Illegal aliens on the highways

Should an illegal alien have a license to drive?

Illegal aliens are licensed to drive in many states.  Unfortunately, many of the immigrants from other countries are not good drivers.

A valid driver's license is an ID card which bestows a number of privileges other than driving, and opens a lot of doors that should be open only to U.S. citizens.  This is especially true in the light of the relatively recent introduction of photo ID requirements at the polls.  Unless the aliens' licenses have some obvious marking that shows the licensee is not a citizen, this could lead to a torrent of invalid votes.

In my opinion, some states are allowing illegal immigrants to obtain licenses in anticipation of an upcoming blanket declaration of amnesty, and the state governments are trying to avoid the sudden development of massive crowds at the driver's license offices.

One wonders how the Haitians are getting driver's licenses but can't actually drive.  As the story unfolds, it seems as though Haitian migrants can't be trusted around house cats, in the public parks, or apparently, behind the wheel of a car.  Watch the video below, from Tyler Oliveria, as he interviews residents of Springfield, Ohio, and pokes around the DMV:  [Tweet with video clip] [...] [A]ccording to the Social Security Administration, noncitizens with TPS [Temporary Protected Status] "are generally issued an EAD," or an Employment Authorization Document.  With an EAD, the SSA also acknowledges that a noncitizen can get a SSN — and boom, a noncitizen suddenly has the ability to register to vote.  Also worth noting is the DMV worker's hesitation when asked if the Haitians are taking the same tests as American citizens, before stating that she's not "allowed to answer" the question; it's pretty condemning.

Stopping Illegals from Voting.  Let's look at Florida.  Earlier this year, Governor Ron DeSantis signed SB 1718, the strongest anti-illegal immigration legislation in the country.  Among other provisions to combat Biden's Border Crisis, the bill prohibits the issuance of a driver's license to anyone who does not provide proof of lawful presence in the U.S. and specifies that out-of-state driver's licenses issued exclusively to illegal aliens are invalid in Florida.  Someone who is in our country illegally and has violated our laws should not possess a government-issued ID which allows them access to state-funded services and other privileges afforded to lawful residents.  But it appears that the Florida DMV is processing driver's licenses to illegal immigrants between 6 am and 8 a.m. before the DMV offices officially open.  If driver's licenses are the best voter ID in Florida, does this mean all these people will be able to vote despite SB 1718?

Illegals Lining Up for Driver's Licenses — To Vote since they lack Cars?  [A screenshot of a Tweet.]

What's the Deal With Illegal Aliens on Motorized Bikes Without License Plates in DC?  Many drivers of two-wheeled motorized vehicles are breaking the law in the nation's capital and don't appear to be facing any consequences for doing so.  Individuals, many of whom entered the country illegally, are acquiring and driving motorbikes to do food deliveries in the District of Columbia, but many of the bikes do not have legal license plates, indicating they aren't properly registered or insured.  D.C. law requires that a motorcycle or a motor-driven cycle, a motor vehicle that has a gas, electric, or hybrid motor no larger than 50 cubic centimeters (cc) and cannot go above 30 mph, be registered with the District's Department of Motor Vehicles within 30 days of purchase and display a license plate on the back of the two- or three-wheeled vehicle.

The Perfect Storm:  Drivers Licenses for Illegals + Noncitizens Voting + Mail-in Ballots + Private Funding of Elections + Partisan Hack SOSs.  Does undocumented immigrant mean illegal alien?  If you hesitated before answering yes, you are a victim of progressive doublespeak.  Undocumented immigrants are illegal aliens.  Noncitizens, whether here legally or illegally, are not allowed to vote in our nation's elections.  It's a felony for noncitizens to vote, and the U.S. and state constitutions clearly prohibit foreigners from voting.  Even so, "The Department of Justice appears to be using taxpayer dollars to have jails and the U.S. Marshals Service encourage incarcerated felons and noncitizens to register to vote," stated a letter to the DOJ from Mississippi's leading election official, Secretary of State Michael Watson (R). [...] According to an article in the Midwesterner, an illegal group claims credit for flipping the Michigan state House, and as a payoff, the party in power will seek to approve driver's licenses for illegal aliens.

Connecticut Governor Wants To Give Noncitizens IDs That Look Exactly Like Those Used To Vote.  Connecticut's Democratic Gov. Ned Lamont is trying to redesign driver's licenses so that those given to illegal aliens will be indistinguishable from those given to legal residents — in the same state where one city just had an election do-over because of an apparent cast of voter fraud.  The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles currently denotes on licenses if they are "Drive Only" IDs, a measure put in place to ensure ineligible individuals cannot vote, according to the CT Examiner.  "Drive Only" licenses have a "DO" stamp on the front and information on the back clearly stating they may not be used for voting.  Gov. Ned Lamont, however, wants to remove the marks because he's mad that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a law that does not recognize licenses given to illegal immigrants.  "Connecticut prides itself on being a welcoming state," Lamont's spokeswoman Julia Bergman said in a statement, according to CT Examiner. [...] Florida passed legislation last year specifying that it will not recognize licenses from Connecticut and four other states that permit illegal immigrants to get the government-issued ID.

Denver woman unsure of risk after selling car to undocumented migrant.  A Denver woman said she has been left with an unexpected mess after she sold her van to an undocumented migrant.  She learned the new owner of her vehicle can't register the van or insure it in his name.  Kamelah Miller was looking to do some renovations on her home.  So, her friend recommended someone who could do the work at a reasonable price.  "Shortly after that, he was telling me he was looking to buy a car and I was looking to sell mine," Miller said.  Miller gave him a price on her Volkswagen Routan and he gave her the money.  "I signed over all the paperwork to him, and that was that.  I went on with my life," said Miller.  At least that's what she thought.  "Three weeks after that, he called me and he said 'I'm not able to get registration, insurance, plates,'" she said.

Small Town, USA learns the hard way that welcoming lawbreakers has negative consequences.  [Scroll down]  And there it is — with a driver's license in Wisconsin, these illegals then have the "right" to vote.  According to the state's government website, all that's required to register to vote is a "Proof of Residence" document[,] which can be a valid state driver's license.  From the website itself:  ["]All voters MUST provide a Proof of Residence Document when registering.  If you register to vote by mail, in-person in your clerk's office, or at your polling place on Election Day, you need to provide a Proof of Residence document.  If you register online ... your valid State of Wisconsin driver license or State of Wisconsin ID card issued by the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) qualifies as a valid Proof of Residence document.["]  Then, when it comes times to vote, a person simply needs to show ID.  If this isn't the most absurd slap in the face, then I don't know what is.

People Here Illegally Are Getting Photo IDs.  After releasing millions of anonymous, unvetted illegal aliens into the interior, especially into red states, Biden's administration will give them photo ID cards.  They will probably vote illegally.  Buried in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) annual report, officials confirmed that they are planning to begin issuing photo ID cards to border crossers and illegal aliens sometime this fiscal year.

Flashpoints of a second civil war?  ["]For more than a year, Breitbart News has chronicled how DHS is planning to roll out a pilot program that will give border crossers and illegal aliens photo ID cards, similar to a driver's license, upon their release into the United States interior from the southern border.["]  This, knowing there is no way to confirm the identity of most, if not all, illegal immigrants.  They'll be giving official government ID to military-aged males from enemy countries, establishing false identities for them.  Unless government can be certain of the identification of these cardholders, data entry, storage and retrieval will be chaotic at best.  We'll be storing false, misdirecting data on ghosts, criminals, terrorists and spies.  These will be alternate social security numbers, rendering the real thing essentially meaningless. [...] This is nothing less than normalizing and legalizing illegal immigration.  It's establishing a separate criminal class, yet a class that can never be prosecuted for their crimes.  It's a blatant flaunting of the law.  Blue states will use the cards, without any vetting, to issue driver's licenses, voter registration cards, and all manner of other entitlements.  Every card issued is an abetment of a variety of federal crimes, and surrender of our national sovereignty.

The plan to give all illegal aliens the right to vote.  [Scroll down]  The key here is the "state ID."  Biden plans to hand out photo ID's to illegals. [...] Then blue state Governors can decide to accept those holding these photo ID's as valid voters.  Illegal aliens will be able to neutralize the votes of American citizens- in particular, Republicans.  I ask you- in what country in Earth can you enter illegally, get financial support, stay in swanky hotels, get a photo ID and free i-phones and vote as an illegal?  Eventually this will marginalize all American citizens and destroy what it even means to be an American.

Report: Joe Biden's DHS Plans Photo ID Cards for Illegal Aliens Freed into U.S..  President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is reportedly planning to give photo identification (ID) cards to border crossers and illegal aliens before they are released into the United States.  Leaked images of the photo ID cards for illegal aliens were first published by Adam Shaw at Fox News, showing space for the carrier's photo, a QR code, and information about the carrier, including name and age — similar to a driver's license or state-issued ID.  The ID cards, part of a DHS pilot program, could be used by Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents at airports or to access public benefits.

Tens of Thousands of Illegal Aliens in Massachusetts Rush to Secure Driver's Licenses.  Tens of thousands of illegal aliens across Massachusetts are rushing to secure driver's licenses after voters approved a law to extend driving privileges to those in the United States illegally.  Data from the state's Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV), published by Chris Van Buskirk of the Boston Herald, shows that about 100,000 requests for appointments to get a learner's permit have been placed since July 1, when the law took effect.

Illegal Immigrants Allegedly Fleeing Florida After New Driver's License Law Goes Into Effect.  Friday, a commonsense law passed by the Florida legislature that ends recognition of driver's licenses issued to illegal aliens by other states went into effect.  This law is part of a package of laws passed by the Florida legislature that was enacted as a reaction to Joe Biden's refusal to react to the illegal immigration crisis at the US-Mexico border.  The bill, known as SB1718, in addition to the driver's license provisions, imposes penalties on businesses that knowingly hire illegals and requires hospitals that accept Medicaid (edited) to ask about citizenship status.  The bill also allocates $12 million to transport illegals to other, more welcoming states despite the bizarre "kidnapping" allegations hurled at Florida Governor Ron DeSantis by the left.

Their licenses look like everybody else's — so they can vote.
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker to Give Standard Driver's Licenses to over 300K Illegal Aliens.  Roughly 300,000 illegal aliens across Illinois will soon be eligible to secure standard driver's licenses thanks to a law signed by Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D).  Late last week, Pritzker signed into law HB 3882 which makes illegal aliens in Illinois eligible for standard driver's licenses that are compliant with the federal government's REAL ID Act.  Back in 2013, Breitbart News reported how Democrats in Illinois had passed a law that created the Temporary Visitor Driver's License program which allowed illegal aliens to secure driver's licenses with slight differences to the licenses given to American citizens and legal immigrants.  Under that program, about 300,000 illegal aliens have secured driver's licenses.  Thanks to Pritzker's latest initiative, though, all of those illegal aliens will be eligible to switch to standardized driver's licenses.

Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens to Cost Massachusetts Taxpayers $28M.  Providing thousands of eligible illegal aliens with driver's licenses is set to cost Massachusetts taxpayers some $28 million, Gov. Maura Healey (D) reveals.  Last year, Massachusetts joined a swath of other states after voters approved a new law that will make driver's licenses available to potentially 85,000 illegal aliens living across the state.  Everton Candido, a 19-year-old illegal alien, had become the face of the driver's license law after he was arrested for allegedly killing 77-year-old Walter Wishoski Jr., a veteran of the Army National Guard who was born and raised in Malden, Massachusetts.  Candido, who was driving without a license, allegedly killed Wishoski in a fatal crash.

The Editor says...
[#1] What part of that anecdote would have turned out differently if Mr. Candido had been licensed to drive?  [#2] Licenses for illegal aliens is all about making it easier for them to vote.

Minnesota Democrats Advance Giving Driver's Licenses to 77K Illegal Aliens.  Democrats in Minnesota have advanced a plan to give driver's licenses to potentially 77,000 eligible illegal aliens.  This week, the Democrat-controlled Minnesota state senate passed a bill in a 34-31 vote that will eliminate the legal residency requirement for obtaining a driver's license in the state.  Instead, illegal aliens would be able to secure licenses to legally drive vehicles.  The bill will now head back to the Minnesota state house for approval.  Gov. Tim Walz (D) has said he will sign the bill if it reaches his desk.  The bill overturns a prior law signed by former Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R).

Minnesota Senate passes bills to restore felon voting rights, give licenses to illegal immigrants.  Two more bills are on their way to the governor's desk:  one to restore voting rights to felons when they leave prison and another to grant driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.  Current state law requires felons to complete their entire sentence before regaining the right to vote, including probation or parole.  HF28 will allow felons to vote whenever they are not incarcerated. [...] Republicans unsuccessfully attempted to amend the bill to prevent certain violent criminals and those convicted of felony voter fraud from regaining the right to vote until after serving their full sentence.

Colorado 'Accidentally' Sends Out 30,000 Voter Registration Cards to Non-Citizens.  In a move sure to raise a few eyebrows, Colorado has "accidentally" sent out 30,000 voter registration cards to non-citizens.  That's according to a report from Colorado Public Radio.  According to the outlet, the 30,000 cards were sent to non-citizens because of a mix-up with the formatting of the query involving DMV records.  In Colorado, illegal immigrants are able to obtain a driver's license, which was apparently the nexus of the issue.

Mass. voters on brink of overriding Dem law allowing illegal immigrants driver's licenses.  Massachusetts voters will have a chance to repeal a law allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses.  The bill was vetoed in May by Republican Governor Charlie Baker.  But in another case of ruling against the will of the people, the veto didn't stick.  So strongly do Democrats in the state legislature feel about illegals voting that they went all in and overrode the veto.  Nevertheless, the people will have the final say, as the ballot measure's approval was announced on Friday.

The Editor says...
When there were only a few of them, nobody cared.  When only a few of them voted, nobody cared.  If only a few of them drove drunk, nobody cared.  That was the idea:  Start small, then make steady incremental increases.

Brandon Admin Seeking To Give ID Cards, Government Benefits To Illegal Immigrants.  The Biden administration intends to provide illegal immigrants in the United States a temporary identification card so they can access government benefits while they wait for final decisions on their cases.  The program, titled the "ICE Secure Docket Card program," would be funded with $10 million from the Biden administration's fiscal year 2023 appropriations bill, which states, "$10,000,000 for the ICE Secure Docket Card program to allow noncitizens access to immigration files and documents."  "The ICE Secure Docket Card program is part of a pilot program to modernize various forms of documentation provided to provisionally released noncitizens through a consistent, verifiable, secure card," an ICE spokesperson told Axios.  "The cards would feature a photo and biographic identifiers.  It would also include 'cutting-edge security features."

Biden Considers Giving ID Cards to Illegal Aliens Released into U.S.  President Joe Biden is considering issuing government identification (ID) cards to border crossers and illegal aliens who are set for release into American communities as part of the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) expansive "catch and release" operation.  Late last week, Axios reported that Biden is considering issuing the IDs to illegal aliens once they arrived at the United States-Mexico border.  The goal is to make securing public benefits easier once they are released into the U.S. interior.

The Sophisticated Deception of Massachusetts.  [Scroll down]  But what's happening now in Massachusetts is beyond awful, even by MA standards.  (And remember, this is the state that first legalized same-sex marriage.)  The State Legislature — bypassing the voting public altogether and easily overriding Governor Baker's pathetic veto — pushed through a new law authorizing driver's licenses for illegal aliens.  Their public line is, "It'll improve public safety, since so many undocumented residents are driving now anyway.  If they're licensed, we can keep track of their driving and hold them accountable."  That's not the reason.  In Massachusetts, as soon as a driver's license is issued, the driver is automatically registered to vote and their name is sent to the respective town Registrar of Voters and added to the voter rolls.  The only way to not be registered is for the licensee to proactively opt out of being registered.  DMV personnel are hardly qualified (or motivated!) to check the validity of immigration documentation for illegals, so there is no way to prevent MA's fraudulent voter ranks — all these illegals will become Democratic voters, obviously — from swelling to huge numbers, numbers that can't ever be defeated at the polls.

The Editor says...
If you're not going to "hold them accountable" for illegally entering the country, why should we believe that you'll "hold them accountable" for drunk driving?

Massachusetts Democrats Approve Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens.  Democrats in the Massachusetts state legislature have approved legislation to provide tens of thousands of illegal aliens with driver's licenses — a vital tool for the open borders lobby.  As Breitbart News reported, Gov. Charlie Baker (R) vetoed the legislation that would allow tens of thousands of illegal aliens in the state to obtain driver's licenses.  Baker said he vetoed the plan because it "significantly increases the risk that noncitizens will be registered to vote."  With majorities in the state House and Senate, Democrats have overridden Baker's veto to ensure illegal aliens can begin obtaining driver's licenses beginning July 1, 2023.  Angel Mom Maureen Maloney, whose son Matthew Denice was murdered by an illegal alien in August 2011 in Milford, Massachusetts, told the Boston Herald that she will help fight the law.

New driver's license for undocumented immigrants takes effect Saturday.  Lives will change for hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants Saturday [5/8/2021], when the state Motor Vehicle Commission will begin accepting applications for driver's licenses from people without federal immigration status.  After years of political fights and months of delays due to the coronavirus pandemic, New Jersey will become the 14th state allowing the state's 450,000 undocumented residents to obtain standard driver's licenses and non-driver identification cards.

Virginia To Offer Illegal Immigrants Legal Driving Permits Starting Jan. 1.  Illegal immigrants can begin applying for legal driving permits in Virginia on the first day of the new year, according to the state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).  The state is the first southern state to allow people staying in the U.S. illegally to apply for such "driver privilege cards."  Roughly 300,000 illegal immigrants in the state are expected to apply for the permits, according to The Washington Post.

Illegal Immigrants in Virginia to Get 'Driver Privilege' Cards.  Illegal immigrants will be able to apply for driver privilege cards in Virginia starting Jan. 1, 2021, according to the state's Department of Motor Vehicles.  Advocates of the permits claim the issue is in the interest of public safety, NBC Washington reported.  Virginia's General Assembly, which has a Democratic majority, passed the legislation allowing the cards in March.  Noncitizens will be able to apply for driver privilege cards if they are a resident of Virginia; if they have reported income from Virginia sources in the last year or were claimed as a dependent; and if their driving privilege is not suspended or revoked in Virginia or elsewhere, according to the DMV.

The Editor says...
The moment an illegal alien is discovered in any government office, he or she should be arrested on the spot and deported.

Under New Law, Cambridge, MA Police Can't Arrest Illegal Immigrants for Driving Without a License.  The city of Cambridge, Massachusetts just brought the concept of sanctuary city to a whole new level.  In an effort to protect illegal immigrants from ICE, the city has passed a new law which directs police not to arrest illegals caught driving without a driver's license.  They don't call it the 'People's Republic of Cambridge' for nothing, folks.  As a Massachusetts native, let me assure you that pretty much every joke you've heard about Cambridge is true.

Virginia Lawmakers Vote To Allow Illegal Aliens To Obtain Driver's Licenses — They Will Follow The Example Of 13 Other States.  I will say, opposition to voter ID laws is strange.  If the problem is that not everyone can afford an ID or has easy access to the DMV, states should work to ameliorate those issues.  Free IDs for those who can't afford one, full online registration.  I say this because too many illegals end up voting in our elections.  No debate on Election Security should go forward without first agreeing that Voter ID (Identification) must play a very strong part in any final agreement.  Without Voter ID, it is all so meaningless!

Blackburn Proposes Bill to Ban Funding for States that Give Drivers' Licenses to Illegal Immigrants.  Senator Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.) announced on a conference call Wednesday that she was proposing a bill to block grant funding from the Department of Justice for local law enforcement in states with sanctuary policies that allow illegal immigrants to receive drivers' licenses.  "When I look at the situation we have with immigration here in our country, I say let's leave the system in better shape than we found it, because it's a broken system," Blackburn said.  She echoed the passing of the Real ID Act after 9/11 as rationale for additional measures.

Homeland Security deputy secretary says New York is 'reintroducing the problem that caused 9/11' by passing law that gives undocumented migrants driver's licenses.  The second highest-up person in the Department of Homeland Security said on Thursday that New York has 'reintroduced the problem that caused 9/11' by giving undocumented migrants driver's licenses.  The Trump administration this week banned all New York state residents from applying to or renewing their membership to Global Entry and other Trusted Traveler Programs because of a new state law which allows undocumented migrants to obtain driver's licenses.  The programs speed up travel times in airports and require an interview, passport check and fingerprint check before approval.

No Citizenship Proof Required for Voter ID at DMV?  The Wisconsin Department of Transportation wants everyone to know that getting a free ID for voting is easy.  Maybe too easy.  The DOT page detailing the Wisconsin ID card petition process advises individuals seeking a voter ID card to provide the Division of Motor Vehicles with the usual identifying information — a birth certificate, Social Security card, proof of Wisconsin residency (utility bill, government mail, etc.), and proof of U.S. citizenship.  "If you don't have all or any of these, you can still get an ID for voting," the web page assures.

Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens Likely To Pass In Virginia.  Virginia is on the brink of passing driver's licenses for illegal aliens.  This is not a new proposal in the Old Dominion, as both Republicans and Democrats have filed legislation in previous years, but then it was rejected in committee.  However, now that Democrats control the House of Delegates, Senate and governorship, it is expected to see floor votes in both chambers and be signed into law.  Delegate Kathy Tran (D-Springfield) has put forward language that would allow for any illegal alien to receive a driver's license.

A Republican lawmaker in a red state is now proposing to give illegal aliens driver licenses.  Once again, a Republican is sacrificing his party's high moral ground regarding illegal aliens at the altar of political expediency, but at least someone will be around to pick our food.  Idaho state Sen. Jim Guthrie is proposing legislation that would allow illegal aliens to "earn" driver's licenses.  According to the Idaho State Journal, there are, at least, some strict requirements.  The illegal immigrant must undergo the same driving requirements as citizens, but would instead be required to renew their licenses every year.

New York Democrats Move to Register Illegal Aliens, Non-Citizens to Vote.  New York State Senate Democrats have advanced a plan that will automatically register to vote all residents who apply for a driver's licenses — which now includes non-citizens and illegal aliens — unless they "opt-out."  On Thursday [1/9/2020], Senate Senate Democrats passed legislation that will automatically register all residents who obtain driver's licenses through the New York Department of Motor Vehicles (DMVs).  As of this year, illegal aliens are able to obtain driver's licenses in New York, indicating that illegal aliens and non-citizens will only be excluded from the state voter rolls if they check the "opt-out" box before applying for a license.

New York Floats Automatic Voter Registration To Illegal Aliens.  New York may give automatic voter registration to illegals who have driver's licenses.  A loophole in the new law granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants could allow hundreds of thousands of people to fraudulently register to vote in New York.

Trump Administration to Go After States Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Obtain Driver's Licenses.  Chad Wolf, the acting Secretary of Homeland Security "is taking aim at new laws in New York and New Jersey that allow immigrants to get driver's licenses without proof they are in the U.S. legally, and restrict data sharing with federal authorities," according to a report from the Associated Press.  Wolf sent a memo within the department requesting "a department-wide study on how the laws affect its enforcement efforts."  New York is the 13th state that has authorized illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses.  In addition to giving illegals a state-issued license, the New York state law actually prohibits the New York Department of Motor Vehicles from providing data to any agency that enforces immigration law barring a judge's order — which seems like a flagrant attempt to aid and abet individuals who have broken federal immigration law.

DHS to investigate driver's licenses for illegal aliens.  In the last few years, numerous states have already begun to, or soon will, issue driver's licenses to illegal aliens.  Spurred by concerns about national security risks, Trump's Department of Homeland Security is finally investigating whether these licenses are pathways to dangerous identity fraud.  The plethora of licenses in the hands of illegal aliens has worried those concerned about voting integrity.  In California, for example, the current iteration of the "motor voter" law means that anyone who obtains or renews a driver's license is automatically registered to vote.

Kearns: noncitizen registered to vote under Green Light Law.  "They said it could never happen.  It just happened," said Erie County Clerk, Michael Kearns.  Kearns is talking about what he describes as voter fraud related to the recently implemented green light law.  Kearns said last week, a noncitizen walked into the downtown branch of the DMV, applied for a commercial driver's license, but also registered to vote.  "It goes to show that the person completed their transaction on a Tuesday and by Friday they're on the voter registration form," Kearns added.

Don't Look Away.  [Scroll down]  And then they spent years throwing a screaming tantrum that we should abolish the electoral college, because they can't commit that level of fraud everywhere.  Oh, but they're trying, they're trying really hard.  Look at them completing the fatal wound that Motor Voter Inflicted on us by now giving licenses to illegal aliens: when motor voter mandates you also register people to vote without asking for proof of... well, anything, including that that's a real name.  (Foreign documents are easy to fake, since most Americans at the DMV can't read the languages they're in.  I got into movies at the student discount with my Portuguese bus pass for years [...] Also every legislature the Democrats capture becomes extremely concerned with the expense of elections and goes vote by fraud mail.  Because vote by mail facilitates ALL the other fraud, including getting unvoted ballots from dumpsters.  We know all this.  Somewhere in our heads, we know all this.  At least those of us who follow politics know all this.  But even we look away.

NJ becomes 14th state to pass drivers licenses for undocumented immigrants.  New Jersey lawmakers passed a bill letting immigrants who cannot prove they're in the country legally get driver's licenses.  The Democrat-led Assembly and Senate passed the measure Monday.  Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy has said he supports the legislation as well.  The National Conference of State Legislature says 13 states and the District of Columbia permit immigrants without legal status to obtain drivers licenses.

Illegal Immigrants Soon Eligible for Driver's License in New York.  Illegal immigrants in New York will get the green light for a state driver's license on Dec. 16.  The "Green Light Law" narrowly passed the Democratic-majority Senate in June.  It allows illegal immigrants without a social security number to apply for a state-level driver's license while shielding their information from immigration enforcement agencies.  Sponsor of the bill Sen. Luis Sepúlvida (D) said he introduced the legislation to help working families and enhance road safety.  The law was designed to prohibit the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) from giving applicant information to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or similar agencies without a court order.

