Richard Bauer's Old Pictures from KRLD-TV

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Yesterday [11/28/2007] I met with Richard Bauer, who was one of the engineers who put KRLD-TV on the air in 1949.  Richard handed over a bundle of medium format glass slides that were used in the station's early days.  I hope to have them professionally scanned and presented here in the near future, but just to get a good look at them I shot a couple of the slides with my camera.

Click to enlarge
This is self-explanatory.

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This is a real gem -- a KRLD-TV test pattern that appears to be in excellent condition.  The back-light is just a paper towel over a light bulb.  With that in mind, the slide should look really good when it is professionally converted into a computer-readable file.

Updated 11/30/2007:
The two slides shown on this page have been carefully packed and shipped and are now on their way to Dig My Pics in Arizona for scanning.  In a few weeks I should have some impressive scans to show you.

Updated 12/14/2007:
The people at DigMyPics wrote a few days ago and said they were unable to scan the old slides because the images were printed directly on the glass (!) and they didn't want to take a chance with their scanner.  (Never mind that, I thought... just don't break the slides!)  But then a couple of days later I got an invoice for scanning services, not just return shipping; so when I inquired about that, I was told that they were able to scan the slides after all.  That's great news.  I should have some excellent images to post here in a few days.

Updated 12/17/2007:
The FedEx package arrived today, and the results are quite good.  The only drawback is that since the glass slides have some considerable thickness, compared to film, there is a slight shadow evident in the finished products.  A few hours of restoration work with Photoshop could eliminate most of these artifacts, but it hardly seems worth the effort.  The scans turned out very well.

Click to enlarge
This looks pretty good.

As usual, click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge

back-lighted slide
Updated 12/18/2007:
Today I experimented with a different approach:  Instead of scanning the test pattern slide, I illuminated it from behind and shot it with a camera (like the first two photos at the top of this page), but this time I used a much more even back-light and had Travis take the photo with his camera, which is much better than mine.

Those are my thumbs and index fingers acting as a mounting bracket.

Click to enlarge
Using Adobe Photoshop, I cropped the picture and rotated it 2.36° counterclockwise to make it horizontal.  I then adjusted the black and white levels, sharpened it up, and cleaned up some of the spots and scratches.  The restored slide looks even better than the scan, I think.

The interesting thing about test patterns is that they really put your equipment to the test — hence the name.  If there are any shadows, ghosts, or distortions of any kind — especially a soft focus — the test pattern will show it.  Thus a test pattern one of the most difficult subjects to photograph, because you can tell what it's supposed to look like, even if it's not quite right.  That was the whole purpose of test patterns years ago.

Updated 11/27/2009:

Richard came by the other day and dropped off some snapshots, mostly from the 1970s.

Bauer 101
Marvin Reynolds, Dan Smith, Horace Liles.

Bauer 102
Bill Bragg.

Bauer 103
Two Ampex AVR-1's and an ACR-25.

Bauer 104
Nick Mueller.

Bauer 105
One of the first ENG vans.

Bauer 106
Chuck Armstrong.

Bauer 107
An overview of the news set in Studio A.

Bauer 108
Howard Chamberlain, and another man who might be Gene Dimock.  The man in the background might be Dan Smith.

Bauer 109
Bill Hathaway, Ed Shellhorn, Bob Jacobs.

Bauer 110
Chester Creech and ... somebody else.

Bauer 111
The engineering department secretary, whose name I do not know.

Bauer 112
Gene Roberts, engineering supervisor.

Bauer 113
Allen Levy.

Bauer 114
Tony Santos and Projector 3.

Bauer 115
Judy Overstreet, CG operator in the newsroom.

Bauer 116
Marlene McClinton (?), Warren Culbertson, and Dick Johnson.

Bauer 117

Bauer 118
Bob Natho, surrounded by videotape machines.   The quad machines were equipped with Editec editors, which were almost never used.  Shows like "Dance Fever" and re-runs of "Sanford and Son" were played on these machines.

Bauer 119
The man on the right is probably Ken Hansen..

Bauer 120
Marvin Reynolds, and in the background, the original 1949 water-cooled GE transmitter.

Bauer 121
This is a Collins microwave transmitter, the studio-transmitter link, which sent KRLD-TV programming to Cedar Hill (about 16 miles to the southwest), using only 100 milliwatts of power.  Callsign:  KKW-88.

Bauer 122
Marvin Reynolds, Billy Grant, and Warren Farrar.

Bauer 123
A bank of CG / data entry people, probably during election returns, possibly November 1978.

Bauer 124
Chuck Armstrong is running Camera 1.

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Document location
Updated November 30, 2009.
Version 2.13.8

Page design by Andrew K. Dart
Entire contents Copyright ©2009 by Andrew K. Dart
All rights reserved, except as stated here.