Global warming and cooling take place constantly — in most places, warming and cooling occur every day (and night). The amount of warming predicted over the next century varies from about one degree (or less) to Al Gore's wild exaggeration of 20 degrees. Some of the "solutions" proposed to fight this problem are ridiculous, and yet there are people who take these ideas seriously. This page exists for the purpose of exposing these ridiculous red herrings and encouraging people to filter the global warming "news" with a great deal of skepicism. Subsections: Section 1 — Al Gore: The global warming scare is easy to dismiss because it is being propagated most prominently by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, who is known to have difficulty with the truth. Examples of Mr. Gore's previous lies and deceptions can be found in The Gore Lies, published by the National Review. The global warming scare is also being spread by the American news media, which has a history of bias, dishonesty and sensationalism, especially when dealing with environmental matters. Unfavorable reviews of Al Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth, can be found on the bottom half of this page. In case you have forgotten the unnecessary strife and turmoil stirred up by Al Gore after he lost the 2000 presidential election, you can dig in the archives on this page. Related topic: The Gore Effect. Al Gore's Phony Climate Alarmism Exposed. [I]n 2006, with the release of his film An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore's climate change movement exploded. Al Gore admitted he was no scientist. The source Gore cited for his climate alarmism was his Harvard professor, Roger Revelle. Gore cited an unnamed course he took from Revelle in the fall semester of 1969. To get some answers, I went to the University of California San Diego where Roger Revelle's lifelong papers are stored. First, I discovered that the course Gore took from Revelle at Harvard was called "Human Populations", and was all about world population growth. Gore scored a "C" in the class. There was absolutely nothing about the climate or atmospheric science. Next, I reviewed Revelle's numerous articles and interviews over 40 years and discovered that Revelle did not agree with Gore's theories about greenhouse gases, global warming or climate change. Yet Al Gore credited Revelle for his extreme apocalyptic environmental positions, which Gore repeatedly called "a spiritual crisis". So where did Al Gore's climate science really come from? Is the climate doomsday cult finally losing power? For years, climate activists like Al Gore and John Kerry have made bold, headline-grabbing predictions that have failed to materialize. Gore's 2007 assertion that the Arctic would be ice-free by 2013 stands in stark contrast to reality: Arctic ice has not disappeared despite seasonal fluctuations, and Antarctica sea ice has rebounded from record low levels. Similarly, Kerry's repeated warnings of impending catastrophe have lacked grounding in observable data. Then-teenage activist Greta Thunberg's 2020 declaration that we had only "eight years left to save the planet" added to a long list of apocalyptic deadlines that have come and gone without the promised catastrophes. Al Gore has made $330m with climate alarmism. Warning the world that it is on the brink of disaster has been lucrative for Al Gore. His wild prediction at Davos that Earth faces 'rain bombs' and 'boiling oceans' is just his latest in decades of climate alarmism. At the same time, the former VP has been at the forefront of green technology investment that has seen his wealth balloon to an estimated $330 million. Junk Scientist and Serial Liar Al Gore Makes Absurd Global Warming Prediction. Global Warming fraud Al Gore made a new 'climate change' prediction "once we get to true net zero." Net-zero emissions is a front for global Communism. "Net zero" will be reached when the world completely 'eliminates carbon emissions' and we go back to the dark ages. Only the global elites will continue to live in their mansions, eat meat, and fly in private jets. Al Gore made the new Global Warming prediction from Davos as he sat outside in the freezing cold weather with a snowy backdrop. "The good news is that once we get to true net zero and stop adding, the temperatures will stop going up almost immediately, with a lag of as little as three years," Al Gore said without providing any evidence whatsoever to back up his new timeline. Delusion: The Editor says... Al Gore Says There is a Mental Health Crisis Around the World Because "We Are Not Solving the Climate Crisis". Global warming charlatan Al Gore appeared on CNN on Sunday and told host Jake Tapper that there is a mental health crisis around the world because of the unsolved 'climate change' crisis. "There is a mental health crisis around the world, I think that one of the main reasons for that is that young people look at the fact that we are not yet solving the climate crisis," Al Gore said on CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday. "We hear the word thrown around 'poly-crisis.' Well, solving the climate crisis is a 'poly-solution.' We know what to do. We have the means to do it. And we have to make sure that we make the right political choices in our democracy to enable ourselves to make