New York's 'Green Light Law' Going Into Effect — Allows Illegal Immigrants to Get Driver's Licenses.  New York passed a law to allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses earlier this year but it was held up by challenges.  Now it is set to take effect this week.  In typical leftist fashion, supporters claim this is going to somehow make New York's roads safer for everyone.  Could it really be about voting?

New York to begin offering driver's licenses to illegal aliens this week.  After the second of several challenges failed in court this week, the state of New York will begin offering driver's licenses to illegal aliens on Monday.  This dream of the woke crowd in New York City is being delivered by Governor Andrew Cuomo and a closely divided state legislature in Albany.  The potential problems this will cause (and has already caused in other states) are being ignored, as is the majority opinion of the voters.

Drivers licenses for undocumented immigrants?  NJ moving quickly to make it happen.  New Jersey is moving quickly to extend driver's licenses to immigrants without legal status and others who lack paperwork.  After years of pressure from immigrants and their advocates, lawmakers voted Monday on a bill that could get final votes next week.  Gov. Phil Murphy has said he supports the measure.  The Assembly Judiciary Committee agreed in a 4-2 vote to pass the bill after hearing testimony from undocumented immigrants and advocates, who said the measure is about creating safer roads and getting more drivers to buy insurance.

CBP seizes thousands of fake IDs headed from China to New York.  Federal officers recently intercepted nearly 3,000 fake driver's licenses and more than 3,100 blank card stocks used to make counterfeit licenses in Kentucky, according to US Customs and Border Protection (CBP).  The IDs were heading from China to various locations in New York, the federal agency said, adding that the fake driver's licenses were seized at an Express Consignment Operations hub in Louisville, Ky.  The licenses were for several states, including Florida, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey and Ohio.

Huge illicit drivers license haul in Kentucky suggests a very established cartel operation.  [I]f you're here illegally, a drivers license can make it a [...] lot easier to get a good paying job instead of a bad one.  It can make you more money, taking that job away from some America and pocketing the difference, prompting you to tell everyone back home that the livin's easy.  And it seems there are lots and lots of "accounts" for these cartels with clients seeking drivers licenses to service these days.

Undocumented immigrants will have driver's licenses if new push for N.J. vote clears Trenton.  Proponents of a plan that would allow undocumented immigrants to get driver's licenses in New Jersey say now is the time to get it done.  With the election over, state lawmakers will be back in Trenton for a lame-duck session in the coming weeks and there's a renewed push to send a bill to the desk of Gov. Phil Murphy, who long has supported the measure.

New Mexico relaxes basic requirements for driver's licenses.  New Mexico is making it easier for residents to obtain a basic driver's license that is recognized by state agencies and private businesses but will not be valid for commercial airline travel starting in October 2020, taxation and motor vehicle officials announced Tuesday [10/1/2019].

Poll: 3-in-4 Swing Voters Oppose Democrats' Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens.  Nearly three-in-four swing voters say they oppose giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens living in the United States, along with a majority of whites, black Americans, Hispanics, Republicans, and Democrats, a new poll finds.  The latest Harvard/Harris Poll reveals overwhelming opposition against state's allowing illegal aliens to obtain driver's licenses, across racial, geographic, socioeconomic, and political divides.  In fact, every demographic in the U.S. opposes driver's licenses for illegal aliens by a majority except voters who identify as "liberal."

The Democrats' Blueprint To Steal 2020 From The Voters Of America.  This summer the State of New York attempted a two-step process to allow the maximum number of people to vote — whether they were legally allowed to or not.  The one-sided, Democrat-controlled State bodies passed the issuing of driver's licenses to non-citizens/illegal aliens.  But that same group of Democrats also nearly passed the automatically completed voter registration of every license issued.  Aliens would have had to "opt out."  Just in case they didn't, the language also included a provision protecting the illegal voter and the authorities from any criminal wrongdoing.  This measure passed one chamber, would've been signed by the governor, and had it not been for a true watchdog in the Assembly, would've already become law.  With the enormous push by non-citizens storming our gates to get in, the corrupt powers incentivizing as much, you have to see the roadmap here could have dramatic impact anyway it is adopted.

Oregon Governor Expected to Sign Illegal Immigrant Driver's Licenses Bill.  Oregon is moving one step closer to allowing non-Oregon citizens to legally obtain driver's licenses regardless of their immigration status.  Senators voted 17-to-10 this week to expand House Bill 2015 for the first time in more than a decade.  Under that bill, the state would eliminate the requirement to provide proof of legal residency to obtain a non-commercial driver's license, a driver's permit, or an ID card.

Cuomo: GOP will hammer us for illegal immigrants driver's license law.  Republicans will try to hammer fellow Democratic lawmakers on the ballot in 2020 for approving a controversial law to provide driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Friday [6/21/2019].  "The one hot-button issue I could see, would be the driver's license for undocumented [people]," Cuomo told reporters during an end-of-session legislative briefing in Albany.

Some Upstate New York Clerks [are] Refusing to Issue Driver's Licenses to Illegal Aliens.  Some upstate New York clerks are refusing to issue driver's licenses to illegal aliens even after the State passed a law allowing illegals to obtain the documents.  On Monday [6/17/2019], New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the Green Light Bill, which had passed the state Senate in a close 33-29 [vote]. The bill allows illegals to obtain driver's licenses in a move the law's supporters said would make roadways "safer." Supporters also said it was only fair to allow illegals a way to get to their jobs.  But county clerks in Erie, Rensselaer, Niagara and Allegany counties, such as Erie County Clerk Michael Kerns, say the new law conflicts with federal laws.

The Editor says...
Isn't it illegal to hire illegal aliens?  Why should we worry about how they'll get to their jobs?

Loophole in law granting illegal immigrants driver's licenses could lead to voter fraud.  A loophole in the new law granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants could allow hundreds of thousands of people to fraudulently register to vote in New York, according to critics, the state Board of Elections and the bill's own sponsor.  "[A] major concern is that many states, including New York, use their DMVs to enroll voters.  Since New York does not have voter-identification laws like the majority of other states do, this bill increases the potential for voter fraud," state Sen. Republican Minority Leader John Flanagan (R-Suffolk) said Tuesday [6/18/2019].

Upstate clerks refuse to grant illegal immigrants driver's licenses.  Some upstate New York county clerks are taking a stand against the state's controversial new law granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.  Clerks in Erie, Rensselaer, Niagara and Allegany counties have said they won't be handing out the licenses, despite the legislation signed Monday by Gov. Andrew Cuomo.  Erie County Clerk Michael Kerns said he believes the Green Light Bill, which passed the state Senate 33-29, conflicts with federal policy — and is ready to go to court with his concerns.

Loophole in NY law granting illegals driver's licenses could lead to massive voter fraud.  A loophole in New York's new law allowing illegal aliens to obtain driver's licenses could actually make it easier for them to vote, leading to widespread vote fraud in federal elections, the New York Post reported Wednesday [6/19/2019].  According to critics, the NY Board of Elections and the sponsor of the bill, it could lead to "radical" changes that will throw future elections into doubt in the Empire State, leaving some to question whether Democrats who passed the bill knew exactly what they were doing.

Cuomo signs bill granting undocumented immigrants access to New York driver's licenses despite 11th-hour concerns.  Undocumented immigrants will have access to driver's licenses under a law green-lighted by the Legislature on Monday and signed by Gov. Cuomo hours after he'd tried to tap the brakes on the controversial measure.  Cuomo has repeatedly expressed support for the bill — but raised last-minute concerns Monday about whether the information about undocumented immigrants gathered by the state DMV could be obtained by federal officials and used for immigration enforcement.

New York State Assembly passes bill allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses.  The New York State Assembly passed a bill Wednesday that would allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses.  Passing the lower chamber of the New York State Legislature with a vote of 86-47, the bill needs only to pass the New York State Senate before heading to the desk of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has expressed his readiness to sign it.  The law would allow residents to use passports from other countries and other foreign-issued documents to prove their identities at the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Oregon Bill Would Give Illegal Aliens Driver's Licenses, Possible Voting Rights.  The Oregon legislature is moving ahead with a bill that would allow illegal aliens to obtain driver's licenses.  House Bill 2015 "Eliminates requirement that person provide proof of legal presence before Department of Transportation issues noncommercial driver license, noncommercial driver permit or identification card."

Poll: New York State Voters Overwhelmingly Oppose Illegals Getting Drivers Licenses.  A majority of New York State voters, according to a newly released Siena College poll, overwhelmingly oppose illegal immigrants receiving driver's licenses.  Sixty-one percent of New York voters say they do not believe non-citizens should receive driver's licenses.  While 49 percent of Democrats support issuing driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, 84 percent of Republicans and 71 percent of Independents oppose such a policy.

California DMV to be audited after lawmakers become suspicious of voter fraud.  California's DMV has been rife with scandal.  On Wednesday morning [2/27/2019], lawmakers agreed to yet another audit, this time focusing on the program that registers drivers to vote.  "The problems with motor voter have risen to such a degree that there is a bipartisan effort in this," said Assemblyman Jim Patterson (R-Fresno).  The department has admitted mishandling voter registration information for 23,000 drivers and double-registering as many as 77,000 others.

NYC pushes to get driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants.  An estimated 570,000 undocumented immigrants are currently living in New York State — the majority in New York City — may soon be eligible for driver's licenses.  Rallying on the steps of City Hall, elected leaders and advocates are pushing for all immigrants regardless of legal status to be granted the privilege.  "The one thing we are hearing from our immigrant communities from Brentwood to Buffalo is drivers licenses are the single biggest issue," said Steven Choi with the New York Immigration Coalition.

In latest reversal, Gillibrand now supports letting illegal immigrants get driver's licenses.  After initially opposing the idea of her home state granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand has had a change of heart.  "I think we have to make it possible for people to provide for their families," the New York Democrat said Wednesday, as she was leaving to attend her 2020 presidential campaign kickoff event.  Gillibrand's new stand on the issue is in contrast from the position she took during her days in the House, when she opposed then-Gov. Eliot Spitzer's controversial 2007 plan to allow illegal immigrants living in New York to obtain driver licenses.

Gillibrand Reverses Position on Drivers' Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants.  Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) no longer opposes giving drivers' licenses to undocumented immigrants.  "I think we have to make it possible for people to provide for their families," Gillibrand told the New York Daily News on Wednesday [1/16/2019] outside a diner in Brunswick, New York.  "We need comprehensive immigration reform.  Without doing that, you're not going to get the problem solved for the rest of the country."  Gillibrand formerly opposed then-New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's controversial 2007 proposal to give drivers' licenses to undocumented immigrants.

Group to spend $1 mil to convince lawmakers to allow driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants.  New York's largest immigration advocacy group is looking to spend $1 million to convince lawmakers in the state to allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses as President Donald Trump cracks down on unlawful entry into the U.S.  The New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) plans to increase its lobbying efforts and invest at minimum $1 million on TV, radio and targeted ads on social media, the New York Daily News reported Monday.  This could be NYIC's biggest campaign.

Illegal Aliens Fatally Separate American Parents and Children.  In 2008, Colorado separated a Jewish boy from his parents.  Marten Kudlis was separated from his parents while waiting for his mother to bring him his ice cream.  The 3-year-old boy who had just been playing in the park never got his ice cream.  Instead Francis Hernandez, an illegal alien driving 81 miles an hour, slammed into a pickup truck, killing the two women inside, and smashing it through the glass wall of the Baskin Robbins.  Blood and broken glass covered the floor.  Little Marten, who had just learned to ride a bike, died of a slashed jugular vein and was buried with a teddy bear.  Francis Hernandez had been arrested 16 times in 5 years without ever being turned over to immigration authorities.  That failure to enforce immigration law separated a little boy from his family forever.

Illegal Immigrants Block Traffic in Grand Rapids Marching for Driver's Licences, Other Rights.  Thousands of protesters marched in Grand Rapids, Michigan this week demanding rights for illegal immigrants.  Blocking traffic has become a staple tactic for the left despite being extremely dangerous and annoying.

California DMV allows illegals to vote:  GOP chairman.  California is responding to accusations that a new program allows illegal immigrants to vote.  On April 16, the Golden State will automatically register motorists who obtain or renew a driver's license to go to the polls.  "The New Motor Voter Program will automatically register customers to voter, if eligible, during driver license, ID card, or change of address transactions," the DMV said in a statement.  "A customer can choose to opt out of the process.  Undocumented Californians are not eligible to register to vote, and DMV has programming measures to prevent that from occurring."

By Handing Out Driver's Licenses, Far-Left California Invites Illegals To Stay — And Taxpayers To Pay.  1,001,000.  It's a big number, especially since it represents the number of so-called undocumented immigrants who now have driver's licenses in California, according to the state's Department of Motor Vehicles.  Welcome to the Golden State's special brand of lunacy.

1 Million Illegal Aliens Have California Driver's Licenses.  California has some of the worst drivers in the world.  And there's a very good reason for that.  ["]More than million undocumented immigrants have received driver's licenses, the California Department of Motor Vehicles announced Wednesday.["]  Undocumented immigrants with licenses.  What could possibly go wrong?

More than a million illegal immigrants scored California driver's licenses, state DMV announces.  More than one million illegal immigrants living in California have received driver's licenses, according to a new report.  The state's Department of Motor Vehicles announced that as of March 31, 1,001,000 illegal immigrants have received licenses, The Sacramento Bee reported on Wednesday [4/4/2018].

More than a million undocumented immigrants have received California driver's licenses.  More than 1 million undocumented immigrants have received driver's licenses, the California Department of Motor Vehicles announced Wednesday [4/4/2018].  Assembly Bill 60, authored by then-Assemblyman Luis Alejo in 2013, required California DMV offices to issue driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants as long as they can prove their identity and residence within the state.  The law has led to 1,001,000 undocumented immigrants receiving licenses as of March 31 but doesn't give the licensees carte blanche to drive outside of California or fly across state or federal borders.

Illegals in California with Driver's Licenses Eligible to Vote After April 1.  Starting on April 1, 2018, illegal aliens in California who have recently obtained state driver's licenses legally, or obtained them previously by lying about their immigration status, will automatically be registered to vote.  Since January 2015, according to the California DMV, A.B. 60, a law passed by the California Assembly, "allows illegal immigrants to the United States to apply for a California driver's license with the CA Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)" [emphasis original].  As of December 2016, more than 800,000 California driver's licenses were issued to illegal aliens under the A.B. 60 law.  Additional thousands of illegals may have been granted licenses prior to 2015 because they lied on their driver's license application forms and claimed they were in the country legally.  (No proof of legal residence has been required by the California DMV in recent years.)

New California law will automatically register illegal immigrants to vote... and it all begins on April Fool's Day!  A new law in California that goes into effect this spring will automatically register people to vote — including immigrants who are in the country illegally.  In 2015, the state passed a law called the California New Motor Voter Act to increase voter rolls by simplifying the process to register to vote.  The legislation, which goes into effect April 1, will automatically register people who apply for a new driver's license or new state ID at the Department of Motor Vehicles.

ICE Busts 24 Illegal Immigrants with DUI Convictions in Sanctuary New York.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Removal Operations (ERO) officers arrested 25 illegal immigrants in Long Island, New York — 24 were convicted of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  One of those is an MS-13 member.  ERO officers arrested one other person for an immigration violation.  The illegal aliens arrested during the six-day "Operation Secure Streets" sweep are being detained pending the finalization of immigration removal proceedings.  The criminal illegal aliens who are already subject to outstanding deportation orders, or who re-entered after being deported, can be removed from the country immediately.

1 Million Illegal Immigrants To Have California Driver's License By 2018.  More than 905,000 illegal immigrants have a California driver's license at this point, and that number could rise to more than a million by January of 2018.  By the end of June 2017, more than 900,000 drivers have been registered under California Assembly Bill 60, which requires only proof of identity and residency, not immigration status, in order to receive a license to drive a car.  After passage in 2013 because of 15 years of lobbying by liberal pro-immigration groups, the bill was meant to "intended to bolster public safety and reduce penalties for undocumented immigrants who drive," according to The Sacramento Bee.

Sanctuary for Illegal Alien Drunk Drivers?  It is almost trite and redundant to state that there is a contentious debate in the United States between those who are pushing for the strict enforcement of the immigration laws and those who believe that certain aliens, notwithstanding the fact that they are removable from the United States, should not be subjected to the "harsh punishment" of removal. [...] One particular group of aliens who have received a significant amount of support lately from opponents of immigration enforcement are aliens who entered illegally who have been convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), collectively known as "drunk drivers".

Being Legal in New Mexico.  I was in town recently, trying for the fifth time to renew my driver's license.  Rejected, again.  On the first attempt, I learned that NM has decided to up the ante for regular folks, and you can no longer go into the NM MVD office and get a driver's license based on the fact that you simply needed to renew the old one.  New Mexico was one of the states, in a frenzy of political correctness and deference to illegal aliens, that passed a new law to give driver's licenses to people they knew were in the state illegally.  But in the aftermath, they had fights about it in the state legislature about how to make up for the debacle they had created by causing all New Mexico drivers licenses to be suspect — because the TSA would no longer recognize them as legal identification for purposes of boarding a plane. [...] And apparently, the illegals do not have to prove squat to get a driver's license.

How California DMV Could Settle the Question of Voter Fraud.  California AB 60 driver's license holders — who are admittedly in the country illegally by virtue of applying for this class of license — are concerned that the Trump administration may use their AB 60 licenses to identify them for deportation, according to an AP story picked up by Oregon Live.  According to Jessica Gonzalez, spokeswoman for the Dept. of Motor Vehicles (DMV), illegal aliens in California have nothing to fear.  She told the AP that although the department makes "databases available to law-enforcement entities," that information would not include the legal status of driver's license holders.  In response to follow-up questions from Breitbart News, Gonzalez may have inadvertently provided the Trump administration a way to get to the bottom of allegations of massive voter fraud.

John Kelly: 'Even A Single DUI' Could Start Deportation For Illegal Aliens.  Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary John Kelly confirmed Sunday that federal immigration authorities won't shy away from arresting illegal immigrants who would have been ignored under the Obama administration.  New categories of criminal aliens will be targeted for deportation, not just those who've committed headline-grabbing crimes like rape and murder, Kelly said on NBC's "Meet the Press."  "Someone, as an example, with multiple DUIs," he said, is the kind of illegal immigrant that would draw attention from immigration authorities.  "Even a single DUI, depending on other aspects, would get you into the system," he added.

California Licenses 800K Illegal Aliens as Motor Voter Law Looms.  Over the last two years, the Golden State has licensed over 800,000 illegal aliens to drive, and as the new motor voter law AB 1461 goes into effect in 2017, anti-Trump lawmakers are vowing to fight the Trump administration on attempts to enforce immigration law.  AB 60 went into effect on January 1, 2015, inviting well over a million illegal aliens in California to apply for driver licenses with lawmaker promises that their non-citizen status would not be shared with immigration authorities.  With the law about to hit the two-year mark, the California Department of Motor Vehicles announced that 806,000 illegal aliens have been granted driver licenses, according to the Bay Area's Mercury News.  14,000 of those licenses were issued in November of this year.

Giving Driver's Licenses to Illegal Aliens Makes Illegal Voting a Real Possibility.  A December 28 report in San Jose's Mercury News noted that two years after the implementation of AB 60, a controversial law allowing illegal aliens to obtain driver's licenses in California, an estimated 806,000 illegal residents have received driver's licenses, according to the latest Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) statistics.  However, the fallout from that law is even worse than allowing more than four-fifths of a million illegal aliens on the road.  On October 10, 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1461, the New Motor Voter Act, which will automatically register people to vote through the DMV, and could result in illegal aliens voting.

Evidence scant California's licensed illegal immigrant drivers getting insurance.  In the push to grant illegal immigrants driver's licenses, Californians had been assured that doing so would spur them to get safety training and insurance coverage.  Nearly a year-and-a-half later, there's no evidence it worked.

Radical Left 9th Circuit Forces Arizona to Grant Driver's Licenses to Illegal Aliens.  Over the past few weeks, we've highlighted the growing trend of judicial amnesty for illegal immigrants at the hands of unelected judges.  Among the many stories you won't read in the mainstream media today is that the Ninth Circuit has just taken judicial amnesty a step further.  It has ratified Obama's amnesty by forcing Arizona to grant driver's licenses to recipients of the DACA amnesty — a complete violation of both national and state sovereignty.

After Hiring 1,000 New DMV Bureaucrats, California Issues 605,000 Licenses To Illegals.  After spending $141 million to hire nearly 1,000 new Department of Motor Vehicle employees to process driver's license applications in the wake of AB60 — the California law to issue driver's licenses to 1.5 million illegal immigrants — the results are in, and it's clear the bureaucrats have kept busy.  Tuesday [2/9/2016], the DMV said it had issued 605,000 shiny new driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, with the full 1.5 million expected to be in place in the next two years.  The total accounted for more than half of the licenses issued in 2015.  But that's not searchable in a database, accounting to True The Vote.

There's been a boom in driver's licenses issued to immigrants here illegally.  An estimated 605,000 licenses were issued under the law last year, accounting for nearly half of all new licenses, according to the California DMV.  Nearly 400,000 of the licenses were issued during the first six months.  "We believe that this new law increases safety on California roads by putting licensed drivers behind the steering wheel," spokesman Artemio Armenta said.

The Editor says...
They are the same people, with or without a license.  The possession of a license doesn't turn someone into a good driver.  (For an example, go back and look at me when I was 16.)  This issue is about providing a stepping stone toward citizenship.  It has little to do with driving a car.

Almost Half Of California Driver's Licenses Went To Illegal Immigrants In 2015.  Almost 50 percent of all California driver's licenses issued in 2015 went to illegal immigrants, according to recent state reports, wrapping up the first year of a state-wide program designed to provide Department of Motor Vehicle services to those without citizenship.  In total, California issued 605,000 driver's licenses to illegals a year after the program started Jan 2, 2015, which is far more than the anticipated number, the Orange County Register reports.  The program is expected to cost the state $141 million over a period of three years.

In first year, California issues 605,000 driver's licenses to immigrants.  California issued more than a half-million driver's licenses under a new law granting the identifying documents to immigrants who may be in the country illegally.

Illegal Aliens Sue to Drive, Claim Discrimination of "Disfavored Minority Group".  About a year ago Oregonians overwhelmingly voted against Measure 88, which would have provided special driver cards to illegal aliens.  Voters throughout the state, which is largely represented by Democrats in Congress, fiercely rejected the initiative 983,576 to 506,751, according to election results from the Oregon Secretary of State.  All of Oregon's 36 counties voted against Measure 88 by significant margins, the figures show.  Measure 88 was put on the ballot after Oregon legislators passed a controversial law in 2013 directing the Department of Transportation to give illegal immigrants who have resided in the state for more than a year a special driver card.  Disregarding the clear intent of Oregon's U.S. citizens, a group of five Mexicans, identified only by their initials in court documents, are suing the state for — get this — violating their civil rights by denying them driving privileges.

Cojones: Illegals Sue to Overturn Oregon Ballot Initiative That Overwhelmingly Refused Them Drivers Licenses.  Fox News is reporting that a group of aliens living illegally in the United States, Oregon specifically, is suing to overturn a ballot initiative in that state in which voters resoundingly rebuffed attempts to legislatively permit illegal aliens to obtain Oregon driver's licenses.  The basis?  Discrimination.  The plaintiffs allege that the ballot initiative, Measure 88, is unconstitutional "because it 'arbitrarily' denies driving privileges based on membership in a 'disfavored minority group.'  It [the lawsuit] alleges Oregon voters were motivated by "animus toward persons from Mexico and Central America."

The Editor says...
There is nothing illegal about "animus toward persons from Mexico and Central America," if those "persons" are in this country illegally, are not U.S. citizens, are a menace to navigation on the highways, are overcrowding the county jails and hospital emergency rooms, and are sending billions of dollars per year back to Mexico and Central America by way of wire transfers.

N.J. considers driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants.  Proponents of the bill — which would establish a driver's license for unauthorized immigrants who can supply proof of identity, date of birth, and residency in New Jersey — say it would improve safety on the roads.  Under the bill, the chief administrator of the state Motor Vehicles Commission would decide what documents could be considered.  Documents for proving identity could include original or certified copies of identification issued by a consulate from the applicant's country of citizenship, a passport from the country of citizenship, or a foreign driver's license.

Spitzer: I buried plan to give illegal immigrants licenses to help Hillary.  In a stunning admission, former Gov. Eliot Spitzer says he buried a plan to give drivers' licenses to illegal immigrants just to help Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign back in 2007.  The licenses became a key issue in Clinton's nomination fight with Barack Obama, who said he was for the licenses at a debate in Philly, while Clinton danced around taking a position.

Jerry Brown Cooks Up A Recipe For California Voter Fraud.  Just months after handing out California driver's licenses to illegals, Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a law to automatically register every driver to vote.  Supposedly, it's to raise turnout.  More likely, it's inviting fraud.  So how does opening up U.S. presidential elections to the votes of any of the citizens of El Salvador, Armenia, Mexico or China sound?  Foreigners have complained for years about wanting to vote in U.S. elections and in California.  And now they may get their wish — unless California's Gov. Jerry Brown is somehow kept from enacting AB 1461, a bill to automatically register every recipient of a California driver's license to vote.

Non-Citizens Will Now Vote in At Least One State.  Governor Jerry Brown just sold out the American vote in California.  He signed a new version of the Motor Voter Act that will register every eligible California citizen who acquires a driver's license or renews a license at the Department of Motor Vehicles to vote.  This is after he made all illegal aliens eligible for diver's licenses.  Eleven states allow illegal aliens to get driver's licenses.

Overcoming fear, thousands of immigrants line up for a driver's license in California.  For the past five years, Carmela Gonzalez was scared every time she got behind the wheel.  "I would make the sign of the Holy Cross," she said in Spanish.  "My mom would always tell me, 'trust in God, everything is going to be all right.'"  [...] In March, Gonzalez walked into her local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office, Mexican passport and a utility bill in hand, and applied for a driver's license as an undocumented immigrant — protected by the law AB 60.

