The people who believe that children should be raised by a father and a mother are
now called "bigots". The people who believe that homosexuality is a sin are now facing
a flood of Hollywood propaganda,
and their children are being taught to
accept homosexuality as normal in the public schools.
Homosexual activism is one of the main components in any discussion
of our rapidly deteriorating American culture. Until 1973, homosexuality was on the
American Psychiatric Association's list of mental
disorders.* (Has
psychiatry changed, or it is merely a reflection of the modern political climate?)
Homosexuality is especially repugnant because it is being proudly promoted by militant activists. Even in
Sodom and Gomorrah, they didn't have parades to show off their sin. And why do you suppose Sodom and Gomorrah
were firebombed by God himself?
Throughout 6,000 years of recorded history, homosexuality was universally recognized and condemned as perversion — until the
last half of the 20th century, when it was incrementally popularized by television:
first as a humorous and harmless aberration, then as an "alternative lifestyle," and more recently as a normal and
natural way of life.
Laws written to punish "hate crimes" have been put in place to prohibit public denunciation
of homosexuality and eliminate reasoned rebuttal. Canada is way ahead of the United States on this path. The prosecution of hate crimes
will expand to include all dissent and rhetoric opposing homosexual behavior, on the internet, in print, and especially in church pulpits.
In other words, web pages like this one will soon be illegal.
The acceptance of homosexuality as normal behavior is merely a tool in an ongoing campaign to
eliminate Christianity. Surprisingly,
those who advocate homosexuality have no quarrel with Islam, which is completely unforgiving of
homosexuals. It's all about outlawing the free exercise of Christianity.
To make this page load more quickly, the information about same-sex marriage, and the proposed Constitutional
Amendment to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, excluding all other combinations, has
been moved to this page.
Subtopic: Same-sex marriage activists lash out at Chick-Fil-A.

Background, overview and recap articles:
are beginning to tire of the LGBTQ+ radicals' moral acceptability. Beginning in the
1970s, gays argued that they're just like us, only gay. In the ensuing decades, as the
alphabet soup of non-standard sexualities grew from lesbian and gay to add bisexual, we were
encouraged to accept same-sex marriage because they're just like us. Once that goal was
achieved, though, we got the T(ransgender) and the Q(uestioning), and then the "plus" stuff
(intersex, asexual, two-spirit, pansexual, etc.), when we realized that they're not just like
us. No wonder a recent Gallup poll shows that conservatives are beginning to have enough of
this nonsense. [...] We've long understood that male homosexuality focuses on anal sex, which
brings a host of health problems because it's a vector for all sorts of sexually transmitted and
other diseases. It's also characterized by exceptional excess. Without the brakes that
women impose (wanting emotional connections, having monthly periods, pregnancy, the fatigue of
raising children, etc.), men will have sex until their bodies literally break down.
a Person's Genitals Do Not Determine Their Gender, How Does Removing Them Change Their
Gender?". The Transgender agenda is a thing with no foundation, no rules, no
guardrails. becasue it can't have any. And yet it does. LGBTQIA+- or BIPOC people are
victims unless they vote the wrong way or use incorrect words. At that point, you can
mistreat them at will. So it's not about sex or gender. It is like every other group to
which the Left panders. Politics and ideology define you. Outside of that truth,
everything else is made of quicks that swallow everything, but can it swallow this? "If a person's
genitals do not determine their gender, how does removing them change their gender?" Why do
men who say they are women dress as the caricatures women have sought to liberate themselves for
decades? And why isn't this parody scorned like blackface or cultural appropriation?
Why do these men play-acting as women act like the Hollywood stereo-typical bubble-headed bleach
blonde? Why does this subculture advocate giving children gender-bending drugs that can kill
them under the guise of keeping them from killing themselves when nearly half the kids treated (far
more than if you left them alone) will try to kill themselves when you're done?
is Nothing to Celebrate. In his seminal work Mere Christianity, the great Christian
apologist C.S. Lewis describes "pride" as "the Great Sin," "the essential vice," "the utmost evil."
[...] Thus, I suppose it is rather fitting that the "official" celebration of the evil LGBT agenda
is called "Pride Month." Few things today more encompass the wretched display of pride than what is
exhibited when those under the throes of the LGBT agenda are unashamedly and boldly "out of the
closet." Why was it — as this is typically no longer the case — that
those with homosexual attractions had to come "out of the closet?" It was because to act on those
attractions was often illegal, and — or at least — typically frowned upon by
society at large. Why was homosexual behavior so stigmatized? Because it was once
largely (and rightly) viewed as "unnatural" and immoral.
incorrect unmentionables about the Nashville school slaughterer. According to
Nashville "police spokesperson (sic) Kristin Mumford," Hale "was assigned female at birth.
Hale did use male pronouns on a social media profile." Hmmm... wrong. Hale, or anyone
else, was not arbitrarily "assigned female at birth" by medical personnel tossing coins in the air
with heads a girl, tails a boy. This so called concept of gender "assignment at birth" is a
relatively recent word play development to align with contemporary fashionable — by
some — concepts of gender; scientifically they are questionable. At best.
Mostly they are just wrong. Hale's sex was revealed when she was born and medical personnel
carefully looked for external identifiers at the area between her legs. [...] Sex itself is
determined at conception when the xy chromosome sperm from a male penetrates the female xx
chromosome egg. DNA is forever. Surgically removing external sex characteristics such
as breasts or penis and/or injecting hormones of another sex into an individual, which while
causing external changes, does not alter the basic sex DNA of an individual.
activism is sexist and delusional. What is a woman? A defining question of our
times, and the title of a now infamous documentary indicating the breadth of the political chasm
dividing us here in the West. Here is an answer, summarising current scientific understanding
and coming from a research psychologist and clinician. Let's start with the basics. [...]
Sperm and egg are sexually differentiated; the 40 trillion cells that make up the human body each
have a nucleus containing 23 paired chromosomes. Every single cell (with some minor
exceptions) in a woman is female, and every single cell in a man male. Physiological
differences between the sexes, in addition to those that obtain at the cellular level, are
manifold. Human males and females differ, on average, in hormonal function, brain
organisation, height, weight, strength, endurance, facial features and patterns of bodily hair, to
take some obvious examples. But the differences are not limited to the physical. Men
and women differ enough in temperament so that they can be distinguished with about 75% accuracy on
that basis alone. If differences in interest are taken into account, that distinction becomes
even more accurate. Such temperamental and interest differences are also larger, not smaller,
in more gender-neutral societies, a strong indication of their biological basis.
medical care is unethical pseudoscience. I am a pediatric neurosurgeon with 35 years of experience in
patient care and teaching, and I am deeply disturbed by two aspects of gender medicine, especially gender medicine for
children. First, gender medicine is the only medical specialty that is based not on medical science but on
ideological pseudoscience. Transgender activists assert that women can become men and men can become
women — 'a trans-man is a man, and a trans-woman is a woman' — and that gender identity is
'assigned' by doctors at birth. Neither of these assertions is true. Sexual identity is established at
conception, it is binary (we are either male or female), and it is permanent. Sexual identity is recognized
at birth. Sexual identity never changes and can never change. A 'trans-man' is not a man. A trans-man
is a woman who wants to be a man. Every cell in her body is female, every cell in her body was female when she was
conceived, and every cell in her body will be female for her entire life. Transgender medical treatment with
hormones or surgery don't change her female sexual identity. She can play the role of a man — with the
help of cosmetics, apparel, hormones or surgery, she can look and act (somewhat) like a man, but she is a woman and
always will be a woman. Second, gender medicine is the only medical specialty in which doctors deliberately
provide treatments that damage or destroy the normal organs of children. Gender medicine entails the
administration of puberty-blockers and cross-sex hormones as well as so-called 'top surgery' and 'bottom surgery', which
are operations that remove the breasts of girls, place breast implants in boys and amputate the genitals of boys and girls.
Gender Jesuits. Human sexual
dimorphism — the predictable and consistent physical differences between males and females — is
undeniable. Ironically, even trans activists acknowledge this fact when they seek to use surgery and psychotropic
drugs to modify their bodies to resemble the opposite sex. That they can't get past nature is not surprising since
the categories of male and female are mutually exclusive. No matter how close a male gets to female morphology,
there is an infinitely deep chasm between the two categories. While both men and women feature a wide spectrum of
every trait, at no point do these differences cross over into the other sex.
Female Is A Fact.
Our biological gender is determined at conception, depending on whether the sperm that fertilizes the egg contains an X or a
Y chromosome. Everything biological about us is determined at that point, and only awaits the appropriate time to be
expressed. Sexual structures in the body can be initially observed at about six weeks, with development complete at
13 weeks of gestation. Maturation of sexual characteristics is completed during puberty. We continue to change
throughout our lives. Truly we are wonderfully and fearfully made. Barring abnormalities, genetic or environmental
accidents, female humans are born with biological structures designed for maturing ova, gestating new humans, and nursing
babies. And of course, with the blueprints for female secondary sexual characteristics. Immature female humans are
girls; mature female humans are women. Seems silly to say all this, but precise language is called for here. Female
is a fact. Every cell in our bodies carries our genetic print. Our 30 trillion cells each hold DNA made from
more than 3 million base pairs that contain around 30,000 genes that express us biologically. You, the "you" that is
conscious of you, were born with a body that is either female or male. You are either a girl or a boy, a woman or a man.
Only two ways about it.
Society Scientific Statement: 'Two Sexes,' Male and Female. The Endocrine Society, an international
organization of over 18,000 endocrine clinical specialists and researchers, has released a scientific statement that asserts
there are only two sexes — male and female — and that biological sex is measurable and is to be
differentiated from gender identity. The society explained in a press release that "biological sex is often confused
with gender in our society," and asserted: ["]The two sexes are differentiated as females, who have ovaries and
produce eggs, and males, who have testes and produce sperm. In mammals, females typically have XX chromosomes and males
typically have XY chromosomes. All sex differences in the zygote, or fertilized egg, stem from harboring two different
sex chromosomes. Both sexes have all classes of reproductive hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone,
albeit at different levels. Differences in sexual development may result in a person's biological sex not aligning with
these traditional definitions.["]
The 'Transgender'
Endgame. First of all, let it be noted the lightning speed in which we've descended down this wicked
slope. With nothing in science or morality to back the notion that "gender is a spectrum" or that one can actually
"transition" from one sex to another, in less than a decade we've gone from the foolish and evil notion that marriage is
whatever we define it to be to sex (gender) is whatever we define it to be. As is the case with same-sex "marriage,"
children are again victims. Not only children, but parents of vulnerable and deceived children are victims as
well. In early 2019, in Public Discourse, the journal of the Witherspoon Institute, five mothers anonymously published
their concerns over their supposed "transgender" children. [...] [W]hat we are dealing with here is not mere mental
illness. This is evil — pure and simple evil right out of the pit of hell. We will not win this fight
unless it is dealt with as such.
for Signs of Challenging Cultural Insanity. Decent people do not want to be thought of as bigoted. Once
LGBTQ activists successfully sold their absurd lie that anyone who does not bless the LGBT lifestyle is a bigot, it was game
over. When liberal activists on the Supreme Court redefined marriage, they wrongfully gifted homosexual behavior the
same anti-discrimination protection as blacks. Identical twins share the exact same DNA. If homosexuality were
genetic, if one identical twin is homosexual, 100% of the time, the other twin would be also. Research on identical
twin males found that when one identical twin was homosexual, 48% of the time, his identical twin was not. This proves
that homosexuality is not genetic. In other words, the LGBTQ narrative, "I was born this way," is propaganda.
The Truth About Deviants
and Deviance. [Scroll down] In contrast to polygamy and concubinage, God held a zero-tolerance policy for
some other sexual sins, including homosexuality and bestiality. Indeed, Leviticus chapter 18 provides the specific list
of sexual and sex-related sins that were not only capital crimes, but His specific justification for purging the Canaanites
from the Holy Land. [...] These particular sins deviated so far from His One Flesh Paradigm that God would not tolerate
them. And of these sins, male homosexuality was singled out for special emphasis, being the first form of sexual sin in
the Leviticus 18 list to be designated "toeva" (abomination), the harshest term of condemnation in the Hebrew language.
God's consistent warning from Genesis to Revelation that this specific sexual sin would always draw His wrath is one of the
clearest teachings of the Bible for those brave enough to accept it: [...] This is why homosexuals have accurately been called
"deviants" from time immemorial, and why authentic Christianity never condones or accommodates homosexuality or any of the
sexual sins God condemns.
Sends Breathtaking Letter to Houston Mayor About 'Gay Rights Parade'. The LGBTQ is a political movement.
The goal of the homosexual political movement is to pass laws that force businesses, schools, governments, churches, and
every person, against their will, to accept, affirm and celebrate those who promote and participate in homosexual
behavior. They want homosexuals and other sexual immoral individuals to be granted minority status based upon the fact
that they have chosen to commit immoral sexual actions. No one should be granted minority status based upon their
chosen behavior, whether its moral or immoral. The homosexual political movement wants the LGBTQ curriculum to be
taught to children, starting in kindergarten. The purpose of this is to desensitize children to their aberrant,
perverse and evil actions, so that they can more easily recruit them into their lifestyle. They promote Drag Queen Story
Time for children 10 and under in public libraries. These drag queens who read to children are despicable pedophiles.
Must Reject LGBTQ Craziness Becoming America's Accepted Norm. [Scroll down] Dr. Michelle Cretella,
M.D., president of American College of Pediatricians, explained that if a brain was born the wrong sex due to factors before
birth, every single identical twin would have the same gender identity every time. They do not. Identical twins
have identical DNA. Therefore, if transgenderism were in the genes, 100% of the time, both twins would be either transgender
or non-transgender. Studies show that if one twin is transgender, 72% of the time the other twin is normal. This
proves that post-birth events primarily impact your identity. In other words, transgenderism is a mental disorder.
High on Buzzwords, Low on Thought. "Homophobia" is a rickety neologism intended to encompass virtually every
variety of analysis of that leftist insistence that homosexuality and its offspring "transgender" and so forth have no
problems. In fact, there are at least three different and usually conflicting approaches to this issue. Judaism
and Christianity in their historic forms consider homosexuality a sin. Darwinists, who disagree with Judaism and
Christianity in almost every respect, find homosexuality, which dramatically diminishes natural procreation, to be an
evolutionary dead end. Psychologists, decades ago, considered homosexuality a disorder. Why, then, lump all these
reactions into a single "homophobia" label? It prevents any real serious analysis or reflection.
Do Liberals Flunk Science? Let Us Count the Ways. [T]here are only two sexes: male and female.
There is no such thing as a "gender spectrum." [...] In 1993, when the journal Science published a study by Dean Hamer (et
al.) that strongly suggested the existence of a gene for homosexuality, an eager and complicit media celebrated.
National Public Radio trumpeted the findings. Newsweek's cover asked, "Gay Gene?" The Wall Street Journal announced,
"Research Points toward a Gay Gene..." The New York Times noted, "Report Suggests Homosexuality Is Linked to Genes."
However, noted psychiatrist, physicist, and author (Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth) Jeffrey Satinover
concluded that "the Hamer study is seriously flawed." Many genetic researchers also quickly took issue with Hamer's
study. Yet the myth grew. Today, it is commonplace for liberals in the media, Hollywood, and like-minded
politicians again to ignore the real science and perpetuate the falsehood that homosexuality is strictly genetic.
The science is settled.
Hopkins Psychiatrist: 'Transgendered Men Don't Become Women,' They Become 'Feminized Men,' 'Impersonators'.
Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former
psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, who has studied transgendered people for 40 years, said it is a scientific
fact that "transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men." All such people, he explained in
an article for The Witherspoon Institute, "become feminized men or masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the
sex with which they 'identify.'" Dr. McHugh, who was psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital for 26 years,
the medical institute that had initially pioneered sex-change surgery — and later ceased the practice —
stressed that the cultural meme, or idea that "one's sex is fluid and a matter of choice" is extremely damaging, especially
to young people.
Dysphoria in Children. Gender dysphoria (GD) of childhood describes a psychological condition in which children
experience a marked incongruence between their experienced gender and the gender associated with their biological sex.
When this occurs in the pre-pubertal child, GD resolves in the vast majority of patients by late adolescence. Currently
there is a vigorous, albeit suppressed, debate among physicians, therapists, and academics regarding what is fast becoming
the new treatment standard for GD in children. This new paradigm is rooted in the assumption that GD is innate, and
involves pubertal suppression with gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists followed by the use of cross-sex
hormones — a combination that results in the sterility of minors. A review of the current literature
suggests that this protocol is founded upon an unscientific gender ideology, lacks an evidence base, and violates the
long-standing ethical principle of "First do no harm."
Identification Position Statement. CMDA affirms the historic and enduring Christian understanding of humankind
as having been created male and female. We live in a fallen world (Genesis 3), and we are all fallen creatures with a
sinful nature (Romans 3:9-12). The fall is expressed in nature and in humanity in many ways, including sexuality.
Confusion of gender identity is but one example of the fall, as are also marital breakdown and sexual immorality
(Romans 1:24-32; Ephesians 5:3). A lifestyle that is directed by pursuing sexual desires or governed by
personal sexual fulfillment misses the divinely ordained purpose of sex, which is for procreation and for facilitating
unity in the lifelong commitment of marriage between one man and one woman, which fosters a secure and nurturing environment
for children and which reflects the unity of Christ and the church (Exodus 20:1-18; Leviticus 20:10-21;
Romans 1; Ephesians 5:23-33).
Gender ideology
has no basis in science and harms all children. [Scroll down to Page 9.] The physicians also refuted the
claim that 'transgenderism' is innate, and likewise asserted in their statement that it has no basis in science. The
idea that a child with gender dysphoria is born with a brain that is of the opposite sex of the body is a "fanciful claim,"
they said, one that is "biologically impossible," and which persists in the culture despite scientific objections by medical
experts and researchers. Noting that every cell of the human body contains identical copies of a person's sex
chromosomes, they stated that the brains of biologically normal infants are imprinted prenatally by their own endogenous sex
hormones at eight weeks of age. "Every infant boy is born with a brain imprinted by testosterone; every infant girl is
born with a brain imprinted by estrogen," they wrote. "Brain studies of transgender adults that purport to show
differences in brain microstructures are of notoriously poor quality and more than likely reflect the fact that long-term
transgender behavior alters brain microstructures." They also noted that the latter is known as the well-established
phenomenon of neuroplasticity, whereby behavior alters the chemical and physical structure of the brain.
Timely news and commentary:
Violence Is a Real Thing, and It Is Out of Control. No doubt I will get a few emails
from people who think I am demonizing people with gender dysphoria for writing about this, but that
is not my intent. People who are genuinely gender dysphoric and not just enjoying erotic
Autogynephilia (getting sexually aroused by imagining themselves to be a female and playing out
that fantasy) suffer from a potentially debilitating mental illness, and they do need
treatment. Not medical treatment in most cases, but serious psychiatric or psychological
care. As with depression or anxiety, "just get over it" is not helpful advice. But
there is a new class of violent trans activism, and it is waaaayyyyy out of control. Mass
murders, sexual assaults, vandalism, and threats of or actual use of violence have become quite
common, and are far outside the normal parameters of violent behavior in other population
cohorts. These people don't just want to live their life with dignity; they want to hurt
people. [Tweet]
Hospitals Continue Offering Sex Changes After Trump Moved To Defund Procedures.
Federally-funded hospitals are continuing to provide sex changes to children despite President
Donald Trump's executive order defunding those services, a Daily Caller investigation found.
More than three dozen hospitals that offer sex changes to minors and also receive federal funding
told the Daily Caller that they are still providing services including puberty blockers, hormone
replacement therapy, or surgeries to people under the age of 18. A receptionist at Boston
Medical Center told the Caller, "From what I've heard of, nothing has changed with what our
providers provide" in light of the president's executive order. A representative at Bay State
Medical Center's front desk similarly said, "I haven't heard anything different," when asked if
they were still providing "gender-affirming care" — a euphemism for sex changes used by
pro-transgender activists — for minors. The Bay State receptionist warned that
parents looking to make appointments for their children should call early in the morning as they
were getting a high volume of new patients.
Crazy': NJ Hospitals Ask Parents to Identify Newborns' Sexual Orientation. A New
Jersey hospital system is asking parents of newborns to designate their infant's "sexual
orientation" in a questionnaire mandated by state law. The document from Inspira Health
titled "Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questionnaire" features several disturbing sections,
the New York Post reported on Saturday. The form asks parents to identify their baby as
"Male; Female; Transgender" or "GenderQueer" and tacks on another option called "Additional gender
Court to Hear Challenge to Colorado Law Banning 'Conversion Therapy' for Minors. The
Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear a case that could determine if mental health professionals
in the United States can legally engage in conversations aimed at helping young clients struggling
with their gender identity to accept their biological sex. The case, Chiles v. Salazar,
involves a Christian counselor in Colorado, Kaley Chiles, who sued over a state law that prohibits
so-called "conversion therapy" for minors. Her lawyers with the conservative Alliance Defending
Freedom, or ADF, say the government's one-sided censorship of private conversations between clients
and counselors violates the First Amendment's free-speech protections. Proponents of
conversion-therapy bans say that laws like Colorado's shield vulnerable young clients from
unscrupulous therapists and ineffective and potentially dangerous practices that can lead to
increased psychological suffering and suicide.
Chick With A Beard Gives Birth And The British Media Claims She's The First Man To Give Birth.
This is the 'UK's first Man to Conceive' a baby naturally — according to the British media. "I didn't
feel any gender dysphoria being pregnant... My body is mine and it's male to me." [Video clip]
'Gender affirming' surgery is bad for people's happiness. Sadly for my young friend,
the odds are against him, at least according to a massive study done in Houston and published in
The Journal of Sexual Medicine, an outlet of Oxford Academic, which is, in turn, part of Oxford
University Press. In other words, a big study published on a reputable forum. According
to that study, once the surgery is over, and once the euphoria associated with realizing a dream
has passed, the post-surgical patients are deeply depressed.
Activism: How The US Government And NGOs Created "Gay Pride" From Thin Air.
Growing up in America through the 1980s and 1990s there was a general sense of "live and let live"
among Gen X and Gen Y that truly defined the era and our notions of what a society should look
like. We all knew gay people were a permanent fixture in society. For the most part
nobody bothered them and they kept their gayness to themselves (and far away from children).
Frankly, it was working just fine. [...] What we didn't understand at the time was that the
seemingly harmless rise of "Gay Pride" in the 90s and early 2000s would become a primer for the
woke madness that spread like wildfire from 2014 onward. As we now know, a lot of that
insanity was rooted in programs funded through the US government. It's important to keep in
mind, however, that the government is a tool, not the hand holding the tool. Elitist
interests through NGO's and think tanks like the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation
were the real impetus for the creation of the woke movement. They spent decades building the
revolving door dynamic that cycled taxpayer cash through agencies like USAID and into the pockets of NGOs.
Links Sex Change Surgery to Suicidal Ideation. Unconscionably, healthcare professionals
who for ideological or financial motives inflict sex change procedures on children employ emotional
blackmail against parents by persuading them that failing to undergo irreversible freakification
could cause their kids to commit suicide. Evidence accrues that the reverse is true.
There's a Trans Cult Inside the NSA. Christopher Rufo: Tell me about this
culture and how it's been spreading through the NSA. And talk to me about what it was like,
even a year ago or a few months ago, before Trump reentered the White House. NSA
Whistleblower: About ten years ago, they started doing the "employee resource groups":
African-American, veterans, Pride. It was just a meeting here and there, almost like a
potluck — culture, food, a speech. Then it started to get more and more.
Instead of just one day a month, it was one week a month, or the whole month. You could be
hired as a mathematician, a staff officer, or system engineer, but you would spend your time going
to these events and having meetings all day about it. They got themselves into position to
help craft policy and started pushing the idea that if you want to get promoted, you have to
participate in these events. And then everything became Pride. You would go to a
training, and it would be about "privilege" and "how to be a better ally." A lady would give
classes on how to talk "gender-neutral" to people. You had analysts that didn't want to do
the reporting they were supposed to be doing because they were going to have to report on
somebody's "dead name." They were having this crisis of conscience about reporting the
adversary's actual name because they thought it was their "dead name," and they didn't want to
disrespect the person. It was like a cult that was hellbent on pushing gender ideology.
UK's Largest Trans Rights Organization, Turned Out to Be a USAID Front. Stonewall UK,
which in recent years has been at the tip of the spear in the fight to transify the UK, is slashing
their staffing by 50% and even then may be in trouble. [Advertisement] Why? USAID
cuts. Stonewall UK is a USAID front with some outside donors. [Lengthy excerpt from another
report] Why, you may ask, is the United States government the biggest provider of funding to
Stonewall, and organization that has been vilifying women and lesbians in particular for a
decade? Stonewall UK began as a gay rights organization and reached its primary goal of
normalizing gays and gay marriage in 2014. Since then it has focused on transgenderism,
eliminating same-sex space, putting men into women's space, criticizing lesbian rights, transing
the kids (although not as much as Mermaids) and promoting the idea that lesbians are bigots for not
dating transgender "women." It is funded primarily by the UK and US governments, and in the
process, fundamentally changed British culture and law.
It Appears
Democrats Have Finally Picked A Hill To Die On. Democrats are doubling down on
left-wing gender ideology despite their viewpoints being increasingly unpopular with the average
American. The vast majority of Americans support reversing the Biden administration's extreme
approach to transgender issues, including barring biological males from participating in women's
sports. But Democratic lawmakers, including those representing congressional districts
President Donald Trump won in November, are continuing to push left-wing stances on transgender
issues that are seemingly at odds with their own voters. "Rather than changing course and
abandoning the destructive transgender agenda, Democrats are ignoring what the majority of
Americans know to be true just to appease the radical wing of their party," Terry Schilling,
president of the American Principles Project, told the Daily Caller News Foundation in a statement.
"I hope Democrats keep running campaigns that focus on the transgender agenda; it will make
Republican candidates' cycles much easier."
Most Democrats Oppose Trump's Embrace of Biological Truth Recognizing Two Sexes. A
majority of Americans agree with President Donald Trump's embrace of biological truth in
recognizing only two biological sexes — but most Democrats do not — a
Quinnipiac survey found. The survey — gauging sentiments on many of Trump's early
moves — asked respondents, "Do you support or oppose President Trump's executive order
recognizing only two sexes, male and female, in the United States?" [Advertisement] Most,
57 percent, support it, compared to 38 percent who oppose it. There are varying
opinions on party lines, as over three-fourths of Democrats — 77 percent, oppose
the executive order recognizing biological truth. Only 14 percent of Democrats support
the order. However, most Republicans, 96 percent, and independents, 59 percent,
support the order recognizing biological truth. Just four percent of Republicans oppose it,
as do 35 percent of independents. [The same advertisement again]
Lankan sex offender allowed to stay in Britain because he is gay. A convicted Sri
Lankan sex offender has been allowed to remain in Britain because he is gay and would be at risk of
persecution if he was returned to his home country. The convicted paedophile, jailed in 2012
for four years for molesting three young teenage boys, has been fighting a 12-year legal battle
against Home Office efforts to deport him. Successive judges up to the Court of Appeal have
disagreed over the validity of his claim that his deportation would be a breach of his
Article 3 rights under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Article 3
has been used by asylum seekers to fight deportation through its protection against "torture,
inhuman treatment and degrading punishment". The 50-year-old Sri Lankan, who has been granted
anonymity, was described as a "danger to the community" when he was jailed but sought asylum from prison,
claiming his life would be at risk if he were to return to Sri Lanka because he is gay.
Inc. American life today is characterized in no small part by nearly ceaseless
exposure to LGBTQ propaganda. Everywhere you turn, you're confronted with "the message," be
it in grade schools, on college campuses, while watching television or movies, or at work.
There are no "safe spaces" sheltered from the deluge — not even FEMA's hurricane
recovery efforts have been spared. How did such a small "community" capture America's
institutions? The answer is complex, but a new database by The Project to Expose Corporate
Activism (PECA) shines a light on a significant part of the story. PECA's database shows that
corporations have become the vanguard of the LGBTQ movement, donating vast sums of money to prop up
an equally vast network of activists. The database does not merely rehash well-known examples
like Anheuser-Busch's support for transgender TikTok influencers but rather furnishes evidence of
1,588 companies' support for more than 2,300 LGBTQ causes. These causes on the whole are
quite radical. They range from Camp Brave Trails — a queer summer camp that has
children's drag shows and a "clothing closet for exploring gender expression" — to NGOs
like Immigration Equality that facilitate the illegal migration of transgender and HIV+ "asylum
seekers." Disturbingly, corporations appear to be particularly fixated on LGBTQ youth.
church features pastor in drag encouraging killing Trump supporters. A drag show
hosted at a Dallas church sparked backlash after it featured a performer with a history of making
threatening "jokes." With all of the violence thrown at President Donald Trump during his race
for a second term, threats against him and his supporters aren't likely to be taken well.
This is a lesson that is being learned by the Cathedral of Hope in Dallas, who hosted an event
called "Celebrating the Art of Drag." This was marketed as an "act of defiance and in response
to the numerous bills introduced into the Texas Legislature attacking drag performers and
transgender people." While hosting such a gathering in a Texas church is already cause for
raised eyebrows, this particular drag show featured Rev. Brooke Dooley who also goes by "Drag
King" Brock Bottom. [Tweet with video clip]
The Editor says...
The tax exempt status of this church is highly questionable and should be investigated.
would anyone be a Democrat? [Scroll down] I refuse to believe that all
those Democrats are in favor of policies that support radical surgery on the sex organs of children
to "affirm" their gender. That amounts to a form of child mutilation performed on those much
too young to understand what's happening to them. Perhaps that's why the promoters of
perversion want it done before the child is old enough to understand the damage being done, both
physically and mentally. If you're a Democrat who is sensible enough to know that men can't
give birth to children, why don't you take a stand against the crazies in your orbit? Are you
so morally bankrupt and cowardly that you would remain silent simply because you're a member of a
political party and don't want to hurt your chances for re-election? At what point do you
stand up for the commonsense ideals that once ranked your party in high esteem with at least half
the citizens of your country?
We Allowed to Talk About How Much the U.S. Spends on AIDS/HIV? Why are we spending
$28 billion annually on an almost 100% preventable disease? Why have we sent
$100 billion overseas through George W. Bush's U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
(PEPFAR) to combat AIDS/HIV — much of that funneled through USAID slush funds?
Somehow, AIDS/HIV has become a third rail we're not allowed to question or even talk about.
Do you want poor, helpless gays to die, you homophobic bigot? And every year, Congress
refills the coffers of programs that exist to mitigate the natural consequences of promiscuous sex,
primarily between men.
Oppose Trump's Order Protecting Children From Gender Mutilation. Recently the NYT
reported that "New York attorney general, Letitia James, has warned New York hospitals that
complying with the White House's executive order that seeks to end gender-affirming medical care
for transgender young people could well violate state law." Last week, President Trump signed
an executive order aimed at protecting children from chemical and surgical procedures related to
gender alteration. A key section of the order is as follows. " is the policy of the
United States that it will not fund, sponsor, promote, assist, or support the so-called
"transition" of a child from one sex to another, and it will rigorously enforce all laws that
prohibit or limit these destructive and life-altering procedures." According to the NYT, NYU
Langone, a leading New York City hospital, was canceling child appointments within days of the order.
AG Letitia James tells hospitals to continue sex-change procedures for minors despite Trump's
executive order. New York Attorney General Letitia James warned local hospitals
Monday that they will be in violation of state discrimination laws if they comply with President
Trump's executive order aimed at outlawing sex-change procedures for minors. "Regardless of the
availability of federal funding, we write to further remind you of your obligations to comply with
New York State laws, including those that prohibit discrimination against individuals based on
their membership in a protected class, such as sex, gender identity or expression, sexual
orientation, race, creed, color, national origin, citizenship or immigration status, military
status, disability, or marital status," James wrote in a letter to New York health care facilities.
"Electing to refuse services to a class of individuals based on their protected status, such as
withholding the availability of services from transgender individuals based on their gender identity
or their diagnosis of gender dysphoria, while offering such services to cisgender individuals, is
discrimination under New York law," she added.
Increase in Detransitioners in One Year? I sincerely doubt that the rate of
"detransition" was only 1% and suddenly jumped to 30%, but WPATH transgender doctor Amaya Deakins
is now calling for WPATH to begin research and develop standards of care for people who started
down the path of gender-affirming "care" and regret it. [Tweet] [Paywall]
Signs Executive Order Ending Federal Funding for Medical Mutilation of Minors. Under
President Donald Trump, the United States will no longer "fund, sponsor, promote, assist, or
support" the medical mutilation and chemical castration of children in the name of gender
ideology. Accordingly, the federal government will "rigorously enforce all laws that prohibit
or limit these destructive and life-altering procedures." [Advertisement] Trump signed an
executive order Tuesday ending federal funding for the medical "transitioning" of gender dysphoric
children, including performing irreversible surgeries and the prescription of chemically castrating
drugs like puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. [Tweet]
is no 28th Amendment. [Scroll down] So when it comes to the ERA, does
"sex" mean what it meant in 1972 — i.e., two sexes? Or will we have some
linguistic legerdemain that smuggles "gender" into the Constitution? We saw this in the
Bostock decision, where prohibitions on sex discrimination in the Civil Rights Act of 1964
were magically transformed into "gender" restrictions. What's to say that wouldn't happen to
the ERA? Indeed, its proponents are betting for that to happen. They want and
need a hook to ensconce the Sexual Revolution in the Constitution. Roe v. Wade
pretended to do that by hanging it all on the "right to privacy," that gaseous ghost emanating from
various "penumbras" and between-the-lines places but amazingly specific enough to ban almost any
abortion restriction practically through birth. When Dobbs overturned Roe, it
made clear that the ambiguous "right to privacy" was an unstable platform on which to secure so
many items in the Sexual Revolution's agenda. That's why abortionists have been busy cobbling
very broad "reproductive freedom" amendments into state constitutions, many likely to ground not
just abortion on demand, but all the works and pomps of the gender ideology/trans movements.
who smeared Trump supporters as 'groomers' arrested on child pornography charges.
Darrin Bell, a Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist who has had his work published in the New
Yorker, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post, was arrested on Wednesday
after detectives found 135 child pornography videos during a search of his home, police stated on
January 16. According to the New York Post, the videos were "linked to an account
owned and controlled by the 49-year-old married father of four as well as computer-generated
artificial intelligence child pornography." The much-lauded anti-Trump cartoonist was nailed
by police after law enforcement in Sacramento County, California, received a tip from the National
Center for Missing and Exploited Children. When the news of Bell's arrest broke, several of
his cartoons promptly went viral — for all the wrong reasons.
They live in irrational fear, but at least now they admit what the Second Amendment is all about.
liberals start arming themselves over baseless fear of being placed in 'concentration camps:'
report. Gay and transgender liberals around the country are arming themselves over
perceived concerns they'll be rounded up and placed in "concentration camps" under a second Trump
administration, according to a report. The Philadelphia Inquirer on Sunday profiled several
members of the emerging gun-toting left, who belong to groups with names like the Liberal Gun Club,
the Socialist Rifle Association and Pink Pistols. Although precise figures regarding LGBTQ
gun ownership are tough to ascertain given the small cohort, the Liberal Gun Club told the outlet
that it's received "thousands" of firearms training requests since the election — more
than in all of 2023 combined — and that about a quarter of them were from those in the
LGBTQ community.
Transgenderism Is A Leftist Malady. The Democrat party mantra is that transgenderism
is real. "Trans women are women! Trans men are men!" Denying that "lived" experience
is a form of genocide. Hogwash. Both expert anecdotes and large-scale research establish
that so-called transgenderism is either a mental disorder or, even worse, left-wing parents
virtue-signaling through their children. The following meme, presumably an authentic
screenshot of a post on X/Twitter, appeared on a small, private Facebook group, of which this
writer is a member. It contains many conservatives and a few lunatics from the left-wing
fringe. [Illustration, not shown here.] The lunatics of the left-wing fringe will claim
that lefties are more likely to seek out psychiatric help and conservatives are more likely to
"cowboy up" and keep their unhealthy feelings bottled inside. They will also point out that
this is anecdotal evidence and, therefore, useless. (They have a way of rationalizing
everything in a way that ends up being irrational.) This writer begs to differ. Every
participant in every study in any peer-reviewed medical or psychiatric journal is a walking
anecdote. If a researcher piles up thousands of such anecdotes and dissects them correctly,
applying proper statistical analysis, no one can argue with them. They become "the science."
the Hard Work Begins. [Scroll down] Another Dem failure to "follow the science"
is the transgender fad preying on neurotic children and teens. Science tells us that mammals
are either males and females that together procreate, yet doctors presumably trained scientifically
are openly poisoning children with puberty blockers and cross-hormone treatments, then move on to
irreversible surgeries that leave their victims mutilated for life. Whether through greed or
misplaced "compassion," doctors are blatantly violating their Hippocratic Oath that in the original
Greek requires physicians not just to do no harm, but to benefit their patients.
People Carving Up Healthy 'Trans' Kids Have Literal 'Blood On Their Hands'. One of
the most insidious assertions of the pro-trans left is that those who oppose puberty blockers,
wrong-sex hormones, and other pseudo-scientific medical interventions for trans-identifying youth
have "blood on their hands." This is because, such ideologues claim, children deprived of this
purported "medical care" are more likely to kill themselves. The fallaciousness of such
declarations, however, is becoming more evident in light of acknowledgments from some unlikely
sources in the media and medical establishment. The "blood on the hands" slander of the
pro-trans left has become predictably commonplace in recent years. NBC earlier this month
covered pro-trans activists protesting outside the Supreme Court who alleged our nation's highest
court would have "blood on its hands" if it didn't determine a Tennessee law limiting access to
such interventions was discriminatory. A Missouri LGBT public policy and advocacy
organization in November accused Circuit Judge Craig Carter of having "blood on his hands" for
upholding a law that restricted transgender medical interventions on kids.
the Gay Myth. "Gay" used to mean "happy." Now it means "homosexual." The 1960
theme song of The Flintstones ended with "We'll have a gay old time," even though all the characters were
heterosexual. Today, it's almost impossible to find a homosexual who is genuinely happy. Deep
inside their heads, they're almost always miserable. Geneticists have yet to find a "gay gene."
Homosexuality (and other peculiarities it spawns) evidently arises not from nature, but from nurture:
environmental factors. Drill deeply enough into homosexuals' memories, and far too often, there's a
history as a child sexual abuse victim. And there's an entire community — online, at
school, in the big city — eager to accommodate and encourage this lifestyle. In
psychiatric practice, LGBTQ emotional disorders are the one area where the inmates took over the asylum.
are still transvestites. When did transvestites become transsexuals? And
why? During the fifties here in America, transvestites (remember Christine Jorgensen?) were
the stuff of snide jokes. They were laughed at as misfit men trying to be women. Later,
there was Bruce Jenner, who also was a transvestite and who later named himself Caitlin Jenner and
demanded everyone else call him by that name. Jenner is still a cross-dressing man in women's
clothing. How did Americans get so afraid of calling them transvestites? How dare they
misgender people? Most people refer to Jenner as "she" or "her." Because Jenner's biology
has not changed, Jenner is a "he" or a "him." Ditto all cross-dressing transvestites.
More to the point, why was it necessary to change "transvestite" to "transsexual"? I submit it is
because while transvestites were considered unserious by others, a new, more serious term was
needed to confer legitimacy upon those men who dressed and lived as women. To some ears,
there is something of gravitas to "transsexual" that isn't there with "transvestite."
tells court to respect pronouns of rapist who now wants to be known as a woman. A
California judge has ordered a court to respect the pronouns chosen by a rape-accused prisoner
despite the DA's concerns the inmate is exploiting legal protections meant for transgender
convicts. Madera County Judge Katherine Rigby ruled last week that prosecutors must refer to
transgender prisoner Tremaine Carroll, 52, by female pronouns. Carroll is accused of raping
two women and impregnating a third while incarcerated at the Central California Women's Facility in
Chowchilla where she was serving 25 years for robbing a jewellery store.
of horrors': Male couple convicted of sexually abusing their adopted boys will spend the rest of
their lives in prison. Georgia couple have been convicted of sexually abusing their
two adopted boys and will spend the rest of their lives in prison. In August, 34-year-old
William Zulock pleaded guilty to six counts of aggravated sodomy, three counts of aggravated child
molestation, two counts of incest, and two counts of sexual exploitation of children. In
October, 36-year-old Zachary Zulock pleaded guilty to two counts of aggravated sodomy, three counts
of aggravated child molestation, two counts of incest, two counts of sodomy, three counts of sexual
exploitation of children, and two counts of pandering to a person under 18.
Daily Wire Investigation: Are There Really 15K Trans Military Members? When the
London Times published a late November report claiming that Donald Trump plans to "kick transgender
troops out of the military," leftist groups and media outlets clamored against the idea, warning
that an estimated 15,000 transgender troops would be impacted. There's no evidence this
figure is even close to accurate. That startlingly high figure of 15,000 trans-identifying
troops has been pushed, without sourcing, by major news outlets including the London Times,, and Newsweek. Rachel Branaman, a spokeswoman for the pro-LGBTQ Modern Military
Association of America, used the number to suggest that any future Trump administration action to
remove these troops would imperil the country's war-fighting ability (Trump's team said at the time
that the unnamed sources in the report had "no idea what they are actually talking about").
the Abyss Stares Back. [Scroll down] A particularly disturbing recent
development involves pediatric transgender surgeries. Once extremely rare, the occurrence
increased rapidly in the new millennium, with one estimate placing the number of pediatric gender
clinics as high as 300. Children who avail themselves of these treatments receive puberty blockers,
hormones, and surgeries. I'll leave it to the reader to investigate the details of
phalloplasties and metoidioplasty. I recommend you not eat beforehand. One report found
that in the U.S., 53% of adults who identify as trans are under 35, with 23% of adults between the
ages of 35 and 54 and the same percentage of those over 55. Are they getting a message that
it's cool to be trans? Celebrities like Charlize Theron and Cher have gay, trans, and
non-binary children. Actress Marcia Gay Harden has three! She says this, "What drives
me is my children are all queer. My eldest child is nonbinary. My son is gay. My
youngest is fluid. And you know, they are my kids and they teach me every day."
The Editor says...
By and large, gender-confused children are the product of women (and homosexual men) who desperately
want to be somebody on social media. "Gender confusion was all but completely unknown
prior to the 21st century; i.e., prior to the popularity of the internet.
Covers Double Mastectomies for 17-Year-Olds With Gender Dysphoria. America's largest
health insurance company covers double mastectomies for some 17-year-old girls who identify as
transgender. UnitedHealthcare's "Gender Dysphoria Treatment" guide, which took effect
Dec. 1, says: "For mastectomy or breast reduction, individuals must be at least 18 years
of age; however, individuals within one calendar year of turning 18 can be considered on a
case-by-case basis." UnitedHealthcare didn't immediately respond to The Daily Signal's request
for comment on the circumstances in which the health insurance company would cover double
mastectomies for minors or how often it makes exceptions.
shocking update in the Eithan Haim case alleges FBI and DOJ corruption. Eithan Haim
is the Houston-based physician who produced documents that, without exposing patient information,
allegedly showed that Texas Children's Hospital ("TCH"), which claimed it was not performing
mutilating procedures on children for so-called "gender-affirming care" (a violation of Texas law)
was still performing those procedures. The Biden administration is currently prosecuting Haim
for these revelations. However, Haim's wife, Andrea, alleges that the FBI always knew the
allegations against Haim are false. The basis for the DOJ's prosecution against Haim is the
claim that he violated the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ("HIPAA"). That
1996 law, which protects the privacy of patient medical records, originated as a way of preventing
insurers from denying coverage to AIDS patients. If someone is charged with violating HIPAA
for personal gain or to cause malicious harm, a successful prosecution can result in a penalty of
up to ten years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. A notable exception to HIPAA's privacy
protections is to protect people from immediate danger.
Real Issues in the Transgender Debate. The first issue is the broad logical,
philosophical, and biological questions at the root of transgender ideology. What is a
woman? What is a man? Can a man become a woman, and a woman become a man? What is
gender? What is sex? When is sexual identity fixed, if it is fixed? What is the
relationship between gender and sex? What is the biological definition of male and
female? Is the human species sexually binary (male or female) or bimorphic (a continuum
between male and female)? These issues are of enormous importance for our culture, and they
bear on questions of biology, medical care, and ethics, but they are not the same thing as the
issues of medical care and ethics and should not be conflated with them. The second issue is
the effectiveness of transgender medical care. Do children who are given puberty-blockers
really benefit from the treatment? What are the short-term and long-term risks of
puberty-blockers? What are the effects of cross-sex hormones in patients, especially
children? What effect do cross-sex hormones have on fertility, metabolism, bone strength,
cancer risk, and long-term psychological health? What are the medical and psychosocial
consequences of lifelong dependence on powerful mind- and body-altering drugs? Do castration
and the surgical fashioning of fake genitals really make mentally ill children and adults
psychologically healthier?
to Orwell's World. In our time, as well, our speech is polluted by words that do not
speak the truth but cover it up. [... For example,] "Gender": There is no such thing as
"gender," as this word is misused today. Before the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in
1972 went crazy and removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders, gender was a
grammatical term used by many languages (if not English) that categorizes nouns, adjectives, and
sometimes verbs as either male, female, or neuter. [...] "Sex Change": No human being in history
has ever been turned into the opposite sex. A sitting justice on the U.S. Supreme Court, a
woman representing her sexually bent-out-of-shape American generation, could not define the word
woman when it is self-explanatory. [...] "Homophobia": More Orwellian deceit.
Male-to-male sodomy is medically contraindicated for it is known to damage the colon and cause
other serious conditions. After the APA's decision, the AIDs virus germinated wildly via
massive homosexual orgies and ended worldwide the lives of over 40 million people, far more
than COVID-19.
Actress Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About Why Some Parents 'Trans' Their Kids.
Actress Annette Bening issued remarks in front of the United States Supreme Court this week where
she said that having a transgender child makes her "much more interesting." Bening took part
in a protest organized by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in our nation's capital during
oral arguments for a case surrounding so-called "gender-affirming health care" for kids. This
encompasses hormone therapy, puberty blockers, and sex reassignment surgery. The case,
United States v. Skrmetti, centers around restricting this so-called "transgender
care" for gender dysphoric minors in Tennessee. Oral arguments for the case began on
Wednesday. Predictably, protestors in favor of this type of barbaric "care" for minors
descended upon Washington, D.C. Including Hollywood leftists. In her remarks, Bening spoke
about having a transgender child. "I think the greatest gift of my life is to have kids and to
have a transgender child has made me so much more interesting. So much more wise," she claimed.
Lets 10-Year Olds Claim People Want To Shoot Them For Being Transgender. CNN National
Correspondent Lucy Kafanov has a rainbow flag emoji in her Twitter handle and was wearing rainbow
gloves on Wednesday, but CNN Newsroom still thought she was an appropriate choice to send to
the Supreme Court to cover oral arguments in U.S. v. Skrmetti, the case that seeks to
answer whether Tennessee's ban on so-called "gender-affirming care" violates the Constitution.
In addition to some horrifically one-sided reporting, Kafanov also sought to shame Tennessee and its
supporters by rolling out 10-year-olds who identify as transgender to claim that they are in danger
of being murdered.
The Editor says...
Anyone under the age of 15 who is a transvestite, and/or thinks he or she needs a sex-change operation,
is only acting that way because he or she has a parent who wants to be somebody on social
media. I never heard of any such cases before 2008. So-called "smart phones" are one of
the worst things that ever happened to this country, because they enable this behavior.
To recap: The internet + smart phones led to social media. Social media + vanity
+ envy + obsession with fame led to fake hate crimes, transgenderism, SWATting, flash mobs, and memes.
All of that stuff combined to produce a society in which self-absorbed loners start at their cell phones
for several hours a day when they should be doing something more productive, like driving a car in a
straight line. It is a society where every individual has a telephone number, whereas an
entire household shared the same number 40 years ago. It is a society where a QR code
on your phone is required for your admission to a public event. The ubiquitous smart phone is also
leading to the abolition
of cash: In downtown Dallas, the parking meters
no longer accept quarters: You pay with your phone, or you don't park. In addition to widespread
addiction, numerous violent crimes are directly related
to cell phones.
rule allows HIV-positive organ transplants. People with HIV who need a kidney or
liver transplant will be able to receive an organ from a donor with HIV under a new rule announced
Tuesday by U.S. health officials. Previously, such transplants could be done only as part of
research studies. The new rule, which takes effect Wednesday, is expected to shorten the wait
for organs for all, regardless of HIV status, by increasing the pool of available organs. "This
rule removes unnecessary barriers to kidney and liver transplants, expanding the organ donor pool
and improving outcomes for transplant recipients with HIV," said U.S. Health and Human Services
Secretary Xavier Becerra in a statement.
Judge Upholds Ban on Gender-Affirming Care for Minors. In 2023 the state of Missouri
passed a law banning gender-affirming care for minors. The law restricted the use of puberty
blockers and gender-affirming surgeries. [...] That lawsuit finally resulted in a trial which was
held at the end of September. There was no jury present. The decision was left in the
hands of Circuit Court Judge Craig Carter. Today Judge Carter released his decision. He
upheld the state ban and ruled against the plaintiffs on all three of their arguments.
The Editor says...
A sex change operation is the exact opposite of gender-affirming care.
Influence of Herd Mentality on Sexual and Gender Identity. In a recent study (Gallup
2024) of sexual identity in the US, 30% of female respondents between 18 and 26 self-identified as
LGBTQ. In the Ivy League colleges, the numbers are even higher for both men and women.
At Brown University, a 2023 study showed that 40% of the students identified as such. How did
this come to be? In fact, how did the idea of being born a different gender or being born gay
come to be accepted by huge segments of the population? How is it that 3 million Americans
say they are transgender, and almost one million Americans say they identify as animals (furries)?
Tries to Get Speaker Johnson with 'Gotcha' Question on Transgender Freshman-Elect 'Sarah'
McBride. House Speaker Mike Johnson on Tuesday refused to say whether newly elected
Congressman Tim "Sarah" McBride is a man or a woman. Delaware state senator Sarah McBride, a
biological male who has since 'transitioned' to a woman, became the first transgender elected to
the U.S. House of Representatives after winning Delaware's only House seat. [...] Rep. [Nancy] Mace
introduced a resolution to keep transgenders like McBride out of women's restrooms at the US Capitol.
Government Programs That Musk's Government Efficiency Agency Could Put On The Chopping
Block. [#5] Inventing Gay Landmarks: America's national parks faced an
estimated $23.3 billion maintenance backlog at the end of the 2023 fiscal year, according to a
July report from the Congressional Research Service. While public parks languished, the
National Park Service (NPS) diverted public funds to its "Underrepresented Communities Grant
Program," which is designed to diversify America's historical landmarks to better include racial
and sexual minorities. During Biden's tenure in office, NPS paid an array of government
agencies and nonprofits to seek out "historic" LGBT locations to be placed on the National Register
of Historic Places. When NPS approves a landmark to be added to the National Register of
Historic Places, its owner becomes entitled to special tax breaks, with many state and local
governments offering special grant programs for such locations. NPS, for example, paid out
$75,000 to Washington State's Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation for it to
identify an "outstanding representation of queer history" and nominate it to be listed on the
National Register of Historic Places.
21, faces 10 years in prison for doing burnouts on LGBT mural. A Seattle man was
arrested and could face 10 years in prison for doing burnouts on an LGBTQ+ mural. Ivan
Barzul, 21, was taken into custody Tuesday at his home in Renton after being accused of vandalizing
the City's LGBTQ+ Pride art piece, and nearly hitting pedestrians and cars as he did so. He's
accused of committing the crime on three different occasions — July 14, September 7 and
September 15 — at the mural, according to the Bellevue Police Department.
The Editor says...
If you paint your religious symbols (or anything else) in the street, they may accumulate tire tracks, skid marks,
and all kinds of filth. Paint your murals on a wall somewhere.
of other genders. The list does not "male" or "female." Most of the alleged genders are
essentially the same as neuter, inert, intermediate, ambiguous, fluid, or profoundly confused.
All of them are perverse and unnatural.
men sue NHS over 'half-built' genitalia. Transgender men have threatened to su the
NHS after being left with "half-built" genitalia. Human rights lawyers are representing
patients who have been left with "indeterminate genitalia" and "psychological distress" after their
surgery processes were unexpectedly halted. NHS England had commissioned St Peter's Andrology
Centre, a private clinic in north London, to carry out the surgeries but did not renew the contract
upon its expiry in March 2020. It was not until September 2021 that New Victoria
Hospital in Kingston was appointed as a replacement provider, creating a backlog that has left many
patients facing delays of up to four years, midway through procedures that require multiple
operations. Law firm Leigh Day, working with LGBTQ+ group TransActual, has written to NHS
England and St Peter's to demand a formal response before legal action is taken.
Next Inclusion Madness: Neurodiversity. Homosexuality has gone from a crime to
being openly celebrated. Adultery is no longer an offense punishable by death and would-be
adulterers now can legally find partners on the Internet with scant worry about the
consequences. Poking fun at transexuals or cross dressers can be prosecuted as a hate crime,
and human weaknesses such as obesity and drug use are openly tolerated. Gambling and
prostitution are no longer stigmatized. Ridiculing an ugly person makes one guilty of
"lookism." The normalization of the once marginalized is ongoing, and the very idea of
"normal" itself is under attack. Mechanisms that sustained social cohesion —
ostracizing, stigma, shunning, marginalization and exclusion — are now evils.
Where will it end? Let me suggest that mental illness is the next candidate for inclusion so,
the former "crazy person" will no longer be scorned and avoided as potentially threatening.
McBride becomes the first out transgender person elected to Congress. Delaware state
Sen. Sarah McBride won the state's only House seat Tuesday, NBC News projects, making her the
first openly transgender person elected to Congress. McBride, a Democrat, defeated Republican
John Whalen III, taking 57.8% of the vote with 95% of the vote in. "Tonight is a testament to
Delawareans that here in our state of neighbors, we judge candidates based on their ideas and not
their identities," McBride said at Delaware's Democratic election night celebration Tuesday
night. She thanked her friends and family and her late husband, Andy Cray, who died of cancer
in 2014, just days after their wedding.
Drugs Bad? Block the Study! Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, one of the nation's
leading advocates for "gender-affirming care" for kids, refuses to release a ten-million-dollar
taxpayer-funded study because the results don't support continued trans-medical intervention.
However, full disclosure is necessary for the trans community to make important life
decisions. The nine-year study, bought and paid for by hardworking Americans, essentially
revealed that after receiving puberty-blockers, these young children did not improve in the area of
mental health. This is important information because these children most certainly were
diagnosed with some mental illness prior to being seen for gender dysphoria (the belief that one's
body is the wrong sex), another psychiatric diagnosis. Dr. Olson-Kennedy has refused to
release the study because she believes that it could be "weaponized" and used as proof that "we
shouldn't use blockers."
Children's Hospital Cut Time for Children to Receive 'Gender Affirming Care' to
2 Hours. The NY Sun published a story today about a lawsuit filed by a
psychologist who was fired by Boston Children's Hospital. The lawsuit alleges that over
several years the hospital cut the phycological inquiry required to receive "gender affirming care"
from around 20 hours down to two.
Vance And Joe Rogan Perfectly Deconstruct The 'Radical Religion' Of The Transgender
Movement. If you're looking for good analysis breaking down the insanity of the
modern "trans" movement, then J.D. Vance's Thursday interview with podcaster Joe Rogan is the
discussion to watch. The GOP vice presidential pick and the comedian covered a lot of topics
in their more than three-hour talk. From finding out how Vance was picked to be Donald
Trump's running mate to discussing the first assassination attempt against the former president,
the interview provided more in-depth content about the Hillbilly Elegy author's life and
philosophy than corporate media ever could. Among the most notable topics the two men
discussed, however, was the "radical religion" of the modern transgender movement. The
conversation came to fruition after Vance and Rogan talked about the attempt on Trump's life in
Butler, Pennsylvania, and the lack of information about the shooter. "When there's a school
shooter, we usually have the person's manifesto out there a day or two later. We know nothing
about the motive here [regarding Butler], which I think is the craziest thing," Vance said.
"Obviously he's motivated because he hates Donald Trump, but you don't know anything about the
secondary motive."
Over Nation's Largest Youth Gender Clinic, Withholds Negative Puberty-blocker Study
Results. A physician who runs the largest youth gender clinic in the U.S. has
admitted that she refused to publish the results of a $10 million taxpayer-funded study
showing puberty-blockers had no positive mental health benefits on gender-dysphoric children.
[Advertisement] Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, who heads the youth gender clinic at Children's
Hospital of Los Angeles, told the New York Times that she feared that the results of the study
could be "weaponized" by opponents of so-called "gender-affirming care." [Advertisement]
The revelation that Olson-Kennedy refused to release the study's results prompted swift and pointed
criticism from advocates who have fought to protect minor children from being subjected to
gender-affirming procedures that have irreversible consequences. Harry Potter author
J.K. Rowling, who has been under attack by gender activists for years for her opposition to men
being allowed in women-only spaces, tweeted that the study wasn't published because it provides
medical evidence that children are being harmed. [Advertisement] [Tweet] The study,
funded by the National Institutes of Health, commenced in 2015 and tracked 95 children with an
average age of 11 who were administered puberty-blocking drugs that prevent natural bodily
development including breast growth in females and voice changes in males.
Doctors Hide Results Of Taxpayer-Funded Study Because It Shows 'Transitioning' Kids Is
Harmful. Doctors who "transition" gender-confused children like to claim their work
is "evidence-based" and "life-saving." But as one of their leaders just admitted to The New York
Times, they are rigging the evidence. As the Times recently reported, Dr. Johanna
Olson-Kennedy has refused to publish the results of a study (begun in 2015 and funded by millions
of taxpayer dollars) on the use of puberty blockers for children who identify as transgender.
She says this suppression is because "I do not want our work to be weaponized." So she has been
stalling, for obviously self-serving reasons. Olson-Kennedy is, as the Times explains, "one
of the country's most vocal advocates of adolescent gender treatments and has served as an expert
witness in many legal challenges to the state bans. She said she was concerned the study's
results could be used in court to argue that 'we shouldn't use blockers.'"
the Groups Funding Harris: Abortionists, Pornographers, and Trans Activists.
The nation's leading LGBTQIA+ pressure group, the controversial Human Rights Campaign (HRC), has
dedicated $15 million to the 2024 presidential election. As this author has written at
The Washington Stand, HRC opposes laws protecting minors from transgender procedures and surgeries,
and its controversial K-12 curriculum encourages employees to teach children radical transgender
ideology beginning in preschool: [...] HRC is joined by the so-called Equality PAC, which is
co-chaired by Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-N.Y.), which has raised $12 million for the 2024
election. "Welcome to our annual convening of the gay mafia," Torres told the group's
star-studded fundraiser in June. "Vice President Harris, some of you from California may remember
that she began marrying gay couples when she was the DA in San Francisco — before gay
marriage was even legal across the country," Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) told the
crowd. The group has raised so much money that it has branched out from supporting candidates
who identify as LGBT to spreading LGBTQIA+ activists' money throughout Democratic congressional
campaigns broadly.
Is Right. There Is an 'Enemy Within' the United States. Think about it: is
there anything Democrats aren't lying about? The answer is no. Is there anything
Democrats could tell the truth about that would help them win an election? That answer is
also no. Outside of small pockets in the northeast and California, there isn't anywhere in
the country where people will cheer for the genital mutilation of children, and most of those who
do are parents who've passed the point of no return by supporting what amounts to the chemical
castration of their children. Once you've gone there, no matter what comes to light
afterwards, you have to convince yourself you did the right thing, otherwise, how could you live
with yourself? The rest of the support for that idea are people unaffected by it but in
desperate need of a cause to give their lives meaning or people who see political advantage to
being a scold who corrects how everyone else talks and uses pronouns. Miserable people, really.
Term 'White Supremacy' is Just War on the West. Whenever words or phrases appear out
of the blue and achieve rapid currency — think "disinformation" — they're
almost always top-down attempts at mind control or mental conditioning. In sneaky fashion, a
new phrase can be just a tweak of a former phrase yet the tweak will shift one's mindset. [...] In
our age obsessed with race and sex — another top-down phenomenon — the most
obvious verbal engineering, and therefore social engineering, is happening with regard to ethnic
heritage and sexual ethics. Many remember when "gay" meant happy or merry, while now the word
applies almost exclusively to homosexuals. But even that was not enough for those seeking to
normalize same-sex relations. So "gay" was followed not only by "same-sex marriage" but also
by the contrived term "homophobic," nonexistent in older dictionaries. The phrase is an
obvious subversive political weapon, casting traditionalists as pathological when homosexual
conduct was, traditionally, the vice and the pathology.
13,900 U.S. Kids Have Received Damaging 'Sex Change' Treatments (So Far). Between
2019 and 2023, over 13,900 American kids received LGBTQ "sex change" treatments, temporarily or
permanently damaging their growing bodies. U.S. leftists are really giving Moloch worshippers
a run for their money on child sacrifice. The medical advocacy group Do No Harm announced a
groundbreaking database Oct. 8, the Stop the Harm Database, to record and expose the number of
surgeries and "treatments" provided in the U.S. to kids that encourage the lie that people can
change their biological sex. "With the launch of the Stop the Harm Database, Do No Harm is building
on our mission to expose the dangers of experimental pediatric gender medicine and bring the
practice to an end," the group's Chairman Dr. Stanley Goldfarb stated. It is significant
that the "transgender" surgery industry has been projected to reach up to a $5 billion value
by the end of the decade.
Excrement Has Poisoned the West. The West has seen the destruction of marriage, and
now even the destruction of the human being as male or female, promoted as progress, both in the
name of equality. Constant disestablishment of norms recognized by nearly every civilization,
all in the name of "equality," is an attempt to create civilizational sanctification achieved by
ceaseless flagellation deemed necessitated by a radicalized definition of "equality." But the
endless punishment of a given culture's norms only leads to wounding and hardened scarification of
the individual's and society's conscience, their innate sense of moral order. The
never-ending revolution in the name of "equality," the constant wounding and amputation of
foundational principles only leads to sickness and to the great equalizer of death, be it
individual or collective.
Gays: New 76ers Arena Will Ruin 'Gayborhood' With Influx Of Straight Men. In a
sign of the times, Philadelphia gays are FURIOUS over a proposed downtown arena for the 76ers
because it could ruin their 'Gayborhood,' according to a statement released by the Alphabet
Mafia. One of their big concerns is that a new arena would bring in too many straight males
to the 'hood. On Thursday, a group called No Arena Gayborhood (it's called that on Google
Maps) said in a statement that it will "deliver signed petitions to city council members
underscoring the ways 76 Place would threaten Philadelphia's historic Gayborhood, its residents,
businesses, service providers and the Greater Philadelphia LGBTQ+ community." Is it possible
the gays could stop an arena in a massive U.S. city?
Britain 'hugely overstated' its trans population. "It's eminently clear that this is
not a huge hub of trans life," says Prof Michael Biggs of the borough he calls home, Brent in
northwest London. "The idea when I walk down the street there that over 1 percent of the
population are trans doesn't make any sense." Yet the Office for National Statistics (ONS)
had recorded the area as having the second highest proportion of transgender people in the
UK — 1.3 percent. "I live in Brent and obviously it is not the place with the
second most trans people in Britain," he adds. "That's ludicrous." Biggs not being able to
reconcile the data with the reality of everyday life has led — after a long-running
campaign, which has come at some personal cost — to the ONS admitting it may have
overestimated the number of trans people in the UK. Along with other academics and
campaigners, the Oxford University sociology professor waged a two-year battle with the ONS to try
to get them to admit that their data was deeply flawed.
Mental Disorders Are More Equal Than Others. The Trans Phenomenon is technically
referred to as gender identity disorder (GID) and is "treated" through a combination of
hormones. Females who perceive themselves as male are treated with testosterone in order to
acquire male characteristics; males who perceive themselves as females are given estrogen and
progesterone. In addition, surgeries are often performed that may include mastectomies,
hysterectomies, and ovarian removal in women and castration in males. Also, plastic surgeries
are performed to create genitalia that mimic that of the newly acquired gender. This is very
different from how other mental disorders are treated. [...] I believe that the reason is that GID
concerns sex. It seems that our society has conditioned us to believe that anything that is
sex-related must be accepted and condoned, regardless of whether or not it may be dangerous.
Questioning the appropriateness of anything sex-related is considered beyond reason. Because
GID is sex-focused, otherwise valid concerns of medical ethics are waived.
the Power of the LGBTQ Mafia. While transgender orthodoxy seems rooted ever deeper in
American education, entertainment, and society, the LGBTQ lobby's stranglehold over big business is
finally loosening. A key organization that uses mafia-like tactics to pressure companies to
toe the line on gender ideology has faced setbacks. Molson Coors Beverage Co., the company
that produces Coors Light beer, announced to employees Tuesday that it will no longer participate
in the Human Rights Campaign's corporate equality index. Robby Starbuck, a former music video
director who exposes and combats the Left's diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, revealed
Molson Coors' announcement on X. "We will no longer participate in any voluntary 'best of'
third-party company rankings in the U.S., including the HRC corporate equality index," the Molson
Coors leadership team wrote in the email to staff. Molson Coors' announcement follows similar
opt-outs from Ford, Harley-Davidson, Jack Daniels, and Lowe's, according to Axios.
Texans can no longer change their sexes on driver's licenses. The Texas Department of
Public Safety (DPS) is no longer accepting court orders as of Tuesday that allows transgender
residents to request a change in their sex on documents like driver's licenses. The change
comes after Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton expressed concerns regarding the "validity" of the
court orders, The Hill reported on Friday. The change took effect on Aug. 20. "[The
DPS is not party] to the proceedings that result in the issuance of these court orders and the lack
of legislative authority and evidentiary standards for the Courts to issue these orders has
resulted in the need for a comprehensive legal review by DPS and the [Office of the Attorney
General]," a spokesperson told the outlet. The policy change also requests that department
employees to send information on people requesting the change to their sex to a specific email
address, with the subject "Sex Change Court order."
Lies Leftists Tell You. Lie #4: Gender is fungible. People who think that
taking hormones and having your penis or breasts amputated changes your sex are truly the saddest
products of our failed education system. They no doubt also imagine that having webbed feet
makes you a duck, or sharpening your canines makes you a vampire. It's fun to pretend, like I
do having a catch while wearing my Yankees jersey, sadly, that does not make me a Yankee.
Ninety-nine point nine percent of the human race is born male or female. Period.
Exactly Does Gay Pride Flag Signify? This morning, as I was walking through Vienna's
Schillerplatz, I noticed a Gay Pride Flag flying on the roof of the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts.
[...] What does this signify? In my experience, a flag flying above a public
building — and the Vienna Academy is a public institution, largely funded by the
state — typically signifies a national, state, or municipal governing entity.
Historically in Europe, flags often displayed heraldic symbols of the aristocratic or royal
families that held title to different counties, duchies, and kingdoms. During the Age of
Exploration, it was common for explorers or conquistadores to "plant the flag" of the king or queen
who sponsored their expeditions. The logic of these historic conventions raises the question:
has the Gay Pride movement laid symbolic claim to the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts?
'Doctors refused to let me admit my transition was a mistake.' Ritchie Herron has
been experiencing a living nightmare for six years. The 37-year-old civil servant, who in
2018 underwent radical gender surgery to complete his physical transformation to live as a woman,
is one of a growing number of patients who have come to deeply regret undergoing medical
interventions to change gender. Herron's distress has been compounded by the NHS response to
his desire to "detransition", which has appeared clumsy and ill-suited to the situation in which he
found himself. He claims that the inadequacy of the health service's approach was highlighted
by the fact that the main clinician assigned to oversee his care was a gynaecologist — a
specialism which would clearly "not [offer] the right expertise" for someone seeking to overturn
their transition to the female gender.
Institute: Thousands of girls under 18 have had breast removal surgery, with hundreds under
the age of 12. "Never again" wasn't supposed to be just some throw-away
virtue-signaling statement, but a sobering and intentional commitment to ensuring that the human
experimentation, and crimes against humanity seen under the authority of the Third Reich, never
again had to be written about in history books — but apparently only *some* of us got
the memo. This week, the Manhattan Institute released a new report that detailed some very
sickening findings: "Trans" surgeries are being performed on children under the age of 12,
with hundreds of little girls already sacrificed on the agenda's altar.
sue over teen's social gender transition they say was kept from them. A family in
Adams County has filed a federal lawsuit against state and local education authorities, claiming
their daughter's high school aided her "social transition" to a male identity without the parent's
knowledge or consent, in violation of their constitutional rights. The lawsuit filed on
Wednesday on behalf of John and Jane Doe alleges that their 14-year-old high school freshman,
referred to as A.D., "asked a school counselor to help her socially transition to a male
identity — 'Z.D.' — at school. Following school policy, the counselor
assisted A.D. with the transition, but neither the counselor nor anyone else at the school told the
Does," according to the lawsuit. The lawsuit claims that a counselor at School District 27J
then allowed for A.D. to take online therapy sessions on the counselor's computer so A.D.'s parents
would not be aware of the social transition.
Will Get Fooled Again. [Scroll down] One of the hallmarks of Communism is
making the dominated person say things which he absolutely does not believe. Threat of
punishment, financial loss, jail or torture generally is enough for most people to simply say
whatever their masters demand. Under Harris and the trans zealot Walz, trans will be forced
down the nation's throat. Today, if you do not go for the pronouns program, you get a
scowl. Tomorrow, you will do time. We will all be forced to publicly acknowledge lies,
such as some guy gorilla being a beautiful young woman. It will be taught in textbooks, and
there will be no option out of being part of the trans freak show.
Pumps Millions Into Children's Hospitals to Study the 'Benefits' of Puberty Blockers.
A federally funded research project is actively recruiting "transgender" children to study the
"mental health benefits" of puberty blockers, as part of a nationwide push to reshape public policy
on pediatric "gender care." Three major U.S. children's hospitals, which all house gender
clinics, are co-conducting this clinical study: Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus,
Ohio; Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago, Illinois; and Children's National Hospital in
Washington, D.C. Since 2021, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), an agency of the
National Institutes of Health (NIH), has pumped over $3 million into the multi-site,
longitudinal study, which was recently renewed for the 2024 fiscal year, per a repository of
NIH-funded portfolios reviewed by Townhall.
dad is granted full custody of four-year-old son after boy's mom tried to raise the child
non-binary. A California dad has been granted full custody of his now four-year-old
son after the boy's mother tried to raise him non-binary and forced him to wear dresses and make
up. Harrison Tinsley announced his victory in the years-long legal battle with his
ex-girlfriend to gain full custody of his son, Sawyer, in an update on his online fundraiser for
legal fees on July 18. The father-of-one described how he felt like he was 'watching a
miracle' when he found out he would be the boy's full-time caregiver.
"Pride Month" never ends.
2024 Olympics Turns into Demonic Pride Parade. France unveiled a decidedly
family-unfriendly spectacle last Saturday for over 28.6 million viewers worldwide as the
four-hour opening ceremony for the 2024 Olympics, which unfolded along a 4.5 mile stretch of
the River Seine in Paris, turned into the world's most-watched Pride Parade. Because Western
cultural elites today are overwhelmingly cultural Marxists, the organizers of the 2800-year-old
athletic competition decided to jettison any connection with sports, athletic excellence, or
national pride, and instead promote the normalization of sexual perversion, gender ideology, and
anti-Christian bigotry. As always with Pride parades, the celebration of sexual libertinism,
masked as "love" and "tolerance," was the order of the day. The show featured the provocative
dancing of scantily-clad, apparently non-binary performers. Polyamorists, transgender models,
and bearded drag queens abounded.
"accepting" gays mean we have to pay them to mock our religion? Twenty-six years ago,
the media reported that a young man named Matthew Shepard was beaten and strung up on a Wyoming
barbed wire fence to die. The beating and murder were because Shepard was gay. The
perps were quickly found, tried for murder, convicted, and sentenced to prison. They're still
there. It was a good news story about bad news and was widely reported. But it wasn't
true. It has since been shown that Shepard and one of the perps were in the drug business
together. Shepard was due to receive a $10,000 shipment of meth. The perp himself was
gay and had been in a gay relationship with Shepard. So, it wasn't a hate crime by a straight
Wyoming redneck against an innocent 21-year-old gay guy. It was a drug deal gone bad between
two gay lovers. But never mind that. Gay advocates seized on Shepard's death as
evidence of hatred in the heartland toward gays.
DC family lose custody of their autistic son, 16, after refusing to let him transition to a girl.
A military family who lost custody of their autistic son after they refused to transition his
gender are suing a major DC hospital. The family said their boy had never shown any desire to
become a girl until, at 16, he was hospitalized for self-harming after a bitter breakup with his
girlfriend in 2021. Staff at Children's National Hospital informed the family that he wanted
to be female and should be referred to using she/her pronouns going forward, the suit claims.
equality training tells staff using the wrong pronouns for trans people raises risk of
suicide. NHS staff have been told during equality training that using the wrong
pronouns for transgender and non-binary people increases the risk of suicide. The online
training module, called "LGBT plus identities", warns NHS England staff that using the correct
pronouns is "critical" to reducing the risks of suicide, depression and self-harm. The
module, which is part of NHS England's equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) training, seen by
The Telegraph, asks staff: "Why is it so important to get pronouns right?" The answer claims
"it isn't just about helping them to feel accepted and welcomed" but also reducing suicide risk.
The Editor says...
If some gender-confused snowflake is so close to suicide that pronouns (whether
technically correct or not) will be the last straw, that person should be locked up in
a mental hospital for as long as it takes to get over it! Your abuse
of the English language is not our problem.
The Stonewall
Riot Hoax. The left is obsessed with falsifying American history. For these
radicals, the Founding Fathers did not write the Constitution to form a more perfect union; it was
merely a ploy by racist white males to protect slavery. Similarly, those who settled America
were not seeking a better life for their families; their aim was genocide against peaceful
indigenous people who were careful stewards of the environment. The latest
example of this historical falsification recently occurred in New York City, where President Biden,
accompanied by Governor Kathy Hochul and rock star Elton John, assembled for the grand opening of
the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center, run by the National Park Service. President
Biden lavishly praised the riot, saying, it "marked a turning point for civil rights in America and
inspired the hearts of millions of people around the world." He added that it "remains a symbol of
a legacy and leadership in the LGBTQ+ community."
Transgender Violence: Confused Teen Kills Mother and Mother's Boyfriend. In
another act of transgender violence, a Florida mother and her younger boyfriend were reportedly
murdered by her transgender daughter in the early morning hours of July 7 in Palm Bay,
Florida. Sixteen-year-old Julia Grace Egler reportedly confessed to committing the crime
after staging a break-in to her home. She had first claimed a male assailant had broken a
sliding glass door and shot 38-year-old Kelley McCollom, Egler's mother, and her 22-year-old
boyfriend, Matthew Szejnrok. According to police reports, Egler cracked under interrogation
and admitted to breaking in to her mother's room and taking a .38 caliber revolver and
ammunition. When the mother and her boyfriend returned home, Egler greeted them with a
chilling "Welcome home" before unloading the revolver into the couple. Egler did not succeed
in killing Szejnrok at first, and began to finish the job with a kitchen knife. She stabbed
him repeatedly before finally reloading and shooting him in the head at the victim's request.
Russian pop star fails drag career in New York and becomes homeless. Russian pop star
known as Oscar (real name Shamil Malkanduev, a native of the city of Nalchik), who was popular in
the 2000s, underwent treatment in a psychiatric clinic and became homeless in the United States,
Mash Telegram channel reports. According to the artist's sister, the former pop star is
currently wandering around the Brighton Beach area. The singer's relatives paid for his
apartment, but Shamil still returned to live on the street. In addition, Oscar refuses to
accept help from fans. Oscar also suffers from persecution mania and does not want to reissue
his documents.
Activists Freak Out Over California Bill That Makes It A Felony To Purchase A Child For
Sex. LGBTQ activists speak out against SB1414, a California bill that would make it a
felony to purchase children for sex. They claim it will affect LGBTQ people more. When
they tell you who they are, believe them. [Video clip]
pride. We just came through Pride Month. Pride parades, celebrations,
commercials, and notices were ubiquitous, everywhere, like drag queens. And not just where
you might expect them, either. It seemed nary a crosswalk, sports team, business, or email
was unadorned by some form of acknowledgement or touting of the LGBTQ community. So
proud! Couldn't be any prouder of our gender (whatever it is today) or sexuality!
Because that is what matters, what is really at the very heart of who we are, right? And
that's why they want to make sure youngsters are involved, as well. The younger the
better. The younger, the prouder!
Does Not Have a Duty to Cater to Misfits, Deviants & Disasters. [Scroll down]
How about the people who want every single person they run across to learn whatever their pronouns
happen to be that day? That's not a reasonable request for your fellow citizens, it's a
narcissistic power trip. How about people who are trans? It's their choice to pretend
to be the other gender, but asking for all of society to be reordered to accommodate their choice
is ludicrous. Why do women have to share bathrooms and prisons with men while they are pushed
off the winner's platforms by guys who don't belong there? Obviously, they shouldn't.
Ultimately, no healthy society can have a set of ever-changing rules that are always designed to
screw over the more functional members of society in favor of the weirdos, mental cases, criminals,
ne'er-do-wells, and troubled people who simply can't cut it. At some point, we have to
apply the same rules and basic expectations to everyone, stop coddling the failures and let them
sink or swim based on their own actions instead of trying to twist our whole society into knots
for them.
Attacked Following Chicago Pride Parade. Chicago's annual Pride parade took place on
Sunday and the event appeared to go smoothly enough. Authorities had been wary of potentially
violent disruptions, so the parade route was shorter than in previous years with fewer floats and a
large police presence. The peaceful portion of the proceedings was not destined to last,
however. Once the parade was over, hundreds of participants and observers stuck around well
into the night, drinking, singing, and dancing. Then fights began to break out. When
the police attempted to break up the altercations, the revelers attacked the CPD cops. In the
end, more than fifty people were arrested and multiple police officers were injured. I'm
almost positive that someone once told us that these gay pride events are all about love and light
equality. When did that philosophy begin including attacking the police?
deliberate murder of virtue. For decades, the American Left has been making a
deliberate and successful attempt to kill virtue. Much of what they do demonstrates a
disregard for normal traditional American virtues such as decency, consideration, productivity,
respect, decorum, honor, and moderation. The truly virtuous would never dream of announcing
their sexual preferences in public. The only reason to do that is to draw attention to
yourself and your private parts. Every year, San Francisco offers a sickening public street
festival called Up Your Alley for the gay bondage, discipline and sadomasochism subculture.
[...] When a culture tolerates public parades which openly solicit nakedness with emphasis on
genitals, you attempt to desensitize others to modesty and decorum. You have lost your moral
underpinnings in favor of garnering attention for the sake of prurient attention. Why would any
normal person want to display their decorated private parts in public if not to sensationalize nudity
and shock the prudes? It is completely self-aggrandizing and reveals a deep neurotic insecurity.
Month Recap: What, Exactly, Are You Proud Of? Another Pride Month has come and
gone. I'll admit that it was more subdued than it has been in recent years. The specter
of Israeli neo-Nazi homophobes throwing Gazan gays off rooftops undoubtedly dampened the
festivities. But I'm old enough to remember when Pride was just a parade in the big
cities. Then it became a day. Then a week. Now it's a month. Now
it's in schools, department stores, fast food chains, and library reading rooms. And if you
think it's all going just a tad overboard, you're worse than Hitler. If aliens
observed Pride Month from space, one could forgive them for assuming that gays in contemporary
America must be the most oppressed group in the history of mankind, hence the necessity of an
ever-increasing display of awareness and recognition. But an unfortunate and entirely
predictable, phenomenon has occurred in the years since Obergefell and the advent of gays in
the military. The oppressed has become the oppressor and gleefully so.
dreadful gender recognition reforms. When the Labour party manifesto dropped a couple
of weeks ago, it included a pledge to 'modernise, simplify, and reform the intrusive and outdated
gender recognition law to a new process'. This morning we learned some of the details.
According to reports, Labour will remove any need for someone to 'live in their preferred gender',
halve the number of medical reports so that the word of only one doctor is needed, and abolish the
panel that checks that applications are legally compliant. If Labour gets its way, someone
will be able to change their legal sex without making any changes whatsoever to the way they live
their lives, and with the support of just one doctor. With no prospect of a second opinion or
legal scrutiny, that could be a nice little earner for psychiatrists happy to write what the
patient wants them to write.
and Transgender Identity. One of the notions that is sometimes heard in discussions
of transgender identity is that a person claims to have been "born into the wrong body." This
immediately distinguishes the person from the body and is directly in conflict with the fundamental
idea of philosophical materialism. Any person saying this implicitly considers the body to be
separate from the person. This requires some form of nonphysical existence of the person
apart from the body, or else the two cannot be so distinguished.
March of Dimes Syndrome and Beyond. John Tierney in City Journal has written
that all activists are infected with "The March of Dimes Syndrome." As he writes:
["]The March helped fund the vaccines that eventually ended the polio epidemics —
but not the organization, which, after polio's eradication, changed its mission to preventing birth
defects.["] Actually, per Wikipedia, after polio, the March of Dimes first dealt with
rubella, then neonatal care, then fetal alcohol syndrome. But you get the point.
Consider Jane Fonda. First, she protested the Vietnam War, then she protested nuclear power,
and now climate with "Fire Drill Fridays." Bless her heart. And who can forget the
gay-rights movement, that should probably get a Nobel Prize for inventing new issues for gays to
fight for. According to the Foundation of Economic Education's Steven Davies, the situation
is much worse than the March of Dimes Syndrome. It's not that activist organizations keep on
keeping on after the problem is solved; they usually don't appear until the problem is already
pretty well solved.
many flags does one movement need? If you happen to wander down Regent Street in
London this month, you won't miss the scores of "Progress Pride" flags draped with regimental
precision and symmetry. One can't evade the impression that the nation's capital has been
temporarily taken over by the paramilitary wing of the Care Bears. But activists love their
flags, and Pride Month wouldn't be complete without the full range of other designs to represent
the innumerable sexualities and genders that we've only just heard of but have apparently always
existed. There are flags to signify people who identify as nonbinary, polyamorous,
polysexual, agender, genderfluid, genderqueer, neutrois, two-spirit and many more. If you
haven't heard of all of these terms, don't worry. There's a concerted effort in the public
sector to fly these flags at every opportunity and educate the bigoted masses. In April,
staff at Royal Stoke Hospital were photographed holding a banner with twenty-one of these
flags. And in January, Network Rail unveiled its "Pride Pillar" at London Bridge station,
which displayed a similarly garish range.
ANTIFA Trans Activist Arrested For Child Pornography. The case involving Clayton
William Solberg, who also goes by the name Sofie Solberg, is deeply troubling. Facing five
counts of felony child pornography possession in Wisconsin, Solberg's arrest came after authorities
were alerted by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). The fact that even
more child sexual abuse material was allegedly found while Solberg was out on bond is particularly
concerning. Initially arrested in December 2023 by Trempealeau County deputies following
a cyber-tip from NCMEC, Solberg was charged with two counts of possession of child pornography and
booked into the Trempealeau County jail. However, his release on a $2,500 cash bond on
January 3 was followed by the discovery of additional illicit material.
Every single conservative
fear about gay marriage came true. [Thread reader] [#1] Gay marriage is a
slippery slope. For years, when conservatives worried that gay marriage could lead to things
like polyamory or polygamy, the Left scoffed. [...] [#2] Religious liberty will be harmed. In
2015, Marco Rubio warned that "we are at the water's edge of the argument that mainstream Christian
teaching is hate speech." He was roundly mocked by liberals. [...] The Daily Beast accused him
of a "pathetic persecution complex." But Rubio was obviously correct. Almost immediately
after the Left won on gay marriage, they launched a coordinated campaign to persecute religious
Americans who still believed in the traditional definition of marriage. And in many cases,
the courts... just let them do it. The victims of this campaign are real people, with real
names and faces. Jack Phillips, a Christian baker in Colorado, politely refused to
custom-bake a cake endorsing gay marriage. As a result, he's been in court for more than a
decade, and has lost 40% of his business. [#3] Christian institutions will be persecuted for
their beliefs. [...]
California Democrat senator says gender-confused children are 'our kids'. Homosexual
California Democratic state Senator Scott Wiener stated unequivocally that children in foster care
who are suffering from homosexual and transgender thoughts and urges don't belong to their parents:
"These are our children," he said, referring to members of the so-called "LGBT community." It
quickly became apparent that his designs are not limited solely to foster care children.
Speaking at a "Pride Month" kickoff in San Francisco, Wiener also said that parents who want to
maintain their parental rights are "nasty people." "We know that so much of the hate directed
at our community is happening in other states. Unfortunately it's here in California too,"
claimed Wiener, attacking school boards "in very conservative areas" and suggesting that upholding
the two sexes and parents' rights is "hate."
Killer Audrey Hale Declared Herself 'Most Unhappy Boy Alive' in Recovered Journal.
Covenant School killer Audrey Hale, who was born a biological female but identified as a
transgender male during her March 27, 2023 attack, described herself as the "most unhappy boy
alive" in a journal police recovered from her vehicle. The Tennessee Star reported on
Wednesday it obtained dozens of pages from the journal Hale brought with her to the Covenant School
from a source close to the investigation. In this entry, Hale described struggling with
gender identity. "A terrible feeling to know I am nothing of the gender I was born of," Hale
wrote in the entry. She continued, "I am the most unhappy boy alive. I wish to be
dead." Later, Hale wrote, "I will be of no use of love for any girl if I don't have what they
need: boy's body / male gender." Next to these remarks, Hale illustrated the words, "Everything
Hurts," which she used repeatedly throughout the journal.
the geniuses at Time magazine, it's news when a woman gets pregnant. When I was
growing up, Time magazine was a staid, very middle-of-the-road publication. Now, it's a rag
so radical that it felt compelled to publish a long screed about how Florida's 15-week abortion
limit is causing problems for "trans men" who didn't understand that continuing to have
heterosexual intercourse could lead to pregnancy. Shefali Luthra, the article's author, is a
young pro-abortion activist. She recently published a book entitled Undue Burden:
Life and Death Decisions in Post-Roe America. [...] Clearly, the entire essay is nonsense, but
it's nonsense that has legs because America has spent two decades indoctrinating people to believe
that there's no connection between biological reality and people's behavior and the consequences
flowing from that behavior. If biological women have sex with biological men, biological
babies can occur, and that's true even if one of the parties has been poisoning his or her body
with opposite-sex hormones.
study finds risk of suicide jumps 12-fold after gender surgery. A new study has found
that people who've undergone transgender surgery boast a much higher risk of committing
suicide. Published last month in Cureus, a medical science journal, the study specifically
found that "[g]ender-affirming surgery is significantly associated with elevated suicide attempt
risks." The researchers reached this conclusion by analyzing the healthcare data of
90 million adults aged 18 to 60. They specifically looked at emergency room treatment
data for those who'd undergone transgender surgery.
as leftists relentlessly push 'trans,' hard evidence shows how suicidally dangerous it
is. America's cultural controllers, the ones in political circles, the news media,
entertainment, and Hollywood, are relentless in their insistence that so-called "transgenderism" is
real and that the way to improve so-called "transgender" people's lives is to give them hormones
that are opposed to their biological sex and to engage in mutilating slice-and-dice surgery.
However, as more data arrive, it's clear that the whole "transgender" push is a Big
Lie — and the problem with a Big Lie is that, eventually, usually long after lots of
damage is already done, the truth starts to leak out. Disney, of course, is one of the
leaders in the LGBTQ+ grooming vanguard, but it's not just Disney. NBC is now promoting a
nature show that is also an exercise in LGBTQ+ grooming. [...] The new NBC show is another brick in
the transgender wall that the Democrats are building around American society. The primary
brick, though, is the Big Lie that, once you've brainwashed children into rejecting their
biological reality, you can take those now-miserable lumps of humanity and make them happy by
turning their bodies into a weird simulacrum of the opposite sex.
Risks 1200% Higher After 'Gender Affirming' Surgery. [T]his isn't what we have been
told. At least not what the MSM, the medical establishment, the President of the United
States, every civil rights organization, or anybody in the Establishment has told us. [...] There
is rarely a correlation between what the mainstream media puts out and what is actually true.
Sure, they are perfectly willing to report facts when they don't upset their narrative, but the
goal of their "reporting" is to reinforce a false view of the world that corresponds with their
ideological priors. This is how we get years of propaganda that insists that parents face a
choice between a live daughter or a dead son. Never, ever have the statistics even hinted
that this is the case. There was zero evidence of this assertion, yet it was made every day,
several times a day, to "prove" that children needed to be sterilized and mutilated in the most
horrific ways in order to preserve mental health.
officially classifies trans people as 'mentally ill'. The Peruvian government has
officially categorised trans and intersex people as "mentally ill". The health ministry said
the decree was the only way Peru's public health services could "guarantee full coverage of medical
attention for mental health". The move has prompted a fierce backlash in a society where gender
and LGBT rights have been under sustained assault in recent years and where there are high levels
of homophobic, transphobic and gender violence.
of Young People Whose Bodies Were Sacrificed on Altar of 'Gender Ideology Cult'. The
cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and surgeries being prescribed to young people struggling
with their gender identity are "experimental," according to Mary Margaret Olohan. "We don't
actually know what kind of effects that the puberty blockers and hormones are having on these young
people," Olohan says of women and men who attempt to change their bodies to appear as the opposite
sex. In her new book "Detrans: True Stories of Escaping the Gender Ideology Cult,"
Olohan shares the stories of detransitioners, such as Prisha Mosley. As a young woman, Mosley
took testosterone and had a double mastectomy before she chose to detransition and return to living
as a female. Now an adult, she is expecting a child, but will never be able to breastfeed her
baby. "I'm very happy for her and glad to see that she is able to bring new life into the world,"
Olohan says of Mosley, but added that "we don't know if other people will be able to do the same."
indicates sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender dysphoria are all primarily caused by
vaccination. Thanks to your help in responding to my last survey, it took less than
3 hours to answer the question as to whether sexual orientation, gender identity and gender
dysphoria are influenced by vaccines. The answer to all three is yes: the greater someone is
vaccinated, the more likely they are to exhibit each of these traits. For all three measures,
the odds ratios were 4.8 or higher which means that the attributable fraction is 79.2%. In
other words, vaccines are responsible for nearly 80% of the effect size. [...] So the vaccines
themselves are the elephant in the room here and the driver of the response, not environment,
upbringing, social pressure, etc. I have not seen any data that disputes this.
People Have Been Experimented On': Scotland Pauses Puberty Blockers for Minors.
Following the publication of a comprehensive review of gender identity services for minors in the
U.K., Scotland's sole provider of such services has announced a pause on prescriptions for
puberty-suppressing hormones. The "Cass Review" was released April 10 following a
four-year exhaustive evaluation of the currently available evidence regarding transgender
treatments, including puberty blockers. "This is an area of remarkably weak evidence," the review
says. "The reality is that we have no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to
manage gender-related distress." Both England and Scotland have now paused puberty blockers
for minors, partly in response to the Cass Review.
will now fine you $10,000 for "misgendering" and allow parents to pick their children's sex at
birth. They're really writing it into law that you can choose your baby's sex at
birth. And of course this has nothing to do with normal sane people who assign their children
the correct sex at birth. It's the crazies who want to immediately throw their boy in a
dress, or their girl in a "chick magnet" shirt as some sort of sick and twisted science
experiment. This law is literally written to protect insane people who are hell bent on
creating sociopath children.
On Dr Phil Says Kids Who Had Transition Surgery Are Begging To Have Their Body Parts Put Back
On. Dr. Phil: Whistleblower exposes the disturbing truth behind teens'
transgender clinics 'Kids begging to have body parts put back on.' "We had patients contact
us who were begging to have body parts put back on within months of having surgeries." She
says that towards the end of her tenure, 73% of the new patients going to the clinic were girls[.]
