Lies about the Benghazi terrorist attack
followed by months of deception, delay and cover-up

Introduction:  The U.S. Government Routinely Lies to the American People
  ...via the compliant news media

Editor's note, added 6/17/2013:
I have considered removing the introductory section because some visitors might be put off by the off-topic links and sidetracks, as well as the skeptical tone and tenor of my remarks about the overall dishonesty and obfuscation exhibited by the federal government.  But upon further consideration, the introduction will remain in place, for it shows a pattern of chicanery, of which Benghazi is only one component.

For years, the news media have been dishonestly portraying acts of Islamist terrorism as isolated incidents with no connection to one another.  And if some of these attack had been carried out by Mennonites, Baptists, or godless environmental terrorists, that might have been true.  But in every case, these attacks were perpetrated by Muslims bent on world domination.

The number one lie about Islam is that it is a "religion of peace."  That's nonsense.

The U.S. government is trying its best — with the assistance of the news media — to keep the public in the dark about terrorist attacks, unless and until the truth is so overwhelmingly self-evident (or reported by non-U.S. news media) that it's pointless to continue denials.  Most recently, there was an attack on a U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, in which the U.S. Ambassador was killed.  The U.S. government tried for a week to call it something other than a terrorist attack, but eventually Obama administration officials couldn't keep the truth out of the newspapers.  The official explanation of the Benghazi incident was that a crowd was all worked up about a movie they saw on the internet, and took to the streets (coincidentally on September 11th) to show their outrage.  This was believable at first, since Muslims are constantly on the lookout for something to be offended by; but upon further consideration, questions began to pop up.  For one thing, how many people have access to the internet in Libya?

The big lie in this case is that an obscure internet video clip, promoting a movie that may not even exist, was enough to incite a riot in Libya.  The truth appears to me to be this:  Barack H. Obama was caught flat-footed by a terrorist attack on 9/11/2012 which he failed to anticipate, in part because he was keeping such a close eye on the American people, and partly because he didn't think his drone warfare would have such serious repercussions.  Perhaps he should have attended his daily security briefings and paid more attention to his job.

Years ago, there was another terrorist attack which was successfully explained away and dropped down the media memory hole, and that was the crash of American 587.  As I watched the live news reports that day, I knew the government explanations were simply not credible, but the news media repeated and amplified the cover story and then quickly let the matter drop.  That incident is discussed on a page of its own.  Another cover-up, moving at a slower pace, whitewashed the crash of TWA 800, which also dropped down the media memory hole.

(The news media memory hole must be filling up, because it already contains World Trade Center Building Seven, Vince Foster, Ron Brown, Elian Gonzales, DDT and The USS Liberty.  Hopefully there is still room enough left for global warming.)

Years before American 587 crashed, there was the Oklahoma City bombing, which, as Jayna Davis explains in her book, was apparently carried out with the assistance of an Iraqi soldier, Hussein Hashem al-Hussaini, whose role was covered up by the U.S. government.  The book is well worth your time.

Dealey Plaza Do you ever wonder why so many people take an interest in the Kennedy assassination?  Every day, tourists come from all over the world to see where President Kennedy was shot.  They stand in the often uncomfortable Texas weather and exchange viewpoints with other visitors and point toward the sixth-floor window, and the railroad overpass, and sometimes they open up the nearby storm drain to see if the second (or third) assassin could fit in there.  Why?  Because many of these visitors find the official "lone gunman" explanation to be completely unbelievable.  Yet the mainstream media never treat skeptics with any credibility, because the government has spoken, and that's it.

My point is simply this:  The U.S. government occasionally lies to the American people, President Obama lies constantly, and the national news media usually play along as long as they can.  Those who challenge the official narratives are called conspiracy theorists, or worse.  In the case of the Benghazi terrorist attack, the news media smelled a rat within a day or two, and the official government story was shown to be dubious at best.

The Benghazi story started in early 2011 with President Obama's war in Libya.

This page was created because the mainstream media has already demonstrated its loyalty to Barack H. Obama and its willingness to suppress news stories that might turn into inconvenient truths.

Recap and overview articles:

The 10th Anniversary of the Benghazi Attack.  On Sunday September 11, 2022, it will be the 600th day of Joe Biden in office.  It will also be the 10th anniversary of the attack at a U.S. embassy outpost in Benghazi, Libya.  The "Benghazi Brief" remains the most in-depth research report CTH has ever produced.  The brief took over two years of independent research to construct and contains hundreds of very specific citations supporting it.  Eight years after the brief was originally written in 2014, nothing within the outline has ever been identified as inaccurate.  It has been updated below adding context depth from current events.

Out of Outrage.  [Scroll down] I wanted to win over the people with reason and rational discourse, bring some of those lefties truth and common sense and maybe find those areas on which we agree.  That was before Benghazi, when in a blog post the next day I pointed out that Hillary Clinton was lying about the video.  I didn't need to have evidence of it, it was clear from just a rational understanding of the situation, but it wasn't just the fact of the Ambassador's death or of the special forces being abandoned, Benghazi rose to that level, because of the inherent evil in trying to blame some dolt who put out a video no one ever saw, who was subsequently threatened with prison to keep his mouth shut, all so lies could be told to cover up what has been described as a gun-running operation.  That's who they are and to the extent that Republicans do the same thing, I have no affinity for them either.  The Republicans only suffer because they don't have the media covering their lies with omission.

Six Democrat Scandals That Should Have Ruined Careers.  The American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya was attacked on September 11, 2012 by Islamic terrorists commemorating the attacks on American soil eleven years earlier.  Four Americans died in that attack, including our Libyan Ambassador, Christopher Stevens.  It turns out that Secretary Clinton's State Department screwed the pooch by not providing enough security for the consulate, which is a scandalous development in its own right.  But the real scandal with Benghazi was the cover-up.  We were seven weeks away from Election Day, and Americans had feared from the beginning that Obama might be too soft on terrorism as president.  Obama, Rice, and Clinton had been pushing the storyline that Islamic radicalism was on the decline and they had done a great job in combating it.  Instead of raising their hands, admitting the reality of the Benghazi situation, and accepting blame, Susan Rice went on five different Sunday news shows and pushed the lie that the attacks were the result of a "spontaneous" reaction by Libyans due to an American video on YouTube that was offensive to Muslims.  Blame America, President Obama.  It seemed unlikely from the get-go that it was just coincidental that the attack happened on 9/11, but it wasn't until after Obama's victory that the truth came out.

Ten Reasons a Post-Presidency Impeachment of Barack Obama Should Happen.  The terror attack at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya in on September 11, 2012 not only threatened the Obama-Biden administration narrative that al Qaeda had been crippled and that they were making progress in the War on Terror, but it also threatened their reelection.  So, they lied about it.  They called it a spontaneous demonstration to hide the fact it was a pre-planned terror attack and that they were grossly unprepared for such an attack.  So, when Congress investigated, the Obama-Biden administration obstructed their investigation with vigor.  They attempt to excuse their obstruction by saying they were launching an internal investigation, which was a complete joke because we know how their internal investigations go.  State Department employees weren't allowed to testify, and Hillary Clinton deleted thousands of subpoenaed emails.  And an innocent man, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, was scapegoated and imprisoned by the Obama administration, who blamed his short film "The Innocence of Muslims" for the attack.  He now lives in a homeless shelter.  Imagine an administration so desperate to cover up its failure that they jailed an innocent man and destroyed his life.  You don't have to imagine it, Barack Obama did it.

Eight Year Anniversary of September 11th Attack in Benghazi Libya.  The "Benghazi Brief" remains the most controversial research report we have ever produced.  The brief contains over two years of research and hundreds of very specific factual citations supporting it.  Six years after it was originally written, in 2014, and not a single aspect outlined within the brief has ever been identified as inaccurate.

The Forgotten History of the 2012 Attack on the U.S. Embassy in Libya.  The September 11, 2012 attack was actually two attacks by two separate militias.  The first was the attack on the diplomatic mission, the second was a mortar attack on the CIA annex.  But the attacks themselves were effectively watched in real time by the White House, thanks to security drones in the region.  By 5:10 pm ET, President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta were watching real-time footage via a drone deployed to the area.  Half an hour later, the State Department officially refused to deploy the Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST).  FEST exists specifically for rapid response to terrorist attacks around the world and have special training with regard to defending American embassies.  Within three hours, an Islamic group in the region had claimed responsibility for the attack.  Approximately six hours after the first shots were fired, two former Navy SEALs who constituted the only serious defense forces for the embassy were killed by enemy fire.  The surveillance drone had been watching them fight on their own for over two hours.  At 10:30 that night, Hillary Clinton nebulously blamed "inflammatory material on the Internet" for the attack.  The notion that the attack was motivated by Innocence of Muslims was absurd:  On the day before the attack, the leader of al-Qaeda in the region called for vengeance due to the death of his secretary.  Three days after the attack, Stephens' personal diary was found unsecured, along with all the other sensitive intelligence information in the compound.  For days, the film was blamed despite the White House having full knowledge that it was a terrorist attack.  Indeed, on September 14, Barack Obama promised the father of one of the slain Navy SEALs not that he would bring to justice those who planned the attack, but the man who made the movie.

Squeaky clean, huh?  Obama forgot about these 25 scandals.  [#7] Benghazi:  On Sept. 11, 2012, a U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were brutally murdered at a U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi.  Just three days after the attack, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney accused an anti-Muslim video on YouTube of inciting the attack.  On Sept. 16, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice made five television appearances in which she claimed the attacks were spontaneous reactions to the obscure film.  Obama mentioned the YouTube video six more times at the U.N. on Sept. 25.

9/11/2012: Politicized Intel on Benghazi Previewed the Obama Admin's Russia Hoax.  Seven years after the September 11, 2012 attacks on the U.S. Special Mission in Benghazi, it is instructive to recall the Obama administration's altering of the now infamous talking points utilized to essentially mislead the American public about the coordinated assault that resulted in the deaths of Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens and three other US Citizens.  The controversy surrounded the removal of references to terrorism while stressing an obscure anti-Islam film despite knowing it had little to nothing to do with the motivation for the assault.

Seven Year Anniversary of September 11th Attack in Benghazi Libya.  The "Benghazi Brief" remains the most controversial research report we have ever produced.  The brief contains over two years of research and hundreds of very specific factual citations supporting it.  Five years after it was originally written, and not a single aspect outlined within the brief has ever been identified as inaccurate.

The Other 9/11 Anniversary:  Four Killed in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012.  While we remember those lost ones we need to remember another terrorist attack that took place eleven years later in Benghazi, Libya.  America lost four brave men, but could have lost a lot more if it was not for the military men who did not quit during a 13 hour gunfight with terrorists.  In 2012, the people of Libya rose up and overthrew dictator Muammar Gaddafi.  This caused chaos as people raided Gaddafi's massive military arms and weapons.  Radical Islamic terrorist groups took advantage of this power vacuum, infiltrating the riots and causing more problems.  Ansar al-Sharia is one of those radical Islamic groups.  This group attacked our people on September 11, 2012.

Lyin' Biden:  Not a 'hint of a scandal' during Obama administration?  Please!  Terrorists stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012.  Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith were killed, as were CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty.  President Obama slept through the attack and then headed to Las Vegas for a fundraising event.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly said it wasn't a terror attack, but an investigation later found Clinton told daughter Chelsea — in an email that very night — that al Qaeda was responsible.  Mrs. Clinton later deleted 30,000 emails, and famously uttered in a hearings months later:  "What difference at this point does it make?"  A scandal, to be sure, and not the only deadly scandal, at that.

Why We Should Never Forget Benghazi.  On the night of September 11, 2012, elements of al Qaeda launched a well-coordinated attack on the poorly defended U.S. consulate in war-torn Benghazi, Libya.  The attack was the culmination of the Obama Administration's disastrous foreign policy for the region, which could best be described as democracy promotion through thoughtless regime change.  Ambassador Christopher Stevens, State Department Information Service Officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods all paid with their lives for this naïve policy.  As we approach the sixth anniversary of this gruesome event, the Trump Administration needs to consider a fundamental reassessment of US. policy in what Andrew J. Bacevich calls the "Greater Middle East."  Failure to do so will ensure that the United States is in for more Iraq-style conflicts and Benghazi-style assaults — to say nothing of another horror like the original September 11, 2001 attack.  Such an outcome is unacceptable.

6 times Obama committed "treason" against the U.S..  [#5] Benghazi:  The facts are well-known — but fewer people know intelligence had warned about the dangers facing Benghazi beforehand.  A 2014 Senate Intelligence Committee report said the attacks in Benghazi "were likely preventable," because Obama had "significant ... warnings about the deteriorating security in Libya" from U.S. intelligence.  He just ignored them, then sent Susan Rice on five Sunday morning talk shows to blame the whole thing on an anti-Islamic video.  That's a pretty serious, public denial of U.S. intelligence.

Six Times the Obama Administration Should Have Appointed Special Counsel.  [#5] Benghazi:  On September 11, 2012, a group with connections to al Qaeda attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  Four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, died.  This was just awful timing for Obama.  The 2012 presidential election was just weeks away.  The cover-up began instantly.  An obscure YouTube video was blamed for inciting a "spontaneous" protest even though all the key players knew it was a pre-planned terror attack almost immediately.  That didn't stop Obama and Hillary publicly claiming to the contrary.  UN Ambassador Susan Rice went on the weekend talk shows to repeat the lie over and over and over again.  Obama was trying to save his reelection, and Hillary her political future as well.  Republicans investigated, but the Obama administration stonewalled those investigations, which they branded as partisan witch hunts.  An independent special counsel would have made it difficult for the Obama administration to claim the investigation was tainted, so one was not appointed.

Here are 1,366 well sourced examples of Barack Obama's lies, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, hypocrisy, waste, etc..  [#119] In September 2012, after four U.S. citizens were killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, the Obama administration falsely said that the attack was a spontaneous protest against an anti-Muslim video at YouTube.  CBS News reported that although it was obviously a terrorist attack, it took an entire week before the Obama administration was willing to acknowledge it as such.  The Washington Post reported that Obama had falsely said that he had called it a terrorist attack from the very start.  After the attack began, someone (there is a debate over who this someone was) ordered the nearby U.S. military to "stand down,", i.e., not offer any assistance.  Obama [was] the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. military.  Obama later falsely claimed that the "stand down" order had not been made.

The truth about Benghazi.  The Obama administration was knowingly running weapons to ISIS & Al-Qaeda jihadis in Syria via Libya, a direct contravention of the UN arms embargo in place at the time.  The CIA annex in Benghazi was designed for that specific purpose.  They would receive arms shipments there and then covertly distribute them around the region.  Arming AQ & ISIS was part of Obama's disastrous Syrian policy.  SOS?  Hillary Clinton.  What a duo they turned out to be.  A group of Libya based jihadists chose Sept 11, 2012 to attack the CIA annex in force.  These were IDd as Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman (BCOAR).  BCOAR had also been responsible for past attacks on the Red Cross in Benghazi and the attack on the British Ambassador.  This was an extremely well-planned attack.  The following groups were also implicated:  Ansar al-Sharia, Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Al Qaeda in Iraq & Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.  It is still unknown if they used American weapons to carry out the massacre.

Dr. Media examining Trump?  Why not examine Obama instead?  Obama was paranoid, delusional, and a power-hungry autocrat who didn't care about equal justice, his oath to enforce laws, the Constitution, economic opportunity for all, or the safety of the people. [...] On September 11, 2012, there was an attack happening on American people in Benghazi.  Despite Obama, Hillary, and others having no idea how long the attack would last, they did not lift a finger to help save those lives.  Instead, they seemed to spend the night figuring out how to protect their political power because a terrorist attack would be inconvenient that close to an election.  Therefore, they concocted a lie about a video causing the attack and sent Susan Rice out to tell the world the lie.  It shows that Hillary and Obama have zero empathy.  They wouldn't tell the families of those who lost loved ones the truth.  Their power was much more important to them than those who suffered.

'Benghazi Ain't Going Away!'  The truth is that of all the attacks I'm aware of that have been carried out against Americans, there was not a siege that lasted for over thirteen hours and whoever was in the Oval Office did not even lift a finger to help.  They did not let the security forces at the embassy in Tripoli make the trip, although they were saddled up and ready to go to the point of loading into vehicles, and as the story goes, being told to stand down.  And they did so, despite the fact that the ambassador, the most important person in their charge, was in a life or death situation.

When Is a Fact Not a Fact?  [Scroll down]  Remember Benghazi.  Remember when we were told that it had been caused by a video.  How many of today's intrepid truth tellers refused to say that the Obama administration had been lying.  How many of them dared assert that the Secretary of State bore responsibility for the death of the American ambassador?  Even if we accept that Hillary Clinton was asleep at the time of the attack or that nothing could have been done, she as Secretary of State was responsible for the safety of the ambassador.  Even if it was factually true that she was not involved, it was also a fact that she was responsible.  The alt-left has been hard at work trying to undermine our confidence in the facts.  They want us to ignore the facts, to refuse to let the facts or the results obtained by an experiment or by the market influence our judgment.  This is the first step toward mind control.

'Legacy': 10 Ways Barack Obama Broke the American System.  [#6] Benghazi.  Presidents had lied to the country before about national security incidents: the Iran-Contra scandal, for example, left a stain on Ronald Reagan's legacy.  But no previous American president had abandoned Americans to die abroad without putting up a fight or making a serious effort to punish the perpetrators.  In fact, in the heat of battle, Obama went to sleep and flew to a political fundraiser in Las Vegas the next day.  It was an unprecedented abdication of his commander-in-chief role.

Benghazi and Hillary's Defeat.  Lydie M. Denier has just released her book, A Voice For Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. [...] The book has a quote that shows her frustration, "No one seems interested in digging for the facts to learn the truth about what happened to Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty, who died tragically and needlessly that day.  Instead, they want to obscure the truth to protect a political position..."  The quote is more applicable today since the Wikileaks emails have come out.  They show how Hillary Clinton told the truth to Chelsea, but not the American people.  Lydie noted, "I want Americans to understand that Clinton sent him to Benghazi without any security.  She ignored the 600 requests for help.  He had been to Benghazi twice before.  Even though she knew how dangerous it was she sent him there because she wanted a presence on September 11th.  He was to go there in August 2012 but because of the lack of security he and his team cancelled it.  The trip was supposed to be postponed until October or November.  Chris went there on 9/11 because she directly told him to go."

Obama Says He's Had A Scandal-Free Administration.  Here Are 11 of His Scandals.  [#2] Benghazi.  The terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya resulted in four brave Americans dying despite the fact that help could have been sent, but wasn't.  Requests for security prior to the attack were repeatedly denied, and after the attack Obama and Hillary Clinton falsely blamed it on a video considered offensive to Muslims.  During the election, Benghazi became associated with Clinton — and rightly so — but it is also Obama's scandal as well.  It is still not known what Obama was doing that night.

The Clinton Record.  On the night of September 11, 2012, a large group of heavily armed Islamic terrorists attacked the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi with great violence.  In the process, they killed the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and three other Americans.  For weeks thereafter, Mrs. Clinton and the rest of the Obama administration continued to characterize what had occurred on September 11 in Benghazi not as a carefully orchestrated act of terrorism, but as a spontaneous uprising that evolved unexpectedly from what had begun as a low-level protest against an obscure YouTube video.  For the administration, it was vital to continue putting forth this false narrative because, with the presidential election only a few weeks away, nothing could be permitted to puncture the Obama-Clinton talking points:  "Al Qaeda is on the run" and "Osama bin Laden is dead."  In reality, however, within mere hours after the September 11 attack, U.S. intelligence agencies had already gained more than enough evidence to conclude unequivocally that it was a planned terrorist incident, and that the YouTube video had nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Responder to Benghazi consulate criticizes Clinton at LCCC speech.  A man who fought terrorists who attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012 which left four Americans dead visited Lorain County Community College on Thursday, and he said failures in leadership led to the attacks.  Kris "Tanto" Paranto is a former Army Ranger and private security contractor who was part of the U.S. government's Global Response Staff that responded to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in which U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three security contractors died.

Hey Dems, You really wanna' talk about 'fitness for office'?  On September 11, 2012 our consulate was attacked in Benghazi, Libya and four Americans died. We did not know how long the attack would last yet Obama and Hillary did absolutely nothing to save those Americans.  They did not meet in the situation room yet they did have time to concoct a false story blaming the video.  Obama didn't even attend the intelligence briefing the following morning.  On September 14[,] 2012 the bodies came home and families have said that Hillary repeated the story about the video that she had been telling the public.  On September 16, 2012 Susan Rice went on five Sunday news shows to blame the video instead of terrorism[.]  On September 28, 2012, Obama continued to tell the video lie in his UN speech.  Are a President and person running for President fit to be President when they continually lied by blaming a video to protect their power instead of telling the truth about terrorism?

Benghazi Rescue Interrupted Part One.  In recent days, the House Benghazi Committee released results of its investigation.  Democrats call it "one of the longest and most partisan" probes in history and said "officials did not make intentionally misleading statements."  They blamed "fast-moving circumstances," but there was much news in the report on chaos, delay, and efforts to mislead, with evidence coming from government insiders.  However, there were also many questions left unanswered.  What did the President do while Americans were under attack, and who called the shots?  Unknown.  White House photos taken that night?  Blocked from public release.  Also, the Defense Department wouldn't give an inventory of available military assets.  One overarching conclusion by Republicans:  The response from the world's most powerful military was perplexingly inadequate.  With the release of the Committee's report, we revisit our report looking at evidence of a Rescue Interrupted.

Why Hillary Clinton so badly wants Benghazi to go away.  In the 2008 campaign Clinton suggested her life as first lady and senator prepared her for the ominous 3 a.m. crisis calls that presidents get and that part-term Sen. Barack Obama wasn't.  The Benghazi call came in late afternoon Washington time.  She still wasn't prepared.  Apparently, among the insufficient dangers signs were deteriorating security in Libya after she and Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama ousted Moammar Gadhafi and then months of consulate pleas for additional security.  Benghazi consulate security was reduced the previous month.  Potential rescue forces in Europe were alerted but spent the night instead changing uniforms four times, so great was the White House concern over the appearance of U.S. forces in Libya.

The Obama Policy That Left Ambassador Chris Stevens Defenseless In Benghazi.  Murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens had originally planned to arrive in Benghazi with Pentagon assistance and attempted to coordinate with the Defense Department in order to be housed on a protected coalition naval vessel for a period of time.  However, the Obama Administration's "no boots on the ground" policy directly precluded such protection, which would have required Stevens to stay overnight with the military at sea and take a boat to land when he was required to be on the ground in the chaotic country of Libya.  Instead, Stevens traveled to Benghazi, Libya via a Greek cargo ship on April 5, 2011 in the midst of the civil war there.

Benghazi Report Confirms Hillary's Fraud Against the American People.  After 25 months of work which included interviews with over 100 witnesses and the examination of thousands of documents and emails, including those obtained off Clinton's unsecured bathroom server, the Select Committee on Benghazi has finally released its lengthy report which includes detailed findings that reflect poorly on the Obama White House and Ms. Clinton.  Among its many damning conclusions, the report portrays a deceitful administration obsessed with pushing a false narrative on to the American people in an effort to deflect attention away from the administration's glaring foreign policy failings.  The September 11, 2012 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi came just 56 days before the general election at a sensitive time when Obama's reelection campaign was in full swing.  At the time, Obama was touting his "success" in liquidating Osama Bin Laden and was pushing the storyline that Al-Qaida was retreating and the worldwide terror threat was diminishing.  But the well-organized, well-planned Benghazi terrorist assault, likely timed to coincide with the anniversary of the 9-11 terror attacks, threw a wrench in Obama's narrative, shattering the mendacious tale he was peddling.

Dems circle wagons of lies around Hillary after Benghazi report.  In their attempt to pre-empt the GOP majority report the day before its release, the Democrats showed great ingenuity.  They seized every opportunity to twist statements from multiple witnesses to "prove" that the video was responsible for the Benghazi attacks.  Why?  Because Mrs. Clinton's very first statement on the attacks, issued shortly after 10 PM on the night of September 11, 2012, said it was. [...] Just one hour after publicly blaming the attack on "inflammatory material posted on the Internet," Mrs. Clinton emailed her daughter, masquerading as "Diane Reynolds," to tell her, "two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like [sic] group."  The next day, Mrs. Clinton spoke with the Egyptian Prime Minister and shared the truth with him as well.  "We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film.  It was a planned attack — not a protest."  And yet, as the days wore on, the administration doubled-down on the YouTube video story, even though there was "no evidence that any of the (internal State Department or intelligence community) accounts blamed a video-inspired protest, or, in fact, any protest at all."  So why the deception?  And why continue to insist on it, as Mrs. Clinton does even today?

5 Reasons Hillary Clinton Isn't Fit To Be President.  [#1] She's responsible for Benghazi.  There have been endless Benghazi investigations and if you believe the mainstream media, you'd think nothing came out of them.  However, we did learn that over 600 requests were made for more security.  In the end, four men died and Ambassador Chris Stevens' body was dragged through the street because Hillary Clinton never acted to safeguard their lives.  Since when do we reward government officials with a promotion after their negligence has gotten people killed?

How come Benghazi investigators have never spoken to THESE people?  This video from Fox News (via Ace of Spades and Hot Air) contains one line that really sticks out at the end of the segment:  "The two men we spoke to have never spoken to any investigators."  [Video clip]

U.S. Justice Department Won't Seek Death Penalty Against Benghazi Suspect.  The Justice Department will not seek the death penalty against Ahmed Abu Khattala, the suspected Libyan militant charged in the Benghazi attacks that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans, federal officials announced Tuesday 5/10/2016].

Let the Benghazi Committee investigate.  The Department of Defense's recent criticism of the House Select Committee on Benghazi and headlines like "The Benghazi slow-walk:  How to drag out an investigation for maximum political impact" demonstrate the level of scrutiny that has been placed on the committee's chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy.  The left and its shills in the media have done everything they can to discredit and undermine the work of the committee.  But while they attack Gowdy, it is important to remember why the investigative committee exists in the first place:  We lost four Americans in Benghazi and the administration lied about it.

Benghazi:  What Did Bill Clinton Know & When Did He Know It?  New documents obtained by Judicial Watch raise questions about the role of Clinton Inc. in the Benghazi debacle, particularly the involvement of Bill Clinton and longtime Clinton hatchet man Sidney Blumenthal.  Mrs. Clinton, seeking to ease concerns about her ties to the Clintons' powerful political machine, famously pledged as secretary of state-designate not to "participate personally and substantially" in matters relating to the Clinton Foundation or the Clinton Global Initiative.  We now know that promise was swiftly broken.  Blumenthal — a man so hated by the Obama White House that it banned the State Department from hiring him — was secretly put on Mrs. Clinton's payroll in an arms-length arrangement funded by the Clinton Foundation and Clinton ally David Brock.

Lyin' Hillary:  On 9/11/2012, She Told Egyptian PM the Benghazi Attack "Had Nothing to Do With the Film".  Judicial Watch has obtained new documents from the Department of State containing the telephone transcripts from the evening of September 11, 2012, in which then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton informs then-Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Kandil that the deadly terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi "had nothing to do with the film.  The documents include previously unreleased telephone transcripts with world leaders about the Benghazi attack.

Top 10 Misreported or Underreported Stories of 2015.  [#4] Ignoring Benghazi Revelations:  Several Benghazi revelations have surfaced in 2015, and Accuracy in Media's Citizens' Commission on Benghazi has been on top of them all.  The CCB's 2014 Interim Report has been proven correct in every sense.  For example, it was confirmed that Hillary Clinton refused to take a phone call from Muammar Qaddafi's son at a time that the war in Libya could have been prevented.  And there is confirmation that Hillary Clinton was aware of the arms shipments to al-Qaeda related groups in Libya, which she denied at the October 22nd hearing of the Select Committee on Benghazi.  Also, it turned out that the State Department received more than 600 requests for increased security in Libya that Clinton claimed she was unaware of.  The list goes on.

Why Benghazi Continues to Make a Difference.  Before September 2012, Benghazi was just another city on the map.  After the embassy was attacked and four Americans lost their lives, Benghazi, Libya became much more than a city in the Middle East.  It became the center of what appears to be a political cover-up.  Darrell Issa and Trey Gowdy have both worked towards unraveling the mystery that hovers over the death of Christopher Stevens, Tyronne Woods, Sean Smith, and Glen Doherty.  At the same time, the Obama administration worked dilligantly to undermine the attack and any efforts to investigate it by making it appear as another attack on his administration.  The three characters that are a part of this tragedy are the President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Susan Rice.  Of everyone involved, Hillary Clinton could have been the one to help Ambassador Stevens the most and she did the least.

Another overview:
The Benghazi Brief — Three Year Anniversary.  The "Benghazi Brief" remains the most controversial research report we have ever produced.  The brief contains over two years of research and hundreds of very specific citations supporting it.  The Brief has also been challenged and with extensive vetting factually withstood all scrutiny.  The report, while exhaustive in detail, remains the strongest summary of events surrounding the two years leading up to the Benghazi Libya attack on 9/11/12.

From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton Scandal Primer.  Benghazi has gradually turned into a classic "it's not the crime, it's the coverup" scenario.  Only the fringes argue, at this point, that Clinton deliberately withheld aid.  A House committee continues to investigate the killings and aftermath.  But it was through the Benghazi investigations that Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server became public — a controversy that remains potent.

WikiLeaks: Obama and Hillary Issued Stand Down Order in Benghazi.  It seems Obama and Clinton didn't want to upset radicalized Muslims in the small Libyan town by sending troops to protect Americans.  Instead, Hillary went to bed while radical Islamic extremists attacked and killed Americans in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.  This nanny-state liberalism shows more concern for angry infantile people than holding them accountable for their criminal behavior.  And it is treasonous.

Benghazi and Hillary's Defeat.  If there is any reason to rejoice over the fact Hillary Clinton was not elected president, it is encompassed in one word:  Benghazi.  The 3 A.M. phone call came and she did not answer the call.  Americans still do not know the truth and facts surrounding her role in this tragic incident.

Timely news and commentary:

For Zelensky Fan Girl Susan Rice, Lying Comes Naturally.  [Susan] Rice was one of many Obama officials to lie flagrantly about the September 11, 2012, attack on the American consulate in Benghazi.  The dissembling began while the consulate was in flames and the attack still under way.  Needing to draw attention away from the administration's duplicitous meddling in Libyan affairs, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton released a memo on the night of September 11 blaming the attack on some "inflammatory material posted on the Internet."  That "material" was a short, amateurish movie, Innocence of Muslims, produced by an Egyptian-American named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.  Investigative reporter Ken Timmerman, who has done the best work on this subject, explained in convincing detail that the video had nothing to do with the pre-planned assault on the Benghazi compound.  "There were never any demonstrations in front of either U.S. diplomatic facility in Libya," wrote Timmerman.  "That was just a full-throated lie."  The Obama camp rejected the truth even after it became obvious.

Revisiting Benghazi.  In this writer's opinion, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton committed treason surrounding the debacle in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012.  In this 1950s, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for treason, for supplying nuclear weapons secrets to the Soviets.  Obama, Hillary and possibly several others knowingly provided similar game-changing technology to several of our enemies in bad judgment that amounts to treason.  Treason has no statute of limitations.  The penalty is life imprisonment, or death.  Prosecuting them wouldn't be Lawfare, because Lawfare involves exaggerated charges or selective prosecution.  This is neither.  And neither Obama nor Hillary were pardoned.  Both committed treason by providing "aid and comfort" to the Taliban, ISIS and a Libyan militia group called Ansar al-Sharia (AAS), which became an al-Qaida franchise.

The CIA Is Broken — It Will Take More Than A New Director To Fix It.  Long ago senior leaders at CIA began to involve themselves inappropriately in American domestic politics.  The aftermath of the attack on our facilities in Benghazi in 2012 provides a graphic example.  The CIA base in Benghazi was attacked by a radical Islamic militia.  Our consulate in that same city was overrun and our ambassador was killed.  Only by the heroic efforts of the men on the ground did we avoid an even worse result.  Every report by everyone on the ground told the same story.  None of this should have been a surprise to anyone.  The security situation in Benghazi had been deteriorating for a long time.  Most foreign missions had pulled out.  Numerous reports had been sent to Washington about the growing power of Ansar al-Sharia the group that staged the attacks on our facilities.  Despite this, after the attack, the Obama administration began to peddle the ludicrous story that there had been no premeditated assault by Islamic radicals.  A demonstration had simply gotten out of control.  It was a bald-faced lie, and the story began to fall apart almost as soon as it was trotted out.  Enter Michael Morrell, the Acting Director of CIA who stepped into the breach and covered for the administration by claiming, falsely, that CIA had provided bad intel.  The White House was simply repeating what it had been told.  It was all CIA's fault.

Viral Video:  New allegations on Benghazi terrorist attack revealed:  Report.  A viral video recently shared on social media raises new allegations regarding the deadly Benghazi terrorist attack, which led to the death of four Americans, including former U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, in 2012.  OutKick journalist David Hookstead reported on Saturday that the Benghazi attack has resurfaced on social media due to allegations regarding the involvement of Delta Force operators in the attack.  In a video shared last month on X, formerly Twitter, the hosts of the "Antihero Podcast" repeatedly suggested that "13 Hours," a movie and book based on the Benghazi attack, might not be the full story of the deadly terrorist attack.  In the video, Brent Tucker, an "Antihero Podcast" host and a Delta Force veteran, claimed that the true story of the Benghazi attack might be different than what has been reported since the two Delta Force operators involved in the attack have not yet shared their side of the story.

Comey's Grand Illusion Book Tour.  Most Americans will never forget the congressional hearings regarding the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  Members of Congress wanted answers, questioning whether or not then — secretary of state Hillary Clinton had failed to provide appropriate security for assassinated ambassador John Christopher Stevens and the consulate staff.  As part of the congressional investigation, it came to light that Secretary Clinton had illegally been utilizing a private email account and an unsecured server, by which classified documents were sent.  The resulting political and legal firestorm rocked the nation and resulted in a year-long FBI investigation.  In the end, [FBI director James] Comey came before the American people with apparently cut-and-dried evidence that Clinton — the Democrat running for president at the time — had committed multiple federal crimes.  In his highly anticipated public statement, Comey claimed that over 100 Clinton emails contained information that should have been deemed classified at the time they were sent, including 65 emails deemed "Secret" and 22 deemed "Top Secret."  An additional 2,093 emails were retroactively designated confidential by the State Department.

Lying About Obama.  [Scroll down]  In 2012, when the Obama administration dishonestly blamed the deadly attacks in Benghazi on an anti-Muslim film, the MSM parroted the lie.  Cashill documents the way in which mainstream reporters who knew nothing about foreign affairs were dependent on mendacious "messaging" by wily Obama staffer Ben Rhodes.  Cashill reminds us that Obama was collaborating closely with Russia in 2015 — recall the hot-mic moment when he asked Russian president Dmitry Medvedev to inform Vladimir Putin that after his re-election he'd "have more flexibility" to pursue Russia-friendly policies.  Did the MSM care?  No.  But a year later Obama's need to frame Trump meant that "the White House had to frame Russia too."  And so, too, did the MSM, which unquestioningly parroted the inane Russia-collaboration narrative for years.

The Full Crowley.  In the second presidential election debate between President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on October 16, 2012, CNN moderator Candy Crowley sensed that Obama, coming off a dismal initial September 26 debate, was again floundering.  Romney was driving home the valid point that the Obama Administration had inadequately prepared the American mission in Benghazi for likely terrorist attacks.  And such laxity resulted in a horrific attack and the deaths of four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador.  Yet in the wake of the attacks, Team Obama denied that the killing of four Americans was indeed an act of terror.  Instead, it fed the public a transparently but politically correct false narrative of a spontaneous riot in reaction to a video posted by a purported right-wing Egyptian residing on American soil.

Why won't the US government admit Iran funded the Benghazi attacks?  US intelligence agencies are sitting on a treasure trove of documents that detail Iran's direct, material involvement in the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that cost the lives of four Americans.  But until now, deep state bureaucrats have buried them under layers of classification, often without reason.  From CIA officers, military contractors, and sources within US Special Forces, I have learned of the existence of at least 50 briefing documents that warned of Iranian intelligence operations in Benghazi.  Some specifically predicted an Iranian attack on US diplomats and US facilities.  Those documents have remained inaccessible, including to the Select Committee on Benghazi chaired by former US Representative Trey Gowdy.  The CIA, the NSA, and Joint Special Forces Operations Command operatives in Benghazi and in Tripoli were actively monitoring Iranian operations in Benghazi in the months leading up to the attacks.

Five More Things You Probably Didn't Know about Susan Rice.  [#4] Rice, not Clinton, took the fall for the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi because Clinton outsmarted her.  One of the low points of Susan Rice's career was when she appeared on five Sunday-morning talk shows on September 16, 2012, and made several inaccurate claims about the attack five days before on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that resulted in the death of U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens and others.  Rice's disastrous conduct included making the widely discredited, false claim that the attack was in response to an obscure anti-Muslim video and was not a pre-planned act of jihadist terrorism intended to coincide with the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda attacks on the United States.  Rice received so much criticism for these farcical interviews that they scuttled her bid to be nominated to succeed Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.  Geraghty quoted an unnamed Obama official who said Rice's interviews were "dishonest and driven by ego."

Joe Biden, Susan Rice, and Seal Team Six.  Benghazi liar and former U.N. ambassador Susan Rice has seemingly risen to the top of Joe Biden's VP list, which would make a unique pairing of someone who can't tell the truth and someone who can't remember the truth.  One of the chief unmaskers of Trump officials caught up in deep state surveillance of the 2016 Trump campaign and an architect of the attempted coup against Trump, Rice recently lied again by pushing the false claim that Trump ignored reports of Russian bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan and was doing Putin's bidding by callously letting American soldiers get killed.

The Worthlessness of Congressional Hearings.  [Scroll down]  The prototype for this was the Hillary Clinton hearings.  I actually admire Hillary for physically demonstrating what a sham the entire thing was.  It was a waste of time and she sat there looking bored through most of it.  She had her head on her hand and showed her disgust with the whole political theater.  After it was over, nobody had asked her even a single question of any significance and she stood up and high-fived her staff.  Which was in poor taste, considering it was directly in front of the family members of the men killed at Benghazi while working for her when she was Secretary of State.  After who knows how many hours of "testimony" at "hearings", not one of the committee even asked her where she was during the 13 hours the American consulate was under attack and security forces repeatedly called for help.  The U.S. Ambassador and three other Americans were killed in that attack, the hearings were touted as a huge deal...and nobody asked a question of any significance.  Hillary was right to be disgusted.  Everyone watching it was disgusted.  It was disgusting.  But that's all congressional hearings are.  Useless political theater.

Benghazi Terror Attacks Led To Crossfire Hurricane.  In the last week, Judicial Watch released eighty new pages of documents relating to the September 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on U.S. government facilities in Benghazi, Libya, in which Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed.  The new release shows top Obama White House officials scrambling to "evolve" their false claims that the attack began "spontaneously" in response to an anti-Muslim YouTube video.  This was part of a coordinated campaign to "reinforce" President Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being "rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy."  The Benghazi lie was pushed heavily by then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice, who was dispatched to five Sunday morning political talk shows to peddle the YouTube video falsehood.  Meanwhile, then-Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, then-NSC spokesman Tommy Vietor, and then-Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan were joking about how clever they had sold their damage control to a credulous press corps.

Judicial Watch uncovers emails showing Ben Rhodes and aides joking about Benghazi lies.  Judicial Watch once again has proven to be invaluable in uncovering official perfidy.  This time, its Freedom of Information Act lawsuit has uncovered utterly appalling levity among top Obama foreign policy aides over their lies to the public about the September 11, 2012 attack on the Benghazi Consular Annex that took the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.  Readers will recall that UN Ambassador Susan Rice, now touted as a vice presidential nominee for front man Joe Biden, went on five Sunday morning talk shows to lie about the attack and blame it on a YouTube video seen by a handful of people.  Nine days later, the-Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes yucked it up with his crew.

Hillary Clinton lost her appeal, order stands testify on private server and Benghazi emails.  Amid the chaos and anarchy across blue-city America that exclusively possessed public attention for the last couple of weeks, it was not hard to miss any other bit of news — especially if that news has not appeared or been even briefly mentioned by any major mainstream media outlet.  Take for example the news of Hillary Clinton, who lost her appeal in the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on June 2, where she tried to avoid testifying under oath about her emails and the Benghazi case.  The hearing in the D.C. Circuit came in the case Judicial Watch v.  Clinton, a public records case involving a request for State Department documents and communication about the 2012 terror attack at the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya.  U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the attack.  The case also involves Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state.

Court-ordered release of previously unreleased phone transcripts show Clinton admitted Benghazi was a terrorist attack.  We all remember September 11, 2012.  Only eleven years after the worst terrorist attack on American soil, four brave Americans were killed at the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya.  You might recall that was the case where then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others in the Obama administration blamed the release of an "inflammatory film" for the attack.  That was their story and they were sticking to it.  On Wednesday [5/27/2020], Judicial Watch announced that it had obtained new State Department documents from the evening of Sept. 12, 2012, in which Clinton told the Egyptian Prime Minister at the time, Hisham Kandil, that the attack "had nothing to do with the film."  Judicial Watch said that the documents included "previously unreleased telephone transcripts with world leaders about the Benghazi attack."

Legally Conflicted Senate Intel Committee Presents Another Defense of Intelligence Corruption.  To understand what is taking place within the Mark Warner and Richard Burr report it is worthwhile revisiting the 2014 House Intelligence report by Mike Rogers and Dutch Ruppersberger which was presented in defense of severe corruption in/around Benghazi.  The HPSCI report from Rogers-Ruppersberger was a cover-up operation intended to defend their own interests and involvement in the CIA/State Dept. operation in Libya.  Only after the 2014 report was it discovered that republican Mike Roger's wife was actually connected to the illegal arms sales in Libya.  Therein was the motive and conflict.

Hillary Clinton Can't Duck Out of Benghazi Testimony by Citing Official Privilege, State Dept.  Says.  In a devastating move, the State Department has joined with Judicial Watch in claiming that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton cannot dodge a court-ordered deposition in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking "talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack."  This FOIA request uncovered Clinton's insecure private home-brew server in 2015.  On March 2, 2020, U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth granted Judicial Watch's request to depose Clinton and her former chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, in the search for more Benghazi documents.  Specifically, Judicial Watch was given the green light to probe Clinton on whether or not she used a private email server to evade FOIA.  On March 13, lawyers for Clinton and Mills filed a writ of mandamus, claiming that the former secretary of State could refuse the deposition due to her previous government office.  State, represented by Department of Justice (DOJ) lawyers, filed a brief arguing against the mandamus claim on Monday [4/6/2020].

Democrat Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) Escalates Corona Spread.  [Scroll down]  There were people back in 1941 who thought FDR had allowed himself to be caught off guard, that there were ample signs FDR should have seen of an impending Japanese attack.  But no decent politician tried to bring down the President for it.  They let the President do his job.  Actually, there was a case in American history where the president and secretary of state were indeed aware of an unfolding tragedy and attack in front of their eyes and yet did nothing, purposely did nothing, and let Americans be murdered and tortured so as to save their own political skins.  It was Benghazi!  The president was Barack Obama, the secretary of state was Hillary Clinton, and the minority leader was Nancy Pelosi.

New leftist meme: 'Donald Trump has blood on his hands'.  It's right there, big as life, in the subhead of a Boston Globe editorial:  "Much of the suffering and death coming was preventable.  The president has blood on his hands."  Not content to say it just once, the editorial board repeats itself in the body of its j'accuse: [...] Some may think that accusing a president of having blood on his hands is beyond the pale.  Liberals certainly did when critics of Barack Obama accused him of having blood on his hands after he failed to act during a terrorist raid on an American diplomatic compound in Benghazi in 2012.  When the smoke cleared, four members of the U.S. diplomatic corps lay dead, and the White House's only response was to attempt to cover up its inaction with shameful lies.  The media played along back then, but that was only because they loved Obama as much as they now loathe Trump.

Libyan involved in the Benghazi attack gets 19 years.  Mustafa al-Imam, a 47-year-old Libyan, has been sentenced to 19 years in prison for his role in the Benghazi attack that killed four Americans: [...] Al-Imam was captured during a US special forces raid of Libya in 2017.  He was charged with "conspiracy to provide material support and resources to terrorists and maliciously destroying and injuring a dwelling and placing lives in jeopardy" and was found guilty on June 13, 2019.  Announcing the sentence, Assistant Attorney General John Demers said, "We have not rested in our efforts to bring to justice those involved in the terrorist attacks on our facilities in Benghazi, which led to the death of four courageous Americans — Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Ambassador Christopher Stevens — and we never will."

Trump's decisive leadership would have saved my Benghazi team.  The attack on our embassy in Baghdad and President Trump's reaction are in no way comparable to the events in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012.  I fought to defend the American diplomatic post and CIA annex in Benghazi for more than 13 hours against a determined, organized assault by dozens of Al Qaeda fanatics armed with belt-fed machine guns, rocket-propelled grenade launchers, and heavy mortars.  The Obama administration's mishandling of this attack — which resulted in the first murder of a U.S. ambassador in the line of duty since the 1970s — was a far cry from the Trump administration's decisive response to threats against our embassy in Iraq.

Trump's Baghdad is not Hillary's Benghazi.  Instead of a Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ignoring repeated warnings from her ambassador and not answering his pleas for more security, we had a Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announcing that members of the 82nd Airborne and support forces were being dispatched to within striking distance.  There would be Marines on the ground, not contractors fighting on a CIA-annex roof, waiting for in vain for their government to send aid to them and their dying ambassador.  This time it would be different.  There would be no "Benghazi." [...] This time our U.N. ambassador would not be dispatched to the Sunday talk show circuit to repeat verbatim five times the obscene talking point that American deaths had resulted from an inflammatory video.  This time Iran would not be rewarded for its state-sponsored terror and its nuclear threats with $150 billion and pallets of cash dropped on an Iranian tarmac in the middle of the night.

Does This Hillary Email on Benghazi Suggest Her Actions Were Grounded in Executing a Clean 2016 Campaign?  Our friends at Twitchy posted about it first, but a new email has dropped concerning former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's actions after the 2012 Benghazi terror attack that led to three deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.  It occurred in September of 2012, weeks away from the election.  The Obama White House's rallying cry was that al-Qaeda was on the run.  They were wrong.  The Obama administration said this attack was a "spontaneous" reaction to a YouTube video released months prior to the attack.  It was a lie.  Judicial Watch has been [tenacious] regarding their fight for disclosure about this incident and many more under the Obama administration with their FOIA requests and countless lawsuits for documents to be released.  The revelation that the Obama administration scrubbed talking points only added to the intrigue that there was some sort of cover-up in the weeks leading up to a critical election for then-President Obama.

Don't Look Away.  [Scroll down]  Then there was Benghazi.  You had to know about Benghazi.  Americans died.  Just before the election in 2012.  And the president sent out people to LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ABOUT IT.  All indications is that people were left to die, rather than... I don't know.  Why didn't we send help?  Would that have exposed some of the sewage we're starting to catch glimpses of in our agencies and our government?  Or did Obama imagine that it would jeopardize his cherished Iran deal (which was part of his dream of reversing Reagan.  For mommy and daddy who hated Reagan).  WHY he thought the Iranians wouldn't deal is beyond me.  After all, when you're handing people your lunch without their even having to beat you, they don't normally refuse.

Lara Logan sues New York magazine and writer for $25 million.  Former 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan is suing the author and publisher of a story that she says destroyed her earning capacity at CBS News.  The article by Joe Hagan was published in New York magazine 2014.  It was titled "Benghazi and the Bombshell."  It provided an in depth look at Logan's career as a war correspondent, and her personal life before and during her employment at CBS News.  The story included a critical look at the 60 Minutes story Logan reported about the Sept. 11, 2012 Islamic extremist terrorist attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya.  Four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were killed.  The Obama administration attempted to cover up the terrorist source of the attacks and the fact that the State Department, manned by Hillary Clinton at the time, had denied repeated requests for beefed up security from U.S. diplomats on the ground.  CBS retracted the 60 Minutes report after government officials and the smear group Media Matters launched a campaign to discredit it.

Benghazi liar Schiff lets Yovanovitch profane the dead.  Former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch was rightly slammed by Patricia Smith, mother of Sean Smith, a U.S. Foreign Service employee working in Benghazi, Libya, for daring to compare the dangers of a Trump tweet to the terrorist attack that killed her son Sean, Ambassador Chris Stevens, former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, and information officer Glen Doherty. [...] [Yovanovitch is] a political hack appointed by President Barack Hussein Obama, who, along with secretary of state Hillary Clinton, put those people in harm's way in a hostile environment crawling with terrorist base camps, left them there without adequate security, denied their requests for added security, and then sat and watched them die without attempting a rescue.

Since 2016, all that has mattered to most journalists, bureaucrats and other Democrats is getting their power back.  [Scroll down]  When Obama and Hillary didn't lift a finger to save an ambassador and other Democrats under attack in Benghazi, (even though they had no idea how long the attack would last) but had time to concoct a lie about a video to protect their political power, were diplomats and bureaucrats concerned?  Isn't it one of the most deplorable, disgusting things government officials have ever done when Obama, Hillary, Rice and others lied to the public and to the families of those that died by blaming a video instead of telling the truth?  Did anyone see evidence that these liars had empathy for the dead or were they just concerned about political power?  Did Diplomats and bureaucrats feel threatened and intimidated that if the told the truth about Benghazi that bad stuff would happen to them?  Where were the whistleblowers?

Sharyl Attkisson Notices Something Obama Photographer Reveals, in Relation to Benghazi.  As we can see, the Trump administration had no problem publishing the pictures of the situation room during the Baghdadi raid.  And that's on Saturday.  The Obama administration had no problem posting the pictures of the situation room from taking down bin Laden and that's from 2015.  Perhaps [Pete] Souza or someone else in the Obama administration could shed some light on why those Benghazi pictures are still not released since September 2012, some seven years later?

Judicial Watch:  Benghazi Emails Confirm Clinton Email Cover-Up.  On Monday [10/21/2019], Judicial Watch released new emails involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Benghazi controversy that had been covered up for years and that would have exposed Clinton's private email account if they had been released to Judicial Watch in a FOIA request [in] 2014.  One long withheld email, which provides talking points for a call with senators and therefore fits the criteria of records concerning "talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack," should have been disclosed in 2014, but it was hidden from Judicial Watch for years.  "This email is a twofer — it shows Hillary Clinton misled the U.S. Senate on Benghazi and that the State Department wanted to hide the Benghazi connection to the Clinton email scheme," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement.  "Rather than defending her email misconduct, the Justice Department has more than enough evidence to reopen its investigations into Hillary Clinton."

Smoking Gun Proof Hillary Lied Under Oath About Arms Shipments.  On Monday [10/21/2019] Judicial Watch founder Tom Fitton stated that he now has smoking gun documents that show Obama and Clinton were aware arms were going to Syria through Benghazi.  They were also warned about the rise of ISIS.  If you will remember, Hillary insisted on deposing Gaddafi and destroying Libya.  Benghazi was a base for illegal arms running to Syria from Libya.  Hillary Clinton lied about knowledge of the arms shipments under oath, which is a crime.  Fitton believes this may be why General Flynn was so desperately targeted by the Obama Deep State.  Rand Paul alerted Americans about this in 2015 and 2016.

Leftist heroes of the Week?  Hillary, Schiff, and Mitt.  Judicial Watch today [10/22/2019] released documents that prove that Hillary knew for about ten days that the attack on the embassy in Benghazi was planned by terrorists and that it was all about her funneling guns from Libya to Syrian rebels.  She did nothing to protect or save the Americans who died there.  She and the rest of her set protect themselves, enrich themselves, without regard for others.  So America is most certainly at a crossroads.  Will we be governed by the Constitution that has served us well for two hundred and thirty years or by a kakistocracy, a government run by the least qualified, the most unscrupulous people who somehow rise to positions of power?

New Benghazi Documents Confirm Clinton Email Cover-Up.  Judicial Watch today [10/21/2019] released new Clinton emails on the Benghazi controversy that had been covered up for years and would have exposed Hillary Clinton's email account if they had been released when the State Department first uncovered them in 2014. [...] The Clinton email cover-up led to court-ordered discovery into three specific areas:  whether Secretary Clinton's use of a private email server was intended to stymie FOIA; whether the State Department's intent to settle this case in late 2014 and early 2015 amounted to bad faith; and whether the State Department has adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch's request.  The court also authorized discovery into whether the Benghazi controversy motivated the cover-up of Clinton's email.  (The court ruled that the Clinton email system was "one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.")

Susan Rice book airs frustration with being put on air in Clinton's place after Benghazi attack.  "Where is Hillary?"  That was the question then-U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice's mother asked when she told her she would be appearing on all five Sunday morning political shows on Sept. 16, 2012 — just five days after the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  The plan was to appear in place of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, at the White House's request.  "I smell a rat," her mother said.  "This is not a good idea.  Can't you get out of it?"

Judge declares mistrial on 15 charges in Benghazi case.  A U.S. judge has declared a mistrial on 15 remaining charges against a Libyan militant who was found guilty last week of playing an instrumental role in the 2012 Benghazi attacks.

Jury finds second Benghazi militant guilty in 2012 attack.  A federal jury on Thursday [6/13/2019] found a second militant guilty in the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, The Washington Post reported.  Mustafa al-Imam, 47, was found guilty on one count of conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists and one count of destroying government property.  The jury was reportedly deadlocked on 15 other counts, including more serious charges such as murder and attempted murder.

Hey Joe Biden, Here Are Some Scandals You Forgot.  [Scroll down]  Then there was Obama national security advisor Susan Rice, who went on national television and claimed that terrorist attacks against Americans at Benghazi were a "spontaneous reaction" to "hateful and offensive video," even when she knew it was a sophisticated and pre-planned terror attack.  Defenders of free expression were nowhere to be found as the maker of the video was conveniently thrown into jail.

Lara Logan tells riveting untold story:  My Benghazi report was buried to protect the Obama admin and Hillary.  In 2013, then-CBS reporter Lara Logan had an investigative report on the 2012 Benghazi terror attack that was buried and "discredited," reportedly due to the network's mistaken vetting of one eyewitness's account of the incident.  However, according to Logan, the report was disparaged because it was critical of the Obama administration's failure to come to the defense of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and his compound when it was attacked by Islamist terrorists.

The Top 5 Investigations Obstructed by the Obama Administration.  [#1] The investigation of Benghazi and the Hillary Clinton email scandal:  The lies and the cover-up that followed the terrorist attack at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, less than two months before the presidential election, were extraordinary.  Misleading the American people to protect Obama before the election was bad enough, but the cover-up of those lies was truly the coup de grâce of Obama administration obstruction. [...] Senate Democrats also assisted in that obstruction.  According to then-Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy, the committee's investigation was "repeatedly stonewalled by the Obama administration, Ranking Member Elijah Cummings, and Committee Democrats."  According to Gowdy, Democrats on the committee "affirmatively delayed the identification of witnesses and the production of unquestionably relevant documents.  Committee Democrats have not lifted a finger to help the Select Committee speed up its investigation and release a report."

Tom Fitton Sounds the Alarm:  Obama Hack Ben Rhodes Appears to be Defying Court Order Requiring He Answer Questions Under Oath.  In January, Judicial Watch submitted a court-ordered discovery plan seeking depositions of Obama-era officials connected to the Benghazi scandal, including Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes.  The discovery plan stems from a December, 2018 ruling by Judge Royce Lamberth ordering the State Department and DOJ to submit discovery in three areas.  Judge Lamberth called Hillary Clinton's use of the private email server "one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency."  Ben Rhodes is an Obama-era White House deputy strategic communications adviser who attempted to orchestrate a campaign to "reinforce" Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being "rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy," Judicial Watch wrote in a blog post last week.

Judicial Watch Announces Depositions of Obama-Era Officials and Former Hillary Clinton Aides.  Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch announced Wednesday a schedule of depositions of senior Obama-era officials, lawyers and former Hillary Clinton aides.  Thanks to the heavy lifting by Judicial Watch, Judge Royce C. Lamberth ordered these corrupt Obama and Hillary officials to provide answers, under oath, to the watchdog group about the Benghazi and Hillary Clinton email scandals.

Biden's Betrayal of SEALs should Doom His Presidential Run.  [W]hile critics of President Trump's foreign policy accuse him of a degree of recklessness and immaturity that place the nation's security at risk, Biden's service in an administration that gave us the criminal negligence and incompetence of Benghazi, provides us with an example of why he should not be trusted with the nation's security or the lives of its heroes.

Pelosi Docs Show Dems Trying Hard To Cast Benghazi As A 'Conspiracy Theory'.  New documents released from Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi's computer by purported hacker Guccifer 2.0, reveal democratic talking points to counter Republican Benghazi attacks. [...] The first talking point focuses solely on the importance of having diplomats in dangerous places, and makes no mention of the specific circumstances of Benghazi. [...] The second talking point paints any attempt at calling for accountability as "pandering to conspiracy theorists." [...] The third talking point denigrates the Republican led congress for investigating the specific circumstances involving the events of Benghazi.  The talking point also calls for respecting the families of the fallen in Benghazi, in lieu of actually discussing what happened.

Benghazi Survivor: 'Anybody With Half a Brain Can See It Was Due to Political Reasons'.  Last week, United States District Judge Royce Lamberth ordered multiple senior State Department officials under the Obama administration to answer Judicial Watch's questions related to Hillary Clinton's email scandal and the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi.  During Industry Day at the Range at SHOT Show 2019, I had the opportunity to talk with Kris "Tanto" Paronto, one of the men who survived the attack in Benghazi.  Unfortunately, it was so windy at the range that the audio is hard to hear.  But here's what he had to say: [...]

Obama Officials Ordered To Answer In Benghazi Lies, Email Scandal.  On Tuesday [1/15/2019], a federal judge, who is apparently sick and tired of deep state shenanigans, ordered Obama lackeys Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes, along with former Secretary of State Clinton staffers Monica Hanley and Lauren Jiloty, and E.W. (Bill) Priestap, an FBI official who supervised the investigation into Clinton's emails, to answer written questions in what appears to be an attempt to "hoodwink the court."  The case involves a Freedom of Information Act request issued by Judicial Watch concerning the 2012 Benghazi attack in Libya.  Judge Royce Lamberth ruled that these State Department officials, and others must come clean about both the attack, and Clinton's use of an illegal private server.

Judge orders Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes to answer written Benghazi questions in Clinton email lawsuit.  A federal judge ruled Tuesday [1/15/2019] that former national security adviser Susan Rice and former deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes must answer written questions about the State Department's response to the deadly 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya, as part of an ongoing legal battle over whether Hillary Clinton sought to deliberately evade public record laws by using a private email server while secretary of state.  U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth denied a request by the conservative group Judicial Watch to make Rice and Rhodes sit for depositions, but agreed to have them answer written questions.

Pelosi and Warren obviously need a history lesson.  The immoral and corrupt Obama and Hillary left people to die in Benghazi while concocting a lie about a video because their political power was much more important than the truth.  How immoral is it to lie to the families of those who died along with the public because they liked political power?  How immoral is it of Pelosi, Warren, the media, and other Democrats to not care about the lies to the families of those who died?

Federal Judge Rips DOJ and State, Orders Discovery on Clinton Emails.  Royce Lamberth is an outspoken and sometimes controversial federal judge.  Appointed by President Reagan, he has shown no partiality in going after litigants he considers to be malefactors.  This time, it is the State Department and the Department of Justice.  Judge Lamberth is presiding over the lawsuit brought by Judicial Watch against the State Department, asking for emails relating to the Benghazi talking points that were promulgated after that attack.  On Thursday [12/6/2018], he issued an order blasting the federal agencies and authorizing discovery by Judicial Watch, as described below.  In his order, Lamberth sets forth a long effort to deceive Judicial Watch and the court that was orchestrated by State and DOJ.  It may be that we have not yet heard the last of the Clinton email scandal.

Sharyl Attkisson, Veteran Journalist and Government-Fighter, Opens UpStonewalled is the title of investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson's first book — and stonewalling is what the Department of Justice is doing to her now.  Determined to receive justice, she has a landmark lawsuit against the DOJ for electronically surveilling her computers.  Multiple forensics exams have revealed the government-related remote efforts to monitor her.  Government agents most likely did it because she had the "audacity" to dig into facts regarding wasteful green energy spending, as well as the Fast and Furious and Benghazi scandals.  Besides hitting a brick wall with those in the government who want to see the lawsuit eliminated, Attkisson also has to battle the enormous cost in terms of time and money.

The Scandals of the 'Scandal-Free' Obama Administration.  The Fast and Furious scandal was, among other things, about deliberate government gun-running of weapons to Mexico, perhaps in a warped effort to discredit current U.S. firearms laws.  The Benghazi debacle involved a cover-up of a preplanned terrorist hit on our consulate, an attack that was possible only because it was well known that the consulate's security was lax.  The Benghazi cover-up involved U.N. ambassador Susan Rice lying five times on national television in a single day, when she claimed that the terrorist operation was the result of a spontaneous riot over a video.  And to justify that reelection-cycle concoction, the video maker, a foreign resident on U.S. soil, was summarily jailed on a trumped-up probation charge.

DOJ New Benghazi Probe:  Five Hillary Clinton Emails That Led to Ambassador Chris Stevens Death.  As the Department of Justice slow-walks it's [sic] new probe into the criminal enterprises of the Clinton Foundation and the Clintons' collusion with Russia on the Uranium One Deal, according to an observer of the Deep State and Democratic Party shenanigans.  "There may yet be an indictable offense Hillary and others will.face," said former counter-terrorism unit police detective, James Briggs.  Five emails were discovered among the thousands obtained or destroyed concerning an issue Hillary hoped would just go away:  The Battle of Benghazi!  In an email previously released regarding Hillary's Benghazi investigation — and one totally ignored by her propagandists in the national news media — there was one specific message that detailed the exact location of the late Chris Stevens, the U.S. Ambassador to Libya.

Barack, you will NOT revise history of Benghazi terrorist attacks.  The Benghazi Islamic terrorist attacks which is not and will never be a conspiracy theory occurred on Barack Obama's watch.  Obama could not be bothered with what was unfolding because he had more important things in mind like fund-raising and getting re-elected.  And so began the cover-up of the Islamic terrorist attacks watched in real-time by Obama, then Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and others on the U S Consulate and CIA safe house in Benghazi, Libya which hours later.

Insulting Islam [is] Now Illegal in Europe.  On September 25, 2012, two weeks after the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, President Barack Obama stood before the United Nations General Assembly and said the following:  "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."  I didn't like this at the time, because I saw it as a capitulation to Islamic terrorists.  Less than a month after his own ambassador was murdered, the president of the United States told the whole world:  "Hey, free speech is great and everything, but if you hurt the feelings of these guys, you deserve whatever you get."  He lied about the reasons for the Benghazi attack, blaming it on a stupid YouTube video that had nothing to do with it, and then he doubled down in the most shameless way imaginable.  He betrayed American ideals because he couldn't or wouldn't admit he was wrong.  And it worked.  A few weeks later Obama was reelected, which was the only thing he cared about.

State Department provided 'clearly false' statements to derail requests for Clinton docs, 'shocked' federal judge says.  In a combative exchange at a hearing Friday [10/12/2018] in Washington, D.C., a federal judge unabashedly accused career State Department officials of lying and signing "clearly false" affidavits to derail a series of lawsuits seeking information about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server and her handling of the 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth also said he was "shocked" and "dumbfounded" when he learned that FBI had granted immunity to former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills during its investigation into the use of Clinton's server, according to a court transcript of his remarks.

Why are the media so interested in the Khashoggi death over so many other deaths?  The media and other Democrats are extremely concerned about missing Jamal Khashoggi, as they should be, and they believe that the Saudis murdered him.  I am just curious why they had so little concern about other people who have been killed and why there is so much coverage about Khashoggi in comparison.  On Dec. 14, 2010, border guard Brian Terry was murdered with an AK-47 provided by the Obama administration.  President Obama and his attorney general, Eric Holder, improperly withheld information from Congress for years, showing they had little empathy at all for Terry, while journalists throughout the country and other Democrats generally didn't care.

Federal Court Orders Hearing in Judicial Watch Case Seeking Testimony of Hillary Clinton.  Judicial Watch announced today that a federal court ordered a hearing for Friday, October 12, regarding a request for testimony under oath from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills and several other State Department officials about Clinton email searches in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit about the Benghazi terrorist attack.

Navy SEAL who killed bin Laden: 'We believe the survivors.  Unless they fought in Benghazi'.  Robert O'Neill, the famous Navy SEAL who helped kill Osama bin Laden, says the "believe survivors" refrain surrounding Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh's accuser is never used in conjunction with the 2012 Benghazi terror attack.  The SEAL Team 6 member who took out the United States' most wanted terrorist during operation Neptune's Spear added some military perspective this weekend to the controversy surrounding President Trump's top pick to the U.S. Supreme Court.  Mr. O'Neill asked his social media followers why sexual misconduct allegations — like those leveled by California college professor Christine Blasey Ford towards Judge Kavanaugh — are supposed to be believed wholesale by the public, while Benghazi terror attack survivors like Kris Paronto are seemingly ignored.

Benghazi Hero:  I'm Not Going To Let Barack Hussein Obama Rewrite The History Of Benghazi.  Benghazi hero Kris "Tanto" Paronto was suspended from Twitter last week after he blasted Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, aka Barry Soetoro, for referring to Benghazi as a "conspiracy theory."  He appeared on NRATV with Dana Loesch to respond to the suspension and later on Infowars to talk about wanting to choke Obama through his television during the Obama's speech.  The tweet, which went viral, was a short response to the lies of Barry.

Obama-Hillary Fired Benghazi Heroes When they Got to Germany — Made Them Find Their Own Way Back to US.  Barack Obama knew about the Benghazi Consulate terror attacks 90 minutes after they began on 9-11. [...] FOX News Special Report said the president knew about the attacks three hours after they began.  Obama went to bed.  US military contractors battled Islamist extremists for 13 hours while Obama slept.  The attack in Benghazi took place in two waves at the consulate and lasted several hours.

Benghazi:  Six years later.  Today marks the sixth anniversary of the terrorist attack on the State Department outpost in Benghazi, Libya.  Six years later and the news media is still providing cover fire for the feckless incompetence of the Obama administration.  Six years later and we still do not know what the President and Commander-in-Chief was doing while Americans fought and died in Benghazi.

Hillary could have saved Benghazi lives.  Although Hillary Clinton would probably repeat her infamous comment during her Benghazi testimony, "At this point, what difference does it make?," the truth always matters, and the truth is, as an Air Force source has just confirmed, that there was in fact a Benghazi rescue mission literally ready to take off, and the Obama-Clinton administration said no.

It's called "gaslighting," and Obama isn't very good at it.
Obama Calls Benghazi A Wild Conspiracy Theory.  Benghazi Hero Levels Him.  Former President Barack Obama suggested on Friday [9/7/2018] that outrage over the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi — which resulted in the deaths of four Americans — was a result of "wild conspiracy theories."  Obama, trying to help the Democrats in the 2018 midterms, attacked President Donald Trump while speaking at the University of Illinois where he accepted the Paul H. Douglas Award for Ethics in Government.  "But over the past few decades, the politics of division and resentment and paranoia has unfortunately found a home in the Republican party," Obama said.  Obama then attacked Republican members of Congress, accusing them of embracing "wild conspiracy theories like those surrounding Benghazi."

Twitter Suspends Benghazi Hero For Mocking Obama, Liberals.  Twitter suspended former Army Ranger and Benghazi hero Kris Paronto over the weekend for mocking former President Barack Obama and liberals after another Twitter account claimed that Obama killed Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.  The incident happened after a far-left Twitter account told Robert J. O'Neill — the Navy SEAL who is credited with killing bin Laden — that it was Obama who killed the Islamic terrorist.

Obama's Benghazi Body Bags No Mere Conspiracy Theory.  The arrogance of the man who lied to the parents of the Benghazi dead in front of their sons' caskets as they were returned to the country they fought for is mind-boggling.  As he attempted to rewrite many chapters of his failed presidency in a speech at the University of Illinois, he called the accurate and documented reports of the criminal negligence of secretary of state Hillary Clinton and himself during the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on our Benghazi compound a mere "conspiracy theory."

Freed From Twitter Jail, Benghazi Hero Kris Paronto Thanks Trump Jr.  For Powerful Obama Smackdown.  In his campaign speech on Friday [9/7/2018], former president Barack Obama dismissed Republican "wild conspiracy theories, like those surrounding Benghazi."  Benghazi survivor Kris Paronto naturally took offense, and soon found himself suspended on Twitter.  Donald Trump Jr. later joined in denouncing Obama's remarks, earning thanks from Paronto.  After Obama's attack on Benghazi "conspiracy theories," the Benghazi survivor blasted the former president on Twitter.

Judge Jeanine Risks It All Exposing Mueller's Big Benghazi Secret & 4 Dead Americans.  Judge Jeanine Pirro took off the gloves and risked it all, exposing former FBI Director Robert Mueller's big Benghazi secret which rocked our nation and left four dead Americans.  Judge Jeanine held nothing back as she bravely put herself directly in the line of fire with Mueller.  She hammered him so hard, revealing his past alleged crimes that will utterly blow you away.  [Video clip]

First They Came for Alex Jones.  [Scroll down]  Even more shameful was the media's treatment of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula in 2012. Needing to blame something other than her own incompetence for the assault on the Benghazi consulate, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton released a memo the night of the attack indicting some "inflammatory material posted on the Internet."  Nakoula, an American citizen, produced the video that allegedly did the inflaming.  Nakoula was vulnerable.  He had been arrested years earlier for a check-kiting scheme and cooperated quietly with the feds.  To protect him, the feds sealed the document.  After Benghazi, the Obama DoJ promptly unsealed it and leaked it to the New York Times.  The Times reported on Nakoula's earlier conviction just three days after the smoke had cleared in Benghazi.  The release of this information exposed Nakoula to harassment by the media and reprisal from the ringleader of the check-kiting operation.  Once he was identified, the Times and the other media camped out in front of Nakoula's California house, not to protect him from the death threats he was facing, but to join in the manhunt.

Brennan, CIA 'Kool-Aid drinkers' blasted by Benghazi terror survivor.  Benghazi terror attack survivor Kris Paronto made it clear this week that he won't be defending former CIA director John Brennan anytime soon.  The former Army Ranger and CIA contractor who lived to tell the tale of the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, said Mr. Brennan essentially got off easy when President Trump revoked his security clearance.  Mr. Paronto lost his security clearance years ago for telling his account of the attack.

Hillary Couldn't Remember Benghazi Ambassador's Name.  Former ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, an Obama appointee whose name popped up on the target list of Vladimir Putin in response to the meaningless Mueller indictment of 12 Russian spies, has tweeted out a "thank you" to former secretary of state Hillary Clinton for her "defense" of him.  He is luckier than Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was unavailable for comment, since Hillary Clinton abandoned him in Benghazi along with Ty Woods, Sean Smith, and Glen Dougherty, and who was murdered in a terrorist attack Hillary and the entire Obama administration blamed on a video.

Benghazi Survivor Drops Hot Fire After Hillary Attacks Trump For Not 'Defending' US Ambassadors.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attacked President Trump for not "defending a diplomat" who "has spent his career standing up for America" on Thursday [7/19/2018].  Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul — the diplomat in question — was among the group of American officials that Russia sought to question in connection with a fraudulent scheme to launder hundreds of millions of dollars out of Russia to help fund Hillary Clinton's campaign.  The Trump administration has yet to disclose its position on the case.

Alleged mastermind of Benghazi attacks sentenced to 22 years in prison.  A Libyan militant who prosecutors portrayed as the mastermind behind the deadly 2012 attacks on U.S. government facilities in Benghazi was sentenced by a federal judge to 22 years in prison on Wednesday [6/27/2018], according to a statement from the Justice Department.  Ahmed Abu Khattala, 47, was convicted by a jury in November of four counts related to the attack on a CIA compound that killed four Americans including a U.S. ambassador.  Charges included conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists.

There's a huge difference between the Trump and Clinton probes.  Clinton's core wrongdoing was publicly established fact from the start — whereas the Trump investigation has always been an effort to find out if there was any wrongdoing.  It was actually the House Select Committee on Benghazi that started asking questions after a hacker unveiled Clinton's e-mails with Sidney Blumenthal.  Some of those e-mails were related to the 2012 Benghazi attack yet had never been handed over to investigators in all the many Benghazi probes.

Five Reasons for Conservatives to Boycott Netflix.  [Reason #2] Susan Rice on the board of directors.  What does she bring to the table other than her ability to tell brazen whoppers designed to cover up political incompetence and malfeasance?  Rice, who was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and former president Barack Obama's national security adviser, is infamous for making politically convenient but provably false comments to the press.  In the wake of the September 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya, for instance, she appeared on five Sunday talk shows and characterized it as a "spontaneous demonstration" that got out of hand.  The administration already had intelligence indicating that it was a pre-planned terrorist attack.  Also, in June 2014, she declared preposterously on national television that Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl had served in the Army with "honor and distinction."

10 Days In Advance Of Benghazi Attack, New Documents Show Obama Knew It Was Coming.  Following a court order and a Freedom of Information Act request, documents from the Defense Department show that they knew there was a plan to attack Benghazi a full ten days before it happened.  One hundred pages of documents that were previously classified as "secret" by the DOD and the State Department show that the White House knew that both Al Qaeda and a group linked to the Muslim Brotherhood had spent more than a week planning the attack which took place on September 12th, 2012.  The Battle of Benghazi began in the early hours of the morning and resulted in the deaths of CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty along with Ambassador Chris Stevens and Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith.

If Ambassador Stevens Had Lived, the Benghazi Child Trafficking Practices Would've Been Revealed.  On May 1, 2014, Tosh Plumlee told Alex Jones and his audience that he has firsthand knowledge of US gun running and ancillary drug running to support Black Ops operations in the Middle East. [...] The implication is that the same thing was going on at the time of Ambassador Stevens death in that Stevens was running guns to al-Qaeda.  Please, Mr. Plumlee, tell us something that we do not know!  Mr. Plumlee, I printed the same allegations in November of 2012. [...] By admitting to what we already know to be true, Plumlee, in my humble opinion, is conveying the message that there is nothing else to learn about the death of Stevens as it was a gun running operation, period!  This is just not true.  This article will reveal new insider information that there is a lot more to learn about the goings on at Benghazi and how it will shake this country to the core once the details are known.

Benghazi suspect convicted on four lesser counts, does not face death penalty.  A federal jury found Ahmed Abu Khattala guilty Tuesday [11/28/2017] on just four of 18 charges related to the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, precluding him from facing the death penalty.  Khattala, 46, was convicted of two counts of conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, one count of maliciously destroying U.S. property and placing lives in danger, and one count of using and carrying a semiautomatic weapon during the attack.  He faces a mandatory minimum of 10 years in prison for the firearms offense and could still receive a life sentence.

When Clinton Donors Prosecute And Judge Trump Associates.  In May, U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson dismissed a lawsuit by the families of the victims of Benghazi against Hillary Clinton.  Judge Jackson decided that the families couldn't sue Hillary either for wrongful death or for defamation.  That isn't too surprising as Jackson is a former Clinton donor who had been appointed by Obama.  And a Clinton donor should never have been ruling on a Clinton case.

Man Seized Over Benghazi Attack Is Syrian Linked To Suspected Ringleader:  Libyan Officials.  A man seized by U.S. forces in Libya accused of involvement in an attack that killed the U.S. Ambassador in Benghazi in 2012 is a Syrian who had links to the suspected ringleader, Libyan military officials said on Tuesday [10/31/2017].  U.S. special forces captured Mustafa al-Imam in the past few days and he is being transported to the United States, U.S. officials said on Monday [10/30/2017], without giving more details.

Court Hears Graphic Evidence Detailing Benghazi Compound Attack.  Government witnesses in the trial of Ahmed Abu Khattala testified Tuesday [10/3/2017] in graphic detail about the bloody attacks on U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya, while defense attorneys worked to raise doubt that the defendant masterminded the 2012 strikes that killed four Americans.

Trial begins for suspect in Benghazi attack.  Prosecutors and defense lawyers gave starkly different portrayals on Monday of Ahmed Abu Khattala, the alleged mastermind of the 2012 attacks on U.S. outposts in Benghazi, Libya, that killed ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

Dude, That Was Five Years Ago:  Back to Benghazi.  The problem with the Congressional investigations into the Incident at Benghazi is that they keep going around in circles.  There have been multiple Congressional investigations into the Incident at Benghazi, yet we do not know the answers to three fundamental questions any police detective would ask about a murder.  It's the same problem with many editors.  They are reluctant to run stories about what happened at Benghazi because there is nothing new to add.  But there is nothing new to add because reporters do not want to answer the old questions that should have been asked from the beginning about any murder.  How did the victim die?  Who killed him?  What was the motive?

Hillary Practices Alternate Reality Thinking.  [Scroll down]  The trick is in not getting caught.  Hillary was never that good at not getting caught.  Instead of some elaborate cover-up scheme, she would simply 'lose' the Rose law firm files or misplace the FBI confidential reports on political opponents.  She would pretend that it made no difference that her malicious placing of politics over the security of State Department employees cost the lives of 4 Americans in Benghazi. [...] In a strange way, it has worked for her, propelling her almost all the way to the top.  Partly because the media covered for her, as they do all left-wing Democrats.  Partly because those in a position to publicly expose her nefarious deeds were too afraid, or too dead, to do so.

Did Susan Rice Lie, Again?  [Scroll down]  "I know nothing" is old and broke.  The new hotness is, "Yeah, I did it, and it was totally cool."  But I'm sorry, Susan Rice doesn't get the benefit of the doubt.  I'm having Benghazi flashbacks.  In September 2012, faced with a bad news cycle following a horrific terrorist attack, Rice went on national television and told falsehood after falsehood.  To keep a campaign narrative alive for just a few more days (remember, Obama was running as the guy who had decimated al-Qaeda), she helped transform a setback into a scandal.  After all, Americans understand that sometimes terrorists succeed.  We do not understand (and should never accept) any decision to lie to minimize the threat.

Hillary Knew Benghazi Security Was in Shambles, Demanded Security Firm Silence.  So much is still unknown about the terrorist attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi and every time we learn a little more, the official state department, protect Hillary and protect Obama story crumbles a little bit more.  The latest revelation is that not only did the state department know that U.S. Benghazi security was in shambles and they hired a different security company to take over security too late to provide security for the attack, but the state dept. warned that new company they better keep silent about what they knew and what the state department knew.

Clinton laments how Benghazi tragedy hurt her politically.  Hillary Clinton seemed to add Benghazi to her already-long list of culprits to blame for her upset loss to Donald Trump last November, on the heels of the five-year anniversary of the terror attack.  In her first live interview since the election timed with the release of her new memoir "What Happened," Clinton on Wednesday [9/13/2017] brought up the controversy over the Benghazi terror attack in response to a question about her likability.  Clinton said she was unfairly criticized, even suggesting the incident was no different than past tragedies dating back to the Reagan administration.

Sorry, Hillary, But Benghazi Isn't Going Away.  I'm glad Hillary Clinton isn't president, and I enjoy the despair of the poor souls who think she should be.  But that isn't sufficient justice for what she's done.  She gets to waddle around promoting her latest stupid book, she gets to bask in the adulation of Democrats and the media (pardon the redundancy), while her uselessness, dishonesty, and flat-out lawlessness continues to go unpunished.  As this awful woman reminds America why we don't like her as a person, it's worthwhile to remember that she's also inept and duplicitous in her professional life.

Benghazi victim's mother slams Clinton for calling attack fallout 'political'.  The mother of one of the victims of the 2012 Benghazi terror attack slammed Hillary Clinton on Wednesday for calling the criticism she faced in connection with the tragedy "political."  "I don't see how it was political in any way — it was Hillary's baby from day one.  She ordered all that stuff, and then she went to bed when [the attack] was going on," said Pat Smith, the mother of U.S. Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, who was killed along with Ambassador Christopher Stevens and Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

Clinton laments how Benghazi tragedy hurt her politically.  Hillary Clinton seemed to add Benghazi to her already-long list of culprits to blame for her upset loss to Donald Trump last November, on the heels of the five-year anniversary of the terror attack.  In her first live interview since the election timed with the release of her new memoir "What Happened," Clinton on Wednesday brought up the controversy over the Benghazi terror attack in response to a question about her likability.  Clinton said she was unfairly criticized, even suggesting the incident was no different than past tragedies dating back to the Reagan administration.

Benghazi contractors told to stay quiet on security flaws by Clinton's State Department.  Who they are:  Jerry Torres and Brad Owens of Torres AES, a security contractor that specializes in embassy and consulate security in high-threat regions. [...] Why it matters now:  Owen and Torres said they are still concerned about this issue because the same people who were in the State Department then are still in their positions now.  And because the State Department can legally hire the lowest bidder for security contracts at embassies, attacks like Benghazi could conceivably happen again.

Contractors say Clinton State Department silenced them on Benghazi security lapses.  Security at the State Department's Benghazi compound was so dire that another contractor was brought in to clean up the mess just two weeks before the 2012 terror attack — and was later pressured to keep quiet by a government bureaucrat under then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, according to two men from the American security company.  Brad Owens and Jerry Torres, of Torres Advanced Enterprise Solutions, say they faced pressure to stay silent and get on the same page with the State Department with regard to the security lapses that led to the deaths of four Americans.

Federal Judge Orders State Dept To Search Hillary Aides' Accounts For Benghazi Records.  The search for State Department emails regarding the Sept. 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks received a boost this week when a federal judge ordered the agency to search the government email accounts of several Hillary Clinton aides.  Washington D.C. District Court Judge Amit Mehta, an Obama appointee, ordered State to search the accounts of Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan, Clinton's top aides at the State Department, in response to a lawsuit filed by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.  Mehta said that the State Department did not do enough to search for all emails it has on its computer systems regarding the Benghazi attacks, which left four Americans dead.

Federal Judge Orders State Department to Search for Clinton's Benghazi Emails.  Nine months after Hillary Clinton was defeated by Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, a federal judge is ordering the State Department to make another attempt in locating Clinton's missing emails about the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack. [...] Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, said the State Department's initial search was not good enough because it didn't search the email accounts of Clinton's top aides for relevant messages pertaining to Benghazi.  Mehta, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, agreed with Judicial Watch in a 10-page ruling.

Report: Susan Rice Committed At Least 3 Crimes.  I may not be an attorney, but Gregg Jarrett is.  According to him, it's likely that corrupt Obama hack Susan Rice, better known as the Benghazi liar has committed at least three crimes while illegally unmasking millions of Americans for political purposes.

Fox Legal Expert:  Susan Rice Committed 3 Crimes..." Better Get Herself a Good Criminal Defense Attorney".  FOX News Legal Expert Gregg Jarrett dropped a bomb on Susan Rice when he said she likely committed three crimes.  Jarrett was on with Sara Carter of Circa News when he made the claim of criminal behavior by Rice.

Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice Says She's a Victim of Racism and Sexism.  Former national security adviser and UN ambassador Susan Rice refuses to go quietly into retirement, even though she remains one of the most controversial figures of the Obama Administration.  Now, thanks to a glowing profile in New York Magazine, we know that despite Susan Rice's very public shortcomings (whatever happened to that dastardly filmmaker who spurred violence across the Middle East, anyway?), she believes any criticism of her tenure is at least partly the result of racism and sexism.

Lawsuit claiming Hillary Clinton was 'directly responsible' for the death of two Americans during the Benghazi attack is thrown out.  A suit blaming Hillary Clinton for the deaths of two Americans during the 2012 Benghazi attack in Libya has been thrown out.  A federal judge dismissed the claims leveled against Clinton by Patricia Smith — the mother of Sean Smith — and Charles Woods — father of Tyrone Woods on Friday [5/26/2017].

Severed Heads.  Susan Rice managed to be at the center of almost every major Obama-administration scandal involving national security.  She lied repeatedly on national television about the cause and nature of the Benghazi killings. [...] By any fair measure, Rice at some point deserved to be fired.  Instead, after the Benghazi debacle, she was promoted from U.N. ambassador to national-security adviser, a post in which she served a full term.

Court Rules Trump State Dept Must Release Clinton Emails of Obama Response to Benghazi.  Despite legal pleadings from the Trump State Department, Judge Amy Berman Jackson of the U.S. District Court for D.C., has ordered the department to release eight paragraphs from emails sent by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sept. 12, 2012 "regarding phone calls made by President Barack Obama to Egyptian and Libyan leaders immediately following the terrrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi," reported Judicial Watch.  In the Sept. 11, 2012 Benghazi attack by Islamic radicals, 4 American personnel were murdered, including our ambassador, Chris Stevens.  In addition, for weeks following the attack, the Obama administration and Secretary Clinton falsely claimed the assault was caused by an anti-Muslim video posted on TouTube.

You Gotta Lie.  In the case of Benghazi, most Americans would not fault an obscure video for causing scripted rioting and death at an American consulate and CIA annex.  They would hardly believe that a policy of maintaining deliberately thin security at U.S. facilities would encourage reciprocal local good will in the Middle East.  They would not agree that holding back American rescue forces was a wise move likely to forestall an international confrontation or escalation.  In other words, Americans wanted their consulate in Benghazi well fortified and protected from seasoned terrorists, and they favored rapid deployment of maximum relief forces in times of crises — but, unfortunately, these were not the agendas of the Obama administration.  So, to disguise that unpleasant reality, Americans were treated to Susan Rice's yarns about a spontaneous, unexpected riot that was prompted by a right-wing video, and endangered Americans far beyond the reach of U.S. military help.

Susan Rice Is a Horrible Liar, 'Incidentally' Speaking.  Rice is not, not yet, speaking under oath, so perhaps it doesn't really matter what she says.  Everyone knows by now that she has a habit of economy when it comes to the truth.  After the Benghazi massacre, which left four Americans, including a U.S. ambassador, dead, Rice was paraded around the TV shows.  With a straight face, she explained that the murderous attack by Islamic radicals was in fact a spontaneous uprising in response to a sophomoric Internet video about Mohammed.  She knew that was a lie, but it was the story that the Obama administration wanted peddled, so she peddled it.

Benghazi Liar Susan Rice's Treachery Continues.  If Susan Rice had worked for Richard Nixon, she could have been one of his Watergate "plumbers", perhaps retiring as plumber emeritus.  We are all familiar with Susan Rice's tour of the Sunday talk shows after the Benghazi terrorist attack.  That was no accident, but a calculated part of the Obama administration's disinformation campaign to protect President Obama's reelection chances and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's chances to be Obama's successor in the White House.

Susan Rice is the Wrong Person to Attack Trump's Credibility.  In a recent opinion column for The Washington Post, former United Nations ambassador and national security advisor to Barack Obama, Susan Rice, had the temerity to lecture President Donald Trump about telling the truth.  She writes that "our friends must be able to trust the word of the U.S. president."  This extends far beyond hypocrisy coming from a person who visited five Sunday talk shows to peddle administration falsehoods about the 2012 terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya.  In addition, she served in those positions during a period of other disastrous foreign policy decisions — deceptively sold to the American people — such as the Iran nuclear deal and the entire Libyan debacle.

Woman Who Blamed Benghazi Attack On YouTube Video Says Trump White House 'Twists The Truth'.  Remember Susan Rice?  She's the woman the Obama administration rushed out to no less than five Sunday news shows after the Benghazi terror attack to blame it all on a YouTube video.  It was a complete lie and this woman has no credibility at all.  Now she's attacking the Trump White House over truthfulness.

Susan Rice Lectures Trump About Making False Statements.  The Obama administration official who misled the American public on national television about the Benghazi attacks is out with a new op-ed lecturing President Trump about contorting "the facts."  Writing at The Washington Post, Susan Rice, the national security advisor under Obama, chastised Trump for his claims in recent weeks that the Obama administration wiretapped his offices during the presidential campaign.

When President Obama's National Security Advisor Lied, The Media Laughed.  [Scroll down]  The day after Hillary Clinton's deputy had that call with key Capitol Hill staffers, including advisors to senators Durbin, Feinstein, and McGaskill, to dispute the notion the attack was about an anti-Muslim video, here's what Carney said:  "I think it's important to note with regards to that protest that there are protests taking place in different countries across the world that are responding to the movie that has circulated on the Internet.  As Secretary Clinton said today, the United States government had nothing to do with this movie.  We reject its message and its contents.  We find it disgusting and reprehensible."  On September 14, hours before the remains of the Benghazi victims would arrive at Andrews Air Force Base, Carney was still blaming the video.  Just steps from the Oval Office, Carney opened his briefing with this:  "First of all, we are obviously closely monitoring developments in the region today.  You saw that following the incidents in response to this video, the president directed the administration to take a number of steps to prepare for continued unrest."  Carney went on to mention the video/film/movie another 30 times during his briefing.  He stuck with his story even after some reporters pushed back, citing other sources who said it was indeed a pre-mediated attack.

New FOIA release:  Obama admin knew immediately Benghazi was "direct breaching" terror attack, not "under cover of protest".  Perhaps the subject of the terror attack on the US consulate in Benghazi will become more academic than political after the 2016 election denied Hillary Clinton the presidency.  For now, though, documents continue to emerge that contradict the narrative created by Hillary and the Barack Obama White House about the nature of the attack.  Yesterday, Judicial Watch received 54 more pages from its FOIA lawsuits and came across a bombshell buried in them.  Notes of a State Department briefing for Congressional aides on the day after the attack show Undersecretary Patrick Kennedy acknowledging that the attack was not a protest gone bad, or even an attack under the cover of protest.  It was, Kennedy told the Congressional aides, "a direct breaching attack."

Obama's biggest whoppers.  [For example,] "The day after Benghazi happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism."  Obama did refer to an "act of terror" in the immediate aftermath of the 2012 Benghazi attacks, but in vague terms, wrapped in a patriotic fervor.  He never affirmatively stated that the American ambassador died because of an "act of terror."  Then, over a period of two weeks, given three opportunities in interviews to affirmatively agree that the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack, the president obfuscated or ducked the question. So this was a case of taking revisionist history too far for political reasons.

FBI Dumps 300 Hillary Pages of Documents on Sunday Night.  The FBI published around 300 pages of documents associated with Hillary Clinton's email investigation on Sunday night [1/8/2017] when the most of us enjoyed football, hockey, or the Golden Globes. [...] Back in October, reports surfaced over possible "quid pro quo" between the State Department and FBI over the reclassification of the emails.  An FBI official said that Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy bribed him to change some of the emails.  Kennedy said "in exchange for marking the email unclassified, STATE would reciprocate by allowing the FBI to place more Agents in countries where they are presently forbidden. [...] Kennedy tried to convince the officials "to issue a B9 FOIA exemption on another email that 'caused problems for Kennedy' so that it would 'end up in the basement' 'never to be seen again.'"  Yeah, that email had to do with the Benghazi attacks.

Hillary Begs For Benghazi Lawsuit Dismissal While Plaintiffs Blast "Special Favors" For "Political Elite".  Even though Trump has said he won't pursue a criminal investigation of Hillary's email situation, her past demons just won't seem to fade quietly into the night.  One federal case that is still open was filed by the mothers of the Benghazi soldiers who claim Hillary intentionally lied to them to progress a convenient political narrative and subsequently attacked their character when that narrative was revealed to be completely fabricated.

House Benghazi Committee Files [Its] Final Report and Shuts Down.  The House committee investigating the 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. compound at Benghazi, Libya, has quietly shut down, more than five months after it released its findings — timing that Democrats said proved its only purpose was to embarrass Hillary Clinton.  Four Americans were killed in the attack in September 2012, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.  Clinton was secretary of state at the time, and her use of a private email server emerged during investigations of the attack.

The Editor says...
The rest of the article above, and even the part excerpted here, sounds like it was written by a Democrat activist.  The Benghazi scandal is still riddled with unanswered questions, the most embarrassing of which is, "What was Barack H. Obama doing that night, where was he, and who was with him?"  The answers, whatever they are, are shocking enough to keep them secret even to this day.  The committee may have shut down, but the whole matter is still an unresolved scandal that got four men killed, for which no one has paid any great price, except perhaps for Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.

Trying to Count ALL of Hillary and Obama's Lies is Awfully Tough.  Last week, Deroy Murdock at the National Review did his level best to count out ALL of the times that President Obama and Hillary Clinton have lied about what really happened in Benghazi.  Murdock found the task truly daunting, and it got worse as he went deeper into the morass of lies woven by the two immoral liberals.  Murdock details some of the biggest lies that have oozed out of the Obama team's gaping maws and has found that the one consistent theme of the Obama response has been — lie, lie and lie again.

Benghazi's Unconnected Dots.  The attack on the US government facilities in Benghazi, Libya on September 12, 2012 by radical Islamic militias and the death of four American was both an act of war and a national tragedy.  In foreign policy terms, however, it was still just one scene in a larger international tapestry, a yet not entirely clear complex sequence of events.

Clinton Asks Judge to Toss Case Filed by Parents of Benghazi Victims.  While Hillary Clinton might be taking some time off post-election to reflect, her attorneys have been hard at work the last few days drafting a motion to dismiss a defamation case filed by the parents of two victims of the 2012 Benghazi, Libya attacks.  In the motion, Clinton contends that she never called the parents "liars," and asks a federal judge to dismiss the case.  "Secretary Clinton's statements show compassion and respect for Plaintiffs by highlighting 'the continuing grief' and 'the incredible sense of loss' they must have been experiencing," Clinton's attorney, David Kendall, wrote in a 20 page motion to dismiss the lawsuit.

Benghazi: Set Up For Failure And Knowingly Abandoned By America.  There is a deep, dark history in the engagement at Benghazi.  I've covered it exhaustively, but I'll rehearse only a few details since there are just-released revelations we must cover.  Within 24 hours, my own military readers knew precisely that this was the result of a well-planned, well-coordinated combined-arms attack with the use of crew served weapons (see Dirty Mick's comment and others).  The administration knew that as well, but the reason they didn't acknowledge it has now been revealed.  But we're getting ahead of ourselves.  I knew that there was a QRF that could have responded, I just couldn't prove it, or demonstrate where they were and what happened.  Eventually it all began to drip out (secrets cannot be long hidden, the truth eventually finds a way to see the light).

Benghazi guards turned on US diplomats in 2012 attack, sources say.  An obscure private firm hired by the State Department over internal objections to protect U.S. diplomats in Benghazi just months before the American ambassador and three others were killed was staffed with hastily recruited locals with terror ties who helped carry out the attack, multiple sources told Fox News.  The explosive charge against Wales-based Blue Mountain Group comes from several sources, including an independent security specialist who has implemented training programs at U.S. Consulates around the world, including in Benghazi, where he trained a local militia that preceded Blue Mountain.  The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Blue Mountain used local newspaper ads to assemble a team of 20 guards, many of whom had terror ties, after securing a $9.2 million annual contract.

Hacked Hillary Emails Reveal She Knowingly Delayed Benghazi Rescue.  Hillary Clinton refused to send help as the terrifying Benghazi attacks unfolded, according to messages allegedly hacked from her email server and distributed by Russian operatives.  RadarOnline has obtained a report about the allegedly hacked messages that was created by Italy's foreign intelligence agency, or the Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna, after a meeting with their Russian counterparts on October 22.  (These files were written in Italian, and then translated by a respected New York City professor of the language.)  One section of the report deals with September 2012 — the same month as the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, and three others.  In an alleged message from Clinton to top aide Huma Abedin, the secretary made it clear she wasn't going to rush to take action.

State Department, FBI Are Missing Communications Between Hillary Clinton and White House During Benghazi Attack.  The State Department claimed in court that it does not have any communications between Hillary Clinton and the Obama White House during the day and week of Benghazi, even though records show that those communications took place.  The FBI does not have those communications either, according to court documents.

Hillary Emails So Bad Clinton Campaign Wanted Public To Focus On Benghazi Instead.  While Hillary Clinton's campaign staffers have publicly attempted to downplay the scandal around her use of a private email server while secretary of state, they acknowledged in private just how damaging the issue could be to Clinton's political aspirations.  Leaked emails reveal the Clinton campaign actually wanted reporters and the public to focus on the 2012 Benghazi terror attacks — considered one of the darker marks on Hillary's record as secretary of state — instead of on the private email server.  The emails show a pattern of campaign staffers working to keep the public focus on the Benghazi attacks that left four Americans dead, including U.S. ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens.

FBI Finds Up To 30 Deleted Benghazi Emails Clinton Did Not Turn Over.  Government lawyers told U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta today that some of the 30 recovered emails relating to Benghazi — they didn't say now many — were not included in the 55,000 pages previously provided by Clinton.  The State Department's lawyer also told the judge that the Department needs until the end of September to review the emails and redact potentially classified information before they are released.  Judge Mehta was skeptical.  He questioned why it would take so long to release so few documents, urged that the process be expedited, and ordered the department to report to him in a week with more details about why the review process would take a full month.

FBI recovered 30 new Clinton emails related to Benghazi, State Department says.  The State Department says about 30 emails that may be related to the 2012 attack on U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya, are among the thousands of Hillary Clinton emails recovered during the FBI's recently closed investigation into her use of a private server.  Government lawyers told U.S. District Court Judge Amit P. Mehta Tuesday [11/1/2016] that an undetermined number of the emails among the 30 were not included in the 55,000 pages previously provided by Clinton.  The State Department's lawyer said it would need until the end of September to review the emails and redact potentially classified information before they are released.

Hillary's Email Server Technician Secretly 'Retrieved' Emails From Her 2008 Campaign Staff.  Newly released WikiLeaks emails provide a new theory — offered by a 2008 Hillary Clinton campaign official — for why Clinton's private email server technician, Bryan Pagliano, avoided testifying to Congress last year by invoking his Fifth Amendment rights.  "Bryan was the one who retrieved all our emails for Maura to read," Neera Tanden, Clinton's 2008 policy director, wrote to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta in a a Sept. 3, 2015 email released on Thursday [11/3/2016] by WikiLeaks.  "Maybe that is why he's avoiding testifying," she added.  News broke that same day that Pagliano, who was the 2008 campaign's IT director, would take the Fifth instead of testifying in front of the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

U.S. Knew of 10 Al Qaida and Islamist Camps in Benghazi — State Dept.  Deployed 3 Security Agents.  In the weeks leading up to the terrorist attacks on the U.S. government facilities in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, the State Department deployed only three diplomatic security officers at its mission in that eastern Libyan city.  All three were on what the State Department calls "temporary duty."  At the same time, State Department headquarters had been notified that al Qaeda and Islamist militias had ten training camps in that same city.

13 Times Hillary Clinton Was A Truly 'Nasty Woman'.  [#5] All The Times She Lied About the Attack on Benghazi:  In true Clinton form, Hillary lied about the real cause of the attack, radical Islamic terrorism, and instead pumped out a lie about an inflammatory video spurred riots that led to the attack.  The Christian film maker who made the aforementioned YouTube video served as a pretty effective scapegoat for a while.  He was sentenced to a year in prison and now lives in poverty.  Clinton's e-mails reveal she knew the attack had nothing to do with the video all along, but spread the lie anyway.

Pence bashes Clinton for email on playing down 'American heroes' killed in Benghazi.  Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence bashed Hillary Clinton and her team at a rally on Friday evening [10/21/2016] for how it sought to play down the stories of the Americans killed in the 2012 attack in Benghazi, as revealed by an email released this week.  "Her staff was preparing her for testimony, an opening statement before the Select Committee on Benghazi," Pence told attendees at the Exeter, N.H., rally.  "One of them actually mentioned in the email that she shouldn't focus too much on the 'four guys who were killed.' Those were not four guys.  Those were four American heroes."

Clinton Campaign:  Let's Not Overdo the Tributes to "The Four Guys" Killed in Benghazi.  WikiLeaks released another batch of Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta's emails on Thursday [10/20/2016].  If you search "Benghazi," you'll find her staff editing a draft of her opening statement to the Select Committee on Benghazi hearing almost a year ago today.  Her staff is mostly pleased with the wording, but they have a few issues with it.  In particular, Clinton's political consultant Mandy Grunwald questions why Clinton is mentioning the "four guys" who were killed on the night of the raid.

Is CIA censoring jailed contractor's explosive book to protect Clinton?  The CIA has been accused of political bias by trying to stall publication of an explosive memoir which could damage Hillary Clinton's chances of reaching the White House.  The book tells the story of CIA contractor Raymond Davis, who was imprisoned in Pakistan in 2011 after shooting two men in self defense before being released in a controversial blood-money deal.  According to the authors, the CIA held the book manuscript for several months before demanding a swathe of redactions — even on information that is publicly available — pushing the publication of the book from September 2016 to March 2017.

Clinton server email at heart of 'quid pro quo' controversy contained Benghazi intel.  The email at the heart of a "quid pro quo" controversy involving a senior State Department executive and the FBI contained intelligence about suspects in the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack, two government sources told Fox News.  Heavily redacted FBI interview summaries, known as 302s, state that Patrick Kennedy, a top lieutenant to Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state, wanted to deep-six the email — which was one of two on her personal server that kick-started the FBI investigation into the mishandling of classified information on her unsecured system.

New WikiLeaks Release Contains Clinton Campaign Emails on Benghazi, Israel.  Ed Henry reported on "America's Newsroom" today about the latest WikiLeaks release of Hillary Clinton campaign emails.  Henry said that the 11th dump of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta's emails, which came out Tuesday morning, contains interesting details on the campaign's narrative on the Benghazi terror attack and strategy for showing support for Israel.

FBI official at center of alleged Clinton email 'quid pro quo' speaks out.  FBI official Brian McCauley had been trying for weeks to get his contact at the State Department to approve his request to put two bureau employees back in Baghdad.  Around May 2015, Patrick Kennedy finally called back.  "He said, 'Brian.  Pat Kennedy.  I need a favor,' " McCauley recalled in an interview Tuesday.  "I said, 'Good, I need a favor.  I need our people back in Baghdad."  Then Kennedy, a longtime State Department official, explained what he wanted:  "There's an email.  I don't believe it has to be classified."  The email was from Hillary Clinton's private server, and Kennedy wanted the FBI to change its determination that it contained classified information.

Trump invites mother of slain Benghazi terror attack victim to final debate.  Donald Trump has invited the mother of one of the four Americans who were killed in Benghazi, Libya in 2012 to be his guest at the final presidential debate, taking place Wednesday night in Las Vegas.  Pat Smith, the mother of the late Sean Smith, a State Department IT consultant, confirmed to Yahoo News that she had been extended an invite by team Trump on Monday — and that she planned to accept it.  'I think I'm going to be in the front row,' she told the online news organization.  'But I'm not sure.'

Trump Challenges Media To Cover Story About FBI/State Department "Collusion".  Donald Trump released a video statement this afternoon [10/17/2016] about allegations contained in documents released by the FBI Monday morning suggesting that there was a "quid pro quo" between the FBI and State Department to declassify a Benghazi-related email found on Hillary Clinton's private email server.

It's 'felony corruption!' Trump demands resignation of State Dept. undersecretary at the center of FBI firestorm.  Donald Trump told a screaming crowd of supporters in Green Bay, Wisconsin on Monday night [10/17/2016] that electing him is the best way to end the 'corruption' exhibited in the Hillary Clinton investigative documents released by the FBI earlier in the day.  And he called for the ouster of Patrick Kennedy, the State Department undersecretary at the center of Monday's firestorm.  Calling Clinton-related corruption 'magnitudes worse than Watergate,' Trump castigated Kennedy for trying to persuade the bureau to declassify one of Hillary Clinton's emails related to the 2012 Benghazi, Libya terror attack.

Pressure Cited Against Marking Clinton E-Mails Classified.  A State Department team responsible for determining which records should be kept secret felt "immense pressure" not to label any of about 300 e-mails found on Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server as classified, according to interview summaries released by the FBI.  Officials from the State Department's Information Programs and Services office began a review in March 2015 of 296 e-mails that were set to be turned over to a House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.  "IPS felt immense pressure to complete the review quickly and not label anything as classified," according to interview notes from a State Department official whose name wasn't disclosed in the FBI summary.

Hillary Clinton email saga:  What you need to know about the latest revelations.  The FBI released a batch of new files from its investigation into Clinton's private email system on Monday [10/17/2016].  The most damaging aspect for Clinton is an allegation from an unnamed FBI employee who claims that Patrick Kennedy, the State Department's under secretary of state for management, reached out to the bureau in the summer of last year to ask for an email to be changed from classified to unclassified as part of a "quid pro quo" (an exchange of goods or services).  The email was in relation to the 2012 attack on a US compound in Benghazi, Libya which left Ambassador Christopher Stephens and three other Americans dead.  The alleged deal would have allowed FBI agents to operate in more countries.

Top Clinton aide offered FBI a funding 'quid pro quo' if agents helped him bury a Benghazi email — 'never to be seen again'.  A senior State Department official pressured the FBI to declassify one of Hillary Clinton's emails related to the Benghazi terror attack so he could use a loophole in the Freedom of Information Act to make sure it would never see the light of day, according to notes from an FBI interview released Monday [10/17/2016].  State Department Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy, the FBI file shows, discussed the possibility of approving the FBI's request for funding 'to place more agents in countries where they are presently forbidden.'  The FBI agent who interviewed him during the investigation into classified documents housed on Clinton's now-infamous secrt email server called the proposal a 'quid pro quo.'

New FBI files contain allegations of 'quid pro quo' in Clinton's emails.  FBI interview summaries and notes, provided late Friday to the House Government Oversight and Intelligence Committees, contain allegations of a "quid pro quo" between a senior State Department executive and FBI agents during the Hillary Clinton email investigation, two congressional sources told Fox News.  "This is a flashing red light of potential criminality," Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah, who has been briefed on the FBI interviews, told Fox News.  He said "there was an alleged quid pro quo" involving Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy and the FBI "over at least one classified email."

Benghazi Cover-Up Exposed:  Proof Hillary Team Debated How To Hide Subpoenaed Benghazi Info.  It is a story as old as time.  Hillary Clinton did something highly illegal and then covered it up.  But unfortunately for her wikileaks is aware.  Apparently following the Benghazi affair Hillary Clinton specifically planned how she could hide her guilt.  She is quoted as planning to send only certain documents to a friendly source.  This woman is guilty.  It appalls me that this is a legitimate option for our presidency.

16 Times Democrats Tried To Prosecute Their Opponents.  [#13] The Filmmaker Hillary Blamed For Benghazi:  Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the filmmaker Hillary Clinton falsely accused of producing an inflammatory video she falsely told Americans had spurred the terrorist attack in Benghazi where four Americans died, was sentenced to a year in prison for publishing the short film on the Internet in violation of his parole.  The cause of the attack had nothing to do with the video.  It was a group of Islamic terrorists who targeted Americans that as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had put in a vulnerable position.

Why Didn't the Obama Administration Tell the Truth about Chris Stevens's Death?  During nearly two years following the attack, Secretary Clinton testified under oath to both houses of Congress without revealing that she was sitting on piles of e-mails that were relevant to Benghazi, because she had conducted all her e-mail correspondence on a private server, not on the usual State Department server as required by every spy service in the federal government.  After her private server was discovered almost by accident by a hacker, and long legal battles forced production of the e-mails, it was learned that within the same hour Secretary Clinton released her public statement blaming the "inflammatory material posted on the Internet," she reported to her family that "two officers were killed today in Benghazi by an al-Qaeda-like group."  During frustrating research to discover the truth, most of us noticed early on that [Susan] Rice's account was directly contradicted by that of Libyan president Mohamed Yousef El-Magariaf, who said that he had "no doubt" the attack was pre-planned by individuals from outside Libya.  As it turned out, this was evident when Secretary Clinton told him, "Ansar al-Sharia is claiming responsibility."  So once again, Secretary Clinton blamed a terrorist group, not protesters.

Leaked emails reveal Clinton campaign's attempts to distract from email scandal.  In one conversation from March of last year, for example, Podesta suggested distracting from the email saga by focusing on the congressional Benghazi inquiry.  "My perspective is that we want the fight to be about Benghazi, not about servers in her basement," Podesta wrote to Cheryl Mills, a board member at the Clinton Foundation.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi had uncovered the existence of Clinton's private server weeks earlier, and was at that time pursuing her testimony in a closed-door meeting.  That never happened, and it was not until October of last year that members of the committee were able to question Clinton in a highly-anticipated public hearing.

Clinton staff debated how much 'outrage' to show lawmakers over Benghazi, emails show.  As Hillary Clinton prepared to testify to the House Select Committee on Benghazi in October 2015, her communications and legal teams debated how much "outrage" she should display for lawmakers in her opening statement.  In emails published by Wikileaks Monday [10/10/2016], a draft of Mrs. Clinton's opening remarks to the committee included a line from her book "Hard Choices" in 2014:  "I will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans."  Clinton campaign adviser Mandy Grunwald liked that line because, she said, "we need a bit of moral outrage."

Hillary's Benghazi Coverup Threatens Terror Prosecutions.  As I warned back in August 2015, Hillary Clinton's recklessly irresponsible mishandling of classified intelligence and destruction of thousands of government records was certain to undermine any government attempt to prosecute cases related to the Benghazi massacre and the Obama-administration policies — spearheaded by then-Secretary Clinton — that led up to it.  It has now happened.  And there is still another shoe to drop — one the Obama Justice Department has conveniently managed to push beyond Election Day.

Why Hillary's record on Libya is even worse than you think.  A recent report to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the British House of Commons concluded that Western intervention in Libya was based on "inaccurate intelligence" and "erroneous assumptions."  Advocates failed to recognize that "the threat to civilians was overstated and that the rebels included a significant Islamist element," and the failure to plan for a post-Qaddafi Libya led to the "growth of ISIL" in North Africa.  However, "inaccurate intelligence" doesn't fully describe the whole story.  A closer examination of the run-up to the Libya debacle on September 11, 2012 leads to the irrefutable conclusion that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knowingly armed radical Islamist terrorists in Libya.

New emails show intersection of Clinton Foundation, State Dept., paid speeches.  A new batch of emails from Hillary Clinton's time at the State Department offered fresh evidence Wednesday [10/6/2016] of the pains Clinton's staff took to accommodate her husband's paid speeches and her family's foundation — just hours after Sen. Tim Kaine dismissed the possibility that the Clinton Foundation had wielded influence over his running mate.  Emails showed Clinton's aides teamed up with the foundation to perform donor maintenance, craft messaging on key policies and put together guest lists for both diplomatic and philanthropic events.  State Department staffers were often asked to advise Clinton's husband on how to handle politically-fraught speaking engagements or foundation events, such as an effort to bring the new Libyan president to a Clinton Global Initiative meeting that was held less than two weeks after the 2012 Benghazi attacks.

Hillary destroyed Nakoula Basseley Nakoula's life with false Benghazi film claim, but no one cares.  [Scroll down]  Brutal derision of other women, some of whom alleged sexual assault and rape, apparently is less of an issue for the media than "fat shaming."  As bad as all that was and is, so far there has been near silence this campaign season about how Hillary destroyed the life of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the guy who made the Mohammad film, Innocence of Muslims, that Hillary falsely blamed for the Benghazi attack that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Former Ambassador says Hillary Clinton is "Responsible" for the Benghazi Murders!  Former US Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, gave a speech this past Friday [9/23/2016] at the 2015 Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Oklahoma wherein he simply hammered Democrat presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton as being "responsible" for the murders of four Americans in the Benghazi terrorist attack.

Watch Cranky Chris Matthews Badger Dana Loesch About What 'You Folks Think' Hillary Did on Benghazi.  The opening panel on the Tuesday [9/27/2016] edition of MSNBC's Hardball briefly derailed from its scheduled topic of Monday's presidential debate when host Chris Matthews lost his mind in relentlessly screaming at The Blaze host and conservative author Dana Loesch to explain "[w]hat was it that you folks think was the evil" Hillary Clinton committed concerning Benghazi.  The interrogation by Matthews ensued when Loesch opined that she had hoped Donald Trump would have invoked any number of recent Clinton scandals:  "He didn't even mention Benghazi last night.  He didn't mention the Clinton Foundation last night... I think character is on the line, but he doesn't even need to go all the way back to the '90s."

The Case Against Hillary.  For bringing more death, destruction, destitution and chaos to the world, Hillary Clinton ranks among the most incompetent American Secretaries of State.  Benghazi was obviously not an isolated case.  Hillary was responsible for the security of her ambassadors.  Either did not know what to do or did not care, but she outsourced security around the world.  Those who were providing security were not qualified to do the job.  And we did not know who they were anyway.  In Benghazi, when the attack began, they simply ran away.

Hillary Clinton, who tells dreadful lies.  Today, it is the American people who have been burned, time and again, by Hillary Clinton's dreadful lies.  Let's review just a few examples of her serial dishonesty: [...] Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi.  At 10:08 p.m. the night of the attack, she issued a statement that blamed the attack on "inflammatory material posted on the Internet" with no mention of terrorism or al-Qaeda.  But an hour later, at 11:12 p.m. she emailed her daughter, Chelsea:  "Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Queda-like [sic] group."  The next day in a phone call with the Egyptian prime minister, Clinton said:  "We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film.  It was a planned attack, not a protest."  Yet two days later, as she welcomed the caskets of the fallen in Dover, Del., she blamed that attack on "an awful Internet video that we had nothing to do with."

Clinton Fights Back Against Lawsuit Filed by Parents of Benghazi Victims.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is fighting back against a lawsuit filed by the parents of Benghazi victims.  Pat Smith and Charles Woods are the parents of American U.S. Foreign Service member Sean Smith, and Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, respectively.  Both died during the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  They sued Clinton for wrongful death, defamation, and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.  As we reported last week, they asked the court for a default judgment against Clinton after she failed to respond to the lawsuit.  A clerk entered the default judgment against Clinton in the case.  But now Clinton's attorney, David Kendall, is protesting the judgment in a court filing, saying that Clinton was not properly served with the lawsuit, and therefore the default judgment against her should be thrown out.  Kendall also takes aim at Larry Klayman, the founder of conservative group Freedom Watch.  He is representing the Benghazi parents in this lawsuit.

Hillary Lies, Says Benghazi Station Chief Hicks.  One wonders if Hillary Clinton will call Gregory Hicks a liar, just as she has called Benghazi parents Patricia Smith and Charles Woods liars for their testimony that she blamed the terrorist attack on an Internet video in front of their son's caskets as their bodies were brought home.  Hicks, a 25-year Foreign Service Office and former chief of station in Libya at the time of the Benghazi attack, gave riveting and damning testimony before Congress on Hillary's lies and criminal negligence in the matter.  The last man to speak to Ambassador Christopher Stevens, he has exposed the video lie, documented how he told Hillary's State Department what was happening in real time that fateful night, and how her State Department ignored warnings from Stevens and others about the gathering terrorist storm and the woeful lack of security.

Hillary Emails Betrayed Whereabouts of Murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens.  An email containing the whereabouts and plans of murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens passed through Hillary Clinton's private server, dispatches released Monday in the final group of messages from Clinton's emails reveal.  The email was actually first released last May but was contained in Monday's batch as well, serving as a reminder that numerous emails sent to Clinton's private address betrayed Stevens' location while he was stationed in arguably one of the most dangerous zones in the world for an American diplomat.

Blamed for Benghazi:  Filmmaker jailed after attack now lives in poverty, fear.  Four Americans died in the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, and those who survived saw their stories of heroism told in a Hollywood movie, but the filmmaker whose work was wrongly blamed for touching off the event lives in obscurity, poverty and fear, has learned.  Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the Coptic Christian whose short video "The Innocence of Muslims" was initially faulted for sparking the Sept. 11, 2012 terror attack at U.S. diplomatic compounds in Libya, is now living in a homeless shelter run by First Southern Baptist Church in Buena Park, Calif.  He has served time in prison, been shamed publicly by the White House and threatened with death.  "I don't believe in democracy anymore," Nakoula told  "I don't think there is such a thing as freedom of speech."

Greg Hicks on Fox.  Greg Hicks — the former deputy chief of mission for Libya turned whistleblower who was stationed in Tripoli at the time of the 9-11 terrorist attack in Benghazi — appeared on Megyn Kelly's show on Fox News [9/13/2016] to lay out the case that Mrs. Clinton should not be trusted with our national security, as evidenced by what transpired in Benghazi.

Collusion.  Well, the Clinton Scandal Train just keeps on a'rollin'.  Fox News' Catherine Herridge has an explosive report about the collusion between Hillary Clinton's staff and Senate Democrats who sat on the 2013 committee investigating Benghazi.  The news comes from emails obtained by Citizens United.

Hillary Clinton claims 'we did not lose a single American' in Libya.  Glossing over the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi that claimed the lives of four U.S. diplomats, Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night claimed that "we did not lose a single American" due to military intervention in Libya.  Speaking at a veterans' forum hosted by NBC News, the former secretary of state said she stands by the 2011 decision to take action in Libya and that America suffered no casualties.  "When [former Libyan leader Moammar] Gadhafi was threatening to massacre his population, I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives.  We did not lose a single American in that action," she said.  "And I think taking action was the right decision.  Not taking it and permitting there to be an ongoing civil war in Libya would've been as dangerous and threatening as what we are now seeing in Syria."

After Clinton Fails to Respond to Lawsuit, Parents of Benghazi Victims Want Judgment Against Her.  The attorney for Pat Smith and Charles Woods has filed an affidavit in federal court asking for a federal judge to enter a default judgment against Hillary Clinton after she failed to respond to a lawsuit they filed in United States District Court in D.C. in August.  Smith and Woods are the parents of American U.S. Foreign Service member Sean Smith, and Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, respectively.  Both died during the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  They sued Clinton for wrongful death, defamation, and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.  The defendants say they served Clinton at her campaign office in Brooklyn, New York.

After Clinton Fails to Respond to Lawsuit, Parents of Benghazi Victims Want Judgment Against Her.  The attorney for Pat Smith and Charles Woods has filed an affidavit in federal court asking for a federal judge to enter a default judgment against Hillary Clinton after she failed to respond to a lawsuit they filed in United States District Court in D.C. in August.  Smith and Woods are the parents of American U.S. Foreign Service member Sean Smith, and Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, respectively.  Both died during the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  They sued Clinton for wrongful death, defamation, and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.  The defendants say they served Clinton at her campaign office in Brooklyn, New York.

What the Benghazi attack taught me about Hillary Clinton.  Last month, I retired from the State Department after 25 years of public service as a Foreign Service officer.  As the Deputy Chief of Mission for Libya, I was the last person in Tripoli to speak with Ambassador Chris Stevens before he was murdered in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on our Benghazi post.  On this, the fourth anniversary of the Benghazi tragedy, I would like to offer a different explanation for Benghazi's relevance to the presidential election than is usually found in the press.

State Dept. releases first batch of deleted Clinton emails on Benghazi.  The State Department has released the first of the emails recovered by the FBI that were handled by Hillary Clinton's secret email account, as the Obama administration and a conservative watchdog group sparred over whether the email metadata should be made public.  As many as 30 emails relating to the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack that Mrs. Clinton didn't turn over to the State Department were found by the FBI, and the administration has assured federal courts that it is working to make those — and perhaps thousands of other deleted Clinton emails — public. [...] "These new Benghazi-Clinton emails prove that Hillary or her lawyers deleted material which proved to be responsive to federal court orders and congressional subpoenas," Mr. Fitton said.  "Clinton's email coverup scheme is as plain as day."

Hillary Coordinated with Democrats Before Benghazi Testimony.  Do you remember watching the various Benghazi hearings in the House and the Senate and noticing how the Democrats were acting as defense counsel for Hillary?  Yeah, they've been consistent with that in all the hearings about everything regarding how thoroughly corrupt the Obama administration has been... and they're supposed to provide independent oversight.

Hillary Coordinated With Democrats To Set Up Benghazi Hearing.  [Scroll down]  Predictably enough, Hillary had tailor-made answers to the questions.  Now, none of this should be particularly shocking — Democrats use Congressional hearings to cover for other Democrats routinely.  It's so bad that when Republicans hold a hearing about a Democratic scandal, it saves significant time to simply mute the television when Democrats "ask questions" — they give statements in support of their Democratic friends instead of asking serious questions.  Still, it demonstrates that Hillary intended to leave nothing to chance: she was going to pre-set the questions and pre-set the answers.

'We wired it': Emails suggest Clinton aide stage-managed Benghazi hearing questions.  Newly released emails suggest a senior Hillary Clinton aide stage-managed her first hearing on the Benghazi terrorist attack by feeding specific topics Clinton wanted to address to Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez, who at the time was acting chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.  "We wired it that Menendez would provide an opportunity to address two topics we needed to debunk (her actions/whereabouts on 9/11, and these email from Chris Stevens about moving locations,)" Clinton media gatekeeper Philippe Reines wrote to Chelsea Clinton the morning of the Jan. 23, 2013 hearing.

New Clinton emails reveal how Clinton aides fed questions she wanted to the Benghazi hearing for senator now facing corruption indictment.  A top aide to Hillary Clinton fed questions to a senator before a crucial hearing about her role in the Benghazi terrorist attack, freshly-released emails show.  The 2013 message from Clinton's communications advisor Philippe Reines says that the team 'wired it' so that Democratic senator Robert Menendez would ask about two topics Clinton wanted to answer — which he duly did.  'We wired it that Menendez would provide an opportunity to address two topics we needed to debunk (her actions/whereabouts on 9/11, and these email (sic) from Chris Stevens about moving locations),' the email says.

Emails show coordination between Clinton, Congress at Benghazi hearing.  Emails show Hillary Clinton's inner circle knew what the Democratic chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was planning to ask Clinton at the first congressional hearing about Benghazi, raising questions about whether the former secretary of state manipulated the hearing to her advantage.  In an email sent by Phillippe Reines, a former spokesman for Clinton at the State Department, to Chelsea Clinton in 2013, Reines suggested he had played a part in planting a question with Sen. Robert Menendez, who then chaired the committee.

As Benghazi compound smoldered, Hillary Clinton couldn't remember the name of her dead ambassador to Libya.  Among the nearly 900 pages of Hillary Clinton's emails the U.S. State Department released on Friday is one that indicates she may have been confused, exhausted or careless on the September 2012 night when four Americans died in a Benghazi, Libya terror attack.  As U.S. ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and three other personnel lay dead and America's diplomatic outpost there lay in smoldering ruins, Clinton asked her three closest aides for advice about how to announce the death of 'Chris Smith.'  That name — the wrong one — was the subject line of the email Clinton sent them as night turned to day in Libya and the full extent of the Islamist terror attack was becoming apparent.

Pelosi Docs Show Dems Trying Hard To Cast Benghazi As A 'Conspiracy Theory'.  New documents released from Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi's computer by purported hacker Guccifer 2.0, reveal democratic talking points to counter Republican Benghazi attacks.  The document casts the controversy surrounding Benghazi as "Legitimate outrage over the deaths of American diplomats mixed with partisanship."  The document also admits that then Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice "gave incorrect information on television" in the immediate aftermath of the attack.

Hillary Deleted Subpoenaed Emails Related to Benghazi Terror Attack.  The Benghazi emails were subpoenaed by Congress on March 4, 2015.  It appears she had deleted them the previous December.  However, the State Department had asked her to turn over her work-related correspondence on October 28, 2014.  At the very least this strongly suggests that she willfully mishandled classified information, and that she perjured herself to cover it.  Even a half-serious attempt at justice would likely place her behind bars.

Why did the 30 Benghazi emails FBI discovered escape destruction?  Everyone is wondering what's in the 30 previously unknown emails related to Benghazi the FBI managed to discover on Hillary's server and turned over to the State Department for potential redaction.  But the manner by which they escaped destruction may tell us a lot, no matter how much redaction takes place.  The very fact that the emails were recoverable has got Hillary and her team of lawyers in a lot of trouble.

Now 30 Benghazi-related emails have been recovered from Hillary's server — and they weren't in the batch she turned over to the State Department.  The State Department's lawyer said it would need until the end of September to review the emails and redact potentially classified information before they are released.

Dozens of Hillary Clinton Emails About Benghazi Found in 15,000 Messages She Kept from FBI.  The State Department says about 30 emails that may be related to the 2012 attack on U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya, are among the thousands of Hillary Clinton emails recovered during the FBI's recently closed investigation into her use of a private server.

A Clinton scandal even the media can't ignore.  Judicial Watch says the court has mandated that the State Department review the emails and turn over responsive records by September 13th.  In a court statement last week, the State Department admitted that it found documents related to the September 11, 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack among the 14,900 Clinton emails and attachments uncovered by the FBI that Mrs. Clinton had deleted and withheld from the State Department.  "She thought she'd destroyed them," reports Chris Farrell, director of investigations at Judicial Watch.  "She thought that she hid them from the public, but nearly 15,000 more emails have been recovered."  He asserts that these are records the presidential candidate certainly does not want made public.

Judicial Watch:  Hillary Clinton Withheld Or Deleted Benghazi Related Documents.  Among the 14,900 federal documents Hillary Clinton is said to have failed to turn over to the State Department in 2014 are some related to the Benghazi attacks, according to Judicial Watch.  The conservative watchdog group says that government lawyers admitted in court papers filed on Tuesday that the nearly 15,000 pages of Clinton records recovered by the FBI included some which "satisfied the [Benghazi-related] search terms."  That suggests that Clinton withheld or deleted records which referred to the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks which left four Americans dead.

Smoking Gun Email Found: Proves Hillary Left Benghazi Victims to Die.  The latest in the email scandal plaguing the campaign of Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has provided proof of what many on the right have known all along — that then-Secretary of State Clinton left Americans to die in Benghazi.  Defense Secretary Leon Panetta gave testimony in 2013 stating that there was no time to get help to Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012, where four Americans died.  An email obtained by Judicial Watch and recently released appears to be in direct contradiction of this claim.

That Videotape and Benghazi: a Review of Kenneth Timmerman's Deception.  [Scroll down]  In short, Timmerman provides readers with numerous indicators that the Obama administration helped the [YouTube] video go viral while creating the impression that they had "absolutely nothing to do with it."  The immediate goal of this deception was to deflect responsibility from the administration for the disaster in Benghazi, but another benefit was to create public pressure for what became (via [Nakoula Basseley] Nakoula's dubious imprisonment) backdoor enforcement of blasphemy laws in the U.S.

Families' lawsuit against Clinton over Benghazi doesn't hold up.  The parents of two Americans killed in the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, filed a lawsuit against Hillary Clinton claiming, among other things, wrongful death and defamation.  From a purely legal standpoint, a roll of toilet paper has more value.  No one doubts the heartache these parents have endured.  And no one should question the valor of their sons who lost their lives.  However, this lawsuit is so groundless and specious that it threatens to diminish our memory of them.

Surprise: Same Intel Hack Who Helped Cover Up Benghazi Endorses Hillary.  Hillary has become a spook's candidate.  Former deputy CIA Director Michael Morell, who so conveniently covered her tracks in Benghazi, has now confirmed it.  In a glowing endorsement his friends at The New York Times prominently featured Friday, Morell gave his full-throated support to Clinton, while insisting that he was no partisan and had even voted Republican in the past.  Like an obedient party hack vying for a new job, Morell spouted the party line that Donald Trump was "not only unqualified for the job, but he may well pose a threat to our national security."  Those are strong words, especially coming from someone who we are led to believe is an unimpeachable source.  But is he?

Parents of Benghazi Victims Sue Hillary Clinton for Wrongful Death, Defamation.  Parents of two soldiers killed in the Benghazi, Libya attack on September 11, 2012 are suing then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, alleging that her use of a private email server led to the deaths of their children.  Pat Smith, mother of American U.S. Foreign Service member Sean Smith, and Charles Woods, father of Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, are represented by Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, Inc., who filed the lawsuit on Monday [8/8/2016] in federal court.

12 reasons Hillary's a crook.  [#5] Clinton lied about Benghazi — and blamed the families.  Who can forget how Clinton tried to hide that the 2012 attacks on a diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya were well-coordinated and linked to terror?  And when Benghazi victims' families came forward and recounted false statements Clinton made to them, she said they were all suffering from faulty memories.  It's no wonder Benghazi parents and widows say they'd like to see Clinton behind bars.

Ex-CIA spook who whitewashed Benghazi endorses Hillary.  Hillary has become a spook's candidate.  Former deputy CIA Director Michael Morell, who so conveniently covered her tracks in Benghazi, has now confirmed it.  In a glowing endorsement his friends at The New York Times prominently featured Friday, Morell gave his full-throated support to Clinton, while insisting that he was no partisan and had even voted Republican in the past.  Like an obedient party hack vying for a new job, Morell spouted the party line that Donald Trump was "not only unqualified for the job, but he may well pose a threat to our national security."

Benghazi widow:  Clinton 'cannot fundamentally be our commander in chief'.  Dorothy Woods, the widow of Ty Woods, one of the four who died in Benghazi four years ago, on Thursday [8/4/2016] took former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to task for her handling of the terror attack, saying that "she turned her back" on those involved in the aftermath and is unfit to serve as commander in chief.  "I'm not going to tell anyone how to vote, but this is — I want to put it very simply.  I realize sometimes that we all have the best intentions, and that we make mistakes," Woods told radio host Hugh Hewitt.  "Hillary Clinton cannot do what parents all over the country do to teach their kids right versus wrong, so she cannot fundamentally be our commander in chief.  You know, it's that simple.  It's that empirical to me.  I wouldn't teach my son, you know, to treat other people like that.  And now she wants to be in charge of other people's sons?  No."

Benghazi film '13 Hours' sees almost unheard of $40 million in home video sales 'thanks to Trump's attacks on Clinton'.  Michael Bay's film 13 Hours, about the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Libya, is seeing astronomical home video sales, believed to be sparked by Donald Trump's attacks on Hillary Clinton.  Since the film was released digitally in May by Paramount, sales for the film have reached $40 million — a level unheard of for such a film.  That puts it on target to outreach it's domestic box office results of $52.9 million, considered to be a modest return.  The film, which had a budget of $50 million, also pulled in $69.4 million in international box office sales.

Father of Benghazi Victim:  Hillary Lied to Me and the American Public.  The father of one of the men who died in the Benghazi terror attack is disputing Hillary Clinton's claim that she never told the family members of the Benghazi victims that the 2012 attack was sparked by an anti-Muslim video.  Charles Woods, who son Tyrone Woods gave his life defending his fellow Americans, joined Bill Hemmer on "America's Newsroom" today [8/2/2016].  Woods said that he spoke to Clinton following a ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base transferring the remains of his son and the three other victims, just days after the attack.

Benghazi Victim's Dad Reads Out Of His Diary To Prove Hillary 'Lied'.  Charles Woods, father of slain Benghazi hero Tyrone Woods, blasted Hillary Clinton Tuesday [8/2/2016] for lying to himself and to the American people after reading out of his diary the remarks Clinton told him at his son's casket ceremony in 2012.  Appearing on "CNN Newsroom" host Carol Costello asked Woods to respond to Clinton's attempt to discredit the family's of the Benghazi victims who have criticized her for blaming a video for the deaths of their children instead of blaming the planned terrorist attack.

The Real Parent Controversy:  Hillary Calls the Families of the Benghazi Victims Liars.  There was only one real controversy related to Hillary Clinton and the parents of those who have died in service to this country.  It wasn't related to Khizr Khan, the father of a Muslim soldier who was killed in action.  That man held up a copy of the Constitution at the convention and railed at Mr. Trump.  I'm fairly certain that Kahn was using the Constitution as a prop, because he has a long history of promoting Sharia Law.  In fact, Kahn believes that "to Muslims, the Quran being the very word of God, it is the absolute authority from which springs the very conception of legality and every legal obligation."  So much for the Constitution.  No, the real controversy was Hillary Clinton calling the parents of two Benghazi victims liars.

On CNN, Pat Smith Blasts 'Dirt' Treatment From Media Over RNC Speech.  On Monday's [8/1/2016] CNN Newsroom, Patricia Smith hammered the media over their clear double standard between the often-negative way they treated her anti-Hillary Clinton speech at the Republican National Convention versus their hyping of Khizr Khan's anti-Donald Trump speech at the Democratic National Convention:  "I was treated like dirt.  I don't think the Khan family was treated that way.  But I was treated like dirt.  I was called a liar."  Anchor Brooke Baldwin pressed Smith to condemn Trump's counter-attack on Khan and his wife.  Baldwin led into her interview of the Benghazi mother by noting that Trump "isn't the only candidate facing backlash here.  Hillary Clinton being criticized again by one of the most vocal parents... of the slain Americans in Benghazi."

Double Standard:  Khizr Khan Receives 5 More Coverage Than Pat Smith on ABC, CBS, NBC.  Two weeks ago at the Republican National Convention (RNC) a grieving mother blasted Hillary Clinton for the debacle of the 2012 Benghazi attack.  Last Thursday [7/28/2016], at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), grieving parents gave a speech criticizing Donald Trump for his statements against Muslims.  While all the grieving parents deserve sympathy, the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network evening and morning shows seemed to only care about the parents that showed up at the Democratic Convention.  Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazla's DNC appearance earned 55 minutes, 13 seconds of Big Three network coverage, nearly 50 times more than Pat Smith, whose RNC speech honoring her son earned just 70 seconds of airtime.

Have We Forgotten That Hillary Pretty Much Called A Gold Star Mother A Liar?  Okay — so Trump's remarks, which arguably were touching upon the whole Islamic submission of women angle, were terrible.  Yet, let's not forget that Hillary Clinton also criticized a Gold Star mother.  During the Democratic debate on March 9, Clinton pretty much called Patricia Smith, mother of slain U.S. Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, a liar.

Hillary Criticizes Benghazi Hero's Mom:  She 'May Not Fully Recall Everything'.  Hillary Clinton criticized Patricia Smith, the mother of Benghazi hero, Sean Smith arguing that she "may not fully recall everything that was or wasn't said."  In an interview on on "Fox News Sunday," a clip of Smith's speech at the Republican National Convention was played where she said that Clinton "looked me squarely in the eye and told me a video was responsible" for the attack in Benghazi.  Clinton replied, "I don't hold any ill feeling for someone who in that moment may not fully recall everything that was or wasn't said."

Video:  Hillary Lies About Benghazi Again.  In an interview with 60 Minutes, Clinton once again claimed that she had absolutely no culpability in the horrific attacks in Benghazi, even though she was acting as Secretary of State at the time.  During the interview, Hillary exploited the American response to her negligence as nothing but politicking.  [Video clip]

10 Reasons Why I Will Never Vote for Hillary Clinton.  [#2] Benghazi:  Any government official who feels the need to ask, "At this point what does difference does it make?" where it concerns the deaths of four Americans including our Ambassador to Libya is unfit to be President of the United States.  Mind you she asked this question after publicly blaming an internet video for the attack on the consulate, an attack that just happened to occur on the 11th anniversary of the September 11th attacks.

Clinton on Security Failures in Benghazi: 'It Was Not My Ball to Carry'.  When asked what responsibility she has for the Benghazi attacks, Clinton said she "took responsibly" as secretary of state, but Congress found no negligence on her part.  "When this happened in Benghazi, I immediately stood up an independent committee — distinguished Americans, military and civilian experts," she said.  "They came out and they said, 'You know, the ball was dropped — in security.  And, you know, some of the decisions that were made, probably should have been rethought.'"

Captain Tingles:  How dare these Republicans let the mother of a Benghazi victim criticize Hillary.  I first noticed this with Joe the Plumber.  Ordinary citizen finds himself with a moment in the spotlight and uses it to criticize the president.  The media immediately springs into action — not in support of the citizen's right to dissent, but as a mass prosecution team demanding to know who this ingrate is, and what right he thinks he has to cast aspersions on the high exalted leader. [...] So it really came as no surprise to me that Chris Matthews pull the same schtick last night [7/18/2016] as Patricia Smith took the stage at the opening night of the Republican National Convention and blasted Hillary for her role in, and subsequent lies about, the death of her son Sean Smith in Benghazi.  Tingles is oh so generous in allowing that Ms. Smith is allowed to "feel" any way she wants, but draws the line at telling "lies about Hillary Clinton," which of course is not what Ms. Smith did at all.

Special Operators to Leave Military If Clinton Gets Elected.  The best and brightest of the U.S. military and special operations community will quit if Hillary Clinton gets elected president, according to Benghazi survivor and former CIA operative John "Tig" Tiegen.  Tiegen witnessed firsthand the results of Clinton's policy when he and his comrades in the Benghazi CIA Global Response Service Team defended U.S. consulate and CIA officials from a massive assault by radical Libyan jihadis Sept. 11, 2013.  He told The Daily Caller News Foundation Clinton's failure as secretary of state during the Benghazi attack has caused many of the nation's most elite special operations forces to quit their jobs — a problem that will only get worse if Clinton is elected.

First Night at GOP Convention Reminds America of Obama Administration's Deadliest Scandals.  [Scroll down]  First the mother of Sean Smith, an information officer who was killed in Benghazi, laid responsibility for her son's death at the feet of Hillary Clinton.  "My son Sean was one of four brave Americans killed during the 2012 terrorist attack at Benghazi.  Sean was a wonderful son and father to my two amazing grandchildren, Samantha and Nathan, now 10 and 11.  He was proud to serve his country with the United States Foreign Service.  The last time I talked to Sean, the night before the terrorist attack, he told me, 'Mom, I am going to die,' Pat Smith said.  "For all of this loss, for all of this grief, for all of the cynicism the tragedy in Benghazi has wrought upon America, I blame Hillary Clinton.  I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son."

Smug Chuck Todd:  Benghazi Is 'Cheap Unity' for Lowest Common Denominator' Crowd.  A smug Chuck Todd on Monday dismissed Benghazi at the Republican Convention as nothing more than "cheap unity" for the "lowest common denominator" crowd.  Chris Matthews railed that the GOP speakers were presenting "third world rhetoric." Todd insulted, "Benghazi... does serve Trump in another way positively, politically, which is a way to unify this crowd quickly.  It's a way to get cheap unity."

Mother of foreign service officer slain in Benghazi calls for Hillary to go to jail.  Pat Smith, whose son Sean Smith was the State Department information officer killed in the 2012 Benghazi attack, delivered an emotional speech at the Republican convention where she said Hillary Clinton should go to jail.  Smith delivered a lengthy indictment of the U.S. government's conduct during the hours while the attack was unfolding, then went right after Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump's opponent, for her conduct during and after the attack.  After a member of the crowd yelled out that Clinton had lied, Smith said:  'She lied to me and then called me a liar,' mentioning the solemn arrival ceremony when her son's coffin was returned to the U.S.

Exclusive:  Benghazi Hero Would Not Enlist in Military Under President Hillary Clinton.  One of the four surviving warriors who defended more than 30 American personnel at two U.S. facilities in Benghazi tells Breitbart News he supports Donald J. Trump for president because:  "He gets it."  "You got a businessman, who knows how to run things, knows how to get things done — he's going to have the aggressiveness America needs to have," said John "Tig" Tiegen, a Marine veteran. [...] As president, Clinton abandoned the Army Rangers fighting in Mogadishu and the secretary of state abandoned the 30 personnel in Benghazi, he said.  "You don't have to be in uniform, to me, the average American always thinks:  'Hey, if Americans are in trouble, the troops are going to come for you.'  It seems like under the Clintons, they don't do that."

Military to Military.  [Scroll down]  The operation was largely run out of a covert CIA annex in Benghazi, with State Department acquiescence.  On 11 September 2012 the US ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, was killed during an anti-American demonstration that led to the burning down of the US consulate in Benghazi; reporters for the Washington Post found copies of the ambassador's schedule in the building's ruins.  It showed that on 10 September Stevens had met with the chief of the CIA's annex operation.  The next day, shortly before he died, he met a representative from Al-Marfa Shipping and Maritime Services, a Tripoli-based company which, the JCS adviser said, was known by the Joint Staff to be handling the weapons shipments.

Questions Hillary Can't Dodge About Benghazi.  Hillary Clinton's Benghazi testimony on Thursday certainly confirmed suspicions that she knew that the September 11, 2012 attack on the US Consulate was not a spontaneous protest by individuals enraged by an anti-Muslim video.  Rather, as the emails she fought so fiercely to protect from public disclosure reveal, the attack was a pre-planned operation, involving fore- knowledge by the assailants of the whereabouts of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, among other details.  Clinton and the Obama Administration had attempted to place the blame for the attack, which resulted in the deaths of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans, on an unplanned protest, a "spontaneous mob."

Democrats, Have You No Shame?  Ms. Clinton met the parents of the Benghazi dead on the tarmac.  She lied to the faces of those parents, telling them that the cause of the slaughter of their children was an internet video by an obscure individual.  She did that despite telling her own daughter the night before it was an organized terrorist attack.  But President Obama and her team developed a storyline two months before an election.  Clinton carried it out.  No Democrat called her on it.  No one called out Susan Rice for perpetuating that obvious lie on Sunday morning.  She received a promotion.  Where are the Democrats protesting the sleazy handling of the death of four Americans and the inept management of the terrorist attack?  Democrats, have you no shame?

If Benghazi doesn't matter, what does?  In the last few days much of what I have heard has been disgusting.  Comments like "it's over" or "it is merely a partisan ploy to keep Hillary from the White House" or "mistakes happen in war, let's move on."  I'm not sure what makes me sicker; the notion that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama allowed to die a US ambassador and brave Americans trying to protect him.  Or the notion that both of them, Hillary especially, tried to cover up the mistakes, and activities that allowed Americans to be slaughtered, just to protect their campaigns, and legacy.  Or the recognition my fellow citizens and much of the media are willingly providing political cover, excuses and support for Hillary Clinton — just so their candidate can win the presidency.

Comey and the Will to Power.  Ms. Clinton is not only incompetent, she is thoroughly unqualified to be President.  It is quite possible that her cavalier attitude toward cyber security got Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith killed in Benghazi.  It is likely as well that her dithering about how to spin the terrorist disaster while it was underway led to the deaths of Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, who could have been saved had the State Department not worried about how their potential rescuers were dressed!  This is what mendacity combined with ineptness looks like.

Democrats vote against releasing final version of Benghazi report.  Members of the House Select Committee on Benghazi voted to adopt and release the final version of their report Friday amid a battle with the White House over portions that remain classified.  Four of the committee's five Democrats voted against adopting the report, but were overruled by the unanimous vote of the panel's Republican members.  After a draft of the report was made public last week, Democrats attempted to downplay its findings by arguing the two-year probe had highlighted few new facts.

Two More Ways Hillary Clinton Committed Perjury at Benghazi Committee.  Hillary Clinton appears to have perjured herself before the House Select Committee on Benghazi in at least three ways:  first, by stating that she had turned over "all my work related emails" from her private email server to the government; second, by insisting there was "nothing marked classified on my e-mails"; and third, by telling the committee that her attorneys "went through every single e-mail."  FBI director James Comey's statement Tuesday [7/5/2016] suggests none of those statements were true.  On Tuesday, Breitbart News published the relevant portion of the transcript of Clinton's testimony dealing with the question of whether she had turned over her work-related emails.  The other two instances in which Clinton perjured herself arose in her statements to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

FBI Proves Hillary Clinton Committed Perjury Before Benghazi Committee.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testified under oath before the House Select Committee on Benghazi last October that she had turned over "all my work related emails" from her private email server to the State Department.  But on Tuesday, FBI director James Comey revealed that the agency had found "several thousand" work-related emails Clinton had not turned over, including three that included information that had been classified at the time that they had been sent.

Benghazi Report Confirms Hillary's Fraud Against the American People.  Hillary Clinton's brief and lackluster tenure as secretary of state can best be summed up as scandal-ridden.  But of all the scandals swirling around the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, none resonates more than the Benghazi fiasco, which resulted in the needless deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, the first U.S. ambassador to die in the line of duty since 1979.  After 25 months of work which included interviews with over 100 witnesses and the examination of thousands of documents and emails, including those obtained off Clinton's unsecured bathroom server, the Select Committee on Benghazi has finally released its lengthy report which includes detailed findings that reflect poorly on the Obama White House and Ms. Clinton.

The Section of the Benghazi Report No One is Talking About.  A little-noticed section appended to the House Select Committee on Benghazi's final report elaborated on the views of Reps.  Jim Jordan, R-Ohio and Mike Pompeo, R-Kan. concerning a large but ignored matter:  Justice.  Section IV of the report, aptly titled "Justice Denied," fills merely a page because in short there has been no justice for the victims of the Benghazi attack, their families or the American people.

Mrs. Clinton's Benghazi Chapter.  With the passage of time and the release of more facts and documents, Clinton appears to be evolving her position from "the attackers were motivated by an awful, disgusting YouTube video" to "the video played a role."  Clinton writes in her book, "I know there are some who don't want to hear that an internet video played a role" in the September 11 upheaval in the Mideast, such as the attacks on the U.S. embassy in Cairo.  She says it "would have been strange not to consider ... that [the video] might have had the same effect [in Benghazi], too.  That's just common sense."  The problem with that defense is that, at the time, Clinton hadn't set forth the video scenario as "commonsense" musings.  She falsely portrayed it as a fact, as if exclusive to the scenario of preplanned terrorism.  We now know that this was contrary to the facts she and other Obama of officials had in hand and contrary to what her own representatives were privately telling Libyan of officials.

Disgraced State Department Official Blamed Ambassador Chris Stevens For His Own Death In Benghazi.  In testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, a former top State Department official shifted blame for the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens (pictured) in Benghazi from the Obama administration on to Stevens himself and the ambassador's security team.  The final report of the House Republicans Select Committee on Benghazi, released on Tuesday and reviewed in full by Breitbart Jerusalem, further documents that the State Department was in touch with Stevens about how to publicly respond to violent attacks on Western diplomatic outposts in Benghazi.

Did Obama White House bully anti-Muslim preacher?  There was a troubling item tucked deep inside the House Republican's Benghazi report on Tuesday.  It involves Terry Jones — the Florida preacher who has an affinity for burning the Koran. [...] Nevertheless, why were the Pentagon and the State Department so fixated on Preacher Jones instead of dispatching troops to rescue our people in Benghazi?  If I didn't know better, I'd say they were trying to find a fall guy — someone to blame other than the true culprits — Islamic radicals.  It was not the first time the Obama administration tried to strong-arm Preacher Jones.

MSNBC Rips Apart Hillary Clinton's Response To The Benghazi Terror Attacks.  On MSNBC's "Morning Joe" [6/29/2016] Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski, and Jon Meacham all expressed their outrage over Hillary Clinton's handling of the Benghazi terrorist attacks.  This discussion came on the heels of the House GOP releasing its report on Benghazi, which was praised by the panel as "fair-minded" and "independent."  Brzezinski said of Clinton's handling of the terrorist attacks, "I feel like we lost an ambassador, we lost precious lives.  Maybe that should have been the first thing that she said."

Benghazi Report Confirms Clinton Knew Risks And Did Nothing.  In short, the report argues that Secretary Clinton should have known the risks of what transpired at the diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya that resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador. [...] Unsurprisingly, Clinton's private email account plays a role in the report as well.  It was Clinton's exclusive use of a homebrew server that allowed Clinton, the State Department, and the Obama administration to stonewall the committee's efforts to fully investigate the tragedy.

Former CIA Operative on Benghazi and Video:  Obama, Clinton, Rice 'Lied — There's No Question'.  Former CIA operative Clare Lopez, the vice president for research and analysis at the Center for Security Policy (CSP) said that President Barack Obama, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice lied about the cause of the radical Islamist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 that killed four Americans.  The Obama administration spun a false narrative about an anti-Muslim video as inspiring the terrorist attack, said Lopez.

Benghazi Shocker:  Susan Rice Didn't Know CIA Annex Existed During TV Blitz.  When she went on five television talk shows to deliver the Obama administration's response to the Benghazi attacks, UN Ambassador Susan Rice says she did not even know about the existence of the CIA Annex in Benghazi.  The CIA Annex was one of two targets of the very attacks that she was discussing on September 16, 2012, when Rice infamously appeared on five morning talk shows — on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, and CNN — telling the story of protests that erupted "spontaneously" as a result of a "hateful video" offending Islam.  The other target was the U.S. Special Mission, which was attacked first and located about 1.2 miles from the CIA Annex.

The Enemy Doesn't Coordinate With Your Narrative.  The men of Benghazi were not, in the official sense, left to twist in the wind.  Yet that was the effect.  United States forces were simply unable to mount a response and they were, to all practical purposes alone.  The report outlines a veritable compendium of failure.  Some might even call it an indictment of the nation's military posture.  The reluctance to explore it is easy to understand.  It was rock that nobody in the administration wanted to look under.

Benghazi Victim's Widow:  Hillary 'Has No Right' To Tell Me To 'Move On'.  The widow of one of the four Americans killed in the Benghazi attacks says that Hillary Clinton "has no right" to say it is time to "move on" in the wake of a congressional report released earlier this week.  "I think that nobody in government can tell me how I feel, what I should feel about it.  She has no right, nor does anyone in government have a right to tell me it's time to move on," Dr. Dorothy Woods told CNN's Erin Burnett on Thursday [6/30/2016].  Woods' husband Tyrone was one of the former Navy SEALs killed during the Sept. 11, 2012 onslaught.

2 Yrs., $7 Mil for 800-Page Benghazi Report Containing Old News.  It took two years and a mind-boggling $7 million for House Republicans to finally complete an exhausting 800-page report on Benghazi that largely reiterates a lot of the information Judicial Watch has already released since the 2012 terrorist attacks on the Special Mission Compound in Libya.  That amounts to a staggering $8,750 a page for material piled into an insufferable document that doesn't even contain a smoking gun.  Nevertheless, members of the Benghazi Select Committee released the findings of their tiresome investigation this week with great fanfare, as if they had uncovered earth-shattering information during their lengthy probe.

Benghazi "Mishandled," Disaster "Orchestrated... In Part By Hillary Clinton".  The Benghazi scandal has long been a central liability for Hillary Clinton.  The former Secretary of State has long struggled to overcome the failed leadership she displayed during the Benghazi attack.  Now with the release of the 800-page Benghazi report she has been provided with another significant problem.  The report shows conclusively that Clinton lied to the American people about the circumstances of the attack on the State Department compound.  Furthermore, it once again highlights that Clinton ignored numerous warnings of danger and appeals for help from State Department personnel stationed in Libya.

Benghazi report:  It's clear Clinton put her own ambitions above fidelity to the law.  The 800-plus-page report of the House Select Committee on Benghazi was released earlier this week.  It slams former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her willful indifference to her obligation to repel military-style attacks on American interests and personnel at the U.S. Consulate and a nearby CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya.  She particularly failed to save the lives of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three of his colleagues, all under her care and control while she was secretary of state.  The report also slams Clinton for her repeated lies about the cause of the attacks.  After she told her daughter in an email that the Benghazi consulate had been attacked by an organized terrorist group using heavy military hardware, she told her colleagues at the State Department that the attacks were a spontaneous overreaction by locals to an American-made internet video about the Prophet Muhammad.  After telling that lie, she sent another email, this one to the Egyptian foreign minister, repeating what she had truthfully told her daughter.

No, Hillary, It Is Not Time to Move On.  Hillary has operated above the law for so many years that her disinclination toward humility has ripened into unbounded hubris, which was particularly on display in her comments about the recently released House Select Committee on Benghazi report on the tragedy in Libya.  Clinton said the committee found nothing new and it is time to move on.  Among her many liberal apologists, the panelists on "The View" united in outrage over the Republicans spending $7 million and "finding nothing new" against Clinton. [...] I remember this painful song and dance well from the 1990s.  Each time the Clintons were rightly accused of wrongdoing, they denied and attacked and slandered their accusers and then delayed long enough to claim that enough time had passed that we should just move on.  For those who care anything about the rule of law, it was a frustrating period.  Over the years, the unglamorous power couple has become even more deceitful, brazen and defiant.  Everyone, including Democrats, knows how corrupt the Clintons are, but they just continue to transgress with impunity.

Benghazi Victim's Mother Speaks Out on New Report: 'I'd Like to See Hillary in Stripes'.  In light of a new report on Hillary Clinton by the Republican-led Select Committee on Benghazi, the mother of one of the murdered Americans inside the consulate was invited to weigh in on the new revelations and conclusions.  Patricia Smith is the mother of slain U.S. information management officer Sean Smith.  Ever since his death, Mrs. Smith has blasted Clinton many times since his death for "lying" to her and for how the State Department handled the attack.

The Clinton/Obama Benghazi Scapegoating of Free Speech Continues to Hide in Plain Sight.  On September 11, 2012, at 7:30 p.m., when Ambassador Chris Stevens was still considered missing and soldiers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were still alive, the White House convened an emergency teleconference of senior national security personnel, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to discuss the ongoing chaos at the U.S. diplomatic annex in Benghazi, Libya.  According to the House Select Committee's Benghazi report released yesterday, "Five of the ten action items from the rough notes of the 7:30 p.m. meeting" concerned the YouTube trailer for Innocence of Muslims, a crude anti-Islam tract that demonstrators were using as justification for anti-American protests in Cairo and across the Muslim world.  This despite the fact that there had been "no mention of the video from the agents on the ground" in Benghazi.

Report shows inability of Congress to check executive.  The two-year, $7 million congressional probe into the Benghazi terrorist attack did more than produce an 800-page report, it also exposed how weak Congress has become in trying to investigate the executive branch.  Despite repeated subpoenas and official requests for interviews or documents, the committee said the State Department obfuscated, the Defense Department misled, the CIA stalled, and President Obama himself refused to cooperate, prolonging the congressional probe and leaving investigators without the information they needed.  Officials also repeatedly agreed to turn over information to Congress only if lawmakers treated it as classified, even though the administration had never made a formal determination that the information needed to be kept secret, the probe concluded.

State Dept.  Reaffirms That Anti-Islamic Video Did Not Motivate Benghazi Attack.  State Department spokesman Mark Toner reaffirmed Tuesday [6/28/2016] that the 2012 terrorist attacks on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, were planned and coordinated by extremists rather than motivated by an anti-Islamic YouTube video.  Toner answered questions about the Benghazi attacks at the State Department press briefing on the day that House Republicans released an 800-page report on the incident in which they blamed bureaucratic delays and political considerations by U.S. officials for not stopping the assault.  Four Americans, including Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, were killed on September 11, 2012, when terrorists stormed the diplomatic outpost, which Toner said on Tuesday was not sufficiently protected.

Judgment day!  Obama, Clinton lied about Benghazi.  Among the new revelations is that Stevens — along with the other three Americans killed in the terror attack — were in Benghazi with the aim of establishing a permanent diplomatic post, to replace the temporary one that had previously come under fire, The Hill's Julian Hattem reported.  "Military forces also appeared to have gotten lost or misinterpreted on their way down the chain, the report claims.  And the Libyan forces that eventually evacuated the surviving Americans from the CIA annex were in fact former loyalists of deposed strongman Moammar Gaddafi, and not militia groups with a previous relationship with the U.S.," Hattem wrote Tuesday [6/28/2016].

Mother of Benghazi victim slams Hillary: 'I'm not the liar — you are!'  The mother of a victim of the Benghazi terrorist attack bristled at Hillary Clinton's notion today that it's "time to move on."  [Video clip]

NRA's first TV ad of presidential cycle features Benghazi security contractor.  The National Rifle Association's political action committee launched its first television ad of the presidential election cycle Wednesday [6/29/2016] — an ad that features Mark "Oz" Geist, a security contractor who was in Benghazi, Libya, the night of the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack.  "A lot of people say they're not gonna vote this November because their candidate didn't win.  Well, I know some other people who won't be voting this year either," Mr. Geist says in the 30-second ad.  "Hillary as president?  No thanks," he says.  "I served in Benghazi.  My friends didn't make it.  They did their part.  Do yours."

Benghazi Scandal Report:  Hillary Was Part Of Massive Deception.  To the White House and Clinton campaigns, the Benghazi scandal just won't go away.  A new congressional report says that the Obama White House and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton intentionally lied to the American people about the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.  The lies just keep piling up.

Hillary's blithe response after devastating Congress report reveals she lied and lied again.  Hillary Clinton dismissed a Republican broadside on her and President Obama over the Benghazi attacks today [6/28/2016] saying:  'Move on.'  The Republican members of the House Benghazi committee issued their 800 page report with excoriating words for her and the president, accusing her of 'shameful' conduct over her secret email account, and the White House of lying about what caused the attacks.  Her 'homebrew' server was only revealed because of the investigation into the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.  The blistering 800-page report excoriates the Obama administration, finding that it lied about what caused the attacks which claimed the lives.

Hillary Clinton on Benghazi report:  "It's time to move on".  House Republicans on the Benghazi Committee released an 800-page report Tuesday [6/28/2016] faulting the Obama administration for its handling of the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya.  Clinton was secretary of state at the time; last fall, she testified before the Benghazi Committee for 11 hours.  Meanwhile, House Democrats released a separate report this week saying Clinton was never personally involved denying requests from Benghazi for additional security.

Benghazi report details Clinton's malfeasance and nonfeasance.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi has issued its report.  The 800-page document is the result of an investigation that, according to the committee, encompassed 81 new witnesses and 75,000 pages of new documents.  The report covers every aspect of the Benghazi scandal — the "before," the "during," and multiple phases of the "after."  At Hot Air, Larry O'Connor provides a good summary and Ed Morrissey homes in on the report's finding that Hillary Clinton's aide, Cheryl Mills, exercised undue influence over the Accountability Review Board (ARB) that investigated (sort of) Benghazi.  This was malfeasance.

The Benghazi Debacle Should Have Ended Hillary Clinton's Career.  Do failures and lies matter any longer?  If you are a prominent Democratic politician, what exactly is the level of wrongdoing that will end your career?  Reading the long-awaited report from the House Select Committee on Benghazi and the associated media coverage, I was struck by the sheer scale of the failures and the deceptions surrounding the terror attack on the Benghazi compound, and by the mainstream media's dismissiveness.

Secret cabal of Gaddafi loyalists rescued Americans trapped during Benghazi terror attacks.  A secret cabal of Gaddafi loyalists rescued US personnel trapped during the Benghazi terror attacks on September 11, 2012 despite President Obama's attempts to overthrow the Libyan dictator.  The CIA was unaware of the group at the time of the attack which was launched on the US consulate in the coastal city which claimed the lives of four Americans, including the Ambassador Chris Stevens, according to an 800-page report.

Americans at Benghazi post were rescued by Qaddafi officer militia, report reveals.  The long-awaited House committee report on the 2012 Benghazi attacks revealed a striking irony:  In the end, the forces that came to evacuate State Department and CIA officers that night were not fellow Americans, but a secret unit of former military officers from the Qaddafi regime that Washington — and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — had helped overthrow.  Their intervention, according to the report, likely saved "over two dozen lives."  "In other words, some of the very individuals the United States had helped remove from power during the Libyan revolution were the only Libyans that came to the assistance of the United States on the night of the Benghazi attacks," the report said.

GOP Rep Susan Brooks:  Admin Spent Two Hours Discussing How to go Into Behghazi 'Without Truly Offending Libya' During Benghazi.  On Tuesday's [6/28/2016] "MSNBC Live," Representative Susan Brooks (R-IN) stated that the Benghazi Select Committee, which she served on, uncovered that "there was a White House secure video conference that took place, we did not know that previously.  That Secretary Clinton participated in, and other White House officials... and they had discussions for over two hours about how to go in without truly offending Libya, how to send people to Tripoli, never to Benghazi."

GOP Benghazi report charges Obama-Clinton did nothing to save lives.  House Republicans on Tuesday [6/28/2016] released their long-awaited report on the fatal Benghazi attacks, charging President Obama, House Democrats and Hillary Clinton's State Department of stonewalling and claiming that Clinton's team did nothing to help the Americans under attack.  The GOP report comes a day after Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi released their report Monday that claimed the four killed in Benghazi, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were sitting ducks and that nothing could be done to help them.  The GOP dismissed the report.

Clinton delayed U.S. security resources in Benghazi, panel finds.  Both President Obama and Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta ordered that all available resources be used to help fend off the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack, but top administration officials — including then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — put those plans on hold, according to a congressional report, which said the officials instead debated how to appease the Libyan government.

Benghazi lies were just standard procedure under Obama.  In an addendum to the report, Reps.  Jim Jordan and Mike Pompeo detail the fact that the administration knew perfectly well in the immediate aftermath of the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi that it had been planned and directed by Islamist radicals as an evil commemoration of 9/11.  For example, at 11:23 p.m. on the night of the attack, Hillary Clinton e-mailed her daughter Chelsea to say, "Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al Quedalike [sic] group".  The next morning, she said, "We are working to determine the precise motivations and methods of those who carried out this assault."

If Benghazi was your 'worst mistake,' Mr. President, take it seriously.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi has published its final report on the terrorist attack there in September 2012, and news media are determined to minimize its importance.  True, it contains no shocking new revelation beyond all the shocking things that had been revealed already.  The public already had an inkling of the clumsy, election-related White House and State Department coverup after the attack.  They knew, if they kept up on the issue, about the casual neglect of adequate security measures by the State Department.  They suspected a failure by the military to do all it could; no personnel or equipment was deployed in that direction.  (It might not have saved lives, but that's something that could not have been known in advance, so failure to lift a finger was a terrible failure indeed).

Dems and Benghazi.  The Democrats on the Benghazi committee show how little they cared about the facts and the death of four Americans and how partisan they are when they mentioned Trump 23 times in their report.  Who actually politicized the deaths?  Maybe they paid such little attention that they didn't realize that Trump wasn't President or Secretary of State in 2012.  Trump was not the one who didn't lift a finger to save the four Americans.  Trump was not the one that decided not to try to rescue the Americans even though no one knew how long the attack was going to last.  Trump did not concoct a lie blaming a video instead of terrorism because there was an election coming up.  Trump had no reason to worry if the truth came out before the 2012 election.  Trump wasn't concerned about maintaining his political power.  Trump did not send Susan Rice out to lie on five news programs blaming a video.  Trump did not receive the bodies and lie to the families of those that died.  Trump did not use a private non-secure server to hide information from the public.  Trump did not violate multiple security laws when handling classified documents.  Trump did not hide E mails and other documents from the committee.  Trump did not go on the radio in the Middle East to falsely blame the video.  Trump did not go before the committee and say at this point why does it matter how or why they died.

Beware of the supreme maestro of shameless cover-ups.  If eight years of a Clinton presidency were not enough to teach you about the slow-rolling train wreck soap opera of dazzling indifference, monumental selfishness, convoluted lies and shameless cover-ups, then just maybe you deserve to live with yet another monstrous mistake.  Lady Hillary Clinton's orchestration of a sprawling and fantastically dishonest cover-up of the terrorist attack on her State Department post in Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11 is a clear reminder of just how totally indifferent the Clintons are when it comes to their responsibility to the voters they serve, the people they command and the country they represent.

Matthews Presses Becerra on Response to Benghazi Attack.  Rep. Xavier Becerra (D., Calif.) was pressed by MSNBC host Chris Matthews on Tuesday [6/28/2016] about the response by the American government to the 2012 terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya which killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.  Also on Tuesday, the House Select Committee on Benghazi issued a report on the attack, It in part concluded Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should have understood the risk posed by extremist groups in Libya, as well as laid out government defense orders not being carried out.

How the White House misled on Benghazi.  New evidence obtained by the House Select Committee on Benghazi suggests the Obama administration forged ahead with a narrative that blamed the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi on a protest over a YouTube clip, despite clear and consistent signs that the violence was planned and executed by a terrorist group.  In a 48-page summary of the committee's findings that was penned by a pair of Republican committee members and made public Tuesday, Reps.  Jim Jordan and Mike Pompeo argued the administration presented the public with an explanation that had little basis in fact because President Obama was preoccupied with declaring terrorism dead ahead of his reelection.

The Benghazi Lie in Black and White.  The final majority report of the Benghazi Select Committee is set to be released later Tuesday morning.  Representatives Jim Jordan and Mike Pompeo have signed onto the official majority document and authored a supplemental, 51-page "additional views" report of their own.  Among the most interesting aspects of their "additional views" is a timeline that contrasts the story top Obama administration officials were telling in public with the very different story some of those same officials were sharing with one another in private emails, conversations and documents.  The timeline reinforces in a compelling way what will be one of the most significant takeaways from the committee investigation:  The Obama administration knowingly provided the American people a false story about the Benghazi attack, its causes and its consequences.

5 Big Takeaways From The House Benghazi Report.  [#1] Administration Misled Public Immediately and Continually.  Even though U.S. officials — including Hillary Clinton — knew immediately that the siege in Benghazi was a highly coordinated terror attack, they chose to mislead the public with statements about spontaneous protests caused by a YouTube video.  The report indicates that political considerations were on the minds of State Department officials learning about the attack.  Before the Benghazi attack even ended, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland sent an email to two other, high-level Clinton aides, Jacob Sullivan and Phillipe Reines, that noted top Obama aide Ben Rhodes was worried or upset about Mitt Romney's comments on the attack.

White House refuses Benghazi questions for Obama.  The White House and the House Select Committee on Benghazi are at a standoff over whether President Barack Obama should answer a series of questions about the 2012 terrorist attack in Libya that left four Americans dead.  Neil Eggleston, counsel to the president, blasted the committee for sending the president a list of questions about the attack — an inquiry the administration deemed inappropriate and a partisan attempt to frame the White House as uncooperative.  Eggleston has encouraged Obama not to answer the committee's questions "because of the implications of his response on the constitutional separation of powers," according to a letter sent Saturday [6/25/2016] to Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) and obtained by POLITICO.

Judicial Watch Statement on House Benghazi Report.  "The Select Committee report further confirms what Judicial Watch already uncovered through its independent investigations.  Our investigation continues, as the Clinton email obstruction of our Benghazi FOIA lawsuit is the subject of court-ordered discovery.  This report proves beyond all doubt that after four Americans died in Benghazi, the Obama administration lied.  While we appreciate the Select Committee's efforts, Judicial Watch's Benghazi effort has been one of the most significant non-government investigations in modern American history."

White House dismisses Benghazi panel as 'political fantasizing'.  White House spokesman Josh Earnest dismissed the final report from the House Select Committee on Benghazi as "political fantasizing" on the part of Republicans, and charged that the report is a political gift from the House to the Republican National Committee.  "It seems at this point that ... after eight different congressional inquiries have now been conducted into this matter, it seems that there is only one remaining question, and it's simply this:  Is the RNC going to disclose the in-kind contribution that they received from House Republicans today?" Earnest said.

Benghazi Bombshell:  No Evidence of Obama's 'Three Directives'.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi report contains at least one major bombshell:  the committee found no evidence of the "three directives" that President Barack Obama claimed he issued when he first learned about the ongoing terror attack.  Neither the committee's official report, nor the Democrats' dissenting minority report, mentions the "three directives."  (In fact, President Obama barely features in the Democrats' report at all, as if someone else were Commander-in-Chief that evening.)

Report: Obama Skipped Intelligence Briefing the Day After Benghazi Attacks.  According to the upcoming report from the House Benghazi Committee, President Barack Obama skipped his personal daily intelligence briefing the day after the 2012 Benghazi attacks.  The revelation is buried in one of the appendices to the 800-page report released by the Republican-controlled committee Tuesday.  According to the Executive Coordinator tasked with delivering the daily briefings, she first delivered the briefing to White House chief of staff Jack Lew.  But instead of giving Obama a briefing, she gave the folder to a White House usher.

Select Committee on Benghazi Releases Proposed Report.  The committee's proposed report is just over 800 pages long and is comprised of five primary sections and 12appendices.  It details relevant events in 2011 and 2012.

The 15 Questions About Benghazi Barack Obama Does Not Want To Answer.  Republicans are out with the full report on the Benghazi attack on an American consulate that killed four Americans, but part of the report detailed fifteen questions for President Barack Obama that were not answered.  Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy sent a list of questions to Obama's counsel, but his request was ultimately rejected by the White House, according to Politico.

Trey Gowdy's Benghazi Committee Releases Full Report On Attacks.  After more than two years, the Republicans on the House Benghazi committee on Tuesday released a final report on its findings. [...] "I simply ask the American people to read this report for themselves, look at the evidence we have collected, and reach their own conclusions," committee chairman Trey Gowdy, a South Carolina congressman, said in a statement.  "You can read this report in less time than our fellow citizens were taking fire and fighting for their lives on the rooftops and in the streets of Benghazi."

Feds Spent More on Soap Operas, Obesity Rap Songs, Hotel Shower Monitoring Than Benghazi Committee.  The federal government spent more on anti-obesity rap songs, a soap opera series about HIV, and a device to monitor how long hotel guests spend in the shower than Congress spent investigating the attack in Benghazi, Libya.  Democrats are very concerned that taxpayer funding went towards the investigation of the 2012 attack that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.  They say the investigation has cost about $7 million.  "We are issuing our own report today because, after spending more than two years and $7 million in taxpayer funds in one of the longest and most partisan congressional investigations in history, it is long past time for the Select Committee to conclude its work," Democratic House members said.

Benghazi Committee Releases Final Report, Slams Clinton.  The U.S. House Select Committee on Benghazi released its final report on Tuesday morning, comprising some 800 pages of investigations and conclusions that suggest former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration were derelict in their duty to protect American diplomats from the most significant terror attack on the U.S. since Sep. 11, 2001.  The report also details how the Obama administration contrived to misinform the public about the cause of the attack.

On September 11, Huma Abedin Worked For Hillary Clinton and Saudi Charity Suspected of Terror Funding.  On September 11, 2001 Huma Abedin — Hillary Clinton's aide for twenty years and co-chair of her current Presidential run — was working for an organization located in the offices of Saudi Arabia's Muslim World League.  That's a Wahhabist Islamic group that Breitbart News recently reported was going to be put on a list of terror funders by U.S. government but was removed, reportedly under pressure from Saudi Arabia.

Armed Drones 'Could Have Made a Difference' at Benghazi, Lawmakers Conclude.  The U.S. military response was perplexingly inadequate Sept. 11, 2012, the night Americans were attacked by Islamist terrorists in Benghazi, Libya.  That's one overarching conclusion reached by two leading Republicans on the House Select Committee on Benghazi after an investigation lasting a year and a half.  Armed U.S. drones "could have made a difference," they say.

Here's a Part of Benghazi Report That We All Should Be Talking About.  Team Tripoli arrived in Benghazi at 1:30 a.m. local time, but they were held up at the airport for approximately three hours as they attempted to negotiate transportation to the CIA Annex.  The militia they negotiated with was known as Libyan Shield — referred to by one Team Tripoli member as the "less bad" transportation options.  The Libyan Shield militia was supposed to be a State Department approved "friendly" militia, however, testimony from witnesses on the ground that night tells a much different story.

Benghazi panel criticizes Clinton's actions in new 800-page report.  The report, after more than two years of work and $7 million in expense, does not fundamentally alter the public's understanding of the attacks, which left four Americans dead and has stirred controversy throughout President Obama's time in office.  But the analysis includes new facts sure to be seized upon by the administration's critics and which are likely to serve as points of attack against Clinton during the general election.  Clinton herself is chided more for her actions before and after the night of the attack, rather than in the heat of the moment itself.  Clinton and other officials did not adequately heed concerns about the growing extremism in Benghazi and other parts of Libya, the report concluded.

Gowdy warns Dems looking to spin Benghazi report: 'Read it for yourself'.  South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy claims his Democratic colleagues will be "shocked" if they choose to read an 800-page report about the 2012 terrorist attacks in Libya released Tuesday by the House Select Committee on Benghazi. [...] "Read it for yourself and read all of the new information that we found and what our focus is on," he said.  "It is not on one person it is on four people whose political affiliations I have no idea what they are."

Why Did Obama's Campaign Manager Brief Susan Rice Ahead Of Benghazi TV Show Appearances?  The day before Susan Rice appeared on five separate Sunday morning TV talk shows to blame the Sept. 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks on a YouTube video, the then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations participated in a telephone conference call with David Plouffe, the manager of President Obama's 2008 presidential campaign.  That revelation, which is laid out in the House Select Committee on Benghazi's report, released on Tuesday [6/28/2016], lends more evidence to support the claim that the White House blamed the YouTube video for political purposes.

House Benghazi report:  Clinton was planning a trip to Libya before the attacks.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was planning to visit Libya in 2012, but those plans were upended when terrorists attacked the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi on Sept. 11 and 12 of that year, according to newly revealed testimony given to the House Select Committee on Benghazi, which is set to release its highly anticipated report Tuesday [6/28/2016].  Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who died in the attacks along with three other Americans, told then-Deputy Chief of Mission Gregory Hicks in July 2012 that Clinton wanted to visit Libya again, perhaps in October, according to Hicks's testimony to the committee.  Stevens told Hicks that he wanted to have a "deliverable" to announce if and when Clinton came to Libya, namely that the temporary U.S. mission to Benghazi would be made into a permanent U.S. diplomatic facility.

Committee Report:  Secretary of Defense Panetta Ordered Military Assets For Benghazi, They Never Moved.  The much anticipated Benghazi Select Committee report released early Tuesday morning reveals former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta order military assets to be deployed to Benghazi, but they never arrived.  Two unarmed drones, showing a live feed of the attack, did.  Military assets sat for hours while Americans were under attack and while President Obama's team at the White House debated getting YouTube to take down a video offensive to Muslims, which was of course used as an excuse for the attack.

Clinton On Benghazi Report:  Yeah, Let's Just Move On, Folks.  The long awaited Benghazi report is out.  And Hillary Clinton says that it's time for all of us to "move on" from this ongoing investigation that's been one of many headaches for her campaign.  Congress has been looking into exactly what happened on September 11, 2012, where Islamic terrorists attacked our compound in Benghazi, leading to the murders of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi has been combing through documents, emails, and conducting interviews over two years throughout the course of this investigation[.]

Hillary and Obama administration lied about Benghazi 'video' story at every turn because they were 'just 8 weeks before an election,' says GOP congressman.  Republicans on the House Benghazi Committee claimed Tuesday [6/28/2016] that the Obama White House and Hillary Clinton lied repeatedly to the American people about the nature of and reasons for the 2012 terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya, even as they privately acknowledged what caused them.  A scathing report provides new ammunition against Clinton, then the secretary of state, and turn the assault on an under-protected U.S. diplomatic compound and a nearby CIA facility into the election-year issue it was always destined to be.  Republicans' central argument is that the Obama White House chose to deceive Americans rather than risk the public relations nightmare of admitting terrorists had struck Americans overseas, less than two months before Obama's re-election day.

House GOP Report:  Despite eyewitness accounts, Clinton, administration pushed video explanation for Benghazi.  The claim that the fatal 2012 Benghazi terrorist attacks were sparked by an anti-Muslim video was crafted in Washington by Obama administration appointees and reflected neither eyewitness nor real-time reports from the Americans under siege, according to the final report of the GOP-led Benghazi Select Committee.  The GOP report, released Tuesday, followed by less than a day a report by the Democrats on the panel saying that security at the Benghazi, Libya facility was "woefully inadequate" but former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton never personally denied any requests from diplomats for additional protection.

GOP Benghazi report charges Obama-Clinton did nothing to save lives.  House Republicans on Tuesday released their long-awaited report on the fatal Benghazi attacks, charging President Obama, House Democrats and Hillary Clinton's State Department of stonewalling and claiming that Clinton's team did nothing to help the Americans under attack.  The GOP report comes a day after Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi released their report Monday [6/27/2016] that claimed the four killed in Benghazi, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were sitting ducks and that nothing could be done to help them.  The GOP dismissed the report.

House Benghazi Report Finds No New Evidence of Wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton.  Ending one of the longest, costliest and most bitterly partisan congressional investigations in history, the House Select Committee on Benghazi issued its final report on Tuesday, finding no new evidence of culpability or wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton in the 2012 attacks in Libya that left four Americans dead.  The 800-page report, however, included some new details about the night of the attacks, and the context in which it occurred, and it delivered a broad rebuke of government agencies like the Defense Department, the Central Intelligence Agency and the State Department — and the officials who led them — for failing to grasp the acute security risks in the Libyan city, and especially for maintaining outposts in Benghazi that they could not protect.

White House Impeded Benghazi Probe, Republicans on Panel Say.  The U.S. military response was perplexingly inadequate Sept. 11, 2012, the night Americans were attacked by Islamist terrorists in Benghazi, Libya.  That's one overarching conclusion reached by two leading Republicans on the House Select Committee on Benghazi after an investigation lasting a year and a half.  Armed drones "could have made a difference," they say.  "Until now the administration has led us to believe the military did not have assets, men, or machines close enough or ready enough to arrive in Benghazi in time to save lives," Reps.  Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Mike Pompeo, R-Kansas, write.  "An asset that could have made a difference would have been armed drones.  And as the committee learned, it would have been relatively fast and easy to arm a drone."

