Note: You might want to start at the
Obamacare Index Page, especially
if you arrived here by using a search engine.
Obamacare is being developed by leftist politicians who do not value human life as much as
they crave political power. Socialized medicine comes at a very high price for some people.
Will Obamacare result in the creation of "death panels" to decide who's too old and sick to
keep alive? Rationed health care will inevitably mean that corners must be cut. Look
out, grandma!
Overview articles:
Truth About Death Panels. PolitiFact awarded "death panels" as 2009's Lie of the
Year. Everyone from NPR to Forbes wrote hundreds of thousands of words declaring Palin a liar
and the notion a myth. As time has unfolded, however, truths have been revealed. This
in-depth article [...] will show you that death panels have been around for a long time, in plain
sight. One of the few things I agree with Sarah Palin on is this: you will not see the
words "death" and "panel" next to each other in any legal document. However, death panels are
real. [...] While good people work at insurance companies, the guy on the other end of the phone
line doesn't get to make the decisions, and we're all at the mercy of the suits who are far removed
from our reality of budgets and disease. In essence, a panel of people decide the common good
is not your life-saving medication. They won't come out and say they're sentencing someone to
die, but they will refuse to pay for the life-saving treatment that no ordinary person can afford.
House Votes to Repeal
Obamacare's 'Death Panel'. IPAB was ostensibly created to control Medicare costs, but it won't address cost at
all. It will inevitably devolve into a rationing board that uses abstemious provider payments (i.e. price controls) to
prevent seniors from receiving the benefit of lifesaving procedures and drugs. The model for IPAB is the UK's National
Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence (NICE), which uses a ghoulish form of cost benefit analysis to determine who
receives care and who doesn't. This is precisely what IPAB will do if it isn't repealed.
Three-Step Cancellation Program. You may have thought that the most painful part of Obamacare was
the rollout of Sadly, the worst is yet to come. Obamacare has a Three-Step Cancellation
Program that ends with cancelling you. [...] ACA's Independent Payment Advisory Board — IPAB,
Sarah Palin's "Death Panel," recently renamed HTAC, Health Technology Assessment Commission — is meeting
right now in secret (if they are following the law). In 2014, they will declare some medical treatments Cost
Effective and others Not Cost Effective. The latter, obviously the expensive ones, will not be authorized for
payment and therefore not available to 99% of the American populace.
Anti-Constitutional and Authoritarian Super-Legislature. In 2010, the Patient Protection and Affordable
Care Act (PPACA) created the Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB. When the unelected government officials
on this board submit a legislative proposal to Congress, it automatically becomes law: PPACA requires the
Secretary of Health and Human Services to implement it. Blocking an IPAB "proposal" requires at a minimum that
the House and the Senate and the president agree on a substitute. The Board's edicts therefore can become
law without congressional action, congressional approval, meaningful congressional oversight, or being subject to a presidential
veto. Citizens will have no power to challenge IPAB's edicts in court.
Timely news and commentary:
Here is the only place where white people are sent to the head of the line: 96%
of Citizens Euthanized by Canadian Government Were White. Alarming new data has revealed
that the vast majority of people being euthanized by the Canadian government are disproportionately
white. In Canada, 70% of the population is white. However, 96% of Canadians euthanized
under the government's "assisted suicide" policy were white. This data was reflected across the
country, even in the most racially diverse areas. In Canada's most racially diverse province
British Columbia (BC), nearly 30% of the population consists of recent immigrants.
Say Canadian Doctors Pushed Euthanasia On Unwilling Disabled Patients. Whistleblowers
Heather Hancock and Roger Foley tell The Federalist that Canadian doctors pressured them to accept
euthanasia amid long-term disabilities. Canada legalized "medical assistance in dying" (MAID)
in 2016, legally permitting doctors to help kill patients. Officials updated the law in 2021,
enabling the medical killing of patients without a terminal diagnosis. Dying With Dignity
Canada has even pushed to expand the legislation to include "mature minors." Nazi Germany's
euthanasia program also included children.
no dignity in assisted dying. It was the childishness that pushed me over the
edge. As news broke of the forthcoming parliamentary vote on assisted dying, a slew of
statements from politicians emerged, each one more simplistically emotive and Manichean than the
last. Labour MP Kim Leadbeater — author of the private member's bill to be
introduced next week — called the current law "cruel and unjust", as though talking
about the deliberate withholding of pain relief, rather than a failure to legalise state-sponsored
killing. Andrew Mitchell echoed the charge, decrying "the cruelty and suffering inflicted by
the blanket ban". Before long, claims about cruel laws had escalated to insinuations about cruel
people, with Kit Malthouse describing himself as standing with the "millions of people who are on
the side of compassion and humanity" — thereby making plain what he thought of anyone
who disagreed with him.
of assisted suicides should not have been approved. The latest shocking "medical
assistance in dying" (MAiD) report from Canada reveals that 622 of the MAiD deaths that occurred in
2023 never should have been approved at all, as they did not meet the standard requirements by
law. In an analysis, CTV News correspondent Kamil Karamali noted that the 622 deaths fell
into a category known as "Track 2," in which the patient still had the possibility of living a long
life, but chose MAiD for other reasons. However, he said, while a "terminal" illness is no
longer necessary by law, the patient must still have a "serious or incurable illness, disease or
disability," and be facing "an advanced state of irreversible decline in capability," and "have
enduring and intolerable physical or psychological suffering that cannot be alleviated under
conditions the person considers acceptable." According to Karamali, those 622 deaths
did not meet these specifications.
Evil Canadian Health Care System Wanted To Take His Son Off Of Life Support To Harvest His
Organs. A father shares a shocking experience at a Canadian hospital, claiming he was
told his child would be taken off life support, ending his life, with plans to harvest his
organs. Determined to fight for his son, he transferred the child to a hospital in New
Orleans. In just 30 days, the child made a miraculous recovery — breathing on
his own, free of ventilators, and out of intensive care. [Video clip]
exterminating themselves. "Medically-assisted dying" accounted for an incredible 4.7%
of all deaths in Canada in 2023. The BBC reported, "The country's fifth annual report
since euthanasia was legalized in 2016 showed around 15,300 people underwent assisted dying
last year after being successful in their applications." The Beeb's report went on to say, "The
vast majority" of those folks were facing a death deemed "reasonably foreseeable" due to severe
medical conditions such as cancer. Reasonably foreseeable? Everyone's death
is reasonably foreseeable. 96% of those offed were white, even though those rascally
Caucasians account for only about 70% of Canada's population. So, The Great White North is
getting less white over time. Maybe the previously abundant white supremacists are being
overcome with existential guilt. If I am reading and interpreting the numbers correctly, this
puts medically-assisted dying up there with influenza, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and cirrhosis of the
liver as causes of death for Canadians. And, ironically enough, above suicide —
though medically-assisted dying is essentially a form of suicide.
Canada, 'white guilt' culminates in the highest euthanasia rate by race. White
leftists have been brainwashed into thinking it is their duty to die to save the planet, because
white leftists accept the notion of "white privilege" as well as the consequent "white
guilt" — that is, feeling a sense of shame for the "collective harm" white people have
allegedly caused the global community, and the personal responsibility to right the wrongs of
alleged "unfair" advantages and opportunities given to white people by virtue of their skin
color. Now in Canada, this leftist philosophy has manifested in a very disturbing
reality — Justin Trudeau's leftist government is disproportionately murdering white people.
the UK, death by physician. [Scroll down] And so we get to the Canadian
reality, which is that people who need wheelchair ramps are encouraged to euthanize
themselves. It's cheaper. Even The Jacobin, a hard-left publication, has figured out
that Canada's "Medical Assistance in Dying" program is being used as a cheap alternative to
welfare. (I urge you to read the essay because the author, David Moscrop, has done his
research, and the statistics are stomach-churning.) There's also a distinct air of licensed
serial killing to the whole thing. A doctor named Ellen Wiebe has killed over 400
patients — half her practice — all with state sanction. You won't be
surprised to learn that the other half of her practice is abortion and contraception.
you can't trust the polls on assisted dying. Looking at the headlines and the press
releases, it might seem like the British public overwhelmingly backs assisted dying. Dignity
in Dying informs us that 84 per cent of Brits are in favour of assisted dying for terminally ill
adults. Humanists UK, which also supports assisted suicide, tells us that over 74 percent of
the public support legalising the practice. This Friday, MPs will have a free vote on the
Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill, which would legalise assisted suicide in England and
Wales under certain circumstances. As such, there has been plenty of debate about what the
public might want or not want when it comes to end-of-life care. And the moral power of
supposed widespread support has been seized upon by proponents of the bill. There are many
reasons to doubt the wisdom of these polls, however. For starters, there is the question of
where they come from. As it turns out, many of those that indicate heavy support for assisted
dying were paid for by advocates like the well-funded Dignity in Dying.
went for a mastectomy and they offered me assisted dying, Canadian cancer patient reveals.
A woman undergoing life-saving cancer surgery in Canada was offered assisted suicide by doctors as
she was about to enter the operating room. The case comes as the number of people opting to
end their lives under the country's medical assistance in dying (MAID) program has risen
thirteen-fold from 1,018 to 13,241 in 2022. Assisted dying, which was legalised in Canada in
2016, is now the fifth-leading cause of death in the country. The case will sound alarm bells
in the UK, where a bill on assisted dying is set to be brought forward in parliament this
month. If it passes, it would pave the way for the practice to be legalised. Although
details of the British bill have not yet been finalised, it is expected to propose granting terminally
ill adults who have six months or less to live access to medical help to end their own lives.
remove the taboo on assisted dying at our peril. On Monday, in a remote forest on the
Swiss-German border, a surreal scene played out. A gleaming blue and white capsule, stands
poised and waiting, looking like a rocket about to take off. A 64 year old woman is
sealed within the device, gazing out from behind a transparent window. She presses a button
within the machine, and it gradually fills with nitrogen gas. Her breathing slows, her eyes
close. She is dead. The woman, still unnamed, is the first person to die via the "Sarco
suicide pod". A photographer was on hand to capture the moment, and two people who assisted in the
death have been arrested by the Swiss police. But what they have been arrested for is not so
clear. In Switzerland, assisting a suicide is not a crime. Already, people come from
across the world to end their lives with the assistance of Swiss clinics, including hundreds of
British nationals. By some estimates, someone in Britain goes to die in Switzerland every week.
NHS staff be able to veto Christian prayers during assisted suicides? If assisted
suicide becomes legal in the UK, would NHS staff have a right to veto Christian prayers being said
when the lethal injections are administered? The question may seem far-fetched, but it is
raised by the experience of writer Matthew Hall who witnessed the recent death of his late aunt in
Canada. In Canada, assisted suicide has been legal since 2016 and is officially termed
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). Hall wrote about his experience in The Spectator magazine on
September 21 and it makes for fascinating reading. His aunt was 72 and in the early
stages of motor neurone disease. She made the decision earlier this year to undergo MAiD
against the wishes of her family. Hall wrote: "My aunt had wanted me with her at the
end. She knew that I am a practising Christian (there is nothing like being brought up in the
1980s by self-proclaimed 'radical vegans' to drive you into the arms of the church) and I sensed
that deep-down she was conflicted about religion — that beneath all the crystals and
dream-catchers there was still a remnant of the faith that as a teenage art student in late-1960s
London she had dismissed as stuffy and old-fashioned."
suicide and the NHS are a truly toxic mix. In the midst of the summer recess, it may
seem perverse to look ahead to the legislative agenda for the next parliamentary session.
However, as Labour's options for governing appear increasingly constrained by the tight public
finances, it seems ever more likely that assisted suicide will be a defining policy. It is
one of those classic issues where initial, uncomplicated polling suggests widespread support.
However, the more people end up learning about it, and the practicalities of how it might work, the
less enthusiastic they become. A new poll has revealed that, though the public generally
favours assisted suicide, a plurality fear that it might incentivise doctors to encourage patients
to take their lives to ease pressures on the NHS.
Medicine and Death. [Scroll down] There's another way the socialists can
solve the problem of shortages. This by killing people. If there are fewer people
around, demand will go down. Do you think that this is too bizarre to put into practice, even
for socialists? If you think so, you are giving the socialists too much credit. That's
exactly what they are doing in Canada. The Canadian government makes euthanasia available to
people for free. If you've got a problem, why not "solve" it by ending tour own life? A
crazy Canadian "doctor" enjoys killing people. She recently snuck into an Orthodox Jewish
nursing home and killed an 83 year old resident, even though Jewish law prohibits
euthanasia. She was not prosecuted for this gross violation of property rights or subject to
any sanctions. She remains free to go on her with her murderous ways.
Is the New Treatment for Depression. The Dutch and the Canadians are in a race to see
which country can come up with the most excuses for killing their citizens. With the
Canadians putting off their move to kill people with mental illness for a while, the Dutch are
rushing into the lead. Perhaps, though, the Canadians will respond by making death a
treatment for acne. [Advertisement] [Tweet] Suicide hotlines will remain a
thing, but they will transition from suicide prevention to suicide scheduling.
Canadian Man Celebrates Escaping being Euthanized by Government over Debts. A
disabled Canadian man is now celebrating his "deathaversary" after escaping being euthanized by his
government over his crushing debts. Amir Farsoud was due to be euthanized by the Canadian
government's "assisted suicide" program because he was struggling to pay off his financial
debts. Farsoud said he was booked into to be killed under Canada's "Medical Assistance in
Dying" (MAID) law after being faced with the grim choice of death or homelessness.
MPS debate euthanasia, the facts its advocates don't tell you. Today MPs will debate
euthanasia and assisted suicide following a concerted high-profile campaign calling for a change in
the law. Assisted suicide isn't compassionate. If you deliberately take a human life
you cross a line, and open the door to all kinds of abuse. Along with disability groups,
Christian Concern will be holding a rally outside parliament to urge MPs to reject assisted suicide
and euthanasia. We are repeating this article by Simon Caldwell, first published on
March 15, in which he sets out the horrific consequences that its advocates ignore. Sir
Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party and the man on course to be the next Prime Minister,
this week committed himself to bringing forward a Bill to legalise 'assisted dying', the
contemporary euphemism for assisted suicide or euthanasia.
Euthanized Quadriplegic Man After Leaving Him on a Stretcher for 4 Days. Rachel
Watts reported for CBC News on April 12, 2024 that a quadriplegic man, Normand Meunier (66)
"chose" to die by (MAiD) after developing a severe bedsore at a hospital in Saint-Jérôme,
Québec. Meunier experienced a tragic spinal [cord] injury in 2022. [...] Meunier's death by
euthanasia is one of many stories of people who "choose" to die after receiving negligent medical care.
inhumanity of 'assisted dying'. In reality, any proposal for legalised assisted
suicide assumes that humanity can be divided into two camps — those whose suicide we
should strenuously try to prevent, and those whose suicide should be encouraged and assisted.
ASE campaigners have managed to hide this dark truth. And they would have got away with it,
too, were it not for that pesky Matthew Parris saying the quiet part out loud.
healthy Dutch woman, 28, decides to be euthanized due to crippling depression. A
physically healthy, 28-year-old Dutch woman has decided to legally end her life due to her
struggles with crippling depression, autism and borderline personality disorder, according to a
report. Zoraya ter Beek, who lives in a small village in the Netherlands near the German
border, is scheduled to be euthanized in May — despite being in love with her
40-year-old boyfriend and living with two cats. Ter Beek, who once aspired to be a
psychiatrist, has been dealing with mental health struggles throughout her life.
Canada is euthanising autistic people. Imagine one day you discover that your adult
daughter, who still lives with you, wants to be euthanised. As far as you are aware, she is
healthy. She suffers from autism and ADHD, but no physical illnesses or disabilities that you
know of. You know that she has faced many difficulties in her life, but you love her and
desperately want to prevent her death. You are left fighting against her doctors, who
encourage her decision and are perfectly happy to help her go through with this. To make this
nightmare even worse, no one will even tell you why your daughter has been approved to die.
This is the awful reality facing one father in Alberta, Canada. A judge issued a ruling this
week that clears the way for a 27-year-old woman, known to the court only as MV, to be accepted
into Canada's medical assistance in dying (MAID) programme.
Rules 27-Year-Old Woman With Autism Can be Euthanized. CBC News reporter, Meghan
Grant published an article yesterday explaining that a Calgary judge ruled that a 27-year-old can
go ahead with MAID death despite her father's concerns. There is a publication ban on the
names of the participants. [...] The judge removed the temporary injunction on January 31,
2024[,] that prevented the 27-year-old autistic woman in Calgary who lives with her parents.
Arizona, Virginia, And Tennessee Among States Weighing Legalization Of Assisted Suicide.
Lawmakers in 19 states are debating legislation this year that would make it legal for a doctor to
provide life-ending treatment for patients diagnosed with terminal illnesses. Currently, assisted
suicide is legal in the United States in Oregon, Washington state, California, New Mexico, Colorado,
Montana, New Jersey, Vermont, Hawaii, and Washington, D.C. Bills to expand access to the procedure
have been proposed in 19 states this year, showing a growing interest in the debate of a doctor's
role in helping a patient end their life.
Logical Inconsistencies of Physician-Assisted Suicide. Physician-assisted suicide
(PAS) trades on several logical inconsistencies: that suicide is bad, except when you're dying;
that suicides don't act responsibly, except when they're facing death; that personal "autonomy"
applies before a terminal diagnosis but not otherwise. Euthanasia may be coming to a state
near you. About ten states and the District of Columbia already allow doctors to prostitute
their healing profession by providing patients with lethal drugs. Right now, there is a
concerted push in Michigan (alongside, paradoxically, commercial surrogacy) to bring what is
euphemistically called "physician-assisted suicide" to the Great Lake State. My Virginia
delegate proudly announced that, with a Democrat majority in Richmond, he was reintroducing
legislation that would "decriminalize" suicide. Has anybody ever asked about the logical
contradictions in this movement?
death squads get a rebrand. Apparently the Cuban communists finally wised up, and
they've traded in the "extrajudicial assassinations" for judicial ones; according to Christian
Caruzo at Breitbart in an article published yesterday, Cuba's Communist Party recently "approved
changes to the nation's health code" that — yes, you all know where this is
going — upon implementation, will permit the state to euthanize its subjects. For
compassion's sake of course. [...] State media claimed that the euthanasia provision is allegedly
meant for 'people with chronic degenerative and irreversible diseases, with intractable suffering,
who are in an agonizing or terminal phase of life or who have suffered injuries that place them in
this condition.' I wonder how many "accidents" are fixing to befall political dissidents or
other "undesirables," ones that could place these poor unfortunate souls in a position of
"intractable suffering" that demands an end by euthanasia.
dying is a slippery slope — just look at the US, Canada and Holland'. The Church of
England has warned that countries where assisted dying is legal have shown that it can lead to a
"slippery slope" where it becomes easier and easier to get help to end one's life. In a
submission to MPs, the Church said that when the law had been changed in other countries, such as
Canada and the US, stringent safeguards had been dropped over time, opening up assisted dying to
more and more people. Pressure has been mounting for a change in the law to allow doctors to
help certain people to die since Dame Esther Rantzen, who has cancer, said she was considering
ending her life at the Swiss clinic Dignitas. But in a submission to the Commons health
select committee, which is carrying out an inquiry into assisted dying, the Church said it would be
impossible to bring in systems to rule out the possibility that people had been coerced into
wanting to die. It said it would be "foolish" to think that elderly people would not be
pressured into committing assisted suicide.
Woman Euthanized After Waiting 10 Weeks for Cancer Treatment Appointment. Mary
Griffin reported for CHEK news that Danielle Baker, the daughter of Samia Saikali (67), wants
changes to cancer treatment in British Columbia since her mother died by euthanasia because she was
forced to wait 10 weeks for an oncology appointment. [...] This is not the first British
Columbia story of a person dying by euthanasia while waiting for cancer treatment. A National
Post story reported on December 5 that Dan Quayle also died by euthanasia in Victoria BC while
awaiting treatment: ["]Dan Quayle marked his 52nd birthday on Oct. 7 in Victoria
General Hospital waiting to find out when chemotherapy would start for an aggressive form of
esophageal cancer. He would die waiting.["] [...] There was also the story of Allison
Ducluzeau reported by Amy Judd and Kylie Stanton for Global News on November 27. Ducluzeau
was diagnosed with abdominal cancer and was offered MAiD (euthanasia) rather than treatment,
instead she was successfully treated in the US[.] Ducluzeau found several places where she could
receive treatment in the US and she was then successfully treated at the Institute for Cancer Care
at Mercy Medical Centre in Baltimore.
suicide a key reason for the third straight drop in Canada's life expectancy.
Canada's life expectancy rate has dropped three years in a row from the average Canadian dying at
the age of 82.3 years in 2019 to 81.3 years in 2022. [...] Since the average person dies
by euthanasia at the age of 77 and the average Canadian dies at the age of 81.3, it is likely that
death by euthanasia is dragging down the life expectancy rate.
suicide hotline reveals Justin Trudeau's dystopia. Canadian leader Justin Trudeau
recently launched a new suicide hotline. Internet jokers wondered whether its aim is to
dissuade or to find new takers for Canada's notoriously liberal state-supported euthanasia
programme. Surely it is paradoxical for the same government to offer both pro and
anti-suicide services? But what if this isn't a paradox? Then it becomes clear that,
for Canada, the meaning of death is now less a moral question than a bureaucratic one. This
in turn offers insight into the trajectory and ambitions of the post-democratic, managerialist
politics of which Canada is a leading exponent, and which is now spreading throughout the liberal West.
Helping Your Family Commit Suicide Is Not Compassionate. Twelve U.S. states are
considering legalizing euthanasia in 2023, and another 10 states currently permit it. Canada
recently expanded its euthanasia program to people who are not physically ill. Euthanasia's
growing reach makes it an issue of concern for all of us. The issue demands a consistent,
compassionate response that is founded in our shared humanity. The perceived need for
euthanasia is rooted in mistaken ideas about love, dependence, and compassion. "When Patients
Choose to End Their Lives," a 2021 New York Times article, says that rather than physical pain,
most requests for euthanasia are motivated by "a loss of autonomy, a loss of dignity, a loss of
quality of life and an ability to engage in what makes people's lives meaningful." Euthanasia
proponents define meaningful lives too narrowly.
Considers Endorsing Killing Patients in Assisted Suicide. The American Medical
Association (AMA) will debate whether to reverse its stance on assisted suicide this month at its
next interim meeting. A set of resolutions, proposed by AMA's Resident and Fellow section,
suggest the AMA should abandon its opposition to assisted suicide, adopting instead a neutral
stance on the practice. The resolutions also propose changing the official language from
"assisted suicide" to "medical aid in dying" (MAID) at the meeting, which will take place on
November 10-14. These proposals, if adopted, fundamentally change the AMA's position on
assisted suicide.The AMA determined in its last policy deliberations that assisted suicide is
"fundamentally incompatible with the physician's role as healer."
Canadian Death
Cult. Canadians call it Medical Assistance in Dying now, or "MAID" for short.
It began with a 2015 decision by the Supreme Court striking down the nation's euthanasia ban and
discovering a right to assisted suicide in Section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which
asserts a universal right to "life, liberty, and security of the person, and the right not to be
deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice." Canada's
highest court determined that assisted suicide would be ethical only "with respect to voluntary
adults who are competent, informed, grievously and irremediably ill," and only when it would be
"clearly consistent with the patient's wishes and best interests, and [provided] in order to
relieve suffering." The judges agreed with a lower court's finding that a system with "properly
designed and administered safeguards was capable of protecting vulnerable people from abuse and
error." In 2016, Parliament began passing and amending laws allowing euthanasia. When
critics argued that the ruling would result in euthanasia being offered to the mentally ill, the
depressed, those with disabilities, or other vulnerable persons, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
dismissed such concerns, saying, "this simply isn't something that ends up happening."
He was wrong.
suicides jumped 31% in 2022, accounting for over 4% of all deaths in Canada. Canada's
Trudeau government recently released its fourth annual report on the northern nation's assisted-suicide
regime, providing startling insights into the staggering number of lives that have been snuffed out by
the state in recent years. Last year, 4.1% of all deaths across the country were the result of
state-facilitated suicide, up almost one point over 2021. Hundreds of victims weren't moribund
at the time of their executions. Previous reports have also cast doubt on whether all of
these victims were voluntary or eligible.
to make more people eligible for extermination via 'assisted suicide'. It appears
that Canada will soon be updating — and broadening — its medical assistance
in dying (MAID) law. The law, first put into effect in 2016, "allows" people to be euthanized
if they have a "grievous and irremediable medical condition," such as a serious illness or
disability, that has put them in an advanced state of irreversible decline. There has been
much talk in recent years in The Great White North of making those with mental illness "eligible"
for MAID. But, come March, the law will apparently be expanded to include not just the simply
mentally ill, but those who are addicted to drugs. That's right: according to the aptly
named VICE, substance abusers will soon have access to medically assisted dying in Trudeau's
utopia! In the U.S., we only give them free crack pipes and syringes. Makes sense,
though. While we're embarking on a new Holocaust, let's exterminate all the alcoholics,
too! I mean, if you've already okayed offing the mentally ill (who makes that
decision?) and the physically infirm, why not get rid of the druggies, too? There has also
been much discussion about extending the MAID offer to the chronically depressed. And, while
we're at it, why not ixnay those with birth defects or insufficiently blonde hair?
Change Brain Death Guidelines. The new guideline is a consensus statement from a
panel of experts. These experts were drawn from multiple medical societies and "specifically
screened to exclude those individuals ... whose profession and intellectual bias would diminish the
credibility of the guideline in the eyes of intended users." It seems that doctors with a
different viewpoint were explicitly excluded from the panel. In addition, "[b]ecause of the
lack of high-quality evidence on the subject, a novel, evidence-informed formal consensus process
was used." Strangely, after more than fifty years of diagnosing people "brain dead," doctors still
have no high-quality evidence for it! The panel wrote the guideline using their experience;
expertise; and, yes, shared biases using "a modified Delphi process," consisting of three rounds of
anonymous voting. Whatever happened to the scientific method? The Delphi process has
weaknesses, as the linked article points out: "If the individuals in a group are misinformed about
a topic, the use of Delphi will, like a traditional group meeting, add only confidence to their
ignorance." By excluding dissenting voices and using the Delphi process, the brain death panel's
opinions reflect the consensus of a single point of view.
patients are being quietly killed as Medicare incentivizes 'stealth euthanasia'. A
bombshell report was released this year evidencing a scandal that ranks among the worst in its
evil: the euthanization of patients for the sake of profit. It made enough of a splash to
spur new industry protocols but apparently not enough to stop the entrenched practice of hastening
the death of hospice patients. The November 2022 report, written by Ava Kofman for
ProPublica, shows how hospice conditions create what seems to be an irresistible — and
ultimately lethal — opportunity for corruption: The industry rakes in massive
funds from Medicare, which delivers a flat daily cash benefit, but hospice groups must repay those
funds if the average length of stay of all patients exceeds six months. An investigation
cited by Kofman's article found that half of hospice patients in a random sample were ineligible
for some or all of the care they received, a problem consistent with the testimony of hospice
whistleblower Marsha Farmer. She told Kofman how her supervisor set "ungodly" quotas for
hospice enrollment, and then threatened to fire employees if they didn't meet those quotas.
England, the death panel of socialized medicine appears again. A British court has
held that Britain's National Health Service, which has long been the gold standard of socialized
medicine, can stop treating a 19-year-old woman who is conscious and wants to live. This is
the natural endpoint of the rationing that is inherent in socialized medicine. Ostensibly,
socialized medicine promises to give top-quality healthcare to everyone. And if you're a
national treasure like Stephen Hawking, you will get that type of care, because it looks really bad
if the government lets a renowned physicist with a degenerative disease die because treating him
sucks up too many government resources. However, the reality of socialized medicine is that
it revolves around rationing. The government has "X" dollars available for medical care, and
it will allocate that money according to a political calculation that doesn't necessarily involve
actual healthcare.
Court Rules that Competent and Conscious Patient Can Be Denied Life-Sustaining Treatment Against
Her Will. British doctors are seeking to take a 19-year-old critically ill female
patient off the intensive care despite her objections and those of her parents. Unlike most
such cases, the woman known only as "ST" is conscious and communicative. Yet, the doctors
argue that she is not being realistic about her chances of survival from a rare disorder. Now
a British court has agreed and ordered that she can be placed on end-of-life care against her
will. ST is suffering from a rare genetic mitochondrial disease that is progressively
degenerative. The case has similarities to that of Charlie Gard, an infant who was removed
from life support at the insistence of doctors despite objections from the parents. The Gard
family was seeking to take Charlie to the United States for experimental treatment. ST has
been in the ICU for the past year, requiring a ventilator and a feeding tube.
People with 'Brain Death' as Lab Rats. Doctors at the University of Alabama at
Birmingham and the NYU Langone Transplant Institute in New York City reported successfully
implanting genetically modified pig kidneys into two "brain dead" men this month. The New
York patient, a 57-year-old man, has demonstrated continuous kidney function for over a month, the
longest time that a gene-edited pig kidney has functioned successfully in a human. The team
plans to observe the patient's kidney functioning until mid-September, during which time he is
being provided with cardiopulmonary support in a critical care setting. In Alabama, a
52-year-old man with both "brain death" and renal failure underwent removal of his native kidneys
and was implanted with a pig kidney that had received ten genetic modifications. In contrast
to last year's results (in which the xenograft kidney placed into the "brain dead" person failed to
function properly), Dr. Jayme E. Locke and her team reported that this time, the xenograft
kidney functioned well for the full seven-day study period, which included daily kidney biopsies.
health clinic denies medical care to breast cancer patient after she objects to trans pride flag.
A woman who is a current breast cancer patient was banned from her hospital over alleged "hurtful
remarks" it claims she said about the "LGBTQ community." [Tweet] The patient, Marlene
Barbera, was set to receive a mastectomy later this month. Barbera explained that the drama
first began after she made a comment about being opposed to a trans pride flag that she spotted
hanging in the waiting room of Richmond Family Medicine Clinic in Portland, Oregon. Since
then, she has asked online if anyone is able to refer her to an attorney.
Canada, the youngsters are being indoctrinated into euthanasia doctrine by the state.
In Canada, physician-assisted suicide is so normalized there are now memes about it. [...] Any
person of faith or morals who opposes this is shut out from the debate here. [...] The only value
presented in medically assisted suicide is that of self-direction and control of one's own destiny
as if everyone is his own autonomous god and is taking the bull by the horns in seeking medical
suicide in order to die with dignity, instead of what is really going on, which is being put down
like an ailing farm animal by the vet, which is no dignity at all.
assisted dying horror story. Lovely, liberal Canada actually legalised 'assisted
death' in 2016, but only for people with terminal illness. As long-term readers will know,
this is a slope that I have worried about for some time, for there is a slipperiness to it.
Sure enough, two years ago Canada expanded the law to encompass people who had non-terminal
conditions. As of next year the criteria will expand again, this time to take in people whose
sole underlying condition is mental illness. You could see this coming. After all, we
live in an era which — rightly or wrongly — sees mental illness as being on a
par with physical illness. Politicians, celebrities and even royals have spent recent years
doing their level best to raise awareness of mental illness and stress how debilitating it can
be. All of which may be true. But that ground starts to move awfully fast once a state
has said that incurable physical ailments are enough to send you to the knacker's yard.
Military Has 'Foundational Sacred Obligation' to Provide Troops with Abortion Access.
White House spokesman John Kirby on Tuesday argued it is a "foundational sacred obligation" for
military leaders to provide troops and their family members with access to abortion. During a
White House briefing on Tuesday, a reporter asked Kirby if the Biden administration's policy of
paying for troops and their family members to travel out of state for abortion is "critical" for
military readiness. Kirby responded that since the U.S. military comprised of volunteers, it
was a "foundational, sacred obligation" to provide them and their family members with paid travel
and time off to get abortions if they were based in states where it is restricted.
To Canada — The Doctor Won't See You Now, But The Undertaker Will. Earlier
this month, Boy Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asked Taylor Swift to take her tour to Canada, where
she so far has no concert dates. "We hope to see you soon," he tweeted. If she does, she'd
better hope none of her crew becomes ill. A person could expire while waiting to see a doctor
in Canada. The Vancouver-based Fraser Institute, which has long documented Canada's miserable
government-run health care system, estimates the cost of waiting for care "for patients who were in
the queue in 2022 was almost $3.6 billion ... an average of about $2,925 for each of the
estimated 1,228,047 Canadians waiting for treatment." The real toll is actually worse than
that. Fraser's "conservative estimate" does not place an "intrinsic value on the time
individuals spend waiting in a reduced capacity outside of the work week."
resorting "to racial or ethnic classifications to ration medical treatment". You may
recall that I was the named plaintiff in a lawsuit filed in January 2022 in the Nothern District of
New York against the NY State Health Commissioner over state health guidelines that prioritized
non-whites for receipt of oral Covid therapeutics, which at the time were in short supply: [...]