[Video clip]
Will Champion Despicable Pedophilia Within Five Years, or Less. Transgenderism is
validated by psychiatric and other medical professions that stopped caring about patient welfare
long ago, and instead, champion woke delusions. The profit motive exerts tremendous
attraction; there are millions to be reaped from hormone treatments and sex-organ
mutilations. To opine that the deviant "road to progress" will lead to pedophilia is not mere
conjecture. Preliminary moves in that direction have already been undertaken.
Cass Review is a devastating blow to trans ideology. In 2020, the NHS commissioned Dr
Hilary Cass, a leading paediatrician, to review its gender services for children and young
people. Today, four years on, her eagerly anticipated findings have been published. At
its core, the Cass Review severely criticises the NHS's approach to 'gender confused' children, and
reaffirms the principle of evidence-based practice in medicine. It warns that the medical
pathway is unsuitable for most young people with gender issues. And it states that clinicians
should take extreme care before allowing anyone under the age of 25 to take pharmaceutical steps to
'transition' to look like the opposite sex. Cass notes that many young patients referred to
gender-identity services are often dealing with many other issues, such as trauma, neglect and
abuse. Furthermore, she points out that there is no 'good evidence' available on the
long-term outcomes of the treatments that have been given to children. In particular, she
slams the international guidelines for transitioning, developed by the World Professional Association
of Transgender Healthcare (WPATH), criticising them for their lack of 'developmental rigour'.
Cass report and the unforgivable puberty blockers scandal. Children who identify as
transgender have been let down badly by an NHS that succumbed to an activist lobby. That is
the obvious conclusion to make after Dr Hilary Cass published her final report this morning as part
of the Independent Review of Gender Identity Services for Children and Young People. In her
report, Cass suggests that there is a serious lack of evidence about the long-term impact puberty
blockers and other cross-sex hormones are having on children. While the original rationale
for puberty blockers was to give children 'time to think' about transitioning, the report
dismantles this argument, pointing out that the 'vast majority' of children move from puberty
blockers to cross-sex hormones, and: 'there is no evidence that puberty blockers buy time to
think, and some concern that they may change the trajectory of psychosexual and gender identity
was gender ideology allowed to run amok for so long? Just like that, a trickle
becomes a flood. After years of gender-critical voices being dismissed or ignored by
mainstream media, they can be dismissed and ignored no longer. The landmark Cass Review into
gender-identity services in England, published today, has laid bare the scandal of the NHS's
treatment of 'gender confused' kids. There was never any evidence for subjecting troubled,
often gay, often autistic, youngsters to life-altering hormones, drugs and treatments. But
clinicians did it anyway, in thrall as they were to gender ideology. The review is on the
front page of the newspapers today. The BBC is platforming trans-sceptical
experts — and not just so they can be hissed at live on air. Keir Starmer's
ever-opportunistic Labour Party is saying it agrees with everything in the report.
entire gender treatment model for children is demolished in bombshell report.
Children given NHS transgender treatment have been set on a path of irreversible change despite
scant medical data, a report has concluded. NHS gender identity services for children and
young people have been based on 'remarkably weak evidence', the independent review by leading
paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass warned. Her study, commissioned nearly four years ago, makes 32
recommendations to overhaul NHS trans services to improve the care that children receive.
bosses ordered to reveal fate of 9,000 young transgender Tavistock patients. The NHS
must reveal the fate of 9,000 transgender young people treated by the controversial Tavistock
clinic, the Health Secretary has said in the wake of the Cass review. The landmark report
published on Wednesday found adult gender clinics had refused to disclose whether transgender
people who started their treatment as children later changed their minds about transitioning, or
went on to suffer serious mental health problems. Victoria Atkins, the Health Secretary, met
Amanda Pritchard, the chief executive of NHS England, on Wednesday to tell her "nothing less than
full co-operation by those clinics in the research is acceptable". Writing in The Telegraph, Ms
Atkins says she has had enough of "a culture of secrecy and ideology over evidence and safety".
She goes on: "We simply do not know the lifelong impact of these medical interventions on young
minds and bodies to be clear that they are safe."
How to
spot the next mania: Each new panic follows the same playbook.
[Scroll down] Gender-identity disorder was not that long ago an extraordinarily rare
psychiatric diagnosis largely constrained to men. Abruptly circa 2012 — on the
heels of such a successful crusade for gay rights and even gay marriage that homosexuality became
passé — a profusion of television documentaries hit our screens about little boys
who wore dresses and played with dolls. Fast-forward to the present, and the renamed
diagnosis has exploded by thousands of percent across the West and now pertains abundantly to
girls. Teachers tell toddlers that they have to decide whether they're a girl or a boy or
something in-between. We're subjecting children to powerful, life-altering experimental drugs
and surgically removing healthy breasts and genitals, even at the cost of permanent sexual
dysfunction and infertility. "Some people are born in the wrong body" has become a truism, which
sounds to me as medically credible as phrenology or bloodletting. [...] Transgenderism rocketed to
a cultural fetish over a matter of months.
gender-confused children grow out of it, landmark 15-year study concludes. The
majority of gender-confused children grow out of that feeling by the time they are fully grown
adults, according to a long-term study. Researchers in the Netherlands tracked more than
2,700 children from age 11 to their mid-twenties, asking them every three years of feelings about
their gender. Results showed at the start of the research, around one-in-10 children
(11 percent) expressed 'gender non-contentedness' to varying degrees.
The Editor says...
Yes, if you'll stay away from social media and movies and television, you'll grow out of a lot of things.
But it's difficult to grow out of a sex change operation or years of ingesting adverse hormones.
New Study Destroys Transgender Narrative. New research conducted in the Netherlands
has provided substantial evidence suggesting that the majority of children who experience gender
confusion outgrow these feelings by adulthood. The study, meticulously tracking over 2,700
individuals from age 11 into their mid-twenties, offers a critical perspective amidst the burning
trend of gender transition surgery among kids. Published in the journal Archives of Sexual
Behavior, the Dutch research is one of the most extended investigations into the development of
gender identity in children. Every three years, participants were asked about their feelings
toward their gender, revealing a significant decrease in gender discontentment as they matured.
of Suicide Attempts Doubled After Gender-Reassignment Surgery: Study. Attempted
suicide rates among people who identified as transgender more than doubled after receiving a
vaginoplasty, according to a peer-reviewed study published in The Journal of Urology. The
study analyzed the rates of psychiatric emergencies before and after gender-altering surgery among
869 males who underwent vaginoplasty and 357 females who underwent phalloplasty in California from
2012 to 2018. Researchers found the rates of psychiatric emergencies were high both before and
after gender-altering surgery, with similar overall rates in both groups. However, suicide
attempts were markedly higher in those who received vaginoplasties.
Biden Democrats are coming for your children. In California and other Blue States
Democrats push "gender transition" on pre-adolescent and adolescent children. Parents who
object can have "child protective services" move to terminate their parental rights. This is
on top of the sexually explicit books and drag queen story hours in school libraries around the
country. Attacking the natural rights of parents to raise their families reminds one of
Communist China during the Cultural Revolution imposed by Chairman Mao.
Benedict's suicide reveals the left's immoral exploitation of broken people. I've had
this one sitting open in my browser for several days and want to get to it before the story is too
far away in the rearview mirror of political discourse. It has to do with the death of Dagny
"Nex" Benedict, the 16-year-old girl who denied her femininity, got in a fight in the girl's
bathroom, and then committed suicide. Conservatives, of course, were blamed for her death,
first being accused of murder by proxy through the bathroom fight, and then being accused of
driving her to suicide. The reality, though, is that her own family victimized her, and
leftist social institutions didn't help but almost certainly drove her further into despair.
Sacramento has a lot in common with Sodom and Gomorrah:
declares itself a sanctuary city for transgender people. The Sacramento City Council
voted unanimously Tuesday night to declare the California capital a "sanctuary city for transgender
people." The resolution, which takes effect immediately, ensures that no city resources will be
used to criminalize trans people seeking transition-related care or to cooperate with jurisdictions
seeking to enforce laws that criminalize the care elsewhere. It comes as conservative
lawmakers across the country have enacted laws to limit both surgical and nonsurgical forms of
gender-affirming care for minors — including puberty blockers and hormone replacement
therapy — within the last handful of years. Twenty-four states limit gender-affirming
care for trans youths, according to LGBTQ think tank Movement Advancement Project.
One more thing to boycott:
Hilton video is new focus of Bud Light-style outrage. [Scroll down] After
viewing the ad, activist group One Million Moms (OMM) published a story on its website with the
title, "Hilton Attempts to Glamorize Sin." [...] One Million Moms writes that it believes Hilton is
advocating an agenda with the commercial. "Hilton is attempting to normalize the LGBTQ lifestyle
with its liberal advertising choices," the organization wrote. "The hotel chain is obviously
pushing the LGBTQ agenda with this commercial, which depicts individuals, couples, and families,
all in obviously gender-confused roles." The petition states, in part, "Your commercial
featuring a homosexual couple and men in drag offends me, and it also offends many other
conservative consumers."
Stunning Embrace Of Paganism Signals The End Of This Country As We Know It. It's hard
to survey the state of our country and not conclude that something is very wrong in America.
I don't just mean with our economy or the border or rampant crime in our cities, but with our basic
grasp on reality itself. Our cultural and political elite now insist that men can become
women, and vice versa, and that even children can consent to what they euphemistically call
"gender-affirming care." In a perfect inversion of reason and common sense, some Democratic
lawmakers now want laws on the books forcing parents to affirm their child's "gender identity" on
the pain of having the child taken from them by the state for abuse.
"Pride Month" isn't enough anymore.
condemns county for declaring Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter: 'Narcissism
problem'. A Virginia mom believes a recent unanimous vote by a Fairfax County board
to celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility this upcoming Easter Sunday sends a denigrating message
to Christians on one of their holiest days. Last week, the Fairfax County Board of
Supervisors voted 9-0 in favor of designating Easter Sunday as Transgender Visibility Day, which is
observed each year on March 31. One member of the board, Republican Pat Herrity, was not
present for the vote. In a Tuesday op-ed for The Washington Examiner, Stephanie
Lundquist-Arora, a mother and the Fairfax chapter leader of the Independent Women's Network,
suggested that the vote appears to go beyond attempting to make trans-identifying people feel
"seen." "Members of the board are also sending a message to Christians that they do not matter
as they turn one of their holiest days into a celebration of an ideology that undermines the
church's core convictions," the mother wrote.
'Treatments' for Children [are] One of the 'Greatest Ethical Scandals in Medical History', French
Report States. The practice of sexually 'transitioning' children will be remembered
as one of the "greatest ethical scandals in the history of medicine," a report commissioned by
French senators stated. A landmark report produced at the behest of the centre-right Les
Républicains in the French Senate found that the medical industry embarked upon the practice
of giving children life-altering transgender treatments with little evidence of its effectiveness
while ignoring the side effects. The report found that while parents were often pressured by
doctors to put their children on puberty-blocking drugs to prevent suicide, there is little proof
that this course of action has any better outcomes for the child.
Governor Signs Ban on Sex Changes for Minors. Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed a
bill on Friday that bans doctors from performing "gender transition" and sex change procedures on
minors. Under Senate File 99, any healthcare professional who provides a minor with puberty
blockers, hormone therapy, or sex change surgeries will be subject to having their licenses
suspended or revoked. While he signed the bill, the governor did not seem enthusiastic about
doing so. "I signed SF99 because I support the protections this bill includes for children,
however it is my belief that the government is straying into the personal affairs of families,"
Governor Gordon said in a statement about the legislation.
time to stop accommodating the crazies in America. Homosexuality is no longer just
accepted in the West; it's promoted. That puts us at odds with other parts of the
world. India has few gay people, and laws and customs are not supportive. In China,
there's not the acceptance or customs to allow it there. Islam, of course, declares
homosexuality to be an apostate practice, complete with executions, something Queers for Palestine
seems to have missed. Although the number of LGBTQ+ people grows daily (suggestion faddism
and social contagion), practitioners in this sexual cult are still a minute portion of the American
population, yet the time devoted to them and their societal travails is immense. Who
benefits? Not society as a whole, which is why it's not organic but is a planned assault on norms.
the Word Homosexual' is 'Derogatory and Offensive' Now.. In a revised Media Reference
Guide, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) claims the term "homosexual" is
"derogatory and offensive." The LGBTQ advocacy group described 'homosexual' as an "outdated
clinical term," claiming that its historical usage insinuates homosexuality is a disease or
psychological disorder. They further assert terms including "homosexual relations/relationship,"
"homosexual couple," and "homosexual sex" are leveraged by antagonists as tools to degrade LGBTQ
people, their relationships, and their lifestyle. In addition to 'canceling' the word
"homosexual," the group's new guidelines also insinuate that terms like "gay" and "lesbian"
are racist as they are "Eurocentric."
Top Intelligence Agency Says Crossdressing Makes Man 'Better Intelligence Officer,' Internal Docs
Show. Agents at the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
and throughout the intelligence community were distributed a newsletter that celebrated an
intelligence official for crossdressing, saying that dressing up in women's clothes makes him "a
better intelligence officer," according to an internal document obtained by The Daily Wire.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence sent its internal newsletter, called "The Dive"
and obtained by The Daily Wire through a Freedom of Information Act request, to personnel across
the entire Intelligence Community. Featured in the newsletter was an article by an anonymous
official claiming that crossdressing makes him a better intelligence officer. "I am an
intelligence officer, and I am a man who likes to wear women's clothes sometimes," the article,
titled "My Gender Identity and Expression Make Me a Better Intelligence Officer," states in its
opening line.
Court Declines to Hear Lawsuit Against Texas A&M University Over Drag Show Ban. The
Supreme Court on Friday decided against hearing a case that could have had significant
ramifications related to speech on college campuses. At the center of the matter is a
contentious debate over West Texas A&M's decision to ban drag shows on its campus. The case
pits students' rights to freedom of expression against the university president's claims of
protecting dignity and disallowing drag shows, which he believes make a mockery of women. The
conflict began when a group of students had hoped to put on a charity drag show. Walter
Wendler, the university's president, denied their request, claiming that these shows promote
"derisive, divisive and demoralizing misogyny," which prompted the lawsuit the Supreme Court
decided not to adjudicate.
Women's Suicide Rate Doubled After Vaginoplasty, New Study Finds. The suicide rate
for men identifying as transgender women in California doubled among those who receive
vaginoplasty, a new study found. More than twice as many men who identify as transgender
women had attempted suicide after receiving the surgery when compared to those who had not
undergone the procedure, according to AUA Journals. [Tweet] Data analysts assessed 869
patients who received a vaginoplasty and 357 people who received a phalloplasty in California
between 2012 and 2018, according to the study. The attempted-suicide rate among
post-vaginoplasty patients was 3.3%, more than double the pre-surgery rate of 1.5%. The data on
patients originated from the state's Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development.
Mulvaney's Message: Women Are Weak Willed and Shallow. One of the most
ridiculous and offensive things about "transwomen" and drag queens is that many of them exist as
parodies of women, save for those few who are failed male athletes who are in it to steal the glory
of victory from actual women. Dylan Mulvaney is the apotheosis of this, and his new music
video captures the distorted view of womanhood that is being pushed out by the Queer community.
[Tweet] This sort of parodic behavior — the embrace of the worst stereotypes of
womanhood — is a natural consequence of men who are attracted to the idea of becoming women
in the first place. Not being women themselves, they can only model themselves after stereotypes.
Stereotypes are not based on nothing — there is always a bit of truth in them, which is why they
evolve in the first place. But they are utterly incapable of capturing the complicated reality of
actual people, and when others try to model their behavior after a stereotype, you wind up with
the modern equivalent of blackface.
The Editor says...
One would think that the great feminist leaders would be greatly miffed about all women being openly mocked in this way.
15 States
Threaten to Sue Maine for Transgender Groomer Sanctuary Bill. Fifteen states are now
cooperating and threatening to sue the state of Maine over its radical transgender protection bill
that would allow children to be trafficked across state lines into Maine where they would be
protected by law while undergoing "gender-affirming care." Maine is mulling a bill that
would shield any child who wants to undergo transgender procedures no matter where he or she is
from. The bill would also automatically invalidate any court action in any other state that
might tend to disallow a child to undergo "gender-affirming care" because, in Maine, the procedures
would be the patient's "legal right."
The Editor says...
A sex-change operation is not "gender-affirming care." In fact, nearly everything a homosexual
activist says is a lie. Your gender is not "assigned at birth." It is determined at the
moment of conception, and can't be changed. You were not "born in the wrong body." There
are only two sexes, and there have always been only two sexes. Wearing girls' clothes doesn't
turn you into a girl.
may be an uncomfortable truth but reports should say transgender murderer Scarlet Blake is a
man. 'The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride
it. But in the end, there it is,' said Winston Churchill in the House of Commons almost a
century ago. What would the great man have made this week of the case of Scarlet Blake?
A heinous criminal, who indiscriminately murdered Jorge Martin Carreno by drowning him in a river,
and was found to have skinned a cat and put it in a blender before the murder. The case
attracts attention because of its truly sickening character. But for those of us who believe
in the truth, it is the reporting of the case that has added an extra layer of horror. For
Blake is a transgender woman, also known as a man. Identifying as a woman, but still very
much a man. You wouldn't have understood this fact from the reporting which, in some cases
including a shocking BBC News channel piece, never even mentioned this mere detail. The truth
can be uncomfortable. But if our journalists fail to report the truth, on basic matters like
biology and on issues affecting public safety and criminal justice, then we are on a slippery slope
to a dystopian world of doublespeak, misinformation and dangerous deception.
Problem With Pride. LGBT Pride Month isn't until June, but planning is well underway.
[...] Nothing good ever comes from pride. "Pride leads to every other vice: it is the
complete anti-God state of mind," wrote Oxford scholar and Cambridge Professor C.S. Lewis in his
book Mere Christianity. If you think that's a harsh assessment of pride, Reformed Christian
theologian, R.C. Sproul, Jr. took the issue back to its biblical core. "Pride is what brought
the devil down in the first place. It is then the root sin of sin, both for him and for us."
Many Christians believe pride is the single worst sin, and in truth, we all suffer from it.
It's a spiritual affliction that's impossible for us to cure or escape. "There is nothing into
which the heart of man so easily falls as pride," said 19th-century pastor Charles Spurgeon.
Regarded by many as the Prince of Preachers, Spurgeon observed, "There is no vice which is more
frequently, more emphatically, and more eloquently condemned in Scripture."
surgeon likens 'gender-affirming care' to lobotomies: 'In no way is this medicine'. A
whistleblower who exposed a children's hospital for lying about prescribing puberty blockers to
children likened sex-change surgeries and hormone treatments to lobotomies, a procedure he noted
society eventually came to view as "barbaric." General surgeon Dr. Eithan Haim spoke at
the 2024 Conservative Political Action Conference during a panel titled "Genesis 1:27," named after
the Bible verse that states God created men and women in "his own image." Terry Schilling,
president of the American Principles Project, also appeared on the panel, while Daily Caller
reporter Meg Brock served as the moderator. During the panel, Haim discussed how he blew the
whistle on the Houston-based Texas Children's Hospital, where he completed his surgical
residency. The doctor provided journalist Christopher Rufo with internal documents showing
that the hospital was continuing to conduct so-called "gender-affirming services" on minors despite
telling the public it had paused such procedures. Haim said that after he exposed the
hospital, federal agents showed up at his door to tell him that he was now under criminal
investigation for his actions.
Bill [Would] Make It 'Child Abuse' For Parents To Object To Gender Transitioning Of
Kids. A bill introduced in the Illinois House of Representatives would legally define
it as 'child abuse' for parents to object to gender transitioning of their children by way of
puberty blocking, cross sex hormones or surgery. The legislation, Bill 4876, introduced
earlier this month, would also protect doctors from liability should they decide to prescribe those
treatments to children who have not gotten parental consent. The legislation would also allow
for the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to take children away from their
parents for opposing such procedures. [Tweet]
No Proof Transitioning a Kid Reduces Suicide, Probably Makes it Worse. Gender
warriors like to tell us that if we don't transition children at the first sign that they might be
"in the wrong body" — and they are the judge, jury and chief executive of what the signs
are (as opposed to parents) — they will be more likely to try and kill themselves.
That's a lie. "There are no long-term studies demonstrating benefits nor studies evaluating
risks associated with the medical and surgical interventions provided to these adolescents.
There is no long-term evidence that mental health concerns are decreased or alleviated after
'gender affirming therapy.'" The one study the groomers do quote [University of
Washington-Seattle], doesn't tell us what they claim.
Can't be a 'Trans Genocide' — Because 'Trans' People Don't Exist. "Gender
dysphoria" used to be "Gender Identity Disorder" (and should be "Sexual Identity Disorder") until
that was deemed "stigmatizing" to the disordered. Whatever you call it, however, just as
gender dysphoria involves the sense that one is stuck in the body of the "wrong" sex, species
dysphoria involves the sense that one is stuck in the body of the "wrong" species. Examples
of people claiming animal status were Texas girl "Wolfie Blackheart," Norwegian woman "Nano" (who
claimed she was a cat) and members of the groups known as "otherkin," "therians" and "furries." What
percentage of these people are just role-playing or looking for attention, and how many
actually believe they're animals, is not the point. It is, rather, that virtually all of us
recognize this as, depending on the case, either a psychological or spiritual/cultural
problem. We also know that you can't be "trans-species" because changing your species is
impossible; a corollary of this is that since trans-species creatures do not exist, they cannot be
driven to extinction.
Is a Fundamental Value. The administrative class delights in imposing its views on
the rest of us, especially when it involves our private lives. Small businesses are made to
prepare wedding cakes for gays; young children are forced to study sexual practices from which they
ought to be shielded; workers are made to attend classes on DIE in which, if they are white, they
are accused of racism and exploitation, even as they are the ones being exploited by racism.
We live in a world turned upside-down, and it can only end in chaos. For the woke class that
now governs our country, it's not enough that gays and transgenders, now treated as minorities and
thus victims, are granted complete equality and full human rights. What they seem to want,
and what the administrative class imposes on the rest of us, is superiority and oppression of
others who are straight. Everything gays and transgenders demand is granted by administrators,
judges, corporate leaders, and politicians who are afraid to refuse them because of the stigma of
seeming to be "anti"-minority. Even when it imposes harm on the rest of society, the wishes
of gays and transgenders come first.
A swim mom speaks out about perversity in the pool!. Astute viewers of Rebel
News are no doubt aware that the Nicholas Cepeda fiasco continues to fester. Cepeda is
the 50-year-old man who "identifies" as a 13-year-old girl (his alias is Melody Wiseheart), and
claims he's a "transwoman." This charade allows Cepeda to swim and change and shower with REAL
teenage girls. It's gross. But even more gross is the fact that this gender-bending
grifter is being accommodated by the authorities. [Video clip] Apparently, Cepeda
is an example of diversity, equity and inclusion — at least according to Canada's human
rights tribunals (which identify as kangaroo courts). Indeed, swimming's international governing
body, World Aquatics, decreed last year that trans swimmers must swim in a "other"
category — not that any trans swimmers showed up to compete at the World Swimming
Championships last October in Berlin, Germany. Golly, why would that be? Maybe for some
of these creeps it's less about competing in the pool and more about getting into the changeroom
and shower? Then again, maybe we have it all wrong. Maybe there is a valid reason why a
50-year-old male should be deemed a teenage female. But Swim Ontario won't respond to our questions.
Female Church Shooter Formerly Identified as 'Jeffery'. The female shooter who
attacked Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church has been identified as 36-year-old Genesse Moreno, who KHOU
11 noted "previously identified as Jeffery Escalante." KHOU 11 indicated that they discovered
the references to Jeffery Escalante during a Texas Department of Public Safety Records search on
Moreno. The station also found her prior arrest records, including "arrests... [for] failure
to stop and give information, assault of a public servant, assault causing bodily injury, forgery,
possession of marijuana, theft, evading arrest unlawful carrying weapon." Breitbart News did a
follow-up search of the Texas Department of Public Safety Records and found that in one entry, the
name appeared as "Jeffrey" instead of "Jeffery."
Daycare Molester Scores Plea Canceling Prison Time. A prosecutor is defending the
decision to sign off on a plea deal getting a "transgender" convicted of sexually molesting an
infant out of prison time. The Spectator had the exclusive Feb. 9 on McCracken County
Commonwealth's attorney Dan Boaz's excuses about the plea bargain. According to Boaz, the
300+ days the sexual criminal already served in jail was sufficient punishment, versus the 12-month
sentence he received after pleading guilty. "Maria" Childers, a biological male who pretends to be
a woman, was charged with "one count of first-degree sexual abuse of a victim under twelve and three
counts of first-degree criminal abuse of a child under twelve."
Gets Lenient Sentence for Being Transsexual. It isn't only in the USA that
transsexuals are rewarded for their politically favored perversion with kid glove treatment from
the legal system after committing crimes against children.
Quietly Admits There's No Solid Scientific Backing For Giving Children 'Gender Affirming
Care'. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it would not be issuing
recommendations on "gender affirming care" for children or adolescents, citing the lack of
scientific literature addressing it. The WHO is in the process of developing guidelines for
the "health of trans and gender diverse people," but has declined to extend those guidelines to
people under the age of 20, according to a Jan. 15 document released by the agency.
Scientific findings on the long-term consequences of child sex changes are "limited and variable,"
according to the WHO. "The scope will cover adults only and not address the needs of children
and adolescents, because on review, the evidence base for children and adolescents is limited and
variable regarding the longer-term outcomes of gender affirming care for children and adolescents,"
the document reads. The WHO defines anyone between the ages of 10 and 19 as an adolescent,
according to its website.
Meaningless Incoherence Of "LGBTQ+". A decade ago, the term "LGBTQ+" —
even just "LGBT" — was a bit of a novelty. Now, as you are no doubt aware, it's
ubiquitous, routinely used by the MSM and even Donald Trump. Some go further. The
official White House term is now "LGBTQI+" (the "I" is for "intersex."), an acronym President Biden
usually struggles to get right. I don't blame him. Justin Trudeau's mangling of it is a
comedy classic. It sounds at times like a new TV streaming service for gays. But it's
here now — and everywhere.
Crime Spree, Just This Week: And They Wanted You To Believe That They Were The
Victims. [Scroll down] Don't rejoice quite yet due to the fact that in the
state of Maine they are now trying to usurp parental authority in a new proposed bill, in which
they want you to believe that they have the authority (The state has NO children) in taking custody
of a child if the parents oppose alleged sex change surgery and the chemical castration of their
offspring. This is criminal at every level. [Tweet] Yet, they say that it has never
been about the kids. I am here to tell you that is what it has always been about, just look
to their crimes. You know them by their fruit (Matthew 7:16-20).
Government that Sows Division and Subsidizes Madness. If I believe myself to be a
fork, must society be made to agree? [...] Of course not. Then why should a man in makeup and
a dress be given extra legal rights to sue anyone who sees through his delusions? Why should
rational men be expected to allow mentally unstable men to use public restrooms with their wives
and daughters? Why should parents be expected to entrust their children's welfare with
psychologically troubled men who have sought out jobs at schools, amusement parks, and
daycares? Why would government agents intervene to support the fantasies of people inclined
to mutilate their bodies and traumatize others with their deceptions? How can any government
maintain its legitimacy for long when it embraces insanity as reality and condemns reality as
imaginary? [...] Now refusing to play along can get one sacked. How long before those who
should be committed to mental institutions instead commit sane people for not sufficiently
pretending to believe in things that are not true? When the choice is between reality and a
paycheck, desperate people will accept insane things to get paid.
Haley: The Republican candidate for Democrats. One of the great dividing lines
between conservatives (and sane people) and Democrats/leftists (and delusional people) is so-called
transgenderism. Conservatives and sane people understand that a minute percentage of the
population is born intersex, which means that, while they are genetically one sex, they may have
some of the sexual organs of the opposite sex. Conservatives and sane people also understand
that, throughout history, there have been men and women who wish they were members of the opposite
sex. These people are very sad. The ones who actually believe that they are members of
the opposite sex are mentally ill, which is even more sad. But the most important thing
conservatives and sane people understand is that biological reality is binary. Men and women
are both subsets of the human species, but they are entirely separate when it comes to sexual
identity. There are effeminate men, but they're still men. Likewise, there are
masculine women, but they are still women.
Questions: Are Most 'Trans Kids' Really Just Gay? At Townhall, Jeff Davidson
asks the question that will still probably get you thrown off of some social media platforms and
canceled in impolite leftist society. But it's one that has been raised before, including
among less politically driven medical professionals. To listen to all of the activists and
read the figures being tossed around, you could easily be led to believe that we are in the midst
of a pandemic of gender dysphoria cases around the country and much of the Western world,
particularly among youths. Young people are "coming out" and "identifying" as the opposite
sex, nonbinary, genderqueer, or whatever the flavor of the week is at the moment. How is this
spreading so quickly when actual, diagnosed cases of gender dysphoria were as rare as hen's teeth
barely a decade ago? What if most of these young people aren't actually gender dysphoric at
all? What if the majority of them are just gay and they either haven't realized it yet or
haven't come to terms with it?
Culture in Collapse. Did anyone in, say, 2004 believe that in just twenty years, the
Left would try to mainstream the previously rare medical malady of gender dysphoria into a
transgendered civil rights issue by insisting on three rather than two sexes? Would anyone
have believed that leftists, gays, and feminists would have done their best to destroy a
half-century of female athletic achievement by allowing biological males to compete in women's
sports and thereby erase the record performances of three generations of women? Would anyone
have believed that a feminist and accomplished swimmer like Riley Gaines would be cornered,
swarmed, threatened, and barricaded in at a university for the crime of daring to state the
obvious: that transgendered women are still, in terms of their musculoskeletal physiques and
frames, males and thereby have no business competing in women's sports? Would anyone have
believed that a gay senate aide would have engaged in passive, unprotected sex in a public and
hallowed Senate chamber, filmed in graphic detail his act of sodomy, had it circulated among
friends and social media, and then, when outrage followed, claimed victimhood by accusing those
offended of being homophobic toward him and his active homosexual partner?
school shooting results in 'multiple gunshot victims,' gunman dead. A 17-year-old
student armed with two firearms and a makeshift explosive device opened fire inside his rural Iowa
high school on the first day back from winter break Thursday — killing a sixth grader
and injuring five others, before turning the gun on themself [sic], officials said. Gunman
Dylan Butler posted an ominous message on TikTok saying "now we wait" shortly before his bloody
7:47 a.m. rampage at Perry High School, according to state police and published reports.
The Editor says...
The English language does not include the word themself. The perpetrator is identified in the
headline as a gunman, and the writer uses third person singular masculine pronouns in the first two sentences,
so where does themself come from?
Maybe this will explain the pronoun confusion:
Iowa School Shooter Was an LGBTQ+ Activist. A school shooting occurred in Iowa on
Thursday morning. According to reports, the shooter injured at least three people before
turning the gun on himself. We all know how Democrats love to weaponize school shootings and
use them as a pretext for passing more gun control, but something tells me that this shooting will
be memory-holed rather quickly. Why? Because of the shooter, who has been identified as
Dylan Butler. [...] At the moment, it doesn't appear that local law enforcement has tied Butler to
the LGBTQ community, but according to his social media accounts, he appeared to have been an LGBTQ
activist and part of that community. His social media accounts include pride flag emojis,
transgender flag emojis, transgender slogans, and even a Reddit post where he implied that he
wanted to transition.
Or, to put it even more clearly...
School Shooter Was a "Deeply Disturbed" Trans-Gender-Fluid. The trans-gender-fluid
person who killed one student, a 6th grader, and injured five at Perry High School in Iowa also
killed himself with a single gunshot wound to the head. One of the injured students is in
critical condition. He is identified as student Dylan Butler, 17, who is tied to
"genderfluid" and "transitioning" social media posts. An investigation is ongoing, and
officers from federal, state, and local agencies are working on the incident. Iowa Division
of Criminal Investigation Assistant Director Mitch Mortvedt said the shooter was armed with a pump
action shotgun and a small caliber handgun. He said the shooter made several social media
posts in and around the time of the shooting. One question should be asked: if, instead
of getting help, he was told he was transgender. This shooting will be memory-holed
quickly. How did he get a shotgun and a handgun?
Corruption of Everything. Sexuality has been corrupted. Men claim to be women
and vice versa. Drag queens set the kiddie agenda in schools, and transsexuality has become
epidemic, although de-transitioners are becoming more noticeable these days. Meanwhile, young
lives have been ruined because of this fad. In addition, no TV or streaming drama is complete
without the obligatory sex scene. This has made family watching almost impossible and even
non-prudes like me squeamish. Sex scenes are not even necessary to enhance the storylines.
It's just another way the left can degrade something beautiful and sacred.
Church Of Great Britain Says Terms "Husband" And "Wife" Are Offensive. You won't be
surprised to learn the Methodist Church of the UK now thinks it can marry two men to each other.
Methodist Church of Great Britain Labels Terms 'Husband' and 'Wife' Offensive. The
Methodist Church of Great Britain has called on its ministers, deacons, and elders to stop using
offensive terminology such as "husband" and "wife" to avoid making assumptions that are not "the
reality for many people." The church added the changes to its "Inclusive Language Guide," an
initiative aimed at preventing the use of "hurtful language" directed at groups the Methodist
Church believes have been "marginalised and/or demonised by common culture." The church plans
to update the Inclusive Language Guide every six months to avoid using language that could offend
groups it perceives as marginalized.
The Editor says...
The words husband and wife have been in the Bible for centuries. If you
are a church leader and you find those words (or the Bible itself) offensive, perhaps you should
choose another line of work.
Three and Four-Year Olds, Hundreds of Children Under Six Sent to Disgraced NHS Transgender
Clinic. Children as young as three years old have been referred to Britain's
socialised medicine's 'Gender Identity Development Service' transgender clinic, with hundreds of
young children referred in the past decade. 382 children aged six and under have been
referred to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) in the Tavistock and Portman Trust,
known commonly as the National Health Service's transgender clinic, in the past ten years new
figures from the Trust reveal. The numbers, published by the Daily Mail, reveal how
even the youngest children have been pushed into interacting with the controversial clinic, and
that the numbers being referred to GIDS have soared in recent years.
easy to expose the fraud behind so-called 'gender-affirmation surgery'.
[Scroll down] After Susie has been put to the horror of top and bottom surgery, only to
realize that, cosmetic surgery notwithstanding, she's still a girl, her parents may be inclined to
sue the surgeon for fraud. [...] Unless the jurors are in DC or San Francisco, they know that Susie
and her parents hoped the surgery would change her sex, that the doctor knew that's what they
hoped, and that the doctor knew it was impossible but did not tell them so. He concealed from
them the key central fact that suffuses the entire episode, a concealment that constitutes
fraud. Leading credulous families to believe that their emotionally fragile child can become
something other than his or her biological sex through surgery is fraud and should be treated as
such in courtrooms across America.
Biological Male Arrested for Threatening To Copy Nashville School Shooting. A
transgender biological male has been arrested for threatening to do a copycat of the Nashville
school shooting. In March, transgender killer Audrey Hale entered the Covenant School in
Nashville and killed three nine-year-old children and three adults before being killed by
responding police officers. On November 7, Jason Lee Willie, also known as "Alexia" Willie,
was charged with 14 counts of Interstate Communication of a Threat to Injure, all felonies, for
threatening to kill school children and rape Christian girls, according to an indictment obtained
by the Daily Caller.
Violent Trans Attacks You Won't Hear About. You likely didn't hear about Matthew
Temael, the 23-year-old transgender dude who goes by the prairie-fairylicious moniker
"Dandelion." Temael was arrested in September for allegedly stabbing Flordia man Louis
Stackhouse to death, ransacking his mobile home, torching it, and swiping the dead man's car.
He was pulled over during a traffic stop and arrested after trying to escape. Initial media
reports somehow missed Tamael's Trantifa identity (perhaps it was the mustache). The Post
Millenial was the first to report that Tamael walked like a woman but talked like a man
[...]. Tamael was charged with first-degree arson, first-degree homicide, burglary, and grand
theft auto. A judge denied him bail. That's when his Marxist friends jumped to his defense.
Of The Trans People Eulogized By Biden Admin Died Attacking Innocent Strangers.
President Joe Biden's White House celebrated Transgender Remembrance Day on Monday by lamenting the
deaths of 26 transgender-identifying Americans, at least three of whom were shot and killed while
committing a crime or tangling with law enforcement. "We must never be silent in the face of
hate," the official White House statement published on Monday reads. "As we mourn the loss of
transgender Americans taken too soon this year, we must also recommit ourselves to never stop
fighting until all Americans can live free from discrimination." During a press briefing on
Monday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre emphasized that these "victims are
disproportionately black women and women of color."
the Science — Except for Sex and Gender. Throughout the real-life science
fiction movie called COVID, we have been told to "follow the science." The face of COVID,
Dr. Anthony Fauci, condescendingly proclaimed, "I am the science." It comes to light now that
most of his assertions turned out to be incorrect. Gender and sex are the latest battlefront
in the realm of "science," and this, too, is turning out to defy actual science and common
sense. But as both COVID and gender are now political and advocacy issues rather than the
science once taught in biology class, we are no longer following science and instead engaging in
magical thinking. What's the difference between sex and gender? Once upon a time they
were interchangeable terms. But that changed. Did the science change or did these terms
become politically charged?
Power of Love. According to the left, which now controls most public schooling along
with media, corporate culture, and politics in America, there is no difference between men and
women. Those very words, "men" and "women," must be eliminated and replaced by something like
"person" or "womyn." According to those on the left, men and women are interchangeable
entities, equal and even identical in every respect. Any biological differences that do
remain can be removed by denying again and again that they exist to the point that no one dare
point out that women are biologically and psychologically intended to nurture children or that men
are better suited for some physically demanding and dangerous occupations. The inconvenient
truth that most men are physically stronger than most women is suppressed so that the "rights" of
transgender athletes — many of them male but simply professing to be female —
can be supported.
100 Ohio churches leave UMC amid homosexuality schism. Nearly 100 congregations in
Ohio have left the United Methodist Church amid the denomination's ongoing debate over
homosexuality, joining thousands of other churches in the United States that have done the
same. At a special session of the UMC West Ohio Conference held last weekend, 96 churches
were granted their request to disaffiliate from the mainline Protestant denomination. The
session was held at Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church in Tipp City, with around 800 clergy and
laity in attendance. Bishop Gregory V. Palmer presided over the gathering. In addition
to the 96 disaffiliations, the session also dealt with budgetary issues, recommending the sale of
two camping properties and electing additional delegates to the UMC General Conference.
War On Biological Reality is Being Fought by Misogynistic & Child Abusing Men. As a
steadfast advocate for women's rights and gender equality for decades, my journey has taken me
through tides of societal change. I've witnessed the evolution of the feminist narrative,
growing from a call for equality to a more nuanced discourse encompassing myriad intersecting
issues. However, three issues of the moment strike a dissonant chord: the assertion by some
men that they can be women let alone even 'better' women, the fairness of men pretending to be
women participating in women's sports, and the sinister, confusing and distressing impacts of
contemporary gender education on children.
Children's Hospital Was Reimbursed $1.4M In Taxpayer Dollars For 'Gender Transition Services':
Report. Boston Children's Hospital, one of the leading medical establishments in the
U.S. encouraging life-altering gender procedures for minors, was reimbursed for the controversial
treatments with taxpayer dollars. From January 2015 to May 2023, Massachusetts reimbursed the
Boston Children's Hospital (BCH) $1.4 million for so-called "gender transition services,"
according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller. The hospital, which boasts of having the
first pediatric transgender surgery center in the country, has performed hundreds of gender
surgeries on children since 2017 and has offered phalloplasties for 18-year-old boys and
vaginoplasties for girls as young as 17, according to scrubbed pages of its website.
growing weirdness of the 'drag queen' phenomenon. Among the several sexual
perversions enjoying increased social acceptance, the so-called "drag queen" phenomenon is arguably
the most disturbing. Its most pernicious feature is that it is not content to seek the right
of men to dress as women, but is aggressively venturing into the hitherto forbidden realm of
pedophilia. Transvestites and their allies are going even further than that, by actually
demanding enforced access to small children, claiming that their "right" to do so overrides the
rights of parents to protect their offspring from exposure to practices which are not only
personally offensive, but which violate their moral standards, religious and otherwise. Two
recent news items illustrate the growing ferocity of those who oppose this incursion. In San
Fernando, a person who appears to be a man was blocked by protestors from entering a public library
where he had been officially invited, on the pretense of "reading" to children in an event called
"drag queen story hour." Who could oppose someone reading to children? Obviously, that is a
thin excuse for accustoming young minds to exposure to the sexual quirks of some adults.
While this person appears to be a man disguised as a woman, most of the news articles which I found
online refer to him with the feminine pronouns, she and her.
Squawk About Mike Johnson's 'Sexual Anarchy' Predictions As They All Come True. In
the 48-or-so hours since Rep. Mike Johnson inherited the speaker's gavel, the media have
devolved into hysterics over his Christian faith and consistent opposition to homosexuality on the
basis of that faith. While it's common for politicians to reference the Bible, everyone knows
opposing same-sex unions hasn't been in vogue since before Barack Obama became president.
That's why, in order to claw his way into the good graces of Democrats and then into the Oval
Office, Joe Biden had to throw all his former beliefs on sexuality right out the window.
Don't forget, this is a former senator who supported legislation defining marriage as between one
man and one woman. The one who called homosexuals "security risks." We don't have to
wonder why he changed his tune; he told us years ago: "Things are changing so rapidly,
it's going to become a political liability in the near term for someone to say, 'I oppose gay
marriage,'" he said while he was vice president. "
Shut Down 'Drag Queen Story Hour' at Public Library: 'Leave Our Kids Alone!' A "drag
queen story hour" in southern California was ground to a halt after protesters blocked the entrance
to the public library that hosted the event. On Wednesday, protesters blocked the entrance of
the San Fernando Library and repeatedly hollered "Leave our kids alone!" The protesters
prevented the wig-wearing drag performer "Pickle" from entering the building. "Pickle stood on
the sidewalk seemingly dumbfounded by the pushback.
Queering of America. For most Americans, labels such as "gay," "non-binary," and even
"members of the LGBTQ+ community" are generally used interchangeably to describe those preferring
same sex partners. This imprecision suffices for ordinary conversation, but it fails to
capture a key political distinction among today's homosexuals, namely those embracing the label
"queer." [...] Queerness aims to undermine the very ideas of normal sexual identity, create
a world of "anything goes" where one form of sex is no better or worse than any other. This
might include currently illegal sexual practices such as incest, bestiality, and pedophilia.
Queerness is thus revolutionary and subversive.
in de-transitioners seeking legal action against doctors. A surge of individuals who
have de-transitioned are taking legal action against their doctors for procedures they underwent as
minors. The newly-founded law firm, Campbell Miller Payne, established in 2023 by solicitors
Jordan Campbell, Ron Miller, Josh Payne, and Daniel Sepulveda, is at the forefront of this
movement. The firm represents several de-transitioners in notable cases, including those of
Prisha Mosely and Soren Aldaco. Despite its recent inception, Mr. Campbell conveyed to
the Caller that they are approached by "about one potential new client a week," the Daily Caller reports.
Appeals Court Upholds Tennessee, Kentucky's Bans On Cross-Sex Hormones, Puberty Blockers For
Children. A federal appeals court on Thursday upheld Tennessee and Kentucky's bans on
gender-related medical interventions, such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender
surgeries on children. The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 to reject a challenge to
the laws from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and families of trans-identifying children.
"This is a relatively new diagnosis with ever-shifting approaches to care over the last decade or two.
Under these circumstances, it is difficult for anyone to be sure about predicting the long-term
consequences of abandoning age limits of any sort for these treatments," wrote Chief Judge Jeffrey
Sutton. The ACLU called Thursday's ruling a "devastating result" and promised to take
further action.
are Democrats/Socialists/Communists pushing transgender ideology so hard, especially on
children? In short, it is because Communist countries already practice totalitarian
control over their people, while far-Leftists/wannabe — Communists in the West are
endeavoring to achieve that level of control. By brainwashing people, starting with very
young children, into questioning their gender and trying to eliminate the concepts of "Mother" and
"Father," "Boys" and "Girls," the Leftists in America are working to destroy the "nuclear family"
which is the basis for freedom and democracy, as well as free- market Capitalism. As German
socialist philosopher Friedrich Engles once said: "The male-dominated nuclear family is essential
for Capitalism."
Bogus 'Happiest Places' List. Outside Magazine has just chimed in on the
supposed happiest places to live. Their focus on "inclusivity" pays homage to LGBTQ
activities and civility, but excludes conservative groups who are subject to discrimination. [...]
The term "happy liberal" may be an oxymoron. While leftists flounder in angst and wallow in
neurotic victimhood, it is conservative values that tend to lead toward lasting happiness.
Therefore, one would anticipate a quality ranking system to include more rural, conservative
communities (though I'm glad they are not attracting attention to those desperately fleeing
dystopian Blue states). It seems the leftist concoction of "inclusivity" willfully omits the happy
people with a sense of civic purpose. I suspect that Wilmington, Delaware, among other places
Outside mischaracterizes as happy, is not as welcoming to God-fearing, flag-waving,
police-supporting, America-First conservatives. If they were, the places on their absurd
list, like New Orleans, would not have such high crime rates. Neither would they have endured
violent riots, nor anarchists desecrating historical statues and disobeying local statutes.
Were Too Young to Consent but Now They're Old Enough to Sue. An unnamed woman who
once identified as transgender filed suit last week against the University of Nebraska Medical
Center, Nebraska Medicine, and three doctors for "negligence and lack of informed consent" after
she had a "gender-affirming" double mastectomy at the age of 16 in 2018. Now a young woman,
the plaintiff will never nurse her children, assuming she is still able to bear them after four
years of testosterone treatments that "caused significant mental and physical harm." All
because the medical industry — I used to call it "healthcare" — decided that
surgery and hormones were the answer to a troubled teenager's emotional and mental health issues
and, according to the lawsuit, bulldozed her into their preferred "treatment." That poor kid
doesn't seem to have ever stood a chance against the adults arrayed against her.
and Muslims went into the Colosseum, but only one of the contenders realized it. On
Sunday, The Washington Post ran an editorial by Allan Lengel, detailing "accusations of betrayal"
in a small Michigan community known as Hamtramck, after the city council enacted a ban...
prohibiting the display of Pride flags on city property. [...] [The leftists] evidently didn't
really think about how their belief set in practice would unfold. What did they expect at the
intersection of the LGBTQ++ movement and a culture known for extremely conservative
relationship values? Not to imply that this Pride flag ban is an example of persecution as it
really just comes down to civic decency, but I mean, come on! Islamic governments are
known for their aggressive and violent persecution of the gay community (Iran and Chechnya
come to mind). How thick does one have to be to be surprised that Muslims would ban the flying of a
flag that represents a completely perverse sexual agenda?
'Love is
Love': Does God Agree With That? "Love is love" is a very subtle and deceptive
statement intended to defend a one-sided view in support of same-sex relationships. It boldly
states that there is no difference between heterosexual love and homosexual love. [...] There is no
Biblical acceptance or promotion of same-sex relationships. There are only faulty
interpretations and perceptions of what the scriptures say to support man's lust and rebellion.
Exposure. The oldest historical evidence of so-called homosexuality is probably the
destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah found in the Jewish Bible which heavenly shower of sulfur and
brimstone G-d gets Abraham to witness. [...] Seventy percent of the Ten Commandments are
negatives: "Thou shalt not..." do these specified things even though you will want to. The
same holds true for the prohibition against male-to-male sodomy, as well as for all the other
behaviors hiding behind the letters LGBT-etc. which are used today to camouflage the perverse
misuse of the body and its organs of reproduction and elimination that they stand for. For
example, the correct name for today's "gays" used to be sodomites, for it is that behavior that
distinguishes these men.
Decline of American 'Civilization'. [Scroll down] The mutilation of
children for sexual purposes is also a distinctly "uncivilized" act. As noted, some animals
will kill their offspring. Perhaps there are some who mutilate their children in order to
produce a creature they can eventually have sex with, but I know of no such creature —
except humans. What the Left is doing to America's children today is beneath barbarity.
It is savagery in the basest meaning of the term. Civilized people do not mutilate their own
children. Period. Anybody who believes that conduct is proper is as uncivilized as any
creature can be, even below the most monstrous of animals. [...] A civilized society knows the
difference between males and females. Even animals do. Any society that doesn't have
descended beneath a jungle level. Nature cannot be destroyed, and civilization can be advanced.
the Left Did to Our Country. Suddenly, there are three genders, not two.
Women's sports have been wrecked by biological men competing as women, destroying a half-century of
female athletic achievement. Young girls in locker rooms, co-eds in sororities, and women in
prison must dress and shower with biological men transitioning to women by assertion.
a tragic money-making scam. The medical profession and drug companies have also
gotten into making a buck off of the transgender craze by prescribing male and female hormones and
puberty blockers for transgender patients. Never mind the bad immediate and long-term side
effects of such unproven treatments with increased risk of blood clots, certain cancers, high blood
pressure, infertility, and elevated cholesterol levels to name a few — which eventually
mean more pills and more money spent — or that some teenagers were victimized and
transitioned before they became fully consenting adults, a truly tragic and even criminal
reality. Even more expensive are the "body mutilations" performed by surgeons who cut off
healthy breasts and penises, implant vaginas made from fish skin, and facial reconstructions.
Truly a tragic consequence when later in life the patients feel that they made a great mistake by
trying to physically look like the opposite sex. The fact that transgenders are much likelier
to suffer from depression, anxiety, distress, and suicide is just more money in the bank for
psychiatrists. Transgenderism is a money-making scam, exploiting dysphoric and delusional
patients. Most of these transgenders are little more than experimental guinea pigs for society.
Affairs Canada issues LGBTQ2S+ travel advisory for United States. Canada has updated
its international travel advisories to warn members of the LGBTQ+ community that they may face
discrimination if they travel to some places in the United States. The move comes after at
least 18 U.S. states passed laws that limit or ban certain things relevant to the community,
including gender-affirming medical care for minors and teaching about sexual orientation in
schools. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security also warned in May that threats of violence
against the LGBTQ+ community were becoming more frequent and intense.
The Editor says...
If you don't feel safe or you don't feel welcome, stay home, or visit some other country.
You're sure to get a warm welcome in the Qatar.
Judge Blocks Red State Ban On Drag Shows In Front Of Children. A federal judge
blocked Texas' ban on public drag shows in front of children Thursday [8/31/2023]. U.S.
District Judge David Hittner, appointed by former President Ronald Reagan, said the law likely
violates performers' freedom of speech, according to a court order. The American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU) challenged the law on Aug. 2, claiming the law violates the First
and Fourteenth Amendments, according to the complaint.
"Care" is hardly the right word.
Supreme Court Allows Law Banning Transgender Care for Minors. A Texas law banning
transgender care for minors will go into effect on Friday, now that the state Supreme Court has
lifted a temporary injunction issued by a lower court. Last week, a Texas district judge
ruled that the law banning the medical transition of minors violated the rights of transgender
children, as well as the alleged rights of doctors who follow "well-established, evidence-based"
medical guidelines. After the judge issued the temporary injunction, Texas officials
immediately appealed to the state Supreme Court, the highest court for civil cases in the state.
as' is propaganda trickery. [Scroll down] The sentence (A) "Smith, born
male, identifies as female" is equivalent with the sentence (B) "Smith, born male, believes that he
is female." Voilà! "Identifies as" is a clever bit of propaganda because sentence (A)
appears to assert something as fact through the use of the verb phrase "identifies as." Keep in
mind that verbs usually denote action; they denote that something real is happening. The
equivalent sentence (B), however, shows that the appearance of fact in sentence (A)
is an illusion, a clever verbal trick.
did they expect? For many months now, the transgender movement has defied biology,
sociology, and logic, and yet it seems to barrel forward, a locomotive crashing through
longstanding social mores with the false authority of the stubbornly ignorant. Even though we
are at last seeing some glimmers of hope in the resistance movement, it is utterly astonishing that
matters ever got this far. It is as if the Royal Astronomical Society were to have declared
that Planet Earth is flat and that any dissent from that "fact" is a form of bigotry.
Evidence for a round Earth would be forbidden in the discussion. Even those who are pushing
back seem to have buckled under the pressure of that locomotive. The recent women's
power-lifting competition in Canada illustrates the point. As if it were some sort of
surprise, a male weightlifter dominated the event by a Canadian mile, leaving all the women in the
dust. He was allowed to enter the event simply by declaring himself a woman. The
appalling audacity of that policy is apparently entirely unnoticed by the social left, which
insists that "trans-women are real women." Even those who oppose the policy often do so only in
tepid terms. They focus on the details, such as testosterone levels and bone mass, instead of
the elephant in the room. Discussing blood chemistry is not going to win this vital
confrontation. The elephant is the moral issue, and any attempt to frame the matter as
anything else is doomed to failure.
faux science of gender dysphoria. Only a few short decades ago, the journey from
childhood to puberty was understood as naturally transitional and defined quite differently.
A female pre-teen or teen with an athletic mindset was called a tomboy. A female preteen or
teen who liked guns might be referred to as "Annie Oakley." A Brownie or Girl Scout who
aggressively worked towards winning badges was not an angry female, but a team leader. In all
these examples, she was not perceived as a girl yearning to be a boy, with such persistence that
she altered her body permanently. And left to rue the consequences for the rest of her
life. There are many culprits: in public education, in the medical professions, and in Big
Pharma. Worse, parents are often left in the dark until it is too late. Finally, enough
pundits are bringing this travesty into the public arena.
Ramaswamy repeats the leftist lie that homosexuality is 'hardwired' from birth. The
GOP presidential hopeful who kicked off his campaign with a declaration of 10 foundational TRUTHs
beginning with "God is real" recently strayed from truth when he declared that homosexuality is
"hardwired" at birth and that the burgeoning number of transgendered individuals are folks who are
"really just gay." The claims were made by candidate Vivek Ramaswamy during a recent "All-In
Podcast." "The gay rights movement was predicated on the idea, which I'm quite sympathetic to,
that the sex of the person that you're attracted to is hardwired on the day you're born," Ramaswamy
said. His assertion that homosexuality is an immutable trait is based on a lie long advanced
by the political left to increase unwarranted LGBT rights, including the U.S. Supreme Court's
unconscionable Obergefell decision that shredded society's concept of marriage while
throwing open the door to the plague of transgenderism.
Rep. Says Sex Changes Have '100% Failure Rate'. GOP. Rep. Harriet Hageman
(R-WY) was praised for her firm stance on gender-affirming care during a House Judiciary
Subcommittee on Constitution and Limited Government hearing on Thursday; Hageman pulled no punches
while discussing the failure rate for sex change surgeries. "There's a 100 percent failure
rate for sex change operations, isn't there?" the Hageman said to Dr. Jennifer Bauwens during
Thursday's hearing. "Because it's not possible to change your sex." "That's right, you can't
change your sex," Bauwens responded. "There are only two sexes. Boys are boys, girls are
girls. One cannot become the other," Hageman added.
may be the best explanation for Disney's self-destruction. [Scroll down]
Disney's credibility is shot. People may still love the park rides, food, and overall
experience (though it's not for everybody). They may still love the "vault" of Disney
classics. They may still have fond memories of Walt's old nature programs and thoroughly
American risk-taking ventures. But when people hear the name Disney these days, they're far
more likely to think "gay activism" than "family."
Was Prescribed A Puberty Blocker For Cancer Treatment. I Can't Fathom Giving It To Healthy
Kids. This July will mark my being in remission from leukemia for five years, and
thus no longer being a cancer patient, and yet my journey as a perma-patient has only just
begun. As a permanent patient, I now need several types of continued care for the rest of my
life because of the treatments I received. It was an expected tradeoff that comes with
surviving an aggressive form of leukemia called acute promyelocytic leukemia, a subtype of AML.
The evening I was diagnosed, not only was I told that without treatment I might not survive the
night, but I had to decide on the course of treatment at once. In addition to taking arsenic
and all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA), I had two options for a primary chemotherapy agent, Idarubicin
or Mylotarg, and less than 24 hours to decide. [...] I chose Mylotarg (a new drug on the market)
instead of Idarubicin as my principal chemotherapy agent for induction since I'd have less risk of
hemorrhaging and could expect fewer long-term side effects. I am lucky to have made it out
alive. Instead, I now suffer from osteoarthritis and chronic bone pain, most likely caused by
a drug called Lupron, the very same drug used to stop puberty in children claiming to be transgender.
Deceptive Advertising of [so-called] Gender-Affirming Surgery. Gender, apparently, is like the
weather: It changes and has no stationary target. For me, this raises some issues.
If I choose to have a plastic procedure, such as a nose job, have I received affirmation that I had a
large/small/abnormal nose? Does breast augmentation or reduction surgery affirm that my boobs
were too small or too big, respectively? Can one affirm what is transient or changeable?
As a bottom line, does gender-affirming surgery solidify the fluidity and decide/settle the gender
identity matter? It does not, and it cannot, as gender remains fluid. Examples are found
in the post-gender-affirming surgery persons who have patient's remorse. There are problems with
inexactitude. There are problems with poor descriptors. The lack of precise language,
especially when it comes to what is believed to be health care, can matter. To suggest that
gender-affirming surgery affirms anything is to commit advocacy.
introduced in Senate to ban sex-change surgeries, hormone treatments for minors.
Sen. J.D. Vance has introduced legislation that would make gender-reassignment treatments for
minors a federal crime. Mr. Vance's bill, the Protect Children's Innocence Act, would
ban gender-transition surgeries, puberty blockers, hormone treatments and other transgender-related
medical care from being provided to minors. People that administer gender-change treatments
to children would be charged with a federal class C felony, which carries a sentence of 10 to
25 years in prison.
video from 'de-transitioning' castrated boy. Kudos to Fox News digital for posting a
video from a boy who deeply regrets his decision to try to "transition" to a female habitus as a
hoped-for solution to his emotional stresses. The entire 20-minutes+ video is embedded below,
though you may be like me, experiencing difficulty in watching the whole thing through. To be
honest, my compassion for him, while deep (for he has been exploited by the gender-change fanatics,
as he seems to realize), is tempered by my impatience with his self-absorption (completely
understandable, given the subject matter) and continued employment of such jargon as "internalized
homophobia," which he in part blames for the decision he now regrets.
imposition of transgender madness: The bottom-up approach. The astounding speed with
which a delusional fantasy has been imposed on society — that people can become the
opposite sex simply by saying so — requires explanation. This obliteration of
nature's (and God's) most fundamental truth of our lives and the resultant
diminishing of the reproduction of our species clearly vectors toward societal and civilizational
collapse. It destroys fertility when surgical and chemical interventions are used, and this
dooms the society successfully targeted to decline relative to the rest of the world unaffected by
the craze. (Have you heard about transgenderism spreading in Russia and China?) The
indoctrination of young children into the ideology means that even among those whose bodies are not
mutilated or poisoned, the post-adolescent sexual attraction and bonding necessary for the population
to remain stable is diminished. So far, the strategy to impose this on American society has been
top-down in nature. The educational system, from preschool through grad school, has largely been
captured by the left, and their bureaucrats and teachers have often eagerly acted as indoctrinators
and enforcers.
legisalture [sic] override's [sic] woke governor's veto on their ban on transgender kid
'care'. When was the last time you've heard of a veto overriden? Well, it did
in Lousiana. [...] The statehouse banned "gender affirming care" on kids. The governor
overrode it, him against them. The statehouse then overrode the woke governor — so
the bill become law, except that now the governor says he will take it to court. Obviously
this was a bill that had huge public support, or the legislators would not have been so firm.
They had already tried to override two governor vetos on similar matters — one on
banning sex talk with minors in schools and another that required the favored pronouns in
schools. But this one succeeded, showing that the bill must have had mile-deep public
support, for what legislature would support such a bill if they didn't — and that the
woke, leftist governor, John Bel Edwards, is grossly out of touch with the public.
Medical Association's Silence on Transgenderism Betrays Their Malign Intent.
[Scroll down] The science is far from settled on transgenderism and the long-term
effects of its treatments. The incidence has skyrocketed from approximately .01% to upwards
of 5% of minors, most likely due to societal and social media influencing. Sweden is halting
most gender affirmation treatments for minors and instead advocating behavioral health
interventions until the patient reaches the age of majority and can make a more informed and
educated decision. More countries are following suit. The AMA seems unconcerned that
there is a high likelihood that a staggering number of children wanting to change their gender may
not have gender dysphoria and actually are just anxious kids listening and mimicking others.
The also seem to be consciously ignoring the lack of data on long term safety and the fact that
countries with far more experience in gender affirming care are rethinking their previously
aggressive stances.
Soccer Coach Accused of Filming Himself Drugging, Raping Boys Is an Illegal Alien.
The man accused of filming himself raping unconscious boys whom he allegedly drugged is an illegal
alien living in the United States, the Franklin, Tennessee, Police Department confirms. As
Breitbart News reported, 63-year-old soccer coach Camilo Hurtado Campos was arrested and charged in
Franklin County this week for allegedly drugging and sexually abusing multiple young boys from nine
to 17-years-old. Campos allegedly filmed the assaults on his cellphone.
is Psychosis, Plain and Simple. I do have tolerance for people who are confused,
delusional, and mentally ill, and even for people who are psychotic, but this is all going way too
far in the false names of inclusion, tolerance for diversity, and equity. The emperor has no
clothes, and it is about time we all called a spade a spade and ended this insanity. It is
destroying our children for one thing, and undermining our decency as human beings for another.
Identity Lie. The current travesty of giving estrogen to boys and testosterone to
girls and of cutting off their genitalia has its roots in a lie that was promoted by the homosexual
community. It is the identity lie. It is the lie that people are born gay, that they
have no choice, and that they are not responsible for their behavior. This lie is told by the
media. It is told in our schools. It is everywhere.
Kids to Win Elections. Biden's first campaign ad attacked conservatives for keeping
'Lawn Boy', a book featuring a 10-year-old performing sex acts, out of schools. The
Department of Education launched a civil rights investigation of a Georgia school district for
pulling books containing graphic sexual content from middle school shelves. At a Pride Month
event at the White House, it was announced that a special coordinator would be waging lawfare
against schools that try to shield children. The Biden administration sued Tennessee over the
'Protecting Children from Gender Mutilation Act'. Democrat judges have illegally blocked similar
measures in Florida, Arkansas and Alabama. In Washington and California, Democrat majorities
legalized the abduction of children by the state for transgender procedures. Similar
legislation is pending in other states.
Castration Machine. Today's transgender medical providers conceal the barbarity of
their practices in euphemisms. They are not postmodern Dr. Frankensteins but providers
of "life-saving, gender-affirming care." The model patient is no longer the middle-aged
autogynephile but the troubled teenager, sold a new identity, mediated through technology, that
promises to resolve deep-seated sexual anxieties — and advance the political cause of
transgender activists. The dismal metaphysics that lies beneath OHSU's castration machines is
academic queer theory, which holds that human beings are mere vehicles of "performativity" and that
their nature can be molded and reshaped at will. In other words, the queer theorists argue,
there is no "human nature" that cannot be transcended or obliterated through the application of
culture and science.
Transgenderism is the Product of Colliding Evils. Every now and then, you hear a
story of ritual Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) occurring not just in Africa but right here in
America, where half a million girls are presumed to be at risk. Indeed, the average American
will likely see this practice as barbaric and criminal; it is a federal crime, yet our laws have
not stopped the mutilations from occurring. Worldwide, roughly 200 million girls have
undergone this non-consensual procedure — but what about when it's sanctioned by the
"progressive" medical professionals and the political left? Enter a relatively new
Progressive Tribal Ritual (PTR) with ecstatic and devout followers, mutilating healthy American
children... all in the name of transgenderism. This only became "a thing" in the last
10-20 years. Gender Dysphoria, the psychiatric term recognized in the American DSM and
widely used until only very recently, understood "transgender" delusions, like being "trapped" in
the "wrong" body, to be a gender confusion, and demonstrative of severe mental illness.
The Real Numbers. [Scroll down] Of course, we all know what the
explanation is. Mass Gender Dysphoria is a hoax. We need not ask why — every
single effort engaged in by the Left for the past thirty years has had one goal: the absolute
degradation and destruction of American society and the civilization on which it is built.
Drug legalization, legitimization of criminal behavior, support for Jihadism, mainstreaming of
child abuse, radical feminism, "global warming" and what have you all share the same goal:
degrading, crippling, and finally bringing down the United States. Gender Dysphoria, which
attacks social cohesion, the family, individual health, both physical and mental, and the very
nature of reality itself, is about as perfect a leftist weapon as can be envisioned. [...] The
claims being made by activists are bogus on their face. There aren't 750,000, there aren't
75,000, there aren't 700. In truth. there are thousands of adolescents bent on making pests of
themselves, as adolescents have done for decades, if not millennia.
pediatric 'gender-affirming care' doctor leaving university hospital, Texas following state
treatment ban. Reacting to Texas legislation banning minor transgender treatments, a
prominent "trans-affirming care" doctor said she would leave the state. "Effective July 31,
2023, Ximena Lopez, M.D. will be closing her practice at UT Southwestern Medical Center," according
to a statement posted to Lopez's professional page on the UT Southwestern Medical Center
website. Dr. Lopez, an associate professor and pediatric endocrinologist, announced her
departure in May, when the Texas bill was still in the Senate, according to The Dallas Morning News.
Jumps the Shark, Advises Trans People on 'Chestfeeding'. The Centers for Disease
Control lost all credibility during the COVID crisis as it repeatedly issued false information and
didn't pay attention to the science. Former director Rochelle Walensky pushed the mRNA
vaccines relentlessly, but recently uncovered emails showed that she knew as far back as January
2021 that they didn't stop the transmission of the virus. She herself repeatedly caught the
bug. But the agency has also decided to wade into the controversial field of transgender
politics, endorsing the "chestfeeding" of babies by trans people who were originally born
male. They even provide tips for how biological males can produce more milk.
These are the same people who want to outlaw "disinformation" on the internet:
accused of 'blurring politics and science' over advice that suggests trans women can safely
breastfeed. US health officials were criticized today for advocating that trans women
can breastfeed — without highlighting the health risks to the baby. Several
information pages on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website appear to endorse
'chestfeeding' — a term used to describe feeding an infant milk directly from the breast
by trans and non-binary parents. One section, titled 'Health Equity Considerations', claims
'an individual does not need to have given birth to breastfeed or chestfeed.'
a Savage Destruction of This Nation. The left has changed the English language over
the last twenty years into a weapon for their agenda. They successfully shifted
"pro-abortion" to "pro-choice", and now to "reproductive rights". The language changed the concept
of supporting an operation that kills a fetus into a "right" to do so. The accurate and harsh
term of "transvestite" moved to the more palatable "cross-dresser", and then to the joyous
euphemistic label of "drag queen". From there, the left has now been working to label men with
gender dysphoria as "women", to such an extent that a now Supreme Court Justice was unable to
define what a woman actually is. The crime of pedophilia is one of the most dangerous and
psychologically sick actions a human being can do. It violates every moral value of
humanity. And yet, the left is now attempting to legitimize this depravity by changing
language. No longer do they want these criminals to be called out as pedophiles, but are now
re-labeling a violator of children as a "minor-attracted person".
Talk About Obscene Pride Events From LGBTQ Influencer, 'Since When Is That Okay?'
TikTok social media influencer AJ Sanchez slammed the vulgar displays that have occurred in several
Pride parades in recent weeks by posting a viral (over 2 million views) message calling out the
inappropriate behavior of many participants. As he applied cosmetics, he accused them of
"doing too much": [...] RedState's Nick Arama brought you the story of one such event, hosted by
none other than the embattled brand Bud Light, where nude people in Toronto walked the streets as
children watched: [...] Other parades where things went off the rails took place in Seattle, where
naked men rode around on bicycles, and in New York City, where our Mike Miller reported on a
particularly disturbing march where activists chanted, "We're here, we're queer, we're coming for
your children."
Whole Support Of The Gender Confused Seems To Be Based On One Person. It's really
fantastic that the push to force the TG beliefs on you and children is based on one person with
mental illness[.] [...] And there you have it: a man who needs mental health help is the one
driving this push, which includes indoctrinating children into this loony tunes cult, erasing
actual women, and all the other insane stuff you've seen.
Delaware senator who transformed Joe Biden's view of transgender rights. Speaking
before the largest Pride celebration in White House history this month, President Joe Biden looked
out at the crowd and marveled at the people in front of him. He recognized "leaders across
our administration," like Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and HHS Assistant Secretary for
Health Rachel Levine, and took time to acknowledge his ambassador to Switzerland, Scott Miller,
among other LGBTQ luminaries. Along the way, Biden dropped another name, of a relatively
obscure Delaware state senator. "I am proud," Biden said, "that back home in Delaware [we have]
the first transgender state legislator in American history, Sarah McBride."
Hosts Lavish Pride Event At Her Home, Emceed By Woke Drag Queens. Vice President
Kamala Harris celebrated the end of Pride Month by hosting the rainbow flag at her home to
celebrate the Left's progressive LGBTQ agenda -- emceed by none only than a drag queen. This
week, Harris partied with a score of alphabet people and several drag queens at an event in
collaboration with GLAAD — formerly known as the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation — at her Washington, D.C. home. Not only was her emasculated husband
Douglas Emhoff in attendance, Sasha Colby, the Season 15 winner of "RuPaul's Drag Race, entertained
the backyard soirée filled with Leftists and anti-morals, pro-child indoctrinating activists.
Colby told the crowd that being transgender is her "power," adding that the Biden Administration
will do everything they can to fight for transgender so-called "rights."
Launches New LGBTQ+++ Propaganda Offensive, Showcases Transgender Major. The
Department of Defense has trotted out a new stunning and brave transgender for its audience to
celebrate. Who exactly the DOD hopes to reach with this kind of Social Justice
propaganda remains very much unclear. "@USArmy Maj. Rachel Jones found solace after coming
out as a transgender female. Her journey from battling depression & suicidal thoughts to
embracing authenticity inspires us all. #WhyWeServe," the DoD posted to Twitter yesterday, accompanied
by an article posted to the army's website titled "Living authentically saves Soldier's life." [Tweet]
Army Celebrates Trans Major Rachel Jones' Journey from Depression to Authenticity in Celebration of
LGBTQ+ Pride. The U.S. Army has chosen to spotlight the personal journey of
Maj. Rachel Jones, a transgender 'woman' and head of the U.S. Army Sustainment Command's Cyber
Division. According to a recent Army publication, it was Jones' transition from male to
female that brought her [sic] back from the brink of severe depression and suicidal
tendencies. Amidst international tensions and potential conflicts, it seems the U.S. Army has
found the time to delve into the realm of personal storytelling and LGBTQ+ advocacy. Last
month, in observance of Pride Month, they've chosen to parade Maj. Jones' tale as a testament
to their inclusivity and, seemingly, as proof of their commitment to personnel welfare.
[Tweet with video clip]
The Editor says...
If this confused transvestite is free of depression, it is only temporary. Sooner or later
he will realize what he has done to himself. He should be in a mental hospital, not in the Army.
riddance Pride Month. A simple search of Pride month celebrations brings up a
plethora of disturbing images — especially disturbing because of children's attendance
and participation in hypersexualized events seemingly targeting them. The perversion of this
time is discouraging, but let's not forget there are millions standing in the gap. Despite
what the internet or television shows us, all is not lost — they'd just like us to think
it is. They are still out there — regular moms and dads working hard every day,
teaching their children biblical values and morals, keeping childhood a sacrosanct time of
innocence and safety, imagination and hope.
Minutes of Pride. [Scroll down] We are currently witnessing the slow
motion exclusion of the LGB in favor of the T, and gay Americans are realizing that, like the
blacks and women and Latinos and Jews and working class whites before them, they were simply used
by the Left as disposable pawns through which to secure permanent political power. In Canada,
the powers that be have already removed the "L", the "G", and the "B", from the ever-evolving
acronym (which is now, for the moment, 2STNBGC), effectively jettisoning the first three letters
that brought the whole thing into existence. They've served their purpose, and are now being
erased. Maybe genial bakers in Colorado were never the threat. To the Left, yesterday's
martyr is often today's oppressor. This is an undisputed fact that has played out like
clockwork in every leftist upheaval, starting with the storming of the Bastille and showing no
signs of stopping with drag queen story hours. Being simply gay in America is no longer edgy
and risqué. It's boring and bourgeois.
250 Hollywood Elitists Sign a Petition to Support Democrats' Agenda of Mutilating
Children. Hollywood elitists are advocating for the Democratic Party's agenda of
mutilating and indoctrinating children, calling for censorship of those who oppose the Left's
progressive LGBTQ push. The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) addressed
big tech companies in a letter signed by over 250 brainwashed celebrities urging them to censor
those who oppose and spread "hate" toward alphabet people. The radical group demanded
companies such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok to "take actions against the rise of
anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ hate and discrimination," claiming that there has been a "massive
systemic failure to prohibit hate, harassment, and malicious anti-LGBTQ disinformation" occurring
on platforms. The letter claims that gender transition surgery is "medically necessary" for
children and accused "online extremists" of actively promoting hate and violence against LGBTQ people.
Trans Exhibitionists [Exposing Themselves] To Kids Is Directly Downstream Of Redefining
Marriage. Of course the slope was slippery. As naked men parade in front of
kids and pride marchers chant "we're coming for your children," a few LGBT activists are beginning
to worry that things have gone too far. For example, Andrew Sullivan, an early and ardent
advocate for same-sex marriage, is unhappy about reaping what he has sown. And he should
be — from sterilizing and mutilating children via "gender-affirming care" to flashing
children at pride festivities, the LGBT movement is proving social conservatives right.
hill we will die on. In the decades during which I have followed politics and social
issues, I have seen passionate disagreements among Americans. The Vietnam War was the focus
of massive protests. Legalized abortion, after Roe v. Wade, was followed by
bombings. Racial integration was accompanied by murders by racist militants. Unenforced
laws, including immigration and retail theft, have left us feeling betrayed by our
government. The list goes on. Somehow, we survived. Then came the transsexual
movement, complete with "drag-queen story hours" for young children. Some of those children
have become the victims of surgical mutilation. This has occurred in the context of
politicians and educators telling us we have no right to know what our children are being taught in
school. We are being threatened with loss of custody of our children if we do not "affirm"
their "gender identity," if that identity does not conform with their biological sex.
Recently, during a so-called "pride march," the chanting marchers sang out, "We're coming for your
children." Even if this was chanted supposedly in jest, it was about as funny as joking that they
would rape our mothers. I doubt that all those who chanted this did so merely as a taunt.
It's Time to Learn from Hamtramck, Michigan. Every June, the LGBT movement throws a
tantrum fit that would put any cranky toddler shame. Their goal? Acceptance and
attention. It's as if they were toting a screechy, ear-piercing megaphone for the sole
purpose of shaming Americans for holding traditional values. Of course, they enlist other
mercenaries to help wage their war on god-fearing Americans — Target, Kohl's, Pet Smart,
and even Cracker Barrel. Corporations, in their zeal to be in the "in-crowd," muck up their
logos, apparel, and storefronts with bright, bold, unmissable rainbows. Public institutions
hoist the Pride flag high on their poles, peddle LGBT propaganda, and deck out police cars and
firetrucks in a paint box explosion of kaleidoscope colors. This year, even the White House,
in a move that should make anyone with a sense of decorum cringe, chose to display the Rainbow Flag
sandwiched between two American flags in a shocking violation of the U.S. Flag Code. And
let's not forget the U.S. Airforce, which deemed it fitting to release a picture of a soldier
saluting the Pride flag. It's like we've stepped into a technicolor dream world where the
queering of America is now a national priority.
Scouts and Girl Scouts led the way for the Seattle Pride Parade. [Scroll down]
Well, don't look away now, it's the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America carrying rainbow flags along
with American flags in the lead of a parade featuring naked men: [Tweet with video clip]
The Scouts have been woke for a long time, but participating in this sort of debauchery is absolutely
shameful. In addition to the indecent exposure on display at this parade, a preacher in Seattle
was also surrounded by some mostly peaceful pride protesters and literally barked at by a person
who, I guess, is a furry. The preacher was also accosted by a man who stole his Bible and ripped
it to shreds: [Tweet with video clip]
detransitioner horror stories emerge. They're the stories that you're not supposed to
talk about in today's woke society lest the trans activists swoop in and have you canceled for
"hate speech" or whatever. Gender-confused children and many adults are "transitioning" in
record numbers and bringing in a fortune for the medical industry in the process. But what
happens to those who come to regret their decision and want to return to their natural
gender? They are the detransitioners, and it happens more than you might suspect if you only
listen to the mainstream media. Most of their stories are tragic, but also very educational
if we're ever going to find a way to offer better help — actual help —
to people dealing with gender confusion issues.
Lawsuits Reveal Horrors of Procedures. Kayla Lovdahl is the perfect test case as a
13-year-old who was approved for "transgender surgery:" She could not conceive, at the time, of the
possibility of suffering a lifetime of disfigurement and chronic pain. Ms. Lovdahl, now
18, has retained an attorney, Charles Limandri, who has employed such emotionally charged words as
"barbaric and cruel" to describe the medical team's actions in causing his client deep physical and
emotional wounds. Essential to his case is the claim that Lovdahl was hopelessly ignorant of
the statistical reality that nearly half of trans surgeries result in serious and life-threatening
complications. How can a 13-year-old grasp what it means to remove perfectly healthy breasts
(in female-to-male transition)? Sanitizing the language, Lovdahl was informed she could opt
for "top" and/or "bottom surgery." She had never heard of the term "double mastectomy" as she was
wheeled into surgery for what the medical team had described as "top surgery." Her harrowing
surgical experience was spared "bottom" mutilation.
First Trans Lawmaker Arrested on Child Porn Charges. The first man who insists he is
a woman to become a state lawmaker, Stacie Marie Laughton, has been arrested on charges of
distributing child pornography. As PJM's Paula Bolyard put it, "Who could have predicted that
someone who immerses himself in sexual perversion could do something like this?" The answer is that
no one on the Left could have predicted it, because Leftists remain determined to pretend, and
demand that we pretend, that the transgender madness isn't madness at all, and that those who are
in the grip of these delusions and fantasies are perfectly normal and well-adjusted.
is right — Atrazine and Gender Fluidity. Atrazine is one of the most commonly used
herbicides in the world, and is often used to control weeds in commercial crops. It is also
available on Amazon for home use. Atrazine is applied to corn, sorghum and sugarcane as well
as on turf, such as golf courses and residential lawns. Atrazine is an endocrine disrupter,
which is able both demasculinize (chemically castrate) and completely feminize adult male frogs as
well as other aquatic life. It has been documented to affect murine (mouse) reproductive
systems. That endocrine disruptors found in this herbicide will make its way into puddles,
ponds, lakes, streams, rivers and even ocean is well proven. That these herbicides are
feminizing aquatic life is well proven. That is well established in the scientific literature.
ABC News profiles child identifying as transgender at 3 years old: 'I'm a girl person'. ABC
News, a company owned by Disney, published a sympathetic profile about parents in Texas who claim their
child came out as transgendered at age 3. "When she was 3, one day, she told me, 'I'm a girl person,'
a parent told ABC News in a story published Sunday. It was National Daughters Day "and she said,
'Can I be your daughter?' — which made me cry," the mother, who went by "Susan" for the story,
told ABC News.
The Editor says...
The incident described above almost certainly didn't happen the way it is described. How many
people have heard of "Daughters Day?" How many three-year-olds have a vocabulary that includes "daughter?"
In the absence of social media and the lust for fame, how many parents would change the way they treat a
three-year-old son based on one transient exploratory question?
Accuses Doctors Of Madly Rushing Her Into Child Gender Transition. Another
detransitioner is suing Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Permanente Medical Group, and the doctors who
pushed her along the path to hormonal and surgical transgender procedures. In a lawsuit filed
June 14 in California's San Joaquin County Superior Court, Kayla Lovdahl and her attorneys with the
Center for American Liberty are accusing medical professionals of fast-tracking young Lovdahl
through her gender transition, one that she now deeply regrets. It specifically names medical
professionals Lisa Kristine Taylor, Winnie Mao Yiu Tong, Susanne Watson, and Mirna Escalante.
Several of these individuals are similarly named in the lawsuits of detransitioners Chloe Cole and
Layla Jane, also represented by the Center for American Liberty.
Side of HIV With Your Food Anyone? Orlando Restaraunt Features ONLY HIV-Positive Chefs for
LGBT Month. Remember in the 80s when it was assumed that folks we would now put in
the LGBT community were the main ones spreading HIV? Looks like they are somewhat linked
according to this restaurant which uses HIV-positive chefs to make your food. [Video clip]
Ties Between the Pride Push and the Great Reset. [Scroll down] The very
idea of the Netherlands leading the charge of the Great Reset got me thinking. It makes
sense, you see. We now know that the Netherlands has been the spearhead of the Great Reset
before most Americans (including me) had even imagined that this global conspiracy to take over and
reshape the world, orchestrated by real-world Bond villains, could be a reality. In 2015,
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia asked a lawyer arguing in favor of a federal protection for
same-sex marriage if she "knew of any society, prior to the Netherlands in 2001, that permitted
same-sex marriage?" That should have been a lay-up, right? Thousands of years of
recorded human history are ripe for the referencing, and Scalia just asked for one precedent,
anywhere in the world, prior to 14 years before the question. She, of course, answered in the
negative, because all societies in human history, until 2001 in the Netherlands, crafted laws in a
manner that would encourage the production and rearing of children who would become productive citizens.
Advocates Appropriate Identity of Black Slaves. Transgender advocates have been
taking the identity of women piece by piece — and now are trying to wrap their cause in
the identity of black Americans who were slaves in the 1800s. "We're calling it kind of the
'rainbow Underground Railroad,'" said Bob McCranie, a real estate broker based in Dallas, Texas,
who is now offering to help transgender advocates flee from states — such as
Texas — where legislators have adopted popular laws to protect kids from transgenderism.
Biden's deviant 'Pride' exposed as White House turns into strip joint for transgender TikTok
influencers. So much for restoring "decency" and normalcy to the White House.
That was the president's campaign promise. But nobody should be surprised that the father of
Hunter Biden would sully the White House by turning it into a strip joint for transgender TikTok
influencers. Images of Rose Montoya, a biological man with a penis and breast implants,
shaking hands with the president on the South Lawn, right before flashing those fake boobs, sent a
message to the world that this is not a serious administration. Montoya's TikTok video in
front of the White House alongside bearded biological females showing off their mastectomy scars as
the president waxed lyrical about "transgender children" embarrasses America.
are enough Americans going to realize our government is a criminal enterprise? The
intensity with which the left is shoving LGBT issues down our throats, as if these "communities"
are oppressed minorities which they certainly are not, has to raise the question: Why does the
LGBT community adopt pride, the seventh deadly sin as their mantra? It's an in-our-face
affront, the intent to make those of us who oppose the sexual grooming of children cower in fear of
their cancel culture. But in fact, almost no one discriminates against these folks, they bend
over backwards to let them live their lives as they wish. The Biden administration's slavish
treatment of them is pathetic; [...] All this is just more of the left's cultural Marxism that
seeks to destroy the nuclear family and all Judeo-Christian values. The Democrat party, as
currently constituted, is an evil entity, on a mission to destroy America and everything it once
stood for. There is simply no other explanation for what they've done to our once great nation.
Does The Left Insist LGBT Activism Means Exposure To Kids? A videogame creator's
contributions to "Call of Duty" were stripped from the platform last week after he tweeted that
LGBT activists "should leave little children alone." In response to a video of parents
brawling with LGBT activists over their school board voting to promote sexual programming to kids
in June, the gamer who goes by the handle Nickmercs tweeted, "They should leave little children
alone. That's the real issue." For that, the "Louder with Crowder" podcast reported,
"Call of Duty" removed Nickmerc's bundle of game additions from its store, with the company's
account tweeting, "We are focused on celebrating PRIDE with our employees and community."
Weirdly, its message indicated the company thinks it's pro-gay to sexually target children.
Transgender Activists Strip at White House Pride Event With Kids Present. Do you ever
feel as if Americans are practically daring God to try the Sodom and Gomorrah fire-and-brimstone
treatment on us? Monday was one of those days for me, as it was revealed transgender
activists proudly stripped their tops off on the White House lawn during a weekend Pride event Joe
Biden and handlers were hosting. Besides the vile display being an abomination before one of
America's most historic and beloved buildings, there were children present at the event. Todd
Starnes reported, "Transgender activists exposed their private parts at the White House during
President Biden's gay pride celebration. Multiple children were present. The grotesque
moments were all captured on video."
mainline United Methodists see more than 5,000 congregations leave amid arguments over sex,
gender. The number of congregations departing the United Methodist Church (UMC)
exceeded 5,000 last week as the second-largest Protestant denomination in the U.S. continues to
fracture over theological disagreements, mostly pertaining to human sexuality. The number of
churches that have been given the green light by their annual conferences to disaffiliate increased
from approximately 4,600 early last week to 5,321 as of Friday, according to UM News. The
number of churches leaving the UMC has surged in recent years, with approximately 2,000
congregations being approved to disaffiliate in 2022 and more than 3,000 this year.
In Nation's Largest Catholic Healthcare System Perform Transgender Surgeries, Bombshell Report
Finds. Hospitals within America's largest Catholic nonprofit health system perform
sex change operations, according to a bombshell new report. The 64-page report, which details
CommonSpirit Health's promotion of transgenderism, was published by the Lepanto Institute, a
Catholic organization "dedicated to the defense of the Catholic Church against assaults from
without as well as from within." "The largest Catholic health system in the United States,
CommonSpirit Health, is acting directly against Catholic moral teaching in direct defiance of its
Catholic identity," the institute states. "This report will provide indisputable proof of gross
defiance of Catholic moral teaching on the part of CommonSpirit Health."
LGBTQQIAAP2S+ is losing. I have no idea what most of the letters stand for in LGBTQQIAAP2S+
and neither do its adherents because it is hard to keep up with the ever-changing founding
principles of this religion. Well, it was built on sand, wasn't it? I do know that gay
pride month 2023 has been a huge loser for LGBTQQIAAP2S+ Marxism despite its status as a
media-approved political movement that is funded by Corporate America and promoted by the
government. Boycotts of Bud Light and Target are taking hold and showing Corporate America
the price it could pay for peddling LGBTQQIAAP2S+ instead of their products. LGBTQQIAAP2S+
has turned Americans off.
told me how lonely being a man is': Transgender man weeps. A clip of a weeping
transgender man has swept the internet, after he cried while saying how much harder it was to
strike up meaningful friendships as a man than it had been as a woman. James Barnes, who
was born female but transitioned to male eight years ago, works as a life coach to help others
going through life changes. He recently opened up about the challenges he's faced since
becoming a man - especially loneliness. Breaking down in tears, Barnes said: 'No one
told me how lonely being a man is. [...]"
The Editor says...
You're not a man! You cannot "become a man," just by dressing and acting like a man. There's your problem!
call modern leftists communists. The current Western obsession with homosexuality and
transsexualism has no counterpart in any section of the traditional communist cannon. While
the Soviet Union during the 1920s briefly decriminalized the former as part of its revolutionary
revamping of the tsarist law code, homosexuality was once again forbidden under Stalin in 1934.
Being a member in good standing of the communist party and a practicing homosexual was often
difficult. The author and future film director Pier Paolo Pasolini was expelled from the
ranks of the Italian communist party in 1949 for his involvement in a same-sex relationship.
Joseph Stalin contemptuously referred to the homosexual British communist Harry Whyte as "an idiot
and a degenerate." Fidel Castro forced homosexual men into detention camps. Other examples
could easily be cited.
Force Twitter Account Sparks Outrage After Going Way Too Far in Honor of 'Pride Month'.
The recruiting crisis within the U.S. military is a very real thing, and while senior military
leaders and "military experts" have been putting the blame squarely on young people, all signs
point to the bigger issue boiling down primarily to one thing: the federal government's dangerous
obsession with all things woke. And when I say "dangerous," I'm not engaging in hyperbole.
Officials Wade Into Politics, Slam 'Anti-LGBTQ' Legislation at Pride Event. Top
defense and military officials waded into politics on Wednesday, slamming "anti-LGBTQ" legislation
at an official Department of Defense Pride Month event at the Pentagon. "LGBTQ plus and other
diverse communities are under attack, just because they are different. Hate for hate's sake,"
top DOD civilian official for personnel Gilbert R. Cisneros, Jr. said at the ceremony.
"But we must stick together, and we must be prepared to confront any such challenge directly."
Don't use
their language. Over the weekend, Jim Hoft, the founder of Gateway Pundit, a popular
conservative web site, used the phrase "assigned male at birth" in a story about a 17-year-old boy
pretending to be a girl who then beat [up] a real girl in the girls' room at school. [...] The Lord
does not assign you a sex; he creates you as a man or a woman depending on your place in His
plan. The lefty pitch to kids for changing sexes is you are assigned by the doctor and
doctors make mistakes. This eliminates God. Always keep in mind that the devil's
greatest trick is not in making people believe he doesn't exist, but in making people believe God
doesn't. The abortion part is the implication that you are not a baby until birth because you
are assigned at birth. This means you were nothing before birth but a bellyache (and back
ache), therefore killing you in the womb is a choice, not a crime. Finally, being assigned a
sex means you can change your assignment.
Christians Declare A State Of Emergency, Too? Less than six months after President
Joe Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act, which codified gay marriages, the Human Rights
Campaign declared its first-ever "state of emergency" for "LGBTQ+ people." Why? Because
of a supposed spike in "legislative assaults sweeping state houses this year." "More than 75
anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been signed into law this year alone, more than doubling last year's number,
which was previously the worst year on record," the HRC says. But look
closely. Almost every single bill on the "assault" list is legislation designed to protect
children from the omnipresent and increasingly aggressive "transgender" community. The list
includes things such as bans on doctors performing sterilization procedures or prescribing
dangerous puberty-blocking drugs to minors. It includes Florida's ban on public schools
teaching children under age 9 about gay sex, and removing books from elementary school libraries
that are too pornographic to show on local news programs.
Air Force Is Using Taxpayer Money To Fly Service Members To Branch 'Pride' Events.
The U.S. Air Force has authorized Air and Space Force commanders to use taxpayer money to cover the
travel costs for service members seeking to attend the branch's upcoming "pride" events. On
June 1, Marianne Malizia, the director of the Air Force's Office of Diversity and Inclusion,
issued a memo notifying branch commanders of several upcoming LGBT-related events in Washington,
D.C., hosted by the Department of the Air Force (DAF). According to the memo, Air and Space
Force commanders will be permitted to utilize "unit funds" to pay for service members under their
command to "travel to, and participate in, this year's DAF Pride events if approved by their
individual supervisory authority."
Kelly: How Could Anyone Vote For A 'Party That's In Favor Of Letting Minors Chop Off Their' Body
Parts? Megyn Kelly asked how anyone could vote for Democrats, which she described as
the "party that's in favor of letting minors chop" off their body parts after left-wing politicians
tried to stop the passage of bills banning transgender surgeries on minors. During the
Sirius XM "The Megyn Kelly Show" podcast on Tuesday, the host was speaking with guest
conservative radio talk show host Jesse Kelly about New Mexico Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan
signing a bill to "permit minors to access 'cross-gender care' and abortions without parental
knowledge or consent." Jesse talked about his new book "The Anti-Communist Manifesto" and
said, "We're not going to share a society and shouldn't share a society with people who believe my
14-year-old son should chop his penis off and pretend he's a woman."
Tolerance Meter Just Broke. Once again, Canada, America's nutty neo-fascist neighbor
to the north, has broken new ground in Leftist weirdness. As you know all too well at this
point, it is Pride month here, there, and everywhere. [...] As Pride Month kicked into gear, a
teacher at Londonderry Jr. High in Edmonton unloaded on students who opted not to attend a
Pride event. [Tweet with video clip] This, ahem, educator apparently missed
an important point about Islam. It is opposed to homosexuality. That may not be what
she believes, but it is the reality. Of course, reality and progressivism have never gone
hand-in-hand. Maybe she thinks that Islam is similar to the Western churches that have bent
over backward to accommodate the LGBTQ lobby. Whether one agrees with the tenets of Islam or
not, the prohibition against homosexuality is non-negotiable.
The Editor says...
Neither homosexuality, nor unwarranted pride, nor Islam, nor Canada's totalitarian socialist government,
deserves any verbal defense.