House GOP Benghazi report — Marines' rescue was delayed because no one could decide whether they should wear uniforms or civvies.  Add to the litany of failures during the Benghazi attack a serious wardrobe malfunction.  As the Sept. 11th, 2012 attack raged, government officials debated whether U.S. Marines being dispatched should don their military uniforms or wear civilian clothing, according to a new report being released by Republicans on the select Benghazi committee.  The report cites one commander who said as forces got ready to deploy, 'during the course of three hours, he and his Marines changed in and out of their uniforms four times,' NBC reported.

Obama Did Not Ask for an Intel Brief the Day After the Benghazi Attack.  Among the many revelations that will emerge from the voluminous majority report of the Benghazi Select Committee when it is released Tuesday is this one:  Barack Obama skipped his daily intelligence briefing one day after the Benghazi attacks on September 11, 2012.  The president's briefer handed a written copy of the presidential daily briefing to a White House usher and then briefed Jack Lew, who was then serving as White House chief of staff.  But Obama, who sometimes avails himself of the oral briefing that is offered along the written intelligence product, did not ask for such a briefing the day after the attacks on U.S. facilities in Libya.

House Select Committee On Benghazi Scheduled To Release Report Today.  According to CNN and DC source media the House Select Committee on Benghazi is scheduled to release their 802 page narrative report outlining the events surrounding the Sept. 11th/12th 2012 Benghazi Libya attack, later today [6/28/2016].

Republicans discuss findings in Benghazi report.  The more than 800-page report paints a picture of a perfect storm of bureaucratic inertia, rapidly worsening security in Libya and inadequate resources in the months that led up to the killings of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three colleagues on September 11, 2012.  The administration initially claimed the attack was carried out by an angry mob responding to a video made in the U.S. mocking Islam and the Prophet Mohammed.  But the assault was later determined to be a terrorist attack — a finding Republicans accused the White House of covering up to protect President Barack Obama's re-election prospects.

White House accuses Republicans of peddling Benghazi 'conspiracy theories' after committee puts them on blast for refusing to answer investigators' questions.  The White House accused Republicans of peddling 'wild conspiracy theories' about the Benghazi terrorist attack on Monday [6/27/2016].  A House committee charged with investigating the 2012 assault on the U.S. consulate in Libya asked President Barack Obama to answer a list of questions testing his knowledge about the onslaught.  The president's chief counsel refused, saying in a letter to the committee's chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, that Republicans raised 'serious questions about the legitimacy' of their investigation with the inquiry.

White House ridicules House GOP effort to question Obama on Benghazi.  The White House blasted a special House committee Monday for trying to interview President Obama about his actions on the night of the Benghazi attack, saying there's photographic proof that the president was working on the crisis at the White House.  "It's not surprising to me that Republicans want to look at every possible crevice for a new conspiracy," said White House deputy press secretary Eric Schultz.  "This is a Republican conspiracy theory in search of a conspiracy."

Emails: Susan Rice Was 'Off The Reservation' For Blaming Benghazi Attacks On YouTube Video.  Former United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice's claims on five Sunday morning talk shows that the Sept. 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks were sparked by a YouTube video were "off the reservation," a State Department official wrote to colleagues in an email that was released on Monday [6/27/2016].  Democrats from the House Select Committee on Benghazi released transcripts of interviews conducted with numerous government officials familiar with the Obama administration's response to the terrorist attacks, which killed four Americans.  Emails cited in those interviews, which were conducted with officials from the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (NEA), shed light on the thinking of career State Department employees to Rice's heavily-criticized claims about the Benghazi attacks.

Democrats' Benghazi Report Mentions Donald Trump 23 Times For Some Reason.  A 339-page report released by Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi mentions Donald Trump 23 times.  That total is more than the combined number of references to Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, two of the former Navy SEALs killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks.  Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was also killed during the onslaught, is mentioned 85 times in the report, according to Republicans on the Select Committee.

White House spars with Benghazi panel.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi and the White House are at a standstill over whether President Obama should answer questions about the 2012 attack, according to Politico.  The committee sent Obama a list of questions, which the administration has called inappropriate and an attempt to frame the White House as uncooperative.  Neil Eggleston, counsel to the president, has advised Obama not to answer any questions "because of the implications of his response on the constitutional separation of powers," he said in a letter to Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.).  "If the president were to answer your questions, his response would suggest that Congress has the unilateral power to demand answers from the president about his official acts," the letter reads.

Barack Obama Was High on Cocaine During "The Missing Hours" of the Benghazi Attack.  Yesterday, Rich Lowry at Politico wrote about "The Mystery Night" on September 11th, 2012 when the current US President disappeared for many hours and was seemingly unavailable... despite the fact that the first US Ambassador in 30 years had been murdered in the line of duty.  Lowry wonders where Barack Obama disappeared to that fateful night... and why White House aide Dan Pfeiffer insists it's "irrelevant" where Obama was in those missing hours.  If you've ever known anyone who is a drug addict, you'd see it's obvious that Barack Obama was high on cocaine the night of Benghazi; it is the only logical explanation for his disappearance and the White House's refusal to comment on what he was doing at the time.  Since this was a night of great crisis for our country, the only logical reason that the White House won't explain where the president was is if this man was high as a kite on illegal narcotics at the time.

The mystery night.  Obama's actions and nonactions on that terrible night are a blank spot in his presidency.  We simply don't know much about them, and the White House has always been perfectly content to leave it that way. [...] When the White House has a good story to tell, we hear about it.

Dems release parallel Benghazi report ahead of GOP.  Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi released their rebuttal to the Republican-led committee's argument on Monday, before the GOP leaders published their own report.  The 339-page Democratic report aims to refute allegations expected to be made by Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) in what they have long claimed is a partisan witch hunt.  "We are issuing our own report today because, after spending more than two years and $7 million in taxpayer funds in one of the longest and most partisan congressional investigations in history, it is long past time for the select committee to conclude its work," Democrats said.

Obama Administration Blocks Questions on Benghazi.  The White House and the House Select Committee on Benghazi have reached an impasse as the latter works to finish its review of the terrorist attack in Libya that left four Americans dead in 2012.  In the latest chapter of the long-running investigation, the committee posed a series of questions for President Barack Obama, which the White House has refused to answer after writing the move off as a partisan attempt to make the current administration look uncooperative ahead of the presidential election.  On June 7, just weeks before it is expected to release its final Benghazi report, the House Select Committee sent the president more than a dozen questions about the terrorist attack in Libya that have been left unanswered.

Benghazi Hero on His New Campaign Against Radical Islam:  Jihadists Want To Destroy Western Values, Christianity.  Former U.S. Army Ranger Kris "Tanto" Paronto, one the CIA security contractors who helped fight off jihadists during the Sept. 11, 2012 Benghazi attack that killed four Americans, spoke to Breitbart News Saturday [6/25/2016] about combating radical Islam as chairman of the Leading from the Front advocacy campaign, which is organized by the American Legacy Center.  The primary goal of radical Islamic terrorism is "the destruction of Western values" and "the destruction of Christianity... and anybody else that doesn't believe in Sharia law and doesn't adhere to Sharia law and the Quran and how terrorists [believe] it should be interpreted," he told Breitbart News Saturday host Matt Boyle.

Gowdy, White House in talks over classifying Benghazi report.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said Thursday [6/23/2016] that one of the final hurdles to releasing a final report from the House Select Committee on Benghazi is an ongoing negotiation with the Obama administration over how much of the report should be classified.  Gowdy participated in the Senate Republican lunch Thursday, and a senator at the lunch said Gowdy noted the issue of classification, raising the prospect that some information in the final report may not become public.

Under Obama: 8 Islamic Terror Attacks That Could Have Been Prevented.  As Sharyl Attkisson reported, there were eight major warning signs before the Benghazi attacks — which claimed the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans — including an online posting in which al-Qaida stated its intent to attack the Red Cross, the British and Americans in Benghazi.  "The goals were accomplished in order," Attkisson notes.

Gowdy subpoenas Pentagon official, suggests he hid Benghazi witness.  House Benghazi Committee Republicans have subpoenaed a Pentagon official to testify next week after Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) suggested the person may have misled congressional officials who were seeking to track down a witness with knowledge of the 2012 attack.  Committee Republicans had been trying to find "John from Iowa," who called into Sean Hannity's radio program in 2013 and said he had been a drone sensor operator the night of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack and had seen a video feed.

Trey Gowdy:  Defense Department May Have Deliberately Concealed Identity Of Benghazi Drone Operator.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi on Friday issued a subpoena for a Defense Department official who recently falsely claimed that the military could not identify a drone operator who was working on the night of the Benghazi attacks.  The identity of the drone operator, who has been publicly identified only as "John from Iowa," has long been known to the Air Force, Select Committee chairman Trey Gowdy said Thursday after he was interviewed.

The Witch-Hunt May Soon Be Over:  Trey Gowdy Found Her.  House Democrats are asking for a chance to review the GOP's report on the Benghazi terrorist attacks before it is released to the public. [...] "These do-nothing Democrats pretending to be interested in the truth are the same ones who refused to help with the investigation and wasted millions of dollars trying to undermine and obstruct it," [Matt] Wolking said in a statement.  "It's obvious the Democrats aren't serious, and their two-faced antics and dishonest distortions are just part of the political game they're playing on the taxpayers' dime," he added.  "While they stick to knocking down their own straw men and trying to prove their predetermined political conclusions, Republicans are following the facts and working to provide answers to the families of the victims and the American people," he added.

The Benghazi Cover Up.  The following video was produced by journalist Lee Stranahan and exposes the coordinated campaign between Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the media to conceal the truth about the Benghazi terrorist attack until after the 2012 presidential election.  The video sequence is featured in Stranahan's film "The Caliphate."  [Video clip]

Benghazi survivor:  Hillary Clinton has 'no soul'.  A survivor of the 2012 Benghazi siege that claimed the lives of four Americans and subject of the movie "13 Hours" repudiated Hillary Clinton Thursday night [6/2/2016] in Connecticut's largest Democratic stronghold.  Kris "Tanto" Paronto, a military contractor and former Army Ranger, said Clinton failed as secretary of state to send in adequate reinforcements when the U.S. mission in Libya was under terrorist attack.  Part of the security team that tried to defend the compound, Paronto headlined the annual Lincoln Day fundraising dinner of Bridgeport Republicans, who make up less than 10 percent of the city's electorate.

Islamic Killer Bigots Also Deserve The Death Penalty.  On September 11, 2012, four Americans were murdered by Islamic terrorists in Benghazi.  Ahmed Abu Khattala, the man named by the government as the ringleader of the attack, won't have to worry about the death penalty.  Even though he was being charged with crimes punishable by death including the murder of "an internationally protected" ambassador; three counts of murdering an officer and employee of the United States and four counts of killing a person in the course of an attack on a federal facility, the Islamist killer will not face the same fate as that of his American victims.

Former State Dept. chief of staff blames Clinton email bungle on Benghazi terrorist attack.  Cheryl Mills, the former chief of staff at the State Department, partly blamed the Benghazi terrorist attack for former Secretary Hillary Clinton failing to turn over her emails as she left office in 2013, saying there was "a lot going on" that distracted them from fulfilling their obligations under open records laws.  Ms. Mills, in sworn testimony ordered by a federal judge taken last week and released Tuesday, said Mrs. Clinton and her team were occupied with too many other things to think about going through their official records and making sure they remained with the department — a requirement of multiple federal laws and agency policies.

Seven Giant Scandals That Barack Obama Just Couldn't Keep Undercover!  [#6] Benghazi:  Now I know this is considered by many, Hillary's scandal.  But Obama was in the same situation room as her, and he runs the country, and the show.  Responsibility falls on both their heads.  Never before in history has an American President, or Secretary of State been so negligent in their duties to our fighting (the men there were CIA, and CIA contractors — employees) men and women, that they would abandon them, and ignore their pleas for help.

On Trey Gowdy, Hillary, and Benghazi.  [Scroll down]  Hillary 'What Difference Does It Make' Clinton, seems not to even care if Trump does or does not mention the Benghazi investigation as she knows that no matter the outcome of the investigation and corresponding report that in the end, if indicted, Obama will pardon her if for no other reason than out of fear of her 'spilling the beans' on him... beans that involve both his involvement in Benghazi itself and his entire unconstitutional sham of a presidency as well.  Remember, it was Hillary not Trump who started the entire birth certificate brouhaha back in 2008 when she first ran for the Democratic nomination against Obama... and it was she who was given the position of Secretary of State by Obama when he won the election as basically a way for him to keep an eye on her and to keep her on a short leash so that she didn't 'talk' if you will about both where he truly was born and any questionable dealings he was involved in.

The Editor says...
It is possible that Hillary is one of the few people who knows exactly what Barack H. Obama was doing on the night of the Benghazi attack.  Whatever he was doing, it is apparently so reprehensible that to this day the White House won't say anything about his whereabouts.

Benghazi shocker!  Pentagon caught hiding witnesses.  The chairman of the House Benghazi committee on Thursday made a surprising accusation — the Pentagon has made key witnesses in the 2012 Benghazi terror attack investigation vanish.  The hiding of witness from the night of the deadly 2012 attacks in Libya is threatening the more than two-year-old investigation — and may be part of a backroom deal to protect former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said in a statement that the Defense Department spent five weeks completely ignoring a request for the pilots who sent drones over Benghazi and Tripoli.  When the list was finally provided, the Pentagon reportedly had left off key names.

Benghazi report out within next month, chairman promises.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi will release its report on the 2012 attack that killed four Americans in Libya within the next month and ahead of the twin nominating conventions this summer, Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) promised on Friday [5/20/2016].  "It'll be in the next month," Gowdy said during an interview with MSNBC's "Meet the Press Daily."  "It will be before the conventions," he added.  The deadline, which he and other Benghazi committee Republicans have previously suggested was the goal, will likely bring to a close years of official scrutiny about the Sept. 11, 2012, violence.  Conservatives have vocally criticized the Obama administration over its handling of the attack and the narrative presented to the American people afterwards.

CNN Anchor To Trump Aide: 'I Don't Want To Argue Benghazi With You'.  CNN's Brooke Baldwin steered Donald Trump's senior policy adviser Stephen Miller away from talking about Hillary Clinton's intervention in Libya that ultimately led to the terror attack in Benghazi.  Appearing on "CNN Newsroom," on Thursday [5/19/2016], Baldwin asked Miller to respond to Clinton's allegation that Trump is not qualified to be president.  Miller replied, "We obviously agree with Bernie Sanders that Hillary Clinton isn't qualified to be president."

From Whitewater to Benghazi:  A Clinton-Scandal Primer.  [Scroll down]  Benghazi has gradually turned into a classic "it's not the crime, it's the coverup" scenario.  Only the fringes argue, at this point, that Clinton deliberately withheld aid.  A House committee continues to investigate the killings and aftermath, but Clinton's marathon appearance before the committee in October was widely considered a win for her.  However, it was through the Benghazi investigations that Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server became public — a controversy that remains potent.

Democrats blast Benghazi probe amid new Pentagon questions.  Democrats demanded Monday [5/16/2016] that Congress cancel the special investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack and accused committee Chairman Trey Gowdy of straying into dangerous political territory while searching for a reason to continue its probe.  Mr. Gowdy, South Carolina Republican, ignited the round of fire by saying the Select Committee on Benghazi would be willing to hear from an anonymous Air Force member who said in a radio interview last week that he and his team could have responded in time to save some of the four Americans killed in the 2012 attack.  Democrats said the committee's investigation, which has stretched to two years, is running on fumes and needs to be wrapping up rather than pursuing new leads.

Air Force whistleblower:  We could have saved Benghazi victims.  An Air Force whistleblower says his team could have provided reinforcements to the Americans under attack in Benghazi in September 2012, contrary to the Obama administration's claims that the military provided the maximum possible support for the embattled diplomatic staff.  "I definitely believe that our aircraft could have taken off and got there in a timely manner, maybe three hours at the most, in order to basically at least stop that second mortar attack and have those guys running for the hills," a man purportedly stationed at Aviano Air Force base in Italy told Fox News on the condition of anonymity.

Benghazi Shocker:  Two Service Members Say They Were Armed And Ready To Rescue.  Two service members one based in Aviano Air Base in northeastern Italy, the other in the US, have spoken to Fox News claiming that on September 11, 2012 they were armed and ready to go to Benghazi and at the very least could protected Americans from the second wave of attacks.  According to a member of the Aviano Air Base squadron they were alerted to get ready,were briefed, plane were armed and all ready to go to Benghazi and help the Americans under attack but the order to launch never came.

Obama DOJ Will Not Seek Death Penalty For Benghazi Attack Mastermind.  If there was ever a reason for the death penalty, it's this kind of case:  terrorist mass murder, including the murder of an ambassador.  But no.  Apparently this horrific crime doesn't warrant the death penalty.  But maybe that's the Obama gang's point, because if this scumbag doesn't get the death penalty, why should anyone else?  Don't forget — Obama finally decided he couldn't put it off any longer we grabbed this one guy two years after the attack, when many more were obviously involved.  Obama also managed to make sure this freak gets constitutional protections.  Because, you know, be a terrorist and you'll win the lottery of getting all the benefits of American citizenry!

Committee Chairman Says They Discovered Revealing New Facts Surrounding Benghazi Attacks.  According to a statement obtained by LawNewz, Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy said "the committee has identified new facts that significantly impact our understanding of what happened before, during, and after Benghazi."  In 2014, the House established the Select Committee on the events surrounding the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.  The committee says they plan to release their report, with the revealing new facts, before the summer, which means it could come out in mere weeks.

'We could have been there': Squadron member speaks out on stalled Benghazi response.  His squadron got the alert:  a "real world mission was going down."  The team — at Aviano Air Base in northeastern Italy — raced to the field and was briefed, as planes were armed and prepared to launch.  Hundreds of miles away, fellow Americans were under attack in Benghazi.  "There were people everywhere," said the witness, who was on the ground that night but wished to remain anonymous.  "That flight line was full of people, and we were all ready to go" to Benghazi.  Only they were waiting for the order.  It never came.

Documents show State Department missed target date for special Benghazi unit.  The State Department missed its own target date last year for the establishment of a special unit to review Benghazi documents, documents obtained by Fox News show.  The previously unpublished documents, generated by the House select committee that is investigating the 2012 terror attacks, detail how Rep. Trey Gowdy, the panel's Republican chairman from South Carolina, began working behind the scenes early last year to help the department secure over $4 million in "reprogrammed" funds set aside by Congress for such a unit.  According to agreements worked out between Republican staff on the committee and top aides to Secretary of State John Kerry, including chief of staff Jonathan Finer, the document review unit was supposed to be "operational" in June 2015.

What happened to the $4M earmarked for State's Benghazi probe?  Almost ever since Trey Gowdy launched the House Select Committee on Benghazi, the White House and the State Department have complained about the fact that their investigation has still not concluded.  Gowdy has repeatedly reminded everyone that the State Department has dragged its feet on complying with document requests and testimony, and that they would have finished long ago had State cooperated.  Last night [5/5/2016], Fox News' James Rosen reported that Gowdy quietly arranged to redirect more than four million dollars to State to set up a compliance shop, using evacuated personnel from Yemen to staff some of the positions, in order to expedite the probe.  Now the State Department refuses to account for the money.

Revealed:  State Department delayed special Benghazi unit.  Newly revealed documents show that the US State Department missed the date in June 2015 it set for itself to establish a special unit to review documents regarding the Benghazi scandal.  The documents, exposed by Fox News on Friday [5/6/2016], were created by the House committee currently investigating the 2012 terror attacks on US facilities in Benghazi.  They reveal that early in 2015 Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC), chairman of the committee, started working behind the scenes to get over $4 million in "reprogrammed" funds Congress had allocated for such a unit transferred over to the State Department, in an attempt to speed up the investigation.

Trump: Clinton Took Calls From Blumenthal, But Not From Benghazi Ambassador.  Donald Trump talks about using Hillary Clinton's initial support for the Iraq War against her in an interview with Bret Baier on Thursday's [5/5/2016] broadcast of Special Report.  Trump said Benghazi showed Clinton can't be trusted for a phone call at 3:00 in the morning.  "She took them from [Sidney] Blumenthal, but she didn't take them from the ambassador," Trump said.

Obama Administration Finally Honors American Heroes Killed in Benghazi.  The Obama administration's decision recently to honor two former Navy SEALs, killed in the line of duty overseas, is so obviously the right one and should have been taken long ago.  The case that brought the change in policy was that of Benghazi victim Glen Doherty, whose family has been clamoring for justice, or at least recognition of Doherty's supreme sacrifice.  Doherty was among the Tripoli-based GRS security contractors who flew to Benghazi to help the staff at the beleaguered and burning Benghazi diplomatic facility on the night of Sept. 11, 2012, as the victims were frantically radioing for help.

Defense Department's Benghazi Letter Reeks Of Democratic Coordination.  The Defense Department official who last week sent a pointed letter hammering the Benghazi Committee's investigation into the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks, has deep connections to Democrats, as does the agency's new liaison to the committee.  The direct tone of the letter, as well as the fact that it was leaked and publicized by committee Democrats, raises questions over whether the document was crafted in order to stymie the committee's investigation.  In a letter to South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, Stephen Hedger, who serves as assistant secretary of defense for legislative affairs, accused Republicans on the committee of employing "unproductive" tactics and issuing "continuous threats" to subpoena Defense Department employees.

Judicial Watch:  Benghazi Email Trail Leads to White House.  [Scroll down]  At the time that Susan Rice was making the Sunday talk show rounds espousing the absurd claim that a video had prompted the coordinated attack on the Benghazi compound, many people wondered why it was she, UN ambassador at the time, and not Hillary Clinton, then-Secretary of State and therefore brutally murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens' boss.  Rice claimed that Hillary was "too tired" to make the talk show rounds.  Politico previously posited that Hillary had refused to do the Sunday talk show circuit to push the false video story for two reasons:  one, she hates doing them even under the best of circumstances, and two, to protect her own political future.  The latter seems a likely factor.  After all, it's easier to explain away her statements about the video when she was standing next to her boss, Obama, as he made the same false statements than to explain away the lies Rice repeatedly told on five different talk shows (and that cost Rice the position of Secretary of State).

Hillary Clinton's Unencrypted Personal Email Server May Have Led to Benghazi Attack.  There's an important article over at Consortium News by longtime CIA analyst Ray McGovern, who prepared Presidential Daily Briefings for presidents Nixon, Ford and Reagan, and which highlights an interesting point I hadn't come across before.  Namely, that Hillary's use of an insecure personal email server — that was almost certainly hacked by America's enemies — could very well have exposed Ambassador Steven's lack of security in his Benghazi compound, thereby leading directly to the terror attack that killed four Americans.

Released Email Spotlights Unusual Nature of U.S. Mission in Benghazi.  A State Department email released earlier this week contains a tidbit that spotlights the highly unusual nature of the U.S. special mission attacked in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, Breitbart Jerusalem has found.  In the email in question, released as a result of a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit, Hillary Clinton's deputy, Jake Sullivan, was editing controversial talking points to be used by Obama administration officials while publicly discussing the Benghazi attacks.

Chris Matthews: 'We Don't Even Know What the Facility's Called' Where the Benghazi Attack Happened.  MSNBC host Chris Matthews said Wednesday [4/27/2016] that "we don't even know what the facility's called" where the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack occurred that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.  Discussing Donald Trump's attack on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for not being awake for the phone call about the attack, Matthews appeared not to remember it occurred at the diplomatic compound in the Libyan city.

NYT: Aides Viewed Libya as the 'Cornerstone of a Hillary Clinton Doctrine'.  White House correspondent for the New York Times Mark Landler was asked about Hillary Clinton's role in Libya, and said how some of Clinton's aides saw Libya as the "cornerstone of a Hillary Clinton doctrine" in an interview Tuesday [4/26/2016] on CNN.  The terrorist attack that occurred while Clinton was secretary of state in Benghazi, Libya, killing four Americans including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens.

State Dept.  Withheld Key Email From Clinton's Private Server in FOIA Lawsuit.  The State Department has now acknowledged that it withheld a key Benghazi e-mail in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed in July 2014.  The State Department acknowledged finding the e-mail in 2014, but it was withheld in its entirety until last week.  This latest admission comes in a FOIA lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch, a conservative legal watchdog group, that seeks records related to the drafting and use of the Benghazi talking points.

Busted!  Obama hiding Benghazi emails.  The Obama administration defied a federal court order and refused to release a key Hillary Clinton email concerning the 2012 attacks on a diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya.  By holding back the information, the administration wasn't just protecting Clinton from Benghazi fallout — they may have been trying to hide the fact that Clinton maintained a private email account while secretary of state.

'Benghazi Gate' is real and came back from the grave, Clinton lied about the video.  After years, Judicial Watch (a great organization by the way) was finally able to access records of then Secretary Clinton during the Benghazi Attack.  Last month, their FOIA request secured this record of a phone call by Clinton the day after the attack.  "S" is Secretary Clinton.  In a call to then-Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Kandil she said that the deadly terrorist attack on the US compound the day before "had nothing to do with the film."

Hillary's Latest Email Disclosures Prove She's a Malevolent, Repulsive Liar.  As New York's sole honest newspaper observed last December, the video fable was Hillary's most repugnant lie, as she told the family members of heroes Glen Doherty, Sean Smith, and Tyrone Woods after the Benghazi attack that she was going to "have the filmmaker arrested who was responsible" for the attacks.

Bill Clinton Boasts:  Hillary Ate Republicans' Lunch on 'That Benghazi Thing'.  Bill Clinton's trite dismissal of the investigations into the terrorist attacks in Benghazi is in line with the Clinton's efforts to sweep aside the controversy, which occurred while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.

State Department Office Removed Benghazi Files After Congressional Subpoenas.  State Department officials removed files from the secretary's office related to the Benghazi attack in Libya and transferred them to another department after receiving a congressional subpoena last spring, delaying the release of the records to Congress for over a year.  Attorneys for the State Department said the electronic folders, which contain hundreds of documents related to the Benghazi attack and Libya, were belatedly rediscovered at the end of last year.  They said the files had been overlooked by State Department officials because the executive secretary's office transferred them to another department and flagged them for archiving last April, shortly after receiving a subpoena from the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

CIA to Pay Benghazi Contractor Glen Doherty's Family $400K.  The family of Glen Doherty, a CIA contractor killed in the 2012 Benghazi attack, will receive nearly half a million dollars from the spy agency under a newly-revealed program to provide "enhanced death benefits" to those working with the Agency who were killed in the line of duty since the early 1980s, according to the Doherty family and U.S. officials.  Doherty, a former Navy SEAL, was among the four Americans killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya.  Doherty had life insurance, but friends and family said he didn't realize it only covered a spouse and children — neither of which he had.  The family has been pressuring the government to expand Doherty's benefits, and has gained support from members of Congress, who introduced legislation designed to ensure they receive financial benefits.

MSNBC again falsely claims Benghazi committee is the "longest running investigation" ever.  In case you were worried that the Benghazi investigation had gone away entirely, fear not.  It hasn't.  Not only is the select committee on Benghazi still hard a work in Washington, the media continues to try to discredit their work in what can only be interpreted as an effort to hedge Hillary Clinton's bets in November.  That tradition carried on during Friday night's MSNBC lineup, where Steve Kornacki repeated a long discredited line about how this is "the longest running investigation of its kind" while implying that it was somehow stalled or not producing results.  Both of those claims are beyond simply dodgy... they're not true, as the committee members themselves noted this week.

Clinton Phone Transcripts:  Benghazi 'Attack Had Nothing To Do With Film'.  This scandal and the subsequent cover-ups are bigger than we realize, and do indeed make a difference.  The State Department turned themselves into pretzels to avoid releasing court ordered documents.  Why?  Because they KNEW the transcripts would show Hillary and the White House DID know it was a terrorist attack and subsequently lied to the families, to Americans, and to several world leaders.  And yet, here we are, three years later.  The person who left Americans to die and lied about it, is now running for the highest office in the land.

State Department Belatedly Releases New Clinton Benghazi Documents.  Judicial Watch announced today [4/14/2016] it has obtained new documents from the Department of State containing the telephone transcripts from the evening of September 11, 2012, in which then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton informs then-Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Kandil that the deadly terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi "had nothing to do with the film."  The documents include previously unreleased telephone transcripts with world leaders about the Benghazi attack.  Clinton's admission to Kandil was first produced to the Select Committee on Benghazi on October 13, 2015 and publicized on the day of Mrs. Clinton's testimony, October 22, but court filings in Judicial Watch litigation show that the record was only produced after two federal court judges ordered the State Department to produce more Benghazi-related records to Judicial Watch.  Similarly, Judicial Watch litigation also forced the release of the September 11, 2012 email in which Secretary of State Hillary Clinton informed her daughter by email that the attack had been staged by an "Al Qaeda-like group," rather than as the result of "inflammatory material posted on the Internet," as Mrs. Clinton had claimed in her official public statement one hour earlier.

Trey Gowdy injects Benghazi into the 2016 campaign.  [Scroll down]  One eye-opening thing has already happened:  Gregory Hicks, the U.S. diplomat in Libya who criticized the administration response, is now on detail from the State Department working as a legislative assistant to Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), who previously said Hicks's "shocking testimony" confirmed a "Benghazi whitewash" by the administration.

House Republicans Finally Receive Huma Abedin, Susan Rice Benghazi Files.  The State Department has finally turned over to the Republican-run House Select Committee on Benghazi an estimated 1,000 pages of documents, according to military veterans group Special Operations Speaks (SOP).  These are reported to include communication between Hillary Clinton's aide and vice chairwoman for Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign Huma Abedin and US National Security Advisor Susan Rice. [...] The Benghazi committee chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) told the press on Friday, "It is deplorable that it took over a year for these records to be produced to our committee, and that our Democrat colleagues never lifted a finger to help us get them.  Shame on them and everyone else who has demanded this committee to give up before gathering all of the facts."  "This investigation is about a terrorist attack that killed four Americans, and it could have been completed a lot sooner if the administration had not delayed and delayed and delayed at every turn," Gowdy said.

State Department releases more than 1,100 documents to Benghazi committee.  The State Department on Friday turned over more than 1,100 pages of records to the House Select Committee on Benghazi, over a year after the committee first requested them for their ongoing investigation into the 2012 terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya.  The committee's chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., also criticized the State Department's delayed response to the request.  The records released included emails from then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's then-chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, and Clinton aides Jake Sullivan, Human Abedin, as well as then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, according to a statement from the Congressional committee.

State Dept. releases personal emails from Clinton's inner circle.  State Department officials on Friday handed over 1,100 pages of documents demanded by the the House Select Committee on Benghazi, two years after congressional investigators requested them.  "It is deplorable that it took over a year for these records to be produced to our committee, and that our Democrat colleagues never lifted a finger to help us get them," committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said Friday evening.  "Shame on them and everyone else who has demanded this committee to give up before gathering all of the facts."

Clinton Confidant Revealed as Source of Benghazi Misinformation.  One of the mysteries surrounding the Benghazi scandal appears to have been solved with the release of the private emails of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  The question was who came up with the false narrative of the cause of the attack on the U.S.  Benghazi consulate on Sept. 11, 2012.  The answer, according to emails obtained by The New York Times, is Sidney Blumenthal, former journalist and longtime confidante of the Clintons.  Both the Department of Defense and the State Department immediately identified terrorism as the cause of the attack on Benghazi.  But it was Hillary Clinton, in remarks at the U.S.-Morocco Strategic Dialogue on Sept. 13 of that year, who first suggested the activity at the Benghazi consulate began as a demonstration over an anti-Islam YouTube video.  And now compelling evidence in the email trail points to Blumenthal as the source of that narrative.

ABC, NBC, Spanish Nets Fail to Cover Judge's Ruling for Judicial Watch Against Hillary Clinton.  One day after the networks failed to acknowledge to big developments on Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal, ABC's World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News similarly punted Tuesday evening [3/29/2016] on a federal judge's ruling that granted the group Judicial Watch discovery powers in the lawsuit concerning the response of Hillary Clinton's State Department to the deadly 2012 Benghazi terror attack.  In addition to the English-language networks, the top Spanish-language networks Telemundo and Univision also ducked this issue and censored it from their Tuesday evening newscasts.

Second judge grants discovery in Clinton email lawsuit.  Citing indications of wrongdoing and bad faith, a federal judge has overruled government objections by declaring that a conservative group is entitled to more details about how Hillary Clinton's private email account was integrated into the State Department recordkeeping system and why it was not searched in response to a Freedom of Information Act request.  U.S.  District Court Judge Royce Lamberth entered an order Tuesday [3/29/2016] agreeing that Judicial Watch can pursue legal discovery — which often includes depositions of relevant individuals — as the group pursues legal claims that State did not respond completely to a FOIA request filed in May 2014 seeking records about talking points then-U.S.  Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice used for TV appearances discussing the deadly attack on U.S.  facilities in Benghazi in September 2012.

Obama SCOTUS Pick Cited Benghazi Video Lie as Fact in JW Court Hearing.  Long after it was established that the Obama administration lied about an anti-Muslim internet video sparking the riot that killed the U.S.  ambassador in Libya, the president's Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, cited the tale as fact in a federal court hearing involving Judicial Watch.  [...] The hearing took place on January 10, 2013, long after it had been confirmed that the president and his cohorts lied to cover up the facts surrounding the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attacks. [...] The amateur YouTube video had absolutely nothing to do with the slaughter.  Nevertheless, the federal appellate judge Obama recently picked to sit on the Supreme Court repeated this falsehood during an official court proceeding.

Federal judge allows further digging in Clinton email lawsuit.  A second federal judge has ruled that a conservative group should be allowed to dig deeper in its quest for emails sent by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in a decision Tuesday [3/29/2016] that could allow the group to seek more documents and depositions from current and former State Department officials.  U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth's order grants limited discovery to Judicial Watch, which sued in 2014 in order to gain access to records relating to the drafting of the talking points given to then-Ambassador Susan Rice in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

Conservative group says House Benghazi panel 'bungled' investigation.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi has "bungled" its investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the deaths of four Americans in 2012, said Tom Fitton, the head of conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.  "They have this almost petty approach to transparency that is at odds with the public interest," Fitton told the Washington Post in an interview published Thursday [3/24/2016].  "It's not supposed to be a grand-jury style investigation that the public can't be privy to.  There's got to be at least some public forum for gathering testimony and evidence and that hasn't happened here to any significant degree."

Gowdy: New Rules Needed Because Dems Are Threatening to Leak Benghazi Documents.  Desperate times call for desperate measures. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, believes Democrats like Rep. Elijah Cummings are threatening the integrity of their investigation by leaking key documents and witness transcripts.  So, he's making a few changes.

Source: Secret meeting with White House led to Rice, Rhodes Benghazi testimony.  Appearances by top presidential advisers Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes before the House Benghazi committee earlier this year weren't always a sure thing — the testimony was only secured after a secret meeting in January between panel head Trey Gowdy and White House officials, a source tells Fox News.  The source familiar with the negotiations said the White House originally said no to the request to have National Security Adviser Rice and deputy Rhodes speak to the committee probing the 2012 Benghazi attacks.  But Gowdy, R-S.C., stepped in to personally negotiate for their appearances at the secret meeting, held late January in Charlotte, N.C., with members of the White House Counsel's office.

Petraeus to appear for second closed door interview with Benghazi Committee.  Petraeus appeared for four hours at a closed door session of the Benghazi Committee on Jan. 6 for an initial interview, but the committee wanted more time.  Most other major witnesses have spent anywhere from six to ten hours with the Benghazi Committee.  Officials told Fox News in January that there would be an effort to bring Petraeus back for additional questions from investigators, even off-campus or in New York City.

Nets Silent on Hillary's Claim U.S. 'Didn't Lose a Single Person' in Libya.  Update: The Spanish network morning shows on Telemundo and Univision joined NBC, ABC, and CBS in completely ignoring Clinton's gaffe during Tuesday morning's [3/15/2016] campaign coverage.  Despite all three network morning shows on Tuesday covering Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders answering questions during back-to-back MSNBC town halls, none of the broadcasts reported on Clinton committing a major gaffe by claiming that the U.S. "didn't lose a single person" in Libya.

Hillary declares the 4 dead at Benghazi compound non-persons.  For the second presidential debate in a row, Hillary Clinton has gravely insulted the memory and the families of the four brave American hung out to dry at the Benghazi compound dead after waiting in vain for air support as they defended a diplomatic facility under her supervision.

Hillary Clinton: 'We Didn't Lose A Single Person' In Libya.  Hillary Clinton defended on Monday [3/14/2016] her push for regime change in Libya while she served as secretary of state, telling MSNBC's Chris Matthews the U.S. "didn't lose a single person" in the north African country.  But the Democratic presidential candidate appears to have forgotten about the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks that left dead Ambassador Chris Stevens, State Department information officer Sean Smith and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.

Clinton commits Benghazi gaffe, saying US 'didn't lose a single person' in Libya.  Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton committed her second gaffe in as many days on the campaign trail Monday night [3/14/2016], claiming that the U.S. "didn't lose a single person" in Libya during her time as secretary of state.  Clinton made the comment defending her push for regime change in the war-torn North African nation at an Illinois town hall hosted by MSNBC.  "Now, is Libya perfect?  It isn't," Clinton said.  After contrasting her approach toward Libya with the ongoing bloodshed in Syria's civil war, Clinton said "Libya was a different kind of calculation and we didn't lose a single person ... We didn't have a problem in supporting our European and Arab allies in working with NATO."

ABC Censors Mother of Benghazi Victim's Charges Against Hillary Clinton.  In a stunning moment Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, in the March 9 Democratic debate, actually played a clip of Patricia Smith and pressed Hillary Clinton to respond to the mother of Bengazhi victim Sean Smith.  The moment was stunning because while Fox News has pursued her story, the Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) have barely touched it.  In fact, since 2012, ABC has yet to air a second of Smith's claims that the former Secretary of State lied to her.  In total, there have just been five stories (CBS 2, NBC 3, ABC 0) that contained Smith's emotional pleas for answers.

Hillary Claims Internet Video Was Partially Responsible for Benghazi Attack During Univision Debate.  [Jorge] Ramos played a video of Patricia Smith (the mother of Navy SEAL Sean Smith who was killed in the attack) in which she said Hillary had told her an internet video was to blame for the attack when she had e-mailed to tell Chelsea it was a terrorist attack.  Hillary claimed Smith was wrong and that information was changing on an hourly basis.  Balderdash.  From the time of the attack through the presidential election, the Obama Administration kept hammering that was an internet video.  Hillary then proceeded to minimize Smith's grief by saying that Benghazi wasn't the first time Americans had been killed by terrorists citing both 9/11, the attacks on our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 as well as the 1982 bombings of the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon.  She went on to say that none of these attacks were politicized like Benghazi.  What utter bunk!  It was clear from the get go that all three of the aforementioned attacks were acts of terrorism.

Clinton Says Benghazi Victim's Mother Is 'Absolutely Wrong'.  Hillary Clinton said during Wednesday's debate that the mother of one of the four Americans killed in the Benghazi attacks is "absolutely wrong" when she says that Clinton and other Obama administration officials personally told her that a YouTube video was the catalyst for the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks.  "She's wrong.  She's absolutely wrong," Clinton told debate moderator Jorge Ramos when asked about comments made last year by Patricia Smith, the mother of State Department information officer Sean Smith.

The Age of Mafia Government.  When black-helmeted men circle your home, break down your door, throw your children from their sleeping beds onto the dew-ridden lawn, and shoot you 22 times because some meathead mistook your house for a drug dealer's, it's clear government has gone from protecting you from threats to becoming a threat itself.  More directly, however, thanks to "The Godfather" and "The Sopranos," everyone knows that the mafia's presence means frequent, mysterious deaths.  That's also a hallmark of this administration.  Fast and Furious and the Benghazi massacre are the two most obvious examples.  It's been years, in both cases, and it's still an utter mystery as to why Americans died in foreign lands, where all those guns went, who used what money, where it all came from, and why.  That may have something to do with the Justice Department's utter lack of curiosity about massive crimes being committed on its watch, but remember:  where there are mafia, there are corrupt police, district attorneys, and courts.  The mystery isn't who did it, but proving it.  Part of the reason it's impossible to find evidence to prove what everyone knows is that no one will talk.

Clinton's Libya Problem.  Far from being irrelevant to today's pitched political battles in the race to the White House, one figure prominently stands at the center of blame for the complete failure of U.S. foreign policy under the current administration:  Hillary Clinton.  As then-secretary of state, not only did she oversee the irresponsible withdrawal of American forces from Iraq, but she also pushed for unneeded and counterproductive military intervention in Libya.  Both of these actions continue to embroil the entire region in civil and insurgent wars, daily terrorist attacks, mindless atrocities and constant unrest.  Even more specifically, the result was Benghazi — the murder of our ambassador and three other Patriots.

Ambassador killed in Benghazi attack considered leaving Libya in April 2011, emails reveal.  Seventeen months before he was killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Ambassador Chris Stevens was seriously considering leaving the country as its civil war widened.  The ambassador's concerns are reflected in emails sent to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's inner circle.  The emails were released by the State Department Monday [2/29/2016] as part of the 14th and final batch of messages from Clinton's private server.  One email in particular, dated April 10, 2011, relays Stevens' safety concerns to the State Department.

Hillary Emails Betrayed Whereabouts of Murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens.  An email containing the whereabouts and plans of murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens passed through Hillary Clinton's private server, dispatches released Monday [2/29/2016] in the final group of messages from Clinton's emails reveal.  The email was actually first released last May but was contained in Monday's batch as well, serving as a reminder that numerous emails sent to Clinton's private address betrayed Stevens' location while he was stationed in arguably one of the most dangerous zones in the world for an American diplomat.

America is on the Road to Declinistan.  What is wrong with Americans who standby Clinton rather than the families of heroes Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith, and Glenn Dougherty who were killed in Benghazi?  Soulless Clinton had the audacity to call these families liars for exposing that she stood over their coffins and blamed their deaths on a video.  And her fanatical devotees shout down and boo anyone who questions the facts, including a retired Marine.  One of our worst secretaries of state has spent her entire life lying, cheating, and bullying her way to the White House and tens of millions of Americans actually want to see her there!

Confirmed: Obama Sent Weapons to Muslim Terrorists in Benghazi.  One of the few interesting items in the New York Times' whitewash of Hillary and Obama's illegal Libyan war is the confirmation of weapons shipments.

Bill Clinton blasts Marine protesting Hillary on Benghazi:  'His mind has been poisoned by lies'.  A man claiming to be a Marine Corps veteran was escorted out of an event for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in South Carolina on Friday [2/26/2016] after he asked her husband, former President Bill Clinton about his wife's role in the Benghazi terror attacks.  During a question and answer period the young man started his question asking about Mrs. Clinton's Veterans Affairs policies before launching in to a rant about the Benghazi attacks.  "The thing is we had four lives that were killed in Benghazi and your wife tried to cover it up," the man told Mr. Clinton as the crowd began to boo.

Man claiming to be Marine says Clinton tried to 'cover' up Benghazi removed from campaign rally.  A man was removed Friday [2/26/2016] by police officers from a Hillary Clinton campaign rally in South Carolina, after raising questions with husband and former President Bill Clinton about his wife's role in the Benghazi terror attacks.  "Four (Americans) were killed, and your wife is trying to cover it up," said the protester, who said he's a Marine sergeant and eight-year, active-duty veteran.  Hillary Clinton was secretary of state during the Sept. 11, 2012, terror attacks on a U.S. outpost in Benghazi, Libya, in which U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed.

Bill Clinton Loses It Over Benghazi Hecklers At Campaign Rally.  Former President Bill Clinton became angry when he was heckled by protesters during a campaign event in Bluffton, South Carolina on Friday [2/26/2016].  The protesters demanded to know if his wife Hillary Clinton lied about the four American deaths that occurred during the attack in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012.

Gowdy: Benghazi committee has made 'significant breakthroughs'.  "The select committee has made enormous progress this month," [Trey] Gowdy said Thursday [2/18/2016].  "We interviewed a top State Department official, Patrick Kennedy, and after months and months of quiet negotiations with the White House, we finally were able to question both Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes."  Kennedy, the State Department's undersecretary for management, reportedly signed off on plans for the temporary diplomatic compound that was raided by Islamic extremists on Sept. 11, 2012 in an attack that claimed four American lives.  Kennedy was also the agency's top record-keeping official during Hillary Clinton's tenure, a role that would have given him unique insight into the lapses that allowed Clinton to shield hundreds of Benghazi-related records from investigators by maintaining them on a private server.

Gowdy Says 'Significant Breakthroughs' Were Made in Benghazi Probe After Susan Rice Testimony.  Rep. Trey Gowdy's Benghazi committee appears to have had a very productive meeting with national security adviser Susan Rice and other important White House officials this month.  Following her testimony on Feb. 2, the chairman said they have made "enormous progress" in their investigation.  No one is soon to forget how Rice went on several talk shows in 2012 repeating the lie that the Benghazi terror attack was the result of an offensive YouTube video.  Congressional Republicans were so frustrated with her repeating the same false talking points that they asked for her resignation.  Now, she was finally called before the Benghazi Select Committee, and from what it sounds like, she was cooperative.

Hillary and the Suspension of Disbelief.  During the Benghazi scandal, Mrs. Clinton all but called the families of the four dead Americans liars.  They had recalled that at the arrival of the bodies of their loved ones, she blamed the violence not on al Qaeda but on an obscure video maker.  That myth conveniently fit the 2012 Obama reelection narrative that al Qaeda was "on the run" and not on the loose in Benghazi.

Benghazi committee Dems gave thousands in bonuses while blasting probe's cost.  Democrats on the House committee probing the 2012 Benghazi terror attacks awarded tens of thousands of dollars in bonuses to their staff, while at the same time repeatedly attacking Republicans over the rising cost of the investigation.  According to publicly available reports, a total of $33,600 was given to six Democratic staffers at the end of 2014 and 2015.  While the bonuses make up only a fraction of the panel's total expenses to date, critics suggested they undermine the minority members' complaints about the budget.

13 Hours The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.  Film-making and storytelling have been part of the Benghazi fiasco since the evening of September 11th 2012, when the US Government decided to tell its own story about a film-maker whose all but unseen video had, they insisted, led to the death of a US ambassador.  In the Hillary Clinton version, four Americans died at the hands of (as I put it at the time) "a spontaneous class-action movie review".  Three days later, when the President, the Secretary of State and the US Ambassador to the United Nations were all still lying to the American people about what happened and why, my characterization of that night holds up better than the Government's[.]

Patrick Kennedy to Testify Before Benghazi Committee.  Hillary Clinton's deputy at the State Department will testify before a closed-door meeting of the House Benghazi Committee on Wednesday [3/3/2016], where he will likely be pressed on why the State Department has failed to produce certain documents requested by the committee.  Under Secretary Patrick Kennedy will be the 72nd witness interviewed by the committee, Chairman Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) said in a statement on Tuesday. Kennedy's testimony comes on the heels of newly released emails that show the under secretary discussed creating a "stand-alone" network for Clinton to check her emails while at her State Department office.

Insider: Democrats in Congress waste $2 million protecting Clinton on Benghazi.  For months, Democrats in Congress have been accusing Republican lawmakers of wasting taxpayer dollars investigating Hillary Clinton's actions leading up to the attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012.  But new information about the inner-workings of the investigation shows that Democrats are the ones wasting money, all in the name of protecting Clinton's presidential bid.  Matt Wolking, spokesman for the House Select Committee on Benghazi, says that roughly $2 million of the $5.5 million spent by the committee on the investigation is money wasted as a result of Democrats trying to stifle the effort.

A Long Night in Benghazi.  Four Americans were killed:  U.S. ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen "Bub" Doherty, and Tyrone "Rone" Woods.  The five operators who provided the account are Tiegen, Geist, Kris "Tanto" Paronto, and two others who are known by the pseudonyms Dave "D.B" Benton and Jack Silva.  Both the book and the movie tell the story of true heroism in the face of unbeatable odds.  Questions were answered regarding the attacks being premeditated vs. spontaneous, if those in charge were unprepared, was a "stand-down order" given, and what happened with reinforcements.  Scene after scene, chapter after chapter the movie and book are an exhausting, pulverizing experience.

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton was guarded by known Islamic 'terrorist' on her 'triumphal' tour of Libya — less than a year before US personnel were murdered in Benghazi.  A known Islamic terror suspect was placed in charge of Hillary Clinton's local security detail during a trip by the US Secretary of State to Libya, Daily Mail Online can reveal.  The shocking security blunder occurred in October 2011 when Clinton made an unannounced visit to Libya following the toppling of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.  Ironically the Secretary of State's trip was shrouded in secrecy due to security concerns.

Gowdy: 'Eye-Opening' And 'Surprising' Results To Come Soon From Benghazi Investigation.  Appearing on the Hugh Hewitt Show on Monday [1/25/2016], Hewitt asked [Trey] Gowdy, "Do you believe the question has been asked and answered adequately, yet, as to whether or not assets were proximate and available that night to come to the assistance to the people under attack in Benghazi?"  "Hugh, I will tell you this.  When we issue our report, and hopefully, it is coming sooner rather than later, I think that part of our investigation is going to be the most eye-opening, the most surprising, and frankly, will dwarf the other two tranches of Benghazi in terms of what we have been able to find," Gowdy claimed.

Gowdy: 'Eye-Opening,' 'Surprising' Results to Come From Benghazi Investigation.  On Monday's [1/25/2016] "Hugh Hewitt Show," Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), the chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi advised there would be "eye-opening" and "surprising" results to come out of his committee's investigation.  Gowdy said the results would come "sooner rather than later" that dealt with the timing of the U.S. response to the events on the ground in Benghazi.

Hillary Clinton Lies About Reagan to Cover Her Benghazi Tracks.  At Monday's Democrat Town Hall, an audience member asked Hillary Clinton how she would deal with the issue of the attack in Benghazi both in the campaign going forward and as president if she's elected.  Rather than actually answer the question, the Democratic presidential front-runner — you guessed it — danced around it.

13 Hours in Benghazi, and the Still-Missing White House Timeline.  What, precisely, was President Obama doing during the hours — all those many hours — in which the Americans in Benghazi, abandoned by their leaders in Washington, fought for their lives?  What was Obama doing, amid the comforts and command centers of the White House, while State Department officer Sean Smith and Ambassador Chris Stevens were choking on the smoke of a diesel-fueled inferno at the poorly secured U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi?  What was Obama doing during the hours in which the assault targeted the CIA annex near the compound?  What was he doing when al Qaeda-linked terrorists fired mortars at the Americans defending the annex, killing former SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods?

Sister of Benghazi Victim: 'Every American Should Despise Hillary!'  What is absolutely heartbreaking is there is no sign of closure for the families of our Benghazi victims... not with the lies constantly suffocating the truth, and to expect anything other then lies from the Clintons, just seems absolutely impossible.

No "Major Scandal" in Obama Administration?  The deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya in 2012 were greeted with a concerted public relations campaign by the Obama administration blaming the attacks on a protest inspired by a YouTube video, as revealed in the smoking gun Ben Rhodes email.  (Ben Rhodes, deputy national security advisor to President Obama, is CBS' President David Rhodes' brother.)  The media, including David Kirkpatrick of The New York Times, continue to dispute key facts of the case such as al Qaeda's involvement, have championed erroneous Congressional reports, ignore evidence of a cover-up, and have generally covered for the administration by promoting the idea that this is one of many "phony scandals."  The interim report of the Citizens' Commission on Benghazi details the various failings and scandals related to Benghazi.

Benghazi Hero: '13 Hours' Is 'Not A Political Movie'.  Kris Paronto, the co-author of the book "13 Hours" who was on the ground in Benghazi, says the movie is "not a political movie" and criticized Republicans and Democrats for making it about politics.  Tuesday [1/19/2016] on CNN's "The Lead" withe Jake Tapper, Paronto, insisted, "We know what happened.  We're just going to keep telling it like it is.  We were told to stand down.  We were told, like I said to wait twice, we were delayed more than a half hour, which caused another half hour for us to try and fight our way on the compound and it cost lives.  And like I said, we'll keep testifying to that as well."

13 Hours and Counting to the end of Hillary's Candidacy.  Family members of the Benghazi dead talked to Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly Wednesday night [1/13/2016] after viewing the world premier of 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.  Charles Woods and Jeremiah Woods, father and brother of Ty Woods, and Patricia Smith. mother of Sean, repeated their consistent statements that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, President Obama, and U.N. ambassador Susan Rice all told them in front of their son's caskets that Benghazi was the fault of a video and they would get, not the terrorist's that killed their sons, but the filmmaker.

Why the Media Don't Want You to See the Must-See '13 Hours'.  The more naïve members of the Hillary Clinton campaign have long dreaded the release of Michael Bay's factual account of the Benghazi attack, 13 Hours.  The more sophisticated members of that campaign were less worried.  They were confident their friends in the media would scare off all but the most deluded "tea-baggers."  Yes, the media will try.  They are trying.  I am not sure, however, that they will succeed.  In the age of social media, word of mouth is much more significant a force than it ever was before.  And the word of mouth on 13 Hours will be justifiably powerful.  The movie is riveting from beginning to end.

13 Hours: A different take.  Back in the day when movies weren't just glorified video games, it was made clear early on who the good guys were and who the bad.  Westerns and crime stories pretty much followed this formula, even if the good guys weren't always perfectly good, nor the bad guys perfectly evil.  Audiences rooted for the good guys and went home happy when they won and the bad guys died of lead poisoning.  So who are the good guys and who are the bad guys in 13 Hours?  The good guys are obvious.  Who are the bad guys?

The story of Hillary Clinton's national security failures deserves to be told.  It is clear now that if Hillary Clinton, her Democratic associates, and their media allies hadn't turned the Benghazi attacks into a political hit job on Mitt Romney and the Republicans, Americans would have rightly seen a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11 as an obvious extension of weak foreign policy negotiations and a careless national security strategy.

Do the Benghazi families have absolute moral authority?  [Scroll down]  Now that the boot of moral authority is on the right foot rather than the left, will the media be professionally consistent and march in lockstep with the Benghazi parents, as they did a decade ago with [Cindy] Sheehan and her movement?  And, most importantly, will the mainstream media insist that their much-favored choice for president in 2016, Hillary Clinton, conduct herself in the same manner as they expected of the Bush administration, and allow the assertions of these Benghazi parents to go unchallenged?  Will they ask her to renounce her charge that these aggrieved parents are liars?

13 Hours, A Great Movie and an Enormous, Enormous Problem for Hillary.  Words do not have much impact on people.  Pictures and expecially video can move emotional mountains.  Well, until now, the story of Benghazi has been told with the driest, least emotionally-engaging words the Washington Media-Government Cartel could possibly craft.  But no longer.  Because for two had a half punishing, occasionally exiting, often anxious hours, 13 Hours doesn't just give you pictures of what happened at Benghazi.  It puts you right in the team of six GSR's, fighting wave after wave of Al Ansar and Al Qaeda terrorists.

Trey Gowdy: Eyewitnesses confirm Benghazi stand-down order was given.  Let me explain how we get to the point where liberals claim that something has been "debunked."  Here are the steps:  [#1] Someone comes forward with information that makes Democrats look bad.  [#2] Liberals shriek that the very suggestion of such a thing is partisan.  [#3] Someone on the inside, or Snopes, or PolitiFact, or FactCheck,org, or a New York Times "news analysis," or the AP, informs us that the claim "cannot be independently confirmed."  [#4] Liberals insist the claim has been debunked and must never be mentioned anywhere, by anyone, again.  In no way does this mean a negative has been proven.  It just means liberals believe the atmosphere has shifted to the point where they can assail the claim without the other side being able to keep pace.

Report: U.S. Rescue Team Was on Its Way to Benghazi, But Was Turned Back.  The evidence is overwhelming that the United States had several rescue teams ready to go during the 2012 Benghazi attacks, but someone — possibly the president himself — prevented them from acting.  So said Emmy Award-winning journalist Sharyl Attkisson to talk show host Steve Malzberg in an interview on Wednesday [1/13/2016].  This week on her show, "Full Measure," Attkisson looked into the aborted rescue mission in an in-depth two-part report, "Rescue Interrupted," which you can watch [online].  She spoke with a Green Beret commander who told her that there were actually Special Forces on their way to Benghazi who were turned back.

Movie Critics Seethe Over 'War Pornography' of '13 Hours' Benghazi Movie.  You can't please everybody, especially hard-left film critics who don't cotton to heroism draped in the American flag.  13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi isn't getting pummeled by critics in the grand Michael Bay fashion.  It's still angering critics who treat any film with masculine heroes fighting for their fellow man as cliches, cartoons or worse.  Take Jordan Hoffman's scorched earth review at The Guardian.  He calls 13 Hours a "bizarre mix of war pornography and dour isolationist posturing."

The Jacksonian Politics of "13 Hours".  Will the just-released film, 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, hurt Hillary Clinton and President Obama politically?  It will, and rightly so.  At minimum, Obama and Clinton did too little to help America's embattled Libyan ambassador, Chris Stevens, and his defenders.  And malfeasance at the top may well have gone much further.  This movie brings the whole sorry Benghazi episode unforgettably to life, and that can't help but be a problem for the president and his former Secretary of State.

Former CIA chief in Benghazi challenges film version of 2012 attack.  It is the most fateful moment in a movie that purports to present a searingly accurate account of the 2012 attacks that left four Americans dead in Benghazi, Libya:  a scene in which the highest-ranking CIA operative at a secret agency compound orders his security team to "stand down" rather than rush off to rescue U.S. diplomats under siege less than a mile away.  According to the officer in charge of the CIA's Benghazi base that night, the scene in the movie is entirely untrue.  "There never was a stand-down order," said the base chief known as Bob, speaking publicly for the first time.

Hillary the Benghazi Bimbo.  Hillary Clinton and her allies furiously and famously defended her husband's sexual predations by targeting the women Bill victimized with media campaigns designed to portray Bill's victims as lying, conniving bimbos. [...] So why rehash all that?  Well, it appears that Hillary is embarked on a new campaign to portray some ordinary Americans as deliberate liars regarding conversations she held with them on the tarmac at Andrews AFB, as the military was returning the bodies of the men killed in the Benghazi assault to their families.  At least three of those families have publicly stated that Hillary told them, "We are going to have the filmmaker arrested who was responsible for the death of your son."

Benghazi questions just won't go away for Clinton, Obama.  In a news-breaking interview on Herald Radio's "Boston Herald Drive" show, South Carolina Republican U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy discussed the conflicting accounts on whether a stand-down order was given to military assets nearby.  "There are witnesses who say there was one, there are witnesses who say there was not one.  And I wasn't there," congressman Gowdy said.  "So the best I can do is lay out what the witnesses say, and then you're going to have to make a determination as to who you believe is more credible."  General David Petraeus and former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and others have denied the stand-down order was given, yet three CIA contractors and other witnesses have said the opposite.

3 Stunning Indictments of Obama and Hillary in Benghazi Movie.  Michael Bay's 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi is a fantastic film, no less excellent for its surprisingly subtle political commentary.  Far better than any direct attack ad, this film blasts President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton while telling a compelling story of terror and heroism.

What '13 Hours' Teaches.  There are three questions about Benghazi that have never been satisfactorily answered by Clinton or the Obama administration.  One:  Why was security so inadequate?  Two:  Why was no military help dispatched as the battle unfolded?  And three:  Why did the administration lie to the American people about the nature of the attack, blaming an anti-Islam video rather than al-Qaida?  This film focuses chiefly on No. 2 — and rightly so, in my judgment.

New Benghazi movie reignites 'stand-down' order debate.  The creators of a new Hollywood blockbuster about the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack are renewing the politically explosive allegation that commandos called to defend the U.S. compound were told to "stand down" — a claim Democrats say has no basis in fact.  With Michael Bay's "13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi" set to premiere Thursday [1/14/2016], the five surviving members of the six-man Benghazi security team have blitzed the airwaves to promote the film and renew their assertion that a top CIA officer delayed them from immediately answering State Department distress calls.

Trump rents Iowa theater to show Benghazi movie.  Donald Trump has rented space at an Urbandale movie theater and will give Iowans free tickets to a showing of the Benghazi movie that critics of Hillary Clinton have been eagerly awaiting.  "Mr. Trump would like all Americans to know the truth about what happened at Benghazi," the GOP presidential candidate's Iowa co-chair Tana Goertz said Thursday night [1/14/2016].

New Benghazi movie reignites 'stand-down' order debate.  The creators of a new Hollywood blockbuster about the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack are renewing the politically explosive allegation that commandos called to defend the U.S. compound were told to "stand down" — a claim Democrats say has no basis in fact.  With Michael Bay's "13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi" set to premiere Thursday [1/14/2016], the five surviving members of the six-man Benghazi security team have blitzed the airwaves to promote the film and renew their assertion that a top CIA officer delayed them from immediately answering State Department distress calls.

Some Benghazi Witnesses Say They Were Given Stand-Down Orders.  South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy said Wednesday [1/13/2016] that the House Select Committee on Benghazi, which he chairs, has heard from witnesses who say that U.S. security team members were given stand-down orders as the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks were taking place.  Gowdy hastened to add that the Committee has also heard from witnesses who say the opposite, that the orders were not issued.

Attkisson: 'Overwhelming Body of Evidence' Benghazi Rescue Teams [were] Turned Back.  [Sharyl] Attkisson said, "We also spoke to sources and have some email evidence that talks about special forces that were not far away in Europe that we were told were assigned to respond in the event of a case just like this, and yet were turned back according to witnesses.  This is something that the president and the White House has steadfastly denied, but there's now what I would call an overwhelming body of evidence that leads us to believe that somebody stopped a number of teams and potential rescuers from entering Libya or going to Benghazi to help while those attacks were underway.  They could have gotten there.  According to experts and people that have information we spoke to, they could have gotten there before the last two Americans died.  Those attacks went on for eight hours."

'We were left behind': The Benghazi soldiers tell all.  The first shots exploded around 9:40 p.m.  On Sept. 11, 2012, a group of local fighters, AK-47s in hand, burst through the fortified front gate of a US outpost in Benghazi, Libya.  One very long night later, the diplomatic compound was engulfed in flames and a covert CIA base a mile away lay in ruins, partially reduced to rubble by mortar fire.  Four Americans were dead, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens and two CIA members.

Petraeus Admits Time With Benghazi Committee Was 'Very Constructive'.  [David] Petraeus, the former director of the CIA, testified before the committee Wednesday afternoon. Upon exiting the hearing, he told reporters that the meeting was "very constructive."  Likewise, Hillary Clinton's chief of staff Cheryl Mills complimented the committee on their "professionalism" and thanked them for treating her with respect during her day's testimony this fall.  Yet, despite such positive feedback, Democrats, even ones participating on the panel like Elijah Cummings, continue to dismiss the investigation as a "charade."

Heroes of Benghazi to Megyn Kelly: 'We Were Told to Stand Down'.  In a powerful "Kelly File" exclusive, Mark "Oz" Geist, Kris "Tanto" Paronto and John "Tig" Tiegen reflected on the 2012 attack and reacted to Michael Bay's much-anticipated film.  [Video clip]

ABC Worries Benghazi Movie May 'Re-Open the Wound'.  In an interview with actor John Krasinski about his role in the new movie 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi on ABC's Good Morning America on Tuesday [1/5/2016], co-host Lara Spencer fretted over the political impact of the film set to be released on January 15:  "Do you feel like this movie will re-open the wound, the debate of what happened in Benghazi?"  Krasinski replied:  "I don't know if there is an debate.  I mean, I think searching for the truth is always something that's really important."

Benghazi Security Contractor to Hillary: 'It Makes a Huge Difference.'.  Last night [1/4/2016] on her program on Fox News, Megyn Kelly interviewed Mark Geist, Chris Poronto and Don Tigen, three of the five security contractors who co-wrote the the book 13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi.  The book is now the basis for a new film; Kelly asked the men about the claim the attack was based upon a YouTube video.  [Video clip]

Mainstream Media Finally Takes Interest in Massive Discrepancy Between Hillary Clinton and the Benghazi Families.  [Scroll down]  At various times during just about any controversy, Clinton will say, with a note of exasperation, that she has already answered or revealed everything anyone could want, even though clearly she has not.  More importantly, we now had a she-said/they-said situation on our hands about an issue of some import.  So how did the mainstream media cover this development?  Mostly, they did not.  Interest in this advancement of the story was almost exclusively covered by conservatives:  The Blaze, FrontPage Magazine, Guy Benson at TownHall, and so on.

Benghazi Soldiers Say They Believe Victims' Families — And Not Hillary — In Dispute About Video Conversation.  Three members of the security team who responded to the attack on the Benghazi annex on Sept. 11, 2012 say that they believe the families of the four Americans killed that day when they say that then-Sec. of State Hillary Clinton blamed an anti-Muslim video for the attacks during private conversations.  Clinton has denied claims made by the relatives of State Department information officer Sean Smith, and CIA operatives Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods that Clinton blamed the film, "Innocence of Muslims," during a Sept. 14, 2012 memorial service for the victims.

Finally — Leon Panetta To Appear in Closed-Door Session With Benghazi Committee.  Nothing will come of it, but it is still interesting to point out that for the first time EVER former CIA Director Leon Panetta will give testimony to congress about Libya. [...] After Panetta left the CIA, General Petraeus took over and was 'technically' in charge of the CIA on the night of the Benghazi attack 9/11/12.  However, Petraeus was removed from testifying before congress by the affair with Paula Broadwell which led to his resignation.  Mike Morell took over as interim CIA chief two days before the testimony.  It was Morell who actually testified publicly before congress.  Immediately thereafter Morell went to work for CBS and also for Hillary Clinton (*wink*wink*), and was replaced by John Brennan.

Andrew Napolitano: How Obama And Hillary Accidentally Created ISIS, From Benghazi to Baghdad.  Underneath roaring metal guitar riffs and confusing camerawork, Judge Andrew Napolitano asks a series of rhetorical questions that, when pieced together, fully explains how the futility of America's foreign policy of arming rebel groups and the ignorance of American leaders to tell the good rebels from the bad, led to the rise of the Islamic State.  Following the failure of the "Arab Spring" to overthrow the anti-American governments of Libya and Syria by the end of 2011, the Obama administration decided to help speed the arc of history along by arming rebel groups fighting against Qaddafi and Assad.  Unfortunately, things got a little bit out of hand.

What Really Happened in Benghazi.  A new movie, 13 Hours, will again tell the true story of Benghazi on the night of the attack.  It will be untainted by the lies of Susan Rice, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  Sean Hannity interviewed the men who wrote the book and it's hard to believe anyone would try to disavow a word these men are saying.  The movie is being released on Ty Woods birthday.

In New Hampshire, Hillary Clinton throws Benghazi families under the bus.  Sure, somebody was lying, but it's not me!  The interview may not have produced much in terms of clarity, but if nothing else they managed to get Clinton onboard with the obvious conclusion that there were plenty of lies being flung about at the time.  As Jeff [Dunetz] goes on to remind us, on the very night of the attacks, Clinton is on record as having told the Libyan president that a terrorist group was taking credit for them.  That same night she told her daughter that an AQ related group was responsible.  Neither of the communications made any reference to a video, and in fact she told the Egyptian Prime Minister the next day that the video was unrelated.  Yet during that same 18 hour period she made multiple statements blaming the video and "inflammatory material on the internet" for the attacks.  That's not to mention all of the White House spokespersons who were trotted out on every cable news show in the world repeating that claim.  The families of several of those lost at Benghazi have come forward and said that Clinton spoke with them personally and blamed it all on the video.  So who is the one who is lying?

Who's lying, Hillary or members of several Benghazi victims' families?  On September 14, 2012, at a memorial service for the victims of the Benghazi attacks, Hillary Clinton spoke with members of the victims' families.  At least three of these people say that Clinton talked about the alleged role in the attack of a video produced by Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.  Charles Woods, the father of former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, says that Clinton blamed the video and even told him that she was going to have Nakoula arrested.  Nakoula was, in fact, arrested.  Similarly, Kate Quigley, the sister of Glen Doherty, says that Clinton told her the video was to blame.  "She knows that she knew what happened that day and she wasn't truthful," Quigley insists.  Finally, Patricia Smith, mother of Sean Smith, also insists that Clinton said the attack was because of the video.  She has repeatedly accused Clinton of lying.  Clinton, however, denies saying anything about the video to these family members.

Who's lying about Benghazi? 'Not me!' says Hillary Clinton.  The Daily Sun, a newspaper in rural Conway, New Hampshire, hosted an editorial board meeting with Clinton on Wednesday [12/30/2015].  Columnist Tom McLaughlin recounted for her the claims of victims' family members who said she had told them a crude Internet video that mocked the Islamic faith was responsible for inciting the attackers who killed their loved ones.  Clinton has denied making any such statement, despite the accounts of four people.  One, the father of a slain CIA security contractor, took written notes of her words.  'Somebody is lying,' McLaughlin told her Wednesday [12/30/2015].  'Who is it?'  'Not me, that's all I can tell you,' Clinton replied, casting blame on the families.

The Year of the Leftist Liars.  This is the year when we learned, from Hillary Clinton's own e-mails, after three long years of stalling, stone-walling and evasions, that Secretary of State Clinton lied, and so did President Barack Obama and others under him, when they all told us in 2012 that the terrorist attack in Benghazi that killed the American ambassador and three other Americans was not a terrorist attack, but a protest demonstration that got out of hand.  "What difference, at this point, does it make?" as Mrs. Clinton later melodramatically cried out, at a Congressional committee hearing investigating that episode.  First of all, it made enough of a difference for some of the highest officials of American government to concoct a false story that they knew at the time was false.

Hillary Nailed Again on Benghazi Lie in New Hampshire.  Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton sat down with the editorial board of New Hampshire's Conway Daily Sun on Tuesday — and thanks to conservative columnist Tom McLaughlin, it did not go as smoothly as she would have liked.  A question Clinton struggled to answer when it was put to her by George Stephanopoulos on December 6 came back to haunt her on Tuesday [12/29/2015] when McLaughlin asked her about private statements she had made blaming the Benghazi terrorist attack on "an al-Qaeda-like group" while publicly blaming a YouTube video.  She tried to swat away the issue by blaming the "fog of war" and likened the situation to a "40-alarm fire."  She also insinuated that the Central Intelligence Agency was behind the video narrative, even though Mike Morell, the CIA deputy director at the time, claims his analysts never said the video was a factor.

Hillary Goes On The Offensive Against Benghazi Victims' Families.  Hillary Clinton is denying once again that she told family members of Benghazi attack victims that a video was to blame for the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks — leaving only the possibility that the families are either lying or grossly mistaken about what the then-secretary of state told them in private.  During an editorial board meeting with The Conway (N.H.) Daily Sun, Clinton was asked about an interview she recently had with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos in which she denied that she told family members of the Benghazi victims during a Sept. 14, 2012 memorial service at Andrews Air Force Base that the film "Innocence of Muslims" was the catalyst for the attack.

Clinton to N.H. Newspaper: Benghazi Families Confused, She Never Blamed Attack on Video.  Hillary Clinton was confronted with her conflicting stories about the reasons for the attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi, Libya, and answered by throwing the victims' families under the bus.  She suggested they lied, because she never told them about the attack being caused by an offensive video.  Perhaps they got caught up in "the fog of war."  The questioning was part of an interview with the editorial board of New Hampshire newspaper The Conway Daily Sun.

Hillary's Server, Monica's Blue Dress, and History.  What the server's e-mails indicate is that on the night that four Americans were murdered in Benghazi, Hillary e-mailed the truth of how they died to her daughter.  She told Chelsea that the Americans were the victims of an organized terrorist attack.  She later admitted that to the Egyptian prime minister also.  Nonetheless she signed a public statement from the State Department proclaiming that the Americans were the victims of a riot provoked by a YouTube video.  After lying to the American people the evening of the attack, she repeated the lie to the victims' relatives when their bodies were flown in to Joint Base Andrews.  Moreover, she stood by her false account when she testified to the House Select Committee.

Hillary Clinton and Obama's Lies on Benghazi — Too Many to Count, but Let's Try.  They lied about the slaughter of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, at the hands of al-Qaeda-tied terrorists.  They lied, but not to protect vital national secrets or flummox America's enemies.  They lied to get reelected.  And they lied directly, knowingly, and repeatedly to the American people.

The Poisonous Obama Years.  Barack Obama's administration is scandal-plagued.  In its twilight years, this White House has subordinated accountability and the preservation of faith in public sector competence to exculpation from the political press.  The in-party spent the better part of the three years that followed the deadly assault on diplomatic and CIA compounds in Benghazi by framing the investigation into it as a manifestation of Republicans' pathological hatred for the president.  That is an impression which remains cemented in the minds of many average voters who have not closely followed a congressional investigation into that affair — an investigation that exposed the scandalous details regarding how Hillary Clinton and her cadre of privileged aides comported themselves at the State Department.  Those Americans who do not see the investigation as a partisan witch-hunt are apt to view it as an indictment of the political culture in Washington that afforded Clinton the leeway to flout the law and jeopardize American national security in order to preserve her sense of "convenience."

Benghazi victim's dad dares Clinton to lie detector test.  Charles Woods, father to former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, said Wednesday [1/6/2016] that the then-secretary of state told him that a YouTube video was the cause of the attacks, but now denies it.  "I would love to sit down with Hillary Clinton, if she'd agree to do it as well, you know at the same table, by the same operator and have a lie detector test," Woods told One America News Network.

The Editor says...
Yes, imagine Hillary Clinton connected to a lie detector.  What a concept.  Ideal for pay-per-view.  Should have been done long ago.

Stranger than Fiction: Hollywood Gets Benghazi Right.  For three years, the White House and its defenders in the media have characterized the Libya raids as a tragedy, a series of unfortunate events that were utterly unpreventable and for which no one is much to blame.  Many of those who were on the ground in Libya, CIA contractors and diplomats alike, see them as something quite different.  To them, Benghazi represents bureaucratic indifference and incompetence before the attacks, deadly governmental indecision and fecklessness during the attacks, and official deception and dishonesty after the attacks.

New State Department Emails Reveal Top Clinton Aide Focused on Her Private Company's Logo 24 Hours After Deadly Benghazi Attack.  Judicial Watch today released State Department emails, written 24 hours after the terrorist attack on the Benghazi consulate, in which former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills quickly moved past condolences over the slaying of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens to focus her attention on the design of her private company's logo by prominent international advertising firm GSD&M.

Somebody's Lying. Who Is It?  Just by way of background, three months ago, the latest crop of email releases from Hillary's secret server reveals that she knew even as the Benghazi attack was unfolding that it was terrorism and not, as I put it back in September 2012, a spontaneous class-action movie review. [...] Once you know the timeline of her communications with the Libyans, the Egyptians and with Chelsea Clinton, it becomes harder and harder to accept that the video distraction was anything other than a consciously constructed official lie.

Feds dump heavily redacted Benghazi emails on Christmas Eve.  The documents, released ahead of the Christmas holiday, include mostly blacked-out emails and some press clippings about events in Libya after the attack on the U.S. embassy, which left four Americans dead.  The event has become a central part of Republican criticism of Hillary Clinton's time as Secretary of State as she runs for president.  A few of the heavily redacted emails discuss the drafting of an assessment of the threat level before the attack occurred.  Congress had requested the assessment in the months after the attack.

House Select Committee on Benghazi Interviews Its 61st Witness.  The Select Committee is on track to interview 70 witnesses prior to releasing its report. [...] Earlier this week, an email obtain via FOIA by Judicial Watch taunted the partisans seeking to politicize the Benghazi tragedy. A partially redacted version of the email appeared to contradict the testimony of key Obama administration officials made in 2013, namely that immediate response to the rapidly escalating situation at the Benghazi embassy was not possible.

Military Support Offered In Benghazi — Why Would White House Say No?  In a televised interview, also in 2013, [Leon] Panetta, who served as the Obama defense secretary for nearly two years, said "you cannot just simply call and expect within two minutes to have a team in place.  It takes time."  So the administration's official line has been that no help was sent because events happened too quickly.  But the facts are catching up with the story.  Emails released this week by Judicial Watch show that a Defense official offered armed intervention that could in the official's opinion have provided help.  "We have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi," chief of staff Jeremy Bash said in an email sent to State Department leadership.  "They are spinning up as we speak."

New Benghazi Email Shows DOD Offered State Dept 'Forces that could move to Benghazi Immediately'.  Judicial Watch today [12/8/2015] released a new Benghazi email from then-Department of Defense Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash to State Department leadership immediately offering "forces that could move to Benghazi" during the terrorist attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012.  In an email sent to top Department of State officials, at 7:19 p.m. ET, only hours after the attack had begun, Bash says, "we have identified the forces that could move to Benghazi.  They are spinning up as we speak."  The Obama administration redacted the details of the military forces available, oddly citing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemption that allows the withholding of "deliberative process" information.

'Spinning up as we speak': Email shows Pentagon was ready to roll as Benghazi attack occurred.  As the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was unfolding, a high-ranking Pentagon official urgently messaged Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's top deputies to offer military help, according to an email obtained by Judicial Watch.  The revelation appears to contradict testimony Defense Secretary Leon Panetta gave lawmakers in 2013, when he said there was no time to get forces to the scene in Libya, where four Americans were killed, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.

Emails suggest Pentagon had troops ready during Benghazi seige.  A new email made public Tuesday [12/8/2015] indicates the Pentagon had military forces at the ready when the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi was under siege, a claim the State Department has repeatedly disputed.  Jeremy Bash, then the Defense Department's chief of staff, wrote in an email to top aides to Hillary Clinton the night of Sept. 11, 2012 that Gen. Martin Dempsey and the Joint Chiefs of Staff had "identified the forces that could move to Benghazi."  "They are spinning as we speak," Bash wrote within hours of the start of the attack.

Who Told Them to Stand Down? Military Was Set to Launch Benghazi Counterattack Within 40 Minutes.  Ironclad evidence that the Pentagon was prepared to rescue Ambassador Chris Stevens and other diplomatic personnel in Benghazi, Libya has emerged.  The newly released email completely contradicts "the claim from Hillary [Clinton] and Leon Panetta that no forces were available and within reach to provide help to the compound that was under siege."  The billion dollar question remains:  was it Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, or Valerie Jarrett who gave the order to stand down?

The Editor says...
Of those three, the least likely to have made the decision to stand down would be Barack H. Obama, because [#1] that would require the ability to make a decision, and [#2] he only does what he's told by President Valerie Jarrett.  She's in a tie with Hillary Clinton for Most Likely To Be the Culprit.

The questions legitimate journalists should be asking Hillary Clinton.  On Sept. 14, 2012, three days after the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods in Benghazi, Libya, Hillary Clinton appeared at Andrew Air Force Base, where she spoke with family members of those slain.  Shortly afterward, Tyrone Woods' father reported that she told him, "We are going to have the film maker arrested who was responsible for the death of your son."  Sean Smith's mother recently repeated that "she said it was because of the video."  Glen Doherty's sister said she chose "in that moment to basically perpetuate what she knew was untrue."

Hillary Says Relatives of Benghazi Heroes Are Liars.  [Hillary] Clinton lied to her former employee (and donor) George Stephanopoulos on his ABC program "This Week" on Dec. 6.  In his toughest question of the day, George told his pal, "Some GOP rivals and family members of the Benghazi victims are saying you lied to them in the hearing.  They point to emails that you sent the night of Benghazi attack, one to your daughter, Chelsea Clinton, saying... 'Two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an al-Qaida-like group.'"  He added that she had told the Egyptian prime minister on a phone call on Sept. 12, 2012, "We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film."  Clinton denied ever telling the Benghazi relatives that it could be blamed on an anti-Muhammad video:  "No. ... I understand the continuing grief at the loss that parents experienced with the loss of these four brave Americans.  And I did testify, as you know, for 11 hours.  And I answered all of these questions.  Now, I can't — I can't help it that people think there has to be something else there."  So are the relatives of these deceased heroes liars?

The Ugly Truths the Democrat and Republican Establishment Seek to Conceal From Us.  [Scroll down]  Hillary Clinton knows [quite] well that during the Benghazi attacks there were military resources available to interdict them.  But she has famously said "what difference does it make" and, in her view, she's right.  She's not evil, she's indifferent — to the lives lost there and to any other collateral damage including the arming of what has turned into Daesh!  Her goal is globalism, socialism and statism, all for her own personal aggrandizement.  That you are harmed or even killed doesn't matter to her.

Benghazi Family Hits Back: Hillary Clinton Lied About Us To George Stephanopoulos.  Kate Quigley, sister of Glen Doherty, one of the four murder victims of the September 11 terror attack against our Benghazi consulate in Libya in 2012, accused Hillary Clinton of lying to George Stephanopoulos about what the former Secretary of State told her and other grieving Benghazi family members.  During her Sunday appearance on ABC's This Week, Clinton said outright that she never told the Benghazi families that an anti-Muslim YouTube video caused the terror attack that resulted in the deaths of their loved ones.  In other words, Clinton accused these family members of lying.

Hillary Clinton's most repugnant lie.  Hillary Clinton still insists she didn't tell the grieving families of the Benghazi victims that an anti-Islam video was to blame.  Yet family members say she said just that, three days after the attack, at the Sept. 14, 2012, ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base.  George Stephanopoulos asked her Sunday if she'd told the victims it was about the film.  Clinton gave a flat "no."  She added:  "I said very clearly there had been a terrorist group, uh, that had taken responsibility on Facebook, um..."  At least four family members disagree.

Benghazi Victim's Sister: Hillary's Lying, She Told Us YouTube Video Was to Blame.  The sister of one of the victims of the 2012 Benghazi attack blasted Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton Wednesday [12/9/2015], accusing her of lying to the victims' families after the attack and lying later to cover up that fact.  Kate Quigley's remarks came after Clinton denied during an interview with ABC's This Week that she had ever told the victims' families that the Benghazi attack was due to an anti-Muslim video.  "Did you tell them it was about the film?" host George Stephanopoulos asked.  "No," Clinton responded bluntly.

Escalation: Hillary contradicts Benghazi families, denies blaming attacks on video at private meeting.  [Scroll down]  She [Hillary Clinton] was asked a direct question: Did she, or did she not, tell those family members that the Internet film was responsible for their loved ones' deaths?  She says she did not.  This is a direct contradiction of very explicit memories shared on the record by multiple people who have far less incentive to lie than, say, a truth-challenged politician seeking power.  This should be a serious problem for Hillary Clinton.  The media spent an enormous amount of time fact-checking Donald Trump's false claim about watching "thousands" of Muslims dancing in the streets of New Jersey on live television after 9/11.  Here we have the presumptive Democratic nominee essentially arguing that Benghazi victims' relatives are either forgetful simpletons, or liars.  How mysterious that they all "forgot" in exactly the same way, and that their "lies" all match up.

Hillary: I Didn't Lie to Benghazi Families — It Was 'The Fog Of War'.  Sunday on ABC's "This Week," while discussing the uncovered email showing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had told the Egyptian prime minister that "we know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film," prior to telling them it was a YouTube video that caused the terror attack, Clinton said she did not lie to them but instead was caught up in "the fog of war."

Hillary met with Susan Rice the day before her Benzhazi "prep" session.  I don't think any serious observer believes that Susan Rice's false claim in September 2012, presented on network talk show after network talk show, that the Benghazi attacks were the product of a video originated with Rice.  Rice was merely our ambassador to the U.N. at the time.  Thus, she had no responsibility for the security of the compound in Benghazi, and was not in a good position to assess what had transpired there.  But who told Rice what to say?  The evidence has always pointed to high level White House staffer Ben Rhodes.

Benghazi chill ripples through State Department.  The political fallout from the 2012 terrorist attacks on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, has had a chilling effect on the Foreign Service that has left U.S. diplomats wary of treading into areas with questionable security.  Multiple former diplomats and other knowledgeable sources say security precautions in the Foreign Service have intensified since Benghazi, with officials in Washington fearful of another disaster abroad.

Fresh Perspectives on Benghazi Keep the Scandals Alive.  When Accuracy in Media decided two-and-a-half years ago to form the Citizens' Commission on Benghazi (CCB), it was because it had become clear that Congress was doing an inadequate job of getting to the truth, and that the media were doing their best to pretend that this was a phony scandal that didn't reflect badly on either President Obama or then-Secretary of State Clinton. [...] There were the lies about the cause of the attack.  We learned with greater specificity at the October hearing that Mrs. Clinton knew the first night, and the following day, that this was a planned, organized terrorist attack by an al-Qaeda related group.  She said so in no uncertain terms to her daughter, to the president of Libya and to the Egyptian prime minister.  Yet the story she conspired to tell the world, and the family members of the victims of the attack, was that the attack was the result of a YouTube video that was viewed as an insult to Islam.

New emails cast doubt on Rice and Clinton's Benghazi story.  Hillary Clinton met with Susan Rice just before the United Nations ambassador appeared on political talk shows and blamed the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi on a spontaneous demonstration, a move that ultimately dashed her hopes for higher office.  A schedule published by the State Department Monday indicates Clinton and Rice met the morning of Sept. 14, 2012, three days after the Benghazi attack and two days before Rice made her now-infamous round of the Sunday shows.

Media That Claimed Bush Chilled Speech Strangely Quiet Under Obama.  [Scroll down]  This is years after both Hillary Clinton and Obama were featured in a video the Obama administration aired in Pakistan.  In that video, which was a response to the incendiary, anti-Islam video made by an American, Obama claimed that in the U.S., "we reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others."  Clinton said of the U.S. government, "we absolutely reject its content and message."  Except that our country doesn't reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. [...] And the U.S. government has no business weighing in on videos made by Americans and has no right to try to get Google to pull it down when people object to it.  Obama further "chilled" religious and political speech by saying before the U.N. that "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

Emails: CNN Reporter Coordinated With Hillary Aide To Smear Rand Paul During 2013 Benghazi Hearing.  A CNN reporter who was recently suspended for two weeks for violating the network's editorial guidelines showed up in a new trove of State Department emails released on Tuesday [11/24/2015] in which she appears to have coordinated social media posts with a top Hillary Clinton State Department aide during the former secretary of state's Jan. 23, 2013 Senate testimony about the Benghazi attacks.

Ex-Benghazi investigator sues Trey Gowdy for discrimination and defamation.  A former investigator for the House Benghazi Committee filed a federal lawsuit against the committee Monday [11/23/2015], opening a new chapter in legal skirmishes over the Benghazi attacks and subsequent investigations.

Obama Really Doesn't Like People.  When Americans were killed in Benghazi the White House refused to give an honest accounting of who murdered them (it was an offshoot of Al Qaeda).  Their deaths were, in Obama's cold phrasing, were not "optimal."  Well, they certainly weren't optimal for him and his re-election campaign, so he and his Praetorian guard lied about their murders.  Who got the blame?  An obscure Coptic Christian who had directed an equally obscure video that may have riled some Muslims — had they seen it (which, basically, no one had).  The spin was that Muslims had been ("legitimately"?) enraged by the video that mocked Mohammed.  Survivors were lied to and are still awaiting a call from the President to honestly explain why their loved ones had been murdered.  They will be waiting a long time.

Obama Knowingly Facilitated $500 Million Arms Deal That Led To Benghazi Attack.  A group of former top military officers, CIA insiders, and think tankers known as the Citizens Commission on Benghazi declared that after a seven-month review of the 2012 attack on the American consulate that it could have been prevented — That is if the Obama Administration hadn't knowingly armed those responsible in the months leading up to it.  Clare Lopez, who's a member of the commission, had an interview with MailOnline and said that "The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known al-Qaeda militias and figures."

Helping Hillary Clinton Figure Out Her 5 Greatest Accomplishments.  Of course, the real problem Hillary has isn't that she doesn't have achievements; it's just that they're not exploits that anyone would want to base a run at the Presidency on. [... For example,] Four people are dead in Benghazi because of her:  It seems hard to believe that it's even possible, but there were more than 600 ignored security requests related to Libya and the consulate in Benghazi.  Had Hillary paid attention to those requests, it's entirely possible that none of our men would have died in Libya.  However, Hillary claims none of those requests reached her desk.  Since it's generally accepted that Hillary lies incessantly about anything and everything, maybe that's another lie.  On the other hand, given that she's 68 years old, hasn't driven a car since 1996 and clearly can't handle her own email, maybe she just didn't know what she was doing.  Either way, if we had a different Secretary of State, those four men would probably be alive today.

The Fiction of "Truth".  An email introduced last month at a House Benghazi committee hearing indicated that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — just hours after the attacks on the consulate that left four Americans dead — knew almost immediately that an "al Qaeda-like group" had carried out the killings.  Clinton informed everyone from her own daughter to the Egyptian prime minister that the killings were the work of hard-core terrorists.  Yet officially, she knowingly peddled the falsehood that a video maker had caused spontaneous demonstrations that went bad.  Apparently, the truth about Benghazi clashed with the 2012 Barack Obama re-election narrative about the routing of al-Qaeda.  For days, Clinton, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and the president himself likewise sold the fantasy of video-driven killings.

Hillary Clinton, Arms Dealer.  In a scathing column Fox News contributor Andrew Napolitano makes the convincing case that Hillary Clinton sold weapons to Libya in a direction violation of the U.N. arms embargo, and then lied about it under oath during her testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi Oct. 22.

13 Hours: The Non-Political Benghazi Movie that Hillary Can't Avoid.  Two long weeks ago, Hillary Clinton was declared the undisputed winner in her face-off with Republicans on the House subcommittee over the part she played during the Benghazi attacks of September 11, 2012.  But that was before an Optimus Prime-sized hole was blown right through her campaign's and the media's narrative that Benghazi has finally been put to rest.  The bomb was the release of two new trailers for 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, director Michael Bay's action-heavy portrayal of events (already labeled "Bayghazi" by the Internet), which hits theaters January 15.

Hillary Clinton Lied Under Oath Repeatedly During Her "Successful" Benghazi Testimony.  [Scroll down]  Similarly, Clinton has asserted from the time she first addressed the scandal that no classified information was ever present on her home email server.  That was a lie, as literally hundreds of classified documents were discovered to have transited her private system, including "highly classified information".  And it goes without saying that Hillary Clinton's lies about the Benghazi attack being motivated by a video were beyond the pale; lying to the American people, lying to the families of the dead, and lying to everyone within earshot.

State Department 'watch logs' detail Benghazi response.  The State Department has released a new chronology adding perspective to how the diplomatic agency, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other elements of the U.S. government scrambled to respond to the attack on the U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012.  The newly-disclosed documents obtained by Veterans for a Strong America through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit include 24 pages of watch logs from the State Department operations center, recording the logistics of the back-and-forth over the deadly assault in a sterile, just-the-facts manner.

False Statements Hillary Clinton Made To The Benghazi Committee.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi's questioning of Hillary Clinton revealed several discrepancies between what Clinton has said and the facts. [...] Clinton said that up to 95 percent of her emails were already stored on the State Department's server because she emailed government accounts, which are automatically stored — unlike her own private account.  When asked by Chairman Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) where she obtained this fact, which she mentioned numerous times in her testimony, Clinton cited the State Department.  The following day, spokesman Mark Toner said the State Department did not provide that figure.  An Inspector General report released in March said only 0.00006 percent of all emails were properly archived on State Department servers.

Kelly: Mainstream Media Ignored 'Bombshell' Email at Clinton Benghazi Hearing.  [Megyn] Kelly played clips [11/5/2015] of Clinton and other administration officials repeating a talking point that the Sept. 11, 2012 attack was the result of extremists hijacking a protest of an anti-Islam video that had sparked other protests in the region.  She highlighted a Sept. 14 meeting between Clinton and family members of those killed in the attack, in which Clinton reportedly directly blamed the video's producer for the deaths.

Hillary Rodham Clinton: The mistress of deception and her self-inflicted wounds.  Her political problem is one of credibility.  We know from her emails that she informed her daughter Chelsea and the then-prime minister of Egypt within 12 hours of the murder of the U.S. ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, that he had been killed in Benghazi by Al Qaeda.  We know from the public record that the Obama administration's narrative blamed the killings of the ambassador and his guards on an anonymous crowd's spontaneous reaction to an anti-Mohammad video.  Over this past weekend we learned that her own embassy staff in Tripoli told her senior staff in Washington the day after the killings that the video was not an issue, and very few Libyans had seen it.

New State Department emails make Hillary Clinton's Benghazi testimony before the House harder to believe.  [Fox News] found discrepancies between how she classified her relationship with confidant Sidney Blumenthal and how she actually used the information he brought to the table.  Fox also noted that Clinton had more responsibility for the security of State Department officials than she let on during testimony.

New Email Shows Tripoli Embassy Warned D.C. to 'Not Conflate' Video with Benghazi Attacks.  Two days after the 9/11/2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, the United States embassy in Tripoli, Libya, was warning the State Department via email not to conflate the Innocence of Muslims YouTube video with the attacks.

Email indicates Clinton had different Benghazi stories for Libyans and Americans.  An email released by the House Select Committee on Benghazi Saturday [10/31/2015] suggests Hillary Clinton's State Department was advised to tell two different stories about what sparked the 2012 Benghazi terror attack: one to the U.S., and another in Libya.

Emails show Clinton had 2 Benghazi stories: 1 for Libyans, 1 for Americans.  "[O]ur view at Embassy Tripoli is that we must be cautious in our local messaging with regard to the inflammatory film trailer, adapting it to Libyan conditions," wrote an embassy official whose name was redacted from the Sept. 14, 2012 email.  The unidentified official said the offensive YouTube clip was "not as explosive as an issue" in Libya as it had been in other countries, such as Egypt.

State Department emails conflict with Clinton's Benghazi testimony.  Newly released emails conflict with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's 11-hour testimony before the Benghazi Select Committee, according to a review of the transcripts and public records.  One of the conflicts involves the role played by Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal.

CNBC: Media Matter Less.  CNBC is not alone in its insularity.  Take the supremely overrated Charlie Rose, who was taken apart on air after the debate by Marco Rubio.  Rubio said Clinton was caught out lying about Benghazi.  In his always well-modulated and serious sounding tone and mien, Rose appeared taken aback at the thought someone would accuse her of lying, and seemed genuinely surprised to learn what we all had a week earlier.  Contemporaneously with her spreading the lie (even over the dead bodies of the slain) that the slaughter was caused by an obscure, little-seen video, she told her daughter, friends, and the Egyptian prime minister that this was an act of terrorism, not a spontaneous reaction to a provocation.  Rose seemed not to have caught that, although he's well compensated to pay attention to such things and surely has a staff that can help him if he misses the mark[.]

Former CIA Chief: 'Analysts Never Said The Video Was A Factor In The Benghazi Attacks'.  Michael Morell, former deputy director and acting director of the CIA, disputes former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's assertion that bad intelligence led her to blame the attack on the diplomatic facilities in Benghazi was a result of a You Tube video that ridiculed Islam.  In Morell's 2015 book The Great War of Our Time, he writes that while the CIA knew "the demonstration and violence in Cairo were sparked by people upset over a YouTube video," intelligence "analysts never said the video was a factor in the Benghazi attacks."  (p. 205-206)

Hillary Clinton Was Warned Not to Blame Benghazi on Youtube Video.  Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's embassy in Tripoli, Libya, warned State Department officials in Washington, D.C., not to blame the Youtube video, Innocence of Muslims, for the Benghazi terrorist attack.  The House Benghazi Committee released a new email Saturday that a Tripoli embassy official sent to Clinton's underlings in Washington, D.C., on September 14, 2012, two days before Susan Rice appeared on Sunday talk shows to use the administration's "video" talking point.

60% Think Hillary Clinton Basically Lied About Benghazi.  Hillary Clinton's performance before the House Select Committee on Benghazi was praised.  But to the public, it was evidence that she and others misled the public about the causes of the 2012 attack.  The latest IBD/TIPP poll finds that 60% of those who followed the hearings believe that the Obama administration "deliberately misled the public by saying that the attack was inspired by an anti-Muslim video."

Emails: Clinton boosted Benghazi security for Libyan PM.  The latest batch of Hillary Clinton's private emails includes one that shows Clinton made an effort to help evacuate the acting Libyan prime minister from Benghazi amid a crumbling security situation.  It was released by the State Department just a week after congressional Republicans grilled Clinton for failing to respond to requests for more security from her own ambassador, who was killed in the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi.

Behind the Benghazi Curtain.  While the media continues to willingly embarrass itself fawning over Hillary Clinton's "performance" at the Benghazi hearing, it has now been firmly established, thanks to the production of emails and transcripts from the night of the attack, that the story regarding an anti-Mohammad video was a ruse concocted by the White House and Hillary Clinton on the same night.  It is therefore extremely safe to assume this obfuscation was agreed to by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton when they discussed the Benghazi attack that same evening via telephone.

The House Benghazi Hearings: A Different Perspective.  If the House Committee Hearings on Benghazi proved nothing else, they clearly pointed up just how politically polarized our country is — polarized to the point that the truth of the matter under investigation is the last thing that at least one side is interested in.  The Democrats' only function during these hearings was to provide support for their beleaguered presidential candidate — a shameless liar.  When they weren't throwing her softballs, they were trying to make the case for her innocence in this matter.  And when they weren't grandstanding on her behalf, they were doing everything in their power to undermine the credibility (and, as a consequence, the integrity) of their Committee.

CNN's Gergen Blames GOPers for Media Ignoring Holes in Clinton Benghazi Story.  Appearing as a guest on Thursday's Anderson Cooper 360, CNN Senior Political Analyst David Gergen admitted that GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio "had a point" during the debate in calling out the media for ignoring Hillary Clinton's "clear inconsistency" in her Benghazi story, admitting that he had also joined in the media chorus focusing on "praising her performance."  But the CNN analyst then absurdly rationalized the media's behavior by blaming Republicans who "told us that this was a rigged process" for causing the media "naturally" to "look at it through that lens."  Gergen did not mention that neither of the two Republicans who hinted at politics in the Benghazi investigation was even on the Benghazi committee.

She Botched It.  A careful look at the transcript of the hearing strongly suggests that as secretary of state Clinton badly botched the Libya conflict.  Moreover, at the hearing she significantly undermined her previous statements about her private email server.  Clinton is running for president as a sagacious and trustworthy steward of the national interest.  Yet the Benghazi hearing revealed that some of her decisions were irresponsible, and her handling of her email records has been outright dishonest.

The White House Said YouTube Videos Don't Cause Crime. Except in Benghazi.  In the Age of Obama, YouTube videos are blamed for highly-calculated, premeditated jihadist "9-11 anniversary" attacks on the US embassy in Benghazi that left four Americans dead.  In the days succeeding the brutal assault, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reinforced this heinous lie, hampering efforts to track down and prosecute suspects.  However, when YouTube videos apparently help cause violence against white police officers, Obama quickly explains that YouTube videos can't be linked with crime.

Benghazi committee gets classified White House records.  White House officials delivered a batch of new documents to the House Select Committee on Benghazi Wednesday [10/28/2015] in response to a request the committee had filed almost a year ago.  The documents, which were classified at varying levels, dealt with the military's response to the 2012 terror attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi.

Can Nothing Stop the Clintons?  I must admit that in all of my years on this earth I have never seen two people get away with more lies, obfuscation and corruption than Bill and Hillary Clinton.  After listening to her 11 hours of testimony about Benghazi this week, I was sure that some way, somehow she would be held accountable for something.  Alas, that idea was just wishful thinking.

No, Hillary Didn't Care About Chris Stevens.  [Hillary] Clinton appeared calm and collected, even as she lied repeatedly:  She said that she believed a YouTube video still bore some responsibility for the terrorist attack, despite the fact that she told the Egyptian prime minister the day after the attack that the video had nothing to do with the attack; she insisted that political hack Sidney Blumenthal didn't act as an advisor, even though he routinely emailed with her about policy; she stated that she'd been transparent about her emails, although that nonsense has been rejected by the State Department.

Granny Catlady, who lost $6 billion while running the State Dept., blames budget cuts for Benghazi attack.  One of the many rehearsed lies Hillary Clinton recited during her testimony last week was particularly galling.

'She's Absolutely Lying!' Mother Of Benghazi Victim Unloads On Hillary.  Patricia Smith, mother of Sean Smith who was killed in the 2012 Benghazi attack, is still waiting for answers from Hillary Clinton and she's not scared to say so.  "Three years ago Hillary promised when I went to the casket ceremony in Washington she would get back to me and tell me what happened," Smith told CNN's Carol Costello.  "She has not contacted me, she has not given me any information except to tell me that I'm not a member of the immediate family and I do not need to know."

'Make Sure That the Person Who Made That Film Is Arrested and Prosecuted'.  Do you ever feel like you're seeing something completely different from everyone else?  This morning the media is full of reports that the Benghazi committee's hearing yesterday revealed "nothing new."  Did you know about Hillary's e-mail to Chelsea and the comment to the Egyptian prime minister on September 12, saying it was a terrorist attack?  Doesn't that seem significant to anybody?

The Big Takeaway From the Benghazi Hearing.  How many hours the hearing went on does not matter.  What matters is the poor decision-making that led up to those horrific events, and the policy makers who made them.  And, the more we learn, the more it becomes apparent that Libya is a symbol of the Obama Administration's misguided and misleading foreign policy, as led by Secretary of State Clinton.

How Clinton evaded questions on Benghazi stonewall.  There was a moment, very late in the House Benghazi Committee's questioning of Hillary Clinton, when Clinton opened the door for lawmakers to discuss the specifics of her obstruction of the committee's work.  Such a discussion might have put Clinton in a difficult spot and led any reasonable outside observer to conclude that Clinton withheld information from Congress for nearly three years.  And yet the Benghazi Committee, lacking a central focus and winding down a long and exhausting hearing, did not effectively pursue the issue.

Rudy Giuliani Reveals Tense Run-In With Benghazi Spin-Master Susan Rice.  Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has never been one to hold back his feelings on an issue, but his run-in with U.N. Ambassador and Benghazi spin master Susan Rice days after the September 2012 attack might take the idea of candor to a whole new level.

Who's More Shameful, Hillary or Her Media Protectors?  Clinton would have us believe that she and Stevens were fast friends, but he didn't even have her personal email address.  Of course, if Clinton were a true friend, she also wouldn't have continually thrown Stevens under the bus during her testimony in repeatedly stressing that he knew the risks associated with his position.  Yes, Hillary, he knew the risks, all right, which is why he pleaded with you and others for more security — and you all coldly ignored him.  From the outset, however, the administration's most sinister and transparent lie was its calculated scapegoating of an Internet video dissing Islam.  I was appalled and incredulous from the beginning that anyone was falling for this obvious invention.  It never passed the smell test.

Hillary Told Benghazi Victim's Grieving Sister to Feel Sad for Libyans.  Kate Quigley, sister of Benghazi victim and CIA contractor Glen Doherty, spoke with Anderson Cooper Friday [10/23/2015], telling the CNN host the most audacious thing Hillary Clinton told her while she was mourning the days-old-death of her dear brother:  you should be feeling sad for the Libyans.  "I met her when we were at Andrews Air Force Base," Quigley recalled.  "And you know, she spoke to my family about how sad we should feel for the Libyan people because they're uneducated, and that breeds fear, which breeds violence and leads to protest."

Benghazi hearing resurrects YouTube controversy.  Questions about whether the Obama administration intentionally misled Americans by telling them the 2012 Benghazi attack was the result of a protest over a YouTube clip had been asked and answered ad nauseum before Hillary Clinton's appearance at a House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing Thursday.  Thanks to three new emails revealed during that hearing, the YouTube narrative has taken on a new life, emerging as the Republicans' sole victory in a face-off that overwhelmingly favored the former secretary of state.

If We Had An Honest Media...  There was a time when knowingly and willfully telling someone the reverse of what is true was called a lie.  Now it's considered a creative interpretation.  Hillary knew while the attack was ongoing, and told her daughter Chelsea in an email, that the terrorist attack on the US compound in Benghazi was "by an Al Queda-like (sic) group."  Does Chelsea have special security clearance allowing her to receive real-time briefings on ongoing terrorist attacks on Americans?  Are security clearances transmitted via DNA?  Of course not.  Hillary Clinton doesn't want to lie to her own child.  Everyone else?  Sure, why not?

Mother of Slain Benghazi American Explodes on Andrea Mitchell Reports: 'You Can't Understand!'  Last week we reported on a passionate CNN appearance by Patricia Smith, the mother of one of the American victims of the Benghazi attacks, Sean Smith.  Today [10/26/2015] she made an appearance on MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell and identified the root of her ongoing frustration, now four days after the Benghazi Committee hearing.  Ms. Smith said there are still far too many unanswered questions that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will not address; also noting she "watched every minute" of Thursday's hearing and was left unsatisfied Clinton's line of answering.

Remember When They All Said Benghazi Was About a Video?  The liberal talking point about the Benghazi committee is that Hillary Clinton won the battle and emerged unscathed but in order to believe that, you first have to ignore one major lie that was uncovered.  The attack had nothing to do with a video.  That is not what we were told.  The idea of a terror attack on an American embassy on 9/11 just before a presidential election didn't match Obama's grandiose claims that al Qaeda was on the run.  In the days that followed the Benghazi attack, the lie about it being based on a video was parroted by Hillary Clinton, Jay Carney, Susan Rice and even Obama himself.  [Video clip]

Levin Slams Clinton, Obama, and the Dems for Lying To America's Face.  On Thursday [10/22/2015], former Secretary of State and presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton testified before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, answering questions for 11 hours about what she knew about the attacks and when she knew it.  What's clear from her testimony is that Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration has lied.  Repeatedly.  Those in the media are predictably spinning Clinton's testimony to make her look undamaged and protect her presidential ambitions.  But on Thursday evening Conservative Review Editor-in-Chief Mark Levin set the record straight:  [Audio clip]

MSNBC And Al Sharpton Cut Off Guest Who Says Hillary Proven A Liar At Benghazi Hearing.  Completely Orwellian disregard of the truth.  [Video clip]

Clinton's Accidental Transparency.  The day after the attack, Mrs. Clinton gave two public comments again blaming the video.  The White House press secretary declared:  "We have no information to suggest that it was a planned attack."  But the same day, Mrs. Clinton told the Egyptian prime minister by phone:  "We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film.  It was a planned attack — not a protest."  In other words, we're not so naïve as to believe what we're telling American voters to further the re-election claim that we've put "al Qaeda on the run."  Two weeks later, the administration was still blaming the video.

The Real Benghazi Story: "They know we are sending guns to Syria... Everyone knows".  A recently-released and heavily redacted copy of a Sept. 12, 2012, Defense Intelligence Agency memo to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, the White House National Security Council and the Joint Chiefs of Staff said "the attack was planned 10 or more days prior on approximately 01 September 2012.  The intention was to attack the consulate and to kill as many Americans as possible to seek revenge for U.S. killing of Aboyahiye ((ALALIBY)) in Pakistan and in memorial of the 11 September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center buildings."

Hillary Clinton: American Royalty 2015 Style.  Not since Senator Ted Kennedy went on prime time television in a neck brace to spin the reasons for the Chappaquiddick accident have I felt so manipulated by a politician as I did by Hillary Clinton in her testimony before the House Benghazi Committee.  As it turns out these two incidents have more in common than one might think. [...] In the case of both Senator Kennedy and Mrs. Clinton, there was and is a sense of entitlement, some of it due to "American royalty" but much of it due to victimhood, the great weapon of liberalism.  "I suffer.  You owe."  Denying "the first woman president" her destiny is simply too dangerous for any member of the media to be blamed for upending her quest.

Todd to Cummings: Why Did Benghazi Dems 'Shield' Hillary?  Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," host Chuck Todd went after the ranking Democratic member on the House Select Benghazi Committee Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) for "shielding" Hillary Clinton during her testimony last week instead of ask tough questions.  Todd said, "Let me start with you quickly with the one issue a lot of people had with how Democrats handled themselves.  We tallied up 68 questions to Secretary Clinton.  Sixteen at best could we call challenging.  Why did you guys choose a strategy of shield rather than a strategy of what Rep. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) did, probably the one Democrat that did it the most, of conducting a hearing, asking questions about the security situation?"

Odd Praise for Hillary's Benghazi Hearing Performance.  The Media narrative coming out from the Benghazi hearings was and still is that Hillary performed well.  In other words, ignore the facts that the public learned Thursday about the cover up of a terror attack 50 days before an election and focus on Hillary's performance.

Clinton paying a price now for her 2012 Benghazi lies.  In 1973 and 1974, many in the media wanted to see Richard Nixon disgraced and removed from office.  In 2015, many in the media don't want to see the only plausible candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination disgraced and rendered unelectable. [...] And in both cases, despite claims of partisan witch hunts, the committees unearthed legitimately revealing material which the target sought to keep secret.  The Watergate committee discovered the Nixon tapes.  The Benghazi Committee discovered Hillary Clinton's home-brew email system.

Hillary's Worst Crime Was Against the 'Filmmaker'.  It would be as ethically bankrupt for the Democrats to nominate Hillary Clinton after Benghazi as it would have been for the Republicans to nominate Richard Nixon after the Watergate hearings.  More bankrupt actually.  No one died at Watergate, and the only people who went to prison were the ones who committed the crimes.  At Benghazi, of course, four Americans died, and the only American who went to prison did so to help Hillary sell a lie.

Do Hillary's Lies Matter?  It is of little concern to me that the corporate media says Hillary aced the Benghazi hearing, To me she didn't, and I care more that the public is being inured to public officials' lying. [...] Maybe I've misjudged the voters.  Maybe they really would like a brazen, self-seeking consummate liar.  Because that's what she certainly is.  She dissembled so often in the hearings I cannot possibly keep you awake while detailing them all.

Didn't they know Hillary would win?  It was always obvious to me, and to anyone who cared to look, that the Obama administration was spinning the story from the very first day.  Susan Rice's fabled fib about how a YouTube video inspired the attack was so indigestible that only the most willfully blind could have swallowed it without gagging.  Everything we learned that wasn't spoon-fed to us by the White House or Clinton's State Department plainly showed that the attack was not a random spontaneous move against Americans but rather a military-style assault led by Ansar-al-Sharia, the local version of al-Qaida.

Jim Jordan Absolutely Blisters Hillary Clinton's Benghazi Lies.  Short version:  the day of the attack, Hillary Clinton emailed her family and, separately, the Egyptian Prime Minister that she knew the fatal Benghazi assault "had nothing to do with the film... it was a planned attack — not a protest."

Hillary Told [Her] Family On [the] Night Of [the] Benghazi Attack That It Was A Terrorist Attack.  [Video clip]

What Hillary Knew.  On Thursday, the committee revealed that Clinton sent an e-mail to her daughter, Chelsea, shortly after 11 p.m. on September 11, lamenting that "two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an al-Qaeda-like group."  The same night, on the phone with Egyptian prime minister Hisham Kandil, she dismissed the video explanation completely:  "We know the attack had nothing to do with the film.  It was a planned attack, not a protest. ... Based on the information we saw today, we believe that the group that claimed responsibility for this was affiliated with al-Qaeda."

Benghazi hearings show that Clinton lives in a bubble of deniability.  In the bipartisan grandstanding of the latest Benghazi committee hearing last week, the mostly inept Republicans managed to extract one piece of information that will stick:  that our murdered Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens didn't have Clinton's e-mail address.  Clinton stammered a bit as she confessed this, realizing that she was contradicting her earlier characterization of Stevens as someone she knew and respected, the personal anecdotes that suggested a close relationship and her statement that she had personally asked him to take the job.

Sister of Slain Benghazi Victim Recalls How Hillary 'Perpetuated' Lies After Attack.  Kate Quigley, the sister of CIA Contractor Glen Doherty, one of four Americans killed at the compound in Benghazi, Libya, told CNN's Anderson Cooper that Clinton knowingly misled her and her family about the source of the attack, claiming it was the result of an offensive YouTube video.

Benghazi hearings: Three truths not revealed during Clinton questioning.  A few salient points were made.  For example, Rep. Jim Jordan unearthed an email from Clinton to daughter Chelsea, penned while the violence still raged, describing the attack as perpetrated by an "Al-Qaeda-like group," and a next day conversation with the Egyptian Prime Minister admitting "We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film.  It was a planned attack, not a protest."  All the while, Clinton was telling the world and the victims' relatives an anti Islamic video was to blame.  Unfortunately, crucial truths remain undisclosed or so botched by the Committee it was worthless to raise them.

Hey Rubes, I Never Blamed a Video for the Attack in Benghazi!  Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's testimony yesterday before the congressional committee formed to investigate the deadly Benghazi debacle that she allowed to happen and then tried to cover up can be summed up in two words:  she lied.

Hillary and the Video Lie.  In a monumental display of self-serving chutzpah, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she was there to testify before the Benghazi Select Committee to honor the service and memory of the four men killed in the terrorist attack.  Then why, Madam Secretary, did you tell the parents of the dead as you and they stood in front of their sons' caskets that you were going to get the maker of the video you blamed for their deaths?

No, Hillary Clinton Did Not 'Triumph' at the Benghazi Hearing.  Clinton did appear to be composed and well prepared for everything the Republicans on the panel threw at her, but there were a couple of extremely weird moments in which she laughed inappropriately during serious questioning.  Those moments could come back to haunt her.  And there was serious damage done to her credibility on a number of fronts.  One of the more astonishing revelations to come out of the hearing is the fact that approximately 600 pleas for more security by State Department personnel in Benghazi went unheeded as the security situation there deteriorated.  Not five, not ten, but 600 pleas for help ignored!  That is unexcusable and a disgrace.

Father of Benghazi victim: Hillary is a liar who doesn't deserve to be president.  The father of Tyrone S. Woods, a CIA contractor killed during the Benghazi attack, on Friday [10/23/2015] accused former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of lying to him and the American people about the circumstances that led to his son's death.  Charles Woods said new evidence presented at a House hearing Thursday showing Mrs. Clinton knew within hours that the attack on Sept. 11, 2012 was a planned and carried out by al-Qaida linked terrorists proved she lied to the victims' families when she falsely blamed the incident on a spontaneous protest over a U.S.-made anti-Islam video a few days later.

People Died, Clinton Lied: Benghazi Hearing Confirms Cover-Up.  The Democrats have complained that the Benghazi hearings have been a partisan exercise.  They easily forget that the White House's attempt to cover up the cause of the Benghazi attacks is as partisan as it gets.

Still Waiting for the Truth.  Charles Woods has been waiting a long time for the truth.  He met his son's body at Joint Base Andrews, three days after the attacks, at a solemn ceremony in just outside Washington, D.C.  He first met Clinton at that brief memorial service.  He remembers it well, in part, he says, because he took notes immediately after he spoke with her.

'Serial liar': Families of Benghazi victims blast Clinton on Benghazi.  Tyrone Woods' father, Charles, recalled meeting Clinton when his son's body arrived at Andrews Air Force Base two days after the attacks.  "I gave Hillary a hug and shook her hand and she said, 'We are going to have the filmmaker arrested who was responsible for the death of your son," Woods said, reading the account from his journal.  "That was a complete bald-faced lie," he told Friday [10/23/2015].  "The day after the attack, she was talking to the Prime Minister of Egypt and she said the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the video."

Clinton: I didn't have a computer in my State Dept. office.  Hillary Clinton said Thursday that she did not conduct most of her official business as secretary of state via email, during her testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, remarking that she did not even have a computer in her Foggy Bottom office.  During questioning from Indiana Republican Susan Brooks, Clinton was asked to account for the relative lack of emails to and from State Department officials regarding the situation on the ground in Libya from 2011 to 2012, as the situation deteriorated.

The Editor says...
There's an easy way to refute this claim:  Bring in the current Secretary of State, put him under oath, and then ask him if there was a computer in his office on his first day as Secretary, and ask him if there were any work-related files on that computer when he got there.  This is one of the most transparent lies Hillary Clinton has ever told.  Name one (other) cabinet-level official, at any time in in this century, who did not have a computer in his or her office.  For that matter, name one federal bureaucrat in Washington without a computer in his or her office.  I await your answer.

Chuck Todd Calls out Cummings and Benghazi Democrats.  Meet The Press host Chuck Todd called out ranking Benghazi Select Committee member Elijah Cummings (D., Md.) and other Democrats Sunday [10/25/2015] for using so much of their time this week with Hillary Clinton to "shield" her rather than ask real questions about Clinton's handling of the terrorist attack.  Less than 25 percent of the Democrats' questions, according to the NBC show's calculations, were actually "challenging," Todd said.  The hearing was referred to as "partisan" by many mainstream media outlets, but they chose to give it that label because of the Republicans' tough questioning of Clinton, not Democrats consistently bashing the proceedings and saying "nothing new" was being learned.

State Can't Verify Clinton Email Claim Made At Benghazi Hearing.  One of the sticking points in Mrs. Clinton's testimony in front of the Benghazi panel was her claim that 90% to 95% of her work emails were automatically preserved in the State Department's system. [...] But State Department spokesman Mark Toner on Friday [10/23/2015] said the figure is something her campaign is using and referred questions to them for "the rationale or the background behind it."  "I'm not aware that we have given that figure," he said at a press briefing.  "I'm not in a position right now to confirm that."

State Dept. Cannot Confirm Clinton's Email Claim At Benghazi Hearing.  The State Department said that it could not confirm a figure Hillary Clinton cited during testimony to the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Thursday, suggesting that it was fashioned by her presidential campaign.  The Wall Street Journal reported that a State Department spokesman said Friday that the agency could not "confirm" Clinton's claim that between 90 and 95 percent of her work emails were already preserved in the State Department's computer system because she emailed other government officials on their work accounts.

Ambassador Stevens is Dead, Hillary is Alive, and the Truth is on the Run.  We are supposed to believe that the Benghazi hearings are a partisan exercise to bring down Hillary Clinton.  A State Department outpost for which she was responsible was violently attacked by terrorists.  It was a planned attack.  She knew that immediately but lied to the public and even dithered about which YouTube video to blame.  Christopher Stevens, the ambassador to Libya, who had asked over two hundred times for increased security but was denied (by State Dept. underlings), was murdered.  The city had suffered seventy-seven terrorist attacks in the previous months and still Amb. Stevens' "facility" was not granted any increased security.  His requests "never reached her desk."  Not her fault according to Hillary.

Hillary's Breathtaking Mendacity.  [Scroll down]  Yes, Clinton and Obama knew it was a terrorist attack but tried to con the country into believing it was a spontaneous response to a video.  A State Department memo documents that on the very next day after her duplicitous public statement, Clinton informed Egypt's prime minister:  "We know that the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film. ... It was a planned attack — not a protest."  That was just two days before Clinton, in cold-blooded disgrace, looked Charles Woods in the eye and said, "We are going to have the filmmaker arrested who was responsible for the death of your son."

What Does an 800 Pound Gorilla Do?  Hillary showed beyond any shadow of a doubt that she could utter the most improbable nonsense and make it stick, able to shrug off the puny efforts by Congress to bring her to book.  In a world where power is the coin of the realm, her immense fortune was on display.  All too often conservatives think that the prize goes to the fittest.  In truth it often goes to the most ruthless.

Stunning Admission by Hillary Clinton: She Never Gave Ambassador Stevens Her Email Address.  In today's testimony in front of Congress, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton offered several startling admissions.  One stood out as particularly disgusting.  Anti-semitic nutjobs like Sidney Blumenthal had direct access to the Secretary of State while Ambassadors — like the late Christopher Stevens — were not permitted to email her directly.

Clinton seeks to turn the page on Benghazi after testimony — but can she?  Ultimately, analysts suggested the hearing might not move the dial much either way — Republican critics continued to voice frustration Thursday [10/22/2015] at her responses, while congressional Democrats spent the better part of the day defending her.  "In the short-term, this has probably not changed the minds of anyone watching the proceedings," Republican strategist Ron Bonjean said.  That may have been all Clinton could hope for.

Clinton defends role over Benghazi in heated Hill hearing.  Clinton testified to the Benghazi committee that the security requests were handled by security professionals in the department and not her.  "I did not see them.  I did not approve them.  I did not deny them," she said, while saying she was aware of the risks on the ground.

Family of slain Benghazi contractor still struggling to recover death benefits.  The family of Glen Doherty, one of two CIA contractors killed during the September 2012 Benghazi attacks, is still struggling to collect death benefits from the government to which they say they're entitled.  The family's three-year fight is playing out in the courts, in Congress and in the CIA — which has authority to change administrative rules regarding survivor benefits — and is shedding light on a federal law that critics say does not do enough to protect the families of contractors working abroad on dangerous assignments.

Yes, Benghazi Was About Politics: Hillary's Own.  In her opening statement, she effectively made a campaign speech intended for a national audience, touting her travel to 112 countries and her achievements in Burma and on an arms control treaty, among other selling points that had nothing to do with the issue at hand.  She concluded by condemning the hearing's "partisan agendas."  "My challenge to you," she told the committee, is to "rise above partisanship and reach for statesmanship.  That's what I tried to do every day as secretary of state."  The not-so-disguised charge of a political show was a little rich coming from her.

8 major warnings before Benghazi terrorist attacks.  U.S. security for diplomats in Libya was steadily drawn down in 2012 prior to the September 11 terrorist attacks, amid reports of hundreds of security incidents and despite repeated requests for better security from State Department officials in the country.

Clinton Says Source of Libya Intelligence Was a Mystery.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testified Thursday [10/22/2015] that she wasn't aware of the source of information about Libya provided by her friend Sidney Blumenthal and that it didn't matter.  Republican lawmakers and former officials were shocked she had so little curiosity about information she shared with top members of her staff, and thought it relevant that Blumenthal was working with a partisan former intelligence official as well as a longtime friend of the Clinton family.

Clinton Cracks Joke About Amb. Stevens' Request to Buy Security Equipment.  During the Benghazi hearing on Thursday afternoon [10/22/2015], Hillary Clinton laughed off a question from Rep. Susan Brooks (R-IN) regarding an email from Ambassador Chris Stevens talking about buying barricades and fortifications from other countries for security.  Clinton claimed that Stevens had a "great sense of humor" and that his requests to buy security equipment from the Brits were merely a joke.

Why Benghazi Should Keep Hillary Clinton Up At Night.  If you dont have a dog in the fightif youre among the growing number of independent voters drifting away from the two parties you probably dont care about the hearing.  You know what you missed:  shallow theater, naked partisanship, and institutionalized incompetence.

Hillary Clinton's public vs. private Benghazi facts.  Hillary Clinton presented one set of Benghazi facts to her own family; another to the family of the victims and the American public.  Within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Clinton emailed her daughter, Chelsea, that Americans had died at the hands of an al-Qaeda like group.  Al-Qaeda is the Islamic extremist terrorist group that was led by Osama bin Laden.  Clinton also informed Egypt's prime minister and Libya's president that the attacks were "preplanned" and "had nothing to do with" an anti-Islamic video posted on YouTube.  Yet Clinton told the American public and families of the Benghazi victims that the maker of the video was to blame for sparking protesters who got out of hand in Benghazi and spontaneously launched assaults.  In fact, there had been no protests in Benghazi.

Hillary Told Chelsea Truth About Benghazi, But Not American People.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blamed an internet video for the Benghazi attacks in her conversations with family members of those killed despite having told a foreign leader two days earlier that the video played no role and having emailed daughter Chelsea that a terrorist group had carried out the attack.  The summary of Clinton's conversation on September 12, 2012, with Egyptian prime minister Hesham Kandil reported that Clinton told him that there had been no protest in Libya and that the attack was not related to a controversial internet video that would later become the centerpiece of the Obama administration's public narrative on the Benghazi attacks.

Benghazi Committee Bombshell: Clinton Knew 'Attack Had Nothing to Do with the Film'.  In the course of his questioning of Clinton on her conduct surrounding the 2012 Benghazi attack, Ohio Republican congressman Jim Jordan revealed several new, previously overlooked e-mails indicating the Obama administration, the State Department, and Clinton herself all knew the assault was driven by al-Qaeda-linked terrorists — even while they all told the American people and the families of victims that a riot sparked by an anti-Islam YouTube video was responsible.

Hillary Clinton: 'I Did Not Email During The Day'.  Hillary Clinton says she did not generally send or receive emails during the daytime during her tenure as Secretary of State, despite copious evidence to the contrary.  "I did not email during the day except on rare occasions when I was able to," Clinton said.  Clinton spent a chunk of time at Thursday's [10/22/2015] House Benghazi Committee hearing defending herself against the suggestion that she exposed classified information on email, saying that she did not conduct the business of the U.S. government on email.

Top 9 New Revelations from the Benghazi Hearings.  The media declared that she "won" because she largely retained a placid demeanor.  The Democrats declared that she won because they had already decided her political survival mattered more than the truth.  Yet there were nine key revelations that emerged from the Benghazi committee.  [#1] Hillary Clinton told the prime minister of Egypt on Sep. 12, 2012 that a video was not responsible.  It is now clear beyond any doubt that Clinton knew the Benghazi attack was carried out by a terror organization, not because of a spontaneous demonstration.

Hillary Clinton's Five Biggest Lies in Her Benghazi Testimony.  Hillary, as always, is the poor, put-upon victim of a vast right-wing conspiracy.  She set up a private email server and deleted relevant emails from it for purely political reasons; she pressed for a pointless invasion of Libya for political reasons, chortled at its conquest for political reasons, watched it descend into chaos while doing nothing for political reasons, and then allowed her ambassador to twist in the Libyan tornado without proper security for political reasons; finally, she covered up that disaster by lying about its causes for political reasons.  But those who ask questions about such matters are partisan politicians.

Hillary Clinton showed us a glimpse of her soul at Benghazi hearings. It was chilling.  Secretary Clinton did not disappoint in her performance on Thursday [10/22/2015].  She admitted to no wrongdoing, nor to breaking any laws.  Mistakes were made by others, the fault lies elsewhere.  She put up with hours and hours of questions, and no one laid a glove on her.  Secretary Clinton was far more adept at bobbing and weaving than the members of Congress who questioned her were at pinning her down.

Benghazi Victims' Family Members Blast Clinton After Hearing.  Family members of two of the four Americans murdered during the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks in Benghazi had harsh words for Hillary Clinton following her testimony in front of the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Thursday [10/22/2015].  In an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, Kate Quigley, the sister of CIA contractor Glen Doherty, recalled a meeting she and her family had with Clinton at Andrews Air Force Base three days after the terrorist attack in which the then-secretary of state said that the onslaught started as a spontaneous protest.

Benghazi bust.  [P]ublic hearings can become sidetracked, for everyone to see.  If one side decides to pitch a fit and bickering ensues, that is what millions of viewers experience.  If the questions go off on a tangent, viewers see that, too.  In any event, the purpose of the hearing goes by the wayside.  And that is what took place more than once Thursday in Clinton's much-watched Benghazi testimony.  Republicans presented some new information.  One leading Democrat had a tantrum and started a fight with Gowdy.  And some Republicans got tangled up in side issues that didn't tell the public much about the core issues at stake in Benghazi.  The result was a marathon hearing that didn't accomplish much.

Clinton pins responsibility on Stevens.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton brushed aside emails Thursday that showed she privately told family and world leaders that the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi was a terrorist assault, and said Ambassador Christopher Stevens was responsible for his own decisions regarding skimpy security ahead of his death.  Testifying to the House Select Committee on Benghazi, a composed and controlled Mrs. Clinton said she was involved in the big decisions of deploying Stevens to Libya and pressing President Obama to lead the war effort that ousted Moammar Gadhafi.  But she deflected responsibility for much of what went wrong, saying the ambassador's requests for more protection, which were denied, were handled at levels beneath her.

Questions Raised About Independence of Benghazi Review Ahead of Clinton Hearing.  As Hillary Clinton prepares to testify before the House Benghazi on Thursday, newly released testimony from a senior Clinton aide reveals efforts to influence the conclusions an independent board that earlier investigated the State Department's handling of the 2012 attack.  The Benghazi Accountability Review Board was formed after the assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.  It issued a report in December 2012 questioning the leadership at the State Department but ultimately faulted just four mid-level employees.

Hillary uses Benghazi hearing to campaign for president as her Twitter account live-tweets prepared testimony.  As the Hillary Clinton political machine sought to paint Thursday's sensationalized congressional hearing on Benghazi as a political witch-hunt, her own campaign showed signs that it views the Capitol Hill mega-event as a chance to strut her presidential stuff on a national stage.  Clinton's political staff live-tweeted her hearing statement as she read it, following their standard practice when she gives speeches on the campaign trail.

Feds Have Spent More on Origami Condoms, Fat Lesbian Studies Than on Benghazi Committee.  The amount of taxpayer funding that has gone toward the investigation into the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, is less than the amount the federal government has invested in "Origami condoms" and studies on why lesbians are obese.  Democrats are very concerned that the Select Committee on Benghazi is wasting taxpayer dollars. Leading Senate Democrats, including Minority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.), are demanding that the RNC reimburse the government for the cost of the investigation.

She Knew All Along.  Thanks to Hillary Clinton's Benghazi testimony on Thursday [10/22/2015], we now understand why the former secretary of state never wanted anyone to see her emails and why the State Department sat on documents.  Turns out those emails and papers show that the Obama administration deliberately misled the nation about the deadly events in Libya on Sept. 11, 2012.  Don't forget how we came to this point.  Mrs. Clinton complained in her testimony on Capitol Hill that past Congresses had never made the overseas deaths of U.S. officials a "partisan" issue.  That's because those past deaths had never inspired an administration to concoct a wild excuse for their occurrence, in an apparent attempt to avoid blame for a terror attack in a presidential re-election year.

Hillary's contempt at start of Benghazi hearing.  Hillary Clinton opened Thursday's [10/22/2015] hearing before a House committee by casually flipping through her notes and shaking her head as the panel's top Republican read out the names of four Americans who died in the 2012 terror attack on a State Department outpost in Benghazi, Libya.  Cable TV broadcasts showed Clinton, who was secretary of state when heavily armed Islamists laid waste to the Benghazi facilities, paying no attention to Rep. Trey Gowdy as he intoned the names of Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

Gowdy: This Investigation Is Not About Hillary Clinton.  Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy says the Benghazi investigation is not about Hillary Clinton, it is "about four U.S. government workers, including our ambassador, murdered by terrorists on foreign soil."

Judge Napolitano, Hillary and Off to Jail She Goes.  Hopefully the congressmen were listening to Judge Napolitano on Fox & Friends this morning [10/22/2015] when he made some suggestions about how to ask a question and get a substantive answer.  Judge Andrew Napolitano told Sean Hannity last night what he will be looking for in Thursday's hearings and he repeated his firm belief that Hillary committed crimes that could send her to jail.  He will be looking for Mrs. Clinton to say that she has held back information or to profess ignorance of facts we know she knows about.  He is looking for her to say things that will help the FBI put the puzzle together about whether they should be looking for espionage, destruction of government property, obstruction of justice, and perjury charges against her.

Benghazi Victim's Mother: Hillary Is Avoiding Me.  The mother of one of the four Americans killed in the Benghazi terrorist attack told Breitbart News that Hillary Clinton lied to her and has been avoiding her at all costs, even canceling a paid speaking engagement specifically because she was in the crowd.  As Clinton prepares to testify before Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC)'s House Benghazi Committee Thursday, the pained words of a grieving mother are being drowned out by political pundits on all sides.

Hillary Clinton's Appearance Before the Benghazi Committee.  Hillary Clinton has done Trey Gowdy an enormous favor.  In anticipation of her testimony on Thursday [10/22/2015] before the Benghazi select committee he chairs, and with a lot of Republican help, she has framed the committee as a partisan political witch-hunt obsessed with dashing her presidential ambitions.  To regain credibility, all Gowdy needs to do is demonstrate that it is not.  Meaning:  all Gowdy needs to do is focus on why the United States had its officials stationed in Benghazi, one of the world's most dangerous places for Americans.

How many lies will Hillary tell today?  You've got to know that the lady will be one of the most carefully coached and best prepared witnesses in history.  There is absolutely no doubt that her staff has tried to anticipate every possible question the committee could ask and has labored long and hard to come up with the best possible answer the lady can give.  By "best possible," of course I don't mean the most honest, trustworthy or illuminating.

Todd: Hillary Clinton 'Has No Good Answers' on Her Libya Policy.  The Obama administration intervened in Libya in 2011, helping a rebel force take down dictator Moammar Gadafi.  This led to a power vacuum and the collapse of the nation into a failed state dominated by radical terrorists.  Clinton was a strong backer of this policy decision.  Appearing on The Today Show [10/22/2015], Todd also said Clinton was one of several secretaries of state who failed to improve embassy security, a key facet of the investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack that left four Americans dead in 2012.

Five Reasons Benghazi Still Matters.  [#4] President Obama Still Refuses to Confront the Threat of Radical Islam.  What turned the murder of four brave Americans from a tragedy to a travesty was the Obama Administration's dogged denial that the terrorist attack was carried out by radical Islamic terrorists.  The reality on the ground did not fit the Administration's narrative for how the Middle East was developing.  The way to deflect attention from these obvious failures was to shift responsibility, blaming the Benghazi attack on a video.  Yet the Administration knew within three hours of the first shots being fired, who was responsible for the attack.

What to Expect at Hillary's Benghazi Hearing.  The Benghazi Select Committee holds an open hearing with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Thursday.  Clinton has said she is willing to stay as long as there are questions. [...] Adding to the challenge for Republicans is the fact that the hearing will almost certainly be covered primarily as a political story, rather than a national security hearing, by a Washington media dubious of the investigation from the outset.

Clinton's Benghazi testimony, demeanor crucial in bid to earn voters' trust.  After months of back and forth conducted by press release and media interviews, Mrs. Clinton will get the chance to square off against investigators face to face in testimony expected to cover everything from her whereabouts during the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi to her decision to delete tens of thousands of emails she has insisted were private, though they were sent from the same account she used for government business.

Benghazi Investigation Committee Has Ignored Whistleblowers.  Former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova, who represents Benghazi whistleblower Mark Thompson, told Breitbart News that Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC)'s investigative committee has not reached out to him, his client, or the other Benghazi whistleblowers.  The Committee has not reached out to most of the military officers with first-hand knowledge of what happened, and it is not going to talk in public about possible gun-running from the Benghazi consulate into Syria, he predicted.  "No, they're not talking to anybody," DiGenova told Breitbart News.

Mother of Benghazi Victim Erupts at Hillary Clinton: 'She's Lying!'  CNN Newsroom host Carol Costello was taken aback when Patricia Smith revealed in conversation that she actually didn't know much about what happened to her son — despite the fact that the Benghazi attack occurred three years ago.  Smith responded in kind, claiming that although Clinton promised to "get back to" her following her son's funeral ceremony in Washington, D.C., no one had since contacted her on the matter.

Benghazi Committee Investigation Costs The Same As Two Months' Worth Of Obama Golf, Fundraiser Junkets.  The cost of funding the House Select Committee on Benghazi's 17-month investigation into the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks in Libya is just slightly more than the amount taxpayers were billed for a couple of golf outings and a political fundraiser President Obama attended in February and March.  The watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained records which show that trips Obama made earlier this year to Chicago, Los Angeles and other parts of California cost taxpayers $4,436,245.50 in transportation expenses alone.

Why Benghazi Still Makes a Difference.  Only in Perry Mason stories does the real culprit break down in open court.  After Hillary Clinton's now-immortal Capitol Hill outburst about investigations into the deadly 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya — "What difference, at this point, does it make?" — the former secretary of state and Democratic candidate for president is unlikely to offer any such spontaneity when she testifies Thursday [10/22/2015] before the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

Democrats Release Benghazi Testimony of Top Clinton Aide.  Democrats had promised to release the transcript for more than a week, amid an escalating partisan feud on the 12-member committee.

On Benghazi Intelligence Briefing — Speaker John Boehner: "I don't recall".  "I don't recall" — In a world where journalists were in-tune with events and stories, and in a world where journalists were driven to tell the truth behind events, those three words from Speaker of the House John Boehner would have caused every DC reporter to grab their steno pads and head immediately to his offices.  Alas, few people beyond the inhabitants of the "new media world" (internet) have an understanding of how consequential those three intentionally obtuse words actually are.

Benghazi committee was first ever to ask for Chris Stevens' emails.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi was the first congressional committee to request the emails of Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in the 2012 terror attack that is the subject of the controversial probe.  While seven other committees have investigated aspects of the Benghazi attack, a State Department official told the Washington Examiner Tuesday [10/20/2015] the agency is "not aware" of any previous requests for Stevens' emails.

Hillary Clinton Faces Panel on Benghazi: 5 Key Questions She Must Be Asked.  Getting to the bottom of the Benghazi affair is important for many reasons:  The families of the four men who were killed in Benghazi deserve the truth, as they were promised by the Obama administration over three years ago. Government accountability and personal responsibility matters.  So does making every possible effort to ensure the safety of U.S. diplomats sent overseas to do the nation's business.

Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban.  The State Department initially approved a weapons shipment from a California company to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi in 2011 even though a United Nations arms ban was in place, according to memos recovered from the burned-out compound in Benghazi.

Team Clinton on offense ahead of Benghazi committee hearing.  Hillary Clinton and her supporters are blistering the Benghazi committee ahead of her much-anticipated testimony Thursday [10/22/2015], repeatedly questioning the GOP-led investigative panel's "credibility" as the former secretary of state gears up for a potentially confrontational appearance.

State Department Gives Ambassador's Emails To Benghazi Committee Just Two Days Before Hillary Testimony.  The State Department on Tuesday [10/20/2015] gave the House Select Committee on Benghazi 1,300 pages of new emails from Ambassador Chris Stevens, just two days before the panel is scheduled to hear testimony from former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton.

State Department fights Benghazi panel on emails.  The State Department is pushing back against plans from Republicans on the House Select Committee on Benghazi to release more than 200 documents ahead of Hillary Clinton's public testimony this week.  In a memo to the committee obtained by The Hill, the State Department warned top Republican committee staffers that the documents had not gone through the proper review process to be released publicly.

Democrats mull exit from Benghazi panel: House member.  Democrats on a U.S. House of Representatives panel set up to investigate the 2012 Benghazi attacks will discuss resigning from the committee after Hillary Clinton testifies before it this week, a Democratic member of the panel told Reuters on Tuesday [10/20/2015].

Benghazi BS — Democrats Begin Coordinated Campaign of Obfuscation.  Representative Elijah Cummings has produced a 124 page report intended to defend Hillary Clinton in advance of her congressional testimony on Thursday [10/22/2015].  The strategy is for all Democrat operatives, campaign officials, media pundits and spokespeople to use the Cummings report in their defense of Clinton.

'Expert' Is Called Out With Key Fact Related to Benghazi After He Claims 'Diplomats Get Killed in Every Administration'.  Time political columnist Joe Klein, described as a foreign policy and national security "expert" on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Tuesday [10/20/2015], claimed there are no unanswered questions left on the Benghazi terror attacks and "diplomats get killed in every administration."  "Morning Joe" co-host Joe Scarborough quickly offered a key fact relevant to Benghazi after Klein's remarks.  "Well, this is the first ambassador killed since '79," Scarborough said.

Trey Gowdy: How Did 7 Congressional Committees Miss Amb. Chris Stevens' Emails?  Rep. Trey Gowdy said Sunday [10/18/2015] that he is baffled that the previous seven congressional committees that investigated the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi failed to obtain emails U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens sent in the months before the attacks occurred.  "How did they miss Ambassador Stevens' emails?  None of the seven previous committees bothered to access the emails of our ambassador," Gowdy said during an interview on CBS' "Face the Nation."

Memos recovered from Benghazi compound detail staff security worries.  In the final weeks before the deadly Benghazi attack in September 2012, State Department officials serving in the tumultuous Libyan city had increasing worries about safety, reaching out repeatedly to the CIA and Libyan government for extra security and dealing with landlord and guard issues that raised additional red flags, according to documents recovered from the burned-out compound.  The documents, given to The Washington Times by a U.S. official, provide contemporaneous accounts of career State Department officials coping with an increasingly unstable foreign city and grasping for security help from outsiders in the absence of more action from their own department.

Diplomatic cable shows ambassador to Libya asked Hillary's State Department for more security before he was killed in Benghazi.  The request, unearthed by Fox News, comes in a cable sent under Stevens' electronic signature dated July 9, 2012, about two months before the deadly attack, which killed four Americans.  While Stevens warned of the volatile nature of the security situation in Libya, a congressional source told Fox that Patrick Kennedy, one of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's deputies, denied the request.

Green Beret's Benghazi security assessment stands test of time.  When Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, a Green Beret, first told Congress that security at the Benghazi consulate had been woefully inadequate before the Sept. 11, 2012, attack there, top State Department officials working for Hillary Rodham Clinton strongly disputed his assessment.  They insisted under oath that State "had the correct number of assets in Benghazi at the time of 9/11," and that the only reason the compound was overrun was because an "unprecedented" attack had occurred.

The 3 Democrat Attacks on the Benghazi Committee.  Hillary Clinton is coming to testify before Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC)'s committee on Thursday [10/22/2015], and given the fact that her Presidential campaign is now in full swing, the stakes will doubtless be higher than ever.  Accordingly, Democrats who are desperate to preserve her viability as a nominee (knowing full well that Bernie Sanders would be a general election disaster) have released an increasingly desperate and laughable set of attacks against the Benghazi committee, thinking that in so doing they can also put to rest the email scandal that has become a cancer on the Clinton campaign.

Halperin: Hillary Says She's Answered Everything, But Needs To Spend the Week Prepping For Testimony.  [Mark] Halperin, in reference to Clinton spending this week in preparation for her testimony before the Benghazi Select Committee, remarked, "As much as she's answered every question already, she says, apparently, she still wants to spend the week preparing to answer the same questions she says she's answered before."

GOP lawmaker: Dems' obstruction slowing Benghazi probe.  Responding to criticism that the investigation into the Benghazi attack has stretched on longer than the Watergate investigation, Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., said Sunday [10/18/2015] that the committee has been working for so long because of obstruction on the part of Democrats.  "What's taken us so long is Democrats on the committee and in this administration have played hide the ball," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press."  "We would have been happy to move more quickly but we were met with obstruction all along the way."

Also posted under Democrat obstructionism.

Gowdy, Abedin and Benghazi: This is Curious!  The Benghazi committee was instantly transformed into a "political" committee" meant to weaken Hillary Clinton after Kevin McCarthy suggested to Sean Hannity that the committee was responsible for her lower poll numbers, which he later said was not his intention.  Trey Gowdy, who chairs the Benghazi committee, was a no-show at the interview of Hillary's closest and most trusted aide, Huma Abedin, an interview the AP described as a "grilling" though no one in the closed hearing did.

Judge hears case to dismiss charges against defendant in Benghazi attack.  A federal judge heard arguments Friday [10/16/2015] on whether to dismiss most of the charges against a suspected Libyan militant accused in the 2012 deadly attacks at the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, an incident that's become a political flashpoint in the U.S. presidential campaign and remains under investigation by a special House committee.

Gowdy: GOP Colleagues Not on Benghazi Committee Should 'Shut Up'.  Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation," House Benghazi Select Committee chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) was asked about recent comments claiming his committee was a partisan attack on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton from two Republican house members and a former employee of the committee.  Gowdy said, "I have told my own Republican colleagues and friends, shut up talking about things that you don't know anything about, and unless you're on the committee, you have no idea what we've done."

Hillary Clinton dismisses Benghazi 'conspiracy theories'.  Hillary Clinton said Friday [1-/16/2015] that while she will do her "best" to answer the House Select Committee on Benghazi's questions in her testimony next week on Capitol Hill, she doesn't have very much to add and that "conspiracy theories" about the attack have already been debunked.

Fox News Poll: 60 percent say Clinton has been dishonest on Benghazi.  A new Fox News poll finds that by a nearly two-to-one margin, voters think Hillary Clinton has been deceitful about the State Department's role in the events surrounding the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

It's Huma Day on Capitol Hill: Clinton's top campaign aide has a date with the Benghazi committee.  Huma Abedin, the Hillary Clinton aide often spotted at the ex-secretary of state's side, is testifying before the House committee investigating the Benghazi terrorist attack today [10/16/2015].  Congress is currently in recess, but the committee convened today to hear from Abedin in an interview that is taking place behind closed doors on Capitol Hill.  The testimony will be focused on the attacks on the American facilities in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012, and how the executive branch handled them, a committee aide said, as well as the congressional inquiries that followed.

Huma Abedin Testifies Before Benghazi Committee Today.  Top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin will testify before the House Benghazi Committee at 10 AM Friday [10/16/2015] in a closed-door session at the U.S. Capitol.  Breitbart News has learned from the Committee what she will and will not be asked about.  Abedin is a key figure in the Benghazi scandal, and could have information about how the administration changed its talking points to blame the terrorist attack on a Youtube video.

Huma testifies before Benghazi committee, ahead of Clinton appearance.  The closed-door meeting came as committee Chairman Trey Gowdy combats accusations from both sides of the aisle that the panel is political in nature and bent on targeting Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton.  To that end, the committee took the rare step this week of announcing Abedin's testimony Friday morning [10/16/2015], stressing that she would only be questioned on issues relating to the committee's core mission:  "The events leading up to, during and after the attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012 and executive branch activities and efforts to comply with congressional inquiries into them."

Hillary Clinton's top aide is to be grilled by the Benghazi committee.  A top aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is reportedly set to be interviewed by the committee investigating the attack on the American embassy in Libya.  Huma Abedin is thought have been asked to appear by the panel probing the incident which saw four Americans killed at the embassy in Benghazi, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Hillary's Benghazi sleight of hand.  Sometimes the only defense is a good offense, with Hail Mary passes thrown on every down.  Hillary Clinton readies for her showdown with the Benghazi congressional committee with a Hail Mary offensive to delegitimize that crucial investigation.  The coordinated attack she brings to bear on the investigation demonstrates the fear she and her defenders anticipate when she is questioned under oath.  Congress is political by design, but the committee should stick to getting to the bottom of what happened on that grim night in Benghazi.  The pursuit of justice is not a mere game of politics.

Anti-Hillary Clinton Group's TV Ad Shows Grave of Ambassador Killed in Benghazi Attack.  An anti-Hillary Clinton group ran a television ad during Tuesday night's Democratic debate showing the gravestone of Libyan Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who died in the 2012 attack on the American embassy in Benghazi.  The Democratic presidential frontrunner, who was Secretary of State at the time, has been under scrutiny for her response to the tragedy and conflicting information in the wake of the attacks.

The E-mails and Benghazi.  Eventually Hillary grudgingly accepted responsibility for the Benghazi tragedy, but, as is typical with the Clintons, she was not held accountable for the fiasco.  How do you have responsibility without accountability?  It's a favorite of the left; I did it, I'm sorry, so let's move on.

Hillary's Spymaster.  Since the [Benghazi] committee exposed Clinton's apparently illegal use of a private server to conduct State Department business, she's been caught in more than a few untruths.  Clinton can't seem to answer questions about her conduct as secretary of state fast enough to keep her presidential campaign on track.  And the latest question to emerge is a doozy:  Did a former CIA officer on Hillary Clinton's payroll orchestrate a major media scandal in order to discredit Benghazi critics?

Trey Gowdy Smacks Elijah Cummings Around Over Leaks/Stonewalling on Benghazi Committee.  This is pure political gold — you just have to read Trey Gowdy's letter to Elijah Cummings.  He deftly smacked him alongside the head over the Benghazi Committee and his leaks and stonewalling techniques that have done nothing but throw sand in the gears of the proceedings.  It was epic and masterful.  Gowdy simply eviscerated Cummings.  I think he obliterated the two brain cells the man had left.  The Democrats have done nothing but throw baseless allegations around concerning the Benghazi Committee.  They have not called one new witness in months.  No document requests have been made either.  Cummings and his fellow Marxists finagled their way onto the committee to drag it down and kill it procedurally.  It was all arranged and pre-planned.  The only ones mischaracterizing testimony here are the Democrats.  It's what they do.

Benghazi Victim's Mom: 'As Far As I'm Concerned, Hillary Is Anti-Mother'.  Patricia Smith, the mother of one of the four victims of the Benghazi attack, said this morning on "America's Newsroom" that she still has not heard anything from Hillary Clinton.  After her son, Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, was killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack, Smith said the then-secretary of state assured her that she would give her a full accounting of what happened.  Since then, Smith said she's never heard from Clinton or her office, and accused the State Department of withholding information about her son's death.

Should we believe fired Benghazi committee staffer's claims?  A former staffer on the House Select Committee on Benghazi alleges that he was fired because he refused to target Hillary Clinton for political reasons. [...] Whether the fired-staffer story will take hold remains to be seen.  We don't know enough about the facts pertaining to the discharge of the staffer, Maj. Bradley Podliska, an intelligence officer in the Air Force Reserve, fully to assess his case.  However, the facts that have come out so far don't seem to support Podliska's claim.

Gowdy: Fired Benghazi panel staffer decided to 'run to the press' after failed effort to get money.  The leader of the Republican-led special Benghazi committee tried Sunday [10/11/2015] to discredit a former staffer's claim that he was fired for not joining in a partisan-driven effort to tarnish Hillary Clinton, saying he never even spoke to the ex-staffer.  South Carolina GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said he never met with the staffer, investigator and Air Force Reserves officer Bradley F. Podliska, and that Podliska was, in fact, warned about his own efforts to discredit Clinton, who was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013.

Head of Benghazi committee rejects claims by fired staffer.  The chairman of the House committee on Benghazi struck back Sunday morning at a fired staff member who is accusing the panel of engaging in a partisan probe to tarnish Hillary Rodham Clinton, with the lawmaker saying that the claims appear newly manufactured and that the staffer himself appeared obsessed with the Democratic presidential candidate.  Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), in his first public statement on the controversy, said committee investigator Bradley Podliska never mentioned any concern about Clinton or politics while fighting his dismissal from the committee staff this fall.  In his formal complaints, Gowdy said, the investigator had repeatedly asserted only that the panel discriminated against him because he was an Air Force reservist who periodically had to leave his job for reserve duty.

Benghazi chair lashes out at ex-staffer's accusations.  After a former investigator with the House Select Committee on Benghazi publicly charged the panel with a partisan probe of Hillary Clinton, Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, fired back with a blistering denouncement of what he called "salacious allegations." [...] Gowdy, leading the committee that has so far spent over $4 million in its examination of the events surrounding the 2011 terrorist strikes, said that the accusations were unfounded.  Podliska, the South Carolina Republican said, had "not produced documentary proof" of the accusations, even after weeks of ongoing legal mediation.

Ex-staffer: Benghazi committee pursuing 'partisan investigation' targeting Hillary Clinton.  A former investigator with the House Select Committee on Benghazi is accusing the Republican-led panel of carrying out a politically motivated investigation targeting former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton instead of the thorough and objective fact-finding mission it was set up to pursue.

GOP investigator says Republicans on Benghazi panel fired him over Clinton focus.  A former investigator for the Republicans-led House Select Committee on Benghazi is alleging he was unlawfully fired from the panel for not focusing on Hillary Clinton and is vowing to file a federal complaint, according to The New York Times.  The former investigator, Bradley F. Podliska, is an Air Force Reserve officer and also claims Republican leaders on the committee retaliated against him for taking leave to go on active duty, which if true would be a violate of federal law.

5 Obama Scandals The Mainstream Press Is Ignoring.  A little more than a month ago, the Daily Beast reported that 50 intelligence analysts said their reports on the Islamic State had been watered down to suit the White House's spin, and that pressure to do so had come from senior military and intelligence officials.  If true, it means that the White House actively engaged in an effort to mislead the public about its war on this increasingly dangerous terrorist group.  It's the sort of thing the watchdog press would normally eat up, with dreams of Pulitzer Prizes and movie deals.  The fact that this harkens back to the Benghazi scandal — where Obama officials actively misled the public to maintain Obama's claim that Libya was a big success — makes it meatier.  Instead, after a few obligatory stories in early September, the press lost interest.

The House Select Committee on Benghazi, Holding Government Officials Accountable.  When the dust kicked up in the House-speakership race has settled, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's artless comment about the House Select Committee on Benghazi promises to cause further headaches for Republicans.  This week, House Democrats proposed a measure to abolish the committee; and although it was tabled in a partisan vote, they are sure to continue exploiting McCarthy's misstep in order to derail the investigation.  That would be a victory for partisan bullying — and a defeat for the nonpartisan cause of government accountability.

Drip, Drip, Drip.  There was never any doubt that Democrats in Washington would launch an aggressive campaign to discredit the House Select Committee on Benghazi.  The only question was when they'd do it. [...] The investigation uncovered the existence of Clinton's personal email server, and her mendacious efforts to explain why she didn't use a secure government email account to carry out her work as secretary of state have complicated her presidential bid.  But it was a monumentally foolish thing for McCarthy to say.  And his efforts to clean up the mess — in a follow-up interview on Fox News and later in a written statement — only made matters worse.

Trey Gowdy: Democrats thwarting Benghazi investigation.  Rather than cooperate, Democrats have tried to thwart the Benghazi probe from within since the beginning, the special panel's chairman said in a letter released Thursday [10/8/2015] that accused Democrats of bad faith and also announced the release of emails that call into question the relationship between former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and her associate Sidney Blumenthal.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, South Carolina Republican, said it was Democrats, not members of his party, who "selectively leaked information" to try to set the political narrative about the probe.

State hasn't completed promised Benghazi reforms three years later.  More than three years after the Benghazi tragedy, the State Department is rejecting one of the recommendations from its internal watchdog to improve security at its high-risk diplomatic posts, and hasn't yet completed other high-priority reforms recommended by independent experts, according to an internal progress memo.  In all, three of the 29 security recommendations made after Benghazi by an Accountability Review Board have not yet been completed, State Department officials told The Washington Times.

We're breaking new ground.  The American people will judge the Select Committee on Benghazi on our actions, not the words of others unfamiliar with our work.  Similarly, those calling for an end to the committee are either satisfied with an incomplete inquiry into the deaths of four Americans in Libya or unconcerned with accountability as it relates to the public record.  This committee has interviewed 41 witnesses no other committee interviewed.  Seven were eyewitnesses to the attacks.

Benghazi Committee To Release A Trove Of Damning New Clinton Emails.  A trove of emails that the State Department gave the House Select Committee on Benghazi only two weeks ago show that longtime Hillary Clinton friend Sidney Blumenthal pushed his business interests in Libya on the then-secretary of state and that she forwarded an email discussing a CIA source which was classified at the time it was sent.  That's according to House Select Committee on Benghazi chairman Trey Gowdy, who stated in a letter sent Thursday [10/8/2015] to Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings that he plans to release the 1,500 emails within the next five days.

Democrats to force vote on abolishing Benghazi committee.  House Democrats on Wednesday will try to force a vote on abolishing the Select Committee on Benghazi, in a continued effort to seize on recent comments from No. 2 House Republican Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).  Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday moved ahead with a procedural effort known as a privileged resolution that will force the House to take a vote on killing the panel.  The procedural vote on moving ahead with the measure is expected this afternoon [10/7/2015].

Benghazi Republicans: Panel Dems have 'nakedly political motivation'.  Republicans on the House Select Committee on Benghazi defended their desire to prevent the publication of transcripts from interviews with witnesses Monday [10/5/2015] after panel Democrats announced their intention to release the documents.  "The committee has not released transcripts from witness interviews for myriad reasons, including the need to hear from all witnesses and gather all facts before drawing inferences or conclusions from those interviews, and the need to avoid tainting the recollections of future witnesses," said Jamal Ware, spokesman for committee Republicans.

Clinton Can Thank Obama for Her Benghazi Headache.  [Scroll down]  The White House at the time said the talking points were not Benghazi-specific and dealt primarily with the broader communications response to widespread protests in the Muslim world against the Internet video, "Innocence of Muslims," an amateurish film depicting the life and times of the Prophet Muhammad.  But for Republicans, these e-mails were a smoking gun.  They undermined the administration's long-held explanation that the Benghazi talking points were drafted by the CIA and were consistent with the assessments of the wider intelligence community.

Never Forget That The Benghazi Committee Was Created Because The White House Withheld Emails.  Despite what Democrats argue now, the special committee was created well before Clinton had announced her presidential bid.  It was also created before anyone knew that she used a personal email account and private server as secretary of state.  On top of that, House GOP leadership resisted the idea up until it was revealed in April 2014 that the Obama administration had withheld smoking gun emails from the House Oversight Committee.

Condemning the House committee won't help Clinton erase Benghazi.  Hillary Clinton's bitter rebuke of a Republican-led House committee probing the deadly Benghazi attacks may play well with Democratic diehards and sway her wavering supporters, but it won't put the story to rest during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to strategists.  "Democrats are fed up with the discussion about Benghazi.  If she's not going to put up a firewall, Democrats will continue to question whether something is there," said Scott Ferson, a Democratic operative.

Benghazi panel talking point proven false.  Democrats claimed this week that the House's special committee investigating the 2012 violence in Benghazi, Libya, was the longest inquiry of its kind, but fact-checkers on Friday [10/2/2015] proved them wrong.  In fact, there have been at least four special congressional committees charged with investigating various incidents that have run longer than the Benghazi panel, Politifact discovered.

No, not Obama — the other one.
Why Are Democrats Still Supporting a Compulsive Liar?  Let's start with the Benghazi scandal.  Hillary first said the attack was due to an underground anti-Muslim video. After it was soon revealed the attack had nothing to do with the video, she denied blaming it on the video in the first place.  Hillary said they had no prior warning of any eminent danger to the embassy compound in Benghazi, but correspondence from slain US Ambassador Christopher Stevens revealed he had been warning of the dangers and requesting extra security for the six months prior to the attack.  When the bodies of Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty arrived in the US, Hillary stood face to face with the families and promised them she would find out what happened and that she would keep them appraised at all times.  A year later, two of the parents testified before Congress that they had not heard a word from anyone on their sons' deaths since that day.

The So-What Democrats Shrug Off A Serious Charge.  Even if Democrats believe Clinton did nothing wrong with her email, shouldn't they have some concerns about how she handled the terrorist attacks in Benghazi?  They should.  But they don't.

Dems release closed-door Benghazi testimony.  Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Monday [10/5/2015] revealed portions of the transcript of previously secret testimony from a closed-door briefing with a former top aide to Hillary Clinton in an escalation of the partisan bickering on the panel.

No, The Benghazi Committee Isn't 'The Longest Running Congressional Investigation Ever'.  An emerging Democratic talking point is that the investigation being conducted by the House Select Committee investigating the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on Benghazi is the longest-running inquiry ever undertaken by Congress.  But the fact-checkers at PolitiFact reviewed the claim — which was fostered by Democrats on the special panel, repeated by numerous media outlets, and hammered home by Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign — and determined it to be false.

Exclusive interview: Gowdy on the Benghazi committee's plans and Hillary Clinton's upcoming testimony.  The House Benghazi Committee's investigation will soon take center stage in American politics. [...] Since its formation in 2014, the committee has served as something of a thorn in Clinton's side.  The committee first uncovered that Clinton had used personal email and at least one private server as secretary of state.  Her public responses to questions about her unusual email arrangement have dogged her presidential campaign, as new revelations have forced her to alter earlier statements made about her exchange of classified information and the security of her communications.

Of Course The Benghazi Inquiry is Partisan. It Should Be.  Here's a non sequitur for you:  Kevin McCarthy said something blatantly political about Hillary Clinton the other day, therefore Hillary Clinton is innocent of all wrongdoing going back to 2010.  This logical fallacy also happens to be the Democratic Party's positon on the Select Committee on Benghazi.

Did Hillary Clinton Spike CBS' Coverage Of Benghazi?  Hillary Clinton employed a private intelligence service whose key operative had influence over CBS' coverage of Benghazi.  Which raises the question:  Who is more corrupt, Clinton or the mainstream media?

McCarthy links Benghazi panel to Clinton's falling poll numbers.  Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Tuesday [9/29/2015] evening linked the House Select Committee on Benghazi with Hillary Clinton's dropping poll numbers.  "Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?  But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee," McCarthy said on Fox News's "Hannity."  "What are her numbers today?  Her numbers are dropping.  Why?  Because she's untrustable," McCarthy continued.

House Benghazi Probe Longest in Congressional History.  The House committee investigating the Benghazi attacks is now the longest congressional investigation in history, committee Democrats announced today [9/28/2015].  As of Monday [9/28/2015], the House Select Committee on Benghazi, has been active for 72 weeks — surpassing the record previously held by the Watergate Committee in the 1970's.

The Editor says...
The Benghazi investigation and the Watergate investigation are comparable:  Both of them were prolonged by endless stonewalling by the highest and most powerful people in the country.  The Benghazi mess would have been put behind us years ago if Hillary Clinton and Barack H. Obama had been honest about their actions and reactions immediately before and after the Benghazi attack.  Of course, they would both have had to resign in disgrace, but at least the investigation would be over.  The ABC News article above makes it sound as if there is a time limit beyond which it's no longer necessary to investigate malfeasance.

Exclusive: Hillary Aides Talked Benghazi with Clinton Foundation Staff, Witheld Emails.  Hillary Clinton's top State Department aides turned to Clinton Foundation employees for political help in the immediate aftermath of the Benghazi terrorist attack, and Clinton withheld those emails from the House Benghazi Committee investigating her conduct.  Clinton currently faces federal investigation for allegedly allowing people without a security clearance to access classified information, in violation of the Espionage Act. Newly-discovered emails, considered classified by the State Department, were going to Clinton Foundation staffers who did not have a security clearance to view classified information.

Journalists Receive Subpoenas In Jill Kelly Lawsuit Against FBI — Jeh Johnson, Petraeus, Benghazi, Etc..  Jill Kelly is a woman who became entangled in the General Petraeus / Paula Broadwell affair story which exploded immediately following the Benghazi attacks in 2012.  Many believe the Petraeus affair was used by the White House to remove the CIA risk.

More emails surface in Hillary Clinton Benghazi probe.  More previously undisclosed State Department emails related to Benghazi have surfaced in a federal court filing, offering a public accounting of at least some of the records still being sought by congressional investigators. [...] Most of the documents also appear to have been withheld from the House Select Committee on Benghazi, which is investigating State's response to the attack.

The Poisonous Obama Years.  The in-party spent the better part of the three years that followed the deadly assault on diplomatic and CIA compounds in Benghazi by framing the investigation into it as a manifestation of Republicans' pathological hatred for the president.  That is an impression which remains cemented in the minds of many average voters who have not closely followed a congressional investigation into that affair — an investigation that exposed the scandalous details regarding how Hillary Clinton and her cadre of privileged aides comported themselves at the State Department.  Those Americans who do not see the investigation as a partisan witch-hunt are apt to view it as an indictment of the political culture in Washington that afforded Clinton the leeway to flaunt the law and jeopardize American national security in order to preserve her sense of "convenience."

Benghazi Movie to be Released January 15 but Already Generating Buzz.  Mark down January 15, 2016 on your calendar.  It won't be one of Hillary Clinton's favorite days for just as the primary elections kick off, that is the day that 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi is scheduled to be released in movie theaters.  Judging from the movie trailer, this film directed by Michael Bay is exactly what Hillary doesn't want the public to be reminded about.  For one thing, it is pretty clear that the assault on the diplomatic compound on September 11, 2012 was not inspired by a mere video according to the trailer.  Also included in the trailer is a scene where the security team is told to stand down after the attack.  Coming as it does at a crucial point in the election season, it is sure to inspire quite a bit of buzz.

State Department Asked Hillary to Delete Classified Benghazi E-mail.  A top State Department official instructed Hillary Clinton to permanently delete a classified e-mail related to the Benghazi terrorist attack, but her lawyer refused because a congressional investigation into her use of a private e-mail server was already underway.  In a May 22 letter to Clinton's attorney, David Kendall, Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy notified the Clinton team that a November 8, 2012 e-mail about a "report of arrests — possible Benghazi connection" was deemed classified and should be deleted.

The Weapons Of Benghazi.  I'll never tire of explaining as I have before that my military readers knew within 24 hours that this was the result of a well-planned, well-coordinated combined arms attack with the use of crew served weapons.  It was no spontaneous riot and it wasn't an accident.  Again, we knew that virtually immediately, the administration talking points notwithstanding.

Three Years After Benghazi Terror Attacks, Victims' Families Say the Wait for Answers 'Feels Like a Decade'.  As America remembers the unprecedented 9/11 terror attacks 14 years ago that claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 people, a small band of Americans is living with another terrible reason this date remains one they'll never forget.  They're the families of the four victims of the Benghazi terror attack at a CIA annex in Libya just three years ago — September 11, 2012.  And when it's your loved ones who were cut down while serving their country, three years is a long time to wait for answers.

Obama Staffers Party, Smoke Cuban Cigars on the Anniversary of Benghazi, 9/11 Terror Attacks.  Top Obama administration and White House officials partied away on the night of the anniversary of 9-11 and the Benghazi terror attack.  State Department senior communications adviser Marie Harf and White House national security adviser Ben Rhodes joined some friends Friday [9/11/2015] for a night of partying at the Blackfinn Saloon blocks from the White House.  Harf, who runs point on promoting President Obama's Iran nuclear deal, and Rhodes, a graduate of the New York University creative-writing program who falsely revised the administration's talking points to pin the Benghazi attack on a spontaneous response to a Youtube video, were in good spirits.

Hillary aide refuses to answer Benghazi committee questions.  A House Benghazi committee interview with former State Department aide Bryan Pagliano, who managed Hillary Clinton's private email network, lasted only 15 minutes Thursday [9/10/2015] after he refused to answer questions.  Transcribed interviews of Cheryl Mills, Clinton's former chief of staff, and Sidney Blumenthal, an informal adviser to Clinton from her time at State, both took roughly nine hours.

America's descent into lawlessness.  [Scroll down]  In the same manner, rank amateur video maker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was jailed for violating his probation.  Why?  Mr. Nakoula made a video insensitive to Muslims and thus was falsely blamed for the riotous 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.  The most likely culprit of the preplanned Benghazi attack was not scapegoat Mr. Nakoula, but the inconvenient pre-election truth that al Qaeda was quite alive in Libya and U.S. security quite lax.  America is becoming analogous to the mess in lawless contemporary Venezuela.  When the law is suspended or unevenly applied for politically protected individuals and groups, then there is no law.  We are now seeing the logical descent into the abyss of chaos.

Hillary Clinton Knew Benghazi Terrorists Used Video as 'Cover'.  Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was warned that the Benghazi terrorist attack was carried out by a terrorist group using Youtube video protests as "cover," in a memo that she received the day after the attack.  Nevertheless, Clinton still went ahead and pushed the false talking point that spontaneous protests incited by the Internet movie Innocence of Muslims caused the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others.

"Accountability" Review of Benghazi Attack was Rigged by Hillary.  Washington loves waving away questions after a scandal with a commission or a review board.  The so-called Accountability Review Board on Benghazi whose results the media trumpeted as answering all the questions about what happened was rigged from the start.  Thomas Pickering is a highly partisan figure who, among other things, is a key Iran Lobby figure.  A few scapegoats were served up without actually firing them.

President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts
  •   First President to Refuse to Tell the Public What He Did For Eight (8) Hours After Being Informed That a U.S. Ambassador Was Facing Imminent Death During a Terror Attack (Source: Mediate)
  •   First President to Lie About the Reason For an Ambassador's Death, Blaming it on an Internet Video Rather Than What He Knew to be the Case:  the Al Qaeda-linked Terror Group Ansar al-Sharia (Source: House Oversight Committee, et. al.)
  •   First President to Have an Innocent Filmmaker Thrown in Jail After Lying About the Cause for a Deadly Attack on U.S. Diplomats, Using the Filmmaker as a Scapegoat (Source: CNN)

How to classify Hillary.  Sometimes a target is chosen, other times a target chooses herself by stepping into the line of fire.  When Hillary Rodham Clinton became America's top diplomat, she took an oath to discharge duties that include protecting the safety and well-being of the 70,000 men and women who worked for the department around the world.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi has spent 16 months trying to find out what went so wrong that four of those men who worked for her died in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012.  Answers to several crucial questions may be answered soon.  Depositions taken this week from Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan, two key aides to Mrs. Clinton, could provide the way to examine the last missing piece to the puzzle, Hillary's own answers to questions about what she knew about events surrounding the attack, and when she knew it — and what she did about it.  Her appearance before the Benghazi committee Oct. 22 should get the answer to the larger question:  Has her performance, both on the night of the attack in Benghazi, and later her reckless handling of classified emails, disqualified her from becoming president of the United States?

Exclusive: Hillary Was Busy Starting A Nonprofit Days After Benghazi.  In the days following the Benghazi terrorist attack, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top advisers were busy.  They were designing a new nonprofit group for Clinton and her husband Bill to raise money in Ireland.

Clinton Email Server Crashed Weeks After Benghazi Terror Attack.  Hillary Clinton's private email server crashed in the immediate weeks following the Benghazi terrorist attack, according to emails sent by Clinton's top State Department aide Huma Abedin.  Abedin emailed Clinton Foundation executive director Stephanie Streett on the morning of October 10, 2012 to inquire about flooring options for a building she was designing.  Abedin was using her State Department government email account to communicate with Streett because her address, hosted on Hillary's private server, had crashed.

Mills: I reviewed the ARB report on Benghazi before publication, made "suggestions" for changes.  Yesterday [9/3/2015], the House Select Committee on Benghazi began a new phase of its probe into the collapse of America's policy on Libya.  Cheryl Mills, chief of staff to then-Secretary Hillary Clinton, appeared before the panel to detail what she knew about the attack on the compound and the State Department's response to it.

Benghazi panel spars over Democratic member's attendance.  After a Democratic member of the House Select Committee on Benghazi called for his own panel to be disbanded, Republicans pointed out that he had attended just one witness interview in the past year.  Rep. Adam Schiff's op-ed in the New York Times Friday [9/4/2015] touched off a squabble between majority and minority staff members that highlighted tensions between the parties over the scope and purpose of the Benghazi panel.

Democrat Who Wants To Disband Benghazi Committee Has Attended Just One Of 45 Interviews.  A Democratic member of the House Select Committee on Benghazi is calling for an end to the investigative body, but Republicans are hitting back hard, pointing out that the lawmaker, Adam Schiff, has largely served "in absentia," attending only one of 45 interviews the committee has conducted.  Schiff, from California, issued the call to disband the committee in a New York Times op-ed published on Friday [9/4/2015].  He claimed that the panel has lost sight of it purpose of investigating the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and is now focused only on taking down former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

House Benghazi panel interviews former top aide to Clinton; public spat erupts on panel.  A senior member of Hillary Rodham Clinton's inner circle testified Friday [9/4/2015] before a House panel investigating the deadly 2012 attacks in Libya as a nasty spat erupted between a Republican staffer and a Democratic lawmaker who insists it's time for the committee to disband.

Hillary Clinton's camp urged ex-State Dept. employee to speak to House Benghazi committee.  Aides to presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton urged a former State Department employee who helped set up her private email server to appear before a House investigative panel, but the staffer has said he will assert his constitutional right not to testify.

Let's See More of Hillary Now, to See Less of Her Later.  Hillary Clinton shows signs of anger and desperation and pops out of her shell with shrill and extreme rhetoric. [...] A few weeks ago, she lashed out against Republicans again for grilling her on the Obama administration's response to the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya.  "They'll try to tell you this is about Benghazi, but it's not. ... It's not about Benghazi. ... It's not about emails or servers, either. ... I won't get down in the mud with them.  I won't play politics with national security."  Oh, then why did she pretend that an anti-Islam video triggered the terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi? Evidence has shown — as we realized all along — that she knew then it was a planned terrorist attack and not a spontaneous eruption over an obscure video.  She says she won't get down in the mud with Republicans, yet the entire purpose of her little rant was to sling mud.

What Touches Classified is Classified.  Hillary was just as fast and loose with security in the White House as she was as secretary of state.  In fact, she was accused of using private FBI files to harm others.  An intelligence analyst doesn't have to actually see or read the secret document referenced in Hillary's emails, but by using current knowledge and gathering bits and pieces of information through insight, intuition, inference, etc., put together the gist of it.  Some say that is how the terrorists learned of the lack of security and vulnerability of the Benghazi compound.  Those critics go so far as to suggest Hillary herself is partly responsible for what happened.  At this point, it does make a great deal of difference.

You know who's not #ReadyForHillary? The thousands who've died fleeing the Libya she destroyed.  Hillary Clinton is directly responsible for the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in the Mediterranean Sea as the death toll of those who drowned fleeing her destabilized Libya approaches 2,500.

Benghazi Witness: U.S. Provided Arms to Jihadists Who Killed Americans in 9/11 Attack.  The Obama administration may have provided the weapons used by some Islamist extremists to kill four Americans at the United States' compound in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, according to a Libyan source who told Breitbart News he witnessed the attack first hand.  Breitbart News's Tera Dahl spoke to the witness, whose identity cannot be revealed due to threats against his life, but lives near the former U.S. compound in Benghazi and was present when the attack took place.

Trey Gowdy frustrated by Dem stonewalling.  Two top Clinton aides, Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan, will appear before the House Select Committee on Benghazi next month, but when will the committee interview several other top Obama administration officials and Clinton allies?  House Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., described how the committee intends to finish its work before the calendar year 2015 ends, in an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner.

Here's what Clinton's classified emails discussed.  Hillary Clinton's classified emails contain discussions of conversations with foreign diplomats, issues with embassy security and relations with countries from Russia to China. [...] For example, Huma Abedin, Clinton's former deputy chief of staff, forwarded a summary of a high-level Sept. 2009 meeting to Clinton in which she detailed the "embassy security issues" that were discussed.  The issues had been raised by Eric Boswell, a diplomatic security official who was later forced to resign in the wake of the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi.

5 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Drop Out Of The Race.  [#2] Benghazi:  Four Americans were killed on Clinton's watch in the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack, one of them a U.S. ambassador, the first to die on duty since 1979.  Her State Department said that it was simply a wild attack provoked by a video that inflamed Muslims.  But the State Department knew it was a planned terrorist attack.  Worse, Clinton might have unknowingly contributed to the attack.  Thomas Lifson of the American Thinker says that "putting together the information now publicly available" makes him wonder if "an ISIS hack of Hillary Clinton's virtually defenseless home-brew server set up the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens."

Did a hacked Hillary email set up the ambush of Ambassador Christopher Stevens?  Putting together the information now publicly available, the question has to be asked:  Did an ISIS hack of Hillary Clinton's virtually defenseless home brew server set up the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens?  ISIS has proven itself adept enough at information technology that a successful hack of Hillary Clinton's server at her Chappaqua mansion cannot be ruled out, no matter how many Secret Service members stood guard.  Apparently unbeknownst to the former secretary of state who boasted of the server's security because of the guards outside, it is so easy to hack a garden variety server set up by a mom-and-pop operation that an ISIS (and Russian intelligence and Chinese and Romanian and many other agencies) hack is well within the realm of possibility.

Top Clinton Aides To Testify Before Benghazi Committee Next Week.  Two of Hillary Clinton's top aides will testify next week before the House panel investigating the Benghazi terrorist attacks.  Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan will be deposed on September 3 and September 4.  Mills was Clinton's chief of staff at the State Department, while Sullivan helped lay the groundwork for negotiations on the Iran nuclear deal and now works as a senior policy advisor for Clinton's 2016 campaign.

Fiorina: 'I Absolutely' Believe Hillary Purposefully Lied About Benghazi.  Carly Fiorina blasted Hillary Clinton for deliberately lying about the Benghazi terrorist attack, instead sticking to the the truth and saying it was a "purposeful, preplanned terrorist attack."  Fiorina, whose comments were release by NBC ahead of his full interview on "Meet the Press" this Sunday with Chuck Todd stated that despite the fact that Hillary is a "hard working woman" who has dedicated herself to public service," she has lied about "Benghazi, her emails, her server."

Hillary Clinton's communications problem may go beyond email.  Hillary Clinton continues to be dogged by questions about her use of a private e-mail account while she was secretary of state.  CBS News identified two e-mails on her server Wednesday which the intelligence community says contained classified information.  The messages were uncovered during an investigation of the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others.

How Obama and Hillary made the Arab world safe for radical Islam.  Far from being "spontaneous" and "indigenous," the uprisings known as the "Arab Spring" that swept North Africa and the Middle East were long planned and planned from abroad with the Muslim Brotherhood's role hidden in plain sight.  The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928 as a Sunni Islamist religious, political and social movement.  According to Lawrence Wright in his book "The Looming Tower," its founder Hassan al-Banna "rejected the Western model of secular, democratic government, which contradicted his notion of universal Islamic rule."  The fundamental goal of the Muslim Brotherhood remains Islam's global domination, an effort that quickly turned violent and eventually spread to over eighty other nations.  For example, one Muslim Brotherhood splinter group was responsible for the 1981 assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat for his peace treaty with Israel and another offshoot is the terrorist organization Hamas.

