liability for
'fraud.' This case concerns whether, and to what extent, the press may raise the First
Amendment as a defense against generally applicable tort laws when undercover journalists gather
and publish truthful news of significant public importance.
Kampf. Planned Parenthood, with over 60% of its federal funding coming from patients
who rely upon public health programs like Medicaid and Title X for their preventive and primary
care, is yet an other example. Planned Parenthood gave $45 million to Biden's campaign, a
threefold increase over its 2016 presidential campaign contributions. Biden, while campaigning,
promised to overturn the Trump administration's pro-life policies and to have abortion rights
incorporated into federal law. Does Biden believe these people and organizations that got him
elected won't demand repayment?
Parenthood Kills 1,025 Babies in Abortions Every Day, This Violence Must End. I've
been researching Planned Parenthood for nearly 15 years. The billion-dollar abortion business
kills 1,025 human lives every single day. Their original slogan, "Every Child a Wanted
Child," has turned into the commercialized slaughter of millions. They are the leading killer
of black lives, yet they're praised by once-great civil rights groups like the NAACP and the
National Urban League. They're funded by major corporations (directly or through employee
match programs) such as Paypal, Chase Bank, Shell, Bath & Body Works, Starbucks, Liberty Mutual,
Costco, and many more. They're protected by pro-abortion news media. And their violent
destruction of those made in God's image goes ignored by many in the Church. Last week,
Planned Parenthood released its 2021-2022 Annual Report, declaring that they are "relentless."
I think they meant ruthless. The report shows they killed 374,155 unrepeatable human
beings — down only slightly from the last fiscal year. They had 2.13 million
patients, also a drop from the previous fiscal year. Taxpayer funding, however, increased
by tens of millions rising to the highest level ever: $670 million.
than two dozen lawsuits have been filed by former Planned Parenthood staff alleging racism.
Planned Parenthood continues to face allegations of systemic racism as more former staffers file lawsuits
and testify to poor treatment while working for the nation's number one abortion corporation. The
Philadelphia Inquirer reported that at least two dozen racial discrimination lawsuits have been
filed against various Planned Parenthood affiliates, with staffers telling the outlet that racism is an
inherent part of the company's culture.
Parenthood Annual Report: Record Revenue, 374K+ Abortions. Planned Parenthood
performed the second-highest number of abortions it has ever performed and saw record-high revenue
in during its 2021-2022 fiscal year, according to the organization's annual report released this
week. The abortion giant performed 374,155 abortions, according to the report, titled
"Relentless." That number is down from 383,460 abortions the previous year, which is the
highest number recorded in the history of the organization. Planned Parenthood is estimated
to perform approximately 40 percent of abortions in the United States.
Planned Parenthood communications director commits suicide - after 'police launch child porn
investigation into him'. The former director of strategic communications at the
Southern New England branch of Planned Parenthood took his own life amid a child porn investigation
in Connecticut this week. Police have not named abortion advocate Tim Yergeau, 36, as the
suspect in the probe but confirmed that the man who committed suicide in the apartment building was
a suspect. Yergeau, 36, took his own life, five days after an apparent botched attempt by
police to take him into custody. Investigators broke down the door of his neighbor in New
Haven, Connecticut and handcuffed her before realizing they had raided the wrong apartment.
Circuit drops bombshell on Planned Parenthood — and the national media.
Planned Parenthood took a body blow at the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals last night —
and so did the national news media. Despite the universally adopted narrative that the videos
produced by David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress had been "debunked," the appellate
court unanimously ruled that the videos were not deceptively edited and presented compelling
evidence of misconduct. They vacated the district court's injunction that forced Texas to
keep Planned Parenthood on its Medicaid rolls and ordered a new review on the merits.
Mavericks Donates $25,000 to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz. Woke celebrities,
businesses, and now professional sports teams are lining up to support the largest abortion
business in the United States, Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas posted
on Twitter Tuesday photos of the Dallas Mavericks honoring the abortion giant with a $25,000 check.
[Tweet] Since the reversal of Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood cannot commit elective
abortions in Texas but has kept its Texas clinics open, functioning as abortion "travel agencies"
to send pregnant women out of state so abortionists can kill their preborn children.
Court Reinstates Law Allowing Florida to Defund Planned Parenthood. Florida will be
allowed to defund Planned Parenthood on June 1, after a federal judge ended a permanent
injunction on Tuesday blocking part of a 2016 law. U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle, of the
United States District Court Northern District of Florida, reversed the permanent injunction on
part of House Bill 1411, which prohibits state and local dollars from going to institutions that
provide abortions. Hinkle stated in his order that the "essential basis of the ruling [in
2016] was the right to an abortion under Roe v. Wade." But with Roe
overturned in the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision last summer, the previous order no longer
had legal standing.
Parenthood Customer Charged With Assaulting 88-Year-Old Pro-Life Man. A customer of
the nation's largest abortion business has been charged with assaulting an elderly pro-life man who
was outside helping women. Longtime sidewalk counselor Ross Foti was assaulted outside a
California Planned Parenthood last October. A Planned Parenthood client was furious that Ross
had parked in front of the abortion center so she screamed at him and then shoved him into a fire
hydrant. The pro-life legal group Life Legal Foundation has been dogging local prosecutors
for months to persuade them to press charges. As of last month, the District Attorney had not
charged Ross's assailant with any crimes.
Daleiden Wins a Lawsuit Filed Against Him for Exposing Planned Parenthood. Thomas More Society attorneys
have secured a settlement of the lawsuit filed against David Daleiden and the University of Washington ("UW") over
Daleiden's public records requests for documents relating to UW's national clearinghouse for the fetal tissues and
organs of aborted babies. The federal district court allowed the settlement yesterday, clearing the way to end a
six-year legal battle that included three appeals to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The lawsuit was
originally brought by an anonymous group of abortion and aborted fetal tissue workers in August 2016, in response to
Daleiden's February 2016 request for documents about their taxpayer-funded programs at UW. In the settlement,
Daleiden secured an agreement to obtain significant additional public documents relating to the UW's purchase,
processing, and sale of the organs and tissue from aborted human fetuses. Daleiden had sought to have job titles
unredacted in the records, and the settlement agreement provided for those job titles. The Thomas More Society
also secured a $30,000 payment for attorney's fees from the UW, pursuant to a cross-claim against the UW for violations
of the Washington Public Records Act.
Parenthood's Support For California's Abortion Amendment Is About Cash Flows, Not Health Care. Why is
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) spending $50 million of its political action money and
Gov. Gavin Newsom spending millions of his own campaign cash to convince California voters to approve
Proposition 1, the so-called Reproductive Freedom Amendment that would "enshrine" the right to abortion in the
California state constitution? What makes Proposition 1 a mystery, at least to me, the
longest-practicing, most highly-experienced abortion doctor in America, is that the Reproductive Privacy Act (RPA) of
2003 already enshrines the "right to abortion" in California blackletter law. When I compared the two, I noted
that where the existing 2003 RPA specified "the state shall not deny or interfere with woman's or pregnant person's
right to choose or obtain an abortion prior to the viability of the fetus," Proposition 1 removes the fetal
viability limit. Meaning, if voters approve Proposition 1, it will be legal for me or any doctor licensed in
California to abort up to the moment of birth, even viable and healthy babies.
Pro-Life Man Brutally Attacked Outside Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz. Longtime sidewalk counselor and
Life Legal client Ross Foti was brutally attacked outside a California Planned Parenthood last week. A woman
entering the clinic viciously shoved Ross to the ground, causing him to fall on a fire hydrant. Ross, who is 88,
suffered a punctured lung and other serious injuries and was hospitalized after the assault. He was released after
four days in the hospital but is still in constant pain and requires ongoing treatment. Witnesses report that the
assailant was furious because she wanted a certain parking spot in front of the abortion mill, but Ross had already
parked there. Even though the woman found another place to park, she screamed at Ross and then charged at him,
ramming him with her arms and pushing him into the fire hydrant.
Remember, Joe Biden claims to be a devout Catholic. Joe
Biden Gives Planned Parenthood $17 Million to Kill Babies in Abortions. Joe Biden's administration awarded
almost $17 million in taxpayer-funded grants this year to the billion-dollar abortion chain Planned Parenthood.
According to Live Action News, the nation's largest abortion company received the money through the Title X family
planning program under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Another $25.5 million from the
program went to other pro-abortion groups, the news outlet discovered. Title X funds are not supposed to be
used for abortions. The program provides family planning services to low-income individuals, and the law states
that Title X grants may not be used "where abortion is a method of family planning." However, Planned
Parenthood, the largest abortion business in the U.S., has been one of the biggest recipients of Title X for years.
Parenthood doctor tells committee that 'men can have pregnancies, especially trans men'. A House committee
hearing on abortion restrictions took an unexpected turn Thursday when a Democratic witness who works for Planned
Parenthood testified that men can become pregnant. Dr. Bhavik Kumar, medical director for primary and trans
care at Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, replied in the affirmative after being asked by Rep. Andrew Clyde, Georgia
Republican, if men could become pregnant. "So men can have pregnancies, especially trans men," Dr. Kumar told
the House Oversight and Reform Committee. The doctor did not elaborate on which cisgender men could become
pregnant or how. Mr. Clyde sought clarification, asking, "So are you saying that a biological female who
identifies as a man and therefore becomes pregnant is, quote, a man? Is that what you're saying?"
Dr. Kumar pushed back, telling him such questions are "really missing the point" at a hearing about abortion,
before affirming his response. "Somebody with a uterus may have the capability of becoming pregnant, whether they're
a woman or a man," Dr. Kumar said.
The Editor says...
How did this so-called doctor get through medical school without knowing there's no such thing as a man with a uterus?
Group Claims FBI Questioned Volunteer By Planned Parenthood. A pro-life sidewalk counseling group warned
members Tuesday that President Joe Biden's Justice Department is determined to intimidate pro-life organizations,
claiming that two FBI agents showed up to question a pro-life activist praying outside Planned Parenthood - St. Paul - Vandalia Health Center. In an email obtained by The Daily Signal, Pro-Life Action Ministries Executive
Director Brian Gibson put members on high alert about "a new effort by the Biden Justice Department to intimidate us all
from the important work we do to save lives." Gibson referenced the FBI's Friday arrest of Mark Houck, a Catholic
father and pro-life activist accused of pushing an abortion clinic volunteer in Pennsylvania, though a spokesperson for
the family told The Daily Signal that Houck "was defending his son from a man who was verbally abusing his son."
Parenthood Caught Changing Fetal Development Info, Calls Baby's Beating Heart "Cardiac Activity". For the
second time in a month, Planned Parenthood is being called out for changing medical information on its website to match
the pro-abortion talking points of the day. In July, the abortion chain altered a section about ectopic
pregnancies amid false claims that pro-life laws ban medical treatment for the condition. Then, this week, a
pro-life medical doctor noticed that Planned Parenthood also changed how it describes an unborn baby's heartbeat.
Dr. Calum Miller, a British medical doctor and ethicist, published two screen shots of its webpage about early
fetal development Monday on Twitter. The earlier version states that an unborn baby has a "very basic beating
heart" at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. In the new version, however, Planned Parenthood uses more politicized,
roundabout language that detracts from the truth.
Planned Parenthood going to be setting up shop in high schools? The last two and a half years, as difficult as
they've been, have had the virtue of being clarifying. Nowhere has this been truer than in public education.
Parents who blithely believed the garbage administrators and teachers spouted on Back to School nights finally got a look
into their children's classrooms and were, appropriately, horrified. They've been pushing back, hard, but the unions
and school boards, buoyed with self-righteous hubris, are pushing back even harder. The latest battle is in
California's Norwalk-LaMirada Unified School District, where the school board has announced that it plans to vote a Planned
Parenthood clinic onto a high school campus.
Parenthood Texas Ceases Abortions. Two of the primary providers in Texas ceased performing abortions on Friday
after the Attorney General warned they could be prosecuted immediately. "Some prosecutors may choose to immediately
pursue criminal prosecutions based on violations of Texas abortion prohibitions predating Roe that were never repealed
by the Texas Legislature," AG Ken Paxton said in a written opinion issued following the court's ruling. "Although these
statutes were unenforceable while Roe was on the books, they are still Texas law," Paxton wrote. "Under these
pre-Roe statutes, abortion providers could be criminally liable for providing abortions starting today."
Senate Passes Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Business. The Missouri Senate passed a budget bill
Wednesday that would defund the Planned Parenthood abortion chain of taxpayer dollars. The Kansas City Star reports the
bill passed 25-7 with bipartisan support after several Democrat lawmakers' attempts to remove the defunding item
failed. The bill now heads to the state House. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion group in the U.S.
It reports billion-dollar revenues while aborting more than 350,000 unborn babies a year, and it runs the only abortion
facility in Missouri.
Parenthood Drops Lawsuit against World's Largest 'Sanctuary City' for the Unborn. Earlier in the year, a
supermajority of voters in the city of Lubbock, Texas made history after overwhelming voting to ban abortion within city
limits, making it the most populous city in the world to become a sanctuary city for the unborn. By a margin of
62 percent to 38 percent, voters in the city of 265,000 cast their ballot in a May 2nd referendum, approving
an ordinance that says, "It shall be unlawful for any person to procure or perform an abortion of any type and at any stage
of pregnancy in the City of Lubbock, Texas," and that "It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly aid or abet an abortion
that occurs in the City of Lubbock, Texas." Lubbock is the 11th biggest city in Texas and the 83rd in the United States.
When the town's city council refused to pass the ordinance, seven citizens went around and gathered enough signatures for a referendum
to put it on the ballot, which they eventually won in a city-wide vote.
Gates' Obsession With Abortion, Contraception & Population Control Started With His Father. Bill Gates has an
obsession with funding abortion, contraception and population control projects in developing nations. However, not many
are aware that it was his father who inspired him to carry out the depopulation agenda. In 2003, Bill Moyers, an
American journalist, asked Bill Gates a question. Moyers wanted to know why he was so interested in reproductive
issues? Gates considered. "But did you come to reproductive issues as an intellectual, philosophical pursuit?"
Moyers insisted. "Or was there something that happened? Was there a revelation?" "When I was growing up, my
parents were always involved in various volunteer things," Gates responded. "My dad was head of Planned
Parenthood. And it was very controversial to be involved with that. And so it's fascinating."
Excellent. If you've lived under a rock for the past few decades, Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion providers
in the world. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation preserves the legacy of Bill Gates' father.
McAuliffe Is Scared That Women Won't Be Able To Abort Their Babies If He Loses Virginia Governor Race. If
there's two things that Democrats love in this world, it's abortion and Planned Parenthood. All
Democrats, including Virginia Gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, want women to be able to abort their babies where-ever
they want and WHENEVER they want. That is why he is currently panicking. When asked about a potential loss on
November 2nd to Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin, the only thing McAuliffe could think about is women aborting their babies.
Parenthood Lies to Supreme Court, Falsely Claims Abortions "Save Lives". Friend-of-the-court briefs have now
been filed in the Supreme Court abortion case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization. The brief filed by
Planned Parenthood and other major abortion providers is starkly revealing — just not in the way they
intended. It has little analysis of the Mississippi law and nothing about the unborn child at 15 weeks — the
issue at the heart of the case. Instead, it is a maudlin fog of stories meant to distract and gaslight. The brief
makes plain that the nation's largest abortion provider fails to concern itself with women or children, health care, or even
science. In one Orwellian passage after another, the brief talks about how abortion "saves lives." It features
anecdotes of women whose pregnancies were life-threatening even though the Mississippi law at issue in Dobbs includes a
"medical emergency exception."
Parenthood Temporarily Blocks Texas Right to Life Heartbeat Law. Planned Parenthood has secured a rare
emergency temporary restraining order (TRO) in a suit against Texas Right to Life, fresh off the heels of the 5-4 Supreme
Court decision not to block the new bill prohibiting abortion after six weeks. Judge Maya Guerra Gamble of the District
Court in Travis County, Texas, approved Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas Surgical Health's application for a TRO in the
wake of the Supreme Court decision this week. Judge Gamble insists in the document that the plaintiffs, including
doctors and staff, would face imminent lawsuits without the protection of the TRO while waiting to file a preliminary
Parenthood Kills 247 Black Babies Every Day, But the Media Calls White Pro-Lifers Racist. I'm black. And
white. I'm "biracial." So was Frederick Douglass, the famed abolitionist. I was conceived in rape. So was
Frederick Douglass. As an adoptee and adoptive father, I fight for human dignity and for our God-given equality.
So did Frederick Douglass. To many on the Left, I don't exist. Black pro-lifers, apparently, don't
exist. In fact, they think I should have been aborted. Imagine the same if the inimitable Frederick Douglass were
so easily discarded. The sin of racism — in the form of the brutal institution of slavery — would
probably have continued to dehumanize and destroy for many more years. Mainstream media refused to tell the truth about
slavery during Douglass' time. He had to start his own newspaper, called the North Star, to do the job that so-called
"journalists" refused to do.
to Donate $1M to Planned Parenthood, Pay Legal Fees for Drivers Sued under Texas Abortion Law. Lyft and Uber
announced Friday [9/3/2021] they will pay the legal fees for any of their drivers who are sued under Texas' new law that
prohibits abortion after a heartbeat can be detected. The law allows private citizens to enforce the measure.
Though patients may not be sued, any individual can sue the people "knowingly" assisting the procedure, including doctors,
those paying for the abortion and clinic workers. Plaintiffs in litigation cases resulting from the law's
implementation can earn up to $10,000 in damages. "Drivers are never responsible for monitoring where their riders go
or why. Imagine being a driver and not knowing if you are breaking the law by giving someone a ride," Lyft said in a
statement announcing the policy.
The Editor says...
Find the Lyft app. Remove the app. Delete the app.
Planned Parenthood president was told to say 'abortion' in every interview. In 2018, Dr. Leana Wen left
her position as Baltimore's health commissioner to become the president of Planned Parenthood — the first
physician to lead the organization. Immediately after beginning her work at the helm of the abortion giant, Wen spoke
on ABC's "The View" to discuss her vision for the organization. According to the Insider, instead of providing a
constant focus on abortion, she focused on healthcare, advising women to receive important screenings, and highlighting that
medications shouldn't necessarily be political. After her television appearance, Wen revealed, Planned Parenthood
staffers were not pleased that she had failed to mention the word "abortion." She explained that after the interview,
a board member texted her, saying, "Next time, make sure you talk about abortion."
Dismisses Planned Parenthood Lawsuit Against Lubbock, Texas Abortion Ban. In another victory for life, a
federal judge threw out a lawsuit from Planned Parenthood late Tuesday that challenges an ordinance outlawing abortions in
Lubbock, Texas. The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal reports U.S. District Judge James Wesley Hendrix dismissed the lawsuit,
ruling that Planned Parenthood lacks jurisdiction to challenge the Sanctuary for the Unborn ordinance. The ruling means
Lubbock will remain abortion-free. Planned Parenthood, the only abortion facility in the city, stopped aborting unborn
babies on Tuesday when the ordinance went into effect. Lubbock is the largest city in the U.S. — and the
first with an abortion facility — to pass an ordinance to protect unborn babies from abortion.
Paul Wants Planned Parenthood Investigated for Stealing Millions in COVID Relief Funds. This week, Senator Rand
Paul (R-KY), Ranking Member of the Senate Small Business Committee, along with the Committee's Republican members led a
follow-up letter to their April 15 letter to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) regarding the unlawful
participation of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) in the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). On April 15,
2021, Dr. Paul and SBC Republican members sent a letter detailing how two PPFA affiliates were approved for second draw loans
despite their ineligibility for PPP loans. The letter requested that the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) investigate
and provide additional information regarding PPFA affiliates participation in the PPP by April 23, 2021. "We have not
received the requested information or a formal response from you." the Senators wrote. "In fact, since our April 15
letter to you, SBA approved PPP loans for at least two additional PPFA affiliates according to the most recent public data posted
to the Agency's website. This includes a $10 million dollar loan, the maximum loan amount, to a PPFA affiliate just
last week. This is unacceptable. As members of the U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, we
expect transparency and cooperation with requests for information from your agency."
Parenthood May Have Stolen Millions in Taxpayer Dollars and Rand Paul Wants It Back. Abortion giant Planned
Parenthood may have illegally obtained more than $80 million in taxpayer dollars during the pandemic and Kentucky Senator
Rand Paul, along with a few other Senators, are now demanding Merrick Garland and the DOJ conduct an investigation.
According to Fox News, Paul, as well as Sens. Marco Rubio, James Risch, Tim Scott, Joni Ernst, James Inhofe, Todd Young,
John Kennedy, Josh Hawley, and Roger Marshall wrote a joint letter to Garland calling for the DOJ's "immediate attention" to
Planned Parenthood applying for loans from the Paycheck Protection Program under full knowledge of its ineligibility for the
Planned Parenthood Raked In $83 Million
Of 'COVID Relief' PPP Money. Why did Pelosi fight so hard to block smaller Trump-era bailouts that carefully
targeted small businesses? Maybe because it didn't include money for Planned Parenthood. The Democrats wanted a
massively bloated 'bailout' plan that could serve as a slush fund to reward all of their favorite special interest groups and
prop up financially failing Democrat states and cities with the public purse. And fewer groups are more beloved to the
Democrats than Planned Parenthood, who — mysteriously — managed to rake in some $83 Million in taxpayer
dollars despite being specifically ineligible for receiving any of this bailout money. That's $83M that could have gone
a long way to rescuing, heaven alone knows how many, family businesses from financial ruin, not because they were running a
bad business plan, but because the government forbade them from operating during the pandemic.
Dems thwart GOP bid to block Planned Parenthood 'slush fund' in stimulus. Among the beneficiaries of the $1.9
trillion stimulus bill passed Saturday was Planned Parenthood, despite the best efforts of Senate Republicans and pro-life
groups. Senate Democrats beat back efforts to apply the Hyde Amendment to the legislation, meaning that the federal
funding, notably $50 million allotted for grants and contracts under the Public Health Service Act, may be used to cover
abortions in a break with last year's novel coronavirus spending. The pro-life Susan B. Anthony List said that the
American Rescue Plan Act "allows taxpayer funding for abortion contrary to the decades-old Hyde Amendment that has applied to
every other COVID-19 relief package," creating a "slush fund for Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry."
Parenthood Abortion Biz Makes Millions Killing Babies, It Doesn't Need Our Tax Dollars. Last week the U.S.
House narrowly approved a pandemic relief bill. It should surprise nobody that it's written in such a way that Planned
Parenthood can easily steal your money. If you think "steal" is a strong word, remember that even though previous
COVID-19 relief legally exempted them from receiving money, some of their affiliates still knowingly applied and received
your tax dollars. With President Biden running the Executive Branch, nobody will hold them accountable for these past
misdeeds. Instead, they are lavishly rewarded. When's the last time you got rewarded by the government for
breaking the law — especially during this pandemic? It should be very apparent to anyone that Planned
Parenthood gets to operate by a separate set of rules, and has enriched themselves immensely while enjoying them.
Universities Must Get Out of Bed with Planned Parenthood. If Joe Biden professing devout Catholicism while
aggressively pushing anti-Catholic, pro-abortion policy at home and abroad bothers you, buckle up. The hypocrisy is not
confined to the Oval Office. Research is uncovering Planned Parenthood relationships and promotion at scores of
American colleges and universities that claim an active affiliation with Christian churches. And while the COVID-19
vaccine has many hoping for the restoration of normalcy and widespread on-campus learning, Christian schools should focus
their attention combatting the virus of Big Abortion that is infecting their institutions. These schools are
jeopardizing their very mission and identity as Christian establishments, and our team at Students for Life is committed to
ensuring these dangerous relationships don't fester in silence. In our ongoing research, Students for Life has found
and documented Planned Parenthood snaking its way onto Christian campuses under the guise of being a health and wellness
"resource" for students, a hub for career and internship opportunities, a partner on campus events and education initiatives,
and a rotation stop for Christian medical students.
Parenthood Performed 354,871 Abortions in Fiscal Year 2019-2020. In its latest annual report, Planned
Parenthood discloses that it performed 354,871 abortions between Oct. 1, 2019 and Sept. 30, 2020. Also,
Planned Parenthood received $618.1 million in government health services reimbursements and grants for the year that
ended June 30, 2020. The 354,871 abortions in 2019-20 marked an increase from 2018-19, when Planned Parenthood
performed 345,672 abortions — an increase of 9,199 abortions.
Parenthood CEO: 'Completely Over the Moon' with Kamala Harris as VP. Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis McGill
Johnson exclaimed in an interview with Business Insider she is "completely over the moon" that abortion rights
champion Kamala Harris is now vice president. "She has really demonstrated her facility of understanding our issues but
also the intersection of sexual and reproductive healthcare with issues of race, with issues of the economy, with issues of
democracy and our American values," Johnson said in the interview published Monday [2/1/2021].
to Fully End Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood facilities in Texas will no longer
receive taxpayer funds through the Medicaid program beginning February 3. The state denied the abortion provider's
request to continue to receive Medicaid reimbursement funding for its clinics, as Catholic News Agency observed.
Jennifer Allmon, executive director of the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops, praised the persistence of the Texas
legislature, and said while the abortion industry has spread the narrative that low-income women need Planned Parenthood for
health services, many other options actually exist.
Biden Picks Pro-Abortion Samantha Power to Head USAID, Will Make Americans Fund Planned Parenthood. Abortion
activists praised Samantha Power, President-elect Joe Biden's choice to lead the U.S. Agency for International Development,
as a "steadfast voice for human rights" on Wednesday [1/13/2021]. Biden's transition team announced Power as his choice
for USAID administrator this week. She is one of a growing list of pro-abortion leaders slated to fill the new
presidential administration. In the position, Power will assist Biden in restoring taxpayer funding to Planned
Parenthood and other global abortion advocacy groups — funds that President Donald Trump cut through his
Protecting Life policy. Power previously worked in President Barack Obama's administration as a representative to the
United Nations. Before that, she served on the National Security Council where she advised Obama and Biden on "women's
rights," which, to Democrat leaders, includes abortion on demand.
Judge Orders Video Journalists to Pay $13.6 M to Planned Parenthood. A federal judge in California ordered the
video journalists who exposed Planned Parenthood's practices in the harvesting and sales of aborted baby body parts to pay
the abortion giant $13.6 million to cover its legal costs in its case against them. On Tuesday [12/22/2020], U.S.
District Judge William Orrick III ordered David Daleiden and his associates at Center for Medical Progress (CMP) to pay
$13.6 million over the $2 million in damages they were ordered to pay last year for recording the abortion vendor's
officials while they discussed how they harvest the fetal tissue for sale. Daleiden and his advocates have now appealed
the verdict to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Rules Texas and Louisiana Can Drop Planned Parenthood From Medicaid. A circuit court ruled Monday that Texas
and Louisiana can exclude Planned Parenthood from Medicaid funding, a win for the movement to deprive the abortion provider
of federal funding. The Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overruled a district court's preliminary injunction
preventing the exclusion of Planned Parenthood from Medicaid funding. The court of appeals ruled in an 11-5 majority
that Planned Parenthood did not have the right to challenge the state's decisions regarding who receives Medicaid
benefits. Medicaid beneficiaries "have no right under the statute to challenge a State's determination that a provider
is unqualified," the court's chief judge wrote in the majority's opinion.
[the] Media Are Rigging [the] Election Against Half The Country. Here's How. David Daleiden, an
undercover journalist who showed that Planned Parenthood was engaged in trafficking of unborn baby body parts, had his entire
life upended by Kamala Harris prosecuting him for his journalism. Journalists didn't think it worthy of coverage, even
though many think she could be president within a matter of months.
Who Exposed Planned Parenthood: Kamala Harris Weaponized Her Office to Punish Me on Behalf of Her Donors.
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has a history of abusing the powers of her office to target and punish Americans she disagrees
with. I know firsthand that Harris is one of the biggest threats to First Amendment civil liberties that our country
has ever seen because I have been on the receiving end of her unconstitutional abuses of power when she was California's
attorney general. In 2015, after I released undercover videos of taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood officials
trafficking the body parts of live-aborted fetuses, Planned Parenthood was desperate and furious. The organization
turned to Harris, its political patron in the California Attorney General's office, for help to silence me and my
message. Though local law enforcement made it clear to Planned Parenthood that the California videos were recorded in
public places and were perfectly legal, the abortion provider and its allies within the state Department of Justice conspired
to enforce California's video recording law for the first time ever against newsgathering, in order to punish me for speaking out.
Of Black Employees Said They Faced Racism At Planned Parenthood, An Internal Audit Found. Black employees at
Planned Parenthood's national wing feel that they have been held to a different standard than the organization's white
employees and that they are often expected to work more and given less leeway, an internal assessment obtained by BuzzFeed
News found. The assessment, which was commissioned by Planned Parenthood, was presented over a video meeting to Planned
Parenthood Federation of America's (PPFA) employee resource group Network of Black Associates on Wednesday
[10/78/2020]. It was based on interviews conducted over the summer with 64 current and 12 former Black Planned
Parenthood employees in all divisions and levels of PPFA. A contracted group called Anti-Oppression Resource and Training
Alliance (AORTA) conducted and presented the assessment, which overall found that the organization's Black employees feel
that Planned Parenthood's treatment of them internally does not line up with its social justice-driven mission.
journalist turns the tables, sues Planned Parenthood for defamation. The Planned Parenthood Federation of
America is being sued by the undercover journalist who produced a series of videos exposing the sale of baby body parts by
abortionists. The Thomas More Society is representing David Daleiden in a defamation suit filed this week in federal
district court in New York. Daleiden, Thomas More said, "is taking the abortion giant to task for telling the media
that he and The Center for Medical Progress 'manufacture[d]' and 'created' a 'false smear campaign' by releasing videos
showing clear evidence of high-level Planned Parenthood officials candidly discussing the PPFA network's participation in
illegal harvesting and selling of aborted fetal body parts."
will never get less evil unless good men get involved. Burke said evil triumphs when good men stay
silent. Aristotle similarly said that when good people don't get involved in politics, they get government by bad
people. That's what has happened here in America, why evil has spread like leprosy across the face of the land.
And make no mistake: it is evil that's spreading. To grasp this we need look no farther than the corner
Planned Parenthood charnel house. When a society legitimizes babies getting turned into body parts for sale to the
highest bidder — that's evil.
Lives Matter' mural painted at Planned Parenthood location in Charlotte. Someone painted a "Baby Lives Matter"
mural at a Planned Parenthood location in Charlotte. WBTV's Sky 3 observed the mural from above. WBTV reached out
to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department to see if there was any response to this mural. They responded and said
on Wednesday, CMPD officers went to South Torrence Street in reference to a call for service regarding vandalism in the street.
Parenthood Staff Admit To Performing Illegal Partial-Birth Abortions For Better Tissue Harvesting. In a new
video released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) Monday, Planned Parenthood officials give sworn testimony describing
how abortionists alter abortion procedures in order to produce more intact human fetuses and, therefore, more usable fetal
tissues and organs that can be sold for profit. In 2015, the CMP and journalist and activist David Daleiden released a
series of videos featuring undercover conversations with Planned Parenthood officials and medical directors. Planned
Parenthood and their media allies decried the undercover videos as "edited" and claimed their late-term abortion practices
were in complete compliance with the law. As attorney general of California, current vice presidential candidate Kamala
Harris, who received tens of thousands of dollars in campaign donations from Planned Parenthood, prosecuted Daleiden for
exposing Planned Parenthood's crimes.
Harris — Planned Parenthood's Choice. David Daleiden heads the Center for Medical Progress, the
group that unveiled what really goes on behind the curtain at Planned Parenthood, exposing the ghoulishness of the
organization that profits off the destruction of human life and detailing past and future atrocities perpetrated by that
organization in a series of revealing and damning videos. Daleiden's pro-life investigative reporting did not sit well
with then California Attorney General Kamala Harris, who made it her mission to cancel Daleiden and his group, raiding his
house, seizing his videos, video equipment, and notes, all with the purpose of ending his livelihood, his career, and his
freedom. She prosecuted Daleiden under an obscure, rarely used, and arguably unconstitutional state law.
press Trump administration on pair of Planned Parenthood controversies. More than two dozen U.S. senators asked
the Justice Department Friday [8/7/2020] to expand its investigation into Planned Parenthood Federation of America's (PPFA)
fetal tissue practices, the latest effort to push the DOJ about an investigation it has mostly kept under wraps since
2017. A separate letter sent to the Treasury Department, requested an investigation into Planned Parenthood's use of
funds from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), established by the CARES Act earlier this year. "We urge you to
investigate not only the extent to which Planned Parenthood was involved in the sale of fetal tissue, but also the disturbing
descriptions by Planned Parenthood workers of infants born alive who were left to die or killed through organ harvesting,"
read the DOJ letter, signed by Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., and 27 of her colleagues.
Parenthood: 'We're Keeping PPP Funds' Ordered to be Returned by SBA. Two Texas Planned Parenthood facilities
declared that they will be keeping the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds they were ordered to return by the Small
Business Administration (SBA). "We have no plans to return these essential funds," said Jeffrey Hons, CEO of the San
Antonio Planned Parenthood clinic. The Houston location also said they will be keeping the funds, according to
reports. That mean they are each keeping between $1-$2 million that was issued by the PPP coronavirus relief
program to each clinic.
charges dropped for pro-life journalists who exposed Planned Parenthood. Additional charges against two
pro-life investigative journalists have been dropped in the case of The People of the State of California vs. David
Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP). In a hearing held over Zoom on Tuesday, two
of the 10 charges against Merritt and one of the 10 against Daleiden were dropped, according to My Valley News.
Daleiden and Merritt are the undercover journalists from CMP responsible for exposing the fetal body part trafficking scandal
taking place at Planned Parenthood affiliates around the nation. On Tuesday, California's criminal case against them
went before Judge Suzanne Ramos Bolanos in a hearing to request the dismissal of all or some of the criminal charges.
Parenthood 'steeped in white supremacy,' employees, supporters charge. Pro-lifers have long accused Planned
Parenthood of racism, but the nation's largest abortion provider may face a reckoning led by hundreds of employees and
supporters who have charged the organization with being "steeped in white supremacy." A letter signed by more than 350
"current and former staffers" of Planned Parenthood of Greater New York, as well as about 800 donors, supporters and
volunteers, declared that founder Margaret Sanger was "a racist, white woman" and that the organization suffers from
"institutional racism." "We know that Planned Parenthood has a history and a present steeped in white supremacy and we,
the staff, are motivated to do the difficult work needed to improve," said the June 18 open letter from Save PPGNY.
Sworn Testimony, Planned Parenthood Officials Admit Infanticide Occurs In Organ Harvesting. In a new video
released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), Planned Parenthood and abortion industry officials give sworn testimony
describing how babies born alive with beating hearts in their facilities are then harvested for organs. Since CMP's
first undercover videos, filmed by journalist and activist David Daleiden, were released in 2015, Planned Parenthood has
denied that its facilities sold fetal body parts from abortions, and that their fetal tissue research programs and late-term
abortion practices are in total compliance with the law. Now, videos of witnesses under oath show that not only did the
abortion giant profit from the sale of fetal organs, but that Planned Parenthood and its business partner, Advanced
Bioscience Resources (ABR), violated federal law that mandates a fetus born with a beating heart is a human being equally
entitled to protections under the law.
Parenthood Executive Ousted For Being a 'Tyrant' Who Only Cares About Profits. The chief executive of Planned
Parenthood of Greater New York, Laura McQuade, was fired Monday after employees alleged in open letters that she is a "toxic
leader," discriminates against black staff members, and focuses on generating maximum profits at the expense of patient
safety. Safety is obviously not at the forefront of Planned Parenthood executives' minds, as they make their business
by killing unborn children. But according to the Planned Parenthood employees' laundry list of questionable policies,
like rushing patient appointments and performing surgical abortions at night, their executives have also set aside concerns
for the safety of women in their quest for maximum efficiency in abortion procedures and the big bucks that follow.
Parenthood Formally Endorses Joe Biden Despite Hyde Amendment Flip Flop, Tara Reade Allegations. The Planned
Parenthood Action Fund formally endorsed Joe Biden (D) on Monday despite the abortion giant's past concerns regarding the
former vice president — from his former support of the Hyde Amendment to Tara Reade's allegations of sexual
assault. Planned Parenthood's Acting President Alexis McGill Johnson, who leads the tax-payer funded organization responsible
for performing 345,672 abortion from 2018-2019 alone, described the upcoming race as "literally a life and death election."
Court Docs Show Planned Parenthood Execs Knew of Fetal Tissue Sales. Newly unsealed court documents show that
top executives at Planned Parenthood were familiar with its organ-harvesting operations and privately discussed lucrative
deals even as the abortion giant publicly denied profiting from the sale of body parts obtained from aborted babies. A
video from the Center for Medical Progress, founded by undercover pro-life journalist David Daleiden, compiles testimonies
from Planned Parenthood representatives who admit to planning to sell fetal organs, alongside documents showing the
organization profited from selling the tissue.
Dems call on Trump admin to let Planned Parenthood keep PPP money it fraudulently collected. Planned
Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, received $80 million in Paycheck Protection Program loans designed to
assist small businesses survive in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. While there was widespread media outcry over
corporations getting this funding, compete will calls for them to return the money, there has been relative quiet over 38
Planned Parenthood affiliates across the country receiving millions of dollars of aid included in the $2.3 trillion
coronavirus stimulus measure. And now Democrats are making a public appeal to let the abortion providers keep the
money, insisted they are non-profit "health centers" — how's that for audacity?
Admin May Slap Criminal Charges on Planned Parenthood for Fraudulently Obtaining Coronavirus Funds. After news
broke that the Planned Parenthood abortion business fraudulently received $80 million in funds meant to help small businesses
deal with the economic fallout from the coronavirus, the Trump administration has wasted no time in acting. As
LifeNews.com reported, Planned Parenthood received $80 million in loans from the Paycheck Protection Program meant for small
businesses. That is despite the fact that the rules and regulations associated with the program specifically prohibited
affiliates of larger organizations with more than 500 employees from applying. That covers Planned Parenthood as
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PFFA) alone has had more than 600 employees.
Sasse: Fire Officials Who Approved Pandemic Aid For 'Big Abortion' Provider Planned Parenthood.
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) called for President Trump to fire the bureaucrats who illegally approved millions of dollars
worth of small-business loans for Planned Parenthood clinics. Sasse issued a strong statement on Wednesday slamming the
well-known abortion provider for taking advantage of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans that it is ineligible to
receive. "Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion business, tried to defraud taxpayers during the worst
economic downturn since the Great Depression," Sasse said. "The Paycheck Protection Program is supposed to be a
lifeline for small businesses, not a slush fund for Big Abortion. The administration needs to reclaim that money and
fire the bureaucrats who signed off on this scam."
Parenthood affiliates improperly applied for, received $80 million in coronavirus stimulus funds, feds say.
Thirty-seven Planned Parenthood affiliates applied for and received a total of $80 million in loans from the Paycheck
Protection Program (PPP), Fox News' "Tucker Carlson Tonight" has learned — and now the federal government wants
the money back, saying the affiliates should have known they weren't eligible for the coronavirus stimulus payouts. The
Small Business Administration (SBA) is reaching out to each involved Planned Parenthood affiliate explaining that affiliates
of larger organizations with more than 500 employees aren't eligible for PPP distributions, Fox News is told. The
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PFFA) alone has had more than 600 employees.
Daleiden Sues Planned Parenthood, Kamala Harris For Using Video Recording Laws As Political Weapon. Almost five
years ago, then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris launched an investigation into the work of citizen journalist and
anti-abortion activist David Daleiden, who discovered Planned Parenthood's trafficking of aborted baby body parts. Now,
after years of legal battles, Daleiden and his organization, the Center for Medical Progress, are suing Harris, Planned
Parenthood, and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra for their attempts to use the guise of state recording laws to
criminally punish Daleiden because they disagreed politically with the content of his videos. When the Center for
Medical Progress began releasing its undercover videos of Planned Parenthood executives discussing fetal tissue trafficking
in 2015, Harris launched an investigation on Daleiden, ordered a raid on his home, and seized his camera equipment and hard drives.
Administration Is Cutting Planned Parenthood Off From Stimulus PPP Funds. President Donald Trump's
administration is cutting off abortion group Planned Parenthood from accessing Paycheck Protection Program stimulus funds,
new reporting from the Daily Signal has revealed. "President Trump is committed to ensuring Paycheck Protection Program
money is used for saving jobs at small businesses, not getting the government into the business of funding abortion," said an
unnamed government official of the prospect of Planned Parenthood accessing stimulus funds.
the government shutdowns? Funny how we don't see those same sob stories about lost paychecks now. I know
how we can get most journalists, entertainers and other Democrats to begin supporting the reopening of America instead of
encouraging the continued destruction of people's lives, especially the poor, minorities and middle class, whom they just
pretend to care about: Just deem Planned Parenthood as non-essential and shut them down until all non-essential
businesses can open. They would have a collective cow, but it would also have the beneficial effect of saving lots of
young lives, especially lives of people of color, and Democrats always say saving one life is worth it. The number of
lives snuffed out by Planned Parenthood facilities dwarfs those who have or will die from COVID-19. Think of this,
because exercise facilities of all sorts, which save a huge number of lives by helping prevent obesity, (a major contributing
factor to COVID-19 deaths), remain closed because they are deemed non-essential. Yet, Planned Parenthood facilities,
which makes the bulk of their money killing human beings, is deemed essential.
Unsealed Documents Show Planned Parenthood Profited From Aborted Baby Body Parts. When senior Planned
Parenthood officials were caught on tape in 2015 by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) discussing the illegal trafficking
of aborted baby body parts, Planned Parenthood denied the allegations, claiming they were only reimbursed for the "cost to
transport tissue." Now, newly unsealed invoices confirm Planned Parenthood Mar Monte charged the tissue procurement company
StemExpress $55 per "usable" organ — not for transport fees. Over the course of three months, Planned
Parenthood billed StemExpress $24,940. Three Planned Parenthood Mar Monte invoices from 2012, originally produced as part of
a federal lawsuit against CMP founder David Daleiden, show the abortion giant charged StemExpress $55 per "POC," which stands
for product of conception, and $10 per maternal blood sample. In a contract between the two companies, StemExpress
agreed to pay Planned Parenthood only for fetal organs "determined in the clinic to be usable."
Parenthood of Greater New York to close a dozen clinics, lay off quarter of staff. A dozen Planned Parenthood
clinics located in New York are having to shut their doors due to financial shortcomings caused by the coronavirus pandemic,
according to a memo published on Wednesday [4/8/2020]. The country's largest abortion provider also announced it would be
laying off more than one-quarter of its staff in facilities located in central New York, including Rome and Oneida.
Planned Parenthood of Greater New York President Laura McQuade told staff Monday that the pandemic has resulted in losses
ranging from $20 million to $32 million.
Planned Parenthood open for abortion services only. The Pennsylvania Department of health ordered all
businesses not "life sustaining" closed on March 20. Abortion clinics are excluded from the order, although elective
procedures are not. [...] The Pennsylvania Family Institute has asked Gov. Tom Wolf to ban elective abortions to help
preserve medical equipment for medical personnel fighting the coronavirus.
organization doesn't want to share lifesaving medical equipment: Planned Parenthood. The image of
courageous and self-sacrificing healthcare workers draped in garbage bags at Mount Sinai West hospital in midtown Manhattan
because of a shortage of personal protective equipment is a horrifying picture for the coronavirus crisis. Despite
Gov. Andrew Cuomo's assurances that all is well, nurses report that a dire shortage puts their lives at risk, and a
national call to action has been sent out, asking for donations of lifesaving gear. One organization not answering the
call is Planned Parenthood, which seems to insist that keeping its personal protective equipment to end lives without
interruption is more important than contributing to those trying to save lives at the risk of their own.
Outbreak Precautions, Pro-Lifers Say Planned Parenthood Staffer Deliberately Coughed at Them. An "angry"
Planned Parenthood staffer purposefully coughed at nearby pro-life vigil participants outside the company's premises in
Pittsburgh, Pa. vigil organizers say. Shawn Carney, president of 40 Days for Life campaign, called the staffer's
reported action "disgusting in any circumstance," but said that in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak it was "intolerable"
and a display of "pure hate." The organization says the incident took place on the sidewalk in front of the Planned
Parenthood premises in downtown Pittsburgh on Saturday morning [3/14/2020].
Pleads Not Guilty to Criminal Charges for Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos. David Daleiden of the Center
for Medical Progress (CMP), along with his co-worker Sandra Merritt, pleaded not guilty on Friday to criminal counts
surrounding an undercover investigation they conducted into Planned Parenthood and its business partners over the extraction,
transferal and sale of the body parts of aborted babies. Daleiden and Merritt potentially face up to 10 years behind
bars if convicted, but their defense states that the two did "an incredible public service" and should not be punished.
"David is being charged as a criminal for using the same investigative reporting techniques regularly exercised by other journalists,"
Daleiden defense attorney Peter Breen, senior counsel at the Illinois-based Thomas More Society, said in a statement.
Highlights of the
News. ITEM 3: CBN News reported, "A US appeals court has upheld Trump administration rules that prevent
taxpayer money from being used for abortions. "The rules forbid clinics that receive federal funds through the Title X
program from making abortion referrals and from sharing space with abortion providers. In other words, the Title X
money is only supposed to used for health care needs, not to promote abortion. "In a 7-4 ruling, the 9th Circuit Court
of Appeals dismissed arguments that the rule forces doctors to violate medical morals by withholding information from patients,
Court News reports." This is huge. This means Planned Parenthood will no longer suckle at the federal teat,
throwing kickbacks — er, campaign donations — to Democrats to keep the money flowing. President
Trump has broken this circle of death by appointing 10 judges to the Ninth Circuit. That is better than a third of the
29 judges on the circuit. The president then changed the rules to prevent taxpayers from funding abortion. No
pro-lifer has any excuse not to re-elect this man because he kneecapped Planned Parenthood and made it stick.
Bad Things the Media Is Ignoring Because of Impeachment. The funding of Planned Parenthood has long been a
political hot potato. Republicans oppose it because they're pro-life, Democrats support it because they support
abortion and because they get a piece of the action. By sending hundreds of millions of our tax dollars to the abortion
mill, Democrats get tens of millions of it back in campaign contributions. It was recently announced that the group,
which pleads poverty every time the idea of cutting their federal funding is discussed, will spend $45 million in 2020 to
elect Democrats. Planned Parenthood received more than $500 million in our money this year, which means Democrats are
getting a nearly 10 percent return on that money to directly benefit them. In the private sector, that would be called
a kickback.
Parenthood, Cash Cow For The Dems, Gets Some BAD Financial News. We've often wondered, is that Dem fixation on
abortion a 'commitment to the cause' or addiction to Planned Parenthood's money? With Planned Parenthood's deep pockets
taking a HUGE hit, we might find out just HOW committed some of these Democrats really are to their 'cause'. Looks like
their financials took a pretty good hit last year. [...] Planned Parenthood isn't so much a 'women's health' organization so
much as a de facto extension of the Democrat party.
Parenthood Did a Record 345,672 Abortions in FY18; Then Received a Record $616.8 Million in Government Money.
Planned Parenthood's latest annual report, for 2018-2019, shows that the abortion giant performed a record 345,672 abortions
in fiscal 2018 and received a record $616.8 million in government reimbursements and grants in the year that ended on June 30,
2019. For the time period of Oct. 1, 2017 through Sept. 30, 2018, Planned Parenthood offices performed 345,672
abortions, according to the annual report. Also, Planned Parenthood offices received $616.8 million in government
health services reimbursements and grants for the year ending June 30, 2019.
Parenthood Kills 81 Babies in Abortion for Every Woman It Helps With Adoption. It's been a turbulent last two
years at Planned Parenthood, with a leadership shakeup involving the ouster of Dr. Leana Wen as president, and the
installment of Alexis McGill Johnson as acting president. But that upheaval didn't stop Planned Parenthood from having
a banner year in providing abortion on demand, as its new report shows. The report, which was released quietly this
week, states that Planned Parenthood affiliates performed 345,672 abortions from Oct. 1, 2017, to Sept. 30,
2018 — the highest number of abortions ever reported in a single year.
Parenthood reports rise in government funding, record number of abortions. A new report from Planned Parenthood
shows an increase in government funding during its most recent fiscal cycle and a record number of abortions at its clinics,
even as the national abortion rate declines. The reproductive health nonprofit posted its annual report over the
weekend, culminating a year punctuated by legal fights, leadership departures and legislative action, with conservative
states aiming to restrict abortion and liberal states seeking to preserve it.
approves N.J. giving millions to Planned Parenthood after Trump's abortion rule. New Jersey will provide $9.5
million more in state taxpayer money to family-planning clinics such as Planned Parenthood to make up for federal funding
they forfeited by opposing a controversial abortion rule from President Donald Trump's administration. Gov. Phil
Murphy on Thursday [1/2/2020] signed a bill into law that immediately allocates the funding for the current fiscal
year — which he said will help clinics across the state provide health services for tens of thousands of New
The Planned Parenthood Whistleblower Case Will Likely Hit the Supreme Court. On Friday [11/15/2019], a jury awarded Planned
Parenthood Federation of America, and multiple Planned Parenthood affiliates, damages set to exceed $2.3 million in their civil case
against undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt and several of their associates. The country's largest cohort of
abortion providers sued Daleiden and his colleagues after the 2015 release of a series of investigative videos that exposed Planned
Parenthood's trafficking in fetal parts. The jury found the defendants liable on an array of state law theories, including trespass,
breach of contract and of non-disclosure agreements, and fraud, as well as state and federal laws prohibiting the unconsented recordings
of third parties. The California-based jury also found that Daleiden and the other defendants had violated the federal Racketeering
Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) law — a federal statute that triples any damage award. The defendants were also
hit with punitive damages exceeding $800,000.
Forces David Daleiden to Pay Planned Parenthood $870,000 for Exposing Its Aborted Baby Part Sales. A California
jury has decided that pro-life advocate David Daleiden, and his pro-life colleagues, has caused substantial harm to the
Planned Parenthood abortion business as a result of his organization's undercover reporting and exposing of its potentially
illegal sales of aborted baby parts nationwide. Attorneys for Daleiden, Sandra Merritt and board members of Center for
Medical Progress, the group that oversaw the undercover investigation, are expected to appeal the verdict.
Judge Orders Jury to Find Against David Daleiden
in Planned Parenthood Exposee Case. Planned Parenthood could not sue for defamation, for the simple reason that
what Dale Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress was all true. Instead, they sued on the theory that he had
"trespassed" on their property — he was permitted to be there, but the permission was granted to his undercover
alias, and they're claiming that nullifies the permission — in order to do "harm" to their reputation.
Obviously, if this ruling were to be taken as a real ruling, it would mean that undercover investigations are now illegal in
the US. But this judge does not mean the ruling to mean that. He means it to be a Conservatives-Only
ruling. Liberal undercover journalists will of course continue to be immune (on First Amendment grounds) from lawsuit
based on the theory that they were "trespassing" on property by securing permission to be there by using a false name and
fictitious purpose for the visit.
Fusion GPS Saved Planned Parenthood's Bacon. [Scroll down] No one knew better than [Hillary] Clinton,
however, what overwhelming force Planned Parenthood and its allies in the Democratic-media complex could bring to bear
against a pair of citizen journalists. For immediate assistance Planned Parenthood turned to the well-connected fixers
at — where else? — Fusion GPS. The beleaguered organization contracted with Fusion to review the
unedited footage Daleiden posted online. O'Keefe started this practice to counter the inevitable claims that he somehow
doctored the videos. O'Keefe's transparency went largely unappreciated. The journalists who reviewed his footage
knew what they wanted to say even without seeing it. The former journalists at Fusion GPS, now in the employ of Planned
Parenthood, did not even have to feign objectivity.
Criticizes Synod Funding: 'Money Associated With Planned Parenthood is Blood Money'. Commenting on reports that
money used to fund some of the groups participating in the Vatican's Amazonian synod came from the pro-abortion Ford
Foundation — whose Board members include former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards — Bishop
Joseph Strickland, head of the Diocese of Strickland, Texas, said, "Uncertain about where the truth is? Follow the
money!!! ... Money associated with PP [Planned Parenthood] is blood money."
Suppresses Evidence Of Baby Body Part Trafficking In Planned Parenthood Trial. Over the last two weeks in the
ongoing federal civil jury trial of Planned Parenthood against David Daleiden, Judge William Orrick has repeatedly cut off
defense questioning that he considers straying too close to eliciting information related to Planned Parenthood's history of
selling tissue from aborted fetuses. Planned Parenthood is suing undercover journalist David Daleiden and others
associated with his organization, Center for Medical Progress, alleging that Daleiden and his team committed illegal
wiretapping, trespassing, breaches of confidentiality, and more. The challenge that Planned Parenthood attorneys have
accepted is to make the case that Daleiden and his team illegally recorded private conversations, without admitting what
exactly those conversations were about.
Whatever happened to the organization's so-called 'singular focus' on women's health? Planned Parenthood
Gets Furiously Political: Pledges $45M Against Trump and Other Candidates. Planned Parenthood's super PAC
on Wednesday [10/9/2019] announced a $45 million political campaign — the goal of which will be to defeat President
Donald Trump and other Republicans in their 2020 election races. In other words — the so-called women's "health
organization" has gone full-out political (as if it weren't already in so many other ways). The money raised by the biggest
provider of abortions in this country will fund a "large-scale" grassroots organization as well as canvas, digital, television,
radio and mail programs.
Parenthood Is A Money Laundering Operation For The Democratic Party, And Republicans Refuse To Do Anything About
It. As The Hill notes, Planned Parenthood is planning to make a major investment in the 2020 election.
The abortion conglomerate's super PAC announced that it would be spending upwards of $45 million to unseat Republican
politicians and replace them with Democrats. [...] Planned Parenthood is directly conflating its interest with the interests
of elected Democrats, as if the two groups are joined at the hip. Of course, they are joined at the hip.
The Democratic Party has long been a prostitute of the abortion industry — doing its bidding and dancing to its
tune, as any informed person knows. None of this is news, although it is still notable.
Parenthood Launches $45 Million Campaign to Flip Senate and Defeat Trump. The campaign will be aimed at funding
"large-scale grassroots" movements as well as media and mailers to support pro-abortion candidates in local, state and
national races. Specifically, they plan to target Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire North
Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. "Next November, our very rights and freedoms will be on the ballot," Kelley
Robinson, executive director of Planned Parenthood Votes, told The Hill. "Already, we've seen Trump and his buddies in
Congress and state legislatures do everything they can to strip us of our rights and access to health care."
The Editor says...
Homicide is not a right, and abortion is not health care.
Parenthood announces record-high election spending ahead of 2020. Planned Parenthood announced on Wednesday [10/9/2019] it
plans to spend at least $45 million ahead of the 2020 elections, the most it has ever spent during an election cycle.
The push comes as abortion rights are under assault across the Midwest and South, with state lawmakers passing abortion bans and
restrictions aimed at capturing the attention of the Supreme Court. The investment intends to fund large-scale grassroots programs
and canvassing, digital, television, radio and mail programs in battleground states across the country, according to a press release.
Planned Parenthood Votes, the independent expenditure political committee arm of the reproductive health giant, will target nine states
in its initial spend, with plans of expanding. Those states are Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire,
North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Parenthood Lawsuit Tries to Punish Pro-Lifers Who Exposed Its Baby Part Sales as Criminals. Today [10/2/2019],
Troy Newman and three of his co-defendants will walk into Judge William Orrick's Federal courtroom and begin their defense
against Planned Parenthood's accusations against them in the biggest pro-life trial in two decades. Planned Parenthood
brought the case against Newman, Susan Merritt, David Daleiden, the Center for Medical Progress, and the CMP's' alter-ego,
Biomax, in 2016, after the release of a series of undercover videos that revealed Planned Parenthood's participation in the
illegal trafficking of aborted baby remains for profit. In an ironic twist, instead of Planned Parenthood being held
accountable, the largest abortion organization in America have brought the pro-life journalists to court and accused
them of corruption and racketeering.
Parenthood Opens Huge Secret Abortion Center Outside St. Louis, Built Under Fake Name. Planned Parenthood
is opening a huge new abortion business on the border of Illinois and Missouri after keeping it secret for a year. CBS
News reports the new mega-clinic is located in Fairview Heights, Illinois, just 13 miles away from St. Louis,
Missouri. The abortion chain also hopes to sell abortions to women in Kentucky and Arkansas at the new facility.
Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion business in the U.S. Last year, it reported a record $1.66 billion in
revenue and more than 330,000 abortions, even as patient numbers fell.
Parenthood to open Illinois abortion 'mega clinic' that was built in secret. Planned Parenthood will open a
huge, secretly built "mega clinic" in Ilinois near the Missouri border as lawmakers push for an abortion ban in the Show Me
State, according to reports Wednesday [10/2/2019]. The women's health provider built the sprawling center in Fairview
Heights using a shell company to avoid attention and protests, according to CBS. The center, which will provide abortion
and other reproductive services, is 13 miles from Missouri's only legal abortion clinic, which may soon be shuttered,
according to the station.
of The Biggest Lies & Hoaxes Perpetrated on The American People. [#30] Abortion and Planned Parenthood:
Whereas they purport they are all about "family planning" and "women's rights to choose," that is merely a cover story for
their true agendas. The abortion agenda and anti-fertility methods have been pushed upon the population since the early
1900s. In fact, 60,000 Americans were sterilized well before the Nazis sought advice from California on perfecting
their own efforts. The Clintons got heavily involved with Planned Parenthood dating back to 1993. It is not just about
preventing more births through contraception, birth control and abortion, which they have succeeded in. We are at the
lowest birth rate in 80-years. It is also about selling body parts, experimentation, big money, and God knows what
else. And many politicians, such as Kamala Harris, have gone above and beyond to cover it up. Guess who else
wants to cover it up? Google/YouTube doesn't want you knowing the truth behind "Planned Parenthood" either, so they
made certain to Blacklist the search for "Planned Parenthood."
Church At Planned Parenthood Spokane. The Church at Planned Parenthood (TCAPP) holds worship services outside
of the Planned Parenthood facilities once a month. This month, the services were held on September 25, 2019, with what
appears to be record-breaking crowds. This is a phenomenon that has touched the hearts of people around the country.
It Never Even Happened. A few years ago, Project Veritas caught several Planned Parenthood officials and
doctors admitting on undercover recordings to selling the body parts of aborted fetuses, talking about how much the various
parts were worth, discussing extraction techniques that wouldn't damage the resale value of the babies' bodies, etc. It
was truly disgusting, morally repugnant. It was a revelation — undeniable, factual, revealing of their
day-in/day-out unethical business practice — that should have resulted in a national outcry. It should have
been covered unceasingly by the national news, there should have been aggressive follow-up investigative reporting and the
Planned Parenthood personnel involved should have been hounded and questioned relentlessly. And if this had been a
Republican/conservative group that has committed some heinous, indefensible act, that is exactly what would have
happened. But that didn't happen to Planned Parenthood. Instead, the Democrats embarked on a combination of
denial of the incident and vigorous defense of the organization.
Testifies at Fetal Parts Hearing: 'Some of These Fetuses were Live Births'. A longtime abortionist took the
stand this week in a San Francisco courtroom and testified on behalf of two pro-life undercover investigators, David Daleiden
and Sandra Merritt, who are being prosecuted for recording secret footage of abortion industry executives talking about how
they procure fetal body parts to sell to researchers. According to observers of a preliminary hearing, California
obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Forrest Smith, told the court that the abortion executives in the footage likely illegally
altered abortion procedures, causing babies to be born alive and putting the mothers in more danger of complications in their
quest for more intact fetal body parts.
question it's alive': In a California courtroom, an abortionist exposes Planned Parenthood's deceit. After
decades of deceit, the abortion industry's carefully placed mask is coming off. Last week, Illinois authorities found
thousands of "medically preserved" fetal remains in the garage of Ulrich Klopfer, a former Indiana abortion doctor.
This week, one of the United State's longest-practicing abortion doctors admitted to a California court that Planned
Parenthood doctors intentionally trigger live births to harvest organs and cells from fetuses. Dr. Forrest Smith,
an obstetrician-gynecologist and abortionist who estimates he's performed at least 50,000 abortions, testified on behalf of
undercover pro-life investigators David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt before a San Francisco court. Daleiden and Merritt
published a series of controversial videos in which Planned Parenthood executives admitted to participating in the
underground trade of fetal body parts for a profit. Daleiden and Merritt are now facing 14 felony counts for recording
confidential information without permission.
Advocates Attack Kavanaugh Because They're Losing the Argument. As Madeline Osburn notes, after kicking in the
door of a journalist duo's office to seize his research materials, the mighty California criminal justice system charged
David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt with the crime of embarrassing Planned Parenthood. There is no dispute that their
reporting truthfully exposed Planned Parenthood's grotesque and illegal practice of harvesting organs and limbs of aborted
babies to sell. California Attorney General Kamala Harris's office coordinated with abortion-rights advocates to target
Daleiden and Merritt and work up a criminal pretext to punish them for exposing the abortion provider's vile business
practices. The trial has been an unmitigated disaster for Planned Parenthood.
Expose How Kamala Harris Used Prosecutorial Power To Benefit Abortion Businesses That Support Her Campaigns.
More than four years ago, former California attorney general Kamala Harris launched an investigation into the work of citizen
journalists and abortion activists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, who discovered Planned Parenthood's trafficking of
aborted baby body parts. [...] Not only was the district attorney's office unable to produce evidence of probable cause,
however, it instead became increasingly clear that the charges were not brought forth based on a real case but as part of a
political prosecution on behalf of Planned Parenthood. Cross examination of witnesses, abortionists, and investigators
revealed not just admissions of the violent crimes Daleiden set out to expose with his undercover videos in question, but
that this is a textbook example of corporate donors and corrupt politicians ignoring civil liberties and using their power to
prey upon political opponents.
Wen: Planned Parenthood Is Trying to 'Buy My Silence'. Leana Wen, who was president of Planned Parenthood
until the organization fired her in July, alleged the abortion provider is trying to "buy" her silence, according to a
document obtained by the New York Times. Wen, who held the position for only eight months, attempted to turn
Planned Parenthood's focus more toward becoming a "national health care organization" during her brief tenure. The move
was not well-received, and Wen was soon ousted after she was deemed not "political" enough for the organization.
Planned Parenthood Sex-ed Teacher: Classes Promote Promiscuity to Increase Abortions. A former Planned
Parenthood instructor reveals in a bombshell report that her former employer "pushed sex ed on kids to create a market for
abortion." In a shocking story published by LifeNews.com, former sex-ed teacher Monica Cline claims Planned Parenthood
"pushes sex education that 'grooms' children for promiscuity and leads to abortion." Given the length of the list of
atrocities committed by Planned Parenthood, such a story should not be surprising, but Cline's chronicle of the organization's
pro-abortion agenda and how its sex-ed classes are designed to drum up business to further that agenda is startling and
sickening, nonetheless.
Parenthood Is Now Aiming To Teach Your Child To Be Transgender. If it can't succeed in killing the child, then
Planned Parenthood will try its level best to ruin their lives. According to Fox News, the abortion giant is now
advising parents on how to teach preschoolers about their bodies via their website, by telling them that "boy" and "girl" are
just words.
Court Hearing, Planned Parenthood Employee Admits to Trafficking in Baby Body Parts. Day one of the preliminary
hearing for pro-life activist David Daleiden kicked off Tuesday morning at the San Francisco Superior Court with testimony
from an abortion technician, a third-trimester abortionist, and a vice president of the National Abortion Federation, who
testified she doesn't know what a human tissue procurement company is or does. NAF Vice President of External Affairs
Melissa Fowler also testified she recognized StemExpress — a human tissue procurement lab exposed in Daleiden's
undercover videos that is now under federal investigation — as a repeat vendor of her for-profit organization.
NAF is a third-party abortion trade group.
hit family planning clinics that lost federal dollars over Trump abortion rules. Some health clinics that quit
the federal family planning program over Trump anti-abortion policies are cutting staff, charging for services that had been
free and making other austerity moves to avert a major hollowing out of reproductive health care for poor women. At
least four state health departments, hundreds of Planned Parenthood clinics and dozens of independent providers have
withdrawn from the more than $250 million Title X program. Some have literally had to box up and
return unused supplies bought with a government discount.
The Editor says...
Awwww. Everybody's a victim, according to to Politico, except for the (mostly black) babies that
won't be murdered because Planned Parenthood didn't have enough money on hand.
Planned Parenthood abortion mill runs without license as judge bumps deadlines. Planned Parenthood's last
abortion facility in Missouri continues to operate without an abortion license, despite a history of health violations and a
deadline that came and went months ago. Reproductive Health Services of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis
Region has been fighting the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services over its annual license renewal, arguing that
the state is trying to "intimidate" abortionists by making renewal contingent on interviewing them about patient complaints.
Parenthood Recruits 136 Pop Stars To Spout Abortion Propaganda At Concerts. There's a wonderful line from the
2007 documentary, Indoctrinate U, regarding the left's propaganda machine on college campuses. One professor
jokingly quips that progressives are "quite ruthless about their desire for a kinder and gentler world." The same can and
should be said about Planned Parenthood's dedication to indoctrinating the next generation and public at large via pro-abortion
lies perpetuated by some of the music industry's most popular stars. The National Review's Mairead McCardle reports
that the taxpayer-funded abortion conglomerate has recruited at least 136 musicians to discuss recent state abortion bans
and encourage their fans to vote for anti-life politicians at their performances.
Planned Parenthood's White Supremacy. Rather than admit that, despite its Orwellian name, Planned Parenthood's
main business is promoting and profiting from abortions, the poster child for the culture of death on Monday [8/19/2019] pulled
the plug on its participation in the Title 10 federal family planning program. [...] This is not quite the defunding victory
fulfilling a campaign promise Trump supporters had hoped for but it's a good start. The group had been receiving roughly
$60 million under the program, receiving far more under Medicaid and gets funding from other federal and state programs to
combat HIV and provide sexual education to teenagers. But money is fungible and receiving those funds allows Planned
Parenthood to shift other funds to their main priority — funding abortions.
Planned Parenthood leaves federal
family planning program. Planned Parenthood said Monday [8/19/2019] it's pulling out of the federal family
planning program rather than abide by a new Trump administration rule prohibiting clinics from referring women for abortions.
The Editor says...
Planned Parenthood is not about family planning. They don't plan families. They plan abortions.
orders Planned Parenthood to pay $3M to former director who exposed lies, negligence. An Arizona jury has
unanimously awarded $3 million in damages to a former Planned Parenthood director who was fired after reporting an
abortionist's illegal conduct and high complication rates, falsification of affidavits and patient records, incomplete
abortions, and failure to report statutory rape. Mayra Rodriguez, who ran three Planned Parenthood clinics in Arizona
and worked for the organization for 17 years, sued the non-profit after being wrongfully terminated from her position in
October 2017 after repeatedly making claims that Planned Parenthood was endangering the health and safety of its patients.
Planned Parenthood president reveals how ghoulish the abortion giant really is. Leana Wen, now the former
president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, was fired from the organization over what she calls "philosophical
differences over the best way to protect reproductive health." A few days later, she penned an op-ed in the New York
Times explaining what happened and why, from her perspective. What she reveals about the organization's goals and
methodology is not only unsurprising, but confirms what conservatives have been claiming about Planned Parenthood for years.
Parenthood just exposed its own phony face. Poor Leana Wen. She took Planned Parenthood's propaganda a
little too seriously. And now she's out of a job. [...] No matter its political spin during fights over its funding, no
matter what its glossy printed materials say, no matter how dishonestly it presents the statistics related to its services,
the organization is about abortion first and last, now and forever.
Planned Parenthood head says she tried to 'depoliticize' the group. The former Planned Parenthood president,
ousted from her position after eight months on the job, says the move came as she was trying to "depoliticize" the
organization. "In the end, I was asked to leave for the same reason I was hired: I was changing the direction of
Planned Parenthood," Dr. Leana Wen said in an op-ed in The New York Times on Friday [7/19/2019]. Wen said she
faced pressure from a new Board of Directors to prioritize doubling down on abortion rights advocacy rather than emphasizing
the organization's "role in providing essential health care to millions of underserved women and families."
to Slash Planned Parenthood Lawsuit Against Undercover Baby Parts Videos. A federal judge said Wednesday
[7/17/2019] he intends to decisively cut back a lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood against the undercover citizen
journalists who documented the organization's alleged sales of aborted baby body parts for profit. In what was a
surprising victory for the First Amendment rights of the citizen journalists, Judge William Orrick III of U.S. District Court
in San Francisco, delivered a tentative ruling, which Center for Medical Progress (CMP), the producer of the videos, said
Orrick instructed should be treated as substantially final.
Parenthood of Illinois facilities remain open after court ruling. Planned Parenthood of Illinois isn't getting
any more federal tax money, but it has received millions of tax dollars from Illinois in the past decade. A federal
appeals court last month upheld President Donald Trump's new rule prohibiting federal dollars from going to family planning
centers that promote abortion.
Parenthood Officials Say They've Halted Use Of Title X Family Planning Funds. Planned Parenthood clinics
nationwide have stopped using federal Title X family planning funds, according to the organization. The decision comes
after the Trump administration announced this week that it has started enforcing regulations that prohibit Title X grant
recipients from counseling patients about abortion.
Parenthood president terminated after 8 months. Planned Parenthood removed its president from the organization
on Tuesday after less than a year on the job. Dr. Leana Wen announced her departure on Twitter, characterizing the
decision as being made by the board during a "secret meeting." "We were engaged in good faith negotiations about my
departure based on philosophical differences over the direction and future of Planned Parenthood," she said.
Parenthood chief Leana Wen ousted in 'secret meeting'. The president of Planned Parenthood said she was ousted
Tuesday following a "secret meeting" of the board. Dr. Leana Wen was forced out after just eight months on the
job. "I just learned that the @PPFA Board ended my employment at a secret meeting," Wen tweeted. Wen later said
in a statement that she and the board chairs had "philosophical differences over the direction and future of Planned Parenthood."
removes Planned Parenthood funding from budget, will fund pro-life pregnancy centers instead. Ohio lawmakers
are nearing final passage of a budget that defunds the nation's largest abortion provider and increases support for pregnant
and parenting moms in the state. Fox News reports the Ohio Senate passed the two-year, $69 billion budget bill last
week with a $1.5 million cut in funding to Planned Parenthood annually. The budget also includes $5 million for
pregnancy resource centers — five times what the nonprofits have received in the past, according to the report.
The bill moves back to the state House for a vote after the Senate amended it, but local news outlets predicted the
Republican-controlled legislature likely will pass it.
court clears way for Trump administration rule targeting Planned Parenthood. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
ruled Thursday that the Trump administration's restrictions on family planning funds could go into effect, a move that would
cut off millions of dollars from organizations like Planned Parenthood that provide abortions. The Trump
administration's rules had been temporarily blocked nationwide by federal judges in Oregon and Washington, and statewide in
California. On Thursday [9/20/2019], a panel of judges in the 9th Circuit granted the request 3-0 from the Trump
administration to block the preliminary injunctions, saying the different lawsuits underway needed to play out.
Rules President Trump Can Defund Planned Parenthood, Will Cut Almost $60 Million in Taxpayer Funding. A federal
appeals court today [6/20/2019] ruled President Donald Trump can partially defund planned Parenthood while the abortion
business' lawsuit against his administration's new rules moves forward. As LifeNews reported in March, the Trump
administration finalized an administrative rule that would partially defund the Planned Parenthood abortion business and
deprive it of as much as $60 million in taxpayer dollars. This action adds to President Trump's record of
defunding the Planned Parenthood abortion company.
Planned Parenthood sex scandal you aren't reading about. The International Planned Parenthood Federation
reportedly hired prostitutes for staff, donors, and guests at official functions. The Daily Mail broke the story in
May, but the scandal has apparently been brewing for months, as the U.K.'s Department of International Development came under
fire in January for donating £132 million of aid money to the group during investigations of sexual misconduct into the
notorious abortion giant. Internal documents related to the case reveal repeated claims of sexual harassment, bullying,
abusive conduct, and intimidation of whistleblowers — for example, the transmission of a pornographic video to a
female executive in order to terrify her into silence.
Planned Parenthood's false stat: 'Thousands' of women died
every year before Roe. A reader asked us to investigate this repeated claim by the president of Planned
Parenthood — that "thousands of women" died every year from botched abortions before the Supreme Court in 1973
nullified antiabortion laws across the United States in Roe v Wade. This turned out to be an
interesting inquiry, taking The Fact Checker through a tour of decades of musty academic literature. Statisticians had
tried to parse data on what was, for the most part, an illegal act. Unplanned pregnancy and abortions were deeply
shameful at the time, so the official statistics were not necessarily reliable indicators of mortality rates from
abortion. Still, by the time Roe was issued, 17 states had liberalized their abortion laws, and the
Centers for Disease Control was collecting solid data on abortion mortality.
Are The Health And Safety Violations That Shut Down The St. Louis Planned Parenthood Clinic. Abortion
advocates called it an attack on women's health when the Missouri Health Department threatened to shut down a St. Louis
Planned Parenthood clinic, but a report listing numerous health and safety violations paints a different picture. The
inspection report, published by CheckMyClinic.org, was acquired through a request for public records from the health department
and online sources. It contained a lengthy list of practices that could have put hundreds of patients at risk.
Keyword: Cahoots. Emails
Show Colorado Official Asking Planned Parenthood to Help Craft Press Release. A Colorado official asked
Planned Parenthood to help write the Alabama travel ban in the wake of that state's new abortion limits, according to
documents. On May 16, Democratic Secretary of State Jena Griswold announced that her office would no longer
allow taxpayer-funded travel to Alabama to protest the country's most comprehensive abortion ban, but not before getting Planned
Parenthood's approval. A staffer in her office turned to the nation's largest abortion provider for help crafting the
official taxpayer-funded communication. Griswold's communications director Serena Woods emailed a draft asking for edits
from Planned Parenthood Rocky Mountains official hours before the policy went public.
Parenthood funding in Texas at stake as court hears arguments. A federal appeals court heard arguments Tuesday
on whether Texas had the right to cut off Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood clinics in the state — a case
that could also determine funding for the organization in Louisiana and Mississippi and that eventually may end up before the
Supreme Court.
assemble at Philadelphia Planned Parenthood in response to PA lawmaker's bullying fiasco. Members of the
pro-life movement took to the streets of Philadelphia in protest of a pro-abortion Pennsylvania lawmaker's behavior toward
peaceful demonstrators just days before. In just a few days, pro-life groups and activists put together the "Rally
Against Bullying," which took place at the same Planned Parenthood location where Pennsylvania state Rep. Brian Sims (D)
posted a video of himself harassing an "old white lady" praying and another video where he offered a cash reward for personal
information on teenagers. (Sims later defended his actions in another video.)
How Planned Parenthood Is Ruining My State. With a shift from "safe, legal, and rare" to "abortion on demand
and without apology," it is never a surprise when leftist legislators propose bills that increase access to money-making,
life-ending abortion procedures — especially in California. Already one of the most abortion-friendly states
in America, our representatives continuously fight for the approval and support of the largest abortion provider and one of
the most politically powerful organizations in California, Planned Parenthood.
Parenthood Supporters Mocking Pro-Lifers Shout about Urinating in Graves of Babies. During a pro-life event at
the University of San Antonio in Texas, Planned Parenthood supporters began waving around Planned Parenthood signs and
mocking pro-lifers by singing about how having abortions is their "kink," and how the "fetuses are in the ground." According
to Students for Life, Students for Life Regional Coordinator Sarah Zarr said that the Planned Parenthood activists confronted
the Students for Life members the moment they set up. The activists told them that they weren't allowed to be there
because the issue affects black women and that the pro-life students had "white privilege."
Reveal Planned Parenthood Pressured California to Force Churches to Pay for Abortions. Internal emails between
Planned Parenthood and the California Health and Human Services (CHHS) agency reveal the abortion industry giant pressured
the state agency to force religious groups and churches to cover elective abortions. Three churches filed a notice of
appeal Thursday in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California that includes the emails revealing
conversations between Planned Parenthood and the state health agency, reported Catholic News Agency (CNA) Friday [4/5/2019].
Parenthood President Attacks President Trump After Democrats Vote in Support of Infanticide. On Monday evening
Senate Democrats once again blocked a cloture measure that would prohibit infanticide. Senators voted 53-44 on a bill
from Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) that would penalize doctors who fail to "exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a
child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.
health has improved over the last century, and Planned Parenthood had absolutely nothing to do with it. Planned
Parenthood is undeniably the face of the pro-abortion movement, with their iconic pink signs flooding left-wing political
rallies, often emblazoned with phrases like "Together We Fight For All." It's ironic, since the company ends the lives
of more than 330,000 children each year. Despite Planned Parenthood's mass depletion of the population, its president,
Dr. Leana Wen, frequently lauds the baseless claim that the abortion giant has "done more for women's health than any
other [organization] for the last 100 years." That's a rather bold claim to make, but does it have any weight
to it? Let's examine vital women's healthcare innovations throughout the last century and see how Planned
Parenthood fits into the picture. [...]
Admin Issues New Title X Rule That Would Deprive Planned Parenthood of Federal Funding. President Donald
Trump's administration has taken a step towards stripping Planned Parenthood of federal funding. The Health and Human
Services Department has changed rules in the Title X program that will not allow groups that provide abortion or
abortion referrals to participate in a $286 million federal family program.
sues Planned Parenthood for child support after failed abortion. An Idaho couple claims Planned Parenthood
"deceived" them after a failed abortion — and is asking the asking the agency to cough up the unforeseen cost of
raising "an additional unplanned child." Biana Coons, who was six weeks pregnant with her son, traveled 700 miles with
her partner, Cristobal Ruiz, to a Planned Parenthood in Albuquerque, New Mexico in February 2016 to avoid the mandatory
waiting period in her home state.
Johnson: I Was 'Trained' by Planned Parenthood 'to Become an Abortion Salesperson'. Abby Johnson, a
former abortion clinic director at Planned Parenthood, joined Thursday's [2/14/2019] edition of SiriusXM's Breitbart News
Daily, telling host Alex Marlow how Planned Parenthood trains its employees in selling abortion to women —
particularly Christian women — with religious objections to such measures.
Parenthood paid $6.5 million for a seat at the State of the Union. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.,
invited Leana Wen, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, to be one of her guests at the State of the
Union address. Wen's seat was not cheap. Affiliates of her organization spent millions to support Pelosi's quest
for the majority in the House of Representatives and the ultimately unsuccessful efforts by Senate Minority Leader Chuck
Schumer, D-N.Y., to retake the Senate. In total, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund and Planned Parenthood
Votes — the arms of the Planned Parenthood Network allowed to engage in electoral politics under tax
regulations — spent almost $6.5 million in outside spending supporting the election of Democrats to both
houses of Congress in the 2018 midterm and special elections, according to FEC records compiled by OpenSecrets.
Infanticide Endorsing Va. Gov. Northam
Got $2 Million From Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood called Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam who
endorsed infanticide a "champion," but forgot to mention they donated almost $2 million to his campaign. That means the
country's largest abortion provider was Northam's third largest contributor in 2017.
Woman Behind the Kamala Harris Presidential Campaign Is Ann Richards's Granddaughter. California Senator Kamala
Harris had what many consider a boffo kickoff last week for her Democratic presidential campaign — a huge rally in
Oakland, the most widely viewed CNN candidate town hall ever, and kudos from pundits. While Harris was everything her
handlers could hope for — poised, polished, prepared — there's always someone behind that kind of
success, someone who helped plan and pull together the events, a strategist with a steely vision. In this case, it was
a Texan with a political pedigree: Lily Adams, the 31-year-old granddaughter of Texas icon and former Governor Ann
Richards, and daughter of former Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards.
Parenthood Crumbling: Abortions Up, Services Down, Taxpayers on the Hook. Over the holiday weekend
leading up to Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Planned Parenthood released its annual report for June 2017-June 2018. That
report painted a dire picture for the abortion giant, as the group doubled down on abortion and taxpayer funding,
experiencing a drop in new patients and a decrease in other services. According to an analysis from the Susan B.
Anthony (SBA) List, Planned Parenthood may be facing a dire crisis as more than one-third of its overall revenue comes from
taxpayer funds even as abortion numbers increase and taxpayers are reluctant to bankroll abortion.
Parenthood reports performing more abortions, 332,757, in latest year. The number of abortions by Planned
Parenthood increased by 11,373 over the course of a year, according to the organization's 2017-2108 annual report released
this weekend. The report shows that Planned Parenthood conducted 332,757 abortions for the fiscal year that ended June 30,
2018, an increase from 321,384 during the previous fiscal year. Abortions make up 3.4 percent of the services Planned
Parenthood performs, an increase from 3 percent the previous year. More than half of its clinics, or 357 out of
roughly 600, provide medication abortions, which women can use up to roughly 10 weeks into a pregnancy. The annual
report does not indicate the amount of revenue collected from providing abortions. Some health insurance companies cover
abortions, other women receive financial help, and others pay out of pocket.
Rules Undercover Videos Of Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Body Parts As Authentic. The Fifth Circuit Court of
Appeals ruled that the state of Texas can strip taxpayer subsidies from Planned Parenthood, primarily based on evidence found
in undercover videos of the abortion provider's involvement in harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts for
profit. The undercover videos in question were first released in 2015 by David Daleiden, founder and project lead at
the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), and scrutinized by Planned Parenthood and members of the media as "deceptively edited."
Circuit Drops Bombshell On Planned Parenthood — And The National Media. Planned Parenthood took a
body blow at the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals last night — and so did the national news media. Despite the
universally adopted narrative that the videos produced by David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress had been
"debunked," the appellate court unanimously ruled that the videos were not deceptively edited and presented compelling
evidence of misconduct. They vacated the district court's injunction that forced Texas to keep Planned Parenthood on
its Medicaid rolls and ordered a new review on the merits.
Circuit Ruling Dismantles Planned Parenthood Talking Points. A ruling issued tonight by the Fifth Circuit Court
of Appeals has torpedoed several of the abortion-rights movement's key talking points in defense of Planned Parenthood.
The case dealt with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission's decision to terminate the state's Medicaid provider
agreements with Planned Parenthood affiliates across the state. The state based its decision to remove Planned
Parenthood from the list of eligible Medicaid providers in large part on a series of undercover videos released in the summer
of 2015 showing footage of Planned Parenthood executives and doctors admitting to illegally profiting from the sale of the
fetal tissue of aborted babies.
