DISCLAIMER: This web site accepts no advertising, sponsorships, grants, donations, royalties, gifts, finder's fees, commissions, reimbursement, inducements, or corporate subsidy of any kind; is not compensated for listing products, services, editorial comments or opinions; and is not sustained, endorsed or approved by any political, special interest or parent organization. Ron Paul is a medical doctor from the Houston area who serves in the U.S. Congress. He has been given the nickname, "Dr. No", because he votes against any spending bill that is not authorized by the U.S. Constitution, and that includes almost every bill under consideration. Most media outlets tend to characterize Ron Paul's supporters -- if not Dr. Paul himself -- as crackpots, simply because he wants to adhere to the constitutional limits of the federal government. Ron Paul is always referred to in the media as a third-string candidate who doesn't have the slightest chance of being anything more than a spoiler in the 2008 election cycle. If the news media pushed just as hard in the opposite direction, Ron Paul would have the nomination wrapped up in no time. Ron Paul doesn't get much press coverage because he makes speeches without shouting. The news media thrives on sensationalism, and tabloid TV is based on catchy three-second sound bites. Ron Paul doesn't fit that template. Fast-paced, superficial, tabloid TV news is the only commercially successful form of journalism; therefore it is here to stay. Unfortunately, that's where most people get their information about political candidates. (Broadcast news is dangerous and harmful, not because of the events that are reported, but because of what is not reported. You can't really blame the TV stations and networks for the harsh reality of TV: The news outlets respond to pressure from the stockholders for maximum profits. The networks' commercial success depends on retaining the attention of shallow-thinking people with dozens of similar channels from which to choose -- impatient viewers who are never far from the remote. Of course the denunciation of television is another topic altogether.) The American people have grown accustomed to seeing the government get bigger every year, and anyone who wants to drastically reduce the size of federal spending is seen as an extremist. Ron Paul opposes the creation of a North American Union. He opposes undeclared war, since it is unconstitutional. He opposes the federal government's "nanny state" role of cradle-to-grave caretaker at the taxpayers' expense. He opposes the creation of a National ID Card. He opposes federal control of education, since it is unconstitutional. He opposes the printing of money without the gold and silver standard (which is mandated by the Constitution). He opposes the Patriot Act and other laws that have been passed just because they have emotionally appealing titles, for example, "No Child Left Behind". Ron Paul consistently scores a perfect 100 on The New American magazine's "Conservative Index." He has received many awards and honors such as the National Taxpayers Union, Citizens Against Government Waste, Council for a Competitive Economy, and Young Americans for Freedom.* The whole purpose of voting for Ron Paul is probably unclear to you if you are not familiar with the content and the importance of the U.S. Constitution. If the original intent of the Constitution is irrelevant to you, then Ron Paul probably is, too. Unfortunately there are too many public school graduates who are eligible to vote but who have little or no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of limited government. Some of the limitations set forth in the Constitution will come as a surprise to many U.S. citizens when these restrictions are brought to light. For example, there's nothing in the Constitution that authorizes direct payments to individuals, compensation for hurricane victims, or the exploration of other planets. This description of Dr. Paul was taken directly from his web site: Congressman Ron Paul is the leading advocate for freedom in our nation's capital. As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Dr. Paul tirelessly works for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. He is known among his congressional colleagues and his constituents for his consistent voting record. Dr. Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution. News and opinion about Ron Paul: Ron Paul: Internet is the alternative to 'government media complex' that controls the news. During part one of his farewell speech to Congress, Rep. Ron Paul insisted that the internet remain free, as it is an important alternative to the "government media complex." "The internet will provide the alternative to the government media complex that controls the news and most political propaganda," Paul stated. "This is why it's essential that the Internet remains free of government regulation." Transcript of Ron Paul's farewell address to Congress. Time for Ron Paul Fans to Support the Constitution. There is no more time for games, no room for hurt feelings. Ron Paul fans, you need to choose, because not voting for Romney is a vote for Obama. It's that simple. And you could make the difference.More on Why Ron Paul's Libertarian Fans Need to Support Our Constitution and Romney. A significant number of libertarians have decided that Mitt Romney, while highly imperfect in their eyes, is the only hope of evading the much greater danger of Barack Obama, who if he isn't a socialist does [a good] impression of one. With his gleeful disregard of the Bill of Rights and his collectivist's love of "redistribution" from those who own property to those he decides deserve it more, you would think Obama was as toxic to libertarians as non-locally sourced-garlic is to hipster vampires. But some libertarians, as the comments make clear, have something other than a principled if short-sighted opposition to supporting Romney. Ron Paul: Election shows U.S. 'far gone'. Rep. Ron Paul, whose maverick presidential bids shook the GOP, said in the wake of this week's elections that the country has already veered over the fiscal cliff and he sees no chance of righting ship in a country where too many people are dependent on government. Is it really necessary to frisk a Congressman? Ron Paul Family Detained by TSA Again. For the second time this year, the Paul family has been harassed by the Transportation Security Administration. Rep. Ron Paul, his wife, and granddaughter were stopped by eight TSA workers at a small airport in Clearwater, Florida, and told they must be screened. According to the agents, the screening was necessary because Mitt Romney "might be nearby." Observers say the implication was that the Paul family poses a threat to the Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney. TSA detains, interrogates Ron Paul's family and aides. TSA agents did not cite any specific threat, but insinuated the Paul family was a threat to Mitt Romney, claiming the nominee "might be nearby." The pilot reminded agents the plane itself, filled with fuel, was a bomb. Agents persisted with demands that the passengers be thoroughly examined, but Carol, Paul's 76-year-old wife, has a pacemaker. She refused to submit to a search while an aide began recording the event. Eventually, the agents relented. Private aircraft are not subjected to the same rigorous security screenings of commercial aircraft, leading some to believe Paul's family was targeted by the agency. Good Riddance, Ron Paul. [Scroll down] As a side note, did you ever notice that Paul fans only seem to use blowback to explain acts of Islamic terrorism? The U.S. has bases in 38 countries, yet you never hear about terror attacks from the Bulgarians, the Singaporeans or the Portuguese. If our bases are supposed to be so threatening, why aren't others rising up against them? Maybe it has to do with the fact that our enemies are radical Islamists who don't really need much of an excuse to kill capitalist infidels. Ron Paul's legacy celebrated after House votes to audit Federal Reserve. Hundreds of young libertarians gathered Wednesday night to celebrate the legacy of retiring Rep. Ron Paul hours after the House passed legislation to audit the Federal Reserve that the Texas congressman has been pushing for years. "We had a little vote today in the House of Representatives," Paul said to roaring applause at the Young Americans for Liberty event in his honor. After the young crowd began chanting, "End the Fed! End the Fed!" Paul responded: "I've always argued that once the Fed gets audited, the Fed will end." Kucinich: Federal Reserve 'acts like it's some kind of high exalted priesthood'. Ohio Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich wants Congress to pass a bill sponsored by Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul that would give the Government Accountability Office the authority to fully audit the Federal Reserve, which Kucinich says "acts like it's some kind of high exalted priesthood." "This is all about disclosure and accountability. You know, the Fed's not some kind of hocus pocus, black box operation. The Fed essentially supplants the constitutional mandate in Article 1, Section 8, that belongs to the Congress of the United States," Kucinich said in a speech on the House floor Tuesday [7/24/2012]. Nebraska GOP Hires Extra Security to Stop the Ron Paul Revolution. Ahead of its state convention to be held Saturday in Grand Forks, the Nebraska GOP is ramping up security in order to prevent mayhem it believes could be caused by rowdy Ron Paul supporters. Jordan McGrain, the executive director of the Nebraska Republican Party, informed the Nebraska Watchdog that party leaders have contracted with a private security company to keep a check on any attempt by Paul backers to disrupt the selection of delegates to the national convention. The Ron Paul Movement Is Already Breaking Down. With Ron Paul effectively out of the 2012 presidential race, the ragtag coalition that propelled his dark-horse campaign is already showing signs of unraveling. Why the GOP can't afford to ignore Ron Paul and his many fans. Even though Paul's budget plan, with its three-year glide path to a balanced budget with no tax hikes, was found by U.S. Budget Watch, a non-partisan research group, to be the only budget plan offered by GOP candidates this year that would not balloon the national debt, the Republican Party is scared of him. Even though his supporters continue to win control of delegations (Maine, Minnesota, and Louisiana) or state party structures (in Iowa and Nevada), the Party doesn't want to embrace him. Ron Paul and Double Standards. Now that Ron Paul has achieved electoral respectability in the Republican primaries, the media is in high dudgeon over his extremism. Paul, according to the procurators of good taste at the New York Times, "long ago disqualified himself for the presidency" by, among other things, "peddling claptrap proposals" such as "cutting a third of the federal budget." The Times doesn't bother to explain why it feels cutting the federal budget by one-third is radical enough to disqualify a person from the presidency, but increasing it by one-third, as Obama did his first year in office, is "exactly what the country needs." Ron Paul Could Still Win Enough Delegates To Deny Mitt Romney The Republican Nomination. Despite what you may have heard from the mainstream media, Mitt Romney does not have the Republican nomination locked up. In fact, he is rapidly losing delegates that almost everyone assumed that he already had in the bag. To understand why this is happening, you have