More Than Half of New CA Driver's Licenses Go to Illegal Immigrants.  More than half of the new driver's licenses issued in California during 2015 have gone to illegal immigrants.  "Of the 759,000 total licenses the DMV has issued, 397,000 — or 52 percent — have gone to [illegals]."  The surge in illegal licensing is the result of AB 60 — a California law that went into effect at the beginning of the year.  The law allows applicants to get a license by "only [proving] their identity and California residency, rather than their legal presence in the state."

More than half of new driver's licenses go to immigrants in U.S. illegally.  More than half the new driver's licenses issued in California during the first six months of the year have gone to immigrants in the country illegally, the state Department of Motor Vehicles reported Friday [7/17/2015].  Immigrants received 397,000 of the 759,000 original driver's licenses issued in California since the January beginning of a new law aimed at providing licenses to those not legally in the country but who can document their identity and California residency.

Escaped Mexican Drug Lord 'El Chapo' Has A California Driver's License.  Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman is currently on the run after escaping this weekend from a maximum-security prison near Mexico City. [...] El Chapo was given a California driver's license in 1988, according to a Drug Enforcement Administration report.  El Chapo used the alias "Max Aragon" to get the license.

Arizona again seeks to deny licenses to 'dreamers'.  Saying the president acted illegally, an attorney for the state wants appellate judges to once again allow the director of the Arizona Department of Transportation to refuse to issue licenses to "dreamers."  In filings with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Assistant Attorney General Dominic Draye acknowledged Arizona issues licenses to some individuals who are granted "deferred action" under various federal programs.

Russian, Spanish-language ads fueling rampant driver's license fraud in Vermont.  Foreign-language ads are helping out-of-state illegal immigrants fraudulently obtain Vermont driver privilege cards, the chief inspector of the Vermont DMV has revealed.  "We found two ads out of state ... saying you can come here and get a driver's license," Capt. Drew Bloom, chief inspector of the DMV, told Vermont Watchdog.  "One of them was in Spanish and the other was in Russian," he said.

States flouting post-9/11 ID law, giving cards to illegal immigrants that mirror licenses.  After the 9/11 attacks, Congress passed the REAL ID Act to prevent foreign nationals from fraudulently obtaining a U.S. driver's license — by requiring that any ID issued based on unverifiable foreign documents look different in "design or color" from an official driver's license.  That way, TSA and other law enforcement would know the ID holder might not be who they say they are.  But more than a decade later, several state and local governments are openly flouting the law, issuing ID cards that are barely distinguishable from a bona fide driver's license.

Half Million Illegal Aliens Elude Deportation in Landslide California License Response.  Almost 500,000 illegal aliens have applied for California driver licenses within the first three months of 2015, doubling expectations under the state's new AB 60 law.  AB 60 specialist Carlos Leon assures the DMV is not allowed to share information that would otherwise lead to deportation.  Only 203,000 of the 493,998 applicants have been granted licenses to date under the law that took effect on January 2, 2015, reports the California DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles).  The DMV has added extra offices, employees, and hours in preparation for an expectation of 1.4 million applicants over three years.  Employees working on AB 60 applications also attended mandatory sensitivity training.

A 'Privileged Cracker' Visits the California DMV.  The other day I received a letter from the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) instructing me to renew my driver's license in person.  The letter stated I was required to take a vision test and a new photo.  The letter also provided me with a phone number to schedule an appointment.  When I called the number, the representative told me that the next available appointment to visit my local DMV was 8 weeks later, well beyond the expiration date of my driver's license.  The representative explained it was due to undocumented immigrants, what we used to call illegal aliens, now being able to obtain driver licenses, and that my best bet was to simply go to my local DMV office and see if I could receive a same-day appointment.  Thank you Governor Moonbeam Jerry Brown.

110,000 Illegals on CA Roads with New Licenses.  The new California law AB 60, an attempt to license the roughly 1.5 million illegal aliens in the state, has already licensed 110,000 immigrants since going into effect in January.  When a similar attempt was initially made in Nevada, the illegal residents failed the test 90% of the time.  The ACLU attests that the failure rate can be due to the language barrier; Gloria Cruz of the San Diego ACLU told ABC 10 News that the need to apply online or with the DMV's touchscreen had left immigrants with great difficulties to overcome.  California applicants have faced similar difficulties with the written test[.]

California issues 110,000 driver's licenses to immigrants in first 7 weeks of applications.  California has handed out 110,000 driver's licenses to immigrants in the country illegally during the first seven weeks of applications.  The figures for all of January and much of February were released this week by the state's Department of Motor Vehicles.  In early January when the law took effect, hundreds of immigrants lined up at designated DMV offices for walk-in appointments.

California Provides 59,000 Immigrants With Driver's Licenses in First Month of 2015.  Overall, a total of about 236,000 immigrants in the country illegally began the application process during January, the state Department of Motor Vehicles said in a statement.

About Those Drivers' Licenses for Aliens.  You've got to admire the persistence of the Left.  When they've got a goal in mind, they never give up and they never play by the rules. [...] We can't match the Left for unscrupulousness and deceit, and we operate in the light and not the dark.  But maybe we, too, can be persistent.

Driver's Licenses for Immigrants Spur Debate in New Mexico.  Fresh off a political power shift, the Republican-led House of Representatives is poised to pass a measure repealing a 2003 law that made New Mexico one of the first states to offer licenses to immigrants regardless of status.

Nevada bill aims to extend teaching licenses to more DREAMers.  Immigrants who were brought to this country illegally as children can avoid deportation and get a work permit, but they still hit a wall if they try to apply for a Nevada teaching license.

California DMV Overwhelmed by Illegal Immigrants Lining Up for Licenses.  Some California residents must now wait months just to get an appointment at the Department of Motor Vehicles.  The DMV blames the waitlist on a massive influx of applications from undocumented workers.

California DMV Ordered to Overlook Identity Theft by Illegals.  Illegal aliens may enjoy a free pass on identity theft due to a new investigative policy at California's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).  The policy, issued last year and effective as of Jan. 1, 2015, directs DMV investigators to overlook identity theft by applicants "who may have attempted to obtain or been issued a license or ID card previously through submission of false information."

In Vermont, Drivers Licenses are a Magnet for Fraud by Illegal Aliens.  As California battles a flood of immigrants seeking driver's licenses after enactment of Assembly Bill 60, Vermont's Department of Motor Vehicles has found issuing driver's privileges to illegals can be a magnet for benefits fraud.  In the first week after AB 60 went into effect in January, California's Department of Motor Vehicles issued more than 11,000 driver's licenses and processed nearly 50,000 applications for people living illegally in the U.S.  By the end of week two, the number of issued licenses more than doubled, reaching 25,300.  Over the next three years, Golden State taxpayers can expect to pay as much as $220 million to give licenses to 1.4 million undocumented immigrants.

It's permanent, 'dreamers' can keep licenses.  A federal judge on Thursday [1/22/2015] permanently ordered Arizona to keep allowing young immigrants known as "dreamers" to get driver's licenses.  U.S. District Judge David Campbell's ruling comes a month after he issued a temporary injunction forcing Arizona to start allowing dreamers with work permits through President Barack Obama's deferred-action program to get licenses.  "This means they can keep their licenses," said Araceli Martinez-Olguin, a senior attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union Immigrants' Rights Project.

TSA Whistleblower Confirms Illegal Aliens May Board Planes With CA Licenses.  Illegal immigrants can board airplanes with California's driver licenses despite repeated guarantees to the contrary.  A whistleblower from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has turned over documents to that contradict media reports that illegal immigrants may not travel within the U.S. with a California driver's license.

DMV expects 100,000 undocumented to seek licenses by week's end.  Massive interest in a new law granting driver's licenses to people living in the country without documentation resulted in California issuing nearly 1,000 licenses on the first day alone, and motor vehicle offices across the state are on pace to see 100,000 applicants by the end of the week.

DMV cites low pass rate on first day of new driver's licenses.  Spanish-language test takers fared worse than English-language applicants on the first day a law took effect allowing people who are in the country illegally to obtain California driver's licenses, according to the Department of Motor Vehicles.  Only 36% of people who took the Spanish-language written test for a driver's license received a passing score on Friday [1/2/2015], the first day AB60 was in effect, compared with 54% of those who took the test in English, the DMV said.

CA Illegal Immigrant at DMV: 'Nobody's Passing' the Written Test.  Under the AB 60 law that Governor Jerry Brown (D) signed in 2013 and took effect at the start of 2015, illegal immigrants were able to apply for driver's licenses on Friday [1/2/2015].  And nearly 1.4 [sic] illegal immigrants are expected to apply for licenses in California in the next three years.  At a DMV in south Sacramento, Veronica Oropeza, a 28-year-old illegal immigrant who has reportedly been driving without a license for six years, reportedly failed her written exam twice.

California Taxpayers to Subsidize Auto Insurance for Illegal Aliens.  State officials hope a new law that offers California driver's licenses to immigrants in the country illegally will also encourage them to buy insurance.  To encourage the practice, the California Department of Insurance is aggressively marketing its Low Cost Auto Insurance program to the large pool of immigrants projected to seek licenses under the AB 60 law taking effect Jan. 1.

California Becomes 10th State to Issue Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants.  Landmark legislation signed by California Gov. Jerry Brown last year is now permitting undocumented immigrants to apply for California driver's licenses.  The Los Angeles Times reports that applicants illegally residing in the United States were eligible to receive the special licenses for the first time on Friday [1/2/2015].  To apply, individuals would have to provide either bills or rent statements to prove that they were residents of California and provide documentation confirming their identities.  They are also required to pass both written and vision tests, submit their thumbprint to the DMV, and have a formal driving test before they receive their licenses.  The special licenses are still "not acceptable for official federal purposes."

California opens driver's license applications to illegal immigrants.  California on Friday [1/2/2015] will start taking driver's license applications from the nation's largest population of immigrants in the country illegally.  The state Department of Motor Vehicles expects 1.4 million people will seek a license in the first three years of a program aimed at boosting road safety and making immigrants' lives easier.  California officials say they can't predict how many people will line up immediately to apply, but the number of people making appointments for a license more than doubled when immigrants were allowed to sign up.  Appointments are required to apply for a license except at four newly-created DMV offices.

An Arizona dreamer's quest to drive legally.  [Scroll down]  The announcement followed a 2½-year court battle that came to a head last week when U.S. District Court Judge David Campbell issued a preliminary injunction that lifted an executive order by Gov. Jan Brewer's executive order.  Brewer's order denied licenses to dreamers granted work permits through a program created by President Barack Obama in 2012.  The program allows immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children to stay in the U.S. and work for two years without the threat of deportation through a legal process called deferred action.

Dominican Charged in Scheme to Sell Massachusetts' Driver Licenses to Illegal Aliens.  A Massachusetts' illegal alien has been arrested on a complaint charging conspiracy to fraudulently issue identification documents.  Edwin Amaurys Parra Suarez (Parra), 37, was arrested in connection with a scheme to produce false identification documents.  The complaint affidavit alleges that from December 2012 through January 2013, Parra bribed an employee of the Revere office of the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) in connection with a scheme to issue Massachusetts driver's licenses to individuals who were not eligible to obtain such documentation.

Immigrants get warning on driver's licenses.  While tens of thousands of immigrants living in the United States illegally are preparing to apply for a long-sought driver's license in California starting Jan. 2, others are being urged to think twice.

Young Immigrants Lining Up for Driver's Licenses Monday.  Many young immigrants who are protected from deportation under new Obama administration policies are expected Monday [12/22/2014] to begin pursuing Arizona driver's licenses.

DMV prepares to issue driver's licenses to people who are here illegally.  Just weeks before California begins to issue driver's licenses to people in the country illegally, the Department of Motor Vehicles has opened four new offices and hired more than 900 additional staffers to help handle the expected flood of applicants.  State officials expect that 1.4 million immigrants who are not lawfully in the country will apply for specially marked licenses during the first three years beginning Jan. 2.  An extra $141 million has been budgeted to handle the applications.

Court moves closer to driver's licenses for dreamers.  Barring intervention by the U.S. Supreme Court, Arizona "dreamers" may be able to get driver's licenses as early as next Tuesday, ending a ban imposed two years ago by Gov. Jan Brewer.  On Tuesday [12/9/2014], the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied a request by Brewer to keep on hold that panel's July ruling against her ban while the state's attorney general prepares a U.S. Supreme Court appeal.

Court denies Arizona request to block driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants.  A federal appeals court denied Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's (R) request to rehear a case involving driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants in an order filed Monday [11/24/2014].  A panel of three 9th Circuit Court judges denied Brewer's request related to her 2012 executive order denying driver's licenses to about 20,000 undocumented immigrants.  Annie Dockendorff, a spokeswoman for Brewer, said in an email to the Washington Post the governor is "reviewing options to possibly take this matter to the U.S. Supreme Court."

Under Obama program, illegals get driver's license, credit cards, Obamacare.  President Obama's 2012 program to defer deportation of young illegal immigrants greatly eased their ability to get jobs, credit cards, bank accounts, driver's licenses and even Obamacare despite their undocumented status, according to a new Harvard University report.  The review of over 2,000 young illegals given relief from deportation by Obama's June 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, found that many have won the same benefits as U.S. citizens, including higher education despite the failure of the so-called Dream Act that led to the president's initiative.

Baker won't back IDs for undocumented.  Gov.-elect Charlie Baker said he would nix a Patrick administration plan to give special driver's licenses to illegal immigrants in order to comply with new federal rules, an early sign of the different direction the new man in the Corner Office plans to take.  "I don't support issuing driver's licenses to people who are undocumented," Baker said on Boston Herald Radio yesterday, backing the stance he took in the campaign against Democrat Martha Coakley.

Oregon Voters Reject Giving Driver's Licenses to Illegal Immigrants.  At the polls Tuesday [11/4/2014], Oregon voters overwhelmingly rejected a law passed by the state legislature last April that [would have] granted driver's licenses to illegal immigrants residing in the state.  The measure was put to voters after Oregonians for Immigration Reform, an immigration enforcement group opposed to the driver's license benefit, initiated a citizen's referendum and successfully collected the 50,000 signatures required to get it on the ballot.  Voters rejected it by a margin of 68 percent to 33 percent.

The Editor says...
Isn't that peculiar.  The legislature passed it, and then it was put on the ballot.  That's exactly the opposite of the way representative government is supposed to work.

Oregon voters reject licenses for illegals; immigration a losing issue for Dems in 2014 elections.  Immigration was a losing issue in the 2014 election, with Republicans who announced their opposition to President Obama's legalization plans earning victories across the country and voters in Oregon swatting down a referendum that would have granted driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.  Republicans said the results should serve as a warning to President Obama, who has said he plans to take unilateral action to grant legal status to illegal immigrants some time this year.

A Tough Night at MSNBC.  [Oregon] Measure 88 won more votes than anything else on the Oregon ballot.  More votes than pot legalization.  More than the incumbent governor, the incumbent senator or any of the six other ballot measures.  The widely popular, landslide vote on Measure 88 prohibits illegal immigrants from getting drivers licenses.

Oregon Voters Oppose Driver's Licenses for Illegals.  The disconnect between what politicians and labor unions apparently want and what the public thinks is a good idea is startling, and it shows how out of step elected leaders and union officials are with their constituents.  Voters are deeply skeptical of measures providing any sort of benefits to illegal immigrants for good reason.  In the United States, where a huge majority of citizens do not own a passport, a driver's license provides de-facto legitimacy and enables migrants to, as NumbersUSA neatly summarized, "rent apartments and cars, open bank accounts, cash checks, enter secure buildings, buy guns, and board commercial aircraft, among other things."

Who's Behind the Push to Give Illegal Aliens Driver's Licenses in Texas?  Earlier this week, the left-leaning Austin American-Statesman editorialized that it's time that Texas establish driver's licences for illegal aliens.  In the editorial, the paper calls for Texas to join the 11 states plus the District of Columbia in granting driver's licenses to those who are in the state illegally.  This issue cost California Gov. Gray Davis his job a few years back, in that Democratic state.

524 Non-Citizens Received Regular Colorado Driver's Licenses, DMV Says.  Colorado's Department of Motor Vehicles mistakenly issued U.S. citizen driver's licenses to 524 non-citizens, including some illegal immigrants, CBS4 has learned.  The licenses look like those given to state residents.  The DMV blamed a software problem at a contractor, who is working with DMV to retrieve the licenses and re-issue correct IDs.  The licenses were mailed at the beginning of September.

DMV worker sentenced in fake license plot.  Jeffrey Bednarek is the last of five DMV workers to be sentenced in the corruption scheme.  He pleaded guilty in January to conspiracy to commit bribery and identification document fraud, bribery and witness tampering.  U.S. District Court Judge Cathy Bencivengo chastised him for putting the public at risk by issuing licenses to drivers who have no right to be on the road.

The Editor says...
The states license a lot of incompetent drivers, and until recently all licensed drivers were citizens.  No doubt the drivers who circumvent the licensing system must be really dangerous on the road.  On the other hand, many of them probably want a driver's license as prima facie evidence of citizenship, and may not care that much about driving.  On yet another hand, the government doesn't care if you drive or not:  They're more interested in identifying you when you are eventually arrested.

Granting Driver's Licenses to Illegal Aliens Encourages More Illegal Immigration.  States who grant driver's licenses to illegal aliens become magnets for illegal immigration.  Illegal immigration results in higher costs of living, reduced job availability, lower wages, higher crime rates, fiscal hardship on hospitals and substandard quality of care for residents, burdens on public services, increasing their costs and diminishing their availability, and a reduction on the overall quality of life.

Colorado to Issue Driver's Licenses to Immigrants.  Colorado will begin issuing driver's licenses and identification cards to immigrants Friday [8/1/2014] regardless of their legal status, underscoring a sea change in a state that less than a decade ago passed strict immigration enforcement laws.

Colorado to offer driver licenses for illegal immigrants.  The law is expected to receive tremendous scrutiny both from opponents who see it as legitimizing illegal behavior, and supporters who say it will lead to safer roads because drivers will know the rules, and law enforcement will correctly identify people in traffic stops and accidents.

About 10K immigrants sign up for driver's licenses.  About 10,000 immigrants in the country illegally have signed up to get Colorado driver's licenses when they become available next month.

Illegal immigrants in D.C. fail written driver's test at 80% rate.  Four out of five illegal immigrants seeking driver's licenses under a new D.C. law have failed a written knowledge test — a rocky start to a program that in its first two months has issued 268 licenses, according to city officials.  The failure rate of 80 percent compares with a 58 percent failure rate for people seeking traditional driver's licenses, the Department of Motor Vehicles told a D.C. Council committee.  In addition, a check of the DMV website this week shows a massive backlog in appointments required to apply for the District's "limited-purpose license."  The first available date for an illegal immigrant to get an appointment is in March, and more than 6,000 appointments are pending.

Florida group revives call for driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.  A Florida immigration group is renewing a push for driver's licenses for undocumented immigrants in the Sunshine State.  The Sarasota-based Living with Angels drew attention to its cause Saturday with a noisy protest along U.S. 41.  "Not a lot of people in Florida are legal, so if you're not legal you can't have a driver's license," Paula Rincon, a member of the group, told Fox 13 News in Tampa.

Arizona court halts denial of licenses for immigrants.  An appeals court blocked Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's policy of denying driver's licenses to young immigrants who have gotten work permits and avoided deportation under an Obama administration policy.

Appeals Court says to give 'dreamers' licenses.  Calling the state policy motivated by animosity, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals this morning ordered that "dreamers" who the federal government allow to work in this country also be issued Arizona driver's licenses, at least for the time being.  In a unanimous decision, the court rejected arguments by Gov. Jan Brewer that she was entitled to issue an executive order two years ago denying licenses to those in the federal government's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Non-Citizen Driver's Licenses Bogging Down Colorado DMV.  A new kind of driver's license for non-citizens will soon be available but even before the Department of Motor Vehicles can issue them, advance requests are clogging up the system.  Tens of thousands of drivers in Colorado are calling the DMV to register for the new ID which is clogging the system.  Those licenses are the result of a law passed last year that aims to improve public safety by making sure every driver in Colorado, regardless of their legal status, has a license.

The Editor says...
The state could "make sure every driver has a license" by eliminating licenses. Obviously then, licenses are all about fees and taxes rather than public safety.

DMV: Nearly 49,000 Nev. Residents Have Taken Written Tests To Obtain State Driver Authorization Cards.  The cards are available under a new law that made Nevada the 11th state to offer driving privileges to people in the country illegally.

Middle Eastern Men Are Getting Driver's Licenses With Hispanic Names.  The Texas Department of Public Safety informed the San Antonio Division Joint Terrorism Task Force that individuals of Middle Eastern descent are obtaining new Texas driver's licenses with Hispanic surnames.  Approximately 20 individuals of Middle Eastern origin are utilizing the Travis County (Austin, Texas) District Court each week to change their names and driver's licenses from Middle Eastern to Hispanic surnames.  The process involves submitting a form and fingerprints to the District Court.

California design of driver's license for immigrants rejected.  ederal authorities have rejected California's proposed design for a driver's license for immigrants in the U.S. illegally, saying it is not distinguishable enough for security purposes from permits given to citizens.  The Washington officials want the license to state clearly on its face "that it is not acceptable for official federal purposes" and to have a design or color that differentiates it at a glance from other licenses.

California to open facilities for ONLY illegal immigrants' driver's licenses.  The California Department of Motor Vehicles is setting up new facilities to process driver's license applications for illegal immigrants.  Last year, Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law a bill, AB 60, which will allow illegal immigrants to obtain the documents beginning Jan. 1, 2015.  The bill was signed along with a number of others laws seen as favorable to undocumented immigrants.  As part of the driver's license application process, immigrants will have to acknowledge that they are undocumented.  But AB 60 protects applicants from criminal prosecution.

Feds support license lawsuit alleging Hawaii discriminates against those with limited English.  The U.S. Department of Justice is supporting a lawsuit alleging Hawaii discriminates against those who struggle with English by making it too difficult to obtain a driver's license.

Immigrants in the country illegally could legally drive in NJ under bill.  A new effort is underway in the state Legislature to allow unauthorized immigrants to legally drive in New Jersey, setting up what could be the next state debate over immigration policy.  Under the measure, New Jersey would be required to issue photo "driving privilege" cards to residents who could not prove that they were in this country legally but were able to show they lived in the state.

75% of Illegals Fail Written Driving Test in Nevada.  We're talking about illegals here, not legal immigrants.

Illinois to Begin Issuing Driver's Licenses to Illegal Aliens in December.  As of December 3, the State of Illinois will begin accepting applications from illegal aliens for state issued driver's licenses.  State officials estimate as many as 500,000 illegal aliens currently living in the state could apply for the licenses.  Governor Pat Quinn signed the law which created the "temporary visitor driver's license" almost a year ago.

Showing Contempt For Its Citizens, California Issues Driver's Licenses To Illegals.  California's new law letting illegal aliens have driver's licenses represents a shift in ruling-class priorities from the interests of citizens to those of politically well-organized pressure groups.

Jerry Brown: Illegal Immigrant Driver's Licenses [are] 'Only the First Step'.  It's been a whirlwind month for Gov. Jerry Brown -- four weeks in which the California chief executive's desk saw an anti-paparazzi bill and a bill to allow non-physicians to perform abortions, and he himself lofty praise in Rolling Stone.  The latest bill to pass his desk, granting illegal immigrants the ability to apply for driver's licenses in the state, is "only the first step" of a national movement, the governor told a crowd yesterday [10/2/2013].

How can a person here illegally get a a driver's license?  How can you go through the legal process when you are in the country illegally?  Are these people paying any penalties for being in the country illegally[,] or proving that they've paid their state or federal taxes?

California grants driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.  California's governor signed a bill Thursday [10/3/2013] granting illegal immigrants driver's licenses, in a decision immigrant rights groups hailed as a major step forward for their movement.  The country's largest state becomes the latest to reverse course and grant legal driving privileges to illegal immigrants.

Wendy Davis favors driver licenses for immigrants here illegally.  The Fort Worth Democrat, who is due to announce her plans Thursday, said in response to questions at the Texas Tribune Festival that she favors:
  ·   Granting driver licenses to immigrants in the country illegally, citing business backing for the idea.
  ·   Re-regulating college tuition only if the state steps up to the plate with the money needed to subsidize the move.
  ·   More investment in public education, including making pre-kindergarten available to all students.

California governor to sign driver's license bill for illegal immigrants.  California Governor Jerry Brown said on Friday he would sign a bill authorizing the state to provide driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, a last-minute reversal of his position.

Licenses for Illegal Immigrants in Yet Another State.  In what appears to be a nationwide trend to give illegal immigrants state benefits, Nevada has become the fourth this month alone to pass a measure allowing them to get driver's licenses.

Connecticut to allow illegal immigrants to get driving license.  Connecticut joined other U.S. states that allow illegal immigrants to get a driver's license, with the state Senate narrowly approving the measure on Thursday without a single Republican vote.

States Work Behind Scenes to Give Illegal Aliens Benefits.  As the national debate over immigration reform gets more and more heated, some states are working behind the scenes to give illegal aliens benefits that are supposed to be banned under federal law.  This month alone two states — Oregon and Maryland — passed measures that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses and a third (Colorado) is close to doing the same.  For years Washington State and New Mexico were the only to offer illegal immigrants driver's licenses.

Rubio Reason for Legalizing Illegals: 'They Are Driving on Our Streets Without a Driver's License'.  Sen. Marco Rubio (R.-Fla.), one of eight senators who have crafted legislation that would put illegal aliens on a path to U.S. citizenship, explained in a Senate floor speech yesterday that one of the reasons he wants to do this is that he believes illegal aliens are currently driving on U.S. roads without drivers licenses and auto insurance and his bill would encourage them to get licenses and buy insurance.  Rubio explained that under his bill ilegal aliens who "have committed serious crimes" will be deported.  However, the proposal will apparently not deem as a serious crime the habit of routinely driving without a driver's license.