Parenthood Finally Delivers Truth On Abortion. [Scroll down] Nowhere in the Declaration, Constitution, or
Bill of Rights is abortion discussed. The idea that a woman has the right to terminate her pregnancy for any reason
stems from the controversial Supreme Court ruling in Roe v. Wade. The Justices argued that the 14th
Amendment guaranteed some level of privacy from the government — an argument most conservatives and libertarians
can probably get behind. However, they decided that a woman's choice to terminate her pregnancy falls under that right
to privacy. We've covered this before. Life begins at conception — that's a medically verifiable
biological fact, at least according to the science as we currently understand it. Few, if any, well-educated abortion
activists argue that the "clump of cells" isn't technically a living organism; instead, they claim that that tiny living
creature isn't quite yet a person, or that it has a negligible worth until a certain point in its development. Some
even go so far as to say that infants and small children have no right to be considered people, as they're reliant on parents
for survival. But make no mistake — aborting a fetus, or killing a baby or toddler, because you don't want
the responsibility of parenthood is still taking another human life.
Parenthood President Leana Wen: Abortion is our 'core mission'. Planned Parenthood President Dr. Leana Wen has
affirmed the organization's commitment to providing abortions after she claimed the news media misconstrued her earlier statements about
expanding non-abortion services. Ms. Wen clarified Tuesday [1/8/2019] that Planned Parenthood's "core mission" is to provide,
protect and expand access to abortion. "We will never back down from that fight — it's a fundamental human right and
women's lives are at stake," she tweeted. Ms. Wen linked to a headline by BuzzFeed News, which she slammed as misleading.
"I am always happy to do interviews, but these headlines completely misconstrue my vision for Planned Parenthood," the physician wrote.
Parenthood President Acknowledges The Truth: Abortion Is Indeed Their Core Mission. On Tuesday [1/8/2019],
Planned Parenthood President Dr. Leana Wen finally admitted what Planned Parenthood has seemingly tried for years to deny:
the main mission of the organization is to perform abortions. Wen issued a series of tweets in response to a Buzzfeed article
about her that ran on Monday titled, "Planned Parenthood's New President Wants To Focus On Nonabortion Health Care." Not wanting
women who champion abortion to believe that somehow she didn't regard their wishes as primary for her organization, Wen tweeted, "I am
always happy to do interviews, but these headlines completely misconstrue my vision for Planned Parenthood," followed by tweeting,
"First, our core mission is providing, protecting and expanding access to abortion and reproductive health care. We will never
back down from that fight — it's a fundamental human right and women's lives are at stake."
Parenthood In Crisis Mode After New York Times Exposed That It Punished Pregnant Employees. Of all the places
to expose Planned Parenthood for wrongdoing, you'd probably never peg the New York Times as one, but a new bombshell report
showed that the abortion Goliath is guilty of harassing and punishing employees who were either pregnant or had just given
birth. According to the Gray Lady, a heartbreaking article described how employees at Planned Parenthood that were
pregnant wouldn't be allowed to take lunch breaks or be allowed to rest, despite notes from medical professionals.
According to one woman, the amount of pressure the abortion giant was placing on her was threatening the health of her baby.
Parenthood Accused of Mistreating Pregnant Employees. Planned Parenthood faces accusations from former staff
that it mistreats its pregnant employees by "sidelining, ousting or otherwise handicapping" them. Discrimination
against pregnant women and new mothers "is so pervasive that even organizations that define themselves as champions of women
are struggling with the problem," the New York Times reports. "In interviews and legal documents, women at
Planned Parenthood and other organizations with a feminist bent described discrimination that violated federal or state laws
— managers considering pregnancy in hiring decisions, for example, or denying rest breaks recommended by a
doctor," Times reporters Natalie Kitroeff and Jessica Silver-Greenberg report. Other women said they feared they
would be seen as abandoning colleagues if they announced their pregnancy at work.
Kavanaugh Joins Liberals to
Protect Pro-Planned Parenthood Ruling. The Supreme Court declined to review three cases relating to Republican
efforts to defund Planned Parenthood at the state level Monday, over a vigorous dissent from Justice Clarence Thomas. The
dissent was significant because it indicates that Justice Brett Kavanaugh sided with the high court's liberal wing to deny review
of a lower court decision that favored the nation's largest abortion provider. "So what explains the Court's refusal to do
its job here?," Thomas wrote. "I suspect it has something to do with the fact that some respondents in these cases are
named 'Planned Parenthood.'"
Sides with Planned Parenthood — Lib Media Says Undercover Baby Parts Videos Were Discredited(?). In
September 2016 the Center for Medical Progress released a shocking video — the 9th in its series of videos
exposing Planned Parenthood of selling aborted babies and their body parts. The video caught a Planned Parenthood
medical director discussing how the abortion company sells fully intact aborted babies. The liberal media worked
overtime to hide these gruesome practices from the American public. They had to. The selling of baby body parts
is so utterly grotesque and barbaric. When conservatives compared what Planned Parenthood is doing to Nazi laboratory
experiments, they were not exaggerating.
from safe, abortion is dirty, dangerous and fatal, but Planned Parenthood would rather you not know. Is
abortion 'the safest procedure?' The Planned Parenthood propaganda has dined out for years on its claim that legal abortions
are the preferable alternative to 'back-alley' and 'coat-hanger' abortions. There's not a Democratic Party convention since
1973 where this hasn't been shouted to the rafters. Apparently it's not even true. Planned Parenthood is fighting with
every tooth and nail it has to keep abortion reporting requirements 'safe' from the public eye, and it's prompting questions about
just what they have to hide.
urged to defund Planned Parenthood. President Trump has been praised for the pro-life decisions he's made, and
now one organization is asking him to take the next step. "It's a promise that the president made on the campaign
trail, and he needs to fulfill it now before pro-abortion candidates head to Washington in January," says Alison Howard
Centofante, director of strategic communication at Live Action. Centofante says there are better, safer, more holistic
options than abortion and funding for abortion organizations like Planned Parenthood.
angry after Planned Parenthood 'consent' sex ed video forced on students — without consent. A
Planned Parenthood-produced sex education video shown during an English class at Sarasota, Florida's Pine View School
lectured students about the concept of consent. Now parents are offering a different lesson about consent to school
officials, who never asked for permission to expose their kids to morally questionable material. Seniors in an English
Literature course were treated to the video "How Do You Know If Someone Wants To Have Sex With You?" on Nov. 7 as part of
a presentation by a counselor from the "Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center," which partners with the district for sex education,
WVTV reports. The video depicts several scenes with same-sex couples, as well as an inebriated teen, while offering
advice about the limits of sexual activity in different circumstances.
Parenthood Lists '7 Ways to Be Gender-Inclusive in Your Language'. To celebrate "Trans Awareness Week,"
abortion giant Planned Parenthood has released seven linguistic tips to help gender-sensitive individuals use terms that will
not offend members of the LGBTQ "community." Partnering with GLAAD — formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance
Against Defamation — Planned Parenthood has taken political correctness to a new level, leaving behind feminist
inclusivity to remove all references to men or women out respect of for those who are neither.
an abortion clinic is 'crazy faith' indeed. It's no secret that some religious denominations support legal
abortion. But it's nothing short of grotesque when members of the clergy don their robes and stoles and lead a public
blessing of abortion businesses. This happened in 2015, when a group of mostly female clergy blessed the Preterm clinic
in Cleveland, where just a year earlier, young mother Lakisha Wilson had a second-trimester abortion that killed her.
Now another "blessing" is planned for Nov. 9, this time outside Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio's East Columbus
Surgical Center.
have intentionally divided the country and stoked fear among the public for a very long time. [Scroll down] Democrats and
the media are also big supporters of Planned Parenthood, which was founded by Margaret Sanger, who was an evil racist who wanted
abortion to build a cleaner race. Handicapped people were also a major target. One of the most despicable injunctions
from Margaret Sanger is "we don't want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population[.]" And what did
Hillary Clinton say about Sanger[?] "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously. I am really in awe of her."
Parenthood Contributed $126,886 to Democrats on Judiciary Committee; $0 to Republicans. Planned Parenthood's
political action committees, employees and family members of employees have contributed $126,886 to Democrats currently
sitting on the Senate Judiciary Committee, and $0 to Republican senators on the committee, according to data from The Center
for Responsive Politics, which includes campaign contributions from 1990 through 2018. Planned Parenthood —
which, as the nation's largest abortion provider performed 321,384 abortions in fiscal 2016 — has given Democratic
Senate Judiciary Committee members a total of $29,961 in 2018 alone. The Senate Judiciary Committee currently is
battling over the fate of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who was nominated by President Donald Trump on July 9.
Parenthood Turns on Their Former Champion Sen. Collins Over Her Kavanaugh Vote. Planned Parenthood turned
on their former ally Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) Friday after she announced that she will be voting to confirm President
Trump's Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh despite the eleventh hour sexual misconduct allegations against
him. The nation's largest abortion provider declared that Collins can "no longer call herself a women's rights
champion" due to her decision. Planned Parenthood's "youth squad" even declared that the vote announcement was a
"betrayal of people everywhere." In her speech, Collins concluded that since Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the woman
accusing Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, had named four witnesses who could not corroborate her account she did not think
Ford's claims met a "more likely than not" standard.
Parenthood's New Boss Wants Full Disclosure from Everyone (but Herself). Dr. Leana Wen, Planned
Parenthood's new president, is serving until November as the Baltimore, Maryland, health commissioner. But she has
lobbied for the revelations of the private information of physicians — including their political affiliations,
their views on abortion, and the contributions they may or may not have received from pharmaceutical companies. But
does she hold herself to the same standard? Wen — who emigrated from China when she was eight years
old — launched a website back in 2014 called Who's My Doctor, aimed at revealing personal information about
doctors (the website is no longer online).
Parenthood's New President Utters Most Hypocritical Statement Ever. In a new video from Planned Parenthood
trumpeting that for the first time in 50 years, a doctor, Leanna Wen, will serve as the organization's president, Wen manages
to utter what may be the most hypocritical statement of any public figure in years, boasting she fights for the "most vulnerable"
in our society. Unreal. The video begins with Wen relating that she came from China with her parents when she was eight
years old. Saying her family was dependent on Medicaid and food stamps "and also on Planned Parenthood for health care," Wen
continues by claiming she became an ER doctor because she "never wanted to turn any patients away."
Joins Red State Dems To Keep Funding For Planned Parenthood. Several Red State Democratic senators voted
Thursday against defunding Planned Parenthood, an abortion referral agency. As the Washington Examiner reports,
Sens. Joe Donnell (D-Ind.), Bill Nelson (D-Fl.), Bob Casey (D-Penn.), Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.)
Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.) all opposed an amendment from Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) that would have
withheld federal money from the organization. The Senate defeated the motion 48-45. In a news release from West
Virginia Republican Senate candidate Patrick Morrisey, spokesman Nathan Brand wrote that "Sen. Manchin's support for the
largest abortion provider in the nation continues to be one of the biggest issues" in the senate race and notes that "this is
the fifth time Sen. Manchin has voted to fund abortion provider Planned Parenthood."
Paul Introduces Amendment To Defund Planned Parenthood Bill. Another dead-on-arrival motion to defund abortion
conglomerate Planned Parenthood has been introduced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) as an amendment to the Senate appropriations
package for Defense, Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. In a statement last Friday, Sen. Paul called
on Congress to halt the scourge of taxpayer-funded abortions, reminding the GOP to stick to their pro-life values. "One
of the top priorities for a Republican Congress that professes pro-life values on the campaign trail should be to stop taxpayer
funding for abortion providers," said Paul. "This is our chance to turn our words into action, stand up for the
sanctity of life, and speak out for the most innocent among us that have no voice."
Board Allows Planned Parenthood Partners to Open Clinic at Local High School. A Pennsylvania school board
approved a plan Wednesday [8/22/2018] to establish a reproductive health center inside its high school that will be run by
partners of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion group in America. Last year, the Reading School Board narrowly
rejected a proposal to put a Planned Parenthood-run health center inside Reading High School after a strong public outcry.
However, this summer, the board quietly moved forward with a similar plan, and on Wednesday, approved it in an 8-1 vote,
WFMZ reports.
They Came for Alex Jones. [Scroll down] For more than a year, 20-something David Daleiden and his group,
Center for American Progress, recorded undercover videos of several Planned Parenthood clinics that trafficked in baby
parts. The videos had to potential to shake up the 2016 election. Even Hillary Clinton called them "disturbing."
The major media, of course, refused to show the videos. When Planned Parenthood's Democratic allies in Texas and California
had Daleiden arrested on charges even more trumped up than O'Keefe's in New Orleans, the media turned their collective back.
Into the void stepped Planned Parenthood spokespeople, now confidently dismissing this damning evidence as "faked criminal videos,"
a charge the media reinforced.
Journalist Has a Dozen New Planned Parenthood Videos to Release if Gag Order Dropped. The undercover journalist
who exposed Planned Parenthood's alleged involvement in the sale of aborted baby body parts for profit says he has a dozen
more videos to release if a gag order blocking them is dropped. During a conference call with reporters Thursday
[8/16/2018], David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) and his lawyers said they have filed a motion to dismiss
a federal judge's gag order that was sought by the National Abortion Federation (NAF) to block the release of the additional videos.
states defund Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood has filed suit against states that want to redistribute
the money to local clinics that offer far more services and are not associated with terminating the lives of preborn
babies. Attorney Rachel Busick of Americans United for Life tells OneNewsNow the abortion conglomerate files suit when
states decide to no longer finance them. "Planned Parenthood's suing because they think that they should have a
constitutional right to receive government funds because they provide abortion," Busick comments. But she asserts that
"they clearly do not" have that right.
Parenthood Counselor Caught Telling Teen to Let Her Boyfriend Beat Her. Abortion activists claim pro-lifers are
engaging in a "war on women:" by passing legislation to protect women and unborn children from abortion. But a new
expose' video catches a Planned Parenthood staffer engaging in her own war on women. The pro-life group Live Action
released the third installment today in its "SexEd" investigative series, showing a Planned Parenthood staffer in Portland,
Oregon offering disturbing sex counseling to someone she thinks is a fifteen-year-old girl. The video clearly shows the
counselor encouraging the young girl to allow herself to be victimized in violent sexual encounters with her partner.
The staffer tells the investigator that "it's very common to experiment with different things," including "being tied up" and
"whipped" and "the baby thing, where they will put on diapers[.]"
Drops Bogus Charges Against David Daleiden for Exposing Planned Parenthood Baby Part Sales. A court has dropped
some of the bogus charges against pro-life advocate David Daleiden, who exposed the sales of body parts from aborted babies
at Planned Parenthood abortion clinics and throughout the abortion industry. The National Abortion Federation (NAF)
dismissed seven out of eleven claims on Friday against Daleiden and his organization, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP),
in court on Friday [7/20/2018]. In 2015, NAF sued David and CMP after they began releasing undercover videos exposing
Planned Parenthood's trafficking of baby body parts. Buying and selling fetal tissue is illegal under federal law.
Parenthood Would Gut the First Amendment to Silence Sting Videos. Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion
Federation (NAF) have each separately sued David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) over sting videos
released in 2015, showing Planned Parenthood executives haggling over prices for aborted baby parts. Planned Parenthood
has engaged in legal warfare against Daleiden, seeking to silence him and anyone else who would reveal their alleged criminal
profiteering from baby parts. While sting videos are commonplace in journalism, California's attorney general —
whose campaign was funded by the abortion giant — is prosecuting Daleiden over the videos.
Parenthood Sues to Deny Women Information About Abortion Risks. Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and
the Hawaiian Islands (PPGNHI) filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Idaho's Abortion Complications Reporting Act which went into
effect July 1st. The legislation details 37 abortion complications that must be reported to the Idaho Department of
Health and Welfare including infection, blood clots, and hemorrhaging. The bill also requires that any psychological
conditions following an abortion be reported such as depression, anxiety, and sleeping disorders. It mandates that
abortion providers report the number of times their patients have had past abortions and other information about the patients
including age, race, and number of children.
Parenthood Killed 964,325 Unborn Babies in Abortions Worldwide Last Year. The International Planned Parenthood
Federation (IPPF) reports that its affiliates ended the lives of nearly one million unborn children in 2015. In all 964,325,
unborn children were terminated by chemical and surgical abortion by IPPF just last year alone. A million of anything
is a staggering number. But the loss of nearly a million children by surgical or chemical abortion is a tragedy beyond
reckoning. If you were to read off the names of IPPF's tiny victims — without sleeping, breaking or pausing —
it would take you almost two years. In fact, you would never finish. By the time you finished reading the list of all
the lives lost in 2015, IPPF's abortion facilities will have added another two million lives to be accounted for.
Planned Parenthood Lipstick Turns Aborting Babies Into a Fashion Statement. As disgusting as it seems, abortion
activists are trying to turn the Planned Parenthood abortion business into a fashion statement. At celebrity awards
shows this year, a number of celebrities wore little gold pins of the abortion chain's logo. Now, a company has created
a pink lipstick to benefit the group that aborts more than 300,000 unborn babies every single year.
Daleiden: Planned Parenthood Sold Baby Body Parts Before the Baby Was Even Aborted. Piles upon piles of
documents have been coming out of a Congressional investigation of the abortion industry and its trafficking of aborted
babies' body parts. As journalists and pro-lifer sift through the evidence released by the Congressional Select Panel
on Infant Lives, they are uncovering more shocking details about how callously the abortion industry treats human life.
David Daleiden, the founder of the Center for Medical Progress, which exposed Planned Parenthood selling aborted babies' body
parts in a series of undercover videos, pointed to evidence this week that some abortion clinics made plans to sell the
aborted babies' parts while the babies were still alive.
Raped Teen Daughter, Took Her to Planned Parenthood for Abortion. It Did One and Sent Her Back to Him.
Since 1999, federal regulations have made clear that all Title X grantees should follow state mandatory-reporter laws, but
the new proposal makes that long-running expectation into a requirement. Why the change? What organization wouldn't
already follow state laws to protect innocent children from sexual predators? Planned Parenthood. There have been
numerous cases over the years in which Planned Parenthood performed abortions on child victims of sexual abuse without alerting
the authorities. In fact, a 2014 study on sex trafficking found that Planned Parenthood was the top most-visited clinical
facility for trafficking victims, second only to hospital emergency rooms. Despite Planned Parenthood's abortionists and
staff members being required to report abuse in most states, they have repeatedly declined to alert authorities, allowing the
abuse to continue for months and even years.
and the Children. The hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton and Planned Parenthood on the subject of children separated
from their illegal alien parents at the border is mind-numbing. [...] They say nothing about American children such as Kate
Steinle and Jamiel Shaw Jr. separated from their families by illegal alien killers lurking in sanctuary cities.
They talk of children ripped from their mother's arms but not children ripped from their mother's womb. They certainly
don't talk about heads and limbs being ripped from fetal torsos carefully enough so that the fetal body parts can be sold
intact. Hillary Clinton is a supporter of Planned Parenthood and insists it should not be defunded as part of any
reform. Planned Parenthood has been credibly accused of selling body parts of aborted babies for fun and profit.
Margaret Sanger is Hillary's role model, someone who advocated population control through abortion and advocated the
extermination of the black race.
Gates Upset President Trump Defunded International Planned Parenthood. Melinda Gates, wife of billionaire
Microsoft founder Bill Gates, wishes President Trump had allowed International Planned Parenthood to continue its murderous
agenda across the globe instead of defunding it. Keeping true to his pro-life promises, President Trump implemented the
Mexico City Policy shortly after taking office. Approximately $100 million was stripped from International Planned
Parenthood thanks to the President's signature, which will save countless lives from abortions.
Parenthood Abortion Clinic Stops Doing Abortions, Can't Find Anyone to Kill Babies. It appears that Planned
Parenthood's planned expansion of abortion services to include five Missouri communities has not only failed to materialize,
but one of their expansion facilities has now halted abortions after offering them for only about eight months.
"Planned Parenthood's expansion plans have now become a reduction plan," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
Operation Rescue has confirmed a report that the Midtown Heath Center Planned Parenthood in Kansas City, Missouri, which
began offering abortion drugs last September, has now halted abortions due to an inability to locate an abortionist for that
facility. There is no anticipated date when abortions might resume.
How To Take Down Planned Parenthood Now That Trump Landed A Punch. President Trump's administration is bringing
back a Reagan-era rule that would pull federal birth control funds from clinics that sell abortion. Planned Parenthood,
which is by far the nation's largest and wealthiest abortion provider, has the most to lose. It is the largest single
recipient of Title X funds, to the tune of about $80 million per year. The new regulation is a good start.
It is a bigger blow to Planned Parenthood than anything the establishment Republicans have ever done. But more action
is needed to take PP down.
Pulling the subsidy plug on
Planned Parenthood. President Trump's action last week, barring Title X family planning funds from programs and facilities that
perform abortions, is thus entirely right and reasonable. For all Planned Parenthood's gnashing of teeth, the only thing to suffer will be
its own profits and the rewards of its senior executives. The public good and women's health will, at a minimum, remain completely unaffected
and, depending on your perspective, will be improved.
Admin Announces New Rule That May Defund Planned Parenthood. The Trump Administration filed a new regulation
Friday that aims to create a "bright line" between abortion clinics and taxpayers' money. The new rule, if approved by
the Office of Management and Budget, will regulate recipients of federal funds under Title X, requiring them to physically
and financially separate themselves from any organization that provides or supports abortion. Title X is the federal
statute that provides funding for family planning services throughout the nation. First established in 1970 to organize
federal family planning grants, the Title X program has expanded continuously alongside American families. As of
2010, it accounted for about 10 percent of the $2.37 billion dollars spent on family planning services that year.
Does Planned Parenthood Hate Adoption? Planned Parenthood has long insisted that its mission is to "educate and
empower communities, provide quality health care, [and] lead the reproductive rights movement," decrying its reputation
decrying its reputation as first and foremost the largest abortion provider in the country. The organization even
professes disinterest in clients' ultimate choices regarding pregnancy (parenting, abortion, or adoption, presented in that
order) saying rather that it simply provides education and information on the various options. Planned Parenthood's own
numbers, however, show that it performs more than 82 abortions for every every adoption referral. The reality is
that adoption is clearly given short shrift, not only in the numbers, but in emphasis as well.
expected to cut Planned Parenthood funding through regs. The Trump administration may take action to cut
federal funding to Planned Parenthood as a result of pressure from congressional Republicans and anti-abortion lobbyists.
Opponents of abortion have launched an all-out campaign urging the administration to bring back Reagan-era abortion restrictions
on federal family planning dollars that would target Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood astroturfing at Utah college.
Planned Parenthood is recruiting one student at Weber State University to go undercover to launch a "reproductive justice"
club on campus. The "Students for Choice Club President" will be paid to recruit members for a nondescript "pro-choice"
club on campus that will actually be under the control and direction of the Planned Parenthood Association of Utah, according
to a recent job posting. Since Weber State does not currently have an active pro-choice club on campus — as
school officials confirmed to Campus Reform on Tuesday [5/15/2018] — the new hiree will work up to 20 hours
per week to start one, earning an hourly wage of $12.36. Once launched, the club will operate as a "reproductive justice"
advocacy club, with no direct mention of Planned Parenthood, and will execute various informational events to educate the study
body about "reproductive rights and healthcare."
Abortion From the Inside Out. When Abby Johnson quit her job as director of a Texas Planned Parenthood clinic
in 2009, she had no intention of becoming a pro-life activist. Then Planned Parenthood tried to get a judge to slap a
permanent gag order on her. [...] Just what is so difficult about quitting a job at an abortion clinic that it requires
assistance from outsiders? Isn't it as simple as handing in your resignation? "Leaving the abortion industry is
not like leaving a restaurant or leaving an insurance agency," maintained Johnson. "When you decide that you're going
to leave the abortion industry, you then become an enemy of the abortion industry.... As soon as you leave, they will
turn to deception, they'll turn to lies, they will do anything to discredit you and to give you a bad reputation."
Planned Parenthood's Outgoing President Dismembers Own Talking Point. As Cecile Richards prepares to step down
as the head of abortion giant Planned Parenthood this year, she's giving interviews to sympathetic news organizations as part
of her ghoulish "farewell tour," including a chat with liberal New York Times columnist Gail Collins. In that
conversation, Richards recalled a meeting she took with Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner early in the Trump presidency, during
which the couple proposed that Planned Parenthood stop providing abortions in exchange for more funding for issues like
family planning. Richards rebuffed the offer, naturally, but Collins' description of why the overture was
rejected is totally unsurprising yet usefully revealing: [...]
Parenthood Tweets About Motherhood Again. Oh, the Irony!. On a day where we celebrate the women who
brought us into the world and the beautiful children who have made us part of the club known as motherhood, Planned
Parenthood chimes in: [...] There are some things Planned Parenthood should step aside for.
Top Four Obama
Policies Trump Has Reversed. [#2] Planned Parenthood Protections: In January, the Department of Health
and Human Services rescinded Obama-era "legal guidance" that would have punished states for defunding Planned Parenthood,
the nation's number one abortion provider and big money donor to Democrats. The regulations "warned states that ending
Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood or other health-care providers that offer abortions could be against federal law."
Of course, for many pro-life conservatives, while this was a welcome reversion of an Obama regulation, the subsequent omnibus
bill that fully funded Planned Parenthood was not so welcome.
up at Planned Parenthood, despite national downturn: Study. New research suggests that Planned Parenthood
is bucking the national abortion downturn. The study, recently published in the Open Journal of Preventive Medicine,
found that Planned Parenthood's abortion rate has steadily increased over the last two decades, despite the fact that the
overall U.S. abortion rate is in free fall. James Studnicki, the paper's lead author and the vice president and
director of data analytics at the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute, said Planned Parenthood has single-handedly inflated
the total number of abortions in the U.S. by about 3 million.
call on Trump to cut off Planned Parenthood's Title X funding. Nearly 200 members of Congress and 100 state and
national pro-life groups are calling on the Trump administration to take taxpayers out of the abortion business. The
coalition sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on Monday [4/30/2018] asking him to cut off abortion
providers from Title X dollars, which are earmarked for family planning services.
Parenthood sues Trump administration over federal funding. Three Planned Parenthood affiliates sued Wednesday
to demand taxpayer money keep flowing to the country's largest abortion network, saying a new Trump administration policy
appears designed to cut them out of family planning money. Affiliates in Wisconsin, Ohio and Utah said changes
announced by Health and Human Services would boost clinics that focus on abstinence rather than providing contraceptives.
Exposing Planned Parenthood Sex Ed for Kids Images Rejected, "Too Shocking". Last week American Life League
tried to run a full page ad in the New York Times and Washington Post that showed images from actual Planned Parenthood sex
education materials for kids as young as 10 years old. Both newspapers rejected the ad as "too graphic" and "shocking"
for their adult readers to see. But the images are okay for kids in the classroom to see — at taxpayer expense.
Liberal Civil War: Planned Parenthood
fights unionization attempt from SEIU. Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains is fighting a unionization
attempt from Service Employees International Union, despite the labor giant's emphatic support for the nation's largest
abortion provider. In November the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the agency in charge of union elections and
settling workplace disputes, granted SEIU Local 105's petition to hold an election for joining the union at several abortion
clinics in Colorado. Planned Parenthood objected to the organization campaign and appealed to the Republican-controlled
board. It disputed the fact that SEIU was attempting to organize a micro-unit and improperly excluded Planned
Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) clinics in Nevada and New Mexico in an effort to tilt the scales of the vote.
Parenthood Spending $30 Million on Mid-term Elections. Planned Parenthood is once again proving its hunger for
powerful allies in government positions. GOP control of the Senate is narrow, and with the upcoming Senate races, the
power balance could tip in favor of Democrat, pro-abortion advocates. Planned Parenthood knows this, of course, and
will be pouring a reported $30 million into abortion advocacy through its political arm. [...] It is appalling that an
organization that receives taxpayer money from the government is spending $30 million to directly influence state and federal
elections. Planned Parenthood ostensibly follows the law regarding this situation since the money is funneled through the
affiliated Planned Parenthood Votes before lining the pockets of politicians. At any rate, the IRS has never been known to
give the abortion provider trouble the likes of how it specifically targeted conservative political activist organizations by
withholding tax-exempt status.
Say, 'Enough' to Planned Parenthood's 'Pornographic' Sex Ed. Parents in cities across the U.S. as well as
Canada, Australia, and now, the U.K. are pulling their children out of schools Monday to protest what they view as
"pornographic," "gender-bending" sex ed curricula conducted and promoted by taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood.
Parenthood Allocates $30 Million To Help Dems Take Back Senate. Just when it appears that Planned Parenthood
could not make its way into American society even further, it does. On Monday, the abortion chain announced that it has
allocated an outrageous $30 million towards fighting for women's reproductive rights in at least three states. While it
is not unusual for Planned Parenthood to run campaigns, this one is purely political, as it is an attempt to secure votes for
the democratic party which desperately needs to win back Congress to ensure Planned Parenthood receives future federal
funding. This has many wondering how this is possible, as it is clearly unethical. Planned Parenthood has always
been about the money, not saving lives, as it kills an estimated 320,000 babies annually off whose lives it makes a profit from.
Parenthood Exec. Creepily Obsessed with Parkland Survivor Kyle Kashuv. Kyle Kashuv is going to
prom. With a girl he doesn't know. Who lives in another state. Kashuv is one of the few survivors of the
Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting who publicly supports the Second Amendment. [...] Why, one wonders, would a grown woman,
who doesn't know Kashuv or Fidan, weigh in on Fidan's choice of prom date? Fidan asked Kashuv, not the other way
around, and her grand gesture implies her ardent interest in him. Why would Thorp pass judgment? The answer is
simple: politics. That's why. Thorp doesn't like Kashuv's politics. But, instead of engaging
with him on the issues, she made a personal attack. It wasn't the first time.
Parenthood's Degenerate 'Comprehensive Sex Education' Lesson Plans. As is usual for the convergence of leftism
in our society, there are many organizations tied to Planned Parenthood and the Human Rights Campaign which try to obfuscate
where the information is coming from. I will show you that they are connected and all are involved in the federally-funded
"comprehensive sex education" program that has infected public schools. [...] Planned Parenthood also lists partners of theirs
in the comprehensive sex education programs including but not limited to: the Sexuality Information and Education Council of
the United State (SIECUS), Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network, Future of Sex Education, The Guttmacher Institute,
ETR Associates, Bedsider, Rutgers University, Advocates for Youth, and many more. They are all far-left, pro-abortion,
pro-gay, pro-transgender organizations. Not one of them deviates from the relentless push to normalize promiscuous and
deviant sexual behavior.
Admin Defunding Planned Parenthood, Will Cut as Much as $60 Million. Congressional Democrats are in a panic
over Title X, the federal government's family planning program. That's because even though the recent omnibus spending
bill once again allotted $286.479 million to fund the program, Republicans in Congress held the line on ensuring the Department
of Health and Human Services has flexibility to change regulations governing how it is spent. Control of these taxpayer
dollars will be in the hands of Valerie Huber, the deputy assistant secretary for population affairs at HHS.
Planned Parenthood, your radical pro-abortion culture war is failing. Outgoing Planned Parenthood President and
CEO Cecile Richards just published a book detailing her lifetime of pro-choice activism. The book, as expected, is
essentially Richards' stump speech in defense of her radical positions on abortion. But Richards makes one claim in the
book that is worth examining. In the book, titled "Make Trouble," Richards writes that as pro-choice activists "fight
for abortion access in America every day," they're also "transforming the culture" so they can "quit apologizing for abortion."
Parenthood President Promotes Adoption Over Death — For Dogs. Don't let a dog be put to death, adopt
it, the president of the nation's largest abortion provider suggested Tuesday [4/3/2018]. Planned Parenthood President
Cecile Richards made the pitch on Twitter, employing the #AdoptDontShop hashtag advocating dog adoption over pet store
purchases. Adopting (or, "rescuing" a dog from a shelter) would save its life. Ironically, Planned Parenthood
performs 113 abortions for every adoption referral it provides, NewsBusters reports. Under Richards' leadership,
Planned Parenthood has snuffed out the lives of more than 3.5 million unborn humans in 12 years, The New
American reports.
Parenthood Wisconsin Fined for Failing to Report Clinton, Feingold Support. Planned Parenthood Advocates of
Wisconsin has been fined by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) for failing to report in a timely and accurate fashion
$116,898 in independent expenditures spent in support of Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Russ Feingold during the
2016 elections, according to a settlement released by the commission. Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin's
failures to disclose its expenditures were discovered after discrepancies were found in the group's October 2016 quarterly
report. The group had marked $133,305.04 worth of independent expenditures on that report, which covered its finances
from July 1 to September 30, 2016. However, $116,898.08 of the $133,305.04 worth of expenditures the group
showed in the filing was never submitted in any previous 48-hour reports, a requirement for money put towards independent
Here's How
Trump Can Defund Planned Parenthood. Democrats don't hold a majority in the U.S. Senate, but the GOP doesn't
have a supermajority of 60 votes, which explains why the granting of $500 million in taxpayer money to the abortionists
at Planned Parenthood slipped into the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill. But what if there were ways to nibble away at
that total, maybe even significantly? The Family Research Council has outlined a strategy for President Trump to defund
Planned Parenthood.
Parenthood Abortion Doc: We Shoot Babies Through the Heart With Poison to Kill Them. The new Center for
Medical Progress video shows a conversation between two undercover journalists and an abortion practitioner, Dr. DeShawn
Taylor. Dr. Taylor is the former medical director for Planned Parenthood Arizona. Here are the most
important points to note from this video. #1: Dr. Taylor strongly implies that she will kill a born infant
that survives an abortion if she thinks she can get away with it
the Planned Parenthood Chop Shop. Irony has been redefined in the omnibus budget bill, where there is funding
for both fighting opioid addiction and Planned Parenthood, meaning the government is simultaneously paying for the saving and
destruction of human life. Defunding Planned Parenthood is something more than a campaign promise. Life is supposed
to be the first unalienable right conferred on us by our Creator. Liberals are also supposed to be in favor of "safe
spaces." One would think the womb should be the safest space of all. It is not so considered on K Street.
Spending Bill Fully Funds Planned Parenthood. Despite the promises of President Donald Trump, Vice President
Mike Pence, and GOP leaders such as House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) that they want to defund Planned Parenthood, the
$1.3-trillion omnibus spending bill pushed through on Wednesday night [3/21/2018] by the Republican-controlled House does not
defund the abortion provider. Rep. Tom Garrett (R-Va.) reportedly is planning to introduce an amendment to the bill that
would defund Planned Parenthood, reported The Hill. However, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), a member of the conservative House
Freedom Caucus, told The Hill this amendment and several others have "zero percent" chance of passing out of the House Rules
Committee. The latest annual report of Planned Parenthood, for 2016-17, shows that it performed 321,384 abortions in its
fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2016.
Budget Would Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Businesses. Nebraska lawmakers are scheduled to debate a new
budget this week that would defund abortion groups of taxpayer dollars. The measure is part of pro-life Gov. Pete
Ricketts' proposed budget, revising the way Title X funds are distributed to disqualify Planned Parenthood and other groups
that provide abortions. The funding bill passed the Senate Appropriations Committee last week, and the full Senate is
expected to begin debating the bill Tuesday [3/13/2018], the Omaha World-Herald reports. Ricketts said the bill only stops
abortion providers from receiving taxpayer funds through Title X; any other group can qualify.
on "Top Chef" Finale Wear Lapel Pins Supporting Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz. People often derive their
worldview and news information from television celebrities. That is why celebrities have a unique opportunity to use
their platform to impact millions of Americans. Perhaps "Top Chef" judges Tom Colicchio, Gail Simmons, Graham Elliot
and Jonathan Waxman understood that when they proudly wore Planned Parenthood pins on the cooking show for 3.02 million
viewers to see. Each of the judges is a high profile, celebrity chef with restaurants in major cities, best-selling
cookbooks or regular appearances on TV.
The NRA Is A Terrorist Organization (It's Not), Then Planned Parenthood Is Something Far, Far Worse. At this time, Planned Parenthood's kill
count is over 7 million since its founding. That's more than the Vietnam War, the American Civil War, the Korean War, and the Iraq war ... COMBINED.
Furthermore, the death of innocent life is one of their guiding principles, only they call it anything but what it is, using terms like "reproductive justice,"
and oddly "women's health." Planned Parenthood is often involved in the drafting of legislation, all of which is geared toward allowing it to take life.
sirens: Woman quietly rushed to hospital from Planned Parenthood. An African-American woman was transported by
ambulance from the Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood abortion facility on February 15, 2018. This is the tenth
medical emergency documented by Operation Rescue with the help of local pro-life activists at this facility since January 2017.
Parenthood Attacks Trump's Judicial Nominee For Being White. On Tuesday, Planned Parenthood, referring to a
judicial nominee of President Trump, attacked him for being white. The tweet referred to nominee Kyle Duncan, whom
Trump nominated for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. [...] Notably, Duncan represented Hobby Lobby at the U.S. Supreme
Court when the Obama administration targeted the Christian company for being unwilling to cover employees for drugs that
could cause abortions.
Parenthood pushing pro-choice legislation in over 12 states. Planned Parenthood is launching a counterattack in
response to significant pro-life gains on the state and federal levels. The organization will push legislation to
expand access to abortion in more than a dozen states this week and hopes to have initiatives in all 50 states by the end
of the year.
Budget Deal, GOP and Trump Fully Fund Planned Parenthood. Despite promising to defund Planned Parenthood,
President Donald Trump signed a budget Friday, which was passed by the Republican-led Congress, that fully funds the nation's
largest abortion provider. In a letter to pro-lifers during the election, Trump and Vice President Mike Pence said "I
am committed to ... Defunding Planned Parenthood as long as they continue to perform abortions, and reallocating their
funding to community health centers that provide comprehensive health care for women. While the budget provides more
funding for community health centers, it also fully funds Planned Parenthood.
Trump Policy Just Knocked $30 Million Right Out Of Planned Parenthood's Hand. Planned Parenthood takes half a
billion in taxpayer cash annually, but at least they've recently taken a multi-million dollar hit that they'll really
feel. According to LifeNews, Planned Parenthood failed to comply with a Trump initiated policy that blocks foreign
groups from promoting or performing abortions overseas.
Jersey Senate Forces Taxpayers to Give $7.5 Million to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz. New Jersey residents
could be forced to give their hard-earned tax dollars to the nation's largest abortion chain for the first time in eight
years. The state Senate passed legislation Thursday to send $7.5 million to Planned Parenthood and other groups that
do abortions in the state, NorthJersey.com reports. The legislation now moves to the state Assembly. Pro-abortion
Gov. Phil Murphy promised to sign it. The bill would reverse decisions by former Gov. Chris Christie to block
$7.5 million tax dollars to Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion business.
Parenthood President Calls for America's Government to Change to 'Representative Democracy'. Departing Planned
Parenthood president Cecile Richards is calling for America's government to change to a "representative democracy." [...]
Speaking at a "State of Our Union" event Tuesday in Washington, DC — scheduled to coincide with President Donald
Trump's State of the Union address — Richards said, "If the government won't change, we will change the government."
Richards says the government must provide for women who want abortions and free birth control, as well as for illegal immigrants,
LGBT individuals, and Black Lives Matter supporters.
6 reasons
why the Senate vote on abortion was a sham. How is it that Republicans could possibly be serious about banning
abortion, at any point in pregnancy, by law when they are still choosing to fund private organizations under criminal
investigation for harvesting baby organs in their own budget proposals? It's amazing how granting amnesty for illegals
has now become a legitimate request in a budget bill from a minority party, but defunding Planned Parenthood is not even up
for discussion by the majority party. Any stand-alone legislation that will not get around the filibuster is
meaningless when Republicans are still using taxpayer dollars for this barbaric organization.
Richards Confirms She's Resigning as CEO of Planned Parenthood Abortion Business. In a new email today
[1/26/2018] to donors of the Planned Parenthood abortion business, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards confirms that she
is indeed resigning. News reports surfaced earlier this week from anonymous sources indicating that Richards would be
stepping down as a leader of the nation's biggest abortion company. Under her administration, Planned Parenthood killed
as many as 3.8 million unborn children in abortions. Since the announcement, speculation has run rampant as to why
Richards is stepping down. Many pro-life leaders believe it has to do with the impending FBI investigation into Planned
Parenthood's sale of aborted baby parts that potentially violates both federal and state laws.
Cecile Richards to
Exit Planned Parenthood as FBI Closes In. Planned Parenthood hasn't been doing too hot lately. They're
finally on the receiving end of hurt, suffering multiple closures, lack of funding, and a DOJ investigation. The latest
blow to land across the face of PP's bloated gut? Their CEO, Cecile Richards, is stepping down from the company.
Cecile Richards calls on white women to 'save this country', trips over Margaret Sanger. Considering Planned
Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, who has been quoted as referring to minorities as weeds and 'reckless breeders,'
we're not sure how bright it was for Cecile Richards to call on her fellow white women to save this country. We get
what she was trying to do here but it just doesn't work.
Parenthood's Cecile Richards: White Women, This is Your Fault. It's 2018 and feminism has taken on a new
meaning: blaming white women for not doing what they're told. [...] This displays just how far the left has gone in on
identify politics. Their priority is dividing people into groups and playing them against one another.
will the GOP care about 60 million murdered babies as much as Dems care about illegal aliens? Today is the annual
marking of the grim milestone of Roe v. Wade. The annual March for Life, although well intentioned, is
the day every Republican politician can freely feign outrage over a decision that led to the deaths of 60 million babies
while refusing to use the constitutional tools they have to rectify this evil. Particularly jarring about this year's
march is that it coincides with complete GOP control of Washington, and nobody paying the slightest attention to the power
they hold to rectify the abortion travesty. In fact, it appears that virtue-signaling about babies has become an end to
itself rather than ensuring their brains don't actually get sucked out with taxpayer funds. Meanwhile, there's a thing
or two conservatives can learn from Democrats. It's eerie watching the March for Life as we are in the midst of a
budget battle in which funding for Planned Parenthood is not even up for debate — with Republicans in full
control. The publication of the videos two years ago showing Planned Parenthood engaged in trafficking and harvesting
of baby organs was a watershed moment in the 45-year debate over Roe because it proved conclusively that abortion was
not about being a "safe, rare, and legal" necessary evil, but rather a triumph of barbarism as a virtue in itself.
5 Things
to Know About Fusion GPS's Sordid Past. [#2] Planned Parenthood sting videos: In 2015, when the Center
for Medical Progress (CMP) released sting videos showing Planned Parenthood staffers agreeing to sell the body parts of
aborted babies for profit, the nation's largest abortion provider called in Fusion GPS to help out. The firm compiled
a misleading report suggesting the videos were false. In the wake of the scandal, Planned Parenthood produced
a "forensic report" claiming to prove the videos were manipulations. The abortion provider denied that staffers would
sell body parts, suggesting the sting videos were compiled of selectively edited clips that twisted the staffers' statements
out of context. Who wrote the report? Fusion GPS.
Planned Parenthood's Business Model, According to Cecile Richards. Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards
explained how the abortion giant's business model works in a Monday interview, unveiling the various ways the company seeks
to further its business activities. Richards encouraged pro-abortion civilians to come up with and act on their own
creative ideas. She referred to the numerous Planned Parenthood products on Etsy like T-shirts, candles, buttons, and hats
that advertise the abortion organization's activities. [...] Richards also touted the abortion organization's text-chat service,
which allows young pregnant girls in distress to text Planned Parenthood in order to ask for advice regarding their situation.
Parenthood Sells Hormone Poisoning, Genital Mutilation with Dangerous Lies. Planned Parenthood is cornering the
artificial resexuation market by lying to young people, many of whom are mentally disordered, about the facts of sex and
sexuality, and by selling unsound medical treatment to them. Artificial resexuation, mislabeled "gender transition," is
a logical next step for PP's business model. It is offered in about sixty "clinics." Planned parenthood has always
been in the anti-medical care business. Abortion on demand is the opposite of medical treatment. It causes a
medical catastrophe — the loss of a healthy fetus from a healthy womb — due to psychological
motives. Artificial resexuation through manipulation with animal and synthetic hormones and surgeries is also the
opposite of medical care. It is the imposition of endocrinological disorder and physical malformation on a healthy
body, also for psychological motives.
Trump and the GOP ever defund Planned Parenthood? Despite claims that 2017 was a "tough year," Planned Parenthood
still managed to have a very profitable year according to a just-released annual report. After murdering 321,384 unborn
babies still in their mother's womb at their so-called clinics — occasionally selling their body parts on the black
market — and receiving nearly $544 million in taxpayer-funded subsidies, Planned Parenthood was
able to report an increase in its profits of nearly $21 million despite shutting down 32 centers last year. According
to Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood manager who currently runs an organization designed to help abortion workers get
out of the baby-killing business, the report proves what we already knew: Planned Parenthood is a political movement,
not a women's healthcare organization.
Parenthood's Annual Report: 321,384 Abortions Performed by Organization in 2016-2017. The abortion and
contraception giant Planned Parenthood has released its annual report, which shows that while the number of abortions it
performed last year are the lowest in a decade, still over 321,000 babies were murdered in their mother's womb during the
2016-2017 fiscal year. "As we enter our 101st year, providing access to expert health care and education remains at the
center of what we do. We continue to drive innovations in health care delivery by leveraging new technology to get
patients the care and information they need to live healthy lives and build the futures they want," the organization wrote in
its report, which outlines the services provided over the past year, most centering on sexual activity.
Parenthood enters transgender-hormone market as abortions decline, clinics close. As dozens of its clinics
closed amid a dwindling U.S. abortion rate, Planned Parenthood has moved to diversify its business model by getting into
transgender hormone therapy. The 2016-17 Planned Parenthood annual report showed the nation's largest abortion provider
struggling to keep its doors open as fewer women undergo abortions and patients seek health care services elsewhere. In
response, "We're expanding access to care — from pioneering research on self-injectable birth control to offering
new services for our transgender patients," Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards said in the report's introductory message.
Parenthood: We Did 321,384 Abortions; Got $543.7 Million in Tax Dollars. Planned Parenthood says its
affiliates did 321,384 abortions in the fiscal year that ended on Sept. 30, 2016, according to its newly released 2016-2017
annual report. In the same report, Planned Parenthood says its affiliates received $543.7 million in payments from
government — "Government Health Services Reimbursements & Grants," the report calls them — in the year
that ended on June 30, 2017.
Parenthood Now Has Pro-Abortion License Plates. Abortion conglomerate Planned Parenthood has moved beyond the
bumper sticker trade and into the license plate trade. According to LifeNews, a new license plate unveiled in Nebraska
comes with progressive feminists' favorite slogan: "My body, my choice." "The new abortion-supporting license plates
will cost an additional $70 for drivers," reports LN. "It appears Planned Parenthood has enough applications to support
the plate and it told state officials that 263 Nebraska drivers [want] to promote abortion on their vehicles."
Twitter protects Planned Parenthood from the truth. "Offensive." "Inappropriate." Even "fake news."
Increasingly, media outlets and pro-choice politicians are labeling pro-life groups with these derogatory terms and openly calling on
social media outlets to censor pro-life voices, especially those with increasingly large online followings. They cite how
"dangerous" it is that our message is reaching millions of people each day. This past summer, for example, the Washington
Examiner reported that social media giant Twitter prevented Live Action from advertising to build our audience while allowing
abortion groups like Planned Parenthood and others free rein to reach out to virtually anyone. Twitter defended its actions,
calling our content "inflammatory." But what did it deem so offensive? A picture of a child developing in the womb and
ultrasound images like the ones expectant parents hang on refrigerators.
Replacement in Senate Is Former MN Planned Parenthood VP. The woman replacing Al Franken, the Democrat U.S.
senator from Minnesota who is being forced to step down in the face of allegations of past sexual misconduct, is a former
vice president with the Minnesota franchise of abortion giant Planned Parenthood. Now Minnesota's lieutenant governor
serving under Governor Mark Dayton, Tina Smith (shown) first showed up in Minneapolis in the 1980s, working for General
Mills. In 2003 she signed on with Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota as the abortion
provider's vice president for public affairs — in reality serving as a high-paid lobbyist canvassing legislators
and other government functionaries for taxpayer handouts. As reported by pro-life news site LifeNews.com, during
Smith's tenure with Planned Parenthood MN from 2003 to 2006, the abortion provider was responsible for 9,717 of the murderous
procedures, and was reimbursed nearly $460,000 by Minnesota taxpayers for performing almost 2,000 abortions on low-income
mothers. During that time Planed Parenthood took the lead in abortion procedures in the state and raked in a whopping
$12.65 million in government funding.
Democrats: Does Trump do anything that's not racist? [Scroll down] John Lewis and others
always complain that blacks are imprisoned and blacks are killed at a much higher rate than their percentage of the
population, but somehow they don't complain when Planned Parenthood aborts black babies at such a high percentage versus the
population. Why don't Civil Rights leaders complain, especially since the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret
Sanger, wanted eugenics to build a cleaner race?
Parenthood Challenges Texas Law Requiring Proper Burial for Aborted Babies. The abortion chain Planned
Parenthood will argue against a Texas law Monday [12/11/2017] that requires its abortion facilities to bury or cremate
aborted babies' remains. The law, which passed in June, helps to ensure that aborted babies' bodies are not sold and
are treated with dignity and respect. It requires that abortion facilities, hospitals and other health clinics to bury
or cremate the remains of aborted and miscarried babies. Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocacy groups lobbied
against the bill, but the legislature passed it with strong support. Abortion activists have not given up the fight.
Parenthood probe pursued. A top Democrat is hinting that the Justice Department's investigation into Planned
Parenthood is politically motivated, but a pro-life advocate said those claims would not stop the feds from pursuing their
investigation. The DOJ is asking for unredacted documents from the Senate Judiciary Committee's probe into accusations
that Planned Parenthood violated federal laws regarding the sale of fetal tissue and body parts of aborted fetuses. Last
year, Judiciary Committee Chairman U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) referred the report to the Justice Department.
But U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the committee's ranking member, downplayed the report — saying it
was never brought before the full committee — and implied the DOJ investigation was biased.
Companies That Sold Aborted Baby Parts for Planned Parenthood Forced to Close Down. In what is the first
successful prosecution in the scandal involving Planned Parenthood, the abortion industry, and the sale of aborted baby
parts, two companies that sold aborted baby parts for the nation's biggest abortion company have been forced to close
down. The two California-based companies reached a settlement with the Orange County District Attorney's office of almost
$8 million dollars. As a result of the settlement the two companies will close up shop over the next couple of months
and will no longer be selling parts from babies killed in abortions for Planned Parenthood or anyone else.
Parenthood Gave Politicians More Funds in Single Year Than NRA Did in Entire Decade. The Federalist co-founder
Sean Davis made a Washington Post article playing up the NRA's donations to members of Congress look pretty silly with one
simple tweet in early October. The Post's story detailed where roughly $3.6 million in NRA political donations have
gone in the past few decades. However, Davis pointed out that Planned Parenthood's political donations from last year
alone absolutely dwarf that number.
Parenthood Attempts To Convince People That Abortions And Miscarriages Are The Same. Abortion Goliath Planned
Parenthood just attempted to link the horror and sorrow of a miscarriage with the choice of killing an unborn child.
Planned Parenthood tweeted out an article written by Danielle Campoamor titled "I'm Miscarrying Right Now, & It's Only
Strengthening My Beliefs About Abortion" from Romper, a site that bills itself as a site for moms. Campoamor claims
within the article — of which she includes an ample amount of selfies for some reason — that women who
abort are no different than the women who lose their children through miscarriage.
Justice Dept. opens formal probe of Planned Parenthood. In a rare confirmation of a new investigation, the
Justice Department has asked the Senate Judiciary Committee for its uncensored documents relating to last year's congressional
probe into Planned Parenthood's practices and sale of fetal body tissues. A year ago at the time of the committee's final
report — Human Fetal Tissue Research: Context and Controversy — chairman Chuck Grassley said he had
found sufficient evidence of abortion providers transferring body parts and tissue from aborted fetuses for research and
charging more than the cost of acquiring the material.
Parenthood under investigation by Justice Department over sale of fetal tissue. The Justice Department has
launched a federal investigation into Planned Parenthood's practices and the sale of fetal tissue. In a letter first
obtained by Fox News, Justice Department Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs Stephen Boyd formally requested
unredacted documents from the Senate Judiciary Committee, the same panel that led the congressional probe into the women's
health organization.
Parenthood Is in Deep Trouble With the Law. We are living through a remarkable time in history. Almost
daily, those in influential positions who once appeared untouchable are falling out of popular favor as their abuses are
exposed. Just last week, one particularly corrupt institution was dealt back-to-back blows: Planned Parenthood,
the nation's largest abortion business. On Nov. 13, The Hill reported that the FBI may be investigating Planned
Parenthood and its associates for the sale of aborted babies' body parts for profit. It's the latest development yet in
a scandal that began in 2015 with the release of explosive undercover videos. Those videos showed abortion industry
executives haggling over the price of hearts, livers, brains, and kidneys and describing, in chilling detail, their
techniques for crushing late-term babies to get the freshest organs.
Parenthood May Face Charges for the Disgusting Thing They Did to Baby Body Parts. This came after the FBI
requested unredacted documents Monday that the Senate obtained from abortion providers. Sessions seemed amenable to the
question, stating that if the findings of Congress confirmed the allegations, they "could provide a basis for charges."
"If the FBI has requested what is now several thousand pages of testimony and findings the Senate has gathered through their
investigation of Planned Parenthood," Franks stated, "that may mean that they could be readying indictments against individuals
who have committed the sale of these little body parts for profit."
Stars Honor Hillary Clinton At Planned Parenthood Fundraiser. Broadway stars were proud to host failed
presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Sunday night for "an evening that was all about women, by women, and for women,"
according to InStyle. "Tony and Grammy winners packed The Town Hall theater in N.Y.C. for a special concert all about
women's empowerment called 'Double Standards,'" reports InStyle. [...] The Broadway stars clearly did not second-guess the
prospect of honoring Hillary Clinton as some beacon of women's rights while multiple allegations suggest she aided her
husband in silencing several of his sexual assault victims throughout the years. Stars in attendance said the goal
of the concert was to get people talking about women's rights.
Parenthood Whistleblowers Release First Of New Video Series Inside Baby Body Part Business Partner. David
Daleiden and his controversial Center for Medical Progress released the first in yet another series of revealing videos about
the abortion industry today. This time, it takes a new angle: How did Planned Parenthood procure baby body
parts? Who worked with Planned Parenthood to procure these parts, and why? "First Day at StemExpress Inside
Planned Parenthood" shows a conversation between Daleiden and Holly O'Donnell, a former StemExpress employee, recounting her
first day on the job, which included examining aborted baby parts. StemExpress is a biomedical company that installed
employees at Planned Parenthood clinics and paid per specimen for human parts obtained there.
Parenthood At 101 Years: 7 Million Abortions And Counting. Planned Parenthood celebrated its 101st birthday
Monday, marking the century-long operation of what started as a small birth control clinic in Brooklyn and is now an abortion
giant operating in every U.S. state. "The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members
is to kill it," Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger wrote in her 1920 book "The Wickedness of Creating Large
Families," and her corporation has not let her down. [...] While Planned Parenthood aborted more than 300,000 unborn babies
last year, they handed out only 2,889 adoption referrals — roughly one adoption referral for every 114 abortions.
Friend of Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger Ran a Concentration Camp Killing Blacks. For the past 100 years,
Planned Parenthood has centered its work around one hugely flawed, unspoken belief that not all human beings are equal. It began
with the group's founder, Margaret Sanger, a eugenicist who promoted sterilization and birth control to "weed out" human beings who the
eugenics movement deemed "unfit." Today, Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the U.S., killing approximately
320,000 unborn human lives every year. As Planned Parenthood celebrates its 100th birthday on Sunday [10/15/2017], pro-lifers
are responding with reminders about the abortion chain's roots in discrimination.
Parenthood Blasts Trump for Rolling Back Obamacare Abortion Mandate: He Just Hates Women. The Planned
Parenthood abortion business today [10/6/2017] is upset that President Donald Trump is rolling back the Obamacare abortion
mandate. The Mandate was one of the biggest goodies the abortion company got from the Obama administration. In a
scathing email sent to her pro-abortion group's supporters, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards claimed that the
Trump Administration decision hurts women. Her conclusion? Trump just hates women. Naturally her email
failed to discuss how Christian businesses and organizations were forced into the Obamacare abortion mandate to pay for
abortion-causing drugs for their employees. Her email fails to indicate how those Christian businesses and organizations
were perfectly willing to pay for non abortifacient birth control but simply did not want to be put in a position of funding abortions.
Parenthood Files Lawsuit to Allow Nurses and Midwives to Do Abortions. Struggling to find enough doctors
willing to abort unborn babies, Planned Parenthood is pushing states to allow nurses and midwives to abort unborn babies,
too. While Planned Parenthood has succeeded legislatively in only a few states, it recently filed a lawsuit in Maine
that it hopes will eventually force the whole nation to conform to its abortion agenda. The Portland Press Herald
reports Planned Parenthood of Northern New England and the American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit challenging a Maine
law that requires that abortions be performed by doctors only.
Parenthood Doc Loses License After Doing Abortion on Raped 13-Year-Old, Claims He Didn't Know Her Age. The
Kansas Board of Healing Arts has suspended the osteopathic medicine license of Allen S. Palmer, 78, for 90 days.
The suspension is due to be completed on December 7, 2017. Palmer was working part time for Comprehensive Health of Planned
Parenthood in Overland Park, Kansas, on December 22, 2014, when a 13-year old girl presented for a surgical abortion.
Palmer failed to check her medical records for age prior to the surgery, then failed to preserve fetal tissue from the abortion,
which, by law, is supposed to be submitted to the Kansas Bureau of Investigation in the event a criminal investigation is warranted.
Parenthood: One Million Abortions Globally in 2016. According to its annual report, the London-based
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) was responsible for more than one million abortions during 2016. IPPF's
annual accounting for 2016 noted that its affiliates killed 612,966 pre-born babies via surgical abortion and 481,713 through
chemical abortion — for a total of 1,094,679 killings. This is the first time the organization has conceded
to over one million abortions in a one-year time period. Additionally, IPPF performed over 3.6 million abortion-related
activities such as pre- and post-abortion counseling and consultation, and the treatment of incomplete abortions.
Founded in 1952 through the influence and funding of Margaret Sanger and her International Committee on Planned Parenthood,
the IPPF today maintains 142 member associations across the globe and is active in more than 170 countries, both performing
and lobbying for abortion and "sexual and reproductive rights."
Parenthood Teams With Literal Satanists To Promote Abortion. Some matches are made in heaven, and some matches
are made in hell. Planned Parenthood teaming with literal satanists in Missouri to promote the death cult of abortion
represents the latter. Though Missouri has long been at the forefront of rolling back abortion, knocking the institution
down to just one clinic in recent years, a new article in Slate announced (quite proudly, mind you) that satanists in
concert with abortion conglomerate Planned Parenthood have helped to roll that back.
Women are Getting Healthcare Now That Texas Has Defunded Planned Parenthood. After Texas defunded Planned
Parenthood in 2011, The Heidi Group, led by long time pro-life activist Carol Everett, planned to establish a network of
pro-life medical clinics in the Lone Star State. However, last week, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission
announced substantial funding cuts to the Heidi Group — citing a failure to serve as many patients as
anticipated. Unsurprisingly, the mainstream media, eager to report on bad public health news from Texas, pounced on the
announcement. [...] It is disappointing that Carol Everett's idea to organize a network of pro-life medical facilities failed
to go as planned. However, by focusing on Everett's program and relying on dated statistics, the media coverage,
particularly the Politico article, paints a misleading picture about the state of public health in Texas.
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rules against Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood had been on a legal winning
streak, piling up decisions from judges who have ruled that states can't stop the country's largest abortion clinic network
from receiving federal grant money. But they suffered a major setback last week when a federal appeals court ruled that
Arkansas can kick Planned Parenthood out of its network of Medicaid-approved health providers. The 8th U.S. Circuit
Court of Appeals ruled that Medicaid recipients are entitled to care, but cannot dictate to the states where they get that
care — meaning Planned Parenthood customers can't protest the removal of the network from Arkansas's list of
approved clinics.
Arkansas Can
Block Medicaid Funding to Planned Parenthood, Court Rules. A federal appeals court panel ruled Wednesday
[8/16/2017] that Arkansas can block Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood, two years after the state ended its contract with
the group over videos secretly recorded by an anti-abortion group.
What Does Planned Parenthood
Do, Exactly, That Deserves Federal Funding? Planned Parenthood is raking in the bucks. For real. They make a ton of money.
Yet they get over $500 million from the federal government every year... for what? [...] Whenever Planned Parenthood is in the press they opine endlessly
about the good they do for women. It's all about the women and the services they offer, as if the services are free.
Reveals Sick Humor of Abortion Workers. Former Planned Parenthood director-turned-pro-life activist Abby Johnson appeared on
Tucker Carlson Tonight this week, where she shared some disturbing stories about her time working for the abortion giant. "When you're
working inside of an industry like that, you become very dark and you stop seeing just the heinous acts that you're participating in,"
Johnson told Carlson. But it's the next thing she said will make your skin crawl. [...]
of 8,735 Licensed Mammogram Facilities in the United States, Planned Parenthood Runs Zero. Planned Parenthood
still claims they provide access to life-saving mammograms. In 2012, they issued a press release that read, "Planned
Parenthood helps women nationwide get access to mammograms, as part of the range of health care Planned Parenthood health
centers provide to nearly three million people a year." Obama echoed their rhetoric during his second presidential
campaign. He said, "There are millions of women all across the country who rely on Planned Parenthood for mammograms,
for cervical cancer screenings." Then, earlier this week, the Secretary of Obama's Health and Human Services department
defended federal funding for the abortion giant by mentioning mammograms. Sylvia Mathews Burwell said, "What I think is
important is that our HHS funding is focused on issues of preventative care for women, things like mammograms."
Parenthood to spend $3M to elect Ralph Northam. Planned Parenthood claims that they need our tax dollars to
fund women's health procedures. Instead, the supposed non-partisan organization is once again pandering to the
Democratic Party to protect their murder of the unborn. Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia plans on spending
$3 million in an attempt to help Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Ralph Northam win in Virginia.
Planned Parenthood Admitted That Abortion Was Dangerous for Women. In an undated pamphlet, the abortion giant
Planned Parenthood answered questions about birth control, the first one being: Is it an abortion? "No, it is
entirely different. Abortion kills life after it has begun. Birth control prevents the beginning of life.
Abortion is dangerous to your life and health. Birth control, when prescribed by a doctor, cannot hurt you in any way."
Birth control can also be dangerous to your life and health, and in some cases, birth control pills and devices might not prevent
the beginning of life. The egg and sperm could meet, but the fertilized egg won't implant due to the hostile conditions hormone
contraceptives create. The same is as true today about killing unborn babies as when Planned Parenthood published this
pamphlet — and for all time.
Parenthood to send superhero capes to senators who voted against healthcare bill. Planned Parenthood says it's
sending superhero capes to the 51 senators who voted against the Senate's ObamaCare repeal bill. [...] The Senate GOP's
healthcare bill failed in a 49-51 vote late Thursday night, stifling Republicans' hope of fulfilling their seven-year promise
to repeal and replace ObamaCare. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) was the deciding vote on the bill, joining GOP
Sens. Susan Collins (Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) in breaking with their party to oppose the bill.
Planned Parenthood Goes After the Kids Who Survive Abortion. The evil inflicted largely on your dime by the
abortion mill Planned Parenthood doesn't stop at killing unwanted babies or even at selling their body parts. There is
much more to the agenda it advances [...]
Parenthood to Toddlers: 'Your Genitals Don't Make You a Boy or a Girl'. Planned Parenthood has long been known
for its frank, scientific, and matter-of-fact advice on how parents should talk to their kids about their bodies and
sex. But the organization's recently revamped website has scrapped biological explanations for male-female distinctions
in favor of a non-binary view of sexuality and gender, even for the very young. The new guidelines include lengthy
discussions on gender identity for all ages and encourage adults to explain to preschoolers that one's private parts "don't
make you a boy or a girl."
Parliamentarian Blocks Defunding Of Planned Parenthood. On Friday night [7/22/2017], Elizabeth MacDonough, the
Senate parliamentarian, made [...] sure that defunding of Planned Parenthood will not be part of the Senate health care bill,
citing the Byrd rule to stipulate that the key provisions violated Senate rules. [...] It is now clear the Senate's version of a
new health care bill will not defund Planned Parenthood, as it would require 60 votes in the Senate to implement such an action.
Group Slams Republican Opposing Senate Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood. Senator Shelly Moore Capito is one of
three Republicans in the Senate who opposes the Senate bill to defund Planned Parenthood and repeal Obamacare. She has
flip-flopped from suporting the bill to opposing it — but her political calculations are not playing well at
home. The junior senator from West Virginia previously voted to repeal the failing ObamaCare legislation but did so
expecting a certain veto from then President Obama. Now, it appears that Capito may be the deciding vote determining if
the funding stays.
Fines David Daleiden $137,000 for Exposing Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Parts. Yesterday [7/18/2017]
Judge William Orrick held David Daleiden, the Center for Medical Progress, and two of David's criminal defense attorneys in
civil contempt for violating a court order prohibiting the release of video footage related to NAF conferences and related
meetings. The footage was posted to a private website in May. Orrick said Daleiden's lawyers published undercover
video footage of a National Abortion Federation meeting in violation of a court order.
triggers plan to 'open the floodgates' for states to defund Planned Parenthood. With the effort to defund
Planned Parenthood stalled at the federal level, Texas is spearheading a plan that could "open the floodgates" for states to
strip taxpayer dollars from the abortion giant one by one. Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, sent a
first-of-its-kind waiver to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on June 28 asking the agency to approve federal
funding for a state-administered family planning program that excludes abortion providers and their affiliates from
participation. If the Trump administration approves the request, Texas Right to Life legislative director John Seago
said, it could set off a chain reaction of copycat programs in red states across the nation.
The Editor says...
The use of the derisive word copycat instead of, for example, similar appears to me to indicate
bias on the part of the writer.
Republican says health care bill in jeopardy over Planned Parenthood. Rep. Trent Franks said Wednesday
that if Planned Parenthood funding is added to the GOP health care bill, numerous Republican senators will no longer support
it. "I think a lot of us are 'no' votes," the Arizona Republican said. "We can't continue to subsidize abortion
as part of health care. It's just something that's not American." Mr. Franks said. Some GOP senators,
including Susan Collins of Maine, have said they were unlikely to support the bill without funds for Planned Parenthood.
Parenthood Doc Caught Saying She'd "Break the Baby's Neck" if Baby Born Alive After Abortion. Planned
Parenthood abortionists in St. Paul, Minnesota would "break the baby's neck" if the child was born alive, according to
a new video just released by Pro-Life Action Ministries. This would be a violation of both federal and Minnesota
law. In the video, a former Planned Parenthood client says that when she went to Planned Parenthood earlier this year
for a late-term abortion (at 22 weeks, 1 day), she asked the two abortionists, "If you guys were to take him out right
now while he's still, his heart rate is still, you know, going, what would you guys do?" According to the woman, one of the
abortionists looked at the other one, then looked back at the client, "and she told me that we don't tell women this, and a lot
of women don't even ask this question, but if we was to proceed with the abortion and the baby was to come out still alive and
active, most likely we would break the baby's neck."
The Editor says...
Notice that the doctor calls the victim a baby, acknowledges the victim is alive, and seems to have no qualms about
premeditated homicide. That sounds like a person who has probably already done this deed at least once; and if so,
that doctor should be in prison.
Dismisses Charges Against Pro-Life Activists, For Now. Even in famously abortion-friendly California there is
justice for abortion foes. On June 21, the San Francisco County Superior Court threw out 14 of the 15 felony
counts that California Attorney General Xavier Becerra had brought against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, the
anti-abortion activists who had made widely circulated undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials haggling and joking
over the compensation they expected to receive for supplying the organs of fetuses aborted at Planned Parenthood clinics to
for-profit "tissue-procurement" companies.
Court Tosses Out 14 Charges Against Pro-life Journalist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood's Baby Part Market. In
March, California's Attorney General slapped David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, with a whopping fifteen felony charges.
Daleiden and Merritt, by way of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), released several horrifying undercover videos exposing
Planned Parenthood officials negotiating the price of aborted baby parts. [...] Wednesday [6/21/2017], San Francisco's
Superior Court dismissed the first fourteen charges against Merritt, finding them legally insufficient.
WNBA, Viewed by 224,000, Raises Funds for Planned Parenthood, Which Aborted 328,348. On Thursday, June 15, the
WNBA team Seattle Storm announced that it would be partnering with Planned Parenthood to hold a fundraising rally and donate
$5 for each ticket purchased on July 18 for the Storm's game against the Chicago Sky. The WNBA's average viewership per
game is about 224,000, which is more than 100,000 less than the total number of abortions performed by Planned Parenthood in 2015-16.
According to the organization's most recent annual report, Planned Parenthood performed 328,348 abortions and received $554.6 million
in government health services reimbursements and grants, taxpayer money, for the year that ended June 30, 2016.
Parenthood Report : Did 328,348 Abortions, Got $554.6M in Tax Dollars. Planned Parenthood's newly released "2015-2016
Annual Report" says that the organization performed 328,348 abortions in the year that ended on Sept. 30, 2015, and received
$554.6 million in "government health services reimbursements and grants" — money that came from U.S. taxpayers —
in the year that on June 30, 2016. That means Planned Parenthood performed 4,349 more abortions in its latest year reported
than it did in the previous year it reported.
removes latest Planned Parenthood video on judge's order. YouTube removed a video showing top Planned
Parenthood officials making gruesome comments about abortion on the order of a federal judge in California. U.S.
District Judge William Orrick, who granted the preliminary injunction in favor of the National Abortion Federation to halt
the release of the videos, ordered any links to the video to be removed after it was published by the Center for Medical
Progress on Thursday [5/25/2017]. Judge Orrick also ordered CMP lead investigator David Daleiden and his attorneys to
appear in court June 14, The Associated Press reported, for a hearing where he will consider holding them in contempt
for releasing the footage.
Donor Judge Threatens Pro-Life Journalists With Contempt Charges For Releasing Video. A federal judge who
donated nearly a quarter of a million dollars to President Obama's campaign has threatened to hold undercover reporter and
pro-life activist David Daleiden in contempt of court after his organization released video footage of Planned Parenthood
employees admitting that abortion involves killing a baby. In the video released Thursday, Planned Parenthood Michigan
Medical Director Dr. Lisa Harris says that pro-abortion activists know abortion is violent and kills babies, but that
shouldn't stop them.
Catches Planned Parenthood Abortionist Joking About Eyeballs From Aborted Babies "Rolling Into Our Laps". A
shocking new video from the Center for Medical Progress catches Planned Parenthood executives discussing gruesome abortion
procedures and the sale of body parts from aborted babies for profit. The video shows top Planned Parenthood staffers
attending meetings of the National Abortion Federation in 2014 and 2015 and it is the latest in a series of over a dozen
videos from the organization showing the Planned Parenthood abortion business and others engaging in potentially illegal sale
of body parts of aborted babies.
a new PP video. No words describe the horror. Each one of these videos is more gruesome than the last either in its graphic
content or the admissions of the subjects on camera. This one is no exception. As this is listed as "Preview" on CMP's YouTube
channel, one only wonders what further horrors the group is waiting to release as time passes.
Parenthood closes clinics but continues to collect $500 million a year in taxpayer funding. Pro-lifers say declining patient
numbers, the promotion of abortion at the expense of health care services and the shuttering of several facilities show that Planned Parenthood's
business model is failing and its taxpayer funding could be better spent elsewhere. The nation's largest abortion provider announced last
week that it would close four clinics in Iowa, three in New Mexico, two in Colorado and its last remaining facility in Wyoming, despite
continuing to receive more than $500 million in annual taxpayer funding.
Parenthood Set to Close Six Clinics in Three States. One of the largest regional chapters of Planned Parenthood
in the nation plans to close several clinics due to financial shortfalls. Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains
(PPRM) announced that it would close five clinics in Colorado and New Mexico, as well as the only Planned Parenthood clinic
in Wyoming. The organization said in a release that closing the clinics would provide "long-term sustainability in the
communities we serve."
Clinic That Killed Babies in Abortions for 42 Years Closes Down. An abortion clinic in Sacramento, California
closed its doors on Friday, ending its four decades-long abortion practice. California Catholic Daily reports the
Sacramento facility is the second Women's Health Specialists abortion clinic to close in the past year. Executive
director of the abortion chain Shauna Heckert previously pointed to financial issues and a reduced demand for abortions as
the reasons. "We are a dying breed," Heckert told told the news site FiveThirtyEight last year. California
pro-life leaders celebrated the news as a victory for babies and moms in the community.
Passes Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz. House Republicans voted today [5/4/2017] to approve a
bill that would defund to Planned Parenthood abortion business. This was the second attempt to get enough votes on the
reconciliation bill that would not only defund the nation's biggest abortion corporation but also repeal major portions of
Obamacare. The first attempt to pass the bill saw liberal Republicans oppose the repealing Obamacare portion and
conservative Republicans not happy as well because it did not repeal Obamacare fully. Republican leaders reworked the
legislation, called the American Health Care Act, and Republicans passed the measure today despite Democrat objections.
The House voted 217-212 for the bill to defund Panned Parenthood with Republicans voting 217-20 for it and Democrats voting
192-0 against it. The legislation now moves to the Senate for consideration.
Clinton Claims Planned Parenthood Holds Morality's 'Higher Ground'. Hillary Clinton is convinced that Planned
Parenthood holds the "higher ground" when it comes to the morality of abortion, she told a Planned Parenthood gala Tuesday
[5/2/2017]. On Tuesday, Clinton headlined the star-studded event in New York celebrating the abortion provider's 100th
anniversary, and was honored with the group's "Champion of the Century" award.
of Judge Who Blocked Pro-Life Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood is a Pro-Abortion Activist. In California, a
federal judge blocked the release of additional videos exposing the abortion industry after the National Abortion Federation
(NAF) said they were concerned about footage from events it sponsored for abortion groups across the country. Last
month, four videos released by the Center for Medical Progress showed Planned Parenthood executives negotiating the sale of
babies killed in abortions. As LifeNews previously reported, NAF filed a suit in federal court "seeking a temporary
restraining order and preliminary injunction which would prohibit the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), David Daleiden, and
others from releasing recordings and materials they illegally obtained at NAF's educational meetings."
Months Since Trump's Inauguration: Planned Parenthood Has Performed 81,567 Abortions. Although President
Donald J. Trump promised to defund Planned Parenthood if elected president, and the GOP House and Senate often claim that
they want to defund the group, there reportedly is no language in the continuing resolution to fund the government through
next September to defund Planned Parenthood, a group that has performed approximately 81,567 abortions since Trump's
inauguration on Jan. 20. That's about 877 abortions per day, 36 per hour, or 1 every two minutes. [...] Planned Parenthood
is the biggest abortion provider in the United States. In its latest annual report from 2014-15, Planned Parenthood reported
a total revenue of $1.29 billion, of which $553.7 million came from "government health services grants & reimbursements,"
i.e., the taxpayers.
Planned Parenthood exec who 'wanted a Lamborghini' caught haggling over baby body parts. The Center for Medical
Progress released a never-before-seen video Wednesday [4/26/2017] showing a top Planned Parenthood executive haggling over
the price of baby body parts from abortions. Mary Gatter, president of the medical directors' council at the Planned
Parenthood Federation of America, is the same executive who, in a previous undercover video, was caught saying she wanted to
buy a Lamborghini with the profits from fetal tissue. In the new video, when an undercover journalist tells
Ms. Gatter he is willing to pay $50 per fetal tissue specimen, she says that's "on the low end." "$50 was like
12 years ago," she says.
Parenthood Doc Who Wanted Lamborghini for Selling Aborted Babies Caught Selling Baby Parts Again. Mary Gatter,
the Planned Parenthood senior executive who infamously was caught on tape saying "I want a Lamborghini" while discussing and
arranging the sale of body parts of aborted babies has been caught again. As LifeNews reported in 2015, Mary Gatter,
the Medical director at Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley in California, was caught selling aborted baby
body parts to undercover investigators posing as officials with a biotech company that acts as a middleman to sell aborted
baby body parts to universities and other places that conduct such research.
Hillary Clinton Deserves Planned Parenthood's Award. Planned Parenthood is an abortion corporation that seeks
every possible opportunity to glorify abortion and deify the public figures who push for total access to government-funded
abortion-on-demand. [Hillary] Clinton — who has already received Planned Parenthood's "Margaret Sanger" award,
named after the group's eugenicist founder — has done little of note throughout her long and unsuccessful
political career to "serve" American women and children, but she has always been a prominent and staunch supporter of
abortion. And the love goes both ways: Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards stumped for Clinton's
campaign across the country in 2016, and her organization's political-action arms donated around $38 million to
Democratic candidates at all levels in the last election cycle.
Revokes Obama's Parting Gift to Planned Parenthood. States will once again be able to defund Planned Parenthood
after President Trump overturned an 11th-hour Obama administration regulation protecting funding for the nation's biggest
abortion provider. Trump signed into law on Thursday [4/13/2017] a bill reversing a Department of Health and Human Services
regulation signed in December that prevented states from blocking funding for Planned Parenthood. Obama's regulation
reversed the policies of more than a dozen states that had prevented federal Medicaid dollars or other federal reimbursements
from going to clinics that perform abortions. Trump signed the legislation one month after he said that he would continue
to direct taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood if it stopped performing abortions. The organization performs more than
300,000 abortions each year — about one-third of the national total.
Signs Resolution Overturning Obama Planned Parenthood State Funding Mandate. President Donald Trump signed a
resolution Thursday that overturns former President Barack Obama's rule that forced states to provide family planning grants
under Title X to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. In a signing ceremony that was closed to the press,
Trump signed H.J. Res. 43, which allows states to withhold federal funds from facilities that provide abortions. In
attendance were Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) administrator Seema Verma, Susan B. Anthony president
Marjorie Dannenfelser, and Penny Nance, CEO of Concerned Women for America.
Who Charged Activists For Exposing Planned Parenthood Received Thousands In Donations From Planned Parenthood.
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who recently charged two pro-life activists with 15 felony counts for their work
exposing Planned Parenthood's sale of aborted baby body parts, received thousands in donations from the abortion provider,
according to the numbers provided by Open Secrets. On Tuesday, Becerra charged David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the
Center for Medical Progress with 15 felony counts for the role they played in an undercover investigation of Planned
Parenthood's "fetal tissue" trade practices. In 2015, CMP began to release videos of the footage they obtained in their
undercover operation, some of which featured Planned Parenthood officials and former employees discussing the taxpayer-funded
organization's disturbing and potentially illegal practices regarding the selling of the body parts of aborted babies.
Though the state of Texas pursued charges against the activists, the charges were eventually dismissed.
Crime in California: Performing Undercover Video Journalism While Not a Democrat. The Democrat Attorney
General Xavier Becerra of California has invented a new crime: Performing Undercover Video Journalism While Not a
Democrat. Of course, he didn't call it that. Nor did his predecessor, now U.S. Senator Kamala Harris, when she
launched an investigation of the undercover video operation to expose alleged fetal body part sales by Planned
Parenthood. [...] For the most part, the mainstream media that uses similar undercover video tactics —
which is how 60 Minutes made its name — has remained silent about this abuse of the criminal laws to target
undercover investigations against a cherished liberal group like Planned Parenthood.
charges are a disturbing overreach for the duo behind the Planned Parenthood sting videos. It's disturbingly aggressive for
[California Atty. Gen. Xavier] Becerra to apply this criminal statute to people who were trying to influence a contested issue
of public policy, regardless of how sound or popular that policy may be. Planned Parenthood and biomedical company StemExpress, which
was also featured in the videos, have another remedy for the harm that was done to them: They can sue Daleiden and Merritt for
damages. The state doesn't need to threaten the pair with prison time.
Planned Parenthood Director ADMITS That They Kill Babies Born Alive After Failed Abortions. I'll
admit — I thought the left had shut down the Center for Medical Progress and successfully swept all those
undercover sting videos under the rug. Can't have any pro-life activists maligning that sweet, innocent, most sacred
abortion mill called Planned Parenthood, now can we? But there is now a new video from CMP showing Dr. DeShawn
Taylor, former director of Planned Parenthood in Arizona, talking about how some babies are born alive even after an abortion
procedure. And rather than get those children to a hospital ASAP, abortion doctors will instead just kill the baby
after birth.
Parenthood Abortionist Confesses She Would Let Babies Die After They Survived An Abortion. In a new undercover
video released by the Center for Medical Progress, a former Planned Parenthood abortionist explains how the abortion provider
skirts state law and employees forcibly rip apart fetuses. At a networking reception at a Planned Parenthood
conference, Dr. DeShawn Taylor, a longtime abortionist in a Los Angeles facility and former medical director of Planned
Parenthood of Arizona, described to CMP journalists how she would dismember a baby in order to harvest as many viable organs
from it as possible. Tiny human organs can be sold to researchers for profit.
Parenthood's swanky $20 million office space proves they don't need taxpayer money. Who says abortion can't be
chic? That's the inadvertent takeaway from a recent Washingtonian story detailing Planned Parenthood's new DC
headquarters. A far cry from your mother's reproductive health clinic, the fancy facility is both pro-choice and
swanky. But the smudged finger prints of Planned Parenthood's public relations team are clearly visible on the glossy
listicle. And the obvious attempt to solicit sympathy backfires. If the organization can afford a $20 million
privately-funded office, perhaps Planned Parenthood really won't be reduced to the dark ages without taxpayer cash.
Charges for 2 Who Secretly Filmed Planned Parenthood. California prosecutors on Tuesday [3/28/2017] charged two
anti-abortion activists who made undercover videos of themselves trying to buy fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood with 15
felonies, saying they invaded the privacy of medical providers by filming without consent.
of the Press is the Law of the Land, Until You Go After Big Abortion. The pair of citizen journalists who
exposed Planned Parenthood's alleged involvement in illicit fetal tissue trade (and a host of other inhuman, nasty things)
has now been brought up on 15 felony charges in the state of California for doing so. These charges and the
pro-abortion politics from which they spring are travesties of press liberty and anathema to a free society. The announcement
came late Tuesday night [3/28/2017] from California Attorney General Xavier Becerra that prosecutors were bringing charges against
David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress, claiming that the pair broke privacy laws by recording
Planned Parenthood staffers during its undercover endeavor.
Parenthood Exposed for Infanticide Again, Media Campaigns for Whistleblowers' Scalps. If you wonder just how
backwards our sense of justice has become in the United States, consider that David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, whose
undercover videos exposed Planned Parenthood's trafficking in fetal body parts, are being charged with 15 separate felonies
in the state of California. Meanwhile, the monsters that dismember babies and sell their parts for profit are still
operating their house of horrors. And just how horrible does it get there? The same time the Daleiden/Merritt
felony story is breaking, the Center for Medical Progress has released another undercover Planned Parenthood sting video that
is going unnoticed by the corrupt media.