the right choices," Al Gore said. Climate Change Alarmist Al Gore Declares War on Fossil Fuel Industry. Climate change alarmist and former United States Vice President Al Gore has blasted the fossil fuel industry, accusing oil and gas companies of "using the atmosphere as an open sewer." Mr. Gore, whose climate rants have grown progressively more unhinged, said this week that fossil fuel companies are "digging and drilling and pumping up the fossilized remains of dead animals and plants and burning them in ways that use the atmosphere as an open sewer, threatening the future of humanity." Al Gore's greenie investment fund caught buying stock in polluters. Is there anything that green guru Al Gore does that's actually green? We know he's an energy hog, using way more than his "fair share" of energy to heat his mansions. We know he flies around on carbon-spewing private jets. Turns out he doesn't even invest green, even though he would like you to think he does. Al Gore's Broken Record of Hypocrisy. Al Gore's hypocrisy is well known: consuming ten times the average household's electricity in his Tennessee mansion, buying a beachfront mansion in California while warning of sea level rise, flying in private jets while hectoring us about our carbon footprint, etc. Turns out Gore's investment fund, Generation Investment Management, dedicated to "sustainable" investing (ESG before it was the cool term) is in on the con, too. Al Gore, Lunatic. Somebody help this man. Speaking at the World Economic Forum's annual wankfest in Davos, Switzerland, the inventor of the internet and the scourge of massage therapists everywhere went on an unhinged rant that tells you all you need to know about the psychosis currently afflicting politicians all over the world. Gesticulating wildly, his face reddening, his voice rising, the former vice president of the United States became a man in the deadly grip of a panicked, violent, superstitious reaction to... the weather. A decent human being would be ashamed to show his face in public ever again after this embarrassing display of childish, Thunbergian pique, but in front of the unctuous barking seals who make up the attendees at Klaus Schwab's Klubhaus Gore was greeted with whoops and cheers for his messianic fervor. The cultish behavior of the so-called global elites was never more in evidence, a perverse clerisy of crackpots in charge of a global suicide sect. [Video clip] Al Gore has really lost it, hasn't he? Yeah, the guy who has spent the last 30 years saying we only have a few more years to save the ice caps is once again telling you that we will be dead unless government takes drastic action to stop you little people and your farting cows. And that the accumulated heat on the planet is as much as 600,000 nukes exploding every day. [Video clip] How Al Gore Amassed a $330 Million Climate Fortune by Terrifying Everyone. Former Vice President and 2000 presidential election loser Al Gore has spent his post-political career warning anyone who will listen that the earth is in its death throes due to global warming (now called climate change because somehow that's better). His 2006 documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" amassed $49 million at the world box office and catapulted Al into the top ranks of climate hysterics, and he's never looked back, constantly jetting to meetings around the world to preach his truth. This week he's at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, because of course he is. Is he doing this because he truly believes what he's saying, or because he cares so very much about you? While we can't read his mind, one thing we do know for sure: climate change has been very, very good to Al Gore. Though he was worth approximately $1.7 million at the end of his vice presidency, he has now amassed an estimated $330 million fortune, owns houses in Virginia, California, and Tennessee, and receives a cool $2 million a month for a figurehead position at the Generation Investment Management green energy fund he founded with former Goldman Sachs Managing Director David W. Blood. Al Gore Goes On A Crazy Rant About Climate Change At Davos. Rain bombs? Boiling oceans? 600k Herohima nukes exploding every day? [Video clip] Al Gore warns 'climate refugees' could reach a 'billion', doom 'self-governance' forever in deranged Davos diatribe. Former Vice President Al Gore, the nation's preeminent global warming "expert" was in rare form at the World Economic Forum summit in Davos where the overstuffed prophet of climate doom delivered a deranged rant to to the beautiful people who assembled in the Swiss Alps to scheme out the planet's future. In a fiery diatribe chock full of apocalyptic conjecture, the 74-year-old Gore worked the crowd as he spoke of a biblical plague of weather events that have been unleashed as a result of anthropogenic climate change with such catastrophic horrors as atmospheric rivers, rain bombs and boiling oceans while mixing in a generous helping of pure political red meat about right-wing xenophobia as well as praise for creepy Swedish teen Greta Thunberg who has amassed a dedicated following of cult-like devotees. "Emissions are still going up! All these promises of the last few years to cut emission — emissions are still going up. When are we gonna bring these emissions down?" Gore