The Editor says...
I have neither the time nor the inclination to write an introduction for this fully self-explanatory page.
Unveils Black Sea Deal With Russia, Ukraine. The White House said Russia and Ukraine
have both agreed to "eliminate the use of force" in the Black Sea following talks in Saudi Arabia,
a sign of progress toward the war-ending peace deal that U.S. President Donald Trump is seeking to
secure. In two separate statements on the outcomes of the talks between the sides, the White
House said Moscow and Kyiv had "agreed to ensure safe navigation, eliminate the use of force, and
prevent the use of commercial vessels for military purposes in the Black Sea." Moreover, the
United States "will help restore Russia's access to the world market for agricultural and
fertilizer exports, lower maritime insurance costs, and enhance access to ports and payment systems
for such transactions."
Ukraine agree to truce at sea and ban on energy attacks. The United States reached
separate agreements on Tuesday with Ukraine and Russia to ensure safe navigation in the Black Sea
and to implement a ban on attacks by the two countries on each other's energy facilities. The
agreements, if implemented, would represent the clearest progress yet towards a wider ceasefire
that Washington sees as a stepping stone towards peace talks to bring an end to Russia's three-year-old
war in Ukraine. Both countries said they would rely on Washington to enforce the deals.
Military Revolting Against Starmer Ukraine Plan? The UK military appears to be
revolting. Not revolting as in gross, nor are they picking up their guns and storming No 10.
But apparently, if The Telegraph is to be believed, military leaders are trashing Keir Starmer's tough
talk and vague plans for putting boots on the ground in Ukraine should Trump's efforts to end the war
succeed. [...] Starmer is a lightweight — a political peacock who puffs up his feathers while
trying to look mean — whose understanding of strategy, military capabilities, and how to deter
somebody like Putin was developed by attending Model UN club as a teen. Imagine being a top
military commander who has to listen to him. I weep for those men and women.
Popularity Plunges. Politics is a fickle business, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelensky has lost the favor of sensible Americans, who demand that our focus and resources be
devoted to the US homeland, not far away, intractable wars. This Zelensky fall from grace
stands in stark contrast to the constant adoration he enjoys from the legacy media platforms of
Washington and New York. After all, even before the war in Ukraine, he was fawned over by the
US corporate media for his indirect role in spurring the first sham impeachment of President
Trump. Since the Russian invasion, he graduated to the circles of a true global celebrity,
feted by Hollywood elites as he scampered from Davos to Washington, demanding an endless flow of
arms and money into his stalemate war. [...] But Zelensky's recent dust-up in the Oval Office with
President Trump and Vice President JD Vance showcased for many Americans the reality of Volodymyr's
greed and lack of appreciation. America has been borrowing hundreds of billions of
dollars — money we do not have — to send to Kyiv, with almost zero
accountability for how the weapons and money are used. Regardless, Zelensky showed up to the
White House in a sweatshirt and protested like an ungrateful child.
New Army Recruit is Kidnapped And Thrown Into A Van While Screaming For Help. A new
law, introduced in May, requires every man aged between 25 and 60 to log their details on an
electronic database so they can be called up. Conscription officers are on the hunt for those
avoiding the register, pushing more men who do not want to serve into hiding. Goon squads
like this one scan the area for men who can basically walk and kidnap them for the front
lines. [Video clip]
Humanitarian Calculus. There are four potential outcomes of the war in Ukraine: (1) the
deadlock continues indefinitely; (2) Ukraine surrenders; (3) Ukraine defeats Russia; (4) they
negotiate. Number One means thousands, probably hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of
people — mostly young men — die. [...] No one but the Russians want Number
Two, putting Ukraine under Putin's boot. It's probably preferable to One, but we can do
better. Number Three is only possible with large-scale, outside (read: NATO,
read: American) participation. That means young Americans returning home in flag-draped
coffins. [...] That leaves Number Four: Exchanging some Ukrainian territory to end the
bloodshed. The humanitarian calculus demands we seek an immediate, negotiated settlement, the
very thing Trump is seeking to do.
Are the Left's Solutions for the Problems They Created? [Scroll down]
Finally, regarding Ukraine, Trump is receiving a lot of criticism for the hot-cold treatment of
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. He used both verbal and policy leverage in hopes of forcing
Ukraine and Russia towards negotiations — a task that has historically proven to be
impossible without U.S. coercion. One can easily criticize Trump for being overly naive about
Vladimir Putin's ultimate intentions or any strategic resolution of the war that only Trump seems
to wish to end. But again, what is the alternative to his efforts? Is to keep feeding
the ongoing current Stalingrad desolation where 1.5 million dead, wounded, and missing
Ukrainians and Russians have fought for three years without any end in sight? Do we really
want an endless war that has created a new alignment of anti-Western Russia, China, Iran, North
Korea, and, at times, a number of Middle Eastern, South American, and Asian opportunists?
President Putin Says They Will Spare Ukrainian Soldiers in Kursk if They Lay Down Their Arms and
Surrender. Why isn't Volodymyr Zelenskyy the one asking for mercy? That's the
larger, unspoken message from Russian President Vladimir Putin. Speaking directly to
President Donald Trump's request for Russia to spare the lives of Ukrainian soldiers surrounded in
the Kursk region, President Vladimir Putin says they will be spared if they lay down their arms and
surrender. Notice how Putin draws a distinction between President Trump and President
Zelenskyy. Putin says, "we are sympathetic to President Trump's call to be guided by
humanitarian considerations," and then Putin shifts the emphasis on the absence of this plea from
bloodthirsty Zelenskyy. "There must be an appropriate order from the military and political
leadership of Ukraine to its troops to lay down their arms and surrender," Putin said.
Games: They Play, We Pay. For three years, the United Kingdom, the European
Union, and America's very own CIA have all been yelling, "Ukraine! Ukraine! Ukraine!"
Hoity-toity Davos dandies demand in unison that non-Ukrainians die for the sacred honor of a
country known for its vicious gangsters. Given the Western euphoria for the place that
spawned the noxious Tweedle-Vindmans, a naïve observer would erroneously assume that Ukraine
must be a bastion of civic virtue and human rights — and not a nation that has outlawed
opposition parties, free speech, dissent, religious freedom, and democratic elections. How
jolting it must be for the uninitiated to discover that Volodymyr Zelensky's fiefdom is not
renowned for its "democratic" norms, but is instead considered one of the most irredeemably corrupt
crime dens in all of Europe.
Accuses Trump of 'Blackmailing' Zelensky! Yesterday's pacifists are today's Rambos,
it seems: 442 lawmakers in the 720-seat European Parliament just agreed to a joint declaration that
"strongly deplores any attempts at blackmailing Ukraine's leadership into surrender to the Russian
aggressor for the sole purpose of announcing a so-called 'peace deal.'" It passed via landslide:
61%. Not all EU politicians supported the measure: [...] Which means, less than 14% of our
"friends" in the EU had the testicular fortitude to oppose this brazenly anti-American
statement. Thanks, guys.
Goosesteps Onto a Defense Pact Rake. Europe, particularly the Brussels Brahmin crowd
and the over-educated British elites now at the head of their disastrous Labour government, really
can't stand Donald Trump. He's worse than the stereotypical 'cowboy' — the buckaroo they have
always had such fun mocking. [Video clip] The part they've never bothered with is
taking time to study their chimerical adversary. The one who's actually on their side — just
wants them to pull their own weight, although he's not averse to watching them chase their
tails. After the Oval Office implosion of Volodymyr Zelensky's continued shakedown hopes and
dreams, the Ukrainian president scuttled off to Europe, seeking succor and sustenance from his
European friends. The United Kingdom's Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, immediately rushed
into the breach. offering billions in aid for the Ukrainian effort, including an offer of British
troops on the ground in peace-keeping roles. [Tweet]
Rubio: Minerals Deal Not Important, Finding Out if Ukraine Truly wants Peace is Goal of Saudi
Meeting. The information from Secretary of State Marco Rubio looks good. During
his flight to Saudi Arabia, Secretary Rubio answered a few questions about the U.S. delegation
expectations of the meeting with Ukraine officials. Rubio notes the aforementioned "minerals
deal" is not an important part of the larger objective. Secretary Rubio says that finding out
if Ukraine's desire for peace with Russia is true, in good faith or not, is the key
objective. A pragmatic Rubio also notes that Ukraine is likely going to have to give up lost
territory to achieve peace. [...] Secretary Marco Rubio continues to surprise us in the way he has
totally stopped pretending about geopolitical matters. There is no sunlight between the
continually expressed and defined positions of Marco Rubio and the identical positions,
perspectives and policies expressed by President Trump. This is quite a remarkable change in
Rubio's political persona. Is it real?
Musk Says The Massive Cyber Attack That Crashed X Today Came From Ukraine. Elon Musk
says the attack on X today came from IP addresses "in the Ukraine area." Kudlow: "There was a
cyber attack on X today, which shut it down and may have been foreign sourced..." Musk:
"We're not sure exactly what happened but there was a massive cyber attack to try to bring down the
X system with IP addresses originating in the Ukraine area." [Video clip]
Last Stand? In 1876 Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer and a large portion of
his 7th Cavalry were killed at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. More than anything else,
that disaster can be attributed to Custer's hubris. He refused to wait for the rest of the
U.S. Army forces to arrive, divided his own relatively small force and charged with only a dim
understanding of how many Native American warriors he was facing. By the time he understood
what he had done it was too late. The Little Bighorn River is in Montana. However, we
may be getting ready to see a reenactment in Ukraine. President Zelenskyy has let his own ego
drive his decision-making, and Putin is every bit as unforgiving as Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull
ever were.
Always Wrong, Never In Doubt. I remember, not so fondly, German diplomats laughing at
Donald Trump when he warned them that depending on Russian fossil fuels was a dangerous mistake
that made them vulnerable. [Tweet] Trump, you may recall, tried mightily to stop the
NordStream 2 pipeline because it gave Russia too much control over German and by extension European
energy sources. Trump was right, of course. Germany is deindustrializing right now
because energy prices have skyrocketed, and it still depends on Russian gas despite being in a
proxy war with Russia. In fact, German and the Europeans as a whole are giving more revenue
to Russia paying for oil and gas than they have provided Ukraine in military aid.
Zelensky's arrogance.
The heated discussion between President Donald Trump, Vice President JD Vance, and Ukrainian
president Volodymyr Zelensky began when he challenged Trump's plan to end the war in Ukraine
through diplomacy. As an example, he brought up the Western failure to stop Putin "after he
annexed and occupied Crimea in 2014." It is true that the Minsk agreement with Russia, France, and
Germany that followed was unsuccessful but the United States was not a party to it.
Furthermore, Putin occupied Crimea because the corrupt and compromised Ukrainian Army did not
defend it. Not one shot was fired. Even Zbigniew Brzezinski, a great friend of Ukraine,
said that this disqualified Ukraine from membership in NATO. Only after this disaster did the
Ukrainian government ask the West for advice on reform of the Ukrainian Army from its Soviet
model. As a result it was much better prepared to face the Russians in 2022.
and Ukraine: Stop Blaming Trump, Look in the Mirror. Despite claims to the
contrary, President Trump has openly recognized Russia as the aggressor in the ongoing conflict
with Ukraine. In a recent interview, he stated, "Russia attacked," clearly acknowledging
Moscow's role in initiating hostilities. Unlike European leaders and many on the left in
America, Trump also understands the sobering reality that achieving peace requires bringing both
sides to the negotiating table — almost certainly involving Ukraine ceding some eastern
territories. Although no one wants Putin to benefit from launching a brutal invasion against
his neighbor and former Soviet satellite, the blame rests squarely on the Biden administration and
the European Union's failure to prevent the war during the eight months of Russian military buildup
on Ukraine's border. European leaders, so quick to criticize Trump for supposedly cozying up
to Putin, should have considered the consequences of their collective weakness when they failed to
act before the full-scale invasion began.
weighs revoking legal status of Ukrainians as US steps up deportations. U.S.
President Donald Trump said on Thursday that he would soon decide whether to revoke temporary legal
status for some 240,000 Ukrainians who fled the conflict with Russia, following a Reuters report
that his administration planned to take that step. Such a move would be a stunning reversal
of the welcome Ukrainians received under President Joe Biden's administration and potentially put
them on a fast-track to deportation.
Ukrainian Fables. Fable Five: Europe Is Going To Save Ukraine? Europe
rushed to congratulate and celebrate with Zelensky after his preplanned White House blow-up.
They are loudly announcing that a supposedly isolationist and appeasing U.S. — which has
sent more aid to Ukraine than all nearby European nations combined — will now be
supplanted by a "new" muscular and rearmed Europe. We sincerely hope so. But on every
recent international moral question — ganging up on a lone Israel to appease terrorist
forces in the Middle East, standing up to China's mercantilism, neo-imperialism, and domestic
oppression of minorities, or Russia's prior 2008 and 2014 invasions — European outrage
has been muted, real consequences nonexistent.
panic on the left about Ukraine shows the urgency to clean out the Deep State. The
desperate defenses to sustain the unsustainable status quo, including the illegitimate Deep
State — a fourth branch of government nowhere to be found in Articles I, II or III in
the Constitution — reveal utter contempt for ordinary Americans. We have been
materially and spiritually impoverished by the crushing suppression of liberties, and imposition of
abominable social engineering, and making us pay for socio-economic atrocities, e.g., the green
net-zero energy black-hole, endless foreign wars, abortion on demand, sex change chemical
castration, child gender dysmorphia mutilation, human trafficking, and boys/men playing in
girls/women's sports. With the November election, we voted to dismantle the illegitimate
administrative state that has spawned suffocating socio-economic insanity.
Before Ukraine. By March 2025, the United States has poured over $175 billion
into Ukraine's war chest — a staggering sum that could have rebuilt every crumbling
bridge in the Rust Belt, funded a decade of veteran care, or slashed the tax burden on families
buckling under inflation's weight. Yet here we stand, bankrolling a foreign conflict while
our own house frays at the seams. It's time to say it loud and clear: America before
Ukraine. This isn't isolationism — it's stewardship. It's not
callousness — it's clarity. It's a conservative creed for a nation at a crossroads,
and it demands we rethink our priorities with both heart and head. The conservative soul has
always prized sovereignty, thrift, and the sanctity of the American hearth. "America before
Ukraine" isn't just a slogan; it's a distillation of those values in an age of overreach.
Empire Without Benefits. Western Europe was weakened severely by the Second World
War, and thus unable to stand up to the menace of Soviet invasion. Now, however, the European
Union's gross domestic product is upward of $20 trillion a year which is about ten times that
of the Russian Federation. Russia is, in fact, a Third World outhouse country with nuclear
weapons, without which it would be nothing. Europe is quite capable of standing on its own
feet today without American support, but it needs to be weaned from this support rather than being
disconnected precipitously with a headlong withdrawal. We should therefore continue to
support Ukraine but insist that the EU and U.K. do as well, and they are now stepping up to the
plate to do exactly that. We should also announce long-range plans to reduce our presence
there, but with enough of a horizon for other NATO forces to replace us.
to halt flow of weapons to Ukraine. The Trump administration has paused financing new
arms sales to Ukraine and is now weighing a freeze on weapons shipments, the Wall Street
Journal reported. The freeze would affect weapons shipments from US stockpiles, the
report added. According to WSJ, the financing was paused in recent weeks, as part of
the Trump administration's general freeze on foreign aid. The general pause included military
aid, and exceptions for Israel and Egypt, but not for Ukraine. On Friday, the Trump
administration announced that it would send Israel nearly $3 billion in weapons, including
over 35,000 bombs weighing around 2,000 lbs each.
Pauses Weapons Financing for Ukraine. The Trump administration has formally stopped
financing new weapons sales to Ukraine and is considering freezing shipment from US
stockpiles. This comes in the wake of a disastrous White House meeting on Friday between
President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which resulted in an anticipated
mineral rights deal not being signed. I'd be the last to claim to know what is going on
behind the scenes, but this seems to be a public relations response to the online kerfuffle earlier
today between Trump and Zelensky. [...] For the record, Zelensky is absolutely right because an
absence of shooting is not peace, and a ceasefire is not an armistice. By now, Trump's
inaugural promise of "I'll have that done in 24 hours" and "I will settle Russia-Ukraine while
I'm president-elect" should be seen as the fatuous nonsense sane people thought it to be. I
say this appears to be public relations at this point because Ukraine's ability to finance US
weapons was halted in January. Secretary of State Marco Rubio signed a waiver to permit
financing to continue, but the letter was never sent to Defense. For practical purposes,
halting financing does nothing but ratchet up pressure.
Biden's Blank Check For Ukraine Disastrously Bounced. The White House showdown on
Friday will be remembered as a major spectacle of the 21st century. What began as a
ceremonial Oval Office photo-op turned farcical when Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
confronted Vice President J.D. Vance. After Vance called for diplomacy over Biden's empty
bluster, Zelensky catalogued Putin's broken agreements and finally asked, "What kind of diplomacy
are you talking about?" A shouting match was only narrowly avoided, with President Donald
Trump telling Zelensky, "you have no cards" and "you're risking World War III." Behind closed
doors things went from bad to worse, and the Ukrainian delegation was summarily dismissed with
lunch ready. [...] The public humiliation of Zelensky was perhaps avoidable, but the net result was
not. It was a necessary corrective to the mountain of lies on which U.S. aid to Ukraine has
been predicated since Russia's invasion. Biden early on promised to "give Ukraine what it
needs to succeed on the battlefield ... as long as it takes." But what did "success on the
battlefield" mean?
was the true instigator of the Oval Office fracas — not an 'ambush' from Trump.
Anybody who watched the entire Oval Office meeting between President Trump and Ukraine President
Volodymyr Zelensky would know that it was not an "ambush" or a "setup" by Trump, as characterized
by Democrats and malign media entities. It was the opposite. If anyone came to that
meeting in bad faith, it was clearly Zelensky, whose body language and attitude was negative from
the start. Trump could not have been more cordial, having steered the complex negotiations
with Russia and Ukraine to a first step where he believed peace was a real possibility. But
Zelensky had other ideas. He contradicted, interrupted and insulted Trump, even before Vice
President JD Vance said a word. It was 11 minutes in when Zelensky first contradicted
Trump with a gratuitous defense of Europe's financial support for the war, which Trump repeatedly
has said was less than America's.
Believed His Own Publicity. It's Oscar Sunday, a ceremony fueled by one thing: publicity.
We turn ordinary people into gods and goddesses by telling flattering myths about who they are and why
they're important. The "narrative" gives voters a reason to care and almost always drives the win.
In Hollywood, they're not planning on changing anything, just as the Democrats won't. They haven't
noticed that, as they're watching the band play on, the ship is made of iron and will sink. What do
they even stand for anymore? Transing the kids, open borders for cheap labor, and most importantly,
the war in Ukraine. Attending the Oscars is like supporting the Democrats, like supporting
Zelensky — an alignment of power like no other. [Tweet]
Zelenskyy Rejects Peace Possibility. Expressing frustration over the intransigence of
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy who demands to maintain the killing fields in Europe,
President Trump says, "America will not put up with it much longer." [Social media post]
The remarks by Zelenskyy follow a meeting in London with various EU leaders who are assembling a
'coalition of the willing' to support Ukraine with enlarged military operations. [...] Europe and
the NATO organization continue to demand the United States maintain the financial and weapon system
support for Ukraine, despite the White House urging for a peace deal.
MP Calls for Crucial Impeachment Proceedings Against Zelenskyy. A member of the
Ukrainian Parliament has called for impeachment proceedings against Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelenskyy, asserting that such actions are crucial for the future of the nation's leadership.
The call comes amid growing criticism of Zelenskyy's public humiliation of Ukraine following his
disastrous meeting with President Donald Trump at the White House last week. With his
increasingly authoritarian approach to governance and downright refusal to accept a peace and rare
Earth minerals deal with the U.S., Zelenskyy's foreign policy missteps have led to Ukraine's
isolation on the global stage. Alexander Dubinsky, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, is
calling for an emergency session to initiate impeachment proceedings against Zelenskyy. He
accused the Ukrainian president of diplomatic failures, the country's loss of unconditional U.S.
support, and the regime's complete collapse.
Zelenskyy's Not a Peacemaker, He's a Troublemaker. We've watched a lot of different
takes on the explosive Friday oval office meeting between Volodymyr Zelenskyy and President Trump,
however this explanation from Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick is exceptional. Secretary
Lutnick explains what the administration team anticipated from Zelenskyy versus what took
place. Knowing the context of the congressional team that met with Zelenskyy prior to the
Oval Office meeting, the explanation from Lutnick takes on even more sunlight. This is a very
brutally honest take from a great member of the Trump administration. [Video clip]
More Globalist Delusions: Ukraine's War Strategy Has Failed. For all the grand
rhetoric about Ukraine standing for democracy, the harsh reality is that Ukraine has been at a
massive manpower disadvantage from day one. While Kyiv launched some successful
counteroffensives early in the war, Russian forces quickly adapted, strengthening defensive
positions and replenishing their ranks. Western leaders bet everything on Ukrainian
counteroffensives amidst a primarily defensive war. This approach failed. Ukraine
suffered heavy losses, and Russian lines held firm. The long-promised breakthroughs never
materialized. Now, Ukrainian cities face relentless missile barrages, and Russia is advancing
methodically, capturing more terrain while Ukraine burns through its remaining stockpiles and
yields more of its territory.
Terrible, Horrible, Very Bad, No Good Day. The week ended with a blowup of what was
supposed to be the signing of an agreement between the Ukraine and the U.S., a preliminary step for
opening negotiations with Russia to end the war. How you view the consequences of the blowup
seems like an inkblot test: If you see the U.S. abandoning a faithful ally, you probably are
a Democrat. If you see Volodymyr Zelensky as an arrogant grifter who overplayed his hand, you
probably aren't. Luckily the entire meeting is available on video so you can see for yourself
the context in which the last few minutes occurred. Those few minutes being the only thing
most viewers saw. Not without basis, President Trump believes that China, not Russia, is a
bigger threat to this country and disengaging Russia from this fight will further our chances of
drawing Putin away from alliances with China. Not without reason, the President believes the
war is a meat grinder, an ongoing stalemate which could well lead to World War III if Ukraine is
admitted to NATO and more weaponry and manpower from elsewhere is poured into the conflict.
Did More Damage to Ukraine's Cause Than Russia Ever Could. I write from what I
suspect is a growing minority position within some conservative circles: Namely, I still
believe it's in America's best interests to assist Ukraine in standing up to Russia. The
Russians are open to peace because Putin knows they have used more resources than expected — a lot
more — in trying to take the country. And, I suspect, they are worried that their support
from China might dry up because of all the resources they have used to make what amounts to little
gain in Ukraine. So while everyone is accusing President Donald Trump of bowing to Putin's
whims, the truth is a bit more complex. It's not that peace would give Putin what he wants in
Ukraine, but it allows Putin to save face. What happened in the Oval Office yesterday was a
boon for Putin. That's not really in question. It's less about how Trump "helped" Putin
and more about how Volodymyr Zelensky helped Putin.
the Fool. Because that's what Ukrainian President Volodmyr Zelensky is now,
especially since he insulted America and President Donald Trump in that televised Oval Office
meeting. He boasted, he insulted, he gestured like a stupid, pushy, peasant in a bazar
haggling over the price of vegetables, like a greedy turnip merchant. Sighing repeatedly he
rolled his eyes like a drama queen. And he got [...] kicked out of the White House on
Friday. Later, in an interview with Brett Baier of Fox News, the fool refused to apologize
though twice given the chance. The problem with acting like a tough guy is the chance that
someday, you might be face-to-face with a real one.
Mike Waltz Says Zelenskyy is Going to Need to Make Territorial Concessions. National
Security Advisor Mike Waltz [appeared] on CNN to outline how the U.S. team no longer sees Volodymyr
Zelenskyy as a man who can lead his nation to a place of peace. Waltz notes that at a certain
point there are going to be negotiations and discussions about Ukraine territory that Zelenskyy is
going to need to face with pragmatic honesty. However, at the current state of conflict
Zelenskyy is intransigent toward any ceasefire agreement that does not include U.S. troops on the
ground as a "security guarantee." [Video clip]
Mendacious Media Coverage of Zelensky's Stunt. If you want to understand why last
Friday's Oval Office press conference between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelensky went off the rails, ignore most of what you are seeing in the corporate media.
Anyone watching a video of the entire event, instead of the deceptively edited clips
featured on most "news" sites, will see that neither the President nor the Vice President
"ambushed" Zelensky. The first 39 minutes of the meeting were unremarkable, with
President Trump attempting to be cordial despite the Ukrainian president's Marvel Comics costume
and pugnacious comportment.
of State Marco Rubio Outlines Reality of Peace Deal Zelenskyy Refutes. Secretary of
State Marco Rubio continues to shine as he speaks through the issues of the Ukraine-Russia conflict
and speaks commonsense to the dynamic the western media pretends not to know. Appearing on
ABC, Secretary Rubio cuts to the chase in his support of President Trump and the administration
officials who are organizing the most practical end to war, destruction and bloodshed. ABC
George Stephanopolous pushes the "security guarantee" talking point, while Rubio eloquently keeps
the focus on ending the conflict. The Zelenskyy defenders, NATO and the EU must pretend the
U.S didn't carry out a color revolution in Ukraine. They must also pretend they didn't
install Volodymyr Zelenskyy and pretend there was no civil war happening inside Ukraine for a
decade. Lastly, the western group must pretend they didn't try to provoke Vladimir Putin with
expansions of NATO and an intentional breaking of the Minsk accords. There are other
pretenses that must be maintained, but these are the top ones. [Video clip]
And Vance's Finest Moment. From start to finish, that White House press conference
was a diplomatic masterclass in not just pragmatism and defending American interests but also what
to do when confronted with lies, veiled insults, weirdly deceptive threats (yeah, the staffer who
probably showed Zelensky Red Dawn as meeting prep should absolutely be fired!), and all around
boorish behavior from someone who is clearly used to being worshipped and catered to by world
leaders everywhere. The fact that Zelensky thought his globetrotting circus act would play in
front of Trump and Vance with no pushback shows that the Ukrainian dictator, who also strangely
thinks he can win the ongoing war against Russia, is more deluded than any of us ever
imagined. To their credit, they were mostly patient for the first 40 minutes of that
clown show, but when Zelensky began questioning the very idea of diplomacy itself, Vance and Trump
soon after had had enough.
bad takeaways from the Zelenskyy blow-up. [#1] Zelenskyy does not
grasp — or deliberately ignores — the bitter truth: Those with whom he
feels most affinity (Western globalists, the American Left, the Europeans) have little power in
2025 to help him. And those whom he obviously does not like or seeks to embarrass (as with
his Scranton, Penn. campaign-like visit in September 2024) alone have the power to save
him. For his own sake, I hope he is not being "briefed" by the Obama-Clinton-Biden gang to
confront Trump, given their interests are not really Ukraine's as they feign. [#2] Zelenskyy
acts as if his agenda and ours are identical. So, he keeps insisting that he is fighting for
us despite our two-ocean-distance that he mocks. We do have many shared interests with
Ukraine, but not all by any means: Trump wants to "reset" with Russia and triangulate it
against China. He seeks to avoid a 1962 DEFCON 2-like crisis over a proxy showdown in
proximity to a nuclear rival. And he sincerely wants to end the deadlocked Stalingrad
slaughterhouse for everyone's sake.
Secretary Scott Bessent Reveals This Is the Third Time Zelensky Has Backed Out of Mineral
Deal. Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent revealed in an exclusive interview with Laura
Ingraham on The Ingraham Angle that this is the third time Zelensky has refused to sign a
mineral agreement, leaving U.S. officials stunned. Bessent, who has been instrumental in
facilitating economic partnerships between the U.S. and Ukraine under President Trump's
administration, detailed how Zelensky's erratic behavior has put critical negotiations in
jeopardy. The agreement, which would have secured billions in U.S. aid in exchange for access
to Ukraine's rare earth minerals, was expected to cement a stronger economic and strategic alliance
between the two nations. "This has to be one of the greatest diplomatic mishaps of all time by
President Zelensky," Bessent stated during his interview.
Long Shadow of Hillary Clinton. The president of Ukraine did not know how to read the
Oval Office on Friday. Zelensky supposedly was coached by Obama retreads Susan Rice, Victoria
Nuland, Tony Blinken and others. If the story is true and they told Ukraine's president to be
tough with Trump, he got some bad advice. One of the strangest features of American
governance is the potential for whiplash changes in policy. In dictatorships or even
European-style coalition rule, things either remain unchanged or change at a glacial pace.
The winner of Germany's recent elections promised to deal with the problems of large-scale
immigration. Once he saw that he could form a coalition without AfD, he said the status quo
wasn't so bad. But not in America. When you change parties, policies can spin around
180 degrees in a second. Somehow, the Obama brain trust tried to convince Zelensky that
it was just like the days of Biden, though it was not.
Encouraged Zelenskyy to Confront Trump. Zelenskyy came to the United States to sign
the minerals deal. He even demanded that the signing occur in the United States and in front
of the world. The deal could have been signed anywhere, but the Z-man wanted to sit down with
Donald Trump. Most people have conveniently forgotten that it was Zelenskyy himself who first
proposed a deal like this to tie the US to Ukraine by something other than payoffs to Hunter Biden,
and it was actually a pretty smart move. It went straight to Donald Trump's desire to do
deals, and while Zelenskyy probably hated the hard bargain Trump has driven, he knew that it was
the best deal he was going to get. But something happened on the way to the Oval Office, and
now we know what it was.
in the Oval Office: Dems lead Zelensky, Ukraine off a cliff with pressure to reject mineral
deal. A common criticism of Volodymyr Zelensky's disastrous Friday performance in the
Oval Office is that he failed to read the room. Actually, the Ukrainian president did read a
room — but it was the wrong room. Before meeting Trump, Zelensky met with
anti-Trump Democrats who advised him to reject the terms of the mineral deal the president was
offering, according to Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.). "Just finished a meeting with
President Zelensky here in Washington. He confirmed that the Ukrainian people will not
support a fake peace agreement where Putin gets everything he wants and there are no security
arrangements for Ukraine," Murphy's office posted on X at 11:15 a.m. Friday. He
attached a picture of Zelensky at a conference table, with Murphy seated on the opposite side.
it comes to Ukraine, Europe is delusional. European leaders in Brussels declare
themselves the "leaders of the free world" while arresting citizens for memes. Likewise, they
claim Putin woke up one morning, had a cup of coffee, and attacked the beautiful democracy of
Ukraine... "unprovoked." Who do they think they're trying to fool? Americans ought to
know that the war started in 2014 when Yanukovych was forcibly removed from office. Some
Ukrainians call it a coup, others a glorious revolution — the only difference being
political affiliation. Supporters of Yanukovych, mostly in Donbas, chose to secede and, like
most secessions, it led to a civil war. Much later, the Minsk agreement was brokered to give
Donbas some degree of autonomy. Despite this agreement, Kyiv intermittently shelled the folks
in Donbas, most of whom have Russian ethnicity, over a period of six years. In 2022, after
years of failed negotiations, Russia decided, rightly or wrongly, to take matters into its own
hands, vowing to end the conflict.
and the Future of NATO. Volodymyr Zelenskyy's childish histrionics and ultimatums in
the Oval Office directed at President Trump's efforts to bring an end to the most devastating war
on the continent of Europe since World War II are reflective of the European delusional mindset of
self-serving expectations and perceived American obligations stemming from a one-sided
seventy-five-year alliance — the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A treaty that
evolved into the United States effectively taking upon itself the unappreciated role of military
protector of nearly half of the European continent.
Miller: Many 'Remarkable and Disturbing' Things Zelensky Said That Led to Epic Blowup.
As we've reported, the Ukrainian president seemed to think he held the winning cards and was the
man in charge, even though he was sitting in the office of the most powerful man in the
world. We know how that went. Miller, who's quite adept at breaking things down in a
forceful and succinct manner that drives liberals insane, was deeply unimpressed. Appearing
on Fox News' Jesse Watters show Friday night, the Trump advisor was appalled that the Ukrainian
leader seemed to have no interest in an immediate end to the bloodshed: [Transcript]
Miller Reveals What Triggered the Oval Office Showdown with Zelenskyy. The heated
exchange, which occurred in the Oval Office and was broadcast globally, showed Trump and Vice
President JD Vance berating Zelenskyy over his apparent lack of gratitude for American aid and his
reluctance to pursue a ceasefire with Russia. Speaking on Fox News with host Jesse Watters,
Miller revealed that Zelenskyy's attitude blindsided the administration: "I don't think anybody had
any idea that Zelenskyy would be so impertinent, so disrespectful, so insulting to the United
States of America," Miller said. "Look, this is one of the great moments in the history of American
diplomacy. The way that President Trump and JD Vance stood up for American interests on
the world stage.
who was Zelensky talking to on the phone from his limo after he was thrown out of the White
House? Is Volodymyr Zelensky somebody's little puppet? It was a strange specter
to watch the Russian state media's observation of that in response to the meeting between Zelensky
and President Trump, which ended in a shouting match, and Zelensky sent home without his
presidential lunch. [...] The specter of Zelensky getting on the phone right away from his limo to
call someone up and tell them what happened is an interesting one, though. He's the head of
state of Ukraine, but he has to call someone where people can see it? It can't wait until he
gets to his hotel room? It really does sound like he's got explaining to do to someone more
important to him, and that person probably isn't President Trump. My first guess as to who
the puppetmaster on the other end of the phone line was was U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who
sent 100 Labour Party operatives to the U.S. in the waning days of the U.S. election, to help try
to defeat President Trump on behalf of Kamala Harris, an astonishing violation of another nation's
internal affairs. The only world leader who joined him was ... Zelensky, who campaigned for
Harris in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
This would be a good moment to read about... The
Logan Act: Legislation enacted by the United States Congress (1799) that forbids private
citizens from engaging in unauthorized correspondence with foreign governments.
Oval Office Temper Tantrum, Zelensky Blows Up Peace Talks. Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelensky tanked his own peace talks on Friday afternoon [2/28/2025] after he disrespected
the American people in an Oval Office meeting with President Donald Trump. After the meeting,
which saw Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance disabuse Zelensky of the notion that he was in any
position to make a power play for more money and military aid, Trump announced, "I have determined
that President Zelenskyy is not ready for Peace if America is involved, because he feels our
involvement gives him a big advantage in negotiations." "I don't want advantage, I want
PEACE," Trump continued. "He disrespected the United States of America in its cherished Oval
Office. He can come back when he is ready for peace." The unraveling of peace
negotiations between Zelensky and Russian President Vladimir Putin, brokered by Trump, came after
Zelensky attempted to come into the Oval Office with a strong-man attitude and what appeared to be
zero gratitude for the American people and their billions being spent on the war.
KOs himself. Ukraine's holdover-president, Volodymyr Zelensky, visited the White
House and made an absolute fool of himself. Diplomatic schools will use this incident for
decades to come as a case study in what not to do. Zelensky arrived late for his
meeting with the president of the United States. He insisted on wearing his usual grubby gym
attire. He dispensed with formal titles and addressed Vice President Vance as "J.D." He
folded his arms in exasperation, huffed and puffed, and vented grievances publicly. He even
appeared to be a bit high (a breach of social etiquette that would not be at all surprising, given
his reputed fondness for cocaine). In short, Zelensky behaved exactly the opposite of how any head
of state should have in his situation. It was horrendous to watch.
Collapse of the Zelensky Cult. At long last, someone has said it. Trump has
finally called it like it is — Zelensky is the emperor with no clothes. In fact,
he's the dictator with no clothes, propped up by Western elites who refused to see what was in
plain sight. But the illusion is shattered. Trump didn't just call him a dictator, he
shut him out of peace talks and made it clear that if Zelensky wants to be taken seriously, he
needs to hold elections, abandon his defiant posturing, and start behaving like a statesman rather
than a petulant client. For years, wherever Zelensky went, Western elites and their media
lapdogs treated him as untouchable — questioning him was practically a crime. The
adulation didn't even begin in 2022 when full-scale war erupted. It started back in 2019,
when Zelensky became the vehicle for Trump's first impeachment, cast as the poor, beleaguered
leader whom Trump had supposedly tried to extort. It was all a lie, but that didn't
matter. The media and political class needed him propped up, so they did —
shielding him from scrutiny no matter how absurd his behavior became.
Most Important Thing That the Zelenskyy Meeting Showed to Me. It has nothing to do
with Zelenskyy. His behavior — and more importantly, the elite's freakout and SIDING with
Zelenskyy — laid bare the divide between ordinary Americans (and many frustrated Europeans who are
getting a boot stomped on their face by the elites) and the transnational elite. [Tweet]
If you believe that the transnational elite should rule the world and everybody else should meekly
follow their diktats, you thought Zelenskyy was a brave truth-teller who was rightfully chastising
the Bad Orange President and his Appalachian Yokel the reality of how things are supposed to work.
[Tweet] If you are an ordinary person, you saw an ungrateful, arrogant, whiny child-man who
has been gifted unGodly amounts of money and support insulting the President of the United States
in the Oval Office in front of the world after the president graciously praised him and promised
him support.
Misstep: Undermining Diplomacy in a Sacred American Place. Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelenskyy broke one of the cardinal rules of diplomacy today: Never introduce a
surprise in a high-stakes meeting. This principle is sacrosanct among leaders, particularly
when navigating complex international relationships. Yet, Zelenskyy employed a risky gambit,
attempting to leverage media influence to strengthen his negotiating position with the nation that
has already provided his country with $183 billion in aid. At the outset of a press
conference intended to pave the way for a formal agreement, Zelenskyy seized upon a reporter's
question to deliver an unexpected lecture to the United States on the history of the war. The
spectacle was nothing short of negotiation by media. Vice President JD Vance —
understandably taken aback by Zelenskyy's approach — challenged the Ukrainian
president's remarks, prompting Zelenskyy to accuse him of raising his voice. From that
moment, the dialogue devolved into diplomatic disarray.
doesn't need more weapons. He needs a trip to Men's Wearhouse. Apart from the
spectacular "reverse foreign aid" that Trump's plan would generate, Mike Johnson was even more
fired up about the outside-the-box-thinking that led to the potential rare earth minerals agreement
in the first place. "It's a fascinating concept which I spoke with President Trump about several
times this week," Johnson stated. "The idea would be not necessarily a guarantee of national
security but if the mining of rare earth minerals gets under way, it would certainly prevent
enemies like Russia from invading again if they knew they'd be hitting Americans. It could be
a win/win for both countries and I commend the President for thinking outside the box... he thinks
from a businessman's perspective and that's a really refreshing change from how government is
normally run." With all this as a backdrop, as with any foreign dignitary arriving at the
White House President Trump was standing on the portico surrounded by Marines rigidly at
attention. Up rolled the black SUV displaying the Ukrainian flag. The President stepped
forward prepared to offer a warm handshake and out stepped Vololymyr Zelenskyy in (gasps) one of
his stupid green t-shirts.
Just Gave a Masterclass on How To Lose a Negotiation. Everyone knew yesterday's
meeting between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was going to be
high-stakes, with Kyiv's survival hanging in the balance. What nobody expected was the
diplomatic disaster for Ukraine that unfolded, with the two presidents descending into a yelling
match on international television that may have done more damage than any battlefield defeat at
Russia's hands so far. President Zelensky should have prioritized one thing above all else
going into these talks at the White House: ensuring that Ukraine's position was presented in a way
that didn't appear to run contrary to the Trump administration's rhetoric, posturing, and
policies. Here, he failed to read the room, repeatedly emphasizing European support over U.S.
contributions and ultimately alienating both Trump and Vice President J.D. Vance. The United
States has been the biggest supporter of Ukraine throughout the conflict, and it's not even
close. Zelensky of course knows this and understands that a peace deal with European support
alone would not be enough. You'd think that going into this meeting President Zelensky would
have his priorities straight and be focused on winning over the United States to the cause.
in a Bubble': How Zelensky Miscalculated Trump. For three years in the United States,
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was heralded as the second coming of Winston
Churchill. He earned standing ovations from Congress, posed for glossy photo shoots, and
received regular envoys of politicians, celebrities, and press from the West. But one moment
in the Oval Office may have ended it all. Zelensky publicly crossed his greatest ally,
calling into question before the press whether President Trump and Vice President Vance, now
seeking to negotiate a peace deal, really understood both the land war in his country and his
enemy, Russian President Vladimir Putin. He was summarily kicked out of the White
House. The Ukrainian leader, who at times rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in defiance
during the fiery bilateral meeting, either fundamentally misunderstood, or entirely miscalculated,
the current moment in American politics. His alliance with the United States, if not the fate
of his country, is imperiled.
Vance and Zelenskyy Get Into Heated Debate in Oval Office. President Donald Trump,
Vice President J.D. Vance, and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy got into a heated debate
Friday in the Oval Office, after the latter was called out on not showing enough appreciation
toward the U.S. and the aid that has been provided to the Ukraine in their war against
Russia. Vance told Zelenskyy that he was not working toward peace and was standing in the way
of bringing about the end of the war that has cost lives and billions of American taxpayer dollars.
"I'm talking about the kind of diplomacy that will end in the destruction of your country," Vance
said. Zelenskyy then tried to interrupt Vance but was cut off by the vice president.
"Mr. President with respect, I think its disrespectful for you to come into the Oval Office
and try to litigate this in front of the American media. Right now, you guys are going around
a forcing conscript to the front lines because you have manpower problems. You should be
thanking the president," Vance said.
Zelensky Fallout Continues, U.S. Pulls Plug on Ukraine Power Grid Funding. There
could be many reasons Friday's meeting in the Oval Office between President Trump and Volodymyr
Zelensky disintegrated into the petulant Ukraine leader being tossed out of the White House on his
ear. It could be that he came into the meeting sulking about not being invited to the initial
peace talks that took place last week between U.S. and Russian officials. It could be because
Trump had hinted that the Ukrainian people should hold new elections. And it could be that
Zelensky didn't like Trump's comments about his attire, which, admittedly, was ultra casual and in
stark contrast to the previous, more serious-looking arrivals of U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer
and French President Emmanuel Macron at the White House. Or perhaps Zelensky arrived in
Washington, D.C., perturbed that the gravy train was ending for his country. Something that
is just now coming to light is the fact that the U.S. State Department earlier this week halted a
USAID program that funneled dollars into Ukraine to help rebuild the country's power grid after
years of it being pounded by Russia.
Fallout Continues: Former Ukrainian MP Calls for Zelenksy's Impeachment. We're
forced to wonder about the viability of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's continued
political future. Not only is he overseeing the loss of a big portion of his country to
Russia, but as of this morning, he has angered and alienated the very nation that has been sending
him billions of dollars' worth of support — the United States. This morning's meeting with
President Trump and Vice President Vance saw Zelensky effectively defenestrated from the White
House to the street. Now a former Ukrainian MP (Member of Parliament) is calling for Zelensky
to be impeached.
Calls Zelensky's White House Outburst 'One of The Greatest Diplomatic Own Goals in
History'. Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent blasted Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelensky's behavior during White House visit on Friday as "unacceptable" and "one of the great
diplomatic own goals in history," underscoring the deepening rift between Washington and Kyiv.
"It's very difficult to do an economic deal with a leader who doesn't want to do a peace deal,"
Bessent said in an interview with Bloomberg Television, following a contentious Oval Office meeting
that derailed a planned agreement granting the U.S. access to Ukraine's critical minerals.
The collapse of the deal marks a setback for Ukraine as it sought to deepen economic ties with the
U.S. while the Trump administration attempts to negotiate an end to the ongoing war with
Russia. President Donald Trump ended the White House meeting early after Zelensky criticized
the administration's efforts in front of U.S. media during their Oval Office sit-down.
Was Zelensky Thinking? Volodymyr Zelensky visited the Oval Office on Friday, and as
RedState reported, things blew up in spectacular fashion. The latest reports are that the
Ukrainian president was kicked out of the White House, with the prior negotiated mineral
rights for aid deal shelved indefinitely. [...] This was not a situation where President Donald
Trump was beating him over the head or demanding he submit to a specific narrative surrounding the
war in Ukraine. On the contrary, the meeting was essentially over when Zelensky decided it'd
be a great idea to try to publicly embarrass Trump and Vice President JD Vance in front of the
press. The sticking point appeared to be Vance, who was wrapping up the press conference,
mentioning diplomacy being a means to end the war. Zelensky, for whatever reason, took great
offense at that suggestion and asked the vice president if he could ask him a question. The
Ukrainian president then leaned forward and began to dismiss the idea of a ceasefire, citing deals
that Russia has broken in the past. That's when things touched off, with Zelensky and Vance
going back and forth.
Rubio terminates U.S. support of Ukraine's power grid. The State Department ended a
USAID initiative that has given hundreds of millions of dollars to the restoration of Ukraine's
power grid. Ukraine has been struggling with power outages because of Russia's attacks on its
power grid over the last few years. USAID will also drastically reduce its presence in
Ukraine, according to NBC News.
Ukraine Gambit. Trump's unapologetic stance, echoed by Vice President JD Vance, isn't
a diplomatic misstep but a strategic masterstroke, one that demands we rethink our priorities and
reclaim our destiny. Let's strip away the sanctimonious veneer. For three years,
Ukraine has been a bottomless pit for American treasure — over $175 billion sunk
into a conflict with no endgame, while our borders crumble and our cities decay. Trump, ever
the dealmaker, arrived with a pragmatic offer: access to Ukraine's rare-earth minerals —
vital for our tech and defense industries — in exchange for continued aid. It was
a lifeline, a chance for Zelensky to offset our largesse with something tangible. Instead, he
spat in our face, decrying "exploitation" and demanding more blank checks. The shouting match
that ensued — Trump's "You're not acting thankful" clashing with Zelensky's
sanctimonious retorts — wasn't chaos; it was clarity. America will no longer be
the world's ATM. This isn't about abandoning allies; it's about redefining alliance.
Ukrainian Tightrope. Putin did start the war. Trump's trolling aside, he
knows that because he correctly pointed out that Putin invaded his neighbors in three of the last
four administrations — but not his own, given Trump's deterrence. The most obvious
answer why Putin did is that he thought he easily could. But why in 2022 — as he
had in 2008 and 2014? Putin has nonending opportunistic desires to recombobulate what he thinks
properly is and will always be Russian — whether territories to be formally absorbed or
as coerced satellite states. But he moves on them only whenever he thinks the benefits
outweigh the costs. And by February 2022, he certainly felt they did.
Defector Leaks Files Revealing Shocking Scale of War Casualties. Less than a year
before his bloodied corpse was found sprawled on a snowy Moscow sidewalk, assassinated by an
exploding electric scooter, the Russian general overseeing the country's nuclear defense forces was
shot. Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov's killing in December grabbed global headlines.
But his hospitalization with a gunshot wound nine months earlier has never been disclosed to the
public. [...] His hospitalization for more than a month at the most prestigious facility in
Russia's sprawling military medical complex is among the records in a massive nationwide Defense
Ministry database of nearly 166,000 soldiers that RFE/RL obtained from a Russian defector.
The database includes hospitalization records for senior generals down to rank-and-file
privates — along with private mercenaries from at least 10 countries —
beginning in February 2022 until mid-June 2024, meaning it does not reflect that last
eight months of fighting, some of the war's bloodiest.
'refuses to sign' Donald Trump's 'problematic' minerals deal. Ukrainian president
Volodymyr Zelensky is reportedly not ready to sign a controversial minerals deal with Donald Trump
that may see him give away billions in critical elements and revenues. A Ukrainian source
told Sky News that there are 'a number of problematic issues' that need to be worked out. 'The
agreement is not yet ready to be signed, there are a number of problematic issues, and in the
current form of the draft, the president is not ready to accept it', they told the broadcaster.
Putin made some understandable miscalculations. One, he miscalculated America's
willingness to support foreign countries. After all, he had witnessed Joe Biden's Afghanistan
surrender debacle. Second, he underestimated the Europeans. After seeing them
under-commit to military defense for generations, he reasonably assumed they would not stand in the
way of his little conquest. Imagine his shock that they and the Americans did. Consider
his awe that his little adventure served to increase the military expenditures of NATO nations, and
drove into NAT0 two new members, Sweden and Finland (which shares an 830-mile border with Russia).
Third, Putin underestimated the skill, resources and resolve of Ukraine itself. Again,
that's understandable. When Russia took over the Crimean Peninsula of Ukraine six years
earlier, Ukraine offered little resistance, while Barack Obama and NATO offered none at all.
Fourth, Putin overestimated the skill, resources and resolve of his own military. Russia's
historical strength militarily has been sheer manpower, but manpower alone is not enough in modern wars.
Comedian Zelensky's Deception and His True Role in the War on the Global Stage. When
Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky quickly became
a global symbol of resistance. Celebrated as a heroic leader standing up against a powerful
foe, he appeared on television screens worldwide, calling for support and unity in the face of the
Russian threat. However, beneath this image of a brave wartime leader lies a far more complex
and troubling reality. Zelensky's rise to power and subsequent actions indicate that he is
not merely the victim of an unjust invasion but a figurehead influenced by external forces.
As President Trump pointed out in his controversial remarks, the reality is that Zelensky's actions
and alliances tell a different story — one that portrays him more as a puppet of the
West than a true statesman.
Says He's Willing to Resign in Exchange for Ukraine Joining NATO. Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Feb. 23 that he would immediately resign as president in exchange
for his country gaining NATO membership. "If there is peace for Ukraine, if you really need me
to leave my post, I am ready. ... I can exchange it for NATO," Zelenskyy told a press conference in
Kyiv. He noted that he would do so "immediately" if necessary. Zelenskyy's comments
were made as the United States works on negotiating an end to the Russia-Ukraine war after
Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth said Kyiv joining NATO was unrealistic. Zelenskyy said
previously that Ukraine would need to double its army's size if it is denied NATO membership.
How The Media Are Lying Right Now: 'Rewriting' Ukraine War History Edition. Before
writing an incredibly superficial piece on Eastern Europe's geopolitical affairs from the
frontlines of Pennsylvania Ave., New York Times White House correspondent Peter Baker might have
checked in with his colleague who was actually stationed in Russia and knows what he's talking
about. Baker joined the obnoxious media chorus this week in disputing virtually every single
thing President Trump said recently with regard to the war in Ukraine, including Trump's
characterization of the conflict as something Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky could have
avoided and Trump's labeling of Zelensky as a dictator. "President Trump is rewriting the
history of Russia's invasion of its smaller neighbor," Baker wrote on Wednesday. "Ukraine, in this
version, is not a victim but a villain. And Mr. Zelensky is not a latter-day Winston
Churchill, but a 'dictator without elections' who somehow started the war himself and conned
America into helping."
pursues peace and tells the truth about Zelenskyy. The war machine is up and
screaming. Zelenskyy is having a hissy fit for not continuing to be the absolute center of
attention as Trump proceeds, diplomatically, to pursue perfectly legitimate routes to,
firstly, engage the "aggressor" (Russia) in talks for peace. For the first time since
the current Ukraine/Russia war began — exactly 3 years less 4 days
ago — the leadership of America is speaking for the people, those being killed, and all
those paying for it. Zelenskyy is furious that America, whose taxpayers have financed "his"
war, did not yet include him in the first diplomatic efforts with Russia. But this is not all
about Zelenskyy, fortunately. It most absolutely stands to reason that the peace talks, from
the perspective of any historically successful diplomacy, must begin with the most powerful
participant: Russia. This is Diplomacy 101.
touting high Zelenskyy approval deemed 'not credible'. Tensions between President
Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy are ramping up amid negotiations to
ultimately end the war between Russia and Ukraine. Trump blasted Zelenskyy for being a
"dictator without elections" who lost massive amounts of U.S. aid and was responsible for millions
of unnecessary deaths. The U.S. president also blasted Zelenskyy for having a four percent
approval rating. That percentage was widely contested by the media and even X's "community
notes" which claimed Zelenskyy's approval rating is 57 percent. As it turns out, the
source of the 57 percent approval claim is suspect, at best. "Claims that Zelensky
has an approval rate of 57% are from the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology which received
USAID funding for its polling," X account Amuse stated. "It is run by a VERY patriotic Ukrainian
named Anton Hrushetskyi. It is unlikely the polling is credible. The US intel community
estimates support at around 4% which is the number Trump has been citing. Don't bet against Trump."
Trump Strategy for Ukraine. Preliminarily, here are several baseline considerations.
[#1] Trump wants to stop the bloodshed in Ukraine. Currently, he's not seeking peace;
his goal is to stop the carnage — that is, he needs a truce, which will provide a
springboard to later occurring benefits. This is fundamental. [#2] Trump has good
reason to mistreat Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. For three years, America has been
helping Ukraine with arms, money, and political support. However, Ukraine has not
reciprocated, especially regarding Trump and his policies: [...] [#3] Trump is a master
negotiator and dealmaker. He even wrote a textbook on the subject. [...] [#6] Trump has
his domestic plate full. He is revolutionizing the entire American system so that European
affairs are not at the top of the agenda. Nevertheless, before the election, Trump promised
to stop the war, and he is a man of his word.
confidential plan to put Ukraine in a stranglehold. Donald Trump's demand for a $500
[billion] "payback" from Ukraine goes far beyond US control over the country's critical
minerals. It covers everything from ports and infrastructure to oil and gas, and the larger
resource base of the country. The terms of the contract that landed at Volodymyr Zelensky's
office a week ago amount to the US economic colonisation of Ukraine, in legal perpetuity. It
implies a burden of reparations that cannot possibly be achieved. The document has caused
consternation and panic in Kyiv. The Telegraph has obtained a draft of the pre-decisional
contract, marked "Privileged & Confidential' and dated Feb 7 2025. It states that the US and
Ukraine should form a joint investment fund to ensure that "hostile parties to the conflict do not
benefit from the reconstruction of Ukraine".
to get realistic about Ukraine with Trump now in power. It's been three brutal years
since Vladimir Putin launched his bid to conquer Ukraine; it's time to find a lasting
peace — which is only possible if all sides are realistic. One huge difference is
that we have a new US president — one who's stronger, but also understands how to
negotiate. Putin knows he can't snow Donald Trump as he did Joe Biden, who routinely folded
in the face of Vlad's nuclear bluffs — thereby failing to support Kyiv hard and fast
enough to dislodge the Russians. Biden lost that opportunity for good: It's now
pointless to demand a return to Ukraine's 2014 borders (to be fair, Barack Obama let Crimea go);
any chance of admitting Kyiv to NATO isn't just a deal-breaker for Putin, it won't sell to the
alliance's current membership. On the other hand, these years have crushed Russia's
economy; Putin desperately needs to be able to sell his energy to the West again, especially if
he's to escape becoming a complete satrap of Beijing.
prepared to swap Russian territory in peace negotiations, Zelensky says. Ukraine will
offer to swap territory with Russia in any potential peace negotiations, President Volodymyr
Zelensky said in an interview published Tuesday, adding that Europe alone would not be able to
shoulder Kyiv's war effort. Zelensky will meet US Vice President JD Vance on Friday at the
Munich Security Conference, the Ukrainian leader's spokesman told AFP, as Washington pushes for an
end to the nearly three-year war with Russia. Vance has been a frequent critic of US support
that has been vital to Ukraine's war effort. "There are voices which say that Europe could
offer security guarantees without the Americans, and I always say no," Zelensky told the Guardian
newspaper in an interview published on the UK newspaper's website on Tuesday.
Demands $500Bln in Rare Earth Metals From Kyiv, Says Ukraine 'May Be Russian Someday'.
U.S. President Donald Trump said Monday that he wants to secure half a trillion dollars in rare earth
metals from Ukraine, which he suggested "may be Russian someday," as part of negotiations over continued
U.S. support for Kyiv in its defense against invading Russian forces. "I want to have our money
secured because we're spending hundreds of billions of dollars," Trump said in an interview with Fox
News host Bret Baier. "They may make a deal, they may not make a deal. They may be Russian
someday, or they may not be Russian someday." To date, Washington has provided $65.9 billion
in military assistance to Ukraine since Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022, according
to the U.S. State Department. Another $69.2 billion in military assistance was provided
following Russia's initial invasion of Ukraine in 2014. Trump said last week Monday that he
wanted to negotiate an agreement with Ukraine in which Kyiv guarantees supplies of rare earth metals,
key elements used in electronics, in exchange for U.S. military support.
President Zelenskyy Says Yes To Trump's Demands. Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelenskyy told Reuters on Friday that he hopes to make a deal with President Donald Trump to bring
an end to the war with Russia. During his campaign for office, Trump vowed to bring peace to
the world, as multiple foreign wars had been pushed during the Biden-Harris administration.
In an interview with Reuters, Zelenskyy said he was open to making a deal with the U.S. regarding
Trump's request for Ukraine to supply the U.S. with rare earths and other minerals in exchange for
continued financial aid. "These deposits are priceless, it is huge amounts of money, huge.
That's why we need to protect it," Zelenskyy said. "If we are talking about a deal, then let's
do a deal, we are only for it." The Russia-Ukraine war has lasted more than two years, with
the Biden-Harris administration providing $175 billion in economic and military aid to Ukraine,
but the conflict shows no signs of ending. Last year, Ukraine presented a "victory plan,"
suggesting the idea of allowing allies to invest in its essential minerals, according to Reuters.
wants a deal for Ukraine's natural resources as 'payback' in exchange for aid stopping Russia
attack: envoy. The US won't repeat the mistakes of the Iraq War by failing to secure
valuable resources from Ukraine in exchange for help ending Russia's nearly three-year-old
invasion, President Trump's special envoy to the conflict exclusively told The [New York] Post.
"When you look at the mineral deposits in that country, we're not talking millions of
dollars. We're talking — virtually every region, we're talking about billions, and
then some regions are [worth] trillions," retired Gen. Keith Kellogg said this week. "You
can come up with a deal, and that's what [Trump] has the Treasury looking at: 'OK, how do you make
a deal where aid is predicated off of the payback [of] precious metals?'" Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday signaled support for a reciprocal resource deal with the US in
exchange for security guarantees as part of a potential peace settlement.
Paid Sean Penn $5M, Ben Stiller $4M in Publicity Stunts with Zelenskyy. Sean Penn was
paid $5 million for this stunt, when he went to visit Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kiev, Ukraine and
gave him his own Oscar. Sean Penn is already a multi-millionaire! Ben Stiller was paid
$4 million for his own stunt-visit to Volodymyr Zelenskyy. [Video clip]
USAID Cash Is (Was) Going. USAID spending equals less than 1 percent of the
federal budget, but, as Statista's Katharina Buchholz reports, The United States Agency for
International Development, USAID for short, is the biggest dispenser of U.S. foreign aid, according
to the federal website It disbursed almost $44 billion in the
fiscal year of 2023 (latest available), with $16 billion going to Ukraine.