Maryland Senate OKs licenses for illegal immigrants.  The Maryland Senate on Monday passed a measure to allow illegal immigrants to keep, renew and apply for state driver's licenses.  The bill passed 29-18 largely along party lines with Republican objection.  It would reverse a state law passed in 2009 to outlaw driver's licenses for illegal immigrants by 2015, a move made to comply with the federal Real ID Act.

North Carolina to Give Some Immigrants Driver's Licenses, With a Pink Stripe.  In a move some are calling a modern-day scarlet letter and others say is the best way to manage changing federal immigration policy, North Carolina this month will begin giving some young immigrants driver's licenses marked with a bold pink stripe and the words "no lawful status" printed in red.

North Carolina slammed for branding illegal immigrants with 'second-class' driver's license.  North Carolina will soon start issuing driver's licenses to some illegal immigrants, but the design of the new cards has sparked outrage among civil libertarians.  The licenses have a tell-tale bright pink stripe across the top along with the words 'NO LAWFUL STATUS' written in bold, which have raised concerns that they will encourage discrimination against those who show it.

North Carolina: Pink Licenses Dropped.  The licenses will still say "No Lawful Status."

Michigan to issue driver's licenses to immigrants.  Illegal immigrants brought to the country as children can start applying for Michigan driver's licenses and state IDs this week.

Gov. Susana Martinez Supports Giving DREAMers Driver's Licenses.  New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez, a staunch opponent of allowing undocumented immigrants to obtain a driver's license, is making an exception.  The Latina governer is now actively backing a proposal to offer temporary licenses to those who qualify for a two-year reprieve from deportation under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, launched by President Obama last summer.

Illinois to offer driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.  As Illinois becomes the fourth and most populous state to issue driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, there are still nagging concerns that the measure doesn't have enough safeguards to avoid the identity fraud and other pitfalls faced by the three other states with similar laws.

Push for driver's licenses for Massachusetts immigrants.  Massachusetts immigrant advocates are set to gather at the State House in Boston to ask lawmakers to back a bill that will allows all state residents to apply for a driver's license, regardless of their immigration status.

Arizona reviewing its ban on driver's licenses for immigrants.  Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and her legal team are reviewing whether they will continue denying driver's licenses to young people who recently received immigration relief and work permits under a new Obama administration program.

Illinois Passes Drivers Licenses for Illegal Immigrants.  After a vote on January 8, Illinois is set to join only two other states, New Mexico and Washington, to allow illegal immigrants to apply for state drivers licenses.  A third state, Utah, allows illegals to drive on temporary permits.

Trouble for driver's licenses for illegal immigrants in Illinois.  A new bill to permit 250,000 illegal immigrants to receive driver's licenses could be in big trouble in Illinois.  The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR), the group that is behind the bill, is fending off blows from Illinois law enforcement over the bill's lack of security safeguards.

California to Issue Driver's Licenses to Illegal Immigrants.  The California state Assembly on Thursday [8/30/2012] voted in favor of a bill that would permit the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue driver's licenses to illegal immigrants who are eligible for work permits under a new policy handed down from the Obama administration.  The bill is on its way to Governor Jerry Brown's desk to be signed into law.  Fox News reports, "Democratic Assemblyman Gil Cedillo of Los Angeles said he wrote AB 2189 to make roads safer, and allow young immigrants to drive to school and work."  The bill passed in California's Assembly by a vote of 55-15 after it passed in California's Senate on Wednesday by a vote of 25-7.  The only other states to issue driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants are New Mexico, Utah, and Washington.

California poised to grant driver's licenses to young illegal immigrants.  California is on the verge of allowing hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants to receive driver's licenses for the first time in nearly two decades.  The key question is how to do it.  The issue of granting driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants has raged in the Legislature for much of the past decade, without resolution, but fighting is largely moot now due to a new federal policy.

Bias alert!
The "new federal policy" is the policy of only one man:  Barack H. Obama.

63% Oppose Driver's Licenses, Public Benefits for Illegal Immigrants Who Get Work Permits.  Most voters still agree with President Obama's new policy allowing some young illegal immigrants to get legal work permits, but they strongly oppose also making these young people eligible for driver's licenses or taxpayer-funded benefits.

DMV ponders licenses for immigrants who get national reprieve.  Advocates for illegal immigrants sought answers Friday about whether California will issue driver's licenses to those in the state illegally if they qualify for President Obama's two-year reprieve from deportation. [...] The Obama administration plans to give temporary work permits to some immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children.  As many as 350,000 people in California could benefit from that program, according to the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute inWashington, D.C.

New Mexico driver's license data point to fraud.  Dozens of the same business and residential addresses were used repeatedly by people to obtain driver's licenses in New Mexico in a pattern that suggests fraud by immigrants trying to game the system, an Associated Press investigation has found.

DMV Clerk Pleads Guilty To Bribes For Licenses.  A former Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles clerk has pleaded guilty to a federal bribery charge for accepting thousands of dollars to provide driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

Why bother getting a driver's license?
California bill would protect unlicensed drivers from arrest.  A bill loaded with immigration politics and potential implications for highway safety has landed on Gov. Jerry Brown's desk.  The legislation by Assemblyman Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles, would change police procedures at drunken-driving checkpoints, prohibiting officers from arresting drivers and immediately impounding their cars if their only offense is not having a license.

NM is one of last illegal license battlegrounds.  New Mexico is one of the last battlegrounds when it comes to granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.  A dozen states in the last 10 years have repealed laws that allowed people to obtain driver's licenses without proof of immigration status.

Not in Texas!
DPS cracks down on illegal immigrants.  In a clampdown on illegal immigrants, the Texas Department of Public Safety has adopted a new policy requiring noncitizens to prove they are in this country legally before they can obtain or renew a driver's license.  Gov. Rick Perry applauded the change, which went into effect Oct. 1, as a way to strengthen the state's security.

Driver's License Fight to Be Renewed.  Gov. Susana Martinez is renewing her battle to make New Mexico the 49th state to prohibit illegal immigrants from getting driver's licenses, setting the stage for a heated fight during a special legislative session later this year.

States Revise Rules on Driver's Licenses as National ID Approaches.  The last three states to allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses — Washington, New Mexico and Utah — are now steeped in battles to revise their laws as a federal deadline approaches for all 50 states to issue identity cards that meet a new national standard.

Gov., allies lose battle to stop driver's licenses for illegal aliens.  Three Democrats today stopped bills that would have ended New Mexico's practice of issuing driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants.  The House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee voted 3-2 to table, or block, different bills to stop licensing drivers who do not have proof of immigration status.

Court to decide if illegal immigrants' use of Social Security numbers is ID theft.  The Supreme Court agreed Monday [10/20/2008] to decide whether people picked up on immigration violations also can face charges of identity theft if they use Social Security and other identification numbers that belong to others.  Federal appeals courts have split over whether the defendant must know that the phony ID numbers belong to a real person and the court said it will resolve the question.

Republicans ask for emergency hearing on license lists.  The Republican Party filed a lawsuit on Friday [10/27/2006], seeking an emergency hearing to force state officials to disclose names of illegal immigrants who have obtained New Mexico driver's licenses.

Driver licenses for illegals is pseudo amnesty.  In a flip-flop to court the Hispanic vote, California Gov. Gray Davis signed a bill to allow illegal aliens to get driver licenses.  Shamelessly pandering, he signed it on Sept. 5 in front of a crowd of hundreds of immigrants and illegals who released balloons while chanting "No recall!"  Twice before, Davis had rejected the bill.

Crash may revive effort to bar illegals from driving.  The case at issue is that of Eduardo Raul Morales-Soriano, 25, whom Howard County police have charged with homicide by motor vehicle and drunken driving in connection with a Thanksgiving night crash in Columbia that led to the deaths of Marine Cpl. Brian Mathews, 21, of Columbia, and Jennifer Bower, 24, of Montgomery County.

Let my illegal nanny drive my SUV.  The ad that ran in Daily Variety last week — signed by the usual members of the "entertainment community," including Ed Asner, Danny Glover and Mike Farrell — asked Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to sign Senate Bill 60, a bill to allow illegal immigrants to obtain California driver's licenses.

ACLU sues over noncitizen license ban.  The American Civil Liberties Union jumped into the middle of Michigan's driver's license controversy, filing a lawsuit Wednesday [2/13/2008] on behalf of noncitizens who live and work here but are denied licenses or ID cards as a result of a recent attorney general opinion.

Court upholds denial of driver's license.  The state's high court upheld yesterday [1/9/2008] a decision to deny a driver's license to a Maryland resident whose permit in New Jersey was suspended because he had forged citizenship documents.  Ramiro Silba Alavez, who is from Mexico, received a New Jersey license that was withdrawn after it expired in 1991, according to the decision, because the applicant had made misrepresentations on his application when he arrived in the United States.

No licenses for illegal immigrants.  Illegal immigrants no longer will be able to get Michigan driver's licenses, under a legal opinion released Thursday [12/27/2007] by Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox.  The opinion says licenses grant a person the right not only to drive, but to cash checks, close a loan, get employment and fly on commercial airplanes.  "It really gets to the issue of whether a government document should be issued to basically help someone break the law, by the fact that they're in this country illegally," Secretary of State spokesman Ken Silfven said.  "In our view, the answer is no."

Michigan to deny driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.  Michigan will no longer let illegal immigrants get driver's licenses, a practice just seven other states continue to allow.  Michigan Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land, who oversees the state motor vehicle department, announced the new policy today and said it takes effect Tuesday [1/22/2008].

N.Y. Drops Citizenship Proof For Driver's Licenses.  They were celebrating outside the governor's office Friday [9/21/2007] as Eliot Spitzer handed a landmark victory to a half-million illegal immigrants.  The state will no longer require proof of citizenship for driver's licenses.  "We're changing our policy with respect to getting more people out of shadows and into the system so people don't hide they're here," Spitzer said.

N.Y. to allow illegals to drive.  New York's governor announced yesterday [9/21/2007] that illegal aliens will soon be able to get state driver's licenses, drawing a strong rebuke from families of victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks who said he is opening a window to another attack.

New York is the Ninth State To Give Illegal Immigrants Licenses.  New York's new rule, a landmark victory for the state's estimated half a million illegal aliens, eliminates a decades-old proof of citizenship requirement to get a license.  New York joins eight other states (HI, ME, MD, MI, NM, UT, OR, WA) that do not require drivers to prove legal status in the country to obtain a license.

Spitzer's driver's license policy for illegal immigrants draws wide criticism.  Gov. Eliot Spitzer's order that permits illegal immigrants to obtain New York state driver's licenses is meeting fierce resistance across the state, with opponents ranging from families of September 11 terrorist victims, to county clerks to state lawmakers, to the mayor of New York City.  One critic in the Legislature called the governor's plan "nutsy," and all say that Spitzer's action threatens the state's security and is also illegal without legislative approval.

Spitzer Lashes Out at Foes of License, Health Policies.  With parts of his governing agenda under assault by the Bush administration and lawmakers, Governor Spitzer today swung back hard at his critics, accusing opponents to his plans to give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants and to extend public health care to middle-income children of practicing a "politics of fear."  "No amount of hysterical rhetoric will prevent us from doing what is right," Mr. Spitzer said in a speech today [10/2/2007] at Fordham University.

Driver's licenses for illegals a tough sell for Spitzer, even among fellow Democrats.  In defense of his new policy allowing illegal immigrants to obtain New York driver's licenses, Gov. Eliot L. Spitzer has been relentless in attacking as "hysterical" the rhetoric of Republicans he says are right-wing extremists pushing an anti-immigrant agenda.  The governor has a problem, however.  Many fellow Democrats don't like his new policy, either.

Should Illegals Get Driver's Licenses?  Gov. Spitzer fits Harvard professor Harvey Mansfield's definition of manliness with "confidence in a situation of risk."  So why is Eliot Spitzer, his popularity nose-diving, plowing ahead with plans to offer driver's licenses to illegal immigrants?  Already, as of Sept. 24, under Spitzer's orders, the state's Department of Motor Vehicles has ceased stamping legal visitors' licenses with the word "temporary."  By April 2008, even illegal immigrants will be able to walk into the DMV with a foreign passport and emerge with a driver's license indistinguishable from yours or mine.

Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens Is a Recipe for Disaster.  Today, our nation confronts an immigration crisis of unprecedented proportions that is inextricably linked to several major issues that impact our nation on all levels and in all states.  Our nation's ongoing failures to secure its borders and to create an immigration system that possesses meaningful integrity has enabled criminals and terrorists to gain access to our country and in the parlance of the 9/11 Commission, embed themselves in communities around our country.  I refer to this as "hiding in plain sight."

This Will Make Voter Fraud Easier.  [New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's plan] stops just short of being an engraved invitation for people to commit voter fraud.  The background here is the National Voter Registration Act, commonly known as "Motor Voter," that President Bill Clinton signed into law in 1993.  It required all states to offer voter registration to anyone getting a driver's license.  One simply fills out a form and checks a box stating he is a citizen; he is then registered and in most states does not have to show any ID to vote.  But no one checks if the person registering to vote is indeed a citizen.

ID 'Squeal' of Protest:  Two county clerks, including a Democrat appointed by Gov. Spitzer, warned yesterday [10/25/2007] that under the governor's new plan to give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants, they intend to report any such aliens to law enforcement for deportation.

Spitzer gets federal backing for license plan.  Top state and federal officials signed off Saturday [10/28/2007] on a three-tiered structure for driver's licenses in New York -- including Gov. Eliot Spitzer's controversial plan to license illegal immigrants -- but Spitzer backed away from his earlier insistence that the document be virtually identical to that of other New Yorkers.

DMV chief:  Illegal immigrants could buy guns with licenses.  Motor Vehicles Commissioner David Swarts added yet another confusing twist to the hot-button issue of driver's licenses for illegal immigrants Wednesday [10/31/2007], suggesting the licenses could be used to buy guns.  Sources in Gov. Spitzer's office insisted Swarts was wrong but gave no immediate explanation for his comments.  Swarts appeared to give Spitzer critics new ammunition at a Senate panel hearing on the governor's plan to let illegal immigrants get driver's licenses.

Lawsuit Filed to Stop Driver Licenses for Illegal Aliens.  According to New York State law, with respect to driver licenses, the DMV Commissioner "shall require that the applicant provide his or her social security number."  Under the new DMV policy, however, applicants will not have to provide a Social Security number to receive a driver's license.  They must only provide a foreign passport and some secondary form of identification, such as a lease or a copy of parole papers.

Illegalizing Illegals:  Other considerations … have come into sight, notably those of illegal immigration and national security.  We learn that the 19 people who engineered 9/11 had among them a collection of 63 driver's licenses.  Were these critical enablers?  After all, you don't need a driver's license to slash a pilot's throat.  But you do need a driver's license, or a passport, to board the plane in the first place, and so the security people became exercised on the subject.

What Sen. Clinton Knows But Can't Say:  Maybe the reason for Sen. Clinton's waffling is that Gov. Spitzer's plan to give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants is right up the alley of the left-wingers who control the Democratic presidential primary — but it's way out of touch with the vast majority of Americans.

Driver's Ed.  As uncomfortable as the Clintons are with giving yes or no answers to yes or no questions, sometimes it is required, whatever the meaning of the word "is" is.  Particularly when you consider the history of this issue.

Democrats hit licenses for illegals.  Democratic House members can't understand why their party's national leaders are embracing driver's licenses for illegal aliens, and say their constituents see it as a "de facto amnesty."  Rep. Nancy Boyda, Kansas Democrat, said the stance taken by her party's presidential candidates is very unpopular in her district.

Spitzer Sputters.  Governor Spitzer's executive order to license illegal immigrant drivers has resulted in a public interest group, Judicial Watch, suing him, the Department of Motor Vehicles, and the DMV commissioner for circumventing the State Administrative Procedure Act.

Spitzer:  'Wait and See' on License Plan.  Opponents in Albany and around the country have [said] that there are security risks in giving government identification to as many as 1 million illegal immigrants in New York State.  Some have also said the plan will encourage illegal immigration to the state.

N.Y. won't allow licenses for illegals.  New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer this morning [11/14/2007] said he is scrapping his plan to give licenses to illegal aliens, telling reporters he just didn't get the support he needed. … Polls showed more than 70 percent of voters disaproved of his license plan.

Out-Of-Gas Eliot Puts the Brakes on License Plan.  With his poll numbers collapsing, Gov. Spitzer pullled the plug today on his controversial plan to allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses.  "I have concluded that New York state cannot successfully address this problem on its own," Spitzer said at a news conference after meeting with members of the state's congressional delegation.  "I am withdrawing my proposal."

Voters may dump Spitzer over license plan.  Gov. Eliot Spitzer's favorability rating has dropped to an all-time low of 41 percent, and has left only 25 percent of voters planning to re-elect him, according to a poll the Siena Research Institute released Tuesday [11/13/2007].

Doomed by His Contempt.  The best you can say about Gov. Spitzer's now-scrapped plan to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens is that it emerged out of a (profoundly confused) idea that it would somehow make Americans safer.  That's the best you can say.

Alternative viewpoint:
Giving Driver's Licenses to Illegal Immigrants:  The state driver's license databases are the only comprehensive databases of U.S. residents. … Removing the 8 million [to] 15 million illegal immigrants from these databases would only make law enforcement harder.  Of course, the unlicensed won't pack up and leave.  They will drive without licenses, increasing insurance premiums for everyone.  They will use fake IDs, buy real IDs from crooked DMV employees … or resort to identity theft.

More aliens seek driver's licenses in Maryland.  Since March, the average weekly number of driver's license applications by immigrants and illegal aliens has nearly doubled in Maryland, where legal residency is not required of applicants, according to the state Motor Vehicle Administration.

Illegal immigrant drivers creating problem in De Queen.  Hispanic drivers in De Queen [Arkansas] without driver's licenses have become an accident waiting to happen, an official said.  "The majority of Hispanics have no driver's license and they're part of the illegal immigration problem.  If they're here illegally, they can't get into the system to get driver's license.  In most cases they don't have car insurance either," said Mayor Billy Ray McKelvy.

Iowa Supremes:  No Right to Licenses for Illegals.  Illegal immigrants are not entitled to obtain driver's licenses in Iowa, the state Supreme Court ruled Friday [2/18/2005].  Mark Hunacek, an assistant attorney general, said federal courts have concluded there is no constitutional right for illegal aliens to have a driver's license.

How nations perish:  Gray Davis is a desperate man.  Facing recall, he has just put the safety of California motorists at risk in a naked bid to buy Hispanic votes.  Davis signed into law a bill he had twice rejected, to allow illegal aliens to get driver's licenses.

Fake Documents, Real Drivers Licenses.  With the uproar over drivers licenses being issued to illegal aliens in states like California, an even-bigger security threat has been overlooked:  drivers licenses being issued to people with obviously fake documentation.

Aliens Rush to Get IDs:  The ease with which the leader of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks got a Florida driver's license has led to stricter requirements and long, unruly lines at license offices formed by non-citizens trying to beat the deadline.

DMV's fraud busts hit Latinos.  Workers at Oregon's Driver and Motor Vehicle Services have turned in nearly 200 people to police for suspicious documentation, an effort that overwhelmingly singled out Latinos.  This summer, the DMV changed a long-standing policy: Rather than simply refuse service to customers suspected of presenting phony or altered documents to obtain licenses or identification, employees began to alert police.

L.A. police to stop impounding cars of unlicensed drivers.  The Los Angeles Police Department has imposed a moratorium on impounding the vehicles of unlicensed drivers amid concerns that the practice may be unconstitutional, officials said Tuesday [8/28/2007].  The decision touches on what has long been a hot-button issue, because many unlicensed drivers who have their cars towed are illegal immigrants who cannot get driver's licenses.

The country's worst DMV:  The latest amnesty for illegal aliens, desperately sought for years by pro-immigration advocates and seemingly derailed by 9-11, is almost here.  California Gov. Gray Davis has signed a bill giving illegal aliens the right to obtain driver's licenses in what is an enormous step toward the legal acceptance of illegal aliens and proof that ethnic pandering still trumps security in the United States.

Should illegal aliens get driver's licenses?  A driver's license is the pass to board a plane, as well as the license to drive a car.  It confers a sort of quasi-citizenship and, as described by one illegal alien in Texas, "The driver's license ends up becoming our pass to be in this country."

Illegal Aliens Battling for Drivers' Licenses in California:  A bill that would allow undocumented immigrants to obtain drivers' licenses in California may become law without Gov. Gray Davis' signature and despite the fact that the sponsor of the legislation now wants it changed in light of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

All it takes is one activist judge...
Judge blocks new rules for licenses, IDs in Texas.  A state judge agreed Thursday [4/9/2009] to suspend new Department of Public Safety driver license rules touted as a crackdown on unauthorized immigrants.  The rules prevent thousands from getting standard-issue licenses even though they're legally in the country...

The Let-Illegals-Drive-without-a-License Bill.  Gil Cedillo is of one of California's most radical pro-illegal-immigrant state lawmakers, which is why he'll never encourage illegals, with or without licenses, to drive themselves back across the border.  Leave it to a liberal to come up with a law to assist lawbreakers in their efforts to break the law.

DMV ponders licenses for immigrants who get national reprieve.  Advocates for illegal immigrants sought answers Friday about whether California will issue driver's licenses to those in the state illegally if they qualify for President Obama's two-year reprieve from deportation. [...] The Obama administration plans to give temporary work permits to some immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally when they were children.  As many as 350,000 people in California could benefit from that program, according to the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute inWashington, D.C.

This is an original compilation, Copyright © 2025 by Andrew K. Dart

Traffic accidents involving illegal aliens

In addition to the obvious threat to national security, and the burden on the welfare system, and the crowding of emergency rooms, and the arrival of dangerous criminals, and the re-introduction of communicable diseases that we thought we had eradicated years ago, and the annoyance of immigrants who don't bother to learn English, the porous southern border has had another by-product:  bad drivers on the roads, many of whom have caused deadly crashes.

Drunk Arab Truck Driver Who Barely Speaks English Kills 5 People Including A Baby In Austin.  A man was arrested and charged with causing a deadly 17-vehicle crash on I-35 in North Austin late Thursday night.  Five people were killed in the crash, including an infant and a child.  Solomun Weldekeal Araya, 37, was arrested and charged with five counts of intoxication manslaughter and two counts of intoxication assault.  [Video clip]

Illegal immigrant suspect in fatal hit-and-run arrested 800 miles from crime scene on bus headed to Mexico.  U.S. Marshals have located and detained the suspect in a fatal Illinois hit-and-run in a Texas town south of Dallas.  Juan Jahaziel Saenz-Suarez, a 27-year-old Mexican national who lived in Urbana, Illinois, is accused of hitting Chloe Polzin, 21, and Katherine Abraham, 20, in a crash in Urbana on Jan. 19 just before 2 a.m.  Authorities learned through investigative leads that Saenz-Suarez was the owner of a red Mitsubishi Outlander who caused the fatal crash, and authorities obtained a warrant for his arrest on Jan. 20, Urbana police said in a Wednesday press release.  The U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) "located Saenz-Suarez in Milford, Texas, about an hour south of Dallas," where he "was riding an El Expreso bus destined for Matamoros, Mexico," police said.

Wrong-way driver in crash that killed Vegas police officer was in US illegally:  ICE.  A wrong-way driver who killed an off-duty Las Vegas police officer earlier this month was in the U.S. illegally, federal officials told local media outlets.  On Dec. 12, Fernando Jimenez-Jimenez, 31, drove a Ford F150 the wrong way on the northbound side of Interstate 15, colliding with the Toyota Corolla of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) Officer Colton Pulsipher, 29, in the process, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.  Both men died.  Jimenez-Jimenez, a Mexican citizen, entered the U.S. twice in 2019 "and was returned to Mexico on an order of expedited removal," a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesperson told local FOX5.

Famed pastor dead after illegal immigrant allegedly runs red light, strikes him in crosswalk.  A distinguished Detroit-area pastor has died after an illegal immigrant from Colombia allegedly struck him with a car while he was out for a run on the morning of Nov. 3.  Pastor Stephen Singleton's family said on a GoFundMe page for the 72-year-old pastor that he was "out on his usual daily run," wearing a reflective vest when he crossed the street on a crosswalk and "was hit by a man who ran through a red light."  "This man was not legally in the country and possessed no license," Singleton's family wrote.  "[Singleton] was struck so hard that he was thrown on the windshield, breaking it.  The car was damaged and had to be towed.  He spoke the last words he would ever speak.  He asked for my grandmother.  Almost all his bones were broken.  He had organ and brain damage and required extensive surgeries.  The doctor placed him on life support.  On November 8, 2024, he was declared brain dead and taken off support."

Illegal Alien Accused of Killing 29-Year-Old Grayson Davis in Texas Crash.  An illegal alien is accused of killing 29-year-old Grayson Christopher Davis in a drunk driving crash in Bastrop County, Texas.  Davis's family says his death should have never happened.  Jorge Miguel Peralta, a 35-year-old illegal alien, was arrested and charged with intoxicated manslaughter with a vehicle, a second-degree felony.  According to police, on Oct. 13, Peralta caused a multi-car crash after driving drunk.  Grayson Davis was driving that evening when his mother, Ashley Davis, says she got a text message saying her son was hit by a truck.