raved. The Editor says... Al Gore WEF Meltdown: 'Boiling the Oceans,' 'Rain Bombs,' a Billion 'Climate Refugees'. Former Vice President Al Gore said that "greenhouse gas pollution" was "boiling the oceans," causing "rain bombs," and creating "climate refugees" during remarks at a World Economic Forum (WEF) event in Davos, Switzerland on Tuesday. Gore joined a panel discussion ostensibly examining what the WEF and the White House regularly describe as a "climate crisis" driven by consumption of fossil fuels. One of the panel's hosts framed it as a "planetary crisis" driving "mass extinction" while "really putting humanity's future at risk." The Editor says... Democrat Voter Fraud: A Brief History. We all know the absurdist story of the 2000 presidential election. [...] The leftist version is well known, since it's all we ever hear — George W. Bush was only ahead by 900 votes in Florida when Gore, in the pure interest of fairness, requested a simple recount, at which point the right-wing extremist Supreme Court leapt in and handed the victory to Bush by fiat. (This, by the way, has served as an excuse for all electoral cheating since that point — "the GOP started it in 2000... We have to cheat, to protect democracy." As to what excuses the myriad cases of cheating that occurred beforehand... well, don't ask me. I dunno.) What actually happened is that Gore's crowd created a strategy in which every possible vote-counting method would be utilized, with recounts repeated as many times as necessary until one was finally discovered that would overturn the results. These included attempts to carry out recounts only in Democrat strongholds such as Dade County while shutting down any such efforts on the Panhandle, home to many military retirees. The Bush campaign took Gore to court to prevent such schemes, until finally, given the opportunity at last, the Florida State Supreme Court — almost exclusively Democrat-appointed — found in favor of Gore's demand that 'undervotes" — ballots showing no presidential vote at all — be counted, while at the same time "awarding" him nearly 500 votes, a novel concept unheard of in American jurisprudence up to that date. Al Gore Says 'Climate Deniers' Are Like Uvalde Police Officers Who Didn't Rescue Children. Former vice president and global warming activist Al Gore claimed in a pre-recorded interview Saturday that those who deny climate change are comparable to police officers who refuse to enter a school to stop a shooting. In an interview set to air on Sunday, Gore told NBC, "You know the climate deniers are really in some ways similar to all of those almost 400 law enforcement officers in Uvalde, Texas, who were waiting outside an unlocked door while the children were being massacred. They heard the screams, they heard the gunshots, and nobody stepped forward." Hey Al, Here's An Inconvenient Truth For Ya: Former Veep Has $36B Invested in the CCP. Former Vice President and failed (yes, failed) Presidential candidate Al Gore is worth close to $300 million dollars. But Gore's investment fund dedicated to environmental and social sustainability, Generation Investment Management, is worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Nice chunk of change. So, what's he doing with it? According to the Washington Free Beacon, Gore's "mission-led firm" claims to "seek transformational change needed in climate and social action." Sure, sounds great and most certainly looks good on a business card — there's only one problem with it[:] Generation Investment Management has investments in companies that profit from Chinese slave labor and help the Chinese Communist Party censor the internet. Wait, didn't Gore tell CNN's Wolf Blitzer in 1999 that he invented the internet? Al Gore's 'Climate and Social Action' Investment Fund Is More Red Than Green. I've heard it said somewhere that environmentalists are like watermelons: green on the outside but red on the inside. Many people in the environmental movement use the "climate change" narrative to push for outright communism or socialism. Others profit off communist investments to fund their climate initiatives as well as their wallets. Al Gore is one of those making money off of China to push a green agenda. According to a report from the Washington Free Beacon, Gore's $36 billion investment fund, which touts its goal to "seek transformational change needed in climate and social action" in the world, has significant investments in China. Al Gore Continues to Profit Off of the Climate Alarmism. America's favorite climate hysteric, former vice-president Al Gore, has announced his newest money-making scheme fueled by climate change alarmism. Gore is a co-founder of Generation Investment Management — a $36 billion investment firm. The company's new $1.7 billion Sustainable Solutions Fund IV will focus investments on companies "that contribute to lower emissions, increased financial inclusion and more accessible healthcare," according to Bloomberg. Gore is already reportedly worth over $300 million largely due to his climate change advocacy and his embrace of the alarmist position on global warming. His 2006 film An Inconvenient Truth is responsible for misleading an entire generation of schoolchildren on the science of climate change, which Gore claims is a "planetary crisis" requiring a "planetary solution." 