State Department Screwed Up Tripoli Escape, Won't Say How.  Less than two years after the security debacle of Benghazi, the State Department apparently botched some aspect of the dramatic, ultimately successful operation to get its diplomats out of Tripoli, Libya amid civil unrest last year, but the department refuses to say what went wrong.  The purported mistake was referenced in an unclassified summary of an urgent State Department Office of Inspector General alert posted online in late July.

State Department Clamps Down on Speaking to Congress or Press.  The State Department has quietly issued a new policy that some insiders view as designed to keep employees from freely speaking to Congress or the press about Benghazi and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's email controversy.  The State Department issued 19 pages of revised rules about official clearance for speaking, writing and teaching on July 27.

Classified emails from Clinton aides kick-started FBI probe, candidate downplays controversy.  An email from a top Clinton adviser containing classified military intelligence information, and one from a top aide containing classified information about the Benghazi terror attack, were the documents that kick-started the FBI investigation into the mishandling of classified information, Fox News has learned.  The emails, among thousands on Hillary Clinton's personal server, were released to the Benghazi select committee in May and have been widely discussed but Fox News for the first time has identified which Clinton aides sent them and the subject matter.

Hillary's Dangerous Negligence over Benghazi — Again.  Who cares if Hillary Clinton is convicted of a crime?  What we ought to care about is if Ahmed Abu Khatallah is convicted of a crime.  Khatallah is the only person charged thus far in the attack on a shadowy U.S. government compound in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.  Dozens of jihadists participated in the attack, during which four Americans, including U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens, were slain.  Yet Khatallah has been singled out for prosecution.

New details about classified information in Clinton's emails.  CBS News has learned more about what was in those four Hillary Clinton emails that intelligence officials now say should have been marked as "classified."  While campaigning in Clear Lake, Iowa, Friday, Clinton made a forceful defense of her handling of the 2012 Benghazi, Libya, attacks and her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.  Clinton said the Republicans will say the email controversy is about Benghazi, but she said, "It's not.  It's about politics."

Hillary Lashes Out At Republicans Over Email Server Investigation.  In an angry moment at the Iowa Democratic Wing Ding on Friday [8/14/2015], Hillary Clinton said she will not "get down in the mud" with Republicans who she claims are trying to exploit her use of a private email server and the Benghazi attacks for political gain.  "[Republicans will] try to tell you this is about Benghazi, but it is not," Clinton told an audience at the event, her voice fraught with anger and her finger wagging in the air.

Obama and the Flippancy of Fools.  Over the last 7 years of the Obama era, Barack Obama and his team have regularly responded to serious questions with flippant responses.  Don't Americans deserve better than the flippancy Obama and his top officials dish out to us? [... For example,] When Tommy Vietor, van-driver turned National Security Council spokesman, was asked the whereabouts of the ever-elusive Barack Obama on the night of the Benghazi terror attack, he incredulously — and flippantly — answered, "Dude, this was two years ago!"  Vietor's adolescent response was outdone by that of Hillary Clinton when she took umbrage at being questioned by Senator Ron Johnson about the murder of four Americans in Benghazi.  His line of inquiry focused on the White House-concocted story of a video leading to the Benghazi attack.  Her flippant response should go down in history — if not that then at least in campaign ads next year, "What difference at this point does it make?"  How dare anyone want to find out why these Americans were murdered?  After all, it might spoil her run for the Oval Office.  The flippancy was inexcusable.

The Obama-Hillary Libya Debacle.  [Scroll down]  President Obama claimed that intervention was required to prevent a bloodbath when Benghazi fell.  He has said:  "We knew that if we waited one more day, Benghazi, a city nearly the size of Charlotte — could suffer a massacre that would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world."  But this claim was based on propaganda by rebels on the verge of losing the war.  In reality, there was no good reason to fear a massacre in Benghazi.

Hillary Must Explain Her 2-Month Email Gap.  Hillary Clinton assured the country in March that she had turned over every single work-related email from her private server.  So why are there no emails for two months during a critical time at State?  Here's what Clinton said at that March press conference.  "I ... provided all my emails that could possibly be work-related, which totaled roughly 55,000 printed pages, even though I knew that the State Department already had the vast majority of them.  We went through a thorough process to identify all of my work-related emails and deliver them to the State Department."  Now it turns out that there are two months during which — if Clinton's statement above is to be believed — she apparently didn't send any emails at all while Secretary of State.

A curious — and coincidental — two-month gap in Hillary e-mails.  Has there been a Rose Mary Woods at work in Hillary Clinton's management of her e-mails?  The State Department insists that they have made public all of Hillary's e-mails pertaining to the security of the Benghazi consulate and the Libya mission from 2012.  If that's true, The Daily Beast's Alexa Corse and Shane Harris report, then no one on Hillary's team — including the Secretary of State herself — bothered to communicate for two months about the rise in violence in the spring that precipitated the attack on the consulate itself at the end of the summer:  [...]

Benghazi gets the Hollywood treatment.  These are the first images from the Hollywood adaptation of the deadly terror attack in Benghazi — which will bring fresh attention to a scandal Hillary Clinton is desperate to leave behind.  Explosions, terse mercenaries and an armed mob bent on terror fill the teaser clip of 13 Hours: The Secret Soldier of Benghazi — the big screen adaptation of the 2012 raid on a U.S. diplomatic compound that left an ambassador dead.  The dramatic images depict the night of the raid, which left four Americans dead and spawned years of political recriminations over the lack of help provided by officials back in Washington.

The Movie Trailer Making Team Clinton Tremble.  Director Michael Bay is notorious for mounting massive-scaled blockbusters crammed wall to wall with explosions, twisted metal, swaggering heroes and supermodels.  The director's next movie, however, is shaping up to be a lot more serious because the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya, is anything but the stuff of pure entertainment.  Due to hit theaters Jan. 15.  [Video clip]

The movie Hillary Clinton should be very, very worried about.  Due Jan. 15, "13 Hours" seeks to continue the winning streak of fact-based military movies released in January:  Two years ago "Lone Survivor" attracted a huge audience, and this winter "American Sniper" ruled the box office.  "13 Hours," the book, trained its eye entirely on events on the ground in Benghazi, Libya, on the night of Sept. 11, 2012, when two CIA outposts were attacked by Islamofascist terrorists.  It isn't a political indictment of officials in Washington, and the movie appears to stick close to the style of the book.  Unlike other films based on recent history that admit to fudging details for cinematic convenience, "13 Hours" boldly states — at least in its trailer — "this is a true story."

Carly Fiorina: The Benghazi 'Punch Didn't Get Thrown' In 2012.  Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina says the Benghazi "punch" could have defeated President Obama in 2012, but it "didn't get thrown."  "We thought in 2012 that Benghazi was Obama's Achilles' heel," the former Hewlett-Packard CEO said in a Thursday [7/30/2015] call with supporters.  "But the punch didn't get thrown.  We can't count on the media to do this... And so the only way to make sure these questions are asked and answered is to have a nominee who will demand an answer."

Reported two-month gap in Clinton emails coincides with escalating Libya violence.  A State Department spokesman told The Daily Beast that only emails related to the security of U.S. diplomats in Libya or the consulate in Benghazi were turned over to the House select committee investigating the deadly Sept. 11, 2012 attack.  If true, that means neither Clinton nor her staff communicated via e-mail during a period that saw three attacks on international outposts in Benghazi, including one on the consulate itself.  That attack, on June 6, 2012, involved the detonation of an improvised explosive device outside of the consulate, prompting the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli to warn Americans about the "fluid security situation in Libya."

State Department to hand over thousands more Benghazi-related documents.  The State Department has pledged Tuesday [7/28/2015] to turn over 5,000 pages of documents to the House committee investigating the 2012 attacks on Benghazi, Libya that left four Americans dead.  In exchange for the documents, the House Select Committee on Benghazi postponed questioning Secretary of State John Kerry's chief of staff, Jon Finer, on Wednesday [7/29/2015] over what some think is a continued stalling in handing over Benghazi-related documents.

U.S. House Benghazi panel says State Dept. to hand over documents Tuesday.  The House committee investigating the 2012 attacks on two U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya, said the State Department has pledged to hand over 5,000 new pages of documents related to the incident on Tuesday [7/27/2015].

Hillary Clinton accepts invitation to testify before Benghazi committee.  Hillary Clinton accepted on Friday [7/24/2015] an invitation to testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi in October.  Chairman Trey Gowdy asked Clinton to appear before the committee earlier this week, according to campaign spokesman Nick Merrill.  Merrill also disputed media reports that Clinton had handled classified information improperly on her private email server, which prompted two inspectors general to refer the matter to the Justice Department for a possible criminal investigation.

More bickering between Clinton team, House Benghazi panel.  The bickering has flared once more between Hillary Rodham Clinton's team and the Republican-led House committee investigating the Benghazi attacks, this time over negotiations for the former secretary of state's possible testimony.

Aides for Hillary Clinton and Benghazi Committee Dispute Testimony Plan.  Amid renewed controversy surrounding Hillary Rodham Clinton's use of private email for government work, a dispute erupted on Saturday [7/25/2015] over when and how she would publicly testify before the House select committee investigating the 2012 terrorist attacks on the American diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya.  Mrs. Clinton's aides announced Saturday morning that she had accepted an invitation to testify on Oct. 22.  But a spokesman for the Republican-led committee said hours later that no agreement had been reached.

Veteran Manhandled While Protesting Obama.  A veteran attending the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars was manhandled by his fellows when he stood up during a speech by President Barack Obama and lifted a sign in protest.  The sign read, "The emperor has no clothes" and referenced the September 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi, Libya.  [Video clip]

Kerry's chief of staff compelled to testify on Benghazi.  Secretary of State John Kerry's right-hand man has been called to Congress to testify about the slow pace of information being released to the congressional committee probing the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack, the probe's chairman announced Wednesday [7/22/2015].  Jon Finer, Mr. Kerry's chief of staff, will appear before the committee July 29 unless the department quickly steps up its production of documents, Chairman Trey Gowdy announced.

The Many Lies Paving the Way to Obama's Legacy.  [Scroll down]  On Benghazi: "Here's what happened. ... You had a video that was released by somebody who lives here, sort of a shadowy character who — who made an extremely offensive video directed at — at Mohammed and Islam ... making fun of the Prophet Mohammed.  And so, this caused great offense in much of the Muslim world.  But what also happened, extremists and terrorists used this as an excuse to attack a variety of our embassies, including the one, the consulate in Libya."  I don't believe him.

Obama's Next Move is to Gang up on Israel.  The enemy is not just the Armageddon cult of Iran.  It is also their opposite numbers in Al Qaeda — because we now know that Obama and Hillary plotted to smuggle big quantities of weapons from Benghazi to Al Qaida in Syria.  And it's also the Muslim Brotherhood, which has infiltrated our intelligence agencies, according to Admiral James Lyons.  Hillary and Obama are still lying about Benghazi — not to hide the truth from our enemies, who already know everything — but to keep the American people from finding out.  Under Obama, the United States is now actively helping the worst terror gangs in the world.  Admiral James Lyons and former CIA analyst Clare Lopez have been telling us what we haven't wanted to hear.  Other highly qualified voices are trying to warn us, too.  It's time for America to wake up and smell the danger.

Judicial Watch: Secret Emails Show Hillary Clinton Tied To Benghazi Talking Points.  Judicial Watch announced today [7/8/2015] that newly revealed testimony from the Obama State Department under court order directly ties Hillary Clinton, for the first time, to the now-debunked Benghazi talking points used by United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice to claim that the attack was the result of a "spontaneous protest" gone awry.  The Obama administration also sent false talking points about the attack to Congress.  The State Department is refusing to divulge the contents of the email, citing a discretionary "deliberative process" privilege.

State Dept. stonewalls emails tying Clinton to Benghazi talking points.  The pair of undisclosed emails came to light in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the conservative nonprofit Judicial Watch after the State Department told the group it planned to withhold the records.  The select committee confirmed to the Washington Examiner that the records had not been given to Congress.  Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said the agency's refusal to release the two emails to either his group or the select committee suggests information about Clinton's involvement is being covered up.  "There is something here that is scandalous, otherwise they would have released it," Fitton said.

Fiorina: Hillary Clinton 'Has Blood on Her Hands' Over Benghazi Deaths.  Reacting to news that the State Department has not turned over Benghazi-related emails to Congress, Carly Fiorina told Fox News' Megyn Kelly Monday Hillary Clinton has "blood on her hands" over the deaths of the four Americans who died on Sept. 11, 2012.  Fiorina, who served as CEO of Hewlett-Packard, argued further that Clinton "engaged in a gross dereliction of duty" and a "cover-up" regarding the situation in Benghazi.

Top Clinton aide has yet to turn over Benghazi emails.  A longtime Clinton aide may be stonewalling a State Department request for private Benghazi-related emails despite a court order demanding she produce them.  Huma Abedin, Clinton's deputy chief of staff at the State Department and current campaign staffer, is the only former aide to Secretary Hillary Clinton that has failed to turn over emails in response to a request from the State Department, court documents show.

Secret Emails Withheld by State Dept. Reveal Hillary Clinton Tied Directly To Benghazi Video Lie.  Judicial Watch announced today [7/8/2015] that newly revealed testimony from the Obama State Department under court order directly ties Hillary Clinton, for the first time, to the now-debunked Benghazi talking points used by United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice to claim that the attack was the result of a "spontaneous protest" gone awry.  The Obama administration also sent false talking points about the attack to Congress.  The State Department is refusing to divulge the contents of the email, citing a discretionary "deliberative process" privilege.

Hillary Clinton v. Trey Gowdy.  The war of words between Hillary Clinton and Trey Gowdy over her email practices is seriously heating up.  Clinton allies and House Benghazi investigators are clashing over the 2016 presidential candidate's prime-time defense of her email practices, including claims to CNN she did nothing wrong — and had "no obligation" to hand over any correspondence.

Gowdy wants to grill Huma Abedin about Benghazi.  Republicans leading the charge to investigate Benghazi are closing in on Hillary Clinton's inner circle.  Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) disclosed Monday [7/6/2015] that he plans to interview three of Clinton's top advisers:  Huma Abedin, a longtime Clinton aide; Cheryl Mills, Clinton's former chief of staff; and Jake Sullivan, a former director of policy planning at the State Department.  Gowdy, who leads the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said there are others on the list but he will not release their names "given the nature of their work."

Hillary Clinton caught in lie: Benghazi committee contradicts claim of no subpoena.  Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton's credibility came under new assault on Wednesday [7/8/2015] when the Republican-led House special committee on Benghazi released its March 4 subpoena to refute the former secretary of state's claim that she was never subpoenaed to turn over email.  Mrs. Clinton made the claim Tuesday [7/7/2015] in the first national TV interview of her three-month-old campaign.  It was part of her uneven and at times uncomfortable performance answering questions in front of CNN's cameras.

Here Is the Benghazi Committee's Hillary Clinton Subpoena.  House Republicans on Wednesday [7/8/2015] released the subpoena they issued in early March for emails from Hillary Clinton's private server, a day after Clinton said she had not been subpoenaed for the documents.  Clinton said on CNN Tuesday that "I've never had a subpoena."

Gowdy reveals subpoena Clinton claims she 'never had'.  House Republicans investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, on Wednesday [7/8/2015] released a March subpoena issued to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, one day after she said in a nationally televised interview that she "never had a subpoena" in the email controversy.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the Benghazi panel, said he had "no choice" but to make the subpoena public "in order to correct the inaccuracy" of Clinton's claim.  Clinton told CNN on Monday that she "never had a subpoena," adding:  "Everything I did was permitted by law and regulation."

What Obama Has Taught Us.  If one wants an exemplar of change-failure, then look to Iraq or Libya.  The abrupt pullout of all U.S. peacekeepers changed postwar Iraq, just as, if we had left Kosovo in 2001 or South Korea in 1955, the result would have been utter chaos.  The logical outcome of bombing Libya without worry about what would follow on the ground was ISIS's beheadings and "what difference does it make?" lies about Benghazi.  Libya and Iraq are the faces of change.

State Dept. withholding content of Obama/Hillary call from night of Benghazi attack.  Some of us remember that Barack Obama jetted off to a fundraiser in Las Vegas on the night our consulate in Benghazi was attacked by terrorists associated with Al Qaeda.  Now you might be able to offer this defense of the president:  He can do his job from anywhere.  He has communication capabilities wherever he goes, and he has the freedom to use them any time he wants.  And, yes, that's true.  And on the night of September 11, 2012, he did make use of his communication tools to talk with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about what was happening in Benghazi.  Not only that, but it turns out there is a transcript of that call in the possession of the State Department.

Benghazi Breakthrough.  When the complete history is written of the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, the dishonesty and duplicity of the Obama White House will be an inescapable fact.  As we celebrate Independence Day, Americans ought to be disturbed about the ethical quality of the men and women in high office. [...] Think about this timeline.  Obama and Hillary Clinton talk.  The White House along with State then composes and issues Hillary Clinton's statement falsely tying the Internet video to the attack.  We can't find any other government documents other than Hillary's statement that September 11, 2012, night tying the attack to the video.  This all leads me to conclude that Hillary Clinton originated the video lie in partnership with the Obama White House.  And I'm willing to bet that the phone call earlier between Clinton and Obama set the whole lie in motion.  As I told Fox News this week, if the details of the call were helpful, the details would be released.  As they're being kept secret, one can assume the details of the Obama-Clinton call are damning.

Emails Show Hillary's State Department Communicating With Google About Blocked Benghazi Video.  Emails among State Department officials show the administration was in contact with Google regarding a blocked YouTube video after President Obama conceded that the Benghazi attack was a preplanned act of terror.  On Sept. 27, 2012, Nora Toiv, a special assistant to the counselor of the Department, sent an email to other State Department officials with the subject line "RE: Google and YouTube."  The email referenced a phone conversation with a person named Sue who assured Toiv a block would remain on an unnamed video at least through Oct. 1, 2012.  "Sue just called back and the block will stay through Monday," Toiv said in the email.  "They will not/not be unblocking it before then."

Clinton: Benghazi panel a 'charade'.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi is a "charade," Hillary Clinton's campaign charges in a new video blasting the committee for wasting taxpayer money on politics.  "The Benghazi Select Committee is spending $8,000 a day in taxpayer money to keep digging," the video says in on-screen text.

Boehner weighs in on Benghazi committee's feud with State Dept.  House Speaker John Boehner accused the State Department Thursday [7/2/2015] of "stonewalling" the select committee charged with investigating the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi.  His office noted the link between the agency's top attorney in charge of releasing Hillary Clinton's emails, Catherine Duval, and Clinton's own attorney, David Kendall.  Duval previously served in the Internal Revenue Service and presided over the unsuccessful search for the missing emails of Lois Lerner, the former official in charge of the agency's tax-exempt unit.

Benghazi, Where Libya's Uprising Began, Now A Shattered City.  Today, Libya is bitterly divided between an elected parliament and government that are cornered in the country's east, with little power on the ground, and an Islamist militia-backed government in the west.

State Department asserts privilege against Benghazi committee.  The State Department has informed the House Select Committee on Benghazi that it is withholding "a small number" of documents from investigators on the basis of "important executive branch institutional interests."  The statement, made in a letter from Assistant Secretary of State Julia Frifield to committee chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy, amounts to a de facto claim of some form of executive branch privilege.  Frifield made the claim in a letter turning over 3,600 pages of Benghazi-related documents from three current and former administration officials:  Susan Rice, Jake Sullivan, and Cheryl Mills.

Obama administration invokes executive privilege on Benghazi probe?  Democrats have insisted that the House Select Committee on Benghazi has done nothing but rehash already-known elements of the attack on the consulate in September 2012, and intended to do nothing more than embarrass Hillary Clinton.  The latest move by the Obama administration to block access to some State Department documentation undermines both claims.

Benghazi night call between Clinton and Obama withheld, documents show.  New documents released by a federal court show President Obama called then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the night of the 2012 Benghazi attack — but the contents are being withheld by the State Department.  It had previously been disclosed that Clinton and Obama spoke the night of the terror attacks. [...] The contents of the call, however, are being withheld, not because the information is classified but because the administration claims they represent internal deliberations about the 2012 terror assault.

White House Blocking Release of Clinton/Obama Phone Call During Benghazi Attack.  I'm beginning to gain an Attkisson-like appreciation for Catherine Herridge when it comes to pursuing the truth behind the Benghazi FUBAR.  We know from prior research and published media that President Obama and Secretary Clinton spoke via phone at around 10 to 10:30pm on Sept 11th 2012.

How Well Do We Know Hillary Clinton?  Scandal after scandal emerges, and yet the State Department says there won't be an internal investigation as to why some of Clinton's infamous e-mails couldn't be located.  Meanwhile, new information shows that she did, in fact, withhold Benghazi-related messages from the State Department.  What might the public have learned from those?

The latest mystery over Hillary's missing e-mails.  Now this was predictable: The State Department on Thursday said Hillary Clinton failed to turn over 15 work-related e-mails from her private server, despite claiming she'd handed over everything.  Which raises the troubling question:  How many more did she also, uh, "miss"?  Remember, the former secretary of state and her aides had insisted they'd sent the department all her work-related e-mails from her personal server after conducting a "careful" review.  Now it turns out she didn't include 15 of those she'd exchanged with longtime confidant Sidney Blumenthal concerning Libya.

Clinton campaign pushes back on Benghazi probe.  Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign fought back against allegations that have surfaced through a congressional probe of her handling of the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi.  "Trey Gowdy and the Republicans are clinging to their invented scandal, one that's on life support," John Podesta, chairman of Clinton's campaign, said Sunday [6/28/2015].  "Their latest witch hunt is based on the testimony of a non-government employee and a set of documents he turned over, which Gowdy himself called 'unvetted, uncorroborated, unsubstantiated intelligence,'" Podesta added, referring to the House Select Committee on Benghazi's investigation of Sidney Blumenthal, a former Clinton aide who provided reams of unreliable Libya intelligence to Clinton while she was secretary.

Fox Affirms The Benghazi Brief — "The Arming Of Benghazi".  It has been a year since we first posted the full 11,000 word Benghazi Brief, explaining the soup to nuts events of what happened from February 2011 up to September 11th 2012.  Many people have wondered why the Mainstream Media have not picked up the story.

The Arming of Benghazi.  The United States supported the secret supply of weapons to Libyan rebels while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State according to federal court documents obtained by Fox News.  In a sworn declaration to the District Court of Arizona May 5th 2015, a career CIA officer David Manners said, "It was then, and remains now, my opinion that the United States did participate, directly or indirectly, in the supply of weapons to the Libyan Transitional National Council."  The timing matters because in the Spring of 2011 the Libyan opposition was not formally recognized, and the direct supply of arms was not authorized.

Gowdy to Kerry: Turn over Benghazi emails or I'll summon you.  Rep. Trey Gowdy said Sunday he'll summon Secretary of State John Kerry before his select committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks if he doesn't get the documents his panel is seeking.  The South Carolina Republican accused the State Department of holding back not only on a complete release of emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but also those of nine of her 10 closest aides, for more than a year.  "I'm trying to do this the right way," Gowdy told CBS.  "I'm trying to do this without the drama, just the documents.  But that has not proven to be successful."

Missing Clinton emails likely to raise new questions.  The State Department cannot find in its records all or part of 15 work-related emails from Hillary Rodham Clinton's private server that were released this week by a House panel investigating the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, officials said.

Benghazi panel says Hillary Clinton didn't turn over all Libya emails, despite her claims.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, South Carolina Republican and the Benghazi panel chairman, said the State Department informed his panel that it did not have in its possession some emails related to Benghazi and Libya that Mrs. Clinton had exchanged with longtime confidant Sidney Blumenthal, and which he turned over to the committee.  If true, it suggests that Mrs. Clinton either did not perform a full search, intentionally shielded some messages, or had some other hiccup when she claimed to have belatedly complied with federal law and turned back to the department some 30,000 messages from her time as secretary.

Who is lying about Benghazi? Hillary Clinton or State Department?  Last March, when Hillary Clinton made her first public comments on the secret email system she maintained while secretary of state, she took care to say she had turned over everything to the State Department.  "I ... provided all my emails that could possibly be work-related," Clinton told reporters.  "I believe I have met all of my responsibilities and ... the State Department will be able, over time, to release all of the records that were provided."  The message was clear.  Clinton had turned over everything, and the State Department would make it all public.  Then State sent Clinton's emails that concerned Libya to the House Select Committee on Benghazi.  Chairman Trey Gowdy immediately expressed skepticism about the claim that everything had been turned over.  "There are gaps of months and months and months," Gowdy said.  Gowdy's suspicions appear to have been confirmed.

More Hillary Clinton Benghazi Emails Revealed.  There's new evidence that the investigative record has long been incomplete on the administration's actions surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on the U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya.  Only now — more than two-and-a-half years after the attacks — has the House Select Committee investigating Benghazi finally obtain additional, related emails exchanged through former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private server.  Ironically, it is longtime Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal who provided the emails.

New emails show possible Benghazi deception by Hillary Clinton, Obama admin.  Congressional Republicans released nearly 200 pages of emails involving former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, saying Monday they raised questions about whether the Obama administration and the Democratic presidential candidate herself were truthful when they said they turned over all of her email communications on Benghazi.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, which is looking into the 2012 terrorist attack in Libya, said the new emails were obtained directly from Sidney Blumenthal, a Clinton confidant, and demanded to know why they weren't turned over first by the State Department.  He ordered the department to search its files to see whether it has them but failed to turn them over, or whether Mrs. Clinton never released them in the first place, which would contradict her public statements.

Hillary Lauded Chris Stevens Dad's Request Not To Politicize Benghazi.  Hillary Clinton was forwarded an article a month after the terrorist attack on Benghazi that killed U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens that quoted Stevens's father.  In the October 14, 2012, Bloomberg article, Jan Stevens, the late ambassador's father, was quoted saying that it would be "abhorrent" to make his son's death a political issue in the presidential campaign.

Why Was a Key Benghazi Suspect Free?  On Monday, the Pentagon announced that Ali Ani al Harzi was killed in a U.S. airstrike in Mosul, Iraq.  For those who have followed the public reporting on the September 11, 2012, Benghazi attack closely, al Harzi's name will ring a bell.  He was one of the first suspects to be publicly identified by name.  Eli Lake, then of The Daily Beast, got the scoop in October 2012.  A key question in al Harzi's story remains unanswered:  Why wasn't he in custody since late 2012?

New emails show possible Benghazi deception by Hillary Clinton, Obama admin.  Congressional Republicans released nearly 200 pages of emails involving former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, saying Monday [6/22/2015] they raised questions about whether the Obama administration and the Democratic presidential candidate herself were truthful when they said they turned over all of her email communications on Benghazi.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, which is looking into the 2012 terrorist attack in Libya, said the new emails were obtained directly from Sidney Blumenthal, a Clinton confidant, and demanded to know why they weren't turned over first by the State Department.  He ordered the department to search its files to see whether it has them but failed to turn them over, or whether Mrs. Clinton never released them in the first place, which would contradict her public statements.

Blumenthal emails show Clinton encouraged 'unsolicited' intelligence.  "Greetings from Kabul!" Hillary Clinton wrote to her trusted former aide, Sidney Blumenthal, on the morning of July 7, 2012.  "And thanks for keeping this stuff coming!"  The secretary of state's warm encouragement underscores concerns that members of the House Select Committee on Benghazi have expressed since discovering earlier this month that Blumenthal possessed dozens of previously undisclosed emails in which he and Clinton discussed Libya.  Roughly sixty new emails published by the committee Monday [6/22/2015] suggest Clinton relied heavily on what lawmakers have called "unvetted intelligence" from Blumenthal in the months before and after the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi.

Emails sought of nearly a dozen U.S. State Department workers under Clinton.  The revelations about Clinton's emails have raised questions about the State Department's email practices.  Earlier on Thursday [3/19/2015], U.S. officials said the State Department does not automatically archive the emails of its assistant secretaries of state, contradicting the department's prior public statement.  Gowdy said no decisions had been made in the House of Representatives about when Clinton would be called to testify, either about her email use or about the Benghazi events.

Benghazi investigators ponder: Is State Dept lying, or is Hillary?  [Trey] Gowdy's suspicions appear to have been confirmed.  As part of the committee's questioning of Clinton friend and defender Sidney Blumenthal, who exchanged many emails with Clinton on the subject of Libya, Blumenthal turned over a bunch of emails with Clinton that the committee had never seen before.  The State Department had not given them to the committee when State originally turned over what were purported to be all of Clinton's Libya-related emails.  Which led investigators to ask:  Did the State Department fail to turn over all the Clinton emails it had pertaining to Libya?  Or did Clinton not give all her Libya-related emails to the State Department, which in turn could not pass them on to the committee?

Sidney Blumenthal Claims He Didn't Write or Verify Phony Benghazi Story He Passed to Clinton.  Among other things, we learned a bit more about the provenance of the phony "spontaneous video protest" story Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the rest of the Administration foisted on the American people for a few crucial news cycles after the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens in a massive, planned terrorist attack on September 11, 2012.  We previously learned Blumenthal was the source of this fantasy, which no one with the slightest knowledge of events on the ground ever believed.

Shock: Hillary Clinton Did Not Turn Over Subpoenaed Benghazi Emails.  We only know this because the Benghazi Committee has subpoenaed Hillary consiglierte (and Clinton Foundation employee, natch) Sidney Bluementhal for his correspondence with Hillary about Benghazi — and, get this, Blumenthal turned over more Hillary emails than State did.  But these emails had been previously subpoenaed — not from Sidney Blumenthal, but from Hillary Clinton.  Or, rather, from State, which had been assumed until recently to have Hillary's emails in their possession.

Hillary Scrubbed Benghazi Emails.  Hillary Clinton scrubbed her Benghazi emails.  That is the logical conclusion drawn by investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson who, while at CBS, fought to break stories exposing the Obama administration's lies on "phony" scandals from Fast and Furious to Benghazi and for her efforts had her computer hacked and monitored, likely by administration operatives concerned by her revelations and curious about her sources.  Attkisson said on NewsmaxTV's "The Steve Malzberg Show" recently that she thought it was a common sense conclusion that Hillary Clinton erased the contents of her personal email server, created and used in violation of the National Records Act and State Department rules, because she would rather "take the heat" from destroying information under subpoena and sought by congressional investigators than suffer the political and possibly criminal consequences of the truth about her Benghazi activities.

Gowdy to release new Blumenthal-Clinton emails.  The top House Republican investigating the attacks in Benghazi told CNN on Tuesday that he plans to release new emails between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a close ally "sooner rather than later."  House Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy said that his committee received about 60 new emails from Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal ahead of his closed-door deposition with committee members Tuesday [6/16/2015].

Darrell Issa booted from Benghazi deposition: report.  California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa was reportedly kicked out of Tuesday's closed-door deposition of Clinton family confidante Sidney Blumenthal before the House Select Committee on Benghazi.  Mr. Issa, former chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, marched into the closed-door testimony and remained inside for about a minute until he was escorted out by South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, The Hill reported.

Democrats: GOP trying to 'move the goalposts' on Benghazi.  The Republican chairman of a House panel investigating the deadly attacks in Benghazi, Libya, complained Tuesday [6/16/2015] about delays in receiving emails between Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton and a longtime confidant.

Blumenthal says he didn't write Libya intel he sent Clinton.  Sidney Blumenthal did not write or know the source of any of the Libya intelligence he passed on to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the top Clinton ally told investigators on the House Select Committee on Benghazi Tuesday [6/16/2015] in a closed-door deposition.  Blumenthal, subpoenaed by the committee, also did not verify any of the intelligence he forwarded to the nation's top diplomat.  Instead, Blumenthal was copying and pasting memos from Tyler Drumheller, a former CIA operative who was looking into a Libya-related business venture, and sending them to Clinton, two people familiar with his testimony told POLITICO.

Gowdy: Confidant who sent Libya memos to Clinton didn't write them.  Longtime Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal was "merely a conduit" and did not write the numerous memos about Libya he forwarded to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the chairman of the House panel investigating the deadly 2012 Benghazi attacks said Tuesday [6/16/2015].  Blumenthal was forwarding information from someone who may have had business interests in Libya, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. told Fox News' Megyn Kelly after Blumenthal spent nearly nine hours at the Capitol as Gowdy's committee met in closed session.  Gowdy later named former high-ranking CIA official Tyler Drumheller as the man behind the information.

Issa escorted out of Benghazi deposition.  Former House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) tried to crash former Hillary Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal's deposition before the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Tuesday [6/17/2015].  Issa marched into the closed-door deposition and remained inside for about a minute before he was escorted out by the panel's chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.).  The pair briefly exchanged hushed words in a nearby hallway before Issa stormed off, throwing an empty soda can into a nearby trash bin.

Benghazi chairman kicks off Blumenthal testimony.  The head of the House Select Committee on Benghazi said on Tuesday [6/16/2015] that lawmakers have every right to scrutinize the correspondence between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sidney Blumenthal as the deposition of her former adviser began.  "Given the volume and, frankly, the details of the correspondence between this witness and former Secretary Clinton it's important for the committee to probe the depth, breadth and, frankly, the reliability of that information that he passed on," Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) told reporters before Blumenthal's deposition.

Top Dem: 'No smoking gun' in latest Benghazi documents.  The top Democrat on the House committee investigating the attack in Benghazi, Libya, says there is "no smoking gun" among the roughly 60 newly disclosed emails between Hillary Clinton and confidant Sidney Blumenthal.  "I can say that there is no smoking gun," Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the ranking member on the House Select Committee on Benghazi, told reporters before heading into Blumenthal's closed-door deposition.

Clinton confidant set for private Benghazi grilling.  House GOP Benghazi investigators will face off with a combative confidant of Hillary Clinton this week in a closed-door interrogation session — one of the biggest moments for a Benghazi probe that continues to dog the Democratic presidential front-runner.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi on Tuesday [6/16/2015] will depose Sidney Blumenthal — a longtime Clinton family friend — about why he emailed the former secretary of state unsubstantiated intelligence on Libya, whether he was paid for the work and whether he used his Clinton connections to help his business partners, sources familiar with the GOP plan told POLITICO.

Beyond Benghazi: Hillary, Sid and Libya.  Whatever Blumenthal has to say in his closed-door deposition — GOP sources say they want to know whether his voluminous emails to Clinton on Libya, coming at a time when he might have had business interests there, influenced the administration's overall policy — it's clear that America's Libya adventure will haunt the Clinton campaign well into 2016.  Benghazi already has become a right-wing byword for "Clinton scandal," as resonant to the '10s as "Vince Foster" was to the '90s.

The Editor says...
Did someone mention Vince Foster?

The Obama Presidency — A Cacophony of Corruption.  Thanks to Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits, we now know that (1) White House commuications operatives manufactured the video cover story from whole cloth, and (2) the Obama gang (Hillary Clinton included) knew from the get-go it was a planned terrorist attack tied to al-Qaeda.

The Benghazi Bonanza: A Bipartisan Scandal.  The Benghazi affair is beginning to shape up as a bi-partisan scandal — making Trey Gowdy's life doubly difficult, of course.  But the former prosecutor has been doing a bang-up job with his select committee, demolishing the mantra that there is "nothing new" to be learned about Benghazi and building a sober, far-reaching inquiry.  Without Gowdy, recall, there would be no Clinton secret server, no Sidney Blumenthal trail, no new emails, and no upcoming testimony from Mrs. Clinton and her inner circle.

Ex-Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal to testify in private on Benghazi.  The State Department made about 300 emails public last month that showed Clinton received about 25 memos from Blumenthal regarding Libya while she was secretary, including one that blamed the 2012 Benghazi attack on a "sacrilegious" Internet video depicting the prophet Mohammad.  Blumenthal sent another memo the next day citing "sensitive sources" who believed it was an act of terrorism.  Blumenthal, who previously worked for former President Bill Clinton's administration, most recently worked as an employee of the Clinton Foundation and served as an informal adviser to Hillary Clinton when she was in President Obama's Cabinet.  He also had business transactions with Libya's transitional government.

House GOP moves to punish State Dept. over Benghazi delays.  Following through on a threat, House Republicans on Tuesday [6/2/2015] proposed cutting the State Department's budget to protest its slow response in producing documents related to the investigation of the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

House Republicans Just Unleashed the Big Guns on Hillary's Benghazi Cover-Up.  Obviously, the State Department has something to hide and is scrambling to protect the legacy of Hillary Clinton during her presidential campaign.  The Benghazi committee just listed every lame excuse they have been given in response to very specific subpoena demands, and now the full U.S. House is fighting back in a big way!  Republicans are ready to use the House's power of the purse to cut off State Department funding until the requested documents are released!

Republicans threaten State Dept. funding until Clinton, Benghazi docs are provided.  House Republicans are threatening to withhold a large chunk of State Department funding until officials speed up their responses to document requests, including House demands for documents pertaining to the Benghazi investigation and a probe of Hillary Clinton's emails.  The House Appropriations Committee's proposed 2016 spending bill for the State Department and foreign operations withholds 15 percent of the department's "operational funds until requirements related to proper management of Freedom of Information Act and electronic communications are met," according to a panel release.

Benghazi: A smoking gun and the rush to avoid judgment.  Four months ago, I lamented the lackadaisical approach of Congress to ferreting out the truth about the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012.  Today, I lament the lackadaisical approach of the mainstream media and the American public.  How much more evidence do you need that we were lied to by the Obama administration in their rush to avoid judgment by the voting public and by history for the death of a U.S. ambassador and three of his aides and defenders.  In case you missed it — and I know that 90 percent of you did — the smoking gun surfaced this month that proved once and for all that the "cover story" about the attack being a "spontaneous" mob action was just what many of us have been saying all along — nonsense.

The Hillary Enigma.  There isn't a single Senate bill that she introduced or that is credited to her.  She is said to have worked hard and gotten along well with her colleagues, but her Senate years are a blur in her public life.  Then she made a bid to be the Democratic Party's presidential candidate in 2008 and along came Barack Hussein Obama with whom the voters fell in love.  When he was elected, he asked her to become his Secretary of State.  With the exception of the Benghazi tragedy on September 11, 2012, a clear failure of judgment and duty, and about which she lied, her years as Secretary of State reflect her years in the Senate; nothing of any significance resulted, no major treaties, no major anything, except for one more scandal.

Foundation adviser's double-duty counseling Hillary on Benghazi.  Hillary Rodham Clinton associate Sidney Blumenthal was drawing a $10,000 monthly salary from the Clinton Foundation while he was penning emails to her at the State Department about Benghazi, it was revealed Thursday [5/28/2015].  Blumenthal is a longtime Clinton adviser, but her efforts to bring him to the State Department in 2009 were thwarted by the Obama administration.  After Clinton lost the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, Blumenthal was placed on the foundation's payroll at the request of Bill Clinton, Politico reported.

How Hillary Politicized Benghazi.  The 848 emails that were released last week are a small fraction of Hillary Clinton's emails, but they are sufficient to paint a troubling picture of what Clinton knew about Benghazi, when she knew it, and how she politicized the tragedy.  The emails show that within hours after the attacks on the Special Mission Compound (SMC) and Annex [...] Clinton received information from Sidney Blumenthal, a former associate and longtime friend, that offered a very different narrative from what the White House claimed were the cause of the attacks.

2 Of Hillary's Libya Emails Are Missing.  Sidney Blumenthal emailed Hillary Clinton at least two intelligence reports about Libya which were not included in the trove of 296 emails released by the State Department on Friday [5/22/2015].  Clinton has claimed that in December she turned over all official government emails she sent or received from her personal account while in office.  In turn, the agency has claimed it turned all Clinton emails related to Libya or Benghazi over to the House Select Committee investigating the Benghazi attack.  But a screenshot of Blumenthal's email inbox, which the Romanian hacker Guccifer published in March 2013, shows two reports about Libya emailed to Clinton which were not released in Friday's batch.

Newly Released Emails Cast Doubt on Hillary Clinton's Benghazi Claims.  Newly reported emails indicate Hillary Clinton was personally made aware of security dangers in the months leading up to the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya.  That's according to the House Benghazi Committee, which has obtained 300 long-sought emails from the State Department among tens of thousands under subpoena.

What Hillary hasn't been able to cover-up on Benghazi.  [Scroll down]  Negligence is the word that comes to mind.  We all know the horrific outcome that resulted from the deliberate or inadvertent failure to answer the pleas from the late Ambassador Stevens, a man Clinton publicly called "Chris," as if she had a personal rapport with the man she hung out to dry.  Clinton's nonchalance is astonishing, given the documented magnitude of the threat.

While Hillary Slept.  The White House noted that Clinton had been a "critical voice on Libya," working closely with the president, NATO, and a number of contact groups both during the coalition intervention and in its aftermath.  And when officials received a presidential briefing three days after the September 11, 2012 attack that took the life of a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans, Hillary Clinton was asleep.

While Hillary Slept.  [Scroll down]  Clinton was asked if she was ever "specifically briefed on the security implications" of using a private email to conduct State affairs.  To this inquiry, Clinton launched into a response that centered on the fact that she had never sent classified information over the one "homebrew" server of which the public was aware.  "I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email," Clinton insisted.  "There is no classified material.  So I'm certainly well-aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material."  Once again, America, whether Clinton engaged in any impropriety depends on what the definition of "is" is.  No one asked Clinton about classified information, per se.  And it was revealed this week that Clinton had, in fact, received sensitive/unclassified materials via her email account.

NYT: Hillary e-mails included contradiction of early talking points on Benghazi.  Get ready for another round of "what difference at this point does it make?"  The New York Times got a look at 850 pages from the first tranche of Hillary Clinton e-mails that the State Department will release shortly, after a court ordered rolling disclosures rather than a document dump in January.

Uhm, no, Sidney Blumenthal was not the source of the Hillary-Obama Benghazi video lie.  There are reports circulating today, courtesy of The New York Times, that Hillary consigliere Sidney Blumenthal was the author of the Benghazi video lie.  To wit, "intel" provided by the Sidster claimed that Al Qaeda affiliates attacked the American consulate in Benghazi due to... a video no one had ever seen. [...] Of course, back in the little land we like to call reality, the facts on the ground were ignored by the Times.  As The Complete Benghazi Timeline reminds us, Clinton publicly linked the Benghazi attack to the video even before American heroes Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty had been killed.

Internal emails show Clinton got detailed intel on 'planned' Benghazi hit.  Internal State Department emails in the aftermath of the Benghazi terror attack show then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received detailed information indicating the strike was planned by well-trained fighters, yet her office continued to push the narrative days later that it began "spontaneously."  The messages were among 296 emails released Friday [5/22/2015] by the State Department, in the first batch of emails to be made public from Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.

Sliver of Clinton emails hint at lingering political trouble.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton received information on her private email account about the deadly attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi that was later classified "secret" at the request of the FBI, underscoring lingering questions about how responsibly she handled sensitive information on a home server.

Hillary's Real Benghazi Problem.  Why were Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans murdered?  Because by September 2012, Libya was a terrorist playground.  Since then, things have only gotten worse.  Libya has become a failed state, a 21st century source of boat people, as refugees from ubiquitous violence stream across the Mediterranean.  Libya is now a haven for ISIS and other terrorist groups; it was on the Libyan coast that ISIS beheaded 30 Christians.  Some of the "refugees" now making their way into Europe are, in fact, ISIS agents.  In short, Libya is a disaster.  Whose disaster?  Hillary Clinton's.  It was Hillary who, more than anyone else, pushed to overthrow Moammar Qaddafi.  Why?  No compelling reason.

E-mails: Hillary knew that State Department asked YouTube to block anti-Muslim movie overseas.  Not that there was ever much doubt.  Three days after the Benghazi attack, the White House admitted it had pressured Google and YouTube to yank "Innocence of Muslims" as some sort of terms-of-use violation.  Google refused.  A week after that, having failed to twist a major corporation's arm into censoring a politically unhelpful bit of free speech on its behalf, the State Department started running ads in Pakistan denouncing the movie, in hopes that jihadi savages would be appeased by the show of national contrition and not target any more embassies.

FBI reminds us why Hillary's emails matter.  Back in March, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to address revelations that she had conducted all official business as secretary using a private email address housed in a server within her own home.  Among other things, she maintained:  "I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email."  At the time, we recognized that this statement seemed carefully parsed and should not be taken at face value. [...] Today [5/22/2015], the AP reports that we were right.  At least one email directly related to the Benghazi attack was indeed sensitive enough to require redaction by the FBI.

The 15 Benghazi emails you need to read.  The State Department released close to 900 pages of emails from Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary on Friday [5/22/2015], providing a detailed looked at how an embattled agency responded to terrorist attacks in Benghazi and how Clinton, the frontrunner for the 2016 Democratic nomination for president, deals with her inner circle of advisers and well-wishers.  POLITICO read the documents to find the most insightful and telling emails.

Granny Hillary Didn't Even Know Murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens' Name.  Clinton couldn't even be bothered to learn the name of the man killed by terrorists.  This is the woman that Democrats want to make President.

'Chris Smith' — Hillary Mixes Up Slain Ambassador's Name In Email To Aides.  Emails released Friday by the State Department show that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton mixed up the names of the Americans murdered at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012.  Clinton sent an email with the subject line "Chris Smith" shortly before midnight to three top aides, Cheryl Mills, Jake Sullivan and Victoria Nuland.

Clinton e-mails reveal slain ambassador considered leaving Libya.  Eighteen months before his murder in the 2012 Benghazi attack, US Ambassador Christopher Stevens was so worried about security in Libya that he was considering leaving the country, according to newly released Hillary Clinton emails.  An email sent to the then-secretary of state's private account with "high" importance described the shelling and snipers surrounding Stevens, who was then serving as special envoy.

In ISIS fight, Team Obama puts spinning ahead of winning.  If Baghdad Bob and Hillary Clinton had a love child, he'd probably be hard at work for the Obama administration, denying the importance of ISIS's gains in Iraq.  Bob was Saddam Hussein's mouthpiece during the 2003 liberation of Iraq.  As coalition forces advanced on the capital, he kept insisting, "All is well."  Hillary, meanwhile, evaded questions about the assault on the US consulate in Benghazi with the infamous line, "What difference at this point does it make?"  Team Obama combines the two tactics.

Top Aide's Pre-Benghazi Email: Hillary Clinton Had 'Leadership/ Ownership/Stewardship of This Country's Libya Policy From Start to Finish'.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had "leadership/ownership/stewardship of this country's Libya policy from start to finish," says an email written by one of Clinton's top aides — and forwarded to Clinton herself — as the Libyan rebellion that sought the overthrow of Muammar Qadhafi appeared to be nearing a triumphant moment.  The email is one of those the State Department has thus far given to the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

Flying as close to the flame as Hillary dares.  Neither Bubba nor Hillary know how to tell the truth, but both of them are masters at spinning the lie.  The dump of some of Hillary's official emails this week reveals just how she operated as the secretary of State, employing an old courtier to help her deceive and distort the facts about her role in hanging an American ambassador out to die in Benghazi.

Insiders: Benghazi testimony works to Hillary's advantage.  Three out of four Democratic insiders in the early states believe testifying before Congress about the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, will work to Hillary Clinton's advantage.  This week's survey of The POLITICO Caucus, a bipartisan group of the most influential activists, operatives and elected officials in Iowa and New Hampshire, found that most Democrats think it would be beneficial to Clinton when she is called to discuss the matter before Congress, something she is expected to do at some point, likely this summer.

How Bad Spin Works: A Handy Lesson from the Clinton/Blumenthal E-Mails.  The just-released batch of emails from Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State is full of sausage-making.  It's the sort of intra-Washington chicanery that is not scandalous, but not often revealed, because human beings are capable of embarrassment.  One of the more excruciating exchanges comes when Sidney Blumenthal, the journalist turned Clinton confidant, offered up pro bono spin work during the weeks before the 2012 election when Republicans started to ask why the attack on America's consulate in Benghazi had not been stopped.

Clinton emails silent on deadly danger facing Americans in Benghazi.  The newly released Hillary Clinton Benghazi emails do not contain any communications relating to security from the critical last month before the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. facility in Libya.  During that period, Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who along with three other Americans would die in the attack, warned Clinton and other State Department officials of a growing danger, indeed a security emergency, in Libya.  Stevens specifically noted that the possibility of an attack on Americans was growing, and, if such an attack occurred, the U.S. contingent did not have the strength to repel it.  But to judge from the emails made public Friday [5/22/2015], Clinton gave not a thought to the matter.

Clinton handled "now-classified" Benghazi info on private server.  More than two months ago, Hillary Clinton told the media at a UN presser that she never accessed classified material through her private e-mail server, which produced considerable skepticism at the time. Secretaries of State access all kinds of classified material — diplomatic cables, intelligence, and military information — and since she didn't use the State Department e-mail system, it seemed unlikely that she was telling the truth.

Hillary Discussed Speculation About Her Health With Aides In Emails.  Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discussed with aides the chatter on cable news about whether she actually suffered a concussion in 2012, according to emails released by the State Department on Friday [5/22/2015].  A week before she was to testify before Congress in December 2012 about the attacks in Benghazi, Clinton postponed her appearance with aides explaining she had fainted and suffered a concussion.

Clinton emails show concern about image after Benghazi.  Top aides to former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fretted over how she would be portrayed after the 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans, emails released on Friday [5/22/2015] showed.

Republicans threaten State's funding in Benghazi fight.  House Republicans are threatening to shut down part of the State Department if the Obama administration doesn't cough up more documents related to Hillary Clinton's helming of the agency during the Benghazi attacks.

Benghazi panel subpoenas former Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal.  The House's investigation of Benghazi sent the U.S. Marshals Service to serve a subpoena on Sidney Blumenthal, a top Clinton aide whose ties to former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have raised tricky questions for the Democratic presidential hopeful.  Congressional Democrats were furious at the move by Republicans on the Select Committee on Benghazi, calling it unwarranted and saying Mrs. Clinton has tried to cooperate.  But Republicans said they are intent on speeding up an investigation they say has been stymied by stonewalling from both Mrs. Clinton and the Obama State Department.

How the 'ick factor' could doom Hillary — and her party.  First, Fox News revealed the contents of a Defense Intelligence Agency report written one day after four Americans were killed in Benghazi in 2012.  According to the report, "the attack was planned ten or more days prior to approximately 01 September 2012.  "The intention was to attack the consulate and to kill as many Americans as possible to seek revenge for the US killing of Aboyahiye (Alaliby) in Pakistan and in memorial of the 11 September 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center buildings."  No YouTube video.  No spontaneous demonstration.  It was a planned attack by an al Qaeda affiliate, and the administration knew it.

Hillary Clinton's Benghazi emails show correspondence with Sidney Blumenthal.  A batch of Hillary Rodham Clinton's emails from her time as secretary of state show her corresponding with a longtime adviser about the Libyan rebellion against Moammar Gadhafi and the Benghazi attack.

A Closer Look at Hillary Clinton's Emails on Benghazi.  Hillary Rodham Clinton last year provided the State Department with 55,000 pages of emails that she said were related to her work as secretary of state, all from the personal account she exclusively used while leading the department.  Roughly 850 pages of those emails that relate to Libya and the 2012 attacks on the United States outposts in Benghazi were handed over to a special committee appointed to investigate the attacks.  In response to a request from Mrs. Clinton, the State Department plans to release those emails in the coming days.

House Benghazi Cmte Subpoenas Clinton Fixer Sid Blumenthal.  On Tuesday evening [5/19/2015], the House Select Benghazi Committee issued a subpoena for Hillary Clinton adviser Sidney Blumenthal to testify on June 3 before the committee.  According to a Reuters report, the subpoena "is dated Monday but carries a notation indicating an unnamed deputy U.S. marshal served it on Blumenthal's wife on Tuesday."  Gowdy's office confirmed that "Blumenthal has been called for a deposition by the committee."

Hillary Clinton's Benghazi emails released; Gowdy accuses State Dept. of holding back docs.  Under pressure from a federal judge and from the press, who'd already obtained many of the emails, the State Department on Friday afternoon finally released the first sliver of former Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton's emails showing her communications concerning Benghazi.  The 296 messages released are a fraction of the 30,000 or so she kept on her private server but which she has now deemed to be public business, and — at the prodding of Congress and the department to live up to her obligations under the law — has now turned over to the administration.

It's Now Clear The Stunning Negligence That Led Up To Chris Stevens' Death In Benghazi.  Two smoking guns hit the news streams this week:  The U.S. indeed had a gun-running program pipelining Libyan weapons to Syrian rebels through a port in Benghazi; and at least some "intelligence" on action in Libya passed through not one, but at least two of Hillary Clinton's "homebrew" email addresses.  It's Clinton's reliance on her civilian email servers for seemingly classified communications (indeed, all Department of State communications), coupled with the real nature of the mission in Benghazi, that lay bare the negligence leading up to the attack that took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens and two former Navy SEALs.

Hillary Clinton, "Sid Vicious," and Libya.  [Scroll down]  In this instance, [Sidney] Blumenthal's "intelligence" seems to have been driven by a business agenda.  And, indeed, the [New York] Times reports that much of the information Blumenthal provided to Clinton "appears to have come from a group of business associates he was advising as they sought to win contracts from the Libyan transitional government."  Did Hillary Clinton take Blumenthal's "intel" seriously?  You bet.  According to the Times, she frequently circulated his memos to her chief of staff, Jake Sullivan, and told him to distribute them to other State Department officials.  They were often sent to U.S. diplomats in Libya, including the ambassador, the late Christopher Stevens.  But the quality of Blumenthal's "intel" appears to have been poor.  Some of it consisted of rumors that diplomats knew to be false.

Anti-Muslim film that sparked protests reposted on YouTube.  An anti-Muslim film that sparked violence in the Middle East and death threats to actors has been reposted to YouTube, one day after a federal appeals court ruled the website should not have been forced to take it down.

Obama-Clinton Benghazi narrative rebutted by Defense Department report.  At the very time President Obama, then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and other top leaders were blaming spontaneous protests for the deadly Benghazi attack, the Defense Department broadly circulated a detailed intelligence report that said an al Qaeda-linked group planned the assault 10 days beforehand.  Its goal was to kill as many Americans as possible.  The Defense Intelligence Agency report is contained in a trove of previously classified documents that the government watchdog group Judicial Watch forced the Obama administration to release under court order.

Judge orders Hillary Clinton's emails to be released on rolling basis.  A federal judge rejected the State Department's plan to delay posting former Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton's emails, instead issuing an order Tuesday insisting the Obama administration release the thousands of messages on a rolling basis — with the emails related to the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack given priority.

Google, YouTube win First Amendment fight over anti-Muslim video.  Google and other online-content providers have dodged what they considered a First Amendment nightmare.  Weighing in on a global controversy, a federal appeals court on Monday [5/18/2015] found that YouTube can't be forced to take down an anti-Muslim video that sparked worldwide protests, finding that such an order tramples on free speech rights.

The Obama Era of Unresolved Scandals and Outrages.  Remember Benghazi?  No one at the State Department was ever fired for making the decision to turn down Ambassador Chris Stevens's requests for additional security.  Because four employees were put on paid leave, as Darrell Issa put it, the administration's review "ends in a game of musical chairs where no one misses a single day on the State Department payroll."  One perpetrator of the Benghazi attack has been caught and is facing trial.  There were reportedly 150 armed attackers involved.

Fox: Newly released Benghazi documents show Obama admin lied about attack.  And quite a bit more, including the potential for ISIS to rise to seize ground and declare a caliphate.  In a memo from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to the National Security Council, the CIA, and the White House five days after the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, the DIA concluded that the attack had been planned for more than a week and was retribution for an American drone strike that had killed a senior al-Qaeda leader in June 2012.  Moreover, the attack had been planned for the anniversary of 9/11 as a propaganda coup for AQ and its affiliate behind the attack, and not just a coincidence as the White House later claimed.

Documents Reveal Obama, Hillary Knew Al Qaeda Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance.  These documents are jaw-dropping.  No wonder we had to file more FOIA lawsuits and wait over two years for them.  If the American people had known the truth — that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other top administration officials knew that the Benghazi attack was an al-Qaeda terrorist attack from the get-go — and yet lied and covered this fact up — Mitt Romney might very well be president.  And why would the Obama administration continue to support the Muslim Brotherhood even after it knew it was tied to the Benghazi terrorist attack and to al Qaeda?

The Truth About Benghazi Slowly Emerges.  Years ago, Judicial Watch served Freedom of Information Act requests relating to Benghazi on the Defense Department and the State Department.  The Obama administration stonewalled, as always, so Judicial Watch eventually had to sue to enforce its rights under FOIA.  That lawsuit has been going on for more than two years, as the Obama administration continued to resist producing relevant documents.  Finally, on September 9, 2014, a federal court in the District of Columbia ordered the State and Defense Departments to produce certain additional documents.  Those documents have been trickling in to Judicial Watch, heavily redacted.

AP perpetuates tale that Benghazi attack caused by anti-Islam film.  In a report about a Supreme Court ruling, the Associated Press on Monday [5/18/2015] continued with the ruse that an anti-Muslim film posted on YouTube caused violence in the Middle East, culminating in the murder of a U.S. ambassador on Sept. 11, 2012.  "In a victory for free speech advocates, a federal appeals court says YouTube should not have been forced to take down an anti-Muslim film that sparked violence in the Middle East and death threats to actors," the AP wrote.

Documents Reveal Obama Administration Knew that al Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance.  Judicial Watch announced today [5/18/2015] that it obtained more than 100 pages of previously classified "Secret" documents from the Department of Defense (DOD)and the Department of State revealing that DOD almost immediately reported that the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was committed by the al Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood-linked "Brigades of the Captive Omar Abdul Rahman" (BCOAR), and had been planned at least 10 days in advance.  Rahman is known as the Blind Sheikh, and is serving life in prison for his involvement in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and other terrorist acts.  The new documents also provide the first official confirmation that shows the U.S. government was aware of arms shipments from Benghazi to Syria.

Clinton Friend's Libya Role Blurs Lines of Politics and Business.  When the Clintons last occupied the White House, Sidney Blumenthal cast himself in varied roles:  speechwriter, in-house intellectual and press corps whisperer.  Republicans added another, accusing Mr. Blumenthal of spreading gossip to discredit Republican investigators, and forced him to testify during President Bill Clinton's impeachment trial.  Now, as Hillary Rodham Clinton embarks on her second presidential bid, Mr. Blumenthal's service to the Clintons is once again under the spotlight.  Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, a Republican who is leading the congressional committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, plans to subpoena Mr. Blumenthal, 66, for a private transcribed interview.

FOX Report Today: Documents Reveal Benghazi Libya Weapons.  Today [5/18/2015] Fox News is reporting confirmation that weapons from Benghazi were shipped to Syria.  This affirms one of the essential elements outlined in our Benghazi Brief.

Trey Gowdy: No Hillary Clinton testimony until documents turned over.  The chairman of the House committee investigating Benghazi said Thursday he is unwilling to schedule Hillary Clinton's highly anticipated testimony until the State Department turns over key documents.  Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry slamming the Obama administration for the slow pace of turning over documents to Benghazi Committee investigators.  Until Gowdy is satisfied that he has all the relevant information, he said the panel cannot hear Clinton's testimony.

The Spin Never Stops.  Michael Morell wants you to know that he's been misunderstood, mischaracterized, and maligned.  Morell, the former deputy director of the CIA, was at the center of the controversy over the Benghazi attacks and the Obama administration's attempts to sell the country a phony narrative about what had happened and why.

Benghazi panel head: Clinton testimony will be delayed.  The chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi says Hillary Clinton's testimony will be delayed until the panel gets all relevant documents from the State Department.  "Simply put, the Committee must have the records of communication requested more than six months ago before the secretary's appearance can be scheduled," Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) wrote Thursday [5/14/2015] in a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry.

The Complete Benghazi Timeline Spreadsheet.  It is now clear to me that:
  a)  Hillary Clinton lied to Congress.
  b)  Barack Obama went to sleep knowing that a U.S. Ambassador and other Americans were under terrorist attack.
  c)  Barack Obama awoke refreshed the next day to begin fundraising.
  d)  The entire Executive Branch lied repeatedly to the American people to save Obama's chances for reelection.

The Best TV Interview In Months — Bret Baier Interviews Former CIA Head Mike Morell.  If, like many of us, you are deep in the weeds in your understanding of the issues around Benghazi, the 2010 Arab Spring (Tunis, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen), or the CIA operation "Zero Footprint" in Libya and the follow-up operation in Syria, you will enjoy this interview with former Panetta/Petraeus replacement Mike Morell.  Or, if you have a cursory understanding of events, this interview might spur you toward further research.

Federal Court Reopens State Department FOIA Lawsuit Because of "Newly Discovered Evidence" of Clinton Records.  Judicial Watch filed suit in December 2012, after the State Department failed to respond to a September 24, 2012, FOIA request for all records concerning the advertisement produced by the U.S. embassy in Islamabad intended to air in Pakistan.  The advertisement was seen as an apology for the Internet video that President Obama, then-Secretary of State Clinton, and other administration officials falsely blamed for inspiring "spontaneous demonstrations" resulting in the attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound in Benghazi, Libya.  In November 2014, Judicial Watch agreed to dismiss the suit based in part upon the State Department's claim that its search "of the Office of the Secretary, the Office of the Executive Secretariat, and the U.S. Consulate General in Peshawar have been completed and have resulted in the retrieval of no documents responsive to your request."  Judicial Watch is aware of no precedent of another FOIA lawsuit being reopened by a federal court.  Now that the lawsuit is reopened, the State Department has promised to search the email records allegedly turned over by Clinton to the State Department last year.

Trey Gowdy: Obama administration obstructing Benghazi probe.  A special House panel investigating the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, has uncovered tens of thousands of new documents, but is still facing "obstacles" from the Obama administration, an interim report issued Monday [5/11/2015] said.  An "Interim Progress Update" was released Monday revealing the investigation "has uncovered new witnesses, new documents, new facts and will result in the most detailed and complete accounting of what happened in Benghazi."  And it reported that the panel in June will interview former Secretary of State Leon Panetta, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey and retired General Carter Ham, who was in charge of U.S. troops in Libya at the time of the attack.

Krauthammer on Morell: "Most telling statement is what he says about Benghazi".  Charles Krauthammer offered analysis Monday [5/11/2015] of Bret Baier's exclusive interview with former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell on "Special Report with Bret Baier," specifically on Morell's recollection of the attack on a US consulate in Benghazi, Libya in 2011.  "I thought the most telling statement is what he says about Benghazi — that it was the most politicized national security issue he's ever seen," Krauthammer, a syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor said of Morell's interview.

The Real Story of Benghazi.  The city of Benghazi was vitally important in Libya.  It had been the center of much of the opposition to Muammar Qadhafi for years, and it remained a key outpost used by the United States to understand developments during the revolution and to influence key players in eastern Libya after Qadhafi.  CIA had established a presence in Benghazi with the mission of collecting intelligence — contrary to some press reporting, it did not play any role in moving weapons from Libya to the opposition in Syria and neither did any other CIA officer or facility in Libya.  Normally I would not be able to confirm the existence of a CIA base overseas, let alone describe its mission.  But because of the tragic events in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 — and the controversial aftermath — the Agency's role there has since become declassified, which allows me to discuss it here.

The Clintons' Criminal Board of Trustees.  [Scroll down]  The former first lady is also the individual who botched the U.S. response to an Islamic terrorist attack on a U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, that left four Americans dead.  At the time Clinton scapegoated the innocent director of an anti-Islam movie trailer that almost nobody had seen at the time of the assault, claiming that the sophisticated military-style attack arose spontaneously from an angry mob of protesters gathered outside the facility which was in Islamist-held territory.  The Benghazi coverup the Obama administration engineered to get President Obama safely reelected in November 2012 has been gradually falling apart.

John Bolton: Hillary should be 'Disqualified' from Presidential Run.  At the South Carolina Freedom Summit on Saturday, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton said that Hillary Clinton was not fit to be president of the United States because she did not take necessary steps to protect Americans in Libya.  On the day that Ambassador Christopher Stevens, along with three other brave Americans, was killed in Benghazi, Bolton said that "not only was nothing done, the response of the administration was to go home.  The president left the Oval office in the situation room to go to the residence.  Hillary Clinton left the State Department to go home."

Gowdy's Benghazi Panel Wants Clinton's Top Aides.  The Republican chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Friday defended the pace of his panel's year-old investigation into the 2012 terror attack and announced plans to interview three top aides to former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., in a 15-page "Interim Progress Update" released on the one-year-anniversary of the committee's creation, blamed the Obama administration for delays in the panel's probe.  "It is difficult to conduct a fact-centric congressional investigation when the Administration impedes the Committee's progress by repeatedly failing to answer the Committee's requests or to provide information in a timely manner," wrote the South Carolina Republican.

Benghazi Committee: The White House Is Still Stonewalling Us.  The Select Committee on Benghazi released its interim report Friday [5/8/2015], and while it documented the progress of the investigation into the terror attack, there apparently remains one problem — the White House's refusal to fully cooperate with the committee.  According to Republican South Carolina representative and committee chairman Trey Gowdy, the Obama administration is dragging its feet when it comes to releasing requested documents for the investigation.

Hillary Clinton Declines Request For Two Benghazi Committee Appearances — Says She Will Only Attend Once.  Originally committee chairman, Trey Gowdy, wanted Secretary Clinton to appear first to address the email and communication issues to gain a better understanding of what documentation issues surround her tenure as Secretary of state; and a second appearance to address the structural questions about Benghazi as they relate to the issues not yet reconciled.

Benghazi Committee Gets Some Subpoeaned Docs from State Dept. — Two Years Later.  Today [4/30/2015], the House Benghazi Committee announced that it has received over 4,000 pages of material from the State Department Accountability Review Board (ARB) that analyzed State Department actions and policy regarding the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya.  Questions about the ARB's review and independence have been raised since it was revealed that it chose not to record or transcribe interviews, and that it decided not to interview key figures, including then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

State gives Benghazi panel 4,000 pages of new documents.  The chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Thursday [4/30/2015] announced that the State Department has handed over 4,000 pages of new documents to the panel.  "The Benghazi Committee continues to build the most comprehensive and complete record on what happened before, during and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks," Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C) said in a statement.

Who's Afraid of the Benghazi Hearings?  The former secretary of state wants to turn the House inquiry into a sympathetic spectacle, while the committee chair maneuvers to keep its profile low.

Who is really drawing out the Benghazi investigation?  By Clinton's own admission, quite a bit of the documentation that the committee would like to peruse has been destroyed and will remain irretrievable unless she surrenders the server on which her private email system was hosted.  But even if Clinton had access to the information the committee will likely want to see, it's unclear that she has much of a motive to surrender it.  In the same way that her campaign team has attempted to portray the former secretary of state as a victim — and of The New York Times, no less — on the issue of her alleged facilitation of Russian nuclear ambitions in exchange for donations to the Clinton foundation, Hillary's political team surely views the continued existence of the Benghazi committee as a boon to her political ambitions.  Gowdy's committee provides Clinton with a foil she might use to portray herself as the target of undue Republican persecution.

Forget Benghazi — Blame Hillary for the Disastrous Russian Reset.  The election looks likely to turn on foreign policy, what with chaos fermenting in Europe and the Middle East, and Hillary was the face of Obama's foreign policy.  The trouble is that these critiques can easily get bogged down in Beltway buzzwords, like Benghazi.  Benghazi was embarrassing — a US ambassador was killed and the Administration tried to blame it on a YouTube video — but it became such a yarn ball of partisan minutiae that most Americans have relegated it to the fringe.

Hillary summoned to May 18 public hearing.  A House investigatory panel has summoned Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to testify at a May 18 public hearing about her use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.  The panel, which is probing the September 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, has scheduled a second public hearing one month later, on June 18, to grill Clinton about Benghazi.

Benghazi Committee to Push For Hillary Clinton Appearances (Plural).  The House Benghazi Select Committee plans to issue a letter tomorrow "setting out a reasonable path forward" for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to testify.  In a statement issued today, Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) indicated the committee expects to arrange multiple "appearances" for Clinton.

Boehner blames Clinton for timing of Benghazi report.  House Speaker John Boehner on Wednesday defended a plan to release a potentially critical report about Hillary Clinton just before the 2016 presidential elections, saying Clinton and the Obama administration have blocked access to information.  The spokesman for a special committee examining the cause and response to the 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, confirmed that the full Benghazi report may not be ready until 2016 thanks to factors outside of the panel's control, including cooperation from the Obama Administration.

Who is most responsible for the stonewalling and delay?
Clinton Camp Pounces on Benghazi Report 2016 Delay: Proof of 'Playing Politics'.  The Hillary Clinton campaign has already pounced on reports that the Benghazi Committee's report will likely be delayed until next year, closer to the 2016 election.  A spokesman for committee chairman Trey Gowdy said that "factors beyond the committee's control... could continue to impact the timing of the inquiry's conclusion."  Well, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta pounced today [4/22/2015], putting out a press release saying this is proof positive the Benghazi investigation is pure politics.

Hillary Clinton's lawyer: "No reason" for private Benghazi interview.  Hillary Clinton's lawyer reiterated Wednesday [4/22/2015] that Clinton is willing to testify in public before a House select committee about her use of a private email server as secretary of state.  Attorney David Kendall argued in a letter to the committee's chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, that there would be "no reason" to hold the separate private hearing Republicans have requested.

Hillary Camp Blasts Timing of Benghazi Report as Proof Probe 'Solely' a 2016 Game.  Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign charged that the delay of the House Select Committee on Benghazi's report into the 2012 terrorist attack is proof that the probe is purely politicized.  Bloomberg first reported that the release of the findings of Chairman Trey Gowdy's (R-S.C.) committee would be pushed into campaign season, but Republicans contest that's because of uncooperative figures in the investigation.

Benghazi panel's findings likely to be delayed until 2016.  The final report by the House Select Committee on Benghazi likely won't see the light of day until 2016, well into the race for the White House.  The panel's chairman, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), has insisted he didn't want to drag the committee's investigation into next year, but a spokesman indicated that might now be out of his hands.

Hillary Clinton refuses to answer presidential contest's first questions about Benghazi terror attack.  Former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton got her budding presidential campaign's first targeted question about the deadly 2012 Benghazi terror attacks on Tuesday night [4/21/2015], and her answer was the sound of one hand clapping.  The bash-the-rich candidate flew first class from Boston to Washington, D.C. after wrapping up a two-day New Hampshire campaign trip.

The most comprehensive depiction of Hillary lies yet?  Rep. Gowdy requested two interviews, a private, transcribed interview before the Select Committee on Benghazi as well as a public hearing.  While Mrs. Clinton has said she would testify in a public hearing before the committee, to date, neither she nor her counsel have responded to Gowdy's request.  On March 31, Gowdy subpoenaed Clinton's private server, but said this week he alone lacks authority to do so.  The server is not in the clear just yet as the full House may be able to make that request legally binding.

Obama's Fixer.  Ben Rhodes had no diplomatic, military, intelligence or national security experience and therefore was perfect for the Obama White House.  Previous experience is not required to get a job under Barack Obama.  His education was in fiction-writing and he washed up in that career and somehow landed in Washington (no doubt helped by the fact that his brother is president of CBS News).  He was widely suspected of being one of the officials involved in whitewashing the Benghazi scandal to protect the White House from blame for that disaster.  There is nothing that Barack Obama values more than a willingness to show an elastic definition of truth on behalf of Barack Obama and his reputation.

Three Reasons Hillary Won't Win the Democratic Ticket.  Reason 1: She's mired in serious controversy. [...] After four Americans were killed in Benghazi, she stood amidst their coffins and told a bald-faced lie to a grieving father and the American people about their deaths being in retaliation to a YouTube film disparaging Islam.  Shortly after, Congress inquired as to whether she knew, as could have been reasonably deduced at the time and was later verified, that the attacks were calculated and had nothing to do with the film.  A defiant Hillary famously carped "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

Benghazi panel summons Clinton.  A House panel Tuesday [3/31/2015] formally requested Hillary Clinton to testify about the private server and email account she used while serving as secretary of state.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi, sent a request to Clinton's personal attorney, David E. Kendall, requesting that Clinton appear before the committee no later than May 1 for a transcribed interview about the server and email.

Obama's Chicago Presidency.  Susan Rice on five televised occasions lied about Benghazi when she serially insisted that the deaths of four Americans were due to a spontaneous demonstration over a video — a deception she never later corrected.  More recently, she insisted that Bowe Bergdahl served with "honor and distinction" when she knew that most of the evidence clearly pointed to his being a deserter at best and a traitor at worse, and that the five Afghan terrorists we freed in the exchange from Guantanamo were the worst of the worst in captivity there.  Just as Rice was promoted to national security adviser after the Benghazi untruth, so too she knows there will be no fallout over her flat-out distortions about Bergdahl.  Obama's point, again, is not that Rice has a problem with the truth, but that the fact of a national security adviser's disingenuousness is of absolutely no consequence.

White House: Hillary Clinton Acting As 'Private Citizen' In Benghazi Investigation.  The White House reacted to the news today [3/31/2015] that Chairman Trey Gowdy of the House Select Committee On Benghazi requested an interview with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding the use of her private email address and her home server.

The long, complicated story of Hillary Clinton's Benghazi subpoena.  Now that the public knows Hillary Clinton destroyed all the emails on her secret server — her lawyer told the House Benghazi Select Committee that there's nothing left to search — a question remains:  Did Clinton destroy documents that were under subpoena from Congress?  The answer is more complex than it might seem.

Benghazi: The Full Story Behind the Terror Attack of 9/11/12.  This report examines the most significant events that occurred before, during, and after the September 11, 2012 Islamic terrorist attacks against an American special mission (and a nearby CIA annex) in Benghazi, Libya.

Hillary Clinton withheld information from Congress. Now what does Congress do?  On September 20, 2012, just nine days after the terrorist attacks on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, the House Government Oversight Committee sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton requesting that she turn over "all information ... related to the attack on the consulate."  About two weeks later, on October 2, 2012, Clinton responded, saying she would cooperate fully with the investigation into what went wrong in Benghazi.

On Benghazi, a timeline of State Department obstruction.  The timeline isn't an official committee report or publication; it's just an informal summary compiled to help members keep dates straight as they assess the State Department's lack of cooperation.  The timeline doesn't include every significant date in the Benghazi investigation, but it does give readers an idea of what Republican investigators have been up against as they've tried to uncover the story of Benghazi.  What follows is a fleshed-out version of the timetable — in my words, not the committee's — based on information from committee sources.

In Clinton Emails on Benghazi, a Rare Glimpse at Her Concerns.  It was a grueling hearing.  A month after the September 2012 attack on the United States diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, House Republicans grilled a top State Department official about security lapses at the outpost.  Later that day, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton tapped out an email to a close adviser:  "Did we survive the day?" she wrote.  "Survive, yes," the adviser emailed back, adding that he would continue to gauge reaction the next morning.

The Editor says...
If she had been telling the truth, and encouraging others to tell the truth, there would have been no reason to worry about day-to-day "survival."

Benghazi panel head Gowdy asks Clinton to 'relinquish' personal server.  The chairman of the congressional committee probing the Benghazi terror attacks has formally asked that Hillary Clinton turn over her personal server — warning that the House could take steps to pressure her if she refuses.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., sent a letter, released Friday [3/20/2015], to Clinton's attorney requesting that the former secretary of state "relinquish" the server to a "neutral, detached and independent third-party" for review.

Benghazi committee officially requests Clinton surrender her email server.  Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy sent a letter to the former secretary of state's personal lawyer making the request, which he said only comes after "exhaustive efforts" to get a look at her communications during the time of the 2012 terrorist attack on the diplomatic post in Libya's second-largest city.  "Though Secretary Clinton alone is responsible for causing this issue, she alone does not get to determine its outcome," the South Carolina Republican said.

Colonized by the Muslim Brotherhood.  [Scroll down]  So why doesn't the Press report just the facts?  What is the reason for such an incredible failure by the press to inform the American people of the dire state of their government under Barack Obama?  There are several.  Many advisors to Obama are married into the media, or have worked in media themselves prior to joining the administration.  Both Ben Rhodes and Susan Rice have familial connections with powerful executives in (what was once known as) the free press.  Four times more journalists identify as liberal compared to conservative.  Evidently, with the case of Brian Williams coming to light, some in the media don't care about the truth and would rather make up bald-faced lies.  Yet the biases above don't fully explain the conspicuous silence of the mainstream press on the Muslim Brotherhood.  For it is no longer bias or loyalty that sway the press, but fear.  The Obama administration has proved that it will stonewall, punish, illegally wiretap, and in general make life difficult for inquisitive members of the press.  Case in point, Sharyl Attkisson, who refused go along with the official lies regarding Benghazi.

American Tragedy: The Reality of a Hillary Clinton Presidency.  [B]y the time Hillary is in office we will have been subjected to a prodigious amount of rehashing of scandals, many of which we don't know about yet.  Some of those will have vast character implications, like the terror attack on U.S. government facilities in Benghazi, Libya.  From what we already know of that scandal, Hillary and Obama were well aware within hours that this was an attack by al-Qaeda affiliate Ansar al-Islam and not caused by some amateurish video virtually no one saw.  Still, Clinton assured Charles Woods — father of murdered Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods — only a couple of days later that they would "arrest" and "prosecute" the man responsible who made that video.  She did this at Woods' son's own funeral.  What kind of human being actually does something like that?

White House counsel reportedly kept in dark on Clinton's personal email use.  The White House counsel's office reportedly was kept in the dark about Hillary Clinton's exclusive use of personal email while secretary of state, in the latest detail raising questions over how and why she stayed off the government system despite administration guidance to the contrary.  Clinton used non-official personal email, and also used a server traced to her New York home.  An unnamed source told The Associated Press the White House counsel's office only found out about her heavy personal email use as part of the congressional investigation into the Benghazi attack.

Hillary fights to remain inevitable, unmolested but activists, press not moving on.  [Scroll down]  Well, it was the Benghazi Committee that found out Hillary Clinton was using a private server and remained unencumbered by a .gov address for the entirety of her reign.  Some might have called that a conspiracy theory before they found out it was true, so perhaps they aren't the most problematic group to have in charge of investigating Clinton.

Benghazi committee gives Hillary Clinton more time to turn over emails.  The House select committee investigating the Benghazi attack has given former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton an additional two weeks to turn over any emails related to the deadly assault.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., the committee's chairman, had given Clinton until this past Friday [3/13/2015] to respond to a subpoena of documents held in her private e-mail server.  However, committee spokesman Jamal Ware confirmed to Fox News late Monday that the deadline had been extended to March 27.

Republicans vow new probe amid Hillary's email scandal.  Republicans turned up the heat on Hillary Clinton Sunday as House Speaker John Boehner planned a new probe into her private email use and the head of the House Benghazi committee said Congress may subpoena her email server, according to reports.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said a subpoena to seize the server can be obtained by a vote of the full House of Representatives, even though his committee alone doesn't have the power to grab the private emails.

Clinton's Cover Up Team.  [Scroll down]  Ray Maxwell, a former assistant secretary of state for North Africa, has told reporters that Mills was one of several Clinton aides who on a Sunday afternoon "separated" out Benghazi-related documents that might put Clinton or her team in a "bad light."  These documents were kept out of the pile that the State Department turned over to the Accountability Review Board that was investigating Benghazi.  When Maxwell stumbled upon the operation, which was taking place in a "basement operations-type center at State Department headquarters in Washington," he questioned whether it was above-board.  "Isn't that unethical?" he asking the office director in charge of the weeding-out process.  "Ray, those are our orders," she answered.  A few minutes later, Mills entered the room and challenged Maxwell over his presence, asking him, "Who are you?"

30,000 e-mails, nothing classified? Judicial Watch cries foul!.  Earlier this week, the press savaged the former Secretary of State at a press conference where she attempted to explain the logistics governing her private e-mail server.  Then, a report released by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) revealed that one of Clinton's key claims — that all of her e-mails were somehow captured by the State Department — is completely baseless.  Now, advocacy organization Judicial Watch has laid into the feeble argument that Hillary never used her private e-mail account to deal with classified information.  They focus on a previous JW investigation showing that top State Department officials circulated sensitive and classified e-mails amongst themselves during and in the aftermath of the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi.

Gowdy: Benghazi Panel Will Ask Clinton to Appear — Twice.  Saying Hillary Rodham Clinton's Tuesday afternoon news conference raised more questions than it answered, the Republican chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi announced plans to call the former secretary of State to appear — at least twice — before his investigative panel.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., in a statement issued after Clinton spoke for the first time publicly about her extensive use of a private email address and server during her four years at State, said the email server should be turned over to a neutral third party.

Gowdy: 'Our Committee Doesn't Have the Power' to Seize Hillary's Email Server.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi will not subpoena Hillary Clinton's email server, because it can't, committee chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Wednesday [3/11/2015].  "Well our committee doesn't have the power — under our rules, we don't have the power to seize a personal property like that.  The House as a whole, that's franky an open constitutional question as to whether the House as a whole has that legal authority, but frankly, we shouldn't have to compel it," Gowdy said.

5 House Democrats call for release of first batch of Hillary Clinton emails.  The five Democrats on the House Committee on Benghazi are asking the State Department to prioritize releasing 850 pages of Hillary Clinton's official emails from the cache of files the former secretary of state has turned over.  The State Department has 55,000 pages of documents to review but the Democrats on the Benghazi panel, led by Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, want the agency to first release the emails Clinton sent to the select committee last year.

The Mendacious, Charmless, Painfully Mediocre And Unelectable Hillary Clinton.  What is it Hillary supposedly brings to the table?  What has she ever done successfully that would make her rate as a top-tier presidential candidate?  [...] Is she honest?  Not only is the answer no, but her lies are so brazen and so provable that they insult the sensibilities of ordinary Americans.  Claiming that the Benghazi massacre happened because of a YouTube nobody had ever seen, for example.

Gowdy: 'No Choice' But for Clinton to Turn Server Over to Third-Party Arbiter.  House Republicans who have been trying to see former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's emails in the Benghazi investigation weren't satisfied with her press conference today [3/10/2015].  "For instance, there remain serious questions about the security of the system she employed from a national security standpoint, who authorized this exclusive use of personal email despite guidance to the contrary from both her State Department and the White House, who had access to the server from the time Secretary Clinton left office until the time — almost two years later — the State Department asked for these public records back, and who culled through the records to determine which were personal and which were public," Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chairman of the special committee investigating Benghazi, said in a statement.

What We Musn't Forget About Benghazi.  The Benghazi Accountability Review Board, (ARB) washed Hillary Clinton white as snow, but the Board was as dirty as a rat's nest.  Admiral Mike Mullen served on the Board, and made it clear that Hillary Clinton was NOT to blame.  Fearless reporter, Sharyl Attikson told us of Raymond Maxwell, who walked into the Foggy Bottom of the State Department and found Cheryl Mills and other destroying documents, and Congressman Trey Gowdy said "months and months" of Clinton emails are still missing.

Hillary acts stupid when she plays dumb.  I mean the Hillary Clinton who said, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" in 2013, when asked about security lapses under her watch on the night the Benghazi massacre took place.  She said it because she was trying to make the point that Republicans were harping on a dead issue — but instead, she made herself seem indifferent to the deaths at Benghazi.

GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy Cancels on Fundraiser over Benghazi Theme.  Chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi Trey Gowdy (R-SC) pulled out of a fundraiser hosted by the Virginia Republican Party Monday after it was revealed that the fundraiser was Benghazi-themed.  The National Review's Jim Geraghty first reported on the fundraiser Monday morning, tickets for which started at $75 apiece, with VIP options maxing out $5,000. [...] This was at odds with Gowdy's previous statements on not fundraising off the Benghazi investigation.

Emails show Clinton aides running interference during Benghazi attack.  Emails obtained through a federal lawsuit show that two top aides to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were running interference internally during the 2012 Benghazi terror attack.  The aides were Philippe Reines, widely described as Clinton's principal gate-keeper, and Cheryl Mills, who has been at Clinton's side for decades.  The emails show that while receiving updates about the assault as it happened, Mills told then-State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland to stop answering reporter questions about the status of Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was missing and later found dead.  Also littered throughout the State Department emails, obtained by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, are references to a so-called Benghazi Group.

'Huge gaps' in Clinton emails: Chairman of House Benghazi Committee.  The chairman of the House committee investigating the attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans on Sept. 11, 2012, said there are "huge gaps" in the Hillary Clinton emails turned over to his panel.  "We don't have all of them," Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation."  Included in the gaps are emails from Oct. 18, 2011, the date of the well-known photo of then-Secretary of State Clinton wearing sunglasses and gripping her BlackBerry while on a plane to Libya.  In fact, there were no emails released to the committee from that entire trip, Gowdy said.

Trey Gowdy: Shame on me if I trust State Department to be 'neutral arbiter' of Clinton records.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, South Carolina Republican, says he is not confident the State Department can be a neutral arbiter of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's records amid the controversy over Mrs. Clinton's use of a private e-mail during her time as the nation's top diplomat.  Mr. Gowdy, who chairs the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said Monday evening [3/9/2015] on Fox News' "The Kelly File" that the State Department "is not the neutral third party arbiter that I would recommend the secretary turn her server over to so you can analyze it for forensics to see whether or not there's been any hacking or tampering."

Hillary Clinton's Possibly Fatal Email Mistake.  Hillary Clinton's email scandal showcases that she shouldn't be president.  This has nothing to do with her party or politics — it has to do with how she seems to approach a decision — through tunnel vision leadership.  This method isn't biased on the left or right, but it is more hardwired into men than women.  Unfortunately, Clinton seems to have this in spades.  It may even explain mistakes like Benghazi better than any of the hair-brained theories that her opponents so far have fielded.

Trey Gowdy sees months-long gaps in Clinton emails.  The top House Republican Benghazi investigator says the emails Hillary Clinton has handed over for review have "huge gaps" that challenge her credibility over what happened in the 2012 attacks in Libya.  "There are gaps of months and months and months," Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said on Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation."

'Huge gaps' in Clinton emails: Chairman of House Benghazi Committee.  The chairman of the House Benghazi Committee said "there are huge gaps" in the Hillary Clinton emails turned over to his committee investigating the deadly attack that killed four Americans on Sept. 11, 2012.  For instance, there were no emails on Oct. 8, 2011, the day the iconic picture of the Secretary of State clad in sunglasses and bracing her Blackberry on a plane to Libya.  In fact there were no emails from that entire trip.

The Benghazi Committee's Belated Interest in Hillary's Hidden E-mails.  The Benghazi massacre was the lowlight of Mrs. Clinton's tenure as secretary of state.  Suddenly this week, the public was informed, for the first time, that during those four tumultuous years, she conducted State Department business through a private e-mail system designed to evade government record-keeping requirements.  The scheme is redolent of Clintonian hypocrisy:  Even while Mrs. Clinton was exclusively using personal e-mail, she admonished State Department personnel that doing so was prohibited as a major security breach, and she forced the resignation of the U.S. ambassador to Kenya for, among other things, using private e-mail for public business.

Democrats say Benghazi subpoena politicizes Clinton email probe.  Democrats on Friday [3/6/2015] accused Republicans running the special Benghazi investigation of turning former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's email troubles into a political circus, saying there was no need to issue an official subpoena for them.  In a letter to Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, the panel's Democrats called the subpoena "ill-considered" and said Mrs. Clinton has tried to cooperate with the investigation by turning emails over to the State Department, which has produced some of them to the committee.

How could a U.S. ambassador be so vulnerable, given Obama's vows?  It's almost 30 months exactly since that awful, murderous night in Benghazi when the United States ambassador was killed, the first such fatality in three decades, along with three other dedicated government workers.  President Obama has never deigned to tell his countrymen where he was and what he was doing during that long, deadly darkness that saw no military response or rescue attempt.  Nor has Hillary Clinton explained why, despite repeated pleas for more security, she actually allowed cuts in consulate protection a month before the 9/11/12 attack.  But Obama aides proudly informed media that upon learning of the consulate attack, the first thing the chief executive did was order enhanced security for American diplomats around the globe.  Let's see how that's working out.

Top Dem Congressman Praises Hillary For Email Transparency.  Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) is the ranking member on the House Select Committee on Benghazi.  So when it was discovered that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had every email she ever sent during her tenure on a previously unknown private server in her home — and that it was not accessible or searchable by anyone in government — you'd think he'd be upset that his committee had not received all the information they need to conduct their investigation.  You would be wrong.

Dad of SEAL Killed in Benghazi Blasts Hillary Over Records Exposed By JW.  The father of the retired Navy SEAL murdered in the Benghazi terrorist attack wasn't the least bit surprised to see State Department records — uncovered last week by Judicial Watch — that show Hillary Clinton's top aides knew from the outset that the U.S. compound was under attack by armed terrorists and not spontaneous protestors upset over a video.  In an interview with JW this week, Charles Woods, the father of Ty Woods, the Navy SEAL who handled security for diplomats, expressed overwhelming frustration over the repeated lies and apparent cover-up surrounding the deadly September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. Special Mission in Libya.  Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the first diplomat to be killed overseas in decades, and three other Americans, including Ty Woods, were murdered in the violent ambush.

Newly Relevant Benghazi Panel Spooks Dems.  When the House created its Benghazi Select Committee last year, it seemed like a joke — derided by mocking Democrats and eye-rolling Republicans, who'd already run through multiple investigations and hearings on the U.S. consulate attack.  Then the committee revealed Hillary Clinton had used multiple personal email accounts for official business at the State Department.  And suddenly, Democrats are terrified — terrified that the Benghazi panel is about to become the House Select Committee to take down Clinton, their presumptive presidential nominee.

As House panel issues subpoenas, questions mount over Clinton e-mails.  A congressional committee issued subpoenas Wednesday [3/4/2015] seeking information about Hillary Rodham Clinton's use of a private e-mail account for official business while she was secretary of state, setting up a potential legal clash with the presumptive Democratic front-runner for president.  The move followed the revelation that Clinton had installed a private server at her New York home that allowed her, and not the State Department, to store her e-mail correspondence and later decide which ones to turn over as public records.

House committee subpoenas Clinton emails.  A House committee investigating the 2012 attack on a U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, has subpoenaed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's personal emails, The Associated Press reported.  "The Select Committee on Benghazi today [3/4/2015] issued subpoenas for all communications of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton related to Libya and to the State Department for other individuals who have information pertinent to the investigation," said Jamal Ware, the committee's communications director in a statement.  "The committee also has issued preservation letters to Internet firms informing them of their legal obligation to protect all relevant documents."

House committee to subpoena e-mails from Clinton's personal account.  A House investigative committee is preparing to send out subpoenas later Wednesday to gather a deeper look into former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton's nearly exclusive use of personal e-mails to do her official business as the government's top diplomat, according to people familiar with the probe.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi, which first discovered Clinton's use of a personal e-mail based on a home server in its inquiry into a fatal 2012 terrorist attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, is asking for all e-mails related to the attack from all accounts and any other staff members' personal accounts.

Trey Gowdy Says He's Going After Hillary Clinton's Personal Emails on Benghazi.  Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said Tuesday that he will press former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her personal emails related to the 2012 attack in Benghazi that left four Americans dead.  Gowdy spoke to reporters less than a day after the New York Times reported that Clinton only used her personal email accounts to do business while secretary, and that several hundred of these emails were recently turned over to Gowdy's Select Committee on Benghazi.

Hillary Clinton's Criminal Activities Must Disqualify her from the Presidency.  'Witch hunts" sometimes find a witch, and those who dismissed the establishment of the House Benghazi Select Committee, chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., as just another witch hunt are eating their words.  The existence of a personal account that Hillary Clinton used to conduct government business as secretary of state was discovered by the committee and reported by the New York Times.  Clinton's use of this personal account explains why investigations of the Benghazi terrorist attack — and her culpability in our diplomatic mission's vulnerability there, the failure to heed warnings and the cover-up afterward — failed to find much email evidence of her direct involvement.

Hidden Clinton emails taint Obama transparency vow, boost Benghazi probe.  The revelation Hillary Rodham Clinton used an off-the-books email account during her time as secretary of state reverberated across Washington on Tuesday, further eroding the Obama administration's claims of transparency, giving new momentum to House Republicans investigating the Benghazi affair and raising fresh questions about Mrs. Clinton's credibility heading into 2016.  While Mrs. Clinton now has turned over roughly 55,000 pages of emails — including about 300 messages related to the deadly September 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi given to House Republicans — it's unclear whether more emails remain hidden and, if so, how many.

Hillary's Benghazi problem is back.  Monday night [3/2/2015], it was revealed that Hillary Clinton used a personal email account the entire time she served as secretary of state.  Not only does conducting official business with a private account violate federal law, it raises a host of concerns ranging from whether or not her communications were secure from foreign intelligence services, to whether we'll be able to piece together an accurate historical record.  Given Hillary Clinton's legal troubles in the 1990s relating to keeping track of documents, it seems implausible she was not aware of the illegality of what was going on.

Does Clinton Email Report 'Breathe New Life' into Benghazi Investigation?  Last night [3/2/2015] the New York Times reported that Hillary Clinton had used a personal email address while Secretary of State, meaning portions of her correspondence were potentially not archived by the department per federal regulations.  The discovery was made by the Benghazi Select Committee, to which Clinton submitted about 300 emails as part of its investigation into the 2012 attack on the American consulate in Libya.  The revelation of Clinton's personal email account and the possibility that it portends of an unknown number of emails not captured by the State Department's system would appear to be the exact sort of treasure trove for which committee head Trey Gowdy (R-SC) was looking.

Hacked emails indicate that Hillary Clinton used a domain registered the day of her Senate hearings.  The New York Times reported Monday night that, during her tenure at the State Department, Hillary Clinton never used her official e-mail account to conduct communications, relying instead on a private e-mail account.  As the Times notes, only official accounts are automatically retained under the Federal Records Act, meaning that none of Clinton's e-mail communication was preserved.

NYT: Hillary conducted official State business on her private e-mail account — all of it.  Ever wonder why multiple investigations of the Benghazi attack failed to turn up much from Hillary Clinton's e-mails?  So did the House Select Committee investigating the attack on the facility and the failures that led to it.  To their surprise, the Secretary of State had conducted all of her e-mail on a private account rather than an official State Department account — and her aides had carefully culled only the e-mails they wanted investigators to see.

Will Rep. Trey Gowdy and Benghazi Select Committee Subpoena Hillary's Personal Emails?  The New York Times reported yesterday [3/2/2015] that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may have violated the law by exclusively using a personal email account to conduct State Department business and further that Clinton did not EVER have an official State Department email.  It is required by the Federal Records Act that all government emails and records must be preserved.  Clinton's aides did not take any action to preserve Hilary's private emails, the only record of her communications.  The New York Times also reported that Clinton's people sent over 55,000 emails and documents to the State Department only TWO MONTHS AGO to comply with federal record keeping laws.

The "prebranding" of Hillary Clinton.  The New York Times reports that Hillary Clinton used a personal email account — and only a personal email account — to send emails in connection with government business while she was Secretary of State. [...] There are good reasons why, except in special circumstances, the Secretary of State shouldn't conduct public business on a private email account.  One reason is to ensure the preservation of records.  Such records are of general historical interest.  In addition, they may be of interest in connection with specific investigations such as, say, the Benghazi investigation.  In fact, the existence of Clinton's personal email account was discovered by the House committee that, under the leadership of Trey Gowdy, is investigating this matter.

Hillary Clinton's Top Aides Knew from First Minutes that Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack, E-mails Disclose.  From the very first moments of the terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her top aides were advised that the compound was under a terrorist attack.  In fact, less than two hours into the attack, they were told that the al-Qaeda affiliate in Libya, Ansar al-Sharia, had claimed responsibility.  These revelations and others are disclosed by a trove of e-mails and other documents pried from the State Department by Judicial Watch in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

New Documents Blow the Lid off Obama-Clinton Benghazi Scandal.  The desperation by Obama, Clinton, and their political teams must have been potent.  It was so potent that they — rather than admitting to the Islamist conflagration they caused in Libya by ousting and killing Gadhafi — preferred to ignore pleas for increased security from Ambassador Stevens; to abandon him and his colleagues to rampaging terrorists; refuse to follow up with force against those who attacked us; and to lie to the American people about the nature of the attack.  Rather than admit that it was a planned attack by a terrorist group in league with al Qaeda, the Obama/Clinton machine knowingly put out the lie that the killings were the result of a spontaneous demonstration in response to an obscure Internet video supposedly offensive to radical Islamists.

The Benghazi Brief — A Power Point Presentation.  The "Benghazi Brief" remains the most controversial research report we have ever produced.  The brief contains over two years of research and hundreds of very specific citations supporting it.  The Brief has also been challenged and with extensive vetting factually withstood all scrutiny.  The report, while exhaustive in detail, remains the strongest summary of events surrounding the two years leading up to the Benghazi Libya attack on 9/11/12.

Lying About Benghazi Was Hillary's Only Accomplishment.  Documents from Judicial Watch show that Hillary Clinton's closest advisers knew from the onset, before she launched an inflammatory video lie, that Benghazi was a terrorist attack for which Ansar al-Sharia claimed responsibility.  'Mrs. Clinton, name an accomplishment," Carly Fiorina, former Hewlett-Packard CEO and prospective 2016 GOP presidential candidate, asked Thursday at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.

Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch Reveal Top Hillary Clinton Advisers Knew Immediately that Assault on Benghazi was Armed Attack.  Judicial Watch announced today that on February 11, 2015, it uncovered documents from the U.S. Department of State revealing that top aides for then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, including her then-chief of staff Cheryl Mills, knew from the outset that the Benghazi mission compound was under attack by armed assailants tied to a terrorist group.  The documents were produced as a result of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the State Department.  The documents make no reference to a spontaneous demonstration or Internet video, except in an official statement issued by Hillary Clinton.

Newly Revealed Pentagon Documents: Why, Yes, the White House Lied to Everyone About Benghazi.  Heavily redacted documents show a military response had been drafted in answer to the Benghazi terrorist attack by a group supporting "an Islamic state" in Libya.  It also showed the attack wasn't inflamed by a video.  It's taken Judicial Watch two years to obtain from the most transparent administration in history the 486 pages of documents pertaining to the military response to the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on our Benghazi diplomatic mission.  They confirm what we have said repeatedly, that the Benghazi tale spun by President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was indeed a lie agreed upon.

Judicial Watch Forces Obama Administration to Release Pentagon Benghazi Attack Documents.  Judicial Watch announced today that the Obama administration finally turned over hundreds of pages of documents about the military response to the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. Special Mission Compound and other facilities in Benghazi.  The documents, which are heavily blacked out (redacted), confirm that the U.S. Military, through its U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) drafted orders for a military response to the attack, specifically "to protect vital naval and national assets."  Other documents suggest that the military, hours after the attack, tied the assault to a group supporting "an Islamic state" that wanted to attack U.S. interests in Libya in retaliation for a drone strike on an al-Qaeda leader.

Judicial Watch: U.S. Military Tied Benghazi Attack to Al-Qaeda Allied Terrorists.  The Obama administration was forced to release documents indicating that the U.S. military tied the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans to an al-Qaeda allied group that promoted the establishment of an "Islamic state" in Libya.  Government watchdog Judicial Watch obtained 486 pages from the Pentagon through a federal court order in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts.  [For example,]
  •   First President to Refuse to Tell the Public What He Did For Eight (8) Hours After Being Informed That a U.S. Ambassador Was Facing Imminent Death During a Terror Attack  (Source: Mediate)
  •   First President to Lie About the Reason For an Ambassador's Death, Blaming it on an Internet Video Rather Than What He Knew to be the Case: the Al Qaeda-linked Terror Group Ansar al-Sharia  (Source: House Oversight Committee, et. al.)
  •   First President to Have an Innocent Filmmaker Thrown in Jail After Lying About the Cause for a Deadly Attack on U.S. Diplomats, Using the Filmmaker as a Scapegoat  (Source: CNN)

Rep. Gowdy Must Confront Clinton, Valerie Jarrett on Potential Roles in Benghazi.  After six years of a foreign policy strategy that observers have assessed as questionable at best, Americans and remaining foreign allies finally deserve an honest explanation of President Obama's true aims across the Middle East.  One person who should explain why the Obama Administration continually asserts the United States is making progress abroad despite so many appalling setbacks is senior aide Valerie Jarrett, whose influence shaping key policies is suggested in second-hand reports, but not yet adequately understood.

Benghazi Committee's Democrats and Republicans Want to Question Hillary Clinton.  The House Select Committee on Benghazi announced that both Democrats and Republicans want to schedule the appearance of Hillary Clinton "as soon as possible."  But first, says Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., the State Department must provide documents originally subpoenaed in 2013 so the materials can be reviewed in order to "constructively ask questions of Secretary Clinton."

Benghazi panel plans to interview key figures in Obama, Clinton inner circles.  The special congressional committee investigating the response to the 2012 Benghazi terror attacks plans to interview a host of current and former officials from President Obama's and Hillary Clinton's inner circles, according to a letter obtained Friday [2/6/2015] by Fox News.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the committee, made the names public in a letter to Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., top Democrat on the Benghazi panel.

House Benghazi committee to review secret Hillary tapes on Libya.  The chairman of a special House committee created to investigate the 2012 Benghazi tragedy on Monday [2/2/2015] instructed his staff to review secretly recorded tapes and intelligence reports that detail Hillary Rodham Clinton's role in advocating and executing the war in Libya, opening the door for a possible expansion of his probe.  Rep. Trey Gowdy's decision to seek a review of the materials, first highlighted in a series of Washington Times stories last week, carries consequences for the 2016 election in which Mrs. Clinton is expected to seek the presidency.

Clinton's Libya war push armed Benghazi rebels with suspected al Qaeda ties.  Libyan officials were deeply concerned in 2011, as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was trying to remove Moammar Gadhafi from power, that weapons were being funneled to NATO-backed rebels with ties to al Qaeda, fearing that well-armed insurgents could create a safe haven for terrorists, according to secret intelligence reports obtained by The Washington Times.

Can Hillary's hopes survive Benghazi?  Former successful cattle-futures investor, first lady, senator, unsuccessful presidential candidate, secretary of State and presumable repeat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has reportedly sent word to the House Select Committee investigating Benghazi that she is eager to testify.  That may be another statement she comes to regret, along with her now infamous "What difference at this point does it make" outburst before a congressional committee.  Clinton is following standard political protocol for damage control:  To appear up front and get the bad news, all of it, over with as quickly as possible.  Better 2015 than 2016.

Delay, Avoid, Obfuscate — State Department Blocks Witness Testimony To Benghazi Select Committee.  According to Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings, Hillary Clinton is eager to present herself for testimony to the Congressional Select Benghazi Committee.  Obviously the Democrats would prefer it to be ASAP and we predict within a few weeks you will see a shift in strategy which will put Gowdy solidly back on his heels and marginalize his position.  According to Trey Gowdy the State Department is hiding documents and blocking witness testimony — which he demands prior to interviewing Hillary Clinton.  The Democrats scoff at his claims saying bazillions of pages, hearings, testimonials, and documents have been provided.  Cummings is playing Chess, Gowdy is playing checkers.

GOP: Obama Stonewalling on Benghazi.  The Obama administration is not making documents or witnesses available regarding the role of the State Department and the CIA in the Benghazi affair, charged Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., as he opened a hearing Tuesday of the House Select Committee on Benghazi. Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., the Benghazi committee ranking member, countered Gowdy in his opening statement, asserting once again that the investigation was a politically motivated partisan attempt by Republicans to embarrass the State Department under the management of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama.

"Smoking Gun" Benghazi Documents Reveal What State Department Officials Knew All Along... .  Judicial Watch has obtained documents that show State Department officials under Hillary Clinton lied about the 2012 Benghazi attack.  It was not, as stated, an escalation of a demonstration against a video but rather a coordinated assault by Islamist terrorists on the US Embassy in Tunis, Tunisia.  The State Department's Diplomatic Security Command Center, or DSCC, produced a memo obtained by the Washington-based government watchdog group entitled, "Emergency Message to U.S. Citizens: Demonstrations."  The DSCC would have known the true nature of the attack since it monitored the situation via drone.

Congressman: Hillary Clinton agrees to testify to House's Benghazi panel.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has agreed to testify to the House's select committee investigating Benghazi, the panel's Democratic ranking member told CNN on Tuesday [1/27/2015].  Rep. Elijah Cummings said that Clinton agreed to testify before the committee investigating the 2012 terrorist attack in December after he contacted her months earlier.

Benghazi Committee Chair Trey Gowdy: Hillary Clinton 'Needs to Be Talked To'.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said Tuesday he still intended to summon former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to testify as part of the investigation into the 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Libya that killed four Americans.  "Every witness who has relevant information needs to be talked to," Gowdy told reporters after a committee meeting Tuesday [1/27/2015].

Quotes from House Benghazi Select Committee Hearing on Evidence Production.  "If six people witness an event you can't credibly report on the event by interviewing one of the six... you have to interview all of the witnesses." [...] "I want to know when the agencies are going to respond with the requests.  I have zero interest in producing a product that is incomplete.  We need to access that info now.  Talking to only some of the witnesses will not work.  Accessing only some of the documents will not work.  If you want all of the truth you need all of the information... it is going to be done."

Benghazi chairman: We'll pick up the pace.  Rep. Trey Gowdy is vowing to "pick up the pace" of the special investigation into the Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attacks while sparring with Democrats who say the process has become partisan.  Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said his panel is exercising the authority it has under the law to examine "all policies, decisions and activities" related to the 2012 attacks.

State Department told embassies Benghazi attack wasn't terrorism.  State Department officials called the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack at the U.S. Mission in Benghazi, Libya, a "violent demonstration" even though they had known for many hours that it was a coordinated military-style assault, newly obtained documents show.  "Violent demonstrations took place at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, and at the U.S. Special Mission Compound in Benghazi, Libya, resulting in damages in both locations and casualties in Benghazi," the State Department said in a Sept. 12, 2012, statement issued by its Diplomatic Security Command Center.

Judicial Watch Obtains State Department DSCC Records on Terrorist Attack on Benghazi.  Judicial Watch announced today [1/27/2015] that it has obtained court-ordered documents in accordance with its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. State Department seeking "any and all logs, reports, or other records" the Washington-based Diplomatic Security Command Center produced between September 10, 2012, and September 13, 2012, relating to the terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya.

State Department Blocking Benghazi Committee Access To Witnesses.  The State Department is blocking Congressional access to key first-hand witnesses of the 9/11 Benghazi attacks, citing a need to protect their personal safety.  "We understand the committee's interest in interviewing these agents and I'm sure the committee does not want to take any action that would create risks to their personal safety or their ability to do their jobs," Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Joel Rubin said during his opening statement at a hearing today of the Benghazi Select Committee.

Here's why I haven't forgotten Benghazi.  I know that the House Select Committee on Benghazi was established in May 2014, and has done virtually nothing in the subsequent nine months other than holding a hearing on how security has been improved at embassies worldwide.  And, yep, I know that's putting the cart before the horse, and that it is increasingly unlikely that the committee will ever actually investigate the aromatic but illusory dead horse being dragged behind.  But I also know that the massacre at Benghazi is not going away. I know that no matter how inconvenient, unpleasant or downright threatening the truth is, it will eventually come out, thanks to patriotic Americans who are willing to dodge unfriendly fire from the U.S. media and political hacks in order to honor the principle that you never leave a fellow soldier behind.

Federal Agencies Stonewall House Committee's Benghazi Investigation.  Some federal agencies continue to stonewall when it comes to the ongoing investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attacks, according to insiders familiar with the process.  They say the House Benghazi Select Committee isn't getting access to all relevant documents and witnesses.  That will be the topic of the committee's first public hearing of 2015 called for Tuesday next week [1/27/2015].

Congressman Confirms Obama Is Blackmailing Petraeus for Sickening Reason.  It was recently revealed that the contemptible Attorney General Eric Holder, who is somehow still in office months after announcing his resignation, has directed the Department of Justice to review a potential prosecution of retired General David Petraeus. [...] But many people suspect that Petraeus was forced out by the Obama administration and is being blackmailed into staying silent on what he knows about the Benghazi terrorist attacks.  One of those persons is Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), who believes that General Petraeus is being targeted and bullied by the Obama administration.

Rand Paul calls Libya 'Hillary's War' and says 'she did a terrible job' protecting Benghazi diplomatic post.  Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul sent a strong signal Tuesday to 2016-watchers that Benghazi isn't dead as a presidential campaign issue, slamming former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for failing to prevent the 2012 terror attack in the Libyan port city that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other American personnel.  'We have to defend ourselves,' he told a conservative audience at a summit hosted by Heritage Action for America.  'We also have to defend our diplomatic missions around the world.'

The Consequences of Obama's Benghazi Video Lie.  Obama and Hillary ran out all over the world blaming this video.  Nobody had ever seen it.  They rewrote the talking points and sent Susan Rice on five Sunday morning talk shows to make the point.  And not long off that Obama spoke to the United Nations, and among the things he said, he had this to say about people who mock Islam.

MSNBC Now Admitting There May Be Something To Benghazi.  MSNBC didn't get the memo from the DNC.  Host Alex Wagner — who has repeatedly denied there was any coverup on Benghazi, despite Republican allegations — has reluctantly admitted there may be a probem with the President's response to the 2012 attack.

Unanswered Benghazi Questions: Fourth in a Series.  White House photographer Pete Souza is often on hand to record photographs of President Obama in action. According to the New Yorker, Souza takes an average of 20,000 photos of President Obama per month.  Photographs captured the night of the Benghazi attacks — likely hundreds of them — would reveal much information about the executive branch's actions. [...] The "most transparent administration in history" should release the Benghazi night photos. The media and Congress should demand them.  Earnest and Souza — both paid by tax dollars and working in offices funded by tax dollars and supposedly working on behalf of the public — should be asked about the photos and what they observed that night.  The White House photo office is meant to record historical photos of the President.  Yet a number of major news organizations allege it has been turned into a propaganda arm of the administration.

Unanswered Benghazi Questions.  The maker of "Innocence of Muslims," Nakoula Nakoula, describes himself as an Egyptian Christian.  He says he made the film about radical extremists who seek to destroy the American culture and way of life.  After his film was incorrectly blamed for the Sept. 11, 2012 violence, Nakoula was arrested for violating terms of his probation set after a bank fraud conviction for which he had served one year in jail.  The content of film itself broke no U.S. laws.  In the days and weeks after the attacks, top U.S. officials steered fault for the attacks toward the video, though we now know from internal documents that they had almost immediately privately concluded the terrorist group Ansar al Sharia was to blame.  The State Department had sent a message to Libyan officials saying so — even as U.S. officials claimed otherwise to the American public.

Attkisson: Earnest Personally Hiding Obama Benghazi Night Photos.  Tuesday [12/23/2014] on CSPAN's "Washington Journal," investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson said while trying to obtain the official White House photographs of President Barack Obama on the night of the Benghazi terror attacks, after first being told by the photo office that she would get the photos by the end of the day, she was later referred to then-White House deputy press secretary Josh Earnest, who refused to return her and her producers' calls and emails.

Judicial Watch Dismantles Another Benghazi Cover-Up.  After seven months, the House Benghazi Select Committee held its second hearing recently.  We monitor its proceedings closely.  The Select Committee's very existence is because of our uncovering of a key White House Benghazi scandal cover-up email.

GOP Rep.: Republicans Criticizing Benghazi Report Didn't Read It.  A few weeks ago, the political world was buzzing over a Benghazi report from the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee that settled some of the issues surrounding the 2012 attack.  But some high-profile Republicans called the report into serious question, with Senator Lindsey Graham rather bluntly calling it "crap." [...] Well, the chair of the committee that issued the report, Republican Mike Rogers, responded today to critics from his own party.

Security at US consulate in Benghazi in disarray prior to 2012 attack, State Dept. emails say.  The guard force at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was in such disarray prior to the 2012 terrorist attack that the security status there was described as an "emergency" just three hours before the assault that left four Americans dead, according to State Department emails.  The emails also suggest the security contractor responsible for protecting State Department personnel there did not have a valid operating license.

Benghazi Congressional Investigations Roll On, Barely.  The latest hearing by the House Select Committee on Benghazi was held on December 10th, as Congress is about to head out the door for Christmas.  The hearing was unfortunately still focused on the far-from-independent State Department Accountability Review Board.  It's time to move on.  There is plenty to investigate.  The critics of any further investigation are citing the latest report from Rep. Mike Rogers' (R-MI) House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) to argue that the whole investigation should be shut down.  That's the narrative previously promoted by Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), who also referred to the flawed HPSCI report's assertion that it is a "definitive" accounting in his opening statement at Wednesday's [12/10/2014] hearing.

Partisan split on Clinton Benghazi testimony.  Republicans and Democrats on the House Select Committee investigating the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, are split over whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should appear before the panel.  "She is a witness that we would like to talk to. I cannot tell you when," Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) told reporters Wednesday [12/10/2014] after the committee's second hearing.

Beyond Benghazi: Massive Security Gaps in State Department Security on Hillary's Watch Revealed.  And this seems so unexpected coming as it does under the watch of a Secretary of State whose sole qualification was squelching "Bimbo Eruptions."

Trey Gowdy vows to 'keep asking questions' about Benghazi.  The head of a special House committee tasked with investigating the Benghazi attacks vowed to keep digging, despite another congressional panel debunking many conspiracies surrounding the 2012 incident.  "We may answer some [questions] more than once," said House Select Committee on Benghazi Chairman Trey Gowdy during a hearing Wednesday [12/10/2014].  "I would rather answer a question twice than risk not answering it at all.  That would seem a rather small investment."  The South Carolina Republican suggested his committee will hold monthly public hearings during early 2015, pledging to "keep asking questions until we have a complete understanding of what happened."

Obama Says His Job Is Assuring Equal Protection Under the Law — Really?  [M]aybe Obama could look into the matter of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, another prosecution by the president's own Justice Department.  In a blatant departure from equal protection principles, Nakoula was imprisoned for a violation of supervised release (the federal version of parole) that experienced probation officers and prosecutors would not even have brought to court, much less sought re-imprisonment over.  Turns out Nakoula was the producer of a video that portrayed Islam in a very unflattering light.  Having falsely claimed to have defeated al Qaeda, Obama needed a scapegoat when al Qaeda-affiliated jihadists attacked a U.S. compound in Benghazi, killing our ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.  So Nakoula was singled out and prosecuted, even though his production of the video was protected by the First Amendment.  He spent many months in prison.

GOP lawmakers highly critical of Petraeus' Benghazi explanation, testimony shows.  Newly declassified testimony shows at least five Republican lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee suggested former CIA Director David Petraeus provided bad information, or even misled them, after the 2012 Benghazi attack when he blamed an obscure Internet video and downplayed the significance of mortar attacks that night.

The Benghazi Report.  Defenders of the Obama administration have suggested that the intelligence committee's report makes the work of the select committee unnecessary, but a senior Republican leadership aide, reached on the day the intelligence committee's report was released, made the opposite argument.

GOP lawmakers, Benghazi survivors fume over House report.  A recent report by a GOP-led committee that was seen as going easy on the Obama administration's Benghazi response is drawing stinging complaints from a number of Republicans on the panel, as well as survivors of the attack.  Some GOP members on the House Intelligence Committee grumble that the final product "might as well have been written by the minority," while other House Republicans say they are frustrated with the committee's decision to release a report with so many "holes."

Gowdy Approaches Benghazi Minefield.  Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Wood was the commander of the 16-man Special Forces security detail at the U.S. embassy in Tripoli, Libya, until the State Department ordered him and his men home on August 5, 2012 and never replaced them.  Despite repeated pleas from Ambassador Chris Stevens and his State Department security officers in Tripoli that they remain in Libya, Washington wouldn't listen.

A Bad Night in Libya: Sharyl Attkisson on the Benghazi Cover-upStonewalled by Sharyl Attkisson is an account of an investigative reporter who wanted to follow the facts and refused to be intimidated by the Obama administration.  She was one of the few mainstream journalists who tried to seek out the truth regarding what happened on that tragic day of September 11th, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya when four Americans were murdered by Islamic terrorists.

Benghazi Heroes Debunk House Intel Report as 'Full of Inaccuracies' with Firsthand Account.  Since the release of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee's report on the Benghazi attacks this November, many uninformed people in the political and media world insisted the report "debunks" claims that the government did not sufficiently defend its embassy on September 11, 2012.  The report, however, is full of inaccuracies — but the authors of the report printed them anyway, despite testimony and other information that proved those statements wrong.

The Washington Post's Bogus Benghazi End-Zone Dance.  [T]he Committee found that the statements made by Susan Rice on multiple television news programs were not true.  The question thus becomes whether Rice, or some of those in the administration who contributed to the talking points Rice saw before making her incorrect statements, acted in bad faith.  The Intelligence Committee made no findings one way or the other on this highly-charged question.  Instead, it ducked questions of motivation and bad faith on the part of Rice and others in the administration.  Why doesn't the report address these matters?

Whitewash: "House Intelligence Report on Benghazi" is Bogus.  A close comparison of the report and other previously released information about the September 2012 attacks on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi shows that the operators have good reason to cry "foul." [...] In simple terms, this report is a whitewash of the CIA, which, along with the State Department, was responsible for arming and assisting the very jihadist militia groups that rose to power in the first place during the 2011 rebellion against Muammar Qaddafi, and who later murdered our people in Benghazi.  The biggest intelligence failure of all that is never mentioned is the failure to understand the essential hostility of the jihadist ideology of the groups with which our government was dealing.

Benghazi overview / timeline:
The Benghazi Brief — Ghosts Outside The Wire.  [Scroll down very slowly]  To the public Chris Stevens was a U.S. ambassador, a diplomat.  To the folks inside the State Dept and CIA, Chris Stevens was a U.S. Ambassador, AND a CIA operative coordinating covert arms sales.  In 2011 those arms shipments were to aid the Libyan rebels, in 2012 those same arms were redirected to aid the Syrian rebels.  Even after death the public face of Chris Stevens, the official role, was the only role able to be discussed.  The covert, or unofficial role, was not.  Again, we see the disconnect between inquiry that could be answered, and inquiry that could not be answered.  Many irreconcilables surface because of this intelligence role — even through today.

20 Ways Media Completely Misread Congress' Weak-Sauce Benghazi Report.  The media immediately turned [Benghazi] into a political story, focusing more anger on Mitt Romney's comments about the administration's blaming of a YouTube video critical of Islam than determining the facts of the attack itself.  Many in the media thought it fine that President Obama jetted off to a high-dollar fundraiser before the bodies cooled.  When various high-level government officials blamed either a YouTube video critical of Islam — or our laws protecting free speech, it didn't generate much controversy among big media.  The media tended to parrot White House talking points about the attack even years later.  So even though everyone with knowledge of the scene in Benghazi knew otherwise, the New York Times was claiming until Friday — just this past Friday [11/21/2014] — that al Qaeda had nothing to do with the attack on Benghazi.

Boehner reappoints Gowdy as head of House Select Committee on Benghazi.  House Speaker John Boehner announced Monday that he is reappointing Rep. Trey Gowdy as chairman of the House Select Committee probing the Benghazi attack.  Boehner said in a statement that there are still many unanswered questions about the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Libya.  U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans died in the attack.  "I look forward to the definitive report Chairman Gowdy and the Select Committee will present to the American people," Boehner, R-Ohio, said.

Sen. Lindsey Graham: GOP-led Benghazi report is 'full of crap'.  Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, has some harsh words for the recently released Benghazi report, led by his own party.  "I think the report is full of crap," Graham told Gloria Borger on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday [11/23/2014].  "I don't believe that the report is accurate, given the role that Mike Morell (deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency at the time) played in misleading the Congress on two different occasions.  Why didn't the report say that?"

About That Benghazi House Intel "Panel" Report Part II — The Rogers/Ruppersberger Motives Gain More Sunlight.  [D]espite how much the media want to avoid the sunlight there are too many people who understand the motives of Mike Rogers, including his own financial stake in the Benghazi security contract.

Benghazi: Absolutely, Positively No Gambling Going On at Rick's Café.  The final House Intelligence Committee Report on Benghazi received its Last Rites on Friday in a classic Washington media play — dump the body right before a holiday weekend, when everyone is too busy to actually take a close look at the corpse.  The press reacted predictably, scanning the report for the headlines: no "stand down," no denial of air support, no bad intel in days and weeks leading up to the attack, no U.S. shipments of arms to Syria, no gambling at Rick's Café.  Conservatives demolished.  MSNBC rejoices.

Trey Gowdy: We're Making Progress On Benghazi.  Trey Gowdy was wrapping up an interview with Megyn Kelly on The Kelly File [11/14/2014] when she asked the Representative from South Carolina what is happening with the investigation into the Benghazi attacks.  Gowdy told her that he is planning to interview some new witnesses to the terrorist attack that resulted in the deaths of four Americans.

House Intel Panel Debunks Many Benghazi Theories.  The CIA and the military acted properly in responding to the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, a Republican-controlled House committee has found.

Benghazi Annex Security Team Members Disagree Forcefully with House Intel Committee Report.  Saturday on C-SPAN's Book TV, CIA Benghazi annex security team members Kris Paronto and Mark Geist answered questions about a report released Friday by the House Intelligence Committee on the 9/11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in 2012.  The two former CIA contractors pushed back forcefully against parts of the the committee's conclusions about the night that Ambassador Chris Stevens, U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed in Benghazi.

GOP Sen: Republicans Should 'Move Beyond' Benghazi After New Report.  Appearing on Meet the Press Sunday morning [11/23/2014], Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) told NBC's Chuck Todd that his GOP colleagues need to move on from the Benghazi issue, in light of a newly-released report by the House Intelligence Committee that found no intelligence failures.  Todd asked Flake if Republicans should "drop the Benghazi conspiracy theories" after the new report cleared up some of the burning questions.  Flake said that while he had been skeptical about how Susan Rice and the Obama Administration portrayed the attack at first — which the report concluded there were, in fact, issues with those talking points — he acknowledged that Republicans should move beyond it.

About that Benghazi report.  To be clear, the report of the committee — chaired by Republican Mike Rogers of Michigan — paints a far less dark picture than some previous accounts from various actors involved in the events seemed to indicate.  But at the same time, the less than conclusive results don't paint the same pretty picture that you'll be hearing from Rachel Maddow, either.

And another thing about that Benghazi report.  The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence's final report on the 2012 Benghazi attack has restored the left's swagger.  The report, from which a variety of news organizations are deriving the headline "No intelligence failure in Benghazi attack," largely exonerates the CIA for their role in that deadly attack and clears the White House of the charge that it intentionally misled the public in the days and weeks following that attack.

CIA acted properly in Benghazi but slow to spot terrorism: Bipartisan report.  The House intelligence committee cleared the CIA of wrongdoing in the run-up to the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack and its actions during the assault, but said in a newly declassified report Friday that the way the agency wrote the controversial talking points afterwards was "flawed."  The bipartisan report says the CIA's initial talking points saying the attack was a protest against a video, while eventually proved to be incorrect, were based on intelligence the agency had at the time.  The CIA only came to the correct conclusion two weeks later, which was days after then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice used the erroneous talking points.

The Motives Behind The November Rogers/Ruppersberger "House Intelligence Panel" Report On Benghazi.  Those of you familiar with the Benghazi Brief will note the alignment and expectation of the Rogers/Ruppersberger report.  Their report is exactly as we anticipated it would be.  With a House Select Committee (Trey Gowdy) already in place, you might rightly ask yourself why did Mike Rogers and Dutch Ruppersberger even produce a report?  As you read their House Intelligence Panel Report on Benghazi it is important to note a few key aspects: [...]

Attkisson: Faith In Government Has Declined Due To Obama Administration Lies.  Having participated in politics and journalism from the front lines of our nation's capital for many years, Sharyl Attkisson, the veteran former CBS correspondent, worries that when our government can get away with lies, a "climate of distrust in America" spreads.  Speaking about the Benghazi terrorist attack that happened on Sept. 11, 2012, Attkisson discusses the pattern the Obama administration has followed.  "The story that we got after [Benghazi] first happened is so drastically different in almost every aspect from the truth that came out in subsequent months, slowly over time."

Sharyl Attkisson and the Transparency Lie.  [Scroll down]  Five days later, on October 24, CBS executives insisted Attkisson insert the "not simply mob violence" line into a report she was doing, again implying that Obama called Benghazi a terrorist attack on September 12.  Only after that report did Attkisson get to see the complete transcript of the Kroft interview.  She was horrified by what the editors had done.  She protested that this editing was "extremely unethical and dishonest."  Obama's "no act of terror" remark came towards the end of the Rose garden speech and encompassed 9-11 and terrorists act in general.  It had nothing to do with Benghazi.  He had told Kroft as much.  Romney had been right all along.

Typhoid Barry.  Barack Obama, electorally immune from defeat, has become an asymptomatic carrier of the defeat virus for Democrats.  With two more years of his term ahead, the party faces some very decisions.  Do they continue to shun him as they did during the campaign? [...] Then there is the tricky matter of the 2016 presidential race.  Does Hillary Clinton turn on him?  If she does, who knows what might leak out about her behavior the night of Benghazi?

Our Make-It-Up World.  Do bothersome facts matter anymore?  Not really. [...] The deaths of four Americans in Benghazi were caused by a video that sparked a riot, and then apparently not.  Various narratives about corruption and incompetence at the VA, IRS, NSA, GSA, and Secret Service are raised and then dropped.  The larger truth is that these scandals must be quarantined from infecting the president's progressive agenda.

6 Times Obama Declared Crisis, Then Did Nothing.  According to then-White House press secretary Jay Carney, the president was "committed to finding out what happened.  He is committed to making sure that those who killed four Americans are brought to justice, and he is committed to ensuring that actions are taken after the Accountability Review Board thoroughly assesses this matter, to make sure that what happened in Benghazi never happens again."  Not a single person was fired over the murder of four Americans including an ambassador of the United States in Libya.

Obama's Empathy Problem.  President Obama telegraphs indifference to Americans' well-being.  When the Benghazi compound was overrun and our ambassador killed, he first dissembled (blaming a video) and then thundered about retribution and justice, but what happened?  With the exception of one arrest, Benghazi has been dumped.  No one has paid a price for that attack on the U.S.

Holder Decision on Benghazi Case Reverberates.  Hours after learning that the United States ambassador to Libya and three others had been killed in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, senior American officials held a secure videoconference call to discuss how to proceed in investigating the attack.

19 Times the Government Withheld Documents It Didn't Want You to See.  [#18] Hillary Clinton Benghazi Documents.  Also this year, former Deputy Assistant Secretary Raymond Maxwell said he witnessed a Benghazi document-sorting session in October 2012 in the State Department basement.  He said then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, and her deputy, Jake Sullivan, were present.

What Happened to the 'Sensitive Information' Stolen in Benghazi?  The Justice Department has released a new, superseding indictment in the government's case against Ahmed Abu Khatallah, the only suspect held by the U.S. in connection with the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.  The indictment, of course, doesn't come close to telling the whole story.  But we do learn a few new facts, and the indictment raises, again, a key question:  What happened to the computers and documents captured by jihadists during the raid on the U.S. Mission and Annex?

New Benghazi indictment confirms computers with classified information [were] stolen.  An indictment Tuesday [10/14/2014] of a Libyan militant already behind bars for the 2012 Benghazi attack that killed four Americans confirms that computers with sensitive and classified information were stolen from the consulate during the assault.  Fox News was first to report in July that at least two computers were stolen from the consulate.  While the State Department initially dismissed Fox's report, the new, 18-count indictment against Ahmed Abu Khattala confirms that sensitive and classified information was lost, including the location of the top secret CIA annex.

U.S. files death penalty charges against Benghazi suspect.  A federal grand jury issued a new indictment on Tuesday [10/14/2014] that includes a possible death penalty against Ahmed Abu Khatallah, a Libyan militant accused of involvement in the September 2012 attacks on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.

Account of Clinton Aide's Benghazi Document Sifting Familiar to Career Public Servant.  To Sonya Gilliam, a recent account of improper sorting of Benghazi-related documents at the State Department brought back vivid memories of her own encounters with high-level government officials who withheld, deleted or destroyed public records.  And one name stood out for its familiarity:  Cheryl Mills.  A former deputy assistant secretary of state had told The Daily Signal that Mills was present during an after-hours document operation in a basement room of the State Department in October 2012.  Mills was chief of staff to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Panetta: 'Nobody Bears the Fault' for Benghazi.  Those who see Leon Panetta as a stalking horse for Hillary Clinton just got some more ammunition for their argument.  Last week, Panetta helped distance Hillary from President Obama's foreign policy failures by blasting Obama for mistakes in Syria and Iraq.  But today, discussing the foreign policy issue on which Hillary is most vulnerable — Benghazi — Panetta suddenly became very forgiving.  Appearing on the Diane Rehm show, Panetta declared "nobody is to blame for Benghazi."

Obama's Juvenile Communications Team.  Can't the greatest communicator on earth educate and inform instead of distract and prevaricate?  Can't a team that takes many billions of dollars of taxpayer money come up with a better way to formulate and pitch policy than relying on tweets and silliness?  Instead we get comments such as "dude that was two years ago" to explain away the Benghazi disaster and divert blame from Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton form a former van driver turned National Security Council spokesman, Tommy Vietor.

Army Refuses to Release Findings of Bergdahl Investigation.  According to a report in the San Antonio News Express the US Army has completed but is refusing to release its investigation into the suspected desertion of Army PFC Bowe Bergdahl who walked off his base in Afghanistan in 2009.  He subsequently fell into the hands of Taliban forces who held him captive for five years.  His release, which was orchestrated and executed by the Obama Administration without the consent of Congress, swapped Bergdahl for the five most senior Taliban commanders held in captivity has arguably become the most controversial prisoner exchange in the history of the country.

Why Won't Republicans Get to the Bottom of Benghazi?  Something bothers me about the first and only hearing of the House Select Committee on Benghazi.  Something I haven't been able to shake.  It was a desultory hearing.  That's not the main thing that bothers me, but it grates.  Many Americans still seek real accountability for the jihadist-empowering policies and recklessly irresponsible security arrangements that preceded the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack — to say nothing of the fraud and stonewalling that followed it.  We were thus cheered when the GOP-controlled House finally appointed a select investigative committee ... although we were equally puzzled why it took so much prodding, why Republican leadership seemed so reluctant.  Five months have elapsed since then, and the committee has not exactly been a bundle of energy.

Panetta: I Immediately Knew that Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack.  Former Obama Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has dropped what may be the biggest bombshell yet on his former boss.  Panetta appeared on MSNBC today and explained that he knew, from the beginning, that the attack on the U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, was a terrorist attack.  President Obama did not see it that way, and his actions that night remain a mystery.

The News Is Fit to Print But Are Major News Organizations Fit to Report It?  Last week, The Daily Signal reported on an after-hours operation at the State Department to "separate damaging documents related to the September 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi" before they were turned over to the Accountability Review Board.  In that report, former State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary Ray Maxwell said he not only witnessed and took part in these events, but that top Hillary Clinton officials were present.  In response to this story, a deputy spokeswoman for the State Department responded with a series of non-denial denials that evoked the same feeling of carefully crafted evasiveness as Bill Clinton's now-infamous grand jury utterance "It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is."

Courage and Honor in the Benghazi Battles.  If you're looking for a compelling read you need look no further than the tale told by the "Shooters" of their fights to rescue, defend, and evacuate the survivors of the 2012 Benghazi assaults.  It is an extraordinary and exciting first-hand account of the courageous and honorable actions of a few men (hereinafter called "the rescuers") who took it upon themselves to do their duty and act — some of them against orders — when others did not, could not, or would not act.  By (as put by them) "doing their duty," their actions managed to save comrades who were in distress and then, similarly, saved and extracted themselves and many others from dire circumstances.

The Unspoken Obama Lie That Led to Benghazi.  To make a difference going forward, Trey Gowdy and the House's Benghazi select committee may want to ask how the U.S. got involved in Libya in the first place.  What they will discover is that Barack Obama borrowed a page from the Clinton playbook on Kosovo, a lethal exercise in mendacity unparalleled in recent American history.

Benghazi Cover Up.  Judicial Watch report available for download

CIA Emails Show Benghazi Attackers May Have Had Man On Inside 13 Hours.  An overlooked reference in CIA emails sent just two days after the assault on Benghazi leads to speculation that officials believed the attackers had help on the inside.  The declassified emails detail communications between Administration officials on September 14, 2012, as they crafted the (now, infamous) "Benghazi Talking Points".

Democratic Lawmakers Call Benghazi Security Officers Liars.  The last we heard from Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., a member of the House Intelligence Committee, was in May.  That's when he told Chris Wallace on "Fox News Sunday" he thought the planned select committee to investigate the 2012 Benghazi attack was a "colossal waste of time."  Calling the yet-to-be-approved committee a "tremendous red herring," Schiff said:  "I don't think it makes sense, really, for Democrats to participate."

Obama is at Two Dozen Scandals and Counting.  [For example,] Benghazi: This is actually three scandals in one:
  •   The failure of administration to protect the Benghazi mission.
  •   The changes made to the talking points in order to suggest the attack was motivated by an anti-Muslim video.
  •   The refusal of the White House to say what President Obama did the night of the attack.

Family of former SEAL killed in Benghazi to sue State Dept., CIA for $2M.  The family of Glen Doherty, the former Navy SEAL killed in the 2012 Benghazi terror attack, has filed a $2 million claim against the CIA and the State Department.  Barbara Doherty, the CIA contractor and former SEAL's mother, filed a claim last week with the two government agencies for $1 million each.  The family does not believe there was adequate security at the U.S. diplomatic outpost and a CIA annex when they were attacked Sept. 11, 2012.

Seal's family files suit.  The Bay State family of a former Navy SEAL killed in the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack is suing his life insurance company, saying the policy he was forced to take out is "essentially worthless" because none of his surviving relatives can collect the benefits.

State Department Used 'Made Up' Name In Order To Ignore Security Needs In Benghazi.  In Benghazi Select Committee hearings on Capitol Hill on Wednesday [9/17/2014], Todd Keil, a member of the Independent Panel on Best Practices that was conducted following the attacks on the embassy, testified that Hillary Clinton's State Department "made up" a new term for the facility in Libya in order to avoid meeting security requirements.  Congressman Peter Roskam of Illinois asked Keil to explain what a "Special Mission Compound" is, and got the frank answer that Keil just plain doesn't know.

Sharyl Attkisson: Obama's Whereabouts During Benghazi Attacks Are 'Unacceptably Private'.  Attkisson said that the White House is misleading the public about the ongoing releases of information that they've offered regarding the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2012 on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  "This White House measures its supposed transparency by the number of hearings, the pages of documents, never mind that the documents that are really necessary are missing or redacted, but they just count numbers and use that to prove, as they say, that they are the most transparent administration in history."

Benghazi Select Committee hearings begin.  An odd mixture of theatre, seriousness, and even a bit of unintentional self-parody from Rep. Elijah Cummings, kicked off the House Select Committee hearings on Benghazi.  On Wednesday [9/17/2014], the Committee held its first hearing. [...] When referring to the four men who needlessly died in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, Congressman Elijah Cummings stated:  "Their names must be etched in our memory banks."  And then he proceeded to read their names off a piece of paper.  So much for his memory bank.

Gowdy grills first witness in Benghazi hearings; Hillary might be in trouble already.  Wednesday's [9/17/2014] hearings by the House Select Committee on Benghazi got off to a rocky start for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — even if she wasn't in the room.  Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., grilled lead off witness Gregory Starr, an assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security, noting that the department's security procedures hadn't improved since the 1998 twin embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania — and Clinton should be familiar with since she was in the White House at the time as first lady.

On MSNBC, Luke Russert Dismisses Benghazi Hearing as Repetitive, Expensive.  While CNN and MSNBC were too busy discussing the NFL and the investigation of Joan Rivers' death to give any time to the House Select Committee on Benghazi, MSNBC host Jose Diaz-Balart managed to carve out two full minutes of his program on Wednesday for NBC's Luke Russert to blast the hearing for being partisan and expensive.  Russert made sure to describe the committee from the Democratic point of view, explaining their misgivings over the lack of a "long-term strategy" and "planning in terms of the rules of the committee."  Russert ended his left-wing report by blasting the hearing for "com(ing) in a tune ... of $3.3 million cost to taxpayers."  Apparently MSNBC's big government liberals only care about cost when conservatives are spending the money.

Politico Absurdly Avoids Attkisson Bombshell in Hillary Benghazi Story.  Imagine the absurdity of reporting on supporters of Richard Nixon during the Watergate hearings with no mention of the White House Plumbers who performed the break-in at the complex.  Such is the case now with Politico reporting on groups of Hillary Clinton supporters who will be defending her during the Congressional Benghazi hearings which makes absolutely no mention of the Sharyl Attkisson's report about how Hillary's aides at the State Department scrubbed the Benghazi documents of possibly incriminating information.

9 Top Questions for the Benghazi Select Committee.  [#9]  Finally and most mysteriously, where was the nation's commander-in-chief and what was he doing during this crisis?  We get minute-by-minute tick-tocks of his whereabouts and actions during other events, such as the Osama bin Laden assassination.  Clinton said she talked to him early that evening.  Then, Poof! Obama disappears.  Neither he nor aides have offered any explanation.

The Editor says...
Obviously the President was engaging in some reprehensible act that would end his career if the truth were to be publicized.  Otherwise we would have heard a rational explanation long ago.

Will politics doom the Benghazi committee's investigation?  The Republicans in the House who spearheaded the formation of a special Select Committee on Benghazi have insisted that their investigations into the Sept. 11, 2012 attack won't be politically motivated.  Democrats joined the committee with the aim of keeping politics out of the effort.  Still, ahead of the committee's first public hearing, neither Democrats nor Republicans have seemed capable of defusing one of the most politically-charged issues in Washington.

'Incredibly serious': Cover-up claims in spotlight ahead of Benghazi hearing.  Allegations that Hillary Clinton allies may have tried to shield the former secretary of State in the wake of the Benghazi terror attack are coming to the forefront ahead of the first public hearing of the special congressional committee probing the attack and its aftermath.  Speaking with Fox News, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the select committee, on Tuesday [9/16/2014] made clear he eventually plans to call former acting CIA director Mike Morell to testify — alleging the former boss "intentionally scrubbed" the so-called talking points that were the basis for the administration's flawed public narrative about the attack.

Hillary's "Plumbers" Hid Benghazi Docs.  [Scroll down]  Mullen and Pickering claimed that they had "unfettered access" to Benghazi documents.  But now, it turns out, that may not be true.  Former Deputy Assistant Secretary Raymond Maxwell, one of four placed on administrative leave and then reinstated, told former CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, now at the Daily Signal, of a weekend operation in a State Department basement office to filter out and hide any damaging documents from ARB that might put the State Department and its top diplomat, Hillary Clinton, in a bad light.

Pro-Clinton groups gear up for Benghazi hearings.  As a select House committee probing the 2012 attacks in Benghazi convenes Wednesday [9/17/2014], three Democratic outside groups are mobilizing to protect Hillary Clinton from any fallout.

Gowdy: 'We Have Heard All of That Before'.  Congressman Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) delivered a powerful opening statement at the outset of the House Select Committee hearing on Benghazi.  Gowdy, who has accused the Obama administration of engaging in a "systematic effort" to hide documents relating to the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, dismissed attempts by Democrats to portray the Select Committee as a politically-motivated witch hunt aimed at tarnishing the record of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: [...]

Patriots Vow to Fight on for Benghazi Answers.  Questions about the Obama administration's decision to let helpless Americans die in the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya two years ago won't go away anytime soon.  But that won't stop former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who desperately wants to be the next president, from trying to make the whole Benghazi episode that happened under her watch go away.  So far the Clinton operation isn't working.

Charge: Benghazi Boiler Room Operation Hid Documents.  A top former State Department official is charging that senior aides convened an after-hours Foggy Bottom operation to sift through Benghazi-related documents and separate out those that might be damaging to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  The documents were supposed to be turned over the the Accountability Review Board, an internal State Department probe that has been criticized for not addressing the potential culpability in the Benghazi matter of Clinton or President Obama.

Clinton State Department Official Reveals Details of Alleged Document Review.  As the House Select Committee on Benghazi prepares for its first hearing this week, a former State Department diplomat is coming forward with a startling allegation:  Hillary Clinton confidants were part of an operation to "separate" damaging documents before they were turned over to the Accountability Review Board investigating security lapses surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya.

Select Committee On Benghazi First Public Hearing Scheduled For This Week.  As most readers are now aware the Benghazi FUBAR is essentially two-thirds a result of bad policy, and one-third a result of terrible decisions as a result of that bad policy. [...] And, as we are painfully aware, the State Department leadership is a tight circle of like-minded ideologues not expected to break ranks with the White House.  Similarly the CIA is now under the tight control of John Brennan — so we should not look for any internal revelations, at least publicly.

Judicial Watch Announces Three New Lawsuits against Obama Administration for Records Relating to Benghazi Attack.  Earlier this year, as a result of a separate FOIA lawsuit, Judicial Watch forced the release of an email from then-White House Deputy Strategic Communications Adviser Ben Rhodes showing that the Obama White House was behind the false talking points that blamed an Internet video and spontaneous demonstrations for the Benghazi attack.  This belated disclosure, which was kept from Congress, spurred House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) to request and obtain House approval for a special Select Committee, led by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), to investigate the Benghazi scandal.

Retired General John Allen Selected for ISIS Campaign.  [Scroll down]  Remember, the explosive yet underreported aspect to Paula Broadwell in 2012 was her discussing highly classified information about the Benghazi Annex also being a CIA rendition and black op's site.  Because everyone was so focused on Hillary Clinton's congressional testimony almost no-one paid Broadwell's massive revelation any further attention.  No one followed up with questioning of anyone about it.  Now, watch again what Benghazi Contractor Mark "Oz" Geist was saying in the Bret Baier interview about his role that night[.]  [Video clip]

'Where There's Smoke There's Fire,' So Somebody's Lying.  Hidden things have a habit of coming to light after a while.  This is especially true when the hidden thing is an exposed lie, propagated by more lies and cover ups, and involves the lives of four Americans, Ambassador Christopher Stevens, U.S. Foreign Service Manager Sean Smith and two former Navy SEALs, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, who were left alone to die at the hands of Islamic fanatics with no attempt at rescue on September 11, 2012.  The issue was supposedly laid to rest by a congressional hearing, but only to the satisfaction of partisan politicians, lapdog journalists and those who think Obama is incapable of mistakes and downright wrongdoing.

Benghazi anniversary: Two years later America still waiting to learn real story.  It was a searing moment in American history that showed us at our very best — and, sadly, our worst.  It was an event that will be remembered for the courageous heroism of some, and the feckless self-centeredness of others. [...] The courage and selfless patriotism that was shown that night in Libya will forever stand in stark contrast to the 24 months of cowering, cover-ups and political posterior-covering half a world away in Washington.

Two years after Benghazi, US Attorney's Office wants more time to prosecute suspect.  The Obama administration promised swift justice after a terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi killed four Americans — but exactly two years later, the U.S. attorney's office wants more time to prosecute Ahmed abu Khatallah, the only suspect in custody.  "You're dealing with classified information and a terrorist who was part of Al Qaeda for two decades, and so it doesn't surprise me at all that we've ended up in this place," Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., who sits on both the House Intelligence and Benghazi Select committees, told Fox News.

Former CBS Reporter Sharyl Attkisson Amazed: 'We Still Have No Idea' What Obama Did About Benghazi on 9/11/12.  On the original 9/11, the scale of murder of American civilians was so high (presumed to be much higher than the actual toll of the lost) and the size of the ongoing threat was so uncertain that the media obsessed over President Bush's movements and kvetched (at least off air, as I heard in the White House briefing room on 9/12) about the slowness of his return to Washington that day.  The media's protective response toward Obama with just weeks before the election translated into a jaw-dropping incuriosity about what happened in real time.

While Benghazi Still Smolders, ISIS Burns Bright.  Though the fires that consumed our diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, two years ago tonight have long since been put out, the incident still smolders in our minds.  Is it because we have never been able to get at the truth behind the attacks?  Because we still don't know what the president said, did, or didn't do in the thirteen hours Americans were under fire?  Is it because the memoirs of people such as Hillary Clinton are still publishing the risible fiction that the attacks were caused by an obscure anti-Muslim video?  Or is it because the Obama administration has for two years masterfully ducked, dodged, and bluffed congressional investigators in the most successful cover-up in living memory?

Revealed: State Department had specific warnings about weak Benghazi security nearly Three months before deadly 2012 terror attack.  Security contractors warned Hillary Clinton's U.S. State Department nearly three months before a deadly 2012 terror attack on its diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya that guards were quitting at an alarming rate, leaving the facility vulnerable to assault.  Judicial Watch, a center-right watchdog group, said Tuesday [9/9/2014] that it obtained damning emails as part of a Freedom Of Information Act lawsuit against the State Department.  They paint a picture of frantic warnings about armed security personnel not showing up to work and refusing to work night shifts because they were afraid of the Islamist militia that ultimately killed America's ambassador to Libya and three other Americans as they laid waste to the compound.

Attorney [for] Benghazi Whistleblowers Harassed By House Intel Committee.  Victoria Toensing, an attorney representing Benghazi whistleblower Greg Hicks, claimed that the House Intelligence Committee harassed witnesses during its investigation into Benghazi on Tuesday's [9/9/2014] "Fox & Friends" on the Fox News Channel.

Yes, A Stand-Down Order Was Given In Benghazi Attack.  [Scroll down]  In a bombshell interview with Fox News anchor Bret Baier aired last week, the three members of the annex security team, whose credibility was etched in blood on that rooftop that fateful night, say they had a team assembled and were ready to proceed to the besieged consulate within five minutes of notice of the attack.  They were held back by the top CIA security officer in Benghazi, they say, an officer identified only as "Bob."  "It had probably been 15 minutes, I think, and ... I just said 'Hey, you know, we gotta — we need to get over there, we're losing the initiative,'" Tiegen told Baier in the interview.  "And Bob just looks at me and said, 'Stand down, you need to wait.'"

One Thing Hillary Clinton's Memoir Doesn't Explain About Benghazi.  [Scroll down]  Stevens also said the department's Regional Security Officer had "expressed concerns with the ability to defend Post [in Benghazi] in the event of a coordinated attack due to limited manpower, security measures, weapons capabilities, host nation support, and the overall size of the compound."  So, why did Stevens go there?  Gregory Hicks, who served with Stevens as the deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in a May 8, 2013 hearing that one reason was that Clinton wanted to make Benghazi a permanent U.S. diplomatic mission.

GOP's Benghazi committee prepares for media spotlight.  The rising threat from Islamic extremists has set the stage for Republicans to make a splash with the launch of their Benghazi investigation next week. [...] "ISIS has now woken up the American people to the fact that the threat is real, and Benghazi is certainly symptomatic of that," said Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas), who is not a member of the Benghazi panel, in an interview.

Fox News' Special Re-ignites the Benghazi Scandal.  Fox News aired new revelations this weekend in its documentary based on the forthcoming book, 13 Hours in Benghazi, but the left is not interested in what it calls old news. Benghazi is a "phony scandal," right?  In fact, the left is on the defensive about this story, and is releasing salvos from all quarters.

Benghazi Security Contractors: About 25 Americans Are Still Alive Because We Broke 'Stand Down' Order.  The Obama administration, the CIA, and even some congressional committees — they all said there "was no 'stand down' order."  But now five men who helped ward off the terrorists that attacked U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya two years ago say it's only because they defied such an order that as many as 25 Americans are alive today.

Reliving Benghazi's 13 Hours.  The story of the attacks on both Compounds, the bravery of the Annex Security Team and others — as well as the apparent cowardice of some, including the CIA station chief on location — is told in a riveting new book entitled 13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened In Benghazi.

Obama's Untruth, Inc.  Recent disclosures by some of the combatants about the night of the Benghazi attack remind us that almost everything Jay Carney, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and President Obama swore in the aftermath of the debacle was knowingly false.  A video did not cause the attack.  The rioting was not spontaneous.  A video-maker, an American resident, was soon jailed, while one of the suspected killers was giving taped interviews at a coffee house in Benghazi.  There were ways of securing the consulate and the annex that were not explored, both before and during the assault.  Talking points were altered.  Again, the catalyst for untruth was reelection worries by an administration that believes its exalted ends of social justice allow any means necessary for reaching them.

Fox News' Greta reveals the White House called on her to squelch reporting on Benghazi!.  In a really amazing but unbelievable segment on her Fox News' show, Greta Van Susteren revealed that the Obama administration called her and pressured her to persuade a colleague against investigating too deeply into Benghazi! [Video clip]

Benghazi Victim's Mom: Obama, Hillary 'Killed my Kid'.  Pat Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, one of the victims of the 2012 terrorist attacks against the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya reacted to reports from security officers who were on the ground on the night of the attacks that they were told to wait to provide aide to the besieged consulate by saying that Hillary Clinton and President Obama "killed my kid."

U.S. seeks delay in case against Benghazi terrorism suspect Abu Khattala.  Federal prosecutors have turned over more than 2,900 pages of documents and 45 hours of videos to the defense for Ahmed Abu Khattala, the suspected ringleader of the September 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans, but need more time to prepare the terrorism conspiracy case, according to a court filing released overnight Friday [9/5/2014].

Demand truth about Benghazi.  Are you tired of being lied to yet? [...] This last Friday night [9/5/2014], an interview was aired which should convince American citizens once and for all that their government is not telling the truth about what happened in Libya two years ago.  That's been obvious to many of us for months, but despite the naming of a select committee by the U.S. House of Representatives to investigate what could have happened, what should have happened, and what really did happen in Benghazi, we still know precious little.  But as of Friday, we know a little more — and it's not good.

Benghazi truth emerges.  U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and three other Americans — including Winchester native Glen Doherty — lost their lives in the brutal attack by Islamist terrorists who launched RPGs, mortars and heavy fire into both the consulate and nearby annex — for 13 hours — while the White House and State Department ignored their cries for help.  When our consulate was attacked, these three CIA first responders wanted to immediately rush over to the compound to rescue Stevens and other personnel but say they were repeatedly told to wait and "stand down" for nearly 30 minutes by their CIA base chief, who was with them that deadly night.  Their team leader was a CIA official who got direct orders from Washington to wait multiple times.

Ex-official claims Clinton allies scrubbed Benghazi documents in secret session.  A former State Department official has told lawmakers that Hillary Clinton allies privately removed politically damaging documents before turning over files to the supposedly independent board investigating the Benghazi terror attack.  The account from Raymond Maxwell, former head of the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (NEA), was first published in The Daily Signal.  Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, confirmed to on Monday [9/15/2014] that Maxwell told him and other lawmakers the same story when they privately interviewed him last year about the attacks and their aftermath.

Obama administration pressured Fox News to back off Benghazi reporting.  This past Friday [9/5/2014], Greta Van Susteren reported on numerous ways the Obama administration has made it difficult for reporters to investigate Benghazi.  Van Susteren said that it's been "like pulling teeth" trying to get answers and that "the Obama administration's behavior post-Benghazi has been weird; like they're hiding something."  She went on to say that as Fox News continued to investigate and press for answers, the administration's behavior got "even weirder.["]

Rep. Gohmert: Obama "Let Those People Die" In Benghazi.  Kris Paronto, Mark Geist, and John Tiegen were members of the special annex team that battled terrorists during the attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11th, 2012.  On last night's "Special Report," they told Bret Baier a stand-down order costed [sic] them 30 minutes and perhaps, Ambassador Stevens' and Sean Smith's life.

Top Intel Dem: 'No evidence' for Benghazi 'stand down' claim.  The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee on Friday said new allegations that U.S. commandos were ordered to "stand down" during the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, aren't supported by findings from House and Senate investigators.  Five commandos who survived the Benghazi attack, which claimed the lives of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, made the allegation in a new book, accusing the CIA station chief of delaying a rescue mission.

Top CIA officer in Benghazi delayed response to terrorist attack, US security team members claim.  A U.S. security team in Benghazi was held back from immediately responding to the attack on the American diplomatic mission on orders of the top CIA officer there, three of those involved told Fox News' Bret Baier.  Their account gives a dramatic new turn to what the Obama administration and its allies would like to dismiss as an "old story" — the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

CIA chief reportedly stopped 5 American commandos from responding to attack on Benghazi base: book.  A C.I.A. station chief reportedly stopped five American commandos from responding immediately to the attack on a U.S. diplomatic base in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012 that left four Americans dead, it was reported Thursday [9/4/2014].  "13 Hours," a book written by the five commandos that is due out next week, says the C.I.A chief had them wait in a car for 20 minutes while the attack took place about a mile away, according to The New York Times, which obtained a copy.  Four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens, were killed when terrorists stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012.

Gohmert: Obama Admin Hush Tactics on Benghazi 'Very Insidious'.  On Friday's "America's Newsroom" on the Fox News Channel, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) reacted to three security operators on duty at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi stepping forward and tying U.S. inaction directly to the death of former U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.  Gohmert explained the need to determine the truth but he took aim at the alleged strong-arm tactics the Obama administration has used in keeping those involved with the Sept. 11, 2012 incident quiet.

Benghazi coming back with a vengeance in September.  The special House committee investigating Benghazi is finally expected to begin its work, in earnest, with its first hearing the week Congress returns from August recess.  Meanwhile, two books promising explosive new allegations about the terror attack will hit shelves in September, and Fox News plans to air a new, one-hour documentary on the attack this week, featuring exclusive interviews with Americans who fought in the onslaught.

Obama's 5 Worst Foreign Policy Decisions.  [#5]  Benghazi:  Congress is still investigating Benghazi, but best case scenario, the Obama Administration got Americans killed in Libya by ignoring their repeated requests for more security in a dangerous part of the world.  Worst case scenario, the Obama Administration got them killed, deliberately misled the public about what happened for political purposes, and did nothing when it could have conceivably acted and saved their lives.

Rand Paul: Benghazi "precludes" Hillary Clinton's 2016 bid.  Marking another milestone on his warpath against Hillary Clinton's status as the early 2016 Democratic presidential front-runner, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., took advantage of a friendly audience Friday to knock the biggest blemish on her record as secretary of state:  the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist strike at a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans.

Benghazi chairman says probe should end in '15.  Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chairman of the House select committee on the attacks in Benghazi, Libya, says the panel's work should be done by the end of 2015, according to a report.  "Assuming cooperation from agencies, witnesses and the administration," Gowdy told The New York Times, the committee should have concluded its investigation before 2016.  The timeline is relevant because Democrats say the committee is looking to tarnish Hillary Clinton, who was secretary of State during the attacks, and the closer the investigation gets to the presidential election, the more damage it could do.

Democrats Wary of Benghazi Inquiry Stretching Into '16 Election Season.  A House Republican-led investigation of the 2012 terrorist attack on an American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, will extend well into next year, and possibly beyond, raising concerns among Democrats that Republicans are trying to damage Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential prospects.  Representative Trey Gowdy, Republican of South Carolina and the chairman of the House select committee on Benghazi, said his go-slow investigation was not motivated by politics.  He said that he had gone out of his way to maintain good relations with Democrats on the committee, asking Representative Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the panel's ranking Democrat, to join him in private meetings in July with family members of the four Americans killed in Libya in July.

Three-star army general to lead legal team for Benghazi Select Committee.  Lt. Gen. Dana Chipman, 55, attended West Point and received his law degree from Stanford Law School in 1986, according to public reports.  He also holds a Master of Science degree in Strategic Studies.  He will serve as Chief Counsel of the Select Committee.  Chipman retired from the military last year after 33 years of service.  His retirement ceremony was hosted by Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey, whose actions have come under scrutiny as part of the Congressional investigation into the limited military response to the Benghazi terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2012.

The Benghazi Brief.  As with all complex stories the valuable discoveries come with time.  This Brief has been updated to include newly spotlighted research on Syria and ISIL.  Most importantly the previously unknown "Second Presidential Finding Memo" to the CIA in 2012 specifically directed to arm/aid ISIL in Syria.  The new information from the month before the Benghazi attack explains the motive of the Turkish delegation toward Chris Stevens.

The Hell That is the Obama White House.  Every sentient human being whose brain isn't stuffed with ideological fairy dust can see that Obama is behind every major scandal of his administration from Benghazi to the I.R.S. disgrace.  How can one know this?  Because the culprits haven't been fired.  Moreover, if they are serial liars like Susan Rice, they've actually been promoted to posts where their loyalty to the criminal-in-chief can do America and its citizens even more damage, if that is possible.  A president faced with a scandal created by underlings behind his back would be naturally furious at their misbehavior, and want heads to roll.  This didn't happen in any of these scandals because their point of origin was the White House itself.  Promoting the culprits is a way of keeping them quiet.

Delta Force Marine awarded Navy Cross for fight at CIA annex in Benghazi.  In a unique battlefield commendation, a Marine Corps member of Delta Force has been awarded the nation's second-highest military honor for coming to the defense of Americans last year at a CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya.

The deception of the House Benghazi report.  [Scroll down]  Unfortunately, the dialogue about Benghazi has been deliberately manipulated into a series of meaningless talking points that include, but are not limited to, "security failures," lack of diplomatic security, "intelligence failures," and dialogue intended to detract from the bigger picture.  Meanwhile, the jubilant journalists who are compensating for their premature elation by relishing in the forthcoming HPSCI report should not be so selfish in their delight.  Like them, the bipartisan HPSCI is not privy to the entire play, nor do they hold the full script.  The truth will only be revealed by an aggressive and subpoena heavy cast of characters compelled to expose all that they know.  Whether the Benghazi Select Committee led by Gowdy can pull it off remains to be seen.

Gowdy Prepares for First Benghazi Hearing.  The special House committee investigating the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi will hold its first public hearing in September about changes the State Department has made to better protect diplomats, Rep. Trey Gowdy said Wednesday [7/30/2014].  Gowdy, the committee's Republican chairman, also said the panel is gaining access to witnesses that didn't participate in previous congressional investigations into the attacks.  "I know I'm biased, but one of the good parts about running an investigation in a way that appears to be serious-minded is that witnesses who were previously unavailable or not interested in cooperating are now interested in cooperating," Gowdy said.  "The universe of witnesses is expanding."

The Ben Rhodes Story: How A Hack Writer Crafted the Benghazi Talking Points of a Lifetime.  Republican South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the Benghazi Select Committee, said this week that no witnesses are off limits in his committee's investigation into the Benghazi cover-up.  So who will he subpoena?  Here's a suggestion:  How about Ben Rhodes.  Ben Rhodes, the 37-year old little brother of CBS News president David Rhodes, is a national security adviser to President Obama.  He also happens to be an Upper East Side literary type who took a Master's in Fiction from NYU.  Real serious artist.  Rhodes was the one who edited the White House's Benghazi talking points to focus the blame on spontaneous reaction to a YouTube video, rather than an al-Qaeda attack.

Family members of Benghazi victims confident House probe will produce truth.  Family members of the four Americans who died in the 2012 Benghazi attack told Fox News Wednesday [7/30/2014] that after meeting with members of the House committee probing the attack, they have never been more confident that investigators will get to the truth.  They also said there was a surprising amount of common ground between Republicans and Democrats on the highly charged Benghazi Select Committee chaired by Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C.

Nakoula B. Nakoula must have made another inflammatory internet video!
Islamic militants seize Benghazi as U.S. evacuates Libya.  Fighting in Libya escalated Thursday as Islamic militias claimed to control the country's second-largest city, Benghazi, while foreigners and U.N. workers continued their exodus in what increasingly is looking like a full-blown civil war.  The Islamic hard-liners' announcement in Benghazi marked a defeat for the forces of renegade Gen. Khalifa Hifter, who for months has pursued a self-declared campaign to stamp out armed militant groups.  Once firmly in control of the eastern port city, Gen. Hifter's troops now appear to hold only the airport on Benghazi's outskirts.

Head of Benghazi probe says no witnesses off limits, including Clinton.  The Republican head of the Benghazi Select Committee warned Tuesday [7/29/2014] that no witnesses would be off limits in its upcoming probe and that he would consider going to court, if necessary, to compel testimony.  "I can't skip over a witness that I think we ought to talk to simply because there is an assertion of either privilege or immunity,"Chairman Trey Gowdy of South Carolina told Fox News in an exclusive interview.  He said that while he has received good cooperation to date, and the issue had not yet arisen, "if you mean to say that 'not only can they not talk, they don't have to come,' you have to litigate that."

Benghazi Select Committee to Meet With Victims' Families This Week.  Members of the House's Select Committee on Benghazi will meet this week with family members of the four Americans who were killed at the Libyan embassy two years ago, members of the committee told National Journal.  The meeting will be the first between members of the select committee, which was formed in May, and victims' families.  The families have appeared before Congress in the past, having testified before the House Oversight Committee just a year after the initial attacks.

Ted Cruz to block State Dept. nominees until IG nominated.  Sen. Ted Cruz said Wednesday [7/23/2014] he will hold up all presidential nominees for the State Department until President Barack Obama nominates an inspector general for the department.  The Texas Republican said that the attacks on Americans in Benghazi as well as overspending in overseas conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq underscore the need for Obama to select a watchdog to the State Department, which has been missing a permanent IG since Obama assumed the presidency in 2009.

Charlie Rose Waits Almost a Full Hour to Ask Hillary About Benghazi.  PBS's Charlie Rose opened his 62 minute-long interview with Hillary Clinton, aired in two parts on Thursday and Friday's Charlie Rose show, by reciting a Maya Angelou poem dedicated to the former Secretary of State.  Almost an hour later Rose finally asked Clinton about the Benghazi scandal.  In the second part of the interview, aired at the end of Friday's [7/18/2014] show, Rose waited until his last question, with just a little over 3 minutes of interview time left, to finally bring up Benghazi.

Sources: Militia blamed for Benghazi attack moved next door to US Consulate before strike.  Members of the Islamist extremist militia blamed for the Benghazi terror attack had moved in next door to the U.S. Consulate months before the strike but "nothing was done" despite concerns about the dangerous neighbors, sources tell Fox News.  Sources say members of Ansar al-Sharia moved to the house just outside the east wall of the compound within three weeks of American personnel renting the facility, and later used the location to help plan and take part in the attack on the American Consulate on Sept. 11, 2012.  The neighbors prompted multiple security requests — including repeated requests up until the day of the attack — for more weapons and personnel.

Timely Malaysian Airliner Investigation, But Not for Benghazi.  Samantha Power, US Ambassador to the United Nations, gave an impassioned speech to the UN after passage of Security Council Resolution 2166 on the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17.  She is justifiably "horrified and enraged" by the post crash cover-up.  Specifically, "by the clear intention of some to obstruct an investigation into how the passengers and crew died."  How rich.  Where was similar "horror and outrage" when the President, Secretary of State, White House Press Secretary, and UN Ambassador blamed a YouTube video for the deadly attack on the Benghazi embassy?

Suspect in Benghazi attack found dead.  A man once detained by Libyan officials and interviewed by the FBI over suspected links to the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, has turned up dead.  Faraj al-Shibli, whose name is also spelled Chalabi, was last seen in the custody of a local militia in Marj two days ago, a Libyan source said.  His body was found Monday [7/14/2014] in the eastern Libyan town.  He's the second Benghazi suspect to surface in recent weeks.  U.S. forces arrested suspected attack mastermind Ahmed Abu Khattalah last month.

Newly released testimony latest evidence Benghazi attacks premeditated.  Transcripts of congressional testimony released by the House Armed Services committee are the latest in a growing body of evidence that the 2012 Benghazi attacks were premeditated.  Gen. Carter Ham, who at the time led the military's Africa command, known as Africom, told Congress in April the terrorists who attacked the CIA annex, during the third wave of the terrorist assault, had professional training.

What Would Cause President Obama to Cancel a Fundraiser?  What "tragedy" would be horrific enough for President Obama to cancel his usual schedule of speeches, lunches and fundraisers?  A commercial airliner shot down over Ukraine with Americans aboard?  No.  How about a terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11, killing our ambassador and three others?  No.  Perhaps news that Israel has begun a ground offensive in the Gaza Strip?  No way.  Obviously our president believes that any change to his schedule is a sign of weakness.

Obama: treacherous or incompetent?  The attack on our "consulate" in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 was perhaps the most egregious of Obama's many foreign policy failures because four Americans needlessly died due to a failure to provide adequate protection both before and during the attack.  Obama falsely blamed an internet video as the cause of the attack to hide the truth: the resurgence of jihadists in Muslim Brotherhood-governed Egypt, the continuing demand for the Blind Sheikh's release (which underscored the jihadists' influence), and the very real danger that jihadists would attack the embassy (which demonstrated that al-Qaeda was anything but "decimated").  It is likely that a clandestine operation supplying weapons through Turkey to the Syrian rebels was being run out of Benghazi.  Efforts were made not to draw attention to what was happening there.

Officers Say No Stand-Down Order For Benghazi.  Military officers testified that there was no "stand-down order" that held back military assets that could have saved the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans killed at a diplomatic outpost and CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya.

Issa accuses State Department of dodging Benghazi questions in 37-page letter.  Top Republican Rep. Darrell Issa Friday [7/12/2014] accused the State Department of trying to repeatedly dodge congressional efforts to look into the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.  The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman sent a 37-page letter to the newly-created House Select Committee on Benghazi detailing attempts he claimed were made to sidestep providing documents and answering questions about the attack from September 2012 until May 2014.  Issa said the State Department promised to cooperate with Congress but failed to actually provide information requested and missed many deadlines.

Commanders Suggest A 2nd Group [was involved] in Benghazi Attacks.  Well-trained attackers executed the deadly dawn assault on a CIA complex in Benghazi, Libya, suggesting different perpetrators from those who penetrated the U.S. diplomatic mission the previous night, according to newly revealed testimony from top military commanders.

Red herring alert!
It doesn't matter if one group of terrorists was responsible for the attack, or two unrelated groups at two separate locations in Benghazi.  The Obama administration's lies and stonewalling remain unmitigated.

Our Roost, Obama's Chickens.  [Scroll down]  Few noted that Obama lied to the nation that a video had caused the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, that Obama had known who the real terrorist perpetrators were but had ordered no immediate action to kill or capture them, and that Americans had been engaged in mysterious and still unexplained covert activities in Benghazi.  After all that, we still shrugged when the president traded five top terrorist leaders for an alleged American deserter.

DOJ court documents in Benghazi suspect case put video narrative to rest.  The narrative that the video played a role continues to live on, with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton saying recently that some of the attackers may indeed have been influenced by the online video.  But the Justice Department's court filings make clear that at least those spearheading the attack were part of a "conspiracy," one that involved several members of the Ansar al-Sharia "Islamic extremist militia."  A government motion filed Tuesday [7/1/2014] seeking Khatallah's detention provides some of the greatest detail to date on the suspect's alleged role.

Billions In Taxpayer Dollars Spent On 'Lyrical, Poetic' Embassy Architecture Overseas.  Under the Obama administration, embassy construction costs have exploded even while security — a major issue in the Benghazi scandal — has grown worse.  Now we know why.  A video released by the State Department in 2012 shows exhibits the philosophy behind a campaign begun under former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to build fancy buildings overseas to enhance the nation's reputation.

Finding a patsy in Benghazi.  Without surprise, Ahmed Abu Khattala, the Libyan jihadi who was snatched by U.S. special forces two weeks ago on allegations he participated in the Benghazi attacks, pleaded not guilty last weekend at his first court appearance in the United States.  Libyan government officials and Western media outlets have long accused Mr. Abu Khattala of having played an instrumental role in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2012, that cost the lives of four Americans in Benghazi.  However, Mr. Abu Khattala likely was little more than a patsy.  Yes, he was captured on video-surveillance footage at the scene of the burning diplomatic compound, but my sources say he was just part of a large "pickup team" of local jihadis that the attack's real organizers successfully manipulated.

Well-connected rookie judge to preside over Khattala Benghazi trial.  Just three months into his tenure on the federal bench, and before his formal investiture ceremony later this week, newly minted U.S. District Judge Christopher "Casey" Cooper has been handed one of the most high-profile and politically sensitive American terrorism cases in recent years.  Cooper, who was confirmed by the Senate in March, has been randomly assigned by the court's selection system to preside over the U.S. government's case against Ahmed Abu Khattala, a suspected ringleader in the deadly attack on U.S. outposts in Benghazi, Libya.

Benghazi attack had nothing to do with anti-Muslim video, court documents prove.  New documents filed by the U.S. Justice Department against Libyan militant Ahmed Abu Khatallah further shut down claims made by the Obama administration that the Benghazi attack sprouted from from an anti-islam film.  The documents come after recent comments made by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that some of the attackers may have been influenced by the online video.  The court filings make clear those who organized the attack were part of a 'conspiracy' involving several members of the Ansar al-Sharia 'Islamic extremist militia', reports Fox News.

Benghazi attack suspect Khatallah must remain in custody, judge rules.  A federal judge ruled Wednesday [7/2/2014] that the Libyan militant charged in the 2012 deadly attacks in Benghazi, Libya, will remain in a U.S. detention center until his trial.  Federal prosecutors made the request, saying they have forensic evidence and statements by Ahmed Abu Khatallah linking him to the terror attacks, in which four Americans were killed at a U.S. outpost in Benghazi.  The ruling was made by Magistrate Judge Deborah A. Robinson, who also told Khatallah's court-appointed lawyers that they reserve the right to revisit the issue.

Indictment of suspect in Benghazi attack debunks the Obama tale.  The Obama administration's just-released criminal complaint against the alleged mastermind of the Benghazi terrorist attacks provides a final contradiction to its own evolving explanations for what happened that day.  The Justice Department's indictment spells out a calculated conspiracy by Ahmed Abu Khatallah and associates to attack the U.S. diplomatic mission and CIA annex, which killed four Americans.  The indictment might be viewed as a death knell for a theory that the attack resulted from a spontaneous protest against a U.S.-produced video.

Did computers stolen in Benghazi attack expose sensitive information?  "They took computers, computer devices.  And I saw M-16 rifles, American rifles.  I know they are American — we don't have them, we just have AK-47s — and a suitcase," said a Libyan who reported he had witnessed the attack.  He described what he saw on condition his identity was concealed.  His account of computers being stolen was confirmed by two sources in Washington familiar with the investigation into the attack.  Fox News was told the computers are believed to be unclassified, and likely used for schedules and meetings as well as to document and process emails.  The hard drives would also contain a history of user names.

Sources: US letting Benghazi suspects off hook, recent arrest 'small potatoes'.  According to multiple sources on the ground, including some with direct knowledge of the operations to identify and hunt the Benghazi suspects, intelligence that could have been acted upon at times has been ignored or put on hold. Further, they say, the recent capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala — now on a ship bound for the U.S., expected to arrive this weekend — was an easy one.  "He was low-hanging fruit," one source told Fox News.  "We could have picked him up months and months ago and there was no change, or urgency to do this now."

The Editor says...
This adds weight to the supposition that the capture was politically timed and motivated.

Benghazi suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala in custody at federal courthouse in D.C..  Ahmed Abu Khattala, a suspected ringleader of the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans, was brought Saturday [6/28/2014] from a Navy warship to the federal courthouse in the District of Columbia, where he entered a plea of not guilty to a single conspiracy charge.  At 3:25 p.m., Abu Khattala walked, unshackled, into a paneled courtroom in downtown Washington, wearing a black, zip-up hooded sweatshirt, black pants and a flowing gray beard.

The Editor says...
Hmmm... a bad guy in a black hoodie.  Where have I heard that before?

Benghazi Suspect Spirited Into U.S., Testing Obama's Bet on Civilian Justice.  Throughout Obama's tenure, Republicans have criticized the Democratic leader for relying on civilian courts for such cases, rather than military tribunals.  "Now that Ahmed Abu Khatallah has arrived in the United States, he will face the full weight of our justice system," Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement.

Benghazi suspect now in federal custody in D.C..  Ahmed Abu Khatallah, the Libyan militant charged in the 2012 Benghazi attacks, pleaded not guilty Saturday afternoon [6/28/2014] in connection to the crime, during a brief first appearance before a U.S. federal judge.

The Age of Mafia Government: People Wind Up Mysteriously Dead.  Fast and Furious and the Benghazi massacre are the two most obvious examples.  It's been years, in both cases, and it's still an utter mystery as to why Americans died in foreign lands, where all those guns went, who used what money, where it all came from, and why.  That may have something to do with the Justice Department's utter lack of curiosity about massive crimes being committed on its watch, but remember:  where there are mafia, there are corrupt police, district attorneys, and courts.  The mystery isn't who did it, but proving it.  Part of the reason it's impossible to find evidence to prove what everyone knows is that no one will talk.

Operation Zero Footprint.  We now have a pretty good understanding of who, what, where, and why surrounding the 9/11/12 attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi Libya.  We are also better positioned to understand why, or perhaps more importantly why not, certain actions were taken before, during, and in the immediate aftermath of the attack itself.  We know from the Bret Baier interview with Hillary Clinton that she was physically located at her 7th floor office in Washington DC on the night of the attack.  Unfortunately we also know during the November 2012 Thanksgiving holiday a mysterious fire took place in that building.  Well, actually directly above her exact office — cause undetermined.  A "fire" which preceded an unfortunate slip and fall for the Secretary, resulting in a concussion, which led to the discovery of a blood clot, that ultimately delayed her congressional testimony before a Senate Hearing into the events of the night in question.

Benghazi Book: Ambassador Stevens' Petitions for More Security Rejected by Hillary.  [Kenneth] Timmerman argues that the overthrow of the mission and the killing of the four Americans in Benghazi was a state-sponsored terrorist attack orchestrated by the Islamic Republic of Iran.  Moreover, he told [Stephen K.] Bannon that the state department had ignored pleas from diplomats to provide greater security for the American embassy.

Media Bias and the Obama Scandals.  Mysteries abound: what was the ambassador doing in Benghazi anyway?  Why did the CIA have an "annex" nearby?  Why did one of the alleged ringleaders of the attack give one interview after another to American news outlets while the Obama administration did nothing to apprehend him, or any other participant in the attack, for nearly two years?  Why didn't the administration even attempt to send help to the Americans while they were under attack?  Where were Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the disaster unfolded, and what instructions — if any — did they give?

Sharyl Attkisson: Team Obama 'Has Perfected The Stall, The Delay, The Redaction, The Excuses'.  Attkisson spoke at length about the Benghazi scandal, pointing out the lack of information regarding the timeline of events, something she has perceived to be a "basic question" because Americans "have no idea what the Commander in Chief was doing" when the attacks transpired. Attkisson is of the understanding that the administration would answer that basic question "if there was something positive to say about it."  So as a journalist the lack of answers has caused her to to be curious about a cover-up, so she has continued to press for answers.

Hillary Clinton Wants Bill to Lift Her Up — but Obama Will Drag Her Down.  Once again, Hillary Clinton has reminded us that she is not a natural-born politician — unlike her husband, Bill.  Questioned by Diane Sawyer about her role in what went wrong in Benghazi, Clinton slipped into monotonal legalism and disavowed her own responsibility for security breaches surrounding the murders by Islamic militants of J. Christopher Stevens, our ambassador to Libya, and Sean Smith, a foreign service officer.

Clinton bristled at Benghazi deception.  [Scroll down]  However, when Hillary picked up the phone and heard Obama's voice, she learned the president had other ideas in mind.  With less than two months before Election Day, he was still boasting that he had al Qaeda on the run.  If the truth about Benghazi became known, it would blow that argument out of the water.  "Hillary was stunned when she heard the president talk about the Benghazi attack," one of her top legal advisers said in an interview.  "Obama wanted her to say that the attack had been a spontaneous demonstration triggered by an obscure video on the Internet that demeaned the Prophet Mohammed."

How Iran's spy chief paid for the Benghazi attack.  He's the Wizard of Oz of Iranian terror, the most dreaded and most effective terrorist alive.  He is Qassem Suleymani, the head of the Quds Force, an organization that acts as a combination CIA and Green Berets for Iran, and a man who has orchestrated a campaign of chaos against the United States around the world.  Today, the Obama Administration has allied itself with Suleymani to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

Critics Question Whether DC Insider Ties Damaged Benghazi Investigation.  As news breaks of an arrest in the attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi that killed, among others, Ambassador Christopher Stevens, questions continue to surface regarding those responsible for investigating the incident.  Of particular note is House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Rogers.

