The U.S. government is making it known that it can and does
sift through all the data packets on the internet, if need be,
using Carnivore and Echelon, hoping to
find some terrorist's malicious email in the process. And if that's what the
three-letter agencies are really up to, I wish them all the best.
However, if they're using Carnivore to go after orchid salesmen,
that's another matter.
All you have to do is search for the term "Hello to all my friends and fans in domestic surveillance", using your favorite
search engine, and you'll dig up several pages with more or less the same collection of "suspicious" words and phrases
which are supposedly able to "jam Echelon". (A similar sentence can be
found here,
so maybe that's where it came from.)
Dead links removed 2/20/2009.
Others introduced 2/25/2010.
Dead links removed and others added 11/7/2010.
Dead links removed and others added 12/29/2011.
Dead links converted to <!-- comments --> 5/10/2015.
The last five links were added 12/18/2020.
You could drum up a few more lists like this by using your favorite search engine to see who lives
at "9705 Samford Road", or try — as I did, unsuccessfully — to find a definition for "PA598D28"
or "Tzvrif." Most of the lists (linked above) contain those terms as well as seemingly irrelevant
words like "quiche."
Now of course I know there is probably no great value in publishing semi-suspicious documents
just to see who's reading them. Nor is there much to be gained by wasting someone else's
time (and mine) explaining that I was just publishing random words to exercise my right to free
speech and artistic expression. But you know, the citizens of the United States have the
right to discuss any and all of these topics through e-mail, paper mail or telephone conversations,
or to search for them on the internet, as long as no criminal activity is directly involved. That
is, as long as the information is not intended to facilitate the commission of a crime.
In any other country, you might be in big trouble if you merely mentioned a word like "dynamite" in your
e-mail or telephone conversations. Fortunately, in the United States we have the freedom
to communicate with almost any combination of words and phrases, especially if the words and
sentences are not used in a manner which is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, or
defamatory, and as long as these words
and sentences do not encourage conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, or give rise
to civil liability or otherwise violate applicable laws. Nothing on this website even
approaches such a thing. This web page is presented as a public service, to inform and educate
the American public about a potential threat to our fundamental right of free speech.
Perhaps a new group of visitors will become interested in this subject, now that
domestic spying, internet data retention,
and wholesale monitoring of the internet has become a hot topic. Some people who had previously
never heard of Menwith Hill, Morewenstow, Sugar Grove, Sabana Seca, or Tangimoana are now paying attention.
Please note that merely copying a whole block of text from this page and putting in an email message
is not an effective use of the material. Use your imagination and a little finesse for best results.
These word lists have two primary applications: They can be used in a "dictionary attack" to crack
a password, or they can be used in college-level computer science courses to teach things like sorting
and searching a huge text file.
If you really think somebody is reading your email — or if you think Facebook and Twitter
(and the FBI) are
scanning every account — looking for trigger words or
anything else, ˙ɯǝɥʇ ɹoɟ ʇlnɔᴉɟɟᴉp ʇᴉ ǝʞɐW It won't do any good to write your email in tiny letters. That should be obvious.
8U7 D0N7 JU57 L4Y 0U7 Y0UR M3554635 1N PL41N 73X7 F0R 3V3RY0N3 T0 533.
Gur crbcyr jub jnag gb gnxr njnl lbhe evtugf ner zbfgyl choyvp fpubby fghqragf jub ner pbzcyrgryl onssyrq ol phefvir jevgvat, nanybt pybpxf, naq ebgnel-qvny cubarf. Gurl jbhyq arire svther guvf bhg.
Decryption of the following messages is left to the reader as an exercise:
Making your own substitution cipher? Think outside the box (or inside a very old
box). The use of hieroglyphics will not prevent someone from cracking your simple
substitution cipher, but it will make it inconvenient and time-consuming, which may be one of your primary goals.
Enough about your email. In contrast to the random arrangements of words from a dictionary, most of the words and
phrases on this page mean something to somebody. Specific combinations of words are believed to
be of great interest to the three-letter agencies involved in so-called "domestic spying."
It's amusing to see what happens when you copy this entire page to a text file, then put it into a text
editor and hit "Find all misspelled words."
Incidentally, I'm somewhat flattered
that all these people have
found this page so interesting. (It sure took them a long time to figure
Please note that in the compilation of (in)famous names below, wholly unrelated people may appear
side-by-side. Please do not infer anything from that. For example, Diffie, Hellman and Merkle
are some of the good guys — I wish I were in their league — but if
you're talking about those three people, you're probably a cryptography buff, and we can't have that
in a totalitarian state. A few names later you'll see Fidel Castro and Robert Mugabe, and
we can all hope there aren't many people like them in the world. But if you have
a lot to say about either of them, you might be a troublemaker, too.
This page was rephrased and quoted extensively in an article
called The Most Dangerous Diary You Will Ever Read.
That article was then quoted and discussed at
length here.
It is very easy to find web pages that "borrow" material from this page because a few of the items on this
page are utter nonsense that I made up
myself. This is similar to the way map makers protect their maps from copying — they insert
streets and highways and curves in the road that don't exist!
I see a number of blogs and web sites have quoted from this page.
(Like this).
If you're going to quote from this page, please link back to it and give credit where it is due. Don't
just cut and paste the entire collection onto your blog, as we see
on this page and
several others. That's just rude. All that aside...
The Carnivore system is apparently designed to detect any discussion
via the internet which includes certain combinations of "suspicious" words
and phrases. To stay safely "below the radar" you should never mention
anything about cryptography, or the people who design such tools, along the lines of Bill Binney, Ralph Merkle,
Whitfield Diffie, Martin Hellman, Dr. Vanessa Teague, Horst Feistel, Moxie Marlinspike, or Karsten Nohl. The government finds
cryptography to be highly inconvenient, so don't even talk about it. Without the internet, you would have
no way to learn about various individuals who were mistreated by the government in one way or another, for example,
Brandon Raub,
Erich Scherfen and Rubeena Tareen,
Patricia and Glenn Mendoza,
Ansche Hedgepeth,
George and Kathy Norris,
or Duncan Lemp.