There was another case filed in the Eastern District of New York asserting similar claims (the
"Roberts Case"). Both cases were dismissed for lack of standing by separate judges, which
rulings were affirmed by the Second Circuit. That standing decision required a plaintiff to
contract Covid, be medically eligible, and be in a position to seek the medicine, before
suit. Legally and substantively it's an idiotic standard because the medication was only
effective if taken within five days of symptoms. So the courts set up a standing requirement
that almost no one could meet as a practical matter because of the tight time frame to seek
judicial relief. The courts gave health officials almost unbridled authority to engage in
racist conduct as to emergency medical treatments.
doctors are euthanizing people with autism, intellectual disabilities: study. Several
Dutch citizens who had autism or other intellectual disabilities have died by physician-assisted
suicide in recent years after doctors determined their afflictions were untreatable obstacles to a
normal life, researchers found. Nearly 40 people who identified as autistic or intellectually
disabled were legally euthanized in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2021, according to a Kingston
University investigation of Dutch euthanasia cases. Five people younger than 30 who were
killed at their own request cited autism as the sole or a major reason for their decision to end
their lives, the UK study found.
drug shortage is forcing doctors to decide which patients get treatment. Just six
weeks ago, Greg DeStefano began a new chemotherapy combination. The 50-year-old, from
Northbrook, Illinois, had recently been diagnosed with his fourth round of cancer and doctors were
hopeful the medication would treat the tumors growing in his neck. DeStefano was responding
well, but then, in late May, he got a call from his doctor and was told one of the three drugs he
was receiving — carboplatin — was under a global shortage and because of the
way the hospital had to prioritize treatments, he wouldn't be qualified to receive it anymore.
Media Influencer In Canada Promotes State Run Euthanasia. The Post Millenial-On
Sunday, TikTok influencer Ali Tate Cutler, who has 30,700 followers on the platform and describes
herself as a "Self Love Coach, Model, Mother, Aesthetic Avatar" posted a video with her grandmother
who said she was "looking forward" to the euthanasia she signed up for. [Video clip]
In 4 Canadians Agree With Euthanizing The Poor. Leftist policies start out seemingly
reasonable and compassionate before they become totally monstrous. Initially, there are
sympathetic test cases, they started out with arguing that raped 12-year-olds should be able to get
an abortion, and then before you know, it's partial-birth abortion for bored celebrities.
Euthanasia was supposed to help those with fatal illnesses suffering a great deal of pain.
And then, in typical fashion, it morphed into killing teenagers and the depressed. Where to
in the Great North? How about killing the homeless and the poor?
Ill Woman Deprived of Life-Saving Transplant — She Isn't Vaxxed. A
terminally ill 58-year-old in Alberta, Canada, named Sheila Annette Lewis, was denied a life-saving
organ transplant. The reason is she refused to take the COVID-19 vaccine. On March
28, Lewis provided her doctors in the Alberta transplant program with a privately-funded medical
report, which established that she has strong natural immunity to COVID-19 and had overcome
previous COVID-19 infections, the The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) said in a
press release on April 18.
Sound Alarm Over Proposed Changes to Definition of Death in Federal Guidance. Amid
all the other changes to biological classification we have been treated to under the Biden
administration, one is proposed involving the definition of death that is now drawing
concern. The Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) has been in guidance in place since
1981. The UDDA states: ["]An individual who has sustained either irreversible cessation
of circulatory and respiratory functions or irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire
brain, including the brainstem, is dead. A determination of death must be made in accordance
with accepted medical standards." Late last year, a group of lawyers and "experts" met to
discuss revisions to the UDDA. [...] We have been treated to three years of disastrous consequences
when scientific "experts" and their legal supporters decided to implement policy without proper
vetting of what they propose. Let's take a look at the new definition to see if there is
reason to worry.
People to be Declared Dead for Use as Organ Donors. The law that redefined death in
1981, referred to as the Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA), is being revised. The
UDDA states that death by neurologic criteria must consist of "irreversible cessation of all
functions of the entire brain, including the brainstem." However, in actual practice, doctors
examine only the brainstem. The result is that people are being declared dead even though
some still have detectable brainwaves, and others still have a part of the brain that functions,
the hypothalamus. Lawyers have caught on, pointing out in lawsuits that the whole brain
standard was not met for their clients. As a result, the Uniform Law Commission (ULC) is
working on updates to the UDDA based on proposals from the American Academy of Neurology (AAN).
In the interest of preventing lawsuits, the AAN is asking that the neurologic criteria of death be
loosened even further and standardized across the United States.
Still Killing People 13 Years In. Before the ACA, average maximum wait time to see a
primary care physician was a unconscionable: 92 days. With ACA expansion of government-provided,
no-charge Medicaid insurance, maximum wait times increased to 120 days and produced
death-by-queue. Death by queue is a phrase coined in the United Kingdom, meaning
dying while waiting in line for care that is technically possible but unavailable in time to save
lives. Death by queue has long been a feature of the vaunted British National Health Service
(NHS) and has now become noticeable in the U.S. In Illinois over three years, 752 Medicaid
enrollees died waiting for desperately needed medical treatment. An internal Veterans'
Affairs Department audit concluded that "47,000 veterans may have died" waiting in line for care
that was technically possible but unavailable. Veterans are covered by federal Tricare
insurance. An accurate estimate of death by queue in the U.S. is not available. In
Great Britain, at least "117,000 die[d] on waiting lists for NHS" in 2020 and 2021.
Next for Wokeism? Created as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Great Reset is
an initiative by the World Economic Forum to, "urgently build the foundations of our economic and
social system for a fairer, sustainable, and more resilient post-COVID future." The problem is
that the WEF sees overpopulation as a problem, particularly when individuals are unproductive.
Davos's ante chambers and side rooms discuss population control, and have discovered that manipulating
health care is a viable way forward. If you are 65 and older in the U.S., you already know about
denied services like colonoscopies beyond a certain age — remember Obamacare was infamously
panned for its Death Panel association? Routine denial of needed procedures, especially for the
elderly today, seems to validate the assertion. The reasons have more to do with economics than
medicine, as many women have discovered when seeking lifesaving mammographies past 40, or even 80.
Experts troubled by Canada's euthanasia laws. Alan Nichols had a history of depression and other medical
issues, but none were life-threatening. When the 61-year-old Canadian was hospitalized in June 2019 over fears he
might be suicidal, he asked his brother to "bust him out" as soon as possible. Within a month, Nichols submitted a
request to be euthanized and he was killed, despite concerns raised by his family and a nurse practitioner. His
application for euthanasia listed only one health condition as the reason for his request to die: hearing loss.
This envelope gets pushed every week! Canadian
Parliamentary Committee Recommends Euthanasia for Minors without Parental Consent. Euthanasia advocates
tend to advance their cause by requesting that panels of "experts" or lawmakers conduct oh, so careful studies
to recommend policies that, invariably, would legalize assisted suicide or expand it where already allowed. These
are stacked decks; activities choreographed to reach a particular conclusion. Such a bit of theater was just
performed in Canada, where a report was just published by the Canadian Parliament's Special Joint Committee on Medical
Assistance in Dying (AMAD). Surprise! It calls for even further expansion of the already permissive law that
allows terminally ill and chronically ill adults, people with disabilities, and the frail elderly to opt to be killed by
doctors or nurse practitioners. The mentally ill are scheduled to be included in this dismal list next month under
existing law, but that may be put off for a year because of domestic and international agitation around the issue.
But, mark my words, they too will eventually become eligible for the lethal jab. The committee has now recommended
that "mature minors" whose deaths are "reasonably foreseeable" be allowed to access death — perhaps even
without parental consent.
the Voluntary Suicide of the Elderly Is the Last Stop Before Mandatory Euthanasia. The idea of killing the
weak, the infirm, the helpless, and the powerless is about as old as socialism/Marxism. While modern leftists in
the West have shied away from openly proposing firing squads and gas chambers, they have been actively medicalizing the
slaughter of the helpless. [...] Euthanasia has seamlessly transitioned from the bizarre "death with dignity" slogan to
state action to rid itself of someone it doesn't consider useful. A Canadian veteran who requested assistance in
having a chairlift installed to make her home wheelchair accessible was informed the government would not pay for the
chairlift. Instead, it would happily pay for what the Canadians charmingly call MAID, for "medical assistance in
dying." Several Canadian veterans requested treatment for PTSD and were told they looked like candidates for MAID
instead of expensive, open-ended psychiatric care. The subtext was unmistakable: your value to society is
zero; please kill yourself. In Oregon, Medicaid refused to pay for a woman's cancer drugs, but they helpfully sent
her a brochure on physician-assisted suicide. In France, a woman was drugged and restrained by her doctor and then
euthanized after she refused to assent to being murdered. A French court acquitted the doctor. Belgium has
sanctioned what, in my view, amounts to the involuntary euthanasia of prisoners. Unsurprisingly, euthanasia is
frequently accompanied by organ harvesting.
of Medicine Is Merely a Symptom of Our Culture's Disease. [Scroll down] The federal government
isn't alone when it comes to politicizing medicine. In New Mexico and California, doctors now face civil,
administrative, and professional liability, including risking losing their medical licenses, if they decline to
participate in assisted suicide. The laws require physicians to inform patients about assisted suicide, be part of
the process for obtaining suicide drugs, or refer patients to physicians and organizations who will participate in
ending their lives. Alliance Defending Freedom is challenging New Mexico's and California's laws; the cases are
Lacy v. Torrez and Christian Medical and Dental Associations v. Bonta, respectively.
to expand assisted suicide, Democrats aim for unfettered abortion. Mark Meincke, a Canadian Army veteran
who served with the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, [...] has testified before the Committee on Veterans
Affairs in Ottawa about Canada's Medical Assistance in Dying program, or MAID, and the current apparent push for
assisted suicide in the military. A soldier returns from fighting — and risking his life —
for his country and, depressed, reaches out to the very government agency supposedly set up to help veterans deal with
PTSD and other trauma...and is promptly offered euthanasia — instead of help — by the government
agent who took his call. "Thank you for your service. Would you like us to kill you now?" That
couldn't ever happen, could it? Yes, it can. An investigation by Veterans Affairs Canada itself verified
that this very thing indeed happened, and may have occurred repeatedly over the last several years... though VAC claimed
that it was the result of just one misguided agent. Canada's "Medical Assistance in Dying" program is set to
expand from offering assisted suicide to the terminally (physically) ill to offering it to the mentally ill as well
starting in March.
Is Canada proud of this?
[Tweet] Yeah, so they're talking about pulling organs from assisted suicide patients and providing them to
otherwise healthy people who need them. Canada leads the world in this. And it seems like they're proud of
it. [...] Think about it, they're killing the unfit and then using their healthy organs to keep the desirables
alive. This is what free "healthcare" looks like, people!
Canada wrestles with euthanasia for
the mentally ill. Since 2016, Canada's medical assistance in dying programme — known by its
acronym 'Maid' — has been available for adults with terminal illness. In 2021, the law was changed to
include those with serious and chronic physical conditions, even if that condition was non-life threatening. This
year, it is expected to change again to include some Canadians with mental illness. That planned expansion has
ignited controversy over the assisted death programme as a whole and raised concerns that it may be too easy for the
vulnerable to die in Canada. Those fears have been stoked by a recent string of reports suggesting that for some,
death has been used as a stopgap for a broken social safety net.
Health Care Ends With The Government Telling You To Kill Yourself. Soon after the announcement that Canada
would expand its medically assisted suicide program to include those with mental illness, the popular Canadian
department store chain Simons issued a new advertisement celebrating the policy. The video features a woman
saying, "Last breaths are sacred; you just have to be brave enough to see it," over a montage of her being wheeled to
places of natural wonder. The department store's logo is featured prominently at the end of the commercial.
Amid global outrage over the video and the policy, the Canadian government has announced it will delay the program's
expansion, but the battle is far from over, as the underlying issues driving the policy remain unchanged. Having
produced a fantasy health care system that ultimately deprives Canadians of basic physical and mental health services, the
Canadian left now offers medically assisted suicide as the compassionate and fiscally responsible solution to their failure.
gov't releases children's coloring book about assisted suicide. Around the world, Canada is increasingly
becoming known for one thing: the coldblooded brutality of our euthanasia regime. From impoverished people opting
for suicide because they can't find a home and the disabled asking for lethal injections due to lack of support to
veterans being actively offered MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) when they request services, Canada's stories have
made front pages across the globe. In response, Justin Trudeau's Liberal government has put a (temporary) delay on
expanding assisted suicide to those with mental illness, and has begun lying about some of these stories to blunt the
damage, with the Veteran Minister of Affairs claiming that veterans had not been offered MAiD despite the fact that this
fact is a matter of public record. [Tweet]
Hospice care needs saving.
Hospice in America is gravely ill. An extensive investigation jointly published by The New Yorker and ProPublica
documented outright fraud, predatory practices, and flagrant mistreatment by specific publicly traded and private
equity-owned hospice companies. As a palliative care physician who has contributed to hospice care and kept my
finger on its pulse for more than four decades, I have been dismayed to witness the increasing frequency and severity in
lapses in this type of care. I applaud the media for calling attention to deficiencies that can harm people during
the most vulnerable times in their lives. I am hopeful that the article will spark a long-overdue internal
reckoning by the field — my field — and the industry we gave rise to.
government prepares to 'expand care' and euthanize more of its citizens. Last year, Canada's euthanasia
program took the lives of more than 10,000 people. As we all know, communism is a philosophy of "despotic
inroads," and its adherents (Justin Trudeau and his government comrades) have an insatiable appetite for death and
murder. They're only just getting started.
Stick a fork
in Canada. Christine Gauthier is a retired Canadian army corporal and former Paralympian, who has been
restricted to a wheelchair since surviving an accident when she was in the service. Gauthier recently testified
that she has been waiting years for a wheelchair lift for her home. She also testified that when she expressed her
frustration to a Veteran Army of Canada (VAC) caseworker, she was promptly offered the option of being euthanized.
According to a report in PJ Media, the caseworker allegedly said, "Madam, if you are really so desperate, we can give
you medical assistance in dying now." Gauthier was understandably stunned at the "offer." At least four
other Canadian vets have come forward with similar allegations, and all dealt with the same caseworker.
Euthanasia 'Slippery Slope' Is Real and Horrifying. Advocates of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia
often frame their position as driven by compassion and dignity. As the broad-strokes argument goes, people with
terrible terminal illnesses — living in pain, with no cure available — should not be denied the
choice to end their own life, at a time of their own choosing, on their own terms, with the help of a medical
practitioner. From a human perspective, though suicide is rightfully an upsetting and disturbing cultural taboo,
it is hard not to at least be somewhat sympathetic to these sorts of appeals. There is a moral and ethical case
against sanctioning the taking of one's own life, even under the most dire and difficult circumstances. But the
more potent argument, in my view, may be warnings against a 'slippery slope' on the matter, which has repeatedly been
confirmed as creepy and quite real.
Selling suicide.
La Maison Simons, a fashion house in Canada, has produced an infomercial promoting euthanasia. The advert presents
an assisted death as 'the most beautiful exit'. 'Dying in a hospital is not what's natural. That's not
what's soft. In these kinds of moments, you need softness', the narrator says.
Veteran Complains About Wait Time for a Chairlift, Trudeau's Goverment Offers to Kill Her. Retired
Canadian Army Corporal and former Paralympian Christine Gauthier is restricted to a wheelchair after surviving an
accident when she was in the service. She testified last week that she has been waiting for a wheelchair lift for
her home for years, and when she expressed frustration to a Veteran Army of Canada (VAC) caseworker she was promptly
offered the option of being euthanized. "Madam, if you are really so desperate, we can give you medical assistance
in dying now," the caseworker allegedly told Gauthier in 2019.
look to expand assisted suicide eligibility to infants and the mentally ill. A recent video clip posted by
the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) indicates the eligibility could expand for medically assisted
suicide to include babies with disabilities. [...] "Kids born with disabilities are now being considered for assisted
suicide up to a year after their birth," tweeted Lewis, who shared the clip. "Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)
was never meant for those who can't give consent. Why aren't the Liberals, Bloc and NDP condemning this unethical
agenda?" she asked. The clip highlights a Parliamentary Committee for the Canada Disability Benefit Act, or Bill
C-22, that was held two weeks ago.
The Collapse
of Consent in Canada. Amir Farsoud is going to be murdered. The 54-year-old Canadian, whose story
went viral online this week, is in the last stages of approval for "medical assistance in dying" (MAID), the neat
bureaucratic euphemism for our northern neighbor's rapidly advancing euthanasia program. In 2016, the country
authorized physicians to kill their patients in cases of terminal illness or "reasonably foreseeable" death; Farsoud is
being euthanized for back pain. At least, that is the medical justification being given. In reality, he is
struggling financially and about to lose his home. As Farsoud sees it, he has run out of options. He told
Toronto's CityNews: "I don't want to die. But I don't want to be homeless more than I don't want to die."
Gates Tells G20 World Leaders That 'Death Panels' Will Soon Be Required. Unelected world health czar Bill
Gates has used his appearance at the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia to raise a discussion about "death panels."
According to Gates, death panels will be necessary in the near future in order to end the lives of sick and unwell
people due to "very, very high medical costs". Gates went on to explain that "a lack of willingness to say, you
know, is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient, would it be better not to lay
off those ten teachers and to make that trade-off in medical costs."
The Editor says...
[#1] When was the last time you heard of ten teachers being laid off? Why are unionized teachers the foremost consideration?
[#2] Trillions of dollars are being squandered in a futile battle against "climate change" and unproven "global warming." A
shortage of money isn't an obstacle to a government doesn't hesitate to print money for "stimulus" payments, ethanol subsidies, football
stadiums, luxury housing for illegal aliens, pointless exploration of Mars, high-speed rail, public broadcasting, and other pet projects.
[#3] It would be far less costly to have the government pick the 10 worst cases every year and just pay off their medical bills;
that is, find the ten chronically-ill citizens with the highest medical bills — presumably without insurance
coverage — and cover their costs. It might turn out to be a public relations bonanza.
Would you kill yourself because you ran out of Tylenol? Doctors
Advised to Suggest Suicide to Patients as Canada Runs Out of Basic Painkillers. The Canadian healthcare
system is experiencing an acute shortage of basic painkillers, particularly acetaminophen and ibuprofen, which are
commonly used to relieve pain and fever in children during flu season. Canada's Association of Medical Assistance
in Dying Assessors and Providers (CAMAP) chose this perhaps awkward moment to roll out a webinar for healthcare
professionals that advised them to offer assisted suicide to their suffering patients.
Horrified to Learn Son's Death Is Scheduled in Two Weeks After Skimming Through His Email. A mother in
Canada was horrified when she discovered that her son had made an appointment to kill himself with the help of a
doctor. The incident shines a light on how Canada's assisted suicide program has spun entirely out of
control. On Sept. 7, Toronto resident Margaret Marsilla logged in to her 23-year-old son's email account and
discovered that he had applied for permission from the Canadian government to be killed. A doctor had approved the
request and scheduled the murder for Sept. 22, Common Sense reported.
23, who survived 2016 Brussels airport ISIS bomb but could not live with the trauma is 'euthanised' in
Belgium. A woman who survived the Brussels airport terror attack has died after choosing to be euthanised
due to severe depression and PTSD she suffered following the incident. Shanti De Corte, 23, was walking through
the departures lounge of the Belgian airport in Zaventem on March 22, 2016[,] with her school classmates ahead of a trip
to Italy when Islamic State terrorists detonated a bomb. The then 17-year-old escaped the explosion, which
together with two other detonations claimed 32 lives and injured more than 300, without suffering any physical
wounds. But the psychological effects of the ordeal left her wracked by constant panic attacks and bouts of dark
depression from which she never managed to emerge.
The Editor says...
Predictably, the envelope is being pushed in order to offer assisted suicide to anybody who wants it.
It's no longer just the very old and terminally ill who participate. I predict we will someday see
advertisements on TV for assisted suicide centers, especially if there's Medicare coverage for it.
veterans offered assisted suicide to cope with combat traumas. For a profession that
purports to believe in a principle of "do no harm," the modern medical community seems to
perpetually undermine legitimate healthcare. Physicians under the sway of Hegelian
ethics — whatever solves a problem on a practical level must be moral, as no action on
its own is right or wrong — propose harmful (or lethal) remedies to accomplish a desired
end. We see surgeons suggesting (and even performing) the mutilation of sexual organs on
minors, there are serial baby-killers on the loose because they're euphemized as a "doctor", and
more and more, we see assisted suicide touted as a legitimate panacea. Just the other day,
news emerged from Canada that a 61-year-old man had been hospitalized for concerns he may be
suicidal, and was promptly put to death. Now, Canada is at it again.
is ground zero for Nuremberg 3.0. Under the leadership of Justin Trudeau and his
cabinet of Klaus Schwab pupils, Canadian "health" officials appear to be euthanizing slightly
disabled, but otherwise healthy adults. As detailed in a recent report by The Washington
Post, 61-year-old Alan Nichols was put to death by medical "professionals" after he was
hospitalized for fears he may be "suicidal." Nichols' family cried foul, arguing the application
for assisted suicide lacked any serious justification, as the sole reason on the request was
"hearing loss." [...] Medical professionals willingly collaborated with the pro-death policies of
Hitler's regime, and that same sin is echoing through the ages and being perpetrated by government
leaders today. Stories of coerced euthanasia should come as no surprise though —
disregarding the sanctity of life is a slippery slope. In a culture that not only tolerates,
but brazenly promotes a grotesque practice like abortion, it's only a matter of time before it
devolves into the genocide of born populations.
'expert' panel recommends the mentally ill be candidates for euthanasia. Canada's medical assistance in dying
(MAiD) law is already the most permissive euthanasia and assisted-suicide legislation in the world. Understandably
controversial in itself, there are many horror stories surrounding its implementation. [...] To some degree, mental illness
is in the eye of the beholder. It can be quite subjective and has historically been used as a tool to advance
totalitarian political agendas. Hence, the gulags and "re-education camps." Don't believe in global warming?
Are you an anti-vaxxer? Trump supporter?! Didn't vote for Xi jinping
Justin Trudeau? Driving an 18-wheeler in a "Freedom Convoy?" Then you are, sadly, mentally ill.
new kids book teaches it's ok to kill grandma. Bill Richardson's book "Last Week" is all about making
life easier for the family — eager to assuage their own pain of "uncertainty" and despair in the face of
death — by killing Grandma speedily. In this view, Grandma is now dispensable in proportion to the
difficulty she poses. She is not deemed to be a valuable human being to comfort and care for in her suffering, endowed
with the gift and sanctity of life. Although Richardson's story tells of Grandma consciously and lovingly choosing
death, in reality, many elderly people who suffer at the latter stages of their life due to illness, decline or immobility,
are made to feel like a burden, so some choose death to "help" their children. Many children, meanwhile, are eager to
see them die to get on with their lives, and also to get their hands on their parent's will.
Patients losing
government aid after 'living too long'. The BBC is reporting that more than 1,300 patients each year in England
are losing their palliative care funding from the National Health Service (NHS) because they are living longer than the
government expected — creating an environment ripe for coerced assisted suicide or euthanasia. NHS is the
UK's government-funded health care program. The fast-track continuing health care scheme covers the full costs of a
person's palliative care needs, and is not dependent on income. Individuals qualify based on evidence of a
rapidly-deteriorating condition that is considered to be terminal or entering a terminal phase. When a patient outlives
their prognosis, their funding is often removed. According to the BBC analysis, between 2018 and 2021, 9,037 terminally
ill or rapidly declining-in-health individuals had their palliative care funding reviewed. Nearly half of them lost
that funding because they had survived for too long.
sue California for threatening to punish them for not facilitating assisted suicide. California doctors who
object to assisted suicide are fighting an amended state law that implicates them in their patients' intentional
deaths. They are suing California officials, including Attorney General Rob Bonta, Department of Public Health Director
Tomas Aragon, and Medical Board members to block SB 380, which made it easier for patients to commit suicide under the End of
Life Options Act that took effect in 2016. The original law issued a broad exemption for healthcare providers, granting
them a liability shield for "refusing to inform" patients about their right to physician-assisted suicide and "not referring"
patients to physicians who will assist in their suicides. The amended law removed it, leaving providers vulnerable to
"civil, criminal, administrative, disciplinary, employment, credentialing, professional discipline, contractual liability, or
medical staff action, sanction, or penalty or other liability."
Administration Takes Control of Monoclonal Antibody Drugs in Order to Block Treatments in Red States and Ration Equitable
Treatment. When Joe Biden's Health and Human Services made the announcement earlier this month that they were
taking full control over Monoclonal Antibody drugs (mAb) in order to begin rationing the highly effective treatment for
COVID-19 infection, several people sounded alarm bells as there was the potential for rationing of COVID treatment based on
political ideology. Representative Chip Roy of Texas was one of the first to raise concerns. The change in HHS
approach followed republican governor Ron DeSantis of Florida promoting the use of mAb and opening up dozens of treatment
centers throughout his state. Other governors quickly took notice of the effective action plan of DeSantis in Florida
and started to follow that path. As soon as HHS noticed the red state governors were working on a effective treatment
alternative to the vaccine approach, HHS appears to have moved in to block it — thereby restricting the treatment
pathway in order to enhance the vaccine approach.
Here's an example of a "death panel": UW Medicine
pulls heart transplant patient from list after refusing COVID vaccine. The University of Washington Medical
Center denied organ transplants to patients who refuse a COVID vaccine as early as June 2021. And hospital officials
refuse to answer basic questions about their policy. In fact, they won't even directly acknowledge they have a
policy. The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH has learned that UW Medicine removed a 64-year-old patient from the transplant
waitlist. He says he was on the list for two and a half years. The hospital made the decision after they learned
the patient refused to be vaccinated against COVID. They said they would consider adding him back to the waitlist should
he satisfy their "compliance concerns."
Biden Regime Has Made Us All Enemies of the State. There's no way to go halfsies on totalitarianism. Once
the government decides it may declare who has rights and who has none, it is a short walk for the government to decide who
has life and who has none. Over 63 million babies have been killed since Roe v Wade, after all, and
once you teach a population that a baby is only as alive as a woman chooses, it's not difficult to teach those same people
that political opponents are not worthy of life at all. When individual liberty and private ownership are ridiculed in
the name of the "common good," taking life for the "greater good" is never far behind.
Senate moves to make assisted death law permanent. The California Senate moved Friday [5/28/2021] to make the
state's assisted death law permanent and significantly shorten the time a terminally ill patient must wait for a fatal dose
of medication. The state Department of Public Health reported that 337 terminally ill people took drugs to end their
lives in 2019, the most recent figures available, and 452 people received prescriptions that year under the law.
doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year. NHS doctors are
prematurely ending the lives of thousands of elderly hospital patients because they are difficult to manage or to free up
beds, a senior consultant claimed yesterday [6/18/2012]. Professor Patrick Pullicino said doctors had turned the use of
a controversial 'death pathway' into the equivalent of euthanasia of the elderly. He claimed there was often a lack of
clear evidence for initiating the Liverpool Care Pathway, a method of looking after terminally ill patients that is used in
hospitals across the country. It is designed to come into force when doctors believe it is impossible for a patient to
recover and death is imminent.
Canada won't execute a murderer, but they will do this: Canada
Poised to Legalize Euthanasia for Disabled and Mentally Ill. The expansion will eventually continue to allowing
people diagnosed with dementia to order themselves killed in an advance directive when they become mentally incompetent and
to pediatric euthanasia of "mature minors" — both among the subjects likely to be "studied" by a committee
of "experts" over the next two years, meaning they are coming next. Disability-rights activists fought back furiously
and backed a filibuster over the bill that succeeded for a time. But it was eventually broken by the ruling minority
Liberals and Bloc Québécois. The despair of people with disabilities on Twitter after the vote was
visceral, with some noting that Canada does not guarantee life with dignity — with say, independent living
services — but will guarantee "death with dignity" when the paucity of services leads to a suicidal desire.
They feel, rationally, like targets rather than beneficiaries.
Democrats" Joe Manchin and Bob Casey Betray Pro-Life Americans, Vote for Abortion Funding. Two pro-life
Democrat senators voted yes on the COVID-19 relief bill over the weekend even though it will force taxpayers to pay for the
killing of unborn babies in abortions. U.S. Sens. Joe Manchin, of West Virginia, and Bob Casey Jr., of
Pennsylvania, did join Republicans in voting in favor of an amendment to prohibit taxpayer funding for abortions in the
$1.9 trillion spending bill. But the amendment failed, and both Democrats ultimately voted with their party to pass the
overall spending package. Both Manchin and Casey describe themselves as pro-life Democrats, but they have mixed voting
records on the issue. According to the National Right to Life Committee, Manchin's pro-life voting record is 63 percent
while Casey's is 39 percent. After the bill passed Saturday [3/6/2021], Casey celebrated the news on Twitter,
writing: "The American Rescue Plan wouldn't have passed without a Democratic Majority in the Senate. Always vote
like your life depends on it."
Relief Bill Provides Billions to Bail Out Abortion Industry. As the Senate prepares to debate the COVID-19
Relief bill, Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) observed the bill provides $400 billion that contains no protections for ensuring
it will not be used to fund elective abortion. Daines tweeted a video of his review of some of the features of the
measure, which passed the House Friday, referring to it as the "liberal wish list" of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA) and
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY): [Tweet] "Here's one that will get your blood pressure up," said Daines, who
heads the Senate Pro-Life Caucus. "$400 billion that has no protections to ensure we don't have taxpayer dollars spent for
abortions." He explained Democrats removed the language of the Hyde Amendment that has prohibited taxpayer funding of
abortions in appropriation bills. "$400 billion that could be used to fund abortions paid for by United States taxpayers,"
the senator emphasized.
Still Think Obama Was the 'Best President Ever,' Here Are 14 Reasons Why That's Ridiculous. [#11] Health care
costs skyrocketed. Even if you liked your health plan or your doctor you couldn't keep them, but at least health care
got more expensive. The Affordable Care Act could not have been more inaccurately named. Thanks to Obamacare we
saw insurance premiums skyrocket and deductibles go through the roof, as coverage got worse. If you didn't want to pay
for insurance, no problem! You just had to pay a fine for not wanting this amazing new health insurance!
Joe Biden's Dr. Death.
Does Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel believe Joe Biden would be better off dead? That would be a peculiar position for Biden's
chief adviser on medical issues and a member of the candidate's Public Health Advisory Committee to take. But if we
accept the reasoning behind Emanuel's infamous 2014 essay, Biden is nothing more than a resource-sucking shell of himself who
should stop trying to prolong his life. I suspect that if one of Trump's advisers on coronavirus had once taken to the
august pages of The Atlantic to reason that men who reach the age of 75 are useless to society, the press would be
vigorously exploring and amplifying his position. Reporters have rarely bothered to bring it up with Emanuel, who is
constantly on TV — or with Biden, who is now "sheltered in place" and trying to prolong his life.
Issues Guidelines To "Prioritize" Who Will Be Saved. Bracing for the worst, the state government announced
that it was developing and issuing new guidelines as to how scarce resources will be prioritized. Described as a
"gut-wrenching" decision, hospitals that run short of ventilators and other critical care equipment and supplies will need to
assign a score to each patient based on how likely they are to survive. The people with the best scores will get the
best care while others may be left to... you get the picture.
didn't have to have ventilator shortage — leaders chose not to prep for pandemic. [Scroll
down] They could have chosen to buy more ventilators to back up the supplies hospitals maintain. Instead, the
health commissioner, Howard Zucker, assembled a task force for rationing the ventilators they already had. In 2015,
that task force came up with rules that will be imposed when ventilators run short. Patients assigned a red code will
have highest access, and other patients will be assigned green, yellow or blue (the worst), depending on a "triage officer's"
decision. In truth, a death officer. Let's not sugar-coat it. It won't be up to your own doctor. In 2015,
the state could have purchased the additional 16,000 needed ventilators for $36,000 apiece, or a total of $576 million.
It's a lot of money, but in hindsight, spending half a percent of the budget to prepare for pandemic was the right thing to
do. To be fair, governments everywhere stockpiled too little. Washington didn't do much better: The federal
Strategic National Stockpile is undersupplied to meet the coronavirus emergency. Now the pandemic is actually here.
New York's grim-reaper rules will be applied.
doctor and medical ethicist argues life after 75 is not worth living. In October 2014, Ezekiel Emanuel
published an essay in the Atlantic called "Why I Hope to Die at 75." Because Emanuel is a medical doctor and chair of the
University of Pennsylvania's department of medical ethics and health policy, as well as a chief architect of Obamacare, the
article stirred enormous controversy. Emanuel vowed to refuse not only heroic medical interventions once he turned 75,
but also antibiotics and vaccinations. His argument: older Americans live too long in a diminished state, raising
the question of, as he put it, "whether our consumption is worth our contribution."
The Editor says...
One could easily surmise that Mr. Bloomberg will insist on the finest medical care for himself, should the need arise, even though he's nearly 80 already.
legal euthanasia results in sick, elderly being pressured to die. [Scroll down] In Benelux
(Belgium/Netherlands/Luxembrug), a beacon of euthanasic progress, there are more and more people who ask for and obtain death
to avoid simple emotional disorders, or to prevent future suffering (for example, people who are diagnosed with cancer or
Alzheimer's disease but are still in the early stages). In our aging societies, the number of elderly people facing
physical and mental decline, depression, and loneliness will grow rapidly: the generation that started during the
family-sexual revolution in the '60s is reaching old age, with its sequelae of divorces and low birth rates. Many
Baby-Boomers have had no children, or have had very few: a very sad old age awaits them in hospices or empty homes.
The burden they represent to the economic and health care systems is grave, indeed. Let's say it bluntly: there is
a definite risk, more or less subtle, that more and more of the elderly will be pushed toward euthanasia.
a Hospice to Kill. After the Supreme Court of Canada conjured a right for anyone diagnosed with a serious
medical condition that causes "irremediable suffering" to receive lethal-injection euthanasia, British Columbia passed a law
requiring all medical facilities that receive at least 50 percent of their funding from the government to participate in what
north of the 46th parallel is known euphemistically as "medical assistance in dying" (MAiD).
Activist Won't Go to Prison for Killing a Disabled Man. Reuters news reported that a Milan court acquitted
Italian assisted suicide activist, Marco Cappato, today in the assisted suicide death of Fabiano Antoniani (known as DJ
Fabo), in February 2017. This decision is sad but not surprising considering Italy's constitutional court decision in
September 2019, that opened the door to assisted suicide. The outcome of the constitutional court decision is not clear.