Change Operations Do No Good. The "trans" lobby claims that genital mutilation of
minors is necessary in order to prevent troubled teenagers from committing suicide. To my
knowledge, there is no empirical basis for this claim, and suicide rates among those who have
undergone sex change surgery are sky-high. But the claim persists, nevertheless. Now,
it turns out that one of the key "studies" relied on to support sex change procedures has been
withdrawn. [...] Integrity in published research has been on a downhill slide for some time.
It started in the social sciences, and has now spread to the hard sciences. The basic idea of
a research study is to be reproducible: someone else who tries the same experiment should get more
or less the same result. But in recent years, a combination of hunger for headline-making
publications and pursuit of political agendas has given rise to countless allegedly peer-reviewed
studies that turned out to be utterly bogus[.]
Oklahoma Mother Files [a] Lawsuit Against [a] School District After [her] Daughter [was] "Severely
Beaten" by [a] Transgender Student. A mother in Oklahoma has filed a lawsuit against
Edmond Public Schools after her teenage daughter was allegedly severely beaten by a transgender
student in the girls' bathroom. The incident, which took place at Edmond Memorial High School
on October 26, 2022, allegedly involved a 15-year-old girl, referred to as "E.G.," being severely
beaten by a 17-year-old transgender student. The lawsuit, filed last Thursday by Theresa
Gooden, claims that the accused attacker, assigned male at birth, used the girls' restroom in
violation of a state law signed in May 2022. The law stipulates that public school students must
use restrooms corresponding to the sex stated on their birth certificates.
Becomes [the] Largest State To Ban Transgender Procedures On Kids. Republican
Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill into law on Friday that makes Texas the largest state to protect
children from life-altering transgender procedures. The bill, SB 14, bans children from being
given puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and undergoing surgical procedures such as a double
mastectomy for girls who identify as boys. It also prohibits state dollars from being used to
fund such procedures for children.
Navy, MLB Delete Pride Month Posts From Social Media Overnight. The official U.S.
Navy Instagram and Twitter accounts have seemingly removed posts that celebrated the commencement
of "Pride Month." On Thursday, the first day of June "Pride Month," the Navy's social media
accounts featured a graphic displaying military vessels and a fighter jet leaving a trail behind in
the rainbow colors of the LGBTQ flag, but by Friday morning, the image had disappeared. This
action is part of the Pentagon's recent efforts to steer clear of cultural controversies, as top
Defense officials recently moved to prohibit drag performances on all military installations.
This week, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley
intervened to cancel a drag show scheduled at Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas, on the eve of
the Pride Month's commencement. The Air Force cited recent Congressional testimony from
Austin to justify this decision, while the Pentagon referred to an established policy. Nellis
AFB has previously hosted drag shows, in recent years.
was Then: Soon This Will be Too. That God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is
not pleased with what we are doing to our children. We know this because of what He ordered
the Israelites to do to the pagans of Canaan who threw their babies into the fires of Moloch.
He is not pleased with the whole LBGTQ/Trans movement — remember Sodom and Gomorrah?
He is not pleased with the way our culture mocks truth. God is truth.
Official, Disneyland Is Grooming Children. Disney has a man in a dress working in the
dress store for little girls at Disneyland. This is who Disney wants girls to see when they
first walk in to pick out a dress. [Video clip]
blasted for allowing mustachioed employee to wear dress, makeup. Conservative critics
are once again slamming Disney for shoving "woke" agendas down the throats of children —
this time by allowing an apparently male employee to wear a costume dress and makeup. A viral
video — which has racked up nearly 7 million views on TikTok — shows the
mustachioed "Fairy Godmother's Apprentice" welcoming a young girl at Disneyland's Bibbidi Bobbidi
Boutique in Anaheim, California. "So, my name is Nick, I am one of the Fairy Godmother's
Apprentices," said the employee, who's seen wearing blue and purple eyeshadow to match their
uniform dress. "I'm here to shop you around and make all your selections for the day."
Month Is A Cynical Exercise In State-Enforced Homosexuality. For decades now,
American institutions, ideologically captured by the left, have collaborated to establish a new
system of social priorities while preventing dissent from challenging their grip on power.
Things like ESG scores, the Corporate Equality Index, the LGBT indoctrination of children by public
schools and entertainment conglomerates like Disney, and pronoun struggle sessions at the State
Department make this apparent. Wanting the same outcomes, these institutions invest their
vast resources, time, and manpower to coerce the public's behavior. Your business will have
the same commitments as a Fortune 500 firm, your children will have the same worldview as Greta
Thunberg, and you will be happy about it. Sexuality just happens to be one of the more
obvious instances in which these people have let their mask slip. Nevertheless, you must get
on board or get crushed. You are no longer allowed to opt out; we saw this when Big Tech attacked
Gays Against Groomers, presumably for the crime of highlighting the predatory behavior of pederasts.
Left Has Pushed the Envelope. Corporate America has joined this cultural revolution
hysteria. Companies are apparently now hellbent on destroying their brands, profits, and net
worth. Under pressure from the LGBTQ activists, the Los Angeles Dodgers reinvited the
"Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" to celebrate Pride night at Dodger Stadium. Catholics and
Christians had objected to the invitation because the group's notoriety hinges on its sexualized
and often pornographic mockery of Catholic ritual, the Holy Trinity, and Christian faith. The
supposedly courageous group would never dare extend its street-theater blasphemy to other religious
groups such as Muslims or Hindus. The Dodgers apparently do not care that Greater Los
Angeles may be home to 6 million Mexican American citizens and resident Hispanic
immigrants. Most are Catholic and many were avid Dodger fans.
State Senator Joins Democrats in Blocking Transgender Surgery Ban on Children. In a
surprising move, Republican State Senator Fred Mills of Louisiana joined Democrats in a 5-4 vote on
the Health and Welfare Committee, effectively halting the advancement of a bill that aimed to
prohibit transgender surgeries on children in the state. The bill, known as the "Stop Harming
Our Kids Act," had previously secured a 71-24 vote in favor in the House before reaching the
Republican-dominated state Senate. It sought to ban the use of cross-sex hormones, puberty
blockers, and surgeries that alter a minor's appearance to align with their gender identity if it
contradicts their biological sex.
Pride 'Youth Carnival' Bars Parents From Attending. Organizers of a "Youth Carnival"
sponsored by two Indiana LGBTQ+ associations and the Indianapolis Airport Authority will not allow
parents to attend with their children. According to an Instagram post by Indiana Youth Group,
it is collaborating with Indy Pride to hold the carnival for "youth" ages 12 to 20 at an activity
center nicknamed "The Pit" on June 7 from 1 to 6 p.m. The event, restricted to those "youth,"
promises games, vendors, food, fun, and unspecified "entertainment." Indiana Youth Group describes
itself as an organization that "serves young people ages 12-24 who self-identify as LGBTQ+, as well
as their ally peers." On its website, the group says it "strives to provide safer spaces to
build self-confidence, explore individualism, and develop friendships within the LGBTQ+ community."
is the Goal. As The Federalist has recently reported, it's becoming increasingly
clear that the left is pushing toward social and legal approval of pedophilia. A failed
effort in the Minnesota legislature to extend state-law protection to pedophilia as a sexual
orientation should remove any doubt about where we're headed. Predatory adults apparently
recognize the political problem inherent in protecting the "rights" of pedophiles. So they
also cloak their efforts in the language of "rights," "needs," and "health" of minor
children. The most recent evidence of this goal comes from the International Commission of
Jurists, which joined two U.N. agencies to issue a report advocating that all "consensual" sex
between adults and minors be decriminalized.
Pride Cult Really Hates Judeo-Christian Values. Batten down the hatches, y'all: Pride
Month is coming. And much like "Christmas creep," the Pride celebrations tend to start
earlier and earlier every year. We can't escape Pride Month no matter how hard we try.
Back in January, I wrote, "It's no secret that, over the past few years, the left has moved from
expecting tolerance for every part of the LGBTQ (and sometimes Y) movement to demanding that
everyone celebrate it. We've come a long way from people having to say, "Yeah, yeah,
sure. Gay people can marry and do all the things that straight people can do" to the demand
that we all rainbow up during Pride Month and any other time the LGBTQPLUS — now with
20% more plus! — decides it's time to celebrate." As a result of this insistence
that everyone go all-in for pride cultishness, the LGBTQUGH crowd has taken to undermining the
values that don't fall in lockstep with it — especially Judeo-Christian values.
It's like the pride calculus in reverse: accept everything about LGBTQeverything, and in
exchange, the cult will try to destroy your values.
new whistleblower describes the horrors of "gender-affirming care" at Texas Children's
Hospital. [Scroll down] No. It won't turn out well. There's
absolutely no proof that a transgender surgery will "cure" patients' depression or whatever mental
health issue they're going through, which I believe is real. We have a generation of kids
with mental health problems. It's very sad. And we need to treat those problems
correctly, not by recommending that they change genders to fix their mental health problem.
That's never worked. It never will work. There's no proof that it will work anywhere in
the literature. So yes, we're ruining them. They're going to wake up in ten years and
discover that they're infertile, that they can't have children, that their sexuality is completely
dysfunctional. That they can't function as a normal human being. And ultimately, I
believe that that realization is going to cause them to harm themselves — when they wake
up and realize that they've already been ruined.
Mental Illness. We must all understand that "transgenderism" is a mental disorder.
But not just any mental disorder. This one is being force-fed into the minds of our children from
the earliest of ages. We are "manufacturing' mental illness. We are creating psychopaths in
the "laboratories" of our modern American culture. There was a time when sexual predators were not
allowed within 1000 yards of a school building. But now, schools — both public and
private — are inviting them in specifically to indoctrinate and groom children of all ages,
even in pre-school. Pity the one who would dare to stand against this evil — they'll
be labeled as "hateful bigots," ostracized from their communities and sometimes even jailed, for daring
to stand in the gap to protect children.
Pride Festival Canceled After Florida Cuts Off Access to Children. The Tampa Pride on
the River event has been canceled due to the series of anti-groomer bills passed by the Florida
legislature and signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), which in part imposes penalties
on establishments that expose children to sexually explicit drag shows and similar adult
performances. DeSantis recently signed a series of anti-groomer legislation designed to
protect children from the radical left's woke gender agenda, which includes pushing transgender
ideology and gender confusion on minors. One of the pieces of legislation signed is titled
the "Protection of Children," or HB 1438, which imposes fines on establishments that allow
children to attend sexually explicit adult shows, such as drag shows.
Legislature Passes Ban on Gender-Transition Treatments for Minors. The Texas
legislature has sent a bill limiting gender-transition treatments for minors to the desk of Texas
Governor Greg Abbott, who is expected to sign it. The senate voted 19 [to] 12 to ban the
treatments, including surgeries and medications. There is an exemption for minors who are
already undergoing gender transition, but they must wean themselves of medications over an
unspecified period of time.
57 Percent of U.S. Adults Believe Gender is Determined at Birth. Fifty-seven percent
of U.S. adults believe a person's gender is determined at birth, according to a Washington Post-KFF
poll released Friday. Additionally, 65% say transgender women and girls should not be allowed
to compete in professional or collegiate sports with other women and girls, while 66% said the same
of high school sports and 62% of youth sports. As transgender people have increasingly gained
visibility, conservative lawmakers have zeroed in on making legal distinctions to keep
long-established lines from blurring: keeping transgender children off girls' sports teams and out
of certain bathrooms and blocking them from receiving gender-transitioning medical care.
The Editor says...
Your sex was determined at the moment of your conception. If you were born male, you were a male
the previous day, and the day before that. So I would have to agree that it's not determined at birth.
Why is homosexuality a one-way street? Is no one allowed to repent and turn away from it?
event featuring Catholic who left lesbianism draws ire of LGBT students. A student
group at the University of Wisconsin Madison called Badger Catholic recently received backlash for
hosting an event focused on the intersection of homosexuality and faith. The April 13 event,
"Homosexuality and Life With Christ," featured Kim Zember, author of the 2020 memoir "Restless
Heart: My Struggle with Life & Sexuality," which explains her struggle with her faith and
homosexuality. "Zember, a California girl born and raised Catholic, found that no matter how
much she pursued relationships with women, she was never at peace," according to the Catholic News
Agency. She eventually delved into a spiritual journey that led her to leave homosexuality
and found a ministry called "Overcome."
We're Learning From Pushing Back Against the Trans Crowd. You already know what's
happening. In Tennessee, the Legislature passed a bill that puts a stop to transgender
surgeries for minors, and the Left went crazy. Not long after the bill passed, a biological
female still living at home at 28 snapped, descending on a Christian school in a psychotic rage and
killing three school staffers and three 9-year-olds before law enforcement gave her the
suicide-by-cop she wanted. The shooter wrote a manifesto explaining the crime, which the
police still refuse to release — a telltale sign that trans politics played a
role. The news media picked up on the Nashville massacre and immediately blamed it on the
state Legislature, which led to a riot in the state capitol for ... gun control. The shooter
in the Nashville massacre was in illegal possession of the guns used to kill those six people, an
ironic fact that escaped the demonstrators completely. Tennessee has been reported as a black
eye for conservatives. It wasn't.
Here is the non-sequitur of the month:
says 'odd' food choices indicated her child was transgender. Almost anything can now
be a sign that your child is transgender, apparently. A woman who recently testified against
a Louisiana bill that would ban sex change surgeries for minors said she eventually realized that
her biological daughter's "odd" food choices indicated a transgender identity. The mother
gave the preposterous testimony before the Louisiana House Health and Welfare Committee during
discussions on House Bill 463, which would prohibit "certain procedures to alter the sex of a minor
child." The mother, speaking about her child that now identifies as a transgender boy, told
Louisiana lawmakers: "We couldn't figure out what the problem was. We took him to specialists
and neurologists, and he had brain scans trying to figure out why he couldn't sleep. As he
grew, he got to sleeping. But his food choices were odd. They were always like green
vegetables, raw green vegetables, which, if you know kids, most kids don't like to eat those things."
"All Ages" Drag Show Epidemic Plaguing America. As a child, I remember hearing about
the great things the future would hold for my generation, and the generations that would come
after. Flying cars, advanced healthcare, Utopian like living conditions. Instead, we
have full grown men sexualizing children, groups pushing to "destigmatize" pedophilia, and an
entire generation of children being taught to hate themselves, their parents, and their
country. Children are being groomed into sterilizing themselves by receiving what the machine
calls "Gender Affirming Healthcare". Which of course is referring to butchering children's private
parts which leaves them infertile, stuck on medications, prone to infections, and reliant on the
very system that is responsible for confusing and mutilating them in the first place. Don't
get this twisted, the point of exposing children to gender ideology and drag shows is to destroy
the innocence of America's youth, and it's working.
Trans Surgery on Children, Prescribing Puberty Blockers Now a Felony in Oklahoma.
Performing trans surgery on children, as well as prescribing a child with puberty blockers, is now
a felony offence in the state of Oklahoma. Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt has signed into law
measures forbidding the use of medical transgender interventions on children, with it now being a
felony offence in the state to perform trans surgery on a child or prescribe them puberty blockers.
Democrat Signs Bill Banning Free Speech For Therapists Of People Struggling With Sexual
Distress. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed a bill on April 27 that bans private
conversations between therapists and patients struggling with their sex and sexuality. Now
Minnesotan therapists who help those with gender dysphoria accept their sex and those with unwanted
same-sex attraction are banned from helping willing clients with these struggles. HF 16 bans
these private, uncoerced conversations as illegal "conversion therapy" for children and adults
despite studies suggesting such conversations can be helpful and welcomed. "No child will be
subjected to this outdated, Byzantine, and cruel practice of conversion therapy," Walz announced
during the signing.
27 Democrats Vote Against Making Flashing Kids A Felony. More than two dozen
Democrats in the state of Colorado have voted against legislation that would make it a felony for
anyone to indecently expose themselves to children, reasoning that it could lead to the banning of
drag shows. Currently, in Colorado it is only considered a class 1 misdemeanor if a person
indecently exposes themselves in the view of a child, if it is the first offence. Speaking
about the legislation to make it a class 6 felony, one of the Democratic Representatives, Leslie
Herod said, "These types of laws have been used to ban drag shows, to target individuals who use
the restroom of the sex that they identify with — a public restroom — to
charge them with felony charges." "I am very concerned about the attacks against the
transgender community that are happening across the country," she added.
Woman is not a Cat. The Bible warns about calling evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20).
Based on that warning, the Democrats should be very worried. The Dems are a party that openly
lies and calls evil good. They celebrate killing babies in the womb, revel in the
authoritarian power they seized during the COVID lockdowns, and recently they've started to groom
young children (as young as six and eight years old) to mutilate their bodies by confusing them
about their gender. The Dems claim that if someone identifies as the opposite gender, we
should celebrate and acknowledge their gender confusion. Well, I refuse to do so because
doing so is dishonest and a lie. [...] People aren't stupid. But our Dems believe that we
are. A woman doesn't become a cat because she dresses as one, meows, and calls herself a cat;
any more than a biological male becomes female by wearing a dress, heels, lipstick, and calls
himself a woman.
State Passes Law Defining Gender as a Person's Biological Sex at Birth. Kansas has
become the first state to adopt a definition of gender with the passage of legislation that keeps
men, no matter what gender they identify as, out of women's bathrooms, locker rooms, and other
intimate spaces. It also separates inmates and restricts participation in sports according to
one's sex at birth. The move came late in the afternoon of April 27, when the state
Legislature voted to override Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly's veto of S.B. 180, which became known
as the "Women's Bill of Rights." Under it, a female is defined as "an individual whose
biological reproductive system is developed to produce ova." A male is defined as "an individual
whose biological reproductive system is developed to fertilize the ova of a female."
Legislation Seeks to Normalize Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation. Earlier this year
I noted that the mainstream acceptance of transgenderism would be the precursor to the
normalization of pedophilia. The evidence to support this was quite clear. And I'm
sorry to say that I was right. The Minnesota legislature is in the process of changing the
legal definition of "sexual orientation" that literally opens the door to mainstreaming
pedophilia. Here's how it's being done. The bill modifies the existing Minnesota law
that designates sexual orientation as a protected category, making it unlawful to discriminate
based on sexual orientation within the state. The first thing it does is adds a definition
for gender identity: [...] That portion striking out the part that reads, "'Sexual orientation'
does not include a physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult," is not a mistake.
The Democratic majority in the House of Representatives has made the decision to eliminate a clause
that explicitly excluded pedophilia from being considered a valid sexual orientation. This
doesn't mean that pedophilia will be legalized in Minnesota — yet — but
by specifically removing the clause excluding pedophilia as a protected sexual orientation, pedophiles
will become a protected class, subject to the same legal protections against discrimination currently
enjoyed by gays, lesbians, transgenders, etc.
one in FOUR high school students say they are gay, bisexual or 'questioning' their sexuality,
official CDC data shows. Around a quarter of high school students identify as gay,
bisexual or have a more fluid sexuality, official data suggests. The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention's biannual youth report found that just 75.5 percent of 14 to 18-year-olds
said they were heterosexual in 2021 — a new low. The remainder said they were either bisexual
(12.1 percent), gay or lesbian (3.2 percent), 'other' (3.9 percent) or said they
'questioned' their sexuality (5.2 percent).
Stripped Naked. There is no such thing as transgender because there is no such thing
as gender outside of grammar. Feminist theorists like the late Kate Millet pilfered the term
from linguistics, where it refers to the practice in many languages (if not English) of labeling
nouns, adjectives and, sometimes, verbs, as either masculine, feminine, or neuter. "Gender" was
chosen to name an imaginary, inner identity that can be either male or female or a mixture of both
having no necessary connection to a person's anatomy. And never mind that no medical expert
can locate its source in the brain or body. Whatever the "transgender" person is feeling, it
is no more tangible than a dream or fantasy. Before the invention of the term "transgender,"
"transexual," a.k.a. "sex change" was in fashion, though no one ever has been changed into the
opposite sex. No male has ever been surgically fitted with a working womb, ovaries, fallopian
tubes, etc.
Menopause In Autistic Girls: Is This What We Really Want? When an adolescent girl claims
she is really a boy in the wrong body, these are safe assumptions:
• She is likely to be on the autism spectrum and experiencing difficulties associated with that condition.
• She is likely to have engaged in suicidal or self-harm ideation.
• She is likely suffering from other issues like sexual trauma, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.
• She is likely already in the throes of puberty — physiologically, mentally, socially, and spiritually — and absolutely miserable.
Puberty blockers will stop bone and breast development, may leave a girl short and stunted for life, and
will put a girl into menopause, adding tortuous suffering on top of everything she's already experiencing with
puberty and her teen years.
Believe or Not to Believe the Transgender Talking Points. [#1] If you are told by
anyone, including the ACLU, that the 2011 Standards of Care issued by the World Professional
Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) express a consensus of medical organizations as to
treatment of minors presenting with gender dysphoria (GD), and you know that the 2012 American
Psychiatric Association (APA) Task Force Report concluded that (i) there is no consensus regarding
treatment of children or adolescents with gender identity disorder (now called gender dysphoria)
and (ii) WPATH is not even an association of medical professionals, you can and should disregard
any and all statements of such person. [#2] If you are told by anyone, including the
ACLU, that gender identity is immutable/unchangeable and you know that the co-editor-in-chief of an
American Psychological Association handbook on sexuality published a research article in 2016
confirming (p.364) that claims of immutability as to both gays and those with transgender identity
and gender variance are "unscientific" and that it is "high time" to retire immutable approaches to
transgender rights, you can and should disregard any and all statements of such other
person. [...] [#5] If you are told by anyone, including the American Psychological Association,
merely that high rates of HIV infection have been found among so-called African American trans
women, and you know that you were not provided with post-transition statistics contained in
shocking CDC and other reports which are material to those considering transition, you can and
should disregard any and all statements of such person or association. One CDC study
discloses: (a) a stunning 61.9% HIV infection rate for those Black/African American trans women,
(b) a 41.7 % "homeless" rate for trans women, and (c) a 62.7 % "below poverty" household income
rate for trans women. Another discloses the estimated lifetime average cost of HIV healthcare to be
$510,000. Further, another review estimated that 31.0% of transgenders are engaged in the sex trade.
Shows Mothers of Boys With Gender Issues Are Mental. The abstract of a scientific
study undertaken in 1994 has been making the rounds on social media, and it is shocking on two
levels. The first wave of shock (although not surprise) comes at you from what the study
discovered: the mothers of gender dysphoric boys tend to suffer from a host of mental illnesses of
their own. The study, "Mothers of boys with gender identity disorder: a comparison of
matched controls," was performed by researchers Sonia Marantz and Susan Coates, both of whom are Ph.D.s.
Women. I'm not sure why it's happening — perhaps it's a backlash from the
most obnoxious of the feminists and their conduct or the widespread denigration of and
discrimination against white heterosexual men, but there's no doubt in my mind that there's a
concerted attack by the culture warriors to erase women, denigrate them, and allow them only
symbolic powers — like choosing the moronic Kamala Harris as vice president instead of
someone with a demonstrated and earned record of competence. [...] How can we give someone
automatic credence based on her sex when that sex defies definition? Well, definitions other
than "birthing persons" or "persons who menstruate," but even then, some advance the notion that
men (that is transmen) can give birth, and educational institutions are being forced to install
free tampon dispensers in male bathrooms. ESPN honored Lia Thomas for Women's History
Month. Thomas, as far as I know, has all his original male equipment and simply grew his hair
long and donned a woman's bathing suit to cheat women competitors who worked hard to be the best in
their ranks. If you recall, Title IX was enacted to ensure women a better shot in sports
competitions. Why is it still on the books if anyone can "be" a woman?
"Gender transition" IS a mental problem. You can't jump from one sex to the other just by wearing different clothes.
Reviews Find That 'Gender Transition' Doesn't Solve Mental Problems. In findings that
will shock no one living in the real world, reviews of evidence in several European countries
reportedly found that transgender treatments and surgeries don't actually solve mental health
issues as predicted. Many young people are talked into "gender transitions" because they are
told that this is the best or only way to prevent suicide. But the evidence simply isn't
there to back up such a claim. A review published on April 14 for Current Sexual Health
Reports acknowledged the fact that hacking off body parts and halting normal puberty
development doesn't create the utopian joy LGBTQ that activists anticipate.
No-Go Zone. [Scroll down] Take, for example, the question, What is a
woman? That isn't just the title of conservative provocateur Matt Walsh's 2022
documentary. It's a question asked by Simone de Beauvoir in her feminist classic, The
Second Sex, more than 70 years ago. You might think that Beauvoir's question has an easy
answer — women are the mature, post-pubertal, females of our species. (Likewise, men are
the mature males, and girls and boys are the immature or juvenile females and males.) A woman, Matt
Walsh's wife Alissa says at the end of the film, is an adult human female. The joke is that
the people Walsh interviews are unable to give this obvious answer. For instance, Professor
Patrick Grzanka, Chair of the Interdisciplinary Program in Women, Gender, and Sexuality at the
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, tells Walsh that a woman is "a person who identifies as a
woman." This is (as Walsh points out) circular, in the sense that the explanation uses the word
"woman"; but the real problem is that Grzanka's answer is plainly false. A woman with severe
dementia doesn't "identify as" anything.
gender-confused kids the products of what they're eating and drinking? A new
NIH-funded study says that as many as 25% of students in middle and high school are abusing
Adderall. Combining that information with what we already know our kids are putting in their
bodies (deliberately or accidentally) leaves me wondering whether all these substances are
affecting our children's relationship to their own bodies, leading to the "transgender"
explosion. Regarding ADHD, I believe the real diagnosis for most of these kids isn't ADHD.
Instead, it's a product of 30 hours a week of forced inactivity while having incredibly boring
lessons forced upon them. Still, whatever the cause for children's restlessness and
inattention, once they get the ADHD diagnosis, they usually get started on Adderall, a drug
containing amphetamines and dextroamphetamine. The latest numbers also show that around 10%
of American children are on some form of antidepressant. Both ADHD treatments and
antidepressants have effects on people's sexual function and mental condition. Those are just
the licit drugs children take.
War on Pronouns is Really a War on Language. One recent example I noticed was linked
by and included the headline, "Non-Binary Ex-Biden Staffer Sam Brinton's Family Calls Them
A Liar, Claims Their Abuse Story Never Happened." The headline is incomprehensible by
traditional rules of grammar. The reader would not know who is meant by "Them" and "Their."
Even if we are familiar with Sam Brinton and his story, we would not know what people his family
calls "a liar." The plural words tell us that there are multiple third parties that Brinton's
family accuses. We are misled and distracted by those plural pronouns. An innocent
reader would not have concluded that Brinton, himself, is the real target unless the reader
undertook the process of clicking on the link and reading the article. The reader would then
have to remember the new mandate that requires us to misread plural pronouns as applicable to
single people — as the individual subject's whim dictates. Singular is now
plural. Plural is now singular. Words have no meaning.
to the cornfield. [Scroll down] To lift that fog it is crucial that the
language that allows it to occur be fought at every opportunity — and we can start with
refusing to allow a few undeniably false and manipulative terms that have entered the societal
conversation to be used as cudgels for the progressive/woke/equitarian power and manipulation
complex. Misinformation, denialism, disinformation, malinformation, trigger, safe space,
equity, systemic, existential, intersectionality, zero anything, toxic, cis, they, zir,
anything-ist, anything-ism, and on and on and on — all these words and terms are used to
distort meaning, undermine objective facts, and purposefully use a devious combination of
familiarity and confusion to lead society down a path it would never even consider if it could
truly and immediately decipher their impact.
What A Children's Hospital Quietly Scrubbed From The Internet Amid Public Backlash Over Gender
Transitions. The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), which operates a gender
clinic, removed numerous videos and posts discussing childhood gender transitions, including
irreversible surgeries, from its website amid public backlash, the Daily Caller News Foundation has
learned. The CHOP Gender and Sexuality Development Program came under scrutiny in September
2022 after some of its training videos on childhood gender transitions were circulated online, and
the clinic said it was tightening its security that October due to threats. Resources
including videos in which clinic staff promoted cross-sex medical interventions for minors and
advised school workers to keep children's gender identity secret from their families have since
disappeared from CHOP's website; these pages are saved in online archives, but their links either
redirect to error pages or go to pages that have been heavily altered with certain links removed.
Gender Dysphoria" (ROGD). In 2018, Psychology Today published an article summarizing
trans research and what was happening in the culture that is truly shocking. That is, a large
minority of kids have developed a belief system whereby they, as a group, espouse that being a
normal biological female or male is akin to being immoral and evil. This bizarre concept has
spread across social media and has infiltrated even down to elementary schools. This is a set
of cultural beliefs which have morphed from groupthink and rebellion on social media to going viral
throughout an age cohort which is vulnerable to new concepts being permanently instilled into their mindsets.
Is anyone surprised
by transgender homicide? On March 27, a 28-year-old armed woman walked into a
Presbyterian primary school in Nashville, Tennessee, and shot three children and three adults to
death before being gunned down by police. The murderer was initially identified as Audrey
Elizabeth Hale, but later the same day, having discovered that she considered herself to be a
transgender male, local officials began referring to her by her last known name of choice, Aiden
Hale. Thirteen days later, on April 9 (Easter Sunday), a Portland, Oregon, cab driver named
Reese McDowell Lawhon was stabbed to death in the neck by a passenger who had stepped into his cab
wearing a tiara. As the Portland-based independent journalist Andy Ngo noted, the police made
an arrest but, unusually, waited a day before releasing any information about the suspect.
After the killer's name, Moses Jacob Lopez, was finally made public, Ngo discovered online that
Lopez, a mere six days earlier, had been "arrested and charged with felonies" in Coos Bay, Oregon,
"for allegedly threatening a... shopper with a knife," but had been "quickly released without
bail." Ngo also discovered that Lopez, age 30, identifies as a transgender woman.
It Together. There are people hiding behind queer ideology to get close to children and
separate them from their familial support structures. Predators always use whatever means they
can to get close to their victims. The LGBT community is the perfect cover for these monsters.
[Video clip]
Is Up with This Sudden Transgender Movement? [Scroll down] So the way this
game is played is you have to begin indoctrinating young children early in public education to get
them to question their God-given genders. Of course, this means you must also introduce the
concept that gender is related to sexuality to hypersexualize them at an early age. The
unspoken very dark goal is to get young people to want gender reassignment medicines and surgical
treatments by the time they are teenagers. Who stands to profit off of elective drugs and
surgeries? Three groups profit: people who make medications, people who make medical
supplies, and people who work in the hospital industry. For now, most insurance companies do
not cover gender reassignment treatments as they are considered elective. Still, you can bet
the insurance industry will be lobbied heavily to ensure we all pay our fair share in premiums for
this in the future.
Quietly Pushes Scary New Law — The State Could Take Kids Away From "Non-Affirming"
Parents. California claims to be at the front of the progressive movement, and
Gov. Gavin Newsom believes his state sets a precedent the entire country should follow.
Newsom has made these remarks numerous times in the past, and we'll likely hear them a lot more
often if he runs for President in 2024. "Turning America into Cali" might be his rallying
cry. But several million parents won't be on board with what they're trying to do in the
Golden State now. Currently, California lawmakers are considering a bill that would actually
allow state officials to take kids away from families — and they wouldn't even have to
tell the parents until afterward.
bank gives transgender employees six weeks of paid leave for 'gender affirming care'.
An Australian bank is now offering six weeks of paid leave to employees who want to change their
legal sex, undergo surgery or other steps related to changing their gender. SunCorp, a
banking, finance and insurance corporation, announced the new benefits for transgender employees
last month during "World Pride Week." SunCorp New Zealand insurer announced the same benefits as
well. "Suncorp Group is excited to announce it is introducing new leave entitlements for
employees affirming their gender," the company stated in a press release. "Six weeks' paid Gender
Affirmation Leave, and up to 12 months unpaid leave, will be offered to applicable Suncorp
employees, allowing those employees to have the time and financial support required to engage in
the steps they need to affirm their gender."
The Editor says...
Attempting to change one's gender through surgery is the exact opposite of affirming one's gender.
You were either born male or female. Whichever the case may be, deal with it.
It Time to Panic Yet Over the State of America? The social fabric is melting.
Traditional religion and worship, the societal guard rails of right and wrong, is treated as a
fanatic cult, while men claiming to be women, and vice versa, are lauded as the highest form of
evolution and enlightenment. A Lutheran "pastor" compared the Nashville shooter to
Jesus. How sad that during Easter week, this Lutheran church ditched Christianity for the new
religion of Transgenderism. This new religion, which "makes America stronger," as President
Biden recently remarked, is also busy killing Americans. In Nashville a week ago, a
transgender activist killed six Americans, including three children, in cold blood. Is there
outrage? Yes, but not what logical thought would suggest. The left was far more
concerned about "anti-trans rhetoric" rather than the six Americans murdered in Nashville.
increasingly dangerous transgender movement sweeping America. On his Friday night
show, Tucker Carlson called "transgender" activists the most dangerous domestic terrorists in
America. He's correct. They are the equivalent of religious fanatics because they have
a manic faith that is belied by observable reality, which means they that constantly have to pitch
themselves to a high emotional amplitude to override the real world impinging on their faith.
The Democrats, from Biden on down, rather than working to tamp down this madness, are doing their
best to amplify this insane frequency, by assuring these already maddened people that they are the
victims of a planned Republican "genocide." The escalating number of violent attacks by this
mentally-ill multitude is increasing and will continue to do so.
Trans Activists Attack Women. For years, transgender activists have claimed there is
a genocide being waged against transgender people. As evidence, they point to the murders of
trans victims. In 2022, at least 32 transgender and gender-nonconforming people were killed
in the United States, according to the Human Rights Campaign. But 32 trans killings is a
decline from 40 in 2020 and 59 in 2021 and researchers do not know if trans people are being
killed disproportionately compared to non-trans people. There remains a prejudice against
trans people. Some trans people are, without question, victims of violence. But there
is no "genocide," nor even strong evidence that the trans people being killed are targeted for
being transgender rather than for some other reason. For example, transgender people are
disproportionately represented in the sex trade, which is an extremely dangerous criminal
enterprise. By contrast, we have seen a wave of transgender rights activists attacking women
for ideological reasons.
Bill Seeks to Criminalize Protests of LGBTQ+ Activities, Impose $25K Fine. A bill
introduced in the Ontario, Canada, legislature this week would ban protests and criticism of LGBT
activities within a designated 100-meter "safety zone." Bill 94, titled the "Keeping 2SLGBTQI+
Communities Safe Act," indicates it would establish "community safety zones" designated by the
Attorney General prohibiting "persons from performing an act of intimidation" within 100 meters of
said zone. According to the bill, such "acts of intimidation" include "causing a disturbance,"
"distributing hate propaganda," "uttering threats or making offensive remarks, either verbally or in
writing with respect to matters of social orientation or gender roles," and "engaging in a protest or
demonstration for the purpose of furthering the objectives of homophobia and transphobia."
Pandemic of Cognitive Dissonance. We're facing yet another pandemic. It's not a
viral outbreak. This crisis is a mental disorder outbreak — rather like mass
hysteria. The outbreak has spread worldwide, but fortunately only affects those of a leftward
political persuasion. The condition is cognitive dissonance. [...] Many members of the "gay"
community live in a constant state of grievance. They complain about intolerance towards
themselves, while we indulge their month-long orgy of "pride" every year. Is there such a
thing as mad-gay? Because that's what the majority seem to be. While we're on the
subject of the gay community, why do they call themselves queer — while asserting that
their lifestyle is perfectly normal? Does "queer" have some definition in another language
that means something other than abnormal? [...] Why do progressives claim to represent science
while denying reality? Doesn't the science of biology and animal behavior say anything about
human sexuality? How many genders do progressives claim to recognize? The number grows
by the day.
tax dollars at work: Translating dictionary 'of LGBTQ+ terms' into Spanish. In the
space of just a few years, the federal government — along with the commanding heights of
corporations, universities, and nonprofits — has been transformed into a propaganda and
promotion vehicle for homosexuality and gender confusion. Our embassies, even in devoutly
Muslim countries, have flown flags promoting homosexuality. Our military, once the most
powerful in the world, is now indoctrinating troops into gender confusion. Now, hundreds of
thousands of your tax dollars are being spent to translate into Spanish a dictionary of terms
related to homosexuality, transgenderism, and other deviant
non-standard sexualities.
Yourself for the 2024 Storms. Tucker Carlson was quite right in his monologue last
week: Christianity and transgenderism are wildly incompatible. Forget gobbledygook
Christianity practiced by congregation-bleeding churches. Christianity and transgenderism
never will reconcile. True science dictates, too, bolstering Christian teaching. Humans
aren't gods with dominion to "transform" themselves from man to woman or woman to man. Any
more than humans can cause the sun to rise in the west and set in the east, any more than man can
destroy the earth's climate. Any more than humans can create intelligent machines that rule
the world. All are vanities, conceits, delusions, fantasies.
student arrested for making death threat against GOP congressman over gay rights. A
college student was arrested after he allegedly left a message, including a death threat, against a
member of Congress over gay rights, federal prosecutors said. Although the member of Congress
was not named in the statement from the U.S. Attorney's Office, a spokesperson for Republican
Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida confirmed that he had received the message. Allan Poller, a
23-year-old student of Keene State College in New Hampshire, allegedly left a recorded message after
midnight on Wednesday morning and spelled out his name before making the death threat against Gaetz.
Democrats Facing Expulsion From Tennessee Legislature for Aiding the 'Transurrection'. Monday,
three Tennessee bolsheviks were stripped of their committee assignments and locked out of the Tennessee Capitol
because of their leading role in the "Transurrection" that took over the capitol building last Wednesday.
[Tweet] [Video clip] State Representatives Gloria Johnson and Justin Jones were notified by the
Clerk of the Tennessee House of Representatives that they had been stripped of all committee assignments.
A third representative, Justin Pearson (Justin as a first name seems to be a thing amount Tennessee Democrats), had no
committee assignments. Their ability to enter the legislative facilities was restricted in a separate action.
House Hosts Roundtable On 'Affirming Transgender Kids'. Senior officials in the Biden
administration hosted a roundtable at the White House about "affirming transgender kids" last week
on "Transgender Day of Visibility." [...] The roundtable hosted by the Biden administration
occurred days after a 28-year-old woman who identified as a man killed three children and three
adults last week at The Covenant School, a ministry of the conservative evangelical Covenant
Presbyterian Church in Nashville, Tennessee. The attack came weeks after Gov. Bill Lee
(R-TN) endorsed legislation that bans sex change procedures, such as mastectomies for girls who
believe they are boys, as well as hormones and puberty blockers purporting to transition a child to
the opposite sex. Another bill signed by Lee prohibits sexually suggestive drag shows in
public or near children. The industry surrounding transgender surgeries is expected to reach a
$5 billion valuation by the end of the decade, according to a recent report from Grand View Research.
Ugly World of Pretty Men. I've been researching this piece for a while in an effort to
fully understand the grotesque tragedy that has befallen our society, encapsulated in the
screenshot above. I ask the question — who are some of these clearly unwell,
socially maladapted and homicidally angry trans activists? Why are they allowed to assault,
without fear of prosecution, anyone who challenges their deluded fantasy? We opened the door
by acceding to their demand that anyone who wants can self-identify as trans. This allows all
manner of unstable outliers to take advantage of the protective trans umbrella and includes rapists
who slap on blonde wigs to demand incarceration with women, their intended prey. I truly feel
sorry for the very few suffering from actual gender dysphoria but are now lumped in with the
screeching fourth circle of hell.
'Transitioning' Have Filled The Nashville Shooter With Joy And Happiness? Less than a
week after the Washington Post published a laughable survey purporting to show an overwhelming
majority of people who "transition" away from their biological sex are filled with satisfaction, a
transgender person showed just how exuberant her own transition process was by shooting up a
Christian grade school. Tragic doesn't begin to cover it. All indications are that
28-year-old Audrey Hale was more than a year into her "transition" living like a man —
referring to herself as "Aiden" and using male pronouns — when she blew out the front
doors of The Covenant School in Nashville this week, paced through the halls and eventually
murdered three 9-year-old children and three adults. It's not true that all trannies are
sadistic monsters anticipating their own shooting spree. But that a sadistic monster who went
on a shooting spree also is a tranny should startle precisely no one. I know that we're
living in a moment where all of America's culture influencers insist that transgenderism is nothing
more than an expression of identity — one that we're all expected to accommodate, mind
you — but it's not.
Pelosi's Theology and Her Politics. Is the Bible ambiguous about marriage? It
teaches that the institution of marriage is as old as mankind, in which a man and woman unite to
oneness. Jesus emphasized that marriage is a permanent unity of man and woman, the two
becoming one. Proscriptions against homosexual behavior are well known, so homosexuals calling
themselves married is profanation. Christians aren't homophobic (i.e., afraid of homosexuality).
Rather, Christians are homoabdico, aligning with the Lord in disapproving of homosexual behavior.
Similarly, Christians aren't transphobic (i.e., afraid of transsexuality). Rather, Christians are
transabdico, disapproving of transgender transitions, associated with irreversible reproductive system
damage, surgical mutilations, and bodily damage done pharmacologically. After this lucrative
medical malpractice, every natural cell in the body testifies to an unchanged biological sex.
And fully "transitioned" victims have rates of suicide 20x higher (i.e., a 2,000% increase) than otherwise.
Who is a threat to whom?
Day of Vengeance' in DC is CANCELED due to a 'credible threat to life and safety' in the wake of
[the] Nashville school massacre. A transgender activist group has called off its
planned 'Trans Day of Vengeance Rally' after warnings of a 'credible threat to life and safety'.
The rally was due to be held on Saturday in Washington D.C., but organizers of the Trans Radical
Activist Network (TRAN) said Thursday that threats on social media have led them to make the
decision to cancel the event. The demonstration would have been held outside the Supreme
Court but 'astronomical amounts of hate from the world' forced them to cancel, TRAN said.
People Are Not Under Threat and Their Movement Is the Height of Narcissism. Just days
after a woman who identifies as transgender walked into a Nashville Christian school and killed six
people, including three children, transgender activists stormed the Tennessee Capitol chanting
phrases like "no action, no peace." To add to the absurdity as well as the insult, these trans
protesters held a "die-in" in the lobby to illustrate the violence and death experienced by the
trans community all over the country. Again, there are three dead children currently being
wept over by their loving families thanks to a transgender person. [Tweet]
Says That Trans People Are the Ones Under Attack After Shooter Killed 6 Christians.
Just days after transgender shooter Audrey Hale killed six people in Nashville, White House Press
Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre rushed to the defense of the trans community. Hale, who
reportedly dealt with mental health issues, targeted her former school. Three children were
among the victims, one of which being the daughter of the pastor who counseled Hale. KJP
said, "Our hearts go out to the trans community, as they are under attack right now." [Tweet]
on the Nashville Murders [Updated]. [#1] Police say they found a "manifesto" written
by Ms. Hale, and apparently other writings as well. So far the contents of these
writings have not been disclosed. I assume they will come out in due course, but it will be
interesting to see whether they might be suppressed, contrary to the usual practice. [#2] My
usual view is that it is wrong to pay attention to the ravings of insane people, so as to try to
pin their actions on political opponents. This time, however, I think Hale's writings could
have some significance. Maybe I am just being inconsistent, or maybe the case is actually
different from most others. [#3] Ms. Hale was autistic and had various mental health
problems. As I understand it, just shortly before her death she decided that she was, or
wanted to be, a man. Newspaper reporters have dutifully, and absurdly, referred to her as
"he." Someday, people will be astonished at this.
Gender-Bending Drugs Into Kids Is Even More Dangerous Than We Thought. Suppose a
troubled teen girl "identifies" as a boy and wants to change her body to match it. Most
people balk at the thought of pumping her with testosterone or cutting off her healthy
breasts. But many of these same people think using puberty blockers isn't so bad for even
younger kids. In fact, activist groups such as the American Academy of Pediatrics suggest
drugs like Lupron can "pause" puberty without harm. Even some conservative lawmakers, such as
Georgia state Sen. Carden Summers, have bought this claim. As a result, the bill he
sponsored, just signed into law by Gov. Brian Kemp, partially restricts "gender-affirming"
hormones and surgeries for minors but says nothing about puberty blockers. Is it really safe
to give these drugs to kids? Mounting evidence says "no."
Biden: 'Transgender Americans Shape our Nation's Soul'. Transgender Americans "shape
our nation's soul," according to President Joe Biden, who made the assertion Thursday [3/30/2023]
as part of a White House Proclamation on Transgender Day of Visibility. The proclamation came
mere days after a transgender shooter allegedly murdered six individuals at a Christian school in
Nashville, Tennessee. A proclamation from the Biden White House celebrates the "Transgender
Day of Visibility," deeming transgender individuals the "bravest people" the president apparently
knows. They are people who "have too often had to put their jobs, relationships, and lives on
the line just to be their true selves," the proclamation reads, deeming gender confused individuals
as those who "shape" America's soul.
The Editor says...
[#1] Individuals have souls. Our nation does not have a soul. [#2] Transvestites and homosexual
activists have no trouble with "visibility" and don't need the help of the White House in that regard.
[#3] Transvestites pretend to be something they're not. It's not an act of bravery. That's
the opposite of a person trying to be his or her "true self." [#4] Joe Biden is a
chronic liar, and in this case, he didn't even include a little truth to make it believable.
Carlson Says Nashville Transgender School Shooter Murdered Victims Because They Were
Christian. On Monday, Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old biological woman who claimed she was
a "he," shot three staff members and three nine-year-olds at the Christian school in Tennessee
where she was formerly a student. And the number of leftists who tried to frame Hale as a
victim of Christian hatred has shocked many Americans. Carlson referred to U.S. Attorney
General Merrick Garland's comments on Tuesday. Garland that the FBI, the Nashville police,
and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) are all investigating the
shooting — and yet he wouldn't hazard a guess on motive. "Motive hasn't been
identified, Garland told us," Carlson said. "Really? You wonder how that could possibly
be." He explained that the shooter herself said she'd left evidence behind to elucidate her
horrific actions.
Is it
a coincidence a 'Trans Day of Vengeance' is being held now? An activist group is scheduled to hold
a "Trans Day of Vengeance" outside the Supreme Court on Saturday — just days after
28-year-old Audrey Hale opened fire on a Christian school in Nashville leaving three kids and three
adults dead. "The Time is Now. The Trans/Non-Binary/Gender Non-Conforming/Intersex
communities are facing astronomical amounts of hate from the world," the Trans Radical Activist
Network states on its website in its promotion of "#TransDay of Vengeance." As Fox News
reported, TRAN describes itself as "a network of unapologetic activists fighting for Queer
Liberation" and promoted the protest earlier this year on social media. TRAN's website was
still promoting the event two days after a horrific school shooting at the private Presbyterian
institution, the Covenant School. The perpetrator, identified by investigators as Hale, was a
former student at Covenant and identified as a transgender called "Aiden."
State TV Grooms Young Children Into Accepting Drag Queens As Normal. Canadian State
TV has taken the baton from their [weak] fascist PM and forced little kids into a room with drag
queens and awkwardly groomed them into thinking it's normal for boys to wear makeup and stripper
clothes. One must ask, why not just bring in strippers? This is sexism against real
women who pole dance and grind on a stage? Watch as the kids have trouble making eye contact
and look uncomfortable in front of giant, creepy men in Kiss makeup. [Video clip]
and Acceptance Were Never Going to Be Enough for the Trans Crowd. The trans movement
asked for tolerance, then acceptance. Then they just wanted to use the restroom of their
preference for their safety, despite a lack of violence against trans people and a bushel full of
trans attacks on kids. We allowed it. I regret that. A lot. Today, we
are at a point where a 6'4" man named "Lia" Thomas has been allowed to dominate women's college
swimming, while the real women on the team were told to shut up and not complain about losing their
accolades to Thomas and having to eyeball his [genitalia] in the showers. Major publications
like the NY Post, the Daily Mail, and even the Post Millennial have called "he" a "she."
People have lost their jobs for refusing to play make-believe with the small portion of the country
plagued by a mental malady called "gender dysphoria." Despite all the [favor] the trans crowd
has enjoyed, they feel they are being "genocided" out of existence. So much so that they are
planning a "day of trans vengeance." [Tweet] In the United States, the trans crowd walks on
water. Yet six people — three of them only nine years old — had to die,
just five days before the "day of trans vengeance." One of them was the daughter of the
school's pastor. I'm sure that was just a coincidence, right? [Tweet]
carefully planned Nashville shooting coincides with a so-called 'Trans Day of Vengeance'.
While Democrats are busy blaming inanimate objects (i.e., guns) for the fact that an evil person murdered
three children and three adults at a Christian school, conservatives are doing useful journalism and have
discovered some interesting facts. First, the shooting took place even as so-called "transgender"
organizations were pushing hard for a "Trans Day of Vengeance. Second, the killer targeted the
school because it was a gun-free zone. [...] While I don't know of any evidence tying the evil female
shooter to the "Day of Vengeance," it's certainly true that anger is integral to transgenderism.
The way I think of these people, especially if they're taking hormones, is that they have the aggression
of men and the emotionalism of women, which is a very dangerous combination. That's why I found it
disturbing to know there's a movement among transgender people to be armed.
than 60 percent of Scotland's trans prisoners began transitioning after being convicted.
More than 60 percent of transgender prisoners behind bars in Scotland only began transitioning after
they were locked up, it has emerged. Data obtained under Freedom of Information laws state there
were, at the start of last month, 19 transgender prisoners in custody, 12 of whom (63 percent) are
recorded as beginning their transition "after their date of admission". There were seven trans
women — biological men identifying as female — being allowed to serve their sentences
in the women's estate, despite the public and political outcry this year over transgender double rapist Isla
Bryson. Bryson was initially sent to Cornton Vale women's prison near Stirling to await sentencing
after being convicted but was later moved to the male estate. The 31-year-old only began
transitioning from male to female in 2020 after being charged with raping two women.
Christian School Shooter Was Second 'Transgender' Female Killer in 4 Years.
[Scroll down] The Swedish study — and many others — show that many
transgender people become more unhappy, withdrawn, and suicidal when they claim to be members of
other sex. A major part of the failed therapy is that the vast majority of other normal and
healthy people cannot consider the claimed transgender people as romantic partners.
woman left sobbing in JFK Airport after TSA agent hit her testicles: report. A
transgender woman was left in tears at JFK Airport after she claimed a TSA agent punched her in the
testicles while she was going through security, the Daily Mail reported. The unidentified
flyer took to social media to vent about the incident, in which she said the agent "humiliated" her
in front of everyone in a series of posts that have since been deleted, according to the
outlet. "hi so a tsa agent at jfk airport punched me in the genitalia, yelled at me for
having a penis (?) and humiliated me in front of everyone after i told her to please stop," she
captioned a photo of her crying in the airport bathroom, according to a screenshot of the
post. But the embarrassment didn't stop there, according to the woman. "[The TSA agent]
followed me into the women's bathroom and began talking about me to a coworker while I sobbed in a
stall," she wrote, asking friends on the internet for advice as to what she should do.
The Editor says...
The whole purpose of being a transvestite is apparently to attract attention and sympathy on the
internet. Too many people are wallowing in self-pity because of their self-inflicted problems.
remains a mental illness. Accompanying the horrifying news today that a mass shooting
took place at a Christian elementary school near Nashville, TN was the bizarre background
information about the alleged assailant. A troubled young woman has been blamed for the
killing of three adults and three children, and she identified herself as a transgender person,
according to online profiles she left behind. [The shooter], age 28, had once been a student
at Covenant Presbyterian Church's school, which she returned to yesterday to gun down others.
Her motives for slaughtering six innocent people aren't clear, but it's obvious to anyone that she
suffered from one or more mental illnesses. Whether or not we find out what inner demons
drove her to her fatal actions today, we know that her foray into transgenderism should've prompted
those who knew her to seek competent psychological counseling.
reporting on the Nashville shooting reveals the incoherence of modern gender theory.
When newspapers publish stories using the phrase "her testicles," it's easy to add laughter to the
tears that always accompany reports demonstrating the complete breakdown of reality in modern
America. There is no laughter, though, when trying to decipher the biological sex of the
school shooter who killed three children and three adults in Nashville, before the police
appropriately terminated the killer's existence. Initial stories identified the shooter as a
female teenager. Then the reports changed to say that the shooter (whom I will not name) was
a 28-year-old female. That was odd because, historically, women are not mass shooters,
although there are always exceptions. The news then reported that the shooter was "transgender."
That too left me bewildered. Did that mean the shooter was a biological woman who claimed to be
a man or a biological man who claimed to be a woman?
the mentally ill 'mustn't own guns,' what about 'trans' people? The timing of the
tragic Nashville shooting, in which a MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, aka "transgender") individual
killed six at a Christian school, is a bit odd. National Public Radio had just recently done
a piece on how MUSS and other "LGBTQ" people are buying guns because, the story goes, they believe
they're imperiled by conservatives. As one sexual devolutionary NPR quoted put it, "If the
world is dangerous, then you have to be dangerous back, and that very much has pushed me into where
I am now." As for what pushed 28-year-old Audrey Hale into opening fire Monday at The Covenant
School, which she once attended, the media largely pretend to have no clue. They don't want
you to have one, either. This is why, shamelessly, they often hide Hale's MUSS status and
instead focus on guns.
Tyranny? Perfectly Normal. Abortion is a clear example of normalization.
It became a hot topic decades ago, talked about in news, on social media, in Hollywood
(desensitization phase). Terms were revamped (language control phase). Now it's "women's
health," not "abortion," "pro-choice," not "pro-abortion," "fetuses" and "clumps of cells," not
"babies." Over time, killing one's own child was no longer untenable, but a normal part of
society, even seen as a woman's right. Using these same tactics, homosexual and transgender
behavior once recognized as "abnormal" (3%) has also been mainstreamed. Again, it was gay
rights everywhere — the news, entertainment, parades (phase 1). Again it was language
appropriation, where behavior outside the norm can no longer be called abnormal, where a man with a
male physique who says he's a really a woman cannot be called delusional (phase 2). Indeed,
words like "abnormal" or "delusional" are now hate speech. If you dare speak these words,
you'll be ostracized by groups, labeled a homophobe, a hate-monger.
advances 'trans refuge' bill opponents say would strip custody from non-consenting parents.
Minnesota lawmakers on Thursday advanced legislation that would establish the state as a "trans refuge"
for children who are seeking transgender medical procedures but who may be denied "gender-affirming
care" in other states. In a party-line 68-62 vote, the Minnesota House passed HF 146, which
had been introduced by Rep. Leigh Finke of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. Finke is the
state's first transgender lawmaker. Democrats supporting the bill say the legislation will protect
transgender people, their families and healthcare providers from facing legal repercussions for traveling
to Minnesota to obtain cross-sex hormone prescriptions or sex-change procedures. Similar legislation
has been introduced in California and other states with Democratic-controlled legislatures, which seek to
counter Republican states that have sought to ban transgender procedures for minors.
America has deadly enemies, and they are laughing at us.
Pentagon Supports Child-Sex Changes, Argues Red States Have Created a 'Public Health
Crisis'. President Joe Biden's Pentagon is arguing for gender-affirming care for
minors as young as seven years old who belong to military families. In a March edition of the
American Journal of Public Health, Department of Defense providers expressed their support for
children to be put on hormone blockers and sex change surgeries despite the dangers of its
long-term effects, both mentally and physically. "Affirming care has only recently become
politicized; protection of gender-affirming medical care for military-affiliated [transgender]
youths may require a declarative position without tolerance for personal biases, as the DoD has
historically achieved for other minoritized groups," the authors wrote. Titled "Caring for
Military-Affiliated Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youths: A Call for Protections," claim that the
only option for children who present gender dysphoria signs is to immediately move forward with
gender-affirming care, arguing it is a "human right."
Are Falling Out of Love With Woke Disney Parks. Last year it was leaked that Latoya
Raveneau, an executive producer at Disney, had bragged that her team had implemented a "not-at-all-secret
gay agenda" and was regularly "adding queerness" to children's programming. [...] Unfortunately, Disney
has ignored these concerns and insists on producing woke content to groom children — despite
a slew of movies with dismal box office numbers and streaming series that fans aren't watching.
For example, this week it was announced that Willow, the highly anticipated sequel series to the 1988
film of the same name, has been canceled after just one season. The show featured a same-sex
romance, a man portraying a female character, and the blatant juxtaposition of brave and strong
female characters with dumb, cowardly, and weak male characters.
Goes There, Shows Graphic Video of Effects of 'Gender-Affirming' Surgeries Alongside Biden
Comments. As RedState's Bonchie reported last week, Ron DeSantis expertly trolled
media outlets by actually showing videos of books found in Florida public school libraries that
contained sex and pornography. The news stations had to quickly kill their live feeds because
you can't show that stuff on television. The obvious question: if it's too saucy for an
adult audience — why is it in our kids' schools?
Back Our Country, One Word at a Time. [#7] Gender does not exist in
humans. It's been impossible for the enslavers to quantify the number of genders because it
is zero. There are two sexes and zero genders. The hoax of gender as a socially
acquired, fluid trait was cooked up by awful people like John Money and Judith Butler to inflict
their own depravity and bitterness, to drain common sense, and to generate insanity in
America. The correct term is "sex identity." The correct term for the subjective
experience of being male or female is "sex identification." This area of research and
discussion became an obsession due to the conquerors' hatred of human nature. Consider
correcting the garbage science term gender fluid. If you suffer to hear it, substitute
the word "ambisexuality." [...] [#8] Transgender does not exist. Powder and paint
can't make a man what he ain't. Sex identity is the earliest and deepest form of ego
identity, inseparable from the gift of life itself. There is no more perfect application of
the term "disorder" than disunity between the sex of the body and the processes of ego mind.
Centering life on sex identity disorder is an energetic sinkhole that undermines the chance of
living a selfless, generous, fulfilling life for either sex. Adults have the right to pass
themselves off as the opposite sex, but unless the listener is another Helen Keller, it is not
going to work.
Violently Assaults Bystanders at Detransition Awareness Rally. While the radical left
loves to claim that LGBTQ individuals face horrible oppression and discrimination, the reality is
that almost every institution in this country (and others) celebrates LGBTQ ideology and calls
those who identify with it "heroes." The true victims of discrimination and harsh backlash
are the "detransitioners" — transgenders who decide to return to living as their
biological sex. These brave individuals not only have the courage to admit they were terribly
wrong (some with permanent bodily damage such as double mastectomies), but they must face leftist
targeting that paints them as traitors and villains.
Must Be Eradicated. The world is unhappy with Michael Knowles. From the
mainstage at CPAC earlier this week, the Daily Wire commentator stated the obvious. "There
can be no middle way in dealing with transgenderism," said Knowles. [...] A decade ago, Knowles's
position would have been uncontroversial. A decade earlier still and it would have been
nearly unanimous across all but the fringiest sections of American society. That rapid and
dramatic change is proof as good as any that the man might have a point. The only direction
for the ideologues is forward; they cannot even conceive of any other. In the uproar over
these common-sense remarks, Knowles's most strident critics have hurled his central premise
violently back at him: There can be no middle way. It is all or nothing. [...] The
first thing conservatives need to understand is that the other side holds no illusions of
coexistence. They would laugh at the live-and-let-live mentality of Knowles's more friendly
critics, because they know that only one side can be right. That's why the response was so
hysterical — why outlets like Rolling Stone miscast Knowles's remarks as a call
for genocide before fear of libel charges forced them to change course.
Does Michael Knowles Mean When He Calls for 'Eradication' of Transgenderism? The
Daily Wire's Michael Knowles caused a collective meltdown on the left when he called for the
"eradication" of transgenderism at last weekend's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).
Naturally, much of the outrage coming from the left was deceptive — an attempt to convince
onlookers that Knowles was advocating for going full Hitler on the transgender community. [...] For
those who missed the social media outrage over Knowles' comments, the commentator took the stage at
CPAC and railed against transgender ideology. "There can be no middle way in dealing with
transgenderism. It is all or nothing. If transgenderism is true, if men can become women,
then it's true for everybody of all ages," he argued. "If it is false, then for the good of
society, and especially for the good of the poor people who have fallen prey to this confusion,
transgenderism must be eradicated from public life entirely — the whole preposterous
ideology." Naturally, left-wing propaganda outlets like The Daily Beast and Rolling
Stone published headlines claiming that Knowles called for committing mass murder against
transgender individuals. When they realized that their blatant lies were likely harming
their arguments against his comments, they stealth-edited their headlines to reflect something
closer to the truth.
In Child Gender Dysphoria Treatment Says Trans Medical Industry Is Harming Kids.
Dr. Susan Bradley, a Canadian psychiatrist and pioneer in child gender dysphoria treatment,
came out against the popular model of affirming children's transgender identities and putting them
on puberty blockers — a practice she was once involved in — in an interview
with the Daily Caller News Foundation. Bradley started a pediatric gender clinic in 1975
aimed at treating children with gender dysphoria — a deep sense of discomfort with one's
body and biological sex — in which she offered a therapy-focused approach; most patients
outgrew their feelings of being transgender over time, she told the DCNF. Around 2005, the
clinic began prescribing puberty blockers to gender-dysphoric children as a way to alleviate their
distress, a model which has since become widely adopted by medical establishments around the world,
including in the U.S.
Science, Exactly, Does the Left Follow? Over the past few years, one of the rallying
cries and favored slogans of the left, for many cultural and political issues at least, has been,
"Follow the science!" [...] But curiously, they never tell you to "follow the science" of biology,
even though "Gender Affirming Care" is a topic directly and obviously related to biology. Why
might that be? Could it be because biological reality would directly refute not only GAC, but
topple the entire fragile house of cards that their agenda and belief system sits on? No, the
left does not want you to follow the real science of biology because it would completely
blow holes in their asinine, insane political narratives. If people "followed the science" of
biology, and recognized anatomical reality, then they would know that there are only two sexes, can
only be two sexes, and will only ever be two sexes, and that those born with XX chromosomes will be
female for life, no matter whether they mutilate themselves and no matter how much testosterone
they take, and that those born with XY chromosomes will be male for life, no matter how much
cosmetic surgery they get or how much makeup they wear.
Airlines Touts All-LGBTQ Flight Crew; Customers Not Amused. United Airlines took to
Twitter this week to proclaim that an all-LGBTQ+ crew had just completed a flight from San
Francisco to Sydney. A video inside the tweet showed two employees unveiling the image of a
koala bear — wearing heart-shaped sunglasses — waving an enormous LGBTQ flag
on the side of the aircraft. The airline may have been surprised to learn that for many
passengers, safety trumps diversity. Although there were a few who applauded this momentous
occasion, for those more concerned with reaching their destination in one piece, it landed like a
lead balloon.
Leftists Are Saying About Trans Extremism. Trans extremism is a new phenomenon whose
rise has been fueled by another innovation, the internet. Trans extremism has exerted
considerable pressure; through that pressure, it has rapidly advanced real-world gains.
Indeed, short of a military invasion and occupation, it is difficult to imagine another movement
advancing as quickly and changing society as thoroughly. This movement is associated with the
left, but even leftists are questioning trans extremism. Leftist questioning occurs, inter
alia, in the comments sections of liberal publications. This questioning suggests that though
trans extremism has successfully exerted great force, from public shaming, to economic boycotts, to
intense manipulation of family members and friends, to physical violence [links to numerous
examples] trans extremism has, so far, been unable to win all hearts and minds, even on the left,
and its days may be numbered.
Businesses Like KitchenAid Display Hatred For Women By Hiring Men In Costumes For
Ads. TikTok performer Dylan Mulvaney, 26, says taking drugs, dressing up in bikinis,
wearing makeup and bows, having sleepovers, and being nervous to rideshare without friends make him
a girl, something anyone with a brain or eyes knows is not true. Despite his sickening
distortion of femininity while performing as a transgender man, Mulvaney is rewarded. Most
recently, Mulvaney's deluded belief that feathers and sparkles indicate womanhood granted him a
front-page spot in KitchenAid's 2023 Color of the Year campaign launch and newsletter. Among
pictures of dolled-up women ready to use their bright pink countertop appliances is Mulvaney, a
biological man who launched an online career based on his absurd belief that "girlhood" is an
ensemble anyone can take off or put on whenever he wants. [...] Big businesses like KitchenAid
won't admit it, but by partnering with men masquerading as women in their advertising, they are
showing complete contempt for the women they claim to support and empower.
Girls' School Strikes Back Against the Trans Madness. The world having gone
absolutely insane, the Mid Vermont Christian School (MVCS) girls' basketball team is likely to get
a lot of heat for this, but in a sane world, they would be the heroes of the story. The team,
which is known as the Eagles and has lived up to the nobility and heroism of their name, has
withdrawn from Vermont's Division IV state tournament rather than play against a team that features
a male basketball player who says he is a woman. If this young man claimed to be an eagle or
an aardvark or a garden slug, he would be receiving psychiatric help at this time and would likely
not be playing in the tournament at all. As it is, he is on the verge of being conferred the
Left's coveted victimhood status.
Basic Questions Democrats Can't (Or Won't) Answer. [Scroll down] On the
trans issue, how did all of you lose every bit of life experience and knowledge you'd accumulated
over your lifetime inside of about 15 minutes? [...] If trans women are every bit as much women and
real women, why do they need the prefix "trans"? [...] Why are the people who have all the protections
of cancel culture, who are seemingly every third character on television, tenured academia, and a
fascistic political party constantly policing speech on their side "marginalized"? Aren't we
normal people, the ones marginalized by being forced to deny reality?
Legislature Passes Bill to Ban Drag Shows in Front of Kids. Tennessee lawmakers
passed a bill that would prevent drag shows from taking place on public property or in front of
children. The bill classifies "male and female impersonators" as adult cabaret performers,
while also banning "adult-oriented performances that are harmful to minors." The legislation,
SB3, now makes its way to Republican Gov. Bill Lee's office. State Rep. Chris Todd,
R-Madison County, filed the bill, saying "this is a common sense child-safety bill."
The plague
of self-diagnosis. [Scroll down] In other words, if you think you have cancer your doctor will
check. If you think you are transgender, too many doctors will simply take your word for it, "affirm" your almost
assuredly transitory state of mind, and then go right ahead with procedures that cause permanent damage. And while
the scenarios above my be fictional, they are not at all hypothetical. In fact, they are all too real, as many
"detransitioners" will attest to. Recently, lawsuits have begun to be filed by detransitioners against the doctors
and clinicians and establishments that, they say, simply moved them down the conveyor belt towards transition without
taking into account other factors, such as looking at the general mental health of the person, their overall well-being,
and the reasons for seeking to transition in the first place.
Let's Just
Say It: Transgenderism Is a Mental Illness. It isn't a civil rights cause, it isn't a new form of free
expression, it isn't a natural societal evolution. It's insanity. And facilitating it, as in the case of the
supposed "medical professionals" increasingly pushing it on children, is evil. We're seeing this in more and more
vivid detail as the transgender craze — and it is a craze, make no mistake about that — broadens
and touches more and more lives. It's becoming harder and harder to sustain the myth that chemical castrations and
hormone baths and disfiguring surgeries lead to normal lives. More and more, we know that they don't. Not
that we didn't know already. What we know is that post-op transexuals have staggeringly high suicide rates.
Follow the money.
from St Louis transgender clinic told teachers to 'affirm' an entire group of fifth graders. Doctors from
the St. Louis gender clinic now under investigation following bombshell whistleblower claims advised teachers to
'affirm' an entire group of fifth graders, emails The Washington University Transgender Center at the St. Louis
Children's Hospital was shamed last week by whistleblower Jamie Reed, a former employee who wrote a bombshell article
for The Free Press describing the 'medically and morally appalling' scenario at-play. Her claims sparked two
investigations — one by the Missouri AG's office, and another by the office of Senator Josh Howley.
Admin Revokes Liquor License of Orlando Venue That Hosted Sexual Drag Show for Children. The
administration of Florida governor Ron DeSantis is rescinding the liquor license of a venue that hosted a sexualized
drag show open to children. Through the state's Department of Business and Professional Regulation, DeSantis on
Friday filed a 6-count complaint against the Orlando Philharmonic Foundation Inc., accusing the company of exposing
minors to obscene sexual acts during a drag performance in December. The complaint obtained by Florida Voice
News alleged that the foundation advertised the show to all ages as holiday-themed without specifying its "sexually
explicit nature." The DeSantis administration warned the venue prior to the show that it would be expected to ensure
children would be barred from entry, writing in a letter that "sexually explicit drag show performances constitute
public nuisances, lewd activity, and disorderly conduct when minors are in attendance." If the company refused to
comply, the letter said, it could be subject to penalties up to and including license revocation.
Rise of Transgenderism Leaves Civilization Undefended. If you're like me you've probably had it with being
afraid of the sheer rise in power that the transgender movement has amassed in little over two years. It has many
people scared, truly scared. Scared of saying (I'm going to say it): Biological men can never be real
women; men cannot have babies; referring to oneself as "they" is beyond grammatically infelicitous, it renders one a
nonsensical and a conceptual non-entity; the transgender affirmation of adolescents, which means agreeing to visiting a
host of atrocities on a child's body and plying it with irreversible drugs, is child abuse; trans women (biological men)
have no business participating in (real) women's sports. There I've said it all — at least as much
as I care to for now. Why are people scared of offending trans people? Misgendering another person, I am
told, is the worst offense you can commit against another human being — as bad as rape and murder.
No kidding. How did a small minority of people get to command the language, protocols, norms and framing
methods of an entire culture in so short a space of time? Who handed all that power to them, and why?
The War To Destroy Society, Drag Queens Are The Shock Troops. Drag queens appear everywhere
now — public libraries, parades, and school classrooms. Even the signing celebration for President Joe
Biden's ill-named Respect for Marriage Act included a drag queen. "Drag Queen Story Hour" is marketed as
family-friendly entertainment you'd want to take your children to see. But the ideology behind drag queen culture
merits a much deeper look. What used to be a common comedy sketch — men in drag — has become
a vehicle for sexual politics that seeks to upend norms around human sexuality and the nuclear family. It's
important to grasp the dark intent behind this growing trend. Drag queens are billed as a warm celebration of
human differences. There are more than 30 chapters of drag queens in the United States seeking to introduce
children to a new way of seeing sex and sexuality, often with readings in public libraries.
Wear Mental Illnesses Like Fashion Accessories. The transes seem to engage in an informal competition to
be the most mentally fragile and permanently miserable, consumed with angst from the slightest non-problems imaginable.
Take, for instance, this woman, who is on the verge of tears at the prospect of having to tick a box on a form to notate
biological sex which doesn't include a section for non-binaries. "It's sad," she says. "I feel heavy with that
knowledge." [Tweet] The more mentally unstable one becomes, the more authentically transgender.
Real Purpose of Drag Queen Story Hour. Those who have voiced concerns about the dangers that drag events,
such as Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH), pose for children (namely, sexualization and grooming) have been told that those
concerns are baseless, that the events are harmless, that it is all just entertainment and fun, and that attending drag
events is a way to understand the gay culture. [...] The purpose of DQSH is not entertainment, nor to understand gay
culture. The purpose is to turn children "queer" through an educational process. What is queer, you might
ask? Queer in this context comes from Queer Theory, the idea that asserts that sexual norms are oppressive, that
actually anything normal is a problem. Ronald Pisaturo, author of Masculine Power, Feminine Beauty, a book that
condemns the LGBT movement, defines a queer as "an activist dedicated to overthrowing capitalism, the system alleged to
enforce oppressive sexual norms such as masculinity, femininity, and heterosexuality." Turning children into
Marxist activists is the goal.
The great feminist leaders are all completely silent about this:
Dressed As A Woman, Rachel Levine, Hilariously Claims He's Broken Glass Ceilings For Women. Rachel Levine
talks about breaking glass ceilings and being an inspiration to other women. A man who doesn't have a uterus and
spent the majority of his career identifying as a man, is a glass-ceiling- breaking female hero? Why is it
culturally acceptable to mock womanhood? [Video clip]
Crazy New Year: Five Radical Laws Go into Effect. [#1] SB 107: 'Sanctuary State' for 'Transgender
Kids' — This law, signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) in September, protects the use of drugs or surgery to
provide so-called "gender-affirming care" to children from other states where the use of such treatments is restricted
or criminalized. It prohibits doctors from releasing information to other states, and prohibits California courts
interfering in child custody over such treatments.
Dude Stabs His Father To Death And Critically Stabs His Sister In New York. Nikki Secondino, a 22-year-old
transgender woman, has been charged with the murder of their [sic] father, Carlo Secondino, 61, who was killed in a
stabbing at the family home in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. Secondino has also been charged with attempted murder and
criminal possession of a weapon in connection to the attack, which left their [sic] 19-year-old sister in critical
condition at Maimonides Hospital.
Transgenders Have 4.5 Times Higher Rate of Psychiatric Illness Than Normies. In the least surprising
clinical conclusion in world history, research published in the medical journal Transgender Health revealed the sizable
mental health disparity between transgender and cisgender subjects: [...] The researchers found "increased rates of
bipolar disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance use disorders" in the transgender population,
among other negative disparities like schizoaffective disorder, panic disorder, and agoraphobia.
Man Who Murdered His Parents Will Serve His Time as a Woman. Another man who identifies as a woman has
apparently been transferred to the women's wing of a prison in Maine. That such a thing should happen is nothing
new in and of itself. PJ Media and other outlets have reported on similar situations in other states. But
the nature and scope of this crime are startling. Maine resident Andrew Balcer is a convicted murderer.
Reduxx reports that on Halloween night in 2016, Balcer, then 17, stabbed his mother and father and then killed the
family dog. [...] The case was in court for years. Balcer, who now calls himself Andrea, claimed to have suffered
physical and sexual abuse at the hands of his parents, something that his brother vehemently denies. But he also
said that an impetus for his crimes was the fact that his parents were not supportive of his gender transition.
'Gender-affirming Care' for Children Has No Medical Benefits. Earlier this year, Robert "Rachel" Levine,
Joe Biden's Assistant Secretary of Health, claimed without evidence that there is consensus in the medical community
that so-called "gender-affirming care" is good for kids. "There is no argument among medical
professionals — pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine physicians, adolescent
psychiatrists, psychologists, etc. — about the value and the importance of gender-affirming care," he
claimed. But a new study has found that Levine's claim is not supported by data. In fact, there is no medical
science to support his claim whatsoever. The study, which was conducted by the nonprofit organization Sex Matters in
the United Kingdom, found that the alleged benefits of "gender-affirming care" are "no greater than a placebo effect."
The Democrats' war on
the family. It wasn't that long ago when older men dressed as women twerking with children at
city-sponsored parades or schools adopting unisex locker rooms or medical clinics exploiting gender dysphoria to pad
their bottom line all would have been considered child abuse. But today, Joe Biden, the Catholic who once stood by
his religion, tweets, "Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time. There is no room for
compromise..." As they say, one thing leads to another. This swift and headlong lurch into androgyny started a
while ago when the revolutionaries realized before you can deconstruct the West you've got to deconstruct Western
notions of the family. The Human Rights Campaign's Welcoming Schools program celebrates transgender youth and
normalizes gender fluidity in kindergarten. Planned Parenthood, when they're not doing their best to eliminate
families, says "no worries," we're sexual beings beginning at birth.
Disturbing Video of 'Rachel' Levine Is Going Viral. Earlier this month, an old video surfaced of
Dr. Richard "Rachel" Levine, Joe Biden's assistant secretary of health. The video, from the 2019 Annual
Meeting of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine in Washington, D.C., went viral because Levine inadvertently
admitted everything wrong and predatorial about the transgender movement. Levine was secretary of the Pennsylvania
Department of Health at the time the video was made, but it was nevertheless a revealing video, exposing just how evil
the movement is.
Don't Buy What Democrats Are Selling
as Reality. Under their new pseudo-reality, the Democrats would have us believe that male athletes can
change their sex simply by declaring themselves female. This even though male athletes can never change their
inherent XY male chromosome make-up. Not so astonishingly, these mediocre male athletes often skyrocket to being
top-tier "female" athletes after their declaration. In short, Democrats want you to believe whatever they desire
to be real is true. At the same time, anyone who opposes them and tries to correct them is automatically labeled
by Democrats as being wrong and false.
We Can Choose Not to Tolerate Weirdos. Somehow we got to the point where we're expected to just nod
politely when freaks, strangeos, and perverts turn up in positions of great responsibility. Well, that needs to
change. Whether it's some "non-binary" bondage mutant who oversees America's nuclear waste betwixt bouts of
luggage larceny or an Army colonel who — and yeah, this happened — masks up as a leather sex puppy
in uniform on social media and who, along with junior officers, also dressed as carnal canines, forms what I guess would
be an erotic litter. And then there's the everyday parade of creepy groomer oddities teaching our kids —
actually, indoctrinating them — who are so proud of it that they go post videos of themselves bragging about the
gender confusion and woke nonsense they spread. Time to stop accepting the idea that we need to pretend weirdos are
not weird.
is not the queerest thing about Biden's little perv perp. The Biden administration made headlines last
year when they boastfully appointed a certain person to a high level position at the Office of Nuclear Energy.
This person is "non-binary" and refers to his/her/them/itself with ungendered pronouns. [...] Yes, I get it —
this person is mentally ill. Note that this mental case is a card-carrying member of the political party that
"believes in science." What I don't get, however, is that the person wants to be referred to not just by
non-gendered pronouns, but by pronouns that are plural such as "they" and "them." Those plural pronouns refer to
multiple people, not an individual person who thinks he/she/they/it is (are?) non-gendered. Does this person think
he/she/they/it are (is?) not only non-gendered but also comprise more than a single individual? As if there are
three of him/her/them? Eleven? When standing in front of a mirror, how many reflections does the person
see? The moronic media go along with all this. In fact, they encourage it. Not only do they go along
with the pronouns that are non-gendered, but they also go along with the pronouns that are plural.
Queens are the Democrats' New Mascot. Inviting a drag queen to celebrate respect for marriage is like
dancing about architecture, to borrow a phrase. Yet here we are: Joe Biden signed the Respect for Marriage
Act flanked by Kamala Harris, Jill Biden, and gay drag queen story hour performer Marti Cummings. Cummings is the
symptom, not the disease. There are always fringe people out on, well, the fringes. Although we didn't use
to invite them to the White House to celebrate what might be humanity's oldest institution. It's niche
entertainment, to say the least. In fact, there's been such a rush to normalize this particular
fetish — even make it "family-friendly" — that actual pedos are being glamourized. Why the
sudden and very official respect? It has nothing to do with gay rights. It has a lot to do with putting
women in their place. The Left is waging a war on women, on genuine femininity and all of its unique
strengths. And they do it, in part, by raising up obnoxious (and often just plain noxious) pantomime females as
"real" women.
Experts Finally Discover Why 'LGBTQ Youth' Are Suicidal. Liberal and tolerant Public Health experts seem
to have finally sussed out, based on hard clinical research, the true sources of LGBTQ+++ youth suicidality. [...] It's
obviously just a major coincidence that suicidality increases when pop culture floods children's corporate media
programming to celebrate "Transgender Day of Visibility" and libbed-out parents encourage their four-year-old children
to "explore their genders." This is clearly not disorienting or confusing for children.
The Hijacking
of Pediatric Medicine. Thousands of pediatricians convened in Anaheim, Calif., in early October for the
American Academy of Pediatrics's (AAP) annual conference. The group, which boasts 67,000 members in the United
States and around the world describes itself as "dedicated to the health of all children." So some audience
members were shocked when Dr. Morissa Ladinsky, an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Alabama
at Birmingham, lauded a transgender teenager for committing suicide. In an address about "standing up for
gender-affirming care," Ladinsky eulogized Leelah Alcorn, an Ohio 17-year-old who, in Ladinsky's words, "stepped boldly
in front of a tractor trailer, ending her life," in 2014, after leaving a suicide note that "went viral, literally
around the world." Ladinsky's remarks were captured on video by a horrified onlooker, Oregon pediatrician
Dr. Julia Mason, who expressed outrage on Twitter that Ladinsky was "glorifying suicide," an act she described as
"unprofessional and dangerous."
experts issue warning over American Girl pushing gender transitions: 'Protect your daughters'. The
American Girl doll brand is facing backlash over a book targeted at prepubescent girls that promotes gender transition
seemingly without parental consent. The book, titled "A Smart Girl's Guide: Body Image," which is marketed to
girls ages 3 to 12, encourages children to talk with a doctor if they are questioning their gender
identity. "At first, you and the doctor might talk about wearing the clothes and using the pronouns (like he, she,
or they) that make you feel most like the true you," the book reads. "If you haven't gone through puberty yet, the
doctor might offer medicine to delay your body's changes, giving you more time to think about your gender identity."
transgender lobby is a massive and well-funded Leviathan. In January, the Biden administration announced
support for medical intervention for minors to "change" their gender, citing research from the Trevor Project, a
nonprofit organization focusing on transgender activism. IRS records show the AbbVie Foundation, a project of the
biopharmaceutical company AbbVie, donated $50,000 to the Trevor Project. AbbVie manufactures Lupron, the puberty
blocker most widely used on children in the early stages of transitioning. So, the White House cited a study
produced by a nonprofit organization that received thousands of dollars from companies that make drugs and medical
products used in the gender transition process to argue in support of puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and
sex-reassignment surgeries for children. The conflict of interest is obvious, but it's only the tip of the
trans-money-power iceberg.
Churches Split From Methodists Over Gay Marriage Stance. Nearly 150 Texas churches voted to leave the
United Methodist Church during the Northwest Texas Annual Conference of United Methodist Churches (UMC) over
disagreements concerning the church's position on gay marriage, according to the Texas Tribune. In a 261-24 vote
over the weekend, 145 churches voted to exit the United Methodist Church and join the Global Methodist Church after
years of disagreement between the churches and the UMC over the organization's acceptance of gay marriage, according to
the Texas Tribune.
Have Some Questions about Gender Assignment. The Fairfax County, Virginia School Board has "educated me"
that babies are "assigned gender" at birth, and I have some questions. My first question is, what is the
department in the hospital that assigns genders to newborns called? Because if you call a hospital and ask for the
"gender assignment department," they don't seem to know what you are talking about. I've called eight hospitals
so far. Not one of them seems to have a department that assigns gender to newborns. Is the
impossible-to-call-or-locate gender assignment department at my nearest hospital some kind of secret society, like the Freemasons?
FDA Plans to Lift More Restrictions on Gay, Bisexual Men Donating Blood. The Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) is planning to lift more restrictions on donating blood for gay and bisexual men in monogamous relationships, even
if they have not abstained from sex for 90 days. The new rules are expected to be implemented within the
coming months, FDA sources familiar with the plans told the Wall Street Journal. Potential gay and bisexual
male donors would still need to complete a risk assessment questionnaire before being allowed to give blood. The
FDA is still in the process of drafting the new questionnaire and guidance.
Children's Hospital Is Stacking Its Bench Of Chaplains With Trans Activists. Wisconsin's premier
children's hospital has had its fair share of scandal, particularly with regard to religious liberty and leadership, but
the bar just keeps getting lower: Children's Wisconsin is now hiring trans activists as chaplains and "spiritual care
interns." Children's staff members were first notified of such new hires when fliers were posted around the
inpatient units advertising, "Meet Your New Chaplain: Kate Newendorp." The first tip-off to Newendorp's beliefs
about the sexes was featured prominently on the posters, with a proclamation of her pronouns as "she/her/hers" and those
of her fiance, a female who goes by "they/he."
is behind the rise in girls questioning their gender identity? Earlier this year, a team of NHS
researchers was asked to investigate why there has been such a huge rise in the number of adolescent biological girls
seeking referrals to gender clinics. The figures alone do seem remarkable. According to a study commissioned
by NHS England, 10 years ago there were just under 250 referrals, most of them boys, to the Gender Identity Development
Service (Gids), run by the Tavistock and Portman NHS foundation trust in London. Last year, there were more than
5,000, which was twice the number in the previous year. And the largest group, about two-thirds, now consisted of
"birth-registered females first presenting in adolescence with gender-related distress", the report said. The
review team is looking into the causes behind "the considerable increase in the number of referrals" and the changing
case mix, but is not expected to publish any findings until next year.
a conservative Christian from Colorado Springs and I didn't kill anyone. A gunman entered a gay
nightclub — or I guess they call them LGBTQ nightclubs now — in Colorado Springs last weekend and
opened fire. Five people were killed and 18 were injured. He was finally stopped when a former army soldier
pounced on him, kicked his gun away, and pinned him to the floor. Then Democrats pounced. Not on the gunman,
but on Colorado Springs. The New York Times declared that Colorado Springs: "was known for years as the
Vatican of Evangelicals — a home base for a well-funded, well-organized conservative Christian political
movement that broadcast dire warnings about the dangers of homosexuality to the nation." Other liberal media outlets
and prominent Dems piled on, including NBC, Daily Kos and, naturally, Nancy Pelosi. A small point before moving
on: If Colorado Springs is such a homophobic place, how do you explain the existence of a successful gay, er, LGBTQ,
criticizing groomers sparking violence? People on the Left are accusing conservatives of inciting violence
by attacking gender activists. Criticisms of "drag queen story hours," teachers who recruit children to secret
communities for gay and transgender students, librarians for putting pornography aimed at children in school libraries
abound. I and others point out the obvious: what they are doing is exhibiting all the behaviors of sexual
groomers, recruiting children to participate in sexualized activities inappropriate for their age. They encourage
children to "transition," get mutilating surgeries, sterilize themselves, and perform sexualized shows for adults.
Is our criticism of these activities inciting violence? And if so, is that criticism unacceptable?
Times Has Second Thoughts. The day is coming — rather soon, I think — when the
current mania for drugging adolescents and carving up their bodies will be viewed with horror as one of the great crimes
of our century. The costs of the "trans" fad have already become evident, to the point where the New York Times
wants to position itself somewhere in the middle. The Times story is headlined: "They Paused Puberty, but Is There
a Cost?" Good question!
Data Emerges Of 1,100+ Adolescent 'Gender Affirming' Mastectomies. A new study of nationwide hospital
databases found that at least 1,130 adolescents between 2016 and 2019 received "gender-affirming" chest surgeries in the
U.S. The study, published in JAMA Pediatrics, saw a 389% increase in adolescents (ages 12-17) obtaining chest
surgeries from 2016 to 2019. An overwhelming majority (1,114) of the adolescents seeking this surgery were female
(98.6%), and just 16 were male (1.4%). "To our knowledge, this study is the largest investigation to date of
gender-affirming chest reconstruction in a pediatric population," the paper's authors wrote, who are each affiliated
with Vanderbilt University Medical Center. "The results demonstrate substantial increases in gender-affirming
chest reconstruction for adolescents."
Mutilation. Mutilation is a disgrace and it must stop. Yeah, the word is "mutilation."
Chopping of penises and testicles, cutting off healthy breasts, trying to sculpt obscene parodies of male and female sex
organs — these are mutilations. The Aztecs, no slouch in the atrocity department, would look at this in
disgust. "Top surgery," "bottom surgery" — they know it is all an abomination because they try to hide
double mastectomies and castration behind benign euphemisms like "gender affirming care." It's a lie wrapped up
inside a deception. And our garbage ruling class think this is a good thing.
Judge OKs Taking 10-Year-Old Boy to California to Be Castrated. On September 21, 2022, Texas Judge Mary
Brown decided that a woman could take a 10-year-old boy away from his father to be castrated. The woman, who is
the boy's surrogate (non-biological) mother, divorced the father when the boy was 3. Since then, the woman has been
treating the boy as a girl. She gave him a girl's name and sends him to school in a dress. The woman has
announced that she intends to fully "transition" the boy to be a "transgender" girl.
Every Day is Halloween Now.
It wasn't all that long ago that the streets of major cities were filled with men and women wearing black masks over
their faces. The long Halloween of the lockdown, perhaps the longest on record, was just one of those costume
changes in which all of society got a makeover. But masks can be taken on and off. Social dysfunction is a
lot harder to fix. The drug addicts lying in gutters are not just wearing a costume, they've become the
costume. Just as if we had worn the masks long enough, we might have become the masks. Costumes are
everywhere. One day, Dr. Rick Levine chose to put on a dress and a long flowing blond wig and he became
Rachel Levine. The Biden administration decided to make Rick into a four-star-admiral and now he's Admiral Rachel
Levine allowing him to wear an exciting new costume. In a society where a man can become a woman by thinking it,
he can also become a four-star admiral.
Language. [Scroll down] A comparatively recent and most egregious case in point involves what is now
called "conversion therapy," the target of the non-binary and transgender prepossession preaching "diversity" to
minors — a cult that has now acquired conventional status. But what is "conversion therapy"? It is
a term calculated to deceive, to reverse normal assumptions by condemning parents concerned about their children's
sexual identity. Thus, to take an instance of adroit dissimulation, according to Human Rights Campaign (HRC),
"So-called 'conversion therapy,' sometimes known as 'reparative therapy,' is a range of dangerous and discredited
practices that falsely claim to change a person's sexual orientation." The truth is precisely the opposite.
Responsible parents do not wish to "change" or "convert" their children's sexual orientation but to retain it.
Undeterred, the Movement Advancement Project (MAP) approvingly cites "Conversion 'therapy' laws [that] prohibit licensed
mental health practitioners from subjecting LGBTQ minors to harmful conversion 'therapy' practices that attempt to
change their sexual orientation or gender identity."
Woman Doxed and Threatened by Antifa for Exposing Child Drag Performer Working with Accused Child
Pornographer. A Twitter user going by the name HoneyBadgerMom saw an ad for a child drag show at a local
bar called Old Nick's Pub near her home in Oregon and got concerned. She started researching the child who goes by
the drag name "Vanellope Craving MacPherson DuPont." HoneyBadgerMom, whose name is Chelly, started researching the drag
shows that advertised Vanellope as a performer and found many troubling things, including the fact that one of the
child's "drag moms" was arrested for allegedly making and distributing child pornography.
clashes outside Oregon pub over drag queen event; 11-yr-old performer, 'drag mom' a suspected pedophile.
More than 200 protesters faced off in tense clashes outside Old Nick's Pub in Oregon over a "drag queen story event"
featuring an 11-year-old whose former "drag mom" is a suspected pedophile. Fights broke out among the protesters
gathered outside the bar named after Satan, according to Fox News. No one was reportedly arrested but one person
was taken to the hospital by ambulance with an unspecified injury. The venue has previously hosted $10-a-ticket
fetish nights, with events advertising "impact play," "rope suspension," and "electric play." They have also
reportedly hosted drag shows where children have performed previously. Despite the volatile atmosphere outside,
the event went on.
Democrats' Bizarro World. [Scroll down] Another of those leftist groups the Bizarro Left seeks to
keep in its electoral pocket is homosexuals. If you'll recall, in the 1990s the homosexual lobby pleaded to "just
leave us alone and let us live our lives as we see fit," certainly a reasonable request. But in the 2000s the
homosexual lobby became more militant, and their message became "We're here, we're queer... deal with it!" The
"normalization" of homosexuality (4.5% of population, per Gallup, 2018) has now reached the stage where it's publicly
flaunted, and anyone who dares criticize it (or even fails to celebrate it) is immediately set upon and even cancelled
(remember Dr. Joyce Brothers?). More recently, transgenders (0.6% of U.S. population per Center for Disease
Control, 2020) have become the new favored group of the Bizarro Left, resulting in men competing against women in
college sports, and most shamefully, in young children being exposed to that lifestyle in our public schools. When
your party offers little to the majority of citizens, it must cater to every identity group imaginable in order to gain
and maintain power.