The government would prefer that you forget anything you know about
Nikolai Mushegian,
Martin and Anita Nesbitt,
Hubert Gerold Brown,
Li Heping,
Beverly Eckert,
Buell Frazier,
Alan G. Whicher,
Eric Hoteham,
Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty,
Loretta Fuddy,
Danny Jowenko,
Johanna Ah'Nee,
Terrance Yeakey,
Jesse Trentadue,
Alden Gillis Baker,
Stephen Ivens,
Cary James Gagan,
Andreas Strassmeir,
John Doe #2,
Mike Loudenslager,
Arlene Blanchard,
Ruth and Michael Paine, Buell Frazier,
Leroy Fletcher Prouty
Mac Wallace, Billy Sol Estes,
Manuel Fabian Celis-Acosta,
George De Mohrenschildt,
Ilham Anas,
Maria Hsia,
Anthony Marceca,
Melowese Richardson,
Colin Flaherty,
Vernon Wayne Howell,
Patrick Knowlton,
Ansche Hedgepeth,
Carlos Ghigliotti,
Charles Wibourne Miller,
Jim McDougal,
Linda D. Medlar,
Barbara Alice Wise,
James Bunch,
James Sabow,
Niko Jerkuic,
Stanley Huggins,
Hershell Friday,
Tim Sabel,
Todd McKechan,
William Densberger,
Jerry Luther Parks,
Wade Rathke,
Vince Weiguang Li,
Egas Moniz,
Michael Hastings,
Victor Raiser II,
Montgomery Raiser,
Paul Tulley,
Gandy Baugh,
Lorena Hickok,
Paula Grober,
Stanley Heard,
Mary Caitrin Mahoney,
Lt. Quarles Harris Jr,
Donald Young,
Larry Bland,
Emory Allen Evans,
Aaron David Goodrich,
Carl Derek Havord Cooper,
Danny Casolaro,
Charles Meissner,
Calvin Walraven,
Keith McKaskle,
Alan Standorf,
Jon Parnell Walker,
Jordan Kettleson,
Kevin Ives,
Don Henry,
Keith Coney,
Johnny Lawhorn Jr,
James Milan,
or Boonie Bearden.
Your email messages had better not contain any references to
certain other seemingly unrelated people such as
Satoshi Nakamoto,
Kenny Veach,
Viet Dinh,
Mohan Srivastava,
Joan Ginther,
Lou Montulli,
Henry Yearwood,
Doodad Pro,
Zdenek Gazda,
Phil Haney,
Gyorgyi Schwartz,
Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf,
Kenneth Gladney,
Barry Lee Bush,
Ashli Babbitt,
Imran Awan,
Seth Rich,
Nikolai Mushegian,
Tafari Campbell,
Donell Harvin, Ashan Benedict,
Joseph Kony,
Stanislav Petrov,
Li Heping,
Danny Jowenko,
Jose Padilla,
Johanna Ah'Nee,
Assata Shakur,
Loretta Fuddy,
Vincent Foster,
Elian Gonzalez,
Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf a/k/a Baghdad Bob,
Gary Webb
Wang Xiaodong,
Emma-Jo Morris,
Stokely Standiford Churchill Carmichael a/k/a Kwame Ture,
Karen Silkwood,
Andrew Breitbart,
Yung Yuen "Norman" Hsu,
Brett Kavanaugh,
Vicki Weaver,
LaVoy Finicum,
Jack Ruby,
Malcolm X,
James Earl Ray,
Elmer "Geronimo" Pratt,
Ayatollah Mohammed Abdullah Al-Whatever,
Pauline Kanchanalak,
Paul Wilcher,
George A. Wilcox,
Barack Hussein Obama a/k/a Barry Soetoro a/k/a Barry Dunham a/k/a Soebarkah,
Harrison J. Bounel,
Ruth Nidesand,
Jeremiah Wright,
Aunt Zeituni,
Janet Totalitano,
Janice Okubo,
George Hussein Onyango Obama,
Valerie Jarrett,
Lachlan Cranswick,
Maulana Karenga a/k/a Ronald McKinley Everett,
Richard Cloward, Frances Fox Piven,
Richard Case Nagell, Louie Steven Witt, John Paisley, William Pawley, and/or William Bruce Pitzer.