to understand the delegate selection process. Each state has different rules for selecting delegates to the Republican national convention, and in many states the "voting" done by the public does not determine the allocation of delegates to particular candidates at all. Phase Two of the Ron Paul Revolution Has Begun: Rand Paul Is Already Getting Ready To Run In 2016. As Republican iconoclast Ron Paul secretly racks up delegates for his insurgent 2012 presidential bid, his son, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, is quietly opening up a new phase in the Ron Paul Revolution: He's getting ready to run for President. The younger Paul's prospective campaign is still four, or eight, years away, but the junior Senator appears to be taking all the right steps to position himself for when the time comes. The Last Man Standing. [Scroll down] Many other Republicans are demoralized. The near-certain nominee doesn't excite them. There are fewer high-profile Tea Party primaries than two years ago. The other conservative presidential candidates have been beaten. Ron Paul's supporters remain. They are still trying to win delegates and reshape the Republican Party. Mitt Romney May Not Have Won Maine After All. Mitt Romney's razor-thin victory in the Maine caucuses could be overturned now that the state has decided to count the results from rural Washington County, which is set to vote on Saturday. Romney eked out a victory over Ron Paul by fewer than 200 votes in Maine's sparsely attended caucuses last weekend. But the results from Washington County could alter that outcome, as could votes from some previous caucuses, including many held in Waldo County, that went uncounted. Ron Paul: "Crazy Old Man" or Analytical Clairvoyant? Having a massive Facebook following, the second highest 2nd quarter funds raised after former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, and recent poll victories such as the Southern Republican Leadership Conference straw poll; Paul's more than 30 year old message of individual liberty, sound money and free markets is resonating with an ever larger audience. Was Maine Stolen from Ron Paul? The mass media have repeated the official results for the Maine GOP presidential caucuses that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney narrowly beat Texas Congressman Ron Paul by a 39 percent to 36 percent margin. But the official results are incomplete. And postponement of the results from one of Ron Paul's strongest counties, Washington County, because of a forecasted snowstorm may alone have tipped the balance in Romney's favor. Understanding the Ron Paul phenomenon. After years of being the lone Libertarian voice in Congress, and often being the lone vote on issues, Congressman Paul is today a folk hero. After 25 long years of fighting for Libertarian and fiscally conservative values, this little old Texas baby doctor has become an "overnight success." Ron Paul Introduces Bill to Repeal NDAA's Indefinite Detention. Texas Congressman and GOP presidential contender Ron Paul is continuing his battle for liberty even as he is focused on his fight for the White House. This week, he introduced legislation to overturn the dangerous provisions found within the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). ... Paul fears — as do a number of other opponents to the law — that the language can be used against U.S. citizens as well. Ron Paul was right. One rule in politics is: Don't obsess about arcana unfamiliar to voters; stick to issues they care about. Ron Paul has long flouted that rule. That's one reason why mainstream journalists often dismiss him as a "nut." He keeps talking about issues outside the scope of what journalists say we should care about. Ron Paul backed Cynthia McKinney in 2008. Sarah Palin admonished Republicans not to ridicule Congressman Ron Paul. Sarah Palin is wrong. Ron Paul is a disloyal phony who has earned whatever contempt real Republicans have for him and his dangerously naive ideas about foreign policy. Ron Paul has shunned the party in the past, as he was the Libertarian Party candidate in 1988 and in 2008 he rejected the McCain/Palin ticket, instead embracing Cynthia McKinney and other third-party candidates for president 2008. Ron Paul Is Not A Republican. I have already explained ... why I think that Ron Paul is not just a fringe candidate, but a bad guy. I now want to add another point: he is not a Republican. Who says so? Ron Paul does. Here are excerpts from the letter that he wrote in early 1987, when he resigned from the Republican Party because of his disgust with Ronald Reagan... Anyone But Ron Paul for President. Some of the most indelible images from September 11, 2001, are of video footage of cheering Muslim crowds in the streets of Ramallah and East Jerusalem as news of the attacks swept across the Middle East. Is there any doubt that if Ron Paul is elected President, his inauguration will elicit similar jubilation in the cities of America's worst enemies? Words such as "noninterventionist" and "isolationist" have been used to describe Paul's foreign policy views. A more apt word is "dangerous." The Editor says... As far as I know, those "indelible images from September 11, 2001" haven't been shown on television since about September 15, 2001. The American news media are intentionally hiding that footage in order to portray Islam as a "religion of peace". Ron Paul and his enemies: His foreign policy, certainly an upgrade on the bellicose Wilsonianism of the George W. Bush administration, isn't within the Republican mainstream. But because one doesn't share Paul's gold-standard enthusiasms, or finds his federalism on narcotics laws dopey, doesn't give one license to go fantasyland and portray him as the type of candidate who would do a commercial on global warming with Nancy Pelosi, inspire Obama to mandate health insurance, or serve as a state chair for Al Gore's first presidential campaign. Kelly Clarkson album sales surge after Ron Paul presidential endorsement. Kelly Clarkson may have stumbled upon a new path to success: Endorse Texas Rep. Ron Paul for president. The Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter and first "American Idol" winner saw sales of her latest album surge Friday [12/30/2011], one day after she tweeted her support for the 2012 Republican presidential hopeful. Ron Paul: Iran Does Not Threaten Our National Security. Ron Paul told Iowa voters on Friday [12/30/2011] that he would not launch a preemptive strike on Iran because "they don't threaten our national security." "If some other country thought they had to go to war with them, that is their business," he said, adding there is no proof Iran is building a nuclear weapon. The Second Coming of Huey Long and Father Coughlin. [Ron] Paul's stance on America's entrance into WWII lets us know where he stands concerning Israel today. He is basically saying he wouldn't lift a finger to help our ally in the Middle East, no matter what the outcome, no matter if there would be another Holocaust. Indeed, he has stated his position quite clearly, saying Israel can take care of itself and that a way to deter Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons is "maybe offering friendship to them." Ron Paul, Bill Ayers, and 'implausible deniability'. Obama's friendships with terrorists and other radicals would of course not convict him of anything in a court of law. The same goes for Paul. But a presidential race is not a court of law. We, the voting public, have a right to make common-sense inferences about presidential candidates and the company they keep. The burden is not on the voting public to prove that birds of a feather flock together. The burden is on each presidential candidate to convince us that he or she is fit to lead our nation. Sheila Jackson Lee calls on Ron Paul to apologize or leave presidential race. Among the racially charged newsletters published under Ron Paul's name, one example is particularly odious to Houston Democrats. One of the newsletter articles described Rep. Barbara Jordan, a Houston Democrat revered in the civil rights community, as "the archetypal half-educated victimologist, yet her race and sex protect her from criticism." We Are Learning a Great Deal About Paul. Ron Paul indeed has nowhere to go. The more he speaks what he believes, the further his appeal will prove itself to be very, very narrow. Why Do 20 Year Old Newsletters Matter So Much? To be clear, I am quite certain he did not write them. There is little doubt that they were written by [Lew] Rockwell and [Murray] Rothbard. People I know who were on the inside at the time confirm it and the style matches pretty well to those two and does not match to Ron Paul. Paul knows who wrote them too, but he's protecting his long-time friend and advisor, unfortunately. And even more sadly, Rockwell doesn't have the guts to confess and end this whole megillah. ... So why deal with this now, when libertarianism is so hot? Because those newsletters are not what libertarianism is and the sooner and louder we make that clear, the better. Why Ron Paul Can Win. For the Republican National Committee (RNC), this must be uncomfortable — the idea that they would be forced to nominate a principled, Constitutionalist just because we the people demanded it. But here's what really terrifies them: Ron Paul is in a position to hand the election of 2012 over to Barack Obama and the Democrats because he would be a "spoiler." But even more terrifying is the fact that Dr. Paul is in a position to be much more than a "spoiler" — he's in a position to be a "winner." GOP will take off the gloves if Ron Paul wins Iowa. The Republican presidential primary has become a bit feisty, but it will get downright ugly if Ron Paul wins the Iowa caucuses. The principled, antiwar, Constitution-obeying, Fed-hating, libertarian Republican congressman from Texas stands firmly outside the bounds of permissible dissent as drawn by either the Republican establishment or the mainstream media. Ron Paul's Foreign Policy Exposed. Hide-from-reality isolationism vs. globalist interventionism is a false dichotomy. There are other options. Will Ron Paul Be the Next GOP Frontrunner? Ron Paul, the 76-year-old Texas congressman, appears to have a real chance of winning the Iowa caucus on January 3. In the two most recent surveys taken this week, he has moved into second place, leading Mitt Romney by 5 points in each poll and pulling within one point of Newt Gingrich in one of the surveys. Why Ron Paul Can't Win. Nicknamed the "intellectual godfather" of the tea party movement, he's held the same views about limited government since before his first election in 1976. Those views are behind his platform today to slash $1 trillion from the federal government, to eliminate five federal cabinet agencies, to cut the corporate tax rate and get rid of taxes on capital gains and dividends, and to repeal everything from ObamaCare to Sarbanes-Oxley. Ron Paul's strength in Iowa shows it's too soon to write him off. Though he has a large and loyal following, Ron Paul's positions on key issues sets him apart from many Republicans. But he keeps moving steadily toward a position of strength in the early voting -- especially in Iowa. Ron Paul Draws Big Crowds and Many Undecided Voters in Iowa. By all accounts, Ron Paul is on a roll in Iowa. In the latest ABC News / Washington post poll, Paul is tied with Mitt Romney for second place in the state. Paul has visited the Hawkeye State more than 50 times since he declared his candidacy — and this week he kept up a grueling schedule of town hall meetings, media interviews and