Nearly $100 Billion in Ukraine Aid Is Missing. Foreign aid to Ukraine has become
a heated debate with Democrats — and a surprising number of Republicans —
insisting that it's essential for bolstering Ukraine's defenses against Russia. Joe Biden
even went so far as to suggest that Republican resistance to additional aid played a role in the
death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. I could easily rattle off more quotes from
Biden and congressional Democrats emphasizing just how critical they claim this aid to be.
Biden was quick to make sure that Ukraine got even more aid before Trump took office. Despite
the alleged critical nature of this aid, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy claims that
Ukraine has only seen about $76 billion in tangible aid even though the Biden administration
authorized around $175 billion to support his war-torn nation. Zelenskyy's recent
remarks regarding U.S. aid raise eyebrows and call into question where the massive sums of money
supposedly allocated to Ukraine have actually gone. This discrepancy should make anyone sit
up and take notice.
Trump Demands Collateral for Taxpayer Money Sent to Ukraine — "Rare Earth Minerals" Will
Suffice. The vertically challenged Ukrainian president who dresses like a UPS driver,
is now likely to make a deal with President Trump where Ukraine puts up their "rare earth minerals"
as collateral for taxpayer funds received by the United States. Previously President Trump
remarked that U.S. leadership were "stupid" for not securing Afghanistan future mineral contracts
in exchange for U.S. military operations. Talking about the Ukrainian expectation from the
oval office earlier today, President Trump outlined his expectations that Volodymyr Zelenskyy put
up the rare earth minerals as collateral for continued financial support. [Video clip]
Rare Earth and Realpolitik. For years, American foreign aid has followed a simple,
unquestioned rule: the United States gives, and a motley assortment of allies and opportunistic
nation-states take. Aside from vague diplomatic assurances, billions in taxpayer dollars flow
overseas with little expectation of return. Nowhere has this been more evident than in
Ukraine. The Biden White House poured billions upon billions into military, economic, and
humanitarian aid without securing tangible benefits for American industry or security. Yet
despite this massive commitment, there is little clarity on how much has actually reached
Ukraine — or how effectively it has been used. [...] For decades, U.S. foreign policy
followed a Marshall Plan template, treating aid as a one-way act of goodwill and expecting little
return beyond diplomatic gestures. Trump's approach flips that model on its head.
Says Ukraine Only Recieved $75 Billion Of The $177 Billion Sent From The US.
Ukrainian President Zelensky says Ukraine has only received about $75 billion of the $177 billion
in aid that was allegedly sent from the United States. "I don't know where all this money is...
we never received it." Want to bet he knows where that money is? [Video clip]
The Editor says...
If it were my job to locate that money, I would begin my search in the State of Delaware.
Trump is Already Cleaning up Ukraine. [Scroll down] Just look at the faces
of those judges in the video, especially the woman. They are wealthy (even by American
standards) and untouchable. Rostislav explores Judge Semen Stetsenko's Wikipedia history
(some of it was erased, but can be found the archives). The Supreme Court of Ukraine conveniently
does not have a copy of the judge's passport or documents of his oath of allegiance to
Moscow. Rostislav says that the judge's history is typical for Russian agents (any Ukrainian
knows this is true). The judge's brother back in Russia is also a colonel in the Russian Ministry
of Defense. Rostislav explains how all this makes the judge a very obedient servant of the
Zelensky mafia (that has not sacked him). The entire Ukrainian government operates like this.
'kills top North Korean commander' and 'wipes out Kim's special forces battalion'.
Ukrainian forces killed a top North Korean commander in a brutal battle in Kursk, as fierce
fighting continues in the region, it's been reported. Putin has assembled an army of around
60,000 that includes some 12,000 North Koreans in the border region. The Russians are
desperately trying to drive off their territory some 20,000 Ukrainians. However, Zelensky's
soldiers are putting up stiff resistance and continue to inflict huge casualties on their enemy.
has been used for too long by elites to cancel anyone who questions their cause. Over
the last decades, the representatives of left liberal movement, whether they are high-ranking
officials, opposition, social activists or even ordinary citizens, are used to spreading and
guiding everyone with "the only proper course" that serves faithfully to their own views and
interests. Any deviation from the imposed mainstream agenda results at least in a public
shaming expressed by the internet army of liberals or even in full cancellation. At the same
time, the key leverages they use can vary. Thus, in 2022 the formerly popular BLM and LGBTQ
faded into the background and were superseded by Ukraine. For the following three years the
country has become the spotlight among the Western political establishment and since that time it
has been used by elites to achieve their own goals. Anyone, who rejected the idea of helping
Kyiv by any means, was labeled as killer, traitor and "Putin's friend." This became a perfect
instrument to fight unduly independent politicians.
elites truly believe Trump could be on the verge of solving one of the world's most difficult
problems: The Ukraine War. Donald Trump's first week in office was a whirlwind:
executive orders on everything from closing the border to ending federal Diversity, Equity and
Inclusion mandates. Social media postings announced new business initiatives and put world
leaders on notice that a new sheriff is in town. Heads were spinning among the business and
political elites, both back home and here at the World Economic Forum, the annual confab of the
globalist crowd where I've been hanging for the past few days. That's because the decidedly
non-globalist Trump, people here truly believe, could be on the verge of solving maybe the most
intractable problem the world faces: The nearly three-year armed conflict between Russia and
Ukraine. Until now, it showed no signs of ending and even threatened nuclear war.
State Department 'Just Went Totally Nuclear on Foreign Assistance'. After the 2024
election, the Biden administration knew what was coming in January: a massive crackdown on aid to
Ukraine. Since Kamala Harris' epic defeat last November, the Biden White House wasted little
time, if any, sending hordes of cash to the eastern European nation, which became more of an outlet
for liberals raging at Russia for supposedly interfering in the 2016 election than a national
security priority. Like anything Biden touched, this issue became more unpopular as the
months progressed. With Secretary of State Marco Rubio, all aid has been shut down. The
gravy train to Kiev is over.
Takes Office and Suddenly Putin Wants a 'Lasting Peace' With Ukraine. There's a new
sheriff in town, ladies and gents, one who doesn't take well to international bullies —
and one of those bullies has already changed his tune. Or at least, Russian strongman
Vladimir Putin wants the world (and President Donald Trump) to think he has. [Advertisement]
Speaking of peace with Ukraine, Putin said in the hours immediately following Trump's swearing-in:
"The goal should not be a temporary ceasefire, a short-term pause for regrouping forces and rearming to
continue the conflict later, but a lasting peace based on respect for the legitimate interests of all
people and nations living in the region." Those words don't exactly jibe with Putin's Biden-era
dismissals of Ukraine's sovereignty and right to exist as an independent nation. Famously —
or perhaps infamously, depending on who you ask — Trump claims to have kept the peace during
his first administration by warning Putin, "We're gonna hit Moscow" if he invaded Ukraine.
Lousiest President of All Time. The New York Post says FEMA couldn't find funding for
victims of Hurricane Helene — our second deadliest hurricane in the last 50 years,
which closed 400 roads and destroyed entire towns — because they'd already spent
$1.4 billion on illegal aliens. Israel, from October 2023 to October 2024, got
a record $17.9 billion in military aid. According to the Government Accountability
Office, since 2022, Ukraine has gotten $174 billion. According to U.S. News, we send
foreign aid to more than 180 countries, and FEMA said nobody could find the money for our
hurricane victims. An important question might be asked here. How much of this is
really Joe Biden's fault? This is the guy we caught, on camera, in his first days after the
election, mumbling I don't know what I'm signing here when he was green-lighting executive
orders willy-nilly.
Biden has tried to trip up Trump on way out the door — with 32 executive actions.
President Biden and his aides have spent their final days in office announcing 32 executive
actions — on topics from immigration to offshore drilling — aimed at tying up
President-elect Donald Trump's administration. The lame-duck 82-year-old's flurry of late
moves to try to make himself a hero to Democrats and obstruct his successor's agenda include: [...]
Spending down congressionally allocated funds for Ukraine and environmental projects. Biden
aides have hastily allocated $74 billion for anti-climate-change projects — leaving
just $20 billion within Trump's grasp from the $369 billion in green spending in the
Inflation Reduction Act, according to The Guardian. Biden also granted a final
$500 million in US weapons to Ukraine on Jan. 9 — after presiding over the
passage of $183 billion in aid to resist Russia's invasion. Trump has said he hopes to
end the war before taking office Monday — though that appears unlikely — and
has jeered Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as the "greatest salesman on Earth" while his
incoming national security adviser, Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.), last month criticized Biden's
"blank check" strategy to bring peace.
Mania Overtakes Ukraine. The topic of the week is Ukrainian mobilization: it's
virtually all that's talked about, both within Ukrainian society and without. [...] The ultimate
question on everyone's mind remains whether Trump will regress into the expected war hawk model of
endlessly arming Ukraine, but there's strong chance that Trump is merely trying to retain leverage
on both sides, without totally giving in or rebuking either. By having Zelensky mobilize,
Trump can put the expired Ukrainian president into an even more precarious position while at the
same time putting perceived pressure on Putin to negotiate under the implication that US will
continue to strengthen Kiev's hand.
and Harris Hold a Wildfire Briefing, and It Turns Into a Total Disaster. President
Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris decided to cosplay as leaders on Monday by giving a
briefing on the devastating California wildfires. That's the thing about pretending,
though. It rarely ends well, and things went downhill very quickly. [Advertisement]
While sitting at the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, Biden kept his eyes locked on his script,
bragging about giving victims a "one-time payment of $770." What that is supposed to accomplish
wasn't immediately apparent. [Tweet with video clip] Giving away a one-time
payment of $770 is basically meaningless to anyone who lost their home in the wildfires. That
might cover a few nights at a hotel, but that's about it. It certainly won't be useful in
actually recovering from the damage. But let's put that aside because this is a matter of
priorities. For context, at the end of December, it was reported that the United States had
provided $3.4 billion to pay the salaries of Ukrainian bureaucrats and schoolteachers.
Not to buy weapons for soldiers on the front line, not to supply ammunition, but to pay government
officials living in the safest parts of the country.
The Editor says...
You would have probably received a one-time payment of $855, but they had to skim off
10 percent for the Big Guy. -->
Announces Another $500 Million in Military Aid to Ukraine as California Burns.
On Wednesday, Joe Biden, the alleged president, announced another $500 million in military aid
for Ukraine as Los Angeles burns to the ground. [...] Joe Biden sent Ukraine a $1.25 billion
weapons package late last month while he was on a taxpayer-funded vacation in sunny St. Croix
until New Year's. Biden is sending Ukraine as much money and military aid as possible in his
last few weeks in office. In September, the Biden Regime announced an eye-watering
$8 billion in military aid for Ukraine during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's visit
to Washington.
Gives Ukraine One More Handout Before Leaving Office. The Biden administration sent
approximately $500 million worth of aid to Ukraine on Thursday as the conflict continues to
drag on without any clear end in sight. The equipment covered by Thursday's funding will
include air defense missiles, gear to help Ukraine use F-16 jets, air-to-ground armaments, and
more. President-elect Donald Trump has clearly stated that he wants to broker an end to the
Russia-Ukraine war, and Biden administration officials are arguing that the aid will give Ukraine
as much leverage as possible before the two sides potentially head to the negotiating table to end
the conflict.
Already Shipped Firefighting Equipment To Ukraine, And Now Biden Is Planning Another Handout As
California Burns. The Los Angeles County Fire Department shipped equipment to Ukraine
in 2022, and now the Biden administration is working overtime to send the country millions more in
handouts as wildfires devastate California. Perhaps ABC 7 put it best in 2022 when it
declared that "all over southern California people are finding ways to keep Ukraine front and
center and it's no different for the Los Angeles County Fire Department." The fire department
donated its own "surplus" supplies to help a foreign regime and is now caught flat-footed without
the capacity to respond to the Pacific Palisades wildfire, which continues to cause deaths and
untold damage to thousands of acres of land, including countless homes. Far-left Los Angeles
Mayor Karen Bass, who is missing in action because she is busy attending an event in yet another
foreign country, Ghana, also slashed the Los Angeles Fire Department's budget by $17.6 million
for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Her initial proposal was $23 million. The city has
faced firefighter shortages for several years, and the number of federal firefighters from the U.S.
Forest Service (USFS) has also atrophied considerably since 2020.
LA Firefighting Equipment Was Handed To Ukraine, Reports Show, As Americans Now Caught In Raging
Inferno. As of Wednesday afternoon the fast-moving, wind-driven fires sweeping
through the Los Angeles area are still zero percent contained, resulting in ongoing evacuations for
80,000+ residents. Hundreds of thousands of residential and commercial locations have been
left without power in the LA area as the natural disaster has become so large in proportion that it
has captured the nation's attention. Many have been naturally focused on 'thoughts and
prayers' for heroic LA and California firefighters, and their hoped-for ability to push back the
raging inferno. But several local headlines from prior years make clear that area
firefighters could have had more resources to draw from, if significant emergency response supplies
and items weren't sent to Zelensky.
Angeles County Fire Department Donates Surplus Equipment to Ukraine to Aid First
Responders. Los Angeles County Fire Department's decision to donate surplus
firefighting equipment to Ukraine in 2022 is being met with heavy criticism as California faces a
barrage of wildfires in 2024. With thousands of acres scorched, homes lost, and first
responders stretched to their limits, the timing of this earlier "humanitarian" gesture has now
come back to haunt the state. In March 2022, the Los Angeles County Fire Department
(LACoFD) joined a national effort to collect and donate surplus equipment and gear to support first
responders in Ukraine. This initiative involved gathering items such as hoses, nozzles,
turnouts, helmets, body armor, and other personal protective equipment to address shortages faced
by Ukrainian emergency services during the conflict.
Biden Announces $2.5 Billion for Ukraine, Says He Will Continue 'Surging' Aid While in
Office. President Joe Biden announced Monday [12/30/2024] a military aid package of
$2.5 billion for Ukraine and vowed to continue "surging" aid for the remainder of his time in
office. "Today, I am proud to announce nearly $2.5 billion in security assistance for
Ukraine, as the Ukrainian people continue to defend their independence and freedom from Russian
aggression," he said in a statement. He said the aid consisted of $1.25 billion in U.S.
military equipment and $1.22 billion from the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI),
which is a fund for additional training, equipment or advisory efforts for Ukraine's military.
The Editor says...
Joe Biden did not write that statement. Joe Biden is too senile to read such a
statement aloud, let alone write it. Given the deteriorated state of Biden's mind, it is
reasonable to infer that somebody else is impersonating Joe Biden and acting as President.
Biden Sends Another $1.25 Billion Weapons Package to Ukraine on His Way Out the
Door. President Trump must end this scam immediately. Joe Biden, the alleged
president, is on a taxpayer-funded vacation in sunny St. Croix until New Year's but he
managed to give another $1.25 billion weapons package to Ukraine on Friday. [...] Biden is
sending Ukraine as much money and military aid as possible in his last few weeks in office. [...]
In September, the Biden Regime announced an eye-watering $8 billion in military aid for
Ukraine during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's visit to Washington. This massive
giveaway comes as Americans continue to face economic hardships, skyrocketing inflation, and an
unprecedented crisis at the southern border.
must take heed of the corruption in Ukraine's government. Europe now has no more
corrupt country than Ukraine. For the third consecutive year, the country has been grappling
with the repercussions of an ongoing war, seeking ways to sustain and operate all governmental
institutions while relying heavily on international aid. Additionally, as was to be expected,
within the Ukrainian government, there are individuals who are still attempting to profit amid a
substantial budget shortfall. Most Ukrainian ministers are currently someone's proteges, with
real power concentrated in the hands of several characters who influence decision-making and
receive financial rewards. One such group is the State Property Fund of Ukraine ("SPFU"),
which manages the privatization, leasing, assessment, and seizure of state assets. The SPFU
operates under the supervision of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andriy Yermak.
for Backing Ukraine at All Costs Falls in Europe Amid Realisation Trump Will Make Them Pay the
Bill. A cross country survey in Europe has found that support for a forever war in
Ukraine is falling, perhaps not coincidentally given President-Elect Donald Trump telegraphing he
expects Europeans to pay a greater share of the bill for their own defence. Total Ukrainian
victory at any cost feeling appears to be waning in Europe, with a YouGov survey this month finding
that support for Kyiv "until it wins" against Moscow has steeply declined throughout western
Europe, the Guardian reports.
Orders Pentagon to Continue Ukraine Weapons Delivery. Departing President Joe Biden
has only a matter of weeks left in office but that didn't stop him Wednesday from ordering more
weapon deliveries to Ukraine. His directive to the Department of Defense came on the same day
Russia launched a missile attack on Ukrainian energy infrastructure in multiple cities even as more
Americans stand opposed to such moves. [Tweet] The strikes targeted power stations in the
north-eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv and the south-eastern Dnipro region killed at least one
person and injured six more as the country woke on Christmas Day, ABC News reports. In the
aftermath of the missile strikes, half a million people in the Kharkiv region were left without
heating in temperatures just a few degrees Celsius above zero, while there were blackouts in the
capital Kyiv and elsewhere.
Korean Troops Take a Pounding As Kim Reportedly Doubles Down. If North Korea's elite
troops were expecting an easy campaign against Ukrainian forces entrenched in Russia's Kursk
region, they faced a harsh reality on the ground. About 1,100 North Korean special forces
have been killed or injured in Russia since entering the fray against Ukraine a few weeks ago,
South Korea's National Intelligence Service reported on December 19. A general was reportedly
among those killed. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on December 23 put the
figure even higher, at more than 3,000, or about a quarter of the North Korean special forces sent
to Russia, though he couched his statement by saying the data was preliminary. RFE/RL could
not confirm either of the reported numbers.
Region of Moldova Declares a State of Emergency as Ukraine Refuses to Continue Transit Agreement
for Russian Gas. The Russian energy company, Gazprom, provides gas to Transnistria
through Ukraine. The gas is subsidized by Russia, so the Russian-allied citizens of
Transnistria do not pay market prices; in fact, the gas is provided free. However, the gas
into Transnistria is also used to power the Moldavskaya GRES power plant, which generates
electricity for both banks of the Dniester. In essence, the "free" Russian gas is provided to
both the pro-Russia and anti-Russia elements in the region.
Biden's Immoral Reasons for Fixating on Ukraine. There is a tremendous ambiguity
around what the United States is doing in and about the current war in Ukraine. Even the
least involved and roughly informed know this is true. Where is the money going? Why
have no legitimate efforts for peace been put forward from our side? Why is there no formal
nor effective Congressional oversight? What led to U.S. involvement? Where is the
clarity of purpose or even presence of U.S. diplomatic involvement? Which press coverage is
true and did corruption in high office persuade the U.S. president and company to pursue this course?
Showing Visible Cracks. More than two years into Putin's three day Special Operation,
Russia is starting to show extensive cracks in its facade of normalcy. [...] And how is the rest of
the Russian economy doing? The parts supporting the war are doing great, but the rest is
overheating due to inflation and crumpling under the load of high interest rates. [Video clip]
the war in Ukraine was definitely not "unprovoked". [Scroll down] It
started in 2014. That was the outbreak of the war, when a violent coup overthrew a Ukrainian
president that wanted neutrality. And his security people told him: "You're going to get
killed". And so he flew to Kharkiv and then flew onward to Russia. That day, the US
immediately, in a nanosecond, recognised the new government. This is a coup. This is
how the CIA does its regime change operations. So this is when the war starts. Putin's
understanding, completely correct in this moment, was: "I'm not letting NATO take my naval fleet
and my naval base in Crimea. Are you kidding?". The Russian naval base in the Black Sea,
which was the object of the Crimean War, and in its way is the object of this war in Sevastopol,
has been there since 1783. And now Putin's saying: "Oh, NATO's going to walk in. No".
And so they organised this referendum. This is a Russian region and there's an overwhelming
support: "We'll stay with Russia, thank you. Not with this new post-coup government".
An outbreak breaks out in the eastern provinces, which are the ethnic Russian provinces, in the
Donbas, in Luhansk and Donetsk, and there's a lot of violence.
Treasury Turns Frozen Russian Assets Into $20 Billion Loan For Ukraine. The U.S.
Treasury Department on Tuesday executed the transfer of its $20 billion share of a massive
$50 billion G7 loan to Ukraine. [Advertisement] The funds, routed through a World
Bank intermediary called the Facilitation of Resources to Invest in Strengthening Ukraine Financial
Intermediary Fund (FORTIS Ukraine FIF), aim to bolster Ukraine's economic stability amid its
ongoing conflict with Russia, according to Reuters. This move ensures the full amount is
dedicated to non-military purposes and aligns with a prior commitment made in October to parallel
the European Union's hefty $20 billion pledge. The comprehensive package includes
contributions from Britain, Canada and Japan, utilizing frozen Russian sovereign assets to sustain
Ukraine's defense against Russia's aggressive incursion that commenced in February 2022, AP
reported. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen spearheaded the $20 billion wire transfer,
emphasizing that the funds, drawn from the proceeds of Russia's immobilized assets, are vital for
Ukraine's resilience.
Apocryphal: May not have happened. Ukraine
'wipes out' Putin's prized Grad rocket system in stunning moment. A dramatic video
reportedly shows a Ukrainian missile destroying Vladimir Putin's Grad rocket system. The
US-supplied High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) appears to have wiped out the alleged
BM-21 Grad launcher in Zaporizhzhia, although the video has not been verified.
NDAA: Congress's Silent Coup Against President Trump's Authority. The National
Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2025 is not just another defense bill —
it is a calculated effort to undermine President Trump's incoming administration, entrench
progressive priorities, and strip the executive branch of its constitutional authority. This
bill codifies perpetual support for Ukraine, entrenches controversial diversity and inclusion
initiatives, and favors legacy defense contractors over innovative companies like SpaceX and
Anduril Industries. [... For example,] Section 1303: This section is a blatant effort to block
President Trump from negotiating peace in Ukraine. By prohibiting any recognition of Russian
sovereignty over Ukrainian territory, Congress ensures that any potential deal involving
territorial concessions — a common feature in peace negotiations — would be
dead on arrival. This provision strips the President of a critical diplomatic tool,
effectively forcing the United States into a policy of endless conflict. This is a direct
attack on the administration's ability to prioritize American interests over a European stalemate.
announces nearly $1 billion more in longer-term weapons support for Ukraine. The
United States will provide nearly $1 billion more in longer-term weapons support to Ukraine,
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Saturday as the Biden administration rushes to spend all the
congressionally approved money it has left to bolster Kyiv before President-elect Donald Trump
takes office next month. The latest package will include more drones and munitions for the
High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS, that the U.S. has provided. While these
weapons are critically needed now, they will be funded through the Ukraine Security Assistance
Initiative, which pays for longer-term systems to be put on contract.
bans an additional 324 firearms from public ownership, moves to seize them and ship them to
Ukraine. The Canadian government utterly despises the Canadian people.
According to a report out at Fox News today, Justin Trudeau's government just took dictatorial
action to outlaw hundreds of firearms, adding them to the growing list of what the Canadian people
are not allowed to have, despite a God-given right to self defense. And, in what
should be a shockingly paradoxical turn of events: ["]Leaders in Canada also said that
they are working with the government of Ukraine to see how the guns can be donated to support the
fight against Russia's invasion of Ukraine.["] For Trudeau and his progressive
parliament sees it, the fight in Ukraine is all about defeating tyranny — and they
arrived at the logical conclusion that defeating tyranny means arming the resisters.
Conservatives would agree, surviving tyrants equates to personal gun ownership; like John Rich
said, "The ability to have armed resistance to an oppressor is a prerequisite for liberty."
Biden's Pathetic Public Life. It is interesting that no mention has been made by
conservatives about Tony Bobulinski, who repeatedly reported on Hunter Biden's and Joe Biden's
complex pay-to-play "business dealings" (sic) with interests in the PRC and Ukraine. No
mention has been made about all the Biden so-called family businesses that were incorporated over
the years, which businesses have no listed products or services. His decisions to send
increasing billions upon billions of dollars' worth of armaments to Ukraine is seen simplistically
by Biden's supporters as a geopolitical policy decision whereby his administration is trying not to
make the same mistake Neville Chamberlain made. Chamberlain had compromised with Hitler
regarding Germany's invasion of Czechoslovakia instead of standing firm against German claims that
western Czechoslovakia was mostly German-speaking, and thus the German incursion (invasion) of
Czechoslovakia was justified. Who is suggesting that the ever-escalating support of Ukraine
may be an attempt to permanently distract the public from the Biden family corruption in Ukraine?
Johnson Rejects Biden's Plea for Ukraine Funding, and Instead Vows to Follow Trump's Lead.
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is standing firm against the demands of lame-duck President Joe Biden.
He rejected the outgoing administration's plea for additional funding for Ukraine. Johnson made it clear
that he would not be taking orders from Biden but would instead wait for direction from the new
commander-in-chief, President-elect Donald Trump. On Wednesday, Johnson announced that he would not
bring to the floor a request for $24 billion in aid to Ukraine. This followed reports that Biden
was urgently pushing Congress to approve more assistance to Kyiv before his term ends. Johnson's move
underscores his commitment to reevaluating foreign aid priorities under new leadership, which aligns with
the views of Trump and many conservatives who question the growing U.S. involvement in Ukraine's war with
Russia. [Tweet with video clip]
Without End: U.S. Rushing $725 Million More in Lethal Weapons to Ukraine.
The Biden administration might be in its final days but that doesn't mean the flow of lethal U.S.
weaponry to Ukraine shows any sign of slowing. Far from it. That was confirmed Monday
when an additional $725 million in military assistance, including counter-drone systems and
munitions for its High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), was announced by the White House.
[Advertisement] AP reports it is unclear whether the munitions for the HIMARS are the
coveted ATACMS — the Army Tactical Missile System — but Ukraine has been
pressing for more of the longer-range missiles to strike additional targets inside Russia.
[Advertisement] [Tweet] The package also includes more of the anti-personnel land mines
Ukraine seeks to slow Russian and North Korean ground forces in Russia's Kursk region and comes on
the back of the billions of dollars in U.S. taxpayer funds already used to support Kiev in its
fight against Russia. [Advertisement] President Joe Biden has pledged to spend all of the
military assistance funds Congress approved this year for Ukraine before the end of his
administration on Jan. 20, which before Monday's announcement included about $7.1 billion
in weapons that would be drawn from the Pentagon's stockpiles. [Advertisement]
And Americans Are Done With This War, But It Keeps Escalating Anyway. The Biden
administration is now pushing Ukraine to lower its minimum draft age from 25 to 18 in order to
provide more cannon fodder for the war against Russia. Polls say that both Ukrainians and
Americans want this US proxy war to end, but instead of ending it Washington is pressuring Kyiv to
throw teenagers into the threshing machine of an unwinnable conflict. And we were told this
war was all about protecting democracy. [Tweet] Russia keeps getting hit by Ukraine with
US-supplied long-range missiles and is now saying that "retaliatory actions are being prepared."
This happens as Trump appoints virulent Russia hawk Keith Kellogg as his envoy to the conflict,
adding further weight to my concerns that these soaring tensions may continue to escalate after
Trump gets into office. I'll say right now that if all this insane brinkmanship results in
Russia hitting Ukraine with a tactical nuke or something I'll be a lot more enraged at the western
power structure I live under for giving rise to that horror than I'll be at Vladimir Putin.
Finally Breaks: Willing to Accept NATO Membership for Territory Swap. So: they
offer to impose an immediate ceasefire in January, upon Trumps inauguration, then segue to
peace talks. They propose to lift Russian sanctions but tax Russian energy exports to pay for
Ukraine's reconstruction. Well, what can we say? Russia will certainly not bow to kiss
the hand of the new King in this way, but you have to admit it's at least a
respectable opening foray.
Scott Horton's Appearance On Dave Smith's Podcast Censorsed By YouTube. The success
of Scott Horton's best-selling book [...] clearly illustrates how the narrative that has fueled
NATO's war with Ukraine has all but completely collapsed. That collapse has been expedited by
the erosion of trust in not only governments, but the means by which they have disseminated their
propaganda through media. While big tech censorship seemingly reached its zenith in the wake
of the COVID-19 pandemic and fallout from the 2020 Presidential Election, the desperation of the
architects behind situation in Ukraine has seen them return to their old tricks. Big tech
once again has tried to pull the wool over the public's eyes by censoring Scott Horton's appearance
discussing the malfeasance that led to the war in Ukraine on fellow libertarian thinker Dave
Smith's podcast. According to Smith, YouTube removed his latest episode which featured Horton
because it claimed the interview violated its community standards. The ambiguity of the claim
is a reprisal of big tech's iron-fisted rule over media in which its arbitrary and capricious
enforcement of its own bylaws was exercised to fulfill ulterior political motives.
Part of Mandate Don't You Understand? [Scroll down] The benchmark version
goes like this: "Joe Biden" keeps up his stupid provocation of Russia with those medium-range
ATACMS missiles until Mr. Putin is forced to respond with a strike against a NATO member, say,
a military base in Poland used to stage and target the ATACMS. Under NATO's Article
Five — an attack against one is an attack against all — Europe and the US
must go to war against Russia. This becomes the pretext for "Joe Biden" to declare an
extraordinary emergency (or Kamala Harris, if "JB" can be shoved out under the 25th Amendment). The
inauguration of the newly-elected government must needs be postponed. ... Such a move would
surely provoke a domestic insurrection against the leviathan and Civil War Two would be on.
Or else you might expect a swift counter-coup out of the US military not playing along.
Mr. Putin, too, could demur from playing the game, that is, just not go for the bait, refrain
from striking any NATO territory. After all, his beef is officially with Mr. Zelensky's
Kiev government. Russia could just pound Kiev until that government ceases to exist.
Threatens Ukrainian Capital With New Hypersonic Missile. Another day, another
record-setting Russian missile and drone attack on Ukraine at a moment the West is escalating its
support to Kiev. President Vladimir Putin announced to security officials at the Collective
Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) summit in Kazakhstan that 100 drones and 90 missiles were
launched at Ukraine over the last 48 hours "in response to strikes deep" inside Russia.
makes last-ditch ask of Congress for $24 billion to help Ukraine: report. On his
way out of the White House, President Biden is reportedly making a last-minute plea to Congress for
$24 billion in aid for war-torn Ukraine to bolster its military support and replenish US
stocks that had dwindled. The White House Office of Management and Budget suggested that
Congress could fold the renewed aid into its solution to avert a government shutdown next month,
according to a request obtained by Politico Pro. Several lawmakers saw the proposal Monday
and it features $8 billion for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative to fund US company
contracts to arm Kyiv and $16 billion to refill US weaponry stock, per the report.
Ukraine's army survive its deserter crisis? Not since the summer of the 2022 invasion
have Russian troops been making more progress in Ukraine. Last month alone, they took almost
200 square miles in the Donetsk region. Just 15 miles now separate the Russian forces
from entering the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. If Russia succeeds, a sixth region will be swallowed
by hostilities. What's changed? Russia's ranks are swelling with highly paid
contractors and fresh North Korean reinforcements, while Ukraine's forces are thinning fast.
Desertions are adding to crippling manpower shortages. Officially, some 90,000 Ukrainian
soldiers have deserted (almost half of them this year), but the unofficial number is much
higher. Desertion is becoming a crisis. Unless it's addressed, no 'victory plan' will
halt the Russian advances. The number of deserters has become so unmanageable that in August
Ukraine passed a law forgiving soldiers who went AWOL for the first time as long as they agreed to
come back. This has had a calamitous effect on discipline, essentially giving men permission
to flee.
Mania Dies Down Revealing Ukraine's Wire-Frame Reality. The dual hype surrounding
both the Oreshnik 'secret weapon' and Ukraine's ATACMS/Storm Shadow strikes on Russian territory
has died down, to reveal the continuing pattern of Russian troop advancement on every front. [...]
The conversation has entirely turned toward how to wrap the war up, with many 'insiders' in the
West now claiming all internal debate revolves around how to convince Zelensky to give concessions,
while still retaining some form of 'dignity' for Ukraine — which is just another way of
saying, how to save face, and present the loss as at least a partial 'victory'. This has
naturally led to Trump's admin picks being a particular focal point as bellwethers of what we can
expect from Trump's approach toward 'settling' the war. Unfortunately, some of the recent
signals are getting worse in this regard, and seem to indicate escalation as the plan.
House presses Ukraine to lower draft age to meet manpower needs against Russia.
President Joe Biden's administration is urging Ukraine to quickly increase the size of its military
by drafting more troops and revamping its mobilization laws to allow for the conscription of those
as young as 18. A senior Biden administration official, who spoke on the condition of
anonymity to discuss the private consultations, said Wednesday that the outgoing Democratic
administration wants Ukraine to lower the mobilization age to 18 from the current age of 25 to
expand the pool of fighting-age men available to help a badly outnumbered Ukraine in its nearly
three-year-old war with Russia.
Musk Delivers Harrowing News to 'Treasonous' Liar and Leaker Alexander Vindman.
Ukrainian-born Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman (US Army Ret.) may be about to pay the ultimate
price for his crimes against America if the world's richest man has any say. As The Gateway
Pundit previously reported, Vindman was a crucial figure in the first impeachment of President
Trump over his "perfect" phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in 2019. But he
was caught repeatedly lying during his testimony before Congress, which made him a leftist
hero. The truth is that Vindman was a leaker who thought his opinions overruled the Trump
administration. He was moved from the White House with his twin brother (who was
unfortunately elected to Congress this month) after his unsuccessful attempt, along with Eric
Ciaramella, to remove the sitting president from office. Even Vindman's boss testified that
he was a leaker and a liar who could not be trusted.
Musk: Alexander Vindman 'Committed Treason,' Will 'Pay the Appropriate Penalty'. Elon
Musk said retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman "has committed treason against the United States"
by being "on the payroll of Ukrainian oligarchs," and will "pay the appropriate penalty." Musk's
comments came in response to Vindman accusing him of conspiring with Russian president Vladimir
Putin. "Vindman is on the payroll of Ukrainian oligarchs and has committed treason against the United
States, for which he will pay the appropriate penalty," Musk said in a Wednesday X post. Musk
was reacting to a post by another X account that shared a video of Vindman accusing the Tesla CEO of
having ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and claiming Musk only supported President-elect
Donald Trump in the 2024 election because Putin told him to.
Dithers While Vlad and Joe Play Nuclear Chicken. Is President Joe Biden out to start
a war? Or are his shadow warmongers Anthony Blinken and Jake Sullivan responsible? War
can potentially explode regardless of who pulled the pin on the grenade. [...] Unfortunately, Trump
cannot negotiate anything until January 20. All communications from Trump and his entire team
are likely being monitored by the same agencies that spied on his 2016 transition, looking for any
opportunity to invoke the Logan Act as an excuse not to certify his election.
loses more than 40% of territory it seized in Russia's Kursk region. Ukraine has lost
over 40% of the territory in Russia's Kursk region that it rapidly seized in a surprise incursion
in August as Russian forces have mounted waves of counter-assaults, a senior Ukrainian military
source said. The source, who is on Ukraine's General Staff, said Russia had deployed some
59,000 troops to the Kursk region since Kyiv's forces swept in and advanced swiftly, catching
Moscow unprepared 2-1/2 years into its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. "At most, we
controlled about 1,376 square kilometres (531 square miles), now of course this territory is
smaller. The enemy is increasing its counterattacks," the source said.
shows AP the wreckage of a new experimental Russian missile. Russian President
Vladimir Putin has signed a law granting debt forgiveness to new army recruits who enlist to fight
in Ukraine. The measure, whose final version appeared on a government website Saturday,
underscores Russia's needs for military personnel in the nearly 3-year war, even as it fired last
week a new intermediate-range ballistic missile. According to Russian state news agency
Interfax, the new legislation allows those signing up for a one-year contract to write off bad
debts of up to 10 million rubles ($96,000).
European Official Blows Whistle: Ukraine Stealing U.S Aid, Laundering Money Back to
Democrats. A top European official has blown the whistle on a scheme to embezzle up
to half of all American taxpayer-funded aid that has been sent to Ukraine to perpetuate its endless
war with Russia. The explosive allegations were made by former Polish Deputy Minister Piotr
Kulpa. Kulpa has previously held several posts in the Polish government and is currently a
regular contributor to Ukrainian online shows. According to Kulpa, Ukraine did not receive as
much foreign aid as claimed by President Joe Biden's administration. Up to half of the funds
were embezzled and funneled back to U.S. Democrats, a former Polish official claims.
The Editor says...
If I had never heard the infamous phrase, "Ten percent for the Big Guy," I would be a little surprised
by this news. But it's not surprising at all.
Admin Sending Another $275M In Military Aid To Ukraine Before Trump Takes Office. The
Biden administration announced Wednesday that it would provide Ukraine with another
$275 million in military aid as it amps up support for the country before President-elect
Donald Trump takes office. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that the U.S. would
give Ukraine ammunition for high mobility artillery rocket systems, TOW missiles, landmines, small
arms and training equipment, and a variety of other ammunition and drones.
administration informs Congress it will forgive $5B in economic loans to Ukraine. The
Biden administration told Congress it plans to cancel $4.65 billion in debt owed by Ukraine,
approximately half of an economic loan offered earlier this year. State Department
spokesperson Matthew Miller confirmed the plans in a briefing on Wednesday. "So we have taken
the step that was outlined in the law to cancel those loans, provide that economic assistance to
Ukraine," he said. In April, Congress passed a supplemental funding package that earmarked
$60 billion worth of aid for Ukraine, including $9 billion structured as a loan, with a
provision that allowed the administration to forgive it, according to Miller.
Congress Can Prevent WWIII. President Joe Biden made a unilateral decision to approve
Ukraine's use of Army Tactical Missile Systems ("ATACMS") — long-range USA-manufactured
missiles — on targets inside Russia without introducing a resolution into Congress
declaring war on Russia. On Tuesday, November 19, 2024, Russian President Vladimir Putin
formally signed a revision to Russia's "state policy in the field of nuclear deterrence." [...] On
the same day, Ukraine fired six ATACMS missiles at a military depot in the Russian region of
Bryansk. Under the terms of Russia's newly redefined nuclear weapons policy, Russia is now at
war with the United States, with no indication that President Biden has any intention of sending to
Congress a resolution declaring that the United States is at war with Russia. Congress need
not stand by idly, watching without recourse, as a lame-duck president (whose mental competence
must be considered questionable) authorizes Ukraine to fire USA-manufactured missiles into
Russia — a policy that has as its only rational purpose to induce Russia to use a
tactical nuclear bomb in retaliation.
The Deep State Pushing Nuclear War To Prevent A Trump Presidency? On
November 18, 2024, Politico reported that London and Paris had given Ukraine their Storm
Shadow/SCALP long-range missiles to Ukraine. As of this writing (Wednesday, November 20,
2024), Reuters reported that Ukraine fired a volley of up to twelve Storm Shadow/SCALP missiles
into Russia's Kursk region, a day after Ukraine fired six U.S.-manufactured ATACMS missiles into
Russia's Bryansk region. That Ukraine fired a UK missile today makes evident that Biden must
have permitted Kyiv to launch NATO long-range missiles into Russia. The redefinition of
Russia's policy on nuclear deterrence that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed this week, makes
clear that Russia now considers the United States, the UK, and NATO at war with Russia. [...] As I
wrote in a previous essay, the Biden decision is best explained by what appears to be a preemptive
military coup in which U.S. generals fearing prison terms and possible convictions for treason
prefer the risk of triggering a global thermonuclear war rather than allowing Donald Trump to take
office on January 20, 2024.
Ukraine Cover Up. [Scroll down] In April 2014, UK prosecutors seized
$23.5 million in assets owned by Zlochevsky that were held at a London bank, alleging that
Zlochevsky had engaged in criminal conduct in Ukraine. It was at this same time that Burisma
appointed Biden's son, Hunter, and his close associate, Devin Archer to its board of
directors. On April 21, 2014, Joe Biden traveled to Ukraine, offering not only his
political support, but also $50 million in aid for Ukraine's shaky new government.
During Joe's Ukraine visit, on April 22, it was announced that Archer had suddenly joined the
board of Burisma. Hunter had also joined Burisma's board that same month, but curiously
Burisma didn't announce Hunter's appointment until May 12, 2014 — after his
father's visit to Ukraine had concluded. Many have portrayed Hunter's involvement as little
more than a means for the Biden family to extract hefty board fees from Burisma for association
with the Biden name. While there is likely a large amount of truth to this, we also suspect
something bigger may have been at play — the effective capture of Ukraine's natural gas assets.
Claims, without a Scintilla of Evidence, That DPRK Troops are On the Ground in Kursk
Region. For very obvious reasons I don't believe them. However, that said, take
an elevated position on the issue for a moment and ask yourself, 'what are the implications if the
United States Pentagon are fabricating claims about North Korean troops on the ground in Kursk,
Russia?' The United States Defense Department asserted today that DPRK troops are on the
ground in the Kursk region. Actual North Korean troops on the battlefield fighting against
Ukraine. Has anyone seen any single physical attributable example, a picture, a photograph, a
video, a satellite image, a drone video, a declassified field report; heck, anything —
anything at all — to support such a claim?
authorizing Ukraine to fire long-range missiles smells like a preemptive military
coup. Biden's surprise decision on Sunday, November 17, 2024, to authorize
Ukraine to utilize long-range U.S. missiles capable of reaching 186 miles into Russia requires
explanation. (As of this writing, Ukraine has already fired a missile into Russia.) Does the U.S.
military believe that allowing Ukraine to fire a few U.S.-manufactured Army Tactical Missile
systems ("ATACMS") into Russia will win the war for Ukraine? Or is Biden's decision evidence
that the United States is in a military coup d'etat aimed at escalating the war in Ukraine so
Donald Trump will not be able to settle the war should he manage to be inaugurated in approximately
two months, on January 20, 2025? Biden made this decision despite Russian President
Vladimir Putin's explicit warning that he would consider Russia at war with the United States and
NATO if the White House lifted restrictions on Ukraine's use of long-range Western weapons.
Putin has also made clear that a decision to allow Ukraine to use long-range missile systems such
as ATACMS could trigger a nuclear response from Russia. In making the decision, Biden ignored
President-Elect Donald Trump's repeated statements that once inaugurated, he intends to negotiate a
settlement with Putin to end the war in Ukraine.
Biden Approves U.S. Targeting Systems and Long-Range Missiles for Ukraine to Strike Deep Inside
Russia. It's not Joe Biden per se', he is simply a useful
pawn. This action is coming from the people deep inside the IC and State Dept who are
committed to fomenting a serious conflict with Russia and Vladimir Putin as the White House is
about to change hands. We previously said to watch out for this lame duck session. In
response to previous discussion about this, Russian President Vladimir Putin said he had 'clear
eyes' on what long-range missile deployment inside Ukraine really meant. Ukraine does not
have the targeting systems or satellites to use long-range missiles for strikes into Russia.
billion-dollar campaign. [Scroll down] Once the funds are accessible, the
members of the swamp apply their skills to enrich their cronies and themselves. Let's take
the Ukraine war as an example. We hear D.C. lawmakers claim that their first priority is the
freedom and security of Ukraine. They pledge to unconditionally and interminably support the
war. Citizens may be baffled by this sudden burst of affection in D.C. for the
Ukrainians. Dig deeper, and one discovers that these lawmakers have ties with vendors who
profiteer from the war. In exchange for their voting "yes" for the bill, the vendors devise
legal means of payback — perhaps a lucrative job after retirement. To date, the
U.S. has provided more than $183 billion in assistance to Ukraine. Yet Ukraine is
nowhere near victory, but it doesn't matter to the lawmakers funding the war, because their
war-profiteering cronies are being enriched.
Trump Election and Its Impact on The War in Ukraine. With the election of Donald
Trump as the 47th President of the United States, the opportunity for a negotiated ceasefire has
come to the fore as a policy priority, issue and possibility. To gain a sense of the reality
of the situation in Ukraine, The Wall Street Journal has produced a video which effectively
highlighted the current situation of Ukraine in the war. [Video clip] Putin's
invasion of Ukraine without any doubt was a key moment in the expression of global expansion in the
multi-polar authoritarian world which undercuts the Western "rules based order" and needs to be
checked. But which path realistically is best to do so?
America Safe Again Will be Donald Trump's Highest Priority as President. The war in
Ukraine, caused by Biden's weak foreign policy and his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, has
become a stalemate and long-term war of attrition that could escalate, possibly with Russia using
nuclear weapons, if Ukraine expands its attacks into Russian territory. President Biden and
European leaders have no plan for a Ukrainian victory or ending the war and have instead promoted
an endless war approach of arming Ukraine "for as long as it takes." U.S. relations with
Russia and China plummeted during the Biden administration. Biden has not spoken to Russian
President Putin since before Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. There has been little
meaningful U.S. diplomacy with China. Biden's inept foreign policy has pushed Russia into the
hands of China as part of a new anti-West axis that includes Iran and North Korea. Chinese
military provocations against Taiwan and in the South China Sea soared during the Biden years with
no serious response by the United States.
rushing assistance to Ukraine, with aid uncertain under Trump. The White House plans
to rush billions of dollars in security assistance to Ukraine before President Joe Biden leaves
office in January, sources said on Wednesday, hoping to shore up the government in Kyiv before
President-elect Donald Trump's Jan. 20 inauguration. "The administration plans to push
forward ... to put Ukraine in the strongest position possible" a senior administration official
said on condition of anonymity, before its term ends in January.
is to blame for the carnage in Ukraine. The Russia-Ukraine war is a useless waste of
life unless you value freedom and the individual even more. Some 728,000 Russians are dead or
injured, and many Ukrainians, mostly civilians, have met a similar fate. According to an
estimate from The Economist, approximately 2% of all Russian men between the ages of 20 and 50 may
have been killed or seriously wounded in Ukraine since February 2022. For comparison, the
equivalent American cohort would be 66 million. What would the mood of our country be if
over 1.3 million of our young were dead or maimed? For perspective, over the course of
the 21-year-long Afghanistan war, 22,659 Americans were killed or injured, which includes many
non-combat accidents. Anyone who makes light of the sacrifices and suffering going on in
Ukraine is a heartless and manipulated fool.
Zelensky Plans to Draft 160,000 More Ukrainians Into Unwinnable War Against Russia.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky intends to draft 160,000 more people to fight in his
unwinnable war against Russia. "There are plans to call up more than 160,000 people," the
secretary of Ukraine's National Security Council, Oleksandr Lytvynenko, said to parliament on
Tuesday. It is clear that the psychotic dictator intends to kill as many Ukrainians as
possible in order to cling to power, as the West enables this endless murder binge for the profit
of soulless defense contractors. Recently, Russia captured the mining town of Selydove and
are rapidly advancing in the eastern Donetsk region. They are reportedly receiving help from
North Korean troops as the momentum in Russia's favor increases. This has prompted Zelensky
to double down despite every indicator showing the war is unwinnable.
Things President Trump Can Do To Return The Government To The People.
January 20, 2025, will not be a checkered flag moment. On the contrary, it will be the
starting line for a four-year race to save the nation. As such, we need to look at what
exactly needs to be done going forward. Here are ten things President Trump needs to do.
[...] [#6] Negotiate a peace between Russia and Ukraine. Neither wanted this war and a
month after Russia invaded, there was a peace deal on the table that both sides supported until Joe
Biden torpedoed it. This useless and wasteful war is accomplishing nothing while costing
hundreds of thousands of lives and causing trillions of dollars of damage to the participants and
the rest of the world.
Troops Not Thrilled with North Korean Conscripts. We've be hearing for a few days now
that North Korean troops are now preparing to enter the battlefield against Ukraine. CNN
reports on some audio intercepts which suggest the Russian troops aren't thrilled with their
presence so far. [...] Another concern seems to be who will command them, especially given that
none of these troops speak Russian. [...] So what happens if the translator is hit?
Apparently that whole unit is reduced to sign language. There's also a story floating around
suggesting lack of leadership has already been a serious problem.
The Editor says...
It's a military fiasco already, but just look at how wonderfully diverse the Russian army is now!
As you can see, diversity adds nothing to productivity, especially on the battlefield.
Plus ten percent for the Big Guy, I suppose. US
plans to contribute $20 billion for Ukraine loan: Yellen. The United
States plans to contribute $20 billion to a G7 loan package for Ukraine and could soon
announce new sanctions targeting Russian weapons procurement, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said
Tuesday. "We're very close to finalizing America's portion of this $50 billion loan
package," she told a press conference, as world financial leaders gather in Washington this week
for the annual meetings hosted by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. But Yellen
added: "What I want to emphasize is that the source of financing for these loans —
This is not the American taxpayer." The loan involves profits from the interest on frozen Russian
assets, and Yellen told reporters that "Russia is paying for this support."
Manpower Problem: Zelensky's Only "Victory Plan" Is NATO Boots On The Ground.
Ukraine's "victory plan", presented this week to NATO officials and both candidates (Trump and
Harris) for the 2024 US presidential election, has been widely criticized as a non-starter
specifically because it does not address the key obstacle facing their ability to stop Russia's
steady strategic advance. That key obstacle is manpower, which Ukraine does not have.
The problem is not blatantly admitted, but implied by numerous officials with inside knowledge of
the war. US politicians (Democrats and Neocons) have been pressuring Ukraine to lower the
conscription age to 18-24 year old men, a move which the nation has tried to avoid.
Why? Because the Ukrainians worry that if they do there will be no viable men left to start
families and replenish the population after the war is over. That's not a very optimistic
appraisal of the situation on the front lines.
preparing to rush 'at least 10,000' North Korean troops to Ukrainian border after 'striking deal'
with Kim Jong Un. Ukraine is facing the threat of a huge influx of North Korean
troops who are being trained by Russia's army. At least 10,000 soldiers from the Pyongyang
regime are understood to be taking part in manoeuvres before an expected deployment in regions
close to the Ukrainian border. The Kremlin is said to have paid North Korea to send personnel
to the front in a deal struck on president Vladimir Putin's state visit to Kim Jong Un.
has suffered more casualties in Ukraine war than all other conflicts combined since WWII:
Pentagon. Russia has suffered some 600,000 casualties in its war with
Ukraine — more than its losses in every conflict since World War II combined, according
to U.S. officials. This September was the deadliest month of the entire war for Russia, a
senior U.S. defense official told reporters on a call Wednesday. "Russian losses, again both
killed and wounded in action, in just the first year of the war exceeded the total of all Soviet
losses in any conflict since World War II combined," the official said. However, the steep
casualties are not a "definitive metric" of success for Ukraine, the official warned. Ukraine
has also suffered mass casualties, though the U.S. has not disclosed how many.
announces $425 mn Ukraine arms package. US President Joe Biden announced a
$425 million arms package for Kyiv Wednesday in a call with President Volodymyr Zelensky,
ahead of a farewell visit to Berlin to discuss Ukraine, the White House said. The package
includes air defense and armored vehicles, said a readout of the call, adding that Biden had
briefed Zelensky "on his efforts to surge security assistance to Ukraine over the remainder of his
term in office." Biden would also hold a virtual meeting of Ukraine's allies in November, it
added, as he tries to shore up international support for Kyiv before a possible return of Donald
Trump to the White House in January 2025.
men dragged out of nightclubs by army recruiters. Ukrainian military recruiters
launched targeted raids at restaurants, shopping centres and a rock concert over the weekend,
detaining men and press-ganging them into the army. "Get away from me!" one concertgoer
shouted at three policemen as they pulled him towards a recruiting desk that had been set up on
Friday outside the Palace of Sports in Kyiv, where Okean Elzy, a Ukrainian rock band, had been
playing. The man's face contorted in fear as he strained against the policemen, video footage
showed. Several women filmed the policemen on their smartphones, shouting: "Shame!
Shame on you!" Policemen also waited to intercept men at Goodwine, a nearby shopping centre,
and Avalon, a popular restaurant, according to reports. Eyewitnesses said the police checked
all the men's documents. Those who refused to show documents exempting them from military
service, or whose documents were considered faulty, were dragged away.
Kamala Harris Gives Rambling, Incoherent Answer on How to End War in Ukraine. Vice
President Kamala Harris, in one of her first serious and unscripted interviews of the campaign,
delivered an incoherent and rambling response when asked about what success looks like "in ending
the war" in Ukraine. Russia invaded Ukraine after the Biden-Harris administration took
power. Before the invasion, Russia indicated it was worried about the administration's
inviting overtures for Ukraine to join NATO, a political and military alliance of countries on the
doorstep of Russia. It repeatedly claimed any expansion of NATO into Ukraine was a redline.
Ukrainian Officials Busted With 6 Million Dollars In Cash Inside Their Homes.
Two Ukrainian officials from Khmelnytskyi Oblast are accused of corruption after nearly
$6 million in cash was found at their homes. Ukrainian authorities conducted searches at
the homes and workplaces of two officials: The head of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Center for
Medical and Social Expertise and her son, a senior official in the region's Pension Fund. The
investigation involves allegations of forging documents to falsely register disabilities for men
attempting to evade military service.
Harris finally arrives to Georgia to dole out FEMA's crumbs. About a week after
Hurricane Helene first made landfall in the Southeast, Kamala Harris took a break from her
fundraising events and staged photo ops at the border to travel to Georgia to address the federal
government's response to the storm that ravaged the people of the South. Lost everything to
Hurricane Helene? You may be eligible for a one-time $750 payment for the basics. After
that, you're on your own. (As a reminder, after the fire in Lahaina, Maui residents received
only $700.) [...] And don't forget, the same day that Helene hit, the Biden-Harris administration
announced another eight billion dollars for Ukraine.
The Rider of the Pale Horse Has Arrived in Ukraine. [Tweet with video clip]
Sam does love her some European color revolution stuff. USAID is the State Dept. cover silo for
the CIA. The two words our "allies" never like to hear from official communication within the U.S.
Dept of State are, "support" and "challenge." As in, "we need to support Zelenskyy a little more,
so that we ensure he understands the challenges." [Tweet]
Ukrainian War Narrative — Paradoxes, Obsessions, and Disconnects. About
half of America sympathizes with Ukraine's plight and wishes to arm it. [Advertisement] After
all, Kyiv was attacked preemptively by Vladimir Putin on February 24, 2022, in an effort to
decapitate its government and turn the country into a Russian satellite, perhaps similar to the
status of a Belarus or Chechnya. [The same advertisement again] [Unrelated video clip]
The heroic ability of the Ukrainians to save Kyiv and to stop the Russian assault beyond the occupied
Donbas and Crimea has hinged on Western weapons deliveries, specifically from European NATO
countries and, to a far greater extent, the United States. But now, after a reported
1 million combined dead, wounded, or missing Ukrainians and Russians (the actual figure is
probably far higher), the war remains deadlocked with no end in sight. [Advertisement] Putin
serially threatens to break the static front with tactical nuclear weapons. The Europeans are
tiring. And no one in the United States has come up with a strategy to push back the
Russians from either their February 2022 demarcation points or their post-2014 occupation of
Ukrainian borderlands.
Has Overplayed His Hand. For weeks now, we have been told repeatedly that Ukrainian
President Volodymyr Zelenski had a "secret plan for victory" over Russia that he would unveil by
the end of the month. That finally happened this week, with Zelensky launching a "charm tour"
across a variety of stops, primarily in the United States, seeking to gain the full support of
American leaders (and potential leaders) to achieve his nation's ambitious goals. But what he
actually managed to achieve appeared to be more of a crash course in the finer details of divisive
American politics while taking a sledgehammer-style approach to a delicate situation that one
Ukrainian foreign policy analyst described as being "a big mistake." Zelensky wound up poking
his nose into American party politics and making demands that even those most likely to support his
requests edged away from carefully.
Ukraine Obsession Is Going To Get Us All Killed! Last week the world narrowly
escaped likely nuclear destruction, as the Biden Administration considered Ukraine's request to
allow US missiles to strike deeply into Russian territory. Russian president Vladimir Putin
warned, as the request was being considered, that because these missiles could not be launched
without the active participation of the US military and NATO, Russia would consider itself in a
state of war with both NATO and the US should they be launched. It was a Cuban Missile Crisis
on a massive scale. Thankfully, permission was reportedly not granted by Washington to hit
deep inside Russia, but as we have seen throughout this war, a weapons system is often first denied
and then eventually granted to Washington's proxies in Kiev. We should not rest easy even if
nuclear war has been temporarily averted.
PA Visit Was Election Interference. Volodymyr Zelensky(y?) had a right to comment
about Donald Trump and J.D. Vance during his visit to a Pennsylvania arms factory. It was
stupid for him to criticize the next President of the United States, but if he wanted to do that,
it was his right. But I do have a serious problem with the United States military flying him
there to do so, and I wonder if that counts as illegal election interference on the part of our
Department of Defense. I think Mollie Hemingway has a point when she says that Biden should
be impeached for doing this. [Tweet] Donald Trump was impeached for asking Zelenskyy a
question in a phone call in 2020, yet nobody in the mainstream media or in Establishment Washington
seems to have a problem with US government resources being used to have a foreign leader campaign
for the sitting Vice President. It seems like there is a double standard at work.
Oversight Committee Chairman Comer Investigates Zelensky Visit. As we've been
covering, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky traveled to Pennsylvania this week on the
taxpayer's dime where he hobnobbed with Democratic politicians in the commonwealth and even
criticized the Trump-Vance ticket. According to Zelensky, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) "is
too radical." On Wednesday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) sent a letter
to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Assistant to the
President and White House Counsel Edward Siskel seeking documents about any government resources
used for the visit.
House [is] Investigating If [the] Zelensky Trip [was] Scheduled to Benefit [the] Kamala Harris
Campaign. Republicans on the House Oversight Committee launched an investigation on
Wednesday to determine if the Biden administration misused taxpayer dollars to fly Ukrainian
President Volodymyr Zelensky to the U.S. to benefit Kamala Harris's presidential campaign. In
letters to top Biden administration officials, committee chairman James Comer wrote that
then-president Donald Trump faced similar accusations from Democrats in 2019 of trying to use
Zelensky to benefit his campaign "despite a lack of any evidence of wrongdoing." "Now, the
Biden-Harris Administration is flying the same foreign leader on an American-taxpayer-funded flight
to Pennsylvania, a battleground state for Harris's campaign," Comer wrote. Zelensky is in the
U.S. for the United Nations General Assembly this week. On Sunday, he traveled to
Pennsylvania, a top battleground state, on a Department of the Air Force aircraft courtesy of the
Biden-Harris administration.