Planned Parenthood's Useful Idiots
Avoid the Truth. Most Hollywood actresses, like Scarlett Johansson and other A-listers are doing their best to
fundraise for the endangered abortion provider which just goes to prove that they nothing about actual Planned Parenthood
activities. These useful pawns of the progressive left actually believe that women's reproductive rights are threatened
if Planned Parenthood loses federal funding. PP spends millions in contributions to pro choice political action
committees, i.e. Democrats. PP does not provide prenatal care. It does not provide mammograms. The
services PP does provide are readily available in local clinics and hospitals. Most of the funding it gets from the
government is through Medicaid which these clinics and hospitals also accept; Planned Parenthood provides 40% of all
abortions but it charges the patients up front for them. PP is not free.
Warns: Defunding Planned Parenthood Would Lead to Additional Births. The Congressional Budget Office's
(CBO) report on the House Republicans' healthcare plan says the included provision to defund Planned Parenthood would result
in "additional births stemming from the reduced access" to "services that help women avert pregnancies."
Planned Parenthood Would Lead To More Births Or Something. Apparently, the primary things Planned Parenthood
does is provide abortions and contraception to people who refuse to pay for their own in order to have irresponsible sex[.]
[...] If only there was somewhere else someone could purchase contraceptives other than Planned Parenthood. Perhaps the
bill should change the law so that places like pharmacies would be allowed to provide contraception. Maybe the new
legislation would allow condoms to be sold in bathrooms and handed out in schools. Too early for that amount of sarcasm?
calls Planned Parenthood's bluff. Each time Congress debates whether to defund Planned Parenthood, the
inevitable refrain from the group's supporters is that the money it receives from taxpayers doesn't pay for abortions and
that, besides, abortion makes up just 3 percent of its services. The group's leaders saturate the media with their
claim that their 700 clinics offer women and families "a range of health services." But an abortion is nothing like a
breast exam, which Planned Parenthood clinics offer, or a mammogram, which they do not (though its supporters often claim they do).
An abortion is much more serious and consequential. Unlike those other services, it is not meant to protect or enhance life, but
rather to destroy it.
bill would direct state money to Planned Parenthood if Congress cuts funding. Leading Democrats in the Maryland
General Assembly want to increase funding for Planned Parenthood clinics in the state if Congress cuts federal funds for the
reproductive health-care services the organization provides. Lawmakers have sponsored a bill that would allocate $2.7 million
to help pay for health-care services that officials say nearly 25,000 women in Maryland could lose under a proposal introduced in
Congress this week.
Former Planned Parenthood Employees Discuss Abortion Quotas. Liberals would have you believe that abortions
make up an insignificant percentage of what Planned Parenthood does. Unfortunately, the facts just aren't on their side
for that particular argument. Former Planned Parenthood employees are coming forward with their stories and
experiences, proving that it is one of the most brutal, selfish, uncaring organizations to ever function. Abortion
supporters claim that they want the murder of children to be "safe, legal and rare," which is completely at odds with the
quotas they placed on PP workers. Employees at these clinics were told to preform a certain number of abortions in a
given period and if they failed to do so, were made to develop a "corrective action plan" describing how they were going to
do better next time. That's right, they literally had to discuss tactics for getting MORE women to choose abortions.
Donald Trump to Planned Parenthood: Get Rid of Abortions to Keep Federal Funding. The Trump
administration has informed Planned Parenthood it will have to quit performing abortions in order to keep its federal
taxpayer funding. [...] Maggie Haberman at the New York Times reports the White House has made an "informal pitch" to
Planned Parenthood, offering continued federal funding to the nation's largest abortion business if it agrees to stop
performing abortions.
The Editor says...
[#1] Planned Parenthood should not be rewarded any further for the terrible deeds it has done.
[#2] Trump comes across as a noncommittal centrist, instead of unequivocally stopping all funding for Planned Parenthood immediately.
[#3] How would anyone know that Planned Parenthood really stopped performing abortions, especially since that seems to be their specialty?
[#4] Giving taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood, or any other profit-making company, is not the proper role of government.
Trump Tells Planned
Parenthood Its Funding Can Stay if Abortion Goes. The White House, concerned about the possible political
repercussions of the Republican effort to defund Planned Parenthood, has proposed preserving federal payments to the group if
it discontinues providing abortions. The proposal, which was never made formally, has been rejected as an impossibility
by officials at Planned Parenthood, which receives about $500 million annually in federal funding. That money helps
pay for women's health services the organization provides, not for abortion services.
first daughter Barbara Bush says she's 'proud to stand' with Planned Parenthood as she helps organization raise
$400,000. Despite being the granddaughter and daughter of two pro-life presidents, Barbara Pierce Bush
expressed her support for the abortion-providing Planned Parenthood organization on Wednesday. The former first
daughter was the keynote speaker at the Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas' annual luncheon, held at Fort Worth's Omni
Hotel. In her speech, the 35-year-old said she was 'very proud to stand with Planned Parenthood' because of the
services it provides to women.
George W.
Bush's daughter will headline Planned Parenthood fundraiser. Barbara Pierce Bush, daughter of former President George W. Bush, is
slated to deliver the keynote address at a Planned Parenthood fundraiser in Fort Worth, Texas, next week. Barbara Bush has previously expressed
her support for abortion, a procedure that the government-subsidized healthcare group is well-known for providing to women. Next Wednesday, she
will rally financial support for the abortion provider at its annual luncheon.
judge blocks Texas' move to kick Planned Parenthood out of Medicaid. A federal judge on Tuesday [2/21/2017]
said Texas can't remove Planned Parenthood from Medicaid, issuing a temporary block of the state's ouster that will allow the
provider to continue to care for patients through the program. U.S. District Court Judge Sam Sparks issued a preliminary
injunction and said the state didn't have grounds to conclude that Planned Parenthood "warranted termination from the Medicaid
program as unqualified." His temporary block will stay in place until a full trial is scheduled, argued and decided.
Takes First Step In Allowing States To Defund Planned Parenthood. House Republicans are moving forward with
efforts to keep taxpayer dollars from going to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. The House voted 230-188
Thursday to repeal a regulation that prohibits states from defunding organizations that perform abortions, including Planned
Parenthood, by far the largest American abortion provider. Planned Parenthood performs one out of every three abortions
in the U.S., according to the Heritage Foundation. The abortion ban was put in place by Congress Jan. 18, just two days
before President Obama left office. The Obama administration pushed through a rule that targeted family planning funding
under Title X of the Public Health Service Act, requiring that states treat all health providers equally, whether they
perform abortions or not.
managers for Planned Parenthood say it treats women like cattle. Former clinic managers for Planned Parenthood
say the organization is less interested in providing quality health care for women than in performing as many abortions as
possible. In a video released by Live Action last week, former clinic manager Ramona Trevino compares the relationship
between Planned Parenthood and women to that between a rancher and cattle. "For me it was a struggle, because I felt
like Planned Parenthood treated women like cattle," Ms. Trevino says in the three-minute video. That sentiment is
echoed by former clinic manager Sue Thayer, who recalls receiving instructions from Planned Parenthood to get patients in and
out as quickly as possible.
New Videos Show Urgent Need to Defund Planned Parenthood. Live Action, a nonprofit organization dedicated to
ending abortion and protecting the right to life, has released videos and findings that demonstrate the urgent need for
Congress to defund America's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood. According to a report released in January,
a Live Action investigation revealed that "Planned Parenthood lied to the media about retraining thousands of staff" with
regard to reporting sex trafficking. Back in 2011, the organization caught Planned Parenthood on film advising an
undercover investigator posing as a pimp on how to get birth control and abortions for underage prostitutes.
Planned Parenthood protests take place in
New York. Protests were split as thousands rallied for and against Planned Parenthood in New York. Many
gathered in Washington Square Park Saturday afternoon [2/11/2017] and argued that the stripping of federal funding from the
organization would have a negative impact especially on transgender and minority communities.
Teen Vogue
Tells Girls How to Celebrate Their BFF's Abortion. [Scroll down] The article also advises the BFF of the post-abortive girl
to step up to the plate and become an abortion clinic escort. It warns that "you may come may come face to face with
some very aggressive anti-abortion advocates," (nothing about the very aggressive doctors who rip an unborn child from its
protective cocoon), but it's all good, because she can "make it a little easier for the next girl." As well as enriching
the friendly neighborhood Planned Parenthood abortion mill.
Republicans plan to kill Obama's order on taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. House Republicans will vote
next week to liberate states from an Obama rule requiring them to subsidize Planned Parenthood. In one of his last
actions, Obama effectively forced states to fund Planned Parenthood. Many states have policies barring state funds for
the abortion giant, and Obama's 11th-hour executive order prohibited such policies. Next week, the House plans to use
the Congressional Review Act to repeal that Obama regulation — a first salvo in their fight to roll back Obama's
legacy on abortion.
Parenthood Scrubs "Prenatal Care" From Website After Caught Denying It to Women. Last month, a new
investigation showed employees at the Planned Parenthood abortion business denying women prenatal care. In fact, at
almost every single one of the 97 Planned Parenthood facilities investigators contacted, prenatal care was not something the
Planned Parenthood clinics offered. After LifeNews and other media outlets reported on the investigation, Planned
Parenthood has scrubbed its websites have any mention of prenatal care.
Parenthood Still Hasn't Produced an Annual Report. Here's Why That's a Problem. The Planned Parenthood annual report provides
Americans — whether they are pro-life or pro-choice — with important information about abortion incidence and other services provided
by the nonprofit organization, which receives over half a billion dollars from taxpayers each year. The report data tell us, for example,
that 94 percent of Planned Parenthood's "pregnancy services" were abortions, and less than 1 percent were adoption referrals in
2014-2015. The report tells us that in the same year, Planned Parenthood performed 323,999 abortions — one every 98 seconds.
It tells us that in the last three reported years (2012, 2013, and 2014), Planned Parenthood has aborted nearly 1 million baby boys and baby
girls. The report data also tell us that its contraceptive services have dropped. Total services have dropped. The number of
unique patients served has dropped. Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood reports almost $59 million in excess revenue for fiscal year 2015
and more than $1.4 billion in net assets.
Planned Parenthood undercover videos: Ultrasounds only for abortions. The nation's largest abortion chain
has demanded that Republicans in Congress stop attacking "women's health care" with their proposals to bar federal funds from
flowing into their coffers. When it comes to actual caring, however, Planned Parenthood focuses its resources on
abortions. Live Action has two new videos out today demonstrating that PP's clinics use their ultrasounds —
a key diagnostic tool for expecting mothers — only to prepare to terminate the life within the womb in all but a
handful of their clinics.
the Trump DOJ Finally Launch a Criminal Investigation Into Planned Parenthood? In late 2015, it was exposed through an undercover video investigation
conducted by the Center for Medical Progress that Planned Parenthood was selling body parts of aborted babies, many of them late-term. The investigation was
extensive, with some videos showing abortion "doctors" pushing around baby brains in a petri-dish and discussing their market value. Planned Parenthood,
protected by the Democrat machine and the Obama Justice Department, denied the practice and cited any sale of tissue as necessary for medical research.
The organization wasn't criminally investigated, despite the selling of body parts being illegal under federal law.
Numbers That Show Planned Parenthood [is] About Abortion, Not Women's Health. As Planned Parenthood looks to spend a
record $30 million this fall to influence the November elections and keep its taxpayer funding flowing, Live Action has released
a new online tool pro-lifers can use to help counter the kind of propaganda $30 million can buy. Live Action's new
"3 Percent Abortion Myth" video dispels one of Planned Parenthood's greatest myths — that abortion only makes up
3 percent of its services.
don't need to spend our tax dollars on Planned Parenthood. There is no organization as near and dear to the
hearts of abortion advocates as Planned Parenthood. President Obama almost shut down the government in 2011 over
federal funding of the nation's largest abortion vendor. Candidate Hillary Clinton often gushed about her love of the
non-profit, which has revenues of over a billion dollars, during her presidential run. But now Planned Parenthood is in
the fight of their lives as they are likely to face a defunding battle in Congress. They are using every scare tactic
in the book and throwing millions behind expensive public relations campaigns to drum up support and convince women that
access to basic health care will be lost if they lose the half a billion dollars they get from taxpayers every year.
But the truth is: we don't need Planned Parenthood.
Parenthood on Defunding of Foreign Abortion Groups: 'Access to Abortion is an American Value'. In response to
the Trump administration reinstating the Mexico City Policy, which blocks taxpayer funds to non-governmental organizations
that perform or promote abortion overseas, Planned Parenthood Executive Vice President Dawn Laguens said "access to safe,
legal abortion is an American value." On Monday [1/23/2017], White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said President
Trump had "made it very clear that he's a pro-life president," and "the reinstatement of this policy is not just something
that echoes that value but respects taxpayer funding as well."
Parenthood Offices Nationwide Tell Callers They 'Don't Offer Prenatal Care'. Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile
Richards likes to boast that her organization offers necessary prenatal care for women. Supporters of Planned
Parenthood and Democrat politicians do the same — but surprise! — it's just a myth. A video from
Live Action shows Planned Parenthood clinics across the country telling callers they "don't offer prenatal care." One
operator even says, "We specialize in abortions." Callers are told over and over again that Planned Parenthood has no
prenatal care or doctors, but they are reassured that if you need an abortion, you've come to the right place.
Planned Parenthood Denies Prenatal Care to Undercover Journalists. An undercover video investigation from the
pro-life activist group Live Action appears to show employees at multiple Planned Parenthood clinics turning away clients
asking for prenatal care. Prenatal care is a benefit the organization touts as one of the many services they offer
women beyond pregnancy termination. According to the Live Action video, only five of the 97 Planned Parenthood clinics
contacted in the nationwide investigation were able to offer any level of prenatal care.
Planned Parenthood Lies About Offering Prenatal Care. When Planned Parenthood executives and defenders (read:
financial beneficiaries) decry Congressional efforts to redirect its taxpayer funding to other women health centers, they
often insist that the organization provides vital services that have nothing to do with their thriving abortion business or
fetal organ harvesting and profiteering. They vastly overstate women's reliance on Planned Parenthood, and wrongly
claim that its clinics do things like offer mammograms (false) and other cancer screening services (declining, and widely
available elsewhere).
call Planned Parenthood for "prenatal care," get offered abortions instead. Democrats and progressives are
mobilizing to protect Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, because they claim it helps women in other
areas including prenatal care. Cecil Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood, even campaigned for Hillary Clinton
on the platform of protecting women's health especially when it comes to prenatal care. A new investigation by the
pro-life group Live Action found that Richards may have been lying about all the services Planned Parenthood provided.
Richards Makes the Case for Defunding Planned Parenthood. Celebrities, comedians, and much of the news media are only too willing to provide
ostensibly unbiased cover for the institutions and issues that liberals care about. Democratic activists and politicians are treated with kid gloves
on shows watched by millions of Americans, in this case allowing [Cecile] Richards to wield carefully worded messaging to persuade viewers to trust a group
as crooked as Planned Parenthood, although most of her points were incorrect or deceptive and can easily be debunked with some basic facts.
March" Chair Admits Event is Really About Defending Planned Parenthood, Promoting Abortion. Planned Parenthood
is more than just a partner for the upcoming Women's March on Washington. To begin his Sunday [1/15/2017] segment,
MSNBC Richard Lui described the Women's March as an event that "started out as a rallying cry for women to show their
solidarity against Trump" before turning to Linda Sarsour, the national co-chair of the Women's March on Washington, for more
information. [...] Sarsour began listing the march's most important issues. "First of all, hands off the Affordable
Care Act. We need our health insurance," she began. "Hands off Planned Parenthood and our reproductive
rights. Hands off Muslims. Hands off the undocumented. Those are really our top messaging lines.
Hands off our Native American sisters and brothers."
The Exorcism
of Obamacare From the Body Politic. The "reproductive rights" mafia will pull out all the stops to prevent
[Tom] Price from being confirmed as the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Never mind that he would be the first
actual physician to lead HHS in nearly a generation, is well-known for his policy expertise, and has the support of the
health care industry. [...] Much of this invective has been prompted by Price's vote in favor of legislation to defund the
Planned Parenthood abortion factory and purveyor of organs cut from dead infants. In addition to voting for the bill,
Price eloquently explained why: "These actions cross a moral line beyond comprehension. The revealing picture is
of a supported routine for abortion practices that result in the harvesting and sale of baby parts, some of which are secured
in barbaric processes... I voted to end taxpayer funding for the organization responsible."
Amusing, inasmuch as cable channels don't use "airwaves." MSNBC
Host to Planned Parenthood: 'These Airwaves Are Your Airwaves'. Americans know the liberal media are
untrustworthy. But there's something especially repulsive when they don't even pretend to uphold journalistic
integrity. On Sunday [1/8/2017], MSNBC host Joy Reid invited Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards on her show,
AM Joy. But rather than conducting an interview, Reid turned her show into a Planned Parenthood lovefest, from
insinuating that defunding Planned Parenthood would make women die to promising Richards that "these airwaves are your airwaves."
former Planned Parenthood partner, drops lawsuit against pro-life journalists. A middleman in the market for
fetal tissue has dropped its lawsuit against the pro-life journalists who accused it of partnering with Planned Parenthood to
profit from the sale of baby body parts from abortions. StemExpress, which was referred by Congress for criminal
investigation last week, dropped its lawsuit against David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress on Tuesday, one day
before an appellate hearing was set to take place on a motion to strike the complaint. Charles LiMandri, president of
the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund, which represents the CMP, said the timing of the dismissal is telling.
Parenthood Baby Parts Vendor StemExpress Drops Lawsuit Against David Daleiden. In a huge victory for the
pro-life advocate responsible for uncovering the grisly business of selling body parts of aborted babies, StemExpress has
dropped its lawsuit against David Daleiden. Daleiden was responsible for the undercover videos exposing the Planned
Parenthood abortion business and the abortion industry selling the body parts of aborted unborn children. StemExpress
was a middleman that would take the body parts from Planned Parenthood and sell them at a much higher cost to scientists and
researchers conducting dubious research with them. After it was exposed, StemExpress filed a lawsuit against the light
and attempting to cover up additional video footage and information related to the sales of the body parts. Today,
StemExpress is dropping its lawsuit against The Center for Medical Progress and walking away with nothing.
Ryan indicates GOP will strip federal funding from Planned Parenthood. Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin,
indicated Thursday that a provision to cut off federal funding to Planned Parenthood would be included in legislation that
would repeal Obamacare. "Well, the Planned Parenthood legislation would be in our reconciliation bill," Ryan said at
his weekly news conference on Capitol Hill. Republicans wrapped a provision targeting Planned Parenthood funding into
their reconciliation bill to dismantle Obamacare last year, but President Obama, of course, quickly vetoed that measure.
In response to Ryan's threat Thursday [1/5/2017], House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, said Democrats would again
fight against the GOP plan.
Parenthood closed more than 300 facilities. American Life League (ALL) has been tracking the abortion giant for
many years. The pro-life organization has just completed its annual survey of locations for the abortion business to
give Americans a better idea of the extent to which Planned Parenthood is shutting is doors across the United States.
ALL Executive Director Jim Sedlak has the numbers to prove Planned Parenthood's descent, noting that bad news for the world's
largest abortion provider is good news for pro-life advocates.
moves to cut Planned Parenthood's Medicaid funding. Texas officials are moving to strip millions of Medicaid
dollars from Planned Parenthood in the wake of allegations that the nation's largest abortion provider impermissibly traffics
in fetal body parts from abortions. Stuart Bowen, the inspector general for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission,
sent a final notice to Planned Parenthood on Tuesday [12/20/2016] informing the group that their Medicaid funding will be cut
off in 30 days, more than a year after the governor initiated the process to get Planned Parenthood off of the taxpayer dole.
Approves Rule Prohibiting States From Defunding Planned Parenthood. Pro-abortion President Barack Obama has finalized a new rule that
would essentially prohibit states from defunding the Planned Parenthood abortion business and a leading pro-life member of Congress is not happy about
it. The finalized rule from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) prevents states from blocking Title X funding (federal
dollars for family planning services) to abortion companies like Planned Parenthood.
important criminal referral. One day in June 2014, Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) obtained a 20-week-old
fetus at a Planned Parenthood clinic, for which it paid $60. From that one fetus, ABR sold its brain to a customer for
$325; both of its eyes for $325 each ($650 total); a portion of its liver for $325 to a third customer; its thymus for $325
and another portion of the liver for $325 to a forth customer; and its lung for $325 to a fifth customer. In total, ABR
charged its clients $2,275 for a fetus it paid $60 for — which didn't include separate, additional charges for
shipping and disease screening.
hour power grab': Obama mandates state funding for Planned Parenthood. President Obama is delivering a generous
parting gift to Planned Parenthood in the form of a rule prohibiting states from divesting millions of dollars from the
nation's largest abortion provider. The final version of the rule, issued by the Department of Health and Human
Services on Wednesday [12/14/2016], requires states to distribute dollars from Title X of the Public Health Service Act
without taking into account whether recipient clinics perform abortions. The edict is set to go into effect Jan. 18,
two days before the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump.
committee refers Planned Parenthood for criminal charges. The Senate Judiciary Committee is recommending
criminal charges against Planned Parenthood for allegedly trafficking in fetal body parts from abortions for profit. In
a letter sent to the FBI and the Department of Justice on Tuesday, committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican,
referred four of Planned Parenthood's largest affiliates, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and three of the
abortion provider's business partners for potential prosecution.
asks FBI, Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood. The Republican head of the Senate Judiciary Committee is
asking federal authorities to consider investigating and prosecuting Planned Parenthood, four of its affiliates and three
human tissue companies. Sen. Chuck Grassley sent a letter to the FBI and the Justice Department on Tuesday that
asked them to explore whether the groups have illegally profited from fetal tissue. Grassley pointed to findings by a
special House committee that over the past year has been investigating the supply chain of fetal tissue. The documents
collected by the House panel raise a "reasonable suspicion" of wrongdoing, Grassley wrote.
Speaks: Macy's Halts Funding of Planned Parenthood. This Christmas, pro-lifers should consider shopping
at Macy's. Because, as it turns out, the giant chain listens to its conservative consumers. In a Wednesday [11/7/2016] press
release, corporate watchdog 2ndVote revealed that Macy's no longer gives or matches donations to Planned Parenthood. Macy's decision
comes after MRC Culture reported in October on 2ndVote's updated list of 37 companies that fund Planned Parenthood. Thanks to
shoppers, that number is now 36.
Parenthood Serves Up Abortion Like Fries. Abortion is a money-making business for Planned Parenthood.
Just like a sales agent at any store, their "counselors" have a profit motive in convincing women to kill their
children. Reluctance and second guessing are fine with them, as long as they can get you to check the box.
Planned Parenthood say Alaska restrictions on second-trimester abortions are unconstitutional. Planned Parenthood and the
American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against the state of Alaska Wednesday [11/30/2016], accusing it of illegally blocking
abortions after the first trimester of pregnancy. The lawsuit, filed in Anchorage Superior Court, says the Alaska Medical Board
has unconstitutionally interfered with a woman's right to abortion by requiring a doctor to consult with a second physician before
performing a second-trimester abortion and that a clinic must have an operating room ready for major surgery and be ready to perform
a blood transfusion. The medical board licenses physicians and its regulations have the weight of state law.
Parenthood Wants To Ruin Thanksgiving. As if we all hadn't gotten our fill of progressive explainers over the
past few days, Planned Parenthood has decided to weigh in with a step-by-step guide to discussing the abortion-rights group
with your family this Thanksgiving. [...] There is almost no reason on earth why any family should spend Thanksgiving —
a time when we're meant to be especially grateful for our many blessings — debating politics, let alone the sordid
realities of how Planned Parenthood does business. But if for some inexplicable reason it happens to come up,
it is worth knowing that the truth is a great deal more sordid that the group would have us believe.
Planned Parenthood Paying People $1600 Per Week to Protest Donald Trump. Before we point fingers at those who
are protesting the results of the most recent election, all of us in the pro-life community must begin with some
reflection. Eight years ago, when abortion-proponent Barack Obama won the White House, the pregnancy help community
took our grievances to the streets. We smashed windows. We stopped traffic. We sought to overturn the
results. Ummm, no. We did not. In the days after the 2008 elections, we went back to work to serve those
who needed us most. We had no time for "taking it to the streets" (with all due respect to the 1976 song by Michael
McDonald and the Doobie Brothers). Such is not the case for Planned Parenthood today. Apparently, the abortion
giant has plenty of time on its hands, and plenty of money.
Planned Parenthood affiliate fueling anti-Trump protests? The Craigslist ads read: "STOP TRUMP — up to
$1500/week. Hiring immediately! Call Today Start tomorrow! $15-$18 hourly rate + bonus + overtime up to 77 hours
per week!" They were placed by a Planned Parenthood affiliate in major cities like Boston, Denver, Columbus, Philadelphia and
Pittsburgh right before the election to defeat the candidacy of Donald Trump. However, most of them are still active on Craigslist,
fueling questions about whether the group is now among those feeding the post-election anti-Trump protests across the country. Many
of the ads have Planned Parenthood Action, a PAC, emblazoned across the top and all of them list phone numbers belonging to the Community
Outreach Group, a for-profit organization formed by Planned Parenthood as "a vendor of large-scale advocacy." Protesting is among
the tasks listed on its website.
Defeat Planned Parenthood's Campaign to Elect a Pro-Abortion President. In what was likely the most hotly
contested presidential election in history, President Elect Donald Trump took the win Wednesday morning, securing the vote
for the nation's top public office. The pro-life movement pushed back against Planned Parenthood's $30 million campaign
to elect a pro-abortion president and Congress, voting into office pro-life senators and representatives to Capitol
Hill. The abortion lobby's extreme push for unregulated abortions through all nine months of pregnancy and forced
taxpayer funding for abortion also lost at the polls. Live Action President Lila Rose notes that the 2016 presidential
election is a key moment in securing a pro-life future for America. She urges pro-lifers to hold Trump to the promises
he made during his campaign.
Parenthood CEO Issues Desperate Email After Clinton Defeat, "We're Devastated and Angry". The Planned
Parenthood abortion business this morning issued a desperate email to abortion advocates that support it following last
night's surprise defeat of pro-abortion presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The abortion company was forced to tell
its supporters that it plans to stay open and will not be closing down as long as they continue providing financial support
for it. Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards admitted that the abortion giant has devastated and angry after last
night's surprise election. She said she would understand it if abortion advocates wanted to just stay in bed today and
ignore the reality of their massive defeat.
Parenthood at 100: Growing the abortion business and lawlessness. On Planned Parenthood's 100-year anniversary,
October 15, tens of millions of Americans have now seen the shocking undercover video footage of the biggest abortion
provider's top-level leadership — medical directors, national program directors, even the Senior Director of
Medical Services — callously negotiating the harvesting and sale of aborted fetal body parts. Even Planned Parenthood's
political allies recognize that there is nothing defensible about Planned Parenthood's illicit trade in tiny baby hearts,
lungs, livers, and brains. The board of George Soros' Open Society Foundation said it best when they observed that the
videos of senior leadership's participation in fetal trafficking have "upended" Planned Parenthood, and that "the long-term
consequences involve the substantial eroding of Planned Parenthood's credibility and reputation."
Parenthood Partners Charged for Illegal Body Part Profits. Two of Planned Parenthood's top partners have been
charged with raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal profits derived from the sale of tissue derived from
aborted fetuses. The Orange County District Attorney's office filed suit against DV Biologics and its sister company Da
Vinci Biosciences for marking up prices and shipping fees on the sale of cells derived from "heart, lungs, kidneys, brains,
intestines, skeletal muscles and bones of the aborted fetus donations." "DV Biologics, LLC, and DaVinci Biosciences, LLC
obtained aborted fetus donations from Planned Parenthood and turned those donations into a profit-driven business," the
complaint filed in state superior court says. "Defendants set prices for fetal 'products' arbitrarily, without any
attempt to comply with the law, in an effort to maximize their profits and sales." Neither DV Biologics, nor Planned
Parenthood returned request for comment.
Planned Parenthood
is Back with a Vengeance. Planned Parenthood is back in the news. Hooray! They took a well-deserved
hit after the videos emerged of just what an awful place it is and how awful some of the people who run these places
are. Unfortunately not enough of a hit, as they are still in business. But now, with eugenist-loving Hillary
Clinton running for president, Planned Parenthood is preparing its triumphant comeback. Not just to defend its vile
practice, but actually promote it as part of Hillary's campaign.
Times Democrats Tried To Prosecute Their Opponents. [#1] David Daleiden: After publishing undercover
footage of Planned Parenthood harvesting organs from the bodies of aborted babies and discussing agreements to sell those
baby organs, Daleiden became public enemy number one for Democrats. A Texas district attorney tried to charge Daleiden
and his investigative partner for organ trafficking, a misdemeanor, and tampering with a government record, a felony.
From the beginning, the case against Daleiden showed obvious conflicts of interest. As The Federalist reported, "the
district attorney who indicted Daleiden has received more than $25,000 in campaign contributions from the defense attorney
for abortionist Douglas Karpen, who has been described as the Kermit Gosnell of Texas." California Attorney General
Kamala Harris, who had Daleiden's home raided after the videos emerged, had financial ties with Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood's $30 Million Ground War to Stop Trump-Pence. Planned Parenthood is mounting one of the
largest door-to-door field campaigns of the 2016 election, working to persuade millions of voters to defeat the extremist,
anti-abortion ticket of Donald Trump and Mike Pence. Its army of hundreds of paid staff and thousands of volunteers
could tip the balance in as many as half-a-dozen swing states, where the Trump campaign barely counts field offices, much
less a sophisticated ground game. Aiming to reach three million voters across six states, the $30 million campaign has
twice the budget of Planned Parenthood's largest previous field effort, in 2012. "Access to safe and legal abortion and
access to reproductive health care is on the ballot this year like never before," Deirdre Schifeling, executive director of
the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, tells Rolling Stone.
Parenthood Says Dead Babies Are Good For Business And The Economy, And They're Very Wrong. It never ceases to
amaze me how abortion advocates will pull out all the stops to paint abortion as this grand venture that makes the world a
better place. Proponents have made it sound as if in the event abortion were made illegal, then women would be put into
chains, sold into slavery, and treated like third class citizens. In other words, it would be like an Islamic state,
but they can't bring themselves to say that. The whole point of the wailing and gnashing of the teeth is that if women
lost access to abortion, then women aren't truly free. They consider it control over their bodies. The pattern is
that it completely focuses on them, and not the baby they're murdering. Ya know, the other body they're asserting
control over without any sense of irony. But now they've gone a step further.
Resolution Would Honor Planned Parenthood as 'Essential Thread in Fabric of Society'. Sen. Ron Wyden
(D-Ore.) introduced a resolution last week to "recognize the importance of Planned Parenthood's contributions to women's
health care and reproductive rights in America over the last 100 years." The resolution voiced strong support for the
nation's largest abortion provider, declaring that "the organization remains an essential thread in the fabric of society,
and it will be key in the next century to assisting millions of women, men, and young people in accessing the health care
they need and deserve, no matter who they are or where they live."
The Editor says...
Ri-i-i-ight. Unless they're black and live in a uterus.
Planned Parenthood
lying about abortions. In the debate surrounding the funding of Planned Parenthood, those who defend the
abortion provider love to cite the statistic that abortions only make up 3% of the services offered. It's a disgusting
lie, used to manipulate the public into believing Planned Parenthood is a necessity for women's health. In reality,
Planned Parenthood is responsible for a third of our nation's abortions — mass murder being funding by your tax
dollars. And they're trying to cover it up.
Parenthood is Working Hand in Hand With China's Population Control Officials. China's One Child Policy turns 36
this week (September 25). Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women's Rights Without Frontiers, stated, "The One Child Policy
has been responsible for hundreds of millions of forced abortions and sterilizations and untold human suffering. While
posturing as a champion of choice, International Planned Parenthood has been working hand in hand with the population control
program in China, almost since its inception. Forced abortion is not a choice. Women's Rights Without Frontiers
calls for a full-scale, international investigation of International Planned Parenthood to determine the exact nature of its
operations in China. Transparency is demanded by the fact that IPPF receives taxpayer dollars from the United States
and other nations as well. I believe it is impossible to work so closely with the Chinese Communist Party's forced
abortion machine without being complicit in its atrocities. This is especially the case when this year we learned that
the number of abortions in China is not 13 million, but a staggering 23 million a year."
Parting Gift to Planned Parenthood. What do you give to a cash-flush abortion business and political ally that
has everything? More taxpayer dollars, of course. In his remaining few months in the Oval Office, President
Barack Obama has found a new way to direct more taxpayer money to his friends at Planned Parenthood. The Department of
Health and Human Services has announced a new regulation that would force states to give federal family planning funds to
Planned Parenthood and other abortionists. The move could mean millions more in taxpayer dollars for the nation's
abortion market leader at the expense of women's health.
Administration's Latest Overreach Sides with Planned Parenthood. The Obama Administration continues its
abrasive Executive overreach to push its agenda, bypassing Congressional approval and in direct opposition to the will of the
American people. In its latest move, the Obama bureaucracy is trying to push through a new regulation to prevent state
governments from redirecting Title X funds away from Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers to community health
centers and other health care providers that provide more comprehensive health care for women and family members in need.
Obama Rule Would Ban States From Defunding Planned Parenthood. The Obama administration is seeking to ban
states from defunding Planned Parenthood by quietly implementing a new Title X rule that would limit states' ability to
direct federal funds. The proposed Health and Human Services rule would ban states from using criteria not based on
ability to provide services when determining which family planning centers get federal funding. Several states stripped
Planned Parenthood of these federal funds in the last year after a series of undercover videos exposed the non-profit's trade
in aborted fetus parts, and 13 states have now stripped the funds since 2011.
abortion funding is a fundamental right, but religious liberty is not. The courts of Sodom and Gomorrah have
struck again. On Friday [8/12/2016], just as I was finishing my article concerning the distortion of religious liberty
and property rights in America, the federal judiciary illustrated my point once again. In two separate decisions in
different parts of the country — when juxtaposed to one another — the federal judiciary demonstrated
that, in their estimation, the Constitution is unconstitutional. On Friday, Judge Michael R. Barrett, a federal judge
for the Western Division of the Southern District of Ohio, blocked the state's new law cutting off state funding to Planned
Parenthood. This Bush appointee, who once served as chair of the Hamilton County Republican Party, said that the
injunction was necessary because otherwise the abortion-provider "will suffer a continuing irreparable injury for which there
is no adequate remedy at law."
Planned Parenthood Piously Extols Freedom From Violence:.
No wonder both presidential candidates are such big supporters of Planned Parenthood. [...] Actually, when you attack a police officer and
attempt to take his gun like Michael Brown did, you have explicitly waived any expectation to be free from violence. Being torn to
pieces inside your mother's womb comes as more of a surprise.
GOP Congressman Supporting Hillary Took Thousands From Planned Parenthood. Republican New York Rep.
Richard Hanna, who announced Tuesday he would be breaking ranks this November and voting for Hillary Clinton, has a lengthy
history of siding against his party and standing with with one of Clinton's staunchest allies — Planned
Parenthood. Planned Parenthood donated thousands of dollars to Hanna's campaigns in 2012 — when he was one
of three Republicans in Congress to accept money from the organization — and in 2014, when he was the only
Republican in Congress funded by Planned Parenthood.
Parenthood Launches Voter Registration Campaign. Planned Parenthood will begin a nonpartisan campaign to
register voters at its clinics, on college campuses and online to help marginalized populations participate more in this
election cycle, the women's health provider announced to the Huffington Post Friday [8/5/2016]. The voter registration
campaign titled "My Vote, My Voice" will have volunteers in 45 states set up tables outside of Planned
Parenthood clinics and other spots in communities to educate people about their state's voter ID laws while helping
them register to vote. Two weeks before the general election, volunteers will also remind people to vote.
Priest to Planned Parenthood: History 'Will Lump' You With 'Slave Traders, the Nazis, the Communists'.
"We have no doubt that in 20 or 50 or 100 years, other societies and other civilizations will look back and will lump your
organization in with the slave traders, the Nazis, the communists, all those groups that have always sought to oppress people,"
said Fr. John Hollowell, a Catholic priest of the archdiocese of Indianapolis, in a video message to Cecile Richards,
president of Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider. Hollowell uploaded the video to YouTube in
February 2012, when Richards called for women to make videos with the tagline 'I Have a Say,' explaining why birth control
is important to them. The video has garnered 148,254 views, far more than Richards' video, which has pulled in 37,573
views. The Catholic site Roman Catholic Man recently re-posted the video. [Video clip]
Clinton and Planned Parenthood Want Free Abortions on Babies After 20 Weeks. During the past eight years,
President Barack Obama's pro-abortion position has been devastating to unborn babies and the Americans who fight to protect
their rights. But the abortion climate in America could get even worse if Hillary Clinton wins the White House,
National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru predicted. "During the Obama years, liberalism became more aggressive in its support
of abortion. Hillary Clinton's campaign reflects this new attitude," Ponnuru wrote. "If she is elected, her
administration is likely to reach a new extreme in the depth of its commitment to keeping abortion legal, expanding subsidies
for it, and insulating these policies from democratic review." Ponnuru pointed out that Clinton's radical abortion
position is similar to Obama's. She has said in various interviews that an unborn child just hours before birth should
have no Constitutional rights. In February, Clinton defended the gruesome partial-birth abortion procedure.
Clinton also said she wants to overturn the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayers to pay for abortions.
Filmmaker Who Exposed Planned Parenthood Calls His Case a 'Huge Win' for Journalists. On Tuesday [7/26/2016], the Harris
County district attorney's office dismissed all charges against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt. The duo worked undercover to
produce a series of videos alleging Planned Parenthood's involvement in the sale of unborn baby body parts. Federal law makes it
illegal to sell human fetal tissue for a profit. Daleiden, project lead at the Center for Medical Progress, and Merritt were
indicted by the Houston-based grand jury in January for using false government identification during their undercover investigation.
Daleiden was also indicted for "intentionally and knowingly" offering to buy human organs. The two faced up to 20 years in
prison, LifeSiteNews reported.
dismissed against Planned Parenthood videographers. The Harris County District Attorney's office on Tuesday
dismissed all charges against anti-abortion activists who secretly videotaped Planned Parenthood officials in Houston.
David Robert Daleiden and Sandra Merritt were charged with tampering with a governmental record, for using a fake identification
to gain access to the facility. In a surprise move before a hearing on the legitimacy of the indictment, prosecutors
dismissed the charges.
Charges Dropped Against Activists Behind Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos. All charges have been dismissed
against the pro-life activists indicted in Texas for their involvement in the making of undercover videos about Planned
Parenthood. The Houston Chronicle reports the Harris County District Attorney's Office has dismissed all charges
against the two activist filmmakers, David Daleiden, 27, and Sandra Merritt, 63. As LawNewz.com reported in
January, a grand jury empaneled to investigate misconduct by officials at Planned Parenthood instead decided to flip the
script, returning indictments against Daleiden and Merritt. Both were charged with second degree felony tampering with
a governmental record for allegedly using fake identification cards to hide their real identities when making the videos.
Daleiden was also charged with a misdemeanor for allegedly attempting to purchase human organs.
dismissed against Planned Parenthood videographers. The Harris County District Attorney's office on Tuesday [7/26/2016]
dismissed all charges against anti-abortion activists who secretly videotaped Planned Parenthood officials in Houston. David
Robert Daleiden and Sandra Merritt were charged with tampering with a governmental record, for using a fake identification to gain
access to the facility. In a surprise move before a hearing on the legitimacy of the indictment, prosecutors dismissed the
charges. Deleiden and his attorneys claimed victory for the anti-abortion movement, saying they were satisfied with the decision.
Dismisses All Bogus Charges Against David Daleiden for Exposing Planned Parenthood. On the night the head of
the Planned Parenthood abortion company is slated to speak to the Democratic National Convention, the man behind the
undercover videos has been vindicated. Again. As LifeNews reported last month, a Harris County, Texas judge
dismissed the bogus misdemeanor charge against David Daleiden for allegedly trying to buy body parts from the Planned
Parenthood abortion business he was exposing for selling them as a part of the Center for Medical Progress' undercover
investigation. Today [7/26/2016], Harris County District Attorney's office on Tuesday dismissed all charges against
Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, the pro-life adovcate [sic] who worked with him on the groundbreaking videos.
Planned Parenthood Investigation: One Year Later. In January, President Obama vetoed a bill that would
have forbidden taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood. But the House Select Investigative Panel — formed
last October in response to CMP's videos — has been conducting extensive investigations into the organization's
practices. Yesterday, the panel released an interim report confirming, with extensive evidence, the CMP video footage,
and finding that Planned Parenthood and its affiliates have broken several federal laws — including the NIH
Revitalization Act of 1993, a federal statute prohibiting the acquisition, reception, or transfer of fetal tissue for
monetary considerations. The panel report provides nearly incontrovertible proof that the organization consistently
engaged in this very type of fetal-tissue trafficking.
Parenthood Caught Engaging in $28 Million in Medicaid Fraud Loses Bid to Stop Lawsuit. Just one Planned
Parenthood affiliate in Iowa allegedly committed $28 million in medicaid fraud. And now a federal appeals court has
ruled that it can't stop the lawsuit a former Planned Parenthood clinic director filed against it. Former Planned
Parenthood clinic director Sue Thayer filed the lawsuit against the abortion giant's Iowa affiliate accusing it of submitting
"repeated false, fraudulent, and/or ineligible claims for reimbursements" to Medicaid and failing to meet acceptable
standards of medical practice. Alliance Defending Freedom filed the suit for Thayer in March 2011. The lawsuit
claims that Planned Parenthood's Iowa affiliate submitted "repeated false, fraudulent, and/or ineligible claims for
reimbursements" to Medicaid and failed to meet acceptable standards of medical practice.
Parenthood spending millions to elect Democrats. Planned Parenthood, who receives more than $500 million in
funds from the American taxpayer every year, is engaged in a highly partisan effort to elect Democrats to office —
including Hillary Clinton. How do they get away with it? There's a loophole in the campaign finance laws that
allows Planned Parenthood to create a separate entity to collect donations and distribute cash and services to candidates.
The PPFA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, while Planned Parenthood Action is a 501(c)(4) advocacy group. They keep separate books
and are not allowed by law to coordinate action. But does anyone really believe that the Planned Parenthood Action Fund
doesn't do the bidding of Planned Parenthood, the non-profit?
charge dropped against pro-life activist in Planned Parenthood sting. A Texas judge on Monday [6/13/2016] tossed out
a key charge against the pro-life activist whose undercover video rocked Planned Parenthood. A misdemeanor charge of purchase and
sale of human organs was dropped in the case against David Daleiden, founder of Center for Medical Progress, apparently due to a
technicality in the Harris County prosecutor's indictment. The move leaves Daleiden still facing a felony charge of tampering
with a government ID. "[The dismissal] of trafficking human organs is the latest confirmation that the indictments from a
runaway grand jury in Houston were a politically-motivated sham all along," read a statement posted on CMP's website.
Clinton: My Presidential Campaign 'Belongs to' Abortionists and Planned Parenthood. Hillary Clinton said
her historic presidential campaign "belongs to" Planned Parenthood "staff" and abortionists. "I'm grateful to the
entire Planned Parenthood family. You made this campaign your own," the Democratic presidential nominee said at a
speech before the Planned Parenthood Action Fund in Washington, D.C., on Friday [6/10/2016]. After specifically
referencing the 1,000 volunteers who showed up for a Planned Parenthood training event in Pittsburgh last month, she
continued. "It belongs to the staff, the donors, and to the providers," she said.
Planned Parenthood Activists Blame Orlando Terror Attack on 'Toxic Masculinity'. Planned Parenthood Black
Community is blaming "toxic masculinity" for the horrific shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The black
community of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund — which says it works to "protect and advance the sexual and
reproductive rights of African Americans" — tweeted out that the Orlando massacre, committed by jihadist Omar
Mateen, was caused by "toxic masculinity" and "a global culture of imperialist homophobia."
Rep seeks HHS probe as emails shed light on abortion clinic harvesting. A fresh trove of documents released by
a House panel probing abortion clinics and companies trading in body parts shows the extent of their fetal tissue harvesting
operation — and what the committee's chairwoman alleges are violations of the law. Rep. Marsha
Blackburn, R-Tenn., head of the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, is now making a fresh request for a federal
probe. "I believe the investigation will move forward because this is so appalling," she told FoxNews.com. One of
the more striking exchanges was contained in a set of January 2015 emails. When a customer inquired with company
StemExpress about the availability of aborted tissue, an employee promptly emailed back seemingly while an abortion was under
way: "There is one case currently in the room, I will let you know how the limbs and calvarium [skull] look to see if
you are able to take them in about fifteen minutes."
promises Planned Parenthood to prioritize abortion rights. Hillary Clinton promised to stand by Planned
Parenthood in a speech to activists from the group in Washington, D.C. on Friday [6/10/2016]. In her speech Friday, she
thanked the non-profit women's health group for their support in the primary and highlighted her staunch support for abortion
rights. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee warned the crowd that if elected president, her opponent Donald
Trump would weaken women's rights.
You Share Undercover Exposés of Planned Parenthood, You Could End Up in a California Jail. The
California legislature is considering a bill that would make it impossible to expose Planned Parenthood with recordings
unless they give their permission, but it is even worse than that. Anyone who publishes, shares, emails the recordings
would also be held liable for criminal prosecution. The bill moved to the State Senate last week. This is a
serious effort. Abortion mills are the latest protected class.
Investigation: Planned Parenthood Broke HIPAA Law to Sell Aborted Baby Parts. New evidence has surfaced
that the company StemExpress and a number of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics shared patients' private health information
potentially in violation of the law while harvesting aborted baby body parts. U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn said
Wednesday [6/1/2016] that the Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives discovered evidence that StemExpress and the Planned
Parenthood abortion clinics appear to have violated the HIPAA privacy rule and Institutional Review Board regulations.
There also is evidence that they appear to have pressured women into consenting to donate their aborted babies' body parts,
Blackburn said.
investigation: Planned Parenthood broke federal law in fetal body parts trafficking. The House Select
Investigative Panel on Infant Lives is calling for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to investigate whether
several Planned Parenthood abortion clinics violated federal privacy law. The Panel released new evidence Wednesday [6/1/2016]
purportedly showing abortion clinics disclosing confidential medical information about patients in order to facilitate the sale of
fetal body parts to procurement firm StemExpress. Panel Chairwoman Marsha Blackburn sent a letter to HHS on Wednesday asking
the agency to review the evidence and determine whether the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act was violated.
moves to criminalize undercover filming at Planned Parenthood. In the wake of an undercover investigation into
Planned Parenthood's alleged fetal trafficking operation, the California state legislature is considering a bill that would
criminalize publishing secretly recorded video footage of "health care providers." AB 1671, which has been backed
by Planned Parenthood, would criminalize the publication of confidential interactions with state-licensed medical personnel,
including abortionists and clinician staff, punishable by up to one year in prison and a $10,000 fine per violation.
the Houston DA's Office Abuse Its Power to Get Daleiden Indictment? Did the Houston District Attorney's Office
abuse its grand-jury subpoena power in order to help Planned Parenthood not only escape an indictment, but also turn the
tables on the two undercover videographers who brought to light the abortion giant's fetal-tissue practice? According
to attorneys representing Center for Medical Progress undercover-video investigators David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt,
Houston Assistant District Attorney Sunni Mitchell engaged in prosecutorial misconduct by working closely with Josh Schaffer,
legal counsel for Planned Parenthood of the Gulf Coast, which was the target of the grand-jury investigation that resulted
instead in the indictments of the pro-life advocates.
Planned Parenthood Lawyer Denies Collusion, Admits DA Gave Him Video. The lawyer for Planned Parenthood who has
been accused of colluding with the Harris County DA against the Planned Parenthood undercover videographer, signed an
affidavit to deny this charge, but admits that a prosecutor gave him a copy of the undercover video. As reported on
April 14, Jared Woodfill, a lawyer for undercover videographer David Daleiden told Breitbart Texas, "We have clear evidence
that the DA is colluding with Planned Parenthood." The District Attorney in Harris County, Texas, is Devon Anderson.
sue Planned Parenthood over Colorado shooting. Two victims of last year's shooting at the Planned Parenthood
clinic in Colorado Springs have filed a lawsuit against the group, claiming it should have done more to prevent the "foreseeable"
incident. Attorneys filed a lawsuit on Friday on behalf of Samantha Wagner, who survived a bullet to the arm and lost her
friend in the shooting, and Ashley Stewart, who lost her husband in the shooting.
Parenthood helping transgender patients with sex changes. Planned Parenthood has found a new niche that could
prove nearly as controversial as providing abortions: helping transgendered people through the sex-change process. In
the wake of last summer's undercover videos that appeared to show Planned Parenthood officials selling baby body parts for
money — which is illegal — legislators in several states have looked for ways to deny funding to the
women's health giant. While Planned Parenthood has denied any wrongdoing, they have stopped accepting reimbursements
for providing fetal parts to researchers. However, the gender reassignment process may enable the organization to make
up the lost cash by other means.
Parenthood Closes Iowa Abortion Clinic Because It Couldn't Get Enough Customers. Pro-lifers made a huge impact
outside of the Dubuque, Iowa Planned Parenthood abortion facility, encouraging more than 20 mothers to choose life for their
unborn babies. Now the abortion facility is closing for good, saying it does not have enough business to keep operating,
according to KWWL 7 News. The Planned Parenthood closed on Thursday [4/28/2016] after operating at that location for
eight years, the report states.
Planned Parenthood
Email Shows Cruz Terrifies Them. There's a reason that the Pro-Life movement hasn't seen very much action at
the national level. It doesn't matter whether a Republican or Democrat sits in the White House. It doesn't matter
which party controls Congress. The only thing that can shake things up and shift the power in the battle against
abortion and Planned Parenthood is a true conservative in the Oval Office. That person is Ted Cruz.
Todd Tells Ted Cruz Planned Parenthood Scandal 'Made Up'. During an MSNBC town hall event with Republican
presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Thursday, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd dismissed the Texas Senator's condemnation
of Planned Parenthood by insisting that scandal surrounding the abortion provider was "made up." Cruz observed:
"You know, a few months ago, we had this series of videos that were horrifying. I will say virtually none of the network
news would show the videos on air. These videos showed Planned Parenthood officials essentially admitting to what appeared
to be a pattern of federal felonies."
Department Of Justice Raids David Daleiden's Home. The California Department of Justice raided the home of
David Daleiden, the pro-life journalist behind the undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood's harvesting and sale of
human organs from aborted children. Daleiden explained in a Facebook post that authorities with the California
Department of Justice raided his home Tuesday afternoon and seized all video footage of Planned Parenthood employees'
involvement in selling organs from aborted babies — including damning footage which has yet to be released.
Daleiden noted that the California Department of Justice serves under the authority of California Attorney General Kamala
Harris, who has benefited politically from Planned Parenthood: [...]
Parenthood: David Daleiden Speaks out on Home Raid. Undercover investigator David Daleiden's home in California
was raided Tuesday [4/5/2016] by officials under the office of California Attorney General Kamala Harris. Harris has
been investigating Daleiden for months, after his video exposé of Planned Parenthood's alleged baby-parts scheme.
His videos allegedly showed Planned Parenthood personnel actively negotiating the sale of the livers, lungs, hearts and other
organs of aborted unborn children.
Parenthood Activist Slams Hillary for Accidentally Calling Unborn Baby a "Person". A Planned Parenthood "manager of
community engagement" removed a connection to her employer from her Twitter account this week after criticizing Hillary Clinton,
in a move that suggests that unconditional support for Clinton is key to the abortion group. In a rare twist, the criticism
was for Clinton not being pro-abortion enough. The criticism came in the wake of Clinton's statement Sunday [4/3/2016] on
NBC's Meet the Press that "the unborn person does not have Constitutional rights." Though Clinton's statement was clearly
intended to convey as pro-abortion a position possible, Planned Parenthood employee Diana Arellano criticized Clinton for
"calling a fetus an 'unborn child,'" according to Newsmax.
law enforcement officers seize Planned Parenthood videos, activist says. Agents from the California Department
of Justice raided the home of an indicted anti-abortion activist and seized undercover videos allegedly showing Planned
Parenthood officials arranging to illegally sell fetal tissue for profit, the activist said late Tuesday [4/5/2016].
David Daleiden, the founder of the Center for Medical Progress, which released the videos, said in a Facebook post that
agents had "seized all video footage showing Planned Parenthood's criminal trade in aborted baby parts, in addition to my
personal information." Daleiden added that the agents left behind documents that he contends implicate Planned
Parenthood in illegal behavior related to the handling of fetal tissue.
"It really has to do with bodily autonomy when it comes down to it," Ms.
Richards told Interview Magazine. "I do think that was such a powerful episode."
Scott Signs Bill Making Florida 12th State to Defund Planned Parenthood. Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill Friday [3/25/2016] that defunds
his state's abortion clinics — including those run by Planned Parenthood — making Florida the 12th state to block state taxpayer
dollars from going to the nation's largest abortion provider. [...] The new law, which goes into effect on July 1, prohibits any state funding to groups
that own, operate or are affiliated with licensed abortion facilities. Florida law currently allows state funding for non-abortion services.
Georgetown Defends Inviting Planned Parenthood CEO Responsible For More Deaths Than Pol Pot. A few years ago
the Daily Mail put together a list of the 36 most murderous dictators of the 20th century ordered by the number of deaths
tied to their rule. These men didn't personally go out and murder thousands, and even millions of people, but they were
ultimately in charge of those who did carry out mass murder. So they are credited with the death tolls of their regimes.
Using the same logic, why don't we ever hear that Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) President Cecile Richards is
responsible for over 2.8 million deaths when she appears on television or is quoted in the press? That figure is according
to PPFA's own records of "abortion services" (babies killed) disclosed in their annual reports since 2006, when Richards took the
helm at Planned Parenthood. That's more attributed deaths than Communist Cambodian dictator Pol Pot and 29 other
dictators on Daily Mail's list. But the staggering statistic is never discussed.
Planned Parenthood primary. At the center of the debate over abortion, there is a battle over the legitimacy
and public funding of Planned Parenthood, an organization that performs more abortions than any other group —
about one every two minutes. The battle over Planned Parenthood is a proxy for the fight over abortion and the culture
wars generally. [...] Unsurprisingly, Hillary Clinton has offered full-throated support for the abortion giant, and in turn
has received the Planned Parenthood Action Fund's first-ever primary endorsement.
Campaign Writes Checks to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood performs more than 300,000 abortions annually
and generates 40 percent of its annual revenues through the government. The billion-dollar organization receives about
$500 million from taxpayers each year through Medicaid funds and other grants. It received a large funding bonus from
foreign policy agencies overseen by Clinton during her tenure as secretary of state, collecting more than $100 million for
overseas services to the USAID. Planned Parenthood has been especially active during this campaign season. In January
it made the unprecedented decision to endorse Clinton in the Democratic primary.
Trump Bankroll Planned Parenthood Abortionists? After it was revealed this summer that Planned Parenthood was selling the
organs and body parts of aborted human beings to biotech companies, Donald Trump said he wasn't sure if the organization should lose its
federal funding. He even went out of his way to praise Planned Parenthood's good work. Meet the Press host Chuck Todd
found Trump's stance interesting, so he asked Trump if he had ever been a Planned Parenthood donor. "It's possible," Trump replied.
Reasons Not To Vote For Donald Trump. [#19] Trump loves Planned Parenthood: Although he claims to be pro-life, Donald Trump has
repeatedly praised the baby-killing, baby-part-selling butchers at Planned Parenthood. After being criticized harshly for refusing to cut off
funding for the organization, Trump now mixes praise of the organization with unbelievable claims that he will cut off its funding. Even Planned
Parenthood doesn't believe Trump will hurt them because the organization's CEO Cecile Richards said she appreciated Trump's "kind words."
[#20] Trump can't be trusted to pick a Supreme Court Justice: A non-conservative who has kind words for Planned Parenthood and who thought his
radical, pro-abortion sister would make a great justice if she wasn't related to him is not someone you want picking a replacement for Antonin Scalia.
Peddles Bogus Statistic to Defend Planned Parenthood. After undercover videos released in July showed that Planned Parenthood was
involved in the trafficking of aborted baby body parts, Donald Trump said he wasn't sure if the Planned Parenthood should lose all of its federal
funding. He later shifted, saying: "I wouldn't do any funding as long as they are performing abortions." Trump has stuck to that
line, but he has also offered a lot of aid and comfort to Planned Parenthood by arguing it does "wonderful things." At Thursday night's
[2/25/2016] debate, Trump said that "millions and millions of women — cervical cancer, breast cancer — are helped by Planned
Parenthood." Trump did not mention the fact that community health centers could easily provide non-abortion services to those women and that
Planned Parenthood has been caught falsely claiming that it performs mammograms. Trump went on to say that he would defund Planned Parenthood
"because of the abortion factor, which they say is 3 percent. I don't know what percentage it is. They say it's 3 percent."
If Trump took the time to Google that statistic before repeating it on national television, he would have learned that it is wildly misleading.
U.S. judge grants injunction against anti-abortion
activists. A U.S. judge on Friday [2/5/2016] granted a preliminary injunction stopping the distribution of surreptitious videos taken by anti-abortion
activists who alleged Planned Parenthood staff discussed the illegal sale of aborted fetal tissue. The National Abortion Federation (NAF), a nonprofit
representing abortion providers, accused the Center for Medical Progress and its founder, David Daleiden, in a lawsuit last year of illegally infiltrating and
recording its private meetings.
behind Planned Parenthood videos surrenders to authorities. David Daleiden, one of two anti-abortion activists indicted after the
release of a series of undercover videos purporting to document Planned Parenthood's sale of fetal organs, turned himself in to Texas authorities
on Thursday morning [2/4/2016]. Daleiden told reporters after posting a $3,000 bond at the Harris County courthouse that he is grateful for
the backing of his supporters. [...] Daleiden and a group of abortion opponents were also slated to deliver more than 100,000 signatures to the
district attorney calling for the charges against Daleiden and parter Sandra Merritt to be dropped.
House committees release report on Planned Parenthood investigation. After months of jointly investigating
Planned Parenthood operations in the state, two Missouri House committees released a report Wednesday [1/27/2016] calling
for new regulation of abortion facilities and increased legislative oversight of abortion providers in Missouri.
Look who's cheering the
jailing of journalists. You know the crack about how a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich? Well, feature the
hoagie that's been handed up in Houston, where a runaway grand jury has just indicted two anti-abortion activists for going
undercover against Planned Parenthood. Supposedly the prosecutor was going to be investigating Planned Parenthood, but the
grand jury ended up indicting the investigators. Now two young idealists could land in the big house for 20 years.
This for the felony of "tampering with governmental records," as The New York Times put it, "probably connected to their alleged use
of fake driver's licenses to get into a Planned Parenthood office."
Demand Special Prosecutor as Planned Parenthood Rep Works for D.A. Who Indicted Daleiden. The Texas grand jury indicted
David Daleiden and another pro-life activist, Sandra Merritt, behind the videos. Instead of prosecuting Planned Parenthood for
selling aborted baby parts, Daleiden was indicted for buying them. Daleiden and Merritt were charged with one felony related to
tampering with a governmental record and a misdemeanor count related to buying human tissue. The felony charge was in reference
to the use of a fake ID. If convicted, Daleiden faces 20 years in prison while Planned Parenthood officials face no
legal consequences for their actions. But Anderson is under criticism over the fact that a prosecutor in the Harris County District
Attorney's office serves on the Board of Directors for Planned Parenthood and Anderson also failed to prosecute an abortionist known as
the Kermit Gosnell of Houston who snipped babies' necks like Gosnell did. That criticism is leading to calls for a special
prosecutor to be appointed.
For the Unborn Proves Elusive in Houston. Yesterday [1/25/2016] a grand jury in Houston, TX announced that it
would not seek charges against Planned Parenthood and would rather indict the makers of a series of investigative films that
allegedly show the abortion giant participating in an illicit fetal tissue trade.
Parenthood indictment: Punishing the pursuer instead of the perp. On Monday [1/25/2016], a grand jury in Houston indicted two journalists
who made the explosive undercover videos that feature Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of aborted babies' body parts while sipping wine
in a restaurant. A felony charge of tampering with a government record was filed against Center for Medical Progress(CMP) founder David Daleiden and
CMP employee Sandra Merritt. Mr. Daleiden also was charged with soliciting the purchase of human organs — as if he really intended to buy
them. The grand jury was initially formed to probe whether a Houston Planned Parenthood clinic was illegally selling unborn babies' body parts.
Instead, it indicted the people behind the sting.
The Editor asks...
Who's the more heinous criminal — the person inquiring about purchasing body parts under false pretenses, with no intention to make such
a purchase, or the person who acts as a broker for those who dismember and dissect little babies to make those parts available? Those of you who
attended public schools before 1970 may recall the story of the Boston Tea Party
of May 10, 1773, in which a group of tax protesters engaged in identity theft — disguising themselves as Indians — in order to get aboard three ships
and toss hundreds of chests of British tea into Boston harbor, as a matter of principle. They had to disguise themselves to accomplish this act,
which was one of the origins of the Revolutionary War, i.e., the formation of this country. Concealing their identity was a very minor issue
in comparison to the wholesale destruction of heavily-taxed property. History now repeats itself: The presentation of fake ID to the Planned
Parenthood people, in order to engage them in candid conversation, is practically nothing, compared to the ghoulish harvesting of organs for quick sale.
Houston, a Dubious Indictment. When David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress, launched his now-famous investigation of
potential organ trafficking at Planned Parenthood, he had to know that his work would place him within the Left's crosshairs. Planned Parenthood,
after all, isn't merely the nation's largest abortion provider, it's the centerpiece of the Left's efforts to normalize the killing of unborn children
as merely one aspect of "reproductive health care." It receives hundreds of millions of dollars in government funding, President Obama has asked
God's blessings on the organization, and his administration defends it so fiercely that he once pledged to shut down the government rather than permit
Congress to cut its public subsidies.
prosecutor with Planned Parenthood link fuels bias charges over pro-life indictments. Pro-life groups cried foul over Monday's [1/25/2016]
criminal indictments against two Center for Medical Progress investigators because a prosecutor in the Harris County District Attorney's office is also a
Planned Parenthood board member. Lila Rose, founder of the pro-life group Live Action, called for a special prosecutor to review the Texas grand jury
investigation into Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.
Things The Liberal Media Won't Tell You About The CMP Indictment. [#2] One of the prosecutors sits on Planned
Parenthood's board of directors. One of the prosecutors for the Harris County District Attorney's office that investigated
Planned Parenthood revealed last year she sits on the board of directors of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast. [...] [#3] David
Daleiden is not being indicted for doctoring the videos. Daleiden was indicted on a felony charge of tampering with a
governmental record because he allegedly used a fake California drivers license with the intent to defraud Planned Parenthood,
and on a misdemeanor charge of attempting to purchase human organs.
Parenthood cleared, but 2 indicted over videos. A grand jury convened to investigate whether a Houston Planned Parenthood clinic had
sold the organs of aborted fetuses on Monday [1/25/2016] cleared the clinic and instead indicted the undercover videographers behind the allegations,
surprising the officials who called for the probe and delighting supporters of the women's health organization.
behind Planned Parenthood videos indicted in Texas. Two anti-abortion activists who made undercover videos
alleging Planned Parenthood illegally sold fetal tissue to researchers for a profit face criminal charges in Texas from a
grand jury that also found no wrongdoing by the abortion provider.
Parenthood Wants To Keep Damning Videos Hidden From Supreme Court. The man behind the Planned Parenthood videos is now in a legal tussle
with a judge whose ruling will keep the evidence hidden from the Supreme Court. David Daleiden, the man who helped create the series of Planned
Parenthood videos showing the organization accepted money for fetal body parts, filed a motion Friday [1/22/2016] to allow him to submit his evidence
to the Supreme Court in a major abortion regulation case. Currently, Judge William H. Orrick, III has a restraining order on Daleiden's
videos, preventing him from sharing any more of the abortion videos he has taken or sending his videos to anyone.
Planned Parenthood Abuses the
Law to Stop Dissent. Last year, a number of academics penned a letter to the Obama administration demanding a criminal RICO (Racketeer
Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) investigation into those who disagree with man-made global warming, following the lead of Sen. Sheldon
Whitehouse, D-R.I. As we wrote at the time, this would be an abuse of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations law — a
law designed to go after organized crime, such as drug cartels and the Mafia. [...] This time, Planned Parenthood and its affiliates (the nation's
largest abortion provider, which is government-subsidized) are now trying to use RICO to sue various individuals and organizations who helped expose
the attempted sale of fetal body parts for cash by various Planned Parenthood employees. Planned Parenthood has denied any wrongdoing.
Planned Parenthood files suit
against anti-abortion videos group. Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit Thursday [1/14/2016] against the anti-abortion activists who secretly taped
the group's officials talking about the sale of fetal tissue and released the heavily edited videos last year. The videos sparked a political firestorm in
Washington, with Republican lawmakers accusing Planned Parenthood of profiting from the sale and trying unsuccessfully to strip the group of federal funding.
Bias alert!
The videos were "heavily edited," but everything that was edited out was immaterial, and the un-edited versions are available to the public.
Every news story on television is heavily edited. Movies are heavily edited. The only people who even mention that the Planned
Parenthood videos were edited are those on the political left — in this case, CNN — because that sows the seeds of doubt in the readers' minds.
Key Numbers From Planned Parenthood's New Annual Report. Planned Parenthood's financial profits are on the decline,
according to the group's latest annual report, which showed the group is seeing fewer patients seeking fewer services. While
profits and private contributions are waning, government assistance rose by $25.3 million in the past year. "This was
definitely a bad year for Planned Parenthood as a business," Jamie Hall, a senior policy analyst in the Center for Data Analysis
at The Heritage Foundation told The Daily Signal. "They lost a significant share of their patients, provided fewer actual
medical services, spent far more money on other things, made less profit, and became even more dependent on government funding."
Alabama must restore Planned Parenthood contract. In a 66-page decision, U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson wrote that the
governor's August letter terminating the contract with Planned Parenthood Southeast (PPSE) left the patients in the program without access
to the provider of their choice, and would allow states to cancel contracts arbitrarily without giving parties an adequate basis of appeal.
Bentley canceled the Medicaid provider contract with Planned Parenthood after a series of videos purporting to show officials of the organization
trying to sell fetuses and fetal parts surfaced. Planned Parenthood says the officials discussed a fetal donation program, not sales, and
that the videos were deceptive. The organization has ended the donation program, which was limited to a handful of clinics.
Parenthood wins eleventh-hour hold on Arkansas abortion law. A federal judge rang in the new year by blocking
an Arkansas abortion law from going into effect Friday [1/1/2016]. U.S. District Judge Kristine G. Baker wrote Thursday
evening [12/31/2015] that "for now" she found enforcing some sections in Act 577 would cause a threat of irreparable harm to
Planned Parenthood of the Heartland's two clinics and to their patients.
Parenthood's New Annual Report: 323,999 Abortions; $553.7M in Government Money. Planned Parenthood says in its
new 2014-2015 annual report, which was released this month, that its affiliates around the country did 323,999 abortion
procedures in the fiscal year that ended on Sept. 30, 2014 and that those affiliates received $553.7 million in "government
health services grants and reimbursements" in the year that ended on June 30, 2015. In its previous annual report, Planned
Parenthood had reported that its affiliates did 327,653 abortions in the fiscal year that ended on Sept. 30, 2013 and that
those affiliates had received $528.4 million in "government health services grants and reimbursements" in the year that ended
on June 30, 2014. Earlier Planned Parenthood annual reports say its affiliates did 327,166 abortion procedures in fiscal
2012 and 333,964 in fiscal 2011.
yanks funds from fraud-plagued Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood's affiliate in Texas has been targeted
again, this time for an HIV/AIDS program. The state notified Planned Parenthood in early December that it will not be
receiving $600,000 in funds for HIV/AIDS prevention program. The Texas Tribune reported the Department of Health
Services notified PP that a contract would not be renewed for 2016.
Parenthood Killed 323,999 Babies in Abortions in 2014, Provided Less Health Care. The Planned Parenthood
Federation of America abortion business released its annual report today [12/28/2015] covering its activities for 2014 and
the abortion company indicated it killed 323,999 babies in abortions. Meanwhile, while the abortion corporation bills itself
as a health care provider it provided health care to fewer patients in 2014 than the year before. All of this comes at a
time when Planned Parenthood is under heavy criticism for selling the body parts of aborted babies — and it has been
exposed in 11 undercover videos doing so.
Parenthood Says Hiding HIV From Sex Partners Is A 'Right'. International Planned Parenthood Federation, of which Planned Parenthood
Federation of America is an official affiliate, maintains it is a person's "human right" not to tell their sexual partners they are HIV
positive if they don't want to. It's all laid out in International Planned Parenthood Federation's booklet for HIV-positive youth entitled
"Healthy, Happy and Hot."
Planned Parenthood tapes remain sealed, for now. About 500 hours of video and audio secretly recorded during
meetings of abortion providers will remain under court-ordered seal — for now. After hearing arguments Friday
[12/18/2015], U.S. District Judge William Orrick did not rule on the National Abortion Federation's request for a preliminary
injunction to keep the recordings under wraps. While "I've concluded from the beginning I didn't see that there was
evidence of criminal wrongdoing" in the making of the tapes, Orrick said, he would continue to weigh arguments that their
release could put the providers at risk.
The Editor says...
The content must be pretty bad if the release of the recordings would put people in danger. On the other hand,
unless abortion-on-demand is stopped, thousands of other (very young) lives will be in considerable danger.
conservatives eye new tactics in Planned Parenthood fight. Conservative Republicans are disappointed that the
government funding bill does not defund Planned Parenthood, but say they are looking for compromise on the issue going
forward. The $1.1 trillion spending bill coming up for a vote in the House on Friday [12/18/2015] leaves Planned
Parenthood funding untouched. Cutting the funding would have been a deal-breaker for Democrats, but that is cold comfort
for the conservatives who fought against the group this year.
Parenthood unscathed in spending bill. Planned Parenthood is praising Democrats in Congress after the spending bill released early
Wednesday morning [12/16/2015] spared the organization from cuts. As expected, the spending bill does not defund Planned Parenthood, a clear
deal-breaker for Democrats, but the absence of spending cuts is still noteworthy given the intensity of the push to defund the group earlier this year.
defies narrative, shows most Americans favor GOP plan to defund Planned Parenthood. A little-noticed poll is challenging
the widely touted narrative that most Americans oppose GOP efforts to defund Planned Parenthood. The nationwide poll conducted by
the Robert Morris University Polling Institute found that 53.3 percent of those surveyed support moving federal funding from
Planned Parenthood to community clinics that do not offer abortions, while 31.5 percent are opposed.
Parenthood sues Ohio in dispute over fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood sued Ohio's health director on Sunday
[12/11/2015] in a dispute over how the organization's affiliates handle the disposal of fetal tissue in the state.
The Editor says...
In what courthouse does one file a lawsuit on a Sunday?
Parenthood Admits Sending Aborted Babies to Landfills; AP Plays Defense. The callousness towards human life at
Planned Parenthood is such that it believes that the remains of preborn babies killed during abortions are just like any
other "medical waste," and that sending them to landfills — or, perhaps even incinerators — is
therefore "humane." That's what one must conclude from reading an Associated Press report Friday evening which strived
mightily to play defense for the beleaguered group. The wire service's headline only described State Attorney General
Mike DeWine as an "official."
AG: Planned Parenthood aborted fetuses end up in landfills. Aborted fetuses from Planned Parenthood clinics in
Ohio are ending up being disposed of in landfills, according to an investigation from the state's attorney general (AG).
The investigation, according to a Friday [12/11/2015] press release, concluded that the three Planned Parenthood affiliates in Ohio
have sent fetal remains to companies that in turn disposed of them in landfills. Attorney General Mike DeWine, a conservative
Republican, said Planned Parenthood's practices in the state violated Ohio Administrative Code, which requires that a "fetus
shall be disposed of in a humane manner."
Nets Ignore 'Landmark' Senate Vote to Defund Planned Parenthood. The liberal media often say more by what they
don't report than by what they do report — especially when it comes to topics that challenge their
agenda. During the Friday morning [12/4/2015] news shows, all three broadcast networks censored Thursday's vote to strip
federal funding of Planned Parenthood. While ABC, NBC and CBS turned a blind-eye, other traditional media outlets and the
pro-life movement reported the "landmark victory." The reconciliation bill, which would repeal key provisions in Obamacare
in addition to defunding Planned Parenthood, passed 52 to 47. If made law, the bill would transfer taxpayer dollars
from the abortion giant to comprehensive health care centers.
Dems: A Nut Shot
People Near Planned Parenthood. That Means You Should Fund Abortion. The cynicism of the left is truly breathtaking.
Utilizing a shooting by a legitimately insane person named Robert Dear outside a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs, Democrats
are now pushing for Republicans to stop talking about abortion and to keep funding it.
Ignore Officer Killed in Planned Parenthood Shooting Was Pro-Life. The Bible says, "Love your enemies and pray for those who
persecute you" and that appears to be the standard by which one man lived, who gave his life Friday [11/27/2015] protecting those he disagreed
with on abortion. But you won't hear that story from the media because the pro-life "Good Samaritan" doesn't fit their agenda.
and MSM condemning decent Americans. [Scroll down] Even after the release of numerous undercover videos
exposing the shocking truth that Planned Parenthood has been illegally and callously harvesting dead baby body parts for
profit, PP remains defiant. The latest undercover video catches an abortion doctor selling prized aborted baby heads.
Undeterred, the mainstream media and Democrats remain rock-solid in their loyalty to PP. Remember, Democrats and mainstream
media are secular progressive disciples. Abortion is their holy sacrament — must kill babies to save the planet
(Goddess Earth).
Rhetoric Is Not Responsible for Planned Parenthood Shooting. As many conservatives have pointed out, Floyd
Corkins, who attacked the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C., in 2012, wanted to kill as many people as he could
because he detested the organization's opposition to gay marriage. Craig Stephens Hicks, an atheist who killed three Muslims
in North Carolina in February, was supposedly a fan of Rachel Maddow and Bill Nye the Science Guy. It is just as grotesque to
blame Maddow or Nye for those crimes as it is to try to smear the average abortion opponent with the Colorado shooting.
Irony Of Planned Parenthood Condemning Murder. Last Friday's shooting near a Planned Parenthood facility in
Colorado Springs, Colorado, once again ignited the flames of debate on both sides of the political aisle. [...] Pro-life
voters, politicians, and organizations spend time and resources actively trying to ensure that every unborn baby has a chance
to breathe oxygen and that every pregnant mother is supported and realizes she can offer her child up for an adoption instead
of aborting. The idea that these folks would even passively support the murder of anyone related to Planned Parenthood is so
absurd one can only conclude it aims to distract from the sole issue here: The Right supports life in all its stages and all
its forms and sizes, and the Left does not.
Post: The Problem Is Not Selling Baby Parts, But Exposing The Selling Of Baby Parts. It's still interesting,
but, not in a good way, how leftists who support abortion on demand will Blamestorm those who are against abortion on demand,
blaming them all for the infrequent and small issues regarding violence against Planned Parenthood and other abortion mills.
Yet, they mostly refuse to acknowledge that people who yell Allahu Akbar and cite the Koran before blowing people up, sawing
heads off, shooting up civilians, flying planes into buildings, etc, have anything to do with Islam in the least.
Colorado Springs Gunman Registered to Vote as 'Unaffiliated Female,' Was 'Unknown' to Pro-Lifers in Area. The
gunman who opened fire in a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Friday was "unknown" to pro-lifers in the area and registered
to vote as an "unaffiliated female" rather than a Democrat or Republican. [...] According to The Gazette, Colorado
Springs Respect Life's (CSRL) Joseph Martone Jr. said Dear is "unknown" to the group. CSRL is a pro-life group that "meets
twice weekly at the Planned Parenthood for Mass on the mornings the clinic reportedly does surgical abortions." Martone
said, "Nobody seems to know him."
Parenthood blames 'hateful speech' for clinic shooting; GOP leaders cite left-wing agenda. Planned Parenthood
officials on Sunday [11/29/2015] blamed the "hateful speech" of conservative lawmakers and Republican presidential contenders
for contributing to Friday's deadly shooting at a Colorado clinic, but conservatives said the left is trying to use the
tragedy for political gain and to again push for gun control measures.
The Editor says...
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
industry already dancing on the graves of Colorado Springs shooting victims. Ghoulish exploitation of the
deaths and injuries inflicted in Colorado Springs last Friday was always in the cards. What else would you expect from a
movement that specializes in death? Even so, the speed and facility with which Robert Lewis Dear, Jr., a troubled man with
many eccentricities (including listing himself as a female on his voter registration and living as a loner in Unabomber-like
shacks), has been propagandized as a pro-life activist (a murderous pro-lifer makes sense only in leftist fever swamps) is startling.
Parenthood Sues Texas in Dispute Over Funding for Clinics. Planned Parenthood said that the videos were
deceptively edited and that the group did not do anything illegal or unethical. Its officials said the state's decision to
eliminate the group's Medicaid funding, set to take effect as early as Dec. 8, was politically motivated and without merit.
The nonprofit organization's lawsuit alleges that Texas violated federal law and the so-called Medicaid freedom of choice provision,
which allows those enrolled in Medicaid to seek services from a qualified provider of their choice.
Parenthood campaign asking for one-word description backfires badly. Planned Parenthood Action Fund's
social-media campaign asking for a one-word description of its work so far hasn't turned out exactly as planned. Not
unless responses like "deceitful," "barbarous, "villainous," and "scandal-ridden" were what organizers had in mind.
Parenthood Paid $3 for Birth Control but Billed Medicaid $35, Former Manager Says. A little-known whistleblower
lawsuit accuses Planned Parenthood clinics in Iowa of wrongly siphoning millions of American taxpayer dollars with a series
of complicated billing schemes aimed at increasing profits. Among other dishonest practices, a former manager of the
clinics alleges, Planned Parenthood staffers routinely purchased birth control pills for just under $3, billed Medicaid $35
for the same package of pills, and got reimbursed for $26.
Parenthood and its defenders are degrading motherhood as we know it. As a relatively new mother who still marvels
over becoming one, I am sick at heart by the Planned Parenthood footage and wish I could undo what I've seen and heard. But
late last month, on my Facebook newsfeed, I noticed post after post from peers defending Planned Parenthood. After ten videos
uncovering this group's horrific practices, I wondered: Why now are people jumping to defend this organization?
Democrats picked to investigate Planned Parenthood took $81,000 from its PAC. The six Democrats named this week
to the House Select Investigative Panel looking into Planned Parenthood's fetal-tissue practices have received more than $81,000 from
PACs affiliated with the organization. The conservative Media Research Center, using data from the Center for Responsive Politics,
released figures Thursday [11/5/2015] saying the $81,000 represents campaign contributions from 1998 to 2016.
Boehner II: The Revenge — Ryan
Will Fund Planned Parenthood. Paul Ryan is a movement conservative. But he may not be a good Speaker of the House.
Being a movement conservative means having conservative instincts on the issues: recognizing the power and virtue of the free market,
believing in a government that protects individual rights instead of forwarding imposed notions of material equality. Being a good Speaker
of the House means using all the tools at your disposal to stop the agenda of the left.
Planned Parenthood Video Could Show Evidence Of At Least Brutal 3 Crimes. Yet another undercover video has been
released by The Center For Medical Progress exposing the disturbing practices of Planned Parenthood. In the video, a woman
identified as Dr. Amna Dermish, a second-trimester abortion provider for Planned Parenthood, discusses her attempts to perform an
abortion while keeping the fetus' head, or calvarium, intact. Dermish believes she is talking to potential buyers for fetal
body parts. [...] The Center for Medical Progress claims that the new video is evidence of two crimes: performing an illegal
partial birth abortion and the sale or purchase of human fetal tissue.
warn Texas over plan to cut Planned Parenthood from Medicaid. The federal government has notified Texas officials that
the state's attempt to stop allowing Planned Parenthood to receive Medicaid reimbursements may be illegal. As it has after similar
moves in Louisiana, Alabama and Arkansas, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Tuesday [10/27/2015] notified Texas officials
in a telephone call that their attempt "may be in conflict with federal law," according to a statement.
Intact baby heads 'something to
strive for'. Getting intact baby heads is "something to strive for," according to a Planned Parenthood abortionist
who operates at the abortion behemoth's business in Austin, Texas. The comment is from Amna Dermish, who told undercover video
investigators with the Center for Medical Progress: "I haven't been able to do that yet. This will give me something to
strive for!" And she laughs. It comes in the 11th undercover video released by CMP exposing Planned Parenthood's trade
in the body parts of aborted babies.
of political correctness: banning the word 'too'. Move over, Melissa Harris-Perry — it is getting
crowded on the lunatic PC bench. Joining "hard worker" (racist!) on the PC banned word list is "too" (sexist!). That's
right: an adjective and adverb positing that something is more excessive in some quality than desirable is now verboten, as far as
the Huffington Post is concerned. The editors there gave considerable space to Cameron Schaeffer, who identifies herself
as a freshman at the University of Vermont, where her head has obviously been filled with victimology nonsense.
obtains, leaks 11 undercover Planned Parenthood videos blocked by court. The website GotNews.com claims it has
obtained and released "all" the remaining undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials shot by the Center for Medical
Progress (CMP), including videos that were blocked from being released to the public by a court order. Eleven previously
unseen videos have been uploaded to YouTube. The website's founder, journalist Charles C. Johnson, said that an
internet hacker named Andrew "Weev" Auernheimer obtained the footage and uploaded it to YouTube.
Texas Officials Have Raided
Planned Parenthood Clinics. Bad news for pro-abortion radicals in Texas. Investigators have raided several Planned
Parenthood clinics on suspicion of Medicaid fraud. [...] Their suspicions aren't unfounded: Planned Parenthood has been found to have
defrauded Medicaid on several prior occasions. It should be interesting to see what Texas officials are able to uncover this time.