college rallies. The Case for Ron Paul. Take note that there is no authority in the Constitution for the setting of interest rates (as the Federal Reserve does) — interference which led directly to the housing bubble (which Ron Paul predicted). Despite U.S. participation in several sizable wars, Congress has not bothered itself with actually declaring war since 1942 (on Romania). There is no authority to bail out banks, intervene in labor disputes, subsidize farming, regulate health insurance, or set educational policies. Every one of these unauthorized activities drives costs up (or drives prosperity down) and ultimately hurts average Americans. Five myths about Ron Paul. Ron Paul is the Rodney Dangerfield of Republican presidential candidates. The 12-term Texas congressman ran for president on the Libertarian Party ticket back in 1988 and was widely seen as a sideshow in 2008, despite finishing third in the GOP field behind John McCain and Mike Huckabee. Why, despite a small but devoted set of supporters, does this 76-year-old obstetrician turned politician routinely get no respect from the media and GOP operatives? The Ron Paul Factor. Rep. Ron Paul rarely makes news, and his candidacy is frequently ignored by Beltway reporters. But headlines, his aides say, are overrated. In fact, the Texas Republican's low-key autumn was strategic. As Paul's competitors stumbled and sparred, he amassed a small fortune for his campaign and built a strong ground operation. And with January fast approaching, his team is ready to surprise the political world and sweep the Iowa caucuses. Ron Paul and Company Vindicated on Fed Audit. On Sunday evening [11/27/2011], Bloomberg News published a story that confirmed the worst suspicions of bailout critics. ... Bloomberg's expose makes it clear, three years afterward, that the infamous Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), which divided the country and ignited at least one mass protest movement (if not two), was never more than a sideshow when compared to the bailouts authorized by the Fed. TARP only allocated $700 billion for bailouts, and a significant portion of those funds were never used. Ron Paul: Why Not? How can Ron Paul, who counts among his supporters a sizable group of people who hope that his first act as president will be to reveal that the 9/11 attacks were an inside job, continue to draw significant poll numbers among Republican primary voters? American conservatives evade this question at their peril, because, while he probably cannot win the Republican nomination, Congressman Paul does absorb the support of many genuine conservatives, who might, if properly engaged, be drawn to other candidates. Where Ron Paul Is Right: The drug war works about as well as prohibition of alcohol did. Bob Schieffer, Ron Paul and journalistic "objectivity". In this 7-minute clip, Schieffer repeatedly mocks, scoffs at, and displays his obvious contempt for, two claims of Paul's which virtually no prominent politician of either party would dare express: (1) American interference and aggression in the Muslim world fuels anti-American sentiment and was thus part of the motivation for the 9/11 attack; and (2) American hostility and aggression toward Iran (in the form of sanctions and covert attacks) are more likely to exacerbate problems and lead to war than lead to peaceful resolution, which only dialogue with the Iranians can bring about. Ron Paul: Obama 'Brings The Modern Presidency Dangerously Close To An Elective Dictatorship'. When pressed by Asman on the comments, Dr. Paul, who, according to Real Clear Politics, is currently polling at around 8.3% but won the latest Iowa straw poll, didn't shy away. "[President Obama] was very bold about it," he said, of Obama circumventing Congress. "That is arrogant. It is flaunting the Constitution and the whole principle of how we're supposed to operate. The idea they can just do this and take over the legislative function and brag about it — and Congress does nothing and the courts do nothing — [it's] very, very bad." Paul: One year to go. I'm not running for president merely to trim a little here and there from our bloated federal budget. Instead, I have offered the boldest, most specific and most comprehensive solutions in the history of American politics to restore our economy and once again make America the most innovative, competitive and prosperous nation in the world. Paul would ax five agencies. Touting his own jobs plan to eliminate five Cabinet agencies and cut a trillion dollars from the budget, presidential candidate Ron Paul complained of trivial infighting between his GOP rivals at a time when the nation faces monumental challenges he thinks would be solved by a virtual government upheaval. Ron Paul's Really Good Idea. The isolationism of Ron Paul hurts his chances to be seriously considered for the presidency. But on cutting domestic spending he outshines his rivals. No wonder the media won't take him seriously. Ron Paul's fiscal plan merits careful consideration. Given the country's precarious budget situation — a national debt just shy of $15 trillion and unfunded liabilities for entitlements totaling over $62 trillion — this hardly is the time for GOP hopefuls to ride the status quo or talk generalities. Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), never one to beat around the bush about fiscal matters, has unveiled a new plan the other candidates should carefully study, at least as a starting point for debating meaningful spending cuts. Ron Paul warns journalists: You could be next on Obama's 'kill list'. At a recent luncheon at the National Press Club, Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul warned journalists that they could be placed on a "kill list" should the government deem them a threat to national security. The Associated Press reported that the Texas congressman encouraged journalists and citizens alike to condemn the President's actions, lest they find themselves placed on the list for their own views. The Problem with Paul. The GOP hierarchy cringes when [Ron] Paul speaks because he's correct on so many issues. Audit the Fed? Ron Paul has a calculator. Worried about federally controlled health care delivery? Dr. Paul supports free-market solutions to rising health care costs. Tired of burdensome regulations and Washington's shredding of our Constitution? Paul promotes personal liberty and states' rights, viewing bureaucracy like a drunk at a Baptist picnic. His position on limited government offends Beltway Republicans who've fallen in love with federal largess. The Case Against Ron Paul Is Defeated. On its face, the very idea that any self-professed lover of liberty should have anything but the utmost respect and admiration for Paul strikes us as a paradox of the first order. After all, to hear Republicans tell it, liberty consists in just those things — "limited government," personal and fiscal responsibility, the U.S. Constitution, etc. — of which Paul has proven himself as adamant and impassioned a proponent as any. And yet, these very same Republicans deride him as a "nut," a "fraud," and, in some instances, a "racist," an "anti-Semite," and even an America-hater. GOP presidential hopeful Ron Paul wins California straw poll. Texas Rep. Ron Paul won a California straw poll, the state Republican Party announced in a statement Saturday night. A total of 833 ballots were cast during the straw poll, the statement said. Paul won with 44.9% of the votes, Texas Gov. Rick Perry came in second with 29.3% of the votes, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney came in third with 8.8% of the votes. Why Ron Paul scares Rick Perry. One of the cardinal rules of politics is "never attack down," meaning a front-runner should never attack or respond to an opponent who is far behind. ... Rick Perry is afraid of Ron Paul. Rick Perry should be afraid of Ron Paul. Ron Paul's very presence reveals what a polyester impersonation of a conservative Rick Perry actually is. The beneficiary of this will not be Mitt Romney, whatever other insiders instruct you to believe. Ron Paul's Nonsense. [Scroll down] "Which enemy are you worried that will attack our national security?" Paul asked. "If you're looking for specifics, I'm talking about Islam. Radical Islam," the man answered. "I don't see Islam as our enemy," Paul said. Ron Paul supporters decry media neglect. Ron Paul finished just 152 votes behind Michele Bachmann in the Ames Straw Poll, but from the headlines and TV news coverage, it's hard to tell he even showed up. AP Tars Tea Party Movement as 'Grandfathered' By Ron Paul. In a story by Jay Root for the Associated Press, the news wire service tries to tar the entire tea party movement with guilt by association claiming that it was somehow fathered or "grandfathered" by Texas Representative Ron Paul, the cranky uncle of the GOP. The fact is Ron Paul had nothing at all to do with the tea party movement. The claim that he did is a calumny, one that the AP hopes will discredit the tea party movement. Paul plans major announcement Friday. Rep. Ron Paul's (R-Texas) campaign announced the lawmaker will make a "major announcement" on Friday [5/13/2011] in New Hampshire. It is likely to be his official announcement for the presidency. ... The libertarian congressman is attempting to run a stronger campaign than he did in 2008, the last time he ran for president. Ron Paul Claims OBL Killing Was Unnecessary and Possibly Illegal. The eccentric Texas libertarian is up to his usual antics, this time speaking out against the US operation that killed Osama bin Laden. According to Politico, the congressman — a contender for the Republican presidential nomination — said the operation "absolutely was not necessary," and that "respect for the rule of law and world law and international law" should apparently preclude any such operation. Ron Paul Launches Presidential Campaign. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, whose outspoken libertarian views and folksy style made him a cult hero during two previous presidential campaigns, will announce on Tuesday [4/26/2011] that he's going to try a third time. Ron Paul Biography. Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul is an American physician and Republican Congressman for the 14th congressional district of Texas. Paul serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the Joint Economic Committee, the Committee on Financial Services and is Chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy where he has been an outspoken critic of American foreign and monetary policy. He has gained prominence for his libertarian positions on many political issues, often clashing with both Republican and Democratic Party leaders. Rand and Ron Paul: The libertarian Kennedys. Ron Paul, the Texas congressman, is thinking about another presidential run. His son, Rand, the newly elected Kentucky senator, has a book out and is himself travelling to early states and keeping open the possibility of a White House bid. And another Paul progeny, Texas doctor Robert Paul, has recently flirted with the idea of attempting to join his brother in the Senate. Ron Paul edges toward 2012 presidential bid. Republican Rep. Ron Paul of Texas moved on Friday [4/15/2011] towards a possible second run for the presidency in the 2012 elections by setting up a committee to help him sound out his prospects. America Is Not an Empire. The "American empire" is a myth. It doesn't exist, and it never did. The only people spreading the myth are implacable ideological opponents of a strong defense like Ron Paul and his cohorts of fans. For them, every American military installation abroad and every war against a foreign country is proof of an empire. Ron Paul slams Patriot Act, backers drown out jeers at conference. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) elicited the loudest reaction of any speaker so far at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Friday [2/11/2011], with a throng of raucous supporters drowning out audible boos emanating from the CPAC crowd. Paul didn't disappoint, offering a fiery speech that took on the Patriot Act and military spending and lamented bipartisanship in Washington. Video: Ron Paul's Speech at CPAC 2011. The YAF / Ron Paul Smackdown. Right after the straw poll results showing Ron Paul as the winner were announced, people from Young Americans for Freedom began handing out memos declaring they had expelled Ron Paul from their advisory board. They didn't just kick him out for non-payment of dues, or hogging the karaoke machine at the last YAF kegger, either. "YAF's concerns with Rep. Paul stem out of his delusional and disturbing alliance with the fringe anti-war movement," the press release declared. 2011 CPAC Straw Poll Results. The results of the CPAC straw poll of presidential candidates are in, and the winner is Ron Paul, with 30% of the vote. Mitt Romney was the runner-up with 23%, and all other candidates tied with about 6% each. Young Americans for Freedom boots Ron Paul. A prominent conservative activist group has given Ron Paul the boot. The Young Americans for Freedom has voted the Texas congressman off its national advisory board in the aftermath of his straw poll win at CPAC over his positions on national security issues. Conservatives again back Ron Paul for Presidential nominee. Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the straw poll of conservative activists Saturday as their top choice for the 2012 presidential nomination, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney finished a strong second-but among the newer faces, no one showed much strength. Who Is Ron Paul? Ron Paul speaks softly and carries Mises. The eccentric, famous, and infamous Texas congressman has a frail frame and a frailer voice. "I am not powerful, but my ideas are powerful," he says. Everybody knows his name. Everybody talks about him. But nobody can agree as to who he is. Ron Paul: 50-50 Chance I'll Run for President. Republican Rep. Ron Paul, known for bucking his party in favor of his libertarian principles, says there's a chance he'll make another run for the presidency. "I'd say it's at least 50-50 that I'll run again," Paul told the New York Times in a profile of the 75-year-old congressman. Ron Paul, Author of 'End the Fed,' to Lead Fed Oversight Panel. Representative Ron Paul, Texas Republican and author of "End the Fed," will take control of the House subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve. House Financial Services chairman-elect Spencer Bachus, an Alabama Republican, selected Paul, 75, to lead the panel's domestic monetary policy subcommittee when their party takes the House majority next month, the committee chairman said today [12/9/2010]. Ron Paul tweets support for Wikileaks. Ron Paul, always in favor of more transparency and freedom, tweeted his support for Wikileaks today [12/3/2010]. "Re: Wikileaks- In a free society, we are supposed to know the truth. In a society where truth becomes treason, we are in big trouble." he wrote. Bernanke's worst nightmare: Ron Paul. Ben Bernanke has had his hands full since his first day on the job as Federal Reserve chairman nearly five years ago. It's about to get even tougher. His harshest critic on Capitol Hill, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, is about to become one of his overseers. Ron Paul Is About to Totally Revolutionize the House Monetary Policy Panel. Odds are you haven't heard of the monetary policy subcommittee. Officially known as the House Subcommittee for Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, it's a subdivision of the House Financial Services Committee that has mostly occupied itself with pressing questions of issuing commemorative coins and whether or not to eliminate the penny. Is America On The Verge Of A Soviet-Style Collapse? [Scroll down] "What I'm referring to," [Congressman Ron Paul] explained, "is the giving up of our empire." Just as the USSR had to give up their satellite countries, Americans will have to give up military bases in places like Japan and Germany. "That, to me, will be good. We'll take care of ourselves, of our borders," he noted. Judge Napolitano had interpreted the collapse somewhat differently — with states becoming independent nations. The Texas Congressman said he did not foresee pure independence from the federal government, "but [they will be] more independent than they are now. They will have to give up their dependence on the federal government and they will because the federal government will be proven totally inept." Ron Paul worries Fort Knox gold is gone. With the price of gold at record highs, presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul wants to make sure the U.S. gold bars at Fort Knox are really there. Paul called a congressional hearing Thursday [6/23/2011] to grill federal officials about his bill to audit and inventory all of the gold reserves at Fort Knox, Ky., West Point, N.Y., and Denver, even though Treasury officials insist that the gold is audited annually and is all there. The Editor says... Well, of course, whether the gold is really there or not, the Treasury officials are gonna claim that everything is fine, and this whole question has no merit. That's the way our government works. And who among us could ever go to Fort Knox and verify what's there? Ron Paul questions whether there's gold at Fort Knox, NY Fed. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said he plans to introduce legislation next year to force an audit of U.S. holdings of gold. Paul, a longtime critic of the Federal Reserve and U.S. monetary policy, said he believes it's "a possibility" that there might not actually be any gold in the vaults of Fort Knox or the New York Federal Reserve bank. Ron Paul Helps Obama Slash National Defense. In line with Obama chief-of-staff Rahm Emanuel's admonition that no crisis should go to waste, the Obama Administration is preparing to use the matter of massive debt and deficits to push for drastic cuts in our national U.S. military budget. The proposed cuts, which total $960 billion, could leave the U.S. as a second-rate military power. Playing a critical role in the effort is Rep. Ron Paul, who is generally considered by his followers to be an opponent of Obama's liberal agenda. Dobson: GOP misled me on Paul. Christian conservative leader James Dobson withdrew his endorsement of Kentucky Senate candidate Trey Grayson Monday [4/3/2010], switching his support to Rand Paul's campaign and accusing "senior members of the GOP" of misleading him about Paul's record on abortion. Dobson said in an audio recording that he made an "embarrassing mistake" as a result of misunderstanding Paul's position on abortion. Hating the government finally goes mainstream. Three years ago, the Republican establishment piled scorn on the presidential candidacy of Ron Paul. Today, he is in a statistical tie with President Obama in 2012 polling. His son, an ophthalmologist who has never run for elective office, is well ahead of not only the GOP's handpicked candidate for Senate in Kentucky but also both Democratic contenders — all statewide officeholders. President Ron Paul. Here's a shocker: pollster Scott Rasmussen reports that in a race between Barack Obama and Ron Paul, 42% of likely voters would vote for Obama and 41% would vote for Paul. This, despite the fact that Paul gets lower support from Republicans (66%) than Obama does from Democrats (79%). Paul has surprisingly high substantive identification: 39% have favorable feelings toward him, 30% unfavorable feelings. Boos as Ron Paul wins CPAC straw poll. Rep. Ron Paul, the libertarian-leaning Texas Republican who ran a quixotic bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008, was the top vote-getter in the Conservative Political Action Conference's straw poll, capturing the support of 31 percent of those who participated in the contest. 'Fight them over there vs. over here' a false choice. Unfortunately, our foreign policy is undermining our security. We have more than 700 military installations in 135 countries around the globe. We have 50,000 troops in Germany, 30,000 in Japan, and 25,000 in South Korea. Worse, we have our brave men and women bogged down occupying Iraq and Afghanistan in the midst of ethnic strife and civil war. We spend more than $1 trillion per year on our foreign policy, and our military is stretched thin. We can no longer afford to be the world's policeman. We must bring our troops home from around the world, cut overseas spending and strengthen our national defense. Audit the Fed, Then End It! I have been very pleased with the progress of my legislation, HR 1207, which calls for a complete audit of the Federal Reserve and removes many significant barriers towards transparency of our monetary system. This bill now has nearly 170 cosponsors, with support from both Republicans and Democrats. Americans Deserve a Transparent Fed. For nearly a century the Federal Reserve has operated in the shadows, away from the prying eyes of Congress, journalists and the American people. Created in 1913, the Fed was given enormous responsibility to protect the value of our currency. Yet in the last 96 years the U.S. dollar has lost more than 95% of its purchasing power. You've Got to Hand It to a Man Who Tells It Like He Sees It. Attacked and derided by the more "acceptable" GOP candidates, it was Ron Paul who warned that America was "going bankrupt" and that our infrastructure was decaying. He also harped the loudest on the need to cut spending. Throughout the 2008 campaign, Paul kept telling anyone who would listen that the nation was literally printing money to pile up massive debts, and that there would be a major price to pay for Congress and the president being asleep at the wheel. Now look where we are. Ron Paul "Probably" Won't Make Another White House Bid. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), whose bid for the GOP presidential nomination last year electrified libertarians and generated a passionate following online, told Bob Schieffer that he will "probably" not run for president in 2012 during a special "Washington Unplugged" interview. In a free-flowing conversation, Paul was pessimistic about both the direction of his party and the country. Is there any gold inside Fort Knox, the world's most secure vault? For several prominent investors and at least one senior US congressman it is not the security of the facility in Kentucky that is a cause of concern: it is the matter of how much gold remains stored there — and who owns it. "It has been several decades since the gold in Fort Knox was independently audited or properly accounted for," said Ron Paul, the Texas Congressman and former Republican presidential candidate, in an e-mail interview with The Times. "The American people deserve to know the truth." Ron Paul: 'Get Rid of the Federal Reserve'. Rep. Ron Paul, in a speech delivered to an enthusiastic crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference, said conservatives "have to be devoted to and willing to stand by and defend the Constitution, and have the position that it is absolutely necessary to get rid of the Federal Reserve system." Paul, who ran for president in 2008 championing the Constitution, talked about his bill seeking to abolish the Federal Reserve, which he said is getting bipartisan support in the Congress. The Ten Grinchiest Republicans in 2008: (#10) Ron Paul — Very good, very bright, very principled, but, sadly, very wrong. The congressman would have made a marvelous President Madison or President Monroe, but, unfortunately, the Barbary Privates (sic) are not in Tunisia now, they are in Toledo. Ron Paul in 2012? — Dare We Dream? The buzz is coming from a surprising source. This article from leftist Internet magazine Salon speculates that Paul's anti-Fed, pro-gold message might sell better in four years given the current economic crisis, a crisis he nearly alone in Washington has been predicting. Peeved at Ron Paul. Some Galveston officials aren't too pleased with their Congressional representative, Ron Paul, R-Lake Jackson, for voting against the $22.8 billion disaster recovery aid package on Wednesday [9/24/2008]. "That's sad. That's bad," said City manager Steve LeBlanc. "I find it very distressing," said Councilwoman Karen Mahoney, who represents the West End of the island, where damage was extreme. "He's voting against aid for the region that he represents? I don't find that very representative." Ron Paul followers gathering for their own convention. There's no room at the Xcel Energy Center for maverick Ron Paul, so his acolytes have packed their cars, hitched rides on "Ronvoys" and will pitch tents at Ronstock '08 in Minneapolis in defiance of next week's GOP convention in St. Paul, Minn. Ron Paul followers pose danger for McCain in West. Dueling delegations pitting Ron Paul's Nevada supporters against those of John McCain vow to take their fight to the Republican National Convention. That's just one sign that the outsider, Internet-fueled movement led by the feisty Republican congressman from Texas remains afloat in the wake of McCain's victory in the GOP primaries. Barr seeks to escape Paul's shadow in Libertarian Party presidential bid. [Bob] Barr's record has hurt him with some party faithful who still look to Ron Paul, the anti-war Texas Republican congressman and 1988 Libertarian Party presidential nominee who became an Internet sensation during his 2008 run for the GOP presidential nomination. Paul, who suspended his presidential campaign earlier this year, is hosting a "Rally for the Republic" in Minneapolis on Sept. 2 during the Republican convention in St. Paul. Where Will Ron Paul Voters Turn? With iconoclast Ron Paul having ended his quixotic bid for the Republican presidential nomination — his platform had called for, among other things, ending the Iraq War, repealing the PATRIOT Act, returning to the gold standard and eliminating taxes on tips — his many dedicated supporters are up for grabs. Ron Paul's political event moves to larger venue. Supporters of maverick Rep. Ron Paul who are organizing a rally as an alternative to the Republican National Convention are moving their crosstown event to a larger venue. The Rally for the Republic featuring Paul — the Texas conservative failed in his bid to win the GOP nomination for president — is scheduled for Minneapolis' Target Center, home of basketball's Minnesota Timberwolves. Ron Paul: A Republican Takes the Lead Against the War. Ron Paul may be an old-school Republican, but no other candidate running for president — in either party — has spoken out against the war in Iraq as bluntly as he has. Sure, the former obstetrician has a goofy nostalgia for the gold standard, not to mention medieval views on abortion and immigration. But his anti-war stance has not only helped him bank more campaign cash than Iraq-backer John McCain, it has garnered him more contributions from military families than any candidate in the race. Is Ron Paul's Revolution Just Beginning? Remember the strained and bemused expressions on the GOP presidential contenders' faces whenever Ron Paul spoke up during a debate? While Paul excoriated American empire, a split-screen would show the frontrunners dismissing the Texas Congressman as if he were a crazy uncle. Ron Paul to End Campaign, Launches New Effort. The new phase of the revolution officially begins with a speech tonight [6/12/2008] in Houston and a Web video to be posted on his site, officially ending Paul's presidential campaign and freeing up the more than $4.7 million in campaign cash for investment in a new advocacy group, The Campaign for Liberty. Hold on! Ron Paul did NOT quit the GOP presidential race. Throughout the afternoon and evening yesterday news reports flashed all over the internet that Republican Rep. Ron Paul was going to officialy end his hopeless presidential campaign. ABC News said the campaign, "a pugnacious, ideological crusade against big government and interventionist leanings in the Republican party, will officially end Thursday at a rally outside the Texas GOP's convention." Paulville, TX: Ron Paul Commune Planned. The Ron Paul revolution is alive and well and planning ... gated communities? Well, maybe more like hippie communes for people who share the beliefs of the Texas congressman and GOP presidential candidate. So says the New York Times in a style section cover story today, which suggests that 2008 is just the beginning for the Paul disciples. Ron Paul's forces quietly plot GOP convention revolt against McCain. Virtually all the nation's political attention in recent weeks has focused on the compelling state-by-state presidential nomination struggle between two Democrats and the potential for party-splitting strife over there. But in the meantime, quietly, largely under the radar of most people, the forces of Rep. Ron Paul have been organizing across the country to stage an embarrassing public revolt against Sen. John McCain when Republicans gather for their national convention in Minnesota at the beginning of September. Whatever happened to Ron Paul? The excitement of Rep. Ron Paul's unorthodox presidential campaign has faded since last fall. The chances were always slim that Paul would get to go to the White House to collect President Bush's endorsement, as Sen. John McCain did Wednesday [3/5/2008]. But Paul scored a victory Tuesday night, crushing challenger Chris Peden in the Republican primary in his Texas congressional district. Ron Paul supporters set sights on influencing Texas GOP. [Scroll down] The activists harbor long-term hopes. They want the GOP to re-commit to chestnut tenets such as slimmed government, lower taxes and respect for privacy. And a hope is that sooner or later, grass-roots Republicans will accept the Paul partisans as energetic compatriots rather than rating them moon-beamish interlopers from the Libertarian Party. Republican Ron Paul predicts a President Obama come January. Rep. Ron Paul, the House member from Texas who technically remains in the race for the Republican Party's presidential nomination against Sen. John McCain, predicts that Democratic Sen. Barack Obama will be the next president of the United States. Ron Paul's Race: an interview of Congressman Ron Paul by Brian Farmer. You seem to be more popular on the Internet than any other candidate. In fact, if the presidential race were to be decided on the basis of Internet popularity, you almost certainly would be the next president. How do you explain the Ron Paul-Internet phenomenon? Paul campaigns for his causes, not White House. Even though he won't be president, Ron Paul keeps running. The Republican congressman from Texas continues to raise money for his presidential campaign. He is planning to visit states that have yet to hold their primaries and is urging his small but devoted group of followers to hold rallies for the libertarian causes he espouses. Ron Paul Moves on From Presidential Campaign. Paul indicated that the 2008 presidential campaign portion of his revolution is over. An earlier version of this report indicated that Paul would "drop out" of the race. In the video, Paul did not use the words "drop out," opting instead to say the campaign is "winding down," and he encourages supporters to still cast votes for him. But he referred to his campaign in the past tense. Rep. Ron Paul: I advocate the same foreign policy the Founding Fathers would. Any response to this paper's Friday [10/5/2007] editorial on my foreign policy position must rest on two fundamental assertions: first, that the Founding Fathers were not isolationists; and second, that their political philosophy — the wisdom of the Constitution, the Declaration, and our Revolution itself — is not just a primitive cultural relic. Ron Paul And The Republican Crisis. [If] Paul doesn't win the Republican nomination, the eventual nominee will have to think hard about how to hold on to Paul's supporters, who, by one estimate, make up about 6% of Republicans nationally. Ron Paul Stakes Claim as Only Remaining True Conservative. Paul claims to be the only conservative remaining in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. "We are in a bind. We are in a fix. We spend too much everywhere. We spend too much overseas, we spend too much domestically. The only answer is to be true conservatives," he told conservative activists. Ron Paul Uses Pro-Life Position on Abortion to Say He's the Only Conservative. [Ron Paul] said he's proposed a "sanctity of human life" bill that would establish the principle that human life begins at conception. "That's not a political statement, that's a scientific statement," he said. Paul also touted a bill of his that would prevent the federal judiciary from having any authority over the abortion issue. The Mainstream Media Detests Ron Paul. The liberal mainstream media has single-handedly kept one of the candidates out of the news as much as possible. Fox News gave all kinds of unconvincing excuses for denying Ron Paul the opportunity to participate in their debate. In the end, they lost some regular viewers. Why are the media and even the so-called conservative pundits denying Ron Paul? See Ron Run. By all accounts, Ron Paul was a reluctant presidential candidate. He was happy in the House, casting his lonely "no" votes against legislation with price tags large and small and contrasting his colleagues' handiwork with the plain text of the Constitution. But the Revolution overtook him: Paul attracted larger crowds than he had dreamed possible and, after raising $19.5 million in the last three months of 2007, won the fourth-quarter Republican money primary. Paul's Presidential Run Leads to Trouble Back Home. Rep. Ron Paul, the Texas congressman who distinguished himself as the only Republican presidential candidate opposing the Iraq War, gained a devoted following, harnessing the power of the Internet to raise more cash than more mainstream rivals, including current front-runner Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. But that same anti-war, libertarian bent that gave Paul national recognition could come back to bite him at home. Paul for President. We are under no illusion that he has much chance of winning the GOP nomination this election cycle. Nevertheless we urge a vote for him. This campaign sends a signal to both parties that a significant number of Americans value their country's great Constitution, that many conservatives reject wiretaps, waterboarding, and senseless wars. Paul's message: more liberty, less government. Eight years of neoconservatism have brought us nothing but disastrous foreign policy decisions, a looming recession and a monstrous deficit. Are these the acceptable consequences of a transformed political right? Not if you ask Ron Paul. Running as "the true conservative" among the Republican candidates, he is a de facto libertarian. Unlike the competition, his message is clear and simple: more liberty, less government. GOP Chaos: MCCain & Romney Win, Paul Places, Where's Rudy? Ron Paul has now done something that Rudy Giuliani has never done. The anti-war congressman from Texas, who famously tangled with Mr. 9/11 over foreign policy in the only interesting GOP debate, has finished in the top tier of a Republican caucus or primary contest. Ron Paul Can Still Win, if ... This election will determine the character of the United States for a long time to come. If any of the Democratic candidates win, the United States will move quickly towards a European-style Welfare system from which it will become impossible to escape. Would Reagan Vote for Ron Paul? Reagan was once an Iowan. He once broadcast University of Iowa football games, and he later was "discovered" by Hollywood when living in Des Moines. It is my personal belief that if Reagan were alive and living in Iowa today, and he had to choose among the Republican presidential candidates, that he would likely choose the man the GOP establishment and national media have written off — Congressman Ron Paul. Paul draws big Denver crowd. The crowd for Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul was so large it surprised his own organizers. They were forced to hurriedly open partitions to double the size of the ballroom space minutes before Paul's scheduled appearance in the Four Seasons Ballroom. When that wasn't enough hundreds of people stood rimming the hall that sits 1,536. "I'm just totally dumbfounded," Paul said as he began his speech before a raucous sign-waving crowd. "The enthusiasm seems to be growing. Freedom is popular." Ron Paul wins Arizona straw poll of young professionals. Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul won a straw poll this week held by an Arizona group representing young GOP entrepreneurs and business professionals. The Republican Professionals Association conducted the poll this week. Paul won the poll, with 80 percent of the vote, followed by Sen. John McCain of Arizona, with 12 percent. There were 515 votes cast, according to RPA. Ron Paul draws Vermont devotees. Ben Mayer had sworn off politics entirely. Disenchanted by the platforms espoused by mainstream presidential candidates, the Burlington resident found no room for his libertarian beliefs in the voting booth. ... "This is about freedom. It's about the Constitution," Mayer says. "This is the first candidate we've had in a long time who's willing to stand up for these ideas." Ron Paul is the sole GOP hopeful who opposes Bush on foreign policy. Paul, who has urged an immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq, is the only candidate who is directly challenging Bush's policies. "I certainly agreed with (Bush's) foreign policy that he ran on and that we as Republicans won in the year 2000 — you know, the humble foreign policy, no nation-building, don't be the policeman of the world," Paul said. "Of course, the excuse is that 9/11 changed everything, but the Bush doctrine of pre-emptive war is not a minor change. This is huge. This is the first time we as a nation accept as our policy that we start the wars." Ron Paul Praised by American Cops. While most of the politicians vying for their party's nomination for President of the United States pay lip service to the nation's law enforcement officers, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) is actually doing something to earn the respect and gratitude of America's cops, according to many police officers and organizations. Ron Paul on Immigration: I'd heard that that presidential candidate Ron Paul was "hard line" on immigration and "to the right" of the Republican field. But that's not exactly what he revealed during my interview with him. Ron Paul Snub in Fox Debate Angers Head of New Hampshire Republican Committee. While Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul crushed Rudy Giuliani in the Iowa caucuses and has shown better numbers than Fred Thompson in New Hampshire polls the Texas Congressman didn?t receive an invitation to a Republican forum sponsored by Fox News. Both Giuliani and Thompson will be there. The debate, to be held on Sunday [1/6/2008], is co-sponsored by the New Hampshire Republican State Committee and they have found themselves the recipient of several angry emails from Paul supporters. State GOP walks away from tonight's 8 p.m. FOX debate. The New Hampshire Republican Party has quit "with regret" as a co-sponsor of Sunday night's nationally televised GOP forum on FOX News. The 8 p.m. event at Saint Anselm College — the last debate before Tuesday's primary — became controversial when FOX refused to include Ron Paul. 2nd Finish in Fifth Fails to Dim Paul's Hopes. In a state that many people considered his best opportunity to match his strong fund-raising with enough votes to shake up the Republican race, Representative Ron Paul came up short on Tuesday [1/8/2008]. Despite what seemed like a solid pairing of Mr. Paul's libertarian leanings and New Hampshire's "live free or die" ideals embodied in its independent voting bloc, he placed fifth, the same as in Iowa, and 2,000 votes behind Rudolph W. Giuliani. Ron Paul Emerging As More Of A GOP Contender. His progress has been as gradual as a tortoise on ice, but Ron Paul can no longer be dismissed as the favorite of the fringe, reports CBS News correspondent Dean Reynolds. Unlike other candidates consigned to the periphery, Paul has refused to go away. Paul inspires entire operation. [Vijay] Boyapati, 29, is the man behind Operation Live Free or Die, an effort to bring 1,000 people to New Hampshire before the primary, to campaign for Ron Paul, an anti-war conservative running for president who mourns the end of the gold standard, interprets the Constitution literally and wants to put the federal government on a diet. Ron Paul on Meet the Press: Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul on Sunday defended his efforts in Congress to bring home money to his Texas district, despite his long-held aversion to big government and congressional votes to reign in federal spending.' Flying billboard takes Paul campaign to the sky. Paul's name is bannered on both sides of the 190-foot-long flying billboard. Inside the blimp's unheated cabin, the two young men most responsible for making the once-obscure Lake Jackson congressman into an Internet phenomenon are busy at work. Ron Paul Tied With Rudy Giuliani in Iowa. In the latest poll of Republicans likely to vote in the January 3 Iowa caucuses, Rep. Ron Paul is tied with former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani — for fourth place. Paul and Giuliani each polled the support of 8 percent of likely caucus voters, just behind former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee, who received 9 percent support. Ron Paul breaks into the light as freedom warrior. It used to be easy to portray Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul as a quixotic champion of a hopeless cause. But Don Quixote never raised $4.2 million in a single day. Paul Flush With Cash, Has Hopes for NH. [Ron] Paul, a Texas congressman considered an extreme long-shot for the presidency, said much of his support comes from people frightened about the economy — jobs, health care and the prospect of $100-a-barrel oil. "We have to stop spending the money excessively. We have to stop printing the money," said Paul, who favors returning to the gold standard to shore up the dollar. 'Criminal' Botnet Stumps for Ron Paul, Researchers Allege. If Texas congressman Ron Paul is elected president in 2008, he may be the first leader of the free world put into power with the help of a global network of hacked PCs spewing spam, according to computer-security researchers who've analyzed a recent flurry of e-mail supporting the long-shot Republican candidate. Ron Paul Can't Buy Respect. Rep. Ron Paul's stunning fundraising prowess may or may not buy him a ticket out of New Hampshire, but there's no sign the Republican presidential candidate has managed to buy any respect from the Washington establishment. Asked for advice on how Dr. Paul could convert his millions to votes, several prominent political consultants and analysts said, in essence, he can't. Ron Paul will face local opposition. Paul has $80,000 in his congressional war chest, but that doesn?t count the millions he has raised for his presidential campaign. If he drops out of that race, the money could be used for his congressional campaign. Paul says Americans' freedoms are under siege. If Rep. Ron Paul had his way, a lot of things would change. Abortion would be illegal. There would be no federal income tax, nor even an IRS. The United States would be out of the United Nations. The U.S. Supreme Court wouldn't be messing with state law. The Federal Reserve and World Bank would disappear. And there would no longer be background checks to buy handguns. Dr. Paul's Malpractice: Paul often describes the perpetrators of September 11 — as he did again at Tuesday's debate — as "19 thugs" with box cutters. But if people who use the term "Islamofascism" are guilty of overhyping and propagandizing the threat posed by Islamic fundamentalists, surely with this description Paul is guilty of the opposite. Paul leads in donations from military voters, with Obama next. Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, the congressman from the Houston area who opposes the Iraq war, has gotten more contributions than any other White House contender from donors identified as affiliated with the military. Ron Paul's Fund Raising Doubled in Quarter. Rep. Ron Paul disclosed more than $5 million in third-quarter fund raising for his insurgent Republican presidential bid, the only Republican in the field so far to report increased donations. While the Texas lawmaker remains a second-tier candidate in a party field dominated by the likes of Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, his grass-roots campaign continues to build steam, thanks to thousands of small donors over the Internet. Ron Paul: The Unoriginal Candidate. Ron Paul would turn back the clock on many original ideas put forth by past Presidents. Wilson's income tax? Gone. The Iraq war and pre-emptive war, the two Bush additions to original Presidential thought gone as well. The department of Education? Homeland Security? Welfare? All Gone. No original idea would be spared from the boring veto pen of a Paul presidency. Ron Paul: A spoiler, not a contender. Rep. Ron Paul's $5 million fundraising take for the third quarter suggests his staunch criticisms of the Iraq war and his anti-government message are gaining enough traction to elevate his voice in the debate and possibly his candidacy in the race. While he's still a far cry from a front-runner, he could become a spoiler. Buzz builds for longshot Ron Paul. Aides helping Texas Rep. Ron Paul with his longshot run for the Republican presidential nomination never thought they'd need more than the corner of a one-bedroom apartment. They were wrong — and have outgrown their second headquarters, a 348-square foot office. Mr. Paul has more campaign cash available than former Republican front-runner Sen. John McCain of Arizona, Federal Election Commission records show, and the antiwar conservative has become an Internet sensation. Online community flocks to Ron Paul. Paul leads all Republicans in YouTube channel views with nearly 2.1 million, according to the popular video website. The next closest Republican is Romney, who has fewer than 700,000 channel views. The Texas lawmaker also leads the GOP field in Facebook supporters