Is Flown to Battleground State on Air Force Jet. The warmongering globalist demons no
longer care to conceal themselves. They have removed their masks and they dare you to try to
remove them from power. According to WCAU-TV in Philadelphia, Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelenskyy visited the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant in President Joe Biden's hometown of Scranton,
Pennsylvania, on Sunday, for what amounted to a taxpayer-funded photo op and campaign event
featuring prominent warmongering Democrats. Meanwhile, on the social media platform X, Mollie
Hemingway of The Federalist characterized Zelenskyy's visit to swing-state Pennsylvania via a U.S.
Air Force C-17 as "an impeachable offense on the part of Biden-Harris."
President Zelensky Campaigns for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania. In a heavily
coordinated and strategic political visit to Pennsylvania, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky was
essentially campaigning for Kamala Harris and a continuation of the Biden foreign policy which
provides billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to Ukraine. Any non-pretending political pundit
can see the transparency of the Zelensky visit to an ammunition factory in Pennsylvania when timed
in context against the 2024 presidential campaign, with an overlay of Zelensky's comments about how
a Trump-Vance victory would be detrimental to the interests of the Ukranian government.
[was] Flown Into [a] Key Swing State At Taxpayer Expense After Attacking Trump, Vance.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy flew into a key U.S. swing state this week on a
taxpayer-funded aircraft after publicly criticizing former President Donald Trump and Republican
Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance. Zelenskyy touched down in Scranton, Pennsylvania, on Sunday in a
U.S. Air Force C-17A aircraft and toured a local munitions factory that has been producing
armaments for Ukraine amid the country's ongoing war against Russia. During his visit,
Zelenskyy met with high-level Democratic Pennsylvania officials such as Gov. Josh Shapiro,
Sen. Bob Casey and Rep. Matt Cartwright and expressed his gratitude "for their support."
Hidden Army In Ukraine. Recent reports reveal that members of an American private
military company (PMC) called the Forward Observations Group (FOG) participated in a Ukrainian
military operation into Russia's Kursk region. This shocking evidence has raised eyebrows and
sparked interest in how U.S. PMCs are involved in global conflicts. Who Are the Forward
Observations Group? The FOG PMC is not just any group; it's made up of former military
personnel, including ex-special forces and skilled operatives. These individuals often come
from backgrounds in the Pentagon, CIA, and other high-level defense agencies. With training
facilities located in places like San Diego, California, and Mount Carroll, Illinois, these
operatives are well-prepared for their missions.
groan at Biden admin's last-minute request for more time to send unused $6B to
Ukraine. Billions of dollars allocated for Ukraine will expire at the end of the
month if Congress does not act, according to a warning from the Biden administration. Some
10% of the $61 billion in funding Congress passed for Ukraine in April remains
unspent — and the White House has requested Congress extend its Presidential Drawdown
Authority (PDA) to offer aid to Ukraine beyond a Sept. 30 deadline. "We have
$5.9 billion left in Ukraine Presidential Drawdown Authority, all but $100 million of
which will expire at the end of the fiscal year," Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Pat
Ryder said Friday.
The Editor says...
Putting it back in the U.S. Treasury is apparently never an option.
Could Be Overthrown If He Fails To Hold Elections: Ukraine Lawmaker. An
opposition lawmaker in Ukrainian parliament is warning that President Vladimir Zelensky could
eventually face a coup if he persists in banning national elections. The Verkhovna Rada
lawmaker, Alexander Dubinsky, wrote on Telegram that "a coup is possible." He warned this will
be the case "if Zelensky, who has done everything contrary to the interests of Ukraine, remains in
power bypassing the elections. Surely no one will tolerate this."
Biden/Harris Legacy. Take a moment to think about this. Under the Biden/Harris
administration, we now have two unsuccessful attempts to assassinate the former President of the
United States. The Biden/Harris administration has repeatedly refused to provide enhanced
Secret Service protection to President Trump during this run for re-election. Concurrent with
and immediately before both attempts, Biden and Harris have repeatedly used inflammatory rhetoric
targeting President Trump. Regarding the Biden/Harris presidential administration, what will
history record? I suggest that it is likely that the Biden/Harris administration will be
recorded as highly corrupt and incompetent. An administration with a constant appetite for
war and other foreign adventures (Nordstream, for example) and yet curiously incompetent in the
management of war. Witness the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the enormously expensive and
mismanaged Ukrainian misadventure.
Massive Explosion Turns Night Into Day In Russia. A partial evacuation has been
ordered in Russia's Tver region after a "massive" Ukrainian drone attack sparked an explosion and a
fire there, the local governor has said. Igor Rudenya said emergencies services in the town
of Toropets were trying to "localise" the blaze caused by falling drone wreckage. He did not
say whether there were any casualties. Meanwhile, unverified footage has emerged purportedly
showing a massive blast in the town, amid unconfirmed reports that a weapons depot was hit
overnight. [Video clip]
Harris wins, your kids will be drafted to fight in a foreign war. Our radicalized,
leftist media is avoiding reporting on how close we may be to World War III, which could very well
be nuclear. The Biden/Harris administration provoked the war that rages on in Ukraine, the
continuation of the Obama coup of 2014. Peace could have been negotiated before the current
battles began, but no, our ever-powerful military-industrial complex wanted war. It is how
they all get fabulously wealthy. Biden knew that threatening Putin with admitting Ukraine
into NATO would be a line the Russian leader would see as a bridge too far. But Biden
seemingly had no intention of actually welcoming Ukraine into NATO; it was a ruse to get the war
going. It would not have happened had Trump been in office. Now it drags on, perhaps as
many as a million dead on both sides and for what?
Ukraine Will Lose the Battle with Russia. Ukraine does not want to win the latest
battle with Russia (the "war" started in 2014), because this battle is too profitable for the
Ukrainian elite. A real war with Russia (with real mobilization of personnel and industry)
would cost the Ukrainian elite dearly (less American/EU aid money to steal). A real war would
also require the kleptocratic Ukrainian government to give the Ukrainian peasantry a bit of
freedom, similar to FDR pausing his "New Deal" to fight Hitler, Lenin's "New Economic Policy", or
Putin's current focus on mobilization instead of ransacking the Russian private sector.
Ready for World War Three? Americans broadly remain blissfully oblivious regarding
how close to World War Three we are and have been since early 2022. Repeated warnings from U.S.
military and intelligence leaders about this dire state of affairs, which this newsletter reported
in detail, with looming war against Russia, or China, or Iran — or worst of all, Russia,
China and Iran — have fallen on deaf ears. Not to mention that, given the
parlous state of America's military, amid recruiting and retention problems, shortages of weapons
and munitions, plus the anemic condition of our defense industrial base, the Pentagon would be
hard-pressed to prevail in even one major theater war, while it would almost certainly lose,
probably fast, when confronted by three of them at once. This alarming strategic situation
keeps failing to register with the public, even in an election year. Americans seem not to
care that World War Three looms, while the Biden-Harris administration, whoever is actually running
it, is eager to distract the public from the geopolitical catastrophe they've sleepwalked America
into, while allowing our military to further degrade.
Harris Will Not Fight Corruption. Inflation and price hikes have hit the country's
residents so hard that many have moved beyond the poverty line. While Americans are getting
poorer and trying to find the money to live and pay bills, the American government continues to
allocate huge amounts of money to Ukraine. [...] Biden and his friends have long launched their
tentacles into all spheres of Ukrainian life. The war made it possible to put this country on
a money meter, making it completely dependent on foreign (for the most part American) funding.
It's funny that Democrats, using Ukraine as a testing ground for their illegal deals, are hiding
behind the fight against corruption. They hold meetings with Ukrainian colleagues and discuss
the measures necessary to regulate and legalize financial flows in the country due to the large
amount of foreign funds, but at the same time do nothing to save Kyiv from financial dependence.
Cuts Another Massive Check to Ukraine. On Friday [9/6/2024], the Biden White House
announced it would write another multi-million dollar check to Ukraine in addition to the
$113.4 billion it has already given the country. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin
announced that the United States would provide Ukraine with a $250 million aid package that
includes missiles, armored vehicles, and anti-tank weapons. Austin said the
aid package will "surge in more capabilities to meet Ukraine's evolving requirements." "This
announcement demonstrates the United States' enduring commitment to Ukraine's self-defense against
Russia's brutal aggression," the State Department said. "This assistance will be deployed as
quickly as possible to bolster Ukraine's defense of its territory and its people. As
President Biden has made clear, the United States and the international coalition we have assembled
will continue to stand with Ukraine."
Great Realignment. Since Reagan, the GOP had been the party that supported a strong
military. Reagan stood against the USSR, pushing up the cost of the arms race to defeat
communism. What's known as the military-industrial complex benefited from this stance. [...]
Look at the parties today. The Democrats have now become the party of endless war.
Democrats support the military-industrial complex. Their foreign policies reignited the
Ukraine war, and they seem to want it perpetually. They insist on giving this war billions
upon billions. They cannot stop wearing Ukraine lapel pins, nor giving Ukraine's corrupt
dictator his monthly fix. Oddly there are no Democrat anti-war rallies about Ukraine.
Makeover complete.
Are Trying To Escalate The Ukraine War Into WWIII Before The US Election. The purpose
of NATO involvement in the Ukraine War has, to me, always appeared obvious. Ukraine has
nothing to do with the interests of the western public, nothing to do with the security of Europe
and nothing to do with the economic advancement of the United States. Yet, NATO and the
globalists have been politically interfering in the region since at least 2014 and preparing the
ground for an eventual war with Russia. To be clear, I don't favor Russia any more than I
favor Ukraine. The Kremlin has long had its own ties to the globalists, as I have outlined in
numerous articles. How deep those ties go is up for debate — Maybe the honeymoon
is over and Russia is truly done trying to get a seat at the globalist table. What I do know
is that western elites want a world war and they have done everything in their power to start one.
abruptly fires Air Force chief after F-16 loss. General Nikolay Oleshchuk has been
dismissed as the head of the Ukrainian Air Force, after he publicly clashed with a lawmaker from
Vladimir Zelensky's ruling party about the loss of the first Western-provided F-16 fighter
jet. The plane reportedly crashed on Monday, killing its pilot, Aleksey 'Moonfish' Mes.
Kiev did not admit the loss until Thursday, only to say that the incident was under investigation.
'Servant of the People' MP Mariana Bezuglaya then came out with the claim that Mes was shot down by
one of Ukraine's US-donated 'Patriot' air defense systems. "Mariana, the time will come when
you will apologize to the entire army for what you have done, I hope in court!" Oleshchuk said in a
social media post of his own on Friday. He accused Bezuglaya of "selling out" and being "a
tool to discredit the top military leadership."
Fire Fiasco: Ukrainian Army Shoots Down Its Own F16 Jet, Pilot Killed. It
appears that the US-made F-16 fighter jet, which was handed over to Ukraine earlier this year, was
downed by a Ukrainian Patriot air defense system in a friendly fire incident, Ukrainian lawmaker
Maryana Bezuglaya said cited by TASS. "According to my information, the F-16 of the Ukrainian
pilot Alexey 'Moonfish' Mes was shot down by the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system due to a lack
of coordination between the [military] units," she wrote on Telegram. The lawmaker criticized
the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for falsely describing the incident as "a crash."
"The culture of lies in the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as in other
higher military headquarters, leads to the fact that the system of managing military decisions does
not improve on the basis of truthful, consistently collected analytics, but deteriorates and even
collapses, as is happening in the other directions," she wrote.
Russia seized £76m from Google 'to support war in Ukraine' — documents. The
Kremlin seized more than £76m from Google's accounts in Vladimir Putin's Russia — and used
this to fund propaganda supporting the war in Ukraine, court documents claim. The assets
seizure came after a Russian court ruled that Google must pay damages to three Russian TV
channels. The courts ordered Google to pay RT, Tsargrad, NFPT huge sums in compensation after
it removed them from YouTube and deleted their Google accounts. Google's Russian arm
subsequently declared itself bankrupt in 2022. The tech giant had previously said the Kremlin
had seized its funds but did not reveal how much.
Is Happening In The Ukraine War Should Scare Us. The United States is not ready for
the kind of war we are seeing played out in Ukraine, a peer-to-peer conventional fight that is
rewriting the rules of what we thought war was supposed to be. [...] The Russo-Ukraine War is a
test bed for new technologies overlaid over old styles of warfare, particularly the static, dug-in
trench warfare of World War I. What is different? A lot. For one thing, electronic
warfare (EW) is an enormous new factor. You know all those awesome precision-guided munitions
we saw America use in Iraq and Afghanistan? We gave many of them to Ukraine. According
to open source reports — I do not know anything secret and would not write about it if I
did — the Russians, who are very good at this sort of thing, have figured out how to use
EW to defeat them. Remember, GPS is based on radio waves, which can be jammed, spoofed, or
otherwise messed with. A missile that misses is useless. Imagine America going into a
fight with its limited or completely defeated precision strike capabilities.
Endorses Trump — Media Endorses Kamala. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was clear
at his first press conference after withdrawing from the presidential race. Three major
issues compelled him to leave the Democratic Party and endorse Donald Trump for president: "Free
speech, the war in Ukraine, and the war on our children." Trump, he explained, has "adopted
these issues as his own to the point where he has asked to enlist me in his administration."
The party two of his grandfathers helped build has become "the party of war, censorship, corruption,
big pharma, big tech, big money," Kennedy said. History will judge the Ukraine war as an
Obama and Biden liability. It was initiated by a U.S.-engineered coup in 2014, perpetuated
by deliberately forestalling peace talks two years ago and costing the lives of 600,000 soldiers.
"Ukraine is a victim of this war, and it's a victim of the West," he said.
Can Ukraine Win the War Against Russia? It's been two-and-a-half years since Russia
invaded Ukraine. The war has taken an unexpected turn in the past two weeks as Ukrainian
troops launched a successful incursion into Russia and have now taken control of over 400 square
miles in the Kursk region, which borders Ukraine in southwestern Russia. After months of
gridlock in the fighting, the successful incursion could be a critical turning point in the war.
"There's certainly always a chance," Victoria Coates said when asked if Ukraine can win the war.
continuing stalemate in the Ukraine War. In the past few months the situation in the
war between Russia and the Ukraine has had some significant battlefield events that suggested the
situation is becoming unstable. First, Russia began an offensive campaign along the northern
border of the Ukraine near the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, pushing back into the same territory it
had abandoned during its major retreat and defeats in the fall of 2022. This offensive,
combined with the gains Russia has made in the past few months in eastern Ukraine, suggested that
it had completely recovered from those 2022 defeats, and was now moving forward in its effort to
conquer the Ukraine in its entirety. At least, that's how it seemed from a cursory outsider's
view. Then, last month, the Ukraine launched its own offensive across the border into
Russia's Kursk region, the first time any Russian territory had been invaded since Russia's
unprovoked invasion of the Ukraine in February 2022. That same cursory view suggested that the
situation was becoming unstable, and that Russia now faced a serious problem of its own.
a CIA/DoS Escalation Effort Underway in Ukraine. It's mid-August and the headlines
are increasingly looming around the Ukraine v Russia conflict. You can sense it; I can sense
it, and we all need to trust our instincts. As we navigate our way through this intense
foreign and domestic political gaslighting, lies being created daily by government officials and
their allies in the corporate media, being able to hone your instincts becomes even more
critical. Not many people can do it. The last week or so has highlighted a marked
increase in urgency and hostility amid those in the CIA/DoS who control the events in
Ukraine. Everything about this insufferable World War Reddit is sketchy, including the
ongoing absence of any frontline reporters anywhere in the "battlefield" giving updates on
what we are told is intense fighting.
Kursk: Has Ukraine finally gotten Russia on the run? Is an end to the long,
costly war in Ukraine in sight? We have heard with the certainty of 'settled science' that
Ukraine couldn't possibly beat Russia just based on the size differential. But this looks
like bad news for Russia. The Ukrainians seem to have devised a strategy of taking the
Russian border city of Kursk, and apparently Belgorod, too, bringing the war much closer to home
than just the occasional drone attack and refinery fire we have thus far seen. They are now
taking whole cities.
Trump Senior Counselor Kellyanne Conway Registers As Foreign Agent Of Ukraine & Viktor Pinchuk
Foundation. I wonder how long this has been going on. How can a woman being
paid by Ukraine morally advise a president concerning policies regarding that country without a
conflict of interest? She can't. She's a traitor like the rest of them. This
couldn't just be happening now. It's had to be ongoing. Here's the document showing
Conway's registration statement regarding being a foreign agent, listing KAConsulting LLC.
[Exhibit, not shown here.] Washington Free Beacon's Chuck Ross tweeted, "Kellyanne Conway
registers as a foreign agent of Ukraine and Viktor Pinchuk Foundation. She's getting $50k a
month to get US lawmakers to speak at the Yalta European Strategy next month, arrange meetings
between Ukrainian soldiers and US political leaders."
dumps another $1.7 billion into Ukraine the same day U.S. national debt reached
$35 trillion. America's national debt reached a new high of $35 trillion
this week around the same time U.S. politicians threw another $1.7 billion at Ukraine.
Russia's ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov is speaking out against Washington, D.C.,
gross mismanagement of taxpayer funds, which will eventually flush the entire nation down the
economic drain. "Washington continues to burn colossal money in the furnace of the Ukraine
conflict, and it does so in the face of record levels of U.S. government debt," Antonov said.
"One can only imagine what good the resources pumped into the neo-Nazi and terrorist Kiev regime
would do if they were spent on peaceful needs, on development, and on addressing the multiple
social and economic issues."
Finds Another $2 Billion in Ukraine Aid 'Accounting Errors'. The Pentagon
discovered $2 billion in additional accounting errors regarding its valuation of missiles,
ammo, and other equipment provided to Kiev, a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report found
on Thursday. The Defense Department made a similar claim last year, saying it availed
Washington of $6.2 billion in weapons to fuel the Ukraine proxy war with Russia. This
latest report brings the improperly valued military material to a total of $8.2 billion, with
the error said to be a result of unclear accounting definitions. In June 2023, the
Pentagon insisted that weapons shipped to Ukraine from US military stockpiles, under the
Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA), over the past two years were overvalued using the
"replacement value" of the arms as opposed to the "depreciated value." This bought the White
House some time to continue sending weapons to Kiev after much of the US funding then allocated for
the war had dried up.
'Brute Force' Can Force Draft-Age Ukrainians in Europe to Go Home to Face Near-Certain Death.
Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has urged Warsaw's European allies to create the right
conditions to "encourage" Ukrainians who fled their country after 2022 to return home to fight
Russia. There's nothing short of violence that will force these people to comply, says
veteran international affairs observer Dr. Gilbert Doctorow. "We, as European countries,
also need to help" Ukraine as the country faces weapons shortages, war fatigue and dwindling troop
numbers, Sikorski said in an interview with Polish radio on Thursday. "There are hundreds of
thousands of potential recruits obliged to defend their motherland living in EU countries, and
Poland is in the vanguard of helping Ukraine prepare these people for military service," the
foreign minister said. It's possible to "impose such conditions" on Ukrainian nationals
living in Europe that "will encourage them to fulfill their obligation to defend their homeland,"
Sikorski stressed.
Biden's Withdrawal Mean the End of Corruption Investigation? It is, of course, on the
issue of Ukraine that we arguably have the best evidence of Joe Biden's corruption, specifically
that Biden fired the prosecutor who was pursuing Hunter's oligarch boss. Biden even bragged
about it during a speech at the Council of Foreign Relations in 2018. This leads us to
ask: What will Biden's departure mean for the history books? Will it mean that there
will never be clarity, let alone accountability, for what Biden did in Ukraine? One fact that
we all painfully learned from the Hillary Clinton secret server saga, where the then incoming
President Trump decided to let bygones be bygones, is that Democrats perceive kindness as
weakness. It is indeed unlikely that anyone will muster the patience and perseverance to
pursue Biden corruption once Biden is gone. But he is not yet gone and there is still time to
unearth more evidence of Biden's misdeeds in Ukraine, so at least historians will be able to tell
the full story.
Footage Shows Ukrainian Drone Striking Russia's Major Black Sea Refinery. Early
Monday, Ukraine succeeded in its first successful drone attack on a major Russian refinery since
mid-May. Dozens of drones were launched from Ukraine with the objective of crippling Russia's
energy infrastructure. Bloomberg reports Rosneft PJSC's major Tuapse refinery in southern
Russia was damaged in a drone attack overnight, which sparked a fire, Russian officials said.
"Infrastructure of the oil refinery in Tuapse was damaged as a result of falling drone debris,"
Russian authorities wrote in a Telegram statement, adding the fire has since been contained.
Some of the clearest video so far of this conflict shows one of the Ukrainian drones striking the
Tuapse refinery. [Tweet with video clip]
least five injured after Ukraine and Russia exchange drone strikes. At least five
people were injured in Ukraine on Sunday by Russian strikes, local officials said, as the two
countries exchanged drone, missile, and shelling attacks. Along the front line in the east,
Russia said it had taken control of two villages, one in the Kharkiv region and one in the Luhansk
region. Kyiv has not commented yet, but local officials said on Sunday morning three people
were wounded by Russian drone strikes in southern Ukraine's partly occupied Kherson region.
In the country's northeast, officials in the Kharkiv region said two people were wounded when a
village was hit by Russian shells. Ukraine's air force reportedly shot down 35 of 39
Iranian-made Shahed drones that Russia launched overnight. The air force also said Russia
launched three Iskander-M ballistic missiles and two cruise missiles.
loses more than 1,000 men in battle for single village. You might have thought that
the war in Ukraine was over given the limited media coverage it has received. However, the
fighting continues, only with far less media coverage. That's because Russia has thoroughly
trounced the West's proxies in the Ukrainian Army, just as it did in Syria against the Western
backed anti-Assad forces. This lack of media coverage for the conflicts in both Ukraine and
Syria is no coincidence. It is an indication of how the Western mainstream media now works
hand-in-glove with the Western military and intelligence apparatus. While the west pumped
billions in military aid to Ukraine and Syria, the western mainstream media sought to portray the
anti-Assad forces in Syria as resisting tyranny, just as it cast Ukraine's forces in a similar
role. The media's portrayal of both conflicts was a complete misrepresentation.
factions vying for control of America. The Biden family is a massive business that
produces nothing except corrupt political influence. It is exemplified in Joe Biden's
laughing boast that he successfully coerced the Ukrainian government to fire its prosecutor, who
was exposing the crimes of Hunter Biden. Hunter was a highly paid board member of the
Ukrainian energy company Burisma. Hunter Biden has zero expertise in the energy industry and
contributed nothing of value to Burisma. Joe Biden threatened Ukraine by promising to withhold
a billion dollars in U.S. aid unless its prosecutor was promptly dismissed from his job. He was.
loses 'astronomical' 70,000 troops in 60 days. Russia has lost more than 70,000
troops in the past two months, British military intelligence said on Friday. The update by
the Ministry of Defence added that the heavy losses would likely continue as Russia looked to make
gains across the front lines in Ukraine. "The average daily Russian casualties (killed and
wounded) in Ukraine, throughout May and June 2024, increased to conflict highs of 1,262 and
1,163 respectively," the MoD wrote. "In total, Russia likely lost (killed and wounded) in
excess of 70,000 personnel over the past two months."
Three Phases of the Ukrainian War. [NATO Secretary General Jens] Stoltenberg
inadvertently unveiled the truth. The conflict did not begin because Putin sought to
resurrect the Soviet Union or out of fear of Ukrainian democracy. Stoltenberg and the
leadership of NATO were fully aware that Russia would eventually be compelled to act according to
its security imperatives and invade Ukraine to alleviate the NATO threat at its borders. The
cunning aspect of this plan was a deception. NATO never had any intention of granting
membership to Ukraine. Therefore, even the most fervent supporters of NATO cannot deny that
it was NATO's deliberate provocation that ignited the war.
Ukraine-Israel foreign-policy fairy tale. This week, the United States is celebrating
the 75th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) with a gala summit in
Washington, D.C., that will be attended by a host of world leaders. Among them will be
Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz, who hopes to use his presence there to remind the Americans
and the European nations represented at the gathering about the threat to the West from Iranian
terrorism and missile development, as well as its nuclear ambitions. He's not likely to have
much success. And that's not just because he's from a non-NATO member state overshadowed by
representatives of the expanded roster of the alliance that now numbers 30 European nations,
plus the United States and Canada. The problem for Israel in this conclave is that since
Russia illegally invaded Ukraine in February 2022, NATO has become almost solely focused on
the brutal war there, which continues to consume Western aid and arms with no end in sight.
do you solve a problem like Kamala? The cackling diversity hire of a vice president
is a disaster, not just for Democrat election prospects, but for the nation and the world.
Let us review her portfolio. [...] In February 2022, Harris was sent to Europe to meet with
Zelenskyy and other world leaders to discuss the escalating crisis in Ukraine. Four days
later, Russia invaded Ukraine. It seems likely that this situation was entirely beyond her
control, and that she was simply Biden's sacrificial lamb. But still, this does not inspire
confidence in her diplomatic abilities.
Hunter Biden hardest hit. NATO
Will Tell Zelensky Ukraine Is Too Corrupt to Join at July 9 Summit. NATO will
inform Ukraine that its corruption bars it from joining the alliance, a significant setback for
President Volodymyr Zelensky. A senior U.S. State Department official says NATO will request
additional anti-corruption measures before progressing with membership discussions in a written
communique at the alliance's annual summit on July 9. The official emphasized the need for
further progress in tackling corruption, a priority for many NATO members. Zelensky wants
rapid NATO accession to ensure protection from future invasions, as NATO is obliged to go to war
collectively if any individual alliance member is attacked.
Taxpayers to Send Additional $2 Billion to Ukraine. Defense Secretary Lloyd
Austin said Tuesday that the U.S. government will soon announce a plan for taxpayers to send
$2.3 billion in security assistance for Ukraine, including anti-tank weapons, interceptors,
and munitions for Patriot and other air defense systems. The announcement came as Ukrainian
Defense Minister Rustem Umerov met with Austin at the Pentagon. And it marks a strong
response to pleas from Kyiv for help in battling Russian forces in the Donetsk region.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Sunday that Russia had dropped more than 800 powerful
glide bombs in Ukraine in the last week alone.
Recruits More Than 3,000 Soldiers From Prisons. Ukraine has released over 3,000
prisoners on parole and assigned them to military units after President Voldomyr Zelensky signed a
bill into law in May that allowed recruitment from Ukraine's prisons. Ukraine's Justice
Ministry estimates that around 27,000 prisoners are eligible for military service under the new
law, which allows the recruitment of murderers, as long as they didn't kill more than one person
and only have no more than three years of their sentence to serve.
of Trillions Of Reasons Why Both Sides Are So Determined To Win In Ukraine. If you
had the opportunity to grab natural resources that are worth tens of trillions of dollars and you
believed that you could get away with it, would you do it? A lot of people in western nations
are not able to identify Ukraine on a blank map of the world, but the truth is that it isn't just
another country. It turns out that Ukraine is sitting on natural resources that are worth
tens of trillions of dollars. Most of those natural resources are located in eastern Ukraine,
and of course that is where all of the fighting is happening. Whoever is victorious in this
conflict is going to get their hands on all of that wealth. I think that this helps to
explain why the Russians and the western elite are so obsessed with winning this war.
actions by Democrats which sunk Ukraine. Observers of American support for Ukraine
would likely consider the Democrats to be pro-Ukraine and the Republicans anti-Ukraine. This
observation would be a generally accurate portrayal of recent budgetary considerations in the U.S.
Congress regarding military aid for Ukraine. Nevertheless, the conclusion that Democrats in
the United States be considered pro-Ukraine constitutes a case of grand historic irony.
Indeed, the catastrophic invasion of Ukraine was largely caused or facilitated by five actions by
American Democrat politicians. Without these actions, Ukraine would likely be living in peace
and security. [...] General Mark Milley and U.S. intelligence predicted Kiev would fall within
three days of the February 2022 Russian invasion. This was ludicrous on many levels.
Anyone familiar with Ukrainian history over the past century will understand — after the
Soviet colonization of Ukraine, and the Stalin-imposed "Forced Famine" (The Holodomor) —
that Ukrainians will never voluntarily accept Russian colonization again.
sent 10,000 naturalised citizens to fight in Ukraine: official. Russia has sent
around 10,000 naturalised citizens to fight in Ukraine, a top official said Thursday, adding that
some had chosen to leave the country rather than face being enlisted. Moscow has been accused
of pressuring Central Asian migrants to join its armed forces amid an intense recruitment drive to
boost troop numbers for its military offensive on Ukraine. The head of Russia's Investigative
Committee Alexander Bastrykin said that Russia was cracking down on migrants who had received
Russian citizenship but were not registering with military authorities.
Regime To Allow American Private Military Contractors To Deploy to Ukraine. Lately it
seems that every day we are faced with yet another escalation by the Joe Biden administration from
hell towards a military confrontation with Russia. Days after Biden began allowing Kiev to
fire US-supplied long range missiles on Russian territory, it now surfaces that he is about to
allow American PMC companies to fight in the Ukraine war. That's American boots on the
ground. And worse — on the side that's being decimated by the overwhelmingly
superior Russian air force, artillery, missile and drone capabilities.
Kill Their Own Soldier With A Drone As He Is Surrendering To Russian Forces. A viral
video shows 'Ukraine's soldier heading towards an alleged Russian position.' In the clip, the
soldier is seen following a drone to purportedly reach the Russian post. As per claims
online, it was a Russian army drone that was guiding the soldier. The troop is said to have
surrendered before the Russian Army by waving the white flag. However, before the troop could
reach the Russian post, he was eliminated. [Video clip]
The Editor says...
The "movie trailer" music adds dramatic effect to the video. And why is the soldier wearing a
white mask, like a European clown in the 1960's? The whole scenario seems to have been contrived
for the purpose of producing a propaganda film.
Drone Swarms Target Four Russian Refineries In Major Attack. Brent crude futures were
flat on Friday amid rising geopolitical tensions in Eastern Europe, which seems counterintuitive as
escalating war risks could result in supply disruptions. In the overnight hours, four
refineries in southern Russia were targeted, with one facility damaged, in one of the largest drone
swarm attacks since the war in Ukraine began, Bloomberg reports.
Evidence of Biden Quid-Pro-Quo in Ukraine. A new batch of emails released by
journalist John Solomon provides the most compelling evidence to date that Joe Biden abused his
position as Vice President to protect a Ukrainian oligarch who was under investigation for
corruption and bribery. The oligarch, Nikolay Zlochevsky, is the owner of Burisma, the firm
that paid Hunter Biden $1 million a year for a no-show job. The emails, whose origin
remains unclear but which may have been obtained via the House Oversight committee, also show
Zlochevsky planned to use Hunter to set up a $120 million venture in Liechtenstein.
However, while the Liechtenstein story has been the focus of attention, the real story buried in
the new email batch has nothing to do with Liechtenstein. That story centers around an email
from Hunter's business partner, Devon Archer, that shows that Burisma unambiguously demanded that
the corruption investigations into Zlochevsky be shut down. While a previous email with a
similar message had been recovered from Hunter's abandoned laptop, the language used in the new
email is even more blunt in conveying that Burisma was demanding direct intervention from US
authorities to end the Ukrainian prosecutor general's investigation into Burisma. Within a
few weeks of the email, Joe Biden ordered the president of Ukraine to dismiss his prosecutor general.
[is] Reliant on 'Conscription Squads' as Casualties Mount. A BBC report has detailed
how Ukraine increasingly uses "conscription squads" to find enough men to send to the frontline in
the current war between Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine's parliament recently passed a bill
requiring all Ukrainian men between ages 25 and 60 to register on an online database in order to be
called up to fight, and the conscription officers prowl the country searching for those who have
not signed up to the database. [Advertisement] Conscription officers descend on public
places like train stations or buses in order to "grab" men and to conscript them. In the BBC
report, one man, "Vova," detailed how he was forced off a bus and to a conscription center at
gunpoint, only to leave under the excuse of fetching papers and not return. The BBC report
also states that many Ukrainian women hide their boyfriends in their homes to avoid conscription.
Suicidal Nationalism. In a speech delivered on August 1, 1991, in Kiev,
President George H.W. Bush urged Ukraine to consider risks associated with independence. He
delivered a clear warning to Ukraine, stating that "...freedom is not the same as
independence. Americans will not support those who seek independence in order to replace a
far-off tyranny with a local despotism. They will not aid those who promote a suicidal
nationalism based upon ethnic hatred." The President's warnings fell on deaf ears.
Ukrainian leaders were not pursuing national interests. Instead, they were motivated by
unfounded hostility toward Russia. The outcome proved catastrophic.
About an October Surprise. An October surprise is coming, and earlier than
October. Joe Biden — presuming he's still the Democrats' nominee —
needs a big game changer. [...] Long story short, troubles have been brewing with Moscow for
years. Lately, tensions have risen higher, and in a dangerous way. The U.S. and NATO
are losing their proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. That's prompted the White House to
greenlight Ukrainian strikes at targets inside Russia. Zelenskyy has compiled. The
initial strikes have all the earmarks of U.S. direction. The attacks signal that the U.S.
will not accept a resolution to the Ukraine war on anything but its terms. It appears that
Washington is glad to flirt with brinkmanship to have its way. It's steadfastly eschewed
talks with Russia toward closing out this bloody and destructive affair.
Lights Are Flashing As Biden Ignores Them. This week, Biden is at the G7 in Italy and
has made it clear his main objective is continued funding for Ukraine. He is trying to
convince the other countries in attendance that they should be tapping into frozen Russian assets
to help Ukraine preserve its sovereignty. I realize Biden has a more significant financial
interest in money flowing to Ukraine with all of the rumors of kickbacks to the Biden Cartel.
But he has a sworn obligation to protect us and our sovereignty, and after three years, he has
failed miserably.
Ukraine War and the Constitution. Can the president fight any war he wishes?
Can Congress fund any war it chooses? Are there constitutional and legal requirements that
must first be met before war is waged? Can the United States legally attack an ally?
These questions should be front and center in a debate over the U.S. involvement in Ukraine.
Sadly, there has been no great national debate. [...] Congress cannot legally declare war on
Russia, since there is no militarily grounded reason for doing so. Russia poses no threat to
American national security or American persons or property. Moreover, the U.S. has no treaty
with Ukraine that triggers an American military defense. But Congress spends money on war
nevertheless. Under the Constitution, only Congress can declare war on a nation or
group. The last time it did so was to initiate American involvement in World War II. But
Congress has given away limited authority to presidents and permitted them to fight undeclared
wars. Examples of this are President George W. Bush's disastrous and criminal invasions of
Afghanistan and Iraq, and the War Powers Resolution of 1973.
and Dead Ukrainian Soldiers Are Missing Organs. Ukrainian women are getting bodies of
their dead sons and husbands without their organs. They were sold off on the black
market. One woman said her son's kidney is missing, and he's alive. We don't know how
many soldiers are involved, but it is happening. Zelensky signed a bill allowing it but
regulating it. However, Ukraine has a dangerous, ree-wheeling black market. Organ
donations are a big business. According to a spokeswoman, the authorities of the Donetsk
People's Republic (DPR) have information on Ukrainian nationalists illegally harvesting biological
materials from POWs, locals, and wounded Ukrainian soldiers. According to existing data, in the
active combat zone, 20-30 people per day end up being operated on by the "organ harvesters,"
many of whom travel to Artymosvsk from foreign countries specifically for this purpose.
real reason for the Ukraine/Russia war. U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham has called
Ukraine a "goldmine", adding that Washington could lose access to critical minerals worth trillions
of dollars if Russia wins the war. "If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business
partner we ever dreamed of, that $10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used
by Ukraine and the West, not given to Putin and China," he said. [Video clip]
Ramps Up Rate Of Ukraine Arms Packages... What's Another $225 Million? The
United States is preparing to announce a new $225 million weapons package for Ukraine this
week, coming two weeks after the last package, which was at $275 million and featured badly
needed artillery rounds. And a few weeks prior to that, in early May, the US administration
rolled out with $400 million in defense aid — thus it appears the White House is
planning to apportion new packages about every two or three weeks, drawing from Biden's
$60 billion in recently approved total funding for Ukraine. Currently, Ukrainian
soldiers are resorting to literally trying to find leftover, unexploded artillery shells scattered
in the ground at prior battle sites. The Wall Street Journal recently underscored this severe
lack of ammo along Ukraine's front lines in writing that "Kyiv's ammunition shortage is so acute
that a soldier who hunts for Russian shells — and makes his own bombs — has
become an important supplier for some units." The dangerous trend can be summarized as
follows: the more desperation there is on the ground as Ukraine loses more and more ground
along frontline positions, the greater the bellicose posturing on the part of NATO and the West.
Western armaments, Ukraine may only have months left. hile politicians in Britain
pontificate, a thousand miles away, outside the city of Kharkiv, Ukraine's war with Russia is
intensifying. Kyiv has been forced to redirect thousands of troops to the north-eastern part
of the front line to fend off Putin's assault, leaving its defences exposed elsewhere.
[Advertisement] The war is reaching a critical juncture, as yet again Western interest in aiding
Ukraine is at risk of waning. President Zelensky appears to be aware that Ukraine's time is
running out: over the weekend, he called on US president Joe Biden and Chinese premier Xi Jinping
to attend the upcoming Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland to advance a "real peace".
sends $275 million of weapons and military aid to Ukraine. The United States on
Friday announced a fresh tranche of military aid for Ukraine, including ammunition, missiles, mines
and artillery rounds as Russia presses its assault on the Kharkiv region. Ukraine has been
battling back in Kharkiv since May 10, when thousands of Moscow's troops stormed the border,
making their biggest territorial advances in 18 months. "The United States is announcing
today a significant new drawdown of weapons and equipment for Ukraine to support the brave
Ukrainian people as they defend their country," said Secretary of State Antony Blinken. "This
$275 million package, which is part of our efforts to help Ukraine repel Russia's assault near
Kharkiv, contains urgently needed capabilities."
plunged into darkness as Russia attacks power grid. Rolling attacks by Moscow on
Ukrainian energy infrastructure have forced Kyiv to implement nationwide blackouts. Weeks of
Russian strikes on Ukraine's power grid have forced leaders of the war-ravaged country to institute
nationwide rolling blackouts. However, there are warnings shortages could worsen without the
right defences for Ukraine, especially as demand spikes in late summer and freezing winters.
Russian airstrikes targeting the grid since March have brought blackouts back to Kyiv, which hadn't
experienced them since the first year of the war.
In Ukraine And The Resurgence Of Russia. At the end of the 20th century, the Soviet
Union was at the peak of its global influence. It was imbued with the conviction that the
future belonged to communism and its dominance was destined and unending. In 1991, the Soviet
Union unexpectedly collapsed. The Warsaw Pact dissolved, and the newly formed nation, the
Russian Federation, denounced communism and extended the olive branch to the West. In
contrast, the United States and its NATO partners chose to capitalize on the desperate period of
Russian history — specifically, the weakened economy and fragmented military —
by making a provocative and threatening move to expand NATO closer to Russia's doorstep.
Vietnamization of Ukraine. As Ukraine's defeat in the war moves closer, the neocons
are desperate to draw the US further into the fight. Over the weekend, former US State
Department official Victoria Nuland told ABC News that the US must help facilitate Ukrainian
missile attacks deep inside Russian territory. The Biden Administration has to this point
avoided involvement in such attacks, likely because Russian president Vladimir Putin has warned
that Russia will strike any facility that supplies or facilitates strikes inside of Russia,
wherever they may be. It's a clear warning from a nuclear power, but as Nuland and her fellow
neocons see their Ukraine project failing, they demand escalation. This is just what they did
in their previous disastrous projects like the Iraq War, the attacks on Syria and Libya, and the
20-year occupation of Afghanistan. For them the failure is never because it was a bad idea in
the first place, but that not enough lives and resources were poured into that bad idea to create a
good outcome. But Russia is no Iraq nor is it Libya. This time they are playing with
World War III and nuclear destruction and no one in DC seems concerned.
has Biden accomplished in his presidency? Devastation. Biden and his sycophants
in the media sing his praises on a daily basis, pretending he has been an effective
president. In fact, all he has accomplished is desecration on every level. [...] Biden got
rich selling out America and he is still doing it. How else do we explain his proxy war
against Russia using the Ukrainian people to do it. Half a million Ukrainian lives have been
lost or injured. For what? To make our defense contractors and the members of Congress
their lobbyists richer and richer. This war, like the war in Gaza, would never have begun if
Trump had been in office. Biden and his incompetent cronies wanted these wars. The men
and women sent to fight them are of no concern to them. They are in the business of war; it's
a game to them. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's recent trip to Ukraine to promise
Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelensky, more billions that have yet to be approved by Congress,
proves that. They do not give a moment's thought to the dead Ukrainians and Russians due to
their folly.
announces upcoming $2 billion tranche of military aid for Ukraine. The United
States is fast-tracking $2 billion in military aid for embattled Ukrainian forces, U.S.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, as they struggle to stave off a Russian advance in the
northeastern Kharkiv region. Blinken, who made the announcement at a news conference in Kyiv
on May 15 with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, said the funds, which are part of a
recently approved $61-billion U.S. military aid package for Kyiv, are earmarked "to provide weapons
today" for the outgunned and outmanned Ukrainian troops. The package was approved several
weeks ago following months of delays due to political bickering in the U.S. Congress.
Ukraine may
be lost. The narrative for the media this week is that Ukraine may be lost. [...] The
war continues to kill Ukrainians and reduce our arsenal. To keep it going, the Economist
reported this week, "To ask 'what if Ukraine loses?' was once a tactic favored by those looking to
berate its Western allies into sending more money and weapons. Increasingly the question
feels less like a thought experiment and more like the first stage of contingency planning.
Ukraine War Is The World's Largest Ponzi Scheme. The situation in Ukraine is getting
scarier by the day, yet it seems like nobody's really paying attention. Independent
presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently sounded the alarm, warning that we're
dangerously close to a nuclear disaster. He compared the actions of Western powers, like the
US and Europe, to a reckless game of "chicken" with Russia. Kennedy isn't alone in his
concerns. Many believe that some leaders in the West are pushing Russia's buttons, tempting
them to do something drastic. But why take such risks? Sure, there are the usual
reasons given, like standing against Putin or protecting NATO. But there's another big factor at
play here: money. Let's face it: efforts to save Ukraine have fallen short. Despite
what you might hear in the news, the reality is grim. Hundreds of thousands of people have
died or been injured, and the country's infrastructure is in ruins. Over 6 million
Ukrainians have been forced to flee their homes. Yet, some leaders continue to encourage
Ukraine to fight on, even though they're sitting comfortably far from the battlefield.
hopes you won't find out that Ukrainian officials got rich using our tax dollars to invest in fake
companies. Another day, another foreign policy disaster from the failed Biden
regime. This time around, inept Secretary of State Antony Blinken is praying to whatever
"god" will listen to him at this point, hoping the American people don't discover that Ukrainian
officials in Kharkiv have been using US tax dollars to get rich quick by investing in fake
companies. Well, tough luck, Blinky; we're about to blow the lid off of it.
[Advertisement] Now, if the name of that town rings a bell, it's likely due to recent reports
of Russians entering the city and taking it over with barely a struggle. Why, you ask?
It's because officials pocketed the money meant for "defense" and used it to line their own
pockets. [Tweet] This is what happens when you climb into bed with a corrupt country like
Ukraine. A commander of the Ukrainian army is now convinced his forces are doomed.
Reject Conscription and the Army as Mobilization Efforts Ramp Up. Ukrainians are
refusing to fight and die for their rulers' wars. The Ukrainian troops tasked with finding
new candidates for conscription have also been complaining of public resistance against the draft,
or conscription, as they try to force the slave class into a war. The more that reject this
abject enslavement the more people will realize that government itself is slavery. According
to Spanish newspaper El Pais, many in Ukraine are figuring it out. In early May, a
reporter from the outlet was embedded with a military patrol searching for draft dodgers in Sumy
Region in northern Ukraine. The account of this event was published on Sunday on the
condition that no photo evidence of conflicts between the troops and civilians would be included.
The public relations (propaganda) officer who organized the opportunity and set the restriction
warned: "We have a large-scale social rejection of the army." The newspaper did not
say whether it witnessed any altercations.
Is About To Overrun Ukraine's Defenses — Why Are There No Peace Negotiations?
There are two classic propaganda narratives used by governments when it comes to keeping the public
invested in any war campaign that does nothing to advance their national interests: First,
there's the "commitment" lie, which says that once you step in to support a war effort you then
must stay exponentially committed, even if that war effort is exposed as pointless. Anytime
the public pulls back from that war in a bid to reconsider what purpose it serves they are
ridiculed for potentially "risking lives" and setting the stage for defeat. In other words,
you must support the effort blindly. You're not allowed to examine the conflict rationally,
because who wants to be blamed for losing a war? Second, there's the "domino effect" lie,
which says that if you allow a particular "enemy" to win in one conflict, they will automatically
be emboldened to invade other countries until they own the entire planet. It's the same claim
used to trick the American populace into supporting the war in Vietnam and it rarely turns out
to be true.
than one-in-five Ukrainian 'refugees' living in Germany are working, because it's simply 'not worth
it'. [Scroll down] And, these Ukrainians have no intention of returning
home — I mean, being drafted into the Russian meat grinder so Zelensky and his corrupt
comrades in the U.S. can use the cover of war to launder billions of American dollars back into
their own pockets is a bad deal, so I don't blame them, but it doesn't bode well for the German
citizens footing their bills. Yet, the Germans did, against all that is decent and true, vote
in the socialism consuming their nation, so I'm not exactly too grieved to see them suffer the
consequences of their silly political ideas.
a Country as Far Gone as America Recover? [Scroll down] I have emphasized for 8 years
that Putin's response to Washington's overthrow of the Ukrainian government in 2014 was totally lacking in
appropriateness. Consequently, Russia has found itself locked in a never-ending conflict that has
permitted increasing Western participation in the conflict. Due to Putin's unwillingness to use
sufficient force to bring the conflict to a close, the conflict is spinning out of control and is leading
to nuclear war. Already Putin has been forced into conducting exercises in the use against Europe
of tactical nuclear weapons. The situation will worsen. There is no intelligence, neither in
the West nor in Russia. Illusions and delusions reign in governments with world-ending nuclear armaments.
Great Ukraine Robbery Is Not Over Yet. The ink was barely dry on President Biden's
signature transferring another $61 billion to the black hole called Ukraine, when the
mainstream media broke the news that this was not the parting shot in a failed US policy. The
elites have no intention of shutting down this gravy train, which transports wealth from the middle
and working class to the wealthy and connected class. Reuters wrote right after the aid bill
was passed that, "Ukraine's $61 billion lifeline is not enough." Senate Minority Leader Mitch
McConnell went on the Sunday shows after the bill was passed to say that $61 billion is "not a
whole lot of money for us..." Well, that's easy for him to say — after all it's
always easier to spend someone else's money! Ukraine's foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, was
far from grateful for the $170 billion we have shipped thus far to his country. In an
interview with Foreign Policy magazine as the aid package was passed, Kuleba had the nerve to
criticize the US for not producing weapons fast enough.
Accuses Washington of Trying to Overthrow the Country in Order To Open a Second Front against
Russia. It is just as I said, and Putin's inability to recognize reality and
endlessly prolonging the conflict in Ukraine is bringing Russia and the world more trouble.
Putin's dithering has now brought the French Foreign Legion to the front lines in Ukraine, and
western Ukraine is accumulating NATO troops. As I have emphasized from the beginning, wars
need to be quickly won, not extended indefinitely. Putin pretends he is engaged in a limited
military operation when in fact he is at war with the West. The limited operation has spun
out of control precisely as I said it would. Now there are Western troops and intelligence
services involved, and Russia has to defend against long-range missiles striking deep into Russia
while Washington schemes to open a second front against Russia and to separate China from Russia.
Soldiers Admit Even Rear Lines are Failing. While we rarely hear it being mentioned
in the legacy media or the White House press briefing room, the situation on the front lines of the
war in Ukraine is not currently looking good for Zelenski's forces. Even with a fresh round
of funding and military supplies arriving from the United States, the Russian army has been
punishingly effective recently, particularly in the eastern parts of the country. Putin's
forces have stepped up their use of drones and aerial glide bombs such as the FAB-500 bombs
launched from Su-34 bomber aircraft and employed them to devastating effect against Ukraine's
soldiers and military vehicles. In a rare interview with one Ukrainian front-line commander,
the Associated Press reveals that it's often not even safe for them to pull back and try to regroup
in the face of the Russian advance. They have no ability to counter these types of attacks
and the Russians can reach well beyond the poorly defined front lines.
Debate Heats Up, the Masks Come Off. Ukraine was the centerpiece of the original
debate and posed the greatest risk of catastrophe not only for Western security, but also for the
GOP. Biden could have, but did not, deter the Russian attack. Vladimir Putin waited weeks to
see what Biden would do before launching his war of conquest, moving only when Biden opened the
door by abandoning years of partnership with Ukraine to declare the country outside NATO concerns
(which it had never been for obvious strategic reasons). The valor of the Ukrainian people fighting
an existential war against a known enemy with a genocidal record brought Biden slowly on board with
other major NATO allies to provide support to Kyiv. Had Putin's "useful idiots" been successful
in halting further aid to Ukraine, the blame for any bad outcome would have shifted from Biden's early
failures to the Republicans as the party of defeat. And defeat is a political killer.
Loses Over 111,000 Troops in 2024 — Russian Defense Minister. Ukraine has
already lost more than 111,000 troops and 21,000 units of weapons and military equipment in 2024,
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Friday. "In total, this year, they [Kiev's
losses] have exceeded 111,000 servicepeople, 21,000 units of weapons and military equipment,"
Shoigu said at a conference call with the senior staff of the Russian armed forces. Moreover,
Kiev loses 1,000 soldiers a day due to the demands of the United States and its allies to stop the
offensive of the Russian armed forces at any cost, Shoigu said.
plant that makes Iris-T air defence systems for Ukraine engulfed in flames. A massive
fire started at a metallurgical plant in Berlin's Lichterfelde district. The fire sparked in
the technical room on the ground floor of the building. The entire building is engulfed in
flames, reports. [Video clip] More than 100 firefighters are putting out
the fire. The fire occurred at the Diehl Metal Applications plant, Berliner Zeitung
publication said. The company produces metal sheets and various metal products. The
company is part of the Diehl holding, which, among other things, has a defence division —
Diehl BGT Defense that produces missiles for the Iris-T air defence system that the West supplies to
Ukraine. Firefighters warned that there were dangerous and highly toxic chemicals inside the
building of the metallurgical plant, such as copper cyanide and sulfuric acid.
'Whistleblower' Knew Of Biden-Ukraine Corruption Trump Wanted Probed. The "whistleblower"
who sparked Donald Trump's first impeachment was deeply involved in the political maneuverings
behind Biden-family business schemes in Ukraine that Trump wanted probed, newly obtained emails
from former Vice President Joe Biden's office reveal. In 2019, then-National Intelligence
Council analyst Eric Ciaramella touched off a political firestorm when he anonymously accused Trump
of linking military aid for Ukraine to a demand for an investigation into alleged Biden corruption
in that country. But four years earlier, while working as a national security analyst
attached to then-Vice President Joe Biden's office, Ciaramella was a close adviser when Biden
threatened to cut off U.S. aid to Ukraine unless it fired its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who
was investigating Ukraine-based Burisma Holdings. At the time, the corruption-riddled energy
giant was paying Biden's son Hunter millions of dollars.
How This Helps America. Did it warm your heart to see all those blue-and-yellow
Ukrainian flags waved by our elected officials in Congress Saturday night with the passage of the
$60-plus-billion aid bill to the Palookaville of Europe? You realize, don't you, that the
tiny fraction of that hypothetical "money" — from our country's empty
treasury — that ever reaches Ukraine will rebound on the instant into
Mr. Zelenskyy's Cayman Islands bank account. The rest of the dough enters the recursive
shell game between U.S. weapons-makers and the very hometown folks in Congress waving those
blue-and-yellow flags, who will receive great greasy gobs of fresh "campaign donations" from the
grateful bomb and missile producers. No wonder they're cheering. What the $60-plus
billion won't do is provide any fresh arms and equipment to Ukraine's sadsack army soon enough to
prevent Russia from bringing this cruel, stupid and unnecessary war, which we started, to a close.
Reveals U.S. and Ukraine 'Working' on Scheme for 10 Years of Military Aid.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky revealed that the United States and Ukrainian governments
are "working on a bilateral security agreement" that would result in sending additional monetary
aid to Ukraine over the next ten years. In a statement issued on Sunday, Zelensky noted he
had spoken to House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) thanking "him and all the congressmen
for their support" of Ukraine and for voting to send a $61 billion aid package out of a
$95 billion foreign aid package.
expands martial law in a bid to boost defences near occupied areas. Ukrainian
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a decree confirming the parliament's decision to expand the
country's martial law as Kyiv prepares for a renewed push by Moscow's forces in the east and
south. The decree, issued on 23 April, includes the creation of military districts in
frontline regions, some of which include occupied areas, where the state now has the power to
temporarily seize property for military purposes. Regions targeted by the Russian army since
Moscow's full-scale invasion in February 2022, such as Zaporizhzhia, have been largely
devastated, with most properties destroyed or abandoned in more than two years of heavy fighting.
Farm Minister Detained, Latest in Growing List of Corruption Suspects. Ukraine's farm
minister was ordered into detention Saturday as he faces organized crime charges, the latest
high-profile corruption investigation among dozens now flooding the country's court system.
Ukraine's High Anti-Corruption Court ruled Agriculture Minister Oleksandr Solskyi should be held in
custody for 60 days however he was released after quickly paying 75 million hryvnias
($1.77 million) in bail, a statement said.
should I return to fight?' Ukrainian men living abroad say. When Russia invaded
Ukraine two years ago, Vladimir sent his ex-wife and their four-year-old son abroad for
safety. Like most Ukrainian men, he stayed behind, barred from leaving by martial law.
But after two years alone, and having been declared medically unfit to serve, he decided to join
the family in Germany. "A child needs a father," he said. Now, he could be stranded
after a controversial law stripped fighting age men abroad of consular assistance. Those
between 18- and 60-years-old will only be able to replace their passports in the Ukraine, meaning
they will have to return to the country — and risk the draft. The move, designed to help plug
a dire manpower gap in the country's armed forces, addresses long-running tensions over men who
managed to evade a ban on foreign travel for the duration of the war. But critics, including
some serving soldiers, have warned it may be unconstitutional and will simply encourage those who
are already overseas to stay away. Poland has suggested it could even deport Ukrainian men
back to their home country for conscription.
Russian Offensive Yields Over a Dozen Conquered Cities and Villages. In the
much-hyped Summer 2023 offensive, Ukrainian troops repeatedly failed to breach the formidable
Russian defensive fortifications of the 'Surovikin Line', despite hundreds of billions of western
military aid in money and equipment. Kiev's assaults faced seemingly impenetrable minefields,
multi-layered trenches, dragon teeth and anti-tank ditches, and left a mountain of destroyed tanks
and armored cars as a testimony for the new realities of war. Today, drones, artillery and
missiles, coupled with new 'eyes in the sky' IRS capabilities (Intelligence, surveillance and
reconnaissance) have made offensive actions muh more difficult than in the past.
Military and Contractors Are Exploiting Ukraine Conflict to Test AI-Powered Military
Technology. The military-industrial complex of the United States is allegedly using
Russia's special military operation in Ukraine to test new artificial intelligence (AI)-powered
military technology that assists in detecting targets on the battlefield utilizing drone
footage. The technology, referred to as Project Maven, had its research acquired from the
government by Google under a contract six years ago before being acquired recently by other
contractors following opposition from engineers and other employees who did not want to be
associated with creating an AI tool for military use.
doubts White House Ukraine claims. Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has challenged
the administration of US President Joe Biden to define what "victory" would look like in the
Ukraine conflict, after a senior White House official claimed that Kiev can defeat Russia.
National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan backed Ukraine's capabilities on MSNBC on Friday, as he
hailed Biden's drawdown of an additional $1 billion worth of weapons for Kiev's war effort
against Moscow. A delay in arms supplies caused by partisan clashes in the US Congress has
put Ukrainian forces into a "hole" from which they are yet to dig themselves out, Sullivan said.
Burns Billions On A War It Can't Control. The Republican-controlled House of
Representatives last Saturday voted 311 to 112 to approve a bill to spend $60.89 billion on
aid for Ukraine. Among House Republicans, this bill lost 112 to 101. Among House
Democrats, it won 210 to 0. On Tuesday, the Senate voted 79 to 18 to approve it —
with Republicans casting 15 of the 18 votes against it. On Wednesday. President Joe
Biden signed it into law. Just two days after the House approved this $60.89 billion in
aid for Ukraine, the State Department released its 2023 report on human rights in that
country. It cited both the Russian military, which has invaded Ukraine, and the Ukrainian
government itself for human rights abuses.
$1B aid package to Ukraine will aggravate world crisis. Reports indicated that
President Joe Biden's administration has been preparing a new aid package for Ukraine that is worth
around $1 billion. The legislation passed at the Senate on Tuesday night at 79-18, with
31 Republicans joining 48 Democrats to pass the legislation. The bill now awaits the
president's signature at the White House. In recent Congress briefings, administration
officials have indicated that the U.S. will likely send Ukraine long-range ATACMS, or Army Tactical
Missile Systems, for the first time as part of the new aid package, three of the sources familiar
with the matter said as per CNN. Upon learning about this, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman
Maria Zakharova said that Washington's hybrid war against Russia will turn into a humiliating
fiasco as approval of a large aid package is the same as funding terrorism.
Threatened With Fine for Exposing Betrayal. It was enraging enough to watch our
supposed representatives waving the flag of a foreign nation (compliments of congresscommie Diana
Degette [D-CO]) as they bestowed upon it another $60 billion of our money. Then they
compounded the outrage with this: [Tweet with video clip] Do Mike Johnson et al.
think they can keep it secret that they do not represent the American people?
secretly sent long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine. The United States has confirmed
that it secretly sent long-range missiles to Ukraine for use on the battlefield against
Russia. US President Joe Biden approved the delivery of the long-range Army Tactical Missile
System, known as ATACMS, in February and March, and Ukraine has reportedly used them twice.
Speaking at a press conference in Washington, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the
missiles had been shipped in response to Russia procuring weapons from other countries. "This
followed Russia's procurement and use of North Korea's ballistic missiles against Ukraine, as well
as Russia's renewed and escalating attacks against civilian infrastructure in Ukraine," he
said. Sullivan did not say how many ATACMS had been sent to Ukraine or if they would be part
of the latest military aid package signed into law on Wednesday.
