Occasionally there are reports on the internet news services about astonishingly bad ideas which have been put into practice in
public schools. Somehow these atrocious practices don't get a lot of coverage in the mainstream news media; at least not
with any negative connotations.
In the articles below, notice how many of these bad ideas originate on the west coast.
Everything related to Common Core (federalized curriculum) has been move
to this page.
aren't Johnny and Suzie reading? Contemporary education is fad-based. The real
money in education is in administration, and the key to getting those jobs is establishing, or
supporting current fads. Lower-level administrators wanting to become superintendents attend
conferences where people like them present their newest, "change the face of education" innovation.
Such things are usually merely repackaging old, failed concepts with shiny materials and
euphemisms. "Details" in writing instruction become "golden bricks." See how much
better and more effective that is? But millions are at stake, and baby administrators
convince their school district to buy and implement the brilliant new concept. With big bucks
involved, everyone pretends it's the slickest thing since sliced bread until the next fad comes
along, the old one is quietly abandoned and the process begins anew.
not widely known, but over HALF of Columba University's enrollment is now foreign students.
Some of them are people like Mahmoud Khalil, who spent all his time agitating in support of Hamas
terrorists. But if you dig deeper, the true story is even more appalling: Columbia is
using the prestige of its elite undergraduate school to bring in thousands of mediocre foreigners
who want a Columbia degree in computer science, engineering, or a similar field. Columbia
admits them because they pay full-freight tuition, boosting their bottom line while glutting the
American job market and lowering wages for STEM workers. Why are we letting one of America's
premier universities become overwhelmingly foreign in order to fund bloated administrator
paychecks? Don't take it from me, the internet is full of Columbia grads complaining about
what's happened to their school: [Video clip]
Get Rich Off Illegal Migrants; 408,000 Currently Enrolled. If you want to know why
academia is foursquare behind illegal migration, yes, follow the ideology. But you can also,
perhaps, even more easily follow the money. In fact, there are currently a staggering 408,000
illegal aliens enrolled in American higher-ed institutions, according to The College Fix. And
lest you think academia is doing this out of the goodness of its woke little heart, think
again. Colleges and universities cash in, collecting taxpayer money for enrolling the
foreigners. Just as outrageously, 25 states offer these aliens in-state tuition benefits
while denying them to out-of-state citizens. This practice is illegal, too, based on a 1996
law signed by then-president Bill Clinton. But that law has never been enforced.
Finds No Correlation Between School Closings and Transmission. As the COVID pandemic
swept across the United States and in the years that followed, scientists, informed commentators,
and journalists who questioned the origin of the virus and subsequent COVID policies were summarily
dismissed, censored, blacklisted, and even canceled without serious consideration. From
ineffective masks to "social distancing," to corporate lockdowns and school closures, those among
us who relied on unbiased facts and valid information have been vindicated, as one COVID canard
after another has gone up in smoke. Now, new study results published by the Journal of
Infection further undermine the lies and obfuscations told by the former head of the National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Anthony Fauci — who indignantly declared
in June 2021: "Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science" — the CDC (Centers
for Disease Control), and others in positions of authority, including within the federal government.
Florida principal [was] charged after [a] booze-filled party with 100 teens [was] thrown at her
home: police. A Florida elementary school principal who once earned teacher of the
year honors was arrested Friday after a raucous house party where around 100 teens allegedly downed
booze was held inside her home, according to authorities. Roosevelt Elementary School
principal Elizabeth Hill-Brodigan and another teacher, Karly Anderson, who works at the same
school, were both charged days after the wild bash on Jan. 19 was reported to Cocoa Beach
police. At least some of the young partiers were drinking alcohol they got from coolers inside
the home, and one youngster even suffered a medical emergency tied to the drinking, WJXT reported.
School Turns Girls' Bathroom Into 'All Gender' Bathroom. Girls came back from
Christmas break at one Denver school to an unpleasant, woke New Year's innovation: a girls'
bathroom transformed into an "all-gender" bathroom. [...] Even as Congress just moved along
legislation to ban biological males from female sports, radical leftists in schools across the
country are doubling down on their groomer insanity. Administrators at East High School in
Denver, according to Libs of TikTok, are among these woke wackos, and they decided to convert a
girls' bathroom into an all-gender restroom. One administrator is claiming that no specific
agenda drove this move, but before wokeness took over schools, there would never have been an
"all-gender" restroom. Notice how it usually seems to be girls who are expected to give up
ground on the transgender bathroom debate, and that it is girls who get assaulted in the bathrooms
by cross-dressing boys. [Tweet with video clip]
Supreme Court Ruling Allows Schools to Administer COVID Vaccines Without Parents'
Consent. Numerous mainstream media outlets are deliberately lying to American parents
about the law regarding COVID-19 vaccines. In August, Vermont's Supreme Court that ruled a
6-year-old boy administered a COVID-19 vaccine against his parents' specific instructions that he
not be jabbed has no state tort remedies, and that the family's sole recourse is a federal claim
requiring proof of serious bodily harm or death to proceed. All other traditional causes of
action for violating these parents' rights, and fundamental constitutional informed consent
protections for patients, are extinguished completely. And yet, numerous media outlets
reported the precise opposite. This is blatant misinformation. The Associated Press
(AP) launched an utter deception titled falsely: "Fact Focus: Vermont ruling does not say
schools can vaccinate children without parental consent." This is the opposite of the truth: [...]
Crow Education Comes to New York City. Education has long been central for African
Americans in the quest for equality and historically, what blacks sought was identical to what
whites received. In the landmark case of Brown vs. Board of Education (1954) the
plaintiff — Oliver Brown — went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to
enable his daughter, Linda, to attend the nearby all-white school, despite a state law prohibiting
racial integration. That the all-white school's curriculum probably offered zero about blacks
was irrelevant. Linda Brown just wanted to attend the local school even if the school ignored
her "blackness." The goal was a decent education, and mastering long division hardly required
pictures of eminent black mathematicians. The very idea of school integration rejects the
separate but equal doctrine and assumes that African Americans could achieve equality via attending
"white" schools. Unfortunately, matters have now changed, and today nearly everything about
education is race-based.
Mom Asked for Public School Board Records. They Charged Her $33 Million.
Elizabeth Clair, the mother of a seventh grader in suburban Detroit, wanted to find out whether her
local school district had mended its ways after it lost a lawsuit for improperly tracking
disgruntled parents. Instead, she's the one who learned a lesson: Prying information
out of local governments can be very expensive — and state transparency laws don't
always help. Back in 2022, the Rochester Community School District settled a lawsuit for
nearly $200,000 with another mom who accused the district of keeping a "dossier" on parents
critical of Covid lockdowns. Clair said she wanted to know what the district was doing to
stem future retaliation against parents. So she filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request for six months' worth of emails containing the word anti-retaliation. A few weeks
later, she heard back from the district's FOIA coordinator: Her request had been
granted. All she had to do was pay $33,103,232.56.
Shows 70% of Department of Education Enforcement Targeted Christians. A scathing new
report claims that the Biden administration's Department of Education's (ED) enforcement actions
were focused at least 70 percent on Christian and career-based schools, even though they
represent less than 10 percent of the students in the nation. This uncovers an unseen
campaign that persisted over the administration's term and can hardly be seen as impartial.
New Operating System for K-12 Education. It is not hyperbole to say that our
societies and civilizations depend on well educated citizens. To develop those citizens,
teachers undergo training; read professional journals; attend workshops, seminars, and conventions;
and pursue advanced degrees. Having spent many years working in this field, one thing I
noticed was the tendency for educators to eagerly jump onto whatever new educational bandwagon was
making the rounds. Teachers get excited when we come across a new technique or practice that
we think may help our students derive more benefit and enjoyment from our classes. Sadly,
some of these practices prove to be unworkable, and the widespread incorporation of these new
techniques is sometimes less than successful.
School Accused Of Giving 'Sleepy Stickers' To Kids To Put Them To Sleep. An
investigation is underway after Texas school district teachers were accused of giving elementary
school students special stickers that are believed to be sleeping aids. The district said two
elementary school teachers were removed from class and placed on administrative leave as police
investigate the allegations. It's not out of the ordinary for Lisa Luviano's daughter to come
home from school with something to show. On Sept. 24, it was a sticker with a starry
nightlike design. "She said, 'It is a sleeping sticker.' I asked, 'Where did you get this?'
And she said, 'My teacher gives it to me for sleeping time,'" Luviano said. Luviano claims her
daughter told her that other kids in her class also get it. [Video clip]
secretly take billions in foreign money, report says. American colleges and
universities are accepting billions of dollars in foreign money without reporting it, according to
a new report. The National Association of Scholars released the report, which says that
taking money from foreign governments and organizations without reporting it has become commonplace
among American universities. "Higher education is awash with conflicting interests," said NAS
Fellow and report author Neetu Arnold, who added that universities "search for partnerships and
grants abroad, sometimes from adversarial governments."
Fat Jokes an Existential Threat to American Universities? [Scroll down]
These guidelines, if enforced, will undermine all campus social interaction save those among the
closest friends. Why risk forwarding an email joking about the unintelligible Indian accent
of your calculus TA? Imagine surviving a life on 100% bland language? Jokes, sarcastic
comments, biting criticism, and similar unflattering comments are part of human discourse, a staple
in literature and the theater. To remove them in the name of minimizing harm is to sanitize
human existence and as is true for all utopian schemes, defies human nature. Indeed, given
Shakespeare's bawdy depiction of women and characterization of usurious Jews, assigning Shakespeare
to undergraduates may be defined as "hate mongering," and thus grounds for terminating the instructor.
[is] 'allowed to identify as a wolf' after claiming to suffer from 'species dysphoria'. A
schoolboy is understood to have been allowed to "identify" as a wolf after suffering from "species
dysphoria". According to reports, the pupil has a non-clinical condition where they feel that
their body belongs to a different species. [Advertisement] Official documents seen by the
Daily Mail are said to recognise that the boy now identifies as an animal. [Advertisement]
It is also believed that the British secondary school is supporting the student's decision.
[Picture of a wolf] It comes as the number of schoolchildren asking to be officially recognised
as an animal is growing. "There is no such condition in science as 'species dysphoria'," Tommy
MacKay, a clinical neuropsychologist told the Mail. "It's not surprising that we are seeing
this in an age when many people want to identify as something other than they are. "Now we have
a council which appears to accept at face value that a child identifies as a wolf, rather than being
told to snap out of it and get to grips with themselves, which would be the common-sense approach."
The Editor says...
[#1] Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far
from him. (Proverbs 22:15)
That's what the kid needs — the rod of correction. It works every time. [#2] Until
the "schoolboy" is 18 years of age, he is to do as he is told by his parents and supervising
adults. If he later decides that he is a rhinoceros or a fencepost, there should be a mental
institution waiting for him; because if he doesn't know what he is, he is likely to presume
that he can act like an animal in public places, and our society won't last much longer if we allow
such a thing.
new study claims that ADHD drugs are making our kids crazy. Whenever law enforcement
releases information about the drugs in a school shooter's system, and the media actually report
that information, we learn that these children (usually boys) are on a cocktail of psychotropic
drugs. A new study indicates that we can now add Adderall and other "treatments" for ADHD to
the list of drugs fed into young people that make them go crazy. The problem isn't
guns. We have a prescription drug problem in our schools, one that's required because our
public schools are pointless and boring places for students, especially boys. [...] This is not an
inconsequential problem. According to the same article, which relies on data from Symphony
Health, since 2009, the number of Adderall prescriptions (both name brand and generic) in America
has more than doubled from 15.5 million to 41 million annually. That is a
staggering number of prescriptions, most of which are stuffed into school children. According
to the Mass General Brigham study, one out of eight Americans are taking these prescriptions,
allegedly to treat ADHD.
Grandfather Says His Grandson Is The Only Child Who Speaks English In His Class. Ohio
grandfather says his grandson needs an interpreter for preschool because he is the only child who
speaks English. It's crazy how much a country can change in 4 years. "My daughter
enrolls my 4-year-old grandson into preschool last week. And they have a little meet and
greet." "I live in a small town in Ohio. So she goes, takes him down to the meet and
greet. They tell her that she has to hire a translator with her own money in order to send
him to preschool because he's the only student who doesn't speak Spanish." "Can you believe
that? Can't go to preschool because he doesn't speak Spanish." [Video clip]
Can Keep Student's Transgender Status Secret From Parents, NH Supreme Court Rules. A
policy that allows school staff to keep a child's transgender status a secret does not violate a
parent's fundamental rights under the New Hampshire constitution, the state's Supreme Court has
held. The policy was challenged by a New Hampshire mother who sued the Manchester school
district after finding out from a teacher that her minor child (identified as M.C.) had asked
school staff and students to be called by a name typically associated with the opposite sex.
According to the lawsuit, when the mother first asked the school to continue using her child's given
name and sex-appropriate pronouns, two teachers wrote to her saying they were willing to comply.
judge backs school: Student cannot wear 'Let's Go Brandon' hoodie. A federal
judge has sided with a Michigan school district in that it was right to order a student to remove a
hoodie with the phrase "Let's Go Brandon!" on it. "Le's [sic] Go Brandon" (in)famously came
about in October of 2022 after NASCAR driver Brandon Brown won his first race. [...] According to
Jonathan Turley's blog, plaintiff "D.A.," a student at Tri County Middle School, was told last spring
by Assistant Principal Andrew Buikema (pictured) and teacher Wendy Bradford to take off his "Let's Go
Brandon!" hoodie as it violated school dress code.
San Francisco program to produce black male teachers instead threw away taxpayer money.
Democrat programs always sound good but, once in operation, they're consistently disastrous, whether
because of inefficiency, graft, or being easy marks for grifters. San Francisco just added another
program to that list, with taxpayers having coughed up over $700,000 to get black men as teachers
in local elementary schools — and ending up with almost nothing to show for that
money. Democrats believe that they, not the taxpayers who do the work and create actual wealth,
know how to spend money virtuously and wisely. There is no indication that this is the case.
The more money that Democrats get, the more they waste.
tried to ban all black attire over mental-health concerns. Now it's on hold. An
El Paso, Texas, middle school is facing some criticism after officials announced a new dress code
policy that bars students from wearing all-black "from head to toe," pointing to concerns over
mental health. The decision was announced by Charles Middle School Principal Nick DeSantis
ahead of the school year which kicked off on Monday. The letter mentioned the school is
prohibiting all-black attire due to its association "with depression and mental health issues and/
or criminality," KFOX-TV and CBS4 reported. The community criticized the new dress code
online, questioning how the color of clothes has an impact on the children's emotional well-being.
"Making students wear a different color isn't going to magically make them a completely different
person," one person, Alexis Contreras, commented, per the outlets.
New Law Lets Schools Keep Secrets from Parents. Child predators follow a common
playbook: target the victim, gain their trust, fill a need, and, crucially, isolate the child from
her parents. For several years, this has also been standard California state protocol with
regard to schoolchildren questioning their gender identities. On Monday, this scheme became
law. The "SAFETY Act," AB 1955, signed by California Democratic governor Gavin Newsom,
legally forbids schools from adopting any policy that would force them to disclose "any information
related to a pupil's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person
without the pupil's consent." Schools may not, as a matter of policy, inform parents of a child's
new gender identity unless the child volunteers her approval. The law also prohibits schools
from punishing any school employee found to have "supported a pupil" hurtling down a path toward
risky and irreversible hormones and surgeries. The law effectively shuts down the local
parents' rights movement in California by eliminating its most important tool: the ability to
organize at the community level to stop schools from deceiving them.
Carolina 'Teacher Of The Year' Allegedly Stalked, Wrote Love Letters To [an]
11-Year-Old. Authorities arrested a South Carolina teacher previously awarded Teacher
of the Year for allegedly stalking and sending over 60 love letters to an 11-year-old, WIS 10
reported. Starr Elementary School teacher Dylan Robert Dukes, 27, faces stalking charges
following allegedly inappropriate conduct towards a former student, according to WIS 10.
The Anderson County Sheriff's Office detailed that Dukes had sent over sixty love letters and other
unsolicited gifts to the girl. The gifts included cards, gift cards, ornaments, and pictures,
along with "unwanted hugs," the outlet reported. [Tweet]
The Editor says...
How many people have been named "Teacher of the Year," and have later been accused of felonies?
Real Reason Johnny Can't Read: Bad Parenting. Like No Child Left Behind and
Common Core before it, the "Science of Reading" is just another excuse to line the coffers of
education bureaucrats and textbook publishers. A story at AMP Reports titled "'Science of
reading' movement spells financial trouble for publisher Heinemann" notes that "The educational
publisher raked in hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue during the 2010s selling reading
programs based on a disproven theory [the now disfavored Common Core]. The company now faces
financial fallout, as schools ditch its products."
Teacher Sues His Local Education Association Over The Fact He Was Not Hired Because He Is
White. A history teacher in California just sued the Elk Grove Education Association
over a position openly excluding Whites. Teachers had to check a box to verify their
ethnicity[.] Whites were not allowed. He says that he was denied a position by a school
union due to his skin color & says it violates the Civil Rights Act. [Video clip]
Lead Title IX Revolt (Commentary). American federalism is alive and well after
all. On April 19, the Biden Education Department announced its disastrous new Title IX
rule that guts due process and imposes gender ideology in educational institutions. Within
days, however, officials from eight states publicly instructed their schools to ignore it.
Then, within a week, 16 states sued the administration alongside nonprofit groups such as
Parents Defending Education and several Louisiana school districts. Since then, the number of
states suing has climbed to 26 — more than half the states in the nation. Their
court filings say the rule violates not only the United States Constitution and the federal
Administrative Procedures Act but also Title IX itself. Game on! While feminists
weaponized Title IX to their hearts' content in the Obama years, alleging a phony campus rape
crisis to rationalize their kangaroo courts and to silence those questioning their power, the world
is a different place under Biden. Feminists have met their match in American parents and and
in red states — especially their education officials.
segregation surges 70 years after Brown v. Board ruling. Racial
segregation in schools across the country has increased dramatically over the last three decades,
according to two new reports and an Axios review of federal data. [...] The resegregation of
America's public schools coincides with the rise of charter schools and school choice options, and
as civil rights groups have turned away from desegregation battles.
Worth ISD to Return Potentially Inappropriate Books to Library Shelves. After the
Fort Worth Independent School District removed over 100 books for further review over concerns of
inappropriate content, the district is now planning to return some books back to the library
shelves. Following months of parental outrage over sexually-explicit materials in student
libraries, the Texas Legislature passed House Bill 900 by State Rep. Jared Patterson
(R-Frisco). HB 900 prohibits school libraries from housing materials that are sexually
explicit, vulgar, or educationally unsuitable. It also sets up state standards for keeping
inappropriate sexual content out of all school libraries and classrooms. As reported by
The Dallas Express, Tarrant County Citizens Defending Freedom had found 76 different books
to be sexually explicit and violent. More than 500 copies of the books were available in Fort
Worth ISD libraries.
Accuses School of Holding Son "Hostage," Claims Principal Denied Him Access and Information About
His Son's Condition. A local father's distressing ordeal has captured the attention
of thousands online after he posted a video alleging that the principal at White Oak School in
Parkville, Maryland, held his 11-year-old son "hostage" and refused to disclose his whereabouts or
condition. The father, with a TikTok username of theprototype88, also known as King B.,
detailed the incident in a video that has since gone viral with almost 8 million views.
In his emotional account, he claims that he rushed to the school after being informed by the vice
principal that his son might have ingested a substance and was acting abnormally. Upon
arrival at the school, the father was reportedly met by the principal, who did not allow him to
continue his phone conversation with the boy's mother and subsequently locked him out of the
building without providing any information about his son's situation.
Fired For Allegedly Threatening Students Who Didn't Clap For Her Daughter: Report.
A school superintendent in California was reportedly fired Tuesday for allegedly threatening
students who did not clap for her daughter at a sports event. Former Poway Unified School
District Superintendent Marian Kim Phelps was fired via school board vote following an
investigation into her alleged graduation threats against her daughter's Del Norte High School
softball teammates, NBC News reported. Phelps allegedly accused her daughter's teammates of
snubbing her by failing to clap loudly at a softball awards banquet in May 2023, NBC San Diego
reported. The students alleged that Phelps texted them about her grievance late at night
after the ceremony, accusing the former superintendent of threatening to prevent them from
graduating in the absence of an apology to her daughter. [Tweet]
Districts Slapped With Civil Rights Complaints Over Racially-Organized 'Affinity Groups'.
A parental rights organization filed civil-rights complaints against two school districts in
Colorado on Friday, alleging they discriminated against parents by race. Parents Defending
Education (PDE) accused the Summit School District and the Greeley-Evans School District of racial
discrimination through the creation of "affinity groups" for Hispanic and black parents,
respectively, in complaints filed with the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights.
PDE argued the school districts were seeking to dissuade parents who were not members of certain
ethnicities from participating in the affinity groups, which provide parents the opportunity to
connect with one another and give feedback to the school district. For instance, PDE said
Summit School District's superintendent expressed hostility to parental involvement in education,
particularly if they were in certain ethnic groups.
closes gifted and talented schools because they had too many white and Asian students.
Seattle has shuttered its gifted and talented programs because the school board determined they had
too many white and Asian students. The district began phasing out its Highly Capable Cohort
schools and classrooms for advanced students in the 2021-22 school year because they found it had
too many racial inequities. School bosses said black and Hispanic students were underrepresented
at the schools. According to Seattle Public School data, of the highly capable students in the
2022-23 school year, 52 percent were white, 16 percent were Asian and 3.4 percent were black.
Hiring 'Whiteness' Superintendent to Root Out White Supremacy. The Saint Louis Park
School District, located in the suburbs of Minneapolis, is hiring an assistant superintendent to
"examine the presence of Whiteness" in the district. It's a good gig, paying between $134,000
and $201,000. [Tweet] It seems that "Whiteness" is a pressing problem for the district, which
no doubt explains why there has been so much learning loss in the public schools over the past few
years. Enrollment of White students has been dropping, with only 53% of the students being
White, and as they have fled to other districts, the problem of White Supremacy has gotten worse,
leading to horrible test scores: [...] It's a troubling thing, to see how Whiteness is harming
minority students, and the district is working hard to root it out. As the student body and
staff become less White, Whiteness has become an increasing problem.
dad, pardoned by Youngkin, shreds new Loudoun County School Board members for 'trying to shut us
out'. Virginia dad Scott Smith, who was famously convicted, and then pardoned by
Gov. Glenn Youngkin for standing up against the Loudoun County School Board (LCSB), says the
newly elected board members have "let us down." Smith, whose daughter was sexually assaulted
by a boy in a dress in the Stone Bridge High School bathroom, appeared with Dana Perino on Fox
News's "America's Newsroom" after the board stuck to party lines and voted to turn off cameras
during the time allotted in the meetings for public comment, Fox5 reported. "We have nine new
school board members this year, and every one of them campaigned on transparency and less division,
and this is absolutely the opposite of what they all campaigned on," Smith said. "They've let us
down." "They haven't done what they've said, and they're just trying to shut us out," he
continued. "They're trying to shut moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas out of the public
spotlight to be able to speak out against the radical policies."
Through Chaos and Fear. In the decade I served on a school board, I learned a great
deal about group dynamics. The most important lesson, I suppose, is that there are
people — most often highly neurotic people — who deliberately create
chaos. They undermine every effort to rationally deal with issues that require
solutions. They violate norms like crediting the work of committees that were designated to
analyze what needs to be done and offer solutions for the board to act on, dispiriting those
desirous of accomplishing what must be done. They go behind the backs of board members to
undercut the systematic workings of the board, and then drag out meetings that should take a few
hours into the late night. In consequence, many just cede power to them rather than endure
the endless churning of conflicts, bad decision-making and stirred-up animus.
In this regard, are the kids safer at home? Probably not. N.J.
school district will close before solar eclipse due to 'concern' about kids looking at the
sun. Livingston schools will close early on April 8 to avoid any danger to
students and families from the solar eclipse, according to a letter Superintendent Matthew J. Block
sent home to families Wednesday. The Essex County school district's four schools will dismiss
at noon or 12:45 p.m., hours before the eclipse, so students are not tempted to look directly
at the sun without protective eyewear during their usual dismissal time, the superintendent said.
Public Schools Will Be Even More Dangerous Without School Resource Officers. At a
bare minimum, every student attending a public school in the United States should feel safe.
Sadly, in far too many government-run schools, this is not the case. This is particularly
true for the 320,000 students who attend Chicago Public Schools (CPS), where abuse, assaults,
thefts, drug dealing, and gang activity have become all too commonplace. Unfortunately, the
decision to remove school resource officers from CPS will likely result in more violence and a less
conducive learning environment. According to a recent report by the University of Chicago's
Urban Education Institute, "School safety is a particularly pressing issue in urban public schools;
the incidence of violent episodes is almost 60 percent higher in city schools than in suburban
schools, and 30 percent higher than in rural schools. Urban schools are approximately
twice as likely as other schools to report that students verbally abuse teachers and act
disrespectfully (other than verbal abuse) toward teachers either daily or at least once a week."
This disturbing trend has engulfed Chicago Public Schools (CPS).
Reportedly Forced To Resign For Not Letting Boy Use Girls' Bathroom. A New York
teacher was reportedly forced into early retirement after not allowing a boy to use the girls'
bathroom. The beloved educator, known as Mr. C, had been a gym teacher and tennis coach
for 37 years. But he resigned from the Elmira Heights Central School District last week
after receiving backlash for not allowing a trans-identifying male kindergartner to use the girls'
restroom, according to WENY News. When asked if the school board could confirm or deny the
incident, Superintendent Michael F. Gill said, "We do not make comments about any students or
staff circumstances." However, at a school board meeting Wednesday, Feb. 28, Mr. C
was the main topic of conversation. During the meeting, more than a dozen people signed up to
speak during the comment portion — some defending Mr. C and others condemning him.
Removing Police From Schools. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? If you've been
paying any attention at all to the news for the past couple of years, you've no doubt heard about
the increased levels of crime and violence in Chicago, along with so many other large, blue
cities. At the same time, we've seen a disturbing rise in school shootings and other criminal
activity in our public schools, with the Windy City's public schools additionally being overrun by
the children of illegal migrants. Rushing to the rescue this week was Chicago Mayor Brandon
Johnson. His brilliant plan to address these concerns involves keeping a campaign promise he
made while running for office. He's going to pull the police (school resource officers, or
SROs) from Chicago's schools and find a "different, comprehensive whole school safety policy."
Given the current conditions in the city, this idea is clearly far less popular than the mayor believes.
What a brilliant idea! Chicago
Education Board Moves to Pull Cops from Schools. Dozens of Chicago high schools that
continue to employ school-resource officers to protect students and staff from violence will no longer
be allowed to do so under a plan coming before the far-left city's education board this week. The
"Resolution to Create a Comprehensive Whole School Safety Policy," which is on the board's Thursday
meeting agenda, would prohibit the 39 city schools that continue to utilize school-resource officers
from continuing to do so next school year. If approved, the resolution would direct Chicago
Public School leaders to develop "a holistic approach to school safety at every District school" that
"addresses root causes" of violence, and that focuses on "restorative justice" and "healing-centered
practices." The effort to eliminate officers from schools has been a priority for progressives
and racial-justice activists who contend that black students and students with disabilities are
disproportionately policed and disciplined by in-school officers. It also comes after at least
four students were killed in three shootings near Chicago schools in recent weeks.
Public Schools Face Civil Rights Complaint For Disciplinary Policy That Factors In Race, Gender
Identity. An education advocacy group hit Portland Public Schools (PPS) with a
federal civil rights complaint Thursday over a policy that requires factoring students' race and
gender identity into disciplinary decisions. Parents Defending Education (PDE) alleges in its
federal civil rights complaint that PPS is violating civil rights law and the Equal Protection
Clause of the 14th Amendment through its new "Student Support and Discipline" policy, which
requires educators to respond to "disruptive student behavior" by developing a behavior support
plan that considers characteristics like race. The policy also requires the school district
to assign educators based on race and gender identity.
in schools are harming our children. "There's clear scientific evidence that digital
tools impair rather than enhance student learning". The words of a hidebound
traditionalist? On the contrary, this is the recent finding of one of the world's foremost
medical universities, the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, just one of many emerging reports
pointing to the shallow and inferior nature of digital learning. Evidence that books, paper
and pens are more effective learning tools than screens and tablets is reverberating globally, with
several countries including China dramatically backtracking on tech in the classroom and strongly
promoting traditional methods of learning such as handwriting, reading books and face to face
pupil-teacher interaction.
U.S. is going off the rails. According to the New York Post: ["]Students
at Stamford public schools will no longer get the day off on [Veterans' Day and Columbus Day] for
the next two school years after the board voted 5-3 to remove them Tuesday night, the Stamford
Advocate reported.["] The motive for the removals is obvious, however at least one
board member claimed the holidays were simply axed to shorten the school year which currently
extends into mid-June. If so, why were these two days removed and no other holidays?
After all, PRIDE! month is celebrated, even if there is no single day off. And the schools
are closed on Indigenous People's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Yom Kippur, Election Day,
Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and "Juneteenth." Incredible. Maybe cut out a couple of them?
Of course not.
Rapist Permitted to Attend High School in Baltimore. Baltimore City Schools might
have a bigger problem, hard as it is to believe, than high-schoolers who can't do math.
Maryland law permits rapists to attend school with their victims. And now, a juvenile rapist
has been sent back to the school his victim attends. Parents never would have known if a
terrified mother hadn't spilled the beans to the local Fox News affiliate. [Tweet]
combat chronic absenteeism, bipartisan Ohio lawmakers propose paying kids to go to
school. In a proposed two-year pilot program, Republican state Rep. Bill Seitz
and Democratic Rep. Dani Isaacsohn, both of Cincinnati, said cash transfers would be sent to
kindergarteners and ninth graders to jumpstart school attendance which has long suffered in the
state, but that was exacerbated by a global pandemic.
The Editor says...
No, school absenteeism was induced by the socialist control freaks' over-reaction to the pandemic; moreover, the pandemic itself
might have been a farce, as some claim that Covid-19 was just another name for the flu. The schools were shut down by the
same people who now want us to bribe the kids to get back to work. The money would be better spent on expanding the prison system,
which is where these misguided weirdos will end up if the schools don't stop enabling their delusions.
York City Principal Attacks Parents Who Opposed Closing High School to Accommodate Migrants.
The principal of a Brooklyn, New York City, high school is now attacking parents who opposed the school
closing its doors to its students on Tuesday to accommodate migrants during a storm. As Breitbart
News reported, New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) moved nearly 2,000 border crossers and illegal aliens
into the gym at James Madison High School in the Midwood neighborhood of Brooklyn late at night. To
accommodate the border crossers and illegal aliens, James Madison High School Principal Jodie Cohen said
all classes would be virtual for the following day. In response, parents protested outside the
school, accusing Cohen and Adams of putting foreign nationals ahead of students.
Board Member Sworn In On Stack Of Gay Porn Instead Of Bible. A school board member in
Virginia took his oath of office with his hand not on a Bible, but on a stack of books containing
graphic depictions of gay sex. Karl Frisch, who will become chairman of the Fairfax County
School Board, swapped the Bible for books including "Lawn Boy," "Gender Queer," and "Flamer."
His male partner held the books as he placed his left hand on them and his right hand in the air.
"He was sworn in on a stack of the five LGBTQ-themed books most frequently banned by other school
systems," Frisch's campaign said on his website.
The legitimization of Ebonics, slang, and mumbling: Denver
public schools bring back the Tower of Babel, but call it 'language justice'. What is
"language justice" you might ask? Well I'd never heard of the term until today, but since the
English language is "oppressive" and "rooted in racism," the left has led a focused effort that
has now been enacted into policy, and the idea is to permit foreign students to forgo learning
English, and instead allowing them to retain their native languages in the classroom. An
excerpt from the "equity document" released by the school board defined "language justice" as this:
["]The notion of respecting every individual's fundamental language rights — to
be able to communicate, understand, and be understood in the language in which they prefer and feel
most articulate and powerful.["] As the report also notes, of the roughly 90,000 students,
around 35,000 are "multilingual learners" with a non-English language home; in those non-English homes,
there are "200" other languages spoken. We tried telling them, all that "diversity is our strength"
talk was really just a utopic pipe dream or a wishful sentiment, but nowhere is that more obvious than
with language — when people can't understand each other nobody can communicate
effectively — but again, they'd know this if they knew their history and literature.
School District Backs Off Effort To Seize a 79-Year-Old Man's Home for Stadium Parking.
A Texas school district has dropped its efforts to seize a 79-year-old man's home for an expanded parking
lot. After minimal discussion during a Thursday night meeting, the Aldine Independent School District
(ISD) board voted unanimously to end its efforts to acquire a one-acre parcel and home owned by Travis
Upchurch. "We are as a family completely relieved. We can go back to our normal lives.
We don't have to worry about what's going to happen to our dad or where dad's going to go," says Tara
Upchurch, Travis Upchurch's daughter. For the past several months, her family has been frantically
trying to fend off the Aldine ISD's efforts to acquire Upchurch's property for a high school football
stadium's parking lot — part of a $50 million rebuild of the stadium.
and Hispanic students do worse, especially in math, when their school district has a 'chief
diversity officer'. Billions of dollars in federal COVID relief money made the
problem worse. As the Heritage Foundation study notes, "Federal COVID-19 money has
facilitated the spread of this idea from universities into school districts." Diversity staff
sometimes view basic educational requirements as racist — for example, they don't think
students should have to do their homework. As Jacobs observes, "If students are told that
turning in work on time, respecting teachers and taking responsibility for their actions are 'white
supremacist' expectations, that success in school won't pay off due to 'systematic racism' ... Why
bother with the math homework?"
officials widen racial gaps, harm minority students. Hiring a "chief diversity
officer" doesn't close achievement gaps, concludes an analysis by Jay P. Greene and Madison
Marino of the Heritage Foundation's Center on Education Policy. Black and Hispanic students
had "significantly greater learning loss during the pandemic in school districts that had hired
chief diversity officers than in districts without one." Even controlling for pre-pandemic
achievement gaps, minority students lost more than their white classmates, especially in math, they
found. "Racial achievement gaps went from bad to worse in these districts." Why?
["]Hiring a senior district official who insists that Black and Hispanic students not be
held to the same standards of behavior or academic achievement as other students because of
structural racism obviously undermined minority student success.["] Nearly half of
districts with at least 15,000 students employ a chief diversity or equity officer, and that rises
to 89 percent for districts with more than 100,000 students, the study found.
at School Expands Through Alliance of Administrators and Tech Companies. Millions of
American children are being insensibly softened to the boundless scope of a federal surveillance
state. From hallway cameras to cameras in classrooms, American children from age 4 or 5 to 18
grow up under the never-blinking eye of the federal government. Additionally, they are told
that but for this monitoring they would be at greater risk of violence at school. This will
result in Generation Z regarding federal surveillance as no more noticeable than a cloud on a rainy
day. It is this desensitization that has drawn the attention of a new report on the growth of
the schoolhouse surveillance state and the effect such an atmosphere will have on this generation.
state opens investigation into drag queen principal previously arrested on child porn charges.
Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters announced Tuesday that he is opening an investigation
into Western Heights Public Schools after it hired a drag queen, who had previously been charged with possession
of child pornography, as a principal for one of its elementary schools. Dr. Shane Brent Murnan was
hired by John Glenn Elementary School ahead of the fall 2023 semester to be its principal but the decision was
quickly met with backlash after parents discovered that he openly performs as a drag queen and had been arrested
on child pornography charges in 2001, which were later dismissed in 2002. Walters said that his investigation
concerned the use of taxpayer funding to hire a drag queen as staff and would be reviewing Murnan's teaching
certificate as well, according to the announcement.
Biden, America Is becoming a police state. In 2021, Biden's Department of Justice
used the FBI to surveil and investigate parents in what Attorney General Merrick Garland called "a
disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school
administrators, board members, teachers, and staff." In reality, these ordinary parents were simply
expressing their opposition to pandemic-era education policies and the insertion of critical race
theory into the curriculum. [...] As mentioned above, the Biden administration, and Democrats in
general, have gone to great lengths to cement their iron grip on the nation's public schools.
Apart from targeting parents who disagree with what is happening in public school classrooms, the
Biden administration has also been caught red-handed pushing an ideological agenda, namely the
implementation of critical race theory and transgenderism, throughout the nation's public
schools. As Biden put it, "They are all our children. They are not somebody else's
children. They're like yours when they're in the classroom."
Secretary says he doesn't 'respect' parents thinking 'they know what's right for
kids'. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona took a jab at certain parents who are
standing up for their children's education by stating that he does not "respect" people who are
"misbehaving in public and acting as if they know what's right for kids." Speaking about what
he views as attacks on education during an interview Friday with The Associated Press, Cardona
said, "I've never seen it where it is now," and that we used to be able to "have healthy
conversations around what's best for kids." Parents are increasingly expressing concerns
regarding their children's education and attending school board meetings to voice their opinions,
but Cardona said he does not think highly of such people.
High School Surprises With New Digital ID And Surveillance App, Parents Not Informed Until After
Students Told To Download App On Personal Phone. On September 14, 2023, Greenwich
High School (GHS) students received a notification from Karen Foster, the Director of Student
Activities, immediately requiring them to download the Minga app onto their phones because the
school had decided to implement digital IDs in order to track them and to provide important
announcements. Physical IDs will not be provided to students with phones. [...] Parents were
not notified about this sweeping invasion of privacy until Friday evening — well after
many students had already complied with this latest intrusion by Superintendent Toni Jones.
school suspends 1st-grader for making finger gun while playing cops and robbers, says outraged
parent. An outraged parent and gun rights groups are speaking out against an Alabama
elementary school that suspended a first-grader, reportedly for making a finger gun. Jerrod
Belcher, whose six-year-old son J.B. attends Bagley Elementary School in Jefferson County, Alabama,
says the school over-reacted to a game of "cops and robbers." A notice of suspension shared
with Fox News Digital states that Belcher's son committed a "Class III" infraction on
September 1 by "using his fingers to shoot at another student."
district who hired drag queen to be elementary school principal faces backlash. The
superintendent of the State of Oklahoma, Ryan Walters, called for Western Heights School District
to "immediately" terminate a drag queen they hired to be an elementary school principal.
"It's outrageous to have a drag queen running a school, you know, here in Oklahoma that doesn't
line up with Oklahoma values," Walters told Fox News Digital. "I hear from parents every day
that are concerned with this woke left-wing indoctrination or schools, this gender theory that
continues to be thrust upon our kids. It's completely inappropriate." The principal of
John Glenn Elementary School, Shane Murnan, is a drag queen who goes by the name "Shantel
Mandalay," Fox News Digital can confirm. Murnan maintained a separate Facebook page from
another called "Shantel Mandalay." According to the page, Murnan was employed as a drag queen at a
venue called "The Boom." "This individual is not fit to lead a school district," Walters
said. "It has to stop."
Oklahoma, the 'usual hiring practices' led to a drag queen elementary school principal. A
school district in Oklahoma is standing by its decision to hire a drag queen as one of its
elementary school principals. The story of Shane Brent Murnan is more shocking than that
sentence indicates. In 2001, when Murnan was teaching fifth graders in Stillwater, Oklahoma,
he was arrested and charged with having images of children under 18 on his computer. There
was no doubt, as a state appellate court judge said, that the pictures "do represent child
pornography." However, Murnan offered in his defense the fact that the pictures, which he had
deleted, came to him by accident. The appellate court therefore ordered that his conviction
should be reversed. One can't help wondering what led to the raid on his computer in the
first place, of course. With his conviction on child porn reversed, Murnan pled guilty to a
misdemeanor for pot possession, while keeping his teaching certificate. In October 2003, even
that charge was expunged. By 2004, with a clean record, Murnan launched his new career as a
drag queen named Shantel Mandalay and entered the world of drag pageants.
Schools Enroll 20K Migrants, None Required to Show Proof of Vaccination. Close to
20,000 migrant children will have been absorbed by New York City's public schools when the school
year starts on Sept. 7. None will be required to show proof of vaccinations when they enroll, as is
required for the children of New Yorkers. On Thursday, New York City officials held a press
conference regarding the state of the more than 100,000 border crossers and illegal aliens that
have arrived in the sanctuary city since the spring of last year.
O'Keefe exposes Jersey school board officials admitting 'Trumpish' looking parents targeted.
Investigative journalist James O'Keefe has released bombshell police bodycam footage showing New Jersey
school board officials colluding with the police to target "Trumpish" school board hearing attendees.
According to O'Keefe, head of O'Keefe Media Group (OMG), the footage offers "the most riveting and fascinating
psychological case studies into what school board officials, superintendents, and cops are saying, thinking,
and believing about you."
flag: How ignorant are the folks running the schools? One of the biggest
takeaways from the viral Colorado story of the school booting a 12-year-old out of class for having
a Gadsden flag patch on his backpack is that the folks in charge are ignorant not just of
free-speech basics, but fundamentals of US history. How can they teach when they're wrong
about simple facts? A top administrator at the Vanguard charter school is on tape
lecturing that the flag has "slavery and the slave trade" origins, making the palm-sized patch was
"disruptive to the classroom environment." A 10-second Google reveals the truth; the flag's not
about slavery at all. Known for its rattlesnake and "Don't tread on me" slogan, it originated
during the American Revolution — a topic the school spends a year on in history class.
utter ignorance of modern educators on proud display the last two days in Colorado.
In the last few days a story about a 12-year-old boy who was banned from classes because he had a
Gadsden flag sticker on his backpack has gone viral, with the school, The Vanguard School, forced
to cancel its parents night because of the outrage. School officials had claimed that the
Gadsden flag was not allowed at the school because it had "its origins in slavery and the slave
trade," a false statement of such utter ignorance of American history it leaves anyone with any
education breathless with astonishment. The picture to the right shows the student Jaiden
reacting in bemused disbelief at the moment that school official (in the background) made this
absurd claim. He clearly knows more about American history than this brainless school official.
Gadsden Flag Kid Just Secured Total Victory. On Monday, the story of a Colorado child
being booted from school for having a Gadsden Flag patch on his backpack went viral. As
RedState reported, school officials claimed the flag was prohibited because it had its "origins in
slavery." [...] On Monday, the story of a Colorado child being booted from school for having a
Gadsden Flag patch on his backpack went viral. As RedState reported, school officials claimed
the flag was prohibited because it had its "origins in slavery." [Tweet with video clip]
Teachers at 1,000 Districts Hide Kids' Sexual Display from Parents. More than 1,000
school districts across the United States have policies openly stating that district personnel can
or should keep students' transgender status hidden from their parents. This figure includes
18,335 schools and 10,712,558 students, according to the organization Parents Defending Education.
[Tweet] The expansion shows the growing reach of advocates for the transgender ideology.
They claim that the government must treat each person's self-described "gender" as more important than
their male or female sex. As Breitbart News previously reported, a recent study strongly suggests
that social contagion is a factor in teenagers and young adults identifying as transgender.
as Obstacles to Education? [Scroll down] Indeed, some teachers and schools
go to great lengths for parental engagement, providing online access to student grades, attendance,
and behavior reports as well as resources and assignments. Regular email, voicemail, and text
notifications keep parents informed while smartphone apps permit ongoing conversations. But
that is not always the case. Some teachers, unions, school boards, and government actors
deliberately exclude parents, dissolving the communal "glue" essential to educating kids.
Why? In 2013, the NEA proposed ejecting "right-wingers" from school boards, while today an
overtly partisan NEA supports parent-derisive politicians while declaring opposition to
"anti-Critical Race Theory (CRT) rhetoric." The NEA demands parents embrace one political view or
be banished. Such partisanship formed the Biden administration's now-defunct National Parents
and Families Engagement Council. Lamenting that conservative groups "attacked" efforts at
parental engagement, partisan educators ironically called for "depoliticization" while pushing
intrinsically political CRT-inspired diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE) and LGBT activist curricula.
State Official Escorted Out Of Heated School Board Meeting On Gender Policy.
California's superintendent of public instruction was escorted out of a heated school board meeting
on Thursday after he argued against a new policy requiring schools to tell parents about student
gender transitions. The Chino Valley Unified School District just east of Los Angeles
approved the gender policy on Thursday after several hours of debate. The new policy requires
teachers to inform parents if their children begin using names and pronouns that do not match the
ones on their birth certificate or if a student requests to use the school bathroom of the opposite
gender. California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond showed up at
Thursday's packed meeting and addressed the school board. [Tweet]
school superintendent is thrown out of meeting after opposing new rule. Parents
reacted with cheers of 'leave our kids alone' as a California superintendent was thrown out of a
school board hearing for aggressively opposing a policy forcing teachers to notify parents if their
child is transgender. Tony Thurmond, the California State Superintendent of Schools, was
booted from the Chino Valley Unified school board meeting on Thursday after going over his allotted
time to vigorously attack the policy. Over 300 people filled the main hall at Don Lugo High
School in Chino, California to weigh in at the hearing, which was marked with hostility as Thurmond
clashed with the school board's president, Sonja Shaw.
District Bans Parents From Board Meeting on Policy Restricting Parental Rights. The
largest school district in Maryland will limit access for parents at an upcoming meeting where it
will discuss a policy that bars parents from opting their children out of lessons on gender
identity and sexuality. Montgomery County Public Schools is set to hold a meeting Tuesday
evening, and instead of its usual policy of opening the meeting to the public, the district said in
a statement it is limiting it to "scheduled speakers, invited attendees, and other guests." The
district cited concerns over "safety" as reason for the limitation.
America Survive as a Self-Governing People? [Scroll down] But the downward
spiral of student achievement began well before school shutdowns. Math and reading scores
began declining in 2012 with the implementation of left-leaning Common Core Curriculum
Standards. Traditional math has been replaced by Common Core math, which requires a series of
mind-boggling processes to do even simple calculations. Memorizing basic math facts is
discouraged now. The impact of Common Core math was evident in the 2015 NAEP results.
For the first time since the test was administered in the early 1990s, math scores of fourth- and
eighth-graders dropped. It is not surprising that fewer students are reading for fun.
Common Core threw out great classical books that teach children morals and patriotism. They
were replaced with books such as The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, which depicts the "oppression of
women" and the "tyranny and violation brought upon them by the men in their lives."
moms react to 'vicious' school reporting them to FBI after exposing critical race theory:
complaint. An Ohio school allegedly launched a bullying campaign against two moms,
accusing them of being "threats" after they exposed left-wing bias in the school, according to a
complaint. Amy Gonzalez and Andrea Gross said Columbus Academy denied re-enrollment to their
children after the parents started asking questions about the school's curriculum and fiduciary
compliance matters, according to the complaint filed on June 12. Their requests for transparency
were met with an "overreaction" from the administration, the moms said. "And so when I say an
overreaction, I mean an overreaction of calling the police on us, alerting almost 900 faculty
members that they had alerted the FBI that we were dangerous. Just things that were so far
beyond the pale that it would lead one to ask why? Why is the reaction so extreme?" Gross said.
Student Is Denied Diploma At Philly Graduation For Doing A Little Dance, Applause Was BANNED At
Ceremony. A high school graduate in Philadelphia has spoken out after the principal
allegedly refused to give her a graduation certificate because she danced across the stage in
celebration. Hafsah Abdur-Rahman, 17, was excited to take part in the ceremony with her
classmates at Philadelphia High School for Girls on June 9. Her name was called out and she
did a viral dance move called the 'Griddy' on her way to collecting her high school diploma.
[Video clip]
The Editor says...
This is what eventually happens in a society whose citizens have no self-control and no sense of decorum:
Apparently the celebratory dancing in previous years got so wild that the school had to ban celebrations entirely.
The occasion isn't all that sacred — the faculty is only present so you can heap praise on them!
Just put my diploma in the mail, and dispense with the ceremony.
requires young children to create pagan idols! A school in Ohio has been warned that
its kachina doll worship lessons are illegal. The fight is over a classroom demand that
students make a kachina doll, which "were used by native Americans as sacred idols," because it
fails to follow the requirements of the U.S. Constitution. "The law does not support the
school's compulsion of student's speech under these circumstances," explained John Monaghan, a
lawyer with the American Center for Law & Justice. "Accordingly, the school's decision
presents a matter of great constitutional concern for the ACLJ. The instruction to make the doll
interferes with the Mutti son's First Amendment rights as a student." According to Front Lines
Ohio, the letter went to the Lexington school after Amie Mutti explained, "On the week of February 13th,
2023, our eleven-year-old son was instructed by his fifth-grade teacher during Social Studies class to
make a kachina doll. This is no ordinary doll. These dolls were used by native Americans
as sacred idols."
of California plans to hire illegal immigrants. The University of California Board of
Regents recently voted to move forward with plans to hire illegal immigrant students for campus
jobs, despite federal law seeming to prohibit it. The new policy directs a "working group" to
come up with implementation plans by the end of 2023. The change comes after scholars with the
UCLA Center for Law and Immigration Policy, Hiroshi Motmura and Ahilan Arulanaltham, published a
letter that argued the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 does not apply to states.
Arulanaltham told The College Fix via email that he hopes to be involved in implementation of the
new "Equitable Student Employment Opportunities" policy.
we forgive these "mistakes?". At issue is yet another example of failed liberal
policies that have resulted in the loss of life and the dramatic reduction of safety in public
schools. This National Review article focuses on Denver's schools, but this is part of a
pattern that shows up across the nation. After the George Floyd riots, there was a nationwide
movement to kick police or "school resource officers" out of public schools. There were lots
of warnings that this was a terrible idea and that it would be a disaster, but activists assured
everybody that the presence, not absence of police was the real safety problem in public
schools. They were, of course, very wrong. [...] Police wound up roaming the halls of the
public schools in the first place for a serious reason; it wasn't because the White power structure
was determined to seek out and oppress Black and Brown students. It was because Black, Brown,
White, and every other color student was being put at risk by some very bad apples going to those schools.
Education Department Tells Nation's Schools to Go Back to Race-Based Discipline. The
school year is over, but a new race-based missive from Washington will loom over teachers and
students all summer. Just before Memorial Day, federal education officials issued a "Dear
Colleague" letter telling the nation's educators that the Biden administration is resurrecting a
policy of investigating and coercing schools to adopt more lenient discipline policies. This
policy originated under President Barack Obama's administration but was rescinded in 2018 by a
commission led by then-Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. The Federal Commission on School
Safety found that parents and local educators are better at deciding when a student's disruptive
actions warrant suspension or expulsion than are quotas handed down from Washington.
Is Now Free For Illegals In Minnesota. In an unprecedented move, the state of
Minnesota has unveiled its "North Star Promise" program, offering free college tuition to all
residents whose families earn less than $80,000 annually, irrespective of their immigration
status. While some celebrate this as an inclusive initiative, it raises pertinent questions
about the fairness, fiscal responsibility, and potential long-term consequences of such a
policy. The program's eligibility criteria offer another point of contention. To
qualify, students must graduate from a Minnesota high school, live in the state for at least
12 months without being enrolled in college more than half-time, and maintain good academic standing.
The Editor says...
That's how it starts, anyway. Pretty soon, the part about "good academic standing" will
be long forgotten, and the $80,000 annual income ceiling will be raised.
University of Minnesota is offering a summer internship program to students, but only if they're
not white. I couldn't care less that a woke university is being openly racist by
excluding white students from their Multicultural Summer Research Opportunities Program. It's
what we've come to expect from the left, and I'm just here to show it to you. [Tweet] Yup,
just openly excluding an entire race from the summer internship program. [...] They think this
exclusion of whites somehow makes it more fair for the other races. They actually think
that. It's dumb, but I'm smart enough to sit here and try to understand these people instead
of getting upset. They honestly think excluding whites is progressive.
Emotional Learning: Don't Be Fooled By The Title. The ultimate goal of SEL is to
shift the values, beliefs, attitudes, and worldviews of students. The goal is to
psychologically manipulate students to accept the progressive ideology that supports gender
fluidity, sexual preference exploration, and systemic oppression. SEL uses a framework that
addresses five competencies: self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making,
relationship skills, and social awareness. These seemingly innocuous skills are very
deceptive to most people. The problem is these skills are delivered to students through an
"equity lens" aka the viewpoint of someone who believes America is systemically racist and oppressive.
Democrats want gender-neutral bathrooms mandatory in all K-12 schools. A California
state lawmaker has introduced legislation that would make the Golden State the first in the nation
to require schools to have at least one gender-neutral bathroom on campus. State
Sen. Josh Newman (D) introduced SB 760 last week, which would require all K-12 public and
charter schools to have at least one genderless bathroom for student use amid ever-increasing
controversy over the place of public schools when a student claims to identify with a gender
different from their biological sex.
Mom Sues School After Secret Trans Group Recruits Her Daughter and Does 'Unthinkable Things'.
A Colorado momma bear is suing Wellington Middle School in Fort Collins, Colo., after learning they pulled
her sixth-grade daughter into a secret transgender recruiting meeting disguised as an "art club."
"When she got there, she very quickly learned it was actually a gender and sexuality awareness club," Erin
Lee told Fox News. "The art teacher had invited in an outside presenter into the classroom that day,"
Lee continued. "And this woman did absolutely unthinkable things with the kids." "What you hear
in here, stays in here," the mystery groomer allegedly told the kids, suggesting that telling their parents
wasn't "safe." Lee further disclosed that the guest presenter informed the kids they were transgender
if they didn't feel totally comfy with their gender. "She explained to my daughter that if she is not
100 percent comfortable in her female body, then she's transgender," Lee stated.
Grade Girl Was Forced To Perform Sex Act In Class, Was Recorded On iPad, School Tries To Cover It
Up. "The school is CLOSED today, May 8, because of the protests. The school has
also disabled all of its social media accounts and is completely locked down. According to
the story from Fox News, a 6-year-old girl was forced by a six-year-old boy to go under his desk
and perform an unnamed sex act on him, in the middle of class, while the teacher was in the room
and supposedly "distracted" teaching another student. Another little boy used a school-issued
iPad to RECORD the assault and the school only found out when they discovered the kids put a lock
on the iPad, forcing their tech guys to hack back into it. According to the school, they
notified CPS and the police, and since that's all that was required of them legally, they didn't
inform the parents. [Video clip]
school district hid sexual assault of 6-year-old. Students at a Plainview, TX
Elementary School won't be going to class on Monday. The South Elementary School is being
closed temporarily due to teachers claiming to feel threatened. Why, you might wonder, would
they feel that way? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the School
administrators, teachers, and School District officials were covering up the fact that a
first-grade student was forced to perform a sexual act on another student IN CLASS and the act
was recorded on an iPad. The iPad was seized, the "inappropriate" recording was viewed by the
adults, child services investigated, and the incident was swept under the rug. It wasn't
until the little girl had recurring nightmares and refused to go to school that her parents got
involved and began protesting the school.
The Editor says...
Plainview makes Lubbock look like Dallas. Parents in Plainview aren't gonna sit still for this,
especially if the teacher has some perverse "gender confusion" agenda at work.
25 school employees arrested for sexual misconduct with minors in just one week. More
than 25 school employees were arrested for sexual misconduct with students over the past week
alone — including a teacher who bombarded a boy with 600 text messages and another who
performed oral sex in a classroom. In what has become a surging nationwide epidemic,
teachers, counselors, and other staffers — both men and an increasing number of
women — are targeting students for sexual gratification. Indiana high school
teacher Paige Simon, 28, was arrested last week for allegedly touching a male student's groin in
front of classmates and sending him 600 text messages — including some that contained
explicit language and discussion of sex toys. When the 15-year-old stopped corresponding with
her, authorities said Simon showed up to one of his baseball games to continue her pursuit.
The victim's parents discovered the trove of messages between the two and contacted authorities.
diversity office hosts 'students of color' graduation ceremony. Racial minority
students at the University of Pittsburgh recently had the opportunity to participate in a separate
graduation ceremony to celebrate "students of color." The event, titled "The Gathering," is a
"special graduation ceremony to acknowledge and celebrate graduating students of color," according
to The Pitt News. The College Fix could not find a public listing of this commencement
ceremony on the university's event calendar. University officials said the event, which did
not include white participants, is a "chance to build unity." "It's a chance to build unity
and community with one another," Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Vice Chancellor Clyde
Pickett told the student newspaper.
The Editor says...
If racial segregation can "build unity and community with one another," why was there such a battle over it in the 1960's?
Area High School Slammed Over Segregated Math Courses for 'Black' and 'Latinx' Students
Only. A Chicago area high school has come under fire after it was discovered the
school is offering segregated mathematics classes for "Black" and "Latinx" students only.
Evanston Township High School District 202 (ETHS) is providing the racially segregated courses in
calculus, pre-calculus, and algebra. ETHS's math curriculum for the next school year suggests
that the segregated classes will continue. One of ETHS's pre-calculus courses describes,
"[t]he course is restricted to students who identify as Black male students." While another
pre-calculus course mentions that it is only for "Latinx" students, and a third course does not
have any restrictions based on gender or race.
Transgender Craze. [Scroll down] Women now dominate the presidencies in
the Ivy League and, more generally, women make up about 30% of college presidents. No doubt,
the feminization of higher education administration will only continue as women increasingly
dominate the campus. Today college women outnumber men by 14%, and while college enrollment
is dropping in general, this decline is sharpest among men. Indeed, men are now merely 41% of
those enrolled in higher education, and if one subtracts international students who are
disproportionately male, the American male college student faces extinction. Women are now
even a majority of students in medical school, long a bastion of maleness.
Colorado School District Is Concealing Student Gender Transitions From Parents. In
recent years, several school districts have been ousted for keeping parents in the dark about their
child's gender transitions at school. As Townhall has covered, school districts in Virginia,
Kansas, and California were exposed for concealing this information from parents. And last
year, Republican Sen. Tim Scott (SC) introduced legislation that would prevent schools from
hiding information about a student's gender identity from their parents. Documents obtained
from parental rights organization Parents Defending Education and reviewed by Townhall show that
Pueblo School District 60 in Colorado has guidelines to keep students' "gender identity"
secret from their parents.
on the Potomac. For too long we have assumed that we can live with the
"public/private partnership," as it is called. That pairing of public and private is never a
partnership — it is only dictatorship. Once government has wormed its way into our
affairs — as it has done in education, business, and now energy production —
it becomes the dominant player. Few can now recall the heated struggle of the early 1960s to
keep the federal government out of public education. At that time, it was still understood
that government aid to education came with menacing strings — the right to determine
what is taught and how, and by whom. Most now assume that the federal government has a
rightful or "natural" role in determining curricula, setting standards, testing, and other matters,
when in fact it was only 60 years ago when D.C. had no role at all and the Department of Education
did not exist. (It was created in 1979 under President Carter.) What, after all, is the
proper role of a federal "department" of education? Of all federal departments, it is the one
most needful of being abolished.
Mexico School Boards Association Administrator: Parents Have No Rights In Public Education.
A New Mexico School Boards Association instructor sees no role for parents in guiding their children's public
school education. On Tuesday, the parental rights group "Freedom Families United" published audio tape
of a New Mexican school board administrator speaking to members of local school boards. "Parents
do not have a fundamental right to tell you how public school teaches their child," New Mexico School
Boards Association Trainer Andrew Sanchez said in December. "Parental rights end when you decide to
send your kids to public school. What you teach this generation that will soon be voting are going
to be instrumental to the future of us as a democracy and as society goes forward."
their personal feel-goodery, the Denver School Board shoots three, kills one, and endangers thousands at
East High. Like many school boards, the Denver School Board years ago asked the police for
help in quelling violence in the schools. The police succeeded to some extent. So far,
so good, though it's a poor reflection on our society, our schools, our students, and their parents.
In 1975, about 1% of schools had cops onsite. By a few years ago, it was over 50%. The presence
of cops did help. But the Denver School Board was disappointed that the encounters by the school police
involved a disproportionate number of students of color. That was no surprise to anyone paying
attention to crime statistics. A disproportionate number of police encounters in society at large
involve people of color, and so it's natural that it would be the same in the schools. All serious
observers know that's because a disproportionate number of crimes are committed by people of color. [...]
For example, it has been well documented that Black people commit murder at roughly seven times the rate
of white people. Most people murdered by Blacks are themselves Black. The response of the Denver
School Board was not to focus on the message that a disproportionate number of violent crimes are by students
of color, but to shoot the messenger — the police.
'Progressive Discipline' Turned Ontario Schools into a Battleground. A 200-pound
Ontario middle schooler was getting ready to pummel his classmate when a group of teachers escorted
him to an office where they hoped to calm him down — instead, he proceeded to ram into
the two adults, a man and a woman, for the better part of an hour, leaving them shaken and
bruised. He never faced any consequences. "You should have seen their bruises. The
guy's back is totally messed up. The girl still has arm issues," Margaret, a teacher with
over a decade of experience in Ontario's public schools, told National Review. Worried about
the potential repercussions, the teachers who were assaulted were not able to physically restrain
the student, nor did senior school administrators expel him. "All he got was an in-school
suspension. His mom came to pick him up, asked if he wanted dumplings, and they left.
There were no consequences," Margaret said.
teacher tells students to call her 'mom' to encourage their sharing secrets. Up until
quite recently, the teacher's job was to pass on concrete knowledge to equip children to be
productive adults and good citizens. That was the beginning and end of a teacher's job.
Then, states passed laws that imposed on teachers the obligation to file a report if they thought a
parent was abusing a child. That was a reasonable thing to do, given that a teacher might be
the only other adult in a child's life and, therefore, would be the one who noticed bruises or
malnutrition. Somehow, though, this responsibility morphed into a cadre of teachers deciding
that all parents are potential abusers — not physical abusers, but potential mental
abusers. And what constitutes mental abuse? Parents who challenge those teachers who
deviate from the hard work of teaching concrete information (math, reading competency, etc.) and
slide effortlessly into celebrating their own life choices in the classroom — and the
more deviant, the better.
district forced to pay over 100K in legal fees after banning moms from exposing pornographic
materials. A school district was forced to pay over $100,000 in legal fees after
banning moms from exposing pornographic material at school board meetings. Forsyth County
School District [FSC] agreed to pay attorney's fees in a federal lawsuit brought by a group of
parents who were censored at school board meetings. The group, called the Mama Bears, claimed
in the federal lawsuit that their First Amendment rights were violated and won the case due to the
legal representation of the Institute for Free Speech. The Mama Bears settled a federal
lawsuit against the Georgia school district after one of the group's members was barred from
reading sexually explicit excerpts at school board meetings. FCS will pay the Mama Bears
nominal damages of $17.91 and their attorneys $107,500.
Democrats want gender-neutral bathrooms mandatory in all K-12 schools. A California
state lawmaker has introduced legislation that would make the Golden State the first in the nation
to require schools to have at least one gender-neutral bathroom on campus. State
Sen. Josh Newman (D) introduced SB 760 last week, which would require all K-12 public and
charter schools to have at least one genderless bathroom for student use amid ever-increasing
controversy over the place of public schools when a student claims to identify with a gender
different from their biological sex.
grader victorious after battle with school over 'Jesus Loves Me' mask. Third grader Lydia Booth said it
was "sad" and "confusing" when her Mississippi school district told her she couldn't wear a face mask with the words
"Jesus Loves Me" on it. Lydia's mom, Jennifer, said she was equally confused when Lydia told her what had
happened. "I was looking around, and all these kids had words all over their masks," she told Fox News Digital.