Boehner selects GOP panel to probe abortion practices. Outgoing House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Friday
announced his picks for the new Select Investigative Panel that will probe the practices of abortion providers like Planned
Parenthood. The new panel has been created in the wake of several undercover videos that revealed Planned Parenthood's
questionable practice of selling aborted fetal tissue, and possibly profiting from the sales.
health officials demand hundreds of documents from Planned Parenthood. Texas health investigators on Thursday
served orders for hundreds of documents at Planned Parenthood offices across the state, including patient records and
employee addresses. The move came three days after the state announced plans to pull public funding from the
organization, energizing the national debate over the nonprofit's fetal tissue donation program.
investigators demand thousands of documents at abortion clinics. Continuing a growing state crackdown on
Planned Parenthood, Texas health officials Thursday [10/22/2015] demanded thousands of documents, including patient records
and clinical notes, from the organization's abortion clinics and health centers across Texas. In surprise morning visits
to Planned Parenthood offices in San Antonio, Dallas and the Houston area, investigators delivered written requests for records
going back as far as 2010 from at least 10 of the organization's facilities.
cuts Planned Parenthood from Medicaid. The state of Texas on Monday [10/19/2015] informed Planned Parenthood
affiliates that it was cutting off the organization from the state's Medicaid program — citing recently released
undercover videos of as evidence of violations. A letter from the Texas Health and Human Services Commission Office of
the Inspector General went out Monday [10/19/2015] to inform affiliates they are believed to be "no longer capable of performing medical
services in a professionally competent, safe, legal, and ethical manner," according to a copy posted by The Dallas Morning News.
grisly videos, a majority are still OK with Planned Parenthood. Despite a series of shocking, secretly-recorded
videos of Planned Parenthood officers discussing sale of body parts from aborted babies, the American public still thinks
favorably of the organization. The new Gallup Poll found that 59% of 1,015 adults surveyed this month still have a
positive overall opinion about the organization.
the millennial who infiltrated the guarded world of abortion providers. If people noticed that he seemed a bit
stiff, they tended to write it off as an odd physical tic. In fact, David Daleiden was probably trying to keep his hidden
camera straight. Daleiden, 26, is the anti-abortion activist who masterminded the recent undercover campaign aimed at
proving that Planned Parenthood illegally sells what he calls aborted "baby body parts."
Parenthood Will No Longer Accept Reimbursement For Fetal Tissue. In an effort to move beyond recent
controversy, Planned Parenthood announced Tuesday [10/13/2015] that it will no longer accept reimbursement for any fetal
tissue it provides to medical researchers. The organization has been the subject of negative attention in recent weeks
following the release of highly edited sting videos recorded by an anti-abortion group alleging that Planned Parenthood
illegally profits from its fetal tissue donation program.
Parenthood stops taking money for fetal tissue donations. Planned Parenthood announced Tuesday [10/13/2015]
that it will no longer accept any reimbursement as part of its fetal tissue donation program, taking its strongest step yet
to end the onslaught of conservative attacks against the group. The group's president Cecile Richards disclosed the
policy change in a letter to the National Institutes of Health, which she said was intended to "take away any basis for
attacking Planned Parenthood to advance an anti-abortion political agenda."
Parenthood Abruptly Ends Compensation For Fetal Harvesting. Planned Parenthood clinics will no longer accept
payment for their work harvesting and distributing aborted fetuses, the non-profit said Tuesday [10/13/2015]. Clinics will
continue filling the demand for fetuses, but will "immediately" stop accepting money for the service, the group's president,
Cecile Richards, wrote in a letter to the National Institutes of Health, reported The Wall Street Journal.
Coeptis': Wondering if God Still Smiles on Us. Since the release of the undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood, the
defenders of that organization and its good works have repeated certain inconsequential arguments. The films were edited. The
image of a doomed infant kicking its legs as it lay in a pan is not the same infant referred to in a technician's horrifying account of
mutilation and butchery, spoken over the image. The filmmakers concealed the real explanation for the baby kicking away his few
moments of life — he had been exposed, after a botched abortion. Furthermore, the organization that made the undercover
films is biased — a pro-life group with a dogmatic animus against the sort of practices merrily discussed by the physicians of
Planned Parenthood over lunch. And Planned Parenthood provides all sorts of valuable medical services for women — let us
focus upon that, and not the side issue of infanticide.
catch GOP off guard with Planned Parenthood vote. Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee temporarily
overpowered their GOP colleagues to block testimony from an anti-Planned Parenthood witness during a hearing Thursday.
Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.), protested a graphic video about abortion procedures that was shown to the committee by Dr.
Anthony Levatino, who has performed abortions.
panel advances bill to gut Obamacare, defund Planned Parenthood. Reaching for a GOP prize amid party chaos, the House Budget
Committee approved a fast-track bill Friday [10/9/2015] to gut Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood, the women's health provider steeped
in controversy over its abortion practice. The panel voted along party lines, 21-11, to use a budget tool known as "reconciliation"
to send the legislation to the floor, hoping to then bypass a Democratic filibuster in the Senate and finally get a major GOP attack on
the health care law to President Obama's desk.
for Medical Progress can release Planned Parenthood probe video to Congress, judge rules. A federal judge in
San Francisco ruled Tuesday that the pro-life Center for Medical Progress may comply with a congressional subpoena for
undercover video footage related to its Planned Parenthood investigation despite a temporary restraining order.
U.S. District Court Judge William H. Orrick III said he would allow the center to honor the subpoena issued by Rep. Jason
Chaffetz, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, overriding the objections of the National
Abortion Federation, which requested the restraining order.
Planned Parenthood Can't Handle the
Truth. Planned Parenthood piously holds itself out as a benevolent, quasi-sacred entity, selflessly devoted to
improving women's health. It has consistently denied critics' claims that it performs no mammograms, but at the hearing,
Richards unremorsefully conceded the charge and pretended she never said otherwise. And it's not just about mammograms.
Americans United for Life has shown that under Richards' leadership, there has been a marked decrease in cancer screening and breast
health services while there has been an increase in abortion. Though Planned Parenthood peddles the misleading statistic that
abortion only constitutes 3 percent of its health services, Richards indifferently confessed that abortion generates
86 percent of its revenue, excluding federal subsidies.
The Baby Butchers and Their Media
Butchers. The propagandists of Planned Parenthood don't want you to remember that earlier this summer the group
apologized for the "tone" of one of its top officials, Deborah Nucatola, who casually hawked unborn baby parts to undercover
journalists from the Center for Medical Progress as she swilled wine and chomped on a salad. Not long after confessing
that the "tone" of their butchers might cause offense, another top Planned Parenthood trafficker, Mary Gatter, joked about
scoring a luxury car after haggling over $75 baby-organ price tags. [...] Ten lengthy, damning videos later, the billion-dollar
abortion giant is in full-blown whitewash mode — and its bloodstained accomplices in the liberal media are out in
force with their paint rollers.
Three Pinocchios: The
repeated, misleading claim that Planned Parenthood 'provides' mammograms. The myth that Planned Parenthood
actually offers mammogram X-rays to patients has been long debunked, and needs to stop being repeated. Planned Parenthood
does not administer mammograms, but it keeps being perpetuated by the group's supporters, including celebrities whose claims
have a wide reach. When Democratic lawmakers or other supporters assert that Planned Parenthood "provides" mammograms,
this is highly misleading language because it could be interpreted to mean that the group directly administers the X-rays.
The group does not "provide" mammograms. Rather, the situation is similar to other clinics where patients are referred to a
licensed facility that can provide biopsies, X-rays or other specialized services. It is slightly more accurate to say that
women have "access" to mammograms via Planned Parenthood, though it's still slippery language.
flap: TV 'edits' 5-hour Planned Parenthood hearing to 1 minute. Network and cable TV news are coming under fire
for repeatedly smearing as "heavily edited" the controversial secretly taped Planned Parenthood videos of officers discussing
the sale of aborted fetus parts. After Tuesday's [9/29/2015] five-hour House hearing on the issue with witness Cecile
Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood, the media is being slammed for doing exactly what the producer of the videos
did — and worse — editing hours of tape for a watchable news segment.
Makes Liberals Out as Liars, Proves Planned Parenthood Expose Videos are Authentic. The attack from the left on
the recent series of video exposes of the evil actions by Planned Parenthood is that the videos are "fake" or are "heavily
edited." But now an independent "forensic analysis" of these videos proves that the videos are real and that the liberals
are lying. These videos from The Center for Medical Progress are real. They explicitly prove that Planned Parenthood
murders babies so that it can sell their body parts for cash.
Richards: 'Abortion is Healthcare'. lanned Parenthood president Cecile Richards affirms to Rep. Diane Black
(R-TN) and other members of the House Oversight Committee her belief that: "Abortion is healthcare." Black, the author of a
bill that passed the House and would redirect taxpayer funds from Planned Parenthood to other federally qualified health care centers
that do not provide abortions, challenged Richards on why she dismissed her legislation as not acceptable to women when those other
healthcare centers outnumber Planned Parenthood clinics 20 to 1. Richards responded that they do not provide
abortions and "abortion is healthcare."
Planned Parenthood
Confirms: They Don't Do Mammograms. Tuesday [9/29/2015], Planned Parenthood President Cecil Richards testified
before a Congress. During the five-hour-long hearing, Congresswoman Mia Love asked Richards how many mammogram machines
Planned Parenthood has at their disposal. Contrary to the organization's long-standing claims, Richards admitted they
have none.
Planned Parenthood wasted millions on 'lavish' travel, parties. The head of the House Oversight Committee is
accusing Planned Parenthood of misspending more than $40 million in federal dollars on "lavish" travel, theme parties and a
costly Manhattan office. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) on Tuesday [9/29/2015] accused the organization of racking up
"exorbitant travel expenses," including first-class flights, charter travel and entertainment costs that included $622,706 on
"blowout parties" with celebrity guests.
Jordan Unloads On Planned Parenthood President. Rep. Jim Jordan unloaded on Planned Parenthood president Cecile
Richards Tuesday in a congressional committee hearing insisting, "You can't say I'm apologizing for statements in one video
and then not tell us what those statements were."
Parenthood President: "We Look At How To Expand Into Areas Particularly Where There's Unmet Need. At a
Congressional hearing on the practices of Planned Parenthood Tuesday morning [9/29/2015], president Cecile Richards explained the
organization's decision making that goes into opening new clinics in neighborhoods in order to expand their reach. "We don't
profit," Richards said to Rep. Paul Gosar, who was questioning her at the time. "I don't actually look at how to profit.
We do obviously look at how to expand into areas particularly where there's unmet need."
Parenthood president 'proud' of supplying fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards will tell
Congress Tuesday [9/29/2015] that she's proud of the group's involvement in providing aborted fetal tissue for medical
researchers, in her first-ever appearance before a congressional committee. Richards will testify to the House Oversight
Committee as Republicans probe Planned Parenthood following a series of controversial undercover videos that have drawn
widespread attention to its participation in providing and being compensated for fetal tissue.
Parenthood Got $528M In Tax Dollars, Paid Cecile Richards $523,000. Planned Parenthood received $528 million in
government health services grants and reimbursements or 41 percent of its total revenue for the fiscal year ending on June 30,
2014 and gave its president, Cecile Richards, $523,000 in annual compensation. "My annual compensation is $523,000 a year,"
Richards told House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah).
Parenthood boss clashes with lawmakers over taxpayer $$, videos. The head of Planned Parenthood clashed with
congressional Republicans on Capitol Hill Tuesday over the group's taxpayer funding, while using her appearance to attack the
group behind a series of disturbing videos showing her organization's workers discussing fetal tissue harvesting. Cecile
Richards, speaking before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, claimed the videos were "deceptively edited"
and "heavily doctored." Yet just minutes before the hearing started, a forensic analysis said the videos "are authentic
and show no evidence of manipulation or editing."
Went To Planned Parenthood For Birth Control, But They Pushed Abortion. [Scroll down] I had to fill out a
form. On it you check the boxes of things you are willing to consider. The options essentially broke down to
a) abortion b) adoption c) parenting. I chalked it up to alphabetical order that abortion came first.
At this point in life, I still solidly fell on the "I would never have an abortion, but other people should be able to" side of
the fence. I checked options B and C, took the test, and was taken into a room to hear my results. Before
getting those results, I was interrogated.
Stories The Media Won't Tell You About The Pope's USA Visit. [#7] The Pope Equates Planned Parenthood to
State-Sponsored Execution: Some pro-lifers are probably dissatisfied with Pope Francis's comments about the sacredness of
life during the congressional address. Although he did affirm his staunch pro-life position when he exhorted Americans to
"protect and defend life at every stage of its development," he immediately shifted the focus to capital punishment.
Richards 'Proud' of Planned Parenthood's Organ Harvest but Claims 'Minuscule' Activity. In Planned Parenthood's
first congressional appearance since the release of undercover videos, the group's president is defending its provision of
fetal tissue for researchers and castigating Republicans for not investigating the anti-abortion activists who furtively made
the recordings.
Lawsuit sheds light on
dramatic increase in taxpayer funding for embattled NH abortion provider. As the question of public funding for
Planned Parenthood plays out on the state and national stage, New Hampshire's leading anti-abortion group, N.H. Right to
Life, recently released Planned Parenthood of Northern New England financial statements, tax returns and other documents that
it says show a well-financed organization that has doubled its funding from public sources in the past five years.
I haven't seen Planned Parenthood videos, but they're doctored. House Minority Leader Nanci Pelosi, D-Calif.,
questioned the truthfulness of the undercover videos that show Planned Parenthood employees discussing the harvesting and
sale of fetal organs, while admitting that she has not watched the videos. [...] "I also know that some of it is not real and
you can create any reality that you want," she said, while admitting that she has not seen the videos, and has only read news
reports about them.
Planned Parenthood's 'sickening' baby body parts trade. We have all been so shocked and outraged by the videos
portraying the grisly practices of Planned Parenthood. These videos show abortions being altered so as to maximize the
harvesting and resale of organs and body parts. It really is sickening. Today I want to outline for you what we're doing to
hold this organization and other abortion providers accountable, and defend our unborn children and the values that we all hold dear.
First, to get answers for the American people, we are significantly ramping up our oversight and investigative practices. We will
move to establish a new select subcommittee that will focus its full attention, resources and subpoena power on getting to the bottom
of these horrific practices.
Disgraced Speaker Worked Deal to Fund
Planned Parenthood With Pelosi. In all seriousness, Ted Cruz just unleashed several quotes of the year as the bumbling,
incoherent, chain smoking loser known as John Boehner has decided to collect his long-anticipated 8-figure retirement bonus by transferring
to a lobbying role on K Street.
defunding — Planned Parenthood should be prosecuted! [Scroll down] The bottom line of the
situation is this: if there was any doubt about what really happens when a woman chooses to have an abortion, those doubts
have been removed by these videos. We aren't dealing with a glob of tissue; we are dealing with a living human being
who ends up murdered from this procedure. And even if you don't agree with the reality of life beginning at conception,
these videos have produced enough evidence to justify a full investigation into the illegal harvesting by Planned Parenthood
of the body parts from these murder victims.
rejects effort to strip funding from Planned Parenthood. The Senate on Thursday [9/24/2015] rejected a short-term spending
bill that would defund Planned Parenthood, thwarting the opening move by Republican leaders to avoid a government shutdown on
Oct. 1. Senators voted 47-52 on ending debate on the short-term continuing resolution, well short of the 60 votes
not Fiorina who is wrong in the Planned Parenthood fight. "Anyone who has watched this videotape, I dare
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs
kicking while someone says, 'We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.'" [...] The videotape in question was put out by
the Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group that went undercover to record Planned Parenthood officials discussing
the buying and selling of organs and tissue from aborted fetuses — some just shy of 20 weeks — to
medical research companies.
forces Big Media to face videos they've avoided. You know the video series, now 10 episodes presenting an
increasingly dark view of Planned Parenthood's cash-for-parts business. You know, also, if you've been following it at all,
that traditional media outlets have spent months avoiding almost any coverage of or comment about them. [...] To the extent there
was any reporting on the Fusion GPS investigation by Big Media, it was essentially stenographer service for Planned Parenthood,
and that was enough for pro-abortion pundits to declare the whole business debunked. Enough of that.
Defenders Of Planned Parenthood Still Haven't Seen The
Videos. It doesn't take long for those will take a bullet for Planned Parenthood despite being caught on tape numerous
times engaging in possible criminal activity, to admit they haven't even seen the tapes in question. [...] It was Martin Luther King
Jr. who said: ["]To ignore evil is to become an accomplice to it[."] The defenders of Planned Parenthood
continue to ignore the evil. Whenever they defend the organization, they never use the word "abortion." Doing so would
force them to confront what Planned Parenthood does every year which is to abort over 300,000 unborn babies.
House votes to defund Planned
Parenthood. The House voted Friday to block hundreds of Planned Parenthood clinics from getting federal funds for one year,
a vote that was meant to deliver a strong rebuke to the country's largest abortion provider, and also help avert a government shutdown.
The measure passed 241-187 Friday morning [9/18/2015] with the support of just two Democrats, and three Republicans voted against it.
It would halt roughly $500 million in federal funds, mostly through Medicaid and family planning dollars, to nearly 700 Planned Parenthood
clinics around the country, unless the chain of women's health clinics agrees to stop offering the procedure.
The Editor says...
They voted to cut off funding of Planned Parenthood for one year. Brilliant. What will have changed after one year?
judge reinstates Medicaid contract with Planned Parenthood. A federal judge on Friday [9/18/2015] ordered
Arkansas to temporarily reinstate its Medicaid contract with Planned Parenthood after the state blocked funding over concerns
about secretly recorded videos released by an anti-abortion group.
Republicans Opposed House Vote To Defund Planned Parenthood. The House voted to defund Planned Parenthood
Friday [9/18/2015] with the support of two Democrats and all but three Republicans. The (241-187) vote is an effectively
symbolic response to a series of videos released by the Center for Medical Progress in which top Planned Parenthood doctors
and officials discuss how and at what cost some of their clinics harvest and distribute aborted fetuses. Republican Reps.
Robert Dold, Charlie Dent and Richard Hanna sided with Democrats against the bill, which would defund Planned Parenthood for
a year. Every other Republican representative present, along with Democratic Reps. Dan Lipinski and Collin Peterson
voted in favor of the defunding bill.
Planned Parenthood to save the nation's character. This week, the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly
to take federal funds away from Planned Parenthood for a year. To understand why, one need look no further than the video
series on Planned Parenthood that was released over the last couple of months by the Center for Medical Progress. The
videos contained substantial evidence that Planned Parenthood affiliates are breaking two federal laws — one
forbidding the alteration of abortion procedures in order to preserve organs for use in research, and another that forbids
the sale of aborted babies' organs. Planned Parenthood has denied violating these laws. Despite hints to the contrary
contained within the videos, the organization claims that it only accepts reimbursements for its costs in preserving the body
parts it sends to biomedical companies that use them.
to Congress: Planned Parenthood Given 'Privilege Other Providers Don't Get'. In testimony before the House
Energy and Commerce Committee Thursday, an attorney asserted that the Obama administration's actions to protect Planned
Parenthood has given the nation's largest abortion provider a special privilege not given to other Medicaid providers, while
also "robbing the states of control over their own state Medicaid programs to protect a politically powerful but ethically
and legally challenged organization."
bills hit Planned Parenthood, some abortion doctors. Seeking to avert a government shutdown, Republican leaders
drove a bill blocking Planned Parenthood's federal funds through the House on Friday [9/18/2015], hoping to contain conservatives'
demands for a politically risky showdown with President Barack Obama by striking a quick blow against abortion.
Try to Block Planned Parenthood Videos at House Hearing. House Republicans showed the gruesome Planned Parenthood
videos in a hearing today [9/17/2015]. Democrats tried to block them. The hearing in the House subcommittee on health
of the Committee on Energy and Commerce was to consider proposals to expand protections for unborn children who survive an abortion
and also the federal ban on partial birth abortion. Reps. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Renee Elmers (R-NC) want the
Congress to give states the right to withhold federal funding, especially Medicaid funding, if an abortion provider is even
suspected to violating either the Infants Born Alive Protection Act or the Partial Birth Abortion Act.
Parenthood Horror: "We sell fresh aborted baby eyes, hearts and gonads.". The butchers of Planned Parenthood
slaughter millions of unborn, partially born and new born children at will and for profit. They seem to think it's funny when
an intact fetus is delivered to a lab and the workers are shocked by it. It's giggle-worthy when they sever testicles. They
blithely discuss skirting the law over fine cuisine and wine. Breaking the law for these monsters is just part of doing
business. This video and all the others before it should go viral. Every church out there should show them. As
hard as it is to watch, you can't combat evil, unless you can confront it. These are demonic serial killers who are preying
on the most helpless among us, our young.
Parenthood Admits It's Terrified of Media 5x in New Video: 'Headlines Would Be a Disaster'. Ironically, Planned
Parenthood trembles in the face of its most faithful ally: the traditional media. The Center for Medical Progress (CMP)
released a tenth investigative video Sept. 15, that showed Planned Parenthood executives discussing aborted baby parts for
money as a "valid exchange" for a "fair amount of income." The Planned Parenthood executives admitted terror and distrust of
the media — and worried about becoming a public relations or "P.R. issue" that might make headlines.
We Provide is Fresh,' Planned Parenthood Leader Tells Undercover Camera. As members of Congress consider
whether to defund Planned Parenthood, a new video highlights the abortion provider's booming business in organs harvested
from aborted babies. "We've just been working with people who want particular tissues, like, you know, they want cardiac,
or they want eyes, or they want neural," Dr. Carolyn Westhoff, Senior Medical Advisor for Planned Parenthood for America
tells a hidden camera. "Certainly, everything we provide — oh, gonads! [...] Everything we provide is fresh."
Parenthood spent $5 million for Dems, $13k for GOP. As Congress heads into a debate over whether to continue
funds to Planned Parenthood, a Washington Examiner analysis shows that Planned Parenthood and affiliates spent almost
$5 million dollars in election ads promoting Democratic lawmakers in 2014. Additionally, Planned Parenthood has
contributed $679,596 directly to federal candidates, $676,885 of that to Democrats, in 2014. Planned Parenthood was
in the top 10 percent of nearly 200 outside expenditure groups in 2014, and the analysis shows that the abortion giant
spent $0 on ads attacking Democratic candidates.
Months: Networks Aired Only 0.13% of Planned Parenthood Videos. Instead of watching the news, it's time for
pro-life Americans to be the news — to use social media and word-of-mouth — about Planned Parenthood.
Because the networks won't. Since July 14, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has released 16 hours, 11 minutes
and 35 seconds of footage exposing Planned Parenthood's practice of harvesting aborted baby parts. In those past two months,
ABC, NBC and CBS have only aired one minute and 13 seconds of these videos (with audio) during their news shows.
Even House Hearings Can Break Nets' Planned Parenthood Blackout. Say this for ABC, CBS and NBC: they're nothing if not
tenacious. The networks have been diligent, even relentless, in their efforts to ignore the Planned Parenthood scandal, proving that
when they circle the wagons around an ideological comrade, they stay circled. The networks have maintained their blackout of news about
the hidden camera videos from the Center for Medical Progress showing that America's largest government subsidized abortion mill trades in a
robust aftermarket of aborted baby parts — and does so with all the sensitivity and humanity of an automotive chop-shop.
The War on
Innocents. Allowing the tax-funded expansion of Planned Parenthood's abortion industry to continue is national
suicide. This crisis must be confronted as the greatest internal threat facing our nation since slavery. Ted Cruz and
House conservatives are alone in this battle, insisting that any funding bill signed by Obama explicitly exclude tax funding
of abortion. Establishment Republicans have already capitulated the leverage of a government shutdown, with majority
leader Mitch McConnell saying this is "another issue that awaits a new president with hopefully a different point of view
toward Planned Parenthood." Hopefully a different point of view? Is that the rousing Republican response
to Planned Parenthood's bloody desecration of human lives on the taxpayer's dime?
Parenthood Deals Taxpayer-Funded Death. Yesterday [8/19/2015], a new horror was revealed: America's
taxpayer-funded abortion giant, Planned Parenthood, harvests organs from babies that are born alive, their hearts beating as
they are dissected. This evil practice goes beyond accusations that Planned Parenthood is conducting partial-birth
abortions, or harvesting fetal tissue illegally. Now we know that Planned Parenthood is engaging in an act that is murder in
all 50 states — and reminiscent of Kermit Gosnell, whose House of Horrors shocked the nation. Five states have
defunded America's abortion giant in recent weeks, and Congress is investigating its practices. Yet, at the White House,
President Obama hypocritically condemned ritual harvesting by Africans even as his administration admits it is using Planned
Parenthood's talking points in its own statements, and threatened spurious lawsuits against states that dare to defund
Planned Parenthood.
Prepare to Make a Stand on Planned Parenthood. The make-or-break moment for House conservatives to defund Planned Parenthood
is here. Outraged by undercover videos on fetal tissue donation, conservatives are pushing to cut all federal funding for Planned
Parenthood as part of legislation that would avert a government shutdown on Oct. 1. Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.), a founding
member of the House Freedom Caucus, spearheaded a letter to House GOP leaders shortly before lawmakers' August recess that stated he and
17 other Republicans would not vote for any spending bill that continues funding for Planned Parenthood.
industry rejects oversight. It should be a national scandal that the abortion industry fights viciously against
any kind of medical standard of care to protect women, even when those efforts mirror its own internal recommendations. The
industry simply rejects accountability. Recently, a federal appeals court upheld a Texas law requiring abortionists to
have hospital admitting privileges near their practices. Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, admits
that women may suffer complications after abortions, including blood clots, hemorrhage, incomplete abortions, infection and organ
injuries. It further concedes that in Texas, at least 210 women a year must be hospitalized after abortions.
of Botched Abortions Will Testify Before Congress Against Planned Parenthood. The House Judiciary Committee has
announced that Congress will hold its first hearing on the Planned Parenthood scandal next week, following the recess. Among
the witnesses to provide testimony are two women who survived abortion attempts; they will speak from first-hand experience about
the horrors of the abortion industry. The first of a series of hearings, titled "Planned Parenthood Exposed: Examining the
Horrific Abortion Practices at the Nation's Largest Abortion Provider," will take place on Wednesday, September 9.
Daleiden says undercover team infiltrated Planned Parenthood by using 'magic words'. David Daleiden says his
investigators at the pro-life Center for Medical Progress were able to gain access to top Planned Parenthood officials by
using "the magic words." "It was definitely surprising to myself and to some of the other investigators on the team that
when our investigators basically said two things to Planned Parenthood representatives — number one, you know, 'We
love abortion, we think what you do is great, thank you,' and number two, 'We want to harvest your baby parts and sell them,
and pay you money in exchange for that,'" he said. "Those two statements were like the magic words that got us in the
door," Mr. Daleiden said.
Organ Harvester to Hillary: "You're My Personal Hero". This week, the State Department released emails from Hillary Clinton's
private server and one was from a Planned Parenthood executive praising her for promoting abortion and urging her to speak out against a
measure in Kenya to include in its new constitution language asserting that "life begins at conception." CNS News reports that in
2009 Clinton received an email from Planned Parenthood's vice president of public policy and advocacy, Laurie Rubiner, and she told her
she was her "personal hero." She thanked Clinton on behalf of their organization and asked her to speak against the Kenya initiative
in her next trip to the country.
Parenthood President: If Feds Won't Do It, We Need States To Defund Abstinence Programs. Planned Parenthood
President Cecile Richards, whose organization is arguing states cannot defund Planned Parenthood, said in 2008 that when
Planned Parenthood failed to get the federal government to defund abstinence programs, they pushed for the states to do it.
During a Ford Hall Forum in Boston on May 28, 2008, Richards was asked about abstinence-based education: "You said
that this teaching of abstinence is 10 years old? And how did that get passed?" a member of the crowd questioned.
hall anger fuels GOP bid to defund Planned Parenthood. Town hall meetings held over the August break have driven
conservatives in the House and Senate to ramp up their efforts to defund Planned Parenthood, which could make passing
a critical funding bill this month difficult for Republican leaders. Some of the conservative Republicans who huddled in
a conference call last week tell the Washington Examiner that unless funding legislation strips money from Planned
Parenthood, they'll vote against it, even if it is just a short-term bill.
Dem Staffers Invited to Screening of Planned Parenthood Videos; Only Three Watch — 'Horror Is Hard to Look
At'. The pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List invited some 2,000 Democrat staffers to attend a screening
Thursday of the nine undercover videos that have been released by the Center for Medical Progress showing top medical
officials with Planned Parenthood Federation of America discussing the sale of body parts of aborted babies. Fewer
than 10 Democrat staffers showed up out of the some 2,000 Democrat staffers invited, and only three actually watched the
videos — just two of whom watched all of the 90-plus minutes of video footage.
Parenthood gets $1M in ObamaCare grants. The Obama administration on Wednesday [9/2/2015] awarded more than
$1 million in grants to Planned Parenthood to help promote ObamaCare, a move that is drawing GOP criticism at a time when the
healthcare provider is under congressional investigation. Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) blasted the White House's decision as
"unconscionable" in light of allegations of illegal activity in the health provider's fetal tissue program, which has prompted key
Republicans to call for a total defunding of the organization. "A growing body of evidence suggests that Planned Parenthood
broke federal law and now the Obama administration is thumbing its nose at Congress and taxpayers by using this backdoor maneuver
to boost funding for the scandal-ridden abortion giant," Black wrote in a statement Wednesday.
Procurement Manager: The Baby, 'It Just Fell Out'. In the latest undercover investigative video of Planed
Parenthood, a tissue procurement manager reveals that in some abortions, particularly with women who've had several births,
the aborted child just falls out of the birth canal intact, although "the whole point is not to have a live birth."
The procurement manager, Perrin Larton with Advanced BioScience Resources, also reveals that "most of the time it [the baby] is
not intact," and adds that often the "abdomen is always ripped open" and the organs "just get ripped up," but when "we have a
smooth portion of liver, we think that's good." Advanced BioScience Resources (ABR) is one of the organizations that
acquires human tissue, including that from aborted babies, and provides them to researchers, many of them funded by the
National Institutes of Health, which is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
and Murder. The sickening series of videos from Center for Medical Progress continues apace. Today we get a
look at the regime of payments and kickbacks endemic in the baby parts marketplace and troubling questions are raised about
outright murder. [...] If the baby "just fell out," it would seem that means a live-birth, which as Larton says, misses the
whole point of having an abortion. The implication is clear, that the attending abortionist killed a baby that was very
much alive and very much outside the mother. The technical term for that is 'murder.'
Planned Parenthood Video: Sometimes Intact Fetuses 'Just Fell Out'. The Center for Medical Progress is out with
another horrifying video exposing Planned Parenthood's practice of harvesting the organs from aborted fetuses for money.
One of the people that appears in this latest video is Cate Dyer, the CEO of StemExpress, whose sister was the health policy
advisor for Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner until very recently.
Letter Accuses Planned Parenthood of Stonewalling Law Enforcement. The Center for Medical Progress delivered a
blistering letter to Congressional leadership today [8/31/2015] accusing Planned Parenthood of violating numerous federal
laws and of stonewalling law enforcement who may be investing charges against the abortion giant. The letter is a
response to a letter Cecil Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood, sent to Congressional leaders last week making charges
against CMP and its founder David Daleiden. Daleiden's letter today turns Richards' letter against her.
Welcome to the United States of Alice. As
we slide further from what is good, beautiful, and true — from a sustainable, civilized culture — is it more
shocking or predictable to learn that Planned "Parenthood" has been blithely selling body parts from aborted babies for profit for
at least 15 years, according to an ABC News 20/20 investigation? The organization scavenges from late-term abortions
and even live-born infants. After being exposed again in July, the organization's defense was to claim it facilitates the
donation of human "tissue to scientific research that can help lead to medical breakthroughs... with full, appropriate consent
from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards." Sounds like the Nuremberg defense.
The Planned Parenthood Videos Have Not Been 'Deceptively Edited'. Good news, abortion fans! Turns out the hours
and hours and hours of footage showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of baby limbs and organs can officially be
discounted and dismissed. According to a report sent to Congress yesterday [8/27/2015], the videos are "heavily edited" and
"inaccurate." Whew! Finally, we can revert back to completely ignoring the continued holocaust of helpless, innocent
children. What a relief! [...] Or maybe not. Despite the claim, reported as fact, that the videos are "totally manipulated"
and "altered," making them essentially worthless as evidence, the truth remains exactly the same. Planned Parenthood sells dead
baby parts. This is a fact, and it has not been even remotely debunked.
Parenthood admits it manipulates rules on fetal organ sales to maximize profit. In a letter to Congress
intended to defend its practices and attack its hidden-video critics, Planned Parenthood wound up lending credence to
accusations that it manipulates rules on selling fetal organs to maximize profit. Cecile Richards, president of the
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, admitted in an 11-page letter Thursday [8/27/2015] that its affiliates have accepted
payments ranging from $45 to $60 "per tissue specimen" from abortions, but said that they were reimbursements to cover costs,
which federal law allows.
Parenthood: "That Was a Dead Premature Baby Pretending to Be an Aborted Fetus." Planned Parenthood wants you
to know that wasn't a fetus but a 19-week stillborn baby that they would have gladly killed if paid. A recent news story
shows how Planned Parenthood is pretending that the videos catching them in their ghoulish, Hannibalesqe commerce are fraudulent.
Based on the high risk they are taking in their PR strategy, we can deduce they must be really worried!
won't investigate Planned Parenthood. Colorado will not join at least 10 other states investigating Planned
Parenthood over allegations by a pro-life group that the abortion provider illegally trafficked in fetal body parts.
Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman says state law requires the investigation be conducted by the Colorado Department
of Public Health and Environment, or CDPHE, which told 9NEWS Tuesday [8/25/2015] that it has no plans to investigate Planned Parenthood.
should stop wasting time attacking Planned Parenthood. Several Republican governors have moved to cut off
funds, including Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, a state with just two Planned Parenthood clinics that don't even perform
abortions. Energizing the fight, which threatens to complicate this fall's federal budget negotiations and could lead to a
government shutdown, are notorious sting videos from the so-called Center for Medical Progress targeting Planned Parenthood officials.
But for all the outcry the videos have caused, they reveal nothing that changes the substance of the debate over abortion.
The Editor offers a line-by-line rebuttal:
Even if the Lousiana Planned Parenthood clinics do not perform abortions (and how do we know they don't?), they can still provide referrals and share funding with other Planned Parenthood clinics.
The Washington Post writer invokes the low-level terrorism of a government shutdown, as if that would be a bad thing. All fifty states have governments, and the only people worried about
a government shutdown are those who get paychecks and handouts from the feds. Send all the "non-essential personnel" home permanently if Planned Parenthood is that important to them.
The Washington Post writer mentions "notorious sting videos." The videos aren't notorious, it is the baby-killing butcher shop depicted in the videos that's
notorious. The videos might be characterized as a "sting," yet a sting doesn't usually catch people doing what they are not inclined to do. The videos
have merely exposed that which has gone on in secret for years, aided by the silence of the news media on this gruesome subject. The claim that the videos
"reveal nothing that changes the substance of the debate" is a vicious canard: The debate was suppressed and silenced for years, and the general public was
indifferent about abortion until they found out what an abortion really is. Now the public (unless they get their information from network TV news) knows
that abortion clinics kill viable babies, cut them up, and sell their organs and body parts — if not whole babies. At the end of the excerpt above,
I stopped reading the Washington Post article, but I'm confident that the rest of it was similarly deceptive and misleading.
Born alive? 'Intact specimens'
in new abortion video. The new video reveals the stunning possibility that some aborted babies are being legally
"born alive." Earlier videos have revealed Planned Parenthood executives callously negotiating for the best price for the
remains of the unborn. One executive fretted about being "low-balled" and suggested if the prices should be higher, they
could be adjusted. She was the same executive who said, "I want a Lamborghini." The newest video, the eighth in the
CMP series, was released after a judge in California ruled Friday [8/21/2015] that the organization had a First Amendment right
to release it.
Every Planned Parenthood Supporter Should Have To Answer. [Scroll down] If a baby is outside the womb,
with lungs, a beating heart, and a functioning brain, is it alive? And if it is, is killing that baby morally wrong?
If not, do you support the unlimited right of women to dismember viable fetuses whenever they want for whatever reason they
like? If so, what is the limit? Before 20 weeks? Before 30 weeks? A week before the delivery
date? Before the umbilical cord is removed? When does the child deserve protection? (The position of most elected
Democrats, incidentally, is never.) Do you believe it's moral for a Planned Parenthood technician to cut through the face of
a healthy fetus in order to harvest his organs? If so, do you believe taxpayers should be funding this practice?
What is the moral difference between killing a viable fetus and a five-day old child?
7th Planned
Parenthood Video Exposes Illegal Partial-Birth Abortion Activity. So far, the undercover videos by The Center
for Medical Progress have revealed that Planned Parenthood is illegally profiting from the sale of fetal body parts, a felony.
Now, there is substantial evidence the abortion provider is manipulating its procedures and performing illegal partial-birth
abortions in order to ensure the fetuses come out intact for sale. Due to the illegal profit incentive, Planned Parenthood
stands to make much more money from delivering intact, whole fetuses. The new video released Wednesday [8/19/2015] shows
Planned Parenthood leadership and its affiliates explaining precisely how they modify the process to get these intact
fetuses — it doesn't get much more incriminating than that.
If the Satanists are in agreement with Planned Parenthood, what does that tell you? Satan
worshipers drench women with milk in Planned Parenthood counter-protest. Satan worshipers launched a counter-protest against
pro-lifers outside the Detriot and Ferndale, Michigan Planned Parenthood locations Saturday [8/22/2015]. Clad in black robes, members
of the Satanic Temple of Detriot drenched bound women with milk, simulating water-boarding to "illustrate the theocratic agenda imposed upon
female bodies." The milk symbolized breast milk, one of the protest organizers explained on Facebook.
No funding for Planned
Parenthood — no problem. Starting in 2012 Texas excluded Planned Parenthood clinics from the state family
planning program. Instead, state health funding went to other facilities that did not perform abortions. Much has been
made of a Texas Health and Human Services Commission report that found a 54 percent decline in claims submitted for contraceptives
between 2011 and 2013. However, the most important metric is not contraceptive claims, but rather unintended pregnancies.
And in Texas, both the birth rate and the abortion rate have declined since 2011. In short, even after the state of Texas
defunded Planned Parenthood, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest that the unintended pregnancy rate increased.
Every Planned Parenthood Supporter Should Have To Answer. Question for the media: Do you believe there are two
legitimate sides to the abortion debate? If so, should your theoretically unbiased editors and reporters be accepting awards
from the best-funded and best-connected advocates for abortion in the country? Planned Parenthood handed out its Maggie
Awards for Media Excellence earlier this week (named after the xenophobe quackologist Margaret Sanger), honoring 16 journalists
from mainstream outlets like Buzzfeed, Yahoo! Health and MSNBC, for their work shilling for the group. Color me skeptical,
but does anyone believe a senior health editor who accepts this honor can be trusted to ask questions that matter about the groups
she covers?
Releases Video #8 — Stem Express Purchasing and Selling "Fully Intact" Babies. In the video, Cate
Dyer, the CEO of StemExpress, is shown in a lunch meeting with undercover operatives posing as representatives of a biotech
firm. Dyer is laughing about how StemExpress purchases fully intact aborted babies from Planned Parenthood. She laughs about
how shippers of the aborted babies would give a warning to lab workers to expect such a baby. "Oh yeah, if you have intact
cases — which we've done a lot — we sometimes ship those back to our lab in its entirety," she says.
Removes Injunction on Planned Parenthood Video, New Video Immediately Released. Los Angeles Superior Court
Judge Joanne O'Donnell ruled on Friday afternoon [8/21/2015] the Center for Medical Progress has First Amendment rights to
release videos it covertly took of StemExpress executives talking about buying aborted baby tissue from Planed Parenthood.
Almost immediately afterwards, CMP released a new video that among other thing showed the StemExpress CEO joking about receiving
dead babies from Planned Parenthood (over lunch). This latest video is only two minutes long and is more of a trailer of
things to come.
CEO: Techs 'Freak Out' When Receiving Whole Baby Heads in the Mail. A Federal Judge lifted the temporary
restraining order blocking the Center for Medical Progress from releasing a video taken secretly with StemExpress CEO Cate
Dyer. As the order was lifted, CMP immediately released a transcript of the conversation in advance of StemExpress trying
to get another restraining order. David Daleiden, founder of CMP, told Breitbart News he is working feverishly to cut a new
video. The transcript paints a graphic picture.
Here Are the Names of More
Companies That Donated to Planned Parenthood. The 2013-14 annual report for Planned Parenthood of Southern New
England — an affiliate of the national organization that operates in Connecticut and Rhode Island — lists
companies that have contributed to the organization. The revelation comes weeks after Planned Parenthood removed the names
of 41 corporate donors from its website following a Daily Signal investigation. Three of those companies —
Coca-Cola, Ford and Xerox — publicly objected to their inclusion on Planned Parenthood's list.
Parenthood losing social-media war sparked by undercover videos. Planned Parenthood for America is losing the
social-media war in the aftermath of undercover videos on its fetal-tissue donations from abortions, according to an analysis
released Friday [8/21/2015]. NetBase, a Silicon Valley firm that analyzes social-media trends, found that "net sentiment"
toward Planned Parenthood turned "decisively negative" after the July 14 release of the first video by the pro-life Center
for Medical Progress.
Parenthood Rally At Governor's Mansion in Louisiana Draws Paltry Crowd. Around two dozen pro-Planned Parenthood
protesters stood outside the governor's mansion in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Thursday [8/20/2015] to protest Governor Bobby Jindal's
recent decision to have the abortion provider investigated and defunded. When the Jindal administration caught wind of Planned
Parenthood's plan to hold a protest in the pro-life governor's front yard, they came up with a brilliant plan to counter them.
Jindal had a huge screen set up outside the governor's mansion, and ran each of the seven disturbing expose videos of Planned Parenthood
on a continuous loop for the duration of the protest.
Democrats probe group that revealed Planned Parenthood videos. Congressional Democrats have opened their own
investigation into the Planned Parenthood videos — but into the group that took the footage in which officials
haggle over the prices of organs and discuss keeping a baby alive so his brain can be harvested. The Center for Medical
Progress may have broken federal laws in setting up a false-front company to secretly record Planned Parenthood employees
talking about these and other practices, the Democrats say.
Journalists Accept Planned Parenthood Awards — Despite Horrifying Abortion Videos! While the media
stay away from the recent videos exposing Planned Parenthood's trafficking of aborted baby parts, they are drawn to Planned
Parenthood's annual media awards ceremony. During Planned Parenthood's Maggie Awards for Media Excellence Tuesday night
[8/18/2015], the abortion giant recognized 16 journalists for pushing "reproductive rights." From Buzzfeed and Yahoo! to
MSNBC, MRC Culture compiled a list of several prominent media attendees — and found a picture announcing the winners.
Planned Parenthood Video Exposes Potential Infanticide. The seventh video from the Center for Medical Progress
features testimony from Holly O'Donnell, a former procurement technician at StemExpress, a California company that —
until recently — acquired (purchased?) aborted baby parts from Planned Parenthood. It's horrifying. No,
it's beyond horrifying. It describes an act of infanticide that even America's barbaric child-killing legal regime
defines as murder.
May Keep Aborted Babies Alive 'Until Their Hearts are Cut Out'. Dr. Theresa Deisher is a world-renowned
scientist in the field of stem cell research who holds patents after discovering adult stem cells in human hearts. Deisher
helped the pro-life activists who spent three years recording undercover videos and capturing documents and information showing
the Planned Parenthood abortion business selling aborted babies and their body parts. Now, in a new interview, Deisher says
she has reviewed the information the activists collected and she is making a shocking claim that Planned Parenthood may be keeping some
babies alive after the abortion procedure in order to better collect their organs for harvesting — such as their hearts.
Parenthood threatens legal action against makers of videos. Planned Parenthood is considering legal action
against the pro-life organization that has released a series of secretly recorded videos scrutinizing the health provider's
fetal tissue donation program. In an exclusive interview with The Hill, Planned Parenthood Executive Vice President Dawn
Laguens said she believes the videos are illegal and that her organization is "considering everything" in going after the
Center for Medical Progress, the group behind the videos.
We Know Why Reporters Won't Cover The Planned Parenthood Videos. Earlier this week, a seventh video detailing
Planned Parenthood's gruesome organ-trafficking operation was released. In it, a former procurement technician who worked
with the organization described how Planned Parenthood harvested a brain from a baby boy whose heart was still beating.
If you use BuzzFeed as your primary source of news, however, you'd know nothing about the story. The same goes for the video
in which a top Planned Parenthood official said she needed a good price on aborted baby organs because, "I want a Lamborghini."
That little detail was also never reported. In fact, it's been over a month since BuzzFeed published any standalone stories
featuring details from newly released undercover videos.
Rep. Mia Love breaks down in tears over Planned Parenthood
videos. Freshman Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, had to wipe away tears while talking about the undercover Planned
Parenthood videos on the Fox Business network Wednesday night [8/19/2015]. "It's our job to protect those who do not
have a voice to protect themselves, and to see what is actually happening to babies while they're still alive, I mean,
it's horrific," said Love.
Parenthood kept aborted babies alive to harvest organs, ex-technician says. In an undercover video released
Wednesday [8/19/2015], a former technician for a tissue-harvesting company details how an aborted baby was kept alive so that
its heart could be harvested at a California Planned Parenthood facility, raising more legal questions about the group's
practices. Holly O'Donnell, a former blood and tissue procurement technician for the biotech startup StemExpress, also
said she was asked to harvest an intact brain from the late-term, male fetus whose heart was still beating after the abortion.
Planned Parenthood Horror Video: Whistleblower Says Baby Born, Heart Beating When Killed. The Center for Medical
Progress released video #7 this morning [8/19/2015], and if you can get through the entire thing without crying and becoming
nauseous, you are made of sterner stuff than most. Today's video continues the interview with former StemExpress procurement
technician Holly O'Donnell, who describes an instance when she saw her supervisor tap the chest of "the most gestated fetus and
closest thing to a baby I've seen," and the heart started beating.
Parenthood Clinic Cut Through Dead Baby's Face to Get to His Intact Brain. In the latest video produced by the Center for
Medical Progress, Holly O'Donnell describes a medical technician using scissors to cut through the face of a newly aborted but nearly
fully developed baby boy at a Planned Parenthood facility so that his intact brain could be extracted.
Disgusting Planned Parenthood Expose Video Harvesting The Brain of Baby Born Alive. The seventh expose video is
out exposing the Mengele-like horrors that Planned Parenthood commits on a daily basis. This time The Center for Medical
Progress shows PP ripping the brain out of a baby born alive so that it can sell the organ to a research facility. There
is no doubt at all that Planned Parenthood is murdering babies for profit. [...] They are outright murdering babies born alive
so they can sell human body parts and organs. And, folks, YOUR taxes are going to pay for this horror show.
Planned Parenthood and the Eugenics
Movement. Today we're told there is no other way to achieve the research results we desire, because fetal tissue is a
"uniquely rich source" of stem cells, which provide invaluable clues to human development. Second, we're led to believe that
research on aborted babies will heal diseases, eradicate physical defects, and greatly enhance the human condition. And finally,
we're warned that prohibiting medical experimentation of this kind would mean "subordinating science to religion."
Arkansas ending Medicaid payments to
Planned Parenthood. Arkansas is ending its Medicaid payments to Planned Parenthood, Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson said
Friday [8/14/2015], despite warnings federal officials have given other states that such a move could violate the law.
Administration Threatens States Attempting to Defund Planned Parenthood. The Obama administration is threatening states attempting to
defund Planned Parenthood — those trying to stop the flow of their Medicaid funds to the abortion provider — with potential
violation of federal law and, ultimately, the cutting off of Medicaid funds to those states.
Do We Destroy Life to Enhance
Life? Years before Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, German scholars were advocating the killing of "worthless" people under
the protection of the state. On April 7, 1933 the Nazis eliminated "long established ethical and administrative public supervisory
bodies" when they introduced the "law for the Prevention of Genetically Diseased Offspring." Euthanasia and experimentation on human
subjects became the Nazi norm. The purveyors of Nazism saw their system as "applied biology." Can one draw a parallel with the
Nazi "applied biology" ideology and the recent revelations of Planned Parenthood's selling of baby parts?
cuts ties with Planned Parenthood after 6th video challenges consent process. I believe this is known as
cutting your losses. Caught up in a firestorm of controversy over its connections to Planned Parenthood
and facing questions from a former employee over whether informed consent was given for organ harvesting in their clinics,
StemExpress said adios to its partner today.
tissue firm cuts ties with Planned Parenthood after videos. StemExpress, one of the tissue companies that works
with Planned Parenthood, is cutting its ties with the women's health organization after a series of sting videos that have
prompted congressional inquiries. "We value our various partnerships but, due to the increased questions that have arisen
over the past few weeks, we feel it prudent to terminate activities with Planned Parenthood," the company said in a statement.
Admin Threatens States That Defunded Planned Parenthood. Alabama and Louisiana of course had made the decision to defund
Planned Parenthood after a series of secretly recorded videos came out exposing that the group sells babies' body parts, among other
disturbing practices. But is what these states are doing really illegal?
Parenthood workers, PACs donated $25M to Dems since 2000. The financial ties between Planned Parenthood and
Democrats run deep, with the taxpayer-funded women's health care and abortion provider's employees and political arms
donating at least $25 million to party lawmakers over the past 15 years, according to a FoxNews.com analysis.
The money, which flowed through an extensive web of Planned Parenthood employees, political action committees and soft-money
donors accounts for 99 percent of all political donations linked to Planned Parenthood, leaving little doubt about the
partisan preference of the organization.
Parenthood's Grisly Practices Worse Than Massive Abortion. Yes, there were "legal" abortions being performed in
a few states prior to the Supreme Court's 1973 ruling. States where abortion had been "legalized" were classified by many as
outcasts or worse. But once the 7-2 Court decision destroyed all state laws banning the practice, the number of abortions
skyrocketed. Since 1973, the lives of more than 57 million infants have been snuffed out. The largest U.S.-based agency
committing this crime, with facilities throughout the nation, is Planned Parenthood. Not only has the highest court in our nation
given a green light to these baby killers, Planned Parenthood receives federal funding that fuels such work. In the single year of
2014, for instance, Planned Parenthood received $528 million taken from taxpayers, many of whom intensely abhor the practice.
In that year, the number snuffed out in the womb by Planned Parenthood totaled 327,000. These were all live infants needing only a
few more weeks of not being molested before they could exist outside their mother's womb. That Americans allow this to occur, and
allow themselves to be taxed to fund it, is a severe indictment of our entire nation.
Planned Parenthood scandal slipping off media's radar.
Planned Parenthood's organ harvesting scandal is fading fast from media's focus, even as the pro-life activist group that broke the story
continues to release jarring undercover video. The front pages of top news websites, including Yahoo and the Huffington Post, made
no mention Wednesday [8/12/2015] of the latest video from the Center for Medical Progress. The sixth and latest installment from
the group shows a former Planned Parenthood affiliate discussing salvaging fetal organs from unsuspecting mothers.
Shocking Video Catches Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies Without Patient Consent. The pro-life advocates behind
the five shocking videos exposing Planned Parenthood selling the body parts of aborted babies for research have released a 6th video
today [8/12/2015] that shows how the abortion business sells body parts of aborted babies without patient consent. The video
features Holly O'Donnell, a licensed phlebotomist who unsuspectingly took a job as a "procurement technician" at the fetal tissue
company and biotech start-up StemExpress in late 2012. That's the company that acts as a middleman and purchases the body
parts of aborted babies from Planned Parenthood to sell to research universities and other places.
Is 'Stealing' Baby Body Parts 'Women's Healthcare?'. Planned Parenthood and its supporters have insisted that
it engages in "women's healthcare." But in the latest undercover investigative video exposing the taxpayer-funded
organization's practice of harvesting aborted baby parts for potential sale to biomedical companies, a former StemExpress
procurement technician reveals that when she needed certain body parts, Planned Parenthood staff would sometimes "just take
what they wanted... and these mothers don't know."
Organ Buyer: Planned Parenthood 'Just Wanted Their Money'. A former procurement specialist told pro-life
activists that Planned Parenthood and organ companies looked at positive pregnancy tests as "opportunities" to cash in.
Holly O'Donnell, a former technician with organ tissue company StemExpress, took activists through the day-to-day operations
of her former career. She described walking in to clinics with a checklist of body parts and ages of the aborted
babies. She would then cross that list with the scheduled abortions for that day.
Trump Is Planned Parenthood's Favorite Republican. The GOP front-runner said in an interview Tuesday [8/11/2015] that
he supported the status quo when it comes to Planned Parenthood. The group couldn't be more pleased.
Planned Parenthood Video: Organs Harvested Without Patient's Consent. The sixth investigative Center for Medical
Progress video, released today, does not include the graphic images some of the others do, but it may be the most disturbing one
yet. Despite Planned Parenthood's insistence that women are fully informed before human organs and tissues are procured from
their abortions, this video makes clear that that is not always the case. The video features Holly O'Donnell, the pro-life
licensed phlebotomist from the first installment, describing the uncaring, assembly-line approach to abortions at the Planned
Parenthood clinic she was assigned to in Fresno.
The Planned
Parenthood Videos' Powerful Argument For Unborn Humanity. The horror genre, whether in
print or on the screen, need not look for original story-telling. Instead, it can turn to the series
of undercover videos the Center for Medical Progress is releasing. These videos, often with gruesome
images, record Planned Parenthood officials as they discuss obtaining and selling aborted fetal body parts.
The first video sets the stage for all that have followed. [...] Subsequent videos have only heightened the horror,
pairing Nucatola's clinical description of butchery with images to match. This effect on the viewer
displays a powerful argument in favor of unborn life. Across many different viewpoints, we recognize
that part of personhood involves having a human body.
Planned Parenthood videos
and the killing of innocents. The recent broadcast of videotapes taken of persons
employed at Planned Parenthood — the prolific and notorious abortion provider —
has brought the issue of abortion to the national consciousness again and front and center to the
Republican presidential primary campaign. The tapes were made secretly by a pro-life group
determined to show to the world the dark side of Planned Parenthood's use of federal funds.
What the world saw was terrifying and damning. The tapes are difficult to watch, just as any
discussion of human slaughter is difficult to watch. If you have seen these tapes, you
witnessed physicians and others talking about the profits Planned Parenthood is making in the
sale of baby body parts, even though such sales are criminal under federal law.
Four Planned
Parenthood Centers Cited In Florida Probe, Three Ordered To Stop Second-Trimester Abortions.
After the Center for Medical Progress released those gruesome videos reportedly showing the illegal sale of
body party from aborted babies, Florida Gov. Rick Scott issued a statewide review of his state's Planned
Parenthood facilities. After all 16 were inspected, four were issued citations. Three were
conducting procedures that were outside of their licenses (a.k.a late-term abortions) and the last one was
improperly logging the disposal of infant remains.
Planned Parenthood Clinic Director Explains the Tissue Donation Process. For eight
years, Abby Johnson, who used to work for a branch of Planned Parenthood, didn't just witness the
fetal tissue donation process — she participated in it. During her tenure at a
southeast Texas clinic — the same location featured in the fifth undercover video shot by
the Center for Medical Progress — Johnson said she would "coerce" women to sign up for
studies, then reap the financial benefits. In 2009, a year after being named "Employee of the
Year" at her clinic, Johnson, 35, said she witnessed a doctor performing an abortion on an ultrasound
and quit her job.
makes three states that defunded Planned Parenthood this week. Alabama became the third state in a week
to pull state funding for Planned Parenthood on Thursday [8/6/2015]. Gov. Robert Bentley, a medical doctor,
tweeted that life from "conception to birth and beyond" is important to him. "I respect human life, and I do not
want Alabama to be associated with an organization that does not," the two-term Republican tweeted.
of Americans know little to nothing at all about Planned Parenthood videos. The liberal mainstream media may
have lost their monopoly, but they retain an oligopolistic control over the mindshare of the American public. By choosing
to minimize or completely ignore the five videos of released so far of shocking conduct by Planned Parenthood officials, the
American public remains overwhelmingly in the dark about the haggling over price in the sale of body parts from fetuses, aka
human beings.
Parenthood To CMP: Stop Keeping Our Depravity In The Public Eye. [T]here is very much a purpose behind the slow
leak of the videos. It certainly maximizes the impact of Planned Parenthood's baby harvesting scheme on the public
conscience, as well as keeping the organization in the negative spotlight of their own making. Moreover, the slow leak
provides no opportunity for Planned Parenthood to brush it all away, ignore it, or whitewash their barbaric butchery.
They are kept off balance and unable to be in control and make a preemptive strike before the next video is released.
Neatly, control remains beyond their well-financed reach.
Human Fetus As Garbage: a Necessary Comparison to Nazism. The efficacy of fetuses in
medical research is debated. Various news sources, depending on their editorial stance toward
abortion, depict aborted fetuses as providing promising avenues for research. Other news sources
downplay the value of human fetuses for medical research. This dichotomy indicates that aborted
fetuses' value to medical research is not a slam dunk. If aborted fetuses were inarguably necessary
for a medical breakthrough that could save millions of lives, Planned Parenthood would have said so
by now.
Parenthood backlash opens Pandora's Box in Hill budget debate. Dozens of conservatives
are demanding congressional leaders slash all federal money for Planned Parenthood in an emergency
spending package. The Senate failed to secure a supermajority Monday [8/3/2015] just to debate
a standalone bill to strip Planned Parenthood of federal dollars. "At some point we'll
negotiate the way forward," McConnell predicted of an autumn spending accord. But the
Pandora's Box has been opened.
No One's Buying
Cecile Richards' Denials. In an op-ed last week in the Washington Post, Cecile Richards goes
out of her way to evade the whole question of the current controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood.
Yes, we get it. We recognize the standard talking points. Planned Parenthood wants us to believe
they provide indispensable health services, and that we in the pro-life movement want to stop that. Again,
they are the victims and we are the villains. Notice what you do not find in Cecile's article: any
mention of the term "body parts" or of the brains, hearts, livers and other organs that Planned Parenthood
harvests and sells. Yet we see these parts of pre-born children so clearly in the most recent video.
Planned Parenthood Horror Story. Babies being born alive, only to be butchered for
their parts. Harvesting tiny hearts, brains and livers. Fetal organs being transplanted into lab
rats for research. Cracking skulls and dismemberment. Horror shows are usually like that:
repulsive, disturbing, barbaric and sickening. Except that Planned Parenthood's horror show is not a
movie, but a real nightmare that keeps getting worse. [...] If only it had been a movie. But you
might say, isn't organ donation always gross? Shouldn't we allow women to donate fetal remains to
science? Here's the difference. Organ donation involves a death which could not be prevented,
a death by accident or natural causes. Even if no laws were broken, here you have purposefully
destroyed life, butchered the potential for life. The videos cut through the claim, "this is
actually laudable" to expose the truth, "this is actually horrific."
Real Planned Parenthood. About three out of every ten pregnancies taken care of by
Planned Parenthood are those of black mothers. That's a bunch of black fetuses, um... babies.
In black neighborhoods, most all their service is to black women. Remember that fact. All you have
to do to send one of those black fetuses, um... babies, to the dumpster is send Planned Parenthood a check for
about $500.
To Media Blackout, Most Americans Are In The Dark About Planned Parenthood Videos. The
vast majority of Americans — a whopping 70 percent — have heard little to
nothing about videos showing the involvement of Planned Parenthood in the harvesting and trafficking
of human fetal organs. The revelations from the videos have led to federal and state investigations,
calls to end the $530 million a year in taxpayer funding, and questions from human rights activists
about the propriety of the practice. Yet the media have so struggled to cover the story, much
less cover it well, that one third of the public has heard literally nothing about them while another
38 percent have heard only a little. Democrats are particularly uninformed on the videos,
with more than three out of four reporting they have heard little to nothing about the videos.
"Women's Health": Human Fetus Brains Sold to Labs for Transplantation into Rats. One
thing is clear from the videos and media that have emerged in this recent scandal — we
are not dealing with a one dimension "pro-choice/pro-life" debate. Instead, there is a dark
organization inside an industrial complex Americans have not dared to contemplate or uncover.
Secret scientific research, genetic engineering, synthetic DNA, vaccines made from human fetal cell
tissue... and a host of other uses for human organs, limbs, brains and tissue. The "ethics"
behind closed doors, where doctors and clinics are apparently all too willing to break the rules and
allow human experimentation, are projected into the medical system collective that we are all being
pushed into. Decisions about the value of human life and how far the State can go in deciding
what is best for you are being weighed... your will see it in the hidden costs of Obamacare, where
life becomes cheap but the bills for services rendered remain sky high.
Aborted Baby Parts Being Used to Grow Human Organs in Rodents. Medical researchers are
growing human organs in mice by implanting dead human baby organs into rodents, a practice that
stands to gain greater scrutiny in light of undercover videos exposing what appears to be Planned
Parenthood affiliates selling aborted baby parts to medical procurement companies like StemExpress.
In a fourth video released from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), Planned Parenthood personnel can be
seen sifting through aborted baby parts allegedly to show what parts can be salvaged and sold.
Government Made 'Humanized' Mice With Tissue from Babies 17-to 22-Weeks Gestational Age. A group of
government researchers working for a National Institutes of Health laboratory in Montana made "humanized mice" by
implanting the mice with tissues cut from human livers and thymuses taken from babies at 17 to 22 weeks
gestational age. The researchers then published a paper describing how they constructed this particular type
of "humanized" mouse, saying they hoped their description of the process would help other researchers seeking to
make such mice in the future.
The Editor says...
The ghoulish process of dismembering little babies is an abomination. Planned Parenthood is attempting to
offset the abhorrence of this procedure through a number of false claims: First, that the procedure is
"safe, legal and rare," and second, that the fetal tissues harvested in this manner is used in research that
might lead to a cure for cancer. (They ignore
a knownlink
between abortion and breast cancer.) Even if the researchers find a cure for cancer (which will never be found as long
as "cancer research" is so well funded), the price is far too high.
Bakin' Baby Syndrome.
The fifth in an apparent series of twelve Planned Parenthood undercover videos shows Melissa
Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, discussing how to manipulate the
abortion procedure in order to ensure the "fetus" is delivered "intact" and thus able to be
cannibalized for body parts. As Ms Farrell puts it, if a client "has a specific need for a certain
portion of the products of conception and we bake that into our contract, and our protocol, that we
follow this. So we deviate from our standard in order to do that." In other words, their priority
is not a "woman's health needs" but a cleanly delivered "fetus" with the relevant "portion of the products of
conception" intact — the leg, the liver, the heart, the lung, whatever it is the client has had
"baked" into the contract. This is in itself a crime: You're not supposed to manipulate the
abortion — and potentially cause more pain and discomfort to the woman — in order
to get clean, sellable baby parts.
How Democrats Defend the Indefensible —
and Why Republicans are No Match for Them. The Republican congressional leadership's
embarrassing failure to open fire on the human body-part wholesalers of Planned Parenthood, a group
that is at the very center of gravity of the American Left, is symptomatic of a larger, probably
deadly pathogen flowing in the veins of the once-proud party of Lincoln. The collapse of the
barely-there effort this week to deprive Planned Parenthood of taxpayer support for its ongoing,
ever-expanding assembly line of horrors in which the group's leaders harvest human fetuses before
their time in order to profit from the unquestionably unlawful profit-driven trafficking of tiny
livers, eyeballs, hearts, kidneys, and brains of human fetuses, was preordained.
DA investigating Planned Parenthood. Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson
said Wednesday her office has begun a criminal investigation into the Houston branch of Planned
Parenthood after the release earlier this week of a video showing an agency executive discussing the
preservation of organs of aborted fetuses. Anderson, who described the video as being "disturbing,"
said she has reviewed it, and said prosecutors and investigators in the her office have done so as well.
Hampshire Defunds Planned Parenthood, Rejects $600K Contract. New Hampshire legislators stripped the
state's six Planned Parenthood clinics of state funds Wednesday [8/5/2015], deleting roughly one third of their public
funding. The state's Republican-led Executive Council rejected a $639,000 funding contract with Planned Parenthood,
reported local ABC affiliate WMUR9. The Council cited a series of undercover videos in the meeting, which show top
Planned Parenthood doctors discussing and participating in the harvesting, dissection, and distribution of aborted fetuses.
Council rejects Planned Parenthood funding. New Hampshire's Republican-led Executive
Council rejected $639,000 in state funding for Planned Parenthood along party lines Wednesday
[8/5/2015] amid a renewed national debate over whether the organization should receive public money.
Advocacy Board Says Planned Parenthood Is 'Doing God's Work'. Planned Parenthood's
Clergy Advocacy Board released a statement Tuesday [8/4/2015] condemning the pro-life advocacy group that
produced a series of videos appearing to show Planned Parenthood officials and employees haggling over the
sale of body parts harvested from "intact fetal cadavers," while sifting through dishes of tiny organs and
limbs. According to the board, the taxpayer-funded abortion giant is simply "doing God's work."
A series of videos released over the past two weeks by the Center for Medical Progress shows Planned Parenthood
officials discussing the transfer of tissue and body parts from babies who have been aborted, some as late as
18 to 22 weeks' gestation, to people posing as buyers.
poll of the day: Public opinion of Planned Parenthood basically unchanged after videos. Barely a flutter
in the polls despite weeks of news about PP doctors chattering about selling dismembered baby parts. There seemed
to be two likely explanations for that. One: The word wasn't getting out to the broader public. This
is a story that most mainstream reporters are verrrrry uncomfortable with given how it challenges the orthodoxy of their
preferred political party. They're not going to cover it, and you can't move the polls if the only place to
find this story is on right-wing blogs. Two: Even among those who have heard about the videos, the
absence of any smoking gun of criminal behavior is giving PP fans a cognitive "out" to continue supporting them.
Sure, they'll crush a baby's chest cavity just right to preserve the liver for sale, and sure, it's unclear precisely
how well informed its patients are about that, but there's no law against it if it's for research purposes, is there?
Well, there you go. What's on TV?
calls for criminal investigation into Houston Planned Parenthood clinic. Lt. Gov. Dan
Patrick is asking Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson to open a criminal investigation
into Planned Parenthood after a group of ant-abortion [sic] activists released a video of a staff
member at a Houston clinic discussing how to preserve the remains of aborted fetuses. The video
is the fifth in a series released by the California-based Center for Medical Progress as part of its
campaign to show that Planned Parenthood illegally sells fetal tissue to scientists.
and Planned Parenthood: Erroneous Fact Checks All the Way Down. Planned Parenthood now finds itself being
heavily criticized after being caught on tape brokering fetal body parts. Fortunately for them, they have no
shortage of allies in the media, including PolitiFact. Fox Business reporter Sandra Smith recently said on air
"Almost 95 percent of all (Planned Parenthood) pregnancy services were abortions." On Tuesday, PunditFact,
a division of PolitiFact, rated it false. PolitiFact concedes the source of this statistic is Planned Parenthood's
own annual report. If you take the number of services listed in the report, exclude the ones that don't apply
to women who aren't pregnant, you do indeed get a figure that showing that over 94 percent of pregnant women who
go to Planned Parenthood get an abortion.
Planned Parenthood Video Released — Offering Sales of "Intact Babies". It was
suspected the undercover video's contained discussion of Planned Parenthood discussing "fully intact fetuses",
which would be prima facie evidence of born alive infants. This disturbing aspect prompted a biotech
company, Stem Express, to file a motion with a federal judge to block any further video release.
Video Shows Planned Parenthood Discussing Selling Intact Aborted Babies. A video just
released by the Center for Medical Progress taken undercover in Texas shows a Planned Parenthood
research director discussing the sale of whole intact aborted babies to a company that resells them
to medical researchers. David Daleiden, head of Center for Medical Progress, claims this is
clear evidence of criminal wrongdoing on the part of Planned Parenthood.
3 Percent Dodge. Planned Parenthood, embroiled in a scandal over secret videos capturing its cavalier
dismemberment of unborn babies and sale of their body parts, insists that abortion is only 3 percent of what it
does. [...] The 3 percent figure is an artifice and a dodge, but even taking it on its own terms, it's not much
of a defense. Only Planned Parenthood would think saying that they only kill babies 3 percent of the time
is something to brag about.
Planned Parenthood Transcript: Nurse Admits It's 'Fun' To Dissect Fetuses. The
transcript accompanying the latest undercover Planned Parenthood video has an employee of the group
admit she finds it "fun" to dissect fetuses for their organs and would "enjoy" the opportunity to do
it on behalf of fetal tissue purchasers. The exchange isn't included in the 15-minute edited
video released Tuesday by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), but is instead buried deep in the
119-page transcript accompanying it (a full-footage version of the video hasn't been released yet).
In the exchange, Melissa Farrell, director of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, admits she and
her co-worker would find it enjoyable if a tissue buyer wanted them to dissect dead fetuses for parts.
Planned Parenthood sting video features research boss promising intact fetuses. The
Center for Medical Progress on Tuesday [8/4/2015] released a fifth undercover video in its campaign
targeting Planned Parenthood, this time focusing on a facility in Texas. In this latest edited
16-minute installment, the head of research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, is
seen bragging about her branch's track record of fetal tissue sales and its ability to deliver fully
intact fetal organs to clients. On April 9, 2015, actors posing as representatives of a human
biologics company met with Farrell at the Planned Parenthood center in Houston to discuss the prospect
of obtaining intact fetal cadavers for the purposes of medical research.
Senators Voted to Make You Pay for Abortion Harvesting? You need to know who they are.
Despite a bipartisan majority of the U.S. Senate's support for defunding the abortion giant
(including Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-WV) and Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN)), these political pawns of
Planned Parenthood filibustered to ensure the Culture of Death keeps getting its government handout.
Each of the Senators below voted to block legislation that would have stripped taxpayer funding for
Planned Parenthood — an abortion business that takes $500 million tax dollars, murders
nearly 330,000 babies, and sells them for parts to pad its bottom line each and every year: [...]
Starbucks, You Lost Me at Planned Parenthood. Dear Starbucks, I am a Gold Card
member of Starbucks. I love your products and have for many years, specifically the grande mocha
with coconut milk, no whip, extra hot. That's my drink. I am two stars away from receiving a free
drink on my Gold Card. I worked hard for that. It's not easy to earn your rewards and your coffee
ain't cheap. But I almost have a free mocha out of it and I was looking forward to it. Then I
discovered that Starbucks is subsidizing Planned Parenthood, which has recently been caught on video
tearing apart the bodies of fully formed human beings and selling off their organs to the highest
bidder. So, not only does my tax money go to fund these inhuman butchers, but now my coffee money
does, too. Not anymore.
The Editor says...
The Editor has never been in a Starbuck's shop.
The Proof Baby Tissue Trafficking Saves Lives? This talking point has been rolled out
repeatedly. Every time [Cecile] Richards insists lives may be saved from the baby body parts trade,
she never highlights an actual scientific discovery: "What happens in this country, at Planned
Parenthood and other hospitals is that, women in very few places are allowed to donate fetal tissue
for life-saving medical research. Research, you know, developing cures for Parkinson, even the
Ebola vaccine."
Lee's Terrific Planned Parenthood De-Fund Speech. [Senator] Lee notes, with passionate
articulation, that Planned Parenthood's actions are indefensible by people of goodwill, and he
quotes Solzhenitsyn in making the point that the violence Planned Parenthood commits against the
unborn is necessarily married to the lies it must tell — and accuses the Democrats of
complicity in falsehood by continuing to support the unsupportable. This might go down as one of
the greatest speeches given on the Senate floor in recent years. Mike Lee has emerged as perhaps the
most thoughtful orator that body possesses, and we owe him gratitude for putting his talents to the
service of such a just cause as that of the lives of the unborn.
Shocking Video Catches Planned Parenthood Official Selling "Fully Intact" Aborted Babies. The pro-life advocates behind
the four shocking videos exposing Planned Parenthood selling the body parts of aborted babies for research have released a 5th video today
[8/4/2015] that catches a Planned Parenthood official discussing how the abortion business sells "fully intact" aborted babies. The
video, which follows Senate Democrats defeating a bill to de-fund Planned Parenthood, makes it appear the Planned Parenthood abortion
business may be selling the "fully intact" bodies of unborn babies purposefully born alive and left to die.
The Editor says...
Abortion is barbaric, whether the babies' organs are used for "life saving" medical research or they're being cooked and eaten.
(Maybe that's the subject of undercover video #37.)
Planned Parenthood? Not so easy. Republicans may find that defunding Planned Parenthood is
harder than it looks. Even if they manage to overcome the political obstacles — big ones
like a Democratic filibuster, a presidential veto, or a battle royal over shutting down the government —
they may still collide with Medicaid law. The fight could leap from Congress to the courts.
Planned Parenthood, unequal justice and dark
forces. It is a topic that is not discussed and barely acknowledged, but exists deep
in the bowels of the houses of power not just in the United States, but all throughout the West. It
has engulfed the political elite and their minions of both political parties, of those currently in power
and out, and involves an equally corrupt media that goes well beyond complicity. [...] In the case of
Planned Parenthood, the rabbit hole goes much deeper and ventures into places that are much darker, and
much more sinister than people want to believe. Practices that are conducted under layers of secrecy,
and by people who are driven by the most evil of agendas. They even laugh at their deluded defenders
behind their backs as the defenders act like well-trained animals as they follow the playbook to the letter.
fails to advance Planned Parenthood defund effort, setting up potential budget showdown with
Democrats. The Senate failed Monday to advance a Republican-led measure to halt
federal aid to Planned Parenthood, but leaders of the GOP-controlled chamber appear ready to
continue the fight, galvanized by a series of unsettling videos about the group. The vote to bring
debate on the bill was 53 against to 46 in favor. The measure had not been expected to
get the 60 votes needed to move it toward a final vote because Republicans needed several "yeas"
from Democrats, who largely support Planned Parenthood.
Jindal just cut Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood in Louisiana. Louisiana Gov.
Bobby Jindal (R) announced Monday [8/3/2015] he is cutting Medicaid funding for the state's two Planned
Parenthood clinics. The move comes in the midst of a Republican congressional push to defund the
group after a controversial, covert video released by conservative activists last month showed
Planned Parenthood discussing fetal tissue donations. "Planned Parenthood does not represent
the values of the people of Louisiana and shows a fundamental disrespect for human life," the
presidential hopeful said in a statement.
Parenthood Funding Could Dominate the Next Government Shutdown Debate. With full
Republican control of Congress now, and a Presidential and important Congressional elections
looming, conservatives will demand some concrete legislative victories in exchange for keeping the
government open. The Republican leadership, however, if the past is any guide, will want to
extend current spending levels through next year and put off any substantive legislative battle
until after the Presidential election.
The Planned Parenthood Carnage.
The absolute very first thing that came to mind as I saw and heard these videos dealing with the
harvesting of human parts, was the fact this had to be one of the most grisly and nauseating stories
I had ever seen or heard in my life before, bar none. Come to think of it, I thought we were
not, if you will, any different than terrorist organizations such as ISIS. Maybe worse.
We may have perversely pretended to try and expose ISIS for their ruthless and barbaric beheadings
of other human beings. But then I ask: Are we any better than they are?
Senator Announces He Will Vote To Defund Planned Parenthood. Democratic Senator Joe
Manchin of West Virginia announced Monday [8/3/2015] he will vote to defund Planned Parenthood.
Last Tuesday, Iowa Republican Senator Joni Ernst introduced legislation to federally defund Planned
Parenthood. The bill quickly gained support among other Republican senators. The bill
gained 44 co-sponsors through the week but no Democrats lent their support.
How to
Stop Planned Parenthood. The U.S. Senate will vote today on a bill to defund Planned
Parenthood and to stop forcing taxpayers to fund abortions and the barbaric sale of baby organs.
Unfortunately, this bill won't be signed into law. Even if enough Democrats support it to overcome
a filibuster, President Obama will veto it. That is why the new Republican Congress must refuse to
fund Planned Parenthood this year, even if the President and the Democrats choose to defeat the bill and
cause a temporary government shutdown. This is the only way to win this fight.
Clinton comes out in support of Planned Parenthood. Hillary Clinton is making her position on Planned
Parenthood very clear: She is in full support of the organization. "I'm proud to stand with Planned
Parenthood, I'll never stop fighting to protect the ability and right of every woman in this country to make her
own health decisions," Clinton said in a video released Monday [8/3/2015].
Parenthood Survives Abortion in Senate. Planned Parenthood survived a procedural vote Monday [8/3/2015] in the
U.S. Senate on a bill to defund the organization, after a series of undercover videos emerged to suggest that the organization
may have been willing to sell fetal organs from late-term abortions to tissue companies. The vote for cloture was 53-46,
meaning that it fell well shy of the 60 votes needed to end debate and proceed to a vote.
Message to the Supporters of Planned Parenthood. [Scroll down] I have standing to offer an
opinion, so to those on the Left, the Democratic Party and others who support the activity of Planned Parenthood,
your espousal of unfettered abortion and the sale of human body parts while justifying your actions through the
belief that you are not dealing with human life makes you no different than the members of the Nazi Party in
1930's Germany. I am embarrassed and ashamed to refer to you as fellow Americans. Further, your
actions and beliefs are rapidly transforming American society into one that has no respect for the uniqueness
of each individual and self-determination. The ultimate result, if not reversed, will be the collapse
of this nation either from internal or external chaos.
Giving to Planned Parenthood Sometimes Reject Religious Charities. As The Daily Signal
and 2nd Vote have revealed, corporate America is a major source of revenue for Planned Parenthood.
While less than the half-billion in taxpayer dollars Planned Parenthood receives annually, corporate
contributions made up a healthy piece of the $127 million in "excess revenue" the ostensible
nonprofit received last year alone. But while corporate America has been comfortable donating
funds to Planned Parenthood for years, it has been far less willing to give — or even
allow its employees to give — to religious charities.
the left gets everything wrong. Example 1: Planned Parenthood is exposed like never
before through a brilliant undercover sting operation. The left's response? Demonize the messenger
and target him with legal action. Never mind that growing babies inside the womb are being poisoned,
dismembered, crushed, squeezed, yanked, ripped, torn apart, sucked out with a vacuum, and killed? And
never mind that for some once living babies it doesn't end there as their butchered bodies are then put
through a strainer, poured into glass pie plates, and picked through with tweezers, while ghoulish Planned
Parenthood employees laugh and joke and exclaim while looking at the mangled mess of blood and body parts,
"It's a baby!" and "Another boy!"
Parenthood and the barbarity of America. Executives of Planned Parenthood's federally
subsidized meat markets — your tax dollars at work — lack the courage of their
convictions. They should drop the pretense of conducting a complex moral calculus about the organs
they harvest from the babies they kill. First came the video showing a salad-nibbling, wine-sipping
Planned Parenthood official explaining how "I'm going to basically crush below, I'm going to crush above"
whatever organ ("heart, lung, liver") is being harvested. Then the president of a Planned Parenthood
chapter explained the happy side of harvesting: "For a lot of the women participating in the fetal
tissue donation program, they're having a procedure that may be a very difficult decision for them and this
is a way for them to feel that something positive is coming from ... a very difficult time."
House questions 'authenticity' of Planned Parenthood videos. The White House dismissed the need for a
federal investigation of Planned Parenthood Friday [7/31/2015], citing the opinions of three liberal newspapers as
evidence that "impartial observers" are raising questions about the authenticity of a pro-life group's undercover
videos on the sale of fetal tissue. White House press secretary Josh Earnest also suggested that the pro-life
group, the Center for Medical Progress, is an "extremist" organization. And he said for the first time that
President Obama would veto any effort by Congress to defund Planned Parenthood.
Dems Recycle Planned Parenthood's Mammogram Lie. As more graphic, money-grubbing
undercover videos of Planned Parenthood's for-profit aborted baby parts racket emerge thanks to the
investigative work of the Center for Medical Progress, desperate Democrats are in full deflection
mode. U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell defended federal funding
for Planned Parenthood this week by invoking the women's health shield. "What I think is
important is that our HHS funding is focused on issues of preventative care for women, things like
mammograms," Burwell told the House Education and Workforce Committee. Just one teeny, tiny
problem with this defense: It's a completely calculated fabrication.
Planned Parenthood Footage Shows Dissected Fetuses. "And another boy!" one tech says in the video after
dissecting a tiny fetus in front of undercover actors posing as fetal tissue buyers for a fake biotech company.
The actors were in the process of negotiating a contract with the Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic to procure the
tissue, and had asked to see samples. "Do people do stuff with eyeballs?" Dr. Savita Ginde, the clinic's Vice
President and Medical Director, asks one of the potential buyers as she pokes around in a pie dish containing the
tissue and fluids that resulted from an abortion. "Oh yeah," the actor responds. "Although eyeballs,
they generally want more developed than this."
Planned Parenthood, The White House Defends The Indefensible. For an institution that
might argue that it doesn't have a dog in this fight, the White House sure has stepped into the
Planned Parenthood baby-parts selling scandal on the side of the flesh-peddlers. Sounding a
little surreal, White House press secretary Josh Earnest firmly stood up for Planned Parenthood on
behalf of the Obama administration following the release of four undercover videos from the Center
for Medical Progress showing the family-planning agency's leaders' callous disregard for human life
and its grotesque efforts to reap commercial benefit for itself.
House Says Planned Parenthood Videos Are Fake, Cites Planned Parenthood. The White House expressed its firm
belief Thursday [7/30/2015] that recently-released videos attacking Planned Parenthood are "fraudulent." Their source:
Planned Parenthood. Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, was speaking with reporters when they raised the matter
of the videos released by the Center for Medical Progress which appear to show Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of
fetal organs for profit, a violation of federal law. He claimed the videos were released in a "fraudulent way" with "not a
lot of evidence" behind them.
House assails move to defund Planned Parenthood. President Obama opposes Republican
efforts to defund Planned Parenthood in the wake of damaging videos exposing its fetal tissue
donation program. White House press secretary Josh Earnest stopped short of issuing a formal
veto threat against the legislation, but he said "on balance, the president would not be supportive
of such congressional action." "This is a tactic we have seen used before," Earnest said of the
GOP legislation. "The president obviously does not support that ongoing effort."
Guilt as Power.
The people who in the videos merrily describe the prices they can obtain for this or that body part
may one day be old and as helpless as the infants they have dismembered. Then they will be in the
care of men like themselves. And on that far day these young — then old — may
want water. On what grounds will they demand it? On what basis will they ask for care, love or
Bush Sat On Board Of Philanthropy That Gave Millions To Planned Parenthood. Republican
presidential candidate Jeb Bush was one of the directors of a charity that gave tens of millions of
dollars to Planned Parenthood, LifeSiteNews first reported. Named a founding director to the
tax-exempt Bloomberg Family Foundation in 2010, Bush sat on the board until the end of 2014 when he
began to prepare for his presidential run. Bloomberg Philanthropies announced in March of 2014,
while Bush was still on the board, it was giving $50 million to strengthen "reproductive health
rights in Burkina Faso, Nicaragua, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda."
Parenthood's chop shops. One reason it is so difficult to recover stolen cars is that
many, if not most, are stolen not to be sold intact, but rather to be taken to what are called chop
shops, below-the-radar auto body shops that surreptitiously dismantle these vehicles, stripping away
every conceivable part that may have resale value in the auto aftermarket. An automobile carefully
dissected provides far more value from all those separate parts than it could ever have in its whole
form. And sadly, such appears to be true with unborn babies as well.
Quick, Important Developments On The Planned Parenthood Scandal. Whether or not the story generates major
media attention, the Center for Medical Progress' expose of Planned Parenthood's participation in the harvesting and sale
of fetal organs continues to feature major updates. Here are 10 of them.