13 Years Ago Today Climate Grifter, Al Gore, Predicted by this time We would Be Underwater with No Polar Ice Caps. It was 13 years ago today that the failed Presidential candidate turned VP, turned climate grifter, Al Gore, said that by this time in our history there would be no polar ice caps left, and most of the eastern seaboard and coastlines around the world would be underwater. It turns out, the man who once claimed he helped create the internet, was wrong about that as well as he continues to peddle the same lies while moving the goal posts. [Video clip] Al Gore's Latest 'Solution' To Climate Change Is Mass Surveillance. Speaking from the private jet and super yacht owners gathering, otherwise known as the COP 26 summit, Al Gore touted his latest solution to curb carbon emissions, mass surveillance via satellites, sensors and artificial intelligence. In the interview with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, Gore declared that technology created by the so called Climate TRACE coalition will monitor greenhouse gas emissions and root out the culprits. "We get data consistently from 300 existing satellites, more than 11,000 ground-based, air-based, sea-based sensors, multiple internet data streams and using artificial intelligence," Gore explained, adding "All that information is combined, visible light, infrared, all of the other information that is brought in, and we can now accurately determine where the greenhouse gas emissions are coming from." [...] Gore, who in 2008 said there would be no polar ice caps left within five years, continued, "And next year we'll have it down to the level of every single power plant, refinery, every large ship, every plane, every waste dump, and we'll have the identities of the people who are responsible for each of those greenhouse gas emission streams." And what, pray tell will happen to these climate criminals Al? Al Gore: 'Time to say goodbye to coal, oil and gas worldwide'. Former Vice President Al Gore called on the world to "say goodbye to coal, oil and gas" to fight climate change in a video released Friday ahead of the upcoming UN COP 26 global warming conference. Oil, gas and coal are the source of 79% of U.S. energy consumption, according to the latest data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Nuclear energy provides 9% of U.S. energy, while renewable energy accounts for 12%. Gore called on public and private sector leaders to "get real" about immediately reducing greenhouse gas emissions and about moving away from fossil fuels to "clean" energy. Fifteen years on, Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient Truth' has proved to be largely inaccurate tripe. Al Gore's climate change movie was hailed as revolutionary a decade and a half ago when it was released to much fanfare but, in the intervening years, the truths have, inconveniently, turned out to not be truths at all. Fifteen years ago today, failed US presidential candidate, Al Gore, released what can be best described as a scare movie called 'An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming And What We Can Do About It'. The movie was a global hit and Gore won an Oscar; he also received the Nobel Peace Prize. Gore had succeeded in making global warming sexy. Everyone wanted to get in on the act to show how eco-friendly they were, particularly celebrities. And everyone else had to sign up to the agenda because, as we still hear so often today, "the science is settled." [...] But the movie wasn't just aimed at adults, or gullible MEPs, it was designed to scare our children. Schools around the world showed the movie and the complimentary book appeared in their libraries. As a result, children became terrified of the impending climate doom, which led to 'climate anxiety' and even now is giving our little ones sleepless nights. However, the wheels quickly started to come off 'An Inconvenient Truth'. In 2007, the High Court of England and Wales ruled that the film contained nine scientific inaccuracies relating to "the context of alarmism and exaggeration." The Left's Idea of a Happy Future. Liberals are fond of predicting the future, and their predictions, which are always dire, then become the pretext for more government. [...] Liberals are wrong about the future because their theories are based on ideology, not on the facts. Unlike conservatives, whose ideas are grounded on prudence and a clear view of human nature, liberals really have no conception of what drives human beings: their thinking is built on a handful of fixed ideas that can be traced to a number of shallow-minded philosophers including Rousseau, Malthus, Marx, Dewey, and Gore. What all of these thinkers have in common is the misconception that a centralized, planned economy can transform society into a utopia. In every case, they've been wrong. The Earth's population did not starve (Malthus); capitalism was not replaced with a socialist utopia (Marx); the earth has not been consumed by storm, drought, and rising seas (Gore). NBC Trots Out Al Gore to Demand That Trump Issue A 'Proper Concession'. The ballots are still being counted — and, in some states, being recounted — for the 2020 presidential election between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. No winner has been declared but, somehow, some of the people on NBC News believe