80% Of Voters OpposeTransgender Procedures On Minors. A new poll found that nearly 80% of American voters
believe that minors should be required to wait until they are adults to pursue transgender procedures. The
national survey, conducted by Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group, polled over 1,000
likely 2022 election voters in October. When asked if they "believe underage minors should be required to wait
until they are adults to use puberty blockers and undergo permanent sex change procedures," the poll found that 78.7% of
all respondents comprising Democrats, Republicans, and non-partisan affiliations said they should "wait." "The
idea that young people have to be 16 to drive, 18 to vote, and 21 to drink, and yet can undergo life-altering medical
procedures in middle school defies common sense, and the American people see that clearly," said Mark Meckler, president
of the Convention of States.
of furry. A vigilant group of parents and kids in Jefferson County have been hounding school officials
about the bizarre presence of "furries" in Colorado middle schools and high schools since February 2022. This is not a
"GOP talking point" or an election-season ploy. This is not a joke or satire. It's real, it's disruptive,
and it's sick. [...] Back in February, a parent had informed JeffCo's "chief student success officer" Matt Palaoro about
rabid furries at Wayne Carle Middle School who wore "cat/dog ears, tails, fur gloves, collars, and leashes" while
threatening peers who objected. The parent's son reported that the costumed students would "hiss, bark, scratch,
and meow" at students who objected to the behavior. Another child reported that the herd of furries would "walk on
all 4s in the hallway" and "also eat with their face in their food." Back in March, parents at Drake Middle School
in Jeffco met with principal Melinda Feir to alert her of the classroom disruptions caused by the human pet parade.
simply aren't buying attempts to force them to watch LGBT characters in popular media. A year ago, I wrote
a short column on DC Comics' decision to create a new series making America's iconic Man of Steel ... a bisexual.
CNN published a glowing report on how the new Superman was a more open-minded hero who had moved on from Lois Lane and
now also crushed on male reporters. [...] People, as it turns out, didn't much care for the idea, and DC Comics is
cancelling the series after only 18 issues due to poor sales. [...] Superman's bisexual successor is not the only sign
that audiences are getting fatigued with the relentless Pride Parade of LGBTetc characters in familiar franchises and
new films, which we are told we must enjoy lest we evidence our homophobia. Another example is the alleged
"romantic comedy" Bros, in which men flirt and couple with one another and the realities of gay subcultures are,
for the most part, safely avoided.
the left's offensive against Western Civilization. Who among us could have guessed a few years back that
today gender ideology would be the clearest, most divisive matter of contention separating the American left from the
right? To those reasonably grounded in reality, the notion that gender is fluid, that a Supreme Court Justice
would be unable to define the word "woman," that men can give birth, and that children can and should be mutilated if
they are confused about their own gender identity is not only sheer lunacy, it is barbaric. But the left's
commitment to those ideas is total; it's the hill on which they are willing to die. Those who disagree with them
are vilified as transphobic, haters or terrorists. Trans activists may well be the least tolerant "community" in
the country.
Tosses Biden Rules Threatening Doctors And Parents Who Oppose Amputating Kids' Genitals. A federal judge
in Texas threw out Biden administration guidelines threatening health care providers and parents with civil rights
lawsuits over opposition to transgender surgeries that mutilate children's sex organs. In September last year,
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit in the Northern District of Texas challenging regulations from the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) that mandated accommodation for trans-identified employees. Under
the EEOC guidance, employers may be sued for discrimination over policies related to dress codes, bathrooms, and
pronouns. But in March, the case was amended to include new rules from the Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS) covering how minors must be accommodated with wrongly named "gender affirming care."
to Hire Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Consultant for Children. Michigan Gov. Gretchen
Whitmer's (D) office issued a contract proposal for a "Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE)
Consultant" to assist the administration's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) unit with "awareness, education and
opportunities" for LGBTQIA+ and "two-spirit" youth and their families. Documents obtained by the Washington Free
Beacon show that on Sept. 12, Whitmer's Children's Services Agency issued the proposal to hire a "culturally competent"
individual for the consultant position to work with the DEI. The consultant will distribute surveys to the LGBTQIA+
community and submit monthly reports on the results.
Really Do Ruin Everything. [Scroll down] Jeffrey Dahmer was a murderous cannibal. He was also
gay. His victims were gay men. He lured them into his apartment with promises of sex. A new Netflix
series accurately portrays those facts. The LGBTQ Crew is not happy about that and demanded Netflix remove the
LGBTQ tag from it. Netflix, naturally, complied.
One Small European Study Changed Transgender Medicine in US. What is the basis for the current aggressive
transgender treatment for kids? Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child psychiatrist and author, says it's rooted in a
study done of 55 children in the Netherlands who suffered from gender dysphoria, and were given puberty blockers.
But there are problems with how American doctors are using that study, and Grossman explains why. She also
discusses what psychiatrists think behind closed doors about the current transgender treatment, and resources for
parents with a child with gender dysphoria. [Podcast]
Detransitioners Have A Message For Distressed Girls: Mangling Your Body Is A Sickness, Not A Cure. "The
Detransition Diaries: Saving Our Sisters" is a cautionary tale that exposes not only how influential the spread of trans
ideology is on social media and in doctors' offices, schools, and therapy sessions, but also how that same ideology
weaponizes vulnerable young women's identity struggle against them. The film from the Center for Bioethics and
Culture documents the testimonies of three women — Helena, Cat, and Grace — who went through
various forms of so-called "gender-affirming" prescriptions and procedures only to discover that the wrongly named
"treatments" marketed to make them feel better about their bodies did more harm than good. The featured women do
not shy away from mentioning the irreversible procedures and damage this mutilative movement had on their bodies and
souls, but they also don't leave viewers feeling hopelessly doomed in a world that works overtime to normalize the
destruction of healthy bodies.
the Transgender Fad a Triumph of Marketing? The number of cases of child gender dysphoria in the U.S. has
now exploded well over 1,000 times above its historically tiny 0.01 percent of the population. This unnatural
surge in popularity has all the symptoms of a fad, and most parents are concerned (except for the woke). Stories of
trans-regrets abound, but little is said in the leftist-controlled media to discourage young people from taking hormones
or opting for irreversible life-altering surgery. Transitioning is now called gender-affirming care and is
encouraged with or without parental approval. This is happening nationwide and suggests a well-coordinated plan exists.
Church Hosts Drag Events to Fund Secret Cross-Dressing Boutique for Kids. First Christian Church in Katy,
Texas, who opened the doors of their Transparent Closet for confused youth to have access to cross dressing in late
2020, is now hosting drag events to bring recognition and funding to their closet. FCC Katy has been openly
"accepting and affirming" of LGBTQIA+ ideologies since 2006. They promote their ideology to children, even handing out
pins that say in bold, rainbow letters, "NOT ALL CHRISTIANS ****." [Tweet] Conservative journalist Tayler Hansen,
on behalf of Texas Family Project, went undercover to FCC's closet to understand exactly what was going on. [Tweet]
The video shows staff informing Hansen that the church's boutique was opened to allow kids and teens to acquire clothes that
they can use to display a different gender without parental knowledge.
Children's Hospitals Cry Wolf Over 'Threats' No One Can Prove. Lately, the Boston Children's Hospital has
been making the media rounds with outlets like the Washington Post. The hospital is claiming to be receiving
"death threats" and even a "bomb threat" over their butchery of children who think they are "born in the wrong body."
This all started when activist Chris Elston started dropping the hospital's own marketing materials, which went viral
after Libs of TikTok shared the videos. Doctors from the hospital are on tape talking about mutilating children in
service of the Gender Cult that has overtaken our society. They, and others like them, are determined that
everyone will join the Gender Cult or else! And in this case, the "or else" might have been "or be accused
of sending heinous death threats, bigots!" Libs of Tik Tok was accused by the Washington Post of being
responsible for the harassment and threats that the hospital claims it received.
Labeled 'Transphobic' for Telling the Truth About Pregnancy. Sen. Marco Rubio provoked the left on
Monday by stating a biological truth about pregnancy. Delivering remarks at the National Conservatism Conference
in Miami, Florida, Rubio said as far as he knows, "every single human being that's ever been born was born of a
biological woman." The notion that "men can get pregnant" is propagated by not only woke commentators and
professors, Rubio pointed out, but is also being embraced by the likes of the Centers for Disease Control, among others,
who have changed their terminology to "pregnant people." Considering Rubio's talk was titled, "The Loss of Common
Sense: The New Divide in American Politics," the criticism he received only proved his point.
The swamp can't be drained, but occasionally it leaks.
State Employees Are Resigning Because Gov. Abbott Is Cracking Down on 'Gender-Affirming Care'. When
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive in February instructing the Department of Family and Protective Services
(DFPS) to investigate the mutilation of children as child abuse, it elicited a firestorm of criticism from the hard
left. Adherents of so-called progressive ideology have been fighting tooth and nail to preserve
brutal — and invasive — medical and surgical treatments for children under the guise of promoting
"gender-affirming care," which means they are trying, and failing, to help these kids transition to the opposite sex.
the United States Stop the March to Self-Destruction? Then, the radical left, again using the Civil Rights
Movement as the backdrop, decided to create the latest incarnation of a so-called civil rights crusade: the
mainstreaming of a phenomenon hitherto regarded as a mental disorder, gender dysphoria. And sticking with the
overwhelmingly effective blueprint, another intimidation epithet to go along with racism and homophobia was devised:
transphobia. There was no initial redeeming aspect of the transgender movement, as it was concocted to draw in
another gullible generation seeking relevance and meaning in their vapid lives. Beyond producing another group of
credulous halfwits, it further advances the destruction of the family and the Judeo-Christian underpinning of the nation
while dismantling what was once a cohesive American society. Its adherents promulgate the mutilation of willfully
confused children on the altar of Marxism. If the United States is to stop the march to self-destruction, then the
vast majority of Americans who do not identify with the left need to wake up and understand that the American left is
not an unstoppable monolithic leviathan crushing everyone in its path.
[are] Making California [a] 'Refuge' Hub for Teen Sex Surgery. California Democrats
in the State Assembly and State Senate have advanced legislation that would make the state a
sanctuary where out-of-state parents can take their children to undergo sex change
procedures. On Monday [8/29/2022], the legislative body passed Senate Bill (SB) 107 along
party lines, with all 19 Republican assemblymembers voting against it and 60 Democrats supporting
it. State Senator Scott Weiner introduced the bill, and a release from his office asserted it
would "provide refuge for trans kids and their families."
Prize-winning German Biologist: Multiple Genders Are "Nonsense" and "Unscientific". A
Nobel Prize-winning German developmental biologist called the transgender movement's claims
"unscientific" and "nonsense," and their plans to let teenagers determine their own gender
"madness." In an interview published last week by the German feminist magazine EMMA,
Dr. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard cited hard scientific facts to counter the trendy notion
that there are multiple genders. "All mammals have two sexes, and man is a mammal," she
explained. "There's the one sex that produces the eggs, has two X chromosomes. That's called
female. And there's the other one that makes the sperm, has an X and a Y chromosome.
That's called male." (English translation courtesy of Google Translate.) While there are
animals that produce both sperm and eggs, such as snails, and thus can create offspring without
having to mate, this "does not change the fact that there are two germ cells, eggs and sperm, and
therefore two sexes," said the 79-year-old winner of multiple scientific awards, including the 1995
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
Teen Recounts 'Horrifying' Experience of Transition, Surgery. Chloe Cole was 15 years
old when she agreed to let a "gender-affirming" surgeon remove her healthy breasts — a
life-altering decision she now deeply regrets. Her "brutal" transition to male from female
was anything but the romanticized "gender journey" that transgender activists and medical
professionals had portrayed, she told The Epoch Times. "It's a little creepy to call it that,"
she said. Cole, who is now 18, feels more like she's just awoken from "a nightmare," and
she's disappointed with the medical and school system that fast-tracked her to gender transition
surgery. "I was convinced that it would make me happy, that it would make me whole as a
person," she said. Although she feels "let down" by most of the adults in her life, she
doesn't blame her parents for following the advice of school staff and medical professionals, who
"affirmed" her desire for social transitioning, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery.
Proclaiming The Opposite, Medical Pros Quietly Admit Mutilating Trans Kids Doesn't Fix
Depression. Amid contentious debates over gender identity, the University of
Washington Medicine, or UW Medicine, proudly and eagerly alerted the press of a study in mid-March
indicating that transgender teen patients saw rates of depression "plummet" because of so-called
"gender-affirming care." The study earned nationwide praise. As Texas and Idaho were
debating bans on allowing children to receive cross-sex hormones, this was the perfect research to
show the heartlessness of conservative lawmakers and pundits who declared puberty blockers and
surgical intervention as a dangerous and potentially irreversible gamble. Most dramatically,
after tracking the mental health of 104 transgender-identifying patients aged 13 to 20 for a year
at Seattle Children's Hospital, "gender-affirming care was associated with a 60% reduction in
depression and a 73% drop in harmful or suicidal thoughts among the participants." But the
study didn't actually say what was initially claimed. Some voices now accuse the researchers
of purposefully misinterpreting data to promote the irreversible.
Molecular Geneticist Makes It Clear That Women Can't be Men. You can pretty much suss
out that men and women are different with your experience and eyeballs. Throughout human
history, men and women have looked, acted, and operated far differently from each other while still
managing to be two sides of the same coin. Yet, despite this being common sense and backed by
thousands of years of scientific study, modern politicization has made mainstream culture believe
that the two are interchangeable. The "follow the science" crowd that scoffed and screamed
about non-scientific things such as masks, vaccines, and the church of climate change, seem to be
wholly willing to ignore science when it comes to transgenderism. However, as a new clip
shows, a molecular geneticist is making it clear that there is no ignoring the science. Men
and women are different and cannot change. Why? Because as she explains in the clip,
growing up male or female is something that happens before you're even born and continues to build
as you age.
was sacked for suggesting that drag acts were a gross caricature of femininity'. A
lecturer at a prominent music academy says she has been forced out of her job after she suggested
drag acts could be viewed as sexist. Cathy Boardman, a lecturer in cultural studies, had
asked her class to reflect on 'womanface' — a critical term for female
impersonation — and whether or not it was demeaning. But bosses at the BIMM
Institute, which has outposts around the country and links with Sussex University, told her this
was a 'deeply sensitive' subject and that transgender students had been left upset.
A man is competing
in the Ladies Professional Golf Association. Before going any farther with this, I
have a major complaint about conservative outlets: they keep referring to people as "transgender."
There is no such thing. It's like calling people "unicorns." You can say that Jill Biden is
a unicorn, but that doesn't make her one because there is no such thing. When you use the word,
you're accepting the delusional premise. There are definitely transvestites, because that refers
to a real phenomenon: men who sexually fetishize women's clothing by wearing it. Some are gay men;
some aren't — but they are real. However, there is no such thing as crossing over from
one sex to another. There is no medical literature supporting this. There are no studies saying,
aside from the minute number of people born genetically intersex, that a man can be a woman simply because
he wants to be or vice versa. What we call transgenderism is a form of mental illness called
dysphoria, and it's identical to the person whose weight is normal but nevertheless insists she is obese.
Children's Hospital Creates Bizarre Video Promoting 'Gender Affirming' Hysterectomies for Kids. Boston
Children's Hospital is facing backlash over a video they created that appears to be promoting "gender affirming
hysterectomies" for "transgender" children. The video, featuring Dr. Frances Grimstad, an
obstetrician-gynecologist, went viral after being posted by the popular Libs of TikTok Twitter account. "A
gender-affirming hysterectomy is very similar to most hysterectomies that occur," Grimstad cheerfully stated. "A
hysterectomy itself is the removal of the uterus, the cervix, which is the opening of the uterus, and the fallopian tubes,
which are attached to the sides of the uterus."
To Stop Spending Taxpayer Medicaid Money On Transgender Treatments. The state of Florida will no longer cover
"gender-affirming" care under Medicaid, the state's Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) ruled Thursday [8/11/2022].
Doctors will no longer be able to bill the state's Medicaid program for procedures and drugs including sex changes, puberty
blockers and hormone therapies beginning Aug. 21. Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has taken an increasingly
hostile stance toward these treatments for people suffering from gender dysphoria, particularly children, according to Politico.
Church Comes Out in Support of Sex Changes 'at All Ages'. The Episcopal Church passed a resolution in support
of sex change attempts "at all ages," calling it a matter of "religious liberty." Resolution D066, passed by the 80th
General Convention, is titled "Addressing restrictions on access to gender affirming care." The House of Bishops has
concurred with the resolution. It calls for the Episcopal Church to "advocate for access to gender affirming care in
all forms (social, medical, or any other) and at all ages." It goes on to say that advocating for sex change operations is
"part of our Baptismal call to respect the dignity of every human being."
schmonkeypox: It's a gay man's STD. The World Health Organization declared monkeypox a public health
emergency of international concern in late July — despite the fact its own advisory panel voted 9-6 against the
declaration. Shortly after, President Biden declared monkeypox a public health emergency, while Health and Human
Services Secretary Xavier Becerra assured that the White House was "prepared to take our response to the next level in
addressing this virus." Monkeypox, schmonkeypox. If you don't want to get it, then don't engage in homosexual acts.
World Has Gone Crazy. If Democrats wanted as many gay men to get sick as possible, I'm not sure what you'd do
differently than what they are doing with monkeypox. There's really only one way to have a significant chance of
getting it, and liberals won't advise gay men to take a couple of weeks off random, anonymous sex with multiple partners so
the virus stops spreading. I don't claim to understand "gay culture," but given the option of getting open pustules all
over your body and not, I think most people would choose the not. If that means taking a week off from attending
orgies, so be it. But Democrats won't even suggest it. Are gay men incapable of self-control? Does learning
the name of your partner ruin something among gay men, or maybe just waiting a few days saltpeter the mood? [...] Monkeypox
is just about as easy to avoid as stepping into a bear trap on a sidewalk at noon on a sunny day. Why won't Democrats
simply speak the truth about it?
run amok in Pennsylvania. Yesterday, I came across a video taken just a few days back at the Central
Pennsylvania Pride Event. It featured a young boy, wearing a colorful tulle skirt, fumbling around a stripper pole
while a gay man in underwear instructs him on the erotic dance form — as his mother cheers them on. Tears of
rage filled my eyes. I couldn't help but wonder what the grown man was thinking as he gawked at that precious little
boy, or how a mother could hand over her own son to pedophilic exploitation — her one job above all is to keep him
safe in every way, but instead she acquiesces to his abuse. Easily detected by any viewer is this innocent child's
desire for love and praise — something that should be given so unconditionally, he has to earn through sexual
performances in front of grown men. This is just one of many examples depicting the rapid rate at which a culture can
descend into depravity when there is no steadying anchor. Emotions aside, it is the nature of the LGBTQ Agenda
beast — giving in to perversion reaps more perversion.
Says Doctors Should Be Sued For Child Gender Reassignment Surgeries. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R)
criticized doctors providing so-called "gender-affirming care" to children, saying the public should have the right to pursue
legal action against them. "[They] talk about these young kids getting 'gender-affirming care.' They don't tell you what
that is," the governor said Wednesday. "They're actually giving very young girls double mastectomies; they want to
castrate these young boys. That's wrong."
Levine Is a Quack Promoted by Pharma-Backed Group to Normalize Disembodiment. How does a dangerous man like
Dr. Rachel Levine wind up in the White House, spewing potentially deadly information to the public about drugs to treat
children distressed about their sexed bodies? He was backed by The Victory Institute, which works to get LGBTQ
activists into top levels of power in the US. [...] Levine is exactly what The Victory Institute is looking for, and during
his stint as Biden's Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services, he has worked to press the administration, and the
nation, into accepting the idea that children can change their sex. This despite findings that show unequivocally the
dangers both of the drugs used to halt puberty, and the life altering, reproductive ending, effects of surgeries.
Levine transitioned later in life, after fathering children, a lengthy marriage, and a long medical career. Levine, a
man with a paraphilia that compulsively objectifies womanhood, reducing their sexed humanity to parts, told the US public on
July 18 that kids needed to be empowered to change their sex. He touted this as "gender affirmation" treatment —
a euphemism for invasive medical procedures on children's sex, which are known to have harmful and long-lasting effects on
their health.
Francisco proudly announces monkeypox superspreader event: the "Up Your Alley" festival. Despite an urgent plea
from the World Health Organization (WHO) for homosexual and bisexual men to stop their sexual escapades to limit the spread
of monkeypox (aka pridepox), the city of San Francisco is moving forward anyway with an LGBT superspreader event
called "Up Your Alley." The sex festival, also known as "Dore Alley," is a filthy leather fetish carnival that promotes
same-sex casual encounters and public demonstrations of "kink." It is a petri dish, in other words, for the spread of not
only pridepox but a host of other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) that we now know are provoked by Wuhan coronavirus
(Covid-19) "vaccines." It would seem as though pridepox is an exclusively "gay disease" that is activated, perhaps, by
Fauci Flu shots, and spread through homosexual perversions — which makes Up Your Alley the worst thing that could
happen in the face of efforts to eliminate pridepox before it has the chance to become a real public health threat (assuming
it even exists and is not just a covid jab "side effect" under a different name).
San Francisco AIDS Foundation: Even If You Think
You Have Monkeypox, Come to the Fetish Festival and Have Sex With Random Pickups Anyway.. [Scroll down]
He notes that it is the sexual behavior of gay men that allows such sexual or close-contact diseases to spread —
in other populations, he notes, such viruses tend to "dead-end," that is, they infect a person but the infection chain then
stops. Not so in the parts of the gay community that embrace hyperpromiscuity. He makes an odd, but somewhat
persuasive point: Telling people that "anyone can get monkeypox" is actually more stigmatizing for gays, just as
telling the wider population that "anyone can get AIDS" was more stigmatizing for gays. Because that told the greater
population that these diseases — which they knew, despite official government propaganda, were chiefly diseases
affecting gay men — could easily be spread to the non-gay population. In other words, the official
government propaganda, while trying to shield gays from "stigma," actually told the public... anyone can get these diseases
which the gays are spreading.
State Senator Encourages Gay Orgies During Monkeypox Outbreak. California State Senator Scott Wiener is
promoting gay orgies during a monkeypox outbreak but is encouraging people to be safe. As such, he's promoting the San
Francisco AIDS Foundation's guide to gay sex during a monkeypox outbreak with such advice as "cover up your bumps."
Wiener posted a tweet to Twitter with the guidance, encouraging the gay community to have fun while reducing risk. He
then said that the closing of bathhouses in 1980s didn't reduce HIV, calling it an "epic blunder." "Let's not make that
same knee-jerk mistake with MPX," he said. [Tweet]
Episcopalian School Invited 'Drag Queen Activist' to 'Teach the Children'. An Episcopalian school in blue New
York City invited a drag queen to its "Pride Chapel" event earlier this year, as minors were encouraged to stand up and clap
for the activist. According to the drag queen's TikTok, Grace Church School invited the activist, Brita Filter, to
"teach the children."
Why Do Democrats
Lie So Much? If you were alive in the 1990s you saw the fight against HIV and AIDS morph from a serious one to
a clown show. Why? Because Democrats wanted to "avoid stigmatizing" people not only most at risk, but those most
as risk by a longshot. The left didn't want to point out that promiscuous, unprotected sex between men was the most
common and easiest way to get HIV. Few heterosexuals contracted HIV through sex, and those who did could either trace it
back to a man engaging in gay sex or an IV drug user. In other words, HIV was not an easy virus to catch. Still,
Democrats lied about it. Why? Pretty much the same reason they lie about everything.
Mom Forbidden To See Teen Daughter After Refusing To Pretend She's The Opposite Sex. Jeanette Cooper, a mom in
Chicago, has missed her daughter's 13th, 14th, and 15th birthdays. She doesn't get to be there as her daughter is
learning to drive. In fact, she has only seen Sophia for eight and a half hours in the last three years. That's
because Cooper lost custody of her daughter after refusing to go along with Sophia's belief that she is transgender.
When Sophia was 12, Cooper went to pick her up from a custodial visit at her father's house, but her daughter refused to come
home. Cooper learned that Sophia, whom the mother said had always come across as more feminine than Cooper, now
identified as transgender and felt "unsafe" around her mom.
Trans Fiasco: Will There Be Accounting? The "trans" fad has devastated the lives of many people,
especially children. Will there ever be an accounting? In the U.K., there are signs of one: the National Health
Service's Tavistock gender identity clinic for children is being shut down. [...] Basically, Tavistock was run according to a
"trans" activist ideology, and therefore destroyed many lives. So there is at least the glimmer of accountability in
the U.K. How about here in America? Hans Bader sums up where we stand in a long post at Liberty Unyielding.
warns of brain swelling and permanent vision loss in kids taking puberty blockers. The FDA recently added a
warning to the puberty blockers used by transgender children, reports The Post-Millennial. The warning was added after
the FDA identified "a serious potential side effect" that can "cause cause a dangerous surge of spinal fluid pressure in the
brain," as well as "headaches, nausea, double vision, and even permanent vision loss." "The FDA identified 6 cases in
females ages 5-12 years old who were diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebri" after receiving puberty blockers. Pseudotumor
cerebri "means 'false brain tumor' because the signs and symptoms in affected patients are similar to those of a large brain
tumor." "The agency considered the cases clinically serious... this potential serious risk associated with GnRH agonists
justifies inclusion in product labeling," an FDA spokesperson explained. As the Post-Millennial observes, puberty
blockers are used for gender transitions (formerly known as sex changes) by children.
Files Lawsuit Against Bar That Hosts Obscene Drag Shows For Children. The Florida Department of Business and
Professional Regulation served a lawsuit on Tuesday [7/26/2022] to the owners of a bar in Miami that hosts drag shows for
children. Earlier this month, footage of a drag queen attempting to entertain a toddler while parading around topless
in the R House bar in Wynwood, Florida began circulating across the internet prompting the state to launch an investigation.
Monkeypox —
Eight Weeks To Stop The Spread. The current monkeypox outbreak is, almost exclusively, a sexually transmitted
disease. The World Health Organization has declared it a disease of global public health importance. The cohort
being infected during this outbreak is the MSM community. No, not the mainstream media; the men who have sex with
men. Nowadays I guess that would be the males (XYs) who have sex with males (XYs), although anyone in intimate contact
with an infected person can get it. [...] Unlike SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), this is a virus that has limited opportunity for
transmission. Imagine! What a wonder it would be if the most at-risk members of our world were to stop the spread
of this potentially deadly contagion in its tracks. What a powerful show of force and determination for a historically
disparaged group.
Monkeypox's Inconvenient
Truth. As the Biden administration considers declaring monkeypox a public health emergency, an epidemiologist
says the easiest way to combat its spread is to discourage the practices of "aggressively hypersexualized gay men." The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the U.S. has 2,890 diagnosed cases of the virus, which causes sores
and open lesions on the skin, on Monday. Public health authorities acknowledge monkeypox is largely confined to men who
have sex with men. "Transmission was suspected to have occurred through sexual activity in 95% of the persons with
infection," according to a monkeypox study published late last week in The New England Journal of Medicine. "Overall,
98% of the persons with infection were gay or bisexual men." One in three people who tested positive for monkeypox had
visited "sex-on-site venues" within the past month, the study found, and one in five "attended large gatherings (>30
persons), such as Pride events."
Trans Activists Arrested for Sex Crimes Involving Children. Police arrested several pro-transgender political
activists for separate sex crimes involving children during June and July. A transgender activist who appeared in the
New York Times is one of the activists that has been charged with sex crimes involving children. Reduxx exclusively
reported that Carlos Arturo Aparicio Hernandez had been arrested by police in Salt Lake County, Utah. Hernandez was
charged with a litany of crimes, including "aggravated sexual extortion and six counts of forcible sodomy as first-degree
felonies, and three counts of forcible sexual abuse, enticing a minor, and five counts of sexual exploitation of a minor as
second-degree felonies," the outlet reported. Hernandez blackmailed and sexually abused a 15-year-old boy after
pretending to be a girl his own age online.
School Employee Who Mocked Anti-Groomer Parents at School Board Meeting Arrested For Trying to Have Sex With a
Minor. A Michigan public school employee who mocked anti-groomer parents during a school board meeting last
year, has been arrested for allegedly trying to meet with minors for sex. Eric Rohman, 41, and two other men were
arrested last Thursday and Friday as part of a sting operation targeting pedophiles that was orchestrated by the Isabella
County Sheriff's Office. According to police, the three communicated with potential victims on social media, while
posing as children. "All three were arrested for using a computer to commit a crime and accosting a minor for immoral
purposes. Police allege that the three communicated over various social media apps with decoys posing as
children. The three are accused of going to a location to have sex with a child, where they were arrested," the police
press release said.
activists demand resources for monkeypox, don't want officials to stigmatize gay communities. The Biden
administration and local leaders are walking a fine line as they play catchup with the surging monkeypox, scrambling to get
vaccines and tests to an LBGTQ community that is losing patience while combatting the idea this is a sexually transmitted
disease for gay men. Mounting cases and difficulty in accessing vaccines have led to frustration among advocates who
fear the government isn't doing enough to stem monkeypox, which has little history in countries outside of Africa and
features a painful rash. Comparisons to the early response to HIV/AIDS, which was marked by stigma and early failures,
are hard to ignore.
school board candidate says doctors who treat trans kids 'should be hanging from the nearest tree'. A Florida
school board candidate said at a forum earlier this week that doctors who offer gender-affirming treatment to kids should be
lynched — and the shocking remarks were received with enthusiastic applause. Alisabeth Janai
Lancaster — who introduced herself as a "mother and a grandmother of three" who's a conservative with "Christian
values" — is running in Santa Rosa County School District 3, in northwestern Florida. On Monday, during a
forum organized by the conservative grassroots organization Gulf Coast Patriots, Lancaster told the audience at St. Sylvester
Catholic Church in Navarre what she'd like to see happen with doctors who treat transgender kids.
Is Conservative Media Calling a Male Rapist by Feminine Pronouns? It's hard to know whether to laugh or cry
when leftists insist that "men get pregnant" or refer to mothers as "birthing people" and otherwise ignore the material
reality of biological sex. While we've generally understood that this is the latest cause célèbre of the
radical left, we don't really expect conservative media to follow suit. Yet the recent case of a male inmate at a New
Jersey women's prison who impregnated two inmates has shown that conservative media has also been successfully pressured to
kowtow to the transgender cult, the Media Research Center has found.
Rise of Black Girly Men. I've noticed that when media represent so-called "transgender" men and highly
effeminate males, they are often black. Perhaps far too many people are desensitized to the pollution in our mass media
to notice the disproportionate number of high-profile effeminate black men showcased in high rotation in all mass
communication media. These "gender-fluid" celebrities all display a common exaggerated and dramatically "flaming"
exhibitionistic effeminate behavior. It is my simple observation that whenever the secular humanist liberal class
desires to impose non-traditional values into the public square, they often employ compromised black individuals or assume
"black causes" to advance their self-serving agenda. These elites care nothing for blacks or America, just their own
pursuits. The elites use blacks as human shields, as window dressing to manipulate, deflect, suppress, and silence any
debate, dissent, or opposition from the majority of Americans who fear airing ideas or opinions that would result in being
labeled as racists, homophobic, fascists, or all three.
Scientific Evidence': World Health Organization Discovers There Are More Than Two Sexes. For those interested
in health, here's a chance to learn of the latest science. An organization has announced enormous news. The World
Health Organization is updating its "widely-used gender mainstreaming manual." Evidently, there's been a discovery; and
it turns a long-standing observation on its unenlightened head. As stated by WHO on the world wide web: ["][S]ex
is not limited to male or female.["] One might have expected lesser discoveries by 2022. But apparently, it's
taken multiple millennia on the other side of Noah for experts to understand that sex doesn't come in twos — at
least not where humans are concerned.
Support for
transgenders falls. A poll by Public Religion Research Institute, a lefty lobbying group, found that Lia Thomas
has had an impact on how Americans view allowing transgenders competing with women athletes. Americans don't like
it. PRRI's polled found that Will Thomas changing his name to Lia and winning all the women's swimming trophies turned
people off. Four years ago, 50% supported allowing men who say they are women competing in women's sports. Now
that Americans have seen this firsthand, only 36% do.
Church of England
refuses to define the word 'woman'. The Church of England refused to offer up a definition of a woman, arguing
that recent developments required "additional care" when attempting to define the word. "There is no official
definition, which reflects the fact that until fairly recently definitions of this kind were thought to be self-evident, as
reflected in the marriage liturgy," Senior Bishop Rt Rev Robert Innes said when asked to define the word, according to
reporting from GB News. Innes' remarks came in response to a question posed by lay member Adam Kendry during the
General Synod, who asked: "What is the Church of England's definition of a woman?" The Bishop argued that the
definition of a woman used to be "self-evident" but no longer had a simple answer.
starting to think there may be a really easy way to avoid getting monkeypox. We should always avoid simplistic
conclusions when dealing with something as complex and multifaceted as a global virus outbreak. Just the same, every
epidemiologist worth his salt should consider all angles and possibilities when researching the origins, vectors and factors
involved in a pandemical virus. Which brings us to monkeypox. It sounds scary. There are lots of big
headlines about it. All the usual suspects seem to want us to be really afraid of it. So should we be?
Well, the counter-question to that query is: How easy is it to catch it? Put another way, how easy is it to avoid
it? I suppose you can never avoid any virus with 100% certainty. But I gotta say...there do seem to be some
factors — one factor in particular — that you can alter to mitigate your risk of catching monkeypox.
of people line up for monkeypox vaccine in NYC as it offers the shot to gay and bisexual men with 'multiple
partners'. Dozens of people lined up for vaccines against monkeypox in New York City Friday as the city
launched its second jabbing drive. The queue — formed mostly of men — snaked around the side of
the Chelsea sexual health clinic in Manhattan this morning [7/8/2022]. Gay or bisexual men who have multiple sexual
partners over two weeks are again being offered the jab in America's monkeypox capital, alongside anyone exposed to a patient
with the tropical disease.
York City is nation's monkeypox hotspot after uptick in cases. New York City is now the nation's hotspot for
monkeypox after ticking up 119 cases as of Wednesday. Health officials have reported at least 605 cases of the illness
across the US, which makes NYC's tally nearly 20% of the total. Cases in the city are up by 50% since last week,
leading some to point fingers at June's Pride month celebrations, which drew some 2 million tourists into NYC. The virus
spreads via skin-to-skin contact with an infected individual, prompting some experts to call it a "sexually transmitted
disease." San Francisco has already reported outbreaks stemming from specific Bay Area Pride events, per local media
outlet SFist. Clubs and concerts throughout Europe have also become hotbeds for monkeypox.
Anti-Democratic Delusions Require Population Control. Ten years ago, few Americans would have predicted that
today men would be dominating women's sports, elementary school children would be attending "drag queen story hour," and
students would be charged with sexual harassment for refusing to use plural pronouns when referring to a "transgender"
classmate. There was no democratic vote held before imposing this new worldview upon the public. No great
legislative session reflecting the people's beliefs preceded Democrats' new obsession with "transgenderism" at every
turn. Most Americans went to bed one night quite certain in their understanding of what distinguishes a man from a
woman only to wake up the next day to be told that everything they had ever learned about basic human biology and genetics
was fundamentally unsound. Stragglers refusing to accept the new anti-scientific "transgender" delusion as scientific
fact have been cast aside as "bigots," or worse, accused of "hate crimes."
LGBT Hostile Work Environment. On May 31, 2022, President Biden delivered to the American people "A
Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, And Intersex Pride Month 2022." A presidential proclamation is a
directive that grants to the chief executive of the United States certain powers of mandatory ceremony and observance.
The power of presidential proclamations is especially operative in enforcing mandatory observances in the federal military
and civilian workplaces, as those are the domains over which the president holds direct constitutional authority. [...] Biden
rages: "An onslaught of dangerous anti-LGBTQI+ legislation has been introduced and passed in States across the country,
targeting transgender children and their parents, and interfering with their access to health care. The unconscionable
attacks have left countless LGBTQI+ families in fear and pain." The unconscionable attackers whom Biden's proclamation
vilifies are otherwise known as the American people. He is outraged at the diversity of viewpoint about the needs of
children, and he attacks the American people in the strongest terms for resisting sexuality indoctrination of children.
'Puppy' Begins Work at Department of Energy. Back in the days of Roman imperial decadence, at least according
to legend, the emperor Caligula demonstrated his unfitness for office and the dangers of public indifference and complacency
when he appointed his horse Incitatus a senator. Woke America hasn't reached such an advanced stage of imperial
decadence that we have a horse in the Senate; all we have is a dog in the Department of Energy. Sam Brinton
("they/them") tweeted happily on Wednesday: "It's official. As of June 19th, I now serve my nation as the Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy in the Department of Energy."
Trans HHS Official Rachel Levine Pushes 'Lifesaving' Sex Change Surgeries, Puberty Blockers for Kids.
"Gender-affirming care" for youth, a far-left euphemism for child mutilation, is "lifesaving" and a medical necessity,
according to President Joe Biden's Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine, who is transgender. Levine faced
backlash online for these comments. Speaking at a DNC pride month event on Friday, Rachel Levine — formerly
Richard Levine — pushed for gender transitions for young people. "Gender affirming care is lifesaving,
medically necessary, age-appropriate, and a critical tool for health care providers," Levine said.
The Editor says...
None of Mr. Levine's statement is true. A sex-change operation is not "gender affirming." It is exactly the
opposite of "gender affirming.". It is never medically necessary. It is never age-appropriate.
one should be forced to declare their pronouns. Look closely next time you pop into your local bank, department
store or supermarket and you'll notice an addition to the uniforms of put-upon cashiers and clerks: the pronoun badge.
It might be a little rainbow pin displaying 'he/him/his' in bold letters, or, far less often, 'they/them/their'. Or it might
be a small rectangle featuring the company logo alongside the employee's name and pronouns. Pronoun badges have been
around for a few years now, but in that time they have moved from the fringe to the mainstream. They are no longer the
preserve of over-enthusiastic Student Union reps or tie-dyed Labour Party conference attendees. They've migrated on to
the High Street. Pride month is the perfect opportunity for companies lagging behind to catch up, and for those who
have long been on the bandwagon to remind the world of their virtue. Halifax is one of many banks that now expects
employees to declare their pronouns.
officials install 150 CCTV cameras at the Acropolis amid outrage at 'shameful' gay sex scene filmed at sacred
temple. A gay sex scene shot at Greece's ancient Parthenon has prompted outraged authorities to install a
sprawling CCTV system at the UNESCO World Heritage Site to put a stop to such escapades. The 36-minute short film,
called 'Xeparthenon' — or 'deflowering' in Greek — reportedly depicts two men in face coverings having sex
at the Erechtheion, a small temple in the Acropolis complex, in full view of the public and surrounded by tourists. 'It was
a lewd, terribly lewd act,' Ioannis Mavrikopoulos, the head guard at the Acropolis said. 'It marked the most disgraceful
affront to the sanctity of the site.'
of young man who had sex organs removed on NHS then regretted it the same day. A young British man who had his genitals
removed during gender reassignment surgery is suing the NHS over the operation in a historic legal action. He complains that
doctors did not warn him of the drastic outcome of the body-altering surgery which has left him infertile, incontinent and feeling
like a 'sexual eunuch'. He said on Twitter yesterday: 'The minute I woke up from surgery, I knew I had made the
biggest mistake of my life.'
Agenda activists cruise towards desecration of the family unit. Pride Month. Thirty whole days devoted to
aberrant sexual lifestyles and the fetishization of the perverse. With the normalization and extravagant celebration of
this deviation, the inevitable arrives: the sexualization and grooming of children. We see grown men jiggling enormous
— and exposed — prosthetic breasts in a young child's face; school districts shelling out hundreds of
thousands of taxpayer dollars to introduce elementary-aged children to men, dressed as women, and behaving in a hypersexual
way; and the promotion of the BDSM kink by permitting students to pull others around with leashes and collars. This is
the reality of the radical Gay Agenda — it corrupts wholly, destroying the traditional family unit, and directly
echoes a repugnant scheme conceived in the 19th Century and dubbed, "the most infamous proposal of the
Communists" — "Abolition of the family!"
meningococcal outbreak among gay and bisexual men is one of worst in US history: CDC. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is investigating one of the worst meningococcal outbreaks among gay and bisexual men in
U.S. history, according to a recent press release. "Getting vaccinated against meningococcal disease is the best way to
prevent this serious illness, which can quickly become deadly," said Dr. José R. Romero, director of the National
Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. "Because of the outbreak in Florida, and the number of Pride events
being held across the state in coming weeks, it's important that gay and bisexual men who live in Florida get vaccinated, and
those traveling to Florida talk to their healthcare provider about getting a MenACWY vaccine."
Queens and the Incoherence of Moral Relativism. It is a sign of our times that movements have emerged to teach
pedophilia in schools and to subject children to drag queen performances. Perversions like this are borne of an
insidious attitude known as moral relativism. As the term suggests, moral relativism is the belief that morality is
subjective rather than objective. That is, what is right and wrong varies from person to person instead of emerging
from a fixed universal standard, meaning that there are no ultimate moral truths. Before examining why such a view is
incoherent, it is worth considering why ordinary people have been seduced into believing it. There are two major
reasons. The first is that, because there is widespread disagreement about matters of right and wrong, morality is
assumed to be subjective. The second stems from a pervasive attitude that it is "intolerant" to uphold a fixed standard
of morality. Both reasons are flimsy.
Island library reverses decision to remove Pride displays and books. The Long Island library that decided to
tear down Pride displays and remove books from children's sections reversed its decision at an emergency meeting Thursday
night. The Smithtown Library board of trustees voted 4-2 to rescind its controversial Tuesday night decision. One
of the seven trustees abstained. The initial decision prompted a massive response from advocates and a strong statement
from the governor, leading to the emergency meeting. On Tuesday, the board voted 4-2 in favor of a "motion to remove
all Pride Displays, in addition to removing all books of the same subject on display, from all Children's sections in all
Smithtown Library buildings." One member was absent Tuesday.
Here's a better idea: Why don't you guys just keep your pants on for a while?
to offer monkeypox vaccines to some gay and bisexual men. UK health officials are set to offer monkeypox
vaccines to gay and bisexual men who are deemed to be the most "at-risk" of catching the virus. The UK Health Security
Agency said men who have sex with other men have the highest chance of contracting the disease, and vaccines will help
flatten the curve of the virus as the UK's cases soar to nearly 800. "Our extensive contact tracing work has helped to
limit the spread of the monkeypox virus, but we are continuing to see a notable proportion of cases in gay, bisexual, and
other men who have sex with men," the Health Security Agency's head of immunization, Dr. Mary Ramsay, said in a
statement on Tuesday.
Suicide Is Not a Response to Bigotry. In 2018, the Heritage Foundation reported suicide rates for individuals
15 years after surgical transition 20 times higher than the that of the population overall. Even in Sweden, with long
availability of transgender medications and surgeries, and social acceptance of transgender individuals, the high suicide
rate is consistent with rates in other locations. Trans activists consistently attribute high suicide rates to
irrational hatred, bullying, and rejection targeted at the individual. However, according to Dr. Paul McHugh,
formerly of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the high numbers of suicides are usually years after surgery.
The trigger, according to Dr. McHugh, is the persistent and undeniable reality that that genital surgery has not
transformed the individual's sex, leading to despair. Perhaps elevated rates of suicides and attempts among
trans-identifying individuals should be no surprise. The whole point of "transition" is that an aspect of an otherwise
healthy body is so unbearable as to justify a lifetime of artificial hormones and multiple irreversible surgeries.
Pride Month Jumps
the Shark. "Pride" events started a few decades ago as an activist effort to push back against the stigma
attached to homosexuality. Now extended across the whole month of June, it looks more like an effort designed to do the
opposite. Last weekend, social media abounded with videos of a Pride event at a gay bar in Dallas called Drag the Kids
to Pride. Young children can be seen handing money to twerking drag queens. A bright pink neon sign saying "It's
Not Going to Lick Itself!" added an extra layer of creepiness. This week, the Twitter account Libs of Tiktok alerted
followers to a drag show at a San Francisco middle school. In one video, a crowd of students cheers wildly as the
performer — [...] — pulls off his wig in the finale. Visceral outrage at sexualizing young kids
is the right response — and there's plenty of outrage online.
Garbage LGBT 'Scholarship', Colonial Williamsburg Destroys Its Reason For Existing. Colonial Williamsburg is
the world's largest living museum, and a place visited and loved by many conservatives, traditionalists, homeschoolers, and
classical education devotees. Williamsburg is beloved precisely because, for decades, it has faithfully depicted the
founding culture of America in a meticulously recreated, and often re-enacted, Revolutionary-era capital. This
depiction included America's undeniably traditional, Western, largely Judeo-Christian roots. But now Williamsburg has
gone woke. In doing so, its leadership and staff are displaying conspicuous enmity toward the highly reasoned position
held by America's founders — a position at odds with today's LGBT dogma.
transgender transformation is child abuse. Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, directed state agencies last
February to investigate the use of "gender-affirming care" for transgender children. This directive came shortly after
Ken Paxton, the Texas attorney general, stated that "gender-affirming" regimens and procedures for transgender children, such
as surgery to reconstruct breasts and genitals and puberty-blocking medications, legally constitute child abuse. [...] How is
permanently altering a child's body based on the child's "feelings" not child abuse? So if a child "feels" like jumping
off a cliff, do we let him? What if he "feels" like cutting off his fingers? Do we let him do that? What if
the child feels, not pretends to be, but feels, like a cat? Do we allow him to use a litter box? Do we allow him
to ignore reality? Or do we help him to face reality? And when we don't help him, when we actually aid him in
placing his feelings above reality, such as damaging his body, how does that not result in serious physical or emotional
harm? Especially a few years later or during adulthood, when he hates and resents what was done to him?
Study Contradicts Transgender Narrative, Suggests Puberty Blockers Increase Youth Suicide. Allowing minors easy
access puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones has actually increased not reduced youth suicide rates, according to a new
report from the Heritage Foundation. Released this week, the report offers a direct challenge to claims from
pro-transgender clinical organizations, activists, and even the Biden administration who say that puberty blockers, and other
gender-reassignment procedures, reduce suicides of minors who believe that they are the opposite sex.
Health Agency: 99 Per Cent of Monkeypox Cases Are Gay Men. A survey of monkeypox cases by the UK Health Agency
has found that 151 out of 152 participants are men who "identify as gay, bisexual or men who have sex with men." The
survey found that 311 (99% of 314) cases were men, with just 3 confirmed female cases. "One hundred and fifty-two cases
participated in more detailed questionnaires, implemented from 26 May 2022, and used retrospectively," the survey
found. "In this data, 151 of the 152 men interviewed identified as gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men
(GBMSM), or reported same sex contact, and the remaining individual declined to disclose this information."
AG says 'drag queens make everything better,' suggests 'drag queen for every school': report. Michigan Attorney
General Dana Nessel reportedly said Wednesday that "drag queens make everything better" and that there should be "a drag
queen for every school" during an event in Lansing. Nessel, who was the first openly gay person elected to statewide
office in Michigan, made the comments during a civil rights conference while speaking out against what she describes as
efforts to divide Americans, Craig Mauger of The Detroit News reported on Twitter. "Drag queens make everything
better. Drag queens are fun," Nessel said, according to Mauger. "A drag queen for every school," she added.
Sexuality, and Mental Illness. A recent Gallup survey found that: "Roughly 21% of Generation Z Americans
who have reached adulthood — those born between 1997 and 2003 — identify as LGBT. That is nearly
double the proportion of millennials who do so, while the gap widens even further when compared with older generations."
Abigail Shrier, meanwhile, reports a 1,000-fold increase in trans identification. Reactions to these trends have
varied. Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene thinks they indicate that there will be no straight people in a
few generations; Bill Maher lampoons the increase as a rebellious fad; and progressives celebrate the rise as an electoral
boon for the Democrats. Other liberals view the rise as the product of increasing toleration, similar to
left-handedness, in which identification increases as stigmas are lifted and people come out of the closet.
honor of Pride month, let's get real. Back in the 1980s, despite the Democrat effort to frighten all Americans
about AIDS, it was a disease that appeared primarily among gay men and IV drug addicts. The drug addicts' vulnerability
was obvious but, if you ever wondered why gay men were so terribly victimized by that scourge, Joseph Sciambra, a born-again
Catholic who left behind the gay lifestyle, explains what's going on at bathhouses, orgies, and private homes. It's not
for the faint of heart. Bathhouses and orgies, through sheer volume, are not just impersonal, but depersonalize the men
involved. For those on the receiving end, gay sex involves dilating an aperture that doesn't want to be dilated.
This can be, at least initially, extremely painful so illicit drugs help. There's a great deal of preparation that goes
into preparing for experience, and that preparation can damage the delicate tissues there as surely as the act itself
can. Because the tissue is chronically damaged, men are more vulnerable to blood-borne sexually transmitted
diseases. Do this long enough and your derriere is a mess of infections, massive hemorrhoids, and endless bloody little
wounds. The human body was not designed for this kind of sex.
Latest Mask Research Is Bad News For Branch Covidians. Unless you're visiting a medical facility still taken in
by the mask-cult or you live in a big city or some obscure California county run by hypochondriac Democrat whack-jobs, you're
probably generally living your life without being forced to wear a useless, bacteria-laden piece of t-shirt material over
your face. [...] Belief in the power and efficacy of face masks has become a de facto religion to these cultist nutjobs, and
they're just itching for the next opportunity to impose their 'faith' on the rest of us. If you think I'm exaggerating,
consider that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) just recommended masking while traveling again based on the spread of ...
monkeypox. That's right, that piece of cloth over your face is so magical that everyone must now wear one to 'protect'
against a virus that so far mainly has spread at gay nightclubs via direct contact with the open pustules of infected people.
America Has More Transgender
Youth Than Ever, Study Says. Nearly half of the 1.6 million Americans who identify as transgender are teenagers
or young adults, and some of the highest rates of youth transgenderism occur in blue states, according to a new study.
The study, conducted by the University of California Los Angeles Williams Institute, found that transgenderism rates varied
between states, with New York seeing a 3% rate among youth compared to roughly 0.6% in Wyoming. The percent of youth
who identify as transgender had doubled since its last estimate, while transgenderism in adults had remained stable.
Nearly a fifth of the total transgender population is aged 13-17, according to the study.
The Editor says...
It isn't necessary to conduct a "study" to document the obvious. America has more sex perverts, gender confusion, and weirdos than ever before,
simply because America has more smart phone cameras and social media sites than ever, and everybody under 40 wants to be somebody special.
It's 'Pride'
Month Again. [Scroll down] We need more like the few Tampa Bay Rays baseball players who refused to wear
the LGBTMYNAMEISLEGION logos on their uniforms as their team celebrated Pervert Month. Franklin Graham rightly
recognized the Rays' players on his Facebook page when he declared, ["]I appreciate these Tampa Bay Rays players who
said no to endorsing and celebrating sin during Saturday night's game... Followers of Jesus Christ must love everyone, but
also stand with the truth of God's Word and share that truth with a lost and dying world.["] What a shame more
MLB players (and other team employees and owners) didn't join these men in the simple gesture of not promoting sin. If
you haven't already been in the position of these Tampa Bay Rays players, you likely soon will be, and like Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego, you will have to choose.
month kicks off with Monkeypox outbreak in the homosexual community. As corporations waste millions of dollars
to advertise Pride month, the homosexual community is reporting new outbreaks of monkeypox. Some of the earliest cases
of monkeypox were contracted in Spain at gay bars and gay saunas. A Belgium festival that celebrates sexual fetishes,
also reported monkeypox outbreaks among gay and bisexual men. The first monkeypox patient to speak with the media said
he caught monkeypox after having homosexual interactions with ten different partners. The 35-year-old monkeypox patient
tried to get a hold of health officials in the UK, but he is currently being ignored. The patient, James M., was
recently deported from Dubai because it is illegal to have homosexual activity there. After testing positive for HIV in
January, James was deported to France. On his way to London, James said he had "a good time" having gay sex with
"around 10 new partners." After the sexual encounters, he started to show symptoms of monkeypox.
Temple Pulls Out of 'Kid Friendly' LGBQT Pride Event in Idaho After Backlash. The Satanic Temple was included
on a list of participants of a "kid friendly" LGBTQ+ "Pride in the Park" event in Idaho — which includes a "drag
dance party" — until Libs of Tik Tok publicized their involvement on Twitter. A member of the Satanic group
claimed to have pulled out of the Saturday event after several sponsors apparently dropped out due to their
participation. "I deeply apologize and regret to inform everyone that @TSTIdaho has decided to not be at the North
Idaho Pride event "Pride in the Park" as a congregation," tweeted Satanic Temple member "Rowan Astra" on Thursday.
"There are several factors for this, including several sponsors seemingly dropping after learning of our appearance."
There's no such thing
as a family-friendly drag show. A few weeks ago I started noticing that the Left was ramping up their grooming
efforts in the form of "family-friendly" drag shows open to audiences of all ages. Of course, sane people know that the
words "family-friendly" and "drag" do not go together. After seeing a dramatic rise in the number of drag events
targeting kids, I decided it was time to create a thread documenting them. I wanted to show just how common, pervasive,
and sick this stuff is. The thread documented about 40 examples of "family-friendly" drag shows hosted in schools,
libraries, gay bars, and other venues across the country. While most of the drag queens in the thread were adults
performing for audiences that included children, there were a few child drag queens as well. You read that read
right. In some of these clips, children were dressed in drag and performing for cash tips from adults.
city revokes pride parade permit over lack of officers to work event after ban on police uniforms. A suburban
Chicago city has revoked the special permit for an upcoming gay pride parade over security staffing concerns following a spat
in which local authorities were told that police officers would not be allowed to march in uniform. The group running
the Aurora Pride Parade had been working with the Aurora Police Department to come up with a safety plan for the
privately-run event, but a police spokesperson told Fox Chicago the department couldn't make it work. The city said
organizers had failed to meet the required number of law enforcement officers to secure the event.
is a sin against at least four of the Ten Commandments: Franciscan priest. A Franciscan priest said that
transgender ideology is an affront to at least four Commandments. "One of the most recent cultural challenges to the
Sixth Commandment and to the reality and integrity of the human person is the transgender ideology," Fr. Terrance
Chartier of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate said during his homily on May 30 at the friary in Bloomington.
Lying to someone and telling them they are a different sex violates the Eighth Commandment, while helping them mutilate their
body through surgery or drugs violates the Fifth Commandment, he said later in his homily. "Attempting to chemically or
surgically or hormonally alter my gender is a grave sin, it's actually a form of mutilation," he stressed.
bow to transgender activists once again. Nature, one of the top-tier scientific journals in the world,
published an editorial last week requiring future study authors to consider how their findings "might perpetuate gender
stereotypes" as part of the submission process. Researchers must also acknowledge how sex and gender were accounted for
in their study design and analysis, and if they weren't, they would have to explain why. This is with the goal of
removing bias, and it applies to research involving humans, animals, and cell lines. But if you were curious about the
journal's stance on other social justice-related hot topics, it has also issued guidance on implementing intersectionality
during COVID-19, geopolitics, and systemic racism. I agree that it is important to take sex into account when
conducting research, as using men as a scientific baseline, as has historically been done, means that many biomedical
findings won't be relevant to women. But because biological sex is verboten among transgender activists, an emphasis on
gender identity must be even further prioritized.
that Amazon offers anti-trans guides for parents, workers shut down the company's Pride Month kickoff. As
Amazon prepared Wednesday to kick off Pride Month at its Seattle headquarters, a group of people holding transgender pride
flags dropped to the ground. The individuals — most of whom identified themselves as Amazon
employees — were staging a "die-in" to protest Amazon's decision to offer books on its platform that activists say
are transphobic, like "Desist, Detrans & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult" and "Irreversible
Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters." The books, activists say, are prominently displayed on
Amazon's website, particularly when users search for LGBTQ+ titles. "Irreversible Damage" is listed as a bestseller on
Amazon's digital bookshelf for LGBTQ+ studies.
The Editor says...
There are lots of objectionable books in the public library, but I don't go down there and block the door.
Pedophile Avoids Prison After Judge Says It Would be Too Difficult to 'Cope' With. A biological male British
pedophile who identifies as a transgender woman has avoided punishment after the judge overseeing his case ruled that sending
him to prison would make it too difficult to "cope" with the "anxiety" surrounding his transgenderism. 68-year-old
convicted pedophile Peter Selby, of the UK, was found with over 125,000 images and videos of child sex abuse stored on
various electronic devices, some depicting children as young as 3-years-old. Among the child pornography found in the
home of transgender pedophile Peter Selby was 2,400 images and videos of children classified by UK authorities as "Category A,"
meaning they depicted "penetrative sexual activity, bestiality, and/or sexual sadism." According to local media reports,
Selby confessed his guilt to police immediately upon their search of his home for the materials, claiming that his addiction to
adult pornography had "morphed" into pedophilia.
'Pride' And Every Other Month. Everyone knows June is "Pride Month." It used to be "Gay Pride Month," but gay
is the new straight and therefore unworthy of celebration. [...] If you watch the popular culture, being gay is just this
side of a death sentence, what with the rampant homophobia portrayed on television and talked about in "news" and celebrity
media. In reality, not being on the fake and ever-expanding spectrum of genders and sexualities is akin to career
suicide. It's fashionable to be something other than normal. It's not like you have to actually act on any of it,
just declare yourself to be "bi" because why not? It's treated by the dominant culture as an accomplishment, even
though it's not, so even lazy people can pick of the applause equivalent of a participation ribbon by simply claiming to be
it. But just being gay? Boring.
Explain How They Push 'Gender Lessons' On Young Children. Teachers across the country revealed the strategies
they use to teach young children about gender ideology in a Friday article published by The Washington Post. Teachers
discussed the various ways they are injecting gender-related discussions into their lessons, including comments about using
hormones to stop menstrual periods and declining to state that sexual anatomy is gender-specific, according to The Washington
Post. One transgender teacher makes a point of telling students about the process of gender transitions, including with
personal testimony. "LGBTQ identities are a naturally occurring facet of human variation, and that is why we need to
learn about them in the context of biology and human anatomy," Sam Long, a biology teacher at Denver South High School, told
The Washington Post. Long, who is transgender, frequently discusses gender ideology with students, teaches that gender
is a spectrum rather than a binary, and shares his own sex change experience.
The Editor says...
Gender is not an option, or a spectrum, nor is it "assigned at birth." There are two types of
chromosomes, XX and XY, and you have one or the other. Deal with it.
Brewers to Host Drag Queen Night. It's Pride Month again, and that means corporations all over are busy
virtue-signaling. In Milwaukee, the Brewers baseball team is getting into the spirit of the season by hosting Pride
Night next Wednesday at their ballpark, a place whose name has taken on a new irony: American Family Field. The
family fun Wednesday will include at least four drag queens, and hey, if they already strut their stuff on a routine basis in
public libraries and elementary schools (and even Taco Bell), featuring them at baseball games at this late date just shows
how hidebound and conservative the Grand Old Game is. The first thing that Pride Night (no word yet on when the Brewers
are hosting Anger Night, or Lust Night, or Sloth Night) at American Travesty of the Family Field is about, of course, is
making money. Drag queens have never, to my knowledge, been big baseball fans, but now that we're all woke and love the
LGBTQ alphabet soup, the Brewers are clearly hoping to attract a new fan base that, if it doesn't care anything about the
game, can at least ogle the players.
Time to Drop the Word 'Homophobia'. [Scroll down] The word is a tool of ideological warfare. It
frames the argument in a way that one side of the argument is "good" and the other "bad." It weaponizes language to make one
person psychologically healthy and the other psychologically dysfunctional. It bypasses rational, logical debate in
favor of defining the person in the debate. In this way, it "wins" arguments by intimidating anyone away from even
getting into the debate arena. It silences rational debate by preventing it from ever happening. Calling someone
a "homophobe" is an easy, no-cost way to establish moral superiority on the cheap. "Logic," "rationality," "clarity,"
and so on — all part of the hard work involved in defining words clearly and thinking rigorously — are
irrelevant. The point is power.
Is Still a Sin and the Rainbow Still Belongs to God. Both pride and homosexuality are condemned by God as sins
in the Bible. I know it's not popular to say that these days, even in some conservative circles, but I'm not at liberty
to disagree with God on what he calls sin. Supporting and celebrating sin isn't loving — it's actually cruel
to tell people that they're perfect the way they are when God says that "The heart is deceitful above all things, and
desperately sick."
Say Kids Will Be Exposed to 'Nudity and Kink' at Pride Parades, But Don't Worry, It's 'Educational'. The
groomers are everywhere these days, but nowhere are they more visible than at LGBTQ "Pride" parades, where every kind of
debauchery imaginable is on full display in neighborhoods and on city streets around the world. A website called
Fatherly warns in its Parenting section that pride parades are "filled with sights that may be new to kids, like public
nudity and kink. Not to mention that Pride parades aren't the most sober of places." [Tweet] Nevertheless,
the article concludes that young children should indeed be exposed to kink and nudity because the "educational aspects of
Pride are paired with joy and celebration."
State Health Agency Issues Report Challenging Science of Transgenderism. The State of Florida is set to issue a
formal report questioning the science behind "gender-affirming" care for people who believe they are transgender.
Breitbart News exclusively obtained a 45-page report on Thursday [6/2/2022] completed by Florida Medicaid and requested by
the Secretary of the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), which oversees Florida's Medicaid program. In
consultation with several experts, the report concludes that sex reassignment surgeries, puberty blockers, and cross sex
hormone treatments for people with gender dysphoria are not proven as "safe or effective" treatments and are "experimental
and investigational."
NASCAR Apologizes to LGBTQ Community After Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Waves Green Flag at Event. NASCAR issued
an apology Wednesday for "recent actions" that are "not aligned" with its mission after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) waved
the green flag ahead of last week's All-Star Race at Texas Motor Speedway. The world-famous auto racing and operating
company, headquartered in Daytona Beach, Florida, marked the first day of LGBTQ+ "Pride Month" with a unique version of the
pride flag along with a message apologizing for actions it deemed uncharacteristic of its mission. "As we celebrate the
LGBTQ+ community, we acknowledge that recent actions have not aligned with NASCAR's mission to be a welcoming sport for all,"
the company wrote.
The Editor says...
This is a huge marketing mistake on the part of NASCAR. What percentage of NASCAR fans are
homosexuals — particularly in Texas? If I were to pick the nearest whole number, I'd select ZERO.
A Wiener On The Barbie. As we prepare to enter the High Holy Month of Pride, the children's toymaker Mattel
debuts its latest creation: Tranny Barbie, modeled after the trans actor Laverne Cox. Mattel saith:
["]Laverne Cox is an award-winning actress, producer, writer, and prominent LGBTQ+ advocate. We're proud to
honor her in the Barbie Tribute Collection, to help amplify her message of moving beyond societal expectations to live more
authentically.["] "Authentically," as defined by a major corporation.
Just because somebody came up with homosexual pride month, are the rest of us obliged to celebrate it?
Biden Pays Homage to 'Intersex' Identity for Pride Month 2022. President Joe Biden celebrated the beginning of
"Pride Month" on Wednesday, adding a new initial to the Pride acronym in recognition of "Intersex" as an additional gender
identity. "We reaffirm that LGBTQI+ rights are human rights," Biden wrote in a statement on Twitter. "And we
recommit to delivering protections, safety, and equality so everyone can realize the full promise of America."
The Editor says...
What is "the full promise of America?" Does it include mandatory celebration of perversion?
11 people are diagnosed with monkeypox in the UK bringing total to 207. Eleven more people in England have been
diagnosed with monkeypox, bringing the cumulative number of UK cases to 207. Announcing the new patients today, the UK
Health Security Agency (UKHSA) reiterated that most cases have been in gay and bisexual men. Officials said it was
'particularly important' these men are aware of new lesions, rashes or scabs and get in contact with a sexual health
clinic. Most of the UK's infections — 87 percent — were among people aged 20 to 49.
And 111 cases are known to be men who have sex with men. And the majority UK patients caught the virus in the UK rather
than abroad. Officials said that contact tracing teams had linked the outbreak back to 'gay bars, saunas and the use of
dating apps in the UK and abroad'.
The Editor says...
This may be the return of the media-induced AIDS panic of the 1980's.
Events Target Children Ahead of Gay Pride Month. Anyone that's been paying attention knows the agenda to
sexualize children is not only real, but has accelerated as the LGBT cult now openly brags they're coming after children.
[Numerous tweets with disgusting video clips.]
Introduce a Bill That Defines What a Woman Is. Arizona Rep. Debbie Lesko is doing something for women, and
not the kind no one can define. The Republican has sponsored a "Women's Bill of Rights" to provide ladies legal
protection against gender ideology. "[T]here are important reasons," H.Res.1136 asserts, "to distinguish between the sexes
with respect to athletes, prisons, domestic violence shelters, restrooms, and other areas, particularly where biology,
safety, and privacy are implicated." The initiative goes so far as to claim it knows what a woman is.
Farm Terminates Partnership With 'Gendercool' According to Internal Memo. On Monday morning, as Streiff
reported, an organization called Consumers First published information regarding a partnership between State Farm and The
GenderCool Project to "have '550 agents and employees' nationwide donate a 3-book bundle about Being Transgender, Inclusive
and Non-Binary to their 'local teacher, community center or library of their choice.'" The memo was authored by Jose Soto,
whose email signature identifies his title as "Corporate Responsibility Analyst" located in Florida. The goal of the
program, Soto wrote, was to "increase representation of LGBTQ+ books and support our communities in having challenging,
empowering, and important conversations with children Age 5+."
Farm Abandons LGBTQ Children's-Book Program after Whistleblower Email Leak. State Farm, the household-name
insurance company, has abandoned its program to distribute LGBTQ-themed books to teachers, community centers, and libraries,
explicitly targeting children as young as kindergartners, after a media exposé based on a whistleblower email caught
the company by surprise on Monday [5/23/2022]. In an email to all State Farm agents and staff members sent just hours
after multiple news outlets revealed the book initiative, Victor Terry, chief diversity officer and vice president of public
affairs, announced the cancellation of its collaboration with GenderCool, an organization that promotes LGBTQ teaching via
speaking events, mentorship programs, DEI/HR consulting, and advising for parents of transgender children.
A New
Kind of Child Abuse. Until only a few years ago, child abuse was thought primarily to be hitting a child,
starving a child, confining a child in a closet, not properly feeding a child, or engaging in sexual practices with a
child. Now child abuse has taken a quantum leap. Child abuse now includes poisoning and mutilating a child to
make him look like a member of the opposite sex, often by taking advantage of the child's trust in a parent. Stealing a
child's childhood should be a crime punishable by grievous measures.
festival in Spain linked to monkeypox outbreak. With hysteria ramping up as cases of the rare monkeypox virus
keep popping up in multiple countries, President Joe Biden made his first public comments on the disease which could
conceivably usher in a sequel to the mandates and restrictions that were imposed during the COVID pandemic. The press
caught up with the "leader" of the free world who is visiting South Korea on his first trip to Asia since taking office and
asked Biden for his input on whether the monkeypox cases in Europe and the U.S. were something "to be concerned about[.]"
"Well they haven't told me the level of exposure yet but it is something that everybody should be concerned about," Biden
said as he prepared to board Air Force One for a visit to Japan.
Administration Refuses to Recognize Long-Term Effects of Puberty Blockers. When it comes to subjecting children
who are confused about their gender to hormones, puberty-blocking drugs, and irreversible surgeries, the Biden administration
has exhibited an alarmingly one-track mind: Inject and cut now, ask questions later. [...] During a Senate
Appropriations subcommittee hearing on Tuesday, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., asked this question when he pressed
Dr. Lawrence Tabak, acting director of the National Institutes of Health, on whether the agency has done any research on
the off-label (Food and Drug Administration-unapproved) use of puberty blockers and hormone therapy on minors.
needs to say it': Maher accuses trans movement of 'literally experimenting on children'. Joining the argument
that conservatives have presented all along, comedian Bill Maher with the same scientific backing that the "trendy" trans
movement is "literally experimenting on children." During Friday's [5/20/2022] episode of "Real Time with Bill Maher"
the HBO host took an at-length look at many of the knowns and unknowns surrounding the trans movement that, he expressed, has
come to prominence more out of a youthful rebelliousness than any serious conviction. As such, the fact that adults are
validating kids going through a phase should be a concern to everyone.
sues for firing after calling gay rainbow symbol 'abomination'. A 10-year employee of steelmaker Arconic has
sued the Pittsburgh-based firm after he was fired last year for writing on an internal company web survey that the use of a
rainbow to symbolize Gay Pride Month is "an abomination to God." Daniel Snyder, 63, was employed as a lead operator at
Arconic's Davenport Works in Riverdale, Iowa, beginning in 2011. After his termination, Mr. Snyder found work at a
John Deere assembly line at "significantly less" pay, no overtime and "materially reduced" medical benefits, the filing
states. His attorneys are asking for punitive and compensatory damages after Mr. Snyder was fired in June 2021 for
comments he believed were anonymous and in response to a company-wide "engagement survey" on the firm's intranet. The
comments allegedly offended another worker.
The Editor says...
I presume the guy wouldn't have been fired if he was a Muslim with the same objections.
Brainwashes Her 5 Year Old Son Into Thinking He Needs To Be A Crossdresser. A disturbing video uploaded to Libs
Of TikTok's Twitter account shows a mom with her 5-year-old son in a dressing room as he shows up in a pink tutu outfit as
she feeds him things to believe and repeat back. The mother mentions RuPaul's Drag Race in the post, apparently
watching the show with her young child.
The Editor says...
Unfortunately, this country has far too many godless, unmarried women who
want to be somebody special on social media, and the easiest way to get there is to have a "gender fluid" or "gender
confused" child.
witness tells House committee men can get pregnant, have abortions. A Democrat witness testifying before the
House Judiciary Committee on abortion rights Thursday declared that men can get pregnant and have abortions. Aimee
Arrambide, the executive director of the abortion rights nonprofit Avow Texas, was asked by Rep. Dan Bishop, R-N.C., to
define what "a woman is," to which she responded, "I believe that everyone can identify for themselves." "Do you believe
that men can become pregnant and have abortions?" Bishop asked. "Yes," Arrambide replied.
Launches LGBTQ Clothing Line. As it continues to wage war against Florida's Parental Rights in Education law,
the Walt Disney Co. has launched an LGBTQ-themed apparel and accessories line called the "Disney Pride Collection" and will
donate all profits through June 30 to groups that support "LGBTQIA+ youth and families." The merchandise, which is
geared for both children and adults, features rainbow-themed motifs imposed on familiar Disney brands, including Star Wars,
Marvel, and Pixar.
chiefs probe gay bars and saunas amid monkeypox outbreak. Monkeypox contact tracers are probing gay bars and
spas as they scramble to contain an outbreak of the rare disease. Health chiefs in the UK are 'actively investigating'
venues visited by six homosexual and bisexual men who tested positive in the past week. They include bars, clubs and
saunas, according to an update by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Most U.S. voters oppose transgender policies, but many fear speaking up. Most American voters oppose
transgender surgeries and lessons for children, but more than a third fear speaking up about the issue, according to a poll
released Tuesday [5/17/2022]. McLaughlin and Associates, which conducted the poll for the Christian evangelical Summit
Ministries in Colorado, found that 90% of likely voters with an opinion on the issue believe gender-altering surgeries should
be illegal for children. The poll also found that 72% of voters do not believe schools "should teach about sexual
identity and sexual behavior with elementary-age children," compared to 28% who believe it's an appropriate use of
instructional time.
Send Biden a Resounding Message About His Policy on Gender Treatments for Minors. The vast majority of American
voters are against permanent "gender transition" treatments for minors, according to a new poll despite the Biden
administration's endorsement of these procedures. The poll, released Tuesday, found that 90% of respondents who had an
opinion on the subject believed minors should not be allowed to undergo permanent "gender transition" procedures, in stark
opposition to Biden's position. The poll surveyed 1,000 likely voters from April 22-26 and was conducted by McLaughlin
and Associates along with Summit Ministries.
non-binary' Ezra Miller warns cops who referred to them as 'sir' that they have committed an 'intentional act of
bigotry'. Ezra Miller admonished a police officer for calling them 'sir' and explained they identified as
'transgender non-binary' during their arrest in Hawaii back in March. In newly-released body cam footage from the
arrest obtained by TMZ, Miller warned the officer that failing to refer to them by their proper pronouns again would be an
'intentional act of bigotry' and a technical 'hate crime.' Miller, 29, who uses they/them pronouns and came out as queer
in 2012, and said in a 2018 interview with The Hollywood Reporter: 'Queer just means no, I don't do that. I don't
identify as a man. I don't identify as a woman. I barely identify as a human.'
The Editor says...
If you live your life as a one-in-a-million freak and deviant sex pervert, you shouldn't be surprised when you encounter friction in
your interactions with normal people. At that point, you're entirely to blame for your own hurt feelings, because you created the
conditions for the conflict.
Court Reinstates Transgender 'Child Abuse' Policy. Texas government officials can continue to investigate
parents who transition their children to the opposite sex for possible child abuse, the state's supreme court ruled Friday
[5/13/2022]. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) determined that child sex change surgeries
constituted child abuse in August 2021 upon prompting by Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, and the DFPS began
investigations of families for potential child abuse over treatments their transgender children were receiving in
February. An appeals court had previously blocked these inquiries throughout the state, but the Texas Supreme Court
ruled the lower court had "abused its discretion." The Friday ruling determined that DFPS investigations against the
family and doctor who had brought the suit could not continue and said the investigation could cause "irreparable harm."
The court ruled Abbott and Paxton lacked statutory authority to have ordered these investigations, but that other investigations
could proceed.
Hopkins Center Against Child Sexual Abuse Hires Professor who Defended Pedophiles. Johns Hopkins Moore Center
for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse has hired a former Old Dominion University professor who was put on leave after
claiming that sexual attraction to children is not always immoral, and that he wants to destigmatize pedophiles by referring
to them as "minor-attracted persons" (MAPs), instead. "We are excited to share that Allyn Walker, PhD, will be joining
the Moore Center as a postdoctoral fellow on May 25," the Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse announced
on Thursday.
textbook strips gender dysphoria definition after being cited by Florida. The world's bestselling medical
textbook removed the definition of gender dysphoria from its website after the Florida Department of Health cited it in
recent guidance advising against gender transitions for children and adolescents, according to an email obtained by Fox News
Digital. The email from Melissa Adams, who is Merck Manuals' director of marketing and brand awareness, also asked the
Florida Department of Health to adjust their guidance based on the update in the manual, which was first published in 1899
and remains the oldest continuously published medical textbook in English.
York TV Anchor Busted Trying To Hook Up With 15 Year Old Boy For Sex, Blames Cancel Culture. A New York group
that exposes child-sex predators online busted what appears to be a local TV anchor who was allegedly at the scene to meet
with what he thought was a 15-year-old boy. The group, which goes by 607 Predator Hunters, posted a video to YouTube
that appears to show Zach Wheeler, an anchor at NBC affiliate WETM-TV, at a store in an attempt to meet with the underaged
boy. When confronted by the filming crew, Wheeler initially attempts to deny that he was at the location to meet or
have sex with the teenager, instead insisting multiple times he was only there to "talk" to the kid and warn him to get "off
of these apps." But when the group doesn't appear to buy Wheeler's excuse, he pivots to a more combative tone.
[Video clip]
Health Official Claims All Pediatricians Agree on 'Gender-Affirming Care,' Which Simply Isn't True. Four-star
admiral and Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, the highest transgender official to serve in the US Government,
claimed in remarks shared Saturday with NPR that all pediatricians agree on "gender-affirming care," which can include
puberty-blocking drugs all the way up to non-reversible surgical procedures. [...] There is in fact plenty of debate about
the efficacy and safety of "gender-affirming" care, especially for the young, and to say otherwise is a flat-out
falsehood. It's a preposterous statement given that the Florida State Department of Health recently came to the
opposite conclusion, issuing its own guidance on April 20 which is completely at odds with Levine's takeaways.
Targets Conservative Children's Book About Gender Identity. Once again, Amazon has shown it's on the side of
leftist activists, not free speech. Matt Walsh, a popular conservative podcast host and writer at The Daily Wire, just
released a children's book titled "Johnny the Walrus." The book, according to the description on Amazon, tells the tale of
Johnny, who likes to pretend to be a dinosaur or a knight. But one day "when the internet people find out Johnny likes
to make-believe, he's forced to make a decision between the little boy he is and the things he pretends to be —
and he's not allowed to change his mind," states the description. Amazon is clearly trying to squash Walsh's book.
terrible unintended consequences of the Biden presidency (unless they were intended). The Biden administration
is consumed with wokery to the point that they value members of the LGBTQ++ "community" over all other Americans. Biden
was duty-bound by a promise to Jim Clyburn to select a black woman to the SCOTUS. He chose the most radical black woman he
could find, a woman who said she was unable to define the word "woman" because she is not a biologist! She has long
made clear her sympathy for procurers and users of child pornography. This would seem to line up with the left's agenda
to sexualize, to groom, very young children. The appointment of Ketanji Brown-Jackson does not bode well for the
integrity of the Court nor does the DOJ's war on parents, AG Garland's "domestic terrorists," as if they have no right to be
informed about what their children are being taught in school. The criminalization of parents and the destruction of
the nuclear family would seem to be fundamental to their goal.
Brooks says critics of teaching gender dysphoria to young children are, unlike him, "barbarically lunatic" "cruel" "crazies"
who "dehumanize" their opponents. Florida recently passed a law that leftist opponents and their collaborators
in the media have branded the "Don't Say Gay" law. Actually, however, the law does not say "don't say gay." Rather,
the law says: "Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may
not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for
students in accordance with state standards." Note the classrooms to which this prohibition applies — only
kindergarten through third grade. And note the persons to whom it applies — only instructors, not students.
And note the subject to which it applies — only sexual identity and sexual orientation, not any other sex issue.
But using authority figures like teachers to indoctrinate kindergarteners into the wonders of transsexuality is something the left wants.
bans gay pride, BLM flags from flying over corporate headquarters. Exxon Mobil is moving its corporate
headquarters from Irving, Texas, to Houston as part of a business reorganization that the company said will be completed by
2023. What is making headlines, though, is the updated company guidance on its decision to ban any flag flying outside the
corporate headquarters other than the official corporate flag. Why was this decision being announced? The
corporation is sending a message that it intends to remain neutral and not succumb to politically correct virtue-signaling.
York Times Admits: Experimenting On Trans Kids Has Horrifying, Irreversible Consequences. Any remaining
people unbothered by the "queer" activists pushing for children to question their gender, screw with their biological
chemistry via hormone pills and even potentially mutilate their genitals, should immediately listen to an episode this week
of The New York Times's "The Daily" podcast. If it doesn't fill everyone with shock and horror, it's all over and the
monsters of this country have won. That two-part episode, "When Texas Went After Transgender Care," features a lesbian
mother and her biological daughter, Grayson, who is 17 and has attempted to become a male. Grayson recalls suffering
from severe depression as a child but finding some comfort after a friend "came out" to her as gender "non-binary." Grayson
subsequently researched topics related to transgenderism. She said while going through puberty she feared that growing
breasts and wider hips would mean people no longer viewed her as "masculine" and as the "tomboy" that she always was.
The Editor says...
One solution to the widespread problem of gender confusion is simply this: Stop giving your sons and daughters such
ambiguous, gender-neutral names. (The current fad of naming little girls with someone else's surname (Taylor, Hunter, Morgan, etc.)
seems to have started about 1990. A little girl named Suzie won't try to pretend she's a boy, unless her misguided, godless,
socialist parents force the idea on her. Also, stop telling your kids that they can be whatever they want to be.
All Odds: Mother Tells How Her Daughter and Every One of Her Friends Are Suddenly Trans. She starts her
article with this: "My teenage daughter has decided that she is 'trans'. So have all her friends. Not some
of them. Not most of them. Every. Single. One." The anonymous mother also states that her
daughter showed no signs of gender dysphoria and had never heard the word "transgender" before enrolling at her new
school. That's where she met a group of nerdy, artsy kids. They began looking into all things transgender on the
internet. Then, one day, sha-ZAM! They were all suddenly "trans." [...] The trans ideology of today is similar to the
skinheads of the 80's. Insecure, lonely, rebellious kids, frequently bored, and many angry at their parents, are
looking for an outlet. This is the perfect breeding ground for recruiters from outlier subculture groups like skinheads
and transgenders. Both groups offer a built-in social structure, acceptance, and a sense of belonging to a group of
outsiders who have never belonged to anything.
Admin to Reverse Trump-Era 'Conscience' Exemption for Healthcare Workers. The Biden Administration's Department
Health and Human Services (HHS) has confirmed that it plans to eliminate a policy implemented during the Trump Administration
that allows healthcare workers to cite religious or moral beliefs when seeking exemptions from performing certain acts in the
line of duty. According to Politico, a spokesperson for HHS said that "we are in the rulemaking process" when it comes
to the policy in question. The conscience exemption, first announced in 2018 and fully implemented in 2019, allows
medical professionals to refuse to perform certain operations, including abortions and "gender transition" surgeries, if such
acts violate their moral or religious values. The decision was celebrated by far-left pro-abortion groups that had
previously sued the Trump Administration over the rule in question. Leila Abolfazli, spokeswoman for the National
Women's Law Center, said "there is so much to unravel," and that she was "encouraged that they have been working through all
these pieces."
to scrap rule allowing hospitals, employers, staff to opt-out of abortions, trans services. The Biden
administration plans to remove a Trump-era conscience clause that protected medical workers from participating in services
like abortions and transgender sex-change treatments. A Health and Human Services spokesperson confirmed to Politico on
Tuesday that the agency "has made clear through the unified regulatory agenda that we are in the rulemaking process" to
implement the new regulations as early as later this month. That confirms the expectations of Catholic religious
liberty advocates and progressive sexual-rights advocates who have battled over the issue of religious conscience ever since
Obamacare mandated a decade ago that Catholic schools, hospitals and religious orders pay for contraceptive services in their
employee health care plans.
Left Did This to Itself. We are told gay and trans teens need the presence of rainbow flags and pride stickers
to feel safe. How that makes someone feel safe is beyond me. Stickers do not actually make anyone safe, just as
cops do not actually make anyone safe. They may make some people feel safe, but it is basically an illusion, rooted in
myth and state propaganda. The government's mindless muscle may be symbols of safety to some, but they are symbols of
terror and state criminality to others. And for good reason. Some people find rainbow flags beautiful, others
find them loathsome. Such is the nature of all symbolism and expression. Everything is open to interpretation by
the listener/viewer. You can feel very strongly that your rainbow flag or pride pin is a symbol of inclusion, but a lot
of folks find such symbols noxious, alienating, scandalous, and threatening. Many folks may lack the imagination to
understand why that is, but it is. One person's pride is another's deprecation.
Surgeries for Kids: A-OK With Biden. The Biden administration recently sent a letter to the attorney
general of each state, warning the top law enforcement officials that they could be violating civil rights law if they don't
comply with "gender-affirming care" procedures for children. But just what is this gender-affirming care promoted by
President Joe Biden, and how does it affect kids? Jay Richards, a senior research fellow at The Heritage Foundation's
DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society, says the term is a euphemism for giving hormones to children and, in many cases,
performing irreversible surgery on them. These hormones and surgeries have long-term consequences for a child.
truly remarkable thing about Florida's anti-grooming law. It is difficult to remain objective over the Florida
education fracas. [...] As someone who taught school in progressive enclaves for 14 years, I can attest that there are many
good people who oppose this law for fear that it will diminish the humanity of loved ones and reverse the tide of social
progress. Although I do not believe that this law will have that effect, I respect the sincerity of those who do.
Nonetheless, it remains urgent to speak truth plainly and oppose the ever-intensifying spread of radical social theory being
taught to ever-younger students. Instances of ideological excess in American classrooms are well chronicled and
widespread. We have seen enough to know that the time to act has long since passed. The Florida anti-grooming law
is a necessary tool to blunt this advance, even though it seems conspicuously tame upon closer inspection.
Out This Trash Promoted On YouTube Kids And Tell Me They Aren't Grooming Children. There is no safe way to
allow children to use the internet. Even with companies like Disney, Nickelodeon, Netflix, and YouTube creating content
and platforms specifically "for kids" the content is never as innocent as presented. Take for example the trash that
you can find on YouTube Kids that promotes a radical gender and sex ideology to young kids. [Tweet with video clip]
Try, Fail to Paint Republicans as the Real Pedophiles. It's clear that Leftists are stung when we rightly point
out that they're groomers. (But honestly, what else would you call someone who insists on initiating children into the
adult world of human sexuality and all its colorful permutations?) The talking points went out last week, and
progressives want us to know that they're very upset we are calling them names!
warns of meningococcal disease outbreak in Florida primarily affecting gay, bi men. The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a health warning about an outbreak of meningococcal disease in Florida, which the agency
said is mainly affecting gay and bisexual men, including those living with HIV. The CDC urged gay and bisexual men and
other men who have sex with men to get the MenACWY vaccine if they live in Florida. It also recommended that those
planning to visit Florida talk with their health care provider about getting the vaccine. The agency added in the
advisory that multiple meningococcal disease cases in college students have been reported in the state over the last few
months. However, the CDC added that there is no evidence to suggest that the cases among college students are related
to the larger outbreak.
Gender, Climate, and the Collapse of Science. [Scroll down] [T]he gender controversies now before us are
like an opaque lens obscuring crazy thinking offered to the public as new discoveries based on the science of gender
differentiation. Until almost the day before yesterday, a male who was convinced he was a female and vice versa was
referred to a psychiatrist, not a surgeon. There are a few disorders of sexual differentiation where the pairing of the
sex chromosomes is disrupted. They are very rare, and are not included as part of what are now considered
transsexuals. That a few people with normal chromosomes identify as the opposite of their phenotypic and genotypic sex
is not a new phenomenon. This phenomenon was both very rare and considered a psychiatric problem. What's new is
the embrace of normalizing the phenomenon to the point where people are voluntarily choosing to identify their sex opposite
from that determined by biology. What rational adults do to themselves is their own business. But when children
are encouraged to question their gender at a time in life when they are unable to make informed decisions that will cause
bodily changes which will persist for life is an expression of lunacy.
Who Want To Sexualize Your Children Should Absolutely Be Stigmatized As Groomers. What does it say about the
pathetic state of the political right that instead of spending our energy advancing the ideas and institutions that promote
human flourishing, we're quibbling over whether "groomers" is the right word to refer to people who delight in sexualizing
other people's kids and hiding it from their parents? The ranks of progressives and unmistakably pro-LGBT
media — who spend their days throwing around insulting hyperbole like "Nazi," "fascist," and "silence is
violence" — are being joined by so-called conservatives who've taken it upon themselves to lecture those to the
right of them that ackshuuully it's not appropriate to call the kids' entertainment creators and state-sanctioned educators
who insist on sexually indoctrinating 5-year-olds "groomers."
There is no such thing!
medication banned for youth in Alabama. Alabama lawmakers on Thursday approved sweeping legislation to outlaw
gender-affirming medications for trans kids and advanced separate legislation to prohibit classroom instruction on sexual and
gender identity in early grades — a measure that critics have dubbed "Don't Say Gay." The Alabama House of Representatives
voted 66-28 for legislation to make it a felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, for a doctor to prescribe puberty
blockers or hormones or perform surgery to aid in the gender transition of people under age 19. The bill now goes to
Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey for her signature as Alabama becomes the latest red state to debate legislation and policies aimed
at trans youth.
The Editor says...
There is no such thing as "gender-affirming medication." If a male takes female hormones, or vice versa,
that's gender-contradicting medication. No medication or surgery is necessary to affirm one's gender.
You're born with one or the other. Deal with it.
museum hosts $400 week-long summer camp for kids as young as 12 that teaches the 'art of drag'. A Seattle
museum will host a drag camp for kids as young as 12 with camp-goers taught 'hair and makeup techniques'. Led by local
drag artist Joshua Hancock, 'Summer Camp: the Art of Drag' has run for the past two summers at the West Coast city's Museum
of Pop Culture (MoPOP). Formerly known as EMP (the Experience Music Project), MoPOP is famous for having the world's
largest memorabilia collections on Seattle musicians Jimi Hendrix and Nirvana — and a Sky Church venue in the
shape of one of Hendrix's guitars.
Releases 'Gayest Kids Movie Yet,' Produced Long Before Florida Grooming Controversy. Disney has released what
has been described as the "gayest kid's movie yet," as it continues to pay fealty to radical queer activists with its attacks
on Florida's anti-grooming law that gives parents a say in their children's education. This month, Disney+ released a
musical comedy aimed at pre-teens titled Better Nate Than Ever. The movie features 13-year-old Nate (Rueby Wood) who is
upset about losing the audition for his high school musical and who goes on a trip to New York City with dreams of winning a
part in a Broadway play.
Leftism's corruption of God's sacred gift to humankind. [Scroll down] All we've touched so far is the "G"
and "T" in the LGBTQ+ compendium. Rather than delving deeper, we'll simply presume that the "+" represents a gateway
into a vast fantasy world of invented genders, sexual orientations, disorientations, and whole new vistas of gobbledygook,
endlessly unfolding. Facebook's catalog of some 58 genders is but a prelude.
Administration Decides Mutilating Children Is a Civil Right. Some days, I go to write an article and it's
dealing with a topic so egregiously insane that I almost feel like I'm covering satire. Today is one of those
days. The Biden Administration, via the DOJ, has sent a letter to attorneys general around the country threatening to
sue if states attempt to stop the mutilation of children in the form of "gender reassignment" surgery, hormone blockers, and
other actions that change the natural development of a child. In other words, Joe Biden and his degenerate underlings
now view physically "transitioning" a child as a civil right, which tracks with the video the president put out on Thursday
on the matter. [Tweets]
sex offender sentenced to prison for molesting children. A UK transgender father of two awaiting gender
reassignment surgery has been sentenced to three years in men's prison after two girls said they were molested. Britnee
Aitken was convicted of three charges of sexual assault and one count of exposure stemming from a period between July and
September 2012 when the convicted sex offender, then identifying as a truck recovery driver named Marcus, invited two young
girls over to his home, according to the Daily Mail.
Why Does
Disney Hire So Many Pedophiles? Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent the LBGT community and the woke corporations
into a frenzy when he championed (and signed into law) an anti-groomer bill that prevents school teachers from grooming
5 year old children about deviant sex practices. [Tweet] The Disney Company believes that grooming your kids
is the hill that it wants to die on — which should tell you everything you need to know about the people running Disney
these days. No sane corporation would put out a statement such as this one unless it wanted to be recognized as a
pro-pedophile organization. [Tweet] In case you think you're merely witnessing a strategic marketing blunder or
something more innocent, I've got news for you: Disney issued this statement about the anti-grooming Florida bill
after a bunch of their employees got caught in a pedophile sex trafficking bust by the Florida police.
Are Getting Tired of One-Way Tolerance. There was a time not long ago when even the most based conservative was
willing to live and let live with all manner of divergent and bizarre people, but live and let live has become "I live and
you submit" and that's just not going to work out in the long run. The tolerant have been rewarded for their tolerance
with intolerance, and if you look, you can already see the backlash brewing. The breaking point may have been when the
man who won the women's swimming championship and all the smart, moral people of our garbage elite demanded we celebrate
it. Or it might be weirdos trying to chat up our kindergarteners about sex. Or it might be CRT. Regardless,
people are getting fed up. There's a difference between living your life as you wish and making the rest of us live
their lives as you wish too, especially when it's a lie or when it means some freak gets to groom our kids.
Biden Applauds Transgenderism with Launch of New 'X' Gender Marker. President Joe Biden will publicly get
behind Transgender Day of Visibility on Thursday by introducing a new universal gender marking. AP reports fresh
measures aimed at opening federal government to transgender people include a new "X" gender marker on U.S. passport
applications beginning on April 11. New Transportation Security Administration scanners that are gender-neutral are also
planned as part of the administration-wide embrace of transgenderism and LGBTQI+ issues and people.
savages Ketanji Brown Jackson, transgenderism, and tech tyranny. Even before Ketanji Brown Jackson's
extraordinary statement that she does not know what a woman is, I'd concluded that she's a dim bulb and, really, the judicial
equivalent of Kamala Harris: an uninspiring Black woman who's floated effortlessly upward through affirmative action and
fealty to leftism. I'd spent the day mentally writing an attack on her, only to see Tucker Carlson hold forth with an
incendiary monologue that attacked her "I'm not a biologist" lunacy, the whole transgender madness that the left is
advancing, and the real agenda of remaking society in an ugly way, especially through the death of free speech. As you
watch it, keep in mind a point I've made repeatedly: the giveaway that this whole transgender thing is a con is the word
"transgender." If swimmer Will Thomas really were a woman (and really believed he is a woman), he wouldn't call himself a
"transgender woman." He'd just say, "I'm a woman." The same is true for Richard Levine, the assistant
secretary for health. The moment that word "transgender" comes out, it's a tell that this isn't a real gender.