Drunk Illegal Immigrant Crashes Into Car, Ejecting Children From The Car, Seriously Injuring 6 Children.  Six children were hurt in a hit-and-run crash along Ledbetter Road Saturday, including a 4-year-old who was ejected from the vehicle.  The driver, who is an illegal immigrant, ran from the crash was later taken into custody and is facing drunken driving charges, police say.  At about 10 p.m.  Saturday, Dallas police were called to a car crash involving two cars and 10 people in the 1900 block of W Ledbetter Road.  Police said a 26-year-old woman driving an SUV was hit by a sedan traveling at a high rate of speed at the intersection of Ledbetter and Rugged Drive, police said.  The woman and another adult were in the SUV, along with six children.  [Video clip]

Feds Admit 155,000 Migrant Driver Arrests as Auto Insurance Spikes.  The federal government has released data showing more than 155,000 migrants have been convicted — or face charges — for criminal traffic offenses as Americans' auto insurance bills rise rapidly.  The huge imported population of dangerous, drunk, drugged, or reckless drivers was revealed in a report by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency within the Department of Homeland Security.  [Advertisement]  For example, the data shows that 77,074 undetained migrants have been convicted of criminal traffic offenses, and an additional 46,269 migrants face criminal traffic charges.  [Advertisement]  These migrants are not detained by ICE, but some may be detained by other government agencies.  Many of the drivers crossed the border years before President Joe Biden's economic deputies pulled in roughly 10 million illegal, illegal, temporary, and quasi-legal migrants.  The data also shows that 2,663 migrants have been convicted of stealing a vehicle, but are not detained by ICE. An additional 1,593 migrants face theft charges and are also not detained.  [Advertisement]

Springfield Has Cut Police Radio Access As City Descends into 'Absolute Turmoil,' Says Police Chief of Nearby Town.  An Ohio police chief says his access to Springfield's police radio frequency was cut off after the beleaguered city became a political lightening rod over its Haitian immigrant crisis.  Tremont City Police Chief Chad Duncan told Blaze News' Julio Rosas that Springfield has fallen into "absolute turmoil" since being inundated with up to 20,000 Haitian nationals, and said the lawlessness is spreading to nearby towns, including his own.  Tremont City is located approximately eight miles north of Springfield.  Springfield has attracted national media attention in recent weeks over reports that some of the Haitians were stealing and eating pets and waterfowl, but residents say a more pressing issue has been their reckless driving.  Tensions between the Haitian population and native Springfield residents have been increasing since August of 2023, when a Haitian driving without a US license caused a school bus to roll over, injuring 22 children and killing 11-year-old Aiden Clark.  One Springfield resident estimated that there are four to five accidents a day caused by the Haitian immigrants, who are somehow able to drive around town without understanding basic traffic laws.

Illegal Hits, Kills 18-Year-Cop in St. Louis, Charged With DWI.  Another crime that would not have happened if we had a secure border.  Another Angel Family to add to the ever-growing list.  Out in St.  Louis, Missouri, 18-year police officer David Lee was responding to a single-car crash around 8:30 AM involving a Ferguson firefighter.  As Officer Lee was pulling out traffic cones to cordon off that crash site, a drunk driver named Ramon Arnaldo Chavez-Rodriguez, an illegal alien from an unknown country but evidently somewhere in Latin America, struck Lee after his car spun out as he drove around 71 miles an hour in a 55 mph zone after fresh rain.  Thankfully, the firefighter, an unnamed woman, quickly called for help, but Lee sadly passed away in the hospital.

Honduran man illegally in Arkansas facing homicide, DUI charges in Pulaski County deadly crash.  A man from Honduras living in Arkansas illegally faces several charges including negligent homicide and driving under the influence in connection with a deadly crash in Pulaski County.  According to Arkansas State Police, 30-year-old Maynor Yair Sorto-Herrera was arrested on Sept. 9 in connection with a crash that killed 48-year-old Jennifer Ann Morton of Little Rock near Arch Street.  ASP officials said that Herrera was driving a truck south on Arch Street on the morning of Sept. 8 when his vehicle crossed into the northbound lane, striking Morton's car.  Special agents said that Herrera was found walking away from the scene and taken to a local hospital for treatment for his injuries.

The Haitian Horror Story No One's Talking About.  In the early hours of December 1, 2023, at around 5:40 a.m., a Haitian national ran down 71-year-old Kathy Lynn Heaton, a Springfield grandmother known affectionately as "Mawmaw" by her beloved, in the quaint Midwestern community.  The collision killed her, but the driver got off scot-free.  It was the morning after her 71st birthday, and Heaton, "a like-to-keep-busy kind of woman," was collecting trash cans outside her century-old home on Springfield-Xenia Road, a chore she's performed thousands of times for forty years.  That was when 38-year-old Robenson Louis, driving a 2012 Chrysler 200 at 45 mph, hit Heaton with so much blunt force that the sheer impact knocked her socks off and ripped out her silver hair, clumps of which were found snagged within the cracks of the sedan's shattered windshield, according to the Ohio State Highway Patrol's crash report obtained by Townhall.

Car Insurance up a Whopping 55% in Biden-Harris Admin's America.  Car insurance rates have skyrocketed under the leadership of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, and Americans are feeling the squeeze.  Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that car insurance prices rose 55 percent from January 2021 — when Biden and Harris first took office — to July 2024 — the last year of their first term.  [Advertisement]  Once again, their policies are to blame.  As Breitbart News previously reported, Americans' auto insurance rates are rapidly rising due to the pro-migration policies of Biden and Harris, putting millions of these new migrant drivers — "often without driver training or English language lessons" — on the road, increasing risk.  [Advertisement]  As Breitbart News detailed, "Since 2021, Biden has imported roughly ten million legal, illegal, and quasi-legal migrants.  The huge inflow has stalled wages and raised housing costs and has also imposed many other civic and social costs on ordinary Americans."  [Advertisement]

Not Just Ohio: [A] Small Pennsylvania Town [is] Also Mired in [a] Tidal Wave of Haitian Migrants.  Charleroi, Pennsylvania, like Springfield, Ohio, is also experiencing a growing number of problems from a tidal wave of Haitian migrants flooding into their small town.  While the media focuses on the woes of Springfield, Ohio, and its recent flood of Haitian migrants putting pressure on the small town, other small towns are experiencing similar problems.  One of them is Charleroi, Pennsylvania, nestled on the banks of the Monongahela River south of Pittsburgh in the western part of the state.  [Advertisement]  According to the activist group America-2100, the rural town has suffered a 2,000-percent increase in its population of Haitian migrants — and crime and traffic altercations have soared as a result.  [Advertisement]  Residents have been flooding social media with reports that migrants are attacking people on the street and mugging them, stealing cars, and ending up in traffic accidents throughout the area.  [Tweet]

Video Shows An Illegal Haitian Migrant Moments After Crashing Into A California Fast Food Joint.  In a startling incident that has captured public attention, an illegal Haitian migrant is accused of crashing into a Burros and Fries restaurant in California.  This event, caught on video and widely shared across social platforms, has ignited a fierce debate over immigration policies under the current administration.  The crash, occurring in broad daylight, not only damaged property but has also fueled public outrage and concern over national security and immigration control.  [Video clip]

Springfield resident:  Reckless-driving Haitian migrant unpunished after 'allegedly' killing mother-in-law.  A video posted to X on Wednesday from a recent Springfield, Ohio City Commission meeting, shows a resident detailing how her mother-in-law was struck and killed by a car she said was being driven by a Haitian migrant.  Kathy Heaton, 71, was killed on Dec. 1 when she was struck by a car as she was collecting her trash can from her driveway, a task the resident says Heaton "had done over 2,000 times spanning four decades, in Springfield."  "That morning, though, a Haitian immigrant was allegedly driving recklessly when he struck and killed her.  I say allegedly, because to this day there's been no punishment, not even for the expired tags on the vehicle he was driving."

The Editor says...
Where does an indigent Haitian immigrant get a car?  And how did he get to Ohio?

The Illegal Who Killed A Man While Driving A Semi Had Been Deported 16 Times And Had No License.  The driver of a semi-truck involved in a deadly Denver, Colorado crash last week was in the U.S. illegally, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) told The National Desk (TND) Wednesday.  Mexican citizen Ignacio Cruz-Mendoza, 47, entered the U.S. illegally in 2002, according to ICE.  An immigration judge later the same year ordered he be removed from the country after being arrested on local charges in Oregon.  Cruz-Mendoza has since either been removed from the U.S. or voluntarily returned to Mexico 16 times.  [Video clip]

Illegal Alien Accused of Killing New Orleans Journalist in Crash that 'Never Should Have Happened'.  An illegal alien is accused of killing 48-year-old Mark Deane of Gretna, Louisiana, a longtime local journalist and producer, in a crash on the Crescent City Connection bridge on August 23.  Jorge Alberto Martinez-Sanchez, a 29-year-old illegal alien who was previously denied a visa to enter the United States, has been arrested and charged with negligent homicide, reckless operation, and driving without a license in connection with Deane's death.

Two Louisiana teens killed in collision with drunk, unlicensed, illegal immigrant whose alcohol level was over six times legal limit.  Eighteen-year-olds Taliyah Crochet and Rylan Oncale are dead after an unlicensed, drunk, illegal immigrant, Axel Flores-Cordova, also 18, slammed into their car head-on at high speed.  Flores-Cordova, a Honduran national, was reportedly found to have over six times the legal limit of alcohol in his system.  As reported by WWLT-TV, Crochet and Oncale were driving with two other people in the car with them when Flores-Cordova crossed over the centerline of the highway in a Jeep at approximately 1:00 a.m. and collided with their vehicle.  According to KATC, Flores-Cordova wasn't wearing a seatbelt and was unharmed, however, both Oncale and Crochet were wearing their seatbelts.  Crochet suffered fatal injuries and died at the scene, while Oncale was transported to an area hospital and later succumbed to his injuries.

Good Samaritans Catch Drunk Illegal Alien after He Kills 22-Year-Old in DUI Crash and Flees.  An illegal alien has been arrested after killing a 22-year-old during a deadly DUI hit-and-run in New Mexico.  The suspect, 21-year-old Jesus Sandoval-Martinez, entered the United States illegally, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed.  Sandoval-Martinez was arrested early Monday morning.  He was charged with two counts of vehicular homicide, reckless driving, and leaving an accident resulting in great bodily harm or death.  Authorities allege Sandoval-Martinez was drunk when crashed his Dodge pickup truck into two other cars.

Police chief outraged after illegal alien allegedly causes car crash that killed mother and daughter in Michigan.  Apolice chief has voiced outrage after a man with "no legal status" in the United States allegedly caused a car crash in southeastern Michigan that claimed the lives of two women.  Just before 1 p.m. on Thursday, Jose Medina-Hernandez, 33, was driving a box truck southbound on M-53 in Shelby Township, about 30 miles north of Detroit.  Suddenly, Medina-Hernandez allegedly ran into a Buick Verano, triggering a series of car crashes involving at least two other vehicles, a press release from the Macomb County Prosecutor's Office said.  In the Buick Verano were two women, 63-year-old Crystal Brunn and her 88-year-old mother, Nancy Richmond.  Both died as a result of the crash, though whether they died immediately is unclear.

An Illegal Alien Car Crash That Never Made The Papers.  I was talking recently to a cop in a small town in a northern state.  The town has a lot of immigrants (both legal and otherwise) who work in local area farms.  He told me they had a 16 year old illegal Guatemalan kid who crashed into a parked car while driving drunk.  In an effort to get away, he sped off at high speed and managed to smash into a house.  He was arrested and dragged off to jail.  Well, he had his trial a few months ago, and the defense attorney was quick to tell the judge to please reduce the charges against the kid because he was in the country illegally and a conviction would reduce his possibility of being granted amnesty or political asylum.  (Lots of judges — and prosecutors — are willing to listen to that argument.)  The kid's illegal alien mother was with him there in court too. The case never made the papers because of the kid's status as a youthful offender.  He likely didn't have a driver's license, was drinking underage, was drinking and driving, causing an accident, fleeing the scene of that accident, and causing another accident.  For all this, he may not be punished.  Illegal alien privilege!

The Editor says...
Both the defendant and his mother should have been deported as soon as their attorney spilled the beans about their immigration status.  If the defendant is afraid of being deported, he should have considered that possibility before driving like a maniac.  His mother should have explained their situation to him.  Judges need to stop feeling sorry for illegal aliens.

Bail Reduced From $1M to $100K for Illegal Alien in DUI Crash That Killed Washington State Trooper.  In a highly controversial decision, Snohomish County Superior Court Judge Richard Okrent has decreased bail for Raul Benitez Santana, who is accused of hitting and killing Washington State Trooper Christopher Gadd while allegedly driving under the influence in March.  The ruling has angered members of the community, including the family of the victim.  Santana is currently being held at the Snohomish County Jail, and is facing charges of vehicular assault and vehicular homicide involving alcohol or drugs.  The judge reduced his bail from $1 million to $100,000.

Illegal alien driving Prius allegedly caused car crash that killed Maine woman.  An illegal alien is allegedly responsible for a recent car crash in Maine that left one woman dead and her husband critically injured.  Around 8:40 a.m. on April 26, 23-year-old Oguzhan Cildir, a Mexican national in the U.S. illegally, was allegedly driving a Toyota Prius on I-95 in Wells, Maine, just south of Kennebunkport, when he suddenly crashed into a minivan and a pickup truck.  The pickup truck then "rolled over several times," a police report said, before coming to a stop.

Texas Open Borders Liberal Democrat Senator's Advisor Gets Killed In A Car Accident By An Illegal Immigrant.  A man arrested over a crash that killed an adviser to Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto earlier this month illegally entered the US, according to the Department of Homeland Security.  Elmer Rueda-Linares, 18, who was involved in an April 6 collision that killed Cortez Masto's state senior advisor Kurt Englehart, was put on an "ICE hold" in Washoe County Jail, a DHS official confirmed to The Post.  [Video clip]

Man Arrested In Car Crash That Killed Democratic Staffer Entered U.S. Illegally, ICE Confirms.  A man involved in a hit-and-run accident that killed a top Democrat staffer entered the United States illegally, federal immigration authorities have confirmed.  Elmer Rueda-Linares was arrested on hit-and-run charges following a two-vehicle crash in the early morning of April 6 in Reno, Nevada, that resulted in the death of Kurt Englehart, a senior advisor to Nevada Democrat Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has confirmed that he entered the United States illegally.

12-year-old Missouri boy dies after illegal immigrant hit family car at over 70mph in wrong lane.  A boy who was seriously injured in a car accident in Hazelwood, Missouri involving an illegal immigrant in December has passed away after being taken off life support.  12-year-old Travis Wolfe was traveling with his family on December 20, the night before his birthday, when the car they were in was struck by another vehicle traveling at over 70 miles per hour in the wrong lane, according to Fox 2.  Endrina Bracho has been listed as the driver of the car that hit the Wolfe family, and faces one count of involuntary manslaughter in the first degree, two counts of assault in the second degree, two counts of endangering a child in the first degree, and one count of operating a vehicle without a valid license.  Court documents state that Bracho "is here illegally from Venezuela."

Washington State Patrol Trooper Killed by Illegal Immigrant in Drunk Driving Incident.  The Biden administration's refusal to take substantive action on the border crisis has claimed yet another victim.  Only days after a college student named Laken Riley was allegedly murdered by an illegal immigrant in Georgia, a Washington State Patrol trooper also lost his life after being struck by a car driven by an individual who entered the country illegally.  The incident occurred on Saturday morning when 27-year-old Officer Christopher Gadd was on patrol in Marysville, Washington.  The accused, Raul Benitez Santana, a 33-year-old Mexican national, allegedly crashed into Gadd's patrol car after having consumed copious amounts of alcohol and marijuana.

Texas Boy Killed in Hit-and-Run Accident by Illegal Alien Who Was Previously Deported 5 Times.  Ten-year-old Texas boy Alex Wise was struck by an automobile on February 8th in a hit-and-run accident and later died of his injuries.  The driver was one Rogelio Ortiz, 50, a Mexican national who was in the country illegally, having previously been deported five times.  Ortiz had snuck back into the United States a sixth time.  He now faces Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) charges, although it is not known whether those charges are related to the accident.

Guys from Educador don't know how to drive on ice.
Three Undocumented Ecuadorian Nationals Taken into Custody by Border Patrol After Crash in Eustis Left Two Seriously Injured.  A two-vehicle accident in Eustis early Saturday left two seriously injured and resulted in three undocumented Ecuadorian nationals being taken into custody by Border Patrol, according to police.  Franklin County Sheriff's deputies and Maine State Police responded to the crash around 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 10 on The Arnold Trail Road off state Route 27 in Eustis.  According to police, 28-year-old Luis Mayancela-Yunga of Biddeford was driving a silver 2010 GMC passenger van south transporting undocumented individuals from Ecuador, when he lost control of the van on the icy road and skidded sideways across the centerline.

154 Democrats Oppose New Criminal Penalties for Illegal Aliens Leading Border Agents on High-Speed Chases.  A majority of House Democrats voted against legislation this week that would impose new criminal penalties for illegal aliens leading Border Patrol agents on often deadly high-speed chases.  On Tuesday, just 56 House Democrats joined 215 House Republicans to pass the "Agent Raul Gonzalez Officer Safety Act," which would establish new criminal penalties for illegal aliens and others driving vehicles who try to evade Border Patrol agents within 100 miles of the United States-Mexico border.  "We appreciate House Republicans' efforts to secure our lawless and chaotic border, protect the men and women on the frontlines, and make our communities safer," Hector Garza, Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council, said in a statement.

Illegal Immigrant Deported Four Times Charged With Killing Colorado Mother, Son In DUI Crash.  A man who came to the U.S. illegally and was subsequently deported four times allegedly killed a mother and her son in Colorado, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spokesperson told the Daily Caller News Foundation.  Jose Guadalupe Menjivar-Alas, who is from El Salvador, was previously deported four times after initially sneaking into the country undetected, ICE said.  Menjivar-Alas, 37, was charged with vehicular homicide reckless, vehicular homicide DUI and habitual traffic offender after he allegedly crashed his vehicle and killed 47-year-old Melissa Powell and her 16-year-old son, Riordan, on Dec. 12, according to the Broomfield Police Department.

Illegal Immigration in the Rust Belt.  Residents in Springfield, Ohio, are sounding the alarm over illegal immigration in their community as Breitbart News revealed that an illegal alien is accused of causing a school bus accident that left 11-year-old Aiden Clark dead on his first day of school.  Hermanio Joseph, a 35-year-old illegal alien from Haiti, has been formally charged with aggravated vehicular homicide in the death of Aiden Clark, who was on his way to his first day of school when his school bus was hit and ultimately overturned.

Drunk Illegal Migrant After Running Stop Sign And Hitting Another Car.  Exactly four months after an arrest by the Fort Wayne Police Department (FWPD) went "Fort Wayne-viral" in January, the FWPD has released bodycam footage that provides new angles of the arrest.  On Jan. 23, police responded to a crash at the intersection of E. Washington and S. Anthony boulevards.  Court documents from the time of the crash said the suspect, 23-year-old Omar Ortiz, had reportedly disregarded a stop sign, hit a vehicle and also ran a stop light, causing a "traffic accident with injuries."  When an officer, identified as Michael Meraz, first came into contact with Ortiz, he said he "could smell the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his person," according to court documents.  [Video clip]

Migrant driving front-end loader strikes and kills Florida deputy.  An illegal migrant driving a front-end loader allegedly struck and killed a veteran Florida deputy before fleeing the scene on Thursday night[,] prompting a frantic manhunt that ended in the suspect's arrest.  The fatal crash took place as Pinellas County Sheriff's Deputy Mike Hartwick was working a traffic detail at a construction site along highway I-275 around 10:40 p.m., Sheriff Bob Gualtieri told reporters at a press conference Friday [9/23/2022].  "This guy that we have in custody is here illegally and he fled, as he said, because he became afraid after he killed the deputy," Gualtieri said.

Shootout at the Okaloosa Corral: Biden's border body count is growing in Florida.  [Scroll down] It makes you physically ill to think about it.  Had that border been what it was 2 years ago, Deputy Hartwick would still be alive, and his two sons would still have their dad.  And every single "construction worker" who was with the murderer?  All illegals, who stymied finding him when he ran because they were busy lying their illegal heads off.

Biden: 'I Don't Count Drunk Driving as a Felony' for Illegal Immigrants.  A recently rediscovered video shows Joe Biden as a 2020 presidential candidate inexplicably declaring, "I don't count drunk driving as a felony," to the astonishment of his stunned interviewers.  To put his statement in context, Biden's baffling declaration of the insignificance of DUI for illegal immigrants came during a VICE news town hall on minority issues.  He was asked about his stance on illegal immigration and deportation of immigrants who have been convicted or charged with felony law-breaking while in the United States.  The Democratic candidate promised listeners that if he was elected to the White House in 2020, he would waste no time issuing an executive order (EO) that would prohibit U.S. Immigration and Customs (ICE) agents from deporting any illegal immigrant who had not committed a felony.  In essence, Biden said he would decide the seriousness of a crime, not law enforcement.

Border migrants injured after high-speed Texas police chase ends in crash.  Sixteen people — most of whom were trying to enter the US without permission — were injured when their pickup truck crashed while being chased at high speeds by Texas police, according to authorities.  Two of those hurt were critically wounded and flown to hospitals in San Antonio by helicopter, said the sheriff of Medina county, Randy Brown, whose deputies pursued the truck at the center of the wreck.  A steadily growing number of law enforcement agencies across the US have prohibited their officers from chasing fleeing vehicle drivers who are not suspected of violent crimes.

Illegal Alien Charged with Killing Elderly Man, Injuring Three Others in Florida.  An illegal alien has been charged with killing a 72-year-old man and injuring three others in a drunk driving crash in Walton County, Florida, Breitbart News has exclusively learned.  Jose Virgilio Carcamo Elvir, a 42-year-old illegal alien, was charged with one count of DUI manslaughter, three counts of DUI causing serious bodily injury, driving with an expired license, and driving with open alcohol containers.

Why is Biden protecting illegal alien drunk drivers?  The Biden administration has done a lot of damage to immigration enforcement in the U.S., but perhaps its most dangerous move has been its consistent refusal to deport criminal illegal aliens who commit crimes right here in the U.S.  The latest example of the Biden administration's malfeasance came late last month when the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) canceled a deportation request for an illegal alien who allegedly killed a teenager in a hit-and-run incident.  Heriberto Fuerte-Padilla, an illegal alien from Mexico, was arrested in November 2020 after he allegedly drunkenly rammed his car into the car of 19-year-old Texas woman Adrienne Sophia Exum, killing her.  Fuerte-Padilla then allegedly fled the scene before police officers caught up and apprehended him.  After initially putting out a detainer for Fuerte-Padilla's deportation, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) rescinded the detainer after Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas dramatically reduced the pool of illegal aliens eligible for deportations.

Mother of woman, 19, killed by drunk illegal immigrant criticizes Biden.  The mother of a 19-year-old who was killed by an illegal immigrant in a hit-and-run said she is 'disappointed' with the Biden administration's new policies that will see her daughter's alleged killer stay in the country despite being in the U.S. illegally.  'My message is, look out for the American people first,' Rhonda Exum told Fox News during a panel of victims of crime by illegal immigrants when asked what she would tell Biden's team when it comes to border policies. [...] Heriberto Fuerte-Padilla, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, was driving drunk in November 2020 when he caused a car crash in Texas, killing 19-year-old Adrienne Sophia.  The accused tried to flee the scene but was caught by police.

DHS cancels deportation request for hit-and-run killer.  Heriberto Fuerte-Padilla, an illegal immigrant, was driving drunk in 2020 when he smashed into the car driven by a Texas teenager, killing her.  He tried to flee the scene, but police caught up with him.  The Homeland Security Department initially said it wanted authorities to pick him up and deport him once Texas punished him, but then it changed its mind.  Under rules issued in September by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Fuerte-Padilla doesn't qualify as a priority anymore.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement also told Texas that it was canceling deportation requests — known as "detainers" — on other illegal immigrants, including some who pleaded guilty to felony charges of evading arrest or had convictions for drunken driving, drug possession or domestic assault injuring a family member.

Report: Illegal immigrant charged with DUI, killing 5-year-old girl in hit and run.  Authorities have arrested an illegal immigrant who has been accused of killing a 5-year-old girl in a hit-and-run drunk driving crash.  According to reports, 32-year-old Ernesto Lopez Morales, an illegal immigrant from Guatemala, has been arrested and charged with leaving the scene of a crash involving a death, drunk driving manslaughter, and several other charges.  Investigators said Morales was speeding in a black 2005 Chevrolet Suburban while heading west on State Road 60 in Mulberry.  They stated the vehicle had no headlights on and that he crashed into the rear of a 2016 gray Hyundai Elantra.

Sanctuary State:  Illegal Alien Gets Five Years in Prison for Killing 24-Year-Old.  An illegal alien has been sentenced to five years in prison for killing a 24-year-old man in a drunk driving car crash in the sanctuary state of New Jersey.  Jesus Leal-Corona, a 49-year-old illegal alien, pleaded guilty in 2020 to second-degree vehicular homicide, two counts of third-degree vehicular assault, and drunk driving after hitting and killing 24-year-old Frankie Hensley of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in September 2019.  Leal-Corona, who had been living in Monroeville, New Jersey, admitted to police that he was drunk driving when he hit Hensley.  At the time of the crash, Hensley was the passenger in a vehicle involved in a separate crash when he got out of the vehicle.  Then, Leal-Corona hit Hensley who was rushed to a nearby hospital and died hours later as a result of his injuries.

The Death of a North Carolina Father of Two Sheds Light on Illegal Alien Crime.  In the early morning hours of March 29, Cheston Gerard Edwards of Kinston, North Carolina — a father of two — was driving home from his girlfriend's house.  He was traveling along Highway 70 near Pine Level in Johnston County, which is located to the southeast of the city of Raleigh.  Unfortunately, illegal alien Rolbin Pacheco-Diaz was driving on the same highway that night — intoxicated, unlicensed, and going the wrong way — and struck Edwards' truck head-on, killing him instantly.  He was only 36 years old.  Edwards' family is understandably devastated. [...] Much less is known about the impaired driver who killed Edwards.  The media outlets that reported on the deadly accident said nothing about Pacheco-Diaz's immigration status, although Joe Fisher of WRAL News did briefly mention that "investigators are working" to figure it out.