Unraveling Benghazi: Is Mike Rogers Part Of The Problem?  With the curtain soon to go up on select committee hearings on Benghazi, a key question remains unanswered:  what on earth were we doing there?  What policies were being pursued in that violent outpost of the Libyan revolution?  The White House would rather not say.

Gen. McInerney: Evidence Will Show 'Dereliction of Duty' in Benghazi.  Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney says he believes the evidence will show that President Obama and top administration officials were guilty of a "dereliction of duty" both during and after the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya that cost the lives of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.  "Verification of what the National Command Authority knew and when they knew it is extremely important as it will show, I believe, that there was dereliction of duty by the President, the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of State, and the CIA Director," Lt. Gen. McInerney said at a joint conference with military and legal experts held by the Heritage Foundation and the Benghazi Accountability Coalition on Monday [6/16/2014].

Benghazi suspect will face civilian court.  The Obama administration is looking at expediting the movement of Ahmed Abu Khatallah, the suspected ringleader of the 2012 Benghazi attacks, onto U.S. soil from the Navy ship where he is currently being held in the Mediterranean Sea, Defense Department officials said Thursday.  Military leaders and Department of Justice personnel are mulling plans to use a military aircraft or charter plane to bring Khatallah to a prison inside the United States.  He has been held in international waters aboard the USS New York since being captured by U.S. special forces in Libya on Sunday.

Liar, Liar, Pantsuit On Fire.  Hillary Clinton displayed in her Fox interview a chilling combination of cluelessness and obfuscation.  Just standing by Susan Rice's Benghazi lies calls into question her qualifications for the presidency.

Hillary claims 'fog of war' on Benghazi.  Faced with a disastrous first week of her  presidential campaign  book tour, Hillary Clinton is attempting to rescue her standing by distancing herself from her own performance as secretary of state.  On Benghazi, she backed away from the hard line she took in her book on the deaths of 4 Americans due to admittedly inadequate security.

Capture of Suspect Opens Whole New Benghazi Controversy.  The arrest of a key suspect in the Sept. 11, 2012, consulate bombing simply opened new controversy in the Benghazi attack, with Republicans questioning how the administration plans to handle the Ansar al-Sharia commander.  Ahmed Abu Khatallah, the subject of criminal charges filed last July, had been essentially living in the open, making himself available for multiple media interviews since the attack that killed four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

This Is Why Benghazi Suspect Khattala Was Apprehended, And Not the Dozen Others Charged.  The press is openly praising the Obama administration for finally capturing a suspect in the Benghazi attacks, but there's a very good reason why this one guy has been caught, and not any of the dozen or more that were formally charged by the U.S. Attorney last year: [...]

James Rosen to State Department: Why'd it take nearly two years to arrest a Benghazi suspect who wasn't hiding?  Via the Free Beacon, make sure to read Ed's post earlier to understand just how openly Khattala, the jihadi nabbed by U.S. forces over the weekend, has been living in Libya since the Benghazi attack.  He was a prime suspect from the very beginning; he gave multiple interviews to western media in the years since, all but taunting the White House to come pick him up.  The criminal charges against him were filed more than nine months ago.  Only this month, for some reason, did the military finally move in.  How come?

Too many questions remain about Benghazi attacks, Hillary Clinton says.  There are still too many unanswered questions about the attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday [6/17/2014], even as she welcomed the capture of a suspected mastermind of the assaults.  "There are answers, not all of them, not enough, frankly," she said of the September 2012 attacks on a diplomatic and CIA compound that killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three others.  "I'm still looking for answers, because it was a confusing and difficult time," Clinton said.

The Editor says...
Yeah, right.  Hillary is looking for answers in the same way that O.J. Simpson is looking for "the real killer."

How elite Delta Force took down Benghazi suspect without firing a shot.  The capture of Benghazi mastermind, Ahmed abu Khattala, by an elite Delta Force team was modeled on the Osama bin Laden raid, took almost one year of planning and was completed without one shot being fired.

9/11 Benghazi Attack 'Mastermind' Who Hid in Plain Sight for Years Captured by US Forces.  Just one month following the attack, in October 2012, Fox News spoke to Khatallah in an off-camera interview.  While the suspected militant admitted to being in the area of the compound, he denied that he had planned the attack.  The Fox reporter was taken aback at how easy it was to find and contact Khatallah.  CNN interviewed Khatallah in May 2013 at a well-known luxury hotel in plain sight.

James Rosen Grills State Dept on Why It Took So Long to Capture Benghazi Suspect.  Fox News correspondent James Rosen badgered State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki Tuesday afternoon regarding the overdue capture of Ahmed abu Khattalah, a key suspect in the 2012 Benghazi attacks.  Psaki had previously told AP reporter Matt Lee that it should not come as a surprise that a suspected terrorist would be more likely to show up for an interview than he or she would for a scheduled meeting with the U.S. special forces.  "The question being put to you, it seems to me, is why U.S. special forces couldn't have an unscheduled meeting with this individual in a period of time less than, as you put it, just a few years?" Rosen asked.

Clinton claims she had doubts about video explanation after Benghazi strike.  Hillary Clinton, in a sit-down interview with Fox News, suggested Tuesday that she had doubts from the outset about whether the Benghazi terror attack was triggered by a protest over an anti-Islam film — though her State Department pushed that narrative for days.  "This was the fog of war," Clinton said, when asked about the administration's controversial public explanation of the attack.

Fox's Bret Baier Relentlessly Hammers Hillary Clinton on Benghazi.  Fox News' Bret Baier kicked off Tuesday's joint interview with Hillary Clinton by grilling on the details of the 2012 attack in Benghazi and did not let up eight solid minutes.  Beginning with today's news about the capture of Ahmed Abu Khattala, Baier wanted to know why it took so long to arrest the alleged "mastermind" of the attack when he had been "hiding in plain sight."

McKeon: Fully Interrogate Key Benghazi Attacker Now.  The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) called on the Obama administration to fully interrogate suspected Benghazi attack planner Ahmed Abu Khatallah before he is prosecuted for any crimes.  Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon (R., Calif.), in a statement issued shortly after Khatallah's capture was announced, said "it is vital that Khatallah be fully interrogated" about the deadly terror attack that killed four Americans "before any prosecution process begins."  Khatallah could have vital information about the other terrorists who launched an attack on the U.S. compound in Libya.

Fox's James Rosen: Why Such 'Egregious Delay' in Capturing Benghazi Suspect?  During Tuesday afternoon's State Department briefing, Fox News reporter James Rosen grilled spokeswoman Jen Psaki over the length of time it took to finally apprehend Benghazi suspect Ahmed Abu Khattala.  The suspect was arrested by U.S. forces in Libya this weekend, but he had never gone into hiding and, in fact, had conducted several press interviews over the past few years.  When Psaki characterized the time between the September 11 siege and this weekend's arrest as "just a few years," Rosen expressed skepticism and pushed her on whether that constitutes an "egregious delay."

Why Delta Force Waited So Long to Grab a Benghazi Ringleader.  The mission to capture Ahmed abu Khatallah, one of the ringleaders of the September 11, 2012 attacks on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya was more than a year in the making. [...] The Obama administration has come under withering criticism because the whereabouts of abu Khatallah have been generally known.  Journalists in Libya were able to interview him, critics asked, so why couldn't American journalists track him down, too?

The Editor says...
The Obama White House routinely manipulates the news media, that is, when the news media doesn't automatically cover up Obama's many scandals.  It seems perfectly obvious that the Pentagon knew the whereabouts of this fellow all along and kept that information up its sleeve until the White House needed another media distraction.

Dana Milbank's take on Heritage's 'ugly' Benghazi panel is utterly dishonest.  Lurking in the hearts of both participants in and attendees of a panel discussion on the Benghazi attack hosted, though not sponsored by, by the conservative Heritage Foundation on Monday is darkness, xenophobia, and malignant Islamophobia.  At least, that's the picture painted by Washington Post's Dana Milbank on Tuesday [6/17/2014].

U.S. captures Benghazi suspect in secret raid.  U.S. Special Operations forces captured one of the suspected ringleaders of the terrorist attacks in Benghazi in a secret raid in Libya over the weekend, the first time one of the accused perpetrators of the 2012 assaults has been apprehended, according to U.S. officials.

Capture of Benghazi suspect thrusts U.S. special operations in Africa into spotlight again.  The capture of the alleged ringleader of the terrorist attacks in Benghazi over the weekend thrusts the growing role of U.S. Special Operations Command in Africa into the spotlight again, just as the ongoing crisis in Iraq and the end of U.S. combat operations in Afghanistan are looming.

Benghazi's Most Important Whistleblower Just Came Forward.  Her name is Cindy Lee Garcia and she has revealed that the producer of the video the Obama administration blamed for the Benghazi attacks admitted to her that he is a Muslim.  This is a game changer.  It means that the narrative we've been fed — that filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was a Coptic Christian is not only false but also a blood libel against Christians.

Benghazi Attackers Communicated Via State Dept. Cell Phones During Attack.  Fox News reports that the Benghazi attackers stole cell phones from the State Department and used them to communicate with their leaders during the attack, and that U.S. spies overheard these conversations.  Eric Stahl, the commander of a U.S. Air Force crew that flew in to Benghazi to rescue survivors and bear the corpses of the four victims, told Fox's Brett Baier he learned this from members of a CIA-trained response crew which was present on the ground the day of the attack.  "After they had left the consulate in Benghazi and went to the safe house," Stahl said, "they were getting reports that cell phones, consulate cell phones, were being used to make calls to the attackers' higher-ups."  Stahl spoke with the response staff on the 13th of September, two days after the attack.

Hillary Bombs on Benghazi.  [O]n Monday night, Diane Sawyer of ABC took her on about the 9-11-2012 attacks in Benghazi.  Clinton's performance was sharp and hard-nosed.  She failed in her effort to emulate Obama's "I wasn't there, I didn't do it and I'm shocked and angered" standard defense because she has all the charm of a rusty hammer.  What we saw was a presidential candidate fending off an attack from a network that heretofore was her ally and protector.

Why Benghazi Matters.  Before we get into what Benghazi is, let's address what it isn't.  It isn't irrelevant, it isn't trivial, and it isn't a "witch hunt" as many prominent Democrats and their supporters desperately want you to believe.

Sources: DOD memo sent after Benghazi attack listed suspects with Al Qaeda ties.  A targeting memo sent to the State Department by the Defense Department's Africa Command two days after the Benghazi attack listed 11 suspects with ties to Al Qaeda and other groups, counter-terrorism and congressional sources confirmed to Fox News.  This is significant because it arrived two days before then-UN ambassador Susan Rice appeared on television shows blaming the assault on an inflammatory video.  It also came nearly a day before presidential aide Ben Rhodes sent an email also suggesting the video — and not a policy failure — was to blame for the September 11, 2012 attack that claimed four American lives.

US agents heard Benghazi jihadis using State Dept. cell phones to call jihad leaders.  Here is yet more indication that Obama Administration officials knew immediately that jihad terrorists were attacking in Benghazi, and chose instead to blame an obscure video of Muhammad — in other words, the First Amendment and the freedom of speech.

First Benghazi whistleblower emerges.  President Obama is poised to reap a whirlwind of consequences for his conduct of the war on terror.  Iraq is falling into the hands of the enemy President Bush had defeated on the battlefield.  The fact that the Obama administration lied to the American people about the Benghazi attack in order to smooth his re-election makes his failures in conducting the affairs of state not merely a matter of incompetence or honest mistakes but actual venality.  A new report makes these consequences closer to reality.

US spy agencies heard Benghazi attackers using State Dept. cell phones to call terrorist leaders.  The disclosure is important because it adds to the body of evidence establishing that senior U.S. officials in the Obama administration knew early on that Benghazi was a terrorist attack, and not a spontaneous protest over an anti-Islam video that had gone awry, as the administration claimed for several weeks after the attacks.

Fact Check: Hillary came up with Benghazi video explanation.  Hillary Clinton's newly released memoir leaves little doubt she was the first member of the Obama administration to publicly link an anti-Islam video to the 2012 Benghazi terror attack — though she does not explain what intelligence she relied on to make the faulty connection.

Oops! Hillary lets the cat out of the bag on Benghazi paper trail.  The interviews promoting Hillary Clinton's new book are serving as a test drive for a presidential run, and she has just encountered a serious bump in the road.  Despite obvious effort put into crafting careful rationalizations of her miserable record as secretary of state, she managed to blurt out a key fact in an interview with NBC's Cynthia McFadden.  Mrs. Clinton admitted that she kept detailed notes of the Benghazi crisis, a paper trail that could be subject to subpoena.

Marco Rubio just made Hillary's Benghazi problem worse.  Hillary Clinton has a Benghazi problem, and she knows it. [...] In spite of Team Hillary's strategy of casting anyone who is concerned about the deaths of three American servicemen and a U.S. ambassador as a harebrained conspiracy theorist, only 42 percent said they believed the attack has been investigated enough.  That same survey showed that only 38 percent of adults approve of how Clinton handled that incident and its aftermath.

Was Benghazi a Scandal?  [Scroll down]  When the violence did erupt, a freelance video producer became the perfect villain. Obama and his subordinates, principally Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton, almost immediately damned the hapless filmmaker as having incited global violence by his bigotry.  The more Obama told the world that he too condemned Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (and in fact he had Mr. Nakoula jailed on a trumped-up probation violation), the more Benghazi became a sort of revolutionary morality tale:  Right-wingers in America keep getting innocent people killed by gratuitously inflaming Muslims — over the objections of sober and judicious progressive and internationalist Americans.

Poor little rich girl.  [T]his exchange tells a lot about the kind of president we could expect from Hillary.  If she can't be bothered with the details of what happened to one of her ambassadors and three of his aides, and who was responsible for leaving them twisting slowly, slowly in the smoke and wind, with help that was never summoned though only an hour away, no one would be surprised if she wouldn't answer a ringing White House telephone at 3 o'clock in the morning.  She still thinks she doesn't have to account for her sins and shortcomings.  "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

Fictions as Truth.  For Benghazi, the Obama administration would have us believe:  [#1] A spontaneous demonstration erupted over a right-wing hate video of Mr. Nakoula, who was deservedly condemned for causing the deaths of four Americans by the Obama administration.  His subsequent jailing was solely due to a parole violation.  [#2] The United States consulate in Benghazi was adequately secured before the attack and had expressed no prior serious warning about inadequate defenses.  [#3] There was no reasonable chance that U.S. military forces could have come to the aid of those killed in Benghazi.  [#4] President Obama was engaged in overseeing responses during the night of the attack.

Diane Sawyer Confronts Clinton on 'Systemic Failure' over Benghazi.  Sawyer repeatedly pressed Clinton on whether there was anything she could have personally done that would have prevented the attack.  Clinton said that the reality is while you can be thoughtful and place people where you need them, "we cannot eliminate every threat, every danger."  Clinton also took a shot at Republicans for "politicizing this at the expense of four dead Americans," and said she would have to wait and see whether she would testify in front of the House Benghazi select committee.

In Benghazi chapter, Clinton says Marines were in Tripoli.  Discussing the most controversial part of her tenure at the State Department in her new book, "Hard Choices" — the attacks on the U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya, on the night of September 11, 2012 — former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seems to gloss over the fact that Marines were not sent amid a worsening security situation in Libya, and were only sent after the attack.  The passage, which occurs in chapter 17, titled "Benghazi: Under Attack," may bring even more attention to the State Department's failure to provide sufficient security to American officials stationed in a dangerous place.

This is what difference it makes, Hillary ....  We can — and should — know every detail about the events that occurred that night, when a U.S. ambassador was killed for the first time in more than 20 years.  Team Clinton first dumped excerpts from the 34-page chapter on a Friday — the old Clinton trick of releasing unpleasant information just before the weekend so it seems like old news come sun-up on Monday.  She made multiple excuses — the opposite of accountability — saying she never saw memos requesting additional security at the dangerous outpost in Libya.  She explained that the dispatches were addressed to her because of a "procedural quirk" and she never actually saw them.

DOD and State Sued for Congressional Benghazi Briefing Records.  Judicial Watch uncovered the most significant and explosive details yet related to the Obama administration's Benghazi scandal.  Judicial Watch continues to pepper the administration with Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests (and lawsuits when necessary) to shake loose as many Benghazi-related records as possible because it has been nearly two years since the deadly terrorist attack on the mission compound at Benghazi, and more questions than answers remain.

The Post-Achievement Politics of Obama and Hillary.  Obama and Hillary don't just suffer from a shortage of accomplishments.  They're also burdened with a surplus of failures.  Benghazi worries so many Hillary supporters because there is nothing to balance it against.  There is no, "But look at all the good she did."  Hillary didn't do any good.  She didn't do much of anything except tour countries and pose for photos.

5 Obama Officials Who Lied, Then Lied About Lying.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  Hillary told Congress — not under oath — that "we didn't have a clear picture" of what had happened in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.  She then said there were "no delays in decision-making, no denials of support from Washington or from our military."  And she said she had not seen requests for more security.  Those statements were, at best, questionable.  But Hillary's sticking to them all, instead maintaining that she is a victim of a smear.

Poll: Americans approve of special House Benghazi panel.  A slight majority of Americans favor a new House committee formed to investigate the Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attacks, saying they don't believe all the questions regarding the incident have been answered, according to a new poll.  A Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that 51 percent of respondents approve of the special panel, while 42 percent said the matter has been investigated enough.

Who's politicizing Benghazi?
Hillary Includes Picture With Benghazi Caskets in Book Montage.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has a book coming out next week.  Today, her publisher released images from the back cover of the book.  The pictures mostly show Hillary meeting global leaders and attending important meetings.  But one of the images is Clinton with President Barack Obama, standing in front of the Benghazi caskets at Andrews Air Force Base, dated September 14, 2012, just days after the September 11 attack.

Republicans have a mandate for their Benghazi probe.  Democrats in recent weeks weighed whether to abstain from involvement in House Republicans' new Benghazi investigative committee, labeling it an unnecessary probe into questions that have already been answered.  The American people disagree.

Hillary's New Benghazi Cover-Up.  When Hillary Clinton sat down to pen "Hard Choices," her memoir that comes out next week, she had a simple explanation for her repeated insistence that the Benghazi raid was motivated by a "hateful video" rather than a terrorist attack.  All she had to say was that we relied on the best intelligence available at the time. [...] But there was enough wiggle room in the talking points to permit Hillary to claim that she was misled by the intelligence.  Then, after the manuscript for "Hard Choices" was put to bed, the White House had to turn over to public view the memo that was really behind Rice's deceptive comments.

Hillary Clinton's Benghazi Dodge.  By the time of Mrs. Clinton's testimony, the Benghazi Massacre — and, indeed, even the Obama administration's fraudulent "The Video Did It" cover-up of the cause of the Benghazi Massacre — was several months old.  We were long, long past the intruder-in-the-home phase.  We were in the accountability phase — the phase of:  let's now establish what actually happened and why, so we can then figure out how to prevent a recurrence.  Any competent lawyer knows that during the investigative and trial stages that follow a public debacle — to say nothing of an act of war in which American officials were derelict in responding to a murderous terrorist attack — the obligation of the witnesses is not to redirect the questions.  It is to answer the questions.

Exclusive: Hillary Clinton's Benghazi chapter.  Hillary Clinton offers a detailed account of the deadly attack on the American embassy in Benghazi — and a pointed rebuttal to Republican critics who've laced into her over the incident — in a much-anticipated chapter of her forthcoming book, "Hard Choices," obtained by POLITICO.

Fact Check: Clinton's Benghazi chapter has holes.  [Scroll down]  At a press conference earlier this month, Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., said the administration should explain who briefed Rice on the talking points as well as the consulate's security status, and the individual or individuals should be fired. And if nobody briefed her on that, Graham said, Rice should resign. "They're completely incompetent, or they were misleading her about the level of security because we were six weeks before an election, or she made it up on her own," Graham said. On requests for additional security, Clinton continued to insist that she never saw those cables, and the fact that they were addressed to her as secretary of State was a "procedural quirk."

Issa releases Kerry from Benghazi testimony, accuses him of trying to avoid select committee probe.  Rep. Darrell Issa called check in his ongoing chess match with Secretary of State John Kerry, announcing Friday [5/30/2014] that he would release the top diplomat from testifying before his committee out of concern he was trying to avoid testifying before a separate congressional panel probing the Benghazi attack.  Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, accused Kerry of obstructing congressional investigations.  Issa said Kerry agreed to testify before the oversight panel on June 12 as a means to avoid testifying before the 12-member select committee investigating the Sept. 11, 2012, assault on the Libyan outpost.  The California Republican said he had no choice but to reassess.

Trey Gowdy brings 'zeal for the truth' as head of House's Benghazi panel.  Rep. Trey Gowdy's rise from obscure South Carolina backbencher to chairman of the House's new special Benghazi committee took a quantum leap last October, when he stole the show at an otherwise mundane Republican news conference about the terrorist attacks.  While only in his second term, the conservative Gowdy rushed to the podium and — with the conviction of a preacher and the erudition of a prosecutor — launched into a passionate yet disciplined plea for "justice" that mesmerized those watching, including his GOP colleagues on the dais.

Hillary's Failed Benghazi Spin.  Clinton writes: "My point was simple: If someone breaks into your home and takes your family hostage, how much time are you going to spend focused on how the intruder spent his day as opposed to how best to rescue your loved ones and then prevent it from happening again?"  That makes no sense.  The hostage-taking, to use her comparison, was long over when she appeared before Congress.  And the attack wasn't an act of random violence; it came as part of a long pattern of anti-American violence that had led the country into decade-long global war on jihadist terror.

Charlie Rose's contemptible interview with Susan Rice.  Charlie Rose of PBS (and CBS News) enjoys an elevated reputation among a wide swath of the educated public, and not just limited to the left leaning portion of that demographic slice.  But an hour-long interview he conducted Thursday night with National Security Adviser Susan Rice on PBS should damage that reputation.  Somehow or other, he managed to completely avoid the subject of the attack on the Benghazi diplomatic facility on 9/11/2012, and Ms. Rice's role as a disinformation officer spreading the outright lie that the attack was sparked by an obscure video that no one in Libya had even heard of.  Paul Bremmer of Newsbusters documents what ought to be career-killer for Rose, demonstrating how at multiple moments, the topic was talked around and avoided by Rose.

Charlie Rose's Hourlong PBS Interview of Susan Rice Never Mentions Benghazi.  On Thursday, Charlie Rose spent the entire commercial-free hour of his PBS show interviewing Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice, yet never asked her a single question about the 2012 Benghazi attacks or her role in disseminating faulty talking points afterward.  In fact, the B-word never escaped Rose's nor Rice's lips during the entire show.  There were, however, a few moments when a question about Benghazi would have seemed appropriate. Early in the interview, Rose asked where in the world America's core interests were under attack at the moment.  Rice pointed to the ongoing terrorist threat:  [Video clip]

Media Matters, Other Hillary Loyalists Meet to Make Benghazi Go Away.  That's not how Politico titles its article on the coming Hillary Rehabilitation project, but that's what's going on.  Benghazi, like much of Hillary Clinton's actual career, is an inconvenient truth.

Hillary Clinton: I'm the Real Victim of Benghazi.  Hillary Clinton may not be much at administering the State Department, but she's certainly a pro when it comes to expressing outrage at her own persecution.  For the woman who is supposedly the world's most powerful feminist, her sense of victimhood remains surprisingly strong.  That's never been more true than in her new book, Hard Choices, which points out that she — not the four men who died in Benghazi, Libya, on the night of September 11, 2012 — is the victim.

Hillary playing the victim card ... again.  She fell and hurt her head, but Hillary Clinton's chutzpah survived intact.  In her latest defense of Benghazi, the former secretary of state comes awfully close to making herself the fifth victim. [...] "I will not be a part of a political slugfest on the backs of dead Americans," she writes in her new book.  "It's just plain wrong, and it's unworthy of our great country.  Those who insist on politicizing the tragedy will have to do so without me."  She surely wrote that passage herself because only a Clinton would dare attempt such political jiujitsu.

Hillary Clinton plays the game, tries to use Benghazi vs. GOP.  It's beyond ironic that Hillary Clinton wants to claim she won't play politics with Benghazi.  With her release of "Benghazi: Under Attack," a chapter from her obligatory pre-presidential race tome, the politics are obvious, and the player is Clinton.  It's bloody-shirt politics in reverse, and she is trying to hang that shirt on the Republicans.

Hillary Clinton's Benghazi Chapter Doesn't Really Explain Anything.  [Scroll down]  Clinton hand-picked that board, which never even interviewed Clinton about Benghazi.  Some review.  And nine days is quite a long time for the scene of a crime/terrorist attack to get picked over and see evidence carried away or destroyed.  With the 2012 presidential election just weeks after the attack, nine days was quite a long time, clearly enough time to keep the disaster from swamping the Obama campaign.  Clinton had to appoint the Accountability Review Board, she had no choice.  She appointed it only after she and the president and Ambassador Susan Rice had spent a fortnight blaming the attack on a video.  In addition to patting herself on the back for constructing a review that was designed not to touch her, Clinton speculates on the motives of the attackers, none of whom have been arrested yet.

House Oversight releases John Kerry from Benghazi testimony.  The chairman of the House Oversight committee accused Secretary of State John Kerry of trying to avoid testifying before a newly formed select committee investigating the deadly Benghazi attack and released the top diplomat from testifying before his panel.  In a swipe at a member of President Barack Obama's Cabinet, Rep. Darrell Issa accused Kerry of obstructing congressional investigations.  Issa said Kerry agreed to testify before the oversight panel on June 12 as a means to avoid testifying before the 12-member select committee investigating the Sept. 11, 2012, assault on the Libyan outpost.

Boehner corrects Hillary: Benghazi panel about 'one issue only' — the truth.  House Speaker John A. Boehner said Friday that the select committee charged with investigating the 2012 terrorist attack on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, is about getting the truth and that it's up to the committee members to decide who they want to call as witnesses.  Mr. Boehner, Ohio Republican, was asked about a reported excerpt from a forthcoming book by former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in which Mrs. Clinton accuses people of exploiting the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack for political gain.  "This is about one issue and one issue only, and that is getting the truth for the American people and the truth about what happened in Benghazi for the four families who lost their loved ones there," Mr. Boehner said.

Another Benghazi Mystery: Where was the USS Bataan?  The administration deploys an assault ship with 1,000 Marines to Libya after ordering Americans to leave as the country implodes.  Where was this ship on Sept. 11, 2012?  Where was the president?

Obama and the Truth.  Smoking gun emails have been unearthed which prove the Obama administration lied about the Benghazi attacks.  This lie was repeated.  It was compounded.  It was uttered at the United Nations General Assembly.  Now the VA scandal has erupted revealing that the actors in the bureaucracy cooked the books... lied... to cover up wait times.  This is systemic conspiratorial lying.  The families of Americans who died in Benghazi deserve compassion.  The veterans and their families impacted by the Veteran's Affairs scandal deserve our compassion.  The unseen victim in the rubble is the truth.  We have, as a people, forgotten that the first duty is to the truth.

A road map to get to the bottom of Benghazi.  CNN President Jeff Zucker says his network may not bother to report on the House select committee hearings looking into the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi.  The New York Times has pre-emptively dismissed them as "partisan." Eugene Robinson, a columnist for The Washington Post, predicted they will be a "show trial," a "farce," and a "new low" for Republican "inquisitors" who could not "locate Benghazi on an unlabeled map."  Here's a reasonably compelling counterargument:  "It is our job to figure out what happened and prevent it from ever happening again."

Democrats Join Benghazi Hearings — To Obstruct And Play More Politics.  Kicking and screaming, Democrats have agreed to join the House select committee probing the Benghazi attack and cover-up.  But they aren't aiming to air the facts, just to obstruct the GOP.  It's politics at its worst.

MSNBC Seeks to Discredit Benghazi Investigation.  We are pleased that MSNBC has finally taken notice of the Citizens' Commission on Benghazi (CCB), but certainly not surprised at their failure to report on the Commission's findings.  Instead, they attempted to smear the Commission by suggesting sinister motives for one of its members, when the truth is something very different.  In a recent column, I argued that MSNBC and their new website have essentially become a "Vote Democrat" haven akin to The Huffington Post.  Underlying MSNBC's reporting is the notion that Benghazi is not a real scandal, which ties directly into the administration's narrative.

Hillary Stacks the Benghazi Select Committee.  On Wednesday, Democrats deigned to join Republicans on the House Select Committee investigating Benghazi, primarily to protect Hillary Clinton's reputation in particular, and the Obama administration's in general.  Toward that end they will likely do what they always do whenever their party is threatened:  denigrate the investigation as it unfolds and obstruct it as much as possible.  Thus, it was completely unsurprising that even as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appointed five colleagues to the panel she dismissed the need for it.

Despite Calls For Neutrality, Rep. Elijah Cummings Is Not Very 'Neutral' On Benghazi.  After being appointed Wednesday [5/21/2014] by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to the new select committee on Benghazi, Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings called on lawmakers to act in a "neutral" manner during the committee's investigation.  "I think as far as this committee is concerned," Cummings said in a Capitol news conference, "I think we have to go in and be finders of the facts.  I think we have to go in neutral.  I don't think we need be making accusations before we get in the room to get the facts."

Clinton allies pressured Dems on Benghazi.  Hillary Clinton's world was so worried about a Republican investigation of the Benghazi attacks, they sent a message to House Democrats:  We need backup.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) publicly considered boycotting the panel, an idea that Clinton supporters feared would leave the potential 2016 candidate exposed to the enemy fire of House Republicans.  So Clinton emissaries launched a back channel campaign, contacting several House Democratic lawmakers and aides to say they'd prefer Democrats participate, according to sources familiar with the conversations.  Pelosi's staff said they have not heard from Clinton's camp.

Kerry Agrees to Testify on Benghazi, With Caveats.  Secretary of State John Kerry agreed on Friday [8/23/2014] to testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform over the 2012 attacks on the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, possibly exacerbating tensions between Republicans over competing inquiries.  In a letter to Representative Darrell Issa, Republican of California, the committee's combative chairman, the State Department's assistant secretary for legislative affairs, Julia Frifield, appeared to go out of her way to pit Mr. Issa's investigation into the attacks against a new one being conducted by a select committee appointed by Speaker John A. Boehner.

Kerry risks infamy if he adds to Benghazi deceit.  The Benghazi investigation could shred the last threads of Secretary of State John Kerry's credibility.  After nonstop major foreign policy blunders with Israeli/Palestinian negotiations, Syria, Ukraine and Iran — just to name a few — his alleged collusion in the withholding of smoking-gun emails tying the White House to the Benghazi cover-up could be the final nail in his political coffin.

Benghazi Means Betrayal.  The Benghazi attack on 9/11/13 was a deliberate signal, recognized by every Muslim in the world, and by every member of this administration, that Al Qaida was winning the Jihad War against America, contrary to a massive election-time lie by the Democrats and our beneath-contempt media that "Al Qaida is on the run."  Six weeks before the U.S. presidential election, Al Qaida signaled plainly and clearly that it was expanding and killing more every day.  Every informed person in the world understood that, except for the American people, who are bamboozled on a daily basis by our political media class.  Go back to the news headlines on that day, and you can't see it plain as the nose on your face.

White House Contacted YouTube During Benghazi Attack, Darrell Issa Says.  A still-classified State Department e-mail says that one of the first responses from the White House to the Benghazi attack was to contact YouTube to warn of the "ramifications" of allowing the posting of an anti-Islamic video, according to Rep. Darrell Issa, the Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.  The memo suggests that even as the attack was still underway — and before the CIA began the process of compiling talking points on its analysis of what happened — the White House believed it was in retaliation for a controversial video.

One of the White House's First Responses During the Benghazi Attack: Call YouTube.  While Ambassador Chris Stevens was missing on September 11, 2012, and while Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith and Glen Doherty were fighting for their lives, with military assets within a quick flight to provide aid, the Obama White House decided to call... YouTube.

John Kerry will testify about Benghazi attack but insists it's a one-time offer.  Secretary of State John Kerry will testify before Congress next month about the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya, a one-and-done appearance that the State Department insists is enough to answer questions and means he could avoid the newly formed select committee.  In a letter to the House Oversight chairman, the department said on Friday that Kerry could appear on June 12 or June 20 to discuss the Obama administration's cooperation with the panel in providing emails and other documents related to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.  The department said that appearance 'would remove any need for the secretary to appear before the select committee to answer additional questions.'

Allen West: Source told me 'truth' on Benghazi, operations 'shrouded in a fog of lies'.  Former GOP congressman and political commentator Allen B. West says he knows "the ground truth" about what really happened during the Benghazi attack.  In a blog post on Friday, Mr. West wrote that during a flight from Detroit he had a moment that he truly felt was God sent when he sat next to a friend of a one of the men that was at the Benghazi attack.

Dem Rep.: We're on Benghazi Committee to 'Scream Bloody Murder' over GOP Abuse.  Early this month, when Democrats still hadn't made up their minds about participation in the Benghazi select committee, Congressman Adam Schiff said there's no way Democrats would participate in that "colossal waste of time."  Well, funny story:  Schiff is one of the five Democrats Nancy Pelosi picked yesterday to actually serve on that committee.  And on Rachel Maddow's show last night, Schiff explained they decided to participate to keep the Republicans from making it a partisan, stunt-driven affair.

Hillary Clinton Driving Democrats' Benghazi Committee Strategy.  Is it better for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that Democrats have decided against boycotting the new House investigation of the Benghazi attacks?  Several Democrats had urged House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to leave the slots empty, saying it would be unwise to lend an air of legitimacy to an investigation they have derided as a political witch hunt.  But others, particularly those close to Clinton, believed that having Democratic participation on the panel is the only way to ensure both sides of the story will be told.  The Benghazi hearings are likely to become televised spectacles, so the thinking in Clinton world is that it's better to have Democrats join in the questioning in hopes of balancing the proceedings, ABC News has learned.

Pelosi names Democrats to Benghazi committee.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi named five Democrats to join the Select Committee on Benghazi Wednesday afternoon [5/21/2014].

Herridge: Pelosi Announcement on Benghazi Cmte Is 'Significant Shift'.  After much debate within the party, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced today that five Democrats will serve on the Benghazi Select Committee.  Some Democrats argued that no members should participate, calling the committee a "kangaroo court."

Nancy Pelosi appoints FIVE Democrats to fill up Benghazi panel slots days after threatening boycott.  House Democrats have decided to play ball and participate in a special committee charged with investigating the Obama administration's handling of a 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya that left four Americans dead and forced the withdrawal of U.S. diplomats from the eastern port city.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi named five Democrats to the panel. [...] Some in the Democratic caucus had floated the idea of boycotting the committee and leaving Republicans to pursue the Benghazi investigation, opening the opportunity to paint the investigation as a partisan political stunt in an election year.

Discredited in Benghazi.  The abandonment of the State Department-CIA mission in Benghazi that came under attack on September 11, 2012 marked the failure of the Obama administration's foreign policy toward the Muslim world.  That American generals and admirals raised no protest to the decision not to go to the American contingent's defense dishonored our military and undercut its sense of duty, responsibility, and self-respect.  The discredit brought upon the United States by foolish, dishonest foreign policies is dangerous and hard enough to live down.  But history teaches that militaries whose moral qualities have been undermined court disaster, and that restoring those qualities is very hard.

On Benghazi, GOP remains suspicious of Hillary Clinton.  It's common for Republicans to say there are "unanswered questions" about the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.  In some cases, though, it might be more accurate to say that questions have been answered, but Republicans don't believe the answers.  A prime example concerns then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's knowledge about the lax security surrounding U.S. diplomats in Libya.  There's no doubt the situation was terrible; the Obama administration was woefully unprepared for trouble in the months leading up to the violence.

Democrats Still Undecided on Benghazi Committee Participation.  House Democrats are still weighing whether they will appoint members to the GOP-led special committee to investigate the September 2012 attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya — but don't call it a caucus-wide "division," two senior lawmakers implored.  "[It's] the wrong word," Caucus Vice Chairman Joseph Crowley of New York said at a Tuesday morning news conference.  "The caucus is not divided. ... What the caucus is doing is helping our leadership come up with a plan on how to approach what is a very serious issue."

Benghazi Constructs.  Almost everything the administration has alleged about Benghazi has proven false.  Yet also, in Machiavellian fashion, the Obama group successfully peddled useful fictions, effectively deluded the country, adroitly ensured President Obama's reelection, and cast aspersions on those who sought the truth.

Feinstein calls Benghazi panel a 'hunting mission for a lynch mob'.  Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) on Sunday [5/18/2014] criticized Republicans for opening a fresh inquiry into the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, and asserted that all questions have been answered about the matter.  "I think it's ridiculous.  I think it's a hunting mission for a lynch mob," Feinstein, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on CNN's "State of the Union."  She was responding to a question about the committee that House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) recently tasked with investigating the attacks.

University Students [...] Have No Idea What a 'Benghazi' Even Is.  College students who are insulated from all news that doesn't spring from Democratic Party talking points uncoincidentally know every pop culture question imaginable.  What they don't know?  Basic facts about a 9/11 terrorist attack that happened 2 years ago.

Pretty Much Everyone in America Wants an Investigation into Benghazi Except... the Media.  The journalistic establishment is convinced that the investigation into the attacks on Benghazi is a partisan sideshow that is unlikely to unearth any new information, the fact that new information was unearthed just weeks ago as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request notwithstanding.  Nevertheless, reporters are quite sure that any investigation into the preparation for and response to the Benghazi attack is purely political.  CNN's Erin Burnett summed it up best when she declared on Wednesday night that even the word Benghazi has "become like abortion."  Meaning, the issue has grown so polarizing that there are few people left who can be persuaded to change their already settled opinion on the matter.

Trey Gowdy Stuns The Media Into 'Deafening' Silence With Questions About Benghazi.  If this clip is any indication, Rep. Trey Gowdy won't be letting the media off the hook for its silence on Benghazi. [...] It seems like those in the room are a little embarrassed when Gowdy calls them out, and why shouldn't they be?  It is their responsibility to go after the hard questions — and when it comes to Benghazi, many asked nothing but fluff.

Investigative Findings: Benghazi video linked to the CIA?  Based on my extensive 18-month investigation, it is my professional conclusion that the Internet video known as Innocence of Muslims, the video allegedly responsible for Middle East violence and more importantly, the September 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi that resulted in the death of four Americans can be directly tied to a covert intelligence operation and operational assets of the U.S. Department of Justice. [...] Investigation also found evidence that the primary individual behind the film worked as an operational asst for the FBI in exchange for leniency due to his criminal past.  Indications of a possible association by one or more of the individuals responsible for the film to U.S. intelligence agencies, including the CIA, are also suggested.

13 Benghazis That Happened Under Bush' Viral Meme Taken Apart & Destroyed Before Your Very Eyes.  [Scroll down]  March 2, 2006.  Karachi, Pakistan again.  Suicide bomber attacks the U.S. Consulate killing four people, including U.S. diplomat David Foy who was directly targeted by the attackers.  Finally, something that's like Benghazi!  Except that the Ambassador wasn't missing, he was killed instantly.  There wasn't an 8-hour-long siege, an AWOL president and Secretary of State, or service personnel hung out to dry with no rescue attempt.  It wasn't a recent warzone, and there weren't requests for additional security turned down.  Oh, and no one falsely blamed a video for causing a non-existent protest.  Except for those caveats, just like Benghazi.

Hillary Clinton 'clearly bears responsibility' for State Department's Benghazi failures, says Dick Cheney.  Add former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney to the chorus of Republicans who seem insistent on making the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya a black mark against Hillary Rodham Clinton if she decides to run for president.  In an interview taped for Fox News Sunday, Cheney told host Chris Wallace that the former Secretary of State will have some explaining to do.  'She was Secretary of State at the time that it happened,' Cheney said in an excerpt broadcast Friday afternoon on Fox.  'She was one of the first in Washington to know about it.'

Dick Cheney: Hillary Clinton 'clearly bears responsibility' on Benghazi.  Former Vice President Dick Cheney says former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton "clearly bears responsibility" for the State Department's handling of the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya.  "She was Secretary of State at the time that it happened — she was one of the first in Washington to know about it," Mr. Cheney told Chris Wallace in an interview excerpt that aired Friday [5/16/2014] on Fox News.  "I think she clearly bears responsibility for whatever the State Department did or didn't do with respect to that crisis."

Rep. King: 'Wrong' to use Benghazi to go after Clinton.  Rep. Peter King, New York Republican, said Friday there are many unanswered questions surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on Benghazi, but that to make it a political attack on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is "wrong."  "To me, there are major questions here as to why more action was not taken to provide security beforehand, and also when was this decision made, and why was it was made, in the immediate aftermath of the attacks, to say it was caused by a video when nothing on the ground was saying that?"  Mr. King, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said on CNN.

So Much for GOP Overreach: Dems, Benghazi 'Truth Squad' Politicizes Investigation.  [Lanny] Davis claims that no Democratic campaign or candidate is backing him, and he is going out on his own in establishing this counter-committee.  He plans on setting up camp outside the Benghazi hearing room and, in conjunction with a group called Correct The Record 2016, will merely attempt to counter what he perceives to be misinformation disseminated by the committee.  A quick glance at Correct the Record's homepage reveals rather clearly that the organization is a pro-Hillary Clinton campaign operation.

Head Of 'Benghazi Truth Squad' Comes Up Short On Answers To Basic Questions.  If Thursday's interview is any indication of the strategy for Davis and the "Truth Squad" on Benghazi, it seems like they better have more compelling answers than "I don't know" when pressed for facts regarding the terrorist attacks and the subsequent cover-up.

Lawmakers say Rice's story has 'absolutely collapsed' amid more questions on Benghazi account.  Leading Republican senators charged Thursday that National Security Adviser Susan Rice's public account of the Benghazi terror attack has now "absolutely collapsed," citing inaccuracies in her statements not only on the origin of the attack but the level of security at the U.S. compound.  The lawmakers said she is clearly "frustrated" that her story is falling apart, a day after Rice appeared to scoff at a question on whether a congressional select committee probe would reveal new evidence.

Darrell Issa issues new John Kerry subpoena.  House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa issued a new subpoena on Thursday demanding that Secretary of State John Kerry testify on the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attacks before his panel this month.  Issa, a California Republican, accused the State Department of "backtrack[ing]" on agreements that Kerry would appear for questioning and said "slippery tactics" will not dampen the committee's investigation into the State Department's role in responding to the attacks.

Where was Obama during Benghazi? Ask the White House diarist.  When trying to keep track of the president's time, most observers look at "WAVE records" (the White House visitors log listing everyone who enters the White House complex) and the "President's Public Schedule" (which selectively lists the president's public activities).  But there is another document that meticulously records all the president's activities, public and private, every second of every day.  It is called the "President's Daily Diary."

Benghazi conspiracy? [...] Yes!  The Ben Rhodes e-mail has demolished the Obama administration's defense that the White House had nothing to do with the infamous talking points ascribing the Benghazi tragedy to a spontaneous protest over an American-made anti-Muslim video.  Even some of the White House correspondents accustomed to carrying water for the Obama administration clashed with White House spokesman Jay Carney, who shamelessly tried to sell them this bill of goods.

No, the Benghazi Questions Aren't All Answered.  [T]here is good reason for Republicans to believe that full answers have been withheld, and Americans have seen little or no real accountability for a largely preventable outrage.  As [Chuck] Todd notes, several House and Senate committees launched their own inquiries, but the White House withheld certain documents and evidence, which raises serious doubts about how thoroughly and accurately those committees' questions have been answered.

New Benghazi Investigation Spooks GOP Leaders.  Last Wednesday, as the House was preparing for its new investigation into the Benghazi attacks, House intelligence committee chairman Mike Rogers gathered Republican members of his committee for a meeting.  While the main purpose of the meeting was to discuss surveillance reforms the committee was about to pass, Rogers also warned his colleagues about the upcoming select committee to investigate Benghazi.  "He was saying this could be a rabbit hole," one House member told The Daily Beast.  "He was warning us that we should not let this investigation get into conspiracy theories."

Fox News Poll: Obama, Clinton seen as deceitful on Benghazi.  A majority thinks the White House has tried to deceive people about the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  At the same time, Republicans are seen as politicizing the issue rather than trying to get to the truth. [...] Fifty-four percent of voters think the Obama administration has been deceitful about the events surrounding the Benghazi attacks.  Half say the same about former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton (50 percent).

Unfit for Office.  The recent escalating arguments over whether there should be further congressional hearings on Benghazi are troubling.  The fact that there are substantial numbers of people who feel that there is nothing more to investigate when four American lives were lost and no one has answered for this crime provides an indication of how far our sense of justice has slipped.  This should not be a partisan issue, because the implications of ignoring or prevaricating about the underlying mistakes will have far-reaching consequences.  The United States has diplomatic establishments throughout the world, and if they can be attacked without consequences, it greatly diminishes our influence despite any protestations to the contrary.  What does it say about our judgment if we have diplomatic establishments for which we make inadequate provisions for protection?

Susan Rice seems to scoff at Benghazi probe question.  National Security Adviser Susan Rice, at a foreign policy lunch on Wednesday [5/14/2014], seemed to scoff at a question on whether a select committee investigation on Benghazi would reveal new evidence.

Susan Rice [remarks about] Whether There Are More Benghazi Secrets To Uncover.  Former U.N. ambassador Susan Rice, who served as the Obama administration's mouthpiece after the Benghazi attacks in September 2012, suggested Wednesday that there's nothing left to learn about the White House's response to the attacks — telling a reporter "dang if I know" whether the Republican investigation will unearth more evidence of a coverup.

Democrats Look Dubiously at Joining Benghazi Panel.  House Democrats on Sunday made it clear that they do not expect fair proceedings from the Republican-led panel newly tasked with investigating the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, but offered no definitive answer on whether they would appoint any of their own members to participate.  Representative Xavier Becerra, a California Democrat, said members of his party would join the proceedings should Republicans — who have agitated for further investigation into the attack, which killed four Americans, including J. Christopher Stevens, the ambassador to Libya — agree not to block their full involvement.

Benghazi: How to rebut Democratic talking points in 7 easy lessons.  A couple of weeks have passed since the release of smoking gun emails connecting a White House aide to former U.N. ambassador Susan Rice's Sunday morning talk show tour in which she repeatedly misstated the reasons for the Benghazi nightmare of 9-11-12.  As Republican lawmakers begin putting in place a select committee to investigate further, there is much discussion about whether Democrats will be willing to send their own participants to the committee. [...] Let's be clear:  The politicization of a tragedy began with Democrats when the video story was offered instead of the truth, a truth which contradicted the Obama campaign's re-election narrative in the fall of 2012 about Al-Qaeda being on the run.

Pelosi Says Benghazi Families Don't Want Special Committee Investigation.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a Friday news conference that Benghazi family members have contacted Democratic leadership to oppose the special committee established by a House vote last week.  Pelosi is still weighing whether Democrats will occupy their five seat[s] on the panel.

10 Questions for a Liberal after Mothers Day.  [#3]  What do you think about Benghazi?  Suppose a Republican president had been prepping for a presidential debate the night that terrorists attacked a U.S. diplomatic compound and then lied about it?  What sort of investigation would you recommend then?

Trey Gowdy brings reputation of legal skills, bipartisan praise to Benghazi panel.  The rule of law colors everything for Rep. Trey Gowdy, from the indignant prosecutorial style he employs in Capitol Hill hearings to his three dogs, aptly named Judge, Jury and Bailiff.  Republicans and Democrats alike say the second-term South Carolina Republican is the right man to head the special congressional investigation into Benghazi, a job that could springboard him into positions such as attorney general or service in a Republican presidential administration.  But they also say the forthright former prosecutor isn't likely to cut corners on the investigation to score political points or raise his profile.

The First Amendment Also Died at Benghazi.  In a phone conversation I had with video maker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula last week, he had one pressing question:  "Why did the government release the deal?  Why did they put my life in danger?"  Nakoula was referring to a plea deal he made with the federal government after his arrest in June 2009 for his role in a check-kiting scheme.  A thirty-year resident of the United States and a citizen, the native Egyptian agreed to cooperate with authorities in nailing the scheme's mastermind, Eiad Salameh.  Given that Salameh was still on the loose at the time, and a genuine threat to Nakoula if he knew the terms of the arrangement, the sentencing transcript was sealed.

McLaughlin Group Guest: 'Ambassador Stevens Wasn't Murdered'.  Daily Beast columnist Eleanor Clift said on Sunday's The McLaughlin Group that late U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was killed the night of the Benghazi attacks, had not been murdered but had died from "smoke inhalation."  "I'd like to point out that Ambassador Stevens was not 'murdered,'" Clift said, using air quotes, "but died of smoke inhalation in a CIA safe room."  This did not land well.  "It was a terrorist attack, Eleanor," panelist-for-life Pat Buchanan said.  "He was murdered in a terrorist attack."

Eleanor Clift Doubles Down on Claim Amb. Chris Stevens Wasn't Murdered.  During a recent appearance on The McLaughlin Group, The Daily Beast columnist Eleanor Clift sparked controversy when she asserted that the late U.S. Amb. Chris Stevens died of smoke inhalation resulting from an "opportunistic" attack in Benghazi springing from an inflammatory video.  Asked to clarify her assertion with Newsmax host Steve Malzberg on Tuesday, Clift repeatedly said that she stood by her original claim.

The real Benghazi scandal was Obama's drive-by war in Libya.  There is a real Benghazi scandal and it's this:  President Obama illegally invaded Libya, overthrew Moammar Gadhafi, and then — due to politics — left a power vacuum that terrorists filled, turning Libya into a hotbed of jihadist groups.  The 2012 attack that killed four Americans was a consequence of the disorder and violence the administration left in the wake of its drive-by war.  The useful lesson from Benghazi isn't about a White House lying (shocking!), but about the inherent messiness of regime change and the impossibility of a quick, clean war.

Lanny Davis to Lead Benghazi 'Truth Squad'.  Former Clinton special counsel Lanny Davis says he plans to lead a "truth squad" to counter accusations coming out of the Benghazi select committee hearings.  Davis will lead a group of volunteers "in front of the hearing room of the Gowdy committee" to be "available to put the facts out." [...] The "truth squad" is similar to Davis' crisis management efforts for Clinton in 1997.

The Editor says...
You would sooner hear the truth from Code Pink.

Clift: Ambassador killed in Benghazi attack wasn't murdered-murdered, or something.  [I]t's difficult to imagine a dumber argument than the one presented by Eleanor Clift this weekend on The McLaughlin Group.  Clift argued that Ambassador Chris Stevens wasn't actually murdered in Benghazi, but merely died of smoke inhalation during an "opportunistic" terrorist attack on the consulate in Benghazi [...]

Cotton: Benghazi Select Committee 'Necessary'.  Rep. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) railed against the Obama Administration and the State Department for failing to answer important questions regarding Benghazi in a timely fashion and for their lack of effort to stop the attacks.  He explained why the creation of the newly formed Benghazi committee is so critical, telling Fox News' Brian Kilmeade "There is still a lot of questions — that's why we need this select committee.  We learned two weeks ago that the White House continues to stonewall.  They produced new emails that should have been produced up to 18 months ago — that's why we created this select committee to get to the bottom of this — both what happened before and after the attacks."

Rogin: Clinton Asleep at the Wheel on Boko Haram, Benghazi.  The Daily Beast's Josh Rogin appeared on Fox News Saturday to discuss Hillary Clinton's decision not to add Boko Haram to the State Department's official list of foreign terrorist organizations, despite the group's increasingly violent behavior.  "It speaks to her claim that she's at the forefront of protecting women, and girls in conflict.  But it also speaks to her handling of international terrorism, which has been called into big question following her handling of the attack in Benghazi," Rogin said.

Ted Cruz Suggests Democrats 'Can't Handle the Truth' on Benghazi.  Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) suggested that Democrats could not handle the truth on Benghazi, quoting Jack Nicholson from the movie A Few Good Men during a floor debate with Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ).  "The response of the administration, and sadly the response of Senate Democrats, has been partisan stonewalling, rather than trying to get to the truth.  In the immortal lines of Jack Nicholson, it makes one think perhaps they can't handle the truth," Cruz said.

Gowdy Carries 'Confidence' of Boehner and Hopes of Right as Benghazi Chairman.  The lawmaker chosen to lead the House panel investigating the 2012 Benghazi tragedy is an unabashed supporter of the Tea Party movement who still considers himself more of a prosecutor than a professional politician. [...] Twenty months after the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attacks, Gowdy said, unresolved questions remain about inadequate security, the U.S. response and the government's interaction with the public after the attack.  "All of those lines of inquiry are legitimate and should be apolitical," Gowdy said.  "Facts are neither red nor blue."

Benghazi Laying Bare Democrats' Abdication of Duty.  Thomas Lifson recently gave compelling reasons why House Democrats run grave political risks if they boycott a select committee to investigate Benghazi.  Congressional Democrats, like the establishment leftist media, have been so fawning and flaccid in dealing with Obama that what few microns of credibility they may have had with conservatives and other normal people may soon blink out of existence.

Obama administration withholding full contents of emails over Fox News Benghazi report.  The Obama administration is withholding the full contents of a "media strategy" discussion over a Fox News report on Benghazi, claiming that releasing them would have a chilling effect on their "frank deliberations."  The seven-page email chain was in reference to a Fox News report on Sept. 27, 2012, that the intelligence community knew within 24 hours that Benghazi was a terrorist attack.

Duranty Prize Awarded.  The 2013 Walter Duranty Prize for mendacious journalism was awarded in front of an upbeat crowd at a dinner Monday night [5/5/2014] at New York's 3 West Club. [...] The Duranty for 2013:  David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times for his supposedly thorough unraveling of the Benghazi affair, "A Deadly Mix in Benghazi," which was revealed almost instantly to be a meretricious piece of deception worthy of Walter Duranty himself.

Pelosi Calls Gowdy's Remarks on Benghazi 'Circus-Like'.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi went after Benghazi Select Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) on Friday [5/9/2014] for comments he made on Fox News.  "I think the Chairman is already calling this an investigation.  I think he called it a trial.  I think that tells you all you need to know," Pelosi said as she read to reporters Gowdy's remarks. [...] Prior to the announcement, Gowdy said he was "looking for fair-minded people that value a fair process and that are hardworking." to join him on the Committee.  "I told the Speaker I want to be the dumbest one on the Committee and he said that shouldn't be a problem."

The Editor says...
The article leaves it unclear who is being quoted in the last sentence, but whoever it was, it was a great quote.

Trey Gowdy and the Real Lesson of Watergate.  [Scroll down]  To this day Americans know about the Senate Watergate Committee and the results it eventually produced — the resignation of Richard Nixon.  For months in 1973 the Senate Watergate Committee patiently, day by day, exposed the activities of the Nixon White House — while deliberately covering up for the Johnson White House and the Democrats.  What is not generally known is that LBJ and the Democrats were let off the off hook [sic] by Senate Democrats.  The fix was in and it was simple.

Why was a Suspected Muslim Brotherhood Spy Copied on the Benghazi 'Smoking Gun' E-mail?  [Scroll down]  Interestingly, one of the recipients of the e-mail to Rice was a Mehdi K. Alhassani.  According to, Alhassani is an alleged Muslim Brotherhood spy.  Alhassani is the Special Assistant to the Office of the Chief of Staff, National Security Council Staff, and the Executive Office of the President.  Alhassani was president of the Muslim Student Association which is an alleged Muslim Brotherhood front organization.  The question is, how did Alhassani slip through the cracks to find himself in such a position of influence?

Boehner: Benghazi Panel Is 'Not Going to Be a Circus'.  House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) vowed Wednesday [5/7/2014] that a special panel to investigate the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, would not be a "circus," though Democrats continued to criticize the effort.  "This is all about getting to the truth.  It is not going to be a sideshow, it's not going to be a circus.  This is a serious investigation," Mr. Boehner said.

Gowdy vows Benghazi select committee will not be Republicans vs. Democrats.  Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, the newly appointed Benghazi Select Committee chairman, vowed Sunday to keep politics and political fundraising out of his group's fact-finding mission.  "The facts are neither Republican nor Democrat," the South Carolina lawmaker told "Fox News Sunday."  "They're facts."  Gowdy, a former prosecutor, also dismissed the notion that he wants Democrats to boycott joining the committee.

Nancy Pelosi: Boehner's Rules for Benghazi Select Committee 'Unfair'.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi sent a letter to House Speaker John Boehner Friday [5/9/2014] reiterating a request from a previous letter for a "minimum standard" for Democrats to proceed with a bipartisan investigation into the 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate and CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya. [...] Boehner has already appointed seven Republicans to the Benghazi Select Committee.  Democrats have made it clear if their conditions are not met, their members may boycott the select committee all together.

Dems line up in favor of Benghazi boycott.  House Democratic leaders are lining up behind a boycott of a special panel to investigate the 2012 Benghazi attack that left four Americans dead, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya.  Rep. Steve Israel (N.Y.), head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), made the case for such a boycott at a closed-door meeting of the Democratic Caucus in the Capitol Wednesday morning, a DCCC spokesperson said.

Rangel: 'I Dont Think People... Are Going to Lose Sleep Over Benghazi.  Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) on Thursday [5/8/2014], speaking of the special House committee that will investigate the terrorist attack in Benghazi, said he did not think Americans were "going to lost sleep" over it.  "I think its tragic that the Republican Party would destroy itself in 2016 by not having one issue that the American people believe should be a priority," Rangel told Fox Newss Neil Cavuto.

The Pelosi Presser and the Benghazi Select Committee.  [Scroll down]  Contrary to her statement, Republicans do want to talk about our responsibilities to those who put their lives in harm's way for the security of the nation, whereas Democrats prefer to talk about chaos in other countries, and, all of a sudden, jobs and the economy after five years of failure!  They'll talk about their failures on the world stage and the destruction of our economy, but the last thing Democrats want to take responsibility for is Benghazi.  Again, can you say "diversion"?  As for misrepresentations, I don't think there is one lie or exaggeration by the Republicans regarding Benghazi that Pelosi can point to, certainly nothing as egregious as the mélange of misrepresentations, lies, obfuscation, and obstructions perpetuated by the Obama Administration [...]

House Creates Benghazi Select Committee with Help from Seven Democrats.  Seven Democrats crossed party lines and joined House Republicans to establish a Select Committee to investigate the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate and CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya on Thursday night [5/8/2014].  These Democrats were Reps. Ron Barber (D-AZ), John Barrow (D-GA), Mike McIntyre (D-NC), Patrick Murphy (D-FL), Collin Peterson (D-MN), Nick Rahall (D-WV), and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ).  The resolution passed 232-186.

Benghazi: How to do the hearings right.  The Democrats are portraying the not-yet-even-constituted House Select Committee on Benghazi as nothing but a partisan exercise.  They are even considering boycotting the hearings to delegitimize them.  Fine.  Although this would give the Obama-protective media a further reason to ignore Benghazi, it doesn't matter.  All that matters is whether the committee produces new, important facts. If it does, it will be impossible to ignore.  We've already seen what a single piece of new evidence can do in reviving interest in a story that many (including me) thought the administration had successfully stonewalled.

Rep. Trey Gowdy: I want every single Benghazi document.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., will go after every single document and witness in that could shed light on the 2012 attack on a U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi in his role as chairman of a special committee House Republicans are creating to continue their investigation.  "I want to see every single solitary relevant material document.  In fact I want to see everything for which there can be any argument it is relevant and then we can judge whether it is material," Gowdy said in an interview with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren Monday night [5/5/2014].

Benghazi Panel Will Have 7 Republicans, 5 Democrats.  The special House panel tasked with investigating the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, will operate as an investigative super committee of sorts with access to classified material, subpoena power and unlimited funding and time to carry out its work, according to legislative text released Tuesday night [5/6/2014].

The Benghazi Deniers.  The Democrats and their allies are in the grips of Benghazi denial.  They think the Republican notion of a scandal is a complete hoax.  Yes, a mistake was made here or there, but otherwise, nothing to see here.

The Benghazi probe didn't have to come to this.  In fact, the Benghazi controversy, rather than being an all-out political war, is a limited conflict in which some parts of the administration have cooperated with Congress while others haven't.  Republican sources on Capitol Hill say that in general, the Pentagon's cooperation has been a model of how to deal with such an investigation, while the State Department and White House have been models of what not to do.  If the rest of the administration had followed the military's example, the Benghazi controversy would likely be over by now.

Rank-And-File Democrats Nervous About Boycotting Benghazi Select Committee.  A number of Democrats are arguing the caucus should appoint members to the soon-to-be formed Select Committee investigating the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, saying not participating will give Republicans an open forum to launch political attacks on the administration.

Democrats Think This Trick Will Help Them Escape the Benghazi Scandal.  Now that House Speaker John Boehner has announced that a select committee will investigate Benghazi, the Democrats have come up with another strategy for stonewalling. [...] The Benghazi attack could potentially implicate officials in negligent homicide, for their refusal to improve security at the US facility at which four Americans died.  The Benghazi investigation could also turn up who decided to blame the attack on a movie, why, and who had the man who made the movie arrested and jailed for a year.

Army Vet Blasts Democrats' 'Fake Outrage' Over Benghazi.  Congressman Tom Cotton lays out exactly why the Democrats' "fake outrage" over the Benghazi hearing is not exactly credible coming from a party whose members acted with partisan acrimony over an Iraq War that they voted for and took no responsibility for carrying out.

Dems to decide Friday on Benghazi panel.  House Democrats will meet Friday morning [5/9/2014] to discuss whether to appoint lawmakers to the select committee investigating Benghazi.  Initially, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), was thinking of boycotting the panel.  She didn't like the ratio — seven Republicans to five Democrats — and thought the GOP was going overboard by creating the committee in the first place.  But in Democratic circles — in private meetings, and conversations throughout the Capitol — the tide has turned.

John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi discussing Benghazi select panel.  Pelosi wants Democrats to have a say in subpoenas, access to documents and depositions.  Boehner's staff says they have made fair concessions, and will include Democrats in the process.  But Republicans are not going to give Democrats veto power over who they call to testify.

Who's Crazy?  Benghazi, crazy.  That's the association the White House and its allies want to encourage as a House Select Committee begins what should be the most thorough investigation of the Benghazi attacks to date.  The White House wants to delegitimize the process before it begins and preemptively discredit the findings.

Top Nanci Pelosi ally: Seat just one Democrat on Benghazi panel.  A top Democratic House lawmaker and close ally of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wants Democrats to post only one member to the newly created Select Committee on Benghazi.  Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., sent a letter to Democrats who are meeting on Friday morning [5/9/2014] to discuss how to respond to the newly created committee, which is comprised of seven Republican seats and five Democratic seats.  DeLauro, who is co-chair of the Democratic Steering Policy Committee, which determines committee assignments, said Democrats should resist boycotting the panel, which "would leave our caucus with no voice to engage in committee proceedings."

Is a drive to impeach Barack Obama on its way?  It isn't that no one has talked about impeaching Obama before, because they have.  But for the last five years, impeachment has been the purview of the nuttier corners of the right — the conspiracist web sites, the chain emails, the ranting radio hosts. [...] But now we have the Benghazi select committee, and a select committee is what you form when there may be crimes and misdemeanors to uncover.

The Editor says...
This is not a nutty corner of the internet.  (The internet does not have corners.  This web site is just as easily available as any other.  But that's another topic.)  In addition to rank incompetence, the President appears to be guilty of several serious crimes including negligent homicide (Fast and Furious, Benghazi), and he appears to have used the IRS as a weapon against his political foes.

Benghazi Laying Bare Democrats' Abdication of Duty.  Thomas Lifson recently gave compelling reasons why House Democrats run grave political risks if they boycott a select committee to investigate Benghazi.  Congressional Democrats, like the establishment leftist media, have been so fawning and flaccid in dealing with Obama that what few microns of credibility they may have had with conservatives and other normal people may soon blink out of existence.  Parallel to the political punishments waiting for these folks is a constitutional crisis that goes to the very heart of our system.

Who are the members of the new House Benghazi committee?  The select committee illustrates several critical elements of the House GOP caucus — a mix that includes consideration of age, gender, experience, geography, political priorities and memberships on key committees.

Benghazi Isn't Iran-Contra.  Network leaders, producers and newspaper editors did not go after the story when the first serious questions began to bubble up.  Afterward they dismissed the questions as old news.  Now they are defensive and resentful.  They are not going to help Republican investigators do the job they themselves should have done.

Elizabeth Warren is Fundraising Off Benghazi.  Senator Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) is fundraising off the Benghazi scandal, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis (h/t Lachlan Markay).  Check out this item posted on Warren's campaign website on Friday [5/9/2014]: [...] It is unclear how this will affect Warren's status as frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016.

'Grumpy' Nancy Pelosi Not Happy With Democrats Who Supported Benghazi Panel.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was not pleased with Democrats who suggested that Democrats work with Republicans on the select Benghazi committee, according to a report from Politico's Jake Sherman and Lauren French.  During her caucus meeting on Friday [5/9/2014], Pelosi sarcastically told members of her party, "Thanks a lot for giving me leverage over the last couple of days."

Boycott or not? Democrats face choice on Benghazi investigation.  House Speaker John A. Boehner's decision to form a select committee on Benghazi has put Democrats in a bind:  Do they participate in what they view as an election-year stunt, or boycott it and give up the opportunity to act as a watchdog?  Rank-and-file Democrats are leaning toward a boycott after the decision by Republican leaders to spurn a request from Democrats for an equally-divided panel to investigate the 2012 terrorist raid on a U.S. diplomatic compound, which killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya.  But ahead of a House vote Thursday [5/8/2014] to form the committee, Democratic leaders are still weighing their options.

Boehner stacks Benghazi panel with lawyers.  Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is stacking the House select committee on Benghazi with lawyers as he looks to demonstrate that the panel will be a serious investigation and not a partisan exercise.  The Speaker announced his picks to serve under Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) on the special committee on Friday [5/9/2014], selecting a mix of junior and senior members and adding an additional former federal prosecutor in freshman Rep. Susan Brooks (R-Ind.).

The Editor says...
There are plenty to choose from:  156 Congressmen are lawyers.*

Watchdog: White House hiding more Benghazi documents.  The Obama administration continues to withhold documents that could shed light on how U.S. officials produced its false narrative that the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi arose from a non-existent protest over a video, according to a conservative watchdog group.  The documents reveal "that the Obama administration is still refusing to provide the full details of how top officials arrived at the now-discredited talking points released to the public following the deadly assault on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi, Libya," Judicial Watch said in a statement.  "Though the State Department document repeatedly describes the material as 'Unclassified' or 'Sensitive But Unclassified,' it nonetheless justifies scores of extensive redactions and exemptions," the statement said.

Obama's actions on night of Benghazi attack under scrutiny.  As House investigators gear up for a new probe of Benghazi, one question they'll likely pursue is what President Obama did or didn't do on the night that the terrorist attack was unfolding 20 months ago.  While much attention has focused on Susan E. Rice's "talking points" that blamed the Benghazi attack on an anti-Islam video, the White House has largely ducked questions about Mr. Obama's actions during the crucial hours when U.S. officials were debating how, or whether, to rescue the Americans under attack at U.S. consulate in Libya.

Benghazi Cover-Up Blowing Up.  We now have the evidence that the State Department knew right away that Benghazi was a jihad terror attack.  We know that Susan Rice knew.  Barack Obama also knew and lied to the American people.  The Democrats are threatening to boycott the select committee on the Benghazi jihad attack on September 11, 2012.  The media is cheering their subterfuge on, hoping to normalize glaring un-Americanism, so that the president can easily follow suit.  Once again, the Democrats overreach.  Does the Watergate-flogging party mean to stump for the suppression of the truth about the slaughter of our countrymen?  Is that their campaign platform?  Do they really believe they are going to win on a platform of propaganda?

House approves select committee to investigate Benghazi attack.  The House on Thursday [5/8/2014] voted 232-186 to create a select committee to investigate the 2012 attack that killed four Americans at a diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya.  The move to create the panel was supported by only 7 Democrats, setting the stage for what will likely be a contentious investigation this summer.  Democrats are debating whether to boycott the panel altogether.  Republicans said creating a special panel was necessary to determine whether the administration painted a false narrative about the Benghazi attack to protect President Obama's foreign policy record as he ran for a second term.

Unraveling Benghazi Bungle is About More Than Politics.  Most pundits and media have focused on the ethical and perhaps legal errors committed by the Administration in its attempts to camouflage its own incompetence.  Unraveling the "Benghazi Bungle," however, is about far more than politics or even lying; it is crucial to the national security of the United States.

Smoking Gun: Benghazi Documents Point to White House on Misleading Talking Points.  Am I shocked to find the Obama White House behind this egregious lie?  Not at all.  The facts of the Benghazi attack, aftermath, and cover-up suggested as much.  But owing largely to Obama secrecy and stonewalling, evidence has been elusive — until Judicial Watch investigators and attorneys worked their magic and got hold of these records.

Trey Gowdy: Death Threats 'Not Gonna Keep Me From Doing My Job'.  As we reported Wednesday, Capitol Hill Police have launched an investigation into at least two threatening emails sent to Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), the newly-announced chairman of the House Benghazi special committee.  Wednesday night, Gowdy responded to the death threats during an appearance on The Kelly File.  Host Megyn Kelly also asked the South Carolina Congressman to comment on Hillary Clinton's statement that "some people" (Republicans) are "choosing not to be satisfied" with the administration's handling of Benghazi.

Benghazi needs deeper scrutiny.  Benghazi matters because four of our fellow citizens were murdered under terrifying circumstances. Benghazi matters because a diplomatic facility emblematic and representative of our country was attacked and burned on the anniversary of 9/11.  Benghazi matters because Americans deserve to know the truth from those entrusted to lead and govern.  House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, is right to convene a select committee devoted to uncovering all relevant facts connected to Benghazi, just as the House committees of jurisdiction were right to investigate Benghazi before this.  Despite the passage of 20 months, there remain unresolved questions.

Don't tune out the newest Benghazi developments.  There will be so many politicians jabbering into microphones, so many practiced mouths curled into what is supposed to look like spontaneous anger, that you'll see right through much of it.  And then many of you will be tempted to turn away and tune out.  That's to be expected.  Some of the politicos are counting on just that.  They're betting on it, and you should probably figure that some of the screaming isn't designed to inform but to turn you off to the whole thing.

GOP-led Benghazi select committee's probe could last until 2016.  Republicans' plan for a special 'select committee' charged with investigating the 2012 Benghazi terror attack reached new levels of controversy on Wednesday [5/7/2014] when the congressman who will chair the new panel said he can foresee its work stretching well into the 2016 election season.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, a former South Carolina prosecutor, acknowledged on MSNBC that the timetable would largely be dictated by how much — or how little — the Obama administration cooperates with subpoenas.

Rubio Clowns Charlie Crist As An Embarrassing Phony.  It was only a matter of time before Senator Marco Rubio chimed in on Charlie Crist's "absurd" statement that the reason why he left the Republican Party was because it veered "hard right" and became racist.

Hillary Clinton Does Not Believe More Benghazi Hearings Are Necessary.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton addressed the GOP's call for more hearings and answers regarding the 2012 attack on a U.S. consulate in Benghazi today during a live interview with ABC News' Robin Roberts, sponsored by Philanthropy New York.  Asked by Roberts if she is "satisfied" with the answers previous hearing uncovered and "content" that she knows what happened on September 11, 2012, Clinton answered, "Absolutely."

The Editor says...
If I were in her position, I'd say the same thing.

GOP's Point Man on Benghazi Is Seasoned Prosecutor.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, the Republicans' newest point man on the Benghazi attack, is a seasoned prosecutor determined to apply his well-honed courtroom skills to an election-year examination of the Obama administration's actions.

Trey Gowdy Turns the Tables on Pelosi & Company With This Dose of Reality.  With the recent revelation of Trey Gowdy being chosen to chair the Benghazi Select Committee, Nancy Pelosi is hoping for political equality. [... But] When Pelosi was Speaker of the House, she did not subscribe to a bipartisan way of leadership.  She used her position to rally Democrats: ramming the Obamacare Bill through Congress, cutting off floor debates, as well as any opportunity to substantively amend the legislation.

Unnecessary Lies.  The scandal itself is not very difficult to understand, unless you have a personal commitment to not understanding it.  Such commitments frequently are rooted in partisanship and ideology, but in the case of our supine media and Democrats occupying the commanding heights of culture, it may be simple shame.  They were intentionally misled by an administration that holds their intelligence in light esteem even as it takes for granted their support. [...] What's unusual in this case is the unnecessary dishonesty, as though the Obama administration simply reflexively recoiled from the truth.

Gowdy: Benghazi probe could run into '16.  Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said the special committee he'll lead on Benghazi could continue into the 2016 campaign, when Hillary Clinton might be running for the White House.  Asked about that possibility Wednesday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Gowdy said the length of his work would depend on the administration's level of cooperation.  "It would be shame on us if we intentionally dragged this out for political expediency," said Gowdy, the special committee's chairman.  "On the other hand, if an administration is slow-walking document production, I can't end a trial simply because the defense won't cooperate."

Benghazi revelations revive coverup critics.  "Most of the media refuses to cover what happened in Benghazi in 2012, and congressional Republicans have been less than skillful in their probes.  But the story isn't going away despite the best efforts of the Obama administration and the Hillary for President campaign.

Diverting Benghazi probe.  An e-mail has surfaced from a deputy national security adviser to Susan Rice on how to characterize the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on Sunday news programs.  He advised Rice, then ambassador to the U.N., that her primary goal was to "underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy."  The e-mail was redacted when the most-transparent-administration-in-history provided Benghazi documents to Congress earlier, but was found through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Boehner Smartens Up On Benghazi.  Friday, when the news hit that at long last House Speaker John Boehner would name a Select Committee to investigate, once and for all, the events leading up to and following the local al Qaeda affiliate's attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, it might have been the smartest political move of either party in years.

Trey Gowdy can do an end run on Benghazi Liars with video maker on the stand.  Since his release from a halfway house on Sept. 26, 2013, Youssef, whose YouTube video was blamed by Obama administration officials for the Benghazi attack, has faded into obscurity.  Why?  What if Youssef, who served several months in prison for an unrelated 2010 bank fraud before being imprisoned for a year for Innocence of Muslims, was paid to disappear?  It wouldn't be the first time a corrupt government administration brokered a deal with a straw man to spend time in the slammer before being retired to a life of quiet luxury in an island paradise.

Pelosi Wants Even Split on Benghazi Committee.  Is that a reasonable request?  Not if precedent is a guide:  ["]In 2007, the House created a Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.  As Speaker, Pelosi set up the structure.  There were nine Democrats and six Republicans.["]

The Editor says...
Just yesterday the Democrats sounded like they were all going to boycott the Benghazi hearings.  Now they want equal face time.

John Kerry: I'll comply with House GOP's Benghazi request.  Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday [5/6/2014] indicated he would comply with a House GOP subpoena to testify about Benghazi and other questions from the new select committee appointed by House Speaker John Boehner.  But in his first comments on the topic since renewed attention to it began in the last week, Kerry batted away the inquiry into the September 2012 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi as a "partisan" effort that won't bring forward anything that isn't already known.

Palin to Obama Admin: 'You Lied Again' on Benghazi.  Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin blasted the Obama administration for lying about the Benghazi attacks last week again and praised House Republicans for deciding to form a Select Committee to try to unearth what led to the deaths of four Americans and the possible cover-up.

Police investigate threats against Trey Gowdy.  The U.S. Capitol Police are investigating threatening emails against Rep. Trey Gowdy, the South Carolina Republican recently tapped to lead a special panel probing the Benghazi terrorist attacks.  The investigation comes after POLITICO reporters and journalists at other outlets received two emails on Tuesday warning that Gowdy would be harmed because of his role in investigating the 2012 attacks.

Harry Reid: No Benghazi select committee in the Senate.  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he will not form a select committee in the upper chamber to examine the fatal terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, despite a House move to create such a panel.  Reid made the announcement after a top GOP senator told the Washington Examiner he plans to formally ask Reid to create a select committee to look into the matter.

Obama, Dems better buckle up as Benghazi Select Committee ramps up.  The desperate effort included lying about the attack, a fact that is now undeniable thanks to the release of a secret email written days later.  In it, an Obama aide said a goal of having U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice do five TV interviews was to "underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy."  But there was no protest about a video before the Benghazi attack, and CIA analysts said they knew instantly it was a planned terror operation.

Benghazi scandal: When will Team Obama tell the truth?  It strains human credibility that a staff member such as Ben Rhodes could be advising a senior staff member such as Susan Rice to go on five Sunday shows and be paid, at taxpayer expense, to lie to the American people.  Jay Carney, Victoria Nuland and other members of the Obama administration were also told, in essence, to lie.  Why?  Because they were following orders.

Benghazi Victim's Uncle: Obama is a "Paid Serial Liar".  Fortunately, a select committee to investigate Benghazi has finally been formed with Trey Gowdy as the chairman, and he will likely be able to uncover the truth that Obama has been hiding.  Unfortunately, the White House has intimated that they might not cooperate with the committee's investigation, and will continue to stonewall and cover up the answers that the American people are seeking.  The families of the victims are also seeking answers to their questions about what exactly happened on September 11-12, 2012.  The uncle of Sean Smith, one of the victims of Benghazi, has written an op-ed for Fox News, wondering when Obama will start telling the truth about what happened to his nephew.

Infiltration of the U.S. Government, Part One.  The announcement that the House will vote on a special congressional committee to investigate Benghazi is long overdue.  Accuracy in Media's two special conferences on Benghazi helped mobilize the public and the press to demand this outcome.  In addition to identifying the Obama operatives in charge of the cover-up, a critical question is why the Obama administration facilitated the flow of weapons to al Qaeda in Libya.  Indeed, answering this question could help explain the nature of the cover-up and why a video was falsely blamed for the deaths of four Americans.  It will take a lot of public pressure to uncover the dimensions of what one member of the Citizens' Commission on Benghazi called evidence of the "infiltration" of the U.S. government by the Muslim Brotherhood.

Good Luck with that Benghazi Thing, Mr. Gowdy.  With a brainwashed media shamelessly covering every leftist politician's derriere, a Justice Department run by an administration fixer (himself in contempt of Congress), and a politicized Federal leadership right across the bureaucratic board, any serious desire to arrest the governing venality may amount to nothing more than [futility].  And while Trey Gowdy seems serious, John Boehner seems more akin to a Republican stooge for Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the Democratic establishment.

Discrepancies between Benghazi emails released to Congress, watchdog group.  Documents reviewed by Fox News show there are differences between Benghazi emails released through the federal courts to the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch and emails released to the House oversight committee as part of its investigation into the attacks.  The discrepancies are fueling allegations the administration is holding back documents to Congress.

Congress should press for answers on Benghazi.  Developments of recent days intensify those questions.  They fall into three clusters:  Did the U.S. State Department react negligently to early warnings about the increasing dangers to American personnel in Benghazi?  During the overnight assault, should the U.S. have made a military attempt at a rescue?  And did the administration, with a presidential election eight weeks nigh, knowingly mislead the nation rather than admit a successful terror assault against ill-protected Americans on the anniversary of 9/11?

"7 page email about Fox ... is being withheld by the state department, citing executive branch deliberations".  Fox news [has learned] new details of a seven page email — circulated at the highest levels of the [W]hite [H]ouse — apparently to come up with a media strategy to deal with a [F]ox [N]ews report — is being withheld by the state department, citing executive branch deliberations.  The report, which is the subject line of the emails, "Fox News: US officials knew Libya attack was terrorism within 24 hours, sources confirm" was circulated [S]eptember 27th and September 28th 2012 concluded the intelligence community knew benghazi was terrorism within 24 hours.

State Dept.: Kerry Will Not Comply with Benghazi Subpoena.  Secretary of State John Kerry has been subpoenaed to testify on Benghazi on May 21st.  However, in the daily State Department press briefing on Monday, deputy spokesperson Marie Harf said that Kerry will be out of the country on that day and won't comply with the subpoena to testify on that particular date.  Harf said that Kerry "has been made aware" of the subpoena, but still plans to be out of the country and in Mexico on the 21st.  She said the State Department was "surprised" that Darrell Issa skipped over offering an invitation and went straight to issuing a subpoena.

It's Official: Trey Gowdy to Lead Benghazi Select Committee.  House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) confirmed today [5/5/2014] that Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) will serve as chairman of the select committee to investigate the terrorist attacks in Benghazi.  Gowdy's name quickly rose to the top of the list after Bohener announced the formation of the committee on Friday.

Benghazi House Select Cmte. Chair Gowdy: Murder of 4 Americans 'Should Transcend Politics'.  The South Carolina congressman told Greta Van Susteren [5/5/2014] that witnesses have come forward and shared that there was a systematic effort to keep certain documents under wraps.  He also said there is a lot of over-classification of documents to protect people's careers.  "I'm not interested in summaries, I'm not interested in synopses, I'm interested in access to the document and the witness, and I'll decide whether or not I think the appropriate questions were asked in the past," he said.

Liberals Beg Pelosi To Not Appoint Democrats To Benghazi Committee.  Emails released last week indicated that the White House played a bigger role than previously admitted in crafting the now-debunked initial talking points on the attacks that left four Americans dead, including Chris Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya.  But Democrats have argued that the investigations are partisan-driven and meant to try to harm former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ahead of a likely run for president in 2016.

Poll: 72% want the truth about Benghazi.  Just over half the nation wants further investigation into the September 2012 terrorist killings of American diplomats in Benghazi, Libya, in part because an even larger percentage of the country does not believe that President Obama's team has told the full story about the simmering scandal.  Rasmussen Reports revealed in a new poll that 51 percent want the investigation to go forward.  The House last week ordered up a special panel to investigate the killings of the U.S. ambassador and several others and how the administration handled the crisis.

Ben Rhodes's brother, the day after Benghazi.  Ben Rhodes's brother is of course David Rhodes, the president of CBS News — although, if you're a CBS viewer, maybe I shouldn't assume that you know that.  Anyway, a nifty catch here by John Sexton of Breitbart.  The key bit comes 50 seconds in.  Quote:  "Our government thinks that, you know, there's a really good chance this was not just a spontaneous mob reaction to what some thought was an offensive film but actually a coordinated effort timed to the 9/11 anniversary."  Two days later, Sexton reminds us, Ben Rhodes sent out an e-mail ahead of Susan Rice's Sunday show appearances urging her "to underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy."

Benghazi: What was Tom Donilon Doing?  [Scroll down]  Incoming White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel made it clear:  Donilon was to be in the White House.  And so it came to be:  one of the most political players in Washington would be the Deputy Obama NSC advisor.  Writes Woodward, General Jim Jones, the Obama pick for the top spot at the NSC, "could almost hear the collective sigh of relief from Obama's political and transition teams."  Later, too late, Woodward adds that Jones realized the Obama White House was in fact a political "clique" — and that Emanuel's tight relationship with Donilon would not be extended to the man who in fact was Donilon's boss — General Jones.  And who was on that Obama "political and transition" team?  That almost certainly would have included a young Obama speechwriter named... Ben Rhodes.  The very writer of the now celebrated Benghazi e-mail that has launched the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

Trey Gowdy: Not Your Father's Investigation Committee Chairman.  Speaker Boehner has appointed Rep. Trey Gowdy to chair the House Select Committee on Benghazi.  Gowdy is an experienced prosecutor who has consistently impressed me (and, obviously, Boehner) during hearings before the Oversight Committee on Benghazi and the IRS.  Gowdy breaks the mold for chairman of a big ticket investigative committee.  The typical chairman is a stern but somewhat subdued father figure — think Sen. Inouye of Iran Contra fame — or a venerable, or at least folksy, grandfather figure — think Sen. Ervin of Watergate fame.  The old-fashioned chairman may press witnesses, but will leave the true attack dog stuff to counsel or colleagues.  Gowdy won't cut it as a father or grandfather figure and he will be neither subdued nor folksy.  He will likely be his own attack dog.

Amid new investigations into Benghazi, don't forget the unfinished business of 9/11.  This time three years ago, the country was celebrating the killing of Osama bin Laden.  "The death of bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al Qaeda," President Obama said in a May 2, 2011, address to the nation.  "We will never tolerate our security being threatened, nor stand idly by when our people have been killed," Obama said.

Mission Improbable: Trey Gowdy gets into Benghazi.  Speaker John Boehner and House Republicans have decided to create a select committee to expand their investigation into the Benghazi attacks.  Beyond that, nothing is settled.  In fact, Republicans may be going on something of a mission improbable to yield new information and turn up new clues in a wide-ranging probe that has already spanned 13 hearings, 25,000 pages of documents and 50 briefings.

The Editor says...
The writer of the article immediately above seems to ignore the reasonalble assumption that the Obama White House is still stonewalling and covering up evidence.

Rep. Gowdy Says He Has Evidence White House Is Hiding Benghazi Docs.  South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy says that the White House is hiding Benghazi documents and he has the evidence to prove it. [...] But is he too partisan?  I guess if the Democrats boycott, the Republicans could put the most partisan member in the chair and it wouldn't make much difference.

What Are the Democrats Afraid of?  Why is it that Democrats don't want to talk about Benghazi?  Why do Democrats get angry and defensive when asked about the events of September 11, 2012 which resulted in the deaths of four Americans at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya?  Why do Democrats act like it happened during the Civil War?  Why do Democrats want to change the subject?  It seems like Democrats would rather talk about Obamacare than talk about Benghazi.

House GOP probes on Benghazi, IRS set up tough votes for Democrats.  With votes looming to create a special committee to investigate the Benghazi attacks, hold former IRS official Lois G. Lerner in contempt of Congress and demand a special counsel to look into the IRS, House Republicans have created a political minefield for Democrats in tough re-election races.  The votes all pit Congress against the White House and the broader Obama administration over key transparency questions — though they also open Republicans to charges of political grandstanding.

Even If Benghazi Was About A Video, It's Still A Scandal.  Judging from the reaction of liberals on my Twitter feed, the appropriate reaction to any #Benghazi talk is snickering and derision.  And the defense offered by administration, which amounts to mocking conservatives for offering any questions — former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor dropping "dude" on Fox News' Bret Baier was tailored to parallel this dismissive attitude — reminds me that even if all this was about a video, even if the GOP's "conspiracy theory" regarding talking-point timelines is all wrong, the Obama administration's reaction is still a scandal.

Father of Navy SEAL Killed in Benghazi Speaks Out and Shreds the Administration's Lies.  On Friday night [5/2/2014], Charles Woods, the father of slain Navy SEAL Ty Woods, responded to the recent revelations surrounding the Benghazi  video protest  terror attack on Sean Hannity's Fox News show.  He also discussed the letter he received from President Obama last year, as well as what Hillary Clinton said to him at Andrews Air Force base upon the arrival of his son's casket.

GOP Rep. King blasts Dem rep's 'arrogant' call to boycott Benghazi probe.  A top Republican on the House intelligence committee slammed his Democratic colleague Sunday for suggesting fellow Democrats boycott the newly announced committee tasked with probing the Benghazi attacks.  Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said doing so would be "terribly arrogant" and "wrong."  The call for a boycott was made earlier by Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., during an interview on "Fox News Sunday."  He was responding to House Speaker John Boehner's announcement Friday that the House would vote on a select committee to investigate Benghazi.

What Difference at this point Does It Make?  At a hearing on the Benghazi attack and assassination of Ambassador Stevens, Secretary of State Clinton asked, "at this point, what difference at this point does it make?"  The various scandals of President Obama's White House continue to unravel, the various lies and deceptions exposed.  Speaker Boehner has announced a special select committee to investigate the events leading to the Benghazi assault, lack of military response, and subsequent White House deception; an investigation that nearly all Democrats are treating as purely political.  Will investigations into the Obama scandals ever amount to anything?  Is this what Mrs. Clinton meant by "what difference"?

What Obama Did on September 11, 2012.  On September 11, 2012, war was the last thing Obama wanted or needed as well.  He had already bagged Osama bin Laden, pacified al Qaeda, and liberated Libya — or so he repeated endlessly.  Foreign policy was alleged to be his electoral strong suit.  Given the political dynamics, Obama retreated, just as the Clintons had, to the family quarters.  There he would spend the night translating national security data into electoral strategy.  For the next two months he did what the Clintons did after the demise of TWA Flight 800:  he just kicked the investigatory can down the road and hoped that the media would not call attention to the kicking.

Did someone mention TWA 800?

Time for Truth & Consequences on the Benghazi Cover Up.  Hillary just cannot get rid of the Benghazi stain on her record.  Every time she thinks it is safe to go back into the water and leave Benghazi behind, another bit of the truth is revealed that calls into question the honesty of the Obama administration, including its former Secretary of State, about what happened before, during, and after the September 11, 2012 jihadist attack.  And every time, we can count on spinmeisters in President Obama's camp such as White House Press Secretary Jay Carney to say things like Benghazi is old news and that Republicans are engaging in unfounded conspiracy theories.

Attkisson: There's a 'Well-Orchestrated Strategy to Controversialize' Benghazi.  Former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson joined the hosts of Fox & Friends on Monday [5/5/2014] and was asked for her thoughts on apparent efforts by former Obama administration officials Tommy Vietor and David Plouffe to dismiss the latest revelations about the response to the Benghazi attack.  The former CBS reporter said that she believes there is a concerted effort to delegitimize investigations into that deadly 2012 attack orchestrated by people close to the White House.

What was Obama really doing during Benghazi?  [F]or us the most pressing, curious and disturbing question today remains:  Where was the Commander-in-Chief and what was he doing during an eight-hour attack that left four government employees unprotected, abandoned and dead?  We know now, thanks to Bret Baier's recent interview with ex-Obama aide Tommy Vietor, that the president was not in the Situation Room, the secure, in-house command post where presidents usually go to oversee crises.  Remember the Osama bin Laden assassination-night photo with Obama back in the corner and others riveted to a real-time video screen?  Clinton and then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta have both said they talked with Obama by phone that awful evening.  And Obama's said he ordered all necessary security for American facilities and representatives abroad.  But that's it!  Nothing more.

The Democrats' Dilemma on Benghazi.  Though they may publicly deny that there is any scandal in the Obama administration's response to the Benghazi attack on September 11, 2012, there must be doubts emerging, if only because we now know with certainty that a critical email was withheld in violation of a subpoena from the Issa Committee.  Though most Democrats loathe Darrel Issa (and the entire Republican Party, for that matter), the expression "cover-up" is now in play, and the senior Congressional leadership of the party is old enough to remember the Watergate hearings, and the articles of impeachment that emerged from that process, authored in part by a young committee staffer named Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Joe DiGenova: 'I'm Delighted the Democrats Don't Want to Participate'.  Former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova says he'll be happy if Democrats decide not to appoint members to the special select committee on Benghazi that Republicans plan to establish.  "I'm delighted the Democrats don't want to participate.  All they would do is obstruct," diGenova told WMAL talk radio in Washington, D.C. Monday morning [5/5/2014].  "The president is going to pay a price ultimately," he added.

Benghazi select committee members may come from informal group John Boehner created.  House Speaker John Boehner named Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. to head a select committee to investigate the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  Gowdy, a former prosecutor, topped the list of Republican lawmakers Boehner was considering to head the panel.  The South Carolina lawmaker won his seat in the 2010 election that returned the Republicans to the majority in the House thanks to a new group of Republican members elected with the help of the Tea Party.  Gowdy is a top member on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, aggressively questioning witnesses at several hearings the panel has held on the Benghazi attacks.

Former Rep. Jane Harman on Benghazi: 'Time to Move On'.  "This is a circus," former Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) said of the Republicans' call for a select committee to investigate the terror attacks in Benghazi and the misleading way the White House responsed to it, just two months before the 2012 presidential election.  Harmon, a former member of the House Intelligence Committee, told "Fox News Sunday" that the terror attacks that killed four Americans on Sept. 11, 2012 were an intelligence failure:  "But it wasn't a conspiracy.  And there aren't aliens in Area 51 and Vince Foster wasn't murdered.  And it's time to move on and focus on the real problems in Libya and other problems...."

The Editor says...
I beg to differ about Vince Foster.  There is plenty of evidence to show that he was rubbed out.

Rep. Gowdy named to lead Benghazi select committee.  South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy, a former federal prosecutor known for his aggressive style of questioning at congressional hearings, has been tapped to lead a select committee tasked with investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks.  House Speaker John Boehner made the announcement Monday afternoon [5/5/2014].

Networks Give 15 Times More Coverage to Correspondents' Dinner Than Benghazi.  On Monday, the three network morning shows provided 12 minutes 24 seconds to Saturday night's White House Correspondents' Dinner but only CBS This Morning reported House Speaker John Boehner on Friday announcing a new investigation into Benghazi — a news brief that totaled a mere 47 seconds.

CBS News Requested LexisNexis Delete Transcript of Debunked Benghazi Report.  CBS News and 60 Minutes became the center of controversy last year when it turned out that they had aired a segment on the 2012 Benghazi attacks with a witness who had later discredited himself in contradictory testimony to the FBI.  The segment's reporter Lara Logan took a leave of absence, and the network began an investigation of what went wrong with the flagship newsmagazine show's editorial process.  And now, ThinkProgress reports that CBS seems to have requested that journalistic document database LexisNexis remove all traces of the infamous segment's transcript.

Pelosi says she 'couldn't care less' about Benghazi criticism.  House minority leader Nancy Pelosi said in an interview broadcast Sunday that criticism by conservative lawmakers against herself and the Obama administration only demonstrates that they are suffering from a "poverty of ideas." [...] "It means nothing to me," she said.  "I consider the source and I consider them to be stuck in a poverty of ideas.  They have none, and that's where they had to go."

King Barack's Court: A Flippant Regime.  Despite its seriousness, Benghazi has literally become a joke to the left wing of the ruling class. Fortunately, only to them.  A large majority of Americans (60% of voters) want Congress to keep investigating the attack and ensuing political scandal.  Even more (61%) think the White House is covering up the details.  That's more people than support same-sex marriage (59%), but you don't hear administration officials flippantly dismissing the issue of equal rights.  And it's not just Benghazi.  The glib dismissal emanating from the White House also covers issues like the IRS targeting of conservative non-profits, the Keystone XL pipeline, NSA surveillance of American citizens, and the Fast and Furious gun debacle.  Like Benghazi, Republicans have widespread support to pursue all these issues according to polls.  And like Benghazi, Obama surrogates consider them all political theater rather than legitimate concerns.

Dems mull whether to boycott House GOP Benghazi hearing.  The House GOP leadership just announced [5/5/2014] that Rep. Trey Gowdy will head the newly announced special committee to probe what happened in Benghazi.  Gowdy, as it happens, has already informed America that he knows that the administration is guilty of a serious cover-up, claiming he has "evidence" of a "systematic, intentional decision" to withhold untold numbers of Benghazi documents from Congress.  The question now is whether House Dems will boycott the proceedings.

Congressman claims he has evidence of 'systemic, intentional' Benghazi cover-up.  Trey Gowdy, a knife-in-the-teeth former South Carolina prosecutor, will chair a congressional 'Select Committee' that will investigate the September 11, 2012 State Department debacle in Benghazi, Libya. [...] Democrats on Capitol Hill aren't pleased.  The White House promptly suggested it wouldn't cooperate with the new panel, and one Democratic congressional aide blamed 'tea baggers' for a partisan circus to come.

a href="">b>Carney Refuses to Answer Whether WH Will Comply with Benghazi Special Committee/b>/a>.  White House Press Secretary Jay Carney trivialized the newly announced Special Committee to investigate Benghazi claiming "the facts of yesterday are the facts of today."  Carney accused Republicans of creating a conspiracy theory where none exists.  There have been "25,000 plus pages of documents, many briefings, much testimony, and all have failed to provide Republicans with what they want politically," he claimed./p>

Why Benghazi Matters.  The White House misled the American public about a critical matter of national interest, and it continues to practice deceit as the facts of the case are sorted out.  That, to answer Hillary Clinton's callous question, is what difference it makes.  The Benghazi dishonesty did not end with Susan Rice's now-infamous 2012 Sunday-show storytelling circuit, in which she blamed the attack on an Internet video that Muslims found insulting but that in fact had nothing to do with what was an organized jihadist attack.

Hillary Clinton: the real GOP target on Benghazi?  A year ago, not long after the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, which killed the US ambassador and three other American personnel, Clinton saw a big drop in her favorability ratings.  "The drop in her favorability is substantial among men, Republicans, and independent voters," Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, said at the time. "One reason for her drop may be that 48 percent of voters blame her either a little or a lot for the death of the American ambassador in Benghazi."

The Editor says...
The "real target" is whoever is guilty of lying, stonewalling and covering up incompetence, conspiracy, malfeasance, and negligent homicide.  The lies about Benghazi allowed Barack Obama to get re-elected, which would never have happened if the truth about the incident had been quickly and fully revealed.

Release Obama's Benghazi intelligence briefings.  President Obama claims he was only repeating what the intelligence community told him when his administration asserted that the attack in Benghazi began with a spontaneous protest inspired by an Internet video.  If that's the case, there is a simple way to prove it:  Give the new congressional select committee investigating Benghazi his daily intelligence briefings that show exactly what he was told.

Beckel Bashes GOP on Benghazi: Turned 'Four Dead Bodies Into a Political Act'The Five co-host Bob Beckel clarified his angry Benghazi rant last week on Monday's show, explaining that he wasn't glossing over the deaths of four dead Americans.  He said that in the past he had admitted the White House engaged in politics in the wake of Benghazi, but maintained that the ones doing the real political exploitation are the Republicans, saying "What the Republicans have done is turn four dead bodies into a political act that they can play off of."  Beckel also said that "any Democrat who shows up on this committee oughta have their Democratic registration taken away from them."

Will Obama Claim Executive Privilege On Benghazi?  With Congress breathing down his neck on Benghazi, President Obama has a legal ace in his hand — executive privilege — which he could assert to protect the documents explaining exactly why the White House came to blame the attack on a YouTube video.  Politically, however, it's a hand he dare not play.  To get the strongest legal backing for the privilege, Obama would need to claim he personally participated in the conversations about telling America the falsehood that the 9/11 Benghazi terrorist attack was due to the video.

Haunted by the ghosts of Benghazi.  [Scroll down]  Of course, the truth would have gone down a lot easier 600 days ago.  Instead, we have had 600 days of coverup and obfuscation from the White House, the CIA and the State Department as the truth has been bent, spindled and mutilated in an effort to isolate Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama from the repercussions of allowing the massacre to take place in the first place, and then lying about it later.  Substitute the Justice Department for the State Department, and throw in the FBI, and you will have the Watergate coverup administered by President Nixon [...]

The battle to get WH Benghazi emails.  It took 18 months for Judicial Watch to unearth the emails on Benghazi that led Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Friday to say he's forming a special committee to look into the issue.  "This material was not voluntarily disclosed," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told The Hill during a phone interview.  The emails have given new life to Republican attacks on Benghazi.  They include a key email from White House official Ben Rhodes outlining "goals" for the talk-show appearances of Susan Rice, who was serving as ambassador to the United Nations at the time.

'Delusional Minority' Driving GOP on Benghazi, David Plouffe Says.  There was "no conspiracy" behind the White House's decision not to release an internal email related to Benghazi until this week, but a "very loud, delusional minority" is driving the Republican Party to politicize the issue, former Obama White House senior adviser David Plouffe said today [5/4/2014].

Issa: WH Withholding Benghazi Docs 'Disturbing and Perhaps Criminal'.  During the Committee hearing on Benghazi, Congressman Darrell Issa, chairman of the Oversight and Reform Committee complained that the Benghazi documents recently released by the White House to Judicial Watch in response to their FOIA request, should have been turned over to Congress a year and a half ago.

Benghazi and al Qaeda.  House Speaker John Boehner is forming a special select committee on the Benghazi attack that killed four Americans.  Boehner's decision comes on the heels of a newly disclosed e-mail from Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes. The e-mail advised UN Ambassador Susan Rice, who was to appear on the Sunday talk shows, to "underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy."  Plainly the e-mail contradicts earlier White House claims that politics had nothing to do with blaming the video for what was an al Qaeda attack.  It also raises questions why the e-mail wasn't handed over to congressional committees investigating Benghazi.

John Kerry team angry at Darrell Issa about Benghazi subpoena.  A demand that Secretary of State John Kerry testify before Congress about his department's compliance with requests for information about the Benghazi terrorist attack angered his spokesperson, who faulted lawmakers for failing to give him the opportunity to appear voluntarily.

California Democat: Benghazi select committee a "red herring," "colossal waste of time".  Rep. Adam Schiff, California Democrat, said Sunday that it doesn't make sense for Democrats to give any more credibility to the newly-announced select committee on Benghazi than it deserves, "and frankly I don't think it deserves very much."  "I think it's a colossal waste of time," Mr. Schiff said on "Fox News Sunday.  "We've had four bipartisan investigations of this already."

Boehner to allow vote to establish select committee on Benghazi.  Following disclosures of previously unreleased emails between White House and Obama administration officials, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) announced early this afternoon that he will establish a select committee to investigate the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack. [...] "Americans learned this week that the Obama Administration is so intent on obstructing the truth about Benghazi that it is even willing to defy subpoenas issued by the standing committees of the People's House," Boehner said in a statement.

Senators Ask Obama Where He Was On Night Of Benghazi Attack.  Three Republican U.S. senators wrote to President Obama Friday demanding to know where Obama was on the night of the Benghazi U.S. Consulate attack on Sept. 11, 2012.  Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire said it's time for the White House to disclose the president's location on the night four Americans, including Libyan Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, were killed during an assault on the consulate.

Obama Flacks Mock Fox News' Benghazi Coverage.  It really is beginning to look like the brain trust of dorks who flack for Democrats have decided on a defense strategy for the Benghazi scandal — Alinsky Rule #5:  "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."

CBS Evening News Finally Notices Benghazi Emails.  On Friday, CBS Evening News caught up with its Big Three competitors and reported on the latest developments on the controversy surrounding the September 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya.  CBS also finally mentioned its own president's family connection to a White House official involved in the Obama administration's handling of the immediate aftermath of the attack.

The AWOL Commander-in-Chief.  [Scroll down]  Much as Hillary Clinton may desire to be the commander-in-chief of the United States armed forces, that job does not belong to the secretary of state.  It was the solemn duty of the president to come forward with not requests but commands for action.  Why was AFRICOM hanging on the State Department's preferences?  Why were our troops hamstrung by what Lovell described as "deference to the Libyan people?"  On the night of September 11, 2012, AFRICOM was not beholden to Mrs. Clinton or Tripoli.  They answered to Barack Obama.  Of course, no one can answer to a commander-in-chief who abdicates his command, a commander-in-chief who is AWOL.

Still Missing the Strategic Meaning of Benghazi.  Strategy comes before tactics.  Strategic goals dictate tactical actions.  Today we are allowed to talk about the obvious tactical lies and malfeasances that the Obama administration blew in our faces in the Benghazi fiasco and its aftermath, but not about its strategic meaning.  But Obama's secret policies have also been exposed to public view with the Benghazi fiasco.  It is now clear that since Obama came to power, the U.S. government has overturned all the fundamental values that have characterized American policy from Thomas Jefferson onward.  Under Obama we have secretly joined the terrorist side in the Jihad War.  That is the strategic meaning of Benghazi.

The mainstream media is Obama's first and last hope on Benghazi.  I think of all this as a series of coded commands to the White House's media allies, calling the Praetorian Guard together one last time to close ranks and ignore the Benghazi story.  Team Obama has been describing this as an "old story" since before Hillary Clinton stood at that ceremony and repeated the "spontaneous video protest lie" right into the faces of the victims' families.  The media has generally been very agreeable about passing that spin along to the public.  There are signs it isn't going to work this time.  I'd fault Speaker Boehner for being so slow to launch a serious investigation, but now that it's happening, there's no way to ignore this story to death.

Benghazi mess points to Hillary and 'possibly criminal' cover-up.  Make it go away!  That was the message of the Obama administration and their friends in the media for the past two years, and now we know why:  Benghazi is the scandal they always denied it was.

The Fat Lady.  The exact moment when the Benghazi crisis began to clip Obama's wings will probably be identified as August 29, 2013.  That is the date the British parliament refused to join Barack Obama's impending strike on Syria after it had crossed his "Red Line". [...] While there is no imminent danger to the president from the Congressional select committee on Benghazi, that could change very quickly if the information cofferdam surrounding the president begins to crumble and damaging secrets begin to emerge.  The policy background surrounding Benghazi involves matters many times more serious than the attempted burglary which toppled Richard Nixon.  The potential for something serious to come out of it is high.

Benghazi Made Simple.  On Wednesday, Jay Carney explained — as if he was talking to a room full of children — that the Benghazi e-mail the White House refused to release until the White House was forced to release its Benghazi e-mails wasn't in fact about Benghazi, even though the e-mail talks about Benghazi.  This is Monty Pythonesque of "Dead Parrot" proportions.  That's not a Benghazi e-mail, it's just an e-mail about Benghazi, in a folder marked "Benghazi" e-mails, idiot.  As I said on Fox yesterday, Jay Carney is a very strange creature for Washington.  He's an extremely confident liar — we've got a lot of those! — but he's not very convincing.

Dem wants party to sit out new House probe.  A Democratic member of the House intelligence committee called Sunday for his party to boycott the newly announced committee tasked with probing the Benghazi attacks, dismissing new evidence that Republicans have called a "smoking gun" showing the White House politicized the tragedy.  Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., told "Fox News Sunday" [5/4/2014] that Democrats should not give the select committee more "credibility" by joining.  "I think it's a colossal waste of time," he said.  "I don't think it makes sense, really, for Democrats to participate."

Jay Carney's Big Fat Lie: Emails Not About Benghazi.  No, that was not Winston Smith, the rewriter of history working for the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell's classic novel "1984," tap-dancing once again before a no-longer-sycophantic White House press corps.  Rather, it was that master storyteller, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.  Carney shamefully continued to insist that when then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice went on five Sunday talk shows days after the 2012 attack to offer an untrue story that Benghazi was the result of an inflammatory video, she was acting on the best intelligence offered by the intelligence community.  Carney said this knowing that Mike Morell, CIA deputy director two years ago, testified before Congress and said the video story did not come from CIA analysts.

Could You Lie to a Bereaved Father?  The Ben Rhodes memo revealing the duplicity of this administration on the subject of Benghazi reminds us about the character of those involved.  That President Barack Obama could lie so evenly and so passionately (remember the second presidential debate?) is not perhaps surprising at this stage.  But let's not forget what it took for Hillary Clinton to lie to the grieving father of an American hero.

Benghazi emails: Proof Team Obama put politics ahead of truth.  Some are calling it the "smoking gun" in the Benghazi scandal.  A just-released email from a top White House communications adviser clearly shows the political strategy behind then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice's appearance on Sunday news programs — blaming the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya — which resulted in the murder of our ambassador and three other U.S. citizens — on a fictional violent protest of an internet video instead of a well-coordinated attack by Al Qaeda.

Where was Obama? Question resurfaces of president's whereabouts during Benghazi attack.  Republican senators on Friday [5/1/2014] put pressure on President Obama to confirm his whereabouts during the night of the Benghazi attack, after an ex-White House spokesman revived the debate by telling Fox News he was not in the Situation Room.  The detail about the president's location the night of the attack is just one of many revelations that have, in a matter of days, kicked up the controversy to a level not seen since last year.  After new emails were released raising questions about the White House response to the attack, a key panel on Friday subpoenaed Secretary of State John Kerry and House Speaker John Boehner announced a special investigative committee.

Benghanzi scandal: When will Team Obama tell the truth?  Earlier this week, the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained and released over 1,000 documents pertaining to Benghazi as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.  Included in these documents was a Sept. 14, 2012, email from Ben Rhodes, an assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser for strategic communications.  Rhodes' email referenced an upcoming call to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice the next afternoon to prepare her for appearances on all five Sunday news talk shows.  The email specifically drew attention to an anti-Islamic video that was causing protests in other areas, without distinguishing it from the Benghazi attack.

Intel official: 'We should have tried' to help Americans under fire in Benghazi.  A top military intelligence official at the time of the Benghazi attacks testified Thursday that U.S. personnel "should have tried" to help Americans under fire on Sept. 11, 2012, in an unprecedented public statement from a leading military officer.  Retired Brig. Gen. Robert Lovell, who at the time of the attacks was the deputy intelligence director at U.S. Africa Command, questioned the merits of the ongoing debate over whether U.S. military forces could have responded in time.

Why Benghazi should matter to every American.  The mainstream media declared the Benghazi story insignificant long ago.  To the extent it is covered, the focus is usually on the horrific and unnecessary deaths of four Americans.  The Obama administration dismisses it as a lot of fuss about a few silly talking points.  But everybody is missing the big-picture story of the Benghazi affair and its cover-up.  It's about the White House using the intelligence community for its own political purposes, and lying to the American public in order to win an election.  It's about abuse of power, and that is a big deal.

The Disappearing Free-Speech Panic.  [Scroll down]  Failing to anticipate a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11, four Americans, including our ambassador, were murdered in a pre-planned and coordinated terrorist assault in Libya.  White House officials said they believed it wasn't a terrorist attack but a spontaneous reaction to a video insulting the Muslim prophet Muhammad.  There is a debate as to whether they knew all along that was untrue.  There is no real debate that officials learned very early that it was untrue and continued to lie about it — or at least wildly and dishonestly exaggerate the role the video played.

Carney's Response to Benghazi Emails is Criminal.  As the White House continues to spin the Benghazi scandal, it has become increasingly clear that this is an administration that is perfectly content with lying to the American people.  The question Americans have to ask themselves is whether they have become an electorate that is content to listen.  White House Press Secretary Jay Carney assumed the latter this week, claiming that new Benghazi documents linking the White House to the cover-up were not actually about Benghazi at all — "it was explicitly not about Benghazi", Carney said, going so far as to suggest that discussing the cover-up makes for a "conspiracy theory".  In the face of the new evidence, Carney's words are nothing short of shameless.

JW Finds Benghazi Smoking Gun!  On April 18, 2014, [Judicial Watch] obtained 41 new Benghazi-related State Department documents.  They include a newly declassified email showing then-White House Deputy Strategic Communications Adviser Ben Rhodes and other Obama administration public relations officials attempting to orchestrate a campaign to "reinforce" President Obama and to portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being "rooted in an Internet video, and not a failure of policy."  Other documents show that State Department officials initially described the incident as an "attack" and a possible kidnap attempt.  Now, am I shocked to find the Obama White House behind this egregious lie?  Not at all.  The facts of the Benghazi attack, aftermath and cover-up suggested as much.  But owing largely to Obama secrecy and stonewalling, evidence has been elusive — until Judicial Watch investigators and attorneys worked their magic and got hold of these records.

Benghazi: American 'Liberalism' and the Mainstream Media on Trial.  What seems clear at this point is that the administration blamed the Benghazi attacks on a video no one saw in order to distract public attention from the growing militance of al-Qaeda and related groups.  That militance would have been of great embarrassment to a president during an election when his vice president was running around bragging bin Laden was dead and General Motors alive.  We still do not know why no attempt was made to rescue our people during the attacks since no one knew how long they would go on and why no one has been apprehended for these attacks.  Those are only two of the ongoing mysteries about Benghazi.  Where was the president that night?  What did he and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talk about in their telephone conversation?

Tapper: Carney's Benghazi Comments 'Dissembling, Obfuscating, and Often Insulting'.  CNN anchor Jake Tapper appeared on Hugh Hewitt's radio show today to take on Jay Carney's spin of the latest Benghazi news.  Tapper didn't join Hewitt in calling Carney a liar, but remarked that he found Carney's comments "dissembling, obfuscating, and often insulting."  Tapper said the White House's version of events "does not sit with what I think happened."  He said the White House "leaned heavily into" a narrative that was helpful to them in an election year, but didn't go as far as Hewitt, who suggested there is a "cover-up underway."

Top Republican challenges intelligence official's Benghazi testimony.  The Republican chairman of the House Armed Services Committee publicly challenged the credibility of a former military intelligence official who testified Thursday that more should have been done to help Americans under fire during the Benghazi attack.  The statement from Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif., marks a rare intra-party squabble on Benghazi.  While Republicans on the House oversight committee touted the testimony of retired Brig. Gen. Robert Lovell — who said U.S. personnel "should have tried" to help Americans under fire that night, and the State Department never gave the green light — McKeon suggested that those in the chain of command saw things differently.

Cummings Responds to 'Shockingly Disrespectful' Kerry Benghazi Subpoena.  The top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee accused Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) of creating conflict just to reap publicity with his subpoena of Secretary of State John Kerry.  The subpoena tells Kerry to appear at a May 21 hearing to answer more questions about Benghazi — in particular, the State Department's unwillingness to hand over requested documents to the committee.  In a three-page letter to Kerry accompanying the subpoena, Issa outlines the State Department's evasiveness with the committee and stresses that "compliance with a subpoena for documents is not a game."

Shocking Benghazi E-Mails Between AP Reporter, Obama Flack; Bozell Denounces on Fox.  MRC president Brent Bozell appeared on "The Kelly File" with substitute host Martha MacCallum to discuss new e-mails about Benghazi and Fox News coverage of Benghazi.  The e-mails are between State Department PR operative Victoria Nuland and friendly Associated Press reporter Matt Lee, discussing the alleged "BS" on Fox during "The O'Reilly Factor" on September 13, 2012, two days after the consulate attacks.  Bozell thought the Obama publicist and the AP reporter sounded way too much like each other.

The Five's Beckel Goes Ballistic over Benghazi.  As his co-hosts on The Five continued to examine every angle of the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi Friday afternoon [5/2/2014], this time focusing on comments made by a former White House spokesperson, Bob Beckel decided he had finally had enough.  Deliberating echoing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Beckel pounded the table and said, "We know Islamic radicals killed these people, what difference does it make anymore?!"

Harry Reid: Benghazi is a Koch brothers plot.  House Speaker John Boehner can put his plans for a select committee to investigate the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi on hold.  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has gotten to the bottom of the scandal:  It's the Koch brothers' fault.  Yes, the Nevada Democrat's obsession with billionaires Charles and David Koch extends to blaming them for the Republican-controlled House's desire to get to the bottom of why the Obama administration blamed a terrorist attack on an obscure anti-Islam video (to protect President Obama politically, according to emails newly obtained by Judicial Watch in a lawsuit).

America's national security team.  For some reason Tommy Vietor's interview with Brett Baier on what happened the night of the attack on Benghazi has aroused strong reactions.  Vietor's performance moved Smitty at Robert Stacy McCain's almost to the point of invective.

NSC Spokesman: Dude, Benghazi Was Like Two Years Ago.  Former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor addressed Fox News Special Report host Bret Baier as "dude" Thursday and said he could hardly remember how he helped change the Benghazi talking points because it was "two years ago."  The previously unreleased White House emails this week revealed a coordinated attempt to protect President Barack Obama during the 2012 election campaign and place the blame for the terrorist attack on the anti-Islamic YouTube video and not a "broader failure of policy."

CBS News Denies Conflict of Interest over Exec's Familial Ties to White House.  Former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson has made the media rounds claiming that network management was not exactly happy she was covering stories critical of the Obama administration.  When new Benghazi information was made public this week, CBS News covered the new details (with a disclosure that Ben Rhodes, the Obama administration official at the center of the controversy, is the brother of CBS News President David Rhodes).  However, some conservative sites still claimed a serious conflict of interest, with the Heritage Network blog and the Washington Free Beacon picked up on the familial connection.

NSA Spokesman Says Obama Never Entered The Situation Room During Benghazi Attack.  In a contentious interview with Bret Baier on Fox News, former NSA spokesperson Tommy Vietor admitted that Barack Obama never even entered the situation room even as the attack continued at the Benghazi consulate.  Ironically, he was trying to defend the president when he made this comments, by criticizing Fox News for airing reports that Obama watched the attack unfold from the Situation Room.  Is it any better that he never bothered to check in and see what was going on?

Graham to CNN: Jay Carney 'believes that we're all dumb'.  Sen. Lindsey Graham said he was offended by White House spokesman Jay Carney's comments about new emails that reinforce Republicans' claims that the White House purposely gave misleading information about the Benghazi attack for political reasons.  "I guess he believes that we're all dumb," the South Carolina Republican told CNN Chief Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash on Thursday 5/1/2014].  "To say that this wasn't trying to shape the Benghazi story is inconsistent with the document itself, flies in face of the facts, and yet another insulting, misleading lie."

House committee subpoenas Kerry over Benghazi documents.  House Republicans moved on two fronts Friday to dig for answers on Benghazi, with Speaker John Boehner announcing a special committee to investigate and a key panel subpoenaing Secretary of State John Kerry to testify.  In a significant shift, Boehner announced that the House will vote on establishing a select committee to investigate, on the heels of newly released emails that raised additional questions about the White House's response.  Top Republicans claimed those emails should have been released to Congress months ago, and Boehner signaled those concerns prompted him to rethink the need for a select committee.

How to Stop Benghazi from Happening Again: No Hillary.  Arguably, the best way to make sure that Benghazi never happens again is to make sure the people responsible for it are never given that kind of responsibility in the future.  And the person — by her own admission! — most directly responsible is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Hillary's Unconscionable Benghazi Lie.  The brazenness and scope of the disinformation would make any KGB colonel sigh with admiration.  At 10:32 on the night of the attack, Secretary Clinton issued a statement deploring violence in response to "inflammatory material posted on the Internet."  In the days that followed, the president and his spokesman repeatedly invoked the supposedly offensive video as the cause of the attack. [...] But as the State Department finally disclosed a month after the attack (and as had been widely reported before then), there was no protest outside the American consulate in Benghazi.  Nothing.  Not a peep.

The appalling Obama foreign policy team: The case of Tommy Vietor.  Former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor appeared last night on Bret Baier's Fox News Channel program Special Report, in an attempt at damage control, but only made things worse for the Obama Benghazi cover-up.  Two pieces of actual news were generated, but perhaps the greatest damage was done by Vietor's immature self-presentation, revealing the low level of qualifications necessary for high responsibility in the Obama White House.

Benghazi Email: Hillary Clinton Deputy Names Islamic Extremists, Not YouTube, Morning After Attack.  A newly-emerged government email directly "contradicts the message that President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice and White House press secretary Jay Carney repeated publicly" in the immediate aftermath of the attack in Benghazi.

Benghazi Lies.  [Scroll down]  At his press briefing April 30, Carney took a question about the new documents from ABC News White House correspondent Jonathan Karl.  "Jay, I guess you're aware that Judicial Watch obtained an email from Ben Rhodes to staff members about the Benghazi attack."  Carney disputed Karl's characterization — "That's incorrect" — and followed with a jaw-dropping claim.  "The email and the talking points were not about Benghazi.  They were about the general situation in the Muslim world where you saw, as you may recall, protests."  The email and the talking points — produced in response to a FOIA request for Benghazi-related documents and with multiple references to the attacks in Benghazi three days earlier — were not about Benghazi?  This was too much even for a White House press corps that long ago dismissed Benghazi as a legitimate news story.

Where was Barry? Where was Hillary?  [O]ne of the striking features of the White House's latest email production is the complete absence of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton from the communications on the evening of September 11, 2012.  Their names appear only later, when staffers write heartfelt statements about the deaths of four Americans to be released over their names.  So where were they on the fateful night of September 11?  Tommy Vietor — formerly Obama's van driver, now, apparently, a foreign policy spokesman — says that Obama wasn't in the situation room.  Where was he?  Resting up for his big fundraising trip to Las Vegas the next day?  And how about Hillary?

Obama's Blame the Video Fraud Started in Cairo, Not Benghazi.  [Jay] Carney was grilled about just-released e-mails that corroborate what many of us have been arguing all along:  "Blame the Video" was an Obama-administration — crafted lie, through and through.  It was intended, in the stretch run of the 2012 campaign, to obscure the facts that (a) the presidents foreign policy of empowering Islamic supremacists contributed directly and materially to the Benghazi massacre; (b) the presidents reckless stationing of American government personnel in Benghazi and his shocking failure to provide sufficient protection for them were driven by a political-campaign imperative to portray the Obama Libya policy as a success — and, again, they invited the jihadist violence that killed our ambassador and three other Americans; and (c) far from being "decimated," as the president repeatedly claimed during the campaign (and continued to claim even after the September 11 violence in Egypt and Libya), al-Qaeda and its allied jihadists remained a driving force of anti-American violence in Muslim countries — indeed, they had been strengthened by the presidents pro-Islamist policies.

The Missing Benghazi Email.  Most of the media refuses to cover what happened in Benghazi in 2012, and Congressional Republicans have been less than skillful in their probes.  But the story isn't going away despite the best efforts of the Obama Administration and the Hillary for President campaign.  The latest revelation comes from White House emails in the days after the September 11, 2012 terrorist strike on the U.S. mission in Libya's second largest city.  These emails weren't included last year in what the Administration claimed was a complete set of documents about its handling of the attack and its aftermath.  They were released Tuesday after the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act request.  We can see why the Administration tried to keep them under wraps.

House GOP to Form Special Select Committee on Benghazi.  House Republicans announced on Friday their intention to form a special select committee on Benghazi, intensifying already highly-charged GOP scrutiny of the Obama administration's handling of the September 2012 attacks that left four Americans dead.  The committee will be led by GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina.  "It's clear that questions remain, and the administration still does not respect the authority of Congress to provide proper oversight," House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement.  "This dismissiveness and evasion requires us to elevate the investigation to a new level.  I intend for this select committee to have robust authority, and I will expect it to work quickly to get answers for the American people and the families of the victims."

Jay Carney's Tower of Lies.  [Scroll down]  In fact it was the White House — in the person of Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser for strategic communications — who urged Rice to "underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy."  One problem:  It was widely known within the administration that this was not the case.  In addition, the key (fallacious) claim made by Ms. Rice wasn't the product of what the CIA produced; it's the result of what the White House invented.  When Mr. Carney was pressed yesterday to defend his previous claim that the White House didn't play a role in shaping the misleading talking points in light of the September 14, 2012 email from Ben Rhodes, he claimed the email was not about Benghazi.

I'll bet he does.
Jay Carney: I Wish Republicans Would Stop Talking About Benghazi.  White House Press Secretary Jay Carney admitted on Thursday that he was tired of Republicans talking about the terrorist attacks in Benghazi.  "I wish that rather than spending so much of their time — and we all have limited time — Republicans in Congress on this and on repealing the Affordable Care Act, Republicans actually got about the business of helping the economy grow and helping it create jobs, and making the necessary investments for the economy to grow in the future," Carney lamented.

Boehner to Form Select Committee on Benghazi.  House Speaker John Boehner is "seriously considering" appointing a select committee to investigate the attacks on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, according to a senior GOP leadership aide.  The move comes after the revelation of an email from a top Obama national security official, Ben Rhodes, instructing Susan Rice to focus on an anti-Muslim internet video to explain the attacks.

Krauthammer's Take: New Benghazi E-mail Akin to Discovery of Nixon Tapes.  The discovery, over a year after the September 11, 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, of an e-mail from a White House political operative that shows him suggesting that former United Nations ambassador Susan Rice underscore that the attack was a reaction to an Internet video is, according to Charles Krauthammer, like the discovery of the Nixon tapes that blew open the Watergate scandal in 1973.

Who Pushed the Video to Excuse Benghazi? These Two People are the Likeliest Suspects..  Former Obama National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor dropped a mini-bombshell on Fox last night.  We've already gone over his surfer boy treatment of the politicizing of the terrorist attack that left four Americans dead.  During the same interview, Vietor disclosed a fact that up to now had been elusive: Where was President Barack Obama on the night of the Benghazi attack?  Vietor did not disclose where Obama was, but he did disclose where Obama was not.  Vietor tells Fox's Bret Baier that he, Vietor, was in the White House Situation Room during the assault./p>

CBS Evening News Again Makes No Mention of BenghaziCBS Evening News again failed to make mention of new revelations about Benghazi Thursday night, with such stories as flooding, wildfires and the Korean ferry disaster taking precedence.  There is a clear conflict of interest:  CBS News President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, the senior White House adviser at the center of the controversy over the White House talking points on the false narrative over what prompted the Benghazi terrorist attack.

NBC, CBS Ignore Congressional Hearing on Benghazi; ABC Gives It Only 46 Seconds.  On Thursday evening, ABC was the only broadcast network to cover the day's congressional hearing on the Benghazi attacks.  Both CBS and NBC ignored the hearing.  ABC only covered the story for 46 seconds; they gave twice that amount of coverage to the U.S. Olympic speedskating suits.  World News quoted retired Air Force Brigadier General Robert Lovell, at the U.S. Africa Command headquarters during the attacks, telling Congress that the military "should have done more" to respond.

Jay Carney fumbles on bombshell email.  White House Press Secretary Jay Carney endured a sustained grilling from reporters on Wednesday as he struggled to explain an email showing the White House's involvement in spinning a false account of why four Americans died in Benghazi, Libya less than two months before the 2012 presidential election.  The email, written by Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes, described a 'prep call' with then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice which took place four days after the September 11, 2012 terror attack, and less than a day before she was to be a guest on five different Sunday morning political talk shows.

'Morning Joe' Shreds Jay Carney On Benghazi: 'Getting Baghdad Bob Flashbacks'.  National Journal's Ron Fournier noted that "this White House is really good at winning the news cycle, and in doing so they lose the public's trust.  And there's not a better story to illustrate that right now than Benghazi."

The Only People Not Taking Benghazi Emails Seriously Are Obama Advisers.  The White House has long-maintained that the notion video-inspired protests led a coordinated assault on American diplomatic and CIA facilities originated with the intelligence community.  A year's worth of reports, investigations, expert testimony, and countless hours of congressional committee hearings later, the evidence suggests that this was not the case.  So from where did the claim that a video was to blame for the nonexistent protests that supposedly led to the death of four Americans?

David Gregory Connects Benghazi Directly to Hillary Clinton.  Twice in two days, NBC's David Gregory has now strayed from the left's mantra on Benghazi.  Today on MSNBC's Morning Joe, Gregory connected the attack — in which four Americans died at the hands of terrorists — to policies put in place by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  "The real story about Benghazi is what are the consequences for having a light footprint in a chaotic country post-invasion?" Gregory said.  "That's the ongoing story.  And by the way, a story that candidate Clinton if she becomes a candidate will have to face."

Feds disguising the devastation of poverty.  Hiding the poverty consuming this nation is one of government's big jobs these days.  The Bureau of Labor Statistics made a startling announcement.  New data released by the bureau reveals that in one out of every five families — 20 percent — no one is employed.  Not one person in those families has a job.  This is monumental, but we don't see it because of the remarkable effort by the federal government to hide the truth.

Republicans subpoena John Kerry and Boehner launches new investigative committee into Benghazi.  Two emails have emerged in the past 24 hours that suggest Obama administration officials knew immediately that the group, Ansar al-Shariah, laid waste to U.S. diplomatic facilities in the Eastern Libyan city.  But the president, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice and other officials told the public that the deadly attack was the result of a spontaneous anti-America protest sparked by an anti-Islam video.  The State Department had concealed both documents from the public.

Internal Emails: State Dept. Immediately Attributed Benghazi Attacks to Terrorist Group.  The email is entitled "Libya update from Beth Jones."  Jones was then-Assistant Secretary of State to Hillary Clinton.  According to the email, Jones spoke to Libya's Ambassador at 9:45 am on Sept. 12, 2012 following the attacks.  "When [the Libyan Ambassador] said his government suspected that former Qaddafi regime elements carried out the attacks, I told him the group that conducted the attacks — Ansar Al Sharia — is affiliated with Islamic extremists," Jones reports in the email.  There is no uncertainty assigned to the assessment, which does not mention a video or a protest.  The State Department provided the email to Congress in Aug. of 2013 under special conditions that it not be publicly released at that time.

Senators to Obama: Where were you night of Benghazi attack?  Three Republican senators on Friday wrote to President Obama demanding he reveal where he was — if not in the Situation Room — during the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) said it is time for the White House to clear up the mystery surrounding Obama's activities that night.  The letter comes a day after former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor told Fox News that Obama was not in the White House's basement Situation Room monitoring events as they unfolded in September of 2012.

Retired Africom general testifies on Benghazi.  [Retired Air Force brigadier general Robert] Lovell's testimony contradicts the story that the Obama administration gave in the early days following the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on the U.S. Consulate that left four Americans dead, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.  Back then the administration insisted that the best intelligence it had from CIA and other officials indicated that the attack was a protest against an anti-Islam video that turned violent.  Lovell's testimony is the first from a member of the military who was at Africa Command at the time of the attack.

New Benghazi Witness on Sending Help: 'We Should Have Tried'.  A retired U.S. Air Force brigadier general who was on duty in Germany during the deadly Benghazi terrorist attack told Congress today that commanders discussed "what we should do" as they waited for orders from the State Department to help the beleaguered Americans.  But the request for help never came from the State Department, Ret. USAF Brigadier Gen. Robert Lovell testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.  "There are accounts of time, space and capability, discussions of the question, 'could we have gotten there in time to make a difference?'" Lovell testified.  "The discussion is not could or could not of time, space and capability.  The point is we should have tried."

Scarborough Unloads on Co-Host's 'Apologizing for the White House' over Benghazi.  MSNBC host Joe Scarborough did not appear satisfied with his co-hosts' reaction to yesterday's remarks from White House Press Secretary Jay Carney over the newly released emails linking the White House to former United Nations Amb. Susan Rice's talking points on the Benghazi attack.  Scarborough unloaded on Donny Deutsch after his first reaction was to warn Republicans to not overreact to the news.  The MSNBC host contended that this was not an appropriate reaction to the revelations about a White House not being forthright.

Benghazigate enters new phase.  There are a few conclusions to draw from Jay Carney's performance yesterday before the White House press corps when responding to questions from ABC News's Jonathan Karl on the Ben Rhodes email released by court order following a Judicial Watch lawsuit.  [#1] The White House is desperate.  Carney resorted to an easily provable lie that the email was about the Middle East situation in general, not about Benghazi.  The email was released in response to a FOIA request on Benghazi, and discusses Benghazi specifically.

MSNBC Is Now Admitting There MAY Be Something To This Whole Benghazi Thing.  MSNBC host Alex Wagner — who for months, if not years, routinely denied there was anything to Republican allegations of a White House coverup on Benghazi — now admits there may actually be a problem with the Obama administration's response to the 2012 attack.  "There probably is something for Republicans to complain about," she said regarding Benghazi, "for the American public to perhaps be distressed or dismayed about."  But she hastened to add that Republicans "have effectively ceded all legitimacy on the issue" by refusing to budge on such a "fringy" topic — leaving out her role in pushing the story to the fringe.

CBS Evening News Ignores White House Benghazi Emails Sent By CBS President's Brother.  The CBS Evening News on Wednesday [4/30/2014] ignored one of the day's top news stories: the revelation that White House aide Ben Rhodes — brother of CBS president David Rhodes — instructed Susan Rice to emphasize a false talking point about the 2012 terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya. [...] The decision by CBS to ignore the story made the network unique among the nightly news broadcasts.

Retired Air Force general testifies the military 'should have tried' to save lives in Benghazi.  A retired Air Force general told members of Congress on Thursday that military commanders 'should have tried' to mount a rescue operation as America's diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya was in flames and four U.S. personnel — including the ambassador — lost their lives.  'It was desperation there' in a military operation center in Germany, Gen. Robert Lovell told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.  'It was desperation to gain situational awareness and to be able to do something to save people's lives.'

GOP Rep. Screams in Benghazi Hearing: Video Blaming 'Only Comes from the White House'.  During hearings in the House Oversight Committee on Thursday into the military's response to the attack on an American consulate in Benghazi in 2012, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) became animated while probing a witness over his immediate impressions of what was behind that attack.  Based on the testimony of the witness, Chaffetz asserted that it was clear the White House was the source of the claim that a video was responsible for that attack.  Chaffetz noted that previous investigations into the Benghazi attack revealed that military commanders became aware of what the assault was attributable to soon after it began.

Congressman drafts bill to authorize killing Benghazi terrorists.  Republican House member is drafting legislation that would authorize military and intelligence operatives to kill the terrorists involved in the deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission and CIA base in Benghazi, Libya[.] [...] Several lawmakers have expressed frustration that the terrorists continue to go free after President Obama vowed to bring them to justice.  Terrorists killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, a State Department aide and two former Navy SEALs protecting the CIA compound.  The authorization language from Rep. Duncan Hunter, California Republican, would give the Obama administration the same kill authority it now has to go after members of al Qaeda.

General: We May Have Been Able to Save Benghazi Victims, We'll Never Know.  Retired Air Force Brigadier General Robert Lovell admitted during a House Oversight hearing Thursday [5/1/2014] that saving the Americans under attack in Benghazi might have been possible, but he added they would never know for sure.  Lovell was in command of the U.S. Africa Command's headquarters in Germany during the attack, but he has since retired.

White House takes more heat for Benghazi response.  The Obama administration on Thursday came under fire once again for its response to the 2012 attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya — both its immediate military response and its rhetorical response in the days following the attack.  In a congressional hearing, Retired Brig. Gen. Robert Lovell, who was in the U.S. military's operation center during the attack, said the U.S. should have tried to do more to counter the attack that led to the deaths of four Americans.

Carney Can't Answer Why Supposed Non-Beghazi Email Was In Benghazi FOIA.  White House Press Secretary Jay Carney dodged questions from Fox News' Ed Henry regarding why the supposed non-Benghazi email was included in the emails the White House turned over to Judicial Watch.  Henry asked Carney, "If the email was not about Benghazi, you said yesterday and you say again today, why did the White House turn it over to a conservative group seeking information about Benghazi?"

General Lovell: Military Assets Not Sent to Benghazi Out of Deference to Clinton State Department.  Retired Air Force Brigadier General Robert Lovell testified Thursday [5/1/2014] that military assets from Europe were not sent to Benghazi during the terrorist attack there out of a "sense of deference to the desires of the State Department," run at the time by Hillary Clinton.  Lovell served at U.S. Africa Command's headquarters in Germany when the attack happened. [...] Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah) asked Lovell if they ever asked him to "go save the people" there, and Lovell replied that did not happen.

The worst excuse ever: The Rhodes memo debacle.  The White House damage control on the latest batch of Benghazi emails is not going well.  The White House's belated release of the documents at the very least show it has been actively evading legitimate congressional requests for relevant information.

Senators Call on Menendez, Royce to Hold Hearings on Benghazi Talking Points.  The emails released Tuesday, obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act request, raised even more questions about the administration's response to the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack, said Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.).  "The recent testimony by former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell in front of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, coupled with the previous release of more than one hundred pages of emails from the White House, has generated even more questions," they wrote to Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Chairman Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and House Committee on Foreign Affairs Chairman Ed Royce (R-Calif.) to urge hearings on the talking points.

Cantor: White House 'misled' on Benghazi.  "The emails provide additional evidence that senior officials knew the attack on our mission in Benghazi was a complex attack and not a spontaneous reaction to a YouTube video," [House Majority Leader Eric] Cantor said.  "Some may say, what difference at this point does it make?" he continued.  "Well, four brave Americans were killed in Benghazi and to date it appears that more has been done to protect internal emails than to bring the murderers of these Americans to justice."

Wolf to Boehner: Time For A Benghazi Special Committee Yet?  A newly released "smoking gun" Benghazi email — which was improbably obtained under the Freedom of Information Act and not via the numerous but uncoordinated congressional investigations into the issue — underscores the need for a special committee to investigate the matter, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) said in a new letter. [...] "In light of these new documents, it is more clear than ever that a House Select Committee is needed to conduct a comprehensive investigation unhindered by jurisdictional barriers, interview all key administration witnesses, including the White House staff identified in these e-mails, and hold public hearings to explain to the American people, once and for all, just what happened that night and in the days and weeks that followed," Wolf wrote.

General: We Didn't Even Try To Save American Lives In Benghazi.  A high ranking officer in the U.S. Africa Command on the night of the Benghazi attacks is now saying that the U.S. military did not try and was never even ordered to save the Americans under attack at the U.S. diplomatic outpost on the September 11, 2012 attack.  In explosive testimony before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, retired Air Force Brigadier General Robert Lovell, said bluntly about the military's response on the night of the Benghazi attack:  "The discussion is not in the 'could or could not' in relation to time, space and capability, the point is we should have tried."

Why the Benghazi Email Still Matters.  [Scroll down]  The story is being largely ignored or downplayed by most of the same mainstream media that helped foster the narrative that Republicans were nuts to claim the White House was covering something up.  Indeed, many on the left and perhaps even some on the right think that the email controversy is a trap for the GOP because it will motivate them to waste more time hammering the administration on an issue that the public doesn't care about.  But while this may not be an issue that will be decisive in the midterm elections, Congress should not let the administration bury this episode.

Benghazi Memo Remarkably Similar to Jay Carney's 9/14 Briefing Notes.  On the morning of September 14th, Jay Carney gave a press briefing in which he addressed the attack in Benghazi at length.  There is good reason to think the memo used to prepare Amb. Rice for her television appearances was based substantially on Carney's briefing notes for that morning.

Jay Carney Lies About the Benghazi Email.  Among the recipients were David Plouffe, Dan Pfeiffer, Dag Vega and Jay Carney.  Sent on the Friday before Susan Rice made her infamous tour of the Sunday morning talk shows, it set the talking points for the prep session that the group had scheduled with Rice for Saturday afternoon. [...] This email deals directly with the administration's response to the Benghazi attack, and should have been produced long ago in response to requests by Congressional committees.

White House on defense over new Benghazi emails, claims controversial 'prep call' not about attack.  [Scroll down]  "If this is not a smoking gun, proving beyond any doubt, the story told by the administration about Benghazi was politically motivated and fabricated, nothing will ever prove that," Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said.  On the heels of the email release, Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., renewed his call for a select committee to be established to investigate.  He wrote House Speaker John Boehner a letter saying "it is now abundantly clear that senior White House staff were directly involved in coordinating the messaging in response to the Benghazi attacks and were actively working to tie the reason to the infamous Internet video."

White House e-mails on Benghazi stoke more questions.  The White House should "come clean" and release all of its e-mails related to the crafting of former U.N. ambassador Susan Rice's message on the Benghazi attack, including ones redacted for supposed national security purposes, says the GOP.  Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, a member of a House committee investigating the attack, made the demand a day after the release of an e-mail showing that White House aide Ben Rhodes wanted to blame the 2012 assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on a protest that never happened there.  Referring to Benghazi and Middle East unrest, he said that she should "underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy."  Chaffetz told USA TODAY that the White House has turned over e-mails with much of the content blocked out.  "There were other e-mails that went to Susan Rice.  We got them with heavy redactions," Chaffetz told USA TODAY.  "The White House needs to come clean on what they said."

Sharyl Attkisson on the new Benghazi email revelations.  On Wednesday morning, Glenn Beck interviewed former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson — one of the few mainstream media reporters to do actual, skeptical reporting on the Benghazi affair, and other Obama Administration scandals, which is a big reason why she's a "former CBS News reporter" — about the White House spin-control emails uncovered by Judicial Watch.

White House Directed Incorrect Benghazi Narrative.  Newly-released documents reveal direct White House involvement in steering the public narrative about the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, toward that of a spontaneous protest that never happened.  One of the operative documents, which the government had withheld from Congress and reporters for a year and a half, is an internal September 14, 2012 email to White House press officials from Ben Rhodes, President Obama's Assistant and Deputy National Security Advisor.  In the email, Ben Rhodes lists as a "goal" the White House desire "To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure or policy."

Charles Krauthammer: White House 'cover-up of a cover-up' is the 'smoking document' of the Benghazi scandal.  The emails provide evidence that top White House aides were involved in pushing a narrative that an anti-Islamic video was the impetus for the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.  "It is in conflict with what we've been told, with what Jay Carney has been saying," Krauthammer said on Fox News.  "Their story has always been this stuff all came from the CIA, from intelligence, so it was completely clean."  He went on to say, "We now have the smoking document, which is the White House saying, 'We're pushing the video because we don't want to blame it on the failure of our policies.'"

Benghazi Revelations Vindicate Jonathan Karl, Sharyl Attkisson.  In May of 2013, President Barack Obama's supporters were put on the defensive when ABC News exposed new details about the White House's response to the Benghazi attack.  The report suggested that National Security Advisor Susan Rice knowingly misled the country about the impetus for that 2012 assault on an American consulate when she appeared on five Sunday talk shows.  ABC's Jonathan Karl reported that White House emails indicated that Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes sought to alter Rice's talking points ahead of those appearances in order to de-emphasize the role that Islamic terrorism played in that attack.  Karl's reporting was later supported by former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson.

White House Benghazi Spin.  The emails show the White House's staff sought to downplay evidence that the attack exposed fundamental errors in President Barack Obama's Libyan policy.  Instead, the staff touted the unverified — and quickly debunked — claim that the attack was an unpredictable riot precipitated by a U.S.-made anti-Islam YouTube video.  One of the emails was written by Ben Rhodes, Obama's chief foreign policy spokesman, and it described the political goals for a top official — U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice — who was scheduled to appear Sept. 16 on five Sunday talk shows.  The goal of the TV appearances, said Rhodes, is "to underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, not a broader failure of policy."

Carney, Karl in Heated Exchange Over Rice's Benghazi Talking Points.  On Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney and ABC News White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl engaged in a heated back and forth over the emails recently uncovered that relate to the White House preparing National Security Advisor Susan Rice to discuss the attack on a consulate in Benghazi in 2012.  Carney told Karl that the White House urged Rice to focus on an inflammatory video because the focus of her appearances was going to be on the protests around the Muslim world sparked by that video.

White House denies memo connected to Benghazi.  The White House said Wednesday it withheld an email from Congress and the media regarding Susan Rice's infamous "talking points" about the terrorist attack in Benghazi because the memo did not deal directly with the attack.  "This document was explicitly not about Benghazi, but about the general dynamic in the Muslim world at the time," said White House press secretary Jay Carney.

Offscreen.  Roger Simon is justifiably outraged at news that the Obama administration intentionally distorted the narrative of the attack on the Benghazi consulate to improve president Obama's re-election chances in 2012.  "Previously unreleased internal Obama administration emails show that a coordinated effort was made in the days following the Benghazi terror attacks to portray the incident as "rooted in [an] Internet video, and not [in] a broader failure or policy." [...] However, as Glenn Reynolds points out, impeachment ain't gonna happen for the same reason I adduced.  Obama is a sacred cow, as Hillary will be a sacred cow.  And sacred cows never get impeached.

Only CBS Covers Benghazi Emails Suggesting White House Cover-Up, NBC and ABC Ignore.  After White House emails released on Tuesday [4/29/2014] showed the Obama administration had a direct hand in crafting false talking points about the Benghazi terrorist attack in 2012, Wednesday's CBS This Morning was the only network broadcast to cover the latest developments in the ongoing scandal.  None of the network evening newscasts covered the story Tuesday night, with NBC and ABC continuing to be out to lunch Wednesday morning.

The White House's Calculated Lie On The Benghazi Fiasco.  We now know that there were no protests, spontaneous or otherwise, around the consulate and the attack was a planned and coordinated assault by terrorists that the Obama administration had unleashed in Libya based on its stupid, corrupt, and misguided "Arab Spring" policy.  And we now know that the Obama regime knew the truth at the time and deliberate plotted to lie to the American people.

Benghazi Emails Show Blaming Video Was Effort to Protect, Re-Elect Obama.  Everyone who has followed this story has always suspected that blaming the YouTube video was a political ploy.  It was obvious, actually, just as it remains obvious why Hillary Clinton did everything she possibly could to keep any notion of accountability for her own decisions at arm's length.  That's political, too.  She has a crown to run for in 2016.  It won't do to have her negligence that resulted in four dead Americans become a speedbump on her path to power.  Why let a little thing like incompetence stand in the way of ambition?

New Benghazi Emails Mean Obama Impeachment Trial Must Be Launched.  I didn't know how right I was when I wrote on September 29, 2012 "Benghazi Worse then Watergate."  With the release of new emails it is spectacularly worse — so bad in fact that it has made a full investigation with an impeachment trial necessary for the protection of our republic. [...] The levels of criminality involved in this are mind-boggling.  Everyone from Ben Rhodes to Hillary Clinton to Jay Carney to Susan Rice to Mike Morell to Barack Obama and on and on must explain themselves minute-by-minute.  American "liberals" and their media consorts should search their souls.  People died here.

The Benghazi Scandal in One Email.  From the earliest hours after the attack, this is how the Obama administration saw Benghazi.  The overriding imperative was to deflect attention from the "broader failure of policy" that led to the disaster.  Roger Simon says these emails are grounds for impeachment.  I wouldn't go quite that far, but they certainly do cast the administration in a bad light.  Moreover, they are heavily redacted.  In some instances, the entire email is invisible.  Given what we can see in the emails that were produced, one can only imagine how bad the redacted portions are.

Judicial Watch: Email ensuring 'Obama looked good' was post-Benghazi priority.  Key communication chiefs at the White House waged an all-out strategy to rally behind President Obama and help him push the mantra that the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on the U.S. facility in Benghazi were due to an Internet video — and not policy failure, a watchdog revealed.  Key to the messaging:  Making sure the president appeared strong in the face of adversity, the nonprofit Judicial Watch found, in a recently received FOIA request.

Fox: Email Reveals Obama Advisor Urged Rice to Blame Video for Benghazi.  On Tuesday, an email obtained by the government watchdog Judicial Watch revealed that a senior American advisor informed then National Security Advisor Susan Rice to emphasize that the deadly 2012 attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya was the result of a spontaneous protest arising from an inflammatory YouTube video.  Transcripts later revealed that senior defense officials had informed the administration on the night of the assault that the event was a "terrorist attack."

Ben Rhodes at center of plan to whitewash White House on Benghazi.  Of course, the White House has stonewalled investigators for many months who thought there was a coordinated White House plan to lie to the American people regarding the Benghazi attack to reinforce the campaign narrative that Al Qaeda had been decimated.  Instead of honestly depicting the attack on Benghazi as a terror attack, the White House came up with a story that it was an unplanned attack prompted by a video that barely anyone had ever seen.

Benghazi emails suggest White House aide involved in prepping Rice for 'video' explanation.  Newly released emails on the Benghazi terror attack suggest a senior White House aide played a central role in preparing former U.N. ambassador Susan Rice for her controversial Sunday show appearances — where she wrongly blamed protests over an Internet video.  More than 100 pages of documents were released to the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.  Among them was a Sept. 14, 2012, email from Ben Rhodes, an assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser for strategic communications.

Benghazi Emails Show White House Effort to Protect Obama.  Previously unreleased internal Obama administration emails show that a coordinated effort was made in the days following the Benghazi terror attacks to portray the incident as "rooted in [an] Internet video, and not [in] a broader failure or policy."  Emails sent by senior White House adviser Ben Rhodes to other top administration officials reveal an effort to insulate President Barack Obama from the attacks that killed four Americans.

GOP senators demand explanation for Benghazi talking points.  Three leading Republican senators are calling on the Obama administration to identify who briefed former U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice in advance of her Sunday show appearances where she blamed a video for the Benghazi attack.  Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., and John McCain, R-Ariz., wrote to leaders on the House and Senate Foreign Relations committees asking them to compel the administration to explain the "taking points."

Newly-released WH email shows Rice talking points on Benghazi politically motivated.  If this isn't a smoking gun on Benghazi, at least on the controversy over the talking points that blamed a YouTube video rather than the terrorists who plotted and then conducted the attack, then it's not clear what would qualify.  Judicial Watch forced the release of additional White House e-mails relating to the evolution of the talking points and finds a rather bald-faced admission of Obama administration interests in Susan Rice's television appearances the following Sunday.

Report: Obama Knows Where Benghazi Terrorists Are... But Does Nothing.  Americans were shocked and saddened at the death of four Americans in a terrorist attack in Benghazi.  That feeling has turned to outrage as they have discovered that the State Department knew an attack was imminent, yet cut security.  The CIA had men involved in the attack and ensuing rescue and escape, yet they have not conducted their own investigation into who committed such an atrocity on their own personnel.  The White House has done little to answer the questions surrounding the attack other than to cover things up since that time.  It was bad enough that four Americans lost their lives, but it is even worse that Ambassador Stevens's murderers have yet to be brought to justice.  In fact, Obama has actually withdrawn the team that was tracking the men who committed the attack.

Rep. Gowdy Wants Subpoenas for Hillary Clinton.  Nearly a year and a half later, the State Department finally catches up (somewhat) with reality and released the names of the two terrorist organizations suspected for the Benghazi murders:  Ansar al-Sharia in Benghazi and Ansar al-Sharia in Darnah.  They pinky promise it's not al Qaeda though, as if that makes anything any better.  This must be a little awkward for the New York Times who just days ago published an "investigative report" which held on tightly to the lie that the attacks were spontaneously spurred by a YouTube video — in an effort to protect then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Greta: Obama Tried to Stop Fox News From Reporting Benghazi.  As more and more truth is discovered about the Benghazi terror attack on 9/11/2012, the more that the Benghazi coverup spun by the White House is collapsing.  Even liberal bastions like MSNBC and the New York Times have reluctantly admitted there is a coverup.  The vast majority of Americans want the truth about Benghazi, and are demanding a special investigation to uncover it.  The American people are beyond tired of the stalling and uncooperative attitude displayed by the White House towards Congress and certain members of the media.  It now appears that Obama's administration went beyond just stalling or being uncooperative, and were actively trying to silence the coverage of the attack by Fox News.  Greta Van Susteren wrote about it on her blog.

Hillary Clinton Again Calls Benghazi 'Biggest Regret' as Secretary of State.  Hillary Clinton reiterated Wednesday [4/23/2014] that her darkest time as secretary of state was the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  Mrs. Clinton, in a speech to more than 3,000 people at a women's leadership conference here, called the attack and loss of lives "very, very painful" and "certainly the biggest regret that I have as secretary of state."

What Difference At This Point Does it Make if Hillary Now Says Benghazi is Her 'Biggest Regret'?  Whatever she says now about Benghazi does not change the fact that four Americans died needlessly under her watch and that the Obama Administration made a concerted effort to blame an internet video as the culprit rather than a carefully orchestrated act of terrorism by al Qaeda. Whatever she says now about Benghazi also does not change the fact she faced no consequences for the deaths of those four Americans.

Benghazi attack could have been prevented if US hadn't 'switched sides in the War on Terror'.  The Citizens Commission on Benghazi, a self-selected group of former top military officers, CIA insiders and think-tankers, declared Tuesday in Washington that a seven-month review of the deadly 2012 terrorist attack has determined that it could have been prevented — if the U.S. hadn't been helping to arm al-Qaeda militias throughout Libya a year earlier.  'The United States switched sides in the war on terror with what we did in Libya, knowingly facilitating the provision of weapons to known al-Qaeda militias and figures,' Clare Lopez, a member of the commission and a former CIA officer, told MailOnline.

Fox News Poll: Voters say Obama covering up on Benghazi, want Congress to keep investigating.  Most voters think the White House is trying to cover-up what happened in Benghazi and want Congress to continue to investigate the administration's handling of the attack on the U.S. consulate there that killed four Americans.  That's according to a Fox News poll released Thursday [4/17/2014].  Sixty percent of voters want lawmakers to keep investigating what happened in Benghazi.  That's down from 65 percent who felt that way in November, and a high of 73 percent in early June 2013.

Benghazi Mother at San Diego Protest: 'Hillary Lied'.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke via satellite to attendees of San Diego's Western Healthcare Leadership Academy on Apr. 11, just days after canceling plans to attend in person.  Two protest groups gathered outside the San Diego Convention Center for the conference, but for two different reasons.

Hillary Clinton all but erased from tragic story of Benghazi.  [Scroll down]  As Mrs. Clinton worked that late afternoon on Sept. 11 and into the night, no U.S. military help ever arrived at a CIA annex under attack for eight hours.  Two former Navy SEALs were killed in their effort to protect CIA officers and huddled diplomats who were rescued from the burning compound.  Retired Army Gen. Carter Ham, who led U.S. Africa Command at the time, has stated that no one from State on Sept. 11 ever asked for a military rescue attempt.  Mrs. Clinton's role in that lack of a request?  Gen. Ham was not asked that question when he appeared in secret before a House Armed Services subcommittee in June, according to a declassified transcript.  Mrs. Clinton's inner circle is known to be fiercely loyal.  When CNN attempted to produce a Clinton documentary that would likely be favorable, all 100 aides and Democrats contacted refused to cooperate.

Hillary Clinton's Legacy Issue.  [T]he legacy of Hillary Clinton is turning out to be one of incompetence, bungled efforts, chicanery and outright scandal.  Her most famous words have become, "What difference at this point does it make?" referring to how the four brave Americans died in Benghazi in September of 2012.  And a number of other scandals have followed her, both from before and during her tenure as Secretary of State.  The latest is about $6 billion in contract dollars that the State Department lost track of over the last six years."

GOP Benghazi Probe Leader Has Huge Conflict of Interest.  Congressman Mike Rogers, R-Mich., as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, is charged with investigating the adequacy of security at the Benghazi compound prior to the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack.  His wife, Kristi Clemens Rogers was the president and the CEO of the company that was contracted by the State Department to provide that security. [...] Congressman Rogers, who abruptly announced his intention not to seek re-election, has been criticized for dragging his feet in the Benghazi investigation.  Only when pressure from backbenchers on his committee became intense did he agree to hold last week's hearing at which former Deputy CIA Director Mike Morrell testified.

Krauthammer Tells Fox Benghazi Is 'Done': 'The Administration Has Won'.  Conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer told Special Report with Bret Baier Wednesday night [4/9/2014] that the window had passed on prosecuting the Obama administration Benghazi, and that the GOP's disorganzed approach to congressional hearings had let Benghazi as an issue "slip away."

Key Senate Republicans call testimony of former CIA acting director on Benghazi misleading.  Three leading Senate Republicans say the recent testimony of former CIA acting and deputy director Michael Morell before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on the Benghazi talking points was not only inaccurate, it was misleading.  "Michael Morell's testimony last week to me was not remotely credible," Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., told reporters. [...] Since retiring, Morell has joined Beacon Global Strategies, a D.C. consulting firm with close ties to Hillary Clinton.  One of its four founders, Philippe Reines, has been described by the New York Times as Clinton's principal gatekeeper.

More Obfuscation on Benghazi.  Last week's encounter between former acting CIA Director Michael Morell and the House Permanent Subcommittee on Intelligence may have brought us a bit closer to the truth of how four Americans came to be killed at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, and how their countrymen came to be lied to about it.  But the progress toward truth was probably not made in a way that Mr. Morell intended.  The encounter on Capitol Hill also made clear that the forum that will take us all the way to the truth must be something other than a congressional hearing.

Ex-CIA boss Morell gives unorthodox reasons for omitting key Benghazi details.  In his opening statement during highly anticipated testimony Wednesday [4/2/2014] on Benghazi, former CIA deputy director Michael Morell claimed to be an intelligence professional who was willing to lay out the facts — no matter how damaging.  "I take very seriously the allegations about how the CIA in general and about how I in particular handled the analysis and the talking points," Morell told the House Intelligence Committee, in his first public testimony on the Benghazi attacks.  "The ethical code under which intelligence officers carry out their responsibilities calls for total objectivity."  But Morell's own testimony would appear to undercut that statement.

Holder confirms Petraeus probe still open, amid questions over whether case used as leverage.  Two years after the FBI first began investigating former CIA director David Petraeus, Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed to lawmakers that the case remains open — amid allegations it is being used as leverage to keep the former general quiet.  "All I can say is that this is an ongoing investigation," Holder testified Tuesday, in response to a series of questions from Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz, who wrote to the Justice Department last month about the matter.

Ex-CIA official gives stunning account on Benghazi.  The CIA's former deputy director disclosed Wednesday that Obama administration officials were alerted the day before they went on national television that a key tenet of their original Benghazi storyline might be inaccurate.  But he did not explain why the administration continued to cling to its narrative even after U.S. intelligence debunked reports that the deadly attack was born out of a protest over an anti-Islam video.  In often testy exchanges with Republicans who accused him of a cover-up, Michael Morell flatly denied that he "inappropriately altered and influenced" the infamous Benghazi talking points to downplay the role of terrorism in the attacks.

CIA Knew Al Qaeda Involved in Benghazi from 'Get-go'.  Former CIA deputy director Mike Morell, who also served a stint as acting director of Langley, is testifying before House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence today.  The hearing focuses on the Obama administration's response to the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.  Cutting through all of the back and forth, the most important point is this:  The U.S. intelligence community knew right away that al Qaeda was involved in the attack.  "The analysts said from the get-go that al Qaeda was involved in this attack," Morell said.

Sources on ground during Benghazi attack slam ex-CIA boss Morell's testimony.  As part of [Mike] Morell's testimony on Wednesday, the former acting and deputy CIA director acknowledged that he overruled the guidance of the top CIA officer in Libya at the time.  That official told Morell the attack was not an "escalation of protests," but Morell said he had to weigh that against analysts who concluded the opposite.  He ultimately went with the analysts — whose assessment later turned out to be flawed — saying the chief of station's report was not "compelling" and was based on loose evidence.  The account has many close to this investigation fuming.

Catherine Herridge: Morell's Testimony on Benghazi 'Is a Body Blow' to Intel Operatives.  Former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell has faced accusations that he downplayed, or even dismissed, the reporting of U.S. personnel on the ground in Libya, including the CIA chief of station.  According to a Senate Intelligence Committee report, the station chief wrote to Morell and other CIA leadership on Sept. 15, 2012, emphasizing in an email that the attacks were "not an escalation of protests."  A day later then-U.N. Amb. Susan Rice went on national television and said the opposite.  Morell told lawmakers today [4/2/2014] that the statements by Rice were based on the "totality" of what the CIA's analysts had concluded.

Former deputy CIA director denies being part of politically driven Benghazi cover-up.  Former Deputy CIA Director Michael Morell bobbed and weaved his way through a contentious House Intelligence Committee hearing on Wednesday, parrying Republicans' suggestions that politics colored his decision to downplay the role of terrorism in the Benghazi, Libya attack that killed four Americans in 2012.  'None of our actions were the result of political influence.  None,' Morell said, describing a chain of events that began with an armed assault on U.S. diplomatic stations and ended with then-UN Ambassador Susan Rice misleading five national television audiences about the nature of the attack.  The CIA altered a series of talking points requested by senior Intelligence Committee members — meant to educate their newer colleagues — removing references to terrorism and casting the death and destruction as the product of a spontaneous protest.

Ex-CIA leader Morell denies role in Benghazi 'cover-up' during heated Hill hearing.  [Scroll down]  Mr. Morell moved quickly in his testimony to address the heart of the matter:  Why did senior CIA and White House officials in Washington ignore pointed assertions by the CIA's chief of station in Libya that there had been no protest prior to the attacks and why were those assertions not included in talking points that former U.N. Ambassador Susan E. Rice used on Sept. 16 when she appeared — five days after the attacks — on several news talks shows to claim that there had been a protest.  Mr. Morell said the CIA station chief's assertions were not used in the talking points because they were outmatched by other streams of information being weighed at the same time by CIA analysts crafting the points.

Benghazi Victim's Uncle Slams Obama Admin: 'Delusional, Paid Liars'.  Former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell gave his first public testimony on the Benghazi attack yesterday [4/2/2014].  Morell denied allegations that he or the agency bowed to political pressure to change the talking points.  He said he believed CIA analysts who thought the attack was a protest, rather than the station chief on the ground.  One of the four Americans killed was Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith.  Bill Hemmer spoke to his uncle, Michael Ingmire today on America's Newsroom.  Ingmire said the conversation moved forward during the hearing, but he still wasn't satisfied.  He called out Morell for throwing the analysts under the bus, which was "cowardly and weasel-like."

Ex-CIA chief confirms he ignored Benghazi guidance from top officer on ground.  The former acting director of the CIA, in his first public testimony on Benghazi, confirmed that he ignored guidance from the top CIA officer on the ground in favor of reporting from analysts far removed from the scene, in shaping the flawed "talking points" which said the attack sprung from a protest.  Mike Morell, who served as both deputy and acting director of the agency, is under increasing scrutiny over his role in forming the administration's public narrative about the attack — a narrative which inaccurately blamed a protest from the outset.  Morell is accused of heavily editing the so-called "talking points," which were the basis for then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice's controversial comments on several Sunday shows after the attacks that also blamed a protest.

Sources on ground during Benghazi attack slam ex-CIA boss Morell's testimony.  As part of [Mike] Morell's testimony on Wednesday, the former acting and deputy CIA director acknowledged that he overruled the guidance of the top CIA officer in Libya at the time.  That official told Morell the attack was not an "escalation of protests," but Morell said he had to weigh that against analysts who concluded the opposite.  He ultimately went with the analysts — whose assessment later turned out to be flawed — saying the chief of station's report was not "compelling" and was based on loose evidence.  The account has many close to this investigation fuming.

CIA Station Chief Confirms Administration's Benghazi Lies.  We didn't need any more proof that the president of the United States, Barack Obama, his secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, and his United Nations ambassador, Susan Rice, repeatedly and deliberately lied to the American people.  They told the public that the terrorist attack on our Benghazi diplomatic mission was a spontaneous demonstration that went rogue in response to an Internet video.  We will nonetheless get more proof on Wednesday [4/2/2014] from acting CIA Director Mike Morell.  He is scheduled to give his first public testimony on the Benghazi attack at a hearing of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

Morell testimony could bring clarity on Benghazi.  Spies are paid to lie for their country.  Fake identities, hidden compartments in luggage and clandestine meetings are meant to keep the nation's enemies off balance and its allies safe.  Michael J. Morell, the former director of the CIA, will find out Wednesday, when he is grilled by the House Intelligence Committee, that it's important to know when to stop lying and tell the truth.  The committee is trying to cut through the administration's obfuscation and obstruction to hide the facts about the murder of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi.

Congress Targets Leading Spy for Benghazi Spin.  Since the attacks on the CIA station and U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Republicans have fixed blame for the attack on Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Barack Obama, among many others.  On Wednesday, the GOP will be focusing on a new target:  one of the most celebrated and trusted people in the American intelligence community.

Former CIA Official Disputes Claims on Benghazi.  The former deputy director of the CIA insisted on Wednesday that he didn't edit the widely debunked talking points on the 2012 Benghazi attack due to political pressure to protect President Barack Obama and onetime Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

CIA officer confirmed no protests before misleading Benghazi account given.  Before the Obama administration gave an inaccurate narrative on national television that the Benghazi attacks grew from an anti-American protest, the CIA's station chief in Libya pointedly told his superiors in Washington that no such demonstration occurred, documents and interviews with current and former intelligence officials show.  The attack was "not an escalation of protests," the station chief wrote to then-Deputy CIA Director Michael J. Morell in an email dated Sept. 15, 2012 — a full day before the White House sent Susan E. Rice to several Sunday talk shows to disseminate talking points claiming that the Benghazi attack began as a protest over an anti-Islam video.

New questions about ex-CIA director's Benghazi claims ahead of testimony.  New allegations are raising additional questions about former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell's involvement in crafting the administration's flawed narrative on the Benghazi attack, ahead of his scheduled testimony next week on Capitol Hill.  Morell is set to testify publicly for the first time on Wednesday about his role in crafting the controversial Benghazi "talking points," which initially blamed a protest for the deadly attack.

Oversight Dems Ask Issa to Call Off Benghazi Investigation.  All 17 Democrats on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee have called on Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) to end the "partisan" investigation into the Benghazi attack "and begin focusing instead on conducting responsible oversight to implement constructive reforms."  The Dems, led by ranking member Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), charged that the probe "has been characterized by wild and unsubstantiated political accusations that turn out to be completely inaccurate."  They proceeded to outline those instances in the five-page letter.

Group Readies Benghazi Report Based On Witness Accounts.  A private group of national security officials is preparing to release its own report on the Benghazi scandal, with a top official behind the report saying they have interviewed numerous eyewitnesses from before, during, and after the Sept. 11, 2012 attack.  The Citizens Commission on Benghazi, an organization composed of American retired military officers, intelligence officers, and national security experts, is poised to release the product of one year of its own investigation into the scandal.

Top GOP Aide In Charge of Benghazi Investigation Forms Business With Clintoninstas.  One of the top Republican congressional staffers on the Benghazi investigation founded a consulting firm comprised of numerous former Clinton aides and a former CIA director accused of lying to Congress about the attack, Fox News reported Monday [3/24/2014].  J. Michael Allen is the founder and managing director of Beacon Global Strategies.  He previously served as the staff director for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, chaired by GOP Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan and perhaps the most important panel investigating Benghazi.

America in Decline.  On his watch and that of his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, an American ambassador and three CIA operatives were murdered in Benghazi, Libya.  They claimed, for weeks, that their deaths were caused by a mob angry at an amateur video, when, in fact, it was an organized terror attack that killed them.  It was revealed that repeated calls for help were ignored by both the White House and the State Department.  Knowing the truth, according to recent evidence, both Obama and Clinton lied to the nation, and worse, to the families of the dead Americans.

Hmm: Hillary Camp Claims Zero Emails Exist Between Top Spokesman and Reporters.  More censorship, less responsiveness, longer FOIA wait times — and it's gotten worse.  This president is a fraud.  But that's old news.  Obama is unpopular, he's lost independents, and he's on the fast track to lame duck status.  But she who would be queen is another story.  Charles Krauthammer has long discussed the administration's successful and ongoing stonewall on the Benghazi massacre, but that matter doesn't appear to be the only front on which Clinton's protectors are fogging over details.

Congressman: Benghazi attackers knew location of ambassador's safe room.  The terrorists who attacked the Benghazi consulate last year knew the location of the safe room where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his security team sought shelter, according to a congressman who spoke for 90 minutes with the diplomatic security agent severely injured in the assault.  "He confirmed this — that it was a very well orchestrated, and well organized, almost a military operation, using military weapons and using military signals," the late Florida Rep. Bill Young said after meeting diplomatic security agent David Ubben at Walter Reed Medical Center last summer, when both were patients there.

'Very upset': CIA sat on Benghazi investigation, US personnel fuming.  American personnel on the ground in Benghazi the night of the 2012 terror attack are outraged after learning that the CIA's inspector general never conducted an investigation into what happened — despite two CIA workers being killed in the attack and despite at least two complaints being filed by CIA employees. [...] Many in the agency were told, or were under the impression, that an investigation was in the works, but that is not the case.

Star Investigative Reporter Sharyl Attkisson Quits CBS: Democrat Scandals Not Welcome.  Rumors of Attkisson's stormy relations with her superiors at CBS News have made the rounds for months and months.  In conversations from last year, CBS News sources told the Erik Wemple Blog that Attkisson, who came to the network from CNN two decades ago, was frustrated that more of her reporting on Benghazi and other investigative pieces didn't make "The CBS Evening News" with greater frequency.

Sharyl Attkisson vs. CBS: Reporter first tried to quit a year ago.  CBS's Sharyl Attkisson announced this week that she is leaving the network, the culmination of a series of clashes between the investigative reporter and her bosses.  But people familiar with the situation say that Attkisson actually attempted to resign one year ago, even starting to clean out her desk in the Washington bureau.

Attkisson's CBS Departure Shows Big Media's Bias.  [Sharyl] Attkisson is nearly alone within the broadcast media in pursuing Obama scandals, like the Benghazi attacks that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans; the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal that left U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry dead; and the Solyndra scandal that wasted over a half-billion dollars of taxpayer money on a failed solar-panel maker.  Last year, her computer was mysteriously hacked.  Whether it's network corporate sponsors who don't want to anger President Obama, or news editors who love Obama's agenda, we're all in trouble if investigative reporting focusing on the president is persecuted into marginality.

Echoes of Edward R. Murrow in Sharyl Atkisson's departure from CBS News.  CBS News has lost its strongest claim to be a fair and non-partisan news source with the departure of Sharly Atkisson from the network.  The award-winning reporter has been squeezed-out because of her reporting on investigative themes inconvenient to the Obama administration, including Fast and Furious and the Benghazi Scandal — two incidents in which United States government officials lost their lives.

Report: Star Benghazi Reporter Attkisson Exits CBS Due to 'Liberal Bias'.  Apparently [Sharyl] Attkisson stuck out as an oddball to some at CBS and the rest of the media for daring to investigate power when it is held by a Democrat.  Back in May, Breitbart News reported that the President of CBS News, David Rhodes, is the brother of President Obama's National Security advisor, Ben Rhodes.  According to ABC News, Brother Ben was very much involved in the Benghazi scandal, specifically the infamous talking points that — with the help of the mainstream media — misled the nation for weeks in the heat of Obama's 2012 re-election campaign.

Exclusive - Benghazi victims' families demand Boehner haul CIA official accused of misleading Congress before select committee.  A coalition of military community leaders, conservative movement leaders, and the Benghazi victims' families are demanding that Speaker John Boehner take "immediate" action against a former acting CIA Director accused of misleading Congress on the Benghazi scandal.

Evidence casts doubt on ex-CIA leaders' claims on Benghazi mortar attack.  If former CIA Director David Petraeus and his ex-deputy Michael Morell are recalled to testify on Benghazi, they can expect hard questions about the mortar attack on the CIA annex which killed two former Navy SEALs.  Republican Mike Rogers, chairman of the powerful House Intelligence Committee, is weighing whether to recall one or both of those officials over their Benghazi congressional testimony.

Democrats Put Hillary Clinton at Risk by Dismissing Benghazi Criticism.  Democrats are in denial if they think Benghazi won't be an issue in the 2016 presidential race, should Clinton run.  A new poll from Pew Research Center and USA Today shows the danger.  When respondents were asked to name in their own words the biggest negative for Clinton from her long career in public service, the most common response was Benghazi.  Sure, it's only 15 percent who gave that answer, but that's still a lot.

Hillary Clinton's baggage is piling up.  [Scroll down]  And there will be the inevitable questions from Republicans about her handling of Benghazi.  Of course, as former secretary of state, she will also have to defend Obama's policies on Syria, drones, the NSA spying program and Iran, in all of which she had direct involvement.  Clinton will most certainly want to run away from some of Obama's missteps and prove she would have done things differently, which will make things difficult for the sitting President and the Democratic narrative.

Unasked questions fog facts on Benghazi.  Republican lawmakers have failed to pin down senior military officials on how they characterized the Benghazi attack to the White House and President Obama on Sept. 11, 2012, the day terrorists stormed a U.S. diplomatic mission and bombed a CIA annex in the eastern Libyan city.  The issue gained importance in January when Republican members of the House Committee on Armed Services released former top-secret transcripts of senior officials testifying on the military's response to Benghazi.

New Benghazi Witnesses.  [Senator John McCain] said on CBS's Face the Nation [2/23/2014] that "I'm almost speechless, because it's patently obvious, first of all, that Susan Rice had no reason to be on the program.  She had no involvement in it [Benghazi]."  At the time she was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.  "Second of all, she read talking points that we are now beginning to believe came from the White House, which were absolutely false," continued Senator McCain. [...] Well, apparently the White House — bolstered by a December 2013 investigative piece by the New York Times — is still at it, energetically deceiving the American people about the origins of the attack in Benghazi and its very nature.

Intel committee chairman poised to recall ex-CIA chief Morell over Benghazi testimony.  Republican allegations that former CIA Acting Director Mike Morell misled Congress over the White House's role in crafting the flawed Benghazi "talking points" took a dramatic turn Thursday, with the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee telling Fox News it's likely Morell will be recalled to testify.  Investigators also are reviewing the testimony of former CIA Director David Petraeus, Morell's old boss, to assess whether he should be recalled as well.

Did CIA's Mike Morell Lie About Benghazi For Obama?  Former CIA acting Director Mike Morell might be recalled for testimony to determine if he misled Congress and doctored the White House response to a terrorist attack to ensure President Obama's re-election.  The administration's tangled web of Benghazi lies might be unraveling some more.  House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich., has told Fox News that Morell, a former deputy director and twice acting director of the Central Intelligence Agency, will likely be recalled to testify.

Did CIA's Mike Morell Lie About Benghazi For Obama?  Former CIA acting Director Mike Morell might be recalled for testimony to determine if he misled Congress and doctored the White House response to a terrorist attack to ensure President Obama's re-election.  The administration's tangled web of Benghazi lies might be unraveling some more.  House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich., has told Fox News that Morell, a former deputy director and twice acting director of the Central Intelligence Agency, will likely be recalled to testify.  The recall comes after new charges surfaced that Morell misled Congress about what he knew regarding the 2012 Benghazi attack and when he knew it.

Gowdy: Susan Rice "Fabulously Wrong" and "Stunningly Arrogant".  Congressman Trey Gowdy went "On the Record" with Greta Van Sustern, Monday [2/24/2014] to talk about Ambassador Susan Rice's interview with David Gregory, Sunday, in which she stated that she had gone on the five Sunday talk Shows on 9/16/2012 with "the best information" she had at the time.  "Is that true?" Greta queried Gowdy.  "Uh no," Gowdy drawled in response.  "There was NO evidence to support that false narrative about a video — not a scintilla of evidence.  ALL of the evidence pointed to what she said it wasn't — a pre-planned coordinated attack.  So she was fabulously wrong when she said it the first time, and stunningly arrogant in her refusal to express any regret for lying to our fellow citizens."

Susan Rice — Still In Cover-Up Mode After All These Months.  In fairness — after going on five Sunday talk shows to spout the Regime's phony cover story — what else is she gonna do?  Admit it was all a huge lie to deflect from the ugly truth that al Qaeda was not "on the run" in 2012, but "on the offensive?"

Whitewashing Benghazi.  The Benghazi veneer is difficult to penetrate.  What began as a claim that the attack was a spontaneous response to an obscure video evolved into a centerpiece of the 2012 election and a major scandal for Obama's administration.  A poll conducted last fall showed that 62 percent of likely voters — Democrats, Republicans, and independents — believe a dedicated congressional committee should be formed to investigate the attack.  Americans want to know why this happened and who, really, was behind it.  They also want to know how it could have happened.

Cummings Demands Public Apology from Issa to Clinton Over Benghazi Suspicions.  The ranking Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Relations Committee is demanding that Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) apologize for suggesting former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may have told the Pentagon to stand down in the Benghazi attack response.  Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) took issue with a Monday speech Issa gave in New Hampshire.  Issa told the GOP event he "came here to hopefully shape the debate for 2016."

Rice's "No Regrets" and Obama's Arrogance.  It's hard to understand exactly why Susan Rice is still refusing to admit fault about her lies about the Benghazi attack.  When asked this morning on Meet the Press by David Gregory whether she had any regrets about appearing on four network news shows the Sunday after the 9/11/12 attacks that took the lives of four Americans and telling the nation that what happened was the result of a demonstration against a video, Rice said she had none: [...]

Susan Rice and the retreat of American power.  Susan Rice ought to stay off "Meet the Press."  The last time she was on, she misrepresented what led to the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya.  On Sunday [2/23/2014] she was back, this time misrepresenting critics of the Obama administration's Syria policy.  Last time her misrepresentation was unintentional.  This time it wasn't.  I prefer it, though, when she doesn't know what she's talking about.

NBC's David Gregory Plays Nice With Susan Rice On Benghazi.  For the first time since her infamous 2012 interview, National Security Advisor Susan Rice appeared on Meet the Press on Sunday February 23 to discuss a variety of foreign policy issues, most noticeably Benghazi.  Throughout the interview, which focused primarily on the recent violent protests in Ukraine, host David Gregory provided Rice with a variety of softball questions on Benghazi, and allowed her to push White House talking points without any significant pushback.

Rice acknowledges some of her Benghazi info was incorrect but has no regrets.  National Security Adviser Susan Rice said Sunday she has no regrets over what she told the American public about the 2012 Benghazi terror attacks in the immediate aftermath of the deadly strikes.  Rice did a round of Sunday TV interviews a few days after the attacks, in which some of the information she gave was later proven incorrect.

McCain: 'Almost Speechless' at Susan Rice's Benghazi Claim.  "I'm almost speechless," McCain told host Bob Schieffer.  "It's patently obvious, first of all, that Susan Rice had no reason to be on the program, she had no involvement in it.  Second of all, she read talking points, that we are now beginning to believe came from the White House, which were absolutely false.  We now know that the CIA station chief on the ground sent a message immediately saying 'not-slash-not spontaneous demonstration.'"

Rice: No regrets on Benghazi TV appearances.  National Security Adviser Susan Rice said Sunday she has no regrets about her now-infamous round of TV interviews in 2012 about the the attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya.  Rice, appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press," said that nobody in the Obama administration intended to mislead the American people when she appeared on Fox, ABC, CNN, NBC and CBS in 2012 shortly after the attacks.  Asked by host David Gregory if she had any regrets about the interviews, Rice replied:  "No."