What's on TV tonight? Nothing. Russian
Cruise Missile Destroys TV Tower in Ukraine's Second Largest City Kharkov. In the
last weeks, there has been increased chatter on the Ukrainian side about an imminent Russian attack
on the large city of Kharkov, located near the border. Sure enough, its power facilities have
been heavily damaged by massive missile strikes. Today, the attacks went a little further, as
a cruise missile struck and broke in half a 240-meter television tower. The attack would be
part of a 'deliberate effort by Moscow to make Ukraine's second largest city uninhabitable,'
according to President Volodymyr Zelensky.
When the U.K. sends money to Ukraine, who gets the "10 percent for the Big Guy?" U.K.
Announces $500 Million in Aid to Ukraine. The U.K. announced today [4/23/2024] that it is
providing Ukraine with $500 million pounds in addition to Storm Shadow and other missiles. [Tweet]
has only six months left. Last summer there were high expectations that Ukraine's
major counter offensive would succeed in driving Russian forces back, setting the stage for
victory. That didn't happen; instead the offensive faltered and gained little ground.
This failure can be laid squarely at the feet of Western refusal to supply adequate military
aid. The result was a silent backlash in domestic politics both sides of the Atlantic, which
undoubtedly contributed to the US president's failure to get a further aid package through Congress
in time, as well as reluctance in European countries to step up their own aid. The
combination of huge Ukrainian losses and starvation in munitions allowed Russian forces to return
to the offensive and seize the strategic initiative across the war zone. In incremental
advances they have made limited but concrete gains at the front, forcing Ukraine to give up ground,
as well as causing severe damage to Ukrainian infrastructure through air attacks.
Source = Pravda EU
is doing its best not to transfer Patriot air defence systems to Ukraine. Without air
defence systems Ukraine will suffer inglorious defeat. A few days ago, Volodymyr Zelensky
said that in order to resist Russia's destructive attacks, Ukraine would need 25 Patriot or similar
air defence systems. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said that Kyiv wanted to
receive seven new batteries out of the hundred that he could find available in the world. The
United States has 60 Patriot batteries on duty, but the Pentagon does not want to expose its skies.
Years And $113 Billion Later, D.C.'s 'America Last' Crew Has No Plan For Ending The
Russia-Ukraine War. Another week has come and gone, and America's political leaders
are still focused on one thing: shipping more money to Ukraine. On Friday, the GOP-controlled
House advanced a rule allowing the lower chamber to pass what effectively amounts to a massive
foreign spending package. The bills under consideration seek to ship U.S. taxpayer dollars to
Ukraine, Israel (and Hamas-controlled Gaza), and Taiwan. A "divest-or-ban" bill that would
prohibit TikTok from operating in the U.S. under its current China-based ownership will also
reportedly be considered. The aforementioned rule was passed Thursday night by the House
Rules Committee with help from Democrats. The rule effectively allows the House to vote on
each funding measure separately without having to combine them into one package before sending it
to the Senate for consideration.
York Democrat Congressional Candidate Slammed for Wishing Death on All Trump Supporters.
New York Democrat congressional candidate Nate McMurray wished death on Trump supporters on
Saturday [4/20/2024] in a post on X. McMurray is running to represent New York's 26th
congressional district — and Ukraine. The unhinged Democrat posted the death wish
to social media after the House of Representatives passed a foreign aid package that allocated
billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel. Lawmakers waved Ukrainian flags on the House floor
which angered many conservatives.
Military equipment will be 'in transit' to Ukraine by next week if Biden signs bill.
Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, on Sunday said U.S.
shipments of long-range missiles "will be in transit" to Ukraine next week as long as President
Biden signs the foreign aid bill. "I hope once the president signs, we've been told that
there it is, the president's signature, making sure Congress does its job that these materials will
be in transit by the end of the week," Warner said Sunday on CBS News's "Face the Nation." "And
on that schedule, what it will do is it's clearly been the case that the Ukrainians' morale has
been great, but it's been undermined over the last couple of months, when they have been literally
given out rationed bullets, eight to 10 bullets a day," he added.
The Editor says...
The U.S. has been providing billions of dollars to Ukraine for years. Why are they down to
ten bullets a day? Is it because of the "ten percent to the Big Guy?
Passes $95 Billion Aid Package For Ukraine, Israel And Taiwan — But Not US
Border. The House on Saturday passed a set of foreign aid bills that would send
$61 billion to Ukraine, $26 billion to Israel, and $8 billion to the Indo-Pacific
region. In total, the foreign assistance package totals $95 billion — which only passed
after Speaker Mike Johnson cut a deal with Democrats in order to force it through by a vote of 311
to 112. The Senate is expected to pass the package, which was negotiated in conjunction with
the White House, marking a victory against conservative lawmakers who insisted on protecting the US
border before sending money abroad to protect those of other countries.
Zelensky 'Personally' Thanks Mike Johnson for $61 Billion Gift from U.S. Taxpayers.
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky said he was "personally" grateful to "Speaker Mike Johnson for
the decision that keeps history on the right track" after Johnson shepherded a $61 billion
Ukraine aid package through the House Saturday. The image of scores of Democrats waving
Ukraine flags and cheering on the House floor as the bill passed will forever sting the
conservatives from whose ranks Johnson rose, only to serve them with the ultimate betrayal.
Dems slammed for waving Ukrainian flag in chamber of US House: 'Disgusting'. House
Democrats have come under fire for waving the Ukrainian flag in the chamber of the U.S. House of
Representatives during a vote to approve $60 billion in aid for the country's defense.
"Ukrainian flags fly in the chamber of the UNITED STATES House of Representatives as they vote to
send more of your hard-earned money to a corrupt foreign regime," Sen Rand Paul, R-Ky., said in a
post on X Saturday. "And just like that they shout 'UKRAINE! UKRAINE!' while happily working to
secure Ukraine's borders, not ours." Paul's post comes after the House approved a spending
package that will send $60 billion to Ukraine to aid in its defense against Russia's invasion,
part of an overall $95 billion foreign aid plan that also includes additional aid for Israel.
passes $61B in Ukraine aid package. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Saturday
crushed a putsch by far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Republican rebels —
pushing through a $95.3 billion aid package that funds the fight against Russia, the defense
of Israel and resistance against China. Lawmakers in a rare bipartisan effort overwhelmingly
approved the four-bill package, including one measure providing $60.8 billion for
Ukraine. About 80% of that money will go toward replenishing supplies of US-made weapons and
ammunition and other direct military assistance. Another $9.5 billion is in the form of
a forgivable loan.
Donalds: Johnson Violated Hastert Rule on Passage of Ukraine Aid. Reps.
Byron Donalds (R-FL) and Chip Roy (R-TX) slammed Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) for violating the
Hastert Rule after the $60 billion Ukraine aid bill passed on Saturday without a majority of
Republican support. The longstanding rule directs that a Republican speaker will only put
legislation up for a floor vote if a majority of the GOP conference supports it. The rule is
meant to prevent a GOP speaker from colluding with Democrats to pass bills. But most of the
GOP did not back the Ukraine bill. While 101 Republicans and 210 Democrats voted for it, 112
Republicans voted against advancing it to the Senate, meaning Johnson has once again broken the
Hastert Rule weeks after passing a $1.2 trillion government funding plan that most of his
conference rejected.
House approves $61 [billion] in military aid for Ukraine after months of stalling. After
months of stalling, the US House of Representatives finally approved more than $61 [billion] worth of
military assistance to help Ukraine in its desperate defense against Russia, as well as billions
for other allies including Israel and Taiwan. In a bipartisan vote, 210 Democrats and 101
Republicans joined to support Ukraine, with 112 Republicans — a majority of the GOP
members — voting against. It came after the Republican speaker, Mike Johnson,
forced a series of bills onto the floor in the face of fierce resistance within his own Republican
party, many of whom oppose spending more on Ukraine's defense. Voting began hours ahead of
schedule in an extraordinary Saturday session that delayed the House's planned recess. The
House erupted into applause when the Ukraine bill passed, with the chair, Marc Molinaro of New
York, admonishing members not to wave Ukrainian flags.
Representatives Wave Ukrainian Flags on House Floor After Voting to Give Them Another $60.8 Billion.
Democrat members of Congress waved Ukrainian flags on the House floor after voting to give them another
$60.8 billion in taxpayer funds. The $95.3 billion foreign aid package funds Israel,
Ukraine, and Taiwan — with nothing for Americans. [Tweet] On Saturday, the
package was approved 311-112 with all of the "nay" votes from Republicans. "Ukrainian flags
fly in the chamber of the UNITED STATES House of Representatives as they vote to send more of your
hard-earned money to a corrupt foreign regime. And just like that they shout 'UKRAINE! UKRAINE!'
while happily working to secure Ukraine's borders, not ours," Senator Rand Paul wrote in a post on X.
Johnson's Spending Bill Includes $300 Million for Border Patrol — in
Ukraine. A spending bill backed by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) includes
hundreds of millions of dollars in American taxpayer money for border patrol agents in Ukraine as
illegal immigration at the United States-Mexico border remains at record levels. The spending
bill, which 151 House Republicans helped 165 House Democrats advance on Friday, would see more than
$95 billion sent to foreign countries — including about $61 billion to Ukraine
amid its ongoing war with Russia. Slipped into the funding package's Ukraine spending is
$300 million for "the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine 20 and National Police of Ukraine,
including units supporting 21 or under the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine."
Aid to Ukraine May Deep-Six Another House Speaker. House Speaker Mike Johnson has
introduced aid bills for Israel, Ukraine, and the Indo-Pacific, with voting scheduled to take place
on either Friday night or Saturday. Several House Republicans have indicated their intention
to oust the speaker from his position. Despite his repeated pledges to bring foreign aid
bills to the House floor only when a solution to the border crisis is found, Speaker Johnson
unveiled three separate funding packages, namely $26 billion for Israel, $61 billion for
Ukraine, and $8 billion for Taiwan and allies in Indo-Pacific, at the time when the US
southern frontier still remains wide open.
The Ukraine End Game.
One of the enduring truths about war is that the side that wins is usually the side that starts
with a clear objective. That understanding of the goal allows for a strategy to accomplish
the goal, which then becomes the framework for the tactics required to implement the strategy and
win the war. Starting with the end in mind also allows for changes in strategy and tactics to
account for the unknown unknowns that are always a part of a military conflict. No plan
survives contact with the enemy. We may be about to see this in the Ukraine war. From
the start the Russians have had a very clear understanding of their interests in Ukraine.
This predates the war by about a thousand years. Russia is a land power without natural
barriers between itself and its neighbors, so the goal of Russian foreign policy since forever has
been to maintain space between Russia and its neighbors. The Ukraine has always been part of
that space controlled by the Russians.
Issues Ultimatum, Warns Ukraine 'Will Lose' If U.S. Refuses Further Aid. Ukrainian
President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned that Ukraine will lose the war against Russia unless the
U.S. provides further military aid. [...] "It's important to specifically address the Congress: if
the Congress doesn't help Ukraine, Ukraine will lose the war," Zelensky said. "If Ukraine loses
this war, other countries will be attacked. This is a fact."
Terrorists Who Killed 145 People In Moscow Testify That Ukraine Was Paying Them.
Footage of the interrogation of terrorists who attacked Crocus City Hall: "We were told to go
to Ukraine in Kiev" The terrorists were promised that it was there that they would be given
1 million rubles each. The detainees until the last minute received instructions from
their curator, who promised that they would wait for the creatures at the border and help them get
to Kyiv. [Video clip]
Inviting Ukraine to Join NATO is to 'Invite Our Nation into War'. U.S. Sen. J.D.
Vance (R-Ohio) said that it's irresponsible for Sec. of State Antony Blinken to declare that
Ukraine will become a NATO member. [Advertisement] "This is completely irresponsible," Vance
posted on X. "Ukraine should not join NATO, and to invite them during a war is to invite our
nation into war." [Advertisement] [Tweet] [Advertisement] Vance was responding to a
video of Blinken, posted by William Wolfe, in which Blinken declared confidently that Ukraine will
become a NATO member. [Tweet] [Advertisement] Blinken's comments come as U.S. House
Speaker Mike Johnson pushes for a vote for additional U.S. taxpayer funding for the "Ukraine war."
American Greatness reported yesterday that U.S. Rep. Eli Crane (R-Ariz.) said it's "absurd"
that the U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson is considering sending more money to Ukraine, and said
funding should [b]e replaced with an effort to hold peace talks. [Tweet]
Dangerously. Antony Blinken, our Secretary of State, who announced yesterday that
Ukraine will get rushed into NATO ASAP. Do you understand that would mean a direct, automatic,
peremptory declaration of war against Russia, requiring all of NATO — that is, their
combined militaries — to go kinetic inside Ukraine and theoretically inside Russia, too,
(a move that has not worked out well for anyone in all of history), because Article Five of the
NATO charter states that an armed attack against one is an attack against all, and must be answered
with counter-attack? Thus, you see, Mr. Blinken just announced World War Three.
You might also consider that NATO does not have the capacity to fight that war. The European
members don't have sufficient troops and equipment, or financial reserves for that matter.
And there is, of course, America's under-recruited DEI army of transsexuals and video-gamers, with
equipment that has already proven inadequate on-the-ground in Ukraine, and a logistical route for
delivery of all that which runs 5,000 miles across an ocean and then another continent...
whereas our opponent (Russia) is right next door to the battlefield and churning out munitions like
there is no tomorrow (which there might well not be for all concerned).
Long Train of Heavy Armor Entering Ukraine from Slovakia. Video has emerged from
inside Slovakia showing a train, estimated to be one mile long, hauling Dozens of M1A1 Abrams Tanks
and other heavy armor into Ukraine from Slovakia. The Ukraine War is being escalated by the
importation of massive amounts of military equipment, weapons, and materiel, for the eventual aim
for the US/NATO invasion of Russia in May, 2024. [Video clip]
Spent Every Last Penny of Latest Ukraine Package Before Congress Even Approved It.
The Pentagon spent hundreds of millions in aid to Ukraine four months before Congress ever approved
it, Politico reported on Monday. President Joe Biden on Saturday signed off on Congress'
$1.2 trillion 2024 spending bill which included roughly $300 million for the Ukraine
Security Assistance Initiative (USAI), as Kyiv has not received funding from Congress in over a
year. The $300 million had already been spent by the Department of Defense (DOD) in
November because it was obligated under a continuing resolution at the time, according to
Politico. Therefore, the $300 million in aid included in the appropriations bill has no
current physical value and "is not available to us right now," a U.S. official speaking anonymously
told Politico. The Pentagon previously announced a $300 million aid package to Ukraine
in November but warned it "exhaust[ed] the remaining USAI funds currently available to support
Ukraine." The USAI was set up when Russia invaded the Ukrainian region of Crimea in 2014
and serves to provide aid for longer-term purposes, according to Politico.
Sinks Two Russian Ships and Russia Sinks One. The Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out
a strike on the Black Sea Fleet's port in Sevastopol in Occupied Crimea on Sunday. In
addition to destroying a communications and oil depot, the attack by Storm Shadow or SCALP-EG
cruise missiles also destroyed or severely damaged two more of the Russian Navy's Ropucha-class
landing ships. The Ropucha landing ships have become critical to sustaining Russian forces in
Occupied Crimea and Occupied Kherson as the railway from Russia to Crimea via the Kerch Strait
Bridge has limited capacity due to damage. Russia's Black Sea Fleet started the war with 13
of these ships. Three are now operational. Four are undergoing repairs of some type,
and six have been either sunk or severely disabled by Ukrainian attacks. At least 20 Russian
Navy ships, a third of the Black Sea Fleet, are combat losses to a country that no longer has an
operational navy.
Biden's winners. [Scroll down] Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Joe Biden, Antony
Blinken, Victoria Nuland, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Lindsey Graham, Volodymyr
Zelensky, and of course the whole of the military industrial complex — all love war and
are being rewarded for their lust for war.
You Guess Why the Biden Admin Is Warning Ukraine Not to Attack Russian Oil Refineries?
The absolutely, positively last thing Joe Biden wants to see before the election is a rise in gasoline
prices at the pump. Nothing would be more damaging to his re-election chances than reminding
people about his failed energy policies. Ukraine is fighting for its existence as an independent
country. Kyiv has had great success attacking Russian oil refineries, hitting Russia where it
hurts most — in its pocketbook. It's one of the few weapons that Ukraine possesses
that materially affects Moscow's ability to wage war. But hitting those refineries causes the
price of refined oil to rise on the world market, and Biden absolutely, positively can't have that.
So the administration has repeatedly warned Ukraine to leave the Russian refineries alone.
killed, 1.2M without power after Russian missile barrage slams Ukraine. Ukraine came
under sustained aerial assault for a second night after Russian forces unleashed at least 150
rockets and attack drones against mainly power infrastructure targets across the country, killing
two people and injuring 14 and knocking out electricity to more than a million people. The
Air Force said its air defense systems shot down 37 cruise missiles and 55 Iranian-made "Shaheed"
drones but dozens made their targets in Kharkiv, Kryvyi Rih and Zaporizhzhia where the Dnipro
Hydroelectric Station was set ablaze, blacking out factories and homes in Donets-Kryvyi Rih region.
Wins Transparent Russian Reelection, Biden Calls it a Dictatorship - Zelensky Cancels Ukraine
Elections, Biden Calls it a Democracy. It really is a transparently obvious contrast
that highlights how far the west has fallen. Russia holds transparent elections and Vladimir
Putin wins 87% of the vote, resoundingly being reelected; yet Biden calls it a dictatorship.
Meanwhile Ukraine cancels all elections, Zelensky declares the political opposition party unlawful;
yet Biden calls it a democracy. The totalitarian areas and liberty areas are ideologically
inverting as a direct outcome of western governments deliberately cleaving the globe. What
they call "globalism" is actually a fracturing of the international compact. This reality is
now transparent and obvious to the ordinary person, and the Ukraine vs Russia example stands as
direct evidence of just how abusive the Western government gaslighting has become.
'destroys two $400m US-made Patriot surface-to-air missile systems in one hypersonic Iskander
strike' in costly blow to Ukraine. Dramatic aerial footage reportedly shows the
moment two US-made truck-mounted quad-launchers for the Patriot surface-to-air missile systems are
destroyed. A giant explosion followed a strike by a Russian hypersonic Iskander
missile. The Russians have called it the first video-confirmed destruction of the Patriot
complex displayed by Ukraine. Each system is believed to cost $400 million, while missiles can
cost up to $6 million each.
The military-industrial complex changes the subject: Haiti
replaces Ukraine. The internal polling on Dark Brandon's state-of-the-union speech
must be horrible because Democrats and their deep-state go-fers in the media quickly changed the
subject. First, they tried to make the story about Republican Katie Britt's
Karen-in-the-kitchen response to Biden's speech, but no one outside DC cares about these responses.
[...] With the Ukraine war wearing out its welcome, the only diversion left was the uncivil war in
Haiti. Suddenly riots in its capital became the most important story in the world! We
are sending troops to Port-au-Prince, something we failed to do to Minneapolis, Seattle and
Portland four years ago. Apparently it is OK to give rioters in Baltimore space, but not in
Haiti. Haiti has replaced Ukraine as the 51st state, just like Dick Sargent replaced Dick
York as Darrin on Bewitched. There was no discussion and no explanation.
Moral Case for Aid to Ukraine. One can oppose aiding Ukraine without wanting Russia
to win, but withholding aid would likely have that result. I want Russia to lose. It's
in our interest and a Russian victory would have consequences similar to a Hamas victory.
Russia, China, Iran, and a series of other entities are united in one cause. They want to
displace America as the dominant world power. Tucker correctly maintains that this group is
working to replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency. That would cause a dramatic
reduction in our standard of living. It's in our national interest to degrade the power of
this coalition. The Biden administration is confused. It's limiting China's access to
advanced chips while also appeasing Iran. It's conservatives who are penny wise and pound
foolish by inhibiting Ukraine's ability to degrade Russian power and influence. Most
conservatives are revolted by the horrors committed by Hamas. For some reason they tolerate
the same well-documented behavior by Russia.
Kerry: People would 'Feel Better' about Russia's War in Ukraine if Russia would 'Make a
Greater Effort to Reduce Emissions'. 80-year-old John Kerry announced recently he was
stepping down as US Special Envoy on Climate for the Biden regime after years of hard work battling
global warming and destroying the economy and US middle class. Kerry led the effort to
unleash hundreds of billions in subsidies that aim to green the economy. It's a lucrative
business if you can call the shots or live in China where the windmills are made — using
fossil fuels. During a presser this week Kerry made another of his timeless statements, this
time connecting global warming and war with Russia.
Kerry Suggests America's Real Beef With Russia Is Its High Carbon Emissions. Former
Secretary of State John Kerry has suggested that America's real problem with Russia is their high
rate of carbon emissions. During his final press conference on Wednesday as Joe Biden's
Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, Kerry said that given Russia's willingness to wage a war in
Ukraine, they should also step up their efforts to combat so-called climate change: [...] Kerry
added that if Russia would only show "good faith" on the climate issue, then people may be more
sympathetic to the country's illegal invasion of a sovereign country[.]
Plausible Speculation? Who knows? I have no reason to believe that Geroman has
any inside sources. Nevertheless, it is worth recalling that recent weeks have seen quite a
bit of buzz about billions being diverted from actual war making in Ukraine to ... who knows
where? Obviously lots has gone to high Ukraine officials, but your imagination is pretty much
unlimited when there's no accountability. Congress has been demanding some accountability and
apparently not getting it.
Five FUBARs. [#1] The war in Ukraine. We started it in 2014 to mess with
Russia and Russia is going to finish it. Who knows what our real motives were. A
resource grab? A desperate ploy to erase our national debt by creating a global fiasco?
Sheer psychopathic hatred of this Putin fellow? We can't bring ourselves to acknowledge the
failure of this ill-conceived venture. Instead, our feckless allies in Europe are foolishly
rattling their sabers, apparently forgetting that you don't bring a sword to a nuclear missile
fight. Mr. Macron in France affects to offer up his army for slaughter on the
blood-soaked plains of Ukraine, just as the Ukrainians offered up a half a million of their young
men so that Victoria Nuland could feel good about herself.
Left and Ukraine. Leaving aside for the moment the reasons for and impacts of
Russia's invasion (the reason is that Putin wanted to do it and thought Joe Biden would be a
pushover, forgetting the, um, family ties to the nation that could be revealed if Putin won,) the
war, unlike the Israel-Hamas war for some reason, has been a cause celebré
of the Left. This is because it was Putin who did it and Putin is evil and Putin got Trump elected
and Putin gave Trump hookers and Putin loves Trump and Trump loves Putin and Trump wants to be Putin and
Trump want to rule the world as dictators and blah blah blah. But ask yourself: would the
progressive world be so rabidly pro-Ukraine — pro-Ukraine to the tune of hundreds of billions
of dollars — if it had not been Putin who invaded? What if a coalition of Ukraine's
neighbors — Poland, Belarus, Moldova (Transnistria,) Hungary, Slovakia, and Romania —
had invaded instead? In this scenario, do leftists still fly blue and yellow flags in front of their
house, put blue and yellow markers on their social media accounts, donate to Ukrainian charities, and
continue to push for more and more U.S. aid for the beleaguered but plucky nation? No, they
do not. There would be nowhere near the level of intensity and commitment demanded and
emotion in the discussion.
Appears to Have Inadvertently Revealed the UK and France have Soldiers in Ukraine.
German Chancellor Scholz stands accused of handing Russia a propaganda coup in order to smooth over
his own political difficulties as he claims the presence of British and French soldiers aiding
Ukrainian forces. Scholz has been accused of abusing intelligence and being a bad ally by
angry NATO politicians after his remarks about the level of involvement he claims there is of the
British and French in the deployment of the Storm Shadow / SCALP cruise missiles they have given to
Ukraine, and which have been deployed with devastating effect.
Riddance To Mitch McConnell: A List Of GOP Senate Chief's Worst Blunders In
Leadership. Senate Republican Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky announced
Wednesday he will step down from his leadership role this fall, citing his age and health. [...]
Here are some of McConnell's worst moments as Republican Senate leader. [...] [#5] Ukraine:
With no strategy to end the war, McConnell became President Joe Biden's greatest ally to bankroll
the Kyiv regime with billions beyond the desires of American voters, especially Republicans.
If House lawmakers approve the $95 billion foreign spending package the Senate passed
following the failure of the amnesty bill, the total taxpayer commitment will reach
$170 billion, according to The New York Times. "For three years, a policy of hesitation,
short-sightedness, and self-deterrence led the world to wonder whether the United States still has
the resolve to face growing, coordinated threats," McConnell said when the bill passed earlier this
month. "But today, the Senate responded by reaffirming a commitment to rebuild and modernize our
military, restore our credibility, and give the current Commander-in-Chief, as well as the next,
more tools to secure our interests."
Truth About Ukraine Starts to Leak Out. The conspiracies about Ukraine are like all
the rest — after a few years the conspiracy theorists are proven correct. First you are
called a Russian stooge for suggesting NATO expansion may have provoked Russia to invade Ukraine,
before the truth starts to slowly drip out. [...] Wait what? I thought we have been
repeatedly told that this isn't a proxy American war and the US is just providing assistance to
save democracy in Ukraine. Now, after gaslighting us for two years, they are admitting the US
has been poking Russia for a decade now. The NYT begins by telling us a 'secret' that many
already knew — the Ukrainian underground bases are "almost fully financed and partly equipped, by
the C.I.A. But it doesn't stop there.
of a Nation, Birth of Another. Ukraine was always Joe Biden/Barack Obama's war,
started by Obama, that Hillary was supposed to continue. This is what fueled the hatred for
Trump, the interrupter, the pause in the conflict the lobbyists and politicians couldn't stand
for. Ukraine has been the politician's ATM, the politician's resume enhancer for their
children. It's provided the lobbyists for the defense industry a wealthy lifestyle, paid for
in every way by the American taxpayer. Instead of passing tax increases and pay raises they
just do it behind the scenes by starting a new war. [...] Our great power and wealth are being
spent to conquer the American people. They started the war a long time ago and kept whittling
us down, piece by piece one freedom after another until here we are at that momentous time when we have
our backs to the wall, with no chance of survival. It is time to fight back and still we dither.
Absolutely Massive Bombshells About The War In Ukraine That Every American Needs To See.
No matter who the American people elect as their representatives, the permanent ruling class in
Washington D.C. remains the same. Unfortunately for all of us, this permanent ruling class
has become absolutely desperate to win the war in Ukraine. One member of that permanent
ruling class, Victoria Nuland, is pleading with Congress to approve more funds for the war.
One of her arguments is that "we have to remember that the bulk of this money is going right back
into this economy to make those weapons". Oh yes, pouring giant mountains of money down the
gullet of the military-industrial complex would certainly be good for economic growth. But if
we allow the permanent ruling class to drag us into a shooting war with Russia, millions of
Americans could end up dead. The permanent ruling class in Europe has also become extremely
desperate to win the war.
End Ukraine
War. This weekend marks the second anniversary of Putin's invasion of Ukraine, a
nation that Biden and many others in Washington have used to launder bribes for decades. The
folks in DC used Russia's invasion of Ukraine as a forever war to replace the one they had in
Afghanistan, which they should have ended when we found Osama bin Laden — in
Pakistan. We continued it for another decade because it kept the war machine going.
Guests and fish stink after 3 days, but it takes people a few years to really smell a bad
war. This one's stench hit my nostrils on Day One. Zelensky was the key to the first
impeachment of President Trump. American politicians saw Putin's attempt to annex half of
Ukraine as an opportunity to make money, and they have.
Ukrainian Entertainer, and The Sting. Eight months ago, President Trump claimed he
could settle the Russia/Ukraine war in 24 hours. The crowd cheered (even on CNN).
Deep-state mouthpiece CNN and Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelensky sneered. How could
Trump do it? Simple. Give the Zelensky administration a choice: (1) The new Trump
admin traces the aid money flows and brings to justice any corrupt Ukrainian officials (no matter
how high up they are) or (2) the war stops. Zelensky would immediately agree to end the
war. Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, would also agree because it would end a war in which
the enemies (Ukraine, the E.U., and Biden America) have had a secondary (primary?) goal of breaking
up Russia.
Keeps Losing Wars. I am old enough to remember when it was considered a disgrace to
even countenance the idea American could lose a war. Under Joe Biden, losing a war is a
regular occurrence. Vlad Putin took a victory lap in our latest defeat, the Ukraine War, by
ruthlessly killing one of his few living Russian opponents — Alexei Navalny. Joe
Biden promised there would be reprisals if Navalny died back in 2021, but of course, that was an
empty threat. Instead, buoyed by cynical regimes from China to India to North Korea willing
to break international sanctions, Putin's terror state keeps on humming. Ukraine's year-long
offensive ran out of steam in the fall, just as I predicted. The Biden administration got way
behind on weapon deliveries to Ukraine. There was already a huge ammo problem this summer
when funds were supposedly in place. All Biden's people have now is the ridiculous
supplemental military aid package.
Putin: Bad Historian. As someone who's lived in both Russia and Ukraine, who
speaks Russian and Ukrainian, and is versed in their histories, I've been bombarded with questions
about Putin's recent interview with Tucker Carlson. [...] Indeed, Putin packed his interview with
so many tall tales that you'd need an academic thesis to tackle them all. But let's face it:
who's got the time for that? So I'm serving up a condensed version, sprinkled with my own
observations and takeaways for flavor. [...] His sit-down with Tucker Carlson revealed a concerning
image of Putin: not just a leader disconnected from current realities, but a full-blown historical
fantasist, playing fast and loose with the fates of millions, guided not by present-day truths, but
by some dusty, fictional version of yesteryear.
Demands More Weapons From West, Invites Trump to Visit 'Front Line'. Ukrainian
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned allies Saturday that an "artificial deficit" of weapons for
his country risks giving Russia breathing space, hours after his military chief said he was
withdrawing troops from the eastern city of Avdiivka. Zelenskyy spoke to the Munich Security
Conference, an annual gathering of security and foreign policy officials. Ukraine is back on
the defensive against Russia in the nearly 2-year-old war, hindered by low ammunition supplies and
a shortage of personnel.
Invites Trump to Visit 'Front Line' While Demanding the U.S. Send More Weapons.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky invited former President Trump to the "front lines" of
Russia's invasion of Ukraine while begging the United States for more weapons and aid. On
Saturday, Zelensky demanded Trump to travel with him to Russia so that the former U.S. leader can
experience "real war." "Mr. Trump, if he will come, I am ready even to go with him to
the frontline. We have to demonstrate to people who are decision makers what does it
mean. The real war, not in Instagram," Zelensky said. While doing so, the Ukrainian
president also asked the United States for more weapons, warning that an "artificial deficit" of
weapons for his country risks giving Russia time to increase its strength.
Speaker Mike Johnson Effectively Kills Senate Supplemental Ukraine Aid Bill. In a
rare bipartisan move, Senate Republicans and Democrats worked together to push through a
supplemental foreign aid bill that would send even more money (with virtually strings attached) to
Ukraine. While conservatives in the Senate blasted the bill, their hopes were on the House
killing it before it could be brought up to a vote. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky gave a
fiery speech on the floor about the issue on Monday afternoon. [Tweet] The bill has not
formally passed the Senate, but it's already dead in the House. In a statement released on
Monday night, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) announced that the bill would not be taken up in
his chamber, and that the House would instead "have to continue to work its own" regarding what
conservatives see as the bigger issue - the southern border. "House Republicans were crystal
clear from the very beginning of discussions that any so-called national security supplemental
legislation must recognize that national security begins at our own border," Johnson said in his statement.
Why is non-stop war so important to these people? Mitch
McConnell and Senate RINOs Help Pass Ukraine Funding Package that Includes Automatic Impeachment if
Trump Terminates Funding for Ukraine War! In an unusual session held on Super Bowl Sunday,
the US Senate voted to move forward a substantial $95 billion aid package that will support Ukraine,
Israel, and Taiwan, with no southern border security provisions. The package includes $60 billion
for Ukraine and $14 billion for Israel. The vote garnered support from RINOs, with a final
tally of 67-27. According to The Hill, Schumer offered Republicans the chance to vote on
amendments in exchange for expediting the legislative process. "By a vote of 67-27, The Senate
invoked cloture on Murray substitute amendment 1388 to H.R. 815, legislative vehicle for
supplemental appropriations," the Senate Press Gallery wrote on X. Sixty-seven senators voted
in favor of war funding, while 27 senators opposed the expenditure, all of whom were Republicans.
Advance $95B to Fund Wars. The border bill, which was always about sending money to
Ukraine and not about our border, is dead, so the progressive Republican Senators voted today to
advance the $95 billion dollar foreign aid package that funds Ukraine, Israel, and the
Indo-Pacific. The vote was 67-27. Eighteen Republicans voted with Democrats to advance
this bill. They might not vote for the bill - they just advanced it - but look at the
names — there are lots of RINOs and some warmongers on the list. [List of names]
The Senators want to go home, but they no longer seem to consider the costs, which is an important
Republican principle. Fiscal responsibility — what happened to that?
$1 Billion in Weapons Missing In Ukraine. The Department of Defense has failed
to properly track $1 billion worth of weapons provided to Ukraine, according to an internal
audit released on Jan. 10 by the DOD Inspector General. The DOD is supposed to use
special "enhanced end-use monitoring" techniques" to "safeguard" key weapons such as smaller,
high-tech weaponry provided to Ukraine, which are likely targets for theft. The audit says
these monitoring procedures are not properly being followed in Ukraine, due to staffing shortages,
poor internal logistics and more.
Events. [Scroll down] A not inconsiderable part of our Ukraine problem has
been that our chief executive was for years engaged in bribery and money-laundering misadventures
there, for which there is abundant and powerful evidence, meaning he may have had very personal
interests in keeping that country disordered — and sending billions of dollars there,
some of it surely embezzled among the Zelensky government. You'd have to also be aware that
the bag-man in those operations, the President's son, Hunter, might well have misbehaved with drugs
and prostitutes on his many trips to Ukraine as a board member of Burisma. Hunter's
self-compiled archive of round-the-world drug-fueled porn recordings on the laptop that (the FBI
confirmed recently) was unquestionably his own, suggests that the Ukraine authorities may have
their own recordings of him behaving similarly, or worse, and are using them to blackmail
"President Joe Biden."
Fires Ukraine's Top Commander As Kyiv's Military Problems Get Worse. Ukrainian
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is replacing the country's top military commander as Kyiv's war
effort against Russia continues to face increasing problems. Now-former Commander-in-Chief of
the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi is being replaced after Zelenskyy announced Thursday
it was necessary to shake up the country's military leadership. Zelenskyy and Zaluzhnyi's
relationship had become increasingly strained over disagreements on how Ukraine should carry out
its war against Russia, as the country has been plagued by mass power outages, lost support in the
U.S. Congress, and failed to make any notable achievements in its counteroffensive, according to
The Wall Street Journal.
Advances $95B Foreign Aid Bill for Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, and Taiwan, Omitting Border Security
Provisions. The U.S. Senate has cast a contentious vote, advancing a massive
$95 billion foreign aid package that supports Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, and Taiwan, but notably
omits any provisions for bolstering U.S. border infrastructure. In a 67-32 cloture vote, the
Senate crossed party lines, with several RINO senators joining Democrats to move the foreign aid
bill forward. Republicans who joined Democrats in voting in favor include: [List of
names] According to Capitol Hill correspondent Jamie Dupree, the bill is "likely to pass the
Senate — maybe by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week."
War Delirium.
You didn't ask, but things are not going so well in our remote-control war in Ukraine against
Russia (Putinland). Our Zelensky team (we own it) got completely rope-a-doped, punched itself out,
its knees are buckling. Victoria Nuland, the renowned State Department girlie war-hawk, says
she's confident that Congress will pass the new $61 billion aid package for the Z-team,
according to Radio Free Europe, the blob's official propaganda outlet. The blob wants you to
think that Putin wants to turn all of Europe into Putinland. I'm sure. Tori Nuland
probably thinks we can save Ukraine with the fabulous girlie army and some snazzy new drones from
McDonnell Douglas. Hey, it's war, war, war.
Nuland — she's the real ruler of Ukraine" Says Alexander Mercouris.
Alexander Mercouris has perhaps the best track-record of all prognosticators on the important
international news-stories, and this very much includes on the important news stories regarding the
Ukraine crisis, not only since Russia's invasion of Ukraine started on 24 February 2022, but
going all the way back to 2016 when he first reported. And, more generally, for example,
compare his 10 October 2016 "U.S. Intelligence meddles in U.S. Presidential election: backs
Hillary Clinton, tries to stop Donald Trump" to what the rest of the press were saying at the same
time about the then-emerging manufactured 'Russiagate' story, such as the Democratic Party
TIME magazine's Joe Klein headlining on 13 October 2016, "Why the Russian Hacks of
Hillary Clinton's Campaign Should Reassure Us All", which fell for the U.S. Government's lie that
Russia was 'hacking' the U.S. Democratic Party's emails and maybe, just maybe, colluding with
Donald Trump's Presidential campaign in order to win the 2016 election for Trump — none
of which turned out to have been true (but loads of Democratic Party voters believed it to be true,
at least as recently as 2019). Mercouris instead exposed that fraud right away — and
it was a fraud by the Obama Administration and the Hillary Clinton campaign instead of by the Trump
campaign and Russia's Government.
Union agrees on a new 50 billion-euro aid package for Ukraine despite Hungary's veto
threat. The leaders of the 27 European Union countries sealed a deal Thursday to
provide Ukraine with a new 50-billion-euro ($54 billion) support package for its war-ravaged
economy despite weeks of threats from Hungary to veto the move. European Council President
Charles Michel announced the agreement that was reached in the first hour of a summit he was
chairing in Brussels. "We have a deal," Michel said in a post on X, formerly known as
Twitter. He said the agreement "locks in steadfast, long-term, predictable funding for
Ukraine," and demonstrated that the "EU is taking leadership and responsibility in support for
Ukraine; we know what is at stake."
Corruption Continues: Five Arrested for Stealing $40M Meant for Weapons.
Americans who wonder how Ukraine is spending all the tax money the Deep State Uniparty has sent
there just found out where some of it is going. Straight into the pockets of corrupt officials
who work in the Zelensky Regime's defense ministry. Five officials have been arrested for stealing
some $40 million, and if past reports indicate anything, a lot more than $40 million has
gone down the drain for the sake of the Uniparty's latest globalist adventure. [Tweet]
Administration Openly Promising to Do the Exact Thing Trump Was Accused of Doing During Impeachment
Effort. President Donald J. Trump was accused of withholding U.S. military aid to
Ukraine in order to force compliance with his requests. This was the exact claim of those who
attempted to impeach President Trump in 2019; this was their originating justification.
Today, NBC is reporting that Joe Biden is looking at what military aid can be withheld from Israel
in order to force compliance with their requests. I doubt the insufferable dolts in the media
can see the ridiculous hypocrisy in this story.
Says U.S. Money Not Going to Ukraine, 'Benefiting American Interests'. The
$130 billion sent to Ukraine so far for its war against Russia is apparently not actually
going to Ukraine, but is really "benefiting American interests," a spokesperson for Ukraine told
Breitbart News. The shock claim was in response to a request for information by Breitbart
News on whether or not any American tax dollars had gone specifically to Uman, a city in the
war-torn Eastern European nation that is currently seeing a condo built on a Jewish mass grave, as
previously reported, in violation of a bilateral agreement with the U.S., and in violation of
international law. Breitbart reported on January 10 that a city in Ukraine is proceeding
with building a condo on a Jewish mass grave, despite three letters from members of Congress from
both parties to the Ukrainian government demanding the cemetery be protected.
Details Coming from the "Bipartisan Border Deal" Highlight the Ridiculous Nature of the Senate
Bill. Senators Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), James Lankford (R-OK), and Chris Murphy (D-CT)
have reportedly put the finishing touches on their "bipartisan border deal" that will be tied
together with other Senate priorities to permit billions more in funding for Ukraine. Keep in
mind the billions for Ukraine is the goal here; the "border security deal" is the mechanism to
deflect attention and give the customary UniParty illusion of justification. There's no
reason to pretend this is anything of substance; even a cursory review of the media narrative shows
just how insufferable this nonsense really is.
Blackmail Intensifies: Won't Shut Border Until Congress Coughs Up Ukraine, Israel
Funds. As Republican governors circle the wagon around Texas, President Biden on
Saturday doubled down on a reluctant agreement to secure the southern US border,
but only if if Congress passes a bipartisan bill that would also allocate funds for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan,
and would still allow as many as 150,000 illegal crossings per month. "If that bill were the law
today I'd shut down the border right now and fix it quickly and bring a bipartisan bill that would
be good for America and help fix our broken immigration system and allow speedy access for those
who deserve to be here," Biden said, according to Fox News' Chad Pergram. Except, as many
have pointed out, Biden doesn't need Congress, or the bill, to do that right now. As
we noted yesterday, House Speaker Mike Johnson debunked the claim, saying "President Biden falsely
claimed yesterday he needs Congress to pass a new law to allow him to close the southern border,
but he knows that is untrue."
arrogance and contempt of elites over that Ukraine aid package. How bad has it gotten
for the pro-Ukraine crowd, which is watching with entitled fury as Congress negotiates over yet
another aid package in its no-win war? Well, check out this scolding op-ed by The Atlantic's
Anne Applebaum, titled "Is Congress Really Going to Abandon Ukraine Now?" She's one the
loudest advocates for endless U.S. aid to Ukraine. [...] So here are a few thing she missed:
Did she bring up that the U.S. has already spent tens of billions on Ukraine, and has nothing to
show for it? Maybe it's not a good idea to spend money on something that isn't working.
The U.S. is coming off the endless permawars of Afghanistan and Iraq and after losing thousands of
men and women in uniform, with precious little to show for it. And in Afghanistan, the
pullout was a disgrace. Besides the loss of blood and treasure, the wars there were loaded
with swamp profiteering and even corruption. The Washington swamp benefited mightily from its
consultant contracts buried within those war budgets, which brought us zero victories. Might
the U.S. public be just a little averse to shoveling money at the self-perpetuating swamp that
thrives on warfare? We can see that dynamic emerging in Ukraine and we don't want another
Afghanistan-style ending.
the war bore. AP reported that Zelensky is big mad at Donald Trump. In case you
have forgotten, Zelensky turned Trump's congratulatory call for being elected president of Ukraine
into an article of impeachment. In retaliation, Trump said when he returns to power, he'll
end the Ukraine war in 24 hours. The Ukrainian crook felt that was a low blow.
Zelensky does not want the war to end. Why should he? The war has been a financial
windfall as Western countries have poured hundreds of billions of dollars into his [insignificant]
nation. He marketed the war well as a threat to NATO. His pitch was either you stop Russia
in Kyiv or Washington is next. The guy is good. He quoted Churchill and MLK to Congress
and various parliaments — and the applause and the money flowed in. But his act
has played out. After 2 years, well, no one except the kickback artists in politics
seems much interested in his troubles. To get more money from Congress, Biden had to make an
empty promise to fix our border, which he broke. Elsewhere, Ukraine is yesterday's news.
Minds To
Think. For a lot of us, there is no excuse to be uninformed and unprepared by now,
but there are so many who come across bits and pieces of the picture without the will to put them
together and form a strategy for resistance. They don't yet get the urgency. They see
something about Ukraine, but don't recognize it for the weakness of Western weaponry that it
exposed. This was a major political and military blunder of proportions only paralleled by
Neville Chamberlain. If it weren't for the wholesale graft that Ukraine also represents, one
would think this blunder was calculated to expose the U.S. to its enemies. Maybe, it's both.
Nazis Shell A Civilain Market Place In Donetsk, Killing 30. Ukrainian government
forces went on a killing spree attacking a Sunday market in Donetsk. Almost 30 civilians were
massacred by the shelling, deliberately executed during the busiest market hours. [Video clip]
War, Week 99. Not All Battlefields Are in Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelensky's speech at the World Economic Forum had a lot of good material that must be parsed.
At the same time, Russian President Vladimir Putin and deputy chairman (and former prime minister
and former president) Medvedev were saying that no compromise with Ukraine was possible.
Chinese and Turkish banks have dropped Russian correspondent banks for fear of secondary sanctions,
and the US and EU are near an agreement that will confiscate frozen Russian assets in the West and
dedicate them to rebuilding Ukraine. Hungary is on the verge of being stripped of voting
rights by the European Union. In short, there is a ton of stuff going on, but little of it
takes place on the battlefield, and I can't do justice in 100-word blurbs.
Loses Two High Value Aircraft Near Ukraine and the Theories Abound. The Russian Air
Force suffered a major loss Sunday when an airborne early warning and control aircraft disappeared
from radar over the Sea of Azov, and an Il-22M11 airborne command post was forced to make an
emergency landing at Anapa on the northern coast of the Black Sea. There has been no official
acknowledgment of the loss from the Russian Armed Forces, but the semi-official milblogger Telegram
channel, FighterBomber, through that channel, hints that it was friendly fire. [Tweet] The
commander in chief of Ukraine's Armed Forces and the chief of military intelligence are saying otherwise.
Ukraine War Needed to End Yesterday. On July 25, 2023, Fox News Host Sean
Hannity hosted a town hall meeting with Democrat presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. A
seven-minute segment of that event primarily concerned the war in Ukraine and was entitled "America
Wants War with Russia." Being familiar with one of the worst foreign policy decisions in the
post-World War II era, I listened intently to what the liberal presidential candidate had to say on
the subject. He was quite knowledgeable and, in general, seemed to grasp the motivating
imperatives which precipitated this mistake. In contrast, the "conservative" Hannity appeared
clueless and maybe disingenuous. Six months later, as the endless war continues endless, that
town hall remains relevant.
Took Down 2 Russian Command Airplanes. Ukraine reportedly shot down two of Russia's
top-tier aircraft over the Azov Sea. One of the planes, a Beriev A-50 is similar to an
American AWACS, with a large radar dish mounted above the fuselage of the plane. The price
tag of this plane is reportedly over $300 million dollars and Russia may have as few as 9 or
10 of these planes in service. [...] The other plane was a turboprop IL-22 used as a flying command
center. This second plane appears to have made an emergency landing so the extent of the
damage is unclear. But once again, Russia may have as few as 12 of these in service.
For Russia, replacing the lost personnel could be harder than replacing the plane.
Consider the possibility that the weapons were never purchased, and the money was laundered and sent back to Washington, DC. Inspector General
watchdog report reveals the US has lost about $1.7 billion in arms sent to Ukraine.
You know the corruption and lack of accountability in Ukraine is bad when ABC News is reporting on
it. And on their national nightly news at that! [...] More than half of our Javelins,
Stingers, and night vision equipment given to Ukraine just disappeared without a trace once it got
over there? The IG assures us he doesn't think any of the equipment fell into the wrong
hands, but there's no guarantee.
PM Says West Got Ukraine All Wrong. A lone outlier and rare voice of dissent to come
out of the generally staunchly pro-Ukraine central and eastern European countries has been
Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico. He has stirred the pot again and caused outrage among
fellow government officials after penning an op-ed this week wherein he slammed the West for
getting Ukraine wrong all along. What's more is that the op-ed published by Slovak newspaper on Tuesday was issued at the very moment President Zelensky has been touring nearby
Baltic countries while urging more weapons and support as the "arms warehouses are empty",
supposedly. Fico is a member of the left Smer party in Slovakia and has pointed out that NATO
leaders and the US have "repeatedly erred in assessing" the real state of the war. He
articulated that it's largely the false "black-and-white vision" of the war, a simplistic narrative
"desired in Washington or Brussels," which has resulted in blunder after blunder, and greater
suffering for all during an unnecessarily protracted conflict.
Paul Says Mitch McConnell Plans 'Sellout' on Border Security. The GOP's Senate
leadership is preparing to betray their voters on President Joe Biden's migration flood,
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), told Fox News on Tuesday. The still-secret draft deal "is a
sellout — it's going to continue to allow illegal immigration" because Democrats are
threatening Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) with an aid cut-off for Ukraine, Paul said before
adding: ["]It's saying, 'Oh, we'll let 5,000 people come illegally a day, and then
after that, we might try to stop the next 5,000 that day.' It's completely a sellout.
But it's because people like Senator [Mitch] McConnell care more about Ukraine than anything
else — more than the border, more than anything else. He wants to send
$60 billion of your money to Ukraine. On this issue, he is more aligned with
US failed to track more than $1 billion in military gear given Ukraine, Pentagon watchdog
says. Shortfalls in required monitoring by American officials mean the U.S. cannot
track more than $1 billion in weapons and military equipment provided to Ukraine to fight
invading Russian forces, according to a Pentagon audit released Thursday. The findings mean
that 59% of $1.7 billion in defense gear that the U.S. has provided Ukraine and was directed
to guard against misuse or theft remained "delinquent," the report by the Defense Department's
office of the inspector-general, the watchdog body for the Pentagon, said. While Biden
administration officials stressed Thursday that there was no evidence the weapons had been stolen,
the audit undermines two years of lavish assurances from the administration that rigorous
monitoring would keep U.S. military aid given to Ukraine from being misused. That's despite
the country's longstanding reputation for corruption.
$1 Billion In Ukraine Military Aid Was Poorly Tracked. U.S. and European
government officials have poorly tracked military aid for Ukraine worth more than $1 billion,
creating concerns the weapons have been stolen, according to a Defense Department report released
Thursday [1/11/2024], amid contested efforts by American lawmakers to provide additional funding
for Ukraine's war against Russia. [...] The U.S. has sent just over $44.2 billion in military
aid to Ukraine since Russia launched its invasion in 2022, according to the State Department.
Military shipments have included anti-tank missiles, surface-to-air missiles, drones, medium-range
missiles and night vision devices, the Times reported. The Pentagon warned in an
October 2022 report that criminals, volunteer fighters and arms traffickers had stolen weapons
provided by Western countries for Ukraine.
Lost 500,000 Soldiers In War So Far, Nearly 30,000 Per Month: Lutsenko Claims.
Ukraine lost 500,000 soldiers, killed or seriously wounded, since the beginning of the Russian
special military operation/invasion, former Prosecutor General and ex-head of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko said on the YouTube channel. "I think that they
should name the number of dead Ukrainians. I know that they don't want this, and it will be
taken seriously. Yes, it will be a shock," he said. According to Lutsenko, Ukraine
loses tens of thousands of fighters per month, which is why the Ukrainian military proposed to
mobilize half a million people.
Says US Troops will Fight Russian if Ukraine Loses. On Friday, President Biden, the
hand puppet of the Neocons, warned that the US Military might find themselves in a direct conflict
with Russia should they defeat Ukraine — which they will. Biden released a
statement written by the Neocons that said the standard propaganda of how fantastic Ukraine is
doing, claiming it successfully intercepted a number of the missiles and drones launched by Russia
thanks to the American-provided air defense systems. Over 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers have
died, all for a territorial grab where they would massacre the Russian civilians who live in the
Donbas, and the West entered into the Minsk Agreement, agreeing to allow them the right to a free
election. At the same time, Ukraine built an army to wage war against Russia under the
command of the Neocons. This is why Zelensky needs to draft another 500,000 more people to
die for the Neocons.
Murdered After Exposing Zelensky Family's $4.85M Villa. An Egyptian investigative
journalist who exposed the acquisition of a luxury villa by Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelenksyy's mother-in-law in El-Gouna has been found dead, according to a report on Friday by El
Mostaqbal. Independent journalist Mohammed Al-Alawi reported on the purchase of the villa for
$4.85 million in August by Olga Kiyashko. He had leaked alleged documents to back it
up. The report raised questions of corruption and misappropriation of US financial aid to
Ukraine by the Zelenskyy family. Al-Alawi's body was discovered in the Red Sea city of
Hurghada, with fractures and bruises found on the body. The cause of death was due to a
cerebral hemorrhage as a result of a severe brain injury. A group of people had beaten
him. The Ukrainian embassy in Egypt said Al-Alawi's report was untrue, and the owner of
El Gouna said it was completely false.
announces $250 million in Ukraine military aid as funds run out. The Biden
administration announced an additional $250 million in military aid for Ukraine on Wednesday,
as U.S. funding for the country's nearly two-year war against Russia runs out. The package of
weapons and equipment, which is the final military package of the year, includes "air defense
munitions, other air defense system components, additional ammunition for high mobility artillery
rocket systems, 155mm and 105mm artillery ammunition, anti-armor munitions and more than 15 million
rounds of ammunition," the U.S. State Department announced in a statement Wednesday [12/27/2023].
Emerge in Russia-Ukraine War Amid Low Stockpiles. Battlefield engineers in the
Ukraine-Russia war are competing to replenish stockpiles as aid from the United States runs out and
either side fails to make a significant breakthrough. Both sides have had to resort to
improvising scraps with existing parts to create new vehicles dubbed "Frankentanks" in the ongoing
conflict. Ukrainian troops reportedly used a vehicle as a rocket launcher, firing off
Soviet-designed 122 mm Grad rockets from a BMW 3 Series sedan on the side of a road.
'Celebrates' Destruction Of Major Russian Navy Vessel In Rare Crimea Air Raid.
Ukraine's military has conducted a rare airstrike on a docked Russian warship in an early morning
raid on Tuesday. The amphibious landing ship Novocherkassk is said to have sustained
significant damage, but The Associated Press is reporting that a pair of Ukrainian fighter jets
were shot down by Russian anti-air defenses shortly after. The landing ship "Novocherkassk"
was docked in the Crimean city of Feodosia, with crew aboard during the assault, resulting in one
person killed and two injured. Russia's TASS said the attack resulted in an ammunition store
being blown up.
Post: Ukraine War Is No Longer Newsworthy. An interesting thing happened the
other day. The Washington Post decided the Ukraine War was no longer that interesting.
[Tweet] The Ukraine war has been one of the top drop-down items on the Washington Post's web
masthead for about two years. During that time, it was the cause celebre of all the best
people, and it was widely assumed for most of that time that it would result in a triumph for the
good guys. But lately, things have turned sour in Ukraine. The hoped-for breakthroughs
from the counteroffensive didn't happen, and despite the West pouring more aid into Ukraine than
Russia's entire defense budget, the basic math of warfare never looked great for Ukraine.
Reality reasserted itself. Russia has never been sophisticated at warfare, and they always do
poorly at the beginning stages of a war (sort of the opposite of the United States). Russia's
superpower is the ruthlessness of its leadership; the Russians seem willing to use their citizens
as cannon fodder, expending men the way the US expends bullets.
Votes to Legalise Marijuana to 'Help Ease Stress From the War With Russia'. Ukraine's
parliament voted Tuesday to legalize medical marijuana, after the war with Russia left thousands of
people with post-traumatic stress disorder that many believe could be eased by the drug. The
new law, which will come into effect in six months' time and which also allows cannabis to be used
for scientific and industrial ends, passed by 248 votes in the 401-seat parliament in Kyiv.
A full breakdown of the vote wasn't immediately available. The law was proposed by Prime
Minister Denys Smyhal.
Games Biden Blackmails America To Keep Ukraine Grift Going. Congress is currently
debating further funding (theft) of the Ukraine war. Even the Ukrainians themselves have
declared there is massive corruption and billions being skimmed from the 'aid'. Ukraine has
lost the war, and further funding is good money after very bad. But it gets better...
Today President* Biden threatened the America people and Congress — give us money for
our money laundering grift in Ukraine, or we will send your kids to the meat grinder!
House Sets Border Deal: 1 Million Illegals Per Year and $61 Billion for Ukraine.
President Joe Biden's border chief has a deal for the GOP: He will carefully cap illegal migration at
one million a year if the GOP approves $61 billion for war in Ukraine, according to press reports.
The offer would double pre-2021 immigration numbers, but it is a "good faith offer," said one of the four GOP
negotiators told reporters. "We're at 11,000" illegal migrants per day or roughly 4 million migrants
in a year, Sen. Thom Tillis told CBS on December 13, [...] Tillis is a long-standing supporter of the
federal migration programs that deliver cheap labor to investors and companies. He was picked by
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to help negotiate a deal that would curb Biden's mass migration in
exchange for $14 billion to help quietly move migrants into American housing and
jobs — plus roughly $61 billion for the war in Ukraine.
Deputy Tosses Several Grenades Into Counsel Meeting In Ukraine. In Transcarpathia, a
deputy detonated several grenades in the building of the Keretsk village council during the session
on December 15. As a result of the incident, 26 people were injured, 6 of whom are in
serious condition. As reported by the police of Zakarpattia Oblast, at 11:37 a.m. the
"102" line received a message that in the building of the Keretsky Village Council of Khust
District one of the deputies blew up grenades. [Video clip]
one wants to talk about Ukraine any more. Like so many of you, in those early months
I read about Ukraine every day. I don't any more. I bet most of you don't either.
Why, as grotesque as 7 October was, I sensed in our collective pivot to the Middle East this autumn
an odd undercurrent of gladness that now we could plunge up to the neck into a different
story. Ukraine suddenly seemed yesterday's news; background news. But for Ukrainians,
their war is still roiling very much in the present and is being conducted anywhere but in the
background. I'm no foreign policy wonk but I do know something about stories, and observers
of international news constitute an audience, a readership. From the off, this story had a
spectacular opening chapter, a classic hero — personified by Volodymyr Zelensky, but
more crucially the Ukrainian people — and as wicked a villain as Shakespeare could have
contrived. To begin with, too, our tale was punctuated by riveting dramatic events: [...] But
if we fast-forward, Ukraine's counteroffensive last summer was a damp squib. For months on
end, every centimetre of liberated territory has been gained through huge loss of life and
munitions. The Russians are dug in, their confiscated eastern regions heavily
fortified. The battle lines having barely moved for months, the conflict's visuals now
recollect the meat-grinding Western Front of the first world war.
Ukraine Can't Punch Through the Russian Lines. First, it's hard to retake territory
when you have neither control of the skies over the battlefield nor a larger force. Yes, it
would have been helpful to have more of the promised American military aid deployed when the
counteroffensive began, but the bottom line is that it's really hard to dislodge Russian forces who
have had months to prepare and who have laid about 2 million landmines along the front,
particularly given that both sides have enough drone surveillance to observe when the enemy is
consolidating forces in an effort to punch through the lines. But it's inaccurate to say that
the counteroffensive hasn't done anything; Russia's casualties are now adding up to something in
the neighborhood of two Vietnam Wars in less than a two-year span. [...] When the counteroffensive
began in June 2023, the Ukrainians didn't have air superiority, and they still don't.
Need An Immediate Ceasefire In Ukraine, Not Israel. Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelensky is in Washington this week, once again pressuring U.S. lawmakers to dole out tens of
billions of taxpayer dollars for his war effort. At issue is a $110 billion national
security supplemental the Biden administration has requested that includes about $61 billion
for Ukraine, as well as more funding for Israel, humanitarian aid for Gaza, and money to secure the
U.S.-Mexico border. Senate Republicans last week sensibly blocked a vote to advance the bill
because it doesn't include changes to border policy, which is the only thing that would actually
secure the border. But the border isn't the only good reason to block the funding
package. It's becoming increasingly clear that the war in Ukraine is an unwinnable quagmire,
and that for all the calls we hear for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict, what's really
needed is a ceasefire in Ukraine, where the solution today is more or less what it was before
Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022: a negotiated settlement.