School Board Member Says [It's] 'Not the school's job to teach what parents want'. An Iowa school board
member posted on Facebook on Tuesday that public education is not to teach kids what parents want, but rather what the
community needs. "The purpose of a public ed is to not teach kids what the parents want. It is to teach them
what society needs them to know. The client is not the parent, but the community," Linn-Mar school board member
Rachel Wall posted. The Facebook post garnered much pushback in the comment section. The post received over
Medical School Removes Pictures Of White Graduating Students. On the heels of a lawsuit brought against
Texas medical schools for violating civil rights law through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) policies, another
Texas medical school reportedly targeted white medical students by taking down their graduation photos. Texas A&M
Medical School removed a picture that was 'prominently displayed' at the entrance of the school that had white males
graduating from the institution. Texas A&M's medical school ranks 80th in the nation, according to U.S News &
World Report. The decision to take down pictures of white male students follows other concerning developments at
America's medical schools.
Chapel Hill Art Club Welcomes All Students but White Ones. Attendees of a southern college are invited to
join a creative club — unless they're Caucasian. At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, an
art organization has been formed. [...] More from the school paper: ["]The all-BIPOC art collective, which
officially started last fall, hosts ... community meetings and 'paint-and-sips' ...["] Cutting out one
color is curious. Art might be said to be the ultimate realm of free expression, but the group's still trying to
stick to a color scheme. Chapel Hill is far from alone: [Numerous links]
over Racism. Consider, for example, how Williams College recently ended its policy of requiring all
graduates to pass a swim test, or if they failed the test, take a swimming course. The reason for the
cancellation: being able to swim was deemed racist and thus ill-suited to the college's commitment to racial
diversity. Specifically, D. Clinton Williams, director of the college's Pathways for Inclusive Excellence
condemned such tests as a vestige of American's horrific racism since those unable to swim. and thereby required to take
swimming instruction, were disproportionately Black. This equity may turn deadly. According to CDC data,
Blacks are 1.5 times more likely to drown than Whites. This is particularly true for youngsters. For
children aged 5 to 9, the drowning ratio is 2.6; for children aged 10-14, it is 3.6 times higher. Most
shockingly, among those aged 10-14, the ratio in public swimming pools is 7.6 times higher for Blacks. Hardly
surprisingly, the CDC advises that swimming lessons can help prevent death by drowning.
University Hosts DEI Seminar, Consigns Caucasians to the 'White' Table. Not long ago, America was headed
for unprecedented unity. But the tables have turned — into segregated ones. Case in point:
Portland State University's recent symposium on diversity, equity and inclusion. Per a slideshow posted online by
the school, everyone was welcome — at their correspondent, color-coded tables.
Wokes Itself in the Foot with 'Black Male Privilege'. I have, on several occasions, warned the younger,
woke, angry generation that one day, the machine would come for them. And lo and behold, it has. Although I
have to admit, I didn't think it would be this soon. [...] Because intersectionality works best with a complicated field
of eligible candidates with a broad range of grievances, it must also have a steady diet of people to find guilty of the
insult du jour. And black men are now on the list of potential offenders. Arizona State University has
issued a checklist dealing with Black Male Privilege. No, your eyes do not deceive you. Black men at ASU
must now find ways to address their privilege. If you are a black male reading this and thinking, "Wait privilege
only applies to white people," well, no, sir. Not anymore, at least at ASU. Wokeism and Equity are like the
Island of Dr. Moreau: none escape.
Files Lawsuit Against Ohio School District, Alleging Her 8th-Grade Daughter Was Strip Searched. A mother
has filed a lawsuit against an Ohio school district after the school nurse's aide allegedly strip-searched her 8th-grade
daughter. The mother filed a federal lawsuit against the Willoughby-Eastlake Schools Board of Education and three
Eastlake School Middle School employees on December 28. The incident allegedly took place on
September 27, when the Eastlake Middle student was asked by another student to put a vape pen in her gym
locker. The lawsuit says that the student "begrudgingly agreed."
hides National Merit awards for students to promote "equity". Located in Fairfax County, Virginia, Thomas
Jefferson High School for Science and Technology has long been ranked as one of the premiere high schools in the
nation. It's a "magnet" charter school that focuses on the sciences and STEM curricula. But for several
years now you wouldn't have guessed that based on the school's record of students receiving National Merit awards.
That's because none of the students reportedly received those honors. Except that's not true at all. The top
students in the school did indeed receive National Merit awards, but two administrators at TJ have been withholding
notifications of the awards from students. They reportedly did this as part of their "equitable grading
policy." And the parents of students who were not credited with those achievements are seeing red.
New York Teacher Sentenced to Community Service for Illegally Vaccinating Teen. The former New York
teacher who was accused of illegally injecting her son's 17-year-old friend with a COVID-19 vaccine on New Year's Eve
has avoided jail time, according to reports. Laura Russo, then a science teacher at Herricks High School, was
arrested on Jan. 1 at her Sea Cliff home, where the illegal injection took place. Nassau County police said they
were notified after the boy left Russo's home and told his mother what had happened.
Words: California Colleges Push Students To Purge 'Harmful' Phrases Like 'Brown Bag Lunch'. If you've ever
used the phrases "brown bag lunch" or "long time, no see," congratulations: You're a racist, according to Stanford
University. That's the judgment of the university's IT Department, which is rolling out its "Elimination of
Harmful Language Initiative," an effort to purge "potentially harmful terms" from the university's websites. The
guide cautions that the phrase "blind study" is "ableist" and that saying "balls to the wall" inappropriately
"attributes personality traits to anatomy." Stanford isn't alone in its linguistic purge. Down the coast,
California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo warns incoming students against saying "father and mother" or
"boyfriend and girlfriend," according to a set of instruction slides for student orientation leaders obtained by the
Washington Free Beacon. Suggested alternatives to mother and father include "supporter," while the university
prefers "partner, beloved or lover" to boyfriend and girlfriend. Universities and other elite institutions have
increasingly embraced "woke" language in a bid to appear progressive.
to Stanford Kindergarten. Perhaps you've seen the story on the Wall Street Journal editorial page
today (or in some other outlet where it is booming this morning) about Stanford University's "Elimination of Harmful
Language Initiative," which reads like a parody of our idiotic woke university culture today. But no —
Stanford employed a task force that worked for months to advocate that no one on campus use the word "American" because
"This term often refers to people from the United States only, thereby insinuating that the US is the most important
country in the Americas..."
Students Are Prohibited From Applying to This UNC Fellowship. The University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill — whose affirmative action program, along with that of Harvard University, is under review by the
Supreme Court — sponsors the Fellowship for Exploring Research in Nutrition, which accepts applications
exclusively from students who are "Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC)," according to the program's
website. Fellows earn thousands of dollars, live in on-campus apartments paid for by the university, and receive
generous mentorship opportunities, including letters of recommendation. "The field of nutrition is overwhelmingly
comprised of white researchers," an ad for the fellowship states. "Increased BIPOC representation in food policy
research is critical for developing effective, equitable, comprehensive, and culturally competent policies that address
nutrition-related health disparities."
of color allowed 'safe space' without white males at Pomona College. A Students of Color Alliance lounge
that requires students fill out a form listing what identity-based group they belong to before being granted electronic
ID card swipe access to the venue has been established at an elite private college in Southern California. Pomona
College administrators approved the swipe-access decision in November to address student protests after easy access to
the lounge had been somewhat restricted for a few years due to COVID-related occupancy rules, The Student Life reported
Dec. 2.
Public School District Mocks Concerned Mother, Then Charges Her $7,000. A mother of a middle school
student was shocked when the Joshua Independent School District in Joshua, Texas, charged her over $7,000 in public
records fees to disclose how many bullying reports the district had received since 2015. The Goldwater Institute
first reported this outrageous demand for a simple sum of documents. The mother is combatting the exorbitant fee
via an appeal to the Texas Attorney General's Office. The mother, Terrie Chumchal, filed the request following the
district's lack of aid over a two-year period of vicious bullying in which her son repeatedly tried to obtain help from
his school, Loflin Middle School. Chumchal told The Daily Signal that her son suffered several severe instances of
bullying, often regarding his Korean heritage, over his sixth and seventh grade years — including a violent
choking and sustaining a ruptured eardrum. After receiving word of these incidents, Chumchal learned that the
school's closed-circuit television cameras had recorded some of these instances.
Loudoun County Superintendent Indicted over Handling of Sexual-Assault Cases. Loudoun County Public
Schools former superintendent Scott Ziegler and public information officer Wayde Byard were indicted by a special grand
jury amid an eight-month investigation into the district's mishandling of two sexual assault cases. A Loudoun
County judge unsealed the indictments on Monday [12/12/2022]. Ziegler was charged with one count of false
publication, one count of prohibited conduct, and one count of penalizing an employee for a court appearance.
County School Board Fires Superintendent Over What Grand Jury Says Is 'Stunning Lack Of Openness'. Loudoun
County School Board members voted to fire embattled superintendent Scott Ziegler after a special grand jury report said
he lied about a rape committed by a transgender student. The board voted unanimously on Dec. 6 to fire Ziegler
without cause, the Virginia school district's spokesman, Wayde Byard, told The Epoch Times. The move came after a
special grand jury in Loudoun County released a 91-page report on Dec. 5 condemning Ziegler and other school
officials for displaying a "stunning lack of openness" about the incidents.
Extreme Danger: "Boring" Election
Issues. Public Interest Legal Foundation, is representing two parents in Maryland challenging a school
board that is allowing children to vote. Maryland allows children to vote as young as sixth grade for a government
seat on the school board that gets to vote. The seat is held by a child from the school who gets to vote on all
the school board issues. It is part of this broader architecture to normalize things like that, to infantilize
elections, and to shift power away from adults and Americans. It is not an accident.
Loudoun County, VA Grand Jury Has Unsealed Its Findings. On Monday, the grand jury that had been
investigating the incidents involving a student in the Loudoun County School District who had committed acts of sexual
abuse in two schools and against different students made its findings available to the public. The website Loudoun
Now reports that the jury had been empaneled since April as requested by Attorney General Jason Miyares. Miyares
was acting on a request from Governor Glenn Youngkin, who made it an executive order on his first day in office.
At issue was the way the district handled a situation in which a student sexually assaulted a girl at Stonebridge High
School in May of 2021. After being transferred to Broad Run High School, he assaulted another girl in October of
that year.
school board takes meetings online to hide from angry parents. The North Clackamas School District in
Oregon is only the latest in a long string of districts where parents have grown fed up with the school's woke leftist
policies being approved by the school board. Parents have been showing up for school board meetings with a
list of grievances over inappropriate, sexualized material in the schools, gender-bending indoctrination, and policies
intended to keep secrets from parents regarding their children's development. After one recent meeting, the board
decided to respond, but not by addressing the parents' concerns. They instead announced that all future meetings
would be held "online," depriving the parents of the opportunity to be heard. As a result, the school is now
losing more students and the board members may face the possibility of being removed from their positions.
New York Schools Must Ditch Their Native American Mascots by the End of the Academic Year. The New York
Department of Education has given an ultimatum to schools in the state: get rid of your Native American team names,
mascots, and logos by the end of the school year or face severe penalties, including the loss of state aid. "Arguments
that community members support the use of such imagery or that it is 'respectful' to Native Americans are no longer
tenable," the department said in the memo, issued Thursday. Why not? Who says it's not "tenable"? And why
dismiss the usual overwhelming community support for a Native American mascot so cavalierly?
of California announces flu vaccine mandate for all campuses. The University of California has announced
that it is instituting an annual flu vaccine mandate on top of its existing COVID-19 vaccine mandate, forcing students,
faculty, staff and other academic appointees to open themselves up to the many dangerous side effects of the jab.
The new mandate applies to all nine of its campuses, including UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UC San Francisco. Although
the deadline set by the university system for compliance is not until December 1, UC San Diego (UCSD) moved its
deadline to November 18. Students were notified of the mandate on November 8, giving them just
10 days to comply. Those who fail to get the flu shot must join those who were unwilling to get the COVID-19
vaccine in wearing masks and submitting to routine resting.
conservative school board in South Carolina bans CRT, fires superintendent. Accountability arrived in
Berkeley County, South Carolina — or was it a "political witch hunt"? It depends on whether one talks to the
former board chair who got pushed out in last week's elections, or to the new members elected by angry parents in the
district. In two hours, the new board fired the district's superintendent, their attorney, and banned
critical-race theory in the schools. [...] People in the community decided that they didn't like the direction the
school board and education system had taken. They organized on that basis to redirect policy significantly in
another direction, and it turns out that their ideas were pretty popular with local voters. And honestly, the
speed in which they made those changes makes democracy look [very] effective, especially at the local level.
state school district appoints board director who once labeled cops 'pigs,' encouraged riots. A Washington
state woman who has a history of anti-police statements and once seemed to be encouraging people to riot has been
appointed to fill a director vacancy on a city school board. Talauna Reed was sworn in during an Olympia School
Board meeting on Thursday, October 27, according to a press release.
University of York gives
students a random code instead of a name-based email to be "inclusive," avoid "offense". The University of
York in England traditionally used the first letters of students' and staff's first name and last name to generate
official emails and usernames. It has changed the practice and is now using random letters and numbers to identify
students to be "more inclusive." The move has been criticized by Free Speech Union founder Toby Young: "This seems
like a parody of political correctness gone mad; the sort of thing you'd expect to see in a Netflix series satirizing
the ideological capture of universities by woke cultists." [...] The new system will not use vowels or the letter "y" to
avoid offensive words. The university has asked students to report combinations they feel should not be used.
principals reportedly let four armed teens INTO locked school because police were outside. In a scene that
would not have even made the final cut for "Idiocracy," four masked teenagers with guns were allegedly given access to a
high school by two of its administrators who believed it was unsafe for them to stay outside because — wait
for it — there were police officers nearby. On September 14, security officers at Garret Morgan High
School in Cleveland, Ohio, spotted the four teens approaching the school and proceeded to call 911. During the call,
multiple people could be heard yelling to keep the school locked down and prohibit the gang from entering. "Do not
let them, do not let anybody through that door, people," one man can be heard saying in the call recording obtained by
Fox8. [...] Despite performing what should have been the obvious action by normally thinking people, two school administrators,
Christopher Kane and Carolyn Elias, reportedly allowed the four teens to enter the school via the gymnasium and dining
area. "Two assistant principals from leadership let the males into the building," one witness wrote in a statement.
Boston University creates a new Covid strain that has an 80% kill rate. Researchers at Boston University
have performed gain-of-function research using recombinant DNA. They combined the spike protein from the Omicron variant
of the COVID-19 virus with the original strain of the virus and came up with an artificially created variant with an 80%
mortality rate in mice. In mice the Omicron variant causes mild illness, not vast mortality. When I first
read the article I literally could not believe it. And I mean that seriously. It was too insane to
believe. But the Daily Mail has the goods, linking to the research itself, which indeed does say that scientists
have developed such a virus. With an 80% mortality rate. Ugh! The virus does not limit itself to
infecting mice, either. It is 5 times more infectious in humans than the Omicron virus from which it was
derived. Are they insane?
Drag Queen Serves As Crossing Guard For Denver Students To Promote Safety. A Denver school featured a drag
queen as a crossing guard in celebration of National Walk and Bike to School Day, according to school social media
posts. Drag entertainer Dixie Krystals helped students cross the street at Denver Public School on Oct. 12 as a
part of the school's Walk & Roll to School Day, according to social media posts. Krystals was included as one of
the school's "celebrity crossing guards" in honor of Pedestrian Safety Month. While at the event, Krystal is seen
in a Twitter video donning a yellow safety vest, blowing a whistle and waving several students across the street.
"Drag queens are known for their lewd and sexualized performances, and they have no place in or around schools," Parents
Defending Education Investigative Fellow Alex Nester told the Daily Caller News Foundation. "Yet, for whatever
reason, schools have been insistent on giving children access to these performers. It's immoral, distracting and
confusing for children."
administration demands Alabama embrace genderless schools or else, but we aren't giving in. Undeterred by
repeated losses, the Biden administration's war on red states and our "Neanderthal thinking" rages on. This month,
my colleagues and I are fighting Biden and his comrades at the United States Department of Agriculture in court to
protect the right of states to run their public schools as they see fit. This time, the fight isn't over
curriculum or masking — it's whether states still possess the paltry authority to require boys to use the
boys' bathroom at school. The United States Constitution leaves no doubt as to the states' broad authority over
their own public schools, but the Biden administration supposes that everything — even schoolchildren —
has a price.
Amherst College introduces dystopian anonymous survey that will force all students to wear masks in class if SINGLE
person requests them. A woke liberal arts college has introduced a new masking policy that would require
all students in a class to wear face masks if a single person requests them using an anonymous survey. Under the
new policy at Amherst College in Massachusetts, each student and teacher would be provided an anonymous survey in which
they could express their views on whether they want a mask mandate in their classroom. The new guidance was
created by Catherine Epstein, provost and dean of faculty at the Massachusetts school, who wrote to her colleagues on
September 29 that the new policy will go into effect on October 17.
A Danish City Built Google
Into Its Schools, Then Banned It. The small Danish city of Helsingør is not a place usually in
national news headlines. Until now, most visitors come here to catch the ferry to nearby Sweden or to visit the
castle where Shakespeare's famous tragedy Hamlet was set. But the news crews arrived with the start of the
new school term in August, to capture the chaos caused when local schools banned Google. Google's education
products — its Chromebook laptops and school software — are deeply embedded in Denmark's education
system. Around half of the country's schools use Google, and some students in Helsingør get their first
Chromebook at the age of 6. So when Helsingør banned those products on July 14, the result was widespread
disruption when schools reopened the following month. Some local children complained they were so unused to pen
and paper they couldn't read their own handwriting. Denmark's data protection regulator found that local schools
did not really understand what Google was doing with students' data and as a result blocked around 8,000 students from
using the Chromebooks that had become a central part of their daily education.
Graders Protect Their Fellow Students From a Creepy Teacher. What do you do when your teacher is a pervert
and no one will listen? You take matters into your own hands. According to a report in The Boston Globe,
sixth-graders, no less, at Davisville Middle School in Rhode Island had had enough of their teacher not only being cruel
to the boys but also with the way he treated the girls. He leered at them, gave them pet names, and asked them to
dance. He even allegedly asked one girl to take off her shoes and show him her toes. The unnamed teacher,
who was also a coach, told the kids he had dealt with parents' complaints before and was not worried.
the Transgender Establishment. The kids may be back in school, but this year parents are more fearful
thanks in part to the courageous parents in Loudoun County Virginia who nearly two years ago brought to national
attention the transgender policy, pro-LGBT Sex Ed, and divisive CRT indoctrination in public schools. Although
their exercise of free speech earned them threats from Biden's increasingly militarized DoJ, more parents nationwide
learned that their kids, from K-12 and college, are likely to be indoctrinated with radical leftist woke ideology,
including the absurd idea that sexual identity is a personal choice. In Virginia, the top issue remains
transgender bathroom policy. A clear majority of parents showing up at school board meetings the last two years
don't want biological males who identify as female in girl's private areas and vice-versa. All legislators should
take heed of the lesson learned by Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe (D Va.) who lost a seemingly shoo-in governor's race to
novice politician Glenn Youngkin (R) after telling concerned parents they have no say in their kid's education!
mom rips school district's 'double standard' for allowing 'Satanic Club' event.
[Scroll down] "It doesn't matter what any child believes, or their family believes... this is
public school," she continued. "We send our children to school to get an education, not for all
this other stuff that is meant for outside of school." Crider said many students are "not
okay" with the district allowing the Satanic Temple event, and those advocating for the event are
not members of the school district. She also mentioned she was even silenced when trying to
sound the alarm during a school board meeting. "They cut my mic off, I was mad," Crider said.
Mayor Says No Virtual Learning, Giving Unvaccinated Black Teens Zero Alternative
Options. The District of Columbia does not appear to have a contingency plan for
unvaccinated students, who are banned from attending schools in person this fall after the first 20
days, according to comments made by Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser Thursday. During a
press conference, Bowser, a Democrat, admitted there are no alternative options, including virtual
learning, for students who cannot attend school due to the District's vaccine mandate, meaning
unvaccinated children will effectively be left without an education. Over 40% of blacks ages
12-17 are not vaccinated, according to city data.
School District's CV-19 Vaccine Mandate Targets Black Students. The District of
Columbia Public School District is an outlier among US schools by mandating COVID-19 vaccines for
school attendance. The policy is a vaccine requirement for students age 12 and up in order to
attend school. DCPS has refused to accommodate non-vaccinated students by disallowing them
access to remote learning. The students must have proof of vaccination on file within the
first 20 days of the school year to continue attendance. The policy of excluding students
even from remote, in-home education has been seen in California where students missing any number
of the state-mandated drug products are refused enrollment. California barred students who
didn't have every mandated vaccine from schools, both public and private, beginning in 2015 by
first removing the religious exemption, known as the personal belief exemption. During the
2015 session, proponents of the bill specifically testified that a doctor's professional judgment
would remain. Oops, they lied.
It wouldn't have been an education anyway — you're better off with home schooling. Democrat
DC Mayor Bowser Announces Unvaccinated Students will Be Denied an Education — No Option For Virtual
Learning. Democrat DC Mayor Muriel Bowser is denying unvaccinated students an education.
Unvaccinated students will not be allowed in school and there will not be an option for virtual learning.
Over 40% of blacks ages 12 to 17 are not vaccinated for Covid, the Daily Signal reported. A reporter for
The Daily Signal asked Bowser if unvaccinated students would have to learn remotely, she replied, "We're not
offering remote learning for children, and families will need to comply with what is necessary to come to school."
Students will have 20 days to prove they are up-to-date on their Covid vaccination or they will be removed from school.
Shortage Is Not Just For The Reasons Said. I have two good friends who are honored
educators, both at the secondary level. One in New Orleans and the other in Kansas
City. Helping a young person grow under their tutelage was all they ever wanted to do.
But now, like many others of their profession, they have chosen not to return to teach this
year. And not just because of reasons the media have you believe is causing a shortage.
Both teachers have concerns about the present nature of the education system, the dumbing down of
curriculum, a union that is nothing now but an extortion racket and a money bag for the democrat
party. Not to mention the exorbitant funding of councilors for the easily triggered
snowflakes and the teenage gender confused and those with trendy queer allusions, all at the
expense of the needs of teachers. But both firmly agreed the one real pressing reason they
and others nation wide are leaving the profession early can't be solved in today's academic atmosphere.
I were trying to destroy America... I would give teachers' unions unprecedented
power. I would allow basic academics to be superseded by woke theology and social justice
mandates. I would also eliminate school choice and make it as difficult as possible for
parents to educate their children outside the government-run school system. This would
produce a nation of surly Bolsheviks who are unable to do simple math, write a coherent paragraph,
or read at grade level. But they will be able to protest and burn down entire swaths of once
great cities.
teachers [are being] trained to transition children's genders without parental
approval. Fairfax County Public Schools in northern Virginia are requiring all
teachers to complete a training program that says parental permission is not required for students
who seek to be addressed by different names or pronouns. According to materials obtained by
the Washington Examiner, the district assigned the training program "Supporting Gender
Expansive and Transgender Youth" on July 22 for teachers in all grades, including preschool.
Two sources within Fairfax County Public Schools confirmed that the training was required for all teachers.
Dakota School Board Reinstates Pledge of Allegiance After Week-Long Backlash. North
Dakota's Fargo School Board reinstated the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of its board meetings
after one week's worth of backlash following the Board's decision to ban the Pledge. Since
April, the Fargo School Board has been starting every meeting by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
However, the school board determined its Pledge of Allegiance policy violated the Board's
diversity, equity, and inclusion policies during an August 9 meeting.
schools will lay off white teachers first, violating the Constitution and Title VII. The Minneapolis Public
Schools have adopted a race-based layoff provision that violates the Constitution and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
[...] This violates a well-known Supreme Court decision overturning the race-based layoff of a white teacher, and contradicts
a well-known federal appeals court decision, which ruled that race-based layoffs of white teachers violate Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act. It is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. When it comes to termination (as opposed
to hiring or promotion under an affirmative-action plan), an employer can't racially discriminate even against whites.
Department Of Education says three-year-olds should have their preferred pronouns honored. According to a guide
on the Pennsylvania Department of Education's website, children as young as three years old can identify themselves as
transgender, and the department recognizes the pronouns "ne, ve, ze/zie, and xe" as valid options for the kiddies to
use. Additionally, in the section titled "Creating Gender-Inclusive Schools and Classrooms," teachers are urged to
inquire as to their students' preferred pronouns to prevent making inaccurate assumptions about their gender identities.
The Editor says...
Why does the Department Of Education have any contact with three-year-old kids?
Title IX rule could mean your daughter's college roommate will be a man. Of all the uncertainties that college
freshmen must face, none is more sensitive than the issue of roommates. You might become best friends. You might
go to war over who ate the leftover pizza in the fridge. There's nothing to be taken for granted when it comes to
living with a virtual stranger, except that men room with men and women room with women. At least, for now. If
the Biden administration gets its way, schools could force biological female students to live with biological men who
identify as women and vice versa. The Department of Education has proposed a new Title IX rule that demands that
colleges treat students in line with their gender identity, not their biological sex. That means that people who
identify as women would live with people who identify as women, and people who identify as men would live with people who
identify as men.
Sues LAUSD After Son Received COVID-19 Vaccine Without Her Consent. A California mother is suing the LAUSD
after she says her 13-year-old son was given the COVID-19 vaccine in exchange for pizza without the mother's consent.
As RedState's Mike Miller reported, the 13-year-old attended the Barack Obama Global Prep Academy in South Los Angeles.
The teenager went home with a vaccine card after he was given the COVID-19 vaccine at school.
School's Guidelines Claim Kids Have A 'Right' To Keep In-School Gender Identities Private. A Maryland public
school district asserts kids have the "right" to keep their in-school gender identities private from parents, according to
Montgomery County Public School's "Guidelines for Student" Gender Identity. The guidelines vow to "respect the right of
students to keep their gender identity or transgender status private and confidential," including parents who do not affirm
the child's perceived gender identity. When building a "Gender Support Plan," educators are told to work with the
student's family only "if the family is supportive of the student" and their perceived identity, according to the district's
guidance. Educators are told not to contact a student's parent or guardian until they speak with the student to
"ascertain the level of support the student either receives or anticipates receiving from home."
Declines to File Battery Charge Against Teacher Who Physically Forced [a] 9-Year-Old to [wear a] Mask. Many
RedState readers will recall our exclusive series covering the bullying and harassment Kamdin Hernandez, a 4th grader in Simi
Valley, California was subjected to by teachers and school administrators because he was unable to wear a face mask fully
over-the-nose throughout the school day. Due to Kamdin's attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), wearing a
face mask so distracted him that he was unable to concentrate on his school work, yet teachers and administrators berated him
in front of classmates, physically blocked him from entering the door into the school, locked him out of his classroom,
physically pulled the mask up over his nose against his wishes, and more.
County School District Fails to Halt AG's Probe into Bathroom Sex Assault. An attorney representing Loudoun
County Public Schools (LCPS) appeared before the court Monday in an effort to shut down Virginia Attorney General Jason
Miyares' grand jury investigation into the Virginia school district. Within hours after appearing in court, the motion
for an injunction failed and the investigation will continue, 7News reporter Nick Minock tweeted Monday afternoon. The
hearing was closed to the public and the transcript was sealed.
Island mother billed $74K for trying to review school curriculum: They're 'stonewalling parents'. A Rhode
Island mother who was billed $74,000 for trying to review a school curriculum told "America's Newsroom" on Tuesday that
schools are "stonewalling parents with exorbitant prices" for public information that taxpayers already paid for. "I
received an estimate for, say, $80 for information that I requested," Nicole Solas said. "And then when I requested
similar information, a month later, the price skyrocketed to $2,600. So schools will charge you whatever price they want to
charge you. So that way you're not going to know what your kids are learning in school." Solas argued that public
information is not public if it cost money to obtain it and that schools are trying to create "barriers" to make it accessible.
'imploding,' 'getting everything it deserves,' following mass state exodus: Education activists. With the
Wisconsin Association of School Boards' (WASB) decision to cut ties with the National School Boards Association (NSBA), more
than half of the nation's state school board associations have withdrawn from the group since it sent a letter to the Justice
Department to investigate parents for "domestic terrorism." "Parents have seen the inside of the public school beast and
understand better than ever who is feeding this beast, and are responding with a loud voice of not my child, not on my
watch," Moms for America Senior Director Quisha King told Fox News Digital. "US State school boards associations are
seeing the reactions of parents in many ways, from speaking up at school board meetings to getting their children out of
these classrooms and state school boards know they do not want more problems with parents across America." The NSBA's
infamous letter to the Justice Department in September 2021 asked for parents protesting at school board meetings to be
federally looked into, saying school officials were facing threats and violence at meetings. The letter requested that
actions should be examined under the Patriot Act as domestic terrorism. The NSBA later apologized for the letter's language.
Democrats want parents to have less say in their children's education. Michigan Democrats fought to keep
students out of classrooms during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, they are fighting to prevent families from being able to
choose which school their students attend. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the state's Board of Education are
opposing a ballot initiative that would allow more than 1 million students to attend a school of their choice. Whitmer
previously vetoed the proposal after it had been passed by the state legislature. Children should be stuck in failing
schools based on their ZIP code, according to Michigan's Democratic administration, because otherwise, the state would lose
government revenue.
Get an
Apple iPad or drop out of school. Italy is pushing ahead with the digitization of schools — and the
public institute Mazzini-Modugno in the Italian city of Bari is breaking new ground. The institute obliges the students
to buy an iPad from Apple. If they do not comply, they have to change schools. Italian weekly l'Antidiplomatico,
reported that the school itself offers the devices for sale, with various options. Prices range from 469 euros to 729
euros. "This is an unacceptable impertinence that strictly excludes the use of equivalent devices (the much cheaper
Android) and forces families to bear very expensive costs [...] Children of families who do not comply are obliged to pay to
change schools (and classmates)."
If you see something, say nothing! California
State Senate Passes Bill to Allow Schools Not to Report Threats. The California State Senate has passed a bill
that would allow schools not to report threats or attacks against employees or officials to law enforcement, despite the
ongoing national shock and outrage over the Uvalde, Texas, mass school shooting. The bill, SB 1273, introduced by State
Sen. Steven Bradford (D-Los Angeles), passed easily last Thursday — just two days after the Uvalde shooting,
in which an 18-year-old gunman murdered 19 children and two teachers in an elementary school. The bill repeals a
provision of existing law that requires that "whenever any employee of a school district or county superintendent of schools
is attacked, assaulted, or physically threatened by any pupil, the employee and any person under whose direction or
supervision the employee is employed who has knowledge of the incident are required to promptly report the incident to
specified law enforcement authorities." SB 1273 would make such reports to law enforcement voluntary.
Francisco drops 'chief' from school job titles over cultural sensitivities. The San Francisco Unified School
District announced Wednesday that it would no longer use the word "chief" in employee job titles due to its connection to
Native American culture. The change applies to all 10,000 current employees in the California school district,
according to a report by the San Francisco Chronicle. "While there are many opinions on the matter, our
leadership team agreed that, given that Native American members of our community have expressed concerns over the use of the
title, we are no longer going to use it," district spokeswoman Gentle Blythe said in a statement. The school district
has not yet announced what term will replace "chief" in its employee title lexicon, but Blythe noted that the change did not
reflect a demotion for those affected.
Francisco School District Bans 'Chief' from Job Titles over Native American Links. The San Francisco Unified
School District (SFUSD) has banned the word "chief" from job titles because of its connotations with Native American
leadership and a fear of offending indigenous people. [...] The origin of the word "chief" is actually French, not Native
American, and entered English in the Middle Ages. The SFUSD has a recent history of renaming things for reasons of
left-wing ideology and political correctness. Last year, the board removed the names of the country's founders from 44
schools, casting George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as racist villains.
The Editor says...
Notice that they're doing this because of "a fear of offending indigenous people." Nobody's offended yet, but they say
they're afraid of offending somebody. Here's a word of advice: Elect leaders to the school board who are not
afraid of every little thing.
We Aren't Raising
Adults. We Are Breeding Very Excellent Sheep. I taught English at Yale University for ten years. I
had some vivid, idiosyncratic students — people who went on to write novels, devote themselves to their church, or
just wander the world for a few years. But mostly I taught what one of them herself called "excellent sheep." These
students were excellent, technically speaking. They were smart, focused, and ferociously hard-working. But they
were also sheep: stunted in their sense of purpose, waiting meekly for direction, frequently anxious and lost. I was so
struck by this — that our "best and brightest" students are so often as helpless as children — that I
wrote a book about it. It came out in 2014, not long before my former colleague Nicholas Christakis was surrounded and
browbeaten by a crowd of undergraduates for failing to make them feel coddled and safe — an early indication of
the rise of what we now call wokeness.
word no one mentions when discussing school shootings. [Scroll down] No one asks the central question;
why are kids shooting up schools? Schools are the target. Schools are the objective. Schools are the focal
point. What are schools doing that makes them so hated? You can go to any website and see the open and growing
craziness within the teaching profession. There are too many cotton-candy haired narcissists who only preach a cause to
their captive audience. They might preach about homosexuality. They might preach about Critical Race
Theory. But it's all about their personal cause. These spokesmen for the Cause are creepy because the Cause
trumps all other knowledge. Look for reading scores on the bottom shelf, just below basic math. Narcissists'
teaching budding narcissists' is not a healthy diet for the soul of our country. Even the books students read are
self-centered, crafted so that the reader "can relate" to the subject. So they learn not to relate to others.
Forget Democrats Want to Remove Cops from Schools. The Democrat party can never be allowed to forget how hard
it has worked to expel police officers from schools. At the state and local level, Democrats have and continue to push
and push and push to remove police and leave schoolchildren defenseless. [...] Here's what we know for a fact: We know
Evil is going to shoot up schools. We know the corporate media will never stop incentivizing shooting up schools.
Thanks to our pro-school shooting media, every school shooter knows that shooting up a school will give him exactly what he
wants: the power to shake up the country. We know the only thing that will stop a maniac with a gun is a good guy with
a gun. We know all this, and yet Democrats still want to remove cops from schools. So the question is why?
And the answer is simple. There is no greater propaganda tool to push to disarm the American people than school shootings.
Police in schools stop and discourage school shootings. If school shootings stop, Democrats lose their best propaganda tool.
Leaves National School Boards Association After White House Collusion Revealed. The Texas affiliate of the
National School Boards Association (NSBA) cut ties with the national organization Monday after an investigation showed the
group colluded with the Biden administration to investigate concerned parents as "domestic terrorists." The Texas
Association of School Boards (TASB) is the twenty-third state school board association to sever its affiliation with the NSBA
after it sent a letter to Biden asking the administration to treat parents speaking at school board meetings as "domestic terrorists."
Children Are They?" Exposes Public Schools, Falls Short on Solutions. Over the past two years, millions of
parents willingly sent their children to public schools, where their kids endured forced masking, social distancing, and
remote learning; practices that would become as commonplace as once were tetherball, pop quizzes, and story time. But
were these same parents also aware of the other truly shocking and at times horrifically graphic teachings taking place in
the schools? The new documentary Whose Children Are They? Exposing the Hidden Agenda in America's Schools
lays bare these horrors, and the war, or "clash of worldviews," raging in schools and beyond between cultural Marxism and
Western beliefs based on Judeo/Christian values on which America was founded. Yet while excelling in bringing to light
the issues dividing not only students in the classroom but citizens throughout the country, Whose Children Are They?
ultimately disappoints for its failure to address the need for parents to rescue their kids from the state institutions and
find an alternative form of education, such as homeschooling. [Video clip: Trailer]
rights official warns colleges to cancel 'segregated graduations'. A U.S. civil rights official has warned two
colleges that their segregated graduation ceremonies for Black, LGBTQ and other minority students are illegal under federal
anti-discrimination laws. Attorney Peter Kirsanow, a Black member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, admonished
California Polytechnic State University and Oakton Community College in Illinois that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars them
as government-funded schools from offering programs that exclude White, male students. In two separate letters shared
with The Washington Times, he cites the act's Title VI provision that "no person in the United States shall, on the ground of
race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to
discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
the Left's Destructive Education Agenda: They're 'Coming for Your Children'. Beginning with the 2021
gubernatorial election in Virginia — in which Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe for all practical purposes
vowed to keep parents out of the classroom, saying, "I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should
teach" — parents began to realize the Democratic Party wanted to leave them behind. President Joe Biden
echoed that sentiment April 27 while speaking to a group of Teachers of the Year, when he told them: "They're all our
children. ... They're not somebody else's children. They're like yours when they're in the classroom." Politics
aside, the issue at hand is protecting our children from radical ideologies and preserving a parent's right to be a
parent. But the left wants to have a stranglehold on education, to keep parents on the sidelines, and to force them to
co-parent with the government, while driving a wedge between parent and child.
Parents Sweep Texas School Board Elections on a Theme of Transparency, No Masks, and No CRT in the Classroom.
Saturday, school board elections were held for four suburban Fort Worth, Texas, school districts. Candidates backed by
a conservative parents' organization won all 10 seats they contested and unseated at least three incumbents. Usually,
school board elections are low-key affairs that draw scant interest. But ever since COVID, Critical Race Theory (CRT),
and mainstreaming of sexual grooming in our classrooms brought the stupidity and cruelty of many school board members to
public view, they have become a battleground.
parents who discovered secret dossier compiled to silence their speech announce lawsuit. Three parents in the
Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD) sued the district, former SUSD governing board President Jann-Michael Greenburg,
his father and his father's wife over the maintenance of a "dossier" allegedly aimed at intimidating them into silence after
they had criticized Greenburg. The parents — Amanda Wray, Kimberly Stafford, and Edmond Richard —
allege in the Marciopa County Superior Court complaint that the Greenburgs and the district conspired "to silence and punish
dissenting voices and frighten away other potential speakers who might dare express an opposing point of view."
Greenburg and his father reportedly kept a dossier on 47 parents who dared to speak out against his policies at school board
meetings — a dossier complete with Social Security numbers, background checks, a divorce paper, mortgage documents,
trade certifications, and screenshots of Facebook posts. The lawsuit claims that the defendants "misused District resources
and what should have been private, protected parent communications to the District to retaliate against Plaintiffs for their
protected speech."
Don't Buy into SEL!
As a longtime teacher, I have seen firsthand that education is a fad-filled field. Culturally responsive education,
inventive spelling, new math, experiential learning, balanced literacy, etc. are educational styles that have come and gone and
come and gone and . . . One of the more enduring educational whims is Social Emotional Learning (SEL) which
took off in the 1990s when the Collaborative to Advance Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) came into being, and hosted
a conference with researchers, educators, child advocates, and others in the field.
Nation: DC public schools command 4-year-olds to identify the 'racists' in their families. [Scroll
down] This is no conspiracy theory from the right wing; this is what's going on now in public schools. Not only
does the book undercut the authority of the parents under the all-encompassing rubric of ending racism, but it demands that
children as young as four identify family members as "racists" for their teachers. No racists? Better make up
one, because for this crowd, the kid is already guilty and therefore hidebound to produce something or else. It's
downright child abuse, given its potential to tear apart families, an evil effect that has been within the leftist
ideal-house since the days of the Bolsheviks. Meanwhile, where that reported information from the newly minted child
snitches goes is anyone's guess, but don't think this isn't the age of data science and its monetization.
AG will investigate school district for giving students surveys that quiz them on race, sexual orientation and their parents'
political beliefs. The Webster Groves School District in Missouri is under fire for violating state and federal
privacy laws by subjecting students to probing surveys asking about political beliefs and affiliation, gender, sexual
orientation and mental health status. Attorney General Eric Schmitt on Monday [5/2/2022] agreed to investigate the
issue after being alerted to the practice by the Southeast Legal Foundation, which was retained by Webster Groves parents
after they learned of the practice. 'We appreciate the Southeast Legal Foundation for bringing their concerns to the
office, and have received similar allegations in districts across the state,' Missouri Attorney General spokesman Chris
Nuelle said in an email.
Rally Against After School Satan Club. Dozens of protesters joined forces in Greensboro, North Carolina, to
pray against an after school Satan club scheduled to meet inside a local elementary school Friday. Police were
stationed near Joyner Elementary School as 50 citizens gathered, carrying signs. Some participants knelt down to pray,
Fox 8 reported. "Kind of a rallying thing to say 'we here in Greensboro does not want this in our schools,'" explained
Tempe Moore, who organized the event.
Biden Said About Kids in School Will Make Parents Shiver. Joe and Jill Biden on Wednesday [4/27/2022] hosted
the Council of Chief State School Officers' 2022 National and State Teachers of the Year in the East Room of the White
House. As usual, Joe Biden's speech was full of gaffes as he struggled to read his teleprompter. At one point
Biden called his Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, "Senator Cardona." Then Biden told the room of teachers that the
children they are teaching are "not somebody else's children." Biden just blurted it out and said the quiet part out loud.
"They're not somebody else's children. They're yours when you're in the classroom," Biden said. [Video clip]
are all our children': Biden sparks fury from parents by telling teachers that kids are 'yours when they're in the
classroom'. President Joe Biden has reignited the fire among already outraged parents after claiming their
children don't belong to them 'when they're in the classroom.' 'They're all our children,' he said Wednesday, addressing
educators at the 2022 Teacher of the Year ceremony hosted by the White House. 'They are not somebody's else children.
They're like yours when they're in the classroom.' Biden also took aim at parents and Republican legislators who have
spearheaded efforts to ban books and bar sexually explicit or overly politically correct curriculum.
The Editor says...
Single quotation marks are usually reserved for setting off a quotation within another
university advertises for tenure track research chair in its Faculty of Environment. The University of Waterloo
has an opening for a tenure track assistant professor specializing in science and engineering — but white men need not
apply. According to a listing from the Canadian university last month, the position is available only to women, or
'qualified individuals who self-identify as women, transgender, non-binary, or two-spirit' — a gender-variant derived from
Native American culture. Men, meanwhile, will not be considered, the school says — especially if they are white.
More universities [are] holding segregated graduation events. Universities are increasingly offering graduation
events focused on participants' identities and segregated by race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and even income, according
to a report by a conservative education publication. Campus Reform, which is published by the Leadership Institute in
Arlington, Virginia, reported last week that more than three dozen colleges and universities are holding graduation events
this summer to recognize groups based on race, gender and sexual orientation. Columbia University, Harvard University,
Ohio State University, Illinois State University and the University of Texas at Austin are among those offering special
ceremonies for Black graduates.
Student Orchestra Wears Masks While Playing Instruments. Yale's student orchestra appears to be continuing on
with masking despite the university relaxing its campus wide mandate late last month. Since the pandemic began, even
Yale's brass and woodwind musicians have been seen wearing masks equipped with a hole while playing instruments. Yale
announced that it would be lifting its indoor mask mandate, which had been in place for just about two years, on March 10.
Calls to reimpose a mandate have grown as students and faculty point to rising case rates[.]
school enrollment drops even more — and somehow, 'experts' don't know why. They think it's a COVID
problem. They call it a 'gentrification' issue. They say it's housing costs. They say it's 'demographics.'
That's the response from the 'experts' to the [bad] news about California's school enrollment. [...] What they don't say is that
mask mandates, vaccine mandates, Zoom classes, wokester critical race theory in the classrooms, drag queen story hour, school
officials working behind parents' backs to promote transgenderism among kids and treat their parents as enemies, state-encouraged
abortion on demand, ending advanced and honors classes in the name of 'equity,' and massive numbers of Californians fleeing the
state for economic and tax reasons have all taken their toll on enrollment. Chase the locals out, don't be surprised to
see fewer kids in school.
Mandatory Covid Theater Ever End For College Students? Universities across the country have increasingly rolled
back Covid restrictions in recent weeks, giving many high school seniors hope their college experience will not be marred by
the policies that, for more than two years, ruined that of their older siblings and peers. Most commonly, this rollback
has entailed quietly dropping policies pertaining to forced isolation and social asceticism, as well as lifting mask mandates
in near lock-step with local and state political shifts on mask policy. Some schools, such as the University of Iowa,
largely operate as if it were 2019, without any broad requirements for masking, social distancing, regular Covid testing, or
Covid vaccination.
new gladiatorial sport: school board meetings. Ms. Danielle Green introduced a new low of outrageous
conduct by school administrators at a recent Flint School District Board meeting. She launched an attack in her
position as president when her idea of adding schools to the nearly insolvent district was flatly rejected by Treasurer Laura
McIntyre. While Ms. McIntyre was attempting to offer a fiscal overview, Ms. Green proceeded to grab her by
the throat and use her head as a battering ram against a tabletop. McIntyre alleges the altercation "escalated out of
nothing and very quickly it was an attack." The treasurer called for an emergency meeting, saying the assault "will not be
tolerated and we are taking action." The president was voted off the board in a unanimous vote: 6 to 0.
Egregious conduct is nothing new at school board meetings, but now the public is witnessing new trends in the degeneration of our
educational system.
Race-based favoritism is back in style: Washington
state school district will encourage teachers to consider a student's race when dishing out punishments. A
school district in Washington state has passed a new policy that critics say encourages administrators to factor in race when
disciplining students. The Clover Park School District board approved the new policy on a 3-2 vote on March 14, over
the objections of board members who expressed concerns that it was ill-conceived. The district in the suburbs of Tacoma
will now use 'culturally responsive discipline' that encourages school staff to impose disciplinary policies that 'may be
adapted to individual student needs in a culturally responsive manner.'
shocked to find more crime in schools after they ditched their police. In December of 2020, Massachusetts
passed its "Police Reform Law" in response to BLM protests and calls to "abolish the police." The law would have required
school police officers to undergo 350 hours of very expensive, specialized training in order to keep their positions in their
school districts. Almost all of the schools in the Boston School District chose to instead cut their cops loose and
replace them with "school safety specialists" who don't carry handcuffs or firearms and who do not have the authority to
arrest students. This left teachers and administrators with no choice other than calling 911 when trouble broke
out. To the great surprise of many of the activists pushing for "police reform" (but really not to anyone else with an
IQ above room temperature) incidents of many sorts of crime in the city's public schools began to rise almost immediately.
the pandemic and remote learning has destroyed education. Children at every grade level are still performing
worse in math and reading than they were before start of COVID, data from 7.3 million standardized tests across the US
reveals. The study, released this week by standardized test provider Renaissance Learning Inc., revealed that a return
to in-person learning in the latter half of the last school year has seen standardized test scores improve across the
county. However, students are still lagging well behind pre-pandemic levels.
School System Adopts A Discipline Plan That Punishes White More Than Blacks For The Same Offenses. A Washington
school board butted heads over a new student discipline policy that considers a student's race before deciding on a
punishment. The Clover Park School District debated its new "culturally responsive" student discipline policy. It
means student discipline would not be consistent based on conduct. Instead, a school considers a student's race and
background. It would likely offer harsher punishments to white students, even if the conduct is identical to that of a
black or Hispanic student. The disparate treatment is championed in the name of inclusion. But it's not just a
Clover Park School District controversy. [Video clip]
students, teachers wrestle with wearing masks in schools after mandate drops. Kindergarten teacher Betzabeth
Alvarado-Jurista counted just four bare faces in her class of 18 kids on Monday morning, not including her own. It was
a slightly surprising outcome on the first day masks were optional in Washington state schools, she said. But she and
her colleagues at Bellevue's Lake Hills Elementary School had prepared for it. A few minutes after school began, she
gathered the tots on a rainbow carpet and gave them a 5-year-old's version of a public health keynote in both English and
Spanish: "Neither choice is wrong," said one slide, featuring a photo of kids smiling with and without face
masks. "Negative comments about wearing a mask or not wearing a mask can be bullying and is not allowed." She asked
the masked and unmasked to stand and applaud for each other.
The Editor says...
[#1] It is almost never the case, in any argument, or in the face of any choice, that "neither choice is wrong."
[#2] These little kids are the least likely people in town to be affected by Covid-19, which is long gone by now. But they're
the most likely to be affected by indoctrination and brainwashing. [#3] You live in the state of Washington, not
Arizona. Learn to speak English, pronto.
Carolina School Under Fire For Having Mock Slave Auction. A North Carolina schools superintendent has
apologized for a mock "slave auction" in which white middle-schoolers pretended to sell their Black classmates.
"Actions such as these, they just do not reflect who we are as a school system," Chatham County Schools Superintendent
Anthony Jackson said after parents raised an outcry. "And I say, unapologetically, will not be tolerated in the school
system." The school board adopted some policy changes and will also review the student code of conduct and discipline
policies involving acts of racism, Jackson said. Some parents complained that several students involved were given just
a one-day suspension. [Video clip]
in Fresno are still Forced to Eat Outside on the Ground Wearing Masks while six feet Apart. Yet another example
showing that teachers and school boards [don't care] about the kids they're supposed to be looking out for. Thankfully
this woman caught the child abuse on camera showing kids being forced to eat their lunch while sitting on the ground and
wearing masks. They're supposed to lift the mask up to take bites of their food. They must all stay 6 ft apart as
well, despite the Democrat governor lifting most restrictions for adults so people could attend the Superbowl, they left all
of the ridiculous rules in place for children. [Video clip]
sue Biden admin over FBI surveillance of parents protesting school boards. Thirteen states have signed on to a
Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking Biden administration records on any FBI surveillance of parents protesting school
boards. Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, a former member of Congress, has taken the lead in the lawsuit against
President Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland and Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, citing a failure of U.S. officials
to honor FOIA requests. The Indiana attorney general previously demanded all communications and records relating to the
FBI's decision to investigate violent threats against local education officials. "We just want the facts," Rokita told
Fox News Digital.
School District Spied on Parents and Reported Social Media Activity to Their Employers. Apparently, we have a
school district that spied on parents, compiled a dossier of their social media activity, and reported such activity to the
employers of these problematic parents. And by 'problematic', I mean, they were politically conservative. This
little spy game was conducted by Rochester Schools, which is located outside Detroit. Elena Dinverno, a parent, filed a
lawsuit in 2021. The Center Square has more, but this operation is straight-up insane. Dinverno alleges that the
school district's harassment led to her employment being terminated.
Schools collect dossier, call employers on critical parents. Rochester Community School (RCS) officials were
sued for compiling a dossier on parents who commented negatively on the school's virtual learning policy. One official
even called a parent's employer, which possibly resulted in the parent's termination. Parent Elena Dinverno sued the
district in 2021, claiming school officials called her place of work in the fall of 2020, and told her employer Dinverno was
part of a group threatening the school district. She was fired in December 2020. The Detroit News first reported
the story. A lawsuit filed on May 3, 2021, claims Dinverno advocated on two separate Facebook groups to reopen schools
in-person: "RCS Parents for In-Person Education" and "Conservative Parents for Rochester." Dinverno asked other
parents for video testimony of how virtual school was hurting kids.
High School Teacher Caught On Camera Assaulting A Student For Not Wearing His Mask In The Hallway. An Indiana
high school teacher has been fired after a video shows him slapping a student in a hallway, WBND reported. Jimtown High
School teacher Mike Hosinski hit the student during a confrontation on Feb. 25 about a hooded sweatshirt the student was
wearing in class, according to a release from Baugo Community Schools in Elkhart. The district released surveillance
video that shows the teacher grabbing the student by the backpack and pushing the student against the wall. [Video clip]
Ben Carson: Leftist Schools are Creating "A Whole Generation of Pathological People". Dr. Fauci and
the CDC can say whatever they want about the effectiveness of masks in stopping Covid. This isn't about them, their
claims, or the accuracy of those claims, nor was Dr. Ben Carson's speech on CPAC. Rather, his speech hit on a
different aspect of the masks, one that the left is loath to bring up: how forcing kids to stay masked at school is affecting
their mental and emotional development. Speaking on that issue, one that's quite the hot topic considering how schools
are tenaciously defending their masking policies, Carson had this to say about the development of children and how facial
expressions play into that development: "You look at the mask-wearing, particularly at a young age when you're trying
to develop your sociological image of yourself. And a lot of that is because of positive feedback that you get by
looking at people's facial expressions."
Year Old Gets Locked Out In The Cold For Not Wearing A Mask. A 9-year-old girl was locked out and prevented from
entering her classroom in below-freezing weather this morning at Summerville Elementary in Tuolumne, California for not wearing
a mask. When the VP was questioned on these tactics, she responded "I'm just doing my job." [Video clip]
Left's COVID Insanity Is Creating A Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity For Conservatives. Last week, San
Franciscans voted overwhelmingly — and we're talking an average margin of 75-25 — to recall three
school board members for, as the Washington Post put it, being "too focused on racial justice." Actually, the last
straw for parents was the fact that, instead of reopening schools, the board was fixated on renaming 44 of them that carry
names of those currently disfavored by leftists. You know, deplorables such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson,
Abraham Lincoln, Paul Revere, and ... California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Feinstein? She was the
first female mayor of that city, and her voting record in 2019 and 2020 was more liberal than Sen. Kamala Harris',
according to Americans for Democratic Action. Not good enough, apparently.
school board to hold segregated meetings to pick new school superintendent. Issaquah School District, located
in the Seattle suburbs, has decided to hold segregated-by-race meetings to pick its new school superintendent. [...] In many
other places in America this school would either face a quick recall or be voted out in the next election. Don't bet on
it, as it is located in the Seattle suburbs where the leftist big tech companies like Amazon and Microsoft have
offices. The population in this region is all-in on this bigoted policy, being generally white, upper-middle class, and
leftist, with a generally contemptuous view of others, either because they are not Democrats or because they aren't white,
upper-middle class, and leftist. As such, they are eagerly returning the Democratic Party to its KKK roots, instituting
segregation and Jim Crow laws. That those laws might be aimed at oppressing whites, not minorities, makes no difference.
In the end the laws will oppress everyone while making minorities look like fools.
Parents at California School Discover Men Using 'Non-Male' Pronouns Allowed to Sleep in Girls' Cabins on 3-Night School
Trip. Parents of a California elementary school were shocked to discover recently that their daughters had male
counselors sleeping in their cabin for three nights at an annual science camp organized by the school. One parent of a
student at Weaver Elementary School in Los Alamitos, said she couldn't believe it when her daughter returned from the trip
and said the girls cabins were staffed with adult males who shared their sleeping area for the three-night trip. She
contacted the school to ask if men were actually sleeping in the same room as the young girls, but they could not
confirm. The camp, however, did not hesitate to confirm that men employed with the camp are allowed to stay in the
cabins that suit their preferred pronouns. Men who used "they/them" pronouns are allowed to choose. Apparently
these particular men chose to stay with the girls. That's not creepy at all.
County Library Board passes hostile (and illegal) public comments policy, then uses it to terminate meeting.
These days, radical public library officials will do almost anything — even break the law — to
intimidate and discourage citizens from attempting to stop their abuses against children. In Campbell County, Wyoming,
MassResistance community activists have been relentlessly taking a stand to stop their public library officials from foisting
LGBT pornography and other inappropriate books on young children and teens.
University Hosts a Cabaret Showcase for All Students but White Ones. Can you sing, dance, or act? If
so — and if you're the right sort of major — you can take partake in Arizona State University's cabaret
extravaganza. Excepted from the opportunity: any students who are white. Such was the message recently, as
the college put together its "The Color of Cabaret" show.
District Banned 'Disruptive' Dad From Campus After He Dared to Advocate for His Son Over Mask Mandate. Over the
last week numerous school districts have been in the news due to reports that administrators have left children who refused
to wear a mask outside and alone, or are planning to label students protesting mask mandates as a "clear and present danger"
to school safety so they can be excluded from campus, or count the protesters as truant, or charge the protesting students
with trespassing, or deem the child "abandoned" and call Child Protective Services if parents take them to school without a
mask. What happened to schools excitedly embracing a student's right to protest and giving them time during the school
day to do so?
Dems Fight Repeal Of Bill That Said Sex Crimes In Schools Needn't Be Referred To Police. When Democrats
regained control of the Virginia House of Delegates in November 2019, one of the first things they did was pass a law that
says school officials do not have to report misdemeanor crimes — specifically singling out "sexual
assaults" — to law enforcement. Two years later, with Republicans back in control of that chamber, Democrats
do not support its repeal. Former Democratic Governor Ralph Northam signed off on the law in February 2020. Schools
are currently not required to report to police misdemeanors related to instances of sexual battery, assault, violent threats,
stalking, drug and alcohol violations, and more.
School Allegedly Makes List of 'Insubordinate' Parents to 'Watch'. On Tuesday night, radio host Monica Matthews
of Clear Talk Media tweeted a communication allegedly between two officials at The Lovett School — a prestigious
private K-12 school in Atlanta. It immediately got a lot of attention on Twitter and raised a lot of eyebrows.
It's easy to see why. The communication purports to be between two officials at the school and says it is a
"preliminary list" of many parents who have been deemed "insubordinate." One staffer wrote that she was "disgusted by
some of these parents" and talked about the "need to prioritize our efforts as some have too much influence."
Email Reveals Plan to Arrest Maskless Students in Loudoun County. School mask mandates have recently been
lifted in New Jersey and in Delaware. Massachusetts is also considering lifting its mandate. But in Loudoun
County, Va., students who attempt to enter school maskless could face arrest. According to a leaked email, a security
official for Loudoun County Public Schools coached principals on obtaining a warrant to arrest students who attempted to
enter school maskless. The email was sent on Feb. 1, by John Clark, the Director of Safety and Security for Loudoun
County Public Schools to the district's principals. "If you determine that an individual should be trespassed then a
school admin representative, in conjunction with S&S Coordinator Rich Thomas, will proceed to the magistrate to swear out a
trespass summons/warrant," the email says. "School admin will meet Rich Thomas at the Safety & Security office and then
proceed to the magistrate, which is located next to our office." Clark's directive blatantly defies Gov. Glenn
Youngkin's executive order empowering parents to opt their kids out of school mask mandates.
only charter school to open in Portland. Out in Portland, families in minority communities have been struggling
with educational challenges for their children the same as has been seen in most large cities. These problems have been
further exacerbated by school shutdowns and remote learning, though families of all races have been hit in that
fashion. But one group in Portland has now taken action in a questionable way to address these issues. In the
fall of this year, they will open HOLLA Public Charter School. It will be a quasi-private but somewhat public school
operating in conjunction with one of the local school districts. But here's the twist. They will only be accepting
BIPOC students (Black, Indigenous, people of color). No children from Asian, white or Jewish families need apply.
masking advocates trying to make an end run around the law in PA. Almost two months ago, the Pennsylvania state
supreme court ruled that the state's face mask mandate for schools was unconstitutional and struck it down. While this
was met with mixed reactions among families in some areas, obviously there were still people who felt that leaving the choice
up to the parents (or even the school districts) was unacceptable. In their view, everyone must be forced to mask their
children. But what could be done about it? One possibility has been suggested and it involves a suspicious number
of lawsuits that have been filed against school districts that make masking optional. The "suspicious" part of this, as
National Review explains it, is the fact that all of the lawsuits contain nearly identical wording and reasons for the
complaint. It's almost as if someone is out there generating these suits as part of a campaign.
Board Demeans Parents Over Controversial Books. On January 31, 2022, the Orange County NC School Board held a
special meeting, reviewing the books Out of Darkness, Gender Queer, and Lawn Boy. The board voted
unanimously to keep these books in the public school libraries. The board then waived the procedure stating the status
of the material as indefinitely approved, unable to be challenged after two years per the stated policy. Parents needed
to be punished for raising concerns! Towards the end of the meeting, board member Sarah Smylie implied that parental
concern is a "distraction" from real work. To imply that parents are only doing this for the sake of "distraction" is
incorrect. Trust me, there are better things I could be doing with my time than reading and researching these
books. Parents, like myself, participate in this conversation because public school students deserve the highest
quality academic and creative materials and resources available. These books do not meet that standard. This has
nothing to do with the ethnicity or sexuality of the characters. This has to do with the level of discourse and
gratuitous nature of the sexual and violent passages in these books.
School Shooting You Won't Be Hearing About. Liberals love to use school shootings as springboards for their
favored hobby horses, usually more gun control. But what happened yesterday at the South Education Center in Richfield,
Minnesota doesn't fit the narrative. This high school is part of a school district that focuses on special education,
alternative learning and transitional services. As I understand it, many of its students come from other high schools
where they have gotten into trouble, so that the South Education Center represents a second chance. It also embodies,
perhaps, the ultimate in high school wokeness. [...] But far leftists and the teachers' union are driving Resource Officers
out of the public schools. ["]Superintendent Lewandowski also ordered the removal of all metal detectors for the
2021-2022 school year 'after serious concerns about the racial equity impacts of using metal detectors.'["]
Contemplate that idea for a moment! Everyone has to go through the metal detector, not just members of one race, so how
can it represent racial inequity? The only possible answer is that "students of color" are presumed to be most likely
to bring guns to school.
Obviously a fire code violation. These kids have never heard of
the Cocoanut Grove. High
School Claims They Didn't Barricade Unmasked Students in Gym; Tables Were Just Accidentally Placed in Front of Each
Exit. As we reported Thursday night, a high school in Oakdale, California barricaded students who came to
school without a mask in the school gym and wouldn't turn the heat on. Eventually police were called to the scene to
turn on the heat, but we've now learned that by that time many of the students had moved the barricades — which
were folding tables strategically placed in front of all of the exits — and marched up to the district office,
where they joined a group of parents already protesting mask mandates.
Barely Masks Its Contempt for Parents' Involvement in Education. [Scroll down] Parents, however, are
getting better at sifting through the education establishment's lies. That's a good thing, because they're more brazen
than ever. The insistence, for example, by radical leftist teachers unions that students be force-fed toxic critical
race theory nostrums over parents' objections illustrates how much credence liberals give to dissenting voices far more
vividly than phony posts from party hacks. Just one year ago, educational leaders, media elites, and leftist
politicians were assuring parents that critical race theory was a complicated area of study only taught in law schools.
But with students banned from the classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic, parents got to observe firsthand the propaganda
streaming into their living rooms via remote-learning lessons. Immediately, the narrative changed from "There is no
critical race theory in K-12 classrooms" to "If you don't like it, you're a racist."
Who Was Terrified by the Loudoun County High School Rapist History Suddenly Decides He's No Longer a Sex
Offender. Back in June, a father attending a meeting of the Loudoun County School Board was forcibly removed
from the meeting by uniformed officers and subsequently charged with an offense (Loudoun County Father Who Was Slandered,
Beaten, and Arrested Speaks Out). His crime was attempting to speak out on the forcible rape of his daughter by a
skirt-wearing "transgender" student in the girl's bathroom. As it turned out, the school board seems to have violated
state law (Loudoun County Officials Likely Lied About Knowledge of Sexual Assault in Restroom) regarding reporting
requirements for sexual assaults on school grounds. Deciding they hadn't dug the hole quite deep enough, the school
system decided to move Skirty to another school where "she" promptly sexually assaulted yet another classmate.
Mandates are Devastating Our Schools. Masking, testing, and vaccination mandates are devastating our
schools. Two-thirds of the United States have shown that these mandates are not necessary for safe operation of
schools, yet children and teachers are continuing to suffer in over a dozen states. Here in New Mexico, a state already
known for its failing educational system, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's COVID mandates are physically, emotionally, and
mentally damaging to our children, teachers, and school personnel. This damage is not isolated to one particular school
or district; it is happening all over the state to New Mexicans young and old, Latino and white, wealthy and poor. And
there are no obvious benefits. New Mexico has one of the highest vaccination rates in the country and has been under a
statewide mask mandate for nearly two years. Even though many already have natural immunity, our teachers are mandated
to receive COVID shots and booster shots, or else face unfair testing and quarantine requirements. Students and
teachers are forced to wear masks in school, and even outdoors in some districts. Nonetheless, we are currently
experiencing one of the worst COVID surges in the country, with high hospitalization and death rates.