Moreover, you should avoid any mention of
terrorists or accused terrorists, or
terrorist wannabes, such as the aforementioned Usama Bin Laden (also known as Osama bin Laden,
Usama Bin Muhammad Bin Ladin, Shaykh Usama Bin Ladin, The Prince, The Emir, Abu Abdallah, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,
Mujahid Shaykh, Hajj, or just The Director), Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Abu Qatada, Abdul Qadeer Khan,
Abdelkarim Hussein Mohamed Al-Nasser, Adam Yahiye Gadahn, Abdel Rahman, Armaldo Forlani, Mousa Abu Marzook, Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah, Zacarias Moussaoui, Muhsin Musa Matwalli Atwah,
Ali Atwa, Anas Al-Liby, Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, Hasan Izz-Al-Din, Abdul Nacer Benbrika, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Jamel Ahmed Mohammed Ali Al-Badawi, Jaber A. Elbaneh,
Ahmed Mohammed Hamed Ali, Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, Imad Fayez Mugniyah, Salim Hamdan, Amrozi bin Nurhasyim,
Imam Samudra, Ali Ghufron, Amrozi Ghufron, Ali Saleh Mohamed Kahlah al-Marri, Mohammed Taheri-Azar, Ahmed Ressam, Rezwan Ferdaus,
Mustafa Mohamed Fadhil, Sheikh Ahmed Salim Swedan, Abdul Nacer Benbrika, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh,
Daniel Andreas San Diego, Husayn Muhammed al-Umari,
Hussain Hashem Al-Hussaini,
Juma Namangoniy (or Namangani), Sayyid Qutb, Nidal Malik Hasan, Faisal Shahzad, Ahmed Hashim Abed, Adnan Shukrijumah,
Abdul Farouk Abdul-Mutallab a/k/a Umar Farouk Abdul Mudallad,
Mohammed Jamil Asha, Bilal Abdullah, Abu Qatada, Abd Al Aziz Awda, Jamal al-Badawi, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, Tawfiq bin Attash, Sheikh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi,
Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, Ramadan Abdullah Mohammad Shallah, Mohammed Ali Hamadei, Mohammed Amawi, Marwan El-Hindi, Wassim Mazloum,
Abdul Rahman Yasin, Fahid Mohammed Ally Msalam, Ahmad Ibrahim Al-Mughassil, Abu Nidal, Khaled Masri,
Muhammad Atef, Ali Saed Bin Ali El-Hoorie, Saif Al-Adel, Ibrahim Salih Mohammed Al-Yacoub,
Isnilon Totoni Hapilon, and the late Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who was born Ahmed Fadel Nazal al-Khalayleh;
and you should stay away from any discussion of
obscure places like Ruby Ridge, Roswell, Orofino, Kogello, Nanaimo, Muzaffarabad, Bretton Woods, the Lenexa caves, Beslan, Shiraz,
Kecksburg, Warrenton Training Center, Room 2A0120, Swift Luck Greens, Intelligence Fusion Centers, Fort Marcy Park, Area 51, Area S4, Groom Lake, Homan Square, Lavizan-3, Plesetsk Cosmodrome,
Ft. Meade, Los Alamos, Sanco Airfield, Black Lake Golf Club, The Brooklyn Academy of Global Finance, Freddie's Fashion Mart, 611 Folsom Street Room 641A, 9360 Baucum Road,
the basement of the Greenbrier Hotel in White Sulphur Springs WV, Anniston Army Depot, Finland PA, Finksburg MD, the Y-12 National Security Complex, 5H32-West,
Montauk Air Force Station, The Abraham Lincoln School, Glynco GA, Diego Garcia, Artesia NM, Yakima, Station F83, Bluffdale, Mapsco 25J, the Salt Pit,
Sea Girt NJ, Tanguisson Point, 1825 K Street, 1024 Elysian Fields, Watchfield, Vonka, Hucin, Cibulka, Blagnac, 1209 North Orange St., 32769 Overflow Lane,
Irton Moor, Herzliyya, Cheltenham, Shu Lin Kuo, Morwenstow, Waihopai, Illyuwn, Salar de Uyuni,
Rocky Flats, Menwith Hill, Utah Data Center, Sabana Seca, Tangimoana, Kwajalein, Cayman Islands, Pripyat, Ingushetia, Leistikowstrasse, Al Madinah, Cilipi, Dubrovnik, Kolocep,
Elohim City, Camp Hero, Pine Gap, Oklahoma City, White Sands NM, Hillsboro KS, Kecksburg PA, Sugar Grove, Geraldton, Denton, Mena airstrip,
Bluemont VA, Raven Rock PA, Nellis Air Force Base, the Bhuddist Temple, Waco, Bletchley Park, Peters Mountain,
Mount Weather Special Facility, The Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center,
the Wireless Portfolio Management Office, the Target Technology Trends Center, Yucca Mountain; or anything
about organizations such as the CIA, NSA, GHCQ, Operation 40, Oxygen Forensics, Cellebrite, In-Q-Tel, Netline, Wackenhut, the Hutaree militia, Neustar, the Sensitive Operations Review Committee, The Defense Exotic Technology Activity, QAnon,
The Jason Society, Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, Defense Information Systems Agency, Central Security Service, the Lord's Resistance Army, Business International Corporation, South Mountain Creamery, Defense Security Service, Geheime Staatspolizei, Allamvedelmi Hatosag, All-domain Anomaly Research Office,
Government Emergency Telecommunications Service, Diplomatic Telecommunications Service, The Justice Through Music Project, the Washington Trust Foundation, the Tailored Access Operations group, Defense Security Cooperation Agency, Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, the Nazi Party,
Zain Endeavors, U.S. Peace Council, Jamaat-ud-Dawa, Lashkar-e-Taiba, United Fruit Company, International Seabed Authority, Mara Salvatrucha, the Chatham House Gang, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Missile Defense Agency, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, The Data Protection Review Court,
Ikhwan, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Detachment 88, Falun Gong, the Laubach Literacy Institute, the National Security Branch Analysis Center, Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force, Counter-Intelligence Field Activity Office, Domestic Security Alliance Council,
Group 7822, the National Clandestine Service, Weatherman Underground, Young Communist League, Fruit of Islam, Searchlight Leadership Fund, National Applications Office, the DEA Special Operations Division, Joint Special Operations Command,
Pentagon Force Protection Agency, National Reconnaisance Office, the Bilderberg Group, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, Unit 8200, 'ndrangheta, Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence,