Medicaid payments top $75B: More than entire food stamp program. $75 billion. That is not the cost of
Medicaid. That is merely the cost of improper payments from the Medicaid program, accounting for roughly 20 percent of
the total program tab, according Brian Blaze and Aaron Yelowitz writing in the Wall Street Journal. Prior to the Obamacare
expansion of Medicaid incentivizing states to flood their rolls with Medicaid recipients, the improper payments accounted for
roughly six percent. Now, just the official fraud and waste of Medicaid amount to more than the entire cost of the food
stamp program! In many ways, the entire Medicaid program is one big fraud perpetrated on the American taxpayer, designed
to serve as a cash cow for the insurance cartel and major hospital and health care administrator networks.
People With Mental Illness and Dementia for Euthanasia. A few years ago, a Dutch doctor attended her elderly
Alzheimer's disease patient at a nursing home. The doctor's purpose wasn't to examine the patient or prescribe new
medicines. Rather, she was there to kill. While competent, the patient asked to be euthanized when incapacitated,
but she also instructed that she be allowed to say when. But before she did that, the doctor and her family decided
that her time had come. The doctor drugged the woman's coffee and, once she was asleep, began the lethal injection
procedure. But the patient awakened unexpectedly and fought against being killed. Rather than stopping,
the doctor instructed the family to hold the struggling woman down while she completed the homicide. This would seem to
be a clear-cut case of murder. But a judge recently exonerated and praised the doctor for acting in the "best
interests" of the patient by merely executing the woman's previously stated wishes.
Health Care Refused to Pay for Disabled Father's Care, but Happily Paid for His Assisted Suicide. It would be
easy to judge Sean Tagert, who was diagnosed with ALS six years ago. Do I believe he made the wrong choice?
Sure. But I wasn't the one who was struggling to pay for my health care after losing my ability to breath on my own or
feed myself. I'm not the one living under Canada's health care system that was more than happy to pay for my suicide
but not the care I needed. So, yes, I disagree with Tagert's "choice" and mourn the loss of his life, but I blame
Canada and their "touted" socialized medicine.
the Democrats are Trying to Take Us. The common mindset of all those determined to seize power in perpetuity,
either by force of arms or the ballot box, is a profound contempt for the dignity and sanctity of human life. This is a
philosophical necessity in order to view the bulk of the populace as inferior and therefore servants and wards of the state
to be exploited or restrained for political or economic ends. Over time, this mentality inevitably and rapidly descends
into the abyss of malevolence and the indiscriminate taking of life. The first irreversible step in the evolution of
this mindset is unfettered abortion at any stage of gestation or immediately after birth as well as the acceptance and
promotion of unrestrained government sponsored euthanasia.
Century Question: When Is Assisting Suicide Acceptable? You may have missed it, what with all the media
attention focused on the president's important tweets. But Maine has just become the eighth state to legalize voluntary
assisted suicide of the terminally ill. Nearly a dozen more are considering it. Assisted suicide remains an
emotional subject, of course, at least among healthy people who are not living with the constant pain and doomed future of a
fatal illness. Though we end the terminal suffering of beloved family pets when all is lost, many believe a dying
patient's wishes to stop the pain run against ethical and religious beliefs since science can now prolong life, often beyond
the will to live it.
Medical Association: Call It 'Physician-Assisted Suicide,' Not 'Aid-in-Dying'. Advocates of assisted
suicide are dismayed that the largest association of physicians in the U.S. has decided to continue using the term
"physician-assisted suicide" rather than euphemisms such as "medical aid-in-dying." Meeting in Chicago on Monday
[6/10/2019], the American Medical Association, by a vote of 360-190, adopted a report by its Council on Ethical and Judicial
Affairs (CEJA) recommending that the term "physician-assisted suicide" continue to be used. Significantly, the AMA also
voted to reaffirm its Code of Medical Ethics' current policy on assisted suicide — the view that allowing doctors
to help patients to die "is fundamentally incompatible with the physician's role as healer." That vote was 392-162.
Canada Conjoins
Euthanasia and Organ Harvesting. How do you convince society to embrace euthanasia as a means of attaining
utilitarian benefit — while also convincing yourselves that your culture remains both moral and
compassionate? Once you get past the squeamishness of allowing doctors to kill patients, it isn't that difficult:
First, legalize euthanasia of the seriously ill and disabled. Once the community becomes comfortable with doctors
committing homicide as a means of eliminating suffering, you next allow those who want to be killed to donate their
organs. After all, they won't need their livers anymore, so why not let others have them?
Medical Doctors Kill Thousands in 2018. Canadian doctors committed thousands of homicides in 2018. According to
an interim report published by the government, in the first ten months of last year, doctors lethally injected 2,613 patients
(with one assisted suicide) — and that doesn't include the homicides committed by doctors in Quebec, Northwest
Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut. This means well over 3,000 people are killed by their doctors each year in Canada,
which — if my math is correct — is more than 250 a month, more than 58 a week, and more than eight
per day.
version of Medicare for All executes thousands of patients a year. When governments take charge of medical care
and expenditures on prolonging life come out of the same pool of money used for the military, road-building, schools and all
the other functions of government, the bureaucrats who are the decision-makers have every incentive to encourage a rapid
death, if not insist upon it. Our northern neighbor Canada offers an example of the slippery slope.
Bill to Push Patients Off Wanted Life Support. The point of futile care is not to protect doctors from
forced provision of treatment that isn't working — sometimes called physiological futility. Rather, it is to
enable doctors to stop treatment even though it is accomplishing what the patient wants, i.e., maintaining life.
A Scourge of Death Doctors.
[Scroll down] Giving people poison to drink isn't practicing medicine. Death doctors don't need to be good physicians.
They don't need to be specially trained in treating a patient's underlying medical condition. They don't need experience in spotting
depression, signs of coercion, or mental illness. They don't even have to be caring human beings. They just need a license to
prescribe lethal drugs and/or be otherwise willing to help suicidal people take their own lives. What a disgrace to a venerable
on demand: has euthanasia gone too far? Everyone in the Netherlands seems to have known someone who has been
euthanised, and the kind of choreographed farewell that [Bert] Keizer describes is far from unusual. Certainly, the
idea that we humans have a variety of deaths to choose from is more familiar in the Netherlands than anywhere else. But
the long-term consequences of this idea are only just becoming discernible.
Ocasio-Cortez [and] other Dems want you to embrace a socialist agenda. [#1] Government-run, single-payer health
care: A single-payer program in line with Sen. [Bernie] Sanders' "Medicare for All" proposal would cost $32 trillion in
its first 10 years, according to an analysis by the Mercatus Center — an amount so high Mercatus estimates that
doubling existing individual and corporate taxes wouldn't be enough to cover the costs. Not only would putting the
government in charge of health care cost trillions of dollars, but it would also force Americans to endure many of the same
problems plaguing government-run health care models around the world, including long wait times for patients and rationing of
care. The Fraser Institute reports that patients in Canada, which has a single-payer health care model, who require
"medically necessary elective orthopedic surgery" wait on average 41.7 weeks — about 10 months —
before receiving treatment. Patients requiring elective neurosurgery, including many patients who have brain tumors, wait
32.9 weeks.
Panels? Study Suggests One Obamacare Provision Killed People. An Affordable Care Act program that
penalized hospitals for readmitting Medicare patients within a month of being discharged may have led to increased mortality
rates among adults who experienced pneumonia and heart failure, according to a study published Tuesday [12/25/2018]. The
program was changed in September so that hospitals serving lower-income, older adults were not hit as hard by the penalties,
but the study in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that damage may have already been done, and not just
to hospitals' bottom lines. The Affordable Care Act of 2010, also known as Obamacare, included a program that imposed
financial penalties on hospitals with too-high readmission rates for patients with heart failure, heart attacks or pneumonia
starting in 2012. It was supposed to encourage better care. But the program was not popular, wrote Reason managing
editor Peter Suderman: Hospital groups have argued that these payments are punitive and unfair, particularly to so-called
safety net hospitals that serve the poorest, sickest patients. These patients tend to have higher readmissions rates, and
the hospitals that treat them were more likely to be hit with payment reductions.
biopsy': Organ transplant often depends on patient's finances. Virtually all of the nation's more than 250
transplant centers, which refer patients to a single national registry, require patients to verify how they will cover bills
that can total $400,000 for a kidney transplant or $1.3 million for a heart, plus monthly costs that average $2,500 for
anti-rejection drugs that must be taken for life, Caplan said. Coverage for the drugs is more scattershot than for the
operation itself, even though transplanted organs will not last without the medicine.
Newsom Helped Mother's Assisted Suicide. A recent article in the New Yorker extolling the (probable)
next Governor of California reveals that Gavin Newsom helped his mother commit assisted suicide. [...] When I first read the
piece, I assumed she didn't die in California because assisted suicide was a felony there in 2002, and Newsom was a member of
the San Francisco Board of Supervisors sworn to uphold the law. Wrong. She died in San Francisco.
Ugly Culture Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide Would Create. Physician-assisted suicide is antithetical to
a culture of life for a whole host of reasons. For one, physician-assisted suicide sets up arbitrary guidelines about
who receives suicide prevention and who receives suicide assistance. Patients of a certain age or with a certain qualifying
condition are told to end their lives with professional help, whereas others receive support in order to keep living. These
circumstances are completely arbitrary and subject to change on a whim. Ultimately, physician-assisted suicide guidelines
communicate that some lives are simply more valuable than others. A mentality that privileges some lives over others
infects culture on multiple levels.
Wouldn't Pay For Her Cancer Treatment But They'd Pay for Her Assisted Suicide. In select states where assisted
suicide is legal, physicians and medical practices now are allowed to prescribe lethal drugs to their patients to end their
lives, The Daily Signal reported. Although many of these patients have treatable ailments, it is less costly for them
to die. Assisted suicide is an alarming trend that many say is pressuring patients to end their own lives prematurely.
Opponents of assisted suicide point out how it is cheaper than many medical treatments for the terminally ill and disabled.
Why has U.S.
life expectancy declined now two years in a row? Just when some of us start getting really old, they begin
lowering the life expectancy. How does that work? Who in Washington is to blame for this? For decades the
average life expectancy, a general measure of a population's health and well-being, has been going up and up and up in the
United States. And in other developed countries around the world.
And They Wonder
Why We're Angry. President Obama substantially changed the American health care system against the wishes of the American
people. After an initial straight-line partisan vote, the Affordable Care Act was adopted as legislation. After sufficient
interpretation, the legislation was affirmed as constitutional by the Roberts Court, and even Senator McCain came to see the legislation
as vital. Every American was now required to purchase health insurance or pay a penalty. Once the legislation came into full
effect by 2013, something remarkable happened: American life expectancy began to decline dramatically. For 2015 and 2016,
American life expectancy declined for two years in a row — the first such occasion of decline in more than 50 years.
Death in the Netherlands. Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are becoming legalized — and
normalized — in more and more jurisdictions around the world. While originally intended to allow a swift and
painless death for patients with terminal illnesses, they're increasingly being used to end the lives of people who are
perfectly healthy.
Holds Euthanasia Party Before Killing Herself in an Assisted Suicide. A woman in California held a euthanasia
party celebrating her decision to take her own life before becoming one of the first people under California's assisted
suicide law to kill herself with a lethal cocktail. The party is upsetting to pro-life advocates who see it as a
celebrating of death as a solution for those who are considered by society to be too old or too ill.
Legalized Murder of the Elderly and the Mentally Ill Coming Soon to the United States? In the Netherlands,
euthanasia has been legal since 2002, and there have been a whole slew of problems ever since. In one recent case in
the Netherlands involving an elderly woman who had dementia — she realized that the doctor was trying to kill her,
so she put up such a fight that the family forcibly held her down, and then the doctor proceeded to kill her with a lethal
injection. This writer was incensed when reading that article, how dare anyone decide that a particular person needs to
be killed? Lets get something straight here; this was murder — pure plain and simple, disguised as doing the
patient a favor. If the patient wanted death, then why did she fight back so strongly?
Baby Oliver, Single-Payer,
and the Media. The story of Oliver Cameron, born with a deadly heart condition and saved by surgeons at Boston
Children's Hospital (BCH), is an inspiring testament to the refusal of two parents to accept anything less than
state-of-the-art medical treatment for their baby. Yet, if you want to know the details of his amazing recovery, you
won't find them in any major U.S. news outlet. Why not? Oliver's story highlights the abject failure of
socialized medicine and the spectacular success of the best health care system on the planet. In other words, it belies
an ongoing propaganda campaign conducted by the media.
is training machines to predict when a patient will die. [Scroll down] The harrowing account of the
unidentified woman's death was published by Google in May in research highlighting the healthcare potential of neural
networks, a form of artificial intelligence software that is particularly good at using data to automatically learn and
improve. Google had created a tool that could forecast a host of patient outcomes, including how long people may stay
in hospitals, their odds of readmission and chances they will soon die. What impressed medical experts most was
Google's ability to sift through data previously out of reach: notes buried in PDFs or scribbled on old charts.
The neural net gobbled up all this unruly information then spat out predictions. And it did so far faster
and more accurately than existing techniques.
The Editor says...
The writers of this law apparently assume that doctors know everything, which they don't, and that
doctors' diagnoses are always right, which they aren't.
Rationing Plan for Obamacare Patients. California has found a novel way to save money on Obamacare
patients — punish hospitals that provide too much care. How much is too much? That's up to the
bureaucrats. They have decreed, for example, that hospitals whose percentage of C-sections exceeds 23.9 percent for
"low-risk" births will be purged from the provider network. WBUR quotes an official from the state's Obamacare exchange
as follows: "We've told health plans that by the end of 2019, we want networks to only include hospitals that have
achieved that target." Similarly arbitrary goals have been set for X-rays, MRIs, and CTs involving back pain.
assisted death law overturned in court. A judge in Riverside County on Tuesday overturned California's
controversial assisted death law nearly two years after it took effect, ruling that the Legislature improperly passed the
measure during a special session on health care funding.
Evans and Our Moral Crossroads. Physicians have many ways of influencing medical decisions made by the parents
of children in their care. Certain studies can be cited in support of what the physician desires, and studies pointing
in a different direction can be ignored. Directive, emotive, and exaggerated language can be used to manipulate,
especially when the likely outcomes of various options are under discussion. Numbers can be used in a similar
way: Should a consult focus on the two-thirds of patients who have poor outcomes — or on the one-third who
have good ones? These forms of manipulation are a persistent concern in clinical ethics, and they present themselves in
dramatic fashion when medical teams discuss disability. Sometimes the desire of a physician to achieve the outcome he
wants is so strong that he will engage in deceptive practices called "slow coding" or "show coding." The physician agrees
with the parents that everything possible will be done for their child ("full code") — but in reality the physician
and medical team will not engage in aggressive treatment. This practice is defended by some ethicists today, and is often
justified by the physician's personal judgment that the life of a particular child is not worth saving.
Laughed at Us When We Raised Hell Over Obamacare's Death Panels. During the great Obamacare debates, then-Vice
Presidential candidate Sarah Palin referred to IPAB as a 'death panel.' IPAB, if triggered, would've granted Medicare cutting
authority to 15 unelected bureaucrats if spending exceeding certain thresholds. [...] Republicans were mocked and accused of
concocting a nefarious 'death panel' to fear monger their way into an electoral win. But then you look at what's happening
in the U.K., first with Charlie Guard and now with Alfie Evans. In both cases, a court, not a doctor and caretaker, decided
it was in the best interest of the baby to pull the plug.
Euthanasia Aloha: Death
Laws Come to Hawaii. Like so much of the past five years, the legalization of murder in Hawaii played out like
an episode from a paranoid Christian novel from the 1990s. You know, the kind that angry believers self-published and
sold at gun shows, warning of the worst? If you found one, you'd read the first couple of pages then lay it sadly
aside. Maybe with a prayer for the author's sanity. We owe such authors a collective apology. Things have
gotten so much worse so much more quickly than anyone imagined. Anyone, that is, except for them.
Not Sign A DNR Before You Read This. Patients, beware. When you're admitted to a hospital, you're routinely encouraged
to sign a Do Not Resuscitate order, also known as a DNR. Don't assume it will be applied only in extreme circumstances. New
research shows having those three letters on your chart could put you on course to getting less medical and nursing care throughout your
stay. Fewer MRIs and CT scans, fewer medications or even fewer bedside visits from doctors. A DNR could cost you your life.
Having a DNR means that if your heart stops or you can't breathe, medical staff will let you die naturally, instead of rushing to give you
cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Correctly interpreted, a DNR bars just that one procedure — resuscitation. But
researchers are discovering that many doctors and nurses take DNR to mean you want end-of-life care only. They misconstrue DNR
as Dying, Not Recovering.
Palin Vindicated:
GOP Sends IPAB to the Death Panel. Despite what we keep reading in the "news" media about the failure of the
GOP to repeal Obamacare, congressional Republicans and President Trump are steadily dismembering the justly reviled
healthcare law, limb by pernicious limb. The latest appendage to be lopped off was among its most dangerous —
the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). IPAB was designed by the law's authors as a rationing board composed of
unelected bureaucrats vested with the power to "recommend" reductions in Medicare payments to doctors and hospitals.
This would have inevitably reduced access to care for the elderly. That dangerous Obamacare provision was repealed
this morning [2/9/2018].
the bright side of Senate's terrible budget deal, Obamacare's 'death panel' is gone. The new budget deal just
signed by President Trump lifts spending caps and increases military spending but it also removes a controversial component
of Obamacare. The $400 billion bill repealed the Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB, which the Affordable
Care Act created back in 2010, The Wall Street Journal reported.
people don't move': Doctor pronounced a living man dead, says family. He was legally dead but dead men don't
breathe. Or follow you with their eyes. Or squeeze their wives's hands. But for two hours and 40 minutes
after Michael Cleveland was pronounced deceased at a hospital in suburban Buffalo, New York, on Oct. 10, 2014, his grieving
family members watched signs of life flicker over the 46-year-old's body, according to newly filed documents in the family's
lawsuit. His tongue tried to push out the endotracheal tube snaked down his throat. His chest continued to rise
with air. His knees bent and straightened on the gurney.
Refused to Help This Baby With Trisomy 18. The medical doctrine of biological superiority can be seen crystal
clear in prenatal tests that search out the disabled for the primary purpose and devastating result of destroying them.
Exactly how developments and innovations in the field of medicine are to be developed with various disabilities when the
patients are routinely terminated is an awful dilemma. Armed with only the knowledge of how to single out the weak, but
not how to treat them has turned medicine into a bizarre pseudoscience that destroys those they cannot understand and do not
wish to treat. Really — when did the disabled become too risky for society to tolerate? Certainly,
tyrants, the violent, liars, thieves, even the self-righteous are bigger threats to society than these vulnerable individuals.
Woman Resists Being Euthanized When She Sees the Needle, So Her Family Held Her Down. The Washington Post
published an excellent article on January 24, 2018 by Charles Lane. Lane, a respected editorial columnist who
asks: How many botched cases would it take to end euthanasia for the mentally ill and cognitively impaired? In
his article, Lane examines several documented cases of euthanasia of incompetent or mentally ill people. The first case
Lane refers to is the shocking story of a woman with dementia in the Netherlands who resisted dying by euthanasia.
are Refusing to Kill Patients in Assisted Suicides at Higher Rates Than Expected. The December 2017 issue of
the Canadian medical journal Le Specialiste contains a fascinating but disturbing English language article "First Results
from a Unique Study" on pages 36-40. 2015 was the year when the MAID (medical aid in dying, aka physician assisted
suicide and even lethal injections in Quebec) Act took effect. The article is about physicians and MAID in the city of
Laval in Quebec, Canada that has a population of about 435,000. The study made news when it reported that after 18 months,
conscientious objections from physicians against providing MAID were far more frequent than anticipated. Prior to the law,
48% of doctors said they would participate, 30% with conditions and only 28% said they would never participate. Afterwards,
77% of the physicians getting MAID requests refused to actively participate, all of them using the conscientious objection clause,
even though the study claimed the majority (72%) were in favor of MAID with only 13% of the doctors neutral or ambivalent.
Suicide Bill Would Show Disabled the Door, Opponents Say. Legalizing assisted suicide in Massachusetts would
put pressure on the poor and the disabled to die, opponents say. The Massachusetts Legislature is considering a measure
that would allow physician-assisted suicide, but skeptics held a briefing last week foreseeing sad consequences if it passes.
suicide laws will pressure poor, elderly, depressed to die. When assisted suicide becomes accepted public
policy it threatens the lives of everyone, especially the poor, elderly, mentally ill, disabled, and terminally ill.
Why? Well, for starters, abuse is unavoidable and doctors are fallible. Assisted suicide policy also injects
government insurers and private insurance companies with financial incentives into every single person's end of life
decisions. One supposed "safeguard" built into assisted suicide laws is that a patient be given a prognosis of six
months or less to live to qualify. But people with serious or terminal illnesses outlive their prognoses every day.
terminally ill end lives under new California law. California health officials reported Tuesday that 111
terminally ill people took drugs to end their lives in the first six months after a 2016 law made the option legal in the
nation's most populous state. The data was part of the California Department of Public Health's first report on the law
since it went into effect June 9, 2016. According to the data generated from forms doctors were required to submit between
June 9 and Dec. 31, 2016, a total of 191 people received life-ending drugs after being diagnosed with having less than
six months to live and 111 people took them and died.
companies are refusing to pay for treatment... but offering to pay for suicide. A Nevada doctor has said that insurance companies in states
where assisted suicide is legal have refused to cover expensive lifesaving treatments for patients — but have offered to pay to end their lives.
Dr. Brian Callister, associate professor of internal medicine at the University of Nevada, told the Washington Times that two separate insurance
companies refused his request to transfer patients to California and Oregon for procedures not performed at his hospital. "And in both cases, the
insurance medical director said to me, 'Brian, we're not going to cover that procedure or the transfer, but would you consider assisted suicide?'"
Dr. Callister said. Neither patient was terminal, and he had said nothing to prompt the suggestion.
physician: Insurance companies nixing cancer treatment, promoting assisted suicide. In 2015, I blogged that California had
passed an assisted suicide law. A year later, I noted that one young mother said her insurance company denied her coverage for chemotherapy
treatment after originally agreeing to provide the fiscal support for it, but indicated it would be willing to pay for assisted suicide instead.
Now, the state of Nevada is considering its own version of assisted suicide legislation (SB261). In an effort to stop this measure, Patients'
Rights Action Fund (PRAF) releasing a video in which a Nevada physician discusses his personal experience with insurance companies refusing to
reimburse life-saving treatments for seriously ill patients he wants treated at facilities in which assisted suicide has become legal.
However, they seem willing to pay for less expensive lethal prescription for ending the patients' lives.
suicide movement gains newer ground. Supporters of physician-assisted suicide say their efforts compare
favorably with movements for same-sex marriage, medical marijuana and other social issues that scored major political
victories in short order. And that trend will continue to accelerate as more states take up the issue, says Kim
Callinan, chief program officer for Compassion & Choices, which has spearheaded aid-in-dying legislation at the local level.
Euthanasia Bill Is Intentionally Ambiguous. Oregon, which in 1997 became the first state in the U.S. to legalize assisted suicide, is considering
tweaking the laws surrounding advance directives, the legal documents by means of which a person can dictate ahead of time his desires for end-of-life care.
The innocuous-seeming changes that Senate Bill 494 proposes would permit the state to starve certain patients to death. Under current state law,
"artificially administered nutrition and hydration" — intravenous feeding by tubes — does not include food administered normally: "by cup, hand, bottle,
drinking straw or eating utensil." The latter category, unlike the former, is considered part of the basic provision of care required for the sick, and
required by law as long as the patient is mentally incompetent to say otherwise.
get deadly with their Obamacare repeal rhetoric. Back in 2009, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) was
rebuked — including by some fellow Democrats — for saying that the Republicans' health-care plan was
for people who got sick to "die quickly." And Republicans including Sarah Palin drew criticism for accusing Democrats of
instituting "death panels." Such accusations, it seemed, were taboo during our country's big health-care debate.
Flash forward to today, and death is a big part of the debate over Obamacare, thanks in large part to Democrats. In
recent days, the specter of death and illness has permeated the debate over Republicans' plans to repeal Obamacare, also
known as the Affordable Care Act.
Why Medicare
isn't actually going bankrupt. As the new Congress convenes, budget cutters are eyeing Medicare, citing
forecasts the program for seniors is running out of money. But federal bean counters have erroneously predicted
Medicare's bankruptcy for decades. One reason: They don't consider medical breakthroughs. Another problem
is medical ethicists like Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who insist the elderly are a burden and that resources would be better
spent on the young. The facts prove otherwise. New medical findings give plenty of reason for optimism
about the cost of caring for the elderly. Medicare spending on end-of-life care is dropping rapidly, down from
19 percent to 13 percent of the Medicare budget since 2000. Living to a ripe old age shouldn't be treated like
it's a problem. It's a bargain. Someone who lives to 97 consumes only about half as much end-of-life care as
someone who dies at 68.
Death Panels: Obamacare
IPAB Repeal Can't Wait Three Years. You have to ask yourself, if Republicans couldn't agree over the last eight
years of the Obama administration on a replacement bill, what do they think three more years is going to accomplish?
It's not like there's an easy solution, it's just nobody had time to deal with it yet because there were more pressing
matters. Many Republicans spent many hours diligently working on a health care bill, but every effort fell apart in
acrimony. The big problem with waiting for three years is the law has plenty of terrible things in store before
then. For example, the law's rationing mechanism — officially called "Independent Payment Advisory Board"
or, colloquially, the Obamacare "death panels" — is still in place and threatens to cause major damage to the
health care system.
to Allow Doctors to Help People Commit Suicide. In a largely underreported story during the elections, Colorado
voters cast their vote to legalize doctor assisted suicide of terminally ill adults. Proposition 106 by two-thirds of
the vote! If you think the idea of the murder of the unborn has not had an impact in a state where they can't even
determine whether or not it's murder when a woman stabbed a mother and literally cut a baby out of her womb and the baby dies
as a result, then you are not thinking clearly.
City Council Votes to Allow Physician-Assisted Suicide. That'll Change Us All, for the Worse. Too many
people view physician-assisted suicide as a purely private matter between an autonomous adult who desires to die, and another
autonomous adult who can provide medical assistance in death. But no man is an island. Allowing doctors to
prescribe deadly drugs to assist in the suicides of their patients is not simply a one-off interaction between two consenting
adults. Changing the laws that govern how doctors operate will change the entire ecosystem of medicine. It'll
change how doctors relate to their patients and how much patients can trust their doctors.
Ill Woman's Insurance Company Will Pay for Her Assisted Suicide, But Not for Chemo. The Washington Times
reported that the California Assisted-suicide law prompted an insurance company to deny coverage to a terminally ill
California woman. Bradford Richardson, from the Washington Times reported that Stephanie Packer, a wife and mother of
four who was diagnosed with a terminal form of scleroderma, said that her insurance company initially indicated it would pay
for her to switch to a different chemotherapy drug based on the recommendation of her doctors but shortly after the
California assisted suicide law went into effect, her insurance company denied her treatment.
What 'Me Before You' gets wrong.
"Me Before You" is Jojo Moyes's much-anticipated movie adaptation of her 2012 novel by the same name. I'm not really a fan of romance
novels. I read the book and saw the film because of their larger agenda: the escalating debate over euthanasia. The movie's
euthanasia theme resonates particularly strongly with me today, as California's law legalizing physician-assisted suicide took effect
yesterday [6/9/2016]. Furthermore, Canada's prime minister recently introduced legislation to legalize euthanasia in his country.
fast lane to rationed care. When the Obama administration first proposed its massive overhaul of the nation's
healthcare system, opponents raised concerns that government officials would be making decisions about healthcare not on the
basis of a patient's needs, but based on bureaucratic spending limits and one-size-fits all political decrees. Critics
were especially alarmed over a provision in the Affordable Care Act that creates an agency called the Independent Payment
Advisory Board and charges it with limiting the growth of Medicare spending. The board will set the payment rates
healthcare providers will receive for treatments and services of Medicaid patients.
Justin Trudeau's Culture of Death. "Me Before You" is the latest Hollywood blockbuster to grossly misrepresent
the lived experience of the majority of disabled people. In the film, a young man becomes disabled, falls in love with
his 'carer' and they have an incredible 6 months together. Despite her opposition, however, our hero does the
"honorable" thing by killing himself at the Swiss assisted suicide clinic Dignitas — so she can move on and he is
no longer a burden to her. Based on the best-selling novel of the same name, "Me Before You" is little more than a
disability snuff film, giving audiences the message that if you're a disabled person, you're better off dead.
medical schools preparing to add doctor-assisted death to curriculum. With physician-assisted death soon to
forever alter the face of medicine, Canada's medical schools are under pressure to decide at what point in the curriculum
future doctors should be introduced to this paradigm shift — and what that teaching needs to entail.
Starting on June 7, patients with a "grievous and irremediable" condition will be able to request a doctor's help to
end their lives, following the Supreme Court of Canada decision last year that struck down the law banning assisted suicide
and euthanasia.
to Pay $5400 to Make Poor Sick People Dead. California Medical — its version of Medicaid — will
pay $5400 for the drugs to make the suicidal terminally ill poor, dead. Worse, Medical recipients don't have access to good
cancer treatment and doesn't pay well for palliative care.
panels' resurrected under new Medicare rules. You probably remember the controversy over Sarah Palin's charge
six years ago that the Affordable Health Care Act would include "death panels" that would ration health care, effectively
deciding in some cases who lives and who dies. [...] But lawmakers crafting Obamacare did propose panels that would decide
whether or not a health-care procedure was worth paying for. And now, as the Associated Press reports, changes for
Medicare in 2016 include "coverage for end-of-life counseling."
A War on Men. If you're at risk of prostate
cancer — in other words, if you're male — the best place to be is the United States, where survival
rates are highest in the world. But not for long, if the Obama administration gets its way by curtailing a test that
flags prostate cancer before it spreads.
The Editor says...
Assisted suicide will pave the way for involuntary termination of the elderly, just as same-sex marriage will set the stage for
polygamy and other things much worse. Incremental changes never stop.
Parenthood Video Is Game-Changer. Abortion critics have long warned that the problem
is not only the obvious — what abortion does to the fetus — but also what it
does to us. It's the same kind of desensitization that has occurred in the Netherlands with another
mass exercise in life termination: assisted suicide. That began as a way to prevent the suffering
of the terminally ill. It has now become so widespread and wanton that one-fifth of all Dutch
assisted-suicide patients are euthanized without their explicit consent.
Uncle Sam plans to cheat Granny out of health care. For a half-century, Medicare has
enabled seniors to get that care. But now the Obama administration is pressuring hospitals to skimp.
Last week, the administration announced the largest-ever change in how Medicare pays for care.
It's called "bundled payments," and it's the latest trick to squeeze care from seniors. Bundling
will make it financially risky for hospitals in New York and many other areas of the country to do
hip and knee replacements. These two procedures have transformed the experience of aging,
allowing seniors to stay active.
Obama administration
revives plan once criticized as 'death panels'. Six years after end-of-life planning
nearly derailed development of the Affordable Care Act amid charges of "death panels," the Obama
administration has revived a proposal to reimburse physicians for talking with their Medicare
patients about how patients want to be cared for as they near death. The proposal, contained in a
large set of Medicare regulations unveiled Wednesday [7/8/2015], comes amid growing public discussion
about the need for medical care that better reflects patients' wishes as they get older.
with dignity' is often coerced by those with financial interests. Earlier this year,
legislation was introduced to the D.C. Council that would legalize physician-assisted suicide in our
nation's capital for an adult patient diagnosed with a terminal condition and less than six months
to live. Although this initiative has been introduced in 24 states this year (not passing in any so
far), its passage in the District of Columbia this year risks setting a dangerous precedent for the rest of the
nation. Self-determination and pain relief are the primary arguments by proponents of physician-assisted
suicide. These principles of autonomy and beneficence are clearly important in discussions at the end of
life. But can this specific piece of legislation protect those who need it the most, such as those with
mental illness, and those easily subject to coercion, such as seniors? As a practicing physician for the
past 25 years and based on the experience of similar practices around the world, I have serious concerns
with this bill.
prostate surgeon's warning: Federal guidelines for PSA test put men in danger. The
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends against PSA (prostate specific antigen)
screening for prostate cancer. The task force currently gives PSA screening a grade D, meaning that
there is moderate or high certainty that the PSA test has no benefit or that the harms outweigh the
benefits. This recommendation was first issued in 2011.
votes to repeal Obamacare's 'death panel'. The House voted Tuesday [6/23/2015] to repeal another piece
of Obamacare, this time a Medicare cost-cutting board that opponents have decried as a "death panel" that could ration
care. Majority Republicans led the charge to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), 244 votes
to 154, and were joined by 11 Democrats who ignored President Obama's veto threat. The Affordable Care
Act of 2010 created the board to recommend savings within Medicare if the program exceeded a target growth rate.
Lists Grow as Many More Veterans Seek Care and Funding Falls Far Short. One year after
outrage about long waiting lists for health care shook the Department of Veterans Affairs, the
agency is facing a new crisis: The number of veterans on waiting lists of one month or more is now
50 percent higher than it was during the height of last year's problems, department officials say.
The department is also facing a nearly $3 billion budget shortfall, which could affect care for many
veterans. The agency is considering furloughs, hiring freezes and other significant moves to
reduce the gap. A proposal to address a shortage of funds for one drug — a new, more
effective but more costly hepatitis C treatment — by possibly rationing new treatments
among veterans and excluding certain patients who have advanced terminal diseases or suffer from a
"persistent vegetative state or advanced dementia" is stirring bitter debate inside the department.