that the president should concede. But, in a hilarious fashion, they want him to concede the way former Vice President Al Gore did after the 2000 election. Al Gore: 'Burning Of Fossil Fuels' [is] A Pre-Condition 'For Higher Death Rates From COVID-19'. Former Vice President Al Gore said Tuesday [8/25/2020] that burning fossil fuels "should be understood as a precondition for higher death rates from COVID-19." The loser of the 2000 presidential election cited a study that he claimed showed a connection between "particulate pollution" in cities and higher virus infection rates. In an online interview, Reuters Editor-in-Chief Stephen J. Adler asked if Gore saw a connection "between the change in climate and extreme weather and other aspect of climate change and the advent of the virus." "Well, yes. I'd mention two important ones. First of all, we now know from multiple studies that the burning of fossil fuels should be understood as a precondition for higher death rates from COVID-19. A massive study of 324 cities in China showed a significant linear increase in infections and serious infections related to cities and communities where there is more particulate pollution in the air. Of course, the principal source of that is burning fossil fuels," Gore said. The Editor says... How Leftism Replaces Success with Failure. Former potential president Al Gore, in his book Earth in the Balance wanted us to enlist "every law and institution, every treaty and alliance, every tactic and strategy, every plan and course of action — to use, in short, every means to halt the destruction of the environment and to preserve and nurture our ecological system." Gore mused about making the "effort to save the global environment the central organizing principle of our civilization." These words were published in 1992, and yet we are still here; environmental judgment day has not yet dawned. Nor, based on the little I have read on the subject, do I believe it is dawning any time soon. My suspicions are that Gore, member of a party that leans toward socialism, pushed his beliefs because he doesn't like our capitalist system and also because of his worshipful beliefs about the environment. Like secular humanists in their approach, Gore wants to seize our way of life and thinking to transform them to his liking, and doom is his selling point. Al Gore, U.N. secretary-general and other elitists call for a 'great reset' of the global economy. Justin Haskins, executive editor and a research fellow at The Heartland Institute and the editor in chief of StoppingSocialism.com wrote this past week that "while most Americans have been preoccupied with protests and pandemics, a potentially bigger story has managed to slip beneath the radar." How so? Well, while the economic and political chaos caused by the COVID-19 outbreak and the social unrest of the Black Lives Matter protests dominates the news, Al Gore, the U.N. secretary-general and a cadre of other elitists, who fancy themselves our superiors, have gathered together at the World Economic Forum (WEC) to call for a "Great Reset" of the entire global economy and its political structures. Al Gore, UN Secretary-General, others now demanding 'Great Reset' of global capitalism. The economic, social and political chaos caused by the COVID-19 outbreak and Black Lives Matter protests have for months captured the attention of virtually every American — and for good reason. These are incredibly important issues worthy of significant and thoughtful debate. But while most Americans have been preoccupied with protests and pandemics, a potentially bigger story has managed to slip beneath the radar: a growing movement among the world's most powerful leaders to call for a "reset" of the entire global economy. Al Gore says he's very impressed with 'Greta Thunberry'. Al Gore flubbed the name of activist Greta Thunberg as he tried to commend her as a leader of the movement to tackle climate change, a cause he has long championed. "When morally-based, social revolutions gain the momentum necessary when the young generation takes on the cost," the former vice president said at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. "Greta Thunberry, and she is quick to deflect to all of the others who have followed her lead and joined her in leading — this is a global phenomenon." Al Gore compares climate change to Dunkirk, Agincourt, and 9/11. Al Gore has urged governments and the global elite to take stronger action in tackling the climate crisis, comparing it to some of the greatest military actions in history — and the 9/11 terror attacks. The former US vice president made the comparisons during a panel session at the World Economic Forum in Davos, which was attended by teenage activist Greta Thunberg, Prince Charles, and Donald Trump. Al Gore is here to bore us all again with climate change hysteria. Environmental alarmist Al Gore, a.k.a. the former vice-president, popped up Wednesday night [11/20/2019] at Vanderbilt University in Nashville to lecture about climate change. He spoke at the kick-off of a global event called "24 Hours of Reality". The event continues on through Thursday as a project of The Climate Reality Project, founded by Gore in 2006. He claims 20,000 climate activists he's trained will present their own takes on climate change in more than 1,700 