School Forced A Young Girl To Sit In A Cold Vestibule For Hours Without Access To Food Or Water Because She Didn't Wear A
Mask. More than a dozen county officials across New York, including in Saratoga County, have said they will not
enforce an indoor mask mandate that went into effect last month after some county executives said they were told by
Gov. Kathy Hochul's administration to avoid diverting resources to crack down on violations of the order. But it
seems that some woke schools decided to go hard on students that don't want to wear masks! They used some soviet style
education! At Colonie Central High School, a student was allegedly asked to leave school Tuesday because she wouldn't
wear a mask. A video taken by the student's father shows a high school administrator explaining in a vestibule outside
the school doors that masks are required and that "we are doing the best we can to enforce school policy for the safety of students."
High School in Virginia is Giving Masked Students 15 More Minutes of Lunch Time. If you thought teachers around
the country couldn't get any more pathetic in their attempts to control their students, look at this Virginia school that is
possibly violating the Governors new anti-Mask executive order. Listen as the teacher on the microphone tells unmasked students
they will only receive 15 minutes for lunch, while masked students will get 30 minutes for lunch time. [Video clip]
boards sue to keep masks on kids after Republican Governor makes it optional. Seven Virginia school boards are
taking legal action over Republican Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin's executive order that made masks optional in the
state's schools starting Monday [1/24/2022]. Youngkin issued an executive order upon taking office Jan. 15 which seeks to
"empower Virginia parents in their children's education and upbringing by allowing parents to make decisions on whether their
child wears a mask in school." [...] School districts across Virginia plan to defy the governor's executive order that allows
parents to decide whether or not their children should wear masks at school.
School Board Member to Parents: 'I Don't Work for You'. A school board member in the York Suburban School
District in Pennsylvania said that he does not work for the parents whose children attend school in the district and that
parents do not always know what is best for their children. Richard Robinson wrote an op-ed in the York Dispatch on
Thursday in which he said that school boards are required to offer an opportunity for public comment and, until recently,
hardly anyone elected to show up to the meetings. But now, school board meetings have an increased level of
participation, he explains. "This provision gives residents of a school district the chance to vent their spleens about
exorbitant taxes or demand subjects be taught properly the way they were during the most frigid period of the Cold War.
In the past, more often than not, nobody showed up," Robinson wrote. "Not these days. As social media outlets,
national news broadcasts and our local newspapers tell us, school boards are now the new battleground in the fight for
America's future."
mom claims school kids are being encouraged to identify as cats and dogs. A Michigan school district is denying
that litter boxes were provided to students who identify as 'furries' after a woman made the claim in a school board meeting
last month. Video of the woman, Lisa Hansen, has since gone viral, racking up hundreds of thousands of views on
conservative social media pages and even being shared by a state Republican Party official. 'So yesterday, I heard that a
least one of our schools has — in one of the unisex bathrooms — a litter box for the kids that identify
as cats, and I am really disturbed by that. And I will do some more investigation on that,' she told the the Midland
Public Schools Board of Education during a meeting on December 20.
Disabled Boy Forced to Take Exam Outside in Freezing Weather Because He Didn't Wear a Mask. A 9-year-old
disabled boy in Austria was forced to take an exam outside in freezing cold weather as punishment for not wearing a
mask. An investigation is now underway as to ascertain why the student in Voitsberg was treated in such a manner
despite having a valid mask exemption. A photo shows the boy, Jason, sat outside up against the window of the classroom
in temperatures of -1 Celsius. The boy's parents have hired a lawyer and are now considering moving their son to a
different school. Markus Leinfellner of the Freedom Party of Austria described the incident as an "odd class scandal"
after he brought the case to the attention of the Austrian Ministry of Education.
Caught Taping a Mask to the Face of a Young Student. A northern Pennsylvania school teacher was photographed
taping a mask to a male student to force the child to comply with the school district's mask mandate. The photograph
appeared on the Facebook page of North Penn Stronger Together, a community group whose "mission is to bring parent &
community concerns to NPSD (Northern Pennsylvania School District) leaders with respect and impact." The North Penn
School District confirmed that the picture is genuine.
Democrats tell parents they are NOT 'clients' of public schools, that children should be taught 'what society needs them to
know'. Michigan Democrats were heavily criticized over the weekend for telling parents that they are not
'clients' of public schools and that public education teaches kids what society 'needs them to know.' A Facebook post
on Saturday shared by the state's Democrats on their official page blasted the idea that parents should be involved in what
public school teach their children. The post was taken down on Monday morning following heavy disapproval. 'Not
sure where this "parents-should-control-what-is-taught-in-schools-because-they-are-our-kids" is originating, but parents do
have the option to send their kids to a hand-selected private school at their own expense if this is what they desire,' the
post read.
Closures Were a Catastrophic Error. It is now indisputable, and almost undisputed, that the year and a quarter
of virtual school imposed devastating consequences on the students who endured it. Studies have found that virtual
school left students nearly half a year behind pace, on average, with the learning loss falling disproportionately on
low-income, Latino, and Black students. Perhaps a million students functionally dropped out of school altogether.
The social isolation imposed on kids caused a mental health "state of emergency," according to the American Academy of
Pediatrics. The damage to a generation of children's social development and educational attainment, and particularly to
the social mobility prospects of its most marginalized members, will be irrecoverable. It is nearly as clear that these
measures did little to contain the pandemic. Children face little risk of adverse health effects from contracting
COVID, and there's almost no evidence that towns that kept schools open had more community spread.
County won't release report on high school sexual assaults, but Smith family wants it made public. Earlier this
week the unnamed teenager who assaulted two teen girls in Loudoun County, Virginia high school bathrooms was found guilty and
sentenced to register as a sex offender for life. [...] What was it that scared the judge so much? Parents in Loudoun
County won't find out because the county has decided the final investigative report (which county residents paid for) won't
be made public. According to the school board, they are doing this for the sake of the families involved. [...] So the
investigation which might reveal what happened and what various board members knew about what happened and what they did
about it can't be shown to parents... for the sake of the families. That's what they're going with.
students freezing in classrooms due to COVID requirements. A quick check with the National Weather Service
indicates that it was four degrees in Boston at the time of this writing. Students in Boston's public schools had
better cross their fingers and hope that it warms up significantly before they return to class on Tuesday, or they're going
to be in for a very uncomfortable day of learning. (At least for those whose schools are actually open for in-person
learning, that is.) The reason is that all of the public schools in Boston are required by a school board mandate to leave
the windows in the classrooms cracked open. In January. Parents are already complaining that they're having to
bundle their kids up in multiple layers of clothing just to get them through the day.
Leaders Petition University to Evict 'Wealthy and White' Attendees, Give Their Houses to LGBT and Others. For
an idea of the societal distance we've since traveled, take a look at St. Louis's Washington University. As
posted via an op-ed in independent school newspaper Student Life, a group of prominent attendees is ready to take housing
equilibrium to the next level. Ranen Miao — president of WU's student body — lays out the
feelings of nearly 50 co-signed enrolees. Per the piece, nine houses on campus are occupied by "fraternity men, who are
disproportionately wealthy and white." Meanwhile, "Marginalized communities have little to no space to build community."
Therefore, the bunch is "calling on WashU to terminate their housing contracts with fraternities and designate current fraternity
houses as affinity houses instead." The "affinity" concept has really caught on as of late.
Real Battle Over Education. When Democrat Terry McAuliffe said he didn't want parents to have influence over
their children's education, it wasn't a gaffe; he meant it. The new totalitarians cannot abide by freedom, especially
freedom of education which ensures parents have influence over their children's education and, therefore, future. The
allies of the new totalitarians, however, agree with McAuliffe and other Bolsheviks. The real reason is because
education shapes and molds people; if the educational juggernaut has complete control over education, they have complete
control over the next generation, and, therefore, complete control over the future of American society. Education, as
envisioned by leftists, is about control. It's about power. It's about propaganda. It's about ensuring
their vision of remaking society is safe and secure.
Origin of the Infamous NSBA 'Domestic Terrorism' Letter Is Revealed, and It Implicates the Biden
Administration. While the battle over education has settled back into the trenches over the last few months
following Glenn Youngkin's big win in Virginia, we are beginning to learn more about how parents became so demonized.
As RedState reported at the time, the NSBA sent a letter to the DOJ that urged action against parents speaking out at school
board meetings under the guise of the Patriot Act. The DOJ then used that letter as justification to use its
counter-terrorism division to add "threat tags" to parents. But as bad as that was, today's news makes it all the
worse. While we knew that the White House "consulted" on the letter, that was apparently completely underselling the
government's involvement. In reality, the NSBA did not send that letter organically out of its own concern.
Rather, Joe Biden's Department of Education solicited the letter.
Education Secretary Solicited the Infamous Letter Likening Angry Parents to Domestic Terrorists. The facts of
this shameful case are generally well known: the National School Boards Association (NSBA) wrote to the FBI, asking it to
investigate as "domestic terrorism"protests at school board meetings against the introduction of Critical Race Theory into
public school curricula. That was bad enough, but now the story has gotten even worse. On Tuesday, Fox News
revealed that "Education Secretary Miguel Cardona solicited the much-criticized letter from the National School Boards
Association that compared protesting parents to domestic terrorists," according to an email exchange it had reviewed.
Dad Berates 'Beta' School Board With Perfect Comedic Timing. This might be the best school board video you've
seen yet. There's no information on where this took place but it really doesn't matter. It could be Anytown USA,
with the growing frustration parents feel with school boards locking them out of meetings or having them arrested falsely or
claiming that parents are "terrorists" who need FBI investigations. This man has had enough and his speech is so good,
I'll even transcribe it for those of you who can't listen. [...] The whole audience is responding to this like a stand-up act
and they're not laughing at the dad, they're laughing at the board. It's a riot. It's also worth noting that
ridicule is a potent weapon against these boards that are puffed up with their own importance.
are Now Vaccinating Children without Their Parents' Consent. Schools in blue states are making it clear to
parents that they will use every dirty trick at their disposal to vaccinate children — with or without explicit
parental consent. Dr. Aaron Kheriarty, who is a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, shred the harrowing
news on Twitter. "LA Unified School District is vaccinating children without parental consent," Kheriarty said.
"They send your kid home with a form, and when the kid comes back to school — whether or not the form is
signed — they consider the child's presence at school 'consent'." "This is a gross abuse and a violation of
state law and basic principles of medical ethics, disproportionately impacting ethnic minorities," he added. "School
authorities who are pulling these stunts are now on notice. The public is aware."
School Board Votes to Reinstate Segregation - Proving Liberals are Racists. The Mankato School Board in
Minnesota decided to take their racism public by voting to pay non-white teachers "additional stipends," essentially paying
people more based on the color of their skin. Whites are not included in those bonuses. They also voted for
colored and non-colored staff members to stay segregated. This is exactly why Malcolm X warned blacks that white
liberals were who the black communitty should look out for. [Video clip]
Parents Shouldn't Decide what's Being Taught In Schools — 'Leave That to the Educators'. Nikole
Hannah-Jones, 1619 Project creator and professor, said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press" that parents should not be in
charge of deciding what is taught in schools. Hannah-Jones said, "I don't really understand this idea that parents
should decide what's being taught. I'm not a professional educator. I don't have a degree in social studies or
science. We send our children to school because we want them to be taught by people who have expertise in the subject
area. And that is not my job."
The Editor says...
Thousands of home-schooling families have demonstrated that teaching K-12 curriculum does not require a college degree. It requires
a lot of work and consistent discipline, and usually a lot of cooperation with other home-schooling families, but it does not require
professional teachers.
school board unanimously votes to pay non-white teachers more, segregate staff. The Mankato School Board in
Minnesota in a blatantly racist move has unanimously voted to pay non-white teachers "additional stipends," not on their
merit or content of character, but solely based on the color of their skin, and for teaching staff to be segregated by
race. Board members hotly defended the policy vote earlier this month claiming it wasn't "segregation," according to
AlphaNews on Tuesday. "When you're one [minority] of a [white] majority it can be very isolating and lonely," declared
board member Erin Roberts. "To have a support system in place for them is not to segregate them, it is absolutely to
support them ... It's not about trying to throw the few [BIPOC] individuals we have into one building. It's about
showing them they aren't alone."
The Editor says...
Wow! Why didn't they come up with this rhetoric in 1964, to justify segregation? (Answer: Because they would have been laughed out of town.)
Is the Virus. Wokeness Is the Disease. If wokeness is the new religion, then academics are its high
priests. Not coincidentally, universities are the most hyper-COVID-vigilant of institutions. Their faculty tend
to be irrationally germophobic and to support the most extreme COVID measures. As the anonymous Substack writer
Eugyppius puts it, universities "aren't just eager sponsors of racial hysteria. They have also emerged as some of the
most radical centres of Corona containment in the world. Their students endure all manner of unreasonable hygiene
measures. Constant testing, quarantining, mask rules, enforced isolation, officially encouraged snitching, movement
restrictions, vaccine mandates — all of this and more are routine for millions of students. ... The culprit is a
broad, distributed adherence to the dictates of containment ideology, probably driven in no small part by emotional and
ideological exhaustion with the prior tyranny of Wokeness."
teacher is put on leave after making kids aged 8 and 9 re-enact the Holocaust. A Washington DC school teacher
is on leave after she allegedly told third graders in the school library to reenact scenes from the Holocaust. The
teacher at DC's Watkins Elementary School assigned specific roles to the pre-teens in an attempt to teach the horrors.
The instructor, who has not been identified, was placed on leave Friday. A Jewish student was even cast in the role of
Adolf Hitler in the bizarre reenactment, according to another student's parent.
Denver elementary
school under fire for planning 'families of color playground night'. A Denver, Colorado,-area public elementary
school is taking criticism for planning a "families of color playground night." Centennial Elementary School's website describes
the event as taking place "2nd Wed. of the month (Nov 10, Dec 8), at school, outside, as long as weather permits."
"At that point it will be virtual, and probably later in the evening," an event notification reads. Denver Public schools
did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment, but the incident touched on a broader debate playing out
across the country.
Cloud schools add Somali, Ojibwe to world language program. Move over, Spanish and French. St.
Cloud public schools next year will be offering Somali and Ojibwe to all students as elective languages. "It just makes
sense for us to have it," said Lori Posch, executive director of learning and teaching for St. Cloud schools. "We
want to see our students represented in our courses." The move comes after the St. Cloud school district this fall
introduced what is thought to be the first native Somali language course in the state — and possibly the
nation — for secondary students. Some students who are immigrants or refugees have limited or interrupted
formal education. The native Somali course is meant to bolster writing skills in those students' native language and,
at the same time, build school skills and other language skills.
Education Department Wants to Roll Back Effort to Catalog Teacher Sex Crimes. The Department of Education wants
to roll back a Trump-era effort to collect data on teacher-on-student sex crimes. The department's Office for Civil
Rights will not ask school districts questions regarding teacher-on-student sexual assault allegations as part of its
2021-2022 Civil Rights Data Collection, proposed Thursday. The change is designed to "reduce burden and duplication of
data," an Education Department spokesman told the Washington Free Beacon. But critics say eliminating the question
is the Biden administration's attempt to appease teachers' unions.
Threatens to 'Kill the Dog' if his Students Fail to win the Vocabulary Competition. A video showing a teacher
threatening to 'kill the dog' if his students failed a vocabulary competition has surfaced online and has parents voicing
their outrage. The teacher, who substitutes the letter F with a B while encouraging students to 'do your bucking
vocabulary' is currently being investigated by the school. [Video clip]
Meanwhile, colleges and universities are now requiring
Covid vaccine boosters. The insanity in higher education continues. Bowdoin College and Syracuse University are just two of the institutions of
higher education now telling students to get boosted or get lost. Here's Bowdoin's email from yesterday: "effective January 21, 2022, Bowdoin is
requiring all students, faculty, and staff to receive a COVID-19 booster shot within thirty (30) days of becoming eligible." Keep in mind:
[#1] The risk of severe disease or death from Covid to healthy college-age adults is too low to measure accurately. The data from
Europe suggests that a healthy 18 year-old has a risk of death lower than 1 in 1 million.
[#2] The risk of dangerous heart inflammation is NOT too low to measure. A new study from Hong Kong found that
for 1 out of 2,300 12-17 year-old boys who received both Pfizer doses suffered acute myocarditis or pericarditis.
Most of the risk came after the second dose. The risk is very similar in college-age men.
school district reportedly encourages using witchcraft on people who say 'all lives matter'. A California
school district reportedly removed a link to resources that, among other things, outlined how to cast a spell on people who
said things like "all lives matter." That content was included as part of a Google Drive for a "Black Lives Matter
Resource Guide." A document on "Writing Prompts on Police Brutality and Racist Violence" encourages high school students to
write a "curse" for police and others. "Hexing people is an important way to get out anger and frustration. Make
a list of specific people who have been agents of police terror or global brutality," it reads.
at least one school, parents aren't included in vaccination decisions. Although children are at minimal risk
from COVID but seem to be at a higher risk of vaccination side effects (especially if they're teenage boys), Democrats are
determined to stick needles into children's arms. Indeed, they're so determined that, at one school in the Los Angeles
Unified School District ("LAUSD"), they bribed a 13-year-old to get a vaccination in exchange for pizza. His mother,
who supports vaccinations, is not happy.
High School Appears To Have Used Controversial 'Restorative' Discipline Practices Prior To School Shooting. On
Tuesday, November 30, a 15-year-old boy allegedly used a firearm belonging to his father to open fire on classmates, killing
four students. The morning of the attack, school administrators met with the boy's parents and showed them disturbing
notes found that day indicating the boy was willing to do harm to himself and others. The boy also was caught searching
for ammo on his phone just days before the shooting. But, rather than disciplining the child, the school simply gave
the parents the option of pulling him out of class or leaving him in school following a meeting with school officials.
The description of events seems to be in line with the school's 'restorative' policy which uses principles based on a
controversial disciplinarian approach called "restorative justice" that has been blamed for allowing other school shootings
to happen.
Signs Weren't Missed, They Were Ignored. As has been the case with so many other school shootings over several
years, last week's murder spree at Oakland High School in suburban Detroit might have been avoided if actions had been taken
in the face of several obvious warning signs. Ethan Crumbley, 15, is charged with murdering four of his fellow students
and wounding with intent to kill seven others. He has also been charged with terrorism. There were a series of
signs leading up to this tragedy — as there usually are — that should have alerted people that Crumbley
was a serious threat. He had displayed disciplinary problems for some time. On the day of the shooting, he was
summoned to the school office after misbehaving. His parents were also called in, an indication that officials were
taking this latest incident more seriously than previous ones. Oakland prosecutor Karen McDonald told CNN there is a
"strong possibility" Crumbley had the gun used in the killings in his backpack when he met with school officials and his
parents. Did no one think it unusual, if not suspicious, that Crumbley would bring the backpack with him, instead of
leaving it in his locker or the classroom? Why didn't someone ask him to open the backpack and check its contents?
Elminates Gender Specific Bathrooms In Public Schools For 'Equity' Reasons. Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is
requiring all schools in the district to adopt new signage in an effort to make restrooms gender-neutral. The
initiative, which CPS is referring to as a "big step forward for gender equity," requires the schools to display language
outside of restrooms informing students, whether they are male or female, that they may use the restroom that aligns with
their gender identity. "We're requiring all schools to adopt new signage to make our restrooms more inclusive," CPS
wrote in a tweet announcing the change. "This is a big step forward for gender equity for our students and
staff." [Video clip]
Time for Parents to Reclaim Authority Over Their Children. The results of the Virginia gubernatorial race made
two things clear. First, Democrat leaders, in lockstep with teachers unions, want unbridled control of children through
public schools. Second, growing numbers of increasingly passionate parents are standing up to the threats to their
parental authority over their children. In turning down former governor Terry McAuliffe, Virginians sent a resounding
message to the entire country — parents will fight for their rights and for their children. McAuliffe's
candor during a September 29 debate against Glenn Youngkin set parents on fire, and likely cost him the election.
Referring to books with sexually explicit material, he vowed that he would not "let parents come into schools and take books
off the shelves." He doubled down a few seconds later with this indicative statement: "I don't think parents
should be telling schools what they should teach." But his loss was not just a matter of some ill-advised
comments. Disturbing as they were to many parents, McAuliffe's actions while Virginia governor in 2016 revealed that,
in his mind, parental consent is not applicable when it comes to what is taught in the classroom.
Public Schools eliminating sex-specific restrooms to 'increase gender equity'. Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is
requiring all schools in the district to adopt new signage in an effort to make restrooms gender-neutral. The
initiative, which CPS is referring to as a "big step forward for gender equity," requires the schools to display language
outside of restrooms informing students, whether they are male or female, that they may use the restroom that aligns with
their gender identity. "We're requiring all schools to adopt new signage to make our restrooms more inclusive," CPS
wrote in a tweet announcing the change. "This is a big step forward for gender equity for our students and staff."
Education Department to Curtail Trump-Era Effort to Track Teacher Sex Crimes. President Joe Biden's Department
of Education will no longer ask school districts for data pertaining to teacher-on-student sexual assault allegations,
according to Fox News. As part of its 2021-2022 Civil Rights Data Collection, the department's Office for Civil Rights
is set to terminate questions put in place by former President Donald Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos that sought to
provide a fuller understanding of sexual violence perpetrated by teachers and staff against students.
Island school district to separate parents by COVID vaccine status for student shows. A Long Island school
district has sparked an uproar after announcing plans to separate parents by vaccination status during upcoming student
concerts, The [New York] Post has learned. The Rockville Centre School District will have a non-socially distanced
section for parents who show vaccination proof upon arrival. They will also reserve a separate, socially-distanced area
for those who are unvaccinated and others who have gotten the shot but still want some additional elbow room. Acting
District Superintendent Robert Bartels told The Post that the measure will enable administrators to effectively contact trace
parents in the event of an outbreak.
Left's Bungled Revolution. [Scroll down] But nothing beats the government campaign against those enemies
of the people and vile counterrevolutionary saboteurs — parents of school-age children. This is, evidently,
a product of the mind of Merrick Garland. [...] Garland was triggered by an incident in Loudoun County, Virginia, in which a
member of a government protected class — a male transexual — followed a young girl into a high-school
bathroom and raped her in a particularly repellent fashion. Cops looked the other way, the school and school board
initiated a coverup, and it looked as if Tootsie, Jr. was going to walk until the girl's father, Steven Smith, showed up at
the next school board meeting. When Smith attempted to speak, the board declared the meeting a "public disturbance" and
sicced the cops on him. The cops put Smith under arrest, attempting to humiliate him by tearing his pants off.
Smith was booked on a series of specious charges. A short time later the transexual rapist was also "arrested" —
picked up and almost instantly released. Shortly after the start of the next school year, he attacked another
child under similar circumstances.
Board Memo Reveals Timeline of White House 'Domestic Terrorism' Letter. Newly publicized documents revealed
more details about how the National School Boards Association (NSBA) communicated with the White House before sending out a
letter likening concerned parents to domestic terrorists. In the widely criticized Sept. 29 letter to President Joe
Biden, the NSBA characterized disruptions at school board meetings across the nation as "a form of domestic terrorism and
hate crime." It also urged the federal government to invoke counter-terrorism laws to handle "angry mobs" of parents seeking
to hold school officials accountable for teaching the Marxist-inspired critical race theory and for imposing COVID-19
restrictions such as mask mandates on their children. Just five days later, Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a
memo directing federal law enforcement to help address the alleged "disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats
of violence" against teachers and school leaders. Garland's rather swift response has raised suspicions among some
Republican members of Congress, who are looking into the role the Biden administration played in the crafting and release of
the NSBA letter.
comes out about role White House played in NSBA 'domestic terror' letter. A memo made public Thursday by
Parents Defending Education raises new questions about whether or not the White House ordered Attorney General Merrick
Garland to have the FBI investigate reported confrontations and incidents at local school board meetings across the
country — directly contradicting what the AG previously told Congress. The National School Boards Association
memo from NSBA President Viola Garcia on October 12 proves that the White House was working with the NSBA before it
sent its now-infamous letter to the Biden administration requesting federal law enforcement to investigate parents who
have been vocal at local meetings, alleging that their actions may constitute "a form of domestic terrorism."
coordinated with White House, DOJ before sending notorious 'domestic terrorists' letter: emails. Newly released
internal emails reveal that the National School Boards Association coordinated with the White House and the Department of
Justice before sending President Biden the notorious letter that compared concerned parents to domestic terrorists.
Emails provided to Fox News show that NSBA had coordinated with the White House for weeks beforehand. Viola Garcia, the
NSBA president whom the Department of Education later named to a federal board, sent a memo to NSBA members on Oct. 11 (but
dated Oct. 12), providing a timeline of the NSBA's interaction with the White House ahead of the letter to Biden, which the
NSBA sent on Sept. 29. Five days later, on Oct. 4, the DOJ issued a memo directing law enforcement to investigate
threats to school boards. On Oct. 22, the NSBA issued an apology for the letter.
School Board Officials Kept Secret Dossier on Dissident Parents and Employed a Private Investigator to Gather Oppo Research
on Them. Over the last six months or so, it has become more and more common to read stories about school boards
that have essentially gone to war with the parents of the children in the school system they oversee. Ground zero of
the war zone was Loudoun County, Virginia. Loudoun County is one of those Virginia counties that used to be reliably
Republican but now has been overrun by leftist scum working for federal contractors and the federal government and has turned
hard left. I hope Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott keep this in mind when trying to entice Silicon Valley and Wall Street
companies to relocate to their states. The flashpoint was the efforts by the Loudoun County school board, without any
debate or input from parents, to mainstream transgenderism. Along with this dangerous nonsense, the school board
adopted outright racism tarted up in pseudo-academic language, obscured from view as "critical race theory," and imposed by
"diversity, inclusion, and equity" mandates, the standard operating philosophy for the county schools.
school board member had 'dossier' of private information on 'wacko' parents. The president of the Scottsdale,
Arizona, school board had a Google Drive full of private information, including Social Security numbers, of parents who had
expressed their opposition to school mask mandates. The drive, which the Washington Examiner reviewed, contains
numerous financial records from several of the parents involved in the group, including mortgage statements, bankruptcy
filings, and divorce filings. Included on those forms are portions of Social Security numbers, addresses, and phone
numbers of parents who had expressed opposition to school mask mandates and critical race theory.
Unified Assures Parents Of Privacy In Aftermath Of Secret Dossier Discovery, Parents Call For Greenburg
Resignation. The Scottsdale Unified School District's administration is scrambling to do damage control after a
group of mothers discovered Governing Board President Jann-Michael Greenburg had access to a Google Drive full of personal
information, documents, and photos of about 47 people, including children. An email sent out Wednesday evening by the
SUSD's Communications Office sought to assure families that their personal and educational data is safe. However, the
district also solely blamed the discovered digital dossier* site on Mark Greenburg, the father of Jann-Michael
Greenburg. The damage control appears to be too little too late for many parents in the Scottsdale Unified School
District, including Amy Carney, a mother of six, who is among those calling for Greenburg to step down.
school board vaccine mandate: On second thought... Back on October 1st, Richmond, Virginia public
schools superintendent Jason Kamras followed President Joe Biden's lead and announced a vaccine mandate for all teachers and
staff in his district. Those failing to comply would have their pay withheld and could potentially face the loss of
their jobs if they didn't come into line with the policy. But that was then and this is now. The schools were
already struggling to fill more than 100 vacancies, almost all of which were driven by the mandate. This week, on
Monday night, the School Board was forced to approve 29 more resignations, so at the same meeting, they voted by a two-to-one
margin to dial back Kamras' mandate and allow those opposed to being vaccinated the options of submitting weekly negative
COVID tests instead.
Must Clean House at Its Dept. of Education. There's been much talk about the lunacy of school policies
supporting so-called "transgender" or "gender fluid" students. What happened in the girls' restroom at a Loudoun
County, Virginia high school — a girl raped by a "transgender" male student and the later public abuse of the
girl's father — rightly became a flashpoint in the recent election. Will anything really be done under the
new Republican administration to curb the dangerous policies that enabled this tragedy? What can the newly elected
governor and Legislature do to end this insanity? It will be difficult. The radicals are well entrenched in the
state bureaucracy and schools.
The Editor says...
It's safe to say that each of the 50 states has its own Department of Education. There is no need for a federal Department
of Education, with an annual budget of $57 billion (last time I checked).
Cornell Prof Vows
To Fail Students Who Improperly Wore Masks During Class. A Cornell University professor promised to fail two
students who he alleges were improperly wearing their face masks during his lecture. Bruce Monger, the director of
undergraduate studies for Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell, sent an email to his students requesting that they help
identify two students who were improperly wearing their masks. One of the students was eating at the time, according to
Monger's email. "I wanted to ask for your help in identifying two ocean students who were photographed with their masks
off during the ocean class last Friday," Monger said to his "Introductory to Oceanography" class. Monger described each
student in detail, stating that one had a "prominent hooked nose."
Take School Board to Court for Trying to Silence Parents' Criticism. Four taxpayers in Pennsylvania have
decided enough is enough after footing the bill for a school board attorney who told them that the school system could limit
their First Amendment rights. The taxpayers filed a free speech lawsuit in federal court that could set a precedent for
invalidating policies that shield both school administrators and elected officials from public criticism. "Our lawsuit
seeks case precedent to establish that citizens cannot be censored or intimidated by government officials for exercising
their First Amendment rights at a school board meeting," Simon Campbell, a former member of the Pennsbury School Board, told
The Daily Signal.
Hampshire and Pennsylvania Join Ohio, Missouri and Withdraw from the National School Boards Association. Four
states have decided to terminate their National School Boards Association membership over a letter comparing the parents to
domestic terrorists. The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Ohio and Missouri School Board Associations terminated
their membership with the NSBA. The New Hampshire School Boards Association is the latest to leave the NSBA after it
sent a letter to Biden that begs him to use federal law enforcement agencies against parents and investigate them for
"domestic terrorism and hate crime threats." The National School Board was so outraged that parents were speaking out
in defense of their children that they shamelessly urged the DOJ to use the Patriot Act, among other "enforceable actions"
against them.
school board forces parents to say their address in order to speak, bans criticism of officials. The Mankato,
Minnesota school board is outrageously requiring parents to doxx themselves by stating their home address before they can
speak at a meeting and they have, in essence, banned all criticism of school board officials as well. The chair of the
board for Mankato Area Public Schools Jodi Sapp made the new rules crystal clear before calling on parents at an Oct. 18
forum. Parents were told they could speak for three minutes only if they gave their name and full address. They
were also advised that they were prohibited from addressing individual school board members. "I just want to remind
everybody this is a business meeting of the school board, it is not a meeting that belongs to the public," she began.
"Before the open forum, I would like to review a couple of things," Sapp stated. "Each speaker is asked to state his or
her name and address for the record. Failure to do so will result in an individual not being allowed to speak."
suburb residents required to disclose home address to speak at school board meeting. The chairwoman of the
Mankato, Minn., school board went viral earlier this week for a video in which she is seen telling parents who wish to speak
that they are required to first announce their home address. The chairwoman, Jodi Sapp, is seen at an Oct. 18 meeting
telling a man he will not be allowed to speak unless he discloses his home address. The man first objects, citing
security concerns, but ultimately agrees to the demand. The address cannot be heard in the video, but Sapp notably
repeats the address to be sure that it is heard by the entire room. Earlier in the evening, Sapp announced that the
gathering was "not a meeting that belongs to the public" and that anyone who spoke during the open forum was not permitted to
criticize members of the board or address them individually. If a speaker violated that rule, the open forum would be
closed immediately and the individual culprit would be barred from speaking at future school board meetings. Sapp added
that audience reactions to forum commentary were banned.
truth is out': inside a Loudoun County school board meeting. Attend a Loudoun County school board meeting in
Virginia, and you will find it almost as locked down as the US Capitol post-January 6. Police cars line the streets and
dozens of security personnel post up inside the building. I attended the most recent meeting on Tuesday as media and
was subject to a thorough bag check and extensive metal scanning. Residents who wish to speak at meetings are not even
allowed in the building until they are in the next group of ten scheduled to appear, and they are not allowed to bring in
bags or purses. Chairs for the public are socially distanced, limiting the number of people who can even sit
inside. The Loudoun website claims that this is "to ensure physical distancing for those attending the business portion
of the School Board meeting, which follows public comment." "This will result in limited public seating in the School
Board Meeting Room," Loudoun admits.
Minnesota School Board Requires Parents To Say Their Addresses Outloud In Order To Speak. Chris Rufo posted a
video tonight from a school board meeting in Manako, Minnesota where the school board is requiring parents to reveal their
addresses in order to address the school board: The father in the video clearly doesn't want to give his address, but
school board member Jodi Sapp compels him to reveal his house number and street, or says he can't speak. Reluctantly,
the father reveals it and Sapp repeats over the microphone for everyone to hear. Mission accomplished.
[Video clip]
Data Mining of America's Kids Should Be a National Scandal. On a recent Saturday night, Caroline Licwinko, a
mother of three, a law school student and the coach to her daughter's cheerleading squad, sat in front of her laptop and
tapped three words into an internet search engine: "Panorama. Survey. Results." Within three clicks,
Licwinko was in an online "dashboard" created by Panorama Education Inc., a government contractor hired by school districts
to gauge their students' "social and emotional learning." However, Panorama digs far deeper than whether students might feel
depressed or lonely, raising serious public policy questions. It asks all kinds of prying questions, including gender
and sexual orientation and views on racial issues. Licwinko and her husband, Eric, became concerned in September when
their sons' school, North Hunterdon High School, told parents they were sending students a Panorama survey. Although
they opted their sons out, as parents are ostensibly allowed to do, their sons were sent the survey anyway. What's
more, a school official confirmed to them, the private information of all students — including whether they
receive special education services and free and reduced meals — was sent across four state lines to Panorama,
based in Boston. Last week, Panorama refused to give the Licwinkos the data the company received on their
children. "They are data mining and psychologically profiling our kids. The questions they are asking are
absolutely inappropriate in a school setting," says Licwinko. "Schools have sold our children's privacy to a data
analytics company that is tracking attendance, behavior, and family's financial status."
What other county in the U.S. has a secret curriculum in the public schools? Loudoun
County Forces Parents To Sign NDA-Style Form To View CRT-Inspired Curriculum. Loudoun County Public Schools
(LCPS) is requiring parents to sign a form comparable to a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to view a portion of the district's
new curriculum inspired by critical race theory, according to documents reviewed by the Daily Caller. As part of LCPS'
broader equity agenda, the district spent approximately $7,700 to become a "licensed user" of Second Step Programs, a branch
of the left-leaning non-profit organization Committee for Children. According to a copy of the NDA-style form reviewed
by the Daily Caller, "eligible parents" at LCPS must sign the document to view the Second Step curriculum. Curriculum
presentations can only be given in person and parents cannot broadcast, download, photograph, or record "in any mannern whatsoever."
Marxism: McAuliffe Supporters Are Posting Signs Promising to "Keep Parents Out of Classrooms" as Campaign Winds
Down. Democrat Terry McAuliffe is currently in a tight race against Republican Glenn Youngkn in the Virginia
gubernatorial race. McAuliffe believes parents shouldn't be telling schools what to teach their children in the
classroom. And now as the campaign winds down McAuliffe supporters are allegedly putting out signs to "keep parents out
of classrooms." It's so over the top that it is almost unbelievable. This would be something you'd expect to see in
the former Soviet Union, not in Virginia!
School District Wants to Teach 8-Year-Olds about the 'Birds and the Bees'. As school board races across
Colorado are down to the wire, the thirteen-page Healthy Kids Colorado Survey (HKCS) for middle school students in Colorado's
9-R District surfaced, to the panic of many unsuspecting parents. Those parents were already questioning the district's
previously unknown policy on diversity, which was adopted in January with no public hearing. There is also a comparable
survey for high school students. Widely administered by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
(CDPHE) every other year, the survey targets 6th-, 7th-, and 8th-grade students (ages 11-14) as voluntary and promises
to be "completely anonymous" with its answers "kept private." There appears to be no requirement for parental
permission, so presumably, the parents may remain unaware that the student has taken the survey, with no knowledge of the
invasion of their child's privacy (and constitutional) rights that have been violated.
district racially segregates students, threatens them for 'biased' statements: lawsuit. A Massachusetts school
district is racially segregating students and threatening to punish them for subjectively "offensive" statements they make,
violating their civil and constitutional rights at both the state and federal level, according to a new lawsuit seeking
permanent injunctions. Parents Defending Education is challenging the "affinity groups" and associated spaces created
by Wellesley Public Schools' diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) plan for 2020-2025. Not only does the policy
violate Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, but it was applied in a discriminatory fashion, the D.C.-area group alleged.
The district refused requests from parents to create an affinity group for Jewish students, who are also "historically
marginalized," following "public acts of antisemitic violence and discrimination." The suit also seeks to block a
"biased incidents" policy that lets anyone anonymously report students to school authorities for "conscious or unconscious
bias" against a protected class that "has an impact but may not involve criminal action."
aren't Terrorists, Mr. President. They're Americans with Something to Say. [Scroll down] They
are not insurrectionists. They are not terrorists. They are parents. All of this, CRT and its offshoots,
the sheer racism of it, the arrogance of the educrats and the White House putting the federal squeeze on dissenting parents,
would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. If you had prophesized the things I'm writing about now, you'd have
been considered a madman with a tin-foil hat. But all this is certainly thinkable now, isn't it? Because it's
happening now. And there is an effort by legacy, corporate media — which tells itself it speaks truth to
power but serves as the thought guardians of the regime — to downplay what's going on at school boards.
Boards and Idiots. The heroes in this story are Scott Smith, father of a young girl who had been sexually
assaulted in a Loudoun County school bathroom by a "gender fluid" boy wearing a skirt, with an assist from the America First
Legal Foundation (AFL), and the thousands of concerned parents of public school children around the country. We were
puzzled by Garland's preposterous memorandum ordering the FBI to investigate angry parents showing up at school board
meetings as "domestic terrorists," but AFL, in a letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz, makes a credible series of
factual assertions about the genesis of this outrageous order. The AFL correctly reminds that the "Supreme Court has
repeatedly recognized "parents' right to control and direct the education of their own children." They note the large,
ongoing protests by parents against Critical Race Theory indoctrination, "anti-religious and anti-family gender ideology,"
and forced masking and online education mandates.
National School Boards Association Waged War On Parents, Pennsylvania Chapter Withdraws. The Pennsylvania
School Boards Association voted unanimously on Thursday to withdraw from its parent organization, the National School Boards
Association, after the national group demanded that the Biden administration use domestic terrorism laws to target parents
who want to hold districts accountable for teaching racist curriculum and ignoring the science on masking for children.
"The Pennsylvania School Boards Association was not consulted prior to the letter being sent by the National School Boards
Association to President Biden. We were not asked for input nor discussion on its content," Annette Stevenson, PSBA's
chief communications officer, said in a statement to the Delaware Valley Journal.
Democrats Voted to Allow Schools to Refrain from Reporting Sexual Battery in 2020. Democrats in the Virginia
General Assembly voted for — and Governor Ralph Northam signed — a law allowing schools to refrain from
reporting instances of sexual battery, stalking, violation of a protective order, and violent threats occurring on school
property in 2020. § 22.1-279.3:1 of Virginia code had required that these, among a number of other major crimes, be
reported to law enforcement if they occurred on campus. Democrats insisted that misdemeanors be extirpated from
reporting requirements in House Bill 257, replacing the word "criminal" with "felony" in the code.
Group That Urged Attorney General's Anti-Parent Initiative Has Ties to Democrats, Unions. The National School
Boards Association, which urged the Biden administration to use federal law enforcement to investigate parents who speak out
on local education matters as potential domestic terrorists, has political ties to the Democratic Party and labor
unions. The national association represents members of locally elected school boards, which usually are officially
nonpartisan, and is a federation of state school board associations. Although most funding for the National School
Boards Association comes from state school boards, the National Education Association — the nation's largest
teachers union and a major donor to Democrat candidates — contributed in the past two years. The teachers union
contributed $68,000 to the national association in 2020 and $50,000 in 2019, according to union reports to the Labor Department.
of the masses: The left has overplayed its hand. I think the left is realizing it has a tiger by the
tail. The people are getting uppity. Parents are assailing school boards over critical race theory and
transgender madness. So much so that the Biden Justice Department is sending out the FBI to investigate whether, as the
National School Boards Association bombastically charges, some parents are guilty of "domestic terrorism and hate crimes."
Boy, it's lucky for those BLM/Antifa rioters in 2020 that they refrained from badmouthing teachers and school officials while
torching the cities. Their "peaceful protests" might have been investigated. Meanwhile, former Democratic Virginia
Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the Clinton bag man who is running again for his old job, stated, "I'm not going to let parents come
into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions." He added, "I don't think parents should be telling
schools what they should teach." This stuff ticks off parents, and GOP candidate Glenn Youngkin is taking full
advantage. He is running ads accurately depicting Mr. McAuliffe as an authoritarian, anti-parent elitist.
County schools are worse even than you imagined. We've written before about the madness in the Loudoun County
Public Schools (LCPS), most recently when it comes to parents protesting LGBTQ pornography in the school system's
libraries. There've also been newsworthy moments when parents spoke out about Critical Race Theory in the school
district. One of the most explosive moments occurred when the school board, tired of having angry parents (i.e.,
voters) yell at them, called the cops, with several arrests, including that of one man getting physically dragged out.
It now turns out that the man was protesting the fact that the school's policies led to a boy in a skirt sexually assaulting
his daughter in a girl's bathroom. [...] On June 22, Scott Smith, a White plumber was filmed as the police arrested him and
dragged him out of an LCPS board meeting. It was his arrest, writes Rosiak, that the National School Boards Association cited
when it sought the federal help that AG Merrick Garland so willingly gave, referred to as a possible form of "domestic terrorism."
Jersey Teacher Says Her Stomach Was 'Churning' Following Union Demand To Log Students' Vaccination Status.
Jennifer Mess, a New Jersey public school teacher, said Sunday on 'Fox & Friends Weekend' that her stomach was "churning"
after watching a teachers union training video enticing her and her colleagues to log the vaccination status of students and
parents into a progressive app. The video, produced by the vaccine equity nonprofit Made to Save as well as the
American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Educators Association (NEA), reportedly instructs teachers to upload
their conversations with students and parents into the campaign app Reach, in exchange for rewards like gift cards.
Mess, a drama teacher for the Middletown Township Public Schools, argued that the training talked them through scenes where they
would be "manipulating parents and students and as educators," saying the instructions were "completely against what we do."
School Parents Will Not Be Silenced. It's tempting to see the new directive by Attorney General Merrick Garland
as merely a transparent attempt to intimidate parents into silence on opinions that the Biden Administrations doesn't
like. But it's worse than that. It's worth going though the reasons why this misconduct by federal law
enforcement is so appalling, and to remind parents why they should not be deterred. Many parents in Illinois and across
the country have spoken out recently with unprecedented anger in unprecedented numbers at school board meetings and
beyond. Their complaints have been about Critical Race Theory in classrooms, mask mandates and explicit materials for
minors about sexuality and gender. [...] But on Monday, Garland issued a directive to the FBI and federal law enforcement
officials across the nation to focus on alleged criminal conduct in protests by parents. Outrage ensued immediately,
and appropriately, from parents, their organizations and commentators who are infuriated that a threat of federal law
enforcement is being used to try to scare them out of constitutionally protected speech.
blast union for telling them to upload vaccination status of student's parents, their names and addresses. A
national teachers union training session that asks educators to log conversations with parents about the COVID-19 vaccine — into
a campaign app built for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's campaign — was blasted as a 'blatant effort to coerce, manipulate,
and even track information on students and their parents.' The recurring virtual training is hosted by vaccine equity group
Made to Save and is sponsored by the National Educators Association (NEA), and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).
'Having the audacity to back this type of presentation shows that the NJEA, NEA, AFT, and any other organization involved clearly
does not regard educators as professionals or critical thinkers,' Jennifer Mess, a drama teacher for the Middletown Township
Public Schools in New Jersey, told Fox News.
Judge Hands Victory to Parents, Sides Against Prosecutor on School Board Recall. A Virginia-based parent group
attempting to oust five Loudoun County School Board members was given a small win after a Loudoun County Circuit Court judge
ruled Tuesday [10/5/2021] in favor of the organization's recall petition against a board member who sought to dismiss
it. On Tuesday, a judge denied Loudoun County school board member Beth Barts' motion to dismiss the case and also
removed Loudoun County Commonwealth's Attorney Buta Biberaj from the case. The group Fight For Schools and others have
alleged that Barts was involved in a private Facebook group that violated the School Board's Code of Conduct and other laws
after members allegedly tried to attempt to reveal private information about parents and opponents. Judge Jeanette
Irby, meanwhile, ruled that Biberaj should be removed from the case due to a public perception issue, arguing the public may
not trust the prosecutor to be impartial.
Schools boards,
bastions of local democracy, persecute dissident parents. American parents are organizing to fight racist
critical race theories being taught in their kids' schools. Attorney General Merrick Garland, once touted as a
moderate, has responded by asking the FBI to treat them as domestic terrorists. As befits the Biden administration,
this over-the-top authoritarianism is accompanied by the stench of corruption, as it turns out that Garland's son-in-law is
in the business of selling educational materials on CRT. Garland's self-dealing and thuggery are grounds for
resignation. But that isn't the worst thing that's happened. Bad as it is, the Biden administration's poisonous
combination of graft and authoritarianism can be remedied by getting rid of the administration — something that,
if polls are any indication, is eminently doable.
question Garland's school board crackdown after son-in-law revealed as social justice education kingpin.
Attorney General Merrick Garland, who earlier this week injected the FBI into the nationwide debate over far-left local
school curriculums, has a son-in-law whose company has gotten rich peddling K-12 educational materials obsessed with
"systemic racism," "intersectionality," and white supremacy. Alexander "Xan" Tanner, who married Garland's daughter
Rebecca in 2018, is the co-founder and president of Panorama Education, a major player in the teacher training and curriculum
industry. Panorama pushes race-focused surveys and conducts trainings on systemic oppression, white supremacy,
unconscious bias, and intersectionality — all under the rubric of "Social-Emotional Learning."
AG Linked To Firm That
Stores 'Psychological Profiles' Of Students, Avoids Parental Consent. More than one-fifth of the nation's
largest 100 school districts have contracts with a Critical Race Theory-tinged firm cofounded by the son-in-law of Attorney
General Merrick Garland, who recently raised the specter of involving the FBI against parents who express anger over CRT and
other issues at school board meetings. Garland's daughter is married to Xan Tanner, a cofounder of Panorama Education,
which issues surveys to students asking if they are feeling "genderfluid," and asks, "How confident are you that students at
your school can have honest conversations with each other about race?" At least one district's contract says all of the
personal student data is sent to the company — which is funded by Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg — under a
loophole that circumvents a requirement for parental consent by counting the for-profit company as a "school official," not
an outside vendor. Panorama, which focuses on "social-emotional learning" and surveys that gauge the feelings of
parents, students, and staff, has among the broadest tentacles of any educational consultant.
Children Are Property Of The State. For starters, Governor Gavin Newsom announced a vaccine mandate last week
for students age 12 and older, making California the first state in the nation to require public and private school students
to be fully vaccinated for in-person instruction. (Unvaccinated students will have the option of enrolling in an online
school or attending independent-study programs offered by districts.) The ruling will go into effect once the Food and
Drug Administration approves vaccines for kids over the age of 12. Depending on when the FDA decision comes down,
students will have to get the jab by either January 1, 2022 or July 1, 2022. On deck are school children ages
5 to 11, who will be forced to join the vax club as soon as the FDA green lights it for them. Vaccine proponents are
quick to explain that the COVID vaccine is just an addition to a list that includes mumps, measles, and rubella —
but there is a big difference. While children are directly impacted by mumps, etc., they do not have a significant
risk from COVID, nor are they "super spreaders." Teachers are far more likely to catch the disease in the teachers'
lounge than in the classroom.
University Capitulates to the Mob. Dorian Abbot, an associate professor of geophysics from the University of
Chicago, was scheduled deliver the prestigious Carlson Lecture at MIT on climate and the potential for life on other
planets[.] Everything seemed in order until an insane mob began banging at the door. The mob had discovered a
Newsweek piece that Abbot co-wrote back in August where he argued that diversity efforts at universities violated equal
treatment. The article proposed that "university applicants be treated as individuals and evaluated through a rigorous
and unbiased process based on their merit and qualifications alone."
Parents Say School Board Gag Rule Stifles Criticism. Parents are criticizing Virginia's Prince William County
School Board over a rule limiting public comment, a move community members say is an attempt to stifle debate around
hot-button issues. The school board approved changes to its "Citizen Participation" rule during a tumultuous Sept. 15
meeting. The updated rule limits time for public comment to one hour and prohibits attendees from bringing posters or
signs into meetings without prior approval from the board. The rule comes as Prince William County parents and teachers
debate COVID-19 policies and "woke" curricula. The changes demonstrate the board's apathy toward concerned parents and
taxpayers, several attendees and concerned community members told the Washington Free Beacon.
public schools will no longer suspend students because too few white students are suspended. Dallas Independent
School District is making some changes in how it addresses student disciplinary issues across middle and high school
campuses. The school district is doing away with in-school and out-of-school suspensions as disciplinary
practices. The district, instead, will address student behavior issues by incorporating "reset centers" in its 52
middle and high schools. "We're just trying to address something that has been going on for a long time," said Pierre
Fleurinor, a reset coordinator for Dallas ISD. Fleurinor, or Coach Flo, as the students call him, works at Stockard
Middle School. He said the reset center gives the students a place to refocus, cool down, connect and form relationships.
university creates segregated housing specifically for Black students. A university in Washington has created
segregated housing specifically for Black students. Western Washington University has designated the fourth floor of
Alma Clark Glass Hall as housing reserved for its "Black Affinity Housing program," becoming the latest school to adopt such
a program. "The program will explore and celebrate the diversity of Black and African American people and culture, with
historical and contemporary context," the program website reads, also saying that all "Western students residing in the
program help foster a warm and vibrant community supporting social, personal and academic success."
Academia Is Establishing
A Permanent Surveillance Bureaucracy That Will Soon Govern The Rest Of The Country. Having now received a
tsunami of messages from people across the US (and a few internationally) about the surveillance regimes being permanently
installed at their educational institutions — in contravention of earlier assurances that the current academic
year would mark a long-awaited "return to normalcy," thanks to the onset of mass vaccination — there are a few
conclusions to draw. First: unless and until COVID "cases" are abandoned as a metric by which policy action is
presumptively dictated, these institutions are destined to continue flailing from irrational measure to irrational measure
for the foreseeable future. Just turn your gaze over to one of America's most hallowed pedagogical grounds: As of
September 17, Columbia University has newly forbidden students from hosting guests, visiting residence halls other than their
own, and gathering with more than ten people. The stated rationale for these restrictions? Administrators have
extrapolated from the "contact tracing" data they've compulsorily seized that a recent increase in viral transmission is
attributable to "students socializing unmasked at gatherings in residence halls and at off-campus apartments, bars, and
School District passes vaccine mandate for students 12 and up despite a lack of full FDA approval for kids. The
Oakland Unified School District passed a Covid-19 vaccine mandate for students 12 and older Wednesday [9/22/2021], despite a
lack of full approval from the FDA that it is safe for children. The measure makes it one of the first districts, with
its student population of nearly 50,000, in Northern California to pass such a vaccine requirement and follows a similar
decision made by the Los Angeles school district — the second largest in the US — earlier this month.
The Piedmont and Hayward districts also passed similar measures Wednesday.
and cover! Harvard instructs students on how to eat and drink with masks. Harvard University, the home of
people with high SAT scores, seems to think its elite students need some tutelage in table manners especially since everyone
there must mask up even in the cafeteria/dining hall. Face masks are required within indoor settings on campus, the
"safe-behavior" recommendations from Dr. Giang T. Nguyen, Harvard's health services executive director, include the
quick-sip rule and consume and cover, which could give a new meaning to dine and dash. Eating slowly, which is often good
for digestion, seemingly means that students have to fiddle with their masks the entire time, pursuant to Harvard's protocol.
university forced students to get vaccinated, then moved some classes online. After a year of online learning,
I, like many other students, thought there would finally be a full return to in-person learning. My university, DePaul,
told students that everyone would have to be vaccinated to attend in-person classes. Though I chose to take the vaccine
before the mandate, many of my peers followed what the university said, despite any misgivings they might have had about
getting vaccinated. People who have chosen not to get vaccinated were warned they could lose financial aid and would be
dropped from classes. But even people who did take the vaccine are finding their classes moved online — and
the return to normal seems still so far away. This despite the low rate of COVID infections in the past
month — the highest number of weekly infections of students is 18 cases.
Down K-12 Education. At a time in history when more learning and skill development are needed, the opposite has
occurred. As witnessed throughout the 2020-2021 school year, teacher unions led the charge in our government-funded and
run K-12 public education system to make things worse. Putting partisan politics and self-promotion ahead of student
learning, they refused to allow teachers to return to their classrooms until outlandish demands are met —
including moratoriums on charter schools, defunding the police, and Medicare for all. Furthermore, the school week was
reduced from five days to four days a week, with instruction only provided a few hours a day remotely. When in-person
school finally resumed after an entire calendar year, the low norm accepted by multiple governors was a mere 30 percent
of pre-pandemic instruction hours — e.g., two-and-a-half-hour school days, four days a week.
Schools — Stop Experimenting on People's Children. A few years back, public schools in my hometown
of Littleton, Colorado began using laptop computers in the classroom. With great fanfare, every student was given his
or her own computer. Classroom instruction quickly moved away from traditional teaching materials to primarily
computer-based learning. This trend occurred throughout the country. We were told this would usher in a grand new
world where student's educational achievements would take off through the stratosphere. In a normal world, a major
undertaking like this would only have been done after extensive research, testing, and actual results. [...] Years after this
transformation, what has been the actual educational impact on student learning? We will never know since they have
never tested to see its effect. Can you imagine any for-profit business doing the same? Or medicine? Or
technology? Or agriculture? Of course not.
Public Schools withheld COVID vaccine exemption forms in rigged process. Seattle Public Schools (SPS) withheld
the religious and medical exemption forms for the COVID-19 vaccination mandate until after the first deadline to get the
Moderna vaccine passed. This entire process seems rigged against using exemptions. School staff in Washington
must be fully vaccinated by Oct. 18, or they will be terminated. Medical and religious exemptions are supposed to be
offered for employees who wish to seek them. But a spokesperson for SPS confirmed that the district hadn't sent out the
forms yet. They are expected to go out this week. By the time staff receive the exemptions, it may be too late to
use them.
Vegas Mother Wants To Remove Her Son From Public School After Crazy Liberal Teacher Uses Tape On His Face To Secure
Mask. An anonymous Las Vegas mother alleges that in a fourth-grade classroom, a substitute teacher reportedly
attached her child's mask to their face with tape. After an alleged incident inside a classroom involving face
coverings, the mother of a 9-year-old child is asking for the dismissal of a substitute teacher from the Clark County School
District in Nevada. The mother talked to FOX5 on the understanding that her identity and face not be revealed.
She was concerned that her son's anguish might be exacerbated at school, but she also wanted other parents to be aware of
what is taking place at Reedom Elementary School in Mountain's Edge. According to the mother, she saw another kid who
she mistakenly identified as her son who also had tape over their faces to attach their mask.
young children in school harms language acquisition. My county recently re-instituted an indoor mask
mandate. In reading through the exemptions in the public health order I found this exception to mandated face
coverings: "Exceptions. Individuals performing any of the following activities are exempt from the Face Covering
requirements of this Order while the activity is being performed: a. Individuals who are hearing impaired or
otherwise disabled or who are communicating with someone who is hearing impaired or otherwise disabled and where the ability
to see the mouth is essential to communication[.]" This is important because children and/or students do not have the
speech or language ability that adults have — they are not equally able and the ability to see the face and
especially the mouth is critical to language acquisition which children and/or students are engaged in at all times.
Furthermore, the ability to see the mouth is not only essential to communication but also essential to brain development.
State Pension Invests Millions in Chinese State-Owned Companies. California's state pension invested hundreds
of millions of dollars in Chinese state-owned enterprises linked to the People's Liberation Army, according to records
reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) had more than
$3 billion invested in Chinese companies, including 14 state-controlled enterprises blacklisted by the Trump administration,
as of June 2020. Many of these companies are funding the Belt and Road Initiative, a massive infrastructure project
Beijing is using to expand its geopolitical and military influence.
College's insane COVID rules are all about upper-class virtue-signaling. Last week, Amherst College announced
that its students will be subject to double-masking and to COVID tests every other week throughout the fall semester.
Indoor dining services will be shut down, and the size of gatherings severely restricted. Students, all of whom were
already required to be vaccinated, will spend non-class time in their dorm rooms and may leave campus only in a handful of
defined emergency situations. One of these is apparently going to the bank, though what a bunch of would-be rowdy
undergraduates who can't hit up the local dive bars or have a coffee will need money for is a mystery. This is sheer
lunacy: the lunacy of America's overeducated upper castes.
Should Revise Its Guidance Mandating Masks at School. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends
"universal indoor masking of all students age 2 and older." There's just one problem: The leading study on which
the CDC bases this recommendation found that the COVID-19 infection rate in schools requiring students to wear masks "was not
statistically significant compared with schools where mask use was optional." This gap between science and CDC
recommendations is hardly unique. The health agency's policy notices often rest on shaky foundations. That is
especially true when it comes to schools. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should revise its guidance on
the masking of schoolchildren and clearly communicate that its current guidance isn't backed by sound evidence.
The Editor says...
If unelected bureaucrats publish "guidance," their decrees are as toothless as a bumper sticker. The CDC does not write laws.
Weaponizes Dept. of Education to Become the COVID Mask Gestapo. They get creepier by the hour. Seriously,
these people need to be rounded up and put in some sort of leper colony for fascists. They will be free to keep the
masks on their enraged faces all they want. They're empowered by a government that is now in the hands of people who
are all too casual about using its might against any citizens who don't agree with them. I'm not talking about
criminals, I'm talking about law-abiding Americans who are merely running afoul of the liberal narrative du jour.
We saw it happen when Barack Obama was president and he sent the IRS after conservative tea party groups. Now,
President Sniffsakid has directed the Dept. of Education — the most useless of all the Cabinet agencies —
to legally harass the states that aren't trying to suffocate school children with masks.
officials step up pressure to use infection control measures in schools. Federal health officials stepped up
calls for parents and officials to implement safety measures such as universal masking in schools as students return to in-person
classes, citing outbreaks that forced many children back to temporary remote learning. "In our outbreak investigations, large
scale quarantines or a large number of cases are generally occurring in schools because schools are not following our guidance,
particularly our recommendations for teachers as well as students aged 12 and over to be vaccinated and for everyone right now
to be masked," Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky said Friday [8/27/2021].
The Editor says...
What's the difference between "guidance" and coercion?
public school forces unvaccinated student athletes to wear ankle monitors: parents. A 15-year-old girl was
allegedly forced to wear an ankle tracking monitor for volleyball practice at Eatonville High School in Washington state as a
condition of participating in team sports. This was required of both vaccinated and unvaccinated students.
According to her mother who spoke anonymously to The Post Millennial, her daughter was at a practice for the public
school's volleyball team and texted her that she was being asked to put on an ankle monitor.
Director Admits School Mask Mandates Enforced on Children Are Not Based on COVID-19 Data. A new report found
that, in the 2020 election, almost 15 million mail-in ballots were unaccounted for — meaning that their
whereabouts are deemed "unknown" by election officials. Meanwhile, four days ago, the director of the National
Institute of Health (NIH) said during an interview that the reason kids are being forced to wear masks in school isn't
necessarily because they are in danger of infection, but rather so that the school districts don't shut down
classrooms. Over in Florida, a group of parents were so concerned their kids were being forced to wear masks all day
long at school that they had their kids' used masks sent for laboratory testing. After the analysis, it was found that
the masks had the presence of 11 dangerous pathogens, as well as fungi, parasites, and bacteria. [Video clip]
threatens school board member's medical license for opposing mask mandate. A school board member in Illinois
could lose his medical license for opposing Gov. J.B. Pritzker's school mask mandate, raising concerns about the power
of professional licensing regulators to chill speech on public matters. The case of sports medicine physician Jeremy
Henrichs is resonating all the way to the state capital, where a Republican lawmaker is warning Pritzker that intimidating
public officials is a felony in Illinois. A fellow board member also has come to his colleague's defense.
Henrichs serves on the Mahomet-Seymour Board of Education and the faculty of the University of Illinois Carle College of
Medicine. He's also team physician for the university's athletics department.
in Connecticut to Fine, Block Internet Access to Unvaccinated Students. Students at Connecticut's Quinnipiac
University will be fined up to $2,275 and lose internet access if they fail to comply with the university's COVID-19
vaccination policies. The private liberal arts college in New Haven County announced the new penalties on Aug. 16 in an
email sent to some 600 students who haven't yet provided proof of COVID-19 vaccination or requested an exemption.
Students at Quinnipiac were required to submit their vaccination records by Aug. 1, according to an email obtained by The
Epoch Times. Those not in compliance by Sept. 14 will begin to face $100 weekly fines, with increases of $25 after
every two weeks, up to a maximum of $200 per week. They also won't be able to use the school's campus network and
Wi-Fi. Students could be fined up to $2,275 in total for the fall term, the university warned. The penalties
cover those who don't receive a vaccine, as well as exempted students who miss weekly COVID-19 testing. There will be a
$100 fine for each missed test.
The Editor says...
Here is some free advice: Either make another selection and attend a different university, of which there are hundreds,
or wait a year or two until sanity returns to this country. If sanity does not return, your college education will be
worthless anyway.
The Editor says...
Maybe you shouldn't be a teacher if you live in constant fear. Maybe you should turn off your TV and get some fresh, unfiltered air.
Walsh Shows up and [excoriates] School Board Over Mask Mandates for Kids. While the battle over mask mandates
for children is most visible in Florida because Gov. Ron DeSantis has decided to actually fight back, other states are
seeing the fights play out at the local level. Parents are showing up to school board meetings to express their
displeasure with leaders who continue to spit in the face of objective data when it comes to forcing kids to wear dirty
pieces of cloth on their faces. One of those parents who showed up is The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh, who gave a short
speech (the board limits the time) that hit the nail directly on the head. In a clear and concise laying out of the
facts, he reinforced why this is a fight worth fighting for parents who aren't tired of complying. [Video clip]
Elementary School Allegedly Segregated Students by Race. It may be 2021 but one elementary in Atlanta is acting
like it's the Jim Crow era based on the principal's policy of segregating children in classrooms based on race. A black
mother whose child attends the Mary Lin Elementary School was shocked to find out the principal implemented this policy last
year. She only discovered it was happening when she asked to place her child with a teacher she thought would be a
better fit. "[The principal] said that's not one of the Black classes, and I immediately said, 'What does that mean?'
I was confused. I asked for more clarification. I was like, 'We have those in the school?' And she proceeded
to say, 'Yes. I have decided that I'm going to place all of the Black students in two classes,'" mother Kila Posey told
WSB-TV, according to Fox News, recalling her conversation with the principal.
School Principal In Hot Water After Segregating Classes Based On Race. A parent has filed a federal complaint
against her child's school, alleging it segregated classes based on race. She said it was a practice put in place by
the school's principal, who thought she was doing what was best for all students. Atlanta Public Schools confirmed to
Channel 2's Tom Jones that it has wrapped up its investigation into the allegations and has taken action. Parent Kila
Posey still can't believe a principal thought separating students by race was a good idea. [Video clip]
children wear masks in the classroom is 'child abuse': Report in Ireland says it can worsen existing health
issues. Making children wear masks in the classroom can stunt language skills and exacerbate anxiety, a health
report commissioned by the Irish government has found. The Health Information and Quality Authority's report published
in March informed Dublin's decision not to mandate masks for children in elementary schools. The HIQA paper noted that
transmission of Covid was low in schools and that young children found it difficult to wear face coverings properly.