'Angel Mom' Says Biden [is] Creating [a] 'Super Highway' to [the] Border.  An Arizona mother whose son was killed by an illegal alien said the Biden administration's border policies are "absolutely" going to create more "angel families."  Angel families are relatives of those who have been killed by an illegal immigrant.  "That's the saddest thing to me of all," Mary Ann Mendoza told The Epoch Times on Feb. 8.  "I've been speaking out on this for 5 1/2 years now."  Mendoza's son, Brandon, was killed in a 2014 car crash caused by an illegal immigrant who was drunk, high on meth, and speeding along a Mesa, Arizona, highway in the wrong direction.  Brandon, a sergeant on the Mesa police force, was 32 years old.  "Biden decides he's going to open our borders, and every one of our lives are in jeopardy," she said.  "It's just going to be a super highway now."  President Joe Biden has issued executive orders to stop border wall construction, stop the Remain in Mexico program — which will restart the practice of "catch-and-release" — and pause deportations, among other actions.

The Editor says...
I'm very sorry your son was killed by an illegal alien, but that doesn't turn you or him into an angel.

GOP Senators:  Obama Era Policies Kept DACA Illegal Alien Accused of Killing 4 Officers in U.S..  Ivan Robles Navejas, a 28-year-old illegal alien from Mexico killed 4 police officers using his car.  The suspect was drunk at the time, but he should not have been in the country at all.  Navejas had been arrested for DUI before but the Obama/Biden administration allowed him to stay anyway.  He was charged with six counts of intoxication, assault with a vehicle, and three counts of intoxicated vehicular manslaughter.

President Trump understands the importance of securing our borders and keeping Americans safe.  Brandon was driving to the bank during his work lunch break and was struck by an illegal alien, causing his car to flip, killing him.  The illegal alien had been deported twice before, yet somehow he was back in the United States, giving him the opportunity to kill my son by driving recklessly.  Why was an illegal alien back in the country after being deported twice?  How did he get here?  Why was he not deported for a third time when he was pulled over and didn't have a driver's license mere months before he killed my son?

Police: Drunk DACA Illegal Alien Bought Beer Hour Before Killing Four Officers.  An illegal alien, allowed to remain in the United States on President Barack Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, purchased beer while already intoxicated an hour before causing a crash that killed four former and current law enforcement officers, police say.  Ivan Robles Navejas, a 28-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was arrested and charged last month by the Kerr County, Texas Sheriff's Office on six counts of intoxication assault with a vehicle and three counts of intoxicated vehicular manslaughter.

There Will Be No Marches To Commemorate The Death Of Phillip Thiessen.  Imagine if you will, seeing the following story breaking on the news out of Wisconsin during all of the racial tension and rioting going on.  A White guy in a truck is driving along the road when he sees a bicyclist approaching in the other direction.  The bicycle rider appears to be dark-skinned, either Black or Hispanic.  The White driver makes a spur-of-moment decision and intentionally swerves into the other lane, striking and instantly killing the bicyclist.  When the police question him later, he freely admits that he ran the guy down intentionally because of his race and he'd gotten up that morning thinking about killing a person of color.  That would be national news for weeks to come.  Many other issues would be pushed off the front pages to make room for the coverage.  But this is one story that's actually true, and yet the odds are you haven't heard a peep about it unless you follow one of a handful of conservative sites or live in the same town.  That's because the driver of the truck was Daniel Navarro, a 27-year-old Hispanic man of Mexican descent.  And the victim (who was actually on a motorcycle) was Phillip Thiessen, a Marine, former Police Officer and worker for the Wisconsin Department of Justice.  He was also White.  National Review has more of the details that make the media silence on this story so glaring.

Illegal immigrant who avoided deportation under Obama accused of killing three in DUI.  An illegal immigrant whom the Obama administration declined to deport after a DUI arrest in 2016 is now accused of another DUI — and this time, authorities say, three people were killed.  Ivan Robles Navejas, 28, is accused of crossing the center stripe on the road on a highway near San Antonio on Saturday and smashing into riders from the Thin Blue Line motorcycle club.  Three riders were killed and four others sent to the hospital in critical condition.  ICE says Mr. Navejas is in the country illegal and they've put an immigration detainer on him, meaning that if he's released by local authorities, the feds want a crack at deporting him.

Illegal Alien Gets Two Years in Jail for Returning to U.S. After Killing Four Kids.  An illegal alien, deported after killing four American children in a 2008 school bus crash, has been sentenced to two years in prison for returning illegally to the United States.  Olga Marina Franco del Cid, a 35-year-old illegal alien from Guatemala, was sentenced in U.S. District Court in St. Paul, Minnesota, to two years in prison after illegally re-entering the country.

Four from one Massachusetts family killed by 'careless' illegal alien driver in Florida.  Lucas Dos Reis Laurindo, 26, is now charged with careless driving for a crash just south of Orlando that killed four members of the Smith family three weeks ago while they were vacationing in Disney World.  According to Florida Highway Patrol, Laurindo rear-ended the Smiths' minivan at a high speed on the evening of February 18, causing the van to turn over.  Three members of the Massachusetts family were killed instantly, and 12-year-old Jaxon died the next day in the hospital.

He never thought ICE would come for him.  Sixteen years and four DUIs later, they did.  Emanuel Mendoza-Morales, 42, was born and raised in Mexico, but for the past 17 years he has lived in the United States after illegally entering the country by way of the southern border in 2003.  An hour before, officers with Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Enforcement and Removal Operations office had shown up to the mechanic shop where Mendoza-Morales was working and took him into custody.  Mendoza-Morales is now sitting at ICE's processing center in downtown Santa Ana.  He consented to speak with the Washington Examiner about his experience.

Denver Doubles Down on Sanctuary Policy After Illegal Alien is Arrested in Hit-and-Run Fatality.  In yet another example of how the left is willing to endanger Americans for the sake of protecting illegal immigrants, Denver officials indicated that they will not cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in the case of an illegal alien who was arrested fleeing the scene of a fatal hit-and-run accident.  The Daily Caller reported that Juan Sanchez — a Mexican national residing illegally in the United States — was deported six times before being arrested for a hit-and-run accident.  He is accused of hitting a pedestrian in his vehicle and driving off in order to avoid capture.  However, Denver's sanctuary laws will allow him to be set free on bond.  According to its report, this could "pose another showdown between local officials and federal immigration authorities."

Illegal Alien Freed After Allegedly Killing Mother of Three on Christmas Eve.  A New York state law that allows accused criminals to be freed from prison the same day they are arrested for violent crimes has freed an illegal alien accused of killing a mother of three on Christmas Eve.  Jorge Flores-Villalba, a 27-year-old illegal alien, according to Assemblyman Colin Schmitt, was arrested after he allegedly admitted to hitting and killing mother of three Marie "Rosie" Osai, who was a legal immigrant from Haiti, in a Christmas Eve crash on Long Island, New York.

Undocumented Mexican driver, 42, previously deported six times, is arrested in fatal hit-and-run of Denver grandmother.  An undocumented immigrant was arrested on Saturday for the alleged fatal hit-and-run of a grandmother in Denver.  Annette Conquering Bear, a mother-of-six who was due to celebrate her 52nd birthday December 19, was walking home from the supermarket with her husband when Mexican national Juan Sánchez struck her with a SUV he had borrowed the afternoon of December 17.

Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Accused of Killing Teenage Boy, Grandmother.  An illegal alien who is accused of killing a teenage boy and a grandmother in a North Carolina drunk driving crash was previously deported twice from the United States.  Felix Antonio Juarez-Antunez, a 35-year-old illegal alien, is accused of killing 15-year-old Ethan Handley and 65-year-old Marjory Howell Wagner while allegedly driving drunk at 90 mph in a 45 mph zone in Smithfield, North Carolina.  Jaurez-Antunez also allegedly injured Hailey Wagner — a newly crowned teen beauty queen in Garner, North Carolina — and her brother, Stephen.

'Angel Mom' Booed While Testifying About Son Killed By Illegal Immigrant.  Last week, Boston mother Maureen Maloney was booed while testifying about the death of her son Matthew Denice, who was killed in 2011 by a drunk-driving illegal with a criminal history.  Maloney was testifying at the State House in opposition to a bill seeking to grant driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

Could I Get All That Illegal 'To Go'?  As we head into the long Labor Day weekend, here are two tips to make your holiday even more cheerful.  First:  Remember to watch out for drunk driving illegal aliens!  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has issued a report after report showing that Hispanics are wildly overrepresented in drunk driving accidents (but also contribute so much to our cultural life, musical heritage and landscape!).  Or, as the Huffington Post puts it:  "Latinos At Greater Risk of Dying From Driving While Intoxicated."  They're victims of the drunk driving epidemic!

CNN Gave Glowing Interview to Illegal Alien Evading ICE, Who Killed Father of 5 Last Week.  Earlier this year, CNN irresponsibly gave positive coverage to an illegal immigrant hiding from ICE in a liberal sanctuary church in Colorado.  One week ago, that same immigrant killed a father of five in a car accident, while driving recklessly without a license.  As usual when these things happen, the only thing you hear from the media is crickets.  According to Denver's local ABC station, on August 2, Miguel Ramirez Valiente, from El Salvador "went off the side of the road on Hwy 83, over-corrected into the opposite lane and hit Sean Buchanan," killing the father of five, who was meeting his wife that morning at their new house they had just bought.

Father-of-five who advocated rights for migrants is hit and killed by illegal immigrant on probation for a DUI.  A staunch supporter of the rights of immigrants, and a married father of five, was killed last week when an illegal immigrant from El Salvador facing deportation crashed into his motorcycle in Colorado.  Sean Buchanan, 45, was driving northbound on Highway 83 on August 2 when Colorado State Patrol say a southbound truck operated by Miguel Ramirez Valiente went off the side of the road, then over-corrected into the wrong lane and crashed into Buchanan's bike, killing him.

Angel Mom Wendy Corcoran:  My Son 'Forever Separated from Us,' Illegal Alien 'Returned Home to His Family'.  When her son's alleged killer was deported from the United States this month, Angel Mom Wendy Corcoran said her family "knew early on that it was a real possibility" that they may never see justice in the courts.  The Angel Family has continued to grieve after 22-year-old Pierce Corcoran was killed in a car crash in Knoxville, Tennessee, allegedly caused by 44-year-old illegal alien Francisco Eduardo Franco-Cambrany just days before New Year's Eve last year.

Charges: 19-year-old driver was drunk at time of fatal St. Paul crash.  A 19-year-old man has been charged with felony drunken driving for striking another car in St. Paul last week and killing the other driver, according to charges.  Jose O. Vasquez-Guillen, of St. Paul, was charged Wednesday [4/17/2019] in Ramsey County District Court with criminal vehicular homicide in connection with the crash on April 3 south of the St. Paul Downtown Airport near Concord and Page streets.  Mark J. O'Gara, 52, of St. Paul, died at the scene.  Two days after the crash, Vasquez-Guillen left the Ramsey County jail and was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Illegal Alien Released by Obama's DHS Charged with Killing Father of Ten.  An illegal alien who was released into the United States by former President Obama's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has now been charged with killing a St. Paul, Minnesota, father of ten.  On April 3, 19-year-old Jose Orlando Vasquez-Guillen, of El Salvador, was allegedly driving drunk in St. Paul with a blood alcohol level of about 0.149 — nearly double the legal limit, according to law enforcement officials.

Two killed in high-speed car chase of cartel smugglers in South Texas.  On Wednesday [3/13/2019], two innocent bystanders were killed when an alien smuggler transporting a group of illegal aliens in a Ford Explorer lost control of the vehicle during a high-speed chase with Texas state troopers and crashed into innocent motorists on the other side of U.S. Highway 83 in La Joya.  Leonel Martinez Jr., 45, and Aurora Sanchez, 69, were in the Nissan that got struck.  Now two Americans are dead, five illegal alien passengers are injured, and the smuggler is still on the loose because he managed to survive the crash and bail out on the side of the road.

Angel Mom Mendoza: 'Slap in Our Face' to Call Illegal Immigration 'Manufactured Crisis'.  Angel Mom Mary Ann Mendoza says the establishment media and Democrats' claim that illegal immigration is a "manufactured crisis" are kicking the graves of Americans who have been murdered by illegal aliens.  Angel Mom Mendoza's son, 32-year-old police officer Brandon Mendoza, was killed by a drunk illegal alien who was driving the wrong way down a highway in Mesa, Arizona.

Man deported in 2014 shoots California gas station attendant, shoots two more strangers, robs convenience store, carjacks a truck [...].  A man who went on a deadly shooting, carjacking and robbery rampage in California's Central Valley died Monday [12/17/2018] during a high-speed highway chase during which he intentionally tried to smash into other cars, authorities said.  Gustavo Garcia, 36, of Visalia was pronounced dead at the scene Monday morning on State Route 65 in Porterville after he was flung from a stolen truck after a gun battle with police and wrong-way car crashes that left four people injured, one critically, police said.

Chief:  Man illegally in the US arrested for Hwy 90 hit & run.  Pass Christian police have a suspect in custody in a hit and run accident that seriously injured a girl Friday night [12/7/2018].  The accident happened just before 6 pm at the intersection of Hwy 90 and Davis Avenue.  That's in the heart of downtown where the annual Christmas in the Pass celebration was underway.

3 Killed After Pickup Truck Fleeing Border Patrol Hits Tire Spikes and Crashes.  Three people in a packed pickup truck were killed on Thursday afternoon [11/29/2018] after the driver ran over tire spikes and crashed on a Southern California highway while trying to flee Border Patrol officers, the authorities said.

Man living illegally in US gets 16 years for crash that killed Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson and Uber driver.  A man from Guatemala living illegally in the U.S. was sentenced Friday to the maximum of 16 years in prison for a drunken-driving crash that killed Indianapolis Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson and his Uber driver.  Manuel Orrego-Savala, 37, pleaded guilty in July to two counts of operating a motor vehicle with a blood-alcohol content of .15 or more, causing death.  The sentence marked the maximum possible under his plea agreement.

Exclusive:  Driver Who Allegedly Killed Oregon Couple In DUI Crash Is Illegal Alien, ICE Says.  The man suspected of killing an Oregon couple in a high-speed drunk driving collision earlier in August is an illegal immigrant from Mexico, The Daily Caller News Foundation learned.  Eduardo de la Lima Vargas, 39, allegedly ran a red light on a state highway in Salem, Oregon, on Aug. 19, striking a motorcycle being driven by Logan Wilson, 34, and his wife Jessi, 32.  The collision tossed the Wilsons from the motorcycle, fatally injuring both.  Vargas blew a .10 blood alcohol level on a breathalyzer roughly two hours after the crash, according to a Salem police report.  Investigators believe he was probably driving at twice the legal alcohol limit at the time he crashed into the Wilsons, who are survived by four young children.

Five-Time Illegal Alien Deportee Gets 9 Months in Jail for Felony DUI, ID Fraud.  A Mexican national who resided in the U.S. illegally for 28 years and had been removed from the U.S. five times was sentenced to nine months behind bars in Virginia on Monday.  A Chesterfield County judge sentenced Mario Santos-Ochoa, 44, to nine months in jail for committing his third drunk-driving offense and felony identity fraud, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported.

Driver who overstayed work visa fined $280 for fatally striking FBI agent, fire investigator.  A $280 fine and negligent driving charge was given to the driver of a Honda Accord that fatally struck an FBI agent and a fire investigator who were standing along the left shoulder of a Maryland highway, according to published reports.  Roberto Garza Palacios, 28, was not required to appear in court, nor did he receive any jail time, the Washington Post reported.  Although he drove in a "careless and imprudent manner," prosecutors did not believe his driving constituted a "reckless disregard" for human life, which would have carried more-serious charges, the report stated.

Illegal Fined $280 After Killing Two And He's Still in the USA Years Later.  Illegal alien Roberto Palacios had priors and overstayed a 2009 visa.  He was wanted for deportation but no one deported him.  One day in 2015 he drove recklessly on a Maryland highway, killing two men on the side of the road.  One of the men was an FBI agent and the other a Fire Marshal.  The Democrat Attorney General Brian Frosh wouldn't charge Palacios.  Alien Roberto Garza Palacios, 28, was only charged with two minor driving offenses, given a fine of $280, served no jail time, and the ICE detainer was not honored by the Maryland officials.  Palacios has priors and is still in the country.

Illegal Alien Killed 14-Year-Old Boy in Hit-and-Run Crash.  An illegal alien working in Wixom County, Michigan, as a waiter has been charged with killing a 14-year-old boy in a hit and run crash.  Miguel A. Ibarra Cerda, an illegal alien from Mexico, was arrested and charged by the Wixom Police Department with reckless driving that resulted in a death and leaving the scene of an accident after he allegedly hit 14-year-old Justin Lee, according to Detroit News.

At least five illegal immigrants are killed and many injured during a 100mph chase.  At least five undocumented immigrants are dead and several others hurt as an SUV carrying more than a dozen people crashed while fleeing from Border Patrol agents in South Texas.  Dimmit County Sheriff Marion Boyd says the SUV went out of control at more than 100 mph and overturned on Texas Highway 85, ejecting those inside.  Texas Department of Public Safety officials say four were pronounced dead at the scene midday Sunday.  A fifth person died at a hospital.

At least 5 dead after SUV carrying illegal immigrants crashes, sheriff says.  At least 12 people were ejected from a Chevy Suburban SUV carrying illegal immigrants after it crashed following a high-speed chase with U.S. Border Patrol vehicles near the Texas-Mexico border, a sheriff said Sunday [6/17/2018], adding that five illegal immigrants were confirmed dead.

Twice-deported man allegedly on drugs kills teen in car crash.  A man who had been deported twice is behind bars after crashing his vehicle into another car while allegedly on drugs, killing a Texas teenager who was on her way to the movies with her family.  Edy Lopez-Hernandez, 27, was charged with "murder, intoxication assault and failure to stop and render aid in connection with the crash" after he crashed into the vehicle carrying 17-year-old Britney Baez and her family on Saturday [5/26/2018].  The Houston Police Department said Lopez-Hernandez fled the scene of the crash with his 2-year-old son, who was in the car.  A witness stopped Lopez-Hernandez and told him to return to the crash scene, KTRK reported.

Twice-deported man allegedly on drugs kills Texas girl, 17, in crash, cops say.  A man who had been deported twice is behind bars after crashing his vehicle into another car while on drugs, killing a Texas teenager who was on her way to the movies with her family.  Edy Lopez-Hernandez, 27, was charged with "murder, intoxication assault and failure to stop and render aid in connection with the crash" after he crashed into the vehicle carrying 17-year-old Britney Baez and her family on Saturday.  Houston Police Department said Lopez-Hernandez fled the scene of the crash with his 2-year-old son, who was in the car.

Activist Judge Released Illegal Alien Who Ran Over Pre-School Teacher.  A federal judge released an illegal alien who has now disappeared after being taken into custody for allegedly ramming a car into a daycare center, causing serious injuries to a teacher.  Juana Loa-Nunez was arrested on May 7 after she allegedly crashed her car into an Indiana church daycare center and then fled the scene, WTHR Channel 13 reported.

Couple fleeing from ICE agents die in crash.  A man and a woman, who were believed to be undocumented, died after their vehicle crashed while they fled from federal immigration officials in California on Tuesday [3/13/2018], police said.  Marcelina Garcia Profecto, 33, and Santo Hilario Garcia, 35, initially stopped after a vehicle flashed its emergency lights to pull them over, but fled once they saw federal agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) exit the vehicle, police in Delano, Kern County, posted on Facebook.

Illegal Alien Runs Over Woman Crossing The Street, Flees Scene.  Immigration officials say a woman who allegedly hit a preschool teacher crossing the street and tried to flee the scene was in the country illegally.  Juana Noemi Loa-Nunez, 36, from Mexico, is accused of hitting Jessica Parks, 27, on Monday morning while Parks crossed 38th Street to go to work at Fervent Prayer Church on the east side.  They say Parks sustained serious injuries to her legs and lower body.  Immediately after the accident, witnesses say the car, driven by Loa-Nunez, quickly fled.  Several people chased Loa-Nunez down the street to stop her from leaving the scene.

ICE arrests man in Maryland crash that killed FBI agent, fire marshal.  Immigration officers have arrested a Guatemalan national who mowed down and killed an FBI agent and a fire marshal on a Maryland highway last year.  Roberto Garza Palacios was accused of being unlawfully present in the U.S. after overstaying a work visa that expired in 2009, Fox 5 DC reported Friday.  He was arrested Thursday in Gaithersburg, Md., where he was living.  The station reported that after an arrest in 2015 on local charges, Montgomery County released Garza Palacios from custody despite an Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer to hold him.

Illegal Alien Charged in Car Crash that Blew Up Texas Home.  Police have charged an illegal alien with driving a car into a home that caused a massive explosion early in April.  Dallas police arrested Alejandro Enriquez-Castro and charged him with driving without a license in the April 7 incident.  The suspect was then transferred to federal immigration officials, according to Fox News.

Previously Deported Illegal Alien [is] Responsible for [the] Death of [a] Sheriff's Deputy.  A twice-deported illegal alien has been charged with manslaughter in the death of a Nassau County, Florida sheriff's deputy who was killed while trying to apprehend the El Salvadorian national.  Francisco Obbidio Portillo-Fuentes, a 26-year-old illegal alien, was arrested and sentenced to two years after being chased by U.S. Border Patrol agents in November 2016.  Now, before his two-year sentence is up, Portillo-Fuentes has been charged with manslaughter in the brutal death of Nassau County Sheriff's Deputy Eric Oliver, News4JAX reports.

Illegal Alien Intentionally Rammed Into Motorcycle, Causing Nearly Fatal Crash.  An arrest has been made following a road rage incident where a car rammed into a motorcyclist, pushing him off the road in Sarasota, deputies announced.  Sarasota County deputies said they arrested 30-year-old Magdiel Medrano-Bonilla on Tuesday [4/10/2018].  The incident occurred on Sunday evening near Beneva Road and Riviera Drive.

Illegal Alien Bus Driver Killed Three People in Louisiana.  Denis Amaya-Rodriguez was sentenced Monday [4/16/2018] to 15 years in prison for killing three people.  Rodriguez was driving a bus that crashed into a group of firefighters and multiple vehicles the Interstate 10 bridge in LaPlace on Aug. 28, 2016.  St. John District Fire Chief Spencer Chauvin, Jermaine Starr and Vontarous Kelly were all killed.  Starr and Kelly were passengers in a car that was crushed by the bus.  Chauvin died after being thrown over the bridge, along with two other firefighters who were seriously injured.

Illegal Alien Crashed Into House, Causing Gas Explosion — Five Injured.  The driver who crashed into a Hurst home Saturday and triggered an explosion that injured five people has been arrested and turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, police said.  Hurst resident Alejandro Enriquez-Castro, 35, was arrested at the scene of the explosion on a charge of not having a driver's license.  Police said the suspect used several alias names and was being held on an immigration detainer before being transferred to ICE Monday morning [4/9/2018].

Two boys tried to steal pizza delivery car but could not drive stick, cops say.  Rojelio Sebastian, 14, and Miguel Garcia, 12, were busted last week after attempting to steal a Domino's delivery man's car but their plan foiled upon learning the car was a stick shift, the Miami Herald reported.

Man charged in deadly Fairhope hit and run is illegal immigrant who was deported twice.  The man accused of killing a Daphne woman with his truck Sunday is an illegal immigrant, and according to law enforcement sources, has been deported twice.  Jose Luis Alonso-De Leon was in a Baldwin County courtroom Monday afternoon on a number of charges including manslaughter.  Investigators said he hit and killed 48-year-old Amy Hawkins while she was riding her bike on County Road 13 in Fairhope.  Alonso-De Leon left the scene and was arrested by Fairhope Police at the Baldwin Square Shopping Center on Greeno Road.  According to investigators, Alonso-De Leon was drunk and had a stolen gun in his vehicle.

Couple fleeing from ICE agents die in crash.  A man and a woman, who were believed to be undocumented, died after their vehicle crashed while they fled from federal immigration officials in California on Tuesday, police said.  Marcelina Garcia Profecto, 33, and Santo Hilario Garcia, 35, initially stopped after a vehicle flashed its emergency lights to pull them over, but fled once they saw federal agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) exit the vehicle, police in Delano, Kern County, posted on Facebook.  The driver sped off and lost control shortly after driving onto the dirt shoulder, where the vehicle overturned and struck a power pole, police said.

Couple fleeing ICE in Central Valley die when SUV crashes.  A couple fleeing immigration officials who pulled them over in Delano (Kern County) were killed when their SUV crashed early Tuesday, police said.  Santos Hilario Garcia, 35, and Marcelina Garcia Profecto, 33, both of Delano, were stopped by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.  The two pulled over, but when the agents stepped out of their vehicle, police said, the driver sped off, eventually going onto the dirt shoulder of the road and losing control of the vehicle.

Illegal immigrant in deadly Colorado crash bonds out of jail after 'unacceptable' delay notifying ICE.  An illegal immigrant charged in a deadly crash avoided being detained by immigration agents and bonded out of a Colorado jail Saturday when local officials waited an hour to notify the agency.  Ivan Zamarripa-Castaneda, 26, fled the scene of an accident on Interstate 70 involving a tractor-trailer that caught on fire last week, leaving the driver to die, according to the Denver Police Department.  He was arrested by local officials March 4, and was wanted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

ICE seeks illegal immigrant in Colorado fatal hit-and-run who bonded out of jail.  An illegal immigrant charged with vehicular homicide in a fiery crash on a Colorado interstate bonded out of jail Saturday, a week after the deadly hit-and-run incident, despite being wanted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  Ivan Zamarripa-Castaneda, 26, allegedly fled the scene of the accident on Interstate 70 involving a tractor-trailer that caught on fire last week, leaving the driver to die, according to the Denver Police Department.