[Video clip]
Women Are Men And Pretending Otherwise Is Cultural Insanity. There is ZERO scientific evidence to support the
notion of gender self identification. There is ZERO scientific evidence to support the claim that gender is merely a
social construct. There is more evidence that biology determines gender behaviors and manhood and womanhood are inborn
psychological constructs. The vast majority of people develop gender associations directly in line with their
biology. Men act like men, women act like women, and these behaviors have been established as biological fact from the
beginning of recorded history. Men and women are biologically different in many respects, even down to how our brains
function. Biological sex and gender related behavior are based mostly in nature, not mostly in environment.
However, the gender identity religion has deemed these concepts a form of bigotry. The situation has become so unhinged
that leftists are now referring to real women as "bleeders" or "people who menstruate," as if this is the only biological
difference between them and trans women.
become ever more extreme in their claim that men are women. Just in time for Women's History Month, USA Today
insanely names a biological male as one of its "women" of the year. While transgender "women" are destroying girls' and
women's sports, USA Today columnist hailed Assistant Health Secretary Richard/Rachel Levine as "...a ground-breaking leader
who credits family support for helping her succeed. Admiral Levine wants her work to be a shining example for all."
A shining example? That is a very frightening thought!
Emperor Has No Clothes: Rejecting The Totalitarian Transgender Movement. Let's start with the primary
harm that the transgender movement is inflicting on the world: that of censorship and restriction of all discussion about its
conclusions. When the man Will Thomas decided that he was not a man, but was a woman named Lia Thomas, and switched
from the men's swimming team at the University of Pennsylvania to the women's team, and then proceeded to win medals and
crush the biologically female competition, one might rationally expect the issue to be discussed openly on both sides of the
debate. But with Thomas, as with virtually any male or female who states that they are suddenly a member of the
opposite gender, or no gender, or something in between, disagreement is banned and severely chastised. [...] The
totalitarianism of the transgender movement removes any credibility that it might have had if it had simply been willing to
discuss the issues without branding opponents as evil transphobes who hardly deserve to live. Doing so demonstrates the
weakness of its position. One can only conclude that trans-activists knew that they could not win their debate in the
public square and thus decided to make all discussion about it invalid. This is the transgender movement's fatal
flaw. They share this flaw with all totalitarians. Unfortunately, the impact on societies around the world has
been enormous because of the power of fear.
Hell with These Leftists. Thanks to the progressive movement's determination to "divide to conquer" the
American public, so many activists are now their sexual orientation. That they're gay defines who many people are,
which makes them incredibly boring and pathetic. I know, I'm supposed to be supporting and caring, I'm just not.
If your existence is so wrapped up in how you have sex, you're a loser. [...] I simply don't care. Moreover, since this
incredibly forceful minority started getting even more militant, I've lost interest in anything they say or want.
of Transgenders Attempt to Kill a Man Who 'Misgendered' them in a Subway. Newsflash, just because you're
obviously mentally unstable and want to believe you're something you're not, it doesn't give you the right to assault people
who don't live in your land of delusion. [Video clip]
The trans fairy tale. Benjamin
Cohen, CEO of Pink News, has just announced the launch of a new series on Snapchat, Pure Trans Joy, described as
"dedicated to sharing stories of Trans happiness from PinkNews". The first episode is titled "What Is Trans Surgery Like
For Trans Guys?", featuring transgender influencers making a hard sell for double masectomies. There is little
information on the specifics; instead, the show obfuscates and focuses on the positive, transformative outcomes that cosmetic
surgery (which will set you back a mere £6000 [to] £7000) can have on the lives of dissatisfied young women.
Parliament votes to cut funds to Hungary and Poland for not pushing LGBT agenda. The European Parliament
overwhelmingly voted Thursday to withdraw funding from Hungary and Poland over the two countries refusing to bow to the
bloc's pro-LGBT stance. Members of the European Parliament (MEP) passed the resolution by a huge 478 votes in favor
to 155 against, with 29 abstentions, to withhold funding from European Union (EU) member states that violate the "Rule of Law
Conditionality Mechanism."
People Excluded from West Hollywood Guaranteed Income Program. The City of West Hollywood is launching a
guaranteed income program that excludes straight people. [...] This is a government program; this is the government openly
discriminating in favor of the alphabet people. So no matter how old or destitute you are, you are excluded from this
program solely based on your sexual orientation. Imagine living in a city where people — based only on their
sexual lifestyle — make more money than you, enjoy a better standard of living than you, and qualify for this
additional income when you don't.
LGBTQ non-profit loses millions in funding following NY state probe. One of New York's largest LGBTQ
non-profits has lost $10 million in state funding after an investigation, first revealed by The [New York] Post, found it was
mishandling the millions in taxpayer dollars it received each year. The LGBT Network of Long Island, helmed by
prominent gay activist David Kilmnick who sources say long bragged about his many political connections, lost seven contracts
with the state Department of Health Friday following an investigation that began in 2019. "The Department of Health
takes our contract oversight responsibilities very seriously. Since 2019, when the Office of the State Comptroller
asked us to look into [The Network's] contracts with us, the organization has repeatedly failed to provide the Department
with required documentation to show it has spent state funding efficiently and effectively," DOH spokesperson Jeffery Hammond
said in a statement.
Activists Funded By Big Pharma Push Biased Research Promoting Medical Transitions For Children. Researchers are
churning out biased studies promoting medical gender transitions for children, often supported by pharmaceutical companies
and activist organizations, and the media frequently promotes the conclusions uncritically. A March 2021 National
Institute for Health and Care Excellence comprehensive review of nine studies failed to find evidence that hormonal therapy
and puberty blockers were helpful. The review pointed out common flaws in transgender treatment research, such as
confounding variables and bias resulting from observational studies that lack control groups. Yet the media has widely
publicized studies funded by pharmaceutical corporations and activist groups which claim to find that "gender-affirming"
medical care, such as hormones that block children from going through puberty, is good for kids' mental health.
moves to prosecute trans medical procedures on children as child abuse. The most recent development in the
ongoing debate over transgender wokeism comes to us from Texas and it may light a fire that's been coming for a long
time. Governor Greg Abbott has directed various state agencies to promptly investigate instances of "transitional"
medical procedures being performed on children under the state's child abuse laws and prosecute those found to be engaged in
such practices. Of course, when the Boston Globe covered this story, they chose to describe such procedures as
"gender-affirming care." This move by Abbott should properly be viewed as common sense, but sadly, such sensibilities
are far from common these days and the medical community has continued an alarming slide toward woke political theory instead
of actual science.
By Any Other Name: The
story of my transition and detransition. The short version of my detransition story for those who want the bare
details is that when I was fifteen, I was introduced to gender ideology on Tumblr and began to call myself nonbinary.
Over the next few years, I would continue to go deeper and deeper down the trans identity rabbit hole, and by the time I was
eighteen, I saw myself as a "trans man", otherwise known as "FtM". Shortly after my eighteenth birthday, I made an
appointment at a Planned Parenthood to begin a testosterone regimen. At my first appointment, I was prescribed
testosterone, and I would remain on this regimen for a year and a half. It had an extremely negative effect on my
mental health, and I finally admitted what a disaster it had been when I was 19, sometime around February or March 2018.
When the disillusionment fully set in, I stopped the testosterone treatment and began the process of getting my life back on track.
sentences activists for torching NYPD van. Two activists who torched an NYPD homeless outreach van on a
Greenwich Village street in 2020 were each sentenced to six months in prison on Friday — as a federal judge chided
the well-educated, radical duo for the "aberrant act." The firebugs, Elaine Carberry, 38, and Corey Smith, 26, will also
have to serve six months in home confinement when they're sprung from federal prison and pay more than $72,000 in
restitution, Judge Lewis Liman ordered. At the sentencing Friday morning, Liman credited both Smith and Carberry as
being active members in New York's LGBTQ community and said he believed they are committed to social justice — but
added their crime warranted a prison sentence.
Nearly 40 Percent of Gen Z Identify as LGBTQ. I was shocked not long ago when I read a piece on the Newsweek
website. The headline read "Nearly 40 Percent of U.S. Gen Zs, 30 Percent of Young Christians Identify as LGBTQ,
Poll Shows." That [...] is the most absurd thing I may have ever read. Not so much for the data itself per se, but
rather, an illustration of exactly how malleable (and lost) young Americans are. Whatever the natural percentage of LGBTQwhatever
people in the United States is, it's [surely] not 40%. It's probably closer to low single digits. Whatever it actually is,
somehow with the left's championing the of the rainbow, magically 40% of young people identify with it[.] [...] That tells you a lot
about the state of America today. That so many young adults are so confused about sexual attraction, one of the most basic and
important elements of life, one that most people never even have to question because it's largely written in our genes, tells you
quite a bit about how absurd America has become.
Jig is up for Transgenderism as Child Abuse. The campaign to convince minors that girls can become boys and
boys can become girls continues unabated. However, the consequences of that campaign are now being exposed and are
proving unacceptable. Critics of the campaign have long known of the dangers and have deemed them to be child
abuse. Federal, state, and local governments have ignored the obvious in a case of willful blindness, but the evidence
that children and adolescents need protection is now so apparent that government must intercede. Some states have
already begun. The Arkansas SAFE Act prohibits professionals from treating minors with puberty blockers, cross-sex
hormones, and sexual reassignment surgery. South Dakota has enacted legislation to prevent male participation
in sports designated for females.
Latest Proposal Would Force Insurers to Pay for Gender 'Transition'. President Joe Biden has sought to inject
gender ideology into our laws since his first day in office. He might prefer a massive bill like the Equality Act that
elevates the categories of "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to status of race and sex. But that effort has
stalled in the Senate. So, for now, his administration is looking for ways to insert sexual orientation and gender
identity concepts into existing law. The latest? In January, the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services
proposed a rule that would add sexual orientation and gender identity language to the 2010 Affordable Care Act.
According to the department, these amendments will ensure that those who identify as LGBT receive "medically necessary"
care. This includes "gender-affirming" surgeries and hormone "therapy." In fact, the department's proposed rule
circumvents the law and treats dubious treatments as essential health benefits in qualified health plans. This not only
contradicts the best science and medicine, it's a disaster for insurers, for medical providers, and, most of all, for those
struggling with gender dysphoria.
Must Stop Tolerating Commie Nonsense. We need to be intolerant of stupidity, intolerant of delusions, and
intolerant of those who want to change our country into a giant college run by the kind of people you avoided when you walked
across campus. When the first dude approached us and announced that he was now Gladys, our society defaulted to
kindness. Someone who is suffering gender dysphoria does not need to have more pain heaped upon him or her, and we had
no desire as a society to compound that pain. But tolerating this confusion was not enough. The demand became to
celebrate it and to pretend it was real. But it's not real. A man can never menstruate or give birth or ask for
directions. A woman cannot be a father or (generally) carry 120 pounds of weapons and gear or fully appreciate The
Dirty Dozen.
Transgender Movement is A Modern-Day Castration Cult. As a psychologist, I was invariably sympathetic with
individuals who had gender dysphoria and/or became transgender, even though the latter was distasteful to me. However,
in recent years I have become deeply antagonistic towards such persons, principally because they have targeted children for
chemical and physical mutilation. I now consider myself — proudly — to be transphobic. And
I have no problems in saying so publicly.
Is a Prime Example of what Democrats Insanity is Doing to this Generation. The easiest way to control a
generation of people is by fear. One way to acheive that fear is to create subgroups that ensure the messaging promotes
your messages and only your messages. Case and point, the transgender movement which is solely the creation and
implementation of Democrats across the USA. [Video clip]
is no such thing as a pregnant man. Science is under attack. Human biology, specifically, is under
attack. The attackers are those who falsely claim that men can have babies. It is a lie — a fiction
that must be challenged every time it is mentioned. No matter how ardently leftists try to propagandize such things,
men have never had babies. They cannot have babies. They will not ever be able to carry children. Any claim
to the contrary is nothing more than a Frankenstein-esque, scientifically altered concoction. The truth demands that
all such radical, toxic, left-wing indoctrination be rejected and repudiated by whatever means are necessary. Such
propaganda occurred late last week when it was revealed that Apple's latest software update, iOS 15.4, included a "pregnant
man" emoji. Obviously, the powers that be at Apple are trying to normalize such lunacy in the hope that there are
enough stupid people willing to be bullied into accepting it. In turn, this acceptance would (someday) lead to a
cultural norm that men can indeed become pregnant — a scientific impossibility.
Government Puts Christianity On Trial, Calls The Bible 'Hate Speech'. Two Christian leaders in Finland stood
trial in Helsinki on Jan. 24 for publicly stating the Bible's teachings on sex and marriage. Longtime Member of
Parliament Paivi Rasanen and Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola defended in court their decision to write and publish,
respectively, a pamphlet explaining Christian teachings about sex and marriage. In the trial's opening arguments, which
will resume on Feb. 14, Finnish prosecutors described quotations from the Bible as "hate speech." Finland's top
prosecutor's office essentially put the Bible on trial, an unprecedented move for a secular court, said Paul Coleman, a human
rights lawyer with Alliance Defending Freedom International who is assisting in the Finns' legal defense and was present
during Monday's trial.
The Criminalization
of Christianity in Finland. In a foreshadowing of America's future under coercive secularism, a Finnish
politician and Finnish bishop will go on criminal trial next week for merely upholding historic Christian teaching on sexual
morality. The trial is a telling measure of the erosion of Christianity in Europe. Juhana Pohjola, a Lutheran
bishop, and Päivi Räsänen, a member of Finland's Parliament, stand accused of an act increasingly forbidden in
the de-Christianized West: quoting the Bible. "According to the nation's top prosecutor, the two people are accused of
violating the equality and dignity of LGBT people," reports Christianity Today. Simply quoting the Bible's
condemnation of sexual immorality is now sufficient to qualify as a "hate crime" in Finland. What Christianity has
always taught — hate the sin, but love the sinner — is no longer permissible in the eyes of Finnish
authorities. They say that Pohjola and Räsänen are guilty of "ethnic agitation" — an absurdly
vague charge they would never dream of applying to members of any other religion besides Christianity.
Accepting Child Transgenderism Will Pave The Way For Accepting Pedophilia. The last several years can be viewed
as a testament to the remarkable strategic power the woke left wields. The speed at which absurd ideas have been thrust
into the limelight by vested media and a wide array of well-financed academics and non-profits is both startling and
impressive. Not long ago, it would've been unimaginable that a seven-year-old boy's innocent preference for Polly
Pockets over Power Rangers would find its tragic end in puberty blockers, chemical castration, and 15 minutes of fame on
Snapchat's explore page. Calling this abuse doesn't encapsulate the full extent of the damage. It is a culturally
bolstered, politically incentivized mass grooming campaign with a disturbing history. Even worse, this all may be
eclipsed by a much darker future should it continue unabated.
Owned Christian Business Kicks out a Transvestite for 'Not Dressing HIS Gender', Leftists Online Try to Destroy his
Business. A Black Christian business owner decided to set some rules for entering his business, one of those
rules is to dress the gender you were born with. This tranny and his friends don't agree with that so they filmed it
and shared it online. Now this business is being attacked online to the point their entire reviews section on Google,
Yelp and other online review sites is completely inundated with bad reviews claiming the place is terrible.
[Video clip]
Destroys the Family. When men can claim to be women, it is ushering in a movement where women are, for all
intents and purposes, being purged from society. Now "transwomen are women" at the expense of actual women.
Amelia Koehn asserts that "to think that a biological man who identifies as a woman can compete with [women] as if our bodies
can be cheapened like this is not only insulting but also a direct assault on ourselves as female athletes." One might
as well discard Title IX protections as the entire category of women has now been erased. In effect, men competing with
women merely "represses, embarrasses, humiliates and excludes women." Even in the lesbian world, "biological men who believe
they are women are demanding full inclusion in lesbian spaces as unquestioned equals, insisting [that] actual women ... adjust
their plans accordingly." Never forgetting the money trail, "trans-identifying kids are cash cows for Planned Parenthood" —
the group that broke federal law regarding the sale of fetal body parts. How is it that injecting cattle with hormones is evil,
but injecting kids with hormones to obscure their true sex is the new frontier? How is it that female genital mutilation is
horrifying to most individuals, but allowing teens to approve the surgical removal of healthy sexual organs is perfectly acceptable?
Boy Reveals His Mom Pushed Him To Join LGBTQ Community. This is the problem with TikTok's live and
unfiltered. Want to bet, if you asked most kids in private, they would tell you the exact same thing this child
revealed on live, telling those watching his mother pushed him to join the LGBTQ community and it's not his free
choice. [Video clip]
You have not come a
long way, baby! Conservatives also ponder why Republican elected officials and organizations — especially women's
organizations — don't push back at groupthink insanity that claims biological men can identify as women. A sampling of absurd examples:
• In sports, a biological man falsely broke women's records at the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
swimming competition, resulting in a USA Swimming official resigning.
• In the military, a biological man is wrongly referred to as the first woman four-star rear-admiral.
• In women organizations, such as in the California Federation of Republican Women, a biological man was elected club president.
• In politics, some House Republicans ridiculously stood on the steps of the U.S. Capitol waving the transgender flag.
• In entertainment, a biological man was mistakenly hailed as the highest-earning woman in Jeopardy's history.
• In Republican organizations, the Republican National Committee announced a pride coalition.
• In education, progressives push the trans agenda onto young children.
Basic Concepts Liberals Don't Get. [#5] Biological sex is not a choice God has granted us. Men can't have
babies — period. Women can have babies, even if they imagine that they are men. It's a nature thing,
having to do with the presence of XY or XX chromosomes. No amount of imagination can change one's genetic code.
People who have undergone hormone or surgical treatment still have the chromosomes God (or Gaia if you prefer) endowed them
with. That genetic code comes with inherent gifts and limitations. Wishing it were otherwise does not make it
so. It only makes one unhappy in one's own body. Attempting to physically rather than psychologically correct
that unhappiness results in a man breaking all of the records in women's swimming — while we stand by and act as
though we don't notice. We may choose to indulge a person with gender change fantasies, but that doesn't make his
fantasy a fact.
Woman Is A Woman, Man Is A Man": Putin Vows To Protect Russia From West's "Gender Obscurantism". During his
marathon annual year-end press conference Q&A, which this year lasted about four hours, Russian President Vladimir Putin once
again vowed to defend Russian society against the intrusion of the corrupted values of the West, in particular blasting the
"gender obscurantism" pushed by the United States and Europe. "I am a proponent of the traditional approach that a
woman is a woman and a man is a man," Putin laid out, which it goes without saying also reflects basic Biology 101 and
humans' self-understanding for thousands upon thousands of years. He continued in the remarks on gender: "A
mother is a mother, a father is a father. And I hope that our society has the internal moral protection dictated by the
traditional religious denominations of the Russian Federation."
much more powerful are the media than you? There are 32,000 full-time journalists in America — an
army of thought-police — and they have a microphone the size of Mount Everest. [...] Let's say you disagree with
the constant pressure to be gay. Let's say you think the gay lifestyle is a corrupt way to live, as it has been seen
throughout most of human history. But you don't have the media power to oppose the message of the elites. They
will brand you as a homophobe, and you are powerless to oppose it. They will use their massive media might to drown out
your message. If you continue to oppose the elites and the political correctness they spew at you, you risk losing your
job, your career, and your livelihood.
activists have much bigger plans than living as they wish. When leftists talk amongst themselves, they're
honest about what they want. So, when Kay Gabriel, Jules Gleeson, Ira T, and Elle O'Rourke got together to talk about
"trans liberation," they freely admitted that one of the goals of the movement is to bring about a communist revolution. In
other words, what you long suspected is true. [...] I wonder if any of these revolutionaries realize that all communist societies
get rid of their sexual deviants. After all, communists, better than anyone else, understand that such people undermine
society, any society.
I'm celebrating news that a man is breaking women's swimming records. Will Thomas is a strapping 22-year-old
man who swam competitively at the University of Pennsylvania for three years. This year, though, Will announced that
he's a woman named "Lia" and, thanks to Biden's executive orders regarding so-called "gender identity," got a place on
UPenn's women's swim team where, to no one's surprise, he swam faster than the women. Frankly, I think it's
wonderful. That's not because I've gone woke; it's because this is so blatantly unfair to women, and Will is so
obviously a man, that Americans are finally saying that the emperor is wearing the wrong dress. I will never,
absolutely never, use female pronouns for a man who claims to be "transgender." He is either mentally ill, which is sad,
but does not make him a woman, or he's a sleazy, skeezy opportunist. It's amazing how many of these so-called
"transgender" men who suddenly get to compete in women's sports and use women's locker rooms and restrooms (and women's
prisons), have kept their original biological equipment and are "lesbians," rather than real women who like men. Let me
say this as clearly as possible: There is no such thing as "transgenderism."
Make the Best Women. There is no difference between men and women, we're told by leftist activists, none
whatsoever. We're also told by these same people that there's nothing a man can do better than a woman, [...] We've all
heard about the high school sprinters who were not very good as boys, but mopped up the track when they started competing as
girls. I couldn't care less how someone chooses to live in their personal life, my problem with the idea of "trans" is
when I'm forced to deny reality to make someone else feel comfortable. If you're a man and you want to wear a dress and
be called Betty, I'll call you Betty. But if you want me to pretend you can get pregnant or have to worry about
cervical cancer, you've lost me. In the UK, they are spending good money reminding women to get screened for prostate
cancer and other absurd things that simply are not real. Forcing me to pretend they are is when you lose me, and you're
not getting me back.
Ten Contradictory Commandments of Trans Activism:
[#1] Don't pathologise trans identity. However, you must offer treatment for gender dysphoria with medication and surgery.
[#2] Only refer to people by language they want. However, it is fine for us to label you "cis".
[#5] People should be free to believe in what they want. However, you must see the world through our ideological lens.
[#9] If the media report a crime and specify it was committed by a trans person, this is transphobia.
However, reporting an accolade and failing to mention the person is trans is erasure.
First Slowly, Then Quickly.
[Scroll down] The article in the Dermatology Times points to a practical problem for dermatologists in their
treatment of women-to-men transsexuals. These women are given masculinizing hormones that, among other side effects,
result in the development of acne in up to a third of them. Acne is a distressing condition and when it is severe
enough can provoke suicidal thoughts. Moreover, one of the best treatments for acne is isotretinoin, a well-known side
effect of which is suicidal thoughts sometimes resulting in suicide, even in those not previously suicidal. As if this
were not enough, the rate of depression and suicide among such gender-diverse individuals assigned female at birth is already
high — according to the article itself. What is the poor dermatologist to do? The answer is simple:
prescribe isotretinoin and shift the responsibility onto a psychiatrist. If the dermatologist refers the patient to a
psychiatrist but the patient nevertheless commits suicide under his treatment, it is then the psychiatrist's fault, not the
otherization of unvaccinated people is proceeding quickly. Those of us who remember the rise of AIDS also
remember the ethical issues associated with it. AIDS was a disease with a 100% fatality rate back in the day and was
transmitted through bodily fluids, especially blood. Barring hemophiliacs, the people who got AIDS were almost entirely
gay men, especially gay men who engaged in extravagant sexual orgies, and intravenous drug-users. More than most
diseases, AIDS was a lifestyle disease that people could avoid through abstinence or monogamy, and not shooting heroin.
The power of the gay lobby (which is what made the LGBTQ+++ movement realize that it truly had political chops) was such that
not only did it become impossible to turn away AIDS patients who could be said to have brought the disease upon themselves,
but HIPAA made it illegal for any medical practice to make someone's health status public. Think about it: a
contagious, completely fatal virus, that was the product of bad decisions, but that could not be turned away from medical
care and that had to be kept private.
Who Claim Men Are Women Are Brazen Liars Devoid of Moral Integrity. On October 19 of this year, a truly
historic event took place. On that day Dr. Rachel Levine was sworn by Surgeon General Vivek Murthy as a four-star
admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. This is how the occasion was reported by the Huffington
Post: "Levine was appointed to full admiral on Tuesday while sworn in as the first-ever female four-star admiral
to oversee the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps." Levine's appointment set off a salvo of celebratory
articles. From CNN to Forbes mainstream media outlets across the land effused about what a great milestone Levine's
appointment represented for American women. There was only one problem with all this. Rachel Levine is a not a
woman. Levine is a man. Born Richard Levine, he has lived most of his life as a man. His male credentials
include a twenty-five-year marriage to a biological female by whom he fathered two children. That Levine is a man there
can be no doubt. Every cell in his body testifies to this incontrovertible fact by containing the male XY chromosomal
combination in the nuclear DNA. But no DNA analysis is necessary to know the truth. That Levine is a man is
obvious to everyone who takes a good look at his pictures.
assault on basic truth. Recently, Dr. "Rachel" Levine made history by becoming the first "trans-woman"
(man who calls himself a woman) to be appointed to the rank of four-star admiral for the United States Public Health Service
Commissioned Corps. While many members on the left find this to be cause for great celebration, in truth, hardly
anything could be more detrimental to America's armed forces. This event, if only largely nominal, signifies nothing
less than a direct assault on the most precious thing holding our military, our government, and our entire social world
together: truth.
Media Made It 'Cool', so Now a Whopping 30% of Millennials Identify as LGBTQ. A study about the growing
influence of Millennials has revealed a majority of them have a positive opinion about Jesus Christ. However, they
apparently don't understand or haven't read what the Bible has to say about sexuality because a whopping 30% of that entire
generation now identify as LGBTQ. The 62-page research report titled New Insights into the Generation of Growing
Influence: Millennials In America by George Barna was conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona
Christian University and the Foundations of Freedom, a platform promoting traditional American Values. Why
Millennials? According to the report, they are the most populous generation in American society today, comprising more
than 70 million adults in the U.S. Millennials currently represent close to four out of every 10 working-age Americans,
and they are also the primary parenting-age segment in the country.
Navy names ship after gay rights leader Harvey Milk: Transgender health expert smashes champagne on bow.
A Navy ship named for slain gay rights leader Harvey Milk, who served four years in the Navy before being forced out, was
christened by a transgender veteran and launched in San Diego Bay on Saturday [11/6/2021]. Milk was one of the first
openly gay candidates elected to public office. He was serving on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1978 when a
former political colleague, Dan White, assassinated him and Mayor George Moscone at City Hall. The replenishment oiler
USNS Harvey Milk slid down the shipyard ways after a bottle of champagne was smashed on the bow by former Navy officer
Paula M. Neira, clinical program director for the John Hopkins Center for Transgender Health.
in an Age of Lies. Currently the trans movement, which is the ideological spearpoint of transhumanism, denies
the reality of the human being as male or female in favor of a vision of a new creature redefined by language and born again
via technological advances into an ubermensch. A superior being neither male or female will lead the way into a future
formerly conceived only in dystopic science fiction. But the distinction between man and woman persists in reflecting
fundamental reality. That reality in turn remains the irreducible basis of any culture or civilization. The
family predates any civilization and remains foundational to any society. Wife, mother, sister; husband, father,
brother are universal categorizations of human beings that have been accepted throughout all of human history as true by all
religions, nations, tribes and cultures. In short, the recognition of the human race as being male and female is
intrinsic to the functioning of any society.
Administration Denies Biological Reality, Issues First Passport with 'X' Gender Option. The U.S. Department of
State, which recently admitted to stranding even more Americans in Afghanistan than previously reported, proclaimed on
Wednesday that the United States issued its first passport with an "X" gender designation. According to a report from
the Associated Press, the action marks a "milestone" for the "rights of people" who do not identify with their biological
reality. The "X" gender designation feature is expected to be offered on a wider scale by next year.
Dem lawmaker not pleased when Oklahoma governor declares 'there's no such thing'. A self-proclaimed non-binary
lawmaker in Oklahoma blasted Gov. Kevin Stitt for his remarks asserting there are only two genders and that "there is no
such thing as non-binary sex." Democratic State Rep. Mauree Turner claimed it was difficult to have a working
relationship with someone like Stitt who opposes "your existence." "If you have to work with people who adamantly
oppose your existence, right, to the point to where we can't work together, you can't talk to me, you can't talk to me like
I'm a human being, you don't see me, that damages anyone's working relationship," the first Oklahoma lawmaker to identify as
non-binary told Fox25.
Pregnancy: The Greatest Miracle of All. By now you may have heard of the left's latest insistence that we
drop the expression "pregnant women" in favor of "pregnant people." By using this phrase, they wish to emphasize that
it is not only women who can conceive and carry children. According to the woke, men can now also partake in the joys
of pregnancy. This is surely a remarkable position to take by those who routinely mock the virgin birth of Jesus as
narrated by the New Testament. As you may know, most of our science-oriented woksters think the notion of a woman
conceiving by divine intervention is a completely ridiculous idea that could only be believed by a backward ancient culture.
And yet, these very same people have apparently no problem believing that a biological male can become pregnant.
Abortion And Transgenderism Do Have Lots In Common. Sometimes even New York Times columnists tell the
truth. For instance, a recent article by Jennifer Finney Boylan was headlined "Abortion Rights and Trans Rights Are Two
Sides of the Same Coin." Yes, and the coin is currency from Hell. Although there are abortion supporters who oppose
transgenderism and vice versa, Boylan is correct that the justifications for abortion and transgenderism share most of their
ideological DNA. Both are rooted in hatred for the givenness of human embodiment and its limitations. Both should be
rejected in favor of something better. Boylan, who identifies as transgender, objects to giving "the state the right to
limit what you can or cannot do with your own body" and insists that decisions about abortion and gender transition should be
left to an individual, "who alone knows the truth of their heart, who alone can understand what the consequences of their
choices will be in the years to come."
Netflix CEO's Shooting Down of Every Demand LGBT Employees are Making. "No." It's pretty much what
Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos told the employees who are demanding the company cave to demands for standing by Dave Chappelle's
latest comedy special, and it's not a crowd used to hearing this kind of response from corporations. Especially
corporations like Netflix. Sarandos was definitely more corporate with his response even apologizing for the way he
"screwed up" in the internal memo and seeming insensitive to those who were "in pain" over Chappelle's special "The Closer"
which angered the LGBT community, specifically the "T" part of that group. Regardless, Sarandos shot down these
demands and couched his refusals in very corporate-safe verbiage that nonetheless got the message of "no" across.
British Professor Says The Most Triggering Truth Of The 21st Century Outloud. Lord Robert Winston has said he
fears he will be inundated with hate mail after backing a professor in the eye of a trans storm by saying people "can't
change sex". The biologist, who is professor of science and society at Imperial College London, warned Question Time
host Fiona Bruce that producers would need to edit the program after he aired his views. During a debate about
universities' ability to simultaneously promote free speech and protect their diverse student body, the discussion inevitably
swung to Kathleen Stock — a professor of philosophy at the University of Sussex who has faced calls to be removed
from her position amid accusations of transphobia. [Video clip]
indoctrinating children in LGBTQism are everywhere. Homosexuality is not a sudden discovery of the modern
age. However, it should be — and is — a very minority behavior because it has no genetic
purpose. The primary purpose behind every living thing is to procreate. [...] Also, homosexuality is not a healthy
lifestyle and that's true no matter how accepting society is. People on the LGBTQ+ spectrum have more alcoholism, drug
abuse, partner abuse, depression, and suicide than boring old heterosexuals. (Suicide is especially high amongst
so-called "transgender" people.) Of course, that doesn't mean that every person on the LGBTQ+ spectrum has these
problems, only that, on average, they're more likely to have them. Indeed, you only need to look at a few Libs of Tik
Tok videos to recognize that so many people who have decided to embrace LGBTQism are not happy: [Video clips]
Not happy at all.
Great Struggle of Our Time: The Battle for Reality. As you may know, transgender advocates claim that
biological males can become women and vice versa. Understandably, many people find this claim rather far-fetched.
For one thing, it does not feel true, given that the evidence of our senses seems to refute it. When, for example,
people look at transgender "women" — i.e., biological men who say that they are women — most people
immediately recognize that these are not real females. What most people see is men who pretend to be girls. This
is how the human mind — in the vast majority of instances — interprets sensory input that it receives
upon encountering such persons. And yet transgender advocates vehemently maintain that this is not the correct
interpretation of visual data. They insist that what is in front of our eyes are not men who pose as girls but real
girls. The claims of transgender advocates thus run in direct contravention to what we perceive to be the case with our
own eyes.
You Don't Respect My Freedoms, I Don't Respect Your Pronouns. Just because the mentally ill become an organized
mob does not mean they are a victim status group deserving of special protection or special treatment. The mentally ill
are the LAST people on the planet that should be given the power to dictate the course of society. Madness is, in a
way, infectious. [...] The gender and "Trans" issues are really at the forefront of leftist ideology these days. If you
have observed these people for any length of time you know all about the Oppression Olympics and the intersectional totem
pole. And, you are also probably aware that people who claim to be trans earn an automatic spot at the top of that
totem pole, well above women, black people, and even your run-of-the-mill gay people. The trans costume is the most
powerful of all SJW costumes and imbues a person with unlimited protection no matter how terrible that person might be.
It even allows them to dictate the very thoughts and speech of the public at large. For example, there is a policy
among western governments to allow male convicted criminals who claim to be trans women to be interned in women's
prisons. This allows them to rape female inmates at their leisure while claiming special status. Yet, according
to the leftist media it is the men posing as women that are being "victimized" by guards and female inmates. In Britain,
they are even passing a law which makes it a crime for prisoners to use the wrong pronouns when referring to a trans inmate.
university institutes Pride Week featuring drag queen 'gayla'. Xavier University of Louisiana this month will
host an all-star "gayla" as part of its inaugural Pride Week in New Orleans. Xavier, the nation's only historically
Black Roman Catholic university, will feature drag queens Big Freedia, Tank and Da Bangas in musical numbers in front of an
audience of 275 in the ballroom, according to a press release from the school. "It's a celebration of the many
contributions LGBTQ+ activists and allies on campus and in the greater New Orleans community," Glenn Caston, Xavier's
inclusion and social justice officer, said in a statement.
Shamelessly pandering to every misguided freak, pagan, and pervert:
Trudeau mocked after using '2SLGBTQQIA+' acronym. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is being mocked on
social media after he published two posts that mention the latest woke iteration of an acronym for people with different
sexual identities — 2SLGBTQQIA+ — which some likened to an encrypted password or "headbutting the
keyboard." "People across the country are lighting candles to honour Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people
who are missing or have been murdered. We must continue to work together, raise awareness, and advocate to end this
ongoing national tragedy. #SistersinSpirit," the prime minister posted to Facebook and Twitter on Monday, referencing
the Sisters in Spirit vigil, which honors women of specific racial or sexual identities who are missing or have been
murdered. The number and letter '2S' in 2SLGBTQQIA+ includes people who identify as "Two-spirit," referring to someone
who identifies as having both a masculine and a feminine spirit. It is used by some Indigenous North Americans to
describe their sexual identity.
to America soon? German parking garage installs 'diversity' spaces. An underground German parking garage
has reserved "diversity" spaces for vehicles driven by LGBTQ and migrant drivers so people who feel "a special need for
protection" will feel safe. Hanauer Parkhaus GmbH has reportedly reserved three spots specifically designated for the
LGBTQ community and migrants in their structure in Hanau, which is just outside Frankfurt, according to the Daily Mail.
Thomas Morlock, who is the chairman of the HPG supervisory board and a city official, claims that the company's goal in
providing the segregated parking spaces is to give individuals a sense of security and protection.
Manifold Dangers of Pretending to Be the Opposite Sex. In 2015, during the Obama administration, the Supreme
Court ruled that the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment requires states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex
couples. This decision — which made the final pronouncement on the first major battle about gender
confusion — rendered meaningless the distinction between men and women. It was no longer necessary for a
married couple to comprise a male and a female. In a marriage, there could now be two husbands or two wives. The
weekend prior to this ruling, Bruce Jenner, a former decathlete who won gold in the 1976 Olympics, came out as transgender
and won an award for "courage" for doing so. Thus began the linking of sexual orientation and gender identity that
cemented the transformation of LGB to LGBT. In the following years, Hollywood and the media sought to mainstream
transgenderism by highlighting it in TV shows, movies, and articles.
Parents Raise Young Child Without A Gender, Make HIM Wear Girl Clothes, Play With Girl Toys. This is
Zoomer. Zoomer was born a boy. How do we know? Because he was born a boy, that's how. Zoomer was also
born with two liberal leeches attached to him. These liberals were Zoomer's parents and refused to acknowledge Zoomer's
born gender identity and instead called HIM they and them. They also made Zoomer play with both boy and girl toys as
well as wear dresses and male clothing, just in case Zoomer was a born drag queen or something. At age 4, Zoomer
figured out he was a boy and this was a big moment for his not-so-bright parents. [Video clip]
The Editor says...
Luke 17:2
"Detransitioned" Woman Demands the Medical Establishment Treat Gender Dysphoria With Science, Not Activism.
Sinéad Watson is a healthcare advocate for youth experiencing gender dysphoria and an advisor for the Gender Dysphoria
Alliance. She describes herself on the site as "detrans" and "detransitioned" and someone who desires to work toward
"balanced, evidence-based care for gender questioning youth." A recent Twitter thread posted by the young activist and
highlighted by Abigail Shrier caught my eye. I often long to reach out to people like Watson to hear from them and
share their stories, but sadly even the name of our site is enough to discourage some from sharing their very worthy stories
with us. They don't wish to be connected to conservative activism and I completely understand that. They want the
freedom to move around their activist world without a destructive label that prevents peers from taking them seriously.
Lutheran church installs 1st transgender bishop. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America installed its first
openly transgender bishop in a service held in San Francisco's Grace Cathedral on Saturday [9/11/2021]. The Rev. Megan
Rohrer will lead one of the church's 65 synods, overseeing nearly 200 congregations in Northern California and northern Nevada.
"My call is ... to be up to the same messy, loving things I was up to before," Rohrer told worshippers. "But mostly, if you'll
let me, and I think you will, my hope is to love you and beyond that, to love what you love." Rohrer was elected in May to
serve a six-year term as bishop of the Sierra Pacific Synod after its current bishop announced his retirement.
House Spokesperson Jen Psaki Makes Jaw-Dropping Announcement, There are Only Two Genders. For the past several
years the ultra-progressive left have been selling a ridiculous narrative that multiple genders exist. Within that
multi-gender worldview, men can get to compete in women's sports and also get pregnant. They even changed the language
of mother and father to "birthing person". Wokeism and cultural Marxism are deployed against anyone who does not accept
this assertion in society. When you challenge the progressive orthodoxy with intellectual argument, the response is
always an emotional attack in defense of their unsustainable position. A case study in this exact outcome happened
today during Jen Psaki's press briefing. The White House spokesperson accidentally (and very forcefully) took the
public position today, that only two genders exist. [Video clip]

anyone noticed how medical data ignores the "multiple genders" nonsense? It may seem an intentionally
provocative question, tailor-made for culture warrior types. But in truth, there's a fundamentally instructive point
being made by Erickson that progressive sexual revolutionaries are desperate to shroud. If you go to the CDC's COVID
tracker page, you can find more demographic data for infections than you know what to do with: race, ethnicity, age,
geographic location, urban, rural, socioeconomic, sex, and so much more. Yet when you click on sex, this is what you
see: [Graph] Two genders. Male/Female. Nothing on the COVID numbers of agenders or androgynous, bigenders
or butch, genderfluids or gender outlaws, genderqueers or gender expansive, trans or two-spirit. Why is that?
& Johnson HIV vaccine trial fails. An HIV vaccine candidate manufactured by Johnson & Johnson failed to provide
sufficient protection against infection, the company announced Tuesday [8/31/2021], the latest blow to the HIV vaccination
effort. The company said its Imbokodo study posed no safety concerns, but will not continue. The study enrolled
approximately 2,600 young women across five countries in sub-Saharan Africa, a region where women and girls accounted for
63 percent of all new HIV infections in 2020. Participants were randomly selected to receive either the vaccine or a
placebo, and researchers found the vaccine's efficacy was only about 25 percent, which was not statistically significant.
one' is transgender, Virginia bishop says: 'A truth reflected in every cell of the body'. A Washington-area
Catholic bishop has issued a letter rebutting the transgender movement root and branch, calling gender reassignment "wrong
and harmful" and saying everyone is male or female as seen in that person's body. "The Church teaches that a person is
created male or female," Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington wrote. "No one 'is' transgender." The document
titled "A Catechesis on the Human Person and Gender Ideology" notes that public schools "aggressively promote" what the
bishop called "a false understanding of the human person in their advocacy of gender ideology."
Ideology Is Riddled With Contradictions. Here Are the Big Ones. People say that we live in a postmodern
age that has rejected metaphysics. That's not quite true. We live in a postmodern age that promotes an
alternative metaphysics. As I explain in "When Harry Became Sally," at the heart of the transgender moment are radical
ideas about the human person — in particular, that people are what they claim to be, regardless of contrary
evidence. A transgender boy is a boy, not merely a girl who identifies as a boy. It's understandable why
activists make these claims. An argument about transgender identities will be much more persuasive if it concerns who
someone is, not merely how someone identifies. And so the rhetoric of the transgender moment drips with ontological
assertions: People are the gender they prefer to be. That's the claim. Transgender activists don't admit
that this is a metaphysical claim. They don't want to have the debate on the level of philosophy, so they dress it up
as a scientific and medical claim. And they've co-opted many professional associations for their cause.
Reassignment Doesn't Work. Here Is the Evidence. Sex "reassignment" doesn't work. It's impossible
to "reassign" someone's sex physically, and attempting to do so doesn't produce good outcomes psychosocially. As I
demonstrate in my book, "When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment," the medical evidence suggests
that sex reassignment does not adequately address the psychosocial difficulties faced by people who identify as
transgender. Even when the procedures are successful technically and cosmetically, and even in cultures that are
relatively "trans-friendly," transitioners still face poor outcomes. Dr. Paul McHugh, the university distinguished
service professor of psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, explains: ["]Transgendered men
do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men. All (including Bruce Jenner) become feminized men or
masculinized women, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex with which they 'identify.' In that lies their problematic
future.["] When 'the tumult and shouting dies,' it proves not easy nor wise to live in a counterfeit sexual
garb. The most thorough follow-up of sex-reassigned people — extending over 30 years and conducted in
Sweden, where the culture is strongly supportive of the transgendered — documents their lifelong mental
unrest. Ten to 15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment
surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers.
'Just like
the Nazis': Gay Afghans face 'extermination' under Taliban. Desperate gay men in Afghanistan are living in
terror and pleading for deliverance from the "nightmare" of Taliban rule, according to reports. "As soon as the Taliban
know that I am a gay man, they will kill me without even thinking about it," 36-year-old "Sayed" told Business Insider
Saturday [8/21/2021]. In less than a week, he said, the mood in Afghanistan's underground gay community went from
clandestine freedom to outright panic.
people in Afghanistan fear Taliban will 'kill all of them on the spot'. Human rights organizations are
concerned that the Taliban's newly gained control of the Afghan government will lead to "instances of extreme violence
directed at members of the LGBTQI+ community in Afghanistan," while LGBTQ Afghans say that now fear they can be "killed on
the spot." The Taliban is a religious-political movement and military organization known to enforce extreme Islamic
ideals, including Sharia law.
Activist Caught In A Pedophile Sting Claims That He Works For Hillary Clinton And Nancy Pelosi. A man seemingly
identified as LGBT activist Clint Alan Goss was captured on video during a child predator sting operation by a YouTuber named
Ghost Change who streamed the interaction. Goss claimed in the video and allegedly in explicit text messages to work
for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other high profile Democrats, and appears to have been photographed alongside prominent
Democrats including Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee and Chasten Buttigieg, the husband of Biden administration Transportation
Secretary Pete Buttigieg. In the video, it is revealed that Goss allegedly solicited sexual favors from an individual
he believed to be a 14-year-old boy online prior to being approached by the YouTuber in an apparent sting operation.
sheriff: Disney employees, nurse among 17 suspects arrested in child predator sting. Deputies in Central
Florida made over a dozen arrests as part of an undercover operation targeting suspected child predators. The Polk
County Sheriff's Office announced on Tuesday the arrests of 17 people as part of Operation: Child Predator.
The operation took place between July 27 and Aug. 1, and the arrests were made with the help of several other law
enforcement agencies. "These are nasty, nasty people," said Polk Sheriff Grady Judd, according to Fox 13.
"We can't even use the words that they used. We obviously can't show the pictures and video clips that they sent to
what they thought were 13-year-old little girls and little boys."
Arrested in Undercover Child Predator Operation, Including 3 Disney Employees. Undercover detectives in central
Florida have arrested 17 people — among whom were three employees of Walt Disney World — over charges
related to the targeting of children online for unlawful sexual activity, the Polk County Sheriff's Office announced on Aug. 3.
The six-day-long undercover operation, dubbed "Operation Child Protector," took place from July 27 through Aug. 1, during which
law enforcement officers posed as children on social media platforms, mobile apps, and online dating sites to investigate potential
predators who prey upon children for unlawful sexual activity. A total of 17 people were arrested, representing 49 felony
charges and two misdemeanor charges in all. The suspects' ages ranged from 26 to 47. They were mostly from the central
Florida area, with the exception of one who was visiting from California. At an Aug. 3 press conference, Grady Judd, the
sheriff of Polk County, described the suspects as "incredible deviants," "dangerous," and "nasty, nasty, nasty people."
Medical Association Faces Backlash for Calling to Remove Sex From Birth Certificates. The American Medical
Association (AMA), the largest organization of physicians and medical students in the United States, came under fire over the
weekend for a recent proposal calling to end the designation of sex on birth certificates. The proposal, which was
adopted by the AMA's Board of Trustees in June, states that recording the baby's sex on the public portion of birth
certificates, as has always been the case, has "potential for discrimination." "Our American Medical Association will
advocate for the removal of sex as a legal designation on the public portion of the birth certificate," the proposal reads,
adding that information on a person's sex designation at birth will still be submitted to the authority and only used for
medical, public health, and statistical purposes. According to the AMA, recording a person's sex can result in
"confusion, possible discrimination, harassment and violence" against those whose chosen gender identity or self-expression
is different from their assigned sex at birth, whenever they are requested to show their birth certificate.
Therapist's Take on the Transgender Influx. [Scroll down] Honestly, I believe that many are unaware of
the extent to which this is happening. They stubbornly cling to their beliefs with no signs of surrender. You
hope the younger ones will begin to see the truth as many of us did long ago. I am not sure. I continue to have
friends in their sixties and seventies who view the world as these young people do. I have lost one long-term friend
because she could not tolerate my beliefs. Another friend is obsessed with race, does not like the police, and sees
innumerable flaws in our great nation. Since retiring, she has become increasingly obsessed with all of this.
Jesse Watters is correct. This insanity consumes white liberal women because they are unhappy with other aspects of
their lives. I would add especially Baby Boomer women.
unbelievable what the American Medical Association wants to do. Humans have a simple system for
reproduction: Men produce sperm and women produce eggs. When the two meet, babies happen. The babies, in
turn, will be either male, complete with XY chromosomes, or female, with XY. Both will have distinguishing sex
characteristics that affect every part of the body. Except if the American Medical Association has its way, all babies
will go home from the hospital with birth certificates identifying them as "X" — neither male nor
female — to ensure that they're not later hideously injured by having been "misgendered."
to Major University Claims Birth Names on Diplomas Make Trans Students Unsafe. At the University of Washington,
folks are fed up with diplomas bearing "dead names." Or at least one is: On July 8th, PhD candidate —
and instructor in the School of Social Work — Vern Harner launched a petition. Its mission: Convince
the school — which boasts 50,000+ attendees across three campuses — to let graduates decide what names
are placed on their diplomas.
Perception and Reality are Two Different Things. Several weeks ago I read that singer Demi Lovato came out as
non-binary and would be using pronouns they/them to describe herself ... wait ... to describe themselves, or them, or
they ... or ... you get the drift! I'm guessing non-binary means that she is not two people, a definition I can get
behind; but, why then does she call herself them? I'm thinking my definition of non-binary may be contrary to what it
actually means. My sexagenarian mind finds it difficult to wrap around these concepts because, when I was young, we
only had two genders — male and female. Today, according to Dude Asks, apparently the definitive authority
on gender, there are upwards of 112 different genders ranging from "Neutrois" to "Verangender." Not only are there now
112 genders, everyone gets to choose pronouns to identify themselves. One business encouraged its employees to add
their chosen pronouns to their official email signature. After all, nothing screams corporate responsibility more than
the injection of sex and gender dysphoria into the customer service experience.
against 'misgendering' transgender nursing home residents violates First Amendment, court rules. A California
appeals court ruled that a law requiring nursing home staff to use transgender residents' preferred pronouns violates the
First Amendment. The law was struck down on Friday [7/16/2021] in a 3-0 decision by the Sacramento-based Third District Court
of Appeal. The court held that the law was a "content-based restriction on speech" that unconstitutionally requires nursing
staff to express a message they may not wish to. "The pronoun provision at issue here tests the limits of the government's
authority to restrict pure speech that, while potentially offensive or harassing to the listener, does not necessarily create a
hostile environment," Judge Elena Duarte wrote in the decision.
signs order banning conversion therapy. Gov. Tim Walz bypassed the Minnesota Legislature and restricted
conversion therapy in the state on Thursday [7/15/2021]. Walz and Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan participated in a
signing ceremony for an executive order on Thursday morning. Conversion therapy, also known as "reparative therapy,"
refers to a counseling practice that seeks to change a patient's gender or sexual orientation. Every leading medical
and scientific association including the American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics and National Education
Association have strongly and uniformly rejected conversion therapy for minors, citing its harmful effects on the long-term
mental health of LGBTQ+ youth.
Joe Biden Won't Defend Women from Transgenders. The issue of transgender 'rights' is hot right now because more
people are beginning to understand that they are waging a rights war on women and girls. Recently, at the Wi Spa in Los
Angeles, a man escorted by two self-professed lesbian activists paraded his intact male genitalia around in the area of the
spa supposedly reserved for the female clientele (including very young girls). California Civil Code 51(b) is being
interpreted as meaning that male indecent exposure is now legally acceptable. Which means that adult males can parade
around exposed in full view of young girls and claim this is a transgender 'right.'
Journal: 'Parents Should Lose Veto Power' over Children Going Trans. Governments should exclude parents who
oppose the hormonal and surgical transformation of their children, according to an article published in the establishment
Journal of Medical Ethics. When parents reject their childrens' claim to be transgender, "parents should lose
veto power over most transition-related paediatric care," wrote author Maura Priest, a candidate professor at Arizona State University.
San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus Has A Message For America: 'We're Coming For Your Children'. Watch out America,
The San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus has laid down the gauntlet. They are coming for your children. And when they
say coming for your children, they mean coming to brainwash your kids. They won't have a lot of work ahead of them
since most of the public schools in America are busy indoctrinated your kids to hate each other based on race and the gender
you are born with is irrelevant, you can be whichever you feel. [Video clip]
San Diego library
invites men who like sex with men who look like boys to read to children. San Diego's libraries are welcoming
rather colorful characters this summer to read to children to celebrate the unusual sexual practices community, including
drag queens who encourage liaisons with young men who look like boys. Billed as Pride-themed family-friendly story
times, four such events will take place in July featuring performers that some parents and residents are not enthusiastic
about. "A drag queen performs in a night club for adults. There is a lot of filth that goes on, a lot of sexual
stuff that goes on, and backstage there's a lot of nudity, sex and drugs," Dianne Chapman told Press California.
Biden officials encourage transgenderism in kids, vow to punish states resisting transmania. On the final day
of "Pride Month," the Biden White House hosted an online event pandering to gender-confused persons, during which top members
of the administration urged children to report transgender "discrimination." The Biden administration also sent out a warning
that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is coming after states instituting laws resisting transmania. Kristen Clarke,
Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the DOJ, declared that state laws protecting girls' sports from infiltration
by gender-confused boys "single out and target transgender youth" and "violate both the Constitution and Title IX."
She added that state laws banning "gender-affirming" procedures for youth are "rooted in bias and prejudice."
Promotes the Sexual Grooming of Children. Last week The Washington Post, one of the most prominent news
outlets in the world, the newspaper whose self-important motto "Democracy dies in darkness" belies its own undemocratic
propaganda, saw fit to promote an opinion piece calling for the increased exposure of small children to sexual
deviance. In the article titled, "Yes, kink belongs at Pride. And I want my kids to see it," freelance writer
Lauren Rowello declared her support for the presence of "kinksters" — practitioners of sexual
fetishes — in parades during so-called "Pride Month," the thirty days a year officially devoted to the compulsory
celebration of LGBT narcissism. More specifically, she called for it in order to expose children as young as toddlers
to "the scope and vitality of queer life." [...] In a saner time, parents wouldn't allow adults "playfully" engaged in
sado-masochism within a hundred miles of their toddlers, but today a generation or two of fanatically woke parents
intentionally expose their children to such a repellent display in order to inculcate, as young as possible, a sexual
awareness that kids aren't equipped to process. [...] What kind of mother thinks it is appropriate to expose her children to
human beings degrading each other with leashes?
Pedophilia. After the U. S. Supreme Court decided to change the 6,000-year-old definition of marriage in
Obergefell v. Hodges, I predicted to a liberal friend that the Left's next big push would be to normalize and
ultimately legalize pedophilia. [...] The next item on the Left's agenda, it turned out, was changing the definition of
biological sex and thus normalizing gender dysphoria. But mainstreaming pedophilia was not far behind. Actually,
that has long been part of the Left's plan to "fundamentally change" society by blowing up all its most basic and vital
institutions — in particular, the nuclear family. Strong traditional families tend to raise children with
good sense who can think and do for themselves. Such independence is antithetical to the Left's designs. Thus,
children must be alienated from their parents — and what better way to accomplish that than by enticing them into
decadent and even deviant behaviors?
it's wrong — and profoundly damaging — to make us all agree that someone is whatever gender they say
they are. Gender self-identification is often described as this generation's civil rights battle. But for
a man to declare 'I am a woman', and for everyone to be compelled to agree, is not, as with genuine civil rights movements,
about extending privileges unjustly hoarded by a favoured group to a marginalised one. What we are facing is a
fundamental redefinition of what it means for anyone to be a man or woman — the supplanting of biology and a total
rewrite of society's rules, with far-reaching consequences.
Allows Passengers To Pick Their Own Gender On Passports, Select 'X' Instead Of 'M' Or 'F'. Americans can now
select their chosen gender on passports without providing medical documentation, according to a new Biden administration
rule. [...] The ACLU unveiled that Americans will soon be able to select "X" as a gender marker instead of "M" or
"F" — a move that the organization called a "victory for trans, non-binary and intersex people" who are seeking
"accurate" federal IDs.
The Editor says...
If accuracy is the goal, go back to M and F.
men not qualified for ministry, Presbyterian Church in America votes. The conservative Presbyterian Church in
America voted Thursday [7/1/2021] to disqualify all gay men from serving in its ministry. The 1,400 [to] 400
vote to change its governing document came at the denomination's 48th General Assembly, held this week in St. Louis.
The rule change, known as "Overture 23," will go to local church bodies known as "presbyteries" for a vote before a second
round of convention balloting next year that would place the language in the denomination's "Book of Church Order," which
governs PCA practice.
There's no point in trying to politely address a crowd any more.
World has removed the 'Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls' greeting from its Magic Kingdom fireworks show.
Disney World has made another change at its Orlando, Florida, theme park as part of the company's initiative to become more
inclusive. Employees were invited to a "cast member" preview of the "Happily Ever After" fireworks show at Magic
Kingdom on Wednesday. The event was the first fireworks showing hosted at Disney World since the nightly shows were
halted at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the fireworks show seemingly remains unchanged, the preshow
recording is now different. As heard in videos shared by employees, Disney World has replaced the "Ladies and
Gentlemen, Boys and Girls" greeting with one that says "Good evening, dreamers of all ages!"
One more place to boycott:
IKEA unveils LGBTQ-themed
sofas — and the internet has thoughts on its 'bisexual couch'. IKEA Canada has unveiled a series of
colorful couches inspired by different Pride flags, including those representing the transgender, nonbinary and asexual
communities. Created to mark Pride Month, the 10 "Love Seats" were created by four LGBTQ designers and feature
everything from gigantic ruffles to colorful patters and faux flowers.
Gender Pronoun Shell Game. If you thought calling a person a 'they' or 'them' was confusing enough, here comes
this poor lost soul telling you made-up words can be used to identify yourself such as ZEY or ZEM. It's as if Twitter
and TikTok created a clearinghouse for the emotionally broken and mentally ill. [Video clip]
bans state travel to Florida, 4 more over anti-LGBTQ laws. California officials have added Florida and four
other states to a list of places where state-funded travel is banned over laws that purportedly discriminate against LGBTQ
individuals. State Attorney General Rob Bonta, a Democrat, announced Monday that Arkansas, Montana, North Dakota and
West Virginia had joined Alabama, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South
Dakota, Tennessee and Texas on the no-go list, which was first created in 2016. "When states discriminate against LGBTQ+
Americans, California law requires our office to take action," Bonta said in a statement. "These new additions to the
state-funded travel restrictions list are about exactly that ... Rather than focusing on solving real issues, some
politicians think it's in their best interest to demonize trans youth and block life-saving care.
Big Lies And Contradictions About Pride Month. [Scroll down] Lesbian and gay is straightforward
enough — you're a man or a woman and you like other men and women of your own sex as opposed to the opposite
sex. Where the LGBT crowd begins to fall apart is the bisexual. Are we admitting to just two sexual preferences
and even just two sexes in general? By definition, a bisexual is attracted to both men and women... but only men and
women. This hardly leaves room for the pansexual nonsense of being attracted to anyone and anything that moves.
Moreover, bisexuality implies two biological sexes. Even assuming men could become women and women could become just by
wishing it so, suddenly there would be four options — a quadsexual, if you will. There would be men, women,
fake men, and fake women. The transgender component of LGBT doesn't fit.
Transgender Woman of Color' Wins Miss Nevada USA Pageant. Kataluna Enriquez, a biological male who identifies
as a woman, has won the title of Miss Nevada USA. For the first time in the pageant's history, a biological woman is not
taking home the crown for Miss Nevada USA. Enriquez won the beauty pageant on Sunday at the South Point Hotel-Casino in
Las Vegas, which means he will go on to represent Nevada as the first transgender individual ever to compete in the Miss USA
Pageant — which will be held on November 29.
woman wins Miss Nevada title, will compete for Miss USA. For the first time in the pageant's history, the title
of Miss Nevada USA has been won by a transgender woman. Kataluna Enriquez was crowned the winner Sunday at the South
Point hotel-casino in Las Vegas.
says 'Football is gay' in new commercial that makes clear its support of LGBTQ+ community. As Pride Month comes
to a close, the NFL has released a new commercial that makes clear its support and embrace of the LGBTQ+ community. The
30-second spot begins with the line, "Football is gay" as light cheering plays in the background. "Football is
lesbian. Football is beautiful. Football is queer. Football is life. Football is exciting.
Football is culture. Football is transgender. Football is queer. Football is heart. Football is
power. Football is tough. Football is bisexual. Football is strong. Football is freedom.
Football is American. Football is accepting. Football is everything. Football is for everyone."
& The Obamas' Gay-ification Of American Culture. The Obamas' influence on NETFLIX's board has subjected
America's children, night-after-night, to sweating adults engaged in same-sex acts; wives, moms and sisters intimate with the
same sex, and men wearing floral print dresses not reminiscent of Monty Python. This manipulation of reality is
accompanied with the cultural, media, and political conditioning of the consumer. Meanwhile, parents who objected to
NETFLIX's alternate universe were reflexively called homophobe, racist, and sexist. It may come as a surprise: men lacking
homosexual tendencies will never knowingly pay to see Brokeback Mountain. Put another way, we'd rather be waterboarded.
After NETFLIX handed Barry and Michelle select production, the New York Post reported, NETFLIX has become the Obama's Propaganda
Machine. The pair didn't just stop at homosexuality in their attempt to trespass the norms of history, influence culture and
common sense. Under their watch Netflix also produces kiddie porn.
Every Knee Shall Bow To The Pride Flag. This is really extraordinary. A country that has been part of
Europe for a thousand years is now regarded by other European leaders as unfit for their company because it bans a kind of
sexualized material aimed at children — a ban that probably would have been supported by majorities in every
European country forty or fifty years ago.
than 40% of LGBTQ youth 'seriously considered' suicide in past year. As an unprecedented number of laws
targeting LGBTQ youth made their way through state legislatures last year, a survey of the mental health of young lesbian,
gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning individuals in the U.S. revealed a shocking statistic. Of nearly
35,000 LGBTQ people ages 13-24, 94% of them reported that politics negatively affected their mental health. "Almost
everyone is saying this recent political climate and this ongoing series of attacks on LGBTQ people, especially transgender
and nonbinary people, has harmed their well-being and mental health," Amit Paley, the CEO and executive director of The
Trevor Project, told the [New York] Daily News.
York adds third gender option to birth certificates, licenses. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) on Thursday
signed a law that will add a third gender option to birth certificates and licenses in the state. The Gender
Recognition Act allows nonbinary individuals to select "X" for their gender on driver's licenses, and there will be an option
on birth certificates to select "parent" instead of mother or father, a press release by the governor states. The bill
also provides protection against discrimination, as New Yorkers no longer have to publish their new and former names, current
address, place of birth and date of birth in a newspaper after they change their name.
adds 'X' gender-neutral option for state-issued ID cards. New York has added an "X" gender-neutral option for
birth certificates and other state-issued identification cards for those who wish not to specify their gender. Cuomo
signed the bill into law Thursday on the 10th anniversary of the New York's Marriage Equality Act being signed into law,
calling it "the next step forward." "Every New Yorker deserves to be free from discrimination and have state-issued
identification and processes that respect them for who they are, recognize their gender identity and protect their safety,"
Cuomo said.
The Editor says...
How does the "X" option enhance anyone's safety?
Accused of "Terrorist Attack" Against Gay Pride Parade was Member of Gay Men's Chorus. Car rammings became a
common weapon of Islamic terrorists in Europe and to a lesser degree here. Numerous plots have involved proposed
Islamic attacks including recently one on a gay pride parade. [...] Car rammings have become a contentious issue largely
because a major Black Lives Matter tactic became blocking traffic, threatening drivers, and then claiming that they were
rammed. I chronicled a recent tragic case in which a black man was locked up for three years for arguing with BLM
thugs. The media has created the perception that there is a widespread car ramming epidemic by falsely characterizing
such confrontations as attacks. And that has led a leap to conclusions about any car encounter involving a protest or a
parade. The most recent one involved a gay pride parade in Fort Lauderdale. And conclusions were quickly jumped
and leaped to.
Transgender Lawsuit Will Go to the US Supreme Court. On 6 April 2021, the Arkansas General Assembly passed Act
626 into law, overcoming Governor Asa Hutchinson's veto less than 24 hours prior. The Act states that "a physician or
other healthcare professional shall not provide gender transition procedures to any individual under eighteen (18) years of
age," nor refer any individual to another healthcare provider for the same purpose. A federal lawsuit, Dylan Brandt,
et al v. Leslie Rutledge et al, was subsequently filed in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas,
contending that the law as passed violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment "by enacting legislation
that wholesale prohibits healthcare providers from providing them with certain categories of medically necessary care, or
referring them to another provider for such care."
Pride to make white people pay $50 reparations fee. A pair of LGBT pride organizers were publicly shamed by
Seattle officials after complaining that an event seeking to charge white people $50 'reparations' to attend was reverse
racism. Philip Lipson and Charlette LeFevre were slammed and publicly shamed by Seattle's Human Rights Commission which
shared their complaint, complete with their unobscured phone number, as well as the Commission's response on Twitter.
The event which triggered the complaint, Taking B[l]ack Pride, is free, but organizers have told 'white allies and
accomplices' they 'will be charged a $10 to $50 reparations fee that will be used to keep this event free of cost for Black
and brown trans and queer community.'
In Truck Runs Over Gay Pride Parade Marchers, Kills One, Liberals Call It Terrorism, Turns Out, He Was Part Of The Gay Men's
Chorus. One man was killed and another injured when they were run over by a pickup truck as the Stonewall Pride
Parade in Wilton Manors was just getting started Saturday night. The white pickup truck was lined up with other floats
when it accelerated and ran over two men standing by to take part in the parade around 7 p.m. on Wilton Drive near 16th
Street, as Local 10 News reporter Christian De La Rosa witnessed. [Video clip]
Lauderdale mayor faces backlash for calling Pride crash a 'terrorist incident' with few facts available.
Ft. Lauderdale Mayor Dean Trantalis is facing backlash for calling a deadly crash at a Pride parade in the Florida city
a "terrorist attack against the LGBT community" before all the facts emerged. "I hope @DeanTrantalis gets sued and then
removed from office or defeated. Government officials shouldn't be able accuse someone of *terrorism* so flippantly
without facts," conservative author David Reaboi wrote on Twitter. The driver and the victims were part of the Fort
Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus family, according to a statement reported by news outlets from the group's president, Justin Knight.
"To my knowledge it was an accident. This was not an attack on the LGBTQ community," Knight said in the statement.
Air Force Base Hosts First-Ever Drag Queen Show. The Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada recently hosted its
first-ever drag queen show at one of its on-base dining and entertainment clubs, according a base spokesperson. [...] Nellis
Air Force Base is home to the service's Warfare Center where Air Force pilots undergo the most demanding advanced air combat
training in the country.
National Delusion Won't Stop with Book-Burning. For the political left, what is true is always changing.
[...] It took fifteen years to go from Ellen coming out of the closet on national television to Obama "evolving" on
redefining marriage. It's taken less than a decade since then for Joe Biden to declare the trans movement the "civil
rights issue of our time" and only a year for Big Tech to outright censor Americans for being so brazen as to believe there
are two — and only two — biological sexes, a fact widely known by most Democrats just a short time
ago. Now, in record time, Democrats have thrown cautious "evolution" out the window and decided that straight men must
be shamed for not wanting to date men posing as women.
Dyke March promotes Pride event with burning American and Israeli flags, calls for abolition of police and ICE.
The Chicago Dyke March on Saturday posted a flyer for their upcoming event on June 26 featuring a burning police car as well
as an activist burning American and Israeli flags. The announcement called to abolish the Chicago Police Department,
Immigration and Customs Enforcement and to "Abolish the Isra*li Occupation Forces." Extremists will regularly alter the
spelling of words for fear of the posts being labelled hate speech by social media platforms. Acknowledging the possibility
of being banned from social media for their rhetoric, organizers added, "Please screen shot this and share to prevent any attempts
by Z10N1ST and Instagram to censor our account. We will see you there regardless of if our account is still active."
The 1.7 mile march, was scheduled to end at the Comfort Station on N Milwaukee so that participants could also attend The
Revolution Will Have Queer Joy Picnic. Though the activist in the flyer is barely clothed and bare faced, organizers still
asked participants to wear masks.
VA is getting into the business of transgender slice-and-dice surgery. Over the weekend, the VA Secretary
announced that American taxpayers will have to pay for the slice-and-dice surgery that passes for "gender confirmation" for
so-called transgender people. While I would willingly support psychotherapy for those poor people who reject their own
bodies and hormone treatments to align their brains with their biological bodies, to have to pay to have healthy bodies
mutilated is outrageous. [...] Those with gender dysphoria are obviously unhappy and we do consider depression a mental
illness — so why shouldn't we give them plastic surgery to cheer them up? Well, first of all, it doesn't
cheer them up. Even after the surgery, so-called transgender people continue to have horrific suicide rates.
More fundamentally, this entire approach to so-called transgenderism is nonsensical.
VA secretary tells Pride event the government will pay for free gender reassignment surgery for up to 4,000 transgender
vets. Transgender veterans will be offered gender confirmation surgery paid for by the US Department of
Veterans' Affairs, its secretary announced Saturday [6/19/2021]. Denis McDonough told an event in Orlando to celebrate
Pride Month that the move was 'the right thing to do'. He spoke a week after the fifth anniversary of the Pulse
nightclub shooting in the Florida city, which saw 49 people killed at the gay bar.
Island bishop facing backlash for tweeting Catholics 'should not support' Pride Month events. A Roman Catholic
bishop from Rhode Island is facing backlash for a tweet labeling LGBTQ Pride Month events as "especially harmful for
children" and arguing that those who follow the faith should not support them. Bishop of Providence Thomas Tobin sent
the message on Saturday, the first day of LGBTQ Pride Month and argued that the events in the honorary month "promote a
culture and encourage activities that are contrary to Catholic faith and morals." This year's Pride Month commemorates
the 50-year anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in New York City, which launched the gay rights movement.
Francisco substitute teacher, 65, pleads guilty to sex tourism charges. A former San Francisco substitute
teacher has pleaded guilty to three federal sex tourism charges after admitting that he repeatedly traveled to Vietnam to
engage in 'illicit sexual conduct' with boys as young as 11. Paul Bodner, 65, entered the guilty pleas Tuesday
[6/15/2021] in US District Court for the Northern District of California. He faces up to 30 years in prison.
Bans LGBT Content for Minors. On Tuesday [6/15/2021], Hungary's parliament passed a law prohibiting the sharing
of LGBT content with minors as part of a general bill fighting pedophilia. Many groups condemned this aspect of the
law, calling it anti-LGBT discrimination, yet there are serious concerns about the psychological damage that some LGBT
lessons may cause young children, particularly when it comes to transgender identity.
shooter who targeted 'transphobic' classmates convicted of 46 counts, including murder. A former high school
student charged with opening fire alongside a transgender accomplice on "transphobic" classmates at a Colorado charter school
has been convicted of all 46 counts, including murder. 20-year-old Devon Michael Erickson and accomplice Maya "Alec"
McKinney shot one student dead and wounded eight others when the pair fired inside a darkened classroom at STEM School
Highlands Ranch on May 7, 2019, while the unsuspecting classmates watched The Princess Bride. Erickson and
McKinney plotted the fatal shooting just three days before graduation. McKinney, then 16-years-old, pleaded guilty last
year and testified against Erickson. Erickson faces life in prison when he is sentenced in September. McKinney
can be paroled after 20 years due to the boy's juvenile status.
Secretary Prioritizes Transgender Students Over Biological Girls, Does What Supreme Court Hasn't. Americans
can't say they weren't warned. During his Senate committee confirmation hearing in February, Education Secretary Miguel
Cardona affirmed his support for transgender athletes during a line of direct and intensive questioning by Sen. Rand
Paul, R-Ky. Cardona stated, "I think that it's critically important to have education systems and educators respect the
rights of all students, including students who are transgender, and that they are afforded the opportunities that every other
student has to participate in extracurricular activities." Cardona on Wednesday cemented his department's formal
position on the matter, indicating that the U.S. Supreme Court's Bostock v. Clayton County opinion extending workplace
discrimination protections under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to gay and transgender employees would likewise be applied
by the Department of Education to gay and transgender students under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
Department Celebrates Flag Day by Raising 'Progress Pride' Flag. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland celebrated Flag
Day on Monday by hoisting the "Progress Pride" flag above the Interior building in Washington, DC. "Today we celebrate
love," Haaland wrote on social media with a picture of the flag. "For the first time ever, the Progress Pride Flag is
raised over Interior. Happy Pride!"
IX prohibits discrimination of LGTBQ students in reversal of Trump-era policy, Education Department says. The
U.S. Education Department on Wednesday expanded its interpretation of federal sex protections to include transgender and gay
students, a move that reverses Trump-era policy and stands against proposals in many states to bar transgender girls from
school sports. In a new policy directive, the department said discrimination based on a student's sexual orientation or
gender identity will be treated as a violation of Title IX, the 1972 federal law that protects against sex discrimination
in education.
doctors refuse to give medical service if it violates their religious beliefs? Ohio could allow it. Ohio
physicians, hospitals and health insurance companies could refuse to provide or pay for a medical service if it violates
their moral beliefs, under language inserted into the state budget bill this week. The new language would also give
medical practitioners immunity from lawsuits for refusing such and allow them to sue others. Abortion rights and LGBTQ
advocates sounded the alarm this week, fearing more restricted access to reproductive health care and more discrimination.
Those on the other side hailed the measure as essential for protecting religious freedoms.
Men, Women Describe How Frighteningly Easy It Was to Get Trans Surgeries, Hormones. Multiple men and women who
have detransitioned described how easy it was for them to get transgender surgeries and hormones in a new CBS
segment — and how the surgeries or treatment negatively impacted them. As lawmakers across the country
introduce and pass bills focused on gender transitions, Lesley Stahl interviewed multiple medical experts and former or
current transgender people who expressed fear that transgender surgeries and hormone treatments, often irreversible, are too
easily attainable. The CBS host said the program "interviewed more than 30 detransitioners, who say they also had
experienced regret, including these four, who hadn't met before now."
Exactly what Barack H. Obama would do:
Biden Lays Out His Plan To Celebrate 'Pride Month'. President Joe Biden touted his administration's pro-LGBTQ
policies Monday [5/31/2021] and vowed more action to continue "the historic progress made towards LGBTQ+ equality" since he
took office. The White House released a fact sheet Monday highlighting dozens of initiatives the Biden administration
has undertaken to advance the LGBT movement, including rescinding former President Donald Trump's ban on transgender people
serving in the military. The administration has also announced that U.S. embassies across the globe are allowed to fly
rainbow pride flags on the same pole as the American flag. [Biden statement omitted for brevity, among other
things.] Biden followed up the White House statement with an official presidential proclamation declaring June 2021
"Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Pride Month."
the nickname dropped by business leaders in Chicago's premier gay neighborhood last year, is still going
strong. You could be forgiven for thinking this neighborhood is called Boystown. Up until a few days ago,
the banners lining the main north-south artery, Halsted Street, still blared the catchy nickname of Chicago's signature LGBTQ
neighborhood. The rainbow-colored bike racks on the sidewalk say Boystown. Pausing in his work at a local doggy
day care to answer a reporter's questions, Carlos Negrete, 40, put his hand to his heart. "It's always going to be
Boystown to me," he said.
Exactly what Barack H. Obama would do:
Embassy to Holy See flies Pride flag: 'LGBTQI+ rights are human rights'. The U.S. Embassy to the Vatican
displayed a rainbow flag in celebration of Pride Month on Tuesday [6/1/2021]. "The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See
celebrates #PrideMonth with the Pride flag on display during the month of June," the embassy tweeted. "The United
States respects the dignity and equality of LGBTQI+ people. LGBTQI+ rights are human rights." The tweet included
a photo of the rainbow flag hanging outside the embassy, which is currently represented by Chargé d'Affaires Patrick
Connell, ad interim, as President Biden has yet to choose a new ambassador since taking office.
Embassy to the Holy See delivers huge slap to American Catholics. I'm not a Catholic, but I know that Catholic
doctrine does not approve of homosexuality — something that is true for all of the traditional Judeo-Christian
faiths. Thankfully, modern religious doctrine does not require persecuting gays but it certainly doesn't include
condoning deviations from the biological and religious norm of monogamous heterosexual relationships. That's why the
decision by the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See to fly a huge Gay Pride flag is a slap in the face to all practitioners of
traditional religion in America.
America Want to be the Transgender Leader? We are told every day that in America we follow the science.
If that is so, how can it be that government officials are encouraging pre-pubescent children, with or without parental
consent, to make life-altering decisions that lack a firm scientific foundation? It all starts in schools where
children declare their pronouns. Some declare minority sex pronouns due to peer pressure or because it's cool or
rebellious. Kids do that. Now the habitual reaffirmation process begins, and it can involve mandatory parental
counseling to ensure compliance with the process. With a superficial transgender diagnosis, public schools on the West
Coast can already prescribe puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones without parental consent. Blockers must be
prescribed at puberty (8-14) to be most effective. In Oregon, schools can authorize a sex change without parental
consent. The FDA has not licensed puberty blockers for trans youths, and no clinical trial has been conducted for this
purpose. Literature aplenty states that puberty blockers are mostly safe, with the not incidental caveat of unknown
long-term effects. Available science shows that puberty blockers cause lower bone density and may affect brain
Your Kids, Hide Your Wife: 'Blue's Clues' Is Trans-Propagandizing Preschoolers. If your approach to parenting
in our post-sexual revolution hellscape isn't what Antoine Dodson famously called for, you need to wake up, because they
raping everybody out here. [Video clip] A clip of a "Blue's Clues" song celebrating Masturbation and Genital
Amputation Month went viral over the weekend heading into June. [Tweet] "Blue's Clues" also released an episode
in May celebrating LGBT identification. [Video clip]
left is working overtime to sexualize your children. Gay Pride (which celebrates a gazillion non-normative
sexual orientations and "identities") is an inappropriate topic for preschoolers. The only thing that distinguishes
LGBTQers from other people is sex. Take away their sexual practices or sexual identities and suddenly there's no
Pride. They're just ordinary people. Preschoolers shouldn't be forced to focus on or think about sex.
They're curious about the difference between what boys and girls have in their pants but once you name the parts, you're
done. Indeed, one of the classic ways to tell if a child was a victim of pedophilia was if that child was too sexually
precocious. That precocity was a sign of abnormal adult behavior towards the child. By inundating children with
sexual material, the pedophiles are creating haystacks in which they can hide their needles. [...] The video is part of the
LGBTQ+ crew's using drag queens to attract children by putting a shiny object in front of them. Drag queens, however,
are not cute or friendly. They are fundamentally misogynistic representations of women courtesy of men who think
they're better women than actual women. Think of it this way: Drag queens are to women what black face performers
are to Blacks.
Lutherans Accept Self-Mutilation as Christian. [I]t is with great astonishment and anger that both secular and
religious women see self-torture as spiritual progress by a branch of the Lutheran church. It is with shock that we see
sexual mutilation held up as a positive advance for women — so much so that it is being incorporated into a
denomination that once stood for the elevation of women. We are speaking of the recently appointed bishop of the
Evangelical Lutheran church, Megan Rohrer. Rohrer, who identifies with the trans movement, has had her breasts
surgically removed and now wishes to be referred to with the preferred pronouns "they" and "them." We should feel sorrow
for a woman who has chosen to have her breasts cut off. We wonder if Megan was ever told as a little girl that she was
loved and treasured as a beautiful child created by God. What happened to cause her effectively to murder her
womanhood, to commit a partial suicide of her feminine being? Why did she accept an invented story about transformation
into some being other than her womanly self? We don't know the answers.
Wearing the Mask of Truth. How is it not indecent that the Biden administration denies fundamental biology,
while insisting that boys whose affliction with the mental illness of gender dysphoria should play in girls' sports? Or
that Joe Biden's appointee as Assistant Secretary of HHS is transgender Dr Rachel Levine, formerly Dr Richard Levine,
who fathered four children, now an open advocate of chemical castration and genital mutilation for children, who instead need
psychiatric counseling for gender confusion. How is this decent or moral?
religion of Wokeism ignores logic, science and reason. Two weeks ago, on May 8, 2021, the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America (ELCA) became the first mainline Protestant denomination to elect a transgender bishop. The
Rev. Megan Rohrer, a female who insists on using the pronouns "he" and "him," was elected to serve as the leader of the
Sierra Pacific Synod of the ELCA, by a vote 209 yeas to 207 nays. Rohrer will be installed on September 11
at St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Walnut Creek, California. In celebrating her election, the new bishop praised Lutherans
for "dismantling" what she called the "unjust" Christian standards set 1,700 years ago at the First Council of Nicaea. In
doing so, Rohrer proved herself to be more a minister of the goddess of Woke than of Christ.
Regret Is So Prevalent That Even the Mainstream Media Is Recognizing It Now. One thing that has always haunted
the transgender trend is the regret that many feel after they've had transitional surgeries or hormone treatments done to
them. Mainstream media sources were more or less terrified of discussing it, and even universities were afraid of
looking into it out of fear of backlash from the LGBT community. All the way back in 2018, I wrote how Bath Spa
University originally approved psychotherapist James Caspian's request for de-transitioning research after thousands who
underwent some form of transition surgery began showing up to surgeons for reversals. Surgeons noticed that those who
came in to receive their de-transition surgeries were younger and younger, going from 45 to 21 years of age.
activists call Tennessee 'state of hate' amid slew of new laws. Transgender advocates are calling Tennessee
"the state of hate" in response to a series of new laws aimed at protecting biological women. [...] Since March, there have
been at least four new laws implemented in the Volunteer State that involve the rights of transgender individuals and
biological women. Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee, a Republican, signed into law in March a ban on trans athletes
competing in women's sports. He said the measure would "ensure fair competition."
The Editor says...
There are no transgender people, only transvestites who have gone to various extremes to masquerade as the opposite sex. But even after
anatomy-altering surgery, hormone treatments, cosmetics, and clothing changes, every cell in one's body shows his or her sex, and chromosomes
can't be changed.
Station Defends Drag Queen Story Hour For Kids Ages 3 to 8. A PBS station in New York is defending its decision
to air a children's program featuring a prancing drag queen. The program features a drag queen named "Lil' Miss Hot
Mess' promoting his perverted book [...]. The book features a drag queen with a blue mustache named "Cinderfella." Sane
adults see this as grooming, but PBS is defending the degeneracy as "performance art."
Releases First-Ever LGBTQIA+ Set For Pride Month. A first of its kind, LEGO is releasing their first ever
LGBTQ-themed set titled, 'Everyone is Awesome[.]' The 346-piece set, which will be released at the beginning of June for
Pride Month, contains 11 figures, each with an assigned rainbow color.
punished for stating there are only two sexes. The American Psychological Association (APA) recently removed
John Staddon, an emeritus professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University, from the Society for Behavioral
Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology (SBNCP) Division 6 listserv, an email discussion group. What prompted his
ouster? Staddon was notified of his removal from the list in an email from the presidential trio of the APA
division. He believes he was expunged for stating his belief that there are only two sexes, in particular this
post: "Hmm... Binary view of sex false? What is the evidence? Is there a Z chromosome?"
administration's gender identity policies are contradictory and unscientific. On Monday [5/10/2021], the
Department of Health and Human Services announced that its prohibition on sex discrimination will include protections
pertaining to gender identity. Reflecting the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County,
this was seen as reversing the Trump administration's policy, which defined "sex" as "unchangeable" and determined at
birth. [...] But this policy illustrates the Biden administration's continued theme of inaccurately conflating sex and
gender identity. If these terms are used correctly, one cannot simultaneously uphold protections for both
sex and gender identity because this would be contradictory.
HHS Redefines Sex as Non-Biological in New 'Anti-Discrimination' Rule Change. The Biden administration is
reversing a rule initiated by former President Donald Trump that defined "sex" as biological, in an effort to prevent
"discrimination" against transgender people in health care practices, the Department of Health and Human Services announced
on Monday [5/10/2021]. The notice of enforcement, while not a binding federal rule, signals that the federal government
will begin interpreting Section 1557 — the non-discrimination provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act — to include a ban on discrimination based on sexual identity, rather than simply banning discrimination
based on biological sex, as the Trump administration had. The change will likely require that states, which set their
own Medicaid eligibility requirements, provide gender-reassignment surgery and hormone therapy to Medicaid recipients.
Administration Decides Sex Is Non-Biological In New HHS Announcement. On Monday [5/10/2021], the Biden
administration's Health and Human Services department, headed by Secretary Xavier Becerra, announced that the Office for
Civil Rights would throw out the Trump administration's view that sex is biological and "interpret and enforce Section 1557
(of the Affordable Care Act) and Title IX's prohibitions on discrimination based on sex to include discrimination on the
basis of sexual orientation and discrimination on the basis of gender identity." The Biden administration rolled back
the June 2020 final regulations implementing Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act by the Trump administration, which
eliminated the general prohibition on discrimination based on gender identity and sex-stereotyping that the Obama
administration had instituted.

HHS Lays the Groundwork for the Chemical Castration of Children. On Monday [5/10/2021], the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS) laid the groundwork for forcing doctors and hospitals to perform transgender surgery in the
name of fighting "discrimination." HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine (a
biological male who identifies as a woman) announced that HHS would adopt the Orwellian redefinition of "sex" to force
transgender ideology in the medical field, mainstreaming the arguable chemical castration of children. "The Supreme
Court has made clear that people have a right not to be discriminated against on the basis of sex and receive equal treatment
under the law, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation. That's why today HHS announced it will act on
related reports of discrimination," Becerra announced in a statement.
German priests
defy Vatican ban by blessing same-sex unions. The Catholic Church has lost touch with the "living reality" of
LGBT+ people, said one of more than 100 German priests who are defying the Vatican this week by blessing same-sex
couples. In a move that angered liberals within the 1.3 billion-member Church, the Vatican's doctrinal office said in
March that priests cannot bless same-sex unions in lieu of marriage, despite ministers doing so in countries such as Germany.
Church becomes first major US Christian faith to elect a transgender bishop. Rev Megan Rohrer was elected
bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Sierra Pacific synod on Saturday [5/8/2021], becoming the first
transgender person to serve as bishop in the denomination or in any of the major Christian faiths in the US. Rohrer,
pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in San Francisco and community chaplain coordinator for the San Francisco Police Department,
was the first transgender person to be ordained in the ELCA in 2006 and the first to serve as a pastor when called to Grace
Lutheran in 2014.
Insane and Idiotic Positions by Democrats, and How Republicans Should Respond. The problem for the left
regarding their transgender stance is that their message is entirely incoherent. It makes no sense. They'll tell
us that gender is critical to everything as they put on their pink "Feminist Power" hats, and then tell us that gender is
malleable and irrelevant as they slip on their "Genitals Don't Define Gender" t-shirts. It can't be both, and it is
this fact that makes transgender a winning issue for Republicans. [...] Those who consider themselves "transgender" are
afflicted with a condition known as Gender Dysphoria. They don't deserve to be mocked or scorned, they deserve respect
and treatment, just like anyone else who suffers from a mental abnormality. Republicans should make this their starting
point with every discussion. Those who are transgender deserve our compassion and our empathy, and playing along with
their delusion is not compassionate; it's enabling. Demanding that we change our language by bastardizing the usage of
pronouns is ridiculous. Insisting that little girls who think they are boys are in fact correct and should be given
hormone therapy is outrageous. And allowing disturbed biological boys to compete athletically against girls is twisted.
The Abolition
of Gender. At the height of the French Terror, Maximillian Robespierre recommended that in the name of equality
all church steeples be demolished. The reason? They towered over other buildings and thus signified conflict with
the principles of equality. For the Left, destruction is always the means for achieving "equality." The inexorable
logic of leveling differentiations, be they institutional or in nature itself, has now reached the level of insanity.
Today's revolutionaries have taken the principle of destruction of hierarchies, including religious hierarchies, even further
than the most ardent advocates of the Terror. In the name of liberty, equality, and fraternity, they have pronounced
Nature itself, including the biological distinction between men and women, as inherently unjust.
Harry Potter book festival event is cancelled over JK Rowling transphobia row. J. K. Rowling has again fallen
victim to 'cancel culture' after a literary festival in New Zealand scrapped plans for a Harry Potter-themed event over her
comments on gender issues. Peter Biggs, chairman of the Wairarapa book festival, reportedly decided to drop the annual
children's quiz that is usually held on the boy wizard following consultations with the LGBTQ community. It is not the
first time that Ms Rowling has been 'cancelled' as a result of expressing her views on whether men who identify as women are
the same as biological females. The 55-year-old author has faced ongoing accusations of transphobia after publishing a
blog post in which she argued that biological sex is real.
Baptist Seminary President Lambastes United Methodist Church Over Drag Queen Leader. On Wednesday [4/28/2021],
a Baptist preacher condemned a Methodist church. Amid an episode of his The Briefing podcast, Al Mohler — a
pastor and president of Louisville, Kentucky's Southern Baptist Theological Seminary — had strong words for Hope
United Methodist Church. At issue: the Illinois congregation's support of Isaac Simmons. As noted by The Daily
Wire, Hope United has placed Isaac in a position of church leadership. They've also promoted him as a candidate for
ordination. A couple of notables: Isaac is openly gay. Isaac is a drag queen.
Child Commits Suicide, Feuding Parents Hold One Funeral for the Boy and Another for the Girl. A teen in Western
Australia's capital has been given two funerals. The 15-year-old female — who identified as a
boy — died tragically by suicide. The child's mother and father are estranged. Given the terrible
situation, they had to decide: Would she be interred as female? Or would the identity of a boy be reflected by
the burial? Mom and dad couldn't come to a consensus. The mother insisted her child — born a
girl — find a final resting place as a guy. In fact, as reported by 7News, she vowed to employ the full
power of the court system if necessary.
the Fight against Transgenderism before It Started. The landmark case Obergefell v. Hodges, which
declared marriage redefined to include same-sex couples, presupposed the sexual identity of homosexuality and all rights
attached to that identity. This was a necessary presupposition to the ruling. If homosexuality were only a
behavior, then people who engage in same-sex relationships would not have rights as a "homosexual," because homosexuality
would not be an "identity" with all the dignity an identity deserves. It would be an action born of desires and
feelings, which don't have rights attached to them. As stated in our founding documents and the principle on which all
American rights rest, our rights do not come from men, including the individual man or woman regarding himself. They
come from God, from an objective source. Our rights come from God because our identity comes from God. We are
human beings designed with dignity as the image-bearers of God. We are not mere animals. Because we have a human
identity — and our male and female sexual identities are part of that — we have certain rights.
This is what the whole fight for legitimacy by the LGBT movement is about: identity.
Activist Urges the Government to Fight 'The Pernicious Power of Prayer'. Lawmakers in Britain and Australia
have moved to ban "conversion therapy," supporting laws that may criminalize everyday practices common to Christian churches
around the world. While LGBT activists — and most Christians — have rightly condemned the
historic abuses of "conversion therapy" in the past, modern sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) involve patient-directed
talk therapy, not "shock therapy," and the laws in Britain and Australia may criminalize preaching, counseling, and even
prayer. Some activists and lawmakers in Britain have vocally demanded nothing less. One activist called for legal
attempts to "deal with" the "pernicious power of prayer." A member of Parliament in the Labour Party condemned protections
for pastoral support as a "loophole" that would allow "conversion therapy" to continue. The LGBT group Stonewall also
condemned any such "loophole."
demands that physicians perform religiously offensive surgery. Obama tried to force nuns to pay for abortion
drugs. Biden is now demanding that Catholic doctors perform mutilating surgery on healthy bodies in accordance with the
current fad for so-called "sex change" or "gender transition" surgeries. This is the inevitable clash the Supreme Court
set up between an express First Amendment right and the made-up rights the Court generates. Luke Goodrich, an attorney
with Becket, a non-profit, non-partisan law firm dedicated to religious liberty, put out a Twitter thread on Tuesday
reporting on Biden's latest attack against religious liberty. (The Twitter thread is at the end of this post.) As you read
this post, remember that Joe is Mr. Catholic. He also supports abortion.
Moves To Force Doctors To Perform Transgender Surgeries Against Objections. President Joe Biden on Tuesday
filed an appeal seeking to force doctors and hospitals to perform potentially harmful transgender-related procedures and
surgeries even if they hold objections. As outlined by BECKET Law's Luke Goodrich, a court in January struck down the
administration's move to punish doctors who don't perform transgender-related procedures for supposed "sex discrimination."
Biden on Tuesday officially appealed the ruling. "The plaintiffs are religious doctors, hospitals, and clinics who
joyfully serve ALL patients regardless of sex or gender identity. They routinely provide top-notch care to transgender
patients for everything from cancer to the common cold," Goodrich outlined Tuesday. "They also provide millions of
dollars in free and low-cost care to the elderly, poor, and underserved — care that is jeopardized by the
government's attempt to punish them with multi-million dollar penalties."
FedEx shooter was part of My Little Pony 'brony' subculture. The man accused of orchestrating the mass shooting
at a FedEx facility in Indianapolis was a "brony," a term used to refer to adult male followers of the girls' television show
My Little Pony, Washington Examiner reports. Brandon Scott Hole, allegedly murdered eight people before taking his own
life. While Hole's Facebook page has since been taken down. While it offered no clues on what motivated Hole's
rampage, it did reveal that he was a fan of the Vancouver-produced television show. "I hope that I can be with
Applejack in the afterlife, my life has no meaning without her," Hole posted shortly before the shooting. Applejack is
one of the main ponies on the show. The brony fandom first began in the early 2010s as a joke, but has since developed
into a genuine subculture of adult fans.
The Editor says...