Suicide Bill Passes in California Senate. A highly controversial California State Senate bill that would
allow doctors to provide lethal, life-ending drugs to terminally ill patients with less than six months to live passed
in a 23-14 vote on Thursday [6/4/2015]. The right-to-die legislation, SB 128 authored by Sens. Lois Wok (D-Davis)
and Bill Monning (D-Carmel), passed despite major objections from nine Republicans who believe it devalues life and puts
the elderly and those with high medical expenses at risk for early death.
Supreme Court rejects Obamacare 'death panel' challenge. The U.S. Supreme Court on
Monday [3/30/2015] declined to hear a new challenge to President Barack Obama's healthcare law that
took aim at a bureaucratic board labeled by some Republicans as a "death panel" because it was
designed to cut Medicare costs.
on the Horizon? [Scroll down] With the continuing cancellations of health insurance
policies as a direct result of ObamaCare, people are dying. Limited choice of doctors and hospitals is
resulting in less than quality care. And with the massive "unresolved discrepancies, rules
violations and technology problems" ObamaCare is decreasing medical care and innovation. And,
of course, it was Harry Reid who unequivocally stated that ObamaCare is absolutely a step toward a
single payer system. It is not the choice of American doctors to curtail medical care to their
patients. But as Dr. Alexander warned, when a government becomes totalitarian in nature, as is
occurring under Obama, then that "[s]cience under dictatorship becomes subordinated to the guiding
philosophy of the dictatorship."
Tailored medical treatments sounds a lot like rationing. Obama
to Unveil Research Initiative to Develop Tailored Medical Treatments. Saying that "the
possibilities are boundless," President Obama on Friday [1/30/2015] announced a major biomedical research
initiative, including plans to collect genetic data on one million Americans so scientists could
develop drugs and treatments tailored to the characteristics of individual patients. Dr. Francis S.
Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, said the studies would help doctors decide which
treatments would work best for which patients.
Panels — Alive and Well. Both here and across the pond in the UK, government
agencies ration healthcare. In the UK, the rationing board is ironically called NICE, or National
Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Under ObamaCare, the comparable agency is IPAB, the
Independent Payment Advisory Board. Rationing boards evaluate "cost effectiveness" of treatments
and medications, deciding which ones to pay for, or not. If the rationing board decides to not pay
for a particular treatment or drug, patients are out of luck. If the denied treatment is lifesaving,
guess what follows? Hence the characterization of these rationing boards as "death panels."
Skip Your Annual
Physical. We all make resolutions and promises to live healthier and better lives, to
make the world a better place. Not having my annual physical is one small way I can help reduce
health care costs — and save myself time, worry and a worthless exam. Around 45 million
Americans are likely to have a routine physical this year — just as they have for many years running.
The Editor says...
An annual checkup wasn't called a waste of time by anyone, especially the nanny-state government, until
Obamacare made rationing inevitable. The writer of the article immediately above is one of the principal
authors of Obamacare, and he knows the whole house of cards will quickly collapse if everybody in the country
actually uses it to pay for routine checkups.
Ezekiel Emanuel:
Go Ration Yourself. One reason your insurance premiums have skyrocketed during the
past year is that Obamacare requires all health plans to provide "free" annual wellness visits and
15 associated preventive services for which they cannot charge the patient a copayment. According to
a key architect of PPACA, however, "the annual physical exam is basically worthless." Dr. Ezekiel
Emanuel, last heard from claiming that he wants to die at 75 in order to avoid becoming a burden on
society, writes in the New York Times that "screening healthy people who have no complaints
is a pretty ineffective way to improve people's health."
Seniors Should Be Limited to Three Lowest Cost Medicare Part D Plans. In a 2009 paper,
"Choice Inconsistencies Among the Elderly: Evidence from Plan Choice in the Medicare Part D
Program," Obamacare advisor Jonathan Gruber argued that there were too many Medicare Part D plans
for seniors to choose from, which led them to make bad decisions when enrolling in a plan.
Four Times
Obamacare Advocates Admitted It Will Kill Old People. [Scroll down] In other
words, yes, Obamacare redistributes healthcare. Yes, Obamacare will endanger people who cannot
afford healthcare because they are young and healthy, all in order to pay for government benefits
for those who are sick. And yes, in order to control the resulting costs, care will have
to be cut for the elderly.
The Death Panels
are Coming. Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber quite correctly attributed the passage
of Obamcare to "lack of transparency" and the "stupidity of the American voter" — because it
turns out that Obamacare will ration care, and that the most well-respected bodies in terms of health
rationing have already recommended cutting off services.
The Seven
Sacraments of Liberalism. [#7] Physician-Assisted Suicide: If you were not fortunate
enough to be aborted, then later on you may take advantage of physician-assisted suicide. You will
make room for others by not consuming scarce resources.
disagrees with brother who wants to die at 75. Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Friday playfully
disagreed with his older brother's provocative suggestion that it's best to die at 75 to avoid the
vexing issues of declining performance and worsening health. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a bio-ethicist
and influential health adviser to President Barack Obama, stirred the pot in an article in the
October issue of, "The Atlantic" under the headline, "Why I Hope to Die at 75."
Obamacare Architect Thinks 75 Is Old
Enough. Ezekiel Emanuel only wants to live to 75 years, he claimed in a recent interview. Let's see what he says when
he gets there. What should alarm us about this is that Ezekiel Emanuel, author of the Complete Lives System, is also the architect
of Obamacare. The government, thanks to Obamacare, now has the final decision over whether we live or die. Because of
Obamacare, Zeke's philosophy is our philosophy, our doctor's philosophy, and our hospital's philosophy whether we like it or not.
Zeke made this admission in an interview with the Atlantic on September 17th which I first read on Political Outcast.
For people who say the ideology behind Obamacare won't determine our life span, they should read this interview.
Justice Ginsburg advocates aborting the
poor. Yesterday I posted on a recent essay by Obamacare architect, Ezekiel Emanuel, who claimed that he only intended to
live until he was 75. He made a point of saying that he didn't wish to inflict his vision on anyone else, but the metrics he
laid out for continuing life are sadly widespread in a medical profession that has ceased to see its role as one of healing the sick
and injured and rather one of deciding what is best for people and society.
Should We Hope to Die at
75? Normally, no one would care that in a recent Atlantic essay — "Why I Hope to Die at
75" — 57-year-old Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel argued that living to be 75 years old was long enough for anyone.
After 75, Emanuel suggests, "We are no longer remembered as vibrant and engaged but as feeble, ineffectual, even pathetic."
But Emanuel is no garden-variety crackpot. Nor is he a wannabe science-fiction writer dreaming of a centrally planned
planet of robust youthful humanoids. Unfortunately, he was one of the chief architects of the troubled Affordable Care
Act and a key medical advisor to the Obama administration.
Architect Finds Cure for Old Age. Last week the Atlantic published an essay by Emanuel
titled, "Why I Hope to Die at 75," wherein he avers that "families — and you —
will be better off if nature takes its course swiftly and promptly." Note the words "you" and
"families." Its title notwithstanding, Emanuel's article isn't really about himself. It is actually
a none-too-subtle attempt to make us feel guilty for burdening our families, and society in general, by clinging
to life past what he considers the optimum age to die. In other words, it is you whom he hopes
will go gentle into that good night after three-quarters of a century.
Obamacare Architect Thinks We Should Die by 75. Ezekiel
Emanuel, former White House Special Adviser on Obamacare and current Director of Clinical Bioethics at NIH, has decided the optimal age for
death: Seventy-five.
Obamacare Creator: Die At 75!
Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the masterminds behind Obamacare, has now explained that he wishes to die at age 75. In an article in
The Atlantic, Emanuel writes, "Seventy-five. That's how long I want to live: 75 years." He explains that
his daughters disagree; so do his brothers and his friends. But, he says, "I am sure of my position... here is a simple truth
that many of us seem to resist: living too long is also a loss. It renders many of us, if not disabled, then faltering
and declining, a state that may not be worse than death but is nonetheless deprived."
15 Most Shocking Statements in Obamacare Architect's 'Die at 75' Article. Last week,
esteemed doctor and one of our ObamaCare Architect Overlords penned a column for the Atlantic that
should win a Pulitzer Prize for passive-aggressive shaming. Although Emanuel claims that he
doesn't want to live past the age of 75, the article itself could have been a listicle titled, "Top
15 Reasons No One Over 75 Should Receive Healthcare." Emanuel even includes a monstrous but
brightly colored graph that is meant to tell anyone over 75 that their "last contribution" to
society likely occurred more than a decade ago.
Have Revived End-Of-Life Counseling. Remember the controversial provision of Obamacare
that would have paid physicians extra money to provide "end-of-life counseling" to seniors whose
conditions required expensive medical care? That feature of "reform" caused such a public outcry
that the Democrats had to drop it from the final legislation. But the government apparatchiks didn't
give up. On Christmas Day, 2010, it came to light that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
planned to implement the program anyway. Within a week, however, vehement objections by clinicians
and citizens alike forced the CMS bureaucrats to back off once more. Well, they're at it again.
May Reimburse Medicare 'End- of-Life Discussions' After Mocking Palin's 'Death Panels'. Years after former Alaska
Governor Sarah Palin was mocked for being concerned about "death panels," the federal government may reimburse Medicare doctors
for end-of-life consultations that critics say would only encourage sick patients to reject costly treatments to prolong life.
rationing is coming with Obamacare but doctors can stop it. National uproar over the Veterans Affairs scandal
should refocus the nation's attention to the issue of health care rationing. Under VA care, 40 patients died while
waiting for treatment at a Phoenix, Ariz., facility. Not only is that the tip of the iceberg in terms of what
government-run health care means for patients, it should also sound the alarm about the newest tactic for rationing care,
bedside rationing.
about the VA hospital scandal, which paints a pretty clear picture of
Obamacare's future.
Obamacare's Dangers
for Seniors. Nationwide, readmissions rates are dropping because Section 3025 of
Obamacare punishes hospitals if a senior returns within 30 days. What happens to the senior
treated for a heart attack who rushes back to the hospital a week later feeling faint, possibly
because of arrhythmia? To dodge the penalty, hospitals put the patient under "observation."
It's just a word on the chart. The patient may get the same tests and be put in the same room as if he'd
been admitted. But unless he stays at least two nights, the hospital won't bill Medicare for a
stay, and the patient gets clobbered with the cost. Many seniors don't even know they were under
observation until they get the bill.
regrets comparing Obamacare to Nazi train ride. [Tennessee] State Sen. Stacey
Campfield says he regrets that "some people have missed the point" of a blog post he made earlier
today that compared Obamacare signups to Nazi "train rides". In a statement released this
afternoon, Campfield stood by the analogy, saying that the Affordable Care Act would open the door
to "bureaucrats deciding who should be given life saving medications and who should be denied" and
government funding for abortion. But he said that point had been lost amid the reference to the Holocaust.
This is slightly off-topic -- I hope. Swiss
group to allow assisted dying for elderly who are not terminally ill. A Swiss
organisation that helps people take their own lives has voted to extend its services to elderly
people who are not terminally ill. Exit added "suicide due to old age" to their statutes at an
annual general meeting held over the weekend, allowing people suffering from psychological or
physical problems associated with old age the choice to end their life. Assisted dying is legal
in Switzerland and technically even a healthy young person could use such services. However,
organisations involved in this work set their own internal requirements, which differ from group to
Other Stealthy ObamaCare Menace. The Affordable Care Act's Independent Payment Advisory
Board has been so heavily criticized for being an unaccountable body with the power to effectively ration
Medicare services that many congressional Democrats no longer support it. IPAB's bureaucratic
cousin — the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation — deserves the same
treatment. Both institutions are in place to preserve rather than reform Medicare's traditional,
and broken, fee-for-service Medicare program. They both also embrace the ObamaCare technocratic mind-set.
Ezekiel Emmanuel's
Reaper Curve. Ezekiel Emanuel has written extensively, before and after he helped draft ObamaCare,
about who should get medical care, who should decide, and whose life is worth saving. Emanuel is part of a
school of thought that redefines a physician's duty, insisting that it includes working for the greater good of
society instead of focusing only on a patient's needs. Many physicians find that view dangerous, and most
Americans are likely to agree.
My Wife's Last
Days — And the Coming ObamaCare Death Panel. We have been so absorbed by the cavalcade of government
incompetence and individual hurt produced by the rollout of ObamaCare that it is easy to forget the tragedy-in-waiting should
this federal healthcare takeover stay in place: the death panel, also known as the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).
This is the group of political appointees designed to allow the federal government to use a combination of medical and social criteria
to determine the healthcare an individual receives. Or, to put it as bluntly as Sarah Palin did, to determine who lives and who dies.
Revealed: Obama's 'attack' on Medicare
Part D. The Obama administration is launching an "attack" on the Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D programs as part
of Obamacare that will result in higher costs and fewer health care options for seniors, according to a U.S. House subcommittee.
The administration is quietly introducing "policies that would undermine the integrity and success of the Medicare Part D program" according to the
subcommittee. President Bush signed Medicare Part D into law in 2003 to subsidize prescription drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries.
What Belgium's child
euthanasia law means for America and the Constitution. Belgium has just passed a law allowing euthanasia for children. The Low
Countries allow for suicide and doctor-assisted suicide, but Brussels is the first to open to door to dealing death to children of any age. If
the prospect of youngsters being helped to off themselves seems horrifying, do not worry — the law has "safeguards" to ensure all the killing
will be purely voluntary: a psychologist has to certify that the child has "capacity or discernment" to understand what they are doing.
Drug Rationing for Seniors Begins. Buried beneath the
avalanche of recent news reports about the latest Obamacare-mandated funding cuts to the Medicare Advantage (MA) program is a related but far more
disturbing story — the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has taken a major step toward rationing medications to the elderly.
Since passage of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, seniors enrolled in the Medicare prescription drug program have been guaranteed access to "all or
substantially all" of the drugs in several classes of pharmaceuticals. President Obama's health care bureaucrats, however, have proposed removing
three of these classes from the "protected" list.
'Aid in Dying' Movement Takes Hold in Some
States. Helping the terminally ill end their lives, condemned for decades as immoral, is gaining traction. Banned everywhere but
Oregon until 2008, it is now legal in five states. Its advocates, who have learned to shun the term "assisted suicide," believe that as baby
boomers watch frail parents suffer, support for what they call the "aid in dying" movement will grow further. In January, a district court in
New Mexico authorized doctors to provide lethal prescriptions and declared a constitutional right for "a competent, terminally ill patient to choose
aid in dying."
Palin appearing more and more the Prophet as older UK cancer patients are
increasingly shunned. Former Alaska Governor and Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin caused quite the stir in 2009 when, in
challenging the drafting of the Affordable Care Act, she stated that the bill would create a "death panel" of bureaucrats who would decide whether
Americans — such as her elderly parents or children with certain disabilities were "worthy of medical care." But critics like
Palin had already viewed Britain's National Health Service (NHS) and its cost-effectiveness analysis to determine whether new treatments and
drugs should be available to those covered by under the NHS.
More information -- none of it favorable -- about
the NHS.
Obama Dooms Seniors to Ravages of Aging.
On Oct. 1, 2012 the Obama administration started awarding bonus points to hospitals that spend the least on elderly patients. It will
result in fewer knee replacements, hip replacements, angioplasty, bypass surgery and cataract operations. These are the five procedures
that have transformed aging for older Americans. They used to languish in wheelchairs and nursing homes due to arthritis, cataracts
and heart disease. Now they lead active lives. But the Obama administration is undoing that progress. By cutting $716 billion
from future Medicare funding over the next decade and rewarding the hospitals that spend the least on seniors, the Obama health law will make
these procedures hard to get and less safe.
The Death of Little Nell. In the real world, most
cancellations up to this point have been of "bad apple" policies that fell short of Barrycare's lofty moral standards for acceptable coverage, including
maternity benefits for menopausal women. But on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and similar precincts, the problem is the opposite. Their policies
are plenty generous, but they have to die so as not to "siphon off" the healthy folks whose participation in the exchanges is vital to keeping the absurd
scheme solvent.
the Grim Reaper? Obama's HHS head control's Medicare payouts. Is Kathleen Sebelius trading her tailored suit for flowing black robes of
death? The Independent Payment Advisory Board, or the Obamacare Death Panels, are the reason that Kathleen Sebelius, current secretary of Health
and Human Services cannot be fired for the absolute disaster of the Obamacare roll out. Under Obamacare, the decision on what Medicare will, and
won't, pay for rests with the Head of Health and Human Services, and note it is 'Health and Human' not 'Health and Humane' Services. As head of HHS,
she can, without oversight, make what ever decision she wants over your health care benefits. What will and won't be paid for. And how much
they will pay the doctors and hosptials.
Liberal Semantics and the Redefining of
Death Panels. Ever since the idea of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was introduced, and certainly since it was signed into law, realists like
Sarah Palin have forewarned that a government teetering on bankruptcy would eventually have no choice but to ration health care. Eschewing semantics,
right from the start Palin pegged the ACA's Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) for what it is: a "death panel." Made up of 15 unelected
bureaucrats, the IPAB was established expressly for the purpose of determining whether doctor-recommended treatment will be paid for or not.
President Obama is the nominal leader for permanent bureaucracy. The Front Man. [Scroll down]
Consider his hallmark achievement, the Affordable Care Act, the centerpiece of which is the appointment of a committee, the Independent
Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), the mission of which is to achieve targeted savings in Medicare without reducing the scope or quality of
care. How that is to be achieved was contemplated in detail neither by the lawmakers who wrote the health-care bill nor by the
president himself. But they did pay a great deal of attention to the processes touching IPAB: For example, if that committee
of experts fails to achieve the demanded savings, then the ball is passed to ... a new committee of experts, this one under the
guidance of the secretary of health and human services. IPAB's powers are nearly plenipotentiary: Its proposals, like a
presidential veto, require a supermajority of Congress to be overridden.
A Death Panel Toldja So. My pal Steve
Malzberg, now hosting a show on Newsmax TV, scored big this week with an interview with leftist journalist Mark Halperin —
co-author of Game Change, and the former ABC News political director who once sent a memo directing reporters to be biased in
their coverage of the Bush-Kerry election. Halperin admitted that Obamacare includes death panels — committees of
bureaucrats who will decide when your life is no longer of value to the state.
Mark Halperin: Death Panels Are 'Built Into' ObamaCare. When former Alaska governor Sarah Palin famously said years
ago that ObamaCare included death panels, the liberal media went nuts declaring her a kook while defending the law. On Monday
[11/25/2013], Time magazine's senior political analyst Mark Halperin, appearing on Newsmax TV's Steve Malzberg Show,
agreed that this was the case saying, "It's built into the plan. It's not like a guess or like a judgment. That's going to
be part of how costs are controlled".
Democrats' Senate
Nuke Allows Obama to Pack the Obamacare 'Death Panel'. The Independent Payment Advisory Board is the 15-member unelected
board that the Obamacare law creates. Its voting members are nominated by the president, and confirmed by the Senate. Prior
to the breaking of the filibuster, President Obama would have had an extremely difficult time getting a single member appointed and
confirmed. Dubbed the "death panel" by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the IPAB is charged with essentially rationing health care.
The IPAB is so controversial that the American Medical Association has taken the unusual step of publicly supporting its abolition.
Obamacare and Liberal Cruelty. No one has
the right to sacrifice your life to save someone else's life. No one has the right to harm your family to help someone else's family.
That's a bedrock principle in America. Until Obamacare. [...] Obamacare privileges the poor over the rich, the middle aged over the young, women
over men, and everyone else over the elderly on Medicare. In order to extend more government control over private insurers, doctors and hospitals,
Democrats have chosen to sacrifice the financial well-being and even the lives of other Americans. They justify it because they want to offer
government subsidized insurance to those they deem needier.
The Architect Speaks. Ezekiel Emanuel, ObamaCare
architect, Ph.D, bioethicist, Harvard M.D., a brilliant man who displays his intelligence by continuing to defend ObamaCare. He is the president's
top healthcare adviser. He is famous for promoting the idea that medical resources should be primarily directed in support of adolescents and
young adults. The elderly and infants should take a back seat, especially if medical resources become scarce. [...] Basically, young lives are
valued highly as productive useful lives, so if you save one adolescent, it is equivalent to saving 20 or so old folks. Therefore, guess who gets
the short end of the hypodermic needle. This system is already in place in Great Britain.
Dem Senator: Kill the 'Death Panel'.
Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) said on C-SPAN Wednesday morning that the Independent Payments Advisory Board (IPAB) — the so-called "death panel" of
Obamacare, which will cut Medicare costs by restricting care — should be "revisited." His comments came as more Democrats are joining
calls to amend Obamacare, in particular by supporting the Keep Your Health Plan Act, proposed by Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), which would fulfill President
Barack Obama's oft-repeated promise that patients could keep their existing health insurance.
Oregon Tightens Duty to
Die on Cancer Patients. As I have discussed here previously, the first state to explicitly ration Medicaid — an integral feature
of all single payer systems — tightened the screws against terminal cancer patients a few months ago. Now, the issues is gaining wider
discussion in Oregon.
Sarah Palin knew a death panel when she
saw one. Under Obamacare, the sick and weak and old would stand before death panels of bureaucrats to be granted life or death.
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was laughed out of town for making four years ago what we now know is a prescient prediction. Perhaps she is
one of the few who actually read the health care bill before it passed. "And who will suffer the most when they ration care? The
sick, the elderly, and the disabled, of course," she wrote on her Facebook page in 2009.
Fox News' Megyn Kelly Grills
Slippery 'Architect' of ObamaCare. Fox News' Megyn Kelly hosted Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel on her show Friday night and called him an "interesting
guy." [...] At the heart of ObamaCare is Emanuel's 'complete lives' system proposal — i.e. reduce costs by cutting health services to individuals
who are prevented from "being or becoming participating citizens." According to the doctor, the Hippocratic Oath is way overrated. A
utilitarian-minded government panel takes the place of the doctor-patient relationship and decides who's a financial drain and who's not. On
his list of those who need care, but shouldn't necessarily receive it, are newborns, toddlers, the disabled, those with genetic disorders, late-stage
cancer, Alzheimer's, dementia, and senior citizens who have already consumed maximum resources.
Death Panels Alive And Well In Canada And Coming Here.
Lost in the discussion of defunding ObamaCare and the failed effort in Congress is the fact that failure means the government's ability to defund your life through the
ObamaCare's Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) remains. IPAB is regarded by many, starting with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, as a death panel whose
decisions based on cost effectiveness would result in health care rationing. A glimpse of this brave new world can be had by casting a glance at our neighbor
to the north.
What Democrats Really Care About. Obama's primary
objective in his first term was a massive government takeover of the health care system. Once the government controls your health care, it will have a
very real life-and-death lever — support liberals, or the death panels will decide you're too fat or have too many kids or don't eat right to get
the medical care you need.
Obamacare Doctor Rationing Begins in
California. The latest bad news for the Affordable Care Act comes from California, a state that the Obama administration has consistently
pointed to as an important indicator of the law's success. President Barack Obama even traveled to the Golden State in June to tout the health-care
law's success at "pushing down costs" for consumers. Unfortunately, several analyses have recently revealed that because of Obamacare individual
health insurance premiums are headed anywhere but down for California residents.
Sarah Palin Was
Right — More Dems Ditch Death Panels. Some Democrats are signing on to bills repealing the powers of the Independent Payment
Advisory Board to effectively ration health care for seniors. So Sarah Palin was right about those death panels after all?
'death panel' faces growing opposition from Democrats. ObamaCare's cost-cutting board — memorably called a "death panel" by
Sarah Palin — is facing growing opposition from Democrats who say it will harm people on Medicare. Former Democratic National Committee
Chairman Howard Dean drew attention to the board designed to limit Medicare cost growth when he called for its repeal in an op-ed late last month.
Obamacare's Death Panels Will be
Implemented in Two Years. [IPAB] has been derisively referred to as a death panel because so many have called for it to have health care rationing
powers and because its decisions could result in cost-cutting measures that deny lifesaving medical treatment. The Independent Payment Advisory Board was one of
the most controversial parts of the Obamacare legislation — mainly because it puts 15 unelected strangers in charge of health decisions for most Americans.
IPAB: An ObamaCare Board Answerable to No One.
Signs of ObamaCare's failings mount daily, including soaring insurance costs, looming provider shortages and inadequate insurance exchanges. Yet the
law's most disturbing feature may be the Independent Payment Advisory Board. The IPAB, sometimes called a "death panel," threatens both the Medicare
program and the Constitution's separation of powers. At a time when many Americans have been unsettled by abuses at the Internal Revenue Service and
Justice Department, the introduction of a powerful and largely unaccountable board into health care merits special scrutiny.
Waivers Are For Union Pals, Not Dying Child. Kathleen Sebelius' claim she can't waive a rule to save a 10-year-old's
life is rich, given she was last seen doling out ObamaCare waivers like candy to union groups. Welcome to the world of
politicized health care.
HHS Already Rationing Enrollment in Obamacare's Pre-Existing Condition Plan. A pre-existing condition health insurance
program established by Obamacare is already straining its own budget and, to control costs, the administration's Health and Human
Services Department (HHS) has stopped enrolling any new people in the program, according to an audit by the General Accountability
Office (GAO). In addition, to further control spending, HHS has directed the program to shift more of the costs onto the
current enrollees, thus raising the out-of-pocket health care expenses for the people with pre-existing conditions.
ObamaCare Board Ought
to Walk the Plank. One of the linchpins of ObamaCare looks more and more as if it's coming loose. The ObamaCare
monstrosity (officially misnamed the Affordable Care Act) is already heading for a "train wreck," and a large majority of senators are
on record for repealing one of its most hideous taxes. But that medical device tax, important as it is, is a minor sideshow in
comparison to something called the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), which is a central element of ObamaCare's (supposed)
cost-control scheme.
refuse appointments to Obamacare rationing board. The IPAB is the signature health care cost-control device of Obamacare.
If Medicare spending grows faster than specific targets set by the law, IPAB is empowered to reduce payments to health care providers or
eliminate coverage for specific treatments and procedures entirely. Congress would need a three-fifths majority to overturn IPAB's
cost-control measures. The members of the IPAB are all appointed by the President and subject to Senate confirmation.
Scared of Obamacare's IPAB? Meet the
USPSTF! Another nasty ingredient in the alphabet soup of Obamacare is the United States Preventive Services Task Force
(USPSTF). This is "an independent group of national experts in prevention and evidence-based medicine." Formerly a sleepy
quasi-governmental body charged with making recommendations about public health screening, under Obamacare the USPSTF will determine
whether your doctor will be able to diagnose you with diseases.
President Obama has
set in motion forces that he can't handle. [Scroll down] Obamacare may help to reduce healthcare costs, but when evidence
mounts that those "death panels" that we have heard so much about are real and that we are saving money by medicating patients and allowing them to
pass away peacefully rather than treating their maladies, people will be hopping mad. Many of them will take to the streets to vent their
anger. If you think that it can't happen here, you haven't been paying attention.
Adolf Hitler — Progressive
Pioneer. [Scroll down] The Nazis were also quite open about the need to ration healthcare when it came to what they
called 'useless mouths', This included the mentally ill, the disabled and handicapped, and in many cases people whom were simply
terminally ill. Almost 300,000 people — that we know about — were killed by lethal injection in this
way, not in concentration camps but in German medical facilities. Horrific as this may seem to some, this bears remembering
when we look at the conversations about healthcare in our own time and examine the views of some of President Obama's healthcare
Krugman: 'Death
Panels and Sales Taxes is How We Do This'. Years of accumulating debt and expanding government programs only moves us down
the "road to serfdom." As Krugman surmised, the consequence is government confiscation of wealth and government control over health
care. Rarely are Leftists so candid in articulating their hopes.
The Logic of the
Progressive Healthcare Death Cult. Whether ObamaCare's Independent Payment Advisory Board should correctly be
described as a "death panel" or a "cost-reduction system" is actually a stale semantics debate, given that when they are not acting
outraged, leftists explain their real intentions quite clearly. Cutting to the chase, the proper question to ask is, "Why are
progressives willing to condemn the old and infirm to death?"
This can happen here: Half of
those on Liverpool Care Pathway never told. Almost half of dying patients placed on the controversial Liverpool Care
Pathway are never told that life-saving treatment has been withdrawn, a national audit has found. The study suggests that in
total, around 57,000 patients a year are dying in NHS hospitals without being told that efforts to keep them alive have been stopped.
Or this: Top Japanese
Official Urges Elderly to 'Hurry Up and Die'. Taro Aso has never been one to hold his tongue. But Japan's
72 year-old deputy prime minister may have outdone himself with his latest gaffe. At a government panel to discuss
social security reforms, the former prime minister called the elderly who are unable to feed themselves "tube people," then
proceeded to say the elderly should be allowed to "hurry up and die" to reduce the burden on a country tasked to pay for their
medical expenses.
From Healthcare to Holocaust. [Scroll down] Of
course, such sacrifices are often couched in the language of compassion. Hitler called his euthanasia program "mercy killing." In 2012 Great Britain, it's
called the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP). Originally created to help cancer sufferers during their last days, the LCP, which withholds lifesaving care from heavily
sedated patients, has been expanded well beyond its inventors' intentions. According to British neurologist Dr. Patrick Pullicino, today 130,000 National Health
Service (NHS) patients, many of whom are far from death, are shown to an early grave each year via the LCP; 29 percent of all deaths under NHS care can be attributed
to euthanasia. Likewise, the Netherlands, with its ObamaCare-style short-term care and Bismarck-style long-term care systems, has some of the most liberal abortion
and euthanasia laws on the planet, including one allowing physicians to euthanize "suffering" infants with their parents' consent.
This Is Your Life under Obamacare.
[Scroll down] Yes, supposedly to save costs, a panel of bureaucrats will decide, for example, that a 60-year-old cancer patient will not get
chemotherapy. It's too costly, and younger patients need it. Elderly, go home and take a pill. If you believe the Independent
Payment Advisory Board's cost-cutting measures won't ration medical care, which will involve life and death decisions at the end of the bureaucratic
process, you still believe in the tooth fairy.
Obamacare's IPAB: When
Government Takes Over Health Care, You Become A Budget Item. As a physician, I would like to make you aware of the Independent Payment
Advisory Board, or IPAB, a key element of the administration's federal takeover of medicine. IPAB is a board consisting of 15 unelected,
appointed bureaucrats whose task it is to cut the growth of Medicare spending, and the cuts they are mandated to make will be deep. The decisions
IPAB makes behind closed doors can only be overturned by a supermajority of Congress, something almost impossible to achieve.
In Britain's Liverpool Pathway We Get A Preview Of Obmacare [sic] And Hell.
It is well known that about 30% of medical expenditures occur in the last year of life. I view this a tautological dodge because you
usually don't need a lot of medical care until you are near death and as no one knows which is the last year of their life it is a pretty
useless metric... unless you can designate with certainty the last year of a patient's life and then set out to minimize costs during that
Care? No, this is a pathway to
killing people that doctors deem worthless. It sounds like a well-worked-out schedule for providing the best possible approach to treating
a patient. Accordingly, when relatives have been asked to sign up to the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP), that's precisely what they thought they were
agreeing to. And, in theory, that's what it is supposed to be. [...] In practice, however, the LCP has turned into something quite different.
For while in some cases it has been used properly as intended, with numerous others it has become, instead, a backdoor form of euthanasia.
Obamacare Could
Cost 35,000 Elderly Patients Their Lives Every Year. In recent remarks to the AIM conference, "ObamaNation: A Day of Truth," Betsy
McCaughey said that the regulations and cuts in Barack Obama's healthcare law could lead to the deaths of 35,000 hospital patients who otherwise might
have recovered, had they received the care available at a higher spending institution. McCaughey, the former Lt. Governor of New York and an
expert on the new healthcare law, cited the drastic cuts to Medicare in detailing how seniors will suffer under the provisions of the law.
Obstacles for Obama's health panel.
President Obama's plan to control Medicare spending — an expert board of cost-cutters — might have trouble even coming into existence.
Obama adviser admits: 'We need death panels'. A top
Democrat strategist and donor who served as President Obama's lead auto-industry adviser recently conceded that the rationing of heath services under
Obamacare is "inevitable." Steven Rattner advocated that such rationing should target elderly patients, while stating, "We need death panels."
Rattner serves on the board the New America Foundation, or NAF, a George Soros-funded think tank that was instrumental in supporting Obamacare in 2010.
Soros' son, financier Jonathan Soros, is also a member of the foundation's board.
Bailing Out
Obamacare: Sarah Palin Was Right. I missed this piece from Steven Rattner (who was a key figure in the
Obama auto bailout) when it appeared in the NY Times a couple weeks ago. Tacitly acknowledging that costs are
going to soar out of sight, Rattner opens with this frank admission: "We need death panels."
Rattner: 'We Need Death Panels'. For those who want the short answer to the question in this post's title, the
answer is almost definitely "no." But in a New York Times op-ed piece in mid-September, former Obama "car czar" Steven
Rattner effectively said that the so-called "fact-check" site known as PolitiFact should make amends to former Alaska Governor
and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
More Obamacare Fiction.
What good is a Medicare card if you can't find a doctor? That is precisely the problem that patients on Medicaid — the
program for lower-income Americans — face today, forcing them to go to hospital emergency rooms for even routine care. Do
seniors want that? And they certainly don't want the Independent Payment Advisory Board, the unelected, unaccountable board of
15 bureaucrats charged with keeping Medicare spending down. The main tool the IPAB will have is an ax to cut Medicare payments
even further, which will reduce access to care even more.
