You may want to start at
the KRLD Pictures Index Page, especially
if you have stumbled across this page through the use of a search engine.
These people are
breaking ground for some new construction project, apparently in the 1930's.
It is most likely the groundbreaking for the Times Herald building.
We may never know who those people are
in the background.
[Added 3/19/2018]
Some of these people, especially Edwin Kiest (center), can be positively identified by comparing them to the photos in this booklet about
KRLD history.
The man in the middle of this picture
looks a lot like Woodrow Wilson. A little research revealed that on October 28, 1911,
future U.S. President Woodrow Wilson spoke at Fair Park Coliseum on "Woodrow Wilson
That would be long before KRLD (or any other station) went on the air. So I don't know
how this photo got into the file with all the others.
Updated 3/7/2006:
Today I received a very helpful email from
Rachel Roberts of the Dallas Historical Society
who sent me a clipping from the October 29, 1911, edition of the Dallas Morning News,
that identifies the people in this photograph.
Note that Edwin J. Kiest was the publisher of the Dallas Times Herald until his death in 1941,
a charter member of the Associated Press, and owner of KRLD Radio after 1927.
Quoting the newspaper caption:
In the front row, left to right, are E. J. Kiest,
president of the State Fair; Gov. Wilson of
New Jersey, Gov. Colquitt of
Texas and United States
Senator Culberson of
Texas. In the rear are
Murrell Buckner,
chairman of the local committee; John C. Robertson, president
Dallas County Woodrow Wilson Club; Royal Watkins, secretary Dallas County
Woodrow Wilson Club, and Walter Measday, private secretary to Gov. Wilson.
It also says, "Photo by Clogenson". Apparently that would have
been Henry
Clogenson, who died in 1924.
Material pertaining to the Dallas Times Herald
Paper boys at the
Times Herald. (2 Megabytes)
Updated 5/13/2006:
A Dallas Times Herald delivery truck.
Must be sometime
in 1960.
Dallas Times Herald ad on a city bus. The bus also has a 1960 license plate.
KRLD billboard, just north of downtown Dallas, with the old power station in the background.
KRLD ad on a city bus.
KRLD ad on a city bus, parked on Patterson Street, on the back side of the
Dallas Times Herald building.