and MySpace friends. Ron Paul reports fundraising surprise. Ron Paul, the Lake Jackson congressman running a long shot campaign, reported raising nearly $2.4 million from April through June and ended the quarter with a similar amount in the bank. The total is a remarkable showing for Paul, putting him in a better financial position — with less cash on hand but no debt — than Arizona Sen. John McCain. Underdog Paul inspires political passion. Passengers on a plane leaving New York could see three words in 4-foot block letters painted on an East Village rooftop terrace as they ascended: GOOGLE RON PAUL. The entreaty to search the Internet for news of the Republican congressman from rural Texas is one of the more visible signs of enthusiasm from a do-it-yourself base of Web fans. Paul's call: end the IRS. Calls to abolish the Internal Revenue Service and repeal the Constitutional amendment that established the federal income tax drew loud applause yesterday [9/29/2007]for Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul. The Gospel of Paul: Ron Paul is no compassionate conservative. His supporters love him for it. If there's been a phenomenon in this Republican presidential race, it's been the strength of a fiery doctor from Texas and his message of limited government. As the GOP front-runners address crowds of dispirited primary voters, Mr. Paul has been tearing across the country, leaving a trail of passionate devotees in his wake. The Ron Paul Revolution? If his candidacy were a patriotic rocket whistling over a blackened battlefield, it would surely miss the target — the most important ingredient of the fuel mix is sorely missing. Paul campaign balloons as cash keeps rolling in. Ron Paul, the GOP presidential contender from Lake Jackson, used to be a low-budget kind of guy, flying commercially to reach campaign stops and buying campaign supplies at Sam's Club. But now, flush with cash from an impressive online fundraising operation, the maverick Paul has upgraded his operation. He now crisscrosses the country on private charter jets. Ron Paul's Base Could Give Him Post-Primary Influence, Experts Say. In the wake of Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul raking in more than $6 million in campaign contributions in a single day on Sunday, experts are predicting that his influence could extend well beyond a presidential primary campaign that he is likely to lose. Paul: Fox News is 'scared of me'. Ron Paul said the decision to exclude him from a debate on Fox News Sunday the weekend before the New Hampshire Primary is proof that the network "is scared" of him. "They are scared of me and don't want my message to get out, but it will," Paul said in an interview at a diner here. "They are propagandists for this war and I challenge them on the notion that they are conservative." Paul backers see hope in Montana. Supporters of long-shot presidential hopeful Ron Paul say the Montana Republican Party's quirky caucus rules could create an opening for their candidate that other states don't offer. How the Media Pick the Candidates: Whatever you think of Ron Paul, you have to admit that the media are notoriously biased against him. The Fox News Channel unfairly excluded him from its January 6 debate, while MSNBC and CNN tried to keep him from speaking for any significant length of time during their January 24 and January 30 debates. This is a candidate, we must recall, who placed second in the Republican Nevada caucuses on January 19, beating John McCain. Paul deserves equal time. The Republican Party had a debated hosted by CNN the other night. McCain and Romney were given chance to speak far more than Huckabee, followed by Ron Paul. Paul was interrupted after speaking about 10 seconds once while the others spoke for a couple of minutes. Keep in mind, Ron Paul still a viable candidate. It's infuriating to see articles in every publication fail to even give [Ron Paul] any credit as a viable candidate in the Republican race. He has outlasted Fred Thompson and beaten Rudy Giuliani time and time again in the primaries and caucuses, even coming in second in Nevada behind Mitt Romney. Paul would change fraudulent system. Our Constitution states that Congress is to be the one to coin our money and regulate its value. We don't need the private bankers as "middlemen" who have fleeced American citizens out of trillions of dollars over the years. The Federal Reserve has continually created more and more money over the years, causing inflation. Don't give up on Ron Paul. After careful consideration, I believe that Ron Paul deserves the support of all who see the disastrous course our nation has been on for decades. He is the only one who seems to grasp the fact that we need to restore fiscal responsibility with sound money and a return to the constitution. Ron Paul doesn't get a fair shake from the media. Have you noticed that Rep. Ron Paul is never mentioned in the "official" polls regarding the presidential primaries? In fact, you hardly hear any news about him at all. Has he dropped out? No. He his campaign is still very alive. Where is Paul? I'm upset, but not surprised, that Ron Paul was nowhere to be found on the front page of the Tribune that featured the other candidates, even some who have already dropped out of the race. When Elephants Forget: Almost all of the substantive ideas have come from former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and Texas Congressman Ron Paul. These two men, in my view, are the only two men that should legitimately be given any degree of consideration for the Republican nomination for President of the United States in 2008. Why? Because faults notwithstanding, Ron Paul is verifiably conservative despite his views of the war on terror . Will Desperate Conservatives Turn to Ron Paul? He was considered a dark horse candidate early in the race but Paul has been able to raise money with his Internet power and has remained loyal to what he believes are conservative values. So why didn't he get any help from mainstream conservatives? Ron Paul the only real option for a difference. One candidate, with real integrity and a 20-year-record that proves he will do what he says. A real American hero, Congressman Ron Paul. Paul is consistent and doesn't flip-flop. He seriously wants to return our country to its constitutional roots before it's too late. What a novel idea. Ron Paul Attacks Root Causes of Problems! The Federal Reserve Bank proves [Thomas] Jefferson right and who is daring to point this out clearly even when others attempt to deny it and call him a radical? I've only found one major party candidate so far, Ron Paul. Ron Paul deserves a look by voters. If the media gave [Ron Paul] as much coverage as Senators Clinton, Obama and McCain, everyone would know about him, too. Evidently the media feels the voters are not smart enough to decide whom we want as president, so the media will decide for us by giving Congressman Paul minimal coverage. Some say Ron Paul is last hope for this country. People say, "I never hear anything about him, he's not really a contender." I want to say that he is very much a contender. Sad to say, people don't hear about him because the large media networks are ignoring him. This is an outrage. Thankfully, the Internet is not controlled and free speech is still alive and well. The NAFTA Superhighway - by Ron Paul. By now many Texans have heard about the proposed "NAFTA Superhighway," which is also referred to as the trans-Texas corridor. What you may not know is the extent to which plans for such a superhighway are moving forward without congressional oversight or media attention. This superhighway would connect Mexico, the United States, and Canada, cutting a wide swath through the middle of Texas and up through Kansas City. A home for Ron Paul Supporters? I'm in the process of writing (re-writing actually) a piece about Ron Paul's visit to the Seattle area yesterday. Contrary to an account in the Seattle P-I about 300, not 75, energetic supporters came out during the afternoon to hear Paul stump. Not the first, and certainly not the last, instance of sloppy and lazy political reporting by a writer who didn't care enough to stick around longer than 45-minutes to cover the full story. The lesser of two evils... is still evil. Consider this; Every candidate that has been in the running, save for Ron Paul, has violated their oath of office on a regular basis. This is very clear on the record for those who care to look. American Conservative magazine endorses Ron Paul. The presidential fields of both parties have narrowed, and the arguments about how we should move forward are now familiar. TAC believes that only one candidate has put forth a diagnosis of America's current ills and has a vision to turn the country off its misguided course. That is Congressman Ron Paul, whom we endorse for the Republican nomination. This is an original compilation, Copyright © 2013 by Andrew K. Dart Naysayers There are plenty of people who do not want to see Ron Paul succeed. Over the next several weeks, the opposition will get louder if Ron Paul gains momentum. I fully expect to hear him described as an anti-semitic, homophobic fruitcake. And the Republicans will be almost as harsh, because they don't like people who rock the boat. The GOP would be wise to listen to Ron Paul's message. There is no way this libertarian medical doctor from Texas is going to win the Republican nomination. His strict noninterventionist policy is too radical a change for Republicans. But on foreign policy the Republican Party could use a dose of criticism that gets to the root of things, and that is what Paul has to offer. Ron Paul's personal pork projects. The media has noted, though many libertarians have ignored, that the allegedly "libertarian" Republican, Ron Paul, has been bringing home the bacon to his district, just like every other vote-seeking politician. The PR hype is that Paul is different. Judge for yourself. Ron Paul's Israel Problem: If evangelical Christians are hesitant to support Ron Paul's candidacy for the Republican nomination for President, two reasons are usually proffered: he does not support Israel, and he wants to bring the troops home from Iraq. Paul's Pause by James Kirchick. Since my article "Angry White Man" was posted on our website last Tuesday, many have asked who the author of Ron Paul's newsletters could have been. Published since at least the late 1970s — and at their most incendiary from 1987 to 1996 — these newsletters have at times been filled with conspiratorial warnings about the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group, animus towards black and gay people, and sympathy for right-wing, anti-government militia movements. Paul Haunted by His Newsletter's Disparaging Remarks About Martin Luther King. With popularity comes notoriety. That's the lesson Ron Paul is learning as the nation observes Martin Luther King Day and the GOP presidential contender bears the burden of disparaging comments, made in a newsletter bearing his name, about the slain civil rights leader and the national holiday that honors him. Texas congressman seeks presidency. Rep. Ron Paul, the iconoclastic, nine-term lawmaker from southeast Texas, took the first step Thursday [1/11/2007] toward a second, quixotic presidential bid — this time as a Republican. Paul eyes GOP nomination. U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, brought his anti-war and limited government message to a gathering of largely like-minded activists here yesterday, and condemned the Republican establishment for forsaking principles it claims to uphold. Paul, who