locations across the globe. The Climate Reality Project is a non-profit organization. He garnered an audience of about 1,000 people. Gore on climate-change threat: 'This is the Battle of the Bulge. This is 9/11'. Former Vice President Al Gore on Tuesday [11/19/2019] compared the seriousness of climate change to battles fought during WWII and the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. "This is Pearl Harbor. This is Midway. This is the Battle of Bulge. This is 9/11. We have to rise to this challenge. We have to change," Mr. Gore said during a speech in New Jersey after Gov. Phil Murphy laid out his plan to transition the Garden State to clean energy sources, a local CBS affiliate reported. Mr. Gore made the same comparison on Wednesday during a speech at Vanderbilt University in Nashville promoting his Climate Reality Project. Al Gore and an Inconvenient Forecast. [Scroll down] Now we come to the guy who literally reinvented himself after he lost the 2000 Presidential election and decided to stop talking about the "Social Security Lock Box" and focus on how [...] to scare people on climate. He has succeeded to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars and one of those Nobel Peace Prize things that President Obama got for breathing. Albert got right to work after losing to the cowboy from Texas for the sweet gig that included getting free plane rides on that gas burning hog Air Force One and decided to make what can loosely be called a documentary. The Far Left Is Making Teens Miserable Over The Imminent Destruction Of The World. Fourteen years ago, a gullible, very impressionable youngster by the name of 57-year-old Al Gore was told we only had 10 years to save the world. The poor kid told eeeeeverybody. And he fought it all over the world — except at his own house, where he ran up electric bills "21.3 times that of the U.S. household average." Al Gore Invented Greta Thunberg. Greta Thunberg is an obnoxious Swedish teen who makes David Hogg seem downright personable. The child of famous parents has become the public face of environmentalist activism in Europe. The media story is that she's a grass-roots activist. The reality is that while Al Gore may not have invented the internet, he did help invent Greta. Gore Says His Global Warming Predictions Have Come True? Can He Prove It? When asked Sunday [8/11/2019] about his 2006 prediction that we would reach the point of no return in 10 years if we didn't cut human greenhouse gas emissions, climate alarmist in chief Al Gore implied that his forecast was exactly right. [...] If we have truly gotten this far, why even care that "virtually all" of the Democratic candidates have agreed that global warming is a top issue? If we had passed the point of no return, there'd be no reason to maintain hope. The fact Gore's looking for a "savior" from among the candidates means that even he doesn't believe things have gone too far. Al Gore claims his climate-change predictions about 2016 have now come true. Former Vice President Al Gore said his predictions from 2006 about climate change over the next ten years have come true and claimed part of the damage has been irreversible. [...] "Well, some changes, unfortunately, have already been locked in place," Gore replied. "Sea level increases are going to continue no matter what we do now. But, we can prevent much larger sea level increases — much more rapid increases in temperatures. The heat wave was in Europe. Now, it's in the Arctic, and we're seeing huge melting of the ice there." The Editor says... Open Your Eyes. The Planet's Not Dying. Vice President Al Gore became a global warming alarmist and billionaire with his ridiculous carbon credit scheme. So many people fell for his Inconvenient Truth film that nobody bothered to check its flawed data. [...] [T]here has never been a scientific consensus about global warming and if anyone tries to spout the nonsense that a majority of 'climate scientists' agree on climate change, they are conning you. Gore lectures Australians on climate change in taxpayer-subsidized conference. Former Vice President Al Gore is in Australia hosting a project to combat climate change — a push that is being subsidized by local taxpayers to the tune of $100,000 amid a dispute over a controversial coal mine. Gore, who spearheaded the 2006 movie "An Inconvenient Truth," has spent decades calling for action against climate change and founded a nonprofit, The Climate Reality Project. In Australia, he has opposed the building of the Adani coal mine in Queensland. It was in that context that the Queensland state government announced last year that Gore would lead a Climate Reality Project training conference in the state from June 5-7. Why does Al Gore keep denying science? This past Wednesday, May 29, former Vice President Al Gore spoke to the graduating seniors at Harvard University. A summary of his talk? There is an "assault on science" that threatens "the capacity of the human species to endure" on planet Earth. Mr. Gore proceeded to warn both students and faculty at Wednesday's annual Class Day convocation, stressing that "reason" and "rational debate" were under threat from what he called "ideology of authoritarianism" by those who disagree with him and his political agenda. [...] This is the man who told us in 2006 that we had "ten