Returns to DC to Demand $61 Billion from US Taxpayers. Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelensky was back in Washington on Tuesday to shake down lawmakers for $61 billion more to fund his
ongoing war against Russia which, despite receiving more than $75 billion worth of American aid
already, is going so poorly that Zelensky says he's preparing to send old men to the frontlines,
much like a desperate Adolf Hitler did in 1945, as Germany fell to the Allies.
Actor-turned-President Volodymyr Zelensky once again donned his costume-style Ukrainian military
sweatshirt in DC today as he rushed into the United States to save a $61 billion aid package for
Ukraine that conservative House Republicans have expressed staunch opposition to. The
prospective aid package, as some lawmakers have pointed out, is being pushed by Joe Biden and the
uni-party even though America's southern border remains wide open, and also comes as the US steps
up its funding of Israel's war effort against Hamas.
Tells Reporters to "Hush Up" After Announcing Another $200 Million in Military Aid to
Ukraine. Joe Biden on Tuesday met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the
Oval Office. Zelensky arrived at the White House on Tuesday to demand more US taxpayer
money. [Tweet with video clip] Joe Biden announced another $200 million in
additional military aid for Ukraine during Zelensky's visit. This is on top of the billions
of dollars the Biden Regime has already given Ukraine.
Keywords: False choice, non sequitur, extortion. Defense
Secretary Warned Congress U.S. Troops Could Be Deployed If Ukraine Aid Is Not Sent.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin warned Congress on Tuesday during a private briefing that if they do
not pass more aid to Ukraine, it would "very likely" lead to U.S. troops fighting a war in Europe.
"If [Vladimir] Putin takes over Ukraine, he'll get Moldova, Georgia, then maybe the Baltics," House
Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) told The Messenger, after Austin and other senior Biden
administration officials briefed House lawmakers on their request for more aid for Ukraine.
Floor is Falling Out From Under Biden's Ukraine Policy. [Scroll down] But
let's talk about Ukraine, a conflict that has been pushed off the front page by the Israel-Hamas
War. You know that President Biden's Ukraine policy is in trouble when MSNBC's "Morning Joe"
show hosts panels, like one held on November 21, to discuss why the war is unwinnable, explain why
Ukraine needs to change its strategy to protect the 80% of the country it controls, and encourage
Ukraine to pursue a cease-fire with Russia. Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough and his guests
also reluctantly admitted what many members of Congress have long realized: the Biden strategy to
arm Ukraine "for as long as it takes" but not send the weapons it needs to win is not a strategy.
War is Just About Over. An Op-Ed in the New York Times entitled "I'm a Ukrainian, and
I Refuse to Compete for Your Attention" summed things up nicely: a media junket the author's friend
had been organizing to Ukraine was canceled. The TV crew instead left for the Middle
East. The United States controls how the war in Ukraine proceeds and always has. Former
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said it was the American side that scuttled any chance of peace
in Ukraine as early as March 2022, soon after the war began. "The only people who could resolve the
war over Ukraine are the Americans. During the peace talks in March 2022 in Istanbul,
Ukrainians did not agree to peace because they were not allowed to. They had to coordinate
everything they talked about with the Americans first. However, nothing eventually
happened. My impression is that nothing could happen because everything was decided in
Washington." Fast-forward to 2023, and the story is different. Earlier this month, NBC
News quietly released a report that said U.S. and European officials broached the topic of peace
negotiations with Ukraine, including "very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to
reach a deal with Russia."
Everyone Admits Ukraine is at a Stalemate Position — Publicly Western Govt Must Retain
Face. Speaking to our CTH audience following direct conversations in the EU, I can
assure you that privately it is well known that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is at a designed
stalemate. Russia has solidified the western frontlines in Ukraine in exactly the position
originally intended. Additionally, the fortifications are of such strategic scale no one in
the Western alliance would dare to propose any effort for direct confrontation. This is the
reality on the ground in Ukraine, and if you look carefully at western reporting, you will see
indications of the unspoken truth. Bild reported that inside the German govt, there are leaks
about conversations between U.S and German officials. "While outwardly expressing full support for
Ukraine, behind closed doors in Berlin and Washington plans are being hatched to force Ukraine into
talks with Russia to freeze the war on its current front lines, German newspaper BILD said in a
report published on Nov. 24." The Biden administration, specifically the Dept of State and
CIA are now managing the narrative.
Journey from Frustration to Outrage to Seething Anger. It is outrageous that our
warmongering left, along with some very sick people on the right, got us into supporting the
Ukraine War by goading Russia into invading Ukraine because they hate Putin and wanted to force
Russian regime change. Suddenly, our military-industrial complex had to be fed massive orders
for war materiel, and we needed an excuse to ship billions of US dollars to Ukraine, further
running us into debt while lining the pockets of corrupt people all along the line. Bumbling
action in the Afghanistan withdrawal, global appeasement, and the inability to correctly walk off a
stage demonstrates how weak President Biden appears to our adversaries, opening the door to
consider military action elsewhere, such as Taiwan.
Defense Secretary Travels to Ukraine to Announce New $100 Million Weapons Package.
Biden Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin traveled to Kyiv, Ukraine on Monday where he announced
another $100 million weapons deal to keep the nation's hostilities with Russia going a little
while longer. Austin made the trip as the public sours on the Ukrainian fiasco and sets their
sights on the combustible situation in the Middle East regarding Israel and Palestine. "I
announced today another $100 million drawdown using Presidential Drawdown Authority to provide
additional artillery munitions, additional interceptors for air defense and a number of anti-tank
weapons as well," Austin said to reporters.
sniper claims new world record after 'picking off Russian soldier from 2.36 miles away.
A Ukrainian sniper claims to be a world record holder after picking off a Russian soldier from
2.36 miles away with a custom rifle called 'Lord of the Horizon'. The unnamed soldier,
who serves in Ukraine's security service (SBU), reportedly managed to beat the previous record of
2.2 miles, made by a Canadian special operations sniper in Iraq in 2017. Video reportedly
shows the target falling several seconds after the SBU sniper took the shot.
West Is Quietly Winding Down its Support of Ukraine War. The weapons are still
flowing, but the inspiring words about defending democracy in Ukraine have been trailing off, and a
new narrative about making a deal with Russia is starting to be rolled out. Over the past few
weeks, there has been a quiet admission that the Ukrainian counteroffensive was stalled and made
little progress at enormous cost, and now there is actual talk about finding a way to wind down the
hostilities. [Tweet] Magical thinking is, of course, what many people have been engaged
in when it comes to Ukraine. I have always thought that Ukraine is the aggrieved party in
this conflict, and I also have believed that Russian military might was overstated, as the initial
phase of the war demonstrated. When faced with a determined and well-equipped opponent its
military is less capable than it appears, at least when it is on the offense. As a defensive
force, though, Russia is formidable, at least partly because its leaders have always been willing
to use its citizens as cannon fodder. Quantity has a quality all its own.
Ukrainians don't want to fight for Ukraine, why are we financing this war? The
Washington swamp is full of lamentations about the GOP's waning interest in funding the Ukraine
war. [...] It's another Afghanistan, another quagmire, another permawar that perpetuates itself
because the funds keep flowing. It's also going to what may not be a nation at all.
Here's a disturbing report on Breitbart News: ["]Huge numbers of young Ukrainian men
fled the country to avoid being drafted in the army to fight Russia, a report states, with many
swimming border rivers or walking cross-country to avoid detection.["] If Ukrainians
don't want to fight this war — either because they flee, or they only sign up because
there's a draft — then why should we be paying for it? Nations that are really,
truly cohesive and which are under mortal threat are very likely to see an upsurge in popular
support for defending their nation from invaders. Ukraine had some of that at the beginning,
but the war has dragged on now, without results. Some 40,000 Ukrainians said they wouldn't
defend the place at all.
to the United States now at a Whole New Level. It turns out that nations do not
stumble into wars and conflict. Wars are generally the result of globalist forces with
ulterior motives or political leaders who seek to shore up and protect their political position by
demonizing a target, like Russia, and then rallying the people's support around the enemy of that
target, like Ukraine, in the name of patriotism and American interests. The American people
are wising up after spending $8 trillion over some twenty years in the so-called war against
terror in the Middle East in Iraq and Afghanistan — protracted engagements that cost
lives and ended in failure, often creating resentment from the native people we were purportedly
trying to help. In 2001, the year of 9/11 that triggered the war on terror, total U.S.
national debt stood at about $3.4 trillion. Today U.S. national debt has grown by 10-fold
to $34 trillion.
Highlights New Western Democratic Norms and Cancels Election. Ukrainian President
Volodymyr has once again cancelled elections within the nation, preferring to continue his rule by
unilateral fiat. A growing opposition movement to Zelenskyy is very visible, and the Ukraine
President has refused to consider a need to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
End of Term, Zelenskyy Cancels Next Election: 'Not the Right Time'. Ukrainian
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who is up for re-election in the spring, announced on Monday that he
has suspended his country's 2024 election. Zelnskyy said in a speech to his country's
citizens that due to its ongoing war against Russia, it is "not the right time for
elections." While he had previously not ruled out the possibility of an election in March,
The Hill reported, Monday he called for Ukrainian citizens to support him.
'Absolutely Irresponsible' to Suggest Holding Elections in Ukraine. Ukrainian
President Volodymyr Zelensky told his people in a nightly address on Monday that discussions about
the scheduled 2024 presidential election in his country were "absolutely irresponsible" in light of
the ongoing Russian invasion of his country. Zelensky became president after winning the 2019
election as the "pro-Russian" candidate against the establishment, pro-West incumbent Petro
Poroshenko. The current president's approval ratings had declined significantly in 2020 in
response to his perceived poor response to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic but skyrocketed in
response to the Russian "special operation" to oust him that began in February 2021.
Cancels Ukraine Election. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has announced the
suspension of the 2024 presidential election in Ukraine in a speech to his citizens, stating, "I
believe that now is not the right time for elections." Zelensky ended his speech saying, "My
personal attitude and call is to take care of our country just as on February 24, to defend it,
to destroy the occupier, to fight for the freedom of Ukraine, which is now being gained in the
battles for Ukraine. I thank everyone who helps! Glory to all those who are fighting
and working for Ukraine!" As a result of the Russian invasion in February 2022, the Ukrainian
government declared martial law. In an interview with the Washington Post in May 2023,
Zelensky stated, "If we have martial law, we cannot have elections. The constitution
prohibits any elections during martial law."
and EU Officials Gently Discussing Need for Ukraine to Enter Peace Negotiations with Russia.
All things considered, this is a positive first step and the first significant indication that
Western propaganda around World War Reddit is failing. According to sources who are speaking
to NBC News, U.S. and EU officials are gently beginning to talk to Ukraine government officials
about what steps might need to be taken to bring an end to the Ukraine-Russia war. Obviously,
for those who do not pretend, we all know the decision to end this conflict comes down to the USA
telling Ukraine President Zelenskyy to open peace talks with Russia.
minister says he wants to turn his country into a weapons production hub for the West.
Ukraine's newly appointed head of defense industry says he is working tirelessly to ramp up local
arms production and wants to turn the country into a weapons production hub for the West. Oleksandr
Kamysyhin, the minister for strategic industries of Ukraine, said that Russia's invasion of his country
and the Israel-Hamas war raging in the Middle East have highlighted the need for countries to spend on
their defense systems.
Mercenary Says Over 500 Americans [have been] Killed in Ukraine. In an interview with
a US journalist on Thursday, an American mercenary fighting for Ukraine said "quite a large number"
of Americans have been killed wearing Ukrainian military uniforms. Matthew VanDyke, an
American who was serving in the Ukrainian Armed Forces under a private contract, told independent
commentator Andrew Napolitano that he was in an international unit with members from several other
countries, including Americans, as well as some Ukrainians. VanDyke said he had heard that up
to 2,000 foreigners were serving in the Ukrainian military, including many from Latin
America. He emphasized that non-Ukrainians are free to leave their military service at any
time, but are paid the same salaries as Ukrainian soldiers.
US Announces New $425 Million Weapons Package for Ukraine. The US rolled out its 50th
weapons package for Ukraine. The arms shipment will include air defenses, artillery rounds,
and anti-armor weapons. The Pentagon will purchase $300 million in arms on behalf of Kyiv,
depleting all the funds in the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI). On Friday, The
Department of Defense announced a new $425 million in military aid package for Ukraine.
$125 million in weapons will be sent directly from American stockpiles through the Presidential
Drawdown Authority (PDA). The funds used to transfer the arms came from a Pentagon accounting
error that gave the White House access to an additional $6 billion in PDA funds.
rathole: Zelensky advisor admits they're 'stealing like there's no tomorrow'.
Most Americans are willing to support Ukraine's fight to remain separate from Russia. But
that's what's not going on over there as the U.S. sends aid package after aid package to the
battered country. [...] Every U.S. dollar stolen from a U.S. taxpayer is money this kind of
corruption is money that isn't going to Ukraine's war effort. So to the extent that Congress
approves yet another aid package to Ukraine — the latest a $61 billion request from Joe
Biden — it's money for someone's pocket in Ukraine, not money to send the Russians
packing. The Russians must be laughing as they continue to make encroachments in their steady
move towards winning their war. The sad thing here is that the officials taking this money
must know that the war effort is lost and Ukraine isn't going to win in the end. The army is
dead, the numbers aren't there, and the locals are embracing the E.U. in order to emigrate.
Desperately Props Up Lobbying amid Corruption Exposé. The Ukrainian
government, in a joint effort with European allies, is intensifying its lobbying campaign, seeking
increased military support from the U.S. amid a backdrop of corruption scandals permeating the
highest levels of the administration. According to a Tuesday report by Politico, a delegation
of Ukrainian officials, troops, and advisors journeyed to Washington D.C. last week to implore the
U.S. Marine Corps for guidance on ship-to-shore operations. They also expressed a need for
advanced air defense systems against Russia and a long-range, single-warhead Army Tactical Missile
System, marking what Politico dubbed "Kyiv's latest wish list." [Tweet]
Pushes for Billions More to Ukraine. A top advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelensky has reportedly admitted that corruption is so rampant in the wartorn former Soviet state
that officials are "stealing like there's no tomorrow". Speaking anonymously to Time magazine,
what is alleged to be a top presidential advisor to Zelensky said that the Ukrainian government's
efforts to stamp out corruption have proved fruitless, given that they were implemented too late to
have any impact, including the firing of Minister of Defense Oleksii Reznikov.
I thought this was common knowledge. Ukraine
[is] 'one of the most corrupt countries in the world' — EU state leader. Ukraine is
"one of the most corrupt countries in the world," Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico told reporters
on Friday following an EU summit in Brussels, raising doubts about the bloc's unprecedented funding
to Kiev. In particular, Fico questioned the wisdom of an additional €50 billion
($52.9 billion) earmarked for Ukraine in the EU's proposed budget, asking rhetorically, "Did
the financing of Ukraine change the outcome of this war? So let's invest another
50 billion, and it doesn't matter what happens?" The prime minister agreed to increase
Slovakia's contribution to the EU by about €400 million over the next four years, but
only if the EU could promise it would not be stolen by Kiev. "Ukraine is among the most
corrupt countries in the world and we are conditioning what is excessive financial support on
guarantees that European money (including Slovak) not be embezzled," Fico told assembled journalists.
America, we labor, only to have DC give our money away overseas. The Biden
Administration and Congress have given more than $75 billion of our tax money (with more on the
way) to Ukraine. Why? For humanitarian, financial, and military support. Why are
we paying for Ukraine's government? I did not find that clause in the US Constitution anywhere.
Pilots Have Begun Training on F-16s in Arizona. The US has started training Ukrainian
pilots on how to fly F-16 fighter jets in Arizona this week, marking another step toward arming
Kyiv with US-made warplanes. An Air Force spokesperson told Air & Space Forces Magazine that
a "small number" of Ukrainian pilots are training with the 162nd Wing of the Arizona Air National
Guard in Tucson. The spokesperson did not give a definitive timeline on when the training
will be completed, saying it will take "several months." Foreign F-16 pilots also need to take
English lessons, which Ukrainians started last month in Texas. When President Biden first
approved a plan to arm Ukraine with F-16s earlier this year, it was sold as a European-led
effort. Training classes started in Europe in August, but soon after, the Pentagon said it
would also train Ukrainian pilots inside the US.
lies our government wants us to believe. [#5] Military and financial backing of
Ukraine "for as long as it takes" is meant to support that country's democracy, when in reality,
the goal was to weaken Russia, who dared to reject the U.S. claims to global hegemony.
However, the most outrageous and endlessly repeated lie is that if Putin wins in Ukraine, he will
then move farther West, and eventually to the U.S. There is no intelligence, no proof, no
desire, and no means on the Russian side to do that — only accusations by Ukraine's
Zelensky, who is using this scare tactic to get more money and weapons, and by his backers in
Washington and Brussels. In reality, all Russian leaders, starting with Mikhail Gorbachev and
on to Vladimir Putin, were ready for full economic and even military integration with the West,
including joint U.S.-Russia missile defense and joining NATO, only to be rebuffed.
100B Aid Package Is 'Dead on Arrival' Says Senator Cotton. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)
declared that Biden's $100B aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and domestic security is dead on
arrival in the Senate. Cotton calls it a slush fund and he's not wrong. The largest
disbursement would go to Ukraine. The aid package includes $60B for Ukraine, $14B for Israel,
and $14B for the southern border. There is $7.4B for Taiwan and allies in the Indo-Pacific,
and $10B for humanitarian aid in Ukraine, Israel, and Gaza. As you see, the amount allocated
to Ukraine is disproportionally larger than anything else. The senator called out the $11.8B
for Ukraine, for example, that is included for Ukraine's "non-war spending" on such things as
funding the retirement pensions for Ukraine government employees. There is no appetite for
that type of request among a large amount of Republicans. American taxpayers are supportive
of assistance going to Ukraine to fight its war against Putin's invasion, in general terms, but not
to fund the operations of the entire government. Funding pensions is not the same as money
spent to send military aid and financial support to keep Ukraine's defense against Putin strong.
The Editor says...
It's a sad day in America, or at least in journalism, when a billion dollars means so little
that it can be abbreviated down to a single B.
The Editor says...
Biden wants more and more money for Ukraine. The rest of the money is a cloak. Even if
he gets $61 billion for Ukraine this month, it's not a one-time-only expenditure: There will
almost certainly be a similar request next month.
Requests $61.4 Billion for Kyiv. The White House sent an appropriations request for
security spending worth slightly more than $105 billion to Congress on the morning of October 20.
Most of the security spending package, $61.4 billion, would be channeled to Ukraine. The
Biden administration is reportedly attempting to circumvent Republican objections to persistent aid
for the Kyiv regime by linking assistance for Kyiv to support for Israel, Taiwan, and the U.S.
border, hot-button topics among GOP lawmakers. Israel will obtain $14.3 billion of the
proposed package for its war effort against Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.
Aftermath of Ukraine's Devastating
ATACMS Strike on Berdyansk Airfield Revealed in Satellite Photos. Satellite images
show the impact of Ukraine's first-ever ATACMS missile strikes on the Russian-occupied Berdyansk
airfield. The images — captured by the US-based Earth imaging company Planet Labs
and reviewed by investigative journalists from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty — reveal
substantial damage, particularly on a section of the airfield's runway that had been used for
helicopter deployments.
Biden Admin to Ask Congress for $100 Billion in Ukraine, Israel Aid. The Biden
administration plans to ask Congress for $100 billion in Ukraine and Israel aid, Bloomberg reported
Tuesday. [...] There has been speculation since Hamas attacked Israel that the administration would
try to tie funding for Ukraine and Israel together after House Republicans successfully stripped
funding for Ukraine from a short-term government funding bill. That request was only $24 billion
compared to the $100 billion it is now asking for to fund both contingencies and reportedly Taiwan.
to Ukraine: A conservative position. Since the start of the war in 2022, the
U.S. has authorized $113 billion in military aid to Ukraine. Simply put, that is $900 per
household, which seems like a lot; however, that is a small sum compared to domestic spending
programs. The CARES Act passed in 2020 due to the pandemic cost $2 trillion, roughly
$15,600 for every household. The total U.S. debt is around $33 trillion. That cost
per household is around $256,000. The $900 billion for Ukraine only makes 1 percent of debt
per household. COVID spending was around $5 trillion, which is more significant than
Ukraine's spending per household. The total defense budget is $816.7 billion, and U.S.
spending for Ukraine is less than 10 percent of that budget.
The Editor says...
Yes, other expenditures are wasteful and excessive, but that doesn't excuse pork-barrel projects or
justify billions of dollars for Ukraine, Iran, or anywhere else.
Receives $1.15 Billion in Direct Budgetary Aid from US. Ukraine on Wednesday received
a $1.15 billion tranche of direct budgetary aid from the US that's disbursed through the World
Bank. The budgetary aid the US has been providing Ukraine funds government services and
salaries, subsidizes small businesses, pays farmers, and provides other types of economic
support. According to Ukraine's Finance Ministry, the country has received $10.9 billion
in direct budget support from the US in 2023. Since Russia invaded in February 2022, the US
has provided Ukraine with a total of $22.9 billion in budgetary aid.
Something About This Israeli War and The Gaza Conflict? You might not want to absorb
the truth behind this stark reality, but the war in Ukraine is an intelligence war, a creation of
the U.S. State Department, CIA, and allied intelligence networks. All of the information
coming from the Ukraine War doesn't come complete with accompanying war correspondents to give
context to the statements made by the military officials on the ground in Ukraine, because there
isn't any way to connect to something that just doesn't exist. The "War" in Ukraine is World
War Reddit. A war carried out and advanced by the intelligence system that created it.
As the night life and dance festivals in Kiev continue, it would be challenging for the
international war correspondents, the actual media, to deliver broadcast ground reports from
Ukraine without using green screens and fabricated livestreams. That's why we have never seen
them. The Ukraine War is an intelligence operation, and with it comes the need for high
control over the propaganda to support it. It would be troublesome for those carrying out the
Ukraine operation if people were brought into the "fight" by media. Worse still, it would be
very challenging to retain support for an intelligence operation, if the American and global
population realized it is propaganda. We've seen more footage of the war inside Israel in
48 hours than we have seen inside Ukraine in two years.
Document: Ukraine Milking America Dry. Certainly by now even most Democrats
must question if Ukraine has another of Hunter Biden's lost laptops. Look at how much money
we are now giving this country. Joe Biden funded Ukraine with enough money for America to BUY
THE COUNTRY. This fact makes me wonder not if Joe Biden is compromised, but to what degree.
I'm still floored that Biden bragged publicly about taking out Victor Shokin, perhaps the only
honest politician in Ukraine. But that's not the joke. The thing is Biden has been
maneuvered into giving money to a former Ukrainian stand-up comic. Jokes on us,
America. Is Biden being extorted? This DOJ certainly would never reveal that
information. Not to mention, they are fairly tied up with creating false information on Trump
and/or his friends and family.
[Are] Vanguard & Blackrock Buying Up All The Farmland In Ukraine? One of the results
of the Ukraine War has been the increased global recognition of the important role played by
Ukrainian grain in feeding large swaths of the international population. Now it turns out
that a number of international firms, including notorious financial institutions like Blackrock and
Vanguard, have been snapping up Ukrainian farmland. [Video clip]
The Brink of
Lexington. [Scroll down] A few other things are part of this,
though. One is funding for Ukraine. You have to understand the massive political
funding structure that has been built around aid to Ukraine to get why that's so important to the
people in congress. In fact, knowing these cowards and criminals, the war in Ukraine might
have been instigated to facilitate the money laundering and/or to cover up evidence of past
corruption. It works like this: Congress passes spending bills that fund Ukraine aid,
that aid goes to Ukraine, buys a few weapons systems and such to pay off political donors in the
arms business, but most of it winds up in the pockets of Ukrainian politicians, who take their cut
and then move the rest of the funds to international NGOs, probably administered by globalist
billionaires hostile to America and those NGOs fund either the illegal immigration convoys being
built and assembled in UN-run bases in South America or it goes to NGOs that contribute to
political action committees that will provide funds to those who vote for aid to Ukraine.
It's a closed loop of funding. [...] Aid to Ukraine is how they intend to fund the 2024 election
for all of those Democrats and Republicans who have long since given up on their fidelity to the
constitution and the rule of law and just try to figure out who they have to stab to get what they
want. Usually, that's easy to determine, it's their constituents, but now they need that aid
to Ukraine and the easy way has been yanked from their reach and they're angry.
Mine-Clearing Monsters of Ukraine. As of April 2023, it is estimated that 174,000
square kilometers of Ukrainian territory is contaminated by landmines sown by Russia. Facing
the Ukrainian army in their goal to recapture their Russian occupied territory each major village
and town and is surrounded by hundreds of meters of minefields. To clear their occupied lands
the Ukrainians require huge mechanical mine-clearing machines supplied by the West. Based on
figures supplied Oryx and Wikipedia it is estimated that Ukraine has been supplied with about 105
of these monsters. They estimate it is only 15% of what they need (hence about 700). Not
all this equipment is of equal value. This war is unique from its predecessors, for which this
equipment was originally designed to combat.
Is Driving the Russia-Ukraine Conflict. It has already been revealed ad nauseum that
Ukrainian government and business ventures are deeply beset with a subculture of bribery. The
country and its institutions move forward with too many individuals who are seeking personal
aggrandizement at the expense of the institutions they control or represent. That is why both
ethical and legal restraints should be in play and are in play albeit in some countries and
companies more than others. Ukraine is a place where ethical restraints are less in play.
[...] Consider Hunter Biden as he sat on the board of Burisma. He was obviously
corrupt. He was paid for his connection to his father, and Tony Bobulinski already told
Tucker Carlson that Biden's brother told him that they could do this because of plausible
deniability. All that means is that with the network of over 15 companies set up in Biden
family members' names, a specific payoff to Joe for a particular policy decision or moneys to
Ukraine could not be proven or tracked. That's the way of oligarchs, and Joe essentially
became part of the Ukrainian oligarchal setup. He was bought and paid for, body and
soul. The corruption of Ukraine and of Russia and the Bidens is the main story here.
Ukraine for the border. As I noted earlier this year, Ukraine, after wrecking much of
the Russian army and its modern equipment, was going to exhaust its own resources, and we would be
at some kind of stalemate by autumn. A lot of Ukrainians still want another year of support
to regroup and wear down the Russians to the point they might still collapse. Possible, but
not likely. Still, they are doing a great service for the world as a whole. The Russian
military is so weak now that it will be decades, if ever, before the Russians can again bother the
NATO countries, or embark on other misadventures. They are so hard up for equipment that they
are even stripping the defenses on the sensitive Kuril Islands off Japan. [...] Democrats have
adopted the Ukraine War as closely to their hearts as Drag Queen Story Hours. They care about
nothing else these days. They want it so badly now, so let's trade for the thing we really
want: fixing the southern border.
Congresswoman Demanding More Ukraine Aid Is A 'Strategic Advisor' To Lobbying Group Representing
Defense Industry, Ukrainian Government, and Burisma. Democratic Representative Marcy
Kaptur, a prominent champion for sending aid to Ukraine, serves as a Strategic Advisor to the
U.S.-Ukraine Business Council, a lobbying group representing the interests of corporations
including defense industry giants and the Ukrainian government. Rep. Kaptur and the
U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) also have ties to Burisma, a controversial Ukrainian energy
firm that paid President Joe Biden's son Hunter received over $83,000 a month from to serve on its
board. On the same day that Biden family business associate Devon Archer met with
Rep. Kaptur's office on behalf of his client Burisma in 2016, the USUBC held a joint event
with Burisma focused on "Ukraine's Energy Security Future." Burisma was also previously a
member of the USUBC. The USUBC, which describes itself as a "strong international voice for
business in Ukraine now promoting U.S.-Ukraine business relations," represents over 200 companies
including leading defense firms such as Boeing, Raytheon, and Lockheed Martin. Many of these
members, therefore, are direct beneficiaries of the multi-billion-dollar aid packages authorized by
the White House for Ukraine.
Announces Major Speech To Sell America On More Ukraine Funding. President Joe Biden
announced Wednesday that he will deliver a major speech in an effort to sell Americans on giving
more funding to Ukraine, after Congress decided to axe the aid from a temporary spending bill
passed Saturday to avoid a government shutdown. After Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy
visited Capitol Hill asking the president for additional funding, Congress passed a temporary
spending bill, which Biden signed, that failed to include the Ukraine aid the administration had
recommended. Since then, Biden has been scrambling to assure world leaders aid would continue
coming from the United States, as he arranged a Tuesday phone call with 20 world leaders from
Europe, Canada and Japan to discuss their loyalty to Ukraine throughout the latter country's war
with Russia.
Supporting the War in Ukraine in America's Best Interest? On 24 February 2022, Russia
invaded Ukraine in an escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War that began in 2014. The invasion
was provoked by the Biden Administration through the failed Afghanistan exit, the curtailing of oil
and gas development that put Russia in an excellent position to invade, and Biden's addleheaded
"minor incursion" remark. But the real culprit was the inexorable drive by the U.S. and NATO
to expand toward Russia. [...] Let's take a look at where the conflict stands now. After
spending $113 Billion in Ukraine, the war is at a stalemate. That amount is more than double
Russia's 2023 military expenditure. Back in early 2022, NATO officials see a continued
stalemate. "The reality is that neither side has a superiority over the other," the top NATO
official said, adding neither side will back down. Finally over a year later, U.S.
Intelligence (and I use that term loosely) agreed with that assessment. Ukraine casualties up
to September of this year include 9614 dead, 534 of them children and 17,535 injured, 1180 of them
children. At the same time, the U.S. is running low on weapons that have been delivered to Ukraine.
withdrawing Black Sea fleet from its main base in Crimea. It has been three weeks
since a Ukrainian attack seriously damaged a Russian submarine and a Russian landing vessel which
were both in dry dock at a port in Crimea. [Tweet] After that, Ukraine sent another strike
into the building which was the headquarters for Russia's Black Sea Fleet. [Tweet] Ukraine
claimed that strike had killed a Russian admiral in that strike but in fact he had survived.
[Tweet] In any case, all of this follows's Russia's biggest loss of all in the area, the
sinking of the flagship Moskva: [Tweet]
to blame for the Ukraine confusion. [Scroll down] Again, I support helping
Ukraine but my patience is wearing out because the Biden administration looks confused.
Furthermore, the American people don't know what the heck is going on because the President has
never spoken to the nation explaining why Ukraine matters but the border with Mexico doesn't.
As someone once said, all politics is local and Ukraine ain't local, especially when the border is
a mess or thugs attack a U.S congressman or gangs break into stores to steal whatever is inside or
gasoline is too high and shopping for food is a devastating experience.
Biden Administration 'Scrambling' to Assure Allies that Ukraine Aid Will Continue.
The Biden administration is "scrambling" to try to assure U.S. allies that American aid to Ukraine
will continue despite growing Republican opposition to it, according to a report. Four
sources told Axios that President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken plan to call
several of their counterparts in Europe and will hold a conference call with leaders of the G7
countries and several other European allies. A European diplomat told the outlet that the
Biden administration told allies it is working on an agreement with Congress to allow continued
military aid to Ukraine.
unruly Russian troops sent to die on front lines in punishment squads: report.
Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine who are caught drinking or being insubordinate are forced into
"Storm-Z" punishment squads and sent to the most dangerous parts of the front lines to face likely
death, according to a new report. At least five of these penal battalions, staffed by
ex-convicts and noncompliant troops, were thrown into some of the heaviest fighting in a bid to
repel Kyiv's counteroffensive in eastern and southern Ukraine this summer, reported Reuters
Tuesday, citing interviews with 13 people familiar with the matter. "Storm fighters, they're
just meat," said one regular soldier from army unit no. 40318 who was deployed near Bakhmut in
eastern Ukraine in May and June.
Is Why We Need To Stop Funding The Ukrainian Meat Grinder. Trenches near
Verbove are littered with Ukrainian bodies sent to man the never-ending assault. The new meat
waves have to step on all the previous ones[.] The Ukrainian war regime doesn't care and
refuses to stop the pointless slaughter. [Video clip]
Warns Congress That it's Running Low on Cash to Replace the Weapons We've Sent to
Ukraine. The Pentagon is warning Congress that they're worried about being able to
replace the weapons that we have sent to Ukraine. This is alarming news. Biden and the
uniparty have given Ukraine mountains of cash and weapons and in the process, they have put our
national security at risk. This makes absolutely no sense.
Growing Opposition And Serious Problems At Home, Democrats Make Ukraine Funding Their Top
Priority. Congress averted a government shutdown this weekend, agreeing to 45 days of
funding to give members time to pass appropriations bills for the full year. Incredibly,
Democrats seemed prepared to shut down the government over their desire for increases in Ukraine
war funding. Republicans, by contrast, bucked Senate leader Mitch McConnell to keep the
government open without such funding. While shutdown battles have become common, this one had
absurd moments. Democrats tried to delay votes with everything from "magic minutes," which
allow party leaders to speak at length, to Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulling a fire alarm in
the middle of a vote, forcing the evacuation of a House office building.
Defense Secretary States They Are Putting Military Troops into Ukraine. U.S. troops
are conducting military exercises in eastern Moldova. The CIA and State Department are the
operational mechanism for all Ukraine military operations, and in total control of the Ukraine
government. American contracted mercenary troops operating in Ukraine are being treated at
U.S. military hospitals in Germany. U.S. military operations are flying drone missions above
Ukraine, and U.S. satellites are coordinating the battlespace. Additionally, the U.S. is
sending Abrams tanks, F-16 fighter jets along with support and training teams, and long-range
missile launching systems into Ukraine. For all intents and purposes, the U.S driven NATO
military forces are already actively engaged in Ukraine. Simultaneously, the Dept of Defense
and CIA have announced the deployment of advanced artificial intelligence operations for U.S.
internet systems. That creation aligns with the Dept of Homeland Security organizing
"homeland intelligence experts" to control and monitor public information and shape U.S. public
opinion. All of this is happening under the guise of national security.
A few hours later... UK
PM Sunak says there are no plans for now to send British troops to Ukraine. There are
no immediate plans to deploy military instructors to Ukraine, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
said on Sunday, rowing back from comments by his defence minister who had suggested troops could
carry out training in the country. To date, Britain and its allies have avoided a formal
military presence in Ukraine to reduce the risk of a direct conflict with Russia. British
defence minister Grant Shapps, who was appointed to the role last month, said in an interview with
The Sunday Telegraph newspaper that he wanted to deploy military instructors to Ukraine, in
addition to training Ukrainian armed forces in Britain or other Western countries.
calls on DOJ to prosecute Jamaal Bowman using same law used to imprison J6ers. Not
long after Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) was caught pulling a fire alarm at the House office
building as part of an effort to delay a vote on a Republican-backed stopgap spending bill,
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) issued a call for the Department of Justice to prosecute
the far-left representative under the same laws it used to lock up defendants who were involved
with the Capitol Riot on Jan. 6, 2021. "Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulled the fire
alarm in the Cannon building this afternoon and interrupted the official proceedings of the House
as Republicans worked to keep the government open," Greene wrote on X. "I'm calling on the DOJ to
prosecute him using the same law they used to prosecute J6 defendants for interfering with an
official proceeding." "The Democrats literally will do anything to shut OUR government down
because billions aren't going to their favorite country: Ukraine," added Greene.
Funding Standoff Cuts Off Ukraine Cash for First Time Since Start of War. A vast
bipartisan majority in the House voted on Saturday for a stopgap spending bill that does not
include Ukraine aid funding, a first amid America's generous support for Ukraine's conflict with
Russia. The House passed a stopgap spending bill that keeps government spending levels,
otherwise known as a continuing resolution (CR). The CR will keep the government open for 45 days.
Rolls the Deep State, Advances Government Funding Plan that Cuts Off Ukraine Cash.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy scored a shocking victory over the deep state Saturday by securing House
passage of a 45-day stopgap bill to keep the government open and cut off funding for Ukraine.
McCarthy's victory seemed almost impossible as recently as this morning amid disagreements inside
his own conference and a willingness among Democrats to shut down the government over Ukraine funding.
Reportedly Lied Again — Cut a Side Deal for Ukraine Funding with McConnell and
Biden. Earlier today the US House of Representatives passed a last-minute spending
bill to keep the government funded for an additional 45 days, narrowly averting a government
shutdown that would have commenced at 12:01 a.m. The bill, spearheaded by House Speaker Kevin
McCarthy (R-Calif.), now heads to the Senate, where it is expected to pass. With a 335-91
vote, the House approved a 45-day temporary funding measure that excludes border security and $6
billion in funding for Ukraine. The bill includes provisions for disaster relief funds that
likely swayed some Democrats to vote in favor. Shortly after today's vote news broke that
Kevin McCarthy pulled a fast one and made a side deal with GOP Minority leader Mitch McConnell and
Joe Biden to fund Ukraine.
forces 'shoot down their own £80million SU-35 fighter jet' in friendly fire blunder over
Ukraine. The supersonic SU-35, which is one of the Kremlin's most advanced aircraft,
burst into flames over the city of Tokmak in the Zaporizhzhia region. Pro-war channels in the
country acknowledged that a warplane was destroyed by a Russian S-300 air defence system, with the
pilot believed to have been killed in the process. Video which purports to show the incident
was released today, showing an orange glow and flash in the sky which could be the moment the plane
explodes on impact with the missile.
House Approves Security Assistance to Ukraine. The United States House of
Representatives has approved an additional $300 million aid for Ukraine. The decision came
late Thursday night with a 311-117 vote. The aid for Ukraine was initially part of a larger
Pentagon funding bill for the fiscal year 2024. House GOP leaders, including Speaker Kevin
McCarthy (R-Calif.), had initially planned to hold a separate vote on the Ukraine aid. The
decision to separate the aid came after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and a group of
conservative Republicans sank a procedural vote to advance the Pentagon funding bill, The Hill
reported. Speaker McCarthy later backtracked on his decision to separate the Ukraine aid from
the defense bill. He cited complications arising from the fact that a State Department
appropriations measure also included assistance for Ukraine. McCarthy stated that it would be
"too difficult" to remove the Ukraine aid from the State Department legislation and decided to
leave both as they were.
Ukrainian Soldiers Surrender Using Special Radio Frequency to Escape Meat Grinder.
Ukrainian troops are surrendering in droves, Russian TASS news agency claims, to the extent that
Moscow has set up a special radio frequency so Ukrainian soldiers wishing to survive the Meat
Grinder can do so safely. Approximately 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers have surrendered to the
Russians using the special 149.200 "Volga" radio frequency, which has been operating since
mid-summer, TASS reported. "Now more than 10,000 Ukrainian servicemen have already chosen
life and used the 149.200 'Volga' frequency to surrender. The captives are being fed; they
are being provided with all necessary medical care," a source told TASS, saying the radio frequency
works along the entire front.
Time to Stop Backing Ukraine. Ukraine is turning into the proxy version of Afghanistan or
Iraq: an endless conflict in which victory is always around the corner, in which the Pentagon and
the defense industry push for escalation after escalation regardless of the reality on the ground,
in which deaths mount and a country is destroyed only to end in defeat or a Pyrrhic victory years
later, once enough American voters have had their fill of war. But Biden is wrong: there
is an alternative. It's time to stop backing Ukraine and force an end to the war.
Devolution of Zelensky. In April 2019, Ukraine was brimming with optimism as it
elected Volodymyr Zelensky, a candidate who promised peace, an end to government corruption, and
economic prosperity. Fast forward four years: a civil war within the Donbas region turned
into a European war raging on Ukrainian territory, destroying the country's infrastructure, killing
hundreds of thousands of its citizens, and creating millions of refugees. Government
corruption is an all-time high, and the country is in a state of material poverty. When
Ukraine gained independence in 1991, its national debt was $0.4 billion; in 2018, before Zelensky
was inaugurated, it was $76 billion, and by 2023, it had reached $120 billion and kept growing.
Schweizer: Social Security May Go Bust, but Ukrainian Pensions Will Be Saved.
Count Peter Schweizer among the "doubters" of the Biden administration's choice of former Commerce
Secretary and major Democratic donor Penny Pritzker to lead U.S. efforts to channel private sector
reconstruction assistance to Ukraine. Pritzker, the heir to the Hyatt Hotels fortune and a
real estate mogul herself, was corrupt and self-dealing during her commerce department tenure under
President Barack Obama, which Schweizer documented in a 12-page chapter of his book, Secret Empires.
Ukraine and America Evaporate. President Zelensky's recent visit to America suggests
that Ukrainians do not appreciate conservatives in Congress. The Ukrainians either do not
know or intentionally ignore the right side of the aisle and enthusiastically work solely with
left-wingers in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere. However, the truth is that the United States
federal government has no money. American leftists devoted all the money to encouraging a
multi-million invasion on our southern border; implementing unprofitable, wasteful "green"
technologies; and nurturing woke, feminized, toothless military (and, in part, the general
population). The United States federal government has to borrow money from future generations
of Americans to survive the present. Allocating money to Ukraine automatically degrades young
Americans' prospects for a good life. Sad to say, American money is depleted; what the
outside world sees is merely a shell of former American glory.
Forces Destroy Depot With 3K Tons of Ammo. There is but one front in which the
Ukrainian counteroffensive is being very successful: in the mainstream media. There, the
complete failure of the counter-offensive is but a minor inconvenience as they chronicle every
minor skirmish as a triumph for Kiev, and every successful missile attack as 'the beginning of the
end' for Moscow. The reality is that there is a war of positional battles going on, a
situation in which the Russian war of attrition will always be victorious, as they have more guns,
tanks, ammo, manpower. In the last few days, the Russians have continued depleting the
Ukrainian infrastructure in ways that will turn the inter[im] into a bitter experience, and also
disrupting logistics in the troop and equipment accumulations of the rear.
House speaker resigns over inviting a man who fought for a Nazi unit to Parliament.
The speaker of Canada's House of Commons resigned Tuesday for inviting a man who fought for a Nazi
military unit during World War II to Parliament to attend a speech by the Ukrainian
president. Just after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered an address in the
House of Commons on Friday, Canadian lawmakers gave 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka a standing ovation
when Speaker Anthony Rota drew attention to him. Rota introduced Hunka as a war hero who
fought for the First Ukrainian Division. Observers over the weekend began to publicize the
fact that the First Ukrainian Division also was known as the Waffen-SS Galicia Division, or the SS
14th Waffen Division, a voluntary unit that was under the command of the Nazis.
Speaker Anthony Rota resigns after inviting Nazi to Parliament. Speaker of the House
Anthony Rota resigned Tuesday afternoon after top Liberal and Opposition MPs urged him to "do the
honourable thing" following his invite of an SS officer to Parliament. The House of Commons
has been in a state of chaos since Friday, when Rota recognized former SS officer, Yaroslav Hunka,
98, as "a Canadian hero." Hunka is one of 2,000 members of the 14th Waffen SS Galicia
Division who masqueraded as "refugees" to escape prosecution for alleged war crimes in the 1950s.
On Tuesday morning, all parties publicly called for Rota to vacate the Speaker's chair to maintain
the integrity of the chamber.
and the Canadian parliament gave a standing ovation to a Nazi.
[Scroll down] When the Soviet Union ended, the lands under Moscow's control shrank
dramatically. Putin, however, has been trying a little bit (a very little bit compared to the
Soviet Union) to expand his borders again. Those unlucky enough to live under his control
suffer greatly. But because Putin advocates traditional Christian values along with his
tyranny, the same leftists who tolerated the Soviet Union despise him. (I'm consistent; I
despise both.) What this means is that when Putin (who is despised) invaded Ukraine (which is
acknowledged as a corrupt sinkhole), Ukraine became the good guy. This new scenario overrode
the fact that, during WWII, Ukraine (which hated Stalin) sided with the Nazis. Ukraine was
right, of course, to hate Stalin, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend, which justified
supporting the Germans. But the fact is also that the Ukrainians out-Nazied the Nazis when it
came to murdering Jews. Therefore, I, being consistent, don't like Ukraine either.
called truckers "Nazis," applauds the real thing. [Scroll down] Fast
forward to everyone's favorite sweater boy making the diplomatic rounds this weekend.
Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskyy was given an opportunity to address the Canadian Parliament
unlike his visit in the United States, where House Speaker Kevin McCarthy denied him that
opportunity in the spotlight. Maybe it was just as well. In Ottawa, it seems Zelenskyy
brought along an honored guest — a 98 year old Ukrainian "freedom fighter," who he
wanted to celebrate for his courage fighting the Russians all those years ago. The problem
was, no one thought to check exactly how the aged warrior fought the Russians before everyone got
all gooey over him fighting "for Ukrainian independence" and jumped to their feet to applaud the
old soldier. [Tweet with video clip] Turns out Mr Hunka wasn't a Ukrainian
"freedom fighter," or Ukrainian army soldier, or even resistance fighter like the French had.
He wasn't crawling through thickets fighting the Russians to free Ukraine. He did it in a
real, live Nazi Waffen SS uniform.
and Trudeau Give Soldier Who Reportedly Fought for Nazi Germany a Standing Ovation.
The Canadian parliament, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
have been reported to have given a standing ovation to a reported former member of a Nazi military
division. Following addresses to the parliament in Ottowa on Friday from both Trudeau and
Zelensky, the Speaker of the House of Commons Anthony Rota prompted a standing ovation as he
honoured a "veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the
Russians and continues to support the troops today even at his age of 98."
Trudeau and Ukraine President Zelenskyy Honor Nazi Veteran During Canadian Parliament
Session. Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old immigrant from Ukraine, was introduced by
Anthony Rota, Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons, as "a Ukrainian-Canadian war veteran from
the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians" and "a Ukrainian
hero and a Canadian hero," ignoring the horrific fact that Hunka served in the 14th Waffen
Grenadier Division of the SS, a Nazi military unit whose crimes against humanity during the
Holocaust are well-documented.
Not a
Penny More. It is delusional to argue that magic platforms and weapons systems such
as ATACMS and F-16s would change realities on the ground. Ukraine lacks the manpower,
training, and resources to regain its lost lands, and NATO is prudent enough to not risk an all-out
nuclear war with Russia. American leaders know this. The American people know
this. American intelligence and national security bureaucracy know this. To continue on
the present course is a dead end. The "counteroffensive" didn't just die; it was
stillborn. It had no chance of success, as some of us predicted: People were sold a lie
by certain Washington think tanks. Our intelligence and military have explained that there is
no clear path to victory. Our elected leaders say that this is a frozen conflict. To
keep funding a stalemate at a time when there is quite literally an invasion of our own Union is a
sure sign of incompetence, insanity, malice, or a combination of all. To neglect the American
border while continuing to send billions for social development and government in Ukraine is a
practically criminal act deserving the highest condemnation.
Touts Spending 'Tens of Millions' on Clean Water for Ukraine, Still Hasn't Visited East
Palestine. President Joe Biden boasted about spending "tens of millions" of dollars
on clean water for Ukraine, while still not having visited the disaster zone in East Palestine,
where residents are still suffering from water contamination. Biden, after welcoming
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the Oval Office, touted U.S. aid to Ukraine in remarks to
the press.
can't believe Ukraine funding [is] exempted from potential shutdown. The Pentagon has
exempted Ukraine funding from a potential government shutdown, prompting massive backlash from
congressional Republicans. "The Pentagon has determined that the training and support of
Ukrainian forces is exempt from a potential government shutdown ... and will continue even in the
increasingly likely event that Congress fails to pass a spending bill in the coming days," CNN
reported Thursday. "Operation Atlantic Resolve is an excepted activity under a government lapse
in appropriations," Department of Defense spokesperson Chris Sherwood likewise confirmed to Fox
News. Operation Atlantic Resolve "provides rotational deployments of combat-credible forces
to Europe to show our commitment to NATO while building readiness, increasing interoperability and
enhancing the bonds between ally and partner militaries," according to a press release. This
news prompted a whirlwind of backlash from Republicans on Twitter: [Tweets]
Congresswoman and Senator Silent on Giving Awards to Ukraine's Transgender Spokesperson.
Nevada Senator Catherine Cortez Masto and Congresswoman Dina Titus have gone quiet after it emerged
they both gave awards to the controversial transgender spokesperson for the Ukrainian military
Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, who was recently suspended from the role over making unauthorised comments on
the force's behalf. In December of last year, the Las Vegas City Council presented
Ashton-Cirillo with a series of awards for service to the Ukrainian military. According to a
broadcast from the local Fox affiliate at the time, Senator Cortez Masto and Congresswoman Titus
gave Ashton-Cirillo certificates of recognition for the work done in Ukraine, allegedly including
serving as a combat medic.
Names Obama Crony Penny Pritzker to Lead Ukraine's Economic Recovery. National
Security Advisor Jake Sullivan announced Thursday that President Joe Biden would name Penny
Pritzker, a billionaire heiress and former commerce secretary, to manage Ukraine's economic
recovery from the ongoing war. Sullivan, a major proponent of the "Russia collusion" hoax
against President Donald Trump, told reporters that Biden, meeting with Ukrainian President
Volodymr Zelensky at the White House for the sixth time on Thursday, would "introduce a special
representative for Ukraine's economic recovery, Penny Pritzker, who will focus on engaging the
private sector, partner countries, and Ukrainian counterparts to generate international investment
in Ukraine and work with Ukraine to make the reforms necessary to improve Ukraine's business climate."
strikes Russia's naval headquarters in Crimea. Ukraine struck the headquarters of
Russia's Black Sea Fleet in a missile attack Friday that left a serviceman missing and the main
building smoldering, according to military officials on both sides of the war and images from the
scene in Crimea. The Russian Defense Ministry initially said one servicemember was killed but
then issued a statement saying he was missing following the attack in the port city of Sevastopol.
ends arms supplies to Ukraine. Poland's Prime Minister announced yesterday that his
country was ending arms shipments to Ukraine. Instead of sending military support to Kyiv,
Poland will be upgrading its own military capabilities with more modern weaponry. But this
wasn't a signal that Poland was suddenly supporting Russia or Putin's invasion. It's part of
a simmering spat between the EU and several of its eastern block members. And rather than
dealing with military matters, the dispute is based on agriculture. This move may represent
the first crack in the armor of the unified opposition to Russia, but it also highlights growing
tensions between various factions inside of the EU itself.
Rand Paul
says he won't consent to expedited passage of any spending measure that includes more Ukraine
assistance. Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky has declared that he will not
consent to the expedited passage of any spending measure that supplies more U.S. aid to the nation
of Ukraine. During a Senate floor speech, Paul said that America does not have a rainy day
fund that can be tapped to assist Ukraine, but that money for Ukraine would be borrowed, which
would cause inflation. Paul pointed out that there are many issues that the U.S. needs to fix
at home before borrowing money in a bid to perpetuate a war in another nation. While the U.S.
has already shoveled billions of dollars toward assisting Ukraine as that Eastern European country
battles against a Russian invasion, President Joe Biden and many lawmakers on both sides of the
political aisle want to approve even more aid.
AG Merrick Garland, Representative Spartz Compares Current DOJ to Soviet Era KGB.
Representative Victoria Spartz (R-IN) is Ukranian by heritage, and understandably she is a full
supporter of Ukraine (and NATO) in the battle against Russia. That said, what Ms Spartz notes
in her comments and questioning of Attorney General Merrick Garland is very accurate.
Representative Spartz puts the context of the citizen fear of the soviet era KGB into the context
of American fear of the weaponized DOJ. "People are scared of our government," she
outlines. The comparison is accurate in context and history. However, as Spartz goes on
to share, the end result is horrible for Ukraine, as the constituents in her community will no
longer trust the word of the American government.
Suspends Trans American Spokesperson For Unapproved Statements, Launches Investigation.
Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, a transgender American-born military spokesperson for Ukraine, has been
suspended over unapproved public statements, the Ukraine Territorial Defense Forces (TDF) announced
Wednesday. Ashton-Cirillo's suspension was immediate and TDF said it would be launching an
investigation, the post added. "The statements of JSgt Ashton-Cirillo in recent days were not
approved by the command of the TDF or the command of the AFU [Armed Forces of Ukraine]. When
conducting military operations against the aggressor, the defense forces of Ukraine strictly
observe the norms of international humanitarian law," the post reads. "Sergeant Sarah
Ashton-Cirillo will be suspended immediately pending the investigation." [Tweet]
that don't add up about the Ukraine regime: Add trans spokesperson to the list.
Earlier this year, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo — born in the U.S. as Michael John
Cirillo — apparently became a spokesperson for the Ukrainian military despite not
speaking the Ukrainian language. This adds to the list of unanswered questions about the
Ukraine government which has banned the primary opposition party. Last week, appearing before
a backdrop featuring the logo for the Territorial Defence of Ukraine (TDF) — a branch of
Kyiv's military — Ashton-Cirillo posted a video message on social media vowing that
Ukraine will "hunt down" alleged allies of the Kremlin operating in Ukraine as "propagandists."
says Ukraine will soon receive American Abrams tanks. The Secretary of Defense of the
United States, Lloyd Austin, declared this Tuesday during the opening of the 15th Ramstein summit,
that the M1 Abrams tanks promised by the Pentagon will soon arrive in Ukraine and that efforts to
train Ukrainian pilots in F16 aircraft are being expanded to include US-based training.
Speaking at the start of a meeting of the U.S.-led Ukrainian Defense Contact Group in Germany,
Austin urged allies to provide Ukraine with the air defense systems it needs as Russia attacks
infrastructure such as ports and grain facilities.
are we giving Ukraine a DIME if journalist 'KILL LIST' and trans spokesperson are
REAL? There's an alleged Ukrainian "kill list" going around that includes the names
of American journalists and reporters like Tucker Carlson, Glenn Greenwald, and Human Events' Jack
Posobiec, as well as Elon Musk. But Glenn isn't sure whether to be relieved or disappointed
that he isn't on the list. However, it makes him ask, if this is at all associated with the
Ukrainian government, why are we sending them a DIME of our tax dollars? Glenn and Stu also
debate whether transgender American Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, who claims to be a spokesperson for the
Ukrainian military, is for real. Ashton-Cirillo has also called for the punishment of
journalists who won't tow the Ukrainian line. [Video clip and transcript]
American Citizen Journalist [is] Sitting in [a] Ukraine Prison, State Dept.
Confirms. While lawmakers on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. debate sending billions
more in military aid to Ukraine, an American citizen journalist, Gonzalo Lira, is languishing in a
Ukrainian prison on allegations of spreading Russian propaganda, throwing into question the status
of free speech in the supposed democracy the Biden administration argues is worthy of more taxpayer
dollars. The Biden administration is asking Congress to approve another $24 billion for
Ukraine for now through the end of this year, which would add to the $113 billion that Congress has
committed to the country since its war with Russia began in February of last year.
Don't Need Them — They Need Us. Did we vote for massive aid to
Ukraine? If we are expected to support our local levy, shouldn't we have a say in a $40B+
payout to a foreign country? The border is wide open. Did we participate in that
decision? No. Both examples have or will impact us directly, and we have had no
input. These are a few examples where the case was made by the government to the people that
if we do not agree with these endeavors, we are bad people or unpatriotic. It is frustrating
to watch our Republican leadership hold hearings and conduct investigations resulting in little
accomplished. These motions are our elect officials are beginning to resemble theater.
watches Biden tell UN that if Ukraine is 'carved up' by Russia then no nation is safe.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky watched President Joe Biden warn that no nation is safe if
Ukraine is 'carved up' by Russia. Biden was addressing the United Nations General Assembly on
Tuesday, with both Zelensky - dressed in his traditional military fatigues - and Russian Amb.
Vaisily Nebenzya in the audience. The U.S. president hammered Russia's 'naked agression' and
vowed to keep funding Kyiv as he again called the present moment 'an inflection point in world history.'
Global Initiative to Launch Network to Provide 'Humanitarian Aid' to War-Torn
Ukraine. The Clinton Global Initiative will launch a new network to provide
'humanitarian aid' to war-torn Ukraine. Of course. Recall, that Bill Clinton last year
announced the Clinton Global Initiative will be hosting a leadership summit in New York in
September after a 5-year hiatus. "This year's meeting will focus on what it takes to keep
going — to maintain and advance progress, in spite of the difficulties that arise, and
increase our capacity to cross the divides and make common cause with one another wherever possible
to build a stronger future for all," the Clintons said in a letter to the CGI community.
House GOP Lawmaker: Not Enough Votes in House Republican Conference for Ukraine
Aid. A senior House Republican lawmaker told Politico on Monday that there are
not enough Republican votes to send Ukraine more aid. Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky
will head to the Capitol building on Thursday, where he will lobby for more aid for Ukraine.
President Joe Biden has asked for $24 billion in military and economic aid to Ukraine. House
Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) predicted on Sunday that Zelensky "makes the
case better than anyone" and could be "very, very persuasive" in getting reluctant Republicans to
back more aid.
J.D. Vance Demands Biden Admin Reveal if American Transgender 'Spokesperson' for Ukraine Military
Has U.S. Intelligence Ties. Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) has written to top Biden
administration officials demanding the White House reveal if Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, a transgender
individual claiming to be a spokesperson for the Ukrainian military, has ties to American
intelligence services and if U.S. funds are currently subsidising Ashton-Cirillo's apparent role in
Ukraine after the personality went viral vowing that Russian "propagandists will be hunted down".
In a letter, seen by Breitbart News, to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Secretary of Defense
Lloyd Austin, and Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance has
requested any information the U.S. government has on apparently American-born former freelance
journalist Sarah Ashton-Cirillo — born Michael John Cirillo — who reportedly
became a spokesperson for the Ukrainian military earlier this year.
World Revolution and the Russo-Ukrainian War. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union
in 1991, Ukraine started the practice of de-Stalinization, de-Leninization, and comprehensive
de-communization. In the process, it acquired many friends, non-friends, and enemies.
Naturally, all of them showed their colors in the Russo-Ukrainian War. A part of the Left
embraces Ukraine's cause because it makes them anti-Russia — the theme they cannot
vacate from following the "Trump is Putin's agent" hoax. They invested exorbitant political
capital in the anti-Trump "Russia-Russia-Russia" frenzy. A portion of conservatives support
Ukraine because it traditionally backs the independence of legitimate nations, such as Israel or
Taiwan. Many on the Left reject Ukraine's sovereignty because they cannot forgive Ukraine for
dismantling and emblematically throwing in the trash can communist symbols, statues, and worldviews.