ran as the Libertarian Party's presidential candidate in 1988, is now exploring a run for the Republican Party's presidential nomination. Lack of practical principles will stall Ron Paul's progress. [Scroll down] though he talks often about small government, his nearly 20 years in office have endeared him to those controls, too. When asked who would determine citizenship if birthright citizenship were abolished, as he proposes, he said government could figure it out. That's a frightening suggestion that would be about as legitimate as having a group of monkeys throw darts at birth certificates at the state fair. Angry White Man. If you are a critic of the Bush administration, chances are that, at some point over the past six months, Ron Paul has said something that appealed to you. Paul describes himself as a libertarian, but, since his presidential campaign took off earlier this year, the Republican congressman has attracted donations and plaudits from across the ideological spectrum. Editor's note: The article above is in The New Republic, a left-wing publication, and expresses opposition to Ron Paul because of his alleged "homophobia." On the paper trail with Ron Paul: Paul, a 10-term congressman who was the 1988 Libertarian Party nominee for president, has emerged from the rear of the 2008 presidential pack to reach double digits in some polls in New Hampshire, the first state to hold a presidential primary. The early front-runners have avoided clashing with him because they did not see him as a threat to win the nomination. John Stossel interviews Ron Paul... Ron Paul on War. Ron Paul is the only Republican presidential candidate saying we should get our troops out of Iraq now. Dr. No, R-Texas. U.S. congressional representative and Republican presidential contender Ron Paul has been called "Dr. No" because he repeatedly votes against legislation he believes gives government too much power. If it's not in the Constitution, he says, the federal government has no business doing it. He even votes against appropriations to his constituents. Ron Paul: Mr. Republican. A relentless theme in the commentary on Ron Paul is that he is not really a Republican, mainly because he dissents from the party on foreign policy. People now associate the Republican Party with crazed war-mongering, massive military spending, and relentless conflict-seeking, to the point even of a messianic global crusade on behalf of American imperial control. This is madness, and Ron Paul does dissent. But is he really departing from Republican tradition? Why is the gold standard crazy? No Ron Paul supporter (or other gold standard advocate) has managed to articulate to me what problem the gold standard solves. Inflation is low, and even better, relatively predictable, so the expectation is built into asset prices. Moreover, most people on fixed incomes are retirees, and most retirees get almost half their income from Social Security, which is indexed for inflation. This Ron Paul speech lists a number of reasons, all of them wrong. Christmas Cheer and Holiday Humbuggery: [Scroll down] Worse still, Paul's comment serves to reinforce the idea that out of the Republican field, Paul's niche role is "the paranoid guy." Taken with other positions of Paul's, such as his tendency to blame attacks by al Qaeda on American policies, and his dire warnings about the paper dollar and the Federal Reserve, one must seriously question his judgment. Paul backers see hope in Montana. Supporters of long-shot presidential hopeful Ron Paul say the Montana Republican Party's quirky caucus rules could create an opening for their candidate that other states don't offer. The Ron Paul Revolution: A New Low in Foolhardy Fear-Mongering. Champion of prostitutes, drug dealers, white supremacists and anti-war activists like MoveOn.org, Code Pink, libertarian Lew Rockwell and girl friend Cindy Sheehan, Ron Paul is raising money from outside of the Republican Party and counting on one day party-jumpers to secure the Republican nomination. The Editor says... Ron Paul can't help it if he is endorsed by the riffraff and the news media make a big show of it. Older news items Ron Paul's history of opposition to excessive government spending goes back many years. Here are some older news items you may have missed. Ron Paul on Katrina Response. Rep. Ron Paul rightfully criticizes how the Federal Government responded to the Gulf Coast disaster. Furthermore, the Congressman questions the logic of granting FEMA nearly $52 billion when they have already "failed so spectacularly." Ron Paul Fights Overseas Pork Spending. "Our meddling in Colombia not only is unconstitutional, it's absolutely useless. Drug production in Colombia is growing each year. It's simply not the job of American taxpayers to police Colombia, and Congress displays incredible arrogance when it funds overseas pork. I've never had a constituent ask me to send more of their tax dollars to China, Colombia, or any other foreign country." But Who Was Right -- Rudy or Ron? Ron Paul says Osama bin Laden is delighted we invaded Iraq. Does the man not have a point? The United States is now tied down in a bloody guerrilla war in the Middle East and increasingly hated in Arab and Islamic countries where we were once hugely admired as the first and greatest of the anti-colonial nations. Does anyone think that Osama is unhappy with what is happening to us in Iraq? Statement for the Government Reform Committee Hearing on National ID Card Proposals by Congressman Ron Paul, MD. [N]ational ID cards are a trademark of totalitarianism that contribute nothing to the security of the American people. I therefore urge my colleagues to reject all proposals for a national ID, and focus instead on measures that will effectively protect both security and liberty. Intel bill to institute national ID system? A Republican congressman is decrying the intelligence reform bill set to pass Congress today [12/8/2004], saying it creates a de facto national ID-card system. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, says by establishing standards for state driver's licenses on a federal level, the government is setting up a national system that's "not proper in a free society." Preventing Identity Theft by Terrorists and Criminals: A statement by Congressman Ron Paul: "It is long-past time we recognized the ways in which Congress' transformation of the Social Security number into a de facto uniform identifier facilitates identity crimes. "Patients Bill of Rights" or Federal Takeover of Medicine? by Ron Paul, MD, U.S. Congressman. Rep. Paul Joins Fight Against Bogus "Privacy" Rules: Congressman Ron Paul, a surgeon who knows the ins and outs of the health care profession, agrees with the longstanding position that rules are, in a word, bogus. Let the Patriot Act die. The quick, emotional passage of the Patriot Act only weeks after the September 11th attacks allowed little time for scrutiny of its measures. In fact, most members of Congress did not read it before voting. Congressman Ron Paul said he couldn't even get a copy before the vote. As a result, provisions of the Act offer major opportunities for government abuses of law-abiding private citizens. Losing the War for Civil Liberties: Rep. Ron Paul says, "I think we're on the verge of a very, very tough police state in this country — and it will only end when Americans are fed up. So far people are terrified to say anything. Hopefully, we'll wake up before it's too late." Starting a Brush Fire for Freedom: An interview with US Rep. Ron Paul. Since the 9/11 tragedy, Dr. Paul has been an outspoken critic of the USA Patriot Act and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, which he believes are a threat to liberty and a sign that our country is becoming more like a police state. "The idea that search warrants could be granted so easily under the Patriot Act," says Dr. Paul. "…with sneak and peak searches and going into libraries and other places to find out what people are doing is wrong. It's total surveillance." Secret Patriot Act II Destroys Remaining U.S. Liberty: Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex) told the Washington Times that no member of Congress was allowed to read the first Patriot Act that was passed by the House on October 27, 2001. The first Patriot Act was universally decried by civil libertarians and Constitutional scholars from across the political spectrum. Ron Paul says the Home Security Act Was a Race to Judgement: Rep. Ron Paul, R-Tex., continues to assail the recently passed Homeland Security Act, saying that a full text of the 480 plus page bill was not available to his fellows on the floor of the House until just 2 hours before the history-making vote that literally reconfigures government. Why Are They Lying About Ron Paul? In a desperate attempt to make Rudy Giuliani out to be the hero of Tuesday night's debate, Fox News is continuing to attack Texas Congressman Ron Paul for something he did not say. In the latest installment of this campaign, John Gibson of Fox News says that Paul "suggested that the U.S. actually had a hand in the [9/11] terrorist attacks." No, what he said was that U.S. foreign policy was a reason why Osama bin Laden attacked America. This is a fact. Is Anything Not Interstate Commerce? It is doubtful a single member of Congress — except Rep. Ron Paul, Texas Republican — truly wants a Supreme Court that is serious about the Constitution's limits on congressional power. Congress and the Federal Reserve Erode Your Dollars. Texas Rep. Ron Paul does not blame the Chinese yuan for the drastic decline of the dollar. Rather, Dr. Paul attributes it to Congress – which spends more money than is brought in by taxes each year – and the Federal Reserve – which over the last 15 years has increased the money supply by trillions of dollars. Scanning the News about North American Integration. Rep. Virgil Goode (VA), Rep. Ron Paul (TX), Rep. Walter Jones (NC), and Rep. Tom Tancredo (CO) introduced House Concurrent Resolution 487 — Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada. Congressman: Superhighway about North American Union. Rep. Ron Paul, a maverick Republican from Texas, today denounced plans for the proposed "NAFTA superhighway" in his state as part of a larger plot for merger of the U.S., Canada and Mexico into a North American Union. "By now many Texans have heard about the proposed 'NAFTA Superhighway,' which is also referred to as the trans-Texas corridor," he said in a statement. "What you may not know is the extent to which plans for such a superhighway are moving forward without congressional oversight or media attention." More resources on the internet Books by Ron Paul. Before you cast a straight-party Repubican ballot, you might want to listen to this recording of the shenanigans at the Nueces County [Corpus Christi, TX] Republican Convention. It appears that the Ron Paul people were systematically excluded when the Convention Chairman chose to abandon Robert's Rules of Order. Daily Paul has a long list of additional links to Ron Paul web sites. The Free State Project. Ron Paul in the Primaries: State-by-state information. Paul Mall Ron Paul Stickers Top Ron Paul Sites ![]() ![]() "In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man and brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." Jump to Specific examples of media bias Jump to The Government's Role as Your Overprotective Nanny Jump to Money Down the Drain Jump to the Huge List of Government Agencies Back to the Home page |
Document location https://www.akdart.com/paul.html Updated November 19, 2012. ©2012-2024 by Andrew K. Dart |