Joint Intelligence Organisation, Secret Intelligence Service, National Imagery and Mapping Agency, Secret Service, Völkischer Beobachter, Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti, General Directorate for External Security,
Central Directorate of Interior Intelligence, Centre Administratif des Tourelles, FAPSI, Wo Hop To, Aum Shinri Kyo, Western Journalism Center, Privacy International, Center for Defense Information, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency,
the Western Virginia Office of Controlled Conflict Operations, the Arkansas Development Financial Authority, Loral Corporation, Arkansas state pension fund, Citizen's Committee to Aid Packing House Workers,
the Alternate National Military Command Center, Citizens Consulting Inc., ACORN, Scytl, Ejercito Popular Revolucionario, Missile and Space Intelligence Center, Dynamic Energy Resources,
Federalnaia Sluzhba Besopasnosti, Zapata Petroleum, Carret Asset Management, Harken Energy, Castle Grande Estates, Skull and Bones, Ndrangheta, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, Institute for New Economic Thinking,
United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, Tyson Foods, Palavi Foundation, Safa Foods, Bay Harbour Management, Robert Taylor Homes, EPIC, CPSR, Branch Davidians, 2600 Magazine, the Drudge Report, RSA, RCMP, Judicial Watch;
and especially dangerous words and phrases like Allahu Akbar!, Hemisphere / Hudson Hawk, The Onion Router, The Boogaloo movement, Presidential Policy Directive #29, Borg, Hover Hammer, Shodan,
Project Dumbo, XKEYSCORE,
warrant canary,
robust filament, khodahafez, FELOPZD|DEFPOTEC, C21H30O2, rhymes with G-hod, Service tag 6NB0KH2, ROTHR facilities, Operation Ajax, Operation MOCKINGBIRD, the Windsor Hum,
INFOSEC (or InfoSec), Radio Aspidistra, Project Azorian, PGP, PEM, Rijndael, RIPEM, Glock, K&R, Uzi, FM 3-39.40, CORNERSTONE, GUARDIAN, PINWALE, Extortion 17, tickling the dragon's tail, Crossfire Hurricane, Selfish Ledger, OCONUS Lures,
Ingram Mac-10, Rijndael, CONUS, UFO crash, ARPA, above top secret, Project Megiddo, the Liverpool Care Pathway, HSFEHQ-10-R-0027, Offensive Information Warfare, the Gotthard Base Tunnel opening ceremony, Varsity Blues, Tin Panda,
All enemies foreign and domestic, I will not comply, When tyranny becomes law rebellion becomes duty, red pill, black pill, rope, chad, LARPing, based, looksmaxxing, cloud, pork, pirates, Stacy,
ballistic media, Chicago Posse, eject-specimen-from-the-hive, Lithium Niobate, Project Paperclip, teleport, Observation Squadron 67, Investigative Data Warehouse, Zyklon-B, CRISSCROSS, PROTON, ICREACH, wetwork,
Project Minaret, Al Qaida, PASport network, Defense Information Systems Network, Nationality Act of 1940 Section 317(b), Standard Operating Procedure 303, Door number BE64B, Survive-Evade-Resist-Escape, Radiant Guardian, Solar Warden,
Boundless Informant, Trailblazer, <<%, Ragtime, Strongbox, Stellar Wind, Mainway, Marina, Nucleon, Prism, Upstream, Panoptikon, Magic Atlas, Abner, Rattler, Madame X, Cozy Duke, Cozy Bear, Office Monkeys, Jedi Blue,
electronic surveillance, Enemy of the (whatever), Fax encryption, Homeland Security, Minor V. Happersett, Nibiru, big yellow duck, LANDMARK|OLYMPIA, 386SPART.PAR,
Civil Action No. 08-cv-04083, Amtrak, HEMP shielding, Z-Division, Misty, Tor, Agile Provider, re-education through labour, about:blank, Majestic 12, OPNAC team,
Information Security, Information Warfare, International Order of (whatever), lead azide, Nine-Eleven, Political action, the Carrington event, Weeping Angel,
Shopkeeper's Notebook, AFOSI/PJ, US Space Command Regulation 55-20, muezzin, security forces, shaped charges, hibakusha, Μωλων Λαβε,
silver nitrite, Security Awareness Division, sodium morphate, bird dog, Liberation Front, the Moorman photo, The United Kalavryta, Tailored Access Operations,
Egregiousblunder, Buzzdirection, Epicbanana, polonium-210, strychnine, arsensic, cyanide, dynamite, nitroglycerin, pentaerythritol tetranitrate, triacetone triperoxide,
Hexamethylene triperoxide diamine, Military-industrial complex, gold bullion, Satellite phones, Crypto AG, Corona keyhole, Trilateral Commission, Stuxnet,
moatistheke, Server in the Sky, Anthrax vaccine, USA Patriot Act, PENTBOMB, Chechnya, explosives mitigation, Koo-jee-cha-goo-lee-ya,
Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor, Cipro, USS Cole, Guantanamo Bay, Brown Note, taqqiya, 2A hardware, my cute winter boots,
Falun Gong, Ikhwan, Ehime Maru, APCO Project 25, TETRA, Segment Q4, Segment G2, the Excluded Parties List System, true believers,
Alternate Joint Communications Center, AJCC, Site R, Splash jamming, Kosovo, nffnffvangvba,
American 587, Paducah Gasseous Diffusion Plant, Subterrene, dry cleaning, HI-MEMS, the Windigo phenomenon,
1LL3G4L, direct action, sabotage, smuggle, noah spaceship ararat, Artichoke, domestic disruption,
Contras, cordite, covert, data havens, defensive elements, detcord, detection, detonators, Digicash,
class struggle, Flashbangs, FOUO, industrial intelligence, interception, WTC7,
motorcade, Law Enforcement Access Field, The Hemisphere Project,
Threat And Local Observation Notice System, "Code 42" software, Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies,
Physical Security Division, psyops, shaped, silencer, stakeout, subversive, teflon, the Lawndale Restoration project,
national security, DOE facilities, 608 to 614 MHz, the Telecommunications Priority System, posse comitatus,
Space Shuttle, Special Forces, Conelrad, dictionary attack, Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles, permissive action links,
Jihadis, birthday attack, Gamma Guppy, Pelican! Pelican! Pelican!, National Warning System, heavily sanitized, redacted, Threatcon Charlie, C4ISR facilities,
Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, seismography, camouflage, RAF Fylingdales, High Probability of Completion,
G-3 conditioning, Communications Security Establishment, CSE, Canadian Forces Supplementary Radio System, C/TAR,
Worldwide Secure Voice Conferencing System, CFSRS, SRS, Canadian Forces Information Operations Group,
CFIOG, Puzzle Palace, USS Liberty, Indigo Sky, TRSSCOMM, Decision Information Distribution System,
special security classification, Telephone Booth, Autovon, the Defense Switched Network, triethyl borane, phthisis,
diaminotrinitrobenzene, RFNA, Precison Emitter Location, Joint Tactical Radio System, brute force attack, akdart,
Moonpenny, Silkworth, Voicecast, chosen plaintext, SCIF, codebook, one time pad, absolute secrecy, Al-taqiyya,
retina scans, passports, credit card purchases, car rentals, prescriptions, Force Protection Condition Bravo+,
banking transactions, MI6, KKN50, KKN39, KCP0892, WD9596, KN2270, WGU20, X-43A, X-37B, SR-71A, Polecat, X-45 Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle,
Sigint, Tempest, COBEOWEHHO, QUANTUMINSERT, FOXACID, commerce, marriage, ninth month of pregnancy, High Altitude Exoatmospheric Nuclear Survivability,
picking up a package in Malaysia, Project Cable Splicer, Project Garden Plot, inheritance powder,
Combat Ciders, NEACAP, Looking Glass, Echelon, Skipjack, snefru, Clipper, cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine,
Rapid Reaction, Corporate Security, Recon, domestic disruption, 9mm, Semtex, Dictionary, Uranij,
duress, psyops, wipeout, N975B, 9192631770, 6834682612, 1420405751.689, Plectron tones, H.R.645, HEK-293, HAARP,
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Capstone, VAAPCON, duress, RAID, TELINT, Magic Lantern, CIPAV,
Awarehouse, BLU-97, boobytraps, Bunker, chameleon, creditcard, Croatian, Dynamo, fuses, Galil,
key rotation, NYS-CSCIC, skimming, PIN capture, CALEA, dumpster diving, peapod, Mole, Keyhole, white noise, Pizzagate,
incendiaries, krkosska, nitrostarch, Parker-Hale, motorcade, teflon, 2E781, botulism, BITNET, black-bag, MYSTIC/RETRO,
Stingray, Dirtbox, AmberJack, KingFish, TriggerFish, LoggerHead,
squib, Blowfish, Glock, Blackbird, Lockheed D-21 Tagboard, Senior Bowl, OXCART, TEMPEST, UKUSA, keystroke logging, Project P415, MD5, IDEA, hacking,
blackjack, boobytraps, CISSP, Clandestine, eternityserver, Flintlock, Hitwords, humint, keebler, Kwajalein, TrapWire, Abraxas Applications, KG-84,
password, Fortezza cards, plutonium, Strontium-90, PGP 2.6.2., rail gun, E-4B Nightwatch planes, nurndation, Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator, DROPOUTJEEP,
lockpicking, Mantis, OC-12, sniper, Toffler, unclassified, WHCA, 042[hyphen]68[hyphen]4425,
Advanced Concepts Initiative, Counter Surveillance and Reconnaissance System, Prowler, XKeyscore, Carnivore, Auroragold,
manifesto, murder, UN Army, HAARP, GWEN, NIMA, black projects, COCOT, wire transfer, xinao,
SODI BEYOTER, plutonium, PGP, DES-EDE3, BATF, Bentonite, cyclonite, chloroform, snipers, enigma, Special Access Programs,
denial of service, urban exploration, National Information Infrastructure, Alt-255, 1633 Hz,
K9QVL, N6NHG, KM4UDZ, KC5ZTB, the Wireless Priority Service, *272, Area Code 710, Channel 37, 1783.74 MHz, Operation Dark Heart, Polo Step,
Seven Seekers, West Wing, Project Suter, Big Safari, Grill Flame, Thirsty Saber, Zodiac Beauchamp,
Able Danger, Advanced Orion, Starfish Prime, Hardtack Oak, Perfect Citizen, Eligible Receiver, Aristocracy Reborn, Conplan 8022, Copper Green,
Footprint, Titrant Ranger, Gray Fox, Credible Wolf, Vigilant Eagle, Talent Keyhole, Treasure Map, project Dipole Might,
Cobra Bite, College Girls, Black Light, Baphomet, Walpurgisnacht, Eckankar, Project 50348, Project Chess, Project A119, Project 53527, Project 44637,
Thermal Vicar, Retract Juniper, Retract Maple, Retract Elm, Retract Heather, Chalk Eagle, Chalk Coral, Constant Pisces,
Trojan Footprint, Indigo Response, Wheelhouse, Yankee White, NIST 800-53, CAPTCHA, Poor Debtor, RDS-220, e-cash, Digicash, Pyrodex, ANFO, spook,
nitrate, 1569.54 Hz tuning fork, DCS1000, Triple DES, Loki, Lucifer, MD5, FBI agents, covert, crypto, l0pht, 2600 meeting, warez, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370,
TWA 800, felony convictions, the center fuel tank, diamond-cut shredder, KAL24, WAR30, WGY906, REX 84, etc.
And incidentally, when writing an email or a social media post, don't ever say Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.
You must not mention that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. You could go further afield: There is no global warming.
There is no "climate emergency." Lee Harvey Oswald had plenty of help. Andrew Breitbart was murdered. Dorothy Kilgallen was murdered.
Obama is a muslim. NASA is just flying around in circles for no reason. Timothy McVeigh wasn't really executed.
DDT never hurt anybody. TWA 800 was shot down. WTC-7 was professionally imploded. Islam is NOT a "religion of peace."
Joe Biden is a senile puppet. Covid-19 is just another name for the flu, and the vaccines for it are not vaccines at all.
Only an anti-capitalist troublemaker would go on and on about about the biggest
defense contractors, such
as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, McDonnell Douglas, General Dynamics, Litton, Raytheon,
Halliburton, United Technologies, General Motors, BAE Systems, Brown and Root, United Technologies,
Sikorsky Aircraft, L-3 Communications, Humana, Occupational Health Services, Science Applications Intl,
Triwest Healthcare Alliance, ITT Industries, General Electric, Honeywell, Bechtel Group, Fedex, Exxon Mobil,
Textron, Oshkosh Truck, Rockwell Collins, Johnson Controls, Electronic Data Systems, Texas Instruments,
United Parcel Service, and IBM.