The return of the death panels. Obamacare
defenders scoff at the idea that the IPAB's decisions would have fatal consequences for seniors, but the panel has been given an extraordinary and perhaps
unconstitutional degree of power. Its proposals automatically become law unless Congress counters it with another plan. Overriding the IPAB
requires a three-fifths supermajority in the Senate. The Obamacare law dictates that Congress may not even propose doing away with the IPAB until
2017 and may not actually get rid of it until 2020. This dubious provision undercuts the argument that the IPAB is a harmless advocate for government
Rationing Begins: States
Limiting Drug Prescriptions for Medicaid Patients. Sixteen states have set a limit on the number of prescription drugs they
will cover for Medicaid patients, according to Kaiser Health News. Seven of those states, according to Kaiser Health News, have
enacted or tightened those limits in just the last two years.
Inside IPAB: Obama's
Bureaucratic Rationing Board. Until the passage of President Obama's health care law, Congress was the only entity allowed
to change what Medicare paid physicians and other health care providers for treating Medicare patients. Now, unless the Supreme Court
strikes down ObamaCare in its entirety in June, that power will be handed off to a group of unaccountable political appointees. The
Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) created under Obama's law consists of a 15-member committee designed to ration health care to
seniors by lowering Medicare reimbursement rates. Unlike Congress, IPAB will be able to change the pay rates for Medicare services
without having to worry about electoral ramifications.
The Valley of the Shadow of Death Panels.
[Scroll down] But I suspect there is more to the story. I think I may have been death-panelized, more or less. I strongly
suspect that the insurers are starting to restructure, ending coverage for "unnecessary" medical procedures, unnecessary meaning that said
procedures do not justify the costs to save someone's life. Most Lifevest wearers are, I am sure, elderly, so this is the perfect thing
to cut.
IPAB's seven deadliest sins.
This week, the House voted to repeal ObamaCare's infamous "death panel," officially known as the more polite-sounding Independent
Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB. But whatever you call it, it should be repealed. Here's why.
Drinking the Pro-Death
Kool-Aid. With the entire world watching, my sister, Terri Schiavo died seven years ago on March 31,
2005 of a court-ordered dehydration — an agonizing death that lasted nearly two weeks. It may have been the
first time most people were witness or even considered that this type of inhumane act could happen to an innocent
individual. Sadly, Terri's case wasn't isolated — it continues and in every imaginable setting.
The Obamacare Hydra. As soon as combatants lop off
one of the law's unconstitutional agencies, another takes its place. On Thursday [3/22/2012], as the behemoth federal health-care
law marked its second anniversary, House Republicans passed a bill that would repeal the infamous Independent Payment Advisory Board.
The mother of all death panels, IPAB would have unprecedented authority over health-care spending through a rogue board
of 15 Medicare spending czars.
Pap smears? Mammograms? Prostate exams? Not under
Obamacare. Slowly but surely the truth is coming out about Obamacare: Conservatives were right.
Conservatives said Obamacare would cost trillions. Our intellectual and moral superiors on the left sneered.
The CBO reported this week that Obamacare will cost nearly $1.8 trillion in the first 10 years
alone — nearly double what Democrats said it would cost. And instead of reducing the deficit, Obamacare
will increase the deficit.
Independent Payment Advisory
Revolt. Public opposition to the Affordable Care Act has grown in surprising and unpredictable ways since
the entitlement passed two years ago, but few would have predicted then that so many Democrats would repudiate so many of
President Obama's core promises. Yet that is happening now, as Congress targets the 15-member central committee that
is supposed to control health costs.
We're Learning about Obamacare isn't Good — Especially for Seniors. Our senior citizens are most at risk
under Obamacare — especially those over 70. Rationing of services and death panels (only they're called "ethics
panels" under Obamacare instead of death panels for obvious reasons) are now the rule, not the exception. I have
a friend who is a loyal Democrat and a strong Obama supporter. In 2008 when she voted for Obama, she couldn't imagine
that in 2012 she would have a massive heart attack and need a pacemaker. Prior to 2010 and the passage of
Obamacare, that would have been a routine procedure, but not anymore. She's over 70, and under Obamacare
people who are over 70 routinely receive "comfort care." That's a euphemism. It means that a panel of
experts has determined that your life isn't worth saving beyond 70, so they will try to make you feel good while
you die.
Healthy men don't need PSA testing for prostate cancer, panel says.
Most men should not routinely get a widely used blood test to check for prostate cancer because the exam does
not save lives and leads to too much unnecessary anxiety, surgery and complications, a federal task force has
The Editor says...
I hereby predict the conclusions of the next federal task force: Healthy people don't need medical attention of
any kind, so it won't matter that Obamacare makes it impossible to get treatment.
ObamaCare's IPAB Spells Medicare
Rationing. During my career as a heart surgeon, I often treated patients who had
difficulty finding a primary care doctor because they were on Medicare. The problem persists
today, and the new health law will make it worse.
A Trojan
horse named IPAB. Perhaps the most underreported and, until recently, least discussed aspect
of the Affordable Care Act is IPAB, the Independent Payment Advisory Board. This 15-person unelected
panel has yet to be selected; however, it will be a key to the success of Obamacare. Health and Human
Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has been quoted as saying that the majority of IPAB members must not be
medical practitioners.
Back the Obamacare Banana Republic. A rising chorus of repeal-mongers, outraged at the Obama
administration's federal health care power grab, took over Washington this week. Nope, it's not the
tea party. It's Democrats Against the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). Yes, Democrats.
What's IPAB? A Beltway acronym for subverting the deliberative process.
Decries 'Rationing' IPAB; Dems Downplay Its Role. Republicans say it will impose "rationing."
Reform supporters claim it may "transform" the entire health care system. But top Democrats, fearing a
political backlash, argued Tuesday [7/12/2011] that ObamaCare's panel of unelected experts is no big deal.
Seniors' Lives. The administration's regulatory czar tries to disavow his statement that a program
that saves young people is better than one that saves their parents and grandparents. It's called
rationing, and its name is ObamaCare.
it time to push Cass Sunstein over the cliff? They laughed when Sarah Palin (R) mentioned
death panels. You've seen the Democratic commercial of a man pushing a terrified wheelchair bound
grandma off a cliff. In real life the head driver and chief pusher is Professor Cass Sunstein.
So now Cass Sunstein isn't laughing. Because he is one of the chief proponents of death panels.
Of course he didn't call them that but nevertheless Palin accurately picked up his intention.
Call It 'Rationing,' Obama Calls It 'Medicare Independent Payment Advisory Board'. Suppose
Congress asked Americans: which government officials should decide what foods you would be allowed to eat
and what prices you had to pay at the grocery store — Congress, or an unelected board of nutritional
experts appointed by the president? Most Americans would immediately reply, "Neither!" But that's
precisely the debate between Congress and the White House regarding President Obama's proposed Medicare
Independent Payment Advisory Board.
IPAB Is an Acronym for
'Death Panel'. Contemplating the 2012 election that can already be seen looming on the distant
horizon, the President's advisors were no doubt hoping that the "death panel" debate was... well... dead.
But Obama himself inadvertently resurrected it when, in response to Republican budget proposals, he claimed
that Medicare costs will be kept under control by the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB).
Administration's Answer To High Healthcare Costs is... Rationing. After months of denial that
healthcare reform would involve rationing of healthcare for those who are the most vulnerable, the senior
citizens who depend on Medicare, the President has come up with a proposal to decrease healthcare costs
and guess what... it's rationing.
Dr. Berwick and Mr. Hide.
The Dr. Berwick with whom we have become all too familiar was a vocal advocate of health care rationing.
In a 2009 interview for Biotechnology Healthcare, he gushed with enthusiasm for the heavy-handed rationing
regime of Great Britain's National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence (NICE) and advised his
interlocutor that "The decision is not whether or not we will ration care; the decision is whether we will
ration with our eyes open." When the good doctor's alter ego appeared before the Ways and Means
Committee, however, he told a different story.
Outwitting Lethal
Government Policies. [Scroll down] In recent years, the NHS has adopted a program
known benignly as the Liverpool Care Pathway. By means of this protocol, aged or extremely ill
patients can be labeled terminal by a single doctor (the Nazis required three in their odious T4 program),
whereupon all food and water is cut off, and the patient is given heavy sedation. Death usually occurs
within a week. Hundreds of cases are on record where families have been forced to rescue elderly
relations from this procedure. There is no known case where hospital staff cooperated. Often,
attempts are made to have the family arrested or escorted out by police. As for how many of the
lonely or socially isolated have been sacrificed in this manner, we have no idea.
reality of death panels. G.K. Chesterton once wrote that vulgar notions (and jokes)
invariably contain a "subtle and spiritual idea." The subtle and spiritual idea behind "death
panels" is that life-prolonging medical technology is an expensive, limited commodity and if the
market doesn't determine who gets it, someone else will.
Death Panels
Revisited. At a stroke, Medicare chief Donald Berwick has revived the "death panel" debate from
two summers ago. Allow us to referee, because this topic has been badly distorted by the political
process — and in a rational world, it wouldn't be a political question at all.
She Told Us So.
Sarah Palin deserves an apology. When she said that the new health-care law would lead to "death panels"
deciding who gets life-saving treatment and who does not, she was roundly denounced and ridiculed. Now
we learn, courtesy of one of the ridiculers — The New York Times — that she was right.
Political End Runs.
The Constitution of the United States begins with the words "We the people." But neither the Constitution
nor "we the people" will mean anything if politicians and judges can continue to do end runs around both.
Bills passed too fast for anyone to read them are blatant examples of these end runs. But last week,
another of these end runs appeared in a different institution when the medical "end of life consultations"
rejected by Congress were quietly enacted through bureaucratic fiat by administrators of Medicare.
The 'Right to Health
Care' Can Be the Right to No Care. If you read British newspapers, you know their universal
health care system is cutting more and more services. There, everyone's right to health care is
becoming the right to no care. Do we want that in the USA?
To Death By ObamaCare? Unable to attach it directly to ObamaCare, a new Medicare rule will
offer incentive to doctors who advise patients on end-of-life care in a program that seeks to control
costs. Connect those dots, grandma.
House attempts to quiet revived talk of 'death panels'. The Obama administration is trying to
quiet talk about so-called "death panels" after The New York Times reported Sunday that a new Medicare
regulation includes incentives for end-of-life-care planning. The Medicare policy will pay doctors for
holding end-of-life-care discussions with patients, according to the Times.
of the Death Panels. After anti-ObamaCare rebels raised a ruckus about the "death panels" they
alleged to be part of the original healthcare reform legislation, that language was removed from the final
version of the bill. Nevertheless, the Obama administration, reluctant to part with its own instrument
of death, has quietly reinstated more or less the same provision via regulation.
Rationing Begins. The FDA has reversed its approval of a widely used cancer drug approved in Europe to treat
breast cancer on the grounds it doesn't provide a "sufficient" benefit. Let the terminally ill and their
doctors decide.
Medicare regulation revives end-of-life
planning. A new health regulation issued this month offers Medicare recipients voluntary end-of-life
planning, which Democrats dropped from the monumental health care overhaul last year.
Obama Returns to End-of-Life Plan That
Caused a Stir. When a proposal to encourage end-of-life planning touched off a political storm over
"death panels," Democrats dropped it from legislation to overhaul the health care system. But the Obama
administration will achieve the same goal by regulation, starting Jan. 1.
Return of the Death Panel.
Government control of anything equals rationing, pure and simple: the use of compulsive force to
divide a limited resource, with no input from the recipients beyond the occasional opportunity to voice their
displeasure during elections. If health care will be rationed, the most critical care will be rationed
most severely, since it has the most restricted supply.
NYT's Krugman
Slips and Tells the Truth about 'Death Panels'. Nat Hentoff certainly is no conservative but he
is a principled civil libertarian who has stood up for life since his days writing in the Village Voice.
Unlike most liberals, Hentoff fears that the threat of rationing under the President's health care plan is not
only real but imminent and he is willing to go after those who advocate rationing of care leaving no sacred
cows behind. That's why Paul Krugman is now in Hentoff's sights and he is firing at will.
Obama Will Decide if Your Medicine is Too
Expensive to be Allowed. It's very easy for Obamacare supporters to scoff at the whole idea
that there are "death panels" ensconced in Obama's health care power grab. But the fact of the matter
is that they exist in a de facto form. One of those de facto death panels is the Independent
Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), an agency invented under Obamacare that has no congressional oversight and
will be able to summarily cancel your drug prescriptions as paid for by Medicare.
Panels Begin As Reform Takes Shape. After the recess appointment of a Medicare and Medicaid head,
an FDA panel drops its endorsement of a widely used cancer drug. Another FDA-approved cancer therapy may
not be paid for. It begins.
The Deadly Pact:
How ObamaCare will 'Save' Money. Andy Griffith, the former TV Sheriff of Mayberry and guardian
of small town America, is now the national spokesman for ObamaCare. More specifically, this venerable
gentleman is the spokesman for the new Medicare. Apparently Griffith is under the naïve
belief that ObamaCare is a genuinely good thing for seniors. As much as it pains me to say this, Griffith
is dead wrong. ObamaCare is a fatal bargain for seniors, and all Americans.
Moron Time With Barry, Andy, and
Gaga. At a time in which our republic appears on the brink of financial dissolution, some of its
most shallow citizens are driving the news cycle. Their intervention is helpful and evidences the truth
behind the cliché "stupid is what stupid does." First there was Andy Griffith of television fame.
He recorded a commercial in honor of ObamaCare. The sage of Mayberry graced the airwaves for the purposes of
celebrating the 45th anniversary of Medicare. Despite being a man of tremendous wealth, the government
bankrolled his ad. Indeed, $700,000 of our tax dollars were spent for the purposes of brainwashing
drumming up support among seniors for a statist power grab.
Update: Andy
Griffith's Obamacare Ads Cost Taxpayers $3.66 Million. Politico reports that the Obama
administration's pro-Obamacare Andy Griffith TV ad cost taxpayers $3.66 million, according to records
obtained from the Department of Health and Human Services. Actually, there were at least three such
ads, so it's not clear whether this was the cost for one, or for the whole batch. In [one] ad, Griffith
says, "That new health care law sure sounds good for all of us on Medicare!"
Griffith's Obamacare Ads Cost Taxpayers $3.66 Million. Politico reports that the Obama
administration's pro-Obamacare Andy Griffith TV ad cost taxpayers $3.66 million, according to records
obtained from the Department of Health and Human Services. Actually, there were at least three such
ads, so it's not clear whether this was the cost for one, or for the whole batch. In [one] ad, Griffith
says, "That new health care law sure sounds good for all of us on Medicare!"
Berwick Blues.
As one who generally believes that administrations should receive deference in their personnel selections, I
found the recess appointment of Dr. Donald Berwick to be the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS) disturbing.
names a health czar who favors rationing. Donald Berwick is no household name, but President
Obama just handed him immense power to shape what kind of health care will be available to every American
man, woman and child. Berwick is the president's newly appointed administrator of the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services, the federal agency that is ground zero for Obamacare's politicization
of American medicine.
President's One-Man Death Panel. The president recess-appoints a fan of rationing and Britain's
National Health Service to direct one-third of American health care. Why does the administration want
his views hidden from scrutiny?
Obama, Say It Isn't So!
[Scroll down] Obama used the 4th of July congressional recess to implant Donald Berwick as his
healthcare czar. Talk about wing nuts, this guy was knighted by the English Queen because he is
such a big fan of their healthcare system which has people dying in hospital corridors awaiting someone
to help them. Berwick makes no bones about rationing only that he says rationing must be done with
your eyes wide open.
appointee's prescription for socialism. Barack Obama promised the most open and transparent
administration in history. His vow didn't convince him to extend senators the courtesy of listening
to their advice and consent on the nomination of Dr. Donald Berwick to head the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS).
Obama to Seniors: 'Drop Dead'.
According to surveys, no group of Americans is more skeptical of Obamacare than senior citizens —
and with good reason. While bits and pieces of the massive law are designed to appeal to seniors —
more taxpayer subsidies for the Medicare drug benefit, for example — much of the financing over the
initial ten years is siphoned off from an estimated $575 billion in projected savings to the Medicare
program. Unless Medicare savings are captured and plowed right back into the Medicare program, however,
the solvency of the Medicare program will continue to weaken. The law does not provide for that.
ObamaCare and the
value of human life. Just how much concern for the health care of all human beings does the
Obama administration actually have? How much do they really value human life? ... Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel,
the White House's Health Policy Adviser, has repeatedly stated that certain people shouldn't be treated
equally by a government health care system. He advocates "allocating and rationing" of services,
particularly by age and disability. This kind of policy conflicts with government's constitutionally
mandated obligation to enforce "equal treatment under the law."
panels' were an overblown claim — until now. During the debate over ObamaCare,
the bill's opponents were excoriated for talk of rationing and "death panels. And in fairness,
with a few minor exceptions governing Medicare reimbursements, the law does not directly ration care
or allow the government to dictate how doctors practice medicine. But if President Obama wanted
to keep a lid on that particular controversy, he just selected about the worst possible nominee for
director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the office that oversees government
health care programs.
Obama Names Rationing Czar to Run Medicare.
Dr. Donald Berwick of the Harvard Medical School does not like free enterprise, but he does like rationing.
Two years ago, in England, he delivered a talk celebrating the 60th birthday of Great Britain's National Health
Service, the bureaucracy that runs that nation's socialized medical system. He apparently entertained
some fear that day that the Brits might turn back to free enterprise. So ... he offered British
socialists some words of advice.
with patients who won't die. The last time I saw my father he was standing on his stoop, sweetly
smiling and waving goodbye. As we backed out of his driveway, I thought about how healthy he looked and
how grateful I was that my children and I had seen him this way once again. Had it been up to a hospital
nurse 12 months earlier, Dad would have been dead.
A "Duty to Die"?
One of the many fashionable notions that have caught on among some of the intelligentsia is that old people
have "a duty to die," rather than become a burden to others. This is more than just an idea discussed
around a seminar table. Already the government-run medical system in Britain is restricting what
medications or treatments it will authorize for the elderly. Moreover, it seems almost certain that
similar attempts to contain runaway costs will lead to similar policies when American medical care is taken
over by the government.
Whistling past the death panel.
President Obama has selected Dr. Donald Berwick to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Berwick is a Harvard professor, a pediatrician, and the CEO of a nonprofit that, according to its website, has
a staff of over 100 people. These seem like dubious qualifications to head a massive organization
with a budget greater than that of the Department of Defense.
Serfs They Want Us To Be And Serfs We Will
Become! That's right. It's over. Their guns are bigger. They control all the
money. They control the energy. They control the land. They control the food and they
control the water. Soon they will control our health care, down to the last detail on our electronic
health care records being stored in a giant computer in Washington DC, from which they can determine if we
are worthy of receiving health care. The older we get, the less worthy we become.
Is Obama Steering the
Ship of State Toward the Rocks? This is Obama's Audacity of Desperation. Obama's Medi-Grab
will break the Medicare system, because you can't cover 330 million people, including illegals, just with
the tax money currently dedicated to the elderly. Something's got to give, and it will be Medicare for
the elderly. But the elderly are the most medically endangered sector of the population. Does
anybody see Death Panels in the offing?
"Your Life, Your Choices".
Here are the links to several materials we discussed in this morning's [8/23/2009] segment about Veterans' health
care and end-of-life counseling with Former Director of the White House Faith Based Initiatives Jim Towey and
Assistant Secretary of Veterans? Affairs Tammy Duckworth.
Your Life Choices:
Recently, the VA re-implemented a pamphlet known as "Your Life — Your Choice" dealing with end of life
decisions for Veterans. I have briefly looked it over and here are a few pages to really pay
attention to: Page 24 — this is the page mentions things like you "cant shake the blues"
as a possible reason to not continue your life. You will also notice that it even mentions "I rely
on a kidney dialysis machine to keep me alive." My wife's Stepfather is on dialysis through
the VA and that just floored us when we saw it.
Tammy Duckworth under the Bus. I just watched Tammy Duckworth try her best to defend the
V.A. "death book" on Fox News Sunday. ... While she admirably held her own, her talking points were often
very, very lame ... The upshot was she defended this irretrievably gross book on the merits and attacked
the messenger to boot.
The Death Book for
Veterans: Last year, bureaucrats at the VA's National Center for Ethics in Health Care advocated
a 52-page end-of-life planning document, "Your Life, Your Choices." It was first published in 1997 and
later promoted as the VA's preferred living will throughout its vast network of hospitals and nursing homes.
After the Bush White House took a look at how this document was treating complex health and moral issues, the
VA suspended its use. Unfortunately, under President Obama, the VA has now resuscitated "Your Life, Your
Editor's note:
The booklet, Your life, your choices is
available with
and without the
cover page / disclaimer about the document being under review.
Give Me
Liberty or Give Me Death Panels. Right now, if I want a hip replacement, it's between me and my
doctor; the government does not have a seat at the table. The minute it does, my hip's needs are
subordinate to national hip policy, which in turn is subordinate to macro budgetary considerations.
Palin v. ObamaCare:
Once again we're presented with evidence that the health-care debate is occurring without adequate attention
being paid to the record of established nationalized health-care systems overseas. This has arisen as a
result of Sarah Palin's superb maneuver in forcing the administration to drop Section 1233 of the ObamaCare
act, entitled "Advance Care Planning Consultation." ... Palin accused the administration of opening the door to
euthanasia, with Section 1233 amounting to a first step toward "death panels" making life-and-death
decisions amounting to such action.
Death Care and the
Commodification of Life. Federal "healthcare" must inevitably turn into "Death Care," because
the bureaucracy will have the sole power to determine the rules under which you and I will live and die.
The bureaucrats will have a fixed pot of money, and money spent to save your life comes from the same kitty
that is used to give prenatal care to some poor woman from Mexico or Bangladesh. That is what they think
is moral — and this is an argument about morality above all. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm's brother
and big advisor to Obama, considers fee-for-service medicine immoral, because it allows richer people
to pay more.
'Death panels' exist already.
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who says President Obama's heath care reform would result in "death panels," needs to look
no further than Texas to see a slippery slope like the one she envisions. In Texas, a legislative provision that many
thought was an innocuous proposal to help people has been twisted to snatch end-of-life decisions out of the hands of
The Catholic Church and
Health Care Reform. Rationing health care could result in the death of a patient. It would
clearly be an example of an omission that may cause death. Although it may not be direct euthanasia, it is
definitely passive euthanasia.
Hello ObamaCare, Goodbye
Grandma. Oh, look! See Ezekiel. See Ezekiel Emanuel. Zeke is in charge of health care
policy for the Obama administration. ... See Zeke think. Zeke has not run a hospital. He has not run an
insurance company. He has not run a medical practice. He has not worked in the pharmaceutical industry.
Zeke has spent more than twenty years in education and government... thinking.
Unplugging Grandma isn't the
problem. Obamacare means treatment rationing, so getting Grandma plugged in in the first place is the
greater peril.
'Death panel' is not in the
bill... it already exists. H.R. 1 (more commonly known as ... the Stimulus Bill and aptly dubbed
the Porkulus Bill) contains a whopping $1.1 billion to fund the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative
Effectiveness Research. ... [The] stated purpose (and therefore President Obama's purpose) for creating the Council
is to empower an unelected bureaucracy to make the hard decisions about health care rationing that elected politicians
are politically unable to make.
That's Where the
Money Is. When famed bank robber Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he said:
"Because that's where the money is." For the same reason, it is as predictable as the sunrise that
medical care for the elderly will be cut back under a government-controlled medical system. Because
that's where the money is.
ObamaCare Is All About
Rationing. Although administration officials are eager to deny it, rationing health care is central to
President Barack Obama's health plan. The Obama strategy is to reduce health costs by rationing the services that we
and future generations of patients will receive.
Included in the Health Care Bill:
— Page 30: A government committee will decide what treatments and benefits you get (and, unlike an insurer,
there will be no appeals process).
— Page 42: The "Health Choices Commissioner" will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None.
— Page 149:Any employer with a payroll of $400K or more, who does not offer the public option, pays an 8% tax on payroll.
— Page 150: Any employer with a payroll of $250K-400K or more, who does not offer the public option,
pays a 2 to 6% tax on payroll.
— Page 167: Any individual who doesn't have acceptable healthcare (according to the
government) will be taxed 2.5% of income.
— Page 272: Cancer patients: welcome to the wonderful world of rationing!
— Page 425: Government provides approved list of end-of-life resources, guiding you in death.
And these are just a few examples.
Counseling Intensifies Health Care Debate. A provision in President Obama's health care reform bill encourages
"end-of- life" counseling for seniors — sparking euthanasia fears among some of the legislation's critics and
leading others to believe that the White House is looking to save money by pressuring insurers to provide less
coverage to seniors. The provision, tucked deep within the House bill, would provide Medicare coverage for
an end-of-life consultation every five years, and more frequent sessions if a person is suffering a life-threatening
Palin concerns about euthanasia warranted. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich lent credence Sunday
to Sarah Palin's claim that the healthcare reform legislation will create "death panels" to judge end-of-life issues.
"Communal standards, historically, is a very dangerous concept," Gingrich said on ABC's "This Week." On Saturday
morning [8/8/2009], Palin called President Obama's healthcare proposal "downright evil."
How House Bill Runs Over Grandma.
At a town hall meeting at AARP headquarters in Washington, D.C., President Obama was asked by a woman from North Carolina
if it was true "that everyone that's Medicare age will be visited and told they have to decide how they wish to die."
At first, the president joked that not enough government workers existed to ask the elderly how they wanted to die.
The idea, he said, was to encourage the use of living wills and that critics were misrepresenting the intent of the "end
of life" counseling provided for in the House bill. He did not say, "No, they wouldn't be contacted."
Did Obama Say We Should Kill the Old Folks to
Save Money Last Night? I am wondering when the euthanasia folks are going to start touting this
one? I mean, it sure seemed to me as if the most caring, most civil, most intelligent president evah
just said that healthcare could be cheaper if we don't give old folks and the infirm the full measure of care
they now get. It appeared that Obama said we should just let them die or suffer because they aren't
worth the effort. Imagine if Bush had said something like this? The left wouldn't have hesitated
to call him any manner of names.
Death as a cost-cutter.
Hurry up and die! That, in a nutshell, is how President Obama hopes to save large sums of money through
health care "reform." But that isn't how the president advertises it.
health care. It doesn't matter what your doctor says; the Obama administration plans to decide if you will
have cancer treatment or heart surgery. ... The hypocrisy is enough to make a heart stop. A White House that doesn't
think government should intervene between a doctor and a woman deciding whether to have an abortion has no problem telling
doctors whether they can perform tonsillectomies or hysterectomies.
Nationalizing Life and
Death. Hidden deep in the stimulus bill is a Trojan horse like no other. I am not speaking
of pork. A scheme more dastardly would have been hard to concoct. With the passage of this bill,
the US government is now empowered to "ration" healthcare. That means, to treat or not to treat is now a
government question. Within the bill is a line that would sentence millions of people to death.
Will Old Folks Get in the Way of our
Brave New World? Washington bureaucrats hoped something wouldn't see the light of day until it was too late.
Buried in the stimulus bill is the framework for rationing medical care to the elderly. The part Obama and his cohorts
are talking about publicly — electronic medical records — sounds great: no more having to fill
out annoying paperwork at the doctor's office or hospital when you are ailing. But according to the provision's
author, former Health and Human Services director nominee (and tax cheat) Tom Daschle, there's much more, including the
newly-created bureaucracy of the National Coordinator of Health Information Technology. What will the NCHIT be
doing? Making sure your doctor gives you the treatment it deems to be efficient and cost-effective. And
if your doctor doesn't comply? Well, that part is still a bit fuzzy.
Why Obamacare may
beget euthanasia. The idea comes straight from former Health and Human Services nominee Tom
Daschle's 2008 book "Critical: What We Can Do About the Health-Care Crisis" in which he says that doctors
are going to have to give up their autonomy and "learn to operate less like solo practitioners." Inevitably,
this means the government will decide who gets lifesaving treatment and who doesn't. It is survival of
the fittest in practice.
Obamacare Could Kill You.
This "Federal Health Board," as Daschle refers to his proposed behemoth, would be modeled on Great Britain's
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). In the UK's socialized medical system,
NICE is the bureaucracy responsible for determining the value and effectiveness of medical treatments and
procedures. And it regularly hands down death sentences to gravely ill patients.
Obama Gives What Doctor Did Not
Order. Barack Obama forced a bitter pill down the throats of Americans that the doctor did not
order and patients do not want. Obama snuck into the stimulus bill a new system for rationing medical
care, and he got Congress to ram it through the House and Senate without reading it.
Stimulus Bill Raises Concerns Over Government
Rationing of Health Care. Two provisions in President Barack Obama's economic stimulus plan could give the
federal government the authority to oversee the medical decisions made between doctors and patients, critics warn, which
could result in the rationing of health care.
Death Panels by Proxy.
[Scroll down slowly] Then a president who won't save infants born alive but who does want
the government to be involved (a "democratic conversation") in deciding end-of-life treatment — and
whose medical policy adviser would "prioritise" young people — hires as his chief science adviser a
man, John P. Holdren, who first gained notoriety pushing eugenics ideas such as coerced abortions, forced
sterilizations through the water supply, and other notions so outrageous that the man should never be accepted
in polite company again, much less have the ear of the President of the United States.
The Nightmare of Rationing in
Oregon. Two cases of "public option" administrators rejecting patient requests for lifesaving
or life-extending drugs (and instead offering to fund those patients' assisted suicides) reached the
mainstream media in the last two weeks. This has caused critics of President Barack Obama's health care
overhaul proposal to look to Oregon for clues about what a national health system would bring. The
picture is not pretty.
The fault,
dear Barack, is not in our stars, But in ourselves. The opposition to Obamacare would have gone
nowhere had the president offered a concise plan, had his team kept repeating four or five logical and easily
understandable talking points, and had he prepared a few pat answers to the more controversial elements of the
plan, from the public option to so-called "end of life" panels to treatment of illegal aliens and the real
Will You Still Need
Me, When I'm Sixty-four? We know that Social Security is unsustainable because fewer and fewer
workers are paying into the system to support more and more retirees. It is, as it was from Day One, a
pure, a classic Ponzi scheme masquerading as a pension plan. For decades, government commissions have
repeatedly recommended increasing the retirement age. Everyone agrees that the system will soon run out
of money. ... [Obama's] brilliant solution: encouraging Americans to continue to pay into Social
Security while discouraging Americans from asking for Social Security checks.
Obama to veterans: Drop dead!
When I wrote my Power Line post "Obama to Elderly: Drop Dead," I had no idea that the Obama administration had
already in one sphere implemented the macabre policy embedded within the various drafts of the health care
bill, but now I know better. In an important column published in the Wall Street Journal last week,
St. Vincent College President and former director of the White House Office of Faith-Based Initiatives
Jim Towey spills the beans. The Department of Veterans Affairs is circulating among those in VA
hospitals a 52-page end-of-life planning document entitled Your Life, Your Choices.
Remember the Golden Oldies, Dr.
Emanuel. Someone like Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, health advisor to Obama, and Zeke's brother Rahm, who loves
to hurl thunderbolts from Mount Olympus and bully freshman congressmen. They and their ilk will give us "guidance"
about who is worthwhile, who is ready to die, who shall live a week or two longer. Zeke is a Harvard academic
who is arrogant enough to believe that he can change human nature and decide the most intimate and complex of human
issues — those of life and death.
Obama's Friends 'Out' the Death
Panels. The president and his media enablers are outraged, just outraged, that anyone would suggest
the prospect of, let alone come up with a name for, government panels designed to ration care for the
elderly — and as the president said, "pull the plug on grandma." Nothing lower, the left punditocracy
fumed, than coming up with the "death panel" slur. Except that is precisely what Obama and his ilk want.
Talking Seniors to Death.
This benevolent plan is in Section 1233 (p. 424) of the health care reform bill known as "America's Affordable Health
Choices Act of 2009" (HR 3200). It didn't just show up on the doorstep of health care reform, but was packaged and
delivered by Compassion & Choices, the assisted-suicide advocacy group previously known as the Hemlock Society.
In Revolt Against
Euthanasia. Earlier this summer, former Alaska governor and Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah
Palin was criticized for deploying hyperbole in her opposition of health-care-reform proposals on the table in
Washington, D.C. She warned of end-of-life "death panels." By doing so, she got some pols to back
down from proposed "end-of-life counseling" boards that would parcel out advice in a government-controlled
health-care system.
The Convenient
Death. Wait for patients to die before taking their organs, and the organs won't be as fresh.
Let doctors take the organs from living patients — even if it means causing them to die a little faster
than they otherwise would — and the supply of usable organs will go up. Some other patient will
get a second chance at life, and the dead guy won't miss anything: What could possibly go wrong with this idea?
Cannibalizing America.
Americans have gone collectively insane. Like sheep being led to the slaughter, no one could imagine the
terror that is about to be visited on millions of unsuspecting innocents. The health care bill is an
instrument of selective death. Seniors will be prematurely sacrificed so that millions of poor Americans (many
of them illegal immigrants) can get mediocre government care.
The cold heart of
Obamacare. Much of the press coverage of the Democrats' health care legislation, now
fiercely embattled in Congress, focuses on the public option, the actual long-term costs and tax
increases, and the amendment barring funding for abortions. But the cold heart of Obamacare is
its overpowering of the doctor-patient relationship — eventually resulting in the
premature ending of many Americans' lives for being too costly.
Science and Mammograms. Last month the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) released
their study and recommendations for breast cancer screening. There was an immediate universal
rejection of the Task Force's work, from Senator Barbara Mikulski on the left to Representative
Michele Bachmann on the right. The outcry from Washington was deafening, and on December 2nd,
researchers from the USPSTF actually apologized before a congressional committee for their study.
Like most conservatives, I have a healthy skepticism of what I read in the mainstream media, especially
concerning scientific research. So I read the USPSTF's study.