Senators Cotton, Wicker, Collins, and Graham Urge Joe Biden to Send Tactical Missile Systems to
Ukraine. Senators Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), Roger Wicker (R-Mississippi), Susan
Collins (R-Maine), and Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) have penned a letter to Joe Biden, urging
him to send MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) to Ukraine. The senators argue
that not doing so will "only prolong the war" between Ukraine and Russia. The senators'
proposal is misguided and perilous for the United States and global stability. The senators'
letter comes on the heels of the Senate Armed Services Committee's unanimous approval for the
Department of Defense to send long-range missiles to Ukraine. The senators claim that the
U.S. can provide these weapons "without any appreciable risk to its own combat capability." They
further argue that Ukraine "only requires a small portion of our stockpiled ATACMS" and that the
U.S. can easily replenish its inventory.
refuses to decouple Lahaina and Hurricane Idalia disaster aid from Ukraine war funding
aid. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters at a White House
press briefing a week ago Wednesday that the Biden administration will not decouple billions of
taxpayer dollars going to Ukraine from relief funding for American victims of Hurricane Idalia in
Florida and the wildfire on Maui which destroyed the town of Lahaina, in Hawaii. And nobody
seems to care, least of all the mainstream media.
Against Joe Biden: Possible Key Witness from Ukraine Makes Serious Allegations.
A possible key witness against Biden is speaking out from Ukraine and is making serious accusations
against the incumbent U.S. president. The latter is said to have tried to have him
killed. The accusations carry weight, coming from none other than Ukraine's former Prosecutor
General Viktor Shokin, who in 2015 led investigations that became so dangerous to Biden that in
2016 he blackmailed the Ukrainian government into dismissing Shokin.
missiles strike Russia's Black Sea fleet in Crimea. Ukraine has struck Russian naval
targets and port infrastructure in the Crimean city of Sevastopol, in what appeared to be the
biggest attack of the war on the home of the Russian navy's Black Sea fleet. A Ukrainian
intelligence official said a large vessel and a submarine struck in the attack were so badly
damaged as to be likely beyond repair. The pre-dawn strike highlighted Kyiv's growing missile
capabilities as Russia continues to bombard Ukraine from afar with long-range missiles and assault drones.
Blames Biden Admin For Ukraine-Starlink Block. [Scroll down] Musk made it
clear that Walter Isaacson - his biographer - had misunderstood the situation and that the initial
decision to not allow access to Starlink around the Crimean border was due to sanctions from the
Biden administration. "Starlink have provided connectivity to Ukraine since the beginning of the
war and as the Ukrainian government has said, Starlink was instrumental in the defense of Ukraine -
although the media forgets to mention that." Musk explains that "at the time [the attack]
happened, the region around Crimea was turned off... and the reason it was turned off was because
the United States has sanctions against Russia, which includes Crimea, and we are not allowed to
turn on connectivity to a sanctioned country without explicit permission - which we did not have
from the US government." Starlink was approached with immediate demands in the middle of the
night to turn on Crimea, by the Ukrainian government, which Musk explains "was to enable a
Pearl-Harbor-type attack on Sevastopol. So they were really asking us to take part
proactively in a major act of war."
Navy Port At Sevastopol On Fire After Massive Ukraine Missile Attack. In the
overnight and morning hours of Wednesday (local time) a major attack has ensued on Russia's key
Black Sea naval port of Sevastopol. Multiple social media videos emerged showing massive
blazes at the Sevastopol shipyard, with possible deaths, and at least 24 people being reported
injured. Initial reporting in Reuters and CNN strongly points to a missile attack, based on
statements by Sevastopol governor Mikhail Razvozhaev, who said "Our enemies attacked Sevastopol"
and that "The air defense was at work." [Tweet with video clip]
$6 Billion Misunderstanding, Cont'd. According to the Biden administration, the use
of the $6 billion is subject to severe constraints. It can't be used to support the mullahs'
nuclear weapons program. It can't be used to support the mullahs' terrorist network around
the world. It can't be used to support the IRGC. It can't be used to suppress the Iranian
people. It can only be used for sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows. Biden and his
administration think we are stupid. They think we don't understand that money is
fungible. They think we can't see through the absurdity of its public line. The mullahs
won't even say thanks. They refuse to accommodate Biden's fig leaf.
Democrats False Flag Us into a War with Russia? Vietnam was peripheral until LBJ and
the "military-industrial complex" took advantage of the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Only then
did Americans grab their Rand McNallys to discover where Vietnam was. Then there was Iraq,
Saddam, and "weapons of mass destruction." But that was a short war and casualties were
fewer. People barely had time to unfold maps. The Ukraine war is still blips on
radars. Fortunately, more people oppose sending billions to Zelinsky's corrupt regime.
They're starting to wonder why Biden's handlers and dazed and confused Mitch McConnell give more of
a damn about Ukraine than Maui and East Palestine. But those radar blips may soon
balloon. Speculation is afoot that Democrats may provoke a hot war with Russia. A
diversion is necessary for 2024. Some speculation exists that Democrats would ignite a major
war with Russia to impose martial law and suspend elections. That seems like a bridge too
far. But, then again, Democrats and their allies had no worries rigging key state
presidential contests to push doddering Joe Biden into the White House. Maybe the prospect of
Donald Trump getting a second bite at the apple would drive Democrats to war.
Ukrainian Troops Increasingly Surrender. The number of Ukrainians laying down their
arms is growing as the Kiev regime's forces have been sustaining dramatic losses, former senior
Pentagon adviser Col. Douglas Macgregor stressed on an independent US media podcast on
September 10. "The numbers of Ukrainian units and soldiers that are giving up is increasing
daily, most of it happens at the lowest level because these people have had no effective
training. They're not prepared for this and they're being sent to their deaths," the retired
US Army colonel and government official tweeted on Sunday. US veterans have zero illusions
with regard to the unfolding conflict. Per them, the Kiev regime and its Western backers are
sending tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers on a suicide mission, even though the hostilities
could have been ceased in March 2022, after Russian and Ukrainian representatives inked a
preliminary peace agreement in Istanbul.
Pentagon Paid A Once-Indicted Arms Dealer $1B To Supply Ammo To Ukrainians. The
Department of Defense (DOD) has paid about $1 billion to an arms dealer who was once indicted for
allegedly bribing foreign officials to supply equipment to the Ukrainians, The New York Times
reported Saturday.&n bsp;The Pentagon has paid Florida-based Global Ordnance about $1 billion for
contracts to supply ammunition, including rockets and shells, to Ukrainian forces to use in the
struggle against the invading Russian forces, according to the NYT. Marc Morales, who leads Global
Ordnance, was the subject of a Department of Justice (DOJ) indictment in 2009 that alleged he had
participated in a conspiracy and money laundering activities, with the DOJ further alleging Morales
was recorded on tape talking about ways to illicitly pay off foreign officials. Because FBI
agents mishandled their relationship with a key informant and the investigation into Morales,
prosecutors dismissed the charges against him, according to the NYT.
from 'Ukrainian Frontline' Reportedly Seized by Police from 'New IRA' Terrorists in Northern
Ireland. Police in Northern Ireland have seized weapons from New IRA terrorists that
reportedly came to the country from the frontlines of the war in Ukraine. The New Irish
Republican Army (NIRA) is believed to have acquired Russian military grenades that "may have been
stolen from Ukraine front line," police sources told the Belfast Telegraph.
are Joe Biden's unarticulated reasons for a very costly overseas intervention?
Anyway, of the U.S. media coverage of the war, what can even be validated? Has corruption in
high office persuaded the president of the United States to pursue a correction of course in
Ukraine? This question, as with so many around Biden and his network, is still hanging
fire. Burisma isn't the only stipulated reason for Biden's routinely brief, confused, and
unsatisfactory "comments' on the war; there is plenty of Ukraine war confusion going around.
A trove of discussions on U.S. intervention is available, put forward willy-nilly — so
varied as to be daunting. Where is the money going? Why have no proper efforts for
peace been put forward at our end? Why is there no formal or effective congressional
approval/oversight? What precedent led to our involvement? [...] The American people are left
to speculate on his reasons for his Ukraine enthusiasm. Does Burisma lead to Hunter?
Does it lead further than that, right to Joe himself? Are Biden's "handlers" (who are they?)
in charge of this war? And so on.
Can NOT Hide From THIS One. So far the U.S. government has provided more than $43
billion in weaponry and other military and monetary aid to Ukraine since the Russian invasion in
February 2022. A few days ago we reported that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced
a new package of U.S. wartime assistance worth more than a whopping $1 BILLION will be given
to Ukraine. On the same day the DoD announced that Ukraine will be given an additional
$175 million. Then, the very next day the Regime announced that they are giving an
additional $600 million. Say what you will but this is completely OUT OF CONTROL! It
looks like we will continue funding the war between Russia and Ukraine for a long time while making
no effort to actually end the war with diplomacy. [...] Most news outlets have blindly sided with
Ukraine and have ignored the BLATANT corruption and theft of the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS that has found
it's way into the pockets of several senior Ukrainian government officials pockets- including the
wonderful President Volodymyr Zelensky's. We would never expect the neo-liberal Biden loving
outlet THE NEW YORK TIMES who have repeatedly backed the talking point that Ukraine has been
"committed to fighting corruption." But even they can't ignore the evidence of this massive
corruption any longer.
Lee Calls for 'New Leadership' as Mitch McConnell Plans to Ram Ukraine Aid Down 'House's
Throat'. Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) on Friday night called for new Senate Republican
leadership, citing a story that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) plans to ram Ukraine
aid down the "House's throat." Citing a Wall Street Journal opinion piece by Kimberly
Strassel that discussed how McConnell will help Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) force
the House to agree to $24 billion in aid to Ukraine. "Mitch McConnell has been making
daily floor speeches on the need for more Ukraine funding, worried Mr. McCarthy can't get this
crucial aid past House GOP spending hard-liners. So Mr. McConnell is ... signing up to
help Mr. Schumer ram the whole package down the House's throat," Strassel wrote.
House: Funds for Maui and Florida to be withheld unless Congress approves more money for
Ukraine. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre suggested on Wednesday that
much-needed disaster relief for Florida's hurricane victims and those in Maui who were devastated
by the raging wildfire could be withheld unless Congress approves another $24 billion to aid
Ukraine's military. "[Republican Florida] Sen. Rubio, whose state is recovering from
[Hurricane] Idalia, says the $16 billion in additional disaster relief should be decoupled from
the additional funding [sic] for Ukraine. Of course, that's part of their request which seems
to be opposed by many Republicans," a reporter began during Wednesday's briefing. "Is the
administration willing to separate these requests and seek the FEMA disaster aid independently to
ensure it gets to the hurricane victims [and] Hawaii wildfire victims as quickly as possible or do
you see that these things have to be grouped together for the request?"
in Kiev on Surprise Visit, Brings $1 Billion of Your Money to Keep the Meat Grinder Going.
"During his two-day visit, which will see Blinken stay overnight in Ukraine for the first time since Russia's
invasion in February 2022, he is likely to announce a new US aid package worth over US$1 billion, a senior
State Department official said during a press briefing on the trip", according to Ukrainska Pravda.
Blinken will meet with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba, and President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, The
Guardian reports.
The Cardboard Drone
Dilemma. As shown by Ukraine, cardboard drones are a very cost-effective way to
destroy much more expensive military equipment. And you know who has more expensive military
equipment than anyone else in the world? That's right: Us. Uncle Sam is the
operator of billion dollar B-2s and fleet supercarriers. Enemies capable of getting cheap
drones within striking distance of those assets could put a world of hurt on the Pentagon, [...]
Ukrainian Military Is Now Drafting The Mentally Disabled. Sad video shows how the
Ukrainian military is drafting the mentally disabled from psychiatric wards. The mother of
the man who has the mental capacity of a 3rd grader pleads with the ward's doctor and tries to show
him his papers to keep the young man from being conscripted to service. The doctor seems to
be paid off by the state and doesn't help the mother. [Video clip]
Long Term Payback from the Ukraine War. A recent Zero Hedge article contains an
interesting quote as to why the U.S. warhawks want the Ukraine war: ["]Beltway liberal
elites... still think Russia must be punished given they see Moscow as having brought the 'bad
orange man' to power in 2016. ["] Sounds crazy, but that would explain what I have
experienced on the ground (physically and linguistically) in Ukraine.
The Third
World Revolt. [Scroll down] Russia's attempts to assert power in its
near-abroad fueled America's interest in the current Ukraine War. The theory was that we
would pursue our interests on the cheap, prevent challenges to American hegemony, with the added
benefit that Ukrainians would be doing the dying. Because of our military and economic
superiority, supporters claimed the war would kill Russians, weaken their military, and destabilize
Putin's hold on power. Proponents of the war did not really consider what would happen in the
reverse case. What if not Russia, but the United States found itself strained economically,
losing critical and hard-to-replace weapons in a war of attrition, visibly demonstrating its
impotence and weakness on the world stage? Wouldn't the same dire consequences intended for
Russia now happen to us? Indeed, they would. Luckily, actual American security does not
depend on the continuation of America's dominance of the globe, nor does American prosperity.
the Fog of 'Unprovoked' War. These days, saying Russia's war in Ukraine is
"unprovoked" is a must. There are some notable exceptions from a few American "dissidents,"
who say Russia was provoked, but their opinions are dismissed at best or submerged in name-calling
at worst. I'd leave it up to those who will read this article to the end to decide who is
right. This subject is important for someone who was born in Ukraine, studied in Russia, and
worked in America; who has relatives and friends in all three countries; and who for almost three
dozen years has been doing his best to make them all friends and even allies. Instead, all
three are now at war, even if some call the U.S. war only a war "by proxy." This looks like a
total failure of my efforts, but I hope this short summary clears a bit the fog of war, which might
help in the search to avoid a worst-case scenario.
Has Irreversibly Divided The World. No one in the administration has officially
conceded that America's support for Ukraine is driving countries to World War III, but Secretary of
State Antony Blinken came the closest to acknowledging the fact. Speaking at the Aspen
Security Forum to a friendly reporter, Andrea Mitchell of NBC, he said: "I believe they
(Ukraine) have what they need to be very successful. And as they deploy and as they actually
put into this effort all of the forces that have been trained in recent months, the equipment
that we and some 50 countries have provided them, I think that will make a profound
difference." There you have it. A conflict that started in February 2022 involving
three countries — Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine — has evolved into a trans-regional
war that involves the active financial, military, and humanitarian support of America and 50 other
countries, all in support of Ukraine.
Are We in Ukraine? From Murmansk in the Arctic to Varna on the Black Sea, the armed
camps of NATO and the Russian Federation menace each other across a new Iron Curtain. Unlike
the long twilight struggle that characterized the Cold War, the current confrontation is running
decidedly hot. As former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice and former secretary of defense
Robert Gates acknowledge approvingly, the United States is fighting a proxy war with Russia.
Thanks to Washington's efforts to arm and train the Ukrainian military and to integrate it into
NATO systems, we are now witnessing the most intense and sustained military entanglement in the
near-eighty-year history of global competition between the United States and Russia.
Decline Of American Manufacturing Inevitably Means An Empty Wartime Arsenal. It is
hard to be the arsenal of democracy if you can't make anything anymore. The war in Ukraine
has deranged many people — Michael Rubin, a lunatic and senior fellow at the American
Enterprise Institute, wants to give Ukraine nukes — but it may also teach us some hard
but necessary lessons. For instance, as the tides of war turn against Ukraine, it seems that
globalist economics is defeating globalist foreign policy interventionism. Ukraine's
much-hyped summer offensive has been disappointing. Or as The New York Times delicately
informed its readers in a report on a minor Ukrainian victory, the assault is, "moving at a slower
pace than expected" and has shown that "Kyiv's and the Western allies' hopes for a quick victory
were unrealistic ... every mile of their drive into Russian-occupied territory would be grueling
and contested."
"I Do Not Know
the Plans of Our Govt, But It Looks Like The Extermination of Its Own Population".
The Zelensky regime's goal in Ukraine appears to be "the extermination of its own population,"
according to a Ukrainian soldier who served on the frontlines in Bakhmut. [Tweet with
video clip] The soldier made the comments as part of a VICE documentary released on
Saturday. [Video clip] As the WSJ reported last month, the Zelensky regime is
drafting poor, untrained men — some of whom have never held a gun — and
sending them straight to the frontlines to serve as cannonfodder. On Monday, horrific video
was released showing inexperienced Ukrainian soldiers with US-supplied Bradley fighting vehicles
taking part in the US-backed counteroffensive getting their legs blown off while traversing a minefield.
War and
More War. Yesterday Zhou announced that the American Empire is still considering
sending ATACMS systems to Ukraine. That would be the MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System
(ATACMS), which is a tactical ballistic missile with a range of up to 190 miles and is capable of
precision strikes based on its GPS based guidance system. [...] That is the US "poking the bear" as
an active participant of war on Russia, while there is no responsible public discussion of our war
in the US. My take on this announcement by Zhou is that it's probably in line with the other
recent escalations: This is part of an effort to bluff Russia into agreeing to a "frozen
conflict" — which amounts to a NATO Ukraine. Perhaps the idea is that the pinprick
attacks inside Russia that we've been seeing will put sufficient public opinion pressure on Putin
to agree to lose a war that Russia is winning. Not gonna happen.
to Black in Ukraine. Try to imagine Mr. Zelensky's predicament. Mighty
America and redoubtable Europe conned the former comedian to thinking that if he went along with a
genius scheme to ruin Russia and knock Vlad Putin off the global gameboard, his sad-sack country
would be transformed into something like Ukro-Disneyworld, while he, Mr. Z, would be lionized
and made rich beyond his wildest imaginings. His backup was the greatest hegemonic power the
world has ever seen. The game was called Let's You and Him Fight.
has devastated Russia. I am torn on the Ukraine war. I think Putin is 100% in
the wrong and that Ukraine fighting in self-defense is both just and generally good for the
West. I also believe that we have taken our eye off the much more important conflict, still a
Cold War, with China. The fate of Ukraine is a moral issue but not of strategic importance to
the West, whatever hype is used to gin up our support. Putin's army is done, and it is clear
that it didn't have far to fall even before the invasion. The Russian army is, if anything,
even more ineffectual and corrupt than the old Soviet army. It literally cannot feed and
clothe its own troops, and in some cases, it cannot arm them. It currently poses no threat
other than nuclear to any NATO country.
What About Ukraine's Ongoing Infatuation with Nazis? Kyiv, the capital city of
Ukraine, where the American dollars are crisp and clean, has just dodged a bullet. This one
didn't come from Russia; the shot was self-inflicted. Mayor Vitali Klitschko overruled the
city council and a popular vote of city dwellers to prevent the naming of a street after a World
War II-era Nazi collaborator. The European Jewish Press reported Wednesday that the city
"wanted to name a street after Volodymyr Kubiyovych, a Nazi collaborator and SS official," until
Klitschko, apparently mindful of how bad this looks in the West, stepped in and put a kibosh on the
plan. Until his intervention, everything was going swimmingly: the Jerusalem Post
reported last Tuesday that according to Eduard Dolinsky, director of the Ukrainian Jewish
Committee, "a street in the Ukrainian capital will be renamed following a motion passed by the city
council, and will bear the name of Volodymyr Kubiyovych, who during the Holocaust was heavily
involved in the formation of the Waffen-SS Galizien, a Nazi military force made up of Ukrainian volunteers."
Nazi Problem Gets Worse. There has been considerable concern since before the start
of the war in Ukraine about the influence of National Socialists, or Nazis, there, and now it has
gotten considerably worse. Rather than apologize for or at very least ignore the nation's
past ties to National Socialism, the city council in the nation's capital of Kyiv is reportedly
considering naming a street after a National Socialist collaborator who actually served in the SS
during the Holocaust, Volodymyr Kubiyovych. Apparently the Ukrainian government is so certain that
Western aid will continue that it feels no hesitation about flaunting its openness to National Socialism.
We Have Been Told About the War in Ukraine is a Lie. We have been told since the
beginning of the conflict in Ukraine that it is not a proxy war between the United States and
Russia. We've been told that there are no U.S. forces deployed in the war zone, and we have
been told that Ukraine is winning. That is the narrative that has been pushed by the media
and our government on repeat for more than a year. But the leaked documents completely
shatter that narrative. The leak revealed that there are U.S. forces deployed in
Ukraine. In fact, this was confirmed on Wednesday by John Kirby in an interview with Fox
News. This is not only a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia. We are quite literally
in the middle of a hot war with Russia. A war which has not been approved by Congress as our
laws would require. That makes it a crime. The documents also reveal that Ukrainian
forces are in dire straits. [...] Furthermore, just two weeks ago Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin
made the assertion that Ukraine was winning the war while he was testifying before Congress.
That is not true. Ukraine is not winning the war and Austin knew that when he made a claim to
the contrary. Lying before Congress is a crime. And now the administration is asking
the media to cover all of this up.
Rise. The West's sweeping sanctions on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine are shaping up
to be the West's most monumental miscalculation in modern history. The sanctions have not brought the
Russian economy to its knees, as was widely predicted. Instead, it's the Western economies that are
reeling, their economic growth all but stopped. Many of them are simultaneously suffering from both high
inflation and energy shortages. Russia, meanwhile, is not only surviving but thriving, acquiring more potency
and prestige throughout Asia, Africa and South America than at any time since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Is Why We Need Other Countries To Fight Our Wars For Us. Right now, the U.S. Army is
actually shrinking because so few young people are being recruited. Interest in serving in
the military has plummeted dramatically, and meanwhile the percentage of our young adults that
actually qualify to serve has fallen to a depressingly low level. According to a recent
Pentagon study, 77 percent of all Americans from age 17 to age 24 are ineligible to serve in the
military for one reason or another. That is a pathetically low figure, and it is the main
reason why we need other countries to fight our wars for us at this point. Just look at
Ukraine. We are providing the funding, the equipment, the ammunition and the intelligence,
but they are providing the warm bodies.
Unanswered Questions About War in Ukraine. Ukrainians — and many Europeans
and Americans — are defining an envisioned Ukrainian victory as the complete expulsion
of all Russians from its 2013 borders. Or, as a Ukrainian national security chief put it, the
war ends with Ukrainian tanks in Red Square. But mysteries remain about such ambitious
agendas. What would that goal entail? Giving Ukraine American F-16s to strike bases and
depots in Mother Russia? The gifting of 1,000 M1 Abrams tanks? Using American Harpoon
missiles to sink the Russian Black Sea fleet? A huge arsenal that would guarantee total
victory rather than not losing? Russia's cruel strategy is to grind down Ukraine and turn its
eastern regions into a Verdun-like deathscape. So, is a brave Ukraine really winning the war
when it loses about 0.6 soldiers for every Russian it kills?
slowly dawns on the West that Ukraine is not going to win. Writer David Goldman, who
writes as the brilliant "Spengler" at Asia Times, foresees an ending of sorts to the Ukraine
conflict, based on the West's inability to supply the resources to keep an extended war coming.
[...] While most participants continued to favor the Biden administration's gung-ho stance on
keeping Ukraine supplied and paid until they could fight off the Russians, the numbers were not in
its favor. Russia was just so much bigger than Ukraine in terms of manpower and resources and
money and alliances with other big powers — such as China and India. The small
still voices came through at the end of that conference, noting that most of the Ukrainian army was
dead, its best soldiers, trained by the U.S., were now war casualties. Ukrainian valor was
real but Russia could nevertheless win that war based on its overwhelming resourcing, for the same
reason the North won over the South during the Civil War, despite the South having many effective
and motivated soldiers.
When Leaders Get Scared.
While it may look like the United States is being tough and forceful in Ukraine, the reverse is
true. The US is showing incredible weakness, and it is wearing it on its sleeve. Let's
start with Ukraine. The US has gone all out to try and help Ukraine win a victory over the
Russians. The Biden administration wants this to happen for two reasons: to show that Biden
is not a wimp and won't cut and run like he did in Afghanistan (and on this the 20th anniversary of
the War in Iraq, like his predecessor Obama did by pulling US forces out of Iraq) and that he wants
to "strengthen" NATO by eventually putting a NATO army in Ukraine. The reason for not wanting
to look like a wimp is self-evident and does not need any further explanation, other than to say
that Washington elites have bought into the false narrative that Ukraine is a glowing democracy and
we should defend it. Of course, the US disrupted Ukraine's free politics and pushed the
rebellion against a properly elected government.
and Putin: Pawns on China's Chessboard. In the Russo-Ukrainian war, Ukraine is the
victim, and Russia is the aggressor. However, the victim and the aggressor are not acting
alone. Who made Ukraine the victim? Who helped Russia make the blunder of
aggression? While analyzing the current Russo-Ukrainian war, the media tend to overlook one
thing. Namely, President Biden and President Putin are — for the lack of a more
appropriate word — vassals to China's triple-emperor, Xi Jinping. From that
perspective, the notion of "a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine" evaporates. The WWIII scare
disappears, too, if one recalls two main China objectives: Taiwan and South Siberia. The
occupation of Taiwan requires a weak United States, and the annexation of South Siberia demands a
powerless Russia. It looks as though everybody overestimated Biden and Putin, treating them
as independent players and not as order-takers on the Chinese payroll, which they are.
Is Right About Ukraine. Ron DeSantis came out against our current blank check n' hack
cliches Ukraine policy, stating the indisputable truth that Ukraine was not a vital US interest
worthy of risking World War III with Russia. The next day he was proven right when a Russian
SU-27 knocked a US Reaper drone into the Black Sea. Hey, feeding Russians (and Ukrainians)
into a meat grinder is all fun and games until we get dragged into the abattoir too. Of
course, all the right people got really mad about it — when Bill Kristol, Adam
Kinzinger, David French, Max Boot and Mitt Romney are all for something, you need to be against
it. Hardest hit was the GOP establishment — it was very sad because the governor
refuses to be dragged along into cheerleading yet another massive foreign policy failure.
Media Nerds, The War In Ukraine Is Literally A 'Territorial Dispute'. The
"territorial dispute" quote is from Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' recently released
statement about the ongoing war in Ukraine (a place our elected leaders in Washington sometimes
refer to as "Our Last Great Hope.") What he said more fully is that "becoming further entangled
in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia" is not a "vital interest" to the United
States. That's a view shared by anyone who thinks yet another foreign war without clear and
substantial strategic benefit to America is not something we should busy ourselves with. (It's
not like we have any pressing problems here!) But French, Rubin and the rest of the national
media really hate that view. It's "pro-Putin"! It's "astonishing" and "dangerous"!
DeSantis should say it one more time for the people in the back. The war is literally a
dispute over territory. Russian leadership claims Ukraine as its own and the Kremlin's
settlement offers are based almost solely on territory concessions (with some details related to
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization).
the US drone supplying reconnaissance data for Ukraine to target Russian forces and
territory? I find the contention that the U.S. drone was supplying targeting
information believable. Why wouldn't the U.S. do so, especially given the fact that Elon
Musk's Starlink system has been used to enable battlefield communications for the Ukrainians to
target Russian facilities? Does this make the drone a legitimate target for Russia? I
am no expert in the law of war, but the contention that the drone was supplying intelligence used
for targeting weapons, if true, would make it an instrument of war against Russia. RT, the
Russian state-sponsored propaganda agency, makes some other interesting claims. Use
skepticism, of course, and weigh these claims against what else you know and your common sense.
US's March of Folly in Ukraine. One tries to read widely on the state of the Ukraine
war, though it's extremely difficult to cut through the fog of propaganda and obvious lies.
But slowly, the picture of a determined, slow-moving, grinding, painful Russian victory emerges.
Ukrainian casualties are almost certainly at unbearable, unsustainable levels. Closest guesses
are in the range of 250,000 KIA, orders of magnitude greater than Russia's, which draws from a vastly
larger population. Ukraine is losing a generation of its male youth, all to prop up a
declining US planetary hegemony.
Ukraine Aid Isn't a Top Priority. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is on board with
one Biden initiative: funding the administration's war packages to Ukraine. The Kentucky
Republican claims this is a top priority among Republicans. Polling suggests otherwise, and
it's not just members of the GOP — the nation at large is starting to get tired of the
Ukraine excursion that's rapidly becoming yet another endless war for the United States, albeit by
proxy. The situation on the ground there is stalemated because Russia's military is racked by
incompetence, coupled with shoddy weapons and tactics, while the Ukrainians have some of the best
weapons but lack the manpower to rout Russian forces entirely. That's the 30,000-foot
overview, but if this conflict requires NATO troops, specifically our forces, to move the needle,
and there have been insinuations to that effect, then this whole affair could take an ugly
turn. Biden is a disaster abroad, but let's hope what little brain activity he has left knows
the danger that could come from American troops being deployed.
Biden's Ukraine Policy Doesn't Make You An 'Isolationist'. It's not exactly a sign of
a healthy democratic discourse that it's virtually impossible to ask a critical question about the
United States' role in the Ukraine-Russia conflict without being smeared as a Putin apologist or an
"isolationist." We've been bombarded with bromides about a civilizational struggle that pits
the forces of autocracy and liberalism against each other. "It's not just about freedom in
Ukraine," Biden tells us. "It's about freedom of democracy at large." Yet
Ukraine — which, before the war, regularly slotted in somewhere beneath Burma, Mexico,
and Hungary on those silly "democracy matrixes" left-wingers used to love — isn't any
kind of liberal democracy. Maybe one day it will be. Today Ukraine still shutters
churches and restricts the free press. Maybe you believe those are justifiable actions during
wartime, but under no definition are they liberal. Ukraine has never been a functioning
"democracy." Its people defend its borders and sovereignty in the face of a powerful
expansionist aggressor. That's good enough.
The Façade of Democracy.
During Biden's latest visit to Kyiv and Warsaw, the Oval Office occupant defended his
administration's escalation of the Russia-Ukraine war and pledged unlimited U.S. taxpayer
support in the name of "defending democracy." But is Ukraine a democracy? In 2004, the
Bush Administration and the West amplified claims that the Ukrainian presidential election had been
rigged after the Moscow backed candidate Viktor Yanukovych defeated the U.S. and West backed
candidate Viktor Yushchenko. Western pressure combined with mass protests in
Ukraine — known as the Orange Revolution — resulted in the overturning of the
election results and a redo election that fulfilled the West's desired outcome. Yushchenko
was elected president, instead. Afterward, then-President George W. Bush called the
Orange Revolution a "powerful example of democracy for people around the world." In 2010,
however, Viktor Yanukovych — who had been accused of stealing the 2004
election — ran again and won.
When did Ukrainians Become Entitled to the State they Got? The historical record demonstrates that
contemporary Ukraine emerged from a mosaic of lands assembled by Russian conquests and paid for with Russian blood and
treasure. Except for a small area of the Zaporozhian Host, Ukraine has no historical connection to the land it
occupies and is the product of Russian geopolitical engineering. The foregoing is the reason Henry Kissinger
wrote, "The West must understand that, to Russia, Ukraine can never be just a foreign country." If Americans had
been more aware of Ukrainian history, they would have raised reasonable doubts about the validity of Ukraine's
territorial aspirations. Konrad Adenauer once said, "History is the sum total of things that could be avoided."
Real Russia — and Ukraine. I first arrived in Russia in 1994. I was shocked at the filth,
poverty, and violence. I immediately understood that Soviet Russia had been waging war on itself (and its
neighbors) since the Revolution, while playing the victimhood card for generations, claiming their military buildup was
out of fear of NATO. When the Soviet "Union" collapsed (1989) their only fear was of each other. They needed
NATO and their former Eastern European slave states to save them from themselves. Soviet Russia was a terrible
place created by murderers and criminals. The resulting poverty has always attracted western lackeys looking for
attention. [...] Ukraine gets along with its neighbors and lives within its borders. But poor little Russia can't
do that, because it fears Ukraine, America and Europe. The real reason is that the failed Russian state does not
want prosperous free republics on its borders. It's that simple.
Ukrainian Paradoxes.
One of the strangest things about the American response to Ukraine has been the willingness of the Left and the
establishment Right to discount completely that the war is heading toward a rendezvous with ever-deadlier weapons and
staggering fatalities — even as we witness increasing nuclear threats from a weakened and adrift Vladimir
Putin. [...] If we wish to wonder why Vladimir Putin believed that the Biden Administration's response to his aggression
would be like the Obama-Biden reaction in 2014, then we need only look to the August 2021 American collapse in
Afghanistan. That summer, Joe Biden made the decision to yank precipitously all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan,
abandoning a $1 billion embassy, a multimillion-dollar refitted airbase, and hundreds of billions of dollars in U.S.
military equipment, including 22,174 Humvee vehicles, nearly 1,000 armored vehicles, 64,363 machine guns, and 42,000
pick-up trucks and SUVs 358,530 assault rifles, 126,295 pistols, and nearly 200 artillery units. Recent reports,
denied by the United States, allege that Putin is negotiating with the Taliban to buy some of the abandoned American
arsenal to help replenish Russia's enormous materiel losses in Ukraine. What helped the Soviets win World War II
were the American gifts of 400,000 trucks and Jeeps. Over 60,000 American armored vehicles, Humvees, and trucks,
now in the hands of the Taliban would be a valuable addition to Putin's arsenal.
through the Mess of the Ukraine War. [Scroll down] However, the fundamental feature of the war
is that nobody was ready for war — not Russia, Ukraine, or their allies. By the day of the invasion,
the Russian army was embezzled, the Ukrainian army was disassembled and had not reassembled, and NATO armies were
depleted. With artillery, for detail, the American industry currently produces about fifteen thousand 155-mm
howitzer shells per month; typically, Ukraine uses five thousand shells daily. Thus, Ukraine uses a month's worth
of American shell production in three days. That is not sustainable. Overall, the present war demonstrated
widespread ammunition shortages, exacerbated by the mostly peaceful post-WWII decades. From the White House
perspective, the war in Ukraine is out of control. The working hypothesis is that President Biden, in a
Chamberlain-like move, had committed to giving about one fifth of Ukraine to Putin.
and the Unlearned Lesson of History. What is happening in Ukraine is not an isolated event that arose
either by misunderstanding or as a result of one man's ill will. It would be wrong to assume that Russia's attack
on Ukraine was due to an unfortunate miscalculation by the Russian president. On the contrary, all current events
are a logical step in the centuries-long history of the Russian state, which has always been aimed at imperial expansion
and the conquest of foreign lands. The conquest of Siberia, Central Asia, countless wars with Turkey, with Sweden,
with Lithuania, with Austria, with Persia, with Napoleonic France, with Finland, with Afghanistan — it's only
a small list of the Russian wars of aggression. Russia has never been interested in developing its own country and
improving the lives of its people, but only in expanding its territory at the expense of its neighbors. Putin's
power is not a legacy of past traditions, but an inseparable continuation of centuries of the Russian expansion, one
inseparable chain of colonialism from the time of Ivan the Terrible, to Alexander the First, to Stalin, to Brezhnev and
now Putin.
Opposing viewpoint: The
Real Lessons of the Real History of The United States and post-Glasnost Ukraine. I am responding to
"Ukraine and the Unlearned Lesson of History," by Jacob Fraden, published in AT 1/31/23. I'll start with the
author's contention that Russia's war against Napoleonic France was one of its wars "of aggression." On
June 24, 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia with an army of 650,000, approximately the 12th European county to receive
the French tyrant's military attention. Who was the aggressor here? Tsar Alexander I was a hero at the
Congress of Vienna, for crushing that invasion and breaking the French chronic aggressor's back once and
for all. And most of Christian Europe had the sense to be grateful to Russia for driving the hated Turkish
muslim conqueror and oppressor out of the Balkans and other parts of Europe.
Col. Daniel Davis Warns of Nuclear War: U.S. Has 'No Plan' in Ukraine, This Is Not a 'Video Game'.
Providing new tanks to Ukraine won't change the reality on the ground of the current conflict with Russia, according to
retired Army Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis, who claimed the United States has "no plan" or strategy and
warned of the real-world danger of invoking NATO's "mutual defense" clause, which would trigger a nuclear war. In
an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Thursday, Davis discussed the situation on the ground in Ukraine.
Inside the
Nazi Whitewash of Ukraine. On January 1, the world celebrated New Year's Day — a holiday of
self-reflection, self-renewal, and hope. In Ukraine, the focus was different. There, January 1 marks the
birthday of Stepan Bandera, Ukraine's Nazi national hero. Bandera is the founding father of Ukrainian Nazism and
his birthday is a national holiday. In Ukraine, paying homage to their most famous antisemite and leading Nazi
collaborator of World War II, is a very big deal. Under President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the level of
Nazi influence and control in Ukraine has been unprecedented. Zelenskyy outlawed all 11 independent and opposition
political parties but left the parties and organizations of his Nazi partners and allies intact and in power.
Ultimate Arms Deals: Why Washington is so Eager to Support Ukraine. I thought the Afghanistan bug-out was
the ultimate arms deal. Biden abandoned billions of dollars of weapons, leaving them behind for the Taliban to
enjoy. [...] One of the joys of that — at least to military equipment manufacturers — is that the
replacement is not just brand-new, but almost always progressively enhanced in capabilities — and
price. Getting back to Afghanistan, the Government Accountability Office reported that between 2003 and 2016, the
U.S. supplied Afghan defense and security forces with an arsenal that included 208 aircraft, 42,000 pickup trucks,
22,000 Humvees, nearly 9,000 MTV cargo and transport trucks, nearly 1,000 mine resistant ambush protected vehicles,
nearly 200 armored personnel carriers and hundreds of thousands of rifles, pistols, machine guns, grenade launchers,
rocket propelled weapons and night vision goggles. More had been provided between 2016 and August of 2021.
If those weapons came out of military stock — vehicles stored in armories waiting for the military to need
them to fight our enemies du jour — they will be replaced with newer ones.
Regret About Ukraine War in the U.S. and My Interview With Emerald Robinson on Biden's Classified Document
Leaks. America's infatuation with Ukraine and Zelensky (the Cocaine Comedian) is starting to wane, but
most politicians and the public continue to believe the lie that Ukraine is an innocent country being bludgeoned by a
communist Russia ruled by a dictator. Oh yeah. Don't forget. Russia is suffering massive military and
economic losses and just can't live without U.S. investment and Europe's technology. It is all nonsense, but if
you are living in the United States and try to have a reasoned discussion with the fan boys and girls cheering for
Ukraine, you would find more success talking to a brick wall.
To Make Republicans And Others Ditch Ukraine. The DC establishment has decided that Ukraine policy is
beyond debate, and not subject to input or question by the plebes. They make no argument for why we should support
Ukraine — and there are potentially good arguments to be made, once we figure out exactly what America's
objective is. What they do is slander, anyone, not cozy and cuddly with the Official Approved
Narrative — get on board or get trashed. The total, obnoxious refusal of our garbage ruling caste to
even address the legitimate concerns of the American public regarding our blank-check, audit-free funding of the
Russo-Ukrainian War is the best way to ensure that America will eventually stop supporting the underdogs.
Traitors. A picture, they
say, is worth a thousand words. But there are only a few profane words to describe the obscene scene as the two
women closest in line for the presidency hoisted the Ukrainian flag from the dias of the House of Representatives while
swooning over Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as Congress cheered on December 21. (This appears to be
the first time in history the flag of another nation essentially flew inside the U.S. Capitol building.) "They
asked me to bring this flag to you, to the U.S. Congress, to members of the House of Representatives and senators whose
decisions can save millions of people," Zelenskyy said before handing the flag to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice
President Kamala Harris. "This flag is a symbol of our victory in this war." But even more
telling — sickening? — was the image in the same photo of a House staffer wearing a black face
mask standing silently, eyes cast downward, behind a tri-folded American flag in a shadow box as the celebration
ensued. The unintentional contrast said it all. Our once-thriving and free country is slowly dying at the
hands of frauds, crooks, and cowards — and they're not even trying to hide it from us. They are
flaunting it.
I admit it: I was fooled
by Zelensky and Ukraine. I was fooled about Volodymyr Zelensky. [...] But today, seeing is
believing. So what has he done wrong? It's legion. Zelensky has banned opposition parties. He's
shut down critical media by force. He's arrested his political opponents. He has sent soldiers into
churches. Zelensky's secret police have raided monasteries across Ukraine, even a convent full of nuns, and
arrested dozens of priests for no justifiable reason whatsoever and in clear violation of the Ukrainian constitution,
which apparently no longer matters. And in the face of this, the Biden administration has said nothing. Last
week, he announced his plan to ban an entire religion, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church — more than a thousand
years old — and to seize its property, all for being insufficiently loyal to his regime. A free country
does not ban a major religion. Nor is it permissible in time of war to place soldiers in churches. It's
wrong to arrest dozens of priests. It's a war crime. And he's doing it to a Ukrainian church! Joe
Biden remains silent about all this — of course. So is the Deep State — and the Uni-Party.
Truth About the War in Ukraine. As events unfolded in Ukraine, I could not help being reminded of the
ten-year Vietnam War (1964-1975), and the war in Iraq (2003-2011). Both were based on lies. The Vietnam War
saw over 360,000 Americans killed or wounded, while, in Iraq, the total exceeded 36,000. In the Asian war, the
premise was an attack on an American naval vessel that did not occur. In the Middle East, it was the threat of
non-existent weapons of mass destruction. I have closely followed events in Ukraine since reading an analysis by
Swiss Intelligence Officer, Colonel Jacques Baud. I am convinced that we are embarking on a very dangerous path of
military adventurism that will destroy our nation's finances. It will not stop with Ukraine. For our elites
and their servants, nothing is out of bounds. They will say and do anything in pursuit of their desires.
The Diem Option. [Scroll down]
Instead of realizing that they had no idea what they were doing in that part of the world, the Kennedy administration
plunged the country into a guerilla war in Asia. The result was a calamity for both the military and the political
class of the United States. In one of life's great ironies, the people who cut their political teeth in the
domestic revolts over the Vietnam War now find themselves in the same situation. This time they are the people in
charge and the client state is Ukraine. Similar to 60 years ago, the American government has to deal with an
erratic and reckless leader who may not be long for this world. That leader is Volodymyr Zelensky. Contrary
to all of the happy talk in Western media, the proxy war against Russia is not going well for the West. On the
battlefield, the Russians are slowly grinding down the Ukrainian army, which has become a blackhole for Western arms.
It Was
Never About Ukraine. Events in Ukraine in 2014 marked the end of the unipolar world of American
hegemony. Russia drew the line and asserted itself as a new pole in a multipolar world order. That is why
the war is "bigger than Ukraine," in the words of the State Department. It is bigger than Ukraine because, in the
eyes of Washington, it is the battle for US hegemony. That is why US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on
November 13 that some of the sanctions on Russia could remain in place even after any eventual peace agreement
between Ukraine and Russia. The war has never just been about Ukraine: it is about US foreign policy aspirations
that are bigger than Ukraine. Yellen said, "I suppose in the context of some peace agreement, adjustment of
sanctions is possible and could be appropriate." Sanctions could be adjusted when negotiations end the war, but,
Yellen added, "We would probably feel, given what's happened, that probably some sanctions should stay in place."
It's Time
to Speak the Truth About Ukraine. Joe Biden, the military-industrial-congressional complex, State
Department neocons, the War Party comprised of all Democrats and many corporate Republicans, and Western globalist
elites have the United States and NATO in a Ukrainian proxy war against Russia. The warmongers are obsessed with
destroying Russia. To achieve it, they are determined to fight to the last Ukrainian. In eight months,
Congress has wasted $69 billion of American taxpayer money to fund their proxy war. That's about
$8 billion more than Russia's entire annual military budget. And to the delight of the American arms
industry, there is no end in sight. Biden is soon expected to request another $50 billion.
Meanwhile, Biden and Congress have betrayed the American people — doing next to nothing to solve the crises
of inflation, self-inflicted shortages of fuel and food, an invasion of five-and-a-half million illegal aliens,
out-of-control violent crime, and a fentanyl epidemic imported from China and Mexico that is killing 100,000 Americans
every year.
Ukraine And The Fed.
It's pretty much a truism for those who have been paying attention to events since the beginning of the Covid hoax that
events are being driven by the Globalist agenda for world domination. [...] The strategy for subjugating Russia never
relied on a military defeat for Russia in Ukraine. The strategy was to use Ukraine to provoke Russia and thus to
provide the collective West — with the US as the military backup — with an excuse for launching an
all out economic war on Russia, to collapse the Russian economy and oust the Globalists' bête noire, Vladimir
Putin. Giddy with the prospect of world domination, the collective West assumed this could be accomplished in
short order, and thus with little harm to Western economies. Instead, farsighted Russian preparations for exactly
this scenario — preparations that have been economic, financial, military, and diplomatic — have
placed the economies of the collective West, and especially of Europe, already weakened by the Covid shutdown, on the
edge of a precipice. The Russian economy is surviving and, in important respects, thriving.
Nord Stream Pipelines Sabotaged, and Only One Country Benefits. Three deep-water explosions destroyed the
Nord Stream pipelines under the Baltic Sea on Monday. While the MSM and governments reported "leaks" in the
pipelines following sudden pressure drops to zero, Swedish seismologists knew better. [...] First, the US became the
number one exporter of liquified natural gas to Europe once Russia cut off the flow. German dependence on US LNG
is a carrot to keep German in the sanction alliance. With winter approaching and German unrest on the rise, the
State Department would have been concerned the Germans would go wobbly, reduce sanctions, cut off arms to Ukraine, and
beg Putin for energy. The loss of the Nord Stream pipelines eliminates that path to renewed gas imports to
Germany. Second, the Biden family has long been tangled up in natural gas and Ukraine. Hunter Biden was on
the board of Ukraine's largest natural gas company — a position that provided Ukrainian oligarchs with access
to Joe Biden. Hunter, who has no experience in energy, made millions from the deal, and Ukraine got a
bought-and-paid-for President of the United States. Third, the Democrat Biden needs to stanch the popularity
bleeding that threatens to kill Democrat control of Congress come November. So, only the United States has a
compelling reason to destroy Europe's energy lifeline from Russia. Only the United States has both the means and
the motive.
Obama Led Germany Into Putin's Energy Trap. Vladimir
Putin's energy war is real but undeclared. The West's counter energy war is declared but not real. Doubtful
is whether the latest convoluted U.S. plan to cap Mr. Putin's oil receipts will be any different (though it's
certain to spawn a lot of future Marc Riches). But notice that Mr. Putin remains careful to say Russia desires
to keep meeting its gas contracts with Western Europe. It's Europe's fault that exports through the Nord Stream
pipeline are halted for safety reasons, because sanctions prevent repairing a faulty compressor. Mr. Putin's
Gazprom cronies cheerfully pipe up to say the second Nord Stream pipeline could quickly fill the gap if Germany's
government, by its own action, had not refused to allow it to operate. Less famous pipelines, including the Yamal
that runs through Ukraine, continue to carry Russian gas to Europe with the tolerance of Ukraine's leadership.
cheaper titanium worth prolonging the Ukraine war? Last month, Fortune reported good news: 1,000 companies
had followed through on their divestiture of business in Russia. Combined with the West's government sanctions,
these companies' courage to do the right thing is having "a crushing impact on Russia's wilting economy," according to
Fortune. But a few companies haven't followed their conglomerate brothers and sisters. Each of them is
putting short-term gain over long-term loss — earning dollars now with Russia but losing the trust of dozens
of other nations in the process. This short-sighted approach may cost no company more than Airbus. The
world's largest aerospace company is primarily a government contractor, heavily reliant on good relations with
businesses, government officials, and politicians around the world. This means keeping everyone happy —
not putting one country over the rest.
Who Gains
from Ukraine? The recent meeting of the G-7 demonstrated a triumph of zeal over the members' self-interest.
The seven were overwhelmed with a host of crises; inflation, energy, climate change, impending food shortage, and Ukraine offered
no solution to any of the problems. Speaking of Ukraine, they agreed to impose the 7th round of sanctions and promised to
keep the war going as long as it takes. [...] Despite their differences, Zelensky and Putin converge on one crucial aspect:
neither wants to end this war. Ukraine earned the title of the most corrupt country in Europe for a reason. Since
winning independence, corruption has been the predominant pursuit of Ukraine. Zelensky and his cabinet are not motivated
by the stability and integrity of Ukraine. Instead, they are motivated by billions in financial aid. Between 2014
and 2020, Ukraine received more than $22.4 billion in and economic aid. Much of this enormous financial assistance
was simply stolen by the commercial, military, and political elites.
The Hunger
Weapon. Timothy Snyder, Levin Professor of History at Yale, describes what he sees as the Kremlin's plan to
drive the Third World poor into Western countries to break European support for Ukraine. "Russia has a hunger
plan. Vladimir Putin is preparing to starve much of the developing world as the next stage in his war in Europe.
In normal times, Ukraine is a leading exporter of foodstuffs. A Russian naval blockade now prevents Ukraine from
exporting grain.If the Russian blockade continues, tens of millions of tons of food will rot in silos, and tens of millions
of people in Africa and Asia will starve.
CIA is running Ukraine's fight against Russia. A report published earlier this week provides fresh evidence
that the U.S. Deep State is heavily invested in Ukraine and is going all-out to prevent the country from falling into Russian
hands. Readers likely recall that despite the fact that the U.S. and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) knew
months in advance that Russia was building up its forces around Ukraine in preparation for an invasion, Washington and Brussels
appeared to do little to shore up Kyiv's defenses. Once Russia sent its forces into Ukraine on Feb. 24, most
outside observers figured that the Red Army would make quick work of the lesser-armed and overmatched Ukrainian army.
news: Merrick Garland [is] ready to enforce the law ... in Ukraine. Here in the US, we have ongoing
violations of federal law in a coordinated campaign of intimidation targeting Supreme Court justices. A domestic
terrorist group has already conducted attacks on pro-life centers and promises even more of them. The Department of
Justice and the Attorney General have remained on the sidelines as those crimes have unfolded. Instead of dealing with
federal matters within his jurisdiction, Merrick Garland has decided to spend some time in Ukraine to mull over US action on
war crimes instead. Maybe Garland should have visited the neighborhoods of the justices first, eh?
Became Necessary to Destroy the Country to Save It'. Peter Arnett's celebrated quote — "It became
necessary to destroy the town to save it" — was a fabrication during the Vietnam War but has a macabre application
to Ukraine. American fecklessness and Russian rapacity together will leave a grease spot where Ukraine used to
be. It was all tragically, idiotically unnecessary. [...] The obvious course of action in Ukraine was to permit its
people to vote for a divorce, as the Czechs and Slovaks did. Instead we elected to keep the NATO option open for
Ukraine, knowing that this was a red line for Russia. Never mind that Putin is a wicked fellow; he is a predictably
wicked fellow with a well-defined understanding of Russian national interest, and his response to Ukraine's prospective NATO
membership was entirely predictable.
War is a Propaganda Campaign Wrapped in a Psyop. The country with the worst elections in the western world,
whose government intervenes in foreign elections more than any other government on earth, is waging a dangerous proxy war to
save democracy in Ukraine, a nation which is not a democracy by any reasonable definition. Anyone who trusts any
government is a fool. Anyone who trusts the world's most powerful government is a damn fool. Anyone who trusts the
world's most powerful government while it runs massive propaganda ops for a dangerous proxy war should be forbidden to use the
grown-up scissors. It's impossible to overstate how completely blanketed by propaganda distortion the Ukraine war is.
it Compassion Or Kickbacks Driving Joe Biden's 'Stand for Ukraine'? This April 17 ABC News photo of a man
petting a frightened dog with its paws wrapped around his leg beside the ruins of a home damaged by strikes amid Russia's
brutal invasion of Ukraine, speaks ever so loudly of the tragedy of war. Wars — no matter where they
happen — always claim the lives of innocent victims on both warring sides. Yet we have countless arm chair
critics from thousands of miles away virtue signalling in claiming to "stand with Ukraine" and purveyors of propaganda
dominating the headlines in the Fake News of our day.
of Our Own Device. World leaders are acting like trapped men. Vladimir Putin, having begun what many
would consider an ill-conceived invasion of neighboring Ukraine, is speeding down a road he probably realizes ends in
disaster. Yet he cannot stop or exit on terms consistent with the basis of his power because any deals with Kyiv,
except accepting its surrender, would be a sign of weakness. Since Russia lacks the material strength to compel
submission, the only alternatives are to keep pulling the same ineffective levers harder, whatever the cost. The
casualties mount even at the center. Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, already rumored to be in disgrace, has
allegedly suffered a heart attack. Up to 150 senior Chekists are reputed to be under arrest or in disgrace.
Twenty general officers are reputedly under investigation, including some close to Putin himself. While these reports
may be exaggerated, the Kremlin has clearly chained itself to a runaway train.
Really Happened in Ukraine in 2014 and Since Then. Pundits skeptical of or even hostile to Ukraine's cause in
its defensive war against Russia have different reasons, or rationalizations, for their views and hail from different points
on the political spectrum. But there is one belief that unites nearly all of them: the conviction that Ukraine is not a
democracy fighting for its survival but an American "Deep State" project, with a regime installed by a 2014 coup that was led
by Ukrainian far-right extremists and backed or even engineered by the U.S. State Department.
Russia is a fake power.
Numerous analysts have focused on Moscow's campaign of disinformation to undermine the West, but they have barely noticed
that the most important subject of disinformation is Russia itself. Moscow has a long record of deceiving Westerners
and depicting its empire as invincible. In a previous imperial incarnation, Soviet communism and socialist
internationalism were supposed to ensure salvation for all humanity. Until, that is, they were exposed as a
fraud. Today's Russia has created an image of great power status, economic strength, and military power that is rapidly
unraveling in Ukraine. This is revealing that the Russian state structure itself stands on rotting foundations.
Lack Of Any Strategy For Ukraine Shows He's Got None For U.S. National Security Either. The White House said
this week it plans to release up to 180 million barrels of oil from strategic reserves, a million barrels a day for 180 days,
to help bring down near-record gas prices that were climbing before Russia's invasion of Ukraine but have since spiked.
It will be the largest release of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve since it was established in the early 1970s,
and it probably won't work. The specific reasons it probably won't work — congestion on the Gulf Coast, a
possible reduction in supply from Saudi Arabia and other oil producers, the fact that 180 million barrels over the next six
months isn't enough to offset the loss of Russian oil exports — are not as important as what the announcement
tells us about the Biden administration's plan for Ukraine and how it fits into an overarching national security strategy for
the United States.
Unexpectedly Long War. It was a tale of two blunders. Both Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin made the mistake
of believing that the Russian army could conquer Ukraine in two days. The New York Times wrote in perplexity, "In
Afghanistan, intelligence agencies had predicted the government and its forces could hold on for at least six months after
the U.S. withdrawal. In Ukraine, intelligence officials thought the Russian army would take Kyiv, Ukraine's capital, in
two days. Both estimates proved wrong." [...] Had Ukraine fallen quickly as predicted, the world food supply would not
have been disrupted to the extent it was, and neither Putin nor Biden would find themselves in their unexpected
predicament. But alas! The billion-dollar intelligence agencies of both men proved fallible and left everyone
adrift on a sea of uncertainty over what happens next when the other second-order effects kick in. The great powers
bought a ticket to ride but still don't know where it goes.
all of a sudden did Ukraine become the center of the Universe? The United States Congress recently offered a
standing ovation to Ukrainian President Zelensky. Without a doubt, his country is virtually treated as the 51st state
of the United States. Yet, the United States government deals with Ukrainian borders exponentially better than
America's southern border. [...] [D]uring Obama's presidency, Ukrainians got an offer they could not refuse, and a well-oiled
conveyer belt to transfer money from the West to Ukraine and back had begun. Everybody benefited from the scheme; it
was so well known and accepted that even children of many swamp-dwellers in Washington were introduced to it.
Nevertheless, nobody on the receiving and sending ends of the monetary conveyor dared to ask the simple question of who was
the brain behind the scenes who orchestrated it. One possible answer — which could also explain why Ukraine
suddenly became so valuable — is that the Russian KGB planned, implemented, and maintained the "Ukrainian"
financial conveyor.
of Those Indiscriminately Cheering for Volodymyr Zelenskyy. To be clear, I'm not questioning American
support of the Ukrainian people. What I'm uneasy with is the blind support of the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr
Zelenskyy, as if he's some kind of democracy-loving modern-day "George Washington," as FoxNews' Tucker Carlson called him on
a recent episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight. With just a small amount of research, it's clear Zelenskyy is
anything but a democratic leader. In a true democracy, people are free to express any opinion at any time in public and
in private. They can also speak out against their political leaders and work to remove them from office if they
disapprove of the job they're doing. The "democracy" in Ukraine is not at all free like that.
Else Starting to Get a Bad Feeling About All This Ukraine Worship? Two things can be true at the same
time: Ukraine is being mauled by vicious invaders, and globalists are laying the foundation to leverage this crisis
that they've been building up for months. The alacrity with which the establishment has thrown its full weight behind
the plucky Ukrainian rebels is setting off all my alarm bells. [...] I know a stampede when I see one. We're still in
the death throes of the last one, COVID-19. Before that, it was Black Lives Matter. There was also the dreaded Jan.
6 "Insurrection" and Russian Collusion in there somewhere. The ruined lives, fraud, wealth transfers, and costly
infrastructure from those pushes are still stacked up all around us, but Big Global has such an effective machine in
operation at this point that they can keep hitting us with ginned-up crises before we have a chance to clean up the mess from
the last ones.
Realities of Ukraine. [#10] It is not "un-American" to point out that prior American appeasement under the
Obama and the Biden Administrations explains not why Putin wished to go into Ukraine, but why he felt he could. It is
not "treasonous" to say Ukraine and the United States previously should have stayed out of each other's domestic affairs and
politics — but still do not excuse Putin's savage aggression. It is not traitorous to admit that Russia for
centuries relied on buffer states between Europe — lost when its Warsaw Pact satellite members joined NATO after
its defeat in the Cold War. But that reality also does not justify Putin's savage attack.
Russia Invaded Ukraine. [Scroll down] The war in Ukraine is putting this non-secret plan into
effect. It forces Russia to unite with China, which is the only power big enough to resist the pressure of Western
sanctions against Russia. The burning of the economic bridges with the West makes China the only nation that can absorb
the massive amounts of raw materials and grains that Russia produces. The two countries combined can scramble the
post-Cold war economic and political order and create new tensions and shortages. Some speculate that the forced
marriage between China and Russia will lead to a parallel financial system with the yuan as the reserve currency. The
desired realignment will pit the decadent West against the post-communist East. Two distinct political blocs are forming,
which will present the world with two false alternatives: crumbling liberal democracy or autocratic national socialism.