Fox News Poll: 66 percent say Congress should continue to investigate Benghazi.  The latest Fox News poll finds that most Americans think Congress should continue to investigate the Obama administration's handling of the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. [...] Sixty-six percent of voters want Congress to keep investigating the White House's handling of Benghazi.  That includes 50 percent of Democrats, 68 percent of independents and 83 percent of Republicans.

The Benghazi Cover-up (cont.).  Two leading Republicans on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence say that Michael Morell, then acting director of the Central Intelligence Agency, gave an account of his role on Benghazi that was often misleading and sometimes deliberately false.

Lawmakers: CIA #2 Lied to Us About Benghazi.  Two leading Republicans on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence say that Michael Morell, former deputy director and twice acting director of the Central Intelligence Agency, provided an account of his role on Benghazi that was often highly misleading and at times deliberately false.

Did CIA official suppress Benghazi narrative? Accounts raise new questions.  New information about the intelligence available in the immediate aftermath of the Benghazi attack raises questions about whether the former No. 2 at the CIA downplayed or dismissed reporting from his own people in Libya that it was a coordinated attack and not an out-of-control protest over an anti-Islam video.

Map Shows Dozens of U.S. Military Ships Stationed In North Africa Waters During Benghazi Attack.  Government watchdog Judicial Watch has released an unclassified map showing the military fleet positions the night of the 9/11 Benghazi terror attack.  The map shows dozens of military ships, including two aircraft carriers and 13 destroyers, were stationed in the North Africa Area of Responsibility when radical Islamic militants stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, killing four Americans including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Why the Media Sees Bridgegate as a Scandal but Benghazi as a 'Conspiracy'.  At the height of fascination with the "Bridgegate" scandal, Chris Christie decried MSNBC's coverage as "gleeful" and "partisan."  Maybe so.  However, one undeniable aspect of the left's attack on Christie is the rigor with which it has pursued the case, rigor worthy of a life-or-death story it has all but ignored — the Benghazi attacks.

The rehabilitation of Hillary Clinton.  While Hillary Rodham Clinton has all but vanished, hitting the speaker's circuit at $200,000 a pop and bouncing between her two palatial mansions in New York and Washington, the press corps is working overtime to rebuild her tarnished reputation.  First came The New York Times with a lengthy "investigative" piece of the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi terrorist attack.  The 7,500-word tome ignored the former secretary of state's role in the deaths of four Americans.  What's more, the Times never mentioned Mrs. Clinton — not once — and concluded that the attack "was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam," a White House lie disproved just weeks after the attack.

Hillary Clinton faces new barrage from the right over Benghazi.  Establishment Republicans and a right-wing group of former spies and special forces operatives that says it is nonpartisan but has historical Republican ties are raising a ruckus over Hillary Rodham Clinton's handling of the 2012 assault on U.S. installations in Benghazi, Libya.  The criticism of Clinton over the deadly attacks appears to be a preview of what the former secretary of state can expect should she pursue a presidential bid in 2016.

OPSEC to Publish New Report on Hillary Clinton, Benghazi.  OPSEC will release a new report this week that is critical of Hillary Clinton's role in Benghazi, Reuters reports.  The OPSEC (military slang for "operational security") report says Clinton made crucial choices during the attack on Benghazi, which enabled the attack.

GOP Report Concludes Military Could Not Have Changed Outcome in Benghazi.  The attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, continues to be a line of political attack against the Obama administration, but a new report from the Republican-led House Armed Services Committee belies at least one aspect of the popular conservative criticism, that U.S. forces were ordered to "stand down" when they could have saved lives in Benghazi.

New Benghazi Report Finds 'Severely Degraded' Readiness and a Pentagon Struggling to Catch Up.  A House Armed Services subcommittee today released a report on the Defense Department's response to the Benghazi attack that found U.S. readiness was "severely degraded" at the time — and the Pentagon is still having challenges responding to those weaknesses 18 months after the assault.  The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations has reviewed thousands of pages of documents including classified emails and situation reports provided by the Defense Department. Committee members have participated in two open hearings and seven classified briefings.

A Benghazi father's message for the son who was left behind.  For a man who has suffered such a loss, [Charles] Woods is magnanimous.  The burden of what he has been through is evident but his deep Christian faith shines through.  Setting the clear goal for Washington's success on a Benghazi investigation, Woods simply asks for the truth to come out.

Kelly Tears into Dem Rep. for Dismissing Benghazi 'Conspiracy Theory'.  Megyn Kelly practically burst at Democratic congressman Adam Schiff on Thursday [2/6/2014] over his non-answers to her repeated questions on the Benghazi attacks.  Kelly said there's still plenty the American people don't know, while Schiff dismissed the "conspiracy theory" there was a cover-up of any kind.  Kelly called out President Obama for saying in his Super Bowl interview with Bill O'Reilly that Benghazi security was lax and that he called it a terrorist attack a week after it happened.  On that latter part, Kelly brought up Obama's appearance on The View as evidence he did not.

Deconstructing Obama's Benghazi Interview: Senators Want Answers on Inconsistencies, Omissions.  Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) penned some questions to President Obama yesterday on the Benghazi terror attack, saying that his recent interview with Bill O'Reilly raised "more questions than it answers" about the deaths of four Americans at the diplomatic facility.

Obama ties military's hands by reading al Qaeda out of Benghazi.  [B]ecause President Obama, for political reasons, is locked into the story that al Qaeda wasn't directly involved in the Benghazi attack, the military is powerless to strike back.  This despite Obama's promises during the 2012 presidential campaign to bring justice to the perpetrators.

Lawmaker's Benghazi Question Stumps Top US Officials.  The nation's top intelligence officials have answered the question countless times over the past year and a half, but they seemed stumped during a House hearing Tuesday [2/4/2014] when a Florida congressman asked them one more time:  "Can anybody at the table tell us when somebody will be held responsible for the murders in Benghazi?"

Kirsten Powers to Bret Baier: Why Can't Obama 'Just Tell the Truth' About Benghazi?  A panel on Fox News Channel's Special Report expressed their thoughts on President Barack Obama deflecting questions about the Benghazi attack and the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservatives by implying that Fox is stoking its audience's ire over non-issues. [...] "I don't understand why the administration just can't tell the truth about this," said The Daily Beast columnist Kirsten Powers.  She added that unbiased reporting has cast the administration's early statements about the nature of the Benghazi attack into doubt.  "The Senate Intelligence Report is not Fox News," she added.

Congressional Testimony Reveals Obama Lazy, Dishonest, Incompetent.  Over and over again during his administration, the American people are lied to, fooled, given half-truths, or lied to again.  There are lots of websites out there tracking his lies, whether they be during his constant campaigning, during his rare press conferences, during his partisan speeches, or from statements that his administration releases — he is a liar.  The truth is out there and the truth does exist, but he is a confused and scared little man and runs from the truth.  Waking up on September 13 last year, the truth was that he blew it and that his personal actions resulted in several good Americans dying, and so he lied, and when caught lied some more, and when confronted lied or had others lie for him.

Herridge: Fmr. CIA Director Morell May Have Altered Benghazi Talking Points to Benefit Obama Admin..  Former CIA Director Mike Morell may have altered the Benghazi talking points to benefit the Obama administration during the 2012 election, Catherine Herridge of Fox News reports.  On September 15[,] one day before Susan Rice made her infamous appearances on various Sunday shows, according to the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report Morell received an email from the CIA station chief in Libya indicating the Benghazi attacks were "not/not an escalation of protests."  The report does not indicate when Morell read the email, but that same day Morell cut the word "Islamic" from the talking points and left the word "demonstration."

Inhofe rips 'outrageous lie' on Benghazi.  Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) on Monday [2/3/2014] said President Obama lied about the terrorist attack in Benghazi during an interview that aired before the Super Bowl.  Inhofe said the 2012 terrorist attack in Libya will "go down in history as the greatest cover-up," and slammed Obama for claiming it was thoroughly investigated.

House GOP sets up Benghazi website.  House Republicans have set up a new website focused on the Benghazi attack and the circumstances surrounding it that promises to bring the facts about the deadly assault "straight to the American people."

Hillary Clinton Sends Her Regrets On Benghazi.  Hillary Clinton regrets Americans died in what a Senate panel said was a preventable terrorist attack that she downplayed.  While the committee didn't acknowledge her role, it can be called criminal negligence.

The Smearing of Chris Stevens.  The redacted report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Committee that was released on January 15 has left some to draw the conclusion that Stevens rejected additional security and to imply that he is responsible for the success of the attack leading to his own death.  Hicks comments:  "This is untrue:  The blame lies entirely with Washington."  "Washington" is of course a euphemism for people with names of their own.  Hicks does not name names beyond that of Undersecretary Patrick Kennedy, but he lends an invaluable perspective.

Benghazi and the Smearing of Chris Stevens.  Last week the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence issued its report on the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya.  The report concluded that the attack, which resulted in the murder of four Americans, was "preventable."  Some have been suggesting that the blame for this tragedy lies at least partly with Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in the attack.  This is untrue:  The blame lies entirely with Washington.

Gen. Dempsey's 'failures in leadership' cited in Benghazi disaster.  Congress generally has given the Pentagon a pass on failing to come to the aid of Americans in Benghazi — that is until now.  Six Republicans on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, led by Vice Chairman Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, have issued a blistering criticism of Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, who as Joint Chiefs chairman is the nation's highest-ranking officer and chief military adviser to President Obama.

Hillary Clinton: 'My Biggest Regret Is What Happened in Benghazi'.  During her Monday morning [1/27/2014] closing address at the National Automobile Dealers Association convention in New Orleans, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton named the September 2012 Benghazi attacks as her "biggest regret."

Employee Who Denied Extra Security in Benghazi Gets Promoted.  If Hillary is supposed to get the White House, why not make Charlene Lamb a Regional Security Officer?  What difference does it make anyway?

ObamAccountability: Official Who Oversaw Failed Security At Benghazi Given Promotion.  [Charlene] Lamb was brought before the congressional investigation into Benghazi, and defended the lax security at Benghazi by saying that they didn't need extra help because they were training Libyans to defend the embassy.  Another official testified that she had denied security because there would have been too high of a political cost to doing so.  She resigned from her position as State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Programs, but it appears that the Obama administrations knows how to take care of those who protect their interests.

Fox News Poll: Voters blame Clinton and Obama for Benghazi.  Sixty percent of voters blame Clinton for what happened, according to a Fox News poll released Thursday [1/23/2014].  That includes 28 percent who blame her "a great deal" and another 32 percent who say she deserves "some" blame.  Essentially the same number — 59 percent — blames Obama (26 percent "a great deal" and 33 percent "some").  One voter in five says that the leaders are "not at all" responsible.

Outrage over Benghazi Investigation Compels Release of Documents.  In all, House leaders released 450 pages of records, including sworn testimony collected by the House Armed Services Committee during closed-door hearings.  Evidently a report summarizing these hearings and the committee's findings is forthcoming.

Blaming the Victim in Benghazigate.  [T]he fact remains that Mrs. Clinton was in charge of the State Department during the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, which the recent SSCI report determined "were likely preventable."  Did she create a culture at the State Department that would allow these attacks to occur?  Or is the answer, "What difference at this point does it make?"  One person who is getting blamed in the media is Chris Stevens, the ambassador to Libya at the time, who was murdered by the terrorists when they attacked the Temporary Mission Facility in Benghazi.

Word Not Found In NYT 5500 Word Hillary Profile: Benghazi.  Friday [1/24/2014], the venerable New York Times Magazine published a mammoth 5500-plus word profile of Hillary Clinton and the world around her.  It is titled "Planet Hillary," and two words you will not find on this mammoth planet are "Libya" and "Benghazi."

Media let Hillary off the Benghazi hook.  CNN anchor Jake Tapper blandly admitted the obvious in a radio interview with conservative host Hugh Hewitt.  The same reporters that insist their former GOP favorite Chris Christie is ruined for 2016 by traffic jams on a bridge are letting Hillary Clinton skate for embassy-security neglect that led to four dead government employees at Benghazi.  Why would so-called watchdogs of government suggest Clinton is a shoo-in in 2016 as if Benghazi never happened?  Tapper strangely suggested that Benghazi always seemed like more of a White House scandal than a State Department scandal, and I don't blame him, because Clinton didn't grant him an interview.

Benghazi victim Tyrone Woods' father to attend State of the Union.  An Oklahoma congressman said Monday that he will host Charles Woods, father of former Navy SEAL and Benghazi terrorist attack victim Ty Woods, at Tuesday's State of the Union.  "As a combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, I understand the importance of knowing that America leaves no one behind.  I am honored to host the father of a true hero," Rep. Jim Bridenstine, Oklahoma Republican, said in a statement.

Delta Force commando who saved 'numerous lives' in Benghazi seige honored.  An Army Delta Force commando who infiltrated Benghazi to rescue U.S. diplomats, spies and security officers during a 2012 terrorist attack "was critical to the success of saving numerous lives," according to a citation awarding him the military's second-highest honor.  Delta Force's role was not disclosed in any public report or congressional testimony.  The Army citation for the Distinguished Service Cross, posted on a website for Army personnel, provides the first detailed look at what one of the commandos, Master Sgt. David R. Halbruner, accomplished.

See No Evil.  I just saw a tease on a news site that said Obama didn't know the extent of the NSA surveillance.  It seems that he also didn't know about our nation spying on the German Chancellor, didn't know the Obamacare website was nowhere close to being ready to roll out, didn't know about the IRS targeting conservative groups, didn't know about the Petraeus investigation, didn't know about the Department of Justice seizing the AP's phone records, had no knowledge of Fast and Furious and doesn't remember a thing about what he was doing the night four Americans were slaughtered in Benghazi Libya.

Clinton deserves Christie-level scrutiny.  If New Jersey Governor Chris Christie must answer for four days of traffic jams on roads leading to the George Washington Bridge, surely Clinton has the same obligation to address a deadly assault that the bipartisan committee found "preventable."

Benghazi, Obamacare and the absence of accountability.  Consider the recent mess-o-rama.  The botched rollout of the Affordable Care Act.  The Senate report that deemed the attack in Benghazi, Libya, preventable and raised questions about accountability, or lack thereof.  The mounting problems of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.  Together, they illustrate that our politics suffers from too little real accountability and too much faux-countability.

Jihadists from at least four Al Qaeda groups in on Benghazi attack.  The militants who gathered on the night of Sept. 11, 2012, to torch and kill inside the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, were a who's who of the modern al Qaeda movement, newly declassified documents show.  Since its attacks on the U.S. in 2001, al Qaeda has worked to establish partners outside its base in Pakistan, especially in North Africa and the new fertile territory of eastern Libya and the port city of Benghazi.

Should Americans believe anything Obama says?  Declassified transcripts of testimony before Congress revealed that the nation's top military leaders knew within minutes of the Benghazi attack that it was a terrorist action.  Then-Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta was told and shortly thereafter met with Obama in the White House.  Yet, somebody in Obama's inner circle concocted the fairy tale about the attack being the spontaneous result of protests against an anti-Muslim parody film produced in America.  For weeks afterwards, Obama, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other top administration figures repeated the fairy tale over and over.

The drip, drip, drip of Benghazi.  While the heavily redacted report released to the American public spread the blame, the committee repeatedly pointed the finger at former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's State Department.  In perhaps the most significant finding, the report said the intelligence community (IC), including the CIA, NSA and Pentagon, among others, delivered many warnings on the growing threats in Benghazi, but the State Department failed to take them seriously and increase security.

'No truth and no consequences'.  One week before the 2012 election, as it stood apparent that President Obama would easily defeat challenger Mitt Romney, I wrote a column cautioning that re-election would not insulate the Obama administration from accountability for the massacre in Benghazi two months earlier.  Then in May of last year, I wrote a column insisting that Congress must establish a Watergate-style joint committee to investigate the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans working for the State Department in Libya.  I said then that it had long been plain that forces in the government — the U.S. government, not the Libyan government — were dissembling about what took place on Sept. 11, 2012, and that both the media and the public were complicit in allowing the government to get away with its multiple falsehoods.

Judicial Watch to Boehner: Create Select Committee to Investigate Benghazi.  There is little doubt that Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) is dodging a thorough, top-to-bottom, no-holds-barred investigation of the Benghazi terrorist attack.  The only question is, "Why?"  As the only non-governmental organization in the country litigating in federal court to uncover the full story about what happened before, during, and following the Benghazi massacre, Judicial Watch knows first-hand that the full story has not been told and that a massive cover-up is underway.

Obama invisible in media coverage of Benghazi report.  The Senate intelligence report that was published earlier this week that concluded the Benghazi attack could have been prevented never mentions the name of the individual most reponsible [sic] for the debacle.

To protect his image, Obama has tied Pentagon's hands in hunting for Benghazi attackers.  Barack Obama and his minions have done everything they can to mislead Americans regarding Al Qaeda and its role in the attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans serving their nation.  The attack was called by the administration a spontaneous demonstration caused by an all but unwatched video created by a hapless Coptic Christian in California — who was promptly jailed.  This narrative was spread by Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama.  Then, as the truth leaked out despite efforts by the White House to stonewall and prevent witnesses from testifying, it became all but obvious that the attack was planned and perpetrated by Al Qaeda.

The Real Scandal.  It's been 16 months.  The U.S. government has neither captured nor killed a single participant in those attacks, which left Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans dead.  Why?  A new report on the attacks from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, along with more than 400 pages of newly declassified congressional testimony from senior military officials, provides fresh insight.  The explanation for this failure — a lack of will, combined with a shameless mischaracterization of intelligence — is almost as outrageous as the failure itself.

Piers Morgan: Say, Isn't Ambassador Stevens to Blame For His Own Death In Benghazi?  Discussing the report's findings with Piers Morgan, Sen. John McCain laid into the State Department and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for their mishandling of the situation — but that's when things took a rather unusual turn.  Morgan actually attempted to deflect some of the blame to Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed during the attack.

Obama Ties Pentagon's Hands In Hunting Benghazi Attackers.  By refusing to acknowledge the role of al-Qaida-linked terrorists in the Benghazi attack, the administration has kept our military from hunting down and killing people responsible for the deadly 2012 attack.

Clinton aide: Benghazi and 2016 aren't linked.  Philippe Reines, longtime adviser to Hillary Clinton, on Friday [1/17/2014] said Clinton's camp is not going to help those who are trying to tie the deadly 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, to Clinton's potential bid for the presidency in 2016.  Reines said looking back there will always be things that could have been done differently to help prevent the attack that killed four Americans, including U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens, under Clinton's tenure as secretary of State.  But he asserted there was no actionable intelligence warning about the specific attack.

State Department security chose flight over fight in Benghazi, Senate report says.  Armed State Department security agents retreated rather than fired on terrorists who were invading the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, according to a report released Wednesday by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.  The Senate report says that as Islamist militants broke through the compound's gate and began setting buildings on fire, diplomatic security agents retrieved their M4 carbine assault rifles.  The agents then moved toward Building C to protect U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who had holed up inside.

Senate Benghazi Report Damns Both Obama And Clinton.  [Scroll down]  For a while afterward, Obama peddled the ludicrous story it wasn't planned terrorism but a spontaneous demonstration against an anti-Muhammad YouTube video.  In the second presidential debate, when exposed on misrepresenting the attack, Obama pointed to his generic statement on "acts of terror" the day after Benghazi, which CNN moderator Candy Crowley said supported Obama's new false claim.  A new Senate report settles this, pointing out that FBI and CIA review of closed-circuit video at the mission a week after the Sept. 11, 2012, assaults "showed there were no protests prior to the attacks."

Mrs. Clinton, the truth about Benghazi does make a difference.  President Obama nominated Hillary Clinton to be Secretary of State and she was confirmed by the Senate in January 2009.  A tenure lasting less than five years would affect the lives of four American families forever.  While traveling the globe during her time in office as Secretary of State, Clinton was vocal in her support for the empowerment of women in countries throughout the world.  But were there any major foreign policy initiatives led by Secretary Clinton during her time in office?  Unfortunately, no.

A 'Preventable' Tragedy.  The latest report on the 2012 debacle in Benghazi, Libya, where Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three others were killed in an attack on an American diplomatic mission, offers new detail and a chilling bottom line: the tragedy was "preventable."

Greta: 'Obama Administration Tried Very Hard to Discourage Fox News From Reporting Benghazi'.  For well over a year, NewsBusters has been reporting how the Obama-loving media have done everything in their power to not only avoid covering the details surrounding the September 11, 2012, attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, but also assist the Administration in promoting its version of events.  On Thursday, Greta Van Susteren wrote at her blog, "After Benghazi on 9/11/2012, the Obama administration tried very hard to discourage Fox News Channel from reporting on it.  The effort was obstruction — pure and simple."

Benghazi murders were preventable, the White House coverup shameful.  The incompetence and irresponsibility at Benghazi turns out to be even worse than everyone in Washington thought it was.  A bipartisan Senate intelligence committee finds the murder of the American ambassador and three other Americans was preventable, and the explanations the White House first gave for the debacle were lies.  This is what the Republicans and other conservatives have been saying for months, derided and disputed by defenders of President Obama, and now these are the on-the-record conclusions of the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee, made up of equal numbers of Democratic and Republican senators.

Bombshell bipartisan Senate report: Benghazi was preventable.  The State Department was repeatedly warned of 9/11 danger, and disregarded it.  There were terrorist training bases affiliated with Al Qaeda established in Benghazi, according to a report by Catherine Herridge.  And as already reported, [within] minutes, the [White] House knew it was a terror attack, not a spontaneous demonstration.

Benghazi was Preventable: Hillary Cited for Lapses.  The 2012 terrorist assault on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, involved attackers from several major international terrorist networks, according to a bipartisan Senate report released Wednesday that blames the intelligence community and the State Department — and Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens himself — for lapses.  Mr. Stevens and three other Americans died in the attack, which the report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence said could have been averted if the State Department had heeded numerous warnings.

Pentagon's hands tied on hunting down Benghazi attackers.  The U.S. military cannot hunt down and kill people responsible for the deadly 2012 attack on an American compound in Benghazi, Libya, as long as the terrorists are not officially deemed members or affiliates of al Qaeda, newly declassified transcripts from congressional hearings show.

Senate report on Benghazi: CIA beefed up its security ahead of 2012 attacks.  A Senate intelligence committee report released Wednesday [1/15/2014] offers the most damning and detailed public account to date of how the State Department, intelligence agencies, the military and even Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens ignored deteriorating security at the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi ahead of the Sept. 11-12, 2012, attacks that left four Americans dead, including the ambassador.

U.S. government failed to secure Obamacare site: experts.  Republicans in Congress sought to showcase what they call major security problems with the Obamacare website on Thursday [1/16/2014], just as U.S. officials ramp up a national campaign to persuade young adults to use the site to enroll in health insurance.

Devastating Benghazi Timeline Reveals Obama MIA.  The government watchdog group that revealed that President Barack Obama failed to attend over half of his daily intelligence briefings (known officially as the Presidential Daily Brief, or PDB) released a devastating Benghazi timeline Wednesday [1/15/2014].  It reveals Obama's schedule in the week leading up to the terrorist attacks that claimed the lives of four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Dianne Feinstein derides GOP attacks on Hillary Clinton over Benghazi report.  The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday [1/16/2014] blasted Republicans for using a committee report on the Benghazi attacks for "political purposes" and in particular for what she termed unfair criticism of presumed 2016 Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton.  Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., noted that the bipartisan report released this week on the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks in Libya did not mention Clinton even once.

Chambliss: 'Didn't Seem Like the WH Really Wanted to Get to the Bottom' of Benghazi Attack.  Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), the vice chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, says if he knew that Benghazi was a terror attack shortly after it happened, the Obama administration also had to know.  But it "didn't seem like the White House really wanted to get to the bottom of it," he told Fox News's Greta Van Susteren on Wednesday night [1/15/2014].

Hillary Clinton largely absent from Benghazi report.  A new Senate intelligence committee report is out, detailing the attacks that killed four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012, and the actions before and after the attack.

Senate report cites CIA, State Department failures in Benghazi.  A Senate investigation has concluded that officials at the State Department and U.S. intelligence agencies ignored "ample warnings" of danger and failed to do enough to prevent an attack by militants on a U.S. mission and CIA base in Benghazi, Libya, in September 2012.

Senate report: Attack on U.S. compound in Benghazi could have been prevented.  The bipartisan report laid out more than a dozen findings regarding the assaults on a diplomatic compound and a CIA annex in the city.  It said the State Department failed to increase security at its mission despite warnings, and blamed intelligence agencies for not sharing information about the existence of the CIA outpost with the U.S. military.

Senate Benghazi Report Blames State Department, Intelligence Community for Not Preventing Benghazi Attack.  The Senate Intelligence Committee released on Wednesday [1/15/2014] a report blaming the State Department and the intelligence community for failing to prevent the September 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi that resulted in the death of U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.  "The committee found the attacks were preventable, based on extensive intelligence reporting on the terrorist activity in Libya — to include prior threats and attacks against Western targets — and given the known security shortfalls at the U.S. Mission," the Senate committee said in a statement released with the report.

Is It Time for an Independent Counsel to Investigate the State Department?  Corruption, malfeasance, and complacency represent the stories we heard about the State Department regarding its actions in 2012.  Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blamed a fatal attack on an American ambassador and three other Americans on an anti-Islamic video then inflaming the Middle East.  Her response when questioned before Congress?  "What difference at this point does it make?"  It still makes a lot of difference, and not just because of Benghazi itself.  There is a larger culture of corruption at the Department of State.

Benghazi: Obama Administration Lied Before They Lied.  This is becoming easier to understand and explain.  It doesn't even need a gun-running component, though one may be involved.  In the fall of 2012, the Obama White House was focused on re-election to the point that it was shutting its real duties out.  President Obama was shutting his own real duties out, campaigning far more than governing.  He hadn't met with his jobs council in months.  He was skipping his daily security intel briefings.  The Sept. 10 release was sent out to make him look presidential, without actually performing the duties of president.  There was no security meeting, and no forces were actually moved around anywhere to gear up for the 9-11 anniversary.  There was a conference call, a conversation, and a press release.

Military Briefed Obama On Benghazi Terrorist Attack.  [T]ranscripts of congressional testimony by military leaders confirm that President Obama knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack before he went to bed to rest for a Las Vegas fundraising trip.  Fox News reporter James Rosen examined 450 pages of declassified testimony given by senior Pentagon officials in closed-door hearings held last year by Congress.  In those hearings, Gen. Carter Ham, who at the time headed Africom, the Defense Department combat command with jurisdiction over Libya, testified that he learned about the assault on the consulate compound within 15 minutes of its start, at 9:42 p.m. Libya time, from the Africom Command Center.

Bombshell Documents: Obama, Hillary lied completely about Benghazi.  Obama knew he couldn't win the election if he told the American people the truth.  I bet Obama didn't think twice about lying.  The media helped him, debate moderators saved him, and now we're stuck with the most incompetent President of all time.

The Benghazi Transcripts: Did White House exaggerate Obama's preparation for 9/11 anniversary?  On the eve of the terrorist attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, the Obama White House may have exaggerated the scope and depth of President Obama's preparation for such attacks, newly declassified documents show.

Issa Explains Why He's Against A Select Committee On Benghazi.  Darrell Issa appeared on Fox News' America's Newsroom, Monday [1/13/2014], to talk about Obama's continuing scandals.  The latest ATF scandal, which involves manufacturing crimes using mentally challenged individuals, he called "Fast and Furious revisited."  Issa made clear that the ATF never acts alone, these are multi-agency operations:  "This is President Obama's Dept of Justice that continues to support these rogue operations that lead to harm in communities," Issa charged.

Feinstein rejects NYT's Benghazi propaganda.  The chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said that key conclusions of a recent New York Times investigation into the 2012 Benghazi attack are wrong.  Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) rejected the Times's conclusion that al Qaeda wasn't responsible for the attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.  She also took issue with the notion that the Libya strike was sparked by a U.S.-made anti-Islam video online.

Top Secret Benghazi Docs Prove that After Stevens et al Died, Obama and Clinton Lied.  The Pentagon's top brass knew, immediately, that the attack on the U.S. facility in Benghazi, Libya on 9-11-2012 was a terrorist attack, and not a demonstration gotten out of hand.  Fox's James Rosen has obtained transcripts of top secret testimony on the attack.

US military woefully unprepared for attack, documents show.  The 450 pages of newly declassified transcripts detail testimony from secret, closed hearings last year before Congress.  They provide fresh insight into the military's decision-making that night from the very commanders who staged the rescue efforts, including the top commander in Africa at the time Gen. Carter Ham.  Among other details, they reveal gaps in the military's positioning of assets around the world.

The Benghazi Transcripts: Top Defense officials briefed Obama on 'attack,' not video or protest.  Minutes after the American consulate in Benghazi came under assault on Sept. 11, 2012, the nation's top civilian and uniformed defense officials — headed for a previously scheduled Oval Office session with President Obama — were informed that the event was a "terrorist attack," declassified documents show.  The new evidence raises the question of why the top military men, one of whom was a member of the president's Cabinet, allowed him and other senior Obama administration officials to press a false narrative of the Benghazi attacks for two weeks afterward.

Further Proof Emerges That Obama Knew the Truth About Benghazi.  New details have surfaced which further put the lie to the idea that the Obama administration's knowledge of the Benghazi attacks was "developing" at the time, and that the administration could reasonably have believed that the terrorist attacks perpetrated on September 11, 2012 had anything to do with the anti-Islam video "Innocence of Muslims."

State Department names groups behind Benghazi strike.  The State Department on Friday for the first time blamed specific groups and militants for the 2012 Benghazi attack, designating them as terrorists — a move that further undermines initial claims the attack was spontaneous.

State Dept. Offers $10 Million Reward to Find Benghazi Terrorists.  The State Department today [1/10/2014] publicly announced a $10 million reward "for information leading to the arrest or conviction of any individual responsible for the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks."

Obama Donor Helped Free Terrorist Behind Benghazi Attack.  The left is rushing to blame Bush for the Benghazi attack, now that the State Department is moving to name a former Gitmo detainee released by Bush as a key figure in the attack.  But Gitmo detainees were released as part of a pressure and lawfare campaign by the radical pro-terrorist left.  Including Obama's backers.

Letter questions whether Boehner was briefed on Benghazi ops.  A letter from three relatives of the Benghazi attack victims is renewing questions over whether House Speaker John Boehner was briefed on covert operations in Libya and whether a proposed "Select Committee" might reveal politically damaging details.

Defining al Qaeda Down.  The fallout continues from the New York Times's failed attempt to change the narrative on the Ben-ghazi attacks.  The latest hit comes from an unexpected source — the Washington Post.

U.S. Benghazi compound lease renewed without security.  The State Department renewed the lease for the U.S. compound in Benghazi two months before the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks without requiring the facility to meet normal security standards.  That news comes from an interview Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., conducted with a survivor of the attacks.

Former Guantanamo Bay detainee and his terrorist group 'took part in [...] Benghazi'.  A prisoner that was released from Guantanamo Bay is now the leader of a terror group and new reports reveal that he led his men to participate in the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi.  The Washington Post reports that it is still unclear whether or not Abu Sufian bin Qumu was the one to plan the attack or if he just happened to be in Benghazi when they decided to join in the raid.

Benghazi mom: 'Why won't Hillary talk?'  The mother of an American killed during the terrorist attack in Benghazi continues to pressure top Obama administration officials — particularly former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — for answers.  "If it's not Hillary, why doesn't somebody tell me something?" she asked Tuesday [1/7/2014] on Fox News.

Down and Out in Benghazi.  In recognition of their work in denying the harsh reality of the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi on the night of Sept. 11/12, 2012, the Walter Duranty prize for misleading nonsense in international reporting in 2013 goes to the New York Times Cairo bureau chief David Kirkpatrick and the entire Times editorial board.

Obama Administration's Benghazi Bombshell.  The Washington Post reports that U.S. officials suspect Sufian Ben Qumu, an ex-Guantanamo detainee, "played a role in the attack on the American compound in Benghazi, Libya, and are planning to designate the group he leads as a foreign terrorism organization."  Ben Qumu is based in Derna, Libya and runs a branch of Ansar al Sharia headquartered in the city.

Former Guantanamo detainee implicated in Benghazi attack.  U.S. officials suspect that a former Guantanamo Bay detainee played a role in the attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, and are planning to designate the group he leads as a foreign terrorist organization, according to officials familiar with the plans.  Militiamen under the command of Abu Sufian bin Qumu, the leader of Ansar al-Sharia in the Libyan city of Darnah, participated in the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, U.S. officials said.

The Gitmo Detainee the Times Just Denied Was in Benghazi ... Was in Benghazi.  U.S. officials have told the Washington Post that they believe that former Guantanamo Bay detainee and al-Qaeda-linked militant Abu Sufian bin Qumu was involved in the September 11 terrorist attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi, Libya — a claim specifically denied in the New York Times' report last week about the tragedy.

They Will Lie to Your Casket.  The New York Times recently published a 7,500-word coverup to exculpate the Obama administration in their atrocious dereliction of duty with respect to killing of four Americans at Benghazi in 2012.  Like a frightened octopus, the left is exuding a vast cloud of ink, hoping to cover the failures of President Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Poll finds Obama, Hillary Clinton 'deliberately misled' on Benghazi.  As former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton battles new allegations that she only considered presidential politics in voting against the successful surge of troops to Iraq in 2007, the 2012 Benghazi attack continues to haunt her, with a new poll finding that Americans believe the administration "deliberately misled" them on the scandal.  A new YouGov poll found that 44 percent of the public believes "the Obama administration deliberately misled the American people" when the president, Clinton, and others suggested the attack was sparked by outrage over a western movie, not terrorism.

The Obama Doctrine Revealed.  In the process of exonerating Clinton, the 8,000-word account by David Kirkpatrick uncovers the two pivotal points of the Obama Doctrine:  (1)  Radical Islam in general is not inherently hostile to the US and once they are shown due respect they can become US allies.  This may mean weakening ties with our traditional allies.  (2)  The only Islamic group that is a bona fide terrorist organization is the faction of al-Qaida directly subordinate to Osama bin Laden's successor, Ayman al-Zawahiri.  Only this group cannot be appeased and must be destroyed through force. [...] The beauty of this is that once revealed, the central tenets of the Obama Doctrine are so reality-challenged that the self-anointed "smart diplomacy" mantle becomes ludicrous.

CNN's Jake Tapper says Hillary will have to answer for Benghazi.  CNN anchor Jake Tapper said Monday [1/6/2014] that if or when Hillary Clinton runs for president, "there will have to be some questions answered about [Benghazi]."  Tapper spoke with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt on Monday about the former Secretary of State's prospects for the presidency.  One of the few mainstream media reporters to challenge the Obama administration's deflections over the deadly September 2012 attack in Libya, Tapper noted that it won't be easy for Clinton to shed her Benghazi baggage on her way to the White House.

Poll: Majority Want Benghazi Select Committee.  A poll released by Democratic pollster Pat Caddell and Republican pollster John McLaughlin shows that a vast majority of American voters want a special select committee to investigate the Benghazi scandal.  However, House Speaker John Boehner is denying them a shot at it.

Allen West Questions if Boehner [and] Cantor [are] Helping Cover Up Benghazi.  Former Rep. Allen West (R-FL), a leader in the conservative movement and retired Lt. Colonel of the United States Army, told Breitbart News that he thinks House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) might be trying to help the Obama administration cover up the Benghazi scandal.

GOP Leadership: Benghazi Victims' Families 'Absurd and Inaccurate' in Select Committee Demand.  An anonymous aide for House GOP leadership told the Washington Examiner Monday [1/6/2014] it believes three family members of the victims of the Benghazi terrorist attack and other conservative movement and military community leaders are being untruthful in their demand for a select committee investigation into Benghazi.  The unidentified aide would work for either Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, or Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, per the Examiner's identification.

Benghazi Victims' Families Demand Real Investigation.  To date, five (5) different committees of the House have conducted separate hearings, uncovering information in a piecemeal fashion lacking professional investigators.  The five committees' efforts are disjointed and uncoordinated.  The Obama administration has benefited from that dysfunctional process to hide the truth.  Hardly any Obama administration witnesses have testified — publicly or privately.

So Many Intolerable Lies.  There are so many lies coming out of the White House that we have become numb to them.  But to concede that is to concede the debate.  That is what is happening now across our political spectrum.  We are told by the New York Times that there was no terrorist involvement in the Benghazi attack and that Edward Snowden, the NSA leaker, should be pardoned.  The former is an outright lie — see the statements of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers — and the latter is a judgment based on another lie.

Benghazi Victims' Families, Conservative Leaders to Boehner: Install Select Committee Now.  In the letter to Boehner, which was delivered on early Monday afternoon [1/6/2014] and provided exclusively to Breitbart News, Sean Smith's mother, Pat Smith, and uncle, Michael Ingmire, along with Tyrone Woods' father, Charles Woods, joined the call for a select committee to investigate the Benghazi scandal.  Other notable signers include former Rep. Allen West (R-FL), conservative leader Ginni Thomas of Liberty Consulting, Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton, retired Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, Freedom Center president David Horowitz, and scores of other military and conservative movement leaders.

U.S. Seeking al Qaeda Terrorist Linked to Benghazi Attack.  The U.S. government is trying to apprehend an al Qaeda terrorist wanted for his role in the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack that killed four Americans.  The suspect, Muhammad Jamal, was imprisoned in Egypt last fall and in September was being held by the Egyptian government.  His current whereabouts could not be confirmed, said U.S. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity.  One official said Jamal remains in Egyptian custody, contrary to reports that he was in Yemen.

Watch: Trey Gowdy Dismantles The NY Times' Bogus Benghazi Report.  Rep. Trey Gowdy went after The New York Times' bogus Benghazi report on Monday [12/30/2013], in which the Times claimed Al Qaeda was not behind the attack — and that it was sparked by an obscure anti-Muslim video.  In an interview with Fox News' Dan Perino, Gowdy wasted no time lowering the boom:  "First of all, I want to congratulate The New York Times.  It only took 15 months for them to figure out how to spell Benghazi.  So, in another 15 months, maybe their reporting will actually catch up with the truth."

The New York Times Destroys ObamaThe New York Times just delivered a mortal blow to the Obama administration and its Middle East policy.  Call it fratricide.  It was clearly unintentional.  Indeed, is far from clear that the paper realizes what it has done.  Last Saturday the Times published an 8,000-word account by David Kirkpatrick detailing the terrorist strike against the US Consulate and the CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012.  In it, Kirkpatrick tore to shreds the foundations of President Barack Obama's counterterrorism strategy and his overall policy in the Middle East.

Wrong Again.  To hear it from the New York Times editorial page, the many issues surrounding the attacks in Benghazi are now settled. [...] It's hardly surprising that the New York Times would find the New York Times the final word on an issue.  But for the rest of us, rational and irrational alike, this revisionist account is neither authoritative nor definitive.  The central thesis of the piece is wrong, and the sweeping claim the author has made in defending it is demonstrably false.

Down the Times' Bengahzi Rabbit Hole.  What was the commander-in-chief of the United States armed forces doing through the night of September 11, 2012, while he knew Americans were under jihadist siege in Libya?  You won't learn the answer to that question by reading the mini-book-length, six-"chapter" revisionist history of the Benghazi massacre cooked up by David D. Kirkpatrick and the New York Times.  The Times report is a labor of love in the service of President Obama and, in particular, the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign ramp-up.  Former secretary of state Clinton, of course, was a key architect of Obama's Libya policy.

O'Reilly: NY Times' Benghazi Report Is 'Pure Bull,' Meant to Help Clinton.  In his Talking Points Memo Thursday night [1/2/2014], Bill O'Reilly went after the "seriously flawed" New York Times report that concluded al Qaeda was not involved in the Benghazi attack.  He called it "pure bull" for the paper to claim that the attack was not "meticulously planned" and was actually a response to an anti-Islam video.

Judicial Watch's Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians of 2013.  [After President Obama himself,] The next highest Obama official on the list is former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, noted for her evasion of responsibility for the Benghazi massacre, saying, "...the level of responsibility for the failures... was set at the Assistant Secretary of State level and below," and yelling "What difference does it make?"  when asked why the attack transpired and why the administration lied about a video being the cause of the attack.

Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2013.  [Scroll down]  Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:  On January 23, 2013, outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testified to congressional committees regarding the terrorist attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, which led to the murder of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American citizens.  At times evasive, at other times defensive and aggressive, Clinton delivered her version of events in the days before and after the murders in Benghazi.  And, in the end, the Secretary of State pretended to take "responsibility," but gave a predictable response regarding who is to blame:  "...the level of responsibility for the failures...was set at the Assistant Secretary of State level and below," Clinton said, referring to an investigation of the incident.  In other words, this was not my fault.

Not a 'Bogus' Benghazi Connection.  During an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper, New York Times reporter David Kirkpatrick was asked about the connections between Muhammad Jamal's network and the Benghazi attack.

Sources on the Ground in Benghazi Call NYT Report a Complete Lie.  Fifteen months after the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, the narrative of the attack continues to be shaped, and reshaped, by politicians and the press.  But a New York Times report published over the weekend has angered sources who were on the ground that night.  Those sources, who continue to face threats of losing their jobs, sharply challenged the Times' findings that there was no involvement from Al Qaeda or any other international terror group and that an anti-Islam film played a role in inciting the initial wave of attacks.

Ex-WH Spokesman: Bad 'Parsing' to Believe I Said Al-Qaeda Part of Benghazi Attack.  Ex-White House National Security spokesman Tommy Vietor said on Tuesday [12/31/2013] that reconciling his previous statements of Al Qaeda involvement in the terrorist attack on Benghazi — as compared to claims by the New York Times' David Kirkpatrick that Al Qaeda was not involved — is nothing more than a "parsing game."

Journalistic malpractice over Benghazi.  The Times' report misconstrues known facts and simply sweeps under the table mountains of evidence of al Qaeda's ties to Libyan jihadi groups.  In June 2012, for example, more than a dozen different jihadi groups put the black flag of al Qaeda on parade in Benghazi in what they hoped would be a three-day show of force.  Thousands of jihadi fighters, many of them in Pakistani and Afghan dress, paraded through the streets of Benghazi with hundreds of gun trucks.  For The New York Times, though, the black flags were merely "the black flags of militant Islam" and apparently bore no relation to al Qaeda.  "Benghazi was not infiltrated by al Qaeda," The Times flatly asserted.

NYT Doubles Down: Claims of Al Qaeda Involvement in Benghazi 'Strictly Political'.  Smarting from the number of witnesses who came out to challenge The New York Times' weekend article downplaying terrorist involvement in the 2012 Benghazi attack, NYT editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal "argued that those trying to claim Al Qaeda was involved" do so "for strictly political reasons."

New York Times Had Reporter 'Talking to the Attackers' During Benghazi Massacre.  The New York Times had a reporter talking to attackers on the ground during the Benghazi attacks that killed four Americans in September of 2012, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, and that reporter may know the identity of some of the murderers and perpetrators.  David Kirkpatrick is the Times reporter who wrote the story that forced the paper's Editorial page editor to defensively declare on Monday that it has not chosen to endorse Hillary Clinton for president in 2016.

In Benghazi, Could Anyone Be Al Qaeda?  Do we care what Al Qaeda is?  And do we care who gets guns from the American government?

When the press is a poodle.  [Scroll down]  Then on Dec. 28, the Gray Lady breathlessly claimed that extensive interviews on the ground in Benghazi "turned up no evidence that al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role" in the murderous attack on U.S. facilities there on Sept. 11, 2012.  The Times insisted that, "The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO's extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against [longtime Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi]."  Times' reporter David Kirkpatrick concluded, moreover, that the murderous assault "was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam."

Times Benghazi exposes strange embed-fellows.  We have not heard all The New York Times knows, or for that matter what our leaders know about Benghazi.  Maybe, if we are good, we will find out next Christmas — after the 2014 midterms.

Benghazi lies unravel as Obama, Clinton & Rice still deceive America.  The story of what happened that night when Americans were abandoned in Benghazi to die will not go away.  Despite the appearance of Susan Rice on 60 Minutes two weeks ago, and a New York Times article yesterday reviving the fable that a video was to blame, disturbing questions remain.

NYT Revives Benghazi Video Lie To Save Hillary.  The attempt to rehabilitate Hillary Clinton begins as the New York Times revives the long-ago debunked "video clip" excuse for the well-planned Benghazi massacre while denying documented al-Qaida involvement.

Credulous and Tendentious on Benghazi.  The New York Times has published a strange but unsurprising account of the attacks that killed four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012 — strange in that it presents the explanations and testimony of terrorists involved in the attack without comment or context, and unsurprising because that account supports the narrative the Obama administration aggressively promoted for weeks after the massacre.

The Times' Benghazi Report: Convenient for Clinton.  The division of the "Hillary for President" campaign known as the New York Times issued a lengthy white paper on Sunday [12/29/2013], entitled "A Deadly Mix In Benghazi."  This article, the paper explained, was based on "months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there..."  In other words, the article is centered on interviews with extremists and terrorists, whose words are taken as gospel.  That they may have changed their stories, or be putting forth stories for their own benefit rather than because the new stories are true, is a subtlety beyond the Times.

Obama Administration in Pre-Edited Talking Points: Al Qaeda Behind Benghazi Attack.  The recent New York Times article attempting to downplay terrorist involvement in the Benghazi attack that claimed the lives of four Americans on Sept. 11, 2012, directly contradicts evidence in the now infamous pre-edited talking points of then-United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice.

Krauthammer: NY Times Benghazi Report Undeniably About Protecting Dems, HillaryThe New York Times is defending its Benghazi report from critics who said it was politically motivated, but Charles Krauthammer isn't buying it and said there is no question it was a "political move" by the Times to help Democrats.  Krauthammer said the sheer defensiveness the Times is taking in denying political bias in the report just proves that politics was a primary motivator.

Betrayal that whitewash won't cover.  Transparency, the current vogue word for truth-telling, is usually a good thing, unless you're trying to fool all the people some of the time, like spending 7,000 words to resurrect a fairy tale in Benghazi, all to give a helping hand to a lady in distress.  The New York Times understands that Hillary Clinton is likely to be the only credible hope the Democrats have for 2016 and that she already needs lots of remedial help.  The Times huffed and puffed to deliver an excuse for betrayal in Benghazi, meant to second Mrs. Clinton's famous alibi for her tortured misfeasance as secretary of state — "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

GOP congressman blasts NY Times Benghazi claims as 'misleading'.  New York Rep. Peter King, member and former chairman of the House's Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told Fox News the argument that the most overtly anti-Western militia, Ansar al-Shariah — not Al Qaeda — led the attack is an academic argument over semantics, considering Ansar al-Shariah is widely believed to be an affiliate terror group of Al Qaeda.  "It's misleading," King said.  "It's a distinction without a difference."

Rep. Peter King: NYT Article on Benghazi Is 'Entirely Misleading'.  A recent New York Times article is drawing fire for claiming that there is no evidence of al Qaeda being behind the attacks on Benghazi in September 2012, but rather the terrorist group Ansar al-Shariah.  "I think it's entirely misleading," commented Representative Peter King (R-New York) on today's edition of America's Newsroom.  "The fact is that Ansar al-Shariah is affiliated with Al Qaeda," stated King, who finds the New York Times inaccurate for describing them as completely separate groups.  "To say that it was an affiliate rather than Al Qaeda itself means absolutely nothing."

Yes, There IS Evidence Linking al Qaeda to Benghazi.  Libyan militants tell the New York Times that al Qaeda is not behind the 2012 Benghazi attack.  Some members of Congress have intelligence that says otherwise.

New York Times Contradicts [its] Own Reporting on Benghazi.  The New York Times' assertion that Al Qaeda's involvement in the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate and CIA annex in Benghazi is particularly questionable considering the preponderance of evidence that shows otherwise.

'Completely false': Sources on ground in Benghazi challenge NYT report.  Fifteen months after the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, the narrative of the attack continues to be shaped, and reshaped, by politicians and the press.  But a New York Times report published over the weekend has angered sources who were on the ground that night.  Those sources, who continue to face threats of losing their jobs, sharply challenged the Times' findings that there was no involvement from Al Qaeda or any other international terror group and that an anti-Islam film played a role in inciting the initial wave of attacks.

Defense Expert Concludes the NY Times' Benghazi Report 'Backfired' on the Paper.  Foundation for Defense of Democracies senior fellow Thomas Joscelyn joined WSJ Live host Mary Kissel on Monday to discuss an investigative report on the September 11, 2012, attack on an American consulate in Benghazi by New York Times reporter David Kirkpatrick.  Both Kissel and Joscelyn agreed that, while Kirkpatrick's reporting was extensive, the conclusions he reached were erroneous.  Furthermore, if there was a political objective that the Times sought to achieve with this report, the effort has thoroughly "backfired."

The New York Times Whitewashes Benghazi.  David D. Kirkpatrick of the New York Times has published a lengthy account of the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.  While much in Kirkpatrick's report is not new, the piece is receiving a considerable amount of attention because of this sweeping conclusion: [...] But how much effort did Kirkpatrick expend to uncover any possible al Qaeda ties?  Judging by the Times's glaring omissions, not much.

Benghazi: The New York Times vs. the Truth.  They never give up at the New York Times.  If at first they don't succeed in twisting the truth to fit the Newspeak fit to print, it's try, try again.  Their latest exercise in mendacity is "A Deadly Mix in Benghazi," an elaborate essay that substitutes a plethora of irrelevant details and animated graphics for historical truth.  The long essay takes up an event which, in a rational world, would have led the to resignation of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and the impeachment of President Barack Obama.  I mean the terrorist attack on our consular facility at Benghazi, Libya.

Did the NY Times contradict itself on their Benghazi piece?  Ed already covered some of the serious problems with this weekend's New York Times "deep analysis" of Benghazi, showing how much  of their focus was on the crumbs rather than the meat of the situation.  Erika went one further, discussing how members of Congress in the know have already been informed that the entire sordid affair was no accident.  But just for a bit more comprehensive coverage, long time friend of Hot Air Kerry Picket has a piece at Breitbart noting how it now seems that the Paper of Record actually contradicted itself in attempting to provide cover for Hillary Clinton in 2016.

New York Times Wonders: Was Chris Stevens Out of His Depth in Benghazi?  The New York Times's extensive exposé on the September 11 Benghazi attacks turned up no ties to Al Qaeda.  By highlighting obscure militiamen and ignoring the roles of White House officials, the piece continues an alarming trend of dismissiveness toward the Obama administration's greatest foreign policy scandal.

Times Ignores Evidence of Al Qaeda Link to Benghazi.  [David] Kirkpatrick obviously spent considerable time on the ground in Benghazi and interviewed several anti-Western Islamists, including some involved in the attacks.  There's little doubt he took considerable risks as he reported his piece.  While much of Kirkpatrick's reporting is admirable and while these details add to our knowledge of certain aspects of the attack, they do not tell the whole story.  And that's where the piece ultimately fails.

NYT editor defiant on Benghazi report amid lawmaker criticism.  Even the State Department's internal review did not offer a definitive explanation of what caused the attack and who was behind it.  The Times investigation, though, aggravated some of the department's toughest critics by concluding there was no involvement from Al Qaeda or any other international terror group and that an anti-Islam film played a role in inciting the initial wave of attacks.  House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich., told "Fox News Sunday" that the intelligence community would dispute that.  He said the story was "not accurate."

NY Times begins Hillary rehabilitation.  Right on schedule, the New York Times has published a 7,500-word account of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack that all but ignores Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's role and quotes a terrorist saying a supposedly anti-Islam video insulting the Prophet Muhammad "might well have justified" the killing of four Americans.

Issa stands by claims of al Qaeda affiliation in Benghazi attacks.  Rep. Darrell Issa on Sunday stood by claims that a group affiliated with the terrorist organization al Qaeda was involved in the 2012 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi.  "It was accurate," Issa said on NBC's Meet the Press.  "There was a group that was involved that claims an affiliation with al Qaeda."

Missing the Lessons of Benghazi.  The [New York Times] report states that it has confirmed that al-Qaeda was not involved in the attack.  It reaches this lame conclusion because it was unable to find a direct connection between core al-Qaeda and the attackers.  The very nature of al-Qaeda is that it is both operational and inspirational.  The attackers were radical jihadists who hated the West and the United States.  It is immaterial whether they were a direct affiliate of AQ or not.  They share the same aspirational goals.  The Times' conclusion is a conclusion with no meaning.

The Good, the Bad, and the Pathetic of the New York Times' Benghazi Report.  Somewhere, buried out of reach (for now) of any American news agency, is a minute-by-minute account of the fight in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.  This account no doubt cross-references the testimony of those on the ground with the available signals intelligence (including radio intercepts from the attackers themselves).  This account tells us when American command authorities were made aware of the attack, when the news was forwarded up the chain of command, and who made what decisions that fateful night.

Fox News Blasts NYT 'Completely False' Benghazi Report.  The New York Times published a report on the Benghazi attack over the weekend claiming that Al Qaeda was not involved in the attack and that the anti-Islam video did play a role in the initial wave.  Monday, Fox News answered, blasting the report by publishing pushback from angered witnesses who were on the ground the night of the attack, denouncing the NYT report is "completely false."

House Intel Chairman on NYT's Benghazi Report: 'That Story Is Just Not Accurate'.  The New York Times on Sunday [12/29/2013] published a highly controversial report claiming the September 2012 attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, did not involve al Qaeda, and was as the Administration originally stated a spontaneous demonstration in response to an American-made anti-Islamic video.  Appearing on Fox News Sunday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) completely refuted the article saying, "[T]hat story is just not accurate".

The New York Times' Revisionist Account of Benghazi.  The New York Times is out with a revisionist account of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi.  The Times says that in months of investigating, it "turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault."  The Times also claims that the attack "was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam."

The Editor says...
If the "reaction to an anti-Islam video" story is true, and it obviously isn't, why did only one group of easily-outraged Muslims react to the video?

Susan Rice defends Benghazi interviews.  National Security Adviser Susan Rice says she has no regrets about taking the Sunday show interviews that brought her career under fire in September 2012.  Pressed Sunday [12/22/2013] on CBS's "60 Minutes" as to why Hillary Clinton didn't appear for interviews following the lethal attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Rice said she had filled in willingly because of the then-secretary of state's particularly "painful" and "stressful" week.

Susan Rice Calls Benghazi 'A False Controversy'.  "I don't have time to think about a false controversy," National Security Adviser Susan Rice told CBS' "60 Minutes" in an interview that aired Sunday.  Rice was talking about the September 11, 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, and her insistence five days later — on all five Sunday talk shows — that the attack was a spontaneous event arising from a little-known anti-Muslim video.

60 Minutes Report on Susan Rice Misleads on Benghazi.  This evening [12/22/2013] 60 Minutes did yet another puff piece on a member of the Obama Administration.  This time it was National Security Adviser Susan Rice's turn.  Lesley Stahl called Rice "the quarterback of American foreign policy."  If that is the case then Susan Rice is to the American foreign policy what Ryan Leaf was to the San Diego Chargers.  However, the most egregious part of the segment concerned Benghazi.

'Stand down': CIA Benghazi team clash led to controversial order.  CIA officers revealed a clash over how quickly they should go help the besieged U.S. ambassador during the 2012 attack on an outpost in Libya, and a standing order for them to avoid violent encounters, according to a congressman and others who heard their private congressional testimony or were briefed on it.

Obama Turned Benghazi into Al Qaeda Terrorist Hub.  Obama justified his Libyan War to the American people by claiming that people of Benghazi were in danger from Gaddafi.  After he succeeded in overthrowing Gaddafi, Benghazi reverted to its radical roots and became a city run by terrorist militias leading to the murder of four Americans.

Left to Die in Benghazi.  The assault on the Temporary Diplomatic Mission Facility in Benghazi (Often still erroneously referred to as a "Consulate") and its associated Annex on 9/11/12 brought much reporting centered on the general lack of security prior to the event and on the failure of the military to respond after the assaults began. Of late, those two issues have come into much sharper focus by new revelations in testimony during hearings at the House Intelligence Committee.

Benghazi, Libya, has become training hub for Islamist fighters.  Every week, about a dozen Syrians arrive at Benghazi's airport for what's described as insurgent training.  When they fly out, they're carrying fake Libyan passports, according to three officials familiar with the comings and goings of foreigners at the airport.  The accounts of the officials, who asked to remain anonymous because of the sensitivity of the topic, are more evidence that this city in Libya has become a regional hub for Islamist extremists seeking to hone their combat skills

Lead FBI Benghazi Investigator Has Never Testified Before Congress.  Kevin Kolbye, Assistant Special Agent in Charge for the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Dallas, served as the on-scene commander for the Benghazi investigation but has not yet testified before Congress about what he knows.  Republican Congressman Frank Wolf wants to know why.

Stonewall: State ordered Benghazi security firm to avoid media.  The British security firm that failed to protect the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, from a terrorist attack a year ago that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens was told by the State Department to avoid the media, the latest example of stonewalling over the attack. In newly uncovered emails received by the public watchdog group Judicial Watch, State was notified that the firm, Blue Mountain Group, was being pressed for answers about the surprise attack. Instead of giving the group the green light to answer the media, State ordered the firm to go into hiding.

Benghazigate: Where are the Drone Videos?  One of the most startling revelations of late was that Congress has not seen the videos made by the Predator/Reaper remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) that were flying during that event we now call Benghazigate.  This detail is one of many arising from the recent classified hearings held by the House Intelligence Committee in which five eye-witnesses to the event gave testimony for the first time[.]  Early reports on the event do not reference overhead aircraft (Including the first "official" briefing and the first "official" testimony.)

A closer look at the Benghazi lie.  The Obama State Department has finally released a second round of photos revealing the harrowing devastation wrought by a terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012.  The new photographs depict rampant damage to the consulate. [...] The extent of the damage would lead any reasonably serious person to conclude that this was a cold, calculated attack, carefully coordinated to mark the 11th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001.  Unfortunately for the American people, the Obama-Clinton-Rice cabal that led to the Benghazi cover-up was far more interested in political-damage control than serious damage assessment.

Sen. John Cornyn: Obama & Co. has 'taken lying to a new level'.  President Obama and his administrative heads have been covering up details about the attacks that took place on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, leaving four Americans dead, one key senator said this week.  "I think the current administration has taken lying to a new level," said Sen. John Cornyn, Politico reported.  Mr. Cornyn, Texas Republican, said the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, under Rep. Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, has been trying hard to obtain the truthful details of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack.  But it's hard, he said, when the White House stymies all attempts to interview witnesses and survivors, Politico reported.

Blackwater Founder: We Could Have Saved Ambassador Stevens.  The controversial founder of the private security firm Blackwater told Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon that if Blackwater had been operating at the American consulate in Benghazi in September of 2012, Ambassador Christopher Stevens would still be alive.

New Benghazi Testimony Confirms White House Had Time to Respond.  Members of the House Intelligence Committee learned in a closed-door briefing yesterday [12/3/2013] that more contractors are corroborating the report that the Obama administration had plenty of time to respond to the attack on the Benghazi diplomatic facility.  Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) called the new information "outstanding testimony."

The Real Benghazi Scandal.  On the list of scandals that plagued the Obama administration this past year, Benghazi has been the one the White House, Democrats, and their cheerleaders in the mainstream media dismissed with the greatest of ease.  Unlike the IRS scandal, which though it has faded from the news had obvious constitutional and political implications, or the various spying scandals involving news organizations and the National Security Agency, which outraged large numbers of ordinary Americans, Benghazi was put down as a manufactured story that had little traction.

Carney on Death of U.S. Teacher in Benghazi: 'We Expect the Libyan Government to Investigate This'.  White House press secretary Jay Carney said that they're leaving the investigation of an American teacher shot in Benghazi up to the Libyans.  The Libya Herald reported that chemistry teacher Ronnie Smith, 33, was running on Dubai Street in Benghazi's Digadosta district when he was shot multiple times.  According to witnesses, Smith was approached by a black SUV that "drove up to him and retreated several times before shots were fired from the vehicle."  Smith had lived in Benghazi for 13 months with his wife and their 2-year old while teaching at Benghazi International School.

Obscure tip line at center of Benghazi dispute has history of big payouts for terror intel.  A little-known federal program that doles out millions for tips on terrorists is now in the spotlight after lawmakers questioned how it was being employed in the Benghazi attack investigation.  State Department officials revealed recently, despite lawmakers being kept in the dark, that they're quietly offering a multi-million dollar monetary sum through the "Rewards for Justice" program for information leading to the suspects in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack.

In Defense Of Lara Logan.  Once it became clear they had been duped, Logan publicly apologized for the mistake saying on CBS This Morning that "The most important thing to every person at 60 Minutes is the truth, and today, the truth is that we made a mistake," she said, calling it a very "disappointing" situation.  After all, what makes a show like 60 Minutes different from, say, a cable news show is that every word in the script is supposed to be heavily vetted by producers and lawyers alike.  So on the scale of news screw-ups, this was pretty egregious.  It wasn't just an error — their entire report was based on what seems to have been a lie.

Intel Committee Member: Benghazi Security Lax Because Admin Wanted to 'Look Like We Weren't Afraid'.  A member of the House Intelligence Committee said one of the mysteries still remaining for members of Congress about the Benghazi attack is exactly what Ambassador Chris Stevens was doing in the Libyan city.  Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) said lawmakers have learned that the CIA did inform people at the diplomatic facility "that there's been a lot of chatter."  "We want you on high alert.  And, you know, they shared that information with the RSOs over at the temporary facility, even invited the guys over to spend the night with them," he said on Fox.

Behind 60 Minutes's Bungled Benghazi Report.  The exposé threatened to reignite the Benghazi scandal, which dogged the Obama administration and was the most glaring liability for Hillary Clinton's nascent presidential candidacy.  Instead, its failures seem to have closed the books on the scandal, at least temporarily.

Read the Full CBS Internal Review of Lara Logan's Discredited Benghazi Report.  That journalistic review, as conducted by special events exec producer Al Ortiz, confirms that Logan and her staff had the ability to confirm the now-debunked story of Benghazi "witness" Dylan Davies, but failed to use "wider reporting resources" to do so.  The report also alleges that Logan violated the network's speech codes by advocating for a particular U.S. response to Benghazi and al Qaeda.

CIA personnel testify agency was on alert over 9/11 anniversary in Benghazi, before attack.  Personnel working at the CIA annex in Benghazi were well aware that the 9/11 anniversary last year could be a flashpoint, according to recent testimony, and a notice was even posted on a bulletin board at the annex warning of potentially increased hostilities against western targets during that period.  The new details emerged during recent closed-door briefings by CIA personnel including former contractors, according to those familiar with the testimony before the House Intelligence Committee.

Lara Logan To Take Leave of Absence From CBS In Wake of '60 Minutes' Report.  CBS News correspondent Lara Logan and producer Max McClellan will take leave of absence from the network in the wake of a flawed "60 Minutes" report on last year's attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.  The suspension was a result of CBS News' internal review of the Oct. 27 segment about Benghazi, which the network found to be lacking in its efforts to substantiate the assertions of a key source, security officer Dylan Davies.

Did Hillary Clinton's globetrotting ways as Secretary of State contribute to Benghazi disaster?  [M]ost Americans don't realize this was the second terrorist attack on the consulate, the first came on June 6, blowing a 40-foot hole in the outer wall.  On June 11, the State Dept. issued an Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens entitled "Attack on Benghazi," that warned Americans, "this incident is a reminder of the fluid security situation in Libya and is the latest in a series of attacks in Benghazi against diplomatic and international installations."

Dizzying Benghazigate Developments.  When one walks through the woods and picks up a dead log, two things usually happen — myriad strange creatures scatter about, and, often, the log crumbles.  A similar thing occurred a few weeks ago when the 60 Minutes piece of fiction on Benghazi starring Lara Logan and Dylan Davies aired — new items, new characters, new lies, and new narratives scurried out, and both what was left of an iconic TV program's reputation and the entire "official" version of events crumbled.  Of the things that scurried out was a renewed (or awakened) push by some in Congress to get testimony from eye-witnesses.

Why Obama can't wave away this scandal.  The unconscionable behavior of State Department and White House officials during and after the killing of four Americans in Benghazi at the height of the 2012 race — during which the American people were deliberately and consciously misled — has had no lasting consequences whatsoever.  Obama felt free to select the chief liar, Susan Rice, as his national-security adviser without experiencing a moment's fear about how her appointment might become a scandal.

New photos of Benghazi attack, aftermath show widespread destruction, graffiti.  The State Department has belatedly released dozens of photos of the aftermath of last year's terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi after The Washington Times inquired about the authenticity of photographs it received from a Welsh security contractor assigned to the doomed American outpost in eastern Libya.

Nuclear Option 'Greatly Eroded' Graham's Leverage to Get Benghazi Answers.  Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said that the nuclear option not only detonated the filibuster, but most of the leverage he held to get answers from the Obama administration about Benghazi.  "After today, I fully expect President Obama to stack the D.C. Circuit Court with liberal, rubber-stamp judges.  This court has primary jurisdiction over lawsuits that challenge Obamacare regulations.  It is no accident the rules were changed to stack this court," Graham said after the vote Thursday.

Might the Establishment Turn Against Obama?  [Scroll down]  Then there was Benghazi.  It was obvious within a week of the attack, to anyone inquisitive enough to read non-American news sources, that the Obama administration had knowingly allowed an ambassador and three other Americans to die during a lengthy, planned terrorist attack, and then concocted and disseminated self-protective lies no less carefully planned than the attack itself.  The obviousness of the administration's inhumanity and mendacity was only heightened as the weeks dragged on, and the White House continued to dig itself deeper into what ought to have been its grave, with further lies, smugness, and blunt refusals to answer natural questions such as "Where was Obama during the seven and a half hours of the attack, and what was he doing while the victims were sending urgent and repeated pleas for help?"  This hall of horrors, which, as I noted before the 2012 election, makes Watergate look like cheating at tiddlywinks, was completely trivialized by the "respectable" American media prior to the election.

Delta Force Marine awarded Navy Cross for fight at CIA annex in Benghazi.  The Washington Times has reported that two Delta Force members were among a seven-person rescue team sent from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli to Benghazi on the night of Sept. 11, 2012.  Their mission:  rescue diplomats, security personnel and CIA employees pinned down by terrorists about a mile from the U.S. diplomatic mission where Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and aide Sean Smith were killed by al Qaeda-directed militants.  Two of those seven were Delta Force operators.  The Times can now report that one was an Army soldier and the other a Marine.  The soldier was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, and the Marine received the Navy Cross for heroism.  The bestowal of the awards was done in secret.

CIA personnel asked to sign additional non-disclosure form after Benghazi attack.  At least five CIA personnel, including government contractors, were asked to sign a second non-disclosure agreement after the Benghazi terrorist attack, Fox News has learned.  While the three-page NDA, obtained by Fox News, does not contain specific references to the 2012 attack which killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, it does contain standard language that unauthorized disclosures could lead to "temporary loss of pay or termination" and "in some circumstances, constitute a criminal offense."

Benghazi attackers knew location of ambassador's safe room: congressman.  The terrorists who attacked the Benghazi consulate last year knew the location of the safe room where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his security team sought shelter, according to a congressman who spoke for 90 minutes with the diplomatic security agent severely injured in the assault.  "He confirmed this — that it was a very well orchestrated, and well organized, almost a military operation, using military weapons and using military signals," the late Florida Rep. Bill Young said after meeting diplomatic security agent David Ubben at Walter Reed Medical Center last summer, when both were patients there.

Report: Benghazi Attackers Had Inside Information, Knew Location Of Safe Room.  Notes from late Representative Bill Young's (R-FL) talk with Benghazi diplomatic security agent David Ubben reveal those who attacked the consulate knew the location of Ambassador Christopher Stevens' safe room.  According to Fox News, notes from Young's visit with Ubben show the consulate attack was "very well orchestrated, well organized, almost a military operation, using military weapons and using military signals."

US offering $10 mln reward for Benghazi attackers.  The State Department revealed Friday [11/115/2013] it has been quietly offering a $10 million reward to help track down the militants behind last year's deadly attack on a US mission in Libya.  The brazen assault in Benghazi cost the lives of four Americans, including ambassador Chris Stevens, with the fatalities and disputes about what unfolded at the diplomatic base causing fury in Washington.

U.S. government knew about al-Qaeda 'pep rally for jihad' in Benghazi.  Al-Qaeda terrorists held a massive military rally just a few miles from the U.S. State Department compound in Benghazi, Libya during the summer of 2012 and called for the murder of U.S. diplomats, it was revealed today [11/13/2013].  And the U.S. government knew about it by August, a full month before the attack that left the American ambassador and three others dead, official papers state.

Was Benghazi Not Enough? Obama Should Resign over Obamacare.  If I were Barack Obama, I would resign as president.  Forget all the temporary fixes and limited hangouts, I would be too ashamed of myself for having lied so blatantly to the American people — and on matters of such great significance. [...] One thing is certain.  He will never recover from this.  Even if his numbers go up, even if the Democrats win in 2014 or 2016, he is an immoral person and will only be seen that way by honest historians.  He has stained himself immutably.

Benghazi Survivors Given NDAs at CIA Memorial Service for Woods, Doherty.  Two former CIA officials who fought in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, were asked to sign additional nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) more than six months after those attacks.  The two officials, who will testify Thursday before a subcommittee of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, were presented the nondisclosure agreements during a memorial service in May at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, honoring Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, two of the CIA-affiliated personnel who died during those attacks.

Memo to Speaker Boehner — time to appoint a Select Committee on Benghazi.  Several weeks ago in a bombshell report, CNN uncovered information that these four House committees failed to unearth:  the CIA had three dozen personnel on the ground at Benghazi that night; at least seven were seriously injured; CIA personnel were secretly evacuated in the dark of the night; and they have been kept hidden from Congressional investigators since through the unprecedented use of monthly polygraph examinations to ensure that they do not talk to House staff or members of the media.  CNN described it "as pure intimidation, with the threat that any unauthorized CIA employee who leaks information could face the end of his or her career."

The Editor says...
There must be something politically devastating about Benghazi that the Obama administration wants to cover up, at least until the middle of November, 2016.

Questions about '60 Minutes' Benghazi story go beyond Dylan Davies interview.  When "60 Minutes" apologized for featuring in its report on Benghazi a security contractor whose story turned out to be a lie, it said it had been "misled."  But a close examination of the controversial piece by McClatchy shows that there are other problems with the report, whose broadcast renewed debate about one of the most contentious events in recent U.S. diplomatic history.

Details emerge about Americans badly injured in Benghazi attack.  Diplomatic Security Agent David Ubben — who as late as August was still recovering at Walter Reed Medical Center in suburban Washington — was so severely injured fighting alongside the Seals that he has undergone multiple surgeries.  The protocol is often referred to as a "leg or limb salvage."  Little is known about those who survived the Benghazi attack.

'60 Minutes' too quick to retract Benghazi story.  "60 Minutes" should not have thrown out its report on Benghazi with the bath water.  Reporters and producers at the CBS newsmagazine made mistakes in putting together a story about last year's attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Libya, and the story has been retracted.  But they also got a few things right, highlighting important information that raises serious questions about whether the attack — which resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens — could have been predicted and prevented.

CBS News and reporter Lara Logan face brutal criticism on flawed Benghazi report.  Lara Logan, CBS News' hard-charging chief foreign correspondent, has repeatedly risked her life in pursuit of the story.  She's been shot at, arrested, blindfolded by militiamen, and physically assaulted by a mob while reporting from some of the most troubled places on earth.  But her mistaken "60 Minutes" report about a supposed eyewitness to the Benghazi consulate attacks has put Logan under a different kind of pressure.  Despite two on-air apologies, including one Sunday night on "60 Minutes," Logan, 42, has come in for widespread criticism and demands for a more complete explanation of how her Oct. 27 report went so wrong.

Intelligence Warnings On Benghazi Were Loud And Clear.  Months before the murder of a U.S. ambassador in Benghazi, American intelligence analysts documented a massive al-Qaida rally a few miles from the ambassador's residence.  At that rally, terror leaders called for the murder of American diplomats.  Three U.S. intelligence reports, unearthed by the American Media Institute and detailed here for the first time, offer vivid descriptions of the al-Qaida meeting.

Paul: Benghazi should disqualify Clinton from holding higher office again.  Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky Republican, said Tuesday that former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's decisions surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, "should preclude" her from holding higher office again. [...] "There were still people alive and fighting for hours upon hours, and there were some people in Tripoli who could have gone.  I don't think that decision was made by a military person.  I think it was made ultimately by a politician."

Sen. Rand Paul gets applause with anti-Clinton remark at The Citadel.  Potential 2016 presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul drew applause from The Citadel's Corps of Cadets on Tuesday [11/12/2013] when he said Hillary Clinton should be disqualified from running for president because of the Benghazi affair.  "Her failure to provide our ambassador and his mission with adequate security should preclude Hillary Clinton from ever holding high office again," Paul said of the former secretary of state in connection to last year's fatal attack on the U.S. consulate in the Libyan city.

How Media Matters May Save Hillary from Benghazi.  Last week, the media went apoplectic after a 60 Minutes report on the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012, turned out to be mistaken.  Much of the report was based on the testimony of one Dylan Davies, a security contractor who said that he had climbed over the wall of the consulate in Benghazi and seen the body of Ambassador Chris Stevens.  It turned out that Davies was lying, and 60 Minutes was fooled.

Trey Gowdy Rips MSM For Media Malpractice On Benghazi.  On October 30, Senator Lindsey Graham reiterated his threat to hold up all future Senate confirmations unless the Regime is more forthcoming with the information Republicans are seeking.  And Trey Gowdy took the opportunity to shame the MSM for being basically AWOL on the story.  He asked if they could answer a series of pertinent questions about the attack — knowing, of course — that the answer would be no, because the media as a whole allowed the Regime to lie and stonewall on Benghazi so Obama could be reelected.  Some great investigative journalism was called for, and they totally dropped the ball.

Graham Vows to Continue Hold on Obama Nominees over Benghazi.  Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) vowed to continue his hold on all of President Obama's nominees [—] until the five State Department witnesses interviewed by the Accountability Review Board come before Congress to testify [—] Sunday [11/10/2013] on CNN's State of the Union.  Host Candy Crowley attempted to corner Graham into backing off those demands in light of CBS's decision to retract a recent 60 Minutes interview with a British contractor who was purportedly a Benghazi witness.  Graham replied the retraction is irrelevant to his demands considering he never knew the British contractor existed.

Graham: Obama Told Me to 'Take a Hike' on Benghazi.  Sen. Lindsey Graham says President Barack Obama told him to "take a hike" when he pressed for access to eyewitnesses to the Benghazi massacre, and Graham will ask House Speaker John Boehner to appoint a select committee to investigate the 2012 terrorist attack.

Proof Obama lied about Benghazi?  In a court of law, once a witness is found to be lying (just once), the credibility of that witness is gone and his/her testimony is thrown out.  In fact, that witness's testimony helps the other side because it's a direct reflection on the side that called said witness.

Cruz legislation offers $5M reward in Benghazi case.  Texas Sen. Ted Cruz introduced a bill Thursday [11/7/2013] to offer a $5 million reward for information on the Benghazi terror attack or information leading to the capture of a suspect.  Fourteen months following the brutal assault on the U.S. consulate, the families of the four murdered Americans are still no closer to the truth about what happened to their loved ones.  Since the attack took place, no one has been arrested, fired or held accountable.

Obama Brags: 'I've Been More Deeply Involved In Intelligence Than Just About Any President'.  One obvious question springs to mind:  if President Obama has been so exceptionally involved in intelligence, how could he have permitted Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and others in his administration to repeatedly propagate the falsehood that a fourth-rate video was to blame for the murder of four Americans in Benghazi?  Surely President Deeply Involved knew better.

Producer Fired for Rathergate Says Benghazi Story Pandered to Right Wing.  Now that CBS's '60 Minutes' story featuring a witness's account of the Benghazi attacks has fallen apart, a fired producer from the show's earlier big journalism scandal — the 2004 story on George W. Bush's National Guard service — has weighed in.  According to Mary Mapes, the CBS report corrected this week was aimed at attracting a conservative audience to the show.

CBS 60 Minutes' Lara Logan Apologizes for Erroneous Benghazi Survivor Report: 'We Were Wrong'.  CBS 60 Minutes reporter Lara Logan admitted on Friday that a person who claimed to have been witness to the deadly September 11, 2012 attack on an American consulate in Benghazi and who served as the centerpiece of a recent report on that attack may have misled her.

CBS reviewing Benghazi report.  CBS said Thursday that it is "reviewing" a report that prompted Republicans to double down on their accusations that the Obama administration was hiding the truth about the attack in Benghazi, Libya.  In a curt statement, the network said its flagship news magazine "60 Minutes" was "looking into" new information that "undercuts" its reporting.  The statement comes as The New York Times reported that the main source for the CBS report had lied about his actions the night terrorists attacked the U.S. mission.

Inside the '60 Minutes' Benghazi breakdown.  Jeff Fager, the CBS News chairman and executive producer of "60 Minutes," has said that his team spent "more than a year" reporting the story about the attack on Benghazi that aired on Oct. 27.  Yet it wasn't until Thursday night that they learned first-hand what their principal source, a security contractor named Dylan Davies, had told the Federal Bureau of Investigation about the attack.

CBS Source: 60 Minutes' Editorial Independence in Doubt After Benghazi Story.  According to one anonymous CBS source, the barrier between 60 Minutes and the rest of the CBS News division is about to become more porous following the disintegration of the news magazine's Benghazi story.

'Pretty Good at Killing'.  It has been disclosed in a recently published book about the 2012 campaign, Double Down by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, that the president told aides that he is "really good at killing people" with drones.  I think the president is being far too modest.  Drones aren't the half of it.  He's really good at killing lots of things. [...] He is apparently also quite good at killing the chances of State Department personnel to survive predicted attacks.  He sends them where they should not be, to do things they should not, and when they need to be saved from doing his bidding, this president goes to bed.  In fairness, he did not actually kill them himself.  He simply made sure they did not survive, with the considerable assistance of the victims' boss at the State Department.

Obama's 1984.  Orwell's "memory hole" refers to the chilling totalitarian practice of rewriting politically inconvenient history — even as it happens, if necessary — or of erasing it altogether, to suit the state's needs.  This applies directly to the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, and the Obama Administration's clumsy cover-up of the cause of the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans there.  Certainly the Obama Administration has shown that it would prefer for the whole embarrassing debacle to simply disappear down a memory hole.

The Obama Facade Cracks at Last.  Some of the worst lying from the Obama Administration is related to the Benghazi tragedy; the president called it a "phony scandal."  But four Americans, including an American ambassador, were murdered, and there was remarkably little willingness from the Administration to investigate.  Instead, the public received "misinformation, confusion and intense partisanship."  From the outset, the administration blamed the attack on an obscure anti-Muslim video that hardly anyone had seen.  It quickly became clear that the video had nothing to do with the 9/11 attack; instead, there were numerous warnings ahead of time (including pleas from the ambassador himself for better protection) and time for rescue teams to provide assistance to the victims.  All were told to "stand down" and, thus far, no one has accepted responsibility or been willing to seriously investigate the tragedy.

Jason Chaffetz hits naming of Benghazi agent.  Rep. Jason Chaffetz slammed the source behind a report that revealed the real name of a British security agent in Benghazi, which was published in The Washington Post.  "I don't know who did it, but to release a covert agent's name to endanger his life should be an absolute outrage in this town," Chaffetz said Monday [11/4/2013] on Fox New's "Fox and Friends" when asked if he thought the White House was behind the leak.  Chaffetz slammed the administration for the lack of transparency on what happened during the attack in Benghazi.

Exclusive: Benghazi Whistleblower Says He Was Smeared.  A leaked memo appears to undermine significant details in a new book from a witness to the embassy attacks.  But its alleged author tells The Daily Beast he didn't write it.

Questions They Won't Answer.  It's been more than a year since four Americans were killed in Libya and more than six months since [Jay] Carney dismissively declared that Benghazi "happened a long time ago."  Is he simply doing his job or does he really believe that Benghazi is a "phony scandal" trumped up by Republicans?  Whatever the answer, Benghazi is not going away.

Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer: Obama watched Benghazi attack from Situation Room.  This is EXTREMELY significant.  Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer — perhaps best known for his work on Able Danger and his subsequent battle with the Defense Intelligence Agency — told Fox News that his sources told him Barack Obama was in the situation room and watched the events in Benghazi unfold in real time.

The Left's Continued Assault on the Truth About Benghazi.  The left-wing, George Soros-funded Media Matters has long held that the Benghazi scandal is a "phony scandal" and parroted the administration's pronouncements minimizing the scandal.  Now, they have penned a book, The Benghazi Hoax, which formalizes this theory. [...] The book fails to dequately explain what military forces were available at Sigonella, Aviano, and other U.S. military bases during the attack.  There is a very shallow retelling of events that barely educates the reader as to what occurred at the Special Mission Compound and CIA Annex.  They also continue promoting the YouTube video myth, [...]

David Brock to call on '60 Minutes' to retract Benghazi report.  David Brock, the Clinton ally who led the public effort to pressure CNN and NBC out of their Hillary-related film projects, is set to send a letter to the chairman and president of CBS News calling on them to retract a recent "60 Minutes" segment on the attacks in Benghazi.  In the letter, a draft of which was obtained by POLITICO, Brock cites a new Washington Post report revealing that the "60 Minutes" witness had previously stated he was nowhere near the diplomatic compound the night of the attack."

Benghazi Operators Will Testify Week of Nov. 11 in Classified Hearing.  Operators who were on the ground during the September 11, 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack will testify the week of November 11 in a classified briefing before the House Intelligence Committee, Catherine Herridge reported Friday on Special Report.  The testimony should give investigators a valuable resource for investigators who are trying to ascertain what the U.S. intelligence community was doing there, according to Daily Beast writer Eli Lake.  Additionally, Herridge reported Fox News attained a letter from the State Department to Rep. Frank Wolf (R., Va.) which claimed the State Department played no role in collecting or storing any weapons in Benghazi.

Spoiled baby boomers infest self-indulgent White House.  Every changing version of the night of terror in Benghazi put out by the White House in the days afterward is full of holes, plugged with bigger lies.  Only now does the administration admit that parts of their stories are "misleading."  Misleading is not the word for the lies, beginning with the tale told by Hillary Clinton, then the secretary of state, that an unflattering video about the Prophet Muhammad was what set off the Muslim riots.  President Obama and his handlers carefully crafted the fakery and prevarication in the weeks following, leading to the 2012 presidential election.  The White House men figured that, with media collusion and indifference, they could keep the hoax afloat until after the election.  The hoax, with its vivid implications of the lack of presidential resolve and his hesitation and timidity under fire, will continue to unravel.

State Department Rejects Graham's Demand for Benghazi Witnesses.  The State Department has no intention of providing Congress more witnesses to the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, despite Sen. Lindsey Graham's threat to hold up all nominations until he gets satisfaction on the issue.

McCain: Hillary 'Outstanding' Sec of State... Except for Benghazi.  Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) again praised Hillary Clinton on Monday ][10/28/2013], saying her work as Secretary of State was "outstanding" with the exception of the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi.

Could Benghazi be Hillary Clinton's Waterloo?  Rasmussen has released a striking new poll today [10/30/2013] on the Benghazi debacle and how it might impact Hillary Clinton's likely candidacy in the 2016 presidential race. [...] According to the Rasmussen poll, over two fifths of Americans believe that the continuing fallout from Benghazi will hurt Clinton's chances if she decides to make a run for the White House.

US commandos were poised for raid to capture Benghazi suspect.  When U.S. commandos grabbed a former al Qaeda operative in Tripoli this month, American forces were just hours away from potentially launching a more dangerous covert raid to capture a militia figure facing charges in the deadly Benghazi terror attack, U.S. officials tell CNN.  U.S. special operations forces were ready, if ordered, to enter Benghazi and capture Ahmed Abu Khattalah, a leading figure in the Ansar Al-Sharia militia. But the mission never materialized.

Competence Comes First.  The president and his national security team failed to protect our consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.  And when the attack came they failed miserably, and fatally, to rescue our Ambassador and his three colleagues.

Report: First Western eyewitness in Benghazi to go public gives account of attack, warning signs.  The witness — a former British soldier who for decades helped protect U.S. diplomats and military leaders — told CBS' "60 Minutes" that Al Qaeda forces first attacked the U.S. Special Mission Compound in which Ambassador Christopher Stevens was killed.  Then they launched a second attack on a secret CIA annex about a mile across the city.  "They knew what they were doing," the security guard told CBS.  "That was a well-executed attack."

Benghazi consulate attack: British contractor 'warned US repeatedly about security'.  A British security contractor said he repeatedly warned US officials that their diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, was inadequately protected before it suffered a deadly attack last year.  He also described fighting off armed attackers during the al-Qaeda-linked assault, in an attempt to help rescue guards he had trained to man the gates of the compound.  Speaking publicly about the attack for the first time, the contractor, a former British soldier using the pseudonym Morgan Jones "for his own safety", described the experience as "sheer hell".

60 Minutes confirms Benghazi is a real scandal, and you've been lied to.  60 Minutes had an absolutely devastating report on the Obama administration's failure to protect Ambassador Chris Stevens and other Americans in Benghazi. [...] [T]he heart of the report is that there were clear and unequivocal warnings which were ignored, and the Obama administration lied about these warnings after the attack.  Hillary and Obama blamed a video and stood by the caskets perpetuating that lie.  And remember how almost all of the media obsessed with Mitt Romney's statement over Benghazi, and colluded to ask Romney gotcha questions while downplaying and obfuscating what really happened.

"A Night of Sheer Hell".  This is how it went down.  Shortly after nightfall 50 gunmen from the Shariah Brigade — a Libyan militia tied to al-Qaida — rushed the Mission, and were able to gain access via the pedestrian entrance set to one side of the main gate.  They did so by threatening the Blue Mountain guards with assault rifles and RPGs.  Basically, the guards — who were unarmed and defenseless, because the State Department contract dictated that they be unarmed and defenseless — were ordered to open the side gate or else be killed.

Benghazi witnesses grilled in secret on Capitol Hill.  Two of the Justice Department's key witnesses in last year's terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, were summoned to Capitol Hill this month and grilled for hours in separate legal depositions. [...] How those highly guarded and secret interviews came about was part of an increasingly bitter dispute between two branches of the federal government.

The Benghazi Hoax disgrace.  Just two weeks ago on October 16, 2013, a 103-page e-book book titled The Benghazi Hoax was published. [...] Having been at the forefront of reporting the factual events leading up to the attack on the CIA compound in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, the attack itself and its murky aftermath, I felt professionally compelled to download, read and evaluate the facts claimed in this book.  I was anxious to learn how, as an investigator and a journalist, I fell victim to "unfounded and wild conspiracy theories" about Benghazi.  Instead, I found it to be an odious missive that is completely devoid of facts or substance related to the events that took place at Benghazi.

Homeland Security Chairman on Benghazi Report: 'Al-Qaeda Is Spreading Like a Wildfire'.  The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee said this morning that the new evidence unveiled showing al-Qaeda plotted the Benghazi diplomatic mission attack proves the "cries for help" from Ambassador Chris Stevens "were not responded to."  CBS featured on 60 Minutes last night [10/27/2013] the first Western eyewitness to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack:  a former British soldier involved in diplomatic security.

CBS, '60 Minutes' Try to Atone for Benghazi Cover-Up.  On Sunday evening, CBS News' 60 Minutes featured an investigative report on the Benghazi attacks by Lara Logan.  Logan's reporting confirmed that the Obama administration had been warned, months in advance, about inadequate security at the U.S. facility in Benghazi, and that it knew the story about a YouTube video was untrue.  It was a reversal for CBS News, which played a key role in the Benghazi cover-up in 2012.

The Editor says...
Such a reversal is only forthcoming now that Barack H. Obama has been re-elected.

Lawmakers question why Benghazi suspects missing from 'Rewards for Justice' program.  The fact that no Benghazi suspects are listed as part of the State Department's "Rewards for Justice" program is more evidence that the Obama White House wants to minimize the terrorism angle in that attack, according to the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.  "I just think it's a sign from the administration they're not taking it seriously.  It's not a priority," Republican Rep. Michael McCaul told Fox News.  "It is really offensive to the victims, and we owe it to them to convict these terrorists and bring them to justice."

Eyewitness: Gov't Knew Benghazi Attack Was Imminent.  One of the top security officials on the ground during the Benghazi attack broke his silence on last night's "60 Minutes," saying the U.S. government knew that an attack was imminent and didn't do anything about it.  Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry demanding answers about why the warnings were ignored.  He joined Fox and Friends this morning and called the attack "foreseeable."

Justice and State departments blocking access to survivors of Benghazi attack.  The Justice and State departments are now citing a year-old FBI investigation and a future criminal prosecution to block access to survivors of last year's Benghazi terror attack.  In an Oct. 28 letter to Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., the State Department's Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, Julia Frifield, refers to "significant risks" and "serious concerns about having the survivors of the attack submit to additional interviews."

Graham Vows to Block Obama Nominees Over Benghazi Attack.  Senator Lindsey Graham vowed to block President Barack Obama's nominees unless U.S. lawmakers hear from survivors of the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  Graham, a South Carolina Republican, has criticized the administration's handling of the attack, which killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.  On Fox News today [10/28/2013], Graham said he would "block every appointment in the United States Senate until the survivors are being made available to the Congress."

Jay Carney: Obama administration made 'extraordinary efforts' to aid Benghazi probes.  White House press secretary Jay Carney on Monday [10/28/2013] said the Obama administration had made "extraordinary efforts" to work with congressional committees probing the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya.

'These guys are no good. You need to get them out of here'.  A British security expert is the first Western witness to give his account of the September 11, 2012 attacks on the U.S. Consulate and CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya.  Morgan Jones (name changed) spoke with CBS' 60 Minutes about the day of the attack, as well as his conversations with assassinated Ambassador Chris Stevens and Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith in the lead-up to the attacks, both of whom expressed their anxiety about the compound's protection.

Obama accused of misleading voters on Benghazi, Obamacare, Merkel. There's a pattern here.  CBS says that the Obama administration knew all along that what happened at Benghazi was a planned terrorist attack.

60 Minutes: Benghazi Revelations of Betrayal, No Mention of Hillary, Obama.  In the whole segment, which established damning evidence that the U.S. had evidence that an attack on the annex where Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed was clearly in the works, [Lara] Logan never once mentions the names of Hillary Clinton of Barack Obama.  Unsurprising that a featured player in the MSM should not report on the truly lethal evidence that could have sunk Obama's 2012 campaign until almost one year after his reelection.

Rep. Joe Wilson Vindicated.  [A]s we look back on 5 years of Barack Obama, we see that Obama and his Administration do lie.  And they lie a lot. [...] Hillary Clinton, Susan Wright and Barack Obama all stated that the attack in Benghazi was caused by Islamist spontaneous reaction to an anti-Islamist video produced in the United States.  We know now — and they knew then — that the attack in Benghazi was a well planned effort by well armed Islamic extremists with connections to Al Qaeda.

Former Guantanamo detainee was on ground in Benghazi during terror attack, source says.  A former Guantanamo Bay detainee with Al Qaeda ties was in Benghazi the night of the Sept. 11 attack, according to a source on the ground in Libya.  The source told Fox News that ex-detainee Sufian bin Qumu, who is suspected of running camps in eastern Libya where some of the assailants trained, is also a "respected member" of Ansar al-Sharia — one of the Islamist groups identified in State Department email traffic two hours after the attack.  Two sources familiar with the investigation, when asked about bin Qumu's whereabouts the night of the attack, did not dispute the claim he was in Benghazi.

State [Department Spokeswoman] Loses [her] Cool Over Benghazi, 'Rewards for Justice' Questions.  State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf got into a testy exchange with AP reporter Matt Lee and Fox News producer Lucas Tomlinson over the exclusion of the Benghazi suspects from the State Department's Rewards for Justice program Thursday [10/24/2013] in the State Department press conference.  Tomlinson pressed Harf on specifically why the Benghazi suspects are not included on the Rewards for Justice list.  The State Department spokeswoman declined to give a reason, citing the classified deliberations that go into the decision whether to place an individual on the list.

"We're here to kill Americans": Witness on Benghazi attack.  In an interview for "60 Minutes," correspondent Lara Logan spoke with a British citizen, who had been hired to train the Libyan guards at the U.S. mission.  He calls himself Morgan Jones, a pseudonym to protect his safety.  Jones says he was annoyed that the State Department wouldn't allow his guards to carry guns.

Anti-terror rules relaxed to let Libyans get military training in U.S.  The Obama administration has drawn up draft rules that would end a decadeslong ban on Libyans getting military training in the U.S., according to documents obtained by House Republicans who said Thursday [10/24/2013] that it's the wrong move after last year's Benghazi attack.  The administration says relations with Libya have "normalized" over the past two years and that the Libyan government has earned the right to have better access to the U.S., which imposed the ban in 1983 after a wave of terrorist attacks involving Libyans.

The Editor says...
"Access to the U.S." is now a right?  No, it's not.  Military training can be done anywhere in the world.

Key suspects in Benghazi attack include former courier, bodyguard for Al Qaeda, sources say.  At least two of the key suspects in the Benghazi terror attack were at one point working with Al Qaeda senior leadership, sources familiar with the investigation tell Fox News.  The sources said one of the suspects was believed to be a courier for the Al Qaeda network, and the other a bodyguard in Afghanistan prior to the 2001 terror attacks.  The direct ties to the Al Qaeda senior leadership undercut early characterizations by the Obama administration that the attackers in Benghazi were isolated "extremists" — not Al Qaeda terrorists — with no organizational structure or affiliation.

Benghazi Terrorists Not Part Of The State Dept 'Reward For Justice' Program.  State Department Deputy Press Secretary Marie Harf was asked during Wednesdays press briefing, why the Benghazi terrorists were not listed of the State Department's Reward for Justice program.  Harf got frustrated with this question and the notion that the State Department was not committed to "bringing the Benghazi terrorists to justice."

Hillary Clinton heckled over Benghazi terrorist attack during speech to university students.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was relentlessly heckled over the Benghazi terrorist attack as she tried to deliver a speech at a New York university on Wednesday night [10/23/2013].  Clinton was speaking at the University of Buffalo as part of the university's 'Distinguished Speakers Series' when a man in the crowd began screaming about the attack that left three people dead, including Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens.  'Benghazi, Benghazi — you let them die,' the man screamed as Clinton continued to give her speech.

Hillary Clinton Heckled: "Benghazi, You Let Them Die!".  Former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke to a large crowd at the University at Buffalo Wednesday night [10/23/2013], as part of the university's Distinguished Speaker Series, and was heckled.  "Benghazi, you let them die," the heckler shouted.

Poll finds strong support for deeper Benghazi probe.  A bipartisan poll finds that most Americans now support a special congressional committee to investigate events surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya.  Among likely voters polled, 62 percent say "it is important" for Congress to establish a single committee to address unanswered questions about the attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, according to pollsters John McLaughlin, a Republican, and Pat Caddell, a Democrat.

Poll renews calls for Benghazi probe.  Republicans are renewing their calls for an independent probe of last year's terror attack in Benghazi, Libya, after new polling found most people in the United States think the Obama administration covered something up.  Almost two in three people — 63 percent — said the administration has been "trying to cover up the facts" about the attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans Sept. 11, 2012, according to a poll released Tuesday [10/22/2013] by the conservative group SecureAmericaNow.Org.

Obama Chewed Gum, Played with Phone, During Syrian War Plans.  Obama slept while Americans died in Benghazi because he was prepping to go part in Vegas with Jay-Z.  And if Americans weapons fall into the hands of Al Qaeda and end up being used to kill Americans, then while that was being discussed we can take comfort in the fact that the man at the top was taking the time to chew gum, roll his eyes and scroll through his radical pals' latest Facebook updates.

House panel on Benghazi eyes White House document, Panetta testimony.  As they wrap up their 13-month probe into the terrorist attacks in Benghazi that killed four Americans, congressional investigators have zeroed in on a press release issued the day before the murders by White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.

Obama's Evasive Letter to Benghazi Victim's Father.  On September 11, 2013, Charles Woods appeared on Fox News's Hannity and read aloud four questions about Benghazi from a letter he'd sent to President Obama.  Woods, whose son, ex-SEAL Tyrone Woods, was one of four Americans killed in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, added:  "What we want are not just answers.  We also want the truth."  President Obama has now written in reply to Woods' letter.

The Editor says...
I doubt if President Obama has written this or any other letter on his own since he has been in the White House.

Media Coverage of Benghazi Leans Toward Political Theater.  First, we learned from the Obama Administration that it was a YouTube video that sparked the protests — a false narrative gladly perpetuated by the media as long as possible.  Currently, the media and the administration are pushing the story that attempts to investigate Benghazi constitute a Republican vendetta, the perpetuation of a "phony scandal" to incite the populace against the President and former Secretary of State — and presidential hopeful — Hillary Clinton.  To this end, it is not surprising that key details of the recent congressional hearings on Benghazi went largely unnoticed by the mainstream media.

Two D.C. Attacks and a Series of Unfortunate "Coincidences".  No one would have ever believed beforehand that the President might conspire with his Department of Justice and other agencies to funnel weapons to Mexican drug lords in order to precipitate a panic over America's rampant "gun culture" — but indeed, this occurred.  Nor would Americans have thought that the President would clandestinely provide arms to the same Muslim fanatics who attacked us in 2001, then order an attack on the compound facilitating such action when it became a liability.  No one would have believed that Obama would allow American personnel to perish at that compound in order to preserve his power. [...] If that is not definitive of a tyrant — and one who would employ any means necessary in order to attain his objectives — then what is?

CNN Does Twelve Minute Interview With Susan Rice Without Mentioning Benghazi.  It goes without saying that the reason Susan Rice was scrapped from consideration to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State last year was due to the claims she made on numerous television programs the Sunday after our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked.  Despite this, when CNN's Fareed Zakaria did a twelve minute interview with Rice Sunday [9/29/2013], he didn't mention Benghazi at all.

The Editor says...
I suspect and surmise that Ms. Rice probably consented to the interview upon the condition that no Benghazi questions were to be asked.

Benghazi Scapegoat Released; Truth Still Locked Up.  The man blamed for the deaths of four Americans, including the first ambassador in 33 years, is now free.  But no terrorist has been captured or official punished.

Rep. Issa's Office: Cummings Disclosing Libya Trip Details 'Reckless'.  House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) traveled to Libya for the next stages of the Benghazi scandal investigation early this week — leaving the United States on Sunday and returning safely on Wednesday — but the chairman's safety may have been jeopardized because of the activities of the leading Democrat on the committee.

Issa feared targeted by terrorists after Democrats revealed secret Libya trip.  A leaked State Department email indicates that officials were worried about the safety of House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa after Democrats revealed his plans for a secret trip to Libya this week.  Issa, a Republican from California, has safely returned from his fact-finding trip to the country as his committee continues to investigate the terrorist attacks that killed America's ambassador and three others in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012.

Obama the Storyteller.  Americans have finally seen the scandals emerge from the cocoon the media has wrapped around the White House.  And his defenses are failing him. [...] Benghazi is not going away — even if the media and Democrats treat the victims' families so disgracefully by ignoring their entreaties and dismissing their grief (compare and contrast the lionization of Cindy Sheehan for the years she attacked President Bush) and try to gag witnesses.  Americans do care when people serving their nation are killed through the negligence of their leaders and those same leaders try to pin the blame on some gadfly in California.

Justice outraged in Benghazi.  A year after the terrorist assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi left four Americans dead, including the ambassador, justice for the victims and their families is still denied.  Several Democrats on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee had better things to do than even to listen to families of the fallen speak at a hearing Thursday in Washington.  Such lack of concern is contagious.  Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Obama vowed in the aftermath of tragedy, when the cameras were rolling, to track down and bring to justice the Islamist killers.  So far they've put no more effort into the search than O.J. Simpson put into his search for the "real killers" of his wife; [...]

Hillary Clinton profile whitewashes Benghazi.  There are many more substantive questions regarding Clinton and Benghazi, including why she couldn't be bothered to represent the administration on the Sunday talk shows on Sept. 16, instead leaving that task to U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice, who bombed.

Pickering [was] asked if Benghazi [was] a Botched Kidnapping Plot.  Her name is Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) and she sits on the House Oversight and Government Reform committee.  She may have asked two of the most important questions at the September 19th hearing on Benghazi but they don't appear to have been picked up.  It was one of the lengthier hearings and her time was toward the end.

Four Washington Scandals That Still Matter Despite the Distractions.  The Obama Administration has tried to obfuscate the issues surrounding the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 since they happened.  In the immediate aftermath, Obama and his underlings insisted the attack was part of anti-American demonstrations ignited by the trailer for an anti-Muslim film that had been on YouTube for months.  When whistleblowers came forward to say nobody on the ground thought the Benghazi attack was related to regional demonstrations, Hillary Clinton infamously asked what difference, at this point, that made.

Benghazi Questions for Obama.  One year ago this week, one of the most reprehensible scandals of the Obama administration took place — a scandal which demonstrated not only shocking incompetence on the part of administration officials, but the depths to which this administration will go to cover-up its mistakes and errant decisions.  It is known as Benghazigate, and it involved a terrorist attack against the U.S. Consulate in Libya, which resulted in the deaths of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans — as well as a cover-up that far exceeds Nixonian standards.

Dems Leave Room As Benghazi Mom Says Obama, Hillary Lied.  It was a shameful spectacle all around, starting with bizarre testimony by the authors of the State Department's Accountability Review Board (ARB) report and including real tears in a scandal branded as "phony" by the Obama administration and the repetition of lies agreed upon.  The scene was Thursday's hearing on the Benghazi terrorist attack before Rep. Darrell Issa's House Oversight Committee.  ARB co-chair Thomas Pickering shamelessly repeated the excuse that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was not interviewed by the board because members knew where the responsibility rested — as if an attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission and the murder of an ambassador, the first in three decades, was outside the scope of her interest or authority.

Post-Benghazi Defense Posture: Lives Now Get Same Protection Priority as Intelligence.  Defense officials say that improvements over the past year intended to prevent another Benghazi have included weekly threat-discussion chats and a decision to put the protection of human lives on the same level as the protection of intelligence at diplomatic facilities.  While the Hill was largely transfixed on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee's latest examination of the Benghazi attack Thursday, an Armed Services Subcommittee hearing convened before a nearly empty gallery to hear about the Defense Department's posture a year after the Benghazi attack.

Post-Benghazi Questions Pure Hell: Victims' Parents.  Parents of two San Diegans killed in the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi testified at a Congressional hearing Thursday, demanding answers in their sons' deaths.  "I see these bloody fingerprints crawling down the wall of that Benghazi place and I keep asking everyone do those belong to my son," Patricia Smith told lawmakers.

HBO Making a Film About Benghazi Attack.  HBO has a very checkered history when it comes to films that touch on politics which might be cause for concern.  However, I read Under Fire the day it was released so I can say that the source material does not engage in much political speculation.  The authors suggest in passing that the CIA was running the show in Libya but offer no firm conclusions about what they were doing, just a few paragraphs about possible weapons smuggling and training of troops.

Benghazi 'Innocence of Muslims' Filmmaker to Be Released Monday.  Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the filmmaker falsely blamed by for 2012's terrorist attack in Benghazi, tells Breitbart News he will be released from prison Monday [9/23/2013] and will finish his sentence at a half-way house facility.  Nakoula is not going back to his original home, as he has privacy and safety concerns.

A path of 'corruption, lies, and deceit'.  An all-star panel of retired military officers, intelligence agents, and national security experts officially launched the Citizens' Commission on Benghazi with an all-day conference Monday [9/16/2013] in Washington. [...] "At the bottom of this has got to be an impeachment issue," former Adm. James "Ace" Lyons — who served as commander-in-chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet — said to a standing ovation.  "Otherwise, there's no justification for this coverup."  Charles Woods, whose son Tyrone Woods died defending others in the firefight, received two standing ovations when he addressed the commission and members of the public in attendance.

Gowdy Grills Mullen on failing to interview Hillary Clinton over Benghazi.  Rep. Trey Gowdy masterfully goes after Adm. Mullen on the fact that he choose not to interview Hillary Clinton on Benghazi, despite the fact that she was responsible for all of it.  It's excellent as usual.

Subpoenas will hit State Department over Benghazi as House Oversight committee gets serious.  A top Republican congressional investigator is 'in the process of issuing subpoenas' to State Department personnel who can explain the events before, during and after the September 11, 2012 terror attack that destroyed the U.S. diplomatic station in Benghazi, Libya.  The State Department has not made those people available,' House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa said during a hearing Thursday.

Washington Post Distorts Commission Probe of Benghazi.  The Citizens' Commission on Benghazi (CCB) started off with a powerful message:  "We are here and planning on staying until we get the answers we're seeking."  But, some in the media just don't get it.

Truth and Consequences for Benghazi.  The only real accountability for the Benghazi scandal will have to come in 2016.  Reading through the competing partisan reports and listening to the congressional testimony of various officials this week, it seems fair to say that no actual crimes were committed (though you never know what you don't know).  There were, in at least a figurative sense, criminal lapses in judgment by senior officials.

Admiral re-asserts possibility Benghazi about Blind Sheikh.  On September 16th, Accuracy in Media (AIM) held a conference with the Citizens Commission on Benghazi (CCB), which was comprised of several retired, decorated military and intelligence officials.  One such official was four-star Admiral James "Ace" Lyons, who reiterated his belief that the 9/11/12 attack in Benghazi was possibly about a staged kidnapping operation gone awry.

Issa "Dead Serious" About Issuing Possible Subpoena To Hillary Clinton.  Republicans are mulling whether to demand former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's return to Capitol Hill to face more tough questions about her agency's failure to protect diplomats and security staff in Benghazi, Libya a year ago.  An aide to a high-ranking GOP member of the House Oversight and Government Affairs committee told MailOnline that the committee's chairman, California Rep. Darrell Issa, 'is dead serious' about raking the likely 2016 presidential candidate over the coals in the future.

Adm. Mullen Admits Special Ops Told to 'Hold in Place' During Benghazi.  On Thursday [/19/2013], while denying that a "stand-down order" was given to Special Forces members ready to help Americans who were under siege at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi last September, one of the heads of the Benghazi Accountability Review Board (ARB) admitted that a "hold in place" order was in fact given.

Parents of Benghazi victims: We've been left in dark.  "No one in the government has told me anything," said Patricia Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, whose body was the first one found at the diplomatic compound in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012.  "Everything I've found, and I mean anything, I found by going on the Internet and asking questions."  "It's been true hell living through this without any answers," Smith said.

Administration's Benghazi Review Board Discredits Itself in Congressional Hearing.  The leaders of the Administrative Review Board that investigated the attacks on US facilities in Benghazi, Libya, appeared before the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee Thursday, and offered testimony that further undermined the already-tattered credibility of their own probe.

Benghazi Victim's Mother: Obama, Clinton, and Biden Lied To Me.  Patricia Smith, the mother of Benghazi victim Sean Smith, testified Thursday at the House Oversight Committee that President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, among other top administration officials, initially told her the attack was the result of a YouTube video. [...] A visibly upset Smith said she was told lies at the casket ceremony for her son and that she and other American people "don't matter" in the eyes of the Obama administration.  Perpetrators of the attack, which recently had its one-year anniversary, have not been brought to justice.

Keyword:  cahoots
'Independent' Benghazi investigators gave Clinton heads-up on findings.  The leaders of the State Department's Benghazi probe defended their inquiry into the 2012 attack, but they acknowledged to Congress on Thursday [9/19/2013] that their mission was limited in scope and faced questions over why they gave Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton an advance look at their findings.  Retired Adm. Mike Mullen, vice chairman of the accountability review board, also acknowledged that he had warned Mrs. Clinton's chief of staff not to send a particular official to Congress because he thought "she would be a weak witness" who might have hurt the State Department's stance.

Pickering: I'm Proud of the Hillary Benghazi Whitewash Report We Produced.  One of the main questions from the American people and from Congress regarding the Benghazi attack remains, why did the military never show up to help?  Diplomatic Security agent David Ubben has been receiving treatment at Walter Reed Military Medical Center after being severely wounded during the Benghazi attack.  Ubben waited on top of a roof for 20 hours before help arrived.  He waited with Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, who were both killed by mortar fire on the roof.  Ubben survived, but had his right leg shredded.

Democrats Leave Benghazi Hearing Before Testimony From Families of Victims.  During the second portion of a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing about Benghazi Thursday [9/19/2013] on Capitol Hill, the majority of Democrats on the Committee left the room and refused to listen to the testimony of Patricia Smith and Charles Woods.

Benghazi critics hit lobbying firm.  Government watchdogs and a veteran congressman are sharply criticizing a bipartisan consulting firm formed by a trio of former Obama administration insiders and the former staff director of the House Intelligence Committee, whose Republican chairman opposes a select committee in the deadly September 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi.

Democrats push back on Benghazi.  Displaying an increasingly hostile tone, Republicans Thursday [9/19/2013] sought to discredit the findings of a report on last year's deadly assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and criticize former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's response.  Ambassador Thomas Pickering and Adm. Mike Mullen, who led the Accountability Review Board's report on the attacks, appeared before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to answer GOP criticism that their findings were watered down and protected Clinton.

State Department defends Benghazi decisions.  Patrick Kennedy, the State Department's undersecretary for management, faced questioning for the first time since a Republican House committee report faulted him in his management role at the State Department for security lapses leading up to the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya.  Republicans pummeled Kennedy while Democrats largely defended him and the State Department.

House Republicans See No Discipline Over Benghazi Attack.  Senior House Republicans on Wednesday [9/18/2013] accused the State Department of failing to hold senior department officials accountable for security failures that contributed to the attack on the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, last year in which four Americans were killed.  "No State Department personnel have been fired or even disciplined," said Representative Ed Royce, Republican of California who leads the House Foreign Affairs Committee.  "No one has missed a paycheck."

Pressure Builds on Boehner Over Benghazi.  Charles Woods spoke with emotion at the AIM conference about the loss of his son and asked for people not only to press for answers as to what really happened at Benghazi, but to pray for the country.  Christopher Farrell, Director of Investigations and Research for Judicial Watch, said at the conference that Obama's lies and distortions about the attack are designed to obscure the central truth that the administration was arming al Qaeda.  "That's what they don't want broadcast or printed anywhere," he said.  As incredible as it sounds, former CIA officer Clare Lopez said support for al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other Islamists groups has become the official foreign policy of the United States under Obama.
[Emphasis added.]

A 'rigorous and unsparing' review? ARB Benghazi report full of gaps, unanswered questions.  More than a year after the Benghazi terrorist attack that led to the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, and three other Americans, there will be a public airing of the review process that was intended to quell all questions about U.S. government failings that could have led to the massacre.  Instead, serious questions remain unanswered.

Yes, people were dying in a gunfight across town, but Obama had a speech to give.  Barack Obama has never been accused of possessing the most refined sense of appropriate, especially when it comes to what normal people regard as tragedies.  Fifty-three weeks ago when four Americans were murdered by terrorists in Benghazi, Obama appeared after a good night's sleep, bemoaned the loss, vowed to deliver justice to the killers (still unfulfilled), then flew off for fundraising parties in Las Vegas.  Hey, they're still dead anyway, and there was big campaign money waiting.

Is there a con man in the Oval Office?  Would Obama have been re-elected if the public knew there was no "spontaneous demonstration" outside our embassy that day; that no one in the Middle East had ever seen the cheap unprofessional video that Obama and Hillary blamed on the attack; and the weapons used to attack our embassy were supplied by our own CIA, upon orders of Obama?  Would Obama have been re-elected if Americans knew that there was time to save those brave heroes defending our embassy, but Obama and Hillary refused to send a rescue team-multiple times.  Fraud was committed to re-elect Barack Obama.  But with Syria in the headlines, no one is mentioning Benghazi anymore.

Memo to Hillary Clinton: What a Difference, at This Point, a Year Makes.  From the moment the urgent pleas for help began pouring in from Benghazi, Hillary Clinton's impregnable world of privilege and "inevitability" began to look all too [...] untidy.  The decisions made that night by the secretary of state and her historic skid-greaser (first black president, to be followed by first woman) — the actions deliberately not taken, the phone calls made and not made — exposed every illusion, dwarfed all previous lies, and sent the erstwhile attack dog scurrying into the corner.  In the wake of that fateful evening, Clinton's carefully fabricated world was destroyed.

CIA Director John Brennan has a new Benghazi problem.  As the Benghazi scandal begins to heat up again, there appears to be some confirmation that CIA employees were required to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDA) that would prohibit them from speaking with Congress. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) relayed what happened to one such employee who refused to sign the NDA.

Report: State Dept. Benghazi Probe Unfairly Protected Senior Officials, Hillary Clinton Blamed.  The State Department's probe into last September's Benghazi attack wasn't independent and didn't hold senior officials responsible for the deaths of four Americans, according to a new investigative report from the House Oversight Committee, notes the Daily Beast.  Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's chosen Administrative Review Board unfairly blamed the terrorist attack on four midlevel officials while ignoring the roles of very senior officials in Clinton's State Department for decisions about security in Benghazi, the HOC report, led by Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA), says.

Ty Woods dead body left on Benghazi tarmac for three hours.  According to Charles Woods on Huckabee, Ty Woods' body was left on the tarmac for three hours and there wasn't even an American plane sent to rescue or even take his body home.  As usual, the rest of the media will never report this disgusting fact.

GOP Rep: CIA Employee Who Refused Non-Disclosure-Agreement on Benghazi Suspended.  Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) revealed Monday that his office received anonymous information that a CIA employee who refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement, banning him from discussing the terrorist attack in Benghazi, has been suspended and was forced to hire legal counsel.

Congressman: CIA Employee Who Refused to Sign Non-Disclosure on Benghazi Suspended.  A CIA employee who refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement barring him from discussing the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, has been suspended as a result and forced to hire legal counsel, according to a top House lawmaker.  Rep. Frank Wolf (R., Va.) revealed at an event on Monday [9/16/2013] that his office was anonymously informed about the CIA employee, who is purportedly facing an internal backlash after refusing to sign a legal document barring him from publicly or privately discussing events surrounding the Benghazi attack.

Sharyl Attkisson Spotlights Benghazi Inquiry; First On-Air Report in Over 4 Months.  On Monday's [9/16/2013] CBS This Morning, Sharyl Attkisson pointed out the "potential conflict of interest" in the ongoing controversy over the Islamist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya. [...] It was Attkisson's first report about Benghazi on CBS's morning and evening newscasts since the May 8, 2013 edition of CBS This Morning.  Her report that day was the first time in over five months that the journalist reported about the story on the air.

New Benghazi Report Finds 'Troubling' Gaps in State Dept. Review.  A critical report issued by the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee has dismissed the findings of a blue-ribbon panel investigating the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack, asserting that the State Department-appointed commission didn't properly examine key witnesses and generally failed to perform a comprehensive job.

Report: Yes, Hillary's Benghazi 'Investigation' Was a Whitewash.  You can file these developments in the "we sort of already knew this" category, but the additional confirmation is welcome.  Remember, the administration-backed probe into the Benghazi massacre led to (since rescinded) sanctions against four mid-level scapegoats — one of whom clearly deserved some blame — while letting higher-level officials off the hook.  Indeed, the "Accountability" Review Board declined to even interview the Secretary of State.  Yet the White House insisted that its report was comprehensive and closed the door on the matter.

State Department's Benghazi review let senior officials off the hook, report finds.  The nearly 100-page report concludes that the State Department's internal review board — called the Accountability Review Board, or ARB — was flawed.  The report by Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee alleges the board's probe was not comprehensive, its interviews were not thorough, and the investigation itself may have been damaged by conflicts of interest.  A central finding is that the department, as a result of the board's findings, meted out discipline to four mid-level officials (who were later re-instated anyway), but the board glossed over the actions and decisions of senior-level officials.

Issa: Benghazi Probe Let State Dept Bosses off the Hook.  A staff report prepared for committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa determined that critical decisions that approved a continued temporary U.S. presence in Libya's second city were fatally flawed.  The temporary designation exempted the site from more rigorous security requirements standard at permanent missions.  Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was among those who wanted to extend the temporary mission in Benghazi, the report said. As a consequence, the mission was limited in its ability to field permanent security agents.

Congress: Hillary's Benghazi Investigation Let Top Officials Escape Blame.  The State Department's investigation into the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi was not independent and failed to hold senior State Department officials accountable for the failures that led to the death of four Americans, according to a new investigative report compiled by the House Oversight Committee.

Congressman Steve Stockman Pushes Congress to Break Down Benghazi Stonewall.  Congressman Steve Stockman (R-TX 36) sent the following letter Wednesday [9/11/2013] to members of Congress demanding a full Select Committee investigation of the Sept. 11, 2012 killings of four Americans by terrorists in a coordinated attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya: [...]

NBC's Todd: House Republicans 'Have Not Dropped' Benghazi.  Talking to NBC's chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd on Sunday's Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory noted "Benghazi back as a political focus this week" following the one-year anniversary of the terrorist attack, prompting Todd to observe:  "It is.  The House Republicans have not dropped this as an issue."

Justice for Benghazi Rally Highlights the Failures of this Administration.  At the Justice for Benghazi Rally, conservative leaders including founder Todd Cefaratti, Reps. Steve Stockman of Texas, Paul Broun of Georgia, Louie Gohmert of Texas and former Nevada Senate candidate Sharon Angle all spoke to a crowd that joined to remember the victims, but also to urge lawmakers to continue to pursue the truth that remains hidden from America.

Benghazi and Obama's Legacy of Betrayal.  [Scroll down]  To know Robin is to understand her fierce loyalty to our country and military, yet as we discussed Syria she made it clear the terrorist attack in Benghazi broke a trust not only with military members but with the family members left behind.  A necessary trust each must have in the commander-in-chief.  The concern in her voice is something I had not heard in the countless deployments she and her family endured over the last 10 years.  It was the sound of betrayal.

Why is a Texas Republican Blocking a Select Committee Investigation?  One would think the House Republicans would be pulling out all the stops to find out how and why the Obama Administration allowed the murder of four Americans at Benghazi on September 11, 2012.  Curiously, the House GOP "leadership" isn't particularly interested — and has even taken steps to prevent a Select Committee from being established.

Oh Look, More Deflection.  Benghazi has almost-nothing to do with the fact that there is risk when you have people working in the middle of a civil war.  It has everything to do with exactly what the CIA was doing over there, whether we were arming terrorists (or those that upon any reasonable sort of inquiry would conclude were likely either terrorists or affiliated with them) and what we were — and are — providing to them.

Benghazi House Select Committee Holdouts.  As of this writing, there are 161 co-sponsors (all Republicans) of Rep. Frank Wolf's HR-36.  This resolution would require the formation of a Select Committee to investigate what happened in Benghazi on 9/11/12.  Of course, with 234 Republican congressmen in the House, this leaves 73 Representatives who have not endorsed Wolf's Resolution; [...]

The Chicago Way in Obamaland.  The whole Benghazi narrative is yet another example of the Obamaland rational.  Obama believed that because he is so friendly to Islam — "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." — there was no longer a threat from fundamentalist Muslims. [...] As a result a whole fake narrative was constructed and sold to the American people.  The government knew there was no riot and they knew that the skillfully planned attack, which was almost defeated by the beyond heroic actions of a few Americans, was completely unrelated to any anti-Islam movie trailer.

Hillary! Because What Difference Does it Make?  Watching Hillary get a Liberty Medal on September 10, the day before the anniversary of the attack on the United States soil and the more recent murder of our ambassador and others in Benghazi, I think it's time to review the record of a woman whose life is marked by deceit and professional failure and ask about the sanity and judgment of her ardent supporters.

When the Libya Lies Fell Apart.  What we were told repeatedly last year by the president of the United States, the secretary of state, and the American ambassador to the U. N. was that there was a protest demonstration in Benghazi against an anti-Islamic video produced by an American, and that this protest demonstration simply escalated out of control.  This "spontaneous protest" story did not originate in Libya but in Washington.  During the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, neither the Americans on duty in Libya nor officials of the Libyan government said anything about a protest demonstration.

Judicial Watch Issues Special Report on Anniversary of Benghazi Massacre and Cover-Up.  Judicial Watch today [9/11/2013] released "On the Anniversary of the Benghazi Attack of September 11, 2012:  Unanswered Questions and the Quest for Accountability from the Obama Administration," a Special Report containing new in-depth analyses of "the Obama administration's Benghazi stonewall."  A follow-up to its January 22, 2013, Benghazi report, the new Special Report includes extensive information uncovered in the organization's 23 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, Mandatory Declassification Review, and four lawsuits against the Obama Department of State and Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

One Year Since Benghazi.  Thanks to President Obama's shameless obstructionism, a year after four Americans died in a terrorist attack at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, it remains unclear what Obama knew about the attack and when he knew it.  "When you look at the list of unanswered questions, it is startling how little progress has been made in this investigation over the past year," said Congressman Frank Wolf (R-Va.).

Gowdy: 'Not a Single Person Has Been Brought To Justice On Benghazi'.  CBN News interviewed Rep Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Christopher Farrell, a top researcher for Judicial Watch on the one year anniversary of the Benghazi attack that resulted in four dead Americans.  Farrell is of the (now widespread) opinion that the whole thing was tied to the Obama administration's covert operation to send Libyan weapons to some rebels in Syria — even some with links to al Qaeda to help tham in their fight.

West to Obama: It wasn't a phony scandal for Glen Doherty.  This is why [Allen] West is the man.  He won't forget Benghazi and he won't shy away from calling Obama out for it.

NBC Gives More Time to Hillary Clinton Getting an Award Than to Benghazi Anniversary.  In news briefs on Tuesday and Wednesday, NBC Today anchor Natalie Morales touted:  "Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be given the National Constitution Center's Liberty Medal for her years in public service and her work on human rights."  The two segments totaled 36 seconds of air time.  Meanwhile, on Wednesday, the network morning show only managed to offer a couple mentions, totaling 10 seconds, to the anniversary of the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya [...]

State Dept. Suggests Benghazi Survivors Don't Want to Testify.  State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki did not directly deny to reporters Wednesday that Benghazi survivors were being withheld from testifying before Congress, suggesting instead that House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa is mistaken to assume any of the survivors do want to testify.  Psaki went on the defensive Wednesday when Associated Press reporter Matt Lee asserted that she was giving contradictory statements concerning the Benghazi survivors.

Benghazi's smoke has cleared, but not the blood — and disturbing questions.  Exactly one year ago, as you read this, the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was smoldering and four brave Americans were dead at the hands of terrorists freed to roam Libya's streets by President Obama's smart-bomb overthrow of Col. Gaddafi.  Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith and Chris Stevens, the first U.S. ambassador to die on duty in three decades.  Before rushing off to more campaign fundraisers in Las Vegas, Obama staged a Rose Garden photo op a year ago this morning with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  She stood mute.  They took no questions.  Obama spoke for five minutes, uttering 801 words including this vow: [...]

Asking Questions About Benghazi, One Year Later.  It has now been just over a year since a group of terrorists overwhelmed our diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, and killed four Americans, one of whom was our Ambassador, two of whom were former SEALs.  Today we know little more than we did then, despite the bluster of the then Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and of President Barack Obama, who has gone on to still other problems.

Benghazi 9/11 — What Difference It Made.  As Americans pause today to remember the trauma — and heroism — of September 11, 2001, we have a new reason to commemorate the day:  the embassy attacks of September 11, 2012.  A year later, there have been no arrests and no responses.  Those responsible for neglecting embassy security have been restored, while those who raised concerns are still suffering.  And the leaders most responsible pretend nothing happened.

CIA Director Pledges to Make Benghazi Survivors Available to Talk.  One year after the terrorist attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, the survivors may finally begin to talk.  In a three-page letter to the chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Mike Rogers, CIA director John Brennan says that his agency will provide the "relevant information" to Rogers in order to facilitate meetings between CIA-affiliated personnel in Benghazi and congressional oversight committees.

One year after Benghazi, State Department tackles security flaws and new threats.  The Libya attack, which killed four Americans, sparked a firestorm of controversy, with Republicans questioning if the administration neglected to provide adequate security.  The tragedy cast a long shadow over the State Department, which is still enacting 29 recommendations from an independent panel that probed the attack, even in the face of new threats.

One Year Later: Why We Were in Benghazi.  It has been a year since the attack which killed four Americans in Benghazi.  During that time various minute-by-minute accounts of the attack have been published.  In addition, the administration's decisions to refuse additional security requests and to revise its talking points after the attack have been examined in detail.

It was too dark to go golfing.
Was President Obama watching TV right after the Benghazi attacks?  One year ago four Americans were murdered at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.  Despite the passage of 365 days, a number of serious questions remain about what happened that day.  One of the biggest mysteries should have been one of the simplest to solve:  What was President Obama doing that evening, especially in the hours after the facts of a terrorist attack became more clear?

The president thinks you're stupid.  But just so you know, Mr. President, Americans are not stupid.  They see through your ham-handed attempt to politicize war (he clearly hoped to use a Republican rejection in the 2014 mid-term campaigns:  "Look, the GOP wouldn't even support me to stop the killing of children!").  And Americans know they aren't getting the truth on U.S. surveillance, IRS targeting of conservatives, Fast and Furious — and especially Benghazi.

A year after Benghazi, where is the justice?  For Charles E. Woods, mystery still shrouds the death of his son and of three other Americans in the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.  "It's been almost a year, and very few questions have been answered," said Mr. Woods, father of Tyrone Woods, one of two former Navy SEALs who died that day.

One Year Later, No Justice For The Benghazi Four.  As cruise missiles are readied to aid Syria's al-Qaida-linked rebels, the president has yet to keep a promise to avenge the Benghazi dead and bring the killers to justice.

Obama, the First Lord of the Admiralty.  Here we have President Obama AWOL while the Benghazi consulate was bombed by terrorists.  He then lied about its origin, and then consented to his administration's stonewalling of the Congressional investigation.

State Dept. denies punishing diplomat for speaking about Benghazi.  The U.S. State Department denies a claim by a diplomat who says he feels punished for speaking about a fatal attack on a U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya.

How the Big Three Networks Have Censored or Spun Obama's Deadly Foreign Policy Failure:
Benghazi Blackout.  Wednesday marks the one year anniversary of the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi that left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead and sent the Obama administration scrambling for a cover story that the Big Three broadcast networks initially bought and were slow to unravel.  A similar pattern has emerged in 2013.  As new information about the administration's actions before and after the attacks have been revealed through congressional testimony, whistleblowers, and eyewitnesses, the Big Three have responded by censoring, breezing past or spinning politically damaging bombshells.

What About Benghazi, Barack?  While the September 11 assault is riddled with unanswered questions and inconsistencies fostered by stonewalling, some facts are certain: Benghazi happened during a presidential election in which Barack Obama was seeking reelection AND Obama was most anxious to assure that nothing challenged the assertion that Al-Quaeda was "decimated" and that the war-on-terror had been won.

Chris Wallace to Obama Chief of Staff: Where Are the Benghazi Arrests?  Wallace was especially interested in why the U.S. had not arrested Ahmed Abu Khattala, who has been charged with the crime but not arrested, despite having given interviews to several news outlets.  "Why is it that reporters seems to be able to find this guy, who the government is charging with involvement in Benghazi, but law enforcement can't find him?" Wallace asked.  "It's been a year, sir."

Benghazi Whistleblower: I've Been 'Punished' for Speaking Out.  Gregory Hicks, the former deputy chief of mission in Libya who testified before Congress about the 9/11 attacks on an American diplomatic facility earlier this year, believes he has been "punished" for speaking out about the Obama administration's response the night of the attack.  He said he believes at least two of the Americans lost that night could have been saved if the United States had responded in time.

Gregory Hicks: Hearing of Death of Christopher Stevens 'Saddest Moment' in My Career.  In an exclusive interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, former Deputy Chief of Mission in Libya Gregory Hicks recalled being told of the death of then U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens in Benghazi last year, characterizing it as the "saddest moment" in his career.  Hicks — who had a brief phone conversation only hours before with Stevens before the line went dead — was informed of his death by Libya's prime minister.

Libya claims U.S. was warned three days in advance of consulate attacks.  A Libyan security officer has claimed that he warned American diplomats about the possibility of violent unrest three days before the attack on the U.S. consulate which left the ambassador dead along with three others.  The country's president also says that the deadly raid in Benghazi was 'pre-planned' by Al Qaeda and other 'foreigners'.  However, the U.S. has hit back at that suggestion, with a top diplomat insisting the attack was 'a spontaneous — not a premeditated — response' to violence elsewhere.

Jeb Bush to Award Hillary 'Liberty Medal' on Eve of Benghazi Anniversary.  Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) will honor former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with this year's Liberty Medal from the National Constitution Center.  The award will be presented to Clinton on September 10th, the eve of the first anniversary of the terrorist attack on the United States mission in Benghazi that killed four Americans.

Susan Rice returns to CIA talking points.  The [Benghazi] backlash poisoned her relationship with Republicans in Congress and dashed her chances of becoming secretary of state.  President Obama instead named her national security adviser, which didn't require Senate confirmation.  Now there is another crisis.  Obama needs congressional support for a military strike on Syria, because a "no" vote could cripple his presidency and damage American credibility.  So what do the big brains in the White House do?  They put Susan Rice in front of TV cameras to read CIA talking points.

Kerry: Talk of Benghazi Irrelevant to Syria Debate.  On Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry indicated it was more important to talk about the lives of those killed by chemical attacks in Syria than the four Americans who were murdered in Benghazi.  Kerry seemed annoyed, bordering on angry, when Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) insisted that Benghazi was "germane" to the Syria debate.

Shadow of Benghazi clouds Obama's Syria push on Capitol Hill.  Lingering frustration over the way President Obama handled the attacks in Libya that led to death of a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans has colored the debate over whether to launch military strikes against Syrian President Bashar Assad.  Republican lawmakers said in hearings this week that the two situations are linked because the September 2012 attack on the diplomatic post in Benghazi weakened Mr. Obama's credibility with the public, with the public still seeking answers about what went wrong and why people have not been held accountable for the security shortcomings there.

Republican Congressman Goes After John Kerry Hard On Benghazi During Syria Hearing.  Obama and his administration can't give any kind of coherent explanation of what went wrong at Benghazi, but they tell us that they know definitively that their as-of-yet unrevealed strategy in Syria will work.  John Boehner and Eric Cantor may have already buckled at the knees, but Republican Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) wants a few answers about Benghazi before he gives the thumbs up to any new military adventures.

Benghazi Mention Sparks Fireworks in Syria Hearing.  Secretary of State John Kerry and Rep. Jeff Duncan traded microphone-rattling words Wednesday [9/4/2013] during the House Foreign Affairs hearing on intervention in Syria.  But it wasn't Syria that inspired such bad blood. [...] "The same administration that was seemingly so quick to involve the U.S. in Syria now was reluctant to use the same resources at its disposal to attempt to rescue to the four brave Americans that fought for their lives at Benghazi," Duncan said.

Book: Clinton's State told Benghazi was a 'terrorist attack' minutes after it began.  Just minutes after 35 jihadists crashed through the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, nearly one year ago, the facility got word to the State Department, FBI and Pentagon that terrorists were attacking, according to a forthcoming book that provides the fullest review of the assault to date.

CBS Highlights Benghazi Anniversary; Fails to Mention Obama and Hillary By Name.  Tuesday's [9/3/2013] CBS This Morning spotlighted the upcoming one-year anniversary of the Islamist attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, but whitewashed the role of President Obama and his administration, including that of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

An Obama Fairytale for Our Time.  Our friend, Sundance, at The Conservative Treehouse believes that Mr. McDonough acted on behalf of Mr. Obama during two of the most crucial hours of combat in Benghazi a year ago and may well have been the person to have issued a "stand-down" order (if such an order was, in fact, ever issued — something that is not at all clear.)  In that same piece, Sundance makes a compelling case that Mr. [Denis] McDonough was the culprit who likely also set loose that evening the "Mohammed Film Squirrel" that was subsequently and repeatedly pointed to by White House and Administration factions and that was endlessly chased by the clueless MSM.

This is the Most Dangerous Time in Modern History.  "Remember what happened in Benghazi and our many conversations about what was really going on there, which you printed and the reports have since been proven correct.  It was all about arming and training anti-Assad fighters, including the instructional use of chemical weapons in Turkey and elsewhere, along the border of Syria.  People seem to forget that the Turkish consulate met Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi, the CIA logistics center, to show him that the Russians had satellite images of this training activity.  Putin was not amused and gave Turkey an ultimatum, which was delivered to the United States at Benghazi."

Will Obama Hold Anyone Accountable For Benghazi?  Sure, it might have been the first time in 33 years that an American ambassador was killed while in service, but according to the White House it just adds up to a "phony" scandal.  Secretary of State John Kerry decided that midlevel staffers suspended for the lax security surrounding the Benghazi compound were cleared to resume their jobs.  Apparently, eight months paid leave is enough punishment.

Can Hillary Clinton Survive Benghazi?  [B]y any normal standard Benghazi would be considered a career-ending debacle.  Four men, including one of her own ambassadors, were murdered on Hillary's watch, after they had pleaded with her State Department for better security.  The cable denying the ambassador's request for better protection went out over Hillary's signature.  That's just a formality! The Democrats say.  She knew nothing about it!

Team involved in tracking Benghazi suspects pulling out, sources say.  Two weeks after the Obama administration announced charges against suspects in the Benghazi attack, a large portion of the U.S. team that hunted the suspects and trained Libyans to help capture or kill them is leaving Libya permanently.  Special operators in the region tell Fox News that while Benghazi targets have been identified for months, officials in Washington could "never pull the trigger."

Of Rice and men.  Susan Rice is the protagonist of our "Fools and knaves" series going back to the Sunday she hit the gabfests to circulate the Obama administration's stupid Benghazi talking points in her capacity as United States Ambassador to the United Nations.  She is the protagonist, but she is of course supported by a cast of Obama administration all stars including her patron.  She is a piece of work.

White House Unserious About Getting Benghazi Suspects.  Why would the U.S. — knowing since last November who the terrorists are that murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans last Sept. 11, its own Justice Dept. having just charged them this month — not take out these jihadists before they kill more Americans?

Benghazi Victim's Mother Says Hillary Lied: 'You Don't Want This Person to be President'.  The reinstatement of four State Department employees who were put on administrative leave following last year's Benghazi attack only further has only reinforced Pat Smith's believe that Hillary Clinton should never be president.  Smith's son, Sean, was one of four Americans who died in the 9/11 attack on the American diplomatic facility in Benghazi.

All Signs Point to a Cover Up.  Along with [Raymond] Maxwell, Deputy Assistant Secretary Charlene Lamb, Assistant Secretary Eric Boswell and another official have been reinstated.  Well, reassigned and reinstated, as they have been shuffled into other positions.  They won't face any further disciplinary actions, and they were never even told why they were put on administrative leave.  They have just been put on ice, and they taken off the ice, by one SoS and then the other.

Benghazi Billboards Invade Boehner's District.  Billboards demanding a Watergate-style committee to investigate Benghazi have gone up in House Speaker John Boehner's (R., Ohio) district, with the organizers contending he's the man standing in the way of getting answers to the terrorist attack.

The State Department's Last Living Benghazi Victim.  I have no quarrel with Kerry's decision.  First, the four appear to be scapegoats to one degree or another.  Second, the ARB report found that there was no breach of duty that would warrant disciplinary action against any of the four under existing rules.  Third, the ARB report is too shoddy, in any event, to provide the basis for fair disciplinary action against the four.  Kerry hopes, I assume, that his decision puts the Benghazi matter behind him personally, if not the administration.  But there is still a loose end.  His name is Gregory Hicks.

Now No One's Responsible For 'Phony' Benghazi Scandal.  Let some time pass, then quietly reinstate four State Department officials who were left holding the bag.  The White House is betting that this "reverse Saturday Night Massacre" will make Benghazi go away.

Kerry Reinstates Benghazi Officials Clinton Punished.  Secretary of State John Kerry has determined that the four State Department officials placed on administrative leave by Hillary Clinton after the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi do not deserve any formal disciplinary action and has asked them to come back to work at the State Department starting Tuesday [8/20/2013].

Four sent back to work after missteps on Benghazi.  Secretary of State John F. Kerry has reinstated four employees implicated in security lapses from last year's terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, drawing sharp rebukes Tuesday [8/20/2013] from leading Republicans who said the moves mean nobody has been fired or held accountable.  Sen. Susan M. Collins of Maine called the move "shocking" and "unacceptable," while Rep. Darrell E. Issa, a California Republican who has spent months investigating the attack, described it as "a game of musical chairs where no one misses a single day on the State Department payroll."

So no one was to blame!
State Department employees suspended over Benghazi terror attack are re-instated  Four State Department employees who were placed on administrative leave after the Benghazi terror attack have been reinstated, it emerged today.  A top House Republican also confirmed that the U.S. State Department's review of the attack and its aftermath did not include interviews with the employees — suggesting that they may have been used as scapegoats to spare higher-ups any responsibility.

State Dept. [spokeswoman]: Nobody at Foggy Bottom Responsible for Benghazi Attack.  The State Department is insisting that secretary of state John Kerry's decision to reinstate four employees put on administrative leave in the wake of of last year's Benghazi attack was the right call.  A spokeswoman said that Kerry, after revewing the Accountability Review Board's report on the attack and the "totality of the careers" of the four employees, determined that the the action taken against them was "not warranted."

Susan Rice 'grateful' for Obama's support during Benghazi uproar.  Rice told the fashion magazine [Vogue] that she "wouldn't rule it out" when asked about her childhood dream of becoming a senator.  The former ambassador to the United Nations also declared herself "very grateful" that the president publicly defended her when she came under attack on Benghazi.

Stopping the Hillary Juggernaut.  Clearly, stopping Hillary at the polls should be the first priority for conservatives.  But the only way to stop her is by employing the same ruthless tactics Democrats used against Romney in 2012.  Identify her greatest weakness, isolate it, and pound on it from now until November 2016.  In Hillary's case, the weakness is Benghazi.  Conservatives should remind voters that Hillary Clinton was in charge when four Americans were murdered in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

Obama's Iran-Contra: The real Benghazi scandal.  One would be hard pressed to find a more significant impeachable offense than aiding and abetting the sworn enemies of the United States, especially when any such support includes sending weapons to our murderous adversaries.  A crime on that scale would certainly be made all the more serious if those same enemies turned around and utilized the U.S.-provided arms to kill Americans.

Sharyl Attkisson Continues To Hit Roadblocks and Administration Refusals To Release Information.  We know of only two certainties within the White House timeline during the night of 9/11/12:  1. That both Obama and Biden were on the phone with Benjamin Netanyahu between 6:30 and 7:28pm DC time.  2. That President Obama and Hillary Clinton talked around 10:00pm DC time about the event.  That's it.  The time between the call with Netanyahu ending at 7:30pm (1:30am Benghazi) and Hillary at 10:00pm (4am Benghazi), is a void.  What happens after 10:00pm DC time is also a void.  Sharyl Attkisson, the only journalist with any intellectual credibility on the issue, has been trying to use FOIA requests to find out the rest.

Attkisson: FBI Denies FOIA Request for Benghazi Docs.  CBS ace Sharyl Attkisson is tweeting about the status of her Freedom of Information Act request for materials related to White House activities related to the night that four Americans died in the terrorist attack on the US facility in Benghazi, Libya.  The FBI has denied her request.

Kinzinger Claim of Benghazi Lies Echoed by Senator Hutchison.  Late last week, a spokesman for former secretary of state Hillary Clinton accused Representative Adam Kinzinger (R., Ill.) of a "brazen deceit" for his claim that Clinton said the Benghazi attacks were not a terrorist attack in a classified briefing, and that she actually "screamed" at a member of Congress who suggested Benghazi was the work of terrorists.

Hillary Spokesman Caught Lying About Hillary's Benghazi Terrorism Denial.  Hillary's spokesman appears to be denying that such a briefing even took place, which is stupid, as it would be easy enough to check, but then again we're dealing with Sir Edmund Hilary here.

GOP lawmaker accuses Clinton of lying to lawmakers about Benghazi.  Former secretary of State Hillary Clinton shouted at lawmakers and deliberately lied to them in a private meeting about last year's deadly strike on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) said Friday [8/16/2013].  Speaking on Fox and Friends, Kinzinger said he and other members of Congress had a private meeting with Clinton about the Benghazi attack, and that the she became agitated when someone suggested it might have been a terrorist attack.

Hillary Clinton exploded at a congressman two days after Benghazi for suggesting that the attack was the work of terrorists, says GOP Rep.  'Two days after this attack,' said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, 'we were in a briefing with Hillary Clinton and she screamed at a member of Congress who'd dare suggest that this was a terrorist attack.'  'Now we find out that while it was happening, they knew it was a terrorist attack.  These are answers that we're going to get to the bottom of.'

Team Hillary assails 'brazen deceit' of latest GOP Benghazi claims.  A spokesman for Hillary Clinton fired back Friday [8/16/2013] at what it called the "brazen deceit" of Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), who earlier in the day said the former secretary of State shouted at lawmakers and deliberately lied to them in a private meeting about last year's deadly strike on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya.

Frank Wolf renews call for special Benghazi panel after new questions surface.  Rep. Frank Wolf is renewing his call for the creation of a special House committee devoted to investigating the Benghazi, Libya, attack after an attorney for a State Department whistleblower said that 400 surface-to-air missiles intended for Syrian rebels were stolen, fueling a cover-up.

September 11, 2012: A day that will live in infamy.  September 11 of 2012, just eleven months ago, was the eleventh anniversary of the Declaration of Holy War signaled by three simultaneous attacks on America by nineteen Saudi Arabian suiciders, killing 3,000 innocent people in Manhattan, at the Pentagon, and in the air over Pennsylvania.  That Declaration of War came from the brutal desert theocracy of Saudi Arabia, run by its Wahhabi priesthood.

Obama outed on bin Laden raid? Where was he during Benghazi?  Now that President Barack Obama's former body man and still companion Reggie Love has let it out that Obama was playing cards during part of the raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, can he tell us where the president was on the night four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens were killed in Benghazi?

Allen West calls for special committee to investigate Benghazi.  Former Florida Rep. Allen West said Wednesday that Congress needs to appoint a special committee to investigate the Sept. 11, 2011, fatal attacks on America's consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  "We've got a lot of questions," he said, on Fox News.  "This is why I believe we have to have that select committee to get to the bottom of these incidents.  Right now, we have had this investigation across five different committees in the House of Representatives.  We have not gotten anywhere."

Joe DiGenova: Obama Should Be Held In Contempt For Leaking About Sealed Indictment.  There was some movement on the Benghazi scandal front today [8/12/2013].  In an interview on WMAL, this morning, Washington attorney, Joe DiGenova noted that the president may be on thin ice for leaking information about the sealed indictment at his press conference, Friday.  He said, "we are now getting close to a series of statements by the president that puts him on the long road toward impeachable offenses.

Did someone mention impeachment?

Benghazi Whistleblower Attorney: Hundreds of Missiles Were Stolen from US Compounds.  Was this the objective of the Benghazi terrorist attacks?  Did the raid and the looting happen simultaneously?  What were the weapons doing at the US diplomatic mission and/or CIA annex in the first place?

400 US surface-to-air missiles were 'stolen' from Libya during the Benghazi attack, claims whistleblower.  Four hundred American surface-to-air missiles were 'taken from Libya' during the terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, a former U.S. Attorney who represents whistleblowers claimed on Monday.  He added that the U.S. intelligence community is terrified they might be used to shoot down airliners.

Four hundred surface-to-air missles stolen while Obama fiddled.  No wonder King Putt has threatened CIA assets and attempted to hide military personnel who were privy to what happened the night the U.S. Ambassador to Libya was killed in a raid; the President's blatant dereliction of duty armed al Qaeda with weapons powerful enough to blast airliners out of the sky.

Benghazi Report: Finding 400 Missing Missiles Was Part of CIA/State Dept. Objective.  On August 12, 2013 Joe DiGenova, attorney for one of the Benghazi whistleblowers, told Washington D.C.'s WMAL that one of the reasons people have remained tight-lipped about Benghazi is because 400 U.S. missiles were "diverted to Libya" and ended up being stolen and falling into "the hands of some very ugly people."  DiGenova represents Benghazi whistleblower Mark Thompson.

Delaying Justice in Benghazi.  Justice still has not been done because of the administration's puzzling insistence — lost amid all the controversy over the talking points about whether it was a terrorist attack or not — to treat this as a criminal offense, not what it was:  an act of war.

GOP strike on Hillary Clinton, media: Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.  The Republican Party isn't waiting for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to finally decide to run for the presidency in 2016.  On Monday [8/12/2013], they unloaded a double-barrelled attack on the former first lady and the mainstream media that the GOP sees as cheerleaders for Clinton.

Benghazi and the Banality of Evil.  Months late, CNN has gotten around to "breaking" a story that might help to complete the disturbing puzzle for the mainstream public, namely the allegation that Benghazi was the hub of a CIA weapons-running operation.  Within hours, this was washed from the headlines by the "chatter" indicating an imminent terror plot that required the United States to close numerous diplomatic facilities.

President Obama's Surprise Revelation of Sealed Benghazi Indictment.  President Obama surprised aides when he revealed today the existence of a sealed indictment in the Benghazi, Libya, attack, leaving some wondering if he crossed a legal line. [...] After all, according to federal law, "no person may disclose [a sealed] indictment's existence," and a "knowing violation ... may be punished as a contempt of court."  Contempt of court carries a maximum sentence of six months in jail.

Revelation of 'sealed Benghazi indictment' was against federal law — for anyone other than the President.  During a press conference yesterday, President Obama revealed the existence of a sealed indictment in the Benghazi attacks in Libya on September 11, 2012, leaving some experts questioning whether the president broke the law. [...] The announcement came as a surprise to some insiders, as the existence of a sealed indictment has not been publicly confirmed or denied by law enforcement or government officials.

AP Reporter: Obama's Body Language Showed He Didn't Want to Discuss Benghazi.  Associated Press reporter Julie Pace told the Special Report panel on Fox News that his clipped response when asked about Benghazi Friday [8/9/2013] showed his discomfort with the topic that has beleaguered his administration for nearly a year.  Fox News correspondent Ed Henry asked Obama about his promise to hold the attackers responsible for the Benghazi terrorist attack last September.

The Mother of All Scandals.  Of the four most prominent scandals — and by "four" I do not wish to deprecate "Fast and Furious," or EPA Director Lisa Jackson's fake email persona, or the arbitrary non-enforcement of the law, from ignoring elements of Obamacare to granting pre-election amnesty by fiat to over one million illegal aliens — Benghazi is by far the most disturbing; the scandal is insidious. [...] It was rumored but not confirmed that Ambassador Stevens in extremis was either raped or brutalized, though those details remain murky — given that the assassination of an American ambassador is rare, and the vicious brutalization of his person is unprecedented.

Krauthammer: Obama Administration Treated Benghazi Like a Crime Instead of Act of War.  Columnist Charles Krauthammer criticized the Obama administration's treatment of the Benghazi terrorist attack like a crime rather than an act of war on Special Report Tuesday, pointing out a similar approach by the Clinton administration in responding to the al-Qaeda attack on the U.S.S. Cole in 2000 led to huge difficulties in holding the guilty parties responsible.  News broke Tuesday [8/6/2013] that federal agents and prosecutors investigating Benghazi filed charges against Ahmed Khattalah, leader of a Libyan militia officials believe orchestrated the assault.  According to CNN, the charges under seal are the first criminal counts to emerge from the probe.

Chaffetz Offended By Idea That Regime Is 'Committed' To Capturing Benghazi Terrorists After 11 Months.  A dubious Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) questioned the Regime's commitment to capturing and killing the Benghazi terrorists today when he appeared on Fox to talk about the sealed charges against Ahmed Khattala.  In fact, he says it's a little offensive to suggest it is a priority at this point.  Almost eleven months after the fact — it's a bit offensive, he thinks, for the Regime to pretend it's a big priority when it's [very] apparent it's not.

Reporters Afraid To Ask Obama White House About Benghazi.  Obama has apparently taken his cue for this from Hollywood.  It is a well-known fact that movie stars in Hollywood will not grant access to those reporters and media outlets that do not write or report favorably about them. [...] The end result of this is that there is no honest reporting coming out of Hollywood these days.  This has likely been obvious to most everyone for quite some time.  Now that Obama is doing the same thing, how long will it be before there is no longer any honest reporting coming out of the White House Press corps?  Perhaps we are at that point already?

Boehner Not Only 'Made a Deal w/Obama' — but Fears Being Implicated in Benghazigate Himself.  Appearing on Fox, Pat Caddell said Monday that John Boehner quietly went-along the harebrained Libya-Syria gun running scheme that blew up in the Obama regime's face last year — without proper congressional approval — and now fears the consequences of his own grave errors.

Caddell: "Boehner... Suppressing Anything on Benghazi".  Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) has turned down a select committee to investigate Benghazi, even though more than 160 of his colleagues in the House, 1,000 Special Operations veterans and many other Americans have called for one.  Could statements made on Fox News' Political Insiders be a reason why?

Valerie Jarrett Gave Benghazi Stand-Down Order.  The omnipresent power behind the throne some have called the president's Rasputin had the power to call off three strikes against Osama bin Laden.  She may have used that power again the night four Americans died in Benghazi.

CNN Airs "The Truth About Benghazi" — But Fills The Story With Lies and Deception — We Explain Why.  CNN needs to maintain an optic of middle road media in order to be effective.  MSNBC is so far down the water-carrying road they are essentially useless in helping the White House except for motivating and cheerleading the base of Democrats.  But CNN has a more important role, they need the illusion of journalism, as it pertains to the current U.S. administration, in order to be effective.  In the past 48 hours a series of events took place to establish the optic for their Benghazi coverage.

A generous second coat of the Benghazi whitewash.  CNN spent an hour of prime time Tuesday night [8/6/2013] to air a special anchored by Erin Burnett, "The Truth about Benghazi."  They claimed to have learned two vital lessons from their supposedly extensive investigation of that tragedy:  It must never happen again, and politics trumped patriotism.  Really?  That's it?

CNN Answers No Questions.  The re-run of [the CNN Benghazigate] special will be a "must watch" only for someone who has not been paying attention to Benghazigate for the last 11 months.  For those of us who have been paying attention, the nicest thing that can be said about it is that it was a big, fat nothingburger.

U.S. Charges Libyan Militia Leader in Benghazi Attack.  The United States government has filed its first criminal charges pertaining to the 9/11/12 attacks on the Benghazi diplomatic facility, according to CNN's justice and national-security correspondent Evan Perez.  Ahmed Khattalah, a Libyan militia leader, is believed to have been involved in the attacks that resulted in the death of four Americans, including U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens.  CNN's sources did not reveal the exact charges brought against Khattalah.

First charges filed in connection with Benghazi attack.  Federal prosecutors have filed criminal charges against an alleged militia leader in connection with the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, CBS News has confirmed.  Ahmed Khattalah becomes the first person charged in connection with the attack that killed four Americans.

Raising More Benghazigate Questions.  Jake Tapper peeked recently into that dark room wherein the Obama Administration and its allies in the MSM have consigned the Benghazigate Scandal.  Tapper's was the first and only major report to appear in the MSM, and CNN will air a special on Benghazigate tonight at 10:00 PM EDT. [...] One little fact Tapper's in piece is being said to have been unreported earlier other than in alternative media:  that a total of seven persons were injured in the attacks.  That number is interesting because no injuries were reported during the series of face-to-face "immaculate confrontations" at the compound and with the rescue team.

First criminal charges filed in Benghazi attack probe.  Federal authorities have filed the first criminal charges in the investigation of the deadly terror attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, people briefed on the matter said.  Several suspects charged in the armed assault last September 11 include prominent Libyan militia figure Ahmed Abu Khattala, the sources said.  Other identities were not disclosed.  The counts initially sought months ago in New York are still under seal, according to the sources.

CIA Claims Benghazi Survivors Wanting to Talk Should Work Through Proper Channels.  The various investigations into the attacks on the Benghazi consulate and annex have had virtually no input from those on the ground during the assaults on September 11, 2012.  The House Intelligence Committee has heard twice from one Agency official who was present but none of the transcribed interviews conducted so far by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which has done much of the serious investigating of the Benghazi attacks, were with on-the-ground survivors of the attack.

Obama's Watergates.  The truth about Benghazi, the Associated Press/James Rosen monitoring, the IRS corruption, the NSA octopus, and Fast and Furious is still not exactly known.  Almost a year after the attacks on our Benghazi facilities, we are only now learning details of CIA gun-running, military stand-down orders, aliases of those involved who are still hard to locate, massaged talking points, and the weird jailing of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.

Rep. Frank Wolf Passionate about Benghazi.  Describing his experience with Watergate during the Nixon administration, Rep. Wolf recapped the Benghazi failures of leadership, response, and responsibility that resulted in the death of four Americans and the many hidden casualties. [...] He continued that there are many unanswered questions in the chain of events.  It is strange that with the hunt of Bin Laden we had minute by minute accounts, he said, while with Benghazi, we have a cover up of events.

Politico: Media Didn't Ignore Benghazi.  Politico's Dylan Byers, in a piece for his buddies in the MSM, declares that conservative criticism of the mainstream media is overblown. [...] Let us enlighten Byers to the scope of the MSM's betrayal of the public trust, with some added help from the Media Research Council.

First criminal charges filed in Benghazi attack probe.  Federal authorities have filed the first criminal charges in the investigation of the deadly terror attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, people briefed on the matter said.  Several suspects charged in the armed assault last September 11 include prominent Libyan militia figure Ahmed Abu Khattala, the sources said.  Other identities were not disclosed.

An Open Letter to The Hidden Benghazi Survivors.  This is an entirely open letter.  Why?  Because you are entirely hidden. [...] You possibly had your names changed whether you wanted to or not.  You are clearly deep in hiding though; probably more than afraid, most likely terrified.  Possibly you've been well-compensated for "your troubles".  In some ways, you are no different than many Americans that don't have the luxury of hiding.  This is a country with a citizenry that is now coerced and threatened, afraid for our liberty and Constitutional freedoms.

Journalists Worry Covering The Benghazi Attack Threatens White House Access.  Last week, CNN aired two striking reports revealing that the Central Intelligence Agency had a large number of agents on the ground on the night of the attack and that a suspect in the attack has never been interviewed by investigators.  Following these revelatory reports, which some in President Barack Obama's administration believe represent a political threat, some CNN reporters now fear for their access to the White House.  They are not alone.

Benghazi Attacks and 'Rogue' CIA Employees.  When the details of Operation Fast and Furious were revealed, the Obama administration wanted you to believe it was an operation hatched and run out of an ATF office in Phoenix; that was a provable lie.  When the IRS scandal broke, the Obama administration blamed it on 'rogue' employees in Cincinnati; this was a proven lie as well.  Now, not long after CNN's Drew Griffin reported that the CIA is intimidating operatives who witnessed the Benghazi attacks, a letter from CIA Director John Brennan is apparently supposed to convince you that his hands are clean.

The Big Benghazi Secret.  In May, we began to learn the truth about what the Benghazi cover-up was all about:  The State Department had a secret program to provide weapons to the Libyan insurgents who overthrew Gaddhafi.  Once the dictator was gone and it became apparent that some of the "insurgents" the U.S. had armed were, in fact, dangerous radicals with ties to al-Qaeda, there began an effort to disarm these groups.

If Benghazi's No Scandal, Why a Cover-Up?  [Scroll down]  The main focus of this effort is to prevent their personnel from speaking not just to the media, but also to members of Congress.  While it must be acknowledged that the spy agency is entrusted with our nation's secrets, the all-out push described in [Jake] Tapper's report seems to speak more to a desire to silence whistle-blowers and to cover up any possible wrongdoing than anything else.  If Benghazi is a "phony scandal," Americans are entitled to ask why the government is behaving so suspiciously.

Benghazi Bombshell: Valerie Jarrett, Commander in Chief.  Confidential sources close to Conservative Report have confirmed that Valerie Jarrett was the key decision-maker for the administration, the night of the Benghazi terrorist attack on 9/11/2012. [...] The military-order, not to initiate action, saving our men in Benghazi, was issued by the President's Advisor, Valerie Jarrett.

Relief of Benghazi Defenders? President Jarrett votes No!.  President Obama's failure to issue Cross Border Authority allowing our men to die is bad but if it wasn't him making the decision it's worse.

Congressman claims the Obama administration is hiding Benghazi witnesses.  Following President Obama's accusation that Republicans' investigations into the 2012 Benghazi terror attack constitute a 'phony scandal,' a GOP congressman has alleged that the administration is hiding witnesses to the deadly military-style assault by relocating them and changing their names.  Additional published reports surfacing Thursday [8/1/2013] allege that the CIA had 'dozens' of agents on the ground in Benghazi on the night of the attack, including as many as seven wounded, and that they were engaged in an arms smuggling operation.

Obama's Sloppy History Problem.  In Chicago on July 24, Obama delivered an hour-long speech in which he complained that "with this endless parade of distractions and political posturing and phony scandals, Washington has taken its eye off the ball."  The mother of one of the four Americans murdered at the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi immediately objected.  "He's wrong.  My son is dead.  How could that be phony?"

CIA Benghazi Operation May Have Been Cover For Weapons To Syrian Rebels.  Dozens more CIA operatives were on the ground in Benghazi than previously acknowledged.  Were they running guns to Syrian rebels?  And why are they and their families now being intimidated?  The only thing "phony" about the Benghazi scandal has been the cacophony of falsehoods and obfuscation pouring out of the Obama administration about the night four Americans, including the personal representative of President Obama, Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were killed.

On the other hand...
Benghazi: Is the Alleged CIA Scandal Real?  [U]nless someone steps forward in his own name and offers solid evidence to the contrary, my conclusion is that the CIA angle is a needless distraction from the real Benghazi scandal, which involves not the Agency, but Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Barack Obama.

Gowdy alleges massive Benghazi cover-up.  Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) is accusing the Obama administration of a massive cover-up in the deadly Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attack, saying it was "dispersing" witnesses around the country and changing their names in an effort to hide the truth about what happened.  In an interview Thursday [8/1/2013] with Fox News host Greta Van Susteren, Gowdy said the administration is "changing names, creating aliases" of U.S. agents who were in Benghazi on the night of the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks.

So, What Is the Benghazi Cover-Up All About?  Shortly after the Benghazi debacle in September 2012, it was rumored that the terrorist attack occurred in the context of a CIA operation whereby Libyan arms, which presumably were either purchased or scooped up by the Agency in the wake of Gaddafi's overthrow, were being shipped to the rebels in Syria.  According to rumor, this is why the CIA had an "annex" in Benghazi; it explains why there were CIA men on the scene, two of whom were killed, and perhaps also why Ambassador Chris Stevens traveled from Tripoli to Benghazi with essentially no security.

Desperation in the Benghazi Coverup.  A congressional select committee could offer immunity to the CIA's dispersed, intimidated survivors.

Rep. Issa subpoenas State Department for Benghazi documents.  Congress's top inquisitor subpoenaed the State Department on Thursday [8/1/2013] for documents detailing the inner workings of the independent board that probed the September attack in Benghazi, Libya.  Republicans on the House Oversight panel have accused the Accountability Review Board (ARB) of seeking to protect former Secretary of State and possible 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in its investigation, notably by declining to interview her.  Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said he subpoenaed the department because he was being stonewalled.

CIA had 21 agents on the ground during Benghazi attack.  The night four Americans — including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens — were killed during a terrorist in Benghazi, Libya, last year, there reportedly were dozens of CIA operatives on the ground near the scene that night — and now the spy agency is going to great lengths to keep whatever they were doing there a secret.  According to published reports, since January, several CIA operatives involved in the missions in Libya have been forced to submit to multiple polygraph tests — in some cases, operatives were given a test on a monthly basis.

Tapper Peeks into Benghazigate.  The real piece of significant new news in [Jake] Tapper's report was that the CIA has been conducting an unprecedented number of polygraph examinations of agents and operatives with knowledge of the events in Benghazi, in what appears to be an attempt to intimidate and silence those agents and operatives.

The Rise of Al-Qaeda and Why the Administration Lied about Benghazi.  You don't have to be Muslim to love the Muslim Brotherhood or even, consciously or unconsciously, sympathize with the goals, if not the actions, of al-Qaeda.  You just have to have been imbued with a blind hatred of imperialism.  That's all you need.  What this myopia leads to, however, is consorting with people with no values at all.

Benghazi: Cui Bono?  We know that the embassy in Tripoli "...advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11 that an Islamic terrorist group had claimed credit for the attack...."  However, Team Obama has not "officially" rejected its still-obtaining "official" position that it was, as described by the inimitable Mark Steyn, a " review that just got a little out of hand...."

The Other Benghazi Scandal: Journalists Worry Covering The Attack Threatens White House Access.  Last week, CNN aired two striking reports revealing that the Central Intelligence Agency had a large number of agents on the ground on the night of the attack and that a suspect in the attack has never been interviewed by investigators.  Following these revelatory reports, which some in President Barack Obama's administration believe represent a political threat, some CNN reporters now fear for their access to the White House.  They are not alone.

"It has been my experience that whenever a leader — whether elected, anointed or media-appointed — does not want you to see something, that's probably the time when you should go out of your way to see it."
Clarence Page    

On the Embassy Closures.  [#1]  The fact that this is reportedly an al-Qaeda plot shows once again that AQ is alive and well globally, contrary to President Obama's ludicrous and willfully misleading statements over the past two years that it is "on the run" and "nearing defeat." [...] [#2] What happened in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 — and the chaotic, shameful cover-up that has followed — provided an enticing blueprint for Islamic jihadists.

Rep Wolf: Sources Say CIA Was Moving Guns in Benghazi.  CNN reports the CIA had dozens of operatives in Benghazi during the deadly September 11 attack last year, yet since the attack, the spy agency has allegedly engaged in an intimidation campaign of its own members to keep personnel quiet about the events of that night and why the CIA was in eastern Libya to begin with.

Will David Ubben Blow Roof Off 'Phony' Benghazi Scandal?  The former commander of special operations in North Africa says he, like our president, was incommunicado during the Benghazi attack.  We may soon hear from the hero who survived 20 hours waiting for help.

The Benghazi Story: Mass Grave of Reputations.  Maybe the anonymous "senior U.S. intelligence officials" who gave out a "detailed timeline" about the Benghazi fiasco on Thursday never heard of Healy's Law:  "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."  That is because the hole in which they found themselves will surely end up a mass grave for their reputations and for many others' — beginning with General David Petraeus.

House issues subpoenas to get Benghazi documents from State Department.  As they prepared to head home for summer vacation, House Republicans fired off three subpoenas Thursday [8/1/2013] seeking more information from the State Department on the terrorist attack last year in Benghazi, Libya, and on the science the Environmental Protection Agency used to impose new clean air regulations.

CIA 'running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked'.  The CIA has been subjecting operatives to monthly polygraph tests in an attempt to suppress details of a US arms smuggling operation in Benghazi that was ongoing when its ambassador was killed by a mob in the city last year, according to reports.

Flashback: Clinton told Rand Paul she 'didn't know' if US was smuggling arms from Benghazi.  In a January 23, 2013 Senate hearing, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if the United States was smuggling arms from Benghazi into other countries.

The Attack in Benghazi: Worth Investigating After All.  Dozens of CIA agents were apparently on the ground in Benghazi, Libya last September.  What I want to know is why.

White House calls Benghazi 'phony' scandal, as lawmakers seek answers on probe.  The White House said bluntly Wednesday that it considers the controversy over the Benghazi attack to be among the so-called "phony scandals" that President Obama has been complaining about in recent speeches — even as new questions were being raised about the lack of progress in the investigation.

CNN Interviews Accused Benghazi Attack Perpetrator: Not In Hiding, Claims FBI Not Looking or Him.  On Wednesday [7/31/2013], CNN aired a portion of an interview one of the network's reporters was able to conduct with a man accused of participating in the September 11, 2012, attack on an American diplomatic consulate in Benghazi.  The individual accused of participating in that attack was not in hiding and said that American investigators were not looking for him.  He does, however, deny his direct involvement in that attack.

Exclusive: Dozens of CIA operatives [were] on the ground during Benghazi attack.  CNN has uncovered exclusive new information about what is allegedly happening at the CIA, in the wake of the deadly Benghazi terror attack.  Four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were killed in the assault by armed militants last September 11 in eastern Libya.

Benghazi Attack Survivor Waited on a Roof Top for 20 Hours Before Help Came.  Diplomatic Security agent David Ubben has been receiving treatment at Walter Reed Military Medical Center after being severely wounded on September 11, 2012 when the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was attacked by terrorists.

Benghazi witnesses forced into silence? New concerns over terror attack aftermath.  Even as the White House labels Benghazi a "phony scandal," a raft of new allegations and concerns is once again bringing the controversy back to the forefront in Washington.  Fox News has learned that at least five CIA employees were forced to sign additional nondisclosure agreements this past spring in the wake of the Benghazi attack.  These employees had already signed such agreements before the attack but were made to sign new agreements aimed at discouraging survivors from leaking their stories to the media or anyone else.

House to hear long-sought testimony about Benghazi from task force chief.  Congress will hear eagerly awaited testimony Wednesday on the Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attack from a special operations task force commander who is set to retire the next day.  Col. George Bristol, the former commander of a task force that operated in Northern and Western Africa, will appear at a classified, members-only briefing with a House Armed Services subcommittee, congressional and Defense sources told The Hill.  Republicans have been pressing the military to allow Bristol to testify.

Key military commander to testify on Benghazi — the day before his retirement.  Congress will hear eagerly awaited testimony Wednesday on the Benghazi, Libya, terrorist attack from a special operations task force commander who is set to retire the next day.  Col. George Bristol, the former commander of a task force that operated in Northern and Western Africa, will appear at a classified, members-only briefing with a House Armed Services subcommittee, congressional and Defense sources told The Hill.  Republicans have been pressing the military to allow Bristol to testify.

Let's Have Justice For Ambassador Christopher Stevens.  The Obama administration hasn't just been ignoring Benghazi, hoping it'll pass from public consciousness.  It's been actively trying to bury evidence, including the fact that rescue teams were ordered to stand down.  It's also concealing the identity of who gave that order.

Benghazi hero fought alongside fallen SEALs, still recovering at Walter Reed.  One of the most severely wounded survivors of the Benghazi terror attack, Diplomatic Security agent David Ubben, risked his life to help save his fellow Americans, and is still being treated at Walter Reed medical center to this day, Fox News has learned.  Fox News is the first news organization to make direct contact with Ubben — who has had multiple surgeries at Walter Reed to save his right leg, which was badly wounded in the Sept. 11 attack.

Mother of slain Benghazi victim Sean Smith: 'My son is dead. How could that be phony?'.  The mother of a Benghazi victim is furious about the new White House strategy of calling the terrorist attack and many other scandals plaguing the Obama administration "fake" or "phony."  Patricia Smith, mother of Sean Smith, who was slain in the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack, lashed out on "Your World" on the Fox News Channel about that terminology.

More about Obama's phony scandals speech.

Stockman suggests witness intimidation behind stalled Benghazi investigation.  Texas Rep. Steve Stockman suggested Tuesday [7/23/2013] that the investigation into Benghazi had stalled because witnesses were pressured into not testifying before committees.

Frank Wolf Demands Answers on Benghazi Attacks.  Rep. Frank Wolf (R., Va.) has called on the secretary of defense and attorney general to explain why "not a single terrorist" involved in the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi, Libya, "has been brought to justice" after murdering four Americans.  The questions still surrounding the Benghazi attack are numerous and troubling, according to Wolf, who is on a three-week-long campaign to refocus the nation's attention on the issue before lawmakers take their summer recess.  Wolf is one of the sole lawmakers still vocally pressuring the Obama administration to explain why it has not located the terrorists responsible and brought them to justice despite repeated promises to do so.

Mark Levin: Boehner "Cut Some Kind Of Deal With Obama" On Benghazi.  [Scroll down]  ["]So the greatest secret on the planet right now is what Obama was doing during eight-and-a-half hours when our consulate was under attack, our ambassador being slaughtered, two ex-SEALs coming to his rescue being slaughtered, and the security/information individual, gentlemen, being slaughtered. And we can't get an answer.  And John Boehner doesn't want an answer, because John Boehner is what stands between setting up a special investigative committee and not.["]

AFRICOM commander: We knew almost immediately Benghazi was a terrorist attack.  A public statement this weekend about the night of the Benghazi attack from former AFRICOM commander General Carter Ham is making the rounds, thanks to some belated attention from Fox News, but it's more curious than revelatory.  Now retired, General Ham spoke at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado and addressed his recollections of the consulate sacking and the American response.

Former military head says it was quickly clear terrorists [were] behind [the] Benghazi consulate attack.  The former head of U.S. forces in Africa, General Carter Ham, told the Aspen Security Forum that it quickly became clear the assault on the American consulate in Benghazi last year was a terrorist attack and not a spontaneous demonstration.  "It became apparent to all of us quickly that this was not a demonstration, this was a violent attack," Ham said. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton initially had portrayed the embassy attack as a response to an inflammatory internet video.

New details emerge of horrific attack that killed U.S. ambassador.  More grim details about the terrorist attack that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans has emerged as Libya admits it is struggling to combat a growing tide of extremism in the country.  Ten months after the deaths at the American diplomatic mission at Benghazi in the north African country, a frightening picture of the attack itself and the desperate security situation in Libya has emerged.

Pentagon does about-face on key Benghazi witness, makes Marine colonel available to talk to Congress.  The U.S. Department of Defense has agreed to make available to Congress a Marine Corps colonel who was in command of U.S. Special Forces in Northern Africa on the night armed terrorists staged a military-style assault on an American diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya.  A series of requests for Marine Col. George Bristol's testimony from Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, both Republicans, had fallen on deaf ears until Friday [7/19/2013].

President Barack Obama's Six Months of Blunders.  [Scroll down]  Just consider President Barack Obama's recent catastrophes.  There is Benghazi.  It took place during the last election (which should have sealed Obama's fate), but this spring it became obvious that Ambassador Christopher Stevens should not have been there, was not given proper security even once the attack began, and the event suffered various cover-ups.  For instance, all that nonsense about the anti-Islam video that mysteriously appeared in the talking points without having ever been suggested by the CIA.  Where did the claptrap about the video come from?  That should not be too difficult to establish.

Congressman: Benghazi Survivors Forced to Sign Non-Disclosure Agreements.  Congressman Frank Wolf, a Republican from Virginia, said today on the House floor that survivors of the Benghazi terror attack have been forced to sign non-disclosure agreements:  "On Tuesday I raised the question of why none of the Benghazi survivors, whether State Department, CIA, or private security contract employees have testified publicly before Congress," said Wolf.

Benghazi Scandal Haunts Nuland Nomination.  As demonstrated yesterday [7/11/2013], Victoria Nuland, the nominee for Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs and former State Department spokesman, is the most recent object of the distrust and anger felt by Senators over the attack on the U.S. consulate on September 11, 2012, and its aftermath.  At yesterday's confirmation hearing, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee grilled Nuland on her role and that of her former boss, Hillary Clinton, in rewriting and toning down the Administration's talking points on Benghazi.

Senate Incapable of Unraveling Benghazi.  The Senate is "institutionally incapable" of finding out what really happened during the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, says former Judge Andrew Napolitano.  Appearing on Fox News Channel's "Special Report," Napolitano said he watched Thursday's confirmation hearings for Victoria Nuland, the former State Department spokeswoman who has been tapped by President Barack Obama as assistant secretary of State.

Benghazi talking points not shared with Clinton, Nuland says.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton played no direct role in shaping the Obama administration's infamous "talking points" on the Benghazi attacks, the State Department's former head of communications told lawmakers Thursday [7/11/2013].  "At no point," said former department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland, "did I talk about the talking points with Secretary Clinton."

The Obama administration scandals that wont go away.  Congressional Republicans will re-open two of the Obama administration's most persistent wounds next week, refocusing public scrutiny on the State Department's failures in Benghazi and the Internal Revenue Service's reputation for unfairly targeting conservatives.  House committees controlled by the GOP have regularly torn off the White House's rhetorical band-aids on the IRS and Benghazi, refusing to let the administration claim the healing power of closure.

Obama's Europe Envoy to Face Benghazi Questions.  President Barack Obama's choice as chief American envoy for Europe faces the Senate Thursday [7/11/2013] in a confirmation hearing that could go far beyond issues of trans-Atlantic diplomacy to questions about the administration's handling of the Benghazi attack and its plan to arm Syria's rebels.

40 Minutes In Benghazi.  When U.S. ambassador J. Christopher Stevens was killed in a flash of hatred in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, the political finger-pointing began.  But few knew exactly what had happened that night.  With the ticktock narrative of the desperate fight to save Stevens, Fred Burton and Samuel M. Katz provide answers.

Key commander to be questioned on Benghazi goes missing.  During the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Marine Corps Col. George Bristol was in a key position in the U.S. Africa Command leadership, CBS News reported.  While it would be expected he could answer Congress' questions about that night, no one seems to know where he is — or isn't telling.  "They say he's retired and they can't reach out to him," Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told CBS News.  "That's hogwash."

Republicans want to talk to Col. George Bristol about Benghazi.  Marine Corps Col. George Bristol was in a key position in the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) chain of command the night of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  As such, he's high on the list of people that some Republican members of Congress want to interview.  But they don't know where he is and the Pentagon isn't telling.  Pentagon spokesman Major Robert Firman told CBS News that the Department of Defense "cannot compel retired members to testify before Congress."

The Editor says...
That may be true, but it wouldn't stop Congress from issuing a subpoena.

They all lied about how Ambassador Christopher Stevens Died in Benghazi.  As new information is finally starting to leak out about what really happened in Benghazi on that fateful night of September 11, 2012, NOTHING is more telling than this one single photograph... for this photograph proves that Ambassador Christopher Stevens did NOT die of smoke inhalation in the embassy compound as was claimed by the Obama administration, but was taken alive, raped, sodomized, and [who] knows what else... and Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Hillary Clinton, and all those in their vile orbit knew this from day one and all bold-faced lied.

The Muslim Brotherhood's Connection to Benghazi.  On Wednesday June 26, 2013 reports began to pop up across the Arabic world citing an internal Libyan government memo that has not yet been acknowledged in the American press. [...] Multiple sources have confirmed this document details several confessions of the six Egyptians in Libyan custody for the 9.11.12 bombing of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.  The document details the involvement of the Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi as being involved with and in the funding, support, planning, and execution of the attack.

Benghazi Matters.  In the aftermath of the killing of the U.S. ambassador in Benghazi and three other Americans, the Obama administration did the classic dance of political operatives confronted with an inconvenient truth:  deny, deny, deny, and then say, "Oh that doesn't matter because it was a long time ago."  President Obama has called efforts to get to the bottom of what happened a "sideshow."  But, alas, Benghazi is not a sideshow and it does matter.  The administration's actions in this and other scandals facing the Obama team go to the very foundation of any presidency:  can the American people trust their president and his administration?

Benghazi Attack Suspect Walks.  Libya's government earlier this month released a key terror suspect who U.S. officials say was involved in planning the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on U.S. diplomatic and intelligence facilities in Benghazi.  Faraj al Chalabi, (also spelled Shibli) an al Qaeda terrorist also linked to the 1994 terrorist murder of two German tourists, was detained by the Tripoli government in March.

Benghazi security team nails $3M book deal.  Twelve Books, which announced this week it signed a deal with four members of the elite security team from the annex of the US Embassy in the Mideast town, is paying a $3 million advance, Media Ink has learned.  The book by the authors — whose names were not released — is scheduled to be released in 2014.

Where Was the President?  This is a simple question, one to which the American people might reasonably expect an answer, but more than nine months after that deadly night, we still have not gotten a detailed answer and most in the media seem to have lost all interest in the question.  White House correspondents have let themselves be played like chumps, treated like court stenographers whose job is to transcribe the administration's talking points.

The Benghazi Diary, A Hero Ambassador's Final Thoughts.  It's become clear to us that Ambassador Stevens was someone who cared deeply about his work to promote American diplomacy in Libya. [...] Stevens' diary has never been made public, until now. It was first discovered and reported on, in brief, by CNN, but the news network soon caved in to outside pressure, most likely from President Obama's staff, and ceased reporting on it all together.