County, Tennessee, School Board Meeting Erupts After Board Members Mandate Masks for Elementary School Students.
Things got ugly in Williamson County, Tennessee, as the school board defied the parents and required students to wear masks this
school year. The debate inside the board meeting was very heated as the board members decided to force the students to wear
masks regardless of what the parents wanted. The four-hour school board meeting drew a large crowd of freedom protesters
including former sports journalist and conservative political commentator Clay Travis, who has children that attend schools
in the district. [Video clip]
County teacher Quits at school meeting in protest over CRT lessons. A Virginia teacher has dramatically
resigned during a meeting of her scandal-hit school board after blasting its obsession with lessons on critical race
theory. Laura Morris spoke before Loudoun County School Board in an emotional address, explaining why the 'equity
trainings' and political dogma forced her to resign. She said she could no longer be part of an organization
that told her 'white, Christian, able-bodied females' needed to be reined in.
law school feeling heat after naming professorship for Bill Clinton. The time-honored tradition of naming a law
professorship after a famous scholar or donor has gone off the rails a bit at a University of Arkansas law school —
and the twist involves none other than the would-be honoree himself, former President Bill Clinton. Newly released records
show the scandal-plagued former president had withdrawn his approval for a teaching chair to be named after himself at the
William H. Bowen School of Law. Yet emeritus professor John DiPippa, who has held the post since it was first
endowed in 2000, recently dubbed it the Clinton chair anyway. Now the university is embroiled in questions about what
prompted the sudden attachment of Mr. Clinton's name to the teaching chair, as well as the history that apparently
settled the issue.
Everything is Racist, Nothing Is. Did the "diversity" industry not see that this would be the result of their
ideology — or did they not care? We no longer embrace the assimilation of the "melting pot." We are
embracing cultural communities within communities — segregation. A number of colleges had separate graduation
ceremonies this year. One school system in Atlanta is even segregating classes by race again. It's not being done
by the evil right-wing haters — it's being done by the progressive left.
College issues $80 million in climate bonds. Investors bought $80 million in bonds last week to finance Oberlin
College's four-year geothermal energy conversion project. Following Stanford University, the Lorain County-based
college is now the second higher education institution in the United States and third in the world to make use of Certified
Climate Bonds for campus construction projects. The green financing avenue can only be used for projects that align
with the Paris Climate Agreement's goal of limiting global warming to lass than 2 degrees Celsius compared to temperatures
before the age of industrialization. When put up for sale, the climate bonds attracted bids totaling nearly three times
the amount of the offering, according to Oberlin College.
The Editor says...
Please tell me: How will these bonds improve the weather?
Not Polite, Not Considerate. After the CDC and the Biden administration again ignored science and recommended
or re-imposed foolish mask mandates and the like, numerous municipalities and organizations eager to bow to — or
afraid to ignore — left-wing dictates, went along with the latest round of Wuhan Virus absurdities. [...] Some
schools — especially those in Democrat-run hell-holes, I mean large U.S. cities — are again forcing
kids into masks. School leadership making such decisions, along with the teacher unions, are the most foolish of all
here. They are ignoring science and data on multiple fronts as the mask mandates, and perhaps even shutdowns, are
re-imposed. Not only has science revealed the masks as largely useless to prevent the spread of the Wuhan Virus, but
the data have long revealed children to be at very little to no risk from the Wuhan Virus. In addition, schools the
world over have long proven to be insignificant spreaders of the Wuhan Virus.
kids and closing schools is irrational, unscientific child abuse. A study out of the UK released last week
proved — once again — what we've known for more than a year: Kids transmit the coronavirus at a
much lower rate than do adults. Epidemiologist Shamez Ladhani, who led the study, found that children "aren't taking
[the virus] home and then transferring it to the community. These kids have very little capacity to infect household
members." Nevertheless, we Americans inflicted misery upon our kids. We took away school, kept them apart from
their friends, and needlessly covered their faces. It wasn't all kids who suffered, though. Kids in private and
parochial schools in urban areas went to school. Kids in public schools in GOP-governed areas also went to school (and
even got to play sports, mask-free). And everything turned out OK: States with open schools didn't have more child COVID
cases and certainly not more hospitalizations or deaths. Schools without mask mandates didn't have significantly more
COVID cases. They simply put kids first.
Illinois, School District Issuing Color Coded ID Badges for Vaccinated and Non-Vaccinated Employees. They are
not using armbands, yet; however, one school district in Galesburg, Illinois, is issuing color-coded identification to
visibly label vaccinated and non-vaccinated school district employees. This is how the process of stigmatization is
begun; be aware of what is coming. According to sources in Illinois School District 205 (Galesburg, IL), School
Superintendent John Asplund sent the notification to school staff members announcing a new staff ID badge policy.
[Screenshot] School staff now have the option to change from the customary white ID badge to a yellow ID badge to
indicate that they have received the COVID-19 vaccine. This policy is currently only limited to school staff and does
not apply to students. However, it can be anticipated the school may begin to visibly identify non-vaccinated students.
California Marine Stands To Defend His Children From Forced Masks in School. John Spiropoulos continues
supporting parents as they fight against Critical Race Theory lesson plans and mandated masks in schools. In this video
report, John helps share the message of one "veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Kevin McGowen." As noted in the interview
by Spiropolous, Mr. McGowen, "Never thought he'd have to later fight for his children to go to school mask-free.
He never even considered that he'd have to battle against a Marxist ideology being taught in U.S. schools. But he's
joined the fight." [Video clip]
Superintendent Will Hand Out Yellow ID Badges Based on Vaccination Status. Galesburg, IL School District 205
Superintendent John Asplund sent this shocking email out to staff members announcing a new ID badge policy. School
staff now have the option to change from the customary white ID badge to a yellow ID badge to indicate that they have
received the covid vaccine. They are actually going to use Yellow Badges for identification.
Notch Victory in Effort To Recall School Board Member Who Opposed Reopening. A group of Fairfax County parents
on Monday reached the signature threshold to recall a school board member who voted against reopening classrooms. Open
FCPS Coalition petitioned a Fairfax County Court judge to recall Elaine Tholen, who voted against reopening schools despite
evidence that it was safe. The group collected more than 5,000 signatures from people who agreed Tholen was negligent
in her duties to Fairfax County students, particularly those with special needs.
Cameras Won't Stop Big Education. During my forty-plus years of teaching — both inside the classroom
and outside as a tutor — public education has morphed into Big Education, and it is as protective of itself as are
Big Tech and Big Media. Big Education is no longer largely populated by people who believe in teaching critical
thinking and knowledge, people who encourage innovation and creativity by modeling those qualities in their own
classrooms. Rather, it is populated with generations of teachers and "educators" who worship at the altar of the latest
"approved" pedagogy, methodology, and ideology, and who work hard to keep everyone in line. Big Education, again like
Big Tech and Big Media, is particularly adept at repelling foreign invaders and is willing to repel them with great ferocity.
[...] Big Education also does not acknowledge Any Outside Idea. When ignoring Any Outside Idea isn't possible, Big
Education simply incorporates the Outside Idea in a way that diminishes its role in the classroom dynamic.
spite: NYC principal 'conspired to oust Caucasian teachers'. The faculty of a Washington Heights high
school is rebelling against their principal, charging in a vote of no confidence that she has "flagrantly but unsuccessfully
attempted to divide our school by race." Paula Lev, principal of the High School for Law and Public Service, is now under
investigation by the city Department of Education for allegedly telling a faculty member she "was going to get rid of all
these white teachers that aren't doing anything for the kids of our community," a complaint states. Lev, a Dominican,
also asked the faculty member to "conspire with her" to try to oust a white colleague, according to the complaint filed last
week with the DOE's Office of Equal Opportunity. "She definitely has something against white people," says the
complaint, obtained by The [New York] Post.
legislature passes law requiring feminine hygiene products in boys' bathrooms. A bill awaiting the Illinois
governor's signature would require schools to provide free menstruation products in both girls' and boys' bathrooms for
grades 4 through 12. Currently, Illinois requires tampons to be provided to students who need them, but the supplies are
kept in the nurse's office. State Rep. Kathleen Willis, D-Addison, a co-sponsor of the proposal, said products
such as tampons and sanitary napkins are needed in both girls' and boys' bathrooms in order to address the health needs of
transgender students. "If you are biologically a female, but identifying as a male, you're going to menstruate and
you're going to need these products," Willis said during floor debate.
10 Examples of Leftist and Democratic Racism. [#5] University of Michigan-Dearborn announces whites only
cafe — It started out innocently enough, at least in the minds of certain racists in academia. The
University of Michigan-Dearborn last year held an event called "The BIPOC Café" which intended to provide "a space for
student[s] from marginalized racial/ethnic/cultural communities to gather and to relate with one another and to discuss their
experience as students on campus and as people of color in the world." Sounds pretty racist, considering they're
essentially practicing segregation, right? Only there was no issue with the BIPOC Café initially because it's OK
to discriminate against white students. But when the university announced their "Non-POC Café" (for non-People
of Color... a woke way of saying "white"), the left lost their minds. Meanwhile, any rational observer understands that
racism is racism, regardless of who you're discriminating against in the name of equity.
Kids forced to wear masks while running in 100-degree heat; Parents are striking back. While over half of the
country has removed mask mandates, New Mexico children ages 3yo+ are still required to wear masks at school as well as during
outdoor athletics. Summer temperatures in New Mexico range into the 100's, and kids are being forced to wear masks even
while running track races and playing soccer in the summer heat. New Mexico parents have reported that their children
are suffering blackouts, vomiting, breathing problems, dizziness, disorientation, nosebleeds, learning problems, and other
health problems as a result of the mask mandates. The youth mask mandate is clearly putting kids at risk of imminent
harm, yet nonetheless, the local school principals, boards, superintendents, and athletic associations are all saying that
their hands are tied by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham's policies.
middle school teacher is condemned for handing out flyers telling children they can have an abortion at 11 without parental
consent. A middle school teacher from Washington State has come in for criticism after handing out flyers that
advised students on sex and how to go about getting a abortion, without first getting the consent of parents. The fact
sheet, which was said to have been produced by Planned Parenthood, told eighth-grade kids aged 13 and 14 that they could
obtain abortions 'AT ANY AGE' and without parental consent. It went on to state they could also purchase condoms 'AT
ANY AGE' and that someone could engage in sex as young as 11 so long as their partner was less than two years older than them.
Will Host a Free Music Business Course, Open to All Races but White. Harvard University's set to host an August
music business course. Per the advertisement, it'll "cover topics that include financial literacy, mental health, and
personal branding in the music industry." On the official website, "No Label Academy at Harvard" announces thusly:
["]Partnering with universities, brands, and a unique set of speakers, No Label and [rapper IDK] are constructing a
comprehensive 10-day music business course at Harvard University. This free course focuses on building a pipeline for
BIPOC talent to kickstart their music careers, democratizing and reframing what is attainable in the industry.["]
vaccination for college students is a travesty. Many, if not most, colleges and universities are requiring
students to be vaccinated before resuming classes in the fall. The two largest university systems in the country,
California State University and the University of California, both have mandatory vaccination policies. But we have
data that show this policy inflicts more harm than good on the young age cohort that attends college. [...] This is a classic
case of the cure being worse than the disease, though we are finding other examples of this, including the horrendous cost of
unnecessary lockdowns and school closures. The FDA is starting to recognize and warn against at least one of the
negative side effects of some vaccines: [...] A group of students in the California State University System who have recovered
from COVID and have antibodies are suing to escape the vaccination mandate that they face if they want to return to class.
County School Board Meeting Goes Full Fascist When Over 200 Parents Confront Them Over Critical Race Theory.
The embattled school board of Virginia's Loudoun County cut off public comment during a fiery meeting Tuesday as residents
traded barbs over new transgender policy proposals Tuesday following weeks of protests from district parents opposed to some
of the measures, which they have criticized as potential left-wing indoctrination and a violation of parental rights.
The policies affect transgender student rights, privacy and restroom accommodations and would require Loudoun County Public
Schools employees to use students' preferred names or pronouns. An official school board vote on the proposal is not
expected until at least Aug. 10. [Video clip]
school board slammed as 'arrogant and incompetent,' reverses decision to remove holiday names from calendar. A
New Jersey school board has reversed plans to remove all holiday names from their school calendar after parents expressed
outrage at an emergency meeting on the decision. The Randolph Board of Education voted 8-1 Monday to reinstate the
holidays after dozens of members of the community voiced outrage during the public comment portion of the meeting. Tom
Tatem, a Randolph Township father of four who created a petition demanding school board members resign, and James Jacobi, a
Randolph Township father of three, told "Fox & Friends" Tuesday that the victory should be a lesson in transparency for towns
across America.
College to charge unvaccinated students $1,500 'Health and Safety fee'. Rhodes College said it will charge
unvaccinated students an extra $1,500 per semester starting this fall to cover the costs of mandatory COVID-19 testing.
The private liberal arts college in Memphis informed incoming students last week that unvaccinated students will be charged a
$1,500 Health and Safety fee per semester until the FDA formally approves the vaccine, in which case all students, faculty,
and staff will be required to be inoculated. "Until FDA approval, the college is not requiring, but strongly
recommending full vaccination for any individual who comes to campus," the school said in an email to students obtained by
Campus Reform. "Immediately following FDA approval, students will be required to be vaccinated to access campus."
Students Treated Like Prisoners In Nazi Germany. The High School in Exeter, New Hampshire went too far this
week by shaming the unvaccinated students attending the prom. It was reported by a State Representative from Brentwood
and School Board Member that parents had contacted her about their children being numbered with a black sharpie marker if
they had not received the experimental mRNA shots. These deadly injections are experimental treatments that cannot be
mandated or forced onto people under U.S. law and FDA regulations. Coercion is not only morally and ethically wrong,
it's illegal. Even worse, children should not be shamed or coerced through peer pressure to do anything against
their will, or against their family values. Schools and governments around the world are putting so much pressure on
these children that many of them are reacting beyond all reason.
Update: Handling
of pandemic prom prompts calls for Exeter superintendent to resign. A school board meeting turned into an
anti-administration rally Monday night, with calls for the superintendent to resign over the handling of the COVID-19
pandemic, including the controversial decision to write numbers on the hands of unvaccinated students to track them at Exeter
High School's prom. More than 150 people filled the high school's cafeteria for what was supposed to be a routine
meeting of School Administrative Unit 16's joint board, which has members from the six towns in the SAU. After a year
of remote learning, masked children and meetings on Zoom, frustrated parents showed up for the in-person meeting to air a
long list of grievances. Most were related to the pandemic, but some also complained about other hot-button educational
topics, including the controversy surrounding the critical race theory movement.
endorses segregation against whites, turning former coffee shop into blacks-only haven. The new bigotry on
American campuses: Beliot College in Wisconsin has decided to turn a former campus coffee shop into blacks-only haven,
thus re-introducing Jim Crow segregation by treating blacks as a privileged race and all other ethnic groups and races as
inferior and thus deserving of discrimination and second-class facilities. [...] The school's black population is about 7% of
the total. Thus, Beliot's administration has decided to give those students a privileged status, something that is
exactly the opposite of creating "anti-racism and equity on campus." It also does nothing to give its black students
"a sense of belonging." Instead, it isolates them and makes them a target of resentment and anger because they are being
treated better than everyone else, merely because of their race. It also helps teach them the horrible lesson that they
cannot mix with other races, that anyone who is not black is their enemy who must be hated and feared. That's the
rational argument. Then there is the legal one. This policy is blatantly illegal under numerous federal, state,
and local laws. All it will take is one lawsuit and the school will not only be forced to cease and desist, it will
likely have to pay out significant fines.
girl blasts school board for policy that would allow 'boys into girls' locker rooms'. A 14-year-old in Virginia
is speaking out about what she says is a sexist move by Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) to allow "boys into girls'
locker rooms." The policy followed a previous one, 1040, that committed the county to providing an equitable, safe and
inclusive working environment regardless of "sexual orientation, gender identity" and other individual characteristics.
The more recent proposed policy — 8350 — states in a draft that "students should be allowed to use the
facility that corresponds to their gender identity." At Tuesday's [6/8/2021] school board meeting, Jolene Grover, who was
wearing a shirt that read "Woman is female" argued: "Two years ago, I was told policy 1040 was just an umbrella
philosophy and you weren't going to allow boys into the girls' locker rooms. But here you are doing just that."
lawmakers agree to make kindergarten mandatory. The Louisiana Legislature agreed Wednesday [6/9/2021] to make
kindergarten mandatory for children statewide. Making the change was one of Gov. John Bel Edwards' legislative
priorities. A wide range of business and education groups also supported it. Estimates of the cost of educating
additional kindergarten students have been as high as $12 million, which Edwards said easily could be absorbed within
the $3.9 billion education funding formula. Nineteen states and the District of Columbia have mandatory
kindergarten. Supporters hope the mandate will keep children from falling behind in a state where only about half of
students in grades K-3 are reading at grade level. "Investing in early childhood education just makes good business
sense," said Rep. Jason Hughes, a New Orleans Democrat.
Paul Public Schools cancels remaining classes due to hot weather. St. Paul Public Schools announced
Tuesday [6/8/2021] classes at all schools in the district are canceled due to hot weather. The announcement states
schools will be closed Wednesday through Friday, which is also the remainder of the school year. [...] "Two-thirds of
St. Paul schools are not air-conditioned," said Kevin Burns, a spokesperson for SPPS. "We did open up the last
couple of night, opened up our buildings to let in quote-unquote, cooler air. But with low temperatures in the 70s,
that cooler air didn't really occur."
The Editor says...
[#1] The article above never mentions exactly how hot the weather is. Is it 90 degrees outside? More that that?
What a tough life you snowflakes have! The weather is so hot in Minnesota that two thirds of the schools have no air conditioning.
[#2] Is this too-hot-for-school problem a recent development? Has the weather warmed up this year more than any previous year?
Might be global warming! If you Minnesota leftists really believe global warming is about to develop into a catastrophic thermal runaway
state, you should install air conditioners in all public buildings right away!
Ohio HS football coach forces
kosher player to eat pork as punishment. A member of an Ohio high school football team who keeps kosher was
forced to eat pork as a punishment. The father of a MicKinley Senior High School junior told News 5 Cleveland
that his son, who is kosher, was forced by the team's coach to eat a whole pepperoni pizza in front of the rest of the team
as a punishment. "The coach had a pork pizza as a penalty for this child not showing up for practice," said the boy's
father's attorney Edward Gilbert. "What's interesting is everyone on the team knows this child will not eat pork."
Update: What
we know about Canton McKinley firing football coach Marcus Wattley and six assistants. Canton McKinley head
football coach Marcus Wattley and six of his assistants were fired last week following allegations the coaches forced a
17-year-old player to eat an entire pepperoni pizza against his Hebrew Israelite religious beliefs as punishment for missing
a voluntary workout. It has left one of Ohio's most storied prep football programs working quickly to reset for its
upcoming season and the Canton City School District in limbo as it awaits word on whether the player's family will file a
First Amendment lawsuit and whether criminal hazing charges will be filed against the coaches.
school prom will have different rules for vaxxed and unvaxxed teens. This is what a pandemic prom looks like
under New York state guidelines. Forget popular kids and dorks — seniors at one Long Island high school
dance will be divided by whether they are vaccinated or unvaccinated against COVID-19, The [New York] Post has learned.
Port Washington High School will be hosting the 500-person event — dubbed the "Gambol" — at the tony
Village Clubs of Sandpoint on June 27. The school said that, per state and CDC guidelines, kids who are vaccinated will
be able to attend maskless — while those who aren't will need to wear a face covering.
group alleges Massachusetts school district held no-Whites-allowed event. A parents-rights group has filed a
federal complaint accusing a Massachusetts school district of engaging in racial discrimination by banning White students
from an event on hate crimes against Asian Americans. Parents Defending Education asked the Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights to investigate the Wellesley Public Schools for an alleged Zoom session described as a "Healing Space
for Asian and Asian American students (grades 6-12), faculty/staff, and others in the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of
Color) community who wish to process recent events." The invitation shown in a screenshot attached to the complaint went
on to say: "* Note: This is a safe space for our Asian/Asian-American and Students of Color, *not* for students who
identify only as White."
Are the New Church Ladies. Both experience and medical consensus attest that young people are least at risk
from COVID-19 and more likely to suffer or die from pool drowning or car and bicycle accidents. Even if they "conceal
carry" the pathogen, young people can stay away from those at greater risk, and college kids who spend most of their time
with peers pose an even lower risk of contagion to others. These facts haven't stopped universities from imposing
bewildering and austere requirements on their students. Colleges say little to their students about getting sufficient
rest, proper nutrition, or outdoor exercise — the time-tested advice from Grandma to fortify the immune
system. Instead, schools demand masks for students, including outdoors where the risk of contagion is zero and also
off-campus, where the authority of school officials is questionable.
School Administrator Boots Police Officer Off Campus. A South Bend police officer conducting a routine
walk-through at a local elementary school was told by a school administrator to leave campus because his presence could make
people uncomfortable. The incident occurred shortly before 9:30 a.m. on April 21, bodycam footage showed. South
Bend Police Officer James Sweeney was conducting a routine unannounced walk-through at Coquillard Elementary School when he
was confronted by South Bend Empowerment Zone CEO Cheryl Camacho, WSBT reported. [Video clip]
No vaccine, no college? Physicians group urges
students to fight back. Many colleges and universities have announced they will require students planning to
return to campus this fall to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, explaining their aim is to "protect the health and safety
of the community." And the American College Health Association — which recommends the vaccination
requirement — makes it clear that the main purpose is not to protect the students themselves. The protection
is not for the young people, who have only a miniscule risk, but for the high-risk individuals in the surrounding community
or wherever the students go in the "mass migration" at the end of the semester.
Youth football drill
goes viral and causes massive outrage: 'This is child abuse'. A video of a youth football drill from last year,
with a coach who has since been fired, went viral Tuesday [5/11/2021] and sparked outrage on social media, with many
wondering whether children should be doing something like this. The 8-second clip shows a young ball carrier going
head-to-head with a would-be tackler. The ball carrier lowers his helmet and runs over the defender, and it appeared
the two connected with each other's helmets. The defender hit the ground and was a little shaken up, video shows.
These incremental changes only go in one direction, and that is the direction of more government control of your life. Gov.
Newsom proposes kindergarten for 4-year-olds. California Gov. Gavin Newsom proposed a "total
transformation" of public schools in America's largest state Wednesday by offering pre-kindergarten to all 4-year-olds,
opening up college savings accounts for low-income students and offering universal after-school care in disadvantaged
communities. Newsom announced the measures as part of a broad new education spending package made possible by the
state's surprise budget surplus.
School Board Shuts Down Parent's Objections To Racist Indoctrination. The Fairfax County school board in
northern Virginia ordered an upset parent raising objections to state-sanctioned racism called critical race theory in their
schools to "go to your seat." The altercation took place Thursday, after former Wall Street Journal reporter and local
parent Asra Nomani spent three minutes scolding school officials for their blatant double-standards in pursuit of
"antiracism" that endorses racism and cultural erasure. Nomani, who writes for The Federalist, began her remarks
outlining dismissals from each school board member of parent concerns at Thomas Jefferson High School, then highlighted
members' comments declaring the parents toxic and racist for opposing racism in the high-ranking school district.
across the country rally against school COVID-19 protocols. Parents throughout the country have rallied against
school coronavirus mandates to push back against masks and other policies, resulting in tense scenes, some of which prompted
a police presence. On Tuesday [5/4/2021], parents from the Granite School District in Salt Lake County, Utah, erupted
at a local school board meeting that later turned into a full-scale protest. Unruly attendees repeatedly chanted "no
more masks!" at the meeting while some in the crowd approached top brass in the district, forcing the gathering to a
halt. Law enforcement was alerted to the display, and police are in the process of identifying the "main aggressors"
who could face legal repercussions, district spokesman Ben Horsley told WGN-TV. The demonstration followed comments from Utah
Gov. Spencer Cox who has said face coverings will be required for the next school year. Adults have also filed a
lawsuit on the matter in an effort to repeal the COVID-19 protocols.
Have Had Enough — South Salt Lake City School Board Shuts Down Parents During Meeting. School boards
are where mini-dictators are grown. Thus the latest exhibit comes from South Salt Lake, Utah and the Granite School
District Board of Education meeting. The board was going to hear proposals of removing the mask mandate for K-12
students. However, they would only allow one parent to speak during "citizen participation time", a control method for
keeping the pesky proles from expressing their opinion of board policy. After the board allowed a mask advocate from
the state to speak, the School board said that's it, no more discussion. Parents became infuriated, things got
ugly. The board ended the meeting and escaped out the back-door of the building. [Video clip]
whites welcome at this university's 'Racial Trauma Yoga' session. Yoga is a topic that The College Fix
has covered a lot over the years. There was the trend a few years ago to allow students a chance to destress with goat
yoga. There was the time a university canceled a free yoga class after it was accused of cultural appropriation.
We were also there for the professor who accused white people who do yoga of "power, privilege and oppression." And let
us not forget Brown University's infamous naked yoga. Today, in this hyper-racialized time in America (thanks to the
progressive left), we bring you people-of-color-only yoga. That's right, no whites welcome in this yoga healing space
hosted by the University of North Carolina Asheville. It's called "Racial Trauma Yoga," and it was advertised in a
campus-wide email as "for BIPOC students." BIPOC stands for black, indigenous and people of color.
defends BIPOC-only rock-climbing class after online uproar. Cornell University is defending a new rock-climbing
class offered to minority groups. Among the Ivy League school's Outdoor Education offerings for the spring 2021
semester was a course called "BIPOC Rock Climbing". The course description, according to The Cornell Daily Sun,
specified that the class was "for people who identify as Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, or other people of color."
That prompted an uproar from across the internet. The university was accused of violating federal and state civil
rights law while one Reddit user decried what they described as a "horrifically and monstrously racist practice that has
no place in the modern world" and "literally evil".
coach blasts mask rule after runner collapses from 'complete oxygen debt'. On Wednesday [4/21/2021], a
face-masked high school distance runner in Oregon collapsed unconscious on the track a few meters from the finish
line — due to what her coach deemed "complete oxygen debt." According to The Bulletin, despite Summit HS
800-meter star Maggie Williams' fall [...], she slid across the finish recording a blazing time of 2:08.45, a school
record. Maggie suffered a burn to her face along with scraped elbows and knees. "I was pushing so hard and
everything went blurry and I just fell," she said.
lashes his school for making the boys stand in front of the girls during assembly and 'apologise for rapes committed by their
gender'. Parents and male students were left 'mortified' after their school forced them to stand in assembly
and apologise to their female classmates for sexual assaults committed by males. Brauer College in the south-western
Victorian town of Warrnambool held an assembly on Wednesday [3/24/2021] where boys were told to stand up in a symbolic
gesture of apology to girls and women. The move has since sparked outrage among parents of the school who say their
children were made to feel ashamed about something they had no control over and didn't understand.
To Host Six Graduation Ceremonies Divided By Sex, Race, Income. Columbia University is set to host six separate
graduation ceremonies based on sex, race, and income in the name of "multiculturalism." The graduations will
"complement" the existing school-wide ceremonies. The school's web page claims that the segregated events will "provide
a more intimate setting for students and guests to gather, incorporate meaningful cultural traditions and celebrate the
specific contributions and achievements of their communities." The ceremonies provided include a "Native Graduation" for
Native-American students, a "Lavender Graduation" for students who identify as part of the LGBTQ community, an "Asian
Graduation," a "FLI Graduation" for "first-generation and/or low-income community" members, a "Latinx Graduation," and a
"Black Graduation." According to a report by the National Association of Scholars, more than 75 schools across the
nation offer optional segregated graduation ceremonies to students. The most notable and elite institutions include
Harvard, the University of California-San Diego, the University of California-Irvine, Arizona State University, Stanford, the
University of California-Berkeley, UCLA, and Yale.
The Editor says...
If the graduation ceremony or the whole school is restricted to one race or gender, excluding all others, that's
monocultural, not multicultural. Look, if you guys don't like being around white people, why don't you just say so?
the pendulum is starting to swing on cancel culture. [Scroll down] William Clark is a high school senior
in Las Vegas. He is biracial, with the "bi" in his racial being black. His mother, also biracial, is raising him
alone. William attends a charter school, where he is the student with the lightest skin. The school, therefore,
insisted that he denounce himself as a "privileged" "oppressor." When he refused, the school gave him a failing grade.
Instead of taking caving, he sued.
Dept of Ed voting on curriculum that would encourage students to chant to Aztec god of sacrifice. The
California Department of Education (CDE) is set to vote on a new ethnic studies curriculum that reportedly calls for the
"decolonization" of society in America and encourages students to chant to the Aztec god of human sacrifice. The
curriculum will focus on "social consciousness" and cultures that have allegedly not gotten enough attention in
textbooks. That would include "African American, Chicana/o/x and Latina/o/x, Native American, and Asian American and
Pacific Islander studies," according to the CDE. "By affirming the identities and contributions of marginalized groups
in our society, ethnic studies helps students see themselves and each other as part of the narrative of the United States,"
the overview states.
worship chants now proposed for California public schools. Leftists in education are always cooking up bad
ideas of what's to be taught in schools, but here's one that arguably takes the cake. [...] So much for separation of church
and state. That's a religious chant to someone else's religion. Their plan is to literally foist that "faith," if
you can call it that, onto California's schoolchildren, many of whom already have religions of their own from their
families. So much for the usual claptrap out of this bunch about all cultures being alike. This one is being
favored and taught as theological indoctrination. Worse still, it's as repellent and abhorrent a religion as such
things come. The Aztecs, as these clowns choose to ignore, had a religion commanding human sacrifice, cannibalism, and
conquest. Like pretty much every ancient culture, the ancient Aztecs had examples of civilizational greatness, but
religion was not one of them. [...] The Aztecs were the ISIS of their age in terms of cruelty and the quest for power.
And not just ripping hearts out and stacking human skulls. They also did a lot of cannibalism. [...] Bottom line is,
they've chased God and the founding fathers from our public schools, but now they need to replace it. They chose their
religion, imposed it on others, and violated the separation of church and state.
Surveillance Vendor Proctorio Files SLAPP Lawsuit to Silence A Critic. During the pandemic, a dangerous
business has prospered: invading students' privacy with proctoring software and apps. In the last year, we've seen
universities compel students to download apps that collect their face images, driver's license data, and network
information. Students who want to move forward with their education are sometimes forced to accept being recorded in
their own homes and having the footage reviewed for "suspicious" behavior. Given these invasions, it's no surprise that
students and educators are fighting back against these apps. Last fall, Ian Linkletter, a remote learning specialist at
the University of British Columbia, became part of a chorus of critics concerned with this industry. Now, he's been
sued for speaking out. The outrageous lawsuit — which relies on a bizarre legal theory that linking to
publicly viewable videos is copyright infringement — will become an important test of a 2019 British Columbia law
passed to defend free speech, the Protection of Public Participation Act, or PPPA.
million suit says Bay Area school forced boys out for 'blackface' that was actually acne medication. A pair of
teenage boys and their parents are seeking $20 million in a lawsuit against an exclusive Catholic high school in Mountain
View, saying school officials forced the boys out last year over an alleged blackface photo that they say actually showed
acne medication. The selfie photo, showing the two former St. Francis students and a third boy with their faces
covered in painted masks of dark green, went viral amid last year's racial reckoning, prompting outrage from administrators
and some other parents. The boys' families said the school offered a choice: leave or be expelled.
The Editor says...
Ten minutes of investigation would have saved the school $20 million. Put me on that jury!
This Week in Campus
Insanity Vol. 33. [For example,] Cornell Charges Students $1,800 for Racially Segregated Rock-Climbing
Class: Cornell University offered a segregated rock-climbing class only for minority students. After Campus
Reform requested comment, Cornell edited the original course description to say the class is "designed" so that black,
indigenous, and other minority students who are "underrepresented in the sport" could "feel included and supported."
Asked Students to List Their Political Party and Why, Then Publicized Their Responses. There's been a lot of
controversy over Joe Biden's seeming reluctance to want all the public schools opening up as soon as possible.
Obviously, that's not making a lot of parents very happy. But if they saw what just happened at Porter Ridge High
School in Indian Trail, North Carolina, they just might not want to send their kids back. A teacher, as part of an
assignment, asked kids to list what political party they would choose and had them write it down, and explain why. The
teacher then publicized to the rest of the class what each student had chosen and what they had written, with conservative
students being bullied, according to WCNC. One mother described how her daughter was bullied for being a Republican.
The Places The Woke Will Go: Dr. Seuss Canceled For 'Racial Undertones'. A national educators organization is
telling schools to avoid reading Dr. Seuss because the children's books allegedly have "racial undertones." For more than
20 years, March 2 has been recognized as Read Across America Day in honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday. The reading
recognition day was founded by the National Education Association — the nation's largest labor union — in 1998.
This year's theme is "Create and Celebrate Diversity." Learning for Justice — a left-wing educators group — is
demanding that Dr. Seuss be canceled. A prominent Virginia school district has taken marching orders and ordered its schools to
avoid "connecting Read Across America Day with Dr. Seuss." Loudoun County Public Schools, one of the nation's most affluent school
districts, announced that it will no longer recognize Dr. Seuss on his birthday.
LA school board
cuts one-third of police and replaces them with 'climate coaches'. The Los Angeles Unified School Board
unanimously approved a plan on Tuesday to cut one-third of its school police force and divert millions in funding towards the
hire of social workers, restorative justice advisors, and "climate coaches." The move will result in 133 positions
being removed from the Los Angeles School Police Department — including 70 sworn officers, 62 non-sworn officers,
and one support staff member, leaving the department with a total of 211 officers, the Los Angeles Times reported. The
"climate coaches" set to replace police officers in secondary schools will be members from the community who, according to
the Times, "will work to promote positive school culture and address implicit bias."
slam woke teacher responsible for renaming 44 San Francisco schools: incorrect research came from Wikipedia.
Acclaimed historians are hitting out at a chairman in charge of renaming 44 San Francisco schools after it was revealed that
he refused to consult with them during the decision-making process and his research was based on information he found on
Wikipedia. Earlier this week, the San Francisco Board of Education voted 6-1 to strip 44 public schools of their
current monikers because they honor 'racist' figures from American history. Schools named after politicians including
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln are now set to be rebranded in the coming months. The
controversial decision comes three years after a task force was established to study the names of the city's 125 schools to
determine which ones needed to be replaced amid a nationwide reckoning on race.
Francisco Committee Changed School Names Based on Wikipedia and Wild Accusations. The San Francisco Board of
Education voted to rename 44 of the city's schools, claiming that prominent figures from American history, such as George
Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Paul Revere, were tied to racist incidents. The committee based their decisions on
Wikipedia and other wildly inaccurate information to source its claims. Committee chairman Jeremiah Jeffries, along
with his fellow committee members, used Wikipedia to support their claims that prominent U.S. historical figures had ties to
racist incidents, and therefore warranted the renaming of scores of San Francisco schools, according to a report by Mission Local.
Francisco to strip Abraham Lincoln, Dianne Feinstein and others from public school names. The names of Abraham
Lincoln, George Washington and other prominent figures including California Sen. Dianne Feinstein will be removed from
44 San Francisco public schools, a move that stirred debate Wednesday on whether the famously liberal city has taken the
national reckoning on America's racist past too far. The decision by the San Francisco Board of Education in a 6-1 vote
Tuesday night affects one-third of the city's schools and came nearly three years after the board started considering the
idea. The approved resolution calls for removing names that honored historical figures with direct or broad ties to
slavery, oppression, racism or the "subjugation" of human beings.
The Editor says...
If you put a 12-foot fence around the entire U.S. Capitol, isn't that subjugation of the voters?
Strikes in Pro-Trump County as School Superintendent Moves to Fire Teachers and Employees Who Attended Trump Rally. On
Wednesday, a crowd of American citizens estimated to exceed 100,000 gathered in Washington, DC, to peacefully assemble and listen to a
speech from the President of the United States. All but a handful of the attendees dispersed peacefully. Nothing done by
the people who carried the demonstration into the US Capitol takes away from the legality and propriety of attending a political rally
headlined by the president. But if you were a teacher in Jefferson County, WV, you just found out that it doesn't matter if the
voters in the county voted overwhelmingly to reelect President Trump, all it takes to put your livelihood in jeopardy is to have a
fascistic school superintendent who is totally unacquainted with the US Constitution, and your job is in jeopardy.
Defenders of Civilization?
[Scroll down] Little need be said of increasing tense racial relations, given that the collective optimism of a year
ago during the booming 2019 economy — record low minority unemployment and the undepreciated powers of
assimilation and integration were beginning to make race more incidental than essential — has dissipated.
That was then, and this is now after pandemic, lockdown, recession, George Floyd's tragic death, riot and looting, a bitter
election, and an ongoing cultural revolution. Cornell University is now mandating flu shots for its on-campus students,
but with allowances for nonwhites to petition for exemptions, in the manner of those pedigreed epidemiologists who all but
said science should be ignored in ranking those to be vaccinated by their race. Had someone in 1980, 1990, or 2005
predicted such things, he would have been written off as a dystopian crackpot.
DOE school ordered abuse probe, issued report cards for boy who wasn't a student there. The city Department of
Education turned John Tomasi into a phantom student — and not only gave him fake report cards, but wrongly put his
family under investigation for child abuse. The 14-year-old never enrolled in Cobble Hill School of American Studies in
Brooklyn. He never attended a single class, in person or remotely. Yet this fall, the public school created two
report cards for John, both including teacher comments. His physical-education teacher twice gave John the highest
grade: "ME" for "exceeds standards."
Whites Must Adhere to Ivy League University Vaccination Requirement; Minorities Allowed To Claim Racism To Opt
Out. Cornell students are required to get a flu vaccination before arriving on campus as part of the Cornell
Student Behavioral Compact in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Or, to put it more accurately, white students are
required to get a flu vaccination. Most white students, anyway. If you're Caucasian, you must obtain a medical or
religious exemption in order to opt out.
The Editor says...
Here's another option: Don't attend Cornell University!
wave of school closures is killing our children. We know how many people have died from the coronavirus.
We know how many people have tested positive for it. We know which states have the most cases. We even know how
many people are in hospitals because of it. The numbers are shoved down our throats by the media daily and are being
used to justify a new wave of lockdowns and school closures as 2020 winds down. There's no question the coronavirus is
harmful to some people — chiefly elderly people and those with preexisting conditions. But the lockdowns
have been deadly, too — a portion of the narrative that has conveniently been left out of the conversation.
Children are especially prone to the unintended consequences.
school principal is suing school district after being fired for sharing conservative memes on her Facebook
page. The principal of a Pennsylvania elementary school who was fired after being accused of posting
politically conservative posts on to her personal Facebook account is suing to get her job back along with $500,000 for the
'emotional turmoil' she has been put through. Amy Sacks, who had been a teacher for 20 years posted on Thanksgiving Day
that the Perkiomen Valley School District and Superintendent Barbara Russell 'decided that the First Amendment Freedom of
Speech has no place in public schools and that teachers and administrators are unfit to serve if they hold and express
political beliefs that are right of center'. The outburst came after Sacks was removed from her post as the principal
of Evergreen Elementary School in July.
Requires Its White Students to Get Vaccinated. If you're a student at Cornell, you'll have to take a
vaccine. Unless you're black. Or Asian. Or Hispanic. Or American Indian. Or have any other kind
of skin that isn't white.
vaccine mandate only applies to white students. One of the amazing things we learned in 2020 is that the novel
coronavirus can't infect people who attend Black Lives Matter protests. Science! Apparently the seasonal
influenza is even more considerate, at least at Cornell University. The Ivy League school offers a race-based
exemption from its new mandatory flu shot, requiring only white students to get immunized before returning to the area.
Covid rules for Ohio high school wrestling say students can wrestle but they can't shake hands.. It's 'rastling
season and to try and limit the spread of Covid officials with the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) have done
the responsible thing and released some updated requirements for players and coaches. The students are still being
allowed to wrestle. In fact, they don't even have to wear face masks while they do so. But they will no longer
be allowed to shake hands before and after the match.
sue Sarasota County School Board over requirement that students wear masks. A group of Sarasota County parents
has sued the Sarasota County School Board, arguing that its policy requiring children to wear masks while at school denies
them their right to an equal education. The 59-page lawsuit was filed Oct. 21 in Sarasota County by Amy Cook and
Gustavo Collazo, as well as Nicholas Eastman and Catherine Gonzales. The School Board is named as the defendant.
Several Sarasota County School Board members did not immediately return requests for comment on Monday [10/26/2020].
Board member Caroline Zucker said the board had not received a copy of the lawsuit as of Monday afternoon.
Investigation Prompts Schools to Report $6.5 Billion in Undisclosed
Foreign Gifts and Contracts. Universities in the United States reported $6.5 billion in previously undisclosed
gifts and contracts from foreign sources as a result of an investigation by the Department of Education. Federal law
requires universities to disclose substantial foreign gifts and contracts to the Department of Education (DOE) twice a
year. Many have for years failed to do so, while others have underreported. After the department opened an
investigation into the matter in 2019, 60 schools that had never complied with the law disclosed $350 million in previously
unreported foreign funds, according to a report released by the DOE on Oct. 20.
Student newspaper publishes instructions on how
to make a Molotov cocktail. The student newspaper at the University of Wisconsin -Milwaukee posted an
opinion-editorial containing instructions on how to make and use a Molotov cocktail. The editor-in-chief of the UWM
Post, Adam Kelnhofer, wrote an op-ed on June 14 going over the history of the Molotov cocktail after protests broke out in
Milwaukee following the death of George Floyd. The op-ed included instructions on how to "make a Molotov cocktail."
Staying Closed, Schools Ignore Low COVID-19 Rates, Needs of Families. Evidence continues to mount that COVID-19
affects children the least, and ad hoc school district e-learning platforms, hastily assembled in the spring, are driving
families away from assigned schools. Some of the largest school districts in the U.S. are still offering only online
instruction, despite reports of losing contact with thousands of students, from Philadelphia to Houston to Los Angeles, when
districts went online earlier this year. According to reports, districts have still not been able to reach those
students. School officials have the unenviable task of balancing health and safety concerns with student learning, but
those leaders should be considering the research on the spread of COVID-19 and the needs of local families and children in
making reopening decisions. Yet some district leaders are doing neither.
Democrats' Abuse of Children in 2020. [Scroll down] Democrats and their indoctrinated followers
constantly tell us rubes that coronavirus is not like the flu; they're right, it's less deadly. In response to this
natural biological event, the Democrats' response has been endless and harmful lockdowns. Schools in particular have
been emptied, both out of the irrational fear of many teachers (who, by no coincidence, are overwhelmingly Democrats
themselves) and the same irrationality of parents. Again, if those parents don't remove their kids from school during
flu season, it's a losing argument they're making. School closures undoubtedly hurt academics, but that's fine, because
many schools have replaced traditional learning with heavy doses of white privilege and white supremacy sessions
anyways. Where school closures make a lasting impact, though, is on the emotional well-being of our young people, who
rely on social interactions to meet emotional and psychological needs.
Are a Sick Joke. Whole Word (one of almost a dozen aliases) was first introduced into public schools circa
1931. The official goal required that students memorize at least 500 sight-words each year. Two insurmountable
problems showed up immediately. For nearly all children, this goal is impossible to reach. Even if someone did
reach 500, that's not nearly enough. [...] So that's 12 years of hard work and struggle. But you still can't be called
literate because you can't read the typical book or newspaper except in a slow, unpleasant way. Another huge defect is
that sight-word lists for grades 1 to 6 usually include only lowercase words, mostly short. How were children supposed
to learn Benjamin Franklin, Pennsylvania, and Independence Day? Sight-words seem designed to undercut not just reading,
but also the study of geography, history, and science. So it's easy to see that sight-words, from the start, were
hostile to traditional education.
University mulling plan to implement 'black only' housing in response to student petition. Marquette University
is currently exploring ways to implement "black only housing" on its campus following student demands. "Marquette will
work toward creating a Black Living Learning Community in a residence hall," campus administrators said to the student body
in a statement last month, adding that learning communities "bring together students with common majors or common interests."
The school's black student council started a petition, signed by over 1,500 people on Change.org in July, outlining a
list of demands, including asking the university to "publicly recognize and apologize for the traumatic events that Black
students experience on campus and the part Marquette has played in contributing to the experiences."
The Racist Left
Resurrects Jim Crow. Unfortunately, the "woke" directing the University of Michigan-Dearborn (UM-D) Center for
Social Justice and Inclusion must have slept through segregation's wake. Exposing stories one would be tempted to think
were satire, the site Not the Bee revealed the racist Left's new efforts to impose segregation, albeit in this
instance "voluntary." According to Harris Rigby, UM-D issued the following separate invitations (and non-invitations) for
"twice monthly virtual gatherings called 'cafes'" to students. One group's invitation read: "The Non-POC (People
of Color) Café is a space for students that do not identify as persons of color to gather and to discuss their
experiences as students on campus and as non-POC in the world."
district suspends student for attempting to come to school. Officials at William Floyd High School in New
York recently hit Maverick Stow, a 17-year-old student, with a five-day suspension for coming to school on a Tuesday in early
September, a "designated remote learning day" for Stow. The school district said Stow believed he should attend school
in person five days a week, not four. That's right, Stow was suspended for not skipping school. To make
matters worse, the student-criminal returned to school on the Wednesday [9/9/2020] and Thursday following his suspension and was
promptly arrested by the Suffolk County Police Department for unlawfully entering school grounds. Though the
district said it agrees with Stow's view that in-person instruction should take place five days a week, it also said it
was required to follow state social distancing regulations and labeled his actions as "irresponsible and selfish behavior."
And a "publicity stunt." Huh? State social distancing regulations allow students to attend school "in person" four
days a week but not five? Do the powers that be think trimming the number of students allowed on campus by 20% makes
all the difference?
University Chicago explores blacks-only freshman housing plan. Loyola University Chicago recently said it
continues to contemplate a proposal for a residential community for black students only. The Catholic university on the
north side of Chicago released an update on August 28 on a series of initiatives meant to address racial issues on
campus. The initiatives stem from 15 demands lodged in June by several student groups, led by the Black Cultural
Center, and called "In Support of Black Students."
Universities Underreport Donations from Hostile Regimes by Over $1.5 Billion. [Scroll down] Cornell
initially reported taking $340 million in foreign funding, but the real number is closer to $1.3 billion — over
$800 million of which came from Qatar. The University of Colorado Boulder initially reported $55 million in foreign
funding, but the real number is closer to $345 million — 61 percent of which came from the United Arab
Emirates. Yale initially reported $128 million, but the real number is $496 million — almost
$42 million of which came from China, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Russia. Foreign influence is growing on college
campuses, and universities seldom disclose their fiscal relationships with foreign actors.
tracing app at Michigan college is a surveillance-state nightmare. Make way for the U.S.S.A. — the
United Surveillance States of America. And it's all due to COVID-19. A contact tracing app that administrators at a
college in Michigan forced on all students as a condition of their presence on campus not only identifies the app user by
name — not only pinpoints the app user by geographic location — not only generates a specific code that
labels the app user as either "certified" or "denied," based on required coronavirus test results — but also sends
an alert to school bureaucrats about "denied" students behaving against COVID-19 protocols. Administrators then, in
turn, can lock these students' identification cards remotely and prevent them from accessing certain buildings and campus
facilities. Think about that for a moment. An app that tattles; hmm, what could go wrong?
mandates flu vaccination for most students. Most students in Massachusetts will now be required to receive flu
vaccinations, state health officials announced Wednesday [8/19/2020]. According to a Department of Health press release,
the "influenza immunization will be required for all children 6 months of age or older who are attending Massachusetts child
care, pre-school, kindergarten, K-12, and colleges and universities." College students who are fully remote are exempt
from the mandate, as are homeschooled students.
students balk at demand to wear 'BioButton' health-monitoring device, university backs down. Oakland University
in Michigan is encouraging its students to wear BioButtons in order to keep track of potential symptoms of COVID-19. At
first, the request was framed in some written material from the university as a requirement, but the university clarified the
policy after students objected and a petition titled "Make the BioButton Optional for Staff and Students at Oakland
University" drew nearly 2,500 signatures. The coin-sized BioButton is worn to monitor temperature, respiratory rate and
resting heart rate through a smartphone app, according to the company. The button will notify the user, through the use
of an algorithm, whether or not he or she is well enough to attend classes in-person.
high school threatens to punish students who portray it negatively. A public high school in Georgia that found
itself under fire for its crowded hallways has now come under further criticism for threatening punishment of students who
paint the school in a negative light. Its threat of punishment led to a rebuke from the Student Press Law Center and a
coalition of 28 other free-speech and freedom of the press supporters, which sent a letter to the school on August 7. Signers
include the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education and the Society of Professional
Journalists. North Paulding High School suspended two students earlier this month after they tweeted pictures showing
students back at school — packed into hallways — after they returned to campus. The high school
had originally been shut down in March as part of Governor Brian Kemp's coronavirus guidelines.
University asks students & staff to sign a BLM pledge, signers to be named. Southern Maine University is asking
students to sign a Black Lives Matter statement pledging to practice 'anti-racism' behaviors. The University President
asked the faculty and students to sign a statement pledging to PARTICIPATE in "anti-racism behaviors." It's not enough
that universities deny your free speech rights, now they plan to control your physical actions.
County, Virginia public schools tell parents not to hire tutors because it is unfair to kids whose parents can't afford
them. If you had any doubt that hard-left ideologues run government school systems in many (most?) places, take
a look at Fairfax County, Virginia's most populous county, with over a million residents, one of the richest counties in the
United States with an average household income well over one hundred thousand dollars. The educrats who run the Fairfax
public schools have advised parents there not to hire tutors or organize informal homeschool "pods" to replace the shuttered
schools because some parents cannot afford to do so, and that would be "unfair."
Not Science, Keeping Schools Closed. One of the most important functions of a civil society is to protect and
educate its children, and the cancellation of in-person education stands to become one of the most detrimental acts of
collateral damage during this pandemic. California currently expects its 5-year-olds to complete kindergarten
exclusively through online distance learning. For this dubious undertaking, the politicians are given passionate
political cover. The Los Angeles Teachers Union maintains that "the only people guaranteed to benefit from the
premature reopening of schools amidst a rapidly accelerating pandemic are billionaires and the politicians they've
purchased" — as if billionaires typically send their kids to L.A. public schools. The wealthy will send
their children to in-person private schools or hire additional tutors, while most American families will suffer from a
widening education gap that could set their kids back years. Worst of all, none of this is medically substantiated.
on-campus residents: must get flu vaccine, participate in COVID testings. Harvard has released its Residential
Community Compact for students planning to reside on campus in the fall. This is because, as noted by The
Crimson, students who do come back to campus will "enter a residential situation bearing little resemblance to the one
the College normally offers." The compact, which is chock full of student "I will" statements, says "Because COVID-19
infects individuals by spreading across and within close community networks, it is essential that every one of us in the
residential community enters into a shared obligation and commitment to act prudently, safely, and in accordance with public
health directives." That shared obligation involves getting a "seasonal flu vaccine" and "participat[ing] in routine
COVID-19 testing."
Radical Ideas in the Biden-Sanders 'Unity' Platform. Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie
Sanders (I-VT) released the policy recommendations of their "unity task force" on Wednesday [7/8/2020]. [...] Here are nine
of the most radical proposals in the "unity" document: [...] [#2] Shift the entire "fleet of 500,000 school buses to
American-made, zero-emission alternatives" in five years. This is among the more wild-eyed proposals in the platform's
climate change section. It is not clear who will produce these buses (presumably to run on battery power), or what is
to be done with half a million currently functional buses that run on ordinary fuel, and how local school districts are meant
to afford the cost. The platform provides no further details.
State suggests schools give priority to nonwhite students during reopening. Washington state is considering a
plan that would give priority to minority and disadvantaged students when schools reopen in the fall following months of
closure during the coronavirus pandemic. Like most state chief executives across the country, Washington Gov. Jay
Inslee shuttered his state's public schools earlier in the year as part of a coronavirus mitigation plan. States have
lately begun considering how they will re-open their schools in the fall, if at all.
Professor Under Police Protection Following Threats. A college professor is living under police protection
after rebuffing a request to exempt minority students from taking final exams in the wake of George Floyd's death.
University of California Los Angeles accounting professor Gordon Klein faced threats of violence after he declined a
student's request that he delay a final exam in light of national unrest. The university suspended the professor for
three weeks beginning on June 25 and launched a discrimination investigation into the incident. Klein declined a
request for comment, but a Malibu Police Department spokesman said the department increased police presence near the
educator's home after Klein received multiple threats.
Why Did they Close the Schools?
On March 12, 2020, a banshee-like cry went out to an email list of public health professionals and government officials who
were then in a state of mental meltdown. Pull the trigger now, screamed the memo. Close the schools. As
with any email chain, there were a few dominant voices who post more than others and with more passion, while others shrink
back in fear of being shamed. Such was the case here: one disciple of computer modeling, Dr. Carter Mecher of the
Veterans Administration, was convinced that the coronavirus was another Spanish Flu. Why he didn't explain.
Mostly he wanted to try out his closure/lockdown/social-distance model on which he had been working for 14 years since he
first became a convert to agent-based modeling techniques. Coronavirus of 2020 was as good an excuse as any.
Mecher emerged as the leader of the list, sending hundreds of messages of increasing alarm.
'Police Do Not Belong in Our Schools.'
Students Are Demanding an End to Campus Cops After the Death of George Floyd. Student activists across the
country are calling for their schools to cut ties with police departments and remove officers from campuses in response to a
national uprising against police brutality. And school leaders in Minneapolis and Portland, Ore., have already taken
that step. While debates over the role of police officers in schools have raged for years, activists say the latest
high-profile examples of police violence against black people — the deaths of George Floyd in Minneapolis and
Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Ky., — have fueled the argument that police officers don't belong in schools.
The Editor says...
The schools have cops on campus for a very good reason: That's where the criminals are. If this were
not the case, there wouldn't be cops all over the schools.
Musk Says Take the Red Pill. [Scroll down] What's all this got to do with public schools?
Everything. They are the perfect embodiment of a tyrannical P.C. culture, which populism and conservatism should
oppose. Go ahead: take the red pill, and grapple with the shocking truths of K-12 malfeasance. The professors and
bureaucrats who mismanage our public schools claim they care about education, your kids, and our country. A steady diet
of blue pills makes that sound reasonable. It took years for me to be red-pilled. Finally, I couldn't escape the
conviction that deep down in their Progressive hearts, our professors of education are actively hostile to kids, this
country, and education as traditionally defined. When you take the red pill, you see with clarity that millions of
American children don't learn to read for a horrifyingly specific reason. No, it's not bad eyesight or a genuine
disability. It's because American public schools insist on using a method known not to work. Whole Word (AKA
sight-words) devastates genuine literacy and thus educational progress. Math is more of the same perverse intent.
Your kids may struggle with basic arithmetic and become calculator-dependent at an early age. Why? Because Reform
Math and Common Core Math befuddle children and deflate whatever native abilities they have.
Colleges Have Accepted $6 Billion in Undisclosed Donations from Foreign Governments, DOE Probe Finds. The
Department of Education has discovered at least $6 billion in unreported donations to American universities from adversarial
foreign nations, Townhall reported on Friday [5/22/2020]. The DoE revealed its updates in a May 19 letter to Congress
and a subsequent briefing to several ranking House Republicans who are conducting an investigation into the foreign funding
of U.S. educational institutions. The investigation was spurred by increasing reports of Chinese funding at U.S.
educational institutions, including the prevalence of Confucius institutes on U.S. campuses. Confucius institutes are
Chinese-government funded centers which ostensibly promote Chinese language and culture, but which U.S. agencies have warned
spread propaganda for China's government.
University tells illegal immigrants to fill out
census forms. The University of California-Berkeley Undocumented Students Program held an online presentation
on the U.S. Census, during which illegal immigrant students were encouraged to participate in the 2020 U.S. Census.
According to a report by the Daily Californian, the presentation was led by Griselda Martinez, a sophomore at UC-Berkeley and
a census community organizer. It was held for University of California-Berkeley students and specifically focused on
illegal immigrant students.
to get free meals from 400 NYC schools; several locations turning into childcare centers. Beginning Monday
[3/23/2020], free meal services for students will be distributed at certain schools while other locations will turn into
childcare centers for essential workers' children. Students can get three free meals a day at 400 sites across the
city, according to the Department of Education. No ID is necessary.
The Editor says...
The school can't be used as a school, but it can be used as a day care center. Same kids, same food, same building.
The All-Time Dirty Deal.
The state of Illinois' education commissars have a group called the "Affirming and Inclusive Schools Task Force," which is
one task force too many. It has issued a report: "Strengthening Inclusiveness in Illinois Schools". Its
recommendations are meant to apply to all schools, all the time, from preschool through Grade 12. To list just a
few of these asinine proposals: no more prom queens or kings; no more "gender language," like "boys and girls" —
absolutely forbidden; all school activities to be gender-neutral (can they still play football? Or only if the girls
play, too?); gender-neutral dress code, whatever that might be; all bathrooms and locker rooms open to anyone who wants to
stroll in; and — this is the kicker — Only involve parents "as appropriate." Translation: "Never."
Teachers Union Wants Kids to Pursue Gender Transition Without Parental Consent. Even in California, you have to
be 18 to get a tattoo, 16 to drive a car, 21 to buy a gun, alcohol, or pot. But if you want to change your gender?
Well, then, you just have to be 12. And your public school will be more than happy to help. Need an abortion?
Tell your teacher. Want to refill your birth control? Go to the school clinic. Thinking about starting hormone
treatments? Your parents will never find out. At least, not under the policy the California Teachers Association is
pushing. That's the amazing revelation from last month's union meeting.
launches secret program to turn kids 'trans' without telling parents. A Wisconsin school district's policy of
allowing students of any age to transition to a different gender and use a different name while at school without parental
notice or consent has drawn a lawsuit from angry parents. The Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty and the Alliance
Defending Freedom are representing 14 individual parents from eight families who contend the policy violates constitutionally
protected parental rights. "This is a life-altering decision that educators have no business making," said ADF Senior
Counsel Roger Brooks.
parents suing school district for letting students switch genders without notice. Parents are suing a Wisconsin
school district for adopting a policy that allows students of any age to transition to a different gender and use a different
name while at school without parental notice or consent. The policy, according to the religious-liberty law firm
Alliance Defending Freedom, prevents school officials from communicating about the child's choice to transition with parents
if the student does not consent. The parents charge that the school's policy violates their parental rights, usurping
the upbringing of their children under Wisconsin law.
May Get Sex Changes Without Parental Consent, if California's Teachers Union Has Its Way. The California
Teachers Association's recent position statements suggest that students should be able to receive hormone therapy to change
their sex without parental consent. Although this CTA belief does not directly change regulations on the matter, it
indicates the kind of legislation the powerful union will support. On Jan. 26, CTA changed an existing policy to
explicitly include transgender and non-binary youth among the students who can leave class without parental permission to
receive birthcontrol, abortions, and other such services.
Schools Prohibit Unvaccinated Students From Returning to School. Thousands of school students in Seattle have
been warned by the city's public schools that they will not be allowed to attend school after Christmas break unless they get
in compliance with Washington's new vaccine laws. Seattle Public Schools posted a notice on Dec. 20 telling parents
that their children must meet a Jan. 8 deadline to ensure student records reflect "updated immunization status," otherwise
students "cannot attend school."
School Children Won't Be Suspended for Disobeying Teachers. A new California law that takes effect in 2020 will
make it illegal to suspend a student in grades 1-5 for disobeying teachers or administrators. Starting next year, the
rule will be applied to students in grades 6-8 and will include charter schools. There's a very good reason for this
change, according to supporters. It's because of racism, you see. More little black kids are punished for
disobeying teachers than little white kids. Naturally, there's only one possible explanation, to the exclusion of all
others. Whitey has it in for black children. [...] So we should be telling a 9-year-old kid (going on 21) to take a
minute and think about what he's doing. This will give the teacher an opportunity to "calm the classroom," which you
can't do because no one will get suspended for giving the teacher the finger. Presumably, after thinking about it, a
light bulb will go off over the kid's head and he will immediately become docile and apologize for his "willful defiance."
of the nation's biggest school districts is letting pupils take a day off every year to protest. Students in a
Virginia school district will soon be allowed to take a day off in order to participate in protests in a novel new
policy. The school board of Fairfax County has confirmed it will formerly allow the children to skip a day of class in
order to exercise their civil rights. It comes amid a wave of student activism across the country which has seen
thousands of young people take to the streets to call for change, from stricter gun laws to action on climate change.
Public-school Teachers Under Siege. [Scroll down] One of the children prefers the plural pronoun "they,"
while the other, who claims not to be a boy or a girl, prefers "zee." Seriously. After that, the two children discuss
the alleged need to "educate" their own teachers, especially substitutes, on the supposed importance of using the newly
invented pronouns that students choose for themselves. If that all sounds crazy, that's because it is. Teachers
are already finding themselves in hot water for refusing to play along with the madness. Indeed, teachers such as Peter
Vlaming at West Point High School in Virginia have already been fired from their jobs for refusing to refer to girls using
male pronouns, and vice-versa. In California, teachers say they are required to submit to the gender madness or be
fired, too.
Low Test Scores a Problem? [Scroll down] Our Education Establishment has a well known knack for picking
bad instructional methods. We can forgive a few mistakes. But if all they ever pick is bad methods, maybe that's
what they prefer. Charlotte Iserbyt summed up her conclusions in the famous title: "The Deliberate Dumbing Down
of America." The key word is deliberate. The technique was simple. Get rid of all the traditional
stuff that works; replace it with dysfunctional concoctions that do not work. Flatlining is guaranteed.
Fades to Zero. About 20 years ago, a great number of videos sprouted on YouTube, all preaching the glories of
21st-Century Learning. The recipe was emphatic: everything has changed, so get rid of old-fashioned categories such as
information and knowledge. Instead, let's emphasize Critical Thinking, Cooperation, Creativity, Global Literacy, Health
Literacy, Financial Literacy, Communication, Civic Literacy, Global Awareness, Digital Literacy, Collaboration, et al.
These novelties are often capitalized, as if to suggest the utmost solidity. In the last several years, another alibi
opened up as social justice warriors found more reasons for anger and resentment. Once students are made to open their
eyes, history is nothing but a parade of politically incorrect affronts that need to be erased. History was dominated
by men, therefore it can be ignored. Most science was invented by males; no good. Battles and other military
events often illustrate aggression and competition.
tracking, secret scores: How college admissions offices rank prospects before they apply. To learn more
about prospective students, admissions officers at the University of Wisconsin-Stout turned to a little-known but
increasingly common practice: They installed tracking software on their school website. When one student visited
the site last year, the software automatically recognized who she was based on a piece of code, called a cookie, which it had
placed on her computer during a prior visit. The software sent an alert to the school's assistant director of
admissions containing the student's name, contact information and details about her life and activities on the site,
according to internal university records reviewed by The Washington Post.
School Districts
Push A Return To Busing, Despite Their Own Data Suggesting It Won't Reduce The 'Achievement Gap'. Multiple
school districts across the country are considering busing-style programs to distribute impoverished students equally, but
data suggest that such proposals would not reduce an achievement gap between poor students and their wealthier schoolmates,
analyses by the Daily Caller News Foundation and others found. Demographic-based redistricting seeks to spread poverty
equally among all schools. In Fairfax County, Virginia, that would mean every middle school would have 35% of students
in poverty. But a DCNF analysis found that the Fairfax school that currently most closely mirrors that rate has the
worst test scores in the entire county for non-impoverished students, and nearly the worst scores for impoverished students.
Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs Bill Forcing Public Universities to Dispense Abortion Drugs. California
Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) signed a bill into law that requires public colleges and universities in the state to distribute
abortion drugs, effectively turning the schools into first-trimester abortion clinics. On Friday [10/11/2019], Newsom
signed SB 24, which was championed in the State Senate by Sen. Connie Leyva (D) as a reproductive rights issue.
News, Fake Education. Sight-Words are said to be a legitimate way to teach reading. We know that this is
not true because the U.S. has 50 million functional illiterates. We are told endlessly that Reform Math and Common Core
Math will improve math scores, but math skills continue to drop. The Education Establishment has embraced Constructivism
as an all-purpose elixir suitable for every class, but its only real effect is to prevent teachers from teaching. They must
accept the reduced role of passive facilitator, with the demonstrable result that children learn less. We are assured that
these empty suits and numerous others represent sincere efforts to improve the skills of students. Arguably, those
assurances are straight-up lies. In any case, you won't believe the claims if you look closely at these pedagogical
impostors. Once a school system shifts toward social engineering and ideological manipulation, truth is no longer
deemed essential. Whatever will move the most people in the direction you want, that becomes truth.
More evidence that "diversity" means "eliminating whites." Public
Schools Revive Racial Segregation In The Name Of 'Diversity'. Public school districts across the nation, from
Washington to Virginia, are assigning children to schools based on race and family income. They claim to oppose segregation,
a practice that was outlawed in the 1950s. Perversely, however, these districts are reviving it. For example, in Howard
County, Maryland—the third-highest-income county in the United States—the government pushes integration efforts while using a
backward definition of "segregation" that would perpetuate racial segregation instead of ending it.
is allowing students to skip class to attend a "global climate strike". Climate change is one of the major
altars that the Left likes to worship at and they want to get children involved in that worship as well. [...] Would the Bill
de Blasio and NYC school districts agree to let their students strike in support of gun rights? I have a very strong
reason to believe that they probably wouldn't. But this allowable strike most likely won't be limited to school
districts in New York. Districts in Los Angeles and Massachusetts are working similar plans. If I had a child in
any school district that willing allows students to skip out of class to attend a climate strike, I would be absolutely
livid. The education has been infected with socialist ideas for a long time but there is still some value in getting an
education. Kids should be in school and not advocating for leftist talking points.
Ban on School Suspensions Invites Another Parkland. The Parkland shooter was a known-wolf. Before the
massacre was over, students knew who did it. He was considered so dangerous when he attended Marjory Stoneman Douglas
High School that school administrators banned him from bringing a backpack and frisked him every day for fear that he'd bring
a deadly weapon. Even though security staff brought him to the principal's office all the time, his disciplinary record
looked pretty clean on paper. If he had been arrested at school for his crimes, maybe the FBI could have followed
through on tips that he would shoot up the school. And if he'd been disciplined for his sub-criminal misbehavior, maybe
school administrators could have made a strong case for sending him back to a specialized school for disturbed students,
where he so badly needed to be. But the Broward County school district had embarked on a quest to fight the
"school-to-prison pipeline" by lowering suspensions, expulsions, and arrests.
to School Day in Arlington, VA Includes Gender-Neutral Sports Uniforms, Preferred Pronouns. Children heading
back to school in grades K through 12 in northern Virginia on Tuesday will now fall under sweeping transgender and
"gender-nonconforming" policies pushed and put in place by groups such as the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and the Arlington
Gender Identity Allies (AGIA). The University of Michigan reported on Arlington Public Schools' new policy
implementation procedure (PIP), which includes using "preferred pronouns" and gender-neutral sports uniforms.
to School: The Rush to Create 'Trauma-Sensitive' Classrooms. Some parents hope their children will
experience a challenging math and reading curriculum during the new academic year, but many school staff and administrators
are focused on social and emotional learning, and how to create "trauma-sensitive" classrooms. "We're in an all-fired
hurry because there's this 'trauma' thing and we have to help our kids," said Melissa Sadin, according to Education Week.
Wants To End Gifted Programs to Desegregate Public Schools. A panel of "experts" assembled by New York Mayor
Bill De Blasio has suggested to the city that the best possible way to desegregate its school system is simply to do away
with the gifted programs for some the Big Apple's best and brightest students. The reasoning? These programs are
mostly full of white and Asian students, and not many black or Hispanic kids. So, if they get rid of these classes,
then the city naturally becomes desegrated. A panel of "experts" assembled by New York Mayor Bill De Blasio has
suggested to the city that the best possible way to desegregate its school system is simply to do away with the gifted
programs for some the Big Apple's best and brightest students. The reasoning? These programs are mostly full of
white and Asian students, and not many black or Hispanic kids. So, if they get rid of these classes, then the city
naturally becomes desegrated.
science teacher booted from his own classroom after chastising students who didn't stand for Pledge of Allegiance. A
Florida science teacher was told to leave his own classroom by school officials after he called out students who refused to stand
for the Pledge of Allegiance. The Florida Times-Union reported that Daniel Goodman, the teacher, wrote a lengthy diatribe
on the classroom whiteboard in which he chastised students who didn't stand for the pledge or the playing of the National Anthem.
A student's parent, angry over Goodman's actions, posted her complaint to Facebook.
Teaching of Remedial English Skills Just Doesn't Work. College administrators and pedagogues, confronted with
the incontrovertible signs of intellectual miasma among their students and perhaps unconsciously aware that they have raised
a generation of toffee-nosed misfits and incompetents, have responded by installing a plethora of writing and language
courses, mainly of the digital variety. They believe that computer instruction in grammar and syntax will redress the
balance by teaching students how to write and think. The evidence shows otherwise.
Multiculturalism Is a Nation
Killer. In the name of multiculturalism, schools have segregated dormitories, student unions, and even
graduations. But imagine if whites wanted to segregate the student union, to have white-only dormitories and
graduations? The virtue signalers would descend on the campus in outrage.
Humanitarian Hoax of Black-Only College Graduation Ceremonies. The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and
deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a
compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy. The humanitarian hoax of black-only college graduation
ceremonies is a classic example of destruction disguised as altruism.
Teacher Fired for Asking Trump on Twitter to Remove Illegal-Immigrant Students. A high-school teacher in Texas
was fired this week after asking President Trump for his assistance in removing illegal-immigrant students from her school,
in what she thought were private tweets. Georgia Clark, who taught English at the Carter-Riverside High School for
20 years, was fired on Tuesday [6/4/2019] after eight members of the school board voted unanimously in favor of her
termination. The vote came three weeks after Clark asked the president to deport students she believed to be in the
country illegally.
school officials ask voters to consider tearing down, rebuilding Columbine High School. It was the place that
spawned a new breed of attacks on innocent people. Now, 20 years later, Columbine High School faces scrutiny of another
kind: Whether it should be torn down and replaced. Calling the infamous Colorado shooting "a macabre source of
inspiration" for troubled people around the globe, the superintendent of the school system overseeing the high school said in
a letter posted Thursday [6/6/2019] that it might be time to consider a change. Jefferson Public Schools Superintendent
Jason E. Glass said in the letter, sent to the Columbine community, that the idea is in the very early stages and may not
happen. It would entail asking voters to approve $70 million "at some point" to construct a new school.
The Editor says...
Education bureaucrats love to brag about new school buildings. They constantly campaign to get new buildings built.
If schools have to be torn down and replaced every time there is a shooting, there will be no end to the construction.
Incidentally, when I was a kid, the schools that I attended were all about 40 years old at the time, and they are all still standing.
Faces in
the crowd. The Lockport (N.Y.) City School District was poised to test a facial recognition security system for
students and staff this week until a late-breaking memo from the New York Department of Education temporarily halted the
program. The district told parents the goal was to enhance student safety, but the proposal drew criticism from
concerned local residents and the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU). The system would have provided surveillance
at schools and issued an alert when the cameras detected someone whose face appeared in a database of flagged individuals.
The NYCLU asked the New York Department of Education to intervene, stating that schools should be "safe spaces" where students
are not "constantly surveilled."
teacher allegedly writes [an offensive comment] on student's homework. Melinda Smith, the student's mother,
told Panama City's WJHG on Tuesday [5/28/2019] she was shocked when her son showed her his science homework with [an
offensive comment] written on top. "[I]t wasn't anything about not getting the credit, it was more so the language about
the writing to students, that was very inappropriate and not acceptable for a teacher whatsoever," Smith said. Her son,
whose identity was not released, is a student at Rutherford High School in Panama City. Smith told WJHG that the
teacher should be "reprimanded."
score' for college admissions plagued with problems. The goal of the scores is to increase socioeconomic
diversity in colleges by giving students credit for overcoming great obstacles they face in their lives. It does not
raise SAT scores, but rather supplements them. The measurement of overcoming adversity has been tested by 50 colleges
since last year and the test group will expand to 150 schools in the fall, before being used for all SAT test-takers starting
in 2020. Many parents and students are rightfully worried after hearing about this new tool that colleges and
universities will use to determine who gets admitted. Does this "score" that a student has no control over somehow
negate his or her hard work? Does it lend false confidence to a modest scorer from a lower income background?
knew of a cash-for-admissions deal, years before the scandal. Families involved in the current college
admissions scandal in most cases sent money to a purported charity through which the scam's mastermind allegedly funneled
bribes to university coaches and administrators. What happened at UCLA in 2014, according to the report, is different
in that the money was donated to UCLA's athletic program and did not break any laws.
Public Schools To Become Psychiatric Centers. Via federal funding, public schools have become mental health
clinics. SB10 opens the door for school districts to operate as mental health providers with psychiatry colleges
located on school campuses. Medical solutions offered by these colleges include drugs. [...] Records of assessments,
whether real or just imagined by a mental health provider, will follow children the rest of their lives. Many will
become dependent on the highly addictive psychotropic drugs.
Classrooms Expose Young Children to Harm With Addictive Digital Screens. The TEA is pushing addictive video
programs into grades pre-K through 8. Classroom technology not only leads to worse academic performance for kids, it can
also clinically hurt them. Two hundred peer-reviewed studies have connected screen time to increased ADHD, increased
aggression, anxiety, screen addiction, depression, and even psychosis. Children under 10 are especially susceptible to
screen addiction. A two-year study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed students who used
several types of digital media several times daily were twice as likely to have ADHD as classmates who were less frequent users.
dental utensils may have exposed Seattle schoolkids to risk of HIV, hepatitis B, C: reports. More than 1,000 students
could be at risk for HIV and hepatitis B and C after getting dental care at 12 schools in and around Seattle, local reports
said Tuesday [4/2/2019]. The utensils, which were used to treat 1,250 kids at the schools' dental clinics, weren't properly
sterilized, KING-TV reported.
The Editor says...
Why do those twelve schools have dental clinics? Does every school in Seattle have a dental clinic?
district that forced girls to shower with boys can't get out of Title IX lawsuit. A federal court permitted a
lawsuit to proceed against an Illinois school district that allows high school boys to use girls' locker rooms, restrooms and
showers in order to accommodate transgender students. But girls who don't want to be seen naked by boys got bad
news: The judge ruled that they have no right to "visual bodily privacy" if the government says so.
Lets Transgender Advocate Address Kindergartners, Says It Informed Parents They Could Opt Out. This Report Says the
District Lied. At the very end of February, an elementary school in Arlington, Virginia had kindergartners sit
on the floor to hear a transgender spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) read them a book in which the claim is
made that a boy can have a "girl brain but a boy body" or a boy brain and a girl body. The school district later
claimed "parents were notified by a letter ahead of time and were allowed to opt out of they chose." But that claim was
reportedly false.
bigger scandal in college admissions is what is legal. Alleged fraud marks the explosive indictments relating
to college admissions practices revealed yesterday, but a much bigger scandal consists of all the legal ways ruling class
privilege replicates itself through the vehicle of higher education. I am grateful to the U.S. attorneys who pressed
ahead with their investigation of the alleged criminal acts underlying the college admissions scandal rocking higher
education today. And I await further indictments that apparently will be forthcoming. But I know that the people
who got caught, including those whose indictments may come later, are the tip of the iceberg (in Alan Dershowitz's phrase)
and were foolish in committing actual crimes, when completely legal ways of accomplishing the same ends are so widely available.
Across US Now Majoring In Marijuana At Colleges. Colleges are now adding cannabis to their curriculum.
Grace DeNoya is used to getting snickers when people learn she's majoring in marijuana. "My friends make good-natured
jokes about getting a degree in weed," said DeNoya, one of the first students in a new four-year degree program in medicinal
plant chemistry at Northern Michigan University. "I say, 'No, it's a serious degree, a chemistry degree first and
foremost. It's hard work. Organic chemistry is a bear.'"
School issues apology
after gym class plays runaway slave game during Black History Month. A Virginia elementary school is under fire
for a Black History Month gym activity involving student portrayals of slaves. Madison's Trust Elementary School in
Brambleton, Virginia, has issued an apology after a gym class featured a game that encouraged students to pretend they were
slaves moving through the Underground Railroad. The activity was planned for February's Black History Month and
reportedly took place earlier this month.
justice has become a new excuse for prejudice. Racial segregation in American schools and universities is
making a comeback. Faculty and administrators defend the concept of demographically distinct "safe spaces" and racially
segregated cafeteria tables in the effort to prevent "uncomfortable learning."
Purdue segregates blacks from whites at 'Racial
Literacy' event. Indiana University- Purdue University in Indianapolis is hosting a "White Racial Literacy
Project" in order to address racial inequalities, including whiteness, on the campus. Speakers for the spring semester
project will discuss subjects ranging from white privilege to "negotiating whiteness." "The purpose of this project," the
official project's site says, "is to undertake an innovative approach to racial equity on campus by facilitating concrete
efforts to address whiteness and racial inequities in institutional decision-making, the academic curriculum, and the campus."
What Does Diversity
Have to Do with Science? Do you care about the race of your doctor, or the gender of the person who built the
bridge you drive across? The latest trend across STEM fields claims you should.
The Editor says...
STEM is now being supplanted by STEAM, which means science, technology, engineering, arts and math. In other words,
at a STEAM school, the kids are taught everything in the world except spelling, grammar, history, geography, civics, and English.
And every science, math and engineering class has socialism baked into it, as an un-advertised bonus.
Most of the math classes are really just Common Core arithmetic, or instructions on how to use a calculator.
Kids these days don't memorize multiplication tables, and when they get a high school diploma, almost all of them are
unable to make change for a $20 bill. There's no point in claiming that second-grade kids are learning
engineering, when all they're doing is stacking cups or assembling Lego pieces — in teams, of course.
Engineering is a college-level subject, and engineering students must understand math and applied physics before moving on
to the college level. Similarly, there's no point in claiming that elementary school kids are learning technology
when all they're doing is learning how to use the internet — which they probably learned at home already. And what are
they learning in science classes, other than evolution, endangered species propaganda, and global warming hysteria?
Take a look at this 4th grade report card from the early 1960's. (Click to enlarge, of course.) You can tell from the grades that
it's not my report card. (It actually belongs to Mrs. Editor.) Back then, reading, spelling, handwriting and English were four
separate subjects. Health studies and physical education were separate also. (As you can see, Mrs. Editor made a B in math once,
but she later went on to get a math degree.) The 4th grade kids learned about social studies, geography, history and elementary
science. All together, it was a solid foundation for any future career.
And there's more! The 4th grade kids were also expected to behave and act like good citizens. That is a
concept that would be foreign to today's day care kids. These days, if you told kids to exercise courtesy, self-control
and good posture, they would probably ignore you, look it up on their cell phones, or file a lawsuit.
schools, public and private: A step back into segregation? All across the country, taxpayer dollars are
being used to promote so-called Afro-centric schools. But these Afro-centric schools, public and private critics argue,
simply promote a new form of racial segregation. [...] Using public funds to segregate students by race and teach them a
curriculum radically different from what other students are receiving may be a formula for the Balkanization of American
society. The advocates of Afro-centric education are clear in their goals. Molefi Asante, chair of the Temple
University African-American Studies Department, says African-American educators launched these schools to challenge the
"Eurocentric" nature of American public schools.
Beware Silicon
Valley Santas in the schools. In 2016, Apple CEO Tim Cook showered a rural Idaho school district with 500 iPads
and Apple TVs for every classroom, along with free training as part of a 29-state $100 million personalized digital
technology program. He visited the Idaho schools recently with Ivanka Trump, where she praised the "laboratories of
innovation" for using Apple products "to transform the learning environment and personalize students' educational experiences
based on their unique needs and strengths!" With all due respect, this is what I call Edutech Shiny Toy Syndrome.
And it's out of control. Kids don't need screens for individualized educational experiences. They are already on
those stultifying, addictive, isolating screens far too much.
Administration Revokes Obama-Era School Leniency Policy for Minorities. The Trump administration has revoked an
Obama-era policy that urged public schools to employ more lenient forms of discipline for students of color and of other
minority groups. On Friday [12/21/2018], the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice rescinded the Obama
administration's 2014 "Dear Colleague Letter" that a federal school safety commission said "may have paradoxically
contributed to making schools less safe."
Sanity on Discipline. President
Trump, following the recommendation of a national commission on school safety chaired by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos,
will repeal the Obama administration's "Dear Colleague Letter" on school discipline. The DCL, issued in 2014, advised
school superintendents nationwide that racial disparities in suspension rates would be grounds for finding school districts
in violation of federal anti-discrimination law, and therefore at risk of losing federal funding. The directive, cast
as a "guidance," in fact formalized a fundamental shift in the Department of Education's approach to civil-rights
enforcement. Prior to the DCL, the standard held that civil rights are violated if students are treated
differently because of race; for instance, if a black student and a white student both curse at a teacher, it's wrong to
suspend the black student and give the white student a warning. The DCL expanded the standard from disparate treatment
to disparate impact; now, if two black students and one white student curse at a teacher, it could be a civil-rights
violation to punish them all equally.
Sanity on Discipline. President
Trump, following the recommendation of a national commission on school safety chaired by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos,
will repeal the Obama administration's "Dear Colleague Letter" on school discipline. The DCL, issued in 2014, advised
school superintendents nationwide that racial disparities in suspension rates would be grounds for finding school districts
in violation of federal anti-discrimination law, and therefore at risk of losing federal funding. The directive, cast
as a "guidance," in fact formalized a fundamental shift in the Department of Education's approach to civil-rights
enforcement. Prior to the DCL, the standard held that civil rights are violated if students are treated differently
because of race; for instance, if a black student and a white student both curse at a teacher, it's wrong to suspend the
black student and give the white student a warning. The DCL expanded the standard from disparate treatment to disparate
impact; now, if two black students and one white student curse at a teacher, it could be a civil-rights violation to
punish them all equally.
to arm more adults in schools, end Obama's light discipline of troubled students. The Trump administration
issued proposals Tuesday to prevent school shootings, a plan that includes arming more school personnel, taking guns away
from highly dangerous people and revoking Obama-administration rules that were criticized for easing discipline of minority
students. The president's commission on school safety, which was formed after the mass shooting Feb. 14 at Marjory
Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, that killed 17 people, also calls on the media to stop publicizing
the names and photographs of shooters to discourage other potential killers from seeking notoriety.
Police Are Circling The Sound of Music. A politically correct Principal has created a furor over The Sound of
Music, a musical about a real-life Austrian family of singers who escape the Nazis. It is the beloved tale of the Von
Trapp family. The Principal banned the Nazi props and demanded they be removed from the LaGuardia High School's
production. The principal at the elite "Fame" school, Lisa Mars, ordered Nazi flags and symbols removed from the stage
set, students told the Daily News. "This is a very liberal school, we're all against Nazis," one sophomore performer
told The News about the fuhrer furor. "But to take out the symbol is to try to erase history. "Obviously the
symbols are offensive," he added. "But in context, they are supposed to be."
Word 'Mean' is Leftists' Lethal Weapon. Can you believe illegal students in our schools are allowed to demand
that U.S. students not wear clothing to school that features the U.S. Flag on Mexican holidays? Illegals claim wearing
U.S. gear on a Mexican holiday is racist, insensitive, and mean. Incredibly, leftist school administrators agree and
send U.S. students home for wearing t-shirts which feature our flag.
Brilliant idea! University
distributes hockey pucks to protect against active shooters. How do you stop a bad guy with a gun when there's
no good guy with a gun around? Maybe throw a hockey puck at him. A university in suburban Detroit is distributing
hockey pucks as a form of self-defense against potential active shooters, according to reports. Because Oakland University
has a no-weapons policy, university Police Chief Mark Gordon suggested using a hockey puck to distract a shooter.
The Editor says...
The school has a no weapons policy. But here they are distributing weapons (of the school's choice) for use against potential
shooters. Is it wise to bring a hockey puck to a gunfight? Is it impossible to imagine an unpopular professor being pelted with
hockey pucks on the last day of the semester?
apologizes after students recite Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish. Two days before Thanksgiving, the principal
at Fairfax, Virginia's Westfield High School introduced a new program to encourage students to learn the Pledge of Allegiance
in different languages. A week later, the principal reportedly canceled the program and apologized to students for the
"offensive" idea, according to Stephanie Somers, mother of a senior at the school. Somers said her son was excited when
asked to recite the pledge in Spanish on Monday, but by Tuesday afternoon the program was scrapped over complaints from the
Steps to Reform Education Right Now. Public schools are full from basement to roof with dysfunctional gimmicks
that never worked. To improve the public schools, the path to success is simple. Get rid of the counterproductive
ideas, i.e., the methods that seem to be designed, from conception to implementation, to subvert education.
School Bans Expensive Coats To 'Poverty-Proof' The School. Students are allowed to bundle up during the winter,
but only if they do so cheaply, says a high school in northwestern England. The school sent a letter to parents in
early November warning them that expensive coats would no longer be allowed. The headteacher of Woodchurch High School
in Birkenhead said the ban would take effect after Christmas and the school was "mindful that some young people put pressure
on their parents to purchase expensive items of clothing," according to CNN. The coats being banned are from Canada
Goose and Moncler, brands that sell jackets that can cost well over $1,000.
The Editor says...
Banning expensive clothes for the sake of the poor kids' feelings is a little extreme; however, if you can afford to buy a
thousand-dollar coat, you can afford to send your kid to a private school.
School Bans Expensive Winter Coats Because They Make Poor Kids Feel Bad. A high school in the U.K. has banned
expensive, designer winter coats because they might make poorer kids feel bad, a report says. Woodchurch High School in
northwestern England's Birkenhead has put the kibosh on expensive coats from companies such as Canada Goose and Moncler
because they "stigmatize" poor kids.
bans 'expensive' jackets due to 'poverty shaming' of students. A school in the United Kingdom has forbade
students from wearing "expensive" jackets because doing so may "poverty shame" other students. A letter sent by officials
from Woodchurch High School in Merseyside informed parents that "pupils will not be permitted to bring in Canadian [sic] Goose
and Monclair [sic] coats after the Christmas break." Such garb can cost up to $900, according to Reason.
Michigan's Radioactive Boy Scout Tells Us about American Education. Public schools and factories were developed at about
the same time. The pattern adopted was that of an assembly line with parts — or, in the case of schools, subjects, being
bolted on as the child moves on an assembly line, stations one, two, grades three, four. There is no recognition of
differences of personalities or of the individual needs of the students. The lack of respect for privacy, the kids'
expectations of being told what to do, the regimenting and promotions based on politics rather than merit, destroys whatever
joy children gain from learning and self-improvement. Coursework is unrelated to adult needs or to lifetime work.
The public schools don't work very well, are expensive, and can do profound damage.
show Harvard favored applicants with ties to big donors. Harvard University "rolled out the red carpet" for
applicants with ties to influential donors, according to stunning emails revealed as part of a lawsuit that claims the
school's admissions process is discriminatory. The correspondences revealed Wednesday show that officials catered to
certain recruits with upstanding pedigrees over others, including the student who received the royal treatment after his
family gave $1.1 million over the course of four years. The men's tennis coach fired off a thank-you email in 2014
to longtime admissions dean William Fitzsimmons, saying "it would mean a great deal" to see that student at Harvard.
Social Experiments Are Wreaking Havoc on America Today. [Example #1] The sexual assault maelstrom: It all
started in 2011, when the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) under Obama's Department of Education (DOE) issued a "Dear Colleague"
letter reinterpreting Title IX of the 1972 Higher Education Act. The OCR letter encouraged colleges and universities
to set up what Harvard Law professors Jacob Gerson and Jeannie Suk called a "sex bureaucracy." Separate Title IX
offices at colleges across the country heard sexual assault cases, doling out punishments on their own. These mini
bureaucracies operated off of the false assumptions that police are biased against sexual assault victims, that 1 in 4
women on college campuses are raped, and that basic due process protections for the accused would violate the rights of the
"victims." Men who have been falsely accused — and even acquitted by real police investigations — have
seen their lives and reputations destroyed.
student union swaps clapping with more inclusive 'jazz hands'. The student union at Manchester University in
England voted last week to ban clapping and whooping in favor of more inclusive "jazz hands" to pacify anxiety-prone
students. The University of Manchester Students' Union voted Thursday to use jazz hands, or the BSL (British Sign
Language) sign for clapping, instead of traditional clapping and cheering at its sponsored events, the union's newspaper, The
Mancunion, reported. "This union notes that since 2015, the National Union of Students (NUS) has been using British
sign language (BSL) clapping (or 'jazz hands'), as loud noises, including whooping and traditional applause, can pose an
issue for students with disabilities such as anxiety or sensory issues," the motion read, The Guardian reported.
accused of pimping out students got nearly $500K to study prostitution. In a shocking irony, the John Jay
College professors accused of pimping out their students raked in more than half a million dollars in government money to
study prostitution. Thousands more in taxpayer and non-profit cash poured in for the academics to study
addiction — at the same time the profs were allegedly running their own on-campus snakepit called "the swamp"
where drugs were sold and used. Four professors at the publicly funded criminal justice college are on paid leave while
the Manhattan District Attorney's Office and State Inspector General probe allegations they brought the underworld they
studied into the hallways of John Jay.
claims due process hurts poor students. The public and the media are captivated by grand, sweeping, all-or-nothing legal
arguments that crusade for justice. Judges often prefer boring, technical, context-specific arguments. It's hard to see how
the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will be swayed by one of the dumbest arguments I've ever seen a university make in court.
at its finest: Most NY kids can't get any of that 'free' education. Back in the Occupy days, "free education for
all" was the daily socialist battle cry. And sure enough, New York's Gov. Andrew Cuomo eventually handed it to them in a
much ballyhooed rollout, of free scholarships to all New York residents, to any state school, in 2017. Free stuff! The
protesters won! [...] Turns out the free rides weren't so free, actually. Seventy percent of New York's students got rejected
for them, and not because they couldn't read or something.
test,' on topics like incest and puppy-killing, judged 'not OK' by students' parents. A "morality test" distributed
to students at an Ohio high school — featuring questions on topics like incest and puppy-killing — has
outraged parents and resulted in the teacher's suspension. Sarah Gillam, a 35-year-old Language Arts instructor at Hilliard
Bradley High School, was placed on paid administrative leave pending the results of an internal investigation, the Columbus
Dispatch reported.
Founders Were Not Education Centralizers. If the Founders wanted a secular, centralized, government-controlled
education system, why did they fail to provide for it in the Constitution? Education and schools are not mentioned in
the Constitution. The Framers did not designate education as one of the enumerated powers under the purview of the
federal government. On the other hand, they believed education (and many other powers) should reside exclusively in
"the states or [with] the people." Although some of the Founders wanted local lawmakers to enact systems of universal
public education and compulsory attendance laws, that does not mean they advocated state or federal control of education.
In fact, decades after the colonies declared independence, most American children were taught in small private academies
or at home.
Your Library Inviting Drag Queens to Talk to Children? Texas Values has been tracking a disturbing trend across
the country which recently occurred in Houston as well. Known as "Drag Queen Story Hour," public libraries are allowing
men dressed as women, or drag queens, to read stories to young children.
Cop? Anti-Gay Preacher? Kids Told to Pick Who Lives, Who Dies. The Earth is about to blow up and
there's only room on the spaceship for eight passengers. So who gets left behind? Seventh graders at Roberts Middle
School in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio were assigned the task last week of deciding who got to live and who was doomed to be blown to
smithereens. The "Whom To Leave Behind" lesson has caused quite a lot of outrage among moms and dads who believe the
assignment sends the wrong message to their children. For the assignment students were asked to choose between a list
of 12 hypothetical people.
has kids choose who they would save if world was ending; choices provided enraged parents. An Ohio middle
school is under fire after an assignment asked students to decide based on gender, sex and other factors who to save if the
world was ending. Students at Roberts Middle School in Cuyahoga Falls were asked to make the decision in the "Whom to
Leave Behind" assignment, according to the Cleveland Plain-Dealer. The not-yet identified teacher asked students to
choose eight of 12 people to put on a space ship to take to a different planet if the Earth was about to be destroyed.
Some of the choices included in the controversial assignment, which parents slammed as "insensitive," included a "militant
African-American medical student," a "homosexual, male professional athlete" and a "female movie star who was recently the
victim of sexual assault."
boy is punished for calling his teacher 'ma'am.' Parents take it to the press. Once upon a time teachers used
to complain about students who behaved like rotten little monsters. These days some teachers instead have taken to
kvetching about students who behave like gentlemen. Take students like Tamarion, a 10-year-old North Carolina boy who
got in trouble at his Tarboro preparatory school after he had the audacity to refer to his teacher as "ma'am."
Carolina mom in 'disbelief' after son, 10, punished for calling teacher 'ma'am'. The mother of a 10-year-old
boy in North Carolina is outraged that her son was recently punished for calling his fifth grade teacher "ma'am." "I
was in disbelief," Teretha Wilson, the boy's mother, told Fox News on Saturday [8/25/2018]. [...] Wilson claims Tamarion's
teacher told her that her son "was getting on her nerve when he called her ma'am" but "couldn't give me a reason of why that
was bad." The teacher also claimed Tamarion knew that she wasn't serious when she allegedly threatened to throw
something at him, Wilson said.
Parallels with Venezuela. In 1931, the American Education Establishment proclaimed the salvation of
reading. We would bury phonics, which never worked, and we would instead make children memorize every English word by
sight. This was a disastrous boondoggle that we are still living with. We have 50 million functional
illiterates. As a result, the country is groggy on its feet. This seems to be the goal of our Progressive
educrats. In 1962, the same arrogant, self-congratulatory pattern continued. Finally, at last, our professors had
figured out how mathematics should be taught. This breakthrough was called New Math. There was a year-long
buildup for this weirdly inane failure. Few schools stuck with it for even two years. New Math the Sequel, circa
1985, was called Reform Math. New Math 3 is called Common Core Math. These things were not designed by
mathematicians. They were all designed by far-left professors in the Education Establishment.
case for abolishing public schools. Here are the reasons why a public school system should be abandoned.
[#1] Safety. Placing kids together in large numbers in one place is a safety and security nightmare. Schools become
attractive targets for psychos, terrorists, pedophiles, and undesirables, many of whom seek jobs in the public school system just
to be around kids to exploit them for various agenda-driven reasons. Transporting kids by the millions twice every day via
buses and cars exposes them to danger. When one considers that many of these needless travel miles are forced on students
to achieve "diversity" goals, the idiocy of it all boggles the mind.
War on Academic Excellence. While student "Dreamers" here illegally from south of the border garner
bleeding-heart front-page stories and nightly news dispatches, the high-achieving sons and daughters of legal immigrants from
Asia are getting shafted by far-left Democrats. And it's all in the perverted name of "diversity."
Hard Truths
About School Shootings and Gun Violence. In response to the tragic shooting at a Santa Fe, Texas high school
earlier in May, former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan tweeted, "What if no children went to school until gun laws changed
to keep them safe? My family is all in if we can do this at scale. Parents, will you please join us?"
Duncan's shoot-from-the-hip reaction embodies the "action for the sake of action" mentality that so often follows in the wake
of heartbreaking school violence. Duncan, the former CEO of Chicago Public Schools, served as secretary of education
under President Barack Obama. Apparently, Duncan is taking advice from Chicago's mayor and former Obama chief-of-staff,
Rahm Emanuel, who infamously quipped, "Never let a good crisis go to waste."
of the Conspiracy against Reading. The power of our Education Establishment to maintain its destructive
nonsense is frightening. These shifty people have put the leaders of the country in straitjackets, apparently.
Even President Trump and Betsy DeVos cannot speak the obvious: children should learn to read in the first grade.
Anything else is unacceptable. If you hear about children bringing home lists of sight-words to memorize, start
screaming. That's where illiteracy begins: sight-words. If literacy is the goal, children should memorize
the letters of the alphabet and the sounds they represent. To save the country, we first have to save the public
schools. To do that, we have to save reading.
Plague of 'Theory' in Educational Discourse. What we may pejoratively call "theory" in today's educational discourse bills
itself as a critical resistance movement serving the presumably dispossessed and the marginalized. Particularly in the humanities,
the social sciences, and the post-colonial disciplines, the arena is now monopolized by the paladins of resentment in pursuit of an
ideological revolution — that is, the subversion of established power fields and the destabilizing of traditional values.
Departments of education are at the forefront of the cultural subversion movement, focusing their efforts on preparing a cohort of teachers
to carry out the mandate of social reconstruction.
lawmakers vote to let kids take medical marijuana in school. The Illinois Senate's overwhelming vote to allow
sick students to take medical marijuana in school sends the proposal to Gov. Bruce Rauner for a decision on its fate.
The state Senate voted 50-2 last week to allow students who qualify for medical marijuana to consume it on school premises, as
long as they don't smoke it and school officials agree that it won't disrupt other students. The measure is named Ashley's
Law, for 12-year-old Ashley Surin of Schaumburg, who takes medical marijuana to treat the epilepsy she developed during
chemotherapy treatments for leukemia.
The Editor says...
Medical marijuana sob stories in the newspapers are designed to exert political pressure in the states that don't already permit
marijuana use for medicinal purposes. That's because medical marijuana use is the incremental wedge needed to open the door (a few
years later) to recreational marijuana, followed (a few years later) by full legalization of marijuana, at which time the whole country
will see the effects already experienced in Colorado, e.g., marijuana-intoxicated hippies causing wrecks on the freeways. At that
point, some news organization will find a cute little 5-year-old whose seizures can only be remedied with heroin (or hashish or cocaine
or LSD or assisted suicide), and the cycle will repeat.
Illinois Senate considering
bill to give kids access to medical pot at schools. The Illinois State Senate is now considering a bill the House
overwhelmingly approved Wednesday [4/18/2018] that would allow parents or guardians to medicate their children with cannabis while
they're at school. State Rep. Lou Lang, D-Skokie, sponsored the measure, which sailed through the House with a 99-1 vote.
elementary school students cut wrists with blades; parents notified weeks later. Seven students at a Maryland
elementary school cut their wrists using blades in pencil sharpeners a day after a parent said their daughter attempted
suicide in the same building — but parents were only notified nearly three weeks later. Prince George's
County Public Schools officials said Tuesday [4/17/2018] the seven students at William Paca Elementary School in Hyattsville
had cut their wrists on March 29, FOX5DC reported. A concerned parent came forward about the incident and officials
launched an investigation. Just before spring break, parents at the school received a notice that handheld pencil
sharpeners, with the detachable blades, were banned. On Tuesday, parents found out about the cutting incident in a
letter after officials completed their investigation.
Doesn't School Arm Teachers with Nerf Guns? A school district near Erie, Pennsylvania has decided to arm school
teachers — not with guns — but with baseball bats. And by "baseball bats" — I don't
mean Louisville Sluggers. The Millcreek School District is equipping teachers with 16-inch, miniature baseball
bats. William Hall, the superintendent of Millcreek Schools, said every classroom in the district will have a
mini-bat — locked away for safe keeping.
crime by juveniles up sharply since Broward County adopted PROMISE program. Broward County's PROMISE program
(which stands for Preventing Recidivism through Opportunities, Mentoring, Interventions, Supports & Education) coincides with
higher levels of violent crime among juveniles, even as levels of such crime have been falling statewide. Broward
County adopted the PROMISE program in 2013 at the urging of the Obama Education Department. As Ed pointed out last
month, based on a story by Paul Sperry of RealClearInvestigations, the move away from arrests even for repeat offenders
appears to help explain why school shooter Nikolas Cruz was able to engage in violence and even bring bullets to school
without any arrests or legal consequences. Sunday, Sperry published a follow up looking more broadly at the results
of the PROMISE program. He found those results don't match up with the claims of its supporters.
Jersey looks to extend college financial aid to undocumented students. Immigrant students stood up when the
vote came down — New Jersey's assembly gave the final approval needed to send a bill (A-3467) to the governor's
desk that would extend state financial aid for college to undocumented students.
school district arms teachers with baseball bats: report. A Pennsylvania school district said it will arm 500
school teachers with baseball bats in response to the Parkland, Fla., school shooting, Erie News Now reported. The
Millcreek School district organized a training day on how to respond to a potential shooting and the 16-inch bats were handed
out to each teacher, the report said. The district paid $1,800 for the bats. William Hall, the district's
superintendent, told the paper that the bats were primarily symbolic, but a "last resort," and "an option and something we
want people to be aware of."
The Editor says...
One of the arguments that teachers (or anyone else) should not carry a gun because the weapon can be taken away
and used by an attacker. That's much more likely to be true of a baseball bat.
Surreal World of Teaching. [D]id you know that in the inverted world of education today, if a student has a
baby, then more financial aid is available? Indeed! Consequently, students are being told by their college
advisers that they should get pregnant. Even some of the students are appalled at this suggestion. But then there
are those who proclaim that "the money comes from the government," implying that it is not really problematic.
Deliberately unschooled in how things actually work, and already the recipients of financial assistance, these students see
government as the ultimate security blanket. There is no connection to the idea that government comprises taxpayers.
What a wonderful idea — to have a money tree somewhere pumping out financial aid ad infinitum!
Supporters Rush to Save His 'Dangerous' School Leniency Policy for Minority Students. As U.S. Education
Secretary Betsy DeVos was meeting behind closed doors with educators and parents to re-evaluate the Obama-era school leniency
policy of reducing reports of violent behavior committed by minority students, left-wing media and politicians were touting a
new report that noted black students, boys, and students identified as "disabled" are disciplined at higher rates.
According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) report — requested by Democrats Rep. Bobby Scott (VA)
and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (NY) — national civil rights data for academic year 2013-2014 show "black students, boys,
and students with disabilities were disproportionately disciplined (e.g., suspensions and expulsions) in K-12 public schools."
Illiterate New World. [Scroll down] Hardly 20 years after the introduction of this brave new
illiteracy, the situation was already so bad that Rudolf Flesch felt compelled to write a book explaining what had happened
to the country (Why Johnny Can't Read, 1955). Many millions of Americans felt compelled to read the book.
Almost everyone knew that something had gone horribly wrong. It continues to go wrong today.
Stone Age Thinking.
What are America's students to do while awaiting Hogg's era of no gun violence? Many educators, or at least education
administrators and teachers' union leaders, don't want to allow protectors armed with guns in schools. Dr. David
Helsel, the superintendent of the Blue Mountain School District, in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, has the answer:
"Every classroom has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone. If an armed intruder attempts to gain
entrance into any of our classrooms, they will face a classroom full students armed with rocks and they will be stoned."
Superintendent Helsel's district does have an armed protector, a single maintenance employee, who will no doubt drop his mop
or hammer and rush to the defense of students, but Helsel says the district won't arm teachers. Instead, the students
have been trained to barricade themselves in their classrooms then use that bucket of rocks if the classroom's door and that
lone maintenance guy fail to protect them.
Prof wants colleges to pay women extra for 'emotional
labor'. A communications studies professor wants colleges to compensate female faculty members for their
"emotional labor," such as "supportive communication" and generally "making a person 'feel good.'" Brandi Lawless argues
that emotional labor is equivalent to other academic work, such as teaching classes and grading assignments, blaming the
"neoliberal agenda" for making emotional labor an expectation.
County's Reverse Jail-to-School Pipeline. At the same time the Broward County school system was dismantling the
"school-to-prison pipeline" under policies that failed to stop accused shooter Nikolas Cruz, it was building another
pipeline, funneling back into regular classrooms thousands of other potentially dangerous students released from local jails,
county and school district records reveal. Through a little-known "re-engagement" program for serious juvenile
offenders, the Florida district has "transitioned" back to school almost 2,000 incarcerated students, a number comparable to
student bodies at many high schools, according to district data obtained by RealClearInvestigations. Local probation
officers warn that these offenders have a high risk of reoffending. Another initiative, the Behavior Intervention
Program, attempts to mainstream a smaller number of "students who exhibit severe, unmanageable behavior," according to a
2017-2018 program handbook, including those who are "convicted of a serious crime such as rape, murder, attempted murder,
sexual battery or firearm related [offense]."
The Editor says...
The same people who constantly want more money to assure "safe schools" are the ones who are importing known criminals from the county jail back
into the school system. I suspect this is done because the schools get paid in proportion to the number of warm bodies in attendance each day.
Obama Administration's Evil Lives On. In 2014, the Obama administration promulgated a "guidance" to America's
public schools that threatened federal investigations and litigation against schools where black students are disciplined
(e.g., by suspension) more often, on a pro rata basis, than white students, on the ground that such
numerical discrepancy is evidence of discrimination. Many schools responded by adopting discipline quotas, which meant
in practice that after a certain number of students of a particular race had been suspended, teachers and administrators were
helpless to enforce any kind of discipline in classrooms. The Obama administration is gone, thankfully, but its
"guidance" has not been revoked. Meanwhile, state governments and federal courts that are in liberal hands have taken
up the claim that disparate incidence of discipline must be discriminatory, a theory that flies in the face of common
observation that misbehavior in school is not randomly distributed in the student population.
K-12: The War on
Boys and Men. [Scroll down] But the paradigm of stupid instruction remains Whole Word. That's where the student has to
memorize the English language one word at a time. The famous Dr. Samuel Orton, a neurologist, did a study in 1926-28 and
declared that this method doesn't work... and, in addition, it will damage every child it touches. He was exactly correct, and
the Education Establishment knows it. What do we see in the schools of America? Millions of semi-literate children with
messed up minds. StatisticBrain claims that 32 million Americans "can't read." Tens of millions more read
marginally. This is a vast national tragedy. Ask yourself, why is this tolerated? Perhaps because it makes the
population easier to control.
Argue School District's Decision to Allow Student Walkout Breaks Law. A group of parents from New Milford,
Connecticut has hired an attorney to articulate their concerns about the decision by their school district to allow students
to participate in the national student walkout held Wednesday to advocate for gun control. In an email sent to
Breitbart News, the parents — who wish to remain anonymous — argue the student walkout might appear to
be a fairly innocuous First Amendment event to honor the students killed in the Parkland, Florida, shooting and to advocate
for gun control. However, the parents add, the decision involves issues concerning "adherence to law and policy, the
manipulation of minors, the misuse of tax dollars, and indoctrination and political activism during school hours."
up in arms after NYPD removes cops from schools. The last NYPD cops assigned full-time to New York City public
schools are being moved out — despite nationwide calls for heightened security in the wake of last month's Florida
shootings. As the nation mourned the 17 victims of the school massacre at Parkland, Fla., the NYPD was removing
Sgt. Raul Espinet from his post at Francis Lewis HS in Fresh Meadows, Queens — where he had worked for more
than a dozen years. Parents, teachers and students are livid over the beloved cop's departure.
Staff Meetings at a Public Middle School. For the second time in recent months, principal Adrian Harries of
Nichols Middle School in Evanston, Ill., instructed his staff to segregate themselves by race. His emails directed the
"white" staff to room 126 and the "staff of color" to room 226. The basis for these segregated staff meetings
was a racial-equity agenda calling for "courageous conversations" in which staff members could discuss their "racial awakening[s]."
There was no mention of any educational innovations aimed at closing the profound achievement gap between white and black
students — the entrenched problem that had necessitated Nichols's equity agenda in the first place.
Elementary School Pilot
Program Replaces Detention With Yoga. A special grant from Denver Public Schools has allowed Doull Elementary
to pilot a program where they trade out detention for Yoga. "I teach children the practice of yoga and meditation,"
said Trinidad Heffron.
The Editor says...
Yoga is Buddhism. The Left constantly complains about "separation of church and state,"
yet they come up with ideas like this, to inject religion into the schools — as long as it's not Christianity.
In the good old days, such a person wouldn't have been
allowed within a mile of an elementary school. Elementary
Principal Announces He Is Transgender, Will Start Dressing as a Woman. A 52-year-old male elementary school
principal has announced he is now transgender and will begin dressing as a woman at school. Tom Daniels, principal of
Stanley School in Swampscott, Massachusetts, said in a letter to the school community that was forwarded to the Boston Globe,
"I am transgender. For me, that means I identify as both a male and female, and I plan to move toward presenting myself
and identifying as female."
Kent State SJP applauds eviction of Jews from
Pride Parade. A pro-Palestine student group at Kent State University applauded the eviction of Jews from a
recent Pride Parade because they were "associated with far right pro-Israel groups." The SJP group even acknowledged that
evicting the Jewish marchers would have been anti-Semitic if they had not been "associated with racist right wing groups."
Daughter school dance cancelled for not being gender neutral. I get that a public school is for all the kids
and I am ok with that. A daddy daughter dance or donuts for dads is a thing schools do intentionally. At least
they do in the Midwest. These events are put on by schools, the Kroc Center, the parks and rec and all sorts of
community and religious organizations so dad can have a special day with his daughter(s).
a father-daughter dance is an example of political correctness gone out of control. Breaking news:
Believe it or not, fathers and mothers are not identical. Neither are sons and daughters. And both research and
common sense support the notion that children benefit when they have good relationships with a loving mother and a loving
father. Unfortunately, the enlightened, oh-so politically correct and highly educated bureaucrats at the New York
Department of Education appear to be unaware of this startling revelation — even though it was common knowledge
going back to prehistoric times.
culture killed our school's father-daughter dance: parents. A Staten Island elementary school scrapped its
traditional father-daughter dance this coming Friday because of the Department of Education's new gender guidelines.
The DOE ordered schools to "eliminate" any "gender-based" practices like the dance in a March 2017 policy update unless they
serve a "clear" educational purpose. The PS 65 shindig, set for Feb. 9, was abruptly postponed until next
month after the school's PTA realized the dance would run afoul of the rules.
Set to Host 'Fat Positive Dinner' for 'Fat Identified' Students. Princeton University is set to host a "fat
positive dinner" in February for students who self-identify as "fat." According to a report from Campus Reform, Princeton
University is set to host a "fat positive dinner" for "fat identified" persons on February 8th at the campus's women's
center. "This space is intended for fat identified people to share their experiences as a fat person at Princeton in an
accepting and supportive environment," a Princeton newsletter reads. "We will discuss fat positive programming ideas
for the Spring semester as well." It is not yet known what will be on the menu for the fat positive dinner.
School Cancels Father-Daughter Dance to Comply With New Gender Guidelines. A Staten Island elementary school
cancelled its traditional father-daughter dance because of the Department of Education's (DOE) new gender guidelines.
PS 65 had the event scheduled for Friday, February 9, until the school's parent-teacher association realized it
would not comply with the Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Student Guidelines, which went into effect in March 2017.
Prof uses American flag as doormat in college
'art display'. A professor at Broward College in Florida cut an American flag in half, painted it white, and
laid it on the ground as a doormat for a school art display. A BC student who is also a Marine Corps veteran took issue
with the display, and wrote a letter notifying the school's president.
professor tricks students into walking on U.S. flag for art show. A Marine Corps veteran who attends Broward
College in Florida wants answers after attending a faculty art exhibit with a U.S. flag disguised as a doormat. Jess
Karcher says a "Full-time Faculty Exhibition" running Jan. 26 through Feb. 21 felt like a "kick in the gut" after
he witnessed peers inadvertently walking all over the American flag. The disabled veteran provided pictures of BC
Assistant Professor of Art Lisa Rockford's project to the educational watchdog Campus Reform on Monday [1/29/2018].
K-12: Killing
Democracy. The majority of children in the United States learn to read with sight-words. [...] As a practical
matter, the victims of sight-words are given a severely limited vocabulary. You might think of it as a worker's or
slave's vocabulary. Instead of the 100,000 or 200,000 words that most educated people speak and read without much effort,
you have people who are painfully confined to a reading vocabulary of only 500 or 1,000 sight-words. These people are called
functional illiterates, and they are not a tiny minority. This is 50 million people. Illiteracy and sight-words
go together like love and marriage.
Why I Quit
Teaching. Three reasons determined my course of action. For one thing, administration had come to deal
less with academic issues and more with rules of conduct and punitive codes of behavior, as if it were a policing body rather
than an arm of the teaching profession. Woe betide the (male) student accused of sexual assault or misconduct; the
administration will convene an extra-judicial tribunal to punish or expel the accused, often with a low burden of
proof. It will find ways to shut down conservative speakers. It will browbeat faculty and students to attend
sensitivity training sessions on matters of race and gender. It will strike task forces to deal with imaginary issues
like campus rape culture and propose draconian measures to contain a raging fantasy. The administration is now beset by
two basic compulsions: to expand its reach at the expense of the academic community and to ensure compliance with the puritanical
norms of the day. I thought it prudent to take early retirement rather than wait for the guillotine to descend.
America's Schools Be Saved? An Insider Weighs In. The American education system has long been in
crisis. It seems every administration seeks to reform the system, but it usually ends up making matters worse.
The book, Can America's Schools Be Saved? How the Ideology of American Education Is Destroying It helps explain
what has gone wrong. Author Edwin Benson is a teacher and shares the fate of his students by being a victim of
programs, testing standards, and newfangled crazy ideas. He vents his frustration at dealing with ivory tower
reformers and theorists who will not let students be students and teachers be teachers.
Ivy League College Just Took Self-Identification to a Whole New Level. Brown University decided to change its
graduate program's application process. The change would allow potential students to 'self-identify' as a person of
color, The College Fix reported. Apparently, the university decided to make the change after faculty complained that
international and Asian American students weren't being "treated as members of historically underrepresented groups." Because
of the lack of recognition, some students were missing out on invitations to multicultural events. This policy is said to
help the university reach its goal of doubling historically underrepresented groups by 2022, the Brown Daily Herald reported.
College doesn't want police using campus bathrooms. Brooklyn College is kowtowing to cop-hating students by
directing officers who need a bathroom break to the broken-down facilities in a building on the far edge of campus.
Amid a planned petition drive to ban cops from the taxpayer-funded campus, Donald Wenz, the school's director of public
safety, told the student newspaper The Excelsior that he's trying to keep New York's Finest out of sight.
The Math You Need Is Not the Math You Get. Common Core wants you to "to reason abstractly and quantitatively." What could
that mean? Public schools do not teach fundamental skills, so students, after years in the classroom, can't do life's simple problems.
Instead, they can "use appropriate tools strategically." Does anybody know what that would be? Oh, maybe they mean a calculator.
That's pretty much the way all the kids end up: calculator-dependent. [...] It's a total bait-and-switch, just like sight-word reading.
School officials promise to teach you superior methods that turn out to be vastly inferior. Then you realize you've wasted years; at the end
of it, you can't do simple arithmetic (just as you can't read). Focus on the tsunami of waste for a few minutes, and you'll start to scorn
our professors of education.
Core Rape-Themed Assignment for Biology Confuses Parents. A 9th-grade assignment at a Mississippi high school
is causing concern and disgust among parents. A mother recently posted her student's assignment to Facebook in a
special group that was created for the growing discontent parents feel toward public school education —
"Inappropriate Common Core Lessons." This particular assignment asked 14-year-old students to determine the identity
of a fictional rapist based on sperm DNA.
teacher allegedly assigns students task of creating Nazi mascot. A middle school teacher in Georgia is under
fire after she allegedly assigned students the task of creating a mascot for the Nazi party. The homework assignment
requested students in a social studies class at Shiloh Middle School, in Gwinnett County, to "think about all of the information
that you have learned about Hitler and the Nazi party" and to create a mascot for it, according to Fox 5 Atlanta.
Is Technology Really
Better for Education? Of the propaganda that generally swirls around public education, none is more prominent
than the claim that technological "personalized learning" can transform learning. Ed-tech companies trumpet how
"innovative" and "engaging" their products are, perfect for efficiently training the 21st-century drones needed by the global
economy. Buy our digital devices for your students, they urge, and we'll throw in the apps for free! Act
now! Don't be left behind! Not so fast. University of Colorado researchers recently released a report
analyzing the myriad problems with "personalized learning" schemes. Every legislator, education professional, and
parent should read this report and slam on the brakes.
Schoolhouse Commercialism,
Student Privacy, and the Failure of Policymaking. Digital technologies used in schools are increasingly being
harnessed to amplify corporate marketing and profit-making and extend the reach of commercializing activities into every
aspect of students' school lives. In addition to the long-standing goal of providing brand exposure, marketing through
education technology now routinely engages students in activities that facilitate the collection of valuable personal data
and that socialize students to accept relentless monitoring and surveillance as normal. This year's 19th annual report
on schoolhouse commercialism trends examines how technological advances, the lure of "personalization," and lax regulation
foster the collection of personal data and have overwhelmed efforts to protect children's privacy.
of Kansas opens women's only lunchroom as 'safe space' for Muslims. At the conclusion of the Student Senate
meeting on Jan. 27, Diversity and Inclusion Director Omar Rana announced the creation of a women's lunchroom in the Office of
Multicultural Affairs. Room 102 of the OMA is available from noon to 1 p.m. on weekdays, mainly for women on campus who
require a safe space to eat lunch due to religious attire that cannot be removed in public, Rana said. He said the process
to get the lunchroom approved was lengthy and required the exploration of many campus resources, including Student Senate.
Spend $138,000 Asking Four-Year-Olds About Their 'Internal Sense of Gender Identity'. The National Science
Foundation is spending over $130,000 on a study that asks four-year-olds about their "internal sense of gender identity."
A grant for a two-year study was awarded to the University of Washington this summer. The project will interview 250
children aged four to six, and their parents, asking a series of questions about "gendered behavior." "Prominent
theories of gender development have discussed the degree to which gender identity results from an internal sense of gender
and socialization processes," according to the grant.
The Dregs
of Higher Education Damage Our Immigration System. There is no agreed-upon list of institutions that may be
preying on the immigration system, just as there is no list of potential Nobel Prize winners or potential bank robbers.
But we can assemble a list of schools that have the characteristics that suggest some of them may engage in immigration abuse.
[are] finally discovering that tolerating progressive violence and intimidation will cost them dearly.
Progressives have already done significant damage to the values that once animated scholarship and higher education, putting
political goals above the disinterested search for the truth and open consideration of the facts. This damage is for
the most part welcomed by the left, as they see it paving the way for their political dominance. However, the reflexive
backing of (or failure to discipline) radical students who attack or intimidate conservatives is staring to hurt those
institutions whose surrender to the left becomes widely known.
Government-Run Schools Crush Innovation. The late Andrew Coulson, a leading advocate of free-market education
and a former senior fellow at the Cato Institute, partnered with the Free to Choose Network to create the recent PBS film
School, Inc., which examines the problems with America's government-run schools and how to fix them. But
School, Inc. is three hours! So John Stossel made a two-part short-attention-span version.
school accused of offering students 'front of lunch line pass' for $100; parents outraged. A Florida middle school has come under fire after
a fundraising form was sent out to parents stating that for a $100 donation a student would be granted a "front of the lunch line pass." A PTSA
sponsorship form for the Lawton Chiles Middle Academy in Lakeland, Fla. was sent out to the students' parents to raise money for the school but one offer
stuck out. The form stated that a $100 donation would grant the donor a "last name or company logo feature on the website, as well as PTSA events
AND front of the lunch line pass," according to ABC Action News.
Shocked by Adult Drag Queen Performance — at Grade School Talent Show. What in the name of Ru Paul
is wrong with the New York City Board of Education? Parents are furious after children as young as 5-years-old were
exposed to a man's erotic drag show performance at what was supposed to be a school district talent show.
The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged Edition, Page 1507.
American University blocks whites from cafe
designated as 'sanctuary' for nonwhites. After black student activists issued a demand list to American
University in response to the racist-banana incident two weeks ago, the administration agreed to three demands. One of
them is a ban on whites using a new "student lounge" for the rest of the spring semester. The Bridge Cafe only opened
six weeks ago, and it won't be serving coffee and food until the fall semester, The Eagle reported April 3.
Assemblyman Pushes Bill to Guarantee Teachers Cannot Shoot Back if Attackers Strike. California Assemblyman
Kevin McCarty (D-7) is pushing legislation to take away school administrators' power to allow teachers with a Carry Concealed
Weapon license to be armed in classrooms for self-defense. McCarty's bill — AB 424 — was
introduced months ago and is snaking its way through the legislative process.
Schools Approve New Policy For Students: 'It's Okay To Break The Law, Police Are Evil'. The Los Angeles School
Board is taking modern day liberalism to a whole new level. They have created a mantra to not only ignore Immigration
and Customs Enforcement agents also known as ICE, but to also ACTIVELY do their best to take illegal actions against them if
they were to see ICE ever to set foot on their school grounds. It was a unanimous approval for a set of policies that
the board members said would provide families with a much higher level of protection when it came to federal immigration
raids. Among this set of new policies it was also stated that no immigration officer will be given any permission to be
on campus without first getting clearance from the superintendent of schools. Until that happens they will be denied
access to school property EVEN if they arrive with a legally valid subpoena.
Manhattan school
trashes all its textbooks. In a scene out of "Fahrenheit 451," administrators at Life Sciences Secondary School
have ordered all textbooks rounded up and removed — calling them "antiquated," sources say. Principal Kim
Swanson and Assistant Principal Derek Premo, who launched the ban, "really frown upon the use of books," an insider told The
[New York] Post. "They just took books that teachers have been using and not replaced anything."
This The Most Racist High School Assignment Ever? A taxpayer-funded high school in North Carolina has come
under criticism from local parents because a history teacher gave students a blatantly racist assignment involving a bomb
shelter and an impending nuclear war. [...] The assignment — called "Bomb Shelter Activity" — forces
students to use skin color and ethnic background to choose four strangers who will be allowed enter a bomb shelter prior to a
nuclear attack.
transgender issues should be taught in nursery school, UK teachers' union says. A British teachers' union wants
to teach children as young as 2 years old about transgender and LGBTQ issues, but conservatives and faith-based organizations
see such a move as an infringement on parental rights. The National Union of Teachers (NUT) called on members this week
at their annual conference in Wales to promote LGBTQ issues to children — beginning in nursery school. NUT
also urged ministers to make proposed sex and relationship education "inclusive" of lesbian, gay, and bisexual issues.
the Obama Vision for Higher Education. In 2012, there was a White House forum to discuss the remaking of our
institutions of higher learning. The forum was based on a 136 page volume A Crucible Moment: College Learning
and Democracy's Future by The National Task Force on Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement. The National Task
Force was composed of 11 individuals. The writers or supervisors of the writing were these eleven individuals, so we
shall never know who is responsible for which section of the report. The writing of books by committee is another sign
to this writer of the dilution of individual responsibility as well as individual rights. It is a collective
manuscript. And if you ask teachers in our schools, they will tell you that increasingly textbooks are "written" by a
large committee of scholars. This report reflects this trend. However, chief spokesman for this report at the
2012 White House Forum was Carol G. Schneider, then President of the American Association of College and University
Professors. This report should send a chill up the spines of every citizen in the United States. Why? It
represented nothing less than an attempt to turn institutions of learning away from preparing students for careers and
professional employment and away from the unbiased search for truth, which presumably is a scientific and philosophical goal
in our colleges. According to the vision of this report, institutions of higher education should be engaged in
community development and promoting engagement. It is a "social justice" model, a progressive model. Universities
should fill in gaps where existing institutions have failed communities.
Teen Comes Home From School With Contraceptive Implant. In a shocking case coming out of Tulsa, Oklahoma, a
mother who consented to what she was told was a "field trip" discovered that her 16-year-old daughter had been
taken — by representatives of a local clinic and with the consent of school officials — to receive the
Norplant contraceptive implant. The girl — whose name is being withheld because she is a minor —
is a student at Langston Hughes Academy, an arts and technology charter school located in North Tulsa. Her mother,
Miracle Foster, told FOX23 that she was blindsided when her daughter came home with the implant. "Had I known that this
field trip was to get that done, I would not have allowed her to go," Foster said, adding, "I just feel like my rights as a
parent were violated."
Does It Take to Declare a School 'Unsafe'? [Montgomery County, Maryland] citizens have since learned that an illegal
immigrant can be 18 years old, enroll in the public schools, undergo no background check, and because they have no verifiable
high school credits, automatically be enrolled as a freshman, putting them in the same classes as 14 and 15-year-olds. Under
the law, the school cannot ask about the student's immigration status; the school system chooses to not perform background checks on
incoming students. In this light, the shock is not that this happened, the shock is that this hasn't happened until now.
Plan to Reform Our Failing Universities. To begin with, Title IX should be abolished a.s.a.p. Originally
intended to prevent sexual and racial discrimination — a well-intentioned but ill-conceived bipartisan measure
signed into law in 1972 — Title IX has been corrupted beyond recognition, trampling due process in sexual
harassment cases, feeding the campus rape panic, curtailing free speech rights in an effort to avoid "offense," diluting the
curriculum via "trigger warnings" and "microaggression" claims, establishing a culture of grievance, allowing talks and
lectures by conservative speakers to be cancelled or disrupted, gutting men's sports programs, and surrendering to the most
absurd and untenable student demands. This abomination was promoted under the rubric of "equality" in a world where
natural and imprescriptible inequalities abound in both the physical and intellectual domains. The casualties are merit
and individuality.
School Tries Shaming Boy, Demanding He 'Tolerate' Undressing with Girls to 'Make it Natural'. A teenage boy and
his parents have filed a lawsuit against a Pennsylvania high school saying that administrators tried to shame the boy for
being "intolerant" and demanded that he undress with girls in the school locker room to "make it seem natural." The
lawsuit, filed by Alliance Defending Freedom and Independence Law Center (ILC), is alleging that the Boyertown Area School
District in Boyertown, Pennsylvania, sexually harassed the plaintiff, CBS News reported. "No school should rob any
student of this legally protected personal privacy," said ILC attorney Randall Wenger. "We trust that our children
won't be forced into emotionally vulnerable situations like this when they are in the care of our schools because it's a
school's duty to protect and respect the bodily privacy and dignity of all students." "My client is standing up not only
for himself but for others who feel bullied," Wenger added.