Emerging Ukraine Strategy. For NATO, the calculus is changing. Russian military might has been exposed as
far weaker than thought, and the Ukrainians have shown themselves to be fierce and committed fighters. This has
emboldened western powers to provide a laundry list of armaments and other support to Kyiv. Even more importantly, the
European and American public has now seen two weeks of fighting, suffering, and dying in Ukraine. While Ukraine was
perceived as a far away, dispensable country before the war, it has now become the staple of the nightly news. The
public is growing familiar with the country and, in particular, with the bravery and determination of Ukrainian forces and
the suffering of its civilians.
The Real War. I continue
to be somewhat dumbfounded that some conservatives seem to believe that Vladimir Putin is their enemy. Tucker Carlson
last night explained masterfully that the real enemy of the America we grew up in — with its vibrant middle
class — is coming from our ruling class. While the roots of this war on the American middle class run deep,
the pace of the rape and pillage of America — morally as well as financially — accelerated in virtually
exponential fashion in 2008.
Russia-Ukraine diplomacy is a debacle. Far from rallying the free world as its leader in reacting to Russia's
invasion of Ukraine, President Biden's diplomatic team has been publicly snubbed and humiliated by even putative
allies. Rather than "restoring respect" for the US, as Biden promised to do, his administration has severely damaged
America's standing as a country to be heeded. You would not know it from the saturation-level media coverage of the
ongoing crisis, focused as it is on demonizing Putin for the crime of invading a sovereign neighbor. But without even
so much as defending our own border, much less invading another country, the Biden administration has managed to alienate a
large share of the world. Two serious public rebukes from allies Tuesday are signaling to the world community that
America's views and initiatives don't matter as much as they used to barely over a year ago.
Where Is the Russian Air Force? The Russian Air Force (VKS) has procured 350 modern combat aircraft in the last
ten years and the question that must be on every Russian's mind in the second week of the Ukraine War is: What did we
get for our money? Because by all accounts, the Russian Air Force is nearly AWOL from Russia's biggest battles since
1945. Military researcher Justin Bronk noted on Friday that "the Russian Air Force has yet to commence large-scale
operations." "The continued absence of major air operations," he says, "now raises serious capability questions."
It's also a safe bet that it isn't the Ukraine Air Force preventing the VKS from establishing air superiority over Ukraine.
End of the Old Normal. The catastrophe in Ukraine was the outcome of the combined miscalculations of Vladimir
Putin and Western politicians. The Russian leader embarked on a quest to restore his country's historical greatness,
while the West endeavored to preserve the Global World as it was. Both sides were firmly committed to the past, one to
the re-establishment of the Soviet Union, the other to the pursuit of an environmentalist fantasy that effectively made
Western Europe energy dependent on the Kremlin. The outbreak of war in Europe showed that living in the past was no
longer possible.
On Russian-Ukrainian Crisis by Archbishop Vigano. If we look at what is happening in Ukraine, without being
misled by the gross falsifications of the mainstream media, we realize that respect for each other's rights has been
completely ignored; indeed, we have the impression that the Biden Administration, NATO and the European Union deliberately
want to maintain a situation of obvious imbalance, precisely to make impossible any attempt at a peaceful resolution of the
Ukrainian crisis, provoking the Russian Federation to trigger a conflict. Herein lies the seriousness of the
problem. This is the trap set for both Russia and Ukraine, using both of them to enable the globalist elite to carry
out its criminal plan.
Negotiated Peace — and a Strengthened West — Might Emerge From Ukraine's Ordeal. Over the
past week or so, earth-shaking events appeared to be occurring every day: the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the dramatic and
almost instantaneous determination of Germany to rearm, the imposition of relatively serious sanctions upon Russia and the
international condemnation of that country, and the extraordinary bravery of the Ukrainian people and the eloquence, and
charismatic leadership qualities, of their president, the formerly somewhat whimsically regarded ex-comedian Volodymyr
Zelensky. There are essentially three possible outcomes to this war: [...]
Your 'Red Pill' Moment for the Russia-Ukraine War. President Joe Biden and the media desperately want you to
believe Russia is the bad guy and Ukraine is a little angel. [...] To get your support, they need the media to sell you a
bill of goods. But it just doesn't add up. First, Biden is the one who funded Russia's invasion. Biden
killed our pipelines, killed coal and banned drilling, which made us dependent on Russian oil — which made Russia
filthy rich and arrogant. Biden paid for this war. Second, if Russian President Vladimir Putin is the "bad guy,"
if Russia is evil, why is Biden continuing to buy billions of dollars of oil from Russia every day? Does this make
sense? Unless it's pure "commie theatre." Connect the dots. Biden is a feeble, feckless old puppet with
dementia. George Soros pulls Biden's strings. Soros is on the side of Ukraine. Soros recently said the
whole world must support Ukraine. It's been reported Soros funded Volodymyr Zelenskyy and then installed him as
president of Ukraine — one of the most corrupt nations on the earth.
Those 'Neo-Nazis' in Ukraine... Russian propaganda efforts have redoubled since Putin launched its aggression
against Ukraine a week ago. Suddenly, a host of stories has appeared in conservative media that try to rally support
for Vladimir Putin because he is allegedly fighting Nazis and the New Word Order in Ukraine. [...] We could respond by
advising Russia and its advocates to worry about their own neo-Nazi infestation, but since this smear has now become
widespread, it is prudent to address it. The Nazi smear is a twisted but effective technique used by Russian propaganda
and our left-wing media in equal abundance. Russia has been doing it since Stalin made it "a thing." This smear is
effective because its victims try to distance themselves from one another and sometimes join in accusations, hoping others
won't think of them as Nazis. It's also effective because it's extremely dirty. Trying to debunk it makes one
dive deep into repulsive dirt.
Washed Russian Brains. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the country fell to a state of distress,
industry collapsed, people became impoverished and desperate, as lawlessness and chaos ensued in the country. In the
early 2000s, when Putin came to power, he criminalized the government and, with the help of the West, turned Russia into a
giant "gas station," that is, into a source of petrodollars. Using efficient Western technology, oil and gas were
pumped out of the ground, while billions of dollars lined the pockets of oligarchs that were close to Putin and other corrupt
officials. Imported food, household appliances, clothes, cars and other goods appeared in stores and life of the
Russian population, especially in large cities, improved. For the two following decades, the country was thriving on
petrodollars, manufactured almost nothing but weapons. Like megalomanic Hitler's obsession with conquering
lebensraum for Aryans to populate, megalomaniac Putin was obsessed with the idea of restoring Russia to the borders of
the USSR.
Did We Provoke Putin's War in Ukraine?
Whatever we may think of Putin, he is no Stalin. He has not murdered millions or created a gulag archipelago. Nor
is he "irrational," as some pundits rail. He does not want a war with us, which would be worse than ruinous to us
both. Putin is a Russian nationalist, patriot, traditionalist and a cold and ruthless realist looking out to preserve
Russia as the great and respected power it once was and he believes it can be again. But it cannot be that if NATO
expansion does not stop or if its sister state of Ukraine becomes part of a military alliance whose proudest boast is that it
won the Cold War against the nation Putin has served all his life. President Joe Biden almost hourly promises, "We are
not going to war in Ukraine." Why would he then not readily rule out NATO membership for Ukraine, which would require us
to do something Biden himself says we Americans, for our own survival, should never do: go to war with Russia?
The West's
Green Energy Delusions Empowered Putin. How has Vladimir Putin — a man ruling a country with an
economy smaller than that of Texas, with an average life expectancy 10 years lower than that of France — managed
to launch an unprovoked full-scale assault on Ukraine? There is a deep psychological, political and almost civilizational
answer to that question: He wants Ukraine to be part of Russia more than the West wants it to be free. He is willing
to risk tremendous loss of life and treasure to get it. There are serious limits to how much the U.S. and Europe are willing
to do militarily. And Putin knows it. [...] Putin knows that Europe produces 3.6 million barrels of oil a day but uses
15 million barrels of oil a day. Putin knows that Europe produces 230 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year
but uses 560 billion cubic meters. He knows that Europe uses 950 million tons of coal a year but produces half that.
The most fascinating thing
about the Ukraine war. [Thread Reader] ... is the sheer number of top strategic thinkers who warned for years
that it was coming if we continued down the same path. No one listened to them and here we are.
Putin': The Globalists' Misinformation Play. Ever since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the western public has
been carpet bombed with the claim that Russian president Vladimir Putin is some sort of unhinged madman. This notion is
being feverishly spread by the establishment and those in its pay: the political class, the media and the commentariat,
career diplomats and technocrats as well as those connected to the security and intelligence communities. The most
remarkable thing about the Mad Vlad claim is that it is obviously false. Whatever Vladimir Putin may be, he is
certainly no irrational madman. This much should be obvious to everyone with the eyes to see.
Crushes Three Great Myths About Russia. The world has been fundamentally changed by Ukraine. This is
true, although nearly all Western coverage has been scaredy-cat and daft. Russia expected to waltz in to Ukraine.
It didn't. Russian forces have failed in all their objectives. A thousand Russian soldiers die each day of
the assault. In the four days prior to this writing, 4,000 have died. This is twice the number of American deaths
in Afghanistan over twenty years. (And no, Kyiv was never surrounded, and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy lives.
Indeed, the airport near Kyiv was retaken by local Ukrainian forces; in essence state-level reservists, who retook the
airport from Russian elite troops.) What this means is that the myth of Russian might has been broken for all
time. It doesn't matter if the war isn't over. This is evident from the last four days. And there really
are no reserves to be thrown in. They would have been thrown in already.
Covid And Ukraine Unrelated? Don't Look Now, The Truth Might Come Out. Ukraine is a manageable localized
problem in a distant part of the world and Russia is going to manage it. The American crisis of confidence in its own
operating system is something else. Did "Joe Biden's" handlers actually want to start World War Three? They are
the same posse who contrived the Russian Collusion hysteria of 2016-19, then launched Covid-19 — and the even more
deadly mass "vaccination" response to it — and have now successfully goaded Russia into cleaning up the
international hub of grift and mischief known as Ukraine. One thing established for sure as fact: the "Joe Biden"
family received plenty of cash off that grift wagon, and those "handlers" have neatly ring-fenced it from official
scrutiny. Where does that leave the so-called president of the US in the current crisis?
has Forgotten the Hard Lessons it Learned Invading Finland. Russia learned some hard lessons when it invaded
Finland in November 1939. Today in Ukraine, it's become clear that those lessons didn't "stick," at least not among Russia's
decision-makers. In the winter of 1939, Russia — having just conquered half of Poland after Germany had
already knocked that country out of the war — decided that war was good business. So they invaded
Finland. In Poland, the Soviets re-took land that had been under the control of Czarist Russia for two centuries before
it was divided away from Russia at the treaty of Versailles. Repeating that strategy, on November 30, 1939, Russia
attacked Finland, intending to recover land that had also been part of Czarist Russia before Versailles.
Talks, Psaki Gives Away the Ukraine Game — Russia Is Needed As Fall Guy for Biden Energy Policy and Economic
Damage. During an ABC interview today [2/27/2022], White House Spokesperson Jennifer Psaki gave away the game
for the Biden Administration's intent on exploiting the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Keep in mind, as the Biden team were
getting pummeled for negative economic outcomes, massive inflation, skyrocketing energy costs and gas prices set to double,
the White House worked to create an urgent defense by manufacturing the crisis. While Joe Biden ate his pudding, the
people behind the scenes told Zelenskyy and Putin that Ukraine was about to enter NATO (December 2021). The White House
then seeded details through China knowing the intel would get back to Putin. Russia took the bait and intervened.
The collective left (far more western leader beneficiaries on a global scale) now have a quick and strategic pivot point to go
from COVID-19 as the excuse for all the economic ills, to Russia.
Fossil Fuel Prices From Russian Invasion Conveniently Support Globalists' Climate Change Dreams. There are no
such things as coincidences in the world of politics. Did Covid and BLM anarchy just happen to coincide with Trump's
reelection year? Did JFK and reporter Dorothy Kilgallen just happen to die after running afoul with the mob? Add
this next question to the list: Did Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which is leading to catastrophic gas and oil prices,
just happen to make desired climate change policies a sudden reality? While the rest of the world is devolving into a
left-right political debate over who supports whom, my initial response was the frightening reality that driving cars,
heating homes, and growing crops was about to get a lot more expensive.
invasion exposes US weakness, green lights Red China. As Russia rolls over Ukraine with the only Western
response being increased sanctions, the question arises: Is this the beginning of a new world order, where nations may
invade with impunity? More specifically: Will Washington and its allies react any differently if the next
aggressor is China, and the next target Taiwan? Like Ukraine, Taiwan is a US security partner not protected by any
formal treaty. The Taiwan Relations Act requires the Pentagon to support Taiwan's efforts to protect itself but does
not mandate the US military defend Taiwan if it comes under attack.
Collapsing Covid Narrative is Being Replaced with Putin and Ukraine. The Covid-19 crisis was a
government-imposed disaster from beginning to the end. The virus — which was created by the Chinese state in
cooperation with Dr Fauci and his friends — either escaped or was released from the biolab in Wuhan. The
Ukrainian crisis is likewise a government induced disaster. The feckless Joe Biden, Antony Blinken and their globalist
cronies provoked Putin by pushing the idea of NATO at the doorstep of Russia. This was as unacceptable to the Russians
in the same way that Mexico entering the Warsaw Pact would be unacceptable to the United States. Putin asked for
assurances that there will be no more NATO's countries on the Russian border. This was not an unreasonable request, but
they told him to go home and pound sand. We should not be surprised at Putin's anger. If he overreacts, the
ensuing catastrophe will have been sparked by the provocateurs who were needlessly poking the Russian bear in the eye.
Both Covid and Russia are false narratives.
may have overplayed his hand by invading Ukraine, experts say: 'Massive miscalculation'. President Vladimir
Putin may have overplayed his hand by invading Ukraine as opposition to the war grows in Russia, experts told Fox News
Digital. "This is a massive miscalculation," said University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor Yoshiko Herrera, who is an
expert on U.S-Russian relations. "This action yesterday was just another level of crazy. It's a ruination of
Russia for decades, so damaging for Ukraine and so costly all around."
Boiling the Western Alliance Like a Frog. Fears over over Vladimir Putin's threatened invasion of Ukraine
continue to grow despite the fact that the effort would burst both Russia's military and economy, not to mention ruining its
foreign relations. [...] Yet it is not only the Kremlin's behavior that has a bizarre feel to it. Despite decrying the
seriousness of the situation, Western governments aren't obviously readying for a European conflict. Instead they are
focusing on masks, mandates and invoking war powers to force truckers to comply with soon to be abolished Covid vaccine
requirements. One would think the southern border would be secured, oil stockpiled, and STEM not CRT taught in reopened
schools. But none of this is happening.
is Playing Biden like a Fiddle. Vlad Putin, the evil though very calculating chief oligarch of the shriveled
nation of Russia (when stacked against its predecessor, the Soviet Union), is playing chess over the fate of Ukraine, while
our figurehead president and his gaggle of administration mediocrities (here being charitable) and Pentagon toadies play
checkers. I'll venture this wager — though with modest reservations: Putin will bring Ukraine into his
orbit without sending his troops en masse into said country. On Monday, Putin recognized Russian-dominated
regions of Ukraine, followed by a minor incursion of "peacekeepers," traveling by bus, not APC. Putin doesn't need a
full-scale invasion, I believe, because his approach is strategic. His eye is on the prize: take Ukraine in some shape
or form (as he took parts on Monday). He's open to the means, no doubt, and if an invasion — likely surgical
in nature — is his only route to achieve his ends, he'll take the gamble. The U.S. declared that it won't send
troops to defend Ukraine.
Well, now we've done
it — we've angered the CIA. The officials said Zero Hedge, which has 1.2 million Twitter followers,
published articles created by Moscow-controlled media that were then shared by outlets and people unaware of their nexus to
Russian intelligence." Well, now we've done it — we've angered the CIA, and for what? For publishing
views that challenge the conventional narrative, such as disputing that an invasion of Ukraine is actually "imminent" as the
US State Department and its mainstream media conduits repeat day after day, or that the Covid virus was actually created in a
Chinese lab, a view which has gained substantial prominence in recent months after it emerged that none other than the UK's
Jeremy Farrar (also known as the UK's Doctor Fauci) played a pivotal role in stifling suggestions that this new virus might
have come from a laboratory rather than emerged through natural zoonotic transmission from animals. Of course, there is
no actual accusation that Zero Hedge works directly with anyone tied to Russia or its intelligence apparatus — as
the AP admits [...]
Takeaways From The Ongoing Ukraine Crisis. The left's storyline on Trump and Russia never held water, which is
why so many of us were frustrated by the whole affair. From the beginning, there was zero evidence to support the
Russia Hoax, despite claims by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and the hopes and wishes of the mainstream media. President
Trump applied far more pressure on Putin and Russia via various sanctions than the Obama Administration, and now we have the
Biden Administration practically inviting Putin to launch a "minor incursion" into their neighbor's sovereign land. The
left told us that Trump was a "Russian cat's paw," and once in office Trump was going to allow Putin to do whatever he
wanted. But that never happened because it was never true. Vladimir Putin had four years with Trump in office to
try and pull the type of stunt he's currently pulling in Ukraine, but he didn't. Putin was, in fact, relatively
well-behaved during Trump's presidency. But with Biden in office, Putin started to amass troops along the border less
than three months after the inauguration. Putin correctly recognized that there's a new sheriff in town, and there's no
reason for him to fear that sheriff.
a War Over Ukraine is Unlikely. The whole world is waiting nervously for developments in Ukraine. Masses
of Russian soldiers are engaged in "military exercises" near the Ukrainian border. "Siberian regiments" are being redeployed
from the Far Eastern districts, just as they were sent to defend Moscow in 1941. Russian propaganda stirs up
the local population with a patriotic fervor, blaming Ukraine and the collective West for the heat of the international
situation. The Ukrainian army, one of the strongest in Europe, is preparing to fight back, and the United States is
planning to send eighty-five hundred soldiers to help the NATO countries in Europe.
Biden's Ukraine Scramble.
It is not surprising or even discreditable that the Russian leadership does not consider the sudden secession of all of the
Soviet republics except Russia to be the last word on the subject. Ukraine itself is naturally in the midst of a crisis
of national identity. Approximately 17 percent of its population of about 40 million is Russian and speaks Russian and
is largely concentrated near Ukraine's border with Russia. Since it has been an independent country, insofar as the
Ukrainian elections may be judged to be fair, they have tended to oscillate between those seeking absolute independence of
Russia and those seeking intimate association with Russia. It is not unreasonable for Russia to have reservations about
the complete sovereign independence of Ukraine; nor is it unreasonable for the West to consider Russian pretensions to having
a right of veto over which countries may join NATO to be intolerable.
Biden's Christmas Present To America Be World War III? Putin, Russia's "president," has had Ukraine on his
brain for some time. The West, with good reason, fears he will invade the former Soviet satellite, which wants to be a
part of the NATO defense alliance rather than lose its independence to Moscow. A source we trust says it could happen
during the holidays, or soon thereafter, while our attention is on other matters. Should Putin storm into Ukraine, we
asked, what then will Chinese President Xi Jinping do — invade Taiwan, the island nation of the Republic of China
where nationalists fleeing Mao's communist sword established the new capital in 1949? We didn't like the answer, yet we
knew it was coming. Xi will take advantage of the distraction and make an assault on Taiwan. We didn't ask what
could happen next, because we didn't want to hear the answer. But we can't hide from the fact: The Middle East
just might blow up, with Arab nations attacking Israel, at one time America's only ally in the region and always a reliable
supporter at the United Nations and in international diplomacy. Then, World War III.
that New York Times Story Concerning the "Online Leak" of U.S. Ukraine and Geopolitical
Plans. First, the story surfaces from the New York Times. What does that tell
us? It tells us the stakeholders in a background narrative surrounding the issue as
constructed are domestic intelligence interests. If there was a State Dept stakeholder
interest, the story would have been presented by CNN. If there was a U.S. foreign intelligence
operation stakeholder interest, the story would have surfaced in the Washington Post. The
story surfaces in the New York Times, indicating a U.S. domestic intelligence interest; and the
story is sourced directly to the White House via "senior Biden administration officials." What
does that mean? It means the narrative that flows from the story has a direction to shape
opinion from the perspective of U.S. government domestic public relations. It means the
narrative is intended to sway a domestic audience with a motive toward something else.
Secondly, and in full alignment with the first point, the centerpiece of the story is focused on a
leak that surfaces in "social media." This fits perfectly with the domestic intelligence
stakeholders (DHS, National Security Council, etc). We know domestic intelligence operates in the
backbone of social media platforms. An example is DHS and domestic Intelligence Community
(IC) work as outlined in the Twitter files.
Rejects Amendment Reasserting Something Already in the Constitution. While Russia's
war against Ukraine rages on and new countries seek to join NATO in response to the Kremlin's
aggression, the U.S. Senate voted down an amendment offered by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on
Wednesday that would have reasserted Congress' power — not NATO's — to start
a war involving the United States. Sen. Paul introduced the amendment to the 2024
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to make it clear that "[i]t is the sense of Congress that
Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty does not supersede the constitutional requirement that
Congress declare war before the United States engages in war." By a vote of 16-83, the Senate
rejected the amendment to reassert something already outlined in the U.S. Constitution all senators
swore an oath to uphold.
orders 3,000 reservists to be ready for Europe deployments. President Joe Biden has
authorized the military to call up 3,000 reserve troops to support operations in Europe after tens
of thousands were sent there last year after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, a top general said
Thursday. Although it is not clear whether Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin plans to actually
deploy these reservists anytime soon, the move suggests that the U.S. military's training mission
in Europe, along with the deployment of several new brigades after the invasion, has stretched
active-duty forces.
Authorizes Military to Call Reservists to Active Duty to Support Ukraine War.
President Joe Biden on Thursday issued an executive order authorizing the Pentagon to call
reservists to active duty "for the effective conduct" of U.S. military support to Ukraine. At
the same time, the Pentagon designated the U.S. military support to Ukraine since 2014 under
Operation Atlantic Resolve a "contingency operation." [...] Biden said in the message that he
authorized the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Homeland Security with respect to the
Coast Guard, to order to active duty any units or individuals not assigned to a unit.
to send thousands of cluster bombs to Ukraine despite them being against US law and banned in 120
countries. The US has decided to send cluster munitions to Ukraine to help its
military push back Russian forces entrenched along the front lines - despite the ex-White House
press secretary saying last year that Russia's use of the bombs was a 'war crime'. The Biden
administration has been weighing up a decision on sending the munitions since December, and is
expected to announce on Friday it will send thousands of them as part of a new military aid package
worth $800million. Cluster munitions explode and disperse a series of smaller bombs over a
wide area, often killing civilians. More than 120 nations have signed a 15-year-old treaty
banning their use, but Ukraine and Russia have both deployed them, and Ukraine's supplies of all
types of ammunition are dwindling.
Wants to Give Ukraine Cluster Bombs, Banned by Most Nations. The Biden regime is
reportedly pressing Congress to supply the Ukrainian military with cluster bombs, banned by most
countries for their tendency to leave areas covered in unexploded submunitions that kill and maim
for years to come. Deputy national security adviser Jon Finer is leading the efforts to
soften lawmakers to the idea, as the West struggles to keep up with Ukraine's demands for ordnance.
U.S. allies including Britain, France, Germany, Australia, and Canada have all banned the use of
cluster bombs, with 123 states worldwide adopting a United Nations' convention outlawing the
"abhorrent weapons". Joe Biden's former boss, Barack Obama, also voted in favor of limiting their
use as a Senator.
the Collapse of Sam Bankman-Fried's FTX Connects to Ukraine, Covid Mandates, the WEF and Dodgy
Democratic Party Election Funding. The collapse of crypto exchange FTX, and its CEO
and co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried's subsequent loss of unaccounted for billions, is a graver scandal
than corporatist media would care to admit. The story connects directly to the World Economic
Forum (WEF), the Great Reset, the war in Ukraine, the US Democratic Party under Biden, and
incredibly suspicious allegations of election money laundering. To begin, it is important to
note the context in which the FTX collapse came. [Tweet] And just like that, Zelensky is now
prepared to talk peace. [...] In the case of FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried, when you follow the
money you end up in Ukraine. This is because FTX was partnered with the Ukrainian government,
the WEF and the Biden administration: [Tweet]
Of Ukraine's Supreme Court Detained For Corruption, Alleged Bribery Scheme. The head
of Ukraine's Supreme Court was detained by anti-corruption authorities due to alleged involvement
in a bribery scheme, a prosecutor said Tuesday. Vsevolod Kniaziev, President of Ukraine's
Supreme Court, is suspected of taking a $2.7 million bribe, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of
Ukraine (NABU) said in a statement. Anti-corruption prosecutor Oleksandr Omelchenko did not
name Kniaziev specifically, but referenced the head of the Supreme Court when laying out the
investigation. [Tweet] "At this time, the head of the supreme court has been detained and
measures are being taken to check other individuals for involvement in criminal activity,"
Omelchenko said. NABU shared a photo Monday of a couch with stacks of cash on it in an
announcement that it was investigating wide-ranging corruption in the Supreme Court system.
How dare the country we invaded attack our capital? The Putin regime calls this a
"terrorist" act. That's a funny way to describe an alleged attempt to attack the military
offices in the capital of a country that invaded the country of the supposed "terrorists." An
alleged drone attack on the Kremlin by Ukrainian forces would be an act of war — a war
that Russia started, and from which it is hardly immune. That is, if it happened at
all: ["]Russian authorities accused Ukraine on Wednesday of attempting to attack the
Kremlin with two drones overnight. The Kremlin decried the alleged attack attempt as a 'terrorist
act' and said Russian military and security forces disabled the drones before they could strike. In
a statement carried by Russian state-run news agencies, it said no casualties took place.["]
Russian Military Stumbles in Ukraine. I have been following the war almost on a daily
basis since it started and it is sometimes hard to discern what is Russian and Ukrainian believable
propaganda and what is not, but I am most shocked by some of the videos of Russian soldiers
complaining about the military and how badly they are being treated by their commanders and by the
corrupt military bureaucracy. Also, some of the intercepted cellphone calls by soldiers with
their wives and acquaintances are hard to believe but probably true in many cases since they were
peppered with abundant Russian profanities. Many if not most of the soldiers are under
contractual agreements, many are not being paid, contracts are not terminated as written, and many
wives back in Russia are not paid compensation when husbands or offspring are killed or missing in
action since their deaths are almost never recorded.
Place Russian Submarine Rescue Vehicle and Mini Sub Near Nord Stream Explosion. On
September 26, 2022, Russian-owned Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines were hit by major explosions that
put both pipelines out of operation. I use the term "operation," advisedly because, due to
the diplomacy surrounding Putin's War in Ukraine, both pipelines had been shut down. It
became quickly apparent that the cause of the explosions was sabotage. [...] The obvious question
was, who did it? Four suspects emerged: the United States, Ukraine, an undetermined party
probably involving Poland, and Russia.
is all of America's ammunition? It's been known for some time now that America's
reserve of munitions has been severely depleted by the ongoing war in Ukraine. Our NATO
allies in Europe aren't doing much better. Concerns have been raised as to whether or not we
would still have enough ammunition to support a sustained combat effort if we had to defend Taiwan
against China or meet any other military threat. This is particularly true of our supply of
155mm howitzer shells, which the Ukrainian forces use in vast numbers every day. So why
aren't we catching up on the domestic production of these rounds? As it turns out, we
currently have only two plants capable of producing these shells and they are unable to expand
production very much at this point.
developing trench war in Ukraine. Except for some gains in the south, the Russians
have moved that frontline almost not at all. In the south they are on the verge of taking the
city of Bakhmut, but that effort has devolved into a street-battle, where the Ukrainians are
forcing the Russians to fight for every block and building, at great cost, because the Russians
failed in their two pincer advances to the north and south to surround the city and force the
Ukrainians to quickly abandon it. Instead, the Ukrainians, secure in the ability to escape
when necessary, have been able show strong resistance, even if they cannot in the end hold the
city. Meanwhile, the Russians will eventually take it, but all they will get is a destroyed
hulk, with no tactically or strategic value for the larger war effort, and will have done so with
large losses in men and material.
Carlson says the US is in a direct war with Russia — and the Pentagon is trying to hide
it. Tucker Carlson appeared on his show Thursday night, discussing the notion that
the conflict in Ukraine is really a war between the US and Russia. Recent leaked documents
from the Pentagon suggest that the US actively has troops on the ground in Ukraine, directly
fighting against Russian soldiers. Carlson said: "The slides show that this is not Ukraine's
war. It's our war. The United States is a direct combatant in a war against
Russia. As we speak, American soldiers are fighting Russian soldiers. So this is not a
regional conflict in Eastern Europe. This is a hot war between the two primary nuclear
superpowers on Earth." [Video clip] However, the US has not officially declared
war on Russia. Carlson noted that because this war has "not been authorized by Congress," it
is "a violation of American law." In other words, what the US is currently doing in Ukraine is a
criminal offense. And perhaps the only way the American people would have known that the US
is committing crimes overseas is by having the leaked documents released to the public.
Air National Guardsman Facing 15 Years in Prison For Leaking the Truth About Ukraine
War. On Fox News Thursday evening [4/13/2023], host Tucker Carlson hailed Teixeira as
a whistleblower whose actions revealed hard truths to a nation that is continually told lies.
For the past 14 months, Carlson noted, the U.S. public has been told two particular lies: One, that
the war in Ukraine is a war of national sovereignty, not a proxy battle between superpowers, and
two, that Ukraine is winning that war. "The United States is a direct combatant in a war
against Russia," he said in his opening monologue. "As we speak, American soldiers are fighting
Russian soldiers so this is not a regional conflict in Eastern Europe."
CIA Officer Larry Johnson: This Is A Controlled Leak To Prepare The Public For "Crash Landing" Of
U.S. Foreign Policy. Former CIA officer Larry Johnson, who did presidential daily
briefings during the George H.W. Bush administration, told "Judging Freedom" host Andrew Napolitano
that he thinks the latest leak of Ukraine War documents is an inside job. About the source,
he said: "I'd put it above the CIA. This is elements connected to the Director of National
Intelligence... There's no way that some National Guardsman doing [temporary duty] at Fort Bragg
would have access to that." "The information was leaked for [a purpose], to prepare the U.S.
public for the crash landing that's going to take place with respect to U.S. foreign policy," he
said. "The documents are real. I'm not saying the documents are fabrications, they are
not. But this cover story that's been manufactured to explain how these documents came to be
produced, it just falls apart... This thing is too tidy a package, this has been wrapped up nice
and neatly, this is like an episode of 'Law And Order.'"
21 Year Old Leaker — Something Is Not Right. The media obsession in
vilifying Jack Texeira for "leaking" TOP SECRET and SECRET documents and judging him guilty without
any benefit of doubt, is just another symptom of the authoritarian fever that grips many
inhabitants of the United States. Forget the first amendment. Stay in the dark and
trust the Government to tell you what you need to know. Before you join the mob eager to
lynch the poor kid, let me share what some of my friends who are veterans of the CIA and the Air
Force have said about this affair in the past few days. Both men say that the story and
alleged facts smell to high heaven.
You Need to Know About the Alleged Pentagon Leaks. The FBI arrested alleged Pentagon
leaker Jack Douglas Teixeira on Thursday [4/13/2023], closing the first chapter of an ongoing story
that still has many questions to answer — including whether the classified documents
Teixeira posted online are accurate or not and how he came to possess them. [...] How did he get so
much sensitive information? This is perhaps the biggest lingering question of the Teixeira
story. If the documents are not all fakes, then how did a young, low-ranking member of the
Air National Guard get access to them? [A website called] Bellingcat noted that once Teixeira
began sharing images of the classified material, they appeared to be photos of hard-copy documents,
not scans or computer-generated images.
us the outrage theatrics on the Pentagon leaker, Merrick Garland. In what has to be
the most laughable statement of the week, Attorney General Merrick Garland vowed to get tough, make
an example of, and send a message in the wake of the arrest of Massachusetts Air National Guardsman
Jack Teixeira, who's accused of spreading some of America's most vital classified secrets on the
web, which ended up on enemy social media sites. [...] Could this be a set up for the immature kid
to take the fall and the Biden administration to intone about the threat of rightwingers to U.S.
secrets? Could it be a setup for the immature kid to take the fall and the deep state to
cover up its fingerprints in what could be a planned coup against Biden? Could be a number of
things, and Garland's sudden concern about the spreading of state secrets is a definitely red flag
of something going on.
Korea to lend 500,000 rounds of artillery shells to US - report. South Korea has
reached an agreement to lend the United States 500,000 rounds of 155mm artillery shells that could
give Washington greater flexibility to supply Ukraine with ammunition, a South Korean newspaper
reported on Wednesday. The DongA Ilbo newspaper cited unidentified government sources as
saying South Korea decided to "lend" the ammunition instead of selling, to minimise the possibility
of South Korean shells being used in the Ukraine conflict.
The Crackdown
Cometh. The New York Times summarized key points in the secret defense documents,
which among other things suggested "Ukrainian forces are in more dire straits than their government
has acknowledged publicly." Reading what's out there, it's not easy to parse what's a legitimate
intelligence concern in reaction to these leaks and what's mere embarrassment at having been caught
lying, to the public, to would-be U.S. allies the documents show we've been spying on, etc.
You'll read a lot in the coming days about the dangers of apps like Discord, or of online gaming
groups, which counterintelligence officials told the Washington Post today are a "magnet for
spies." The Leaker tale will also surely be framed as reason to pass the RESTRICT Act, the wet
dream of creepazoid Virginia Senator Mark Warner, which would give government wide latitude to
crack down on "communication technology" creating "undue or unacceptable risk" to national
security. The intelligence community has itself been massively interfering in domestic news
using illegal leaks for years.
Low-Level Leak. The worst security breach in many years occurred earlier this year,
as top secret documents apparently taken from a high-level intelligence briefing were posted on a
sort of group chat and went viral from there. [...] Likely this reflects the general degradation of
our military and intelligence branches, as wokism has replaced national security as a guiding
principle. I suspect, too, that the wanton over-classification of information and documents
that has prevailed for a long time may be a factor. It seems that just about every piece of
paper produced by our government — and there are a great many of them — is
confidential, while lots of them are secret and an astonishing number, mostly boring and irrelevant,
are "top secret." The effect of this over-classification is that "top secret" documents
are not limited to a handful of senior officials, but rather, must be shared with a large number of
underlings, whose loyalties are entirely unknown, in order for the government to function.
Apparently including junior National Guardsmen.
Big Leak
Roundup. This looks like another Deep State coup in the making, probably spearheaded
by the Intel agencies and the Pentagon. Our position has been that that's what's behind the
drip, drip, drip, of revelations about Zhou. The classified documents and so forth. The
motive behind this coup is that the US is losing its war with Russia — Big Time.
There will be consequences. There have been a variety of attempts to get the US out of this
war — Gen. Milley suggesting negotiations, things of that sort. None of those
attempts have gained traction with the public, which is instead focused on Drag Shows. Thus
far the Neocons have managed to keep the MSM on their side and to bury most of these damaging
revelations. Thus, the attempts to force Zhou have not worked so far. This current
leak ploy looks like the Deep State going nuclear, almost literally, out of sheer desperation.
The desperation shows through in the flimsiness of the cover story that pins the blame on a
21 year old "gun enthusiast" who "worked at a military base." Some of these
documents were internal CIA documents that would never have been available to a "cyber
analyst" like Jack Texeira — if they somehow were, the persons responsible are the ones
who should be arrested.
Air National Guardsman Facing 15 Years in Prison For Leaking the Truth About Ukraine
War. Jack Teixeira, the 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guardsman accused of
leaking a trove of classified military intelligence, was charged Friday in federal court with
"retention and transmission of national defense information and willful retention of classified
documents." The two criminal charges reportedly carry a maximum of 15 years in prison.
[...] According to documents, U.S. special forces have been deployed in the war-zone without the
congressional approval required by law. The documents also suggest that the Ukrainian forces
are in "dire straits" with casualties that far outnumber Russian casualties, and without more
munitions, "Ukraine's air defense system may soon collapse, which could allow Russia to unleash its
air force on Ukrainian troops," according to the New York Times.
Leak Was the Op — White House and Congress Demand New Powers, Think Restrict Act, in
Aftermath of Classified Intel Leaks. The intel leak is the operation created by the
Intelligence Community to support new expanded powers for the Fourth Branch of Government. It
should not be a surprise to discover the institution now leading the charge to give more power for
U.S. intel agencies, is [...] The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The SSCI is the
organizational institution that supports the Fourth Branch of Government, the intelligence
branch. The SSCI previously created a bipartisan Restrict Act, to deal with dangerous
information on the internet. According to SSCI Chairman Mark Warner, 'The Restrict Act' will
give more power and authorities to the Executive Branch to deal with internet danger. Now the
SSCI sees the classified intel leaks as evidence for the importance of the Restrict Act.
Controlled Leak And A 21 Year Old Scape-Goat? Until I saw the document labeled, CIA
Operations Center Intelligence Update, I was inclined to believe that the leaked documents were the
work of a frustrated whistleblower. But I have changed my mind. This looks like a
controlled, directed leak by individuals who manipulated the 21 year old National Guard
troop into taking certain documents and posting them on a public server. The CIA Operations
Center Intelligence Update is a document produced by analysts in the Operations Center to be
delivered to the regular CIA analysts. When I worked in the Ops Center I was responsible for
monitoring traffic from Latin American posts and flagging items that the analysts in the Latin
American Division need to know. I would write up summary paragraphs just like the ones in the
documents leaked on line. This was an internal CIA document. It was not broadcast to
the other intelligence agencies. In my 23 years working with U.S. military commands
around the world, I never saw a copy of this type of report circulating among those with the
highest clearances. Never. How did a 21 year old kid get his hands on at
least two of these?
The Editor offers his insight and analysis:
On one hand, a 21-year-old who likes to boast online with his buddies is not the kind of person who
should have access to military secrets. On the other hand, what do the leaked documents
show? From what I've heard, they indicate that the U.S. has soldiers on the ground in Ukraine,
fighting directly against the Russian army. Is that not the opposite of what we were all
assured was the case? If this whistleblower pulled back the curtain to show we're already
fighting World War Three, he's a national hero. He can't be trusted any more, but he's
still a hero. Also he was probably set up by the three-letter spy agencies to justify
more extensive domestic surveillance. Or — OR — perhaps he was set up
by those same agencies because the spies can see that if we back Russia into a corner, we're all gonna get
nuked — starting with Washington, DC, and that would be bad for business.
Special Forces in Ukraine at embassy, official confirms, as Pentagon document leak probe heats
up. White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby has revealed to Fox
News on Wednesday that there is a "small U.S. military presence" at the American embassy in
Ukraine. Kirby was asked about leaked Pentagon documents suggesting there are U.S. Special
Forces operating inside the war-torn country. "I won't talk to the specifics of numbers and
that kind of thing. But to get to your exact question, there is a small U.S. military
presence at the embassy in conjunction with the Defense Attachés office to help us work on
accountability of the material that is going in and out of Ukraine," Kirby said, referencing the
weapons and other support the U.S. has been sending to Kyiv. "So they're attached to that
embassy and to that the defense attache."
Yeah, next time just send the money. U.S.
sweating bullets as officials realize they sent too much ammo to Ukraine. As reports
of a munitions shortage increased following rapid withdrawals from American arsenals to supply the
war in Ukraine, Defense leaders in testimony before Congress revealed deep concern about the U.S.'
ability to sustain a contest with China. The U.S. has devoted millions of rounds of munitions
to Ukraine since Russia invaded more than a year ago, draining U.S. stockpiles and setting off
alarm bells in Congress and the White House on the state of America's arsenal in light of
higher-than-expected consumption rates in Ukraine. Senior leaders in the Department of
Defense and military service branches, in statements to justify the Pentagon's budget request for
the coming year, warned that the U.S. has massive hurdles to overcome to rebuild to the level
necessary to counter China, and remains vulnerable in the meantime.
The Editor says...
Maybe the Army could borrow some ammo from the I.R.S.
purge? 39 top Russians dead by 'suicide'. It's a particularly deadly time to be on
Russian President Putin's bad side — 39 bodies, piled up since war broke out in
Ukraine, collectively underscore the point. Just this month, two former bigshots bit the
dust. Sergey Grishin, a financial fraudster and oligarch who sold Harry and Meghan their
Montecito, California, mansion for $14.7 million, perished from sepsis on March 6.
Coincidence or not, this happened after he criticized Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Virologist Andrey Botikov — who helped develop the controversial Sputnik V Covid
vaccine — went in a less subtle manner on March 1: He fell victim to a belt around his
neck. Energy bosses, politicians and outspoken critics are among those who have paid the
ultimate price.
Reporter Goes To Crimea, Shocks Viewers By Telling The Truth. Mainstream media
correspondents for major US networks rarely, if ever, report from inside Crimea and certainly are
nowhere near Russian-held territory in eastern Ukraine. However, this week NBC News chief
international correspondent Keir Simmons went to Sevastopol, surrounded by a significant Russian
military presence given it is home to the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet, and in a live segment
admitted that it's not at all realistic Zelensky and Ukrainian forces can ever hope to take
Crimea. This is especially as the "the people there... view themselves as Russian." Simmons
noted that "This is the closest that any US news crew has got to the Russian Black Sea Fleet in
many many years." He explained that "Vladimir Putin will be determined to defend that port — to not
have it take it away from him — he may well do pretty much anything to try to achieve that."
Vindman Secretly Pitching Ukrainian Military for Millions in Defense Contracts.
Documents recently obtained by Human Events show that Alexander Vindman has been pitching the
government of Ukraine to obtain lucrative defense contracts. In August 2022, Vindman,
operating as CEO of Trident Support, pitched a deck on a Ukraine Weapons Systems Sustainment Center
to address problems with Ukraine's weapons management, namely readiness, repair, and
maintenance. Vindman proposed that for $12 million in initial funding, his company
Trident Support would bring support closer to the front lines by providing a logistical midpoint
from which equipment could be distributed.
I suspect there's a lot of green paper in his luggage. Attorney
General Merrick Garland makes unannounced trip to Ukraine. Attorney General Merrick
Garland made an unannounced trip to Ukraine on Friday, according to a Justice Department official,
his second trip to the country after Russia invaded a little more than a year ago. The trip
was not announced for security reasons, the official said. Garland was invited to Lviv by the
Ukrainian prosecutor general, the official said, and joined President Volodymyr Zelensky at the
"United for Justice Conference." The official added that Garland "held several meetings and
reaffirmed our determination to hold Russia accountable for crimes committed in its unjust and
unprovoked invasion against its sovereign neighbor."
Committee Demands Account of All Economic, Military Aid to Ukraine. As President Biden boarded a European
train destined for Kyiv, back in Washington, Rep. James Comer and his team drafted a long-expected letter.
Standing next to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Biden pledged Monday that the lifeline of economic and military
aid to that nation, support already well in excess of $100 billion, would not slack, and that the United States
would stand with Ukraine "as long as it takes." Comer, the new chair of the House Oversight Committee, delivered a
different message to the Biden administration Wednesday: Save your receipts. All of them.
Short On Ammo With Russia Gaining, Despite West's Billions, Stoltenberg Admits. NATO secretary-general
Jens Stoltenberg in a Monday briefing warned that the West is now locked in a race against Russia to get ammunition to
the front lines in support of Ukrainian forces. He specifically affirmed that NATO countries are in a "race of
logistics" regarding ammo and arms supplies at a crucial moment of intensified fighting. This as "Russia seems to
have already launched a large-scale offensive in Ukraine... sending in thousands and thousands more troops," Stoltenberg
explained. "It is clear that we are in the race of logistics. Key capabilities like ammunition... must reach
Ukraine before Russia can seize the initiative on the battlefield." He also described dramatically that "A war of
attrition becomes a battle of logistics," while acknowledging that "Yes, we have a challenge. Yes we have a
problem... but we have a strategy to tackle that." In some ways, his new words are a belated admission that Russia
has already seized the initiative.
short lives of former Russian prisoners used as cannon fodder in Ukraine. The NY Times interviewed
Russian mobilized soldiers who'd been captured by Ukraine along the front lines. They tell a consistent story of
being sent out in waves by Russian commanders and being quickly cut down only to have another wave sent out minutes
later. [...] Sergei and his squad were all recruited from Russian prisons by the Wagner group, a mercenary company which
had ties to the Kremlin. They are promised a pardon as well as a job (with Wagner) but the actual work is
something like World War I trench warfare. These untrained "soldiers" are told to crawl or charge Ukrainian
positions or be shot for disobeying orders.
marine brigade of 5,000 men is all but destroyed. Russia has suffered some of the heaviest military losses
in a single battle since the start of the war after elite units repeatedly tried to storm a fortified coal mining town
in broad daylight. Ukrainian officials claim huge numbers of enemy troops have been killed, wounded and captured
in failed attempts to seize the Donetsk hamlet of Vuhledar. They say that one marine brigade of 5,000 men was
almost entirely destroyed, for the third time since the Kremlin launched the full-scale invasion nearly a year ago.
US pledges $1 billion
more rockets, other arms for Ukraine. The Biden administration said Monday [8/8/2022] it was shipping its biggest yet direct
delivery of weapons to Ukraine as that country prepares for a potentially decisive counteroffensive in the south against Russia, sending
$1 billion in rockets, ammunition and other material to Ukraine from Defense Department stockpiles.
and BlackRock are buying up Ukraine. The Ukrainian land reform law, which after 20 years was passed by the
Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada in 2021, made it possible for international agricultural conglomerates — belonging to the
western zone of influence — to buy up large amounts of Ukrainian soil. At the same time, ordinary people
were led to believe that ultimately the opposite was true: The sponsors of the bill brazenly lied about the alleged
protection of Ukrainian farmers and their fertile land. The international players involved in getting the law passed
are agribusiness and biotech giants Cargill, DuPont and Monsanto. Together, these US companies bought about 17 million
hectares in eastern and southern Ukraine. These are the regions with by far the most fertile soil, not only within
Ukraine but even in this world.
BlackRock Plots
to Buy Ukraine. Ukraine has a new Western backer. It's not a nation-state, or a military
contractor. It's the financial firm BlackRock. Ukraine announced Wednesday that Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelensky had a video teleconference with BlackRock Chief Executive Officer Larry Fink. The pair
apparently struck a deal to coordinate investment efforts to rebuild the war-torn nation. [...] It is all rather
infuriating: one can almost guarantee BlackRock is getting paid handsomely by the Ukrainian government for
advising on this reconstruction roadmap. And where is the Ukrainian government currently getting its funding,
given its economy is in shambles and war is an expensive undertaking? The United States government, of
course. By the end of the calendar year, the U.S. will have provided $13 billion in direct budgetary support
for Ukraine's government to avoid shortfalls and outright bankruptcy, and President Joe Biden has promised to support
Ukraine for "as long as it takes."
Ukraine pushes
Putin body-double theory, points out this head feature. Russian President Vladimir Putin has been deploying
body doubles at recent public outings to hide health problems, said a Ukrainian military official who claimed that the decoys
have different ears than the strongman. Ukrainian military intelligence chief Major General Kyrylo Budanov suggested on
Ukrainian television this week that Putin's ears looked different across several of the leader's public appearances.
"The picture, let's say, of the ears, is different. And it's like a fingerprint, each person's ear picture is
unique. It cannot be repeated," he said, according to a Newsweek account of Ukrainian TV.
Reveal Haphazard, Chaotic Way Western Arms Are Being Distributed In Ukraine. In April the EU's top law
enforcement agency Europol warned that smuggling of weapons from the Ukrainian battlefield to the black market outside the
warzone had likely already begun. For five months the West, especially the US and UK, has been pumping more and more
weapons into the conflict. There's also the concern that "criminal gangs" will continue using them long after the war
ends. US defense officials months ago also admitted they had "almost zero" ability to track weapons they hand out to
Ukrainian forces. The Pentagon inspector General also recently admitted this reality on the ground.
missiles hit Ukrainian shopping mall filled with 1,000 civilians. Scores of civilians were feared killed or
wounded in a Russian missile strike Monday on a crowded shopping mall in Ukraine's central city of Kremenchuk, Ukrainian
officials said. At least 13 people were dead and more than 40 wounded by two long-range X-22 missiles fired from
Tu-22M3 bombers that flew from Shaykovka airfield in Russia's Kaluga region, said Ukraine's air force command.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a Telegram post that the number of victims was 'unimaginable,' citing reports
that more than 1,000 civilians were inside at the time of the attack.
General Merrick Garland Visits Ukraine as U.S. Cities are 'Under Siege' by Criminals. President Joe Biden's
Attorney General Merrick Garland made a surprise visit to Ukraine as major American cities face skyrocketing murder rates and
lawlessness. On the visit Tuesday, Garland met with Prosecutor General of Ukraine Iryna Venediktova near the
Ukraine-Poland border. Meanwhile, back in the United States, major cities are continuing to endure a crime wave that
includes sky-high murder rates that show no signs of easing up. Fox News analysis shows five cities, in particular, are
on pace to shatter their 2021 murder rates.
is using intel to fight an info war with Russia, even when the intel isn't rock solid. It was an
attention-grabbing assertion that made headlines around the world: U.S. officials said they had indications suggesting
Russia might be preparing to use chemical agents in Ukraine. President Joe Biden later said it publicly. But
three U.S. officials told NBC News this week there is no evidence Russia has brought any chemical weapons near Ukraine.
They said the U.S. released the information to deter Russia from using the banned munitions. It's one of a string of
examples of the Biden administration's breaking with recent precedent by deploying declassified intelligence as part of an
information war against Russia. The administration has done so even when the intelligence wasn't rock solid, officials
said, to keep Russian President Vladimir Putin off balance.
Senate Rejects $48 Billion Aid Package For Small Businesses and Restaurants Just Hours After Approving Another $40 Billion
for Ukraine. On Thursday [5/19/2022] — just hours after approving another $40 billion in US taxpayer
dollars for Ukraine — the US Senate blocked a bipartisan $48 billion aid package for restaurants, gyms, and other
small businesses that have been struggling in Biden's post-lockdown economy. Presumably, they can't launder that money
as easily as shuffling it off to Ukraine, so American business owners get the shaft yet again from its traitorous elected officials.
official says US devising plan to destroy Russia's Black Sea Fleet. The US is working on a plan "to destroy the
Black Sea Fleet" with powerful missiles in order to unblock Ukraine's ports, according to a high-ranking Ukrainian
official. "The effective work of the Ukrainians on warships convinced (the US) to prepare a plan to unblock the ports,"
Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs adviser Anton Geraschchenko tweeted Friday. "Deliveries of powerful anti-ship
weapons (Harpoon and Naval Strike Missile with a range of 250-300 km) are being discussed." Geraschchenko's
saber-rattling tweet — notably written in Russian — followed an exclusive report by Reuters saying the
White House is in the process of putting more advanced missiles in the hands of Ukrainians to defeat Russia's naval
blockade. For the past two months, Ukraine has been unable to ship out grain and other agricultural products because of
the blockade, raising the specter of catastrophic food shortages around the world, and especially the developing countries in
Africa and Asia.
Russian troops claim commanders kill their own wounded soldiers. Captured Russian soldiers have accused their
commanders of killing their own wounded troops rather than recovering them from the battlefield and sending them for
treatment. In a harrowing account to Ukrainian journalist Volodymyr Zolkin, the young intelligence soldiers described
how one lieutenant colonel asked a wounded comrade if he could walk, the Mirror reported. When the badly injured
soldier replied that he could not, the high-ranking officer reportedly shot him — as well as several
others — dead. Another soldier told Zolkin, who has reported about Russian prisoners for Open Media Ukraine,
that officers have "finished off their wounded."
commanders are slaughtering their own wounded soldiers rather than retrieving them from the battlefield for medical
treatment. Russian commanders are slaughtering their own wounded soldiers instead of retrieving them from the
battlefield for treatment, Putin's own troops have said. A lieutenant-colonel was accused of personally shooting dead
multiple troops as they lay injured. It comes as investigations in the horror town of Bucha have revealed 650 civilians
were shot rather than hit by shelling in what police say proves they were executed by Russian thugs. But their
barbarity is not directed only towards the Ukrainians, as Russians spoke out about the brutal killings of their own forces
within the ranks. Captured troops recalled one commander asking a soldier if he could walk after suffering an injury,
and when the man replied he could not, the officer killed him instantly.
Withdrawing Troops From Ukraine After 'Heavy Losses,' Intelligence Agency Says. Russia is now withdrawing some
of its troops after suffering "heavy losses" in recent days, claimed the United Kingdom's Ministry of Defense on Thursday
[5/12/2022]. In an update posted on social media, the ministry alleged that "Ukrainian forces are continuing to
counterattack to the north of Kharkiv, recapturing several towns and villages towards the Russian border." "Despite
Russia's success in encircling Kharkiv in the initial stages of the conflict, it has reportedly withdrawn units from the
region to reorganize and replenish its forces following heavy losses," the agency said, referring to the second-largest city,
located in northeastern Ukraine near the Russian border. But "the withdrawal of Russian forces from the Kharkiv Oblast
is a tacit recognition of Russia's inability to capture key Ukrainian cities where they expected limited resistance from the
population," the ministry continued.
Threatens to Nuke Britain, France, and Germany. Russia threatened a dramatic escalation of its war in Ukraine
Thursday when Russia's Channel One featured a video depicting Russian missiles reaching Berlin, Paris, and London.
According to the UK's Express, Channel One's 60 Minutes program, one of the most popular TV shows in Russia, featured "the
chairman of the nationalist Rodina party, Aleksey Zhuravlyov," who "suggested Russia could launch a Sarmat missile attack on
the UK." This was not, however, Zhuravlyov's eccentric view: "Producers then cut to a map of Kaliningrad and seemed to
suggest that missiles could be launched from the Russian enclave between Poland, Lithuania and the Baltic Sea."
Zhuravlyov declared: "One Sarmat [missile] and that's it — the British Isles are no more."
pledges $500 million more in economic aid for Ukraine. The United States is committed to providing Ukraine
another $500 million in direct economic assistance to help fund "critical government operations" in the war-torn country,
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced on Thursday. Yellen announced the economic assistance package at a news
conference at the Treasury Department on Thursday after meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal. The money
will be used to help Ukraine pay for government salaries, pensions, and social programs aimed at lessening the country's
humanitarian crisis caused by Russia's Feb. 24 invasion. The commitment doubles President Joe Biden's pledge of
$500 million in direct budgetary aid for Ukraine last month.
[is] Distributing Another $800 Million to Ukraine, Still Nothing for U.S. Border Crisis. According to multiple
media outlets Joe Biden is sending another $800 million in weapons to Ukraine. This is the third delivery of U.S.
military hardware bringing the total weapons deliveries to $3.4 billion since late February. Congress has allocated
$14 billion for the laundry operation, which may include authorization for much of this current distribution.
In the last several days the Russian military have been posting on their ground reports, about the capture of many millions in U.S.
weapons as the Russian army moves more forcefully and methodically to secure the Eastern Ukraine Donbas region.
Staged Photoshoots In The Middle Of A War Zone Are Impossible Yet Here's Zelensky Making One. Ukrainian
President Volodymyr Zelensky explained to CBS' "60 Minutes" in an interview broadcast Sunday why he chose not to flee Ukraine
when Russian forces launched their invasion of the country on Feb. 24. Driving the news: "When everyone is telling
you, you need to go, you need to think. Before I do something, I analyze the situation. I've always done it
calmly, without any chaos," Zelensky told CBS' Scott Pelley in the interview via an interpreter. "I might not be the
strongest warrior. But I'm not willing to betray anyone." He said he explained to his wife and children that he had
to stay because he's the president of Ukraine and they supported his decision.
announces $300 million weapons package for Ukraine. The Pentagon has announced $300 million in additional aid
to Ukraine. The latest package includes a bevy of unmanned aerial systems, secure communications, and laser-guided
rockets among other equipment aimed at bolstering "Ukraine's capacity to defend itself." "This decision underscores the
United State's unwavering commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity in support of its heroic efforts to
repeal Russia's war of choice," Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said Friday.
Scenario: Operational Miscalculations Could Trigger Nuclear War. [Scroll down] Last week, President
Biden announced an unprecedented package of $1 billion in military assistance to Ukraine in addition to $350 million
previously pledged which was disbursed within days of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24. The new package includes 800
Stinger anti-aircraft systems, 2,000 anti-armor Javelins, 1,000 light anti-armor weapons, 6,000 AT-4 anti-armor systems and
100 Switchblade kamikaze drones. Besides providing abundance of anti-aircraft and anti-armor munitions to Ukraine's
largely conscript military and allied irregular militias, a senior US administration official told Reuters Washington and its
allies were also working on providing anti-ship weapons to protect Ukraine's coast. Ukrainian forces claimed on
Thursday to have blown up a Russian landing ship in a Russian-occupied port.
That Russia Attacking a Shopping Center Story. Again, it must consistently be repeated — trust
nothing from western or Russian state media about the issues in the Ukraine conflict. Everyone is shaping the war
narrative to fit their agenda. Question everything you see and hear, wait to get the fulsome picture, and eventually
the truth will surface. An example today [3/21/2022] follows a U.S. and Western media claim that Russia arbitrarily
targeted a shopping center in the capital city of Kyiv (Kiev). According to the narrative, this is an example of Russian
military brutality and arbitrary shelling of civilians. [Video clip] However, the issues are not as clear as
the western narrative would have us believe. As noted in the report above, the Russians fired missiles into the
shopping center during the late-night early-morning hours when no one was shopping, and the stores were closed.
[Pictures] Yes, when a war is taking place and you use a shopping center as an area to conceal heavy armor and armored
vehicles, you turn that shopping center into an authentic target for attack. If a military hides amid a civilian
population, they are putting the civilian population at risk.
nationalizes TV news and restricts opposition parties. On Saturday and Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelensky invoked his emergency powers under martial law to suppress several opposition political parties and implement a
"unified information policy." In an address to the nation delivered Sunday, he announced a temporary ban on "any
activity" by 11 political parties. The ban includes the Opposition Platform — For Life party, which holds
43 seats in Ukraine's national parliament and is the largest opposition party.
The British missile taking down Russian tanks. You've probably heard that the column of Russian tanks heading
for Kyiv was stalled for a while and then broke up. The main reason Russian tanks have had such a hard time in Ukraine
is a small anti-tank missile called the NLAW which stands for Next Generation Light Anti-tank Weapon. The NLAW is actually
a joint venture between Sweden and the UK. It was developed by Saab but is assembled in Norther Ireland for the British military.
Defense Ministry: Russia's offense has stalled as it struggles to replace personnel losses. If you read
Allahpundit's post earlier then you know there's some speculation that the clock is ticking on the Russian invasion.