Doubt Is Cast on Many
Reports of Food Allergies. Many who think they have food allergies actually do not. A
new report, commissioned by the federal government, finds the field is rife with poorly done studies,
misdiagnoses and tests that can give misleading results.
The Editor says...
This is another "study" softening up the American people for the idea of rationed medical care. You
don't really need a mammogram; you don't really have a food allergy; you don't really need to go to the
doctor. Naturally the New York Times is happy to publicize the "study" on behalf of the White House.
ObamaCare Would End Pre-Existing
Conditions, Right? When it comes to "pre-existing conditions," the left conveniently
fails to mention the nastiest and most brutal screen of all as set forth in ObamaCare: The Old
Age exclusion. From death panels to age-based discrimination practices for costly surgical
procedures and medications, ObamaCare would sanction the practice of cutting off medical help to
the old, solely because of that group's reckless behavior in growing old.
Rationing's First Step.
A government task force has decided that women need fewer mammograms and later in life. Shouldn't that
be between patient and physician? We have seen the future of health care, and it doesn't work. We
have warned repeatedly that the net results of health care bills before Congress will be higher demand, fewer
doctors, more cost control, all leading to rationing.
Liberals and
Mammography. The flap over breast cancer screening has provided a fascinating insight into
the political future of ObamaCare. Specifically, the political left supports such medical rationing
even as it disavows that any such thing is happening.
Mammograms and Rationing: The Future of
American Healthcare. As Hippocratic physicians dedicated to saving lives, we fear the new
breast cancer screening recommendations foreshadow what is yet to come. Enamored with European
universal healthcare, Washington is hell-bent to push through some form of government-run health plan. But
at what price? If America adopts European style medicine, Americans must expect European style results.
Reform Bill Establishes Waiting List. H.R. 3962, the Democrats' health insurance reform
bill, to be voted on this week by Congress, contains a provision to establish waiting lists as a mechanism to
control costs. Such waiting lists have long been a characteristic — and a
bane — of socialized medicine.
ObamaCare Vs. The
Hippocratic Oath. It is obvious. The "New" Obama-Pelosi-Reid Health Care Bill's heart and
soul is based on (1) rationing and denying care to cut costs, and (2) taxing every American in its
path. The end result strips Freedom from every citizen. Then again, what would you expect from a
document that uses the words "require" 118 times, "tax" 87 times, and "penalty" 113 times.
The Oath my classmates and I took 29 years ago was based on the premise "Do No Harm." I cannot
condone this legislation, which promises to HARM every person, family and business in our country. We
need to reject rationing, and fight the loss of control of our health care lives.
Harry Reid's Train
Wreck. Democrats were heartened Oct. 7 when the Congressional Budget Office said the version of
Obamacare drafted by Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, would cost "only"
$829 billion over 10 years. ... There was a problem with this gimmick, though. Mr. Baucus
proposed to save money in Medicare by gutting the Medicare Advantage program, in which 23 percent of seniors
are enrolled, and by slashing the payments doctors and hospitals receive for treating Medicare patients.
Or We Could Make It Simple and Cheap.
The monstrously complicated Democratic health-care bills costing upward of a trillion dollars are churning through
Congress. They are too complicated for the average voter to fully comprehend and too voluminous for the average
lawmaker to read. They spend money we don't have and create enormous new bureaucracies to regulate, limit,
control, and, yes, ration care.
Obama Health Plan:
Rationing, Higher Taxes, and Lower Quality Care. President Barack Obama and Congressional
Democrats are rushing to enact legislation that would overhaul the way health care is financed and delivered
in the United States. It would dramatically increase the role of government in virtually all aspects of
health care. Such an initiative should be carefully studied to determine whether it actually solves
problems in the health care arena or makes them worse.
'Killing Granny'. Newsweek seeks to
make us more comfortable with the idea of killing our parents and grandparents. The ObamaCare deal they want us buy
is that only if more old people die, will there be better medical treatment for everyone else. That is, you and
me. It's a sucker's deal. Because not only will more "old" people die with ObamaCare, but more of everyone
else will die too.
Kennedy's legacy:
Chappaquiddick end-of-life care. Edward Kennedy's death can teach us one thing about ObamaCare.
It's not the spin the Big Media wing of the Democrat Party is trying to sell: that Congress should force
government-run health care on us, no matter how much we oppose it, as a tribute to Kennedy. You can bet
your grandma's iron lung, though, that under ObamaCare neither she nor you nor I will receive the end-of-life
care provided to Kennedy.
Meet Rahm Emanuel's
Brother: Dr. Zeke the Bleak. Despite his recent attempted reputation rehab, Zeke always
ends up at the same place: not treating the somehow unworthy or letting them die.
Obama's Health
Rationer-in-Chief. Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, health adviser to President Barack Obama, is under
scrutiny. As a bioethicist, he has written extensively about who should get medical care, who should
decide, and whose life is worth saving. Dr. Emanuel is part of a school of thought that redefines a
physician's duty, insisting that it includes working for the greater good of society instead of focusing
only on a patient's needs. Many physicians find that view dangerous, and most Americans are likely
to agree.
Death Panels and Decision Makers:
When the town halls adjourn and the cameras stop rolling, the health care debate is about one thing:
decisions. Issues like end-of-life counseling, comparative effectiveness boards, uninsured Americans,
and rising health care costs all, when examined, reduce to a question of who will make medical decisions.
Terrorists Get
Appeals, Obamacare Patients Don't. [Scroll down] For example, let's say you're hospitalized
for some condition or procedure and are discharged, but you relapse and need to go back to the hospital.
Not so fast. Under Democratic health-care reform, the government will be rationing hospital treatment.
Obama's Twisted Faith:
Eventually you will end up with one insurance company — its name is Uncle Sam. And when your
good Uncle Sam wants to save some money, he will start making bureaucratic decisions, rather than medical
decisions, about your health. Mom won't get that treatment to save her life because it is expensive
and she has already lived 90 good years. ... How am I so sure? Because there has never been a
government-run health plan, anywhere in the world, that did not ration care.
Obamacare Or Logan's
Run? (Part 2): According to Betsy McCaughey — the former lieutenant governor of New York
State and the prime debunker of Hillarycare — the president is lying when he says that those who like
their present health care plan can keep it. Ms. McCaughey says that you only have to get to Page 15 of
the 1,018 page bill to understand that you will be forced to give up that plan that allows you to go to
whatever doctor you select, whenever you like, or to see a specialist or get a diagnostic test.
What Lies Beneath: The
debate — OK, the shouting match — we are having over "health-care reform" is
about many things, including cost, who gets help and who does not and who, or what, gets to make that determination.
Underlying it all is a larger question: Is human life something special? Is it to be valued more highly than,
say, plants and pets? When someone is in a "persistent vegetative state" do we mean to say that person is equal in
value to a carrot?
Obama's Authoritarian Style. One
question about ObamaCare that has caused enormous anxiety has to do with the category of "end-of-life care."
Would people feel pressured, or be forced, to pull the plug on those who, on economic grounds, are deemed not worth
saving? Would ObamaCare allow or encourage assisted suicide, even euthanasia? These are serious
questions. Last July we noted that Oregon's socialized health plan had denied a $4,000-a-month cancer drug
to 64-year-old Barbara Wagner. But the bureaucracy cheerfully informed her "that it would cover palliative, or
comfort, care, including, if she chose, doctor-assisted suicide."
Obamacare Or Logan's
Run. Even though H.R. 3200 is cloaked in language disguised to hide the fact that many provisions
address end-of-life options and hospice accommodations, it is quite clear that the authors of the bill think these
options outweigh medical care. ... Power-driven wheelchairs will be regulated by the government (P. 268);
physician services for seniors will be reduced (P. 239); the government provides a list of end-of-life
resources, guiding you to death (P. 425); government mandates programs that will order end-of-life
treatment (P. 427). Don't take my word for it. The bill is available
Take Two Aspirin And Call Me When Your Cancer is
Stage 4. All the problems with the American health care system come from government intervention,
so naturally the Democrats' idea for fixing it is more government intervention. This is like trying to
sober up by having another drink. The reason seeing a doctor is already more like going to the DMV, and
less like going to the Apple "Genius Bar," is that the government decided health care was too important to be
left to the free market.
Doctors. The health bills coming out of Congress would put the decisions about your care in the
hands of presidential appointees. They'd decide what plans cover, how much leeway your doctor will have and
what seniors get under Medicare. Yet at least two of President Obama's top health advisers should never be
trusted with that power.
Saving Liberty. With Obamacare,
government will decide when and if you can get that knee replacement. From the clear utterances of the president's
healthcare advisers, namely, Drs. Ezekiel Emanuel and David Blumenthal, that knee replacement will depend on such factors
as your age and your overall health. If you are too old or decrepit, government will have a more economical place to
spend its money. In other words, your health will not be decided by what you want to pay for it but by government
policy. That test you wanted for colon cancer might be denied. You might just be too old. Such
decisions are made by the nationalized British system all the time.
Obama's Health Future: If
or when the Administration's speculative cost-cutting measures under universal health care fail to produce
savings, government will start explicitly limiting patient access to treatments and services regarded as too
expensive. Democrats deny this eventuality, but health planners will have no choice, given that the
current entitlement system is already barreling toward insolvency without adding millions of new people to the
federal balance sheet.
Obama Wants to Let Those
Pesky Geezers Die. In a rare moment of candor, President Obama explained to an audience how
government-run healthcare would work in America. ... Medical decisions should be made by patients, their
families, and their doctors, not by government bureaucrats, but that's ObamaCare for you.
Obama's Senior Moment.
At the heart of President Obama's plan is his stated goal to cut medical costs. That might sound good to
you, but it means cutting services, nurses, technicians, medical tests, and most prominently the use of
expensive technology. The President's top medical advisers are quite frank about this. Dr. Ezekiel
Emanuel, brother of Rahm Emanuel and a health policy adviser in the Office of Management and Budget, has
chided Americans for the expense of their "being enamored with technology."
"Efficiency" Means Death. Apparently
the agreed-upon approach is to give health care to 47 million new beneficiaries without massive new costs by being
"more efficient" in allocating the currently available health care assets. ... Here is what this "efficiency" would mean
in stark terms: severely restricting health care services to our elderly, and the severely and terminally ill.
"Efficiency" here means providing services to millions of young and healthy, who do not need much of it, and cutting health
care to seniors and the severely ill who "statistically do not have as much to lose by not getting good health care."
Obama's Health Cost Illusion.
The main White House argument for health-care reform goes something like this: If we spend now on a hugely
expensive new insurance program for the middle class, we can save later by reducing overall U.S. health
spending. ... What if this particular theory turns out to be a political illusion? What if the speculative
cost savings never report for duty, while the federal balance sheet is still swamped with new social obligations
that will be impossible to repeal? The only possible outcome will be the nationalization of U.S. health
markets, which will mean that almost all care will be rationed by politics.
Extinguishing Physician
Conscience. The largest generational cohort in American history, the Baby Boomers, will be the
first Americans to be denied available effective life-saving treatments for reasons of cost. The seeds
for this mass liquidation have already been planted.
Repeal Health Care Fascism.
Buried in Barack Obama's so-called stimulus bill is funding for a bureaucratic structure for the government to begin
rationing the health care of the American people. A centralized government bureaucracy would be established that
would ultimately have the power to decide what health care you can have, and when, especially when it involves highly
expensive, advanced medical care for the seriously ill. Unless this is stopped, many of you reading this article
right now will one day suffer death-by-liberalism, when the government bureaucracy decides that the health care you
need is not worth the cost, or puts you in a waiting line where death will arrive before treatment.
'Too Old' for Hip Surgery.
President Obama and Congressional Democrats are inching the U.S. toward government-run health insurance.
Last week's expansion of Schip —the State Children's Health Insurance Program —is a
first step. Before proceeding further, here's a suggestion: Look at Canada's experience.
How the Stimulus Bill
Could Kill You. When you read through the nearly seven hundred pages of the House stimulus bill
it is easy to begin dozing off after a few hundred billion dollars worth of run-of-the-mill wasteful
government spending. One has to keep a keen eye out for the components of the bill that don't just
steal your money, but that may actually do you great physical harm, if not kill you outright.
Change to Think
Twice About: Around the world, single-payer systems keep costs down by rationing care. A
Cato Institute study found that in Norway, health care is funded through general tax revenues (taxes consume
45 percent of GDP). But Norwegians commonly travel abroad to avoid long waits. "Approximately
280,000 Norwegians are estimated to be waiting for care on any given day (out of a population of just
4.6 million)." In Britain, "delays in receiving treatment are often so long that nearly
20 percent of colon cancer patients considered treatable when first diagnosed are incurable by the
time treatment is finally offered."
National Health Care Can Kill. John
Edwards and his rival for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton, may disagree on some
things but they both support a universal health care system, their way of describing what is really socialized
There's No Caring in
ObamaCare. How many of society's frail would take their own lives in a socialist health system?
After they were subjected to the "death talk," how many would forgo treatment or even accept medical euthanasia?
Countless numbers would give up. The message from society would be clear: Your life doesn't matter.
Futilitarians. Established
by the Labour Party, NICE decides which treatments and medications are to be utilized by the NHS based on the
principle of "the greatest good for the greatest number." Of course, this is not determined in a solely
arbitrary fashion. Specific formulas are employed to monetize the value of life. Subjective judgments
regarding "quality of life" and "suffering" are simmered down to a neat mathematical theorem by which life-sustaining
treatments are awarded.
doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year. NHS doctors are prematurely ending the lives of
thousands of elderly hospital patients because they are difficult to manage or to free up beds, a senior consultant claimed yesterday [6/18/2012].
Professor Patrick Pullicino said doctors had turned the use of a controversial 'death pathway' into the equivalent of euthanasia of the elderly.
Death Panels After All?. There's an explosive
story out today in the Daily Mail over in the UK claiming that Britain's National Health Service euthanizes 130,000 elderly patients a
year. This claim doesn't issue from some loopy former governor of an arctic province; it comes from professor Patrick Pullicino, a
consultant neurologist for East Kent Hospitals and Professor of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Kent.
Killing the Elderly Is Old News for
Britain's NHS. Last week's story here that Britain's National Health Service euthanizes 130,000 elderly folks a year is no surprise.
Last year, a major report cited the socialist health-care agency for neglecting the elderly under its care. The neglect was so severe that doctors
began prescribing drinking water to patients because they would otherwise die of thirst. In other words, nothing changes in Britain, no matter how
bad the abuses are. That is the lesson to be be learned about nationalized health care. Euthanasia, as well, killed the patients more quickly
than simple neglect.
Death panels on steroids. On its pages, the [New England
Journal of Medicine] has long featured articles favoring euthanasia and assisted suicide as well as health care rationing. Indeed, two of
its former editors, Dr. Arnold Relman and Dr. Marcia Angell, are vocal advocates of eliminating the private health system and replacing it with a
single-payer, government-controlled health system. And both are among the 14 subscribing petitioners on a doctor-prescribed suicide
initiative that will appear on the November 2012 ballot in Massachusetts. Angell is so enamored with the concept of assisted suicide that,
in a 2004 article, she decried the fact that too few people were availing themselves of Oregon's doctor-prescribed suicide law. She
expressed concern that the law was too restrictive.
counselling': Death panels are back. Look out, Grandma: Medicare said on Wednesday
[7/8/2015] it wants to start paying for end-of-life counseling. It's being sold as "death with
dignity," but it's more like dying for dollars. Seniors are nudged to forego life-sustaining
procedures and hospital care to go into hospice. That enriches the booming hospice industry and also
frees up dollars for the left's favored social causes. Why is the government meddling with how we
cope with death? The Institute of Medicine doesn't mince words. Scrimping on seniors will free up
money "to fund highly targeted and carefully tailored social services for both children and adults."
Just like ObamaCare. Robbing Grandma to spread the wealth.
AG Ken Paxton sues city of Austin for using taxpayer money to fund abortions out of
state. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced last week that he is suing the
city of Austin after the city allocated $400,000 in an abortion travel fund to help its residents
kill their preborn children out of state. Texas law currently protects nearly all preborn
children from abortion. The city's recently approved budget included the money in a
Reproductive Health Grant, which would "support Austinites traveling to access abortion ...
including support for airfare, gas reimbursements, hotel stays, ride reimbursements, childcare
stipends, companion travel, and food." Paxton said this allocation is unconstitutional.
Official: Democrats Want to Use Your Tax Dollars to Pay for Abortions. The 2024
Democratic Party Platform is here. Predictably, Democrats are laser-focused on moving ahead
to repeal any kind of protections for unborn life, including forcing taxpayers to fund
abortions. In the Democrats' platform, it explicitly states, "We will repeal the Hyde
Amendment" in the upcoming presidential term[.] [...] The Hyde Amendment is a provision that bars
the use of federal funds to pay for most abortion. It has been a fixture for nearly
50 years. In addition, left-wing organizations like Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) have
stated that the Hyde Amendment hinders low-income women from accessing abortion[.]
Tries to Make Taxpayers Fund Abortions for Fourth Year in a Row. The Biden
administration is trying to make U.S. taxpayers fund abortions by leaving out the Hyde Amendment
from the Fiscal Year 2025 budget released this week. The move marks the fourth year in a row
President Joe Biden's Office of Management and Budget has purposefully left out the Hyde Amendment,
a provision that has been part of federal appropriations for decades and prevents direct taxpayer
funding of abortion through programs like Medicaid. Republicans have foiled past attempts to
remove the Hyde Amendment from the budget.
Sent Nearly $2 Billion To Planned Parenthood And Other Pro-Abortion Groups, Gov't Report
Finds. Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocacy organizations received nearly
$2 billion in federal funding over a three year span, according to a new government report.
The Government Accountability Office disclosed in a Tuesday report that $1.89 billion in federal
dollars was allocated to multiple different pro-abortion organizations, including those that
perform abortion, over the three year period from 2019 to 2021. Planned Parenthood received the
overwhelming bulk of the sum, a whopping $1.78 billion, during the three-year period, all while it
performed 1.11 million abortions.
Introduce Bills to Stop Joe Biden From Funding Abortions. Rep. Josh Brecheen,
R-OK, introduced a pair of bills that would restrict the federal government's ability to use
taxpayer money to fund abortions. The first of Brecheen's twin bills is dubbed the "No
Abortion Coverage for Medicaid Act." "The Hyde Amendment was first enacted in 1976 and has
prevented taxpayer funds for abortions," the bill states. Despite this, the bill notes that
in August 2022, the Biden administration's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) sent a
letter "inviting States to use Medicaid funding under the demonstration authority under section
1115 of the Social Security Act to expand access to elective abortions." Brecheen's
legislation claims that contrary to the text of the HHS letter, "The Hyde Amendment applies to all
Medicaid funds and cannot be superseded by a waiver under section 1115 of the Social Security Act."
Babies Have Been Killed in Abortions at VA Clinics Under New Biden Policy. One year
since it began performing abortions, the Department of Veterans Affairs released annualized data to
the House Veterans' Affairs Committee under threat of a subpoena. The VA disclosed to Congress
that it had provided 88 abortions through the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30 —
of which 64 were said to have been performed under circumstances of threats to the mother's health.
According to the VA report, the agency conducted nine abortions in pregnancies that threatened the
mother's life, and 15 in pregnancies resulting from rape. The report did not define what
circumstances represented a threat to the mother's "health," leading the pro-life Republican who
chairs the committee to demand more detailed information. "Whether it's one abortion or
100 abortions, one innocent life lost to the actions of humans and not God is one too many,"
Rep. Mike Bost, R-Ill., chairman of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee, told The
Daily Signal in an emailed statement Tuesday.
Foundation Sues Pentagon to Learn How Many Abortions It Has Paid For. The Heritage
Foundation is suing the Defense Department for access to information regarding the Pentagon's
funding of abortions. Heritage on Thursday [6/22/2023] filed a lawsuit against the Pentagon
to gain access to records regarding the number of abortions it has paid for. "It's hard to
[imagine] the Biden administration being more extreme on abortion than they already are," Roman
Jankowski, senior investigative counsel for Heritage's Oversight Project, told The Daily Signal.
"Lately, they've been trying to circumvent the Hyde Amendment [which prevents the federal funding
of abortions], through using DOD funds to pay for abortions," Jankowski said, adding, "We're
searching for data to prove this is all a scam."
Biden is Illegally Funding Abortions Up to Birth for Any Reason at VA Clinics. Since
1992, the VA has been statutorily prohibited from using taxpayer dollars for abortion. On
September 9, 2022, the Biden Administration Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disregarded this
longstanding statutory prohibition on taxpayer funding for abortion at the VA and issued a new rule
that includes funding abortion for "health" reasons. The undefined reference to health means,
as in Doe v. Bolton (the companion case to Roe v. Wade), that
abortions can now be done at the VA for virtually any reason. The High Court held in Doe
that, "medical judgment may be exercised in the light of all factors — physical,
emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman's age — relevant to the wellbeing of
the patient. All these factors may relate to health." For the past 30 years, abortion
has been allowed in the rare cases where the mother was faced with an emergency situation or
life-threatening complication. Because there is nothing in the Interim Final Rule which
defines health, the health exception is not limited in any way. This means the VA is now
providing abortion on demand, with no limits.
to Pay Travel Expenses for Service Members' Abortions. The Department of Defense announced Thursday that
it will subsidize the transportation expenses for female soldiers and their dependents to receive abortions. It
will allocate money for "travel and transportation allowances for Service members and their dependents, as appropriate
and consistent with applicable federal law and operational requirements, and as necessary amend any applicable travel
regulations, to facilitate official travel to access non covered reproductive health care that is unavailable within the
local area of a Service member's permanent duty station," a Pentagon memo obtained by the Daily Signal reads.
Reveals Support for Federal Abortion Fund. President Biden revealed in a recent interview that he supports
the establishment of a federal fund to cover costs associated with abortion, including time off work, travel, and
childcare. Biden expressed support for the radical idea for the first time during a roundtable panel discussion
with NowThis that was recorded on Tuesday and is slated to air over the weekend. The answer was delivered in
response to a question from 26-year-old medical student, Danielle Mathisen, who pointed to growing commitments across
the corporate world to support women procuring abortions and suggested the federal government should follow suit.
Biden signs a blatantly illegal executive order to fund abortion. On Wednesday [8/3/2022], Joe Biden signed an
executive order that would see Medicaid pay for women to cross state lines to get abortions. While the money ostensibly
funds travel, the fact that money is fungible and funnels directly to abortion should mean that this executive order is
stricken for violating the Hyde Amendment. In today's political environment, though, it's hard to imagine anyone with
power and legal standing making the point that the order must be stricken. The Hyde Amendment is very simple: It
says that federal money — which really means taxpayer money — cannot be used to fund abortions.
Of course, the Hyde Amendment is violated just about every day in America and has been for decades because of the billions of
taxpayer dollars sent to Planned Parenthood via Title X grants and Medicaid reimbursements.
Admin Flies Illegal Alien Minors out of Texas for Abortions. Per the far-left Reuters, the pure evil that is
the Biden Administration has "been flying or driving minors from Texas shelters to other states for abortions." [...] Now
that the moral and legal atrocity known as Roe v. Wade has finally been overturned, the corporate media have
and will continue to look for stories that show how awful the not-killing-of-innocent-babies is. So Reuters came up
with this beauty about the terrible plight of illegal aliens who will now have trouble accessing a clinic that will kill
their innocent baby. Why? Because Texas has outlawed abortion, and to try and turn the Lone Star state blue,
Biden has opened the border in Texas. So most illegals end up in Texas, where they can't get an abortion.
Newsom: California Taxpayers to Subsidize Abortion Tourism. California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D)
announced plans Wednesday to spend an additional $57 million on abortions for uninsured, out-of-state residents who travel to
the state to have abortions because of restrictions on abortion in their own states. The announcement brings Newsom's
proposed spending on out-of-state abortion tourism to $125 million, over and above what he proposed in January. The new
spending comes ahead of an anticipated decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the
controversial 1973 ruling that established a "right" to abortion. A leaked majority opinion by Justice Samuel Alito in
the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization would return authority over abortion to the separate states.
Notable Topics in Senate Vote-a-Rama on Spending $3.5 Trillion. [#3] Senators narrowly approved a proposal to
continue the existing policy preventing tax dollars from funding abortions. In a 50-49 vote, Sen. Joe Manchin,
D-W.Va., joined all Republicans to back it. Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., offered the amendment to protect the
Hyde Amendment, which long has blocked federal tax dollars from paying directly for abortion. The policy previously had
broad bipartisan support, even among pro-choice lawmakers. "The Hyde Amendment reflects a decadeslong consensus that
millions of Americans who are profoundly opposed to abortion should not be forced to pay for the taking of human lives of
children or incentivize it with their taxpayer dollars," Lankford said. Lankford's proposal also preserves the Weldon
Amendment, which protects conscience rights so that health care providers can't be forced to perform abortions or refer
patients for abortions. "Just because they are smaller people doesn't mean they should be any less protected by law,"
Lankford said of unborn children.
Biden caught
trying to hide funding for abortions. President Biden has been caught trying to hide insurance premiums for
abortion — a move that could have Americans "unknowingly fund" the procedures, inside of premiums for legitimate
health insurance, according to a new report from the Family Research Council. The organization has submitted a public
comment to the Department of Health and Human Services on the Democrat Party's agenda to change the payment procedures for
health insurance.
Democrats Make History by Striking the Hyde Amendment. For the first time in 45 years, the U.S. House of
Representatives passed a spending bill funding Medicaid without the Hyde Amendment, a measure that protects taxpayers from
being forced to pay for abortion. The spending bill will face a tough hurdle in the Senate, but the bill still sets a
terrifying precedent for pro-life taxpayers. The bill, which includes seven of the twelve annual appropriations bills
to fund the government for the next fiscal year, which begins on October 1, passed the House 219-208 along party lines.
Republicans opposed the bill because Democrats had removed two essential abortion-related provisions: the Hyde Amendment and
the Weldon Amendment, which prohibits agencies receiving federal funding from discriminating against entities because they
refuse to provide or pay for abortions.
Pelosi and Democrats Deny a Vote Six Times on Bill to Ban Tax-Funded Abortions. Six times in one day, House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrats rejected calls for a vote on a bill that would permanently ban taxpayer-funded abortions
in Medicaid and other federal programs. On Thursday [6/24/2021], Republicans asked for a unanimous consent request on
the House floor to demand a vote on the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (House Resolution 18), sponsored by U.S.
Rep. Chris Smith, R-New Jersey. However, Democrats who control the House rejected their requests. The bill
would make the Hyde Amendment permanent law and protect taxpayers from being forced to fund the killing of unborn babies in
abortions. The Hyde Amendment, which has strong public support, prohibits taxpayer funding for elective abortions in
Medicaid and other federal programs. Since 1976, it has saved an estimated 2.4 million babies' lives, including about
60,000 each year, according to the Charlotte Lozier Institute.
Budget Proposes to Force Taxpayers to Pay for Abortions. President Joe Biden released his Fiscal Year 2022
budget Friday, one that would eliminate the longstanding Hyde Amendment and force American taxpayers to fund abortions.
The Hyde Amendment has enjoyed tremendous bipartisan support for decades, including from Biden himself. In April 1994,
then-Sen. Biden wrote to a constituent, "Those of us who are opposed to abortion should not be compelled to pay for them."
One Step Closer to Paying for Abortions with Our Tax Dollars, Thanks to Democrats. While Americans have been
protected from paying for elective abortions with their federal tax dollars since 1976, that decades-old reprieve could soon
be coming to an end. Democrats in Congress on Thursday reintroduced legislation to end the Hyde Amendment with the
Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance Act of 2021, also known as the EACH Act for short. Part of the
bill reads that "A person's income level, wealth, or type of insurance should not prevent them from having access to a full
range of pregnancy-related health care, including abortion services." Democratic Reps. Barbara Lee (CA), Ayanna
Pressley (MA), Diane DeGette (CO), and Jan Schakowsky (IL) introduced the legislation in the House. The lawmakers also
introduced legislation earlier this month that would allow for federal funds to go towards abortions overseas by repealing
the Helms Amendment.
Sen. Steve Daines: 'Shameful' Senate Dems Allow Billions of Tax Dollars to Fund Abortions. Sen. Steve
Daines (R-MT), chair of the Senate Pro-Life Caucus, rebuked Democrats Saturday after they voted to pass President Joe Biden's
COVID relief bill allowing billions of American taxpayer dollars to be used to fund abortion on demand. The bill
allocates $400 billion which can be used to fund elective abortions.
Signs Executive Order Allowing the U.S. to Fund Global Abortions. President Biden signed an executive order
Thursday afternoon reversing the Mexico City policy, permitting U.S. aid money once again to fund groups that provide or
promote abortion around the globe. The policy was first put in place by President Ronald Reagan in an effort to ensure
that taxpayers were not required to indirectly fund abortion procedures performed in other countries. The policy has
been undone via executive order by every subsequent Democratic administration and reinstated by each Republican one.
Things You Must Know About Deeply Flawed COVID-19 Package. [#4] It Opens the Door for Taxpayer-Funded
Abortions: While previous COVID-19 legislation contained standard provisions that prevent federal funding for
abortions, those provisions are missing from the new legislation. This means "family planning" money for Planned
Parenthood, subsidies for health plans that cover abortions, and even international funding without pro-life protections.
It should be unconscionable that legislation supposedly justified as a way to preserve human life would do the opposite, but
this is where we are.
Are Some of the Garbage Items House Dems Added to Their New COVID Relief Bill. House Democrats late Friday
released the text of their $1.9 trillion Wuhan coronavirus relief bill. While some of the bill addresses actual
challenges Americans face, there are a handful of items that are, arguably, not related to the pandemic. [...] If passed and
signed into law, the federal minimum wage — which currently sits at $7.25-an-hour — would increase to
$15-an-hour over the next five years. Democrats set aside $50 million for "family planning." As of now, the
Hyde Amendment is in place, which bars taxpayer funds from being used for abortion.
Sec Refuses to Answer Question About CoVID 'Relief' Funds Going to Abortions. White House Press Secretary Jen
Psaki refused to comment on whether aspects of the President's CoVID relief package can go towards funding abortions; saying
he's "shared his views" on the subject. "Regarding the American Rescue Plan... Pro-life groups are very concerned that
taxpayer dollars will go to the abortion industry. With that being said, can this administration guarantee that no
taxpayer dollars will go to the abortion industry?" asked one reporter. "Which component are you referring to?
The President believes that community health centers are a key part of addressing the pandemic. People have access to
vaccines and treatments, to make sure that they're healthy," said the Press Secretary.
policies and actions are all about putting Americans last. President Biden was very busy his first week in
office: eliminating jobs, angering a friendly border nation, appeasing enemies, threatening any and all domestic
opposition, reattaching his nation to a ridiculous "climate accord," ensuring men can play women's sports and use their
locker rooms and bathrooms, and otherwise attempting to inflict as much harm on the nation he leads as humanly possible in
such a short time span. Biden let Dr. Anthony Fauci make the announcement that his administration is ending the
Trump administration's Mexico City policy agreement and will thereby once again commit the U.S. to begin using federal tax
dollars, more commonly known as American taxpayer's money, to pay for abortions in foreign countries.
to Overturn Policy Banning US Funding for Abortions in Foreign Nations. Joe Biden is expected to overturn
Donald Trump's policy on banning US funding from going to foreign abortionists this week. In remarks from Anthony Fauci
released by the White House this week, the controversial figure told the World Health Organization's executive board that
Biden will soon revoke the Mexico City Policy "as part of his broader commitment to protect women's health and advance gender
equality at home and around the world."
Joe Biden to Issue Order for U.S. Funding of Abortion Abroad. Dr. Anthony Fauci said Thursday [1/21/2021]
President Joe Biden "will be revoking the Mexico City Policy," which the Trump administration expanded to prohibit
organizations overseas that receive U.S. health assistance funding from promoting or performing abortions. As Breitbart
News reported, Fauci announced Biden had signed a letter reversing former President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from
and stop funding the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) — a supporter of global abortion rights.
of Americans with Obamacare — including men — will get a separate bill for abortion coverage.
Millions of Americans — including men — covered by Obamacare are now set to receive a separate bill
for abortion coverage alongside the rest of their health insurance. The new rule, which was finalized by the Department
of Health and Human Services last week, will come into effect on June 27, 2020. It will mean that the three million
Americans who purchased health insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) state exchange will receive two separate bills
through the door each month.
court allows Trump abortion referral ban to take effect. The Trump administration's plan to ban federally
funded family planning clinics from giving abortion referrals will be allowed to go into effect nationwide, a federal appeals
court ruled Thursday [6/20/2019]. The ruling means the administration can implement a rule issued earlier this year that
bans abortion providers from participating in the Title X family planning program, removes a requirement that clinics provide
abortion counseling, and bars providers from referring women for abortions. The rule was supposed to take effect May 3,
but three lower courts issued injunctions, each of which the administration appealed.
abortions make as much sense as taxpayer-funded guns for all. Former Vice President Joe Biden's gyrations on
the Hyde Amendment confirm how deeply even a shopworn politician like him must bow to today's Democratic orthodoxy on
abortion. As Biden learned, it's not enough simply to favor abortion. This epic baby-killing now must be financed
by federal taxpayers. The late Congressman Henry Hyde's legislation has been a "settled amendment" in every federal
budget since 1976. The Illinois Republican's measure prohibited the use of federal taxpayer dollars to finance abortions,
except in cases of rape, incest, or life-threatening pregnancies.