It's one thing to be a cartoon fanatic, but the willingness to commit murder on behalf of a cartoon character
is something else.
decadent world of 'woke approved' child exploitation. The drag community has tried to partner with children for
a long time through events at children's libraries. Child drag queens were the next phase. At least one woman in
Florida does not approve of this trend. She was at a late-night drag show in South Beach, Miami, Florida when two
little girls were put on the stage to strut their stuff while audience members handed them money. The video is
repulsive, but what makes it viral is the woman's honest outrage at what she's witnessing. Drag queens have been in the
news a lot. It started a long time ago with drag queen storytimes at public libraries. There's even a Drag Queen
Story Hour website with cute pictures of men dressed up as over-the-top women surrounded by dazzled little children.
The "about" information makes it clear that the point is to co-opt children.
Being Paraded Across the Stage Urging Them to Pose for Cash at a Los Angeles Drag Club in the Middle of the
Night. Drag kids — kids dressed in full garb of their biologically opposite gender — are
now joining the scene with transgender kids. The parents, guardians, and advocates of transgender or drag kids are not
only supportive, but seem to be encouraging the child's experience and publicity. There's nothing politically correct
about this new frontier; it's abuse, merely distorted and cloaked in progressivism. Any parent of an elementary
school-aged child knows children can't wear clothes they don't have or drive themselves places. The parents of these
drag kids, are not just supporting it but encouraging it by purchasing supplies and carting their kids to drag events.
This seems not only bizarre but abusive in the sense that it's an unnatural distortion of healthy child's play.
Are Paraded In Drag While Screaming Drag Queens Cheer Them On During Late Night Show In Miami. If you are
asking where are these kids' parents, just know they are all part of this disgrace. Video shot inside a Miami South
Beach drag club just before midnight this weekend. [Video clip]
elementary principal charged with sexually abusing students. An elementary school principal in the Hilton
school district is accused of sexually abusing nine victims, all of them students. Kirk Ashton faces six counts of
first-degree sexual abuse and five counts of second-degree course of sexual conduct, each felonies, and nine counts of
endangering the welfare of a child, a misdemeanor. Prosecutors say the victims, all boys, were between the ages of 9
and 12. The abuse could go back decades, they said. The principal at Northwood Elementary School, 433 N. Greece Road,
was arraigned in Greece Town Court Wednesday night. Greece Town Justice Vincent Campbell set bail at $500,000 cash or
$1 million bond. Ashton's preliminary hearing is set for 3 p.m. April 20.
Who Called for "Defunding the Police" Arrested for Child Sex Crimes. The former mayor of Sebastopol, Cal., a
progressive Democrat who voiced support for Black Lives Matter rioters and defunding police, was arrested Saturday morning
over multiple felony child sex crimes. Sebastopol Police booked 44-year-old Robert Emmanuel Jacob on 11 felony counts
related to sex crimes against minors. [...] The charges against Jacob, who is openly gay and married as of 2019, include
transportation of a child for lewd and lascivious acts, arranging a meeting for sexual purposes with a person believed to be
underage, sexual penetration of a child under 16-years-old and harmful material sent with the intent to seduce a minor.
Left Wants Kids to See White Supremacy Everywhere, and It's Destroying Pop Culture. [Jordan] Peterson is no
stranger to controversy. Depending on who you ask, he's either a lifesaving guru or the devil incarnate. The
58-year-old Canadian psychologist first garnered attention from a series of videos he posted in 2016 where he criticized
Canada's bill C-16, which is similar to the Equality Act in the U.S. The bill introduced gender identity and expression
as a protected class, which Peterson argued would lead to government-compelled speech, as people would be forced to use the
preferred pronouns of transgender individuals. He decried the bill as the government using force to push an
ideology. He followed up on the video's success with a self-help book, "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos,"
which sold over 5 million copies worldwide and became a global bestseller. The book particularly resonated with young
men adrift in the world who were seeking some form of structure. Rules like "stand up straight with your shoulders
back" and "make friends with people who want the best for you" were a force for good in these men's lives, and drove Peterson
to new heights of popularity. But as popular as Peterson is, he has his fair share of detractors. His outspoken
criticism of woke culture and identity politics have opponents claiming he's everything from a white supremacist to a Nazi.
Understanding the transgender
movement's hatred of parents. Naming is an act of dominion. When God created the world, he named Adam,
and permitted Adam to name the creatures. This moment in Genesis reveals the essential order of things. Man is
subject to his Namer. Animals are subject to theirs. God conferred upon Adam, his subordinate, authority over for
the work of His hand by giving him this responsibility. To name something is to put it in its proper order. Our
name tells us where we belong, and to whom. The internet permits its users to name themselves. Online, personal
history collapses beneath a veil of personal branding. We choose screen names and handles, identifiers that may or not
have any relation to our space-bound reality. There is me, and then there is the avatar of me: some kind of
abstraction, only an entity, something illusory. Online representations of the self are our own infinitely malleable
intellectual property, subject to no higher principle of order than personal whim. The structural possibility of
bottomless self-referentiality makes the internet a perfect breeding ground for the otherwise infertile transgender movement.
The Left's Tool of Societal Subversion. [Scroll down] For one thing, most transgender people are unable
to keep stable, long-term employment. This is unsurprising, since the psychological and physical damage they sustain as
a result of their "transition" makes it nearly impossible for them to become effective members of the workforce. It is
not difficult to see why. The truth is that the state of mind and the character traits that this lifestyle engenders
preclude most of those who participate in it from functioning as good employees and workers. As many readers already
know, trans people are by nearly every metric a very troubled demographic. Most of them suffer from a high degree of
psychological and emotional instability. Their attempted suicide rate is nearly fifty percent, which is more than
twenty times that of rest of the population. Most of the rest suffer from very high rates of depression and other
psychological disturbances. The rate of drug and alcohol abuse among transgenders is 300 percent of that of their
normal counterparts. According to Psychology Today, trans individuals suffer from an "astonishingly elevated
rate of mental health issues." To make matters worse, most trans people — and especially transsexuals —
suffer from persistent physical challenges and illnesses related to their lifestyle. According to the Vanderbilt
University Medical Center, transgender persons are at an increased risk of a number of "chronic diseases, cancers, and
mental health problems."
the Transgender Movement is Destroying Feminism. In 2005, I published a book with the title The Death of
Feminism. I saw it all coming. But I did not foresee the rise of a transgender movement. On March 31st,
an allegedly feminist Open Letter Supporting Trans Women and Girls, was circulated. Among other things, it stated that
"We acknowledge with clarity and strength that transgender women are women and that transgender girls are girls. And we
believe that honoring the diversity of women's experiences is a strength, not a detriment to the feminist cause."
Interestingly, there is absolutely no mention of trans men — those who were born female but who have or want to
become male. As we now know, there is an alarming spike among teenage girls in America who hope to solve their teenage
sorrows such as low self-esteem, body image discomfort, trauma based on sexual violence, eating disorders, psychiatric
suffering, etc., by cutting off their breasts, surgically removing their uteri and ovaries, and taking potentially lethal
hormones to prevent puberty, and to grow facial hair and muscle.
Gov vetoes bill banning "gender transition" surgery for children. The Arkansas state legislature recently
passed a bill that would make it illegal for doctors to perform "gender reassignment" surgery on children or to prescribe
puberty-blocking drugs or cross-sex hormones for them for the purpose of treating gender dysphoria. Other states are
working on similar bills intended to protect children from irreversible castrations, mastectomies or disruptions of the
normal progression of puberty when cases of gender confusion are detected. This week, in a move that I hadn't even
considered as a possibility, Governor Asa Hutchinson vetoed the bill. His stated reasons speak to small-government
conservative principles, but that sounds more like an excuse to avoid a sticky political situation than any sort of
principled stand.
issues first presidential proclamation on Trans Day of Visibility. President Joe Biden on Wednesday [3/31/2021]
issued the first presidential proclamation recognizing Transgender Day of Visibility. The day is dedicated to
celebrating transgender people and bringing awareness to the discrimination and violence they face everyday. In his
proclamation, Biden said Trans Day of Visibility recognizes the generations of activism by transgender and nonbinary people.
Racist, whether You Like It or Not. "In my mind... this was an anti-Asian hate crime." So declared
Congresswoman Judy Chu regarding the Atlanta shooting, in which eight women died, six of whom happened to be Asian. [...]
There is no point denying that the left, at this moment, controls all the major avenues of power in America — from
the media to academia, from education to entertainment, from government to business, the left has entrenched itself, giving
it unprecedented power over our lives. We see this in the nationwide spread of "drag queen story time," the unveiling
of a "gay Captain America," and the continual pledges of "diversity" and "equity" from companies as prestigious as Bank of
America and Nabisco. But this narrative around the Atlanta shooting marks a graduation of the left's power. It
has, in essence, declared that it can divine our actions better than we can.
Arrested for Child Pornography Once Headed Organization Funding Drag Queen Story Hours. A gay Milwaukee judge
arrested on child pornography charges formerly served as president of an organization that funded a local Drag Queen Story
Hour club. Police arrested Judge Brett Blomme, 38, on Tuesday [3/16/2021] and held him overnight in Dane County Jail,
according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Blomme was charged Wednesday with seven counts of possession of child
pornography showing abuse of young boys, the Journal Sentinel reported, noting that each count carries a minimum of three
years in prison and a maximum sentence of 15, plus 10 years of supervised release.
Liberalism Survive Science? [Scroll down] Their latest assault on human reality is their strange
fascination — bordering on obsession — with the mental disorder of gender dysphoria, or as it is more
commonly called, transgenderism. Yet the science on this is clear: there is no such thing as a transgendered
person. They don't and can't exist. This is a mental issue, not a physical one. This progressive assault on
reality — all while shouting "I believe in science" — is a wonder to behold. Conservatives and
libertarians — let's end the charade and stop treating these made-up groups as if they are real.
Poison, Mutilate, and
Sterilize. Nothing exemplifies the madness of our times more than the fervent push since 2013 by therapists,
educators, social workers, and journalists to poison, mutilate, and sterilize girls who have self-diagnosed themselves with
the novel social-media-transmitted hysteria now known as rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD). Hence, Irreversible
Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier, an op-ed freelancer for The Wall Street
Journal, is one of the most valuable (as well as sensible and lively) books of recent years. Shrier is terribly
bright but not an academic: She brings a wise Jewish mother's perspective to her advice for parents losing their chance
of grandchildren to the insanity of our age. Before the smartphone and the Great Awokening helped make transgenderism
the latest craze among adolescent girls (partly displacing older teen fads such as anorexia, cutting, and recovered
memories), psychological science knew of only two main types of gender dysphoria (when an individual is dissatisfied with the
sex of his or her body): Childhood-onset gender dysphoria [... and] Late-onset gender dysphoria[.] [...] Only a vanishingly
small number of American teenage girls thought they were boys until the media started hyping transgenderism around 2013.
Unhappy pubescent girls shopped online for some explanation of their discontent and found en masse that the hot new one was
Ban prayer that is 'inconsistent with LGBT theology'. Churches that adhere to the Bible's teaching on gender
and sexuality were targeted in a debate Monday night [3/8/2021] in the British Parliament over legislation that would ban
so-called "conversion therapy." Member of Parliament Alicia Kearns dismissed concerns over the impact of such a ban
on freedom of religious expression, according to the U.K.'s Christian Institute.
time for Red States to start nullifying federal law. Here are some of the issues that could be affected by the
concept of nullification: [#1] Nullify all 1st Amendment Restrictions. States should refuse to enforce all
federal edicts and Supreme Court rulings that impinge upon the 1st Amendment protections of our religious freedom, such as
efforts by radical gays to force churches, faith based adopting agencies, religious schools, colleges, and businesses to
carry out a radical gay and transexual agenda.
A new way to burn books:
stops selling books that frame LGBTQ identities as illness. Amazon has decided to stop selling books that cast
lesbian, gay and transgender identities as mental illnesses. The e-commerce titan revealed its decision in a letter to
three Republican senators who cried foul last month over the removal of a conservative scholar's book about transgender
people. The book, "When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment," was published in 2018 but
recently disappeared from Amazon's website, Kindle store and Audible audiobook platform. "As to your specific question
about When Harry Became Sally, we have chosen not to sell books that frame LGBTQ+ identity as a mental illness," Amazon
executive Brian Huseman wrote in the Thursday [3/11/2021] letter to Sens. Marco Rubio, Josh Hawley, Mike Lee and Mike
Braun, which was published by The Wall Street Journal.
Democrat Friends are Getting Very Embarrassed. Since lunch-bucket Joe's inauguration, the government has moved
beyond its charter to ensure the rights, security, and safety of the citizens. Now it's engaged in social
engineering. Transsexuals will now be welcomed into the military. Given that these folks require ongoing hormone
therapy, a few minor changes to the DoD logistics infrastructure will be needed. It's a small price to pay to check our
"wokeness" box. Should any of our transsexual soldiers be captured, I'm sure our enemies will continue their
therapy. They need their "wokeness" boxes checked too. President Asterisk has also signed an executive order
ensuring that transgender people may use whatever facilities they prefer. We'll need to be on the alert for
gender-fluid pedophiles seeking to spend quality time in bathrooms with young girls. But, that's a very small societal
cost to show the necessary respect to a perfectly normal woman-with-a-penis, who wishes to shower with women-with-vaginas at
the gym.
Parliament declares EU an 'LGBTIQ Freedom Zone'. Members of the European Parliament voted on Thursday
[3/11/2021] to declare the European Union an "LGBTIQ Freedom Zone," in direct response to Poland's so-called "LGBT-free"
zones, which were first declared two years ago. The resolution, which passed with 492 votes in favor, 141 against
and 46 abstentions, was adopted following the ever-growing deterioration of the rights of sexual orientation and gender identity
minorities across many EU nations, namely Poland and Hungary. Since the first anti-LGBTQ zone was declared in the Polish
town of Swidnik in March 2019, more than 100 Polish regions, counties and municipalities have adopted resolutions declaring
themselves to be free from LGBTIQ ideology, a spokesperson to the parliament said, using the acronym that also acknowledges the
intersex community.
The Editor says...
There is no "intersex community." We are all either male or female.
LGBT Activists Get Checkmated by TikTok Users With a New Hilarious Sexuality Type. The LGBT activist community
has convinced many that being straight is out of style and that in order to be trendy you have to identify as
something. Your sexuality is now your identity, and the younger the age group the more this thinking has infected
people. According to the LGBT community, any choice in identity must be respected to the point of being revered.
It can never be questioned or criticized. To be of any kind of sexuality makes one a higher being. The only
sexuality that isn't protected is being straight which can be judged as "homophobic" or "transphobic" simply for not wanting
to engage in sexual intercourse with someone who is gay or trans, especially trans. A straight person denying sex to a
person who identifies as the opposite sex is "transphobic" because it's the same as denying their sexuality.
Hilariously, straight TikTok users decided to play by the rules of this game and created their own sexuality.
Introducing "Super Straight." "Super Straight" means you're only attracted to someone of the opposite sex who was born
that way. It's legitimate sexuality that now must be respected by the laws and rules of the LGBT community.
Needless to say, it has the trans community furious.
Most Dangerous Child Abuser In America: Dr. Rachel Levine. It was encouraging to see Senator Rand
Paul (R., Ky.) hold Dr. Rachel Levine — Biden's nominee for assistant health secretary — to
account today on the issue of puberty-blocking drugs and surgical amputations for minors with gender dysphoria. Yet
already progressive pundits have painted Senator Paul's rigor and curiosity on this important topic as "transphobic."
(They seem distracted by the fact that Levine, who is biologically male, identifies as transgender.) It is frightening
however to believe that we have come to a time in America where a person like Levine, who seems to suffer from mental
illness, can be put in a position of power that gives him free reign to put insane policies into place that can harm our
children. [Video clip]
need Protection from Transgender Activists. Transgender ideology is a threat to children, and also to their
right to childhood. Childhood should be a time of innocence and learning to grow into an emotionally well-adjusted,
intellectually competent, morally capable adult. Transgender activists seek to sexualize and politicize children long
before puberty, telling them they have a right to transition even though their bodies and minds are not fully-formed, and
against their parents' objections. Transgender ideology treats children as if they have the same rights as adults and
ignores the fact that they are vulnerable to all kinds of suggestion and manipulation. This undermines the principle
that we should value a child's protection above all other considerations, protecting children from the negative effects of
their own ignorance, impulsiveness, and enthusiasms, and from those adults who may seek to pursue their own interests at the
expense of a child's well-being and welfare. It amounts to a war on childhood and on responsible parenting. But
trans activists have already labeled attempts by some state legislatures to head off the undermining of protection for
children as a 'war' on trans people.
She's My Mother — She's My
Father. [Scroll down] Fast forward to today, to real life, not a Hollywood film or make believe, with the very confusing news story
of a transwoman physician, Dr. Jesnoor Dayara, in Gujarat, India who has frozen his sperm so that when he undergoes sex-reassignment surgery
sometime later this year, the child he hopes to give birth to as a woman will be biologically his. [...] Dayara's claim is, while he was born male,
he has always felt like a woman. He feels he was "born in the wrong body." Let us be clear on a few fundamental points on human biology
and human sexual reproduction:
• Men have testes which produce sperm and women have ovaries which produce eggs.
• There are no "her sperm" and "his eggs." There is only his sperm and her eggs.
• Women have babies and men do not, nor can they.
• You cannot be born in the wrong body, you are born in the body you get at birth.
• Sex must not be conflated with gender. Being a man or being a woman is connected to biological sex.
• Liking feminine or masculine things has nothing to do with our XX or XY chromosomes.
Why Deadnaming
Matters. Richard Levine was born in 1957 in Wakefield, Massachusetts, an affluent suburb 20 minutes north of
Boston. He went to Hebrew school and had a bar mitzvah before heading to the very tony (very expensive) all-boys
Belmont Hill School, where he played as a linebacker on the football team. From there he went to Harvard undergrad
before heading south for med school at Tulane. While still in school, he married classmate Martha Peaslee; the couple
would go on to have two children, one boy and one girl. Richard's career got off to a running start with a residency
and fellowship at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan. From there he moved to Penn State Hershey Medical Center,
where he established himself firmly as a leader in his field, building both an adolescent medicine division and an eating
disorders clinic. But even with a loving family and a meaningful career, something was amiss in Richard Levine's
world. Eight years after his move to Pennsylvania, the doctor began to see a therapist. Another eight years after
that, he publicly announced his decision to transition to presenting as a woman. Now, a full decade after that
announcement, Richard — now Rachel — stands as Joe Biden's nominee for the United States' Assistant
Secretary for Health.
Is this the world's
most unsalutary health official? If you consult the mainstream news media on a regular basis, you've probably
heard that last Thursday was a red-letter day in American history [...] Why? Because, for the first time ever, a
transgender nominee for a government office was up for Senate confirmation. That nominee was Dr. Rachel Levine,
President Biden's pick for Assistant Secretary for Health. Is Rachel a great, or even a competent, physician? Who
cares? It's 2021, and Rachel is trans! Rachel's birth name was Richard, though there's no way you could tell that
from, say, Wikipedia. (In fact, on the "talk" page for Rachel's Wikipedia entry, you can see anxious contributors earnestly
debating how to deal with the ticklish fact that Rachel had a bar mitzvah, not a bas mitzvah.) Now aged 63, Rachel
transitioned a decade ago and was divorced a couple of years later. Neither Rachel's ex nor their two children appear
to have attended the hearing. Importantly, Rachel is not only a trans person; Rachel is a trans activist, a
self-described champion of transgender youth. Meaning what? Meaning, among much else, that Rachel supports giving
puberty blockers to children who say they're the opposite sex, and is open to ordering "gender-confirmation" surgery to kids
under age 18 with or without parental permission.
Memo on LGBTQ Policies Abroad Is Ideological Colonialism. Earlier this month, President Joe Biden issued an
executive order, "Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex
Persons Around the World," directing U.S. government entities to "pursue an end to violence and discrimination on the basis
of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or sex characteristics." When we talk about human rights, it's
important to remember that every individual is entitled to his or her rights to life, freedom of belief, speech, and
conscience. These are unalienable human rights. These rights are universal, precisely because they stem from our
inherent human dignity, and are not a result of one's membership in any particular group. Setting these rights on any
foundation other than our shared humanity weakens the exercise of those rights rather than strengthens them.
declares homosexuality a mental illness? Where's Lebron? Where's Disney? Dissidents have been
warning us for years about the nature of China's communist totalitarian regime. But unlike a lot of them, the
dictatorship also has money and markets. In the West, that means Quisling defenders, many with a snoot in the
trough. So here comes a pitched curveball for China's clapping seals, according to the South China Morning Post: [...]
[China is] going to do what it's going to do because it always gets away with it. Which puts China's defenders, nearly
all leftists, in an increasingly untenable position. Where's LeBron James, who's claim to fame beyond basketball is
defending China? He's got business interests there, and he's said nothing. Where's Disney, whose family fare
these days is more than a little gay-friendly? They too have got business interests in China, and worse still, made a
movie on a Chinese theme complete with Xinjiang's laogai forced labor camps accidentally appearing in the background?
They may be indifferent to the laogai, but let's hear their reaction on this news from China.
What's up with
Biden's transsexual? Biden boasts that he has nominated the first transsexual Assistant Secretary for Health
and Human Services. [...] When we ask about his qualifications for this job, they tell us that he's the first transsexual to
get promoted to such a position. When we repeat the same question, they repeat the same answer. When we repeat
the question yet again, they say something like, "Shut up, you bigot!" But I won't shut up, because there's a
children's medical issue here. The medical issue is whether the surgery to which this nominee voluntarily subjected
himself should be performed on children. That issue is within the purview of the job for which Biden has nominated
him. Yes, this surgery does get performed on children. There are 40+ clinics in the United States doing
that. The largest transgender youth clinic in Los Angeles, for example, saw 1,000 patients last year. The
youngest was a four-year-old.
a dangerous new fad. Growing up just 20 years ago, I was taught that boys and girls are different and that you
are one or another. As a boy, I knew that I would never be a girl and society did not tell me otherwise. Today's
America is different, for it tells children their gender can change based on their feelings, and that society with honor
those feelings even if biology says otherwise. Additionally, healthcare professionals, Hollywood elites, toy manufacturers,
and cookie makers are encouraging children to embrace transgenderism. As recently as 2015, Dr. Paul R. McHugh,
the former psychiatrist-in-chief for John Hopkins Hospital classified transgenderism as a "mental disorder" and that changing
one's gender is 'biologically impossible.' By 2019, though, the World Health Organization voted that transgenderism or
gender incongruence is no longer a mental disorder and reclassified it as a part of sexual health. The rest of the medical
community has quickly followed. This declassification has significantly helped normalize transgenderism.
is a Transgender Propaganda and Grooming Machine. During a Thursday [2/25/2021] Senate confirmation hearing,
Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul pressed President Joe Biden's transgender nominee for assistant Health and Human
Services secretary, Rachel Levine. "Do you believe that minors are capable of making such a life-changing decision as
changing one's sex?" Paul asked. Levine wouldn't answer. Why would it be controversial to make sure people are of
consenting age before they undergo irreversible plastic surgery? Answer: the culture. The number of transgender
Gen Zers is about 10 times higher than that of their parents in Generation X. In a tweet Wednesday, The Daily Wire's Matt
Walsh pointed out that the uptick in gender-dysphoric children is not a "natural or organic development." It is the result of
popular culture and our corrupt school system "actively recruit[ing] children into the LGBT ranks."
'World's Largest Bookstore' Gets Into the Censorship Business. Just a week ago, I received an email from Ryan
Anderson, who was recently tapped to lead the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., and who wrote When
Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment for me at Encounter Books back in 2018. A reader who had
tried to order his book from Amazon reported he was unable to find the book listed on the site. I looked myself and,
yes, that reader was correct. Other books by Anderson are listed, as are various books on the "transgender" phenomenon,
including a now out-of-print title that purports to rebut When Harry Became Sally. But the book itself is nowhere
to be found. How odd. The book was controversial when it was first published — the New York Times
devoted not one but two columns to abusing it. But it sold well and, outside the precincts of wokedom, it was regarded as
what it is: a thoughtful, compassionate, and well-researched discussion of the devastating psychological costs of
embracing the latest fad of sexual exoticism.
There is no need to burn books if they can't be sold in the first place.
End Of Conservative Books': Amazon Quietly Bans Books They Deem Offensive, 'Hate Speech'. Conservatives are
sounding the alarm about an updated Amazon policy that bans books the ubiquitous billion-dollar company deems offensive or
includes so-called "hate speech." As noted by The Daily Wire, Amazon has ramped up its censorship on conservative views
in recent weeks. For example, a popular documentary on U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was banned from their
streaming service this past week. Before that move, the company deplatformed conservative Ryan Anderson's book critical
of gender theory, "When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement." When Just the News reached out
to Amazon over the ban on Anderson's book, the outlet said the company directed them to a page outlining their "Content
Guidelines for Books." Under a section labeled "Offensive Content," Amazon states that they "don't sell certain content
including content that we determine is hate speech, promotes the abuse or sexual exploitation of children, contains
pornography, glorifies rape or pedophilia, advocates terrorism, or other material we deem inappropriate or offensive."
The Editor says...
You can't buy books that are offensive to homosexuals or in any way critical of transvestites, because they're controversial or
offensive. But I presume you can still buy 50 Shades of Grey, Lolita, Tropic of Cancer, The Da Vinci Code,
The Communist Manifesto, The Anarchist Cookbook, or American Psycho. Amazon's outrage is highly selective.
Democrats' 'Woke' Equality Act: Another Awful Idea That Would Radically Change America. In principle, the
law bars employment and other discrimination against LGBTQ workers. In reality, it disenfranchises large swaths of
American society, from religious institutions and women's rights groups to small businesses and nonprofits. Legal
legerdemain is key here. The proposed law erases biologically based sex definitions and protections under the 1964
Civil Rights Act and replaces them with the phrase "sexual orientation and gender identity," a legal definition so broad as
to be almost meaningless. So if you believe in traditional marriage and sex roles, or don't agree there are 64
different genders (or even 112, as some assert), you now officially and legally become a bigot, for all that implies.
Radical Demands In The Equality Act. House Democrats have passed the radical Equality Act once again, claiming
it will merely amend federal civil rights law to ensure sexual orientation and gender identity are protected classes, even
though the Constitution already provides protection for the rights of all American citizens, regardless of their "identity
group." If enacted, however, the Equality Act would have a major impact on children and their parents, potentially
upending the culture as American families now know it. Lawsuits filed against Americans who adhere to the science of
biological sex and the First Amendment rights of citizens would now have a federal law backing them up that states gender
identity supersedes biological sex.
Senators Denounce Amazon Censorship of Anti-Transgender Book. Two prominent U.S. senators have criticized
Amazon's heavy-handedness in erasing a bestselling book by scholar Ryan Anderson on transgenderism. Sens. Marco
Rubio (R-FL) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) have blasted the online tech giant for its overt censorship of uncomfortable ideas by
de-listing Dr. Anderson's When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment. "American
oligarchs, cheered on by leftist politicians, are conducting digital book burnings," Rubio tweeted Tuesday [2/23/2021].
"@Amazon banned a thoughtful & well researched book on a complicated issue."
identification among Gen Z at 16%; Gallup poll finds sharp rise since Gen X. Generation Z may want to rebrand
itself as Generation LGBT. A new Gallup poll highlights a 15.9% LGBT identification rate among Gen Z adults between the
ages of 18 and 23 in 2020, along with a widening gap between other generations going back to the 1940s. "The vast
majority of Generation Z adults who identify as LGBT — 72% — say they are bisexual," Gallup reported
Wednesday [2/24/2021].
York State Employees Required to Have 'Gender Identity Toolkit' Training. All New York State employees are
required to have training in the state's new "Gender Identity Toolkit," a resource to ensure the special rights of
transgender and other individuals who are not comfortable with their biological sex are acknowledged and put into
practice. According to the Governor's Office of Employee Relations website, the Gender Identity Toolkit will introduce
state employees to "key terms, language, concepts, and laws related to fostering a respectful workplace and appropriate
customer service to individuals who are transgender or gender non-conforming (TGNC).
a New Ball Game: Army Chaplain is Under Investigation After Calling Transgenders 'Mentally Unfit' to Serve. As noted
by The Daily Wire, a religious cleric serving in the United States Army is getting probed for something he recently posted to Facebook.
According to NBC News, Maj. Andrew Calvert went onto a military newspaper's social media page to ask a question. His query:
"How is rejecting reality (biology) not evidence that a person is mentally unfit (ill), and thus making that person unqualified to serve?"
Not Just 'Gender Dysphoria.' It's Now 'Rapid Onset Marxism.' The U.S. House of Representatives passed a new
rules package that explicitly strikes "gendered language" from the official House rules. The rules prohibit the use of
terms that designate the gender of familial relationships — father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, and so
on — and replace them with gender-neutral terms. Commentator Tammy Bruce, a radio and Fox Nation host, says
this move Jan. 4 is "obscenely Marxist" because it "deconstructs what it means to be female." She went on to say: "It
reduces all of us, it eliminates the value of the individual and our uniqueness as individuals." The goal of social
policing of our language is thought control, which epitomizes the Marxist agenda.
Value-Laden Language of the Left. [Scroll down] Now in particular, as the left continues to usurp the
political narrative and silence alternative voices, it is felicitous to observe how progressive policies apply with God-like
authority to sexuality and other realms. First, for example, the term "sexual preference" has been erased.
Indeed, at her Senate confirmation hearing, our newest (at least in the short term) Supreme Court justice quickly apologized
for daring to even use the term. The woke, and thus only acceptable, phrase is "sexual orientation." That is because,
to assume that one chooses his sexual identity is to presuppose that the person actually has a choice in the matter.
Having a choice means accepting responsibility for how that choice is exercised.
LGBT Agenda: Pedophilia Coming Down the Pike? The Biden regime's January 20 executive order demanding
"equal treatment under the law, no matter [one's] gender identity or sexual orientation" is just the first salvo in the next
wave pushing "LGBT rights." The order will soon be backed by federal law, via the pending LGBT "Equality Act." While
many are now warning that the order will destroy girls' and women's sports, its impact is much broader. The enforcers
will be given free rein to transform society in unimaginable ways, given the undefined terms in the order and pending
law: gender identity, sexual orientation, LGBT. Why has there been no pushback on embedding these
sexual-radical concepts in our legal system? Establishment conservatives have shied away from addressing this issue and
denigrate anyone who dares to confront it.
Were Laughed Out of Court because the Courts Have Become Ridiculous. [Scroll down] The public supported a
basic truth: the sexual relationship between a man and a woman is unlike any other relationship, especially because this
one uniquely produces new human life; hence, society needs to recognize the sacred nature of such a bond rather than muddle
it with analogies to same-sex relationships, which are in many ways hard to differentiate from friendships. [...] The
strongest and most resonant argument for marriage was the crudest one I saw in comments all across the internet: the anus
is not a sexual organ, and two people of the same sex can't create a baby unless they buy one or steal one from other people.
The next strongest argument is equally basic: Have you seen the photos from gay pride parades? Is that a good
environment for raising kids? These points are harsh, but people understand them immediately, and liberals do not
have effective counterpoints against them because they're so obvious.
Sex and Gender, The New England Journal of Medicine Has Abandoned Its Scientific Mission. Two years ago,
"Titania McGrath," whose satirical Twitter account regularly skewers the ideological excesses of social-justice culture,
suggested that "we should remove biological sex from birth certificates altogether to prevent any more mistakes." The joke
(obvious to those who follow the culture wars closely, but perhaps obscure to those who don't) was directed at gender
activists who insist that male and female designations "assigned at birth" are misleading (and even dangerous), since they
may misrepresent a person's true "gender identity" — that internally felt soul-like quality that supposedly
transcends such superficial physical indicia as gonads and genitalia. But the line between satire and sincerity has
become blurry on this issue.
kid' killer Michael Alig dies of heroin overdose inside his Manhattan home Christmas morning. Notorious Manhattan
club promoter Michael Alig, who spent 17 years in prison for murdering and dismembering his drug dealer, died of an
apparent heroin overdose Friday [12/25/2020], officials said. Michael Alig, 54, lost consciousness inside his Washington Heights
apartment on W. 159th St. by his boyfriend about 3 a.m., officials said. The ex-con was doing heroin shortly
before he died, his boyfriend told police.
Rules Wisconsin Transgender Prisoner Who Raped His Own Daughter Should Undergo Taxpayer-funded Sex Reassignment
Surgery. A federal judge has ruled a Wisconsin man who is imprisoned for raping his own daughter is entitled to
receive a sex change operation at the taxpayer's expense. U.S. District Judge James Peterson ruled Mark Allen Campbell
is entitled to sex change surgery and should be moved to a women's prison while he awaits his transition. Campbell was
sentenced to 34 years in jail in 2007 after he pled guilty to first-degree sexual assault against his daughter; he now
identifies as a transgender woman under the name Nicole Rose Campbell. Campbell began requesting sex reassignment
surgery in 2013, the Daily Wire reports, and has been receiving female hormones and transgender counseling, paid for by
Wisconsin taxpayers, while at Racine Correctional Institute, a men's prison. To accommodate Campbell's gender
dysphoria, Racine has allowed Campbell to dress in women's clothing and wear makeup.
More Proof That the Transgender Movement Is Insane and Extremely Dangerous. Earlier this month, the United
Kingdom's Supreme Court ruled that children under the age of 16 are "unlikely to be able to give informed consent" concerning
puberty blockers. "There will be enormous difficulties in a child under 16 understanding and weighing up this
information and deciding whether to consent to the use of puberty-blocking medication," read the ruling. "It is highly
unlikely that a child aged 13 or under would be competent to give consent to the administration of puberty blockers. It
is doubtful that a child aged 14 or 15 could understand and weigh the long-term risks and consequences of the administration
of puberty blockers." The concept that young children are not mature enough to make such life-changing decisions is
hardly new. There are minimum age requirements for being legally allowed to drive, purchase cigarettes or alcohol, or
to be legally competent to enter into a contract.
Court Strikes Down Ohio Prohibition on Birth Certificate Changes for Transgender People. Until today
[12/16/2020], Ohio had the ignominious distinction of being one of only two states that prohibited transgender people from
changing their genders on their birth certificates. (Tennessee is the other.) But with a ruling today by the U.S.
District Court in Southern Ohio, that prohibition is no more. The ruling in the Ray v. McCloud lawsuit,
originally filed more than two years ago on behalf of plaintiffs Stacie Ray, Basil Argento, Ashley Breda and Jane Doe, means
that Ohio's blanket prohibition on trans people correcting their birth certificates is unconstitutional.
'Go and sin no more' could land you
in jail. Christians in the United Kingdom and Canada are being warned that foundational religious beliefs and
practices soon could be criminalized under laws banning the counseling of people seeking help with unwanted sexual
attraction. Activists want to ban not only the so-called "conversion therapy," they also want to prevent people from
criticizing their lifestyle. And that includes a veto on the preaching and the practice of churches regarding
sexuality, according to the U.K.'s Christian Institute.

let a man in a dress rule us': Road sign mocks Pa. health secretary amid COVID crackdowns. A message board
entering the Erie County town of Waterford prompted a social-media stir this week by mocking Dr. Rachel Levine, Pennsylvania's
secretary of health. The sign along U.S. Highway 19 read "don't let a man in a dress rule us Waterford!" on Wednesday
[12/9/2020]. Dr. Levine, who has been the public face of Pennsylvania's controversial COVID-19 related lockdowns, was
born Richard Levine and fathered two children, but transitioned to female in 2011.
Do Progressives No Longer Defend Free Expression? A half-century ago, progressives used to push limitless free
expression, blasting conservatives for their allegedly blinkered traditionalism. They boasted of obliterating
once-normal boundaries in art, music, and literature to allow nudity, profanity, sexuality, and anti-American
boilerplate. Now? The left is Victorian — increasingly puritanical, regressive, and
hypersensitive. Even totalitarian censorship and book-burning have weirdly become part of their by-any-means-necessary
methods. University of California at Berkeley professor Grace Lavery was so outraged by author Abigail Shrier's latest
book, "Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters," that she went well beyond the usual calls to
ban the book. Lavery advocated burning Shrier's book.
to incarcerate those who say things offensive to transgenders. Without even holding a formal vote, Norway's
parliament "outlawed hate speech against transgender people" last week, including in private conversations. Those
found guilty will face fines and up to a year in jail for private remarks and three years for public remarks. Don't
laugh, things aren't much better in the U.K., Australia, Canada or even the U.S. If only conservatives could be granted
such coddling protection! A substantial swath of the mainstream media and entertainment
industry would be in jail. Right next to the Big Tech bigwigs and university professors. And across the bare hall
from the Hollywood stars and starlets. Late night "talk show" hosts would be shelling out fines like a berserk
Pez dispenser.
1991 study may have found the root cause of transgenderism. If you're on the left, you believe that the
traditional idea that humans come in two sexes (male and female) is not only outdated but evil. Instead, leftism
insists that human sex identification is an infinitely malleable matter of personal choice, untethered to genetics.
Conservatives respond that it's not a matter of choice. Instead, people who claim to be transgendered almost invariably
have complex mental issues, often stemming from their upbringing. A recently recovered 1991 study supports conservatives.
Criminalizes Hate Speech Against Transgender People ... In Private Homes or Conversations. We have previously
discussed the alarming rollback on free speech rights in the West, particularly in Europe. The move to criminalize
speech has led to an insatiable appetite for new limitations and broader prosecutions. Norway is an example of this
headlong plunge into speech controls and crimes in the West. This week the legislature adopted (without even a vote) a
new criminal law that punishes people for saying anything deemed hate speech toward transgender people in their own home or
private conversations. Minister of Justice and Public Security Monica Maeland declared victory because speech
regulation must be "adapted to the practical situations that arise." The "practical situation" includes speaking to
your own spouse or family.
Removes Book Critical Of Trans Agenda After Customer Complains Online; Book Shoots To Top 100 On Amazon. Target
said Thursday night that they have removed a book critical of the transgender agenda after a customer complained about the
book being "transphobic," an accusation strongly denounced by author Abigail Shrier. The censorship, as is usually the
case, ironically led to a spike in the purchasing of "Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our
Daughters" on other platforms. "Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention," Target's online help desk
responded to the complaint. "We have removed this book from our assortment." The user who made the complaint has
now set their account to private.
Discovered Letter Shows Endocrine Society Urged Experimenting On Trans Children. In his recent townhall,
presidential candidate Joe Biden endorsed experimental, irreversible medical interventions for gender-confused
eight-year-olds. His reflexive and indeed casual approval of medical child abuse illustrates how successful the
transgender industry, including politicized elements of the medical profession, has been in obscuring the issues and
normalizing the abnormal. A recently uncovered letter shows how the Endocrine Society (ES) in particular has deftly
misrepresented scientific reality to advance the agenda of that lucrative and increasingly powerful industry.
Endocrinologists are experts in the function of hormones and therefore play a critical role in the industry's
"gender-affirming" medical model. Because sex is determined by chromosomes, imprinted during development, and
unchangeable by hormones after the fact, actual sex change is impossible.
The Editor says...
One sure way to normalize the abnormal is to refer to a sex change procedure as "gender-affirming." Exactly the opposite is true.
mourn man hacked to death with machete during Bronx Grindr date. A man hacked to death by a machete-wielding
Grindr date was a loyal, trusting friend — and excited about meeting his new love interest, devastated loved ones
said Monday [10/19/2020]. It took three weeks for authorities to determine it was Carlos "Carlitos" Algenis Jimenez,
26, who was killed in a Bronx apartment last month after hooking up with a man he met on the popular dating app.
Sources said the victim and the suspect, Juan Alonso, 50, got into a fight about what kind of sex to have.
claims Amy Coney Barrett confirmation puts his marriage in danger. Former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete
Buttigieg, who now serves on Joe Biden's transition team, suggested Sunday [10/18/2020] that President Trump's supreme court
nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, poses a threat to his marriage. "There are all kinds of interesting questions about the
future of the American judiciary, but right now, as we speak, the preexisting condition coverage of millions of Americans
might depend on what is about to happen in the Senate with regard to this justice," Buttigieg told "Fox News Sunday" host
Chris Wallace.
The Editor says...
Step 1: Normalize perversion. Step 2: Normalize homosexual marriage.
Step 3: Portray yourself as a victim if anyone challenges Step 1 or Step 2.
Orwell Rears His Head.
On Monday of last week, to use the phrase "sexual preference" was completely acceptable. As recently as last month,
multiple gay rights publications used the phrase. Leon Panetta had used the phrase in the past couple of years.
Joe Biden has used the phrase this year. Merriam-Webster considered "sexual preference" to be just another version of
"sexual orientation." But then Tuesday happened. On Tuesday, the village idiot from Hawaii masquerading as a
senator, Mazie Hirono, attacked Amy Coney Barrett for using "sexual preference" instead of "sexual orientation." By
Tuesday evening, the employees of Merriam-Webster had changed the phrase in their online dictionary to note it was
offensive. No, I am not making that up. The dictionary company literally changed it after Barrett's exchange with
Hirono. Steve Krakauer, a former CNN producer who now produces Megyn Kelly's podcast, documented the change on his
social media feed. Gay rights publications such as The Advocate went on the attack as well. In just 18 days,
"sexual preference" went from acceptable to a hate crime.
Biden: 8-Year-Olds Should Be Allowed to Decide They're Transgender. Former Vice President Joe Biden said during
a town hall hosted by ABC News on Thursday night [10/15/2020] that eight-year-olds should be allowed to decide that they are
the Fourth Circuit's Insane Transgender Ruling in Grimm v. Gloucester. On August 26, 2020 the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit issued its decision in the case of Gavin Grimm v. Gloucester County School
Board. The decision declared that rights of the plaintiff Gavin Grimm, a female student who considers herself male,
were violated because the school board denied Grimm the right to access the boys' restroom and refused to amend school
records to call her "male" after a court had ordered the state of Virginia to issue a new birth certificate indicating Grimm
as a male. In justifying its opinion, the Court made many findings of fact (whether self-determined or sourced from
friends of the court or the lower court) that not only defy common sense, but also are patently false or materially
Guilty. Trial to
Follow. Here's the Left's real problem with "sexual preference," it implies your sexuality is a choice
(something the Left is all in favor of when talking women's "reproductive rights") and if you have a "choice" that implies
you cannot be a victim. And we all know how the Left loves, and needs, its victims. Ergo: "sexual orientation" —
not a "choice." My question: where does this leave all of those "gender fluid" people who seem to make "sexual preference"
orientation choices on a daily basis?
Dips Itself Into Social Change, Makes a Special Cookie Celebrating the Parents of Lesbians and Gays. Not long
ago, business was a very dry arena. If a company made a calculator, that's all you would ever know. These days,
it seems corporations have calculated the benefit of messaging. Therefore, they're investing in the social and
political realm. Case in point: Oreo has teamed with PFLAG — Parents and Friends of Lesbians And
Gays — to release a special edition of its delicious, milk-ready mainstays. And not only that —
the confection colossus has produced a short film about a mom and her lesbian daughter. As for the new multi-colored
treats, don't look for 'em in-store — they can only be won online.
The Editor says...
It might be difficult to boycott Nabisco, but I can try.
Biden Foundation
Promoted Transgenderism For 18-Month-Old Babies. The 2018 initiative, called the "As You Are" campaign,
centered on a map tracking LGBTQ "acceptance stories" across the country. It was spearheaded by Biden's eponymous
foundation, which has been described as "further[ing] the work the Bidens did over eight years in the Obama administration
and cement[ing] the former vice president's more than four decade legacy in public life." Of the nearly 500 individuals
highlighted, many were children under the age of 18, with one account even chronicling a "gender nonconforming"
18-month-old. One mother submitted her story to the Biden Foundation about her six-year-old transgender child and saw
it promoted by the group, despite declaring her daughter "gender nonconforming" since 18-months-old.
sued for allegedly firing workers who refused to wear rainbow symbol. Kroger, one of the country's largest
supermarket chains, is being sued in federal court after two former employees claimed they were wrongfully terminated for
refusing to wear an apron with a rainbow symbol. The ex-employees, who identify as Christian, cited religious
objections in their refusal to wear what they believed was an "endorsement of the LGBTQ community," according to the
lawsuit. The complaint was filed Monday by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on behalf of Brenda Lawson, 72,
and Trudy Rickerd, 57, who both worked at a Kroger store in Conway, Arkansas, for several years before being fired last
spring The two women were allegedly disciplined and eventually terminated after they refused to wear new aprons issued last
April that featured an embroidered rainbow heart on the top left portion of the bib.
Californians oppose gender mutilation and sterilization bill. Sixty-four percent of California voters do not
want Gov. Gavin Newsom to sign a bill to pay for transgender drugs and surgeries known to sterilize minors and adults,
according to a new poll. The survey, conducted by Spry Strategies in conjunction with the Women's Liberation Front,
shows that conservative Christians and radical feminists, who have joined forces to oppose AB 2218, are more in step with
California voters than state legislators. The controversial bill passed the Assembly 54-10 and the Senate 28-9 late
last month, and now sits on Newsom's desk awaiting his decision.
Legislature Passes Bill Reducing Penalties for Oral, Anal Sex with Willing Children. California lawmakers
passed a bill Monday that would reduce penalties for adults who have oral or anal sex with a willing minor child if the sex
offender is within ten years of the age of the victim. The bill now heads to the desk of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D).
legislature passes bill easing sex offender registry requirements for sodomy with minors. California
legislators passed a law Monday easing sex offender registry rules for those who commit sodomy or other sex acts with minors
in order to end "discrimination against LGBTQ young people on the sex offender registry." The bill, which now heads to
Gov. Gavin Newsom's desk, would "exempt from mandatory registration under the act a person convicted of certain offenses
involving minors if the person is not more than 10 years older than the minor and if that offense is the only one requiring
the person to register," according to the bill.
Correction, Study That Claimed Mutilating Trans People Helps Them Now Finds The Opposite. What do we know about
the effects of hormone and surgical treatments for gender-dysphoric patients? Many people might assume they are highly
effective because they are widely presented as the obvious proper medical and compassionate course for such patients.
The prevailing narrative is that parents and patient advocates who disapprove of surgeries or hormone treatments are both
evil and dangerous. The best research, however, indicates just the opposite. The latest major study on the topic,
published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, answers the question this way: "Despite professional recommendations
to consider gender-affirming medical interventions for transgender individuals who experience gender incongruence, the effect
of such interventions on long-term health is largely unknown."
Twenty (Uncomfortable)
Questions. How is it "science" to say that if a man thinks he is a woman, then he is a woman?
Doesn't that deny biological reality? Apparently, we're supposed to "believe in science," but not biology. Would
you encourage an anorexic to keep losing weight and tell them they look great? No, you would tell him to get
help. Yet we are encouraging people to mutilate themselves.
Broke California
wants to fund youth sterilizations and sex changes. The California Senate will consider legislation soon to use
taxpayer funds to pay for hormone blockers and sex change operations for minors. The bill, after passing the Senate
Health Committee by a 7-1 vote last week, now moves to the Senate Appropriation Committee and then to the floor of the Senate
before the end of the month. As noted by numerous health experts, the use of cross-sex hormones and surgeries for
adolescents would permanently destroy their reproductive systems, a fact which AB2218 backers seem inclined to ignore.
Why is today's
Left so anti-science? Like almost all other animals, humans exist in two distinct sexes: male and female.
At the genetic level, the distinction is crystal clear. Males have an X and a Y chromosome, while females have two
X's. (There are instances of an extra X or Y but they are exceedingly rare.) Generally speaking, these different
genotypes express in different phenotypes, such as different morphology, microbiology, procreation, hormones and
temperament. Nearly all real scientists agree with this. But the left now tells us that there are 64
"genders." They define "gender" as something different from "sex" in order to get around that inconvenient chromosome
obstacle, while deceitfully using the two terms interchangeably when helpful to advance their agenda. Such as enabling
men with trendy sexual proclivities to destroy legitimate women's sport competition. The left's position here is not a
scientific one, though they couch it as that. It's a political one. They don't argue with scientists who disagree
with their political position on this issue, because they have no real science argument. Instead they cancel those
psychiatric journal made a big mistake about transgender surgery. A year ago, a massive study of transgender
surgeries in Sweden claimed that people with body dysphoria who had the surgery were psychologically more healthy than those
who did not have surgery. The same journal that published that finding just retracted it. Over the years, in
large part because I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, I met several people who had taken hormones and had surgery to turn
themselves into a rough and stereotypical version of someone who was the opposite of their biological sex.
Consistently, they were the most unhappy people I had ever met. That was a small and unscientific sample, but it was
pretty clear to me that fulfilling their desire to present to the world as the opposite of their biological sex did nothing
to make the people I met happy.
The Bus Never Stops.
First they told us that homosexuality was normal and that there was no need for anyone to be afraid of the ramifications of
treating them as normal, even though only about 2 percent of the population are homosexual — giving new meaning to
the word "normal." About 1 percent of babies are born with a heart defect, but we don't call that normal. Doubters
said that treating as normal people as different as homosexuals would have consequences. First thing — or maybe
second thing — they would want to get "married" and have their "marriages" treated as normal. [...] What's
next? What's wrong, really, with having children watch pornography? It's everywhere, and there's essentially no
effort to eliminate it. How do we know that? Because there is no serious effort by Republicans to stop it.
And if children can watch it, why shouldn't they do it? What's the effective difference? And what's wrong,
really, with sex with children, so long as there's an adult in the room? "Don't be absurd," you say. But you said
that years ago when homosexuality was normalized. And again when homosexual marriage was normalized. Now when
polyamorous relationships are normalized, are you saying that we have reached the terminus: that the bus stops
here? Please. The bus never stops. Unless someone stops it.
Trans Cult. A few years ago, three things happened in the course of a single week in my life. First, a
friend told me about a letter her daughter, then 11, had received from her closest summer-camp friend. The girl had
some big news: She was now a boy. Then, another mother told me she and her daughter were sitting at a synagogue
lunch when they were joined by a man who "presented" as a woman. And I received a lengthy email from my daughter's swim
coach at the local YWCA — a man whose missives had never included anything besides practice times and requests for
volunteer timers — explaining that someone on the team had come out as transgender; the coach attached an entire
Washington Post article explaining how we should treat the child and the proper pronouns we should use to refer to "them."
child molester gets taxpayer-funded sex-change surgery while in prison. An Idaho inmate currently incarcerated
for sexually assaulting a child has received taxpayer-funded "sex-reassignment" surgery after suing the state for it.
Yep, really. Adree Edmo, a 32-year-old man who identifies as a woman, has been imprisoned since 2012 for "sexually
assaulting a sleeping 15-year-old boy." He filed suit against the state of Idaho in 2017, claiming that the state was
violating his Eighth Amendment right against cruel and unusual punishment by denying him free (taxpayer-funded) transgender
surgery. Really. It went all the way to the Supreme Court.
Supreme Court Imperils Parents' Right to Pass Their Values on to Children. The Supreme Court's recent decision
in Bostock v. Clayton, which ruled that the Title VII prohibition on sex discrimination in employment extends to
discrimination based on sexual orientation and transgender status, is likely to have more widespread implications than many
people realize. [...] The current culture already makes it difficult for parents to teach their children that, for instance,
maleness and femaleness are grounded on objective biological reality rather than subjective self-perceptions, or that the
purpose of human sexuality is not ultimately pleasure or self-expression, but to unite a man and woman in marriage and enable
them to form a family. And whatever one's beliefs about these issues, parents, not the state, should be the ones to
decide what their children are taught about these controversial and sensitive matters.
Implosion of the Left's Language Circus. Since 2010, three slogans dominated the left, all based on the
English-speaking world's turn to coercive liberalism: "It Gets Better," "Me Too," and "Black Lives Matter." Each is in
itself an Orwellian delusion. Together, the three undermine each other. "It gets better" is Orwellian. Most
youths who begin a homosexual or transgender lifestyle will see their living conditions worsen. As they get older and
adult demands weigh on them, they suffer from more health problems and an unsupportive LGBT community. LGBT networks
reward them for joining by pulling them into needlessly stressful debates and unstable relationships. The slogan was
aimed at young people, whose age afforded them the support of patient schools, families, and communities, which will no
longer see them as babes to care for when they become adults and realize how cold and harsh the LGBT scene really is.
The campaign commissioned aging LGBTs to speak via internet to impressionable teens and pre-teens, in essence imposing gross
assumptions on them and lying to them about how happy gay and trans adults felt.
Baptist pastor
'shocked' after being fired for transgender reveal. A pastor in Canada was fired for "theological reasons," her
church said, after coming out as transgender in an online sermon. [Pop-up ad] The Rev. Junia "June" Joplin,
who is originally from North Carolina, surprised some in June with the announcement at Lorne Park Baptist Church in
Mississauga, Ontario, during a service held online due to the coronavirus lockdown. [Superfluous cross-plug link to an
unrelated article.] "I want you to hear me when I tell you that I'm not just supposed to be a pastor. I'm
supposed to be a woman," Joplin said. "My friends, my family, my name is Junia. You can call me June. I'm a
transgender woman and my pronouns are she and her." [Video clip] More than half of the 111-member congregation
voted to terminate the contract after Joplin came out, a journey she began in 2018 by telling her spouse and sons.
man sues hospital after hysterectomy is canceled. A transgender man is suing the University of Maryland Medical
System in federal court, claiming his rights were violated when his gender-affirming surgery was canceled by one of the
hospital system's subsidiaries.
The Editor says...
A "transgender man" is a woman who pretends to be a man. The term "gender-affirming surgery" is an inversion of the
truth. Those are two lies in the first sentence alone.
Nine politicians can stop
teen sterilizations in California, but will they? The fate of a bill to fund transgender treatments that
permanently destroy the reproductive systems of minors is now in the hands of nine California State Senators.
AB 2218, authored by Assemblyman Miguel Santiago (D) Los Angeles with principal co-author Senator Scott Wiener (D) San
Francisco, will be heard before the nine members Senate Health Committee when they return to the capitol at the end of the
month. The bill has already made its way through the Democrat-dominated state Assembly with little debate and approved
largely along party lines. It establishes an "LGBT Transgender Wellness Fund," to provide grants to nonprofits,
hospitals, health care clinics (like Planned Parenthood), and other medical providers to pay for puberty blockers, cross-sex
hormones, and mastectomies for minors, as well as cross-sex hormones and "sex-change" operations for adults.
than 100 lawmakers urge the Pentagon to 'immediately' reverse Trump's transgender military ban. More than 100
lawmakers are urging the U.S. Department of Defense to immediately end the military ban on transgender troops put in place by
the Trump administration in 2019. On Wednesday [7/8/2020], Rep. Suzan DelBene, a Democrat from Washington, joined
by 116 members of Congress, signed a letter addressed to Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Attorney General William Barr
calling to the end of the policy, which they called "an attack on transgender service members who are risking their lives to
serve our country." The move comes just weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964 protects LGBTQ people from workplace discrimination.
trans activist Marsha P. Johnson should replace Christopher Columbus statue in Elizabeth, petition says. Will
Marsha P. Johnson one day return to Elizabeth? A petition gaining momentum this week calls for Johnson, a leader in the
gay liberation movement and a pioneer in the fight for transgender rights, to be recognized in her hometown in place of a
Christopher Columbus statue. The petition to replace Columbus with a tribute to the Black trans activist has so far
drawn more than 86,000 signatures. The call comes at a time when statues of Columbus are being removed and opposed
across the state.
The Editor says...
If you examine the life of
Malcolm Michaels Jr., a/k/a Marsha P. Johnson, there is little or nothing to celebrate, let alone commemorate with a statue.
Footage Shows Thousands Closely Packed In Chicago For Pride Festival. I think this is gonna be one of those
articles where I give you "just the facts ma'am". Not a lot of opinion, just some basic reporting on some basic
facts. Sound good? And I have a hunch you're all smart enough to draw your own conclusions.
community says 'Pride is 365 days a year' ahead of 'virtual march'. It's the 50th anniversary of the first
pride march held in 1970, but because of the pandemic it will be nothing like last year's sea of more than 1 million parade
participants, marching down Fifth Avenue for close to 12 hours. This year's Pride will be a virtual march. "Pride
is 365," Marti Gould Cummings, a board member of the Ali Forney Center, told PIX11 News. "We just happen to celebrate
it on the anniversary of Stonewall, June 28 but for a virtual march there will people and performances to amplify the Black
Lives Matter movement."
Pride parade draws thousands in Chicago. Thousands of LGBT activists are gathering at an unsanctioned Pride
parade in Chicago. The city's parade was canceled because of fears of the spread of the coronavirus, but activists
gathered on Sunday anyway at the "Reclaim Pride March," which partnered the causes of Pride and the Black Lives Matter
movement. Alexis Abarca, an activist who attended the march, told ABC 7 that the two movements are both advocating
for an end to police brutality and racial injustice.
Trade Center, other New York landmarks lit in LGBTQ Pride colors. Several buildings and iconic landmarks around
the city and state will be lit up in Pride colors this weekend. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on Friday that One
World Trade Center, the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, Niagara Falls and several additional sites will be lit in rainbow colors to
celebrate Pride weekend.
Court's LGBTQ Decision Is Formula for Chaos. The U.S. Supreme Court has decided that homosexual and transgender
individuals are covered by the anti-discrimination provision, Title VII, of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Justice Neil
Gorsuch wrote in his opinion: "An employer who fires an individual for being homosexual or transgender fires that
person for traits or actions it would not have questioned in members of a different sex. Sex plays a necessary and
undisguisable role in the decision, exactly what Title VII forbids." When I read the reasoning of Gorsuch, I feel less
surprised by the chaos in our cities, and our great difficulties and challenges in enforcing the law. How indeed can we
expect sanity in enforcing our laws when such confusion exists in our nation's highest court about what our law is, and even
what our country is about?
Anyone in Government Resist SCOTUS's Absurd Redefinition of 'Sex'? On June 15, the Supreme Court issued its
Bostock opinion redefining "sex" in discrimination law. Beyond the word's common biological meaning —
linked to an innate and unchangeable characteristic — the Court says "sex" can now be used to protect
homosexual behaviors and transgender delusions. By acknowledging "sexual orientation" and "gender
identity" as valid concepts (while leaving them essentially undefined), the Court has embraced sexual-radical dogma.
The absurd Bostock opinion will unleash unimaginable chaos unless there is significant push-back. The
disruptions that have followed rampant "gay rights" demands are well known, and will surely multiply. And the ruling
has given new life to transgender demands for their special "rights." While Bostock specifically addressed
employment law, commentators predict that its new definition of "sex" will be applied in any case dealing with discrimination
on the basis of "sex." There are over 100 federal laws that use that terminology.
the Pharisee and Textualist Tomfoolery. The Supreme Court's recent opinion that the 1964 Civil Rights Act's
prohibition against "sex" discrimination offers protections for LGBT identity groups has raised eyebrows and ire. But
it's not surprising: The decision's author, Justice Neil Gorsuch, long ago made clear that he operates from false
premises. One of these is what's called "textualism," which is not at all the same as originalism. Conservatives
also err, in my view, in claiming that Gorsuch has "redefined 'sex.'" In reality, his ruling is instead based on a certain
rationalization. Harvard law professor Noah Feldman, while essentially applauding Gorsuch's lawyer-craft, explained it
well. "As applied to Title VII, the classic 1964 anti-discrimination law, the textualist idea is very simple," he wrote
June 15. "The law prohibits discrimination 'on the basis of sex.' To discriminate against somebody because of sexual
orientation necessarily entails discriminating on the basis of sex. After all, if you're discriminating against a man because
he is attracted to men, you would not be discriminating against him if he were a woman who is attracted to men." "The same is
true for transgender status," he continued.
Tried To Share His Regrets About Transgender Life. YouTube Censored It. Information provided exclusively
to The Federalist shows YouTube removed a Heritage Foundation video featuring testimony from a former transgender-identifying
woman for violating the company's hate speech policy. YouTube confirmed the decision in a Thursday [6/18/2020] email to
The Federalist. Now Heritage is fighting back with a new video, released first to The Federalist, in which Federalist
contributor Walt Heyer doubles down. "I said that children suffering from gender dysphoria should not be encouraged to
try experimental hormones in surgery, and I stand by that statement," Heyer emphasizes. The seven-minute clip, which
Heritage will publish on YouTube, includes footage of Heyer's remarks from the original panel, with the allegedly hateful
six-word violation bleeped like a curse word.
Dismiss Social Distancing in Brooklyn for Pro-Black Transgender Rally. On the same day that thousands of
protesters gathered around the Brooklyn Museum in New York to show their support for blacks who want to live as the opposite
sex, Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Sunday warned that customers flocking to restaurants and bars in the state could lead to
another coronavirus lockdown. "Governor Andrew Cuomo warned New Yorkers against triggering a second wave of the
coronavirus, singling out bars and restaurants in Manhattan and the Hamptons as the worst offenders among 25,000 complaints
filed to the state," Bloomberg reported. "We are not going to go back to that dark place," Cuomo said. Aerial
views posted on social media show people packed like sardines at the Brooklyn protest.
Supreme Court confuses mental illness with sex. On Monday [6/15/2020], the Supreme Court concluded that
homosexuality and transgenderism are covered under the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This post doesn't have enough space to
explain why, legally, that is an incorrect decision. Put simply, the Civil Rights Act does not cover sexual orientation
and was never intended to. If Congress wants to change that, it can; it is not the Supreme Court's role, though, to
make that change. This post focuses only on the fact that the Supreme Court, in Bostock v. Clayton County,
wrongly accepted the premise that transgenderism is part of the homosexuality spectrum. It is not. It is a form
of mental illness. The Supreme Court has just said that body dysmorphic disorder is protected under the Civil Rights
Act of 1964.
Court rules LGBT workers are protected from job discrimination. The Supreme Court ruled Monday that existing
civil rights legislation protects gay, lesbian and transgender people from discrimination in employment. The court's
6-3 decision, written by Trump appointee Justice Neil Gorsuch and joined by Chief Justice John Roberts, said a provision in
the Civil Rights Act of 1964 known as Title VII that bars job discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex or
national origin also covers gay and lesbian workers. "An employer who fires an individual for being homosexual or
transgender fires that person for traits or actions it would not have questioned in members of a different sex. Sex
plays a necessary and undisguisable role in the decision, exactly what Title VII forbids," Gorsuch wrote in the opinion.
Trans Lives Matter protest packs NYC same day Cuomo threatens businesses over street parties, social distancing
violations. Throwing any thoughts of social distancing out the window, thousands of protesters packed the
courtyard of the Brooklyn Museum in New York City on Sunday [6/14/2020] to support the Black Trans Lives Matter
movement. But New York businesses better not expect the same warm embrace from Democrats and their media enablers if
they dare open their doors for a haircut or a cup of coffee. When it comes to the perpetually aggrieved left taking to
the streets to protest, which has taken on a life all its own, it appears that every subset of marginalized people are to have
their moment in the sun — perhaps, a Black Lesbian Lives Matter protest will be coming to a street near you soon.
president: LGBT 'ideology' worse than communism. Polish President Andrzej Duda accused the LGBT rights
movement of promoting a viewpoint more harmful than communism and said he agreed with another conservative politician who
stated that "LGBT is not people, it's an ideology."
finalizes rule defining gender as a person's biological sex. The Trump administration on Friday [6/12/2020] finalized a
regulation that defines gender as a person's biological sex, reversing an Obama-era rule aimed at protecting transgender people against
sex discrimination in health care. The Health and Human Services Department regulation says essentially that "gender identity"
is not protected under federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in health care. The policy shift was long sought by religious
and social conservatives. The Obama administration's regulation defined gender as a person's internal sense of being male,
female, neither or a combination.
Rowling defends her opposition to transgender ideology. J.K. Rowling — the multimillionaire author
known for writing the perpetually popular "Harry Potter" series of novels — penned an essay this week defending
her opposition to transgender ideology, claiming that the "deeply misogynistic and regressive" movement is harming young men
and women and making women less safe. Rowling generated significant backlash last year when she tweeted that "sex is
real," a noted rebuke of transgender ideology from a popular public figure. Transgenderism posits that men and women
can "identify" as the opposite sex if they feel strongly enough about it, a position that few in any celebrities have
challenged as aggressively and publicly as Rowling.
pride flag has been raised above the Wisconsin State Capitol in recognition of Pride Month. In celebration of
Pride Month, the rainbow pride flag has been raised above the Wisconsin State Capitol for the second time in state
history. The flag was raised over the East Wing of the Capitol building at 1 p.m. Friday and will fly until
sunset June 30. In June 2019, Gov. Tony Evers issued an executive order to raise the pride flag above the state
Capitol for the first time in Wisconsin history. This year, continuing the tradition, the flag has been raised again.
The Editor says...
Fake news alert: An event that has only happened once is not a tradition; thus, when the event happens for a
second time, that's not "continuing the tradition."
LGBTQ Caucus Brings Back Ban The Bible Bill With Republican Help. Last week, the Texas House LGBTQ caucus,
including founding members Reps. Mary Gonzalez, Jessica Gonzalez, Julie Johnson, and Erin Zwiener, introduced their
plan to pass a comprehensive "Ban the Bible" bill next session. While the Texas House LGBTQ Caucus has not published
language for the bill, we can all expect it is going to be a long and far-reaching government power grab and they have
revealed already that the bill would grant members of the LGBTQ community special privileges in the areas of employment,
housing, and public accommodations. As you may recall, the five-member LGBTQ Caucus pushed several pieces of
legislation during the last Texas Legislative session that sought to criminalize and penalize Christians who did not comply
with these special privileges. For example, a bill that granted special privileges in housing accommodations would have
forced women's homeless and abuse shelters to allow men to sleep and shower alongside women.
Transgender Health Secretary Snaps over Reporter Calling Her 'Sir': 'It's Really Insulting'. Pennsylvania Health Secretary
Rachel Levine, the nation's first openly transgender public health secretary, lashed out at a reporter — pleading, "please don't
misgender me" — during a media call on Tuesday [5/12/2020]after the reporter referred to Levine as "sir" multiple times.
KDKA Radio talk show host Marty Griffin reportedly referred to Levine, who was born Richard Levine, as "sir" multiple times during the call.
The Editor says...
If you speak with a man over the telephone, it's not obvious that the man is wearing women's clothes. If he has a man's voice
(which he probably does because he's a man), then it's not surprising that someone would call him "sir."
Degeneres: Parents Do Not 'Love Their Children Unconditionally' Unless They Support Their Gender Transition. Talk
show host Ellen Degeneres recently made the stunning statement that parents do not "love their children unconditionally" unless they
support them transitioning away from their birth gender. She made the comment while having former NBA star Dwayne Wade and actress
Gabrielle Union on her show to talk about their son Zion, who is a child transitioning to being a girl. His parents now refer to
him as "Zaya," and Wade has become an ambassador of sorts for this kind of child abuse. Degeneres made the despicable comment
while talking with Union about how great her parenting is for harboring their son's gender-bending delusions.
Gender confirmation surgery is 'medically necessary'. Joe Biden said sex-change surgery is medically necessary
for transgender people while pushing for changes that would require insurers to cover such procedures. The former vice
president and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee made the assertion during a Wednesday virtual event with the Human Rights
Campaign. He received a question on how he would ensure gay and transgender people have access to affordable healthcare.
The Editor says...
The barbaric act known as "gender confirmation surgery" is actually an attempt at gender denial and alteration, not
confirmation. At the conclusion of such a procedure, chromosomes have not changed.
prepares to end legal recognition of trans people. Hungary's rightwing government looks likely to push through
legislation that will end the legal recognition of trans people by defining gender as "biological sex based on primary sex
characteristics and chromosomes" and thus making it impossible for people to legally change their gender. Trans people
and rights activists say the law, which has been introduced into parliament as attention is focused on the coronavirus
pandemic, will increase discrimination and intolerance towards trans people. Many will try to leave the country, while
those who do not have that chance will face daily humiliations.
Cable Network Nickelodeon Celebrating Transgender 'Truth' Day. Do you let your kids watch the Nickelodeon cable
network? If so they are being inundated with the normalization of Transgenderism.
'celebrating transgender people around the world' and 'their truth'. Nickelodeon told its millions of followers
Tuesday that it was all-in for "Trans Day of Visibility." The home of "SpongeBob SquarePants," "TMNT" and a host of other
children's shows posted a baby-blue, pink, and white flag on its Twitter account while touting support for transgender
persons around the world. "Today is International #TransDayOfVisibility," the account tweeted for 3.8 million
followers. "We're celebrating transgender people around the world and the courage it takes to live their truth [...]."
The Editor says...
Transvestites may have their own beliefs, but they don't have their own truth. A man who wears women's clothing is still a man.
on a Century of Junk Science. In early 1987, the widely believed Oprah Winfrey began her show as follows:
["]Hello everybody. AIDS has both sexes running scared. Research studies now project that one in
five — listen to me, hard to believe — one in five heterosexuals could be dead from AIDS at the end of
the next three years. That's by 1990. One in five. It is no longer just a gay disease. Believe
me.["] Oprah's audience had no reason to disbelieve. In 1987, the scare was everywhere. Virtually all
media sources were repeating the same rough message. "Now No One Is Safe from Aids," proclaimed the cover of Life.
"The disease of them is suddenly the disease of us," added U.S. News & World Report. The popular magazine covers
affirmed just who that us was — white, middle class, heterosexual mid-Americans. Even the more sober
and credible media fed the flames. "AIDS has infiltrated the heterosexual population," the Washington Post
cautioned its readers in November 1987, "and a meteoric rise in reported cases of HIV infection is expected because of false
assumptions that AIDS is a homosexual disease."
to Democratic congressman: Transgender rights don't supersede rights of abused women in shelters. Ben Carson
argued during a congressional hearing this week that the rights of transgender individuals in federally funded homeless shelters
do not override the rights of abused women. The secretary of Housing and Urban Development was speaking during a
congressional hearing Wednesday [3/4/2020], where Democratic Illinois Rep. Mike Quigley challenged HUD's stance that
federally funded homeless shelters have the right to install bathrooms and sleep areas based on biological sex.
[who was] 'Rushed' Into Gender Reassignment as a Teen [is] Suing NHS. A woman given gender reassignment therapy
as a teen is suing the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust for having "rushed" her into the treatment. "I wanted to go onto
the medical pathway as soon as possible, I was very eager and I was very reluctant about speaking to anyone who would
possibly get in the way of that," Keira Bell explained to Sky News. But after being "rushed" into gender reassignment
after "roughly three" short sessions with "no real investigation" into any other underlying mental health problems, she came
to realise she was not a boy "born in the wrong body" after all, and that her gender identity crisis had only been a "coping
mechanism" for deeper issues. "I just realised that it hadn't worked after a few years," she recalled.
Use Migrants to Smuggle the Transgender Ideology into U.S. Law. Democrat legislators want President Donald
Trump's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to comply with pro-transgender rules set by President Barack Obama in 2015.
The legislators are pushing the pro-transgender policies despite Trump's policy of reestablishing the legal recognition of
fundamental biological differences between men and women Obama sought to abolish. For example, Obama's pro-transgender
policy sought to place migrant men who say they are "transgender women" in detention facilities with women. Obama's
rules would also have provided foreign migrants with expensive hormones that help them change their sexual appearance, even
when migrants could not afford those medications in their home countries.
Wages of Promiscuous Sex Is Death. A new report by British researchers shows a strong association between the
number of one's lifetime sexual partners and one's risk of developing cancer and other serious diseases. According to a
new report published in BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, women with 10 or more lifetime sexual partners were 91% more likely
to develop cancer compared to those with zero to one partner, while men with that number of partners were 64% more likely to
contract cancer. The researchers based their work on the English Longitudinal Study of Aging, a detailed study of 5,722
men and women. Along with higher cancer rates, they found that women with the high number (10 or more) of sexual
partners were far more likely to suffer from a long-term debilitating illnesses.
Guests on RuPaul Show: 'I Pledge Allegiance to the Drag'. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) will serve
as a guest judge on the reality TV show RuPaul's Drag Race, according to a trailer published Thursday [2/13/2020]. The
drag queen contest series, which comes back to VH1 this month, carries a semi-political theme this year and features several
political puns. Ru Paul will preside over the "Ru-nited States of America," the video ad says. In the video,
RuPaul also announces that "the time has come for the first drag queen president."
propose radical concept that there are only two genders/sexes. I know a couple of people who are going to be in
trouble with the Woke Science Community. Colin M. Wright, an evolutionary biologist at Penn State, and Emma N. Hilton,
a developmental biologist at the University of Manchester, have collaborated on an article published in the Wall Street Journal this
week. They put forth the revolutionary and highly controversial theory that human beings are born as one of two distinct sexes,
male and female. And no amount of philosophical meandering is going to change the incontrovertible medical fact that sex is
binary and does not exist on some sort of "spectrum."
Judge: Police acted like the gestapo when they went to man's workplace over a tweet. A former police
officer named Harry Miller posted some tweets about trans rights last year which prompted a visit from the police after one
anonymous person complained. Today, Miller won a partial court victory in the case with the judge suggesting police had
gone too far by showing up at Miller's office and, in effect, threatening him into silence: [...] Now that they have lost
this case, it's the police who need to check their thinking.
With Aspergers Placed on House Arrest, Fined for Asking Trans Police Officer's Gender. A teenager with
Aspergers was fined nearly $800 and be placed under a strict 3-month curfew for asking an apparently transgender police
support officer, "is it a boy or is it a girl?" Declan Armstrong (19) is said to have offended the officer, Connor Freel,
who was reportedly left "upset and embarrassed" by the question.
The Editor says...
If a transvestite goes anywhere in public, he or she should be embarrassed.
It is the transvestite who should be fined, not the sane bystanders.
Presidency Reveals 7 Undeniable Facts About The Swamp. [#6] Identity politics and the legislation of social
justice policies have stifled the rights of free speech and freedom of association throughout the democratic nations of the
western world. And they materialized as the result of language manipulation. Remember when gender used to
represent male or female? Yet, in that example, the word "identity" was added after "gender" thus opening a verifiable
Pandora's Box of Orwellian Newspeak. Today in formerly free societies, men and women are forced to navigate Genderqueer
and Non-Binary Identities, consisting of an entirely new lexicon including neo-designations such as Agender,
Cisgender, Ceterosexual, Ceteroromantic, Demigender, Enby, and Epicene; just to
name a few. Political Correctness is a means of thought control in the bubble, designed to protect imaginary
victims from the societal sins of xenophobia, sexism, homophobism, and racism.
Veritas: Warren staffer irked by focus on 'identity politics,' says 'this is why we lose'. It's not easy being a straight
male working on Sen. Elizabeth Warren's presidential campaign in Iowa, judging from the latest Project Veritas undercover sting. In
a hidden-camera video released Monday, a man identified as Iowa field organizer Angel Alicea for the Massachusetts senator complained about
the office's emphasis on "identity politics" and trans-inclusive pronouns, adding that he was told by another staffer, "You're the only
straight [person] here."
East Side man strangled, mutilated by younger man he met on dating app: cops. The babyfaced killer from
Oklahoma who murdered an Upper East Side man 40 years his senior — after meeting him on a dating app —
used a knife or a sharp ceramic object to mutilate his victim's head, a Manhattan prosecutor alleged at his arraignment early
Saturday [2/1/2020]. The suspect, 24-year-old Alex Scott, had met 64-year-old Kenneth Savinski on Wednesday, the same
day he allegedly killed him in a "vicious, ferocious, crime scene attack," Assistant District Attorney Shira Arnow said.
Florida considering a
ban on sex-change surgeries for children; Democrats opposed. TheBlaze has learned that a key committee in the
Florida legislature has agreed to take up a bill proposed by a conservative lawmaker that, if passed, would outlaw injecting
children with puberty blockers and performing sex-change surgeries on them in the state. Members of the Health Quality
Subcommittee will debate Republican Rep. Anthony Sabatini's "Vulnerable Child Protection Act" on Monday.
Sabatini's legislation would make it a crime for doctors to perform surgeries on children that "sterilize" children, alter
their genitals, or inject them with controversial "puberty blockers." Under the new law, medical professionals who
perform said procedures could face felony charges, fines, and imprisonment.
state park to be renamed after transgender advocate. A New York state park in Brooklyn will be named after
LGBTQ activist Marsha P. Johnson. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the renaming of East River State Park during the
Human Rights Campaign's greater New York gala on Saturday [2/1/2020]. The Democratic governor said the park renaming
shows New York "is the progressive capital of the nation."
Don't Care About American Lives. Democrats' vision for the perfect America includes transforming her into a
wild, wild west of sex, a society in which every perversion is legalized and citizens are forced to celebrate. A memo
exposed Obama's DoJ plan to legalize 12 perversions including pedophilia and bestiality. Colleges are laying the
groundwork by scolding us about our bigoted intolerance of pedophiles. Democrats are sexualizing children beginning in
pre-k with a mandatory LGBTQ curriculum. I Am Jazz, a book about a boy whose parents began his so-called sex change at
age three, is required reading. Once you realize that Democrats only care about furthering their agenda and American
lives do-not- matter, you understand their behavior. U.S. students are sick with strange diseases due to untested
illegal alien children being sent to public schools. Transsexuals who regret having sex change surgery are blocked
from media.
Island's largest LGBT nonprofit scrutinized by state. Long Island's largest LGBT nonprofit is being scrutinized
by the state over the way it handles the millions of taxpayer dollars it receives each year, The [New York] Post has
learned. A series of questionable bookkeeping moves by the LGBT Network of Long Island — which oversees LI's
Pride Parade and is headed by prominent gay activist David Kilmnick and hubby Robert Vitelli — prompted reviews by
the state Department of Health and Office of the State Comptroller, according to the agencies and documents obtained by The
Post. The Network — which doles out everything from condoms to substance-abuse services — is now
reining in its hiring and spending, according to employees.
bans "conversion therapy" for minor children who may have no idea what 'LGBTQ' even is. Utah has become the
first truly conservative state to implement regulations banning "conversion therapy" for "LGBTQ" children after it received
backing from the influential Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons). As reported by the UK's Daily Mail,
Utah's ban of the "discredited practice" makes it the 19th state to do so and, because of its deep conservative leanings,
paves the way for other right-leaning states to do so as well, according to advocates. "It's really given people a lot
of hope," sand Shannon Minter, the legal director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights. Her group is hoping that
other purple or red states will now follow suit. Already lawmakers in Virginia, Texas and Kentucky are considering
banning the practice.
of Pain and Misery' Moved Lawmaker to Take Action on Childhood Gender Transition. State Rep. Fred Deutsch
didn't set out to be a trailblazer. He just wanted to protect kids. But if his South Dakota bill stops children
from being mutilated, then all of the nasty emails will have been worth it. At least in one state, hurting teens will
have a chance at a normal life — not the suffering so many activists are pushing them toward. When legislators
bundled up for work Jan. 22 in Pierre, some of them were on their way to make history. For the first time
in America, a state was holding a hearing on whether minors under 16 should be allowed to surgically or chemically alter
their sex.
Drag Queen Admits That Story Hour Events Expose Kids to Lifestyle of 'Nudity, Sex and Drugs'. A homosexual drag
queen is speaking out against "Drag Queen Story Hour" events, claiming it is inappropriate to expose children to the
lascivious lifestyle associated with these flamboyant cross-dressers. "What in the hell has a drag queen ever done to
make you have so much respect for them, and admire them so much?" said drag queen Kitty Demure, who operates out of San
Bernardino, CA. "Other than put on make-up and jump on the floor and writhe around and do sexual things on
stage?" "I have absolutely no idea why you would want that to influence your child. Would you want a stripper or
a porn-star to influence your child? It makes no sense at all," Demure added.
Billionaires Behind the LGBT Movement. Not long ago, the gay rights movement was a small group of people
struggling to follow their dispositions within a larger heterosexual culture. Gays and lesbians were underdogs, vastly
outnumbered and loosely organized, sometimes subject to discrimination and abuse. Their story was tragic, their
suffering dramatized by AIDS and Rock Hudson, Brokeback Mountain and Matthew Shepard. Today's movement, however,
looks nothing like that band of persecuted outcasts. The LGBT rights agenda — note the addition of
"T" — has become a powerful, aggressive force in American society. Its advocates stand at the top of media,
academia, the professions, and, most important, Big Business and Big Philanthropy. Consider the following case.
Jon Stryker is the grandson of Homer Stryker, an orthopedic surgeon who founded the Stryker Corporation. Based in
Kalamazoo, Michigan, the Stryker Corporation sold $13.6 billion in surgical supplies and software in 2018. Jon,
heir to the fortune, is gay. In 2000 he created the Arcus Foundation, a nonprofit serving the LGBT community, because
of his own experience coming out as homosexual.
to Order Colorado Birth Certificates. Colorado has enacted legislation, effective Jan. 1, allowing adults born
in Colorado to secure a new birth certificate reflecting a self-designated gender other than as recorded on an original birth
certificate. That legislation is unwise, unethical, dangerous, and, surely to be contended by some, unlawful. [...]
Impersonation is an act of pretending to be another person for the purposes of entertainment or fraud. Criminal
impersonation includes pretending to be another individual in order to deceive others or gain some advantage, benefit, or
thing of value. Since impersonation can also include assuming a fake identity with intent to defraud another, persons
of one sex impersonating the opposite sex may be in violation of law when seeking an advantage such as access to opposite-sex
bathrooms or when surreptitiously advancing intimate relationships with unsuspecting persons who would find such a
relationship abhorrent.
'Transgender Regret' Back in the Closet. It is a startling reaction, but LGBTQ advocates are continuing their
campaign to ostracize "transgender" people who want to return to their birth sex. Charlie Evans fits the profile of a
"former transgender" who felt shunned by LGBTQ members and was labeled a "traitor." [...] Pulling back the curtain on Evans'
regrets, and others like her, couldn't come at a worse time for the LGBTQ community. They literally can't afford to
have hundreds of "retransitioning" transsexuals come between them and their dream of getting more taxpayers to foot the bill
for sex-change procedures. Apparently "former transsexuals" fail to fit their romanticized narrative on how to achieve
"gender inclusivity". Leftist advocates can't be bothered with examining the tragic details of devastated health and
ruined lives of transsexuals, but rather must stick with their ideology foisted on the public.
Pushing Back Fuels LGBT Tyranny. It blows my mind that people worldwide are having their lives destroyed and
are even thrown in jail for asserting that marriage is between one man and one woman or for stating the scientific fact that
a man cannot change into a woman. British tax expert Maya Forstarter was fired for tweeting, "Men cannot change into
women." A campaign has been launched to destroy the life of famed author J.K. Rowling for simply agreeing with
Forstarter. In Iowa, 30-year-old Adolfo Martinez was sentenced to over 16 years in prison for tearing down a LGBT flag
from a church and burning it. Fake news media would celebrate Martinez as a hero had he burned a U.S. Flag. In
their disdain for Christianity, LGBT minions at Netflix have a comedy depicting Jesus as a homosexual. 2.3 million
signed a petition protesting the comedy. I guarantee Netflix would never dare portray Mohammad as a homosexual.
You Read About the Transgender Nonsense, Please Remember This. One need not be a proponent of strict
fundamentalist sex/gender division to see the wisdom and moral appropriateness of celebrating sex/gender distinction.
Healthy societies embrace that binary; unhealthy ones will exacerbate it, or diminish it. We cannot outsmart the
Creator of that binary, after all. Our vain efforts to liberate ourselves from the natural laws He instituted have
never and will never result in greater human happiness, freedom, or flourishing. That needs to be, it has to be the
motivating factor for those of us who are opposed to the moral quagmire modern sexual revolutionaries are creating.
Honoring all beings made in the image of God will always begin by honoring God. Failure to do the latter will never
result in the former.
church announces plan to split into pro- and anti-gay branches. Leaders of the United Methodist church —
America's second-largest Protestant denomination — have announced plans to split the church in two after years of
division over same-sex marriage. The plan, if approved at the church's worldwide conference in Minneapolis in May, would
divide the denomination into two branches: a traditionalist branch that opposes gay marriage and the ordination of lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender clergy, and a more tolerant branch that will allow same-sex marriage and LGBTQ+ clergy.
"Transgenders" More Likely to Kill Than be Killed; Overrepresented Among Pedophiles. It's fairly well known that "transgenders" have
a very high suicide rate, especially after undergoing so-called sex reassignment surgery. But barely known, and contrary to modern myth, is
that they're also more likely to commit murder than to be murdered, according to a recent report. In fact, the report finds that Made-up
Sexual Status (MUSS, or "trans") individuals are actually less likely to be homicide victims than normal people are.
Man Reverses 'Non-Binary' Sex Designation in Blow to LGBT Movement. This month, the first person to obtain a
legal "non-binary" sex designation has successfully petitioned the court originally responsible for his "non-binary" status
to order that the sex on his birth certificate be restored to "male." In documents exclusively provided to PJ Media, James
Shupe's petition described his "non-binary" designation as a "psychologically harmful legal fiction." He told PJ Media he
hopes this decision will prevent a woman currently seeking "non-binary" recognition from following the same lies. "The
charade of not being male, the legal fiction, it's over," James Shupe told PJ Media on Tuesday [12/31/2019].
Gay Mafia Comes to Idaho. These are the people to whom peaceful coexistence isn't enough — who need
you to agree with everything they do, and to do it smiling, even to support them while they do it. If there's a
dress code at work, they show up wearing drag to annoy you — and threaten to sue if anyone complains. They
march in parades wearing bondage gear in front of children. If you praise a man for being manly, you'll end up in H.R.
If your three-year-old son wears a dress one day, they push you to cut off his gonads. They push for Elsa to be a lesbian
and for Bert and Ernie to be gay lovers. They came up with a new pronoun yesterday, and if you don't use it perfectly today,
they'll sue you. They consider Drag Queen Story Hour the height of civilization and berate anyone who won't have sex with a
transgender (a thing known, to even the radical feminists, as rape culture). We heard that these people wanted
equality, but what they really want is to rule us. No other group in American history has ever had such privilege, or
carte blanche in general.
Public-school Teachers Under Siege. [Scroll down] One of the children prefers the plural pronoun "they,"
while the other, who claims not to be a boy or a girl, prefers "zee." Seriously. After that, the two children discuss
the alleged need to "educate" their own teachers, especially substitutes, on the supposed importance of using the newly
invented pronouns that students choose for themselves. If that all sounds crazy, that's because it is. Teachers
are already finding themselves in hot water for refusing to play along with the madness. Indeed, teachers such as Peter
Vlaming at West Point High School in Virginia have already been fired from their jobs for refusing to refer to girls using
male pronouns, and vice-versa. In California, teachers say they are required to submit to the gender madness or be
fired, too.
worker suing Nike for $1.1 million cites pronoun abuses. A transgender former Nike contractor is seeking $1.1 million
in damages from the sporting goods giant for allegedly allowing gender identity-based harassment. According to a civil
lawsuit filed this week, Nike and Mainz Brady Group, a staffing firm that hired workers for Nike, discriminated against computer
engineer Jazz Lyles, who identifies as transmasculine and prefers the pronouns they/them/their.
man who burned LGBTQ flag sentenced to 16 years. An Iowa man who was found guilty of lighting a local church's
LGBTQ flag on fire was sentenced to more than 16 years in prison Wednesday. Adolfo Martinez, 30, was found guilty last
month of a hate crime, third-degree harassment and reckless use of fire after admitting to police in June that he stole a
pride banner hanging outside the Ames United Church of Christ and set it on fire using lighter fluid about two blocks away
outside the Dangerous Curves Gentleman's Club, The Des Moines Register reported. Story County Attorney Jessica Reynolds
said in June that the hate crime charge was added because Mr. Martinez targeted the church's property because of "what
it represents as far as sexual orientation."
Attack Gays and Lesbians for Refusal to Accept Them as Athletes and Same Sex Lovers. In October 2018,
biological male Rachel McKinnon took the gold at the UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Los Angeles.
Afterwards, he took to Twitter to condemn as "transphobic bigots" anyone who pointed out that his "victory" consisted of a
man competing in an all-women's event. He called mandatory testosterone suppression for transgender athletes a human
rights violation. Last February, nine-time Wimbledon singles champion and lesbian Martina Navratilova caused an uproar
when she wrote that it is "insane" and "cheating" that biological men are allowed to compete in women's sports. For
stating the obvious, Navratilova was immediately expelled from the LGBTQ advocacy group Athlete Ally for alleged
"transphobia." The BBC withdrew its invitation to Fair Play for Women to discuss Navratilova's comments after public
pressure from the aforementioned McKinnon himself.
homicide rate 'remarkably low' despite cries of 'national epidemic'. Calls to combat a purported epidemic of
killings targeting transgender people, especially women of color, are rising, even though U.S. data indicates that people who
identify as members of the opposite sex are less likely to end up as homicide victims than their non-transgender
counterparts. Kentucky State University associate professor Wilfred Reilly found that the 2017 homicide death rate for
transgender people was about 1.48 per 100,000, less than a third of the overall murder rate of about 5 per 100,000
and a fraction of the rate for men in general (6.68) or black people (18.8).
Andy Ngo
Suspended From Twitter for Stating Facts. Journalist Andy Ngo gets a lot of abuse. We saw what Antifa
thugs did to him for trying to cover their activities in Portland. The liberal Silicon Valley establishment doesn't
treat him any better. When he risked traumatizing Chelsea Clinton by exposing her to factual reality, Twitter suspended
him. Ngo's thought crime was tweeting this: "The US is one of the safest countries for trans people. The
murder rate of trans victims is actually lower than that for cis population. Also, who is behind the murders?
Mostly black men."
Motives Behind the False Narrative on Islam and the West. [Scroll down] Or consider how leftists/liberals/progressives,
who forever whine against any vestige of Western traditionalism, habitually make common cause with Islam — despite the latter's
truly oppressive qualities. Thus feminists denounce the Western "patriarchy" — but say nothing against the Muslim treatment
of women as chattel; homosexuals denounce Christian bakeries — but say nothing against the Muslim execution of homosexuals;
multiculturalists denounce Christians who refuse to suppress their faith to accommodate the religious sensibilities of Muslim minorities —
but say nothing against the entrenched and open Muslim persecution of Christians.
Sachs Tells Employees: Use Transgender Pronouns to Become an 'Ally'. "Proactively share your pronouns to
foster an environment of respect and awareness (ex: "Hi, I'm Karen! My pronouns are she/hers. Welcome to
the team!")," Goldman directed its staffers November 22. The company's "diversity and inclusion" group posted the
document on November 22, instructing employees to stop using pronouns which recognize the average biological, physiological,
and psychological distinctions between men and women[.]
Carolina State Rep Wants to Prevent Gender Reassignment for Children. A South Carolina state legislator has
prefiled a bill that would prevent people younger than 18-years-old from undergoing so-called gender transitions. The
Youth Gender Reassignment Prevention Act prefiled by Republican Rep. Stewart Jones states that "A person under the age
of eighteen years is prohibited from undergoing gender reassignment medical treatment in the State of South Carolina."
The text of the bill further explains that "Gender reassignment medical treatment" means any health care to facilitate the
transitioning of a patient's assigned gender identity to the gender identity experienced and defined by the patient."
People Claim Gays Are 'Transphobic' For Declining Sex With Them. Gender transition can leave transgender people
in a bit of a bind about their sexual desirability. While a transgender female may look, act, and feel masculine and
exhibit male tendencies, she is just as female as any other female. If she is interested in either gay men or straight
women, she could find herself perpetually attracted to individuals who are not going to be interested in her simply because
of her vagina. The same holds true for transgender men who have retained their penises. If they are into lesbian
women or straight men, those two demographics will most likely be turned off by their body parts. This has got to be a
painful, difficult, and kind of tragic place to be. The solution? Blame transphobia.
"Right" to Remain Silent about Your HIV Status. Call me old-fashioned, but I think that people who have
unprotected sex with others without informing them that they're HIV-positive are downright rude. [...] Sorry, fruitcakes —
this is a situation where your legendarily fragile feelings must take a back seat to public safety. You can shoot at someone
with a loaded gun and entirely miss your target, and it will still be charged as attempted murder. Having unprotected sex with
someone and not telling them you're HIV-positive should be treated the same way.