How to Short-Circuit
a Child's Thinking: Radical education reformers have made a point of removing context from children's education, and to squash their natural
curiosity, undermining their capacity to think. They have done this in five ways: 1) by withholding the basic tools and codes of learning,
such as suppressing phonics for reading, as well as clarity in standard arithmetic; 2) by withholding the content knowledge necessary to connect dots
in understanding history and civics; 3) by withholding and demeaning literature that reveals universal human experiences and shared understanding, such
as the classics and Shakespeare; 4) by de-stabilizing a child's sense of self and identity. This is a natural byproduct of de-sexing every child,
which happens through mandates to teach kids about transgenderism; and 5) by promoting relational aggression against any child or parent who might resist
this totalitarian program. Radical education reform encourages schools and communities to single out those who disagree with this coercive program as
misfits, bigots, or religious nuts. All of the above would subvert anybody's ability to think clearly.
to Short-Circuit a Child's Thinking. Radical education reformers have made a point of removing context from
children's education, and to squash their natural curiosity, undermining their capacity to think. They have done this
in five ways: 1) by withholding the basic tools and codes of learning, such as suppressing phonics for reading, as well as
clarity in standard arithmetic; 2) by withholding the content knowledge necessary to connect dots in understanding history
and civics; 3) by withholding and demeaning literature that reveals universal human experiences and shared understanding,
such as the classics and Shakespeare; 4) by de-stabilizing a child's sense of self and identity. This is a natural
byproduct of de-sexing every child, which happens through mandates to teach kids about transgenderism; and 5) by promoting
relational aggression against any child or parent who might resist this totalitarian program. Radical education reform
encourages schools and communities to single out those who disagree with this coercive program as misfits, bigots, or religious
nuts. All of the above would subvert anybody's ability to think clearly. It leaves children unmoored from reality
and in a constant state of anxiety about being socially rejected by peers or teachers for thinking thoughts deemed wrong.
College Helps Parents 'Cure' Their Toddlers of Racism and Sexism. The workshop, for parents of children aged 3-6, includes a
presentation, handouts, group activities, and homework that will help you cure your young children of any attachment they have to rational
thought. That way, they don't have to wait until college to find out that their ideas about race and gender are outdated. The
class is taught by a grad student who, according to the event page, is "engaged in education initiatives focused on inclusion and equity."
Department no longer fighting injunction on transgender school guidance. The Justice Department on Friday [2/10/2017] signaled
it stopped fighting to overturn a national injunction blocking the federal government from giving guidance to schools and transgender
students, another sign President Donald Trump's administration is taking a different approach than former President Barack Obama's.
A hearing was set for next Tuesday in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in which the Justice Department was fighting Texas and 11 other
states, which had filed a lawsuit to prevent the Education Department from being able to give that guidance to transgender students that
they are allowed to use restrooms that match their gender identity.
mom outraged after third grader comes home missing 3 teeth. Shanda Flemming thought she was signing a
permission slip for her son to get a routine dental cleaning at school, but was shocked when he came home missing three
teeth. [...] Her 9-year-old son, Michael, is missing two teeth on one side and one on the bottom. Flemming claims she
was not notified by the elementary school about the procedures, which were done by a dental program visiting the school.
Violence in
the Halls, Disorder in the Malls. If Donald Trump wants to make schools safe again, he must rescind the Obama
administration's diktats regarding classroom discipline, which are based on a fantasy version of reality that is having
serious real-world consequences. The Obama Justice and Education Departments have strong-armed schools across the
country to all but eliminate the suspension and expulsion of insubordinate students. The reason? Because black
students are disciplined at higher rates than whites. According to Washington bureaucrats, such disproportionate
suspensions can mean only one thing: teachers and administrators are racist. The Obama administration rejects
the proposition that black students are more likely to assault teachers or fight with other students in class.
Federal Appeals
Court Nixes Blanket Drug Screening of State College Students. Last week a federal appeals court ruled that
requiring incoming students at a state college to surrender their urine for drug testing violates the Fourth Amendment's ban
on unreasonable searches. The decision is a welcome departure from a body of case law that usually defers to the
government's perception of "special needs" that supposedly justify analyzing people's bodily fluids without a warrant or any
evidence that they pose a threat to public safety. Linn State Technical College, now known as the State Technical
College of Missouri, started demanding incoming students' urine in 2011 because members of its advisory council thought it
was a good idea, not because there was any reason to believe the school had any special drug-related safety problems.
the Education Establishment Hates Cursive. You rarely see thoughtful praise of cursive. Even people who are sentimentally
inclined to support cursive can't think of many reasons to do so. I propose a higher truth: the Education Establishment is
always a reliable guide to what is good. If our socialist professors rail against X, you know that X is educational gold. Here
are eight reasons why cursive is valuable and we should fight to keep it in the classroom: [...]
Most Ridiculously PC Moments on College Campuses in 2016. [#10] A student was hit with a "safe space" complaint for raising her hand.
A student at Edinburgh University in Scotland said she was hit with a "safe space" complaint for raising her hand to disagree during a student-council meeting.
The school's "Safe Space Policy" strictly forbade "hand gestures which denote disagreement" because apparently they are just too scary for adult students to handle.
school BANS pupils from raising hands in class because it 'doesn't challenge and support the learning of all'.
A secondary school has today been accused of putting 'gimmicks' over education after banning pupils from raising their hands
to answer questions. The Samworth Church Academy in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, has written to parents to say it has
abolished the 'age old practice' because it doesn't 'challenge and support the learning of all'. But the move has been
criticised by some parents and the National Union of Teachers (NUT), who said it 'shows a lack of respect' to staff at the
school. Parents and other headteachers have called it 'bizarre' and a 'step backwards'.
Bans Students from Raising Their Hands to Answer Questions. Samworth Church Academy, a high school in Nottinghamshire in
the U.K., has banned its students from raising their hands to answer questions because it is unfair to students who do not raise their
hands. In a letter explaining the policy, Samworth principal Barry Found called hand-raising an "age-old practice." "We find
that the same hands are going up and as such the teaching does not challenge and support the learning of all," he said, according to an
article in the Daily Mail. Samworth teachers have been instructed to forbid hand-raising in their classrooms and instead
call on students at random to answer questions — which is completely and totally ridiculous.
The Editor says...
If nobody seems to know the answer to the teacher's latest question, and little Jimmy finally raises his hand to indicate otherwise, that is now
counted as a microaggression, due to the ban on "hand gestures which denote disagreement." But unfortunately the students will someday
encounter many such gestures, and it would be better to have the schools prepare them for a world of controversy.
it Time to Stop Running Our Schools Like Factories? Since the 19th century, the United States has adopted what
is known as the "Prussian model" of teaching (also known as the "factory model"). We would recognize the manifestation of
this model fairly easily: a teacher at the front of the room, and neat rows of desks with students sitting in front of
him/her. The purpose of this structure is fairly simple: the teacher is giving students information in "assembly-line
fashion," and the students — through memorization, repetition, and eventually testing — hopefully retain
it. The reason education was modeled this way so long ago was to prepare students for factory work. The Industrial
era needed a steady stream of bodies to ensure that production did not wane and the economy did not suffer. The problem
is that we no longer live in this era or learn in this way. Our civilization has changed drastically since the 19th
century. Our workplaces have changed, our social mores have changed, what we know about the mind has changed, our
cultural demographics have changed, and our technology has definitely changed. The only thing, it seems, that hasn't
changed is our way of educating.
Voters to Decide Whether Schools May Teach Students in Spanish. Voters in California will weigh in Tuesday on a
decades-old debate about bilingual education in the state's public school system. The outcome ultimately could
determine whether California schools will continue to be required to teach in English, or may use Spanish or another
language. Although largely overlooked in a crowded election season, the issue has split Californians into two camps,
those who believe the country benefits from a multilingual society and those who believe such policies hurt students and
serve only to further ethnic and racial divides.
UT prof claims 'inappropriate' name guess is sexual
harassment. A student at the University of Tennessee was accused of sexual harassment after incorrectly
identifying the name of his instructor on a geology quiz. Keaton Wahlbon guessed "Sarah Jackson," resulting in a grade
of "0" because the name is apparently shared by a nude model. When Wahlbon appealed the grade, professor Bill Deane
refused to reconsider, asserting that guessing that name "meets the Title IX definition of sexual harassment.
pride' shirts prompt Polson protest. Polson School District has condemned the actions of some high school
students who included racially charged messages on outfits worn as part of a school spirit day Thursday [9/29/2016]. Photos
of the outfits were widely shared on social media and have spurred a protest that was expected to take place at Polson High
School's football stadium Friday during homecoming festivities. According to a press release from the district, each
class was assigned a color for the day. The seniors were instructed to wear black, the juniors to wear white, the
sophomores to wear blue and the freshmen to wear green.
KU bars gorillas from jungle-theme decoration due
to 'masculine image'. An RA at the University of Kansas was advised against incorporating an image of a gorilla
into a jungle-themed floor decoration because the animal apparently represents "a very masculine image." Assistant
Complex Director Dale Morrow also noted that there are "stereotypes that surround this animal," and therefore its inclusion
in the display would not be "inclusive."
California University's Troubling Ties to Terrorism. San Francisco State University (SFSU), which has a
well-deserved reputation as a breeding ground for anti-Israel radicalism, became national news in April. That's when
campus police stood by as a hate-Israel group, the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS), shouted down and disrupted a
lecture by Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, prompting much criticism of SFSU's president, Leslie Wong. But there's
worse. As revealed by an investigation into SFSU by Campus Watch, a project of the Middle East Forum, SFSU has
partnered with a Palestinian university that's a hotbed of radicalization. What our investigation turned up: SFSU
signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with An-Najah University of Hebron in 2014 at the behest of Rabab Abdulhadi,
director of SFSU's Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Initiative (AMED) and founding member of the US Campaign for
the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.
Washington University hires former Al Qaeda terrorist as homeland security expert. Jesse Morton has been hired
as an Islamic terrorism expert to work in George Washington University's Program on Extremism. Mr. Morton used to
go by the name Younus Abdullah Muhammad when he served as a recruiter for the al-Qaeda terrorist network. That's right,
George Washington University has hired a "former" Islamic terrorist as an expert on homeland security.
A College
Strikes Back Against Safe Spaces. [Scroll down] Mind you, the extreme leftness of academia —
there are around five times as many liberal professors as conservative ones, according to a 2014 survey by the University of
California Los Angeles — means that even if this trend of ditching safe spaces continues, few liberal students
will be seriously affected by hearing challenging ideas, at least in the classroom.
baby dolls not effective birth control, study finds. A weekend spent mothering a robot baby to mirror the "real
experience" of parenting is meant to discourage teenage girls from getting pregnant. But so-called Baby Think it Over
dolls don't cut teen pregnancy rates and in fact increase the risk, Australian research has found. In a study published
in The Lancet medical journal Friday, researchers found teenage girls who used the lifelike computerized dolls as part of a
pregnancy-prevention program were more likely to become pregnant compared with girls receiving a less high-tech sex education.
school district: Don't tell parents of transgender males bunking with daughters on field trips. A
Maryland school district is instructing teachers and administrators not to tell parents if their daughters are bunking with
male transgender students on overnight field trips. Bob Mosier, chief communications officer for the Anne Arundel
County public school system, says in a training video on how to accommodate transgender students that privacy issues prevent
the district from informing parents about such arrangements.
Immigration: Destroying Schools One District at a Time. Illegals aliens bring their children, so-called
DREAMERs, into the country, and thanks to Democrats, we require that schools accept every child in their district without
regard to the immigration status of the child or the family. Like their parents, these illegal alien children can't
speak English, and are uneducated in their home language. That means that tremendous resources must be used to
"mainstream" these kids into the classroom. That does two things. First, it takes resources away from kids who
are, and whose families are, US citizens. For the most part, these families pay the taxes to run the schools and their
kids are getting robbed of any chance of a decent education by the flood of illegals taking up classroom resources.
Second, it slows down the learning process for the entire class, because these kids can't be just put into a special needs
classroom until they're able to keep up, because that might "scar them." Rather than call attention to the fact that
they have no business in a regular classroom, educators mainstream them and slow down the whole class.
board rules that university students can unionize. Graduate students at private U.S. universities can unionize,
the National Labor Relations Board ruled Tuesday [8/23/2016] in a decision that could upend the balance of power on campuses and
deliver new members to labor unions. Critics called the decision politically motivated, saying it will make it even tougher
to cut costs and reform the country's higher education system. But labor advocates cheered, saying universities have been
maltreating graduate students for years, and this new ruling gives those students the power to demand better. The NLRB
said that students who are compensated for teaching classes or handling other official roles for their universities —
"student assistants" — are employees of the schools, and are therefore covered under federal labor laws.
teacher implements no-homework policy, the Internet rejoices. A second grade teacher's no-homework policy has
gone viral, thanks to a student's mother posting about it on Facebook. Last week, mom Samantha Gallagher posted a note
on Facebook from her daughter's teacher reading: "After much research this summer, I'm trying something new.
Homework will only consist of work that your student did not finish during the school day. There will be no formally
assigned homework this year." Godley Elementary School teacher Brandy Young told parents research doesn't prove homework
improves performance. So, she said, time after school is best spent eating dinner as a family, reading together, playing
outside and getting children to bed early.
The Editor says...
Maybe so, but "eating dinner as a family, reading together [and] playing outside" aren't feasible if the kid goes directly from
school to daycare and then home to a single mother who's been at work all day.
Rule Posted At Catholic High School For Boys Sparks Debate. One strict rule at a high school has gone viral and
sparked debate. Catholic High School for Boys posted a sign on Facebook six days ago, and it has now been shared more
than 110,000 times. The message tells parents to turn around at the front door if they're bringing something for their
sons. "If you are dropping off your son's forgotten lunch, books, homework, equipment, etc., please turn around and
exit the building. Your son will learn to problem-solve."
The Editor says...
If the school administration is using "problem-solve" as a verb, that's an incompetent school.
Why not just teach English? Middle
Schoolers Quizzed on Words 'Popo, Bling Bling, True Dat'. Some middle school students in Georgia got a lesson
in slang from the streets this week and some parents are not pleased. WSAV-TV is reporting a class at Godley Station
School got quizzed on words like "punked," "popo," "true dat" and "bling bling." A parent posted the quiz online and
now many are questioning what arrived on the desks of some Savannah-Chatham students this week.
School 'Gender Unicorn' Sparks Parental Outrage. A protest was held Tuesday [8/9/2016] after a school district
in North Carolina created a "gender unicorn" to teach staff and faculty about gender identity, gender expression and
transgenderism. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS), a school district in Charlotte, N.C., created a purple unicorn
with two hearts to explain transgenderism in training materials for school staff, reports WCNC. The school district will use
the training materials to teach staff and faculty how to best help transgender students. The North Carolina Values Coalition
led a protest against CMS' plans to let transgender students use the pronouns, name and bathroom according to their gender
identity. Speakers at the protest said that new CMS policy infringes on student privacy.
Grief: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Want To Stop Calling Kids Boys And Girls. Why can't hardcore nutjob
moonbat liberals just let kids be kids? Why do they have to push their crazy ideas on kids? Why can't they just
mind their own business and, oh, say, teach them subjects which will allow them to be functional members of society?
murals at University of Wisconsin-Stout to be removed: 'Psychologically devastating'. Two inoffensive murals
hanging in the lobby of Harvey Hall at the University of Wisconsin-Stout (UW-Stout) are being removed because of a
recommendation of the so-called Diversity Leadership Team. One mural depicts a wooden fort, and the other depicts
French trappers canoeing down a river with Indians. No violence, no depiction of white supremacy — about as
inoffensive as you can find. But the DLT claims that the murals may be psychologically devastating to American Indian students.
Takes Down Historical Paintings Because They Might Traumatize Students. Since 1936, two large murals by Cal
Peters portraying early Wisconsin history have dominated the common area of Harvey Hall at the University of Wisconsin-Stout
(UW-Stout). One mural shows French fur traders and American Indians traveling down the Red Cedar River by canoe, while
another portrays a wooden fort constructed by the French. Neither painting shows any violence at all. But now,
after 80 years, the murals are abruptly being given the heave-ho after concerns were raised that the paintings are offensive.
Satanists Push
Clubs for Elementary Schools. [Satanists are] plotting to bring their wisdom to the nation's public elementary
school children. They point out that Christian evangelical groups already have infiltrated the lives of America's
children through after-school religious programming in public schools, and they appear determined to give young students a
choice: Jesus or Satan. "It's critical that children understand that there are multiple perspectives on all
issues, and that they have a choice in how they think," said Doug Mesner, the Satanic Temple's co-founder.
After School Satan Club could be coming to your kid's elementary school. "It's critical that children
understand that there are multiple perspectives on all issues, and that they have a choice in how they think," said Doug
Mesner, the Satanic Temple's co-founder. On Monday [8/1/2016], the group plans to introduce its After School Satan Club
to public elementary schools, including one in Prince George's County, petitioning school officials to allow them to open
immediately as the academic year starts.
Washington Post Hypes After School Satan Clubs. On Sunday (the Sabbath, of course), The Washington Post
took time out from prostrating itself before Hillary Clinton to give a boost to the Fallen Angel. In a long. front page
middle finger to Christians, the Post hyped the efforts of the Satanic Temple to introduce After School Satan Clubs to
America's elementary schools. Oh, don't worry. The worldly secularists at the Post aren't suddenly practicing the
occult. "The Satanic Temple doesn't espouse a belief in the existence of a supernatural being that other religions
identify solemnly as Satan, or Lucifer, or Beelzebub," author Katherine Stewart assures readers. Goodness no!
They're far too postmodern and ironic for that. "The Temple rejects all forms of supernaturalism and is committed to
the view that scientific rationality provides the best measure of reality."
Science Teachers Giving Unbalanced Education on
Climate Change. A nationwide survey of 1,500 U.S. middle and high school science teachers, conducted by the National Center for Science Education and published in the
February 12 issue of Science, found half of the teachers who discuss climate change in the classroom ignore evidence of the role of natural factors. [...] Jane Shaw,
former president and current board member of the John W. Pope Center for Higher Education Policy, says the study's authors are the ones getting the science wrong. "The
survey's authors assume humans 'are causing' climate change, as though that were the only cause," said Shaw. "That assumption is not scientific at all. Humans may be
contributing, but [they are] exclusively causing it? That's ridiculous." Shaw says teachers should teach the truth, not worry about sending mixed messages. "Equally
bad is the claim teachers should shave the truth in order to avoid sending 'mixed messages' to middle school and high school students," said Shaw. "Telling the truth is bad
because it sends 'mixed messages?' That's a horrifying claim."
K-12 Reading Failure Explained. [Scroll down] The evil genius of whole-word reading is to coerce children
into processing a simple phonetic word as though it were a human face. Look at all of the activity involved in
identifying this person — about 25 saccades to identify one face. For victims of bad pedagogy, reading is
hard work indeed. Instead of a few flicks, there may be a few dozen flicks. Instead of a fraction of a second,
the process may take a fraction of a minute. Reading, far from being quick and fun, becomes difficult and tedious.
Fewer people achieve full literacy. Fewer Americans reach the point where they can read for pleasure.
School safety
drills are terrorizing our kids. As sensationalized as mass shootings have become, they're still extremely
rare. We are much more likely to die in a car accident or from an illness than in any kind of mass shooting, let alone
a school shooting. According to the FBI, there were 479 gun fatalities for all children under 18 in 2013, the last year
for which they have data. In a population of about 74 million kids and teens, that makes the likelihood of dying via a
gun 0.000646 percent. No one wants to make light of even one child being killed, at school or anywhere else, but
the likelihood of such a thing happening remains extremely slim. So why are we raising kids with these chilling drills that
can do lasting mental damage to them?
cool to feds' campaign to purge criminal history questions from applications. College-bound high school
students who have had trouble with the law may still have to check a certain box the Obama administration wants off of
admissions forms. Not all colleges and universities are buying into the Department of Education's "Beyond the Box"
campaign to stop admissions officers from forcing applicants to disclose criminal and disciplinary histories. The
administration believes such probing is a barrier to minorities, but critics say schools have a right to know if incoming
students have rap sheets. "It's a nationwide social experiment putting college students at risk," said Dan Gainor, of
the Media Research Institute. "If you commit crimes — sexual assault, domestic violence and
others — we have a right to know and decide whether we want to associate with you."
An Education in DC
Driver's Ed. The program consists of 30 hours in the classroom and 8 hours of behind-the-wheel practice,
presumably with an instructor. That's exactly backwards. My research tells me there are zero instances of people
sitting in a classroom being killed in an auto crash, but there are thousands happening on the street. The ratio should
instead be 8 hours in the classroom and 30 on the road. There the instructor could introduce the fledgling driver to
the mystery of the turn signal and explain how it's not just for turning, but comes in handy for lane changes, too!
parents give new mind-boggling report cards an F. As a lawyer, Dennis Weldon has to make sense of tortuous
legal papers. But a year ago, the Plumstead Township resident opened a nine-page document that left him
flummoxed. It was his child's report card from Gayman Elementary School in the Central Bucks School District.
Gone was the traditional A-B-C-D-F report from the teacher. Instead, parents were sent to their computers to click open
a nine-page digital document with row after row of learning standards and success indicators for specific reading or math
skills. Grades ranged from a high of E (exceeding standards), through M (meeting standards) and
A (approaching standards), down to LP (limited progress).
Million Foreign Students in American Universities. Numbers and quantities matter in all facets of public
policy, but nowhere are numbers more consequential than in the debate over immigration and visa programs. Today
[5/2/2016], Immigration Customs and Enforcement released its quarterly international student data detailing the number of
foreign students residing in this country under the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP).
With Apologies to Nathan
Hale. [Scroll down] In St. Paul, Minn., two high school students punched and body-slammed a teacher
who had complained about lenient disciplinary policies that had led to assaults against teachers. Both students were
black, all the beaten-up teachers were white. The Obama administration has threatened school districts with lawsuits
and funding cuts if the school punishes the perpetrators.
Tests Track Children's Emotions. Thanks to a new federal requirement inside a new law Republicans promised us
meant a return to "local control," schools are beginning to track student emotions and behavior to be used in government
ratings of school quality, even as researchers say these evaluations are not trustworthy. The Every Student Succeeds
Act, which recently replaced No Child Left Behind, includes a provision allowing states to use "alternative measures" for
evaluating public schools. The act specifically states this could include "school climate" surveys and "any other
indicator" that states and school districts are beginning to use as a license to track children's emotions and behavior,
The New York Times reports (as did Education Week before the bill passed).
Liberal Magazine Just Spilled the Beans about K-12 Education. American public schools, for many decades, have
been a killing field for mathematical achievement. John Saxon became a legend in the late 1980s for his valiant effort
to create instruction that would replace the nonsense epidemic in the schools. The Education Establishment resisted
Saxon with all of its considerable resources. These officials had come up with New Math circa 1964 and then Reform Math
after 1985. All those bad, and very unpopular, approaches have modulated into Common Core Math. All bunk according
to many analysts, but that doesn't mean our Education Establishment willingly lets a smidgen of it go.
to face charges if they approach school to pick up child under new policy. Texas parents have had enough of an
elementary school's new pick up policy that reportedly could have them face trespassing charges if they try to get their
child after the school day is over. Bear Branch Elementary in Magnolia implemented the policy at the beginning of the
school year. Under the new rules, if a student does not take the bus, parents must wait in the mile-long car pick up
line to get their child, according to Fox 26 Houston. Now, some parents have pulled their kids from the school.
"She's threatening to arrest people," Wendy Jarman said about Principal Holly Ray to the Fox station.
School's new policy bans parents from
walking children to school. Pick your child up from school and you could be charged with trespassing.
That's the threat against parents at Bear Branch Elementary School in Magnolia ISD. This is the school's tactic to keep
parents who live close to the school from walking on school grounds. Bear Branch is losing students over this pick up
policy, that's been in place since the beginning of this school year. The principal has decided that no matter how close
the student lives to the school, the student must either take the bus, or the parent must wait in a long car pickup line.
Try to walk your student off the campus and you could face criminal charges.
The Editor says...
No matter how close you live, you can't walk to that school. Is the school not on public property? Can pedestrians with no connection to the school walk by? Why are the schools centrally located in
neighborhoods if the kids can't go there on foot? And aren't these the same nanny-state bureaucrats who preach about childhood obesity? Maybe walking to school would be good for them.
School Threatens to Punish Parents Who Walk Children Home. In September, Houston's KPRC 2 News (NBC) reported
the new rule prohibited parents from walking to the Magnolia Independent School District campus to retrieve their own
children. Parents cannot drive to the school, park their cars at the school, or go inside to get their children
early. Their options are to send their children home by school bus or drive to the school and wait for their children
in a very long pickup car line assembling for the 3:25 p.m. dismissal.
ISD threatens to arrest parents for walking kids home from school. It's a bad time to be a kid at Bear Branch
Elementary. The new principal this year, Holly Ray, may look as sweet as sunshine, but parents says she's got some
wicked ways! For one, she won't let parents walk up to the Magnolia elementary school to get their kids after
school. They have to be in a car. And she's serious!
The Editor asks...
What if you don't own a car, or your car is in the repair shop?
School Bans Parents From Walking Children Onto and From School Property. One Texas elementary school is coming
under fire after the principal banned parents from walking their children to and from school, and who is threatening parents
with arrest. The trouble began in September when the principal at Bear Branch Elementary School in Magnolia, Texas,
decided to implement a policy that not just discourages but prohibits parents from walking their children home from school or
walking inside the school to retrieve their children after parents had parked their cars, according to KPRC-TV.
kids, how much privilege do you have? Quiz riles Florida parents. Kids at Monroe Middle School in Florida
got a lesson on privilege the other day — in their Spanish class. "How much privilege do you have?
That was the name of the survey administered to seventh and eighth grade students. It wasn't quite as bad as the
white-shaming exercises we've seen on university campuses and in the Armed Forces. But it was certainly inappropriate
for a bunch of 12, 13 and 14-year-olds.
Tennessee lawmakers
fume over state university's 'Sex Week'. Youngsters at the Volunteer State's flagship university are about to engage in all
sorts of debauchery ranging from lessons on male sexual fluidity to a lecture [...] from an amateur porn star. Sex Week at the
University of Tennessee-Knoxville kicks off April 4 — five days of depravity that makes Mardi Gras on Bourbon Street
look like a Sunday school picnic. The star of the show is Sophia St. James, a self-described "queer diesel femme."
Mexico college recruiting undocumented students. Western New Mexico University recently launched a campaign
targeting potential students like [Grecia] Rivas using a combination of social media and face-to-face recruiting. Through
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, the school works to convince the students they'd find a hospitable environment for immigrants
and possible financial aid at the 3,700-student university located in the mining town of Silver City. Other colleges, like
City University of New York and Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, have followed the same trend as schools
search for more students amid nationally declining enrollments.
Yet another reason to homeschool: New
York City teacher fined $300 for showing ISIS video. A New York City teacher was fined — not fired — as
punishment for showing a video of an ISIS beheading to a middle school class. A veteran teacher at the South Bronx Academy for Applied
Media says she mistakenly showed a video of an Islamic State beheading to her eighth grade class. She was fined $300, at the discretion
of an arbiter, while the City Department of Education pushed to fire her, according to a report from the New York Post. "This teacher
demonstrated a complete lack of judgment, and this incident betrayed our schools' promise to provide a safe and supportive environment,"
Department of Education spokeswoman Devora Kaye told the New York Post.
This was originally published in 1998: To destroy
your privacy, to destroy your life. As always, Clinton and Gore are photographed with children using computers,
claiming that they are the real interest. They promise a computer for every child in government schools, which is just
the latest "chicken in every pot" version of the socialist redistribution schemes entrenched since FDR's New (Red)
Deal. It takes a village idiot to believe their fluff. In reality, the computer-and-kids propaganda is a cover
for destroying personal privacy and liberty. Ari Schwartz is a specialist who works for OMB Watch, a private group that
watches the White House Office of Management and Budget. According to Schwartz, almost half of the 70 federal agencies
checked are in the business of collecting personal information from Internet users, including names, addresses and Social
Security numbers. The agencies provide no notices as to how the personal data is or will be used.
undocumented workers teach in NY called 'insane'. The state Conservative Party chairman on Friday [2/25/2016] ripped the state Education
Department for a new policy that will let some undocumented workers apply to be teachers in New York. The regulation, approved by state Board of
Regents this week, is drawing criticism from Republicans and conservatives, but support from Democrats. The measure would allow people who can't
get legal residency because of their parents' immigration status to seek teacher certifications — as well as apply for more than 50
professional licenses managed by the Education Department. State Conservative Party chairman Mike Long called the policy "bureaucrats gone
wild," charging that it's another attempt by governments with liberal policies to thwart immigrant laws.
Cost effectiveness
of NC's green schools debated. A new report for the John Locke Foundation says green schools in North Carolina
and nationally fall short of their promised energy savings and can be less energy-efficient than traditional schools.
The report looked at green schools in four North Carolina school districts, including Wake and Durham counties, and found most
were less energy-efficient than similar schools in their districts. The report, which was released this week, says that
the failure of those schools to produce energy savings as promised is an "environmental failure." Proponents of green
building say that most schools built according to environmentally sensitive principles do save money and can have other
benefits for students.
University rebukes instructor who banned 'mom,' 'dad' and other gendered words
from class. The University of Florida's stellar free-speech rating from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education may be at risk of
slipping. A lecturer and "dance/movement therapist" is threatening students with lower grades if they use gendered words such as "mom" and "dad" in
assignments or if they make classmates feel "unsafe or unwelcome."
Good News in American Higher Education. [Scroll down] The public and even college administrators are increasingly
fed-up with extreme, over-the-top campus politics that seem to have reached their own absurd conclusion. Recent expletive-filled,
mob-rule protests, fueled by outrageous demands and coupled with histrionic cowering in so-called "safe spaces" have led many observers
to conclude that the inmates are running the asylum and that this nonsense has to stop. All this for just $65,000 a year?
Does anyone even go to class?
in uniform tossed from college classroom by 'uncomfortable' teacher. A Georgia police officer taking classes in
his spare time got an unwanted lesson from a college instructor last week, but now it is the school that is feeling
blue — and apologizing. The unidentified cop was wearing his uniform and carrying his service gun when the
Darton State College instructor reportedly became uncomfortable with his presence, according to WALB-TV. School officials
confirmed the police officer was escorted out of the classroom, but did not elaborate.
Forces Students To Share Sexual History Before Registering For Classes. The University of Southern California
(USC) is forcing students to complete an online training course and fill out a questionnaire detailing their sexual history
before they can register for classes. USC sent out a campus-wide email explaining that the course was "mandatory, and you
must complete it by February 9, 2016. If you do not complete the training by this date you will receive a registration
hold until the training is complete," according to Campus Reform's Anthony Gockowski.
Update: USC
apologizes for questioning students about their sexual history. The University of Southern California has issued an apology for
including questions about students' sexual history in a sexual assault training course required for registration. In a statement to the
Washington Examiner, USC Senior Vice President for Administration Todd Dickey apologized for the questions and said they have been removed from
the training.
grants $63 million for social justice school discipline promoted by Bill Ayers. According to an October 1st
statement from Attorney General Eric Holder, "This funding is being awarded as part of the Comprehensive School Safety
Initiative — a large-scale, multi-agency research effort to build practical, and scientifically-sound, knowledge
about effective ways to increase school safety nationwide." However, according to a review of past and current restorative
justice initiatives in schools, the funding appears to be just another effort to expand whole-child social justice reforms touted
by far-left progressive educators like William Ayers. Believing that the American education system is inherently racist and
oppressive and students of color only act out because they are victims of that system, Ayers began writing about restorative
justice alternatives to school discipline many years ago.
New Preschool Is Crushing Kids. Step into an American preschool classroom today and you are likely to be bombarded with
what we educators call a print-rich environment, every surface festooned with alphabet charts, bar graphs, word walls, instructional
posters, classroom rules, calendars, schedules, and motivational platitudes — few of which a 4-year-old can "decode," the
contemporary word for what used to be known as reading. Because so few adults can remember the pertinent details of their own
preschool or kindergarten years, it can be hard to appreciate just how much the early-education landscape has been transformed over
the past two decades. The changes are not restricted to the confusing pastiche on classroom walls. Pedagogy and curricula
have changed too, most recently in response to the Common Core State Standards Initiative's kindergarten guidelines.
"Whole word" reading: Why Kids Can't Read. [Scroll
down] So if you want to understand why reading is difficult, it's because the commissars who took over the field of education
changed the game. They moved the goalposts, oh, about a mile. They changed the very nature of the activity from something
that is as basic as walking, which everyone can do, to a much more elaborate activity, much like dancing in a Broadway show, which
very few can do. That's a quick and quite accurate description of the biggest education story of the last century. It is
not the complete story. The other major part of the story is the aiding and abetting that have kept this swindle in play.
Millions of professors, principals, administrators, and teachers have promoted and protected this destructive con. And
still do. Imagine being an accomplice in something that makes people suffer throughout their lives.
DOE is now in the High School Girl's Shower. The Civil Rights Division of the DoE declared a new cultural
battleground when it sent a letter to Dr. Daniel Cates, Superintendent of the Township High School District 211, a school
district near Palentine, Illinois, accusing the district violating anti-discrimination laws when it did not allow a
transgender student who identifies as a girl to change and shower with the girls in the girls' locker room without
restrictions. The DoE gave the district 30 days to accommodate the transgender student or lose its
Title IX funding. The problem began when the transgender student's family filed a complaint with the
U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights (OCR), because the student was not allowed to shower with
the female students. The student filing the complaint is biologically male, but self-identifies as female.
The school made arrangements to accommodate transgender students by providing separate, private facilities for the
student to use to use. This was not satisfactory for this student.
doesn't want teachers sitting — so she threw out all their desks. A Bronx principal ordered her teachers to
give up their desks last week, and had the furniture dumped at the curb — telling staff she doesn't want them sitting
in class. Donna Connelly, principal of PS 24, the Spuyten Duyvil School in Riverdale, also told teachers to empty their
filing cabinets, which she then discarded. With class in session, teachers were told to push their desks and cabinets into the
hallway. Custodians then hauled them outside and piled them like trash on the blacktop of a school across the street. "It's
the 21st century — you don't need desks," Connelly said, sources told The [New York] Post.
The Editor says...
Yes, it's the 21st century. If schools don't need desks, why do they need principals? Why do they stop teaching during
the summer? Why do schools encourage activities (cheerleading and football) that injure and sometimes kill their students?
teacher files $1B class-action suit against L.A. schools. The nation's second largest school district has been hit with a
$1 billion class-action lawsuit alleging it conducts "witch hunts" against older teachers in a "shrewd" effort to save money on
retirement benefits. The suit was filed Thursday [10/15/2015] on behalf of about 2,000 teachers by Rafe Esquith, 61, one of the
Los Angeles Unified School District's best-known and most popular teachers.
the Heck Are 'Word Attack Skills'? According to our literacy experts, if children are to become expert readers,
they have to learn "word attack skills." Okay, that's jargon we don't really need. But let's go with it. What
are these word attack skills that the experts are talking about? At this point, we are entering an alternative universe.
Your common sense will be offended, and your credulity will be stretched. For, as we'll see, our Education Establishment
has been searching for literacy in all the wrong places.
Gives 10-Yr-Olds Free Birth Control Implants. Children as young as 10 years old are receiving taxpayer-funded
birth control in Washington State, according to public records obtained by Judicial Watch from the agency that provides medical
coverage for the poor. JW filed a public records request with the Washington Health Care Authority after reading a disturbing
article in a pro-life news site over the summer about a Seattle high school that offers different forms of birth control without
parental knowledge or consent. This includes implanting an intrauterine device (IUD) in a girl's uterus free of cost.
It's part of an initiative offered by Medicaid, the joint federal and state insurance program for the poor. The article
points out the irony that a teen in Seattle can't get a sugary soft drink in high school but can have a device implanted
into her uterus.
School Teaching Children to Throw Books at Classroom Gunmen. A father is outraged after learning that an "active shooter protocol"
at his children's school, Stevenson Elementary in Heath, Ohio, includes encouraging his eight-year-old son to throw books at the gunman.
According to Fox 28, Dean Spencer says his nine-year-old daughter and eight-year-old son "were told by school teachers to throw books at anyone
with a gun should they ever make their way into their library or classroom."
Obama's school lunch group: Americans 'clearly support' new rules. How deluded is Michelle Obama's school lunch
organization "Let's Move"? A press release issued in advance of the new school year claims that kids love the new standards,
and Americans "clearly support" what they're trying to do. [...] Only someone educated in public schools would be unable to
see through this push poll. The facts are a little different. [#1] More than a million kids have dropped out of the school
lunch program. [#2] Food waste — that is, the weight of food thrown out by kids who refuse to eat the unappetizing
fare — is up 56%. [#3] Eighty percent of school districts report having financial problems because fewer kids are
in the program.
The Data
Destroyers. A few weeks ago, the California education department did a peculiar thing: It scrubbed historical
data about standardized-test scores from its public DataQuest website. This being a government agency, it immediately began
to lie to the public about why it had done this. California law forbids using comparisons between different tests to set
policy or evaluate programs. This makes sense: If last year 40 percent of students received 85th-percentile ratings on a
standardized test and then this year 70 percent of students received 85th-percentile ratings on a different standardized test, it is
likely that the radical difference is in the test, not in students' performance. The law, however, says not one word about making
historical test-score data available to the public or suppressing that data.
of accused pedophile rocks Albuquerque school system. He was slated to be second-in-command at Albuquerque
Public Schools, but Timothy Martinez has instead started the year as a fugitive on the run from police in two states before
being captured Wednesday [8/26/2015] after he was revealed to be facing multiple outstanding child sex abuse charges in Colorado.
We Have More Than 40 Million Functional Illiterates. [Scroll down] Sight-word readers report the most
amazing cognitive problems. Words slide around on the page. Words reverse themselves. This doesn't seem to make sense
until you consider that the eyes are jumping around on the page in random jerks, thus inducing complementary side-effects.
For many children, the next step is to be told they have dyslexia, which simply means they don't read well. They are told
they have ADHD. They need an appointment with a shrink. They need to take Ritalin. Pretty soon these children
are a mess inside and out, all because their school gave them an impossible task. Even if you do memorize the 220 sight-words
perfectly, you have been set up for a lifetime of cognitive schizophrenia. You will read some words phonetically and some as
designs, back and forth in no predictable order.
Are iris scanners on school buses necessary?
Cheryl Chumley, author of "Police State USA: How Orwell's Nightmare is Becoming Our Reality," appeared on CSPAN's Book TV After Words program to
address the idea. She discussed with Theresa Payton, former White House chief information officer, the roles of data and technology as applied
to the American consumer and, more importantly, the American family. That "any school would think iris scanners on buses were necessary"
shocked Chumley. She was also disturbed by the erosion of parental authority over the deployment of security technology. Even when
consent is sought, she said, "You can always use a worst case argument to justify any action by the government."
"Community Schools" Aim to Replace the Family. Lawmakers and the Obama administration are plotting to
unconstitutionally commandeer local schools and turn them into "full-service community schools" — government
centers that will usurp vast new responsibilities over children that have traditionally been handled by parents and families.
Under the plan, adopted in the Senate last month as part of a massive "education bill" solidifying federal control over children and
schools, federally funded so-called community schools will "target" families and children for "services" covering their "academic,
physical, social, emotional, health, mental health, and other needs." If Congress and the Obama administration get their way,
these full-service parent-replacement centers will soon be coming to a community near you, along with the swarms of government
workers in charge of "home visitation" and "parenting education" under the program. In fact, even without legislation to
authorize it, Obama's education bureaucracy has already started using tax funds to create the "community schools" nationwide.
Language Guide Says Not to Use the Word 'American'. I had a revelatory moment when
reading this story. Someone was actually paid to write this "language guide" that recommends not
using certain words because they aren't "inclusive" enough, or don't reflect "diversity." Someone
sat around dreaming up reasons why some words that were historically innocuous, or even generated
pride, had suddenly become objectionable. What kind of loon would apply for a job like that?
No matter. The University of New Hampshire's "Bias Free Language Guide" reinforces the notion that
the elites at our universities have gone stark, raving mad, with the promise that their insanity will
only get worse.
Application Asks If Child Had 'Vaginal' Birth. Among the questions the admission form
at a public elementary school in Connecticut asks parents is whether the child was delivered into
the world via "vaginal" or "Caesarean" birth. The taxpayer-funded school is Aiken Elementary in
the serene, perfectly suburban town of West Hartford (pop. 63,268), reports local CBS affiliate WFSB.
mom balks when son's kindergarten application gets personal. A Connecticut mom wanted
to snap her No. 2 pencil in half when she sat down to fill out her son's kindergarten application
and came across personal questions about his birth that left her demanding answers instead of
filling them out. The application, which West Hartford School District officials say have been
standard for decades, sought information such as whether Cara Paiuk's delivery was by C-section or
not, whether there were other complications and even if her newborn son had gone home with his
parents without delay. Paiuk said she talked to other Aiken Elementary moms, and they also
were taken aback by the intrusive questioning.
The Editor says...
School administrators and other public officials sometimes try out bad ideas on us to see how much
we will tolerate without backlash, or at least without getting the press involved.
House Poet Taught Kids to Sit in Circles and Watch Porn for College Class. A University of
Pennsylvania English course taught by a poet who performed for President Obama at the White House ended up
exactly as the professor envisioned it: college kids watching porn. "Wasting Time on the Internet,"
a once-a-week creative writing course taught by Kenneth Goldsmith that required students to stare at a computer
screen for three hours completed its first class this spring. Goldsmith wrote last fall that students
could use the three hours to watch porn, and then "use it as the basis for compelling erotica."
Stuff like this can happen here, too. Italian
Families Protest Forced Cross-Dressing of Schoolchildren. In the northern Italian city
of Trieste, parents are in uproar over a taxpayer-funded elementary school program that includes
dressing little boys as girls and girls as boys to overcome so-called "gender stereotypes." Schools
are calling the exercise "the game of respect," which purportedly adopts many guidelines from the
European standards on sex education, attributed to the World Health Organization.
up and smell the chaos. If you wondered how things could have gotten this bad, how
Americans could be so apathetic to pure evil, look no further than an educational system that was
intentionally severed from culture and values by John Dewey and his pedagogical descendants.
When knowledge is valued for its own sake, without any nod to right and wrong, we as a society are
essentially giving a loaded gun to a baby. A case in point surfaced early last week at Encinal
High School in Alameda, Calif., where sophomore students were assigned by their teacher to pry into
their parents' private possessions to look for condoms or sex toys, then take a "selfie" exhibiting
their haul of sexual hardware. The ulterior motive of turning children against their parents,
which communist educator Bill Ayers promoted as long ago as the 1960s, could not be any more transparent.
parents outraged after teacher allegedly orders other students to slap son in class.
Parents of a child at Houston, Texas' Frank Black Middle School are outraged after they say their
son was slapped by several students and that their son's teacher gave the order. Skyler Norman
said she was beside herself after her son, 14-year-old Gavin Norman, told her that he was assaulted
at school.
sue college over forced vaginal exams. Two college students say they were forced to
submit to transvaginal probes as part of their classroom training to learn how to perform the
medical procedure. The details are outlined in a federal lawsuit filed Thursday [5/14/2015] in
Orlando against Valencia College and three instructors. It alleges that medical diagnostic students
at Valencia College were forced to submit to the examination of their sexual organs under threat of having
their grades reduced or of being blacklisted by future employers.
freaks out over boys baseball storage shed. One of the parents knew the owner of a
company that made precast one-story buildings. The company offered to donate the manpower and
materials to build the boys a shed. [...] "It cost the booster club zero," Carl told me. And that
was that — until a few months ago. That's when officials with the Clark County School
District showed up at the school and demanded that the storage shed be torn down. They said
it violated Title IX. [...]In other words, for every boy sport there must be a girls alternative.
And in the case of Arbor View High School — if the boys have a storage shed — the
girls must have a storage shed.
Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Centuries. [#5] Democracy and Education
(1916): John Dewey, who lived from 1859 until 1952, was a "progressive" philosopher and leading
advocate for secular humanism in American life, who taught at the University of Chicago and at
Columbia. He signed the Humanist Manifesto and rejected traditional religion and moral
absolutes. In Democracy and Education, in pompous and opaque prose, he disparaged schooling
that focused on traditional character development and endowing children with hard knowledge, and
encouraged the teaching of thinking "skills" instead. His views had great influence on the
direction of American education — particularly in public schools — and helped
nurture the Clinton generation.
Safety first.
Academia has given us so much for which not to be grateful — identity politics,
race/gender studies and sundry unpleasantries. But it has topped itself now with one even
better — the right to be treated as something quite fragile, always endangered and almost
too precious to live. Last December, the Boston Globe informed us that "students at Harvard Law
School, joining their counterparts at a pair of other leading universities, have asked that final
exams be postponed for students who have been 'traumatized' by recent grand jury decisions" in New York and
Missouri, explaining "we cannot walk away from our pain." In England, some female students suggested
we move from clapping to hand waving to signal approval, as the sound of applause could be threatening.
protest after learning school hired sleazy teacher. Enraged parents protested outside
PS 186 Castlewood in Bellerose, Queens on Friday [3/20/2015] after learning a teacher found guilty
of inappropriate behavior with a student was working as a substitute at the school. The [New
York] Post revealed last July that James Rampulla Jr., 45, then a teacher at nearby Irwin Altman MS
172, gave a 14-year-old male student lavish gifts, sent him 513 text messages — including
one saying he loved him — and let the boy drive his car. "The fact that the DOE
brought in a guy with this kind of history to potentially come near kids is infuriating," said Craig
Ahlemann, a father of two PS 186 students, age four and six.
high school principal defends 'black students only' event. A black high school principal in Oak Park,
Illinois, is defending his decision to hold an event for "black students only," so that they could safely discuss
race issues without the presence of white people. Oak Park and River Forest High School Principal Nathaniel
Rouse hosted a "Black Lives Matter" event exclusively for black students at the school on Feb. 27, The Chicago
Tribune reported. School officials sent out a news release following the event, after many white students
were literally turned away at the door.
Playing Games with Recess. Education in America will make you crazy. There is hardly a
part of it that is not corrupted by ideology and contaminated by sophistical thinking. What could
be simpler to understand than recess? When you're talking about little children, you're talking
about puppies. They need to run around until they fall down laughing on the grass. Exertion to the
point of exhaustion — that may be the most important thing they do each day. Well, if you
know anything about our Education Establishment, you know they schemed to get rid of recess.
Middle School Students Given 'Fifty Shades Of Grey' Puzzles. The "Fifty Shades of
Grey" movie doesn't hit theaters until Friday [2/13/2015], but it's already making waves in an unlikely place,
Monessen Middle School in Westmoreland County. Several students reportedly were given or somehow
got their hands on a word search puzzle with words like "bondage," "sensuality," and "submissive,"
all words relating to the steamy book turned movie.
Never bring a knife canned food to a gunfight. Principal:
Let students hurl canned food at intruders. An Alabama middle school principal wants
to stockpile cans of corn and peas in classrooms for students to hurl at possible intruders as a
last resort defense.
The Editor says...
Every classroom has a stash of canned food, of course.
Ask Students to be Armed with Canned Food in Case of School Shooting. An Alabama middle school has devised
a new way to protect their students from a potential intruder. They requested that students bring canned food to
school and use it as a weapon if a dangerous intruder confronts them. W.F. Burns middle school's principal and
assistant principal sent a letter home to students asking them to bring an eight ounce can of "corn, beans, peas, etc."
they may use "in case an intruder enters their classroom." The school administration did seem to grasp the bizarre
nature of the request, but assured parents that the plan has the ability to work[.]
School Flier Promotes "Punch a Cop Without Going to Jail" Program. A flier promoting
an after-school youth boxing program was removed by a Northern California high school after
residents complained that the "Punch a Cop" theme was inflammatory. [...] Daniel Thigpen, a
representative of the Folsom Cordova Unified School District, astonishingly told The Los Angeles
Times the fliers were "intended to use humor to continue attracting students to the boxing and
fitness program." The joke fell flat for a number of Folsom residents.
Worst University Now Demands To Know Students' Sex Habits Or They Can't Enroll.
Florida Atlantic University has found yet another new and exciting way to demonstrate that it is the
worst place in America to attend college. [...] Students have reportedly been blocked from registering for
courses unless they answered the invasive questions posed by the public school officials.
Schools Now Racially Segregate Discipline. In a prima facie violation of the equal
protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, the Minneapolis School Board has decided to begin
segregating their students into two different categories — white, and everyone else. If
teachers and administrators want to suspend a white student, there will be no questions asked. But
if they dare attempt to suspend a "student of color," the act will be reviewed by the school district
superintendent and "her leadership team."
propose: Let boys into girls locker rooms. If you live in Minnesota, your high-school
daughter might soon be showering next to a male after athletic practice if a "transgender" policy
being considered by the Minnesota State High School League is approved next month. And beyond
Minnesota? Such a policy could be coming to other states, too, if there is not already one in place.
Boys born as boys can shower with girls in Kentucky school. I probably would have
missed this story were it not for Maggie Gallagher at The Corner. It seems that the good people on
the appeal board considering a case at Atherton High School (part of the Jefferson County public
school system) have determined that you can use the girls' bathrooms, locker room and showers if you
say you're a girl. No physical required.
is banned from using ChapStick at school because it's considered an 'over-the-counter drug'. An 11-year-old girl whose lips became so chapped
they bled at school is now petitioning the district to let her use lip balm. Grace Karaffa, a fifth-grader at Stuarts Draft Elementary School in
Virginia, has suffered from dry lips for years and and repeatedly her requests for ChapStick have been turned down because the district considers the
ointment an 'over-the-counter drug' that require's a doctor's note and must be held by the school nurse.
officer denied entry into daughter's school because uniform might 'offend' students.
Rochester, Michigan, was denied entry into his daughter's high school by four members of its
security staff, told that his uniform might "offend" some students. "Before he was allowed in, the
security guard stopped him and said sorry you're not allowed in the school. Security told him men
and women in uniform weren't allowed because it may offend another student," Lt. Col. Sherwood Baker's
wife, Rachel, told a local Fox affiliate.
officer told he cannot enter his daughter's school while wearing a uniform. Lieutenant
Colonel Sherwood Baker says he is just a father who was trying to help his daughter find her way at
her new high school. Lt. Baker has served in the Army for 24 years. This past week
he was told by Rochester Adams high school security that if he wanted to get into the high school
with his daughter he was going to have to go home and change his clothes. Baker's wife, Rachel
Ferhadson says, "Before he was allowed in, the security guard stopped him and said sorry your not allowed
in the school. Security told him men and women in uniform weren't allowed because it may offend
another student."
now, final exams for kindergartners. Really. John Gemmill of Dodge City, Kansas, told
me in an e-mail that he spent at least half of the 186 days he teaches a year giving some sort of
mandated standardized assessment — with strict rubrics to follow — to
kindergartners in his classes last year. One veteran educator described his granddaughter's Houston
kindergarten class as a "sweat shop." This past spring the interim principal and four teachers at an
elementary school in Elwood, N.Y., sent a letter to parents saying the annual year-end kindergarten
play was being cancelled so kids could keep working hard to be "college and career ready." (This
really happened.)
suspended after Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin lesson. An Alabama teacher was suspended
without pay after being accused of having sixth-grade students re-enact the deadly police shooting
of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and the Trayvon Martin killing in Florida.
principal fired for telling students to speak English. The Texas principal who was
placed on administrative leave and then fired for telling Hispanic students at her middle school
that they should speak English in the classroom can now speak freely — the gag order has
expired — and says that her request only mirrored what's written in state law. Amy
Lacey was placed on administrative leave in 2013 after she asked via an intercom announcement that
Hempstead Middle School students should speak English in the classroom. She shortly after
learned that the school board declined to renew her contract and would be firing her.
Public Schools Collecting Too Much Data on Your Kids? Parents are increasingly
voicing concern that public schools are collecting massive amounts of personal data on students,
storing it and distributing it to third parties without their consent. Dawn Sweeney, a
Pennsylvania mother, has two children in public schools and home-schools her younger three. She had
planned to enroll them in public schools when they reached seventh grade, as she did with her two
oldest. But because of the data collection, she's now reconsidering.
Isn't this what the PTA is for? Konocti
Unified School District launches new mobile app. Konocti Unified School District
announced that its new mobile app is available for use at the county's largest school district.
Parents will have instant access to their child's academic information from the palm of their hand.
Any time, anywhere, KUSD parents can stay updated on their students' progress. Community members
can download the app to stay informed of school district events and activities.
Run L.A. Classrooms, Thanks To Obama Suspension Ban. As we predicted, the Obama
regime's anti-suspension policy is backfiring. Los Angeles teachers complain unsuspended violent
kids are intimidating them and effectively ruling their classrooms.
Reading: The Con Continues.
Not much is certain in life, but here are two things you can take to the bank. If you want a child
to learn to read, phonics is the way that works. Second, you can be sure that our Education
Establishment will try to keep phonics at a minimum and force children to memorize the English
language one sight-word at a time. Where reading is concerned, the nonsense never stops.
Case For Banning Laptops In The Classroom. I banned laptops in the classroom after it
became common practice to carry them to school. When I created my "electronic etiquette policy" (as
I call it in my syllabus), I was acting on a gut feeling based on personal experience. I'd always
figured that, for the kinds of computer-science and math classes that I generally teach, which can
have a significant theoretical component, any advantage that might be gained by having a machine at
the ready, or available for the primary goal of taking notes, was negligible at best. We still
haven't made it easy to type notation-laden sentences, so the potential benefits were low.
Meanwhile, the temptation for distraction was high. I know that I have a hard time staying on task
when the option to check out at any momentary lull is available; I assumed that this must be true
for my students, as well.
Race Matters. Whether
or not you agree with the program, No Child Left Behind was crafted under the apparent assumption
that different groups in the U.S. do not have different traits which impact on learning, and all
students can and should be able to achieve at the same rate if only the school will do its job.
[...] Is the NCLB standard wrong? Should we no longer try to improve the education of the
lowest-performing students? Are the schools being given an impossible task? Did the program place
too great a burden on schools and not enough on the pupils' families and community? Should we just
hand out high school diplomas based on substantially disparate achievement?
The First Lady's food-fight
debacle. Progressives blame kid-hating Republicans and greedy businesses for the
revolt against Mrs. Obama's failed policies. But the truth is right around the corner in your
students' cafeterias. Districts are losing money. Discarded food is piling high.
Kids are going off-campus to fill their tummies or just going hungry. According to the School Nutrition
Association, almost half of school-meal programs reported declines in revenue in the 2012-13 school
year, and 90 percent said food costs were up.
Dakota U. Bans Something Truly Ridiculous from Campus. Fencing is not only an Olympic sport; it is
sponsored by more than 30 NCAA colleges and universities. However, that didn't stop a North Dakota university
from banning its fencing club from practicing on campus. The reason? Fencing violates the school's "weapons
Kangaroo Courts on
Campus? There seem to be a dangerously large number of people who think that the law
exists to give them whatever they want — even when that means denying other people the same rights
that they claim for themselves. Nowhere is this self-centered attitude more common than on college
campuses. And nowhere are such attitudes more encouraged than by the Obama administration's Justice
Department, which is threatening colleges that don't handle rape issues the politically correct
way — that is, by presuming the accused to be guilty and not letting Constitutional safeguards
get in the way.
on Campus Rape. Jezebel seems to think that the Department of Education (DOE)
investigations are evidence of a sexual-assault epidemic and insidious "rape culture" plaguing our
college campuses. Actually, the investigations show no such thing. The DOE has made it clear that
a college's investigation "in no way indicates at this stage that the college or university is
violating or has violated the law." What the investigations actually reveal is just the beginning of
the messy results of three years of federal overreach into campus rape policies. Through a series
of heavy-handed executive actions, the Obama administration has effectively required universities to
serve as investigators and jurors for felony offenses. By doing so, they have placed universities in
an impossible position, created costly bureaucracy, trampled students' due-process rights, and
empowered a cadre of hypersensitive, trigger-happy gender warriors on campuses.
in schools means pornography in schools. I've taken some criticism for saying over and
over again in this space, that kids don't belong on the Internet (unsupervised and uncontrolled
really), and that classrooms should not have Internet access introduced. The basic problem is that
unfettered Internet access brings bullies and predators to kids. It also means pornography will just
keep popping up, and there's no way to fix that with these uncontrolled environments. It's
just not worth the risks.
Kindergarten show canceled so kids can keep studying to
become 'college and career ready.' Really.. This didn't come out of the blue.
Kindergarten (and even preschool) has increasingly become academic — at the expense of
things such as recess and the arts — in this era of standardized test-based school
reform. In most states, educators are evaluated in large part on test scores of students (sometimes
students they don't have) and on showing that their students are "college and career ready," the
mantra of the Obama administration's education initiatives.
Product placement: Brands including Nike, iPods and
Barbies appear in exam papers. The use of well-known brand names in school tests has
led to accusations that education boards are making product placement deals. Nike, Barbie and iPod
were among the more famous brands to have appeared in a recent New York Common Core standardized English
test taken by more than a million students in grades three to eight. Other brands included Life Savers
and Mug Root Beer. Outraged parents have demanded an explanation for why specific brand names were
used in the tests — with some suggesting they've become little more than just another way of
advertising to young children.
The Editor says...
Later in the day, some of the same schools preach against "consumerism," which is what they call capitalism,
meaning the dreadful presence of commercial advertising anywhere and everywhere.
El Paso parents say YISD fourth-graders receive inappropriate reading...
Questions about affairs, death and murder were all part of a fourth-grade reading assignment at Pasodale Elementary in the
Lower Valley. One woman who did not want to show her face on camera told KFOX14 her son brought the assignment home
because he was attending another tutoring session when his teacher passed it out. She is concerned other students
completed the questions in class, so other parents could not stop them from reading it.
Graders Assigned "Inappropriate" Homework on Infidelity and Death. Parents in El Paso,
Texas were outraged over an "inappropriate" homework assignment given to fourth graders at Pasodale
Elementary School. Students were asked to read passages about a wife discovering her husband
cheated and a mother finding out her military son was killed. They then had to answer questions
about the adult-themed topics.
immigrants as teachers? Long before Alejandro Fuentes Mena became a fifth grade teacher, he was an undocumented
immigrant from Chile. "I came to the United States when I was four years old," Fuentes Mena said. In August, he
started at the Denver Center for International Studies at Ford Elementary School as part of effort by Denver Public Schools
administrators to be the first school district in the nation to actively seek out teachers people who were initially brought
to the United States illegally.
Hype, Few Complete Free Online Classes. Amid breathless media reports that free online university classes
will dramatically change education, a new study finds few who enroll complete or even attend the classes. Of
approximately a million people who enrolled in one or several of sixteen Coursera "massive open online courses," or
MOOCs, on average only 4 percent completed a course. Only half viewed at least one lecture video from their
Principal fired for
Spanish language ban, Hispanic activists seek FBI Investigation. A principal at a Texas middle school where
about half the students are Hispanic in ethnic origin has been fired for reportedly getting on the school intercom and
announcing a ban on the use of Spanish in all classrooms. The incident occurred on Nov. 12 at Hempstead Middle
School in Hempstead, a tiny town about 50 miles northwest of Houston. The principal, Amy Lacey, had been on paid
administrative leave since the incident. School district officials announced at a school board meeting on Monday
[3/17/2014] that her contract will not be renewed, reports the Houston Chronicle.
school principal in mucho trouble for Spanish language ban. Students at a Texas middle school say their
principal got on the intercom last month and announced a ban on the use of Spanish in all classrooms. The incident
occurred on Nov. 12 at Hempstead Middle School in Hempstead, a tiny town about 50 miles mostly west of downtown
Houston. The principal who allegedly banned Spanish, Amy Lacey, has since been placed on paid administrative leave
pending an investigation by the school district, reports local CBS affiliate KHOU.
who told kids not to speak Spanish will lose job. The Hempstead school board won't renew the contract of a
principal who instructed her students not to speak Spanish, in a rapidly-evolving district where more than half of the
students, like many Texas schools, are now Hispanic. Hempstead Middle School Principal Amy Lacey was placed on paid
administrative leave in December after reportedly announcing, via intercom, that students were not to speak Spanish on
the school's campus.
Against the Testing Tyrants. To be clear: I'm not against all standardized academic tests. My kids
excel on tests. The problem is that there are too [...] many of these top-down assessments, measuring who knows what,
using our children as guinea pigs and cash cows. College-bound students in Orange County, Fla., for example, now take
a total of 234 standardized diagnostic, benchmark and achievement tests from kindergarten through 12th grade.
Every Part of American Life Became a Police Matter. Though it's a national phenomenon, Mississippi
currently leads the way in turning school behavior into a police issue. The Hospitality State has imposed
felony charges on schoolchildren for "crimes" like throwing peanuts on a bus. Wearing the wrong color belt to
school got one child handcuffed to a railing for several hours. All of this goes under the rubric of
"zero-tolerance" discipline, which turns out to be just another form of violence legally imported into schools.
Despite a long-term drop in youth crime, the carceral style of education remains in style. Metal
detectors — a horrible way for any child to start the day — are installed in ever
more schools, even those with sterling disciplinary records, despite the demonstrable fact that such
scanners provide no guarantee against shootings and stabbings.
Changing the SAT for 'Social Justice'.
Question: What test was created to eliminate the advantages that wealthy families used to influence and advance their
children's educational cause? Answer: The Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT): a test created to end the
discrimination and aristocracy in college admissions. It leveled the playing field by relying on an empirical test score that
was valid, aligned with college success, and incapable of determining color, race, or socio-economic condition. Problem:
According to Zachary Goldfarb in the Washington Post, the College Board is overhauling the SAT to "level the playing field"
for high school students from a wider range of families.
forces half-naked, sopping wet student to stand outside, frostbite results. A Minnesota public high school
was so committed to obeying its fire drill policy to the exact letter of the law that it forced a female student — dressed
only in a swimsuit, and sopping wet — to stand outside in the freezing cold for ten minutes. As a result,
she suffered frostbite. Administrators wouldn't let the student retrieve her clothes, sit in a car or wait inside
another building, according to WCCO. The trouble began when a small science experiment triggered the fire alarm at Como
Park Senior High School in St. Paul, Minnesota. Fourteen-year-old Kayona Hagen-Tietz was swimming in the school pool
for health class at the time. Her clothes were in her locker, and a teacher told her that there was no time for her to
change. Hagen-Tietz was rushed outside — still wet and dressed in only [a] swimsuit. It was 5 degrees below
zero in St. Paul that day. With the windchill, it was 25 degrees below zero.
The Editor says...
Yes, I can hear you saying, "That's just an isolated incident." Sure it is — just as all the
ridiculous zero tolerance cases are isolated and
unrelated — only they're not. In every public school I've ever seen, the rules are the rules and
the "teachers" and administration never depart from the rules, for two reasons: (1) they can never be perceived as
showing favoritism, because of the civil rights activists, and (2) every departure from the rules opens up the
threat of civil litigation. The schools are in the condition they're in because of
left-wing liberalism.
Betsy Ross, Meet Cinco de Mayo.
Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, Calif., set out to celebrate Cinco de Mayo in 2010 in a "spirit of cultural appreciation."
It didn't work out that way. Some students decided they wanted to celebrate by wearing shirts with the American flag.
Other students objected. A student warned an administrator she thought there would be problems. Fearing for the safety of
students wearing red, white and blue, administrators asked those teens to turn their shirts inside out or go home under an excused
leave. Three students — minors known as M.D., D.M. and D.G. — have sued the district for violating their
rights to free speech and equal protection.
'Scream rooms' in schools are psychological
sadism. In many states throughout the U.S., teachers and school administers will lock students in small spaces called "scream rooms" to
discipline them for misbehaving during the school day. The infractions can be relatively minor — such as swearing too many times or
shooting spitballs. And students are sometimes kept in seclusion this way for hours. In one reported case, a student was not allowed out
even to go to the bathroom and subsequently urinated on the floor. Scream rooms aren't just for high school bullies or tough athletes with
attitudes either. First graders can be confined in them, as well as kindergarteners. Children sometimes weep and struggle to get
away before being locked up.