years to save the planet" and that the Arctic would be ice-free by summer of 2014. In case you haven't checked lately, that has not happened, nor are we even close. This is the man who, at the same time, said the gulf stream would slow down and cause untold climate devastation as the result. News flash: Current scientific data actually shows the gulf stream has had zero decrease and may actually be speeding up. Al Gore inserts himself into Australia's election — and Aussie voters run the other way. You'd think Al Gore, the big clown dumkopf who went off the rails after he lost the 2000 election to George W. Bush, would have learned a thing or two about what works in Western politics. One of those things is that foreign interference in another country's election is the most reliable way to get the opposite of the desired result. [...] Well, either Gore is a slow learner or else he never got the memo. Instead of recognizing how futile this idea is, he went to Australia just ahead of its election — one that Al Jazeera said was all about global warming indeed — and repeated the same stupidities he always does about global warming, telling Australians how to vote to make him happy. When happened then is what always happens: Gore gave Australians one more reason to vote the other way. The Democrats' Sore Loser Syndrome. [Scroll down] The Democrats' next sore loser was Al Gore, the inventor of the Internet. He lost to an obscure Texan in a race that was decided in the Electoral College. Al whined and tied the election up for 35 days until the Supreme Court had had enough and called the election for that obscure nobody from Texas. The election was decided in Florida by 537 votes after the votes of almost 6 million Floridians were counted. The Editor says... Climate Junk Science and the Utter Nonsense of Twelve Years to Destruction. Al Gore, who has found in Climate Change the opportunity both to Prophet and to Profit, is both demagogue and fool. He went to an Ivy League college — guess how he got in — and did horrifically poorly in science. It may yet take a Mueller Investigation someday to get at Obama's college and law school grades and admission applications, but we do have Gore's science grades — and they are gory. Among Al Gore's college courses at Harvard [...] he studied environmental science. In the course titled "Man's Place in Nature" he got a "D." The man who tells the world that environmental "science is settled" failed that very science course in a college where almost no one fails. [...] Likewise, he did poorly in chemistry. He did poorly in physics. Texas city featured in Al Gore film lost millions in green energy investments. A green energy scheme to supply a small town in Texas with 100% of its electrical needs via cheap solar and wind power is, instead, costing the city almost $7 million. Georgetown, Texas was featured in the sequel to Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth as the "future" of American power generation. But falling fossil fuel prices are making the scheme ruinously expensive for the town. 10 Years Ago Today, Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Completely Ice Free in Five Years. On December 13, 2008, junk scientist Al Gore predicted the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years. How Al Gore Built The Global Warming Fraud. Although his science is often seriously wrong, no one can deny that Al Gore has a flair for the dramatic. Speaking about climate change in an October 12 PBS interview, the former vice-president proclaimed, "We have a global emergency." Referring to the most recent UN climate report, Gore claimed it showed that current global warming "could actually extend to an existential threat to human civilization on this planet as we know it." Al Gore's overblown rhetoric makes no sense, of course. Yet his hyperbolic claims beg the question: How did this all start? Another Hurricane Means More Climate Change Hysteria. [Scroll down] America's preeminent climate oracle Al Gore made an apocalyptic movie in 2006, An Inconvenient Truth. Early in 2006, when promoting the movie, he predicted that unless we took "drastic measures" to reduce greenhouse gasses, the world would reach a "point of no return" in a mere ten years. He called it a "true planetary emergency." Mr. Gore's ten years have come and gone and the only thing reaching a "point of no return" is the Democrats' civility and decency, not the climate. Al Gore Caught Lying About Climate Change — Again. Al Gore is at it again. On Friday, the failed presidential candidate and amateur climatologist made several baseless claims regarding Hurricane Florence. Not surprisingly, at least one of Gore's assertions was factually inaccurate. Gore was speaking at the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco when he blurted, "This is the first time in history that two major storms are making landfall from the Atlantic and Pacific simultaneously." Gore cited the two simultaneous storms as clear evidence of so-called climate-change causing unusually extreme weather. The carbon-credit salesman was referencing Hurricane Florence, which struck the Carolinas on Friday, and Super Typhoon Mangkhut, which hit the Philippines on Saturday. While simultaneous cyclonic activity in both oceans is a bit unusual, it is hardly unprecedented. Al Gore's