Sen. Ted Cruz says he's holding all State Dept. nominees until IG named.  U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz said Wednesday that he's placing a hold on all State Department nominations until President Obama nominates an Inspector General for the agency, calling Mr. Obama's failure to nominate an IG since taking office "unacceptable."  "The position has been vacant for almost 2,000 days.  This is a crucial oversight position and should be a priority for an agency facing substantial management challenges," Mr. Cruz, Texas Republican, said in a statement.

Benghazi Creeps Closer To Hillary Clinton.  The decision to place U.S. personnel in Benghazi with substandard security was made at the highest levels of the State Department by officials who have so far escaped blame over the Sept. 11 attack.  An indication that the Orwellian-named Accountability Review Board (ARB) investigating the terrorist attack on our diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, was an effort not to assign responsibility for the disaster but to enable those responsible to escape blame is the fact that ARB never bothered to interview the likes of Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy.

Darrell Issa subpoenas four State Department officials for Benghazi information.  House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa has issued subpoenas for four current and former State Department officials to find out what they know about the fatal terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi.  Issa, in a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, said he has been unable to arrange interviews with the four officials, who Issa said, "possess direct knowledge of the event."

Benghazi just got closer to Hillary Clinton.  Back on October 10, 2012, State Department Under Secretary Patrick Kennedy testified in front of the House Oversight Committee about the attacks in Benghazi one month earlier, on 9/11/12.  Now an internal memo from 2011 that shows Kennedy signed off on the staffing levels at the Special Mission Compound (SMC) where Ambassador Christopher Stevens was murdered, has been released.

The arsenal of theocracy.  [Scroll down]  It may have taken 2 years to realize that Egypt was falling apart but it took less than a year for the NYT to realize Libya was connected to the process of arming Syria.  At this rate of learning Hillary Clinton will have realized the place is a mess by the middle of her administration.

Trail of Benghazi security lapses leads to State Department senior leadership, records show.  The decision to keep U.S. personnel in Benghazi with substandard security was made at the highest levels of the State Department by officials who have so far escaped blame over the Sept. 11 attack, according to a review of recent congressional testimony and internal State Department memos by Fox News.  Nine months before the assault that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others, State Department Under Secretary Patrick Kennedy signed off on an internal memo that green-lighted the Benghazi operation.

State Department unclassifies and releases first official photos from aftermath of the 2012 Benghai attack.  A set of seven stunning photographs emerged Thursday [6/20/2013], showing the first official glimpse of the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2012 terror attack on the U.S. Consulate Special Mission Compound in Benghazi, Libya that left US. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.  The grainy, scanned pictures, released by the advocacy group Judicial Watch, were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request lodged with the U.S. Department of State.  They are the first images of the Benghazi attack released by the State Department.

Benghazi Whistleblower Lawyer Says Joint Chief's Chairman Lied to Congress.  An attorney whose firm represents two Benghazi whistleblowers said Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, lied to the Senate when he said there was never a "stand down" order during the Benghazi attack on Sept. 11, 2012.  "What was fascinating is that he explained his lie to them," Joe DiGenova, an attorney representing one of the whistleblowers, told

Hillary Clinton: Alex Jones in a pantsuit.  After our consulate in Benghazi was attacked and four Americans were killed, everybody on the ground knew immediately that it was a terrorist attack.  The CIA knew during the attack that it was terrorism.  However, Hillary Clinton spent weeks telling everybody that it was a spontaneous protest due to a YouTube video.  She even told the families of the victims that she was going to make sure the maker of the YouTube video was arrested (he was and is still in jail).  Adherents to this odd conspiracy theory have come to be known as "tubers".

If the Obama Administration Scandals Had Occurred in the Private Sector.  Imagine the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or the owner/operator of a small business uttering the words "What difference, at this point, does it make" in response to a wrongful death suit. [...] Here lies the problem:  if the unnecessary death of 4 Americans, the attempted silence of the non-Obama media, the outright silencing of the political constituency that rained down the 2010 historic upset of the left, and the related cover-ups don't result in someone going to jail, let alone losing their job (really losing it, not paying them to not work), then what will?

Ailes: Why Fox covers Benghazi.  Fox News chief Roger Ailes on Wednesday [6/12/2013] slammed the IRS as "arrogant" and said he wants to know what President Barack Obama was doing on the night of the Benghazi attack in his acceptance speech for the 2013 Bradley Prize.

Clinton confidante at center of Benghazi damage-control tied to probe of suspected diplomat crimes.  A longtime confidante of Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton who reportedly played a key role in the State Department's damage-control efforts on the Benghazi attack last year is also named in accusations that department higher-ups quashed investigations into diplomats' potential criminal activity.  Cheryl Mills, who served in a dual capacity in recent years as general counsel and chief of staff to Mrs. Clinton as secretary of state, was accused of attempting to stifle congressional access to a diplomat who held a senior post in Libya at the time of the attack.

The Era of Contempt.  To this day, we do not know who denied requests for security at the American mission; who ordered a Special Forces unit in Tripoli to stand down, as charged by Gregory Hicks, formerly deputy chief of mission; who directed Susan Rice, ambassador to the United Nations, to take to the air waves and call it a reaction to a video offensive to Muslims; and who ordered that this misrepresentation be maintained for seventeen days until President Obama finally acknowledged that it was a terrorist attack.  Further, we do not know exactly what Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama were doing during all seven hours of the siege of the U.S. consulate.

Benghazi Matters.  In the aftermath of the killing of the U.S. ambassador in Benghazi and three other Americans, the Obama administration did the classic dance of political operatives confronted with an inconvenient truth:  deny, deny, deny, and then say, "Oh that doesn't matter because it was a long time ago."  President Obama has called efforts to get to the bottom of what happened a "sideshow."  But, alas, Benghazi is not a sideshow and it does matter.  The administration's actions in this and other scandals facing the Obama team go to the very foundation of any presidency:  can the American people trust their president and his administration?

Barack Obama: 'We'll Hold Somebody Accountable!'.  Victoria Nuland, the State Department spokesperson who personally altered the FBI talking points memo to redact all references to terrorism, has been promoted to assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs.  She should have been fired.  Susan Rice, the bureaucrat who knowingly recited the false statements blaming a video for the tragic Benghazi attack, has been promoted to the prestigious cabinet position of national security advisor. She should have been fired.

Benghazi is the blank spot in the Obama presidency.  On "Fox News Sunday" recently, White House aide Dan Pfeiffer was asked about President Barack Obama's whereabouts the night of the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi.  This was the night when we lost our first ambassador in 30 years, and when three other Americans were killed in an attack lasting for hours at multiple locations.  Since the president is commander in chief, one would think that where he was and what he did during such an event would be of obvious public concern.  Not according to Pfeiffer.

The Totalitarianism at the Heart of the Obama Scandals.  [Scroll down]  Let's not forget the ongoing saga of the Benghazi cover-up, although certainly the Obama administration would like for us to do so.  "What difference at this point does it make?" Hillary Clinton snarled in response to questions about her involvement.  "Benghazi happened a long time ago," Obama's press secretary Jay Carney said dismissively when pressed about whistleblowers being prevented from testifying.  This administration would prefer, in true totalitarian fashion, for the whole embarrassing debacle to simply disappear down the "memory hole" George Orwell wrote about in 1984.

Rand Paul demands answers on U.S. gunrunning in Benghazi.  Sen. Rand Paul suspects the U.S. was secretly running guns through the consulate in Benghazi to arm Syrian rebels.  The Kentucky Republican said the Obama administration must provide answers about whether firearms trafficking through Libya was related to the terrorist attack that killed four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.  "We need to ask a lot of people in the administration, including Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and others:  Were we shipping arms to Turkey?  And, was that why the ambassador was there in Benghazi?  And why the CIA annex was there?" Mr. Paul said Sunday [6/9/2013] in an interview with Shannon Bream of Fox News.

The Liberal Creed: Punish the Innocent and Reward the Guilty.  Susan Rice either lied about Benghazi or was irresponsible for not knowing the truth.  Obama is rewarding her with a promotion.  Samantha Power said that America is evil and should apologize for its actions, and she is being rewarded by being named U.S. ambassador to the U.N., where she will fit right in with all the dictators that condemn the U.S.  Meanwhile, the Benghazi whistle-blowers, who spoke truth to power, are being persecuted.

The Scandal Dump is a Smokescreen.  [Scroll down]  I submit that this chain of coordinated releases of scandal after scandal is a ploy by the most corrupt regime in American history to divert national attention from the most damning political catastrophe Obama has ever faced:  Benghazi-gate.  Was the stratagem a botched attempt to have Stevens kidnapped by al-Qaeda and then to offer the Blind Sheik in exchange for the ambassador?  Was the subterfuge a failed attempt to divert the massive Gaddafi weapons cache into the hands of al-Qaeda?

Ten key reasons why the Obama presidency is in meltdown.  [#8]  The Benghazi scandal has been extremely damaging[.]  Much as the Obama administration tries to downplay the significance of the Benghazi scandal, it refuses to go away, with 46 percent of Americans believing "the administration deliberately misled the American people about the events surrounding the death of the American Ambassador to Libya" according to Quinnipiac.

Obama Can't Be Trusted with Power.  [Scroll down]  I would include as evidence to support my assertion the president's routine slander of his opponents, his serially misleading statements (including flat-out falsehoods about the lethal attacks on the Benghazi consulate), the IRS scandal and the public signals the president sent to that agency over the years, the unprecedented targeting of journalists by the Department of Justice and the attorney general's nasty little habit of misleading Congress, Mr. Obama's unusually dishonest campaign against Mitt Romney, and his overall contempt for the rule of law.

Benghazi Mom Calls Susan Rice a Liar.  Pat Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, the information management officer who was killed in the Benghazi attack, was furious with Barack Obama's choice of Susan Rice as National Security Adviser.  Smith said bluntly, "I don't understand why Obama would want a proven liar to be his security adviser.  That makes no sense to me at all."

Internet Surveillance?  The National Security Agency may have been conducting massive surveillance of the Internet through its PRISM program, including surveillance of Facebook — as The Guardian and The Washington Post reported yesterday [6/6/2013] — but that did not prevent the administration from blaming the Benghazi terrorist attack, which a terrorist group was openly taking credit for on Facebook, on a spontaneous reaction to an anti-Muslim video posted on YouTube.

Where was Obama the night four Americans were killed in Benghazi?  Why, after nearly nine months, do we not have an answer to this question yet?  It seems that any time someone asks this question, the subject gets changed and never goes back to it.  So the administration has managed to deflect the question without actually answering it or lying about where he was.  So why won't they just answer the question?

Obama Would Be Toast If Americans Actually Paid Attention To Benghazi.  When it comes to scandals, the IRS targeting conservatives seems to resonate with the public because no one likes the IRS.  The Justice Department snooping on the Associated Press and a Fox News reporter outrages the media so they're finally criticizing the administration.  Both of these scandals, however, leave wiggle room for the president to deny involvement but there is no way for him to escape responsibility for Benghazi.  Fortunately for him, Americans don't seem to care that two Americans fought for their lives waiting hours for assistance that was never ordered by the Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama.

Benghazi, Mon Amour.  Susan Rice is no more qualified to opine on matters of national security than a character from The Wizard of Oz.  Like Obama himself, she is a highly politicized, over-credentialed Scarecrow, with certificates from Stanford, Oxford, and the Brookings Institution in place of a brain.

Jason Chaffetz: Susan Rice Is a Terrible Choice for National Security Adviser.  In a move that is already angering Republican lawmakers, President Obama will name as his next national security adviser Susan Rice, the administration official who delivered (but did not draft) the talking points that downplayed the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, on Sunday television shows in September five days after the incident.

Susan Rice's Consolation Prize.  The news that Susan Rice will be named to replace Tom Donilon as President Obama's national security adviser is not surprising in the least — indeed, it was close to a sure thing as soon as Rice's name was dropped from consideration to be secretary of state.  But there is irony aplenty in this promotion, and it explains why the New York Times is wrong to cast the appointment as "a defiant gesture to Republicans."  The Times joins many commentators on the left in being completely confused by the complicated politics of l'affaire Rice, so it's worth reviewing.

Washington Post Plays 'Hide the Benghazi' In Its Front-page Susan Rice Promotion Story.  Apparently, the Post thinks American values include shameless lying on TV news shows.

The real reason Obama tapped Susan Rice for national security adviser.  [Scroll down]  She has zero credibility with the media, on Capitol Hill, with the foreign policy community and foreign leaders, and is so badly tarnished by the Benghazi scandal that she walks into the job on Day One weak and wounded.  The most obvious problem is her disastrous performance on the Sunday talk shows peddling the administration's fairy tale on Benghazi; when she was either complicit in the cover-up or incompetent.  Either she knew what really happened and deliberately lied to the American people or she was a mere actress who read the script she was given and didn't know enough to question whether the words she spoke were accurate.

Obama's 'Defiant' Tapping of Susan Rice Says He Thinks He Won Benghazi Again.  President Obama is making Susan Rice his national security adviser, even though what she said on five Sunday talk shows about the cause of the attack on an American diplomatic outpost in Libya has been the focus of Republican scrutiny for almost nine months.  Obama "was embittered by the attacks against Rice to an extent unmatched by nearly any other episode in his fight-filled presidency," Politico's Glenn Thrush says.  Picking Rice is a "defiant gesture to Republicans," The New York Times' Mark Landler writes.  It also seems to indicate that the White House thinks Benghazi is kind of over.

'What did he know, and when did he know it?'  [Scroll down]  Then there is Benghazi, Libya, where terrorists affiliated with al Qaeda killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador.  The Washington Post, a newspaper that has been a very strong supporter of the president, gave him "four Pinocchios" for claiming that he initially called it an act of terrorism.  Instead, the administration blamed the attack on a YouTube video, which, it turns out, was a non-event in Benghazi.

Is Obama waging psychological warfare on Americans?  Seen through the lens of psychological warfare, the failure to defend our embassy in Benghazi need not be understood simply as a screw-up.  It could reflect an actual strategy on the part of the administration to reinforce the notion that homicidal violence born of hatred toward America is understandable — even condonable — because we have generated it ourselves and are reaping the harvest of ill will we have sown.  In other words, we should take our punishment.  The president said as much when he blamed the murder of our Ambassador to Libya on a film that criticized Islam.

Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder Still Blocking the Truth.  This is not the first time that Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and Eric Holder have been accused of attempting to thwart a congressional investigation.  Not by a long shot.

State Dept. Report Lists 6 Terror Attacks Last Year in Benghazi Before 9/11 Attack.  All told, there were eleven terrorism-related attacks last year in Libya prior to the 9/11 attack in Benghazi that took the life of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods.  Six of those eleven attacks took place in Benghazi.

Why is the Benghazi military story still classified?  Key details about what manned and unmanned aircraft were in the region, the actions of various emergency response forces, and the deliberations of commanders from the ground up are a U.S. government secret.

Dangerous Times: Benghazi Revealed Collusion with Al Qaida.  Like Watergate, Benghazi has several layers.  But the most revealing one is the active collusion between this administration and Al Qaida.  Al Qaida is a Saudi-inspired and Saudi-funded terror gang.  Almost all of the terrorists on 9/11 were Saudis.  Those facts are always covered up, but they are crucial to understanding the Jihad War.  In Benghazi we ran arms from Libya to Al Qaida rebels in Syria.  The Saudis are funding that rebellion.  There's that Saudi link again.

Louie Gohmert Fumes: If Not For John McCain 'Benghazi Would Not Have Happened'.  Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert has unearthed a new culprit in the Benghazi saga:  fellow Republican John McCain.  Conservative radio host Frank Gaffney asked Gohmert to comment on McCain's "hobnobbing with jihadists" during his recent trip to Syria.  Gohmert brought up a similar trip of McCain's to Libya, where he feels McCain's policy to depose Muammar Gaddafi unleashed the Muslim extremist forces that later attacked the American Consulate in Benghazi.

Benghazi: More Evil Than Anything a President Has Done In Our Lifetimes.  Charles Krauthammer didn't put it in such straightforward language, but why beat around the bush?  This "scandal" will result in Obama's impeachment because it must.  Fiat Justitia, Ruat Caelum.

More about the clamor for Obama's resignation.

GOP Requests 'Benghazi Emails Between Obama's Reelection Campaign and State Department'.  The Republican National Committee announces that it's filing a Freedom of Information Act request for the release of all "Benghazi Emails Between Obama's Reelection Campaign and State Department."

Officials instructed Benghazi hospital to list Stevens as "John Doe".  U.S. officials gave instructions for Benghazi Medical Center to use a "John Doe" pseudonym on the death certificate of Ambassador Christopher Stevens after he died of asphyxiation in the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya.  That's according to a U.S. official speaking on condition of anonymity because the official isn't authorized to speak publicly on the matter.

State Dept. May Not Comply with Congressional Subpoena on Benghazi.  Spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters Wednesday [5/29/2013] that the State Department has not decided if it will comply with a congressional subpoena demanding documents related to the crafting of Benghazi talking points for Susan Rice.  Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) sent a five-page letter on Tuesday explaining why he as chair of the Oversight Committee issued the subpoena and what documents he expects to be delivered by June 7th.

2 Diplomats Met Different Fates in Benghazi Uproar.  The political tempest over last September's deadly attacks on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, has left a path of dented careers in its wake.  But as with many storms, the residual damage is proving to be distinctly uneven.

Blame the President for Benghazi.  When the American mission in Benghazi, Libya was attacked on September 11th, 2012, only one person had the positional authority, legal mandate, and communications apparatus to give the order to defend our personnel on the ground:  the President of the United States.  The President did not give that order, and four Americans died in Benghazi that day.  All the rest of the nonsense to which we have been treated — from prepared talking points, congressional hearings, and finally to the outright lies — matter not when compared to the ignominious moments in which the President of the United States refused to do his job.

Issa subpoenas State Dept. documents on Benghazi talking points.  House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) on Tuesday [5/28/2013] subpoenaed State Department documents related to the Obama administration's talking points that were used after the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

House investigator subpoenas all communications on Benghazi 'talking points'.  House Republicans' chief investigator issued a subpoena Tuesday [5/28/2013] for State Department documents that he said would shed light on how the administration wrote the "talking points" that were used to give a wrong impression of the September terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.  Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell E. Issa told Secretary of State John F. Kerry to provide all communications regarding the talking points from 10 department officials, including Victoria Nuland, who was chief spokeswoman at the time, and Deputy Secretary William Burns.

CBS' Sharyl Attkisson And ABC's Jonathan Karl Unfairly Smeared Over Benghazi Reporting.  [Scroll down]  The administration appears to presume that by activating their supporters to defend the White House against a "vast right-wing conspiracy," they can dilute the gravity of the charge that they willfully misled the public in the wake of the Benghazi attack.  The fact that even Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler gave Pfeiffer's claim three "Pinocchios" has not reduced the zeal with which pro-White House devotees parrot this charge.  Worse still, some of the president's supporters have actively sought to discredit the reputations of both Attkisson and Karl — two of the nation's finest and most credentialed reporters — for misquoting the actual email account.

Benghazi and IRS Targeting: Politics by Other Means.  What do the Benghazi cover-up and the IRS scandal have in common?  They were both about winning elections, under false pretenses.

For Obama, image is everything and the only thing.  The biggest scandal regarding Benghazi may be that the president was not at the helm on 9-11-2011 and was not directing the response to an attack.  His aides insist he was getting updates, but the president is supposed to be more than an inbox for messages from his advisers.  Was he peppering them with questions?  Was he insisting they run through the available rescue options?  The answer to both seems to be no, and for that dereliction of duty he needs to be held accountable.  Maybe he would have been more accurate in his statements after the fact if he had had been plugged in and paying attention during the attacks.

Obama [is] 'a passenger on the ship of state'.  Thanks to mainstream media connivance, the American public has not focused much thought on the abandonment of an ambassador and his protectors, as they waited hour after hour for reinforcements that never arrived.  The president, whose whereabouts that fatal evening are still unknown, is indeed guilty of dereliction of duty.  One has to wonder why the commander in chief was AWOL that evening, as four men under his command died.  A mystery can usually be counted upon to spark public interest, but so far nobody has asked the president at one of his press engagements what [...] he was doing that was more important than managing the response to the 9/11 attacks.

Will The Obama Administration Play Dumb On ObamaCare, Too?  Denial of knowledge seems to be a key strategy of the Obama administration for avoiding responsibility.  First, President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claimed they did not initially know the true nature of the Benghazi embassy attack as Americans were being killed.  Later, they maintained that neither of them was aware of how a wholly falsified story about the attack was created and then promulgated via the press to the American public.

Local Benghazi Victims Honored.  Former Navy SEALs killed while working a CIA security detail in Benghazi are being honored on Memorial Day at Mt. Soledad.

The Man Behind 'Unskewed Polls' Levels Up in Conspiracy Theories.  [Scroll down]  The idea, which actually comes from a blog post by Kevin DuJan, revolves around a sticking point for Benghazi conspiracy theorists:  where was the president during the night of the Benghazi attacks?  This question was reasserted in a Politico piece by the National Review's Rich Lowry last week, to which DuJan's post is apparently a response.

Washington Post blames Benghazigate on Petraeus.  Washington Post reporters Karen DeYoung and Scott Wilson (prompted, undoubtedly, by Team Obama) find that David Petraeus is to blame for the trouble in which the administration finds itself over the Benghazi talking points. [...] In the Post's telling, Petraeus drafted talking points that exceeded the scope of what the House Intelligence Committee asked for. Thus, the talking points had to be changed, and that led to Benghazigate.

The Other Benghazi Scandal.  The complexity of Washington scandals as they unfold usually involves many moments at which it is possible to lose sight of the forest for the trees.  Two such instances have come into sharper relief in recent weeks.  One is that we still have no good explanation for U.N. ambassador Susan Rice's talking points for her round of talk show appearances the Sunday after the 9/11/12 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi.

Dems prepare game plan for Benghazi.  Democrats vow they won't be caught flat-footed when the co-author of the State Department's independent audit on Benghazi appears for a closed-door interview with congressional investigators next month.  Retired Ambassador Thomas Pickering has agreed to be deposed by Rep. Darrell Issa's (R-Calif.) Oversight panel on June 3 after being threatened with a subpoena.

The Stabbing Attack You Haven't Heard About.  [Scroll down]  Why after all that, after Benghazi, after all the pontificating of the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, "what difference at this point does it make", was security at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo not increased?  Security has actually decreased since Mubarak left in 2011.  Why are they only now announcing they are "stepping up security"? [...] Why has the government glossed over this incident as though it were unrelated to the Embassy?

Corruption Starts At The Top.  The e-mails show that talking points alterations were instigated by top officials in the Obama administration, as well as from the State Department.  Those (altered) talking points were marched out on Sunday, September 16, 2012, by (Obama crony) UN Ambassador Susan Rice to try to cover up what actually transpired, and to try to justify in-actions by Obama and Clinton.  The fact that those talking points were subsequently proven demonstrably false has led to the current scandal situation.

U.S. Military: We Could Have Saved Ambassador Stevens.  Elements of the highly specialized Combatant Commanders In-Extremis (CIF) units are always on alert, on forward deployment, ready to respond.  Their job description is to hit the ground in 3 to 5 hours.  CIF elements are ready to engage in active combat anywhere in their region, 3 to 5 hours after the call.  Leon Panetta, Secretary of Defense at the time, either misled the U.S. Congress or was incompetent.  Panetta testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee on February 7, 2013 that the U.S. military could not have responded in less than 9 to 12 hours.

Hillary's — and now Obama's — Vast Left-Wing Cover-Up.  [Scroll down]  But are not Barack and Hillary joined at the hip in their Saul Alinsky ideologies, their Rules for Radicals tactics, and their current tar baby of the Benghazi cover-up?  Back then, in a masterstroke of misdirection and disinformation worthy of Harry Houdini, Hillary loudly alleged (and a compliant left-wing media loudly amplified) a "vast right-wing conspiracy" against both herself and First Husband Bill — with all of the blame going to the dastardly right-wing Republicans.  And so it will be again [...]

Uncle Sam Wants You... Under His Thumb!  The president's behavior, speeches, and policies in the Middle East have emboldened al-Qaeda, its affiliate Ansar al Sharia, and the Muslim Brotherhood.  It was they who were responsible for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi — not, even though Obama kept repeating and having others in his administration continue the fantasy, the result of a nearly unknown YouTube video.  Yet the American people are being instructed to simply wait patiently for Obama, Holder, and the new secretary of state, John Kerry, to smooth things over with these radical jihadists, and everything will be just wonderful as long as we don't "offend" them.

The Stingers of Benghazi.  Earlier this week, Roger L. Simon of PJ Media broke a story with shocking revelations, contending that slain U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens was in Benghazi on September 11 to buy back Stinger missiles from al-Qaeda groups that had been originally provided to them by the U.S. State Department.

Who Outed the CIA Annex in Benghazi?  In a classified hearing, a House panel is trying to figure out how the attack transpired.  Did the attackers know that secret location, or did they learn it that night?

What the White House Really Thinks.  Jay Carney's arrogant contempt for the truth stems from the president's attitude that was on display last week when he had a public temper tantrum about Benghazi questions.  An administration that doesn't believe it should be held accountable is one that is capable of just about anything.  But that's something our colleagues at the AP and Fox News have already discovered.

Obama nominates Nuland for assistant secretary of state.  President Obama on Thursday nominated Victoria Nuland, a State Department official involved in the editing of the administration's talking points on Benghazi, to be the next assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs.  Nuland, a career foreign service officer who was until recently State's top spokesperson, had long been expected to be nominated the post to replace Philip Gordon, who Obama picked to serve as Middle East coordinator for the National Security Council.

Benghazi Investigation Deepens: Lawmakers Seek Interviews of 13 Officials Involved.  As the investigation into the Obama administration's handling of the attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi intensifies, lawmakers on Capitol Hill are seeking to conduct transcribed interviews with thirteen top State Department officials in the coming weeks in order to learn more.  Those named in the letter include a wide range of current and former State Department personnel, from senior advisers to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to mid-level career officials with responsibility for diplomatic security.

Because Of Ideology, Benghazi Terrorists Remain Free.  The U.S. knows who and where five of the Benghazi terrorists are who murdered Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. The Obama administration's ideology keeps them free.

Ten tips for testifying under oath.  [#2]  Don't shout, "What difference does it make?"  Really, it's never a good response to any congressional inquest.

Holding AWOL Obama Accountable.  For eight months, the White House has maneuvered to prevent the truth from emerging on why four Americans were left to be slaughtered.  President Obama calls the ongoing controversy over talking points used by Ambassador Susan Rice a "sideshow."  In fact, they are less important than what the president refuses to address — why no rescue attempt was made. [...] Where were you, Mr. President, and who decided not to attempt a rescue?  We the people have a right to know.

Issa's panel inching closer to asking for Hillary Clinton's testimony on Benghazi.  Members of the House Oversight Committee are getting closer to asking Hillary Clinton to testify on last year's deadly attacks in Benghazi, Libya.  Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) told The Hill that there are "a number of steps" that the panel "will take first" before calling the former secretary of State to the hearing room, but he left the door open to compelling her appearance.  "We have a number of steps that we are taking to get full and complete discovery," Issa said.

No backbone.
Despite momentum, GOP leadership still against special Benghazi committee.  While momentum has been building inside the House Republican conference for a special congressional committee to investigate last year's terrorist attacks in Benghazi, the GOP leadership is making it clear they still have no enthusiasm for establishing such a committee.  About two-thirds of House Republicans — 153 in total — have signed on to the resolution offered by Rep. Frank Wolf of Virginia to establish "a select committee to investigate and report on the attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya."

Sources challenge White House claim of all-hands-on-deck pursuit of Benghazi suspects.  U.S. military sources serving in North Africa are challenging the latest White House claim that the administration is applying "all the resources" at its disposal to bring the Benghazi attackers to justice, charging instead that the Obama administration knows who is responsible but is not acting.

Senators: 'What We Do Not Know' About Benghazi.  Three U.S. senators have identified the missing parts of the response to the Benghazi terror attack.  In a statement, Senators Kelly Ayotte, Lindsey Graham, and John McCain list "What We Do Not Know" about Benghazi.

Petraeus's role in drafting Benghazi talking points raises questions.  The controversy over the Obama administration's response to the Benghazi attack last year began at a meeting over coffee on Capitol Hill three days after the assault.  It was at this informal session with the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that the ranking Democrat asked David H. Petraeus, who was CIA director at the time, to ensure that committee members did not inadvertently disclose classified information when talking to the news media about the attack.

Ex-Diplomats Report New Benghazi Whistleblowers with Info Devastating to Clinton and Obama.  These whistleblowers, colleagues of the former diplomats, are currently securing legal counsel because they work in areas not fully protected by the Whistleblower law.  According to the diplomats, what these whistleblowers will say will be at least as explosive as what we have already learned about the scandal, including details about what really transpired in Benghazi that are potentially devastating to both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

State Department Denies Libya Weapons Buyback program Exists.  Gunrunning from Libya into Syria is a violation of international law.  Furthermore, one has to ask how arming rebels in Syria would serve America's interests because it doesn't.  Just like it didn't serve America's interest in Egypt or Libya where the Muslim Brotherhood has steadily gotten or is gaining power.  Arms running would also explain why the Obama-Clinton regime gave "stand-down" orders and denied providing any help to Americans in peril.

Four honorable American men are dead, this buffoon finds the whole thing laughable.
Howard Dean: 'Benghazi is a Laughable Joke'.  Former Democratic National committee chairman Howard Dean considers the controversy over Benghazi a "joke" and "silly."  "Benghazi is a laughable joke," Dean proclaimed twice last week in a discussion with Republican National Committee communications chairman Sean Spicer.  "With all due respect, governor, when four Americans die serving this country, that's not a joke, sir," Spicer responded.

FBI ID's Benghazi suspects — but no arrests yet.  The U.S. has identified five men who might be responsible for the attack on the diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, last year, and has enough evidence to justify seizing them by military force as suspected terrorists, officials say.

Uh-Oh: Hillary's Benghazi Scapegoat Speaks Out.  The Daily Beast reports that one of the Benghazi fall guys is refusing to take the fall.  Raymond Maxwell was put on indefinite leave by the State Department after its Administrative Review Board (ARB) investigation of Benghazi for reasons that are still unknown to him.  The person he claims made the decision to cast him out was Cheryl Mills — Hillary Clinton's former chief of staff and counsel at the State Department.

Benghazi: Where Was President Waldo During Attack?  The lack of a timeline for what the commander-in-chief was doing the night terrorists murdered our ambassador to Libya and three others is an "irrelevant fact," according to a key White House aide. [...] Following in [former U.N. Ambassador Susan] Rice's footsteps, he announced that the details of where President Obama was and what he was doing that fateful night were an "irrelevant fact."

The mystery night.  On "Fox News Sunday" last weekend, White House aide Dan Pfeiffer was asked about President Barack Obama's whereabouts the night of the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi.  This was the night when we lost our first ambassador in 30 years, and when three other Americans were killed in an attack that lasted all night long at multiple locations within the eastern Libyan city.  Since the president is commander in chief, one would think where he was and what he did during such an event would be of obvious public concern.  Not according to Pfeiffer.

Obama's Mr. Irrelevant.  Dan Pfeiffer's job title is "senior advisor to the president for strategy and communications."  And on five television shows Sunday [5/19/2013], he all too clearly communicated the White House's strategy of remaining unclear on pertinent details about scandals now dogging President Barack Obama.  "Fox News" host Chris Wallace pressed Mr. Pfeiffer on "one lingering question" about last Sept. 11's terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya:  "What did the president do that night?"

Despite the WaPost, Benghazi Is a Major Scandal.  [Scroll down]  The most obvious red flag is the administration's treatment of Gregory Hicks, the former deputy chief of mission in Libya.  Here we have a career public servant of impeccable reputation (and personally a Democrat, no less) who has said he was A) ordered not to talk to a Republican congressman; B) berated for daring to voice internal dissent from talking points he knew for a fact were untrue; C) actually demoted for trying to insist on the truth; and D) then in effect called a liar by the administration for claiming he had been demoted — which is not even a disputable fact, because no matter how one explains it away, moving from deputy chief of mission to a desk officer slot is by any reasonable definition a demotion.

Issa Warns Hillary.  Since Hillary Clinton last came up to Capitol Hill, we've learned senior State Department officials sought to scrub references to terrorism from the infamous Benghazi talking points to insulate Foggy Bottom from political criticism — citing concerns of their "building's leadership" to justify the demands.

It Can Happen Here.  [Scroll down]  While we all knew that a filmmaker did not prompt a riot that just happened to kill four Americans, we did not, until the testimony of State Department officials and the published communications of White House, CIA, and State Department staffers, appreciate just how far the administration would go to further a false narrative.  And quite a myth it was:  lead-from-behind Libya was still a success; al-Qaeda was still scattered; Obama was still on the global front lines condemning anti-Islamic bigots like Mr. Nakoula, whose religious hatred supposedly had spawned violence that even the Nobel laureate Barack Obama could not deter.

Exclusive: Hillary's Benghazi 'Scapegoat' Speaks Out.  Following the attack in Benghazi, Libya, senior State Department officials close to Hillary Clinton ordered the removal of a midlevel official who had no role in security decisions and has never been told the charges against him.  He is now accusing Clinton's team of scapegoating him for the failures that led to the death of four Americans last year.

The Sharyl Attkisson Approach.  Sharyl Attkisson has problems.  The Obama administration won't answer the CBS News correspondent's questions because her investigations — into Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Solyndra — often reflect negatively on it.  Some colleagues at CBS News, where she has worked for two decades and earned multiple Emmy awards, dismiss her work because they perceive a political agenda.  And now, she says, someone may have hacked into her computers.

CBS Is Investigating How A Reporter's Computer Was Compromised.  CBS told Business Insider that it is "investigating" a claim by investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson alleging an ongoing intrusion into her computers.  Attkisson made the claim Tuesday morning [5/21/2013] during an interview with host Chris Stigall on WPHT Philadelphia.  "There's been an issue in my home and an issue with my computers," Attkisson said on the radio show.  "It's gone on for quite a long time."

CBS' Attkisson Reports She's Been Shut Out by White House.  Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News has been one of the few reporters attempting to dig deep into controversial stories.  But after her work on Fast and Furious and Benghazi, she is now reporting that she's been shut out of the information loop by the White House.

Sharyl Attkisson's computers compromised.  Sharyl Attkisson, the Emmy-award winning CBS News investigative reporter, says that her personal and work computers have been compromised and are under investigation.  "I can confirm that an intrusion of my computers has been under some investigation on my end for some months but I'm not prepared to make an allegation against a specific entity today as I've been patient and methodical about this matter," Attkisson told POLITICO on Tuesday [5/21/2013].  "I need to check with my attorney and CBS to get their recommendations on info we make public."

What good is a secret funeral?
CIA Honored Benghazi Chief in Secret Ceremony.  Part of why the State Department has taken the brunt of the political blame for the Benghazi attack, writes Eli Lake, is that clandestine services by definition have very little public oversight.

Outside the Gates.  An American ambassador and three courageous Americans died at Benghazi and we still don't have the slightest idea where the Commander in Chief was during the eight hour fire fight.  We don't know who gave the stand down orders to special forces operators who could have gotten to the scene in time to save lives.

CNN's Crowley Admits Obama Didn't Call Benghazi a Terror Attack.  On the May 19 broadcast of CNN's State of the Union, host Candy Crowley said that Obama was late in identifying the attacks in Benghazi as terrorism quite contrary to what she said during the Presidential debates late last year.

Extortion 17

Air Force Witness of Extortion 17 Attack on SEALs Said We Were Lied To.  The families of some of the 17 SEAL Team 6 commandos who were [killed] in an ambush in Afghanistan during a helicopter flight to help Army Rangers pinned down by Taliban gunmen accused the Obama administration of deliberately endangering their loved ones for political ends.  Now a highly decorated, retired Air Force officer is coming forward, breaking her silence to speak out on what she witnessed in one of the deadliest attacks on Navy SEALs in U.S. history.  Her testimony details how the government covered up evidence in the 2011 downing of a Chinook helicopter gunship that [killed] a total of 38 military personnel in Afghanistan and how the attack that took so many lives could have been prevented if it were not for the restrictions to the military's rules of engagement instituted under the Obama administration.

The Editor says...
This is interesting:  The first sentence of this article was apparently quoted verbatim from USNews.

A retired Air Force captain says Pentagon covered up real cause of deadly chopper crash.  A decorated retired Air Force officer who witnessed one of the most deadly attacks on Navy SEALs in U.S. history is breaking her silence, saying the government covered up evidence detailing that the 2011 downing of a Chinook helicopter gunship that killed 38 fighters in Afghanistan could have been prevented had it not been for restrictions to the military's rules of engagement that were changed under the Obama administration.

First Night at GOP Convention Reminds America of Obama Administration's Deadliest Scandals.  Karen Vaughn is the mother of fallen SEAL Team 6 member Aaron Vaughn.  Vaughn was killed along side 30 other Americans, most of whom were SEALs, on August 6, 2011 when their helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan.  The attack came just three months after the killing of Osama bin Laden.  Vaughn and her husband, Billy Vaughn, have argued restrictive rules of engagement led to his death.  The Obama administration has also been accused of a cover-up surrounding the investigation of the shoot down.

Obama administration accused of stonewalling in suit over downing of SEAL Team 6 chopper.  The Obama administration was accused Thursday of ignoring a judge's order to turn over documents in the downing of a helicopter that killed Navy SEALs from the unit that carried out the raid on Usama bin Laden.  Families of Navy SEAL Team 6 members and others killed in the attack marked the fourth anniversary of the Aug. 6, 2011, tragedy by blasting the government for stonewalling in a public records lawsuit filed by the watchdog group Freedom Watch, the Washington Times reported.  All 38 people aboard the chopper, call sign Execution 17, were killed over the Wardak Province in Afghanistan, including 30 Americans.

Obama stonewalls SEAL Team 6 helicopter crash probe, watchdog says.  The Obama administration is violating a judge's order to turn over documents in the Aug. 6, 2011, shootdown of a U.S. helicopter — call sign Extortion 17 — that killed members of SEAL Team 6 in Afghanistan, a watchdog group is charging.  On the fourth anniversary of the worst one-day loss of military life in the war on terror, families of the dead say they are aghast that the government will not honor basic requests under the Freedom of Information Act.

The Final Flight of Extortion 17.  A Taliban fighter shot the helicopter out of the sky with a rocket-propelled grenade and all aboard were killed — the single greatest loss of American life in the Afghan war.  Those killed ranked among the world's most highly trained and experienced commandos, including 15 men from Gold Squadron of the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, popularly called SEAL Team 6.

The Shocking True Story of Extortion 17 as Told by a Navy SEAL's Father.  Members of the United States Navy SEALs are a special kind of human, incredibly smart athletes with unthinkable endurance and unimaginable tolerance for pain.  The greatest attribute of a SEAL is devotion.  But in a brand new book, a tragic truth is revealed about the Obama Administration's unrequited devotion from our most selfless of heroes.  Aaron Carson Vaughn is honored by his heartbroken dad in Betrayed, The Shocking True Story of Extortion 17 as told by a Navy SEAL's Father.

Families suspect SEAL Team 6 crash was inside job on worst day in Afghanistan.  Questions haunt the families of Extortion 17, the 2011 helicopter mission in Afghanistan that suffered the most U.S. military deaths in a single day in the war on terrorism.  The investigative file made available to The Washington Times shows that the helicopter's landing zone was not properly vetted for threats nor protected by gunships, while commanders criticized the mission as too rushed and the conventional Chinook chopper as ill-suited for a dangerous troop infiltration.

Before Benghazi, There Was Extortion 17.  Karen and Billy Vaughn are the parents of a fallen Navy Seal, Aaron Carson Vaughn.  I met with the Vaughns when I spoke to a sold-out Tea Party event in Fort Lauderdale in June.  The Vaughns are extraordinary heroes.  Their courage to speak about Obama's crippling rules of engagement is to be applauded.  The Vaughns have exposed the delusional U.S. military "rules of engagement" policy that led to the takedown of a Chinook helicopter, Extortion 17, by the Taliban.

Afghanistan's Benghazi: The Shoot-Down of Extortion 17.  We still don't know who in the U.S. government gave the order not to rescue Americans under fire for eight and a half hours, and how and why such an unconscionable order was given.  We still don't know who convinced senior White House officials to tell grieving parents meeting their children's caskets that a video-maker, not jihad against the West, was to blame for the assault that took four American lives — or what the political motivation was.  This is a national disgrace.

Did Afghan Officials Play Deadly Role in Navy SEALs Helo Crash?  Because the deaths of these "silent professionals" came only weeks after Vice President Joe Biden compromised operational security by disclosing details about their unit's involvement in a raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan, some people — including family members and friends of SEALs killed in the crash — believe the SEALs may have been sacrificed by the Obama Administration to appease followers of bin Laden.  More likely, however, is that they were set up by unvetted or poorly-vetted Afghan officials allowed to work closely with U.S. and Coalition Forces decision-makers.

Examples of Obama Setting Military Up For Failure OR Devastating Attack.  There was NO WAY all those seals should have been on one helicopter.  I'm not in the military and even I knew putting 22 members of Seal Team 6 on ONE HELICOPTER in AFGHANISTAN was insanity.  Why?  For the exact thing that happened.

Where Was Obama on Night of Benghazi Attack? President's Senior Adviser Ducks and Dodges.  President Obama "was kept up to date" on the terror attack in Benghazi "throughout the entire night, from the moment it started until the very end," the president's senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer told "Fox News Sunday."  But repeatedly pressed for details on where the president was and what the president was doing on the night of Sept. 11, 2012, Pfeiffer dodged the question, saying only that Obama was "kept up to date with the events as they were happening."

About those "doctored" Benghazi e-mails.  We're seeing a story being pushed by administration supporters, up to and including Democratic congressmen, claiming that the Benghazi e-mails were intentionally altered by the GOP for political purposes.  When you run into these smug, told-ya-so defenders of the White House, you should calmly point them to this article from Jonathan Strong at National Review, where this claim is firmly debunked.

Did Obama Withhold Cross-Border Authority?  [Scroll down]  I can't believe cross-border authority permission is not one of the top discussion points about Benghazi.  That, and who "set him up" by sending him to Beghazi to meet the Turks on 9-11, with them leaving after dark.  And of course, down the road, was the military rescue-in-progress turned back because Obama actually wanted to make sure the consulate was wiped out?  Is that why the spooks at the annex were refused permission to travel the under one mile to intervene?  That would connect it all together, but for now, the best focus is on Obama either granting or withholding cross-border authority for the rescue.

Benghazi as Lazarus, Back from the Dead.  There is still a huge amount we do not know about the event.  But more and more pieces of the puzzle are being unearthed, dusted off, and fit into the mosaic.  And the more we know, the worse it looks for Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Schieffer to Obama Advisor: 'Why Are You Here? Why Isn't the White House Chief of Staff Here?'.  As NewsBusters reported two weeks ago, CBS's Bob Schieffer is fed up with the White House's talking points concerning what happened at our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, last September.  His impatience continued on Sunday's [5/19/2013] Face the Nation when Obama senior advisor Dan Pfeiffer gave stock answers to questions about the three crises facing the President [...]

Pfeiffer Stretches the Truth on Benghazi Emails.  On the Sunday shows today [5/19/2013], White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer sought to discredit criticism over how the infamous Benghazi talking points were scrubbed of references to terrorism by focusing on the differences between how ABC News described a single White House email and its actual text.

The Impeachment Option.  Representative Jason Chaffetz, a Utah Republican, says President Barack Obama may face impeachment over his administration's response to the Benghazi attack.  "They purposefully and willfully misled the American people, and that's unacceptable," Chaffetz tells me.  "It's part of a pattern of deception."  Behind the scenes, he says, House Republicans are frustrated by the White House's evasiveness, and the calls for impeachment will likely increase.

When It Rains, It Pours.  Even when he's been publicly corrected, Obama repeats mistruths.  At his press conference last week, the president spoke of the attack on the American facility in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012.  "The day after it happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism," Obama said.  Only he hadn't.  What Obama actually said in the Rose Garden on September 12 was:  "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for."  It was a generic mention of terror, not directed at the Benghazi attack.

What Hurts the Most about Benghazi.  I can't look my old liberal friends in the eye after Benghazi.  Most partisan disagreements are forgivable, and I try hard not to lose dear friends over politics.  Benghazi is different.  Benghazi isn't political for me.  Benghazi is about Americans fighting jihadis for their lives and being abandoned to die by politicians.  It is about Obama and Clinton calculating what the headlines would look like if they tried to save them or if they did nothing.  They chose nothing, and they almost got away with it.

WH: 'Irrelevant' Where Obama Was During Benghazi Attacks.  On Fox News Sunday this morning [5/19/2013], White House spokesman Dan Pfeiffer was asked by Chris Wallace where in the White House President Obama was during the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans.  "Question," asked Wallace.  "What did the President do the rest of that night to pursue Benghazi?"

Obama Aide: 'Irrelevant Fact' Where President Was During Benghazi Attacks.  [Fox News Sunday] Host Chris Wallace reminds Pfeiffer that Obama didn't really talk with Secretary Clinton, Secretary Panetta, or Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that night.  "He was talking to his national security staff," Pfeiffer insists.  Asked about whether the president entered the Situation Room, Pfeiffer says, "I don't remember what room the president was in on that night, and that's a largely irrelevant fact."

The Editor says...
Was he bowing toward Mecca?  Was he stoned?  Did he go someplace he shouldn't be?  Whatever Mr. Obama was doing, it must have been something truly disgraceful and reprehensible, or the White House would not be so reluctant to answer this simple question.

At least someone in the MSM covers Benghazi.  Jay Carney insists Benghazi, Libya, is not a scandal, but then he doesn't admit to having misled the media about the origin of the attacks.  The administration now tells CBS News, "We're portrayed by Republicans as either being lying or idiots.  It's actually closer to us being idiots."

It's Time to Discuss the Secret CIA Operation at the Heart of the Benghazi Scandal.  In eight months since an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi left four Americans dead, a Republican-led investigation has focused on potential missteps by the White House — and come away with nothing significant.  There has been little attention given, however, to covert actions by the Central Intelligence Agency that were partially uncovered during the September 11, 2012 attack.  That may be changing.

Internal Memo Proves That CBS' Sharyl Attkisson Did Not Get Benghazi Emails Story Wrong.  [Scroll down]  One reporter who has been accused of repeating falsified talking points given to her by Republicans is CBS News investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson.  A memo sent to CBS News talent and producers, and obtained by Mediaite, shows that is simply untrue, and that Attkisson made clear in her original draft report that what she was privy only to "paraphrased" portions of "handwritten notes" that members of certain Congressional Committees were able to access.

Obama adminstration talking points scrubbed jihadists from Cairo as well as Benghazi.  In the days after the Benhazi attack, the State Department scurried to cover up its failure to heed warnings of such attacks while the White House scurried to cover up the fact that that attacks were the work of al Qaeda-linked terrorists of the sort President Obama supposedly had largely vanquished.  The final Benghazi "talking points" and Susan Rice's talk show appearances represent the product of this scurrying.

Chris Wallace Grills White House Adviser Over Benghazi Emails, Talking Points.  White House Senior Adviser Dan Pfeiffer made the Sunday show rounds this week, including a stop at Fox News Sunday, where Chris Wallace pressed him on the administration's handling of and response to the Benghazi attack. Wallace persisted on the topic of the emails about the talking points in particular — but the two couldn't manage to agree.

Obama's Secret to Corruption: Never Appoint a Special Counsel.  Did you scratch your head when not a single Justice Department or ATF official went to jail for sending hundreds of guns over the border to Mexican drug lords with the expressed purpose of fomenting violent crime?  Do you really think high ranking government officials are going to be held accountable for the now blazing IRS and Benghazi scandals?

The Worst President Ever.  [Obama's] priority on September 11, 2012, the night in which he was informed of the attack on the Benghazi consulate in Libya, was to go to bed in order to get a good night's sleep before flying off to Las Vegas for more fund-raising the next day, skipping his daily intelligence briefing.  An American ambassador had been killed along with three other personnel, but it did not alter his schedule.

Pfeiffer on IRS Scandal: The Law Is Irrelevant.  White House advisor Dan Pfeiffer said "the law is irrelevant" when asked by ABC's George Stephanopoulos Sunday about whether President Obama thought the IRS' targeting of conservative groups was illegal:  STEPHANOPOULOS:  What does the president believe?  Does the president believe that would be illegal?  PFEIFFER:  I can't speak to the law here.  The law is irrelevant.  The activity was outrageous and inexcusable and we need it to be fixed so it doesn't happen again.

WH: Republicans 'Owe Ambassador Rice an Apology' for Benghazi Criticisms.  White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer took to ABC's This Week [5/19/2013] to defend the Obama administration's actions in the aftermath of the Benghazi terrorist attack of September 11, 2012.  In the process of doing so, he came out in full-fledged battle mode for UN Ambassador Susan Rice.

WH: 'Irrelevant' Who Edited Benghazi Talking Points.  Appearing on CBS' Face the Nation [5/19/2013], White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer said that it was "largely irrelevant" who edited the talking points the Obama administration trotted out in the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

Woodward: It Isn't Watergate, but It Is Nixonian.  Veteran journalist Bob Woodward accused Obama administration officials of invoking the worst instincts of former President Richard Nixon in their response to last year's deadly attack on two U.S. compounds in Benghazi, Libya.  "This is not Watergate, but there are some people in the administration who have acted as if they want to be Nixonian, and that's a very big problem," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press." [5/17/2013]

What Did John Brennan Know?  If a thorough investigation is conducted into the origins of the al-Qaida attacks on Benghazi, Republicans will regret not blocking John Brennan's confirmation as CIA director.

White House Lied About Editing Benghazi Talking Points.  A new email dump shows that the White House, contrary to public statements, was heavily involved in editing the Benghazi talking points to remove all references to it being a terrorist attack.

Benghazi Narrative Shift Was Perfectly Clintonian.  "We've seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful Internet video that we had nothing do to with," said Hillary Clinton to the families of the four Americans killed at Benghazi and others gathered at a September 2012 memorial service.  Her boss, President Barack Obama, had been reciting the same lie in one forum after another in the days following the September 11 attack on the American outpost in Benghazi.  To give the lie credence, his Justice Department immured the producer of the video, a Coptic Christian named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, in a West Texas prison.

The Benghazi email dump leaves some big questions unanswered.
What About the Video?  From the beginning, there have been two big questions about the administration's deceptive spin on Benghazi:  How were the talking points whittled down to virtually nothing from the CIA's original draft?  And how did a previously obscure YouTube video gain such prominence in the administration's explanation of what happened in Benghazi?  The emails fill in at least some of the details about the talking points.  They also leave in ruins administration claims that White House and State Department officials were mere bystanders in the process.  But how, exactly, the video became so prominent in the administration's public rhetoric remains something of a mystery.

State Dept. security officers union endorses Benghazi select committee.  The union representing the State Department's security officers has endorsed House Republicans' call for a special panel to investigate the Obama administration's handling of Benghazi.  J. Adler, the national president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, wrote to Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) on Friday [5/17/2013] to call for a "bipartisan" select committee to be formed "immediately."  The union represents 26,000 federal officers, including those working for the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security.

Obama and the "Official Truth".  Nakoula Basseley Nakoula has been sitting in a US federal prison in Texas since his photographed midnight arrest by half a dozen deputy sheriffs at his home in California for violating the terms of his parole.  As many reporters have noted, the parole violation in question would not generally lead to anything more than a court hearing.  But in Nakoula's case, it led to a year in a federal penitentiary.  Because he wasn't really arrested for violating the terms of his parole.  Nakoula was arrested for producing an anti-Islam film that the Obama administration was falsely blaming for the al-Qaida assault on the US Consulate in Benghazi and the brutal murder of US ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans on September 11, 2012.

Woodward Compares Benghazi To Watergate.  Bob Woodward appeared on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" this Friday morning and, in stark contrast to his less-concerned Watergate colleague Carl Bernstein, he admonished the show's hosts to "not dismiss Benghazi" and compared the White House's behavior over CIA/State Department talking points with President Nixon's handling of edited transcripts of taped conversations in the oval office.

The Clinton Scandal Playbook and Benghazi.  The punditocracy is pulling out its collective hair, wanting to know why there have apparently been multiple layers of cover-ups in the evolving Benghazi story.  An early scandal from the Clinton administration, the so-called "Travelgate" scandal, may be instructive.

Rep. Issa subpoenas Benghazi auditor Thomas Pickering.  The lawmaker leading the charge to investigate the Benghazi, Libya, terror attack on Friday [5/17/2013] subpoenaed the co-author of a report that slammed the State Department but didn't interview Hillary Clinton.  House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) formally demanded that retired Ambassador Thomas Pickering submit to being deposed by the committee next Thursday.

President Obama's Emptiest Benghazi Talking Point.  On Sept. 12, 2012, President Barack Obama vowed to "bring to justice" the perpetrators of the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya.  On Oct. 26, 2012, Obama said his "biggest priority" was bringing the "folks" in Libya responsible for murdering four Americans to "justice."  Tick, tock, tick, tock.  While White House press secretary Jay Carney sneers at the GOP's "obsession" with what went wrong at the besieged Libyan consulate, Obama continues to ply his emptiest talking point.

Officials on Benghazi: "We made mistakes, but without malice".  The officials spoke to CBS News in a series of interviews and communications under the condition of anonymity so that they could be more frank in their assessments.  They do not all agree on the list of mistakes and it's important to note that they universally claim that any errors or missteps did not cost lives and reflect "incompetence rather than malice or cover up."

When it rains, it pours: Ten press conference take aways.  [#9] Obama wasn't asked about his whereabouts on the night of the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attack, the dissembling about the video that Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said set off the attacks in Libya or about his administration's negligence in anticipating al-Qaeda terrorism in Libya even after other governments pulled their people out.

CBS' Attkisson: 'There Hasn't Been an Appetite for the Stories I've Offered on Benghazi'.  CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson has been one of the more aggressive reporters covering the aftermath of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi last September.  But the veteran CBS News reporter feels the story's she's pitched lately are getting picked up on the TV network.

Petraeus Email Objected to Benghazi Talking Points.  Then CIA-Director David Petraeus objected to the final talking points the Obama administration used after the deadly assault on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, because he wanted to see more details revealed to the public, according to emails released Wednesday by the White House.

The Benghazi Emails: What Do They Show?  This afternoon [5/15/2013] the White House released 100 pages of emails that trace the development of the talking points about Benghazi that Susan Rice eventually used on her notorious tour of the Sunday morning news shows, and that formed the basis for much of what the Obama administration said about the attacks for weeks afterward.  This is the original version of the talking points that came out of the CIA, with slight revisions.  Note that this initial version is ambiguous, reflecting what was probably genuine uncertainty on the part of the drafters.  Note, too, that there is no reference to any YouTube video.

The Benghazi Emails: Talking Points Changed at State Dept.'s Request.  After months of demands from Republicans in Congress, the White House has released emails related to what the administration said in the days after the terrorist attack in Benghazi.  The emails confirm the ABC News report that the so-called "talking points" written by the CIA on the attack underwent extensive revisions — 12 versions — and that substantial changes were made after the State Department expressed concerns.

Todd: Released Benghazi Emails Raise More Questions.  NBC political reporter Chuck Todd told "The Today Show" Thursday the released Benghazi emails raise more questions about the argument between the CIA and the State Department over the talking points, particularly given that then-CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus dismissed them at the time as uninformative.  "I think that this raises more questions about what was the argument going on between the State Department and CIA," Todd said.

Benghazi scandal is an affront to the American military ethos.  As information about the Benghazi affair continues to issue forth, it is raising more questions than answers.  One of the most important questions regards the forestallment of any significant military response.

Red herring alert!
The Benghazi deception.  Like a levy that has been suspiciously breached, the informational flood created by these news events is without recent precedent.  The timing of this flood is of particularly critical importance.  The headlines are diverting our attention away from a critical window of investigative value relating to Benghazi.  Could it be that we're seeing a form of force majeure being implemented to overwhelm and distract us from something far more important to truth seekers and consequently, much more lethal to Obama's second term?  Perhaps the Cloward-Piven strategy adapted and modified for the modern news cycles of today?

Death in Benghazi, Dishonor in Washington.  At a moment when four Americans found their dependence on government at an all-time high — when their very lives hung in the balance — they were orphaned by the state, left to die on a soil that was not their own.

Lawless in office.  The White House and State Department systematically manipulated the intelligence to cover up the terrorist killings of four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.  The administration misled the public in order to protect Mr. Obama's political credibility, enabling him to win in November.  The president's campaign was based on a seminal premise:  He had smashed al Qaeda.  If the truth got out — namely, that al Qaeda was not on the run, but it had just mounted a stunning terrorist assault on our diplomatic mission in Libya — Mr. Obama would have been exposed as a fraud.  It would have cost him the election.  He knew it, the Democrats knew it, and the liberal media knew it.  That's why Benghazi had to be swept under the rug.

Exclusive: Holder Says 'No' to Special Counsel to Investigate Benghazi.  Breitbart News has obtained an exclusive video of Attorney General Eric Holder flatly rejecting the idea of appointing a special counsel to investigate Benghazi.

Benghazi Emails Directly Contradict White House Claims.  The White House on Wednesday [5/15/2013] released 94 pages of emails between top administration and intelligence officials who helped shape the talking points about the attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that the CIA would provide to policymakers in both the legislative and executive branches. [...] The emails provide further detail about the rewriting of the talking points during a 24-hour period from midday September 14 to midday September 15.

Benghazi emails show State Department had heavy hand in watering down account of attack.  State Department officials repeatedly objected to — and tried to water down — references to Islamic extremist groups and prior security warnings in the administration's initial internal story-line on the Benghazi attack, according to dozens of emails and notes released by the White House late Wednesday [5/15/2013].

Obama and Hillary's Gunrunning Benghazi aftermath.  Libya has become dangerously unstable.  It is a land loaded with armed fighters affiliated with al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.  Who do we have to thank for that?  The Obama-Clinton regime.

State Department shuts down Benghazi questions.  "You'll have to take my word for it," said a spokesperson for the most transparent administration in history when reporters asked her to substantiate her claim that the CIA removed references to terrorists from the Benghazi talking points before the State Department ever saw them.

How Can We Understand Benghazi Without Probing the CIA's Role?  After catching up on coverage of the Benghazi attack over the weekend, there's something that has me very confused: why are so many journalists ignoring the fact that the Americans there were mostly CIA?  Here's how The New York Times began a Benghazi story published online Sunday:  "A House committee chairman vowed Sunday to seek additional testimony on the Obama administration's handling of last year's deadly attack on the American diplomatic post in Libya."

What Is It About Benghazi?  There are faint signs of cognition in Maureen Dowd's latest column, which raises the remote possibility that the brain-dead left is not completely dead, but only mostly dead — in terms of its ability to hold a critical thought about the disastrous Obama presidency for half a second or more.  She wrote in Sunday's New York Times:  "The administration's behavior before and during the attack on Benghazi, in which four Americans died, was unworthy of the greatest power on earth."  She used the word "unworthy."

Benghazi Reveals the Heart of Progressivism.  In the first months after the Benghazi attack, the most urgent question, and one only rarely asked, was "What were Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton doing during the seven and a half hours between the initial emergency communications from Benghazi and the final American deaths?"  A negative answer was provided in February by Leon Panetta:  they were not engaging with their subordinates; they were not contacting anyone to discuss options; they were giving no orders for action; they remained entirely uninvolved.  We are left to speculate about the positive answer to that question.  Were they sleeping?

Why did Hillary Clinton tie Benghazi to video on 9/11/12 if she talked to whistleblower during attack?  Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued a statement that attributed the Benghazi attack to the now-infamous anti-Islam YouTube video in a statement on the day of the assault, even though she talked to a State Department official in Libya about the attack as it was unfolding.

Don't Blow It on Benghazi: The Focus Must Be Obama, NOT Clinton.  America could be on the cusp of a great victory — a victory for accountability and truth.  The Benghazi debacle is, at last, breaking into the public consciousness.  Indeed, in its outlines, finally visible as the coverup unravels, Benghazi is starting to look like a scandal, bringing up memories of an earlier scandal, Watergate.  Yet the Republicans could still blow it, not only for themselves, but much more importantly, for the country.

The Malignant Narcissist and the Benghazi 'Snuff Film'.  Credible sources indicate that the president of the United States watched in real time what might well be called the Benghazi snuff film.  Among those sources is retired Lt. Col. Tony Schaffer. [...] "This was in the middle of the business day in Washington, so everybody at the White House, CIA, Pentagon, everybody was watching this go down," Shaffer said on Fox News.  "According to my sources, yes, [Obama] was one of those in the White House Situation Room in real-time watching this."

PolitiFact: Obama Claim Benghazi Review Board 'Investigated Every Element' Is Pure Fiction.  For months, conservative media has been howling over the falsehood that the Accountability Review Board (ARB) offered a thorough investigation into the September 11 terror attack in Benghazi. [...] On Monday, President Obama tried this ruse again.  But now that the media has finally woken up from a five-year infatuation, he isn't getting away with it.

Benghazi's smoking guns.  I think there was a lot of mischief behind those talking points, which we now know were sanitized, folded, spindled and mutilated to fit a political agenda.  But it's worth remembering that Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton didn't get their information from the talking points.  They got their information earlier and from much higher authorities, like then-CIA Director David H. Petraeus.

Benghazi emails show State Department had heavy hand in watering down account of attack.  State Department officials repeatedly objected to — and tried to water down — references to Islamic extremist groups and prior security warnings in the administration's initial internal story-line on the Benghazi attack, according to dozens of emails and notes released by the White House late Wednesday [5/15/2013].

GOP defies Boehner on special Benghazi panel.  House Republican members are defying Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and five committee chairmen by endorsing a measure that would set up a special panel to investigate the deadly attacks in Benghazi, Libya.  A growing number of members on the committees with jurisdiction over the Benghazi matter — Intelligence, Judiciary, Oversight and Government Reform, Armed Services and Foreign Affairs — have signed onto Rep. Frank Wolf's (R-Va.) resolution.

Republicans want new Clinton testimony on Benghazi, float possibility of subpoena.  Calls are growing for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to return to Capitol Hill — under subpoena, if necessary — to answer new questions that have surfaced about her role in the response to the Benghazi terror attack.  "I believe she was disconnected and dispassionate about what was happening," House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa told Fox News on Monday [5/13/2013].  During the interview, Issa kept the option of forcing Clinton to testify on the table.

Benghazi: Murder and Treachery Most Foul?  [Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans] died because men who could have saved them were not sent to help.  Pirro states both Obama and Clinton lied, leaving all four men to die.  Obama went to bed and rested up for his trip to Las Vegas, knowing all the while there was no enraging You-tube video.  They both knew the truth, but chose to lie.  But, Pirro said, after all, there was an election looming ahead.  We now know Obama knew.

Obama's claim he called Benghazi an 'act of terrorism'.  Notably, during a debate with Republican nominee Mitt Romney, President Obama said that he immediately told the American people that the killing of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans in Libya "was an act of terror."  But now he says he called it "an act of terrorism."  Some readers may object to this continuing focus on words, but presidential aides spend a lot of time on words.  Words have consequences.

Obama thinks liberals are stupid.  Obama claims to have known the day after the attacks that they were an act of terrorism.  (He's claiming that his Rose Garden comments about terrorism in general amount to a statement that the attacks were terror-related, but this is not the case. [...])

Benghazi timeline: How the probe unfolded.  [Scroll down]  Leaving behind Obama's initial certitude about Benghazi having been a terror attack, not only did he not know what had happened because it wasn't clear, but he goes on to make the sweeping statement that nobody understood exactly what was taking place during the course of those first few days.

Fox Newser says Obama 'traded lives for votes'.  Benghazi rhetoric has occasionally stretched the limits of the reasonable.  There have been Watergate references.  At least one Iran-contra reference.  And one senator has invoked 'the I-word' in relation to the consequences for President Obama.  All of the foregoing is mild when compared to the language of Fox News national security analyst K.T. McFarland.

Washington Post Factchecker Destroys Obama's Claim he Called Libya 'Terrorism'.  Monday [5/13/2013], during his appearance before the media with British Prime Minister David Cameron, President Obama was again caught lying to cover up his lying and covering-up in the aftermath of a successful terror attack in Libya that cost four American lives.  Obama actually claimed before the world that, "The day after [Libya] happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism."  That is a bald-faced lie.

Slain diplomat's mom on Obama's Benghazi comments: 'Bullfeathers'.  In an interview with Union-Tribune TV on Monday afternoon, Pat Smith said she doesn't believe the administration is telling the truth about the attack that claimed the lives of four Americans, including her 34-year-old son, information officer Sean Smith.  "They sacrificed him for their own political gains.  I don't like that, I don't think anybody in this United States could ever possibly like that," she said.

Washington — where nobody gets fired and everybody eats lunch.  They kill your ambassador and three others.  Yet, you are so clueless that you actually think it is a spontaneous protest of a YouTube video that nobody has seen.  Or, at least, that is what you tell people.  Talking points are drawn up.  They are vetted by various agencies and departments with special intelligence and expertise.  And days later after everyone says it was a coordinated terror attack, one of your most trusted and influential advisors goes out and insists it was just a political demonstration that got out of hand.

Cheney: Obama administration "lied" about Benghazi.  Former Vice President Dick Cheney is accusing the Obama administration of a protracted "cover-up" over its response to last year's terrorist attacks in Benghazi, and says "they lied" about what happened during the attacks to protect "the false image of competence that was the basis" of President Obama's re-election campaign.

Barbara Boxer: 'The Benghazi Scandal' 'Starts With Republicans' Who Cut Funding For Embassy Security.  In a speech on the Senate floor on Tuesday, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) said that Republicans in Congress should look into a mirror when asking why the attack on an American consulate in Benghazi was as deadly as it was.  She said that House Republicans who voted to cut security funding for overseas embassies are directly responsible for the lack of security personnel at that outpost.  Boxer's claim is contradicted by testimony delivered before a Congressional Oversight Committee hearing last week.

The Editor says...
I don't believe it.  What was cut, and by how much, and when was the vote taken, and who voted for it?  Even if there ever was such a vote, that issue is a red herring.  The primary issue with Benghazi is the reaction to the attack, and the endless stream of lies, contradictions, and misrepresentations that followed.

Benghazi and Obama's Legitimacy.  Did Barack Obama in effect steal the election in 2012?  It is impossible to know, of course, how matters would have played it if Americans had been told the truth about Benghazi.  And what if the IRS had not hobbled conservative nonprofits (and therefore the movement) with extra scrutiny and consequent delay and expenses?

Could Biden benefit from scrutiny of Hillary Clinton's handling of Benghazi?  If former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hoped she could segue quietly into private life as she pondered a presidential bid in 2016, that fantasy has been abruptly harpooned in the resurrection of the political squabble over the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi.

President Barack Obama dismisses GOP criticism of handling of Libya attack a side show.  President Barack Obama is dismissing Republican criticism of his administration's handling of the attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Libya, calling the criticism a political sideshow.

Obama on Benghazi: 'There's No There There'.  [Scroll down]  The president continued, "Keep in mind by the way these so-called talking points that were prepared for Susan Rice, five, six days after the event occurred, pretty much matched the assessments that I was receiving at that time in my presidential daily briefing."

Poll: GOP angriest about Benghazi.  Republicans are furious about the administration's response to the Benghazi attack that left four diplomats dead, according to a poll released Monday, but have yet to convince the broader American public of the scandal's seriousness.

Dead and circuses: Clown-in-chief Obama calls Benghazi talking points a "sideshow".  At a joint press conference with British PM David Cameron in Washington today [5/13/2013], President Obama lied and evaded and obfuscated some more on his Benghazi crime and cover-up.  Obama called the swelling uproar over the Etch-a-Sketch YouTube video talking points shilled by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and himself a "sideshow."

Don't Blow It on Benghazi: The Focus Must Be Obama, NOT Clinton.  America could be on the cusp of a great victory — a victory for accountability and truth.  The Benghazi debacle is, at last, breaking into the public consciousness.  Indeed, in its outlines, finally visible as the coverup unravels, Benghazi is starting to look like a scandal, bringing up memories of an earlier scandal, Watergate.

Timeline of statements raises questions on Obama's Benghazi claims.  Faced with mounting scrutiny over his administration's initial narrative on the Benghazi attack, President Obama on Monday [5/13/2013] called the debate a "sideshow" — arguing he labeled the attack terrorism from the start and even dispatched a top official to the Hill to clear things up.  Obama suggested this proves there was no cover-up and no effort to downplay terrorism.  But the president's re-telling of events last September appeared to clash with the actual timeline of administration statements.

Sources say counterterror chief reprimanded for calling Libya attack terror, White House denies.  Congressional sources tell Fox News that a top administration counterterrorism official was reprimanded by the White House last month after he testified that the Sept. 11 attack in Libya was terrorism.  The White House and the official are pushing back on the claim.  But the allegation would appear to raise questions about recent administration statements that they were labeling the attack terrorism from the start.

Pelosi: IRS problem stems from court ruling.  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Monday [5/13/2013] that the IRS should be condemned for targeting conservative groups for special scrutiny in the run-up to last year's elections, but she also blamed the Supreme Court for opening the door to broader political activity.

Obama dismisses criticism of Benghazi talking points as 'side show'.  A frustrated President Obama on Monday [5/13/2013] dismissed new questions surrounding the White House role in producing a set of public talking points after the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi, Libya, calling the debate around them a politically motivated "side show."

President Barack Obama is still lying about what happened in Benghazi, and about how he responded.  Today [5/13/2013], he stood up before the American people yet again and claimed that he said Benghazi was a terrorist attack all along.  This is a lie.  Courtesy of the Heritage Foundation, here's a reminder of the Obama administration's failed attempt to make us believe Benghazi was something they knew it wasn't, followed by their failed attempt to make us forget they ever said so in the first place.

Obama Tries To Put Benghazi Back On The Fringe.  President Barack Obama angrily batted away questions Monday about his administration's response to the Benghazi attack, calling the recent furor over edited talking points a "sideshow."

2016 politics — not truth — driving Benghazi controversy, Democrats say.  Denouncing the removal of any reference to "terrorism" or "al-Qaeda" from the administration talking points used to brief the public after the attack, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said on ABC's "This Week", "I would call it a coverup in the extent that there was a willful removal of information."  McCain argued that administration officials, at the time, were trying to put a rosy spin on the attack because they were "in the midst of a presidential campaign."  But now that the revisions made to the talking points have been publicized, McCain said, the administration is deceitfully attempting to erase its fingerprints.

Watch out for Petraeus in Benghazi scandal.  Make no mistake:  Benghazi is a major scandal.  Benghazi is a scandal before, during and after the terrorist attack that left four Americas dead, including an ambassador.  For months before, there were warnings about weak security at the U.S. Consulate in Libya; no one paid attention.  During the attack, when Americans were begging for help, the White House ignored their pleas, sent no help.  And after?  That's when the Obama scandal falls into the predictable second-term pattern his predecessors all learned the very hard way.  Faced with a crisis, the Obama White House panicked.

Review chairman: Clinton didn't make Benghazi call.  The seasoned diplomat who penned a highly critical report on security at a U.S. outpost in Benghazi, Libya, defended his scathing assessment but absolved then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Issa: Clinton, Obama 'Not Targets'.  House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R., Calif.) told David Gregory Sunday that "Hillary Clinton's not a target" of his Benghazi investigation.  Nor, Issa added, is President Obama.  Issa did later add that if Clinton or Obama are personally implicated in the decision-making processes that led to reduced security before the attack, the lack of armed response during the attack, or the scrubbing of the terrorist aspect immediately after the attack, then "of course they should be held accountable."

Next: The Benghazi Select Committee.  [Scroll down]  Another example is the CIA talking points that White House flack Jay Carney claimed were the basis for Amb. Susan Rice's falsehoods on the September 16, 2012 Sunday talk shows.  Carney said, on November 28, 2012, that "Those talking points originated from the intelligence community.  They reflect the IC's best assessments of what they thought had happened.  The White House and the State Department have made clear that the single adjustment that was made to those talking points by either of those two institutions were changing the word 'consulate' to 'diplomatic facility' because 'consulate' was inaccurate."  Which was absolutely false.

Lying in State.  Victoria Nuland and the State Department vacuumed any real "intelligence" out of the CIA talking-points like Dr Kermit Gosnell suctioning the brains out of Philadelphia babies.  Why would they do this?

Benghazi Disinformation Points.  Friday's revelation that the Obama Administration's talking points on Benghazi were revised a dozen times adds another reason not to trust the official story line.  It also gives Congress new cause to keep digging.

Benghazi: The Video Vanishes.  The officials involved don't seem concerned with truth, only with saving organizational (State Dept., CIA) or political (Obama, Clinton) face. [...] And then there's the matter of why backup was refused for our men on the ground in Benghazi that night and morning.  The "not enough time" excuse doesn't go very far when you consider that no one could possibly know when the terror attacks would end.

Issa plans depositions for Mullen, Pickering.  The Republican chairman of the House oversight panel is asking a veteran diplomat and a former chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff for sworn testimony about their investigation into the deaths of four Americans at a diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya.

Benghazi for Dummies.  Eight months of information is now being unloaded all at once to the conventional media audience.  And those of us who are old enough to remember the good old days of Watergate realize just how confusing these things can be.  So to bring everyone up to speed, I offer the following three levels of explanation.

Four Americans — and the truth — died in Benghazi.  Facts emerging about Benghazi may not tell us anything new, but they remind us of two important truths:  First, the upper levels of the Obama administration are peppered with partisans who play fast and loose with the truth for political gain.  Second, regime change and military interventions, especially in the Muslim world, are messy, destabilizing and deadly.

Administration Relying on Shoddy Benghazi Report to Absolve Itself of Blame.  The White House has touted the Accountability Review Board (ARB) investigation of the Benghazi massacre as a review "led by two men of unimpeachable expertise and credibility that oversaw a process that was rigorous and unsparing."  In fact, the report was purposefully incomplete and willfully misleading.  The two men in charge of the ARB, Ambassador Thomas Pickering and Admiral Thomas Mullen, a diplomat and military man respectively, have no meaningful investigative experience.  Instead of letting the facts lead the direction of the investigation, the report appears designed to protect the interests of Hillary Clinton, the State Department higher ups, and the president.

Kucinich: Obama's Libya Policy to Blame for Death of Four Americans in Benghazi.  Liberal former congressman Dennis Kucinich blamed President Obama's Libya policy for the death of four Americans in Benghazi.  Kucinich also said the Obama administration politicized the response to Benghazi because they "were in the circumference of an election, and when you get on the eve of an election, everything becomes political."

Corn: 'Carney Got Caught Saying Something That Wasn't Completely True'.  MSNBC contributor David Corn admitted that the reason White House Press Secretary Jay Carney's Benghazi press briefing was so tense was "he got caught saying something that wasn't completely true" Friday [5/10/2013] on MSNBC.  Despite Carney's untruth, Corn said that did not necessarily amount to lying.

Obama likely to wriggle out of Benghazigate; Clinton less so.  Team Obama has come up with its excuse for converting the Benghazi talking points into a false narrative.  It was a purely bureaucratic matter, you see.  The CIA and the State Department disagreed about what happened, and the White House simply wanted to make sure the talking points represented all viewpoints.  The White House has been suggesting this excuse for a few days.  Today, the Washington Post's "fact-checker," Glenn Kessler, tries to inject it into the mainstream.

Politico: Obama Admin Pushed 'False Narrative' After Benghazi.  In a sign of how the Benghazi cover-up story is gaining traction in the mainstream media, Politico, the same outlet that only four days ago buried all of its Benghazi stories, is now conceding that the Obama administration ran with a "false narrative" in the days immediately following the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Libya.

The Liberal Wall of Benghazi Denial Cracks.  So long as the Democrats and liberal journalists close ranks behind the president, and more importantly, the reputation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Benghazi will be viewed as a partisan club used by Republicans rather than a genuine scandal.  But while most in the chattering classes are sticking to the new talking points, a prominent exception today marks a significant crack in that heretofore-solid wall of liberal opinion.

Presidents of ABC and CBS News Have Siblings Working at White House With Ties to Benghazi.  "CBS News President David Rhodes and ABC News President Ben Sherwood, both of them have siblings that not only work at the White House, that not only work for President Obama, but they work at the NSC on foreign policy issues directly related to Benghazi."  So stated political consultant and media commentator Richard Grenell on Saturday's Fox News Watch.

Ben Rhodes: Obama's Fixer behind the Benghazi Cover-Up.  Barack Obama's "Tower of Fabrications," as Peter Wehner describes the Benghazi scandal, is beginning to crack.  And that crack will soon reveal a central figure behind the cover-up, a man close to Barack Obama for years but generally unknown to the public:  Ben Rhodes.

Benghazi victim's mother wishes Hillary Clinton happy Mother's Day.  Pat Smith, the mother of one of the victims of the Benghazi consulate attacks, went on the Huckabee show Saturday to deliver a message to Hillary Clinton.  "I want to wish Hillary a happy Mother's Day," she said.  "She has her child.  I don't have mine because of her."  Huckabee asked Smith if she was somewhat comforted by the congressional hearings about the attacks last week.  "Absolutely not," she said.  "I am still waiting to answers to just about everything."

ABC: Petraeus called final Benghazi talking points "useless" the day before Rice's full Ginsburg.  One of the mysteries in the Benghazi scandal has been the role of David Petraeus, who was then the Director of the CIA but was forced to resign in a personal scandal shortly thereafter.  While the White House and State Department tried to cobble together talking points to explain away the terrorist attack that took four American lives, what did Petraeus do?

Benghazi, IRS Create Perfect Storm Threatening Obama's Credibility.  [Scroll down]  On Benghazi, the president's U.N. ambassador said five days after the Libya attack that the incident grew out of a street protest rather than a terrorist attack.  Caught fudging the facts in the middle of a presidential campaign, a race in which Obama's anti-terrorism record was a major selling point, the White House blamed Ambassador Susan Rice's statement on "talking points" concocted by the CIA in virtual isolation.  Obama's team stuck with that story until the truth was exposed amid a GOP congressional investigation.  Emails leaked to news organizations last week show that both the White House and State Department were directly involved in scrubbing the CIA talking points of any mention of past threats and al-Qaida involvement.  That is the exact opposite of what the Obama White House had claimed.

It Wasn't 'Necessary' to Question Hillary for Benghazi Report: Pickering.  One of the co-author's of the State Department's "independent" Benghazi report says it wasn't necessary to question Secretary of State Hillary Clinton because her position was "more senior than where we found the decisions were made."

The Editor says...
I suspect the authors of the Benghazi report found only as much as they wanted to find.

Benghazi Coverup Uncovered.  BBC has apologized for its coverage of the Benghazi murders; ABC has unraveled the mendacious tale of the talking points' genesis and the Congressional hearings this week have dramatically established the administration's elaborate lies about how our ambassador and his brave defenders were murdered and its failure to protect them.  Maybe now the press will feel it's okay to get off their duffs and report how a thoroughly incompetent administration, motivated solely by self-interest, left our ambassador and others to be murdered and then lied about it with consequences to us all.

Rep. Rogers: Expect more whistleblowers to testify on Benghazi.  Congress is hearing from more whistleblowers who wish to testify on the terrorist attack in Benghazi, according to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.).  Rogers told "Fox News Sunday" [5/12/2013] that following the testimony of three whistleblowers before the House Oversight Committee, lawmakers have been contacted by other potential witnesses.

Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Serve This President.  Evidence is mounting that Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens, staffer Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods could be alive to celebrate this Mother's Day with their moms if Clinton and others in the Obama administration had heeded Stevens's pleas to beef up security at Benghazi.  Or if they had sent a fighter plane roaring overhead or special ops team to respond to the desperate signals for help that the men under attack repeatedly sent out.

What Benghazi reveals about our nation.  Motive is subjective.  Intention is debatable.  Facts are elusive.  That is where we must begin our discussion of Benghazi, and it is why ultimately Congress must appoint a select committee in order to pin down motives, intentions and facts.  Just like a jury, the select committee must hear all the evidence and draw conclusions about why the full story about the terrorist attack in Benghazi has still not been told to the American people.  Someone must be held responsible.  It is not enough to just say mistakes were made.

Some Things To Consider About Benghazi.  The Congressional hearing this week on the Benghazi cover-up was important not only for the information we heard from the witnesses, but also because, for the first time, it piqued the interest of the mainstream media.  Perhaps it's genuine concern over having been lied to, or maybe the MSM has realized its credibility is on the line.  Whatever the reason, the testimony of whistleblower Gregory Hicks has progressive defenders of the president nervous.

Republicans call for depositions in Benghazi probe, amid revelation Clinton [was] barely interviewed.  Congressional Republicans on Sunday [5/12/2013] pressed their investigation into the Benghazi attacks, suggesting depositions for high-ranking officials and more whistle-blowers testifying amid further questions about why then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was not thoroughly interviewed about the issue.

Report: NBC Spiked Story ID'ing Benghazi Whistleblower as Obama/Clinton Voter.  Victoria Toensing, attorney for Benghazi whistleblower Gregory Hicks, says Hicks is a Democrat who voted for Hillary Clinton during the 2008 primaries, and President Obama twice for President.  Toensing also said that NBC News "spiked" the story this week, prior to Hicks' dramatic testimony before Congress.

Feinstein: 'Talking points were wrong'.  Sen. Dianne Feinstein says the talking points used on the Sunday news shows following the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, were wrong, adding that the administration should have been quicker in calling it a terrorist act.  "I think the talking points were wrong," the California Democrat who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." [5/12/2013]  "I think the talking points should not be written by the intelligence community."

Benghazi Whistleblower's Attorney Claims NBC Spiked Him Being a Democrat Who Voted for Obama.  If you were a journalist reporting on Benghazi whistleblower Gregory Hicks, wouldn't you find it interesting that he was a Democrat who voted for Barack Obama twice?

Rep. Mike Rogers: 'More whistleblowers' forthcoming on Benghazi.  The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said Sunday [5/12/2013] he believes "more whistleblowers" will come forward with information on the deadly attack last year on diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya.  "I do think we are going to see more whistleblowers.  I know certainly my committee has been contacted, I think other committees [have been contacted] as well," Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) said on "Fox News Sunday."

Benghazi Talking Points V12.0.  As ABC duly acknowledges, it's not entirely brand-new information, as it builds from the landmark Weekly Standard report on smoking-gun emails related to the politicized editing of the Benghazi talking points, posted online last week.  But ABC News enhanced the story by getting its hands on even more documentation, and the result is a story that can no longer be kept under quarantine in the conservative media "ghetto," where the rest of the media dismisses accurate, well-documented stories by sneering that only the likes of Fox News care about them.

Benghazi Talking Points Revised 12 Times, Terror Reference Axed.  When it became clear last fall that the CIA's now discredited Benghazi talking points were flawed, the White House said repeatedly the documents were put together almost entirely by the intelligence community, but White House documents reviewed by Congress suggest a different story.

Internal Benghazi Review Ignored Clinton, Obama.  The internal State Department Accountability Review Board report being touted by the White House as an "unsparing" investigation into the Benghazi response actually completely spared the two individuals whose actions Republicans want to know about most:  President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  There is no mention in the report of the what Clinton or Obama did related to Benghazi.  In fact, Obama isn't mentioned at all in the document, and Clinton only once — in the context of her appointing the Review Board.  There is no suggestion that Clinton or Obama were interviewed or even examined by the investigation.

Carney accuses GOP of 'politicizing' Benghazi in disastrous presser.  In a disastrous press briefing that further called into question the veracity of the administration's claims about what it knew about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya last year vs. what it told the public, [Jay] Carney accused Congressional Republicans of politicizing the Benghazi scandal and denied that the White House had anything to do with the changes that were made to U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice's talking points on Benghazi.

Most transparent administration ever holds off-the-record briefing.  The most transparent administration in history appears to be circling its wagons.

Jonathan Karl Exposes the Role of Victoria Nuland and Jay Carney in the Spreading of Lies.  Brave mainstream media journalists are finally doing what they always should be doing:  report the story and let readers and viewers decide the truth for themselves.  Today, ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl released their top story — the headline says it all:  "Exclusive: Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions, Scrubbed of Terror Reference."

Carney Has to Be Careful.  You got the sense today that the White House's propaganda arm is starting to play Benghazi very, very carefully.  Up until now they've been able to get by fairly easily on the fact that most of the relevant evidence is on the other side of executive privilege, or in the hands of politically appointed loyalists, and on the White House Press Corps' indifference.  But Greg Hicks might have been the first leak in the dam.

Benghazi Whistleblower Attorney: Congress Must Subpoena Hillary Clinton to Testify Again.  Earlier today [5/10/2013], we learned about a bombshell report that said the CIA's Benghazi talking points were changed 12 times, with extensive input from the State Department.  It comes after State Department whistleblower Gregory Hicks testified Wednesday that he was shocked when he saw Susan Rice blaming a protest for the attack on numerous talk shows.

Hillary Clinton — culpable for Benghazi from beginning to end.  When it first became clear that the CIA's Benghazi talking points had been altered, many of us viewed the White House as the prime suspect. [...] It turns out, however, that the State Department was the prime culprit.  It was State that pushed back hard against the original talking points.  The White House, probably for the political reason cited above, took its side.  Why did State want the talking points changed?  Because it had ignored warnings about rising terrorist activity in Libya and had reduced security rather than beefing it up, as our embassy requested.

Carney Blames Romney for Politicizing Benghazi.  Friday, White House press secretary Jay Carney blamed Mitt Romney and Republicans for "politicizing" the Benghazi terrorist attacks. [...] Carney repeatedly stated that Republicans were "very partisan," interested only in "politicizing," and even called investigations into Benghazi a "distraction."

Spinning Benghazi.  It's a cliché, of course, but it really is true:  in Washington, every scandal has a crime and a coverup.  The ongoing debate about the attack on the United States facility in Benghazi where four Americans were killed, and the Obama Administration's response to it, is no exception.  For a long time, it seemed like the idea of a coverup was just a Republican obsession.  But now there is something to it.

The Benghazi Scandal Grows.  Within 24 hours of the attack, the U.S. government had intercepted communications between two al Qaeda-linked terrorists discussing the attacks in Benghazi.  One of the jihadists, a member of Ansar al Sharia, reported to the other that he had participated in the assault on the U.S. diplomatic post.  Solid evidence.  And there was more.

Anonymous CBS Sources Smear Sharyl Attkisson.  Libya is a legitimate story about a White House coverup.  But for purely partisan reasons, the media won't touch it for fear it will damage Obama and/or Hillary Clinton.  In other words, Attkisson is showing a rare willingness to stray from the media's Narrative Plantation.  But when you do this, there is always a price to pay, which likely explains the Politico piece.

Who is on trial for Benghazi?  Obviously President Obama and Hillary Clinton are on trial — not before a court, but in the minds of thoughtful people everywhere.  It appears (given the limited evidence we have so far) that they were grossly negligent before Benghazi, criminally incompetent that night of the attack, and then that they aided and abetted a conspiracy to lie about the murders — all for the obvious political reasons and because Obama and Clinton (and nearly all their leftist friends) believe that Americans are stone-stupid.

What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?  Congressional testimony this week showed the appalling lengths to which the Obama administration went to cover-up its mishandling of last fall's terrorist attack at the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, but President Obama's precise role in the cynical operation remains hidden.

Obama Got Pass on Benghazi, Thanks to Romney.  Given the widespread media coverage of the riveting testimony by three State Department officials directly involved, Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Pentagon officials find themselves back on the defensive in a battle they thought they won long ago.

Brother of Top Obama Official About to Oust Benghazi Reporter Sharyl Attkisson?  [Sharyl] Attkisson's dogged pursuit of the truth has not only pitted her against a media desperate to protect Obama, but also, apparently, against her bosses at CBS News, one of whom is the brother of a top Obama official.  Moreover, CBS News president David Rhoades is not only the brother of President Obama's national security advisor, Ben Rhoades, but ABC News reports that Ben Rhoades was very much involved in the editing of the now-infamous CIA talking points.

Obama Cheated, That's How.  Obama survived the 2012 presidential election because he told the American people that he kept them safe from terror; that he had Al Qaida on the run; that he was fighting America's battles smarter than before.  And to prove the point, when things got really tough, he cheated with other peoples' lives in order to avoid defeat.  He let four Americans die, rather than admit the truth.

Even Now, Washington Post's Libya Coverup Continues.  In a major front page piece examining Friday's events, the Post ignores the fact that the Administration lied about its extensive involvement in the editing of the CIA talking points until the 13th paragraph.  ABC's Friday report proved once and for all that the Obama Administration lied.  The Post's first instinct, though, was to have their factchecker, Glenn Kessler, craft a byzantine excuse that blamed the edits on benign bureaucratic infighting.

The Benghazi Lie.  On a question of foreign policy or counterterrorism strategy, men of good faith can make the wrong decisions.  But a failure of character corrodes the integrity of the state.  That's why career diplomat Gregory Hicks's testimony was so damning — not so much for the new facts as for what those facts revealed about the leaders of this republic.

Rep. Pelosi knocks Republicans' 'obsession' with Benghazi attack.  Congressional Republicans are using their Benghazi investigation as political "subterfuge" to distract from other issues, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Saturday.  Pelosi said it's important to find out what happened in the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  But the right is taking it too far, she said in an interview with MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry.

CBS News President and WH Official Tied to Benghazi Scandal Are Brothers.  One of the mainstream media journalists whose pursuit of the truth has been truly tenacious and nonpartisan is CBS News' Sharyl Attkisson.  Her tough reporting has made life difficult for everyone from Hillary Clinton to the Bush administration and Congressional Republicans.  She's also been relentless on the Obama administration's Fast & Furious gun-running scandal — and, of course, Benghazi.  As we mentioned this week, Attkisson's tough investigative journalism is starting to bother unnamed CBS News executives.

Top Obama official's brother is president of CBS News, may drop reporter over Benghazi coverage.  The brother of a top Obama administration official is also the president of CBS News, and the network may be days away from dropping one of its top investigative reporters for covering the administration's scandals too aggressively.  CBS News executives have reportedly expressed frustration with their own reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, who has steadily covered the Obama administration's handling of the Benghazi terrorist attack in Libya since late last year.

Carney still denies White House role in changing Benghazi talking points.  White House spokesman Jay Carney doubled down on denial Friday, insisting that the extensive closed-door revisions of the CIA's Benghazi intelligence assessment were conducted by an intelligence official, not by administration officials.

White House blames CIA for edits made to Benghazi talking points.  White House Press Secretary Jay Carney blamed the State Department and the CIA for the fact that all references to terrorist involvement in the Benghazi attack were edited from the official administration talking points.  "The CIA was the agency that made changes to the talking points and produced the talking points," Carney told reporters at the White House briefing today.  He said that the references to terrorism were deleted because the administration died not want to say anything "beyond what we knew" for certain.

White House holds 'deep background' Benghazi briefing.  The White House held a "deep background" briefing with reporters on Friday afternoon to discuss recent revelations about the Benghazi investigation, sources familiar with the meeting tell Politico.  The meeting was conducted on "deep background," according to White House spokesman Josh Earnest, but sources told Politico that the existence of the meeting was "off the record." [...] Deep background means that the info presented by the briefers can be used in reporting but the briefers can't be quoted.

Emails reveal a flurry of changes to Benghazi talking points.  As House Republicans piece together the events in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012, that led to the death of four Americans, the focus has fallen on the talking points the Obama administration used to describe the attack in the days following.  The talking points were revised numerous times before United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice used them on political talk shows on Sept. 16.

Benghazi Talking Points: A Lie Hillary Agreed Upon.  At least a dozen rewrites of the Benghazi talking points were made, with all references to al-Qaida and prior attacks removed at the direction of the secretary of state's office.

Washington Post Breaks Benghazi Scandal Wide Open.  Whenever the media covers an anti-war protest or a pro-choice rally, they throw out a diverse rainbow of descriptions of attendees.  You've seen this sentence a thousand times before:  "They come from all walks of life — grandmothers, young mothers, carpet installation workers, policemen, soldiers, teachers, doctors, retirees, college students, and the occasional activist." [...] They're Just Like You.  But when the media is hostile to a cause, it attempts the exact opposite.  It attempts to paint the supporters of a cause to which it is hostile in the most reductivist and restricted demographic terms possible.  They attempt to paint these people as a very narrow sliver of the human experience, so that as few people as possible will see themselves in it.

Hillary Clinton: I certainly did not know of any reports that contradicted Susan Rice talking points.  Considering that Gregory Hicks, the original source of all information coming out of Libya the night of the Benghazi attacks, testified that he never suggested or said there was a protest that morphed into a terrorist attack, and that he also said the YouTube video was a non-event in Libya, it does appear that this is a lie by Hillary Clinton.

MSNBC Viewers Discover Benghazi... for the First Time.  For the professional left, this story on Morning Joe is a double disaster.  In the short term it forces the MSMBC audience to confront the possibility that their heroes President Obama and Hillary Clinton left Americans to die in Benghazi and lied about it for political reasons.  It gives a story they have been able to dismiss MSM credibility, that's bad.  In the long term it raises the possibility that there is another story beyond the wall of silence.  That there is a whole world of news they might be missing.  What happens if those viewers decide they want to see more.

Hillary 2016: Another Benghazi Casualty.  Well, we've finally settled on that elusive Clinton Doctrine:  "We leave our diplomats and soldiers behind."  Or, alternatively, "What difference does it make?!"  Unfortunately for Clinton, it translates to a potentially devastating blow to whatever 2016 presidential aspirations she had.

Benghazi hearings in the Mirror Universe.  It's amazing to watch the media bury yesterday's explosive testimony on Benghazi.  Just imagine for a moment that today is the day after a veteran career diplomat — the top man on the ground in Libya after the murder of the ambassador — testified that a Republican administration told him not to cooperate with Democrat congressional investigators, shook him up with a menacing phone call from the top political "fixer" for a Secretary of State widely viewed as a leading 2016 presidential candidate, demoted him under cloudy circumstances so they could portray him as "disgruntled"... and then spent eight months loudly boasting of their enthusiastic, transparent cooperation with Congress.

How the Democrats Killed Ambassador Chris Stevens.  Once you establish that a PC, or appeasement approach to foreign policy is the real bad guy here, it's a simple hop, skip and a jump to put that one around every Democrat's neck — from Hillary, to Obama — because it's true.  Political Correctness, both domestically and foreign policy-wise is the province of the Democrat Party.  If you want to make them own this tragedy, that may be the best way to do it.

John Kerry Says He'll Answer Questions on Benghazi.  One day after a lengthy House hearing on the Sept. 11, 2012, attack, Kerry told reporters as he traveled overseas that anyone culpable of wrongdoing will be dealt with appropriately.  But he's withholding judgment on testimony in Congress suggesting that senior State Department officials were pressured or demoted for objecting to the administration's initial and since-debunked explanations for the attacks.

Hillary Clinton's Shameful Intimidation Of Gregory Hicks.  The secretary of state in the most transparent administration in history has her chief of staff warn a Benghazi whistle-blower to not spill the beans on Benghazi to a U.S. congressman.

Hillary Misled Congress — But Not Under Oath.  Wednesday's testimony on the Benghazi terror attacks by State Department whistleblowers before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform contradicted several statements by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in testimony before House and Senate committees in January.  However, while Clinton may have misled Congress in her testimony, she likely did not commit perjury because she never actually testified under oath.

Twelve Revelations from the Benghazi Hearings.  [#1]  Murdered US Ambassador Chris Stevens' second in command, Gregory Hicks, was instructed not to speak with a Congressional investigator by Sec. Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, Cheryl Mills.  Hicks said he'd "never" faced a similar demand at any point during his distinguished 22-year diplomatic career.  When he refused to comply with this request, the State Department dispatched an attorney to act as a "minder," who insisted on sitting in on all of Hicks' discussions with members of Congress.

62% of House GOP Now Co-Sponsoring Bill for Special Committee on Benghazi.  Sixty-two percent of the Republican members of the House of Representatives — 143 of 231 — are now co-sponsoring a bill that would authorize a special committee to investigate the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.  The only thing standing between this super-majority of House Republicans and the special investigative committee they seek is House Speaker John Boehner, who controls the legislation the Republican majority brings to the floor for a vote.

Let Benghazi's Chips Fall.  There have been two fulcrum events in the accounting of what happened in Benghazi.  The first was U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice's September 16 declarations on TV that Benghazi was part of the Islamic world's violent, spontaneous reaction to the incendiary California YouTube video.  That assertion, soon revised to acknowledge that Benghazi was a terrorist attack, set in motion a tug of war between some Congressional Republicans and the Obama Administration, with a press corps mostly uninterested in pursuing the story.

Mother of Benghazi victim: Hearing didn't give answers.  Pat Smith, mother of Benghazi victim Sean Smith, a State Department information officer, listened to the Benghazi hearing on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.  She said she didn't get the answers she was looking for.  "I want to know why there was no security there, and the security that was there got pulled.  And who was the one that told the military to stand down?" said Smith.

State Department denies Benghazi retaliation.  Foreign Service officer Gregory N. Hicks, who was the No. 2 U.S. diplomat in Libya during the Benghazi terrorist attacks last September, told lawmakers at an explosive House hearing on Wednesday that he was chastised and "effectively demoted" after he questioned the decision to blame the military-style assault on a spontaneous demonstration against an anti-Islam video.

House Armed Service chair denied access to Benghazi files.  Other Western nations had already withdrawn from Benghazi due to the security risks in the region, specifically from the radical Islamist terror networks able to operate freely in eastern Libya because of the removal of Qaddafi.  Our own State Department personnel in Libya repeatedly warned Washington about the threat.  Put all of that together with the approach of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, and lights should have been flashing red across the board regarding our outpost in Benghazi.

White House hopes under fire.  The Clinton political machine is in full campaign mode already, preparing for 2016 and hoping voters forget by then that she had a key role in the Obama administration's handling of the terror attack.

The Benghazi patsy.  Nakoula Basseley Nakoula deserves a place in American history.  He is the first person in this country jailed for violating Islamic anti-blasphemy laws.  You won't find that anywhere in the charges against him, of course.  As a practical matter, though, everyone knows that Nakoula wouldn't be in jail today if he hadn't produced a video crudely lampooning the prophet Muhammad.

From Benghazi to Boston.  The two seemingly disparate events, separated by time and distance and sophistication, share much in common.  By the close of each sorry episode, four people had died.  The villains in each case considered themselves soldiers of Allah fighting a holy war against America.  In both instances the political correctness of government officials prevented discovery of the truth.  Benghazi and Boston are symptoms of the same disorder.  They are twin studies in evasion.

Bad Faith and Benghazi.  Intelligence sources on the ground in Libya and officials in Washington knew it was a terrorist attack from the beginning.  The video was a "non-event in Libya," according to Gregory Hicks, the man who inherited Stevens's duties after the ambassador was killed by al-Qaeda-linked militants.  The false video story was simply imposed from above by Clinton, President Obama, and their subalterns.

Exclusive: Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions, Scrubbed of Terror Reference.  When it became clear last fall that the CIA's now discredited Benghazi talking points were flawed, the White House said repeatedly the documents were put together almost entirely by the intelligence community, but White House documents reviewed by Congress suggest a different story.

Carney Fields ONE Question On Benghazi Day After Hearing.  President Obama was travelling to Texas [5/9/2013] to deliver a speech on job creation so the daily press gathering occurred on Air Force One.  According to the transcript released by the White House, the reporters assigned to cover the White House only saw fit to ask Mr. Carney one question about the hearings and testimony of three whistleblowers who contradicted the official, White House version of the Benghazi attacks.  And the question, at the very end of the briefing, did not address the actual substance of the hearings at all.

Could Benghazi impact Hillary Clinton in 2016?  Gregory Hicks, the number two diplomat at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, described being in constant contact with then-Secretary of State Clinton the night of September 11, 2012. And yet he said his requests for military resources to be deployed to Benghazi were repeatedly denied.

The Inconvenient Truth About Benghazi.  The Benghazi story until now has been a jumble of factoids that didn't quite cohere, didn't produce a story that people could absorb and hold in their minds.  This week that changed. [...] Gregory Hicks, Mark Thompson and Eric Nordstrom were authoritative and credible.  You knew you were hearing the truth as they saw and experienced it.  Not one of them seemed political.  You had no sense of how they voted.  They were professionals.  They'd seen a bad thing.  They came forward to tell the story.

Scrubbing the Truth from Benghazi.  State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland injected politics into the U.S. response to Benghazi when she raised objections to draft "talking points" being prepared for Rice's television appearances. [...] Regardless of Nuland's motive, this is now clear:  The Obama administration let political considerations cloud the public record.  For far too long, the White House shied away from calling Benghazi a terrorist attack and stood behind Rice's initial statement that it was inspired by protests over a crude anti-Islamic video.

Kerry Pledges to 'Leave No Stone Unturned' on Benghazi Culpability.  Amid potentially damaging new revelations about the State Department's early assessments regarding attribution for the Benghazi consulate attack, Secretary of State John Kerry pledged Thursday that if any disciplinary action is found to be necessary, he will ensure it happens.

The Editor says...
That's meaningless:  Hillary doesn't work there any more, so she is immune from Secretary Kerry's "discipline."

The Weekly Standard's Stephen F. Hayes On Benghazi Bombshell: White House's Position Is 'Incoherent'The Weekly Standard reporter Stephen F. Hayes joined the hosts of Fox & Friends on Friday [5/10/2013] to discuss an explosive report in ABC News which shows how the original intelligence report on the Benghazi attack was altered to remove references to Islamic terrorism. [...] Hayes told the Fox hosts that ABC's Jonathan Karl reported that the Benghazi talking points were edited as a result of requests made by policy makers and not intelligence officials.

Benghazi is all about Obama.  There are three issues in the Benghazi matter.  The first is whether the administration reacted properly to the growing threat to American diplomats in Libya in the months leading up to Sept. 11.  The second is whether the administration reacted properly during the attack itself.  And the third is whether the administration covered up its actions in the days, weeks and months after the attack.

After Benghazi revelations, heads will roll.  Conservatives have long maintained that the administration deliberately suppressed the truth about the attacks.  This is the first hard evidence that the state department did ask for changes to the CIA's original assessment.

Democrats Actively Working to Undermine Testimony of Benghazi Whistleblower.  NBC's Lisa Myers said this morning [5/10/2013] on TV that Democrats have been calling her to attempt to undermine the testimony of Benghazi whistleblower Gregory Hicks.

NBC's Lisa Myers: Democrats Are Trying to Undermine State Department Whistleblowers.  Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) declared several times during and after Wednesday's Benghazi hearing, that he and his fellow Democrats want to laud and protect whistleblowers.  He specifically pledged support for the Benghazi whistleblowers.  Not every Democrat is on board, according to NBC reporter Lisa Myers.

The betrayal at Benghazi.  The Benghazi panel set out to ask big questions, one still unanswered and one with an answer now clear enough.  The first was why the diplomatic post in Benghazi was allowed to be an unguarded fort among hostile Apaches, the second was why the Obama administration was so persistent with its lies in the days after the attack.

MSM Benghazigate cofferdam breached.  The thread is starting to unravel on the fabric of lies surrounding the Benghazi 911 [sic] incident woven by the president, his secretary of state, and their political appointees.  An important step is that ABC News has broken the story that the talking points fingering mobs enraged by the video were the result of no less than 11 revisions taking out references to Al Qaeda.  This brings the MSM into the story.

Steyn: 'How empty and dead' were they to let Chris Stevens die for 'Obama-Clinton fiction?'  On Hugh Hewitt's Thursday night program, National Review columnist Mark Steyn explained why the Obama administration's response to last September's terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was so appalling.  "They let him die, and then told lies over his coffin," he told fill-in host Guy Benson.

Is Benghazi Obama's Watergate?  [D]espite Obama and Clinton's combined political savvy (coupled with a complicit and disinterested mainstream media), a Shakespearean tragedy that will make Watergate look like child's play may very well be unfolding.  In the face of Clinton's "What difference, at this point, does it make?" and Jay Carney's "Benghazi happened a long time ago," three "whistleblowers" appeared before a Congressional committee on Wednesday to begin to fill in the facts that the administration has been obfuscating.

Leno: 'The White House Has a New Slogan About Benghazi - Hope and Change the Subject'.  Jay Leno continues to show why folks at NBC want him off the air despite his first place ratings.

Benghazi: A Smoking Gun.  What we have wondered over the course of eight months, is whether the US government had the same intelligence that the PJ Tatler had.  I have suspected all along that the Central Intelligence Agency at least, and probably the National Security Agency, had to be aware of the September 10 threat and its relevance to Benghazi.

The moment of responsibility for Hillary Clinton.  When I took Hillary Rodham Clinton to task in January for the mishandling of security in Benghazi, Libya, I told her that if I had been president at the time, I would have relieved her of her post.  Some politicians and pundits took offense at my line of questioning.  During those hearings, I reminded Mrs. Clinton that multiple requests were sent to the State Department asking for increased security measures.  I asked if she had read the cables from Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens asking for increased security. She replied that she was busy and had not read them.  I find that inexcusable.

Politico Reporter Declares ABC's Libya Smoking Gun a Distraction.  Thanks to Jonathan Karl of ABC News we now have smoking-gun proof that the Obama Administration is actively engaged in a coverup surrounding its own revisions made to the CIA talking points covering the September 11 terror attack in Libya.  This is the kind of scandal White House reporters dream of, right?

Obama's Betrayal of Islamic Democracy.  A significant point made in riveting testimony by Gregory Hicks, the State Department's former deputy chief of mission in Libya, has largely been missed in the coverage of Wenesday's Benghazi hearing.  It is worth highlighting, not least because doing so illuminates the depth of the Obama administration's depravity.

Benghazi: Progressives Rewrite History in Real Time.  From the moment the public became aware of what can only be perceived as an act of war, perpetrated at the hands of an enemy that has officially declared war on the United States and the West, the Obama Administration — Progressives one and all — have engaged in one of their favorite tactics of political opportunism:  re-writing history.  In this instance, they are doing it in real time — right in front of our faces.

Hillary Clinton's Allies Come to Her Rescue Over Benghazi.  Longtime allies of Hillary Clinton are coming to her defense amid new reports suggesting the State Department, under her stewardship, altered talking points about the attacks in Benghazi to remove references to terrorism and al Qaida. [...] Some of the defenses sounded reminiscent of Clinton's own famed allegations of a "right-wing conspiracy" in the late-1990s after reports her husband had an affair with Monica Lewinsky.

GOP Sen. Inhofe: Obama could be impeached over Benghazi 'cover-up'.  Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) suggested that President Obama could be impeached over what he alleged was a White House cover-up after last year's attack in Benghazi, Libya.  Inhofe, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in an interview Thursday with "The Rusty Humphries Show" that impeachment would become an issue soon over the "greatest cover-up in American history."  "People may be starting to use the I-word before too long," Inhofe said.

The Clintons' Fixer.  If the GOP congressmen and whistleblowers who spoke at Wednesday's hearing are correct, [Cheryl] Mills stands at the center of the Obama administration's attempt to put the lid on the Benghazi scandal.  Ohio congressman Jim Jordan described Mills as "the person next to Secretary Clinton," tracing the growing scandal to the highest echelons of the State Department.

MSNBC Panel: Benghazi Scandal Makes White House 'Look Terrible,' Possibly An 'Impeachment Issue'.  After examining all the details that emerged on Friday [5/10/2013] relating to the efforts by members of President Barack Obama's administration to remove references to Islamic terrorism when explaining the reasons behind the 2012 attack on an American consulate in Benghazi, the panel guests on MSNBC's Now agreed that the appearance of a scandal makes the White House "look terrible."  One guest even suggested that the controversy could lead to impeachment proceedings against the president.

Paul: Hillary Clinton 'should never hold high office again'.  Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul wrote Friday [5/10/2013] that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "should never hold high office again" in the wake of criticism over the administration's handling of the lead up and aftermath of the attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  Paul made the comments in an op-ed Friday in The Washington Times.  Testimony from several whistle-blowers at at hearing before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday contradicted Clinton's account of the events surrounding the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi, as well as the version of events put forward by the administration.

Buzzfeed's Ben Smith Explains Motive Behind White House Libya Coverup.  Friday afternoon MSNBC's Luke Russert anchored "Now with Alex Wagner" when the news of the altered Libya talking points finally made their way to the left-wing network hours after ABC's Jonathan Karl first broke the story.  After Kelly O'Donnell finished her report, a visibly rattled Russert turned to his panel and said, "Politically, this is not good for the White House.  Does it stick?"

Diplomat Says Questions Over Benghazi Led to Demotion.  [Scroll down]  But within days, Mr. Hicks said, after raising questions about the account of what had happened in Benghazi offered in television interviews by Susan E. Rice, the United Nations ambassador, he felt a distinct chill from State Department superiors.  "The sense I got was that I needed to stop the line of questioning," said Mr. Hicks, who has been a Foreign Service officer for 22 years.  He was soon given a scathing review of his management style, he said, and was later "effectively demoted" to desk officer at headquarters, in what he believes was retaliation for speaking up.

Mother of Benghazi victim: I blame Hillary.  One woman still looking for answers about the September 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, is Pat Smith.  Her son Sean Smith, a State Department information officer, was one of four Americans killed during the attack.  "I blame her," said Smith, referring to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  "That's her department, she's supposed to be on top of it, and yet she claims that she knows nothing, it wasn't told to her," said Smith.  "Who's running the place?"

Benghazi Eight Months Later.  On September 11, 2012, terrorists attacked our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and murdered four Americans, including our ambassador.  Eight months later, we have learned some of what happened, but many questions remain. [...] What we do know leads to the inescapable impression that before, during, and after the Benghazi attacks, there was confusion and paralysis at the Department of Defense, the Department of State, and the White House.

Blowing the Lid Off Benghazi.  Gregory Hicks, the deputy to slain Ambassador Christopher Stevens, told the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that he was bullied by higher-ups when he expressed concerns about the department's public response to the attack, was ordered not to discuss the attack with a congressional investigator, and was not able to obtain the requisite clearance to discuss the attack with his attorney.

The Whistleblower Blocker: Cheryl Mills.  Who is Cheryl Mills?  She was general counsel and chief of staff to Secretary Hillary Clinton during the Benghazi attack.  She is also one of the ultimate Clinton insiders.  Here are six things you should know:  [#1] She's been working for the Clintons on and off since 1992.

Obama Administration: Mother of Murdered son in Benghazi is NOT a 'member of immediate family'.  Pat Smith, the mother of Sean Smith — one of four Americans murdered by Islamic fundamentalists in Benghazi — sat down for an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on the eve of today's hearings in the House Oversight Committee.  The quote from the interview that's dominating the headlines is when Smith said, 'I blame Hillary' but there's something else that came out of the interview that is off-the-charts absurd.  When asked by Tapper why she hasn't gotten answers from the Obama administration, Pat Smith said she was told it was because she's not a member of the immediate family.

8 journalists who downplayed the Benghazi scandal.  As new facts are uncovered about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya last September, it's become increasingly clear that many in the mainstream media really did cover up the severity of the attack during their initial reports, choosing instead to paint it as a overreaction by Washington Republicans.  Here are nine examples of the cover-up: [...]

Top U.S. Diplomat in Libya Knew Benghazi Was Terrorism.  Obama administration officials were adamant that Benghazi was fallout from the protest of an anti-Muslim YouTube video. U.S. diplomats on the ground knew it was a terrorist attack.

Benghazi Continues: Hillary de Medici.  Some folks on the right, because they have been so accustomed to failure in the face of a monolithic media, will be ready to throw in the towel.  That group is particularly disturbing because they are the very people who should be pushing this forward.  Without realizing it, their proclamations of pessimism are a self-fulfilling prophecy.  I urge them to overcome it for the sake of our country, because — trust me — Benghazi is not over.  It has only just begun.

Benghazi stinks — but it won't be Obama's Watergate. Unfortunately.  I've just been watching the riveting live coverage of Congress's investigation into the Benghazi disaster in which US ambassador Chris Stevens was murdered by Al Qaeda affiliates while the Obama administration stood by and let it happen.  What becomes clearer than ever, listening to the testimony of America's most senior surviving man on the ground Greg Hicks, is that the whole business reeks of the most concerted presidential cover up since Watergate.

White House struggles to respond to new Benghazi revelations.  The White House on Wednesday stood by its story that the Obama administration remained unsure exactly who was responsible for the attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi nearly five days after it occurred even though new revelations show Ansar al-Sharia's direct involvement.

Pay any price, bear any burden.  The hearing on Benghazi has made one thing abundantly clear.  The Democratic Party will do whatever it takes to bury the Benghazi consulate attack issue.  The chief defense against the accusations raised is that there's nothing to see in that 'long ago' event which is not simply partisan and political in nature.  Everything from filibusters, administrative delays, backhanded intimidation — the works — has been thrown into the defense. [...] But anyone who thinks Hillary and Barack will reward them for their sacrifice should ask themselves how Chris Stevens fared when he pleaded for help.  Can they expect better?

At Benghazi hearing, State Dept. officials challenge administration review of attacks.  Three State Department officials on Wednesday [5/8/2013] provided a riveting, emotional account of last year's fatal attack on U.S. installations in eastern Libya as they accused senior government officials of withholding embarrassing facts and failing to take enough responsibility for security lapses.

7 Things We Learned from the Benghazi Whistleblower Hearing.  The Republicans mishandled the Benghazi whistleblowers' hearing.  What should have been stretched across several days to give the nation time to digest it all, was instead packed into a single day filled with an overwhelming amount of information.  The media's attention span is not that long.

The Benghazi Hearing: Did It Matter?  What we already know for sure is devastating: the Obama administration treated the security of our diplomats and others in Libya in a grossly cavalier manner, which led directly to the deaths of our ambassador and three more Americans.  Further, it is obvious that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and others lied about the Benghazi travesty, weirdly blaming it on a YouTube video maker — who, by the way, is in prison at this moment as a convenient scapegoat — rather than acknowledging that al Qaeda had scored a major success.

Hillary Hasn't Heard the End of Benghazi.  While nothing said at the hearing was the "smoking gun" that some in the GOP suspect will eventually bring senior administration officials down because of the Libyan tragedy, enough questions were raised to keep the fires stoked on the issue for the foreseeable future.

White House Says Benghazi Probe 'Non-Substantive,' Defends Early Talking Points About Attack.  As whistleblowers came forward on Capitol Hill regarding the potential cover-up surrounding the Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack on Sept. 11, 2012, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney insisted the investigation was "politicized" and "non-substantive." But he refrained from questioning the congressional witnesses making allegations that the administration has been dismissing.

AP Labels Official House Benghazi Hearings as 'GOP Hearing'.  On Wednesday, the Associated Press mischaracterized the Benghazi hearings as merely a Republican event, even though it is an official House committee investigation.

Benghazi shows Democrats at [their] most desperate.  The party that swept into power on promises of transparency and accountability scrambled Wednesday to circle wagons in an extravagant attempt to protect administration officials, the White House and the woman many Democrats hope will be their next nominee for president.  Congressional Democrats strenuously tried covering up the inquiry into the botched handling and dishonest aftermath of the terrorist attack on a U.S. facility in Benghazi that left our ambassador to Libya and three other Americans dead.

Krauthammer: Democrats Were 'Frankly Embarrassing' at Benghazi Hearing.  Columnist Charles Krauthammer hit back at Democrats who have repeatedly claimed that the Benghazi hearing was a politicized attempt to discredit Hillary Clinton, calling their behavior Wednesday "frankly embarrassing" on "Special Report."

The Difference It Made.  On Wednesday, Representative Darrell Issa's House Oversight Committee convened the ninth round of hearings on the lethal September 11, 2012, attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, a number of iterations made necessary by the administration's manifold efforts to stall, stymie, and deflect the investigation.

How Did America Become A Paper Tiger?  One of our ambassadors and three others State employees are brutally murdered and the White House stonewalls all inquiries and calls reasonable questions about the incident political posturing by Republicans.  We suffer a devastating homeland attack in Boston, the first since 9/11/2001 and later learn how preventable it was if we had a Homeland Security Agency and an FBI that actually did their jobs.  How did this great nation get to such a level of governmental incompetence and spinelessness?

It's Dishonest to Talk about Benghazi Without Talking About the Syrian War.  According to Democrats, today's Congressional hearings on Benghazi are nothing but a partisan witch hunt.  According to Republicans, the Obama administration committed treason in it's handling of Benghazi ... and then tried to cover it up.  Both parties are avoiding the bigger picture ... The fact that Democrats and Republicans alike have been using Benghazi as the center of U.S. efforts to arm the Al Qaeda-affiliated Syrian rebels.

From Bimbos to Benghazi.  [Scroll down]  Close to the top of said liberal agenda, on the political side, is the preservation of Mrs. Clinton's reputation and record as Secretary of State.  A necessity for her presumed 2016 presidential candidacy that is thoroughly entangled with both the record and long-term historical legacy of the Obama presidency itself.  Thus, the tactics used to smear Bill Clinton's women — his "bimbo eruptions" as the phrase of the day went — are now being wheeled out to deal with Hillary Clinton's Benghazi whistleblowers.

The big Benghazi mystery: Where was Obama while 4 Americans perished?  Obama et al have done everything in their power to minimize that event, to let it melt away to wherever lethal embarrassments go.  Why?  Remember the context of those days:  Both national party conventions were just over and Obama was claiming al Qaeda was on the run, thanks to his leadership and deadly drone kill list.  You're welcome.  Now, finally, thanks to our two-party system of checks and balances and the courage of a handful of whistle-blowers we're beginning to get a full account of what really happened that awful night.  It's not pretty.

The Benghazi beat.  For eight months now, the national press corps has shown little interest in questioning President Obama's narrative that any mistakes made before, during or after the Benghazi attacks were through incompetence brought about by the fog of war.  That storyline took a big hit yesterday on Capitol Hill from three State Department officers who had direct knowledge of the events surrounding that deadly terror assault.  If their testimony is true, key aspects of the administration's narrative do not hold.

Coburn: 'Glaring Omission' from State Department's Submission to Intelligence Committee.  Sen. Tom Coburn (R., Okla.) told "Morning Joe" Thursday [5/9/2013] the State Department "has real trouble" on its hands and that in his seat on the Senate Intelligence Committee he noticed a glaring omission in its submitting of information that will eventually come to light.  He could not elaborate on what the omission was, but said he noticed it in his review of emails that went back and forth surrounding Benghazi.

Will CBS News disgrace itself over Sharyl Attkisson's honest reporting?  Sharyl Attkisson has distinguished herself with skeptical inquiry into Obama administration stories on Fast and Furious and Benghazigate, and perhaps as a result is reportedly in trouble with her bosses at CBS News.

Top Clinton aide responds to House Benghazi testimony.  "I was instructed not to allow the RSO [Regional Security Officer], the acting deputy chief of mission and myself to be personally interviewed by Congressman Chaffetz," [Gregory] Hicks said.  "So, the people at State told you, don't talk to the guy who's coming to investigate?" [Rep. Jim] Jordan pressed.  "Yes, sir," Hicks replied.

The Media: What Difference Does it Make?  Good journalists know what difference it makes, as did Abraham Lincoln, who said, "If given the truth, (Americans) can be depended upon to meet any national crisis.  The great point is to bring them the real facts."  Yet the media — CBS News notwithstanding — seem to have abandoned their constitutionally protected role to safeguard Americans from the government, tending instead to protect the government from Americans.  Why else do they show scant interest that no senior administration officials have been held accountable for the four deaths, nor have the terrorists who launched the attack — although the YouTube filmmaker is in jail?

Benghazi and the Lust for Power.  The tragedy of Benghazi is about to be compounded by witnessing how callous this administration is when it comes to sacrificing life for power.  As CBS and CNN have gotten out of the tank for Obama and are starting to ask penetrating questions of the administration, it is only a matter of time before American journalists start acting once again like journalists.  And when that happens, the cover-up is seriously going to unravel and make Watergate look relatively insignificant.

White House claims edits to Benghazi talking points were 'stylistic'.  Any White House edits made to talking points about the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, were merely "stylistic," Obama spokesman Jay Carney insisted on Wednesday amid congressional hearings about the Sept. 11 strike that killed four Americans. [...] A recent article by The Weekly Standard suggests the edits were more substantial.  According to the magazine, senior officials at the White House and State Department were heavily involved in rewriting the talking points.

Boehner demands Benghazi emails from White House.  House Speaker John Boehner is demanding that the White House release a series of unclassified emails related to the Sept. 11 fatal terrorist attacks on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya.  Boehner is seeking emails Republican lawmakers say were sent the day after the attack from a senior State Department official to her superiors in which she reported that she told the Libyan ambassador that Islamic terrorists were responsible for the attack.

Why Benghazi is a Blow to Obama and Clinton.  The administration's response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on U.S. installations in eastern Libya was inaccurate, irresponsible and shrouded by campaign-style spin.  It belied President Obama's oft-broken promise to run a transparent government.  If nothing else, Benghazi is a blow to the credibility of the president and his potential successor, then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Dem Delegate: 'Enough Benghazi,' 'What's the Big Deal Here?'.  Following yesterday's House Oversight Committee Hearing with Benghazi whistleblowers, Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D., D.C.) echoed on MSNBC Hillary Clinton's infamous "What difference, at this point, does it make?" line, asking, "What's the big deal here?"  She dismissed the idea that there were any new revelations, saying, "I dare anybody who covered that hearing to tell me what new he heard."

The Editor says...
There were several new revelations, but the one that comes to mind immediately is that the State Department talking points had been through twelve revisions.  And as noted above, there may have been as many as

11 other revelations.

Liberal media spin Benghazi scandal to protect Team Obama.  The Obama administration has lied, stonewalled, bullied, and intimidated — the true marks of an open and transparent administration.  And, with a few notable exceptions, the American media haven't just let them get away it. [...] they've helped.  Hill testimony of State Department whistleblowers might change that, but it's doubtful given the one-sided reporting so far.

Boehner calls for release of Benghazi emails as pressure grows on administration.  Pressure on the Obama administration to release more information about the Benghazi attack grew Thursday [5/9/2013], as House Speaker John Boehner demanded officials turn over emails pertaining to the controversial "talking points" and another top Republican appealed for more whistle-blowers to come forward.

Nobody Died in Watergate.  The testimony proved a host of things, some redundantly.  The first is that when UN Ambassador Susan Rice went on five Sunday talk shows — five days after the incident — the Obama administration had to know she was lying when she blamed the Benghazi attack on an anti-Muslim video.  How do we know?  Among other things, there were no demonstrations outside the Benghazi consulate before there was a well-planned and probably rehearsed terrorist attack that took the lives of Amb. Chris Stevens and one staffer.

Benghazi Hall of Shame.  Fourteen days after Ambassador Chris Stevens was murdered by Islamists, President Barack Obama stood up in front of the United Nations and declared that the "message" of a movie virtually no one will ever see "must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity," that "the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam," and that we all should "condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims, and Shiite pilgrims."  It should give even Obama's strongest supporters pause that the same administration so wary about characterizing Benghazi as a "terrorist attack" was simultaneously so eager to characterize an artistic provocation as a (potentially criminal) incitement.

Krauthammer On Benghazi: "Where Was The Commander In Chief In All Of This?".  ["]And I would ask another question, where was the commander in chief in all of this?  The one man who can authorize and order troops to move above everybody and instantly is commander in chief.  Where was he for these hours when the fight was raging?["]

House Republicans Call on White House to Release Benghazi E-Mails.  House Republicans on Thursday called on the Obama administration to release a new batch of e-mails that they believe will shed more light on how the White House and the State Department responded in the days after the attacks on American facilities in Benghazi, Libya.  Speaker John A. Boehner, in a written statement, made the request, saying, "The truth shouldn't be hidden from the American people behind a White House firewall."  His move was the first of many expected by Republicans in the coming days and weeks to try to force the White House to divulge more documents and allow additional witnesses to testify.

The Benghazi Scandal Grows.  [W]eeks after the attack the Obama administration claimed the cause of the violence was a spontaneous demonstration, not pre-planned attacks; that the cause of the demonstrations was an anti-Muslim YouTube video; and that there was no terrorist involvement in the attacks.

Reminder: Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi while standing in front of the victims' caskets.  [Video clip]

Dems' Benghazi Hearing Mission: Help Hillary For 2016.  Congressional Democrats will go all-out to protect their likely 2016 presidential nominee.  They won't ask why a 10-man SWAT team was sent to arrest a filmmaker while pleas for help in Benghazi were ignored.

On CNN, Mother Of Slain Benghazi Victim Excoriates Hillary Clinton: 'I Blame Her'.  Pat Smith, mother of slain State Department officer Sean Smith, who died in the September 11, 2012, attack on an American consulate in Benghazi, tore into the federal government and their efforts to investigate that deadly attack on Tuesday.  In an interview with CNN host Jake Tapper, Smith said that she blames former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for failing to ensure her staff was secure and for not taking blame for that failure after they were killed in the line of duty.

Brit Hume: 'No way' for Hillary Clinton to escape responsibility for Benghazi.  Senior Fox News political analyst Brit Hume laid out why this week's testimony on last September's terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya could be problematic for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  Hume, speaking on Tuesday's [5/7/2013] broadcast of "America Live," said there is no feasible way for her to escape any responsibility since she had to be involved in the crafting of the talking points that came out after the attack that resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including then-U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.

Benghazi Blood Splatter.  "We the people" have been lied to by the Obama Administration from the get-go regarding what transpired in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.  Why?  Why were we lied to, and why were Woods and Doherty, who fought bravely for several hours against overwhelming odds, abandoned by their country when the ways and means to come to their aid were available? Why — and who is responsible?

Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News, a persistent voice of media skepticism on Benghazi.  From the start, the Obama administration's account of what happened in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11 last year didn't quite square for Sharyl Attkisson.  So the veteran CBS News reporter dug in, and kept digging.  The result:  Attkisson has been a persistent voice of news-media skepticism about the government's story. On the air and online, Attkisson has questioned the administration's timeline and its response.  She has hunted down important eyewitnesses and pressed for release of documents that might shed more light on the attack that killed four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.

How Do We Make Sense of Obama's, Clinton's and Panetta's Actions During the Benghazi Attack?  So the Obama administration knew from the beginning that Cairo was not really about a movie.  Therefore, neither was Benghazi, and they knew it.  The CIA's original talking points reflect this fact, clearly blaming al Qaeda and never mentioning the YouTube movie. [...] Neither incident was really about protesting a movie.  Ever.  And they had the intelligence to prove it.  Their own intelligence never pointed to a movie.

The Profound Moral Failure of Benghazi.  I hope military and civilian policy makers carefully read Bing West's post responding to various excuses advanced for failing to aid embattled Americans in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.  I could never improve on a Bing West military analysis, but let me also add that September 11, 2012, was a profound moral failure.  The degree of courage displayed that night was apparently inversely proportional to the decision-maker's distance from Libya.

5 Benghazi Mysteries that Must Be Solved.  [#1]  Who gave the stand-down order, and why?  Fox and CBS have both reported that there was a stand-down order issued during the battle in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.  Four Americans died, while as many as 30 survived.  Assistance could have come in from U.S. bases in Italy or possibly from bases in the Middle East.  There was a drone, unarmed, overhead, and there have been reports that an AC-130 gunship was also overhead at some point during the prolonged battle.  The question is not, now, whether there was a stand-down order issued.  Fox and CBS have independently reported that there was.  The question is, how far up in the U.S. chain of command was that decision made, and why was it made?

Father of Navy SEAL Killed in Benghazi to Hillary Clinton: 'Credibility Is the Difference'.  The question that needs to be answered for America's sake is why this happened, said [Charles] Woods.  In order to answer that question, he concluded that we first need to answer who did this.  Woods revealed that a couple of weeks ago, he and 700 former special forces members went to D.C. to encourage Congress to have these hearings.  "Our message to them was that so far we don't have any real credible evidence, [...] and it's been all hearsay testimony."  Fox News has reported that "whistleblowers" who witnessed the attack were being threatened by government.

A Benghazi bombshell.  The Obama administration wants to consign the Benghazi terrorist attack to the history books, but this week three State Department officials will tell Congress that the Obama administration's version of history is false — and that the falsehoods it told the American people were willful and deliberate.

Benghazi Bubbling: 25,000 Sign Petition in 24 Hours Demanding Answers.  As a congressional committee prepares to hear what is expected to be explosive testimony Wednesday [5/8/2013] from State Department whistleblowers on last September's attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, a petition demanding that the administration come clean about the incident attracted 25,000 signatures in just 24 hours.  As of early Wednesday morning, the total number of people to have signed the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) petition had passed 70,000.

Benghazi Hearing Aims to Reveal High Level Decision-Makers.  The Committee appears to be interested in finding out who ultimately made the decision to tell military assets not to send help to the Americans who were under assault in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

Operation Smear Benghazi Whistleblowers.  According to the House Oversight Committee, Hicks reportedly will refute Team Obama's claims that nobody was told to stand down and that all military resources available were used in the rescue efforts.  As Special Forces prepared to fly from Tripoli to Benghazi to save lives during the attacks, Hicks says the team received a phone call from the U.S. Special Operations Command Africa telling them "you can't go" and that the decision was "purely political."  The State Department press office already has accused Victoria Toensing, attorney for one of the Benghazi whistleblowers, of "lying" about administration pressure on her clients.

Fox Analyst Shreds 'Cowardly, Duplicitous' Admin Over Benghazi: 'Sacrificed American Lives For Politics'.  Ahead of the Benghazi hearings in which three witnesses are set to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade invited Fox News analyst Lt. Col. Ralph Peters to discuss the issue.  Peters was unflinching in his criticism of the "cowardly" Obama administration — and the "establishment media" that aids it.  "Is this a national security coverup?" Kilmeade asking, explaining that the witness testimony is expected to say the administration was deceitful in its handling of the situation.

Checkmate: From global makeover to takeover.  Benghazi and the Israeli strikes near Damascus are not unrelated.  The Israeli attacks in Syria are collateral effects of our covert operations throughout the Middle East and North Africa and in that manner, tangentially related to Benghazi.  Benghazi was, and is, all about Syria. And Syria is not Iraq or Afghanistan, or even Egypt or Libya.  Those countries imploded, while Syria is set to explode, and therefore enjoin other nations into a regional and ultimately, a world war.  For this reason, people need to fully understand the significance and secrets that full disclosure about Benghazi would reveal.

Fourth Benghazi witness gagged by red tape.  Obama administration officials are finally letting the attorney for a Benghazi whistle-blower get a security clearance — but the clearance is at such a low level that it will probably slow the congressional probe of how the administration handled last year's terrorist attack on the embassy in Benghazi, Libya.  Victoria Toensing represents an unnamed government official who can help explain the reaction of top government officials to the jihadi attack on the U.S diplomatic site in Benghazi and killed four Americans last Sept. 11.

Benghazi Whistleblower Breaks Down While Describing His Lost Friends During Testimony.  Eric Nordstrom, the former Libyan regional security officer with the State Department, became emotional during his opening statement to the House committee investigating the deadly attack on an American consulate in Benghazi.  His voice broke describing his friends, the deceased American service and diplomatic personnel, who lost their lives in that attack.

Whistle-blower questions military response amid Benghazi attack.  A key Benghazi whistle-blower, responding to Democratic claims that the prolonged scrutiny over the administration's botched talking points is unwarranted, testified Wednesday [5/8/2013] that the early mischaracterization of the attack may have actually hurt the FBI's investigation.  "I definitely believe that it negatively affected our ability to get the FBI team quickly to Benghazi," said Greg Hicks, the deputy chief of mission in Libya who became the top U.S. diplomat in the country after Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed. He claimed the Libyan president was angered by the mischaracterization, in turn slowing the U.S. probe.

Official holds back tears during emotional Benghazi testimony.  The State Department's deputy chief of mission in Libya fought back tears on Wednesday as he delivered a lengthy account of the nighttime terrorist attacks last year that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens.  The first-hand account is the first the Oversight Committee has heard publicly from a witness during its investigation of possible security and intelligence failures in the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Dem Congressman At Benghazi Hearing: "Death Is A Part Of Life".  Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, tells Benghazi witnesses that "death is a part of life."

Secret email reveals top official told Libya's president that terrorists were behind Benghazi attack.  A top State Department appointee told Libya's ambassador to the United States one day after the military-style assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that the terror group Ansar al-Shariah was responsible.  But four days later, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations said on television that it was the product of a spontaneous protest.

Five Key Points from Today's Benghazi Hearing (So Far).  The key question remains unanswered: What did President Barack Obama do when he learned the consulate was under attack, and why?

NYT Public Editor Says Paper Playing Down Benghazi; Dismissive Hearing Coverage indicates Her Concern.  Benghazi hearings open in the House on Wednesday [5/8/2013], and the New York Times printed a preview on page 16 of Wednesday's edition that downplayed any possible revelations about the Obama administration's reaction to the terrorist attack, which killed ambassador Chris Stevens and three others.  Testimony is expected by three State Department officials, led by U.S. diplomat Gregory Hicks, deputy mission chief in Tripoli, who said his pleas for military assistance were overruled.

Report: CBS News Bosses Irked by Correspondent's Thorough Benghazi Reporting.  The biggest Benghazi-related story that took place outside of the House Oversight Committee's hearing room today is this item in Politico, regarding CBS News correspondent Sharyl Attkisson.  She's the reporter who famously drew White House officials' profane ire over her unapologetic pursuit of the Fast & Furious scandal story; now she's apparently facing searing criticism from another source:  Her own bosses.  Why?  Because she's been covering the Benghazi story too aggressively.

Benghazi Whistle-Blowers: 'It Matters'.  Testimony by the Benghazi whistle-blowers presents clear evidence of shameful political manipulation of the truth seven weeks before an election and a willingness to let four Americans die to maintain a campaign narrative.

Benghazi Whistleblower: 'I Was Stunned' That Amb. Rice Blamed a Video, 'My Jaw Dropped'.  Benghazi whistleblower Gregory Hicks, the former deputy chief of mission in Libya, said he was "stunned" to hear Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice go on national television and blame the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on a Youtube video, during testimony before Congress on Wednesday [5/8/2013].  "I was stunned.  My jaw dropped, and I was embarrassed," Hicks told Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) during a hearing before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

Emotional Testimony Recalls Benghazi Attacks.  A high-ranking American diplomat delivered an emotional reconstruction Wednesday of the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, providing the first detailed public account from an American official who was on the ground in Libya.  The testimony from Gregory Hicks, the No. 2 U.S. official in Libya at the time, before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee also drew new attention to key questions about the attacks, and how the administration handled the aftermath.

State Dept. Won't Say Its Own Officials Set to Testify on Benghazi Are 'Credible People'.  When asked at a press briefing on Monday [5/6/2013] to say that two State Department officials set to testify in Congress on Wednesday about the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi are "credible people," State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell would not do it.

Terrorist Haven in Libya.  The Ansar al Sharia Brigade, the Islamist terror group linked to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, continues to operate freely in that Libyan city, according to U.S. military officials.  The group remains active in the Mediterranean port city, operating patrols and checkpoints, and earlier this year reached an agreement with other Islamist groups allowing it to operate openly, said military officials familiar with intelligence reports from North Africa.

John Bolton: Benghazi could bring down Obama administration.  The Benghazi scandal could be the final "hinge point" that brings down the Obama administration, former U.N. Ambassador John R. Bolton said.  "This could be the hinge point," he said to Newsmax.  "It's that serious for them."

Obama Angrily Denied His Team Would Ever 'Play Politics or Mislead' on Benghazi.  During the 2nd Presidential Debate on October 16, 2012 the issue of Benghazi came to the forefront after a question about security arrangements at the consulate.  The President used his answer to criticize Gov. Romney for playing politics while the attack was taking place.

New York Times Ignores Benghazi.  In the past week, the investigation into the September 11, 2012 attacks on the US Consulate in Benghazi has been the dominant news story on most media outlets, including such traditional media venues as CBS News and The Washington Post.  But you wouldn't know it, if the New York Times was your sole source of news and information.

State Won't Say Who Told Clinton on 9/11/12 Benghazi was Being Justified 'As Response to Inflammatory Material Posted on Internet'.  When asked Monday who told Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Sept. 11, 2012 — while the terrorist attack was still ongoing in Benghazi and before former Navy SEALS Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed there — that the attack was being justified as "a response to inflammatory material posted on Internet," State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell would not answer.

Obama's Libya pick vows to press Benghazi probe.  President Obama's nominee to be the next ambassador to Libya vowed Tuesday [5/7/2013] to keep up the hunt for those responsible for the September attacks that killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi.  "As the president has committed, the perpetrators must be brought to justice," Deborah K. Jones told senators during a confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill.  "If confirmed, I will work closely with the Libyan government to see that justice is realized."

Payback time in the hen house as Benghazi hearings start on Wednesday.  The noise in the hen house this morning is the flutter and cackle of the chickens from Benghazi, scuttling home to roost.  The House committee opening hearings Wednesday on what happened there is likely to serve up chicken surprise.

Source: Only President Could Have Made 'Stand Down' Call On Benghazi.  A source with intimate information about the events that happened on the ground in Benghazi the night the U.S. Consulate and the CIA annex was attacked by terrorists told Breitbart News that, ultimately, only the President of the United States, or someone acting on his authority, could have prevented Special Forces either on the ground or nearby from helping those Americans who were under deadly assault.

Nobody Drowned at Watergate.  The emergence of the whistle blowers has made the story too big to ignore, as much as the media would prefer it would go away.  You will note that when it wasn't until after their beloved Obama was safely ensconced in the White House for another four years did the media show any interest in the biggest story of the administration.

A Much More Succinct Benghazi Timeline.  Four people died due to ideologically driven incompetence.  Because Hillary's ambitions are more important than human life, the administration then tried to bury what happened.  The maker of a bad movie was thrown into jail, and progressives tried to use his example to impose more restrictions on free speech.

Obama Administration's Benghazi Lies Exposed as Flat Out Cover-Up.  So, it was CIA vs. C.Y.A. at the State Department which, quite frankly, has been infiltrated by Edward Said-influenced Arab specialists to such an extent that it was practically a Muslim Brotherhood outpost even before the Obama administration took over.

The Truth About Benghazi Delegitimizes the 2012 Presidential Election.  The 2012 presidential election result, based as it is on voters being deliberately and deceptively kept in the dark on an obviously critical matter, is presumptively illegitimate.

Benghazi: The Impeachy-Keen Cover-Up That Just Won't Die.  Three whistleblowers (those who managed to escape death on 9/11/12 from the Benghazi attack, completely because of the former Navy SEALS who stood their ground while repeatedly yelling for help from the administration, and continually being told to "Stand down" ... for hours until they were killed) are set to testify at a hearing before Congress next week.  The administration is already trying to smudge the reputations of those diligently involved in looking for and demanding the truth.

Obama, Benghazi and the risky business of promoting regime change.  Watergate started out as a "third-rate burglary" with the cover-up eventually yielding numerous scalps.  The scandal that came to light emerged before craigslist and the internet gutted the business model for the mainstream media.  In 2013, we are dealing with another government cover-up.

Does Obama Care More About Benghazi Families, or Himself?  The Benghazi scandal is easy to understand, and that's what makes it so dangerous for the White House.  Simply, the Obama administration's narrative — that al-Qaeda was on the run, that Hosni Mubarak had to go, and that the Arab Spring was a good thing — was proven false when four brave Americans were killed.

Benghazi "Stand Down" Order Confirmed by New Testimony.  Tireless reporter Sharyl Attkisson set off a string of bombshells on Twitter Monday afternoon [5/6/2013], as she reported that new testimony in this week's congressional hearings will confirm that U.S. Special Forces were prevented from moving in to save the Americans under fire in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

Benghazi Blues.  No matter what happens with Darrell Issa's congressional committee meetings this week, we are witnessing the beginning of the end of the Obama administration, and the cause is Benghazi.  It's impossible to overestimate the blowback that has been gathering steam for the past seven months, now about to erupt with full force.

Special ops halted from responding to Benghazi attacks, U.S. diplomat say.  As the weakly protected U.S. diplomatic compound in eastern Libya came under attack the night of Sept. 11, 2012, the deputy head of the embassy in Tripoli 600 miles away sought in vain to get the Pentagon to scramble fighter jets over Benghazi in a show of force that he said might have averted a second attack on a nearby CIA complex.

Is Benghazi Becoming a Watergate, or Iran-Contra, or Both?  Can a State Department be credible that on its own accord seeks to alter intelligence synopses, and deny facts to maintain a pre-election narrative?  For all the criticism of the State Department under most Republican presidents, at least the tension between State and the administration kept State honest and independent.  But Benghazi shows that State has now almost descended into an arm of the 2012 reelection effort, in the manner of the media itself [...]

Hillary Clinton — culpable for Benghazi from beginning to end.  When it first became clear that the CIA's Benghazi talking points had been altered, many of us viewed the White House as the prime suspect.  After all, it served President Obama's political purposes to claim, at the height of a political campaign in which he was taking credit for the fall of al Qaeda, that the death of a U.S. ambassador was down to spontaneous outrage over a video, rather than pre-planned terrorism.  It turns out, however, that the State Department was the prime culprit.

Is there anything related to Benghazi that could get the president impeached?  Short answer — not yet.  For all the words spread around recently about impeaching Obama over Benghazi, there is a curious ommission made in every single article and blog post I've read that advocates or predicts that Obama will be impeached.  They all seem to be missing the words "high crimes and misdemeanors."

Too Little, Too Late: Press Plays Catchup on Benghazi Scandal.  The Benghazi scandal has truly become Watergate for the media themselves.  Months too late, and only after stunning revelations from whistleblower after whistleblower, members of the Obama-serving media are beginning to ask the questions they should have asked in the immediate aftermath of the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans by terrorists on September 11, 2012.  At the time, the media members (with a few exceptions) were too busy trying to drag President Obama to re-election.

Media Will Either Ignore or Destroy Benghazi Whistleblowers.  On September 11, 2012, an al-Qaeda affiliated terror group operating in Libya launched a massive, hours-long attack on our consulate in Libya.  When it was all over, four Americans were dead, including an American ambassador.  For the two weeks that followed, and for purposes of winning re-election, President Obama and his Administration brazenly lied about the attack — and the media just as brazenly let him.

Benghazi witness: US military response could have 'scared' off attackers, prevented mortar strike.  The U.S. military could have prevented one wave of the deadly attack on American personnel in Benghazi if fighter jets had been promptly deployed, a top diplomatic official who was in Benghazi during the Sept. 11 assault told congressional investigators.  The account, contained in a transcript obtained by Fox News, was given by Gregory Hicks during an interview last month with the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Jay Carney and Hillary Clinton give the media memes.  When Hillary Clinton was questioned during a Senate hearing over the Benghazi tragedy, her response was, "What difference at this point does it make?"  The media, except for her fans, rolled over and played dead.  Her media fans are preparing propaganda to make Hillary Clinton the next president.  Last week, when an errant or forgetful White House reporter went off script and asked White House Propaganda Minister Jay Carney a question about Benghazi, the minister replied, "That was a long time ago."

The 2012 Election Is Over; the Benghazi Scandal Is Not.  We now know, for example, that the early talking points were accurate — and it was only after the State Department and the White House, among others, got done revising the talking points that the truth was transformed into a false account.  To be specific:  early (accurate) references to "Islamic extremists" were removed. Early (accurate) references to "attacks" were changed to "demonstrations."

Benghazi Bullchips.  [Scroll down]  Last week, we learned that the State Department's Inspector General is investigating the Pickering-Mullen "Accountability Review Board" for, among other things, its failure to investigate and get statements from the Benghazi survivors.  Before there were whistleblowers there were survivors, yet the comprehensively misnamed "Accountability Review Board" didn't question them.  Which isn't a surprise.  The ARB did what it was paid to do:  limit the damage and blame people under Hillary Clinton for the failures of leadership and management.

U.S. Military in Tripoli Ordered Not to Go to Benghazi.  A top U.S. diplomat will testify Wednesday that as fighting raged in Benghazi, Libya, in the early morning hours of September 12, 2012, military officials in the region told a second rescue team preparing to deploy from Tripoli to Benghazi not to make the trip.

Benghazi Whistle-Blowers: We Sat And Watched Them Die.  Few people know who Gregory Hicks and Mark Thompson are, but then nobody knew who John Dean was when he testified at the Watergate hearings and blew the Nixon administration and its coverup out of the water.  "I thought it was a terrorist attack from the get-go," says Hicks, the U.S. deputy chief of mission in Libya on that fateful night.

Huckabee: Obama will be ousted over Benghazi.  Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said on his radio show Monday that President Obama "will not fill out his full term" because he was complicit in a "cover-up" surrounding the attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Libya.  "I believe that before it's all over, this president will not fill out his full term," Huckabee said.  "I know that puts me on a limb, but this is not minor."

Salon: Benghazi 'Big Scandal,' Whistleblowers 'Credible'.  You can bet the farm that right now the media are looking at the results of the bombshell report Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News just dropped and are already coordinating a way to downplay, ignore, or discredit what looks to be a very serious White House scandal that almost certainly involves a cover up.

Benghazi Witness: Special Forces Told to Not to Provide Backup in Benghazi.  CBS News is reporting that Benghazi witness Greg Hicks told congressional investigators that "a team of Special Forces prepared to fly from Tripoli to Benghazi during the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks was forbidden from doing so by U.S. Special Operations Command South Africa."  Hicks also reported that SOCAFRICA commander Lt. Col. Gibson and his team were prepared to board a C130 from Tripoli before the attack on the Benghazi annex.
[Emphasis in original.]

Vindicated: Charges Of A Benghazi Cover-Up No Longer 'Fox-Induced Hysteria'.  The emergence of a number of whistleblowers who have come forward to refute the claims made by some members of President Barack Obama's administration relating to the September 11, 2012, attack on an American consulate in Benghazi does not directly implicate the White House in a cover-up.  They do, however, demolish the politically-motivated allegations by a slew of commentators on the left who asserted that those reporters doggedly investigating the American response to the attack were onto something.

Whistle-blower: Benghazi rescue team told to stand down before second deadly attack.  American Special Forces soldiers were preparing to board the C-130 that would fly them on a mission to rescue Americans under attack by terrorists in Benghazi on Sept. 11 last year, but they were stopped by a last-minute order from somebody higher up in the U.S. government, House investigators have learned.

White House tries to deflect criticism from Benghazi whistle-blowers.  The White House on Monday [5/6/2013] attempted to deflect new criticism on the administration's handling of the Benghazi attacks from a firsthand witness and an additional whistle-blower, arguing that an internal State Department review charged with investigating the September attacks was led by an "unimpeachable" team.

GOP Rep.: 'Not A Single Democrat' Went To Libya, State Department To Investigate Benghazi Attack.  With whistleblowers coming forward and charging that members of President Barack Obama's administration actively hindered the investigation into the events leading up to and following the deadly 2012 attack on an American consulate in Benghazi, the political blame game is also taking shape.  On Monday [5/6/2013], Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) appeared on Fox & Friends where he alleged that his Democratic colleagues in the Congress were not interested in the investigation into Benghazi until recently.

Dramatic and damaging details on Benghazi attack expected during congressional showdown.  Gregory N. Hicks is expected to testify before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that he thought it was a terrorist attack from the start, and not a spontaneous reaction to protests out of Egypt resulting from an anti-Islam video on the Internet — a version that U.N. Ambassador Susan E. Rice put forward on Sunday talk shows in the wake of the attack.

Media are Curled Up at Obama's Feet with Their Eyes Covered When They Should be Demanding Answers.  The destruction of an American Consulate and the murder of four American citizens and the rape of an American Ambassador is an open sore on the Obama administration, and the more they stonewall it, the more they send out political allies to explain it, who were thousands of miles away when it happened, the more they claim that in the seven or eight hours it took to unfold that there was no way any help could have been sent, the more they intimidate the people who can and are willing to blow the whistle on this sordid mess, the more anybody who is willing to accept the truth realizes there is some underlying factor that the Obama administration doesn't want the American public to know.

Diplomat: U.S. Special Forces told "you can't go" to Benghazi during attacks.  The deputy of slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens has told congressional investigators that a team of Special Forces prepared to fly from Tripoli to Benghazi during the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks was forbidden from doing so by U.S. Special Operations Command Africa.

Rep. Issa: Politics Clearly Played a Part in Obama Admin's Handling of Benghazi Attack.  A witness is expected to testify at a Congressional hearing Wednesday that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to cut the department's own anti-terrorism unit out of the loop on the night of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.

Democrats' Agenda for Benghazi Hearing: Protect Hillary at All Costs.  Ahead of Wednesday's long-awaited hearings at the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee about the Benghazi terror attack of Sep. 11, 2012, Democrats have a clear agenda: protect Hillary Clinton at all costs.

Benghazi Witness: 'You Should Have Seen What (Clinton) Tried to Do to Us That Night'.  Mark I. Thompson will make the allegation that Hillary Clinton "tried to cut the department's own counter-terrorism bureau out of the chain of reporting and decision-making" as they responded to the Benghazi attacks.

Benghazi Whistleblower: 'My Jaw Hit the Floor' as WH Blamed YouTube.  In an appearance on Face the Nation this morning, Rep. Darrell Issa revealed several new pieces of information about the Obama administration's controversial description of the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, casting doubt that the White House mischaracterized its cause by mere accident.

Benghazi Continued: Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion.  By manipulating facts and lying to the American public immediately after the events of September 11, 2012, the State Department has behaved, to its eternal shame, like the propaganda arm of a totalitarian state — and not a very sophisticated one.  This is particularly disturbing since State is — or at least is supposed to be — a non-partisan branch of our government.

Three more officials to testify about Benghazi attacks.  As the deputy chief of mission for the U.S. in Libya, Gregory Hicks was on the ground at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli on September 11, 2012, when terrorists launched two attacks on American compounds in Benghazi.  Hicks and two other government officials have been named as witnesses for a Congressional hearing Wednesday before the House Oversight Committee.

Clinton sought end-run around counterterrorism bureau on night of Benghazi attack, witness will say.  On the night of Sept. 11, as the Obama administration scrambled to respond to the Benghazi terror attacks, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a key aide effectively tried to cut the department's own counterterrorism bureau out of the chain of reporting and decision-making, according to a "whistle-blower" witness from that bureau who will soon testify to the charge before Congress, Fox News has learned.

Benghazi Blues.  No matter what happens with Darrell Issa's congressional committee meetings this week, we are witnessing the beginning of the end of the Obama administration, and the cause is Benghazi.  It's impossible to underestimate the blowback that has been gathering steam for the past seven months, now about to erupt with full force.  Few reputations will emerge unscathed, Obama's presidency will be crippled, Hillary Clinton's 2016 candidacy will be destroyed — and perhaps some new heroes will be born.

Issa: No Classified or Diplomatic Reason to Blame Benghazi Attack on Anti-Islam Video.  Rep. Darrell Issa (R., Calif.) said he could find no diplomatic or classified explanation as to why Susan Rice and the Obama Administration initially claimed the Benghazi attack was a spontaneous response to an anti-Islam video Sunday on "Face the Nation" [5/5/2013].

Lynch: Benghazi Talking Points Were 'Scrubbed'.  [Rep. Stephen] Lynch's admission comes after Stephen Hayes of The Weekly Standard reported the initial draft of CIA talking points on Benghazi contained references to Al-Qaida that were removed prior to Susan Rice's Sunday talk show appearances.

Benghazi Boils Over.  Damaging new revelations continue to undermine the Obama administration as Congress prepares to resume hearings examining the response to the September 11, 2012, attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead including the U.S. ambassador.  There are new details that administration officials misled the public in its initial public assessments of the attack, withheld relevant information that may have been politically damaging, waged "subtle intimidation" campaigns against multiple government employees who sought to testify about the attack, and neglected evidence in its own internal investigation of the attack and its aftermath.

Dancing with Obama.  Political satirist Greg Gutfeld said:  ["]The media would not know a good story if they woke up next to it after they were drunk last night.  For them Benghazi is like an ugly wallflower at the prom.  They just want to dance with Obama all night.["]  It's a way of life that's not without consequences to them or us.

The man behind the Benghazi cover-up?  CIA career officials clearly and repeatedly identified Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda-linked Islamic terrorists as the culprits behind the murder of four Americans.  Of course, this would cause embarrassment for the Obama team, especially in the few weeks before the election.  They had been boasting for years that Al Qaeda had been decimated, the "tide of war" was receding; they had been on a mission to whitewash the prospect of Islamic terrorism as a threat to America [...].

The Benghazi Talking Points.  Even as the White House strove last week to move beyond questions about the Benghazi attacks of Tuesday, September 11, 2012, fresh evidence emerged that senior Obama administration officials knowingly misled the country about what had happened in the days following the assaults.  The Weekly Standard has obtained a timeline briefed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence detailing the heavy substantive revisions made to the CIA's talking points, just six weeks before the 2012 presidential election, and additional information about why the changes were made and by whom.

Chaffetz: Obama Admin Has Blocked Benghazi Witnesses from Testifying Before Congress.  Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah) stated without equivocation on "Fox News Sunday" that the Obama Administration has actively blocked potential witnesses from testifying on Benghazi.  In addition, Chaffetz also alleged there is a survivor of the Benghazi attack still in the hospital listed under an altered name, posing significant questions as to whether the State Department is attempting to impede the investigation.

Chaffetz says administration blocking potential Benghazi whistleblowers.  The Obama administration has blocked potential witnesses from testifying about the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said Sunday [5/5/2013].  "Absolutely, and more than one," Chaffetz said on "Fox News Sunday" when asked if the Obama administration had blocked potential witnesses.  "There are people who want to testify that have been suppressed. ... They're scared to death of what the State Department is doing with them."

Benghazi whistle-blower Hicks: Internal review 'let people off the hook'.  Greg Hicks, former deputy chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, Libya, told congressional investigators that the State Department internal review of the catastrophe at the mission in Benghazi "let people off the hook," CNN has learned.  The Accountability Review Board "report itself doesn't really ascribe blame to any individual at all.  The public report anyway," Hicks told investigators, according to transcript excerpts obtained by CNN.  "It does let people off the hook."

The Obama Benghazigate, Worse Than Watergate!  Four Americans are dead and the American people are being lied to as to how and why they got that way.  Either the President is lying — and needs to be impeached, or he's NOT lying — and needs to be impeached — because he DIDN'T know what was happening!

Official: We knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack "from the get-go".  "Everybody in the mission" in Benghazi, Libya, thought the attack on a U.S. consulate there last Sept. 11 was an act of terror "from the get-go," according to excerpts of an interview investigators conducted with the No. 2 official in Libya at the time, obtained by CBS News' "Face the Nation."

Does Obama Want To Bring Anyone To Justice?  Eight months after the Benghazi attack, the FBI begs for help by releasing photos of three suspects, reports surface about an al-Qaida link and the State Department's review panel is under investigation.

Report: Timeline shows how the Obama administration doctored intelligence talking-points on Benghazi.  A top-secret timeline from inside the Obama administration shows how the U.S. government heavily altered talking points about the Benghazi consulate attack that left four Americans dead, despite having clear intelligence reports from Libya indicating that an al Qaeda-linked terror group 'claimed credit' for destroying the diplomatic outpost.

Enemies Foreign and Domestic.  CBS News reminds us on its website that the very morning the U.N. Ambassador was racing from Sunday show to Sunday show to claim the attack was a spontaneous demonstration that got out of hand, "President of Libya Mohammed al-Magariaf, said his government had 'no doubt that this was preplanned, predetermined.'"  Al-Magariaf said that on "Face the Nation" moments before Amb. Rice came on to flatly contradict him.

Whistle-blower: Special Forces Rescue Team Ordered to 'Stand Down' During Benghazi Raid.  You met Greg Hicks earlier.  He's the career State Department official whose "jaw hit the floor" when Susan Rice went the 'Full Ginsburg' to spread bogus talking points in the immediate wake of the 9/11 Benghazi attacks.  If you thought exposing and debunking the administration's initial dishonest spin was the biggest bombshell Hicks was preparing to drop on Wednesday, you'd be wrong.

The Complete Benghazi Timeline in Spreadsheet Format.  Doug Ross of Director Blue has pulled together information from Stephen Hayes and the House Oversight Committee that leads to, in his words, "four inescapable conclusions":
    a)  Hillary Clinton lied under oath to Congress.
    b)  Barack Obama went to sleep knowing that a U.S. Ambassador and other Americans were under terrorist attack.
    c)  Barack Obama awoke refreshed the next day to begin fundraising.
    d)  The entire Executive Branch lied repeatedly to the American people to save Obama's chances for reelection.

Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched.  We are in a fascinating period of unraveling.  Whistleblowers in the defense community are appearing.  I'm sure at State, some are looking over their shoulders, waiting for the "Night of the Long Knives" to begin.  It probably has already. [...] I don't know about you, but I will be watching closely on May 8, when Rep. Issa begins his public inquiry.  These may be the beginnings of the most important hearings of our lifetime.

State Department Blocked Access to Benghazi Witness for Months.  The names of the witnesses who will be at the House Oversight Committee Hearing next Wednesday [5/8/2013] relating to last September's attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi on have reportedly surfaced.

State Dept: Benghazi Whistleblowers "Lying" About Requesting Clearance To Testify.  Watch this video clip.

Lawyer Of Benghazi Whistleblower To State Dept: "Apologize" For Calling Me A Liar.  Then watch this video clip.

State Department's Benghazi review panel under investigation, Fox News confirms.  The State Department's Office of Inspector General is investigating the special internal panel that probed the Benghazi terror attack for the State Department, Fox News has confirmed.  The IG's office is said by well-placed sources to be seeking to determine whether the Accountability Review Board, or ARB — led by former U.N. Ambassador Thomas Pickering and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen — failed to interview key witnesses who had asked to provide their accounts of the Benghazi attacks to the panel.

CBS News' Attkisson: 'Sometimes I Feel Alone' Pursuing Benghazi Story.  Only a handful of journalists have really pursued the Benghazi terror attack story.  Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News has been consistently out front challenging the Obama White House on the September 11, 2012 attack that left four Americans dead, including the US Ambassador to Libya.

Does the Obama Government Really Want to Catch Anyone Involved in the Benghazi Attack?  A day after the FBI released photos of individuals it says it's seeking in connection with the Benghazi terrorist attack, I'm still scratching my head.  Eight months after an attack that left four Americans dead, this is all the FBI has?

Bombshell CNN Investigation: 3 Al Qaeda Operatives Took Part In Attack On Benghazi Consulate.  According to an investigation by CNN reporters, three Yemeni members of Al Qaeda took part on the coordinated attack on an American consulate and a safe house in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012.  "One senior U.S. law enforcement official told CNN that "three or four members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula," or AQAP, took part in the attack," CNN reports.

Sources: 3 al Qaeda operatives took part in Benghazi attack.  Several Yemeni men belonging to al Qaeda took part in the terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi last September, according to several sources who have spoken with CNN.  One senior U.S. law enforcement official told CNN that "three or four members of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula," or AQAP, took part in the attack.

Rep. Issa: US Waged Possible 'Cover-Up' in Benghazi.  Rep. Darrell Issa of California charged on Sunday that the Obama administration made a political decision to deny that terrorists were responsible for the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya.  "We can't find a classified reason for it.  We can't find a diplomatic reason for it," said the Republican, appearing on CBS' "Face the Nation. [5/5/2013]"

Names of 'whistleblower' witnesses revealed.  Their identities have been a well-guarded secret, known only to their high-powered lawyers and a handful of House lawmakers and staff.  But now Fox News has learned the names of the self-described Benghazi "whistleblowers" who are set to testify before a widely anticipated congressional hearing on Wednesday [5/8/2013].

State investigates the Benghazi investigators.  Fox News and the Hill both report that the State Department has ordered an inspector general's review of the work of the Benghazi Accountability Review Board (ARB). [...] Former United Nations ambassador John Bolton wrote in an email to me, "I've never heard of anything like it!"  He emphasized, "I've never heard of an IG investigating an ARB.  I don't think there have been that many ARB's which is what makes it unusual."

Pentagon Had 'Assets Pre-Positioned' Off Libya — In Case It Needed to Rescue Hillary Clinton.  When then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made an unannounced part-of-the-day visit to Tripoli, Libya, on Oct. 18, 2011, the U.S. Defense Department pre-positioned assets off the Libyan coast in case it needed to rescue the secretary of state.  The fact that the assets were pre-positioned for Clinton's visit was included in the annual report of the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security (BDS).

The Benghazi Talking Points.  Even as the White House strove last week to move beyond questions about the Benghazi attacks of Tuesday, September 11, 2012, fresh evidence emerged that senior Obama administration officials knowingly misled the country about what had happened in the days following the assaults.  The Weekly Standard has obtained a timeline briefed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence detailing the heavy substantive revisions made to the CIA's talking points, just six weeks before the 2012 presidential election, and additional information about why the changes were made and by whom.

Whistleblower: Obama Administration Refuses to Capture Terrorist Behind Benghazi 9-11.  Today — Jay Carney — the White House Administration's spokesperson responded to a Benghazi question by making sure everyone was aware that "Benghazi happened a long time ago."  Carney goes on to state that the scandal is merely a "politicization."  That's weird... is there a statue of limitation on murdering American citizens?

Whistleblowers: Obama, Kerry Aware of Benghazi Cover-Up.  The Obama administration blamed the attack on a YouTube video for more than two weeks despite evidence during the attack that it was the work of terrorists.  [Victoria] Toensing is a former deputy assistant attorney general, was the first head of the Department of Justice's Terrorism Unit, and is widely respected on both sides of the aisle in Washington.  Toensing appeared on the Andrea Tantaros Show today [5/1/2013] and accused the State Department of slow-walking the process for Benghazi whistleblowers to obtain the legal counsel that they are due.

Congress ignores Obama, pushes ahead on Benghazi.  President Barack Obama and other executive-branch officials have made clear that they don't think that further discussion is needed on the Benghazi attacks, but Congress is not done with the issue.  At a press briefing Tuesday, President Barack Obama denied knowledge of allegations from some Republican senators that survivors of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi were being blocked from testifying before Congress.

Networks Ignore Libya Whistleblower Who Asserts: We Know Who Perpetrated Benghazi.  All three network newscasts on Monday and Tuesday [4/29-30/2013] ignored the shocking assertions made by a whistleblower who told Fox News that special forces could have responded to the 2012 terrorist attack on Benghazi.  He also claimed that the United States knows who perpetrated last year's assault on the U.S. embassy.  Fox News's Adam Housley interviewed a man he described as a "special ops member who watched as the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi unfolded."

MSM face Benghazigate dilemma.  For the moment only Fox and conservative media are covering the revelations of a Benghazi whistleblower, limiting knowledge of the disturbing revelations to perhaps a third of the public, if that.  The vast pool of low information voters will never know that there is anything to be concerned about regarding the slaughter of four Americans and the apparent lies and cover-up that has followed from Obama administration.

FBI appeals for help in Benghazi attack.  The FBI said it was looking for information about three men seen on the grounds of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi at the time of a deadly September attack.

Krauthammer: Carney's Remark is 'Definition of Chutzpah'.  [Quoting Charles Krauthammer:]  "It echoes what Hillary Clinton said at her hearings:  What difference does it make at this point?  Well, because if you wait that long, the evidence will fade."  Reports have surfaced this week that Benghazi government witnesses were intimidated or threatened by unnamed Obama administration officials, and Victoria Toensing, an attorney for one State Department witness, said the administration is stonewalling the investigation.

State Department's Benghazi review panel under investigation, Fox News confirms.  The State Department's Office of Inspector General is investigating the special internal panel that probed the Benghazi terror attack for the State Department, Fox News has confirmed.  The IG's office is said by well-placed sources to be seeking to determine whether the Accountability Review Board, or ARB — led by former U.N. Ambassador Thomas Pickering and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen — failed to interview key witnesses who had asked to provide their accounts of the Benghazi attacks to the panel.

Explosive Report Contradicts the Obama Administration's Benghazi Story in a Big Way.  The U.S. government had the ability to "react and respond" to the Benghazi terrorist attack and could have had forces on the ground before the second wave of the assault began, a special operator with knowledge of the response told Fox News in an exclusive interview.

Obama's Omerta! Benghazi Whistleblowers Threatened By Administration.  According to Fox news at least four career employees of the State Department and the CIA have been threatened not to talk by their superiors. [...] But Wait!  Isn't this supposed to be the most transparent administration in history?  Why would they threaten people to prevent them from talking to congress?

Obama 'not familiar' with intimidation of Benghazi whistleblowers.  President Obama on Tuesday said he was unaware of complaints from Benghazi whistleblowers inside his own administration who contend that they are being intimidated over their cooperation with investigators into the September 2012 attack, but pledged to look into the matter.  "I'm not familiar with this notion that anybody's been blocked from testifying," Mr. Obama said in response to a question during a press conference in the White House briefing room.  "What I'll do is find out what exactly you're referring to."

Obama: 'I'm Not Familiar' With Benghazi Whistleblowers Being Threatened.  President Barack Obama said today at a press conference that he's "not familiar" with reports that Benghazi whistleblowers are being threatened.

Source: Mastermind Behind Benghazi Attack Identified, But Not Arrested.  Multiple sources tell Fox News that the United States has identified the mastermind behind the attack, who is still in Libya and walks free.  A special operator, whose identity was concealed for safety, watched the events unfold and spoke to Fox News' Adam Housley.

Benghazi whistleblowers still waiting to tell their story.  Washington D.C. attorney Victoria Toensing has taken the case of an unidentified whistleblower from the State Department.  For her client to provide full testimony, Toensing says she needs something the government has yet to provide:  the means for her to receive a security clearance to handle the sensitive or classified material involved.  It's been two weeks since Republicans in Congress formally asked the State Department, the CIA and the Defense Department to outline the process for clearing private attorneys for Benghazi whistleblowers, but the agencies have not responded.

State Department downplays reports of Benghazi bullying.  "If Benghazi is not an example of system failure before, during and after the attack, what would be?" asked Mr. Graham.  "If Boston is not an example of a pre-9/11 stovepiping mentality, what would be?"  [Sen. Lindsey] Graham made the remarks on a day when Mr. Obama told reporters that he was unaware of recent accusations by Benghazi whistleblowers that they were being intimidated by the administration over their cooperation with congressional investigators.

Obama pledges inquiry on Benghazi survivors' testimony.  President Obama said he is unaware of longstanding efforts by Republican lawmakers to question survivors of the Benghazi attacks but pledged to investigate the issue.  "I'm not familiar with this notion that anybody has been blocked from testifying," the president said during a White House news conference on Tuesday.  "So what I'll do is I will find out what exactly you're referring to."

Attorney: Benghazi Whistle-Blowers Threatened by White House.  Victoria Toensing, Republican Counsel to the Senate Intelligence Committee, says her client, a State Department official now considered a whistle-blower in the investigation of the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, has been "threatened" by Obama administration officials.  According to Toensing, these threats weren't related to ambiguous matters.  Rather, they were "specifically about Benghazi."

Issa: Obama 'aids those' who are intimidating Benghazi whistle-blowers.  House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., accused President Obama of "aid[ing] those in his Administration who are intimidating" potential Benghazi whistle-blowers, because Obama pleaded ignorance when asked about the issue today [4/30/2013].

Krauthammer: Obama Claiming Ignorance About Benghazi Survivors Is "Stunning".  [Scroll down]  ["]Well, there were two things that surprised me.  First, is that Obama was asked about a story that broke last night on FOX — that the administration is threatening State Department career employees who want to talk about what really happened in Benghazi.  The president's answer?  He hadn't heard about that.  That could be true, a little bit hard to believe.  That was, I thought, rather stunning.["]

Obama On Benghazi: "I'm Not Familiar With This Notion That Anybody Has Been Blocked From Testifying".  [Quoting Barack H. Obama:]["]I'm not familiar with the notion that anybody has been blocked from testifying.  So what I will do is I will find out what exactly you are referring to. ["]

Obama Administration Denies Benghazi Whistleblowers Being Kept Quiet.  More than seven months after the attack Sept. 11, 2012, on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, the Obama administration continues to defend itself against allegations from House Republicans that the administration has not fully cooperated with Congress on the investigation into the attack.  On Tuesday, both President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry addressed claims being made by House Oversight and Foreign Affairs Committee leaders that the administration is impeding the Congressional testimony of State Department and CIA employees who survived the attack.  "I'm not familiar with this notion that anybody's been blocked from testifying," said the president.

Obama claims ignorance of 4 muzzled Benghazi whistleblowers.  What else does the commander-in-chief not know?  And why not?  President Obama, who disappeared from action reports the night of last fall's deadly terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, now admits he's ignorant of anybody wanting to talk about what really happened in those dark hours when four Americans died and no rescue was attempted.  "Ed," Obama told Fox News' Ed Henry at a surprise Tuesday [4/30/2013] news conference, "I'm not familiar with this notion that anybody has been blocked from testifying." Seriously, Mr. President?

Issa: New Benghazi hearing will 'expose new facts' Obama 'has tried to suppress'.  With whistle-blowers interested in discussing the Benghazi terrorist attack, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., scheduled a hearing that he promises will "expose" new information that President Obama "has tried to suppress."  The hearing is scheduled for May 8.  "This Administration has offered the American people only a carefully selected and sanitized version of events from before, during, and after the Benghazi terrorist attacks," Issa said in a statement this morning.  "Not surprisingly, this version of events casts senior officials in the most favorable light possible."

Fox News credited by lawyer for Benghazi whistleblower.  Washington lawyer Victoria Toensing is working pro bono with a State Department employee who wishes to testify before Congress on the events that claimed the lives of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others on Sept. 11.  Yet Toensing had received no such instructions on clearances, even though Issa, in letters dated April 16 and April 26, specifically requested them from the State Department.

Carney: Benghazi Happened A Long Time Ago.  White House spokesman Jay Carney denied Benghazi whistleblowers have been denied access to testifying.

Eyewitnesses to Benghazi attack to testify before House panel.  Witnesses to the attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, will testify next week at a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing, Rep. Trey Gowdy, South Carolina Republican, said.  While Mr. Gowdy did not provide the names of the hearing witnesses, he told Fox News' Greta Van Susteren that they will include people who saw the seven-hour attack on the diplomatic post.

Special ops called for military backup during Libya attack, sources say.  On the night of the Benghazi terror attack, special operations put out multiple calls for all available military and other assets to be moved into position to help — but the State Department and White House never gave the military permission to cross into Libya, sources told Fox News.  The disconnect was one example of what sources described as a communication breakdown that left those on the ground without outside help.

Mastermind in Benghazi attack walking free in Libya, sources say.  The U.S. has identified the mastermind of the Benghazi attack, sources tell Fox News, though the individual apparently is walking free in Libya.  The confirmation from multiple sources comes more than seven months after the assault on two U.S. locations in Benghazi, Libya, where four Americans — including Ambassador Chris Stevens — were killed. President Obama pledged after the attack that "justice will be done."  But one source told Fox News the government is "sitting on" information.

Is Obama Admin Threatening Benghazi Whistleblowers?  At least four career officials at the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency have retained lawyers, or are in the process of doing so, as they prepare to provide sensitive information about the Benghazi attacks to Congress, Fox News has learned.  Victoria Toensing, a former Justice Department official and Republican counsel to the Senate intelligence committee, is now representing one of the State Department employees.

Unanswered Benghazi Questions Demand Answers From Hillary Clinton.  'What difference, at this point, does it make?"  That was former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's angry response to a question about the State Department's account of the attack on the Benghazi consulate where Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were murdered on Sept. 11, 2012.  Her response was cheered by leftist commentators on MSNBC.  Righteous indignation is so attractive.  But of course it makes a difference.

State: Our Benghazi probe 'should be enough' for Congress.  The State Department on Monday [4/29/2013] defended its decision not to have lower-level employees testify before Congress about last year's attack in Benghazi, Libya.  House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) is pushing ahead with his investigation of the terrorist assault, and has asked for legal protections for lower-level employees who might be called to testify.  The State Department pushed back on Monday and said the independent probe into the attack "should be enough" for lawmakers.

Inside Source: Military Forces Could Have Responded to Benghazi Attack in Time.  Because the special operator in the video above is fearful of reprisal, his identity was concealed.  The man, who watched the events unfold and has debriefed those who were part of the response, told Fox News' Adam Housley that the C110 special forces group "was doing a training exercise not in the region of Northern Africa but in Europe.  And they had the ability to react and respond."  The perator believes that the force would have been able to be travel from Croatia to Benghazi within four hours — in time for the second attack.

CIA/State Benghazigate Whistleblowers Retain Lawyer, Reveal Obama Inc. Threats.  I know that a lot of our readers are dissatisfied with the pace of the investigation into Benghazigate, but the ability to get answers largely depends on cooperation from uncooperative agencies in the government or from whistleblowers willing to defy Obama Inc's notorious pursuit of whistleblowers in order to tell the truth.  The latter avenue may finally be opening up as a number of CIA and State Department personnel appear to be ready to come forward.

Benghazi Attack Eyewitness: Help Was Available.  An eyewitness to 2012's infamous Benghazi attack says the U.S. did not employ all of the defensive resources it could have to save the American lives lost the night of September 11th.

Benghazi report revives troubling questions.  Democrats complain that this is a partisan effort.  Sure, but Democrats are free to present their own view of the facts.  My sense is that they would rather squelch critical examination of Benghazi and the Obama administration's response, as they did with the help of most of the press during the 2012 presidential campaign.  The interim report sets out copious evidence of the rash of security threats in Libya during 2012.

Obama administration officials threatened whistle-blowers on Benghazi, lawyer says.  At least four career officials at the State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency have retained lawyers or are in the process of doing so, as they prepare to provide sensitive information about the Benghazi attacks to Congress, Fox News has learned.  Victoria Toensing, a former Justice Department official and Republican counsel to the Senate Intelligence Committee, is now representing one of the State Department employees.  She told Fox News her client and some of the others, who consider themselves whistle-blowers, have been threatened by unnamed Obama administration officials.

Turns Out Benghazi Wasn't Just About A Video.  I get why the administration behaved the way it did.  And it was so successful that I imagine this template will be repeated in future damaging incidents.  But Stephens and his colleagues deserve better.

State Dept. Blocks Lawyers from Representing Benghazi Whistleblowers.  The State Department is blocking local lawyer Victoria Toensing from representing whistleblowers on the 2012 Benghazi attacks, according to her legal partner and husband Joe DiGenova.  Teonsing wants to represent such whistleblowers at the upcoming Congressional hearings about the Benghazi case.

Gowdy: Benghazi hearings 'coming quickly', promises explosive evidence.  Rep. Trey Gowdy says that more Benghazi hearings are 'coming quickly' and they will be 'explosive'.  When asked if it will include witnesses who were there but haven't been allowed to come forward, he wouldn't say directly because of confidentiality but told the Fox News host that she was 'very warm' and suggested it may include 'direct testimony by eyewitnesses'.

Rep. Trey Gowdy: 'Explosive' Benghazi hearings 'coming quickly'.  Rep. Trey Gowdy, appearing on Fox News on Saturday afternoon, promised that "explosive" congressional hearings over the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, are "coming quickly."  "There are more Benghazi hearings coming; I think they're going to be explosive," Mr. Gowdy, a South Carolina Republican who is a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, told Fox's Uma Pemmaraju.

Benghazigate: Obama's Secret Gun-Running Program.  Liberals don't want honest Americans like you to have guns.  Liberals just want to arm foreign rebels in crapshoot attempts to "end global violence."  But liberals feign ignorance when the rebels they arm end up being criminals who kill innocent Americans like the late U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens.

Report: Obama, Clinton Misled on Benghazi.  Republicans renewed criticism of the Obama administration's handling of a 2012 terrorist attack on U.S. compounds in Libya, saying officials "willfully perpetuated a deliberately misleading and incomplete narrative."

Hillary Clinton Lied, And Four In Benghazi Died.  Despite then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's denials that pleadings from Ambassador Chris Stevens, killed in the terrorist attack, never reached her desk, the interim Benghazi report concludes that:  "Reductions of security levels prior to the attacks in Benghazi were approved at the highest levels of the State Department, up to and including Secretary Clinton.  This fact contradicts her testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on January 23, 2013."  Indeed it does.

White House: Clinton's 'Signature' on Benghazi Docs Doesn't Mean She Knew of Them.  The White House dismissed the signature of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on documents ignoring security concerns in Benghazi, calling it "protocol" for government official "signatures" to appear on documents they did not sign.  "It is standard protocol that cables originating from the department in Washington go out under the authority of the current Secretary of State with their signature, i.e. their name, typed at the bottom," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said Wednesday [4/24/2013], using his fingers for quote marks when he said "signature."