Administration Takes Groupthink To Absurd Lengths: School Discipline Rates Must Be "Proportionate". [I]n January, [the Obama]
administration — specifically the Departments of Justice and Education — [sent out] a "guidance" letter that demands a group equality
approach to student discipline in America's public schools. If federal bureaucrats suspect that there's any racial disproportionality
in the punishments meted out for misbehavior in school, they will descend on the school's administrators. Unless those officials can
then prove to the government's satisfaction (good luck!) that any differential in rates of punishment by race or ethnic group is "necessary,"
the school will face the loss of federal funds and costly mandates for diversity training. Most school officials would just as soon
have a root canal as face a plague of lawyers from the Justice and Education Departments. To avoid that possibility, they will probably
take the safe route and adopt a de facto racial quota system for student discipline.
of dying boy has to prove her son can't take standardized test. Andrea Rediske's 11-year-old son Ethan, is dying. Last year,
Ethan, who was born with brain damage, has cerebral palsy and is blind, was forced to take a version of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test
over the space of two weeks last year because the state of Florida required that every student take one. His mom has to prove that Ethan,
now in a morphine coma, is in no condition to take another test this year.
The Ritzy Student Bash At The School
With No Books. Their school provides them no textbooks, no supplies or art classes. But here are the underprivileged
pupils of Far Rockaway's PS 106 — dressed to the nines in tuxes and gowns for an elaborate, wedding-themed bash they must pay
to attend at the insistence of their do-nothing principal.
All wrong — in
California, girls can use urinals in the boys' restroom. As of January 1, students in California public schools have been
able to choose whether to use the boys' rest room or girls' rest room, as well as the girls' locker room or boys' locker room, based on whether
they feel female or male, not whether they are anatomically female or male. That's right: Governor Jerry Brown, of
California, signed a bill that took effect January 1 that tells kids from kindergarten on that they should decide whether
they believe their gender identity is and act, accordingly.
Committed To Getting Their Grubby Paws On Your Kids Early. Progressives will trot out study after study to prove to you that your
child will never learn to write his name without sticking the pen in his eye if you don't get him to a preschool STAT. (One wonders how all
of the scientists who got us to the moon were able to do so without the benefit of having gone to preschool.) It's all garbage, of course,
but it's purposeful garbage. The sooner they can get your kids out of your hands and into those of a government employee who will say anything
for a pension, the better.
Higher education itself might not be such a good idea. The Outlaw Campus. Colleges have gone
rogue and become virtual outlaw institutions. Graduates owe an aggregate of $1 trillion in student debt, borrowed at interest rates far above home-mortgage
rates — all on the principle that universities could charge as much as they liked, given that students could borrow as much as they needed in
federally guaranteed loans. Few graduates have the ability to pay back the principal; they are simply paying the compounded interest.
Our Kids: Victims of the Rough Grasp of the
State. Wake up, Mom and Dad: your government has its paws all over your children during school hours — always figuratively,
and too often literally. If parents are taken out of the education equation completely, something will fill the vacuum. And that something
is bound to be the police state.
ENDA Would Grant Transgender
Rights to Elementary School Teachers. It's hard to imagine that in the year 2013 that any business in the country could fire someone simply
because he is gay without facing a major backlash and boycotts. So does the country now need a new federal law prohibiting such discrimination by
private businesses?
Kid Cages at School Bus Stops
Spark Outrage. Environmentalists have galvanized behind a movement to resurrect wolf populations in rural America. [...] In Catron County,
New Mexico, aggressive Mexican gray wolves are terrorizing residents. Here wolves are killing pets in front yards in broad daylight, and forcing
parents to stand guard when children play outside. The threat has become so ominous the local school district has decided to place wolf shelters
(kid cages) at school bus stops to protect school children from wolves while they wait for the bus or parents. These wolf proof cages, constructed
from plywood and wire, are designed to prevent wolves from taking a child. The absurdity of this scenario is mind-numbing. What kind of
society accepts the idea of children in cages while wolves are free to roam where they choose?
Teachers' unions fight bill that
would bar sex offenders from schools. A bipartisan bill that would stop convicted sex offenders from working in schools has been passed by the House
but is running into a foe as it heads to the Senate: major teachers' unions like the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers.
Kyle Olson, with the Education Action Group Foundation told Megyn Kelly Wednesday night [10/23/2013] on "The Kelly File" that the unions' objection to the bill proves
"unions are out to protect the adults... they are not out for the interests of the children." "We should have zero tolerance for issues like this," Olson said.
Schools Shutting Out Some Top
Students from AP Courses. The Los Angeles Times reported last week that some high schools have made advanced placement (AP) courses
open to all students regardless of ability. If an AP class is oversubscribed, the schools use a random lottery to determine who gets in, meaning
some of the best students can be shut out. This is a really bad idea. [...] These classes should be reserved for students who have demonstrated
their potential to do high-level work. And if there is a limit on how large the classes can be, priority should be given to the students who are
most likely to benefit.
Faculty: Sexual Harassment Policy Approved by Feds 'Orwellian'.
Of special concern is a requirement that those professors who fail to complete training are being reported to the federal government. Faculty members questioned exactly what
information the university felt obliged to report to the DOJ and asked how the agency plans to use the information in a letter to University of Montana President Royce Engstrom,
the Missoulian reported last week.
Bizarre, Misguided Campaign to Get Rid of Single-Sex Classrooms. Wealthy families have always had the option of sending their children
to all-male or all-female schools, but parents of modest means have rarely had that choice. That changed in 2001, when four female senators
sponsored legislation that sanctioned single-sex classes and academies in public schools. Today, there are more than 500 public schools that
offer single-sex classes and 116 public all-girl or all-boy academies. Many are in struggling urban neighborhoods and many have proven to
be hugely successful.
Arizona police officer asked
not to wear uniform at daughter's school. A police officer who dropped off his daughter at her Phoenix elementary school was asked by the
school's principal not to wear his uniform to the school because other parents were concerned that he was carrying a gun, MyFoxPhoenix.com reported.
Scott Urkov is a police officer for the Coolidge Police Department. The department told him not to comment to media inquiries, but immediately after
he received the no-uniform request, he posted on Facebook.
laws: A mom dares to critique the social trend. Anti-bullying laws have proliferated in the past decade: But some people are troubled at what
lawmakers and advocates almost always portray as a positive movement against bullying that may or may not have the desired effect.
Bully for You; Bully for Me. Has bullying become more
pervasive and aggressive in recent years? Or is it just reported more often than it used to be? Is something serious going on, or is it a
manufactured crisis?
Obama rewrote federal education
law as Congress napped. President George W. Bush's No Child Left Behind
education law was the largest expansion of federal involvement in elementary education since
President Johnson's Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. And the Bush measure was
unpopular from day one. [...] NCLB required all public schools to establish Adequate Yearly
Progress standards and administer statewide standardized tests to make sure those standards were being met.
Who pays if L.A. Unified students lose or breaks Ipad?
Another issue in the Los Angeles Unified School District's $1-billion effort to equip every student with an iPad surfaced Wednesday: Are parents
liable if their child breaks or loses the tablet? The question emerged after revelations that 300 or so students at Roosevelt High School skirted
security measures on the device and visited unauthorized websites. In response, the district suspended all home use of the Apple tablets, which
have gone out to about two dozen schools so far.
The Editor says...
There is a big difference between bypassing a filter and breaking the computer. And if high school kids can defeat the security features,
the school district needs to get some new IT people.
California college bars student from
handing out copies of Constitution. The Constitution guarantees the right to free speech, but don't try to pass out copies of it at Modesto Junior
College in California. A student at the school who tried to pass out pocket-size pamphlets of the very document that memorializes our rights got shut down
on Sept. 17 — a date also known as Constitution Day.
Files Complaint Against Hartford Schools Over Slavery Re-Enactment On Field Trip. A Farmington parent has filed a human rights complaint against the
Hartford school system following a magnet school field trip last fall in which students participated in a slavery re-enactment that included the use of racial slurs.
Sandra Baker said Thursday [9/19/2013] that her daughter, who is African American, and fellow classmates at Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy were
essentially "terrorized" during the nighttime Underground Railroad exercise that was part of a field trip to Nature's Classroom in Charlton, Mass.
Should Students Use a Laptop in Class?
Let's start with the million-dollar question: May computers (laptops, tablets, smartphones) be used in class? Some instructors are as
permissive as parents who let you set your own curfew. Others are more controlling and believe that having your phone on means your brain is
off and that relying on Google for answers results in a digital lobotomy. Professors are united, though, in the conviction that the classroom
is a communal space and that students share the responsibility for ensuring that nobody abuses it by diminishing opportunities to learn.
ObamaCare for Everything. One attribute
that sets the U.S. higher education system apart from any in the world is the diversity of its 4,495 degree-granting institutions — big,
small, private, public, religious. Under this plan, that historic diversity would melt beneath conformance. The Obama plan says it will
increase the number of college graduates and contain tuition costs by "rewarding states that are willing to systematically change their higher
education policies and practices."
Educational Collapse Mestastacizes.
Constructivism prevents teachers from teaching. Instead, students are told to find information for themselves. [...] Cooperative
Learning mandates that students are always cocooned inside a little group. [...] This is good training for socialism, but not for serious
independent work. Prior Knowledge forces the teacher to waste time assessing what each child already knows, instead of simply
teaching all children what they now need to know. [...] Whole Word, the biggest blunder in American education, requires that children
memorize English words as graphic designs. This is the foolish approach that Rudolf Flesch exposed in his famous 1955 book.
California lawmaker pulls son from class over
transgender law. A Republican state lawmaker says a new California law allowing transgender students to choose which restroom and locker room they use is
part of the reason at least one of his sons will not return to his local public school this fall.
Don't depend on cowards for advice on self-defense. 'Run and hide' is Obama
administration's clever plan for next school shooting. In response to the Newtown, Conn. massacre and a host of school shootings in
recent years, the Obama administration released a 67-page report on emergency planning this summer that includes several pages advising educators on
how to manage "an active shooter situation." The U.S. Department of Education's "live-shooter" section doesn't recommend that schools arm teachers
or employ armed guards. It doesn't even advise schools to add door locks for classrooms.
Why Did a Tennessee Grade School Ban Pork?
A Tennessee elementary school banned students from eating ham sandwiches, BLT's and anything else made with pork, but eventually lifted the ban after parents complained.
[...] "No meats containing pork," read the memorandum. "Starting Monday, August 12, 2013 your child must provide their own snack from the above approved snack list."
Kids could nosh on raw vegetables without dips or sauces, fresh fruit, crackers, pretzels, and popcorn — but no ribs or pork rinds.
The Editor says...
The ban was quickly lifted, but don't ever forget that they tried to impose Islamic (halal) restrictions on food that the kids were bringing from their
homes! Even the Food Police have never been so brazen, but the Muslims are, and I suspect that's who is at the root of this ill-conceived order.
pushes ambitious Internet access plan for schools. President Obama liked the idea laid out in a memo from his staff: an ambitious plan to expand
high-speed Internet access in schools that would allow students to use digital notebooks and teachers to customize lessons like never before. Better yet,
the president would not need Congress to approve it. White House senior advisers have described the little-known proposal, announced earlier this summer
under the name ConnectEd, as one of the biggest potential achievements of Obama's second term.
Bias alert!
How else would "White House senior advisers" describe an Obama proposal to the press?
Turning public schools into forts.
As surveillance cameras, metal detectors, police patrols, zero-tolerance policies, lockdowns, drug-sniffing dogs and strip searches become the norm
in elementary, middle and high schools across the nation, America is on a fast track to raising up an Orwellian generation — one populated
by compliant citizens accustomed to living in a police state and who march in lockstep to the dictates of the government.
DOJ ripped for
making transgender restroom use new front in civil rights battle. The U.S. Department of Justice's latest cause — fighting
for a transgendered California ninth-grader's right to use the boy's room at school — has conservative groups wondering just how far
Washington will go in the name of civil rights. The student was born a girl but "has identified as a boy from a young age," according
to the Department of Justice, which reached a settlement with the public school district in Arcadia, an affluent LA suburb. Under the
deal, the district must not only change the student's restroom privileges and make similar accommodations on overnight trips.
It also must institute a host of measures to ensure transgender students are treated as whatever gender they consider themselves to be.
Student Suspended for Asking that Classes be Taught in English. A 50-year-old community college student in Arizona has been
suspended — her crime: asking that class discussions be conducted in English. [...] It's a twisted day in America when a
student has "ineffective communications skills" because she speaks English. Foreign language skills are beneficial for workers in a
variety of fields, but to punish a community college student for lacking Spanish proficiency is obviously absurd.
Michelle Obama Gives a Nod to 'Walking School
Buses'. First Lady Michelle Obama is promoting walking to school as part of her anti-obesity campaign. In remarks to
mayors gathered at the White House last week, the first lady singled out Knox County, Tenn., which — inspired by Mrs. Obama's "Let's
Move!" campaign — has created a bike-share program and something called a "walking school bus." [...] A "walking school bus" is a
group of children who walk to school with adult chaperones.
The Editor says...
The Obama regime is now dispensing lipstick for pigs. This used to be called, "walking to school," and now
we will all feel better because the kids can pretend they're in a "walking school bus."
Calif. lawmakers pass K-12 transgender-rights
bill. California lawmakers approved a bill Wednesday [7/3/2013] that would require public K-12 schools to let transgender students choose which
restrooms they use and which school teams they join based on their gender identity instead of their chromosomes.
The Editor says...
Whenever schools allow the kids to make decisions about their rules, trouble is inevitable in the chort term, and chaos in the long run. The
same would be true if the inmates were allowed to make policy decisions in prisons. Where liberals rule, common sense does not.
is about to pass a law requiring bathroom, locker room access regardless of gender. Mere ownership of a penis or a vagina will no longer limit
California students in their decisions concerning which bathrooms and locker rooms to use, or which sports teams to join. Under a proposed law that has
passed the state legislature and now awaits the signature of Gov. Jerry Brown, students in California will be able to make such choices based on their
perceived gender identities, CNN reports. Assembly Bill 1266 aims to extend the rights of transgender students.
Shape-shifters are Changing America. Mostly
unbeknownst to most of us mortals, a modern day shape-shifter can become the opposite of the sex he or she was born as, transforming into a man or woman in
an instant. It doesn't matter if the biological assignment given at birth remains. Proclamation of one's sexual identity is enough. One's
gender can be established by fiat. Even children may change sex just by proclamation, as the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary School
guidelines affirm, stating that even if a child physiologically resembles a boy in every respect, but decides to be a girl, his new identity is to be
acknowledged as the "real" one. Just to be perfectly clear, lest anyone accuse the district of discrimination, it is not necessary to declare one's self
male or female at all. A student can essentially check the box "Neither."
Grooming the New Totalitarians. America's younger generations are being groomed
for totalitarianism. We begin In Polk County, Florida, where students at an elementary school, a middle school and a high school had their irises
scanned — without parental permission — as part of what officials are characterizing as a "student safety" program.
Only if grandma is under 30 and has a job. Education Secretary Arne
Duncan: Pre-School is Better Than Grandma. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said Wednesday [6/12/2013] that "cultural hesitation"
makes it more difficult for some Hispanic parents to want to enroll their children in public pre-school programs because of their
preference for family and friends.
Who's tracking your children? The school
year may be over for most American students, but parents must remain as vigilant as ever when it comes to protecting their children's
privacy. Look no further than the shocking, invasive conduct of the Polk County, Fla., educational district last week.
It's a surveillance-state sign of the times.
Taking away the Fifth. Sometimes the best lessons are
the ones that aren't planned. High school students in Batavia, Ill., recently received real-world training in the Bill of Rights unlike anything
found in a textbook. Social studies teacher John Dryden landed in hot water when he mentioned the Fifth Amendment to his students as he, under orders,
passed out an intrusive questionnaire. The survey asked detailed questions about drug and alcohol use so that administrators could identify students
with potential emotional problems. Mr. Dryden simply reminded the children that they didn't have to incriminate themselves with their answers.
Teacher's Fifth Amendment
advice to students gets him in trouble. An Illinois Social Studies teacher faces disciplinary action for reminding his students of their
Fifth Amendment rights when filling out a school survey on behavior, according to the Daily Herald.
Update: Batavia
teacher in 5th Amendment debate ordered to curb remarks. The Batavia High School teacher at the center of a recent
controversy over his recommendation to students about a school survey was warned to keep his opinions about all future district
initiatives to himself or risk losing his job. Calling his actions "inappropriate and unprofessional," the school board
officially reprimanded John Dryden, a 20-year teacher at the high school, at a recent school board meeting after dozens turned out
to support him.
The use of textbooks as propaganda tools: Michelle O Wants Textbooks to 'Swap
Cupcakes for Apples' in Math Problems. First Lady Michelle Obama's "Let's Move!" initiative is praising textbook publishers for "swapping
out cupcakes for apples in math problems," in a campaign to incorporate health information into the learning resources for kids. "Today at the
White House, we celebrated a group of educational publishers on their development of voluntary guidance to incorporate health information into textbooks
and other learning materials," Let's Move! said in a blog post entitled, "Cookies 2 Carrots," on Wednesday.
Parents expected to pay to
see school curriculum in Texas? A controversial school curriculum management system in Texas that once included a description of the Boston Tea Party as
terror, and has referenced Islamic terrorists as freedom fighters, now has been found to be trying to charge parents hundreds of dollars to see the instructional
materials being used by their own children, officials said. However, under Texas Education Code Chapter 26, all parents have the undisputed right to see
any and all instructional materials used in state classrooms.
Sues School over Suspension for 'Weapons' Charge: Showing Students Garden Tools. Attorneys for The Rutherford Institute have
filed a civil rights lawsuit against a Chicago public school district on behalf of a second-grade teacher who was suspended after he displayed
garden-variety tools such as wrenches, pliers and screwdrivers in his classroom as part of a "tool discussion" in his class. [...] Bartlett
was subsequently penalized with a four-day suspension without pay — charged with possessing, carrying, storing or using a weapon.
The Editor says...
The teacher must not have known about the "Screwdriver Free Zone" signs in front of the school.
The Rehabilitation of New Left Terrorists. This week, the
rehabilitation of the most extreme of the New Left groups — The Weather Underground — entered a new stage. Yesterday [4/4/2013], The
New York Post revealed that convicted felon Kathy Boudin — who was released from jail a decade ago after serving 22 years for her role as getaway
driver in a deadly 1981 Brinks truck robbery — was given the position of Adjunct Professor at Columbia University's School of Social Work. At the
same time, Boudin was also(!) given a position held concurrently at New York University, where she was appointed Sheinberg Scholar-in-Residence.
Parents outraged that Mass. kids were
denied lunch. As many as 25 students at a Massachusetts school were denied lunch this week — with at least some
forced to dump their food in the garbage — because they couldn't pay, school officials and parents said.
School Bans the Word 'Easter'.
Boys and girls at an Alabama elementary school will still get to hunt for eggs — but they can't call them 'Easter Eggs' have
the principal banished the word for the sake of religious diversity. "We had in the past a parent to question us about some of the
things we do here at school," said Heritage Elementary School principal Lydia Davenport. "So we're just trying to make sure we respect
and honor everybody's differences."
The Abolition of Sex. The
Massachusetts public school system has taken the tired mantra "You can be whatever you want to be" to new heights of
absurdity. It is now possible for any student to declare what his sex is regardless of whether it is the biological
opposite of what she was born as. The new transgender manifesto, which includes punishments and counseling for students
who object to the idea of changing one's sex by fiat, can be
found here. The basic premise is that a student has the
right to decide what sex he or she is, and the school is required to support the child's self-proclaimed identity in every respect.
Professor Makes Students
"Stomp on Jesus". A Florida Atlantic University student said he was punished after he refused a professor's directive
to stomp on a piece of paper with the word "Jesus" written on it. The university, meanwhile, is defending the assignment as a lesson
in debate. "I'm not going to be sitting in a class having my religious rights desecrated," student Ryan Rotela told television station
WPEC. "I truly see this as I'm being punished."
Stomping' Professor is Democrat Party Vice-Chairman in Palm Beach County, FL. Just in time for Holy Week are many reports
about this controversial incident involving a local college professor at Florida Atlantic University in Davie, Florida making his students
literally stomp on paper after they were instructed to write the name Jesus on it. However national media, while reporting on this
incident, neglected to include the fact that the professor is also vice-chairman of the Palm Beach County Democratic Party as reported
today by a popular and influential local business/political web site called Biz Pac Review.
Media fail: Stomp
Jesus FAU professor is a Dem. Party official. Florida Atlantic University professor Deandre Poole instructed his intercultural
communications class earlier this month to write the name "Jesus" on a piece of paper, then drop it on the floor and stomp on it.
One student, a devout Mormon, was so so disturbed by the exercise that he complained to school officials, saying Poole had offended his
religious convictions. The school responded by suspending the student from the class.
University Apologizes for "Stomping on
Jesus" Assignment. Florida Atlantic University has issued an apology for a classroom assignment that involving students
writing the name "Jesus" on a sheet of paper and then stomping on the paper. The university also said the lesson will never again
be used.
The Editor says...
Let's try the same assignment with "Mohammed" or "Martin Luther King" or even "Obama" on the paper and see what happens.
Takes Action to Punish Student. A Florida Atlantic University student who filed a complaint against his professor
after he was ordered to stomp on the name of Jesus has been brought up on academic charges by the school and may no longer attend
class, according to documents obtained by Fox News.
Update: University
Bows to National Outrage, Won't Punish Student Who Refused to Stomp Jesus. Florida Atlantic University has issued a
formal apology to a student that was facing academic charges after he complained about a professor who ordered the class to write
the name "Jesus" and then stomp on the pieces of paper. Ryan Rotela, a student at FAU, was accused of violating the student
code of conduct after he reported his instructor to university administrators. He was removed from the class, ordered not to
contact fellow students, and was facing possible suspension or expulsion — pending the outcome of a student hearing.
More N.J. schools turning to advertising
to make ends meet. The electronic sign in front of Linden High School may begin showing ads along with school messages, a
deal Linden officials were told could bring in $100,000 a year. The North Hunterdon-Voorhees High School District is exploring "corporate
partnership opportunities" that could paste company logos on everything from high school football scoreboards to library walls.
Education Gone Berserk. During my 30 years
of teaching, I have experienced plenty of irrational teaching methods and behaviors coming from liberal teachers and
administrators bent on controlling every move that students or faculty members made. Every year administrators
added extra pages to the official code of conduct. These were deliberate steps to restrict freedom and to punish
real or potential bad behaviors. Needless to say, lawyers were busy defending ridiculous claims and actions that a
person with common sense would have known to avoid or ignore. But liberals like to micromanage everything and everybody.
Rising special ed cases are huge cost to Minnesota schools.
Every school day, the boy, who has autism and doesn't speak, came to the barren cell built only for him. Two adults spent all
their time teaching him to communicate. The price? $153,000 for a year of instruction, nearly 20 times what's spent
on a student without special needs. "The costs are staggering," said Connie Hayes, superintendent of the public school district
that built the classroom. A decade ago, the boy would have been institutionalized. Today, he's sent to public school.
The Editor says...
Does it improve the quality of the other students' education to "mainstream" violent, autistic children? No, especially since the
rest of the student body is in another part of the building. The only reason to accomodate one-in-a-million cases like this is money:
The school districts are reimbursed (by the federal government, so it doesn't really cost anybody anything) in proportion to the number of
warm bodies in attendance, and I suspect there is a financial incentive to take in especially difficult cases.
feverish de-legitimization of personal self-defense . Three Florida high school students disarmed another student
who was armed with a loaded pistol while riding home on a school bus. The school district then promptly suspended all three
students for being involved in an "incident" with a weapon. One of the suspended students asked, "How are they going to
suspend me for doing the right thing?"
Welcome To Your 21st Century Global
Educational System. We are entering into a new era of education with a global curriculum designed by the United Nations that will be
implemented not just in developing countries, but right here in the United States. Once our daycares are forced to shut their doors because of
purposeful and costly over-regulation by state and federal governments, babies will be forced into the 0-12 educational system and the educational
leaders will have accomplished their goal of compulsory education for even the youngest in our society. Once all children are herded into the
public school system (because homeschooling will no longer be allowed), this is what our newly transformed educational system will look like.
There are a hundred compelling reasons for removing your
children and grandchildren from the public schools. American
Education: Rotting the Country from the Inside. [Scroll down] So it is my conclusion that what the WU
failed to accomplish when they went underground and began their strategic sabotage is now being accomplished through the
educational system and the political means that they have gained by supporting such people as Barack Obama and his Chicago
supporters. I tell people today that we are losing our freedoms because of the attacks that emerge from the left and
are targeted on all of our basic societal organizations. God is eliminated from the classroom; the history of our
country is no longer being taught, but rather a revised edition which depicts our people and our nation as enemies of the
world and of all that is good and right. This includes church, religion, veterans, educational institutions, and any
organization that supports the greatness of our country and the strength of its institutions.
Ten shocking
lessons a huge Texas conglomerate has foisted on public school students. Most — though not all — of the critics of CSCOPE are
politically conservative. They charge that the controversial curriculum is a radical, backdoor way for progressives to circumvent both the Texas legislative
process and the desires of local school boards and communities. They also charge that the creators of the curriculum operate secretly and do not make it
easy for parents or even school board members to see the material.
Upset Over Tutoring Program That Excluded Whites. A Colorado school principal is apologizing after he mailed parents a
letter informing them that an after-school tutoring program was for non-whites only. Andre Pearson, the principal at Mission
Viejo Elementary School in Aurora, also left a voice mail message confirming that the program excluded whites.
Elementary school bans white kids
from tutoring. An elementary school principal in the Denver suburbs told parents that white children would be excluded
from an after-school tutoring initiative. Andre C. Pearson, the principal at Mission Viejo Elementary in Aurora, Colorado
sent letters home to parents informing them that only students of color are eligible for the program, KJCT, the local ABC affiliate,
principal bans white children from after school tutoring program. This is an amazing story. In short, Andrea
Pearson, Mission Viejo Elementary school principal in Colorado sent a letter home with students that informed the parents of an
after school tutoring program for students of color only — no white kids allowed.
Securing America's schools. Both on the left
and the right there are calls for enhancing security in schools in the wake of the Dec. 14 mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown,
Conn. Sen. Barbara Boxer, California Democrat, wants to deploy the National Guard to protect our classrooms. Her proposal included the
establishment of a $50 million grant program that would help schools buy more metal detectors, surveillance cameras and other high-tech security
measures. Turning America's schools into fortresses isn't the solution.
University holds porn star panel in main university chapel. At Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri,
students are perpetually lamenting the fact that their excellent Midwestern school isn't mentioned more often with Ivy-caliber
powerhouses. Well, this story probably isn't going to help.
Gun Free Zones. By making schools a "gun free zone", you
automatically disarm all law abiding citizens at those locations. This is tantamount to placing a sign on the front of the building inviting criminals and
mentally deranged persons to come shoot up the place. "Come on in. We're all unarmed, by law. We won't interfere with your mayhem."
Officials Defend Decision to Name School After Murderer.
A California school district is defending its decision to name a new elementary school after an infamous murderer — by calling him a hero and a role model
to children. The decision has infuriated many parents and law enforcemetn [sic] officers. The Alisal Union School District in Salinas agreed to name the new
school in honor of Tiburcio Vasquez — who was eventually hanged for killing at least two people in the nineteenth century.
The Strategic Concentration of Modern Children.
What any ruling class wants is to get children away from the influence of their parents. And what better way could there be to concentrate and homogenize children
than in government child custodial facilities? It is curious that the modern rampage shootings started around the time that the best and brightest decided that
the big youth problem was the education of girls — even though it stands to reason that boys are the ones who need to be socialized away from their
dawn-raid instincts, and always will.
RFID used to track school students. A court challenge has
delayed plans to expel a Texan student for refusing to wear a radio tag that tracked her movements. Religious reasons led Andrea
Hernandez to stop wearing the tag that revealed where she was on her school campus. The tags were introduced to track students and
help tighten control of school funding.
More on suspended student refusing to wear tracking device. The district
attempted to paint this "students-as-livestock/prisoners" effort as being there for the safety of students and staff. But
underneath all the "safety" talk was a large pile of money that the school district hoped to pocket. The so-called "Student
Locator" project Texas' Northside Independent School District was implementing put school officials within handout distance of
nearly $1.7 million in state government funds.
Antonio Officials Re-Admit Expelled High School Student After Ending RFID Tracking Program. School officials with the Northside Independent
School District have agreed to re-admit Andrea Hernandez to John Jay High School's Science and Engineering Academy. Hernandez, who will resume her
studies at John Jay as a high school junior when school convenes on Monday, Aug. 26, was expelled from the magnet school program after raising
religious freedom and privacy objections to NISD's "Student Locator Project," which relied on RFID tracking badges to enable school officials to track
students' location on school property.
Administrator Brushes Off 'Constitutional Niceties' Like Fifth Amendment Rights For Students. For many school administrators, the default mode
is to limit the rights of students while enforcing very broadly-worded policies. The default mode may start shifting, though, as more courts are reminding
administrators that, while students' rights may be more constrained than those of adults, they're not nonexistent. Recently, a court reminded a Minnesota
school district that demanding a student's Facebook password was a violation of her First and Fourth Amendment rights.
Versions Of Textbooks Spy On Students As They Read Them. The rapid uptake of ebooks by the public shows that there is a widespread
recognition of their advantages. This would be good news for the publishing industry as it faces the transition from analog to digital formats,
were it not for the fact that some publishers keep finding new ways of making ebooks less attractive than physical versions. Here's the latest
idea: electronic versions of textbooks that spy on students as they read them.
Group Warns of Agenda Behind SPLC's "Mix It Up" Day. The American Family Association (AFA) is warning parents about an upcoming "entry
level" diversity program being promoted by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) under its "Teaching Tolerance" project. On October 30,
at over 2,000 schools across the nation, the SPLC will activate its annual Mix It up at Lunch Day, which it describes as a campaign, established a
decade ago, that "encourages students to identify, question and cross social boundaries."
Schools Close So Teachers Can Play with Dolls, Learn About Teaching Islam. Each year, Minnesota government schools close for two days
(just before the weekend, of course) so teachers' union members can gather at a conference organized by their union. [...] The union describes it this
way: "Used around the world, persona dolls are lifelike dolls with personalities and stories you create. The dolls become members of your
classroom community and children learn by empathizing with the dolls and giving them heartfelt advice on the same kinds of situations they struggle
with daily in the classroom and on the playground." That's weird. Teachers are taking time away from the classroom to learn how to play
with dolls? The conference also includes a workshop on how to teach about Islam.
school district to require students to wear RFID chip whil [sic] on campus. A school district in San Antonio, Texas is requiring
middle and high school students to wear a "tracking" chip while on campus. And not just a passive RFID (Radio-frequency identification) chip,
these second generation RFID chips include a battery that transmits a radio signal for constant location monitoring of the students.
District spokesman Pascual Gonzalez said, "Chip readers on campuses and on school buses can detect a student's location but can't track
them once they leave school property. Only authorized administrative officials will have access to the information."
The Editor says...
First of all, the story above defies logic: If the school buses have RFID tag readers, "but can't track them once they leave school property", that
means the buses never leave school property. Not likely. Second, active RFID tags can be tracked wherever there is a compatible
reader. The reader can be the property of the school district, or the police, an identity thief, a stalker, or a child molester.
Wear radio chip or leave, school tells students.
Brushing aside privacy concerns by parents and civil rights activists, a Texas school district has gone live with a controversial program requiring all
students to wear a locator radio chip that will enable officials to track their every move — or face expulsion. At the beginning
of the school year students at John Jay High School and Anson Jones Middle School within the Northside Independent School District were told their old
student ID badges were no longer valid. During registration they were required to obtain new badges containing a radio frequency identification
tracker chip.
Student Expelled for Refusing Location Tracking
RFID Badge. After months of protesting a policy requiring high school students to wear an RFID-enabled ID badge around their necks at all
times, Andrea Hernandez is being involuntarily withdrawn from John Jay High School in San Antonio effective November 26th, according to a letter
sent by the district that has now been made public. The letter, sent on November 13, informs her father that the Smart ID program, which was
phased in with the new school year, is now in "full implementation" and requires all students to comply by wearing the location-tracking badges.
Spying on school kids. School districts
in Texas are using tracking chips to spy on students. That's just fine with a federal judge who ruled Tuesday [1/8/2013] against Andrea
Hernandez, a 15-year-old high school sophomore in San Antonio. With the help of the Rutherford Institute, Miss Hernandez and her father
filed a lawsuit arguing the creepy "student locator project" violated her constitutional rights.
The students had better not bring Tylenol to school, but... Some NYC schools to offer "morning after"
pills. New York City's Department of Education has begun offering "morning after" contraceptive pills to students in a pilot program at
13 of the city's high schools. [...] The birth control will be available to students as young as 14 without parental notification.
4th grader's drawing assignment on 9/11
attacks raises concerns. Parents of some elementary school students are furious over a class assignment. They said children were
asked to draw images depicting the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Parents said the teacher gave specific instructions to fourth-graders at Hughey
Elementary in central El Paso. "'We had to draw the boom cloud, the planes hitting, and people jumping out of the windows,'" said
Ivie Gremillion.
Principal Sees Racism in
Peanut Butter. An Oregon grade school principal suggested in a newspaper interview that peanut butter and jelly
sandwiches might be racially and culturally offensive. [...] The equity program is called "Courageous Conversation" and it
involves taking educators through an intensive program so they can understand their own "white privilege," the newspaper
reported. Robb Cowie, the communications director for Portland Public Schools told Fox News they were aware of the
story and to their knowledge it was factually accurate. "What we're trying to do in our school district is to ensure
that we have instruction that is meaningful and relevant to ever student in the classroom," Cowie said. In some cases,
that means offering programs strictly for students of color.
The Editor says...
That sounds like the "separate but equal" education system that the liberals say they oppose.
Signs That Life In U.S. Public Schools Is Now Essentially Equivalent To Life In U.S. Prisons. In the United States today,
our public schools are not very good at educating our students, but they sure are great training grounds for learning how to live in a
Big Brother police state control grid. Sadly, life in many U.S. public schools is now essentially equivalent to life in
U.S. prisons. Most parents don't realize this, but our students have very few rights when they are in school. Our
public school students are being watched, tracked, recorded, searched and controlled like never before.
Progressive Education and the
Perversion of American Democracy. [Scroll down] It is America's decades-long experiment with progressive and postmodern progressive education that has produced
almost two generations of low-information citizens who have become easier to dupe for the benefit of our increasingly intrusive and imperial government. The progressive
education model began to receive widespread attention during the first decades of the twentieth century. [...] The state of our education crisis — especially our urban
education crisis — has led many to embrace unrealistic ideas that are simply not working.
Texas Students Revolt Against Mandatory RFID Tracking Chips.
Students and parents at two San Antonio schools are in revolt over a program that forces kids to wear RFID tracking name tags which are used to pinpoint their location on
campus as well as outside school premises. Students at John Jay High School and Anson Jones Middle School will be mandated to wear the tags from today which will be
used to track them on campus as well as when they enter and leave school.
Football Is the New Smoking. This morning, fat
kids across America ran wind sprints until they vomited, drove sleds like beasts until muscle collapse, and alternated between jogging in place
and hitting the deck so frequently that it jarred even the insides of onlookers. And they do it all again this afternoon. This
isn't a federal anti-obesity initiative. It's football.
The Editor says...
I guess that means that if you name your kid Dynamite you have to send him to a private school.
Educational Lunacy. If I were a Klansman, wanting to
sabotage black education, I couldn't find better allies than education establishment liberals and officials in the Obama administration, especially Secretary of
Education Arne Duncan, who in March 2010 announced that his department was "going to reinvigorate civil rights enforcement." For Duncan, the civil rights
issue was that black elementary and high school students are disciplined at a higher rate than whites. His evidence for discrimination is that blacks are
three and a half times more likely to be suspended or expelled than their white peers.
Obama backs race-based school discipline
policies. President Barack Obama is backing a controversial campaign by progressives to regulate schools' disciplinary actions
so that members of major racial and ethnic groups are penalized at equal rates, regardless of individuals' behavior. His July 26
executive order established a government panel to promote "a positive school climate that does not rely on methods that result in disparate
use of disciplinary tools." "African Americans lack equal access to highly effective teachers and principals, safe schools, and
challenging college-preparatory classes, and they disproportionately experience school discipline," said the order, titled "White House
Initiative On Educational Excellence."
The Editor says...
The Constitution says nothing about education or executive orders, so Barack H. Obama is clearly operating outside his authority. In any
event, if black students "disproportionately experience school discipline," maybe it's because they disproportionally exhibit a lack of self-discipline.
forcing special needs kids into unfit public schools. Parents and attorneys of special education students in the
District say DCPS is pushing children out of specialized private schools and back into their neighborhood schools in an effort to
meet a directive from Mayor Vincent Gray to cut in half the number of special needs students in private placements by
2014 — moving 1,100 of them. In the process, the city is saving money and boosting the reputation of its public
schools. But it's also shortchanging the system's most at-risk students by putting them in schools that can't handle them,
parents and lawyers say.
American Public Education Has Become a Criminal Enterprise. American public schools are daily guilty of deliberately
committing the following crimes: child abuse by deliberately impairing a child's brain through the use of teaching methods
designed to produce functional illiteracy; contributing to the delinquency of a minor by teaching pornographic sex education
and "alternative" lifestyles; destroying a child's belief in biblical religion, a moral crime that leads children into atheism,
nihilism, and Satanism which can result in self-destructive, murderous behavior; pushing drugs by promoting the use of
Ritalin, Adderall, and other mind altering drugs as potent as cocaine; extorting billions of dollars from the taxpayer
on the phony pretext that they are actually educating the children.
It's parent vs. school over
students' pledge of allegiance to teachers, district. An optional pledge of allegiance to a New Jersey school and its teachers will
continue after an attorney determined it's not problematic following a complaint by one parent who deemed it to be unconstitutional, FoxNews.com has
learned. For the past decade, every Monday of the school year at Asher Holmes Elementary School in Morganville, N.J., has started with students
reciting a pledge honoring the Marlboro Township School District and its teachers, who "help [students] learn" all they need to "know for the future."
Spanish Graduation
Speech Enrages Community. A California school district is defending its decision to allow a valedictorian to deliver
his graduation speech entirely in Spanish even though many people in the audience only spoke English and felt excluded from the
ceremony. Jessie Ceja, the principal at Orestimba High School in Newman, Calif., said the valedictorian had earned the right
to deliver the speech any way he saw fit.
The Editor says...
Yeah, right. Any way he saw fit, unless that included a reverent dedication to Jesus Christ.
Teen Suicide: Is Death Ed a
Cause? [Scroll down] Most people, including parents, haven't the faintest idea what death education is. A
graphic description of death education was given in the Winslow Sentinel of 4/9/90. Winslow, a town of about 5,500 inhabitants,
is in central Maine where people assume that weird subjects like death and dying are not part of the school curriculum. You'll
assume differently after reading this account.
Suicide: Is Death Education a Cause? (Part 2). Several years ago in Canton, Michigan, an 8-year-old boy was shown
a suicide film in his second-grade class, in which a depressed child tries to hang himself. Less than 24 hours later,
the 8-year-old, mimicking the boy in the movie, hanged himself in his own bedroom. (When parents later sued the school,
the second-grade teachers destroyed their lesson plans.) This was not the first such suicide. In 1985, a 14-year-old
high school freshman, an honor student with great promise as an athlete, hanged himself after watching a television movie about
teenage suicide, Silence of the Heart. (NFD Journal, Feb. 1985)
Secretary Sees Laptop on Every Desk As Way to 'Insure Educational Equity'. U.S. Education Secretary
Arne Duncan says the federal government "will do all we can" to support the use of technology in education because
technology "can even the playing field" for low-income, minority and rural students who don't have laptops and i-phones
at home. "The future of American education undoubtedly includes a laptop on every desk and universal Internet
access in every home. It definitely includes more on-line learning," Duncan told a conference in Austin, Texas,
last week.
Reportedly Being Punished After Standing Up for Mentally Challenged Girl at School. In the latest of what seems to be a string of
reports of students and teachers bullying the mentally challenged in America's schools, 18-year-old Stormy Rich is claiming that she has been
penalized for standing up for the mentally challenged student in question. The school maintains that Rich should not have taken
matters into her own hands, though she had complained to the school for weeks about the issue, and did nothing violent.
Girl who fought bullies now labeled one by school.
Stormy Rich, 18, thought she was doing the right thing in reporting bullying incidents she witnessed against a mentally-challenged middle
school girl by a group of girls on morning bus rides to school. [...] Rich — who said she felt compelled to speak out because
the girl couldn't even comprehend she was being pick on — first complained to the bus driver but the bullying continued.
She then complained to a high school official, who said he would contact the middle school, but nothing changed.
Big Brother uses school children to troll for incriminating information State exam asks N.J. 3rd graders to write essay on
secret they had kept. Is it okay to ask a child to reveal a secret? Richard Goldberg doesn't think so. Goldberg,
the father of 8-year old twin boys, was dismayed to learn his third-grade sons were asked to write an essay about a secret they had and why
it was hard to keep. The unusual question, which Goldberg called "entirely inappropriate" was on the standardized tests given to public
school students in the third through eighth grade every spring.
NJ Test Asked Children to Reveal Secret.
New Jersey education officials said they will no longer use a standardized test question that forced 9-year-olds to reveal a secret. The decision
comes after outraged parents accused the state of going on a "fishing expedition to pry" into private family affairs. "This was an outrageous
question," said Richard Goldberg, a dentist in Marlboro, NJ and a father of twin 9-year-olds. "How could you put these children in that position
on a test where you are just supposed to be testing whether than can write and spell?"
What About the Kids Who
Behave? The Obama administration is waving around a new study showing that black school kids are
"suspended, expelled, and arrested in school" at higher rates than white kids. According to the report, which
looked at 72,000 schools, black students comprise just 18% of those enrolled yet account for 46% of those suspended
more than once and 39% of all expulsions. ... The data were compiled by the Education Department's civil rights
office, which probably thinks that it's doing black people a favor by highlighting these racial disparities and
pressuring schools to reduce black suspension rates. No thought, it seems, was given to whether this course
of action helps or harms those black kids who are in school to learn and not act up.
The Big Hoax.
The biggest hoax of the past two generations is still going strong — namely, the hoax that statistical
differences in outcomes for different groups are due to the way other people treat those groups. The latest
example of this hoax is the joint crusade of the Department of Education and the Department of Justice against
schools that discipline black males more often than other students. ... If black males get punished more often
than Asian American females, does that mean that it is somebody else's fault? That it is impossible that
black males are behaving differently from Asian American females? Nobody in his right mind believes that.
But that is the unspoken premise, without which the punishment statistics prove nothing about "equity."
Permission slips for school cookies.
The West Virginia Legislature continues to be a marvel of bureaucratic bullying. Lawmakers plan to make
possession of Sudafed without a prescription a felony worth up to 10 years in prison. Now Democratic
Delegate Ralph Rodighiero of Logan County wants to regulate Christmas cookies at school — along with
Halloween candy and peeps at Easter. Delegate Rodighiero introduced House Bill 2191 without co-sponsors.
It would restrict "parents or the school to serve sweets during the holidays if the school receives parental or
guardian consent."
school hours don't guarantee better test scores. Students who spend more hours in the classroom aren't
guaranteed higher test scores, and many nations that outpace the U.S. on standardized reading and math assessments
keep their children in school for much less time, according to a report from the National School Boards Association.
Socialist Agenda Behind "Whole Language". We have known for quite some time that there is a socialist
political agenda behind the movement to do away with systematic phonics and replace it with Whole Language and other
similar sight-reading programs. A sight method, like Whole Language, teaches children to read English as if
it were Chinese, that is, composed of word-pictures like Chinese characters, rather than letters that stand for
sounds. Children are taught a "sight vocabulary," a list of words they are supposed to memorize by their
shape or association with a picture. They do not learn the letter sounds or how to decipher words by
analyzing their phonetic structure and breaking multisyllabic words into their syllables, which is the
proper way to teach a child to read.
A Moron
with a Computer Is Still a Moron. Since the Clinton administration, liberal "experts" have
argued that giving every kid a laptop, "educational" software, and Internet access will produce a generation
of geniuses. That has to be the stupidest idea in the history of education. Of course, it hasn't worked.
But that doesn't discourage the New Age nerds who run the Obama adminstration's education policy.
Progressive Education: A Scheme Hidden in Plain Sight. [John] Dewey characterized himself as a
"democratic socialist." Over the years, his writings increasingly underscored an aversion to the
free-market system; an abhorrence of religion, especially Christianity; a distaste for educational basics
such as reading and writing; and finally, in 1928, an admiration for Soviet schooling — for the
creation of what he called a "collectivistic mentality."
A Fitting Prophet for
our Age? We happen to live in an era of moral relativism whose foundational claim is that there
is really no transcendent right and wrong. Public schools teach children today that pretty much everything
goes, because there is no objective standard by which to judge the moral content of human actions.
Swedish Preschool Goes
Genderless. Egalia preschool in Stockholm is attempting to make gender roles obsolete. The
staff is instructed to create an atmosphere as "gender neutral" as possible in order to avoid placing social
restrictions on children regarding gender roles.
The rot in values that is causing America's
decline. Thrift, hard work, close-knit families, a pioneering spirit, a love of adventure, a rejection
of indolence, faith-based ethics, a God-centric society, a belief in spreading freedom and democracy —
where did that all go? Science and math. Science and math. President Barack Obama's new
mantra is science and math.
House to put up to 5,000 salad bars in schools. The White House is set to announce on Monday [11/15/2010]
a major new initiative that would place up to 5,000 salad bars in public schools nationwide, despite uncertainties
over how local health inspectors might treat those salad bars and USDA nutrition-tracking rules that could prove a
major impediment. Officials in the White House, led by chef Sam Kass, and at the U.S. Centers for Disease and
Prevention, have been working to build a coalition representing the produce industry and Ann Cooper, director of
nutrition services in Boulder, Colo. schools, who recently teamed with Whole Foods to raise $1.4 million from
customers to establish a grant program that would place salad bars in qualifying schools.
childhood obesity the family way. At the root of childhood obesity are two connected problems:
At the same time that children are consuming more "empty" calories, they also are getting less exercise.
Many factors have combined to foster a more sedentary lifestyle, even for children. In many communities,
children are not allowed to walk or ride bicycles to school. Many schools have eliminated recess and
physical education from the school day. At home, the children are watching more television and playing
video games for longer and longer amounts of time during the day.
Supreme Court OKs In-State Tuition for Illegal Immigrants. Illegal immigrants can get in-state tuition at
California colleges if they graduated from a high school in the state, the California Supreme Court ruled. "The ruling
is the first of its kind in the nation," the Los Angeles Times' Maura Dolan and Larry Gordon report, and though just ten other
states offer such benefits, this ruling makes challenges to those laws less likely.
Upset Over Son's Assignment to Recite Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish. Melissa Taggart says she
was delighted that her son was learning a foreign language in the eighth grade — until she learned
he was expected to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in Spanish. And that he'd receive a zero if he didn't.
College for Those
Who Can't Learn. It is not easy being a connoisseur of educational foibles — just as
one is recovering from the latest foolishness, along comes something new, and it's back to the
anti-depressants. The latest installment of Educators Gone Wild is the push to enroll the
"intellectually disabled" in college. We are not talking about attracting eccentrics; these
recruits are youngsters with Down Syndrome, autism, and other disabilities that seriously impede
learning. This is college for those stymied by reading and writing.
Obamechanic tinkers
with colleges. The Obama administration seems determined to bring academia under the government's
heavy hand. You'd think President Obama would leave it alone, because most college professors probably voted
for him. But wait. The real aim seems to be to politicize the academy even more. Education
Secretary Arne Duncan wants all schools that accept federal student aid to have a license from a state agency
that would list "authorized" institutions. Anyone else would be out of luck. The state agencies
would follow federal guidelines, of course.
Make Way for the Milk
Monitors. [Scroll down] Now, in an effort to feel better about substituting moral
bankruptcy for academic excellence, educators and government bureaucrats have joined forces in a campaign to
expose the evils of Nesquik. That's right — chocolate milk is on the way to being off-limits
on school grounds because liberals who are unconcerned with morality are presently overly concerned with
obesity. The same Food Police who, as a benevolent contribution to society, are in the process of
emptying vending machines of pretzel sticks are now targeting cafeteria milk carts and discriminating against
cocoa-infused foodstuffs.
Obama Continues Pushing
Absurd College Agenda. [Scroll down] The core idea, that the country needs more college
graduates, is nonsensical. The first point to observe is that "our" college graduation rate is just a
statistical artifact, like "our" home ownership rate and "our" voting rate. To people imbued with a
central planning mindset, such statistics betoken national success or failure. In fact, the
nation isn't doing anything. Millions of individuals are deciding whether or not to go to
college and complete the course of study.
This is another step toward 24-hour ownership of your children: Education
secretary calls for 12-hour school days, longer school year. If Education Secretary Arne Duncan
has his way, kids would be spending a lot more time at school — and a three-month summer would be a
thing of the past. Duncan joked with attendees at a luncheon at the National Press Club Tuesday [7/27/2010]
in Washington that he would like schools to stay open 13 months out of the year. Then he told the
audience of over 100 that he seriously supports longer school hours.
California Students Get Tracking Devices.
California officials are outfitting preschoolers in Contra Costa County with tracking devices they say will save
staff time and money.
The Editor says...
When the school officials want to implant an RFID chip in your child's hand or forehead —
ostensibly for everyone's convenience — it will be a dark day.
The Student Loan Takeover.
The unilateral seizure of the student loan program by the Obama administration carries extremely serious implications
for the future of higher education in America, especially in view of a confluence of market forces that have the
potential to effect the greatest changes education has seen in decades. Outside the liberal academic
community, there is general agreement that the traditional university model is broken. Institutions
founded for purposes of education and learning have become bloated and dysfunctional conglomerates with vastly
oversized administrative staffs and a voracious appetite for money from students, taxpayers (state schools),
and alumni (private schools).
P'town puts condoms in kids'
hands. A new policy in Provincetown to make condoms available to even first-graders is being
called "absurd" and a frantic overreaction to sex education.
Assignment to HS Students: Plan a Deadly Terror Attack. A high school teacher who
assigned her class to plan a terrorist attack that would kill as many innocent Australians as possible
had no intent to promote terrorism, education officials said Wednesday [8/25/2010].
Liberals make lame excuses. Take
for instance the liberal mantra, "Kids have sex anyway might as well hand out condoms."
The left is of the belief that those divinely bestowed with a free will are powerless to control
natural impulse. Human beings are reduced to beasts, devoid of ability to choose right
from wrong. Thus, in liberal land, lack of a standard fosters the promotion of mediocre
expectations and accomplishes the goal of excusing failure.
The soft bigotry of low expectations.
The Obama administration's Department of Education has announced that it will crack down on "civil-rights
infractions" in public schools, including alleged disparities in the disciplining of white and black students.
This means that the administration will identify and investigate situations in which a facially neutral discipline
system — offense X brings punishment Y — results in blacks being discplined
more often than whites. School systems will face the prospect of being punished unless they can explain
the disparities, presumably based on a painstaking analysis of each disciplinary decision.
You're a Liberal/Progressive if You Believe...
a public school student who comes to the conclusion that 2+2=5 should get partial credit — for
putting the numbers in the right order or proper usage of the "plus" and "equal" signs. Such
thinking is a natural extension of the idea that: 1. self-esteem — absent anything
resembling genuine achievement — is the ultimate measurement of a child's "success" or 2. a
"passing grade" should be low enough to allow the education establishment to claim they're doing a
"better" job of educating American kids than they were before. You also believe that every
problem created by public school unions and their political lackeys can be solved with more money.
Latest Thievery: Best Friends. [Scroll down] "Parents sometimes say Johnny needs
that one special friend," she continued. "We say he doesn't need a best friend." As a result of
this thinking, best friends are broken up. Buddies are put on separate teams, assigned different
classes, etc. It's not quite the sort of thing cult leaders and North Korean prison guards do, but in
principle it's not too far off either.
"Experts" Backpedal on Socialization Dogma. [Scroll down] Pseudo-educators-turned-social
engineers, like John Dewey in the 1920s, were among the first in a long list to dismiss the three R's as
being vastly overrated and to favor child-socialization instead. But the anti-discipline, anti-authoritarian
factions began launching a more aggressive campaign under the umbrella of "Mental Hygiene" immediately following
World War II. Through speeches, women's magazines, and teacher-preparation courses, psychologists and
psychiatrists started pitching the idea that unless parents wanted to turn out a bunch of little Hitlers and
Mussolinis, they had better ease up on the discipline and drop their obsession with right and wrong.
New Design HS students earn gym credits by selling snacks. Exercise-starved
students from a lower Manhattan school are getting gym credits for working concessions at the Rooftop Films
festival, the [New York] Daily News has learned. "Selling drinks and popcorn at a movie is not physical
education. It's just not right," said Palmer Taylor, a gym teacher at New Design High School.
Chesapeake principal
won't let mom pick up daughter. The mother scheduled a Wednesday morning doctor's appointment for
her daughter. Come Wednesday morning [5/19/2010], the fourth-grader was taking a Standards of Learning
exam. The mother came to pick up her daughter. The principal said no.
Elementary School Principal Investigated for Blacks-Only Class Trip. An elementary school
principal in Michigan is under investigation for authorizing a field trip for 30 black students to meet
with an African-American rocket scientist. Students who are not black were excluded from the
outing — a possible violation of a state law that bans racial favoritism in public schools.
The Editor says...
Imagine the uproar if a public school scheduled a field trip for whites only.
is in hot water over field trip. An Ann Arbor elementary school field trip has led to allegations
that the school violated Proposal 2, the 2006 voter-approved initiative that bans racial preference in
Michigan public schools. At issue is whether the 30 Dicken Elementary students, African-American members
of an academic peer-support group, should have been allowed to take a trip to the University of Michigan to
hear from a black rocket scientist without an invitation going to other students in the Ann Arbor school.
Student Group
Disbanded After Blacks-Only Field Trip. The Michigan school district investigating whether an
elementary school field trip that excluded white students was illegal has disbanded the black-students-only
academic support group that participated in the outing two weeks ago.
Displaying Old Glory: An "Incendiary"
Act? Some stories in the news are just too zany to be taken seriously. Like for instance,
the wretched tale of five students in Morgan Hill that were sent home for wearing T-shirts with the American
flag on Cinco de Mayo Day.
Two People Who Deserve
to be Fired. There are two people who should be out of work for their poor decisions lately.
One, the school official at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, California who sent home two students who wore
t-shirts with American flags. Apparently, showing your American patriotism is not welcome in America
during celebrations of Cinco de Mayo. The Vice Principal thought the t-shirts were "incendiary."
Principal Apologizes for Forbidding U.S. Flag Shirts on Mexican Holiday. A California high school
principal has apologized for telling five students they couldn't wear U.S. flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo,
the local superintendent said Friday [5/7/2010]. Tensions at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill had
risen in the wake of the decision to forbid the shirts, as the students who wore the shirts defended their
right to show their patriotism — even on a Mexican holiday — while a large group of
Hispanic students staged a walkout Thursday in protest.
Is America Conquered
when the American Flag is 'Offensive'? Californians were recently confronted with a sobering
reality. Students at a large high school in the Morgan Hill district were told by school administrators
that American flag tee shirts and other patriotic paraphernalia were not allowed, citing Cinco de Mayo as
justification Few students at the school probably realize that America provided help to Mexico in
expelling the French, whose defeat at the Battle of Puebla is comemorated on May 5th.
School Where Flag Flap Occurred Hides Racist Secret. How is wearing the American flag, in
America, disrespectful to another culture? How is it disrespectful to your shared culture? These
protesting scholars could not give a logical explanation (there isn't one), but tried to use the bizarre
argument that wearing the U.S. flag to school on Cinco de Mayo was the equivalent of wearing the Mexican
flag on the Fourth of July. The display of ignorance by these students shows that Live Oak High School
administrators are not just guilty of First Amendment rights violations, but are utterly inept educators
as well.
Wow! Another
teacher has a problem with a kid and an American flag. Our flag is a symbol of the principles on
which America was founded; upon looking at it, one may reflexively recall the phrase "life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness"; it is a symbol of freedom, individual rights, self-sufficiency, capitalism and
prosperity. Obama wants to dismantle and remake America. His sycophants, including this
Gavilan Middle School teacher, know it.
Making the grade or changing the grade?
Montgomery County Maryland public schools have learned that students apparently installed keyloggers on teachers'
computers, then used the passwords they captured to log in and change their grades. Besides disciplining
the students, they've given teachers two (ineffective) instructions: to check grades, and to change their
passwords. The first is ineffective because most teachers enter grades directly into the system, and
don't have hardcopies of the assigned grades to compare against.
Merion School District sued for cyber spying on students. Lower Merion School District officials
brag that they give every one of their 1,800 high-schoolers laptop computers to "ensure that all students have
24/7 access to school-based resources." Instead, they ensured they got a 24/7 sneak peek into students'
private lives by secretly monitoring webcams embedded in the laptops to spy on teens and their families at
home, according to a federal, class-action lawsuit filed this week in Philadelphia.
judge orders school district to stop spying on students. A Pennsylvania school district has been
ordered to disable equipment allowing officials to watch students using cameras on their laptops. The
order, issued Wednesday [2/24/2010] by a federal judge, will prevent school administrators from turning on cameras
installed on students' school-issued laptops remotely.
Big Teacher Is Watching You. My
laptop's webcam now has a postage stamp covering it. Does yours? This week, a district court judge in
Philadelphia, PA, had to do the unthinkable: issue an order preventing a school district from further remote
reactivation of webcams on laptop computers issued to nearly 2,000 high school students, a practice which has left
many students and parents wondering whether school administrators had unfettered access into their homes and lives.
schools spy on their students, bad things happen. Last week the Robbins family, whose son Blake
attends LMSD's Harriton High, filed a class-action suit against the district alleging that it's been spying on
its students via webcams on school-supplied MacBooks. The suit came about after Blake Robbins was called
into the assistant principal Lindy Matsko's office last November to discuss "inappropriate behavior" he was
displaying — at home. The proof? A snapshot of him taken with his laptop's Webcam.
Apparently Matsko thought Blake was popping pills. According to Robbins, he was merely eating candy:
Students'-eye view of Webcam spy case.
Students at Harriton High School in Lower Merion School District near Philadelphia are given Apple MacBook laptops
to use both at school and at home. Like all MacBooks, the ones issued to the students have a Webcam.
And, in addition to the students' ability to use the Webcam to take pictures or video, the school district can
also use it to take photographs of whomever is using the computer.
'Spycam' in Student's Home Sparks Outrage in Philly Suburb. A school district in suburban
Philadelphia apparently thought it had devised the perfect anti-theft device for the laptops it issued its
students — until parents discovered the plan involved secretly using a Web camera to snap photos
of their children, even in their bedrooms at home.
Snoops on Students at Home Via Computer Camera. The Lower Merion, Pennsylvania, school district
lent high school sophomore Blake Robbins an Apple MacBook laptop last fall, and then utilized security software
on the computer's webcam to take pictures of him in his home. The pictures involved him sleeping and getting
dressed, but the school district's information systems coordinator Carol Cafiero contends in a lawsuit that
Robbins had "no legitimate expectation of privacy" with the laptop.
Obama, Freud, and the American
Progressives' Guilt Trip. At the turn of the twentieth century, an early "progressive" Vermonter named
John Dewey kick-started a makeover of America's education system. ... And so from The Child and the Curriculum
emerged a construct that Dewey called the "psychologizing" of education, and progressives would use his unsupported
contentions to pervert the process by which education would be conducted over the next hundred years.
kindergarten. A new emphasis on testing and test preparation — brought on by politicians,
not early education experts — is hurting the youngest students.
No to Universal Preschool. Most parents are delighted to share their childcare expenses with
taxpayers. Yet there's shockingly little evidence that this costly dash to universalize the preschool
experience will do much good for American education, particularly the kids who most need help preparing for
kindergarten. It's more like a new middle-class entitlement — and an expansion of the
public-school empire. Indeed, it suffers from five basic flaws...
Character Flaws That Are Destroying America's Future. [#3] Excessive Self-Esteem: Perhaps
because we've spent decades trying to pump up the self-esteem of children in our public schools, irregardless (sic)
of whether they've done anything to merit it, we have legions of people in our society who have an excessive
level of confidence in their beliefs and abilities. They're just so darn sure that what they believe is
right just by virtue of the fact they believe it. Traditions? Codes of conduct? Religious
beliefs? Customs? There's no need to even understand why previous generations believed what they
did or to question what purpose it served. Just remember that they were racist back then and so they
couldn't have had any good ideas.
Using school kids as government pawns: Students'
take-home assignment: Census kits. Anyone tempted to ignore the 2010 Census will have a
tough time doing it — especially if they have kids in school.
eyes digital textbooks. The California Department of Education is moving forward on Gov. Arnold
Schwarzenegger's plan to scrap printed high school textbooks for digital ones. But issues surrounding
student access to computers and the credibility of the information could pose potential problems for educators.
The Editor says...
With this system in place, how will parents know what's in their children's textbooks from one month to the
next? After textbooks are approved, they could be easily modified, and the parents would never
know. The trend away from books and toward computers is going fast enough already, I think. The
following item shows how easily digital books can be destroyed — even if (you think) you own the book!
Removes E-Books From Kindle Store, Revokes Ownership. Today, Amazon removed George Orwell's 1984 and Animal
Farm from its Kindle e-book store. The company also went ahead and removed any digital trace of the books,
too — striking them from both users' digital lockers and from Kindle devices. This disturbing, Orwellian
move underscores how, in spite of comments otherwise, a purchase in the digital realm can't be compared to
physical ownership of content.
Erases Orwell Books From Kindle. In George Orwell's "1984," government censors erase all traces of
news articles embarrassing to Big Brother by sending them down an incineration chute called the "memory hole."
On Friday [7/17/2009], it was "1984" and another Orwell book, "Animal Farm," that were dropped down the memory hole — by
Update: Amazon
CEO apologizes for deleting Orwell books. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has issued an apology to Kindle
customers after "1984" and other books by British novelist George Orwell were remotely deleted from their electronic
readers. "This is an apology for the way we previously handled illegally sold copies of '1984' and other novels
on Kindle," the Amazon chief executive said in a post on Thursday [7/23/2009] on the Kindle Community discussion
forum. "Our 'solution' to the problem was stupid, thoughtless, and painfully out of line with our
principles," Bezos wrote.
The Editor says...
This is only pertinent to the topic of this page because it shows how easily electronic books can be
edited, revised, or destroyed with just the push of a button. But as far as e-books in general
are concerned, who in his right mind would buy an e-book device now that we all know how easily those
books can be erased and/or removed?
Another update: Amazon sued over Kindle deletion
of Orwell books. A high school student is suing Amazon.com Inc. for deleting an e-book he purchased for
the Kindle reader, saying his electronic notes were bollixed, too. Amazon CEO Jeffrey P. Bezos has apologized
to Kindle customers for remotely removing copies of the George Orwell novels "1984" and "Animal Farm" from their
e-reader devices.
Education chief wants textbooks to become obsolete. Education Secretary Arne
Duncan called Tuesday [10/2/2012] for the nation to move as fast as possible away from printed textbooks and toward digital ones.
Education chief
Duncan wants textbooks to become obsolete. Education Secretary Arne Duncan called Tuesday for the nation to move as
fast as possible away from printed textbooks and toward digital ones. "Over the next few years, textbooks should be obsolete,"
he declared. [...] A school district in Huntsville, Ala., launched an effort over the summer to become the first district to
transition fully to digital textbooks. To do that, the district must first ensure every student has either a laptop or
a tablet computer.
The Editor says...