Prowl around the internet long enough, and you'll discover numerous ways to
say Top Secret in other languages, such as
Estrictamente Secreto, Streng Geheim, Zeer Geheim, Supersecreto, Muy Secreto, Ultra Secreto, Yemlaz Birtou Mistir,
Sam Ngat Bamphot, Alta Secreto, Yderst Hemmeligt, Secretisimo, Yemaiz Birtou Mistir, Erittain Salainen, Lup Tisud,
Tres Secret, AKPΩΣ AΠOPPHTON, Alto Secreto, Super Secreto, Szigoruan Titkos, Param Gupt, Kimitsu,
Sangat Rahaia, Bekoliserri, Algjorti, An-sicreideach, Sodi Beyoter, Secgretissimo, Kimitsu, Maktum, Bekoli Serri,
I-Kup Bi Mil, Lup Sood Gnod, Strengt Hemmelig, Hojst Himmiligt, Intahi Khufia, Estrictamente Secreto, Muito Secreto,
Chichimi, Cok Gizli, Uiters Geheim, Sirri Lilghaya, Maktum Jiddan, CEKPTHO, or Toi-Mat.
Given the political climate in which we live today, your email correspondence had better not include terms
like caliph, dawah, dhimmi, halal, hijra, jihad, jizya, kafir, mujahada, shaheed, shariah, takfir, taqiyya or ummah, nor any mention of
Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations, such as the
Abu Sayyaf Group, Aum Shinrikyo, Basque Fatherland and Liberty, Gama'a al-Islamiyya, HAMAS, Harakat ul-Mujahidin, Hizballah,
Kahane Chai, Kurdistan Workers Party, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, National Liberation Army, Palestine Liberation Front,
Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, PFLP-General Command, Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia, Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front, Shining Path, al-Qa'ida, Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Real Irish
Republican Army, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Lashkar-e Tayyiba, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Asbat al-Ansar, al-Qaida in the Islamic
Maghreb, Communist Party of the Philippines/New People's Army, Jemaah Islamiya, Lashkar i Jhangvi, Ansar al-Islam, Continuity
Irish Republican Army, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Islamic Jihad Union, Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami/Bangladesh,
al-Shabaab, Revolutionary Struggle, Kata'ib Hizballah, al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula, Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami,
Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan, Jundallah, Army of Islam, Indian Mujahedeen, Jemaah Anshorut Tauhid, Abdallah Azzam Brigades,
Haqqani Network, Ansar al-Dine, Boko Haram, Ansaru, al-Mulathamun Battalion, Ansar al-Shari'a in Benghazi, Ansar al-Shari'a
in Darnah, Ansar al-Shari'a in Tunisia, Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, al-Nusrah Front, Mujahidin Shura Council in the Environs of
Jerusalem, Jaysh Rijal al-Tariq al Naqshabandi, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant's Branch in Libya, and Al-Qa'ida in the
Indian Subcontinent.
Maybe I'm just rambling, or maybe this paragraph means something to somebody.
I'd ride the subway, but
I haven't enough change. The overweight charmer could slip
poison into anyone's tea. Spherical gifts are difficult to wrap. Ralph
prepared red snapper with fresh lemon sauce for dinner. A moth zig-zagged along
the path through Otto's garden. Eating spinach nightly increases strength
miraculously. The taxicab broke down and caused a traffic jam. The vault
is roughly lined with stone. A quart jar of oil mixed with zinc oxide makes
a very bright paint. The patsy was rubbed out by a secondary sniper on the water tower.
The pelican will have breakfast on Tuesday.
Unless you're some kind of a gunsmith or firearms expert, your email probably never includes terms such as
.45 ACP, abrasion marks, abrasive machining, acetic acid, action, Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight, boxlock action, sidelock action, blitz action,
falling block action, bolt action, hinged floorplate, adjustable objective, armor piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot, automatic ejectors,
Alex Henry forend, alkanet root, alkanna tinctoria, anchusa officinalis, ANIB, Anson & Deeley action, Azo dye, matchlock, aggregate ball propellant,
flintlock, percussion cap, aperture sight, peep sight, arcaded fences, articulated front trigger, bluing, back action, backboring, out of proof,
backstrap, Baker ejectors, ballistics, muzzle loader, hinge-pin, barrel, barrel wall thickness gauge, cheekpiece, buttstock, triggerguard, hammer,
firing-pin, Berdan, trunnions, bifurcated lumps, black powder, potassium nitrate, powdered charcoal, sulphur, backspatter, anvil marks,
Damascus steel, armor piercing bullets, Ballistite, barrel blanks, bird shot, blowback, blow-by, bolt face, boring, borescope, buckshot,
boattail, conoidal, conical bullet, dumdum, frangible, full metal jacket, gas cutting, hollow base, hollow point,
land and groove impressions, mushroom, ogive, semijacketed hollow point, semiwadcutter, blind magazine,
blunderbuss, bore sight, boxlock, Black Powder Express, hingepin, breech, bridle, lockplate, Browning, Mauser, Colt,
Winchester, beavertail forend, Bulino engraving, butt, C-ring, calibre, cannelure, cant, Cape gun,
captive ramrod, carbine or Karabiner, Cartouche, cartridge, cast off, castellated fences, center of mass, chamber, checkering, cheekpiece, choke,
chopper-lump barrels, Churchill rib, claw extractor, claw mounts, clip, cocker/de-cocker, cocking indicators, coin-finish, comb, commemorative,
compound and manifesto, concealed third fastener, confiscation, cordite, crossover stock, downrange, hearing protection and safety glasses,
spire point, tracer, truncated, wadcutter, bunter, calipers, cannelure, provisional proof,
casting, celluloid, cellulose, centerfire, cup wad, cupping press, cylinder stop, double-action, ejecta,
eyepiece, the firing line, firing pin drag marks, frangible, Frizzen, gunpowder measured in grains, handloads, indexing, kernels, Lamelle,