Benghazi report: Trinkets of treason.  We are witnessing one of the biggest government cover-ups since Watergate.  A cover-up that involves murder, arms trafficking, and lies by high ranking officials under oath.  It involves the murderous attacks in Benghazi, and congressional investigators just released a 46-page interim progress report that at least exposes Hillary Rodham Clinton and the White House lying under oath.  Where's the accountability?  Where's the outrage?  Where's the media?

Sins Of The Fourth Estate (Part I).  The one clear thing that came out of last week's chaotic activity in Boston, Massachusetts is that real reporters were missing.  For that matter, they've been missing since last year's attack in Benghazi.  From Benghazi, the Gosnell abortion trial, gun control debates, immigration and then the Boston Marathon bombings, television news reporting has become positively painful to watch.  The First Amendment to the Constitution grants freedom of the press but this was supposed to endow it with a responsibility to be the people's watchdog.  The modern Fourth Estate represented by the mainstream media has made a mockery of this privilege.

Unsatisfactory Response.  Former special operations officers say that a much-anticipated congressional report investigating the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya leaves vital questions unanswered and proves that the Obama administration abandoned its responsibility to protect those who were under siege.  The House released on Tuesday [4/23/2013] what lawmakers claimed is a comprehensive report detailing the Obama administration's multiple failures during its response to the Benghazi attacks, which claimed the lives of four Americans including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Benghazi investigators demand cable signed by Clinton; White House balks.  The White House accused Republicans of a political distraction Wednesday after House committee chairmen asked President Obama to release a State Department cable that they said would prove Hillary Rodham Clinton, as secretary off state, signed off on security cuts at the diplomatic post in Benghazi ahead of the attack Sept. 11.  According to the committee chairmen, the April 2012 Clinton cable denies the U.S. Embassy in Libya's request for more security.  Five months later, the outpost in Benghazi was attacked [...]

House GOP Benghazi Report: Clinton OK'd Security Reduction.  The interim progress report's findings assert the following:  [#1]  Reductions of security levels prior to the attacks in Benghazi were approved at the highest levels of the State Department, up to and including Secretary Clinton. [...] [#2]  In the days following the attacks, White House and senior State Department officials altered accurate talking points drafted by the Intelligence Community in order to protect the State Department from criticism for inadequate security levels.

GOP Benghazi report blames Clinton.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton left the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, vulnerable by approving lax security measures, a report released Tuesday by House Republicans concluded.  The 46-page report accused Clinton — a possible White House contender in 2016 — of seeking to cover up failures by the State Department that could have contributed to the attack last year that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

Republican report says Obama, Clinton blew Benghazi response.  House Republicans have concluded that the Pentagon and U.S. intelligence agencies bear no blame for failing to halt the terrorist assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, last year, releasing a report Tuesday that said President Obama and the State Department set up the military for failure.  The report also found that plenty of intelligence presaged the attack, but the White House and State Department — including the secretary at the time, Hillary Rodham Clinton — failed to heed the warnings.

House report: Clinton didn't tell the truth about requests for Benghazi security.  House Republicans released their report on the investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack, having concluded that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was not telling the truth when she told Congress that she wasn't aware that officials at the U.S. mission in Benghazi had requested extra security.

Congressional Report Uncovers Administration's Benghazi Errors.  A new congressional report released today highlights the Obama administration's mistake-filled response to the 9/11 Benghazi terror attacks, which left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.  "An ongoing Congressional investigation across five House Committees concerning the events surrounding the September 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya has made several determinations to date, including," the executive summary for the report reads.

House GOP Benghazi report says Clinton signed off on security reduction.  House Republican leaders released a report Tuesday on the deadly terror attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, in which they claim former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton personally signed off on cuts in security at the compound, which they say would contradict her congressional testimony.

Will Hillary pay a price for Benghazi? (No need to answer).  We already know the answer.  Ben Ghazi who? will be the media's reaction if and when Hillary runs in 2016.  The House Progress Report on Benghazi Terror Attack Investigation will be ancient history.  While Hillary will not pay a price, she should, New Report Raises Significant Questions About Benghazi.

New Benghazi Hearings Called After 'Administration Whistleblowers' Come Forward.  The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced it will resume hearings next month into the deadly Benghazi consulate attack.  This round, though, will focus on information revealed to the committee by administration whistleblowers.  "Next month, the Oversight Committee will convene a hearing on the Benghazi terrorist attacks to examine evidence that Obama Administration officials have attempted to suppress information about errors and reckless misjudgments," said Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.).  "The American people still don't have the full truth about what happened both before and after the murders of four brave Americans."

Republican Benghazi Report Alleges State Department Coverup.  Internal emails in the week following the 9-11 anniversary assault on the U.S. facility in Benghazi show the White House and State Department removed references to al Qaeda and the mention of other recent attacks in Benghazi from widely distributed talking points used to explain the incident to the public, according to a new report from five House Republican committee chairmen released Tuesday afternoon [4/23/2013].

A trail of blood from Benghazi to Boston.  Does anyone still remember the terror attack and murders of Americans in Benghazi on September 11, 2012?  Does anyone still care?  How about the indignation shown by Obama's then Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on January 23, 2013, when being questioned by Senator Johnson about whether the American people were misled about the motive for the attacks?  Animated and agitated, Clinton never did answer the question, instead waving her arms and pounding her fist on the table before her in a decidedly undiplomatic like fashion while shedding absolutely no light on what she knew and when she knew it.

Ty Woods' Dad Seeks Benghazi Answers On Capitol Hill.  As new whistle-blowers emerge and Congress tells CIA staffers to lawyer up, a grieving father demands to know how and why his son died and why no one in the administration wants to talk to him.

Justification for Benghazi Cover-Up Continues.  In October 2012, Obama twice refused to answer question about the four Americans killed in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.  His justification for not answering questions, his "excuse," was that he was "waiting for the results of investigations before making any conclusions about what went wrong."  So the cover-up continues.  But what is more important is that the justification for the cover-up continues.

Why isn't Benghazi given the same treatment as Boston?  The authorities involved in bringing such a speedy end to the Boston Marathon bombings are to be commended.  They reviewed the video surveillance tapes and quickly identified the suspects. [...] It makes one wonder why we haven't seen the same level of scrutiny applied to the Benghazi attacks that killed four Americans.  It certainly isn't due to a lack of video evidence to help identify the suspects.

More about the Boston bombing.

Boehner Defends Decision Denying Select Committee on Benghazi.  House Speaker John Boehner Monday defended the way he has handled the investigation into last year's attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, insisting a select committee is not needed to probe the incident.  The Ohio Republican told the media that he has resisted lawmakers' calls for a select committee because he doesn't think one is necessary.

Boehner: We Are 'Determined' to Reach the Truth on Benghazi.  House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) announced the five committees he directed to investigate the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi would release a progress report next week outlining their findings and the next phase of the investigation.

John Kerry On Benghazi: "We Got A Lot More Important Things To Move On To".  Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA):  Mr. Secretary, we think that there was a coverup of some kind of wrongdoing that led this administration to lie to the American people about the nature of the attack immediately after the attack and for a week after that attack.  We need to have these questions answered.  We need to talk to the people who are on the scene.

House investigators talking to new Benghazi whistleblowers.  The nature of the communications with the whistleblowers and their identities are not being made public at this time.  But in response, the Oversight Committee yesterday sent letters to the three federal agencies involved:  the CIA, the Defense Department and the State Department.

New Benghazi investigation sought by 70 House GOP, 700 SpecOps.  Pressure is growing on House leaders to create a special committee to probe the Sept. 11, 2012 terror attack and murders of U.S. officials at the Behghazi, Libya consulate, with 70 Republican members and over 700 former special operations officers demanding an investigation.  "For the good of the country, we ought to find out what happened," said Virginia Rep. Frank Wolf, who is pushing legislation to create the special committee.

Benghazi 2012, Hillary 2016.  Hillary's many controversies are mostly ancient history, and mostly the fault of her husband, and are unlikely to derail a general election bid.  Rather, Hillary's weakness is her time as Secretary of State, an abysmal performance which has left us weaker internationally than ever before.  And foremost among her failures in her own right was Benghazi and the cover up to help Obama's campaign.

Sean Smith's Mom: 'Please, Please Help Me Find Out Who is Responsible'.  Patricia Smith — the mother of Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, who was murdered by terrorists in Benghazi seven months ago today — says that President Barack Obama and other administration officials did not follow-up on promises they made to her personally when she traveled to Washington, D.C. last September to meet the return to the United States of her son's casket.  Mrs. Smith says she wants to know why her son and the others at the State Department compound in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012 were abandoned by their government.

Pat Smith not only gets no sympathy, she is mocked for being a thorn in Obama's side.
Pat Smith and 700 Special Ops.  [Scroll down]  There is every reason to believe the defensive crouch of the Obama administration in the immediate aftermath of Benghazi — a posture necessary to protect the President — will be extended to protect the heiress apparent of the liberal agenda.  Thanks to Pat Smith, a genuine profile in courage, and now the 700 special ops professionals who have stepped forward, the move is on to get to the truth about Benghazi.

Why Is White House Stonewalling On Benghazi?  More than six months since Ambassador Christopher Stevens was assassinated by terrorists in Benghazi, the Obama administration is still trying to keep a lid on information about the attack.  Congress and the American people need to know what happened the night of Sept. 11, 2012.  Who did the killing and what was their motive?  Why wasn't help sent?  And why did the administration lie about who was responsible?

How The Media Continues To Serve As Obama's Bodyguard.  [Cindy] Sheehan was given any and every platform, with the media tripping over itself, for years, to report her words.  The espoused rationale for the intense coverage was, purportedly, that this grieving mother deserved an 'explanation' for her son's death. [...] That same media, however, who believed Sheehan was owed an explanation, is curiously dismissive of Pat Smith.  Pat Smith lost her son, Information Officer Sean Smith, in the Benghazi attack last autumn.

Mother Of Slain Benghazi Officer To Sean Hannity: 'They Want Me To Shut Up'.  On Friday [4/5/2013], Sean Hannity brought Pat Smith, mother of the late Sean Smith, on his radio program.  The 34-year-old information management officer was one of four Americans murdered in the Benghazi embassy attack on September 11, 2012.  In the chilling interview, a distraught Ms. Smith, in tears, pleaded for answers and spoke of the efforts to silence her.

Somewhat related...
Shades of Benghazi: State Department changes story on Afghanistan blast that killed diplomat.  The State Department has acknowledged that five U.S. personnel killed in Afghanistan, including 25-year-old diplomat Anne Smedinghoff, were on foot when they were attacked by a suicide bomber, and not in an armored vehicle, as officials had told bereaved relatives earlier this week.

Complicity in Murder: Shades of Cuba in Benghazi.  Almost seven months have passed since the attack on the Benghazi consulate building and nearby CIA annex by al-Qaeda affiliate Ansar al-Sharia, in which four Americans were murdered, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.  Despite demands for further information into why the Obama administration and the military failed to act to defend and protect the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya even as they had intelligence of increasing Islamic violence, no answers have been given.  Many Americans rightfully wonder whether or not the truth will ever come out about the murders at the American diplomatic mission in Libya.

Special ops veterans' group calls for select probe of Benghazi attack.  More than 700 Special Operations veterans are urging members of Congress to back a select committee to investigate last year's Benghazi terrorist attack, according to a letter first obtained by Fox News.  The letter from the group, "Special Operations Speaks," supports the appointment of a special committee tasked with the single mission of investigating the attack that left Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans dead, and shut down the CIA operation in an annex of the Benghazi consulate, in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack.

700 Retired Military Special Ops Tell Congress to Form Select Committee on Benghazi.  Seven hundred retired Military Special Operations professionals from the organization "Special Operations Speaks" sent a letter to the House of Representatives urging members to support H.Res 36, which will create a House Select Committee to investigate last September's deadly terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.

Did Hillary commit perjury?  Did former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton commit perjury when she claimed in a Senate hearing that she did not know whether the U.S. mission in Libya was procuring or transferring weapons to Turkey and other Arab countries?  The goal of the alleged weapons shipments was to arm the rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime.  Any training or arming of the Syrian rebels would be considered highly controversial.

Obama is a joke, and the joke isn't funny.  Barack Obama allowed four Americans to be murdered in Benghazi, Libya.  His administration is still covering up the truth.  Seven Benghazi survivors are being kept from the public, while an innocent film-maker sits in jail.  Obama is his administration; their mistakes are his.  Nobody has been held accountable.  While Ambassador Stevens and a pair of Navy SEALs were being murdered by Islamists, Obama was going to bed early and partying in Las Vegas the next day.

Benghazi's Silenced Witnesses Hidden In Plain Sight?  A Virginia congressman says the witnesses to an act of war on sovereign U.S. territory are being held incommunicado in a Washington, D.C., hospital by their own government. [...] According to Rep. [Frank] Wolf, citing two confidential sources, "as many as seven Americans have been or are currently being treated," at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, D.C., less than 11 miles from the U.S. Capitol.

Are Benghazi Survivors Hiding In A Washington, D.C. Hospital?  For more than six months since the September 11, 2012 attacks on America's diplomatic outposts in Benghazi, the Obama administration has been unwilling to turn over the names or whereabouts of any survivors.  They may be hiding plain sight.

Benghazi-gate Cover-up: Fox News' Catherine Herridge Receives AIM's Reed Irvine Award.  Six months after a terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, survivors of the savagery that left four Americans dead the night of Sept. 11, 2012, still have not been permitted to tell their story in a public forum.  So now, lawmakers on Capitol Hill are threatening to subpoena them.  Catherine Herridge, longtime reporter for Fox News, received Accuracy in Media's Reed Irvine Award for investigative reporting on that scandal.

Where Are the Benghazi Survivors?  Benghazi is back in the news with the arrest of a suspect Thursday [3/14/2013] being held in Libya.  This could spur Congress to renew efforts to shine light on the attack on the U.S. consulate on September 11, 2012.  Wounded survivors of the terrorist attack, however, are still under wraps.  As reported by The Hill newspaper, Senators are applying pressure again.  One option is to subpoena the survivors; another is to hold up confirmation for the new ambassador to Libya, Deborah Jones, who would replace murdered U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens.

GOP lawmakers: Obama administration blocking access to Benghazi survivors.  More than six months since the deadly attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya, Republican lawmakers say they are still looking for answers and are frustrated that the White House is blocking access to an unknown number of survivors.  The Washington Times learned Friday [3/15/2013] that the State Department has failed to respond to a letter written nearly three weeks ago by two House Republicans seeking answers about the survivors, as many as seven of whom are believed to still be at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center recovering from injuries sustained in Benghazi.

GOP Should Subpoena Benghazi's Silenced Witnesses.  The House GOP has threatened to subpoena the survivors of the Benghazi terrorist attack, those who know the truth, and hold up the nomination of our murdered ambassador's replacement.  It should do both.

Carney 'Not Familiar' with Security Agents Injured in Benghazi Attack.  White House press secretary Jay Carney denied knowledge of reports of security agents who were injured during the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi last September in an interview on Fox News Friday afternoon [3/15/2013].  [Video clip]

3 Benghazi survivors in diplomatic security, sources say, as GOP demands access.  Three diplomatic security agents, as well as a State Department contractor, were among the Americans injured during the terrorist attack last September on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Fox News has learned.  According to a State Department official, who confirmed Fox's reporting on the condition of anonymity, two diplomatic security agents were injured, including one "seriously," at the CIA facility known as the "annex" and a third suffered smoke inhalation at the consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed.

Benghazi Suspect Reportedly Caught, Conservatives Definitely Not Giving Up.  Even when answers seem to arrive on the controversial Benghazi attack, the questions never fade away:  Faraj al-Shibli, a man thought to be involved in the September 2012 attacks on the American consulate, has been captured in Libya, according to two sources speaking to CNN, as Republicans back home refused to let the issue fade.

What We Still Don't Know About Benghazi.  Yesterday [3/13/2013], President Obama nominated a new ambassador to Libya to succeed Christopher Stevens, who was killed in the terrorist attack in Benghazi last September 11.  Six months after that attack — and two federal investigations later — we still have an alarmingly small amount of information about it.  The Obama Administration made quite a mess in the media with its conflicting accounts of the attack, originally blaming a controversial YouTube video for sparking protests abroad.

Sen. Graham claims Benghazi survivors 'told to be quiet' by administration.  Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, in an extensive interview with Fox News, alleged that the injured survivors of the Benghazi terror attack have been "told to be quiet" and feel they can't come forward to tell their stories — as he urged the House to subpoena the administration for details if necessary.  The South Carolina senator said he's "had contact" with some of the survivors, calling their story "chilling."

Why haven't we heard from the Benghazi survivors, six months later?  We already know Hillary Clinton would answer that question with another question:  "What difference does it make?"  But that only works for people who think she's a hero for getting away with endlessly lying about it, because the people who want her to stop endlessly lying about it are Republicans.  And if Republicans want to know the truth about what happened, it must not be worth knowing.

GOP lawmakers threaten to subpoena Benghazi survivors.  Republican lawmakers are threatening to subpoena U.S. survivors of the terrorist attack in Benghazi.  Exasperated GOP members say unless they get more answers from the White House, they will call on the survivors to testify before Congress, and might hold up President Obama's nomination to replace the U.S. ambassador who was killed on Sept. 11, 2012 in Libya.  The recent revelation that U.S. survivors are recuperating at Walter Reed Hospital has sparked GOP demands that the White House provide Congress with access to them.  It has also breathed new life into the controversy that was highlighted repeatedly during the 2012 presidential campaign.

CBS Asks: Where are the Benghazi survivors?  Sharryl Atkinson of CBS noted the six month passing of the September 11th, 2012 terrorist attack on a Benghazi mission that left four dead, including American Ambassador Christopher Stevens.  While so many in the mainstream media seem all-too-eager to brush past this unsightly entry in the president's legacy, Atkinson has been persistent directing the right questions at the administration.

Six months later, where are the Benghazi survivors?  Some watchdog groups, members of the media and Republican members of Congress are asking:  Where are the more than two dozen U.S. personnel who survived the attack but haven't been seen nor heard from in public since?  There were also an undisclosed number of witnesses at the U.S. compounds in Tripoli but they also have not spoken publicly.

Somewhat related:
Obama to Nominate Ambassador to Libya.  The White House announced that it intends to nominate Deborah K. Jones to be the next U.S. ambassador to Libya.  If confirmed, she'll be the first ambassador to that country since Chris Stevens was murdered in Benghaz, Libya on September 11, 2012.

Judicial Watch Sues State Department for Benghazi Security Details.  On March 5, Judicial Watch announced that it had filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit seeking details on a nearly $400,000 contract the State Department awarded to a private company for security at the American consulate in Benghazi.

GOP Lawmakers Demand to See Benghazi Survivors.  With various sources confirming a number of Benghazi survivors are "still recovering at Walter Reed military hospital," Republican lawmakers are demanding their names and access to them.  To date, Sec. of State of John Kerry has visited with one survivor, but will not give the survivor's name.  He will only say the survivor was "remarkably courageous."

Marine Corps rapid-response team ordered to Africa to thwart another Benghazi attack.  U.S. Africa Command will get a new Marine Corps rapid response force as part of a plan to beef up its crisis response capabilities.  More Leathernecks will be at the ready after the military was unable to get timely aid to Benghazi, Libya last year, during a terror attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and members of his security detail.

Report: 'Press Shop' Removed Al-Qaeda from Benghazi Talking Points.  Since CBS News learned that the Obama administration delivered Benghazi documents to the Senate Intelligence Committee last Thursday [2/28/2013], a source who has viewed the documents is telling the network that someone "in a federal agency 'press shop' was involved in changing the talking points to remove al-Qaeda."

Senators complain after getting 'worthless' redacted version of Benghazi talking points.  Senators investigating the attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya and the administration's version of events in the aftermath were livid when the White House initially sent them documents so heavily redacted they were "worthless," a source told Fox News.  The so-called Benghazi talking points were requested by the Senate Intelligence Committee, but were so heavily redacted lawmakers sent them back and demanded another set, a source told Fox News.

Demanding Benghazi Docs, Senators to Delay Brennan Vote.  Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain told Face the Nation that they want additional documents from the White House on what their response was to the Benghazi attack and are willing to hold up the vote to confirm John Brennan for CIA Director.  The White House has been stonewalling Congress for months regarding emails and other documents about the attack and Congress has tried unsuccessfully to put pressure on the president by attempting to filibuster his national security nominees.

Divisions Among Republicans Stalling Formation Of Benghazi Select Committee.  Top Republicans with classified information about the terrorist assault on the U.S. mission in Benghazi last September may not want to see a House Select Committee formed to investigate the attack that left four Americans dead, including U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens, although a number of Senate and House Republicans remain unsatisfied with information they have received from the Obama administration about the deadly attack.

Report: Libyan Officials Warned of Imminent Benghazi Attack.  Libyan officials warned Washington D.C. that an attack on the consulate was imminent days before the attack happened according to the documents the Obama admin turned over to satisfy Senate questions regarding "who changed the talking points" on Benghazi.  It is also obvious that Al-Qaeda's suspected involvement in the Benghazi attack was broadly known from the start.

Congressman Wolf to Sec. Kerry: Turn over Benghazi Survivors.  Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA), Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, and Congressman Jim Gerlach (R-PA), a House Ways and Means Committee member, sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday [3/1/2013] and indicated that he was contacted by a "reliable source who provided information that there are wounded American personnel, including State Department employees, currently in rehabilitation and recovery at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center."

Too Much Obama.  [Scroll down]  It took months for Nixon's Watergate scandal to unravel in the 1970s and this well may be the case of the failure to take any action during the 2012 attack in Benghazi that killed an American ambassador and three others.  The lies that followed are now exposed.  Washington may begin to leak other details in the weeks and months ahead.

Burning Questions About Benghazi Still Abound.  This administration's behavior in the aftermath of the Benghazi terrorist attack has eroded the public's confidence.  So it does make a difference when the administration purposefully misleads the American people.  And it makes a big difference whether or not the public has full confidence that the president will be honest with them in the future.  We deserve answers, and we deserve the truth.  The administration seems to be hiding behind the excuses of an FBI investigation, an Accountability Review Board report and a top-secret imperative of CIA involvement.

Brennan Accused of Involvement in Altered Benghazi Talking Points.  After reviewing new information released by the White House on Feb. 26 — information intended to put some distance between CIA Director nominee John Brennan and the Benghazi attacks — many Republican Senators are now persuaded that Brennan may have had a role in crafting the talking points to describe Benghazi as a protest gone bad.  After seeing the information, Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chairman Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) said simply: "Brennan was involved."

Office of the Director of National Intelligence Sued for Benghazi Documents.  Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit on February 14, 2013, against the Obama Administration's Office of the Director of National Intelligence seeking records that could shed light on what Obama administration officials knew about the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi and when they knew it.

US denied direct access to Benghazi suspect held in Egypt.  The U.S. has been denied direct access to the only publicly known suspect in custody in connection with the Benghazi terror attack, Fox News has learned, with U.S. interrogators still unable to sit in the same room as the Egypt-held prisoner to ask questions.  Abu Ahmed, also known as Mohammed Jamal, is suspected of establishing Islamist training camps in Eastern Libya where militants who took part in the Sept. 11 Benghazi terrorist attack were able to train.  Ahmed is not suspected of directly taking part in the attack which left four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, dead.

Axelrod, Benghazi & NBC.  [Scroll down]  Now that NBC and MSNBC are paying [David] Axelrod, perhaps they will ask Axelrod the factual basis for his statements.  Was Axelrod present with Obama during the night of September 11, 2012?  Did Obama tell Axelrod that he "was talking to" Panetta and Dempsey "well into the night"?  Was Axelrod told by somebody else, perhaps Valerie Jarrett or Michelle Obama, that President Obama "was talking to" Panetta and Dempsey "well into the night"?  Does Axelrod believe that Panetta and Dempsey lied?

NPR's Ari Shapiro Shows How Media Bias is Done.  It is a fact that the Obama administration so far has held no terrorist to account for the attack.  It's also a fact that the Obama administration initially didn't even call it an attack.  It was a response to a movie that offended Muslims.  Never mind that hardly anyone saw the movie before the attack.

WH: Obama Called Hillary at 10PM on Night of Benghazi Attack.  President Barack Obama called Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at approximately 10 p.m. on the night of the terrorist attacks on the U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told  That was more than six hours after the attacks started, more than an hour before Tryone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed — and about the time that Clinton first released a statement linking the attacks to "inflammatory material posted on the Internet," a reference to an anti-Muslim video on YouTube.

Five Months After Benghazi Murders, Killers Frolic Untouched There.  Five months ago, radical Islamists in Libya murdered four American officials, and President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that the administration would not rest until those responsible were caught.  Yet it seems as if nothing has been done:  just as the White House did nothing on September 11, 2012, while the U.S. consulate was under attack, it has done nothing serious since, and is doing nothing now.

Judicial Watch wants truth on Benghazi.  "With all of the Benghazi lies coming out of the Obama administration, the only way to get at the truth is to release these records immediately," said Thomas J. Fitton, the president of the Washington-based Judicial Watch, a conservative, non-partisan education foundation.  The lawsuit asks the court to compel the Obama administration to release documents originally requested Oct. 19 through the Freedom of Information Act process, he said.

Further Reflections on Benghazi.  U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's testimony before the Senate Armed Forces Committee on Thursday, Feb. 7, marked a real turning point.  In answering "no" to a few simple questions, Panetta blew up the notion that the president and his team did the right thing on the night of Sept. 11 — that they stayed awake worrying about the fate of Ambassador Stevens and the others trapped at the consulate... and set about working on some kind of a rescue mission.

Bush's 420 Seconds, Nixon's 18½ Minutes, Obama's 7½ Hours.  If you're a political figure even the briefest of moments can come under intense scrutiny.  That is especially true of our presidents.  It's just that some chief executives come under much closer examination than others.

Ambassador Chris Stevens didn't have to die in Benghazi.  In short there were two operations going on in Benghazi, neither of which Stevens nor the CIA [Petraeus] were made aware, that made the situation on the ground in Benghazi far more dangerous than they even knew.  We already know that Stevens was concerned about security, but he didn't even know the full story.

Sen. Burr: CIA Has 'Flatly Refused' to Give Intel Committee Some Benghazi-Related Documents.  Sen. Richard Burr, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said that the CIA has "flatly refused" to give some Benghazi-related documents to the committee, which is conducting an investigation of the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks on the State Department and CIA personnel and facilities in Benghazi, Libya.

Adm. James Lyons (Ret.) on Growing Benghazi Scandal.  [Retired Admiral James Lyons] is the former Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Pacific fleet, and a man not afraid to tell it like it is.  We need more men like Admiral Lyons to stand up to the lies, hypocrisy and political correctness that so dominates our national dialogue today.

GOP lawmaker asks how Obama could sleep during Benghazi attack.  Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) on Friday [2/15/2013] questioned how President Obama was able to sleep on the night of Sept. 11, 2012, knowing that a U.S. Consulate was under attack and the lives of U.S. officials were at risk.  "I have no idea if the president required a sleep aid that night, but if he did, anybody else in America has trouble sleeping, you better get what he had, because it works well," Gohmert said on the House floor.

Obama made no phone calls on night of Benghazi attack, White House says.  President Obama didn't make any phone calls the night of the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, the White House said in a letter to Congress released Thursday [2/14/2013].  "During the entire attack, the president of the United States never picked up the phone to put the weight of his office in the mix," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican, who had held up Mr. Obama's defense secretary nominee to force the information to be released.

Where Was Obama on Night of Benghazi Attack? WH Isn't Saying.  In his testimony in the Senate Armed Services Committee last week, Panetta said he informed the president at their 5:00 p.m. meeting of what was going on in Benghazi.  Gen. Dempsey testified that the meeting lasted a half hour.  Panetta and Dempsey also testified that after the meeting ended they did not talk to President Obama or the White House again that night.  Almost six hours elapsed between the end of the Panetta-Dempsey-Obama meeting and the deaths of Woods and Doherty at the CIA's Annex in Benghazi.

Senator Graham: "Benghazi Was About Breakdown of Security, Failure of Leadership, and a Prez Who Was Virtually Disengaged".  U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) held a press conference, today [2/14/2013], to make a statement in response to Obama's letter acknowledging he did not call anyone in Libya on September 11, 2012 during the 8 hours the U.S. mission was under attack.  He didn't pick up the phone to call any government officials in Libya until Sept. 12, after everyone was dead.

Benghazi — Where was the Commander-in-Chief?  After the testimonies of Secretary Panetta, General Dempsey, and Hillary Clinton on the Benghazi tragedy, it appears the Commander-in-Chief, Barack Obama was off duty and not available to make a hard decision to press the military Chain of Command to rescue Americans under attack.  The cover up appears to be a White House order to "Stand Down" and not issue a rescue mission operational order.  For over seven hours he did nothing; no communications with his National Security team, and then he flew to Las Vegas for a campaign stop.

Obama Fiddled.  The late Ted Kennedy became known as "the Hero of Chappaquiddick" for leaving a young lady to die after accidentally driving his car off a bridge on the night of July 18, 1969.  Kennedy, who swam free, said nothing to police until 10 a.m. the following day. [...] President Barack Obama deserves similar obloquy as "the Commander-in-Chief who went AWOL" on September 12, 2012 — during the eight-hour siege in which heavily-armed terrorists burnt the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

The Democratic Disgrace.  Every job has a minimum requirement.  The absolute very least that anyone can do without being considered a complete and utter failure.  The minimum requirement for a Commander-in-Chief is to stick around when an American diplomatic mission is under fire.  Obama flunked even this minimal requirement by going to sleep and then flying off for a fundraiser in Vegas.

Bam's Benghazi two-step.  The Obama White House is to be congratulated.  It has executed one of the most effective stonewalls in recent memory over the Benghazi attack last Sept. 11 that killed our ambassador to Libya and three others.  Its handling of the aftermath of the debacle is a model example of the power of obfuscation and delay.  Future high-ranking officials please take note:  This is how it is done.

Benghazi: Obama, Hillary and the Astonishing Derelictions of Duty.  Panetta and Dempsey claim that despite the president being aware of the attack, nobody from the White House called to check to see what was happening as the attack unfolded.  No orders were given.  According to Panetta, Obama had left the situation "up to us."  This is particularly damning for the president who has repeatedly claimed that he was involved in the decision making process as the terrorist attack unfolded.

At Benghazi, Neglect Came Right From The Top.  The deaths of four Americans in Libya may be old news, but the president who failed to protect them remains in office.  A Senate hearing has shown just how bad the negligence was.

Nobody wake Barack.  The Benghazi terrorist attack was a debacle in three distinct stages.  The fatal mistakes occurred in the first two — the failure to provide adequate security before the attack and the failure to provide help once it started.  Those mistakes were tragic, but the Obama administration's explanations are coherent, though hardly defensible.

Benghazi Bungle: Obama's Pass-the-Buck Presidency.  From Hillary Clinton's artful dodging to Leon Panetta's clueless hindsight, the Obama administration's bungling on Benghazi proves they can't keep us safe.

ABC Ignores New Benghazi Revelations Showing Disengaged Obama.  While the NBC and CBS morning shows on Friday both covered troubling Thursday testimony from outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta that revealed President Obama's lack of engagement during the Benghazi terrorist attack, ABC's Good Morning America completely ignored the story.  In addition, none of the networks mentioned the testimony on their Thursday evening [2/7/2013] newscasts.

Obama didn't answer the 3AM call.  While some thought it a joke and some thought it a farce the true meaning of the empty chair was never clearer than it was at the Benghazi hearings.

The secret war behind Benghazi.  What really happened in Benghazi?  Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the attack on the US consulate because of a secret low-level war in which American hit squads took out leaders of al Qaeda militias, which retaliated in Benghazi.  There was never a protest at the consulate over the infamous anti-Islamist YouTube video.  So says the new 80-page e-book, "Benghazi: The Definitive Report" (William Morrow) by Jack Murphy and Brandon Webb, two military veterans who specialize in reporting about clandestine operations [...]

The Commander-in-Chief's Lack of Concern for His People.  When video from a drone showed terrorists attacking the American legation in Bengahzi, Mr. Obama discussed the matter in the Oval Office with Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and General Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, for 20 minutes.  They then returned to the Pentagon.  Mr. Obama never talked to them again, not while Ambassador Stevens was missing, not when his body was brought to a Libyan hospital amidst concern that it was a terrorist trap, and not when a second attack killed two Americans at the CIA annex near the legation.  Nor did Secretary of State Clinton ever call Mr. Panetta or General Dempsey.

Benghazi: Who Was Minding the Store?  The revelations that came out of the Senate Armed Services Committee this week in regards to the Benghazi attack will be a turning point in this investigation.  Defense Secretary Leon Panetta testified that he was not in contact with President Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the night of the attack.

The Absentee Commander in Chief.  Perfection certainly isn't the standard to which policy makers should be held.  But there are standards.  If Americans are under attack, presidential attention must be paid.  Due diligence must be demonstrated.  A president must take care that his administration does everything it can do.  On Sept. 11, 2012, as Americans were under attack in Benghazi, Libya, President Obama failed in his basic responsibility as president and commander in chief.  In a crisis, the president went AWOL.

The president is lying about Benghazi.  Leon Panetta testified yesterday [2/8/2013] before congress that the President was only briefed once at a previously scheduled meeting around 5:00 pm on the day of the Benghazi attack.  Ambassador Christopher Stevens and his staff were already under attack at that time.  Were they in danger, and who defines danger?  Did the President not care about their safety specifically or did he not expect things to escalate further.  No one knows.

Panetta: Obama AWOL on Night of Benghazi Attack.  While giving Senate testimony regarding Benghazi on Feb. 7, Sec. of Defense Leon Panetta said Obama was not present nor did he communicate with the Sec. of Defense during the Benghazi attack.  Panetta was answering questions from Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) when he made it clear he had no communication with Obama outside the normal, "pre-scheduled" 5 p.m. meeting on September 11.

Obama "Absent" Night Of Benghazi Attack.  Absent.  On September 11th, when they knew we would be under attac, [sic] somewhere.  It's as though Obama didn't want to have to give the order to defend this nation.  Just like his 5 month period of indecision and avoidance over killing bin Laden.  I've been asking from the start of his presidency:  Who is Obama?

President Obama Had One Conversation With Leon Panetta on the Day of the Benghazi Attack.  In today's hearing on Benghazi at the Senate Armed Forces Committee, New Hampshire Republican Kelly Ayotte asked about the president's personal involvement, finding out that the president only had one conversation with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta or General Martin Dempsey on 9/11, the day of the Benghazi attack.  In that conversation, according to Panetta, President Obama told them to "do whatever you need to do to be able to protect our people".  The president didn't, according to Panetta, ask for any specifics on what kind of response was possible. And, as Ayotte found out, the president never called to follow up.

Panetta on Benghazi: U.S. Military 'Not a 911 Service'.  Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told the Senate Armed Services Committee this morning that the Pentagon should not be relied upon to cover all diplomatic missions — namely, the U.S. facility attacked over a period of several hours in Benghazi on Sept. 11.  After Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) vowed to block the nomination of any new defense secretary unless Panetta testified about Benghazi, the defense chief appeared before the panel along with Chairman of the Join Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey.

The Twisted Truth on Obama's Benghazi Response.  According to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, as reported at The Weekly Standard, President Obama was completely aloof from the events in Libya on September 11.  He neither asked nor ordered anything.  He did not respond to information sent to the White House.  He was not involved at all, during the seven-plus-hour attack that resulted in the deaths of four American government employees, including an ambassador.

Dereliction of Duty: Obama Did Nothing to Save American Lives in Benghazi — and Lied About It.  Under direct questioning by Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Panetta admitted that he had no communication with President Obama after their "pre-scheduled" meeting at 5:00 p.m. EDT.  The attack on the consulate had already been under way for 90 minutes at that time.  Neither the president nor anyone else from the White House called afterwards to check what was happening; the Commander-in-Chief had left it "up to us," said Panetta.  Panetta's testimony directly contradicts President Obama's own claim to have issued "three directives" as soon as he learned "what was going on" in Benghazi.

Panetta can't explain why Obama never called back during Benghazi attack.  Under questioning from South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta could not explain why President Barack Obama spoke with him only once on Sept. 11, 2012 during the Benghazi terrorist attack, and never called back for any updates for over seven hours.

ABC Ignores New Benghazi Revelations Showing Disengaged Obama.  While the NBC and CBS morning shows on Friday both covered troubling Thursday testimony from outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta that revealed President Obama's lack of engagement during the Benghazi terrorist attack, ABC's Good Morning America completely ignored the story.  In addition, none of the networks mentioned the testimony on their Thursday evening newscasts.

On Their Own.  The White House left Ambassador Chris Stevens, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, and Sean Smith on their own on September 11 in Benghazi.  That is the upshot of today's Capitol Hill hearing featuring Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey.

Yes, There Was a Plan For Gunrunning to Syria.  Two weeks ago, Senator Rand Paul asked then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if Benghazi served as a gateway for the United States to run weapons to Syrian rebels through Turkey.  Today during testimony on Capitol Hill, outgoing CIA director Leon Panetta admitted there was a plan, supported by Clinton and former CIA Director David Petreaus, put in place to arm Syrian rebels but was stopped by President Obama.

Obama punted to Panetta for U.S. response to Benghazi attack.  Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta on Thursday [2/7/2013] revealed he personally broke the news to President Obama that the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, was under attack last year — but he and the president didn't speak the rest of the night as the assault on the compound unfolded.

Benghazi and the Coverup over Missing Libyan Missiles.  What has been lacking in the Benghazi saga is a theory that ties everything together in a way that leaves few stones unturned.  Unfortunately, the only one that ties everything together has serious implications for President Obama and his administration.

What we won't ever know about Hillary Clinton's legacy.  The media have allowed the Obama administration and outgoing Secretary of State Hillary "Smartest Woman in the Room" Clinton to get away with straight-up lying about the cause of the deaths of Americans in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012.  Some of us have been so focused on that issue that we may have missed an even bigger journalistic abdication.  We will only know what really happened that night in Benghazi, and why the Obama administration chose to use a Youtube video as a scapegoat — as opposed to anything else they might have said — when people in the room start coming forward.  That should be in about 35 years, if ever.

State Dept. Publicized Names, Photos of Stevens' Benghazi Security Detail Before 9/11/12; Suppressed Their Identities Afterward.  Before the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, the department undertook a calculated effort to publicize the agents' names and faces — presenting them in a State Department promotional magazine posted on the Internet.  After the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks, the State Department has treated the names and faces of the DS agents who survived those attacks as if they were classified information.

Things Only a Democrat Could Get Away With.  Hillary Clinton presided over the first murder of an American ambassador in thirty years.  It was the closest thing to a notable moment in her time as Secretary of State, which concluded, in true Clinton style, with a cover-up, Senate hearings and more finger-wagging.  And yet, despite all that, the media threw her a farewell party in preparation for the 2016 election.  Four Americans died in Benghazi and in four years, Hillary Rodham Clinton expects to take the White House.

Report: Security Cameras Not Working When Embassy Attacked.  It is surprising — and a significant vulnerability — that security cameras would be dependent upon the local power supply, rather than an independent source.  Benghazi revealed serious flaws which had developed in embassy and consulate security during the past four years and perhaps before.  It seems, however, that Benghazi exposed only some of the complacency which has developed.

Benghazi, Libya, deteriorating into security nightmare.  Security in Benghazi, the eastern Libyan city where four Americans were killed Sept. 11 in a terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate, has decayed to the point where Westerners are fleeing, assassinations and kidnappings are rife and residents worry that U.S. drone strikes on jihadist targets are imminent.

Clinton's Angry Outburst On Benghazi Was Meant To Deceive — Not Enlighten.  After the attack on the American ambassador's quarters in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, the Obama administration immediately blamed it on the anti-Islamic video.  Moreover, this version of what happened was not just a passing remark.  It was a story that the administration kept repeating insistently.  U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice repeated that story on five different television talk shows on the same Sunday.  President Obama himself repeated the same story at the United Nations.  The man who put the anti-Islamic video on the Internet was arrested for a parole violation, creating more media coverage to keep attention on this theme.  "What difference, at this point, does it make?" Secretary Clinton now asks.

Stonewalling Benghazi Into Irrelevancy.  Last week, the dwindling number of Americans who believe this administration owes them an honest explanation regarding the murders of ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi were likely expecting that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton might be forced to shed some light on the issue.  What they got instead was a well-rehearsed theatrical presentation, complete with tears, anger and self-righteous indignation.

Obama's Promised Justice Eludes Benghazi Terrorists.  Four months ago, the president vowed to "bring to justice the killers who attacked our people" in Benghazi.  Only, the al-Qaida terrorists are still at large and still killing Americans.

For a Jailed Filmmaker, Clinton's Benghazi Lies Make a Difference.  It might make a difference to a Coptic Christian whose trailer for a bad movie was blamed by the leader of the free world for a series of Al Qaeda attacks against American diplomatic facilities and who was sent to prison on the orders of members of the administration.  That filmmaker is the only one to actually get locked up.  The ringleader of the attack walks the streets of Benghazi freely.

Select Committee Needed to Probe Benghazi Attacks.  Why did the Obama Administration wait 134 days to send their supposed point-person Hillary Clinton to testify on Capitol Hill about what happened in Libya when four American heroes lost their lives in a battle against Islamic terrorists?  Are the White House and State Department so incompetent that it takes more than four months to get their stories straight?  It's an outrage.

Hillary's lesson in escaping the blame game.  Benghazi was only the latest episode of a three-decade epic in which Mrs. Clinton has become one of the great survival stories of American politics.  Extending back through the mists of Whitewater, Paula Jones, Troopergate and the unique challenges of being President Bill Clinton's long-suffering wife, Hillary could have starred in her own soap opera.  Instead she kept reinventing herself, epitomizing one of the signature phrases of those years and evolving from first lady to New York senator to presidential candidate to secretary of state.

Flashing red lies of Benghazi.  The facts now prove that this compound was operating "under the radar" for non-diplomatic purposes, a fact that was well known to Panetta, Clinton and others.  Accordingly, there could not have been a protest of any kind at this location.  By deliberately and incorrectly calling the Benghazi compound an embassy (initially) and later a consulate, the deception was further advanced to allow for the possibility of a protest.  This is not an act of omission by elected and appointed officials, but one of commission.  Yet the investigative report fails to address this deception for what it is by outright dismissing this deliberate lie with the concession that the attacks in Benghazi were, in fact, terrorist attacks.

Where Are The Witnesses Who Survived Benghazi?  An excellent question.  But then again, what difference does it make?

Benghazi/Fast and Furious: The Real Scandals Underlying Both.  Though it should be said up front that the Obama administration handled what happened in Libya horribly, that its YouTube video excuse for the murders was embarrassing, and that Clinton has shamefully avoided addressing the tough questions that the murders have generated, isn't the real scandal the fact that taxpayers were footing the bill for State Department officials, military support, and a "compound" in Benghazi to begin with?

Hillary's Histrionics Hide Truth.  After four months of playing hide and seek with the American people, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton honored the Congress with her presence long enough to duck and deceive the American people regarding the worst incident of terrorism against Americans since 9/11.

Hillary's First Big Lie.  By 2012, the major media had become so comfortable with Clinton lies that not a single one among them pointed out the grotesque irony of having an unrepentant sexual predator keynote a Democratic Convention whose theme was the "Republican war on women."  So accustomed had Hillary grown to having her lies glossed over that she grew increasingly indignant even at the timid questions Congress threw her way at last week's Benghazi hearing.  When asked by Senator Ron Johnson about her version of events, Hillary exploded in an outburst destined to be at least as famous as her "vast right wing conspiracy" jeremiad.  Said Hillary, summing up the state of public integrity in 2013, "What difference at this point does it make?"  Say what you will, but today, that is a legitimate question.

Hillary Gives Away the Game.  Hillary Clinton's angry flip-out at Senator Ron Johnson during her Benghazi testimony was a charmed moment.  All at once, before the whole world, one of the highest ranking progressive authoritarians on the planet spilled the beans — all of them — about the left's modus operandi.  The revelation might be overlooked, however, if we focus too closely on Clinton's easily quotable "What difference does it make?"  The line as quoted merely shows Clinton to be a trapped liar trying to fake her way through an awkward moment with pomposity and bravado.  In truth, however, "What difference does it make?" is merely a media-friendly ellipsis of her actual words.  What she actually said, without the convenient editing, is far more telling.

The terrifying mindset of Secretary Clinton.  Her words are already long gone from the daily flow; in fact, they never really resonated at all, were all but ignored by the mainstream media, and were characterized more as a feisty in-your-face comeback than what they truly were.  And what they truly were was horrifying — but at the same time a deep insight into the Democratic mindset, as well as a peek at what may be coming in 2016.

Kerry: 'There Were No Protests in Benghazi' Prior to Attack.  During his Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) said the intelligence reports he got about the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which killed four Americans, showed there were no protests at the facility.  His remark was in response to a question by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations where Kerry was chairman before his nomination to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

Running down the clock on Benghazi.  Conducted as fact-finding hearings, many Americans were hopeful that the officials they elected to represent them were finally going to get to the bottom of a deadly event that has been mired in deception since the minute it began to unfold.  Instead, Americans were sorely shortchanged by a combination of inept questioning and lengthy monologues of professional praise, the latter which served as an effective tactic to run down the game clock while limiting any errant exposure to the truth.

Another Clinton Lies Under Oath.  Did anyone believe a word Hillary Clinton told Congress about the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, in Benghazi, Libya, on the night of September 11, 2012?  Did anyone believe her about what she knew and when she knew it?  Does anyone believe that Republicans laid a glove on her during her testimony?

Hillary Lets the Jihadist Cat Out of the Bag.  After four years of pretending there is no jihad against the free world, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blurted out the truth during her testimony on the Benghazi jihad massacre Wednesday:  "We now face a spreading jihadist threat," she said, adding:  "We have to recognize this is a global movement."  We do?  Yet the Obama administration has for years steadfastly and repeatedly denied both that there was a jihadist threat at all and that it was a global movement.

Media Will Never Hold Obama Accountable For Anything.  Over the past 24 hours, there have been a number of good columns published that take issue with outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's testimony yesterday.  Some mocked Congressional and Senate Democrats for choosing to fawn all over Hillary, instead of probing into the unnecessary deaths of four Americans.  Others, like PJ Media's Bryan Preston, are rightfully angry at Republicans who were completely outgunned and outmaneuvered by Madam Secretary, and as a result blew their last chance to get real answers.

Hillary Clinton's Dodgy Testimony.  A lot of people in Washington apparently forgot how good Hillary Clinton is at not telling the truth.  Wednesday, in her testimony before the Senate and, later, the House, Clinton brilliantly fudged, dodged, and filibustered.  Of course, she's a pro.  Clinton was slow-walking depositions, lawyering up, and shifting blame when many of her questioners were still civilians down on the farm.  Aided by a ridiculous format, she outfoxed most of the Republicans with ease.

Hillary's Benghazi Hearings: "Don't Look at Me!"  What we learned from Hillary Clinton's Congressional hearings on Benghazi was nothing.  What was revealed was a combative, arrogant Secretary of State, who thinks she's above reproach or accountability and was especially miffed that she had to be questioned by members of Congress about why four Americans were killed at the US Consulate in Benghazi under her watch.

Yesterday, Hillary Showed You All of Her Flaws.  She was a disaster yesterday at the hearings on the Benghazi killings. Rand Paul did the best job of pointing that out.

Benghazi, "Fast and Furious on Steroids?"  Rest assured if it turns out that Benghazi was "fast and furious on steroids" we can be sure that the MSM be all over it sometime around the end of the 2nd Biden Term.

Critical Benghazi Question: 'What Caliber Ammo?'  Strong evidence exists, and has been reported here at Conservative Reports Online, that the tensions in Benghazi were fueled by the purpose of Special Mission Benghazi.  It was not an embassy.  It was not a consulate.  It was the CIA facility that had been used to arm and coordinate the rebel forces who were attempting to overthrow Moammar Qadaffi.

Budget figures challenge Dem claims about lack of funding for embassy security.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton repeatedly cited a supposed lack of funding for embassy security during testimony Wednesday on the Libya terror attack, opening the door for congressional Democrats to suggest stingy Republicans contributed to leaving the post in Benghazi vulnerable.  Democratic New York Rep. Eliot Engel claimed Congress "slashed" diplomatic security requests over the past two years.

Where's the Retaliation for American Deaths in Benghazi and Algeria?  Obama promised to avenge the murders of four Americans.  But while Secretary Clinton faced a grilling over the attack, there's been no retaliation.

The Day Accountability Died.  Outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spent roughly seven hours on the Hill today fielding statements lauding her brilliance, praise for how many miles she has flown around the world, and the occassional question about Benghazi.  Remember that?  On 9-11-12, four Americans died in a terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  The Obama campaign/administration had just spent their political convention crowing that al-Qaeda is "on the run."  The Benghazi terrorist attack suggested otherwise.

'Madam Secretary, You Let the Consulate Become a Death Trap'.  Through morning and afternoon hearings before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and then the House Foreign Affairs Committee, postponed from their original dates because of the secretary's medical crises, Clinton came prepared to bite back at her challengers and confronted the mere handful of Republicans willing to go toe-to-toe with her.

Notorious Anti-Islam YouTube Video Not Mentioned in Clinton Testimony.  After months of waiting, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has wrapped up her first round of questioning about the 9/11 terrorist attack in Benghazi from lawmakers on Capitol Hill.  Testifying in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Clinton failed to mention both in her opening statement and her answers, the now notorious YouTube video that was blamed by multiple Obama administration officials for the attack.

Hilllary on Libya: 'What Difference Does It Make?'  After being pressed today by Republican Senator Ron Johnson to explain how it was that over the course of weeks, the Obama Administration stood by an absurd story claiming that four Americans were murdered in Libya due to a spontaneous protest gone bad, outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton played the indignation card.

Clinton Shouts: 'What Difference ... Does It Make?'  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was asked about ascertaining whether the Benghazi terror attack was the result of a protest by Senator Ron Johnson.  "What difference, at this point, does it make?" Clinton shouted, seemingly losing her cool.

Why it matters whether Benghazi was terrorism or not.  Before we go any further: we knew by the day afterward that Benghazi was a terrorist attack.  The White House simply refused to admit it because telling the truth about four murdered Americans was less important than winning a Presidential election.

Hillary Clinton's Postmodernism.  Let's be clear what Mrs. Clinton is saying.  It really doesn't matter whether the president and his advisers misled the public on the origins of a lethal terrorist attack that claimed four American lives, including the first ambassador murdered in more than 30 years.  What matters, she insisted, is what we do going forward.  There is no useful purpose to be served by dwelling on the past.  Get over it.  Move on.  Chill out.  What a perfectly post-modern approach to things.

Hillary 2016: What Difference Does It Make?  It's the story of her life.  What difference does it make if Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary six years before he climbed Mount Everest?  What difference does it make if Hillary wasn't really under sniper fire in Bosnia?  What difference does it make that tens of thousands of civilians have been killed in Syria over the past two years?  Assad is, after all, a "reformer" in Hillary's eyes.  So if four Americans just happen to be killed in our consulate in Libya on the 11th anniversary of the September 11th attacks what difference does it make to Hillary if our government claims their deaths came about as a result of a spontaneous protest over an internet video?

What Difference Does It Make?  That is her legacy.  "What difference does it make" how the Americans were killed in Benghazi?  Listen to her.  Of course it makes a difference, but when you lied about why it happened for weeks, how it happened can't matter.

Benghazi murders: Yes Hillary, why does make a difference.  In what may have been an unscripted outburst, Hillary asked "what difference at this point would it make?" as to why Ambassador Chris Stevens and a pair of Navy SEALs were murdered.  Hillary defenders went into damage control.  The war room from the 1998 impeachment battle was reignited.

What Difference?  Secretary Clinton did not mean to show indifference, but her rhetorical question was one of the low points in her long career, one that might pass without too much fanfare at the moment but will reverberate a lot in the future.  Yet today's testimony in some sense does not matter, given that Ms. Clinton is probably going to run in 2016 for president, and has enjoyed a protective media veneer over her long career — shed only once in 2008 when opposing Barack Obama.

Benghazi Rhapsody.  After a months-long wait that featured scheduling challenges, investigative delays, ministerial concussions, and the small matter of a presidential election, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton finally came to Congress to testify about what happened in Benghazi.  And what did she have to say?  "Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans?  What difference, at this point, does it make?"

The Editor says...
What difference does it make if Hillary made a $100,000 overnight profit in cattle futures, or if that was a laundered bribe?  What difference does it make if Vince Foster killed himself, or he was rubbed out?

Clinton Cries, Yells But Won't Apologize for Benghazi.  Hillary Clinton's long-postponed congressional testimony on last year's Libya terror attack leaving four Americans dead used the left's favorite weapon: emotionalism. But crying and yelling can't cover up lies.

Six Key Takeaways from Hillary Clinton's Benghazi Hearings.  [#5]  Clinton said there was no real time video of the attack.  The secretary of state said video of the attack on Sept. 11, 2012 was not viewed until days after the attack.

Duck and Cover.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton faced harsh criticism from Republicans in Congress on Wednesday [1/23/2013] for misleading statements made by the Obama administration on the terrorist attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans.  "Four months or months after the Benghazi tragedy — it's a tragedy when we lose four brave Americans — there are many questions that are unanswered," said Sen. John McCain (R., Az.) during a hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  "And the answers, frankly, that you've given this morning are not satisfactory to me."

Clinton Has Talked to Only 1 American Benghazi Survivor in 4 Months.  In the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, five State Department Diplomatic Security agents who were in Benghazi that day and survived the attack were evacuated from the country and taken to Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany.  All five had suffered from smoke inhalation, and one was seriously wounded.

Digging the Benghazi Memory Hole.  With Wednesday's hearing, Hillary Clinton played her uniquely dramatic role in the one shovel-ready project in Obama's America — the Benghazi memory hole.  She spent the day burying the whole sordid Benghazi mess.  Don't expect the media to exhume it.  They have already started chastising those who try.

Why Benghazi didn't bring down Hillary Clinton.  Republicans accuse her of negligence and worse in connection with the deadly attack in Libya.  Four theories on why the critiques just won't stick.

In cable the day he died, U.S. ambassador warned Clinton about Benghazi security.  Just hours before he died in a terrorist attack at the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Ambassador Chris Stevens sent a cable to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton painting a chaotic, violent portrait of the eastern Libya city and warning that local militias were threatening to pull the security they afforded U.S. officials.

Some Algeria Attackers Are Placed at Benghazi.  Several Egyptian members of the squad of militants that lay bloody siege to an Algerian gas complex last week also took part in the deadly attack on the United States Mission in Libya in September, a senior Algerian official said Tuesday [1/22/2013].

CBS's Attkisson: Obama Admin. Has Stonewalled on Benghazi Since October.  On Tuesday [1/22/2013], CBS's Sharyl Attkisson broke on Twitter that the Obama administration "has indicated that it will not be answering Benghazi question we've been asking since Oct."  Attkisson, who has provided hard-hitting reporting on the September 11, 2012 Islamist attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya, listed many of the questions that the executive branch has yet to answer about the story.

Sharyl Attkisson Asks Libya Questions The Media Won't.  Today [1/23/2013] while almost all the media was gushing over outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's theatrical and less than forthcoming Senate testimony about events in Libya, CBS News' investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson tweeted out a penetrating series of unanswered questions that both the White House and its media minions will ensure are never answered.

Boom: CBS tears into White House over Benghazigate.  CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson has been one of the few members of the media willing to hold the Obama Administration's feet to the fire over Benghazigate.  Despite Obama et al's toxic mixture of silence, prevarication, and obfuscation, Attkisson has doggedly pursued the truth about the September 2012 attacks that left four Americans dead.

Notorious Anti-Islam YouTube Video Not Mentioned in Clinton Testimony.  U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens sent multiple requests for more security to the State Department throughout 2012 and cited al Qaeda threats as a reason why it was needed.  The extra security was never sent.  Today Rep. Jeff Duncan accused Clinton of gross negligence and of turning the consulate in Benghazi into a "death trap."

Clinton Makes Dubious Claim That Obama Called Benghazi Terror Attack on 9/12.  In the House hearing on Benghazi on Capitol Hill today, Hillary Clinton argued that she and President Obama had not obfuscated on the true nature of the Benghazi attack.  "I said the very next morning that it was an attack by heavily armed militants," Clinton said.  "The president said that morning it was an act of terror.  At the same time, however, I was dealing with protest against our facilities that were clearly connected to that video."

Hillary Clinton flounders on the Benghazi front.  Hillary Clinton came across as defiant, evasive, blasé, and at times hugely unconvincing when answering questions from Republican Senators about the death of four Americans at the hand of Islamist terrorists in Benghazi last September, including the assassination of the US Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens.

Carney denounces GOP 'obsession' with Benghazi response.  White House press secretary Jay Carney on Wednesday defended Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's assertion that the administration's initial claims the Benghazi attack was the result of a violent protest — rather than terrorism — made no "difference" in the big picture of the tragedy.  Carney, speaking to reporters at the White House daily briefing, said Clinton was referring to "an obvious political obsession over a series of talking points that again bears no relevance on the central issues" around the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Republicans challenge Clinton claims on budget cuts, Benghazi cable.  Republicans are challenging a host of statements made by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Democratic allies during Wednesday's heated Libya testimony — claiming that complaints about a lack of funding are bogus and questioning the secretary's insistence she never saw urgent cables warning about the danger of an attack.

White House defends Secretary of State Clinton on Benghazi.  White House Press Secretary Jay Carney on Wednesday [1/23/2013] defended Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's statement before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that it doesn't make a difference what administration officials first said in explaining how Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were slain in last September's attack in Benghazi, Libya.  Carney told reporters at the daily press briefing that there has been an "obvious political obsession over a series of talking points" that bears no relevance to the essential issues at stake.

Clinton takes on critics over Benghazi at tense Hill hearings.  The at times heated testimony before House and Senate committees, likely to be the outgoing secretary's last, elicited praise from Democrats and frustration from Republicans.  Far from putting the issue to rest, the testimony further fueled a debate that has raged on Capitol Hill for four months.

Dangerous Times: John Brennan's Black Ops .  In Benghazi we know the CIA was smuggling tons of Libyan arms to the radicals in Syria, using Al Qaeda in the Maghreb (Northern Africa), called AQIM.  But AQIM wasn't happy with Chris Stevens, and decided to burn him to death.  The local cops took off ten minutes before the attack, and refused to answer emergency calls from the Americans that day.  The president is legally required to be notified instantly of any attack on a high-ranking US official, and Stevens ranked with a four-star general.  The White House therefore knew about the Benghazi attack within minutes. [...] John Brennan had to be in the loop.  Other than Obama himself, nobody is more directly responsible for the bloodbath in Benghazi.

Debacle in Benghazi.  On September 21, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke to reporters before a meeting with the Pakistani foreign minister. [...] Clinton's statement was notable.  It was the strongest and most direct assessment of the attacks from any Obama administration official in the first 10 days after the deaths.  By calling the incident a "terrorist attack," Clinton acknowledged what President Obama had gone out of his way to avoid.

The Mainstream Media has avoided any mention of Brennan's significant role in the Benghazi tragedy.  [Scroll down]  [John] Brennan is head of the president's National Counterterrorism group.  During his time there he has worked very closely with our favorite FBI Director, Mr. Eric Holder.  Their work has resulted in the single greatest expansion of police state surveillance on American citizens in the history of this country.  Once again, the mainstream media is silent on this fact.  Remember, it was the FBI who Obama said he sent to Benghazi to investigate the attack that killed four Americans.  It was the FBI who delayed that investigation because they said it was too dangerous and it's the Holder FBI who says the investigation is "ongoing".  Right.  The cover-up is right there in front of everyone but this Obama administration doesn't care.  They know there isn't [sic] enough people wanting to challenge them so they'll just go right on lying to us.

The Scandal That Will Bring Obama Down.  It's even worse than we previously thought.  A retired four-star admiral is now claiming that Barack Obama intentionally conspired with America's enemies to stage a bogus attack and the kidnapping of an American ambassador so he could "negotiate" the release of a "hostage" and bolster his mediocre approval ratings just prior to the election?  The Washington Examiner, quoting retired Four-Star Admiral James Lyons, writes:  "the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi... was the result of a bungled abduction attempt... the first stage of an international prisoner exchange... that would have ensured the release of Omar Abdel Rahman, the 'Blind Sheik'..."  But something went horribly wrong with Obama's "October Surprise."

The key Benghazi questions still unanswered.  We now have the so-called Independent Accountability Review Board report on the Sept. 11 attack on our Benghazi special mission compound.  While it concludes there was no spontaneous mob protest outside the compound, it fails to provide answers to many key questions.  For example, it does not address why the Obama administration continued to lie to the American public for the better part of two weeks, saying that the attack on our consulate was mob violence that got out of control over a 14-minute anti-Islamic video that few had seen.

Benghazi Suspect Released; 4 Americans Still Dead.  Before we confirm the president's national security team, let's get some answers to why no terrorists have been captured or killed after the consulate attack and why the administration doesn't seem to care.

Benghazi terrorists, skating free.  Four months have now passed since the terrorist attack on the US diplomatic compound in Benghazi took the lives of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.  But for all the vows that the perpetrators would swiftly be brought to justice, no one so far has been.  Nor, it seems, is anyone likely to be.

Four Months After Benghazi Attack Where Are the Killers?  The assault left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.  But intelligence officials say U.S. investigators are making very little headway in finding justice.

Libyan Gun Control Policies Left Guards Unarmed at U.S. Compound in Benghazi.  The gun control policies of the post-Gaddafi government in Libya delayed the arming of bodyguards for U.S. diplomats in that country and left the local guard force hired to watch over the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi unarmed, according to internal State Department memos and written testimony by the State Department officer who was in charge of the department's security in Libya until six weeks before the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attacks.

Clinton Publicly Linked Benghazi to Video Before Woods and Doherty Were Killed.  On the night of Sept. 11, 2012 — before former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed by a terrorist mortar strike — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton released a public statement linking the attack against the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, with an anti-Muslim video, which she referred to as "inflammatory material posted on the Internet."  Clinton's statement, still posted on State's website, is dated Sept. 11, 2012, and headlined:  "Statement on the Attack in Benghazi."

Justice for Benghazi? Still on Hold.  In the wake of the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya on 9/11/12, the administration made up for its deceptive accounts of the incident with bloodthirsty avowals that the persons responsible would be hunted to the ends of the earth.  Nearly four months later, those promises remain unfulfilled.

Benghazigate: The Cover-Up Continues.  From the start, almost everything that we were originally and "officially" told by the Obama Administration about the Benghazigate "event" was false (i.e., a lie) or misleading or inadequate.  And now that the sole suspect held in the attack has been released, the cover-up is gaining momentum.  The report produced by State's Accountability Review Board (ARB) and released in an unclassified version Dec. 18 did little to clear up what was misleading and inadequate in the "official" versions about the happenings during the "event."

Terror suspect linked to Benghazi consulate attack is freed.  A Tunisian man questioned by the F.B.I about the murderous attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi has been released by a Tunisian judge due to lack of evidence, according to his lawyer.

Hillary's Benghazi Cover-up 101 for Dummies.  Cover-up Step 6:  Pretend there is accountability by blaming a fall guy.  Like Clinton counsel Bernie Nussbaum resigned in disgrace for his obstructionist role in the Vince Foster death investigations (instead of facing obstruction charges), Assistant Secretary of State Eric Boswell, who along with three others reportedly resigned because of Benghazi... but not really.  That was just a publicity stunt disguised as news.

Graham seeks delay to confirmation of Brennan until Benghazi questions answered.  Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina didn't single out Obama's nominee, John Brennan, for criticism, but he accused the administration of ignoring requests for more information about the Sept. 11 attack, which also targeted a CIA annex in Benghazi.  "I have not forgotten about the Benghazi debacle and still have many questions about what transpired before, during and after the attack on our consulate," Graham said.

Benghazi Cover-up: The Hand Shake.  Thanks to Hillary's "independent" 39-page, declassified Benghazi Accountability Review Board report (ARB), a whitewash, that conveniently ignored important details such as why Sean Smith would send information out via a gaming website, and who ordered the military to stand down — (the same report the Senate Committee hearings were based upon), it looks like $2.2 billion (over ten-years) will be headed for the State Department very soon.  A department Chairman Kerry expects to lead, as President Obama's nominated Secretary of State — and no one will be held accountable for the deaths in Benghazi.

During Attack Denis McDonough and Tom Donilon Replace President Obama and VP Biden.  [Scroll down]  While Denis McDonough was bringing POTUS up to speed, at that exact moment, events in Benghazi had spiraled.  What took place next, and why they did not reverse the "stand down call" is unknown.  Perhaps they considered it too late, after all, this 7:26pm update revealed the status of Ambassador Stevens as "Missing presumed Dead".

White House finally releases 1st briefing photo of Obama on night of Benghazi attack.  The White House releases some [photos] into the public domain on its Flickr site, but only those that please the administration.  Others — like the photos of Barack Obama being briefed on the unfolding attack on our consulate in Benghazi on September 11th — require a little more effort to have released.

A Twist in the Benghazi Saga.  If you thought the Benghazi saga ended last month when a State Department review concluded that a handful of State Department middle managers failed to provide adequate security for the U.S. mission, think again:  it may no longer be dominating headlines, but with multiple active congressional investigations and an ongoing attempt to hunt down the perpetrators, the story of Benghazi is far from over.

When I questioned Hillary Clinton's health claims, I was relying on the best intelligence available at the time.  A few weeks ago, when Hillary's people said she wouldn't be testifying about Benghazi because she'd fallen down and hit her head, I did exactly what our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the media would have done if Secretary Clinton were a Republican:  I asked to see the medical report.  I didn't accuse her of faking her injury.  I didn't call it a hoax.  I merely showed skepticism about the claims of a career politician who was missing her second opportunity in a row to testify about her department's utter negligence and ineptitude in Benghazi.

A Lesson for the Media.  The committee's findings, following a review of thousands of documents, shed new light on the utter confusion that prevailed at the highest levels of the administration in the days following the attack.  Although U.S. intelligence almost immediately recognized the incident as a premeditated terrorist attack, administration officials, from President Obama on down, hedged and pretzled their comments to a fare-thee-well.

There's Plenty of Blame to Go Around Since No One's Being Held Responsible Anyway.  [Scroll down]  The report also addressed the Administration's meandering characterization of events in the Benghazi attack's immediate aftermath, including statements by Susan Rice on the Sunday talk shows.  It pointed out that while some officials were immediate in identifying the incident as a terrorist attack, and that the government knew as much almost immediately, the president's comments in the days following, including on the Late Show with David Letterman and to Joy Behar on The View were more equivocal.

Senate committee report on Benghazi terrorist attack faults State Department.  A scathing Senate committee report on the Benghazi terrorist attack faults the State Department for failing to adequately respond to mounting security threats in the lead-up to the assault.  The report says the facility was woefully under-protected at a time when the region, according to a top department official, was "flashing red" — yet security was not improved, and nobody recommended the compound be shut down.

The lying continues.  There is something particularly ugly in a democratic society when government officials lie  — or in the case in point, tell half-truths.  Last week in the wake of a damning report on how some State Department officials handled the security situation at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi prior to and after Sept. 11, it was announced that four officials had resigned.  Well, at least that's what most of us thought they had announced.

Congress asking the wrong questions on Benghazi.  Why was there no attempt to save the lives of the ambassador and his colleagues, beyond sending an unarmed drone to observe their demise?  The congressional committees investigating the events in Benghazi seem to have focused on the Sunday talk-show statements of Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, who blamed the attack on an obscure anti-Islam video made by a relatively unknown man in California.

Something is fundamentally wrong with the media in this country.  [Lt. Col. Ralph] Peters says, the lack of media interest in this entire Benghazi scandal where 4 people needlessly died and the Obama administration lied points to the fact that there is a fundamental problem with the media in this country.  He says the media are more concerned with a stray kitten than Benghazi.

Hillary Clinton too sick to testify on Benghazi, not too sick to party.  Although Hillary Clinton was reportedly too sick to testify on the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, she apparently has recovered well enough to enjoy a "year-end vacation in Punta Cana, in the eastern coast of the Dominican Republic," Dominican Today reported Saturday [12/29/2012].

Hillary is Well Enough to Fly to the Dominican Republic for Vacation.  Is it OK to fly when you've allegedly suffered head trauma?

Senate Republicans to Hold Kerry's State Nomination Until Hillary Clinton Testifies on Benghazi.  Since she took to Peruvian TV to accept responsibility for the lack of security that played a starring role in the deadly attack, Hillary Clinton has done everything in her power to avoid said responsibility.  She has disappeared from public view.  She floated the possibility that she might not testify before Congress at all.  Then she mysteriously became ill just before her testimony was to take place.

Beyond Benghazi: questions for Clinton.  The State Department's Accountability Review Board last week issued a devastating report on the events leading up to the Sept. 11 assassination of four Americans at our Benghazi consulate.  Unfortunately, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has still not faced questioning by Congress or the media more than three months after the tragedy.  A series of excuses has conveniently allowed her to escape cross examination until after the ARB report was released.

Benghazi penalties are bogus.  The four officials supposedly out of jobs because of their blunders in the run-up to the deadly Benghazi terror attack remain on the State Department payroll — and will all be back to work soon, The [New York] Post has learned.  The highest-ranking official caught up in the scandal, Assistant Secretary of State Eric Boswell, has not "resigned" from government service, as officials said last week.  He is just switching desks.  And the other three are simply on administrative leave and are expected back.

No Accountability For Americans Murdered In Benghazi.  As with Fast and Furious, the designated scapegoats for the deaths of Americans at the hands of administration bungling will merely be switching desks.  Only the maker of that irrelevant video is in jail.

Questions the Press Doesn't Ask.  Where is a copy of the order President Obama says he issued requiring that "everything possible" be done to save our personnel who were under attack?  (Former Assistant Secretary of Defense Bing West notes that such orders are always written down.)  Were Navy seals stationed in Benghazi told to "stand down" rather than render assistance?  Who told Susan Rice to say that the attack grew out of a protest, when there was no protest?

Benghazi's Back — Sort Of.  [Scroll down]  Further, according to the AP, the report exonerates the military.  Quoting verbatim:  "There was simply not enough time for armed U.S. military assets to have made a difference."  How that was ascertained is unclear since the same report adds little to what we know of the timeline.

With Election Over, Americans Find They Were Duped By Democrats And Obama.  The White House described the early-September attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, as a reaction to an anti-Muslim film clip that appeared on the Internet.  In recent weeks, we've found that the film played no role at all — and that Obama and his national security staff did nothing to save the lives of those under attack, even though they knew the attack was ongoing.

US denied access to 'multiple' suspects in custody in Benghazi terror attack.  "Multiple" suspects are in custody connected to the deadly terrorist attack Sept. 11 on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, but U.S. access to the suspects so far been denied, an intelligence source tells Fox News.  "There are more suspects beyond those held in Tunisia and Egypt.  Our access has been frustrated," the intelligence source said.

Ambassador Stevens Funeral, no news coverage? Not One Word?  There has not been a breath of information on Ambassador Stevens' funeral in the news anywhere.  Was he not a U.S. Ambassador?  Was he not killed in the line of duty?  Should not Obama, who Stevens represented abroad, present a wreath or something?  The family has a web page where they state that a ceremony was held October 16, 2012.  But there is no information anywhere about what happened at that ceremony or who was there.

Running out the clock on Benghazi.  The report of an independent panel inquiring into what happened in Benghazi blames the State Department bureaucracy essentially for not having a clue about what was going on in Libya.  A panel of diplomats would never say anything like that, but the message written between the lines is plain and clear.

Blame Congress, not Clinton, during State Department Benghazi hearing.  Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said he was puzzled by the blame the report placed on lower-level State Department officials without questioning the very top leadership, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  "Benghazi and Libya in general is not some remote outpost.  (The report) talks about, it was not a priority for Washington," Rubio said.  "...I want to understand who Washington is."

The wretched absurdity of the Benghazi report.  It is an interesting bit of trivia, perhaps, that the popular television game show To Tell the Truth premiered exactly 56 years to the day that the Benghazi report was released.  The objective of the 2012 real world panel appears to be the antithesis of former game show, as ferreting out the truth did not appear to be the panel's objective.

The more they say, the less we know.
Why Obama Sent No Rescue: Benghazi Lasted '8 Hours' But Was 'Over in ... 30 Minutes'.  The chairman and the vice chairman of the State Department Accountability Review Board (ARB) that investigated the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, made dramatically different statements on Wednesday [12/19/2012] about the duration of those attacks that resulted in the deaths of four Americans.  The relevant duration of the event shrunk from "almost eight hours" to "only about 20 or 30 minutes" when a reporter asked this "accountability" team why the U.S. military had not been sent to Benghazi to help that night.

The Benghazi Report: How smoothly Washington washes away its scandals.  You'll be able to hear and read today about the State Department report on the Benghazi consulate sacking and killings.  But no matter how much you listen or read, you'll only be getting part of the story.

Bureaucratic Bungling Bunkum On Benghazi.  The long awaited Accountability Review Board's report on the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya is in, with findings no more insightful than "systematic failures" and "management deficits" as the root cause of this highly abnormal event, which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans last Sept. 11. [...] Four officials reportedly have been asked to resign, supposedly in disciplinary action.  That's supposed to be the end of it.  But it really doesn't end there.

Benghazi Report Disqualifies Hillary For White House.  A less-than-adequate independent review cites "grossly" inadequate leadership, "systemic failures" and "management deficiencies" that mean our secretary of state isn't ready for that 3 a.m. call either.

Hillary's Benghazi cover-up — like Vince Foster death investigation.  Recall how it was Clinton who was one of the first top Obama administration officials to mislead the public by falsely blaming a YouTube video for the deadly attack. [...] Since then it has been revealed that the Obama-Clinton regime watched the terrorist attack take place via live feeds, knew within two hours that the Islamist militia group Ansar al-Sharia took credit for it, and declined life-saving requests for help.

Did someone mention Vince Foster?

Hillary's Benghazi cover-up — diplomatic illness and Travelgate.  Hillary turned dodging indictments and perjury charges into an art form during the Clinton era.  The question is will lawmakers on both sides of the aisle finally hold her accountable or allow Hillary to continue making a mockery out of the rule of law?  Rewind to the first Clinton scandal, Travelgate.

Did someone mention Travelgate?

Why Are Some People Prone to Obey?  A cloud of secrecy and obfuscation lingers over the serious Fast and Furious agenda and the Benghazi events.  Astonishingly, Congressman Jason Chaffetz has been "thwarted" by the State Department in contacting the survivors of the Benghazi attack.  Thus, Congress has been denied access to these people, and the American public continues to be kept in the dark notwithstanding the alleged transparency claimed by the Obama administration.

Hillary Clinton Must Answer for Benghazi.  It's almost as if many in the mainstream press wish we could switch temporarily to a monarchy.  That way we could coronate Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and assure her role as our next leader and be done with it. [...] Four Americans lay dead because of these failures, and most of the media seems entirely comfortable with this being swept under the rug.

Obama's Benghazi Fall Guys.  It took long enough, but President Gutsy Call finally located three State Department employees who don't have enough political juice to protect them from getting blamed for the predictable failure of the administration's Libya policy.

Hillary's Benghazi Report (ARB) Blames Amb. Christopher Stevens.  When government officials like Secretary of State Hillary Clinton self-investigate themselves in 'internal' 'independent' reviews the truth is always covered up and buried.  While you were sleeping on Tuesday night [12/18/2012] the Obama-Clinton regime did just that when they released a 39-page, unclassified report, an Accountability Review Board (ARB), on the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans.

Where's Obama in the Benghazi Report?  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's Accountability Review Board [...] detailed a broad failure of U.S. intelligence officials and policymakers to fully understand the growing Islamist threat in Libya, but without naming the names of those who were responsible for that failure.

Lawmakers insisting on justice for Benghazi attack on consulate.  Key Republican lawmakers on Wednesday embraced the findings of the State Department's internal inquiry into the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, even though its long-awaited report stopped short of probing questions of an Obama administration cover-up in the attack's aftermath.

State Department official suggests Libya warnings went to the top.  A top State Department official acknowledged Thursday that cables warning of serious security concerns at the U.S. compound in Benghazi went to department headquarters — and possibly to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's office — in the months leading up to the deadly Sept. 11 attack.

Clinton Pulled Into Benghazi Debate After Having Low Profile.  The debate following the deadly attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya unfolded for three months without entangling Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  That is likely to change.

Palin: 'Our Peace Prize-Winning President' Lied on Benghazi.  Sarah Palin says the newly-released report on the attack last September on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya proves the Obama administration lied about events that led to the deaths of four Americans killed in the violent assault.  "I think the bottom line that is so frustrating to Americans is we were deceived," Palin said Wednesday night [12/19/2012] on Fox News' "On the Record with Greta Van Susteren."

Mike Rogers: 'Near Total Lack of Progress' in Capturing Benghazi Killers.  Key Republican lawmakers on Wednesday [12/19/2012] embraced the findings of the State Department's internal inquiry into the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, even though its long-awaited report stopped short of probing questions of an Obama administration cover-up in the attack's aftermath.

A Complete Whitewash: The Accountability Review Board Report On Benghazi.  The Accountability Review Board, established by Hillary Clinton in the wake of the 9-11-12 attack on our consulate in Benghazi, has released its report, an unclassified version of which you can find here.  It is a travesty.  On the issues of who made the decisions to deny requests for greater security in Benghazi, why they made those decisions, and why our government sent no military assets in response to the attack that lasted over seven hours, the report is an utterly worthless whitewash.

Clinton accused of faking illness to avoid Benghazi testimony.  The State Department slammed former United Nations envoy John Bolton over his suggestion that Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton falsely claimed a concussion to avoid a potentially embarrassing appearance before Congress to explain the deadly terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya.  In an appearance on Fox News, Bolton said that Clinton's claim that she had fainted because of the flu, hitting her head and suffering a concussion, was what foreign service officers call a "diplomatic illness," intended to free a diplomat from an unpleasant duty.

Hillary Clinton's head fake.  Clinton's story beggars belief:  While traveling in Europe, she contracted a stomach virus ... which made her dehydrated ... which made her faint at home ... which caused her to fall and hit her head ... which gave her a nasty concussion.  So Clinton's deputies will appear in her stead before the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday to explain the State Department's failures.  That is not nearly enough.

Where's Hillary Clinton's medical report?  We're told she collapsed and hit her head and got a concussion, and that's why she can't testify about Benghazi this week.  And we're supposed to just take her word for it.

Cole: Benghazi Report 'A Very Damning Indictment of State Department Performance'.  Rep. Tom Cole (R., Okla.) called the independent review of the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya "a very damning indictment of State Department performance" Wednesday on CNN. [...] While host Soledad O'Brien said the report stated no one willfully ignored their duties, Cole rejected the notion that absolved anyone of responsibility.

Benghazi report could tarnish Clinton's legacy.  [Scroll down]  "The Board found that certain senior State Department officials ... in critical positions of authority and responsibility in Washington demonstrated a lack of proactive leadership and management ability appropriate for the State Department's senior ranks," the report concludes in its section on accountability of personnel.

Benghazi's Back — Sort Of.  The awaited special report by an independent review panel led by retired Ambassador Thomas Pickering and the former Joint Chiefs chairman, Adm. Mike Mullen, has been delivered to Congress and offered few revelations, at least according to the Associated Press.

Review board raps State Department for poor security in Benghazi.  The report blames inadequate security at the mission on "systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels" of State Department headquarters, where officials turned down repeated requests from diplomats on the ground for more security, both at the embassy in Tripoli and in Benghazi.

Relevant: Full Disclosure of Hillary Clinton's Medical Condition.  [Scroll down]  A neurologist told ABC News that the "most important thing is for" Clinton "to get rest.  No e-mails.  No working."  However, State Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland on Monday said Clinton has the completed Independent Advisory Review Board's Benghazi review and report.

Conservatives Think Hillary Clinton Is Faking Her Concussion.  Do you hear that faint sound?  It's the grumbling of conservative pundits who are now churning out a theory that Hillary Clinton is lying about her concussion to avoid having to testify about Benghazi.  Clinton had a concussion recently, her team said Saturday.  And The Daily Caller's Jim Treacher isn't sending the Secretary of State a get-well card until she proves she was really hurt.

Bolton: Clinton Suffering from 'Diplomatic Illness' to Avoid Benghazi Testimony.  Former Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton implied Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is exaggerating her illness so that she does not have to testify before Congress about the terrorist attacks in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens.

Benghazi verdict: grossly inadequate security and systemic failures of leadership.  An independent investigation of the attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi has confirmed the obvious — "grossly" inadequate security and reliance on local militias left U.S. diplomats and other personnel vulnerable.  The review of the assault that killed Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans faulted systemic failures of leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department.

Clinton And Kerry Get A Free Ride From The Press.  [Hillary] Clinton claims she can't testify for Congress on Thursday because she fell down over the weekend and got a concussion.  Maybe so, but thus far no one's seen a medical report.  What's more, it's the second time Clinton has put off crucial congressional testimony about the murder of a U.S. ambassador and three other U.S. officials by Islamist terrorists in Benghazi, Libya, last Sept. 11.  The previous time, she had more pressing business, tasting wine in Australia and checking up on East Timor.  It looks like avoidance of responsibility to preserve her own political viability.

State Department-sponsored review of Libya attack finished, in Clinton's hands.  The State Department-sponsored report examining the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi is complete and in Secretary Hillary Clinton's hands.  State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland on Monday [12/17/2012] confirmed that the report went to Clinton earlier in the day.

Martyrdom of St. Susan.  When it comes to metaphors for the Obama administration, it is hard to top the rise and fall of Susan Rice.  Her ascension to the inner circle was born of her loyalty to candidate Obama, and she failed to become secretary of state because she was loyal to President Obama instead of the truth.

Hillary's fortuitous fall from her Benghazi Stonewall.  The alleged fainting spell and subsequent concussion of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appears a bit fortuitous, if not downright suspicious when factoring in all of her stonewalling and obfuscation to this point.  It all started on September 16th, when U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice — instead of Hillary — appeared on five Sunday talk shows to give demonstrably false information about the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.

Clinton calls in sick again, innoculating possible 2016 run against Obama Middle East policy.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced another sudden illness, marking the third time since Sept. 11, 2012 that she has distanced herself from President Barack Obama's faltering Muslim-outreach strategy.  The illnesses — and her pending departure from the job — have protected her from growing criticism about the Middle East strategy [...]

Hillary in Hiding.  The U.S. Secretary of State, suffering from a sick stomach, has reportedly fainted and bumped her head.  As a result, her spokespeople have already announced that she will be unable to testify at the Benghazi hearings, although she was not due to appear until December 20, many days after the vaguely reported fainting spell.  Already, the internet is resounding with a chorus of "How convenient!"

Sec. Clinton's Concussion Raises More Questions About Health, Benghazi .  When the State Department revealed on Saturday that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had fainted last week and suffered a concussion due to a stomach virus, the announcement left more questions than answers regarding Clinton's health.  Her absence will raise even more questions from the congressional hearings on the terrorist attacks in Benghazi next week.  Clinton will not testify at those hearings.

Hillary Falls Down, Gets "Concussion," Cancels Benghazi Testimony.  If only Nixon knew all he had to do was "fall down."

Secretary of State Faints, Sustains Concussion.  The 65-year-old Clinton is recovering at home and has been advised by her doctors to continue to rest and avoid strenuous activity and cancel all work events for the next week.

Clinton will not testify before Congress on Libya, purported concusion cited.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will not be able to testify before House and Senate committees next week on the Benghazi issue due to a concussion, the State Department said Saturday.  Clinton was a scheduled to testify Thursday on the Sept. 11 terror attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, in which U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stephens and three other Americans were killed.

Out With Concussion: Hillary Clinton Will Not Testify at Benghazi Hearings 5 Days from Now.  The 65-year-old Clinton is recovering at home and has been advised by her doctors to continue to rest and avoid strenuous activity and cancel all work events for the next week.  She had been scheduled to testify before a pair of congressional panels looking into the Sept. 11 attack against a diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya.

State Department Preparing for Bombshell Benghazi Revelations?  This week, U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice withdrew her name from consideration as the next Secretary of State, while current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went from definitely testifying on Benghazi next week to a slightly less-certain "maybe" testifying on Benghazi next week.  While Rice's and Clinton's respective announcements could be unrelated, it seems more than likely that they are connected.

Hiding the witnesses.  I've said before that I know someone who is stationed at Landstuhl Hospital in Germany and was in the operation room when casualties from the attack on the consulate in Benghazi arrived there from Libya.  This person told me that there were more than 30 casualties that day and the staff at the hospital was pretty busy.  Now, according to Breitbart, Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz claims that the Obama Administration is hiding those folks.

Congressman: State Dept Hiding Benghazi Attack Survivors, May Not Release Full Investigative Report.  Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) told Fox News' Greta Van Susteren that he was not trying to "politicize" by the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi by pressuring the Administration to answer questions about the incident and survivors.  Chaffetz has been asking the State Dept to produce witnesses and survivors of the Benghazi attack and has been left without a response.

Susan Rice was brought down by the long shadow of Benghazi, not race or gender.  A good guest has to know when to leave the party.  Susan Rice wasn't a good guest.  She waited until well after midnight, when everyone was tapping their watches and thinking of bed.  Her insistent lingering turned sympathy into contempt — and when she finally decided to go, she did so loudly and rudely.  The only person to regret her departure will be the man who invited her, Barack Obama.

McCain, Graham, Ayotte: Rice Decision Won't End Benghazi Scrutiny.  While the White House may have been hoping that Susan Rice's decision to no longer pursue the Secretary of State position means that the investigation into what exactly occurred at Benghazi and who was responsible for the security decisions will cease, both Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham made it clear today that they intend to continue pursuing the matter.

Thoughts on Rice's Withdrawal:  UN Ambassador Susan Rice has formally withdrawn her name from consideration to be the next Secretary of State.  She will remain in her current position.  Despite the strong support of President Obama, Rice could never escape the fact that she repeatedly said the attacks in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 were a spontaneous reaction to the anti-Muslim YouTube video as opposed to a terrorist attack.

Instead of Asking Hillary Clinton About Benghazi, Barbara Walters Pushes Her to Run for President.  Add Barbara Walters to the list of journalists pushing for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to run for President in 2016.  For the third time now, Ms. Clinton has been featured on Barbara Walters's annual 10 Most Fascinating People special.  Given that Ms. Walters had a one-on-one sit-down interview with Clinton, it would seem logical that the topic of the Benghazi fiasco would come up.  It didn't [...]

Rep. Frank Wolf: Tunisia Won't Let FBI Interview Benghazi Suspect.  As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton prepares to testify on Capitol Hill next week about last September's attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, a Republican lawmaker is urging her to cut aid to Tunisia over its refusal to allow the FBI to talk to the only known detained suspect in the attack.

Chaffetz: State Dept Hiding Benghazi Survivors.  Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R- UT) told Breitbart News on Wednesday [12/12/2012] that he has been "thwarted" by the State Department from seeing any Americans who survived the deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi.  Many people forget that there were Americans who survived the Benghazi attack, some of whom were badly injured and are still recovering.

Defense Dept. had live video of attack in Benghazi.  Live video from a drone flying over the U.S. Consulate during the Sept. 11 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, was monitored at a Defense Department facility, but was not fed to the White House, senior officials say.

Jeanine Pirro Blasts Hillary For Benghazi Cover-up.  Unlike most in the media, Judge Jeanine Pirro has not let the Benghazi story go.  She's still on the case, keeping it alive until the new congress convenes in January and they take it up, again.

Benghazi Terrorists Were Armed By Obama.  As early as March 2011 there were reports that as many as 1,000 Al-Qaeda members had infiltrated the rebel forces in Libya.  But the Obama Administration chose to arm these rebels.  One year later US Ambassador Chris Stevens was murdered by Al-Qaeda rebels in Libya.

Susan Rice's Real Crimes.  Whether as a co-conspirator or as a dupe of the Deceiver-in-Chief, Rice's pushing the idea of a demonstration, versus an attack, is the real crime.  Obama and his minions can hide in the fog of war from questions such as whether the attacks were preplanned or triggered by current events, but that these were attacks, not demonstrations, was obvious within a few hours of their onset.

Clinton to Testify on Benghazi Attack at Open Hearing.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will soon testify before US lawmakers at an open-door hearing about the deadly September attack on the US mission in Benghazi, Libya, a top lawmaker said.  Clinton will appear before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs "to discuss, in an open hearing, the findings and recommendations" in a State Department report on the attack, committee chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen said on Friday [12/7/2012].

Libyan Reluctance Hampers U.S. Investigation Into Deadly Benghazi Assault.  [T]hree months after the assault that killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, the investigation into the attacks has been hobbled by the reluctance of the Libyan authorities to move against Islamist extremist suspects who belong to powerful militias, officials briefed on the investigation said.  While the F.B.I. has identified several suspects, none have been arrested and some have fled Benghazi.

No Shots Fired: State Dept Benghazi Security Force Unarmed.  A source with personal knowledge of the security situation in Benghazi told Breitbart News that Senators who listened to closed door testimony about the Benghazi attack were shocked to learn State Department security personnel agents were not immediately armed.  Additionally, agents separated from Ambassador Chris Stevens left to retrieve their M4 weapons in a separate building.  Only one returned to protect the Ambassador, while the other two hunkered down in the barracks, the source relayed.

Egypt arrests suspect in US ambassador's killing.  A suspect accused of involvement in the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Libya has been arrested in Egypt, two intelligence sources in Cairo told NBC News Saturday [12/8/2012].

Ayotte: Clinton Should Testify on Benghazi 'Immediately'.  Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R., N.H.) said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should testify right away about the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.  In an interview on Fox News Wednesday [12/5/2012], Ayotte said Clinton needed to explain the insufficient security for the consulate in the wake of earlier assaults, especially after taking responsibility, as head of the State Department, for the safety of American diplomats.

Nobody in charge at the office that inspected Benghazi security.  The State Department has gone without an inspector general for four years, raising concerns that the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. Embassy in Libya could have been averted or, at least, more thoroughly investigated if President Barack Obama had filled the post during his first term.  The last head of the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of State was Howard Krongard, who retired in January 2008.

Rice in Limbo as Nomination Remains Uncertain.  It did not take long for Susan E. Rice and her champions at the White House to realize that the Republican furor over the Benghazi attack was not going away after the presidential campaign ended.

Hillary's replacement:  Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice's deceptive Benghazi spin ought to be enough to sink her bid for promotion. [...] Yet there's plenty more in her past that calls into question her fitness as a potential replacement for Hillary Rodham Clinton as secretary of state.

Politicizing the Truth.  The CIA removed references to al Qaeda in the talking points it drafted for United States Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice in what critics say is part of a broad pattern of politicization of intelligence under the Obama administration.  Current and former intelligence and policy officials say that the politicization in the case of Benghazi appears to have involved policies that were designed to minimize the threat posed by Islamist terrorists in general and the al Qaeda terrorist group in particular prior to the Nov. 6 presidential election.

Report: CIA 'officials' behind Benghazi talking points.  A Republican lawmaker says a new report that details how references to al-Qaeda were removed from White House talking points on the U.S. Consulate attack in Benghazi is further evidence the Obama administration tried to mislead the public about what happened.  "There appears to be a concerted effort to mislead the American people," says Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah.  "At this point the Obama administration has been elusive at best and misleading at worse. [sic]"

Benghazi blunder: CIA opts for CYA.  The United States has the world's largest and (at $80 billion a year) best-funded intelligence services in the world — some 17 of them, in fact, including such lesser-known outfits as the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, which helped lead Seal Team Six to Osama bin Laden's hideout in Pakistan, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.  How much bang we're getting for our buck from the big dogs of the intelligence community, though, is another matter — as the recent Libyan fiasco so vividly demonstrates.

Families want to know what happened in Benghazi.  The father of a former Navy SEAL killed in the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, says he learned the details of his son's bravery not from the Obama administration, but in an email from an American whose life was saved by his son.  Tyrone Woods, 41, was found "slumped over his machine gun, which was caked with blood," Charles Woods, the former SEAL's father, said during a telephone interview from his home in Hawaii.  "He had continued to fire until he had no blood left and was unable to fire anymore," Mr. Woods said.

GOP Calls for Benghazi Select Committee.  Lawmakers in the House have proposed establishing a Watergate-style investigatory committee aimed at exploring every aspect of the Sept. 11, 2012, terror attack in Benghazi, Libya, that claimed the lives of four Americans.  Rep. Frank Wolf (R., Va.) and a delegation of his colleagues introduced a resolution Tuesday to establish a House select committee, much like the one that investigated and ultimately brought down former President Richard Nixon.

Benghazi explained: Behind the lies.  Do you realize that a lot of people, especially Obama's associates and supporters do not believe that they've been lied to?  Do you understand that much of the public does not believe that they were lied to?  Like a lot of us, you're in this thing so deep that we forget not everyone even believes they've been lied to.  They're certainly not going to hear about it in the media.

Benghazi Storytelling.  Less than two months before the presidential election, the Obama administration attempted to sell the American public a narrative about the assassination of an ambassador that they now acknowledge was inaccurate.  Credible information that contradicted the administration's preferred storyline was minimized or ignored altogether.  And there was lots of it.

In D.C., being black and female is a plus — as long as you're also a Democrat.  We know now that when Rice voiced the administration talking points five days after the attack, she and others in the Obama administration already had access to intelligence sources that suggested that the assault was the preplanned work of al-Qaedist terrorists, not a spontaneous protest by a mob angered over an obscure two-month-old video.  Why, then, did a U.N. ambassador promulgate so emphatically a narrative that by any stretch of the imagination simply could not be true — and one that was so flatly contradicted by all sorts of information, from real-time videos to statements of the Libyans themselves?

Analysis Of Obama's Benghazigate Cover-up.  In spite of the media's apathy, there are vital national security issues at stake.

After Nearly Three Months Nobody Yet Held Responsible for Benghazi Terror Attack.  Lost in the all the chatter about Susan Rice's incompetence and Barack Obama's brazen lying about the reasons behind the Benghazi terror attack it's worth noting that 11 weeks after the September 11 incident nobody has yet been held to account.

What the President Said About Benghazi.  U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice is under fire for going on several Sunday talk shows five days after the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and providing apparently erroneous information to the public.  But President Obama's own public statements about Benghazi, made in three separate nationally televised interviews in the days after Rice's appearances, were equally misleading and have received scarcely any attention.

Benghazi 'Narrative' Reads Like TWA 800's.  As [Bill] O'Reilly noted, the administration hoped "to tamp the [Benghazi] story down so it didn't intrude on their narrative that the Obama administration had decimated al-Qaeda." [...] Sixteen years ago, also in the home stretch of a difficult re-election campaign, Bill Clinton faced a problem very similar to Obama's.  An event took place that threatened the "peace and prosperity" theme of his campaign — specifically, the July 17, 1996, shoot-down of TWA Flight 800, with 230 people on board, just 10 miles off the coast of Long Island.

Did someone mention TWA 800?

Susan Rice should stand on her own.  The closed-door meetings this week between Sens. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Kelly Ayotte and Susan Collins with U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice left some on Capitol Hill more disturbed than before and served as an example of just how far a woman will go to stand by her man.  Not to mention the lengths to which liberals will look the other way.

State Department Spent 4.5 Million for Embassy Art, Had No Money for Benghazi Security.  Remember Benghazi only happened because the State Department had no money for security.  And the military had no money for planes. [...] Things that the State Department did have money for?  Mosque renovations, promoting environmental awareness in Baghdad, and 4.5 million for Art in Embassies.

A Fine Mess at Foggy Bottom.  While Hillary Clinton coasted for much of her term on the good press that comes with being a Clinton, until the last couple of months she was having a decidedly average run as secretary of state.  But the Benghazi debacle — which was in large part the result of Clinton's incompetence and lack of attention — followed by the expected defection of most of our European allies at the UN vote on the Palestinians today [11/29/2012], reveals a State Department marked by ineptitude and surprising irrelevance.

NYTimes' Shane Laments How 'Four Pallid Sentences' Are Root of GOP Attacks on Rice Handling of Benghazi.  A front-page "news analysis" Thursday by New York Times intelligence reporter Scott Shane, "Talking Points Overshadow Bigger Libya Issues," downplayed the seriousness of the controversy and attempted to reduce GOP criticism of UN ambassador Susan Rice, a possible Secretary of State candidate, into just more food for the partisan "meat grinder."

For Susan Rice, Benghazi Was Kenya 1998 Deja Vu.  A mission was attacked after warnings, Americans were killed after security requests were denied, and a diplomat went on TV to explain it all — our current U.N. ambassador, after embassy bombings in 1998.

With Rice, Benghazi Is Only the Start of the Problem.  Ms. Rice, of course, has recently gained notoriety — infamy, really — for her appalling performance as megaphone for the Obama administration's effort to mislead the country into believing that a protest over an obscure video about Islam's prophet Mohammed somehow led to the September 11 Benghazi massacre of four Americans, including Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya.  In reality — as the administration well knew when Rice was dispatched to misinform Americans five days after the slaughter — there was no protest.

Obamaworld: When everything is racist, nothing else matters.  Over the last few weeks, Obama administration officials have come under fire for what critics see as a combination of incompetence and corruption.  Attorney General Eric Holder and United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice are engulfed in scandals ranging from Fast and Furious to Benghazi.  Americans ended up murdered, and getting to the truth of what went wrong has proven difficult.  Mr. Holder and Ms. Rice have not been forthcoming.

Rice Keeps Digging.  Rice wishes she had "perfect information just days after the attack."  What the administration did have at the time she went on the talk-show circuit was information that (a) the attack was a terrorist act, (b) it had links to al-Qaeda, (c) it was not spontaneous, (d) it was not an outgrowth of a mob protest, and (e) it was not caused by a video.  On September 16, Rice failed to mention a or b, and misled the American people on c, d, and e.

The White House's Benghazi bungling is proving a disaster.  President Obama hasn't even begun his second term yet, but his administration is already struggling with a huge credibility problem on the Benghazi front.

Benghazi explained.  Every politician, whether it's a congressman senator, diplomat, or their spokespeople and the media are lying to the American public every time they call the location of the attack a consulate.  It was not.  There was absolutely no diplomatic consulate in Benghazi.  None.  Words are important here.  They can create a wrong image, an incorrect picture of what was really going on.  The property where our Ambassador and other Americans were murdered was a rented villa consisting of a primary residence with a couple of outbuildings behind the actual house.  The reason they're still calling it a consulate is to subtly divert any questions about our activities there.

Benghazi: Behind the scenes.  [Scroll down]  One of the men stationed at the compound, a British national, left the compound at about 9:20 a.m., reportedly to get more phone cards.  That's right, phone cards, like you would buy at Walmart.  Why?  Because the men at the compound ran out of minutes.  Just who do you think they were talking to that day to burn through the minutes, and why do you think they needed them at that exact time?

Who changed the Benghazi talking points?  Who within the Obama administration deleted mention of "terrorism" and "al-Qaeda" from the CIA's talking points on the deadly Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi?  It isn't the only unanswered question in the wake of the tragedy, but it's proven to be one of the most confounding.

Behind the Susan Rice meeting meltdown.  It's not clear what Rice said behind closed doors to anger all these senators, but it's obvious the meetings went badly and this was hardly a nominee-in-waiting charm offensive.

Benghazi Blowback.  The apparent disarray in the Intelligence Community over the now-you-see-them, now-you-don't "talking points" has moved beyond farce and into crisis.  Sure, it seems like a small thing, but it's not — if this is how our intelligence services operate under political pressure, then at some point we have to ask:  What good are they?

Susan Rice Is Unqualified To Be Secretary Of State.  "Her meeting with GOP senators begs the question that if all she can do is read talking points handed to her by the White House then perhaps she should be the next White House press secretary."

James Clapper - Why does this man still have a job in the Obama administration?  Clapper has taken the fall for the Obama administration, saying that altering the talking points used by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice by removing any mention of terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda or Ansar al-Sharia was on him and his staff.  But by no means was it his first embarrassing public exhibition of ineptitude and incompetence serving as a key member of the Obama administration tasked with protecting the American people!

Where are Bernstein and Woodward when we need them?  Does this sound like a cover-up, or what? [...] This can't be allowed to go away without finding the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  Where can the truth be found?  The top is usually a good place to start.  That is, after all, where the buck stops.  Why would a president send out someone like Susan Rice to inform America and the rest of the world about what happened on that bloody night in Libya, and not give her the truth?

GOP Senators: Obama Hasn't Answered 'Most Basic' Questions on Benghazi.  Following on their meeting with UN Ambassador Susan Rice, Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), John McCain (R-AZ), and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) released a statement bashing her performance and stating that President Obama had serious questions to answer about Rice's statements in the aftermath of the Benghazi terrorist attacks that resulted in the deaths of four Americans.

White House: 'No Unanswered Questions' About Susan Rice's Appearances on Sunday Shows.  In today's [11/27/2012] press briefing, White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters that "there are no unanswered questions" about Susan Rice's appearances Sunday shows or about the talking points she used in those appearances.  "Those questions have been answered," he said.  Carney went on to allege that reporters, in asking about Rice's Sunday show appearances, are more interested in playing politics that in "what happened in Benghazi."

WH: Obama 'Is Not Particularly Concerned' Whether Susan Rice Misled the American People.  In response to a question from reporter Major Garrett on whether the Obama administration's mishandling of Benghazi raises "core questions of basic competency," press secretary Jay Carney revealed that Barack Obama "is not particularly concerned" about whether Susan Rice misled the American people.

The Trouble With Susan Rice.  The president has said that Ms. Rice should not be criticized because she "had nothing to do with Benghazi" and so couldn't have known better when she gave her false account.  According to Mr. Obama (and to her), she simply repeated talking points provided by an amorphous and anonymous "intelligence community."  But Ms. Rice did know at least a couple of things.  She knew that she had nothing to do with Benghazi.  She knew that after the attack the president insisted that U.S. leaders not "shoot first and aim later" but rather "make sure that the statements that you make are backed up by the facts."

White House Finally Admits: There Was No Protest in Benghazi.  During the White House daily press briefing this afternoon [11/27/2012], Press Secretary Jay Carney finally admitted there was no protest outside of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on 9/11 when pressed by reporters on the issue.  "There was no protest outside of the Benghazi facility," Carney said.

Who Was UN Ambassador Susan Rice Before Benghazi?  Unlike many in government, Rice holds a rare claim to Washington, D.C.:  she's a local.  She hails from a prominent family with deep ties to the Democratic Party.

Republican senators say Rice meeting just leaves more questions unanswered.  Republican senators finally got their opportunity Tuesday [11/27/2012] for a face-to-face talk with Ambassador Susan Rice about events related to the fatal attacks on U.S. outposts in Benghazi, Libya, but said they left feeling more confused and "disturbed" than before the meeting.  "I am more disturbed now than before," said South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who met with Rice for about 90 minute [sic] on Capitol Hill.

Susan Rice: On second thought, there was no protest before the Benghazi attack.  Does this mean it's no longer racist to oppose her nomination as Secretary of State?  Or, since she's now admitting her mistake, does this mean it's really racist to oppose her nomination as Secretary of State?  I'm sure the left will tell us when the time is right.

Benghazi: That Lie Was A Lie, But Shut Up Already.  Just what else does this woman have to hide besides purposefully lying to the American people?  The Democrats, and now their lap dog media, want Benghazi to go away and they want us all to shut up already.

White House Refuses To Release Photos Taken of WH Officials During 9/11 Benghazi Attacks.  On Oct. 31, CBS News requested images of US officials taken in the White House on 9/11 and those requests have been denied by the White House Photo Office. [...] Think there'll be any photos from the situation room on 9/11/2012 of Obama officials watching US citizens in Benghazi getting slaughtered in real time, and doing nothing about it?

DNI Director Draws Short Straw In White House Benghazi Cover-up Blame Game.  Well, while we still don't know exactly who pushed the delete key, we apparently do have a fall guy.  According to CBS News, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) head James Clapper will take that hit.  Granted, the CBS report doesn't pin the blame directly upon Clapper himself, but only locates the edits in his "office".

Benghazi questions shift to State.  Two departing Republican senators, Jon Kyl of Arizona and Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, said they have concerns about a White House "cover-up" about the incident, which left four Americans dead.

Another laughable Benghazi lie.  Who gave the order to stand down as the consulate was under fire?  Who came up with the cockamamie story — so eagerly peddled by UN Ambassador Susan Rice and other administration spokespersons right after the event — that the sacking and looting were in response to an obscure video that lampooned the origins of Islam and had been posted on You Tube for months?  And why did President Obama cling to such a risible explanation, and then (with a timely assist from Candy Crowley in the second presidential debate) turn on a dime and claim he knew the assault was terrorism all along?

The Problem With Susan Rice.  If this was a trial balloon, it didn't get far off the ground:  McCain and Graham — two of the more cooperative Republicans in the Senate — expressed reservations about confirming a secretary of state who had provided the American public with misleading explanations of the Sept. 11 burning and sacking of the U.S. consulate in Libya, and the murders of four Americans there.

Benghazi-Gate Enters New Phase: The Cover Up of the Cover Up.  Last week we were told by the Administration (and the compliant media) that during her now-infamous round robin of five Sunday news shows, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice was only telling us what she was told by the intelligence community.  We were also told that references to al-Qaeda were edited out of the talking points in order to avoid tipping off the attackers that we were on to them.  According to a number of CBS News' sources, this simply isn't true.

Post Finally Digs into Growing Petraeus Scandal.  The Washington Post has been greatly embarrassed by the fact that its local editor Vernon Loeb was the ghost writer for the David Petraeus biography by Paula Broadwell and admits he was "clueless" about their sexual relationship.  The paper is now making up for lost time.  On Thursday [11/22/2012], the Post published an article that debunked claims by Petraeus, who was Obama's CIA director, that he had never given Broadwell classified information.

Whatever happened to the investigation by Libya into the attack in Benghazi?  In case you were wondering, the Libyan government appears not to have given the investigation of who and what was behind the attack on our consulate very high priority.  In fact, they haven't done anything much at all.

Ambassador Rice Defends White House Watergate Style Lies on Benghazi Cover Up.  U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice has resurfaced after she told America on five Sunday network news shows that the attacks and subsequent murders of four American at the U.S. Benghazi Consulate was due to a spontaneous attack because of a You Tube video.  The nation now knows, and the White House knew then that the story Ambassador Rice spun for America was totally fabricated by the White House.  White House intelligence officials knew the truth within 24 hours.

Obama White House Has Failed To Respond to at Least a Dozen Letters From Senators on Benghazi.  Senator Lindsey Graham charged yesterday [11/21/2012] that the Obama Administration has refused to respond to at least a dozen letters from Congressional Republicans. [...] This is especially egregious given the fact that Obama told White House reporters at the press conference on November 14, that his Administration has provided all information regarding "what happened in Benghazi."

WH Won't Release Photos of Obama Team During Benghazi Attack.  Today [11/21/2012], the White House officially refused to release photos of US officials during the September 11 terrorist attacks on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that ended with the deaths of four Americans.  CBS News requested the photos on October 31; the White House has routinely released photos showing members of the Obama administration in their hero poses during national security crises.  That happened most famously with pictures of the Obama administration key players clustered into the White House situation room during the raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan.

The Benghazi Slingshot.  Some brave thinkers recognize that beneath the intrigue surrounding the Benghazi tragedy lie the traces of something much larger and far more dangerous. [...] The information offered by the experts suggests, to put it very simply, that the Middle East is rapidly unifying and heading toward a strict application of sharia; that sharia is a totalitarian form of government utterly incompatible with American ideas of freedom and liberty; and, as Diana West noted, U.S. policy is "making the world safe for sharia," as opposed to keeping the world, and specifically America, safe.  In Benghazi, that policy proved fatal.

Despite vows to capture attackers of US consulate, little sign Libyans investigating.  After more than two months, Libya's investigation into the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi appears in limbo.

Are the witnesses being rubbed out, or is it just a typical day in Lybia?
Security Chief in Benghazi Assassinated, Libyan Says.  A senior Libyan security official was assassinated outside his home in the eastern city of Benghazi, officials said Wednesday, the same city where the United States ambassador and three other Americans were killed at their diplomatic compound in September.  The Libyan official's death was the latest in a series of mysterious killings that have raised fears about the country's precarious postwar security.

Susan Rice: A secretary of state worthy of Obama's administration.  U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice is set to go straight from misleading the country about a matter of national security to a promotion. [...] Rice assured everyone that Benghazi was a "spontaneous reaction" to an anti-Muhammad video.  It was then exploited by "opportunistic extremist elements."  And they happened to have "heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post-revolutionary Libya."  It didn't take a degree in international relations, or even in a stint at the model U.N. as a teenager, to recognize this as transparent nonsense.  On "Face the Nation" that very morning, the president of Libya directly contradicted Rice in saying that the attack was a deliberate act of terror.

From Rwanda to Benghazi, Susan Rice's Record of Political Cronyism.  It would appear that Ms. Rice was part of a coordinated effort by unknown elements within the White House to downplay the terrorist aspect of Benghazi attack, which happened on the 11th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks and with less than eight weeks to go before a Presidential election.

The Editor says...
Unknown elements within the White House.  Really?  How many "elements within the White House" are in a position to tell the ambassador what to say on nationwide television?  Only one comes to mind, and that's the President of the United States.  And why would the President want to soft-pedal any mention of Islamic terrorism or Muslim extremists?  Why would he want to portray the Muslims as victims rather than aggressors?  Get a clue.

Oh What a Tangled Web.  Barack Obama had killed Osama bin Laden and scattered al-Qaeda, dispelling slurs that he was somehow soft on Islamic terrorism.  His reset diplomacy had brought a cool professional approach of quiet competency to foreign policy, consistent with a new lower-profile American posture abroad.  The idea of a preplanned hit by al-Qaeda affiliates on a vulnerable and unprepared American diplomatic post had the potential to shatter that narrative right before the election.

Scapegoating James Clapper Won't End Benghazi Scandal.  Intel chief James Clapper taking blame for dishonest talking points won't cauterize the Benghazi scandal.  The country was still lied to about terrorists killing four Americans for the sake of Obama's re-election. [...] In Watergate, the objective was to collect information that could persuade people not to vote for the Democratic nominee for president.  In Benghazigate, the objective was to suppress the truth that al-Qaida had organized a Sept. 11 attack with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades on a vulnerable diplomatic post in Libya so that the president's convention speech claim that "al-Qaida is on the path to defeat" would not be exposed as false.

As the Benghazi Plot Thickens, Congress Must Not Get Sidetracked.  CBS News is reporting that it was the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that purged references to "al Qaeda" and "terrorism" from talking points given to Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. [...] This is all farce, of course.  There being no more honor among con-men than among thieves, there comes a time in all busted conspiracies when the conspirators start pointing fingers at each other.

Mainstream Media Caught In Snarl Of Tangled Benghazi Yarns.  Tightly spun accounts of when and what the president and top administration officials knew and did prior to, during and following the deadly 9/11 terrorist attack on our Benghazi consulate are unraveling at warp speed.

CBS News claims that Office of the DNI removed references to al Qaeda and terrorism.  Citing "an intelligence source," CBS News reports that the "Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI)" cut references to "al Qaeda" and "terrorism" from the unclassified talking points given to Ambassador Susan Rice on the Benghazi consulate attack, and did so with the agreement of the CIA and FBI.  Neither the State Department nor the White House made these changes, according to CBS.

Report: Contra CBS, Intelligence Community Did Not Alter Benghazi Talking Points.  A congressional source familiar with the testimony delivered Thursday by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper says that, in his testimony, Clapper was insistent that he did not alter the Benghazi talking points to remove references to al-Qaeda or terrorism.  That raises questions about the latest CBS news report indicating that the talking points were edited in Clapper's office.

Another Version of the Benghazi Talking Points Story.  This past weekend, Congressman Mike Rogers, who is chairman of the House intelligence committee, said that the talking points used to explain what happened in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 were changed by political appointees in the Obama administration.  Rogers pointed specifically to the deputies' committee at the National Security Council.  Now we have another version of how the talking points evolved.

The ill wind blowing past Benghazi.  The White House excuse for the misinformation about what happened in Benghazi was "faulty intelligence."  That explanation falls apart on closer examination.  The Washington Guardian now reports, quoting senior officials, that the president and "senior administration officials" were told within 72 hours that the Benghazi attack was largely the work of organized terrorists, not street mobs writing a critique of an amateur video portraying Muhammad as a pedophile.

Benghazi gate.  [Scroll down]  The president became somewhat indignant and stated that Rice had been sent out by the administration and what she told the country was what she had been told.  That then begs the question why Ambassador Rice instead of someone from the State Department?  Who told her what the facts were that she repeated to the nation?  Of course the compliant press did not ask these questions or any follow-up ones.

Sources: DNI cut "al Qaeda" reference from Benghazi talking points, and CIA, FBI signed off.  CBS News has learned that the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) cut specific references to "al Qaeda" and "terrorism" from the unclassified talking points given to Ambassador Susan Rice on the Benghazi consulate attack — with the agreement of the CIA and FBI.  The White House or State Department did not make those changes.

97 Republicans sign letter urging Obama to avoid Rice nomination for State.  Nearly 100 House Republicans on Monday called on President Obama not to nominate Susan Rice as secretary of State.  In a letter to Obama, the 97 Republicans said the credibility of the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations has been gravely wounded by her account of the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

97 Republicans Tell Obama to Drop Susan Rice for State.  They have written a letter strongly opposing the idea of her nomination because of her lies about the Benghazi attack, and aver that because she misled the American public, her actions give the world, friends and enemies of the U.S. reason to question America's commitment and credibility.

Conspire, Divide & Smear.  Being a good soldier is one thing, but accepting responsibility for your boss's failures is an entirely different matter. [...] Barack Obama is playing political poker with a master tactician.  And who knows?  Maybe our king has an ace up his sleeve and can compel Petraeus to concede, but I would doubt it.  My money is on Petraeus winning this confrontation, with devastatingly truthful testimony that lays responsibility for the deaths of Stevens, Smith, Doherty, and Woods directly at Obama's feet, where it belongs.  His testimony, may even take down the Obama presidency.

Petraeus Recants Obama's Benghazi Fiction.  Former CIA Director David Petraeus told Congress he never believed the Obama administration's claim that the attack on a U.S. mission in Libya was a spontaneous mob action prompted by a crude anti-Islam video.  In closed-door testimony Friday, Petraeus said that he believed all along that Islamic terrorists attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on the 11th anniversary of 9/11.

Bam hides terror truth.  Until Friday, there were two possible explanations for why the White House failed to immediately call the Benghazi attack an act of terrorism.  One was incompetence, the other was worse.  Now there is only one, and it is the worse one.  Based on the persuasive testimony of ex-CIA boss David Petraeus, it is clear the Obama administration made a deliberate decision to mislead Congress and the American people.

Whodunnit? Benghazi Talking Points Mysteriously Changed.  The Administration talking points on Benghazi were edited to downplay the terror references, but by whom?  In a nice display of synchronized finger-pointing, everyone involved says it was someone else.

House Intel Chair: 'Appointees from Administration' Changed Rice's Talking Points.  Who changed the CIA talking points to minimize the fact that terrorists were behind the attack on the U.S. outposts in Benghazi? [...] Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), the vice chair of the Senate intelligence committee, told "Fox News Sunday" that he tried to find out who changed the talking points:  "At the hearing we had on Thursday and Friday, we had every leader of the intelligence community there, including folks from the State Department, the FBI — everybody there was asked, 'Do you know who made these changes?'  And nobody knew.  The only entity that reviewed the talking points that was not there was the White House.["]

Petraeus schools the White House.  [Scroll down]  Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. was told of the investigation in late summer, but according to the White House, he never told President Obama — who reportedly only heard about the probe the day after the presidential election.  But wait:  This wasn't about the Secretary of Transportation, it was the director of the CIA — shouldn't the president be told?  Please.  You know Mr. Holder told the president, right away.

Is the Petraeus Scandal an Obama Scandal?  The news media are continuing to try to protect the Obama administration from a rapidly growing scandal.  A November 13th article in The Washington Post by Scott Wilson argued that Obama "has been untouched by the unfolding investigation involving former CIA director David Petraeus," a view that belongs on the opinion page under the heading, "wishful thinking," not on the news pages.

Congress to investigate Benghazi 'talking points'.  Lawmakers want to know who had a hand in creating the Obama administration's now-discredited "talking points" about the Sept. 11 attack on a U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, and why a final draft omitted the CIA's early conclusion that terrorists were involved.

If There Needs To Be An Investigation, It Should Be About Why The FBI Was Reading Certain Emails.  While some have noted the irony of General Petreaus being taken down due to online surveillance methods that he should have been aware of, the case is bringing growing attention to an issue many of us have been discussing for a while:  how easy it is for law enforcement to snoop through your email.

No Fog of War in Benghazi.  [Scroll down]  Furthermore, the Zawahiri warnings, clearly stated on the Internet, make more sense than an obscure video floating around for months that no one saw or paid much attention to until President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton began touting it as the inspiration behind a Benghazi lynch mob that never existed.  Was an AC-130 Spectre gunship, a sophisticated weapons platform carrying a wide variety of deadly options capable of accurate enough to minimize the possibility of collateral damage, dispatched and then recalled?  If so, who recalled it?  Why weren't F-16s sent from the base at Aviano, Italy?  At most, it requires 30 to 45 minutes to fuel and arm the aircraft and brief the pilots and another 45 minutes to fly to Benghazi.

Obama 'may have known about Petraeus affair BEFORE election'.  The head of the House Intelligence Committee suggested on Sunday that President Barack Obama might have known about former CIA Director David Petraeus' extra-marital affair before the November election, and said Attorney General Eric Holder should address this question soon before Congress.  U.S. Representative Mike Rogers, a Republican, said Holder's statement that the Justice Department had not informed the president before the election implied that Holder might have told Obama privately.

White House Throws CIA Under the Bus.  The White House is doubling down on their assertions that they did not have the proper information when they sent Susan Rice out to the Sunday talk shows to claim the Benghazi attack was due to a video.  They claim that the only edit they made to the information given them was to change the name of the attacked facility from "consulate" to "diplomatic facility."

Say No to Susan.  Susan Rice, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, is reportedly being considered as a possible replacement for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is believed to be leaving soon to spend more time with Bill (i.e., to start her 2016 presidential campaign).  Because of Rice's central role in the Obama administration's attempt to deceive the American people about what happened in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, she should be denied confirmation if she is nominated.

It's not adding up: Benghazi accounts in conflict.  President Obama treats the truth the way Bill Clinton treated blue dresses on interns.  In our raucous political system, it's natural for a president's policies to insult our beliefs.  But only the most arrogant president insults our intelligence on a near-daily basis.

Susan Rice's Talking Points.  At his first press conference after being elected to a second term, President Barack Obama did everything he could to avoid directly answering the difficult questions on the growing scandal about his administration's handling of the terrorist attacks in Benghazi.  But in so doing, the president inadvertently told us quite a bit.

Petraeus Knew Benghazi Was Terrorism — Blackmailed To Lie?  "The original talking points were much more specific about al-Qaida involvement.  And yet the final ones just said indications of extremists," [Congressman Peter] King said, adding that a CIA analyst specifically told lawmakers that the al-Qaida affiliates line "was taken out."  By whom and for what reason remain open questions.

Petraeus: Benghazi seen as terror strike right away.  In his first testimony since stepping down last week, former CIA Director David H. Petraeus told a closed Capitol Hill briefing Friday that the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya "was a terrorist attack and there were terrorists involved from the start," Rep. Peter T. King said Friday [11/16/2012].

The president knew the truth about Benghazi.  In a blockbuster report, John Solomon, the former Associated Press and Post reporter, has ferreted out the president's daily brief that informed him within 72 hours of the Sept. 11 attack that the Benghazi attack was a jihadist operation. [...] How could the president and his senior staff then have allowed (or rather, sent) Rice to go out to tell an entirely different tale to the American people on Sept. 16 on five TV shows?

Maybe We Really Can't All Just Get Along.  Even on something as serious as the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, progressives aren't interested in facts.  Calls for truth-seeking are met with cries of racism because UN Ambassador Susan Rice, the sacrificial lamb the president sent out to lie for him, happened to be black.  These progressives are not remotely interested in why Rice lied to the American people about what happened that sad night, nor do they care about being lied to themselves.

Hillary and Libya.  Mr. Petraeus wasn't responsible for lax consulate security or the U.S. policy that led to the Libya debacle.  That's Mrs. Clinton's bailiwick.  Last month in interviews from deepest Peru, the Secretary of State said "I take responsibility" for Benghazi.  Except she hasn't.

Diplomats died, Obama lied.  Mrs. Rice, like Mr. Petraeus, was simply carrying White House water.  Mr. Obama is ultimately accountable for everything connected to the Benghazi attack, and it is good that he is taking full responsibility.  Now let the truth come out.

White House denies suggestion it scrubbed terror threat from CIA Libya account.  The White House denied allegations Saturday that it scrubbed terrorist involvement from original CIA talking points on the fatal Libya attacks — part of a weekend back and forth in which both parties continued to defend their positions.

Benghazi Betrayal May be a Cover-Up of American Weapons in Hands of Terrorists.  In a scandal looking more and more like Fast and Furious, information is coming out revealing what may be the real reason why the Obama administration refused to provide military support to save Americans in Benghazi.  Obama was terrified the public would find out that American weapons had been given to Libyan terrorists, who then used them against Americans in the attack.

Who fed Rice the Benghazi lie?  Consider again what Obama said.  Susan Rice "had nothing to do with Benghazi."  But if she "had nothing to do with Benghazi," why was she sent out to explain Benghazi?  Why did the White House not send Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, CIA Director David Petraeus, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta or National Security Adviser Tom Donilon?  Rice was scripted to tell the nation it was not a "preplanned" attack, when that is exactly what it was.

Petraeus Knew 'Almost Immediately' Terrorists Responsible for Benghazi Attack.  CNN reports that former Central Intelligence Agency director David H. Petraeus wants to tell Congress that he knew "almost immediately" that the attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi was perpetrated by terrorists.

Father of Benghazi victim reacts to Congress hearings.  The landlord fixed up Ray Smith's Gulfport apartment recently and bought the disabled Vietnam veteran a 55-inch television.  The first thing Smith saw when he turned it on was a news story about the attack Sept. 11 on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

America in the Age of Obama.  Breitbart quotes a tweet by CNN correspondent Frances Townsend claiming information by Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr that David Petraeus will testify that he knew the attack on the Benghazi consulate was terrorism "almost immediately."  The "same source" claims he will say Susan Rice's talking points ascribing the attack to a video came from the White House.  If Petraeus really does testify to this effect, he will inescapably be alleging under oath that the president was a liar.

CIA: We Didn't Ask for Help During Benghazi Attack.  The agency's acting director will tell Congress today that agents on the ground the night Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed never requested military assistance, Eli Lake reports.

President Obama Plays The Susan Rice Card On Benghazi.  Obama admits sending our U.N. ambassador, who had "nothing to do with Benghazi," to explain Benghazi on five Sunday talk shows "at the request of the White House" with talking points "provided to her."

Actually, yes, Susan Rice did say the Benghazi attacks were spontaneous.  [Scroll down]  Furthermore, how is it possible for anybody to plan for a spontaneous protest to occur to cover their attack?  Either it was planned or it wasn't and as the transcripts show, Rice clearly said it wasn't planned.

Report: Petraeus testimony will show that the White House fixed the Benghazi intelligence.  [Y]esterday's testimony to Congress by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Acting CIA Director Mike Morell left plenty of work for General Petraeus, who is testifying today.  For example, neither Clapper nor Morell could shed any real light on why the official line of the intelligence community apparently moved away from the initial (and correct) view that the Benghazi attack was terrorism.

Bolton: Administration's 'Passivity' Sends Signal, 'You Can Kill Americans With Impunity'.  Bolton said he expects a lengthy investigation into the attack in Benghazi as well as the administration's misleading public response to that attack.  "I think people are kidding themselves if they think this is a flash in the pan," Bolton told Fox News's Greta Van Susteren Thursday night [11/15/2012].  "There's just too much involved here, and the administration's passivity before, during and after the September the 11th attack, and frankly, the passivity that they've displayed once the Petraeus-Broadwell affair was uncovered, is just inexplicable."

Susan Rice Need Not Walk Back Her False Libya Statements, CNN's Doing It For Her.  Just now on CNN, morning anchor Carol Costello falsely claimed that Rice told us Libya was "probably" the result of a spontaneous protest.  That is 100% false and near-ridiculous.  Susan Rice did not "suggest" the September 11 anniversary attack on our Libyan consulate was spurred by a video, Rice insisted on it.  [I]n fact, Rice not only insisted on it, she insisted on it to the exclusion of any other theory.

Should the Secretary of State be a dupe?  According to CBS News, the talking points, which were also given to members of the House intelligence committee, make no reference to terrorism being a likely factor in the assault.  So, as Obama previewed, Rice's defense, if she is nominated to be Secretary of State, will be that she was just parroting her talking points.  That may be a good defense for a press secretary.  Whether it suffices for a U.N. ambassador or a would-be Secretary of State is another matter.

Congress Receives Confusing Benghazi Briefing From Administration.  After a month of collecting data and film from Benghazi, the CIA, State Department, and FBI can't really explain what happened last Sept. 11.

Petraeus case shows ease of government email snooping.  The scandal surrounding the sudden resignation of an adulterous CIA director has stunned the American public not just for its prominent cast of characters, but also because of the ease with which authorities appeared to have traipsed through personal email accounts.

Silencing General Petraeus.  The government would have us believe that because the FBI confronted Petraeus with his emails showing a pattern of inappropriate personal private behavior, he voluntarily departed his job as the country's chief spy to avoid embarrassment.  The government would also have us believe that the existence of the general's relationship with Paula Broadwell, an unknown military scholar who wrote a book about him last year, was recently and inadvertently discovered by the FBI while it was conducting an investigation into an alleged threat made by Broadwell to another woman.  And the government would as well have us believe that the president learned of all this at 5 p.m. on Election Day.

Nixonian cover up charges hit Justice's CIA, Benghazi probes.  The Justice Department's muddled probe of the Benghazi, Libya embassy attack, now caught up in the FBI's investigation of the CIA sex scandal, was compared Wednesday to Richard Nixon's Watergate cover up by a lawmaker seeking a select House committee to look into the issues.  "There are serious questions surrounding the Justice Department's integrity, similar to those raised during the second term of the Nixon administration," said Virginia Rep. Frank Wolf in a letter to Speaker John Boehner seeking a select committee to investigate the issues.

Obama: I Made Susan Rice Talk to the American People About Benghazi.  Rice has been widely criticized for giving misleading statements about Benghazi.  She maintained that the killing of four Americans stemmed for a spontaneous protest that got violent.  Later evidence, however, revealed that U.S. officials had real-time updates from Americans on the ground in Benghazi, and that terrorists were immediately suspected.

McCain Smashes Obama Back: You're Incompetent or Corrupt.  McCain then reminded Obama that although he is the president, he is not the king:  ["]He really does not have any idea of how serious this issue is.["]

Who Is Responsible for Benghazi?  Apparently, David Petraeus doesn't just lie about his private life.  He also at least airbrushes the truth when it comes to national security, telling the House Intelligence Committee that he always said Benghazi was a terrorist attack.

Rep. King: Petraeus Testified al-Qaeda Element Removed From Rice's CIA Talking Points.  For starters, [Congressman Peter] King said Petraeus told them that the CIA talking points meant for U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice's Sept. 16 round robin of five Sunday network news shows, originally contained the information that there was evidence al-Qaeda elements were involved in the attack.  These talking points were then altered through "an inter-agency process."

Susan Rice: Benghazi May Be Least of Her Problems.  Most recently, critics say, Rice held up publication of a U.N. report that concluded that the government of Rwandan President Paul Kagame, with whom she has a long and close relationship, was supplying and financing a brutal Congolese rebel force known as the M23 Movement.

Petraeus tells Congress that 'Obama administration altered CIA talking points' on Benghazi.  Representative Peter King of New York, a member of the House Intelligence Committee that Petraeus briefed, said that the former general left a 'different impression' today than he had when he testified on Capitol Hill three days after the attack.

Hillary Clinton to Testify About Benghazi in Early December.  Fox News reported that at a hearing on Capitol Hill today [11/15/2012], Foreign Affairs Committee Chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) told the committee that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would be testifying before them in early December.

Is Obama hiding the truth about Benghazi because the truth would impeach him?  Barack Hussein Obama, who now has four years as an executive order-wielding dictator, has no reason not to tell the truth to the loved ones of the slain Americans in Benghazi and to America at large, other than this one:  the truth would impeach him.

Intel officials unable to say who changed CIA talking points on Libya, lawmaker says.  Former CIA Director David Petraeus stoked the controversy over the Obama administration's handling of the Libya terror attack, testifying Friday that references to "Al Qaeda involvement" were stripped from his agency's original talking points — while other intelligence officials were unable to say who changed the memo, according to a top lawmaker who was briefed. [...] "To me the question right now is who changed those talking points and why. ... I'd say it was somebody in the administration had to have taken it out," King told Fox News.  "That, to me, has to be pursued."

Overview of Obama administration's changing statements on Libya.  The debate over former CIA Director David Petraeus' testimony on Libya Friday [11/16/2012] may seem like semantics, but the claim that Petraeus testified he suspected the attack was terrorism from the start appears to conflict with other statements that were coming out of the administration at the time.

Krauthammer: 'Why [...]' Would Obama Have Rice Address Benghazi If She 'Had Nothing To Do With It?'.  President Obama at Wednesday's press conference defended United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice from criticism concerning the four Americans killed in Libya in September by claiming she "had nothing to do with Benghazi." [...] [Quoting Charles Krauthammer:]  ["]I mean, after all, what she said was absolutely and completely misleading either inadvertently, in which case is complete incompetence, or on purpose in which case it's deception.["]

Why Does Clinton Still Have Her Job?  President Obama held a press conference this afternoon, and both the questions and the answers about the Benghazi consulate attack and the scandal surrounding David Petraeus were revelatory in their omission of one aspect of the story.

Obama vs. the Brass: Benghazi Cover-up, Agenda to Gut Military?  An awful lot of America's top military brass have been taking hits lately.  Is it just a coincidence that several four-star generals and a two-star admiral get the axe or resign in disgrace within the space of less than a month? Do any of these have anything to do with the administration's Benghazigate scandal?  Or are they, as some military observers suspect, only the first installment of the Obama agenda to decimate the military services?

Obama, GOP clash on Benghazi, Rice.  An angry President Obama on Wednesday demanded his congressional critics "go after me" rather than snipe at his top aides, after two top Republican senators said U.N. Ambassador Susan E. Rice's inaccurate account of the cause of the terrorist attacks in Benghazi makes her unfit to be promoted.

Sex, lies and Obama Ben Ghazi.  Nothing more effectively diverts the public's attention away from emerging critical truths better than the time-tested template of salacious headlines.  It hijacks people's attention away from far more critical matters that threaten the positions and agendas of the most powerful people engaged in even more immoral acts.  It must be recognized for what it is:  a tactic of diversion.

Sen. Graham To Obama: I Hold You Responsible for Benghazi.  Now Senator Graham has fired back, according to Chad Pergram of Fox News.  "Sen. Lindsey Graham:  Mr. President, don't think for one minute I don't hold you ultimately responsible for #Benghazi," Pergram tweeted.  Graham added, "I think you failed as Commander in Chief before, during, and after the attack."

Susan Rice's miserable record at the UN.  To many journalists, Rice's misleading interviews on the five Sunday Shows the weekend after the 9/11/12 terrorist attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others were one of the first times they had heard from her.  To veteran foreign policy observers, Rice's shameful performance that Sunday was one of many blunders over the last four years.

King David's big fall.  Unanswered questions swirl around this case.  The initial claim that the FBI stumbled on the affair back in May while investigating complaints about cyberbullying is already unraveling, as is the claim that the president was never told about it until last week.

The Real Housewives of Benghazi.  Just a week after the re-election of Barack Hussein Obama II as, unaccountably, president of the United States, the full extent of the looming disaster is beginning to dawn on the American people. [...] Whoever decided that "women's liberation" required the sexual integration of the armed forces did his or her country a signal disservice.

Focus On Benghazi, Not Broadwell.  Four Americans have been killed under still-unexplained circumstances, yet the obsession is with a general's mistress and not with the truth of why these men were left to die in Libya.

The President's Benghazi Problem.  For now, it's important to recall that five days after the Benghazi massacre, Ambassador Rice went on five Sunday talk shows insisting that (a) we had "substantial security presence" at the consulate before the attack;  (b) the attacks were spontaneous, not a pre-planned terrorist attack, and the result of "a small handful of heavily armed mobsters;"  and (c) "a direct result of a heinous and offensive video that was widely disseminated."  On CBS's "Face the Nation," Rice said, "We do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this was premeditated or preplanned."  Ambassador Rice was wrong on every particular.

WSJ: Petraeus pushed out after defending CIA over Benghazi?  The Wall Street Journal's look at the fall of Petraeus focuses on the singular and noteworthy CIA timeline issued to defend itself in the debate over the terrorist attack in Benghazi, and suggests that the Obama administration wanted Petraeus out because of it.

Libya timeline suggests cover-up in attack.  The Obama administration's public versions of events in the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya have been riddled with discrepancies, starting soon after the American dead and survivors left behind a charred diplomatic compound and bullet-scarred CIA building in Benghazi.  The administration's inconsistencies go beyond its false assertion for days afterward that a made-in-America anti-Muslim video spurred "spontaneous" Sept. 11 assaults in which U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, his information officer and two former Navy SEALs were killed.

President Obama's silly, sexist defense of Susan Rice.  Wednesday, President Obama bizarrely cast the U.N. Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, as some delicate flower the boys should stop picking on for her dissembling claims on five Sunday talk shows following the killing of 4 Americans in Benghazi.  But, there is no damsel in distress and Obama's paternalistic bravado in defense of a top administration official is going to come back to haunt him.

Covering Up Petraeus.  What pitiful pikers Haldeman and Ehrlichman, John Mitchell, Howard Hunt, Chuck Colson, and Richard M. Nixon were when it comes to cover-ups.  They didn't even start to know how to cover up a crime.  For that you have to go to true experts like the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, and the head of the FBI, Robert Mueller.

Truth-telling on Petraeus.  The Petraeus Affair is a hall of mirrors, full of so many distractions that the truth cannot be perceived.  Nearly the entire pundit class is consumed with following the many titillating and alarming questions being raised.  They are legitimate, but they are also distractions from a very, very big reality, that is so unpleasant that it requires a powerful and brave mind to see beyond them.

Holder, Mueller face mounting questions on why Petraeus probe kept under wraps.  Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director Robert Mueller are facing mounting questions over why they neglected to tell the rest of the Obama administration about the investigation into David Petraeus until Election Day, with one top lawmaker now demanding an explanation.

Inhofe: 'Does anyone really believe that Obama was unaware of this investigation until recently?  Oklahoma Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe expressed doubt Tuesday evening [11/13/2012] that President Barack Obama did not know about the investigation into now former CIA Director David Petraeus.  "With the close relationship that the president has with Attorney General Holder and the regular FBI briefings he receives, does anyone really believe that Obama was unaware of this investigation until recently?"  Inhofe, a senior member of Senate Armed Services Committee and a member of Senate Foreign Relations Committee, asked in a statement.

WH Refers Scandal Questions to Other Agencies 10 Times in 10 Minutes.  When asked at Tuesday's White House briefing about the scandals involving Gen. David Petraeus, who resigned Friday as CIA director, and Gen. John Allen, the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney referred reporters to other federal offices ten times in ten minutes.

The web of deceit about Benghazi begins to fray.  History warns presidents that second terms are never Sunday picnics, and the unfolding — exploding is more accurate — of the story of what really happened on a violent night in Benghazi, Libya, and the days that followed is Barack Obama's introduction to his next four years.  We probably ain't seen nothin' yet.

Petraeus Sex Scandal Could Have Sunk Obama.  In short, it is the worst scandal of the Obama Administration and makes the third-rate burglary in the Watergate scandal look minor by comparison.  Despite the explosive nature of the allegations, two Republican members of Congress, Dave Reichert and Eric Cantor, decided to pass on the information to the FBI director and take no action themselves.  They didn't even inform their colleagues on the House Intelligence Committee or in the House leadership.

David Petraeus's Secret Trip to Libya After the Benghazi Attack.  Congress wants to know why David Petraeus took a classified trip to the country where U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was murdered — and what the general found out while he was there.

There's quite a bit we don't know about FBI investigations.  If there is any upside to the scandal that brought down the CIA director, it is probably that Americans have an extremely memorable reason to be careful about what they put in an email.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation has exposed the techniques its cyber forensics unit uses to track down the sources of emails, and even, indirectly, has given the public a glimpse of the assumptions or thresholds they use to widen the scope of any particular investigation.  Some of the details are technical, but everyone should avail themselves of the opportunity to learn about them.

McCain: 'Watergate-Style' Committee Needed For Benghazi Investigation.  Sen. John McCain is calling for establishment of a Watergate-style congressional committee to investigate the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Obama Press Conference: Stonewalls on Benghazi, Petreaus, Pushes Tax Hikes.  Today [11/14/2012], President Obama held his first press conference in five months.  It was a bizarre mix of softball questions from his press sycophants, false righteous indignation from the president over his administration's Benghazi failures and lies, and an oddly blustery position shift on tax hikes as opposed to tax loopholes.  Obama opened his press conference with his usual patter about class warfare and the fiscal cliff, insisting on raising taxes first and foremost.

Obama: I Made Susan Rice Talk to the American People About Benghazi.  Rice has been widely criticized for giving misleading statements about Benghazi.  She maintained that the killing of four Americans stemmed for a spontaneous protest that got violent.  Later evidence, however, revealed that U.S. officials had real-time updates from Americans on the ground in Benghazi, and that terrorists were immediately suspected.

Ten missing dates in the Petraeus scandal.  [#7]  The FBI reportedly obtained a warrant by showing probable cause of a crime in order to search the anonymous accounts.  If this was a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant, what crime did the FBI allege it was investigating?  On what date did it obtain this warrant?

Congress jumps on Libya inquiry.  President Obama survived the election without having to answer many key questions about the September terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, but getting through the lame-duck session of Congress that opens Tuesday could be even tougher — especially with one key senator already talking about the possibility of subpoenas.

Was David Petraeus Blackmailed By His Own Government?  An affair that was known to the FBI for months and kept from congressional oversight committees might explain his complicity in a false narrative of the Benghazi terrorist attack and the order to "stand down."

A Petraeus Puzzle: Were Politics Involved?  The director of the C.I.A. has resigned over an extra-marital affair two days after a Presidential election in which the Agency's role in Libya was of burning concern — what is really going on here?  There seem to be some potentially fascinating political aspects of this story that have yet to be explored.  Why, for instance, did this news explode publicly when it did?

Feinstein: I'll subpoena CIA about Petraeus trip to Libya after Benghazi attack.  One piece of information that got lost the last few days of sex scandals is the news that David Petraeus personally traveled to Libya after the Benghazi attack — and apparently filed a "trip report" covering his own findings.  Senator Dianne Feinstein, who heads the Senate Intelligence Committee probing the Benghazi terrorist attack, wants either the report or Petraeus to testify to its contents.

Troubling questions in the Benghazi-Petraeus mess.  Something is rotten in Benghazi-Petraeus.  But we cannot find the rot in these two tragedies because the information is classified and the administration remains silent at the pleasure of the press.

Three key questions on the Benghazi scandal.  The many questions surrounding [the Petraeus] scandal — including why the FBI was reading the CIA director's emails and Petraeus's mistress's bizarre claims about a secret prison in the Benghazi CIA annex — just add to the picture of an Obama administration out of control on national security — and the conclusion that someone knowingly put an American ambassador at risk to his life; left him there to die; and then lied about it afterwards.

Who's Going to Get Fired Over Petraeus Investigation?  That Petraeus cashiered himself just as he was about to testify before Congress about the total botch job surrounding the September 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya is disturbing for about a thousand reasons.  Yesterday [11/11/2012], Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said that she and others in the Senate had no idea that the FBI was investigating Petraeus until he resigned.  The White House has said they didn't know about the investigation until Election Day.  The director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, says the Department of Justice told him about the investigation on 5pm on Election Day.

Obama administration failing Benghazigate smell test'.  In Washington, when the official line seems improbable, people often say, "It doesn't pass the smell test."  There's a lot that stinks at the moment about the Benghazigate affair, including now the circumstances involving the forced resignation of a man in the middle of it:  President Obama's CIA Director and former four-star Army General David Petraeus.

Report: CIA's Benghazi Annex a Detention, Interrogation Site.  Unnamed sources tell Fox News that the CIA Annex in Benghazi held three Libyan militia members for days and that retrieving these detainees may have been a motive for the September 11th attack on the nearby US consulate.  The new reporting builds on details previously published by Fox's Jennifer Griffin and information apparently leaked by ex-intelligence officer Paula Broadwell last month.

Was Petraeus forced out to silence his account of Benghazi killings?  There is no doubt that General Petraeus made a monumental error of judgement [...] But the general's friends tell me that his sudden departure from Langley has nevertheless raised suspicions that his political enemies in the Obama administration — and there are many — used his dalliance to force him out of the CIA before he could make damaging allegations about the handling of the al-Qaeda attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi last September, in which US Ambassador Chris Stephens and three other staff died.

Petraeus case shows FBI's authority to read email.  Your emails are not nearly as private as you think.

FBI Scrutinized on Petraeus.  [Scroll down]  In the aftermath of the investigation, some lawmakers are aiming criticism at the FBI and the Obama administration, including Attorney General Eric Holder, who knew about the email link to Mr. Petraeus as far back as late summer.  A House Republican leader also learned of the matter in October.  Some argue that Mr. Petraeus shouldn't have resigned; others said that the FBI should have formally notified Congress earlier.

Panetta: DOD moved quickly on Libya consulate attack.  Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says the U.S. military "did everything they were in position to do" about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya.

Peter King on David Petraeus: 'Crisis of major proportions'.  Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said Monday the FBI was "derelict in its duty" when it failed to tell the White House immediately after learning about former CIA Director David Petraeus's affair.

Justice Knew about Petraeus's Affair This Summer.  The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal have new stories out tonight about the scandal which led to David Petraeus's resignation on Friday, both hitting on one interesting point:  Petraeus's affair was known at the top levels of the Justice Department months ago.

All In, Benghazi edition.  A reader points out that Paula Broadwell was the honored keynote speaker at a University of Denver event last month. [...] [In her speech,] She claims there were "militia prisoners" at the annex whose presence might have precipitated the attack.  If true, this appears to raise the question whether she might have been the recipient of nonpublic information.

FBI Source: Petraeus Case Held Until After Election to Not Hurt Obama Politically.  Outgoing CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus' resignation over an extramarital affair was reportedly held until after Tuesday's election to avoid "potential embarrassment" for President Barack Obama, according to Newsmax.

Judge Jeanine Pirro: The Timing of Petraeus Resignation Anything But a Coincidence.  Outside of the ObamaMedia, BS meters are spinning all across the nation over the Petraeus resignation.  Sharp and savvy Judge Jeanine Pirro is on the case.

CIA denies claim from Petraeus' girlfriend that Benghazi annex held Libyan prisoners.  The Central Intelligence Agency denied charges Sunday that its annex in Benghazi, Libya secretly held a few jihadi prisoners until it was destroyed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attack.  Paula Broadwell, the girlfriend then-CIA chief Gen. David Petraeus, made that claim during an Oct. 26 speech in Denver, Colo.

Broadwell: Petraeus Knew of Benghazi Plea for Help.  Military expert Paula Broadwell, who was allegedly improperly involved with resigned CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus, confirmed in October that the CIA annex in Benghazi asked for reinforcements when the consulate came under attack on September 11.  She also acknowledged that "there was a failure in the system."  Broadwell was speaking at her alma mater, the University of Denver, on October 26.  Her lecture, which is on YouTube under the title "Alumni Symposium 2012 Paula Broadwell," now has added value, because based on the recent disclosures, it can now be assumed that she indeed knew exactly what it was that Petraeus knew about the attack.

Obama Let Benghazi 4 Die, Rather than Defy Libyan Authorities.  FOX News continues to do invaluable work by investigating Benghazigate and Jennifer Griffin and Adam Housley have a new article which raises serious questions about the so-called "Timeline" as well as continuing to pursue the question of why the Benghazi were allowed to die by the Obama Administration.  Now Obama had no problem bombing and invading Libya to prevent a fake massacre in Benghazi whose existence he lied about in a speech to the American people.  But he did have a problem sending troops into Libya to prevent an actual massacre of Americans against the wishes of the Al-Qaeda linked Libyan authorities.

Petraeus Mistress Suggests Benghazi Attack Was Aimed At Secret CIA Prison.  Former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus may have told his alleged mistress Paula Broadwell what really happened in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 when terrorists murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

Alleged Petraeus Mistress Suggested She Was Privy to State Secrets.  The woman at the center of the alleged adultery scandal that led CIA Director David Petraeus to resign on Friday gave a speech last month asserting otherwise unreported information about the Benghazi attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

Clinton Turns Down Request to Testify on Benghazi Next Week.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has turned down an invitation to testify before the House Foreign Affairs Committee next Thursday on the Benghazi attack. [...] Committee Chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) wrote Clinton on Tuesday to demand that the State Department respond to the panel's requests for information on Benghazi.  "It is disappointing that we have yet to receive any response from your Department and that we are receiving more information from the press than from the Administration," Ros-Lehtinen wrote.

Rep Gowdy: Either Petraeus Will Come and Testify to Congress Or He Will Be Subpoenaed.  Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) "The fact that he's resigned and had an affair has nothing to do with whether he will be subpoenaed to Congress.  I hope we don't have to subpoena a four star general and a former CIA director. I would hope he would come voluntarily but if he won't he will be subpoenaed. [...] ["]

A CBS News Obama-Libya scandal? Certainly.  [Scroll down]  Whatever the cause, the episode grinds to the detriment of [Steve] Kroft, who had the prescience to ask the president the question that would preoccupy Washington for weeks.  Perhaps it was he who agitated to release this clip.  Critics will elevate CBS News's selective video publishing to a prime exhibit in their brief that the mainstream media is protecting Obama.  Barring a better explanation from CBS News, that's a hard case to contradict.

Who Authorized FBI Surveillance of Gen. Petraeus?  Who authorized the FBI to monitor the e-mail of the Director of the CIA?  The Director of the CIA is one of the central individuals responsible for America's national security and intelligence.  His communications would, by their very nature, be one of the nation's closest guarded secrets.

America's Last Entitlement.  America's unsustainable fiscal situation means that Obamacare is destined to be the last major entitlement enacted by the United States.  Indeed, Obamacare's victory sets off a stiff competition for taxpayer dollars between Obamacare, Medicaid, and Medicare.  It's a battle that the elderly, in particular, are likely to lose.

Six lingering questions about the exit of Gen. David Petraeus.  [#1]  Why resign now?  The Obama administration's first sex scandal exploded just three days after the president was reelected at the end of a hard-fought campaign and just days before Petraeus was scheduled to appear at a congressional hearing about the attacks in Benghazi.

Cover-up at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  According to two well-vetted sources with intimate knowledge of the CIA operations and events in Benghazi, the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus is directly related to the testimony he was expected to provide before a closed-door hearing next week before the Senate Intelligence Committee.  Sources close to the controversy, citing the need for anonymity due to their positions, stated that Barack Hussein Obama was aware of the CIA director's indiscretions "long before" the November 6, 2012 elections, and knew about the FBI's investigative findings weeks before the election, but "erected a firewall" to prevent any disclosure before November 6th.

The Sudden (and Curious) Departure of David Petraeus.  As we've noted before, no one plays the "leak" game better than the spook community.  As the White House clung to its "video" narrative, operatives involved in the Benghazi operation began passing details of that fateful night, raising new questions about what actually occurred.  The leaks were aimed (in part) at the administration, but they were also directed at Petraeus and the Director of National Intelligence (James Clapper) who were viewed as not only abandoning operatives on the ground, but doing little to defend the reputation of intelligence professionals when various administration officials suggested the community "got it wrong" before Benghazi.

Petraeus resigns — is there a Benghazi connection?  Two weeks ago, Petraeus made it clear, in a public statement, that the Benghazi disaster was not on the CIA.  Is his departure, three days after the election, related to that statement?  Does it have to do with upcoming congressional hearings in which he would have testified as head of the CIA?  Or does Petraeus simply not want to work any longer for a president who, quite possibly against Petraeus' urging, declined to come to the aid of our beleaguered staff in Benghazi?

State Dept to Senate: You can only look at Benghazi documents when you're not here.  The House has already begun an investigation through the Oversight Committee, but the State Department has refused to fully cooperate with either  — at least until now.  For the first time, State has agreed to allow Senators to view diplomatic cables and other documents related to the failures surrounding the Benghazi incident, for a limited time.  How limited?  They can only access the documents while they aren't within a hundred miles of them.

Arab TV Report Exposes Lax Security At U.S. Consulate In Benghazi.  On November 1, 2012, Alaan TV, a UAE channel, stated in a report on the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that letters found inside the consulate, written by the U.S. Consular staff and addressed to the Libyan Foreign Ministry and the Benghazi police chief, revealed security breaches at the consulate.

Why I'm Enlisting In Andrew Breitbart's War:  [Scroll down]  [The Obama] administration has misled the American people about the terrorist attack in Benghazi, created a scapegoat out of a filmmaker whose YouTube video had nothing to do with the al Qaeda assault that claimed four Americans' lives.  The Department of Justice put the man in jail, making him Obama's political prisoner.

Obama's Benghazi Scapegoat Gets Year In Prison.  The filmmaker blamed for the terrorist attack on our Libyan consulate and the murder of our ambassador goes to jail for an "unrelated" matter.  If you believe that, you also believe al-Qaida is on its heels.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula Has No Regrets.  Fuming for two months in a jail cell [in Los Angeles], Nakoula Basseley Nakoula has had plenty of time to reconsider the wisdom of making "Innocence of Muslims," his crude YouTube movie trailer depicting the Prophet Muhammad as a bloodthirsty, philandering thug.  Does Mr. Nakoula now regret the footage?

Benghazi documents available to senators only when they are out of town.  Under pressure from senators, the State Department is allowing some lawmakers to look at cables and other documents related to the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, but only today [11/8/2012] and tomorrow, when most senators are not in Washington.

Intel director launches initial leak probe over ex-NYT reporter's Libya claims.  The national intelligence director has launched a preliminary inquiry to determine whether there was a national security leak regarding the Benghazi attack to former New York Times reporter Leslie Gelb, according to a letter obtained by Fox News.

Obama's battle on Benghazi far from finished.  President Obama's victory in the general election this week does not silence those who have been criticizing his administration's response to the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  The critics, which include of former military and intelligence personnel, conservative commentators and grieving relatives, are set to redouble their efforts, highlighting what they call the administration's failure to give straight answers to questions about security at the consulate and official actions before, during and after the attack.

The Holes in the CIA's Benghazi Timeline.  In yet another attempt to counter the mounting evidence against the Obama Administration in the handling of the September 11 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, the CIA last Friday [11/2/2012] leaked a timeline of events to foreign policy columnist David Ignatius.  The CIA version makes its actions seem appropriate if insufficient.  It did not take long, however, for Fox News reporters to start shooting holes in it.

CBS' Benghazi Timeline Gives the Word "Deceitful" New Meaning.  I want the men who risked their lives, who were injured and who died in Benghazi to be honored with the truth as investigative reporter, Jennifer Griffin, has said.  The timeline offered by the CIA and repeated by CBS has significant discrepancies if one goes by factual evidence which includes leaked cables and reports by eyewitnesses on the ground.

53 House Members Demand Answers from Obama.  Fifty-three House members are demanding to know whether the April 6, 2012 and June 6, 2012 bomb-attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya were immediately included in the President's Daily Brief.  These bombing attacks occurred before the fatal Sept. 11 terrorist attack that killed U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

Five ways the mainstream media tipped the scales in favor of Obama.  [Scroll down]  News broke online in late September, for example, that Team Obama knew within 24 hours that the attack was likely the result of terrorism.  That starkly contradicted claims from White House press secretary Jay Carney, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, and President Obama himself that the attack was a "spontaneous" reaction to an anti-Muslim video posted on YouTube.  Yet, ABC took nearly two days to bring this story to viewers, while CBS and NBC held off for three days.

'Innocence of Muslims' filmmaker gets a year in prison.  A federal judge on Wednesday [11/7/2012] sentenced the filmmaker behind "Innocence of Muslims," the anti-Islam film that sparked rioting across the globe, to a year behind bars after the man admitted to violating the terms of his release from an earlier conviction.

State Department: Questions on Benghazi 'Never Tied to the Election'.  State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said Wednesday [11/7/2012] that the outcome of the presidential election was never a factor in whether the department would answer all questions surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including U.S. ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens.  Instead, she said the department is waiting for the Accountability Review Board (ARB) "to answer all of our questions."

September 11: Obama, Missing in Action.  What did or didn't the president do on the evening of September 11?  The White House has chosen not to answer questions.  One has to presume we'd have answers by now if those answers showed a president engaged in managing the crisis.  If President Obama had convened meetings, if he had called senior State Department or Defense Department or CIA officials to the White House, if he had held a teleconference from the situation room, one has to assume we would know about it.  One therefore has to assume he did none of these things.

The Obama Doctrine: American Lives Are Expendable.  The denial of air support to our troops in battle is normal operating procedure for this commander in chief.  He doesn't have to give special orders to do it.  It is the Obama Doctrine on the War on Terror:  do not kill Muslim civilians.  Let American soldiers die instead.  That is how Obama thinks he will win the hearts and minds of the Islamic world.

Presidential Depraved Indifference: Obama's Cover-Up .  The Benghazi attack will dwarf Watergate — no one died in Watergate.  What we do know is that the claims of 'spontaneous' protests to a YouTube video clip that supposedly offended Muslims [are untrue].  We know that in true Soviet style, Obama and his cohorts are deliberately holding a man innocent of this crime in solitary confinement in direct violation of his First Amendment rights.  It took the Administration nearly a month to acknowledge that it was a terrorist attack.

Bam's Benghazi lies.  To get to the truth, connect the lies.  Do what intel analysts and detectives do:  Build a scenario from the facts and watch the lies blink red.  And when anyone tells as many lies as this administration has told about its Benghazi debacle, you get a Christmas tree.  A three-act drama emerges from the facts that have leaked out.  It starts ugly and turns hideous.

Medal of Honor Winner Blasts "Ditherer-in-Chief" Obama over Benghazigate.  Major General Patrick Henry Brady is one of only 81 living Medal of Honor winners.  During the Vietnam War, Brady served with the 57th Medical Detachment, rescuing over 5,000 wounded, and knows a few things about dangerous rescues under fire.

Mysteries of Benghazi.  The Benghazi debacle is a drama in three parts:  the lack of security before the attacks, the flaccid response during the attacks, and the misleading narrative after the attacks.  There are unanswered questions about each part.

Obama's real world game of Risk.  Full disclosure of the Benghazi situation would expose an agenda that would surprise many Americans and answer a lot of questions about what's really going on in the world, even offering explanations for such issues as Obama's low-bow to the Saudi Royals to the exposure of a plan for the global power structure.  It's that big and that revealing, and that important.

A President without Shame.  This week's top honors go to [Sharyl] Attkisson whose work deserves your attention.  I can only summarize some of the highlights of her work, and I urge you to read it all.  She reports that during the crisis the Administration did not call upon "its top interagency counterterrorism resource:  The Counterterrorism Security Group, (CSG)."  Her sources reveal that key responders were ready and available to deploy for a rescue but were never called upon to do so.

Republicans pounce on Obama, CBS News over unaired Libya remarks.  Republicans pounced Monday [11/5/2012] after CBS News released portions of a "60 Minutes" interview with President Obama that shows him hedging on whether to call the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, an act of terrorism.

Benghazigate, CBS edition.  Over at the Breitbart portal, Joel Pollak writes about footage from the 9/12 60 Minutes interview with Barack Obama that CBS left on the cutting room floor until this week.  Like so much of the media formerly known as mainstream, CBS News is a hotbed of rabid leftists carefully reporting all the news that fits.  At 60 Minutes, the situation is reductio ad absurdum.

The Benghazi bleed.  The Benghazi bleed is draining Obama and Democrats, with the consequence yet to be seen.  If he loses, it will be one reason why; if he wins, he will run into a headwind of investigations and inquiries that will get his second term off to an ugly beginning.

Proof: Obama Refused to Call Benghazi 'Terror,' CBS Covered Up.  In an astonishing display of media malpractice, CBS News quietly released proof — two days before the election, far too late to reach the media and the public — that President Barack Obama lied to the public about the Benghazi attack, as well as about his later claim to have called the attack "terrorism" from the beginning.

CBS under fire for withholding Obama's Benghazi remarks.  CBS News is continuing to draw fire for withholding footage of a Sept. 12 interview with President Barack Obama in which he said it was "too early to tell" whether or not the previous day's attack in Benghazi, Libya, had been an act of terror.  That remark, which was not included in the "60 Minutes" package that first aired on Sept. 23, was also left out of a subsequent package that aired in the days following the second presidential debate [...]

Election Predictions from PJ Media Columnists.  [Scroll down]  We will not get to the bottom of the cover-up of why Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were left to die in that god-forsaken Libyan city, their desperate calls for help repeatedly ignored, before the election.  But it has been clear for some time now that there was a cover-up of major proportions.

Axelrod Claims Obama 'Convened the Top Military Officials that Evening'.  David Axelrod was asked this morning [11/4/2012] on Fox News Sunday about the decision not to deploy military forces to Benghazi the evening of September 11.  His response:  "The president convened the top military officials that evening and told them to do whatever was necessary and they took the steps that they thought, they took every step they could take."  Did the president in fact "convene the top military officials that evening?"  I know of no evidence that he did.

Sophocles in Benghazi.  The Libyan plot is Sophoclean to the core:  the heroism of outnumbered Americans who chose to confront a deadly enemy, and were killed and wounded in the defense of their endangered comrades — while the world's greatest military hesitated to use its power against a ragtag militia to save them.

White House: Obama Not Following Benghazi Investigation.  Before the last presidential debate, focusing on foreign policy, President Obama's campaign press secretary Jen Psaki told Fox News that the President "takes responsibility for the safety and security of all diplomats serving overseas."  But the White House revealed that Obama's statement that he takes responsibility is about as far as his action goes during the Benghazi aftermath.

Cleaning Obama's Bloodstains.  [Scroll down]  Obama covered up his incompetency by initially blaming this terrorist attack on an amateur online video preview.  Stevens and four other Americans are now dead as a result of Obama's failures on two accounts:  First, he exercised constitutionally questionable military intervention in Libya, which more than likely incited blowback.  Secondly, he refused to address the consulate's pleas for help before and during the attack.

Mother of Seal: 'I believe that Obama murdered my son'.  The families of three Americans killed in the Sept. 11 U.S. consulate attack in Benghazi, Libya, are offering widely different reactions to recent reports that U.S. personnel issued several requests for help that were turned down.

Obama: A Man Without a Conscience.  For a long time, intrepid critics of Barack Obama have described him, accurately, as a pathological liar.  The Benghazi affair must force even the most circumspect among us to recognize that the problem is even more serious:  the president of the United States has no conscience.

Media Gave 'Pathetic' Benghazi Coverage To Aid Obama.  Last Friday [11/2/2012], Pulitzer Prize-winning former New York Times reporter Judith Miller and Kirsten Powers, a Daily Beast columnist, appeared on Fox News' "Happening Now" program to justifiably bash the mainstream media and its orchestrated suppression of coverage of the terrorist attack in Benghazi.  Neither is a charter member of the "vast right-wing conspiracy," but both roundly condemned the shameful and politically motivated actions of their colleagues.

Obama's Watergate moment.  Defense Secretary Leon Panetta later said that upon consultation with the appropriate military brass, no forces were dispatched because "a basic principle is you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on."  So, a Special Operations "in extremis" force whose existence is designed to defend against precisely what was occurring in Benghazi sat out the entire seven-hour battle at a U.S. Air Force base 480 miles away in Italy.  No F-18s were scrambled.  No attack helicopters or C-130 gunships, both of which reportedly were available to reach Benghazi within two hours of the start of the attack.

State Dept Won't Explain Why Classified Docs Still at Benghazi Consulate.  Since the Obama Administration has launched the Accountability Review Board (ARB) to investigate the murders of U.S. diplomats and intelligence gatherers in Benghazi, the State Department has been tight-lipped on any developments discovered by news agencies.  That changed this week when a State Department official went on the record in an attempt to explain some of the decisions by the State Department in response to the consulate attack.

What laser capability did Benghazi team have?  Sources who have debriefed the team that was at the CIA annex the night of the attack in Benghazi say that the CIA operators from the Global Response Staff, or GRS, were equipped with Mark 48 machine guns and had two types of laser capability.  Each weapon had both a "passive" as well as a "visible" laser that could be used against the Libyan attackers.

Benghazi and the Missing Obama 9/11 Timeline.  The story of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack in Benghazi has been evolving for more than seven weeks now, in its many and oft conflicting variants, and the questions keep multiplying.  Amid the official obfuscations and evasions, a patchwork picture has been emerging, by way of congressional questions, leaked emails, anonymous sources and documents discovered as recently as this week by reporters wandering through the still-unsecured, burned and looted diplomatic compound where Ambassador Chris Stevens apparently spent his final moments of consciousness choking on the smoke of a diesel-fueled conflagration.

Stand down? No, it's time for Americans to stand up.  The mainstream media is nearly non-existent and totally absent their once heralded position as the coveted Fourth Estate.  The Fourth Estate being that "other than" force which, at one time, diligently kept their eye on the three branches of government.  It was their commitment to report back to the American people and thus provide openness to the political process and help protect against the abuse of power, government overreach and even malfeasance.  As of this writing, the most widely reported example of my indictment of the media, is the case of four Americans being murdered at the consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

CIA Timeline Confirms: Woods and Doherty Killed in Benghazi 7 Hours After WH Told of Attack.  What David Ignatius of The Washington Post describes as a "detailed CIA timeline" of the events that unfolded in Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 (and in the early hours of Sept. 12), confirms that former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were not killed until seven hours after the State Department informed the White House — in writing — that the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi was under attack and that U.S. Amb. Chris Stevens was in Benghazi where the attack was taking place.

There's A Reason Why All Of The Reports About Benghazi Are So Confusing.  At this point it's clear that the U.S. had something to hide at Benghazi, and that's why reports coming out of the Libyan city have been so confusing.  Two key details about the the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans cannot be underestimated.

Papers Blast Obama Over Benghazi.  [Scroll down]  These questions, and many others, need answers.  The administration has managed to avoid providing them for nearly eight weeks, with a much needed assist from a suddenly lack of curiosity among the truth-seeking journalists at many of America's most influential news outlets.

Issa accuses the Obama administration of hiding information on Benghazi.  The chairman of the House oversight panel sent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a scathing letter on Thursday [11/1/2012] accusing the administration of hiding information pointing to Libyan authorities' possible involvement in the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

Islamophobia Is the Underlying Cause of Benghazi.  So sayeth Ambassador Pickering, Hillary Clinton's appointee to head the "Accountability Review Board."  Ambassador Pickering is tasked with getting the facts straight (after the election) about what happened in Benghazi and where accountability resides.  According to Ambassador Pickering, in remarks he made during an Oct. 23 panel discussion at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., America is a seething hotbed of "Islamophobia," filled with ignorant racist rubes who irrationally fear the benign Muslim religion.

Deep-Sixing the News (to Save a President).  Remember Cindy Sheehan, who became a celebrated anti-war activist after losing a son in the Iraq war in early 2004?  She first gained fame during the 2004 presidential campaign and later camped out for three years outside President George W. Bush's ranch.  While the major news media hung on her every word during and after the 2004 presidential race, the same television stations and newspapers have ignored Charles Woods, father of Ty Woods, a former SEAL killed in Benghazi.

GOP calls on Sen. Levin to hold Libya hearings.  Three Republican senators on the Senate Armed Services Committee are calling on Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) to hold hearings on the attack in Benghazi, Libya, "as soon as possible." [...] The senators noted that four other committees were planning hearings of their own.

A security breakdown in Benghazi.  Following a single background briefing, the State Department has mostly refused to respond to inquiries about Benghazi, citing an ongoing investigation by a review board.  But considerable evidence has emerged that Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who died in the attack, and his security staff were deeply concerned about what they considered to be inadequate security.

Rand Paul questions Obama administration on Libya.  Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul asked Friday whether Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knowingly denied a request for additional security at the U.S. consulate in Libya less than a month before the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens.  "If Ambassador Stevens signed a security request that was sent to Secretary Clinton, who subsequently denied that request, Secretary Clinton must answer these charges," Paul said in a statement.

The Fog of Benghazi.  The White House says Republicans are "politicizing" a tragedy.  Politicians politicize, yes, but part of their job is to hold other politicians accountable.  The Administration has made that difficult by offering evasive, inconsistent and conflicting accounts about one of the most serious American overseas defeats in recent years.  Unresolved questions about Benghazi loom over this election because the White House has failed to resolve them.

Cynicism Confirmed.  The national-security staff in the Obama White House has a standard operating procedure.  If a military action, such as killing bin Laden, succeeds, then immediately leak selected details to shape the narrative to the political advantage of Mr. Obama.  If the action is botched, as in Benghazi, then say nothing and tell the quiescent press that there is no story worth pursuing.  If questions persist, the second line of defense is an investigation that wlll drag on for months.

Senators Call for Select Committee.  Three Senate Republicans are calling for the creation of a select committee to investigate the Obama White House's failure to stop the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi that left four Americans, including the ambassador to Libya, dead.

State Dept Won't Explain Why Classified Docs Still at Benghazi Consulate.  Since the Obama Administration has launched the Accountability Review Board (ARB) to investigate the murders of U.S. diplomats and intelligence gatherers in Benghazi, the State Department has been tight-lipped on any developments discovered by news agencies.  That changed this week when a State Department official went on the record in an attempt to explain some of the decisions by the State Department in response to the consulate attack.

Former SEAL: Obama Never Gave 'Cross-Border Authority' Orders.  As more information comes to the light about the Obama administration's Benghazi cover-up, a former Navy SEAL officer who once took a military detachment to Libya suggests President Barack Obama was either AWOL — essentially an "empty chair" — or deliberately denied Americans under siege in Benghazi the aid they needed by not authorizing "cross-border authority," without which rescue operations could have taken place.

Exclusive: Security officials on the ground in Libya challenge CIA account.  Despite a carefully narrated version of events rolled out late this week by the CIA claiming agents jumped into action as soon as they were notified of calls for help in Benghazi, security officials on the ground say calls for help went out considerably earlier — and signs of an attack were mounting even before that.

CIA officials in Libya made key decisions during Benghazi attacks.  CIA officials on the ground in Libya dispatched security forces to the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi within 25 minutes and made other key decisions about how to respond to the waves of attacks on U.S. installations on September 11, a senior American intelligence official said on Thursday [11/1/2012].

Benghazi Investigator Slams America and 'Islamophobes'.  America is a seething hotbed of "Islamophobia," filled with ignorant racist rubes who irrationally fear the benign Muslim religion, according to the Obama administration's lead investigator into the Benghazi atrocities.

Obama Admin Knew the Benghazi Attack Was Planned.  There is virtually no doubt now that the Obama Administration, despite their attempts to lie to the American public, knew that the attack on the Benghazi compound and the subsequent slaughter of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, was not a spontaneous assault but a pre-planned attack.

ABC and CBS Ignore Their Own Reporters As Benghazi Blackout Reaches 7 Days.  For the seventh night in a row, ABC's World News, CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News refused to give one single second of coverage to the Obama administration's deceitful response to the terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi on September 11.  According to the Media Research Center, the last time Benghazi was discussed on one of the flagship network evening news casts was the October 25 edition of CBS Evening News.

Benghazi Culpability: Walls Closing in on Administration.  When you begin looking at those who bear responsibility for the dead and wounded in Benghazi (four American dead, roughly a dozen wounded, including Libyan allies helping evacuate the consulate staff), there are three separate points of failure:
  •   Failing to secure the consulate staff prior to the attack;
  •   Failing to protect the consulate staff during the initial attack on the consulate;
  •   Failing to protect the combined group of consulate staff, CIA operators, and Libyan allies at the CIA safe house after the consulate rescue and before the eventual extraction the next morning.

CIA rushed to save diplomats as Libya attack was underway.  The CIA rushed security operatives to an American diplomatic compound in Libya within 25 minutes of its coming under attack and played a more central role in the effort to fend off a night-long siege than has been acknowledged publicly, U.S. intelligence officials said Thursday [11/1/2012].  The agency mobilized the evacuation effort, took control of an unarmed U.S. military drone to map possible escape routes, dispatched an emergency security team from Tripoli, the capital, and chartered aircraft that ultimately carried surviving American personnel to safety, U.S. officials said.

Secret Cable Revelation Blows Open Benghazi Cover-Up Story.  The revelation of a classified cable dated August 15 from Ambassador Christopher Stevens to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton describing in detail the security threats to the U.S. Benghazi consulate is a quantum leap forward in the reporting on the attack that left the ambassador and three security personnel dead.

Giuliani: Benghazi shows Obama's 'politics overwhelming' duty to protect Americans.  Giuliani was reacting to the latest news about Benghazi, including CBS's report that Obama never convened the Counterterrorism Security Group, a task force that coordinates responses to terrorist attacks and may have made a difference in the Benghazi assault.  As it is, the State Department never requested military intervention and four Americans died over several hours of fighting.

Congressman: Administration message on Benghazi like Abbott and Costello routine.  Foreign Policy reports today [11/1/2012] that letters and documents recovered by the publication from the rubble around the consulate highlight concerns from American Foreign Service officers about the level of surveillance by members of the Libyan police that had been observed around the consulate — revelations that raise serious questions about whether local officials aided the attackers.

'Troubling' Surveillance Before Benghazi Attack.  More than six weeks after the shocking assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi — and nearly a month after an FBI team arrived to collect evidence about the attack — the battle-scarred, fire-damaged compound where Ambassador Chris Stevens and another Foreign Service officer lost their lives on Sept. 11 still holds sensitive documents and other relics of that traumatic final day, including drafts of two letters worrying that the compound was under "troubling" surveillance and complaining that the Libyan government failed to fulfill requests for additional security.

Pentagon: Secret U.S. military commandos deployed to Libya.  Classified United States military units are operating in the region near Libya since the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, according to the director of operations for the Pentagon's Joint Staff.

A Vote For Obama-Biden Is A Vote For National Collapse.  [Scroll down]  Back in Benghazi, the president who looks so cool in a bomber jacket declined to answer his beleaguered diplomats' calls for help — even though he had aircraft and special forces in the region.  Too bad.  He's all jacket and no bombers.

NV newspaper: Obama a "narcissistic amateur," "embarrassment," "incompetent".  And those are the kinder thoughts that the editors of the Las Vegas Review-Journal had for Barack Obama in their lead editorial yesterday.  Those conclusions refer to Obama's overall performance on the economy and foreign policy.  When they get down to specifics on Benghazi, the anger pulses through every sentence.

Benghazi: The Democratic Party Will Be Lucky if Obama Loses.  The president's future does not look great, even if he is reelected, and especially if he is reelected while losing the popular vote, as well could happen.  As a president who was "selected but not elected," he we will face a whirlwind more vast and even more enduring than Sandy and that whirlwind's name is Benghazi.

Benghazigate Reveals the Perfidy of Obama and Hillary Clinton.  Over the last five weeks, three distinct stages have unfolded in the Benghazi cover-up revealing the inner Obama and Clinton.  At first blush, we thought Benghazi exposed the amateurish and irresponsible nature of the Obama administration.  For Mr. Obama, "responsibility" does not mean precluding terrible events from happening, rather responsibility to appoint a commission to investigate what already happened, with a likely outcome exonerating the President.

Ambassador Stevens Called for Help During Benghazi Attack.  Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) told Greta Van Susteren on Wednesday [10/31/2012] that Ambassador Chris Stevens called for help when the consulate came under attack on 9-11.  The ambassador made calls to the Deputy Chief of Mission Gregory Hicks in Tripoli.

Report: Obama never convened counterterrorism task force during Benghazi attack.  Inexplicably, they also didn't call on their rapid-reaction counterterrorism coordination squad, the Foreign Emergency Support Team, even though the consulate attack was, um, (a) foreign and (b) an emergency that (c) required support.  So confused was the administration response, in fact, that CBS claims the FBI got a call from someone in Hillary's office during the attack asking that agents be sent in, even though the compound hadn't been secured yet and nothing by way of coordination with Defense and State had been arranged.

Fred Thompson Calls Benghazi 'Biggest Cover-Up in American History'.  Former Sen. Fred Thompson today said he was "totally disgusted" by the Obama administration's handling of the Libya terrorist attack, saying that U.S. officials failed to act "while our people were being systematically slaughtered" at the Benghazi consulate.

A Nightmare Scenario.  Let's suppose that Barack Obama gets narrowly re-elected.  And then, in a week or a month, the lid blows off the Benghazi story and what is now a trickle of leaks from bureaucrats protecting their butts turns into a flood.  The mainstream media that has been so studiously ignoring this story while the election was still to be won or lost will have no choice (and, indeed, every reason) to make it the big story it would have been had it happened on President McCain's watch.

When We Deceive.  So far the administration has attributed its lapses to the "fog of war" and suggestions that only the Tripoli embassy not the Benghazi consulate was deemed vulnerable.  Now, from a recent cable, we know that the latter was untrue, and that the only fog of war consisted in a handful of administration spokespeople frantically trying to get their stories straight.  Real-time aerial video of a battle is not the fog of Wellington trying to figure out where Napoleon will strike next.

The Media's Coverage of the Libya Attacks: From Slanted to Suppressed.  Americans of all political stripes were distressed by the September 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador.  But the reaction of the national broadcast networks has been demonstrably and shamefully partisan from the beginning of this story.

Fox News's Benghazi bombshell: Why haven't other media followed?  [T]he big guns of Beltway journalism have largely treated the Fox report with silence.  This non-development hasn't met with silence from the mainstream media's critics.  "ABC, CBS, NBC, The Washington Post, and the New York Times are so vested in the re-election of Barack Obama that they are deliberately spiking this huge story.  It's sickening," says Media Research Center President Brent Bozell.

Obama Goes for a Modified Limited Hang Out.  As has become very clear, the administration doesn't want to answer the questions, such as what the president did and didn't do that evening; what military assets were available and why, if certain ones were available, they weren't deployed; why senior Administration officials claimed subsequently that what happened was a riot caused by a video; and so forth.  But stonewalling looks bad.

Benghazi's Smoking Gun? Only President Can Give 'Cross-Border Authority'.  Once the alarm is sent — in this case, from the consulate in Benghazi — dozens of HQs are notified and are in the planning loop in real time, including AFRICOM and EURCOM, both located in Germany.  Without waiting for specific orders from Washington, they begin planning and executing rescue operations, including moving personnel, ships, and aircraft forward toward the location of the crisis.  However, there is one thing they can't do without explicit orders from the president:  cross an international border on a hostile mission.

Media Bias 101: Benghazi vs. Watergate and Iran-Contra.  What we're witnessing right now is how the media's liberal bias truly works.  Liberal journalists can be like men and women possessed when a Republican is in the Oval Office, but for a liberal Democrat, they are as compliant as lambs.  Being political partisans first and journalists second, they are now silently complicit when faced with Obama's scandal, one potentially more disturbing than Watergate and Iran-Contra combined.  After all, Americans died in Benghazi.

Contradictory Evidence Swallows Administration Libya Cover-Up.  The e-mails sent around the federal government on the night of the September 11 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, have finally been obtained by the U.S. media.  Since the tragic events well over a month ago, Members of Congress have been asking for a clear answer from the executive branch about what really happened on that Tuesday night and what the Administration knew about it.

Sources, emails point to communication breakdown in Obama administration during Libya attack.  Senior counterterrorism officials felt cut out of the loop the night of the attack on the Benghazi consulate, according to emails that were shared with Fox News by military sources who are familiar with discussions of how to respond the night of the Sept. 11 attack. [...] "The response process was isolated at the most senior level," according to one intelligence source.