Besides the fact that electronic textbooks can be instantly revised and edited en masse at any time by the
ministry of truth, i.e., the education secretary (whose department should not even exist) says he wants to move as fast as
possible, according to the reports above. Any time the government wants to make sweeping changes quickly, there
is deception involved. And then there is the issue of government-issued (or government-mandated) laptop computers: Who
knows what else will be installed on those computers? The computers go home every night, and will probably need to be
connected to the internet for "upgrades" and eventually for news bulletins and pronouncements from Big Brother.
A few years ago, Kindle users found out one morning that some of their electronic books had
been revoked,
including (ironically) 1984. Over-reliance on computers can only lead to disappointment and confusion down the road.
Speaking of textbooks... From
the Halls of Chicago Schools: Memoirs of a Textbook Salesman. For more than 30 years, I was an educational sales
representative selling textbooks and workbooks to CPS. My educational sales experiences included me working with teachers and
school administrators — people who, for the most part, were, and are, overwhelmingly liberal in their thinking.
Unlike most of my customers, I, on the other hand, am a conservative. My employer, a family-owned schoolbooks publisher in
business since the 1930s, is now closing, and I, like so many other Americans living in Obama's economy, have joined the ranks
of the unemployed.
My Idea and Your
Consequence. One really bad idea that is thriving in higher education is the so-called trans-gendered
rights movement. It is thriving not because of the work of trans-gendered persons but because of feminists
who are willing to use them to advance their own ideas about gender and equality. Feminists have been
increasingly enamored with the idea that there are no innate differences between men and women. In recent
years, they have been arguing with greater and greater frequency that all male/female differences come from the
"culture" or that they are "socially constructed."
Title IX in Science and Engineering: Your university's
science and engineering programs might be "Titled nined" if Those That Care have their way. Title IX,
or the "Patsy T. Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act", is one of those government programs that sounds
like a good idea to busybodies: mandate diversity in college sports so that just as many females as males
ISD faulted for using fake Social Security numbers. Years after being advised by a state agency
to stop, the Dallas Independent School District continued to provide foreign citizens with fake Social Security
numbers to get them on the payroll quickly. Some of the numbers were real Social Security numbers already
assigned to people elsewhere. And in some cases, the state's educator certification office unknowingly used
the bogus numbers to run criminal background checks on the new hires, most of whom were brought in to teach
bilingual classes.
High on Green.
Every 26 seconds, a student drops out of high school in the United States. National test scores reveal that half
of all low-income fourth graders cannot read. Given such alarming statistics, you'd think that helping at-risk kids
would be the top education-related priority on Capitol Hill. Apparently not. As far as Congress is concerned,
the real problem with public education in America is that it's not environmentally friendly enough.
Students Asked To Plot Terror
Attack. A ninth grade history project at a high school in Pueblo was supposed to teach
students about terrorism, but instead it outraged parents. Gini Fischer says her daughter came home
Thursday [5/7/2009] saying she had two minutes to come up with a plot for an act of terrorism.
sells advertising space on tests. Good morning, class, and welcome to U.S. history, brought to
you by Molto Caldo Pizzeria. In a cash-strapped Idaho high school where signs taped near every light
switch remind the staff to save electricity, an enterprising teacher has struck a sponsorship deal with a
local pizza shop.
The Editor asks...
With the government spending around $10,000 per student for public education, is there really any need to
scrape together a few extra bucks by advertising in the classroom — for a pizza parlor? And aren't the
public school teachers and administrators the same people who pretend to be outraged by the sale of junk food
and soft drinks in the school cafeterias?
Or cupcakes in the classroom?
Teachers Defend Tactics in Hoax DWI Program.
On a Monday morning last month, highway patrol officers visited 20 classrooms at El Camino High School to announce some
horrible news: Several students had been killed in car wrecks over the weekend. Classmates wept. Some
became hysterical. A few hours and many tears later, though, the pain turned to fury when the teenagers learned that
it was all a hoax — a scared-straight exercise designed by school officials to dramatize the consequences of
drinking and driving.
The Editor asks...
How much does a student learn from a teacher after he finds out the teacher is a liar?
Self-esteem not a good teaching tool.
Turns out children are feeling pretty good about themselves lately. Maybe a little too good. A recent study by
researchers at San Diego State University found that high school seniors are bursting with more self-esteem than a
generation or two ago. ... Instilling that "world, here I come!" attitude is a great thing. Instilling baseless
self-congratulation? Less so.
With Self-Esteem. Remember self-esteem? It was one of the sillier – and more
dangerous – fads in educational circles, which keep going round and round. Having been told
how well they're doing throughout their well-insulated school years, these kids could be in for the shock of
their nice, cushioned lives when they're thrown into the real world. Some of these kids may be all
et up with self-esteem, but they're woefully short on self-respect, which is quite another thing.
ACLU Urges California District to Let Kids Leave School for
Medical Treatment Without Parental Consent. The ACLU is threatening to sue a California school district after
it changed a policy to require teenagers get parental consent to leave campus for confidential medical services. The
Vista Unified School District board voted unanimously Thursday [3/12/2009] to change its existing policy that allowed
students to be excused for confidential appointments — including abortions — without notifying
parents, according to the North County Times. The ACLU of San Diego County and the National Center for Youth Law
claim the new policy violates state law, KPBS reported.
Million Study Proves Student Laptops are Ineffective Academically. Our country has been waiting
for a scientifically conducted study on laptops. Now we have it. Presented [in this article] are
excerpts from the $14 Million Texas Technology Immersion Pilot (April 2006 report — funded
by the U. S. Department of Education) which is supposed to prove whether student immersion on laptops by
middle-school students will raise their academic achievement. So far as I know, this study is one
of a kind and is much needed since technology companies are pushing their laptops into classrooms through
aggressive marketing tactics.
study: Internet makes children dumber. Before your school district gets the bright idea
of giving away laptops and getting all of the children online, have a look at this study from researchers
at Duke...
Sending Poor Kids to Middle-Class Schools Doesn't Fix
the System. The magnet school scheme was tried from 1985 to 1997 in Kansas City, Missouri, at a
cost of $2 billion. To lure suburban white students, Kansas City's inner-city schools were equipped
with lavish facilities: Indoor pools, gymnasia, high-tech science labs, computers, etc. But
programs designed for the needs and interests of middle-class white suburbanites did not serve inner-city
blacks. And few suburban students were willing to commute to city schools for a luxury athletic complex
or a classics magnet. Test scores remained dreadful. By 1997, the district actually had a smaller
percentage of white students than when the plan started.
Impact Of Violence On Public Education: Our states and their school districts have set about
establishing a variety of school security programs designed to both limit school violence and to react to it
after it occurs. But uniformed security personnel, gates, locks and alarms do little to assist the
classroom teacher to maintain order in the very places where learning is supposed to be going on. ... Thus
far, anti-violence programs for our schools have focused on police action and response protocols, with little
focus on prevention.
The Editor says...
Disorder and violence in the schools is the poisonous fruit of decades of "self esteem" building
in the schools. All the humanist "believe in yourself" and "follow your heart" pap has produced nothing
but narcissism. When children are told they're the masters of their own fate, they will eventually
believe they can do no wrong, their respect for authority goes out the window, and the
resulting anarchy looks like the situation in almost any big-city high school today.
Over Ruled: The Burden of
Law on America's Public Schools. Even relatively routine decisions can take months to complete.
For example, suspending a disruptive student involves 65 steps and legal considerations which can take
70 days to complete. The "How Do I?" flowcharts illustrate how intimidating and time-consuming this
and other procedures can be. "The burden of law has become staggering," said Common Good chair Philip K.
Howard. "If teachers and principals are forced to spend their time working through these arduous
procedures, how will they have the energy, enthusiasm, and time to educate?"
Let the drinking age stay
put. It is troubling to learn that college presidents from some of the nation's top universities are
joining together in asking lawmakers to consider lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18. One of their arguments
that the current laws encourage college students to binge drink is ridiculous and there is no evidence to support
it. In fact, scientific studies have proven the exact opposite.
Perils of a
lower drinking age: Life is full of surprises, and some 100 college presidents think they have
stumbled on one. They think there is too much problem drinking on campus — no surprise
there — and suggest we might solve the problem by changing the drinking age. They don't
propose raising it to 25. They want to lower it to 18.
Protect Our Kids
from Preschool. Barack Obama says he believes in universal preschool and if he's elected president
he'll pump "billions of dollars into early childhood education." Universal preschool is now second only to
universal health care on the liberal policy wish list. But is strapping a backpack on all 4-year-olds and
sending them to preschool good for them? Not according to available evidence.
survey shocks parent. Lisa Lee of Bull Shoals was shocked Thursday evening [8/21/2008] when she
saw a survey containing religious questions her son was asked to complete during his career-orientation class
at Flippin Middle School. "No one needs to see this information," Lee said. "It's religious profiling."
Why is Public Education Failing?
"Cooperative learning" is nothing more than a classroom-management technique that provides a
convenient hiding place for bad teachers and under-achieving students. The student who
doesn't care to learn, or has failed to grasp a concept, allows the rest of the group to do
the work and yet gets the same grade.
Freedom and the Left.
Most people on the left are not opposed to freedom. They are just in favor of all sorts of things that are
incompatible with freedom. ... One of the most innocent-sounding examples of the left's many impositions of its vision on
others is the widespread requirement by schools and by college admissions committees that students do "community service."
There are high schools across the country from which you cannot graduate, and colleges where your application for admission
will not be accepted, unless you have engaged in activities arbitrarily defined as "community service."
Iowa Redefines 'Minority' in Wake of U.S. Supreme Court
Decision. Before the ruling, the affected districts — Davenport, Des Moines, Postville,
Waterloo, and West Liberty — employed a voluntary desegregation plan, [Carol] Greta said. Now,
those districts have broadened their definition of the term "minority" student, considering a combination of
socioeconomic status, English language learning status, and student achievement data. "The goal of the
department is merely to maintain the status quo, so those districts who desire to maintain diversity and cut
down on white flight can maintain the ability to," Greta said.
Bush reading program gets failing
grade. A scorching internal review of the Bush administration's billion-dollar-a-year reading
program says the Education Department ignored the law and ethical standards to steer money how it wanted.
The government audit is unsparing in its view that the Reading First program has been beset by conflicts of
interest and willful mismanagement. It suggests the department broke the law by trying to dictate which
curriculum schools must use.
Mom Outraged After Son, 5, Voted From
Class. A South Florida mother wants her son's teacher fired after his classmates voted him out
of their kindergarten class. Alex Barton, 5, was instructed by his teacher last week to stand in front
of the class at Morningside Elementary in Port St. Lucie and listen as his classmates described what they
disliked about him, according to a police report.
The Editor says...
It is almost as if the school is trying to produce the next generation of serial killers.
Texas Governor Mandates Cancer Vaccine
for Girls. Gov. Rick Perry ordered Friday [2/2/2007] that schoolgirls in Texas must be vaccinated
against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer, making Texas the first state to require the
shots. Merck is bankrolling efforts to pass laws in state legislatures across the country mandating it.
This action by the Governor has resulted in
a whole new page about all the ramifications.
Truancy for Parents in Texas. Texas may
join the ranks of states like Minnesota and California who are attempting to use the criminal law as a parenting
tool. A proposal in the state legislature would charge parents with a misdemeanor and a fine if they fail
to attend a parent-teacher conference at their child's school.
Mandatory Student
Activism: "Innovations" like experiential learning (based on the notion that the more time pupils
spend away from structured academic environments the better they master academic material), student-centeredness,
democratic classroom, interdisciplinary instruction, contextual learning, and behavioral outcomes are among the
anti-academic initiatives responsible for our educational crisis, and have been generally debunked.
'America' in Michigan schools. Censoring the word "America" from our own schools is something
Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden would never have thought possible. Michigan has
done it without a whimper. In perhaps a well-intentioned, but pernicious example of political
correctness, the Michigan Department of Education is attempting to ban the "America"
and "American" from our public schools.
The Subversion of Education in America.
I'll bet you think that the problems with our nation's schools are a fairly recent phenomenon. Wrong.
It dates backs to the 1960's. Those that have implemented the subversion of our educational system have
sought to fly well below the radar of public awareness, depending on stealth and duplicity to achieve the
wreckage that has already stunted the lives of thousands who have passed through it.
crusade plagued by incaution, illusions. The recently launched crusade to have every child tested
for autism before the age of two has as its reason an opportunity for "early intervention" to treat the
condition. But the dangers of false diagnoses of toddlers and preschoolers have been pointed out by
Professor Stephen Camarata of Vanderbilt University, who has tested and treated children with autism for
more than 20 years and has encountered many cases of inaccurate diagnoses.
Activists Battle Mental Health Screening
Law. Two years after a new law was passed in Illinois creating the framework for schools to
screen students for mental health disorders, the state has saved more than $44 million in hospital costs,
according to a report released in early October. But some groups say the alleged cost savings do not
justify a program under which schools are overstepping their authority. They also say it imposes a
mandatory, universal plan to screen all children from birth through 18.
Mental Health, Education and Social Control,
Part 35. Even before the [Virginia Tech] shootings, a growing number of schools in the U.S. were
screening students for psychological problems, and in some areas, all children of any age in foster care are
to be screened. According to American Health Line, June 19, 2006, "one psychological evaluation
system, TeenScreen, has been administered to more than 150,000 children in 42 states and the District of
Columbia, and New York State plans to begin screening about 400,000 children a year." In previous Parts
of this series, I have detailed the rather serious problems with TeenScreen.
Cradle-to-college socialism: Hillary Clinton Backs Federal Funding for
'America's Pre-K Movement'. While senators scrambled to pass a financial "rescue" or "bailout" package
that could cost taxpayers up to $700 billion on Wednesday [10/1/2008], Sens. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) and
Kit Bond (R-Mo.) called for expanding the public education system to include 3- and 4-year-olds. The
pre-K programs would be paid for by state funding and supplemented by federal grants.
Why we need the
Freedom In Education Act: The federal government denies that there is a federal
curriculum that reaches world government over national sovereignty. Your Representatives
in Congress are in the dark and the federal government is lying. The fact is, the building
blocks of world government are being taught in a number of ways. There are several specific
programs in today's education curriculum designed to promote global government.
The education of our
children should not be left to the state. Parents of elementary school children in
California were upset that their kids were the targets of a sex survey conducted by the Palmdale
School District. The survey, distributed in 2002, focused on how often prepubescent school
kids thought about sex and touched themselves — you know, just the kind of things educators
need to know to in order to effectively teach reading, writing and math skills.
memory on fuzzy math. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics released new guidelines
that, for example, call on fourth graders to know multiplication tables and division. Oddly, it's big
news when math teachers call for students to learn math skills. So The Wall Street Journal and The New
York Times reported that the guidelines signaled a return to emphasizing "basics" in math education.
Cupcake, You're Not Welcome in Class. The days of the birthday cupcake — smothered in
a slurry of sticky frosting and with a dash of rainbow sprinkles — may be numbered in schoolhouses
across the nation. Fears of childhood obesity have led schools to discourage and sometimes even ban what
were once de rigueur grammar-school treats.
ends "hecklers veto" aid but threatens conservative student's graduation. It
shouldn't have taken a threatened law suit and being held up to nationwide public scorn but
Washington State University officials have stopped paying student hecklers who shout down
speakers with whom they disagree. Unfortunately, the stench remains strong at Washington
State University of a Stalinist suppression of political views that deviate from the politically
correct academic liberal orthodoxy.
Ill. students lose diplomas
over cheers. Caisha Gayles graduated with honors last month, but she is still waiting for her
diploma. The reason: the whoops of joy from the audience as she crossed the stage. Gayles
was one of five students denied diplomas from the lone public high school in Galesburg after enthusiastic
friends or family members cheered for them during commencement.
tenure on trial: If there's a dumber idea floating around than the guarantee of
lifetime employment I'm not sure I want to hear about it.
Gambling with the Children. After
decades of both parties supporting a limited federal role in educational matters, we now face a broad-based
assault on public education from the Beltway. State rights? Local control? This education
law makes a mockery of those concepts as it imposes radical and often untested change strategies across all
districts. Republicans and Democrats should join together to challenge this serious violation of
state rights.
Students kicked off school bus in St. Paul
for speaking English. Imagine sending your kids off to school, but when they get to the bus they
are told they can't get on because they speak English. That's right, English. It happened to a few
children in St. Paul and now the school district is apologizing. [The kids] were told by the bus
driver the route is for non-English speaking students only.
education's return to virtue, honesty, and justice. In his new book John Dewey and the
Decline of American Education, [Henry] Edmondson levels a scathing assessment of Dewey, the paradigm that
drove him, and his legacy. To Edmondson, Dewey's life is not a blessing but a curse that must be
actively resisted on all fronts in the quest for educational reform and securing the future for America's
They're being called
the Kutztown 13. They are a group of high schoolers charged with felonies for
bypassing security with school-issued laptops, downloading forbidden internet goodies and
using monitoring software to spy on district administrators. The administrative password
that allowed students to reconfigure computers and obtain unrestricted internet access was
easy to obtain. A shortened version of the school's street address, the password was
taped to the backs of the computers. The password got passed around and students began
downloading such forbidden programs as the popular iChat instant-messaging tool.
Editor's Note: The school
administrators acted with incompetence, putting the admin password on the back of the
computer. The kids who figured out how to use the computers to their full potential
are the people who should go to the head of the class — not to prison.
Teacher concerns over L.A. school computerization
project. LAUSD is the second largest school district in the country, and is embarking on a
computerization project that has many teachers concerned. The driving force appears to be the desire to
obtain every last possible attendance dollar per student, despite the risks that appear obvious even to
persons who are not computer experts.
Crackberry Crunch: The same study
(of 100,000 school children in more than 30 countries) found that "non-computer using kids performed better
in literacy and numeracy than PC-using children". After all that public money the government sank
into public school computerization...
Illinois Set to Ban Soda and Snacks in
Schools. The Illinois State Board of Education, following the urging of Gov. Rod Blagojevich
(D), on December 15 began the process of banning the sale of high-fat, high-calorie foods and drinks
to most of the state's elementary and middle school students. While the proposed regulations have been
developed in consultation with the American Heart Association, experts note there is no consensus on
what junk food actually is.
25 Years of Forced Busing. In 1971,
Charlotte became ground zero for a noble but failed social experiment forced upon the country by the U.S.
Supreme Court. In its historic Swann vs. Charlotte-Mecklenburg school decision, the court permitted
racially segregated school districts to begin busing in order to achieve integration.
in America: The shift from factual education to feeling and experience-based
learning began over seventy years ago. Eventually, most students become conditioned to see everything
through the new politically correct mental filter.
Only Half a Child:
Mixed Messages in New Mexico Schools. Students twelve and under, you are encouraged to be
sexually abstinent. Students over twelve, you are encouraged to use a condom. Half of your
life you are encouraged to succeed. The other half of your life, you are told you will probably
fail. It's a sad day for students and parents when the state health system gives up on teaching
healthy choices and opts to believe that teens are incapable of restraining sexual urges.
Channel One
urges schools to ban Channel One newscast over onslaught of commercials. Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood last
month wrote school superintendents in 42 states, calling on them to conduct a thorough review of Channel One programming, which
is currently broadcast to about five million students across the country each day. The group believes school kids are being
forced to watch too many commercials and they question the message in the ads, as well as Channel One's website, which they claim
promotes highly sexualized content.
Group Launches New Campaign to
Turn Off Channel One. A broad coalition of companies, organizations and activists kicked off a
new campaign [in June 2001] to stop Primedia's Channel One from exploiting school children for commercial
gain. Channel One is the in-school television program with a daily captive audience of about eight
million school children in 12,000 schools, broadcasting 10 minutes of "news," music and filler, plus two
minutes of advertising for a variety of child-directed products and services.
The Campaign To Tune Out Channel
One: Channel One is the in-school television program with a daily captive audience of about
eight million children in 12,000 schools, broadcasting 10 minutes of "news," music and filler, plus
two minutes of advertising for a variety of products and services aimed at youngsters. Channel One
misuses compulsory school attendance laws to force children to watch ads, wasting valuable school time.
The programs consume the equivalent of one instructional week of school time each school year, including one
full day watching ads.
Channel One is a 12-minute-a-day
television marketing device forced on a captive audience of teenagers. Children attend school because of
compulsory attendance laws, and every day about 40% of all 11 to 18 year olds are forced to watch Channel One
because their school board signed a contract agreeing to compel them. Channel One can charge primetime
rates for its one-minute spots peddling junk foods, soft drinks, expensive sneakers, and vulgar movies,
magazines, and TV sitcoms. Channel One gives advertisers a daily guaranteed teen audience comparable
to the Super Bowl.
Channel One — Exploiting
Children and Perverting Education. Schools that agree to Channel Ones Faustian bargain receive
the use of a satellite dish, a TV in each classroom and two VCRs per school. The satellite dish will
only receive the Channel One signal. We understand that the purpose of advertising is to manipulate
our wants and desires. What we don't understand is why so many educators dont have a problem with
exploiting a captive audience of children in this way. Taxpayer-funded school time should not be
the venue for hawking any products to students.
Gets to Your Kids. Radical animal-rights activists may be the last people
you'd think would be planning school lessons for your children. Well, think
again. Through its innocuous-sounding "educational" programming arm known as
TeachKind, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has found a way to reach school
children starting as young as kindergarten with its extremist agenda.
has to be a Better Way for Special Education Students. School districts around the country
breathed a sigh of relief last week when the Supreme Court ruled on an arcane dispute involving the
federal government's mandate for special education students. Under federal law, public schools are
required to provide a "free, appropriate public education" to all students, regardless of disability.
College Prof — a
Convicted Felon — Still on Payroll at Univ. of Wisconsin. In March a
University of Wisconsin (UW) professor was convicted of three felony counts of repeated sexual
contact with three minor girls, ages five, six, and nine. This month a Wisconsin county
circuit court sentenced physiology professor Roberto Coronado to eight years in prison. But
UW will not sever the employment of the professor, and will keep him on their payroll.
In New Zealand ... School parking ban to
fight obesity. One idea to be explored was banning parking around schools to encourage parents
to drop children some distance from the school. This would force them to walk at least part of the way,
possibly with a "walking school bus".
School board
appoints manager of lewd club as president, then silences concerned citizens. An
Alliance Defense Fund allied attorney Monday [6/20/2005] asked a federal court to order the
Asbury Park Board of Education to respect the free speech rights of citizens who were critical
of the board for appointing as president the former manager of a sexually explicit club.
Must This Teacher Teacher
Be Fired? Albert Einstein revolutionized Physics, Alan Turing helped invent
computer science and Richard Feynman won the Nobel Prize in Physics while maintaining
a reputation as the best science teacher of his generation. None
of these individuals, according to the state licensing board, would
be qualified to teach in an Oregon public school.
it what you will, it's still failure. The word "fail" should be banned from use in
British classrooms and replaced with the phrase "deferred success" to avoid demoralizing pupils,
a group of teachers has proposed.
The end of self-reliance?
From childhood on, Americans are told by "experts" — therapists, self-esteem educators, grief
counselors, traumatologists — that it is healthy for them continuously to take their emotional
temperature, inventory their feelings and vent them.
government fails history in U.S. schools. The flap over the U.S.
Department of Education consigning 300,000 copies of "Helping Your Child to Learn
History" to the trash bin is evidence anew that the federal government should
have no role in education. Illiteracy and low scores in public schools are a
national scandal, but it's hard to see how federal spending improves anything.
Judges Are Running Our Schools. On the first court day of the New Year,
the Kansas Supreme Court ordered the Kansas legislature to appropriate more money for
the public schools. According to the National Center for Education Statistics,
Kansas spends $8,206 per pupil per year, but the judges said the state must spend much
more to give schoolchildren the "suitable" education which the state constitution
choice, not just money, to education. The Kansas Supreme Court ruled last week that the Legislature
has not fulfilled its constitutional requirement to finance what it had previously defined as a "suitable"
education. "It is clear increased funding will be required," said the court, but it did not
specify how much. One approach to the dilemma is to change the definition of a "suitable" education so
that the state commits itself to purchasing a less expensive mix of services. Advocates of increased
funding argue that this would "dumb down" schools. Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, in her State of the State
address, opposed this approach and called it an "end run."
Rights, Equal Opportunity, and Now Equal Outcome. In America, we have a serious
problem with the public education system. The breakdown started with the civil rights
movement and the decision to use the system to socially engineer the races — the
emphasis was switched from encouraging the smart children, the future leaders, to almost all
of the emphasis being placed on the least of the students, guaranteeing a dumbed-down
education for all the children. The unionization of the system greatly accelerated
the breakdown — the system became the teacher's domain rather than the children's
place. The breakdown has been further accelerated by the government takeover of the
schools (state and federal) from the communities. As a result the student's learning
has been degraded below that of some third world countries.
Here's another incentive for homeschooling: Teacher has kids tasting flavored
condoms. The New Mexico Health Department is standing behind a sex-education
teacher in Santa Fe who encouraged ninth-graders to taste flavored condoms. According
to a report in the Santa Fe New Mexican, parent Lisa Gallegos said that when her
15-year-old daughter balked at putting a condom in her mouth, instructor Tony Escudero
told her, "Come on, sweetie, have a little fun."
No Child Left
Un-medicated? The administration's "New Freedom Initiative" envisions "comprehensive mental
health screening for 'consumers of all ages,' including preschool children."
U.S. Schoolchildren. Houston's Spring Independent School District "is equipping
28,000 students with ID badges containing computer chips that are read when the students get
on and off school buses," reported the November 17 New York Times. "The information
is fed automatically by wireless phone to the police and school administrators." Police
can monitor children from the time they leave home to their arrival on campus.
Editor's Note: If
you think those are the limits of such monitoring, that the monitoring begins when
the kid leaves the house, that the monitoring takes place only on school days, then you
are naïve indeed. If the chips can be read at the school bus stop without
the assistance of the kids, then the chips can be read anywhere in town at any time
of day. And apparently every kid in the school gets such an ID badge, whether
he or she rides the bus or not. Nobody dares to speak out against an idea like
this, because ostensibly "we're doing it for the children" or "it's for
their safety."
Mandatory Student
ID Cards Contain RFIDs. Parents in a northern California public school
district and civil liberties groups are urging a school district to terminate the
mandatory use of Radio Frequency Identification tags by students. A letter was
sent today [2/8/2005] expressing alarm at the Brittan School District's use of mandatory
ID badges that include a RFID device that tracks the students' movements. The
device transmits private information to a computer on campus whenever a student passes under
one of the scanners. The ID badges also include the student's name, photo, grade, school
name, class year and the four-digit school ID number. Students are required to prominently
display the badges by wearing them around the neck at all times.
Students: A nascent security trend in the U.S. is tracking schoolchildren
when they get on and off school buses. A school district in Spring, Texas, is using
computerized ID badges to record this information, and wirelessly sending it to police
headquarters. Another school district, in Phoenix, is doing the same thing with
fingerprint readers. Tracking kids as they get on and off school buses is
a ridiculous idea. It's expensive, invasive, and doesn't increase security
very much.
Book review Faulty Towers: Tenure
and the Structure of Higher Education. As debate accelerates over the declining
standards in higher education, academic tenure is viewed with suspicion by many, who see it
merely as job protection for incompetent teachers. Even many professors believe tenure
is a guarantee of lifelong entitlement, whereby only the commission of a crime can lead to
dismissal. Tenured professors who have become incompetent are rarely
dismissed, and superior teaching is rarely rewarded, although there is little to prevent
universities from doing so.
distributes satanic sex calendar. Local school officials in a suburb
of Houston, Texas, are investigating how it was possible that a school police officer
handed out calendars to students that featured explicit details on satanic and sexual
rituals for every day of the month.
Texas Teachers Learn
to Cheat: A loophole in the law allows them to pay as little as $3 in Social
Security taxes and receive Social Security benefits worth about $5,200 a year for the rest
of their lives. How can teachers expect their students to behave honorably if they
intend to cheat the Social Security system to get more benefits than they deserve?
How Textbooks Mislead
Teachers: Dr. Michael Sanera gives examples of how environmental teaching
texts used in university-level courses in Wisconsin provide misleading information to
prospective teachers about various environmental issues.
Finding Effective Lessons for
Teachers. There is no shortage of ideas to solve the problem of low student achievement
in U.S. public schools: Smaller class sizes, more talented teachers, more well-rounded
teachers recruited from other careers, and better pay for teachers are just a few of the
prescriptions offered. But in a 1999 book titled The Teaching Gap (Free Press), UCLA
psychology professor James W. Stigler and coauthor James Hiebert suggested student achievement
may be stunted by a much more fundamental cause: ineffective teaching methods.
Harmful Impact of the TAAS System of Testing in Texas: Texas, a state with a
history of low educational achievement and low investment in public education, has put into
place an accountability system that hinges on the testing of children. The test has
high stakes consequences for the children: not passing the high school-level test is
a bar to graduation (regardless of the student's accomplishments and courses passed).
A Different Look at DARE: This
site provides information and views on the DARE program not readily available through DARE or
any official source. This page is not sponsored or endorsed by "DARE America," and we
do not purport to speak for DARE.
101: They are not "public schools." They are government schools. They
are owned and operated by government. Every employee, from the superintendent to the
dishwasher in the cafeteria, is a government employee. So, let's call them what they
are. Government schools.
No Child Left Unbrainwashed:
Public education became popular in the 18th century, when Prussian monarchs decided the best way to raise good
Prussians was to control their education. Writing for the Action Institute for the Study of Religion and
Liberty, doctoral student Michiel Visser of Oxford states: "Pupils were not primarily supposed to learn reading,
writing, arithmetic or anything else, but were meant to become obedient citizens. The history of modern
education, then, is a history of social control ."
The "state" of education:
The federal government now insists that every teacher must have a degree in every subject he teaches, or must pass
an exam to prove he's "highly qualified" in that subject. Washington's one-size-fits-all education policy
is the real problem here. Federal bureaucrats are treating small towns in Montana is if they were
New York City and rural villages in Alaska as if they were Dallas.
Excellent Judging Books by Their Covers: In 1964 the
eminent physicist Richard Feynman served on the State of California's Curriculum Commission and saw how the
Commission chose math textbooks for use in California's public schools. In his acerbic memoir of that
experience, Feynman analyzed the Commission's idiotic method of evaluating books, and he described some of the
tactics employed by schoolbook salesmen who wanted the Commission to adopt their shoddy products.
"Gender Blind" Dorms Top List of 2003 Campus
Follies: A conservative group has released its annual list of what it calls "the top ten most
shameful events" in America's educational system. The group says the incidences of "bias and political
correctness" continue to weigh down that system.
Same story: 2003 Top Ten
Campus Follies: Our nation's education system continues to be weighted
down with incidences of bias and political correctness. Young America's
Foundation compiled a list of the top ten most shameful campus events in America's
education system in 2003.
This is a place of learning, not
a school. Watercliffe Meadow Primary in Sheffield has adopted the new phraseology because it thinks that the
word school may have negative connotations for pupils and parents. Linda Kingdon, the head teacher, said that the
change would bring the school (or place of learning) closer to real life. But critics condemned it as laughable
political correctness.
Education Disaster in New York City: A recent report on English
Language Learners found that [only] 3.7 percent of [New York] City's 134,000 students
in bilingual education programs were able to transition into mainstream classes. Some of
these students had been in bilingual education as long as 10 years.
globally: The Bush administration has begun issuing grants to help spread a
United Nations-sponsored school program that aims to become a "universal curriculum"
for teaching global citizenship, peace studies and equality of world cultures.
Class sizes and Academic Achievement: Some
Florida taxpayers might accept an increase if they can be assured that having fewer students in each class will
increase academic achievement. But unfortunately, the effect of class size on student achievement
hasn't been proven.
A Class-ic Mistake: Periodically,
public education is seized by a fad regardless of whether it has any real effect. One such is the rush
toward reducing class size to some arbitrary number.
What Should We Expect from Smaller
Classes? In a thoughtful review of studies of class size and academic performance in Scientific
American [November 2001], Ronald G. Ehrenberg and colleagues point out class-size reduction has one obvious
drawback: "It costs plenty." They note the state of California alone has spent more than
$1.5 billion annually over the past several years to reduce class sizes to 20 or fewer in kindergarten
through third grade ... with only a "tiny effect."
Should Classes Be Smaller Or Simply More
Orderly? A recent research study highlights the importance of teacher quality and raises
questions about the cost-effectiveness of class size reduction proposals.
No Preschooler Left Behind: Thomas
Watkins, Michigan's superintendent of public schools, is on a mission to expand his authority beyond the
traditional K-12 boundaries. If given his way, every child in the state—practically from
birth—would become the exclusive property of state authorities. Of course, Watkins doesn't quite
phrase it that way. Rather than acknowledge his desire to forcibly remove children from their homes, the
superintendent speaks of "investment" in society's future.
The Intellectual Rape of
Oakland's Schools: This week, Dan Siegel and the Oakland school board led their corrupt
and failing school in an exercise in anti-American propaganda, turning over all of Oakland's schoolchildren,
from the first grade to high school, to the tender mercies of radical ideologues and their rants against
the war in Iraq, the president and America.
world without "F's": School's out. What did your children learn
this year? Across the country, one poisonous lesson was pumped into the systems
of self-esteem-inflated students: There is no such thing as failure.
My name is Adolf:
Among the patriotic lesson plans for 9-11 was one proposed by the National Council for Social Studies, which
recommends a short story titled "My Name is Osama." Calculatedly inciting hatred toward white American
boys, the story is about a nasty little boy, "Todd," who taunts an Iraqi immigrant named "Osama."
School-to-Work = The
Reason Our Schools Are Failing: When fully implemented, School-to-Work will
result in: 1) loss of personal control over daily life, 2) loss of local control
over education, 3) loss of quality, academic rich curricula, and 4) loss of freedom
as a free market driven economy in a constitutional republic.
How to
Understand the Double-Speak of the Educrats: The education establishment
has learned to use words that have double meanings or have no known definition in the
English language. Consequently, moms and dads who stand in the arena, ready for battle
are often disarmed by what seems to be a foreign language.
Education For the Global Village: Academic education has been
replaced with indoctrination programs. The process is designed to change the
attitude, values and beliefs of the children — away from traditional American
values of God and Country. Away from the family; away from the American work
ethic; away from competition.
the Children: It is sometimes said, by public school supporters,
that if some children are taken out of the system to go to other schools, the public
schools will deteriorate. And so, the thinking goes, parents have a "duty to society"
to keep their kids in the public schools, even though they have already deteriorated
almost beyond recognition. How absurd that the government schools think of the children
as serving the schools' or society's needs instead of the other way around.
Learning About Learning:
No matter how hard we try, we can't deliberately forget something we have learned, and that is catastrophic if
we learn that we can't learn." One of the most powerful lessons schools teach children is "You are not a
good learner." Despite the knowledge that children's brains are superb learning instruments, schools
always claim that "failure" is a kind of sickness. Real or imaginary inadequacies are given clinical-sounding
labels like "dyslexia," "ADHD," etc., to create the impression that physical abnormalities are involved.
Education or
Indoctrination? Largely unknown to the public, the whole notion of education has been radically
transformed over the years, so that it no longer means conveying the accumulated knowledge and understanding
of a civilization, but shaping children's psyches and indoctrinating their minds with politically correct
"Sexual Orientation" Codes
are Harmful to Schools: "'Sexual orientation' school codes are invariably used to advance
one-sided, pro-'gay' programs and classroom teachings," said Peter LaBarbera, senior policy analyst at the
Culture and Family Institute. "This bias violates parents' rights and the beliefs of the majority of
students who oppose homosexuality."
Democrats Refuse to Notify Parents of Sex Ed Speakers: A Democrat-controlled committee of the
California State Legislature has killed a bill that would have required public schools to notify parents if
outside speakers were invited to discuss sexual matters with students — even young students.
Educators Pull History Text for
"Inappropriate" Material: The chairwoman of the Texas Board of Education is defending the
withdrawal of a textbook they say contains inaccurate and inappropriate information. The textbook,
called Out of Many: A History of the American People, is published by Prentice Hall. A passage in
the book is entitled "Cowboys and Prostitutes." Grace Shore, who heads the State Board of Education,
says the textbook was pulled because it not only was inappropriate for children, but it contained information
that is questionable.
Classes in safe sex are ineffective,
says study: Sex education classes do not reduce the number of teenagers who practice unsafe sex,
according to research that suggests parents can play a more influential role.
Teacher fired for showing "graphic"
movies: School Board asserts that he had shown students movies with graphic sexual content and
profanity without notifying their parents, and that he discussed with students phallic symbolism in the
Christian church.
Schools' Drastic Measures
Questioned: In an effort to keep schools free of drugs and violence, authorities are resorting to
heavy-handed measures that impinge on students' privacy rights and chill the learning environment, says one
S.F. Schools
Urge Kids to Skip for Rally: The San Francisco Board of Education wants its high school students
to skip school Thursday to show support for its pet cause: affirmative action.
Group Blasts
Abstinence Message In Schools: Many schools have adopted an abstinence message as a way to
discourage teenagers from engaging in sexual activity, and the Alan Guttmacher Institute isn't happy about it.
The Autism Dragnet:
Department of Education Rule 51. A legal case in Nebraska shows the dangers in creating a
government-mandated dragnet that can subject all sorts of children to hours of disagreeable, ineffective
or even counterproductive treatment for something they do not have.
"Yummy" foods to tempt
school truants: Schools in New York will serve ice cream on Mondays and Fridays to encourage
children not to truant [sic]. Officials hope offering the treat on the days with the highest truancy
rate will stop kids missing classes.
Editor's Note:
Truant is not a verb!
The Creativity-Knowledge Dichotomy: I saw
a bumpersticker [sic] the other day which said, "Creativity Is More Important Than Knowledge." You can't
separate creativity from knowledge. The two are intertwined.
Invention Becomes the Mother of Necessity:
Technology in the Classroom: Rather than seeing an achievement gap shrinking, some technology may
actually serve to separate students further apart. A new class system may emerge, those who understand
and use technology and those who do not. If a child cannot read or reads at such a low level to be
functionally illiterate, technology matters very little.
Guess What's Going On In
School! While the education debate in Congress revolves around standards, testing, accountability
and spending, 3,000 miles away on the Left Coast, very different factors have leapt to center stage.
New schools for a new world order:
The fundamental goal of socialism is the establishment of a sociopolitical
milieu where the individual is controlled by the state from the cradle to the grave. It seems this dream
has taken a few steps closer to reality for young children living in Washington, DC. The City Council
of the District of Columbia is considering a bill designed to lower the age of compulsory school
attendance from five to three years old. WorldNet Daily points out that even children as young as two
unfortunate to have their birthdays fall after the commencement of the academic year will be mandated to
Student Assembly Stirs Controversy: A California high school teacher has found himself at the
center of controversy after denouncing mandatory student assemblies staged by the student National Organization
for Women Club, the Black Student Union and a "Multi-Cultural Assembly," among others.
Half a
century after Brown: The key fallacy underlying the civil rights vision
was that all black economic lags were due to racial discrimination. That assumption
has survived to this day, in the courts, in the media, in academia, and above all in politics.
a century after Brown: Part II. Medical authorities have long recognized
that a quack remedy that is harmless in itself can nevertheless be fatal in its effects,
if it keeps sick people from getting the treatment that can cure them. Racial mixing
and matching has been the great quack remedy for the educational lags of black school
children that has substituted for higher standards and harder work.
Half a
century after Brown: Part III. Although Brown v. Board of Education dealt
with race and with schools, its judicial philosophy spread rapidly to issues having
nothing to do with race or schools. In the half century since Brown, judges at
all levels have become unelected legislators imposing the vision of the political left
across a wide spectrum.
Ritalin, also known as Methylphenidate, a
Schedule II substance, has a high potential for abuse and produces many of the same effects
as cocaine or the amphetamines. The abuse of this substance has been documented among
narcotic addicts who dissolve the tablets in water and inject the mixture.
In my humble opinion, if kids spent half as much time reading as they spend in front of a
television, there would be far less demand for drugs like Ritalin.
Note: Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act contains those substances that have
the highest abuse potential and dependence profile of all drugs that have medical
are using our children as pawns for all their policies. Along with this, we must include the shocking
statistics on drugging our children. Researching this, I found that six million of our children are on psych
drugs — that's one in 12 — and often, in my opinion, (and I am not an expert) the drugs are used to
force inquisitive and lively children into conformity with the herd, into manageability. Note, if you look at the link,
how early drugs are started — an astounding number of children are force-fed them early, before their first
birthdays. Instead of prescribing more of these drugs, we need to develop an ethic where the adults in the room take
the time and make the effort to help less tractable and manageable kids find their path in life. The effort needed to
do so is profound, but the rewards will be, too. We need our quirky thinkers, our single-minded inventors, our
daredevils, and we need to let them know they are valued.
Kids For Profit. [Scroll down] Since the early 1990s the psychiatry profession has been pushing for
"mental health screenings" to find new patients. Pushing community mental health providers into public education means
a steady revenue stream created diagnosing children with mental disorders which will then be treated with drugs purchased
from Big Pharma. Health care dollars from insurance companies for treatment and from government agencies for research
yield still more revenue. Records of assessments, whether real or just imagined by a mental health provider, will
follow children the rest of their lives. Many will become dependent on the highly addictive psychotropic drugs known as
neuroleptics and will suffer from an array of adverse side affects. According to a 2017 report, the rate of antidepressant
use in the United States increased nearly 400 percent over the last two decades. With community mental health
providers on school campuses, this will become an even greater national crisis.
of ADHD Admitted in Final Interview That Disease Was "Fictitious". These were the words of Leon Eisenberg, the
"scientific father of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)," in his last interview before his death. Leon
Eisenberg made a luxurious living off of his "fictitious disease," thanks to pharmaceutical sales. Coincidentally, he
received the "Ruane Prize for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Research. He has been a leader in child psychiatry for
more than 40 years through his work in pharmacological trials, research, teaching, and social policy and for his theories of
autism and social medicine," according to Psychiatric News. Yes, it was even admitted that they are his THEORIES. The
medical industry is using the guise of helping children to depersonalize and disconnect our children from a healthy, normal
boss Oliver North blames Ritalin, 'culture of violence' for school shootings. Incoming NRA President Oliver
North tried to blame the rash of school shootings across the U.S., including the massacre at a Texas high school Friday, on
video games and ADHD medication instead of access to firearms. The gun lobby's newest spokesman said the wave of
killings were carried out by "young boys" who "have been on Ritalin since they were in kindergarten." "I am certainly not
a doctor, I'm a Marine, but I can see those kinds of things happening," North said in an interview on "Fox News Sunday."
Left Has Created A Cottage Industry From the Deaths of Children. More details about the incident are sure to be
made public in the coming hours and days, but we'll take a wild guess here: White, male student, considered a loner,
possibly already on the radar of local law enforcement, and almost certainly under the influence of prescription drugs
in the SSRI class. Why do I feel so confident about making this assumption? Simply because this has been the M.O.
of nearly every mass shooter in American history since the advent of antidepressants, (which is pretty much every mass
shooter in American history).
and school shootings: The dirty and deadly big secret. What's changed, especially in the lives and minds of many young
people, over the last two decades? A lot has changed. From accelerated "progressive" cultural rot to more broken and latchkey
homes to incredibly easy access to violence and sex via TV, movies, the internet and social media, and video games, all of these can be listed
as possible contributors to the scourge of heinous behavior — much of which is perpetrated by males under the age of 30. But in almost
all cases, the killers are found to be "unstable" or "depressed" and taking some type of psychotropic prescription drugs: mind-altering
substances to deal with depression, emotional frailty, or just the dramas of everyday life as a young adult.
Prozac to Parkland: Are Psychiatric Drugs Causing Mass Shootings? If you develop digestive problems after
a change in diet, do you look for the cause in foods you always ate or the new ones you started eating? While the answer
is obvious, this common sense is painfully uncommon when analyzing the new phenomenon of continual mass shootings: Many
blame the long-present "foods" — guns in this case — and ignore the new diet whose embrace coincided
with the problem. And part of what's new is the widespread use of psychiatric drugs. As a case in point, the
Parkland, Florida, shooter, who murdered 17 on Valentine's Day, was on medication for emotional issues, his aunt related.
This is now a familiar story, too. As WND.com's David Kupelian put it Thursday [2/22/2018], the following is par for the
course: As information about a "perpetrator emerges, a relative confides to a newspaper that the 'troubled youth' who
committed the mass murder was on psychiatric medications — you know, those powerful, little understood, mind-altering
drugs with fearsome side effects including 'suicidal ideation' and even 'homicidal ideation.'"
school shooter in custody may offer an opportunity to explore role of medications in school massacres. The rash
of school shootings in the United States over the past two decades has nothing to do with the availability of firearms to
youths, as the gun-grabbers claim. American youngsters have always had access to firearms. In fact, in decades
previous, guns were much easier to purchase. [...] So, in looking for causes, it makes sense to examine other factors —
for instance, the fame bestowed upon shooters by overboard media coverage of their misdeeds. [...] Or... maybe we should examine
the widespread use of psychotropic stimulant drugs, such as Ritalin, on male pupils in schools, which began to be used on a wide
scale in 1996. Particularly when the drug use stops, there may be undesirable consequences.
Seizes 7-Year-Old After Parents Dispute ADHD Diagnosis. Advocates of the federal school regime claim it was
established to educate America's children. Apparently, it also looks to usurp the natural right of parents to decide
questions of medical treatment of their children, as well. Camden Maple is seven years old and sometimes, according to
his mom and dad, he is "rambunctious." Administrators at his public school, however, insist that Camden is "mentally
unstable." [...] One in 20 adolescents in America are diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
Rather than addressing that child's needs, the stigmatizing and system-summoning label of "mental instability" is slapped
onto the child, and with it, years of mandatory therapy and medication.
the left have a drug problem? Drug use within the entertainment industry and the mindless plebeians who worship
them is well known. No news there, but what about the overwhelmingly liberal academia or media? I suspect that
drugs could be playing a significant role, especially among those susceptible to the pressures of "publish or perish" or
like pressures. In 2010, CBS's 60 Minutes broadcast a report about the use of ADD/ADHD drugs, such as Ritalin
and Adderall, in universities. In that report, Katie Couric interviewed Brandon Adams, who taught economics at Harvard
University. Regarding the prevalence of this type of drug use in academia, Adams stated, "I think it's extremely
common. It's extremely common in all of the professions from what I've seen." Before dismissing ADHD stimulant drug
use in academia as being inconsequential or insignificant, the reader should take time to note some of these drugs' side
effects: [...]
toddlers becoming big business for Big Pharma with over a million kids under 5 on brain-damaging psych meds.
Toddlers as young as 18-months-old are being treated like experimental rats, drugged up with some of the most brain-damaging,
life-altering psychotic pills. These are the kinds of pills that cause wild delusions, aggressive impulses, erratic
behavior, or in some cases, cause violent and suicidal thoughts. Why do parents, doctors, psychologists and
neurologists continue to disregard these appalling side effects?
as a Cause of Mental Health Issues. It's one of the most bizarre and destructive
events in American history. Circa 1931, public schools started using Whole Word to teach reading.
(This method has many other names, such as Look-say, Whole Language, Dolch Words, and Sight Words.)
Almost immediately, children started having psychological problems — i.e., mental health issues.
The typical pattern is that a boy will reach the second or third grade and realize that his teachers and family
think he is, in effect, retarded because he can't do this simple thing that most other kids can do. In
fourth grade he will be labeled dyslexic. In fifth grade he will be declared to have ADHD and be in need
of Ritalin. This story, in endless variations, has descended upon millions of Americans, on males more
than females (so it is a component of the War on Boys).
Let me guess: Fatherless undisciplined food stamp bastards with a babysitter named Spongebob Squarepants. Why
so many kids can't sit still in school today. The Centers for Disease Control tells us that in recent years there
has been a jump in the percentage of young people diagnosed with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, commonly known
as ADHD: 7.8 percent in 2003 to 9.5 percent in 2007 and to 11 percent in 2011. The reasons for the
rise are multiple, and include changes in diagnostic criteria, medication treatment and more awareness of the condition. [...] Angela
Hanscom, a pediatric occupational therapist and the founder of TimberNook, a nature-based development program designed to foster
creativity and independent play outdoors in New England, suggests yet another reason more children are being diagnosed with ADHD,
whether or not they really have it: the amount of time kids are forced to sit while they are in school. This appeared
on the TimberNook blog.
Americans no Longer Live in a Scientific
Society. [P]eople coming to therapists for mental health issues are often prescribed
drugs which end up creating more problems then the person originally had. For example, 90% of
maniac shooters are said to have been on psychiatric medication, or coming off of it, and under the
care of a therapist. [...] We have a very dangerous crisis — while 20% of US population
is on psych meds, almost 100% of the violent shooters are from this group.
Report: 1 in 13 Schoolchildren Now On Prescription Psych Meds. While common prescriptions such as Ritalin
and Adderall do help many children, the National Institute of Mental Health reports that they are often incorrectly
prescribed to kids who have been misdiagnosed with ADHD and may actually have a different condition (or no condition
at all). Additionally, these medications can have harmful side effects, the long term implications of which
the medical community does not yet fully understand.
Are Schools Asking to Drug Kids for Better
Test Scores? In the past two decades, the number of children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has nearly
doubled. One in five American boys receives a diagnosis by age 17. More than 70% of those who are diagnosed — millions
of children — are prescribed drugs. A new book, "The ADHD Explosion" by Stephen Hinshaw and Richard Scheffler, looks at this
extraordinary increase.
ADHD Does Not Exist. After a long career treating patients complaining of such
problems as short attention spans and an inability to focus, [neurologist Richard] Saul is convinced that ADHD is a collection of symptoms, not a disease, and
shouldn't be listed in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Treating ADHD as a disease is a huge mistake, according
to Saul.
Why Ritalin Still Rules. Almost 14 years
ago, the inaugural issue of Policy Review under newly appointed editor Tod Lindberg ran an essay of mine called "Why Ritalin Rules." It observed
that American children were taking psychotropic drugs at (then-) record rates; that some doctors and other experts believed methylphenidate (the generic name
for Ritalin) was being over-prescribed; that the disorder for which it and related stimulants were given — Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder — included a uniquely protean symptoms checklist; and that the line between science and advocacy was hard to find in
the bustling pediatric zone of the psychotropic universe.
The Selling of Attention Deficit Disorder.
After more than 50 years leading the fight to legitimize attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Keith Conners could be celebrating. [...] But Dr.
Conners did not feel triumphant this fall as he addressed a group of fellow A.D.H.D. specialists in Washington. He noted that recent data from the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that the diagnosis had been made in 15 percent of high school-age children, and that the number of
children on medication for the disorder had soared to 3.5 million from 600,000 in 1990.
Are too many kids taking antipsychotic
drugs? The number of children taking powerful antipsychotic drugs has nearly tripled over the last 10 to 15 years, according to recent
research. The increase comes not because of an epidemic of schizophrenia or other forms of serious mental illness in children, but because doctors
are increasingly prescribing the drugs to treat behavior problems, a use not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). And a disproportionate
number of those prescriptions are written for poor and minority children, some as young as age 2.
CDC: More Than 20%
of 14-Year-Old Boys Diagnosed With ADHD. More than 20 percent of the 14-year-old boys in the United States have been
diagnosed at some point in their lives with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a newly released study by
the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The study also said more than 20 percent of 11-year-old boys had
been diagnosed with ADHD at some point in their lives. The study indicated that American boys were 125 percent more likely
than girls to be diagnosed with ADHD, and that boys were 127 percent more likely than girls to be medicated for it.
Psychiatric Meds: Prescription for Murder?
"In virtually every mass school shooting during the past 15 years, the shooter has been on or in withdrawal from psychiatric drugs,"
observed Lawrence Hunter of the Social Security Institute. "Yet, federal and state governments continue to ignore the connection
between psychiatric drugs and murderous violence, preferring instead to exploit these tragedies in an oppressive and unconstitutional
power grab to snatch guns away from innocent, law-abiding people who are guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution the right to own and bear
arms to deter government tyranny and to use firearms in self defense against any miscreant who would do them harm."
Diagnosis: Human. The news that 11 percent
of school-age children now receive a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder — some 6.4 million —
gave me a chill. My son David was one of those who received that diagnosis. In his case, he was in the first grade.
Indeed, there were psychiatrists who prescribed medication for him even before they met him. One psychiatrist said he would not even
see him until he was medicated.
Your Children to Guarantee Compliance. Aside from the obvious social benefits of having more disabled children who are
qualified for even more benefits, the medicating of these children is helping to stimulate the Pharmaceutical industry at a rate of
more than $7 billion per year.
Mounts of Mass Shooting Causes: Sociopathic Progressivism & Drugs. It seems the root causes of this twisted behavior
include, at least by affinity, the ideological motivations of, or even pathological drives for, political or sociological causes
shared by the progressive "left" — mixed with psychotropic drugs — and that, especially among but not limited
to adolescent men. I am not joking; deadly serious. This brief compilation may serve as an introduction. I have
seen sound reports on numerous of these instances.
Stop and think - and you will realise
that banning guns is a waste of time. Some suggest he may have been on one of the many powerful and poorly tested 'medications' that
modern medicine casually inflicts on bored children who fidget in class, or on people who are just unhappy in various ways. There is, as yet, no
clear answer. There may never be, as the authorities and the media just aren't interested enough. One of the Columbine High School killers,
Eric Harris, was on such medication (as we know thanks to a Freedom of Information inquiry), and the other, Dylan Klebold, may have been taking
mind-altering pills at some point before he acted, though his medical records are sealed — inexplicably, given the importance of the
Is Ritalin the Root of Student Violence?
As communities reel from one massive act of student violence after another, the nation looks for answers. How many are looking at the schools
themselves as the conduit through which millions of students are drugged with mind-altering drugs?
Ritalin is doing to our children's heads: Prescriptions for methylphenidate rose to 661,500
last year — from 382,000 in 2005. The question naturally arises: do all these children have
something wrong with them or are they simply being fitted with a chemical straitjacket to make them easier
for their parents to manage without resorting to good old-fashioned discipline?
From Medical Dependency to Dependency
on the Welfare State. Color me extremely skeptical when the number of children ostensibly
requiring regular doses of mind-altering medication reaches 5.4 million. Even more so after I
read a Washington Post article by California child and adolescent psychiatrist Elizabeth J. Roberts,
who contended her colleagues are "now misdiagnosing and overmedicating children for ordinary defiance and
Ritalin May Cause
Long-Lasting Changes In Brain-Cell Function. Scientists at the University at
Buffalo have shown that the drug methylphenidate, the generic form of Ritalin, which
physicians have considered to have only short-term effects, appears to initiate changes
in brain function that remain after the therapeutic effects have dissipated. The
changes appear to be similar to those that occur with other stimulant drugs such
as amphetamine and cocaine.
Doctors told to curb use of
Ritalin in hyperactive children. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
should be treated with drugs such as Ritalin only in severe cases and never when they are younger than 5,
under official health guidelines issued today. Widespread concerns that medication is used too freely to
calm hyperactive children have been recognised by two clinical practice watchdogs, which are now advising
doctors not to prescribe drugs whenever possible.
Reading vs. Ritalin: There's so much talk
of "attention deficit disorder" in children today. The unquestioned, never disputed premise is that brain
chemistry causes young people not to pay attention. Yet attention deficits were never such problems in
earlier eras. What gives? A major factor is the lack of reading.
Ritalin and Russian
Roulette: What parents are not being told by psychiatrists who prescribe the drug and
the school nurses who give it to the kids, that taking Ritalin is like playing Russian Roulette,
simply because nobody can be sure what the side-effects will be. We only hear about the
worst tragedies. Skin rashes, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and palpitations don't make the
headlines. They just make the users miserable.
Experts Urge Stern ADHD Drug
Warnings. In a surprise move, an advisory panel urged the FDA to place strong warnings on
all stimulant drugs used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) because
of a potential risk of heart attacks, strokes, and sudden death.
No child left
unmedicated. Big Brother is on the march. A plan to subject all children to mental
health screening is under way, and pharmaceutical companies are gearing up for bigger sales of
psychotropic drugs. Like most liberal big-spending ideas, this one was slipped into the
law under cover of soft semantics. Its genesis was the New Freedom Commission on Mental
Health created by President George W. Bush in 2002.
Academic Morning-After Profits:
As AIA has documented, some groups remain skeptical of the expansive definitions surrounding Attention Deficit
Disorder diagnoses. Others are concerned by the rapid expansion of the use of psychotropic drugs among
children. The investigation of the Harvard doctors, two of about 30 university-affiliated scientists
under suspicion, is being spearheaded by Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), a Senator known for his fiery
investigation into university endowments and transparency efforts.
In Australia: Two-year-olds now on
Ritalin. Toddlers as young as two are being diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed drugs including
Ritalin. Figures obtained by The Daily Telegraph reveal 311 children in NSW aged five and under depend
on controversial medication, including 58 four-year-olds and 13 three-year-olds. Health Department
figures show that, nationally, doctors have prescribed ADHD drugs to five toddlers aged only two, despite
possible side effects.
Ritalin is more potent than cocaine. The
children's drug Ritalin has a more potent effect on the brain than cocaine, a study has found. Using
brain imaging, scientists have found that, in pill form, Ritalin — taken by thousands of British
children and four million in the United States — occupies more of the neural transporters responsible
for the "high" experienced by addicts than smoked or injected cocaine. The research may alarm parents
whose children have been prescribed Ritalin as a solution to Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.
Ritalin poses child
crime risk. Children who use Ritalin for a long period of time could be more at risk of
delinquency and substance abuse, a study has found. Doctors are suggesting children with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should take a break from medication after three years of use.
our kids: This boost in brainbenders smacks of chemical parenting.
The Therapeutic Nanny State. This new
proposal threatens to force millions of kids to undergo psychiatric screening, whether their parents consent or
not. At issue is the fundamental right of parents to decide what medical treatment is appropriate for
their children.
Ritalin use in Virginia is
"astronomical": Portsmouth ranks in the top 1 percent of communities nationwide for use of
Ritalin, the drug prescribed to treat attention deficit disorders, a new study by a local researcher has found.
Ritalin: the Government Drug.
Ritalin plays a significant part in the government school system's war against parents and children. When
school employees and psychiatrists recommend mind-altering behavior-modifying drugs for our children, it's not
to benefit the children, it's for the convenience of the schools and the teachers. The government
attitude is that public school children are its property to do with as it chooses.
Kids popping pills:
According to the infelicitously titled medical journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, doctors
are prescribing Ritalin for attention deficit disorder as well as several antidepressants with growing frequency.
Blackmailing Parents To Keep Kids On
Drugs: The underlying problem here is the notion that children belong first to the
state — that they're best "socialized" in state-run institutions, and that biological parents are allowed
to retain custody only at the discretion of school and "child welfare" officials.
A Different Kind of Drug War:
There's a different kind of drug war going on that doesn't get the kind of attention as the one in the streets
of America. In fact, those who are involved in a massive program of drug distribution are highly regarded
and very well paid. They are our nation's teachers and the legions of "counselors" who have invaded our
Ritalin is Poison: Why is
America suddenly experiencing an explosion of new mental diseases and disorders never heard of thirty years
ago? Why are children seemingly out of control, refusing to listen to parents and teachers, even driven
to violence?
Study: ADHD drugs send
thousands to ERs. Accidental overdoses and side effects from attention deficit drugs likely
send thousands of children and adults to emergency rooms, according to the first national estimates of the
problem. Scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated problems with
the stimulant drugs drive nearly 3,100 people to ERs each year.
Is Ritalin the Root of Student
Violence? As communities reel from one massive act of student violence after another, the nation
looks for answers. How many are looking at the schools themselves as the conduit through which millions
of students are drugged with mind-altering drugs?
Tracking Your Digital Trail.
In 2004, Congress funded the New Freedom Initiative (NFI) — a Marxist-sounding moniker detailing a plan to screen
every man, woman, and child in America for "mental illness." ... Since the NFI program went national, the nation
has seen violent incidents at West Paducah, Kentucky; Springfield, Oregon; Edinboro, Pennsylvania; Red Lake,
Minnesota; Virginia Tech, Virginia; Binghamton, New York; and more. Nearly every perpetrator was already
on a psychotropic drug — usually a cocktail of such drugs, in an attempt to offset side effects. In
other words, if Ritalin makes an inattentive kid "hyper," then let's give him a tranquilizer to calm him
down. If that makes him sleepy, maybe he needs an anti-seizure medication to keep him awake, and so on,
until his brains are scrambled eggs. ... Mandatory drugging of nonconformists, slow learners, and naughty
kids is now part and parcel of a nasty and little-publicized agenda to engineer uniformity of opinion
without appearing blatant about it.
Battling ADHD disinformation:
Conservatives are sure it is a sign of parental laziness. Liberals are sure it is big business, in the form of
drug companies, conspiring to ensnare large numbers of American children. Observers of no particular outlook are
nonetheless likely to believe that ADHD is either a fraud or an invention.
A veteran educator charges NEA, APA, and drug companies are in cahoots. ADHD — a "Concocted" Disorder?
A Christian educator says the National Education Association has teamed up the psychiatrists and pharmaceutical
companies to promote the sale of 25 different psychotropic drugs to children. Twenty percent of America's
50 million public school students have been declared mentally ill and are on prescription drugs like
Ritalin, Adderrall, and Prozac.
ADD is "not a real condition": The
legitimacy of ADHD as a medical condition is questioned in a new report. The report, commissioned by the Youth
Affairs Network of Queensland [Australia], has called for a moratorium on and inquiry into the use of the amphetamine-based
drugs Ritalin and Dexamphetamine to treat ADHD — diagnosed in thousands of Australian children.
Kids On ADHD Drugs — Dangerous Path To
Addiction. Experts say the stimulant drugs prescribed for the treatment of ADHD are not only
dangerous, they are highly addictive. And although no drug has been approved for the treatment of
autism, drugs are routinely prescribed off-label to treat autistic children.
On the other hand... Time to Focus Correctly on
ADHD: Anyone who believes Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is not a legitimate disease
clearly doesn't have it. Nor do they experience the agony of watching their children struggle with its
challenges on a daily basis.
ADHD Drugs Linked to Sudden
Death. Ann Hohmann is one of a handful of parents across the country who believes that their
children's sudden death was due to the use of drugs to control ADHD. And she said she hopes a new study
released this morning, which suggests that the use of stimulants is tied to an increased risk of sudden
unexplained death among children and teens, will open the eyes of the public to what she sees as the
cause of her son's demise.
Wait — it gets worse. California
doping our youths. I was horrified to read recently that it is increasingly common in California
to treat children diagnosed with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with marijuana. California
voters passed a law allowing doctors to recommend medical marijuana to their patients, including those under
the age of 18. The law allows doctors to recommend marijuana "for any ... illness for which marijuana
provides relief."
Related: ADHD drugs suspected of hurting Canadian kids. A Toronto Star investigation has found a
growing number of doctors, nurses, pharmacists and parents are reporting that they believe attention deficit drugs are causing major health
problems in patients, many as young as 6 and 7 years old. The federal government is not listening. Health Canada, which
collects these adverse reaction reports, does not alert the public to the magnitude of these side effects. This is because the regulator
has not analyzed the data it collects. It has allowed the industry to largely police itself.
Attention Disorder or
Not, Pills to Help in School. When Dr. Michael Anderson hears about his low-income patients struggling in elementary school, he usually
gives them a taste of some powerful medicine: Adderall. [...] "I don't have a whole lot of choice," said Dr. Anderson, a pediatrician for many poor
families in Cherokee County, north of Atlanta. "We've decided as a society that it's too expensive to modify the kid's environment. So we
have to modify the kid."