lapping, lead azide, lead styphnate, Marshall's reagent, N-(1-Naphthyl)-ethylenediamine Dihydrochloride, musket, muzzle, muzzle wave, Nyclad,
Parkerizing, petard, potassium chlorate, ricochet, sintered, slug, sodium rhodizonate test, striations, tartaric acid, dihydroxybutanedioic acid, Tetracene,
a Browning Machine Gun or BMG, arsenal, autoloader, boomer, brass, chambering, collet, comparison microscope, cross pin fastener, crown,
cut-away, cutts compensator, cylinder, double action, Deeley forend release, Deringer, Derringer, dog lock, doll's head, double-ought,
dovetailed barrels, drop-box magazine, dropper points, dry fire, double-set trigger, duelling pistols, ejectors, elevation, English casing, English grip,
escutcheon, extended top tang, extractors, feed ramp, FFL or Federal Firearms License, fire blue, firing pin, flaking, flat-point checkering, fluted barrel,
forcing cone, French casing, French gray, Frizzen, frontstrap, funeral grade, gape, garniture, gauge, Gesichert pistol, ghillie suit, glassbedding, graticule, Greener crossbolt,
Griess test, grip safety, Hagn action, hammer, handgun, handspanner, hang fire, headspace, headstamp, heel and toe plates, holdopen toplever, inletting, intercepting sear,
island lock, J-bore, key fastener, keyhole, Kipplauf, knuckle, leaf sights, lever forend release, lifters, lock, Luger, magazine, magnum, Mannlicher stock, matchlock, milliradians,
monoblock barrels, Monte Carlo comb, Mullered borders, musket, muzzle, muzzle brake, muzzle velocity, nitro, nitrocellulose, nitro proof, NRA, obturating breech, offhand,
over and under, oval-bore, overbore capacity, full pistol grip, palm rest, palm swell, pancake cheekpiece, parallax, Parkerizing, Patridge sights, pattern, pedestalled,
peep sight, pepperbox, percussion cap, Picatinny rail, pigeon gun, pillar bedding, pitch, ported barrels, postal proof, prewar, primer, Prince of Wales grip, projectile, proof,
pull, Purdey underbolts, quarter rib, quarter sawn, rail mount, recessed, rebounding lock, receiver, recoil or kick, recoil compensator, reinforcing crossbolt, registration,
release trigger, reticle, revolver, rifle, rifling, Rigby flat, rising bite, rivvel, rolled triggerguard, Rook rifle, Rose and Scroll engraving, rounds, S-bore,
Sabot, safety, scalloped receiver, Scheutzen rifle, Schnabel, scope blocks, Scott's crossbolt, Sear, self-opening, Selous plates, semi-automatic,
shooting sticks, shotgun, sideclips, sidepanels, Silver's pad, single action, skeet, skeleton buttplate, skelp twist, slab sawn, sleeved barrels, sling swivel,
snap action, snaphance, snapping block, snider, soper, Southgate ejectors, spotter, Squarebridge, squib load, Saddle Ring carbine, semi-auto, single selective trigger,
stalking safety, standing breech, steel shot, stock, stocked to the fences, stovepipe, STRK, straddle floorplate, striated toolmarks, strike, Stutzen, Swiss buttplate,
takedown, tangent sight, target blocks, teardrops, throat, through bolt, thumbcut, thumbhole stock, toe, toplever, touchmark, trajectory, trap,
trapdoor, trigger, triple-lock, triggerplate action, trunnion, tumbler, tungsten carbide cutting tools, tunnel claw mount, turnscrew,
twilight sight, two-tone magazine, underbolts, VC case, varmint rifle, vernier tang sight, Vierling, ventilated rib, wad, wadcutter, walnut,
watertable, Webley-Fosbery, wedding band, Wheellock, Whitworth steel, widow's peak, Wildcat cartridge, windage, wrist, or a Wundhammer swell.
I've been reading a very interesting book by Dr. Philip H. Melanson which has a lot to say about a
number of distinctive names in U.S. history, including Sirhan Sirhan, Arthur Bremer, Lynette Alice Fromme,
Charles M. Manson, Muharem Kerbegovic, John Schrank, the Alphabet Bomber, Sandra Collins Good,
John W. Hinckley, Sara Jane Moore, Oliver Sepple, Edwin Gaudet, Samuel Byck, Charles Guiteau,
Francisco Martin Duran, Joseph Maggio, Marcelino Corniel, Frank Eugene Corder, Forrest Sorrels,
James P. Hosty, Griselio Torresola, and Oscar Collazo, but there was no mention of Frank Lee Morris,
John William Anglin, Clarence Anglin, or Albert Anastasia.
A much more controversial book
by William M. Arkin
contains page after page of words and phrases you should never use during an international phone call, unless you
have a reason to talk about Radiant Mercury and Moon Smoke. If you are naturally curious, you might
wonder what a Oxygen-Iodine Laser is good for, or maybe a Tailored Aperture Ceramic Laser, or any of several
other terms
in this list.
You'll be on thin ice if you spend your time studying US
military acronyms, organizations and web sites. I felt bad enough about compiling a list
of .gov and .mil web sites
for this page.
You won't ever catch me talking about 0-isopropylmethyl phosphonofluoridate and
0-ethyl-S-(2-dimethylaminoethyl) methylphosphonothioate. But if you like that sort of thing, I presume
you have a copy of
the United
States Munitions List
as well as the List of Export Controlled Chemicals, Chemical Agent Precursors, Propellants, Explosives and
Energetic Materials
General Assembly of North Carolina seems to have spent all day talking about various depressants,
such as Alprazolam, Barbital, Bromazepam, Camazepam, Chloral betaine, Chloral hydrate, Chlordiazepoxide,
Clobazam, Clonazepam, Clorazepate, Clotiazepam, Cloxazolam, Delorazepam, Diazepam, Estazolam, Ethchlorvynol,
Ethinamate, Ethyl loflazepate, Fludiazepam, Flunitrazepam, Flurazepam, Halazepam, Haloxazolam, Ketazolam,
Loprazolam, Lorazepam, Lormetazepam, Mebutamate, Medazepam, Meprobamate, Methohexital, Methylphenobarbital
(mephobarbital), Midazolam, Nimetazepam, Nitrazepam, Nordiazepam, Oxazepam, Oxazolam, Paraldehyde,
Petrichloral, Phenobarbital, Pinazepam, Prazepam, Quazepam, Temazepam, Tetrazepam, Triazolam, Zolpidem,
and Zaleplon.