Criminal Negligence: Benghazi Gave 1-Month Warning.  A month before the terrorist attack, the State Department was warned Benghazi couldn't protect itself and was surrounded by Islamist militia and al-Qaida camps.  It was 3 a.m. and the administration pressed "snooze."

The House wants answers.  The Democrat-controlled Senate wants silence.
Congress wants answers on newly found Benghazi documents.  The House Oversight Committee is demanding answers from the State Department regarding newly discovered documents found in the wreckage of the U.S. mission in Benghazi that reveal U.S. diplomats noticed a Libyan police officer conducting surveillance of the compound the morning before the Sept. 11 attack and that the Benghazi police department had not responded to requests for more security during the visit of Ambassador Chris Stevens, who died in the attack that night.

Sources: Key task force not convened during Benghazi consulate attack.  CBS News has learned that during the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi, the Obama Administration did not convene its top interagency counterterrorism resource:  the Counterterrorism Security Group, (CSG).  "The CSG is the one group that's supposed to know what resources every agency has.  They know of multiple options and have the ability to coordinate counterterrorism assets across all the agencies," a high-ranking government official told CBS News.  "They were not allowed to do their job.  They were not called upon."

Why Obama Chose to Let Them Die in Benghazi:  The burning question is why Obama didn't give orders to defend our consulate and American lives in Benghazi.  The answer is becoming clearer each time President Obama and Secretary of Defense Panetta issue a denial or explanation of their inaction.

Death In Benghazi: A Story Of Bravery And Poor Judgment.  A detailed CIA timeline of the assault on U.S. facilities in Benghazi paints an anguishing picture of embattled Americans waiting for Libyan local security forces that didn't come and courageous CIA officers who died on a rooftop without the heavy weapons they needed, trying to protect their colleagues below.

Bozell Statement: Liberal Media Are Accessories to Benghazi Cover-up.  For the sixth night in a row, ABC World News, CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News refused to give one single second of coverage to a Fox News report that the Obama Administration denied help to those attacked and killed by terrorists at the US consulate in Benghazi on September 11.

At a Minimum, Hillary Clinton Must Go.  Hillary Clinton could not have been more clearly warned of the danger unless she had been confronted with flashing red lights; yet she did nothing.  Again, one wonders whether this represents mere incompetence, or whether some devious political agenda was at work.

Benghazi Obama's Core Deceit.  The basic, important facts about the Benghazi disgrace are in the public record now.  American Ambassador Chris Stevens started requesting additional security as early as February.  The Obama Administration not only refused additional security, it actually cut security, removing a well armed unit from the Libyan embassy in August.

Benghazi Reveals Obama-Islamist Alliance.  The nature of the Benghazi disaster is now clear.  Ambassador Stevens was engaged in smuggling sizable quantities of Libyan arms from the destroyed Gaddafi regime to the Syrian rebels, to help overthrow the Assad regime in Syria.  Smuggling arms to the so-called "Free Syrian Army" is itself a huge gamble, but Obama has been a gambler with human lives over the last four years, as shown by the tens of thousands of Arabs who have died in the so-called Arab Spring — which has brought nothing but disaster to the Arab world.

Herridge On Cable Month Before Benghazi Attack: "Smoking Gun Warning Here".  [Scroll down]  "There can be no doubt that this is really a cry for help from the people on the ground," Herridge told Greta van Susteren.  "If you couple this with the fact that we were coming up with the 9/11 anniversary and if you couple this with the statements that a videotape was somehow responsible, what you see is that is completely undercut.  This cable says that, 'The militias and al-Qaeda are here, we essentially think that we are next.'

Classified cable warned consulate couldn't withstand 'coordinated attack'.  The U.S. Mission in Benghazi convened an "emergency meeting" less than a month before the assault that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, because Al Qaeda had training camps in Benghazi and the consulate could not defend against a "coordinated attack," according to a classified cable reviewed by Fox News.

Benghazi Coverup Much Worse Than "Third-rate Burglary".  The ride on the Obama bus gets bumpier as more bodies are thrown under it.  The latest to go thumpity thump are journalists who trumpeted the administration's excuse that faulty intelligence is why the president said for so long the attack on our consulate in Benghazi was a "spontaneous" protest over a Youtube video.

Is Word of the Benghazi Scandal Leaking Out?  I would guess that around one-half of voters understand that the administration tried to pass off a terrorist attack as a spontaneous protest over a YouTube video.  And maybe 25% or so are aware of the charge that the besieged Americans at the Benghazi consulate called repeatedly for help, but were ignored by President Obama.  Moreover, beyond any bare awareness of the facts, there is a big difference between what we see today — Bengahzi consigned to the back pages or not reported on at all, as in the case of the New York Times [...]

Krauthammer: Administration Has Shown It Will Leak Intel If It Helps Them.  ["]This is an administration that when they did the raid on bin Laden, SEAL Team Six, and they had a ton of information — a lot of that should never have been released, which served them well — they released it almost immediately in a scandalously open way because it exposed a lot of methods and a lot of our people.  This is not an administration which has shown itself to be a keeper of secrets that would actually help it.["]

Chaffetz Relays Story of Tripoli Chief Who Got Call from Stevens About Attack.  [Scroll down]  Chaffetz lauded as "spot on" the job McKeon is doing as he and other GOPs investigate the scandal.  "I talked specifically to General Ham.  He's a four-star general.  He told me personally he did not get a directive from the White House from the president of the United States to engage in the firefight to help protect those people," Chaffetz said.  "Mr. President, you can't have it both ways.  You can't say that you're doing everything you can to protect the people in Benghazi, when we're under attack, a firefight that starts at 9:40 at night, goes until the wee hours of the morning, and say you did everything when the military did not engage."

Petraeus and Panetta Speak — But Not the President.  Seven weeks later, the White House still hasn't explained what President Obama did and didn't do during the seven hours of the attack on Benghazi on September 11. [...] We have, to be sure, heard from some government officials.  But the information they've provided raises still more questions.

Obama Met With Panetta, Biden on 9/11/12 55 Minutes After State Notified WH Benghazi Was Under Attack.  The meeting between Obama, Panetta and Biden had been scheduled before the attack took place, and the Department of Defense is not commenting now on whether the three men were aware when they met that day of the ongoing attack or whether Obama used that meeting to discuss with his defense secretary what should be done to defend the U.S. personnel who at that very moment were fighting for their lives in Benghazi.

The Benghazi Drip-Drip-Drip.  As of now, the White House has disclosed that President Obama was informed about the attack on the diplomatic outpost in Benghazi at roughly 5pm by his National Security Adviser Tom Donilon as he was in a pre-scheduled meeting with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey. [...] But beyond that, the White House has punted, saying the Accountability Review Board established by the State Department is investigating the matter and what went wrong.

'You Have the Blood of an American Hero On Your Hands'.  Why has the Obama administration kept changing its story about how Ambassador Chris Stevens, security officials Tyrone Woods of Imperial Beach and Glen Doherty of Encinitas, and information officer Sean Smith, who grew up in San Diego, died on Sept. 11 in Benghazi, Libya?  Why won't the mainstream media treat the incontrovertible evidence of the White House's dishonesty and incompetence like the ugly scandal it obviously is?  These are all questions that demand to be answered after revelations that demolished the tidy narrative the president has been offering about Benghazi.

New Details on Benghazi.  On the night of the 9/11 anniversary assault at the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, the Americans defending the compound and a nearby CIA annex were severely outmanned.  Nonetheless, the State Department never requested military backup that evening, two senior U.S. officials familiar with the details of military planning tell The Daily Beast.

Sen. Rand Paul on Benghazi: 'Where [...] were the Marines?'  [Scroll down]  "When you think about it, even 10 Marines are pretty tough with automatic weapons," he said.  "They would have had a fighting chance had there been 10 Marines there.  I think that's how many Marines are in Paris.  So, you got 10 Marines in Paris and about the same time they're denying security for Libya, they're spending $100,000 greening up the embassy in Vienna.  So we got money to promote this global warming agenda of the president's — to show off for his liberal friends in Europe.  But they seem to not have enough money for security?  That's inexcusable and to me enough reason to fire the president."

White House shoots down rumors it nixed Benghazi intervention.  The White House on Wednesday [10/31/2012] shot down rumors that President Obama nixed an operation to rescue U.S. diplomats under attack in Benghazi after former Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich made the claim on national television.

More documents from Ambassador Stevens describe ominous pre-attack surveillance.  Fox News has been leading the charge during the current phase of the Benghazi scandal, but they're not the only ones digging up interesting stories... quite literally in the case of Foreign Policy magazine, whose reporters incredibly managed to find more important documents buried in the rubble of the destroyed consulate... six weeks after the attack, and after the FBI team had already searched the place.

After State Dept. Denial, All Evidence Points to Obama in Benghazi Scandal.  The Daily Beast's Eli Lake — who deserves a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on Benghazi — reported today that the State Department did not ask for military backup while the U.S. consulate was under attack on 9/11.  That, together with other denials collected already, suggests that President Barack Obama decided, early on, there would be no intervention as long as the attack did not spread beyond the consulate or safe house.

Benghazi Backfire: Was Obama Arming Jihadists?  The deadly attack, and the Obama administration's handling of the hours-long event, have left a multitude of burning, unanswered questions, among which are:
  •   Did Secretary of State Clinton and President Obama ignore Ambassador Stevens' pleas for additional security in the ultra-dangerous Benghazi environment?
  •   Did Obama watch the attack in "real time" video feeds from drones circling the area?
  •   Were former Navy SEALs Woods and Doherty ordered to "stand down" and not assist the besieged compound, as claimed by Woods' father and others?  If so, who gave the orders?

Lingering questions about Benghazi.  Fox's Jennifer Griffin reported Friday [10/26/2012] that CIA officers in Benghazi had been told to "stand down" when they wanted to deploy from their base at the annex to repel the attack on the consulate, about a mile away.  Fox also reported that the officers requested military support when the annex came under fire that night but that their request had been denied.

Cindy Sheehan Was Cheered, Charles Woods Is Ignored.  During the 2004 presidential campaign, a media eager to deny George W. Bush a second term made Cindy Sheehan, who lost a son in Iraq, a national heroine and reported virtually her every word and move. [...] But nobody in a mainstream media eager to see President Obama get a second term is bringing the Benghazi debate to the White House doorstep.  On all the Sunday [10/28/2012] talk shows, when Benghazi was brought up, the moderator quickly changed subjects.

This Question Of Treason.  While our president and members of his administration continue to test new lies trying to deflect blame for this tragedy, a far greater crime than refusing to help American diplomats in peril is being revealed; a crime much more sinister when the question of our president's dubious and possibly duplicitous loyalties and sympathies are brought into question.  This dark page of America's recent history will be both an outrage and shame that America will need to live down and revenge as soon as possible, but there is another question on the horizon.  Was President Obama supplying weapons to al-Qaeda?

The Benghazi Coverup: Are Reporters Embarrassed?  The media formerly known as mainstream have largely failed to cover the Benghazi scandal.  For the most part, they haven't covered the most explosive aspects of the scandal — those most threatening to Obama's re-election hopes — at all.

Petraeus Throws Obama Under the Bus.  The CIA spokesman, presumably at the direction of CIA director David Petraeus, has put out this statement:  "No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate."

New Video by American Crossroads Shows the Lies by the Obama Administration About Benghaz.  A new video by American Crossroads showcases the series of outright lies by the Obama Administration about the attack on our consulate in Benghazi. [...] This new video illustrates the absurdity and enraging series of lies told to us by our government.

It Wasn't Just Four Americans Abandoned in Benghazi.  Ambassador Chris Stevens and diplomat Sean Smith were not the only Americans in the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, however, a fact some of us have lost sight of in our focus on the dead.  Nor were Glen Doherty and Ty Woods the only casualties among the forces that disobeyed orders from the Obama administration not to rescue the consulate staff.

To live and die in Benghazi, Libya without leadership from America.  This battle of Benghazi was a protracted fight — covering at least six to eight hours (depending on when you start the clock).  And, if the forces were not there, on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, then there is an additional level of leadership failure that must be examined.

The Wages of Libya.  Seven weeks after the tragedy in Benghazi, new government narratives just keep appearing, as various branches of government point the finger at one another. [...] The secretary of defense argues that he knew too little to send in military forces to save the post.  Meanwhile, we are hearing from other sources that the beleaguered compound in extremis was denied help on three separate occasions, and there are still more contradictory accounts.

Benghazi — no mere 'October surprise'.  If you want to understand why conservatives have lost faith in the so-called mainstream media, you need to ponder the question:  Where is the Benghazi feeding frenzy?

Obama needs to come clean on what happened in Benghazi.  Once the attack commenced at 10:00 p.m. Libyan time (4:00 p.m. EST), we know the mission security staff immediately contacted Washington and our embassy in Tripoli.  It now appears the White House, Pentagon, State Department, CIA, NDI, JCS and various other military commands monitored the entire battle in real time via frantic phone calls from our compound and video from an overhead drone.  The cries for help and support went unanswered.

Obama stonewalls on Libya, again.  President Obama, who refuses to give a full accounting of his actions and statements regarding the Benghazi attack, is now taking offense that some people think he's not been candid with the voters. [...] Obama has some nerve expressing resentment that people suspect he didn't level with the American people.

A Benghazi inconsistency.  A mob does not plan but a terrorist group could have an ambush in place to attack any first responders.  Only if the military, and hence the President, knew during the attack that they were potentially dealing with a coordinated attack by terrorist or paramilitary forces would they have been concerned about the level of intelligence available to them.  Additionally it seems clear that it was not the military that made the call to abandon Americans to terrorists.

Facebook Censors Navy SEALS to Protect Obama on Benghazi-Gate.  Over the weekend, Facebook took down a message by the Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS) which highlighted the fact that Obama denied backup to the forces being overrun in Benghazi.  The message was contained in a meme which demonstrated how Obama had relied on the SEALS when he was ready to let them get Osama bin Laden, and how he had turned around and denied them when they called for backup on Sept 11.

There Must Be A Reckoning.  We should not be surprised in the least that Barack Hussein Obama and those fellow Committed Radicals that serve him, such as Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and Leon Panetta, did not, as it is now clear, care about the fate of any one of the Americans on the ground in Benghazi.  All that mattered [and all that still matters] to them is that nothing be allowed to disrupt the implementation of their plans for the fundamental transformation of The United States and the World.

Why the AC130s were grounded.  It's simple logic.  In Libya there is only one possible threat to an AC130 gunship:  surface to air missiles.  Thus this is the only way Panetta wasn't lying when he said that it was lack of information about the threat environment that kept him from sending defenders into "harm's way" in Benghazi.  He must have been afraid that the jihadists were lying in wait with surface to air missiles, and he had good reason to suspect such a ploy.

Rumsfeld on Benghazi's Knowns and Unknowns.  Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld spoke to Breitbart News about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, and the apparent cover-up that has followed as the administration struggled to spin the story.

What was Obama told at the September 10, 2012, NSC meeting on '9/11 threats'?  On the White House Web site, the president's calendar for September 10, 2012 — the day before the Benghazi, Libya, attack — is blank and and the daily press guidance says "The President has no public events scheduled."  But the president did have an important meeting that day.

Beyond Impeachment: Obama Treasonous over Benghazi.  Is it treason when you put your own reelection above the good of your country and the lives of its citizens?  If so, Barack Obama committed treason in leaving the four Americans to die in Benghazi. [...] Indeed, the discussion of Benghazi has just begun.  And don't be surprised if the conversation escalates from impeachment to treason very quickly.  In fact, if Obama wins reelection you can bet on it.  The cries of treason will be unstoppable.  Not even if the mainstream media will be able to deny them.

Questions for White House Over Benghazi Just Beginning.  If Ambassador Stevens was facilitating weapons transfers from Libya to Syrian Islamist forces aligned with al-Qaeda, via his Turkish alliance, then we are at a troubling, perhaps catastrophic point in this republic's history.  We have been at war with the Islamist hydra of al-Qaeda for more than a decade, and now sources are accusing a sitting president of arming this enemy.  18 USC § 2381 provides us with a legal threshold for treason:  Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.  Providing munitions to al-Qaeda-aligned Islamist forces would seem to meet that standard.  The Obama administration has the most damaging charge of all to which it must answer, and can be offered no quarter.

Was Obama in Charge — or Not?  There are no pictures of the president watching a live feed from the drone that was above Benghazi the night Ambassador Stevens was killed. [...] What we do have are reports that U.S. commandos, gunships, and other specialized forces were moved into position to come to the Americans' assistance.  Now, putting aside the fact that such deployments do not normally occur without the highest level of consultation within an administration, what we don't know is who made the ultimate decision not to deploy those forces into Benghazi.

Lack of strike force impeded Benghazi response.  As U.S. Africa Command waited for any order to rescue Americans on Sept. 11 at the besieged consulate and CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya, it was missing a key unit that the Pentagon gives every regional four-star commander — an emergency strike force.  The new command's lack of such a unit is another piece in the unfolding Benghazi timeline that shows an overriding theme:  As radical Islamic extremism swelled in the chaotic coastal city, U.S. security assets in Libya diminished.

Armed Services Chair Demands of Obama: Whom Did You Order to Do What on 9/11/12?  In light of President Obama's statement in an Oct. 26 interview that the "minute" he found out about the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11 he issued a directive to subordinates "to make sure we are securing our personnel," House Armed Services Chairman Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) has sent a letter to Obama demanding that he reveal exactly whom he ordered to do what on that day.

The Benghazi Story Refuses To Die, And It's Hurting The President.  As various departments and officials leak to save their careers and retaliate against rivals, grenades keep getting lobbed and emails and memos keep getting leaked.  The result is that the attack in Benghazi isn't fading out of the news.

Obama Fires Top Admiral For Advocating Libyan Rescue?  According to [a recent] report, yesterday (27 October) Obama ordered the immediate removal of Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette from his command of the powerful Carrier Strike Group Three (CSG-3) currently located in the Middle East.

Navy Replaces Admiral Leading Mideast Strike Group Because of Ongoing Investigation.  In an unusual move, the Navy has replaced an admiral commanding an aircraft carrier strike group while it is deployed to the Middle East.  The replacement was prompted by an Inspector General's investigation of allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment.

Navy replaces Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette pending probe outcome.  The U.S. Navy said Saturday [10/27/2012] it is replacing the admiral in command of an aircraft carrier strike group in the Middle East, pending the outcome of an internal investigation into undisclosed allegations of inappropriate judgment.

Why was Chris Stevens allowed to die?  What we need from Obama we will never get.  We need him to tell us why he allowed Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty to die.

Obama's Big Con: His Big Lies About Benghazi.  About an hour before the attack, the scene outside was calm enough for the American ambassador to accompany a Turkish official to the gates of the consulate to say goodbye.  This could hardly have happened if there were protesting mobs there.  Why then did both President Obama and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice keep repeating the story that this was a spontaneous protest riot against an anti-Islamic video in America?  The White House knew the facts — but they knew that the voting public did not.  And it mattered hugely whether the facts became known to the public before or after the election.  What the White House needed was a process of "cooling out" the voters, keeping them distracted or in uncertainty as long as possible.

If You Believe in this Country, Send a Check to Ty Woods' Family.  Our president may be a self-interested narcissist who goes to campaign and fund raise in Vegas when Americans under his watch are dying in Libya, but you and I — as patriotic citizens of this country, not to mention empathic humans — can behave differently.

Is there a Benghazi media coverup?  From the Rose Garden the day after the attack, President Obama declared, "we will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people."  Yet on Oct. 19, the New York Times reported that Ansar al-Shariah leader and suspected Benghazi ringleader Ahmed Abu Khattala was seen in a crowded Benghazi luxury hotel sipping mango juice as he claimed that no Libya authorities had questioned him and, by the way, he had no plans to go into hiding.

Accomplice Media, Three Years Later.  [Scroll down]  Simply, the Obama administration is interested only in the politics and optics of the situation and is more often than not trying to create a political advantage on the corpses of American lives.  So, here we are again and as more information comes out about Obama's direct culpability with the deaths of Americans, the Accomplice Media continues to talk about anything but.

Media Blackout: Aside from FOX, Sunday News Hosts Fail to Raise Benghazi.  The mainstream media's silence on the Benghazi disaster reached deafening levels on Sunday, as hosts of four out of the five major news shows — with the exception of Fox News Sunday — failed to raise the issue.  Only Bob Schieffer of CBS gave it serious consideration, and only after it was raised by Sen. John McCain.

Benghazigate: What is being lied about, going unasked?  Was this a gun-running operation?  Or some kind of October political theatrical gone bad?  People in [the Obama] administration lied to the public.  Should not a few resignations be on the president's desk?  Why isn't the president asking for them?

Help America Find the Truth Before the Election.  Details of the murderous terror attack on the Benghazi consulate/CIA safe house that took the lives of four U.S. citizens on September 11, 2012, are cloudy at best.  Despite the extraordinary nature of the event and its immense implications for the War on Terror and for U.S. foreign policy in general, most mainstream media outlets are devoting little or no attention to it.

Would Obama Incite Civil Unrest to Win?  Administration officials knew, on September 11, that the attack was in no way related to the airing of the obscure YouTube video, and that in fact there was no protest in Libya on that day.  In spite of this knowledge, they systematically cited the video as the primary source of the (nonexistent) protest in Benghazi and implied that the murderous attack grew spontaneously out of that protest.  The political fallout of that lie is devastating. [...] And it must not be forgotten that the inflammatory words with which Obama and his team carelessly stoked Muslim outrage, thereby needlessly endangering so many Arab and Western lives, were a calculated, bald-faced lie, and Obama knew it.  This lie, with all its resulting risk to human safety, was apparently judged to be worth it simply in order to shield Obama's re-election campaign from harm.

The Fog of Obama's Non-War.  The real issue is not how long the president took to call the assault on the U.S. consulate an "act of terror" — but that he still has not called it an act of war.  Plainly this is no oversight. [...] In President Obama's case, calling a textbook act of war by its rightful name would undermine a foreign policy based on a single idea:  He's the man who gets us out of wars, not into them.

Obama's Trust and Transparency.  Why does it take an investigation for President Obama to tell the American people what he knew and what he did or didn't do in response to calls for help from Americans under enemy fire in Benghazi?  It doesn't.  He's the gate keeper of his own mind.

Hurricane Sandy drowns coverage of White House scandals.  [Scroll down]  Fox News has cited unnamed U.S. sources in Libya who said rescue attempts were countermanded three times.  "If in fact [Obama] did issue such an order, and the order was not carried out by the military, then Congress needs to get to the bottom of it," said Republican Rep. Buck McKeon, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee.  "But I don't think he issued such an order. ... [He] did nothing to help our people on the ground," McKeon told Fox News on Monday [10/29/2012].

Is Obama's relentless use of the espionage act keeping whistle blowers silent?  In light of Americans who are demanding answers from the Obama administration on why four Americans were denied help for military assistance when the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi was under attack, there is little chance that any whistle-blower with first hand information will step forward as long as President Barack Obama is still in office.

Benghazi: Obama Emerges from the Fog of War.  Our ambassador to Libya was killed in our own consulate in Benghazi on the night of September 11.  For the next six weeks, President Obama repeated the same talking point:  The morning after the attack, he ordered increased security in our embassies in the region.  Suddenly, on the campaign trail in Denver on October 26, he changed his story.  "The minute I found out what was happening ... I gave the directive," he said, "to make sure we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to do.  I guarantee you everybody in the CIA and military knew the number-one priority was making sure our people are safe."

Was Benghazi Attack on U.S. Consulate an Inside Job?  The story of the night America lost its first ambassador since 1979 to violence is like a jigsaw puzzle — the pieces are fitting together slowly and the picture is emerging but is still not complete and might not be for months.  In trying to figure out the puzzle, U.S. investigators are not being helped by the lack of reliable information coming from Tripoli.  The inquiry that Libyan leaders promised the day after the attack has stalled.  Who's in charge?  No one really knows.

Benghazi coverage reveals we are all unprotected.  There are four scandals stemming from the murders in Benghazi, and the mainstream media's reluctance to cover them reveals a threat to us all.  Even as cables and emails continue to appear, most traditional media sources are downplaying or ignoring the Administration's failure to provide repeatedly requested and critically necessary security in Benghazi.  In the days before 9/11, there was a failure which left our ambassador and staff vulnerable.

Early briefings on Libya strike focused on Al Qaeda, before story changed.  Two days after the deadly Libya terror attack, representatives of the FBI and National Counterterrorism Center gave Capitol Hill briefings in which they said the evidence supported an Al Qaeda or Al Qaeda-affiliated attack, Fox News has learned.

Benghazigate: Chapter Two.  What more does anyone need to know than that Americans are under attack before ordering a military response to suppress the attack and possibly rescue our people?  Even if the initial response isn't exactly what you'd want it to be, even if you don't have every asset available that you might in a perfect world, isn't it your duty — whether you're a lowly second lieutenant or the Secretary of Defense — to do everything you can as quickly as you can?  Of course it is, at least unless you're President Obama and his minions.

Obama Tried to Establish Ties with the Mullahs.  For all those bewildered about why Barack Obama made no attempt to reach out to the democracy demonstrators dying in the streets of Tehran (shades of Benghazigate), it seems our president had his eyes set on a bigger prize — diplomatic relations with Iran's Islamofascist Mullahs.

Benghazi — October Surprise.  Two times the CIA operatives were told to "stand down" when they requested to go to the aid of the Ambassador and his team.  It has also come out that the two former SEALs who were murdered had gone against orders and rescued those who remained at the consulate along with the body of Sean Smith, who had been killed in the initial attack.  Given what can only be called a "cover-up" by the Obama Administration I sat down with one person I know and trust when it comes to matters of the CIA, Clare Lopez, Vice President of the Intelligence Summit.

Dempsey: Africa Command change not tied to Libya.  The top U.S. military officer is denying reports that Army Gen. Carter Ham's planned departure as head of U.S. Africa Command is linked to the Sept. 11 attack in Libya.

The Editor says...
The Editor suspects that the story immediately above is an Obama administration lie, of which there have been many.  Keep reading.

Is a General losing his job over Benghazi?  Is an American General losing his job for trying to save the Americans besieged in Benghazi?  This is the latest potential wrinkle in the growing scandal surrounding the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack that left four men dead and President Obama scrambling for a coherent explanation.

Stand-Down Order In Benghazi Attack Still A Mystery.  [Scroll down]  Curiously, Gen. Carter Ham, head of U.S. Africa Command, has been relieved of his post after only a year and a half on the job.  According to James S. Robbins in the Washington Times, Ham got the same emails regarding the terrorist attack by the al-Qaida linked Ansar al-Sharia and immediately began organizing a rescue attempt.  Gen. Ham is said to have told the Pentagon he had a rapid response team ready and was told to stand down.  Ham then reportedly said screw it, he was going to send help and was promptly told he was being relieved of his command.  Coincidence or cover-up?

Why the Benghazi buck must stop with Obama.  Obama must have been fully apprised of the situation in Benghazi.  If not, this was dereliction of duty.  And if Obama was fully apprised, then he must have asked what action, if any, was being taken (or contemplated) to help our people.  If he didn't ask, then again, this was dereliction of duty.  If Obama asked what action, if any, we were taking to help our people, he would have been told that we weren't going to deploy our military.  Presumably, Obama then asked for an explanation of this decision.  If he didn't, this was dereliction of duty.

Why Our Forces Were Told to 'Stand Down' in Benghazi.  What went wrong in Benghazi is the same thing that went wrong in Afghanistan.  It is the same thing that went wrong on the original September 11.  It is the same thing that has gone wrong throughout the War on Terror.  If we are to learn any lesson from what happened in Benghazi, it should be that American lives come before Muslim diplomacy and that any government which does not put American lives first, which does not take whatever measures are necessary to save their lives, regardless of what Muslims may think, is not an American government, but a post-American government.

The October Surprise in 2010.  To its eternal moral discredit, the MSM are still refusing to connect the dots on the Libya story.  Whereas during Watergate or Iran-Contra, the MSM were eager to dig deep, as well as make speculative leaps as to administration culpability, in Benghazi-gate there is no similar interest; the big-gun investigative reporters — Bob Woodward, Seymour Hersh, Brian Ross — all seem to be sitting on the sidelines.

Benghazi, Watergate and the sword of judgment.  We were told in the first days after the attack that the deaths were an unfortunate result of Muslim anger that had been fomented in Libya and elsewhere in the Middle East because of reaction to an amateurish YouTube video that mocked the founder of Islam.  This false story was trumpeted across cable news screens and in all of our nation's newspapers.  We were told that same story by UN Ambassador Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton and the State Department, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, and even two weeks later by President Obama when he addressed the United Nations.  Anyone who didn't toe the line was mercilessly mocked and vilified.

A Case Study In Incompetence.  Myriad are the failures of the Obama administration, but none is more tragic, or more frightening, or more foreboding of catastrophe than the appalling mishandling of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi.  Details continue to leak, but it'll be hard to top the bombshell from Fox News at week's end reporting that repeated urgent requests for military help during the attack were summarily denied — for hours.

Benghazi and the Lethal Price of Arming Jihadists.  Over the weekend, the newest, and by far the most disturbing, revelations surrounding the Benghazi attack were revealed.  Several sources have pointed to the possibility that a major CIA gun-running operation aimed at arming anti-Assad Al-Qaeda-affiliated forces was in danger of being exposed.  If true, the information casts an even more devastating pall over the Benghazi terrorist attack and the administration's botched handling of the region.

Andrew McCarthy's Guide for the Perplexed.  [W]hat happened in Libya — and, more to the point, how the administration has twisted, turned, equivocated, and lied about what happened and what its initial response to the crisis was — that is likely to put the final nail in the coffin of Obama's reelection bid.

American Drones Armed And Ready To Attack Benghazi Terrorists — But Obama Refused To Give Order?  Perhaps no more glaring example of today's media blackout is when NBC's David Gregory cut off a guest who attempted to raise the Benghazi issue by promising to "get to that later" and then ignoring the issue for the rest of his Sunday morning [10/28/2012] news show.

Why did Obama choose to "stand down" in Benghazi?  Who, then, made the several decisions denying help to the Americans in Benghazi who needed it?  Who, initially, told CIA to "stand down" in face of the attack?  Who decided that American defense forces an hour or two away in Southern Europe would not be deployed?  Bill Kristol argues that, at least with respect to not sending in the military, the decision must have been made by President Obama.  Given what was at stake — the safety of Americans, including an ambassador, in the face of an attack by hostile forces — Kristol surely is right.

U.S. Had Two Drones, AC-130 Gunship, and Targets Painted in Benghazi.  Reports indicate two drones and an AC-130 gunship were in the area when Benghazi was attacked, yet their resources were not used.  This runs completely against the current explanation coming out of the White House, which is that Obama did everything he could once he learned of the attack.

Obama needs to come clean on Benghazi.  The Benghazi debacle has three parts:  how we neglected security while al-Qaeda was building a presence in Libya; whether the administration tried to mislead the public as to the nature of the attack; and now whether the administration denied pleas for help from operatives on the ground at the consulate.

Let Them Hear Your Thunder America.  If you are increasingly upset over the Mainstream Media's refusal to honestly cover the Benghazi Massacre and cover-up in order to insulate Barack Obama and his failed administration from rightful blame, for the deaths of four Americans, I urge you now to let your feelings be known by those who control the networks.

Stand Down Obama and Biden, Stand Down.  The latest news coming out about the murder of our ambassador and three other brave Americans in Ben Ghazi is so horrifying and shocking I can take no pleasure in writing about it.  It's still largely unreported by the legacy media.  Fox News has been a leader and there's been some coverage at CNN by Anderson Cooper, but PBS and the alphabets have been doing their best to keep from you the incompetence, treachery and outrageous behavior of the President, Vice President, Secretaries of State and Defense.

Report: Obama Watched Libya Attack Live.  Retired Army Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer said Saturday [10/27/2012] on Fox News that sources told him President Barack Obama was in the White House Situation Room watching the assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya as it unfolded.  Two unarmed U.S. drones were dispatched to the consulate, recording and transmitting the final hours of the attack, which killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

Benghazi Witnesses: 150 Terrorists, No 'Spontaneous Protest'.  A new report from the Associated Press demonstrates the lies and prevarications of the Obama administration over the terrorist attack in Benghazi that ended with the murder of our ambassador and three other Americans.

McCain: Libya either a "cover up" or "incompetence".  [Senator John] McCain, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, has been one of the most vocal critics of the Obama administration on the Libya issue.  McCain said the "worst" aspects of the Libya aftermath are the "gross, gross, outrageous statements" made by administration officials, including the president, in the days after the attack.

White House Tries to Throw Military Under Bus.  Yesterday, the CIA insisted that "No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate."  The denial is in reference to the report that the CIA held back forces from helping the Americans who were under attack in Benghazi, Libya on 9/11.  And today [10/27/2012], the White House is making a similar claim.

You don't mess with the CIA.  You know who doesn't like getting thrown under the bus?  The CIA.  You know what the CIA does when you try to throw it under the bus?  They get even — quickly, quietly, and with fatal consequences.  That seems the most logical explanation for the torrent of information pouring out this week. [...] Make no mistake, though:  There is a massive cover-up under way in the White House.  Nothing else can explain the endless contradictions over the attack that left the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans dead.

Obama knew about the attack, ignored three requests for help.  The Benghazi debacle may yet make Mitt Romney president.  Barely 10 days before the election, the persistent whiff of scandal surrounding Barack Obama exploded into the banner headlines of a cover-up — at least among certain press outlets.  Everything changed Friday afternoon [10/26/2012] with the stunning revelations by Fox News that CIA operatives defending the embattled consulate in Benghazi, Libya, called three times for emergency assistance while the attack was in progress.  Each time, they were shamefully turned down.

Obama's September 11 Phone Call.  What was President Obama doing Tuesday evening, September 11, while Americans were under assault in Benghazi?  Which of his national security team did he meet with, whom did he speak with, what directives did he issue?  So far, the White House won't say.

Benghazi and Obama: the media is trying to shore up this desperate administration.  Here's one thing we can be sure of about the Benghazi affair:  almost everything we've been told since by the mainstream media is a lie, invariably one designed to shore up the creaky and desperate Obama administration.

Benghazi, Libya — Biopsy From a Malignant, Failed Presidency.  Whatever happened to Barack the world's smartest leader and incomparable statesman?  Those days are gone forever.  Instead, it would be impossible to catalog the staggering list of ill-advised, mistaken, foolish, naive and utterly inane decisions by Obama and his administration.  So, instead — let us use a single Obama catastrophe, the events of Libya — to critique and symbolize his failed tenure.  This is reasonable because every bad Barack habit and evil instinct is represented in this new American disaster.

Obama Knew Benghazi Was Terrorism And Did Nothing.  When President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton stepped into the Rose Garden the morning of Sept. 12, they likely knew the attack on our Benghazi consulate the day before was organized by terrorists.  They knew because they were likely privy to a flurry of emails among administration officials discussing the attack in real time.

White House Watched Benghazi Attacked And Didn't Respond.  Just one hour after the seven-hour-long terrorist attacks upon the U.S. consulate in Benghazi began, our commander-in-chief, vice president, secretary of defense and their national security team gathered together in the Oval Office listening to phone calls from American defenders desperately under siege and watching real-time video of developments from a drone circling over the site.  Yet they sent no military aid that might have intervened in time to save lives.  Why?

AC-130U Gunship was On-Scene in Benghazi, Obama Admin Refused to Let It Fire.  The AC-130U is a very effective third-generation fire-support aircraft, capable of continuous and extremely accurate fire onto multiple targets. It has been used numerous times in Iraq and Afghanistan to save pinned-down allied forces, and has even been credited with the surrender of the Taliban city of Kunduz.  It was purpose-built for a select number of specific mission types, including point-defense against enemy attack.  It was literally built for the kind of mission it could have engaged in over Benghazi, if the administration had let it fire.

Top 10 reasons to vote Obama out of office.  [#4]  The attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi — and the administration's incompetence after — is a dramatic example of the unraveling of Obama's entire approach to foreign policy.

Wanted For Manslaughter And Treachery.  When I heard that there's a very good chance that the White House as well as other members of the military knew what was going on, and obviously someone had to say, "Don't go rescue them."  Because every person in the military, their first response is, "We're going to go rescue them."  We need to find out who it was that gave that command."  So who gave that command?

The Fourth Estate's Shame.  The third and fourth stories on ABC News' web page, in relatively small print, relate to Benghazi and the president's shameful refusal to really answer questions about what happened there.  The lead story, in large headline type and with a picture?  "Sixth Sense: Mom Predicts Baby's Near-Fatal Illness"

Eli Lake Gets the Scoop.  If you've been following the story of the terror attacks in Benghazi and their scandalous fallout here at home, there's a good chance you've been reading Eli Lake's coverage at The Daily Beast.  Lake, the Beast's 40-year-old senior national-security correspondent, has been the indispensable reporter on the case.

The Omertà Administration.  On October 18, five weeks after terrorists attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, killing four Americans, President Obama told television host Jon Stewart that his administration had moved quickly to share all of the intelligence with the public.  "Everything we get, every piece of information we get — as we got it we laid it out for the American people."

Bigger than Watergate: Proof that the President is Lying about Benghazi?  The second worst feeling in the world has to be the platform crew being desperately asked for help, given a clear target and then having to stand down and watch your fellow Americans die.  The worst has to be the team on the ground knowing that the President just left you to die.

CBS Busts Obama — and Itself — in Benghazi Cover-Up.  CBS News has released a clip of an interview by Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes on Sep. 12 with President Barack Obama that indicates Obama knew the assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya was a premeditated terror attack — and suggests the White House later deceived the public by blaming protests against an anti-Islam video.  CBS chose not to air the clip for over a month — but did air Obama's attack on Romney that same night.

Obama Knew.   If what happened in Benghazi wasn't incompetence — was it ideology?  Did Sharia kill Ambassador Chris Stevens, Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, and two Navy SEALs?  And is Hillary Clinton's insistence yesterday that the leaked State Department e-mails were "not evidence" yet more evidence that indicates the Obama White House not only knew what was going on but deliberately turned a blind eye to Benghazi because of that ideology?

Obama's Fog of War.  There's been a whole lot written and said about Benghazi, but in my view, few are hitting the nail on the head.  What is really going on is that President Obama's worldview is collapsing in the face of reality, and even he can't prevaricate enough to sustain that view in the public's mind.

Obama avoids question on whether Americans in Libya were denied requests for help.  President Obama declined to answer directly whether a CIA annex was denied urgent requests for military assistance during the deadly attacks last month on U.S. outposts in Libya.  The president did not give a yes-or-no answer Friday when asked pointedly whether the Americans under attack in Benghazi, Libya, were denied requests for help during the attack.

Will Obama's Benghazi Cover-Up Succeed?  Barack Obama's prospects for re-election have been fading for some time now. [...] That's what happens when your record is so bad that you can't talk about it; not truthfully, anyway.  So it has been clear for a while that Obama's re-election hopes can't absorb another blow.  Which the Benghazi story, to the extent the facts get out, surely is.  That is why Obama made a decision early on to stop referring to the Benghazi debacle as a successful terrorist attack.

Mainstream media watchdogs are toothless covering Obama and Libya scandal.  The attack left the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans dead.  Subsequent conflicting accounts coming from the administration on how the White House responded, or didn't respond, are tailor-made for a full-blown media feeding frenzy.  Yet, the so-called media watchdogs so far have been mostly toothless.

If Reelected, Obama Should Be Impeached over Benghazi.  The scandal thus far has at least tarnished and quite possibly implicated everyone from the CIA director, to the secretaries of State and Defense, to the UN ambassador and, of course, the president himself — with no end in sight, because Obama, normally loath to expose himself and even less so in an election season, refuses to answer questions on the subject.  It's not the crime, but the cover-up, we learned in an earlier impeachment, only in this case the crime may be just as bad or worse.

Petraeus Throws Obama Under the BusSomeone decided not to send in military assets to help those Agency operators. Would the secretary of defense make such a decision on his own?  No.  It would have been a presidential decision.  There was presumably a rationale for such a decision.  What was it?

Media Blackout: Why Obama Dodged the Libya Question.  President Obama ran into a buzzsaw yesterday while doing a round-robin of satellite interviews with local news outlets in crucial swing states — and by "buzzsaw," I mean that rare form of species known as a "real reporter."  Kyle Clark of Colorado's KUSA actually asked Obama about the latest revelations out of Libya.  According to Fox News, the three requests for help made during the seven-hour attack on our consulate in Benghazi were met with orders from U.S. officials to "stand down."  Wisely, Obama dodged this question entirely.

Obama Sleeps While Americans Die.  America is now learning that despite the Obama administration's indignant reaction to a low-budget anti-Islam video which for two weeks was blamed for the loss of life in Benghazi, the White House was fully aware that what was happening was indeed a terrorist attack.  In the same Situation Room where Beyonce and Jay-Z had visited months earlier, the White House watched in real time, via unmanned Predator drone, for five of the seven hours that the four Americans struggled to stay alive.  In the end, President Obama chose to do nothing to stop it.

GOP on attack over new Benghazi emails.  "These emails make clear that your administration knew within two hours of the attack that it was a terrorist act and that Ansar al-Sharia, a Libyan militant group with links to al Qaeda, had claimed responsibility for it," the senators' letter states.  "This latest revelation only adds to the confusion surrounding what you and your administration knew about the attacks in Benghazi, when you knew it, and why you responded to those tragic events in the ways that you did."

White House told of militant claim two hours after Libya attack: emails.  Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.

Fallen Benghazi hero's father: the Administration is pushing "a pack of lies".  "I do not appreciate lies," said [Charles] Woods.  "I'm a loving person.  I love my son, and I want to honor him.  Facts are coming out right now.  The reason I am even speaking up, whatever the facts came out that in real-time... the White House, minutes after the first bullet was fired, they watch my son and they denied his request for help.[..."]

Father of SEAL killed in Benghazi reports what Hillary told him.  As far as I can tell, even now, the White House isn't treating the "spontaneous outrage over a YouTube movie" and "organized terrorist attack" narratives as mutually exclusive.  As recently as last week, long after the entire administration had finally gotten on board with the idea that this was in fact terrorism, the State Department was still looking at what role the Mohammed movie might have played in inspiring the attack.

Lawmakers press administration for Libya answers after email release.  Leading congressional lawmakers applied new pressure to the Obama administration Thursday [10/25/2012] for information on the Libya terror attack, after emails published this week showed top officials being told within hours that a local militant group had claimed responsibility.  Republicans are using the alert on Sept. 11, contained in State Department emails, to challenge initial claims by administration officials that attackers were reacting to protests over an anti-Islam film.

Brian Williams Treats Obama as a Victim of Bad Intelligence on Benghazi.  Even after all the e-mails and information has come out over the past few weeks proving dissembling by President Obama himself and other administration officials on what they knew about the Benghazi attack and how their public pronouncements did not match reality, NBC's Brian Williams, on Thursday's [10/25/2012] Rock Center, treated President Obama as a victim of bad intelligence who is struggling to find the truth.

Krauthammer: Lack of Benghazi media coverage 'a journalistic scandal'.  During the online portion of Fox News Channel's "Special Report" on Wednesday [10/24/2012], Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer used some particularly harsh words to describe the media's coverage of the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attack on the Benghazi embassy.  "This is really a journalistic scandal," Krauthammer said.  "I mean, the fact there was not a word about any of this in the Times or the Post today."

Boehner demands answers on Benghazi while Panetta warns of 'Monday morning quarterbacking'.  In a letter dated Thursday [10/25/2012], Boehner asked Obama to provide a public accounting for what the White House knew about the security concerns of murdered U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens and other Americans on-site in Libya and why the consulate was unable to receive the backup security it requested.

Panetta: Unclear early info slowed Benghazi response.  Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says the U.S. military did not intervene during the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya last month because it was over before the U.S. has sufficient information on which to act.

Lawmakers Grill Obama: Was Lax Security at U.S. Libya Post a Political Ploy?  As fallout from the deadly September 11 terror strike on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya continues to grab headlines, GOP lawmakers sent a letter to President Obama suggesting the Benghazi tragedy potentially could have been avoided or at least minimized if not for political posturing — an administration policy aimed at concealing the disastrous results of American military intervention there.  Now Congress wants answers.

Sources say counterterror chief reprimanded for calling Libya attack terror, White House denies.  Congressional sources tell Fox News that a top administration counterterrorism official was reprimanded by the White House last month after he testified that the Sept. 11 attack in Libya was terrorism.  The White House and the official are pushing back on the claim.  But the allegation would appear to raise questions about recent administration statements that they were labeling the attack terrorism from the start.

Why didn't President Obama tell the truth about what happened in Benghazi?  Turns out the White House, the State Department and the FBI were all told two hours after the September 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that an Islamic militant group had claimed responsibility.  Two hours.

Reuters: White House, State Dep't received e-mails within two hours of Benghazi attack about jihadi group taking credit.  The White House had plenty of reason to suspect more was going on than a protest that got out of hand, even from the very beginning.  But that would meddle with one of O's strongest reelection narratives, i.e. the president who demolished Al Qaeda, so we didn't hear about it until Eli Lake and CNN and Reuters all but dragged it out of him.

Email Alerts Describe 9/11 Benghazi Consulate Assault Unfolding.  A series of email alerts sent as Obama administration officials monitored the attack on the U.S consulate in Benghazi last month are the latest to shine light on the chaotic events that culminated in the death of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

White House Responds to Release of Real-Time Emails About Benghazi Attack.  The White House this morning [10/24/2012] attempted to down-play the significance of emails sent to top national security officials during the attack on the diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, one of which suggested a known terrorist group claimed credit for the attack in its immediate aftermath.

White House e-mails blow up its Libya cover story.  President Obama is playing the media and, in turn, the American people for fools on the Libya scandal.  Reporters and columnists who carried his water have been hung out to dry.  The White House cover story — namely that CIA got it all wrong and the White House (in urging us to believe the murder of four Americans was the result of a video riot gone bad) was telling us what it knew, when it knew — has been severely undercut.

Misleading America — and the World — On Purpose.  None of these stories were ever corrected by the administration despite it having reason to believe that, in fact, all these accounts were inaccurate.  Indeed, the administration sought to advance the narrative that a video was responsible by its focus, words and actions.  The President himself propagated the falsehoods with his speech to the United Nations on September 25.  Please note with care his assertion that "There is no video that justifies an attack on an embassy."

Hillary Clinton: 'We Are Holding Ourselves Accountable to the American People'.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — who repeatedly suggested that an obscure anti-Muslim video prompted the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi — on Wednesday [10/24/2012] was confronted with new reports that the Obama administration knew within two hours that the attack was launched by the terrorist group Ansar al-Sharia.

Libya E-mails Break; Morning Shows Minimize Pressure on Team Obama.  On Tuesday evening, CBS broke wide open a story on State Department e-mails showing the White House knew on September 11 that the consulate in Benghazi was subjected to a terrorist attack, and that terrorists took credit on Facebook and Twitter.  But by Wednesday [10/24/2012], the three network morning shows weren't leaping to follow up.

Obama's Benghazi Investigator: An Iran Sympathizer.  The freshly appointed chairman of a federal investigation into the Benghazi massacre is an apologist for Islamic terrorism who has a cozy relationship with Iran, the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism.

Did Obama Watch While They Fought for their Lives?  President Obama, our Commander-in-Chief, had military options available to try and save our men.  He could have had the drone armed with Hellfire missiles.  He could have scrambled fighter jets from Sicily to drive off the attackers.  He could have dropped in Special Forces.  He had seven hours to take action.  He did nothing.

Father of Slain Former SEAL, New Report, Raise Questions About Response to Benghazi Attack.  Charles Woods, the grieving father of one of the security officials killed in the terrorist attack on the U.S diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya — former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods — called into conservative media outlets this week, offering some unflattering descriptions of his interactions with the president and top officials of his administration.

"I Do Not Appreciate Cowardice, And I Do Not Appreciate Lies".  Today [10/26/2012], Woods returned to the program to react to breaking news exclusively reported by FOX revealing that officials denied military requests to provide assistance three separate times during the seven-hour attack on the consulate.  It was Tyrone Woods who disobeyed those orders to stand down in order to come to the aid of his fellow Americans ... and he paid the ultimate price.

Barack Obama is a Liar.  And it's not just Benghazi-gate, although that's a good place to start.  With the recently revealed emails showing that the White House was told a mere two hours after the attack that it was a terrorist act, no reasonable person can still conclude that the Obama administration was honest in its aftermath.  And the claim that the violence was sparked by some anti-Islamic film wasn't just a lie — it was a liar's lie.

The hidden real truth about Benghazi.  The failure to dispatch an extraction team or otherwise rescue the men during a firefight that lasted upwards of nine grueling and tortuous hours was not the result of any intelligence failure, but caused by our unwillingness to widen the conflict and expose the nature and scale of our true mission in Benghazi.

Was Susan Rice set up on Libya?  Rice was sent out in the days after the Benghazi, Libya, attacks to explain the administration's view of the crisis.  Clearly almost everything she said was untrue.  The subsequent revelations and the evolving stories are wildly different than what she earnestly offered on a full set of Sunday shows in the immediate aftermath of the crisis.

WH: 'We Decline to Comment' on When Obama Learned of E-Mails, Met With NSC on Benghazi.  The White House is declining to say when President Barack Obama first learned of three e-mails that the State Department sent to the White House on Sept. 11, 2012, directly notifying the Executive Office of the President that the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was under attack, that U.S. Amb. Chris Stevens was at the Benghazi mission at the time of the attack, and that the group Ansar al-Sharia had taken credit for the attack.

US military's response questioned in wake of deadly Libya consulate attack.  Shortly after the Sept. 11 attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya, the Pentagon responded by moving military assets into the region, but some former defense officials say it was too little, too late.  By the morning after the initial violence, Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were dead, victims of two separate assaults several hours apart.

Father of Slain SEAL: Who Made the Decision Not to Save My Son?  Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods, who was killed in the 9/11 terrorist attack at the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, reveals details of meeting Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton at the publically broadcast memorial service for the slain Americans at Andrews Air Force Base only days after the attack.  And, in a recent radio appearance, Woods publicly questions who made the call not to send in back-up forces to possibly save his son's life, as well as the three other Americans killed in Benghazi (which includes the American ambassador to Libya).

Lawmakers press administration for Libya answers after email release.  Leading congressional lawmakers applied new pressure to the Obama administration Thursday [10/25/2012] for information on the Libya terror attack, after emails published this week showed top officials being told within hours that a local militant group had claimed responsibility.  Republicans are using the alert on Sept. 11, contained in State Department emails, to challenge initial claims by administration officials that attackers were reacting to protests over an anti-Islam film.

CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say.  Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later on the annex itself was denied by the CIA chain of command — who also told the CIA operators twice to "stand down" rather than help the ambassador's team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.

Father of ex-SEAL: Those who denied request for help at consulate 'murderers of my son'.  The father of a former Navy SEAL killed in the Libya terror attack last month said Friday that U.S. officials who denied a request for help while the diplomatic compound in Benghazi was under attack "are murderers of my son."  Charles Woods was reacting to accounts by Fox News sources that a request from the CIA annex for backup was denied by U.S. officials.  His son, Tyrone Woods, was killed in the Sept. 11 assault.

Panetta: Unclear early info slowed Benghazi response.  Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says the U.S. military did not intervene during the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya last month because it was over before the U.S. has sufficient information on which to act.

Panetta Says Poor Intelligence Barred Forces to Benghazi.  Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said the U.S. military lacked intelligence needed to respond during the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, during which Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed.  "The basic principle is don't deploy into harm's way without knowing what's going on," Panetta said today at a Pentagon news conference.  He said he and top generals "felt very strongly" that deploying forces sooner wasn't the right option.

Report: Hillary Asked For More Security in Benghazi, Obama Said No.  Last night [10/25/2012], it was revealed that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had ordered more security at the U.S. mission in Benghazi before it was attacked where four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens were murdered by Al-Qaeda but President Obama denied the request.  The news broke on TheBlazeTV's "Wilkow!" hosted by Andrew Wilkow, by best-selling author, Ed Klein who said the legal counsel to Clinton had informed him of this information.

State Dept. Email to White House at 6:07 PM on 9/11/12: 'Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack'.  On Sept. 11, 2012, just two hours after the State Department first began notifying government agencies back in Washington — including the White House — that the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was under attack by armed men, State sent out an email that went to at least two people in the White House that said the group Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack. [...] This email also said nothing about a YouTube video or a spontaneous demonstration.

Fox News Obtains State Department Email: 'Benghazi Shelter Under Attack'.  Fox News has obtained an additional email sent by the State Department to diplomatic, security and military platforms about an attack on the shelter where Ambassador Chris Stevens and others were apparently hiding out during the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Libya and Lies.  It was a little much when President Barack Obama said that he was "offended" by the suggestion that his administration would try to deceive the public about what happened in Benghazi.  What has this man not deceived the public about? [...] As for what happened in Libya, the Obama administration says that there is an "investigation" under way.  An "on-going investigation" sounds so much better than "stonewalling" to get past election day.  But you can bet the rent money that this "investigation" will not be completed before election day.

Was Obama gun-walking arms to jihadists?
The real reason behind Benghazigate.  Thanks to intrepid investigative reporting — notably by Bret Baier and Catherine Herridge at Fox News, Aaron Klein at and Clare Lopez at — and information developed by congressional investigators, the mystery is beginning to unravel with regard to what happened that night and the reason for the subsequent, clumsy official cover-up now known as Benghazigate.  The evidence suggests that the Obama administration has not simply been engaging, legitimating, enriching and emboldening Islamists who have taken over or are ascendant in much of the Middle East.

The consequences of Obama's love of Islam.  [Scroll down]  Also, according to Shariah, it is a capital crime for a Muslim individual or leader to shoot Islamists for the purpose of protecting Americans. [...] That is why his administration had to settle for the lesser of the two evils:  to get Muslims, Libyan security, to guard the embassy; this way it would be Muslims who would have to shoot other Muslims to defend the consulate.  But that plan was useless because even the Muslim guards had to follow Shariah and ran away, leaving the Americans to be killed rather than violate Shariah themselves and kill other Muslims.

'Annex' hit in Libya terror attack was CIA post, officials say.  The Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi targeted more than just a State Department consulate.  One of the buildings hit was a covert CIA installation, U.S. officials told Fox News.  The now-abandoned American consulate in Benghazi was set a little more than a mile away from the CIA base.  Up to this point, that separate base was described by administration officials only as a "safe house" or "annex" to the nearby consulate.

Benghazi swept under rug.  What's the difference between Watergate and Benghazi?  Nobody died at Watergate.  Yet on the eve of last night's third and final presidential debate, the mainstream media were practically unanimous in their verdict on Benghazi.  Nothing to see here, folks.  Move along.

Obama's handling of Benghazi crisis suggests he's unfit to be president.  The narrative of an honest news media would be that what happened in Benghazi and the manner in which President Obama has acted in response to it is scandalous; that Benghazi has been a test of leadership and that Barack Obama has failed that test.  Of course, our media is not honest.

Military Insider: Ambassador Rice Just Confirmed Obama White House Lie.  In a recent interview with the very Obama-friendly Washington Post, Ambassador Susan Rice said something very interesting that would appear to confirm the belief that it was senior advisers within the Obama White House who told her to lie to the American public regarding the true nature of the Benghazi Massacre that killed four Americans — including a United States ambassador.

Obama's jihadist cover-up .  The Obama campaign keeps having to answer questions about White House reluctance to use the word "terrorism" in describing the Sept. 11 killing of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya.  The latest argument in Mr. Obama's defense is that he had no reason to conceal the attack's true nature.  We're to believe he was simply the victim of conflicting intelligence reports.  For this gambit to work, we'd have to forget the president's well-established pattern of going easy when discussing terrorists.

Rice blames intel talking points for faulty Libya story, lawmakers raise new questions.  U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice, in her first public comments on Libya since her controversial account days after the attack, blamed intelligence community talking points for the faulty narrative.  The light-on-details explanation Monday came as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took responsibility for any security failures leading up to the consulate attack last month.

Why Benghazi matters.  Why was the administration so eager to represent the Benghazi attack as a response to a YouTube video?  Pulitzer-worthy reporting by my Daily Beast colleague Eli Lake has established that U.S. intelligence quickly ascertained that the Benghazi attack had been planned in advance; that it was organized by an al-Qaeda affiliate group operating inside Libya; that the attackers had surveilled the targeted consulate before the assault; that they maintained communications security in a way consistent with a trained force; and that they directed their firepower skillfully not only against the consulate, but also against a nearby CIA annex.  Yet despite this knowledge, and with very rare exceptions, the administration for almost two weeks mischaracterized the incident.

Defiant insider: Benghazi attack clearly planned.  The Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was planned and "not spontaneous," a U.S. intelligence official has told The Washington Times.  The official's statement rebuts news reports that there is no evidence the attack was planned, even as the intelligence community says al Qaeda-linked militants carried out the deadly assault.  The official, who is not authorized to talk to the news media, asked to remain anonymous.

W.H. Tries to Write Al Qaeda Out of Libya Story.  The Obama administration appears to be mounting yet another version of its campaign to push back on claims that it misled on the intelligence related to the attacks in Benghazi on 9/11/12.  But the new offensive by the administration, which contradicts many of its earlier claims and simply disregards intelligence that complicates its case, is raising fresh questions in the intelligence community and on Capitol Hill about the manipulation of intelligence for political purposes.

First, Aid the Living.  Our diplomats fought for seven hours without any aid from outside the country.  Four Americans died while the Obama national-security team and our military passively watched and listened.  The administration is being criticized for ignoring security needs before the attack and for falsely attributing the assault to a mob.  But the most severe failure has gone unnoticed:  namely, a failure to aid the living.

A Special Forces family wants to know.  The aspect that turns our hearts and stomachs is the fact President Obama's people watched the attack for 5-6 hours and never "called in the Cavalry."  My husband was the Calvary, the Air Cavalry; he fought in Vietnam and still defends us.  Benghazi is a port city.  Why did folks not call in the Navy or Air Force for air strikes, or drones, or... I could go on and on.  They just sat and watched while brave men died.

US 'too slow' to act as drone's cam captured Libya horror.  The United States had an unmanned Predator drone over its consulate in Benghazi during the attack that slaughtered four Americans — which should have led to a quicker military response, it was revealed yesterday [10/20/2012].  "They stood, and they watched, and our people died," former CIA commander Gary Berntsen told CBS News.

Joe Klein: Benghazi Consulate Controversy 'The October Mirage - It Really Isn't An Issue'.  The Obama-loving media were out in force Sunday [10/21/2012] downplaying the significance of the White House's ever-changing position on the attacks on our consulate in Benghazi last month.

Intelligence Shows No Planning for Benghazi Consulate Attack.  The latest intelligence assessment of the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi indicates there was little if any pre-planning for it and that it was in part an opportunistic response to the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo.

Should Barack Obama Resign Tonight?  What I'd like to hear is Barack Obama resigning over Benghazi, the most extreme public mishandling of an attack on American personnel ever, certainly in my lifetime.  If I (or most people) had been president and something like that happened on my (our) watch — and then I had lied about it myself while urging others to cover up — I would be so ashamed of myself I wouldn't be able to come out in public.

More about the clamor for Obama's resignation.

Cutter: Libya Not A Foreign Policy Failure, Has Been A "Very Transparent Process".  "Every step of the way, as information is learned, as intelligence is approved of what happened on the ground that night, the president makes it available to members of Congress and to the public.  It's been a very transparent process and he's determined to bring whoever perpetrated this against the four Americans to justice," Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said on NBC's "Today" show this morning [10/22/2012].

New details emerge of deadly attack on US Consulate in Libya.  Nearly six weeks later, the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, that left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead is still shrouded in mystery.  A clearer outline of the attack, though, is emerging.  A credible witness tells Fox News that, prior to the attack, he heard a mob approaching the mission's front gate, chanting blood-thirsty slogans, before they broke in.  He said it was less like a demonstration and more like a warm-up to battle.

Panel questions motives in Benghazi security moves.  The Obama administration rejected requests for more security in Benghazi amid growing signs of terror threats because it wanted to portray Libya as a calm country and foreign policy success, according to leaders of the House Oversight Committee.  The administration "made a policy decision to put Libya into a 'normalized' country status as quickly as possible," starting in November, stated a letter to President Obama from Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa and National Security Subcommittee Chairman Jason Chaffetz.

The Three Benghazi Timelines We Need Answers About.  Much remains unknown about the terrorist attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans on Sept. 11.  To fill in those gaps, three separate probes — by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the State Department's Accountability Review Board, and various congressional committees — are now under way.

What really went wrong in Benghazi.  Romney's thrust has been that officials downplayed the events as a terrorist attack to minimize political damage.  With some evidence, Obama has denied the charge, but the administration has been at a complete loss to tell a coherent story.  The President and Secretary of State Clinton said they take full responsibility — but for what, exactly, is unclear.

Krauthammer: White House 'lied' on Libya because they had 'the media in their pocket'.  On Friday night's [10/19/2012] broadcast of "Hannity" on the Fox News Channel, host Sean Hannity asked Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer why the White House waited so long to acknowledge that the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi was a pre-planned terrorist strike.  According to Krauthammer, the Obama administration delayed announcing the news primarily to protect the president's image on foreign policy.

Drones were circling above U.S. consulate during Libya attack.  American drones were in the skies above the U.S. consulate in Benghazi as the deadly attack that killed ambassador Christopher Stevens unfolded, it has been revealed.  Defense department officials considered sending troops in to rescue the ambassador and staff, according to CBS News, but ultimately decided not to.

Benghazi just tip of O's terror problem.  The real issue isn't whether President Obama used the word "terror" the day after the Benghazi terror attack, but whether Obama truly comprehends the Islamist terror threat to America and the West.

Obama Is Right.  Hillary has now accepted full responsibility for the Libyan debacle, but which is a more damning reality:  Obama is incompetent, or he's woefully uninformed?  It seems like a wash to me.  On the anniversary of 9/11, our ambassador, lured to Benghazi for assassination, went missing while the consulate was under attack... and Barack went to bed.  The next morning, with our ambassador dead, Barack flew to Vegas — that's not even leading from behind.  Who would have ever thought that "leading from behind" would be setting the bar too high?

To Save Obama, Democrats Renew Criticism of Intelligence Community.  Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA), who serves with [Rep. Jan] Schakowsky on the intelligence committee, said that Schakowsky's memory of what the committee had been told was incorrect.  "If anybody is trying to politicize this thing, it's Rep. Schakowsky by twisting the intelligence to help the president's reelection chances," he told Breitbart News.  "That's very dangerous.  Her comments do not reflect what we were told."

Incommunicado.  The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee is demanding answers from four senior United States military officers about whether there was advance warning of terrorist threats and the need for greater security prior to last month's terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.  However, an aide to the chairman, Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, (R., Calif.), said the office of secretary of defense Leon Panetta blocked the senior officers from providing the answers last night [10/18/2012].

Benghazi: What Did The President Know And When Did He Know It?  America's slain ambassador in Libya repeatedly sought security which went unheeded, new documents show.  The CIA, meanwhile, told Washington within 24 hours that the Benghazi attack was terrorism.  So where was our president?

Senators to Obama: Stop the Leaks.  Republican lawmakers on the Senate Intelligence Committee are warning the Obama administration against leaking classified information as it seeks to bolster its national security bona fides in the wake of a deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya that left four Americans dead.  The intelligence leaks could jeopardize American efforts to capture or kill those responsible for the raid that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens, the lawmakers wrote Friday in a letter to the Obama administration and its national security officials.

WSJ Circles Wagons: Blames Benghazi-Gate on Intelligence Community.  It appears Obama surrogates in the mainstream media are circling the wagons in the days leading up to the Oct. 22 foreign policy debate.  Case in point — the Wall Street Journal's Oct 18 report providing a smokescreen for U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice.

Five weeks on, confusion and contradictions on Benghazi suspects.  Five weeks after terrorists stormed the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, confusion over the nature of the attack, the extent to which it was planned and the identity of the perpetrators seems as pervasive as ever.  The latest in the conflicting reports coming out of the country:  the naming of Ahmed Abu Khattala as a suspect in the assault that left four Americans dead.

Obama yet to confirm 'terrorist' act in Libya.  Despite numerous public events including a speech at the United Nations and two presidential debates, President Obama still hasn't publicly and plainly acknowledged to Americans that terrorists killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Libya on Sept. 11.  Others in his administration have said it, belatedly.  But in the five weeks since the attack, Mr. Obama has skirted the issue, seemingly determined to avoid talking publicly about the nature of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.

Clinton, Obama Try to Rewrite History on Benghazi.  For more than a month, Obama Administration officials have shifted blame for lack of intelligence or diplomatic security in Benghazi, Libya, where terrorist attacks on September 11 killed four Americans.  But now, all of a sudden, both Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and — during last night's presidential debate — President Obama himself have decided to claim ultimate responsibility.  These claims seem perfunctory, do not bear any consequences for either Clinton or Obama, and come more than a month too late.

There Were No 'Demonstrations' at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.  Concerning the terrorist assault on our consulate in Benghazi, David Ignatius of the Washington Post on 19 October wrote a column defending U.N. ambassador Susan Rice.  He pointed out that Rice had been given CIA "talking points" that read, "...the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo."  What Ignatius fails to mention is that there were no demonstrations.

They Didn't Riot over This Video.  After nearly a month of cringing and getting lost in their own contradictions, the Obama administration is finally clinging to an elliptical mention by the president of "acts of terror" that he claims won't deter us from doing whatever we are supposed to do in the Mideast.  What was it we were supposed to be doing over there?  Oh, supporting democracy, of course.  But democracy in a country where "freedom fighters" roar into town shooting their rifles in the air is going to be hard to achieve.

Benghazi: Obama and His Ilk Hung Chris Stevens and Others Out to Dry.  This past Friday [10/19/2012] the State Department released internal docs showing that Chris Stevens, U.S. Ambassador to hell's corridor in Libya, begged Obama's boys in D.C. to ramp up security in Benghazi.  And, as we all know now, he got nothing from the State Department but was allowed to be tortured and murdered by "democracy seekers" from the "Religion of Peace" in the "liberated" nation of Libya.  As far as I am concerned, blood is dripping from Obama's golf-gloved campaign hands.

U.S. description of Benghazi attacks, at first cautious, changed after 3 days.  In the first 48 hours after the deadly Sept. 11 attacks on U.S. diplomatic outposts in Libya, senior Obama administration officials strongly alluded to a terrorist assault and repeatedly declined to link it to an anti-Muslim video that drew protests elsewhere in the region, transcripts of briefings show.  The administration's initial accounts, however, changed dramatically in the following days [...]

It's Not Just Obama's Lies — It's the Premise of Obama's Lies.  For weeks, Obama and his minions attempted to hoodwink the country into believing that the murders of our ambassador and three other Americans were triggered when Muslim protests over a "movie" virtually no one had seen spontaneously erupted into rioting.  In fact, these Americans were killed precisely because Obama's high-priority policy of embracing Islamists, in Libya and elsewhere, has empowered al-Qaeda and other Muslim militants.

Ryan says Obama stonewalling on Libya questions.  Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan slammed President Barack Obama on Friday for describing response to the deadly attack in Libya as "not optimal" and said the White House is misleading the country in the face of mounting questions.

President Obama To Jon Stewart: Americans Getting Killed In Libya Is 'Not Optimal'.  President Obama dropped by The Daily Show earlier today [10/18/2012] for an interview scheduled to air later tonight.  One of the exchanges that has been already highlighted by news reports was Jon Stewart bringing up the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and the administration's mixed responses to it.  Obama told Stewart that "four Americans get[ting] killed... is not optimal," and pushed back on the idea that there was any confusion over the cause of the attacks.

'Some of the people looked me right in the eye and lied to me'.  The mother of an American diplomat killed during a terrorist raid on the U.S. consulate in Libya has renewed her attacks on Barack Obama after the President's appearance on The Daily Show.  Pat Smith, whose son Sean died in the raid in Benghazi, spoke of her anger to the New York Post after the President told Jon Stewart that her son's death was not 'optimal' on Thursday night [10/18/2012].

Our less than optimal president.  Jon Stewart has found a way to get conservatives to care about the "Daily Show" — have Barack Obama insult American victims of terrorism.

What Didn't He Know and When Didn't He Know It?  Well, isn't this just the last thing we need:  a bunch of Republicans trying to make a big election about a bunch of small, non-optimal stuff?  Take Benghazi, for example; suddenly — and "conveniently" just ahead of the Foreign Affairs Debate — the drumbeat of "cover-up" surrounding the  colossal screw-up  tragedy at our embassy has begun.  You can practically hear the rumble all up and down the Potomac:  "What didn't he know, and when didn't he know it?"

Obama: 4 Dead Americans in Libya 'not optimal'.  The president reveals a disturbing callousness toward our war dead on yet another talk show.

What's Not Optimal:
  •   Having a president who perpetuates a falsehood to the American people about the cause of a terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of four Americans.
  •   Having a president who uses $70,000 of taxpayers' money to promote that falsehood on Pakistani television.
  •   Having a president who broadcasts that falsehood to the world using the megaphone of a speech before the U.N. General Assembly.
  •   Having a president who repeats the falsehood in front of the caskets of the four Americans killed in Benghazi.

Day after Libya attack, CIA found militant links.  The CIA station chief in Libya reported to Washington within 24 hours of last month's deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate that there was evidence it was carried out by militants, not a spontaneous mob upset about an American-made video ridiculing Islam's Prophet Muhammad, U.S. officials have told The Associated Press.

Obama Doctrine: Benghazi Guards Never Taught How to Shoot Guns.  One of the members of the "Special Protection Unit" guarding the Benghazi consulate states that the unit had never been given shooting lessons.

'My son is not very optimal — he is very dead'.  The mother of an American diplomat killed during a terrorist raid on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi has hit out at Barack Obama for describing the attack as 'not optimal', saying: 'My son is not very optimal — he is also very dead.'  During an interview shown on Comedy Central, Obama responded to a question about his administration's confused communication after the assault by saying:  'If four Americans get killed, it's not optimal.'

Obama Supporters Clueless About the Benghazi Attack.  This is how Obama got elected the first time.  And if he gets reelected, one big reason will be the this, the unbelievable ignorance of the average voter.

The Murders in Libya, The Presidential Debate, and The Pattern of Obama Foreign Policy.  The official story of what led up to the attack is just plain weird.  Supposedly, the U.S. ambassador arrived back in the country and immediately ran off to Benghazi virtually by himself allegedly to investigate building a new school and a hospital there yet without any real security.  His protection was to be provided by relatively untrained Libyans who a few months earlier had been rebels in the civil war.  It is quite true that the State Department and ultimately Secretary of State Hillary Clinton bear responsibility for the ambassador being in Benghazi and for ensuring his protection.  The president would not be consulted on such a "minor" event. But the story hinges on why the ambassador was in Benghazi that day.

Krauthammer: 'Media Had To Be Shamed By Fox News Into Looking Into' Benghazi Attack.  During a Fox News Special Report segment about this matter and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's assertion that the buck stops with her on Benghazi, Krauthammer said, "The media had to be shamed by Fox News into looking into this in the first place".

The Un-President.  The Bush-did-it narrative was a banality by the time of the debates.  Then came Benghazi.  Within days, the political question at the center of the incident was: What did the White House know and when did it know it?  No matter one's politics, it became impossible not to see that the White House was intent on putting "distance" between the president and responsibility for the security breaches.

Asking questions about Benghazi isn't 'playing politics'.  In Tuesday's debate, President Barack Obama proclaimed he was offended by any suggestion that politics influenced his administration's account of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya.  Well, Obama can shout his anger to the rooftops, but that doesn't relieve him of accountability for his handling of the Benghazi incident.

Political Ad Destroys Obama's History Rewrite about Libya.  This ad by Karl Rove's American Crossroads needs to be shared with everyone you know.

More evidence of deception.  [Scroll down]  So there was no actual meeting of the National Security Council at which everyone could share information and get on the same page?  (David Axelrod has refused to say.)  It doesn't sound like it.  But you know Obama was busy that day — flying to Las Vegas for a campaign event.  So really, why have a meeting?  Well, the weeks of confusion and dissembling that followed should answer that.  Moreover, if he actually did instruct his team to heighten protection for the Libya Consulate, why was the consulate left unsecured so that CNN could waltz in to grab Ambassador Chris Stevens's diary?

Romney trapped Obama in the Second Debate.  While Romney might not have had 100% alpha male domination over the answer, what he did that seems to be overlooked by way too many, was to expose the President as a liar and not just a misspeaker on an issue everyone is talking about.  And, this is not just conjecture or spin.  We have the ironclad transcript and video of Obama asserting this was a spontaneous demonstration — directly contradicting his statement at the debate.  Yet, he brazenly reaffirmed at the debate that he said it was an act of terror.

Team Obama off-balance.  Yesterday [10/17/2012], the administration and the campaign fought back against the conclusion that both the president and moderator Candy Crowley had gotten it wrong when they insisted the president labeled Benghazi a terror attack on Sept. 12.  Why in the world would the Obama team insist on this narrative?  It is worse for the president.  If Obama figured out in a day that this was a planned terrorist attack, why was Jay Carney sent out on Sept. 14 to insist it was all about an anti-Muslim video?

More about Candy Crowley's shameless bias in the second Presidential Debate.

Critics slam White House on Benghazi attack.  Critics assailed the White House on Tuesday [10/16/2012] for repeatedly refusing to explain lax security at the consulate in Libya and whether it deliberately withheld information from the public indicating the attack there had ties to a terrorist group.

Benghazi: Emperor Obama's Waterloo?  It is now obvious that the U.S. government's original story about the Benghazi consulate attack, delivered by its two heaviest hitters, the president and secretary of state, was false, and, more importantly, that it was intended to deceive.  How can Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton outrun the scandal that now chases them, a scandal that makes Watergate look like cheating at tiddlywinks?  As if "Fast and Furious" weren't enough, the administration now gives America "Slow and Spurious."

Bam's Benghazi bull: case closed.  Let's review: After a brief statement deploring the loss of life on Sept. 12, Obama and his flunkies (Press Secretary Jay Carney, UN Ambassador Susan Rice) put on a prolonged full-court press to convince the American people that an obscure You Tube video, "Innocence of Muslims" — which had been out for months — was the cause of a wave of violence that swept the Islamic world on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, including the Benghazi attack.  Rice made a sweep of the Sunday shows a few days later to argue that an "insult" to Islam's prophet was the cause of all the carnage across the region.

A bright and shining Libyan lie.  Almost everything we have been told about Libya over the last two years is untrue.  A free Libya was supposed to be proof of President Obama's enlightened reset Middle East policy. [...] To keep that shining message viable until the November election, the Obama administration and the media had been willing to overlook or mischaracterize all sorts of disturbing events.

State Department hasn't ruled out role of anti-Islam video in Libya strike, sources say.  The State Department has not ruled out the possibility that the deadly terrorist attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, were motivated by an anti-Islamic video, despite a growing chorus of criticism over the Obama administration's initial claims that the violence was a "spontaneous" outgrowth of a protest over the video.

Hillary's non mea culpa.  [Scroll down]  It was, at best, a late and half-hearted admission of culpability.  Indeed, President Obama waited weeks before dropping the administration's false story — which he floated in the Rose Garden, at the United Nations, on "The View" and on "The Letterman Show" — that the attack was the result of a spontaneous uprising and not an al Qaida-linked terrorist attack.

Obama cites Benghazi phone call with national security team — but no meeting.  On Tuesday night [10/16/2012], President Barack Obama said he called up his national security team by phone while the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was being attacked, but did not say that he held a meeting before he flew to a fundraiser in Las Vegas.

Hillary Makes the Smartest Political Move of this Cycle.  [Scroll down]  It undermines Obama by making her look strong, and [Obama] look weak.  He is now forced to make some kind of statement second as a response.  It's the 3 AM phone call with her answering while he goes to Vegas.

The Democrats assemble a circular firing squad as Libya recriminations escalate.  It was inevitable, as soon as Team HopenChange tried to throw Hillary Clinton under the Benghazi bus, you just knew she wouldn't go quietly.

Hillary Clinton Plays Fall Guy On Libya, But Buck Stops At Obama.  Less than a month before elections, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took one for the Obama team, declaring that she bore "full responsibility" for the absence of security at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, ahead of Sept. 11's terrorist attack that left a U.S. envoy and three other Americans dead.  Nice try, but the buck stops at the president.

Passing the buck on Benghazi.  Mrs. Clinton said she was taking responsibility to avoid a political "gotcha."  The Benghazi tragedy was far more than just a "bump in the road," as President Obama described it.  If Mrs. Clinton wants to accept the blame, she also should accept the consequences.

What a Cover-Up Looks Like.  The big problem with the scandal now becoming known as "BenghaziGate" is that the Obama administration evidently decided to tell The Big Lie from the start, and so many officials repeated that lie so often that, once it became obvious they were lying, coming up with a plausible new lie was difficult.  Ultimately, however, their problem is not their shifting lies, but rather the ugly truth of the administration's failure.

Crowley: Obama Took 17 Days to Claim Benghazi Was Terror Attack.  On CNN's "State of the Union" on September 30, Candy Crowley asked Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) why he thought it took the administration 17 days after the Benghazi attacks to give a "sort of definitive statement" that terrorists orchestrated the attacks.  While moderating Tuesday's debate, Crowley forgot the timeline and facts she commanded two weeks earlier, and she inexplicably took President Obama's side[...]

Candy Crowley: He Was Right.  After the debate [10/16/2012], debate moderator Candy Crowley said Republican nominee Mitt Romney was "right in the main" but "picked the wrong word" on the Obama administration's immediate response to the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead.  Crowley interrupted Romney during the debate, insisting that President Obama had in fact called the attack an "act of terror."

Candy Crowley Disgraces Herself With Outrageous Tagteam Hit on Romney Over Libya.  CNN correspondent and second presidential debate moderator Candy Crowley disgraced herself tonight, repeatedly intervening to save a floundering President Obama and showing why many Americans were rightfully suspicious of her ability to moderate a presidential debate fairly.  Her most outrageous act tonight was her incorrect seconding of Obama's statement that he declared the Libya terrorist attacks to be "terror."

Don't Worry, Be Happy.  Whatever marginal help President Obama got from Candy Crowley's wrong-headed intervention re Libya will dissipate in the morning air, as the stenographers in the MSM contemplate the question:  If Obama knew it was terrorism on Day Two, then why did his administration continue to blame the video for days afterward?

Moderator Crowley helps Obama rebut Romney on Libya.  President Obama had the help of moderator Candy Crowley during Tuesday's second presidential debate when rebutting an argument from Mitt Romney about his administration's response to last month's attack in Libya.  Romney and congressional Republicans for weeks have been lambasting the president for taking too long to qualify the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that left four Americans dead on Sept. 11 as a result of terrorism.

Yes, They Played Politics on Libya.  We have yet to discover exactly what President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice knew about Libya and when they knew it as well as why the consulate's requests for security were denied and who made that decision.  The president was asked a direct question about that at Hofstra and chose not to answer it.

Obama's Candy.  Obama savored his "victory" in [the second presidential debate], but it was a hollow and disturbing one.  Either he already knew it was an act of premeditated terrorism — in which case he proceeded to lie for two weeks about that on The View, David Letterman, and at the UN — or that generalized Rose Garden reference to an "act of terror" simply meant a spontaneous act of terror by demonstrators worked up about a YouTube video, in which case he was demanding credit from Crowley for nothing more than incompetence and cluelessness.

Obama 2010: 'Ultimately the buck stops with me' on security issues.  Hillary Clinton stepped forward last night [10/15/2012] to take responsibility for the lack of security at the Benghazi embassy, but remember when "the buck stopped" with President Obama?

Hillary takes "responsibility" for Benghazi, so you can all shut up now.  We've now had five weeks of cover stories, backpedalling on the cover stories, ridiculous excuses for the backpedalling on the cover stories, insultingly stupid lies about the ridiculous excuses for the backpedalling on the cover stories, and so on.  And after all that, we finally have a definitive answer about the Benghazi debacle:  It was Hillary's fault, sort of.

Will Hillary resign?  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has stepped forward to say she accepts responsibility for the fact that our consulate in Benghazi was refused enhanced security.  This is another example of her willingness to take one for the team.  But what does it mean?  Will she "accept responsibility" by resigning her office?  This is what is meant by accepting responsibility in most parliamentary democracies.  As secretary of state, she surely knows that any of her NATO colleagues who accepted responsibility for such a debacle would immediately surrender his office.

Never mind: Obama is "responsible" for Benghazi (for now).  We still don't know what anybody in this administration considers "responsibility."  We don't know why they ignored the copious warnings of an impending attack in Benghazi.  We don't know why they actually reduced security there.  We don't know whose idea it was to blame the attack on a dumb YouTube video that had nothing to do with it, when they knew it had nothing to do with it.  We don't know why Obama still refuses to call it a terrorist attack.

Republican party chairman rebuffs Clinton's attempt to take the fall.  Republicans are showing no sign of letting up on President Barack Obama over the death of four U.S. officials in Benghazi despite Hillary Clinton, his Secretary of State, taking 'responsibility' for the debacle.

Hillary in 2008: "That buck stopped in the Oval Office".  Who could have predicted four years ago that electing a President with no executive experience might end up producing a chief executive that ran away from responsibility for his administration's actions?  The same woman who just took responsibility for this administration's failures in Benghazi, as it turns out.

Rep. King: Al Qaeda a greater threat now than before 9/11.  Mr. King said that the Obama administration's evolving story over the recent events in Libya has unfolded because immediately labeling the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi an act of terrorism would undercut the administration's message that al Qaeda, a terrorist group, has been decimated.

The lies pile up on Benghazi.  The killing of a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans in Libya on the anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks has turned into a massive scandal that threatens to unravel in the final three weeks of the 2012 presidential campaign.

Hillary Falls On Her Sword Over Benghazi.  Late this afternoon [10/15/2012], Elise Labott of CNN reported that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had told her that she "takes responsibility" for security problems at the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, resulting in the murder of our ambassador and three other Americans.  Clinton, who is hiding out in Peru while this blows over, took to the microphone to throw herself on the sword.

When Did Obama First Meet with NSC After Benghazi? WH Isn't Saying  The White House isn't saying when President Barack Obama first met with his National Security Council to discuss the terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans, including U.S. Amb. Chris Stevens.  On Monday, asked the White House:  "'At what hour on what day did President Obama first meet with the National Security Council to discuss what had happened in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012?"

Sens. McCain, Graham, Ayotte: Buck Still Stops with Obama.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fell on her sword on Monday and took "responsibility" for the lack of security in Libya leading up the terrorist attacks.  In response, Republican Senators John McCain (AZ), Lindsay Graham (SC), and Kelly Ayotte (NH) said while Clinton made a "laudable gesture" with her remarks, the buck still stopped with President Barack Obama at the White House.

Retired Army Major [Questions] Obama Surrogate's Libya Claims.  During an Oct. 14 appearance on Meet the Press, former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D) tried to take the heat off Obama/Biden by claiming that the requests for security in Libya were not made for Benghazi but for Tripoli.

The buck stops at Foggy Bottom?  On the eve of the second of the presidential debates all hell broke loose.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, from Peru no less and safely after the evening news broadcasts here in the United States, announced that she takes "responsibility" for the Benghazi security debacle.  It was intentionally left vague for what part of the fiasco she was taking responsibility (e.g. refusing to send Marine guards, not alerting the president that Libya had become an al-Qaeda-infested, non-functioning state).

Benghazigate.  The White House and Obama's media cohort believe they now have the Benghazi consulate attack story under control.  They have, they think, established two foundation points of the narrative that relieve Obama of any responsibility for the events and their aftermath.

Hillary Clinton: I take responsibility for Benghazi attack.  Hillary Clinton has said she takes full responsibility for the security failures that led to the death of the US ambassador to Libya, an admission designed to draw criticism away from Barack Obama in the final weeks of the election.

Hillary takes responsibility for Benghazi, sort of.  The big story this evening is that Hillary Clinton has "taken responsibility" for what happened in Benghazi.  According to CNN reporter Elise Labott, Clinton said that it is "her State Department"; that the buck stops with her; and that she "take[s] responsibility." [...] But she added that "the decisions about security are made by security professionals."  This statement appears to shift blame to these professionals.

No, Hillary. Benghazi Will Not Go Away.  Off in Lima, Peru — at least it wasn't Antarctica or the Aleutian Islands — Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has fallen on the proverbial sword long distance, declaring the buck the stops with her on the Benghazi security debacle.  That's all well and good, but where does the buck stop on all the lying and covering up that followed?

Never Count a Clinton Out.  Anyone who watched the Clintons throughout the '90's know that both of them are willing to evade accountability and responsibility to a virtually unbelievable degree if they perceive that doing so is to their political advantage.  It wasn't that she was worn down.  Hillary must have realized that by doing what she did, she at least takes some steps to salvage her own credibility — while simultaneously heaving Obama and Biden under the bus they were aiming toward her.

Fresh scapegoats.  How is the Obama White House going to fit the entire State Department and the intelligence community under the bus?  Last month's Benghazi fiasco saw four Americans — including our ambassador to Libya — murdered by elements of al Qaeda in a military-style assault timed to coincide with the 11th anniversary of 9/11.  The weeks afterward saw the administration blaming a video that, even the White House now admits, had nothing to do with it.

Obama White House Sharpens Blade Upon The Neck Of Clinton State Department.  A highly defensive and finger pointing David Axelrod pushed off claims President Obama knew the real story of the Benghazi Massacre before the president and his administration repeatedly told the American people and members of Congress otherwise.  The question now appears to be who within the State Department will be given up as the sacrifricial lamb — all in the effort to insulate Barack Obama himself from any and all responsibility for the deaths of four Americans — including the first U.S. ambassador to be killed since the Carter administration.

It's scary, how much the New York Times is in the tank for Obama over Libya.  Radio talk show host and Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham was right when she confronted New York Times political reporter Jeff Zeleny on the set of "Fox News Sunday" this weekend:  "I would hope that the New York Times, as they camped outside of Scooter Libby's house during the whole Valerie Plame thing — are you guys camped out of the Susan Rice residence?"  She said, "This is ridiculous and I think the press is partly culpable here."  And she wasn't alone in voicing that sentiment.

Hillary's sinking ship.  Two and a half weeks ago I wrote a column for Fox News Opinion calling on Hillary Clinton to quit as Secretary of State.  As more information comes out about what really led to ambassador Chris Stevens's death on September 11, we're hearing growing murmurs demanding the same thing.  It's not a full-throated chorus yet.  But yesterday's hearings in front of the House Government Oversight Committee are encouraging others to join in.

The Big Lie: Obama Did Not Call Benghazi Attack Terrorism on Sep. 12.  For several days, and again on this week's Sunday morning shows, President Barack Obama's spokespeople, both at the White House and at the Obama campaign, have claimed that he called the Benghazi attack "terrorism" from the outset, in his Sep. 12 address from the Rose Garden.  The media have pushed back, noting that the White House rejected terrorism as an explanation in the days that followed.  But there is an even simpler reason to reject the Obama camp's explanation:  it is a demonstrable lie, as a reading of Obama's actual remarks instantly reveals.

51% Think Ambassador's Murder Will Hurt Obama At the Polls.  Voters are now more critical of how the Obama administration has handled the situation in Libya, including the murder of the U.S. ambassador there, and most think it will hurt President Obama's chances for reelection.

Issa: State Dept. sitting on $2 billion-plus for embassy security.  Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) says the State Department is sitting on $2.2 billion that should be spent on upgrading security at U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide, but the Obama administration will not spend the funds.  Issa made his comment during an appearance on CBS's "Face the Nation" to discuss the recent attack in Benghazi, Libya, that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead.  Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, held a highly partisan hearing on the incident last week.

State Dept. pushed back on White House's Libya claims.  The Department of State is pushing back against top White House aides who have tried to blame it for not doing enough to defend the facility in Benghazi, Libya, prior to the Sept. 11 jihad attack.  On Friday, the department released an Oct. 9 background press briefing, during which a State Department official contradicted the White House's claim about the video.

Obama Libya story changes subtly.  [Scroll down]  Were the Obamaites worried that someone at the White House — e.g. Tom Donilon — might have been told?  And that someone — Hillary? — might have proof? ... Are they not worried now?

The October Surprise May Be Libya.  What if we've already had an October surprise in this campaign, in September, and the mainstream media are failing to follow up?  An issue becomes a real issue only if enough people give it the attention it's due.

That Bus Is Rolling ...Hillary's Headed Under?  Apparently, in the Obama presidency, the buck doesn't stop with the President ... it stops with, in Axelrod's words, "the security folks at the State Department."

Pants On Fire: Obama Scrambles For Cover As Benghazi Lie Explodes.  The carefully coordinated and heavily armed September 11th strike upon the American Consulate in Libya contradicted President Obama's repeated narrative that, thanks to his tough policies and actions, al-Qaeda has been defeated.  And although misrepresented by U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice as a "spontaneous outbreak" of violence provoked by a "hateful" movie denigrating Muslim prophet Muhammad, he and other high members of his administration knew full well and early on that this was patently untrue.

GOP: Libya shows Obama 'incompetent'.  As criticism of the Obama administration's handling of the deadly Sept. 11 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, continues to grow, top Republicans on Sunday [10/14/2012] ripped the White House and accused the president's team of putting politics ahead of the safety of American diplomats.

Bongino: Clinton, Rice must resign over Benghazi tragedy.  The Maryland Republican candidate for U.S. Senate demanded on Oct. 11 that Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton and UN Ambassador Susan Rice resign for their roles in the Benghazi attacks.  "I take no comfort in this, but Secretary Clinton and Ambassador Rice must resign in light of the Benghazi tragedy.  It was a tragic failure in leadership," said Daniel Bongino, a former Secret Service agent and New York City police officer.

Lieberman Jumps Into Benghazi Probe Fray.  The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee announced late Friday [10/12/2012] that it will investigate the events surrounding the death of four Americans in Libya, including the U.S. ambassador.

The real Libya scandal: The failure to respond.  Today marks exactly one month since terrorists attacked the U.S consulate in Benghazi, Libya, killing our ambassador and three other American personnel.  In the weeks since, Washington has been gripped by the unfolding scandals over the Obama administration's failure to heed warnings of a growing terrorist danger in eastern Libya; its failure to provide additional security requested by U.S. personnel on the ground; and its failure to acknowledge that what happened in Libya was in fact a terrorist attack.  But all this has obscured the more serious scandal:  the Obama administration's utter failure to respond.

Bolton From the Blue.  "The attack on Benghazi Sept. 11 was known to be a terrorist attack within one day.  Intelligence officials who briefed members of Congress on Sept. 12 told them so clearly.  In last week's Congressional hearings, State Department officials testified truthfully they were in cell phone contact with the diplomatic staff throughout the entire episode.  Yet they went around for days blaming the attacks on some silly trailer for a video, and Hillary Clinton has been sticking to that line up until very recently.  What Biden said during the debate that the intelligence community had not known the facts right away was blatantly false. [..."]

Al Qaida strikes America; America denies reality.  In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Fox News military analyst Colonel David Hunt laid the blame for the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans at the Benghazi, Libya American mission on Hillary Clinton and the State Department. [...] "The policy of the Obama administration led to this," he said.  "What's happened in Libya is the final straw of political correctness.  We allowed a contractor to hire local nationals as security guards, but said they can't have bullets.  This was all part of the point of not having a high profile in Libya.  If you carried a sharp stick within a mile of the conventions at Tampa or Charlotte you got arrested, yet you don't give bullets to the guards of our ambassador to Libya.  It wouldn't surprise me if Al Qaeda bought off some of the Libyan nationals hired to guard our ambassador at Benghazi."

The Editor says...
The political left is the home of those who believe that a world without weapons would be a world without violence.  Events at home and abroad continually disprove this.

Columbus Dispatch editorial rips Obama administration "incompetence or dishonesty" on Benghazi.  Calling the deaths of four Americans in the attack a "preventable tragedy" — in fact, that's the title of the editorial — the editors blast Obama and his team for its ridiculous cover story in the days following the terrorist attack.

Timeline of Libya Consulate attack reveals administration contradictions.  The timeline of events leading up to last month's deadly attack in Benghazi and the administration's shifting explanations have become a major problem for Democrats less than a month before Election Day.

Obama Administration Didn't Reach Benghazi For 17 Days Because They Were Waiting On Visas.  Terrorists attacked our consulate and murdered our ambassador on 9-11 and the Obama administration waited 17 days to investigate the crime scene because they were waiting on visas.

What Happened In Benghazi.  The State Department has released a transcript of a briefing that two high-ranking department officials gave to a number of reporters via conference call on October 9 (Tuesday).  I am not certain about this, but I believe the transcript was only made public today.  You should read it in its entirety; it is the most detailed description I have seen of the events in Benghazi on September 11.

Obama's got drama now.  It sure looks like Vice President Joe Biden put the blame on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, his potential 2016 rival, for the security failings Benghazi.  "We weren't told they wanted more security," Biden declared.  White House Press Secretary Jay Carney backed Biden up, saying it's a State Department (i.e. Hillary) issue.  Will Hillary now retaliate and protect herself by leaking word that the White House did too know?

Deliverance with Better Teeth, Clothes, and Haircuts.  [Scroll down]  The contrary information has started rolling in, and it appears that even a lapdog press cannot completely hide it.  The alternative media and the bumbling of the Administration's own spokespersons are making it impossible for the dominant media to completely ignore the debacle in Benghazi and the utter failure of the President's erstwhile jewel in the crown, his faux foreign policy accomplishments.

On Libya, Biden was full of 'malarkey'.  Vice President Biden didn't just double down on the administration's story of the attack in Benghazi, Libya.  He emptied the bank account and put the deed to the house on the table.  Asked why the administration initially claimed for more than a week that the incident grew out of a street protest over a YouTube video, Biden said that's what they knew at the time.

And the war came. And the president demurred.  The beginning of congressional hearings on the Benghazi debacle revealed an administration with much to explain and perhaps something to hide.  At a minimum, the State Department did not take adequate precautions in reaction to mounting threats after urgent requests by officials on the ground.  This was a failure of judgment.  It was followed by a failure of candor.

Who's 'Politicizing' Benghazi?  It was Obama who chose to blame a national humiliation on an obscure YouTube video.

Obama bites the hand that feeds him.  [Scroll down]  Hillary's leverage is at its peak now, when Bill is leading the Obama reelection charge and when a sudden resignation would represent a huge setback for Obama.  The Clintons can try to use this leverage to halt White House efforts to scapegoat Hillary.  Then, they can hope the issue blows over.  However, the Benghazi story isn't likely to blow over.

The Mystery of Benghazi.  [Scroll down]  Perhaps, then, the real explanation for the White House's anxiety about calling the embassy attack an act of terror has less to do with the "who" than with the "where."  This wasn't Al Qaeda striking just anywhere:  it was Al Qaeda striking in Libya, a country where the Obama White House launched a not-precisely-constitutional military intervention with a not-precisely-clear connection to the national interest.

Video From Benghazi Consulate Shows Organized Attack.  Footage from the night of Sept. 11 might be the clearest evidence yet of a military-style assault on the consulate in Benghazi.

Axelrod Throws State Department Under Benghazi Bus.  The State Department is the latest casualty of the Obama administration's obfuscation of the events surrounding the Benghazi attack.

Biden's Intelligence.  [Scroll down]  "Well, we weren't told they wanted more security again," said Mr. Biden, contradicting the testimony of State Department officials.  He also blamed "the intelligence community" for the Administration's initial and false assertions that Ambassador Chris Stevens and three American colleagues were killed in a "spontaneous" protest against an anti-Islam video on YouTube.  This is the same "intelligence community" he is sure can tell us with certainty when Iran has a bomb and the Taliban is defeated.

Biden's Appeasement.  The more we go through Vice President Biden's remarks on foreign policy during his debate with Congressman Ryan, the more it looks to us like Prime Minister Netanyahu knows just what he is doing when he warns of the need for the Obama administration to set red-lines on Iran.

Benghazi: Osama's Revenge on Obama.  Talk about chickens coming home to roost.  Talk about the Mother of All Fiascos.  It's the revenge of Osama bin Laden from the bottom of the ocean, and the message is plain:  al-Qaeda is very much alive, and America is a paper tiger.

Did Biden Hang the State Department Out to Dry at the Debate?  Everyone loves Hillary Clinton these days.  She's got an approval rating way higher than that of Joe Biden or of President Obama, who can barely muster 50 percent on a good day.  But what if the most politically significant foreign-policy failure of Obama's presidency is actually due to a failure of the diplomatic-security strategy at the Clinton-run State Department?  That's certainly what all the evidence suggests.

What Did Hillary Tell Obama on 9/11?  On Friday [10/12/2012], a CNN reporter asked Hillary Clinton what she was doing as the attack occurred, and Clinton responded with a 400-word answer that avoided the question.

Questions on Benghazi.  Where is CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus?  He seems to be the missing man in the unfolding Benghazi debacle.  It is his agency, among others, which is being fingered by the White House for getting the Libya attack wrong.  However, we know that within a very short time after the murder of our ambassador (an extraordinary occurrence) and others, our intelligence community did have the story straight:  This was an organized al-Qaeda attack.

Sen. Corker: Obama must have known what happened in Libya.  This morning [10/12/2012], I spoke with Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), who had just returned from Libya, about the Benghazi debacle.  He was animated and clearly flabbergasted at the administration's reaction.  "It baffles me that the vice president of the United States would continue to say things that don't square with the facts on the ground, " he said in reference to VP Joe Biden's remarks in the debate Thursday night.  He reiterated, "There was no protest.  There was no reaction to the [anti-Muslim video], and they knew it in 24 hours.  I don't understand what they are doing."

Mark Steyn: Hillary Clinton used Libyan ambassador's dead body 'as prop to peddle a false narrative'.  On Hugh Hewitt's radio [program] last week, National Review columnist Mark Steyn accused the Obama administration of using slain U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens as a political prop. [...] "Aside from anything else, it's a wonderful example of how shriveling and corrupting politics is — that in the end, her great friend Chris, his coffin, his body, assuming they're not lying to us about the body being in there. [..."]

Are Budget Cuts to Blame for Benghazi Attack, as Biden Suggested?  Fact checkers take note: Biden's suggestion that funding cuts may have undermined security at the consulate has been disproven — by his own administration.

The Benghazi Scandal.  Three hours before the vice presidential debate here on October 11, Stephanie Cutter, a top spokesman and deputy campaign manager for Barack Obama, previewed Joe Biden's explanation for the administration's ever-changing narrative on the deadly 9/11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  In short:  The intelligence made us do it.

Preventable tragedy.  Testimony in a congressional hearing Wednesday [10/10/2012] on the Sept. 11 outrage against the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi fueled a growing suspicion:  President Barack Obama's administration was more concerned about projecting the image of improving stability in Libya, to bolster his re-election chances, than it was about ensuring the security of Americans on the ground there.

White House: Buck Stops With Hillary on Libya.  Today, the White House finally revealed its policy on embassy security:  keep President Obama out of the loop so he can claim plausible deniability and blame Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for any problems.

Romney says White House is 'doubling down on denial' about Libya attack.  There are multiple investigations into the attack:  an FBI probe into the deaths of the four Americans, an independent inquiry by a panel appointed by Clinton and at least two congressional probes.

Really Watch For Over The Next 72 Hours....  The Benghazi Massacre scandal is really taking root within even the Mainstream Media now — due in great part to Vice President Joe Biden's oddly phrased throw-the-State Department-under-the-bus remarks during Thursday's debate.

Administration welcomed wolves into the sheepfold.  Imagine, pre-9/11/12, that you were responsible for arranging the defense of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  Would you have considered American interests and personnel best protected by bringing in a local security outfit called the February 17 Martyrs Brigade?  The question has yet to come up in House hearings, but I think it holds the key to the Obama administration's betrayal of the American people in "Benghazi-gate."

Sec'y Clinton: Still no clear picture of Benghazi.  Congressional hearings this week revealed that the State Department was aware of, and rejected, several requests for increased security in Benghazi.

Devastating Ohio Editorial: Obama's Handling of Libya Indefensible.  This morning [10/12/2012], the Columbus Dispatch out of the crucial swing state of Ohio, published a brutal (because it's true) editorial lashing out at Obama's dishonest and incompetent mishandling of Libya.

Obama's Libya debacle: Willful blindness.  The Libya debacle is not merely a case of inadequate security.  It is a case of willful blindness to the progress of al-Qaeda in a locale that the Obama team had boasted was a grand success for its "leading from behind" strategy.  The administration despite every available bit of evidence continued to cling to a false narrative, and repeat that narrative to the public, because it refused to recognize that Libya was a terrorist victory, not a U.S. success story.  With each passing day, we learn that the administration had full knowledge that the attack was a planned terrorist operation but continued to tell voters otherwise.

The Wreckage of Benghazi.  On Thursday, an FBI team finally arrived in Benghazi, Libya, to visit the sites of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.  It took the FBI more than three weeks to get there.  During that time, the ruined consulate remained only minimally secured, if that.  A few days after the attack, a CNN crew went through the wreckage and found the ambassador's handwritten journal.

U.S. intelligence set back when Libya base was abandoned.  U.S. intelligence efforts in Libya have suffered a significant setback due to the abandonment and exposure of a facility in Benghazi, Libya identified by a newspaper as a "CIA base" following a congressional hearing this week, according to U.S. government sources.

Romney: Biden 'doubling down on denial' in explanation of Libya response.  Mitt Romney seized Friday on Vice President Joe Biden's characterization of the administration's handling of last month's terrorist attack in Libya, accusing the administration of contradicting itself and "doubling down on denial."

White House Blames State Department, House Republicans for Lack of Security in Benghazi.  Backing up Vice President Joe Biden's claim the previous night about being unaware of a request for more security at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, the White House Friday asserted the responsibility lay with the State Department.  "What I am saying, when it comes to the number of personnel, who are in place at consulates and embassies and other diplomatic facilities around the world, those decisions are appropriately made at the State Department by security personnel," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said.

Libya Cover-Up Vindicates Bachmann.  We now know that these murders were not the result of some spontaneous demonstration run amok in response to a video critical of Islam's founder, Mohammed.  Rather, they were the result of a carefully planned and well-executed military operation conducted by jihadists associated with al Qaeda.  It turns out the Obama administration knew at least the broad outlines of that reality within hours of the attack.  So why did assorted administration officials tell us otherwise for days afterwards?

Lamb to the slaughter.  In an often heated congressional hearing Wednesday, lawmakers and witnesses alike pointed to State Department official Charlene Lamb as the person most directly responsible for rejecting multiple requests for increased security at the U.S. diplomatic missions in Libya prior to the Sept. 11 attack.

John Bolton on the Obama Administration: 'They can't be left in the same room with our national security'.  John Bolton slammed the Obama administration's handling of security and the aftermath of the Benghazi terrorist attack with his harshest criticism yet.

Did Stephanie Cutter Just Win The Foreign Policy Debate For Romney?  Obama campaign Deputy Communications Director Stephanie Cutter, in a craven and flailing attempt to salvage the White House's ebbing credibility surrounding their response to the 9/11/12 attacks in Libya, said that it was her estimation that the attacks were only an issue because Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan made it one. [...] Stephanie Cutter has just provided Mitt Romney a stronger argument against President Barack Obama's handling of foreign affairs he could have hoped for.

Cutter keeps digging — struggles in FNC appearance.  Obama campaign spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter appeared on Fox News Channel's "Special Report" on Thursday [10/11/2012] to double down on her accusation that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are the only reason Americans care about the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the Benghazi embassy.

Libya Attack Gains Steam as Issue in Race for President.  The dispute over the episode escalated after Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. said during the debate on Thursday night that "we weren't told" that Americans in Libya wanted security bolstered, despite Congressional testimony that the administration had turned down requests.  Mitt Romney's campaign on Friday [10/12/2012] accused the vice president of trying "to mislead the American public."

White House Serial Lies About Libya Extend to VP Debate.  Biden made the patently false and outrageous claim that no one in the Obama administration knew that requests for extra security had been made by our Libyan ambassador, Christopher Stevens, and other members of our consulate in Benghazi.  To emphasize his lie, Biden actually said it twice.

Biden adds to the Libya lies.  Vice President Joe Biden served up the worst gaffe of any of the 2012 debates, in a moment that will harm not only him but also his boss.  Sure, the obnoxious grimacing and the mannerisms will be mocked relentlessly, but it was his egregious misstatement on Benghazi that will now plague the Obama-Biden ticket.

Biden Throws Intel Community Under Bus.  The vice presidential debate opened with a question about the Libyan consulate attack.  While that section of the evening probably didn't figure heavily in forming opinions about whether Vice President Biden or Paul Ryan prevailed, it did provide an interesting twist in the unfolding tale of administration prevarications about the murders in Benghazi.

Biden: 'We Did Not Know They Wanted More Security'.  In regards to security at the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, Vice President Joe Biden says "we did not know they wanted more security".

Biden [...] was caught fibbing about the U.S. intelligence community.  [Scroll down]  Perhaps the even bigger problem the Obama campaign will have in the coming days is that Biden, again just like Gore in 2000, repeatedly exaggerated and mischaracterised for effect.  And worse than Gore — who was caught in a series of small lies in 2000 — Biden was demonstrably untruthful in some big respects.  Most seriously, Biden blamed the intelligence community for the debacle that led to and followed the killing of ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in last month's terror attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

Biden's debate 'facts' prompt White House clarifications.  While Vice President Biden stressed the importance of "facts" a total of 26 times on the debate stage, those facts required considerable clarification Friday [10/12/2012] from the White House.

Bam team's bloody failure.  "What is the difference between chaos and control?"  Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) posed that question yesterday to a witness at a House Oversight Committee hearing into the State Department's cascading security failures that led directly to the wanton slaughter of the US ambassador to Libya and three other Americans.  But the question also stands as an indictment of the Obama administration's tenuous hold on the broader Middle East, where the influence and security of the United States are fading — and where al Qaeda is very much on the rise.

Diane Sawyer Joins the Obama Campaign.  Last night, all three broadcast networks found the revelations heard in congressional hearings surrounding the September 11 anniversary attack in Libya (criminally lax security and an obvious White House cover up) unworthy of leading their nightly newscasts.  All three hit the story, but all three are killing themselves to downplay an explosive scandal they know could damage Obama's reelection chances.

Biden contradicts State Department on Benghazi security.  Vice President Joe Biden claimed that the administration wasn't aware of requests for more security in Libya before the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi during Thursday night's [10/11/2012] debate, contradicting two State Department officials and the former head of diplomatic security in Libya.  "We weren't told they wanted more security.  We did not know they wanted more security there," Biden said.  In fact, two security officials who worked for the State Department in Libya at the time testified Thursday that they repeatedly requested more security and two State Department officials admitted they had denied those requests.

Krauthammer On Libya Cover Up.  ["]There are two scandals going on.  The first is the coverup.  We now know, and they knew earlier there was no mob, there was no demonstration, there was no incentive about the video.  It was all a completely false story.  This was simply an attack of our men who infiltrated and killed our people.  So everything that Susan Rice said was a confection, it was an invention.["]

DNC Chair: Obama Admin. Putting Out Wrong Information on Libya 'Doesn't Mean It Was False'.  DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz told Piers Morgan on CNN tonight that just because the Obama administration was putting out wrong information on Libya, "doesn't mean it was false."

State Dept: We're Too 'Dumb' To Understand Obama's Libya Explanation.  In a disastrous question-answer session at the State Department yesterday [10/11/2012], State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland first tried to claim that the murder of our ambassador to Libya may have been touched off by a demonstration about the YouTube video after all.  Then she claimed that even though the State Department had no reports of any demonstration, the intelligence community may have told them that a demonstration happened.  Then when Nuland was questioned on that astonishing assessment, she literally said she was "dumb."

Gowdy to Rice: 'You Come Before This Committee and You Tell Us!".  South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy let it rip at today's [10/10/2012] House hearing on the Benghazi attacks, demanding answers from the administration and calling out Susan Rice and Jay Carney by name.

State Department finally admits: No, there was never any protest outside the Benghazi consulate before the attack.  McClatchy published an interview with a Libyan guard wounded in the attack just two days after it happened in which he claimed that there was never any protest.  Four days later, Fox News was hearing the same thing from an intelligence source on the ground.  Four days after that, Eli Lake of Newsweek reported that there was intelligence early on that the attack was planned and that an Al Qaeda affiliate was involved. Right around the same time, Jay Carney started segueing from the White House's initial ludicrous "spontaneous protest over the Mohammed movie" narrative to a "yes, of course this was a terrorist attack" admission.

You Know Who Still Hasn't Called Benghazi a Terrorist Attack?  Gen. David Petraeus.  He's currently the head of the CIA, widely credited with winning the war in Iraq.  On Sept 13, as a commenter on the Infinite Spin post pointed out, Petraeus told members of Congress that he believed that the Benghazi sacking happened because of the YouTube video.

Slain official's mom rips President Obama.  The mother of one of the State Department officials killed in the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi is blasting President Barack Obama and top administration officials for not telling her more information about her son's death.  "Don't give me any baloney that comes through with this political stuff," Pat Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, said on CNN on Wednesday [10/10/2012].  "I still don't know.  In fact, today I just heard something more, that he died of smoke inhalation."

State Department Cut Libyan Security While Spending on Chevy Volts.  The Washington Times is reporting that at the same time State Department officials were cutting security for our diplomatic stations in Libya, they were increasing the budget for our embassy in Austria in order to purchase Chevrolet's electric powered Volt.

CIA Turns On Obama — Indicating Significant Cover-Up.  Less than a month ago a United States ambassador and three other Americans were killed during a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.  For days the Obama administration denied the attacks were terrorist related.  Now intelligence figures from within the American government are letting it be known how the Obama White House has repeatedly ignored and then covered up information and events that put the safety and security of the United States in danger.

The Intel Behind Obama's Libya Line.  For eight days after the attacks on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, government officials said the attacks were a spontaneous reaction to an anti-Islam film.  Now that officials have acknowledged they were a premeditated act of terrorism, the question some members Congress are trying to answer is why it took so long for the truth to come out.

Downplaying Libya Attack Proves Fateful for Obama.  [Scroll down]  We have learned in the month since the attack that there were deepening concerns about security in Libya and that top officials knew the deadly raid was likely a planned attack within 24 hours of its occurrence.  We now know that the slain ambassador had sought and been denied additional security.  We now know that an al Qaeda-linked radical had likely been part of the planning.

An 'Appropriate' fiasco.  At yesterday's incendiary, four-hour hearing in Washington, congressional Republicans ripped into two high-ranking State Department officials who struggled to explain away the administration's utterly baffling behavior before and after the murder of four Americans in Benghazi on Sept. 11.  The spectacle was agonizing.

Clooney Calls First Amendment 'Unfortunate'.  The Hollywood community has been mostly silent about the anti-Muslim filmmaker whose work the Obama administration blamed on the recent surge of Middle Eastern violence.  Bette Midler actually wanted the filmmaker charged with murder for his actions.  Few of her peers stood up for the filmmaker and, by extension, an artist's right to free speech no matter how offensive said speech might be.  Now, arguably the biggest name in film, Oscar-winner George Clooney, is weighing in on the subject.

'Anti-Islam filmmaker' back in US court.  The alleged filmmaker behind the video that sparked violent protests across the Muslim world is due to appear in court again on Wednesday [10/10/2012] in a separate case, officials say.

Anti-Muslim filmmaker detained for almost a court date three days after election.  Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the 55-year-old filmmaker responsible for the anti-Muslim video that President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice initially and wrongly blamed for inciting the deadly terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, is still being held at the Los Angeles Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) without bond.

Hillary Clinton calls on Iranian gov't to release jailed filmmaker and 'all political prisoners'.  Although Secretary of State Clinton is facing criticism of her own when it came to making sure that filmmaker Mark Basseley Youssef was arrested and placed in jail, it has not stopped her from calling on Iran to release their own imprisoned filmmaker.

Benghazigate produces a whiff of tyranny.  In any other context, the imprisonment of a non-violent probationer for exercising his right to make a non-pornographic internet video would have leftists screaming about tyranny.  In most instances this howling would be baseless.  But where, as here, the motive for jailing the probationer is so transparently political, the word tyranny does come to mind.

Someone Has Finally Thrown Obama Under The Bus And Her Name Is Hillary Clinton.  Just as a reminder the Obama administration couldn't get its story squared with the facts for well over a week.

Bin Laden is Dead, Al Qaeda is Alive.  President Barack Obama's campaign continues to claim that it has "decimated" al Qaeda, the world's most notorious terror group, despite increasing evidence the group is expanding and despite an al Qaeda attack that left four Americans, including an ambassador, dead.  On Monday [10/8/2012], team Obama hailed what they claim is the president's successful eradication of al Qaeda.

Obama team 'to blame for Benghazi embassy deaths'.  At a hearing on Capitol Hill Republicans yesterday sought to eviscerate the Obama administration over its handling of the assault on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, saying officials failed to heed security warnings and dissembled in their public statements in its aftermath.

Obama Defiantly Declares 'Al Qaeda Is on Its Heels,' Even After Successful Terrorist Attacks.  Last night, President Obama defiantly declared that "al Qaeda is on its heels."  The president made this claim at a fundraiser at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco, California. [...] The extraordinary thing about Obama's claim is that it was made less than a month after al Qaeda carried out a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya that killed the American ambassador to that country, as well as three other Americans.

Unanswered Questions on Benghazi Attack.  The mystery of what the administration knew and did both before and after the Benghazi attack continues to deepen.  A former official in the Bush administration emails me a list of questions that need to be answered.

Congress told terrorist attack on US consulate in Benghazi was 'a matter of time'.  A terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi was "a matter of time" as security was reduced even as the country became more violent, the former commander of an American special forces team in Libya said Wednesday [10/10/2012].

Jake Tapper Grills Carney On Libya: 'Didn't President Obama Shoot First And Aim Later?'  Much of today's [10/10/2012] White House press briefing featured Jay Carney being grilled by a number of reporters on the administration's muddled response to the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi last month that led to the death of four Americans, including a U.S. ambassador.  ABC's Jake Tapper asked Carney how President Obama could have fairly criticized Mitt Romney for jumping the gun before seeing the evidence when, as he said, the Obama administration was engaging in the same tactic.

State officials walk fine line in explaining faulty accounts of Libya attack.  After a day of testimony on Capitol Hill and weeks of conflicting accounts from the Obama administration regarding the deadly Libya attack, the frustration of boots-on-the-ground employees boiled over late Wednesday [10/10/2012].  Scathing criticism from two former security officers for the U.S. mission in Libya surfaced at the close of an already-tense hearing before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

State Department denies concluding film sparked consulate attack in Libya.  The State Department denied Tuesday [10/9/2012] it ever concluded that the deadly consulate attack Sept. 11 in Libya was an unplanned outburst prompted by an anti-Islam movie, despite public statements early on by some in the Obama administration suggesting that was the case.  Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., reacting Wednesday to the latest claims, said he's just "at a loss" for why administration officials ever tried to connect the attack to the film in the first place.

Only one agent was left with Amb. Stevens during Benghazi assault, congressional testimony reveals.  Several agents tasked with defending murdered United States Ambassador Christopher Stevens left his side to retrieve their weapons and armor as the U.S. consulate in Libya came under attack by heavily armed militants, according to testimony provided by State Department officials Wednesday during an often tense congressional hearing on the attack.

Obama's Lies Unravel in Congressional Hearing on Libya 9/11 Attack.  Today's congressional hearing on the Sep. 11, 2012 attacks across the Middle East, that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans in Benghazi, have destroyed the Obama administration's lies about the event.  There was not enough security in Benghazi, despite repeated requests; there was no preparation for the attacks, despite intelligence and warning signs; and the assault in Libya had nothing to do with an anti-Islamic video, as President Barack Obama and his appointees had claimed for weeks.

State Dept. Official Refuses to Call Attackers in Libya Terrorists.  State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary of International Programs Charlene R. Lamb, who is responsible for safety and security at U.S. embassies and consulates around the world, used the word "attack" five times and "attackers" four times in her written testimony describing the 9/11 terrorist strike on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, but never used any derivative of the word "terror."  When Rep. Dan Burton (R.-Ind.) asked why she did not call the terrorist attack "terrorism," Lamb said:  "I'm not making any judgments on my own."

U.S. security at Benghazi mission called "weak".  At a partisan and at times rancorous congressional hearing on events leading to the death of the U.S. ambassador to Libya, security officers on Wednesday described uphill bureaucratic battles for resources to protect U.S. personnel and facilities.

"Diversity" comes at a high cost, when hiring bodyguards.
U.S. Embassy in Libya [...] Gave Preference to Citizen 'Same-Sex Domestic Partners' of U.S. Gov't Employees.  In the months leading up to the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, the U.S. Embassy in Libya was seeking to hire two bodyguards with "limited" English language skills at salaries of about $13,000 per year.  Job descriptions for these openings that the U.S. Embassy in Libya posted online said the State Department would give preference in filling them to qualified U.S. citizens who were family members of U.S. government employees.  The job descriptions explicitly stated that this included the "same-sex domestic partners" of U.S. government employees.

Return of the Weak Horse.  Terrorists attacked the U.S. consulate in Libya, killed four Americans, tore down the American flag, and replaced it with an al-Qaeda flag.  Will someone finally ask the president what he plans to do about it?

Unreal: State Department Now Saying They Never Blamed Video for Libya Attack.  In its latest line of excuses, the State Department is now saying officials never blamed violence in the Middle East, particularly the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya, on a YouTube video.

Obama's foreign policy narrative unravels.  [Scroll down]  If this story seemed unbelievable at the outset, we now know that it is, thanks to numerous officials who approached Lake and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to say that the administration knew within 24 hours of the attack that its assertions of a random, "spontaneous" murder of an American ambassador were false.  We now know that the assassination was well-planned in advance.

White House Comes Clean: No Protest Outside Libya Consulate.  In other words, absolutely everything we were told by our government — by President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton, Ambassador Susan Rice.  White House Spokesman Jay Carney, and any number of staffers and surrogates — was 100% false.

No Protest Ever Occurred in Benghazi.  The initial explanation for the attack in Libya was that there had been protests at the consulate because of a video that offended some Muslims. [...] And now we know there was never any protest around the consulate over the video on September 11.  It was an attack from the beginning, reports Foreign Policy's Josh Rogin.

We need the truth about Libya.  The Obama administration's lies about the Benghazi attack continue to unravel.  The President would like us to believe that he and his spokespeople have merely passed on the best intelligence they had as it evolved.  But the State Department said yesterday that it never concluded that there was a protest outside the consulate.

State Dept: We Never Believed What Hillary Clinton Said.  The video, the Obama administration long suggested, was what sparked attacks against Americans, in Libya and elsewhere across the Muslim world.  And bringing up the video at the transfer of remains ceremony helped build that false narrative.  But now, nearly a month later, the Obama administration is changing its story altogether about what happened at the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Rev Up the Bus — Someone's Going Under It.  With the accurate accounts of what really transpired in Benghazi on 9/11/12 coming from anonymous State Department staffers not authorized to speak, it's worth wondering what's really going on.  Are these people who are disgusted at both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, seeking to set the record straight?  Are they Hillary Clinton loyalists, trying to get the story out from State in a way that will best preserve her reputation and future ambitions (if any)?  Who knows?

Republicans hammer State officials on Libya attack.  GOP lawmakers refused to accept the department's explanation Wednesday [10/10/2012] that protection judged adequate for the threat was overwhelmed by an unprecedented assault in Benghazi on the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

Hillary Clinton reveals what really led to Benghazi massacre.  The State Department has said that it never believed the September 11th attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was the result of a protest over an anti-Islam movie — directly contracting the rest of the Obama administration.  By trying to distance her department from the inept and deceptive handling of the Benghazi attack, which left U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens and three other American officials dead, Hillary Clinton could help herself politically for a 2016 presidential run.

Security Officer on State Department Blocking Requests: 'For Me the Taliban Is Inside the Building'.  In a heated and dramatic congressional hearing today [10/10/2012], witnesses who served with the U.S. diplomatic corps in Libya and pushed for a stronger security presence repeatedly faulted the State Department for standing in their way — one even referring to the State Department officials he described as obstructionist as if they were Taliban terrorists.

State Dept. officials contradict claims on deadly Libya attack.  Senior State Department officials on Tuesday [10/9/2012] refuted claims by administration members that the deadly attack in Libya on the 11th anniversary of Sept. 11 was provoked by an anti-Islam video.

Security Officer in Libya Refers to Post Being Directed to "Normalize" Operations and Reduce U.S. Security Presence.  Eric Nordstrom, the former Regional Security Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Libya, told congressional investigators looking into the murder of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, that the State Department was eager for the American diplomatic presence in Libya to reduce its American security footprint and to rely more on locals, sources tell ABC News.  A senior State Department official denies the charge.

Before attack on U.S. mission in Libya, State Dept. concluded risk of violence was high.  Less than two months before the fatal attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, the State Department concluded that the risk of violence to diplomats and other Americans in Libya was high and that the weak U.S.-backed government in Tripoli could do little about it.

Republicans hammer State witnesses on Libya attack.  Four weeks before the election, Republicans used a politically charged House hearing to confront State Department officials about security at the U.S. Consulate in Libya and assail the Obama administration's early response to the killing of the ambassador and three other Americans there.

Obama's Benghazi cover-up exposed on Hill.  On the eve of Wednesday's House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the terrorist attack against the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, the Obama administration's already tenuous story of what had happened there on Sept. 11 completely unraveled.  Knowing officials would be questioned the following day under oath, the State Department hastily arranged a conference call for the press to admit there was never any anti-American protest staged outside the Benghazi mission — just an organized attack by well-armed militants.

State Department: No video protest at the Benghazi consulate.  Prior to the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi late in the evening on Sept. 11, there was no protest outside the compound, a senior State Department official confirmed today, contradicting initial administration statements suggesting that the attack was an opportunistic reaction to unrest caused by an anti-Islam video.

Obama's Libya statements become ludicrous.  In what is surely the most jaw-dropping of the many fudges, misrepresentations and outright lies by the Obama administration in handling the Libya attack that killed four Americans, we now hear from the State Department that it never linked the attack and death of four Americans in Libya to the anti-Muslim movie.  I bet this comes as a bit of a surprise since you saw U.S. officials say just that for days.

State Dept. Meltdown at Benghazi Hearing.  The Obama administration's Benghazi response continued to unravel at the House Oversight Committee hearing today, as State Department officials struggled unsuccessfully to get their stories straight.

White House blames intelligence agencies for Benghazi confusion.  Administration officials are now blaming the nation's intelligence agencies for the administration's week-long campaign to blame a little-known YouTube video for the lethal Sept. 11 Benghazi attack.

Obama Administration Had Advance Warning of Libyan Terror Threat.  One of the lessons you learn in life is that truth is constant, whereas liars will change their stories as their lies are exposed.  An editorial in USA Today makes the point.

Obama's Boys on the Bus.  [Scroll down]  An obvious question arises, or at least should.  Was there a cover-up?  If we had a Republican president — or even a Democratic president not named Obama — the press would be pursuing that possibility with great intensity.  And the national news would be focused on efforts of the president and his aides to deflect blame for the eruption of assaults on American embassies in Libya and across the Middle East.  But in Obama's case, this hasn't happened.

Republican-led House committee subpoenas US security leader in Libya.  The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has subpoenaed the leading security official at the U.S. consulate in Libya for an upcoming hearing, an attempt to learn more details about the deadly terror attack last month on the compound.

Former CIA Official: Obama 'October Surprise' Airstrike in Libya 'Would Be Criminal'.  This morning [10/4/2012], Breitbart News spoke with a former senior CIA official with specific knowledge of the ongoing issues in Libya, who spelled out the risks associated with the Obama administration's rumored prospective airstrikes on targets in Libya.

It may happen in October, but it won't be a surprise.  It's difficult to believe that any self-respecting admninistration would treat the response to 9/11 assault in Libya as a law enforcement issue or would let the feelings of the Libyan government drive its decision.  And it's difficult to believe that even the Obama administration would do so with the election just around the corner.

Ex-security officers testify about frustration at State Department over Libya security.  After a day of testimony on Capitol Hill and weeks of conflicting accounts from the Obama administration regarding the deadly Libya attack, the frustration of boots-on-the-ground employees boiled over late Wednesday [10/10/2012].  Scathing criticism from two former security officers for the U.S. mission in Libya surfaced at the close of an already-tense hearing before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Special Forces Security Leader Drops Bombshell Against Obama State Department.  Lt. Colonel Andy Wood, who told CBS News he showed the Obama administration just how "dangerous, volatile, and unpredictable" the environment in Libya had become for American personnel there, indicates being shocked that essential security was removed from Libya just one month before the deadly terrorist attack that killed a U.S. Ambassador and three other Americans.

Security team pulled out of Libya in August.  The blundering boobs at the State Department recalled a 16-man security team in August just as the Libyan diplomats were asking for more security, not less.

Top U.S. counterterrorism adviser John Brennan in Libya amid questions over security missteps.  Senior White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan was in Tripoli to meet Libyan officials Tuesday [10/9/2012] as the Obama administration continues trying to build a complete picture of the events which led up to a fatal attack on the U.S. Consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi.

House panel to hear from security officer who claims State rebuffed pleas in Libya.  [Lt. Col. Andy] Wood, the former head of a Special Forces security team, has already said in interviews that security officials wanted "more, not less" security staffing but that his team was pulled from Tripoli before the attack.  Wood's testimony Wednesday could serve to fill in the blanks for lawmakers wondering exactly what happened in the run-up to the Sept. 11 attack that left four Americans dead, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.

CBS reporter slams administration for 'major lie' over weakened Taliban.  CBS News and "60 Minutes" correspondent Lara Logan took the gloves off last week, dropping her role as a disinterested journalist and delivering a speech in Chicago that criticized the Obama administration over its handling of the war in Afghanistan and the attack that killed four Americans in Libya.

Perhaps Eveything is Illegal, You Just Haven't Been Charged Yet.  No word yet on what the violation was, but I assume it must be far more serious than using an alias or a computer.  Given the insanity of the past two weeks, replete with the White House nudging Google to pull the video off of YouTube and the State Department running ads on Pakistani TV to apologize for a movie they had nothing to do with, I can't quite believe the DOJ would risk the perception that they're punishing this guy for a thoughtcrime unless something serious was involved.  There has to be a real crime underlying this.  Right?

Two arrested in Turkey over death of U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens in Libya embassy attack.  Two suspects in the killing of U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens have been arrested in Instanbul, according to reports.  The pair, believed to be Tunisian nationals, were detained while trying to enter Turkey at Ataturk Airport.

House Oversight says requests for increased security in Benghazi before 9/11 denied by Washington.  This from a press release by the House Oversight today [10.2.2012]:  ["]House Oversight and Government Reform Committee leaders today sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asking why requests for more protection were denied to the U.S. mission in Libya by Washington officials prior to the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.  The denials came after repeated attacks and security threats to U.S. personnel.["]

Issa Subpoenas Lt. Col. Andy Wood For Benghazi Hearing Next Week.  Lt. Col. Andy Wood, a Utah National Guard Army Green Beret who was the top security official at the United States consulate in Libya, has been subpoenaed by congressional investigators for an upcoming hearing on the deadly Benghazi attacks last month.

Revolt of the Spooks.  Weeks before the presidential election, President Barack Obama's administration faces mounting opposition from within the ranks of U.S. intelligence agencies over what career officers say is a "cover up" of intelligence information about terrorism in North Africa.  Intelligence held back from senior officials and the public includes numerous classified reports revealing clear Iranian support for jihadists throughout the tumultuous North Africa and Middle East region, as well as notably widespread al Qaeda penetration into Egypt and Libya in the months before the deadly Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

Obama's dishonesty over the last four years:  [For example,] Team Obama portrayed last month's murderous attack on the US consulate in Benghazi as a spontaneous mob assault — despite knowing full well that it was a carefully planned al Qaeda job.

Whistleblowers say State cut security in Libya over last six months.  Plenty of people wonder why the Obama administration didn't do more to secure our consulate in Benghazi — but did they do less?  Did the State Department reduce security in Benghazi and Libya over the last six months?

A Scandal Worse Than Watergate Is Being Covered Up By the Media.  [Scroll down]  There is an ongoing State Department cover-up to excuse the reason why it did not provide ample security for Ambassador Stevens before he was viciously murdered with three other Americans in Libya.  His diary was located by CNN who reported that Stevens had viable concerns about Al-Qaeda activity in the area and that he believed he was on its hit-list.

Assertions that Libyan Mission Requested Security Prior to 9/11/12 Attack.  White House press secretary Jay Carney declined to comment on an assertion by the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that requests from diplomats in Libya for added security prior to the September 11, 2012 attack on the diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, were denied.  "I'm not going to get into a situation under review by the State Department and the FBI," Carney said.

When You Don't Want to Know About the Real World, Your Spooks Won't Tell You.  [Scroll down]  So when the White House acts as if the president really couldn't have been expected to understand the details of the assault on the U.S. consulate in Libya, which occurred in tandem with other riots and demonstrations against American facilities all over the region, because the Office of the Director of National Intelligence screwed up the analysis, it's a deception.  Because the director of that office, the hapless General James Clapper, has by now learned that the president and his people don't want to hear the word "terror," and don't want to see any intelligence that suggests a terrorist war against the United States.

Jon Stewart Tears Into Obama Admin's Contradictory, Uncoordinated Response To Libya Attack.  For a while President Obama's response, through his press secretary, declined to call the attack and act of terrorism, emphasizing the ongoing investigation.  And also pointing to the anti-Islam video that triggered protests throughout the Middle East.  Stewart then pointed to a host of others who did call it a terrorist attack ... including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  (Nope, they don't talk to each other.)

Darrell Issa Does the Work American Reporters Won't Do.  Ever since the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, the Obama administration has been stalling, obfuscating and outright lying in order to avoid taking responsibility for the deaths of four Americans, including our ambassador.  To a considerable degree, they have gotten away with that strategy.  But Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has stepped into the breach.  Issa's committee has been approached by whistle-blowers within the State Department, and the stories they tell about the department's malfeasance are shocking.

Cherry-picking intelligence for political gain?  Eli Lake, who has broken story after story on the Libya embassy attack, is out with another report.  This one provides damning evidence that the Obama administration cherry-picked from initial intelligence to justify its "the video made them do it" cover story for what was very quickly known to be a coordinated al-Qaeda-related assault.

Jihadists had threatened to kill ambassador on Facebook.  The U.S. consulate in Libya was attacked twice in the months leading up to the deadly attack that claimed the lives of four Americans, it was revealed today [10/2/2012]. [...] The information is likely to increase pressure on the Obama administration as it suggests little was done to secure the facility despite the fact that it was a prime terror target.

Media Sends Dangerous Message Giving Obama Pass On Libya Cover Up.  While much of the media has done a pretty good job of covering the terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi, including the fact that the White House lacks credibility with respect to a week-long narrative that blamed the attack on a YouTube video, nothing we've seen thus far from the media indicates that Obama will be made to pay a political price for a week of lies told by this administration.  And this is a purely political and partisan choice the media's making ... and a dangerous one.

U.S. Consulate said repeatedly targeted.  The U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was threatened and attacked 13 times before last month's deadly assault, whistle-blowers have told two House Republicans.

House committee: Security requests denied in Libya.  Leaders of a House committee said Tuesday [10/2/2012] that U.S. diplomats in Libya made repeated requests for increased security for the consulate in Benghazi and were turned down by officials in Washington.

Republican lawmaker says 'Benghazi-gate' is 'more serious than Watergate'.  A Republican member of Congress has described President Barack Obama's handling of the violence in Libya as 'probably more serious than Watergate' and called for an independent counsel to investigate.  Representative Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee said that the Obama administration's initial refusal to characterise the murder of U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi on September 11 as a terrorist act smacked of a cover-up.

A Guide to the Obama Administration's Five Major Scandals for Mainstream Media Dummies.  Scandal 5:  Libya. [...] The day after the attacks, President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton suggested that the attack was both an act of terror and a response to the YouTube film, which had been produced by an obscure figure who may be a con man in the United States (and then Obama jetted off to Vegas for a fundraiser).  In the ensuing days, the Obama administration would tell America that the attack in Benghazi was "spontaneous," not pre-planned, though the U.S. intelligence community viewed that attack as a terrorist strike within the first 24 hours.

Why Is Benghazi Still Being Treated as a Law Enforcement Issue?  It's been over 20 days since the attack in Libya, and while the Obama administration has finally acknowledged that it was an act of terrorism, it's still being handled as a law enforcement issue.  Reports indicate that the FBI still hasn't been able to get into Benghazi to investigate, due to security concerns — concerns that are apparently very new, since the consulate was not heavily secured before the attack.

Outrage growing on U.S. response to consulate attack.  Outrage continued to grow Sunday [9/30/2012] over the Obama administration's initial reaction to the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya, which is being blasted as disingenuous at best and an outright lie at worst.

Report: Obama Administration Removed 9/11 Threat Memo From Website After Libya Attack.  A new report alleges that the State Department removed from its website a memo from Sept. 6 that advised U.S. personnel overseas that there was no credible threat of a terror attack to coincide with the anniversary of 9/11.  The memo was reportedly scrubbed from the website by the State Department's Overseas Security Advisory Council sometime after the Libya consulate attack.

In Libya, security was lax before attack that killed U.S. ambassador, officials say.  [As Ambassador] Stevens met with Benghazi civic leaders, U.S. officials appear to have underestimated the threat facing both the ambassador and other Americans.  They had not reinforced the U.S. diplomatic outpost there to meet strict safety standards for government buildings overseas.  Nor had they posted a U.S. Marine detachment, as at other diplomatic sites in high-threat regions.

Postmortem on the Mohammed Protests.  The Obama administration dishonestly skirted responsibility for the murder of four Americans in Libya by claiming that the attack was a protest that got unpredictably out of hand against the Innocence of Muslims video.  In response, leading analysts have concluded that the video hardly mattered anywhere.

There would be no media pass on the Mideast if Bush were president.  [Scroll down]  In a campaign interview, he says Egypt is not a U.S. ally, prompting a public correction by no less than Carter.  Even worse, his administration (including his secretary of State) seems unwilling to call the attacks premeditated or even terrorism and wants to blame an obscure anti-Muhammad video.  On the Sunday talk shows, his U.N. ambassador claims the Libya attack was "not ... premeditated."  She is immediately repudiated by the Libyan president, who states there's "no doubt that this was pre-planned, determined."  And media report that U.S. diplomats in Libya had been warned three days before that attack.  Then we hear that a terrorist released from Gitmo was involved.  The president, bear in mind, did not attend a single daily intelligence briefing during that period.  And still keeps campaigning and talking to celebrities.

Is Barack Obama a Compulsive Liar?  Barack Obama has lied about the terrorist attack on the American Consulate in Libya for over 15 days, even going so far as to overtly imply that this attack was prompted by an obscure internet movie trailer in his speech at the United Nations two weeks after it was confirmed the White House knew it was an Al Qaeda sponsored attack. [...] The administration's reaction to what went on in Libya is not a surprise, as reliance on prevarications and the attendant dishonesty is part and parcel of Obama's normal behavior.

Pentagon eyed Al Qaeda early as attacker on U.S. Consulate.  The day after the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, military intelligence was spreading the word inside the Pentagon that an al Qaeda-linked group was likely responsible.  A source familiar with intelligence reporting told The Washington Times that the Libyan militant group Ansar al-Sharia was singled out as the likely principal planner and executor of the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans on Sept. 11.

White House continues Benghazi stonewall.  White House spokesman Jay Carney is successfully stonewalling media questions about the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Benghazi, Libya, amid damaging new revelations about security flubs, new congressional inquiries and the election-eve crash of the administration's Muslim outreach strategy.

Obama aides mum on Libya security complaints.  The Obama administration is saying little about new claims that U.S. diplomats in Libya made repeated requests for more security before the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi that killed ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.  "I'm not going to get into a situation under review by the State Department and the FBI," said White House spokesman Jay Carney.

Obama's Terrorism Czar Must Go.  After the bin Laden raid, the president's top counterterror adviser was all over TV gloating about it.  Yet 20 days after the Benghazi attack he's nowhere to be found.  Both the secretaries of state and defense now agree the Benghazi attack was terrorism, yet White House anti-terror czar John Brennan remains silent.  Why?

Jailing of 'Innocence of Muslims' creator raises free speech worries.  Some experts question whether filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is in jail in L.A. for alleged probation violations or because of his movie, which has caused unrest in the Muslim world.

Obama, supporters lying to us.  On the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 al-Qaida attack on the United States, in New York City, the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, is attacked and four Americans are killed, including the U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.  The spin by the administration was that this was a spontaneous incident following the demonstrations in Cairo, Egypt, against a video trailer.  They went so far as to put the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations on five Sunday national news programs to make that ridiculous claim.  The attack was carried out with military precision with light and heavy weapons.  It now appears we had information about such a possible attack but failed to take any preventative action.

Did the White House order a cover-up over the murder of Libya's US Ambassador?  [Scroll down]  As a result, rather than absolving itself of any blame for this tragic incident, the White House — and Mr Obama — now find themselves at the centre of a mounting storm over what precisely they knew about the attack on the consulate, and when.  Now that Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, has confirmed there was an explicit link between al-Qaeda and the attack, questions are being asked about the role Dr Rice played in trying to play down the significance of the attack.  The Republicans have already called for her to resign from her post for misleading the American people.

Benghazigate, Day 18.  The headlines sound promising:  The entire Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Republicans and Democrats, has asked the State Department to explain what went wrong before, during and after the 9/11/12 attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, during which the US ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed.  But there's a catch.  The bi-partisan letter that went out on September 27 says:  "It would be very helpful to us if we could receive responses and a briefing on these matters during the week of November 13th when the Senate is expected to go back into session."  The election is on November 6th.

Benghazi-Gate: New Evidence White House Lied About Libya Terror Attack.  Yesterday [9/27/2012], we learned that within 24 hours of something they would spend nine days describing as a "spontaneous" protest gone bad, the Obama Administration itself designated the attack on our Libyan consulate as a terrorist attack.  And yet, days later, Obama would trot U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice out to all the Sunday shows to look the media and America in the eye with a wildly false story the White House had known for days just wasn't true.

The Benghazi Timeline:  Fox News' Special Report produced a timeline of the Benghazi attack and its aftermath that provides a useful and comprehensive survey of events to date.

Another detailed timeline of the Benghazi attack.

Benghazi-Gate: A Timeline of Government Deceit, Deception, and Outright Lies.  Late yesterday afternoon [9/28/2012], in an obvious attempt to rescue President Obama from what could and should be a brutal round of Sunday shows examining the cover up the White House is currently engaged in with respect to the sacking of our consulate in Libya, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) released a statement revising its assessment of the attack.  It is now the official position of the American intelligence community that what happened in Benghazi was a pre-planned terrorist attack.

Obama and the Power of Propaganda.  The media agenda is to lacerate Romney rather than doing real journalism:  checking how Obama-Clinton were criminally negligent to leave U.S. diplomats unguarded on the anniversary of 9-11.  Have we noticed how the sophisticated terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya disappeared from the front page of The New York Times, and have we noticed how the Associated Press gave us a half-cocked "timeline" to show Romney was hasty?

On the Road to Benghazi.  After lying the Administration is now refusing to respond to inquiries based on a phony claim that the matter is "under investigation," an investigation that is nonexistent.

Benghazi Was Obama's 3 a.m. Call.  Why won't the Libya story go away?  Why can't the memory of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and his staff be consigned to the same sad-and-sealed file of Americans killed abroad in dangerous line of duty?  How has an episode that seemed at first to have been mishandled by the Romney camp become an emblem of a feckless and deluded foreign policy?  The story-switching and stonewalling haven't helped.

CNN says their sources say Obama not truthful about Libya.  The fact that the Obama administration left out of the talking points what they already knew, that it was a pre-planned terrorist attack by an Al-Qaeda linked terrorist group can only mean, according to one former intelligence official, that the administration was trying to cover something up.

Muslim Protests At US Embassies Continue, Media Ignores.  We know that the mainstream media is in the tank for President Obama.  It took them two full weeks to turn their attention to the inconsistencies in the Obama administration's Libya cover story.  So it's no surprise to find that they're not covering continuing turmoil in the Muslim world.  At all.

Wheels coming off.  It was just a few weeks ago at the Democratic national convention that Obama confidently declared that "al Qaeda is on the path to defeat and Osama bin Laden is dead."  And yet, on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, al Qaeda struck again against our lightly guarded consulate in Benghazi, where ambassador Chris Stevens was murdered — an attack, it now turns out, the United States had ample reason to suspect was coming.

Anti-Muslim film-maker arrested for jeopardizing Obama's reelection chances.  First our government claimed that an anti-Muslim film-maker was falsely accused of sparking spontaneous riots among radical Islamists who have been outraged for 1,400 years.  Then the film-maker was arrested for jeopardizing President Obama's reelection chances when Mr. Obama's story of the events in the Middle East unraveled.  An American diplomat was murdered and American embassies and consulates were burned.  Americans were not interested in hearing about diversity and multi-culturalism.  They wanted a head on a platter.

Romney camp joins in calls for clear Libya explanation, says Obama officials giving mixed info.  The administration and the Obama re-election campaign appeared to give conflicting statements Sunday [9/30/2012] about the president's knowledge on the terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya, according to the Romney camp, which has joined in asking for a clearer explanation of the events and the U.S. response.  Obama Campaign senior adviser David Axelrod said on CNN's "State of the Union" that the president called the Sept. 11 strike an act of terror "the day after it happened."

O's missing word: 'terror'.  That was a perfectly fine speech Barack Obama gave at the United Nations yesterday.  Perfectly fine, except that he has been president for the last four years.  Perfectly fine, except that terrorists murdered our ambassador in Libya on the 11th anniversary of 9/11.  And perfectly fine, except that the head of al Qaeda released a videotape urging that murder and others during what he called a time of "American weakness."  Mr. President:  The video didn't do it.  Terrorists did.

"The Country He Served".  What does that phrase "the country he served" mean? The country Ambassador Stevens was supposed to be serving was the United States, just as Libyan diplomats in Washington are supposed to serve the national interest of Libya.  Yet in the context of his surrounding remarks (which are all about the place he was posted to: Chris "crafted a vision for the future", "supported the birth of a new democracy", etc) the President appears to give the impression that he thinks "the country he served" was Libya.

Religious Visas Put Lie To Obama's Suggestion Muslims More Tolerant.  Referring to the Muhammad video during his U.N. speech this week, Obama lectured Americans about "intolerance" toward Islam.  "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam," he said.  "It is time to heed the words of Gandhi:  'Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit.'"  He actually believes Muslims have heeded those words.  "Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance," he intoned during his 2009 Cairo speech.  "Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality."  Obama must have learned his history at that Jakarta madrassa he attended.

More about Obama's speech at the UN, 9/25/2012.

Over 1,000 rally against anti-Islam film in Dearborn; another protest planned today.  More than 1,000 rallied Friday night [9/28/2012] in Dearborn against the anti-Islam movie that has sparked protests around the world.  Organized by Arab-American leaders, the rally was the third protest in metro Detroit over the movie, the biggest one yet.  Another protest against "Innocence of Muslims," the anti-Islam movie made in California that denigrates Islam's prophet, is set for today in Canton.

The Editor says...
How many of these protestors have watched the movie, as opposed to the trailer promoting the movie?  I would estimate zero, since the (full-length) movie itself apparently doesn't exist.

Why is Joe Scarborough ignoring Obama's Libya scandal?  Joe Scarborough is not only a Republican, he's a Republican with an entire cable news morning show named after him; a show I'm repeatedly told influences the mainstream media.  And yet, even as the Libya scandal breaks wide open across New Media, even as we discover more and more incontrovertible evidence proving the Obama Administration engaged in an unconscionable cover up that included trotting a UN Ambassador out on all the Sunday shows to tell a fairy tale our government knew wasn't true — on Scarborough's own show Friday morning [9/28/2012], you would never know this happened.

Fox News confirms Obama admin designated Benghazi sacking a terror attack within first 24 hours.  Fox News follows up on Eli Lake's excellent reporting on the intel after the assassination of Ambassador Chris Stevens, confirming from their own sources that the US knew within the first twenty-four hours that the sacking of the Benghazi consulate was no "spontaneous demonstration" that spun out of control.

Top Republican: Ambassador Rice Should Resign for Misleading Public on Benghazi Terror Attacks.  Ambassador Rice went on 5 different Sunday [9/16/2012] talk shows repeating the lie that the Benghazi terror attack was a spontaneous protest when the White House knew within 24 hours that Al-Qaeda was behind the attacks.

Rep. King: U.S. Amb. to U.N should resign.  Rep. Peter King calls for U.S. ambassador Susan Rice to resign for what he says was misleading comments about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya.

Peter King: UN Ambassador Rice should resign for misinforming the American people.  Peter King is calling for U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to resign for misinforming to the American people about what happened in Benghazi.  He said even if it were not intentional and simply incompetence, she doesn't deserve to hold that position any more for demonstrating such a lack of knowledge and sophistication.

King calls for Rice resignation over Libya story, Kerry defends.  A top Republican called Friday [9/28/2012] for U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice to resign over her "misleading" statements on the Libya terror attack — escalating a brewing battle between lawmakers and the administration over the changing narrative.

Democrats Defend Susan Rice Amid Call for Her Resignation.  Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, has been hammered by Republican critics ever since she went on five interview shows on Sunday, Sept. 16 to say the attack on on the U.S. consulate was a "spontaneous" reaction to the outcry in Egypt over an anti-Muslim video posted on YouTube.  Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, went so far as to say Rice should resign for intentionally misleading the American people about what really happened.

Peter King calls for Susan Rice's resignation.  Rep. Peter King called for the resignation Friday of U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice for initially saying that the deadly Sept. 11 assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was spontaneous.

John Kerry defends Susan Rice.  Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) is coming to the defense of U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice — rumored to be his top rival to replace Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a second Obama term.

Plouffe Defends U.N. Ambassador, Axelrod Doesn't.  There were mixed messages from aides to Barack Obama this morning [9/30/2012] on the Sunday talk shows.  On the one hand, political adviser David Plouffe, who works at the White House, defended America's U.N. ambassador, Susan Rice, for her handling of the terrorist attack in Libya.  But on the other hand, David Axelrod, a top Obama political adviser stationed at the campaign headquarters in Chicago, threw Ambassador Rice under the bus.

From Cairo to California, Obama and the Left are Destroying Our Free Speech.  On 9/11, as radical Islamic terrorists were attacking the U.S. consulate in Libya and their sympathizers were raising Al Qaeda banners above the U.S. embassy in Cairo — all, we were later told by the Obama administration, due to outrage at a film — a debate was held at the city council meeting of Santa Monica, CA.  Troubled residents wanted to know why the city had banned non-profit groups from running ads on the sides of city buses.

BenghaziGate: President Obama Is A Lazy Liar.  Within 24 hours, the White House knew the assault on our Libyan consulate was a terrorist attack, yet a president who has no time for intelligence briefings sent his minions out to say it was just a movie.  Five days before U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice went on the Sunday talk shows to say Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed at the hands of a spontaneous mob inflamed by a months-old film trailer insulting Islam that few had seen, U.S. intelligence sources knew the attack was planned and organized.

Scapegoat Alert!
Intelligence office says it got Libya attack wrong, not White House.  The unusual statement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence appeared to have two goals:  updating the public on the latest findings of the investigation into the assault, and shielding the White House from a political backlash over its original accounts.

MSM: Hey, the president dissembled on Libya.  Late Friday afternoon [9/28/2012] the spokesman for Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James R. Clapper Jr. released a statement in which the intelligence head tried to fall on the administration's sword on the Libyan-consulate debacle.  But the problem was that Clapper's statement did not absolve the administration of repeatedly making false statements after intelligence agencies knew this was a planned al-Qaeda terrorist attack.

Benghazi: The Unanswered Question.  It is a common tactic among politicians and others who are in trouble to plead guilty to a lesser offense in order to distract attention from their real transgression.  That is, I think, what the Obama administration has done in admitting belatedly that the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was an act of terrorism, not, as Mark Steyn put it, a movie review that got out of hand.  Scott detailed that sorry history earlier this morning.  The administration hopes, I think, that acknowledging the obvious with respect to the nature of the attack will allow the press to put the whole issue aside until after the election.

The Benghazi scandal widens.  ABC News broke the mainstream media embargo on the Obama Administration's outrageous conduct in the Benghazi consulate attack, with a report by Jake Tapper on World News Tonight.

Benghazi Worse than Watergate.  For over forty years now, the Watergate scandal — the June 1972 break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters and the subsequent cover-up by the Nixon administration — has been the sine qua non of American political malfeasance. [...] Benghazi or Benghazigate, as some call it, is worse.  Far worse.  Incomparably worse.  Watergate caught numerous public officials lying, including the president of the United States, but Benghazigate has all that and more.

The Obama Administration's Benghazi Cover-Up.  Fox New Channel's Special Report ran this piece on the Obama administration's Benghazi Boogaloo, its real time, evolving cover-up in the two weeks after terrorists murdered four Americans at the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  This segment is a must-see.  If you have any swing voters or persuadable Democrats in your life, make sure that they see this.  It's devastating.

Barack Obama's Terrorist Attack Cover-Up.  It is astounding that what really happened in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 has been so thoroughly buried by the mainstream media.  In an article from Reuters dated September 12, 2012, Alastair MacDonald reported that "U.S. troops dispatched by helicopter across the Libyan desert to rescue Ambassador Chris Stevens and other diplomats in Benghazi ran into a fierce overnight ambush that left a further two Americans dead."  MacDonald quotes Capt. Fathi al-Obeidi (Libya special operations) as saying that "after his men and the Marines had found the American survivors who had evacuated the blazing consulate, the ostensibly secret location in an isolated villa came under an intense and highly accurate mortar barrage."

Obama's camp calls Libya hit 'terrorism'.  The Obama administration said Wednesday [9/26/2012] it now thinks the attack that killed the U.S. ambassador to Libya was linked to an affiliate of al Qaeda — an evaluation that comes two weeks after the strike and as the White House has struggled to defend its initial read on the situation.

Shifting Reports on Libya Killings May Cost Obama.  After first describing the attack as a spontaneous demonstration run amok, administration officials now describe it as a terrorist act with possible involvement by Al Qaeda.

Killing the Messenger, Obama's Way.  President Obama thinks critics and foes need not only to be defeated, but to be crushed and shamed in the public square.  Obama and his team said CNN's reports on terror in Libya were "disgusting" and "indefensible," that Mitt Romney's comments on Obama's policy show that he likes to "shoot first and aim later," unlike straight-shooting, straight-talking Sheriff Obama.

White House Defends Changing Rhetoric On Libya Attack.  The White House today rejected criticism of the Obama administration's response and changing rhetoric regarding the deadly Sept. 11 assault on the U.S. consulate in Libya as "unfortunate" attempts to politicize the attack.

Kirsten Powers: More Americans will be put in danger if the media doesn't start challenging the White House on Libya.  A few reporters have stepped up, of course.  Eli Lake at Newsweek has done a bang-up job, CNN has stuck with the story all week, Tapper had a solid report last night about who knew what and when.  But perhaps we're asking too much from the media generally; there are, after all, Romney gaffes to be covered.  And if there's one thing that America wants and needs from its media right now, it's more navel-gazing horse-race election dreck.

Obama still wants to fundamentally transform America.  An American compound in Libya is invaded by al Qaeda terrorists and an American ambassador is purportedly tortured before being killed.  Muslim mobs attack American embassies in 27 countries chanting,"Death to America."  The White House response?  A statement blaming the outrages on a filmmaker in the United States, along with apologies to the Muslim world.

Senators to Clinton: Show us the ambassador's cables.  Two top senators on the Foreign Relations Committee don't want to wait for the State Department to do its own investigation into the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens; they want Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to show them Stevens's diplomatic cables and other correspondence now.

Obama Administration's Libya Spin Unravels.  At the Washington Post this morning [9/27/2012], Glenn Kessler posts a collection of the Obama administration's evolving statements on Libya and some important reporting of facts surrounding the attacks. [...] There is considerable contemporaneous reporting that demonstrates the Obama administration knew long before it said so publicly that the attacks were planned and likely the work of al Qaeda-related terrorists.

Obama's Libya lies crumble.  We seemed to have reached a tipping point in the liberal media's coverage of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.  This morning [9/27/2012], The Washington Post has published to the web a devastating timeline of Obama administration statements on the attack that clearly demonstrate Obama has been lying about the incident for political gain from day one.

From video to terrorist attack: a definitive timeline of administration statements on the Libya attack.  In any kind of confused overseas event, initial reports are often wrong.  But the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, in which four Americans were killed, including the ambassador, is a case study of how an administration can carefully keep the focus as long as possible on one storyline — and then turn on a dime when it is no longer tenable.

State Dept. switches from lying about Benghazi to lying about having lied about it.  You know things are getting bad for the Obama administration when they have to give in and acknowledge consensus reality.

Now Obama Administration Caught Lying About Investigation Into Benghazi Attack.  A great clip of Obama White House Press Secretary Jay Carney clearly upset at having to actually try and answer a question from an almost aggressive member of the media regarding the deadly attacks in Libya that killed four Americans including a United States ambassador.

Prez weaves a web of lies.  A week after U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens was killed in an attack on the consulate in Benghazi, President Barack Obama sent U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice out to tell us, "What happened initially was that it was a spontaneous reaction... as a consequence of the video, that people gathered outside the embassy and then it grew very violent."  Actually, Mr. President... no.  There was no "spontaneous reaction."  It was a terrorist attack, and nothing but a terrorist attack.

Intercepts Show Attackers on U.S. Consulate in Benghazi Bragged to Al Qaeda.  Conversations monitored by U.S. intelligence show Ansar al-Sharia jihadists boasted to Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb about the attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and others — more evidence the assault was not a spontaneous reaction to the anti-Muslim video.

Peace Through Strength, Not Hope and Change.  Before buying the spin that the deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was a spontaneous response to an anti-Islam video, Think Again.  According to Libyan President Mohamed Magarief, the video had "nothing to do with" the premeditated terrorist attack. Conducted on the anniversary of 9/11 in order to "carry a certain message," the Benghazi attack and violent anti-American rioting elsewhere reflect the ascendency of radical Islam in the wake of the Arab Spring.  By attributing unrest to false pretexts — not violent jihadists seeking to impose their totalitarian ideology — we incentivize further cycles of violence and legitimize the Islamists' tactics.

Now Hillary Clinton strongly hints that Libya consulate WAS attacked by Al Qaeda.  In a humiliating admission, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said today [9/26/2012] that there was an explicit link between the al Qaeda network in North Africa and the deadly attacks on the U.S. consulate in Libya, backtracking from what the State Department had said previously.

Top intelligence official backtracks on Libya story, says initial assessment premature.  The office of the United States' top intelligence official appeared to take the blame Friday [9/28/2012] for the Obama administration's changing narrative on the U.S. Consulate attack in Libya, saying administration officials who initially claimed the attack was spontaneous did so based on intelligence officials' guidance.

Some Administration Officials Were Concerned About Initial White House Push Blaming Benghazi Attack on Mob.  Even before Defense Secretary Leon Panetta contradicted the initial story about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, today, Obama administration officials told ABC News they were concerned after the White House began pushing the line that the attack was spontaneous and not the work of terrorists.  Events were too uncertain, and suspicions had been aroused, officials said.  Panetta today [9/27/2012] said that the attack that killed four Americans on the anniversary of 9/11 was not only carried out by terrorists — it was pre-meditated.

Lawmakers 'suspicious' administration 'trying to hide' Libya attack details.  Fresh claims that U.S. intelligence officials knew practically from the start that the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was terrorism possibly tied to Al Qaeda have lawmakers alleging they were misled and questioning whether the administration has something to hide.  "This is turning into something not short of Benghazi-gate," Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., told Fox News, adding he's "very suspicious" about the way the administration has handled this.

Cover Up: Report Says U.S. Knew Al-Qaeda Behind Libya Attack Within 24 Hours.  If these reports are true, and I suspect we all know they are — what we have here is nothing more than a scandalous White House cover up and Obama's Media Palace Guards so terrified of Obama losing, they refuse to give it the coverage it demands, the attention it deserves, or to make Obama pay a political price for his role and responsibility.

Allen West: Person Responsible For Libya 'Cover-Up' Will Be 'Fired' On Nov. 6th.  Florida congressman Allen West stopped by Fox & Friends' curvy couch on Monday, where he said that President Obama is complicit in trying the attacks in Benghazi to the anti-Islam film Innocence of Muslims.  The Obama administration, he continued, simply does not want its foreign policy to be regarded as a "failure."  West later added that there has "without a doubt" been a cover-up by the White House.

Romney Vindicated: On Libya, Obama Shot First, Didn't Ask Questions.  President Obama accused Mitt Romney of shooting first and asking questions later when responding to violence unfolding in the Middle East.  But a quick review of the timeline, and the White House's "evolving" explanation for the attacks on the Benghazi consulate are beginning to make it clear that Obama's the one who's guilty of speaking too soon.

Man behind anti-Islamic film reveals new 'real' name.  The mystery surrounding the man behind the crudely produced anti-Islamic video that sparked violence in the Middle East deepened when he appeared in court and identified himself by yet another name.

Judge orders man behind anti-Islam film be held on probation violation.  A federal judge on Thursday [9/27/2012] ordered a California man behind a crudely produced anti-Islamic video that inflamed parts of the Middle East to be detained because he is a flight risk.

Hillary Says Goodbye to 2016 Chances.  It remains unclear whether President Barack Obama's lies about attacks on U.S. embassies will cost him re-election.  One thing is certain, however:  whatever ambitions Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once held to run for president in 2016 have been damaged beyond repair.

People Died, Obama Lied.  That's the best summary of what has happened since Sept. 11, when terrorists (yes, terrorists) attacked the U.S. consulate in Libya, killing four Americans and the U.S. Ambassador, while terrorist sympathizers swarmed the U.S. embassy in Cairo.  The Obama administration insisted — though it knew otherwise — that the attacks were provoked by an anti-Islam film made in the U.S. by a Coptic Christian.

Obama prevaricated, "Innocence of Muslims" guy was incarcerated.  Remember just the other day, when President Barack Hussein Obama said, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam"?  Well, it looks like that's one of the few promises he's ever been willing or able to keep.

Obama's Libya Lies Collapse: Senate Democrats Demand Answers .  The wheels appear to be coming off a two week attempt by the Obama Administration to cover up its fatal security failures at our consulate in Libya and to cover up the very fact that this was a successful pre-planned terrorist attack that cost four American lives, including that of our Libyan Ambassador, Christopher Stevens.

Democrats: Investigate Benghazi Attack After the Election.  Don't be fooled by the supposedly bipartisan effort to investigate the Obama administration's actions after the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya. Democrats are no more serious about challenging their leader in the White House than they have ever been.

Congressional pressure grows for Obama on Libya consulate attack.  The Obama administration faced increased pressure Thursday to provide more information about the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya that left an ambassador and three other Americans dead.

US officials knew Libya attack was terrorism within 24 hours, sources confirm.  U.S. intelligence officials knew within 24 hours of the assault on the U.S. Consulate in Libya that it was a terrorist attack and suspected Al Qaeda-tied elements were involved, sources told Fox News — though it took the administration a week to acknowledge it.  The account sharply conflicts with claims on the Sunday after the attack by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice that the administration believed the strike was a "spontaneous" event triggered by protests in Egypt over an anti-Islam film.

Libyan president contradicts Obama.  In an exclusive interview with NBC's Ann Curry, Libyan President Mohamed Magarief declared the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi a "pre-planned act of terrorism" that was not a spontaneous response to an anti-Muhammad YouTube video.  "I have no doubt about that and it's a pre-planned act of terrorism directed against American citizens," Magarief said.  "If we take the facts about the way it was executed, you can see there is enough proof that it is a pre-planned act of terrorism."

Libyan president says attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was planned terrorism — not reaction to anti-Islam film.  An Algerian offshoot of Al Qaeda has been linked to the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya, Secretary of State Clinton said Wednesday [9/26/2012].

Libya president: Anti-Islam film trailer had nothing to do with attack on US Consulate.  The anti-Islam film trailer that the White House has repeatedly blamed for sparking unrest in the Middle East had nothing to do with the attack that led to the death of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, that nation's president said in a television interview.  Libyan President Mohamed Magarief said the deadly Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi, which also resulted in the deaths of three other Americans, was more likely pegged to the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

At U.N., Obama downplays terrorism in Libya attack.  Although his administration in recent days acknowledged that the deaths of Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three others were caused by a terrorist act on Sept. 11, Mr. Obama didn't mention terrorism as the likely motive in front of an international audience at the U.N. General Assembly's annual gathering.  After referencing the killing of the ambassador, Mr. Obama focused much of his speech on promoting religious tolerance and free speech, blaming the film for provoking the anti-U.S. outbursts while saying there is never an excuse for violence.

Mr. President: Take down this film!  Beginning two weeks ago and going on for 12 days, the White House was adamant that the horrific Sept. 11 attacks on our embassies in Egypt and Libya, which resulted in four dead Americans (one an ambassador) and included burnings of Barack Obama in effigy, were caused by outrage at a 14-minute "film" that had been made by an obscure private citizen and seen only by a handful of people on YouTube.

Did Obama lie about the embassy attacks?  Eli Lake let loose a bombshell yesterday:  "Within 24 hours of the 9-11 anniversary attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, U.S. intelligence agencies had strong indications al Qaeda-affiliated operatives were behind the attack, and had even pinpointed the location of one of those attackers.

Libya leader says attack unrelated to anti-Islam film.  Libyan leader Mohamed al-Megaryef said Wednesday [9/26/2012] that the deadly September 11 attack on the US consulate was a pre-planned assault that had "nothing to do with" an anti-Islam online video.

U.S. Officials Knew Libya Attacks Were Work of Al Qaeda Affiliates.  Sources say intelligence agencies knew within a day that al Qaeda affiliates were behind the attacks in Benghazi, Libya — they even knew where one of the attackers lived.

Network Morning Shows Completely Skip Report That Obama WH Knew Libya Attack Was Terrorism.  In an article published shortly before 5 a.m. EDT on the morning of Sept. 26, The Daily Beast's Eli Lake revealed that three separate U.S. intelligence officials confirmed to him that within 24 hours of the September 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, the Obama administration had strong reason to suspect al Qaeda ties to the deadly violence.  Lake noted that the identities of at least four of the participants in the attack on the consulate were found within 24 hours, one of which has been tracked by his use of social media.  This of course conflicts with the administration's early story.

Sources: 15 days after Benghazi attack, FBI still investigating from afar.  More than two weeks after four Americans — including the U.S. ambassador to Libya — were killed in an attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, FBI agents have not yet been granted access to investigate in the eastern Libyan city, and the crime scene has not been secured, sources said.  "They've gotten as far as Tripoli now, but they've never gotten to Benghazi,"  CNN National Security Analyst Fran Townsend said Wednesday [9/26/2012], citing senior law enforcement officials.

Giuliani Accuses Obama Admin. Of Covering Up Libya Attacks: 'This Is A Major Scandal'.  Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani accused the administration of President Barack Obama of covering up the events relating to the attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya which resulted in the death of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.  Giuliani called the administration's action a "scandal" and said the U.S. media is a "disgrace" for not reporting on it.

A Brief History of Muslim Outrage.  The Religion of Perpetual Outrage has been with us for a long time, but somehow the Obama administration apparently didn't notice.  According to Barack and his enablers, turmoil across ten or more Muslim countries, the storming of American embassies and consulates, the burning of countless American flags and the murder of an American ambassador are all due to a stupid video on YouTube.  Sure.  Haul the video guy in for questioning, pay for an apologetic ad in Pakistan, and they will be mollified.  Not the Muslim fanatics, but American reporters — which is all that Obama cares about.

Permanent Spin.  For nine days, the Obama administration made a case that virtually everyone understood was untrue:  that the killing of our ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya, was a random, spontaneous act of individuals upset about an online video — an unpredictable attack on a well-protected compound that had nothing do to with the eleventh anniversary of 9/11.  These claims were wrong.  Every one of them. [...] Intelligence officials understood immediately that the attacks took place on 9/11 for a reason.  The ambassador, in a country that faces a growing al Qaeda threat, had virtually no security.

Obama Condemns 'Crude' Video at UN, Tells World Body to Respect Free Speech.  President Obama stood before the United Nations General Assembly this morning not just as a world leader taking his turn at the dais, but as a pre-emptive Nobel Peace Prize recipient now being judged for how his term has lived up to the title. [...] The fire from Obama's 2009 Cairo address to the Muslim world seems to have fizzled in the face of global events that dampened his message of hope and understanding.  The U.S. suffered another 9/11 terrorist attack and the White House is under fire for quickly pinning the blame on an amateur film offending Muslims rather than a coordinated terror attack.

If voters think Obama's deceiving them about the Benghazi riot, he'll pay in November.  When is a terrorist attack not a terrorist attack?  Maybe when it lands in the middle of an election.  After violence broke out at the US embassy in Benghazi on September 11, the Obama administration was quick to sell the narrative that it was sparked by outrage at an anti-Islamic video.  But now it's not so sure.

Islamists are taking full advantage of our failure to grasp their intent.  U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney both insisted that the killings of our people in Libya had nothing to do with anti-Americanism, much less anger at or disdain for the White House or administration policy — leaving their audiences wondering at what point in the future they would simply retract or ignore all the untrue things they were now asserting.

Body of lies from Benghazi to Barack.  By now, it is well known that something is very wrong with the official narrative pertaining to the controversial video known to everyone as Innocence of Muslims. [...] There are more than a few problems with this narrative.  First, aside from the trailer, the video does not exist anywhere in any public forum.  Not now, not ever. [...] In consideration of the above information, it is clear that this administration is being disingenuous in their continued denials that (1) the attack was spontaneous; (2) a video, virtually unknown until after the 9/11 Libyan attacks, is behind these attacks; (3) they had no advance warning of impending attacks.  So, where does this leave us?

White House Knowingly Gave False Information to Media on Benghazi Terror Attack.  The Obama White House knowingly gave false information on the Benghazi terrorist attack.  The Obama Administration repeated to reporters that the consulate attack was the related to an offensive YouTube document but they privately were circulating a very different view on the murderous attack.

Obama is still blaming the internet video clip a week later, even though we know better.
Obama to UN: It's Not My Fault Stevens is Dead.  Passing the buck in dramatic fashion on the world stage, President Barack Obama told the UN General Assembly this morning [9/25/2012] that the U.S. government was not responsible for the anti-Islam video that he once again blamed for recent attacks on U.S. embassies in the Middle East.  He added that more guards at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi would not have helped save Ambassador Chris Stevens, and that the real problem was "deeper causes" such as religious intolerance.

Obama's Tragic Pander: 'The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander The Prophet Of Islam'.  Addressing the representatives of the United Nations General Assembly in a time of global crisis, President Barack Obama opted to legitimize the growing chorus of critics who condemn America's provocative right of free speech.  The president's address to the world was anything but a full-throated defense of American values.  It was, instead, an abundantly disappointing abdication of his responsibility to defend the cherished freedoms of the nation he leads.

The Film 'Innocence of Muslims' — Made By Terrorists?  When it comes to the film Innocence of Muslims, our government and the media use a narrative mired in contradictions and false statements provided by the filmmaker, who himself is an untrustworthy source.  If we stick to what can be proven we might obtain the possibility that terror supporters produced the film.  Muhammad Al Dura and Paliwood are two cases in point, showing the type of stunts used by Palestinian terrorists.

Libyan president has 'no doubt' deadly 9/11 attack on U.S. Consulate was 'pre-planned'.  Libyan president Mohamed Magarief has claimed the deadly 9/11 anniversary attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was undoubtedly a 'pre-planned act of terrorism.'  The comments follow repetitive claims by the U.S. government that the attack last month that killed ambassador Chris Stevens was spontaneous, and was sparked by an anti-Islam film produced in California.  But President Magarief quashed the idea the assault on the consulate was prompted by the movie, adding that he has 'no doubt' it was a premeditated act of terrorism targeting American citizens.

CS Monitor: Say, this admission on Benghazi terrorist attack might cause Obama a few problems.  Actually, it wasn't "hesitation."  The White House insisted that the attack on the consulate in Benghazi was a protest that "spun out of control" — and sent UN Ambassador Susan Rice onto a number of Sunday talk shows last weekend to insist on it.  They rolled out a false story even while the Libyan President said there was "no doubt" that the attack was premeditated and well organized.  Why did the Obama administration stick with the false story until it fell apart?

Obama tells United Nations it is 'time to heed the words of Gandhi'.  President Barack Obama delivered an extensive denunciation of a 'crude and disgusting' anti-Islam video made in California, telling the United Nations that 'it is time to heed the words of Gandhi' and declaring:  'The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.'  Obama strongly condemned the protests that spread across the Middle East and the murder of Chris Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, branding them 'an assault on America'.  But he stated that the unrest and murderous attacks were the result of the low-budget video, which had 'sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world'.

Obama lied about what happened in Benghazi [...] until the truth exposed him.  Now we know the truth.  Obama lied for nine days about the Benghazi terrorist attacks that killed an American ambassador and three other Americans.  The lies were not just isolated pieces of information but rather the entire message about what happened was a blatant lie.

Obama's Unholy Mess in Libya.  According to Obama's official White House statement released Sept. 12:  "Libyans helped some of our diplomats find safety, and they carried Ambassador Stevens's [sic] body to the hospital, where we tragically learned that he had died."  Thus far, the administration hasn't released anything to support Obama's statement.  But videos taken inside the consulate immediately after the attack reveal a mob dragging out Stevens' dead body on the ground.  With a million-to-one chance that anybody is ever charged for the attack on the consulate, the defense attorneys will salivate over the prospect of introducing Obama's statement praising Libyans as rescuers who carried the ambassador to the hospital.

No demonstration before attack on US Consulate, source says.  An intelligence source on the ground in Libya told Fox News that there was no demonstration outside the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi prior to last week's attack — challenging the Obama administration's claims that the assault grew out of a "spontaneous" protest against an anti-Islam film.  "There was no protest and the attacks were not spontaneous," the source said, adding the attack "was planned and had nothing to do with the movie."

What the Obama administration did wrong in the Middle East.  The administration seems to accept the narrative that the attacks on embassies were spontaneous and motivated entirely by the Bacile film.  Yet many on the ground disagree.  Libyan President Mohammed el-Megarif told NPR, "The idea that this criminal and cowardly act was a spontaneous protest that just spun out of control is completely unfounded and preposterous."  It was, he claimed, a military-style attack.

The Video Did It.  The Obama Administration dispatched Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice to the talk shows Sunday [9/16/2012] to explain the outbreak of anti-American protests in the Arab world.  Her message:  It's all the fault of that 13-minute anti-Islamic video on YouTube.  U.S. policies or foreign terrorists have little or nothing to do with it.

The Obama Cult Is Weakening America.  The Obama administration's repeated lie about the attacks on U.S. targets across the Middle East — i.e. that the motive is anger about a film, not anger at the U.S. — reveals a deeper truth:  the Obama camp really does believe he is loved in the Muslim world, and has changed perceptions of America by his mere presence in the White House.  They continue to believe that dangerous self-delusion — despite all evidence to the contrary.

Is Anti-Muslim Film a Hoax?  A 13-minute amateur trailer for the film "Innocence of Muslims" depicts the prophet Muhammad as a womanizer, child molester and criminal.  Though the clip had been available for at least several weeks on the Internet, protests over the film last week erupted in nearly two dozen countries, and several American embassies were attacked.  Four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, were killed.  Much remains unknown about the anti-Muslim film and those behind it, leaving many to wonder if "Innocence of Muslims" is really a deadly hoax.  So far, it certainly seems that way.

Intelligence Officials Contradict Obama's Libya Narrative.  Evidence that terrorists planned the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Libya in advance has forced the White House to alter its original narrative claiming that the violence erupted out of anger over an anti-Islam film, according to the Daily Beast.  One U.S. intelligence officer investigating the attacks told reporter Eli Lake that "the attackers had staked out and monitored the U.S. consulate in Benghazi before the attack, a move that suggests pre-planning," according to the report.  In the days following the attack, the White House was quick to apologize for and condemn an offensive YouTube video that lambasted Islam and the Islamic prophet Mohammad.

Obama administration clueless on Mideast turmoil.  The Middle East is on fire, in more ways than one.  For more than a week the Obama administration insisted that this was solely a response to the work of an obscure, asinine filmmaker.  Now that story is beginning to unravel.

Islamic Exceptionalism.  Public Enemy No. 1 right now is the man who made a ridiculously shoddy YouTube video titled "The Innocence of Muslims."  This man and his so-called "film" have been blamed with a very broad brush for every riot and protest across the Mideast.  It is all so ... impossible.  This video sat unwatched for months until an Egyptian television station decided to promote it as some kind of global insult.  Not you, not anyone you know and not anyone they know ever heard of this.

Obama to Condemn Christian Filmmaker Before United Nations.  For weeks this administration, aided and abetted by The State Media, has shamelessly lied to us about what happened in Libya.  Moreover, in order to cover up and distract for unforgivable security lapses, this hapless filmmaker has been targeted for all of the blame — certainly more blame than the Administration's failure to secure a consulate on 9/11 (of all days), but even more blame than the actual murderers.  And now, even though we know the truth about what really happened in Libya, it won't stop.  It will never stop.  Because Obama knows his media will never make him pay a political price for lying and scapegoating.  At all costs, the media quietly whispers amongst themselves, Obama must be reelected.

US official: No proof Libya attack tied to film.  The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee told CNN on Sunday that there is no proof that the attack on the US consulate in Libya earlier in the month was connected to protests over anti-Islam movie Innocence of Muslims.  "I have seen no information that shows that there was a protest going on as you have seen around any other embassy at the time.  It was clearly designed to be an attack," Rep. Mike Rogers told CNN.

Innocence of Mrs. Clinton.  Secretary of State Clinton went before the cameras to "take a moment," as she put it, "to address the video circulating on the internet that has led to these protests in a number of countries.  Let me state very clearly, and I hope it is obvious, that the United States government had absolutely nothing to do with this video."  But try this for a thought experiment.  What would be the position of Mrs. Clinton, of our government, of our courts, if the United States government had turned out to have had something to do with the video?

Something Is Wrong.  Don't look now, but Islam is becoming the MSM's official religion of America. [...] We are not supposed to be doing obeisance to a religious group that has many adherents who want us dead.  We are not, as journalists, supposed to be labeling anyone as "The" Prophet.  But somehow, it's happening.  The MSM has become a voice for Islam.  Hitler saw it long ago.  Terror and fear of violence can bring about amazing changes in people's behavior.  So can a misguided political correctness and self-loathing for the greatest nation on earth.

Romney: Benghazi a 'terrorist attack'.  Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney says the attack on the American consulate in Libya was an act of terrorism and says the United States must use foreign aid to bring about lasting change in such places.

The Islamization of the ACLU.  The ACLU usually stands up strong for First Amendment rights.  Not in the case of the Muhammad movie.  The ACLU's executive director failed to release an official statement condemning the outrageous efforts of the White House to deep-six the film, including pressuring YouTube to remove its trailer from the Web.  Amnesty International, in contrast, asserted that any Muslim hurt over the film "should not be used as a justification to curtail core freedoms or justify potential government repression."  Not until The Daily Caller contacted the ACLU did it speak out, and only meekly so.

MSM Tipping Point On Obama in the Middle East?  The anti-American riots that have been rocking the Muslim world since 9/11 have shaken the establishment out of its complacency.  Increasingly, even those who sympathize with the basic elements of the administration's Middle East policy are connecting the dots.  What they are seeing isn't pretty.

Sununu: 'Lazy and Detached' Obama Set Stage for Ambassador's Murder.  Romney campaign surrogate and former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu (R) blasted President Obama as too "lazy and detached" to sit through presidential briefings, and charged that Ambassador Chris Stevens paid the ultimate price for that laziness.  "Look, one of the key responsibilities of a president is to keep up with the intelligence data that's coming in and what's going on around the world.  This president has skipped about 60 percent of his personal contact Presidential Daily briefings, the PDB.  That document that he skims on his iPad is a summary," Sununu said last night [9/27/2012] on Fox.

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Updated March 7, 2025.

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