Retired Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges estimates Russia can only sustain its current levels of deployment for about 10 more
days before its troops and ammunition are depleted to the point they can't really mount an effective fight. Hodges also
pointed to the possibility of a Russian default as soon as tomorrow which would also create serious domestic problems that
might keep Putin occupied. Lt. Gen. Hodges was quick to say his view of the current situation was based not
on any inside information or intelligence but on his own past experience. However, a couple of hours ago the UK
Ministry of Defense released an assessment that dovetails pretty well with what Hodges was saying.
U.S. general: Russia has 10 days to try to win this war before it runs out of gas. This is just one man's
assessment, but Ben Hodges's analysis of the state of play jibes with that of retired Aussie Gen. Mick Ryan, whom I
wrote about this morning. Like Hodges, Ryan believes that the Russian advance has either already culminated or is about
to. They're too poorly supplied and have taken too many losses to push forward inexorably, particularly when doing so
would involve them in urban warfare. There seems no chance at this point that Russia will ever occupy Kiev.
Is Finding War Is Hell, and Expensive. Many in the West had a mistaken belief that the Russian war machine was
a rough match for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and they are surprised at how much trouble the massive force is
having subduing a much smaller and less-equipped neighbor, Ukraine. During my time as NATO's military commander, I
spent time with the Russian military and the chief of its general staff at the time, General Nikolai Makarov. A
congenial figure, Makarov told me about Russian efforts to modernize his forces, starting with professionalizing them and
weaning the nation from a brutal conscript system. There were plans to improve offensive cyber capabilities,
precision-guided weaponry and unmanned vehicles. He seemed confident of progress, but from all I have seen in Ukraine,
the decade-long effort has not been successful, and draftees abound. There is little evidence of the hardware
improvements, either. The Russians present not as a sophisticated 21st-century army, but rather a blunt force in the
style of World War II's militaries.
Orwell Was Right. In the
last weeks, Russia took an already exacting speech environment to new extremes. A law was passed that would impose
15-year prison sentences for anyone spreading "fake news" about the Ukraine invasion; access was cut to Facebook and Twitter;
stations like Echo Moskvi and TV Rain as well as BBC Russia, Radio Liberty, the New Times, Deutsche Welle, Doxa, and
Latvia-based Meduza were effectively shut down; Wikipedia was threatened with a block over its invasion page; and national
authorities have appeared to step in to prevent coverage of soldiers killed in the war, requiring local outlets to use terms
like "special operation" instead. The latter development is connected to the state media regulator, Roskomnadzor,
issuing a remarkably desperate dictum requiring news outlets to "use information and data received by them only from official
Russian sources." Russia also appears in the middle of a general crackdown on local media, not so much because those
outlets are dissenting, but because they're more likely to provide indirect evidence of war failures or the effect of sanctions.
House Briefed TikTok Influencers on Ukraine: 'A Press Briefing for Kindergartners'. The White House on Thursday
[3/10/2022] held a special briefing for 30 TikTok influencers on Ukraine, in the Biden administration's apparent continuing
attempt to use the platform and its young users to get out its message. The Washington Post reported on Friday
that the White House gathered the TikTok users to "receive key information" about the war in Ukraine.
My nomination for the Baghdad Bob Award: Pro-tip
from Lavrov: "We didn't invade Ukraine". The good news: Russia's foreign minister assured the
world that Vladimir Putin has no desire to follow up his war in Ukraine by invading other countries. The bad
news: Sergei Lavrov flatly denied that Russia attacked Ukraine, too. "Why should they believe a word you say?"
asked a reporter. [...] If Russia didn't invade Ukraine, then why are there all those Russian tanks, artillery, and soldiers
in Ukraine at the moment? And for that matter, what was Lavrov doing in Anatolia in the first place? The answer
to the latter question is ... not much. Lavrov met with Ukraine's foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba in Turkey to
hold the highest level talks between the two countries since tensions began rising a few weeks ago. Lavrov came to the
Anatolia talks without any authority to negotiate even a cease-fire, as it turns out.
Nuland: Ukraine Has "Biological Research Facilities," Worried Russia May Seize Them. Self-anointed
"fact-checkers" in the U.S. corporate press have spent two weeks mocking as disinformation and a false conspiracy theory the
claim that Ukraine has biological weapons labs, either alone or with U.S. support. They never presented any evidence
for their ruling — how could they possibly know? and how could they prove the negative? — but
nonetheless they invoked their characteristically authoritative, above-it-all tone of self-assurance and self-arrogated right
to decree the truth, definitively labelling such claims false. Claims that Ukraine currently maintains dangerous
biological weapons labs came from Russia as well as China. The Chinese Foreign Ministry this month claimed: "The
US has 336 labs in 30 countries under its control, including 26 in Ukraine alone." The Russian Foreign Ministry asserted that
"Russia obtained documents proving that Ukrainian biological laboratories located near Russian borders worked on development
of components of biological weapons." Such assertions deserve the same level of skepticism as U.S. denials: namely, none of
it should be believed to be true or false absent evidence. Yet U.S. fact-checkers dutifully and reflexively sided with
the U.S. Government to declare such claims "disinformation" and to mock them as QAnon conspiracy theories.
Ukraine labs not involved with biological weapons, despite Russian charges. Ukraine's government operates over
a dozen laboratories engaged in research on biological warfare defenses and other medical research that could fall into
Russian hands, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines told Congress on Thursday [3/10/2022]. Ms. Haines
rejected Russian government claims that the facilities are making bioweapons, a theme that has circulated in conservative
media as Moscow's invasion of its smaller neighbor entered its third week. "We do not assess that Ukraine is pursuing
biological weapons, which have been basically the propaganda that Russia is putting out," Ms. Haines said in testimony
before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
Shuts Down 850 Restaurants In Russia. McDonald's announced Tuesday [3/8/2022] that it will temporarily close
all 850 of its restaurants in Russia over Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine. "McDonald's has
decided to temporarily close all our restaurants in Russia and pause all operations in the market," the press release
stated. The press release was originally an email CEO Chris Kempczinski sent to McDonald's employees and franchisees.
mounts on KFC to shutter its 1,000 Russian restaurants as McDonald's Coca-Cola, Starbucks and Pepsi all halt business there
indefinitely. KFC faces mounting pressure to shutter its 1,000 Russian restaurants after McDonald's, Coca-Cola,
Pepsi and Starbucks all halted business there indefinitely because of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. The chain is the
only significant US-owned fast food chain still operating in Russia, after its rivals announced plans to suspend business
there indefinitely. KFC is owned by Yum! Brands, a Louisville, Kentucky-headquartered operation which is listed
on the New York Stock Exchange, and whose CEO David Gibbs has been with the company since 1989. Yum! also operates 50 Pizza
Hut locations across Russia.
Nickel prices
soar 90% to new record high on worries about shortages from major supplier Russia. Nickel prices in London
logged a record surge on Monday [3/7/2022] amid escalating concerns that production in Russia will be disrupted in the wake
of Moscow's invasion of Ukraine. The three-month nickel contract leapt 90% to trade above $55,000 a metric ton on the
London Metal Exchange, according to pricing from Bloomberg. That marks a new all-time high, and the jump of more than
$26,000 marked the biggest single-day dollar gain ever. Russia is the world's third-largest nickel producer, according
to the US Geological Survey, with roughly two-thirds of global nickel production used to make stainless steel. Nickel
is also key in the growing market for batteries used in electric vehicles.
invasion grinds to a halt: Kyiv claims to have destroyed dozens of Russian helicopters overnight, and killed 11,000
troops. Russia's invasion of Ukraine appears to have ground to a halt with no significant territory captured
despite a weekend of heavy fighting, with Kyiv's men claiming to have taken out dozens of helicopters and recaptured a city
this morning[,] sparking hopes that the unlikeliest of victories may be on the cards. Putin's men renewed their
bombardments on Mariupol, Chernihiv, Mykolaiv and Kharkiv this morning as hundreds of civilians tried to evacuate
Irpin — on the outskirts of Kyiv — across a destroyed bridge after days of heavy attacks in an attempt
to encircle the capital. But Russian commanders have not significantly advanced their frontline since the city of
Kherson and nuclear power plant at Zaporizhzhia were captured last week.
is how the Ukranians Handle Looting. BLM and Antifa wouldn't bother entering a single store if this is how the
police in the USA dealt with looters. This guy was caught trying to steal all kinds of stuff from a Best Buy type store
and got caught, so they tied him to a pole and whipped him with their belts. [Video clip]
seizes Europe's largest nuclear plant: Facility which provides 20% of Ukraine's power. Boris Johnson has
accused Russia of 'threatening the security of the whole of Europe' after Putin's troops attacked the continent's largest
nuclear power plant overnight, sparking a fire that raged for hours before emergency crews were eventually allowed to extinguish
it as Russian soldiers seized the complex. Mr Johnson condemned the attack as 'reckless' after a phone call with
President Volodymyr Zelensky who branded it 'nuclear terrorism'. Jens Stoltenberg, who is in Brussels today to meet with
NATO allies, denounced attacks on all civilian infrastructure and said the fire at the plant underlined the need to end
Putin's war as soon as possible.
fumes as US buys 500,000 barrels of Russian oil a day amid Ukraine war. Sen. Joe Manchin called on
President Joe Biden to ramp up domestic energy production to curtail the United States's reliance on Russian oil and gas
imports, accusing the White House of pushing "hypocritical" policies. The West Virginia Democrat said in a statement
late Monday [2/28/2022] that the U.S. importing about a half-million barrels of oil products from Russia a month poses a
"clear and present danger to U.S. national security." The "entire world is watching as Vladimir Putin uses energy as a
weapon in an attempt to extort and coerce our European allies," said Manchin, who leads the Senate Energy and Natural
Resources Committee.
Forces Drop Thermobaric Bomb On Ukrainian Military Base, Killing 70. Russia used the potent vacuum bomb during
its invasion of Ukraine, Oksana Markarova, Ukraine's ambassador to the United States, told reporters on Monday night after a
meeting with U.S. lawmakers. A vacuum bomb, also called a thermobaric weapon, works by taking in oxygen to create
powerful, high-temperature explosions. If used in a civilian setting, such an attack could constitute a war
crime. "They used the vacuum bomb today," Markarova said. [Video clip]
Mobil is pulling its $4 billion Russian oil and gas operations and halting new investments after the Ukraine invasion.
Exxon Mobil said it will pull its $4 billion Russian oil and gas operations and halt new investments as a result of Russia's invasion
of Ukraine. The decision, which was made on Tuesday [3/1/2022], will see Exxon pull out of managing its large oil and gas production
facilities on Sakhalin Island in Russia's Far East. This decision puts the fate of a proposed multi-billion dollar liquefied natural
gas (LNG) facility there in doubt.
Mysterious Case of the Missing Russian Air Force. On the fifth day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, one of
many unanswered questions is why Russia has launched a military campaign at huge cost with maximalist objectives, and then
declined to use the vast majority of its fixed wing combat aircraft. [...] Instead, the roughly 300 modern combat aircraft
which the VKS have positioned within easy range of the main contact zones in northern, eastern and southern Ukraine appear to
have largely stayed on the ground throughout the first four days of fighting.
Missile hits an Apartment Building that has No Military Value Whatsoever. Once again we see the Russian
military committing yet another war crime by targeting civilians. This time they killed countless people by hitting the
side of an apartment building that was still packed with people. The Russian military is known for their brutality in
order to keep individuals from wanting to go up against them, in the Chechen was they would purposely target family members
of military members in order to get them to turn themselves in. It looks like in Ukraine they are implementing the same
type of attacks. [Video clip]
votes to give up non-nuclear status. Voters in Belarus have approved constitutional reforms that will allow the
country to host nuclear weapons at a time when the former Soviet republic has become a launchpad for Russian troops invading
Ukraine. Russian news agencies on Monday [2/28/2022] cited the Belarusian elections commission as saying that some
65.2 percent of people who took part in a referendum voted in favour of the change.
Russian soldiers
in Ukraine becoming disoriented, US official says. Russian forces are reportedly becoming demoralised, disoriented
and hungry on the third day of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. A senior United States official told ABC News that
Russian soldiers had been overheard complaining that Ukrainian resistance was much stiffer than they had anticipated. On
one radio call, the official said they heard a soldier saying: "We don't know who to shoot — they all look like us."
Largest Cargo Plane Destroyed at Contested Airport Near Kyiv, Ukrainian Government Says. The Ukrainian
government said Sunday that "the world's largest aircraft" has been destroyed at a strategically important airport outside
Kyiv amid a Russian attack. "This was the world's largest aircraft, AN-225 'Mriya' ('Dream' in Ukrainian)," Ukraine's'
Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba wrote on Twitter alongside a photo of the plane. "Russia may have destroyed
our 'Mriya. But they will never be able to destroy our dream of a strong, free and democratic European state. We
shall prevail!"
Shows Signs of Panic, as He Calls on Ukraine Military to Mutiny. [Scroll down] The Ukrainian people are
not welcoming the Russians, and if this operation draws out, Russia might find itself facing an effective and motivated
insurgency. In fact, Putin has probably done more to build Ukrainian nationalism than anything in modern history.
None of this says Ukraine will prevail; what it does say is that the 48-hour blitzkrieg that culminated in Zelensky fleeing
Kiev Putin planned doesn't seem likely to materialize. As a result, Putin now is in the position of bringing this
adventure to a swift conclusion or paying a much higher price than he'd intended.
Calls on European Citizens with 'Combat Experience' to Help Defend Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelensky is calling upon European citizens with combat experience to travel to Ukraine and fight against Russia.
Zelensky's plea to Europeans came in a speech Friday: [...] The request comes as Zelensky has provided his civilians and
militia fighters with 18,000 submachine guns and ammunition to help in the combat effort after the Ukrainian government
broadened the right to bear arms the night before Russian President Vladamir Putin launched a total invasion, Breitbart News
reported. Once Russian forces began their assaults on Ukrainian cities, Zelensky announced guns would be given to any
citizen willing to combat the Russians.
Officially Launches a Full Invasion of Ukraine, Lodges Disturbing New Threats Against the West. As RedState
reported earlier, Secretary of State Antony Blinken shared on Wednesday evening that he believed Russia would fully invade
Ukraine within hours. That has now been confirmed by none other than Vladimir Putin himself. Per an announcement
from the Russian president, his military forces are moving into greater Ukraine, including Kyiv, in order to "demilitarize"
and "denazify" the sovereign nation.
issues first sanctions after Putin orders 'peacekeeping forces' into two pro-Russian regions in Ukraine. New
videos show the Russian army's so-called 'peacekeeping' force on the ground inside Ukraine, as the United States was trying
to convince European allies to follow their lead and impose tough sanctions. Military vehicles were seen after night
fell on Monday in Makiivka, in the so-called Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), recognized hours earlier as an independent
state by Vladimir Putin. Other footage showed armored vehicles at other locations in the DPR and neighboring Luhansk
People's Republic (LPR), also recognized by the Kremlin.
Musk Was Placed On The Ukrainian Kill List For About 10-15 Minutes Before Being Removed — Luckily We Have A
Screenshot. For the last eight years, a group of publicly unknown activists in Ukraine have been compiling
lists of 'enemies of the people' with impunity. Hundreds of thousands have been declared criminals without
trial. Among them are not only Russian citizens, but also Ukrainian opposition figures and bloggers, European
politicians, and US citizens. At the very least, being added to this list is a stigma that makes life difficult in
Ukraine, but it can also serve as justification for imprisonment or, in some cases, even being killed. This is
exactly what happened last summer to Daria Dugina, daughter of world-famous Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, who's
name also can be found on that list. The main page of the Ukrainian Mirotvorets website proclaims that the outlet
represents a 'Center for Research of Signs of Crimes against the National Security of Ukraine, Peace, Humanity, and the
International Law'. It claims to have been created by a group of academics, journalists, and other specialists.
However, their names are known to no one, and the outfit itself has never even been officially registered in Ukraine.
Won't Give Emergency Funds to Maui & Florida Without Billions for Ukraine. Democrats
won't give any relief to Maui and Florida unless Republicans agree to a $24 billion package for
Ukraine. They plan to give a lot less to Maui. Maui probably needs $6 billion and FEMA
is asking for $12 billion. These Americans are in dire straits. We need to do
whatever we can do for THEM! [Tweet with video clip] Sen. Tammy Duckworth
let it be known that she will block a plan put forth by Sen. Rick Scott to provide aid for the
Maui fires and Hurricane Idalia because it doesn't include Joe Biden's demand for another $23 billion
for Ukraine. Aid for a foreign country tied to a bill funding disaster relief for suffering
Americans makes no sense whatsoever. They have nothing to do with each other.
Misdirection. The
war in Ukraine is lost. Every Western nation knows it and their economies (and people) are
paying too high of a price to continue a war that is destroying their countries. What if they
know the world is collapsing and this war is just a laundromat to get their money (and its
perceived power) hidden somewhere "safe"? As for the war's continuation, there will be no
Ukrainians left to fight in very short order. The only Western goal that will be achieved is
the destruction of Ukraine's sovereignty. That will (in their eyes) provide cover for their
corruption, nation building and biological weapons programs.
to Send Maui Less than One-Tenth of One Percent of What He Wants to Send Ukraine.
President Joe Biden is asking Congress to approve $24 billion more in aid for Ukraine, which would
bring the total amount of U.S. taxpayer-funded aid to Ukraine since February 2022 to $135 billion.
In contrast, Biden announced Wednesday that he would send $95 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law to aid in rebuilding Maui after the nation's deadliest fire in over a century, which has claimed more than
115 lives, with hundreds still unaccounted for.
help to Hawaii, not Ukraine. The Biden Administration has just announced that the
White House is requesting another $24 billion for Ukraine, adding to a tally that has already well
surpassed $150 billion in U.S. taxpayer supplied arms, economic assistance, and other forms of
non-refundable "relief." The effort to pump more money into the Slava Slush Fund, despite the
reality that Russian forces put the kibosh on the much hyped Ukrainian "counteroffensive," speaks
to the utter shamelessness of the D.C. Uniparty. These individuals and institutions couldn't
care less about Ukraine. They never did care about the people of Ukraine or their
sovereignty. This is nothing more or less than a blatant get rich quick scheme for the
defense industry in the Beltway. It's most certainly the ugliest foreign policy boondoggle
since the end of the Afghanistan and Iraq defense industry swindle operation.
asks Congress for an extra $13 billion for Ukraine. The Biden administration asked
Congress on Thursday for an additional $21 billion in funding for Ukraine, teeing off a bitter showdown
with the GOP-controlled House. The total $40 billion request includes $13 billion in
emergency defense aid and wildfire pay and an additional $8 billion for humanitarian
support of Ukraine, as well as $12 billion for disaster relief after a season of heat and storms,
as well as $4 billion for the border and to combat fentanyl to attract Republicans to the
deal. The breakdown of the $13 billion defense request includes $9.5 billion for
equipment and replenishment of Pentagon stocks and $3.6 billion for continued military,
intelligence and other defense support.
M1A1 Abrams Tanks [are]
Finally Heading To Ukraine. Helping Ukraine repel Russia's illegal war of territorial
aggression has frequently been cited as a top priority by members of the Biden Administration,a
cause in whose over $46 billion in military aid has been sent. Given that the UK's Challenger
2 tanks arrived in Ukraine in March, it would seem like the Biden Administration hasn't treated
their pledge of Abrams tanks with any urgency. To be sure, several U.S. weapon systems
(HIMARS, Patriot, Excalibur and various drones) have proven absolutely vital in letting Ukraine
resist the Russian invasion. But for something the U.S. defense establishment, and just about
all our NATO allies, view as a top priority, the Pentagon as been quite sluggish at getting them
tanks. A cynic might wonder if it's because, being drawn from existing stocks, sending them
M1A1s doesn't grease enough Beltway Bandit palms.
Aid to Ukraine Amounts to $900 Per American Household, Economist Says.
Congressionally approved aid for Ukraine has cost each U.S. household hundreds of dollars, Heritage
Foundation budget expert Richard Stern says. "The formal aid packages alone amount to a
staggering $113 billion — roughly $900 per American household and almost 12 times the
spending cuts promised by House leadership in the annual spending bills," Stern, director of The
Heritage Foundation's Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget, said in an email to The
Daily Signal, Heritage's news outlet. "As with all new federal spending," Stern added, "this
$113 billion spending spree was added to our national debt and will cost more than $300 in interest
costs per household over the decade. Of course, we've given more aid than that, but haven't
paid the bill on it yet." Congress already has greenlighted over $113 billion in "aid and
military assistance to support the Ukrainian government and allied nations" since Russian President
Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine in February 2022, according to the Committee for a Responsible
Federal Budget.
Billions for Ukraine Could Have Built a Wall Two Times Across U.S.-Mexico Border.
President Joe Biden, with help from Congress, has sent more than $66 billion in American taxpayer
money to Ukraine since the start of its war with Russia — an allocation of money that
could have built a border wall nearly two times across the United States-Mexico border. Since
the start of the war in 2022, Congress has approved more than $113 billion in aid for Ukraine, and
Biden is expected to ask for another $10 billion aid package when Congress returns from
recess. Since 2022, the United States has given more foreign aid to Ukraine than to any other
country in the world, according to a Washington Post analysis. The bulk of the allotted aid
has gone to military contractors making weapons and equipment for Ukraine while the rest has been
used to supplement Ukraine's national budget and provide humanitarian relief.
Minus ten percent for the Big Guy, of course. Report:
Biden to Ask for Another Ukraine Aid Package 'North of $10 Billion'. President Joe
Biden will soon ask Congress for a Ukraine aid package that could exceed $10 billion, a report
released Tuesday found. Punchbowl News reported the Ukraine aid battle will resume when
Congress returns from recess. The incoming request, which could be "north of $10 billion,"
follows as Ukraine continues its slow-moving counteroffensive against Russia, and America and other
NATO countries have pledged support for Ukraine. The Army's acquisition chief told reporters
on Monday that the Department of Defense was working on a funding package for lawmakers to
consider. The package would be used to replenish American weapon stockpiles which have been
depleted after providing munitions to Ukraine's protracted conflict with Russia.
announces $400 million in military aid for Ukraine. The United States on July 25
announced additional security assistance for Ukraine valued at up to $400 million, the
Pentagon said. The new U.S. aid for Ukraine includes air-defense munitions, armored vehicles,
anti-armor weapons, and "other equipment to help Ukraine counter Russia's ongoing war of
aggression." The aid is the 43rd drawdown of equipment from Defense Department inventories
for Ukraine since August 2021, the Pentagon said in a statement.
The Editor says...
The Pentagon "found" $6.2 billion dollars for Ukraine about a month ago, but it's already time for another installment?
reason they don't want to audit the aid to Ukraine. We've been hearing rumors and
scattered reports of this since last summer, but any time it's mentioned publicly, both the White
House and their docile servants in the legacy media rush to squash the stories as "Russian
disinformation." But a recent report from the Defense Department's Inspector General found a "lack
of accountability" in maintaining control of the weapons and military gear we have been sending to
Ukraine. And that has resulted in millions of dollars worth of arms and weapons winding up in
the hands of criminal gangs. It's going to be hard for our cable news talking heads to write
this one off as disinformation unless they want to claim that the IG's office is in on the scam.
Gangs, Arms Traffickers in Ukraine Snatching Weaponry, DOD Inspector General's Report
Says. Criminal gangs, arms traffickers and other bad actors in Ukraine accessed
dangerous weapons including grenade launchers, machine guns, bulletproof vests for battle and 1,000
rounds of ammunition, the Defense Department's internal watchdog found. The Heritage
Foundation's Oversight Project obtained the 19-page report by the Pentagon's Office of Inspector
General through the Freedom of Information Act. [Tweet] "In late June 2022, the SBU
disrupted a group of Ukrainian criminals posing as members of a humanitarian aid organization who
distributed bulletproof vests," the report says. "The group illicitly imported the vests and sold
them, rather than distributed them to Ukrainian forces. A member of the group was found with
a cache of vests worth $17,000."
around 20% of Ukraine's weapons [were] lost in first weeks of counteroffensive. According
to a report in the New York Times, Ukraine is rethinking its strategy after losing some 20% of its
weapons early in its counteroffensive. The New York Times is reporting that around 20% of
Ukraine's armament and vehicles sent to the frontlines was damaged or destroyed in the first weeks
of the counteroffensive. It says this has forced Ukraine to rethink its strategy and slow
down a little which resulted in fewer losses in the following weeks. [Tweet]
Happens to Find 'Accounting Error' Allowing Another $6.2 Billion for Ukraine.
President Joe Biden has sent around $35 billion to Ukraine in almost 18 months. Imagine how
many people that money could feed here in America. Ukraine wants more money since it's launching a
new counteroffensive against Russia. Well, our Pentagon just happened to find an accounting error
that allowed them to send another $6.2 billion to Ukraine. [...] The discovery also just happened to
occur towards the end of the fiscal year, and Congress doesn't have as much money on hand to dole out.
The $6.2 billion also allows the U.S. to meet its pledge of $40 billion to Ukraine.
Oops! Ukraine sure has been lucky for the last year or two. I wonder why. Pentagon
Discloses "Accounting Error" Resulting in $6.2 Billion Surplus for Ukraine. The
Pentagon revealed on Tuesday that an overestimation in the value of weapons sent to Ukraine over
the past two years has resulted in an extra $6.2 billion of U.S. taxpayers' money earmarked for the
Eastern European country. This figure is approximately double what was originally estimated
and allegedly will be utilized for future security packages. Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina
Singh provided clarification on the nature of the error, explaining that the military services had
used the replacement cost rather than the book value of equipment pulled from Pentagon stocks and
sent to Ukraine. According to Singh, the error was identified during a detailed review of the
accounting process.
Says It Made $6 Billion "Accounting Error", Clearing More Aid For Ukraine. Due to a
massive accounting error, which happened just four weeks after a $3 billion accounting error, the
value of weapons supplied to Ukraine by the United States was overstated by $6.2 billion over the
past two years, according to AP. Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said that a detailed
review of the accounting error found that replacement costs were recorded for the equipment, not
the actual book value of items pulled from Pentagon stocks and sent to Ukraine, adding that final
calculations reveal a $3.6 billion error in the current fiscal year, and $2.6 billion in
the 2022 FY, which ended last Sept. 30. [Tweet with video clip]
accounting error provides extra $6.2 billion for Ukraine military aid. The Pentagon
said an accounting error resulted in a $6.2 billion overestimation of the value of weapons being
sent to Ukraine over the last two years as the European nation fights off a Russian invasion.
The significant error means there is a surplus of funds available for future military aid packages
sent to Ukraine. On Tuesday, Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh told the press that the
multi-billion dollar error was the result of military services using replacement costs as opposed
to the book value of the equipment.
Reveals $6.2 Billion Overestimation in Weapons Sent to Ukraine. The Pentagon has
admitted a significant accounting error, revealing that it overestimated the value of weapons sent
to Ukraine by $6.2 billion over the past two years. The final calculation of the accounting
error is far higher than the Pentagon previously estimated in May when it first revealed the
miscalculation as $3 billion. The new figure is approximately double the initial estimates,
leading to a purported surplus that will be allocated to future security packages.
Week, Another $2.1 Billion to Ukraine. The Biden Department of Defense announced
another $2.1 billion air defense and munitions package to Ukraine, signaling our unwavering support
for Ukraine. Ukraine is where Joe and Hunter allegedly secured a $10 million bribe.
Is Where Your Tax Dollars In Ukraine Are Going. Ukraine is now producing war
propaganda in the style of Bollywood dance videos with your tax dollars. Another 70% has gone
missing, most likely into Swiss villas and 10% back to the big guy. [Video clip]
Cartel Member Spotted With A Javelin Missile The US Sold To Ukraine. A Gulf Cartel
member was filmed with what Milenio TV said was a Javelin anti-tank missile A member of the Cartel
Del Golfo (CDG) in Tamaulipas, Mexico carrying a US-made anti-tank weapon, as shown on Mexican TV
channel Milenio, May 30th. A militant wearing the insignia of Mexico's notorious Gulf Cartel
(Cartel Del Golfo, CDG) was filmed in the state of Tamaulipas carrying a US-made anti-tank missile
launcher. Milenio TV identified the weapon as a Javelin, thousands of which were sent to
Ukraine by the Pentagon. [Video clip]
Need A Ceiling On U.S. Aid To Ukraine. While the United States is close to reaching
its federal debt ceiling and talks continue between the Biden administration and House Republican
leaders, there seems to be no ceiling on the amount of financial assistance our country is
providing to Ukraine. After fifteen months, the war in Ukraine continues with no end in
sight. This weekend, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky traveled to the G-7 summit in
Japan to solicit more military assistance for his country. Regardless of his plea, it is
indisputable that the United States government has generously funded the Ukrainian war
effort. Although, it can be argued that European countries should do more to support
Ukraine. In the first year of the war, assistance from the European Union toward Ukraine was
only $35.3 billion, much less than what the United States contributed. This is a stark
imbalance, especially since Ukraine is in Europe's "backyard," but is halfway around the world from
the United States.
What an amazing coincidence! $3 billion
accounting error means the Pentagon can send more weapons to Ukraine. The Pentagon
has overestimated the value of the weapons it has sent to Ukraine by at least $3 billion —
an accounting error that could be a boon for the war effort because it will allow the Defense Department
to send more weapons now without asking Congress for more money. The acknowledgment Thursday comes
at a time when Pentagon is under increased pressure by Congress to show accountability for the billions
of dollars it has sent in weapons, ammunition and equipment to Ukraine and as some lawmakers question
whether that level of support should continue.
Money! U.S. to Hand Over Another $1.2 Billion in Aid to Ukraine: Report. The
Biden administration is set to announce another $1.2 billion in military aid to Ukraine, it is
claimed. The package is said to be valued at $1.2 billion. It will reportedly be used
to purchase various air defence equipment for the country, alongside more ammo for artillery and
rocket systems. According to a report by the Associated Press, the Joe Biden administration
could announce the newest batch of military funding as early as Tuesday, with the package set to
coincide with a Ukrainian counteroffensive against invading Russian forces.
War: Biden Announces New Ukraine Military Aid Package of Another $325 Million.
Robbing Americans who can ill afford this rampant legal plunder to prop a brutal
dictatorship. This is nothing short of war against our own country. Billions for this
evil clown (who closed the churches, imprisoned the priests, shut down the free press) and a big
middle finger to Americans. America should be punishing this behavior not heaping billions,
accolades and endless, sycophantic puff pieces in the government press.
sending $325 million in more military aid to Ukraine. The U.S. is sending Ukraine
about $325 million in additional military aid, including an enormous amount of artillery rounds and
ammunition as the launch of the spring offensive against Russian forces approaches, the Pentagon
said Wednesday [4/19/2023]. The U.S. has declined to say exactly how much munitions will be
sent to Ukraine, but the latest package resembles other recent deliveries, which included rockets
for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS, and howitzers, as well as an array of
other missiles and anti-tank ammunition. It will all be pulled from Pentagon stocks, so it
can go quickly to the front lines.
Regime Announces Another Military Package for Ukraine. Another one! The Biden
Regime is sending another military package to Ukraine. The details of the latest military
package to Ukraine will be announced later. [Tweet] This announcement comes after leaked
documents revealed US special forces are on the ground in Ukraine. Newly leaked Defense
documents show western forces are on the ground in Ukraine. Biden sent US soldiers to Ukraine
after he sent billions in military aid.
Journalist Reveals How Ukraine President, Officials Allegedly Embezzled $400 Million.
Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, fresh off his allegations that the
U.S. was behind the Nord Stream pipeline explosions, has published a report that alleged the
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is aware of widespread corruption in Ukraine and the embezzlement
of US aid. Hersh's report accuses the Ukrainian government of using U.S. taxpayer money to
purchase diesel from Russia to fuel its military. He further suggested that Ukrainian
officials are "competing" to set up front companies for export contracts to private arms
dealers around the world.
With the Enemy. The Ukraine government, headed by Volodymyr Zelensky, has been using
American taxpayers' funds to pay dearly for the vitally needed diesel fuel that is keeping the
Ukrainian army on the move in its war with Russia. It is unknown how much the Zelensky
government is paying per gallon for the fuel, but the Pentagon was paying as much as $400 per
gallon to transport gasoline from a port in Pakistan, via truck or parachute, into Afghanistan
during the decades-long American war there. What also is unknown is that Zelensky has been
buying the fuel from Russia, the country with which it, and Washington, are at war, and the
Ukrainian president and many in his entourage have been skimming untold millions from the American
dollars earmarked for diesel fuel payments. One estimate by analysts from the Central
Intelligence Agency put the embezzled funds at $400 million last year, at least; [...]
Quagmire! For
$80 Billion (And Counting) U.S. Taxpayers Have Bought A Bloody Stalemate In Ukraine.
The trove of recently leaked intelligence documents related to the Ukraine war should prompt
Americans to start asking tough questions about our involvement in that conflict, which one of the
documents, a Feb. 23 overview of fighting in Ukraine's Donbas region, describes as a "grinding
campaign of attrition" that has reached a "stalemate." U.S. taxpayers have poured nearly
$80 billion into this war over the past 14 months. At what point are we allowed to ask
whether a "stalemate" in a "grinding campaign of attrition" is a good deal for Americans?
Here's the weekly billion going to Ukraine: Pentagon
announces $2.6 billion Ukraine military aid package. The Department of Defense
announced a massive new military aid package for Ukraine on Tuesday valued at $2.6 billion.
President Joe Biden authorized $500 million worth of ammunition for U.S.-provided HIMARS, air
defense interceptors, artillery rounds, anti-armor systems, small arms, heavy equipment transport
vehicles, and maintenance support through his authority to take weapons from U.S. stockpiles.
In addition to the artillery and ammunition, the drawdown also includes 11 tactical vehicles to
recover equipment, 61 heavy fuel tankers, 10 trucks and 10 trailers to transport heavy equipment,
roughly 400 grenade launchers, and others. By allocating this aid via the president's
drawdown authority, the aid could reach Ukraine within weeks.
The Editor says...
This would be a lot easier to swallow if it was a one-time expenditure, but it seems like there's an announcement like this every
week or two; and in every case, the announcement is made as if it was a one-time-only bundle of cash.
Apparently we're not supposed to remember that a similar pile of money has gone down the drain in the last few weeks.
They must think we're stupid!
U.S. Weapons Sent To
Ukraine Are Now Being Found in Iran. Military aid provided by the United States and its NATO
allies to Ukraine is being found in the hands of Iranians, according to a new CNN report.
"Russia has been capturing some of the US and NATO-provided weapons and equipment left on the
battlefield in Ukraine and sending them to Iran, where the US believes Tehran will try to
reverse-engineer the systems," four sources familiar with the matter told CNN. "Over the last
year, US, NATO and other Western officials have seen several instances of Russian forces seizing
smaller, shoulder-fired weapons equipment including Javelin anti-tank and Stinger anti-aircraft
systems that Ukrainian forces have at times been forced to leave behind on the battlefield," CNN added.
are the tens of billions being spent in Ukraine really going? Analysis dares to ask the tough
questions. An op-ed published this week at LifeSite News, of all places, asked the
kind of tough questions about tens of billions in taxpayer dollars being spent in Ukraine that
every reporter and politician in Washington, D.C., should be asking, but aren't —
namely, where is all that money really going? "Following the unscheduled January visit
of CIA Director William Burns to Kyiv, many Ukrainian officials have been removed from their
posts. This sudden 'anti-corruption' drive, which saw many ministers replaced, was ostensibly
undertaken to combat a culture of institutionalized plunder which earned Ukraine the title of 'Most
corrupt nation in Europe,'" columnist Frank Wright began. "Yet the cleaning of this Augean
stable has halted, leaving the most controversial suspect in office. If these sackings and
resignations were undertaken to oust the guilty, why stop short of removing the most obviously
compromised minister of all?" he continued.
There is an announcement like this almost every week: Treasury
Secretary Janet Yellen Says the U.S. Will Send Another $10 Billion to Ukraine. Ahead of a meeting with
several other world financial leaders, United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen called on partner nations to join
in continuing to send more aid to Ukraine as the Russian invasion enters its second year. "Our economic assistance
is making Ukraine's resistance possible by supporting the home front: funding critical public services and helping
keep the government running," Yellen said at a news conference in India. "In the coming months, we expect to
provide around $10 billion in additional economic support for Ukraine."
Security is Broke, but American Taxpayers Just Gave Ukrainian Pensioners a Double-Digit Raise. As American
taxpayers paying into Social Security today stare down the barrel toward substantial cuts to their own benefits,
estimated to take place in 2034, they can at least take solace in knowing that all categories of Ukrainian pensioners
will get a 20% raise in March 2023. "As early as this March," says Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, "the
government will index pensions by 20%" for about 10 million Ukrainians. Indexing the payments "is not mandatory
according to the Law of Ukraine on the State Budget for 2023," but benevolent President Zelensky has instructed them to
reprice the benefits upwards anyway. And why wouldn't he? His government is swimming in American cash.
Americans have spent more than $100 billion on aid to Ukraine. And, as the notoriously corrupt Ukrainian
government is undoubtedly well aware, money is fungible.
US announces [another]
$2.2 billion military aid package for Ukraine. Pentagon spokesman Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder
confirmed the aid package includes Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB) munitions, which can be launched from
HIMARS and M270 rocket artillery systems and have a range of 150 kilometers. He said that the GLSDB would help the
Ukrainian military carry out operations to defend the country and liberate the territories occupied by the invaders.
When asked whether the missiles will be used for strikes against Russian targets in the occupied Crimea, the Ryder noted
that is for Ukraine to decide.
Ukraine, it appears America will soon be arming both side's combatants. I happen to be one who believes
that the escalating war in Ukraine is entirely Biden's fault, that the current Ukraine government is completely corrupt,
and that the entire thing, which has seen tens of thousands of Ukrainian deaths and the destruction of large swaths of
that country, has become a profitable boondoggle for politicians and military contractors. Call me cynical or
naïve, but that's where I am. I also think the whole enterprise has taken on a truly hallucinatory quality,
exacerbated by the news today: Putin is negotiating to buy abandoned American weapons from Afghanistan while Biden
is sending 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine. We will have armed both sides to the battle.
Biden's Blank Checks to Ukraine Continue, How Long Will It Take the U.S. to Replenish the Munitions We've Given
Away? In total, the United States has committed more than $24.9 billion in security assistance to Ukraine
since the beginning of the Biden Administration, according to the Defense Department on January 6. And with
no end in sight and U.S. military stockpiles running dangerously low, the question is: How long it will take to
replenish those stockpiles? As Daily Caller reported on Sunday, even at emergency production rates, it will take
years before the U.S. is able to restock supplies of critical munitions sent to Ukraine, according to a recent analysis
conducted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a Washington, D.C. based think tank.
Bins in a Wartime Environment: The Challenge to the U.S. Defense Industrial Base. The U.S. defense
industrial base is not adequately prepared for the international security environment that now exists. In a major
regional conflict — such as a war with China in the Taiwan Strait — the U.S. use of munitions
would likely exceed the current stockpiles of the U.S. Department of Defense. According to the results of a series
of CSIS war games, the United States would likely run out of some munitions — such as long-range,
precision-guided munitions — in less than one week in a Taiwan Strait conflict. The war in Ukraine has
also exposed serious deficiencies in the U.S. defense industrial base and serves as a stark reminder that a protracted
conflict is likely to be an industrial war that requires a defense industry able to manufacture enough munitions,
weapons systems, and matériel to replace depleted stockpiles.
There's an announcement like this almost every week: Joe
Biden's Secretary of State Announces $2.5 Billion More in Ukraine Military Aid. President Joe Biden's
Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, announced another $2.5 billion in military aid for Ukraine on Thursday and said
the United States "will stand united with Ukraine for as long as it takes." The most recent aid package comes
after Congress awarded $45 billion to Ukraine in the massive $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill that Biden
signed into law last month, bringing the total amount of U.S. aid sent to Ukraine to over $110 billion.
The US Is
Shipping So Many Weapons To Ukraine, Defense Companies Can't Keep Up, Top Navy Officers Warn. Top officers
in the U.S. Navy warned that the Ukraine war is putting a strain on an already stretched industrial base Tuesday,
complaining defense contractors continue to fall behind in keeping up with the Navy's needs, according to media
reports. Defense companies have struggled for years to keep pace with the Navy's demands, citing pandemic-induced
supply chain setbacks and a shortage of available labor, Navy Times reported. As the U.S. continues sending
weapons and equipment to Ukraine, heightening the burden on weapons manufacturers, top Navy brass expressed worry that
the fleet could fall dangerously low on needed assets if the war stretches out much longer. "If the conflict does
go on for another six months to another year, it certainly continues to stress the supply chain in ways that are
challenging," Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro said in a follow-up to his remarks at the annual Surface Navy Association
conference conference Tuesday.
War in Ukraine has Underscored the Necessity of America Exiting NATO. With the passage of the ludicrous
omnibus bill the total amount spent and committed to be spent by the United States in Ukraine since the Russian invasion
is in excess of $110 Billion. That amount exceeds the annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of
130 nations. Further, only America and its chief adversaries China ($239 Billion) and Russia ($154
Billion) spend more per year on their defense budgets. During this same period of time the 27 nations of the
European Union plus Great Britain have spent or committed to spend $36 Billion in Ukraine or half of what the
taxpayers in the United States have been obligated to contribute. Meanwhile the U.S. national debt is now
$31.5 Trillion and will, due to unconstrained spending, increase at least another $15+ Trillion in less than
ten years, thereby abetting uncontrolled inflation and potential insolvency. (It took this nation 224 years
to accumulate the first $15 Trillion, 13 years for the second $15 Trillion and less than 10 years
for the third $15 Trillion.) The United States with less than 5% of the world's population is responsible for
45% of global national debt.
Everything Wrong With Congress's Plan To Give Zelensky Cash For Christmas. Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky is
slated to receive a hero's welcome in the U.S. capital today, just as Congress is poised to award him another $45
billion in its mammoth inflationary spending bill. It may be Zelensky's first time leaving Ukraine since the war
with Russia began, but it's not his first time appearing before an American audience to beg for more money. And it
certainly won't be his last. Already, Zelensky is prepared to use his congressional address to complain that the
beaucoup bucks the U.S. has thrown at Ukraine in the last 10 months — more than $100 billion total if
the omnibus passes — is still "not enough."
Zelenskyy Clearing House Sweepstakes. An interesting infographic from Will Geary that gives context to the
amount of money the United States is spending in Ukraine.
Quietly Slips Ukraine Debt Relief into 4,400 Page National Defense Authorization Act. When it comes to
congress and the graft that is Ukraine, nothing should come as a surprise. Last month, the Biden administration
asked Congress for another $37.7 billion in support for Ukraine. If that passes, and it certainly will,
Congress will have approved more than $100 billion in Ukraine-related spending. To wit, yesterday
congress slipped Ukraine Debt Payment Relief, into the 4,400 page National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which
will make the Senate happy as the intent of the upper chamber is to continue the laundry operation.
terrible consequences of stolen elections and government corruption. This administration's irresponsible
spending has increased the national debt to $131 trillion, and yet they continue to throw billions we do not have
to Ukraine to protect a border that is irrelevant to Americans; it's part of their scheme to take Putin down but the war
has killed thousands of Ukranian civilians with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's complicity. Where have
the billions of dollars gone? Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wants an audit; the Democrats say 'no.' It is
likely that much of that money has found its way into the pockets of pro-war Democrats and the Republican consultant
class along with the those Ukrainian oligarchs who are running Zelensky and buying mansions in Switzerland. Biden
wants to forgive billions in student loans; he wants working taxpayers who could not afford college to pay for those who
did but are slackers. He wants to continue to subsidize millions of illegal migrants he's ushered into the
country. Homeless Americans, nearly all of them mentally ill and/or drug-addicted, are abandoned onto the streets
of Democrat-run cities like detritus but Biden ignores them.
Biden Administration Could Face Audits Over the Billions it Sent to Ukraine. The Biden Administration is
in hot water after the billions of dollars it sent to Ukraine in aid is no where to be found. Republicans are
warning the Biden White House that it will audit the administration if the $20 billion in military aid that was sent to
Ukraine can't be tracked down. The audit would determine how much U.S. money is ending up in the wrong hands
of a different country. The Biden Administration had previously attempted to find out where there money is,
however, only a fraction of the aid was provided to the country. Republican leader and likley future House Speaker
Kevin McCarthy said that once the GOP takes over the House, no more "blank check[s]" will be handed out to
Ukraine. He blames much of the nation's recession on the billions of dollars sent in aid.
Admin Can't Account for $20 Billion in Aid to Ukraine. As TGP reiterated earlier today, we really have no
idea where billions sent to Ukraine landed. Now the Biden Administration is admitting this is the case. We
reported moments ago that we have no idea where the billions allocated to Ukraine eventually landed. Since the war
started, the US has sent more than $50 billion to Ukraine. Where has the money gone? We really don't have
any idea. But we did get a clue recently with the fall of FTX. We learned that Ukraine was "investing" in
FTX with money the US sent to Ukraine.
Asks for Another $55 Billion to Pay for Budget, Infrastructure, Government Expenses and Pensions of Ukraine.
Has anyone stopped to ask why the United States taxpayer is responsible for funding the government operations of Ukraine, to
include the paychecks and pensions of Ukrainian government officials, or nah? As Joe Biden and various Democrat and
Republican leaders are gleefully willing to keep pushing U.S. taxpayer money into Ukraine, there does come a time when we
have to start asking some questions about the disconnect in regard to the opinion of the American people.
It's Time
to Speak the Truth About Ukraine. Joe Biden, the military-industrial-congressional complex, State
Department neocons, the War Party comprised of all Democrats and many corporate Republicans, and Western globalist
elites have the United States and NATO in a Ukrainian proxy war against Russia. The warmongers are obsessed with
destroying Russia. To achieve it, they are determined to fight to the last Ukrainian. In eight months,
Congress has wasted $69 billion of American taxpayer money to fund their proxy war. That's about
$8 billion more than Russia's entire annual military budget. And to the delight of the American arms
industry, there is no end in sight. Biden is soon expected to request another $50 billion.
Meanwhile, Biden and Congress have betrayed the American people — doing next to nothing to solve the crises
of inflation, self-inflicted shortages of fuel and food, an invasion of five-and-a-half million illegal aliens,
out-of-control violent crime, and a fentanyl epidemic imported from China and Mexico that is killing 100,000 Americans
every year.
As We Fund Ukraine, Our Money's Going To Putin. Less than half of American families paid any income tax
last year. But those who did have a right to expect the money we fork over to Uncle Fed will do at least some good
for us. Of course, we all realize a trillion or two disappears into the DC swamp. But learning we sent more
than a billion dollars to Taliban-run Afghanistan, whose favorite song on the radio is "Death to America, Cha, Cha,
Cha," does raise the hackles somewhat. Even worse, the Biden government has illegally decreed that we poor
American working stiffs should never know where that money went once it arrived in Kabul.
Trying to Ram Through $50 Billion More for Ukraine Before GOP Takes Control of the House. Lawmakers from
both parties are reportedly seeking to lock in a staggering $50 billion in additional military aid for Ukraine
before a new Congress is sworn in this January. The move is yet another indication that your elected senators and
representatives no longer view the American people as their top priority, but rather, the government of a corrupt
Eastern European nation is their new baby. NBC News reports that multiple sources have confirmed ongoing
discussions regarding a government funding bill during the lame-duck session following the election.
Thanks Biden for 'Another $725 Million Security Aid Package'. Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has
personally thanked U.S. President Joe Biden for supplying Kyiv with another "security aid package" worth $725 million.
"Sincerely grateful to [the President of the United States and] the [American] people for providing another $725 mln [sic]
security aid package," the Ukrainian head of state said in a message posted on the Twitter microblogging site.
"We will receive, in particular, much-needed rounds for HIMARS and artillery," he added.
OKs $1.1 billion in new military aid to Ukraine. President Biden on Wednesday signed off on a $1.1 billion
security assistance package to Ukraine, bringing the total U.S. commitment to $16.2 billion since the start of Russia's
invasion seven months ago. The support will include 18 additional High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS)
that have proven to be highly effective on the battlefield. Also included will be 150 Humvees and 150 tactical
vehicles needed to tow heavy weapons, Pentagon officials said Wednesday. The latest package comes as part of the
Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI). The program does not pull weapons directly from U.S. stockpiles, but
uses congressionally-appropriated funds to contract for the hardware through the private sector.
I sure hope this is satire: Congress
Signs Up For $40 Billion Per Month Ukraine+ Subscription. To avoid fighting over further spending bills,
Congress has opted instead to sign up for the brand new subscription service Ukraine+, which only costs $40 billion per
month. "We are proud to be the very first customers for this exciting new service," said Congressman Dan Crenshaw.
"Henceforth, $40 billion US dollars will simply be automatically deducted from our account every month, allowing us to
continue laundering money and paying off defense lobbyists in perpetuity. Thanks, Ukraine+!"
Biden Administration has now sent almost $16 Billion in weapons and equipment to Ukraine. The Biden
administration is sending another $600 million in military aid to Ukraine, the State Department announced on Thursday,
as the U.S. rushes more weapons to fuel Kyiv's counteroffensive against Russia. The White House said it was the
21st time that the Defense Department has pulled weapons and other equipment off the shelves to deliver to
Ukraine. The package will include more of the same types of ammunition and equipment that have helped Ukrainian
forces beat back the Russian forces in portions of the east and south.
Administration Plans to Ask Congress for Another $14 Billion For Ukraine. This has become absurd.
According to an AP report, Joe Biden is planning to ask congress for an additional $13.7 billion for Ukraine within a
budgetary request for $47 billion spending package. According to the report the Ukraine spending request will be
inside a package for additional COVID-19 spending, Monkeypox spending and other domestic relief.
Are Paying The Bill For Our Government's 'Unwavering Support' Of Ukraine. Is there an
amount of military aid for Ukraine the U.S. won't approve? Within the past two weeks alone, the Biden administration has committed nearly $4 billion in security assistance by allocating $3
billion and $775 million in separate packages. The grand total of military aid delivered to
Ukraine since President Biden took office in January 2021 is a whopping $13.5 billion, and that
number is only set to increase. What is particularly pernicious about the weapons gravy train
is the lack of a clear endgame in the conflict itself, an ugly feature of U.S. engagement in proxy
wars. When asked how long the war in Ukraine and, by extension, military aid will last,
variations of "indefinitely" seem to be the going answers from U.S. leaders.
Teetering House of Cards. On day one of his administration Biden put an end to the
energy independence achieved under Trump. He cancelled the Keystone Pipeline and cut off most
new drilling and fracking on federal land. That single action kicked off the highest
inflation in forty years; our economy depends first and foremost on fuel. Biden pretends that
there is a climate crisis (there is not) but he will spend billions on green projects, billions
that will end up in the pockets of grifters like all those companies who got millions from the
Obama administration, companies like Solyndra. The companies fail, the money
disappears. Biden has sent billions to Ukraine, the third most corrupt nation on the planet
(Russia is number seven). Now he wants to "forgive" (transfer the debt to citizen taxpayers)
nearly a trillion dollars of student loans to buy votes. This is monstrous and should cost
him the votes of millions of Americans who will bear the cost of this irresponsible executive order.
is the Biden administration paying off Ukraine's debt but not ours? "Biden administration allocates billions to
pay down the budget deficit ... in Ukraine." This sounds like a parody headline from the Babylon Bee, but it is actually a
real thing that's happening under President Joe Biden's watch. On Monday, the United States Agency for International
Development, or USAID, announced that it is sending an additional $4.5 billion in U.S. taxpayer money to Ukraine. And
it's not going to humanitarian aid or even weapons for fighting off Russia's brutal invasion — debatable but at
least understandable forms of U.S. aid — it's going to reduce the Ukrainian government's budget deficit.
[is] Sending Another $550 Million In 'Security Assistance' To Ukraine. On Monday, the Biden administration
announced that it would be sending another round of support worth $550 million to Ukraine to help the war-torn nation defeat
Russian President Vladimir Putin. White House National Security spokesman John Kirby said the Department of Defense
(DOD) would send more "security assistance" to Ukraine, including ammunition for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System
alongside ammunition for 155 mm artillery, The Hill reported. "In total, the United States has committed approximately
$8.8 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of the Biden administration," the DOD said in a statement
Monday. "Since 2014, the United States has committed more than $10 billion in security assistance to Ukraine."
doesn't cost $100 million to train 30 Ukrainian fighter pilots. Representative Adam Kinzinger (Rino-IL)
introduced an amendment to H.R. 7900, the National Defense Authorization Act ("NDAA") for fiscal year 2023, that reduces by
$100,000,000 operations and maintenance funding to the U.S. Air Force's Flying Hour Program. That funding will instead
go to a program touted as training Ukrainian pilots to fly our F-16s. The House passed the NDAA on Friday. I'm
sure OpEds are in draft right now discussing both why this is crucial to our safety and security and why it's a really bad
idea. I would just like Congress to acknowledge the truth: that this is, de facto, their agreement to declare our full
participation in the Ukraine war. Yes, Ukraine has about 30 fighter pilots with sufficient English language skills to
be trained to operate our military jets.
U.S. Has Now Spent More in Ukraine Than in the First 5 Years in Afghanistan. The United States is fighting a
proxy war in Ukraine against Russian aggression, and we're not doing it on the cheap. The Biden administration
announced on Friday [7/8/2022] that we were sending another $400 million in military aid to Ukraine. This comes after
Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed victory over the eastern Luhansk region last week. Putin jumped the gun a
little, although Russian troops hold the upper hand throughout most of the region. The problem for Putin is that those
pesky Ukrainians refuse to surrender. And the United States is making their continuing resistance possible by giving
Kyiv high-powered weapons to fight with. To date, we've spent $8 billion in military assistance to the Ukrainian army
with tens of billions of dollars in military hardware in the pipeline. Congress authorized $54 billion in military and
other aid to Ukraine — some of which went to our NATO allies to help us defend Kyiv.
Ukraine bill reportedly full of pork, includes $500 million for electric vehicle development. President Joe
Biden has the pedal pressed to the metal and it's full speed ahead as his administration continues its intense push to
radically transform America into a new green utopia in which electric cars will be the only vehicles on the road, including
half a billion dollars for battery materials tucked inside of the controversial $40 billion Ukraine aid package. The
$500 million that's included in the massive foreign giveaway, at a time when conditions on the domestic front are
deteriorating by the day, is to "expand funds available under the Defense Production Act to obtain critical battery minerals
like nickel, cobalt, lithium and graphite," according to Bloomberg.
No Way Out but War.
The United States, as the near unanimous vote to provide nearly $40 billion in aid to Ukraine illustrates, is trapped in the
death spiral of unchecked militarism. No high speed trains. No universal health care. No viable Covid
relief program. No respite from 8.3 percent inflation. [...] The proposed budget for the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) in fiscal year 2023 is $10.675 billion. The proposed budget for the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) is $11.881 billion. Ukraine alone gets more than double that amount. Pandemics and the climate emergency
are afterthoughts. War is all that matters. This is a recipe for collective suicide.
Truth About the $40 Billion in US Aid Ostensibly Being spent to arm Ukraine. Once you take time to parse the
details you quickly realize the media is misleading the American public on the reality of the $40 billion dollars ostensibly
designated to buy weapons and equip Ukraine with a cornucopia of lethality. Mark Cancian at the Center for Strategic
and International Studies (aka CSIS) provides an excellent breakdown of what was actually appropriated.
Hawley says
'astronomical' $40B Ukraine aid bill is evidence of Biden's 'misplaced priorities' and hurts US. Sen. Josh
Hawley, R-Mo., is warning that a measure by Congress to give Ukraine $40 billion additional funding in its war against Russia
is evidence of the Biden administration's "misplaced priorities" and will be detrimental to the security of the U.S. The
Senate advanced a $40 billion Ukraine aid bill on Monday evening, despite opposition from a handful of Republican senators,
in a vote tallying 81-11. Hawley told Fox News Digital Tuesday during an exclusive interview that the reason why he voted
"no" to advance the aid package is due to the fact that it will harm the United States' standing domestically as well as on
the world stage and doesn't represent a "nationalist" foreign policy view.
Reason Why Americans Should Support $40 Billion for Ukraine Defies Belief. The House passed a bill for $40
billion in weapons and other aid to Ukraine and the war effort on Tuesday. That was $7 billion on top of what Joe Biden
had asked for and on top of the $13.6 billion that was passed last month. Joe Biden said they needed more because they
had already spent everything. While 57 Republicans voted against the new bill for $40 billion, most voted for it.
It still has to go through the Senate. Congress had already passed a bill that gave Joe Biden the right to provide
virtually anything out of our own stockpiles to Ukraine. Meanwhile, officials are raising questions about how our own
stockpiles are being depleted with this effort. There are also big questions about whether they are ensuring the
weapons are getting to where they're supposed to go.
Biden Asks Congress for $33 Billion More for Ukraine to Fund Their Government Salaries, Pensions and Budget
Obligations. This is getting seriously out of hand. On top of the $14 billion already appropriated for
Ukraine assistance, Joe Biden is now asking for a supplemental budget allocation of an additional $33 billion for
Ukraine. [Indeed], that's almost $50 billion in aid, plus the billions in distributed weapons. Biden is asking
for U.S. taxpayers to fund the budget, salaries and pension obligations of the Ukraine government.
asks Congress for $33 billion in military, economic and humanitarian aid to help Ukraine fight Russia. President
Joe Biden on Thursday asked Congress for an additional $33 billion in military and humanitarian assistance for the
Ukraine, which officials say could fund the war there for the next five months. Biden said the previous money allocated
for the Ukrainians has been spent. 'Basically we're out of money,' he said in remarks at the White House.
Missing $1.8 Billion in Aid Linked to Corrupt Oligarch Who 'Bankrolled' Ukraine Revolution. In a live video
presentation, Thursday night, conservative radio host Glenn Beck accused the Obama administration of funneling $1.8 billion
in taxpayer dollars to Ukraine in order to fund the Ukrainian revolution against Russia. Calling the scandal bigger than
the Reagan-era "Iran Contra" scandal, The Blaze founder said that his research team made the discovery while looking into the
phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky, which spurred the Democrats' now-failed impeachment
Feds Buy
Border Fence ... for Ukraine. As part of the U.S. Crisis Support Package for Ukraine
announced by the White House in April, the State Department awarded a $435,000 contract to B.K.
Engineering System in Kyiv for razor wire to help "defend the newly imposed borders between
Ukraine's mainland and the Crimean peninsula." The contract was awarded on June 12,
but was just posted online this week.
Document location
Updated March 26, 2025.