Relations Firm SKDKnickerbocker Scrubs Website Of Tie To Planned Parenthood. SKDKnickerbocker sent out a memo to
journalists trying to keep them from reporting on the undercover videos, on the grounds they were obtained under false
identification and violated patient privacy. Planned Parenthood botched a portion of its difficult public relations
campaign when it was unable to provide any evidence at all for a claim that the group's site was under attack and had
to be shut down. As explained in "Planned Parenthood 'Hacking' Sure Looks Like An Orchestrated PR Stunt," Planned
Parenthood's web page seemed to function fine. It just replaced the page with a claim of an attack, but then directed
visitors to give the group money or otherwise help with their public relations campaign.
Of NOW: Moms Love Planned Parenthood, Aborted Fetuses Are 'Disgusting'. On Now with Alex Wagner on Thursday
[7/30/2015], the President of the National Organization for Women was on briefly to discuss the scandal surrounding Planned Parenthood,
and how it might affect Hillary Clinton's presidential aspirations. In the short time she was on screen, O'Neill managed to utter
a surprising array of tone-deaf and highly-charged statements.
Parenthood President Made 39 Visits To Obama's White House Since 2009. Planned Parenthood President Cecile
Richards, head of the taxpayer-subsidized abortion giant currently facing a firestorm for allegedly selling body parts
harvested from aborted babies, has made personal visits to the White House 39 times since President Barack Obama took
office in 2009, White House records show. According to online records on the White House website, Richards first
visited the White House on Jan. 20, 2009 — the same day Obama first took office. Since then, Richards
has met with Obama alone at least three times and First Lady Michelle Obama at least twice. She also met with [the]
president and his wife together another four times.
Parenthood video reveals babies may be born alive and then killed. In the fourth and
most startling undercover Planned Parenthood video from the Center for Medical Progress, Dr. Savita
Ginde of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) admits that about 10 percent of their
second trimester babies are born "intact" before the abortion procedure is done. In an interview
with CNN, CMP leader, David Daleiden, explained why StemExpress, a biotech company that partners
with Planned Parenthood, is trying to suppress the release of more video tapes.
chief: Stem Express hiding trade in intact human fetuses. Why does Stem Express want to keep the undercover
video shot by the Center for Medical Progress under wraps? David Daleiden, CMP's project leader, tells CNN that the
conversation included an admission that they "sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory from the
abortion clinics that they work with." Daleiden notes, "That could be prima facie evidence of born-alive
infants" — and a potential series of violations of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act (BAIPA), passed into
law in 2002. And that's why "they're very scared of it," Daleiden says ... right before the interviewer changes
the subject: [Video clip]
Investigator says StemExpress bought intact dead babies from Planned Parenthood.
Undercover investigator David Daleiden tells CNN the reason StemExpress is trying to suppress the
video he took of its CEO on May 22 is because the company doesn't want anyone to know it bought
whole intact dead babies from Planned Parenthood. Daleiden said on CNN, "In a meeting with their
top leadership, they admitted that they sometimes get fully intact fetuses shipped to their laboratory
from the abortion clinics they work with, and that could be prima facie evidence of born alive
infants. And so that's why they're trying to suppress that videotape and they're very scared of it."
Black's Law Dictionary, 1991, page 184.
House threatens to veto bill blocking Planned Parenthood's funding. The White House on Friday [7/31/2015] threatened a
veto on any bill that defunds Planned Parenthood. A budget measure that strips funding from the organization "is certainly something
that would draw a presidential veto," press secretary Josh Earnest said. "We have routinely opposed the inclusion of ideologically
driven riders" in budget bills, Earnest added.
House Press Secretary Josh Earnest Admits To 'Merely Repeating' Planned Parenthood Talking Points.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest admitted that the administration's response to the damning Planned
Parenthood videos that have been released over the last few weeks has come from the organization's public
comments, not from any investigation on the part of the White House. Earnest was asked by Breitbart's
Charlie Spiering where he was getting his information that the videos were fraudulent and distorted: ["]I'm
merely repeating what I've seen that they've [Planned Parenthood] said, and has been reported publicly about
what they've said.["]
blocks release of recordings by anti-abortion group. A federal judge on Friday [7/31/2015] blocked the
release of any recordings made at meetings of an abortion providers' association by an anti-abortion group that
previously revealed secretly recorded videos of a Planned Parenthood leader.
Appointee And Bundler Blocks More Video Releases By Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting. A federal judge
late Friday [7/31/2015] granted a temporary restraining order against the release of recordings made at an annual meeting
of abortion providers. The injunction is against the Center for Medical Progress, the group that has unveiled Planned
Parenthood's participation in the sale of organs harvested from aborted children. Judge William H. Orrick, III,
granted the injunction just hours after the order was requested by the National Abortion Federation. Orrick was
nominated to his position by hardline abortion supporter President Barack Obama. He was also a major donor to and
bundler for President Obama's presidential campaign. He raised at least $200,000 for Obama and donated $30,800 to
committees supporting him, according to Public Citizen.
bars anti-abortion group from releasing new videos. A temporary restraining order has been issued preventing an
anti-abortion group from releasing any video of leaders of a California company that provides fetal tissue to researchers.
and Fascism: Judge Bars Release of More Planned Parenthood Videos. A temporary restraining order
has been issued preventing an anti-abortion group from releasing any video of leaders of a California company
that provides fetal tissue to researchers. The group is the same one that previously shot viral covert
video of a Planned Parenthood leader discussing the sale of aborted fetuses for research. The Los Angeles
Superior Court order issued Tuesday [7/28/2015] prohibits the Center for Medical Progress from releasing any
video of three high-ranking StemExpress officials taken at a restaurant in May. It appears to be the first
legal action prohibiting the release of a video from the organization.
Dems Claim To Be for 'Little Guy,' But Defend PP. Talk radio host Rush Limbaugh criticized Democrats
for defending Planned Parenthood while claiming to be the party of "the little guy" on Friday [7/31/2015].
Rush said of the videos, "The White House says nothing to see here. Hillary Clinton says she's troubled by
the videos. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), praising the, whatever she described Planned Parenthood as being, a
great, compassionate organization. Selling these body parts, the lie, for medical research. And yet,
there isn't one medical advancement that any of the people responsible for this can point to and say, 'Look what
we've done! Look at the advances that we've made!' It's purely for money and profit. It's barbaric
beyond any ability I have to describe it. I've waited. Two weeks, three weeks have gone by.
There's no room for equivocation on this. There's no room for, 'Well, what if there's something we don't
understand here?' There's no room for that. [This is] clear-cut depravity, murder. And that
human beings are doing this to one another, and claiming that people who oppose this, somehow, are conducting a
War on Women, or are unaware and unfeeling of another person's rights? Are you serious? [...]"
Parenthood on the run: Refuses to attend Texas hearing. The Texas state Senate's Health and Human
Services Committee plan to review the videos to determine whether Planned Parenthood broke any laws, and to
debate how to put an end to cash trades for organs harvested during abortions.
abortion clinic staff failed to report 13-year-old's sexual abuse. Planned Parenthood
Rocky Mountains was hit with a complaint Wednesday for performing an abortion on a 13-year-old girl
without reporting possible sexual abuse against the underage girl and returning her to the man who
abused her. The conservative Alliance Defending Freedom filed a complaint with the Colorado
Department of Regulatory Affairs against the Planned Parenthood affiliate on behalf of the pro-life
Colorado Family Action.
Filed Against Colorado Planned Parenthood for Covering Up Rape. Rocky Mountain Planned
Parenthood recently gained notoriety when the Center for Medical Progress released a video of people
at the abortion clinic picking through a dish of aborted baby parts in order to sell them. Now
the Planned Parenthood affiliate is facing accusations of serious wrongdoing: [...]
Maintain Blackout on New Planned Parenthood Video; CNN Covers. As of Wednesday morning
[7/29/2015], ABC, CBS, and NBC's morning and evening newscasts have yet to cover the third video
from the Center for Medical Progress, which featured a whistle-blower's account of "picking" through
the remains of aborted babies in order to find organs that could be sold for medical research. The
Big Three networks have actually devoted more time to the slaying of a lion in Zimbabwe than all three
videos from pro-life organization.
Parenthood Begs Media: Stop Covering Our Scandal. Planned Parenthood is in real
trouble. Three shocking videos released over recent days — with more on the way,
apparently — have shown officials at the abortion giant haggling over the price of
aborted baby organs. It's ghastly, gruesome stuff, replete with one representative describing
how she alters her late term abortion procedures to "crush" the baby in specific areas as to preserve
sought-after and lucrative body parts. Another laughs that higher prices could help her buy "a
Lamborghini." The abortion lobby argues that fetuses are not human beings worthy of legal
protection, while selling the intact human organs of the "non-people" they kill. Besieged by
negative headlines and a horrified public, Planned Parenthood has hired a crisis PR firm, [...]
it 'research,' not 'business,' Planned Parenthood doc says in latest sting video. A
Colorado Planned Parenthood doctor stresses calling the harvesting of fetal tissue "research" and
not "business" — and casually pokes around in a petri dish of aborted remains as a
colleague exclaims, "Another boy!" — in the latest video released Thursday [7/30/2015]
by an activist group whose hidden camera stings have imperiled the embattled nonprofit's taxpayer
funding. The video's release by the Center for Medical Progress comes a day after CMP was issued
a restraining order preventing it from issuing any new footage of a group that worked with Planned
Parenthood, StemExpress. But Thursday's material focuses almost entirely on a woman identified as
Dr. Savita Ginde, the vice president and medical director of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains.
PP: Pondering
Profits. A key defense being used by PP is that they don't "profit" from the sales of
baby hearts. Like most liberal arguments this is a bit of sophistry that hinges on a legalistic
interpretation of the word "profit". Because PP is a non-profit — which is why they
don't pay taxes — it can't technically ever make a profit. Hence when PP is paid money
for baby parts they can say it's not a profit, even if it's more than the direct cost of "harvesting"
the baby livers because that money is then supposedly used to provide free services — i.e.
abortions — to poor women, preferably Black women, based on abortion statistics. Most
people think someone makes a profit when they get more out of some activity than they put in.
That means one can profit without making a profit.
More Undercover Videos Ready To Drop On Planned Parenthood. David Daleiden, founder of
the Center For Medical Progress (CMP), told conservative talk radio host Sean Hannity Tuesday [7/28/2015] there
are nine more sting-operation videos that reveal Planned Parenthood's operations. "We have close to
300 hours total of undercover video that was gathered during a 30 month long in depth
investigative journalism study of how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of the babies they abort,"
Daleiden said, noting that each highlight video released will have the full footage posted on their
website without any edits.
appalled by sale of baby parts, working on phony bill to defund Planned Parenthood. Do
you know Joni Ernst? She's the new "Tea Party" senator from Iowa. With her mannish hairdo and her
photo-ops riding a motorcycle, she was supposed to be a cultural connection between "modern" quasi-masculine
women and conservatism. It hasn't quite worked out that way. She is the head of a Senate "working
group" that is working on legislation to defund Planned Parenthood. Ernst is outraged by the reports of
PP selling baby organs. The only problem is that the legislations she has been working on has no chance of
becoming law, and when she did have a chance to defund Planned Parenthood on Sunday, for real, she was silent.
Parenthood Received Millions of Dollars After Lobbying Clinton's State Department.
Planned Parenthood lobbied the Department of State many times during Hillary Clinton's tenure there
and received tens of millions of dollars from foreign policy agencies over the past few years,
according to a new report. As secretary of state, Clinton attacked the Mexico City Policy, which
bans federal funding of abortion overseas. Her husband revoked the policy during his administration
and President Obama lifted the ban upon taking office in 2009. The United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), which is tied to the State Department, steered more than $100 million in
funding to Planned Parenthood, its international affiliates, and the pro-abortion Population Council
between 2010 and 2012, according to the Government Accountability Office — about 20 percent
of the nearly $500 million pro-abortion organizations received from taxpayers during that time frame.
Undercover Video Reveals Planned Parenthood Willing to Sell Organs From Delivered Babies. The Center
For Medical Progress has released a fourth undercover video showing Planned Parenthood Vice President of the Rocky
Mountains and Medical Director Dr. Savita Ginde discussing how babies that are "delivered before procedure," aka born
alive, are used to harvest "intact" organs. "Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we are able to
see them for a procedure the we [sic] are intact," Ginde is shown saying. The video also shows abortionists pointing
out "another boy!" has been extracted and celebrating intact baby parts as "five stars!"
Parenthood official airs legal concerns. A fourth video about Planned Parenthood's participation
in collecting aborted fetal tissue features a top official stressing the need to coordinate the practice among
clinics to avoid any legal troubles. Savita Ginde, medical director for Planned Parenthood's Rocky Mountains
office, doesn't explicitly say clinics are selling fetal tissue for a profit, which would be illegal. But
in the latest video, she appears to nod agreement when actors posing as human tissue buyers say they want to pay
"top dollar" for fetuses even though the cost of obtaining them is "negligible."
Parenthood's 'Hacked' Website Looks Like PR Stunt. As outcry grows in response to a
series of undercover videos revealing Planned Parenthood (PP) employees appearing to engage in
selling organs and tissues from aborted babies for profit, the abortion provider claimed that
"extremists" had hacked their website. As Breitbart News reported, PP claimed that it had
been hacked on Sunday evening [7/26/2015].
Parenthood "Hacking" Sure Looks Like An Orchestrated PR Stunt. Planned Parenthood
claims on several of its websites that the organization's web operations have been attacked by
"extremists," but this so-called hacking has all the hallmarks of an orchestrated public relations
stunt. Numerous people on Twitter pointed to evidence suggesting that this so-called hack
wasn't a hack at all: [...]
Earnest: 'Not a Lot of Evidence' Planned Parenthood Acted Unethically. During
Thursday's [7/30/2015] White House briefing, press secretary Josh Earnest said that because the Planned
Parenthood sting videos were obtained "fraudulently," they couldn't be used to draw conclusions
about the organization's ethical standards. "Has the White House had any communication with
Planned Parenthood about standardizing procedures for fetal tissue research? Has the White House had
any concerns about illegalities in this realm? Have you had any sort of investigation, or are you
considering one?" asked Fox News' Doug McKelway. "Not that I'm aware of," Earnest responded. "I
think Planned Parenthood has been quite specific about the policies and procedures that they have in place,
and I know they have described those policies and procedures as living up to the highest ethical standards."
Parenthood President: Our Critics Are Extremists. President of the Planned Parenthood
Federation of America Cecile Richards dismissed critics as extremists Wednesday [7/29/2015] in the
wake of videos showing how the group harvests fetal organs. "Since our very beginning, our health
centers, providers and patients have come under outrageous attacks, political and otherwise," Cecile
wrote in an opinion piece for The Washington Post. "The most recent attacks in this decades-long
campaign represent a new low."
Parenthood Doctor on How to Avoid Getting Caught Selling Baby Parts. The latest video
released today shows Dr. Savita Ginde of Planned Parenthood talking to buyers from a fictitious
company about how to avoid the appearance of violating federal law against selling fetal body parts
that are the result of abortion. Ginde talks specifically about how to avoid getting caught.
Backs Planned Parenthood And Their 'High Ethical Standard'. White House Spokesperson
Josh Earnest says he suspects somebody in the Obama Administration has seen a series of videos on
Planned Parenthood's role in harvesting the organs of babies, but the administration is basing its
position that the videos are edited unfairly on the comments of Planned Parenthood and "the high
ethical standard they live up to." During a White House press briefing Thursday [7/30/2015]
Earnest was asked if anyone at the White House has watched the series of videos about Planned
Parenthood. "I suspect somebody has," Earnest replied.
Planned Parenthood Can't Donate Tissue Harvested From Babies. Federal law prohibits partial-birth abortion,
a gruesome procedure in which an unborn baby is intentionally turned to the breech position to ensure that delivery of the
body happens before delivery of the head. Once the baby's head is stuck in the birth canal, the abortionist punctures
the skull, evacuates the contents, and the baby is dead. There's a good reason this practice is banned —
it's barbaric. Many Americans may not know that the term "partial-birth abortion" is not a medical one but a legal
one. And, according to Planned Parenthood doctor Deborah Nucatola, some abortion providers don't consider it with
any seriousness. In her own words, "It's not a medical term, it doesn't exist in reality."
Parenthood Workers Laugh Sorting '5-Star' Baby Parts, Try Not to 'Smush' Them. The
latest video exposing the trafficking of aborted babies by Planned Parenthood showed workers
casually laughing over and probing at pieces of a "baby" and "another boy." The Center for Medical
Progress (CMP) released a fourth investigative video July 30 showing Planned Parenthood executive,
Dr. Savita Ginde, bartering over baby part pricing while admitting that the chances of providing intact
organs are better if a woman "delivers before we get to see them." The video showed Planned
Parenthood workers laughing over "five-star" baby parts while trying not to "smush" them.
Chief Burwell Won't Investigate Planned Parenthood, Hasn't Seen Videos. In testimony
before the House Education and the Workforce Committee Tuesday, Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell said she had not viewed any of the videos regarding Planned
Parenthood's involvement in harvesting the body parts of aborted babies for sale, and that her
office would not be conducting an investigation into the practices of the nation's largest abortion
provider. According to a news release at the Committee's website and video of Burwell's
testimony, the secretary said she had not personally viewed any of the videos produced by the Center
for Medical Progress, despite the fact that they are widely available online.
AG: Office Has Received More Planned Parenthood Videos. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said Wednesday
[7/29/2015] that his office has received video taken in a Planned Parenthood clinic he says is consistent with other
stealthily recorded footage that has Republicans again taking on the biggest abortion provider in the U.S.
introduce Planned Parenthood defunding bill. In a press conference announcing the bill, sponsor
Joni Ernst spoke out against PPFA's harvesting-for-profit scheme, saying, "As a mother and grandmother, I find
this footage of Planned Parenthood's role in the harvesting of the organs of unborn babies morally reprehensible
and vile... The American people are horrified by these videos as well. Simply put, this legislation ensures
that funding for women's health is protected and that taxpayer dollars will not go to Planned Parenthood."
boss won't probe Planned Parenthood — or even watch videos. The week-long
outcry over secretly-taped videos revealing Planned Parenthood's practice of selling body parts of
aborted fetuses won't be investigated by the federal agency that provided $67.2 million between
2010 and 2012 — or even watched by the department's boss. The House Education and
the Workforce Committee Tuesday [7/28/2015] released videos of testimony from Health and Human Services
Secretary Sylvia Burwell explaining why she won't probe the Planned Parenthood affair.
Parenthood PAC Seeks Thank You Notes for Doctors' 'Courage and Compassion'. Planned
Parenthood Federation of America's Political Action Committee posted two requests on its Facebook
page for supporters to sign "thank you" notes for doctors and other staff employed at its abortion
clinics. The nation's largest abortion provider posted a request for visitors to express thanks
for the organization's staff at its clinics, which performed 327,653 abortions in one year, according
to its most recent annual report.
Parenthood Video No. 3. Planned Parenthood is in trouble. While Democratic politicians
continue to stand behind the organization, corporate sponsors reportedly are dropping by the wayside. [...]
What makes Planned Parenthood's position so difficult is that it has never really been a secret that the
organization sells babies' organs. What Planned Parenthood wants to say (and does say, although with
a certain lack of conviction) is that selling babies' organs is a great thing because they are used in
scientific research. The problem is that no one who watches the videos has that reaction.
Planned Parenthood [is] a 'criminal enterprise'. Republican presidential candidates Ted
Cruz and Ben Carson led conservatives in a rally against Planned Parenthood Tuesday, following the
publication of three videos detailing the organization's sale of organs harvested from aborted
fetuses. "Today the U.S. Department of Justice should open a criminal investigation into whether
Planned Parenthood nationally is a criminal enterprise breaking the law," Cruz said on the lawn on
the Capitol. But the Texas senator was skeptical this would happen, adding "the Obama Justice
Department in acting as little more than a partisan arm of the Democratic National Committee."
Knows How Much Planned Parenthood Gets. [Scroll down] Back in March, a Government
Accountability Office (GAO) report examined three years of funding for PP and other abortion groups.
That report found state and federal partnerships, such as Medicaid and CHIP, spent $1.2 billion on
programs and grants to Planned Parenthood, including about $401 million in 2012. However,
this data doesn't assist in fully defunding Planned Parenthood, because nobody knows who is spending
what. [...] While the Family Research Council (FRC) used the GAO report to calculate that more than
$96 million came to PP exclusively from the feds in the form of Title X funding, that is
only a fraction of the amount of federal funding PP affiliates and clinics receive.
details harvesting fetal parts for Planned Parenthood in latest video. [Scroll down] The
new, graphic video from the Center for Medical Progress appears to show technicians using tweezers to pick
through aborted fetal tissue for baby parts. After one person in the video picks out a pair of intact
kidneys someone off-camera laughs and says, "Five stars!" O'Donnell said she fainted the first time
she was part of this process and was told by someone in the room, "some of us don't ever get over it."
Parenthood's PR Firm Is Asking Reporters Not To Air Undercover Video. One of the largest public
relations firms in Washington D.C. circulated a memo Monday night urging members of the media to refrain from
airing damning videos of Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of organs and tissue of aborted
fetuses. Politico is reporting that Planned Parenthood hired SKDKnickerbocker to help manage blowback
from the videos, which were produced by the pro-life Center for Medical Progress. According to Politico,
SKDKnickerbocker sent the memo to unnamed "reporters and producers" asking them to blackball the
videos — the third of which was released on Tuesday [7/28/2015].
Parenthood taps crisis communications firm. Planned Parenthood has enlisted high-profile Washington public
relations firm SKDKnickerbocker as it scrambles to deal with the ongoing scandal and release of a third undercover video
Tuesday [7/28/2015] showing a clinic's staff handling fetal tissue after an abortion.
Planned Parenthood Employee Describes the Baby Part Market. In the third of the sting
videos proving that Planned Parenthood illegally traffics in human body parts, the Center For
Medical Progress interviews a former Planned Parenthood "procurement technician" who explains how
they get the baby parts and how much money PP makes from them.
Carson To Headline Washington D.C. #WomenBetrayed Rally To Defund Planned Parenthood.
Retired pediatric neurosurgeon and 2016 GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson will be the featured
speaker Tuesday [7/28/2015] at the Washington, D.C. #WomenBetrayed rally to defund Planned Parenthood.
To date, some 60 cities are confirmed as holding rallies — all of which have been
coordinated by the nation's largest organization of pro-life millennials, Students for Life of America
(SFLA) and its partner organization Pro-Life Future. The rallies urge citizens across the nation
to demand their states investigate, prosecute and defund Planned Parenthood.
Parenthood 'sponsors' deny funding organization amid hidden camera controversy.
Planned Parenthood once boasted a list of sponsors that read like a who's who of the Fortune 100,
but now some of the biggest companies say they never gave money to the embattled organization.
Coca-Cola, Ford and Xerox are all among the companies listed in a roster of corporate sponsors
claimed by Planned Parenthood, but representatives for the companies said they either never donated
to the organization or had not in years. Planned Parenthood, which is now reeling from the release
of two undercover videos in which top officials alluded to selling fetus parts, had published the
company names on the website of its Washington, DC, chapter. The list was part of an appeal to
employees who the site said could double their donations with the help of their employers.
or Truth About Planned Parenthood Body Parts Sale? The counterattack against [Planned
Parenthood]'s critics attempts to cast the debate as one in which the right to abortion or even
research with fetal tissue is being called into question. But the Planned Parenthood videos are
shocking because they reveal the barbarism of late-term abortion procedures used on infants that
could possibly survive outside the womb and the callous way in which abortion mills profit from
them. The issue here isn't the future of Roe v. Wade or medical research, but the reality
of a practice that rightly strikes most Americans as equivalent to infanticide.
Planned Parenthood
Panics. The undercover investigation into Planned Parenthood's involvement in the
trafficking of aborted baby organs has gained so much attention in the press that Planned
Parenthood's president, Cecile Richards, felt compelled to appear on ABC's This Week on
Sunday [7/26/2015] to address the scandal. As a crisis communications response, the interview
didn't go well. Richards's demanor was composed, but her statements gave the distinct impression
that Planned Parenthood is panicking.
Senator Fundraising Off of Planned Parenthood Organ Harvesting Videos. Senator Kirsten
Gillibrand, a Democrat from New York, sent out a fundraising email on Monday [7/27/2015] condemning
congressional efforts to investigate Planned Parenthood's practice of harvesting and selling aborted
baby organs to biotech companies. Gillibrand writes that the congressional investigation of
Planned Parenthood "makes my head explode." "I'm confident that if we had more women leading in
Washington, we would not still be dealing with the right wing's efforts to trample women's
health care," she says.
blocks Mike Lee's vote to defund Planned Parenthood. Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) was
rebuked by his Senate colleagues on Sunday [7/26/2015] as he tried to force a vote on defunding Planned
Parenthood. Lee had tried to attach an amendment eliminating all federal funds for Planned
Parenthood to the vote on Congress's must-pass highway legislation. The amendment was rejected by
the chair of the Senate, who called it out of order because it was not germane to the highway bill.
Angers Conservatives By Blocking Defunding Planned Parenthood, Kate's Law. Senate
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has never been a favorite of conservatives. Those who see him as a
"squishy" compromiser more interested in placating President Barack Obama and K Street lobbyists
than the Republican base had more fuel tossed on that fire when he blocked amendments to the Highway
Bill Tea Party members wholeheartedly support. One amendment would defund Planned Parenthood, the
nationwide abortion provider which receives more than a half billion dollars in taxpayer subsidies
annually. McConnell has previously said he supports defunding Planned Parenthood, [...] But the
leader blocked an amendment to the Highway Bill that would have defunded the organization.
Fiorina demolishes EMILY's List representative on 'heavily edited' body parts videos.
Planned Parenthood and the abortion-supporting Democrats are taking on water over the stunning
videos of PP reps haggling over the price of fetal body parts and discussing how to conduct
abortions to preserve the most valuable organs for handing over to third parties in return for money
(they refuse to call it "selling"). As Rick Moran reports this morning [7/27/2015], PP's president
absurdly is blaming "militants" for the videos. Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Carly Fiorina
debated EMILY's List vice president Jess McIntosh, and handed the abortion enthusiast her posterior.
4 Most Embarrassing Things Cecile Richards Said In Defense Of Planned Parenthood. Of
the many hundreds of angles that could be analyzed to report on this story about the sale of organs
from aborted children, many in the media focused on just one: Who are the people who made this
video? The very first set of talking points and journalistic marching orders sent around by Planned
Parenthood asked reporters to focus on the makers of the video rather than the content of the videos.
Unfortunately for them, the guy behind the videos appears to be a very nice and pious pro-life activist
named David Daleiden. I have no idea what possessed Richards to try this line of attack but
she — on live national television — tried to claim that Daleiden is "part of
the most militant wing of the anti-abortion movement that has been behind the bombing of clinics, the
murder of doctors in their homes, and in their churches." Even more shockingly, perhaps, [ABC's
George] Stephanopoulos didn't ask her to substantiate this insane charge.
hackers claim to have breached Planned Parenthood. Anti-abortion hackers have
apparently hit Planned Parenthood, potenially [sic] leaking the reproductive healthcare organization's
internal data and employee information. The hackers are also threatening to release the nonprofit
group's internal emails, according to The Daily Dot, which first reported the possible intrusion.
McConnell's Mission Is to Present Strong Do-Nothing Opposition to the Leftist Agenda.
No one can accuse McConnell's Senate of trying to speak to their base or oppose anything with any
vitality. [...] McConnell originally wouldn't allow a discussion of a bill to defund Planned
Parenthood, an abortion behemoth burdened with scandals over the years that takes half-a-billion
dollars out of taxpayer's pockets annually. The group trying to expose their unethical and
possibly illegal practices is under investigation by Obama's DOJ but Planned Parenthood is not,
though they callously sell aborted baby body parts and change the method of killing babies without
telling the mothers to better preserve the parts they can then sell. Some issues do not have two sides
and this is one of them. The Republican party is presenting no significant opposition as a party.
Parenthood chief blasted undercover videos from 'militant' pro-life wing. Planned
Parenthood President Cecile Richards insisted Sunday that her organization has broken no laws and
does not — "at all" — profit from the transfer of fetal tissue, a response to
a scandal that enveloped the group after undercover videos showed officials discussing the surgical
process and its costs in a nonchalant manner. The videos caused an uproar among pro-life groups
and Capitol Hill Republicans, who are questioning the legality of the tissue transfers and have
insisted on stripping the group of federal funding.
Parenthood Exec Cited Public Hospital as Possible Source of Aborted Baby Parts. The
Thomas More Society, a public interest law firm based in Chicago, is seeking abortion records from
the city's publicly-funded John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital after a Planned Parenthood executive in
California suggested the hospital as a possible source for harvested fetal organs. The Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) request was filed with the Cook County Health and Hospital System on July 17
by associate counsel Corrina Konczal on behalf of Illinois Right to Life. It requests "any and
all records which relate to the disposition of dead embryos or fetuses, fetal parts, fetal organs,
and/or fetal tissue... after an abortion (whether elective or spontaneous) at John H. Stroger, Jr.
Hospital of Cook County including any information referring or relating to the disposal, sale, research
upon, transfer, or shipment of fetal remains and any costs of reimbursements, whether monetary or
otherwise, associated therewith for the last five years."
Wants More 'Facts' Before De-Funding Planned Parenthood. House Speaker John Boehner
said Thursday that he wants to put "facts first" before using the appropriations process to end
federal funding to Planned Parenthood. The most recent reports of harvesting and selling body parts
from aborted unborn babies have renewed the call to end the more than half a billion dollars that
the organization receives in government funding each year. Here are just a few more facts that
Boehner (and all of Congress) should consider before continuing to send the hard-earned dollars of
American taxpayers to the nation's largest abortion provider: [...]
Parenthood? Pro-lifers say video scandal should get abortion provider expelled from public schools. The hidden camera
scandal engulfing Planned Parenthood should be enough to get the organization kicked out of public schools, where it is the nation's
leading provider of sex ed lessons, say pro-life groups that have long suspected the nonprofit of steering youngsters toward
its abortion services. The national organization is reeling after a group called the Center for Medical Progress released a
second video showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing prices for tissue from aborted fetuses. The cringe-inducing videos
have prompted calls from some Republicans to cut federal funding to the organization, but its critics have long wanted it out of the
Harris to review group behind Planned Parenthood abortion videos. California Attorney
General Kamala Harris will review whether the nonprofit organization behind controversial Planned
Parenthood videos violated state law, her office said in a letter Friday [7/24/2015]. Four
Democratic congresswomen on Wednesday asked Harris and U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to
determine if officials from the Irvine-based Center for Medical Progress broke any laws when they posed
as workers for a biotech company while recording Planned Parenthood physicians without their consent.
Don't call them 'baby parts,' call them 'products of conception'. A pro-choice doctor
is challenging the term "baby parts" to describe fetal tissue and organs, arguing that they should
be referred to as "products of conception." In a Thursday [7/23/2015] article for the New Republic,
Dr. Jen Gunter, a California-based OB/GYN, took issue with the use of "baby parts" by pro-life groups
following the Center for Medical Progress's release of videos with Planned Parenthood doctors discussing
fetal-tissue donation.
Clinton Defends Embattled Planned Parenthood'. Hillary Clinton strongly defended
Planned Parenthood Thursday [7/23/2015] as the women's health organization reels from the fallout
over a sting video released by anti-abortion activists earlier this month. "For more than a
century, Planned Parenthood has provided essential services for women," Clinton said while
campaigning at a community college in Greenville, South Carolina. "And I think it is unfortunate
that Planned Parenthood has been the object of such a concerted attack for so many years. And it's
really an attack against a woman's right to chose."
battle goes beyond Planned Parenthood. We must end abortion in America. Each year,
Planned Parenthood performs more than 300,000 abortions, and 92 percent of pregnant women who walk
into Planned Parenthood receive an abortion. Since 1973, abortion has ended the lives of 60 million
babies, and we will never know how many of these souls were harvested to the highest bidder. Planned
Parenthood isn't a healthcare provider any more than Benghazi was a 'spontaneous protest'. It should
enrage every American that our government confiscates money from our paychecks only to bankroll these barbaric
butchers with $500 million each year. This isn't about women's health, this is about making
money off babies body parts.
must defund Planned Parenthood's killing fields. The video was filmed by the Center
for Medical Progress — the second of what could be many more undercover stings.
Planned Parenthood's only defense was to say the videos were heavily edited. They also expressed
remorse for the tone of the secretly recorded conversations. Proper tone?
So what exactly is the proper tone when negotiating a price for discarded body parts? What exactly
is the proper tone when you're running a chop shop for unborn children?
selling baby parts should shock no one. Republican presidential candidates denounced the practice
of "fetal organ harvesting" and GOP leaders in Congress have again threatened to "defund" Planned Parenthood.
They won't, because they haven't before. Since Roe vs. Wade, there have been more than 55 million (and
counting) legal abortions performed in the U.S. There are a number of sociological, moral and political reasons
why abortions continue, but the occasional outcry when something like the Planned Parenthood videos surface will not
save the lives of unborn children. Because abortions are performed behind closed doors, is it simply a case
of out of sight, out of mind?
to fast-track bill to defund Planned Parenthood. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell started
a fast-track process Friday on legislation to strip Planned Parenthood of federal funding in the wake of two
controversial videos showing officials discussing delivery of fetal parts. The Republican leader began
"Rule 14," which will let the legislation skip the committee process and be placed on the Senate calendar
so it can be brought up for a floor vote.
Parenthood Pulls Names of Corporate Donors After Coca-Cola, Ford and Xerox Object.
Representatives from Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Co. and Xerox say they've asked Planned Parenthood to
remove their names as corporate donors to the embattled organization. The move follows a Daily
Signal report revealing the names of 41 companies that Planned Parenthood listed as donors.
That list, which was featured on Planned Parenthood's website, has since been removed.
Rejects Planned Parenthood FOIA Request Because It's 'Not Newsworthy'. Earlier this
week, Mary Hasson broke the news here at the Federalist that federal funds went to Planned
Parenthood's salad-munching, wine-sipping, organ-harvesting Dr. Deborah Nucatola for advice on
"healthy baby" births. Hasson requested all communications and documents relevant to any
payments to or compensation of fees, consultant fees, reimbursements, etc. to Deborah Nucatola, MD,
a Planned Parenthood employee. And she requested that the documents be sent as soon as possible.
is, indeed, money in Planned Parenthood's baby-harvesting. [Scroll down] Remember:
baby harvesting, the best efforts of the abortion industry notwithstanding, is actually still illegal.
That means that a company can't lock down a particular harvester with a legal contract that would be enforceable
in a court of law: it'd be like a cocaine distributor trying to enter into a legal agreement with a drug
lab to require that the latter provided cocaine of a particular quality and quantity. How would you get
the courts to enforce it? In other words, it's all done less formally. And it's apparently a
seller's market, too.
Paul Pushes Ahead to Defund Planned Parenthood, Circumvent Mitch McConnell Blocking Of Amendments. [Senator
Rand] Paul tried to get the floor to stand up and offer an amendment to defund Planned Parenthood and another one to arm
servicemen and women on military bases. He intended to offer these measures as amendments to the highway bill that is
currently on the Senate floor. Whoever was presiding over the floor refused to recognize Paul to offer his amendments.
call for DOJ probe of group behind Planned Parenthood videos. Several House Democrats
are calling for a federal investigation into the anti-abortion group targeting Planned Parenthood
with dozens of hours of hidden camera footage. A group of Democrats, led by Rep. Jan Schakowsky
(D-Ill.), sent a letter Wednesday to the Department of Justice arguing the undercover videos from
The Center for Medical Progress may have broken federal and state laws. The Center for Medical
Progress, which is going after Planned Parenthood because of its abortion services, created a fake
company to gain access to its facilities and meetings with its high-level officials.
Kohn Blames Planned Parenthood Videos on 'Patriarchy,' 'White Supremacy'. The taxpayer-funded
abortion giant has "patriarchy" to thank for exposing its dealings, according to CNN's Sally Kohn. On
Twitter Wednesday [7/22/2015], the CNN political commentator and Daily Beast writer blamed the recent videos
showing Planned Parenthood executives trafficking aborted babies' parts on the "patriarchy" and "white supremacy.
Asked Companies About Their Donations to Planned Parenthood. Here's How They Responded. On Tuesday
[7/21/2015], The Daily Signal published a list of companies that donate or have donated directly to Planned Parenthood,
either through grants or through matching employee gifts, according to 2nd Vote, a money-tracking website and
app that looks at consumers and political causes. The Daily Signal reached out to each company to ask about its
donations to the nation's largest abortion provider. Representatives for Xerox, Coca-Cola and Ford Motor Co. told
The Daily Signal that they had been incorrectly listed as donors by Planned Parenthood. They said their companies
do not contribute to Planned Parenthood and do not match employee gifts to the organization. All three said they
have contacted or will contact Planned Parenthood to be removed from its website.
Won't Say That GOP House Will Defund Planned Parenthood. House Speaker John Boehner
(R-Ohio) would not say today whether the Republican-majority House will allow federal funding of
Planned Parenthood in fiscal 2016, which starts on Oct. 1. [...] According to its most recent
financial report, for 2013-14, Planned Parenthood received $528.4 million in government funding
(grants and reimbursements) in 2014. In fiscal 2013, the organization performed 327,653 abortions,
the report said.
Parenthood Paid Disgraced Official More Than $200,000 On The Side. Planned Parenthood
not only pays its disgraced official Deborah Nucatola a salary. The abortion provider has also paid
Nucatola a six-figure sum as an outside contractor. [...] But Nucatola also founded her own firm called
Imagyn Inc. in Sherman Oaks, Calif. The firm was incorporated in the state of California on April 1,
2008. She is still listed as president of the corporation. [...] What, exactly, was she paid for?
And what does her firm do?
Planned Parenthood's erroneous corporate sponsor
list. If they sincerely cherish their names and reputations, the principals of Coca-Cola,
Ford and Xerox should launch a joint lawsuit against Planned Parenthood. Until the scandalous video
showed their doctors talking about the sale of aborted baby parts as 'taking care of business', the names
of the three multi-nationals, among others, were being openly advertised as corporate sponsors on the
Planned Parenthood website. The purveyors of selling aborted baby parts have linked their names to
infamy, and in fact disgraced all corporations boldly named on the Planned Parenthood website.
The Price of Fetal Parts.
Planned Parenthood's reaction to the release of a secretly recorded conversation about the sale of
fetal body parts was highly revealing. After protesting that it had done nothing illegal, it
apologized for the "tone" of one of its senior directors. Her remarks lacked compassion, admitted
Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards. As if Dr. Deborah Nucatola's cold and casual
discussion over salad and wine of how the fetal body can be crushed with forceps in a way that
leaves valuable organs intact for sale were some kind of personal idiosyncrasy. On the contrary,
it's precisely the kind of psychic numbing that occurs when dealing daily with industrial-scale
destruction of the growing, thriving, recognizably human fetus.
Parenthood revelations disgusting. The capacity for evil lurks inside the most normal,
most benign-looking good citizens who go about their daily work without a worry or a care. It
manifests itself in their ability to ignore the darkness inside of them, that then spreads from
their hearts and hands to the greater world. By now you must know I'm talking about Planned
Parenthood. If you support that organization because of all the "good" it supposedly does for women,
all the phantom mammograms, nutritional counseling, pap smears and whatever else they put on the
humanitarian menu, you might want to stop reading now.V If you continue, you will see why I consider
a Planned Parenthood clinic to be no different from the killing fields of Cambodia.
Parenthood and "Black Lives Matter" divide Democrats. [Scroll down] Some
liberals have rushed to Planned Parenthood's defense. The videos were taped by abortion opponents
operating under false pretenses, they say, as if that made them inauthentic. And they deny that the
fetal parts are sold at a profit (which is illegal) though the officials seem unconcerned about the
possibility that their fees will exceed expenses. The 2012 Obama campaign appealed to single
women by suggesting that without Obamacare's contraception mandate, contraceptives would somehow be
unavailable — a favorable way to frame the abortion issue. But the Planned Parenthood
videos are, in the words of Democratic columnist Kirsten Powers, "stomach-turning stuff."
Obama to Abortionists: 'Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you.'. Planned
Parenthood pays no taxes. Under President Obama, made more than $500 million in profits, but they
claim to be a "non-profit" organization. They kill more 800 children every day. And
they have from the earliest days targeted minority women. They once had a "Negro Ministers" project
designed to recruit black pastors to push first birth control and then abortion in minority neighborhoods.
Now, in two startling videos, we have seen Planned Parenthood leaders engaged in a ghoulish traffic in the
organs of unborn children whom they have killed.
A New
Dark Age. Set aside the legality of what Nucatola describes. Do Americans want
hundreds of millions of tax dollars provided to an organization that harvests and sells the body
parts of aborted babies as a potentially lucrative sideline business? Do Americans want to be
associated in any way with an organization with the moral mindset exhibited by Nucatola? That
Americans were stunned by those tapes is undeniable. People are not faking their moral revulsion.
Indeed, "pro-abortion rights" Democrats are hiding in the weeds because they rightly sense that the disgust
is widespread and genuine. Yet there are questions raised by what these tapes reveal that apply to
all of us. Were we really in the dark? Were we unaware that 55 million unborn have been
killed since Roe, many by such crushing methods as described by Nucatola?
Things You Probably Don't Know About Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger.
Planned Parenthood, engulfed in a scandal following the release of two undercover videos, is the
largest abortion provider in the United States. On its website, the organization compliments
Margaret Sanger as one of the pro-choice movement's "great heroes." Sanger started the American
Birth Control League in 1921; it became part of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942.
[...] Here are 13 things Sanger said during her lifetime.
Planned Parenthood Sells Babies' Body Parts: Is It a Scandal? It is hard to see how
CMP's videos could be "dishonest" or "deceptive." They show what they show. The organization
posted the videos in full on YouTube. I watched the second one, a lunch with Dr. Mary Gatter, in its
entirety. It is around an hour and 13 minutes long. [...] This video, like the first one, leaves no
doubt whatsoever that Planned Parenthood is in the business of selling aborted babies' organs to private firms
engaged in research. Nor does Planned Parenthood deny doing so. The debate over the videos has
centered largely on whether such sales, as carried out by Planned Parenthood, are illegal.
and the Banality of Evil. [Scroll down] How casually these administrators of
infanticide discuss the economic utility of the bodies of those humans they kill! How blithely they
banter about the best techniques of homicide against the most vulnerable of human lives! This
has been a recurring theme in the abortion industry. Dr. Bernard Nathanson, co-founder of NARAL and
once one of the leading abortionists in America, describes the true moral nature of Abortionism in his 1996
book, The Hand of God. The doctor actually aborted one of his own unborn children, relating in
chilling frankness: "I swear to you, I had no feelings aside from the sense of accomplishment, the
pride of expertise."
Hume Slams 'Stomach-Turning' Abortion Industry's 'Veil of Antiseptic Tidiness'. In a
July 20 Fox News Special Report, Senior Political Analyst Brit Hume "laid bare the
essentially brutal nature of abortion." And he did it well. His commanding denouncement of
the industry followed the July 14 release of "stomach-turning" Planned Parenthood videos, which showed
officials coolly discussing the traffic of fetal body parts while eating lunch. "Those revelations
... have parted the veil of antiseptic tidiness behind which the abortion industry has for so long
operated," Hume declared.
we being double-taxed? Why ObamaCare may render Planned Parenthood obsolete. Now, if
my tax dollars are being used to subsidize our national health care program, then why are my tax
dollars also being allocated for Planned Parenthood? This isn't a matter of ethics, but rather, of
practicality. Many of the clinical services Planned Parenthood offers — including Pap
smears, breast exams, tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and sexually transmitted diseases
(STDs), and abortions — can be performed by gynecologists, family practitioners and
pediatricians. The ACA guarantees coverage for the vast majority of women's reproductive needs.
According to Planned Parenthood's 2013-2014 annual report, the latest data available, the organization
received nearly $1.15 billion in revenue — $528.4 million of which came from the
federal government.
Planned Parenthood's Chop-Shop, Selling Murdered Babies for Parts, Pads "their Bottom Line". In
addition to murdering thousands of babies, we now know Planned Parenthood is operating a chop-shop, selling
murdered babies for parts. Two videos have been released of senior Planned Parenthood abortion executives
explaining in lurid detail, while chomping on salad and wine, how Planned Parenthood abortionists "crush" babies,
using a "less crunchy" method of abortion, to harvest their organs. Then they sell them. It's
despicable. Yet, in response to the natural backlash of the American people, Planned Parenthood —
the largest abortion business in America — has happily admitted it conducts this gruesome, inhuman
practice. It claims it's following "the highest ethical and legal standards."
Theater presents Planned Parenthood edition. For two weeks now we've all been talking
about how reprehensible and evil Planned Parenthood is. If you follow life issues, you didn't need
the two videos of alleged doctors haggling over the price of baby parts to know this. If you were
under the impression that Planned Parenthood was that nice, friendly white lady who gave contraceptives
to minorities and minor children and poor whites then you might be surprised. There seems to be
about eight states (Arizona, Kansas, Missouri, Texas, Louisiana, Indiana, Ohio and Georgia) that have
announced investigations. Congress has said it is investigating. [...] Talk is cheap.
Introduces Senate Bill Defunding Planned Parenthood While It's Investigated For Selling Baby Body
Parts. Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) is introducing legislation this week that would
entirely defund Planned Parenthood for at least a year while the federal government investigates the
organization in the wake of several covert videos that show top executives from the group aiming to
sell body parts from aborted human babies. Unless Planned Parenthood stops performing abortions
at its facilities, Lankford's bill would pull the taxpayer funding — at least
$500 million — for at least one year.
to review Planned Parenthood videos. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Wednesday [7/22/2015] her
department is going to review all information surrounding the controversial videos of Planned
Parenthood officials taken by an anti-abortion group. "I'm aware of those matters generally from
the media, and from some inquiries that have been made to the Department of Justice, and again at this
point we're going to review all the information and determine what steps, if any, to take at the
appropriate time," Lynch said when asked about the videos at a press conference.
Senators Ask HHS to Investigate Planned Parenthood's Harvesting of Aborted Baby Organs. Fifty
U.S. senators, 49 Republicans and West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin, are calling on Health and Human Services
Secretary Sylvia Burwell to investigate Planned Parenthood Federation of America's "practice of harvesting the
organs of unborn babies." Their letter follows the release by the Center for Medical Progress of video
footage showing high-level Planned Parenthood officials discussing the practice.
on the left growing for Planned Parenthood. Critics of Planned Parenthood on Tuesday [7/21/2015]
released a second secretly recorded video related to fetal parts, putting the group on the defensive
and spurring fears on the left of a new ACORN scandal. The new video shows Dr. Mary Gatter, a
Planned Parenthood official, apparently negotiating the price of fetal tissue for medical research.
The Center for Medical Progress, which is behind the video, says it shows Planned Parenthood illegally
profiting off the sale of fetal organs.
Parenthood videos should appall even pro-choice advocates. The video came as a
bombshell. Selling fetal organs for profit is illegal under federal law, yet [Dr. Deborah] Nucatola
appears quite candid in describing Planned Parenthood's lively commercial interest in human tissue
from abortion. She is alert to market demand — "I'd say a lot of people want liver," she
tells her lunch companions — and understands how to carry out an abortion to maximize the
quality of the organs that can be supplied to buyers afterward. "We've been very good at getting
heart, lung, liver, because we know that," says Nucatola, "so I'm not gonna crush that part, I'm
gonna basically crush below, I'm gonna crush above, and I'm gonna see if I can get it all intact."
Planned Parenthood. This is stomach-turning stuff. But the problem here is not one of
tone. It's the crushing. It's the organ harvesting of fetuses that abortion-rights activists want us
to believe have no more moral value than a fingernail. It's the lie that these are not human
beings worthy of protection. There is no nice way to talk about this. As my friend and former
Obama White House staffer Michael Wear tweeted, "It should bother us as a society that we have use for
aborted human organs, but not the baby that provides them." [Cecile] Richards worked to discredit
the video by complaining it was "heavily edited." But the nearly three-hour unedited video —
a nauseating journey through the inner workings of the abortion industry — was posted at the
same time as the edited video. Richards intoned menacingly that the video was "secretly recorded."
So what?
King to Congressional Black Caucus: Lead Investigations of Planned Parenthood. Dear
Congressional Black Caucus, I am writing to you today because my heart is heavy over the deafening
silence coming from you regarding a recent video that has gone viral exposing Planned Parenthood's
practice of harvesting and selling aborted babies' body parts. If they or anyone else had been
exposed for harvesting and selling animal body parts, there would be such an outrage from the left
and right. "Save the whales! Save the dolphins! Save the doggies and cats!" people
would declare. But for some reason it seems to be okay to chop up the unborn babies and
harvest their body parts.
of Planned Parenthood fetal organ donations questioned after second video. A second
undercover video with a Planned Parenthood official has sharpened the focus on whether the
organization is violating federal law governing the donation of fetal tissue and organs from
abortions. The latest video, released Tuesday [7/21/2015] by the pro-life Center for Medical
Progress as part of a three-year investigation, shows Planned Parenthood's Dr. Mary Gatter haggling
over the price of aborted fetal tissue and contemplating the use of an alternative abortion method
to obtain an intact fetus.
Evil with salad
and a nice red wine. When we think of evil, we think of something violent or demonic,
something filled with hatred and wretchedly hungry to devour the good. But what if evil eats a
salad at lunch and is polite, speaking rationally with nice table manners? I've just seen a video
where evil casually spears lettuce on a fork and calmly, scientifically, discusses the market for the
body parts of aborted fetuses, while sipping a glass of wine.
Medical Monsters
vs. Life-Giving Angels. Another week, another money-grubbing Planned Parenthood baby-parts
harvester exposed. In the second devastating installment of a three-year journalism investigation,
the Center for Medical Progress on Monday released undercover video of another top abortion industry
doctor haggling over the sale of "intact" unborn baby parts.
GOP Has 'Run Away' From Abortion, 'No Reason' for PP 'Other Than Abortion'. [Senator]
Rand [Paul] added that he doesn't accept the apology of Planned Parenthood's director, and that
"everything Planned Parenthood does other than abortion, is done by community health clinics.
There is no reason in the world to have Planned Parenthood, other than abortion, no taxpayer dollar should
go to it because they are indirectly, if not directly, paying for abortion. All of the stuff that
Planned Parenthood says they do for people, it can be done through community health clinics, which
have gotten a ton of money in the last few years. We should stop all funding for Planned Parenthood."
the 41 Companies That Donate Directly to Planned Parenthood. The first video, released
last week, showed Planned Parenthood senior executive Dr. Deborah Nucatola meeting with actors
portraying buyers from a "human biologics company." The "buyers" discussed the sale of fetal body
parts with Nucatola over lunch. In the second video, released today [7/21/2015], Dr. Mary Gatter, president
of Planned Parenthood's medical directors council, is seen negotiating the price of aborted fetal
body parts. Here are the 41 companies that have directly funded Planned Parenthood. [...]
Parenthood: We Got $528.4 Million in Taxpayer Funds in One Year. Planned Parenthood,
the nation's largest abortion provider, received $528.4 million in taxpayer funding, according to
its 2013-2014 annual report, which runs from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014. The report shows that
Planned Parenthood received $528.4 million in "government health services grants and reimbursements"
during a one-year period, the latest figures available. That means it received an average of
$1,447,671 in taxpayer funds per day and an average of $60,320 every hour.
'I Reject Any Premise that Planned Parenthood is Harvesting Fetal Organs, or Body Parts'. On Capitol
Hill, CNSNews.com asked Hoyer, "In its last annual report, Planned Parenthood said it did more than 327,000 abortions
in fiscal year 2013. Recent reports indicate that Planned Parenthood doctors have been harvesting tissue from aborted
babies. So should federal taxpayer dollars be required to subsidize Planned Parenthood or should Congress cut off
all federal funding?" Hoyer responded, "Look, I don't accept the premise that Planned Parenthood is 'harvesting'
anything. Planned Parenthood is doing very, very important services for literally hundreds of thousands, maybe
millions of women as relates to their health."
Ted Cruz speaks out against Planned Parenthood, vows to defund it through bill. Both
Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have vowed to defund Planned Parenthood as a second undercover
video unleashed a new storm of controversy surrounding the non-profit organization. In addition
to an amendment that would fully repeal President Obama's Affordable Care Act, Cruz's office said on
Tuesday that the Texas lawmaker is planning to file an amendment on a six-year highway and transit
bill to eliminate all federal funding for the non-profit, which provides reproductive health
services that include abortion.
secretly recorded Planned Parenthood video fuels storm. A second secretly recorded
video released by an anti-abortion rights group appears to show an official from Planned Parenthood
negotiating prices for selling fetal tissue. The new video from the Center for Medical Progress
highlights a discussion between a woman posing as a buyer of human tissue, who is recording the
video, and a woman the group identifies as Dr. Mary Gatter, a Planned Parenthood official.
Times Very Upset Over Planned Parenthood Sting. [Scroll down] Of course, the
rest of the editorial is all about protecting PP, and attacking the group that shot the videos.
There is no concern that PP is illegally selling aborted baby parts. No outrage. Heck, they
aren't even upset that PP was using ultrasound to make the abortion cleaner to get the parts.
Aren't abortion on demand proponents against ultrasound for abortion?
Planned Parenthood baby body part selling video may be worse than the first. After the
last Baby Body Parts Sales video we were promised that there were more to come and the next shoe
seems to have dropped today. Life News has released a second video, this one with Mary Gatter, a
senior medical director with PP in California. In a lunch meeting with individuals posing as
representatives of a biotech firm, Gatter is asked numerous questions about the possibility of purchasing
fetal organ tissue from Planned Parenthood clinics and her responses are once again rather ghastly in the
cavalier tone she takes.
Dr. Mengele, I Presume.
[Scroll down] "Dr." Nucatola made the bad career move recently of holding forth over a two-plus hour lunch
meeting with two undercover reporters who videotaped the whole thing. And therein she explained in the most
cavalier and ruthless terms the cottage industry the PP has been engaging in for fun and profit for an unknown number
of years. They focus for this awful enterprise on the more mature babies — the ones old enough to
have a chance of survival if their mothers love them enough to keep them — and once they have killed and
delivered them, yup, you guessed it, they harvest their little organs and sell them for "medical research."
Livers are always popular, she explains, but recently hearts, lungs and heads have been in greater demand.
Video Shows Another Planned Parenthood Doctor Haggling Price of Baby Body Parts. In
the second video released today [7/21/2015] by the Center for Medical Progress, yet another senior
medical adviser to Planned Parenthood of America appears to negotiate the price of selling baby body
parts to actors playing entrepreneurs from a start-up biotech firm.
Fiorina Decries 'Moral Depravity' of Planned Parenthood. In a new video of her own, Carly Fiorina calls out
Democrats for protecting abortion in America rather than women and the basic human rights of the unborn innocent. [...] She
urges the defunding of Planned Parenthood and the Senate's passages of the Pain-Capable Child Protection Act.
time to defund Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is in full damage control mode.
It is working on impugning the credibility of pro-life undercover investigators from the Center for
Medical Progress who just today released another video on the abortion provider's barbaric
practices. It is also defending the technical legality of its practice of harvesting organs for
a fee during abortions, deploying its allies in the media and the White House, and seeking desperately
to restore its carefully constructed and ferociously defended image as an organization primarily focused
on women's health, and only secondarily involved in providing abortions.
Who's Getting Big Bucks from Planned Parenthood? We know that Planned Parenthood
receives about half a billion dollars of U.S. taxpayer money each year. Most states also give the
state Planned Parenthood affiliates millions of tax dollars annually. And, Planned Parenthood
makes close to half a billion dollars from doing abortions every year. No one knows yet just how
much Planned Parenthood makes in selling the dismembered part of aborted babies. With all of that
money flowing in, it is not surprising that Planned Parenthood spreads a considerable amount of that
money to sympathetic politicians. They pay to elect pro-abort candidates to make sure there are as
few restrictions on abortion in America as possible. But now, it has been revealed who one of
the main recipients of Planned Parenthood's "blood money" is.
Undercover Video Shows Planned Parenthood Executive Haggling Over Price of Aborted Baby Body
Parts. A second undercover video was released today allegedly showing a Planned
Parenthood senior executive negotiating the price of aborted fetal body parts. The video,
released by the Center for Media Progress, adds to allegations that Planned Parenthood is profiting
from fetal tissue donation. It follows the release of an earlier undercover video that sparked
congressional investigations and calls for federal defunding of the organization.
Parenthood defector says loophole lets clinics profit from fetal organ sales. Abby
Johnson wasn't horrified by last week's undercover video showing a Planned Parenthood doctor
describing over lunch and wine how to "crush" a fetus during an abortion to preserve the organs
because she's been there. In her previous role as clinic director for a Planned Parenthood
facility in East Texas, Ms. Johnson said part of her job was to sift through the aborted fetal
tissue and organs, pack them in a container with dry ice, check the consent form and "ship
them off."
theory of justice doesn't support abortion. [Scroll down] Which brings me to
Deborah Nucatola, senior director of "medical research" at Planned Parenthood, the Wal-Mart of the
abortion industry. Dr. Nucatola was caught on video apparently haggling over the market price for
fetal body parts. (Planned Parenthood would prefer it be called the "reimbursement" rate.) "I'd
say a lot of people want liver," she explained to undercover pro-life operatives pretending to be buyers
from a biotech company. So she and her harvesters use ultrasound techniques to figure out where the
liver and other desirable organs are. That way they can be "cognizant of where you put your graspers."
Paid Baby Organ-Harvesting Doc For Advice On 'Healthy Baby' Births. Deborah Nucatola — the
Planned Parenthood doc with the stone-cold heart and the lucrative skill of "crushing" babies in just the right
spot — has been advising the Obama administration on family planning policy since 2010. From
April 2010 through April 2014, Nucatola was one of several experts the U.S. Health and Human Services Office of
Population Affairs (OPA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Reproductive
Health tasked with creating federal guidelines for "quality family planning services." [...] Leave it to the Obama
administration to tap an abortionist for "expert" advice on ensuring that children are "born healthy" — an
abortionist, mind you, who relishes butchering a "17-weeker" and bagging up a tiny infant's "heart, lung, liver" to
sell for a few extra bucks. But there's more. Nucatola is not the only abortionist in the government's
family-planning "Expert Work Group."
a Baby's Liver For Just $24K!. Aside from the obvious question of how many lives have
been saved through the use of baby livers (as opposed to livers donated from those who died outside
the womb), even that question begs a larger question, namely: How does the allegedly humanitarian
use of a barbarically obtained item justify (or, even minimize) the barbarous practice? And since
Planned Parenthood makes more money the more babies it aborts, and since StemExpress is surely a
for-profit company, doesn't that mean that the more abortions, the more profits for all?
Parenthood Suddenly Claims It Pays Women For Organ Harvesting. The transcript and
videos are clear that Nucatola is discussing how much money to sell aborted baby parts for. But in
this backgrounder, Planned Parenthood is claiming the discussion was actually about how abortion clinics
pay mothers $30 to $100 per abortion if they donate the body of their child. That's certainly an
interesting claim. Journalists should ask them to explain more about this payment program, as well
as what the total payment they receive from purchasing companies for the bodies of aborted children.
If they claim they're paying mothers $30 to $100 for the bodies of their aborted babies, how much more than
that are they claiming to sell the bodies for since, as they state, there are many "additional expenses
related [to] tissue donation"?
CBS, NBC, CNN Sunday Shows Ignore Planned Parenthood Scandal. Last week, the Center
for Medical Progress released a damning undercover video in which a senior official at Planned
Parenthood discussed the organization's practice of manipulating an abortion to salvage baby parts
to be sold for medical research, but ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN all ignored the story during their
Sunday morning political talk shows (ABC's This Week, CBS's Face the Nation, CNN's
State of the Union and NBC's Meet the Press). Fox News Sunday was the
only one to cover Planned Parenthood during its broadcast, and devoted more than seven minutes to
the controversial video.
For Planned
Parenthood Black Livers Matter. If you have ever witnessed one of those "spontaneous"
pro-abortion demonstrations held in Washington whenever Congress contemplates curtailing taxpayer
funding for Planned Parenthood, you may have noticed that there was something missing —
African-American demonstrators. This is odd, considering that black women are far more likely to
have abortions than are their Caucasian counterparts. And, examined in light of the now infamous
video of a white Planned Parenthood official discussing how to crush a baby without damaging marketable
livers and other organs, it is particularly ominous. Why? Because the terminated baby will
probably have been black, and that is no coincidence
Parenthood and the Antithesis of Love. Planned Parenthood, according to reports, is a
leading reason why the White House will not relent and has kept the Little Sisters of the Poor in
court fighting the coercive Obamacare insurance mandate for abortion pills, contraception, and
female sterilization. Is there any reason but a blinding ideology why you would want to victimize
self-sacrificial women who serve the elderly poor? And, during his celebration of Planned
Parenthood, President Obama took time to criticize the organization's enemies: "The fact is, after
decades of progress, there's [sic] still those who want to turn back the clock to policies more suited
to the 1950s than the 21st century. And they've been involved in an orchestrated and historic
effort to roll back basic rights when it comes to women's health."
For Reporters Struggling To Cover Planned Parenthood. A few reporters wrote an initial
story on the undercover video that caught the senior director for medical services at Planned Parenthood
discussing the harvesting of organs from the unborn children killed by abortion. Another few reporters
noted early political repercussions that followed, including the launching of state and federal investigations.
[...] But given the many angles that could be covered, the lack of ferocity with which they're tackling this story
is noticeable. Compare, for instance, what happened in the last month with coverage of Confederate flags.
Media Used To Do Abortion Stings, Not Slam Undercover Work. After the release of a
shocking video by the Center for Medical Progress that shows an abortion doctor talking about
harvesting and selling baby parts, the mainstream media refused to cover the story. No surprise
there. They also blacked out the grisly realities of Kermit Gosnell, an abortion doctor who severed
babies' necks and drowned them in toilets. What the media in our country used to do —
investigate and expose the truth — has been left to groups like the nonprofit Center for
Medical Progress (CMP). Through the Human Capital project, these citizen journalists are undergoing
extensive sting operations to document how Planned Parenthood sells body parts of aborted babies —
a worthy undertaking considering the seriousness of the practice, the ethical questions swirling around it,
and the fact that taxpayer money helps fund it. These journalists have been the watchdogs the
mainstream media used to be.
Lankford on Planned Parenthood Harvesting Human Parts: 'It Was a Human All The Way Through'. Sen.
James Lankford (R-Okla.) made an emotional argument on the Senate floor, questioning how Planned Parenthood
places value on human body parts but not the life of the child, "You can't say in one moment that's not a
human and then sell it for the next moment as a human organ and say now suddenly it is. It was a human
all the way through." Lankford made the comments on the Senate Floor Thursday [7/16/2015] in reaction to
the viral undercover video of a Planned Parenthood official discussing the organizations abortion practices
to harvest body parts.
What abortion is: Getting
past the spin. Despite repeated requests, U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen's office refuses to
comment on the video released last Tuesday showing Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical
services describing how the organization's abortionists "crush" an infant so that its most valuable
body parts can be saved and sold to buyers. Her silence says a lot about the abortion debate in this
country. Why should Shaheen comment? Planned Parenthood is her 15th largest campaign contributor.
She has been a strong and vocal advocate of public funding for the organization. [...] Shaheen's silence
last week is important because it shows just how much the abortion industry depends on euphemisms and spin.
It is one thing to shout support for a "woman's right to choose," it is another to defend the actual horrific
practice of killing and dismembering human infants.
Vary to Video on Baby Parts Sales. "That's a human being we're talking about. It
doesn't bring me any comfort to know that one child is torn apart so maybe they can do research on
the child's organs so at some future moment (they can) help a different child," said an emotional
Senator James Lankford. He was speaking from the floor of the U.S. Senate in reaction to the ghastly
video that caught a high-ranking official with Planned Parenthood speaking nonchalantly about the selling
of the body parts of aborted babies. Senator Lankford, a Republican from Oklahoma, noted the irony
that the Senate was in the midst of discussions on the "humane treatment of animals being put down," while
at the same time, "there were children still being aborted with an instrument reaching into a mother,
tearing apart a child." But in addition to that, the abortionists of Planned Parenthood were careful
to protect "certain organs because those organs would be valuable to sell."
Face It: Planned Parenthood Is Evil. In America, it's illegal to donate money to a candidate
without first reporting it to the government. Even then, if you give more than is permissible, you
could end up in jail. In this country, you can't add trans fats to your foods or smoke cigarettes
in your own bar. Here, the Little Sisters of the Poor can't tell the state they'd rather not buy condoms,
and bakers can't tell a couple they'd rather not participate in their wedding. But it's completely legal
to kill an unborn baby for convenience and then sell its parts for cash.
Parenthood mum on whether docs skirting law by altering abortion methods. The video
was secretly shot by the pro-life group Center for Medical Progress last year and released this week
to the media. The video shows Planned Parenthood medical director Deborah Nucatola at a lunch with
two people she believed were representatives of a biotech firm, but who were really with CMP. It
shows her ostensibly talking about the best way fetal organs could be extracted from the mother.
"We've been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I'm not gonna crush that
part, I'm gonna basically crush below, I'm gonna crush above, and I'm gonna see if I can get it all
intact," Nucatola says.
House backs Planned Parenthood's explanation for shocking abortion video. President
Obama's top spokesman indicated that the White House is taking Planned Parenthood at its word when
the group says it follows all ethical and legal guidelines when it comes to abortion, even after a
video was released indicating the group may be violating the law by profiting from donated fetal
tissue from abortions. The Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group, secretly filmed a
senior director of Planned Parenthood talking about the sale of body parts of aborted embryos. That
director at one point indicated that it's possible to profit from these exchanges, an act that is against
the law.
column: The face of modern America is "discussing pulverized lungs and hearts between mouthfuls of
salad". [Scroll down] It's the stripping of the euphemisms, of the polite
vocabulary for a brutal act, that had Planned Parenthood and its apologists panicking this week.
Deborah Nucatola revealed the exploitation of women inherent in this enterprise, putting their needs
as secondary to the desire to harvest organs while they sell the procedure as nothing more than
removing a "clump of cells." Nucatola only exposed the cynicism of the argument that the fetuses
aren't human beings by describing the keen desire Planned Parenthood has in protecting the human
organs retrieved from killing the humans that were developing them.
to Halperin: So you're all good with that Planned Parenthood video, eh? I'm not
exactly sure where Mark Halperin thought he would take Rick Perry in this exchange, but he clearly
didn't expect Perry to lead him into this trap. On Morning Joe yesterday [7/16/2015],
Halperin challenged Perry to more or less endorse Planned Parenthood's government funding by forcing
Perry to acknowledge that they provide at least some valuable services, which seems like a very
weird form of damage control coming from a journalist. Shouldn't reporters ask Planned
Parenthood to defend themselves in this manner? Or ask Democrats who want to keep using
taxpayer dollars to float Planned Parenthood's abortion mills?
Parenthood video an ugly mirror for America. This is one horror movie that stays with
you long after you've seen it. An anti-abortion group has released a video that it says shows a
Planned Parenthood official discussing the sale of organs and tissue. Planned Parenthood says it's
heavily edited and misleading — and it might be right. But, frankly, the detail is up
for lawyers to debate. What matters about this video is what it appears to reveal about the reality
behind America's sanitized image of abortion; the reality of what an abortion is and how it morally
compromises us all.
AG Launches Investigation Into Planned Parenthood's Trafficking Of Baby Parts. Ohio
Attorney Mike DeWine has launched an investigation into Planned Parenthood's alleged practice of
selling aborted baby parts after a video was released earlier this week. The Attorney General's
office oversees non profits. Since Planned Parenthood has non profit status, this is the avenue
DeWine is using for the investigation. If Planned Parenthood loses it's non profit status as a
result of these actions, they will lose their state funding and their tax exempt status.
Parenthood apologizes for exec's 'tone' in video. The president of Planned Parenthood on Thursday [7/16/2015]
apologized for the "tone and statements" of its chief medical officer, whose candid comments about fetal organ removal have
generated heavy attacks against the organization. "Our top priority is the passionate care that we provide. In
our video, one of our staff members speaks in a way that does not reflect that compassion," president Cecile Richards said
in a video statement released Thursday afternoon [7/16/2015]. "This is unacceptable, and I personally apologize for
the staff member's tone and statements," she said.
Lawmakers Knew About Planned Parenthood
Video Weeks Ago. When an undercover video of a Planned Parenthood executive casually
discussing the harvesting of fetal tissue and organs went viral Tuesday [7/14/2015], House Republicans took
notice, with party leaders calling for investigations just one day later. Speaker John A. Boehner
and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy issued terse statements, the Judiciary and Energy and Commerce committees
announced hearings and Rep. Lynn Jenkins, R-Kan., called for a Justice Department probe into whether the
nation's largest abortion provider broke the law in supplying the tissue to medical research firms.
All in all, it was a furious, news-cycle dominating flurry of Capitol Hill reaction — to a video
that at least two top Republicans said they first saw weeks ago.
Parenthood's Real Crime: Making Us Notice. "Infanticide" called it what it was: a
homicide, a killing of a child who was no less possessed of human dignity for not yet
having been born. "Abortion" was a gentler term — still pejorative because the culture
back then remained repulsed by infanticide; yet pregnant, as it were, with ambiguity about exactly
what was being aborted — the child's life, or the mother's pregnancy? And with the abortionist
generally being a doctor, "abortion" connoted that "pregnancy" was not about a life to be nourished
but a medical condition to be treated. A "medical condition" is suggestive of illness,
not life. And if we were now just talking about how to treat a medical condition, not killing a child,
then abortion became just one option on the menu of "choice." And whose choice? Not the child
whose life is ended. The object of these language games is to vanish the child from our consciousness.
Parenthood video shows an apalling trivialization of life. At first, it seemed like an
Internet hoax. A doctor, over a glass of wine and a salad, coldly describes the extraction and
monetization of fetal body parts. Surely this is some kind of sick parody. But it is not a
hoax. It is Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, Deborah Nucatola, caught in a
sting video by an antiabortion group. Planned Parenthood's reaction essentially confirmed the
conversation as genuine, but insisted that it concerned the extraction of tissue for scientific research
"under the highest ethical and legal standards."
Parenthood president: Hey, sorry about that doctor's tone when she talked about crushing babies and
removing their organs. [Scroll down] I'm interested to hear more about the
"reimbursement" process in all this. Planned Parenthood's PR firm issued talking points recently to
assist the many, many sympathetic reporters in the media who are eager to help them spin this story,
and one point stressed was that Nucatola's reference in the video to a $30-100 fee was misunderstood.
It wasn't PP that was receiving that money, the firm insisted, it was "the range of reimbursement that
patients can receive after stating they wish to donate any tissue after a procedure." So ... the
woman having the abortion gets a cut of the deal too?
Parenthood and the Statist Abyss. On Tuesday [7/14/2015], a sickening undercover video blew up the
Internet, and for good reason: Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, was caught
on camera yukking it up over red wine and a fancy salad. The topic: how to best kill an unborn baby in order
to preserve, and then distribute, the resulting dead baby parts through a taxpayer-subsidized organization.
Left's telling aversion to facts and plain language on abortion. When is organ harvesting no longer
organ harvesting? When do biotech companies get described simply as medical researchers? When are human
beings described as the products of conception? When abortion is the issue at hand, of course. In a new
undercover video, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, discusses how
different clinics deal in the organs of the babies they abort. The episode has not only demonstrated the
gruesome underside of the abortion business, but also the denial and obfuscation required to embrace the absolutist
pro-choice position held by Planned Parenthood and its allies in politics and the media.
Parenthood's apology confronted by pledge of 'proof'. As the president of Planned
Parenthood took to YouTube to vehemently deny making money from the sale of aborted babies' body
parts, the anti-abortion group behind a stunning video exposing the alleged practice claims it has
more proof. "I want to be really clear. The allegation that Planned Parenthood profits in any way
from tissue donation is not true," the organization's president, Cecile Richards, said in a video posted
yesterday [7/18/2015]. But anti-abortion crusader Troy Newman, a consultant on the three-year investigation
by the Center for Medical Progress into the alleged fetal farming, said the group's next video "is going to
counteract that."
Turns Planned Parenthood Fetal Body Parts Scandal Back on MSNBC's Halperin. As usual,
much of the press has responded to scandalous behavior by leftist sacred cows by making the story
about Republicans criticizing the actions instead of the scandal itself. On the one hand, are we
really supposed to believe that only pro-lifers are horrified by the evidence that Planned Parenthood,
aka Planned Parthood, sells the body parts of aborted preborn babies? [...] I hope not. So it's
more than fair to turn the question around on anyone who tries to isolate the objections in that way.
What's So Shocking about Selling Baby Parts? When it comes to ghoulish zeal, Dr.
Hannibal Lecter has nothing on Planned Parenthood's Dr. Deborah Nucatola, except for maybe a few
fava beans to accompany his talk of consuming a man's liver. Whether or not the red wine Dr.
Nucatola swigged with her salad was a nice Chianti remains unknown. A morsel of information that
should give pause to Obamacare fans is the realization that the esteemed doctor is also the senior
director of medical services at Barack Obama's favorite taxpayer-funded women's health clinic/death
factory, Planned Parenthood.
United States is a Dying Country. This nation is repeating the disastrous evolutionary
process that has plagued so many failed countries throughout mankind's history. This process
begins with a society willing to reject the fundamental concept that is necessary for any nation to
thrive and prosper: respect for the uniqueness of each individual and self-determination.
Recently the revelation that Planned Parenthood is selling, without a second thought, body parts of aborted
human beings for profit is a significant indicator of the depth to which this nation has fallen over
the past 45 years.
Parenthood video shows commodification of death. In 2013, the criminal trial of Kermit
Gosnell and his abortion "house of horrors" shocked the nation. For years, state inspectors had
overlooked numerous egregious violations at Gosnell's Philadelphia facility — it was a
sanitary disaster, he was killing already-delivered babies and it was also a fire-trap from which
patients could not be safely extracted in case of emergencies resulting from his quackery. Worst of
all, at least two women had died from botched abortions there, and countless others had been maimed.
That case showed the perils of ideologically motivated under-regulation and under-enforcement in a medical
field that, to put it mildly, doesn't always attract the best, brightest or most scrupulous of medical
Planned Parenthood Official Works For White House Staff — Her 'Right-Wing' Hatred
Exposed. Disgraced Planned Parenthood official Deborah Nucatola's shocking personal
work history is coming to light. Records reveal that Nucatola was employed by a former White
House staffer at the time that she was selling aborted baby fetus parts. A staunch political
advocate, Nucatola railed against the "right-wing" Bush administration. What's more, she so enjoyed
her work in the abortion industry that she touted a T-shirt celebrating a drug used in the practice.
Walker: 'We Defunded Planned Parenthood' in Wisconsin. During his first trip to New
Hampshire since the launch of his presidential campaign, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker outlined his
resume as a conservative governor of a blue state, including lowering taxes, reducing regulations,
and cutting funding for Planned Parenthood. "We defunded Planned Parenthood, which is particularly
important these days in light of what we've seen on video," Walker said during a campaign stop at Joey's
Diner. Walker was referencing an undercover video released on Tuesday [7/14/2015] by the Center for
Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola,
discussing the sale of fetal organs such as hearts, lungs and livers at affiliates of the nation's largest
abortion provider.
cannot be a nation that does this to our children. I realize that our nation remains
divided on the issue of abortion, but surely we are not divided on the procurement and sale of
human organs. Babies were discussed, in the video, like they are an item to be casually
harvested then purchased in a grocery story. How far have we come as a society when we resort
to harvesting body parts for monetary gain?
Nucatola: who is she? Deborah Nucatola is the twenty-first [century] version of Margaret Sanger.
But Deborah Nucatola is even more evil than Sanger. I don't know what's more sickening, Deborah Nucatola
freely admitting to selling baby body parts on behalf of Planned Parenthood, or the fact that our tax dollars are
used to fund Planned Parenthood and baby part sales every year. In [a] video released by the Center of Medical
Progress, Debroah Nucatola continues to stuff her face, and drink wine while discussing the selling of aborted baby
parts. It's beyond chilling.
Parenthood video prompts GOP probe of potential illegal sale of fetal body parts. The
day after the release of an undercover video, House Republicans promised they will "dig deep" into
the potential illegal sale of fetal body parts for research and Planned Parenthood Federation of
America's involvement with it. "There will be questions raised about what was legal and what was
not legal. But above all, we believe Americans have a right to know what is occurring, and
understand that that which is legal is not necessarily moral and ethical," said Rep. Tim Murphy,
Pennsylvania Republican and chairman of the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on oversight and
ABC, CBS Cover Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Scandal; Video by 'Anti-Abortion Activists'.
Following a censorship on Tuesday night [7/14/2015] and Wednesday morning of video showing Planned Parenthood
senior director of medical services Dr. Deborah Nucatola discussing the selling of body parts from aborted
babies, ABC and CBS ended their blackouts on Wednesday night with coverage on their evening newscasts, but
made sure to hype the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) as "anti-abortion activists." On the
Spanish-language networks, however, the story remained much the same on Wednesday night as MundoFox,
Telemundo, and Univision all continued their refusal to even acknowledge the video.
Purchasing Aborted Baby Parts from Planned Parenthood Takes Website Down. A business
called Stem Express to which Planned Parenthood allegedly sells body parts of aborted fetuses has
taken down its website for "maintenance." Life News reported Wednesday that the site for the
business went into "maintenance mode" after video surfaced Tuesday of Dr. Deborah Nucatola, senior
director of medical services at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, discussing the organization's
sale of body parts from aborted babies to Stem Express. According to screenshots obtained of the
Stem Express website, the site was active as of Tuesday [7/14/2015]. Video of the Planned Parenthood
doctor touting the sale of heart, liver and other body parts of aborted babies was captured undercover
by the non-profit organization Center for Medical Progress.
the Media Needs to Ask Democrats about the Planned Parenthood Videotape. The media
loves to browbeat Republican presidential candidates with "gotcha" questions — questions
designed to trip up or embarrass a candidate by making him or her seem extreme, uncompassionate, or
incompetent. The questions can be about almost anything, but the darlings are religion, sex,
evolution, gay marriage, and abortion. [...] But reporters are nothing if not persistent, and
they'll take any controversy they can get their hands on and shove it in the face of a Republican
candidate to get an unscripted — and hopefully damaging — response. Seldom
do reporters pose the same kinds of gotcha questions to Democrat candidates, preferring instead
softballs that gently encourage candidates to explain their positions on their own terms.
the Media Needs to Ask Democrats about the Planned Parenthood Videotape. [Scroll
down] Now an undercover videotape has emerged that shows a Planned Parenthood executive
sipping wine while explaining how the organization harvests body parts of aborted fetuses and sell
them. "I'd say a lot of people want liver," says Dr. Deborah Nucatola, senior director of
medical services for Planner Parenthood. "And for that reason, most providers will do this case
under ultrasound guidance, so they'll know where they're putting their forceps." In the
videotape, Dr. Nucatola blithely talks about how to harvest the desired organs without doing
damage to them — even if it means "crushing" other parts.
Planned Parenthood and other abortion ghouls. The
video of a Planned Parenthood director, Deborah Nucatola, graphically discussing over lunch the harvesting of organs from aborted fetuses,
and how their intact livers bring top dollar to researchers has gone viral. But the truth of this abortion business is much, much
worse. Scientists might see some value in these organs for this practice, In fact, the PR firm for PP said the organization's
harvesting of human organs is a "humanitarian undertaking." "Aborted pregnancy tissue donation and research are humanitarian
undertakings that hold the potential to cure disease, save lives, and ameliorate suffering[.]" Oh really? Can we put our
taste buds into that category because companies like Pepsi, Kraft, Nestles, and many other companies get their flavor enhancers from
a biotech company that uses clones of old fetal cell lines.
Kelly Sounds Off About Planned Parenthood Video. A newly released undercover video is raising questions
about Planned Parenthood's practices. The shocking video, shot last July, shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's
senior director of medical research, having lunch with two undercover Center for Medical Progress activists. Nucatola
discusses the body parts of aborted fetus and how they are in demand, Fox News reported. Megyn Kelly and Dana Loesch
got into a heated debate with Democratic strategist Robert Zimmerman about the content of the video tonight [7/15/2015].
Media Refuses To Give Planned Parenthood Scandal Legs. The Question Is: Why? Whenever
abortion pops into the picture, emotions run high. But where do mainstream newspapers get off
simply not reporting the news? This is what happened Tuesday when a video of a Planned Parenthood
exec discussing the sale of aborted fetus parts over lunch went viral. Who eats salad while
discussing fetal livers?
Parenthood's Body Parts Racket. Planned Parenthood has been caught on undercover video admitting that it
targets and harvests body parts of aborted fetuses for profit. This is illegal. Why are taxpayers still funding
this group?
launches congressional probe of Planned Parenthood. Top Republican leaders in the
House have instructed relevant committees to investigate Planned Parenthood, after a video was made
public indicating that the group may be selling fetal body parts for profit. House Speaker John
Boehner, R-Ohio, released a statement saying that "nothing is more precious than life," and that if
Planned Parenthood is really working to "monetize an unborn child," then "we must all act."
Bad, Worse, & Ugly: Media Coverage of Planned Parenthood's Organ Harvesting Scandal.
At 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning [7/14/2015], a pro-life group released two videos showing Planned Parenthood
executive Deborah Nucatola munching on a salad and sipping red wine while discussing the harvesting of organs from
babies killed by abortion. One was a nearly nine-minute edited video of the nearly three-hour discussion.
The other was the unedited discussion. Because of the graphic nature of the discussion — Nucatola
specifically discusses altering abortion procedures to procure hearts, brains, lungs, and livers from the babies
whose lives Planned Parenthood ends by abortion — the video immediately lit up social media.
group: More Planned Parenthood videos coming. Congressional Republicans say they will
launch an investigation of Planned Parenthood as a result of an undercover video released by the
Center for Medical Progress, an anti-abortion group, asserting the women's health organization sells
body parts from abortions. The founder of the Center for Medical Progress also told CBS News his
group has up to a dozen additional videos of top officials from Planned Parenthood across the country
talking about the sales, which will be released in the days to come, reports CBS News correspondent
Jan Crawford.
Parenthood: The Next Relic From Our Racist Past That Must Be Purged. Since 1973, Planned Parenthood has helped
execute 13 million black babies before they were born. That's more than 20 times the total number of Union
soldiers the racist Confederate army killed, wounded or captured during the entire Civil War. If the carcasses of all
the black babies Planned Parenthood has killed and dismembered were its own state, it would be the 5th-most populous state
in the nation. That, my dear comrades, is a lot of dead babies. And this systematic extermination of black
America isn't some random coincidence, but rather a well-coordinated plot that dates back to the death merchant's original
founder. It's been suggested that if we're going to replace Founding Father Alexander Hamilton's likeness on our currency
with that of an influential woman, why not go with Margaret Sanger?