Carolina lawmakers propose bill that could ban transgender teenagers from getting surgery, hormone therapy or
antidepressants. Lawmakers in South Carolina want to make it illegal for doctors to operate on or prescribe
hormones and possibly even antidepressants to transgender children and teenagers, according to a bill proposed last
week. If signed into law, the bill would make any medical efforts toward gender reassignment impossible for anyone
under 18. The legislation even aims to outlaw drugs to treat 'symptoms of clinically significant distress resulting
from gender dysphoria,' including depression or anxiety that arise from being assigned a gender at birth that doesn't match a
young person's identity.
New Sprite Commercial Sells Transgenderism and Breast Binding, Not Soda. In an inexplicable move, Sprite has
released a new commercial that has nothing to do with soda and everything to do with force-feeding the public transgender
theology dressed up as love and acceptance. [Video clip]
the 'detransitioners': the women who became men - and now want to go back. 'How could I remove my healthy
breasts when I'd seen my mother lose one of hers to cancer?" asks Charlie Evans. Until recently, the science writer
from Margate identified as transgender, convinced, along with increasing numbers of young women, that she had been born in
the wrong body. After undergoing a 'social transition', for which she changed her name from Charlotte, as well as her
pronouns, her passport and driving licence, in order to live as her chosen sex, she refused to go through with the gender
reassignment operation that would give her the sexual characteristics she thought she wanted.
to End Donations to Christian Charities after LGBT Backlash. Chick-fil-A said Monday [11/18/2019] that it has
stopped donations to several Christian organizations after receiving backlash from LGBT rights activists over the last
several weeks. The U.S. fast food chain said that as it expands, it will no longer donate to the Salvation Army, the
Paul Anderson Youth Home, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, which opposes same-sex marriage. The company's
charity, the Chick-fil-A Foundation, has donated millions of dollars to the two organizations.
The Editor says...
Big Mistake. If you give them an inch, they will demand a mile. If you tolerate transvestites in the streets, pretty soon the
transvestites will be entertaining little kids at the public library. If you allow a man to "identify" as a woman, pretty soon
you will find him in the women's restroom. If you legitimize same-sex marriage, pretty soon you'll be forced to supply the
wedding cake for such an abomination. And if you object to any of this, you'll be called a bigot.
Are Now Getting Expelled From the Scientific Community Over LGBT Issues. LGBT activists have weaponized two
scientific societies to cut off a major Mormon university from their international community of scientists. The
American Geophysical Union (AGU) in Washington, D.C., and the Geological Society of America (GSA) in Colorado pulled job ads
from Brigham Young University (BYU) after facing complaints over BYU's Honor Code, which prohibits homosexual conduct among
students and staff. This is unlikely to stop with the AGU and GSA and is likely to lead to blacklisting far more
schools than just BYU. LGBT activists complained that the geological societies had listed a job posting from BYU on their
job boards. While the societies originally stood up to pressure, they eventually caved as the activists went public.
Hollywood Adds More LGBT Characters to TV, Cable, Streaming — Now 488 Total. GLAAD, an organization
that seeks to accelerate "acceptance of the LGBT community" in American culture, released its 2019 report, Where We Are on
TV, and applauded the TV and cable entertainment industries for adding more LGBT characters to their programs. "Of the
879 regular characters scheduled to appear on broadcast scripted primetime television this season, 90 (10.2 percent) are
LGBTQ," states the report. There are also some 30 recurring LGBTQ characters, making a total of 120. That's up
from last year's 113 regular and recurring LGBTQ roles.
The Editor says...
If you haven't done so already, you should take all of the television sets out of your house and leave them at the curb for the next garbage truck.
When I got rid of my last TV in 1980, it was the programming was boring, shallow, insipid, and a waste of time. Now, almost 40 years later,
the programming is offensive, demeaning, pernicious, blasphemous, and destructive. The commercials are nearly as bad, and the so-called
"local news" is nothing but an infomercial for big government.
Salvation Army took on LGBTQ activists and won. A familiar sight during the holiday season is the iconic red
kettle used by The Salvation Army for donations. Volunteers stand next to the kettle and ring a bell as passersby walk
into grocery stores or retail stores. Who would protest when a British singer announced her agreement to partner with
the international charity? The perpetually outraged Twitter mob, of course. [...] The LGBTQ mob came for her.
What is the problem, you might ask? Goulding's fans bashed her by claiming The Salvation Army has an anti-LGBTQ agenda,
which is an old trope coming from the left. Like many people who live for social media approval, Goulding didn't take
the criticism well. She caved, initially, and made a demand that The Salvation Army 'very quickly make a solid,
committed pledge or donation to LGBTQ community' in order for her to carry through with her partnership with the
charity. Sounds like extortion, doesn't it?
Teachers and
Trans Students Are Clashing Over Whose Rights Come First. Aidyn Sucec remembers how much better he felt toward
the end of eighth grade when, after years of struggling with his identity, he told his family he was transgender. It
was the spring of 2017, and Aidyn's anxiety and depression began to lift as people embraced the teenager as "him." [...]
Before Aidyn, who was designated female at birth, started at Brownsburg High School in Brownsburg, Indiana that fall, his
mother, Laura Sucec, worked with school officials to make sure his new name and gender would be logged into Brownsburg's
database. She wanted to be sure teachers knew him as Aidyn and didn't use his former name — his "dead
name" — when addressing him.
The Editor says...
Someone who is female is not just "designated female at birth." Addressing a female with masculine pronouns does not change that
person into a male. Genes identify one as male or female, not clothes or school records. Confusion and misconception are
not remedied by more confusion.
Psychological Association Demands Using Plural Pronouns For Nonbinary Individuals. In what appears to be one of
the most remarkable examples of irony in left-wing "progress," the LGBT left is celebrating the American Psychological
Association's style guide adopting "they/them" as the official pronoun designation for nonbinary people. LGBTQ Nation
tweeted, "With this move, the APA is recognizing the existence of nonbinary people and inviting others to understand them
better." This change follows the highly publicized revelation of British singer Sam Smith changing his personal pronouns to
"they" and "them" and stating, "I hope you can see me like I see myself now." This style guide change represents a moment of
truth for the LGBT left in erasing individuality to celebrate absolute personal customization of identity.
The Editor says...
This "customization" is far from customary.
Standard: Liberals Demand Conservative Justices Recuse Themselves From LGBT Cases. Last week, the liberal
group Take Back the Court sent a letter to Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Brett Kavanaugh, demanding they recuse
themselves from three cases involving LGBT issues. Alito and Kavanaugh had met with Brian Brown, president of the
National Organization for Marriage (NOM), which has filed an amicus brief in three cases involving alleged employment
discrimination against gay and transgender people. Yet liberal justices have also met with academics who had filed
amicus briefs in active Supreme Court cases.
Forces its Employees to Use 'Transgender Language'. he cell phone brand T-Mobile is implementing workplace
policies that force its employees, as well as customers, to use language addressing so-called "transgender" individuals,
according to Breitbart. In a press statement issued on November 6th, the company declared that it would be
"launching new optional name badges for all retail employees that can include employees' personal pronouns." The statement
also said that "employees are encouraged to add pronouns to email addresses and kick off meetings by sharing pronouns."
We Want '20% Of Series Regular Characters' To Be 'LGBTQ By 2025'. On Thursday [11/7/2019], GLAAD published its
annual "Where We Are on TV" report, which examines the number of LGBTQ characters on television. In the opening
paragraphs of the report, GLAAD President Sarah Kate Ellis states that television plays a crucial role in our culture when it
comes to "changing hearts and minds." She adds that according to a study, "less than one-quarter of Americans have a
close friend or family member who is transgender," which means many Americans "learn about trans people from what they see in
television, movies, and news."
Warren: Black Trans Women Are the Backbone of Our Democracy. In case any of you are unfamiliar with this
group, Black Womxn is "an organizing collective of leaders, activists, artists, writers, and political strategists from
across the country in the fight for Black Liberation. The last presidential election laid bare what many Black women,
gender non-conforming, and non-binary, and queer folk know deeply; that this nation embraces white supremacy and its evils,
even at the expense of itself." Anyway, this organization has just given its endorsement to Sen. Elizabeth
Warren. Which is very nice for Elizabeth and certainly she has to express her gratitude for their vote of
confidence. But she took it a little too far.
offers transgender persons 'True Name' feature: 'Unconditional acceptance'. Mastercard says it's one step
closer to "unconditional acceptance" of LGBTQ community with the addition of a "True Name" feature on cards.
Transgender and nonbinary Mastercard customers will no longer have to explain discrepancies between their legal name and
their "true" name. The move was applauded this week by GLAAD.
at center of transgender custody battle opts to attend school as a boy. James Younger, the 7-year-old at the
center of the transgender custody battle, has decided to attend school as a boy. Younger's father, Jeffrey Younger, was
blocked by a Texas judge after refusing to cooperate with the child's mother, Anne Georgulas, as she allowed the child to
transition from male to female. Georgulas claimed James Younger identified as a woman and wanted to be called Luna,
something Jeffery Younger refused to do.
The Sentence a
Doctor Cannot Say on YouTube. There is a sentence so devastating to liberal dogma that a doctor is not allowed
to speak it in a YouTube video. Michelle Cretella, executive director of the American College of Pediatricians, is the
thought criminal who had to be censored. The forbidden sentence: "See, if you want to cut off a leg or an arm,
you're mentally ill, but if you want to cut off healthy breasts or a penis, you're transgender." Dr Cretella has plenty
more to say that the liberal establishment won't like regarding just how evil it is to sacrifice children to the transgender
agenda: [Video clip]
school official who is HIV-positive gets 35 years in sex crimes case. A former Florida middle school assistant
principal who molested at least one teenager — without revealing he was HIV-positive — has been
sentenced to 35 years in federal prison. Kyle Dale Ritsema, 36, was charged with producing, distributing and possessing
child pornography for enticing a 14-year-old boy into unprotected sex five times, and is believed to have targeted other
teens "and on several occasions sexually abused them," federal prosecutors in Florida said.
Bans Daily Signal Video On Gender Transitions Over 'Hate Speech'. The Daily Signal, the Heritage Foundation's
investigative reporting, news, and commentary outlet, says that one of their videos, a YouTube testimonial from a
pediatrician about gender transition surgery for children, was censored by YouTube for "hate speech." According to the
Daily Signal's Kate Trinko, the group's 2017 video starring Dr. Michelle Cretella, "pediatrician with many years'
experience and the executive director of the American Academy of Pediatricians," was pulled off YouTube because, in the
video, Cretella suggested that, "if you want to cut off a leg or an arm you're mentally ill, but if you want to cut off
healthy breasts or a penis, you're transgender."
Endocrine Society Falsely Claims Puberty Blockers Are 'Reversible'. The Pediatric Endocrine Society has
released a new statement that claims puberty blockers are a part of "gender-affirming care" for children with gender
dysphoria and are a "reversible treatment that decreases the distress of having the 'wrong' puberty." [...] The Society's
claim of reversibility may be a defensive statement in response to the increasingly vocal uprising against administering
puberty blockers to children who suffer from a sense their gender is not compatible with their biological sex.
Triumphant, Part I: Transmenstrual Cyclists. Ask yourself why trannies have become so important to the
left. It has nothing to do with votes — there aren't enough trannies in the U.S. to impact any election —
and tranny issues score terribly in swing states (even acromegalic stopped clock Bill Maher understands that there's zero electoral
advantage in pandering to trannies). It's not about money; trannies are more than twice as likely as normies to live in
poverty. It's not about energizing the Democrat base; blacks and Latinos have other, more pressing concerns. So if
it's not about votes, and it's not about money, and it's not about pleasing the faithful, what [...] is it about?
Clinics Prescribe 'Testosterone like Candy,' Says Gay Author. Women and girls are being sucked into the sex
change industry by reckless clinics that give out "testosterone like candy," says Andrew Sullivan, the sometimes-conservative
gay activist. Sullivan's break from the transgender movement comes after he met with a group of women who have walked
away from their teenage claims of being transgender.
Offenders: Perpetrators, Predators, and Pedophiles. A survey done by California Coalition against Sexual
Assault revealed that one in three lesbians admitted to being sexually assaulted by another female. The U.S. Centers
for Disease Control then completed its own national survey, and the results were surprising. Men were just as
likely to be victims of sexual assault over the course of one year and, in 79% of cases, reported a woman as the
perpetrator. The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) showed that in 58% of cases, when a woman sexually assaulted a man,
she used violence (and 41% of the time when it's a female-on-female sexual assault). The BJS also looked at rape in
U.S. prisons, and its findings were even more startling. According to BJS data, a woman is much more likely to be
sexually assaulted by another female inmate than by male staff and also more likely than men are in male prisons, shattering
the stereotype of prison rape being a male-on-male scenario. Even more disturbing is that in nearly every case of a
minor (regardless of sex) being sexually assaulted in a juvenile detention facility, the perpetrator was female.
Sen. Scott Dibble says he's the victim of a revenge porn scheme. Minnesota state Sen. Scott Dibble
said Friday that he is the victim of revenge porn after a former intimate partner sent explicit images to Dibble's
colleagues, a crime that comes just days after a junior congresswoman from California stepped down in a similar
situation. In his surprise statement, Dibble revealed that for the past five months he has been harassed by "a former
friend." "I was involved in a brief intimate and consensual relationship with this person," wrote Dibble,
Hymn Society Releases 'Queer Hymns' for LGBTQIA2S+. The ecumenical, non-profit Hymn Society released the hymnal
in July but it was publicized just last week by Anglican Journal, the publication of the Anglican Church of Canada, which
praised the work for offering "further potential for music as a source of affirmation and inclusion."
Activists Won't Admit Anything's Wrong With A Man Flashing Children During Drag Queen Story Hour. There is
little room for polite interpretation when the headline reads "Drag Queen Flashes Crotch to Children During 'Story Hour'
Event," as RedState reported on Oct. 29. Rather than hyperbole or an overreaction, the headline describes the event very
literally. On Oct. 18, 2019, an organization called Child Protection League Action posted a disturbing photo taken at a
Minnesota public library featuring a drag queen sitting in a chair with his legs spread open, revealing his crotch to the children
sitting in front of him. The photo was taken mid-movement, with the presenter clearly in the middle of a performance, and
looks accidental. It is unclear if nudity is involved, but the image perfectly demonstrates the concern of conservatives
and parents everywhere. Adult entertainment is not suitable for children.
Representative's Bill Makes Treating Kids for Gender Transition a Felony. Georgia State Representative Ginny
Ehrhart is taking aim at the medical profession and its role in giving children life-altering, gender-changing treatment by
making it a felony to engage in the controversial practice. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) reported on
the legislation, which the Cobb County lawmaker said "aims to protect children from having irreversible procedures done when
they are young."
Pronoun Police Are Out to Destroy Children. [Scroll down] It is highly doubtful that young people will
ever learn that hundreds of transgender people want to re-assume their sex, but the mutilation cannot be undone. Will
they ever be informed that "[a] U.S. researcher recently did a study that confirmed at least two 13-year-old girls and five
14-year-old girls have been given double mastectomies as a result of identifying as transgender"? Moreover, a review of
the research available on this topic found that "[o]nly a minority of children who experience cross-gender identification
will continue to do so into adolescence or adulthood.'" Will young people ever learn that "long term studies of people
who underwent sex reassignment [sic] surgery had death rates three times higher from all causes?"
Republicans Push Back Against Child 'Transgender' Medical Treatments. Texas lawmakers plan to make forcing
children into "transgender" medical treatments a major issue in the next legislative session in the wake of the custody
battle engulfing seven-year-old James Younger, whose mother reportedly affirms he is a transgender child named "Luna."
The Texas custody case has sparked action on the part of state Republican lawmakers who say they will consider legislation
that would ban puberty blockers for children with gender dysphoria or label a decision to "transition" a minor child as
child abuse.
McKinnon Is a Cheat and a Bully. Rachel McKinnon — the so-called defending "world champion" of
women's track cycling — is a man. I'll repeat that so my meaning cannot be misconstrued. He is
a man. Maybe my kind-hearted reader is offended by this blunt phrasing. Why am I calling McKinnon a
man — when, perhaps for complicated reasons, he would rather be called a woman? Why don't I compromise and
call him a "trans woman," as others do? Or be polite and address him by "she/her" pronouns, like everyone else in the
media? Well, I'll tell you why, since you asked. This is precisely the well-meant, tragically naïve logic
that has enabled a structure of lies and tyranny to be erected around us, a structure that most cannot opt out of without
incurring an enormous social cost. It is a structure in which cheating and viciousness are rewarded while civility and
truth-telling are punished.
The Naked Democrat. When Katie
Hill ran for Congress in 2018, her open bisexuality was part of her campaign message. Indeed, so often did
Ms. Hill proclaim herself to be bisexual that some of her rivals suggested she was exploiting this to gain endorsements
(and money) from the LGBT organizations that exercise a powerful influence in Democratic Party politics. During the
2018 midterm campaign, when feminists and gay-rights activists were among the loudest voices of the anti-Trump mob, the
Democrats nominated lesbian or bisexual women in several key races. [...] At no point in the enthusiastic media coverage of
Ms. Hill's campaign against Republican Steve Knight in California's 25th District, however, did any reporter ask,
"Exactly what does 'bisexual' mean?" [...] The arrangement between Ms. Hill and her husband, Kenny Heslep, was
apparently what is nowadays called "polyamory," but used to be called "swinging" or "wife-swapping."
Queen at Library Drag Queen Story Time Appears to Flash Children. It would seem there's moral decay afoot in
the land of drag queen perverts reading to impressionable young babes. I'd act surprised but my parents were courteous
enough to refrain from using my head as a kickball. Not sure I can say the same for any parent who takes their child to
a library with the intent of sitting their precious offspring in front of men who dance at strip clubs.
Donates $100,000 to Create More James Younger Tragedies with 'Trans' Education for Kids. It has become en vogue
for monolithic corporations to promote the LGBT agenda in recent years, and Target is among the worst culprits of this
trend. The retailer is putting $100,000 toward a front for LGBT education that aims to cultivate an entire generation
of children like James Younger. According to LifeSiteNews, Target has announced that they are giving $100,000 to GLSEN.
GLSEN is an organization that advertises itself as "the leading national education organization focused on ensuring safe and
affirming schools for LGBTQ students."'
It's Probably Not A Coincidence That The Mother Transing Her 7-Year-Old Isn't Biologically Related. The story
of seven-year-old James, whom his mother has pressured to become "Luna," has been all over my newsfeed. The messy
custody battle deserves every second of our click-bait-prone attention: Jeffrey Younger, James's father, wants to keep
his son's body intact, while Anne Georgulas, James's mother, wants to allow for "treatment" that would physically and
chemically castrate him. The havoc that divorce wreaks in a child's life is mainstage in this tragic case. Most
of us children of divorce quickly learn to act one way with mom and another way with dad. We can switch to a different
set of rules, diet, family members, bedtime, screen time limits, and political convictions in that 20-minute ride from mom's
house to dad's.
Children is the New 'Munchhausen by Proxy' Child Abuse. Munchhausen by Proxy is a familiar and ugly behavior in
which parents, often mothers, seek attention by attributing illnesses to their children. They successfully convince
children, bystanders, sometimes even medical professionals, that their children are sick. And they do this, often, by
poisoning their children or otherwise interfering with their health. The James Younger case seems to be showing some of
the familiar symptoms of Munchhausen by Proxy.
Court Gives 7-Year-Old Boy A Reprieve From Transgender Treatments. In a closely watched Dallas, Texas, child
custody case, Judge Kim Cooks put aside the disappointing jury's verdict of Monday against the father and ruled Thursday that
Jeffrey Younger now has equal joint conservatorship with the mother, Dr. Anne Georgulas, of their twin boys. The
mother no longer has unfettered authority to manipulate her 7-year old boy into gender transition. Instead both mother
and father will share equally in medical, psychological, and other decision-making for the boys. Additionally, the
judge changed the custody terms to give Younger an equal amount of visitation time with his sons, something that had been
severely limited.
in Texas rules parents must make joint decision in gender transition case. A judge ruled on Thursday [10/24/2019] that a
7-year-old child in Texas would remain under a joint managing conservatorship of both parents — the father has been in a
desperate battle to keep the boy from undergoing a gender transition championed by the biological male's mother. The Texan
reported that Judge Kim Cooks gave the two parents, Jeff Younger, the father, and the mother, Dr. Anne Georgulas, joint
decision-making over all medical, dental and psychiatric care for their kids.
of James Younger Reacts to Courtroom Victory for Son's Gender. Jeffrey Younger, father of seven-year-old James
Younger, emerged from a Texas courtroom Thursday [10/24/2019] with a smile after a judge ruled that James' parents will have
joint conservatorship over their son — a decision which includes making medical decisions for him.
Surfaces of "Trans" Child From Texas Custody Battle Saying His Mother Tells Him He's a Girl. The case of James
Younger, a seven-year-old boy from Texas who was recently the central figure in a custody battle between a father trying to
protect his son from an abusive mother, has now taken a much larger spotlight on the national stage. The case revolves
around James's supposed decision to be a transgender girl. The father, Jeff Younger, maintains that James prefers to be
a boy and only seems to act as if he wants to be feminine around his mother, Anne Georgulas, and that these thoughts of
transgenderism are a direct result of his mother's influence.
The Editor says...
One can quickly and easily surmise that the mother hates men, would rather have a daughter than a son, and has put this
poor kid in the middle of a mess that was not his idea.
abuse': Texas officials investigating case of 7-year-old boy transitioning to girl in defiance of father's wishes. Republican
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said that two government departments are investigating after a jury returned a verdict against Jeffrey Younger,
who was petitioning for full custody of his son, in part to avoid his ex-wife's plan to infuse him with puberty-blocking hormones.
Abbott waded into the controversy surrounding Monday's [10/21/2019] verdict, which gave Anne Georgulas sole custody of James and his twin
brother, Jude. Georgulas, who has been telling her son he was a girl since he was 3, supports giving hormones that would block his
adolescence. She also wants the court to mandate that the boy's father call James "Luna."
The day of the witch.
The case of a 7 year old Texas boy who will begin transitioning into a girl despite his father's objections has generated
wide public interest. "A Texas jury has ruled against a father who tried to intervene and stop his seven-year-old son
from transitioning to a girl after claiming his ex-wife manipulated the child into wearing dresses and said that 'monsters
only eat boys'. Jeff Younger and his ex-wife Anne Georgulas have been involved in a lengthy and bitter feud in Dallas
as they argued in a family court over whether their son James has gender dysphoria."
[is] "investigating" mom turning 7 year old boy into a girl. When Ed Morrissey wrote about the story of
seven-year-old James Younger in Texas, the outrage among readers was immediate and palpable. That's completely
understandable, given the circumstances. A jury recently decided against his father, Jeffrey Younger, in his attempt to
gain custody of his twin sons to prevent their mother from "transitioning" James into a girl. This would be done
through a process of administering dangerous puberty-blocking drugs, female hormones and eventual chemical castration.
The story made national headlines and people were up in arms. The judge in the case has postponed the final ruling and
perhaps there is still hope for James.
Condemns 7-Year-Old Boy to Live with Woman Determined to Make Him a Girl. Yesterday [10/22/2019], a Dallas jury
decided that father Jeff Younger was not only to lose his joint custody over his 7-year-old twin boys, but that one of those
children, under the mother's care, will have his hormones suppressed and his body surgically altered to appear female.
I reached out to Kayla White, a #SaveJames supporter who flew from Illinois to Dallas last week to document the trial.
In her own words, she explains what it was like to be in that courtroom and witness the heartbreak delivered by the jury that
is absolved from the effects of its decision. She, like most of the nation, is horrified that a Texas jury gave sole
custody to Anne, a woman propositioning a court to chemically castrate a young child.
Jury Forces 7-Year-Old to Undergo Gender Transition. In Texas, a jury ruled against a father who was trying to
prevent one of his sons from undergoing a "gender transition" process, according to the Daily Wire. Eleven of
the twelve jurors ruled against Jeffrey Younger as he was trying to gain sole custody of his twin sons from his ex-wife Anne
Georgulas, who is trying to force one of the boys, James, to take puberty blockers. As a result of the ruling, the
father will be forced to agree to the boy's new "gender identity," including his female name Luna. Speaking on a
podcast after the ruling, Younger said that this constitutes "not just emotional abuse but... the most fundamental form of
sexual abuse, tampering with the sexual identity of a vulnerable boy."
Bans Gay Man For Telling Inconvenient Truths About Transgender People. Mikey Harlow, outspoken gay writer and
model, has been banned from Twitter permanently for dubious reasons. It all started when he posted these few tweets
about inconvenient truths that Twitter must not want you to see. [...] He continued poking the beast by announcing, "Good
news! There is NOT an epidemic of trans people being murdered. 5 out of 100k Americans are the victims of
homicide. 1.1 out of every 100k trans people are victims of homicide. About 20-25 trans people killed each
year. 51 Americans are struck by lightning every year." These statstics fly in the face of the popular
LGBTQWTF claims that trans people are at higher risk of violence than anyone else. It's simply not true.
the Police Are Telling You What Pronouns You Can Use. Today is International Pronouns Day. Just in case
you weren't aware of it, here's a senior British police officer explaining its significance. [Video clip]
Sex And Gender Are Not Two Different Things. Last week, the Supreme Court took up hearings on three cases in
oral arguments that all came down to the definition of the word "sex." Does it refer to male and female, as it always
has in all cultures without the slightest question or debate? Or does it now include the ever-expanding rainbow of all
these new gender identities and sexual orientations that people can apparently be, those we are told are totally normal and
natural to human experience, but only now are recognizing and making up words for? Such silly questions have now made
it all the way the highest levels of our justice system. This is indeed concerning.
the Democratic Party have a God problem? Democratic presidential debates provide an excellent opportunity for
the aspiring leaders of the party to address and embrace religious freedom for all Americans. Religious freedom should
be considered a positive fundamental American principle by both major political parties. At least one of the Democratic
presidential hopefuls — Beto O'Rourke — has stated that churches who don't support same-sex marriage should
lose their tax exempt status. Will any of the other candidates distance themselves from this unconstitutional weaponization
of the IRS? It was not so long ago at the 2016 Democrat National Convention when the attempt to add the words "God-given"
to a resolution was met with a chorus of boos from the delegates.
correctness versus common sense. Not long ago, everyone understood the unchanging commonsense reality that
human beings are either male or female. Today in New York City, the rules have been changed — and failure to
keep up can have dire consequences. New York City's special 31 genders are surrounded by special legal protections.
Businesses can now be fined as much as $250,000 for refusing to address someone by his preferred pronoun. As we have seen
in the news, even in cities that have not yet have caught up with New York City in terms of imposing legal penalties, failing a
test of political correctness about genders can result in public shaming or the loss of a job. [...] The important thing to
understand is that the masters of political correctness are not done yet. They have given us a glimpse of the future they
have planned for us. If they continue to have their way, more and more will be required of us, and the penalties will
eventually go beyond mere fines and public humiliation.
The Clap Is Back. Rates
of syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia infection have continued to rise, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Both total numbers of infections and per capita rates of the three STDs continued their more-or-less uninterrupted
climb since the turn of the millennium. In total, rates of infection are at their highest level since the CDC began
tracking chlamydia infections in 1984.
Miss the Hazards of Shoving it Down Our Throats. [Scroll down] The cases before the Court involved two
employees who allegedly were fired for being gay (the facts are in dispute) and a funeral parlor employee formerly known as
Anthony Stephens who was terminated after returning from a two-week vacation as a woman named Aimee. The employees sued
under Title VII, claiming that its ban on sex discrimination must be read also to ban discrimination based on sexual
orientation or gender identity — even though these aren't mentioned in the text of the law, even though, as
plaintiffs concede, this obviously wasn't intended by Congress in 1964, and even though Congress has since then repeatedly
declined to amend the statute in this fashion. In other words, the plaintiffs seek to turn Title VII into a
national gay and transgender rights ordinance by judicial fiat.
giant celebrates sexualized men in dresses reading to kids. If you think it's "too much" to celebrate
sexualized men dressed as women reading to children at public libraries, that's just "too bad," contends health-care
insurance giant Kaiser Permanente in a new ad.
Activists Outside Supreme Court: 'Trans Women Are Women'. While the Supreme Court heard arguments on Tuesday
[10/8/2019] about whether sex discrimination, as codified in the 1964 Civil Rights Act, also applies to sexually fluid
people — intersex, transgender — activists protested outside the court proclaiming that sex is not
based on biology. LGBT activists yelled, "trans women are women" and had several speakers lecture on gender
diversity. On the other side, the conservative group Concerned Women of America pressed that changing the meaning of
"sex" in the Civil Rights Act "would greatly undermine the women's movement." They held signs that read, "Sex is
not Gender."
The Editor says...
[#1] A man who wears women's clothing is a transvestite, not a woman. [#2] The Supreme Court is not
persuaded by angry mobs outside its building, and must never be influenced that way.
Democrat Presidential Candidates Taking Part in LGBT Town Hall Marathon. CNN and the gay rights advocacy group
Human Rights Campaign (HRC) are hosting a marathon town hall with nine Democrat presidential candidates on Thursday in Los
Angeles from 7:30 p.m. until midnight. "The town hall, which will take place on the eve of National Coming Out Day,
will mark the first time in history that a major cable news network will air a presidential event devoted to LGBTQ issues,"
the HRC website states of the event.
Court Decision Affirms Transgenderism Is A Religion Of Complete Self-Worship. Britain has a new state
religion. In theory, Christianity, in the form of the Church of England, is the established faith of old Blighty.
In practice, a new creed has taken its place, and it is eager to punish nonbelievers. Consider the case of David
Mackereth, an English doctor whose Christian faith has been officially declared impermissible. Mackereth was fired for
refusing to "'refer to a man six foot tall with a beard' as 'she.'" A judge upheld his firing, declaring that "belief in
Genesis 1:27, lack of belief in transgenderism, and conscientious objection to transgenderism in our judgment are
incompatible with human dignity and conflict with the fundamental rights of others, specifically here, transgender individuals."
This ruling is part of a new religious establishment, complete with penal laws.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Make a Man Into a Woman? Judging by the argument that one lawyer made to Justice Neil
Gorsuch, Tuesday must have been an interesting day in the restrooms at the U.S. Supreme Court. "There are transgender
lawyers in this courtroom today," attorney David Cole told Gorsuch. "Of course, there are," said Gorsuch. Cole
was in the court to represent a biological male who decided in 2013 that he "identified" as a female — and who
then fought a family-owned Michigan-based funeral home all the way to the Supreme Court because it fired him as a funeral
director when he indicated that he intended to start dressing as a female at work.
Democrat Distributes Condoms with Her Photo to Celebrate 'Come Out with Pride'. A Florida Democrat state
representative who was once a Planned Parenthood regional director is distributing condoms with her photo on them to draw
attention to Orlando's LGBT "Come Out with Pride" event. "It's a fun way to talk about courageous discussions," state
Rep. Anna Eskamani told Orlando Weekly. "As a lawmaker, it should be one of our responsibilities, to break the
stigma around sexuality and health."
3 sexually transmitted diseases
hit new highs again in US. U.S. infections from three sexually transmitted diseases have risen for the fifth
consecutive year. More than 1.7 million cases of chlamydia were reported last year.
on Expanding Sex Discrimination Protections to Cover Trans, Gay Individuals: 'Massive Social Upheaval'. The
United States Supreme Court on Tuesday heard oral arguments on two cases that ask the court to expand the sex discrimination
protections in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to cover homosexuals and transgenders. Bostock v. Clayton County
Georgia and Altitude Express, Inc. v. Zarada were brought by homosexual men who claimed they were fired
because of their sexual orientation.
Court takes up cases about LGBT people's rights. A seemingly divided Supreme Court struggled Tuesday [10/8/2019]
over whether a landmark civil rights law protects LGBT people from discrimination in employment, with one conservative justice
wondering if the court should take heed of "massive social upheaval" that could follow a ruling in their favor.
Queen Reading to Young Children Tours in Adult 'Gender Fluids' Show. The Minnesota Hennepin County Library
recently hired drag queen Russ King, an adult entertainer who is touring the country in a show called Gender Fluids,
to read to young children. The library is located in Richfield, Minnesota, King's hometown, where he is considered a
local celebrity.
Queen Seen Stripping At Seattle Library Event. Video has emerged of a drag queen performing in a sexually
suggestive strip tease at a Washington 'Drag Queen Story Hour' event, in a development that's likely to draw further
criticism towards the national phenomenon.
Spent a Year as a Trans Man. Doctors Failed Me at Every Turn. I can't wrap my head around all that I've
done to myself in the last two years, much less the "help" that some health care professionals have done to me. Two
years ago, I was a healthy, beautiful girl heading toward high school graduation. Before long, I turned into an
overweight, pre-diabetic nightmare of a transgender man. I won't place the full blame on health care providers, because
I should have known better. But they sure helped me do a lot of harm to myself — and they made a hefty
buck doing it.
Taxpayers must fund sex reassignment surgery. "Everyone should be able to access high-quality, affordable,
gender-affirming health care, but the Trump administration is trying to roll back important protections for trans Americans,"
Warren tweeted Tuesday. "Help fight back by leaving a comment for HHS in protest." With former President Barack
Obama's Affordable Care Act — also known as his signature "Obamacare" plan that unconstitutionally forces
Americans to pay for a service they don't want, including abortions for others — being scaled back under President
Donald Trump's administration, Warren is determined to recover all the losses for the LGBT community while adding new
privileges (dubbed as "rights").
The Editor says...
Excuse me for stating the obvious, but a sex change operation is not "gender-affirming." It is exactly the opposite.
Genesis 'Incompatible With Human Dignity,' British Court Says. A British court recently ruled against
Dr. David Mackereth, a disability assessor who was fired from the United Kingdom's Department for Work and Pensions
(DWP) last year for refusing to use transgender pronouns. [...] Dr. Mackereth then hired the Christian Legal Centre
(CLC) to represent him in a lawsuit filed against the DWP for religious discrimination. An employment tribunal ruled
that the DWP was within its rights to terminate Mackereth. The ruling declared: "Belief in Genesis 1:27, lack of
belief in transgenderism and conscientious objection to transgenderism in our judgement are incompatible with human dignity
and conflict with the fundamental rights of others, specifically here, transgender individuals." The panel also categorized
the bible as "mere opinion." Belief in the Bible is "incompatible with human dignity?" Belief in Genesis is
"incompatible with human dignity?" Really? Where does the DWP and the employment tribunal think human dignity comes
from? From whence does it originate? In Whose image are we created?
Who Underwent Transition Surgery for Their Gender Dysphoria Now Want Reversals. A new report by Sky News
reveals that those who considered themselves "transgender" and underwent the life-altering surgeries that allow you to
"transition" from one sex to another are now seeking reversals for said surgeries by the hundreds. The report came in
the form of a video that featured an anonymous girl identified only as "Ruby" who made the decision to identify as a man back
when she was 13-years-old. Now she's 21 and has decided that the alterations she had made to her body through chemicals
haven't made her any better. "Ruby" is now de-transitioning to fully embrace her female body and instead work on her
mental issues.
of Transgenders Want to Return to [Their] Biological Sex, 'Shunned' as 'Traitors'. "Hundreds" of people who
believed they were transgender want to return to their birth sex, according to the founder of Britain's new Detransition
Advocacy Network. 28-year-old Charlie Evans, who lived as a male for almost ten years after transitioning in her teens,
told Sky News that she had been contacted by "hundreds" of trans people who, like her, came to regret their decision.
"I'm in communication with 19 and 20-year-olds who have had full gender reassignment surgery who wish they hadn't, and their
dysphoria hasn't been relieved, they don't feel better for it," she told the broadcaster.
Court Rules Biblical Belief in Two Sexes 'Incompatible with Human Dignity'. A British employment tribunal has
ruled that a Christian doctor's biblical understanding of sexuality and lack of belief in transgenderism is "incompatible
with human dignity." After being fired from his job in 2018 for refusing to use pronouns that do not correspond to a
person's biological sex, disability assessor Dr David Mackereth filed a complaint against the Department of Work and
Pensions (DWP) for harassment and discrimination under the Equality Act.
Attorney General Keith Ellison just declared war on religious freedom and free speech. When the 8th Circuit
Court of Appeals ruled last month that Minnesota could not force wedding videographers Carl and Angel Larsen to create videos
that violate their religious beliefs, the Larsens thought their three-year court battle was over. But it appears it's
just beginning. Minnesota's attorney general, Keith Ellison, vowed to fight the court's decision and squash
discriminatory speech in all its forms. In an op-ed for the Minnesota Star Tribune this week, Ellison accused the
Larsens of hiding behind their religious beliefs in an attempt to get away with LGBT discrimination. "Business owners'
free speech and beliefs are already fully protected under the First Amendment. What they want is a license to
discriminate against LGBTQ folks," Ellison wrote. "People have the right to believe whatever they want to
believe. What they don't have is the right to deny you the same service they're offering to everyone else.
No Minnesotan should be afraid that might happen to them."
confirms gay couple in 'Star Wars Resistance,' Emmy-nominated children's series. Disney producers say it's
"safe to say" that its animated children's series "Star Wars Resistance" has an openly gay couple. Executive producers
Athena Portillo, Justin Ridge, and Brandon Auman told fans this week that they are thrilled with the decision to make
characters Orka and Flix "an item." "They're absolutely a gay couple and we're proud of that," Mr. Ridge said
during a Coffee With Kenobi podcast, the UK Guardian reported Monday [9/30/2019]. Disney's decision comes less than six
months after the PBS kids series "Arthur" made a similar move.
Belongs to Those Who Oppose Drag Queen Story Hours. Common sense dictates that these events that corrupt youth
be canceled. Before our days, no one could ever have thought that we would have decayed to the point that drag queens
would be reading to our three-year-olds. However, we have reached that point of absurdity. The maximizers of
liberty have decreed that all must be permitted even though an overwhelming majority inside the community does not desire
these lewd performances. In a democratic society, where the people are supposed to rule, how does this angry majority
defend themselves against the Drag Queen Story Hours and similar things that happen in their communities? There appears
to be no answer.
Getting Real
About Gender Dysphoria. There is no known single cause of the disorder. In the largest study of adult
transexual identical twins, in only 20 percent of the cases did both twins trans-identify. That indicates a cause other
than DNA or prenatal hormones. Recent dramatic increases in the disorder indicate that new social factors are involved
in causing this disorder. [...] The good news is that the majority of cases of gender dysphoria need no medical treatment to
resolve the disorder. They are cured by the natural onset of puberty. The lowest recorded number I have seen
anywhere place the number of children who desist, or have the disorder resolved by puberty, is 50 percent. The most
common numbers of cases that resolve are 90 percent. As one therapist noted, the body usually gets the final vote.
deaths from vaping, 6,300 deaths from transgender puberty blocker drug? There's a heckuva lot of press coverage
hysteria over the dangers of vaping, with the deaths of 12 young people cited as reason to harass the companies that produce
vaping products, if not legislatively ban the practice altogether. [...] A Google search of vaping deaths shows 256,000,000
stories. The tobacco lobby, the left and the mainstream media, all of which want to ban the practice, are having a
field day. Just one problem. Based on the death stats for another topical issue, transgenderism, it's possible
there's a death count that could be higher. According to the Daily Wire: ["]More than 6,300 adults have
died from reactions to a drug that is used as a puberty blocker in gender-confused children, Food & Drug Administration data
shows.["] [...] Buried in the Daily Wire's report is an important detail about the use of these drugs: They
aren't actually approved for children, but they are often used on them anyway.
drag queens are after your children. Satanist Drag Queens are after the children of a small suburb of Austin,
Texas and they will do anything to destroy people who stand in their way. Two Christian Cedar Park City Council
members, Tim Kelly and Dorian Chavez, decided to take a stand against a Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) hosted at the Leander
Public Library. As a result of their decision to peacefully pray in protest of a pedophilic and misogynistic story
hour, they have been harassed, threatened, doxxed, and a petition is circulating to have them removed from the city
council. The local Satanic church and witch coven are actively casting spells and hexes on good Christian men who made
a stand for the dignity and safety of women and children. They are holding Black Masses in the city park in order to
intimidate anyone who dares to speak out against them.
Betsy DeVos's Trip to a Catholic Elementary School Is Not a Scandal. Betsy DeVos had the unfortunate privilege
of watching the process behind the law of merited impossibility begin to play out last week, as that which we were told would
"never happen" — the trans-rights movement would never call for schools of all stripes to endorse its
precepts — has happened. And the "bigots," if the media are to be believed, indeed deserve it. The
education secretary took part in a round-table discussion at Harrisburg Catholic Elementary School, which CNN called a
"school that subscribes to an anti-trans student policy."
Says If Male Identifies As Woman He Should Be Housed With Female Inmates In Prison. What could possibly go wrong? [Video clip]
Hopkins Psychiatrist: 'Gender Confusions Are Mostly Driven by Psychological and Psychosocial Problems'.
Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former
psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, who has studied transgendered people for 40 years, believes that patients
suffering gender dysphoria need psychological care — not gender reassignment treatment. "I think their mental
problems, often depression, discouragement are the things that need treatment," Dr. McHugh, who has argued that it is a
scientific fact that "transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men," told The College Fix
in an interview published Tuesday [9/17/2019].
LGBTQ Cultural Supremacy Enable High-Risk Behavior? [Scroll down] The link is to an article by Martha
Waggoner about the robbery and murder on 6/5/19 of a 23-year-old man named Avery Scurlock during a late-night hookup with a
stranger. [...] Ms. Waggoner's article illustrates two tenets of LGBTQ cultural supremacy. One tenet is that
tragedy befalling LGBTQ people and their families is more important and pitiable than tragedy befalling non-LGBTQ people and
families. The ascendancy of this tenet has drained away compassion from the American character, especially compassion
for children. The other tenet promotes moral exceptionalism, in effect a distinctly lower moral standard for sexuality
minorities than for the majority. It says that aberrant behavior such as public cross-dressing, exaggerated public
expression of sexuality, glamorizing LGBTQ lifestylism to children, and even transgenerational sexual abuse are affirmative
freedoms for LGBTQ people but offensive or even criminal in non-LGBTQ people.
Surgery Is the Lobotomy of the 21st Century. Psychology is a "science" that studies human behavior but is
itself morally bankrupt. That is, psychology is unable to scientifically define normality. It can't.
"Normal" depends on what the society (through "norms") or the patient views as morally correct. This limitation of
psychological study is apparent when addressing transgenderism, until recently labeled a mental illness ("gender dysphoria")
by psychology. Modern textbooks on transgender (and other paraphilic) disorders observe that they arise from "adverse
childhood experiences" (ACEs): [...] Drug addiction also is linked directly to ACEs. Is the "cure" for the disease of
addiction found in affirmation or in "correction"? In encouraging more heroin abuse or in helping people into recovery?
We must ask this question of transgenderism with the utmost compassion and introspection. If the behavior is "normal,"
there is no "condition" to address.
Oregon Built A Transgender Medical-Industrial Complex On Junk Science. As a group of suburban Portland
psychiatric nurses sat for training in late 2016, they had no idea they were witnessing a paradigm shift in public health
policy. They simply wanted to know what to do about a sudden upsurge in young psychiatric patients who believed
themselves to be in the wrong body. They had turned to a colleague from Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) for
help. The reply was astonishing: The children's claims should be taken at face value, and the children should be
referred to OHSU, or like institutions, for a "Dutch Protocol" of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. Further, the
nurses should expect such referrals to comprise 3 percent of the children in their care.
privilege: Liberal media sugarcoats the story of a transgender employee harassing a conservative customer.
Guess what happens when an employee randomly harasses a customer and throws them out of the store without cause? The
employee gets fired, that's what. And everyone, or at least everyone sensible, agrees that they deserve it. Unless,
of course, that employee is transgender. Then, as intersectionality demands, special rules apply. The progressive
and LGBT media cover the incident in a way that implies the trans employee's actions were righteous, so long as the person they
targeted was a conservative. Or at least, that's how NBC News and the Hill bizarrely decided to spin the story.
to Hear 3 LGBTQ Cases, Determine if Sex Should Include Sex Orientation in Title VII. When the Congress passed
the 1964 Civil Rights Act it was principally concerned about undoing racial discrimination against African Americans; to a
lesser extent, it was aimed at providing equal protection for women. Title VII bans discrimination on the basis of
race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. LGBT activists have long argued that the category of sex should include
sexual orientation. Oral arguments for three related cases will be heard next month by the U.S. Supreme Court.
One case, Altitude Express v. Zarda, involves a skydiving instructor who was fired when a customer found out
he was a homosexual. The USCCB is not involved in this case. R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral
Homes v. EEOC and Aimee Stephens, involves a male funeral home director who was fired when he said he was going to
dress like a woman while working at a Christian funeral home. Bostock v. Clayton County turns on a decision
to fire a child welfare services coordinator when the employer learned he was a homosexual.
Tells Schoolchildren There Are 'Over 100' Genders. The British Broadcasting Company (BBC) tells primary
schoolchildren that there are over 100 genders as part of its "Teach" video series, which has some concerned parents and
observers up in arms. "You know, there are so many gender identities," declares the head teacher in response to child's
question. "We know that we have got male and female, but there are over 100, if not more, gender identities now."
The Editor says...
There may be a thousand "gender identities," but there have never been more than two actual genders.
would require gender 'X' option on all state documents. Advocates for a gender "X" designation on state documentation say
making people chose male or female is akin to making them lie, while opponents argue that a person's sex is a biological fact.
"If you look at your Massachusetts driver's license, it lists 'sex,' not 'gender,'" Andrew Beckwith of Massachusetts Family Institute
told the Herald. "The concept of 'gender identity' is based on internal feelings, but sex is binary (male or female) and grounded
in biology, and we believe that a state ID should reflect that objective fact." A bill that would require an "X" option on
all state documents that ask for gender identification, including driver's licenses, birth certificates and voter registration,
went before the Joint Committee on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight on Tuesday [9/10/2019].
Learned from the Drew Brees-Focus on the Family Ordeal. New Orleans Saints Quarterback Drew Brees recently
recorded a promotional video for Bring Your Bible to School Day, a project of Focus on the Family. It was posted to
YouTube on August 28th. [Video clip] Predictably, the media pilloried him. Left-wing activists quickly
wrote blog articles accusing the future Hall of Famer of being complicit in the spreading of hatred.
Letter to the Gender-Confused Dude in the Beard and Lipstick: My Kid Is Going to Stare. We don't
subscribe to the current false notion that gender identity is fluid or vast. There are two genders; male and
female. Your chromosomes determine your sex. Whatever mental gymnastics are going on inside the minds of people
who want to believe otherwise are none of my business. However, I will never lie to my child about biology or what
their religion teaches them.
Activists: Drew Brees Promoting The Bible Is Homophobic. Is being an openly Christian person so deeply
stigmatized as to be viewed as deathblow to your career and social standing in America today? From the media response
to NFL star Drew Brees' message to his young fans on being proud of and sharing their faith, this may not be a far-fetched
question. Brees released a short video encouraging young people to share their faith by bringing their Bibles to school
on October 3, 2019. The event is an annual celebration designed to encourage personal freedom, religious freedom,
and religious pride, and is sponsored by Focus on the Family, a conservative Christian advocacy organization.
Media Praise Pope Francis' Pick of Pro-LGBT+ Bishop as Cardinal. PinkNews, a popular online news source for the
global LGBT+ community, praised one of Pope Francis' new appointments for cardinal, Archbishop Matteo Zuppi of Bologna,
Italy, stating that the Pope had "named a pro-LGBT+ bishop as cardinal" and that "LGBT+ advocates are celebrating" the
selection. On Sept. 1, Pope Francis announced that he was appointing 13 new clerics to the rank of cardinal, which
means they will be able to vote for the next Pope when the time arrives. Such appointments usually indicate the
direction the Pope wants the Church to follow.
From Sussex,
England, to New England, Gender Activists Are Losing. Though there is no reason to think that those who drafted
the Civil Rights Act of 1964 understood sex to be anything other than anatomical, Harris Funeral Homes vs. EEOC,
which relates to discrimination in employment under Title VII, is a far more complex and nuanced legal argument than Selina
Soule's case, which relates to discrimination in education under Title IX. Indeed, in addition to defining "sex," the
Supreme Court will need to consider what the law says about sex stereotypes. [...] Really, though. Who are we to feel sorry
for? The gender-confused man who wanted to come to work in a dress? Or the traditionally minded family business whose
owners didn't want to risk upsetting the grieving families they serve?
Activists Seek to Destroy Christianity. Quarterback Drew Brees came under brutal attack last week for having
the audacity to appear in a video encouraging Christian students to bring Bibles to school. The pretext for the attack
was that he supported a project by Focus on the Family, a Christian organization that believes in the Bible, to include the
biblical concept of marriage and sexuality. Note that Brees did not say or do anything that could be even remotely
construed as being anti-LGBT. In fact, he has previously appeared in anti-bullying ads supporting that community. But
his guilt was twofold: it is the guilt of association liberals love to use to attack what they hate and the even
greater guilt of asking children to read the Bible, a book that many in this community despise. In his critics' view,
arguing against bullying LGBT members is good, but so is actually bullying Christians.
to Host LGBTQ Democratic Presidential Town Hall. CNN and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation have partnered to
host the next Democratic presidential town hall, focused on LGBTQ issues. CNN host Don Lemon made the announcement
after the seven hour-long Democratic presidential climate town hall on Wednesday [9/4/2019]. "CNN is partnering with
the Human Rights Campaign Foundation for our next series of presidential town halls on issues that are important to the
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community," Lemon told viewers.
Death of the 'Gay Gene'.
A new study involving hundreds of thousands of participants finds that homosexual behavior is about one-third
genetic — and that many genes are involved, each having only a tiny effect. [...] This is a breakthrough, but it
won't surprise anyone who's been paying attention to developments in genetics. The one-third estimate is consistent
with earlier, simpler studies on twins. And while making some sense out of humanity's zillions of DNA bits is an
impressive feat, countless previous studies have used these same methods to analyze other traits from schizophrenia to
educational attainment — always with the upshot that lots of genes, each with a small effect, were at work.
If you're still captivated by the idea of a single, all-powerful "gay gene," or for that matter an all-powerful gene for any
behavioral trait, please drop it.
Anyone Can Be A Woman, Then No One Is a Woman. The transgender movement is before the Supreme Court of the
United States, seeking a redefinition of the term "sex" under Title VII. The case is R.G. & G.R. Harris
Funeral Homes Inc. v. EEOC. The funeral home company was sued by the EEOC after they fired a funeral director,
Anthony Stephens / Aimee Stephens. The company's employees, upon commencement of employment, "agree to follow a
professional, sex-specific dress code," their lawyers explain. The dress code is considerate of the delicate needs of
grieving families. After about six years of employment as a male funeral director, Stephens informed the company that
he is now going to live as a female named Aimee and dress as a female at work. The company carefully considered the
impact this would have on their clientele and how Stephens sharing a bathroom with grieving widows would cause them further
discomfort. The company asked Stephens to continue dressing like a man and to use men's bathroom facilities while at
work, something he agreed to do when he accepted the terms of employment as a male. Stephens declined to do so
and filed a complaint with the EEOC, which then sued the funeral home company for discrimination under Title VII.
Schumacher: 'Double-Digit Thousands' of Sexual Partners Within LGBT Community is 'Not Unusual'. Movie director
Joel Schumaker made a disgusting revelation in an interview published last week when he admitted that he has had sexual
intercourse with thousands of men throughout his life. The 79-year-old Schumaker, who has been a fixture within
Hollywood for a great many decades, claims that his number is not at all uncommon among the LGBT movement, where extreme
sexual degeneracy and promiscuity is the norm. "It would be in the double-digit thousands, but that is not unusual,"
Schumaker said when he was asked about his number of sexual partners by Vulture magazine. "It's not [amazing] for a gay
male, because it's available."
And Orthodoxy, Again. [Scroll down] You all know where I stand on issues of Christianity and sexuality,
both homo- and hetero-. I fully affirm the teaching of Scripture and tradition, without any ifs, ands, or buts. In many
American churches — Orthodox and otherwise — the greater pastoral problem is that pastors, lay leaders,
and parents are too afraid to proclaim, explain, and defend that teaching at all!
transgender case will be heard by Supreme Court in October. The nub of the case is as follows: Aimee
Stephens worked for over five years as a funeral director at the R.G and G.R. Harris Funeral Homes. Stephens is a male
but in 2013 claimed he is a woman and started surgeries to make himself look like a woman the next year. When Stephens
informed the funeral home owner Thomas Rost about this, he fired Stephens. Rost tried to work out an amicable
separation, including a severance package, but Stephens refused.
Pride' parade in Boston draws protests. A "Straight Pride" parade in downtown Boston has attracted
counterprotesters and a heavy police presence. A large number of counterprotesters taunted marchers and chanted:
"Alt right, get off our streets, no justice, no peace." Counterprotesters outnumbered the parade participants, CNN
affiliate WCVB reported.
of Moral Absolutes Plagues the Modern Left. Recently, the GOP candidate in Louisiana's governor's race, Ralph
Abraham, made headlines — headlines! — because he ran a 30-second ad that included the phrase
"as a doctor, I can assure you, there are only two genders." They were so aghast at MSNBC that host Chris Jansing
declared that Abraham's comments were "incendiary." According to NewsBusters, Jansing's guest — because the
Left must have its "experts" explain to us why there are not only two genders — went even farther and said that to
declare that there are only two genders is now "despicable" and "un-American." In other words, a statement that, just a
few years ago, the vast majority of us would've considered so obvious that it was patronizing is now "incendiary" and "despicable."
tell me your pronouns — I can guess! There are now sixtyish new pronoun sets, just as we are told
there are sixtyish new genders. I do not know what genders "zie/zim/zir" or "ey/em/eir" denote. These words sound
vaguely Yiddish to me — though they lack the Yiddish language's quirky charm. The new pronouns are always
uttered with a certain peevish militancy that precludes them having charm of any kind.
What People Who Used To Be Transgender Are Telling The Supreme Court. [Scroll down] Toward the end of
[Walt] Heyer's story, the brief says, "For more than ten years Mr. Heyer has informally mentored and assisted scores of
persons identifying as transgender who regret changing their appearance to that of the opposite sex. He encourages
those who contact him who have gender dysphoria to seek psychological and psychiatric assessment for other disorders that are
also present, which is the case in a majority of those who desire to identify as persons of the opposite sex." These
claims fly in the face of what many on the left, including the transgender person on the other side of this particular
Supreme Court case, say. To make matters worse, the media have also attacked former transgender people and ridiculed
their stories as unreal. Almost every single person in the brief said they stopped being transgender with the help of
therapy. It didn't just help them heal, but also revealed that deeper emotional traumas were often the cause of their
gender dysphoria and the reason they chose transgenderism in the first place. All of the people claim that those who
proposed or helped them transition often (unknowingly) created more pain.
Temple: 'More Than 50% of Our Membership is LGBTQ'. In an interview with the British magazine Attitude, Lucien
Greaves, the co-founder of The Satanic Temple in the United States, says that "more than 50% of our membership is LGBTQ," and
that is a "conservative estimate." Attitude is a best-selling gay magazine, founded in 1994. The Satanic
Temple was founded in 2013 and it promotes a secular humanist agenda. The Temple, based in Salem, Mass., denies that
there is an actual Satan and it claims that it does not worship the Devil.
The Editor says...
The Satanists deny the existence of Satan. But lying is one of the most obvious things you would expect a Satanist
to do. If there's no Satan, what would be the purpose of naming their meeting place "The Satanic Temple?"
gay gene' says major study, but genetics does influence sexual behaviour. There is no such thing as a single
"gay gene" researchers have said, but genetics — along with environmental factors — can influence a
person's sexual preferences. The largest ever study of its kind examined data and DNA information of about 500,000
people and found there were thousands of genetic variants linked to same-sex sexual behaviour, most of the them having a
minor impact. The researchers said non-genetic factors, including upbringing, personality, and nurture, had far more
influence on a person's choice of sexual partner.
Is No 'Gay Gene,' Comprehensive Scientific Study Finds. Recent polls have shown that most Americans believe
that homosexuals are "born that way" rather than become gay as the result of environmental factors. In fact,
perpetuating the belief that sexual orientation is innate has been crucial to the gay rights movement. According to the
most recent Gallup Poll on the subject, 88 percent of people who believe homosexuals are "born that way" support the legality
of same-sex marriage, while only 39 percent of those who believe homosexuality is the result of environmental factors support
the legality of same-sex marriage. So, what happens when science proves that homosexuals aren't "born that way"?
Perhaps we'll find out.
The 'Gay Gene' Is
a Total Myth, Massive Study Concludes. No individual gene alone makes a person gay, lesbian or bisexual;
instead, thousands of genes likely influence sexual orientation, a massive new study of the genomes of nearly half a million
people suggests. Across human societies and in both sexes, between 2% and 10% of people report engaging in sex with a
member of the same sex, either exclusively or in addition to sex with a member of the opposite sex, the researchers
said. The biological factors that contribute to sexual orientation are largely unknown, but many scientists suspect
that genetics plays a role, given that same-sex sexual behavior appears to run in families and is seen more often in
identical twins than in fraternal twins.
Rape Shelter Gets Death Threats for Rejecting Transgender Women. The Vancouver Rape Relief and Women's Shelter
(VRRWS) is facing vandalism and death threats for refusing to include transgender women. The center, which is Canada's
oldest rape crisis shelter, shared photos of the vandalism on their social media account.
Anything for attention. Is that it?
couple share their dilemma after one transitions to a man. A couple who met as two women have shared their
dilemma after one transitioned to become male, leaving the other struggling to cope after years of being in a same-sex
relationship. Andy Arnold and Kate Murray have been together for several years. In 2017, Andy revealed that he
identified as a man and would be transitioning. While Kate was supportive of his decision, it has since left her
struggling to cope since she is inherently homosexual and attracted to women.
Rules Idaho Must Pay for Trans Sex Offender's Transition Surgery. A federal appeals court has ruled that the
state of Idaho must pay for a transgender inmates' sex reassignment surgery. Inmate Adree Edmo, a convicted sex
offender, was diagnosed with gender dysmorphia in 2012. His attorney, Deborah Ferguson, argued in January that the state
was placing him at risk of suicide if they refused to fund his surgery.
The Editor says...
Someone who can't decide if he's a man or a woman is so fundamentally confused and miserable that he's likely to be
a suicide risk no matter what.
Governor Criticizes 'Activist Court' for Ordering Gender Surgery for Convicted Child Molester. The Ninth
Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last week that Idaho taxpayers must pay for a 31-year-old prison inmate to undergo "gender
confirmation surgery" — the opinion does not call it sex reassignment — allowing the inmate to remove
the bits that show the inmate was born a male. Mason Dean Edmo, now called Adree Edmo, pleaded guilty in 2012 to
sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy at a party. Idaho Gov. Brad Little, frustrated by the "activist court," said
his state plans to appeal once again, this time to the U.S. Supreme Court: [Video clip]
transgender travelers go through scanners, the next step is often invasive. [Scroll down] TSA rules
require that passengers be searched by officers of the same gender as they present. But, according to Olivia, the TSA
supervisor told her that she would have to be patted down by a male officer. After Olivia refused to be searched by a
man, the officers told her that because she was not consenting to a search, she could not board her flight and would be
escorted out of the terminal.
The Editor says...
Problems encountered by transvestites during airport searches (or anywhere else) are problems they have brought upon themselves. The
purpose of the TSA, as I understand it, is to prevent suspicious, dangerous, or unstable people from boarding airplanes. If the screener
and the prospective passenger can't even agree on the passenger's gender, or if the passenger is concealing his or her identity, that's a giant
red flag. Take the bus.
Expert: Doctors Are Actually Giving Trans Kids a Disease, It's Child Abuse. Children as young as 8 years
old are being given untested experimental drugs to verify their gender identity. Activists argue that these drugs are
essential for the health of kids who identify as transgender, and many in the medical establishment increasingly agree.
Nevertheless, a dissenting endocrinologist explained to PJ Media that these drugs actually give children a disease that could
cause heart and bone problems and stunt brain growth, and condemned the transgender "treatments" often carried out on
children as "child abuse." If a girl child identifies as a boy, she may be given so-called "puberty-blockers" to
prevent her from going through the natural human process of development. In some cases, she would then be given
testosterone in an attempt to make her become a man. The effects of these hormones are not fully known, but some
negative side effects have been widely reported.
over Drag Queen Event Pushes City to Change Library Policies. The Leander, Texas City Council voted 5-2 on
August 15 to end library room rentals to the public in the wake of outcry over a controversial Drag Queen Story Hour
presentation. The Council also voted 6-1 to require background checks for presenters to children aged 17 and younger,
reported Community Impact Newspaper.
The Editor says...
This is a positive development; however, if you are a voter in Leander, Texas, you need to find out whose idea
this was, and make sure they are ousted from the city government.
year waiting times for NHS gender identity clinics, amid unprecented demand. Record demand for help from NHS
gender identity clinics has seen waiting times reach more than two years, an investigation has found. Services said an
"unprecedented rise in referrals" meant the time to see a specialist had doubled within a year at Britain's main centre.
The figures show more than 5,700 people waiting for a first appointment at Tavistock and Portman Foundation Trust, an all-time
high. Less than a year ago, its average waiting time was just over 12 months.
News: "Heterosexuality Is Just Not Working'. Women are increasingly opting out of heterosexuality because
it is "the bedrock of their global oppression," NBC News asserted in a bizarre opinion piece this week. "Men need
heterosexuality to maintain their societal dominance over women," writes Marcie Bianco for the NBC News website.
"Women, on the other hand, are increasingly realizing not only that they don't need heterosexuality, but that it also is
often the bedrock of their global oppression."
Confronts Drag Queen During Story Time, Parents Boo. In Ottawa there was a question and answer segment after
the Drag Queen's Story Time. Well, a preacher was having none of it. Drag Queen Story Time was advertised publicly
as a "magic storytime experience" for children aged 3 to 10. It was billed a private event, but it was open to
the public. Evangelical street preacher Dorre Love stormed in during the invitation for questions. "I have a
question," Love said. "What are you going to do when you stand before God and He judges every one of you here for your
sins?" Video surfaced that shows some surprised and angry parents as well as the Russian-Canadian drag performer "Adrianna
Exposee," a 20 year old. [Video clip]
Mayor's Wife Nixes Popular Saint to Honor Drag Queens. New York City Mayor de Blasio's wife has rejected the
results of a public vote calling for a statue of Mother Cabrini (pictured), a Catholic saint, and instead opted to honor
other "women," including two drag queens. Chirlane McCray, the mayor's wife, launched a "She Built NYC" program and
invited the public to vote on the names of women they want the city to recognize with a statue. Mother Cabrini got more
votes than any other woman (219), yet McCray's panel rejected the public's choice.
Bolshevik Takeover Of America Part I — Agitprop. Agitprop is the cobbling together of agitatzionnaya
propaganda, a phrase that does not have a direct English translation. A translation of my own coinage is weaponized
propaganda, i.e. propaganda that is designed to cause its target audience to become AGITATED, to enter a state of unease, to
become frightened, and above all to become open to absorbing more and more outrageous propaganda. The best example of
this in America is the weaponized propaganda that the American Bolsheviks have unleashed in support of sexual perversion as
part of their war on motherhood and the American family. [...] It started with the acceptance of homosexuality not only as
an unfortunate, but unavoidable and even acceptable fact of life, but as something that is to be celebrated as if it were the
highest achievement of humanity, but that was only the beginning.
Is What LGBTQ Organizations Are Doing to Society. Virtually every week, there seems to be another issue that
preoccupies the country. But while our attention is focused on President Donald Trump, Google, Charlottesville, Russia,
impeachment, Jeffrey Epstein, the next elections, racism, a trade war with China, the #MeToo movement or something else,
LGBTQ organizations are quietly going about their work dismantling ethical norms, making a mockery of education, ruining
innocent people's lives and destroying children's innocence.
mayor calls LGBTQ movement 'an affront to Almighty God'. A New Jersey mayor declared this week that a new state
law requiring LGBTQ history to be taught in middle and high schools is "an affront to Almighty God." Barnegat Township
Mayor Alfonso Cirulli, a former assistant principal, said during Tuesday morning's meeting of the Township Committee that the
push for LGBTQ-inclusive education in public schools had "crossed over the line into absurdity," the Asbury Park Press
reported. Mr. Cirulli urged residents to pressure state lawmakers to reverse a measure going into effect next
year, which requires middle and high school curriculums to include lessons on the societal contributions of LGBTQ people and
people with disabilities. New Jersey is only the second state in the country after California to pass such a law.
Video: Kids Learn To Twerk at Drag Queen Story Hour. A British drag queen was caught on camera showing
children how to twerk during a Drag Queen Story Hour event held at a UK library. In the video, drag artist Mama G is
heard asking the little ones if they know how to twerk, only to be met with complete silence. "Well, it's quite
important to the story, so I'll just give you a brief demonstration," Mama G said before hiking up his skirt and thrusting
his "bum" up and down.
Kids Into the LGBTQ Abyss. The Drag Queen Story Hour phenomenon is not new; it was launched in 2015 in San
Francisco (where else?). Men cavorting around in caked-on makeup and mascara, leather-&-lace bodices, fishnet stockings,
sequined bikinis — and worse — used to be relegated to the transvestite freak shows of San Francisco
and the debauched residents of New York, Chicago, New Orleans, and other major cities. If they ventured out of their
"adult entertainment" zones, and particularly if they attempted to associate with children, they were almost certain to face
arrest. Today, however, "progressive" politicos and the forces of political correctness that run many of our cities are
demanding that these burlesque shows be brought to toddlers in public libraries and public schools — and
that the taxpayers subsidize it.
Dayton shooter Connor Betts' slain sister was a transgender man: report. The "sister" of the Dayton, Ohio,
shooter who was killed during the attack identified as a transgender guy — although his family had no idea,
according to a report and some of his own social media posts. Connor Betts' 22-year-old sibling was named by authorities
as Megan Betts in the days after the mass shooting, with cops releasing a statement saying relatives had lost "a daughter."
Any Single Intervention Eliminate Mass Shootings? [Scroll down] The next part of this puzzle is the very
definition of "mental illness." The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatry has been modified many times.
The most recent revision has removed most of the "gender dysphoria" diagnoses, normalizing the alphabet soup of sexual
preferences. This is done in the face of the fact that LGBTQ-whatever "gender preferences" are associated with higher
mortality than binary male/female identities. Doctors are supposed to "first do no harm." Normalizing a health risk
creates harm. This means that the DSM changes are not medical, they are political.
Buttigieg: Wrong about Religion, Homosexuality, and Abortion. Practicing homosexuals are people who were
born heterosexual and are rebelling against the God-ordained plan for their lives. If a person obsesses over normal or
abnormal sexual thoughts, it is wrong and dangerous and indicates a corrupt mind and heart. God says, "For out of it
[the heart] are the issues of life." We often do what we think about. People change all the time, so counselors
should not tell people they cannot change their sexual desires. Of course they can. In February 1992, a cover
story for Newsweek featured the face of an infant and the question "Is This Child Gay?" In July 1993, The New York Times
ran a story titled "Report Suggests Homosexuality Is Linked to Genes." No, the child was not "gay," and homosexuality
is not linked to genes.
of "Drag Queen Story Hour" Event Prompt Criticism, Ire from Concerned Parents. Parents angered by "Drag Queen
Story Hour" are even more outraged as photos from an event that took place last October at Multnomah County Library in
Portland, Oregon have emerged revealing young children lying on top of the adult male drag queen. The Drag Queen Story
Hour is a national program wherein drag queens are invited to read stories to children in public libraries, schools, and
bookstores. These events are hosted in cities across the country, as well as in Germany, and have already been the
subject of significant controversy, but the emergence of the Portland photos has quickly exacerbated the controversy.
Seeks Supreme Ruling on Minor Son's Sex Change Against Her Will. A mother whose juvenile son was assisted in
sex-change procedures by authorities in Minnesota against her wishes is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to review her
case. The Thomas More Society on Wednesday asked the high court to review the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' ruling
affirming the decision by county officials to shepherd the boy through a sex change. The petition to review Anmarie
Calgaro v. St. Louis County contends Calgaro's due process rights were trampled when the county and its referred
health providers ended her parental control over her minor son without her permission or a court order.
In Plain Sight Will Not Be An Option'. Our first Pride Parade was this year, and the community turned out
jubilantly for it. People who go to church with us, people who educate our kids' peers, people who serve on boards with
us, my clients, my wife's coworkers, and even some of my own family members who are retired (beholden to no one for a
paycheck) and who would have chortled at the idea of going to a Pride Parade only a few years ago. The night before the
parade, as "part of the celebration", a trans-friendly exploratory seminar was held at the public library, for pre-teens and
teens. So in Pride Month I realized that the howling lunatics who celebrate the mutilation of confused children (whose
howling I've always been too busy to get very excited about) are now after my own children's minds and hearts. And the
minds and hearts of all the children in my community. I've been very secure in the knowledge that nobody can fool me or
force me into believing lunacy, no matter what. But that is no longer what matters. As my children are heading
into adolescence, the brain-eating amoeba of progressive totalitarian ideology is down the street and heading for my front door.
conference teaches librarians how to sneak drag queens past parents. The American Library Association's recent
national conference provided librarians from across the country with strategies for advancing gender identity ideology in
schools and finding ways to bring "Drag Queen Story Times" into public libraries despite the objections of local
communities. The conference was held just as disturbing stories came to light across the country about Drag Queen Story
Times (DQST) held in public libraries. On the West Coast, young children were photographed having extreme physical
contact with a drag queen, while on the East Coast, a drag queen who read to young children was discovered to be involved
with numerous lurid and pornographic sexual businesses and activities.
Embraced by So-Called Christian Love. Situation ethics — introduced in 1966 by Joseph F.
Fletcher — came into vogue as a way to excuse pre-marital fornication by Christians, and anything that could be
considered Christian judgmentalism was muted by the liberal churches. In the name of love, increasing numbers of
churches became tolerant of sin. In the contemporary church world, tolerance of sin is no longer considered kind enough
or loving enough. Now, as seen by Joel Osteen's recent appearance at an LGBTQ event, celebration of sin is the step
beyond tolerance. A "woman's right to choose" is openly embraced by many members of the National Council of
Churches. Likewise, homosexuality among the clergy is acceptable.
Key Mueller Witness
Indicted On Child Sex-Trafficking Charges. George Nader, a Lebanese-American businessman who was a key witness
in the special counsel's probe, was charged earlier in July with transporting a 14-year-old European boy to the U.S. for sex,
according to an indictment unsealed Friday [7/19/2019]. Nader was charged on three counts, including a charge for
possessing child pornography and one for traveling with a minor to engage in illegal sexual activity. He is accused of
transporting the teenage boy from Europe to his home in the U.S. in 2000.
Queen Reads 'What Color Is Your Underwear?' to Young Children. A "Drag Queen Story Hour" event at a Dallas,
Texas, library last Saturday [7/13/2019] featured two drag queens, one of whom read the story What Color Is Your Underwear?
to small children. [...] A video of the event can be viewed at the website of pro-family organization Mass Resistance, which
protested the story hour.
Asked A Left-Wing Doctor To Define The Word 'Man.' He Couldn't Do It. As I have argued in the past, left-wing
gender theory can be entirely dismantled and debunked with one simple question: What is a man? All of the talking
points, all of the sermonizing, all of the stuff about "transgenderism" and "gender fluidity" and "gender spectrums" —
all of it is blown to pieces by a question that my six-year-old could answer. No leftist who espouses gender theory can
provide a coherent answer to this question. Few will even attempt it.
gay piece shows where Democrats are. The Disco Era marked the acceptance of gays in America. [...] AIDS also
did not help. I am convinced that had we quarantined the infected, we could have saved lives. Instead, we
treated it as a civil right instead of a venereal disease. 40 years (two generations) later, we have gay
marriage and a gay candidate for president, Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
Anti-Trump Surgeon Wrecked For Tweet About Men Getting Pregnant. Infamously anti-Trump surgeon Eugene Gu
claimed in a tweet posted Friday that it is "a scientific and medical fact that men can get pregnant and also have
abortions." "It's a scientific and medical fact that men can get pregnant and also have abortions," he wrote.
"Trans men and non-binary individuals are human beings who deserve to be acknowledged by society. They choose their own
identity — not me, not you, not any doctor, and certainly not any politician." [...] The tweet was met with
mockery and blowback.
Dallas Drag
Queen Show Promoted to Infants. The City of Dallas Public Library is currently advertising a controversial and
divisive drag queen show to be held at the Grauwyler Park Branch location and that the show is appropriate for age groups
from infants to 11 years old. The drag queen performers for this public library event during the day are employees of
an adult night club venue where children of this age are not permitted to enter. The drag queen event is scheduled to
take place at a public library Saturday [7/13/2019] at 1 pm where children will be able to "hear stories, sing, dance, and
interact with these fabulous ladies" according to the library event page. This Dallas event follows on the heels of a
similar and controversial drag queen event that was canceled by the city government of Leander, and in Houston where two
drag queens involved with these shows were discovered to be registered sex offenders.
Women's Soccer Team Accused Of Snubbing Star Player For Christian Views. The absence of one of the best women's
soccer players in the nation from the national squad that just won the World Cup has prompted questions as to whether she
didn't make the team because of her openly professed Christian faith. [...] The Irish Times, which called Hinkle "the finest
left-back in the NWSL," wrote in June, "Hinkle likely would have been a fish out of water on the uber-woke women's national
team, some of whose biggest stars are openly lesbian, raising questions about whether she would have thrown off the squad's
Bean & Buck: The Democratic Donors' Sex-Creep Club. Terry Bean is the prominent gay rights activist who
co-founded the influential Human Rights Campaign organization. He is also a veteran member of the board of the HRC
Foundation, which disseminates Common Core-aligned "anti-bullying" material to children's schools nationwide. Like
Epstein, Bean had a penchant for rubbing elbows and riding on planes with the powerful. Upon doling out more than
$500,000 for President Barack Obama and the Democrats in 2012, he was rewarded with a much-publicized exclusive Air Force One
ride with Obama. His Flickr account boasted glitzy pics with Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton. Like Epstein, Bean
also had a thing for young minors.

Peace Treaty or Suicide
Pact. Louisville, KY mayor recently declared June 10-17 as Pride Week, celebrating 'diversity' and the LGBTQ
community. Many public libraries and public schools are being made available to promote the gay life-style complete
with the gay flag flying outside. Recently, hundreds of students were pulled out of a public school in Rocklin,
California by their parents because of a new LGBTQ curriculum beginning with 2nd graders. Parents were originally
allowed to opt out of such programs, but no longer. Parents pulled their kids out anyway. Other states
have implemented similar programs beginning as early as pre-school. They include books and activities meant to introduce
alternate life styles like switching genders and having same sex parents, making them seem normal and commonplace.
Osteen Flys to New York for LGBTQD Event. Houston Pastor Joel Osteen and his lovely wife Victoria, publicly
showed their support of the LGBTQD — Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queers and Debauchery practitioners, by
attending a Lady Gaga event at Harlem's Apollo theater which celebrated Gay Pride Month. It is not clear if the Osteens
were there with Lady Gaga, who would have invited them, or, if they simply got on a plane, paid for the tickets and flew
there. The entire event was centered around "Gay Pride."
The Editor says...
I was somewhat suspicious when I first read the article immediately above, because it's not the kind of story one should
spread around, unless the story's authenticity can be confirmed beyond a reasonable doubt. It's one thing to go where
the homosexuals and transvestites are, to show them they are in error. It is quite another thing to consort with the
homosexuals and abet their "Pride" event for commercial (SiriusXM) gain. The Bible says, "Blessed is the man
that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful."
[Psalm 1:1]
This means that a Christian has no business participating in and celebrating an event like the one described in the
article above, and in the next few articles below.
Obviously, the political left has no qualms
about lying, and they would probably love to see Joel Osteen go the way of Jimmy Swaggart, so any story of this kind is dubious.
What to do? The Bible also says, "One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any
sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established."
[Deuteronomy 19:15] Here are the additional witnesses:
Witness #2
Osteen Attends Lady Gaga LGBT Pride Event. Gaga began by asking the crowd, "Are you ready to f____ing party
tonight?" In the crowd were Joel and Victoria Osteen, who were indeed ready to party. The event was hosted
to celebrate gay pride at the Apollo theater and the pastor of the nation's largest 'church' was in attendance. [...] The
event was basically a theatrically performed representation of the Biblical city of Sodom, and the crowd couldn't be gayer
to be there.
Witness #3
Osteen Celebrates LGBTQ Pride at Lady Gaga Event. Megachurch speaker and author Joel Osteen and his wife
Victoria were among a number of celebrities, including drag queens, actors and music industry personalities, who attended the
"SiriusXM and Pandora Present Lady Gaga at the Apollo" concert on Monday night [6/24/2019] in New York City. The two posed
on the carpet for a photograph next to a SiriusXM/Pandora/Lady Gaga backdrop, which is posted online. "Are you ready to
[expletive] party tonight? Are we making history?" Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, asked the crowd as
she opened the show, according to the New York Daily News.
Witness #4
Osteen Celebrates LGBTQ Pride at Lady Gaga Event. This is not satire, this really happened. Joel Osteen,
one of the modern-day princes of the Word of Faith prosperity gospel movement, was seen at Lady Gaga's pride celebration at
Apollo Theater on Monday night [6/24/2019]. The New York Daily News reports [...]
Witness #5
Osteen Celebrates LGBTQ Pride at Lady Gaga Event. Lady Gaga is known for her risque performances and lack of
modest attire. Being that Osteen is a charlatan who has been given over to the lusts of this world and bilks millions
of people for every dime they have, it comes as no surprise that he and his wife, Victoria, would immerse themselves in the
culture of demonic influence, sex, and greed. [...] Interestingly, Osteen asserted a few years ago that he believes that the
Scriptures are clear that homosexuality is a sin. Yet, he has continuously softened his tone and downplayed the
significance toward homosexuality since then. In an effort to remain culturally relevant and inclusive, Osteen
generally avoids the topic altogether.
Witness #6
Gaga shows Pride in sexy Apollo Theater show. [Amy] Poehler wasn't the only heavy hitter in the crowd. From
Alaska Thunder[...], a drag performer who won Season 2 of "RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars" to the controversial televangelist
and anti-LGBTQ pastor Joel Osteen, the event drew an eclectic mix of fans, industry insiders and celebrities, from the movies
(Catherine Zeta-Jones, Michael Douglas), the music universe (Clive Davis, Adam Lambert), the fashion world (Alexander Wang),
television (John Oliver, Camila Mendes) and the America's gay Royal couple and Harlem residents Neil Patrick Harris and [his]
husband David Burtka. Osteen's presence was curious, because Gaga has championed LGBTQ causes.
Witness #7
and Victoria Osteen Attend Lady Gaga Concert, Pose for Sirius/Pandora Merger. The Osteens have their own
channel on SiriusXM, which according to its description, features "daily messages of hope and inspiration, live call-in shows
and with Joel and Victoria, and special live services." Being connected to the network is likely the reason why they were
invited to the event. Christian News contacted Joel Osteen Ministries to inquire about the appearance, but was told by
a representative that she didn't know anything about the matter as she had just learned of it and that any statement would
have to come from Joel himself. Some outlets expressed bewilderment as to why the Osteens attended since it was assumed
that he opposes homosexuality, which Gaga advocates.
Will Amazon ban the Bible
next? In a very disturbing move, Amazon has removed the books of Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, the psychologist
whom critics have dubbed "the father of conversion therapy." In other words, for claiming that sexual orientation is not
innate and immutable, and for claiming that change is possible, Dr. Nicolosi's books must be banned. This leads to
the logical question: Will Amazon ban the Bible next?
refuse to be at conference if Christian is there. The Dallas-Fort Worth chapter of the American Institute of
Graphic Arts makes a big deal about inclusion, with a pages-long statement concerning its "passionate conversations" about
ethnicity, gender, race, ability, disability and age. But its policy of inclusion apparently goes only so far.
That became clear after AIGA declared it would not participate in a design conference unless a Christian speaker was
excluded. Fox News reported the Dallas-Fort Worth chapter of AIGA refused to partner with the Circles Conference, a
three-day event for graphics and user experience designers, if David Roark was on the speakers roster. Roark is the
communications director for The Village Church, a Texas megachurch.
Not just a cookie anymore, now a political statement. Nabisco and the other parent companies of Oreos, Cadbury,
and Mondelez International, have made a political decision to link arms with the NCTE and indoctrinate America's
schoolchildren into the transgender movement. You will be made to think that sexuality is fluid and gender is not
limited to male and female even if it requires your children to be used as pawns. The party of science is willing to
deny the existence of biological certainties, like chromosomes, in order to appease the politically woke.
Assembly Approves Resolution That Calls for Church Acceptance of LGBTQ. The California State Assembly voted 9-2
to send to the state senate a resolution calling on "religious leaders to counsel on LGBTQ matters from a place of love,
compassion, and knowledge of the psychological and other harms of conversion therapy." While no one would argue with
the aim of being more loving and more compassionate in our counsel of our fellow man, the people's representatives do not
possess any authority in the arena of religious practice.
Blasio: Medicare for All Should Cover Gender Reassignment Surgery. New York City mayor Bill de Blasio
said Medicare for All should cover gender reassignment surgeries on Sunday [6/30/2019]. "Absolutely. We have to
respect everyone's medical needs," de Blasio said at New York City's pride parade, when asked if the procedure should be
covered in a Medicare for All system, according to comments reported by the Daily Caller. "If someone needs a surgery
to be full and to live their life fully — the idea is a health care system that actually serves everyone to the
fullest, not a health care system that rations and causes people to struggle to get just a little health care."
The Editor says...
If you really believe that a sex change operation is "just a little health care," you should take your browsing
somewhere else, because this web site is not for you.
Tensions between
trans women and gay men boil over at Stonewall anniversary. A black transgender woman wanted to be heard, but
the white men wanted to celebrate. The scene at New York City's Stonewall Inn on Saturday [6/29/2019], as reported by
multiple witnesses on social media, showed how long-simmering tensions between transgender women of color and white gay men
have boiled over during the celebration of World Pride and the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising.
in NYC vandalized during Pride parade. A Chick-fil-A in Manhattan was vandalized Sunday [6/30/2019], during the
World Pride Parade. As first reported by the Daily Caller, cross-shaped pink tape that read "F*** haters" marked the
front window of the midtown Manhattan location, which was closed during the parade for Sunday. The same epithet was
scrawled in black marker on the window. A colorfully decorated sign with the message, "LOVE is a terrible thing to
waste" was also seen propped up against the door.
protest New York's 'commercialized' Pride parade. Chanting slogans of defiance, thousands of marchers took to
the streets of New York on Sunday to protest commercialization of the city's official Pride parade attended by millions of
people a few blocks away. The alternative Queer Liberation March in downtown Manhattan was designed to be a return to
"a people's political march" without corporate sponsorship and police barricades, organizers said.
church features drag queen reading story to children about LGBTQ icon Harvey Milk. Last Sunday [6/23/2019], Dan
Davidson briefly stepped out of his role as caretaker of Cincinnati's Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church and became "Sparkle
Leigh" — dressed in drag with tons of makeup and glitter — to read a story to children during the
service about LGBTQ icon Harvey Milk, the assassinated San Francisco politician who was openly gay, the Cincinnati Enquirer
reported. Davidson wore a pink, flowing dress and a green curly wig, the outlet said, adding that the congregation
clapped during "exciting parts of the tale."
to Normalize Pedophilia on the Rise: New Report Recommends Workshops Instead of Prosecution. Jackie Hill
Perry, who shares her journey from lesbian to Christian poet, writer, and hip-hop artist in her book "Gay Girl Good God,"
recently retweeted a TED Talk speaker who normalizes pedophilia. Perry's thread started Tuesday when she posted a tweet
by Ian Miles Cheong, who wrote, "This is apparently mainstream now. Hosted by TED Talks." He then pulled out a quote
from a presenter. "Pedophilia is an unchangeable sexual orientation."
Demons at work:
queen on all fours roars, growls incoherently at library 'pride' event for teens. A public library in
Washington state was the platform for a drag show and "pride celebration designed by teens for teens" that featured a man
dressed in drag who roared incoherently while on all fours. One parent called it "demonic."
Johnson announces $19M in new LGBT programs as city celebrates World Pride weekend. City Council Speaker Corey
Johnson announced $19 million in funding for LGBT support programs in honor of Pride, including big boosts to help
transgender people. On World Pride weekend in the city, Johnson said the move to nearly double funding for the programs
marks a sea change in New York's approach to the gay community. "Acceptance is not enough," Johnson said. "Our
local government must fund programs that support the LBGTQ community, particularly transgender people."
Trans Activists Will Destroy Homosexual Rights. Beneath the lavish media praise, the trans movement is hiding a
litany of self-annihilating logic and regressive attitudes that merit public conversation. Aside from changing language
to suit their subjective identity, the push to deny women sex-segregated protections, and the aggressive support for the
transitioning of children, the often overlooked reality to this activism is the movement's blatantly aggressive
homophobia. They claim to fight for "inclusivity," but in pushing trans ideology, these activists are, either wittingly
or unwittingly, actively erasing lesbians, gays, and any legislation intended to protect them. These supposed defenders
of gays and lesbians are endangering the people they claim to fight for by selling out the community they call their own.
women being offered Pap smears and breast screenings, but real women are not. Ordinarily, catering to people
who think or claim to be a gender other than the one nature assigned them is silly but harmless. But now Public
Health England (formerly the National Health Service) has implemented a practice that could prove deadly. It has begun
inviting men who identify as women to come in for annual Pap smears and breast screenings despite their lack of a cervix on
which to administer the first test. But PHE has also stopped inviting women who identify as men to come in for these
crucial screenings out of fear of offending them.
Still Greatly Overestimate U.S. Gay Population. U.S. adults estimate that nearly one in four Americans (23.6%)
are gay or lesbian. Gallup has previously found that Americans have greatly overestimated the U.S. gay population,
recording similar average estimates of 24.6% in 2011 and 23.2% in 2015. In each of the three polls in which Gallup has asked
this question, a majority of Americans estimated this population to be 20% or greater.
add Stonewall Inn plaque to famed Monument Park. A plaque behind the center field fence at Yankee Stadium was
dedicated Tuesday night [6/25/2019] to commemorate the Stonewall Inn uprising 50 years ago, which sparked a pivotal rebellion
in the LGBTQ rights movement.
Erupts After Dem Presidential Candidate Promotes Abortion Rights for Transgender Women. When it comes to
so-called "abortion rights", Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro believes no one should be excluded from the
right to choose — including men who identify as women.
Can't Figure Out Why Hardly Anyone Wants To Date A Trans Person. A recent Journal of Social and Personal
Relationships study found that nearly 90 percent of survey respondents are not interested in dating transgender people.
In a Psychology Today article on the study, coauthor Karen Blair implies these findings demonstrate significant discrimination —
or at least an unwillingness to be inclusive — in dating. However, instead of pointing out the obvious truth that
biological cues are foundational for sexual and romantic attraction, the author goes to great lengths to convey sympathy for the exclusion
of transgenders in the dating field as if it's merely a social justice issue. This is yet another avenue progressives are using to
encourage others to deny biological reality and normalize abnormal behaviors.
LGBT a Protected Class Will Kill Religious Liberty. The current campaign to amend federal and state civil
rights laws to extend protections to sexual orientation and gender identity isn't meant to eliminate discrimination —
it's meant to eliminate religious freedom. What else are we to believe when proponents of such amendments tell us as much?
Earlier this month, Michigan State Senator Jeremy Moss introduced legislation to amend the state's civil rights law to add sexual
orientation and sexual identity as protected classes. One of the main objections to changing the law before now has been the
harm it must do to conscience protections and the free exercise of religion. Like their federal cousin, the Equality Act,
these laws can't ensure equality because, as gay writer Brad Polumbo explains, they work by "elevating [LGBT] rights over those
of religious Americans." Senator Moss isn't even pretending this isn't the case.
to unleash massive identity theft wave across America by allowing "gender fluid" individuals to use any name they want on
their credit cards. A recent Mastercard company announcement explains that many members of the LGBTQIA+
community are experiencing "major pain" from having to use credit cards, debit cards, or prepaid cards that don't "reflect
their true identity." So, Mastercard plans to fix this by allowing LGBTQIA+s to use any made-up name they want —
swinging wide open the door for mass identity theft.
The Editor says...
Identity theft is one thing, but this opens the door to fraud, most of all. One cannot take advantage of credit
if the customer, the merchant, and the bank can't even agree on the customer's name. Anyone who is so confused and so mercurial
about his or her own name should have a credit rating of zero. Pay in cash or be gone.
Gets Interrogated By Police For Liking A 'Transphobic' Limerick On Twitter — It's Recorded As A 'Hate Incident'.
In the UK lives a man named Harry Miller. As per, Harry has a particular viewpoint: "Trans women are not
women." On Twitter, there arose a post containing a limerick. The poem appeared to mock transgenderism. Harry
"liked" the tweet. Subsequently, he was interrogated by police for half an hour.

if I'll get banned by Twitter for this one!. I figured that I'd better get a screenshot!
justice" homosexuals actively working to contaminate the blood donor supply with blood-borne diseases, claiming safety is
"discrimination". The me-centered mindset of LGBTQP cultists knows no bounds, as homosexual men in the United
Kingdom are now knowingly contaminating the blood donor supply with their tainted blood in order to selfishly achieve what
they perceive and demand as "equality" with non-LGBTQPs. Even though U.K. law prohibits sodomites from donating blood
if they've had sexual relations with other men in the past three months — the purpose of this being to protect
vulnerable patients from contracting sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) — some self-worshiping gays are
reportedly lying on medical forms and donating their blood anyway — because "tolerance" and "love."
STEM shooter says he targeted students over criticism about being transgender. The transgender student accused
of shooting up a Colorado school told police that he wanted other students to "suffer from trauma like he had to in his
life." One of the two alleged shooters, 16-year-old Alec McKinney, is transgender and identifies as male.
McKinney told officers that he wanted to take revenge on students at the STEM school in Colorado for how they treated him.
Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology? As an environmental activist who was
deplatformed from a speaking venue by transactivists, in 2013 I developed curiosity about the power of this group to force
this development. A year later, when Time magazine announced a transgender tipping point on its cover, I had
already begun to examine the money behind the transgender project. I have watched as all-women's safe spaces,
universities, and sports opened their doors to any man who chose to identify as a woman. Whereas men who identify as
transwomen are at the forefront of this project, women who identify as transmen seem silent and invisible. I was
astonished that such a huge cultural change as the opening of sex-protected spaces was happening at such a meteoric pace and
without consideration for women and girls' safety, deliberation, or public debate.
United Methodist Church members take a stand against anti-LGBTQ policies. United Methodist Church parishioners
in Minnesota are taking a stand on an issue that's dividing the church. This week at the Minnesota Annual Conference of
the United Methodist Church, members voted to make the church more inclusive, voting to reject the church's long-standing
policies involving LGBTQ members and clergy. The move came after church delegates from around the world voted in
February to keep bans on same-sex marriage and LGBTQ clergy in place in the church.
Jailed During 'Drag Queen Story Hour,' SWAT Team Snipers Positioned Atop Library Roof. A Baptist pastor was arrested
and jailed on Saturday [6/15/2019] after refusing to move across the street from the Spokane, Washington Public Library while
exercising his free speech against a "Drag Queen Story Hour." The event had a significant militaristic police presence,
including camouflaged snipers positioned atop the roof to oversee the large crowd that stood both for and against the men dressed
like women reading stories to children. Afhsin Yaghtin of New Covenant Baptist Church was arrested for obstructing an
officer as he contended with police that the South Hill Library is public property and that he should be able to speak adjacent
to the facility instead of being required to stand across the street.
will allow transgender people to use chosen name. Mastercard will allow transgender people to use their chosen
names on credit cards in an effort to combat discrimination at the cash register.
really is nothing to boast about. The rise of the LGBTQ movement has turned the tables in American
culture. Before the 1990s, homosexuality was generally considered abnormal. Certainly not something to be proud
of. It was seen as shameful. My, how the times have changed. Today the only ones shamed are those who dare
speak out in favor of traditional moral roles of men and women. Say anything even mildly critical of LGBTQs and it can
cost you your livelihood. [...] The LGBTQ movement, while powerful, is also the most sensitive social movement in the
country. Make any indication of disapproval and you get labeled a "bigot" or a "hater" and publicly shamed. It's
really scary for a lot of Americans who are forced to attend corporate "diversity training," which is code for force-feeding
the LGBTQ agenda on them. The truth is the LGBTQ activists have basically conquered the Western world. The only
thing they lack is shutting down the Christian church, which still believes that homosexuality is a sin because the Bible
teaches as much.