Undocumented immigrant in fatal I-70 hit-and-run crash and wanted by ICE agents formally charged.  An undocumented immigrant being held in connection with a deadly hit-and-run crash has been formally charged, the Denver District Attorney's Office announced Thursday [3/8/2018].  Ivan Zamarripa-Castaneda, 26, has been charged with one count of vehicular homicide-DUI and one count of leaving the scene of an accident resulting in death.

Drunk Illegal Alien Injures Police Officer In 'Sanctuary City'.  A Milford man, who authorities allege struck an off-duty police officer earlier this week while driving under the influence and lied about it, was held on $10,000 cash bail Thursday [2/8/2018] in Milford District Court.

Boy, three, being taken to hospital dies after 'drunk illegal immigrant crashed into ambulance transporting him and his mother'.  A toddler who was being transported to hospital in an ambulance has died after a drunk driver struck the vehicle.  The Winston-Salem Police Department says they were informed at 6:05pm on Monday [2/12/2018] that the three-year-old boy had died at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center.  Authorities offered no additional details.  The boy was being taken to the hospital trauma center around 1am Sunday when a drunk driver — who turned out to be an illegal immigrant — hit the medical transport, causing it to roll over on its side, police said.  The driver, 27-year-old Jose Martin Duran Romero and his passenger, 33-year-old Andres Leon, initially tried to flee the scene.  A witness stopped one of the men from leaving while the other was quickly apprehended by police.

Illegal Alien Hit Bicyclist, Dragged Her for a Half-Mile.  A Texas bicyclist was left with severe injuries after a man hit her with a truck and dragged her several blocks.  The driver, Artemio Avila, faces charges for failing to stop and render aid after hitting the young woman.

Illegal Alien Killed Mother of Two in Drunken Crash.  The suspect in a horrific drunk driving accident that claimed the life of a young mother has now drawn the attention of federal immigration officials.  Candido Martinez-Ramirez, 32, is in a Johnson County jail cell after recently being arrested for intoxication manslaughter by Rio Vista police.  Chief David Niederhaus said Ramirez was drunk when his pick-up truck collided with an SUV on Texas 174 two weeks ago.

CBS/NBC Ignore Drunk-Driving Illegal Immigrant Killing Colts Linebacker.  With the liberal media joining Democrats in the ongoing battle to save DACA and for no border wall, CBS and NBC ignored the killing of Indianapolis Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson at the hands of a drunk-driving illegal immigrant during their popular morning and evening shows Monday.  Instead, CBS Evening News hyped Space X launching a Tesla Roadster into space and NBC Nightly News whined about how cold the WINTER Olympics were going to be.  The only major network news outlet to mention the tragic death, which occurred the morning of the Super Bowl, was ABC during Monday's [2/5/2018] World News Tonight.

Suspect in Colts' Edwin Jackson, Uber driver deaths previously convicted for drunk driving in California.  The man suspected of driving drunk and fatally striking an Indianapolis Colts player and his Uber driver early Sunday had twice been deported and was in the country illegally, police confirmed Monday [2/5/2018].  Police say Manuel Orrego-Savala, 37, had a blood-alcohol level nearly three times the legal limit when he hit and killed Edwin Jackson, a 26-year-old Colts linebacker, and 54-year-old Jeffrey Monroe, Jackson's Uber driver, around 4 a.m.  Sunday.  Orrego-Savala is from Guatemala, according to Indiana State Police.  He was first deported in 2007 and again in 2009 following arrests in San Francisco, according to a spokesperson for Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  ICE officials say Orrego-Savala has a prior conviction in California for driving under the influence.

Mexican immigrant without license accused in DUI death of Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson.  The man accused of killing an NFL player and another man in a DUI-related crash Sunday morning is a Mexican immigrant whom authorities are trying to deport, according to charging documents.  Police say 37-year-old Alex Cabrera Gonsales drove a black Ford F-150 pickup truck onto the emergency shoulder along Interstate 70 around 4 a.m.  Sunday, plowed into a ride-share vehicle, and killed Indianapolis Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson and 54-year-old Jeffrey Monroe of Avon.

Driver who hit Colts linebacker was an undocumented immigrant, police say.  Indianapolis Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson and another man were struck and killed in a suspected drunken driving accident early Sunday morning [2/4/2018].  Indiana State Police say the man they believe hit them is an undocumented immigrant who has been deported twice.

Accused Drunk Driver Illegal Alien Who Killed Colts Player and Uber Driver is Twice Deported Guatemalan Who Lied About Identity.  The man arrested early Sunday morning shortly after he fled the scene of a fatal car crash in Indianapolis that killed a Colts player and an Uber driver lied to police about his identity.  After initially reporting the man was named Alex Cabrera Gonsales from Mexico, police identified him as 37 years-old Manuel Orrego-Savala, a twice-deported Guatemalan.

An Illegal Immigrant Almost Killed My Family.  [Scroll down]  Thankfully, nobody in my family was seriously hurt, though my sister had braces and her mouth was bloodied.  By providence, the younger kids sitting in the back had been wearing their seat belts.  A few people in our vehicle had back pain after the accident, and I still have a herniated disk with the accompanying neck, shoulder, and arm issues, a result of the airbag blowing my arm back as my body went forward (my right arm and hand ache as I write this today).  The drunk driver was thrown from his car and almost died.  Bystanders who ran a bait shop on that road, along with arriving police officers, administered emergency care and helped save the man's life.  He was later airlifted to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.  The man was not only drunk when he hit us, but had also snorted cocaine before heading down the road.  If the man hadn't hit us, we were told, it was likely he would have careened into a house or business on the other side of the road.  We moved on with our lives.  The police officers told us the man had no insurance, and was in the United States illegally.  Because of this, we assumed he was deported.

The Editor says...
How many un-recoverable taxpayer dollars were spent to airlift this perpetrator to (and treat him in) the Mayo Clinic?

Women Hit, Killed by Illegal Immigrant Who Was Deported 8 Times.  Sound familiar?  This isn't the first of its kind. [...] These violent cretins should have never been here in the first place.  Unfortunately for their victims, they were always just one border hop away from being murdered.

Illegal Alien Killed Grandmother in Alcohol-Fueled Crash in 'Sanctuary City'.  It was in January of 2016 that Sarah Root of Omaha was hit and killed by an illegal immigrant in Omaha.  He posted a $5,000 bond and skipped town.  Officials never want a situation like that to happen again.  A $1 million dollar bond was set today for an illegal immigrant accused of motor vehicle homicide.  Police say 19-year-old Vismar Carmona-Martinez slammed into the back of 67 year old Ann Smock's vehicle in south Omaha on New Year's Day.  His blood alcohol content was three times the legal limit.  Jim Masteller is a prosecutor with the Douglas County Attorney's Office and the defendant is a flight risk and they had to make sure that sufficient bond was set.

'Dreamer' Wanted for Killing 16-Year-Old in High-Speed Crash.  The driver in a high-speed street race in Thomasville that resulted in the death of a 16-year-old passenger has been charged.  Luis Genaro Reyes Rodriguez, 21, of Thomasville, faces charges of manslaughter, speed competition, careless and reckless operation, speeding, no operator's license and larceny.  Rodriguez was driving a 2005 Infiniti G35 that crashed in the 600 block of Randolph Street Sunday morning [12/24/2017], according to a Thomasville police press release.  The wreck resulted in the death of 16-year-old Marco Antonio Escamilla.

Illegal Alien Killed Woman In Head-On Crash In Ohio.  Police are investigating a fatal crash that happened in northeast Columbus Thursday evening [11/30/2017].  The crash happened just after 6:30 p.m. in the area of Cleveland Avenue and Minerva Avenue.  Officials said two vehicles were involved crashed.  Authorities say a Jeep Liberty operated by Jose Veliz was traveling southbound on Cleveland Avenue when he drove left of center and crashed into a Ford Fusion driving northbound.

Previously Deported Illegal Alien Kills Firefighter, 2 Children — Gets 2-Year Sentence.  A previously deported illegal alien received a two-year state jail sentence after killing a Texas volunteer firefighter and two of his children in a 2016 car crash. The criminal alien pleaded guilty to a single count of criminally negligent homicide.  His actions separated the victim's family, leaving a mother to raise the remaining four children alone.  Margarito Quintero Rosales fell asleep at the wheel and crossed the center line of the highway, striking a vehicle driven by Collin County volunteer firefighter Captain Peter Hacking, Breitbart Texas reported in April 2016.  Quintero also killed Hacking's four-year-old daughter, Ellie, and his 22-month-old son Grayson in the crash.  The illegal alien was not licensed to drive.

Man in country illegally guilty in drunken crash that killed Johnson County deputy.  A 39-year-old man in the country illegally pleaded guilty Thursday [10/12/2017] to causing a traffic crash that killed a Johnson County sheriff's deputy last year.  Adrian Espinosa-Flores, 39, pleaded guilty to a charge of reckless second-degree murder in the death of Master Deputy Brandon Collins.  Collins was killed on Sept. 11, 2016, while conducting a traffic stop on U.S. 69 just north of 151st Street in Overland Park.

Texas woman blasts 2-year term for illegal immigrant who killed husband, 2 kids in crash.  A Texas woman is criticizing the two-year sentence an illegal immigrant received for killing her husband and two youngest children in a car crash last year.  Courtney Hacking told "Fox & Friends" Saturday that the sentence in a Texas state court doesn't compensate her for the loss of her 36-year-old husband Peter, a volunteer firefighter, 4-year-old daughter Ellie and 22-month-old son Grayson in the accident.  "People think his crime and his punishment seem to fit because he was an illegal immigrant," she said, referring to Mexican Margarito Quintero Rosales who pleaded guilty to criminally negligent homicide in connection with the crash.  "But to me being illegal in the country was a crime on its own so I don't understand how he did get only two years."

Illegal Alien Charged With 6th DUI.  A man arrested by Selma Police this week has been charged with his sixth drunk driving offense.  Around 11:30pm Monday, an officer was on routine patrol on US301 and spotted a Honda Accord slam on brakes in the middle of the roadway then accelerate.  The officer began following the vehicle as it reportedly weaved in the travel lanes.  The officer turned on his blue lights and the car eventually stopped.  The driver, Anthony Cespedes Gonzalez, a 34 year-old construction worker from Raleigh, allegedly told officers he didn't have a license.  He reportedly claimed he had consumed only two beers before getting behind the wheel to drive to the store to purchase cigarettes.

Unlicensed driver who drunkenly crashed into cyclists hopes woman he left in coma can forgive him.  The unlicensed driver accused of drunkenly barreling through a group of cyclists in Brooklyn says he hopes the woman he left in a coma can forgive him.  Abel Antonio Pina-Morocho pleaded for sympathy Wednesday [9/13/2017] during an exclusive jailhouse interview with the [New York] Daily News at the Brooklyn Detention Complex, where he's being held on $250,000 bail. [...] The undocumented immigrant said his experience behind bars has been sobering and led to fears he could be deported if convicted.  He's lived in the U.S. for 18 years.

'Dreamer' Kills Woman in Hit-and-Run in California.  Another day, another "contribution" from one of those, victims Dreamers, this time in Modesto in Northern California.  You know, all these "dreamers" are such victims and all.

Sanctuary cities, Rahm and power politics.  "I heard the impact, saw this man go up into the sky and land on the windshield," witness Alberto Aceves told the Tribune at the time, describing how Dennis McCann fell off the hood to roll under the speeding car.  "I pull up to the passenger side screaming at him. 'Stop!  The guy's under your car.'"  The driver finally stopped the car, got out, tried to run and was arrested by police.  Saul Chavez, then 35, a Mexican immigrant here illegally, had been drinking heavily.  The Cook County sheriff's office said Chavez had a blood alcohol content of 0.29 percent, more than three times the legal limit.  Chavez had just completed probation after a drunken driving conviction two years before. [...] And within days, what happened?  Chavez fled.  He disappeared back into Mexico, where he remains out of reach of the short, stubby arms of Chicago's law.

Police charge man with intoxication manslaughter in fatal Travis Co. motorcycle crash.  A man died and an injured pregnant woman lost her baby when a motorcycle they were riding collided with a truck in east Travis County Saturday afternoon, said the Texas Department of Public Safety.  Both people are in their 20s.

CNN Complains About the Deportation of Drunk Driving DREAMer.  If there was one thing that our politically divided country could agree on, it was the seriousness of drunk driving.  But during Monday's [3/27/2017] edition of The Lead, that common understanding took a back seat for CNN as they bemoaned that a so-called "DREAMer" was deported.  "Last August [Jorge] Matadamas was charged with drunk driving and evading arrest.  While in jail, he lost his DACA status," reported Polo Sandoval, "[A] program which gave him a chance to live and work in the U.S.  After seven months in detention, he was deported."  CNN's report came after Attorney General Jeff Sessions threatened to pull federal law enforcement funds to cities that hindered Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.

Man who had been deported to Mexico five times charged in deadly L.A. car crash.  The driver — who faces murder, vehicular manslaughter and driving while intoxicated charges in connection with the Feb. 19 crash — is an immigrant in the country illegally who has been deported from the United States at least five times, according to police and court records.  Estuardo Alvarado, 45, was fleeing the scene of a traffic accident at a "high rate of speed" when he smashed his vehicle into a car driven by Sandra Duran, according to Det.  William Bustos of the LAPD's Valley Traffic Division.

Driver in fatal DUI crash told police she has been living in the U.S. illegally for four years.  A woman accused of driving drunk and killing a 66-year-old Noblesville man Monday morning [2/13/2017] told police that she has been living illegally in the United States for the past four years.  Indiana State Police say Elizabeth Vargas-Hernandez, 35, was driving on I-465 just before 2:30 a.m. when she rear-ended a car driven by David Kriehn, causing it to slide off the road and flip several times until it landed in a ditch.  Kriehn was taken to St. Vincent Hospital where he later died.

DeBlasio: Drunk driving by illegal alien could be 'a very minor offense'.  How far will the mayor of a sanctuary city like New York go to shield illegal aliens from deportation who break the law?  If the offense is "minor," the illegal should be protected from the feds, says New York mayor Bill de Blasio.  That includes grand larceny and drunk driving.

DeBlasio to CNN: It's OK to shield undocumented drunk drivers.  New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio told CNN's Jake Tapper that it is OK to shield undocumented immigrants who drive drunk from federal authorities if it does not "lead to any other negative outcome."

Drunk Illegal Alien Kills 6-Year-Old in Phoenix Crash.  Just imagine the saturation coverage from the media if a police officer killed this black child.  But it's an illegal alien, and Obama 'dreamer" so to speak, so you probably haven't seen this story yet.

Another Needless Killing by a Drunk-Driving Illegal Alien.  The Daily Caller is reporting the killing of a Johnson County, Kan., law enforcement officer, Master Deputy Brandon Collins, at the hands of an illegal alien, one Adrian Espinosa-Flores, who was driving drunk at the time he plowed his vehicle into Deputy Collins and then ran away.  It was a needless death because, according to the Daily Caller, Espinosa-Flores was on the streets despite having been arrested twice previously — a pertinent fact that somehow just doesn't show up in the Kansas City Star newspaper article about him being charged with manslaughter in the case.  Sloppy reporting or political correctness?

Man in U.S. illegally charged with drunk driving had $20K in sock.  For the Dallas County sheriffs who pulled over Roberto Laguna Landin, it was an ordinarily traffic stop, but it turned out to be anything but.  In the wee hours of Sunday, 46-year-old Laguna Landin led officers on a chase and was eventually arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated.  When they caught up with him sheriffs could plainly see the open container he had in the car, according to the Dallas Morning News — but a bit harder to detect was the bulge in his sock.

Two killed in Louisiana bus crash, driver in US illegally, cops say.  An out-of-control bus driven by an illegal immigrant carrying flood recovery volunteers hit a fire truck and firefighters who had responded to an earlier crash Sunday morning [8/28/2016] on a Louisiana interstate, killing two people and injuring 36, according to state police.

Bus full of Louisiana flood volunteers with unlicensed illegal immigrant driver at the helm slams into fire truck attending previous highway crash, killing two and injuring 41.  A charter bus full of Louisiana flood volunteers slammed into a fire truck Sunday morning in a terrifying crash that left 41 people injured and two left dead.  The crash happened near Laplace when the seemingly out-of-control bus raced down the Interstate 10, striking a parked fire engine that was attending to a previous crash and knocking three firefighters over a guardrail, killing one.  The driver, Denis Yasmir Amaya Rodriguez, was in the country illegally and was not licensed to be behind the wheel, police told NY Daily News.

Honduran man in the U.S. illegally drove bus that crashed into fire truck, killing 2.  Louisiana State Police say a Honduran man who had entered the United States illegally was driving a bus carrying flood recovery workers that hit a firetruck on a highway, killing two people and injuring dozens.

Girl, 14, dies after crash with alleged 'twice-deported' DUI illegal.  A 14-year-old girl who was riding with her father, a pastor, when they were hit allegedly by a drunk illegal immigrant with a previous deportation record, has died from her injuries, various media outlets reported this week.  And her death comes just as House Speaker Paul Ryan made comments on the "O'Reilly Factor" on Fox News that he didn't want to "clog" the U.S. jail system with illegals facing DUI charges, sparking more fiery debates about the best way to control the border.

Paul Ryan:  We Have Not Pushed Kate's Law Because We Do Not Want to Clog Up Jails with Illegal Drunk Drivers.  In a Wednesday Fox News interview, Speaker Paul Ryan seemed to suggest that the reason the House has not pushed Kate's Law is because he is opposed to "clogging up our jails" with illegal alien drunk drivers.  Kate's Law — named in honor of Kate Steinle — would increase the penalty for illegal immigrants who return to the U.S. after being deported.  Last year, Steinle was gunned down in broad daylight by a five-time deported criminal alien. [...] On his Wednesday [6/15/2016] program, Bill O'Reilly pressed Ryan — who is the leader of the pro-illegal immigration wing of the Republican Party — on why the House has yet to push Kate's Law nearly a year after her murder.

Illegal Immigrant Surrenders in Hit-and-Run That Killed a Texas Pastor and His Wife.  The sheriff's office said that 21-year-old Alexis De Larosa Sosa was racing his pickup truck against another car along a Houston freeway on April 12.  De Larosa Sosa blew through a red light at full speed, slamming into the car of Jesse Estrada and Maria Sabillon, then fled the scene on foot.  The couple were pronounced dead on the scene.

Drunk Driving Illegal Alien Kills Woman, Is Granted Bail and Disappears.  Funny how after all these years of Americans being run down by drunk driving illegal aliens, the crime of inebriated vehicle operation by unlawful foreigners is still not taken seriously by authorities.  One recent example was of the preventable death of 21-year-old Sarah Root of Omaha Nebraska.  Had illegal alien DREAMer type Edwin Mejia not been given refugee status by the open-borders administration and sent home, he wouldn't have been around to kill an innocent young American.  Worse, the government doubled its guilt by releasing the alien killer from jail instead of holding him for trial.

Previously Deported Illegal Alien May Face Charges for Killing Texas Firefighter, 2 Children.  An illegal alien who hit a Texas firefighter head-on and killed him and his four-year-old stepdaughter and 22-month-old son will be charged with criminally negligent homicide if he recovers from his critical injuries.  The man did not have a drivers license and was in the country illegally, according to the CBS affiliate for Dallas/Fort Worth.  He first came to the U.S. in 2006 but was deported in 2008.  L.P. Phillips of KRLD radio in Dallas spoke to ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) officials who verified that Margarito Quintero was an illegal alien.

Texas fireman, 2 children killed by illegal, but that's not the worst part.  It's not known what caused the van to swerve, but the driver, Margarito Quintero and his two passengers also sustained serious injuries.  We now know Quintero was in the country illegally and did not have a driver's license.  But here's the most tragic part.  He had already been deported once.  Quintero originally came to the United States in 2006, but was deported in 2008.  Here we are 8 years later and if he recovers from his critical injuries, he will be charged with criminally negligent homicide.  Small comfort indeed for the wife of Peter Hacking, his son and four stepchildren, who now must live with the tragic consequences of a porous border and lax enforcement.

Illegal immigrant's deadly crash not a 'crime of violence,' ICE says.  An illegal immigrant — who police said was drunk while street racing when he killed a Nebraska woman in a car crash — wasn't detained by immigration officials because his offense did "not constitute a crime of violence," the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency said in a March letter to Congress.  Edwin Mejia, 19, is accused of being drunk and driving recklessly when his vehicle slammed into 21-year-old Sarah Root's car in January.

As if we don't have enough drunks on the road already...
Fed Appeals Court Protects "Habitual Drunkards" from Deportation.  In what may seem like a bad joke, a U.S.  federal appellate court has ruled that an illegal immigrant convicted of drunk-driving can't be deported because federal immigration law discriminates against "habitual drunkards" like him.  The case involves an illegal immigrant from Mexico, Salomon Ledezma-Cosino, with at least one drunk-driving conviction, possibly more.  Ledezma-Cosino has lived in the U.S.  illegally since 1997 and has eight kids, five of them anchor babies born in America.  He works in the construction industry and has a criminal record.  Ledezma-Cosino drank about a liter of tequila every day for a decade, according to medical records cited in federal court documents, and has been diagnosed with acute alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.  This man should be the poster child for deportation yet he remains in the country and is now further protected by a federal appellate court ruling.

Vehicular homicide not enough to detain illegal immigrants: DHS.  Even being convicted of homicide isn't enough to ensure illegal immigrants are detained by federal agents, the government's top deportation official said in a letter to Congress released Monday [4/4/2016].  U.S.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Sarah Saldana said neither Obama administration policy nor federal law required her agency to detain Edwin Mejia, who arrived in the U.S.  illegally as part of the surge of unaccompanied children from Central America, after he was charged with vehicular homicide in Nebraska.

Paterson man with suspended license indicted in hit-and-run that killed city teenager.  A 34-year-old city man whose driving privileges allegedly were suspended 20 times in 16 years was indicted on criminal charges this week in connection with a fatal hit-and-run that killed a 16-year-old boy in Paterson last summer, according to authorities.

Killer Illegal Immigrant ICE Failed to Detain Now on ICE's Most Wanted List.  Immigration and Customs Enforcement is adding the illegal immigrant arrested and then released after killing 21-year old Sarah Root while street-racing drunk to ICE's Most Wanted list, according to Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE).  Edwin (Eswin) Mejia, an illegal immigrant from Honduras, absconded after ICE declined to detain him — as his crimes "did not meet ICE's enforcement priorities" as laid out by the Obama administration — and he posted bail.

Illegal accused of fatal hit-and-run deported six times.  A man accused in a fatal hit-and-run on Tuesday [11/3/2015] is an illegal alien who has been deported at least six times since 2001.  Ramon Jaime HortaSanta Ana, California police say Ramon Jaime Horta was driving on a suspended license when he allegedly struck and killed 24-year-old Marcello Bisarello, the Orange County Register reports.

Illegal Alien Drunk Driving Killer Back in U.S. Four Days After Deportation.  Over the weekend, U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested 66-year-old Luis Escobar Valle moments after he crossed the Rio Grande into Texas.  He is now facing new federal charges.  Escobar admitted to agents that he had just entered the country illegally.  In fact, he had been deported by federal agents on October 20.  A mere four days later he had walked back into Texas.

Illegal Alien Sentenced for Killing a Family.  A previously deported criminal alien, Marco Hernandez Ramirez, drove drunk and killed a husband and wife, and their five year old daughter.

Illegal alien with 3 DUI's, Spared Deportation by Obama, Kills Cyclist.  In this case, when have an illegal alien who had been arrested for DUI three times.  He was slated to be deported, but was, under Obama's immigration rules, allowed to post bail and of course he never showed up to be deported.  The last time he drove drunk, he killed an American citizen, who was cycling in Scott County, Kentucky.  Here illegally, no drivers license, three previous DUI's, not deported because of Obama, and he ends up killing an American citizen.

Illegal Immigrant Car Crash Kills 6 in Central Texas.  At least six illegal immigrants from Honduras and Guatemala have been killed, multiple others injured, and two arrested following a high-speed chase that ended with a crash in the rural town of Edna just northwest of Victoria, Texas.  At least 15 people were crammed into the SUV.  The fatal wreck took place shortly after 1:30 a.m. along Highway 59 when police in Edna tried to pull over a Ford Explorer over a traffic violation, Houston's ABC13 reported.  Edna is located in Jackson County.

Illegal alien 'afraid of being deported' kills six in car wreck in Texas.  Meet Juan Garcia Ahuezoteco.  He is a 23 year old 'dreamer' who is in this country illegally.  Apparently, Juan Garcia Ahuezoteco is so afraid of being deported, he sped off in a Dodge Durango, reaching speeds of up to 100 mph.  He also 'allegedly' ran in to a Honda Accord, killing four Americans.  Two passengers in the Dodge Durango were also killed.  It's not known if they were in this country legally.  Ahuezoteco's girlfriend, who is knocked up with an anchor baby spoke to him during the police chase.

This might be off-topic, depending on his immigration status:

Man accused in triple-fatal crash on Rt. 80 had 19 past traffic violations.  The 22-year-old Mountain Lakes man accused of causing a chain-reaction crash that killed three people on Route 80 in Rockaway Township early Saturday morning had committed 19 traffic violations from 2012 through 2014, according to state Motor Vehicle Commission records.  The MVC provided NJ Advance Media a list of the violations by Bhavuk Uppal, who faces charges in the crash including death by auto, assault by auto, causing death or injury while driving while suspended, possession of drug paraphernalia and driving while intoxicated.  Uppal also had 12 driver's license suspensions during the same period and is presently on an "indefinite suspension," said Mairin Bellack, deputy communications director for the MVC.

Illegal alien with three previous DUIs drives drunk again and kills American teen.  An illegal immigrant with three prior DUI convictions killed a 17-year old when he was driving drunk for a forth time.  The defense tried to get him the minimum sentence, saying that he was sorry.  The prosecution wasn't having it.