Our Broken Country.
In case you missed it, Planned Parenthood's Senior Director of Medical Services was caught on tape
(released today) essentially admitting to the sale (by Planned Parenthood affiliates) of aborted
baby parts. Some troglodyte liberals initially suggested that the video was edited unfairly, a
curious defense in light of the fact that PPFA wasn't making this claim themselves. The full video
was released this afternoon which indicates why — there is no way to interpret the full
interaction in any other light. As LifeNews notes, some of the film's "greatest moments" include
highlights like these: [...]
It's Not Selling Aborted Unborn Baby Parts, It's the 'Disposition of Fetal Remains'.
We've long known that the Associated Press is loathe to refer to unborn children as unborn children,
preferring the clinical term "fetus." But in covering a shocking new story about how Planned
Parenthood sells fetal tissue from aborted babies for profit, the AP bent over backwards to use
clinical euphemisms to soften the blow of the ghoulish practice.
Lot of People Want Liver': Planned Parenthood's Bloody Business. A lot of people want
liver." So says Planned Parenthood's director of medical services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, between
bites of what one must assume are fava beans and sips of a nice Chianti, Dr. Nucatola doing a fair impersonation
of Dr. Lecter. She did not know she was being recorded, and that the tissue-procurement firm with which
she thought she was doing business was an undercover investigator from the Center for Medical Progress.
Carly Fiorina Responds to Breitbart's Breaking Story on Planned Parenthood. "I am
proudly pro-life. I believe that every human life has potential and that every human life is
precious. This latest news is tragic and outrageous. This isn't about "choice."
It's about profiting on the death of the unborn while telling women it's about empowerment."
Parenthood Video Explains Late-Term/Partial-Birth Abortion Movement — Money. The Center for
Medical Progress, a non-profit group "dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances" released
undercover video Tuesday [7/14/2015] that appears to show Planned Parenthood's Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr.
Deborah Nucatola, nonchalantly brokering the sale of aborted baby parts. Suddenly the entire late-term/partial-birth
movement makes better sense — MONEY.
Dems defend Planned Parenthood. Several House Democrats are coming to the defense of
Planned Parenthood in the wake of a now-viral video that shows its chief medical director graphically
detailing the uses for organs of aborted fetuses. "Planned Parenthood is actually allowed, is my
understanding, for scientific research, to use fetal tissue and that is not illegal," said Rep. Jan
Schakowsky (D-Ill.), a member of the Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus and sponsor of numerous
abortion-rights bills.
of Planned Parenthood official discussing fetal body parts for cash has abortion advocates scrambling.
The latest in a series of pro-life undercover sting videos features to reach the public shows Planned Parenthood's
senior director of medical research, Deborah Nucatola, graphically discussing over lunch how to harvest organs from
a baby being aborted, and the financial terms under which they could be shipped to medical researchers. It
looks very, very bad, almost as if a big (nine figures in annual revenue) recipient of federal funding is killing
babies to sell their parts for cash (a felony under federal law):
Parenthood's PR Firm: Harvesting Organs of Aborted Babies a 'Humanitarian Undertaking'. In background
documents sent to reporters on Tuesday, Planned Parenthood's public relations firm calls the organization's harvesting
of human organs a "humanitarian undertaking." "Aborted pregnancy tissue donation and research are humanitarian
undertakings that hold the potential to cure disease, save lives, and ameliorate suffering," according to the
"backgrounder" distributed by Camino Public Relations, which has a longstanding relationship with Planned Parenthood
Federation of America.
Announces Planned Parenthood Investigation, Halts Licenses for New Abortion Clinic.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal announced Tuesday he is directing his state's Department of Health and
Hospitals to launch an investigation into Planned Parenthood. This comes on the heels of the release
of an investigative video by pro-life group Center for Medical Progress depicting the abortion giant's chief
medical officer speaking about how to abort a baby intact to harvest its body parts for sale.
Wine-Sipping Butchers of Planned Parenthood. Hannibal Lecter ain't got nothing on the
profit-maximizing abortion ghoul caught on tape hawking aborted baby parts as she swilled wine and
nibbled on a gourmet salad. In newly released undercover footage from the pro-life Center for
Medical Progress, seasoned abortionist Dr. Deborah Nucatola, who serves as national senior director
of "medical services" at Planned Parenthood, chitter-chattered eagerly about fulfilling the bloodthirsty
demand for "intact hearts," "lower extremities" and lungs. Price tag? "You know, I would
throw a number out," she babbled breezily as she twirled her fork. "I would say it's probably
anywhere from $30 to $100" per specimen. Hollywood couldn't conjure monsters this chillingly,
banally evil.
Parenthood denies group's claim that video shows official discussing sale of fetal organs for research.
An anti-abortion group released a video Tuesday [7/14/2015] it says shows a Planned Parenthood official discussing
the sale of body parts from aborted fetuses for use in research. Planned Parenthood says the video released by
the Center for Medical Progress misrepresents the work of the women's health group, but it has the agency on the
defensive, and Louisiana governor and GOP presidential candidate Bobby Jindal announced he's asked the Louisiana
Department of Health and Hospitals to investigate Planned Parenthood's activities in the state.
the Company That Buys Aborted Body Parts from Planned Parenthood. In the gruesome and
now viral video that shows a Planned Parenthood medical officer talking to undercover actors posing
as biotech entrepreneurs about the prospects of buying fetal body parts, the name of one company
pops up several times. In the context of selling aborted fetal tissue, Dr. Deborah Nucatola is
seen and heard discussing her ongoing relationship with a company called StemExpress that works as
the middleman between Planned Parenthood affiliates and research institutes that use the body parts
in scientific experimentation.
Parenthood Reacts: We're Not Selling Baby Parts — We're Getting Reimbursed for 'Tissue'
Donations. A couple of quick thoughts here. First, since it's illegal to sell human
fetal tissue, we could hardly expect to Planned Parenthood admit to criminal wrongdoing. Watch the
tape again. Does it appear to you that the discussion deals only with reimbursement? The Center
for Medial Progress — the entity that created the video — has posted a flyer that it
claims was distributed to Planned Parenthood clinics and that promises "financial profits" from the "raw
materials" that are "usually discarded during obstetrical procedures." Further inquiry isn't just
reasonable, it's necessary. Second, I have to laugh when Planned Parenthood claims to abide by the
"highest ethical and legal standards." Their business model is an abomination. And it is pitiful
to use the phrase "appropriate consent" to describe the deliberate killing of an innocent human being, with
the killing performed in such a way as to preserve a "menu" of the most valuable parts.
Candidates Silent On Alleged Planned Parenthood Felonies. Democratic presidential
candidates were silent in the wake footage released Tuesday [7/14/2015] showing Planned Parenthood's top doctor
allegedly describing how the clinics sell the body parts of aborted babies. None of the declared
Democratic presidential candidates — former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Sen.
Bernie Sanders, former Gov. Martin O'Malley, former Sen. Jim Webb, and former Gov. Lincoln
Chafee — responded to multiple requests for comment from The Daily Caller News
Foundation regarding the video.
Candidates React To Undercover Video Of Planned Parenthood. Republican presidential
candidates are weighing in on the video made public Tuesday [7/14/2015] of a top Planned Parenthood doctor
admitting clinics routinely sell body parts after abortions. "The video showing a Planned Parenthood
employee selling the body parts of aborted children is a disturbing reminder of the organization's penchant
for profiting off the tragedy of a destroyed human life," said former Texas Gov. Rick Perry. "Today's
video of a Planned Parenthood official discussing the systematic harvesting and trafficking of human body
parts is shocking and gruesome," said Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.
The Washington Post tries to put a leftist spin on this scandal: Undercover
video shows Planned Parenthood official discussing fetal organs used for research.
Over lunch at a Los Angeles restaurant, two antiabortion activists posing as employees from a
biotech firm met with Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical research.
Armed with cameras, the activists recorded Nucatola talking about Planned Parenthood's work donating
fetal tissue to researchers and pressed her on whether the clinics were charging for the organs.
The Center for Medical Progress, which recorded and edited the video, says the footage proves that
Planned Parenthood is breaking the law by selling fetal organs. But the video does not show
Nucatola explicitly talking about selling organs.
Rebuttal: WaPo
Gets Planned Parenthood Abortion Organ Harvesting Story Wrong. The Washington Post
appears to be struggling a bit to cover today's blockbuster story about the undercover video of
Planned Parenthood harvesting and selling organs from aborted fetuses. First, they changed the
headline to something that's far more friendly to Planned Parenthood without noting the change.
[Screenshots] Second, the story is substantively wrong.
Planned Parenthood Sells Baby Parts. Planned Parenthood thinks it can put a price on a
baby: $30 to $100 per part. An undercover investigative video released July 14 showed a Planned
Parenthood executive confess that her taxpayer-funded organization sells the body parts of aborted babies
by using the partial-birth abortion procedure to ensure the baby parts stay intact. Pro-life leaders
challenged the abortion giant after the Center for Medical Progress, a citizen journalist group focused on
medical ethics, caught the scene on camera.
Planned Parenthood's profit off of fetal body parts. Live Action today features another exposé of
Planned Parenthood, but this time it's not just one clinic violating state laws on reporting or practices. The
Center for Medical Progress conducted an undercover investigation into PP's operations in sales of fetal body parts, a
practice prohibited by federal law, and they went to the executive management of the abortion-mill chain to uncover it.
orders LA probe, halt to PP license. It took a few hours for Planned Parenthood to respond to the Center for Medical
Progress exposé earlier today [7/14/2015]. LifeNews reports that their VP for communications wants everyone to know
there's no real story here. This is just business as usual.
Republicans Aim To Strip Planned Parenthood's Funding. House Republicans released a budget proposal this week that
would eliminate Title X funding — which provides funding to Planned Parenthood for contraceptives and abortion-inducing
drugs — an act pro-abortion advocates immediately characterized as an attack against women.
Planned Parenthood workers who taught high school sex-ed, revealed to be sex-toy instructor and
'pleasure activist'. Parents with students at one California high school recently
learned that two Planned Parenthood employees who taught their impressionable children sex education
also held down some controversial side jobs. One of the sex-ed instructors at Acalanes Union High
School in Lafayette also taught a class on sex toys at a nearby shop while the other identified herself
as a 'pleasure activist' on her now-deleted Twitter profile. The job history of the two teachers
was revealed after parents learned about the school's partnership with Planned Parenthood and demanded
the curriculum be changed.
Congress moves to defund Planned Parenthood. Title X is not the only vehicle by which
Planned Parenthood uses the government to dip into Americans' income. The corporation received
$655,000 in public money to be a "navigator" for Obamacare in 2013, plus $75 million through the
Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP), a creature of Obamacare, allegedly for sex education.
(Parents should keep in mind that even if this money is on the level, Planned Parenthood's version of sex
education is horrifying.) In its latest annual report, Planned Parenthood quantifies the total tax
money it received at $528.4 million, or 41% of its total revenue, with 327,653 abortions committed.
At a conservative estimate of $451 for the average abortion, that makes about $150 million in revenue
directly from ripping children apart.
Parenthood performed 327K abortions in fiscal 2014: 'We've come a long way'. Planned Parenthood's fiscal
2014 report puts the number of abortions the organization performed at 327,653. "We've come a long way since
Margaret Sanger was jailed in 1916 for opening America's very first birth control clinic," the report states before
thanking the organization's advocates for their support.
Parenthood: We Aborted 327,653 in FY2014. Planned Parenthood clinics did 327,653 abortions in its
fiscal year 2014 (which ran from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014), according to Planned Parenthood Federation
of America's newly released annual report. That works out to an average of 37 abortions per hour or
nearly 1 every 90 seconds.
Donates $26,000 to Planned Parenthood, Blocks Shareholder Resolution to Complain. One of the
world's largest oil companies has not only donated tens of thousands of dollars to one of the world's biggest
abortion companies, but it blocked a shareholder resolution complaining about it. Tom Strobhar,
Chairman of Life Decision International, which monitors companies that donate to Planned Parenthood,
said the corporation blocked a resolution by a teacher from Chicago complaining about the donation.
Must Accept That This Year's 'War On Women' Was A Disaster. [Scroll down]
Elizabeth Plank, a senior editor at Mic, wrote an unintentionally hilarious and easily mocked piece
"Wendy Davis Lost, But Here's Why She Really Won." And yet that's exactly what Planned Parenthood
tried to say to convince its allies in the media. Check out these hilarious tweets. Remember, when
abortion activists use the phrase "women's health," they're referring to abortion of children in the
womb and/or birth control policies that don't include over-the-counter availability: [...]
Parenthood Touts Election Ground Game. As America prepares for its final day of voting
on Tuesday's Election Day, abortion mill Planned Parenthood says it has upped its get-out-the-vote
game and is ready for a Democrat victory. Two of the abortion groups' get-out-the-vote
operations, Planned Parenthood Action Fund and Planned Parenthood Votes, are all-in for some
of the nation's most vulnerable Democrats such as North Carolina's Kay Hagan.
Town Covered In Planned Parenthood Banners. While small towns and cities throughout
the country are gearing up for Halloween, one city in Ohio has a different kind of municipal
decor — Planned Parenthood banners. One reader sent The Daily Caller these photos of
Planned Parenthood banners attached to lampposts throughout the town of Wooster in northeastern Ohio.
Parenthood Suggests Minor Should "Horse Whip" Herself. "I would say anything within
the sexual world is normal as long as it's consensual." This is the advice of a Planned Parenthood
employee. In the fourth shocking video from the pro-life group Live Action's under cover investigation,
"SexEd: Planned Parenthood's Dangerous Sex Advice for Kids," another clinic is exposed promoting bondage
and submission, sadism and masochism. Here's just a taste of the advice an employee at the
Minneapolis-St. Paul facility gave to an under cover minor regarding her sexual adventures with her boyfriend: [...]
Atty. General to Investigate Planned Parenthood Videos Coaching Young Girls in BDSM. The attorney general of
Colorado says he will have his staff review the Live Action investigative video of a Denver Planned Parenthood employee
coaching a young woman, believed to be only 15-years old, in the practice of high-risk sexual activities, including
bondage/discipline and sado-masochistic sex (BDSM).
Cream Shop Honors Planned Parenthood by Creating New Flavor, Donating Portion of Proceeds. An Oregon ice cream
shop named "What's the Scoop?" decided to help Planned Parenthood raise money with an exclusive "Rose City Revolution" flavor:
a blend of Oregon-grown organic rose petals, local honey, and Madagascar, Tahitian, Mexican and Indonesian vanillas.
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon announced that the ice cream shop would be creating the special flavor, and donating 10% of
sales, on its Facebook page. After a Lifenews blog took note of Planned Parenthood's advertisement, What's the Scoop? began
to receive an unexpected backlash.
Parenthood Schools Underage Girls In Violent Sex. Planned Parenthood staffers are
using taxpayer money to instruct underage girls in dangerous and violent sex practices —
including whipping, bondage and choking, according to a new video released by the anti-abortion
group Live Action Tuesday [7/15/2014]. The uncensored footage obtained by The Daily Caller shows
staffers telling investigators posing as underage girls to experiment with violent sex play in
response to generic questions about sex.
A Planned Parenthood Clinic Is Being Sued For Is A Sickening Show Of Its Priorities.
In Denver, Colorado, a local Planned Parenthood clinic is being sued by a mother who is alleging
that they refused to report the suspected sexual abuse of her daughter by her stepfather, Timothy
David Smith. Cary Smith is alleging that Planned Parenthood performed an abortion on her then
13-year-old daughter, R.Z., who was brought there by Timothy, who was also the unborn baby's father,
and that Planned Parenthood failed to report clear signs of possible sexual abuse and returned her
home with her rapist.
Parenthood Hosts "Condom Crafting". The Planned Parenthood Vandalia abortion feeder
clinic in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN recently had "cause for celebration." That's because a new
commuter rail line stop just opened near the clinic, giving clients more convenient access to it.
The organization's "can't miss event" hosted activities that were "friendly for kids and fun for
grown-ups" to celebrate the new line. [...] "Friendly for kids?" I don't think so.
Oh, and don't forget. Planned Parenthood still receives over $500 million in funding from
taxpayers like you.
finds Planned Parenthood pushing teens to try sadism, domination, asphyxiation. A new
video probe by the group Live Action, known for exposing shocking abortion clinic techniques,
reveals some Planned Parenthood counselors and associates pushing curious teens to engage in
domination, sadism and even asphyxiation. "If it's consensual, it's OK," said an unidentified
Planned Parenthood counselor on a video trailer of a longer version due out Wednesday.
Parenthood's Full-Spectrum Assault On Women. Since its inception in 1916 as the
nation's first birth control clinic, Planned Parenthood has said it is fighting for the rights of
women. That claim continues today, with Planned Parenthood fighting against pro-life regulations in
numerous states because, they say, women are helped by abortion. From a Catholic perspective it
is clear that Planned Parenthood's pro-women rhetoric is a farce. Its support for abortion and
contraception alone should garner opposition from any Catholic worthy of the title.
Unfortunately, Planned Parenthood's agenda has worked its way into American culture in such a way
that Catholic arguments don't garner the sympathy of the American public at large.
Parenthood counselor withheld info on rape, police report reveals. A Planned Parenthood
counselor in Arizona intentionally miscoded a sexual assault as a consensual encounter to avoid the
"hassle" of reporting it to authorities, months before other victims came forward to stop an alleged
18-year-old serial sex predator, a police report reveals.
Parenthood Covers Up Rape... Again. Planned Parenthood, the abortion giant receiving
nearly $500 million of your tax dollars every year, has a history of covering up rape, particularly
rape of minors. This habitual behavior has been well documented and exposed in eight clinics around
the country by Live Action through a series of video investigations. Now, another Planned
Parenthood is being accused of covering up rape, this time in Arizona.
Parenthood, Oregon Help Host 'Adolescent Sexuality Conference'. What do you get when the state of Oregon,
Planned Parenthood, and pharmaceutical companies that produce contraceptives get in bed together? The Seaside
Adolescent Sexuality Conference (ASC). Marketed under the pretense of trying to prevent youth pregnancy and STD
transmission, the conference, which took place earlier this week, is actually a platform for promoting a disturbing
sexual agenda that has little to do with either. On the contrary, the dangerous practices urged onto Oregon
youth this week by ASC workshops were basically infomercials glamorizing the habits that lead to teen pregnancy and
STD transmission and then using semantics to re-package liberal messages about abortion and sexual identity.
Kansas Can Strip Planned Parenthood Funds. A federal appeals court on Tuesday ruled that Kansas
can strip two Planned Parenthood clinics of federal family planning money while the organization moves forward
with its legal challenge of a state law it says is retaliation for its advocacy of abortion rights.
Pelosi [is] Getting [an] Award Named for [a] Woman Who Said [it is] 'Most Merciful' to Kill [an] 'Infant'. Planned
Parenthood on Thursday will give House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) its Margaret Sanger Award, named for a woman who
advocated eugenics and who wrote that large families would be doing what was "most merciful" if they killed one of their infants.
"The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it," wrote Sanger. Planned
Parenthood is giving Pelosi, a Catholic, its Margaret Sanger Award because of her "leadership, excellence, and outstanding
contributions to the reproductive health and rights movement over the course of her career."
The Editor says...
By now, Margaret Sanger's errors have been made abundantly clear to her.
Why Did Nancy Pelosi Accept an Award Named After Sanger?
Democrat Rep. Nancy Pelosi [...] has accepted an award named for Margaret Sanger. And Margaret Sanger was
definitely a racist monster who advocated murdering live children for the sake of eliminating "undesirables."
Kansas can
pull Planned Parenthood funding: appeals court. A federal appeals court panel on Tuesday [3/25/2014]
upheld a 2011 Kansas law that would stop federal family planning money the state receives from flowing to two Planned
Parenthood clinics.
to Receive Planned Parenthood Award Honoring Eugenicist. Next week, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America
will present House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) with the Margaret Sanger Award. The award is the group's "highest
honor" and is named for a woman who believed in breeding better humans through eugenics. Planned Parenthood is
the nation's leading abortion provider, having performed 327,166 of the procedures in 2012, according to its latest
annual report. Pelosi, a Catholic, will receive the Margaret Sanger Award at the PPFA's annual gala in Washington,
D.C. on Mar. 27.
Parenthood announces 500-plus events to promote Obamacare. As the March 31 Obamacare sign-up deadline nears, Planned
Parenthood is going to bat for the White House, hosting more than 500 events in 18 cities to get Americans into the health
insurance system. In eight states, officials from the women's health and abortion provider will go to grocery stories and even
indoor soccer fields to enroll people. It also plans to dispatch 500 canvassers to knock on 20,000 doors.
Planned Parenthood funds S&M Web video.
A video funded by Planned Parenthood of Northern New England discussing bondage and sadomasochism is coming under fire for its
subject matter. "They're offering information on what is really a violent act and making it acceptable to young people," said
Bryan McCormack, executive director of Cornerstone Policy Research & Cornerstone Action, which promotes strong families and limited
government. Planned Parenthood said it is using private donations — not government funds — to pay for a
series of sexual education videos, including one titled "Getting Kinky — BDSM 101."
Breeders: How Gay Men Destroyed the
Left. Surrogacy is the use of a contract, by which a woman agrees to carry a gestating child in her womb for another
party (usually an infertile heterosexual couple or a gay male couple), and also agrees to abandon the child to the couple who has
engaged her services. [...] Planned Parenthood does not seem eager to oppose surrogacy as exploitation of women, largely because
it is career-oriented "liberated" women who often need to turn to surrogacy contracts, having aborted too many times in their
twenties and then postponed childbearing to focus on their professional ascendancy.
Planned Parenthood
plots major spending spree for 2014 midterm elections. Anti-abortion lawmakers, beware. Planned Parenthood's political operations
are planning their largest-ever campaign blitz for this year's midterm and gubernatorial elections, poised to pour millions into key races
that could determine who controls Congress. The group's political arm has in the past bought up gobs of campaign-season airtime to
attack social conservatives as "extreme." Their track record is mixed, but the abortion provider played at least some role in the
defeat last year of Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli in Virginia.
Parenthood President: When Life Begins Not 'Really Relevant' in Abortion Debate. "It is not something that I feel is really
part of this conversation," Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood told Fusion's Jorge Ramos on Thursday. "I don't know if it's really
relevant to the conversation." When pressed, Richards said that in her view life began for her three children when she delivered them.
The Editor says...
If they are not alive, how do unborn babies squirm and kick, and how do they grow?
Parenthood Affiliate Produces Video Promoting Bondage and Sadomasochism to Teens. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England
(PPNNE) — which received more than $2.75 million in government funding in 2012 — has produced and posted online a video
specifically aimed at teenagers that promotes bondage and sadomasochism (BDSM) and proposes "rules" to follow when engaging in these activities.
"People sometimes think that those who practice BDSM are emotionally scarred or were once abused — not true, it's a total
myth," the host of the video, Laci Green, informs its intended audience of teens.
Davis gets big donations from abortion rights backers. Democrat Wendy Davis collected $100,000 in the last month from Austin
Planned Parenthood board member Aimee Boone and $100,000 from EMILY's List, a political committee that supports Democratic women who back
abortion rights. Other big donors during the most recent reporting period included investor Rani Clasquin of Austin, $50,000; League
City trial lawyer Ronald Krist, $50,000; and eight contributions of $25,000, including from Cecilia Boone and Suzanne Bartolucci. In
addition, her most recent report shows that Planned Parenthood's political committee spent $20,000 to conduct a poll on Davis' behalf and
$9,000 for Web design and staff time.
Former Planned
Parenthood worker: "Money-grubbing, evil, very sad, sad place to work". Marianne Anderson should know. She worked at the
Indianapolis franchise of the nation's biggest provider in the abortion industry, until Abby
Johnson helped her to leave her job and turn her life around. In an interview for The
Criterion, the nurse describes some of the horrors she witnessed at the clinic.
Planned Parenthood Pays
$2 Million for Wrongful Death, Press Ignores. Late last week came the news that Planned Parenthood of Illinois, Northwestern Memorial Hospital,
and Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation have agreed to pay $2 million in a wrongful death settlement to the surviving young son of a woman who died
after an abortion at a Chicago Planned Parenthood in 2012. This is huge news, no? Were this a settlement to a family whose loved one died because a
hospital refused her an abortion, it would be broadcast everywhere.
Priests for Life African American leader blasts Nancy
Pelosi for pro-choice stance. Dr. Alveda King, director of African American Outreach for Priests for Life, based in New Dorp, blasted
pro-choice House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who is slated to receive the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood. Ironically, the
first recipient of the award, named after a founder of Planned Parenthood, was none other than Dr. King's uncle, the civil rights leader Rev. Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Skid Roe. "The abortion rate in the
United States dropped to its lowest point since the Supreme Court legalized the procedure in all 50 states, according to a study suggesting
that new, long-acting contraceptive methods are having a significant impact in reducing unwanted pregnancies," the Washington Post reports, leaping
to conclusions right in the lead paragraph. The impulse behind that leap is understandable. Journalists are attracted to cause-and-effect
explanations because they make storytelling easier, and in this case the causal explanation bolsters the cause of the group doing the study:
the Alan Guttmacher Institute, research arm of Planned Parenthood.
Neighbors Say Planned Parenthood's
Billboard Goes Too Far. A Planned Parenthood billboard has only been up a week in one South Memphis neighborhood, but some
people there already want it to come down. They say the billboard, which includes the message "Getting It On Is Free" and a picture
of a condom, is too graphic.
Planned Parenthood
Got $540.6 Million in Government Grants in FY 2013. Planned Parenthood's net revenue increased 5% to total of $1.21 billion
in its organizational fiscal year ending on June 30, 2013, according to its new Annual Report 2012-2013, and about 45% of that
revenue — $540.6 million — was provided by taxpayer-funded government health services grants. In the same report, Planned
Parenthood said that in the year that ended on Sept. 30, 2012 it did 327,166 abortions.
Michelle's abortion-boosting 50th. Days before
Michelle Obama's White House birthday celebrations this year, it was revealed that Planned Parenthood got $540.6 million
in government grants in 2013 from her husband's administration. "Planned Parenthood's net revenue increased 5% to a total
of $1.2 billion in its organizational fiscal year ending on June 30, 2013, according to its new Annual Report 2012-2013,
and about 45% of that revenue — $540.6 million — was provided by taxpayer-funded government health services grants."
(CNSNews.com, Jan. 14, 2014).
Parenthood Pens 'Twelve Days of Contraception' Christmas Carol. Staff members of the Arizona affiliate of Planned Parenthood are
celebrating the season by changing the lyrics of the traditional Christmas carol, "The Twelve Days of Christmas," to accommodate the abortion
joins Planned Parenthood to destroy award-winning teacher. Bill Diss is an experienced, highly qualified and popular computer science
teacher. On November 14, the Portland school district and Planned Parenthood will try to have him declared unfit to teach. Diss is
the only teacher in Oregon to earn the distinction of being credentialed to teach computer science for college credit at the high school level.
Diss is a highly qualified high school educator who has been teaching for more than a decade at a desperate public school that almost closed in
2010 — a school that serves a population which is 75 percent minority.
Planned Parenthood wants preschoolers to
know mechanics of sexual intercourse. Planned Parenthood Federation of America has just announced a new insidious Internet presence referred
to as "mobile interactive tools to help teens make healthy decisions." STOPP's national director, Rita Diller, joined ALL's Jim Sedlak on his Radio
Maria "Armed for Battle" broadcast November 1 to warn about what lurks within the many webpages of this new "tool" for indoctrinating both children
and parents. "By 'mobile interactive tools,' Planned Parenthood means it is on its website so that kids can access this stuff from their smart
phones or their computers when their parents aren't looking," Diller said.
Planned Parenthood takes Texas abortion laws to
court. The Texas omnibus abortion law that state Senator Wendy Davis tried to block with a 13-hour filibuster is headed to court.
A trio of women's and civil liberties groups — Planned Parenthood, the Center for Reproductive Rights and the ACLU of Texas — filed a federal
lawsuit Friday against some provisions of the law, including restrictions on medication abortion and the regulations openly intended to shut down many of
Texas's abortion clinics. They were joined by more than a dozen Texas women's health providers.
Planned Parenthood
Will Have Access to SS#, Tax, Medical Information. If you thought that it was frightening enough that the federal government was spying on
you and had access to your personal information, get ready: Planned Parenthood is about to obtain access to your Social Security number, tax form,
bank account, and medical records.
Planned Parenthood settles in Lufkin
whistleblower case. In a lawsuit which alleges workers at a Lufkin Planned Parenthood clinic frauded Medicaid for millions of dollars over a six
year-period, the company has agreed to pay $4.3 million to the government as part of a settlement. Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast will also pay a
whistleblower $1,247,000.
DC Obamacare exchange awards $375k grant
to Planned Parenthood. Washington, D.C.'s health insurance exchange has awarded a $375,000 grant to abortion provider Planned Parenthood to help
enroll participants in Obamacare, the exchange announced on Tuesday [8/13/2013].
GAO opens investigation
into Planned Parenthood's use of taxpayer money. The non-partisan Government Accountability Office confirmed Thursday [8/8/2013] it is
launching an investigation into how the country's largest abortion provider spent millions of taxpayer dollars. Planned Parenthood received more
than a half billion dollars in federal funding last year. The GAO's investigation is in response to a request made by more than 50 members
of Congress in February who asked for a detailed report on how money is being used by Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers across the
country. Specifically, lawmakers want to know what procedures and services they provided and the number of people who were served and how
much it cost.
Planned Parenthood to shut down three
Texas clinics. On the same day Gov. Rick Perry signed into law some of the most stringent abortion restrictions in the country, Planned
Parenthood announced it would close three clinics in southeast Texas. Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast announced the facilities, located in Bryan,
Huntsville and Lufkin, will be closing at the end of August. Each of them provided health and family planning services including cancer screenings
and pregnancy, HIV and STD testing. Only the facility in Bryan performed abortions.
Planned Parenthood Forced
to Cancel Texas Bus Tour Stop, Lack of Enthusiasm. So today's the big day, the culmination of recent pro-life efforts in Texas to ban
abortions after 20 weeks and enact stricter abortion industry regulations. [...] While abortion proponents may claim Gov. Rick Perry's call for a
special session was a "sneak attack," they knew it was coming — months in advance, and planned the "seemingly spontaneous" crowd.
It also appears the other side had to hire "free agent activists" on social media to stir the lackluster pro-abortion pot.
Planned Parenthood Admits
that It Uses Taxpayer Money to Fund Abortions. The abortion debate in Texas has been clarifying. On one side we've seen people
behave peacefully and respectfully, abide by the laws and the rules and sing hymns like "Amazing Grace." On the other side, we've seen threats,
mob tactics and "Hail Satan!" [...] We've also seen Planned Parenthood lie through its teeth, and a couple of members of the the Texas media just
called them out on it.
Richards Can't Explain Difference Between Gosnell Killings and Elective Late-Term Abortions. Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards
held a small rally outside the U.S. Capitol Thursday [7/11/2013] joined by Minnesota senator Al Franken, Connecticut congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, and a
crowd of 200 Planned Parenthood activists. Richards warned that new state and federal bills — including measures establishing
late-term abortion limits — pose threats to women's rights.
Planned Parenthood promoting Obamacare.
Planned Parenthood is diving into a new area of education, not without its own controversy: Obamacare. The group's more than 750 health
centers across the country will be promoting the health law and helping women find out about new coverage options for themselves and their families
before — and after — enrollment begins Oct. 1. They're creating everything from refrigerator magnets to online apps
that help people enroll in a health plan. Some affiliates will be applying to become official government-funded "navigators" to give people more
hands-on help through the signup process.
demands insurers cover Planned Parenthood clinics. Most of Planned Parenthood's 750 health and abortion clinics around
the nation will be covered under Obamacare, imposing a new demand on insurers who want to participate in the health care exchanges
that will provide insurance coverage to millions of Americans. While insurers currently cover doctors and health facilities
in their networks, Obamacare demands that they also cover at least 20 percent of "essential community providers" in their
coverage area, including Planned Parenthood, AIDS clinics, pain management centers and even alternative medicine providers.
Black Conservative
Attacks Abortion, Dems Faint Dead Away. Journalists and Democrats have designated a new Republican scandal: Bishop
Earl W. Jackson "compared" Planned Parenthood to the Ku Klux Klan. On May 18, Jackson became the Republican nominee for
lieutenant governor of Virginia in this November's 2013 elections. An important detail in this drama is that Bishop Jackson is
African-American. Much more alarming, Jackson has been leading a hard-hitting campaign to call on Blacks to leave the Democrat Party.
IRS Told
Pro-Life Group Not to Picket Planned Parenthood. The Internal Revenue Service allegedly told an Iowa pro-life group they
had to sign documents promising not to protest or picket Planned Parenthood and they told a Texas pro-life organization they had to
promote abortion, according to documents obtained by Fox News. "The IRS was concerned about advocacy," said Sally Wagenmaker,
special counsel to the Thomas More Society. "The (agent) said picketing and protesting is not allowed." She said the IRS's
role "should only be to determine whether organizations fit the section 501(c)(3) test for 'charitable, religious, or educational'
qualification, not to inquire about the content of prayers, protests, and petitions."
Parenthood Targets Black Women. According to the Centers for Disease Control, blacks accounted for 35.4 percent
of abortions performed in 2009, despite representing, according to the 2010 census, just 13.6 percent of the US
population. Let's not be deluded that this is an accident.
Obama Is Ducking
the Gosnell Abortion Controversy. Up in Pennsylvania, abortionist Kermit Gosnell is on trial, accused of having killed a
handful of babies who survived his procedures. And Planned Parenthood is in the thick of it all.
Avoids [the] Word 'Abortion' in [his] Speech Defending Planned Parenthood. President Obama gave a speech slamming
critics for trying to turn Planned Parenthood "into a punching bag" while notably avoiding the word "abortion" in the entire address.
"The fact is, after decades of progress, there's still those who want to turn back the clock to policies more suited to the 1950s than
the 21st century. And they've been involved in an orchestrated and historic effort to roll back basic rights when it comes
to women's health," Obama said.
Obama 12-Minute
Speech to Planned Parenthood [was] Time for 7.6 Abortions at Planned Parenthood . President Barack Obama praised the Planned Parenthood
Federation of America for saving lives and helping women and families in a 12-minute, 3-second speech on Friday, which was enough time for 7.6 abortions
to take place at Planned Parenthood clinics, based upon the abortion data in their latest annual report.
The Editor says...
The three items immediately above were also posted in the subsection about Mr. Obama's
speech at Planned Parenthood on 4/26/2013.
Planned Parenthood Kept
Silent About Gosnell Butchery. Who outside of Kermit Gosnell's abortion clinic knew about the massacre of the innocents but didn't
say a word to the authorities about it? Planned Parenthood, that's who. This week, Planned Parenthood Southeast Pennsylvania president
and CEO Dayle Steinberg, speaking at a fundraiser, no less, admitted that she knew what was going on at Gosnell's butcher shop. She and her
organization did not report it to state health officials or anyone else who could have stepped in.
'Pro-Choice' Only Goes so Far.
[Scroll down] Planned Parenthood, too, is yet another progressive outlet that waxes on about the virtues of "choice," but their
commitment to choice magically disappears when it's convenient to do so. After the Department of Health and Human Services decided
to force employers to provide birth control to their employees regardless of religious objections, Planned Parenthood cheered:
"This policy makes it clear that your boss does not get to decide whether you can have birth control." So a religious employer's
beliefs and decisions, it seems, are second-rate when it comes to things Planned Parenthood likes.
Delaware Planned Parenthood
halts abortions while under investigation. Abortions have been suspended at a Delaware Planned Parenthood, after several
911 calls made from within the clinic prompted a new investigation by Health and Human Services. Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich and Joyce
Vasikonis, who both quit their jobs as nurses at the facility, spoke to Action News about the unsafe and unsanitary conditions they
experienced while working in the facility.
Planned Parenthood: This Gosnell case is "appalling".
Proof positive that we've reached a new phase of Gosnell damage control. Plan A: Ignore, ignore, ignore. Plan B: If Plan A
becomes impossible, use Gosnell as some sort of exception that proves the rule about why, counterintuitively, America needs easier access to abortion.
Delaware abortion clinic facing charges of unsafe and unsanitary
conditions. A local abortion clinic is under fire, facing allegations of unsafe and unsanitary conditions. A series of emergency
calls made from the Planned Parenthood of Delaware this year are raising concerns about what's happening behind the closed doors.
Another abortion clinic
horror story: Planned Parenthood of Delaware. It doesn't emit the stench of delirious, inhuman evil that surrounds abortionist Kermit
Gosnell and his henchpersons, but conditions were quite fearsome at Planned Parenthood of Delaware, where filthy conditions put patients at risk of
contracting hepatitis, or even AIDs, according to former nurses who talked with Philadelphia ABC News affiliate WPVI.
Parenthood's defense of infanticide. When Rep. Todd Akin made his outrageous comments about "legitimate rape" it was front page news —
and rightly so. But when a representative of Planned Parenthood is caught on camera defending infanticide, it merits barely a mention in the
mainstream media.
Johns Hopkins's and Planned Parenthood's troubling extremism. Recently in
Florida, Alisa LaPolt Snow, representing Florida Planned Parenthood organizations, testified against a bill that would require
abortionists to provide medical care to babies who survive attempted abortions. Snow was asked: "If a baby is born on a table
as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?"
Snow replied: "We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family and the physician."
Parenthood Rep Gives Chilling Testimony on "Post-Birth" Abortion. Some legislators were shocked at what appeared to be an
admission that Planned Parenthood is okay with allowing babies born alive during an abortion to be deprived of life-saving medical care.
Fox News reported that one of the lawmakers tried to pin Snow down on the abortion giant's position regarding a baby born alive while an
abortionist was attempting to end his or her life. "We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her
family, and the physician," Snow reiterated from her talking points — making it appear that Planned Parenthood's position is
that an abortionist hasn't completed his mission until a baby dies, inside or outside the womb.
Sandra Fluke joins Planned
Parenthood to push Obamacare birth control. Sandra Fluke, President Obama's Democratic National Convention spokeswoman for Obamacare-supplied
birth control, has joined with Planned Parenthood to urge Americans to speak out in support of no co-pay birth control.
Rick Perry's best endorsement yet: Gloria Steinem calls Texas Gov. Rick Perry 'dictatorial,
unacceptable American'. When the state's longest-serving governor and former GOP presidential candidate signed off on plans to shrink
funding for family planning — and revamped the women's healthcare program, excluding Planned Parenthood from participating — his
place in history became clear, she said. "He personally will go down in history as an authoritarian — a dictatorial, unacceptable American,"
Steinem, 78, told the Star-Telegram on Friday [2/1/2013] before speaking to a crowd of more than 800 during the annual Planned Parenthood luncheon at the
Omni Fort Worth Hotel downtown.
Aborting 'Pro-Choice,' Promoting 'Nuance'.
As the United States — with over a million abortions a year, one of the highest abortion rates among Western industrialized
nations — prepares to recognize the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, abortion activists are quietly launching a
new public relations strategy. Planned Parenthood, after admitting to selected reporters that the "pro-choice" label has lost its
appeal, is moving to more "nuanced" language that conveys the "complicated" nature of abortion. The need for an abortion, claims
Planned Parenthood, is "situational" and "depends on an individual's circumstances."
Planned Parenthood cranks up
abortion mills. In 2011, government subsidies to Planned Parenthood reached an all-time high, with the abortion provider
receiving a whopping $542 million in taxpayer funding — all while ending a record number of lives —
333,964. This brings Planned Parenthood's death toll to nearly 1 million during the last three years. This means that
nearly 1 million women have also been wounded by the pain of abortion, calling into question Planned Parenthood's level of concern
for the health and well-being of vulnerable women and girls.
Reintroduces Bill To Ban Federal Funds From Abortion Providers, Including Planned Parenthood. Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.)
marked the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion nationwide, by announcing at a press
conference her reintroduction of legislation to ban all abortion providers from receiving any federal funds, including Planned
Parenthood. "Over the last 40 years, more than 55 million babies have been aborted," Black said on Tuesday [1/22/2013] on
Capitol Hill at the conference focused on Roe v. Wade.
Judge blocks Planned
Parenthood from Texas program. A Texas judge refused to allow Planned Parenthood to temporarily rejoin a health program for
low-income women on Friday [1/11/2013], saying the organization would unlikely win its court fight to get around a new law that disqualifies
health clinics with any affiliation to abortion providers.
Parenthood received $542.4 million in government grants and reimbursements from 2011 to 2012. Planned Parenthood's most recent annual
report for 2011-2012, released Monday [1/7/2013], reveals that the abortion and women's health provider received $542.4 million from taxpayers
in government grants and reimbursements — constituting 45 percent of the organization's revenue. Abortions constituted
3 percent of the services Planned Parenthood provided from October 2010 to September 2011.
Planned Parenthood reports
record year for abortions. In its latest annual report for fiscal year 2011 to 2012, Planned Parenthood reveals that it performed
333,964 abortions in 2011 — a record year for the organization. According to annual reports, the organization performed 332,278
abortions in 2009, 329,445 in 2010, making the total number of abortions in three years to 995,687.
Rep. Marsha
Blackburn offers bill to defund Planned Parenthood. "As a woman, I believe America deserves better than abortion," Blackburn
said in a statement on her bill. "America shouldn't celebrate abortion and our taxpayers shouldn't subsidize abortion businesses
like Planned Parenthood, who profit from the destruction of human life with taxpayer money. It's fiscally irresponsible and morally
Texas health program can exclude Planned
Parenthood: judge. Texas won a court victory on Monday in its effort to stop state funds under a health program for low-income women
from going to clinics affiliated with Planned Parenthood, a group that provides abortions at some of its facilities.
Texas Judge Rules State Can De-Fund
Planned Parenthood. A Texas state judge has delivered a ruling in response to the second legal challenge Planned Parenthood has
brought against the state for removing the abortion business from its taxpayer-funded women's health program. The judge refused today
[12/31/2012] to grant a temporary restraining order allowing Planned Parenthood to rejoin the Texas Women's Health Program in time for the
January launch of it.
Planned Parenthood think tank
inflates abortion numbers. How many abortions, legal and illegal, are performed annually, nationally and worldwide? The answer
depends upon whom you ask and whether the data come from the United States or from developing nations. More important, it depends on the
assumptions, methodology and honesty of those compiling the numbers. Recent research calls into question data that heretofore had been
considered authoritative.
Parenthood Did One Abortion Every 95 Seconds — As Many in One Year as Live In Cincinnati. Planned Parenthood
performed 332,278 abortions in the United States in 2009, according to a fact sheet the group published last month. That is about as
many as the 333,012 people who lived in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 2009, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The 332,278 abortions
Planned Parenthood performed over the 365 days of 2009 equals an average of 910 lives terminated per day — or about
38 per hour, or one every 95 seconds.
Rep. Schwartz:
'Respect for Life' Means 'Different Things to Different People'. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion-provider
in the nation. According to its own fact sheets, Planned Parenthood performed 985,731 abortions between 2008 and 2010 —
329,445 in 2010 alone. Planned Parenthood also receives taxpayer money every year and got $487.4 million in 2009-2010.
A Congressional Research Service report published on Aug. 28 said that the federal government gives Planned Parenthood about $66 million
per year in Title X "family planning" grants. The law prohibits recipients from using Title X money for abortion except in
cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. However, Planned Parenthood and other organizations that receive federal
subsidies under Title X can take the federal money and do abortions at the same time as long use other dollars — not the
dollars they got from the federal government — to pay for an actual abortion.
Intl Planned Parenthood Marks 60
Years, Pushes Abortion in Africa. At the end of this week, International Planned Parenthood Federation is celebrating its 60th anniversary
in South Africa, where the abortion giant and billionaire Melinda Gates have their sights set on targeting women and girls with injectable contraceptives
that double the rate of contracting HIV. In April, Gates launched her 10-year plan to lend her voice (and millions of dollars) to ostensibly
eliminate the controversy that surrounds contraception.
Planned Parenthood Gets
Obamacare Funds to Push Sex on 9th Graders. Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Virginia has received government funding that
enables it to expand its systematic sexualization and degradation of 9th graders in the Newport News public schools with "risk reduction" sex
education. The money comes from the $75 million pool set aside as a part of Obamacare to teach the Personal Responsibility Education
Program (PREP). The PREP money is setting students up for disaster as it enables Planned Parenthood and other organizations access to the
most vulnerable youth across the nation.
Planned Parenthood takes credit for Obama reelection. Planned Parenthood, whose federal
funding was threatened by GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, is taking credit for President Obama's reelection by keeping independent women scared long enough
about Romney's agenda for Obama to win them over.
Women voted for birth control.
Planned Parenthood is patting itself on the back over President Obama's victory earlier this month. According to Dawn Laguens, the
abortion provider's executive vice president, women were scared away from Mitt Romney with the threat that he would take away their birth
control. Other, seemingly more important issues, such as the fragile state of the economy, record joblessness among women and the
foreign-policy debacle in Benghazi, Libya, took a back seat for the 56 percent of female voters who opted for Mr. Obama, intent on
securing their "reproductive rights" against a purported Republican onslaught.
Planned Parenthood
Head Urges GOP to Dump Pro-Life Base. Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards has advice for Republicans after their big defeat on
Election Day — to abandon their pro-life base. Following an election campaign in which the taxpayer-funded organization spent $15 million
tearing down Republican candidates who vowed to cut off its federal funding, Richards now says she is reaching out to pro-choice Republicans.
Obama on Giving Tax $$ to Planned
Parenthood: 'Sometimes You've Got to Stand on Principle'. Concerning budget negotiations with Republicans, President Barack Obama made
clear in a campaign speech on Monday [11/5/2012] in Madison, Wisc., that he would not compromise on federal funding for Planned Parenthood, the
nation's largest abortion provider. Obama identified preserving taxpayer subsidies for the nation's largest abortion provider among other top
priorities in a speech given one day before the presidential election.
Whistleblower Cases Allege Planned Parenthood Intentionally Engaged in Improper Billing
Practices. Former Planned Parenthood employees allege improper and illegal corporate policies were implemented by Planned Parenthood to increase
profits, to the detriment of both the taxpayers and the women and families government programs seek to serve. In the most recently unsealed suit, Thayer v.
Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, Sue Thayer, former manager for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland (PPH), alleges that PPH filed nearly one-half million false
claims with Medicaid. According to Ms. Thayer's complaint, PPH fraudulently received and retained nearly $28 million in taxpayer funding through abusive
billing practices.
Why Planned Parenthood Won't Provide Mammograms.
Why doesn't Planned Parenthood just offer mammograms? Doing so would do real good while saving their public defenders from credibility diminishing lies.
The answer may lie in what economists call the "contribution margin." The contribution margin of each procedure is the marginal profit per unit of sale and
thus the amount each procedure contributes to the coverage of fixed costs (such as executive compensation) and to profits. The problem for Planned
Parenthood — which thinks and acts much more like a business than most people realize — is that mammograms are much less profitable
than the relatively lucrative procedure of abortion.
Planned Parenthood
battles Texas in court over funding. Planned Parenthood and Texas officials are headed back to court in early November,
the latest round of legal wrangling in a fight over funding. On Friday [10/26/2012], a Texas district court judge in Austin issued a
temporary restraining order barring Texas officials from eliminating Planned Parenthood from the Women's Health Program if they continue
to accept federal funds.
WaPo fact check
gives Obama seven Pinocchios on the sequester and mammograms at Planned Parenthood. Obama tried to
dodge responsibility for the sequestration when Mitt Romney criticized him for it during the final debate, claiming
that "[t]he sequester is not something that I've proposed. It is something that Congress has proposed."
That came as news to the man who literally wrote the book on that deal, Bob Woodward.
96 Years, Abortion Giant Planned Parenthood Still Targeting Minorities. Planned Parenthood marked its 96th anniversary on
October 16, and Jim Sedlak of the American Life League noted that over the past 42 years the abortion giant has been
responsible for the deaths of over six million pre-born babies, all the while collecting millions of dollars in federal funding.
"In 2010, Planned Parenthood did 27 percent of all the abortions in the United States," Sedlak pointed out. "It has ended
the lives of over 6,000,000 human beings in its own facilities since 1970. And, during that same time, it collected over
$6 billion in taxpayer money.
Planned Parenthood President
Volunteers for Obama Re-Election. Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards announced Friday [10/19/2012] she is taking a break from
running the nation's largest abortion provider to volunteer full-time for the re-election of President Barack Obama, because, "Our daughters' and our
granddaughters' future depends on it." "I've taken a break from my day job in order to volunteer full-time to reelect President Barack
Obama," Richards said in a one-minute 45-second video posted on the Obama campaign website.
Shocker: Planned Parenthood
President Volunteers for Obama Campaign. The reason Cecile Richards has to take leave from her job at the abortion mill is because
if she kept working there while also volunteering for the Obama campaign she'd run the risk of people thinking Planned Parenthood is a partisan
organization (pause for laughter). [...] And why not team up with Obama on a formal basis? They've been coordinating their lies more than
ever lately.
Obama: Women 'Rely'
on Planned Parenthood for Mammograms; FDA: No They Don't. During Tuesday's second presidential debate,
President Barack Obama said that women "rely" on Planned Parenthood for mammograms, but, according to the Food and
Drug Administration, no Planned Parenthood facility in the United States is licensed to do mammograms.
Planned Parenthood's "White Lies". Planned Parenthood describes itself as "many
things to many people." That is true, in large part, because Planned Parenthood is in reality not what the organization presents itself to be. For
example, in the words of Planned Parenthood, abortion is "a very small part" of its operations, but simple math demonstrates that Planned Parenthood's abortion business
brings in, at bare minimum, a non-trivial 99 million dollars a year. Planned Parenthood has promoted the idea that re-directing funding away from Planned
Parenthood to other providers would cause women to "lose access" to "mammograms," while no Planned Parenthood clinic is even authorized to perform mammograms.
Biden: Planned
Parenthood 'Under Law Cannot Perform Any Abortion;' Planned Parenthood: We Did 985,731 In 3 Years. Vice President Joe Biden said at
the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse on Friday [10/12/2012] that Planned Parenthood "under law cannot perform any abortion." Planned Parenthood
itself has published fact sheets indicating that it did 985,731 abortions in just the three years from 2008 through 2010. These included
324,008 abortion in 2008, 332,278 abortions in 2009, and 329,445 abortions in 2010. Biden made his remark in response to former Massachusetts
Gov. Mitt Romney position that he would defund Planned Parenthood.
Parenthood Buys $3.5M in Anti-Romney TV Ads. It's no surprise that Planned Parenthood, its president Cecile
Richards, and its loyalists are out in force to re-elect Barack Obama. Mitt Romney has said he would cut off federal
tax dollars to the group, while President Obama is one of the abortion giant's most fervent allies. Recent disclosure
reports show that Planned Parenthood's various PACs and independent expenditure organizations have already spent nearly
$6 million in this election cycle to support Obama and pro-abortion champions while attacking Romney.
Planned Parenthood's Facebook
Page for Teens: 'Slut' Is a Positive Word. Penny Starr of CNSNews.com is featured on the Drudge Report for her story on Planned Parenthood's
Facebook page for teenagers. Like many on the libertine Left, the social-media instructors for America's largest abortion provider think "slut" is an
inappopriate word to use for sexually active people. After all, sexually active young people are the most reliable Planned Parenthood clients.
Planned Parenthood Prez: Without
Birth Control 'Few Women Had Opportunity to Finish School'. Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told the Democratic National Convention
on Wednesday that before birth control was legalized in the United States women did not have the opportunity to finish school and did not live long past the
age of 50. "Nearly 100 years ago when Planned Parenthood was founded, birth control was illegal," Richards told the convention. "And
as a result, few women had the opportunity to finish school, and we really weren't even expected to live much past the age of 50.
Planned Parenthood's Kathleen
Turner: How Would a Zygote Know of its Legal Rights? Kathleen Turner, actress and chairwoman of Planned Parenthood's Board of Advocates,
criticized "personhood" legislation, which defines life as beginning at conception and ending at natural death, and asked how a human embryo would know it
had such personhood rights. At the National Press Club on Wednesday [9/5/2012], Turner spoke about reproductive rights and mocked the idea of a
"personhood" law. "And then we have the so-called 'personhood' bills," she said. "Now these would give full legal rights to a zygote, at the
moment sperm meets egg. Frankly, I have always wondered, 'How do they know?'"
The Editor says...
Does a newborn baby have any legal rights? How does it know? Babies don't have to know the law to enjoy its protection.
Planned Parenthood's Action
Fund planning revenge on Mitt Romney. Planned Parenthood's Action Fund plans to spend more than $3 million in Ohio and Virginia
against Mitt Romney in the wake of his pledge to "get rid" of the women's health advocacy group. The group is one of several liberal-leaning
women's organizations planning to spend millions of dollars in crucial election states to swing undecided female voters toward President Obama.
Joining them are NARAL Pro-Choice America and EMILY's List, two abortion-rights groups who are also planning aggressive campaigns.
Parenthood President Speaks at Democratic Convention. Shoving aside countless hours of research, Planned Parenthood President
Cecile Richards said Wednesday [9/5/2012] at the Democratic National Convention that before birth control was legalized women were unlikely
to finish school and had life expectancies not much higher than the age of 50. In her speech, she also noticeably omitted the word
"abortion" while railing against pro-life Republicans such as Rep. Todd Akin (Mo.).
Planned Parenthood's magical mystery bus tour.
Birds of a feather flock together, especially when one bird is funneling hundreds of millions of dollars a year to the other. Case in
point: Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards and the Obama administration. The administration oversaw the transfer of nearly half a
billion dollars to the abortion giant last year, and now Richards has announced a Planned Parenthood bus tour in support of Obama's re-election
campaign. Since no one knows exactly what the bus tour will do, except serve as a campaign arm for the Obama administration, I guess we'll
call it the "Magical Mystery Bus Tour."
Court: Texas can cut off Planned Parenthood
funds. Texas officials are vowing to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood after a federal court sided with the state in a challenge over a
new law that bans clinics affiliated with abortion providers from getting money through a health program for low-income women.
Planned Parenthood goes to war
against Mitt Romney. Barack Obama may be losing most of America, but he can count on the fervent support of the extremely
well-heeled abortion industry. Its political coffers are stuffed with cash, from both the sale of services and compulsory taxpayer
subsidies. There's no way Planned Parenthood will allow taxpayers to turn off the money spigot.
Forward Doesn't Mean Funding Planned Parenthood for President Obama's Daughters. It seems that every day the
effects of the culture of death on our society are more and more obvious, and more and more gruesome. Just take the
continued funding of Planned Parenthood with taxpayer dollars. This ongoing controversy was highlighted recently when
President Barack Obama declared yet again that he wants to continue pumping our hard-earned money into Planned Parenthood.
Woman dies after abortion at Planned Parenthood clinic. A woman died of injuries she received
during an abortion at a [Chicago] Planned Parenthood clinic Friday [7/20/2012]. [...] An autopsy done Saturday listed the woman's cause of death to be
hemorrhage, with a cervical dilation and evacuation, as well as an intrauterine pregnancy as contributing causes, according to the medical examiner's
office. Her death was ruled an accident.
Chicago Woman's Family Lawyers Up After
Abortion-Related Death. Tonya Reaves, 24, died after hemorrhaging during cervical dilation and evacuation — a kind of
second-trimester abortion — and an intrauterine pregnancy late Friday night, Cook County medical examiners said. Reaves was transported via
ambulance from a Chicago Planned Parenthood clinic to Northwestern Memorial Hospital at about 11:00 a.m. Friday, medical examiners said.
She was pronounced dead about 12 hours later, at 11:20 p.m.
Senseless, Preventable Death Lies At The Door of Planned Parenthood. President Obama obviously supports a pro-abortion position,
which most of us who have been paying attention were well of prior to this time. The abortion industry is a very lucrative business. [...]
States that have attempted to implement legislation either defunding Planned Parenthood or requiring the organization to adhere to standard practices
within the health care industry have been met with retaliation from the Obama administration via threats of having all access to Medicaid funding
denied to the state.
Memphis Planned
Parenthood gets $395,000 federal grant. The Memphis branch of Planned Parenthood received a federal grant that will
help offset the loss of state funding last year, officials announced Thursday [7/5/2012]. A $395,000 grant from the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services will cover a little more than half of the $748,000 in funding that was eliminated last year by
lawmakers who oppose abortion.
Planned Parenthood, NARAL
Welcome SCOTUS Ruling on ObamaCare. In response to Thursday's Supreme Court ruling that the president's signature healthcare law is
constitutional as a tax, the nation's abortion industry expressed pleasure at the outcome. [...] Planned Parenthood notes that as a result of ObamaCare's
newly declared constitutional status, beginning August 1st, "birth control will be treated like any other preventive prescription under the Affordable
Care Act, and will be available without co-pays or deductibles."
DeMint: Planned
Parenthood in LA high school 'a referral service to more abortion'. The Planned Parenthood partnership with the Los Angeles Unified School
District is a dangerous development, according to South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint. Tuesday [6/5/2012], The Los Angeles Times reported that Planned
Parenthood has opened a clinic in Los Angeles' Roosevelt High School to reduce the school's number of unplanned pregnancies. During an appearance
on the Laura Ingraham Show, DeMint blasted the new Planned Parenthood location. "It's absurd," DeMint said. "We would never allow that in
South Carolina. But California won't allow Marines to recruit in schools, but they'll allow this kind of thing. It's dangerous because it
tells children that promiscuous, dangerous sex is supported by their government and their political authorities."
Liberals Are Waging the Real War on Women.
We have known for some time that baby girls are either aborted or killed outright after birth in some Asian countries, most
notably, China. There is now growing evidence that Asian immigrants in the United States may be practicing the same
sort of "gendercide." Of course, the nation's leading provider of abortions, Planned Parenthood, which receives hundreds of
millions of our federal tax dollars every year, is more than willing to abort normal, healthy fetuses — for sex selection
or any other reason — no questions asked. This was dramatically demonstrated recently by the head of the pro-life
group Live Action, Lila Rose, who, a few years ago, exposed Planned Parenthood's cover-up of abortions on underage girls who had been
impregnated by older men.
Barack Obama Campaign Funded by Planned Parenthood Blood Money.
Planned Parenthood supports Barack Obama, and is currently stepping up their efforts to ensure his reelection. They are pumping money into
his campaign, saying their support is in relation to the issues of "health" and "economics." Planned Parenthood endorsed Obama's reelection
earlier this week, saying Romney's positions are harmful on women's health, despite the fact that most abortions have nothing to do with a
woman's health, and are performed more often as a convenience.
Parenthood Participates in Gendercide, Probe Shows. A nationwide undercover investigation of Planned
Parenthood by the pro-life activist group Live Action revealed that the tax-subsidized abortion behemoth and lobbying
group willingly participates in and facilitates what is known as "gendercide" — the deliberate extermination of children
due solely to their gender. And while the sex-discrimination problem in abortions is generally associated with
countries such as China and India, evidence released by the activists on May 29 further exposed the fact that it has
increasingly reared its head in America, all with the help of taxpayer subsidies.
Video Shows Gendercide at Planned Parenthood in New York City. Another new and chilling Live Action film
shows gendercide being promoted in a New York City Planned Parenthood clinic. A woman undercover says if she is
pregnant with a baby girl, she would want to abort and instead have a boy. The Planned Parenthood worker counsels
her about how to terminate her pregnancy, late term, based on sex-selection.
Parenthood Wants Your Money For Abortions on Mother's Day. Planned Parenthood is wishing women a happy Mother's Day by
asking people for donations to prevent women from becoming mothers, or in other words, is asking for abortion funding. This Mother's
Day, Planned Parenthood is pushing the idea that empowering women means giving them the option to terminate a life in the womb early instead of
celebrating a woman's ability to give the precious gift of life.
Planned Parenthood targeting college
students, says pro-life group. A pro-life student group is alleging that Planned Parenthood for America targets college students for their
abortion services. Students for Life is basing the claim on a study the group conducted over the winter. It found that of the estimated 780 Planned
Parenthood facilities in the United States (at the initiation of the study in January), there are 615 Planned Parenthoods, or 79 percent, within 5 miles
of a university.
RINO alert! House Republican
floats bill to protect Planned Parenthood. One of the few Republicans in Congress who supports abortion rights introduced a
bill Wednesday [5/9/2012] to stop conservative state legislatures from halting the flow of federal public health funds to Planned Parenthood.
Rep. Robert Dold (R-Ill.) defended the group and its funding at a press conference, saying they enable underprivileged women to
receive "basic, preventive, and in some cases, life-saving" care.
GOP foiled as funds flow to Planned
Parenthood. Newly empowered Republicans in states across the country are pushing to kill public contracts with Planned Parenthood,
only to find their efforts blocked by the Obama administration and federal courts. In New Hampshire, the administration circumvented officials
by awarding a $1 million grant directly to the nation's largest provider of abortion services after state officials blocked a grant to the
organization. Every federal district court that has ruled so far has sided with Planned Parenthood.
Arizona bans funding to Planned Parenthood in abortion
fight. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer on Friday [5/4/2012] signed into law a bill banning abortion providers
like Planned Parenthood from receiving money through the state, her office said in a statement. The Republican-backed
Whole Woman's Health Funding Priority Act cuts off funding for family planning and health services delivered by Planned
Parenthood clinics and other organizations offering abortions.
gets a stay from appeals court in Planned Parenthood case. The state [of Texas — which quickly appealed a
Monday [4/30/2012] preliminary injunction allowing Planned Parenthood to continue participating, at least temporarily, in the Women's
Health Program — was granted a stay by an appellate court judge. Attorney General Greg Abbott filed an emergency motion
for stay Monday night in the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, said Stephanie Goodman of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission,
and Judge Jerry E. Smith granted it. His order said the stay is granted "pending further order of this court."
Obama administration
hires former Planned Parenthood spokesman. The Obama administration has hired Planned Parenthood's former spokesman to work in
the Department of Health and Human Services' press shop — angering anti-abortion groups, who pointed to the decision as evidence
of the administration's bias. The federal health department tapped Tait Sye, former media relations director at Planned Parenthood, to
be the new deputy assistant secretary for public affairs.
Thousand Reasons Why Planned Parenthood Can't Be Trusted. For the past five years, every dawn
has brought additional evidence of the fact that Planned Parenthood and its allies in the abortion industry
cannot be trusted to tell the truth about the one thing they should know well — abortion.
Just over five years ago, on April 18, 2007, the Supreme Court announced its opinion in Gonzales v.
Carhart, holding that the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act was constitutional. Since then,
we have lived in a world where partial-birth abortions have been illegal in the United States under federal
law (and now many state laws). Yet the most valuable part of the Gonzales opinion may not be
its upholding of the PBA Ban, but the fact that it called the abortion industry's bluff. And history
has now demonstrated that Planned Parenthood and its allies were holding a joker.
Parenthood president barnstorms state promoting Tester. The leader of the group that's become a
national lightning rod on abortion and birth control barnstormed Montana this week, saying the group is about
health care rather than politics — but won't shy from being a political force as well.
Planned Parenthood Launches Pro-Abortion "40 Days of Prayer". Six Rivers
Planned Parenthood of Eureka, California, has launched a campaign called the 40 Days of Prayer: Supporting Women Everywhere, which lists
40 different prayers for those committing abortions: the mothers, the escorts, the abortionists, and everyone involved except the unborn
children. The prayer event is supported by the so-called Clergy for Choice, "religious leaders who value all human life." In truth, the
purported "clergy" only value life once it reaches a certain age and actively seek to destroy the lives of defenseless preborn children.
Planned Parenthood sues Texas.
Planned Parenthood has taken their Texas-sized grievance to court. The organization filed a lawsuit against the Texas
Health and Human Services Commission in federal court this week seeking to prevent enforcement of a new rule that excludes
their affiliates from participating in the state's Women's Health Program.
Planned Parenthood's 10 Most
Feared Enemies in 2012. In the last few months PPFA's named appeared in the news for many controversies
ranging from Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the Girl Scouts, contraception and religious freedom, federal funding, and
individual state laws seeking to lower abortion numbers. Considering Planned Parenthood makes hundreds of millions
of dollars a year as the top abortion provider in America, you can bet they have an enemies list in these battles.
And [in this article] you will find their top ten most feared enemies for this big election year.
RINO alert! GOP Sen. Hutchison
defends Planned Parenthood, rips Rick Perry. Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (Texas) on Thursday defended Planned
Parenthood and criticized Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) for excluding the organization from the state's healthcare program. "I think
Planned Parenthood does mammograms, they do so much of the healthcare, the preventative healthcare, and if they're doing that, then
we need to provide those services, absolutely," Hutchison said on MSNBC.
Lawsuit Alleges $6 Million Fraud by Planned Parenthood. A former Planned Parenthood clinic director has filed a whistle-blower
lawsuit against her former employer, Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas (now known as Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast), charging
that between 2007 and 2009 the abortion provider filed fraudulent Medicaid claims totaling nearly $6 million.
Parenthood accused of $6M fraud. A Planned Parenthood affiliate in Texas knowingly sent in
about $6 million in false claims to Medicaid and took steps to cover up its acts, says a federal
"whistleblower" lawsuit that was unsealed Friday [3/9/2012]. Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast submitted
more than 87,000 reimbursement claims for services that were "false, fraudulent, and/or ineligible," said the
lawsuit filed by Abby K. Johnson on behalf of the United States and the State of Texas in U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of Texas in Houston.
Planned Parenthood's Grand Deception. Although popular opinion has been turning steadily against
Planned Parenthood and their allies over the course of the last 20 years, the culture of death continues
to seek and proselytize new adherents in pervasive and destructive ways. With their success, human life
has been cheapened to such a degree that news stories about sex and death which our grandparents would have found
heinous, don't even make us blink today.
Planned Parenthood CEO Top Advisor on Contraception Mandate. Guess who was a key player in pushing
through the birth control mandate in ObamaCare? Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards. According to
reports, not only did Obama listen to Richards, but took her word over the suggestions his top advisers, including
Vice President Joe Biden, then Chief of Staff Bill Daley and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.
Powers: Media See Planned Parenthood as 'Humanitarian' Group. On Saturday's [2/11/2012] Fox News
Watch, during a discussion of the media double standard between hitting Komen for planning to defund Planned
Parenthood, while delaying attention to Catholic leaders criticizing the Obama contraception mandate, liberal FNC
analyst Kirsten Powers debated fellow panel member and FNC analyst Judy Miller from the right as Powers noted the
media's bias toward Planned Parenthood, while Miller defended President Obama.
Tarnished Halos. Planned
Parenthood is a particular type of institution that might be called a "halo organization." A halo organization
is an outfit that, thanks to the sanctity of its mission, its purity of motives, its rigorous ethics, and its
unimpeachable standards, has attained the status of a sacred entity on this bitter earth. It's a kind of
secular church for people who don't have churches, beyond any form of criticism or doubt. A halo organization
is an archangel among institutions. I don't have to explain to the readers of AT that halo organizations are all
left-wing. There is no record of such an outfit existing in the center, much less the regions to the right.
Komen Disgraces Its Own Cause.
The relationship between Komen and the abortion mill has always been baffling on several levels. Komen was
started to find ways to save the sick and suffering. Planned Parenthood began as an organization based upon
the Margaret Sanger lie of eugenics, which taught that weaker beings should be exterminated. Komen exists upon
the fundamental concept that all life is valuable. Planned Parenthood exists upon the fundamental deceit that
only "wanted" or "convenient" life is worthy of protection. Komen's answer to social problems is to strive to
find ways to support the living. Planned Parenthood's answer to social problems is to increase access to
killing procedures.
Parenthood Executive Supports Gender Based Abortions. Whenever Planned Parenthood is threatened with
funding cuts from private organizations or Congress, the executives who work there are the liberals who defend the
organization take to the streets and the media to proclaim, "They're putting women's health in jeopardy!" It's
almost as if they don't realize abortion affects unborn females in the womb, as fifty percent of abortions are of female
babies. They'll scream women's rights all day long, while they disregard the rights of an unborn child, male or
female. These are also the same liberals who claim to fight against gender discrimination in the work place, but
apparently it is perfectly fine to discriminate inside the womb.
Handel, former Komen Foundation exec, says Planned Parenthood is a 'gigantic bully': report. The
former Komen Foundation exec — who resigned over a funding dispute with the nation's largest abortion
provider — is lashing out against Planned Parenthood, calling the organization a "gigantic bully."
In an interview with the Daily Beast, Handel contends Planned Parenthood reneged on a secret deal to keep quiet
about the breast cancer charity's decision to cut off funding to the organization.
Obama and the Dictatorship of
Relativism. Alas, it's not a question of the administration being tragically "tone deaf," as one American
Jesuit claimed, to specifically Catholic concerns. Nor is the bedrock of President Obama's position, in the end, a
commitment to "women's health." Outside the ghoulish world of Planned Parenthood, pregnancy does not qualify as a
disease. A fertile womb is no threat to human life. No, this is all about the absolutization of choice for the
sake of choice. It's also about creating a society in which any discussion of the actual ends we choose is considered
unacceptable in public debates about law and morality.
Parenthood's Fig Leaf. The Komen Foundation caved under the pressure with all of the groveling
its opponents could have wished for. "We want to apologize to the American public," said the group's
press release, "for recent decisions that cast doubt upon our commitment to our mission of saving women's
lives." So, all together now, Planned Parenthood is all about saving women's lives, and any criticism of PP
is "ugly politics." Except that observers of events over the past week may draw other conclusions.
Exec Quits After Funding Flap. A high-ranking official resigned Tuesday from the Susan G.
Komen for the Cure breast-cancer charity after a dispute over whether the group should give funding to Planned
Parenthood, according to a letter obtained by The Associated Press.
Will: 'Historians will marvel' over American liberalism's defense of abortion. On Sunday's "This
Week with George Stephanopoulos," Washington Post columnist George Will said that last week's decision —
and subsequent reversal — by the Susan G. Komen Foundation to take funding away from Planned
Parenthood was strictly about abortion and less about women's health, adding that the case illustrates how far
liberals are willing to take the fight to defend abortion. "This is not about women's health. This
is about providing 300,000 abortions a year."
The Audacity of Obama's
Secularism: [Scroll down] As the hapless executives at the Komen Foundation recently
learned — after committing the thought crime of withholding private donations from abortionists —
no one is free to leave Obama's Animal Farm. Some pigs on it are more equal than others, and, remember,
the secularist Napoleons can never be wrong.
Planned Parenthood's
Hostages: Faced with even the tiniest depletion in the massive river of funds Planned Parenthood
receives yearly, the behemoth mobilized its enormous cultural, media, financial and political apparatus to
attack the Komen Foundation in the press, on TV and through social media. The organization's allies
demonized the charity, attempting to depict the nation's most prominent anti-breast cancer organization as a
bedfellow of religious extremists. A Facebook page was set up to "Defund the Komen Foundation." In
short, Planned Parenthood took breast-cancer victims as hostages.
are the true aggressors in culture wars. [Scroll down] It's clearly not about the money.
Komen's $600,000 in donations amount to less than .01% of Planned Parenthood's budget (as opposed to the nearly
half that comes from taxpayers). It's about making it very clear: Resistance is not just futile, but
dangerous. That was evident almost immediately. Komen's website was hacked, its Wikipedia page filled
with smears. Various allegedly objective news outlets rallied to Planned Parenthood's defense as if the
behemoth abortion provider was a victim of the tiny little breast cancer foundation.
flap shows Planned Parenthood is beyond criticism. Off the deep end: that's where America's
pro-abortion forces have gone. Have you checked out their reaction to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Foundation's decision not to provide grants to Planned Parenthood? "Komen's attack on abortion rights,"
screamed a shrill editorial in the Feb. 2 edition of The Baltimore Sun. What the headline of that one
editorial shows is how completely unhinged some pro-abortionists get at the mere thought that somewhere in the
nation, an unborn child might not be sucked down a tube. Whose right to an abortion has been "attacked"
by Komen's decision?
Cancer Charity Reneges on Planned Parent Defunding. Apparently, Komen's sensitivity to the federal
investigation changed in the course of 72 hours, as [Nancy] Brinker explained that the organization had changed
its rules to welcome Planned Parenthood back into the funding fold. "Our original desire was to fulfill our
fiduciary duty to our donors by not funding grant applications made by organizations under investigation," she
explained. "We will amend the criteria to make clear that disqualifying investigations must be criminal
and conclusive in nature and not political. That is what is right and fair." Brinker did not say what
her organization would do in the event (not unlikely, argue some Planned Parenthood critics) that the Stearns
investigation uncovers criminal behavior on the part of the abortion giant.
the Cookies: Grave Concerns Over Direction of Girl Scouts. A few pro-life and pro-family groups are
recommending a boycott of the cookies this year because of the Girl Scout (GSUSA) organization's partnership with
Planned Parenthood, its practice of allowing sexually confused boys to join its ranks, and its reported promotion
of pre-marital sex among the girls it mentors.
We're All Nonprofit Now.
Planned Parenthood is in the news this week, because when a far smaller charitable foundation, the Susan G
Komen Foundation, which funds breast cancer screening and treatment for women, decided that it would no longer
fund Planned Parenthood to the tune of about $600,000 a year, all hell broke loose. ... Contributors to an
organization which presents itself as one working on breast cancer issues would be misled should that money be
used to underscore Planned Parenthood's primary mission — abortion. And though it remains a
mystery to the media, many millions of Americans are anti-abortion and would not contribute to SGK if they
knew that's where their contributions were going.
Komen has its awareness raised.
In America today, few activities are as profitable as a "nonprofit." Planned Parenthood receives almost
half a billion dollars — or about 50 percent of its revenues — in taxpayer funding.
The Left's Genocide
of Minorities. A 2010 report from the Guttmacher Institute confirmed the disproportionate minority
statistics: of all abortions, non-Hispanic black women accounted for 30%, Hispanic women 25%, and 3% members
of other races, including American Indians. All this has happened since the Civil Rights Act was passed. ... Four
out of five of Planned Parenthood's clinics are located in minority neighborhoods, with blacks the primary target.
For the Hispanic community, PP's literature is translated into Spanish, and Spanish-speaking "outreach directors"
have been hired to bring in Latinas.
Big Sister Is Watching
You. The truth is that Komen blundered into a political battle by supporting Planned Parenthood in
the first place and was attempting to back out of it quietly. The [New York] Times's view exemplifies
feminism's gradual transformation into a totalitarian ideology. Totalitarianism politicizes everything,
so that neutrality is betrayal — in this case, neutrality on abortion is portrayed as opposition
to "women's health."
Race for the Smear.
A House subcommittee is looking into whether Planned Parenthood has violated the law by spending government money
on abortions. Planned Parenthood's supporters say the probe is politically motivated. As it is a
Congressional investigation, that is a trivial truth. We suspect, in any case, that the investigation was a
pretext — that Komen, whose mission is apolitical, dumped Planned Parenthood because it wished to escape involvement
with abortion politics. After all, its ubiquitous pink ribbons and "Race for the Cure" marketing invite
donations to cure cancer, not to support abortion providers.
Lessons from the Komen
Foundation Fiasco. [Scroll down] Komen did nothing wrong, and exercised its prerogative in
determining the criteria it uses for administering grants. It is perfectly free to do that, and has good
reason to disassociate itself from controversial political organizations like Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood
is ruthless, intelligent and driven. The half million dollars it would have lost from the Komen grants weren't
really the point of its blistering assault on the foundation. Preserving its power and its ability to intimidate
was Planned Parenthood's higher goal. If Komen had been allowed to pull funding quietly, others might have
followed suit, and some of its political allies might have drawn the conclusion that Planned Parenthood is weak.
This victory over Komen will help Planned Parenthood keep its allies and funding sources in line.
Mayor's Lead, Teachers' Union Donates to Planned Parenthood. They haven't agreed lately on education,
but they have come together on public health. A day after Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg made a $250,000
gift to Planned Parenthood, the city's teachers' union is answering the mayor's call for matching donations
with a $125,000 gift of its own.
Parenthood: Vicious Not Victorious. Today [2/3/2012] the Susan G. Komen foundation issued a statement
indicating that they will continue to fund existing grants to Planned Parenthood and preserve Planned Parenthood's
right to apply for grants in the future. Numerous mainstream media outlets are gleefully reporting that the
Komen foundation has reversed its previous decision to defund Planned Parenthood. However, a close reading of the
statement indicates that this is not necessarily the case.
Funding Flap Exposes Planned Parenthood's Lie. On the surface, the Komen Foundation's reversal
of its Planned Parenthood grant cut-off shows the left's power to enforce conformity. What it really reveals
is that Planned Parenthood doesn't need taxpayer support.
Planned Parenthood's
big lie. Telemed abortion is the practice by which an abortion doctor from a remote location
simply presses a button, which opens a drawer containing the dangerous abortion pill, after a brief teleconference
call with the woman. Telemed abortion doesn't only result in the death of an unborn child; it strips women
of their dignity by denying them the courtesy of an in-person visit from a doctor concerned for their health and
well-being. It risks their lives by sending them away with no support and a drug that has led to massive
bleeding and hemorrhaging, infection and even death. So what does Planned Parenthood, the "trusted
friend of women," love so much about telemed abortions? Low overhead costs.
Planned Parenthood Relationship to Girl Scouts 'Very Valuable'. Rep. Pelosi was featured at the
reception with a group of female government leaders to promote the Girl Scout's new initiative "To Get Her
There," which seeks to create "gender balanced leadership" in one generation. ... The Girl Scouts have been
linked to the nation's largest abortion provider in the past. In 2010, a panel sponsored by the Girl
Scouts USA at the United Nations Commission featured a Planned Parenthood pamphlet called "Healthy, Happy
and Hot," according to published reports.
Komen defunded Planned Parenthood: The Associated Press reports that Susan G. Komen for the
Cure, the nation's leading breast-cancer charity, will cut off its funding to Planned Parenthood affiliates,
where the foundation has traditionally paid for preventive screening services. ... Komen said it could not
continue to fund Planned Parenthood because it has adopted new guidelines that bar it from funding organizations
under congressional investigation. The House oversight and investigations subcommittee announced in the
fall an investigation into Planned Parenthood's funding.
Parenthood vs Komen: PP Gets Its Thug On. Recently, the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation
announced that it would longer offer funds and grants to Planned Parenthood, the nation's leading abortion mill
operator. This decision has sent Planned Parenthood over the edge of both sanity and civility with a new
fundraising letter that dispenses with its past staid talk about women's healthcare and goes straight for
thuggish threats of retaliation, finger pointing, and attacks on other women.
G. Komen defends cutoff of Planned Parenthood. Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the women's health
foundation under intense criticism for breaking ranks with Planned Parenthood, denied Thursday [2/2/2012] that
political considerations played any role in its decision to cut off funding to the nation's largest abortion
provider. "We will never bow to political pressure," Nancy G. Brinker, Komen founder and CEO,
said in a 3½-minute video statement posted on its website and on YouTube.
[Emphasis added.]
The very next day... Komen
reverses decision to defund Planned Parenthood. Susan G. Komen for the Cure has reversed its decision
to cut off grant money to Planned Parenthood following an intense backlash from women's groups and the left.
The charity did not promise that Planned Parenthood will receive additional grant money, but said it would change
its policies in a way that would make Planned Parenthood eligible for further funding.
Planned Parenthood's 3% lie.
The decision by the management of Susan G. Komen For The Cure, a leading fund-raiser for breast cancer awareness,
research and examinations, to stop giving Planned Parenthood $680,000 is about abortion politics and not money.
No woman will die because of this decision because the amount of money is superfluous to both organizations.
This is about symbolism in the fight against abortion on demand.
Wrath of the Abortion Movement Unleashed on Komen. If you are confused about what is actually
happening with the decision of the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure Foundation to change its grant criteria,
you are not alone. The vicious fury of pro-abortion lobby is the real story of the decision of the Komen
foundation to detach itself from grants to Planned Parenthood. So iconic is the status of Planned
Parenthood that, in the wake of this decision, numerous abortion supporters decided to punish Komen.
Fewer walkers for the Susan G. Komen
3-Day. Participation in this year's Susan G. Komen 3-Day walk for breast cancer across metro Atlanta is noticeably down because of the
recent controversy involving grants to Planned Parenthood, organizers said. There are 1,550 walkers this year — 850 fewer
than this time last year, organizers told [WSB-TV] News.
Editor's note:
Older information about the Komen / Planned Parenthood connection (prior to 2012) can be
found here.
Catholic Church Bans Girl Scouts Over Group's Planned Parenthood Link. The Girl Scouts of the USA
organization continues to attract critics for straying from its roots in a more secular and non-traditional
direction. The most recent offense of this nature has prompted St. Timothy's Catholic Church in
Chantilly, Virginia to ban the organization from meeting on its grounds because of its alleged connections
to Planned Parenthood.
Core Business of Planned Parenthood. Despite representing just 3% of Planned Parenthood's reported
number of health services provided each year, abortion represents the core business of the organization.
Even Hollywood Can't
Make Abortion Pretty. The latest example: actress Maggie Gyllenhaal's recent comments supporting Planned
Parenthood in a Glamour magazine column. In it, she describes attempts to curtail the flow of tax dollars
into Planned Parenthood's already overflowing coffers as attempts to "restrict women's access to reproductive health
services — things like cancer screenings, birth control and abortion care." "Abortion care" — a phrase equal
parts disjointed and sickening, and completely out of touch with reality. Think about it. How
much "care" does abortion provide to the preborn children who are either ripped alive from their mothers'
wombs — sometimes piece by piece — or killed in the womb and then stillborn after
labor is induced?
Parenthood's Annual Report: Got $487.4M in Tax Money, Did 329,445 Abortions. According to its latest
annual report, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) received $487.4 million in tax dollars over
a twelve-month period and performed 329,455 abortions. In addition, the number of adoption referrals made
by the organization continued to decline.
Parenthood - Abortions make up 91% of services; receives over $487 million in federal funding.
The Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), a pro-life Washington D.C. based organization, posted financial
information on Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA). According to an SBA List press release,
the PPFA annual report for the year "2009 to 2010 revealed, for the first time, that PPFA topped $1 billion
in total net assets."
Parenthood tops $1 billion in assets. The nation's largest abortion provider topped $1 billion
in total net assets in 2009-2010, its first time reaching that mark, according to Planned Parenthood's latest
annual report. The report, released Friday [12/30/2011], is sure to rekindle Republican lawmakers' efforts
to defund the organization in 2012.
group sues White House for access to Planned Parenthood docs. New Hampshire Right to Life is suing
the Obama administration for access to records about a decision to fund Planned Parenthood in violation of state
rules, a move that comes amid efforts by some state officials to get rid of virtually all federal funding to
The Granite State.