New York
City's Shocking Abortion Plan. No wonder New York City's latest move in respect of abortion was advanced "under
the radar," as the New York Times put it. The plan being hatched to start allocating taxpayer funds for abortions for
poor women who travel here from other states may not, at least at the moment, involve a lot of money. It is, though, a
shocking escalation in the population wars. The plan, according to the Times, which broke the story, is for the city to
allocate $250,000 for abortions. The idea, the headline suggests, is to challenge conservative states that have been
moving to curb abortions. The allocation from taxpayer funds would go to a charity, the New York Abortion Access Fund,
that cuts checks directly to clinics to cover abortions for women who cannot pay.
expands ban on US aid for abortion, related services. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday [3/26/2019] expanded the
Trump administration's ban on U.S. aid to groups that promote or provide abortions to include organizations that comply with the rules
but give money to others that don't.
for All Would Mandate Coverage for All Abortions. Late last month, House Democrats unveiled the text of their
Medicare for All proposal, which in addition to being grotesquely expensive and fiscally irresponsible, would mandate
government coverage of abortions. "Individuals enrolled for benefits under this Act are entitled to have payment made
by the Secretary to an eligible provider for ... comprehensive reproductive, maternity, and newborn care," the bill,
sponsored by Representative Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.), states. In plain language, the bill would guarantee "free"
abortions for all women — or at least, as "free" as every other type of health care ostensibly would be under
their implausible regime, which is to say abortion would be underwritten, along with everything else, by taxpayers.
Administration Officially Rolls Back Obama Birth Control Rule. The Trump administration announced Wednesday [11/7/2018]
that it has officially rolled back an Obama administration "birth control mandate" requiring, under penalty from the Health and Human
Services Department, that all employers provide birth control free of charge to employees through their selected health plans.
The new rule will take effect in 60 days and will exempt employers who object to birth control on religious grounds from being
forced to pay for birth control for any employees who choose to purchase it, the Washington Examiner reports.
Obama Admin Dodged State Laws To Get Illegal Minors Abortions. Last week, a federal judge in California
dismissed a lawsuit the American Civil Liberties Union had filed in 2016 challenging the government's award of grants to the
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to provide services to unaccompanied minor illegal aliens and trafficking
victims. In the lawsuit, the ACLU argued the grants violated the Establishment Clause because the Department of Health
and Human Services allowed the Catholic organization (and its sub-grantees) to deny girls and women in their care
contraceptives and abortion. The court rejected the ACLU's Establishment Clause claim in a methodical 34-page opinion,
explaining that the federal funds were not used to endorse or advance religion. Further, as the San Francisco-based
federal judge stressed, the government would transfer minors to other facilities if there were a conflict between the
services sought and the religious tenets of the organization running the shelter.
Illegal immigrant girls should go home rather than demand abortions in U.S.. Pregnant immigrants caught trying
to cross the border illegally can leave the U.S. rather than force the federal government to facilitate an abortion, the
Trump administration argued to a federal appeals court Wednesday [9/26/2018]. But the American Civil Liberties Union, and
at least one of the three judges on the panel hearing the cases, seemed skeptical, saying immigrants appear to have a right
to abortion, and it's unfair to give them a choice of either continuing their pregnancy against their wishes or accepting deportation.
Lift Decision Ordering Trump Administration To Facilitate Abortions For Alien Minors. In a partial victory for
the Trump administration, the U.S. Supreme Court vacated a lower court ruling requiring the government to facilitate an
abortion for an undocumented minor in federal custody. The unsigned five-page opinion did not issue a judgement as to
the merits of the dispute but approved the administration's request to vacate the ruling under a legal rule called
Munsingwear vacatur. There was no noted dissent.
Government-Supported Abortion, Family Planning. New proposed changes in regulations from the Department of
Health and Human Services will close the door on using funds from its Title X family planning program for abortion.
HHS's Office of Population Affairs, which administers this program, is a poster child for ill-conceived government policy.
How is it, in our nation that cherishes the ideals of human freedom and dignity, that we're funding government bureaucrats to
advise low-income citizens — almost a quarter of these "clients" are black — about how many children
they should bring into this world and when? Despite explicit language in the legislation that created the Title X
family program in 1970 prohibiting funding "programs in which abortion is a method of family planning," this directive has been
effectively ignored. HHS reports that 4 million individuals are getting services through this program. However,
1.6 million of them, 40 percent, according to the Guttmacher Institute, are receiving these services at Planned
Parenthood clinics.
administration set to resurrect ban on abortion counseling at federally-funded clinics. Following pressure from
pro-life Republicans in Congress ahead of the midterm elections, the Trump administration is planning to resurrect a
Reagan-era rule banning federally-funded family planning clinics from discussing abortion with women. The rule would
also prohibit the clinics from sharing space with abortion providers, a senior White House official told the Associated Press
Thursday. That practice, known as "co-location," was specifically decried by more than 150 House members and more than
40 senators earlier this month in letters to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar.
Ruling Grants Right To Pregnant Illegals. An Obama-appointed federal judge made a ruling on Friday [3/30/2018]
that declares abortion a constitutional right for illegal immigrants in custody, even if they are underage. Judge Tanya S.
Chutkan of the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. claimed that her ruling is the response to the Trump administration
having "too many hurdles in the path of teen girls," and by this, she means such young women who have immigrated to the
United States illegally. There is an obvious danger in allowing such a practice. By permitting pregnant women to
have their babies aborted in the United States, it will encourage illegal immigration even further. This is a threat to
national security, the sanctity of life, and the financial health of the country's economy.
state passes law to require insurance coverage of abortion. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed a bill into
law that would require all health insurers to cover abortion if they also cover maternity care. The law, the Reproductive
Parity Act, had been considered for more than six years. It also would mandate coverage for every form of birth control,
including emergency contraception, without any out-of-pocket costs. The bill makes a few changes to provisions that are
already available under federal laws and regulations. Under Obamacare, all health insurance plans across the country are
required to cover maternity care but not abortions. In October, the Trump administration scaled back rules on contraception,
saying that employers could refuse to cover it if they had religious or moral objections. The Washington law eclipses
that exemption.
immigrant minor suggests she faced pressure to get abortion on federal dime. The Trump administration is trying
to keep another illegal immigrant minor from using federal dollars to get an abortion. But this time, the woman in
federal custody doesn't even seem to want to terminate her pregnancy. According to court documents filed this week by
the Justice Department, the woman said her guardians, Rochelle Garza and Myles Garza, assisted her on Feb. 6 by giving
her documents to seek an abortion. The Garzas have represented other illegal immigrant minors seeking abortions.
Texas chain-migration abortion. Abortion advocates were dancing with glee when a federal judge ruled that a
pregnant teenage illegal immigant in a Texas detention center could go get the abortion she wanted at taxpayer expense.
The federal government had been discouraging the facilitation of the act and the shelter at which she was staying did not
want to 'facilitate the killing by so much as driving her to the abortion mill. She didn't want the anchor baby.
And given her apparent militancy (though, to be fair, we are only hearing from her from the word of the activists), it looks
as though she doesn't particularly want to stay here, being willing to throw out that 'advantage.' More likely, knowing she
was pregnant, she seems to have made the decision to come to the U.S. for a free abortion, if for nothing else, the presence
of leftwing lawyers who would ensure it would happen. Abortion is not available, at least legally, in the Central
American country of her citizenship. Now her victory in court for her right to kill her 16-week old unborn baby opens
the gate for the U.S. to become a sanctuary state for any illegal who wants a free abortion. It's appalling. The
anti-abortion forces who fought it said it opens the gate for a constitutionally guaranteed right to abortion for all
illegals, at our expense, making the U.S. a magnet for abortions from abroad, no legal entrance required. Given that
babies born on U.S. soil are U.S. citizens, like it or not, it also gives foreigners the right to kill these U.S. citizens on
U.S. soil which isn't quite what the founders had in mind.
Trump administration
deals major blow to Obamacare birth control mandate. In a blow to Obamacare's controversial contraceptive
mandate, employers may now have more leeway to withhold birth control coverage on religious grounds, according to new rules
issued by the US Department of Health and Human Services on Friday [10/6/2017]. The new rules continue the undermining of
the Obamacare mandate that requires birth control be covered with no co-pay as a preventive service. This could impact
many of the millions of women who now receive contraceptives at no cost under this provision.
Ways Trump Is Taking Back America's Culture. [#4] The president signed a resolution in April that overturned
Obama's rule — enacted during his last days as president — that forced states to provide family planning
grants under Title X to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers. The House approved H.J. Res. 43,
introduced by Rep. Diane Black (R-TN), in February. The resolution used the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to
rescind the Obama administration rule, enacted during the last days of the former president's term. Sen. Joni
Ernst (R-IA) sponsored the measure in the Senate. Vice President Mike Pence cast a tie-breaking vote at the end of
March to enable approval in that chamber after Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
voted against it.
Lawyers Still Battling Christians Over Obamacare Contraception Mandate. Six months into President Trump's
administration, Department of Justice attorneys are still battling Christian organizations in court over Obamacare's
contraception mandate. DOJ lawyers have continued to keep alive a slew of cases appealing a 2014 district court ruling
that granted an injunction from the mandate to several Catholic organizations. The Supreme Court vacated an appeals
court ruling against The Little Sisters of the Poor and similar organizations in 2016, sending the cases back to the lower
courts. Many religious freedom advocates expected that the Trump administration, which has vowed to protect The Little
Sisters and other organizations burdened by the contraceptive mandate, would drop the legal campaign against the religious
organizations. But more than six months into the Trump era, the legal fights are still alive.
Gov. Expected To Sign Bill Forcing Insurers To Cover Free Abortions. House Bill 3391 which would force all
Oregon insurers to cover abortions for free regardless of income, insurance type, citizenship status or gender identity, and
it is awaiting the signature of Democratic Gov. Kate Brown. The on-demand abortion bill will cost Oregon taxpayers
a whopping $10 million. It also prohibits insurers from shifting costs to patients in the form of higher deductibles
or copayments. With this in mind, private insurance companies are faced with a dilemma: either pay up and cover
the difference out of their own pockets or distribute these costs among their customers through higher premiums. If the
private insurance companies wish to stay in business, the latter is most likely to occur.
Democrats seek to repair national image, party passes law in Oregon requiring insurers to cover abortion at no cost.
Just as Democrats are kicking up their efforts to prove the party can be a comfortable home for centrist voters, leftists in Oregon
passed a law making that pitch even more laughable than it already was. The state legislature passed a bill last week that
would require insurance companies offering plans in Oregon "to cover abortions and other reproductive services at no cost to the
patient regardless of income, citizenship status or gender identity," as ABC News explained. Note that the legislation also
applies to noncitizens.
abortions for everyone including illegals; Oregon's Dem governor about to sign bill into law. Elections have consequences.
Achieving a long sought after goal of the left, a woman's right to free and unfettered abortions, Oregon's Democratic Gov. Kate Brown will
sign legislation accomplishing just that. The bill represents a sweeping, unprecedented change in state law that will require insurers to
provide free abortions to all residents, to include illegal immigrants, The Washington Times reported. No Republicans voted for the bill.
Close To Requiring Insurers To Pay For Abortions. The Oregon Senate voted Wednesday to require insurance
companies to cover abortion and other reproductive health services at no cost to patients. The bill, already passed by
the House, now goes to Gov. Kate Brown for her signature. Oregon would become the second state, after California,
to require private insurers to cover all abortions. New York also requires insurers to cover abortions deemed by a
doctor to be medically necessary. In Oregon, the Democrat-backed measure passed 17-13 along party lines, after a
lengthy and at times emotional debate on the Senate floor.
Mandating pro-death 'healthcare'.
Real Alternatives — a non-profit, non-religious, pro-life organization — provides "life-affirming
pregnancy and parenting support services." It hires like-minded people and even requires subcontractors to agree to promote
the protection of the unborn over killing them. Real Alternatives doesn't want to offer its employees health insurance
coverage that includes drugs and devices that could induce abortions. The organization argued in federal district court
last December for a moral exemption to the Obamacare contraceptive and abortifacient mandate, but the court rejected the
request. Real Alternatives appealed, and the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments last week.
Soros and the political genocide of Christianity. Hillary Clinton seems to have a problem with religious
liberty when it conflicts with her progressive goals. During an April 2015 speech to the Women in the World Conference
she said, "Deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed" for the sake of giving
women access to "reproductive health care and safe childbirth." Translated, that means that Clinton, who believes that
reproductive rights are a "fundamental human right", would, through repeal of the Hyde Amendment, force all taxpayers to fund
all abortions, even partial birth, that is, "day of birth" abortions regardless of our religious convictions. Clinton
is also willing to impose federal penalties, including denying tax-exempt status, in order to, as Supreme Court Justice
Samuel Alito wrote, "stamp out every vestige of dissent" to a far-left agenda.
Obama Wants to Force States to Fund Planned
Parenthood Abortion Biz. If only the Obama administration would defend the nation as boldly as it defends
Planned Parenthood. The White House has just proposed new mandate that would prevent states from blocking Title X
funding for "family planning services" (aka pro-abortion companies). Judging by the bill's language, Planned Parenthood is
set to be one of the rule's biggest benefactors. "Title X serves women, men, and adolescents to enable individuals to
freely determine the number and spacing of children," the rule reads. "By law, services are provided to low-income
individuals at no or reduced cost. Services provided through Title X-funded health centers assist in preventing
unintended pregnancies and achieving pregnancies that result in positive birth outcomes."
Obama Rule Would Ban States From Defunding Planned Parenthood. The Obama administration is seeking to ban
states from defunding Planned Parenthood by quietly implementing a new Title X rule that would limit states' ability to
direct federal funds. The proposed Health and Human Services rule would ban states from using criteria not based on
ability to provide services when determining which family planning centers get federal funding. Several states stripped
Planned Parenthood of these federal funds in the last year after a series of undercover videos exposed the non-profit's trade
in aborted fetus parts, and 13 states have now stripped the funds since 2011.
Clinton: You Must Pay For Abortions Or Else. Ever since the Democratic National Convention concluded, and
especially since Hillary Clinton chose Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine for vice president, the federal abortion funding limit
called the Hyde Amendment has been much in the news. That is because the amendment, which restricts federal funding for
abortion to instances of rape and incest or where the life of the mother would be endangered if the baby were carried to
term, has been a fixture of national policy since 1976. Now Democrats want to change that. In past years, the
Democratic platform vaguely referenced public funding, saying access to abortion should be legally permitted without regard
to a woman's "ability to pay." The new platform approved last month in Philadelphia, however, is explicit: "We will
continue to oppose — and seek to overturn — federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman's
access to abortion, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment."
Democrats Came to Embrace Taxpayer-Funded Abortions. President Barack Obama signed an executive order in 2010
applying the Hyde Amendment, which bans taxpayer funding of most abortions, to Obamacare. Five years later, the White
House referred to the Hyde Amendment while defending taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. Now, the Democrats' party
platform is calling for repeal of the measure. According to a new poll, Americans are solidly opposed to public funding
of abortion, including nearly half of voters who support abortion rights, and at least four out of 10 Democrats.
Leader Admits: Our Next Goal is Forcing Americans to Pay for Abortions. NARAL President Ilyse Hogue could
not have been more clear about the pro-abortion movement's future goals in her most recent interview with The Prospect.
Hogue, president of the radical pro-abortion group, said she wants to expand abortions for women all across the U.S. To
achieve this, she hopes to force taxpayers to fund abortions, force pregnancy resource centers to advertise abortions and
overturn common-sense restrictions on abortions. "Importantly, we're really moving to a position where we will not just
fight anti-choice lies and deception, but where we can actively push for legislation that expands access to abortion," Hogue said.
Services Committee Rejects Amendment to Allow Abortions at Military Facilities. The House Armed Services
Committee voted down an amendment Wednesday evening [4/27/2016] that would have allowed "service members and their dependents to receive
abortion services at defense medical facilities (MTFs) if they personally provide funding." At a committee markup,
Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) argued strongly against the amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, one of
several proposed by Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.). It was ultimately voted down 25-37. "We want to make bases
of our military abortion clinics, and I think it dishonors those who gave everything they had for this country and what it stands
for," Franks argued. "I think it's time for all of us to ask the real question as hard as it is and that is, does abortion
really take the life of a baby?"
violation of federal civil rights laws. In August 2014, the California Department of Managed Health Care,
suddenly and without prior notice, issued a mandate to private market healthcare plans in California requiring them to cover
all abortions as a "basic health care service" — including late-term and gender selective abortions. (Prior to
this mandate, California limited coverage to medically necessary abortions.) The new mandate violates a longstanding federal
civil rights law — the Weldon Amendment. Congress first enacted Weldon in 2002 to protect healthcare providers
and insurers from governmental discrimination on the basis that they choose not to provide, pay for, provide coverage of, or
refer for abortions. The victims of this type of governmental discrimination have only one recourse: file a complaint
with the Department of Health and Human Services' Office for Civil Rights (OCR). This has proven entirely futile.
Dems want Medicaid to cover abortion. House Democrats are renewing their attack on the
Hyde Amendment, the controversial budget provision that bars federal funds from paying for
abortions. Reps. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Diana DeGette (D-Col.) and Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.)
introduced a bill Wednesday [7/8/2015] that would require Medicaid to cover abortion
services — currently banned under the Hyde Amendment.
Obamacare Is Here to Prey.
[Scroll down] Last fall, a GAO report found that 1,036 health plans sold through Obamacare exchanges "cover
non-excepted abortion services." This brazenly flouts the will of the electorate. A majority of the
public objects to abortion, according to a number of recent surveys, including a CNN poll conducted last year
showing that 56 percent of the taxpayers don't want their money used to pay for them.
Recalls His Work for Catholic Church: 'Every Human Being, Made in the Image of God, Deserves to Live
in Dignity'. Speaking at the Catholic Health Association Conference in Washington,
D.C., on Tuesday [6/9/2015], President Barack Obama recalled that his first job in Chicago was with
the Catholic Church and that in this job he saw that "every human being, made in the image of God,
deserves to live in dignity." [...] Obmacare provides taxpayer subsidies to health insurance plans
that cover surgical abortions. Through a "preventive services" regulation the administration issued
under the ACA, it also mandates that most health insurance plans must cover contraceptives, sterilizations,
and abortion-inducing drugs and IUDs.
Abortion Drug Accommodation: A Bit of Paperwork or Complicity in Sin? The Obamacare mandate requiring non-profit
religious employers to facilitate health care coverage of abortion-inducing drugs and devices for employees may be heading to
the Supreme Court soon. This mandate — which exempts formal houses of worship and their integrated auxiliaries
like church-run soup kitchens — requires non-profit religious employers to provide this coverage or notify the
Department of Health and Human Services that they have a religious objection.
re-writes Obamacare rules: Orders free birth control for all. The Obama administration
on Monday ordered all insurers to provide IUDs, the contraceptive patch and other birth control free
of out-of-pocket charge to all women, rewriting the rules after reports that some insurance carriers
were refusing to cover all types of contraceptives. Insurers must cover at least one brand of
contraception in each of 18 different methods outlined by the Food and Drug Administration, such as
oral contraceptive pills, the emergency contraceptive morning-after pill and intrauterine devices.
Court tosses pro-ObamaCare contraception ruling. The Supreme Court on Monday [4/27/2015] gave new
life to a lawsuit challenging ObamaCare's contraception mandate, striking down a previous ruling in
favor of the federal government. The justices asked an appeals court in Cincinnati to
reconsider a legal challenge that the Catholic ministries in Michigan and Tennessee filed against an
ObamaCare provision that requires employers to cover birth control for all workers.
Abortions are Eligible for a Tax Deduction, Stillborn Babies are Not. Did you know
that abortions are apparently eligible for a tax deduction? That appears to be true, so says the
IRS. So what does the IRS say about deducting the cost of killing your child? "You can include
in medical expenses the amount you pay for a legal abortion," it says.
No Lynch vote unless Democrats relent on bill. "This will have an impact on the timing
of considering a new attorney general," McConnell told CNN's Dana Bash on "State of the Union." "I
had hoped to turn to her next week, but if we can't finish the trafficking bill, she will be put off
again." Democrats are now holding up the trafficking bill, which glided through the judiciary
committee, after they noticed an abortion provision embedded in the bill that would prevent victims
of human trafficking from using restitution funds to pay for an abortion.
House passes bill to
block abortions from Obamacare. The House on Thursday passed legislation along partisan lines that
would block abortion coverage from plans offered by the federal government's, one day after Republican
leaders pulled a stricter anti-abortion measure from the floor. Republicans initially had planned to hold a
vote on a measure that called for banning abortions past 20 weeks of pregnancy on Thursday [1/22/2015], the same
day as the annual March for Life attended by thousands of anti-abortion activists. But leadership pulled it
after a number of female Republican lawmakers incited a last-minute revolt against one part of the measure.
Congress moves to defund Planned Parenthood. LifeNews reports that 80 members of
Congress have reintroduced the "Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act" for consideration in the
House of Representatives. The head sponsor is Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.), a regular leader on
pro-life and freedom-of-conscience legislation. As Black puts it, "[t]his legislation would simply
clarify the original intent and spirit of the law to ensure that Title X federal funded grants will
no longer be awarded to 'health care' providers that fail to protect life by providing abortions."
2015 Includes Federal Subsidies for Abortion. It's been open enrollment for ObamaCare
for a week now, and it's open season for taxpayer funding of health insurance plans that provide
coverage for abortion on demand. In spite of President Obama's promise that no federal tax dollars
be used for abortion under his signature health care law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act (PPACA), over a thousand health insurance plans that provide coverage for abortion on-demand are
expected to receive federal subsidies in the 2015 enrollment season.
Smith: Most Obamacare Plans Violate Hyde Amendment. At a press conference Thursday [11/20/2014]
about a new website to help consumers shop for health insurance that does not pay for abortion, Rep. Chris
Smith (R-N.J.) said that despite President Barack Obama's promise to the contrary, the majority of policies
offered through the Affordable Care Act violate the amendment prohibiting federal funding of abortion.
promise: More states offering Obamacare abortions, violating no-subsidy rule. The
number of Obamacare plans nationwide offering on-demand abortion is skyrocketing despite a rule that
bars using healthcare subsidies for the procedure, according to a new investigation. The probe by
two anti-abortion groups comes on the heels of a GAO report that found over 1,000 plans offer
elective abortions, not allowed under Obamacare and personally ruled out by the president.
Smith: Obama Gave $227M to UNFPA Implementing Forced Abortion in China. Representative
Chris Smith (R-N.J.) said at the Heritage Foundation on Thursday that despite his and other
congressmens' efforts to hold Communist China accountable for its one-child, forced abortion policy,
President Barack Obama and his administration are not only ignoring the policy but are advancing the
"brutal program." "I respectfully submit that not only is the Obama administration turning a
blind eye to the atrocities being committed under the one-child policy, but it is even contributing
financial support — contrary to U.S. law — to the United Nations Population
Fund (UNFPA)," Smith said in a keynote address at the event.
Fewer Than One Third of Americans View Obama as Friendly to Religion. The share of
Americans that sees the Obama administration as friendly toward religion took a dramatic drop to 30%
from 37% in 2009. The percentage that rates the administration hostile to religion increased from
17% in 2009 to 29% in the latest poll. These findings come from a new survey by the Pew Research
Center, conducted Sept. 2-9 among 2,002 U.S. adults. Some of this suspicion of Obama seems
related to the administration's perceived hostility toward religious liberty, manifested particularly
through the Affordable Care Act's contraception mandate.
potential violation of law, all Obamacare plans in 5 states cover abortion. All of the
health plans offered by Obamacare exchanges in five states include coverage for abortions in a
potential violation of the law that says at least two plans must be available to consumers who don't
want any association with the controversial procedure, according to a government audit released late
Monday [9/15/2014]. Altogether, more than 1,000 Obamacare plans offer abortion coverage in
28 states that don't prohibit it, the Government Accountability Office said, including 95 percent
of the plans in California and all of the plans in Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Hawaii and New Jersey.
questions over abortion coverage in health law. The Government Accountability Office
said in a report released late Monday [9/15/2014] that only 1 of 18 insurers it reviewed was
separately itemizing a charge for coverage of elective abortions on enrollees' bills.
Obamacare Forces You to Subsidize Plans That Cover Elective Abortion. Throughout
debate and final passage of Obamacare, the president and liberal allies in Congress assured the
American people that the expansive healthcare law would not fund elective abortions. "[U]nder our
plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions,"President Obama declared in 2009. Today
[9/15/2014], the Government Accountability Office (GAO) confirms that's just another broken promise.
Here are three things you need to know about abortion and Obamacare: [#1] Obamacare sends federal
taxpayer dollars to health plans that include coverage of elective abortion.
Democrats Join Bus Tour to Repeal Ban on Federal Funding of Abortion. At least five
House Democrats are participating in a nationwide "Be Bold Road Trip" this month in an effort to
repeal the Hyde Amendment, which prevents the federal government from directly subsidizing
abortions. Starting August 9 in Los Angeles, the bus tour will run until mid-September
and end in Washington, D.C. [...] As part of the bus tour, Representatives Mike Honda (D-Calif.),
Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.), and Jackie Speier (D-Calif.)
will speak against the Hyde Amendment in their home states, according to the Huffington Post.
wins U.S. top court temporary exemption on Obamacare birth control. The U.S. Supreme Court gave a Christian
college in Illinois a temporary exemption from birth control coverage required by President Barack Obama's health reform
law, days after ruling that for-profit employers can opt out for religious reasons.
vs. religion: Why Media Research Center has filed suit against the government. In its
attempt to broaden the notion of a "right to health care," the Obama administration has shrunk our
rights to practice our religion. In requiring employers to provide insurance coverage for
contraceptives, the government has trampled on people who believe artificial contraception to be
wrong as a matter of morality and ethics. The Media Research Center has filed a lawsuit against
the federal government, challenging the HHS mandate. This lawsuit is about religious freedom and
the conscience rights of individuals to operate their enterprises free from government coercion,
reprisal, or punishment.
next under Obamacare is the abortion mandate. There's the individual mandate, the employer
mandate, and the "contraceptive" mandate in Obamacare. Now get ready for the full-fledged abortion
mandate. During oral arguments in March, when trying to convince the U.S. Supreme Court to let it
force Hobby Lobby to comply with its contraceptive mandate, the Obama administration made a striking
admission. Hobby Lobby and its lawyers from the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty had argued that
the government's position, if accepted, would allow the government to force people to pay for abortions.
Spending $800K on Studies to Help Family Planning Clinics Survive Obamacare. Despite the Obama
administration's insistence that everyone — the government, insurance companies, doctors, medical providers,
and consumers — will reap benefits from Obamacare, a recent grant proposal by the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS) suggests that the agency does have concerns about the ongoing financial viability
of one player in the health care market: so-called family planning centers.
Planned Parenthood
Got $540.6 Million in Government Grants in FY 2013. Planned Parenthood's net revenue increased 5% to total of $1.21 billion
in its organizational fiscal year ending on June 30, 2013, according to its new Annual Report 2012-2013, and about 45% of that
revenue — $540.6 million — was provided by taxpayer-funded government health services grants. In the same report, Planned
Parenthood said that in the year that ended on Sept. 30, 2012 it did 327,166 abortions.
Michelle's abortion-boosting 50th. Days before
Michelle Obama's White House birthday celebrations this year, it was revealed that Planned Parenthood got $540.6 million
in government grants in 2013 from her husband's administration. "Planned Parenthood's net revenue increased 5% to a total
of $1.2 billion in its organizational fiscal year ending on June 30, 2013, according to its new Annual Report 2012-2013,
and about 45% of that revenue — $540.6 million — was provided by taxpayer-funded government health services grants."
(, Jan. 14, 2014).
Why some Catholics think Obama is master of deception.
Lest people forget, passage of the Affordable Care Act happened in part because Obama struck a deal with a single Catholic holdout: Bart Stupak,
D-Michigan. Stupak agreed to vote for the bill in exchange for an executive order protecting conscience rights and preserving the Hyde Amendment's ban
on the use of federal funds for abortion. Stupak had insisted on an amendment. Instead, he took the President's word. The President
turned around and stuck in the knife: He used the ACA to mandate that all employers, regardless of religious objection, pay for and provide
what many of us in the anti-abortion movement consider abortion drugs in their health care plans.
Covered in Obamacare Health Plans for Congress, Staff. Elective abortion coverage is offered in 103 of 112 ObamaCare
insurance plans for members of Congress and their staff. As reported by the Daily Caller, the availability of elective abortion
coverage to members of Congress and their staff may represent a moral and legal violation, since congressional insurance coverage
will be subsidized by the federal government under the law. Essentially, this means American taxpayers are funding abortions.
Taxpayers Will
Pay Up to $11,378 to Buy Congressmen Obamacare Plans That Cover Abortions. Under a regulation issued by the Office of Personnel Management,
members of Congress and their staff will be able to use federal subsidies worth up to $11,378 per year to purchase any of the 103 different
health insurance plans that expressly cover elective abortions that are now being offered on the Washington, D.C. Obamacare exchange.
Abortion in the Obamacare
Exchanges. December 1 has come and gone with fresh assurances from the Obama administration that the federal exchange website,, will work for approximately 80 percent of its visitors. A review of the website, and the state of the health-care plans
offered via the state exchanges, suggests that the problem of absent or incomplete information regarding plans that exclude coverage of elective
abortions and abortion-inducing drugs and devices is far from fixed.
Obama's Racial Eugenics Award? Margaret Sanger
longed for a more enlightened time when birth control would be (as she put it) "part of the regular welfare service of the government." [...] Sanger
could not have known it, but she was speaking of Barack Obama's America, where birth control is being thrust upon us as a basic "human right" and
form of "health care" with no obstacles in its way. In fact, it's even easier than Sanger could have imagined: Not only do contemporary
progressives want no obstacles, but Obama wants all Americans to forcibly pay for birth control. He is even forcing the religious to do so
via his HHS mandate. He and his progressive cohorts are rolling right over any "legal restrictions" or "religious condemnation." If you
as a religious believer disagree, they will see you in court. You will be penalized and demonized. Under Obama, we have arrived at Sanger's
new world, where birth control is a regular service of the federal government.
Is Abortion at the Root of the ObamaCare
Chaos? Weeks after the ObamaCare "train wreck" began hurtling off the tracks, the president finally "apologized," albeit halfheartedly,
for not doing a "good enough job in terms of how we crafted the law." Meanwhile, the liberal focus remains steady on the goal to ensure that
women are properly outfitted for casual sex and that should the accoutrements fail for whatever reason, the means to deal with the result will be
readily available. Liberals like to portray themselves as empathetic, yet Barack Obama and his posse of progressives remain disproportionately
focused on birth control and abortion.
O'Malley Backs Bill to Reveal Abortion Surcharges in ObamaCare; Sebelius Dodges Query. Cardinal Sean Patrick O'Malley urged members of Congress
to support the Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act, which would require health plans to disclose if they subsidize abortion coverage. O'Malley's
support comes days after Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius pleaded ignorance on abortion funds.
Report: Every Plan on
D.C. Exchange Covers Elective Abortions. Every insurance plan in the Washington, D.C., health-insurance exchange forces consumers to pay
for abortion coverage, despite provisions in the Affordable Care Act requiring that at least one plan without abortion coverage be offered, according to
Anna Higgins, director of the Family Research Council's Center for Human Dignity.
Obama administration: Lawmakers, staff can get
abortion coverage. The Office of Personnel Management ruled Monday that members of Congress and their staffs will be able to buy health care plans
that pay for abortions, even though the premiums are funded largely by taxpayer money — a move that conservatives say breaks federal law on abortion
Affordable Care
Act Could Fund Over 100,000 Abortions. Although the Hyde Amendment restricts the use of federal funds for abortion, with the exceptions of
pregnancies caused by rape and incest, the Charlotte Lozier Institute, the research arm of the Susan B. Anthony List, released a paper on Thursday [9/26/2013]
that showed how Multi-State Plans created through the Affordable Care Act could result in taxpayers subsidizing up to 111,500 abortions each year.
Multi-State Plans (MSPs) are the Affordable Care Act's version of the "public option" health insurance plan.
How Obamacare Will Subsidize Abortion.
With all the attention focused on Ted Cruz's attempt to defund Obamacare in the continuing resolution, some of the law's parade of horribles are
momentarily out of view. Come October 1, those horribles will resume their onward march as the law's impact on subsidizing elective abortion
will begin to become clearer.
Abortion coverage for Congress under Obamacare?
An attempt to fix a problem with the new health care law has created a situation in which members of Congress and their staffers could gain access to abortion coverage,
something that currently is denied to federal employees who get health insurance through the government's plan.
DC Obamacare exchange awards $375k grant
to Planned Parenthood. Washington, D.C.'s health insurance exchange has awarded a $375,000 grant to abortion provider Planned Parenthood to help
enroll participants in Obamacare, the exchange announced on Tuesday [8/13/2013].
Planned Parenthood Admits
that It Uses Taxpayer Money to Fund Abortions. The abortion debate in Texas has been clarifying. On one side we've seen people
behave peacefully and respectfully, abide by the laws and the rules and sing hymns like "Amazing Grace." On the other side, we've seen threats,
mob tactics and "Hail Satan!" [...] We've also seen Planned Parenthood lie through its teeth, and a couple of members of the the Texas media just
called them out on it.
demands insurers cover Planned Parenthood clinics. Most of Planned Parenthood's 750 health and abortion clinics around
the nation will be covered under Obamacare, imposing a new demand on insurers who want to participate in the health care exchanges
that will provide insurance coverage to millions of Americans. While insurers currently cover doctors and health facilities
in their networks, Obamacare demands that they also cover at least 20 percent of "essential community providers" in their
coverage area, including Planned Parenthood, AIDS clinics, pain management centers and even alternative medicine providers.
The Greatest Threat to Peace.