The South Dakota revised
schedule of controlled substances essentially duplicates the federal controlled substances
list, and is then followed by this pronouncement: "Whereas, this Act is necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this
Act shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval." Usually, when
laws are put into effect at top speed, it is for the purpose
of deception. After all,
it's not as if all these controlled substances suddenly materialized the previous day. Similarly, whenever
you hear a politician announce that the Congress
will have to pass a particular law so we can all find out what's in it, that's a truly dangerous
individual. But I understand you probably didn't come to this page for political discussions
of that sort. Or did you?
Carolina has the same list, but without the declaration of an emergency.
If you really want to raise some eyebrows, start chattering
about capecitabine, also known as
Xeloda — a drug with some astonishing side effects.
Street names for drugs (and slang terms in general) are sometimes rather amusing, in a pathetic way. Rohypnol (Flunitrazepam) is
sometimes known as Circles, Forget me drug, Forget pill, Forget-me pill, Getting roached, Using, La Rocha,
Lunch money drug, Mexican valium, Pingus, R-2, Reynolds, Rib, Roach-2, Roaches, Roachies, Roapies, Robutal,
Rochas dos, Roche, Roofies, Rope, Rophies, Rophy, Ropies, Roples, Row-shay, Ruffies, Ruffles, The five way,
Wolfies, papas, peanuts, or pastas. Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) is sometimes known as Grievous bodily
harm, easy lay, Liquid Ecstasy, G, gib, Salty water, Scoop, Soap, liquid x, or nitro. Ketamine
hydrochloride is sometimes known as Special K, Kit Kat, Vitamin K, K, Elephant Tranquilizer, super K, keets,
super acid, jet, or cat valiums. Amyl nitrite is sometimes known as Aimes, Aimies, Ames, Amys, Boppers,
Pearls, or Poppers. Alpha-ethyltryptamine is often called Alpha-ET, ET, Love pearls, Love pills, or Trip.
Benzocaine is sometimes called Coco snow, Comeback, Flat chunks, or Potato chips. Mescaline is also known
as Beans, Buttons, Cactus, Cactus buttons, Cactus head, Chief, Love flipping, Love trip, Mesc, Mescal, Mese,
Mezc, Moon, Peyote, Snackies, or Topi. Some people refer to Isobutyl nitrite as Aroma of men, Bolt,
Bullet, Climax Crack, Hardware, Locker room, Poppers, Quicksilver, Rush, Rush Snappers, Snappers, Thrust,
or Whiteout. Methaqualone, which is known as 714s, Karachi, Ludes, Sporos, is not to be confused with
Methcathinone, which some people know as Bathtub speed, Cadillac express, Cat, Crank, Ephedrone, Gagers,
Gaggers, Go-fast, Goob, Khat, Qat, Slick superspeed, Sniff, Somali tea, Star, Stat, The C, Tweeker, Wild cat,
or Wonder star. Incidentally, Khat is a natural stimulant found in the leaves of the Catha edulis plant,
a flowering evergreen native to East Africa. Khat was placed on the Schedule I Federal Controlled
Substance list in 1993. I've never heard of Nexus, but apparently it goes by the name of 2CB, which is
an abbreviation of 2-(4-Bromo-2,5 diethoxy-phenyl)-ethylamine, or by names such as Banana split, BDMPEA, Bromo,
MFT, Party pack, Spectrum, Toonies, or Venus. While researching the material used on this page, I
learned that Clonazepam is similar in pharmacology to benzodiazepine and diazepine. I also discovered
that monkeys treated with Nabilone at doses as high as 2mg/kg/day for a year experienced no significant
adverse events. Dogs given the same dosage weren't so fortunate. I'm sure you know that nitrous oxide
has been known for years as Laughing Gas by dental patients everywhere, but it is also called
Buzz bomb, NOX, Shoot the breeze, or Whippets. Oxycodone is most commonly known as
OxyContin, but there are people who refer to it as Blue, Cotton, Hillbilly heroin, OCs, Os, Ox,
Oxicotten, Oxy 80's, Oxycet, or just Pills. Ritalin (methylphenidate) goes by the
street names of Crackers, One and Ones, Poor man's heroin, Ritz, Vitamin R, and West Coast. Peyote
is also known as Bad seed, Britton, Half moon, Hikori, Hikuli, Hyatari, Nubs, P, Seni, or
Tops. 1,4-butanediol is sometimes known as BD, Weight Belt Cleaner, Serenity, Thunder Nectar,
or Revitalize Plus. Phencyclidine (PCP) is also known as angel dust, ozone, wack,
or rocket fuel. And of course methylenedioxymethamphetamine is more commonly known as MDMA or Ecstasy,
but you might also hear it referred to as ADAM, candy canes, disco biscuit, doves, E, eckie, essence,
hug drug, love drug, M&M, rolls, white doves, or just plain X.
More technical terms can be found by searching for words like methylenedioxymethamphetamine,
flunitrazepam, ketamine hydrochloride, gamma-hydroxybutyrate, Procaine, Psilocybin,
Scopolamine, estradiol, prochlorperazine, ergotamine tartrate, nitroglycerin, buprenorphine,
epinephrine, methyltestosterone, triazolam, dronabinol, nabilone, and piroxicam. For example,
only a geek would know what "8-Azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-2-carboxylic acid, 3-(benzoyloxy)-8-methyl-,
methyl ester, [1R-(exo,exo)]-"
really is.
Tell your doctor if you experience amnesia, euphoria, hallucinations, psychosis, seizures,
coma, or death, as these may be signs of serious side effects.
If your modem has power supply problems, you might get a message like this — or is someone trying to tell you
"In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man and brave,
hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him,
for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
- Mark Twain
The information on this page is provided for information and educational purposes only.
Any assertion about classified intelligence programs based on material found on this page is wholly speculative.
Any actions you take based on whatever you saw, or think you saw, on this site are entirely your own responsibility.