Parenthood NYC Offers Tips For Pro-abortion Conversation Around the 'Holiday Table'. The Planned
Parenthood Federation of America, the nation's largest abortion provider, received more than $349 million
in federal grants and contracts, according to its 2007-08 annual report (the latest data available). According
to a "fact sheet" published by the organization, Planned Parenthood Affiliate Health Centers performed 324,008
abortions in 2008. Efforts by some Republican members of 112th Congress to defund the organization have
failed thus far.
Removes Susan G. Komen Bibles from Shelves. KomenIn a December 14 article, LifeNews.com noted,
"In a victory for pro-life advocates, LifeWay Christian Bookstores has taken a Bible sold to fund the Komen breast
cancer foundation (which funds [abortion provider] Planned Parenthood) off of its bookshelves." Approximately
one dollar from the purchase of each Bible would have been donated by LifeWay (a resource of the Southern Baptist
Convention) to the Komen Foundation, whose affiliates this year gave almost $700,000 to Planned Parenthood.
Hold Holiday Party at Planned Parenthood. A coalition of Texas Democratic women groups drew controversy
when they decided to hold their "holiday party" at a Planned Parenthood facility. Religious pastors and
pro-life groups didn't take too kindly to that, calling it inappropriate place to hold such an event.
Obama Recruits Planned Parenthood Exec. President Obama's campaign is bringing in Heather Colburn,
who before lending a hand to Obama worked for EMILY's List, a national organization dedicated to electing pro-choice
Democratic women to office, and Planned Parenthood. Colburn joins the Obama team to lead his "Women for Obama"
Planned Parenthood wants black abortions. Herman Cain, one of the frontrunners in the Republican
presidential primary, charged Planned Parenthood with offering only insincere adivce to girls considering abortion,
in addition to reiterating his sometimes unclear pro-life position. After declaring that he is pro-life, without
any exceptions for cases of rape and incest, Cain defended his claim that "planned genocide" would be a more
accurate name for Planned Parenthood.
Key evidence
in Planned Parenthood case destroyed, prosecutors say. The country's first criminal prosecution
of Planned Parenthood was left teetering Friday [10/21/2011] when it was revealed the state of Kansas destroyed
abortion records that prosecutors planned to use as evidence. Johnson County prosecutors asked a judge to
delay a Monday hearing to decide if there's enough evidence to try Planned Parenthood on 23 felony counts
of falsifying termination of pregnancy reports.
women don't need Planned Parenthood. In response to this week's announcement that Planned Parenthood
is the subject of a congressional oversight investigation and to earlier action by nine states to strip the
scandal-ridden organization of its taxpayer funding, Planned Parenthood is recycling the discredited claim
that its principal mission is not to promote and provide abortions but to ensure "women's access to primary
and preventive care." However, its claims are readily dismissed when you look beyond the politically
fueled and desperate rhetoric to the facts.
Planned Parenthood investigated.
Republican Congressman Cliff Stearns, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Investigations, formally
notified Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, that his committee will
investigate her organization. In a September 15, 2011, letter, Congressman Stearns wrote: "That
Committee has questions about the politics in place and actions undertaken by PPFA and its affiliates relating
to its use of federal funding and its compliance with federal restrictions on the funding of abortion."
Stop New Boehner CR. The Republican leadership tried to pass a continuing resolution through the
House of Representatives on Wednesday afternoon [9/21/2011] that would have permitted funding for Obamacare
implementation, Planned Parenthood, the United Nations Population Fund, and the Palestinian Authority to
continue in the new federal fiscal year that begins on Oct. 1.
Obama to bypass New Hampshire
Governor and Council to directly fund Planned Parenthood. The Susan B. Anthony
List today condemned the Obama Administration for its decision to directly contract with family
planning clinics in the state of New Hampshire. The move comes after New Hampshire's
Executive Council voted in June to no longer contract with Planned Parenthood clinics in
the state.
Women Really That Naive About Planned Parenthood? When it comes to abortion, liberal
women are clueless and in some cases just plain dumb. The pro-life movement makes a huge
mistake when it only concentrates on the unborn because frankly many modern women are primarily
concerned with themselves in an unexpected pregnancy. This self-centeredness is what fuels
the abortion industry's success and blinds women to the truth about abortion providers.
Women are being maimed and killed by unscrupulous and unmonitored women's clinics and it is only
through the efforts of pro-lifers that these dens of horror are closed.
judge restores funds to Planned Parenthood. A federal judge Tuesday [8/30/2011] ordered
Kansas to restore federal family planning funds to Planned Parenthood as the case is appealed.
U.S. District Judge Thomas Marten ruled that the funding should be provided to Planned Parenthood on
a quarterly basis, not the monthly allocation sought by the state. Planned Parenthood had
threatened to close its Hays, Kansas, clinic this Friday unless it learned by then that its federal
family planning funds would start flowing again.
Planned Parenthoods close in wake of new Texas law. Still reeling from funding cuts in Texas,
Planned Parenthood is closing clinics and merging affiliates throughout the state, Texas Right to Life
reports. The national abortion giant received a major blow this summer when Texas Governor and
presidential contender Rick Perry signed into law a bill that stripped the organization of its funding, and
prohibited the state government from contracting with any organization that provides abortions.
Puts Hood Back in Planned Parenthood. If further local Planned Parenthood shops decide to unionize
under SEIU, if would prove a very complicated — although admittedly ironic twist, and certainly one
full of poetic justice — for the brazen abortion provider.
Arizona Court Rules
Against Planned Parenthood on Abortion Requirements. In a blow to Planned Parenthood, an Arizona
appeals court has lifted an injuction that blocked abortion regulations from taking effect in the state.
After hearing arguments from both sides earlier this month, the Arizona Court of Appeals on Aug. 11 overturned
a Maricopa County Superior Court ruling, which found that portions of the 2009 law — signed by Gov.
Jan Brewer and challenged by Planned Parenthood of Arizona — could cause "irreparable harm" to women.
Judge blocks Kansas law
defunding Planned Parenthood. A federal judge on Monday [8/1/2011] blocked implementation of a new
Kansas law that would strip federal family planning funding from the state's Planned Parenthood chapter, dealing
Republican lawmakers their second major legal setback to their recent moves against abortion providers.
Judge Suspends Kansas Law Defunding Planned Parenthood. A federal judge has issued a
temporary injunction against a Kansas law that bans funding of abortion providers such as Planned
Parenthood. According to the Associated Press, U.S. District Court Judge J. Thomas Marten was
"incredulous" at the state's insistence that the law prohibiting abortion funding did not target Planned
Parenthood specifically, ruling that the law was intended to punish the abortion provider and would
eventually be overturned.
The Number One Killer in the Black Community.
New York City, the home of Planned Parenthood, aborts nearly 60% of all black pregnancies. Yet abortion
activists denounce any effort to address this epidemic of abortion. ... With a $1 billion annual budget
and $1 billion in assets, Planned Parenthood has historically targeted African-Americans with birth control
through population control efforts. Today, the nation's largest abortion chain kills 332,278 (disproportionately
black) in the latest year reported, providing only 7,021 women prenatal care and 977 adoption referrals.
has 'blueprint for action' on Planned Parenthood. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America,
which receives about $1 million a day in taxpayer funds, should be investigated by Congress, a group of
House Republicans said in a Capitol Hill event Thursday [7/14/2011].
Pro-Lifers Tell Congress:
Investigate Planned Parenthood! A shocking new report from a leading pro-life organization
"documents the known and alleged abuses by Planned Parenthood," providing evidence for a congressional
probe of the nation's largest abortion provider.
The Case for Investigating Planned
Parenthood. Although the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA or Planned Parenthood)
advertises itself as an organization promoting health for women and families, it is the nation's largest
abortion provider and has been plagued by scandal and abuse. Furthermore, PPFA and its affiliates
receive hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayers' funds every year — a significant portion
of which comes from the federal government. PPFA often tries to underplay the significance of
abortion to its business model. However, as this report details, abortion has a tremendous impact on
Planned Parenthood's bottom-line. This is true to a greater degree each year, and Planned Parenthood
has plans to expand its abortion business.
to become largest state to defund Planned Parenthood. Texas is about to become the largest
state to defund Planned Parenthood. Its majority-Republican Legislature passed a health care bill
Monday that would bar the nation's largest abortion provider from receiving any state family funds,
according to local news reports.
Parenthood's Medicaid Misinformation In Indiana. Planned Parenthood's legal team has been
extremely busy these days trying to stop various states from defunding their group. Texas, Wisconsin
and New Hampshire joined Indiana, Kansas and North Carolina this week as they decided that taxpayer dollars
should not fund the mega abortion chain. But Indiana is Ground Zero in the fight to strip Planned
Parenthood of its taxpayer dollars.
Texas to defund Planned Parenthood.
The Texas Legislature approved a bill Monday [6/27/2011] that would both compel the state to push the Obama
administration to convert Texas's Medicaid program into a block grant and defund abortion providers like
Planned Parenthood.
Abortion Law Defunding Planned Parenthood is Blocked by U.S. Judge. An Indiana law defunding
Planned Parenthood was blocked by a federal judge who said opponents of the statute showed a likelihood of
success in the lawsuit. U.S. District Judge Tanya Walton Pratt in Indianapolis today [6/25/2011] granted Planned
Parenthood's request for a preliminary injunction in a lawsuit filed after Republican Governor Mitch
Daniels signed the law in May.
The Editor says...
Who needs a ballot box or a legislature or a governor? We've
got activist judges!
Planned Parenthood One State at a Time. As the fight for life over death continues, the battlefield
has shifted to the states, where legislatures realigned politically as a result of the November 2010 mid-term
elections are doing yeoman's work in the defense of innocents. This work consists in defunding the mammoth
tax-payer funded abortion provider, Planned Parenthood. Three states prominently highlighted in this cause
are Kansas, North Carolina, and Indiana — all of which have taken serious steps toward curbing the flow
of funds into Planned Parenthood's coffers.
Abortion showdown
could cost Indiana $4.3 billion. A looming showdown over Indiana's new law that cuts funding
for the Planned Parenthood organization may test how far Republican-led states are willing to go in
pressing their tough new anti-abortion agendas.
Parenthood: What about the fraud? Several states have either passed or are near passing new
laws that would effectively bar Planned Parenthood from receiving government money, including Medicaid
reimbursements. The Obama administration has come to Planned Parenthood's rescue. In the first
of these instances, the administration has sent a letter to Indiana that says it is basically illegal to
cut off Planned Parenthood Medicaid funding.
shoots down Indiana's denial of funds to Planned Parenthood. Evidently, even if you are an extremely
profitable business without taxpayer support like Planned Parenthood, you still get to suck off the taxpayer
because of the government's pro-abortion policies. The Obama administration is denying Indiana's request
to stop funding PP as long as they perform abortions.
Rose Vs. Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), the abortion
Goliath, has met its David — and her name is Lila Rose. At age 15, Lila Rose founded
Live Action, the organization whose undercover investigations have exposed PPFA's illegal and unethical
operations and unleashed a political firestorm. Thanks in large measure to her efforts, Planned
Parenthood's tap on the taxpayers is under assault all across the country.
allows Indiana to cut Planned Parenthood funds. Indiana won a key victory in its fight to cut
off public funding for Planned Parenthood on Wednesday [5/11/2011] when a federal judge refused to block a
tough new abortion law, a move that could boost Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels' image among social conservatives
as he considers running for president.
approves bill that cuts off funds to Planned Parenthood. Indiana could become the first state to end
Medicaid coverage for Planned Parenthood services, after the Senate on Tuesday [4/19/2011] approved a bill that would
cut off taxpayer money to the reproductive health-care provider. "The taxpayers will no longer fund an
organization that provides abortion as part of their services that they give to the public," said Sen. Michael
Young, R-Indianapolis, a co-sponsor of the measure.
11 Republican Senators Permit
Former Planned Parenthood Director to Become Federal Judge. Senate Democrats were able to confirm the
former director of Planned Parenthood of Rhode Island to a lifetime federal judgeship after 11 Republicans voted
to close debate on the nomination and allow it to come up for a final vote. As a lawyer, the new judge was also
involved in litigation against the tobacco industry and a failed lawsuit against former manufacturers of lead paint.
Truths about Planned Parenthood. Anyone who believes PP is primarily concerned with the
health of women and girls needs to look at the record.
largest abortion provider: Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood always has been selectively
proud of its abortion affiliation. But throughout the congressional debate over its funding, Planned
Parenthood has worked hard to keep under wraps the fact that it is increasingly synonymous with abortion.
Catholic colleges have ties to Planned Parenthood. The Catholic Church may be officially opposed
to abortion and contraception, but a report by a Catholic education watchdog group contends that it has found
more than 150 instances of links between U.S. Catholic colleges and universities and Planned Parenthood,
the nation's leading family planning organization and the largest provider of abortion-related services.
Planned Parenthood Spent More Than $1 Million
to Elect Dems in 2010. Here's something to keep in mind as Democrats risk a government
shutdown in order to preserve federal subsidies of Planned Parenthood. In 2010, Planned Parenthood
and a California affiliate together spent more than $700,000 on federal lobbying efforts, a Center for
Responsive Politics analysis of federal lobbying records finds. By comparison, all other
organizations that primarily advocate for abortion rights collectively spent $247,280 on federal lobbying
efforts during the same period, according to the Center's research.
Top 10 Spending Cuts Thwarted by
Democrats: [#7] Planned Parenthood: Why is this merchant of death in the federal
budget in the first place? As the nation's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood makes more
than $50 million a year in profits. With the federal budget in need of cutbacks, this one is a
The Pro-Abortion
Party. Planned Parenthood receives millions in taxpayer subsidies and spends hundreds of
thousands on lobbying and campaigning. In February, OpenSecrets.org reported that Planned Parenthood's
political action committee "donated more than $148,000 to federal candidates — almost all
Democrats — during the 2010 election cycle" and "spent more than $443,000 overall." Planned
Parenthood made an additional $905,796 in "independent expenditures" during the 2010 cycle —
exercising its right to free speech pursuant to last year's Citizens United decision.
Planned Parenthood Did
One Abortion Every 95 Seconds. Planned Parenthood performed 332,278 abortions in the United
States in 2009, according to a fact sheet the group published last month. That is about as many as the
333,012 people who lived in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 2009, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Planned Parenthood War. Someone has to have the temerity to step forward, pull the plug
on the death camps and discontinue funding organizations that pretend to care for women in one room
while killing offspring in another. ... Kindly old Grandmother Nancy Pelosi believes "respect for
women ... and ... what is right for our country" is why Americans should be forced to bankroll an
organization that destroys the lives of future Americans.
Things Planned
Parenthood's 'Truth Team' Forgot to Mention. Claim: "Planned Parenthood cannot survive
without federal funds." So states Jonathan Alter. Really? PPFA has almost one billion
dollars in net assets ($994,700,000), and in its most recent filing reported $737 million in revenues for
the year, not counting the $363 million from taxpayers. Any untaxed corporation should be able to
scrape by on $737 million in revenues.
Planned Parenthood Is About
Abortion. Planned Parenthood has done a great job of using the media to cultivate an image of a
squeaky-clean organization that provides such unobjectionable-sounding itmes as reproductive health services and
family-planning aids in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the need for abortion. Despite
the fact that the wider media consistently describes them as such, that depiction is not accurate. It
can't be overlooked that Planned Parenthood performs abortions on a massive scale: 332,278 abortions
in 2009, more than one-quarter of all abortions nationwide.
Planned Parenthood owns
Democrats. Is ensuring taxpayer funding for the largest provider of abortions in America
really worth shutting down the federal government? Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sure thinks so.
Reid took to the Senate floor yesterday to explain why Democrats have not been able to reach a compromise with
Republicans over the budget. He said that "the main issue that [is] holding this matter [up is] the
choice of women, reproductive rights."
Parenthood spent more than $1 million electing Democrats last cycle. The organization's
political action committee, for example, donated more than $148,000 to federal candidates —
almost all Democrats — during the 2010 election cycle. The PAC spent more than $443,000
overall. Planned Parenthood also recorded $905,796 in independent expenditures during the 2010
cycle — money spent in support of, or in opposition to, federal political candidates, largely
through advertisements.
Parenthood: So Accustomed to Lies. Perhaps you've seen the commercials touting the life-saving
benefits of Planned Parenthood. They're very professional, very persuasive, and clearly very expensive.
Viewers might wonder why, if Planned Parenthood can afford this multimillion-dollar image advertising, it would
be devastated by the loss of about $300 million in taxpayer support?
Like Voting for
Hitler! Though Hispanics made up 12.5% of the U.S. population Hispanic women accounted for 25%
of all U.S. abortions in 2008-10. San Antonio boasts a large Hispanic population and I imagine that the
Planned Parenthood killing clinics there are extremely busy. Almost all Democrats support the right to
abortion and for the continued funding of Planned Parenthood Clinics. To me, Blacks and Hispanics who
vote for pro abortion Democrats are like "Jews voting for Hitler!"
The Number One Killer in the Black Community.
New York City, the home of Planned Parenthood, aborts nearly 60% of all black pregnancies. Yet abortion
activists denounce any effort to address this epidemic of abortion. ... With a $1 billion annual budget
and $1 billion in assets, Planned Parenthood has historically targeted African-Americans with birth control
through population control efforts. Today, the nation's largest abortion chain kills 332,278 (disproportionately
black) in the latest year reported, providing only 7,021 women prenatal care and 977 adoption referrals.
Parenthood CEO's Mammogram Claims Are False. [Scroll down] We got a tip from
former Planned Parenthood director, Abby Johnson, that Planned Parenthood does not provide any
mammogram services. Just to be sure, our investigative team called up 30 Planned Parenthood
clinics in many major metropolitan areas. Every single one of the clinics told our actor
that no, they do not provide mammograms.
Real About Planned Parenthood. For a very long time, Planned Parenthood has been
somewhat untouchable, despite its dark past. [Abby] Johnson helps explain why by telling
the story about how she saw the light.
'Truth Tour'
Does Not Mention the 332,278 Abortions Performed in 2009. Planned Parenthood Federation of
America is fighting a congressional attempt to end federal funding for the organization with a nationwide
bus tour, dubbed the "Truth Tour." The organization's bright pink bus advertises various Planned
Parenthood statistics and health data, but it does not include the number of abortions the organization
has performed.
Parenthood: A culture of sexploitation. [Scroll down] It is hard to imagine conditions more
conducive to the widespread sexual exploitation of American children than those in which health care professionals
are willfully ignorant of the sex trafficking in front of their eyes. These videos raise this five-alarm
question: If we are just now learning that Planned Parenthood is willing to help actors portraying a
sex-trafficking pimp and a prostituted juvenile, isn't it likely that actual sex traffickers have been using
Planned Parenthood clinics for years?
the Birth-Control Myth. Planned Parenthood claims women get more abortions if they don't have
access to contraception — though research suggests otherwise.
Time to Defund the Destruction of Human Life.
According to the Daily Caller, the number of prenatal clients Planned Parenthood served was less than 0.09 percent
of the total services it provided in 2008. Pregnant women seeking help from Planned Parenthood were 27 times
more likely to receive an abortion than to receive prenatal care or be referred for adoption.
Planned Parenthood
Poised to Take a Very Hard Fall — And It Should. All of a sudden, congressional
appropriations that have gone unquestioned for decades may get zeroed out, and there is no better encapsulation
of this than the fight over taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood. Simultaneously the crown jewel of the
abortion industry and the abortion lobby, he liberal political powerhouse is poised to take a very hard fall.
must be clear in defunding Planned Parenthood. For decades the American voter has staunchly
opposed public funding of abortion, and for decades the abortion-absolutists have made an end-run around
this prohibition by funding non-abortion services of Planned Parenthood, which funding makes possible the
availability of other funds for abortion services. This charade must end, and Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind.,
has led that fight successfully in the House.
cuts off funding for healthcare reform, Planned Parenthood. In a quick succession of two-minute
votes, the House adopted three amendments to their stopgap budget bill that eliminates healthcare reform
funding through the end of the fiscal year. The House also approved, 240-185, an amendment barring
federal Title X family planning grants that was aimed squarely at Planned Parenthood.
Parenthood staffer jumps ship to join pro-life group Live Action. A former director and
eight-year employee of Planned Parenthood has left the organization to join one of its chief nemeses —
pro-life group Live Action. Live Action announced Wednesday that Abby Johnson would be coming aboard
in the role of chief research strategist. The announcement comes after a series of video exposés,
released by Live Action, showed Planned Parenthood staffers aiding pimps in the sex trafficking of under-aged
Parenthood's Misery Index. [Scroll down] As you might expect, [Abby] Johnson no longer
works for Planned Parenthood. Participating in an all-too-clear sonogram-guided abortion was the
termination point for her. But it had been building. There was the "incredible irony" that, as
Johnson puts it, "I had a career in educating women about contraception" and yet three times "conceived
while using contraceptives." It was the third time when she kept her child, Grace. Complexity,
confusion, disconnect — these are all words Johnson uses to describe what was going on in
her life and profession.
the Predators of Planned Parenthood. Republicans have had the opportunity to de-fund
Planned Parenthood many times over the years and failed. Do they have the will and the courage
to pay more than lip service now? In the wake of the Philadelphia Horror and related "women's
health" butcher cases, the momentum to strip the abortion industry racket of taxpayer funding is
stronger than ever.
'The Greatest
Human Genocide in the History of Humanity'. Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) said on Thursday [2/10/2011]
that because modern technology can reveal fetal development in the womb, Americans are starting to
'wake up' and realize the reality that abortion ends a human life. "And I am convinced more
than ever that we're asking that real question, 'Does abortion really kill a baby?'" Franks said at a press
conference on Capitol Hill to discuss the latest efforts by Republicans in the House to introduce
legislation to defund Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers that receive taxpayer dollars
through Title X Family Planning provisions.
Bad Politics
Making Abortion Unsafe And Definitely Not Rare. Abortion is a billion dollar industry yet Planned
Parenthood gets taxpayer funding. Although most of the politicians that get campaign donations from
Planned Parenthood and NARAL are Democrats, pro-choice Republicans and Independents are just as responsible
for the laxity in monitoring these merchants of death to women and the unborn.
Parenthood plans to expand abortion services nationwide. Abortion may soon be more readily available
than ever before, thanks to a new requirement from Planned Parenthood that more of its centers nationwide offer
the service. At least one local chapter so far has decided to withdraw from the network rather than comply.
A local office of Planned Parenthood in South Texas is dropping out of the nationwide network of "America's most
trusted provider of reproductive health care" starting January 1.
Still AWOL as Now Fox News Covers Planned Parenthood Sting. On Wednesday's [2/2/2011] O'Reilly
Factor, guest host Laura Ingraham devoted two segments to Lila Rose's latest undercover video showing how
Planned Parenthood aiding and abetting the covering up of sex crimes. ... On the other hand, the Big Three
networks' prominent morning and evening news programs have yet to cover the secret videos.
Remembering The Past And Looking Forward.
"The last thing I saw was the tiny, perfectly formed backbone sucked into the tube, and then it was
gone. And the uterus was empty. Totally empty." These disturbing words describe a
live abortion as witnessed by former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson. Her recently
published book, Unplanned, recalls her experience as a pro-choice activist who came to the
stark realization that a human life is indeed ended each time an abortion occurs.
Mike Pence Introduces
Bill to Stop Tax Dollars from Going to Planned Parenthood. Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) has introduced
a bill in the House of Representatives that would prohibit abortion providers from receiving federal funds through
Title X of the Public Health Service Act, including Planned Parenthood, which received more than
$360 million in government grants and contracts in Fiscal Year 2008-2009.
Planned Parenthood
Launches 'Social Change Initiative'. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America is signaling
its intention to dominate the national sex education agenda. Specifically, Planned Parenthood's Web
site announced the group is preparing to launch a nationwide "social change initiative" to end the "stigma
and shame about sex" in American culture.
Rep. Michele Bachmann:
De-Fund Planned Parenthood. Rep. Michele Bachmann (R.-Minn.) is calling on the U.S. House of
Representatives to de-fund Planned Parenthood after the newly elected Republican majority takes charge next
month. "Well, I think one thing that we can do, quite simply, is to withhold funding from Planned
Parenthood," Bachmann said when asked by CNSNews.com what practical steps she believed the in-coming House
majority could take to protect unborn babies.
Mitchell Touts Planned Parenthood Poll. During Tuesday's [12/6/2010] 1PM ET hour on MSNBC,
anchor Andrea Mitchell highlighted a new poll from the left-wing pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood that
claimed that voters do not trust Sarah Palin on so-called "women's health issues": "A new poll suggests
that she may have a tough time getting voters to trust her on at least one front... 54% of registered voters
do not trust Palin on those issues."
Planned Parenthood Is
Worried... and Should Be. In an e-mail to supporters the day after the 2010 midterm elections,
Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards wrote, "There's no getting around it: the results of yesterday's
election are truly alarming." She lamented the "extremists" who have been elected and who will "pursue a
dangerous agenda." That agenda, of course, is saving unborn children from being murdered.
Planned Parenthood
Got $349.6 Million in Tax Dollars, Performed 324,008 Abortions. Planned Parenthood received
$349.6 million in tax dollars in the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2008, and it paid its president,
Cecile Richards, $385,163, plus another $11,876 in benefits and deferred compensation. According to a
"fact sheet" published by the organization, Planned Parenthood Affiliate Health Centers performed 324,008
abortions in 2008.
Planned Parenthood
Makes Post-Election Appeal. In a letter sent to supporters by e-mail on the day after Republicans
were swept in as the new majority in the House of Representatives and gained seats in the Senate, Planned
Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards used the election results to press for an "emergency donation" to help fight
against "dangerous politicians who oppose women's health and the right to choose."
racking up the abortion toll. While Planned Parenthood continues to sit on its annual report
for 2008-2009, new documents found hidden on its labyrinthine website give taxpayers an insider's look into
the beleaguered abortion monopoly it is helping fund. The numbers paint the grisly picture of an
organization beset by financial problems yet determined to increase income by killing more preborn human
A black hole
for babies and bucks. Why do we continue to fund Planned Parenthood to the tune of $349 million
annually and not hold it accountable for how it spends that money? ... Why is an organization that kills more
than 300,000 innocent unborn children each year sanctioned and funded by our government? Can an organization
that operates more than 800 facilities in 50 states and has an annual budget of more than
$1 billion really be hiding from public view?
Defund Planned Parenthood.
Some people may not abhor Planned Parenthood for its past and present racism and abortion profiteering.
Others may shrug at its systemic, criminal avoidance of statutory rape laws, and tawdry "sexual education"
guides aimed at teenagers. But perhaps even some of the group's most ardent defenders will recoil from
the latest addition to the odious outfit's ongoing carnival of moral degradation.
Government Funded Front Groups.
[Scroll down] Planned Parenthood, one of America's leading abortion providers is also the recipient of
hundreds of millions of taxpayer donations every year. Planned Parenthood also vigorously supports
Democrats including the current occupant of the Oval Office. A source of money and votes so potent the
Illuminati of the Government Party feel it necessary to pay homage during every election cycle saluting the
abortion flag and taking the pledge of loyalty.
Rewriting History
on Abortion. "There's absolutely nothing in anything that [Susan B. Anthony] ever said or did that
would indicate she was anti-abortion," Planned Parenthood founder Gloria Feldt. Absolutely nothing? A quick
Google search disproves that in a hurry.
Outrage Over ACORN,
but Not Abortion. The ACORN scandal shows that if Congress wants to act, it can. Within weeks of Fox
airing videos of a couple posing as a pimp and a prostitute being advised by ACORN "community organizers" on how to evade
taxes and set up a prostitution ring, our stalwart Washington legislators voted to cut off federal funds to the organization
But similar publicized abuses at Planned Parenthood — workers agreeing to cover up rape or earmarking funds to
abort black babies — all captured on video and audio — produced no similar action in Washington to
cut off funds. Why?
Planned Parenthood Deserves the ACORN Treatment.
Lost in the deserved attention to the ACORN sting film has been [James] O'Keefe's first release, a 2007 expose of the
systemic corruption at another liberal activist organization, Planned Parenthood. ACORN is losing some of its federal
funding in part because of O'Keefe's video. But the Planned Parenthood story, in which O'Keefe and a friend posing as
his pregnant minor girlfriend expose the abortion giant's willingness to cover up alleged statutory rape, is just as
The Profitable Nonprofit.
Left-wing activists are indignant at obscene oil company profits, hefty CEO bonuses, and sweet golden
parachutes — but what about expansion of the No. 1 violator of human rights in the United States? No,
it's not Dick Cheney and the CIA. It's Planned Parenthood. The abortion giant took home $85 million
in "excess of revenue over expenses" (a nifty way of saying profits) and had an operating budget of over $1 billion
for the 2007-2008 fiscal year, according to its latest annual report.
Planned Parenthood Should Not Receive Federal Tax Dollars!
Planned Parenthood receives more than $300 million each year from the federal government and state governments for its
"family planning" activities. Planned Parenthood's annual report says it has a nearly $1 billion budget and gets
one-third of that money from government grants and contracts. Planned Parenthood, however, is also the largest killer
of unborn babies through abortion in the nation. By its own admission, Planned Parenthood exterminated more than a
quarter million babies last year! In addition, various affiliates of Planned Parenthood are under investigation for
numerous illegal activities.
Planned Parenthood Scandals Spread.
In Kansas, the Planned Parenthood clinic is facing 107 felony and misdemeanor charges for a variety of alleged
crimes that include falsifying medical records and performing abortions past the date permitted by state law.
In addition, the clinic faces charges of covering up statutory rape cases involving underage girls.
Video captures abortion
coaching. Planned Parenthood of Indiana has suspended a nurse after the release of an undercover videotape
showing her coaching a supposed 13-year-old on how to duck Indiana's laws about parental consent on abortion and the
reporting of child sex abuse. The videotape shows Lila Rose, the president of a university pro-life group and a
brunette, posing as a blond 13-year-old girl named "Brianna" and telling the Planned Parenthood nurse at the clinic in
Bloomington, Ind., that she is pregnant by a 31-year-old man.
Indiana Planned Parenthood Suspends Nurse
Taped by Pro-life Activist Posing as 13-Year-Old. Planned Parenthood of Indiana has suspended a staff member
at its Bloomington, Ind., clinic after a pro-life student group posted a video online that allegedly shows the nurse
advising a pro-life activist who is posing as a 13-year-old girl. On the video, the activist suggests that she is
pregnant and that the father of the child may be 31 years old.
Proof the Inmates Are Running the Asylum. In Bloomington, Indiana, an undercover pro-life college
student told a Planned Parenthood "nurse" that she was 13 and had been impregnated by a 31-year-old man.
The nurse told the girl not to disclose her age or the age of the man. She then encouraged the girl to
lie and say that the "boy" in question was 14. Apparently, local police, although they have been
notified of the statutory rape implications in this case, have chosen to do nothing to investigate Planned
Parenthood. They did, however, post extra security around the clinic in case of a "pro-life backlash."
But wait — there's more! Another abortion clinic under
investigation. Another Indiana abortion clinic is accused of violating the law and
failing to report statutory rape. For the second time this month, Lila Rose, a college student
at UCLA and founder of Live Action Films, walked into an Indiana Planned Parenthood clinic and
videotaped what appears to be damaging criminal evidence of staff members.
Kansas Legal System Protects Planned Parenthood.
The situation in Kansas is extremely fluid and legal maneuverings are taking place nearly every day on the criminal prosecution of
Planned Parenthood by Johnson County D.A. [Phill] Kline. The Kansas Attorney General and Kansas Supreme Court seem to be
working together to forbid a key judge from testifying on behalf of Kline in his prosecution of Planned Parenthood. The
A.G. was also trying to get abortion records back from Kline's office apparently in order to sabotage his case against Planned
Parenthood Puts A Hit Out On Black Children. Planned Parenthood has a public face that says they
are supporting the rights of women to assert their reproductive rights. Unfortunately, recent investigations
and reports suggest that this organization is actually peddling death in an aggressive and unethical manner.
In Kansas the organization is under criminal investigation for falsifying documents and performing late term
abortions. It faces 23 felony counts. Planned Parenthood has also dealt in the realm of deception
concerning the age of its customers. In Ohio, Planned Parenthood is being sued for failing to report the
rape of a 16-year-old by her father.
[ ... and the feminists are totally silent.]
Aborting the
Truth: Deception behind taxpayer funded-abortion clinics. A nationally recognized
organization may be intentionally distributing false information while protecting rapists and child
predators. And the federal government has given them $3.9 billion since 1987 in taxpayer funds.
Planned Parenthood has been caught in a tangled web. The spotlight is finally being shed on this
organization, which has failed to legally report the pregnancies of a 16-year-old who was raped by her
father, of an 11-year-old girl who was impregnated by her stepfather, and of a 15-year-old who was
sexually assaulted and impregnated by her stepfather's friend.
Planned Parenthood Should Not Receive Federal Tax Dollars!
Planned Parenthood receives more than $300 million each year from the federal government and state governments for its
"family planning" activities. Planned Parenthood's annual report says it has a nearly $1 billion budget and gets
one-third of that money from government grants and contracts. Planned Parenthood, however, is also the largest killer
of unborn babies through abortion in the nation. By its own admission, Planned Parenthood exterminated more than a
quarter million babies last year! In addition, various affiliates of Planned Parenthood are under investigation for
numerous illegal activities.
Kansas Planned Parenthood Scandal Rolls On.
The scandal in Kansas involving a Planned Parenthood clinic and official government corruption is probably one of the most
unreported stories in recent history. The Kansas media has been dutifully misreporting the scandal and its implications,
while the so-called mainstream media (MSM) outside of Kansas appears committed to ignoring it altogether.
The Racism and Politics of Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthoods across the nation are strategically placed in low-income, highly African-American populated
areas — where poor women are more likely to have access. In fact, 62.5% of PP clinics are located
in these communities and when you include Hispanic neighborhoods, the number increases to 70%.
Planned Parenthood Slush Fund. The
Planned Parenthood Federation of America is a near-billion-dollar organization, the nation's number one abortion merchant,
and maybe the world's largest as well. It is also a major consumer of tax dollars, more than $300 million in 2006,
with the Democratic Congress poised to give them even more.
Planned Parenthood Sues to Strike Down Missouri
Abortion Law. Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit Monday [8/20/2007] seeking to strike down a new
Missouri law that it claims could eliminate abortion services in large parts of the state by subjecting clinics
to stringent state oversight.
Pro-life advocate blasts lack
of inspections of abortion clinics. The head of American Life League's "Stop Planned Parenthood"
division says many abortion facilities aren't inspected as often as the law calls for. Jim Sedlak says
this shows that the elected officials who claim to support women's rights have no concern for women's rights,
not to mention the rights of unborn children.
Parenthood Reports Record Abortions, High Profits. Despite a drop in donations and the first
fall in income from clinics in its history, the nation's biggest abortion provider made a high profit last
year, thanks to the American taxpayer. Pro-lifers want this to stop.
Parenthood: Dialing for death. In a recent press release, Planned Parenthood Federation of
America (PPFA) announced that it would be "giving customers the power to make a difference with every [cell
phone] call they make." Tragically, however, when Planned Parenthood talks about making a difference,
we know it's the difference between life and death.
Parenthood Blamed for Woman's Death. A California woman has filed a medical malpractice and
wrongful death lawsuit against Planned Parenthood, alleging that the abortion provider contributed to her
daughter's death.
There were 91,700 Abortions
in New York City in 2004. For every 100 babies born in New York City, women had
74 abortions in 2004, according to newly released figures that reaffirm the city as the abortion
capital of the country. … [Planned Parenthood]'s Margaret Sanger Center in Manhattan is the
largest abortion provider in New York, with 11,000 abortions performed a year.
Poor Planned Parenthood?
As much as liberals decry major corporations that act as if they're above the law, there's always quiet
when the subject is Planned Parenthood, America's No. 1 corporate provider of abortions. During
its 2005-2006 fiscal year, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America performed a record 264,943 abortions,
reported a tidy profit of $55.8 million — and received a record high in taxpayer funding of $305.3 million.
This is one corporation the media hold in the highest regard.
Parenthood Threatens to Sue Undercover Activist. Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles is threatening
to sue a student pro-life activist who recorded an abortion clinic employee encouraging her to lie about her
age to avoid being reported as a victim of statutory rape. Lila Rose, an 18-year-old sophomore at the
University of California Los Angeles, is the founder of a pro-life magazine on campus. In March, she
entered a Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles (PPLA) clinic, posing as a pregnant 15-year-old and said her
boyfriend was 23 years old.
Abortion Provider Caught Encouraging
Minor to Lie About Age. Planned Parenthood is under fire after one of its employees was recorded
encouraging a student — who was posing as a pregnant minor — to lie about her age in order
to obtain an abortion without the abortion provider having to report the "statutory rape" to the police.
double standards. Where are the muckraking champions when you need them? Intrepid Lila Rose
has learned the hard way: Not all undercover journalists are equal.
Portland Development
Commission looks beyond abortion, OKs clinic. In a controversial vote before a standing-room crowd, the city
of Portland gave its OK on Wednesday for Planned Parenthood to relocate its regional headquarters to a city-owned lot along
Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
Abortion Debate Rages
in Chicago Suburb. The name of the company applying for the building permits sounded like just
another firm. On paper, the brick structure looked much like any other medical complex. Then it was
revealed that the company, Gemini Office Development, is a subsidiary of Planned Parenthood — and
that the building would include space where abortions would be performed.
Parenthood Federation Names A New President. Cecile Richards, a liberal political activist
and the daughter of former Texas Gov. Ann Richards, is the new president of the Planned Parenthood
Federation of America.
are we paying for Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood has received in the last two
years — that they've reported — over $500 million in taxpayer money. America
needs to wake up to this disturbing fact! On one hand, Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion
provider in America, is funded in large part by our hard-earned tax dollars. This money is allocated
from Congress. Then Planned Parenthood turns around and sues Congress for passing a law
banning partial-birth abortion.
Will Holly Patterson Die in
Vain? Eighteen-year old Holly Patterson entered a Planned Parenthood clinic on a Wednesday
expecting to safely abort her pregnancy. Within one week, she was dead.
Files Appeal in Partial Birth Abortion Case. "Planned Parenthood is fully prepared to go back to
court to ensure that this dangerous abortion ban never harms American woman," said Planned Parenthood President
Gloria Feldt said in a statement. She called the partial birth abortion ban a "transparent act of
hostility toward women's health, the right to medical privacy and the Supreme Court of the United States."
Blackmun Wall: a listing of the women killed by legal abortions. Abortion clinic
operators like Planned Parenthood like to pretend that the decision written by Justice Blackmun made abortions
safe and legal, but the truth is that making abortion legal never made abortion safe. Abortionists are
the bottom-feeders of the medical profession and abortion procedures jeopardize the health of the mother in
order to terminate pregnancy. "Safe legal abortions" killed every one of the women on this site.
Put up
or shut up. It isn't really surprising that Planned Parenthood and the abortion
industry are attempting to hide the facts. They've been doing so ever since the existence
of the procedure [partial-birth abortion] became known. They first claimed that no such
procedure existed. When that collapsed, they argued that the fetus was killed by the
anesthesia administered to the mother. When anesthesiologists protested, they admitted
that this wasn't true — but that the procedure was so rarely performed it wasn't worth
talking about. And when that lie was exposed, they urged that it was only done to save
the life of the mother or in cases of severe fetal deformity. None of those statements
was true. Now they are saying partial-birth abortions are being performed to save the
health of the mother. Let's see the proof.
Group Partners With Local Library System: A financial agreement between Planned Parenthood of
Central Texas and the City of Waco has enabled the pro-abortion group to incorporate its agenda into the local
public library system. The Planned Parenthood library also warns patrons that it can deny access "to
anyone who has participated in protests," against the group.
Parenthood Celebrates 30 Years Of Abortion: Pro-abortion protesters gathered outside the
U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday [1/22/2003] to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the court's Roe v. Wade decision
legalizing abortion throughout pregnancy, and to warn of what they call President "Bush's war on women."
Defund Planned
Parenthood. This is … a column about a "non-profit," tax-exempt corporation
that rakes in more than a quarter-billion dollars in U.S. taxpayer money every year and boasts of being the
world's largest "abortion provider." It's called Planned Parenthood. It is a disgusting, evil
organization that somehow operates under its own set of rules — unaccountable in any way, shape
or form to the rules and regulations governing other so-called "non-profits."
Pro-Lifers Demand Parties Refuse Planned Parenthood Funding. The Planned Parenthood Federation
of America is expected to spend $10 million this year on voter mobilization, according to The Los Angeles
Times, and its political action committee has donated $60,000 to federal office candidates so far this
year. Planned Parenthood receives a little over $300 million in government grants and contracts,
according to its latest annual report, and its political action fund voted in June "to recommend endorsement
of Senator Obama" for president.
Parenthood Vows to Help Elect 'Progressive Voices'. The head of the largest abortion provider
in America declared Tuesday [6/13/2006] that she and her organization — which accepts taxpayer
funds — intend to use their resources to "swing the vote" and "help progressive voices win"
elections across the country.
Parenthood Secretly Buys Land for New Offices. The nation's biggest abortion provider is seeking
to avoid opposition when buying property or building new facilities through secrecy, or what one pro-life
leader called "a series of cover-ups" in such places as Denver, Colo., Portland, Ore., and Aurora, Ill.
Planned Parenthood Offers Gift Certificates.
The nation's leading provider of abortions has caused a stir by offering holiday gift certificates that cover the basic
health-care services offered at Indiana's 35 clinics, as well as "the recipient's choice of birth-control
method." ... But critics of Planned Parenthood argue the abortion provider is making a mockery of the Christmas
[season], trivializing the plight of the unborn and continuing to denigrate people of faith, just as the organization's
various "Choice on Earth" programs did in the past. "The tragedy is that almost 6,000 fewer children will be
celebrating a first Christmas this year because they were aborted in Planned Parenthood's Indiana clinics," Mike
Fichter, president and CEO of Indiana Right to Life, told the Associated Press.
Shame on Planned
Parenthood. Planned Parenthood has reached a new low. Planned Parenthood-Indiana is giving the
"gift of death" to the unborn this holiday season. The organization has announced that gift certificates in $25
increments can be purchased for exams, insurance copays and medication at its 35 clinics in Indiana. The
certificates can also be used to pay for abortions, adding to the 5,000 it says it performs each year in Indiana.
This means that girls and women will be given another means and economic incentive to choose death rather than to
choose life.
Planned Parenthood, a
Social Disease. The mission of Planned Parenthood has changed since the days of founder Margaret
Sanger. Among the eugenicist's progressive efforts, in 1939, Sanger conceived the "Negro Project" to
reduce the population of "inferior" black Americans. Today, Planned Parenthood claims to deliver "vital
reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of women, men, and young people worldwide."
Noble language. But visiting PPF's abortion-focused website makes traditional Americans feel dirty.
GAO: Planned Parenthood received $657 million in tax
dollars over last seven years. The Government Accountability Office has a released a report,
"Fiscal Years 2002-2009 Obligations, Disbursements, and Expenditures for Selected Organizations Involved in
Health-Related Activities." But despite the soporific title, the report contains some pretty startling
revelations about the amount government funding going to groups either perform abortions or advocate it.
Olson slams federal funds
for family planning organizations. American taxpayers meted out at least $967 million
to family planning organizations such as Planned Parenthood over the last eight years — money
that anti-abortion lawmakers claim frees up other private dollars to perform abortions. Rep. Pete
Olson, R-Sugar Land, led the effort by 31 Republican lawmakers to obtain an audit from Congress' watchdog
Government Accountability Office on federal spending for family planning organizations.
Pence: GAO Report Confirms it is
Time to Defund Planned Parenthood. U.S. Congressman Mike Pence today issued the following
statement regarding the release of a new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report revealing that the
Planned Parenthood Federation of America received $657.1 million in taxpayer dollars from Fiscal Year
2002 to Fiscal Year 2009. The largest source of these funds ($342.1 million) was the Title X
family planning program.
Parenthood's missing millions. Planned Parenthood Federation of America's (PPFA) audits show
the organization spent just $657.1 million between 2002 and 2008 from federal government grants and
programs, but the abortion behemoth's own annual reports show that it took in $2.3 billion from
government grants and programs during the same time period.
Update: Planned
Parenthood's millions still missing. Last June, we broke the story titled "Planned Parenthood's
missing millions" that focused on $1.3 billion of government money received by Planned Parenthood from
2003 to 2008, which was left unaccounted for when the Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report
on the expenditures of federal funds by the abortion giant. Our question to Planned Parenthood was:
Where are those missing millions?
GAO Report on Planned Parenthood Reveals Startling
Discrepancy. According to the GAO report, Planned Parenthood Federation of America audits show the
organization spent only $657.1 million between 2002 and 2008 from federal government grants and programs
when the abortion behemoth's annual reports show it took in $2 billion from government grants and
programs during the same time period.
Pelosi applauded at Planned Parenthood
event. At an event hosted by Planned Parenthood on Capitol Hill, Pelosi received rock-star
treatment from 300 energetic high-school and college-student volunteers clad in hot-pink T-shirts and flip
flops. The students came to Washington from around the country to lobby lawmakers on the implementation
of the health-care reform bill. Pelosi drew laughs and applause when she described getting the health-care
bill through the House.
How Does a
Planned Parenthood Gift Card Say Merry Christmas? While it's obvious to most Americans that central to the
Christmas season is a special birth and the family-centered celebrations which mark that event, several Planned Parenthood
affiliates decided to offer "the gift of life" certificates — services to include abortions. Oh yes, indeed,
nothing says "Happy Birthday" like an abortion from Planned Parenthood.
Roe v
Wade: The Beginning. Last year Planned Parenthood of Montana hosted Sarah Weddington as the
keynote speaker at their 5th annual fundraiser. They could have chosen no one more representative of
its pro-abortion philosophy than she. Weddington is not just a hero to pro-abortionists, she
is the hero. It was she who successfully argued the Roe v. Wade case before the
Supreme Court.
Margaret Sanger and the roots of Planned Parenthood
Racist Roots of Planned Parenthood and its Legacy of Death. Back in 2011, we started
Camp Constitution Press and reprinted a chapter of a book titled "From Farm Boy to Financier" by
Frank Vanderlip. [...] It isn't a massive tome, only 98 pages, and it consists mainly of
transcribed letters between Margaret Sanger and Dr. Clarence Gamble with pictures of the
originals. It also contains a little-known speech by Martin Luther King titled "Family
Planning: A Special and Urgent Concern," which was read by his wife Coretta in 1966 at
Planned Parenthood's First Annual Margaret Sanger Award Ceremony. King was the first
recipient of the award. The Corporate media will not make any mention of how King and many
other black leaders collaborated with avowed racist Sanger to promote birth control and later
abortion in the black community.
Climate Eugenics.
No, I'm not talking about climate change. I'm talking about eugenics, the early 20th-century
belief that there were too many of the wrong people in the world. One hundred years on,
though, eugenics has fused with climate change for the perfect anti-human storm. The founder
of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, a progressive, was one of the most strident supporters of
this new theory. Financial support poured in from the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller
Foundation, and the Harriman fortune. (These funds all still support progressive causes.) In 1916,
Sanger established the first "birth control" clinic. Back in that era, it was commonly
believed that "the best" human beings (white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants) were not having as many
children as "inferior ones," such the immigrants from Eastern Europe and Asia, blacks, degenerates,
etc. Sanger spoke of the burden of carrying the "dead weight of human waste." President
Theodore Roosevelt, the first progressive presidential candidate, declared that "Society has no
business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind."
for 'health care reparations' omit the obvious. When we reflect back on notorious eugenicists of the 20th
Century, we might think of men like Lothrop Stoddard who penned The Rising Tide of Color Against White
World-Supremacy, or maybe his co-founder at the American Birth Control League, Margaret Sanger. Interesting
fact: In 1933 Sanger's magazine published a "shocking article" titled, "Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent
Need". The article was authored by Sanger's dear friend, Ernst Rudin — at the time Rudin had been
handpicked by Adolf Hitler as the Third Reich's Director of Genetic Sterilization, and "had earlier taken a role in the
establishment in the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene." [...] Sanger's legacy of eugenics lives on — in 1942,
the American Birth Control League became the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. As we know, Planned
Parenthood commits the majority of murders (abortions) nationwide — an act that the business touts as "health
care" — which disproportionately affects the Black community.
continues to rear its ugly, demonic head. 'Blaxploitation' is a term commonly used to confirm instances of
the exploitation of black people. [...] Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was an excellent example of someone
who was "masterful" at Blaxploitation. As founder of the leading abortion outfit in the U.S., Sanger was indeed a
racist eugenicist who hated blacks but cloaked her disdain through Blaxploitation. Sanger initiated a project she
deemed "The Negro Project" to promote the "extermination" of black life (through abortions and sterilizations).
This scheme exploited black clergy by paying them $100 for sermons extolling the "virtues" of abortion as they preached
over the pulpit. [...] Regrettably, her demonic scheme worked. Clergy preached to extol Sanger's demonic schemes
and received their $100. Because of the clergy's grotesque dereliction, blacks have been aborted at grossly
disproportionate rates (compared to all other ethnicities) and continue to be manipulated and deceived. Black
clergy holding to Sanger's insidious scheme are principally to blame, and her demonic dreams of exterminating blacks
continue unabated.
Hundred Years Ago, 'Following the Science' Meant Supporting Eugenics. In the 1920s, when he was still an agnostic,
C. S. Lewis noted in his diary his latest reading: "Began G. K. Chesterton's Eugenics and Other
Evils." A controversial English Catholic writer, Chesterton published his book in 1922, when the popularity of
eugenics was at flood tide. Respectable opinion on both sides of the Atlantic embraced the concept: a scientific
approach to selective breeding to reduce, and eventually eliminate, the category of people considered mentally and morally
deficient. From U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes to Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger,
eugenics policies — including involuntary sterilization — were hailed as a "progressive" and
"compassionate" solution to mounting social problems. A hundred years ago, Chesterton discerned something altogether
different: "terrorism by tenth-rate professors." For a time, he stood nearly alone in his prophetic assault on the eugenics
movement and the pseudo-scientific theory by which it was defended.
I pray that Michelle Obama runs in 2024. [Scroll down] But there's another issue besides the economy that
the left can no more dissociate itself from than you can change the dietary elements of a predator, and that is
abortion. This is the Holy Grail for leftists. It is writ very, very large on their battle flag. They
cannot — and will not — walk away from it!! And we finally need to hang them from this hideous tree
they have grown, fed from the lives of countless unborn innocents. We'll be helped because Michelle and the entire Dem
left will seek to run Roe v Wade up her battle standard. It's a given. It is truly in their DNA.
Once they do, we need to shout from the rooftops two highly inconvenient truths. The first is that the roots of the left's
pro-abortion credo are in very large measure traceable directly to one of the most embarrassing and disgusting movements to
germinate from American soil — eugenics. You cannot separate leftism, Democrats, eugenics, and Margaret Sanger,
Planned Parenthood's founder. That unspeakable movement to improve the gene pool through selective infant death is right
smack at the very foundation of what they screech about so loudly in Roe v. Wade's demise. You literally
cannot untangle eugenics, Sanger, Planned Parenthood — and of course, Michelle. All of them are Democrat ideas,
institutions, or people.
They're Removing "Racist" Statues, They Should Tear Down Margaret Sanger's. Margaret Sanger believed some
people were "human weeds," "reckless breeders" and "morons" who never should have been born. With those anti-human
attitudes, she founded Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion chain, which reaps in billion-dollar revenues while
aborting 345,000 unborn babies each year. It does not hide the fact that it targets poor and minority women for
abortions, too. But, while rioters are defacing and destroying statues of U.S. leaders in the name of ending racism,
Sanger's statue still has a place of honor in The Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C.
Burgess Owens: "Planned Parenthood Is The Greatest Threat To Black Lives In America". The headline in a
recent weekend edition of The New York Times was stark, "I'm the Head of Planned Parenthood: We're Done Making
Excuses for Our Founder." The author of the piece, Alexis McGill Johnson, went on to proclaim that her organization, the
prime progenitor of abortion in the United States and perhaps worldwide, would have to "reckon" with their founder, Margaret
Sanger, and her association with "white supremacist groups and eugenics." The acknowledgement of Sanger's notorious
views on Planned Parenthood's use of birth control to eliminate those she regarded as nothing but "human weeds" —
by such methods as forced sterilization, birth permits and segregated camps for the unfit — is important.
But Johnson's confession is short on specifics, and to say it is overdue is like acknowledging the Hindenburg had a
fire on board. Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood has spent more than a century building a citadel of prejudice with
profound, even irreversible, effects on African Americans and the poor. It is too bad that we know no more about
Sanger's 1926 address to a women's auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan in New Jersey than her self-report, in her autobiography,
that the audience reaction was enthusiastic and led to "a dozen invitations to speak to similar groups."
Planned Parenthood Want Justice? Planned Parenthood leadership is trying to rebrand their organization because
they know they can no longer hide what their eugenicist founder, Margaret Sanger, stood for. The trouble for Planned
Parenthood is that the abortion behemoth hasn't adjusted course or reckoned with Sanger's legacy, because it carries on her
dream today. And, as the nation's largest abortion enterprise, Planned Parenthood today eliminates far more of
the so-called "unfit" than Sanger could have ever imagined possible. Margaret Sanger's legacy cannot be hidden or
covered up by mere words of apologies, or simply by acknowledging her racist roots. But this is how Planned
Parenthood's president, Alexis McGill Johnson, seems to think she will deal with the eugenic legacy of her organization's
founder — and that's what she tried to do in a recent New York Times op-ed that missed the mark.
Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger Wanted to Kill Black People, Nothing Has Changed. It's been a long,
long three or four years for Planned Parenthood. We've posted story after story about the intra-mural battles within
Planned Parenthood which (to put it in the mildest possible terms) do not put the nation's leading "provider" of abortion in
the best possible light even among its supporters. That along with a reluctant confrontation with their founder
Margaret Sanger's embrace of eugenics has been a rough patch of water. After all, they insisted for decade after decade
Sanger was just a "product of her time" when the elites were gung-ho to "improve the human race through selective breeding,"
as a 2019 New York Times article described it.
Parenthood Pres: We'll Atone for Founder's Racism by Hating White People. It wasn't hard for Planned
Parenthood to shed Margaret Sanger. What did the faded black and white photos of the baby parts organization's founder
have to do with it today? If the Democrats can casually jettison Jefferson and Jackson, Planned Parenthood dumping
Sanger was even easier. And, as Alexis McGill Johnson, the abortion group's current president writes in a New York
Times op-ed, "I'm the Head of Planned Parenthood. We're Done Making Excuses for Our Founder." The PP boss
belatedly concedes that Sanger was a racist who hung out with the Klan, but inevitably reframes it all through the lens of
critical race theory. "Our reckoning is understanding her full legacy, and its impact," Johnson writes.
The Higher
Superstition: The fallacy that lies behind "follow the science" fundamentalism. One of the most
consequential was the eugenics movement and "scientific" racism. This was the very unscientific idea that Darwinian
natural selection, the improvement of species' ability to survive by means of random mutations, could be controlled by humans
in order to protect against, as Theodore Roosevelt liked to say, "race suicide," the degradation of the higher "races" by
interbreeding with the lower. And by "races" eugenicists meant not just Caucasian or Black or Asian, but ethnic groups
and nationalities like Italians, Hungarians, Bohemians, Russians, Armenians, Slavs, Turks, and Arabs, along with any other
group that was not as economically, educationally, or scientifically advanced as the Anglo-Saxon, Nordic, Teutonic, or
Normans who were considered the ancestors of the American Übermenschen. They also included in the lower races
"white trash" and others who through feckless breeding replicated cognitive deficits, alcoholism, shiftless habits, or
criminal tendencies. These eugenic ideas were institutionalized in our most prestigious universities, and accepted by
the cognitive elite as "settled science," scientific truths that only the uneducated, stupid, or religious dogmatists would reject.
Parenthood Quietly Aborts Annual 'Margaret Sanger Award'. Abortion provider Planned Parenthood has quietly
killed off its annual Margaret Sanger award, reports the National Catholic Registry. Sanger, the founder of the Planned
Parenthood abortion mill, is not "problematic" because she once told an off-color joke or flew a Confederate flag. The
woman was a monster, a vile racist and eugenicist who praised the Nazi's sterilization tactics, including those suffering
from "gongenital feeble-mindedness; schizophrenia, circular insanity; heredity epilepsy; hereditary chorea (Huntington's);
hereditary blindness or deafness; grave hereditary bodily deformity; and chronic alcoholism."
as they cancel each other, progressives continue to downplay their movement's racist past. Progressive "cancel
culture" recently claimed two of its own. Former President Woodrow Wilson, one of the early leaders of the progressive
movement, is having his name purged from Princeton University, an institution he once led. Margaret Sanger, the founder
of Planned Parenthood, also had her name removed from a New York abortion facility. The reason in both cases was the
racism of the long-dead figure in question. [...] In the world of Black Lives Matter, Wilson and Sanger were thrown under the
bus so that progressives could preserve their anti-racist bonafides. But these same progressives continue to conceal
their movement's dark history of racism, which went far beyond words to include eugenics research that characterized blacks
as "unfit" and proposed, through forced sterilization and other means, to produce a nation of "thoroughbreds" through the
"breeding out" the unfit. Those who have noted the disproportionately high rates of abortions among black
people — they accounted for 38% of them in 2016, according to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention — might want to think again when they're asked to embrace Planned Parenthood.
Silent After Planned Parenthood Repudiates Margaret Sanger's Racism. PolitiFact is not saying whether
its "fact-check" claiming Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was not racist still holds up in light of the
organization's largest affiliate admitting Sanger had racist views. The fact-check, published on Oct. 5, 2015,
addressed a claim made by then-presidential candidate Ben Carson. Carson, now the HUD secretary, said, "Margaret Sanger
was a eugenicist. She believed that people like me [black Americans] should be eliminated, or kept under control."
PolitiFact called Carson's claim "false." "While Sanger indeed supported the eugenics movement, substantial
evidence shows that she was not racist and in fact worked closely with black leaders and health care professionals,"
PolitiFact said. It said that Carson's claim "bears no relation to historical reality." But Sanger's
problematic relationship to the eugenics movement is back in the spotlight after Planned Parenthood of Greater New York
(PPGNY) renounced her this week, removing her name from a Manhattan clinic. PPGNY's move was supported by the national
we are going to cancel art honoring racists, it's time to get Margaret Sanger's bust out of the National Portrait
Gallery. Idaho congressman Russ Fulcher is targeting a racist with more African-American blood on her hands
than the entire Confederate Army: Margaret Sanger. She expressed a desire to limit African-American births in
order to "improve" the American population and founded Planned Parenthood to accomplish that goal: [...] Despite this
despicable racism (Sanger once addressed a KKK rally, too), a bust of her resides in the National Portrait Gallery, a part of
the taxpayer-funded Smithsonian Institution.
Statues Must Go. Margaret Sanger Stays? The left is interested in taking down all kinds of statues, which
raises an obvious question: What about the statues the left has put up? No one's ripping those down. [...]
Exhibit A: "This statue of the pioneering and fearless birth control advocate Margaret Sanger, with a gag over her mouth,
stands in Old South Meeting House in Boston. There are no schools named for the controversial socialist and feminist."
Honk if you find it bizarre to describe Sanger, a racist and eugenicist, as your avatar of "humane and inclusive" policies.
Her creation, Planned Parenthood, is a leading destroyer of black lives before they start. But when black men and women
cooperate in abortions, you can't possibly be allowed to tell them those extinguished lives matter. They were ... inconvenient.
Planned Parenthood Duped America. At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a
speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was
Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups
eventually became known as Planned Parenthood. Sanger's other colleagues included avowed and sophisticated
racists. One, Lothrop Stoddard, was a Harvard graduate and the author of The Rising Tide of Color against White
Supremacy. Stoddard was something of a Nazi enthusiast who described the eugenic practices of the Third Reich as
"scientific" and "humanitarian." And Dr. Harry Laughlin, another Sanger associate and board member for her group, spoke
of purifying America's human "breeding stock" and purging America's "bad strains." These "strains" included the "shiftless,
ignorant, and worthless class of antisocial whites of the South." Not to be outdone by her followers, Margaret Sanger spoke
of sterilizing those she designated as "unfit," a plan she said would be the "salvation of American civilization.: And she
also spike of those who were "irresponsible and reckless," among whom she included those " whose religious scruples prevent
their exercising control over their numbers." She further contended that "there is no doubt in the minds of all thinking
people that the procreation of this group should be stopped." That many Americans of African origin constituted a segment of
Sanger considered "unfit" cannot be easily refuted.
Culverhouse, Planned Parenthood, and Eugenics. Though the modern iteration of the organization promotes itself
as central to women's "healthcare," Planned Parenthood was founded with one particular goal in mind: eugenics. The
eugenics movement aims to "improve" the human population by "controlled breeding," to increase the occurrence of desirable
characteristics. The Nazis were fans of eugenics. So, too, was Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned
Parenthood. Sanger started the group in the early 1920s to promote birth control, as the birth control movement was
developing alongside the eugenics movement. By the 1920s, support from academics and intellectual elites had brought
eugenics to the forefront of the public mind. For these elites, eugenics was a tool to promote the reproduction of
those considered mentally, physically, and racially "superior," and to prevent the reproduction of the "inferior." Birth
control and abortion — excellent tools for genetic manipulation — were intimately tied to the eugenics
movement from the beginning. In fact, Sanger, advocated for contraception and sterilization as eugenic tools.
Is A Lie If Pro-Choicers Are Okay With The Black Baby Death Toll. It is the left, in fact, that worships an
organization that was birthed out of the racist ideas of its founder, Margaret Sanger. She was a staunch proponent of
the contemptible, progressive, eugenics movement — the discredited philosophical concept that "undesirable" people
should be eliminated from the gene pool of the human race. "Undesirables" like the poor, illiterate, disabled, and the
dark-skinned. Unfortunately, Sanger's degenerate beliefs led her to work very closely and intentionally with the black
community, "assuring" them that her goal was not to "exterminate the Negro population." America's intricate strategy to
dovetail racist policies and eugenics was so effective that it was studied by one Adolf Hitler, and the horrors of the
eugenics movement were fully realized in the unspeakable atrocities of the Holocaust. Fast-forward to today, and
Sanger's early organization, the American Birth Control League, has become today's Planned Parenthood, and the intentional
targeting of America's minorities continues.
Must Black Conservative Republicans Explain Themselves? [Scroll down] It was the policies of one President
Johnson that has led to the decimation of the traditional, nuclear, two-parent black family in America. At the time of my
birth in 1961, the two-parent household in the black community was a majority. Since Johnson believed that the government
should issue checks to women for out of wedlock births — but they cannot have a man in the home — the
two-parent household is about one third in the black community. There is a political party in America that vehemently
supports an organization founded by a white supremacist, racist, who spoke at KKK rallies. Her name is Margaret Sanger,
and her organization is Planned Parenthood. And since Roe v Wade, according to a report by the Center
for Urban Renewal and Education from 2015, more than 19 million black babies have been murdered in the womb. After
all, Sanger referred to blacks as "weeds" and "undesirables." This is a clear and present danger, a genocide before our
own eyes, yet this same political party is championing slave reparations.
Kate Smith? What About
Margaret Sanger? [Scroll down] Kate Smith's songs cannot begin to compare to the sheer offensiveness of
what Margaret Sanger did racially. Sanger preached a gospel of "race improvement" and denounced what she called "human
weeds" and "morons" and "idiots" and "imbeciles" and the "dead weight of human waste." She took that message to some
outrageous audiences. In May 1926, Sanger spoke to the women's chapter of the KKK in Silver Lake, New Jersey, which she
wrote about on pages 366-367 of her 1938 autobiography. Yes, the Ku Klux Klan. The founder of Planned Parenthood
accepted an invitation to and spoke to the KKK. She was a smash-hit. Do liberals complain about this today?
No. Liberals revere Sanger.
Rolling Genocide of America's Blacks. The ghost of Margaret Sanger casts a century-long shadow. Because
of her enormous influence in promoting and implementing her humanist, anti-religious, pro-birth control, and eugenic philosophy
throughout the United States and around the world, one biographer called her the "Father of Modern Society." From the
beginning of Sanger's birth control crusade, she specifically targeted immigrants and ethnic and religious minorities, especially
blacks, Hispanics, and what she once described as "the Catholic race." Sanger referred to these inferior races as "human
weeds" and a "menace to civilization" to be segregated and sterilized.
the Goalposts: Northam Scandal Rocks Late-Term Abortion Debate. The late-term abortion debate that was touched
off with new legislation from New York and proposed legislation in Virginia took a curve ball Friday [2/1/2019] when Virginia
Governor Ralph Northam's controversial past was revealed. [...] Northam's history of racism fits perfectly into what has long
been understood by those who are pro-life: abortion is rooted in racism. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger
famously spoke to a women's chapter of the KKK in 1926 and they liked her talk on abortion so well that more than a dozen invites
to similar groups were quickly proffered, according to her own autobiography.
Parenthood's Terrorist Luminary. Kitty Marion was a radical. And like many violent radicals was fueled by
a personal rage that she transformed into political anger with acts of vandalism and political terror. Faced with
deportation to Germany during WW1, she chose America where she became a crucial figure in Margaret Sanger's birth control and
eugenics movement. But her attitude alienated both her British and American allies. British feminists paid to
ship her to America. Margaret Sanger wanted her to go back to the UK. It was a sad ending for a woman whom some have
described as one of the founding figures of the embryonic organization that would one day evolve into Planned Parenthood.
Advantages of Liberal Insurance. The humane General James Longstreet and the racist General Nathan Bedford
Forrest are equally culpable because they fought for the Confederacy. It doesn't matter that Teddy Roosevelt was an
environmentalist and trust-buster when few others were — because his views of imperialism were uncouth by our
standards. In contrast, the racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger is spared progressive hell, because her pro-abortion
advocacy helped found what became Planned Parenthood. The scary thing about contemporary progressivism is this
reduction of individuals to cardboard cutouts, whose sins and saintly works fade before cosmic concepts of race and gender.
Sanger, racist eugenicist extraordinaire. Recent articles have reported on an unearthed video from 1947 of
Margaret Sanger demanding "no more babies" for 10 years in developing countries. A couple of years ago, Margaret Sanger
was named one of Time magazine's "20 Most Influential Americans of All Time." Given her enduring influence, it's worth
considering what the woman who founded Planned Parenthood contributed to the eugenics movement. Sanger shaped the
eugenics movement in America and beyond in the 1930s and 1940s. Her views and those of her peers in the movement
contributed to compulsory sterilization laws in 30 U.S. states that resulted in more than 60,000 sterilizations of vulnerable
people, including people she considered "feeble-minded," "idiots" and "morons."
The Endless
Hazing of Trump by Sanctimonious Frauds. Has America ever had to endure a more insufferable collection of
frauds? When not sating themselves at Margaret Sanger award galas and Black Lives Matters powwows, they can be heard
lecturing Americans on "racial healing" and a culture without violence. It would be a little easier to hear these
disquisitions on nonviolence from brow-furrowing anchorettes and celebrity bloggers if many of them weren't always obsessing
over "reproductive rights." When will these abortion supporters be tweeting out their disgust for the racist eugenics
of Margaret Sanger and calling on all journalists to boycott Planned Parenthood until her statue is torn down?
Parenthood's Century of Brutality. [Margaret] Sanger herself was generally careful to forswear compulsion in
her eugenics program, but in reality the period was characterized by the widespread use of involuntary sterilization.
Mandatory-sterilization bills were introduced unsuccessfully in Michigan and Pennsylvania at the end of the 19th century, but
in 1907 Indiana became the first of many states to create eugenics-oriented sterilization programs, targeting such "unfit"
populations as criminals and the mentally ill, along with African Americans (60 percent of the black mothers at one
Mississippi hospital were involuntarily sterilized) and other minority groups. The Oregon state eugenics board was
renamed but was not disbanded until the 1980s. About 65,000 people in the United States were involuntarily sterilized.
Parenthood Continues Pushing Margaret Sanger's Population Control Agenda, Here's How. Margaret Sanger brought
to Planned Parenthood three basic philosophies that still drive the organization today. Her first philosophy was
uninhibited sexual activity. Margaret believed that everyone should be free to engage in sexual activity with whomever
they want, whenever they want. It made no difference if the individuals were married or even if they were married to
someone else. Sex was to be enjoyed always, she taught. As a young adult, Sanger would attend discussion sessions
at the home of Mabel Dodge in New York City. Dodge explained that each week a different member of the group would lead
the discussion. She said that, whenever it was Sanger's turn to lead, the discussions were always about sex. As
Ellen Chessler noted in her book about Sanger, Woman of Valor, Dodge said that Margaret was "the first person I ever
knew who was openly an ardent propagandist for the joys of the flesh."
Quotes From Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger. Margaret Sanger has been lauded by some as a woman of
valor, but a closer look reveals that Planned Parenthood's audacious founder had some unsavory things to say about matters of
race, birth control, and abortion. An outspoken eugenicist herself, Sanger consistently promoted racist ideals with a
contemptuous attitude. [...] [D]espite her extraordinarily prolific writing career, one rarely sees her quoted by Planned
Parenthood leaders and apologists.
A National Portrait of Margaret Sanger. Fifteen
years ago I came across in an archive "A Plan for World Peace" issued by a prominent American just months before Adolf Hitler came to power in
Germany. The plan advocated "a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already
tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring." For the tens of millions of Americans whose
genes the author judged objectionable but who themselves judged sterilization objectionable, the plan offered "farm lands and homestead for these
segregated persons where they would be taught to work under competent instructors for the period of their entire lives."
Race and Margaret Sanger.
Anytime I write about Margaret Sanger's May 1926 speech to the women's chapter of the KKK in Silverlake, New
Jersey — as I did again recently — liberals get very upset. They accuse me of distortion,
disinformation, dishonesty. Really, my crime is raising the subject at all. Many liberals cannot —
they cannot — find it within themselves to condemn this sordid moment.
Busting Margaret Sanger.
Why is America's national museum, the Smithsonian Institution, honoring an outspoken eugenicist who advocated the forced
sterilization of millions of Americans? A racist who used abortion and birth control specifically to target the black
population? [...] Sanger's bust is placed, ironically, between the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, two legitimate
heroes of black Americans, a group Sanger sought, according to one of her own letters, to "exterminate." Lionized by the
left for her radical feminist rhetoric and her contribution to "women's rights" — birth control and abortion —
Sanger is known nowadays for being the founder of abortion provider Planned Parenthood. But back in the 1920s, Sanger was
one of the most influential eugenicists in the United States. The eugenics movement, now rightfully condemned, sought to
improve the human race by preventing people deemed inferior from having children.
Parenthood Founder Said She'd Leave Country If JFK Elected — Because He Was Catholic. Planned Parenthood founder
Margaret Sanger opposed the Catholic Church for decades because of its moral teachings and its theology in general, to the
point that in 1960, when John F. Kennedy, a Catholic, ran for president, Sanger said if he were elected, she would "find
another place to live." Sanger (1879-1966), in her many writings and speeches, frequently attacked the Catholic Church,
describing it as among the "arch-enemies to hinder the progress of enlightenment" and determined to destroy America's "liberties"
and establish its own "rules & dominion."
Leaders: Remove Planned Parenthood Founder from Taxpayer-Funded Museum. African-American leaders and pro-life
activists are calling for the Smithsonian to remove the bust of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger from the National
Portrait Gallery. Bishop E.W. Jackson, president of STAND and Ministers Taking A Stand, said Sanger is responsible
for the death of about 285,000 black babies each year.
groups demand Portrait Gallery remove Planned Parenthood founder bust. Anti-abortion activists held a rally
Thursday [8/27/2015] outside the National Portrait Gallery to demand the Washington museum remove a bust of Margaret Sanger, a
controversial eugenicist who founded the organizations that later became Planned Parenthood. The modern-day abortion
provider has come under scrutiny following the release of undercover videos that allegedly show employees brokering the sale
of fetal tissue. Days after widespread protests against the group, E.W. Jackson, a conservative Christian minister
and Virginia lawyer, led the rally in Washington urging the removal of the Sanger bust.
Parenthood Praises Women Who Support Black Genocide. Planned Parenthood's Maggie Awards praised 16 women who
emulate one of the most influential eugenicists in America, Margaret Sanger. Margaret Sanger saw Blacks and immigrants as
weeds who should be sterilized.
Why Progressives Are Wrong to
Revere Margaret Sanger. Margaret Sanger is a saint in the feminist church. She is a charter member of the progressive
hall of fame. Liberals revere this woman who preached "race improvement" and denounced what she called "human weeds". Hillary
Clinton glows that she is "in awe of" Sanger. She said so in 2009 upon receiving Planned Parenthood's "highest honor" that year:
its coveted Margaret Sanger Award. Likewise effusive was Nancy Pelosi when she proudly accepted the award in 2014. Speaking to
Planned Parenthood a year earlier, President Barack Obama, hailed the organization founded by this racial eugenicist committed to creating
a "race of thoroughbreds" and purging America's "race of degenerates."
Pastors Want Bust of Margaret Sanger Removed From Smithsonian. On August 7, leaders of Ministers Taking a
Stand, a group of Black Christian pastors headed by Bishop E.W. Jackson, founder of Exodus Faith Ministries in Chesapeake,
Virginia, sent a letter to Kim Sajet, director of the National Portrait Gallery at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington,
asking that a bust of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger be removed from all National Portrait Gallery exhibits.
[...] The ministers' letter noted that Sanger "was a racist, elitist, and her beliefs led to massive destruction of unborn
human life. She was no hero." An article in American Thinker on August 11 noted that this exposure of Sanger may become a
political liability for Hillary Clinton, who has openly expressed admiration for the Planned Parenthood founder. When
then-Secretary of State Clinton accepted the Margaret Sanger Award at the 2009 Planned Parenthood Honors Gala in Houston,
Texas, she told the gathered crowd: ["]I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision.
Another of my great friends, Ellen Chesler, is here, who wrote a magnificent biography of Margaret Sanger called Woman of
Valor. And when I think about what she did all those years ago in Brooklyn, taking on archetypes, taking on attitudes
and accusations flowing from all directions, I am really in awe of her.["]
activists rally at Capitol ahead of Senate panel's Planned Parenthood investigation.
Anti-abortion activists rallied at the Texas Capitol Tuesday to applaud the state's Republican
leaders for investigating Planned Parenthood. The Senate Health and Human Services committee will
meet Wednesday to investigate Planned Parenthood's role in fetal tissue donation programs. The
investigation is one of three called for by state leaders following the release of undercover videos
showing several Planned Parenthood national officials discussing tissue procurement methods and
reimbursement fees.
Planned Parenthood video could drop at Texas Senate hearing. Fresh off the heels of
the Center for Medical Progress releasing video of a former Planned Parenthood worker discussing
organ harvesting is the possibly of a fourth video. This time it won't be on the Internet,
it will be in a Texas Senate committee. A spokesperson for Senator Charles Schwertner told The
Texas Tribune state Attorney General investigators were the ones who were given the video.
Planned Parenthood video released: 'Huge trafficking of fetal tissues'. A third
Planned Parenthood video was released Tuesday morning that features a whistleblower who says her
biomedical company would compensate Planned Parenthood clinics for fetal organs based on their
condition and quality after being extracted from an abortion. Holly O'Donnell is a former
technician for California-based Stem Express, a company that contracts with abortion clinics for the
tissue. "The more valuable the tissue the more money you get, so if you can somehow procure a
brain or a heart you're going to get more money than just umbilical cord," O'Donnell says in the
video. "So I guess that's incentive to try and get the hard stuff because they get more money."
Parenthood Investigation Reportedly Shows Doctors Discussing How To Maximize Revenue From Sale Of
Fetal Tissue. In a new video just released by the Center for Medical Progress, a
former clinical worker at StemExpress described her job of identifying pregnant women "who met
criteria for fetal tissue orders and to harvest fetal body parts after their abortions." Holly
O'Donnell, a licensed phlebotomist, said she "unsuspectingly took as job as a 'procurement technician'"
at the fetal tissue company StemExpress, which was allegedly the primary buyer of fetal body parts from
Planned Parenthood. She said she fainted on her first day on the job when she was asked to
dissect a "freshly aborted" baby.
its Planned Parenthood editorial, the New York Times repeats a shameful history.
[Scroll down] Last week, the New York Times editorial board finally responded to week-old
revelations of Planned Parenthood officials casually discussing the ways they "crush" human fetuses
and use "less crunchy" methods to better preserve their body parts for research. Despite the fact
that a great many of the protestations were moral objections from a variety of religious groups, the
New York Times failed to address these concerns at all. Instead, it focused on the deceptive
investigative techniques of those who obtained the video and, in an unintended twist of irony, lauded
the use of aborted fetuses to provide researchers with "lifesaving tissue." For the record,
religious pro-life advocates like me are not panicking because we are opposed to organ donation.
We are panicking because we are opposed to taking organs from donors without their consent.
Or Congress Must Act Against Planned Parenthood. The Center for Medical Progress'
graphic third video sting of Planned Parenthood, with perhaps 10 more coming, undeniably exposes a
profit motive. Will law enforcement pounce? Three videos now that show Planned Parenthood very
much wants good money for fetal body parts. As the abortion giant hires Washington crisis communications
firm SKDKnickerbocker, the spotlight now shines on what the New York Times calls a legal "gray area."
Parenthood Hires Crisis Communication Firm Featuring Anita Dunn. Planned Parenthood
has hired a high-profile crisis communication firm to help it deal with fallout from a series of
undercover sting videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress. Politico reports
that PP has hired SKDKnickerbocker, a firm which features former Obama communications staffer Anita
Dunn as a managing director. Dunn is perhaps best known for a speech she gave extolling the
political philosophy of communist revolutionary Mao Zedong.
new Planned Parenthood sting video shows graphic footage of doctors haggling over the price of
dissected fetal tissue. The Center for Medical Progress has released a third
undercover video in their ongoing campaign against Planned Parenthood. This latest video features
two doctors dissecting aborted fetal tissue while discussing the pricing of the parts with a potential
buyer. They also released an interview with a woman who used to work in a Planned Parenthood
clinic for the company StemExpress and was tasked with procuring tissue from aborted fetuses.
Cruz Slams 'Passionately Pro-Abortion Media' for 'Hiding' Videos. [Scroll down]
During the event, MRC Culture asked Sen. Cruz if the the media and journalists have done enough to
cover the videos. "No, of course they're not," Cruz began. "The mainstream media wants to do
everything they can to hide these videos from the American people." In the interview, Sen. Cruz
accused the media of keeping the truth about Planned Parenthood from Americans. "When you see a
senior Planned Parenthood official say she wants to sell so many body parts of unborn children, she
can buy a Lamborghini? Those are not the values of the American people."
Parenthood Tries To Silence Undercover Videos By Sending Threatening Letters To TV Stations. "The
material should not be aired," states a press release sent out to the stations. This absurdly transparent
attempt at damage control is no surprise. The organization has been engaging in mafia-like strong-arm tactics
in their all-out attack-as-defense strategy, including congressional pressure, an Obama Department of Justice
investigation, and the same from the California Attorney General's office. In short, PP is willing to do
just about anything to stop people from hearing bad things about it. Well, anything except for not
selling baby parts.
Parenthood warns news media — don't air undercover sting videos. Planned
Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota warned news outlets today that airing
undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress could violate "patient privacy." Planned
Parenthood says the videos violate laws however no wrong doing by the Center for Medical Progress
has been proven. Planned Parenthood has been under fire since two videos were released showing
officials discussing tissue acquisition from unborn fetuses. The Center for Medical Progress says it
has several more videos it will be releasing in the coming months. Planned Parenthood has also
found itself in hot water with the federal government. The organization gets tax dollars to help
offset operating costs. The released videos have prompted some lawmaker to move to try and defund
the organization.
Planned Parenthood Sting Video Reveals Profit Strategy, Insider's Gruesome Account. In
2012, [Holly] O'Donnell took the job at the fetal tissue company under the assumption she would be
drawing blood. As it turns out, her job was much more sinister in nature. In fact, she fainted on
her first day when she was asked to dissect a freshly aborted fetus. For the next 6 months
O'Donnell identified and harvested fetal body parts from pregnant women meeting criteria for
specific orders at Planned Parenthood. StemExpress was paid handsomely for the service.
O'Donnell said, "For whatever we could procure, they would get a certain percentage. The main nurse was
always trying to make sure we got our specimens. No one else really cared, but the main nurse did
because she knew that Planned Parenthood was getting compensated."
Must Look Planned Parenthood, Abortion Industry in The Eye. Undercover investigators
in recent weeks have added to the evidence that we already had that the abortion industry, and
Planned Parenthood in particular, sells the body parts of the babies it kills. As one of those
who is close to this project through my partnership with Operation Rescue, and who knows the key
players in this investigation, I have been asked by some reporters whether these videos represent a
new strategy that replaces for the pro-life movement some of the older strategies like showing
graphic pictures of aborted babies. My answer: not at all. On the contrary, these
videos fit into a coherent strategy that I and other pro-life leaders have taught for decades and
that is rooted in the history of social reform: social injustices thrive when they are hidden;
therefore, you expose them.
channels Margaret Sanger. Let's see what Mrs. Clinton finds so laudable about the
well-known Margaret Sanger: a leading voice of eugenics, defined as a belief in the possibility of
improving the qualities of the human species or a human population, especially by such means as
discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable
undesirable traits. This selfsame philosophy (and its disproven pseudo-science) informed Nazi
Germany's racial policies and extermination of Jews and so-called "life not fit for life."
Essentially, Mrs. Sanger's view was the creation of a (white) "master race" by determining or
otherwise controlling who has children. [...] That was the underlying purpose of Planned Parenthood,
started by "trailblazer" Sanger in 1916. So why would Mrs. Clinton proudly accept such a dubious
honor named for such a nefarious character (especially in light of the history, of which it is
reasonable to assume she is aware) and further defend that organization today with the exposure of
business practices that would have given Adolf Hitler pause?
Parenthood video has clarified how sick the abortion industry is. The tax funded
abortion behemoth has a strong presence in minority neighborhoods. By some estimates, almost 80 percent
of their clinics are located in them. They would say women there need their compassionate care.
But of course, at a Planned Parenthood clinic, what you mostly find is abortion masquerading as compassion.
Margaret Sanger, the founder, would be happy with the results of her work. She was an avowed eugenecist and
once referred to blacks and immigrants as "human weeds, reckless breeders, spawning ... human beings who never
should have been born." I'm sure she would be pleased to know that the location of these clinics ensure that
a high proportion of the over 300,000 abortions the company performs each year eliminate brown and black children.
on Roe: When Margaret Sanger spoke to the KKK. As liberals excoriate Republican Congressman Steve
Scalise for speaking to a group with a reported connection to David Duke, former KKK member, I'm reminded
today — on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade — of a moment that liberals will never
dare acknowledge: a 1926 speech to the KKK by one of their most revered ideological darlings, Planned
Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.