[S]ince 1966, billions of dollars in U.S.-taxpayer money has been laundered through USAID to such groups as the Population Council and the
International Planned Parenthood Federation to advise or run horrific campaigns of forced sterilizations or abortions, wrecking the lives
of tens of millions of poor people in Asia, Africa, and South America.
Reintroduces Bill To Ban Federal Funds From Abortion Providers, Including Planned Parenthood. Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.)
marked the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion nationwide, by announcing at a press
conference her reintroduction of legislation to ban all abortion providers from receiving any federal funds, including Planned
Parenthood. "Over the last 40 years, more than 55 million babies have been aborted," Black said on Tuesday [1/22/2013] on
Capitol Hill at the conference focused on Roe v. Wade.
Rep. Marsha
Blackburn offers bill to defund Planned Parenthood. "As a woman, I believe America deserves better than abortion," Blackburn
said in a statement on her bill. "America shouldn't celebrate abortion and our taxpayers shouldn't subsidize abortion businesses
like Planned Parenthood, who profit from the destruction of human life with taxpayer money. It's fiscally irresponsible and morally
Appeals Court Oral Arguments Signal Trouble
for Obamacare HHS Mandate. After repeated assurances that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would not mandate abortion or people of faith violating their
religious beliefs, the Obama administration issued a mandate requiring both, when Secretary Kathleen Sebelius issued a rule from the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS) saying that a vague provision in the ACA requiring employers provide "preventive care" means that employer healthcare policies must cover birth
control, abortion-related, and sterilization services.
Obama on Giving Tax $$ to Planned
Parenthood: 'Sometimes You've Got to Stand on Principle'. Concerning budget negotiations with Republicans, President Barack Obama made
clear in a campaign speech on Monday [11/5/2012] in Madison, Wisc., that he would not compromise on federal funding for Planned Parenthood, the
nation's largest abortion provider. Obama identified preserving taxpayer subsidies for the nation's largest abortion provider among other top
priorities in a speech given one day before the presidential election.
The Obama Administration's Loyalty to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood, the
nation's largest abortion provider, has called President Barack Obama its "champion." The political alliance between the President and Planned Parenthood has been
particularly evident over the past 18 months through the Obama Administration's determination to channel taxpayer dollars to the abortion giant despite the known
misuse of taxpayer funds by some Planned Parenthood affiliates and in the face of a $16 trillion national debt.
Obamacare Subsidizes Abortions for Women Making
$90,000. How rich do you have to be in Barack Obama's America to pay the whole tab for your own abortion? What about a divorced
38-year-old public school principal who has three children and earns $90,000 per year? Would she need to personally pay the full fare to have a
doctor kill her fourth child while that child was still in her womb? Under Obamacare, the federal government will force taxpayers to help her buy
insurance that pays for abortions.
Obama: 'I Stand Up for Foreign Aid' to
Answer 'Biblical Call'. As president, Obama renewed U.S. aid to the United Nations Population Fund, which helps China with
it coercive population control program, and continued to provide funding to the Egyptian military, which according to the State Department
killed 25 Egyptian Christians last October. [...] According to CRS, the Obama administration gave the UNFPA $50 million in
2009, $55 million in 2010, $40 million in 2011, and $35 million this year. The latest State Department report on
human rights in China described that nation's coercive population control program. "Female infanticide, sex-selective abortions, and
the abandonment and neglect of baby girls remained problems due to the traditional preference for sons and the coercive birth limitation
policy," the State Department said.
Court: Texas can cut off Planned Parenthood
funds. Texas officials are vowing to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood after a federal court sided with the state in a challenge over a
new law that bans clinics affiliated with abortion providers from getting money through a health program for low-income women.
Obamacare abortion mandate
withers. The Department of Health and Human Services has set in motion the Obamacare abortion premium mandate,
a provision that permits insurance plans that cover abortions to participate in state exchanges and requires all enrollees
in those plans — even those with religious and moral objections to abortion — to pay a separate monthly
premium to cover abortions. But many states are diligently passing laws to stop it.
Confronting abortion
premium mandate. When the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments this week on the constitutionality of various
provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, one of the most blatantly unconstitutional provisions didn't get
any attention in oral arguments or the press. At least it hasn't so far. The issue in question is the abortion
premium mandate. Beginning in 2014, this mandate will force millions of Americans, including those who are pro-life,
to pay directly into an abortion fund.
The next big
scandal: taxpayer-funding for abortion. If you thought the tea party was over, think again.
Kathleen Sebelius just shot a flare into a dynamite factory. On Monday night [3/12/2012], Ms. Sebelius's
Department of Health and Human Services released a final decree concerning a troubling codicil in the individual
mandate section of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Boil it down, and it comes to this:
Next year, every American adult will be required by law to pay for abortions.
Mandated coverage of abortion begins.
The ink is barely dry on President Obama's Commandment that the Catholic church and everyone else provide free birth
control to all employees, and already Washington state is headed for the real goal of liberals — free abortions
for everyone! Nearly 40 years after the Supreme Court ruled that abortion on demand is a constitutionally
protected right (voiding the right to life declared in the Declaration of Independence) the government is working
on making abortion free in the name of women's health.
Obama's War on Religious
Liberty. Welcome to the real ObamaCare, whereby a handful of leftists in Washington, D.C., impose
the views of their big-money donors on more than 300 million Americans. If the Obama mandate for
contraception remains intact, then liberals will next demand that Americans pay for other objectionable items
that are not really medical care. We can expect future mandates, under the guise of "health care," to
include sex-change operations, late-term abortions, embryonic stem-cell use and a variety of other procedures
that many Americans do not support and certainly do not want to be compelled to foot the bill for.
Komen has its awareness raised.
In America today, few activities are as profitable as a "nonprofit." Planned Parenthood receives almost
half a billion dollars — or about 50 percent of its revenues — in taxpayer funding.
NH House Votes to Strip Abortion Providers of
Taxpayer Funds. This morning [1/18/2012], the New Hampshire House of Representatives passed HB 228
by an overwhelming margin of 207 to 147, prioritizing state-controlled family planning dollars away from
abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood. The funding is prioritized to public and private entities that
provide comprehensive health care to women and do not perform abortions.
Parenthood - Abortions make up 91% of services; receives over $487 million in federal funding.
The Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List), a pro-life Washington D.C. based organization, posted financial
information on Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA). ... "In 2010, abortion procedures made
up 91% (329,445) of Planned Parenthood's services for pregnant women, while prenatal services and adoption
referrals account for only 8.6% (31,098) and 0.2% (841), respectively." "Planned Parenthood reports to
have served 'three million people' and performed 329,445 abortions, meaning that 11% of PPFA clients received
an abortion.'
GOP revives abortion issue, irks Obama. After a six-month respite from fights over federal funding
of abortion, House Republicans are revisiting the battle with a bill aimed at severing all ties between President
Obama's health care law and insuring, performing or obtaining abortions.
House Democrats Join in Passing Amendment to Stop Obamacare Abortion Funding. Fifteen House Democrats
joined 236 House Republicans to pass the Protect Life Act, 251-172, on Thursday [10/13/2011]. The legislation
would amend the Democrats' Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to prohibit federal funds from being spent on
any health plan that includes coverage of abortion services. The bill also provides conscience protections
for health care workers who oppose abortion.
Obama: Our Henry VIII.
The administration is seeking to coerce Catholics to act against their consciences on two fronts: on
sterilization, contraceptives and abortion, and on the definition of marriage. Obamacare regulations
proposed by the Department of Health and Services on Aug. 1 would require every private health plan in
America to cover sterilizations as well as all Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptives, including
"emergency contraceptives." These include drugs such as ulipristal, which can cause abortions both
before and after an embryo implants in a mother's womb.
A fed takeover: Funding an
abortion provider in NH. The state [of New Hampshire] used to contract with Planned
Parenthood of Northern New England to provide family medical services. But citing the
organization's practice of performing abortions, the elected council voted this summer not to
renew the contract. [Sen. Jeanne] Shaheen thought this was unacceptable, so she urged the
federal Department of Health and Human Services to bypass the state's elected officials and award
Planned Parenthood the contract anyway. The contract was and is funded with federal money.
The will of the state's elected council has been overridden.
Obama's culture of death.
President Obama is on the verge of achieving his liberal revolution. His goal is to destroy our
Judeo-Christian culture and replace it with European-style radical secularism. The administration
is now contemplating forcing health insurance companies to provide free birth control — including
the "morning-after" pill — as part of Obamacare. The Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS) is seriously considering adding contraception to the list of services that must be fully covered by
insurers without charging co-payments.
vs. Indiana. Last month, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels signed legislation that denies public
funding to any health care provider that performs abortions. Hospitals are exempt from the law, so
the most significant impact is on Planned Parenthood, which is the largest provider of health care to women
in the state. ... Several other states are debating similar legislation.
allows Indiana to cut Planned Parenthood funds. Indiana won a key victory in its fight to cut
off public funding for Planned Parenthood on Wednesday [5/11/2011] when a federal judge refused to block a
tough new abortion law, a move that could boost Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels' image among social conservatives
as he considers running for president.
House Bans Federal
Dollars for Abortions. The House of Representatives moved by a vote of 251-175 to further limit
federal funds from being used to provide abortions Wednesday [5/4/2011]. The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion
Act codifies into law the so-called "Hyde Amendment," which prohibits federal funds in appropriations bills from
being spent on abortions.
Pelosi Sends Out Pro-Abortion Fundraising Email
for Mother's Day. Nancy Pelosi and democrats are absolutely outraged that Republicans would
dare pass legislation that will ban taxpayer funded abortions. According to democrats, it's the American
taxpayer's obligation to pay for abortion.
Democrats Invoke 'Women's
Rights' In Opposing Ban on Federal Funding of Abortions. The debate at the mark-up session for
the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act ended in a 23-14 vote on Thursday [3/3/2011], sending the bill from
committee to House leadership and its eventual debate on the floor of the House of Representatives. But
the four-hour session leading up to the vote was a contentious discussion with the Republicans focusing on the
need to not force Americans to pay for abortions through taxation and the Democrats insisting any restriction
on abortion reflects the GOP's efforts to deny women's rights.
House Dems Say They
Support Taxpayer Funding of Abortion. A group of House Democrats — asked directly if
they support the use of federal (taxpayer) funds to pay for abortion — said yes, they do. At
press conference on Wednesday [2/9/2011], the Democrats also voiced their opposition to two Republican-sponsored
bills that would prohibit federal funding of abortion.
as a Tea Party Issue. What do you do after a repeal — a repeal that is stalled in
the obstinate Harry Reid-run Senate? Move on to HR-3, to do something that the old leadership claimed
it had done: keep taxpayer money out of the business of funding abortion. As Boehner said while
introducing HR-3: "A ban on taxpayer funding of abortion is the will of the people and ought to be the
law of the land. But current law — particularly as enforced by this administration —
does not reflect the will of the people."
Baby Death Panels. [Scroll down] Remember, during the president's first year in office,
when the Senate tabled the amendment introduced by Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., and Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah,
which would have banned federal funds from providing for abortion in the universal health care reform bill?
Then the House and Senate, on secret Sunday sessions, passed an omnibus bill and its provision that also
overturned the 1988 Dornan amendment, which prevented taxpayer dollars from funding abortions in Washington,
D.C. (Tragically, that omnibus bill also appropriated $648.5 million for international family
planning funding — an increase of $103 million over 2009 — and contained funding
for Planned Parenthood and for the United Nations Population Fund, both of which have pro-abortion agendas.)
Next will likely be the Hyde amendment, which prohibits the same when it comes to federal spending.
Obamacare, Genocide, and the War on the Unborn.
What lies ahead, if Obamacare goes forward, can be seen in New Zealand. The new government policy in
New Zealand was preceded by the completion of a report on the "cost effectiveness" of aborting Down syndrome
babies. It was determined that it was just too expensive to allow these babies to live. One can
easily envision such a policy developing under Obamacare, considering that we have a President and an
administration that do not regard innocent unborn human beings as life worthy of life.
But Unimproved: Abortion Funding in the White House Health Plan. The new health care
outline posted by the White House this morning appears to aggravate concerns about a new abortion funding
scheme that is not covered by any limitation, including the traditional Hyde amendment governing annual
appropriations to the Department of Health and Human Services and the Stupak-Pitts amendment adopted by the
House of Representative last November in its version of health reform. Instead, the White House plan
would invest $11 billion in an expansion of Community Health Centers, others known as Federally
Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), with no limitation at all.
Endangered Species: Do
pro-life Democrats have a future? Three months after his career-defining health care
vote, Michigan Democratic representative Bart Stupak still bristles at questions surrounding the deal
he cut with President Obama on abortion. "The executive order says public funds cannot be used
for abortion," says Stupak, and those who say otherwise are "dishonest." Stupak may not be
dishonest, but he's certainly mistaken about the executive order that secured his vote, and the
votes of other self-proclaimed pro-life Democrats, for Obamacare.
Different Provisions to Fund Abortions in Obama's Health Care Plan. President Obama's health
care plan would use federal dollars to pay for abortions in at least three ways. ... All three of these
measures were slipped into the Senate bill at the last minute in the manager's amendment.
Yes, you will pay for abortions under Nelson's deal, like it or not. At Hot Air, Captain Ed has
a tape of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius discussing how the so-called "abortion premium"
in the Senate health care reform bill will work. Is she suggesting that everyone will have to pay an
abortion premium, and that accounting tricks will be used just to make it look like you're not forced
to pay for abortions?
the right of conscience not count to Obama? President Barack Obama promised during the 2008 campaign
to end the "politics of division," but his decision to eliminate the "conscience clause" in federal regulation for
medical professionals and his nomination of a woman who calls mothers "fetal containers" to head the White House
Office of Legal Counsel are as explosively divisive as it gets.
Nelson agreement with leaders 'threw unborn babies under the bus'. A number of Republican
senators attacked an agreement reached between Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) and Senate Democratic leaders
Saturday [12/19/2009], saying it would lead to the eventual reversal of more than 30 years of federal
law banning abortion funding. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Oka.) said it is "absolutely fictitious" that there
is an anti-abortion provision in the Senate Democrats' reworked healthcare reform bill.
Agrees to Abortion Funding in at Least 13 States? Harry Reid has released the manager's
amendment that Ben Nelson has reportedly agreed to vote for, meaning that the Senate bill has 60 votes.
The abortion language includes the phony segregation of funding language that was rejected in the House.
It would allow individual states to opt out of the abortion-funding program — in other words,
the default position is to pay for abortions; states would have to pass legislation to not
fund abortions.
A 'Dear Congresswoman' Letter
Protesting ObamaCare. [Scroll down] Of particular concern to those of us who are opponents of using
public funds to pay for abortions and for many family-planning programs is the continued insistence that the legislation
permit such expenditures. In spite of protestations to the contrary, the efforts that have been made to offer
amendments that would forthrightly limit such expenditures have been rejected by the relevant House committees.
The existing language will, undoubtedly, be interpreted as to require these services when the plan is active. When
our legislature is faced with an issue that so many citizens view as abhorrent and, for many, immoral, it is not asking
too much that public funds not be used for them.
Obama's Conscience Claws: Will You be Forced to Perform
Abortions? Modern liberals have a habit of denying the inevitable consequences of their policies. They
refuse to concede that a healthcare bureaucracy created and run by persons who embrace utilitarian views of human life might
unsettle Americans concerned that government would, as Senator Chuck Grassley put it this week, "pull the plug on Grandma."
And they seem baffled by those who find President Obama's professed desire to "reduce the number of abortions" difficult to
reconcile with his efforts to subsidize and expand access to them.
Ten Questions
Politicians Won't Answer. [#2] What programs will you cut and whose taxes will you raise to pay
for health-care reform? ... [#3] What earmarks or pet projects that you have sponsored will you sacrifice to
help finance the cost of health-care reform? ... [#4] Will you vote for a public option that requires
taxpayer-funded abortion?
ObamaCare Likely to Mandate Free "Sex-Change"
Surgeries. When asked by Senator Orin Hatch (R-UT) whether President Obama's proposed socialized
healthcare plan will mandate taxpayer funded abortion, Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) admitted that it will
require "any service deemed medically necessary or medically appropriate." It now appears that the plan's
"medically appropriate" umbrella is far more expansive than most Americans could have imagined.
Dirty Secret
No. 2 in Obamacare: I find it striking that Obama's ethics similarly have allowed him already
to pass more laws increasing the terminations of life in the womb than any administration since Roe v. Wade.
To add insult to injury, Congress repeatedly has rejected amendments to this universal health care bill that
would prevent federal funds from being used for abortions.
and Advocates for Life Triumph! An independent polling company is out with a new survey with
stunning news: Family Research Council's ad warning of President Obama's government takeover of health care
is being highly effective. HCD Research used its website to poll Americans' ideas about
ObamaCare. FRC's ads criticize the President's plan for two fatal flaws: it will force Americans to
pay for abortion-on-demand and it will lead to rationed health care for all Americans. ... What this poll shows
is that federally-funded abortion is not a wedge issue, as Leftists contend, not a "distraction," as President
Obama maintains. It is vitally important.
Serfs Up! The more Americans
learn about ObamaCare, the more concerns they have. Opposition to mandatory abortion funding is
strong — up in the high 70-percent figures according to some reliable polls. This is not just
pro-life sentiment speaking. Yes, the majority of Americans have told the Gallup organization they are
pro-life. But this strong reaction goes even further. Millions of Americans who count themselves
pro-choice are opposed to being forced themselves to pay for abortion-on-demand and are conscientiously
opposed to forcing their pro-life neighbors to pay for it.
Abortion Haunting Obama. A
coalition of Catholic Bishops, concerned about that possibility, sent a letter to Congress and the White House in mid-July
demanding that health care reform "excludes abortion coverage or any other provisions that threaten the sanctity of life."
Religious conservatives aren't the only political demographic uneasy with the abortion implications of Obama's health care
revamp, either. In late June, about two dozen House Democrats sent a letter to Nancy Pelosi pledging opposition to any
reform bill that includes abortion coverage.
Pelosi Again Dodges Question of Tax-Funded
Abortions in Health Care Bill. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for a second time dodged a
question from Friday [7/31/2009] about whether she supported prohibiting abortion funding in the health-care
reform bill. At a press conference on Friday, asked: "Could you please give me a yes-or-no answer
on whether or not you personally, Speaker Pelosi, support expressly prohibiting the funding of abortion through the
federally subsidized health plan created by the health-care reform bill." Pelosi did not give a yes-or-no answer.
Hidden Within ObamaCare, an Abortion
Mandate. Government-owned health care will place bureaucrats in Washington in charge of your health care
options. This is wrong. Health care decisions must be made by you and your doctor. However, there is
another very serious concern with health care reform plans in Congress, especially the plan being offered in the House.
It will lead to mandated coverage of abortion, forcing employers and insurance providers to cover abortion as a health
care procedure and subsidizing abortions with the tax dollars of pro-life Americans who have grave moral objections.
Here's a clue: Are his lips moving? Is
Obama lying about government funding of abortion? In a Wednesday [8/19/2009] conference call
with health care reform supporters, President Barack Obama called "untrue" and "a fabrication" charges that
the White House-backed legislation would result in "government funding of abortions." But Douglas
Johnson, legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee, says it was Obama who "brazenly
misrepresented the abortion-related component of the health care legislation that his congressional
allies and staff have crafted."
caught in Pinocchio moment. Last week, I wondered whether President Obama was telling a whopper
during a conference call on August 19 when he dismissed as "fabrications" charges by the National Right
to Life Committee and others that a White House-backed health reform bill contained government subsidies for
abortion. According to the Annenberg Public Policy Center's, it was President Obama who
was not telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Sen. Mark Warner: 'No Place In Constitution That Says Health
Care'. During a town hall meeting at the Fredericksburg Expo Center, Senator Mark Warner (D-Va.) said there
is "no place in the Constitution" that mentions health care or education, or even gives individuals the right to own a
brave new world. Sarah Palin ignited a political firestorm when she worried that "death panels"
would deny end-of-life treatment to her son with Down syndrome. In fact, ObamaCare would more likely see
to it that people like Trig never even make it out of the womb. The outlook for children found to have
disabilities in utero is bleak now — because the medical-ethics establishment has spent decades
pushing for their abortion.
convenient fantasies of President Obama. There is an element of convenient fantasy as well in
Obama's health care statements to date. We are going to save money by spending money. We are
going to solve our fiscal problems with a program that will increase the national debt by $1,000,000,000,000
over a decade. We are going to guarantee you can keep your current insurance with a bill that encourages
your employer to stop offering it. The list goes on. We are going to improve health care for
seniors by cutting $500,000,000,000 from Medicare. We aren't going to insure illegal aliens, except that
we won't have any verification provisions to see that they can't apply and get benefits.
Firmly Against Government Abortion Plans. A new poll shows that 58% of Americans don't want abortions
to be paid for as part of any new public insurance plan. Yet four of the five health care plans floating around
Congress include language that would allow abortions to be paid for with public money. The only one that
doesn't — the Republican plan in the Senate — probably won't go anywhere.
'Abortion President' Makes False, Misleading Statements on Health
Bill, Congressman Says. President Barack Obama's assertion that the Democrat-backed health care overhaul
would not publicly fund abortions is "demonstrably false and extraordinarily misleading," Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.)
told the conservative Values Voters summit on Friday [9/28/2009]. Smith predicted that abortions would
increase by as much a one third if the Democrats' health care legislation is enacted.
Want Abortion Coverage Banned in Health Care Plan. The health care reform legislation working its way
through Congress faces many obstacles primarily because it touches so many aspects of life. The abortion issue
is one more with the potential to create a lose-lose situation for advocates of the plan.
panel blocks GOP's abortion, illegals measures. Senate Republicans on Wednesday [9/30/2009]
failed in their bids to strengthen provisions to prevent both taxpayer funding of abortions and illegal
immigrants from obtaining access to government tax credits in the health care reform bill.
Fostering Abortion With
Soviet Gusto. Europe, of course, is a decadent place where spoiled, cheese-eating hedonists tolerate
socialist taxation and sexual perversion of almost any kind. European national health systems even pay for
abortions. President Obama has tried to be very clear that any American system won't — "Under our
plan," he told Congress on Sept. 9, "no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions" — but that
hasn't kept the issue from flaring up.
Congressman Says He Now Has 'About 40 Likeminded
Democrats'. Rep. Bart Stupak (D.-Mich.) told yesterday [10/22/2009] that he has
organized a group of "about 40 likeminded Democrats" who will vote to kill the health-care bill if House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) does not allow a floor vote on his amendment to prohibit federal funds
from going to insurance plans that cover abortion.
Absolutism in
Disguise: Yes, Obamacare does mean federally funded abortion. During his presidential
campaign, Barack Obama adopted the two-step strategy on abortion that has become standard among liberal
politicians: oppose abortion as a matter of personal conviction but deny that that conviction
is relevant to public policy. This rhetorical sleight of hand is meant to accomplish two things...
Uses Semantics To Avoid Abortion Issue. A pro-life Congressman is claiming that President
Barack Obama told him in a phone conversation that when he addressed Congress on Sept. 9 and said "under
our plan no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions" he was not talking about any of the bills
currently pending on the Hill, but his own plan — which only exists theoretically.
Abortion Care. Anyone who
believes that abortion won't eventually become a part of government run health care needs to start
paying attention; you're kidding yourself.
The Ellsworth Abortion Amendment Is a Fraud.
President Barack Obama is about to move one step closer to delivering on a big campaign promise: abortion
coverage in his health plan. ... Under the Ellsworth amendment, Americans will still be forced to pay for other
people's elective abortions. It's like a shell game — all it does is require the public
option to contract with private businesses to shuffle the money. The government will still take your
money through a mandatory premium and, under the Ellsworth plan, will give it to a private contractor to pay
the abortionist's bill.
Reid Introduces Senate Health Bill That Mandates
Federally Subsidized Abortion. Senate Majority Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) late Wednesday [11/18/2009]
published the final text of a Senate health care bill that would mandate federally subsidized abortion.
The mandate appears on page 120 of the 2,074-page bill under the seemingly innocuous heading:
'Assured Availability of Varied Coverage Through Exchanges."
Abortion is Not Healthcare says Liberty
Counsel's Mat Staver. Without an explicit exclusion for abortion, the proposed Senate
healthcare bill will fund abortion. The majority of Americans do not support abortion on demand
and do not want to fund the destruction of innocent human life.
Lieberman weighs in. When asked
whether he thinks it is "morally right" to take tax dollars from pro-life Americans and use it to pay
for health insurance plans that cover abortion, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said that the government
makes people pay for things they think are immoral "all the time."
When the Chips Are Down, All
Democrats Are Liberals. The Senate is moving slowly toward the first cloture vote around
1:00 a.m. on Monday [12/21/2009], heading to a final vote on the health-care bill Thursday
evening. At this juncture the most realistic avenue for upsetting the freight train is
Rep. Bart Stupak, who unlike Sen. Ben Nelson, was not snookered (willingly or otherwise) into
abandoning his pro-life constituents. As others have pointed out, Nebraska pro-life voters
like voters in every state will, under the Harry Reid "compromise," have their tax dollars go
toward subsidizing abortions in states that choose not to "opt out" of abortion coverage.
Sen. Crapo: 'We Should Not Use Federal Dollars to Fund
Abortions'. Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) said "we should not use federal dollars to fund abortion'
and that it is not morally right to take taxpayer money from pro-life Americans to pay for health insurance plans
that cover abortion.
Rep. Stupak: White House Pressuring Me to Keep Quiet.
Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) said the White House and the Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives
have been pressuring him not to speak out on the "compromise" abortion language in the Senate version of the
health care bill.
End It, Don't Amend
It. Harry Reid offers the nation a mephitic Senate health-care bill that retains the worst features
of Nancy Pelosi's creation and adds fresh horrors of its own: It will force Americans to finance abortions
and jack up some Americans' Medicare taxes by 34 percent.
The End of Insurance.
Barack Obama's health care plan ensures spiraling costs and will convert health insurance companies into
cost-plus health reimbursement utilities, or else bankrupt them completely. Health insurance as
we know it (think home/auto/life) will no longer exist. The president's plan also provides for
taxpayer-funded abortion, making abortion even cheaper and increasing its frequency.
and the Health Bill. It's now becoming clear that Barack Obama is willing to put everything
on the table in order to be the president who passes health-care reform. Everything, that is, except
a ban on federal funding for abortion.
Negotiations Over Abortion. America's Catholic bishops are being used in a negotiating ploy that
could lead to enactment of Obamacare and to federal funding of abortion.
If Republicans keep
ignoring abortion, they'll lose in the midterm elections. The health-care debate has come down to a
fight over abortion. And the face of that fight is Bart Stupak, a nine-term congressman from Michigan who
supports the reform effort but has said he won't vote for a bill without a strong prohibition on federal funding
for abortions — even if it means no reform at all.
GOP House Whip: Executive Order Can't
Override Abortion Law. House Republican Whip Rep. Eric Cantor released a collection of
statements this afternoon showing any executive order President Obama makes on abortion cannot override
a law duly passed by Congress. Several House Democrats are refusing to vote for the bill unless
there is a safeguard against federal funding of abortions.
Federally funded
abortions are in our future. Defenders argue that: (1) nowhere does the bill say funds
will go toward abortion; (2) the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding for abortion, applies.
Both assertions are true — up to a point. The issue isn't what the bill says; it's what it
doesn't say.
Riddance, Congressman Stupak. [Bart] Stupak accepted a bogus Executive Order on abortion in
exchange for leading — actually misleading — a small but critical group of pro-life
Democrats into voting for the pro-abortion health care bill. Obama's Executive Order — and
on this point pro-choice and pro-life legal experts agree — changes nothing in the new Obamacare
law's abortion funding provisions. Stupak became a household word last fall only because
he held out against Obama administration pressure and Pelosi pressure. He held on and held on and
then, when it counted most, he gave in.
House Backs Kenyan Constitution Allowing Abortion. The Obama administration is offering
incentives to Kenya to approve a controversial new constitution that would legalize abortion for the first
time, promising that passage will "allow money to flow" into the nation's coffers, including U.S. aid.
But there's a hitch to that pledge. A federal law known as the Siljander Amendment passed in 2006 makes
it illegal for the U.S. government to lobby on abortion in other countries — and three U.S.
lawmakers say they want a federal investigation into the promises made by the administration.
Yes, We Kenya!
President Obama made much of the Executive Order he signed last March. It was supposed to stop federal
funding of abortion. It was given as a fig leaf to formerly pro-life Democrats who had voted for ObamaCare
and enabled it to pass, narrowly, in the House of Representatives. Most pro-life Americans knew the Obama
order was a charade. We have had this administration pushing vigorously for abortion-on-demand from the
first day they took office. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had hardly taken her oath of office before
she told a House Foreign Affairs committee hearing early in 2009 that "sexual and reproductive rights and
health" were a major goal of the Obama administration.
Obamacare abortions
on tap. Where have you gone, Bart Stupak? Even more importantly, where is your voice,
Kathy Dahlkemper? These Democrats — from Michigan and Pennsylvania respectively —
were two of the final six supposedly pro-life House members who voted to pass Obamacare. They sold
their anti-abortion principles for the fool's gold of an executive order purportedly banning the use of
federal funds for destroying unborn children. Now comes the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC),
in a finding released yesterday [7/12/2010], to show proof positive just how tarnished that fool's gold
actually is.
Direct Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Through High-Risk
Insurance Pools: If you want proof that President Obama's Executive Order on taxpayer-funded
abortion was a sham, look no further than Pennsylvania, says House Republican Leader John Boehner (Ohio).
Boehner and other Republicans point to reports that the Health and Human Services Department is giving Pennsylvania
$160 million to set up a new high-risk insurance pool that will cover any abortion that is legal in the
U.S. Taxpayers to Subsidize New U.N. Agency Promoting
Abortion. The U.S. will subsidize a new $500-million United Nations agency that conservatives say
will likely promote an abortion agenda. In what the United Nations deemed as a historic move, the U.N.
General Assembly unanimously voted on July 2 to approve "U.N. Women," an agency intended to accelerate
progress in achieving gender equality and women's empowerment.
Obama Administration Approves First Direct Taxpayer
Funding of Abortion. If you want proof that President Obama's Executive Order on taxpayer-funded
abortion was a sham, look no further than Pennsylvania, says House Republican Leader John Boehner (Ohio).
Boehner and other Republicans point to reports that the Health and Human Services Department is giving Pennsylvania
$160 million to set up a new high-risk insurance pool that will cover any abortion that is legal in
the state.
Maryland Offers Federally Funded Abortions under
Obamacare. Maryland will join Pennsylvania as the second state to use federal tax dollars
to pay for abortions under the new health care law signed by President Barack Obama in March, according
to information released by Maryland's State Health Insurance Plan.
The Kenya connection.
The Kenyan president wants a new constitution, one that opens the door to abortion on demand. President
Obama is willing to use U.S. taxpayer dollars to persuade voters to approve the updated governing document,
which would loosen regulations designed to protect the unborn, establish Muslim family courts and create a
right to homosexual marriage. It's not unusual that Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki would see enactment
of the provisions as a "government project," but Mr. Obama is on shaky legal ground when he commits U.S.
government resources to it.
The Editor says...
Obama seems to care a lot more about Kenya than he does about the U.S.
I think I know why.
abortions are here. It now appears that two more states, Maryland and New Mexico, will
join Pennsylvania in using tax dollars to kill unborn children. As the National Right to Life
Committee discovered, federally funded high-risk insurance pools in these states include "pre-existing
condition" insurance plans that cover abortion. The pools have received $5 billion from
Congress to provide benefits until 2014, when Obamacare kicks in. This is more evidence of the
emptiness of President Obama's executive order that promised the federal takeover of health care
wouldn't bankroll abortion.
Abortion Funding in Defense
Authorization Bill. It's worth mentioning that in addition to an amendment to repeal Don't Ask
Don't Tell and a provision inserted by Harry Reid to implement the Dream Act that would give illegal immigrants
who came to the U.S. as children a path to citizenship, the defense authorization bill also contains an
amendment from Roland Burris of Illinois that would allow abortions at military hospitals.
Planned Parenthood, NARAL
Welcome SCOTUS Ruling on ObamaCare. In response to Thursday's Supreme Court ruling that the president's signature healthcare law is
constitutional as a tax, the nation's abortion industry expressed pleasure at the outcome. [...] Planned Parenthood notes that as a result of ObamaCare's
newly declared constitutional status, beginning August 1st, "birth control will be treated like any other preventive prescription under the Affordable
Care Act, and will be available without co-pays or deductibles."
Rep. Steve King Says Obama Is Governing Like a 'King'.
Pointing to the Health and Human Services regulation that will require virtually all health care plans to cover sterilization, artificial contraception
and abortifacients for free, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said that President Barack Obama is governing like a "king."
Preserving Our Pledge of Allegiance.
[Scroll down] The Obama HHS mandate requires that individuals and organizations provide or pay for services that are contrary to their
religious beliefs. These services include abortions, the provision of abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization, and contraception. To
the contrary, Catholic teaching requires that Catholics and Catholic organizations avoid both directly paying for and facilitating these practices.
We are at the point now where an individual who is morally opposed to abortion or contraception must pay an insurance premium so that others can abort
and must purchase contraception for his or her employees. By [Joseph] Pieper's standard, the HHS actions are indefensible and, "to the simplest
kind of thinking," an unfit exercise of power.
Obamacare and Abortion. The Supreme Court's controversial decision last week to
uphold the constitutionality of Obamacare is re-igniting the debate over the president's health care overhaul and public funding of abortions.
Douglas Johnson, legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee, told the Free Beacon recently that "there are a number of different
components in Obamacare that would expand abortion" as well as several provisions to fund abortion. Johnson explained that abortion funding "is
always included unless it's explicitly excluded."