Administration memo tells border agents they can release drunk drivers.  Mary Ann Mendoza, the mother of Ofc. Brandon Mendoza, who was killed in summer 2014 by a wrong-way driver who was drunk and in the country illegally, speaks out about the memo given to border agents saying they can release drunk drivers.  [Video clip]

Oklahoma Sports Broadcaster Killed By Illegal Deported To Mexico... 3 Times!  Authorities confirmed Wednesday morning [6/24/2015] that a man, accused of causing a crash that killed local sports journalist Bob Barry Jr., had previously been deported three times.  Gustavo Castillo Gutierrez, 26, has been charged with causing an accident without a valid driver's license and drug possession on Tuesday.

Obama Dreamer Killed Air Force Colonel in North Carolina.  Around 8 a.m., Monday [6/8/2015], the 1999 Chevy Tahoe being driven by Yolanda Gonzalez-Saavedra, 18, crossed over the median, headed southbound into the northbound lane on U.S. 15, and began to rollover, according to the North Carolina Highway Patrol. [...]

More illegal immigrants deported for traffic offenses. Problem for Obama?  The US notched a record number of deportations of illegal immigrants in 2010, according to an analysis of government statistics, with the spike driven primarily by increased deportations of people stopped for drunken driving and other traffic violations.  Drunken driving incidents involving illegal immigrants are known to inflame public anger over border security, and the Obama administration's deportation crackdown could be seen as a practical, and potentially popular, response to a public safety issue.

Some Unlicensed Drivers Risk More Than a Fine.  Many states have adopted tough new laws to prevent illegal immigrants from driving, while expanding immigration enforcement by the state and local police.  As a result, at least 30,000 illegal immigrants who were stopped for common traffic violations in the last three years have ended up in deportation, Department of Homeland Security figures show.

Unlicensed to Kill.  Approximately 20 percent of all car accidents nationwide involve a driver who lacks a valid license.  In the ten states with the highest concentration of illegal immigrants, (according to FAIR's most recent estimates:  California, Texas, New York, Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Georgia, North Carolina, New Jersey and Colorado) 14.6 percent of driving fatalities are caused by an unlicensed or improperly licensed driver.  Furthermore, the percentage of those killed by hit-and-run drivers is higher in these states, 6.1 percent compared the national average of 5.3 percent.

How open borders turn Americans into roadkill.  A report by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Study found 20 percent of fatal accidents involve at least one driver who lacks a valid license.  In California, another study showed that those who have never held a valid license are about five times more likely to be involved in a fatal road accident than licensed drivers.  Statistically, that makes them an even greater danger on the road than drivers whose licenses have been suspended or revoked — and nearly as dangerous as drunk drivers.

More Costs of Illegal Immigration.  [Scroll down]  On the roads and highways of the East Coast, a more than fair example is the Eastern Shore of Maryland, a sparsely populated rural area with good, easily navigatable roads with little or no congestion.  There, a review of State Police auto accident reports for 2002 through 2004 for that area of the Eastern Shore also revealed that of the 179 accidents involving Hispanic laborers:  75% of the drivers had no auto insurance.  Nearly all of the vehicles driven by migrants were registered to other drivers, 93% of the vehicles had false out-of-state tags.  In 2003 and 2004, 128 of the 395 people, 32.4%, arrested on DUI charges were Hispanic, a rate six times greater than the Hispanic portion of the population.  According to State Police records, about a third of accidents involving migrant workers are hit-and-run.

Illegal Immigration Is Not a Victimless Crime.  [Scroll down]  Drew Rosenberg was in law school a few hundred miles away in San Francisco, a renowned illegal immigrant sanctuary that offers pubic services and official government identification cards to the undocumented.  He was riding his motorcycle home from class when Roberto Galo, in the U.S. illegally since 1999, made a left hand turn and hit Drew.  In an effort to flee, Galo accelerated and drove over Drew's body three times, according to official reports obtained by his dad.

So why are people STILL driving without licenses?  Someone has to pay for the medical costs and property damage caused by the unlicensed, uninsured drivers involved in traffic accidents.  Have you looked at the un-insured motorist billing on your insurance policy?

Illegal Alien Crime and Violence by the Numbers: We're All Victims.  The New York Times reports that about 4.5 million illegal aliens in the U.S. drive on a regular basis, many without licenses or insurance, or even the ability to read road signs written in English.  (Meanwhile, the California legislature has just voted to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens.) writer J.C. Grant notes, "There is a statistically significant correlation between state per capita illegal immigration rates and car thefts.  This correlation is particularly strong:  the odds are less than two in one million that the correlation is a chance occurrence." [...] Congressman Steve King (R-IA) estimates that illegal alien drunk drivers kill 13 Americans every day — that's a death toll of 4,745 per year.

ICE: Driver charged with killing 3 in Hoke Co. in US illegally.  A driver who crashed into a Hoke County family, killing the father, mother and son, is suspected of being in the United States illegally, WNCN confirmed Monday [1/26/2015].

Illegal Immigrant Drunk Driver Hits And Kills 3-Year-Old Waiting For Ice Cream.  An illegal immigrant driving drunk and without a license crashed through a fence Sunday [11/9/2014], hitting and killing a 3-year-old girl as she was waiting in line for ice cream in Porterville, California.  Adolf Balbuena, 18, mowed down the toddler, Angeles Moreno, as she and several others, including an 8-year-old boy, were waiting line at an ice cream truck.  After hitting Moreno, Balbuena backed up and drove away.  He was arrested at his home around an hour later, the Fresno Bee reported.

Drunk Illegal Alien Who Killed Cop Qualified for Obama Amnesty.  The drunk driver who killed a veteran Arizona police officer in a head-on freeway collision this month is an illegal immigrant with a criminal history that nevertheless qualified for amnesty under President Obama's broad plan.

After Her Son Was Killed by Illegal Alien, This Mother Attacks Obama's Amnesty.  Mary Ann Mendoza's son was killed by a drunk driver who turned out to be an illegal immigrant from Mexico.

Luis Delcid-Cardona illegal Guatemalan kills three New Jersey teens in DUI.  Three teens were killed and a young driver is charged with driving under the influence after a violent crash in Lawrence Township early Thursday [10/9/2014].  Two of his friends died instantly when the car, driven by Luis Delcid-Cardona, slammed into the back of a tractor trailer.  A third passenger died this afternoon.  The victims who died 'allegedly' because of Luis Delcid-Cardona, the Guatemalan illegal were:  Samantha Belliveau, Nicole Rodriguez, Jonathan Rivas killed.  At most, the illegal may get 30 years in jail.

Are There Any Consequences for Violating Immigration Law?  According to the Associated Press, [Francisco] Aguirre, a 35-year-old native of El Salvador, has lived illegally in the U.S. for most of the last 19 years.  He was deported in 2000 following a conviction for drug trafficking but apparently slipped back into the U.S. illegally.  Aguirre, who has two children who were born in the U.S., apparently didn't come to the attention of the authorities again until August, when he was arrested for driving under the influence.

Because we need all the drunk drivers we can get...
Report: Obama Executive Action Could Protect Illegal Immigrants from Being Deported for DUIs.  Illegal immigrants convicted of a criminal offense are subject to deportation, and if they're later apprehended by federal immigration authorities, they are again subject to prioritized deportation.  If illegal immigrants with just traffic-related convictions, as CIS defines them, were no longer subject to those policies, more than 250,000 fewer illegal immigrants would have been deported from 2004 to 2013.  More than 140,000 of them were found guilty of driving under the influence, the CIS report says.  More than half of all illegal immigrants who were deported on account of traffic offenses during the same time frame had been previously deported, according to CIS.  And mere traffic crimes such as drunk driving can involve more serious offenses, such as vehicular homicide, even if the immigrant isn't convicted of the more serious crime. "

Father of man killed by illegal immigrant demands president visit son's grave.  The father of a man killed by an illegal immigrant in a car crash has challenged President Obama to visit his son's grave before declaring any executive action halting deportations.  In a letter that Don Rosenberg sent last month to Mr. Obama through top officials at the Homeland Security Department, the grieving father said his son Drew might be alive had the federal government deported illegal immigrants who had run-ins with the law.  "My son and all of the others are considered collateral damage in the quest for votes and campaign contributions," he wrote.  "Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime."

19-year-old in leaf-pile deaths avoids deportation.  An immigration judge has dismissed the case against a 19-year-old Oregon woman who faced possible deportation to Mexico after she drove an SUV into a leaf pile, accidentally killing two young girls playing in it.

Dreamer Who Killed Two Girls in Hit and Run Won't be Deported, Still Protected by DACA.  A beneficiary of President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program who killed two children in a hit and run accident has been released from jail and will be able to return to the the protections of the program, according to  Cinthya Garcia-Cisneros, an illegal immigrant who came to the U.S. from Mexico as a child and was shielded from deportation by DACA, was convicted of two counts of felony hit and run after she killed two Forest Grove, Oregon stepsisters — Anna Dieter-Eckerdt and Abigail Robinson ages 6 and 11 respectively — playing in a leaf pile last October.

Unlicensed to Kill.  Approximately 20 percent of all car accidents nationwide involve a driver who lacks a valid license.  In the ten states with the highest concentration of illegal immigrants, (according to FAIR's most recent estimates: California, Texas, New York, Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Georgia, North Carolina, New Jersey and Colorado) 14.6 percent of driving fatalities are caused by an unlicensed or improperly licensed driver.  Furthermore, the percentage of those killed by hit-and-run drivers is higher in these states, 6.1 percent compared the national average of 5.3 percent.  Needless to say, because data on whether drivers were licensed or uninsured or inebriated can't be collected on those who leave the scene of an accident, the data would likely show a higher incidence of unlicensed and uninsured drivers causing accidents if that data were available. [...] It is not a violation of the law to leave the scene of an accident in Mexico as it is in the United States.  Thus it should not be surprising if Mexicans driving in the United States especially those here illegally and driving without a license or insurance and perhaps intoxicated are more likely to flee from the scene of a car accident than a U.S. driver.

117 Anecdotes of Fatalities Involving Unlicensed Drivers.  [P]eople are dying in accidents caused by DUI drivers and unlicensed drivers — statistically 50% of all fatal crashes.  Impounds and checkpoints save lives!  Now, LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and LAPD Chief Charlie Beck put politics ahead of your safety.  Both want to abolish the 30-day impounds.

Illegal Aliens Murder 12 Americans Daily.  Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa.  If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens.  That's 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001. [...] But the carnage wrought by illegal alien murderers represents only a fraction of the pool of blood spilled by American citizens as a result of an open border and un-enforced immigration laws.  While King reports 12 Americans are murdered daily by illegal aliens, he says 13 are killed by drunk illegal alien drivers — for another annual death toll of 4,745.  That's 23,725 since Sept. 11, 2001.

Drunk and dangerous: DUI illegals behind the wheel.  WND has reported on the growing list of illegal immigrants who have not only ignored U.S. immigration laws, but state laws against drinking and driving as well, killing innocents on the highways in the process, including: [...] Alejandro Xuya-Sian:  This 27-year-old drunken driver was sentenced in August 2007 to 3½ to 10 years in prison for striking another man with his SUV in April and nearly dragging him to death before leaving him beside the road.  The victim, who was too physically disfigured to attend the trial, became lodged in the front left wheelwell of the SUV, and had his skin shredded as Xuya-Sian drove three-quarters of a mile before realizing he was there.  Xuya-Sian, said the prosecutor, "stopped the car, got out and undoubtedly dislodged him from the car," then kept driving, crashing into a tree about two miles away.

Illegal Aliens And Traffic Accidents.  In my LEO career I've investigated numerous traffic accidents involving illegals.  I've only been to two that they didn't leave the scene of the accident and that was because they were too hurt to run.  The ones that could still run did and on one of the accidents they even dragged one too hurt to run down the road where we found him dead after they got tired of carrying him.  I don't know if they keep statistics on our citizens being run over and killed by illegals but I'm sure it would open some eyes somewhere.  This is really a problem and it is one I've never seen our politicians talk about.

How open borders turn Americans into roadkill.  Marcos Ramos Medina was driving his 1997 Chevrolet Lumina erratically, according to witnesses, swerving several times across the center line, causing a tractor-trailer rig to jackknife in Yakima, Wash., Aug. 4, 2005.  That was before his car plowed into the 2000 Lexus driven by Peggy Keller, 53, dean of distance education at Yakima Valley College, who was killed in the head-on crash.  Prosecutors in his vehicular homicide trial contended Medina was coming down from a methamphetamine high.  When Russell T. "Todd" Sharpe, a six-year Washington State Patrol officer, testified that Medina fought against his restraints while being taken to the hospital for a blood alcohol test and refused to answer questions, the case against the Mexican national with a criminal record who had twice been deported was declared a mistrial because his constitutional right to remain silent had been violated.

Report: Illegal Drivers Behind High Hit-And-Run Rate In LA.  The number of hit-and-run accidents in Los Angeles is four times higher than the national average, with one in five fatal crashes involving an unlicensed driver, according to a new report.  Don Rosenberg, the founder of, told KNX [Radio] that an estimated 750,000 illegal immigrants live in the L.A. area and those who drive could pose "an immense threat to society".

More Costs of Illegal Immigration.  Another way illegal aliens kill us is traffic accidents.  On the roads and highways of the East Coast, a more than fair example is the Eastern Shore of Maryland, a sparsely populated rural area with good, easily navigatable roads with little or no congestion.  There, a review of State Police auto accident reports for 2002 through 2004 for that area of the Eastern Shore also revealed that of the 179 accidents involving Hispanic laborers:  75% of the drivers had no auto insurance.  Nearly all of the vehicles driven by migrants were registered to other drivers, 93% of the vehicles had false out-of-state tags.  In 2003 and 2004, 128 of the 395 people, 32.4%, arrested on DUI charges were Hispanic, a rate six times greater than the Hispanic portion of the population.

Tulsa's illegal immigration wreck.  [Scroll down]  For [Gary] Rutledge, a car accident personalized the issue.  He and his wife were waiting in their pickup at a traffic light one evening when they were hit from behind by a vehicle traveling about 30 miles an hour.  They were not badly hurt, only stunned.  More shocking, though, was what they heard from the police officer who responded to the accident:  The other driver, a young Hispanic man, did not speak English, did not have a driver's license or insurance.  The officer suspected the man was an illegal immigrant, Rutledge said, but he did not check his immigration status because such inquiries weren't allowed in misdemeanor cases.  Before taking the other driver to jail, Rutledge said, the officer told him he should just go home and forget about it.

Police: Illegal immigrant involved in fiery crash.  The driver and as many as two other people fled the Chrysler, which was listed as belonging to Cristian Alexis Ramirez Amezcua, 24.  When police tracked down Amezcua, who lives on the block where the crash occurred, he denied knowledge of the crash, both in broken English and through a translator.  Amezcua, however, had injuries consistent with a person who would have been wearing a seat belt in the passenger seat of a crash, according to the release.  Police arrested Amezcua for obstructing official business, as he would not provide the name of the driver or other passengers in the vehicle.  Although the crash is still under investigation, police believe alcohol was involved.

Mother Of Police Officer Killed By Illegal Alien Writes Letter To President Obama.  The mother of a Mesa, Arizona, police officer who was killed by an illegal alien has written a letter to Barack Obama.  Her son, Sgt. Brandon Mendoza, was killed when the illegal was driving the wrong way on the road and hit his vehicle head on.

The Decline of Western Civilization in a Few Paragraphs.  What would happen to any of you if you were pulled over going 120 mph, following two prior DUI convictions?  And what would happen if you "did poorly on a sobriety test"?  And what does that mush-mouth word "poorly" mean?  Flunked?  Sort of flunked?  Kinda flunked?  Jails are too crowded for those who don't pass out?

Why Aren't Illegal Immigrants With Criminal Records Being Deported?  Two illegal immigrants are accused of killing police officers in separate, but similar, cases in Houston and Phoenix.  Both of the accused were here illegally and had prior offenses before getting into drunk-driving accidents that left one officer dead in each case last month.

Illegal immigrant charged with intoxication manslaughter in Harris County deputy's death.  The man accused of hitting and killing a Harris County sheriff's deputy while driving drunk was in the country illegally, a judge said in court overnight.  Andres Munos-Munos, 23, was charged with intoxication manslaughter in the death of Sgt. Dwayne Polk.

Illegal immigrant in Milford death ruled incompetent.  The illegal immigrant who was drunk driving when he hit and dragged a Milford man to his death has been ruled incompetent to stand trial.  Judge Janet Kinton-Walker says Nicolas Guaman's "unique cultural background" and language barrier means that he doesn't understand the court process.  The court also said that he lacks the ability to consult with his attorney properly.

Several suspected illegal immigrants killed in crash.  Seven people believed to be immigrants in the country illegally were killed and eight more were injured late Wednesday [3/20/2013] when a truck being pursued by Kingsville police barreled into a security barrier at Naval Air Station Kingsville, officials said.

Driver of SUV that killed teen in St. Paul had no license.  Carlos Viveros-Colorado, 50, of St. Paul, was charged with criminal vehicular homicide in the death of Clarisse Grime, 16, who died Thursday [7/26/2012] after being struck in front of Harding High School, about 40 feet from E. 3rd Street. [...] Viveros-Colorado told police after Thursday's crash that his left leg and right arm had gone numb while he was driving, and that both of his legs went numb before he lost control.  He also told police that his foot was stuck on the accelerator.

The SUV Did It!  Scott wrote here about the appalling case of a 16-year-old St. Paul girl, Clarisse Grime, who was sitting in the grass at her high school, nowhere near the street, when she was struck and killed by a vehicle that careened out of control and bounced off a fire hydrant.  The vehicle was driven by an illegal immigrant who has been in Minnesota for ten years without ever having a driver's license.  He was known to local authorities, having been convicted of drunk driving in 2001 and driving without a license just a few months ago.  But the immigration laws are not enforced in St. Paul.

San Francisco's Dangerous Policy on Unlicensed Drivers.  U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials detained Roberto Galo on Wednesday morning [1/9/2013].  Galo is a legal immigrant but an unlicensed driver who, on Nov. 16, 2010, took a left turn at Harrison and 16th streets in San Francisco.  His car struck law student Drew Rosenberg.  Witnesses later testified that Galo then backed over Rosenberg, who died.  The law student's father, Don Rosenberg of Westlake Village, Calif., has been waging a crusade ever since.

Death toll up to 15 in Goliad crash.  Senior Trooper Gerald L. Bryant of the Texas Department of Public Safety said today [7/24/2012] that investigators believe the pickup carrying 23 immigrants that wrapped around a tree near the town of Goliad was headed to Houston.  ICE spokesman Greg Palmore noted that Houston is often a staging ground for illegal immigrants headed elsewhere in the United States.

3 Dead, 12 Hurt When SUV Carrying 19 Suspected Illegals Crashes.  The chase started in Natalia, about 30 miles southwest of San Antonio, and reached San Antonio around 2 a.m. at speeds over 100 mph, said police Sgt. Gabe Trevino.  The vehicle blew a tire and rolled several times, ejecting the occupants.

Illegal Alien Who Killed Nun Was on Obama's Supervised Release.  The deadly results of President Obama's "supervised release" program for illegal immigrants were exposed long ago by a Judicial Watch investigation of a Bolivian national (Carlos Martinelly-Montano) who killed a Virginia nun in a drunk-driving accident.  A Homeland Security report obtained in the course of JW's probe details policies and actions of the Obama administration and local governments that allowed Montano, an illegal alien who committed a series of crimes, to remain on the streets despite being subject to deportation.

LAPD Commission Rubber Stamps Illegal Alien-Friendly Impound Policy.  By showing compassion for unlicensed drivers, the LAPD has chosen to deny it to those who will become their victims.

'Uncle Omar' amendment would send drunk driving aliens home.  America's favorite drunk-driving illegal alien uncle could be on his way home if he continues his drunk driving ways.  At its Feb. 2 meeting, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 18-0 to pass an amendment by Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R.-Iowa), which would change current statutes to make habitual drunk driving cause for deportation, but Democrats voted to strike language that would have made the provision retroactive.  Habitual drunk driving is defined as having three DUI convictions.

Los Angeles Ends Vehicle Impounds for Illegal Aliens.  When it come to priorities in today's Mexifornia, public safety takes a distant second place (or less) compared with removing discomfort for lawbreaking illegal aliens.  The latest example is the end to LA's policy of impounding cars driven by unlicensed drivers.  Vehicles piloted by the unlicensed are dangerous objects, shown by a 2008 study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety that found unlicensed drivers were involved in one in five fatal crashes.  The idea of equal justice for all under the law takes quite a battering also...

Drunken Mexican Driver Crashes Into Bike Race.  The crash actually took place in Matamoros, south of the border, which doesn't alter the basic point.

Child injured in Brookline crash, illegal immigrant driver faces DUI.  A five year old child is recovering after a crash involving a man who police accuse of driving drunk, crashing the car, and then fleeing the scene.  Authorities also say that driver is an illegal immigrant driving without a license.

Judge Grants Illegal Immigrant Work Privileges in Jail Sentence for Drunken-Driving Incident.  A Wisconsin sheriff is protesting a recent "slap-on-the wrist" court ruling that allows a man in the country illegally to seek employment as he completes an 11-month jail term from driving drunk in the wrong direction on an interstate.

Drunk-driving Illegal Alien Charged With Vehicular Homicide.  On August 20, police in Milford, Massachusetts, allege, a drunk illegal-alien plowed into a 23-year-old motorcyclist, dragged him a quarter mile, and left him for dead.  He was.  Nicolas Guaman, an Ecuadoran, is yet another illegal alien with a criminal past who was not deported, but instead repeatedly released from jail.  Had he been deported under the Secure Communities program, with which leftist Governor Deval Patrick refused to participate, Matthew Denice might still be alive.  That's the conclusion of Patrick's critics in the Bay State.

Police: Illegal immigrant without license hits girl.  Police say an illegal alien was driving without a license in Ipswich Wednesday morning when he hit an 11-year-old girl with his pickup truck.

Driver In Fatal Accident Previously Deported.  There is new information about a man accused of driving drunk and crashing into two cars Monday morning on I-40.  Federal authorities say the driver, who first said he was Michael Delatorre, is really Ricardo Contreras.  Immigration and Custom Enforcement officials say Contreras is in the country illegally, and that he had been picked up by ICE officials in California and deported twice in April of 2004.

Illegal Alien Who Killed Nun Was on Obama's Supervised Release.  The deadly results of President Obama's "supervised release" program for illegal immigrants were exposed long ago by a Judicial Watch investigation of a Bolivian national (Carlos Martinelly-Montano) who killed a Virginia nun in a drunk-driving accident.  A Homeland Security report obtained in the course of JW's probe details policies and actions of the Obama administration and local governments that allowed Montano, an illegal alien who committed a series of crimes, to remain on the streets despite being subject to deportation.

LAPD Commission Rubber Stamps Illegal Alien-Friendly Impound Policy.  By showing compassion for unlicensed drivers, the LAPD has chosen to deny it to those who will become their victims.

Unlicensed To Kill.  Drew Rosenberg became a victim of San Francisco's sanctuary-city policies Nov. 16, 2010.  The second-year law student was riding his motorcycle in rush-hour traffic, when a car driven by an unlicensed driver made a left turn and hit him.  That evening, Don Rosenberg of Westlake Village, Calif., received the phone call every parent dreads.  His precious son was dead.  Then another nightmare unfolded.  As Rosenberg investigated driver Roberto Galo's background, he discovered that San Francisco's sanctuary-city policies have served as an enabler for dangerous drivers.  Rosenberg sees his son's death as highly preventable.

Driver in Aurora triple fatal is Guatemalan national.  U.S. immigration officials believe that the man accused of killing three people in an auto accident last week was born in Guatemala and is in this country illegally.

Man Arrested In Year-Old Fatal Hit & Run.  Police have arrested a suspect in a year-old Columbia River Gorge fatal hit and run. … It took several months to track him down, following trails that led through Mexico and California.  He is now in custody and faces numerous criminal charges in Oregon.

Dad held; drunken driving is charged.  A father was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving early yesterday after fleeing from a freeway crash that killed his 9-year-old son, who was asleep in the front seat. … Muñoz Sanchez, who is in the country illegally and is not a licensed driver, got out and ran, leaving his son in the truck.

Border Patrol agent dies, struck by fleeing vehicle in California.  A U.S. Border Patrol agent was killed Saturday [1/19/2008] when he was struck by a fleeing vehicle along the border in southeastern California, agency officials said.  The agent was trying to stop a vehicle that had illegally entered the country from Mexico when he was hit, said agent Eric Anderson, a spokesman for the agency's Yuma sector.

A trafficker's vehicle of choice:  Houston entrepreneur Bill Christmann was shocked when thieves stole his souped-up black Ford F-250 pickup from his west Houston driveway one night last July.  But shock turned to concern the next day after Christmann learned thieves had driven the 2001, heavy-duty, four-wheel drive truck to Laredo, loaded it with illegal immigrants and drove it back from the border, roaring off-road through fenced ranch pastures.  Police chased the truck south of San Antonio before the smugglers crashed the vehicle into a tree.

Importing mayhem:  According to statistics released by Rep. Steve King (R-IA) in May 2006, 12 Americans were murdered every day by illegal aliens last year.  In addition, 13 were killed daily by drunk illegal aliens.  Between the conventional murderers and the drunk — and in a great many cases unlicensed — homicidal drivers, illegal aliens, overwhelmingly Mestizos from Mexico and Central America, killed 9,125 Americans in 2006.

Van Driver Arrested for Role in Minnesota School Bus Crash.  Authorities have confirmed that the the driver of the van that struck the school bus that killed 4 students on Tuesday [2/19/2008] is in the country illegally.  Multiple sources tell FOX 9 that Morales is in the country illegally, but immigration officials will only confirm they are investigating her status.

Woman:  Morales Didn't Know How to Drive.  The Minnesota Department of Motor Vehicles confirms Alianiss Morales has a valid Minnesota I.D. card, but does not have a driver's license.  She's been in trouble before for driving without a license.  Alianiss Morales received a ticket in May 2006 for driving without a license.

The Editor asks...
Why wasn't she deported in 2006?

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Updated March 18, 2025.

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