Justice Ruth
Bader Ginsburg Channels Margaret Sanger. Thanks to US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader
Ginsburg, a well-known liberal and feminist, Americans are getting an inside look at what Margaret
Sanger, Planned Parenthood's founder, probably would have embraced today — and who she
would have embraced today. From her recent comments on abortion, Justice Ginsburg would have been
praised by Ms. Sanger for her comments on poor people and abortion.
footage shows Planned Parenthood founder's true mission. In what can only be called a gracious
historical act, a newsreel archive company called British Pathé has uploaded 85,000 historic films on
YouTube — in high resolution, no less. [...] One video that has caught The Daily Caller's eye is
the one [in this article], in which American birth control activist Margaret Sanger (here called Margaret Slee,
which was her second husband's name) sternly demands that the women of the world have "no more babies."
Getting Award Named for Woman Who Called Children 'Human Weeds'. Planned Parenthood on
Thursday will give House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) its Margaret Sanger Award, named for
a woman who advocated eugenics and who described some children as "human weeds," while arguing that to
grow a "beautiful garden of children," you "have got to fight weeds." In that same speech from
1925, Sanger explained that parenthood should be legal only under certain conditions: a minimum age
for parents of 23 years, a "space out between births," "economic circumstances adequate," and
"spiritual harmony between parents."
Pelosi Deserves Her Planned Parenthood
Award. It's true that Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi deserves Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger Award — almost no one
has done more to promote the killing of innocent babies in the womb than she has. If Mrs. Pelosi wants finally to take her role as a public
servant seriously, though, she will reject the award named after a racist woman who had no problem speaking to a Ku Klux Klan meeting.
Obama's Racial Eugenics Award? Margaret Sanger
longed for a more enlightened time when birth control would be (as she put it) "part of the regular welfare service of the government." [...] Sanger
could not have known it, but she was speaking of Barack Obama's America, where birth control is being thrust upon us as a basic "human right" and
form of "health care" with no obstacles in its way. In fact, it's even easier than Sanger could have imagined: Not only do contemporary
progressives want no obstacles, but Obama wants all Americans to forcibly pay for birth control. He is even forcing the religious to do so
via his HHS mandate. He and his progressive cohorts are rolling right over any "legal restrictions" or "religious condemnation." If you
as a religious believer disagree, they will see you in court. You will be penalized and demonized. Under Obama, we have arrived at Sanger's
new world, where birth control is a regular service of the federal government.
on Medal of Freedom Award: It Will Be 'Honoring the Work of Margaret Sanger'. Speaking at the National Press Club in Washington,
D.C., on Monday, feminist Gloria Steinem said receiving the Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama would be "honoring the work
of Margaret Sanger." "I hope this is retroactive in honoring the work of Margaret Sanger," said Steinem about the woman who founded
what would become Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the largest abortion provider in the United States.
Deliver Us From Evil: Black
Professor Spews Hate. Americans abort 4,000 babies a day, of which a disproportionately high number are black. Planned
Parenthood was founded by racist Margaret Sanger to fix "the negro problem." "We don't want the word to go out that we want to
exterminate the Negro population," wrote Sanger. Liberal blacks like Professor Tillet and Democrat so-called advocates for black
empowerment ignore the blatant racism of Planned Parenthood.
First Black
President Makes Racist White Woman's Dream Come True. One of [Margaret] Sanger's most audacious initiatives began in 1939.
A memorandum, "Suggestions for Negro Project," made its way to her desk from Dr. Clarence Gamble, the director of the Birth Control
Federation of the South. Sanger made it clear she did not want her racist motivations to be exposed, so she worked to enlist
black preachers to carry the birth control message into Southern black communities. The marketing plan worked. By 1947, black
leaders throughout the country gave their blessing to Planned Parenthood.
The Uncanny Union of Kermit and
Miss Maggie. [P]erhaps the public should learn to connect the dots between the wholesale slaughter of black babies and the
abortion industry's uncomfortable racial connection with eugenics — beginning with the Malthusian vision of Planned Parenthood's
founder, Margaret Sanger.
Why They Won't Talk About Kermit Gosnell.
[Mara] Hvistendahl's plaint recalled the incredible work of Edwin Black, most notably his book War Against the Weak, which detailed the role
American eugenics played in the monstrous ethnic cleansing in Europe in the 20th century culminating in the Holocaust. One of the most
important personalities in this terrible saga was the eugenicist Margaret Sanger, who founded Planned Parenthood.
The Left's Genocide of
Minorities. Many are aware that Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of abortion in the U.S.,
had eugenic beginnings. Founder Margaret Sanger was influenced by Malthusian eugenics, and noted eugenicists
were on the PP board, including Alan Guttmacher, vice president of the American Eugenics Society. Sanger's
lover and mentor, Havelock Ellis, was a follower of Francis Galton, a leader in eugenics. One of Sanger's
first clinics opened in Harlem in 1929. To give it legitimacy, she invited prominent black ministers, social
workers, and journalists to be on the advisory council. In 1939 she started the "Negro Project," headed
by Clarence Gamble of Procter & Gamble.
Margaret Sanger, the Soviets, and Democrats: "[W]e could well take example from Russia,"
advised Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, "where birth control instruction is part of the regular
welfare service of the government." Sanger, racial-eugenicist who spoke to a 1926 KKK rally, whose
work included a "Negro Project," who wished to rid America of "human weeds" and "morons" and "imbeciles,"
and who wanted birth control for "race improvement," had just returned from a pilgrimage to Stalin's Russia.
Like many progressives (click here for John Dewey's experiences), she went there to soak in the alleged triumphs
of the communist motherland, marveling at Lenin's and Stalin's advancements for women.
History of America's
Racist Left: Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger spoke at a 1926 Ku Klux Klan rally, used the
"n" word in reference to blacks, and deemed Aboriginal Australians "the lowest known species of the human family, just
a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development." Despite all this and more, a friendly historian recently
judged, "Sanger was no racist." To advocate certain progressive ideas is, for fellow progressives, evidence of innocence.
King, Roe v. Wade and Margaret Sanger: Planned Parenthood founder Margaret
Sanger formed the organization to implement the eugenic ideology that prevailed in the
early 20th century. The eugenicists with whom she aligned herself espoused belief,
as Sanger put it, in the "supremacy" and "purity" of certain races of people, notably the
Aryan race. They believed the "fit" should be encouraged to reproduce, while the
"unfit" should constrain their numbers. The "unfit" were the poor, racial minorities
and certain groups of immigrants, and the physically and mentally handicapped. They
sought to accomplish this through sterilization, birth control and, eventually, abortion.
Lie, Children Die. It is horrific enough that the purpose in the original founding of Planned
Parenthood was to originally wipe out the future generations of black children. To understand the depth
of the racism Margaret Sanger practiced and believed personally is nauseating. She detailed much of it
for posterity in her own writings.
A Dark Past.
Margaret Sanger, whose American Birth Control League became Planned Parenthood, was the founding mother of the
birth-control movement. She is today considered a liberal saint, a founder of modern feminism, and one
of the leading lights of the Progressive pantheon. Gloria Feldt of Planned Parenthood proclaims, "I stand
by Margaret Sanger's side," leading "the organization that carries on Sanger's legacy."
Hillary in 'inter-generational
partnership' with eugenicist Sanger. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has accepted an
award from Planned Parenthood named after the pro-abortion group's founder, who once referred to blacks
as "human weeds." Secretary of State Clinton was presented on Friday evening [3/24/2009] with the
Margaret Sanger Award at a Planned Parenthood event in Houston. The award, says Planned Parenthood,
is presented annually to recognize "leadership, excellence, and outstanding contributions to the
reproductive health and rights movement."
Sanger's Praises, Whistling Past the Graveyard. "We want fewer and better children ... and we
cannot make the social life and the world-peace we are determined to make, with the ill-bred, ill-trained
swarms of inferior citizens that you inflict on us." That ghastly pro-eugenics message appeared in the
introduction to Margaret Sanger's 1922 book, "The Pivot of Civilization." In a little-noticed incident,
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently announced that she is "really in awe" of Sanger.
Clinton Can't Defend Patron Saint of Planned Parenthood. Mrs. Sanger was certainly a birth control
pioneer. But when you examine the totality of Sanger's views, you'd think modern feminists would blanche —
at least a little. Sanger was a most thoroughgoing racist. "Eugenics," she wrote, "is the most adequate and
thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political, and social problems."
were Notre Dame officials thinking? One of those diehard racists and eugenicists of Scopes' time was
Margaret Sanger. Yes, the founder of Planned Parenthood was a eugenicist who, according to author Edwin Black in
"War Against The Weak," "advocated for mass sterilization of so-called defectives (and) mass incarceration of the
unfit." Sanger also "vigorously opposed charitable efforts to uplift the downtrodden and deprived, and argued
extensively that it was better that the cold and hungry be left without help, so that the eugenically superior strains
could multiply without competition from 'the unfit.' She repeatedly referred to the lower classes and the unfit
as 'human waste' not worthy of assistance, and proudly quoted the extreme eugenic view that human 'weeds' should be
Obama, Ginsburg, and the Ghost of
Margaret Sanger: [Scroll down] In Sanger's mind, there was never a doubt that abortion — albeit
an abhorrent procedure — should not only be recognized as the inalienable right of every woman, but that it
could also serve as a highly effective tool for fashioning a healthier and more productive society. In terms
of methodology, such a goal could be achieved by systematically filtering out the varied ethnic and socio-economic
people groups deemed as offering no discernible benefit to the rest of the general population.
for a Separation of Science and State. Arguably, scientific fact changes more rapidly than
religious dogma. What was undeniable truth one day might be discovered to be quackery the next.
The most glaring example of this in the 20th century is the science of eugenics.
Sanger's shop now open in East Knox. This call to pre-emptively rid America of the diseased and
maladjusted, according to the March 31, 1941, issue of Time magazine, was sponsored by the National
Committee of Planned Parenthood on behalf of Margaret Sanger's Birth Control Federation of America. Sanger,
who founded Planned Parenthood in 1916, was a proponent of eugenics, the belief that humankind would benefit
if the "unfit" didn't reproduce while the "fit" procreated profusely.
Quotes From Margaret Sanger — Founder of Planned
Parenthood. [For example,] "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging
personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we
want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious
Abortion as an attempt to exterminate black Americans
Legislator Slams Democrats for Targeting Black Babies in Abortions. Connecticut State
Representative Treneé McGee, D-West Haven, condemned her party's proposal for a
constitutional amendment that would make it easier for young girls to have late-term abortions in
the state. The measure, she said, would annihilate more black babies. McGee was a
keynote speaker on Wednesday at the third annual Connecticut March for Life. She has spoken
at the national March for Life in Washington, DC, and is known for bucking the radical pro-abortion
legislation often proposed by members of her own political party and also backed by some of her
state's Republicans. "I'm concerned with the abortion industry's target on women of color and
pieces of legislation that, I believe, are detrimental to my community," McGee told the crowd who
rallied at the state Capitol in Hartford. "In the state of Connecticut, you can seek an abortion up
to 24 weeks — that is six months." McGee pointed to the courage of Fannie Lou
Hamer, another black pro-life woman who led a movement of women of color.
Bush Claims Her Abortion Was the Result of Being Black. One of the most progressive House of
Representatives in the U.S., Cori Bush, is claiming that because she is black, she was forced to have an abortion.
While speaking to PBS' Firing Line with Margaret Hoover, Bush said that at 19 she went into a clinic to have an abortion
done, (not her first one) and after telling nurses that she wasn't ready, Bush says that she was forced to have the
procedure done against her will.
in Britain. Eugenics — meaning 'good breeding' — was coined in 1883 by Sir Francis Galton
to describe 'the science which deals with all influences which improve the inborn qualities of a race'. While the
'science' of eugenics is now widely discredited, a few of its leading proponents, and numerous others with looser links to
the movement, have been given London blue plaques in the past. At the time, their views were either regarded as
uncontroversial or their achievements were considered to outweigh any reservations about their eugenic connections. The
same may not be necessarily true today.
do Democrats want to kill all the black babies? Some 63 million American babies have been aborted since Roe
v. Wade. Almost 40% were black even though blacks comprise only about 13% of the population. The black
abortion rate is nearly five times the white rate. Justice Clarence Thomas observed in a Supreme Court case a few years
ago that in New York City a black baby is more likely to be aborted than to be born. Altogether, that amounts to over
20 million dead black babies since Roe v. Wade. To put that number in perspective, the number of unarmed blacks
killed by police in that period is a few dozen — amounting to something like 0.0002% of the number aborted.
Over a third of the black population of America has been lost to abortion. If the dead black babies were placed head to
toe, they would stretch from coast to coast. If they were buried in a cemetery at standard densities, the cemetery
would be about 20,000 acres or 31 square miles.
Scott Responds To Janet Yellen Claiming Black Women Need Abortion Access. President Joe Biden's Treasury
Secretary, Janet Yellen, said Tuesday [5/10/2022] that making abortion illegal would be bad for the economy. Yellen was
asked by Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez during a Senate hearing about the economic impact of the Supreme
Court's reported decision to undo Roe v. Wade, opening a path for states to impose increased restrictions on
abortion. Yellen said that legalized abortion helped women make more money and participate in the labor force.
[Video clip] The Treasury Secretary was later pressed on the pro-abortion comments by Republican South Carolina
Sen. Tim Scott. "Some of your comments in response to Bob's question, I found troubling. Just for clarity's
sake, did you say that ending the life of a child is good for the labor force participation rate?"
Pro-Abortion Protestors Silent When Asked If All Black Lives Matter. Since its inception, the Black Lives
Matter movement has been little more than a charade. The group's name is itself discriminatory, but not overly
provocative. But the movement itself has never been about black lives. It's always been about promoting the
ideals of extreme leftwing politics and the dismantling of American institutions. While much has been said in
opposition to BLM, and their own corruption and duplicity have resulted in a dramatic crash in public opinion for the group,
seldom has any been so effective and clever in dismantling their arguments as what we see in this video of a man with a
bullhorn addressing a group of protesters at a health care facility: [Video clip]
Is a 'Tool of Modern-Day Eugenics,' Blacks and Hispanics Tell The Supreme Court. In a powerful new legal
filing, black and Hispanic pro-lifers ask the Supreme Court to blot out the "dark stain" of its precedent on eugenics by
striking down Roe v. Wade (1973) and the "right" to race-based abortion, which they describe as a "tool of
modern-day eugenics." The pro-lifers write that the case Thomas Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health "is an ideal
vehicle for the Court to finally overrule Roe v. Wade and its progeny, which have constitutionalized eugenic
abortions as a fundamental right." In the brief, the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC) —
America's largest Hispanic Christian evangelical organization representing more than 100 million Hispanic evangelicals in
over 40,000 U.S. churches — teamed up with the Frederick Douglass Foundation, Stand for Life President Alveda
King (Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece), Deacon Keith Fournier, the Common Good Foundation, and the Roman Catholic Diocese of
Tyler, Texas.
is conspicuously quiet about massive numbers of Black deaths. Blacks make up slightly less than 13% of the
American population — a percentage that's diminishing daily as the Biden administration floods the country with
illegal aliens from Latin America. However, Blacks are also doing their bit to keep their presence in American
relatively small: They're aborting their babies in extraordinary numbers. CNS News caught up with CDC statistics
for 2018, based on data from only 31 reporting areas. They show that 117,626 Black children were aborted —
or 33.6% of all reported 2018 abortions.
Tammy Duckworth Says It's "Racist" to Save Black Babies From Abortion. Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth
introduced a bill Thursday [3/25/2021] to force American taxpayers to pay for abortions, arguing that it would be racist not
to. The Huffington Post reports Duckworth's Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance Act would reverse the
Hyde Amendment and force all health insurance plans, including taxpayer-funded Medicaid, to cover elective abortions.
U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee, D-California, is the sponsor in the U.S. House. "This isn't about what side you're on in
the abortion debate, it's about equality and opportunity plain and simple," Duckworth said Wednesday during a press
conference. "Whatever you think about the procedure, we should all agree that what's legal for wealthy Americans should
not be so inaccessible for Americans of color and low-income Americans." Duckworth and Lee argued that the amendment
hurts poor and minority women by making it harder for them to abort their unborn babies.
Sheriff Says if Black Lives Mattered They'd Protest at Abortion Clinics. CNN's Poppy Harlow interviewed
Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke about the recent protests that some in the Black Community have sparked after the police
related deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. Harlow asked the Sheriff, who has been on several news shows on Fox
and others, about a tweet he sent out implying that if Black lives mattered the protesters would be outside abortion clinics
because of the high numbers of black babies killed by abortion. The tweet sent by Sheriff Clarke, a black man himself,
was sent to Mitch Smith, Journalist in the Chicago bureau of The New York Times and read, "If only these faux protesters were
asked by media about all the black on black killing or black babies aborted in US every year."
pastors condemn Rev. Warnock's 'grave errors of judgment'. A group of pastors condemned Georgia Senate
candidate Raphael Warnock's statement that he is a "pro-choice pastor," saying that Warnock's comment shows "grave errors of
judgement," in a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. A coalition of Black Christian ministers sent a
letter Friday entreating Warnock, a reverend headed into a January runoff election against Republican Georgia Sen. Kelly
Loeffler, "to reconsider" his "public advocacy for abortion." "Unborn Black, brown and white lives are so much more than
clumps of cells, burdensome inconveniences, or health problems," the letter said. "They are sacred human persons
endowed by God with inalienable dignity and worth. We implore you to uphold the Biblical defense of life and to fight
against the systemic racism of abortion."
The Editor says...
There is no such thing as a pro-abortion Christian.
a Black Pastor, I Must Speak Out on Abortion Because 19 Million Black Babies Have Been Killed. In recent
months, multiple states like Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana have passed laws to curb access to abortion. The left and
the mainstream media are spinning a narrative that a draconian cabal of lawmakers is unjustly trying to take power away from
women, and that under these laws women will face unspeakable horrors as they make their way to backroom alleys to have
abortions performed with coat hangers. Loud is the outrage and sharp is the criticism from women's groups, college
students, and prominent Democratic leaders. But the fact of the matter is that over 61 million babies have been aborted
since Roe v. Wadein 1973. Over 19 million of those babies were African-American. The left loves to play identity
politics when it suits their agenda, but the uncomfortable facts on abortion cut against their narrative: While blacks
only make up 13% of the population, they account for over one-third of all abortions in the U.S. Of all the people
talking about abortion, I want to hear from the church. Where does the body of Christ stand on these new abortion laws
sweeping the nation? In particular, I want to hear from the black church.
Pro-Life Activists File Racial Discrimination Claim Against Planned Parenthood. A coalition of black pro-life
activists filed a racial discrimination claim against Planned Parenthood, asserting the organization has been targeting black
women and babies for nearly half a century. According to an announcement released last week at Christian Newswire, the
National Black Pro-Life Coalition filed the racial discrimination claim with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S.
Department of Health & Human Services (HHS).
Parenthood Kills More Blacks in 2 Weeks Than the KKK Killed in a Century. [Scroll down] While writing
this article, we were censored by Deities of Diversity. Apparently, Instagram deleted our post, threatening to restrict
or disable our account if we violate their guidelines again. But... we didn't violate any guidelines. The
explanation they included in the warning were about threatening violence. Of course the meme wasn't threatening
violence — it denounced racial violence, no matter the era. But Titans of Tolerance have no interest in the
truth. They can delete our posts, and even our account, but they can't delete the truth. And of course, there was
no due process, no appeal process, no one to reach to correct this injustice. There was no option other than to click
OK and the purge was complete. The meme juxtaposes the vile, racist and elitist worldview of those in white coats who
unapologetically set out to control the population with the same racism that drove the murderous acts of a bunch of cowards
in white sheets. The online graphic reads: "We kill more black lives in 2 weeks than the KKK lynched in a
century... Planned Parenthood: Eugenics. No Matter What." The URL in the meme provides the context of how
abortion has become the leading killer in the black community. And finally, an image of a noose appears above those
words as an instrument of racial violence (which killed an estimated 3,446 African-Americans). Today, an estimated 247
black lives are killed every day by Planned Parenthood with forceps, chemicals and other devices.
American Says: If Black Lives Matter, Talk About Black Babies Killed in Abortions. A new video featured
on the Daily Wire, "Black Americans Speak Out Against BLM; UNLOAD on the Democratic Party," shows clips of several black men
speaking during what appear to be rallies and protests in cities across the U.S. One of them brought up abortions while
another noted how the Black Lives Matter organization wants to destroy the nuclear family. "It's not even a legitimate
cause," said one man wearing a MAGA hat and carrying a Trump flag. "If we're going to talk about Black Lives Matter,
let's talk about the abortion rate. The black abortion rate. Talking about more black babies being killed in New
York City than birthed." If the movement really cared about black lives, he said, it would advocate for the lives of
unborn babies who are slaughtered in abortions at a massive rate. As he mentioned, New York City abortion rates in the
black community are higher than birth rates. According to city health statistics, more black babies are aborted in the
city than are born every year.
Virginia (and all the other States), There is Systemic Racism in America. The Supreme Court legalized abortion
in 1973, a procedure that has a more racist past than a Confederate statue. Abortion was a key part of the eugenics
movement in this country going back to the 1920's, when Margaret Sanger created the precursor to Planned Parenthood.
Abortion was used to purify the white race and eliminate the black race back then, and black women continue to have abortions
to at far higher rates than whites and Hispanics to this day. These deaths have reduced the black population, watered
down their representation in society, and eliminated the potential contributions of millions of people to this world.
they came for the statues, now stained glass windows. Yet one woman's vile history is overlooked. First
they came for the statues; then they came for the stained glass windows. Yes, the fashion (at least among
undergraduates) for trashing commemorative edifices is developing new forms. [...] Oddly, though, there is one British
eugenicist whose name is widely known outside the academic world. That person's name is advertised in magazines and on
hoardings, and it pulls in many millions of pounds of taxpayers' money every year. I refer to Marie Stopes. The
organisation bearing her name, Marie Stopes International, is perhaps the world's biggest abortion provider. Not only
are its operations in this country largely paid for by us as an adjunct to the NHS, its overseas work is given huge sums by
the Department for International Development.
Save Us from the Woke Pastor. [Scroll down] If the Woke Pastor truly desired an uncomfortable
conversation on racism, he'd preach on the 247 black babies murdered every day at abortion clinics. That's a
real-life genocide happening right before us. Yet the same Woke Pastor doing his best Al Sharpton impression on a
bullhorn for George Floyd, will give Planned Parenthood a pass. Standing mute on this abomination is even more
indefensible because Planned Parenthood's founder, Margaret Sanger, was a nasty racist who viewed eugenics —
eugenics (!) — as the solution to assuage racial tension.
an ugly cynicism lurking behind the Black Lives Matter movement. For white Democrats, as the nominally Catholic
Nancy Pelosi put it, abortion is "sacred ground." All those white, indoctrinated college grads have been taught that their
"white man's burden" is to encourage black people to dispose of their inconvenient futures. Doing so will raise up
blacks, especially women. Except that's not what's happened since abortion became legal. Too many black
communities are economically stagnant, despite all the abortions. And sadly, blacks are disposing of that future by the
millions. Here's the data just for Georgia: ["]According to recent Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
statistics, while African-Americans constitute 32.2 percent of Georgia's population, 62.4 percent of abortions in Georgia
are performed on African-American women. By contrast, whites constitute 60.8 percent of the Georgia population, but only
24.7 percent of abortions were performed on white women. Even pro-abortion groups like the Guttmacher Institute admit
that 'black women are more than 5 times as likely as white women to have an abortion.'["] How can young black
people feel that their lives have value if women in the community dispose of their pregnancies as casually as old shoes?
The loudest silence
you'll ever hear. How very odd, the way Planned Parenthood's original mission has been so thoroughly erased
from history. [Video clip]
man silences medical workers vocal for BLM by asking, 'Do aborted black babies matter?'. A video making the
rounds online exposes the rank hypocrisy behind the Black Lives Matter movement, which has become a runaway train following
the death of George Floyd, despite all the violence associated with the movement. In the short clip, a black man
confronts a group of health care providers protesting in front of a hospital in support of Black Lives Matter to ask about
aborting black babies.
Planned Parenthood
Says Black Lives Matter : Shouldn't it first have some monuments to Margaret Sanger removed? There is so much
sick irony here. It's so sick that it seems like a cruel racist joke by some white supremacist organization. As
for Planned Parenthood's "Black patients," and its concern for a pandemic that has been "disproportionately ravaging Black
communities," Planned Parenthood for nearly 50 years has disproportionately ravaged black communities through abortion.
You want to talk about a public health crisis facing black communities, well, Planned Parenthood owns one. [...] About 40 percent
of abortions are among black women, even though blacks make up only 13 percent of the population. This number has remained
consistent for years. Some civil rights leaders, including Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King Jr.,
have called this "Black Genocide." There have been upwards of 20 million abortions of unborn African American babies
since Roe v. Wade in 1973.
My View of Looters. [Scroll down to
point #2] If black lives matter, let's shut down the abortion mills, where the great plurality of human beings killed are
black babies. Of course no one does that, because the abortionists and the Democrat party and the judges are all in bed
with each other. No one hates black life more than the Democrat leadership, in my humble opinion, if we are to judge
honestly by the numbers.
amazing logic on abortion. I want you to look at this graph. It comes from the Guttmacher Institute,
which supports abortion. [Chart] Now, the Guttmacher Institute says that "lack of access to health insurance and health care
plays a role, as do racism and discrimination." In all such cases, there is the charge that blacks (or people of color)
have less access to abortion. This is one of the arguments in court cases to overturn state laws that limit abortion.
So what does the graphic imply? It implies that if blacks had better access to abortions, blacks would have even more
abortions. Already, blacks have 2.7 times as many abortions (per capita) as whites.
Trump Supporter Explains How Dems Continually Prey on Women of Color to Push Abortion. A panel of African
American voters sat down with Fox News' Martha MacCallum to talk about the issues that are most important to them as we head
into the 2020 election. One of the issues that came up was abortion and how Democrats target the black community.
"My biggest issue with the current Democratic candidates as it comes to the black community is that all of them are pushing
for poor women of color to have access to abortion. That's all that you hear," panelist Angela Stanton King
explained. "Since abortion Roe v Wade has been passed, 46 percent of the black population has been
aborted. To me, personally, you don't have my best interests in mind if the only thing you are offering me is access to
abortion to kill my child before it has the chance to live, and then also free welfare. Black people have been voting
Democrat for the past 60 years and it has done absolutely nothing for us but kept us stagnant, on welfare and now here we
are, 46 percent of the black vote — I mean, the black people, the black population had been aborted."
West claims Democrats have 'brainwashed black Americans and 'make them abort their children'. Kanye West claims
black Americans have been 'brainwashed' into voting for the Democratic Party despite the fact the party promotes policies
that are harmful to them. [...] When asked about his support for President Donald Trump, West explained that he doesn't
believe it is smart for black Americans to bloc vote for Democrats, claiming: 'You are quite easily controlled if they know
everybody gonna be blue [Democrat]. If you go to a white [person] bar, you gonna hear people talking Independent, you gonna
hear people talking Democrat, you gonna hear people talking Republican'. In the 2016 Presidential Election, 88 percent
of black Americans voted Democrat, while only 8 percent of that same demographic voted Republican.
killing in America: Planned Parenthood's Black Genocide. Planned Parenthood has a budget of almost $1.5 billion
dollars a year. One-third of that comes from the Federal Government, that is, the taxpayers. Planned Parenthood is the largest
provider of abortion services in America. In 2015, there were 638,000 abortions in the United States. In 2018, Planned Parenthood
was responsible for over 50 percent, or over 328,000 abortions. That is an increase from 321,000 in 2017. The vast majority
of fetuses aborted by Planned Parenthood were black or Hispanic. In New York City last year, more black children were aborted than were
born alive. Most were aborted by Planned Parenthood. The drive to abort overrode any concern about the implications of wiping out
a generation of black children. Planned Parenthood comes by its disregard for this destruction naturally. Margaret Sanger, Planned
Parenthood's founder, was a racist eugenist who believed black people were inferior to whites. Planned Parenthood was created to rid the
world of those they considered inferior beings. Like the Third Reich, they took an animal science approach to the human species: Thin
the herd to improve the breed.
Culverhouse, Planned Parenthood, and Eugenics. In 1939, [Margaret] Sanger launched the Negro Project to
disseminate birth control throughout Southern black communities. She wanted black ministers involved, noting, "We do
not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out
that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." It is not without a degree of sordid irony to point
out that even today, African American women obtain almost half of the abortions in the United States, despite making up only
around 13 percent of the population. The nationwide abortion ratio among black women is nearly 3.5 times the
ratio it is for white women.
Joe Biden
and the Democrats' Racist Abortion Position. Last week in Atlanta, Joe Biden, Democrat presidential frontrunner
for 2020, said: "For many years as a U.S. senator, I have supported the Hyde amendment as many, many others have
because there was sufficient monies and circumstances where women were able to exercise that right [to abortion], women of
color, poor women, women were not able to have access.... But circumstances have changed." Thus, said Biden, "I
can't justify leaving millions of women without access to the care they need and their ability to exercise their constitutionally
protected right. If I believe healthcare is a right as I do, I can no longer support an amendment that makes that right
dependent on someone's zip code." In response, the crowd of liberal women went wild, applauding ecstatically.
It was an incredible moment. A sick moment. Think about what Joe Biden said, to liberals' roaring approval:
He's reversing his long-held position so "women of color, poor women" can get abortions — that is, have their
abortions publicly paid for. He's changing specifically because of women of color and poor women. He wants them
to be able to have their abortions. He wants to make sure money isn't an issue. He wants no obstacles to them
securing their desire to abort their child.
Is A Lie If Pro-Choicers Are Okay With The Black Baby Death Toll. "The right doesn't actually care about black
or brown babies." I have seen viral variations of this quote on social media countless times the past couple of weeks,
amidst pro-life victories in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Ohio, and more. I listened as Alyssa Milano claimed that
protecting the preborn would be "catastrophic" for black women. I was deeply disturbed as major news outlets flooded
readers with arguments that black women would be hurt the most by pro-life laws, even to the point of enslaving them once
again. And I was in utter disbelief when Ohio state Rep. Janine Boyd proposed an amendment to a bill that would
only allow black mothers to have an abortion.
Ratajkowski Believes Killing Black Babies Is a Public Service. Left-wing activist Emily Ratajkowski is making
an anti-science argument to justify the murder of unborn black children as a means to lower the prison population. And
I use the term "anti-science" because Ratajkowski's racist appeal to decrease the black prison population as some kind of
public service is purely driven by a sense of supremacism and has nothing to do with facts or statistics.
Abortion Racism in Pennsylvania.
There's far and away a disproportionate number of unborn African-American children killed by abortion. The escorts
guide in and funnel their mothers. As Dan Flynn noted here, Sims' wild claim has great irony given that Planned
Parenthood is the spawn of Margaret Sanger, who I've written about frequently, including her work with the "Negro Project,"
her gospel of "race improvement," her May 1926 speech to the Silverlake, New Jersey chapter of the KKK. The vast
majority of Planned Parenthood clinics are located near African-American populations. The infamous Gosnell "House of
Horrors," a sick slaughterhouse of unborn black children, resided just down the street from where Sims engaged in his antics
accusing pro-lifers of racism. It's downright stunning that [State Representative Brian] Sims either cannot see that
or, in turn, casts the finger of racist shame in the complete opposite direction.
Black Pro-Life Leaders Who Condemn Planned Parenthood. When the governors of New York and Virginia recently
endorsed abortion up to — and even beyond — the moment of birth, they added considerably more fuel to
an already raging fire. Far from the Democratic Party's older pledge to make abortion "safe, legal, and rare," they now
seek to make it permanently legal, exceedingly common, unsafe for mother, and deadly for the fully formed child —
especially for Planned Parenthood's primary targets: black Americans. If anyone thinks the use of words like
"holocaust" and "genocide," or the comparison to slavery and lynching, is overblown hyperbole, listen to what prominent black
leaders have said over the past half-century. [...]
Rolling Genocide of America's Blacks. When is a genocide not a genocide? When it is a "rolling genocide."
When it is an ongoing but never finished extermination of a people targeted for destruction. When it rolls on, generation
after generation. When it is too profitable to bring to an end.
and the Politics of Self-Destruction. Planned Parenthood began 1916 when Margaret Sanger opened America's first birth control
clinic in Brooklyn. Less well known is that Sanger was a racist and eugenicist who considered many Americans unworthy of life. [...]
Sanger wrote a letter in 1939 saying "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." Given the
popularity of Planned Parenthood among Democrats, and overwhelming support of the Democrat party among blacks, obviously word of this
did not get out. [...] Hillary Clinton, in 2009, accepted Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger Award. She remarked, "I admire Margaret
Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision."
the Days of Roe v. Wade Numbered? Every time I lament that my fellow blacks insanely support Planned
Parenthood, which targets black babies to kill, I'm flooded with emails from whites. "Lloyd, let blacks know Planned
Parenthood was founded by rabid racist Margaret Sanger to exterminate blacks." Frustrated, I yell at my computer.
"I've been telling blacks the truth about Sanger and Planned Parenthood for years to no avail!" Unbelievably, over 20
black religious leaders gathered to ceremonially "bless" a new Planned Parenthood abortion chop-shop in Washington,
D.C. These supposed black shepherds are participating in the genocide of their own flocks. To stop the
black-on-black genocide via abortion, Godly black ministers put up a billboard. "The most dangerous place for an
African-American is in the womb." Guess who had a cow and demanded that the billboard be removed? The answer
is Rev. Al Sharpton, black civil rights organizations, and Democrats.
Parenthood and the African-American Community. Does Planned Parenthood target blacks? That is what
Dr. Martin Luther King's niece thinks. Recently, I spoke on my radio show with Evangelist Alveda King, the niece
of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She is the Director of Civil Rights for the Unborn with the organization Priests
for Life. The focus was on Planned Parenthood and the African-American community. Her comments are relevant all
year around, especially around this time of MLK day and the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision favoring abortion,
Roe v. Wade (January 22, 1973). Dr. Alveda King told me, "The leading cause of death in the
African-American community is not gang-violence, gun violence, heart attack, stroke, HIV, high blood pressure, diabetes.
People will name all these. No, it's abortion. And the reason we have come to that conclusion, statistically,
you've got 60 million plus abortions legal in America since 1973. About a third of those occur in the African-American
community. That means dead babies. And, with us being 13 percent or less of America's population, that means
we are having more abortions."
Abortion Accounts for 61% of Black Deaths in America. A report Thursday [8/2/2018] analyzed research using data
from the latest year for which all the pertinent information is available (2009) and found that induced abortion was responsible
for 1.152 million deaths, making it the number one cause of death in the U.S. at nearly twice the number of deaths from heart
disease (599,413) and cancer (567,628). While abortion accounted for nearly a third of all U.S. deaths in 2009
(32.1 percent), more troubling still, it made up 61.1 percent of African American deaths, according to the study
published in the Open Journal of Preventive Medicine (June 2016).
Pastor Slams Abortion: 1,800 Black Babies Killed in Abortion Each Day. As NAACP leaders gather for the annual
convention in Baltimore, several prominent black pastors and pro-lifers hope to convict civil rights advocates on the tragedy
of abortion. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People supports abortion, despite it being the
largest destroyer of black lives in America. The civil rights group even opposed a bill to ban abortions based on the
unborn baby's race. Several years ago, the NAACP also sued LifeNews and black pro-life advocate Ryan Bomberger after
they exposed the organization's pro-abortion stance. This week, the Rev. Clenard Childress Jr., a leading pro-life
advocate in the black community, hopes to reach out to leaders at the NAACP convention and share the truth about abortion,
according to One News Now.
Pastor: Why Hasn't NAACP Denounced Racist Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger? The NAACP
religiously monitors the world for racist comments made by dignitaries, especially elected officials and organizations
opposing the Democrat Party. The bias demonstrated is consistent with the decline of relevancy on issues adversely
affecting the very people they were created to protect. When informed and genuine advocates of the African American
community see the devastating effects of eugenic policies perpetrated upon people-of-color, then learn the origins and racist
comments as well as practices of the leading abortion provider Planned Parenthood, they are left baffled at the silence of
America's most prestigious defenders of civil rights. Let me enumerate some undeniable and inconvenient truths:
[#1] — 1,786 African American children are killed each day by abortion. [#2] — Abortion is systemic
and deliberate, and the leading provider of abortion in America is Planned Parenthood. [#3] — 52% of all
African American pregnancies end in abortion. [#4] — Abortion is the most performed operation on a woman.
It remains the least regulated medical procedure and is often completely ignored by health regulation enforcement.
Let's Talk About the Black Abortion Rate. As
Judge Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination tees up another national debate about reproductive rights, is it too much to
ask that abortion's impact on the black population be part of the discussion? When the Supreme Court decided Roe v.
Wade in 1973, polling showed that blacks were less likely than whites to support abortion. Sixties-era civil rights
activists like Fannie Lou Hamer and Whitney Young had denounced the procedure as a form of genocide. Jesse Jackson called
abortion "murder" and once told a black newspaper in Chicago that "we used to look for death from the man in the blue coat and
now it comes in a white coat." In the intervening decades, those views shifted. Mr. Jackson abandoned the pro-life
ship to run for president in 1984, and leaders of black civil-rights organizations today are joined at the hip with abortion-rights
proponents such as Planned Parenthood. A Pew Research Center survey taken last year found that 50% of Hispanics, 58% of whites
and 62% of blacks now say abortion should be legal in all or most cases.
Amy Coney Barrett vs.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg. "Frankly," said Ruth Bader Ginsburg in July 2009, "I had thought that at the time
Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want
to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion." The great
added blessing of Roe: Not only could it give women the "right" to abortion, but it could open the way for the federal
government, via Medicaid, to fund abortions of children in undesired populations. That assessment by Ginsburg was
provided in a July 7, 2009 piece in the New York Times Magazine, titled, "The Place of Women on the Court."
Propaganda Thwarts Unity. The Americans who listen to the Washington Post, the New York Times, and all the networks
are being systematically lied to. [...] MSM propaganda ensures that most Americans don't know that abortion is legal in America
for any reason up to the point of birth. People also don't know that Jesse Jackson called abortion "genocide against blacks"
and that black women are three times as likely to abort their unborn children as white women are. The only reason why people
don't recognize Democratic policies as racist is MSM propaganda.
Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards About To Resign? The abortion mill, known as Planned Parenthood
has been lead by Cecile Richards for years now. The Democrat hag Richards is reportedly about to resign from her roll
as president and CEO of the abortion butcher shop known as Planned Parenthood which was set 100 years ago by Democrats
to ethnically cleanse blacks and other minorities.
Ohio's Largest Abortion Provider Targeting Black Neighborhoods in Cleveland? Over at RedState, Jennifer Van
Laar had a rather disturbing post coming out of Ohio. There appears to be a campaign from an abortion provider,
Preterm, that is specifically targeting the black community in Cleveland. Van Laar cited local residents who took
photos of the billboards. Some doulas have called the campaign racist, with the outrage becoming loud enough that
members of the city council have reached out to Preterm to have a conservation with their executive's leadership about the
controversy. The signs read, "abortion is good medicine" and "abortion is necessary."
Parenthood kills 1,000 times as many blacks as cops do. According to Black Genocide, Planned Parenthood
situates 78 percent of its abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods. It's almost as if Planned Parenthood is
targeting black and brown babies. And perhaps it is. Margaret Sanger, the founder of PP, shockingly said,
"Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." She created the Negro Project to sterilize unwitting black
women and others she considered undesirable. Her motto was grotesque as well as Hitler-esque: "More children from
the fit, less from the unfit."
York Times: Spike the food supply with sterilization chemicals to cause global infertility and depopulation. A
November 4, 1969 New York Times feature article authored by Gladwin Hill called for sterilization chemicals to be added to the
food supply in order to achieve globalist goals of human depopulation. That article, entitled "A Sterility Drug in Food is
Hinted" came with the byline, "Biologist Stresses Need to Curb Population Growth." [...] Most people living today —
especially younger people — have no idea that a key agenda of globalism is the elimination of "undesirable" humans
from the gene pool. They believe that ideas of "eugenics" and genocide were only carried out by the Nazis, not by American
university professors and presidential science advisors. So they have no grasp of the context in which Planned Parenthood,
for example, operates today as a depopulation engine to eliminate blacks from society.
Parenthood CEO: Cutting DACA Is Cruel And Heartless "Every Person Has a Right to Live". Cecile Richards is the
President of Planned Parenthood, an organization that's popular because it a) kills babies b) wants you to pay for killing
babies c) was founded by a woman who was actively involved with the KKK. A Democrat, through and through. Planned
Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, the KKK-loving woman mentioned earlier, and is now the number one provider of abortions
in the United States. In 2007, they made only 5,000 adoption referrals while aborting over 300,000 children. Seventy-nine
percent of their "clinics" are in neighborhoods mostly populated by minorities. While only 13% of American women are black,
black women make up 35% of abortions at Planned Parenthood.
Cannon: Planned Parenthood Founded To 'Exterminate' Black People. Singer and TV personality Nick Cannon
doubled down on his criticism of Planned Parenthood, saying the abortion provider was designed to "exterminate" black
people. "When you talked about Margaret Sanger, all the people who follow eugenics. It was all about cleansing,"
the America's Got Talent host said of Planned Parenthood's founder in a recent interview with DJ Vlad.
People Who Hate
Humanity. While liberals talk a lot about racism they ignore the far greater threat of their own Anti-Human Movement
(AHM). [...] The AHM's public solution for world poverty is preventing or killing unborn brown babies. That's why a disproportionate
amount of aid to Africa, for example, is for "family planning" as opposed to antibiotics. But their real solution includes killing
brown children. Melinda Gates has stated that after a few drinks members of the AHM have questioned whether providing vaccines for
brown people in Africa is a good thing, since the world is suffering from too many people.
Cannon: Planned Parenthood Is Committing A 'Real Genocide' Against Black Americans. In an interview with
"The Breakfast Club," a radio show in New York City, rapper Nick Cannon said Planned Parenthood is committing a genocide
against black Americans. "Hillary was sneaking and cheating," Cannon said. "Think about all the stuff they did
with Planned Parenthood and all that type of stuff. That type of stuff is to take our community — and forget
gentrification, it's real genocide, and it's been like that for years. This system is not built for us."
Pastors: If Black Lives Matter You Can't Vote for Pro-Abortion Hillary Clinton. Two leading African-American pro-life pastors say
black voters should rule out voting for pro-abortion presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Rev. Dr. Johnny Hunter says if black lives
really matter then black voters will not vote for Hillary Clinton on the basis of her staunch support for unlimited abortions throughout pregnancy paid
for at taxpayer expense. He says Roe vs. Wade, which Clinton strongly supports and wants to keep in place for decades more, has resulted
in the abortions of 20 million African American babies. "Blacks are clearly targeted by this practice," Hunter says of abortion.
Black lives
don't matter when Planned Parenthood is involved. Most do not realize that Planned Parenthood was the outgrowth
of Margaret Sanger's attempt to cleanse the American population of undesirables, especially blacks, whom she considered
incapable of the type of "elevated" behavior of educated whites. But, Margaret wanted to rid society of all manner of
undesirables, not just blacks. To her, the mentally disabled, the weak, the unmanageable hordes must also be
cleansed. This is why Planned Parenthood started in the inner cities, where the poor, disabled and minorities were most
often encountered. Yet, Hillary Clinton is still proud to accept the Margaret Sanger Award. And, she accuses
Trump of being a racist.
Star Ben Watson: Planned Parenthood Was Created to "Exterminate Blacks" and "It's Working". Christian NFL
player Ben Watson does not hesitate to call out Planned Parenthood's targeting of minority women and their babies for
abortions. In a recent interview with Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center in San Diego, the Baltimore Ravens player
talked about the racial divide in America and how it factors into the abortion issue.
Player: Planned Parenthood Was Created To Exterminate Black People. Baltimore Ravens tight end Benjamin
Watson made it very clear that he is anti-Planned Parenthood during an interview with Turning Point Friends. Watson was
asked about race and abortion, and he gave an incredibly blunt answer.
Abortion Kills Three Times More Black Lives as Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke. Pastor Walter B. Hoye II wants
to put into perspective the tragically high number of abortion deaths in the Black American community. Abortion is a problem among
every racial group, but it is particularly troubling in the Black community in America. Hoye, president of Issues4Life Foundation,
is a leading African American figure in the pro-life movement who works to end abortion through education and outreach, especially in the
Black community. Black Americans have a disproportionately high number of abortions compared to other racial groups. According
to census data, African Americans make up about 13 percent of the U.S. population but have about 30 percent of the abortions.
The problem is disturbingly evident in New York City, where state data shows more black babies are aborted than are born.
Killed by Abortion Since 1990 = 4.4 Million; 11% of U.S. Black Population. The available data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and
Prevention show that the number of black Americans killed by abortion over the 22 years between 1990 and 2011 was 4.4 million, which is 11% of
the U.S. black population, a figure that likely will not get much attention this February, Black History Month.
Colorblind America: A Malignant Fallacy. [Scroll
down] Race also matters with abortion rates. When black people are registering around 40% of the country's abortions and only around 12% of the population,
there is an undeniable problem that colorblindness doesn't help to fix — especially when you consider Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger's dream of
wiping out black people and that a vast majority of Planned Parenthoods are — rather fortuitously — located in black neighborhoods.
Parenthood's 'Vital' Work Means Killing Black Babies. African-Americans make up 13.2 percent of the U.S.
population, yet they account for 30 percent of all abortions. A closer look at Planned Parenthood clinic locations
reveals that the abortion provider tends to cluster its offices in low-income zip codes or areas that have a high minority
population. About 50 percent of Planned Parenthood's patients are enrolled in Medicaid. To put that in context,
about 1 in 5 people are enrolled in Medicaid nationwide, which means that most of the people who visit Planned
Parenthood are these 20 percent who rely on federal funds to pay for their health care. The disproportionate
number of low-income patients and the high number of black abortions make it clear that Planned Parenthood deliberately
targets for abortion the children of low-income, minority women.
Black Caucus Members Praise Planned Parenthood on the Hill. At a tragically ironic press conference Monday
afternoon [9/28/2015] on Capitol Hill, the Congressional Black Caucus praised the work of Planned Parenthood. Joined by
former Planned Parenthood patients, Reps. Gwen Moore (D-WI), Alma Adams (D-NC) and Donna Edwards (D-MD) defended the
organization as vital to women's health. Not of interest during their conversation, was the fact that Planned Parenthood
Founder Margaret Sanger was a racist, nor the Center for Medical Progress investigation that has shocked Americans with its
disturbing footage of employees joking about the sale of fetal body parts. Nope, these concerns were of no consequence.
Rep. Adams seemed quite positive that the GOP attempt to defund Planned Parenthood was based off of a misogynistic agenda.
Biggest Idiots in Politics: The #Blacklivesmatter Protesters. [F]irst of all, despite the name, the group doesn't
care about most #blacklives. On average, 1,876 black babies are aborted PER DAY in the United States. Many of
those innocents are slaughtered via Planned Parenthood, an organization founded by a woman who wanted to use abortion to help control
the population of black Americans because she believed they were inferior. The #blacklivesmatter protesters don't care about
those black lives.
Planned Parenthood Was Founded To Abort Black Babies. [Dr. Ben] Carson isn't the first black man to argue that
the true aim of Sanger's organization was to control the black population. Last week, a group of eight black ministers
penned a letter calling for the removal of all forms of Sanger's likeness from "all National Portrait Gallery exhibits."
"Ms. Sanger may have been a lot of things, but a 'champion of justice' she definitely was not," the ministers wrote.
Baby Killers of the Reactionary Left. [1926] was the year that the founder of Planned Parenthood stopped by the
women's branch of the KKK. This was the 1920s Klan which billed itself as a "progressive" organization invested in creating a
"closer relationship between capital and labor". An arm of the Democratic Party, some members of the KKK also belonged to the
Socialist Party, much as Margaret Sanger, the speaker at the women's Klan branch had. The Klan's political alliances with
the Socialist Party in Oregon and Wisconsin had moved it closer to the left. The KKK platform echoed that of the first
Socialist Congressman Victor L. Berger who firmly stated, "If we are ever to have socialism in America and Canada, we must
keep them white man's countries."
Dem Rep Patmon: Black Lives Matter 'Should Be In Front of Planned Parenthood'. Ohio State Representative Bill
Patmon (D) declared Black Lives Matter protesters "skipped one place, they should be in front of Planned Parenthood" at a rally
at the Ohio Statehouse on Tuesday [7/28/2015]. In the speech, video of which was first posted to Dix News' and the Youngstown
Vindicator's Statehouse Bureau Chief Marc Kovac's Capital Blog, Patmon states that his mother would have been a "prime candidate"
for an abortion, but chose not to have one.
and the Banality of Evil. Black and Hispanic women in America are much more likely to
have abortions than white women. The racism of abortion is matched by the gender bias of abortions
around the world. So unborn baby girls are much more likely in nations like India and China to be
killed in the womb than baby boys in those countries. In some lands, newborn girls are simply
shunted aside after birth to die of neglect. The Nazis justified this selective murder by defining
those they killed as "life unworthy of life." It is not surprising, then, that the attitude of
Abortionism toward inferior classes of humanity looked so much like the racial theories of Nazism.
For Planned
Parenthood Black Livers Matter. If you have ever witnessed one of those "spontaneous"
pro-abortion demonstrations held in Washington whenever Congress contemplates curtailing taxpayer
funding for Planned Parenthood, you may have noticed that there was something missing —
African-American demonstrators. This is odd, considering that black women are far more likely to
have abortions than are their Caucasian counterparts. And, examined in light of the now infamous
video of a white Planned Parenthood official discussing how to crush a baby without damaging marketable
livers and other organs, it is particularly ominous. Why? Because the terminated baby will
probably have been black, and that is no coincidence
Killed 19 Times as Many Blacks as Murder. For every black murder victim in 2011 there
were 19 blacks killed by abortion, according to data from the FBI and the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC). 2011 is the latest year for which the data is available.
Black Lives Really Matter to Liberals? Surprisingly, the same liberals who say they
are concerned about the tiny percentage of blacks killed by police not only don't care about the
mass elimination of blacks in the womb, but they in fact work constantly to protect those who
slaughter blacks. Eighty percent of abortion facilities are in minority neighborhoods, and blacks
are three times as likely to kill their unborn child as whites are. If black lives mattered to
liberals, they'd be up in arms over this racist effort by organizations like Planned Parenthood.
Instead, the same folks who are ignoring the facts of the Ferguson case and imputing nonexistent racism
to the Garner case tend to be strong and proud supporters of Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion
organizations that target blacks.
78% of Abortions Were Black and Hispanic Babies. The Abortion Surveillance report
published by the CDC, for which the latest abortion numbers are for 2011, show there were 76,251
abortions in New York City that year. For that total, 9,550 abortions were of white babies, which
is 12.5% of the total; 35,188 babies were black (46.1% of total); 23,959 were Hispanic (31.4%); and
another 7,554 "other" abortions, 9.9%, which includes Asians and Native Americans, as well as those
babies not reported by race. Abortions of black and Hispanic babies combined totaled
59,147 — that is 77.56% of the total abortions in NYC.
Genocide And The Black Leaders Who Support It. This weekend, the Congressional Black
Caucus (CBC) is proudly hosting an event with Planned Parenthood on Capitol Hill. BET Networks is
sponsoring the issue forum on "reproductive freedom". The nation's largest abortion chain, never
missing an opportunity to target the black community, is addressing how the Hobby Lobby decision
will impact — you got it — black women. The Hobby Lobby decision does
nothing to reduce anyone's access to birth control. The Supreme Court decision ruled that a closely
held corporation cannot be forced to pay for an employee's abortifacients, including Plan B, Ella,
and hormonal and copper IUDs. The lawsuit never opposed the other 16 forms of contraception, and the
ruling doesn't touch those. But this weekend's conference isn't about birth control, but spin control
with a racial twist.
program aims to reduce 'births' among blacks, Latinos. President Barack Obama is attempting to
lower the rate of "births" — and separately, pregnancies — among blacks and Latinos.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists reducing "births" as one of the top goals of Obama's "Teen
Pregnancy Prevention Initiative." The language on the CDC's website makes clear that the program
seeks to reduce the rate of both pregnancies and "births" among minorities.
Insurance. No one asks Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to step down from the Supreme Court; but in a
quite frightening remark, she quipped that she was surprised about the uproar over abortion: "Frankly I had
thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in
populations that we don't want to have too many of." Frankly, that seemed a savage thing to say, especially
given the inordinate percentages of abortions among minorities and the poor.
Lynched 3,446 Blacks in 86 Years — Abortion Claims That Many Black Babies in 'Less Than Four Days'. Over
86 years, the Ku Klux Klan lynched 3,446 blacks — a figure matched in less than four days if tallying the number
of black babies who are aborted. Walter Hoye, founder and president of the Issues4Life Foundation, shared those statistics
at a press conference on Tuesday where black clergy and other leaders gathered in response to the guilty verdict in the trial of
abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who was convicted of murdering three newborn babies.
Was Kermit Gosnell's Abortion Clinic Given A Pass By Oversight Agencies? [Scroll down] You see, I know from
personal experience that the state has not only the ability but the resources to badger medical practices unceasingly, over
minutiae. The reason they closed their eyes to Gosnell's horrors was the color of the babies he was murdering.
Abortion is not only lucrative and a necessity to a culture dedicated to sexual liberation, but it is also used by racists
to eliminate children of color. The holocaust of abortion disproportionately affects black and Hispanic women and
children. A simple glance at New York City's abortion rates, for example, show that 60 percent of black babies
do not make it past the womb, nearly 20 percent higher than the rate for white babies. That is systematic
population reduction.
Parenthood Targets Black Women. According to the Centers for Disease Control, blacks accounted for 35.4 percent
of abortions performed in 2009, despite representing, according to the 2010 census, just 13.6 percent of the US
population. Let's not be deluded that this is an accident.
Pro-lifers call
abortion doctor a murderous racist. Kermit Gosnell, the former Philadelphia abortion doctor on trial for allegedly killing
seven viable babies and a woman who died after a botched abortion, was slammed by pro-life activists Thursday[4/4/2013] as a racist
against his own black community, and as its "angel of death" for becoming rich from aborting primarily black babies.
anti-abortion groups call Gosnell "racist of the worst kind". The leaders of two black anti-abortion groups today [4/4/2013]
denounced West Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell as a "racist of the worst kind" and a "butcher who preyed on the women and
girls of his own race."
Targeting the Black Community. The deliberate targeting of the black community by Planned
Parenthood and the abortion industry has resulted in a kind of bloodletting that is unprecedented to any known human attack in modern history. Even Hitler was
unable to wreak the level of havoc that has occurred since the Supreme Court legalized the taking of innocent life in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.
The Dictator in the Black Iron Man Suit.
[Scroll down] To all you blacks who think Obama is one of you: you are wrong. Obama is not black. Any loyalty he has to fellow
people of color is trumped by his devout loyalty to his religion of liberalism. For example: liberalism says the planet / the environment is
better off with fewer people. This is why Obama supports abortion despite the genocide of blacks via abortion. Blacks are being aborted at
a faster rate than any other group. Would a true black homey support abortion?
96 Years, Abortion Giant Planned Parenthood Still Targeting Minorities. Recent research from Protecting Black Life, a
project of Life Issues Institute, found that 79 percent of Planned Parenthood's abortion clinics are located in or within walking
distance of black and Hispanic communities. "Minority communities are the number one targets of Planned Parenthood," said the
Rev. Arnold Culbreath, director of Protecting Black Life. "It's no wonder abortion remains the leading cause of death among
African-Americans, higher than all other causes combined. Getting this information to as many people as possible is not only
critical, it's a matter of life and death for countless babies and oft times even their mothers."
Barack Obama Campaign Funded by Planned Parenthood Blood Money.
Back in 2008 Obama was established as not only a pro-abortion candidate, but one that believes in infanticide as evidenced by his lack of
support of an anti-infanticide bill in Illinois. The bill, if it had become law, would have outlawed the killing of babies that survive
abortion. As a black candidate, and one very popular with the black community, it seemed like a contradiction, because Planned Parenthood
was created by Margaret Sanger with the intent of using the program to wipe out blacks, which she considered to be an inferior race.
Abortion in America was originally promoted as a tool to kill minorities before they could be born. For pro-life groups, the very
thought of killing any child in the womb is murder, and by many is considered to be America's genocide.
Michael Steele: Planned Parenthood
worked 'to eliminate and limit' African-Americans. On Laura Ingraham's Monday [5/21/2012] radio show, former Republican National Committee Chairman
Michael Steele offered his views on the NAACP's shift to the left on so-called social issues on the heels of its decision to endorse same-sex marriage. Steele
said that the organization's partnership with Planned Parenthood in particular should to be brought to light. He said Planned Parenthood historically worked
to "eliminate and limit the number of African-Americans and other minorities in this country."
No-Labels Movement: Another Liberal
Trick. [Scroll down] Obama, Al Sharpton, and the NAACP support Planned Parenthood, whose founder boldly proclaimed
her mission to be the extermination of the Negro. Why would these blacks support Planned Parenthood? Answer: they are
liberals first and foremost, black and Christian second and third.
Stop the Multiplication of the Unfit'. If you aren't creeped out by the No Birth Control Left Behind
rhetoric of the White House and Planned Parenthood, you aren't listening closely enough. ... When a bunch of wealthy
white women and elite Washington bureaucrats defend the trampling of religious liberties in the name of "increased
access" to "reproductive services" for "poor" women, the ghost of Margaret Sanger is cackling.
CDC: Black abortion rate triple U.S. average.
Adjusted for population, the abortion rate among black women is roughly triple the national average. Citing
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics, Cybercast News Service reported that African-Americans account
for 36.5% of the nation's abortions while making up 12.6% of nation's population.
tea partier calls Democrats the 'party of the KKK'. Conservative activist Apostle Claver
Kamau-Imani, founder and chairman of Raging Elephants, told the Daily Caller that abortion in the United
States amounts to "genocide ... of African American babies." And he sent liberals on MSNBC into fits
of horror Wednesday [10/26/2011] after he spoke to a Houston tea party rally and called Democrats "racists"
and "the party of the Ku Klux Klan." "If anybody is racist it is the Democratic Party," he said.
"They're the racists, the party of the Ku Klux Klan, the party of Jim Crow, the party of Bull Conner, the
party of segregation." "They are the racists, not us. We're their friends, we're the emancipators,
we're the liberators, we're the ones who believe in freedom."
When Will Black America Wake Up and Stop
the Carnage? In an alternate reality, 54 million blacks would be alive in America
today. When adjusted for abortion, the number is 39 million. The National Black Prolife
Coalition says an average of 1,000 black babies are aborted every day. Nationally, nearly one in
three black pregnancies ends in abortion each year. In New York City in 2009, 47%, or 40,798, of
the city's 87,273 abortions were performed on black women.
Death Penalty Does Not Deter Liberals. Liberals are compassionate people. That's why they
support abortion and oppose the death penalty. They figure it's best to kill a majority of black children
before they are born. If they did not, a small minority of those black children would later commit
homicide. Liberals are not just compassionate people. They're logical, too.
Like Voting for
Hitler! Though Hispanics made up 12.5% of the U.S. population Hispanic women accounted for 25%
of all U.S. abortions in 2008-10. San Antonio boasts a large Hispanic population and I imagine that the
Planned Parenthood killing clinics there are extremely busy. Almost all Democrats support the right to
abortion and for the continued funding of Planned Parenthood Clinics. To me, Blacks and Hispanics who
vote for pro abortion Democrats are like "Jews voting for Hitler!"
Herman Cain: 'It's Not
Planned Parenthood — No, It's Planned Genocide'. Likely Republican presidential
candidate Herman Cain supports ending all federal funding to Planned Parenthood, an abortion business that
he said was founded to target African Americans and is continuing that mission. "Here's why I support
de-funding Planned Parenthood, because you don't hear a lot of people talking about this, when Margaret
Sanger — check my history — started Planned Parenthood, the objective was to put
these centers in primarily black communities so they could help kill black babies before they came into the
world," Cain told CNSNews.com on Tuesday [3/15/2011] when speaking at the conservative Heritage Foundation.
Planned Parenthood's mission is 'planned genocide' of black babies. Using unusually harsh
words, a potential presidential candidate echoed some previous comments: claiming that Planned
Parenthood's original mission was to "help kill black babies before they came into the world." Herman
Cain went on to say that the sexual and reproductive health care provider is carrying out its mission of
"planned genocide." In response, the group said that Cain is using "inflammatory and divisive language
based on race to achieve extreme political goals" of ending legal abortion.
NYC. A black clergyman in Texas, the Rev. Stephen Broden, and his organization Life Always wanted to
broadcast during Black History Month a potent protest against abortion in a location where millions disagree with
his position. Broden believes "the staggering number of abortions within the African-American community is
threatening the sustainability of the African-American race in the United States."
Sharpton and Obama
Ignore Planned Parenthood's Racist Underbelly. Reverend Al Sharpton called a press conference
this past week to denounce an anti-abortion billboard overlooking New York City's Soho district. The
sign depicting a young black girl read "The Most Dangerous Place for an African-American is in the Womb." ... Sharpton's
charge of racial profiling prompted Lifealways to remove the sign before the Friday press conference. The
fact that for every 1000 African-American births there are 1,489 aborted black babies in New York City did
not convince the Reverend that something is going on in his community besides racism.
Time to Defund the Destruction of Human Life.
According to the Daily Caller, the number of prenatal clients Planned Parenthood served was less than 0.09 percent
of the total services it provided in 2008. Pregnant women seeking help from Planned Parenthood were 27 times
more likely to receive an abortion than to receive prenatal care or be referred for adoption. Appalling
still, 70% of these abortion factories are concentrated in minority neighborhoods. Black childbearing
women make up just 3% of the population but a heartbreaking 30% of abortions. Hispanic women make up
another 25%. In 1971, well-known eugenicist Frederick Osborn proclaimed, "Birth control and abortion
are proving to be the great eugenics advances of our time."
Aborting the
Race Card. If his past roles in shameful and deadly incidents haven't already fully exposed the
Rev. Al Sharpton as a charlatan of a self-proclaimed civil-rights leader, his recent performance on Sean
Hannity's television show should do it. Sharpton refused to engage former Pennsylvania senator Rick
Santorum on the issue of the eugenics history of abortion activism in the United States, and on the continuing
racial disparity in the number of abortions performed.
The NAACP and
Abortion Politics. Why would a bill that criminalizes abortion motivated by race not have the
support of the NAACP? Or, even more perplexing, why would the NAACP endorse such a bill and then rescind
its endorsement? This is exactly what just happened in Georgia.
Abortion and the Black Community: Minority
women constitute only about 13% of the female population (age 15-44) in the United States, but they underwent
approximately 36% of the abortions. According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, black women are more than
3 times as likely as white women to have an abortion. On average, 1,452 black babies are aborted
every day in the United States.
A catastrophe largely
self-imposed. In this past election, 95 percent of blacks voted for Barack Obama out of ethnic pride
and for the promise of change. I dare say, none — out of ignorance — who voted for Mr. Obama
ever expected his plan would not only continue the present annihilation, but escalate also it! ... Every day,
1,786 black children are killed in the womb of their mothers. According to the research arm of Planned
Parenthood, 52 percent of all black pregnancies end in abortion. Black women now lead the nation
in very early pre-term births and miscarriages due to the damaging and weakening of the reproductive
system as a result of multiple abortions.
The Abortionist's
Eyes Are On Us. Abortion and racism are evil twins, born of the same lie. Where racism now
hides its face in public, abortion is accomplishing the goals of which racism only once dreamed. Together,
abortionists are destroying humanity at large and the black community in particular. Abortion has taken
a gruesome toll on the black community, killing more than AIDS and crime combined. Some 14 million
black babies have been aborted since the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision that legalized
abortion in all stages in all 50 states. That's equal to one-third of the number of blacks living
What Would MLK
Do? Would MLK endorse abortion rights? Perhaps if Barack Obama took the opportunity to hear
Alveda King, MLK's niece, speak on the genocide that abortion has inflicted on the black community, he might
have a change of heart; but as it stands now, Obama has embraced the most radical pro-abortion views of any
post-Roe presidential candidate. Considering Obama's claim to share King's Christian faith, this seems
quite extraordinary. As Alveda King passionately explains, the crime of abortion is quite akin to
slavery: "How can the 'Dream' survive if we murder our children?
Tax Money At Work: Funding Abortions. [The black] community, which aborts babies at three
times the percentage of our population, must be awakened to the fact that Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood's
founder, desired to exterminate blacks because she viewed them as an inferior race. One such statement said,
"We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." As a result the black
community is disproportionately affected by the posture, placement, and philosophy of this organization.
To add insult to injury, Planned Parenthood receives $305 million a year of federal funding.
Abortion: Black Genocide. "After
reading up on its history, I discovered that the idea of legal abortion was first popularized by a white woman,
Margaret Sanger, who was the founder of the National Birth Control League, which is now known as Planned
Parenthood. Margaret Sanger called for the sterilization of 'genetically inferior races'."
Abortion Industry Decimating Black Community:
Here in the U.S. the number of black abortions is twice the rate of the rest of society. Some black leaders
say those aborted babies are part of a destructive abortion industry that targets blacks more than any other
Black Pastor Compares Abortion to
Slavery, citing "racist" statements from the founder of Planned Parenthood. An estimated
1,452 African-American children are killed each day by the act of abortion. Between 1882 and 1968,
3,446 blacks were lynched in the United States — a number surpassed in less than three days
by abortion.
is Causing "Black Genocide," Activists Say. During America's commemoration of Black History
Month, some pro-life activists are charging that legalized abortion has led to a "black genocide" of more
than 14 million unborn African-American babies. They condemn, in particular, the Planned Parenthood
Federation of America…
Black Leadership's Misplaced Priorities: If
you had not noticed the most heralded and prestigious African-American organization in America within the space
of 3 months endorsed the most destructive and decimating practices in the Black community. The NAACP
put there stamp of approval on the practice of infant killing and marriages between men with men and women with
women. Abortion and same sex marriage.
Parenthood: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing? Thirteen months ago, UCLA student Lila Rose appeared on
the O'Reilly Factor stating the some Planned Parenthood centers attempt to hide child abuse or statutory rape
by encouraging underage mothers to falsify their ages in order to receive an abortion. Child abuse is not
a reproductive freedom issue; it is an increasing serious problem in the nation today. Should those who
have been entrusted with public funds be allowed to empower sexual predators to hide their crimes?
Pastors Accuse Planned Parenthood for 'Genocide' on
Blacks. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America has perpetuated a "genocide on the black community,"
says a group of African-American pastors who claimed Thursday [4/24/2008] the birth control and abortion provider has had a
racist agenda since its beginnings in 1921. Holding a brief vigil and press conference in front of a Planned Parenthood
clinic in Washington, D.C., the group of pastors and activists said they were incensed by the results of recent "undercover"
inquiries into several Planned Parenthood clinics across the country.
Abortion: The Racist's Most Devastating
Weapon: Planned Parenthood, founded by racist/eugenicist Margaret Sanger, promotes abortion
relentlessly among Blacks. More than 80 percent of Planned Parenthood's sixty efficient abortion
mills are located in areas generally classified as "inner city." These areas possess a very large
proportion of minorities: Usually more than fifty percent. In fact, the number of abortion clinics
in a large city generally correlates closely to the size of that town's minority population. There are at
least fifty percent more abortion clinics per capita in cities that have large minority populations,
compared to those cities with smaller minority populations.
Parenthood Agreed to Accept Race-Motivated Donations: Planned Parenthood of Central Ohio
confirmed to Cybercast News Service that the telephone conversation with a presumed donor occurred in
mid-summer 2007, adding that it was not the policy of Planned Parenthood to accept donations
Specifically to underwrite abortions among minority women.
The Big Lie: In the late
1930s, Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, came up with the idea for the infamous "Negro
Project." Sanger, despite the rosy and saint-like portrait the organization presents of her, was a
frank racist. Judging by her public statements and private letters, the woman thought that
blacks — southern blacks in particular — were simple, child-like brutes whose fertility
needed managing the same way a farmer needs to tend to his breeding stock of sheep or cows.
Negro Project: Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black Americans. The
disproportionately high number of abortions in the black community is no accident. Many
Americans — black and white — are unaware of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret
Sanger's Negro Project. Sanger created this program in 1939, after the organization
changed its name from the American Birth Control League to the Birth Control Federation of
America. The aim of the program was to restrict — many believe
exterminate — the black population.
for life and against the "Negro Project". Black women are three times as likely to have
abortions as their white counterparts. Blacks and Hispanics are about 25 percent of the
population, yet they account for 57 percent of all abortions.
preacher calls for blacks to fight abortion. Saying they are faced with a civil
rights crisis that demands immediate attention, African American anti-abortion advocates will
hold three events in the Bay Area later this month in an aggressive push to combat the high
number of abortions among black women. "The abortion issue is huge. It is the Darfur
of America," and it's time to educate the public about it, said Walter Hoye, a Berkeley preacher
who founded the Issues4Life Foundation, a recently formed Union City-based organization intent on
drafting more African Americans into the fight against abortion.
Black Genocide dot org: The purpose of this
website is to reveal the disproportionate number of black babies exterminated by the abortion industry in
America. Although black women constitute only 6% of the population, they comprise 36% of the abortion
industry's clientele. The leading abortion providers have chosen to exploit blacks by locating 94% of
their abortuaries in urban neighborhoods with high black populations. This high rate of abortion has
decimated the black family and destroyed black neighborhoods to the detriment of society at large.
Abortion Stance Hurts Blacks, Say Pro-Life Experts. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) may be riding
what seems to be a perfect wave toward the Democratic presidential nomination, but some African-Americans
say his pro-abortion stance make him a danger to the black community. "Between 1882 and 1962, 3,446
blacks were lynched," says Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr. on his Web site, blackgenocide.org. "That
number is surpassed in less than three days by abortion." More than 1,400 African-American children are
aborted each day in the United States, said Childress.
Davis murder: Product
of Roe v. Wade mentality? The tragic discovery of the body of Ohio mother Jessie Davis in
a national park in Summit County, Ohio, last weekend has added to the growing list of "hundreds, maybe thousands
of pregnant women who have been brutally killed prior to giving birth," according to the president of the
National Black Pro-Life Union. Day Gardner says it also represents a culture where there's little
regard for human life.
Causes 'Hopelessness' in Black Communities, King Says. A recent Pew Research poll reported high
levels of 'hopelessness' in African-American communities across the United States, a characteristic pro-life
activists are linking to high abortion rates among black women.
Justice Ginsburg on Roe v. Wade:
In an interview to be published in Sunday's [7/12/2009] New York Times Magazine, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader
Ginsburg said she thought the landmark Roe v. Wade decision on abortion was predicated on the Supreme Court
majority's desire to diminish "populations that we don't want to have too many of."
did Ruth Bader Ginsburg mean when she linked abortion and eugenics? The mainstream media have been
incredibly slow to pick up on a creepy comment by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in a New York Times
interview published today but flagged last week. In it, Ginsburg talks about on Roe v Wade, the 1973
ruling that legalised abortion.
Bader Ginsburg and a question of eugenics. Here's what Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
said in Sunday's New York Times Magazine: "Frankly I had thought that at the time [Roe vs. Wade] was
decided," Ginsburg told her interviewer, Emily Bazelon, "there was concern about population growth and
particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of." The comment, which bizarrely
elicited no follow-up from Bazelon or any further coverage from the New York Times — or any other
major news outlet — was in the context of Medicaid funding for abortion.
Smoking Gun — But with a Silencer. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently unburdened
herself to the New York Times ... Here, if ever there was one, is a smoking gun. Here is confirmation
of what pro-lifers have long maintained — that liberal abortion is, in Jesse Jackson's words,
"black genocide."
and the Surplus Population: [Scroll down slowly] The entire Ginsburg interview is a reminder
of the risks of lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court. Immune from criticism, surrounded by plump
cushions of deference, the temperament of a justice can become exaggerated over time. For Ginsburg,
complex arguments are now "so obvious" and "can never be otherwise" — and opposition is fated
to failure. Such statements, made during Ginsburg's own nomination hearing, would have been
disqualifying. Now she doesn't [care].
Ed on Abortion's Racist Past, and Present. [Scroll down] The abortion lobby has targeted minority
communities, particularly black women, from its inception. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, the
nation's leading provider of abortion, was a commited eugenicist. According to her New York Times obituary,
she sought to encourage birth control and/or abortion among "subnormal children."
Scoffs At 'Black Children Are an Endangered Species' Campaign. On January 25 a whopping
62 billboard signs sprang up in African-American neighborhoods in Atlanta, Georgia, all with the same message:
"Black Children are an Endangered Species." The two groups sponsoring the billboard campaign, Georgia
Right to Life and the Radiance Foundation, intended the signage to be provocative. Black genocide
demands attention — but not, apparently, from the MSM.
Black Activists Outraged Over
Liberal Merger of Abortion and Civil Rights. Inclusion of Planned Parenthood in a self-described
civil rights coalition has outraged members of the black leadership network Project 21, as Planned Parenthood
advocates and provides abortions — particularly in the black community.
The Left's Genocide
of Minorities. A 2010 report from the Guttmacher Institute confirmed the disproportionate minority
statistics: of all abortions, non-Hispanic black women accounted for 30%, Hispanic women 25%, and 3% members
of other races, including American Indians. All this has happened since the Civil Rights Act was passed. ... Four
out of five of Planned Parenthood's clinics are located in minority neighborhoods, with blacks the primary target.
For the Hispanic community, PP's literature is translated into Spanish, and Spanish-speaking "outreach directors"
have been hired to bring in Latinas.
the skeleton that rattles loudest in the left's closet. [Scroll down] It is eugenics, the
belief that society's fate rested on its ability to breed more of the strong and fewer of the weak. So-called
positive eugenics meant encouraging those of greater intellectual ability and "moral worth" to have more children,
while negative eugenics sought to urge, or even force, those deemed inferior to reproduce less often or not at all.
The aim was to increase the overall quality of the national herd, multiplying the thoroughbreds and weeding out
the runts. Such talk repels us now, but in the prewar era it was the common sense of the age.
Abortionist: 'Let me see you adopt one of those ugly
black babies'. The abiding creed of the left is that actions must be based on convenience, not morals. Hence
abortion practitioner Ashutosh Ron Virmani, of Charlotte, N.C. articulated his defense of the practice by citing the cost to
taxpayers of raising children, and didn't hesitate to throw in a dollop of racism against blacks as part of the mix.
Raw Footage: Charlotte
Abortionist Slurs Blacks. Operation Save America, a pro-life group, confronted Dr. Ashutosh Ron Virmani, an abortionist
practicing in Charlotte North Carolina, at his house. They caught him on video telling the pro-lifers they should "adopt one of
those ugly black babies" if they're so keen on trying to save them.
Planned Parenthood and the Susan G. Komen Foundation
G. Komen [...] organization faces nationwide race cancellations and flagging donations. While the country's largest breast
cancer charity, Susan G. Komen, announced it was cancelling half its 3-day races nationwide next year, CEO Nancy Brinker's compensation
package has increased considerably in the past two years. And at $684,000, the pay itself is enough to raise eyebrows, not to
mention Brinker's 2012 announcement she would be stepping down as Komen CEO.
Forced to Drop Fundraising Events in Seven Cities. In early 2012, after the breast cancer charity Komen for the Cure
announced it would end its relationship with Planned Parenthood, the group quickly saw a 100 percent spike in fundraising.
But alas, defenders of the nation's largest abortion provider and their accomplices in the liberal media, chief among them MSNBC's
Andrea Mitchell, struck back with a vengeance and the group eventually reversed itself under intense pressure from the Left.
Ever since the epic Komen cave, however, the organization has seen faltering fundraising.
cancels 3-Day walk in District, six other cities in 2014. The Susan G. Komen foundation canceled its signature 3-Day walk
in Washington and six other cities next year, slashing the number of the fundraising events by half, as participation continues to drop
more than a year after a funding controversy involving Planned Parenthood. Komen called its decision to pull out of the event one
that "was not made lightly, as this bold and empowering event has touched the lives of thousands of participants."
Komen extends fundraising
efforts after race falls short. The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Houston saw a sharp decline in participation in the charity's
main fundraising event last month, falling 50 percent short of its $3 million goal. Earlier this year, Komen received nationwide criticism
after it announced it would stop making grants to Planned Parenthood for breast-cancer screening. It reversed its decision three days later.
Planned Parenthood Bullied the Komen Foundation to Preserve its "Trusted Healthcare Provider"
Facade. In her newly released book, Planned Bullyhood, Karen Handel, former senior vice president of public policy at the Susan G. Komen
for the Cure Foundation, gives an insider's account of the events surrounding the controversial split and subsequent reuniting of the Komen Foundation and Planned
Parenthood. Seeking to set the record straight, Ms. Handel exposes the media spin and dirty tactics of Planned Parenthood that enabled the organization to bully
the Komen Foundation into lowering its standards to preserve Planned Parenthood's public image — or perhaps more accurately, its public mirage.
Komen insider: Planned
Parenthood 'outgunned and overwhelmed' cancer charity. Criticizing major players on both sides, Karen Handel,
former vice president of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, has written a blistering insider's account of the prominent cancer
charity's decision to halt grants to Planned Parenthood and its swift retreat in the face of an intense, widespread backlash.
Race for the Cure
registration down after Komen controversy. Race for the Cure is the biggest fundraiser for the Susan G. Komen
Central Indiana Chapter. Last year more than 37,000 people participated, raising $2.6 million for breast cancer research,
screenings, and treatment. [...] This year, numbers are going in the wrong direction. Race registrations are down
30 percent, and fundraising is also down 18 percent.
Susan G. Komen Foundation Fact
Sheet: In the United States, there are about 115 Susan G. Komen Affiliates. Of these,
at least 112 sponsor a Race for the Cure to raise money for breast cancer awareness and research.
To date, at least 43 of these Susan G. Komen Affiliates have given grants Planned Parenthood Centers or
other abortion clinics, totaling more than 100 grants given across the nation Planned Parenthood and other
abortion clinics since 1998. The Susan G. Komen Foundation refuses to acknowledge any possible
link between abortion and breast cancer, going so far as to list abortion first under "Factors not related to
breast cancer" on their website.
Breast Cancer Research Giant Funds Planned
Parenthood. Do you think it odd that the largest private funding source for breast cancer
research is giving sizeable grants to entities whose activities actually cause breast cancer? You aren't
the only one, but that's exactly what is happening.
Latina Komen Advisor Resigns.
Four days ago [9/16/2004] Eve Sanchez Silver, a charter member of The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation's
National Hispanic/Latina Advisory Council, (SGK) received an article from a colleague which suggested that SGK
is currently funding Planned Parenthood. She thought it was a lie. It wasn't. Upon investigating
the allegations that SGK was indeed funding Planned Parenthood through affiliate grants, she resigned from SGK,
canceling several speaking engagements around the country and resigning as well from her own beloved council.
Detail Komen-Planned Parenthood Ties. On the occasion of the Susan G. Komen Foundation
holding "Race for the Cure" events around the country, purportedly to raise awareness and funding for breast
cancer research, I recommend you read two articles which highlight the financial ties between Komen and the
pro-abortion group, Planned Parenthood. Everyone wants to cure breast cancer. Unfortunately,
however, not everyone wants to end abortion.
Senators Slammed for Alliance With 'Race for the Cure'. Senators Craig Thomas and Mike Enzi
routinely vote on the side of pro-life causes, but their alliance with the Komen Foundation's Wyoming affiliate
exists despite the fact that Komen hands part of the money it raises over to local chapters of the pro-abortion
Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Planned Parenthood clinics provide breast cancer screening and
education, but the organization is the nation's top abortion provider.
The Komen Foundation's Race For Abortion.
Here's the rub: the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation sent $475,000 in twenty-one grants to
local Planned Parenthood affiliates in 2003! "What's wrong with that?" you ask. Simple. Planned
Parenthood is the number one abortion provider in America — killing an average of 140,000 unborn
babies in the womb annually.
Exposé Video Shows Planned Parenthood Pressuring
Young Woman to Get Abortion Soon. A new undercover video taken of staff at a Planned Parenthood
abortion business in Milwaukee, Wisconsin shows them pressuring a woman to have an abortion. The video
also has staff members giving medically inaccurate abortion counseling and distorting basic facts of fetal
development at the taxpayer-funded abortion center.
Bishops Steer Parishes Away From Komen. Ohio's Catholic bishops are steering local parishes and
schools away from one of the nation's leading breast cancer research groups, warning members that fundraising
for the organization could indirectly support abortion and human embryonic stem cell research.
Founder Nancy Brinker's Mysterious Expense Report. The recent crisis over Komen's decision to de-fund —
and then re-fund — Planned Parenthood has put Brinker under intense scrutiny, with observers questioning
everything from her management style to her earnings to her spending.
The Left's Other
Attack on Komen Fund. Susan G. Komen's short-lived decision to drop grants to Planned Parenthood
was met with fury from the left wing, and its outrage was immediately reported by the liberal news media.
But it wasn't the first time Komen had been attacked from the left. As a private charity, Komen was within
its rights to not renew grants for breast health care for Planned Parenthood, a group that doesn't even perform
mammograms, but that wasn't how the media covered it.
brand plummets from 'gold standard' to 'trailing the pack'. Harris Interactive reports that its
EquiTrend study found that the non-profit's decision to defund, then reinstate, funding for abortion provider
Planned Parenthood has caused "steep drops" in the "brand health" of the foundation. According to Harris,
in the study's 23-year history, Komen's 21 percent drop in so-called brand equity — or a brand's
value — is one of the most dramatic plummets Harris has seen, second only to Fannie Mae in 2009.
grants flowing to Planned Parenthood. Grants from the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure are flowing to Planned Parenthood, as the
women's health organizations seek to rebuild their relationship after the controversy in February over the breast cancer charity's unsuccessful
attempt to defund Planned Parenthood. At least 17 Planned Parenthood affiliates will be funded this year, about the same number that
received grants in 2011, according to a tally provided by Komen.
Fewer sign up to race for the cure.
A little more than a week before the Central Indiana Susan G. Komen for the Cure race on April 21 in Indianapolis, about 23,000 people
had signed up — 30% fewer than at the same time before last year's race.
With Support
Off as Events Begin, Komen Works to Revive Its Image. Registered attendance or donations have declined
by more than 25 percent at some of the group's recent Race for the Cure events, according to interviews with
officials at 10 of the national nonprofit's local affiliates.