Pair Performed At-home "Sex Change" on Young Son — Then Killed Him. This could only happen in the
age of "transgender" ideology. In Brazil, a woman and her lesbian partner removed her nine-year-old son's penis,
claiming that he "wanted to be a girl." A year later they murdered him, with the mother stating that she hated her son
because he reminded her of her father. [...] Since the two women obviously are quite deranged, [the child's] treatment would
have been shoddy regardless. Yet it's hard to imagine this story unfolding as it did absent "transgender" ideology.
After all, where does a person get the idea that a "boy can become a girl" and that superficial mutilation effects this change
in being? Making ideas part of the public consciousness has consequences.
Murder 9-Year-Old Son After Cutting Off His Genitals To Make Him "Transgender". While not all those who engage
in homosexuality do this, what they are doing is a crime against nature, but it is clear that the Bible's explanation that
God has turned them over to a reprobate mind to dishonor themselves is true, and this story comes just in time to expose the
depths of depravity of the LGBTQ crowd.

celebrates LGBTQ culture with Pride-themed trains, MetroCards. The MTA is marking the 50th anniversary of
Stonewall uprising with a series of World Pride themed MetroCards and special Pride logos that will be put on trains across
the city, agency officials said Friday [6/14/2019].
Why opposing
the LGBTQ agenda is not bigotry. Back in April of this year, Michael W. Chapman penned a column for CNS about
Ana Samuel, Ph.D., the research scholar and pro-traditional marriage activist who warned 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful
Pete Buttigieg that his homosexual ideology is "dangerous to the nation." Samuel maintains that while civility is paramount
in the debate over this issue, she also asserts that her following (representing millions of mothers with traditional family
values) will resist "policies that assault our values, harm our families, and hurt our children." Ms. Samuel is a
notable figure, not only because she is dynamic and well-educated, but because she is Latina, and therefore is bucking the
system to which a majority of Americans of Latin descent hold allegiance. Samuel happens to be the daughter of Mexican
immigrants, and her husband is an Argentine immigrant. The couple have six children.
The Democrats are showing us where their priorities lie:
Maryland Government Building
Replaces POW/MIA Flag With LGBT Flag. The Montgomery County Council faced backlash after a flag honoring
America's missing soldiers was replaced with a rainbow gay pride flag to celebrate LGBT Pride Month. Led by the
county's first ever LGBT council member Evan Glass, the POW/MIA flag was removed from its flagstaff outside the Maryland
county's executive office building Monday morning, reported NBC Washington. The move drew immediate criticism.
"When I was in Vietnam, I was there six days before two guys were missing in action, and they still haven't found their
bodies," John "Bill" Williams, a Vietnam veteran, said to the television station.
Cakeshop Owner Sued Again after Refusing to Bake 'Gender Transition' Cake. Jack Phillips — the
Colorado bakery owner who prevailed in a religious-liberty case before the Supreme Court last year — has once
again been sued, this time for refusing to bake a cake celebrating a customer's gender transition. Autumn Scardina, a
transgender Colorado woman, filed a civil suit against Phillips on Wednesday [6/5/2019] over his refusal to bake her a cake
that was to be blue on the outside and pink on the inside in celebration of her transition.
The Editor says...
Perhaps it would be more appropriate if the finished product was a blue cake on the outside, and a dung heap on the inside.
Instagram Promotes 'Trans Disabled Model'
Who Is Calling For The Killing Of All 'Transphobes'. Facebook-owned Instagram on Monday [6/10/2019] promoted
"trans disabled model" Aaron Philip, 18, across their platform and to their more than 304 million followers in honor of Pride
Month. [...] After Instagram promoted Philip all over their site, Twitter and on Facebook, Philip within hours began calling
for the "killing" of all "transphobes."
Brown and Out in Beverly
Hills. Leftists advance incrementally. Their template is as simple as it is predictable: Ask for a
little, and swear that the demands will end there. Most regular folks will give in because decent people generally seek
compromise. But to leftists, compromise is merely a temporary step, a strategy. "We don't want gay marriage, we
just want equal partner benefits! Civil unions will shut us up." "Don't Ask, Don't Tell is fine. It's not
like we want the military to pay for tranny surgeries!" "Gender discrimination laws will not lead to the
government forcing women to let men use their bathrooms."
Restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.
Rejects Gender Theory as Contrary to 'Right Reason'. The Vatican has condemned "gender theory" for attempting
to separate a person's gender from their biological sex, leading to an untenable "utopia of the neuter." In its 30-page
text, titled Male and Female He Created Them, the Vatican's Congregation for Catholic Education denounces an "educational
crisis" stemming from efforts to indoctrinate children with mistaken notions of gender fluidity and human sexuality.
On Flying Gay Pride Flag On U.S. Embassy Flagpoles: We Have One American Flag. Speaking with NBC News on
Monday [6/10/2019], Vice President Mike Pence did not back down when asked if he supported the State Department's decision
not to fly the rainbow Gay Pride flag on the flagpoles outside American embassies. Pence stated, "I'm aware that the
State Department indicated that on the flagpole of our American embassies that one flag should fly, and that's the American
flag. And I support that. ... when it comes to the American flagpole at American embassies at capitals across the
world, having the one American flag fly, I think, is the right decision."
Rep. Ilhan
Omar slams 'bigoted' Trump administration for barring pride flag from foreign embassies. Rep. Ilhan Omar,
D., Minn., has accused the Trump administration of being "bigoted" amid reports that U.S. embassies have had requests to fly
the rainbow Pride flag denied. June is Pride Month, promoting visibility for the LGBTQ community, and U.S. embassies in
Israel, Germany, Brazil, and Latvia made requests to the Trump administration to fly the flag on the official embassy
flagpole in honor of Pride. According to NBC News, those requests were denied by the State Department.
embassies defying Trump admin by flying 'gay pride' flag: 'This is category one insurrection'. The U.S.
diplomatic corps, much of which hails from far-Left Ivy League institutions, has been the most defiant when it comes to
obeying POTUS Donald Trump's policies, as evident by the fact that several American embassies have hoisted the "gay pride"
rainbow flag in defiance of the president. After the Trump administration formally denied requests from multiple United
States embassies to hoist the LGBT flag in honor of "Pride Month," several of them, along with other diplomatic missions, are
doing it anyway. As reported by the Washington Post, several U.S. embassies are finding ways to either defy or
show opposition to, the White House's instructions.
Video Surfaces Of Childrens' Drag Show, With Touchy-Feely Adults. As reported last week, a venue called the
Friendly House played host to a child centric drag queen show in Portland (where else), featuring 10 year old
drag kid Sparkle Lynn More. It was also promoted on as a gay audience event. Street videographer
Brandon Farley attended the event and has posted video of the entire thing on his YouTube channel.
for the LGBT Movement to Leave the Kids Alone. This summer, PBS Kids premiered an episode of the children's
show Arthur in which a teacher, Mr. Ratburn, "marries" another male character. Even before this premiere,
PBS was already infusing the LGBT agenda into its programming. In between its shows, a happy song about families
included an image of two dads with a baby and lyrics to that effect. Disney and other children's stations long ago
jumped onto the LGBT bandwagon with their line-up. As a Guardian headline noted in 2016, "From Nickelodeon to
Disney: Children's TV leads the way for LGBT characters," with same-sex unions featuring prominently in shows. It
is not just television, of course. Rumors now fly that even Elsa of Frozen may be a lesbian in the Disney
sequel. In fact, if you have a preschooler or early elementary-school child nowadays, you will find same-sex sexual
relationships, as well as transgender advocacy, advertised throughout your children's media and public programming.
Democrats call to end ban on gay men donating blood. A growing number of Democratic presidential candidates in
the 2020 election are calling for an end to a long-held standard for blood donations, which critics say enforces latent
homophobia and leaves America's blood supply vulnerable to unscientific limits. That policy, which bans gay and
bisexual men who have had sex with other men within the past year from donating blood, has been criticised as unnecessary in
terms of modern scientific testing for blood-borne sexually transmitted diseases like HIV — modern tests can find
the virus in the bloodstream within two weeks.
People Are Not Oppressed Or Persecuted In This Country. As everyone knows, June is African-American Music
Appreciation Month. It's also National Safety Month and National Smile Month. And we can't forget that it is ALS
Awareness Month, Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month, Cataract Awareness Month, Hernia Awareness Month, Myasthenia Gravis
Awareness Month, National Aphasia Awareness Month, National Congenital Cytomegalovirus Awareness Month, National Scleroderma
Awareness Month, and Scoliosis Awareness Month. But all of these holy observances must take a backseat to the most
hallowed of them all: LGBT Pride Month.
Designer Kids: What You Don't Know About Gender-Transitioning Will Blow Your Mind. Puberty-blocking
drugs, mastectomies, vaginal surgery and fake penises — all with zero chance of reversal — these are
just some of the radical experimental methods being used on children. The madness must stop.
Rep. Mike Hill vs. the Gay Establishment. Another day, another round of hypocrisy and manufactured outrage
by Florida's political left-wing: In the latest fake upset, a Halloween-coalition of the state's LGBT lobby and GOP
establishment hacks have set their sights on one of the state's two black Republican legislators. His crime?
Laughing off a patently ridiculous proposal by a constituent that he propose legislation criminalizing sodomy.
vs. Free Speech in BC. The British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal (BCHRT) recently decided a case
involving a flyer distributed by a street preacher, William Whatcott, challenging the candidacy for provincial office of a
man who identified publicly as a woman. Whatcott apparently handed out 1500 flyers on street corners, stuffed them in
mailboxes, taped them to doors and even put a copy on the internet, things that many political campaigners do today.
Whatcott's target was Morgane Oger, a trans-woman running for the leftist New Democratic Party (NDP) in the 2017 British
Columbia election. His flyer ("Transgenderism vs. Truth in Vancouver-False Creek") exposed Oger's claim to be "a
woman born into a male body" as fraudulent. "The truth" he said, "is there are only two genders, male and female and
they are God-given and unchangeable. Morgan's DNA will always be male, he will never have a uterus and no amount of
cosmetic surgery, fake hormones, or media propaganda is going to be able to change these facts." He concluded by
calling on people not to vote for the Oger or the NDP. Oger lost the election. Oger then filed a complaint with
the BCHRT, alleging the flyer violated section 7 of the Provincial Human Rights Code which, among other things, prohibited
publication of any statement that "indicates discrimination or an intention to discriminate."
goes full speed LGBTQ with 'Love my dads' shirts for kiddies. Target, the object of long-running Christian
group boycott — because of its opening of bathrooms and dressing rooms to those of both sexes — has now
found a new way to bolster its prestige with the LGBTQ movement: The retailer is selling "Love my dads" and "Love my
moms" shirts. And donating $100,000 to the Gay, Lesbian Straight Education Network. Gotta get those LGBTQ
dollars, right? Let the boycotts begin anew, say members of the American Family Association.
Biden declares LGBTQ rights his No. 1 legislative
priority. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden declared Saturday [6/1/2019] that the Equality Act would be his top
legislative priority, an effort to enshrine LGBTQ protections into the nation's labor and civil rights laws.
Socialist group celebrates 'literally no straight
people'. The Young Democratic Socialists of America chapter at Texas State University celebrated on Twitter
that there are "literally no straight people" on its e-board. The group issued the tweet on the third day of LGBT
"Pride Month."
Crown Transgender Prom King at Massachusetts High School. A Massachusetts high school named a biological female
prom king Friday [5/31/2019]. "Nicholas Bulman, the Barnstable High School student who came out as transgender last
summer, was crowned prom king at the Class of 2019's celebration Friday night at the Resort and Conference Center at
Hyannis," according to The Cape Cod Times. Students did not have the opportunity to vote, according to the
report. Instead, teachers chose Bulman from a list of five prom king candidates, and chose the prom queen from a list
of five girls.
will no longer categorize transgender as mental disorder. The World Health Organization will no longer categorize
transgender people as having a mental disorder, according to reports. "Gender Identity Disorder" was removed from the
organization's classification of diseases as of last weekend and will now be referred to as "gender incongruence," included
in WHO's section about sexual health, Time reported.
The Death of the Democratic
Party. In a recent speech in Las Vegas, Pete Buttigieg, the Democratic presidential candidate from South Bend,
Indiana, spoke about the dangers posed by "so-called identity politics." [...] Must everything revolve around the trans
community? Seriously? Trans people make up about of 0.6% of the American population, yet they make up almost 100%
of the conversation. One assumes that a large number of Americans are fed up with constantly being told to "embrace"
transgender and gender nonconforming people, to "empathize" with their collective struggle. This does not mean that the
exasperated are transphobic. The vast majority wish no harm on people who are uncomfortable with their identities.
They just happen to have more personal, more pressing issues that need addressing, like trying to pay their bills, keep their
jobs, or send their children to a decent college.
This isn't advertising. It's propaganda.
New Gillette Ad Features Dad Teaching Transgender Son How to Shave. Gillette's latest ad shows a dad teaching
his transgender son how to shave. "Whenever, wherever, however it happens — your first shave is special,"
Gillette said in the caption to the video posted to their official Facebook page.
The Editor says...
As usual, what you see on television is an inversion of the truth: I challenge you to find a girl who thinks she's a boy
who actually has a father around. I don't think you can such a case, except on television. In any case, there is no such
thing as a "transgender son." Your daughter may be a transvestite who chooses to dress and act like a man, but every cell in
her body still has female chromosomes.
The Nefariousness
of Trans Ideology. When it comes to the increased number of people identifying as transgender, greater social
acceptance of a previously stigmatized condition clearly plays a role in this process. Nevertheless, the rates at which
young people are identifying as transgender are soaring at an alarming rate. A 2018 study carried out by Lisa Littman,
a physician and professor of behavioral science at Brown University, found that the vast majority of the youth in her sample
who identified as trans all had one thing in common: They had been directly exposed to one or more peers who had
recently "come out" as trans. Furthermore, these children, according to their parents, had exhibited a noticeable
increase in internet and social media consumption. Transgenederism, it appears, was trending.
Trans Lobby Is Now Marketing to Your Kids. As the LGBT movement continues to grow in power and influence, it
has started to market drag and transgender ideology to the most gullible group out there: children. These efforts
normalize concepts that are unscientific and that promote medical treatments that many medical professionals oppose.
Take what happened recently on Mother's Day. Chips Ahoy!, king of the commercialized, processed cookie, tweeted an
endorsement of its product by Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, the name of a well-known drag queen.
The Editor says...
Drag queen is another way to say transvestite. A "trans woman" is also a transvestite.
Equality Act would turn America upside down. Democrats in the House are celebrating Friday's [5/17/2019]
passage of the Equality Act, a misnamed legal jackhammer that would add "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to federal
civil rights law. It goes far beyond allowing men into women's sports and locker rooms, as bad as that is. It
provides the state with the power to persecute anyone who won't celebrate any aspect of the LGBTQ agenda. Far from
merely expanding civil rights categories, it turns any recognition of the differences between the sexes or any preference for
traditional sexual morality into actionable "hate," creating fertile grounds for lawsuits.
endocrinologist says 'transgender therapy' is dangerous to kids; backed by no real 'science'. In a claim that
is likely to earn him a visit by scores of deranged Left-wing social justice warriors, a noted pediatric endocrinologist said
Friday that 'transgender therapy' now being administered to kids is essentially based on zero real 'science' and largely
experimental. That is, it's largely political.
LGBTQ Demands Become Law in the Equality Act. Remember when activists on the Supreme Court made same-sex
marriage in essence the law of the land? Elated, Obama said, "Love wins!" He celebrated the unconstitutional
destruction of the God ordained sacred institution of marriage by ordering that the White House be lit in rainbow
colors. Leftists decreed that the LGBTQ lifestyle is a "beautiful thing" which Americans had better embrace or
suffer severe punishment.
Parents Gender Transition Son, 7, and Foster Son, 3, to Female. A British judge has given his approval to the
foster parents of a transgender child who "transitioned" to their new gender at just three-years-old. The two parents,
named only as TP and CP, already had a seven-year-old biological child who had changed their gender from boy to girl just
months earlier.
Ahoy! mocks people upset over 'drag moms' ad: 'They're big mad'. Nabisco's Chips Ahoy! cookie brand on Sunday [5/12/2019]
mocked people who were upset over the company's Mother's Day ad that featured a recent contestant on "RuPaul's Drag Race." Jose
Cancel, a drag queen who uses the stage name Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, recorded a video for the cookie company urging people to buy cookies
for their moms and "drag moms" for Mother's Day.
The Editor says...
Well, there's another product to boycott. Used to be my favorite cookie, but I'm not buying them any more. Not now. Not ever. Never.
going after the scientists in conflict with transgender activist orthodoxy now. Ray Blanchard, Ph.D. is no Alex
Jones with out-there conspiracy theories. He's a respected scientist whose research on transgenderism is science-based
and consistent with existing research on the reality of gender dysphoria, the psychological disorder that prompts some
patients to attempt to change their sex. He's also quite compassionate toward these individuals, as they are his
patients, but his research is premised on hard, fact-based research, such as that there is no changing a person's
chromosomes, even if a person has altered his body through surgery. [...] In short, he's a moderate, with views well within
the mainstream of science. And Twitter banned him — not for saying anything wild, not for insulting anyone,
but for publishing his research.
Have Department of Defense Suicides Spiked? For decades, transvestites and transgenders experienced one of the highest
overall suicide rates for people with mental illnesses. According to, 90% of all suicides are the result of
untreated mental disorders. Over 60% (and possibly up to 90% as shown at Case Western) of transgender people have comorbid psychiatric
disorders, which often go wholly untreated. Transgender people report attempting suicide at a staggering rate — above 40%. Some
studies at have it as high as over fifty percent, regardless of whether the transgender opted for sexual reassignment surgery or
not. It was DOD policy to screen for homosexuality up until 1993. President Clinton removed the recruit screening process for
homosexuality as well as for personality disorders and mental illnesses when he signed Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
Destructive Equality Act of 2019. My dictionary defines psychosis as "a severe mental disorder in which thought
and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality." We now have a majority of members of Congress
who are prepared to pass into law that the sex individuals are born with — their chromosomal and physical
reality — will take a back seat to how those individuals choose to define their own sexual identity.
Henceforth, we'll be done with the idea that there is some objective reality independent of what of any particular individual
decides it is. I once complained that our society was denying morality — right and wrong. Now we're
beyond this. We're denying reality in its entirety.
Walk Away Event Encourages LGBT People
To Separate From The Democratic Party. I like a lot of Austen Fletcher's videos but this one is a bit different
than most. In this clip, Fletcher isn't at a campus talking to people, he's at an event in West Hollywood called "#Walk
Away" which is aimed at encouraging LGBT people to consider distancing themselves from the Democratic Party.
The Editor says...
No, that's okay, you can stay with the Democrats. This country doesn't need two Democratic Parties.
The Democrats are welcome to retain their core constituents: welfare queens, prostitutes, homosexuals, bikers, communists,
homeless bums, and assorted troublemakers.
credentialed media's creeping attempts to normalize 'transgenderism'. It was not so long ago that the
credentialed media referred to the person now going by the name Chelsea Elizabeth Manning as a 'transgender woman,' formerly
known as Bradley Manning. In an act of unbelievable stupidity, the government, under President Barack Obama, did not
challenge Mr Manning's filing legally to change his name to Chelsea, though at least the government didn't attempt the idiocy
of transferring him to a women's prison. President Obama commuted the remainder of Mr Manning's prison sentence just
before he left office. Even in those stories of the past, the credentialed media chose to use the feminine pronouns to
refer to Mr Manning, something with which I disagreed, and something which this site does not do. But in the
[Washington] Post's current article, Mr Manning's 'transgenderism' is never mentioned, nor that he was known as
Bradley Manning when he committed his crimes.
cancels annual 'Conga Against Homophobia' parade. Cuban gay rights activists denounced the government's
decision to cancel this year's parade against homophobia, accusing it of snatching away their main platform at a key moment
as the Caribbean nation is set to debate legalizing same-sex marriage. The state-run National Center for Sex Education
(CENESEX), which has spearheaded advances in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights in recent years, announced
on Monday it would not hold its 12th annual conga.
high school shooters are revealed to be a young GIRL who 'was male by appearance' and an 18-year-old boy. Devon
Erickson, 18, and a juvenile female — who authorities previously identified as a boy — were taken into custody following the
shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch in Denver on Tuesday afternoon [5/7/2019]. Erickson was charged as an adult on
Wednesday with first-degree murder and attempted murder ahead of an initial court appearance in the afternoon. His
accused accomplice is being charged separately as a juvenile. [...] The underage student is reportedly in the process of
transitioning from female to male but Sheriff Tony Spurlock would not confirm if the young suspect was transgender.
In Denver School Shooting Is Transgender, Possibly Motivated By Revenge. We are learning a bit more about the
motive of yesterday's school shooting at Highlands Ranch, a STEM school in Denver. It's being reported that one of the
suspects is transgender and that the shooting may have been motivated by revenge and anger toward specific students.
McKinney, second Colorado shooting suspect, identifies as [a] male named Alec. The second suspect in the
Colorado school shooting, Maya McKinney, was listed in court records as a 16-year-old female, but identifies as a male and
prefers to be called Alec. McKinney was shackled at the wrists and ankles Wednesday [5/8/2019] when he appeared in court
and responded to the judge's questions in a clear but quiet voice, saying, "Yes, your honor," and, "No, your honor." His
mother sat at his side. The teen's lawyers asked that the pronoun "he" be used for their client.
The Editor says...
If it's a girl, the correct pronoun is she, no matter what the lawyers say. If the lawyers say 2+2=3, that doesn't mean they're right.
The Brainwashing
of a Nation. Exploiting sexuality, triggering guilt and shame in children, to transform their identity was
usually the work of the lowest savage tribes and the vilest cults. It's now the American education system. The
techniques aren't new. They're as evil and old as time itself. Like every cult, the modern campus claims to serve
an educational purpose, helping students find meaning and purpose, but insisting that they must first be cured of the
subconscious evils such as white privilege and toxic masculinity that are holding them back through a process that
deconstructs their barriers, encourages confession, expressions of trauma, shame and guilt, to create new identities.
This isn't education. It's not even dogmatic lecturing. It's the same basic set of techniques used by any major
cult in the country.
Christianity Doesn't Need To Endorse Homosexuality To Grow. Research done jointly at Harvard and Indiana
universities makes this clear, reporting that the number of adults attending liberalizing mainline churches has tanked
precipitously from 35 percent of the American population in 1972 to 12 percent in 2016. This decline of the mainline
churches began in the early 1960s when they started to question and officially change their positions on historic Christian
basics like the deity of Christ, the existence of miracles, the reality of sin, and the atoning death of Jesus and His
resurrection, as well as jettisoning biblical convictions about sex, gender, and abortion. People started running for
the doors of these churches with every new compromise, and this exodus continues en masse today. It could hardly be
worse if these pastors asked their parishioners to leave and never come back. The Harvard/Indiana University
research also shows that the churches that take the Bible as the reliable word of God are doing very well. Compromising
on biblical truths was, and is, a devastating church-growth strategy.
Oppose Children's Story Hour at Bay View Community Center. Members of the American Society for the Defense of
Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) gathered to express their opposition to a Drag Queen Story Hour held at Bay View
Community Center (BVCC) this afternoon. The story hour was presented by the Drag Queen Story Hour MKE. The group's
Facebook post about the event announced, "Everyone is welcome to come dressed up as Star Wars characters. Please join
us for an all ages, family event that will include stories and songs that promote service-learning, diversity, education, and
creativity." Named because a drag queen reads stories to children, the events were designed to promote imagination,
diversity, education, and creativity.
Dumps Top Black, Female Conservative For Believing Men Can't Be Women. As odd as everyone surely feels about
those we've found ourselves agreeing with, we all seem to have found a lot of common ground on challenging a movement that's
mandating parents go along with the chemical sterilization, or surgical sex organ modification, of all children who discover
gender identity on Tumblr, or in a PFLAG group, or after a friend at school goes trans. Many people find it curious
that such drastic interventions are being proposed for a vaguely defined psychological condition with an ever-expanding list
of barely related symptoms.
Light launches rainbow pride bottles in partnership with LGBTQ organization. The Bud Light you know and love
tastes the same but looks a little different. The beer company, in partnership with LGBTQ media organization GLAAD,
launched its first-ever rainbow aluminum bottle to celebrate World Pride.
Graham Schools Mayor Pete on Homosexuality. Graham responded on Facebook to Buttigieg's claim that God doesn't
favor one political party or another. "Presidential candidate and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg is right —
God doesn't have a political party. But God does have commandments, laws, and standards He gives us to live by.
God is God. He doesn't change. His Word is the same yesterday, today, and forever," Graham wrote. "Mayor
Buttigieg says he is a gay Christian and he wants to unite people behind him. I'm sure there will be many people who
will want to follow. But as a Christian I believe what the Bible says. God's Word defines homosexuality as sin,
something to be repentant of, not something to be flaunted, praised, or politicized. The Bible defines marriage as
between a man and a woman — not two men, not two women.
Fear, and LGBTQ. LGBTQ activists' domination of our culture has come a long way from the days when they claimed
they only wanted tolerance. Today, they demand that we bend a knee in total submission and approval of their lifestyle
in education, entertainment media, and even Christian churches. LGBTQ activists are aggressively seeking to ban the
Bible, declaring it bigoted hate speech. LGBTQ activists seek to make it illegal to counsel those who wish to
transition from LGBTQ lifestyles. Leftists are thrilled about Corpus Christi, which is a blasphemous movie in
which Jesus and his disciples are portrayed as homosexuals. And yet, leftists are demanding that public schools forbid
students from drawing pictures of Mohammad because Sharia law says to do so is blasphemy.
So-Called Equality Act: Making Some Americans More Equal than Others. Every totalitarian system has used
the tactic of coercing people to affirm the regime's agenda, even when they disagree. Forcing people to mouth
politically correct dogmas that they know are false is designed to break their spirit and their resistance. Aleksandr
Solzhenitsyn said the worst aspect of Communist totalitarianism was not the economic poverty or the lack of political rights;
it was being forced to repeat the regime's lies: "The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the
lie." Just a few years ago, few imagined that the greatest threat to liberty would come via the sexual revolution.
Its promise of liberation for some has turned into repression for everyone else. Homosexual and transgender people are
not a "vulnerable and marginalized population," as their propaganda puts it; they are now the favored few.
BYU valedictorian
comes out as proud 'gay son of God' in graduation speech. A Brigham Young University student quoted the Book of
Mormon before he came out as a "gay son of God" during his commencement speech. The audience cheered on Matt Easton, a
political science valedictorian, on Friday [4/26/2019] as he made the announcement publicly for the first time at the school
owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Athletes Dominate at Connecticut Girls' Track State Meet. According to, a nonpartisan
grassroots campaign based in the UK dedicated to fighting for the sex-base rights of women and girls, there are a number of
skeletal and muscular differences between men and women. Women are, on average, 9 percent shorter than men, and have
shorter and weaker bones. Women also have shorter arms and legs relative to body size — one can easily see
where longer legs might benefit males in track sports. As for muscles, women "are around 30-35% muscle by weight, while
men are 40-50% muscle." Women's ligaments are also thinner and softer than men's. The impact these biological
differences have when it comes to competitive sports is undeniable — and there are victims whose concerns are not
being heard.
Maine legislators push to
remove 'he' and 'him' from state's laws and replaced with gender-neutral terms. A bill working its way up
through Maine's state legislature Friday [4/26/2019] is calling for words like "he" and "him" to be scrubbed out of the
wording of its laws — and instead be replaced with more gender-neutral terms. Rep. Matt Moonen, a
Democrat, says he wrote the bill after reading through laws and finding references to mostly male figures in positions of
authority. "The law still refers to the Governor as he, him (or) his, and I kept looking and was increasingly baffled,
as I found more places where that is the case," he said, according to News Center Maine.
Harris calls for third gender option on federal IDs. Presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris says she
supports putting a third gender option on federal identification cards. The Democrat from California backed the idea
when asked about it during a town hall Tuesday in the first-in-the-nation presidential primary state of New Hampshire.
"It's a simple point. There needs to be another category. And I'm open to the idea of doing that. And I
think that it's a good idea," Harris told Fox News and New Hampshire's Concord Monitor during an interview later in the day.
Living in
Leftlandia. [Scroll down] They live in La-la Land, in Leftlandia, saturated in fantasies filled with pots of
gold at the ends of LGBT rainbows. They never touch down. [...] They believe they can pretend to be a gender other than
what they were born with and that if they can browbeat the rest of us into playing their game, that it will be true. They
even believe they can make up new genders no one's ever heard of before. They might as well imagine
themselves to be unicorns as far as reality is concerned, but they're not concerned with reality.
Scouts naming 200 leaders accused of sex abuse in New York, New Jersey. The names of close to 200 Boy Scout
leaders in New York and New Jersey accused of sexually abusing kids will be released Tuesday [4/23/2019]. The leaders
worked in both states and were named in the Boy Scouts of America's "perversion files," according to a pair of law firms
representing victims. At afternoon press conferences in Midtown and Newark, lawyers from the firms of Greg Gianforcaro
and Jeff Anderson & Associates plan to release "shocking testimony" and demand that the Boy Scouts of America release the
identities, background information and files on all BSA perpetrators in New Jersey who have been accused of sexual misconduct
with minors.
Nearly 8K Boy Scout Leaders Accused Of Sexual Assault Since 1944. The Boy Scouts of America is continuing to
grapple with sexual assault allegations within its organization. Nearly 8,000 people have been named in the so-called
"Perversion Files," which is a massive list of names kept by the organization since the 1940's documenting the number of
volunteers kicked out of the Scouts due to sexual assault claims. While the existence of the "Perversion Files" was
made public in 2012, neither the number of people accused of assault nor their names has never been disclosed to the
public — that is until now.
The Editor says...
Obviously, since the Boy Scouts was an organization exclusively for boys, until very recently, all of the perverts
were homosexuals. Not all homosexuals are pedophiles, but all homosexuals are perverts.
Theron: My 3 Year-Old Boy Said She's a Girl, 'So, There You Go!' Actress Charlize Theron has been
raising her biologically-male son as a girl even since the child told her he wasn't a boy when he was three years old.
That's all it took for Theron to start raising her son Jackson, now seven, as a girl, the actress told The Daily Mail.
The Editor says...
Any parent who lets a three-year-old tell her what to do is an idiot. Where's her husband?
Or is he irrelevant?
Now Using Extortion As A Tool In Their Continuing Hostile Takeover Of The United Methodist Church. It appears
that the leftists are now using financial extortion as a tool in their continuing hostile takeover of the United Methodist
Church. While all the media oxygen was (understandably) being used up by the Mueller Report release and the Muslim
massacre of almost 300 Christians at Easter services in Sri Lanka, this article by NBC went largely unnoticed.
One in Seven Transgender Women Have HIV. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a "Dear
Colleague" letter Wednesday with warnings about the high prevalence and risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) among
transgender individuals.
Theron's Bizarre Child Abuse: She Claims Her Adopted Son Came Out as Transsexual at 3. I am not joking or
exaggerating one bit when I say that this should be considered child abuse and this kid should be taken away from Charlize
Theron. What she is doing to this kid is monstrous and a sane society would immediately recognize that it makes her
unfit to be a mother.
Mayor Pete
and the Crackup of Christianity. "Mayor Pete" is proudly gay and living happily with his husband. He says
God made him the way he is, and he is living the life God intended for him. [...] [W]hat Buttigieg is saying is that either
God changes his moral law to conform to the changing behavior of mankind or that, for 2,000 years, Christian preaching and
practice toward homosexuals has been bigoted, injurious and morally indefensible. If Pete is right, since the time of
Christ, Christians have ostracized and persecuted gays simply for being and behaving as God intended. And if that is
true, what is the defense of Christianity?
Buttigieg Is Wrong about Homosexuality. Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the media, and academia are all fouled up about
what perversion is! Since the mayor is an admitted homosexual, with a "husband," no less, he obviously feels he must
justify his choice of walking in the dark world of perversion. And make no mistake: homosexuality is perversion.
If not, then all religions and denominations down through the ages have been wrong. A serious person will not try to
overturn civilization's morals, manners, and mores of thousands of years without much thoughtful consideration. Evidently,
Pete cannot be trusted to make decisions since he chose a degrading, dangerous, even deadly lifestyle.
Kentucky BBQ business getting heat for 'LGBTQ' shirts. A northern Kentucky barbecue food truck is getting a lot
of heat after advertising its T-shirts on social media. The of Belle's Smoking BBQ took a play on the acronym LGBTQ and
changed it to Liberty, Guns, Bible, Trump, and BBQ. Some are calling the message insensitive and hateful. Belle's
Smoking BBQ is based in Williamstown, but the owner Jamie Smith has been traveling all over the state bringing his food to
crowds for three years. Now his merchandise is overshadowing his smoked meats.
The Editor says...
Homosexuals do not have exclusive rights to the use of the letters L, G, B, T, and Q.
(Or bow ties, moustaches, rainbows, or pastel colors.)
Methodists edge toward breakup over LGBT policies. There's at least one area of agreement among conservative,
centrist and liberal leaders in the United Methodist Church: America's largest mainline Protestant denomination is on a
path toward likely breakup over differences on same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBT pastors.
Camille Paglia vs the trans-Taliban.
Camille Paglia has joined the ever-growing list of women in the metaphorical stocks being pelted with accusations of
transphobia. A number of blue-fringed students at her university are demanding she be fired for her statements criticizing
some women who bring charges of sexual assault, and because of her comments about transgender people. 'I am highly
skeptical about the current transgender wave, which I think has been produced by far more complicated psychological and
sociological factors than current gender discourse allows', she said in 2017.
Teacher Steals $100,000 From Church, Murders Boyfriend, Dies in Crash. Roy McClendon-Thompson was a social
studies teacher at McNair High School in DeKalb County, Georgia. Last month, he was arrested for embezzling more than
$100,000 from Tabernacle Baptist Church in Atlanta. However, after his arrest, he was allowed to resume teaching until
April 8, when he called in to say he wouldn't be coming to work that day. It turned out that McClendon-Thompson, 42,
had discovered that his boyfriend James Curtis Jones was cheating on him, so he drove to the boyfriend's apartment in
Dunwoody, where he shot Jones to death. McClendon-Thompson then got in his car and drove south until he rammed head-on
into a truck, and was killed.
Pete and the Crackup of Christianity. "Mayor Pete" is proudly gay and living happily with his husband. He
says God made him the way he is, and he is living the life God intended for him. Raising the same-sex marriage issue
himself, the mayor defiantly taunted Mike Pence: [...] Yet, Mayor Pete's assertion — that God made him gay, and
God intended that he live his life this way, and that this life is moral and good — is another milestone on the
road to a new America. For what Buttigieg is saying is that either God changes his moral law to conform to the changing
behavior of mankind or that, for 2,000 years, Christian preaching and practice toward homosexuals has been bigoted, injurious
and morally indefensible.
Transsexualism a Disassociative Personality Disorder? Through the 1970s a handful of prestigious American
medical institutions offered medical and surgical sex-change procedures to patients diagnosed with transsexualism. [...]
These transsexual treatment programs in general hospitals have all closed down. Transsexual medicine traveled the same
path as abortion services. It started out being provided in general hospitals in the 1970s, but as society sobered up
from the dreadful trip called "choice," both abortion and transsexual treatment were shut out of hospitals. This is
because both kinds of treatments amount to inflicting sickness and systemic failure upon healthy bodies, and both without
scientific knowledge of the long-term effects of such "healthcare."
Are Now Giving 8-Year-Old Girls Testosterone, Claiming They're 'Transgender'. According to medical doctors and
a parent of a gender non-conforming child speaking on a panel for the Heritage Foundation, their quest to stop dangerous
transgender treatments on minors has exposed that "government-funded research now allows wrong sex hormones such as
testosterone to be given to girls as young as 8," reported The Christian Post on Tuesday [4/2/2019].
Public Library Has Another Sex Offender Read to Kids. The grotesque phenomenon of libraries inviting drag
queens to read to children has spread across the country. It should have surprised no one that a conspicuously sexually
deranged individual recruited by the Houston Public Library for this purpose — namely, Albert Garza (aka Tatiana
Mala Nina) — turned out to be a registered sex offender who had been convicted of aggravated sexual assault on an
Teen Vogue Declares There Is No Such Thing As Biological Sex Because Reasons. Teen Vogue has a long history of
promoting transgenderism in harmful and objectively false ways. That includes celebrating the child abuse of a
9-year-old boy whose parents allow him to believe he's a girl named Lactatia. Ever the trailblazer, Teen Vogue put out
a video proclaiming that there is no such thing as biological sex because nothing matters anymore.
Display Transgender Flags Outside of Capitol Hill Offices. The freshman class in the House have brought "firsts" to
Capitol Hill, including a change of rules to allow Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) to wear a hijab on the House floor and
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introducing the controversial Green New Deal resolution that has put socialism in the
spotlight. When Jennifer Wexton (D-VA) was sworn in in January, she was the first to hang a transgender flag outside of
her office in the Longworth Office Building.
Queen Story Time organizers in Houston call it quits amid 'death threats and national scorn'. Organizers of a
Houston Public Library program where drag queens could read stories to children are calling it quits after a drag queen who
participated in the program turned out to be a registered child sex offender, sparking widespread outrage. Trent Lira
and Devin Will, the founders of Drag Queen Story Time, said they and their "kings and queens" who participated in the program
have been the target of harassment and death threats since they first launched at the Freed-Montrose Library in September 2017.
teen says school won't permit a run for prom king — even though teen 'identifies' as male:. A
Georgia high school refuses to let a transgender student who was born as a female run for prom king. Dex Frier, who was
born female, identifies as male, and told BuzzFeed News that the school is forcing him to run for queen, if he wants to run
at all, as Frier is not legally a male.
Refuse To Facilitate 'Sex Change' Of Autistic Son, So Authorities Threaten To Put Him In Foster Care. Parents
of a teenage son who has Asperger's and autism were threatened by authorities to have their child placed in foster care after
they refused to help facilitate a so-called "sex change" of the boy. Recalling the horrifying ordeal to The Daily Mail,
the couple, who wished to remain anonymous, claimed an NHS clinic in the U.K. said their then-14-year-old boy should be put
on hormone-blockers since he told them he thought he was a girl. The parents, believing their child's autism played a
role in the declaration of gender confusion, refused to cooperate with the "transition," particularly since the blockers can
cause irrevocable harm.
Australian Greens want to wipe out religious programs, replace them with LGBT agenda. The Australian Greens
party has hardened its stance on the LGBT agenda in view of the 2019 federal elections to the Senate on May 18 and the House
of Representatives on November 2. The long list of "LGBTIQ+" policies the Greens want to implement includes a commitment
to end an existing program funding the presence of religious chaplains in public schools and to use the money in favor of "secular"
and "inclusive" support for "diverse" students. Other anti-religious initiatives are included on the list, in particular "the
removal of religious exemptions from anti-discrimination laws." Religious and private schools are especially targeted.
queen storytime reader once charged with child sex assault. Houston Public Library is apologizing after a man
charged for sexually assaulting a child was allowed to entertain children at Drag Queen storytime. The library said Friday
[3/15/2019] that a review revealed the volunteer never completed a background check before he was allowed to participate
in the program.
'We Take Great Pride in Serving With a Record-Breaking Ten LGBTQ Members in the Congress'. House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi said at a press conference on Wednesday [3/13/2019] — introducing H.R. 5, which prohibits discrimination on
the bases of sexual orientation — that she is proud to serve alongside a record 10 LGBTQ members of Congress. "We
take great pride in serving with a record-breaking ten LGBTQ Members in the Congress," Pelosi said. "We are happy about that."
Was America's First 'Nonbinary' Person. It Was All a Sham. Four years ago, I wrote about my decision to
live as a woman in The New York Times, writing that I had wanted to live "authentically as the woman that I have always
been," and had "effectively traded my white male privilege to become one of America's most hated minorities." Three years
ago, I decided that I was neither male nor female, but nonbinary — and made headlines after an Oregon judge agreed
to let me identify as a third sex, not male or female. Now, I want to live again as the man that I am. I'm one of
the lucky ones. Despite participating in medical transgenderism for six years, my body is still intact. Most
people who desist from transgender identities after gender changes can't say the same.
hero who became first legal nonbinary person renounces 'sham' transgender life, becomes man again. In 2016,
Jamie Shupe, a biological male, made international headlines after an Oregon judge granted him legal status as a "nonbinary"
person, legally shedding gender designations that he felt oppressed his true identity as a woman. He had become the
first American granted this legal status. Just three years later, Shupe has renounced his former life, which he now
characterizes as a "sham." [...] "Overnight, I went from being a liberal media darling to a conservative pariah," Shupe
said. "The truth is that my sex change to nonbinary was a medical and scientific fraud."
Madness. Has anyone rationally analyzed the direction we are heading along the gender fluid turnpike? If
we don't set some guidelines soon, we'll be cruising headlong into a nasty multi-car pile up. It might already be too
late. To wit, Josh Rogin's October 2018 article in the Washington Post "Giselle Donnelly can Finally be Herself" came
and went with barely a whimper in the conservative world, even though it recounts the transition of AEI's national security
expert Thomas Donnelly to transwoman Giselle Donnelly. Formerly a married man who fathered two children, this
conservative scholar led a clandestine life as a woman-wannabee. After his divorce and five years of gender probing,
Donnelly found his peace sharing "national security, wine, gender fluidity, and BDSM" with his new wife, Elizabeth Taylor, a
former naval nuclear instructor turned trans beauty consultant. A few years ago this would have been fodder for a skit
on SNL. Today, it's serious stuff.
Rules Father Cannot Halt Daughter's Transgender Hormones, or Even Call Her a Girl. Last Wednesday [2/27/2019],
the Supreme Court of British Columbia (B.C.) ruled that a 14-year-old girl may undergo transgender hormone "treatments" to
support her transgender identity as a boy — without her father's consent. The court went so far as to
threaten to penalize the father's speech. If he calls his daughter a girl, that would constitute "family violence,"
which would be punishable by law. The B.C. Supreme Court ruled that the girl (referred to as A.B.) "is exclusively
entitled to consent to medical treatment for gender dysphoria and to take any necessary legal proceedings in relation to such
medical treatment," and that "attempting to persuade A.B. to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; addressing A.B. by his
birth name; referring to A.B. as a girl or with female pronouns whether to him directly or to third parties; shall be
considered to be family violence under s. 38 of the Family Law Act."
Madness. While we all go about our daily lives, transgender advocacy organizations have pushed changes in
the military, sports, our schools, even the pageantry world. As a society, we haven't been accorded the opportunity
to have an honest, comprehensive national conversation about transgender issues and whether individuals should be free to
transition absent scientific proof. Debate has been carefully stifled by the proponents of all things transgender,
issues are not presented as questions but foregone conclusions, and any credible opposition is "transphobia" and "hate"
punishable by public humiliation — people lose their jobs, credibility, memberships in organizations; they're excommunicated
from social media, harassed, labelled, and doxxed if they dare question the trans-orthodoxy of the Democrat-Media Complex
and LGBTQ Mafia. Ironically, there is no deference to science on these issues unless radical academics can contort
the science to fit the cause.
Pigs on Two
Legs Turn on Each Other. [Martina] Navratilova had the temerity to suggest that one's sex is biologically
determined. In other words, transgenderism, even with the imprimatur of the social and biological sciences, cannot
trump our innate genetic codes. A frustrated Navratilova was editorializing mostly in the context of men
"transitioning" to women, while in many cases still enjoying innate muscular and size advantages over females in same-sex
sporting events. As a result, she is being demonized unfairly as an intersectional traitor ("transphobic") and thus
increasingly disinvited from a number of events by what is known as the LGBTQ community. In other words, her
intersectional femaleness and gayness are revoked by improper ideology.
Roy Rogers to Infanticide. America has moved on. Democrats, Hollywood, and fake news media say America no
longer wants white guys like Roy Rogers on TV, infecting our kids with Christian morals and family values. America has
moved on from the biblical teaching that there are only two genders. NYC recognizes 31 different genders.
Facebook gives customers 56 gender options. Leftists believe they are far more sophisticated and intelligent than Bible
believers and Americans living in flyover country. Leftists say determining a baby's gender by its genitalia at birth
is idiotic. They say we must allow the child to evolve into the gender it wants to be. This insane child abuse
has led to hundreds of kids as young as four years old identifying as transgender and changing their sex.
You're A Biological Man Competing In A Women's Sport, You're A Cheater. It's one thing to have someone shout
that they are female when they're really male. If they just kept it to that, then that's not something I particularly
care about. You do you, just don't force everyone else to pretend along with you and we're good. However, it's
another to not only force everyone else to agree with you but then applaud you as you put women down. That's exactly
what's going on in the sports community, as headline after headline comes out detailing victories by transgendered "women" in
women's sports as highlighted by my colleague Elizabeth Vaughn on Tuesday [2/26/2019]. These are only being celebrated
today as triumphs because the current trend says people not only should cheer it on, but they have to. Any talk to the
contrary evokes the wrath of the mob, and God have mercy on your soul if you become their target.
Methodists keep bans on LGBTQ clergy, gay weddings; denomination split feared. The United Methodist Church is
in danger of breaking up after a small majority of its 2019 conference attendees voted to keep LGBTQ bans in place. At
its general conference in St. Louis Monday, the 800 clergy members held a preliminary vote to accept the Traditional
Church plan by 56 percent, which would continue to keep LGBTQ bans against clergy and same-sex weddings. While the
final vote on the plan will happen late Tuesday, continuing with the Traditional plan is worried to cause a schism within the
church and lead to supporters of LGBTQ inclusion to split.
On 'Discrimination' Law, Iowa Jury Awards Trans Woman $120,000, Access To Male Prison Facilities. A jury in
Iowa has concluded that the state discriminated against a former Iowa Department of Corrections nurse because the employer
wouldn't let her use the bathrooms with male employees. The jury also said the Iowa Department of Corrections denied
Jesse Vreogh health care coverage for "medically necessary surgery" — i.e. a double mastectomy to look more like a
man. The jury awarded Vreogh $120,000 for the "emotional distress" of both instances based on Iowa's sexual orientation
and gender identity law, which was introduced in 2007 and signed by Democrat Gov. Chet Culver.
Lesbian Tennis Champ Destroyed for Saying Men and Women Are Different. Navratilova defected from communist
Czechoslovakia in 1975 and became a U.S. citizen in 1981. That same year, when there was still a price to be paid for doing
so, she came out as a lesbian and has since engaged in a long career of LGBT activism. She lent her name and support to
ballot initiatives, spoke at LGBT marches, and in 2000 was the recipient of the National Equality Award from the Human Rights
Campaign, the nation's largest LGBT lobbying group. She is active on Twitter and firmly in the Orange Man Bad
camp. No one could ever accuse Martina of not being down for the cause. All this was not enough to protect
Navratilova from ostracization and accusations of bigotry last week when she questioned the wisdom of allowing men pretending
to be women to compete in women's sports.
Navratiola Removed From Board of LGBTQ Organization. Tennis legend Martina Navratilova was officially removed
Wednesday from the advisory board of a prominent LBGTQ organization after making comments about transgender athletes.
Navratilova released an op-ed in The Sunday Times on Feb. 17 discussing her opinion on why transgender athletes should not be able
to compete against female athletes. She wrote that having men compete as women is unfair because of the physical advantage.
The King of Pop — and Perversion.
How can an icon be a con? It was easier to ignore a landscape designed as a spider web for child sexual abuse than to
give up the soundtrack of our lives, the catchy songs that coursed through memories of weddings, bar mitzvahs and other good
times. "With Michael Jackson, you can see how grotesquely his fame, and our worship of fame, distorts and excuses and
enables evil — to the point mothers fail to protect their children and literally throw them in harm's way," says
Maureen Orth, who did groundbreaking stories in the '90s for Vanity Fair about both Jackson and Allen. Indeed, the most
harrowing part of the new documentary about the shredded lives of two of Jackson's victims is the complicity of their
mothers. Jackson spent as much time grooming the mothers as the sons, to the point where the women saw nothing wrong in
letting their children share a bed with a grown man.
You were never a woman, you were a transvestite and a fool.
surgery, regret: I was a transgender woman for 8 years: time I can't get back. I started my transgender
journey as a 4-year-old boy when my grandmother repeatedly, over several years, cross-dressed me in a full-length purple
dress she made especially for me and told me how pretty I was as a girl. This planted the seed of gender confusion and
led to my transitioning at age 42 to transgender female. I lived as "Laura" for eight years, but, as I now know,
transitioning doesn't fix the underlying ailments. Studies show that most people who want to live as the opposite sex
have other psychological issues, such as depression or anxiety. In my case, I was diagnosed at age 40 with gender
dysphoria and at age 50 with psychological issues due to childhood trauma. Eventually, my parents found out, and my
unsupervised visits to Grandma's house ended. I thought my secret was safe, but my teenage uncle heard about it and
felt I was fair game for taunting and sexual abuse. I wasn't even 10 years old. If not for the purple dress,
I believe I would not have been abused by my uncle.
Homosexual Mafia Strikes Again. New York City Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. is in major trouble. In fact, he
may be expelled from the NYC Council. What exactly did Councilman Diaz do? Did he assault someone, commit larceny
or voter fraud? Not exactly. He said the following, which is in a sense being treated worse than the above
crimes: "The City Council is controlled by the homosexual community."
percent of priests in the Vatican are gay: new book. A large majority of priests in the Vatican are gay,
although many are not sexually active, a new book claims. A total of about 80 percent of the most revered clerics in
the Roman Catholic Church are homosexual despite the church's opposition to gay rights, according to the extensively researched
book by French journalist Frédéric Martel. The gay priests adhere to an unspoken code called "the closet,"
where it is understood that, for instance, a cardinal or bishop who denounces homosexuality is more likely to be gay, according
to the book "In the Closet of the Vatican."
Man Awarded $120,000 in Discrimination Case at Iowa Prison. In 2015, Jesse Vroegh, a registered nurse working
in an Iowa prison, asked his employers at the state Department of Corrections to allow him to use the men's restrooms and
locker rooms at work because he was transitioning from female to male. But the department denied his requests, citing
its concerns about the "rights of the male officers" and saying that transgender issues were "too controversial," according
to a lawsuit.
A Transgender Hero Breaks
Ranks. Even though it's still young, the transgender movement has occasioned many bizarre and horrific
stories. But even in that company, the saga of Jamie Shupe stands out. Born in 1963, Shupe has been married to
his wife, Sandy, for three decades; they have a daughter. He spent eighteen years (1982-2000) in the U.S. Army.
In 2013 he began identifying as a transgender woman, claiming that he had struggled for years with a deep sense of being
different and had been harassed in the military because he was perceived as gay. After declaring that he was a woman,
he "lived for a year in Pittsburgh, got hormone treatments and a name change," but never had a sex-change operation.
Finding Pittsburgh inhospitable for a trans woman, he relocated to Portland, Oregon, where he continued living as a woman for
another two years. In 2015, the New York Times profiled Shupe as part of a splashy, upbeat series celebrating
"transgender lives."
Va. GOP legislator: 'LGBTQ is a modern day version of the Ku Klux Klan'. Eric Porterfield, a Republican
in the West Virginia House of Delegates, compared members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community to
the Ku Klux Klan on Friday amid facing threats and calls to resign over other recent bigoted remarks. "The LGBTQ is a
modern day version of the Ku Klux Klan, without wearing hoods with their antics of hate," Mr. Porterfield said in an
interview Friday morning [2/8/2019], Charleston's Gazette-Mail reported. Mr. Porterfield also called the gay
community a "terrorist group" and claimed that he is being "persecuted" in retaliation for comments he made during a House
Government Organization Committee meeting two days earlier, the newspaper reported.
lawmaker: City Council is 'controlled by the homosexual community'. A Bronx city council member said he
was treated as an outsider by the chamber because it's "controlled by the homosexual community," according to a new
report. "When I get to the City Council, I find that the City Council is controlled — most council members
out of 51 council members — over there, everybody is controlled by the homosexual community," Rubén
Díaz Sr. said in an interview with a spanish-language TV program geared toward cab drivers, NY1 reported. City
Council Speaker Corey Johnson, who is gay, called on Diaz to apologize after the NY1 report.
bites off part of boyfriend's ear over alleged cheating, police say. A quarrel over alleged infidelity left one
man holding a piece of his own left ear when police arrived, and another arrested and charged with aggravated assault,
authorities in Phoenix said this week.
RICO: The Feds Need to Bust Big Gay. Gay men Ed Buck and Terry Bean donated huge sums to Democrats and played
leading roles in LGBT activism. Now they find themselves under scrutiny for misconduct with younger men. David
Daniels and Scott Walters befriended Ruth Bader Ginsburg and inspired her to defend gay rights eloquently. Recently
they have been accused of raping a young man in 2010. To add to the trend of famous gay Democrats in trouble, now Bryan
Singer came under harsh scrutiny in the Atlantic over allegations of abuse. Together these men paint a horrifying
picture. But they are far from the worst one finds in the gay community. Ed Buck's case deals with two black men,
both younger, who died in his California home during some sort of drug-induced sex play. Terry Bean's case points to
troubling congress with younger men, possibly including a minor.
many Americans are praying for Trump. Mainstream media seek to convince us that a majority of Americans embrace
their anti-Christian anything-goes-sexually agenda. The truth is, millions of Americans are disturbed by our nation's
cultural and moral decline. A growing number of TV commercials selling everything from milk to phone services interject
homosexuality. I told my wife, "Next they will have men kissing." Thirty minutes later, a Diet Coke TV commercial
featured two men kissing in a cab. With every new TV drama and sitcom, the question is, in which episode will the show
promote homosexuality? LGBTQ are only 3% of the population. Why is there such an intense, relentless push to
shove homosexuality into our faces?
A growing record of insanity. It's hard to keep up
with the tsunami of cultural and economic insanity thundering through a thousand outlets every day, but here's a try. [...]
Democrats are deploying the LGBTQ legal agenda to criminalize conservative religious views, using transgenderism as the
spearpoint. After enacting their radical, full-term abortion bill, New York legislators passed a law three days later
enshrining the LGBTQ activist agenda and another bill criminalizing counseling for young people with unwanted same-sex
desires. Gov. Andrew Cuomo, New York Democrat, signed both with fanfare. The Empire State joins 14 other
Democrat-dominated states with similar laws whose view of sexuality is like the Eagles' song, "Hotel California." You can get
into homosexuality and transgender behavior anytime you like, but you can never leave — they will see to that.
Dad Court-Ordered To Not Call 6-Yr-Old Son 'He' As Ex-Wife Transitions Him But Not His Twin Brother. You think
your ex-spouse issues are bad? Well, they're probably not as intense as Jeffrey Younger's. The Texas father's
embroiled in a ferocious custody battle as his former wife attempts to raise their son — James — as
their daughter, Luna.
Jackson, Child Molester. It has been apparent since the mid 1990s that Michael Jackson was a child
molester. A great entertainer, yes, but almost certainly a serial abuser of little boys. That his attorneys
managed to cast doubt on witnesses in a notorious 2005 criminal trial doesn't inspire much confidence. As was the case
with Bill Cosby, the pattern of grotesque allegations has become impossible to ignore.
Neverland' and Sundance's Glaring Michael Jackson Child Abuse Hypocrisy. The buzziest film at Sundance 2019 is
'Leaving Neverland,' a doc on the child-rape allegations against Michael Jackson. But a few years ago, the fest sang a
very different tune.
The Editor says...
Warning: The article above is replete with lurid details of the revolting allegations against the late Michael Jackson.
The article above (beyond the excerpt shown) is not "family friendly" by any means.
Fired for Telling the Truth. Justin Hoke, pastor, is now the ex-pastor of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church in
the aptly-named town of Weed, California, after the whole congregation threatened to quit the church, because of the pastor's
adherence to the teaching of the Bible. [...] The pastor was sacked for putting up a sign in front of the church. The
sign read: "Bruce Jenner is still a man." Indisputably true: just check any one of Jenner's millions of
chromosomes. Check 'em all: all male. "Homosexuality is still a sin." Again, true. "The culture
may change. The Bible does not." This is controversial? They fired their pastor for this? Well, they fired
him after some "LBGT activists," a euphemism for "anti-Christian bullies," vandalized the sign. The elders of the church
then told the pastor that either he had to go or the congregation would quit the church. And yet they call themselves a
"Bible church."
Gay is the
New Black: The Buttigieg Candidacy. We need to talk about Pete Buttigieg and why his candidacy for
president in the age of identity politics is negatively disruptive — though this certainly doesn't mean he
shouldn't run. He's the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and the first openly gay candidate to run for president.
It's not a comfortable discussion. I'll be called a homophobe for having it. But it's necessary, so let's dive
right in. The politics of the Democratic Party is driven by an ideology that pits one group against another.
Blacks against whites. Gays against straights. Women against men. Political agendas and views are often put
in that frame. We saw the consequences of this during Barack Obama's reign as the first black president. If you
criticized him, you were called a racist. Almost all statements and judgments regarding his policies and performance
were filtered through the lens of identity politics.
Openly Gay 'Married' Man Announces 2020 Democratic Presidential Exploratory Cmte. Pete Buttigieg, the
37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Ind., who is openly gay and "married" to another man, announced on Jan. 23 that he has
launched a presidential exploratory committee to determine whether he will run for the 2020 Democratic presidential
nomination. Buttigieg, pronounced "boot-a-judge," is an Afghan war veteran (Naval intelligence officer), a
magna cum laude graduate of Harvard and a Rhodes Scholar. He was first elected mayor of South Bend
in 2011 and was reelected in 2015.
Truth about Transgenderism. A month ago I posted about Leanne Mills, a transgender woman who has been telling
her story to the media, in order to discourage young people from transitioning. Considering that the media narrative
has portrayed transgenderism in glowing terms, it is valuable for at least one person to expose the truth. Now, Mills
has written an open letter to young trans people and has kindly send it along to me. Some of it is gruesome; some of it
is grotesque. Some parts of the letter appeared on the BBC. Mills informs me that certain parts were censored.
'First Transgender Family' Now Transitioning Their 5-Year-Old Son To Female. A family dubbed Britain's "first
transgender family" has announced that they are encouraging the gender transition of their five-year-old son, Jayden.
According to the family, Jayden, a biological male, likes dresses and hates "everything about being a boy." The little
boy's "step-dad," Greg Rogers, is a 27-year-old biological female who now identifies as a male. The child's mother is a
21-year-old woman named Jody. Both Jodi and Greg are furious that concerned citizens (referred to as "trolls" by many
U.K.-based outlets) have reported them to social services for apparent child abuse. The couple, however, maintain
Jayden — who is on track to medically "transition" in a few years — is properly cared for.
Equality Act Could Lead to More Parents Losing Custody of Kids Who Want 'Gender Transition'. Americans have
long understood that children are best cared for by their parents. The state can only intervene in the family when
there is demonstrable evidence of abuse and neglect. This has long been established in our laws. But now,
transgender ideology is silencing doctors and challenging the way courts define parental abuse and neglect. Last year
in Ohio, a judge removed a biological girl from her parents' custody after they declined to help her "transition" to male
with testosterone supplements. The Cincinnati Children's gender clinic recommended these treatments for gender
dysphoria (the condition of being distressed with one's biological sex).
Speech Is Dead in Canada: The Persecution of Christian Activist Bill Whatcott. In the past year, I
witnessed two frightening assaults on free speech by a kangaroo "justice" system. This wasn't in some banana republic,
North Korea, or China; it was in Canada. These were gut-wrenching experiences for me. These stories from Canada
are potent warnings to the U.S. If Congress and more states pass anti-discrimination "equality" laws giving special
protection to LGBTQ identities, "hate speech" prosecutions and compelled speech will surely follow. There can be no
doubt of that, given the LGBT-driven lawsuits we have already seen against florists, bakers, and wedding photographers.
Transgender Medical Complex. The current mania over transgender children is neither liberal nor progressive.
It is radical and extremist. Sadly, it has been embraced as the latest cause by progressive parents, who apparently are
being punished for their radical views by having to watch their children be sacrificed to the gods of political correctness.
In truth, and by all available evidence, many of the children who now have been brainwashed into thinking they are transgender,
are really homosexual. But, it's more fashionable to be transgender than to be homosexual — for reasons that
escape me — and thus, more and more children are being induced to transition, to allow medical professionals to mutilate
their bodies. The fact that the medical profession is completely on board with these horrors tells us how far our culture
has been destroyed, and how little it respects human life or biological reality. I have always thought that the current
national discussion about transgenderism was designed to produce more and more transgendered people.
many awkward moments! Don Lemon blurts out 'This is the gayest New Year's show on air'. With an unidentified
drink in hand, one CNN anchor enjoying the network's wild and crazy annual New Year's Eve festivities late Monday evening [12/31/2018]
made an astonishing remark. Speaking with his fellow anchors — including Andy Cohen, Anderson Cooper and Brooke
Baldwin — Don Lemon called the network's 2018 to 2019 festivities the "gayest New Years show on air." [...] He wasn't
technically wrong. He, Cohen and Cooper are all openly gay men.
hangs trans pride flag outside Capitol office. A House Democrat said she's received an outpouring of support
since she hung a transgender pride flag outside her Capitol office. Virginia Rep. Jennifer Wexton, who was elected
in November, hung the pink, blue, and white flag in the Longworth House Office Building next to an American flag and the
Virginia state flag. Lawmakers traditionally display the American and state flags, but can choose whatever flags they
want. Wexton's chief of staff, Abby Carter, confirmed to NBC News that Wexton displayed the flag as a statement about
trans inclusion.
bad case of anosognosia down at GameStop. Of all the forms of induced anosognosia being pounded into the
American mind by ubiquitous and interminable LGBTQ phantom reality propaganda, the most flagrantly delusional is the demand
that grown men be allowed to forget they are men and be treated as if they were women. On New Year's Eve, as millions
of American families gathered to share their fondest hopes for 2019, they were treated to extra merriment watching a
hilarious clip on Breitbart and many other sites (though not Drudge, of course) of a loudmouthed man with a bad case of
anosognosia shopping at a GameStop store in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The clip shows a tall dude with well defined
muscles and a fairly deep voice, looming over a diminutive, apologetic store clerk, whom he is cursing and threatening
because the clerk had addressed him as "sir." As our family gathered around my daughter's kitchen table [...], we all
convulsed with laughter at the ludicrousness of this distinctly masculine human specimen demanding to be recognized as a woman.
You are mentally
ill, "ma'am". A clerk at a Game Stop store called a man "sir" and the man went off on a tirade demanding to be
called "ma'am." Sorry, Aerosmith. Dude doesn't look like a lady. I am no expert on the subject but that rage
looks like mental illness. He is dressed as a man but demanding to be recognized as a woman because he is insane.
No one is brave enough to call him out, and I do not blame them because why risk assault or loss of a job simply to set the
record straight on a minor matter?
Woman [sic] Lashes Out at Clerk After Being Called 'Sir'. A biological male living as a transgender female
shopping at a GameStop in Albuquerque, New Mexico, lashed out at a male store clerk after he called the customer "sir,"
according to a video of the incident. The dispute began after the store clerk called the shopper "sir" while in the
middle of ringing up an item. The transgender customer, however, berated the clerk for using the wrong pronoun
while the male clerk apologized profusely.
by for a wave of male prison inmates claiming to be transgender females. Two federal judges now have ruled,
setting the precedent of transferring a male prison inmate to a female prison because he claims to feel that he is a woman
and poses as one, and, in the current instance, has undergone surgical mutilation of his reproductive organs. The
"transgender female" is referred to as a "woman" and "she" in the following report from the Associated Press: ["]A
transgender woman serving a 10-year sentence in Illinois for burglary has been moved from a men's to a women's prison in what
could be a first for the state, her lawyers announced today.["] The transfer was forced by a federal judge whom
the AP does not wish to identify. (Why?) That judge evidently accepts the politically correct line that, contrary
to settled science, sex is not determined by chromosomes.
wrestler wins second straight Texas girls' high school title. For the second year in a row, a transgender
wrestler has won the Texas girls' Class 6A 110-pound division.
As for
Me and My House... New York City has legalized a "third gender" on birth certificates. Not that long
ago, over 40 states passed resolutions supporting God's definition of marriage — between one man and one
woman. According to the Public Religious Research Institute, a majority of Democrats, Republicans, blacks, whites,
Latinos, Catholics, and white mainline Protestant denominations support so-called "marriage" between people of the same
sex. The majority of evangelical Millennials support redefining marriage. Years ago, LGBTQ activists claimed that
openly homosexual leaders admitted into the Boy Scouts had no intention to change the organization from its founding on
Christian principles. As it turned out, first on the LGBTQ agenda was to remove "morally straight" from the Scout
Oath. We are living in a pretty sick time when "morally straight" is deemed hateful and offensive.
the Kevin Hart Oscar debacle point to bullying from the LGBT left? If there was any doubt about whether the
LGBT political establishment wields cultural power in the United States, it was put to rest last week with the Kevin Hart
Oscars-hosting debacle. [...] Hart is a run of the mill, everyman-type comic whose politics are difficult to decipher, while
[Amy] Schumer et al. are outspoken progressives whose politics are in line with those of the Hollywood establishment.
As long as you toe the progressive party line, you get the benefit of the doubt.
Mega-Star Singers: Tell the Truth on Homosexuality. As a man who has found the cure for a terrible
disease, followers of Christ should enthusiastically tell the truth with courage, conviction, and love. Along with
ministering to the sick, poor, hungry, and broken; along with building churches, schools, hospitals, and orphanages,
Christians also must confidently and strongly stand up to the lies of atheism, humanism, socialism, communism, Islam,
the LGBT agenda, and the like. In a world more devoted to its "isms" than to the God who made us, shining the light
on such lies is precisely why some Christians are frequently found so "offensive."
teacher fired for refusing to use new pronouns for transgender student. "You will be made to care," wrote Eric
Erickson in RedState back in 2013. He was referring to a court case in Colorado of a Christian baker who refused to make a
wedding cake for a gay couple and was fined for it. Today, we are being threatened, intimidated, and bullied into caring
about people who believe they are trapped in the wrong body — that their biological gender is incorrect and that they
are actually someone of the opposite gender — or some other gender created out of whole cloth. A Virginia French
teacher found out the consequences of trying to balance his religious beliefs with the new paradigm of "transitioning" to
another gender.
The Editor says...
The people who say they believe in science (above all else) are willing to say that biology is sometimes incorrect.
Fighting to Save Six-year-old Son From "Gender Reassignment". A Texas father is in danger of losing parental
rights to his six-year-old son because of his refusal to agree with his ex-wife that the boy is transgender. Anne
Georgulas, the mother of six-year-old James, is a Dallas-area pediatrician, and claims in a petition seeking to terminate the
parental rights of her estranged husband Jeffrey Younger that their son is a "transgender child and, by choice, now goes by
the name Luna and is only known by her classmates as a girl." The petition seeks to terminate Younger's parental rights
because James reportedly behaves in line with his male gender when he is with Younger. Additionally, Georgulas is
asking the court to compel Younger to pay for counseling during which a therapist affirms that James is a girl, and to foot
the bill for hormone treatments as part of James' biological "transition" to the female gender.
Forcing Transgenderism on 6-Year-Old Son May Suffer From a Mental Disorder, Pediatrician Says. In a
particularly tragic divorce proceeding, a mother who forces a transgender identity on her 6-year-old son James is accusing
the boy's father of child abuse because he refers to the boy as male. The father responded by offering James a choice
of boy's clothes and girl's clothes, and the boy constantly chooses the male options while away from his mother.
Dr. Michelle Cretella, executive director at the American College of Pediatricians, told PJ Media that the mother may be
suffering from a mental disorder. "This case is consistent with a diagnosis of Munchausen by proxy," she said.
The Stench From Cupich Church.
The winds of scandal whipping around the Church's gay pederasty problem are not dissipating but picking up speed. This
is foiling the devious plans of Pope Francis, who deliberately scheduled his "abuse summit" six months out in the hopes that
few would care about it by then. News of that quickie gathering of bishops scheduled for next February commanded little
respect from the laity before this week, but even less now that its primary American organizer has been announced —
Blase Cupich, who owes his elevation in large part, according to Archbishop Carlo Viganò, to the very molester, Theodore
McCarrick, whose scandal the summit will supposedly address. It was McCarrick who whispered in the pope's ear about
appointing the relatively obscure Cupich to the immensely important archdiocese of Chicago. Overnight this appointment
turned the nebbishy Cupich into the most powerful cardinal in America.
Dresses Six-Year-Old Son As Girl, Threatens Dad With Losing His Son For Disagreeing. Six-year-old James is
caught in a gender identity nightmare. Under his mom's care in Dallas, Texas, James obediently lives as a trans girl
named "Luna." But given the choice when he's with dad, he's all boy — his sex at birth. In their divorce
proceedings, the mother has charged the father with child abuse for not affirming James as transgender, has sought restraining
orders against him, and is seeking to terminate his parental rights. She is also seeking to require him to pay for the
child's visits to a transgender-affirming therapist and transgender medical alterations, which may include hormonal
sterilization starting at age eight.
Müller Warns of 'Mafia-Like' Homosexual Network Wreaking Havoc in the Church. Cardinal Gerhard
Müller, the former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) from 2012-2017, declared in a recent
interview that the church needs to address the homosexual underpinnings of the clerical abuse crisis, saying that the
"homosexual conduct of clergymen can in no case be tolerated." Speaking candidly with Dr. Maike Hickson of
LifeSiteNews, the German prelate said leaders in the Catholic Church still underestimate what he called a "homosexual
network" wreaking havoc in the church. Müller expressed disgust for disgraced Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who
resigned in July after an investigation found credible evidence that he was a "serial predator" of adults and minors when
he was a priest in New York.
pastor asks person in 'drag' to leave church and 'put on man clothes': report. A Chicago pastor is under fire
for telling a person he said was dressed in "drag" during a Sunday night worship service to leave the church and "go put on
man clothes." A video posted to Facebook shows pastor Antonio Rocquemore of Power House International Ministries
addressing an unidentified person in the audience.
Governor-Elect Wants to Block Law Protecting Religious Adoption Agencies. The governor-elect of Kansas, Laura
Kelly, said in a news conference on Thursday, Nov. 8 that she will try to block enforcement of a new law that protects
religious adoption agencies from being forced to place children in homes that violate their beliefs. The Adoption
Protection Act, which took effect in July, allows adoption agencies with "sincerely held" religious beliefs to refuse to
place children in LGBTQ homes. According to the Associated Press, Kelly, who has called the law the "adoption
discrimination" measure, "said she will have her staff review how far the state can go to avoid enforcing the law."
"If there is way to direct the agency to not implement that, then I will do that," said Kelly, a liberal Democrat.
'Cruel and Unscientific' to Define Legal Sex by Biology. It is "cruel and unscientific" to define a person's
legal sex by their biology, says a complaint signed by 98 Democratic House legislators. The Democrats' statement was
sent to President Donald Trump's administration as the New York Times has reported that the administration will formally
clarify that the sex of people involved in sex-discrimination legal fights will be based on their male or female body.
Mania. A rush of transgender propaganda has flooded the media, not just in America, but in Canada and across
the pond, (where every leftist trend in the U.S. is instantly copied), determined to ram transgenders down society's
throat. We are supposed to admire them, we are supposed to emulate them, we are supposed to think like them. [...] And,
as is always the case with leftists, they have censored, persecuted, or ostracized those who do not conform to the official
ideology. Professionals have even been excluded from presenting their findings. Scientific research has been
shaped, if not mutilated, to fit the ideology. Any scientific research that contradicts the ideology is ignored.
"Scientists" Defy Science To Support Transgender Activism. This story came out earlier this week but it was
shocking enough that it bears a look. The transgender activist community was all abuzz on Thursday [11/1/2018] over a
letter that had actually been featured in the New York Times a week earlier. Buzzfeed picked it up and ran with it,
adding to the celebratory mood. The document in question was an open letter published by a gaggle of 1,600 scientists
who are rejecting the anticipated HHS memo defining sex and gender in traditional, scientifically accepted terms for purposes
of Title IX questions.
Are You Being
Defined Out Of Existence? Recently, The New York Times claimed that transgender people could be "defined
out of existence" by the Trump administration, due to a government return to the classical definition of biologically-based
gender. Strangely enough, no leftist made any fuss, however, when the Obama administration defined biological gender
out of existence in federal Title IX law, an act which violated the identity of 99.9% of the population. Why is
something that is allegedly awful and inhumane to do to a tiny fraction of people suddenly acceptable when it is done to
almost everyone?
Whose fault is this?
jailers ordered transgender woman to show her genitals, lawsuit says. A transgender woman has filed a federal
lawsuit against Dallas County alleging jailers ordered her to show her genitalia to them so they could determine her
sex. Valerie Jackson, 32, had been arrested in November 2016 after she left a gun in her purse when she went through
security at Dallas Love Field, but a grand jury declined to indict her on the weapons charge. Her lawsuit, filed Friday
[11/2/2018], alleges that she was harassed and humiliated at the jail and that her constitutional rights were violated.
is a political figment, not biological truth. Transgenderism, under this current White House, may be on its
last legs due to President Donald Trump's reported decision to shutter the previous administration's policy of regarding boys
as girls and girls as boys and pretending as if God-assigned sexes are as changeable as clothing and shoes. It's about
time we get back to the truth on this issue. According to a New York Times report, the Department of Health and Human
Services and the Department of Justice are looking at ways to legally define, for Title IX civil rights law purposes,
gender as male or female — nothing else.
"Identifying" As Woman Wins Women's World Cycling Championship. Having covered the topic of transgender
athletes extensively here, this is a story I've been expecting to cross our path for quite a while now. At the 2018 UCI
Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Los Angeles this weekend, the winner of the women's 35-39 age bracket was
Canadian competitor Rachel McKinnon. McKinnon is a male who identifies as a female.
The Editor says...
If a heavyweight boxer "identified" as a middleweight, and then beat his opponent to a pulp, would that be unfair? Yes,
because there are pragmatic ways (involving a calibrated scale) to determine (before the contest begins) who's a heavyweight
and who's not. Similarly, there are ways to determine if one has XX chromosomes or XY chromosomes; and indeed, there are
no others.
Administration Eyes Defining Transgender Out of Existence. The Trump administration is considering narrowly
defining gender as a biological, immutable condition determined by genitalia at birth, the most drastic move yet in a
governmentwide effort to roll back recognition and protections of transgender people under federal civil rights law. A
series of decisions by the Obama administration loosened the legal concept of gender in federal programs, including in
education and health care, recognizing gender largely as an individual's choice and not determined by the sex assigned at
birth. The policy prompted fights over bathrooms, dormitories, single-sex programs and other arenas where gender was
once seen as a simple concept. Conservatives, especially evangelical Christians, were incensed. Now the
Department of Health and Human Services is spearheading an effort to establish a legal definition of sex under Title IX,
the federal civil rights law that bans gender discrimination in education programs that receive government financial assistance,
according to a memo obtained by The New York Times.
admin considering narrowing legal definition of 'gender,' and there are only two. Meltdown begins. In
what some describe as a sensible return to common-sense policies, the Trump administration has reportedly proposed redefining
gender/sex as an immutable condition that cannot be altered by whim. In a memo obtained by The New York Times, the
Department of Health and Human Services argues that federal agencies should adopt a definition of gender that's based "on a
biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable." Though biological science makes it
clear that only two distinct genders exist, the administration of former President Barack Hussein Obama muddied the
definition of gender for political purposes.
Another Nod to Sin.
It appears that the Youth Sin-Nod 2018 has turned out to be another Nod to Sin. A pope wearing a rainbow cross?
It's no wonder that the LGBT community is doing somersaults. The cross is actually the logo of Latin American Youth
Ministry (which is infested with gay activity) but it is derived from the LGBT gay-pride rainbow; a variant of it.
Regardless of how Francis means this, it conveys the signal that he supports this lifestyle. Unless he can clarify
what he means by this (which of course he'll never do), people everywhere will see this as an endorsement of LGBT
rights. After all, he has a gay-bureaucracy running his Vatican and even told a gay man in May 2018 that "God made you
that way," not to mention that the Vatican in spring 2017 was home to a cocaine-fueled gay orgy that had to be busted by
Vatican police, so what are we to infer?
accuser strikes back, blames "scourge of homosexuality" for abuse. The Vatican ambassador who accused Pope
Francis of rehabilitating a disgraced ex-American cardinal is doubling down on his claims, asserting that the "scourge of
homosexuality" in the priesthood is responsible for sex abuse and that the Vatican is being hypocritical in refusing to
acknowledge it. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano issued a third instalment Friday in the war of words over the cover-up of
ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Vigano was responding to a Vatican cardinal who had rebuked him and accused him of
mounting a "blasphemous" political hit job against Francis with his claims.
Swiss law expanding definition of 'phobias'. Switzerland may soon punish anyone who openly opposes the
homosexual and transgender lifestyles. Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) tells
OneNewsNow that by a wide margin the National Council of Switzerland has approved a measure that would criminalize so-called
homophobia and transphobia. Violators could face a fine or a maximum three years behind bars. "The leftist
homosexual and transgender activist movement continues to expand the definition of these so-called phobias, and so criticism
becomes hate, becomes a contribution to violence," LaBarbera laments. "Invariably, these hate speech codes end up
curtailing people's right to disagree." So if it becomes law, Switzerland will equate homosexuality and transgenderism
with racism to protect certain groups of people while silencing and jailing others, Christians included.
25 Reasons I'm Not a Democrat. [#9]
There are two genders and you can't change the one you are born with no matter how many surgeries, hormones, and weird pronouns that you apply
to yourself. Also, those genders should use different bathrooms and shouldn't be competing against each other in athletic endeavors.
time to end women's sports. It's time to end women's sports — especially since they're not just
"women's" sports anymore. A case in point is "Rachel" McKinnon, Ph.D., a man masquerading as a woman (MMW), or a
"transgender," as the enlighteners say, who just won a women's masters cycling event. As The Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft
(almost) put it, he "whooped them little girls." McKinnon isn't alone, as many MMW have won women's sporting events
during the last decade. To name just a few, a 55-year-old MMW won a women's long-drive competition (golf) in 2008.
Last year, a 39-year-old MMW won a women's weightlifting event. Then there were the Connecticut's State Open track and
field championships in June; the top two finishers in the 100-meter dash were both MMW (okay, being boys, they were BMG),
with one of them setting the girls' state record in both the 100- and 200-meter runs. Hey, you go...uh...girl.
Male Wins World Championship In Women's Cycling. A biological male who identifies as a transgender woman won a
women's world championship cycling event on Sunday [10/14/2018]. Rachel McKinnon, a professor at the College of
Charleston, won the women's sprint 35-39 age bracket at the 2018 UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Los
Angeles. McKinnon, representing Canada, bested Carolien Van Herrikhuyzen of the Netherlands and American cyclist
Jennifer Wagner to take home the gold.
Twitter, Google, Etc. are Subversive to American Government. What if I told you that Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google and
other big tech companies are subversive to American government; and what they are advocating is completely illegal in this country?
Facebook sells itself as an American online social networking service company. Apparently, it is only for those who are willing to
socialize in pushing the same illegal propaganda. For example, they advance homosexuality and sodomy (Jude 1:7). For
those who have not taken the time to peruse the United States Constitution and its enumerated laws you may want to do so, that is
if you would like to remain a free people (2 Corinthians 3:17). In every state in our Union, homosexuality and sodomy is a
felony. Yet, these big tech companies are banning and censoring people who are making reference to our constitutional laws
(Romans 3:20) in exposing the crimes of those who are guilty as charged. With the use of the revisionists, they now
call it "hate speech."
Transgender Says He's a Human Puppy. According to the DailyMail, Tony McGinn, known as 'Tony Bark' to friends,
has been into animal role-play all his entire life. The 30-year old is s female transgender who calls himself a 'human
pup'. This has brought him closer to his husband, he says.
The Editor says...
In the good old days, seriously delusional sex perverts were institutionalized for the benefit and safety of the general public.
Today there is a world-wide contest underway to see who's the most outlandish freak, and monthly prizes are awarded by the news media
in the form of (hopefully) temporary fame.
Isn't The Main Problem With Catholic Priests, Homosexuality Is. With few exceptions, sexual abuse by priests
has been visited overwhelmingly upon pubescent boys, and young men, most often teenagers. This is pederasty, not
pedophilia. And pederasty is endemic to gay culture. [...] Homosexuality has been normalized, officially approved,
ratified, and okayed. Since the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the roster of mental
disorders in 1973, activists have parlayed homosexuals into a protected species, more like black rhinos or orangutans than
moral beings.
Gov. LePage Vetoes Gay Conversion Counseling Ban. Republican Gov. Paul LePage of Maine vetoed a
proposed gay conversion therapy ban on July 6, preventing Maine from becoming the 14th state where such counseling is
prohibited. The legislation sought to ban individuals under the age of 18 from receiving gay conversion counseling.
As a summary of the amended bill explains, the bill "provides that advertising, offering or administering conversion therapy to
individuals under 18 years of age in the State is an unfair trade practice." An exception was included allowing
members of the clergy to engage in conversion therapy.
Unleashes LGBT Czar to Promote Homosexuality, Transgenderism. The United Nations "Human Rights Council," which
counts some of the world's most ruthless dictatorships as members, sparked global outrage last week by voting to appoint a UN
czar to oversee the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism around the world. In the crosshairs are religious
and moral views that reject homosexual behavior as sinful, as well as objective reality and biological facts that until
recent years were taken for granted. The deeply controversial scheme was pushed through by communist and socialist
rulers with fervent support from the Obama administration, which for years has been lawlessly using American tax dollars and
diplomatic resources to bribe and bully foreign governments into compliance with the radical agenda. But there was a
great deal of opposition, and criticism of the UN extremism is growing. Officially, the UN LGBT (Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender) "expert" will work to combat "violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender
identity." In reality, though, forces on both sides of the issue know full well that the UN czar will serve as another
weapon in the global war against religion, traditional values, morality, and truth.

Abuse Survivor Priest Who Burned Rainbow Flag Punished by Chicago Archdiocese. A Catholic priest at Resurrection Parish
in Chicago has angered Cardinal Cupich after he planned an event to burn an LGBTQ "pride" flag he found stashed away in his
rectory. A victim of sexual abuse himself, Father Paul John Kalchik announced his intention to burn the sacrilegious flag
in protest on the parish website. "On Saturday, Sept. 29, the Feast of Ss. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, we will
burn, in front of church, the rainbow flag that was unfortunately hanging in our sanctuary during the ceremonial first Mass as
Resurrection parish," he wrote. The flag wasn't just hung in the church but placed in front of the hand-carved crucifix
from Germany on the altar.
Cardinal removes
priest who burned LGBT flag at Avondale church. A Northwest Side priest has been removed about a week after he
burned a rainbow flag outside his church. Protesters had been demanding Cardnial Blase Cupich take action against the
Rev. Paul Kalchik after he ignored the cardinal's warning and burned a rainbow flag with a cross on it on Sept. 14.
Kalchik had been at Resurrection Church since 2007. Before he took over at Resurrection, the flag hung inside the church.
One transvestite offends another, in a contest to see who's more of a victim.
Credit Suisse boss who sometimes wears a wig and dress to work is named among top 100 WOMEN in business. A
transgender Loose Women star has lashed out at a male bank director who occasionally dresses as a woman for accepting a place
on a list of the Top 100 Women in Business. India Willoughby, who was the first woman in the world to front an all-female
talk show, has lashed out at Philip Bunce — who works at Credit Suisse. She said: 'As a transsexual woman
with a recognised medical condition, who fights for credibility every day, who fights myths every day, who's undergone lengthy
surgery, whose life was unbearable in the wrong body, I find this story an insult.
shooter, who complained of feeling 'alienated' and 'wanting to pick a fight',. Snochia Moseley, 26, was at
breaking point when she killed three people and herself in a shooting at a Rite Aid warehouse on Thursday [9/20/2018], friends
say. Moseley opened fire at her workplace at 9.06 am, after arriving at the distribution facility in Enterprise Business
Park. She shot outside the building, before continuing her rampage inside. Friend Toni Coley, who has known the
woman since high school, told the Baltimore Sun Moseley often felt alienated, but she 'wasn't a monster, wasn't an angry
person'. 'I just believe this was emotional distress. If she did this, it was her last straw,' she said.
we know about Snochia Moseley, alleged shooter at Rite Aid warehouse. Authorities in Harford County were still trying
to determine late Thursday [9/20/2018] why Snochia Moseley opened fire at the Rite Aid warehouse where she had taken a temporary
job, killing three employees and fatally wounding herself. Authorities have not identified the victims. Troi Coley, a
friend of Moseley's since high school who had stayed in frequent contact with her in Facebook Messenger, said Moseley sometimes
felt as if the world was against her but was not an angry person in spite of her alienation.
Performing Mastectomies On Teen "Transgender" Girls. This story never seems to end. There are,
apparently, doctors accepting cases of underage female children who "identify" as males and performing double mastectomies on
them to avoid the trauma of developing breasts.
More Than Half of Trans Male Teens Attempt Suicide. A new study from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows
an alarmingly high rate of suicide attempts among transgender teens, particularly trans boys. Nearly 14 percent of all
adolescents in the study, "Transgender Adolescent Suicide Behavior," based on data from "Profiles of Student Life: Attitudes
and Behaviors" survey from the Search Institute, reported they had attempted suicide. But 51 percent of transgender males
reported at least one attempt, the highest percentage of any gender identity group. The second highest was among nonbinary
teens, nearly 42 percent. Among transgender females, about 30 percent reported a suicide attempt. The rate
was 28 percent for questioning teens, nearly 18 percent for [normal] females, and 10 percent for [normal] males.
Who Oppose Conversion Therapy Need a Reality Check. To be loving does not mean to be gullible. Jesus
Christ mentions that we will come across dishonest people, especially among those who have prestige (or are seeking it).
We should love people, but that does not mean we should let them take advantage of us. Or fool us. Or trick us.
In that spirit, I want Rosaria Butterfield, Sam Allberry, and Jackie Hill Perry to answer a simple yes-or-no question.
No long filibustering paragraphs. No detours into extensive complaints about what other Christians are supposedly
doing. No lifeline block-quotes from Augustine. Just yes or no.
Survey Of Its Freshman Finds More Who Identify As LGBTQ Than Conservative. According to a Yale Daily News
survey of freshmen students, more students of the class of 2022 identify as members of the LGBTQ group than identify as
conservatives, Protestants or Catholics. According to the survey, a paltry 9% of the freshmen surveyed identified as
"somewhat conservative" with a miniscule 1% identifying as "very conservative." Meanwhile, almost 5% of the students surveyed
identified as gay, over 9% identified as bisexual or transsexual, and 8% identified as "asexual, ace spectrum or questioning
their sexual orientation." As The College Fix noted, the total of students identifying as LGBTQ or asexual outnumbered
the 16% of students identifying as Protestants and the 15% identifying as Catholics.
and the Rise of Homosexuality. India has just legalized gay sex. This is roughly one-sixth of the world's
population. A few years ago, this would have been unthinkable. [...] Yet, within a generation, homosexuality became
accepted, and today it is celebrated, almost as desirable and heroic. This would have been unthinkable, even in the
1960s. I have also noticed older people, whom I have known for decades, change their attitudes. In the 1960s,
they would have been one of those Americans who saw homosexuality as disgusting. Now, they are "tolerant." The
brainwashing seems to have worked retroactively.
woman accused of sexually assaulting inmates. A transgender woman serving time at an all-female UK prison
sexually assaulted four inmates at the facility, according to new reports. Convicted sex offender Karen White, 52, who
was born a man and identifies as a woman, confessed this week to two counts of sexual touching at New Hall Prison, in
Wakefield, The Sun reported. She denied the two other counts, according to the report.
the Queer Reckoning upon Us? Over the last ten years, the LGBT movement created a brotherhood out of its
victims. I have gotten to know countless people who lost their jobs, families, public reputation, homes, or incomes
because they chose to defend God's design for sexuality rather than submit to the LGBT movement's demands. [...] Each victim
of the LGBT lobby has a unique story. In a current project, I have had extensive interviews with some. One, a
doctor, faced the ultimate choice when gays in his hospital filed charges against him for warning patients about the dangers
of anal sodomy. He lost all his medical appointments rather than betray the calling God gave him as a physician.
Beach Police After Two Priests Caught Performing Sex Act In Car. Two Chicago-area priests were charged Monday
with Lewd and Lascivious behavior and Indecent Exposure after being caught performing a sexual act inside a car parked on a
Miami Beach street.
Ivy League Study Repressed For Finding Transgender Kids May Be A Social Contagion. "Rapid-onset gender
dysphoria" among teens and young adults may be a social contagion linked with having friends who identify as LGBT, an
identity politics peer culture, and an increase in internet use, finds a study out this month from a Brown University
professor. The study was quickly yanked from Brown's news releases after a transgender activist feeding frenzy, and the
journal it was published in is reconsidering the publication. There is a parent and researcher-driven petition to stand
behind the publication of the first study to look in detail at rapid-onset gender dysphoria.
Ten Inconvenient Facts.
[#4] The LGBT population is tiny. This is an inconvenient fact in that liberals wish to remove any implication of
abnormality from non-heterosexual individuals. But the Centers for Disease Control count the LGBT group less than four
percent. If we subtract bisexuals from the cohort (liberals rarely highlight them), the rate falls under three
percent. When 24 out of 25 people act in one way, we can't help judging them normal and the other one abnormal.
community embraces first bisexual Senate nominee. The LGBTQ community is heralding the election of the first
bisexual Senate nominee, Democratic Arizona Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, who will face off with Rep. Martha McSally in the
fall election. "Arizona voters shattered a lavender ceiling in selecting Kyrsten Sinema as the Democratic nominee for
U.S. Senate," said the LGBTQ Victory Fund. The Washington Blade, the newspaper voice of the LGBTQ community, said after
her election Tuesday that Sinema "achieved a significant victory on Tuesday in the Arizona primary when she became the first
openly bisexual person to win a major party nomination to run for a U.S. Senate seat."
is the Lafayette library having Drag Queen Story Time? The reaction has been mixed after the Lafayette Public
Library announced plans for its first Drag Queen Story Time. Members of the Delta Lambda Phi social fraternity will
lead the event, scheduled for 2 p.m. Oct. 6 at the library's main branch. Library Director Teresa Elberson
said the fraternity approached the library about the program. After a lengthy discussion, library officials decided to move
forward. The event is expected to include fraternity members dressed in drag who will read to children and participate in
activities with them and their families.
'Woman' Kills Her Own Grandmother With A Knife, Media Decides She's A 'Man'. When is a transgender woman not a
woman? Apparently, when she kills her own grandmother, at which point "she" magically returns to being a "he"!
This is just a badly confused man wearing a wig and a dress.
candidate for governor wins Vermont primary. A former energy company executive from Vermont has come a step
closer to becoming the nation's first transgender governor. Christine Hallquist swept to victory in Tuesday's crowded
gubernatorial primary, besting three other Democrats — including a 14-year-old boy — to become the
party's nominee. She is the first trans person to win a major party's nomination for governor. "Tonight we made
history, and I'm so honored to be ... part of this historical moment," Hallquist said to a room full of clapping fans at her
election-night party in Burlington. "I'm so proud to be the face of the Democrats tonight."
Confusion: A Tool of the Left. The Democratic Party has gone off the deep end in many more ways than just
pushing socialism. One sign is the fanatical embrace of identity politics, which has become the hallmark of the Party
of Obama (POO). Look at Vermont. There, the Democrats' primary race for governor was won by Christine Hallquist.
What is unusual is that Hallquist calls himself a "transgender woman." To put it more accurately and without any politically
correct gloss, Hallquist is a male pretending to be a woman. His pretending isn't all that convincing, as evidenced by this
YouTube clip from Time magazine.
The Editor says...
The word is transvestite. Most kids these days have never
heard of that word. Nor do they know where to find a dictionary, if it's not on their phone.