claim about Hurricane Florence doused by scientists. Another climate-change claim by former Vice President Al Gore is coming under fire, this one involving Hurricane Florence. Mr. Gore said Friday [9/14/2018] that two major storms from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans had never made landfall at the same time, referring to Hurricane Florence, the Category 1 hurricane that struck North Carolina on Friday, and Super Typhoon Mangkhut, which hit the Philippines early Saturday. The Editor says... Failed Predictions of Climate Alarmists Make Future Predictions Suspect. It's hard for the average citizen to read the news these days and not be worried for the future of the planet. We are told that 13 of the last 16 years have been the warmest on record. We hear that coastal cities such as New York and Atlantic City, as well as nearly all of Florida, are at risk of flooding due to unprecedented sea-level rise. We are told that the wildfires in California and Greece are the worst ever recorded, and that these fires represent a "new normal" because of man-made climate change. But to get a good gauge of such predictions, it is wise to look at how similar predictions have turned out in the past. So, don't sell your beachfront property just yet. [...] When carbon-credit salesman Al Gore joined the climate fray with his "documentary" An Inconvenient Truth in 2006, the climate lies only worsened. Gore's film predicted a 20-foot sea-level rise in the "near future" owing to ice melt from Greenland and Antarctica. As you can see, it hasn't happened yet. Al Gore Forecasted "Ice-Free" Arctic by 2013; Ice Cover Expands 50%. In 2007, 2008 and 2009, [Al] Gore publicly and very hysterically warned that the North Pole would be "ice-free" by around 2013 because of alleged "man-made global warming." Citing "climate" experts, the government-funded BBC hyped the mass hysteria, running a now-embarrassing article under the headline: "Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'." Other establishment media outlets did the same. Well, 2013 is almost over [12/18/2013], and contrary to the alarmist "predictions" by Gore and what critics refer to as his "doomsday cult," the latest satellite data show that Arctic ice cover has actually expanded 50 percent over 2012 levels. In fact, during October, sea-ice levels grew at the fastest pace since records began in 1979. Al Gore Screams That Global Warming Causes Flying Rivers and Rain Bombs. Who would have thought that normal meteorological phenomena could be so scary? Gore also shouted that higher humidity brought on by global warming is causing droughts. Global warming was further blamed for lightning and forest fires. In an attempt to make his doomy bellowings locally relevant, Gore prophesized that large parts of the Middle East would soon become uninhabitable. Hillary Clinton: President of Women. After Al Gore lost the 2000 election and ate all the food he could find, he had to figure out what to do next. He couldn't get the United States to elect him, so he decided to elect himself president... of the Environment! Since then, Gore has spent his abundant free time scolding us all for destroying the planet. He won't shut up about it. Then he flies around on private jets between his various mansions, but whatever. So what if he has the carbon footprint of a small country? He's a ridiculous hypocrite, but it's made him a multimillionaire and a favorite of our liberal betters. And most importantly, it distracts him from the fact that he will never, ever be president of the United States. Guess Where The Money Behind Al Gore's Promotion Of Climate Hysterics Came From. If you think former Vice-President Al Gore, and current head of the Church of Climate Change was helping to save the world out of the goodness of his heart with his own money, you are sadly mistaken. As leaked documents reveal, Gore was having his pockets filled by an outside source that had a specific interest in the climate hysterics being spread far and wide. And that source was none other than leftist sugar daddy George Soros. According to Daily Caller, documents published by DC Leaks show that Soros's group Open Society Institute (OSI) threw $10 million at Al Gore in 2008 to push climate panic in order to help push policies surrounding the bad science. This 'Bitter Cold' Is What Global Warming Looks Like, Explains Al Gore. Yep. Where others might see a crisis, Al Gore has spotted a Rahm-Emanuel-style opportunity to promote his renewables scam. This bitter cold, he wants you to know, isn't a sign that his global warming theory is a busted flush. It's a sign that he's even more right than ever before! Nine Years Ago, Al Gore Predicted North Pole Would Be Completely Ice Free by Today. Gore made the prediction to a German audience in 2008. He told them that "the entire North 'polarized' cap will disappear in 5 years". This wasn't the only time Gore made his ice-free prediction. Gore's been predicting this since 2007. Al Gore's dark past is an inconvenient truth. Back in October of 2006, a Portland, Ore. masseuse accused the former vice president of "unwanted sexual contact" while performing a massage on him in a hotel room. [...] No charges were ever filed due to a "lack of evidence." A second incident allegedly took place at a luxury Beverly Hills hotel in 2007 when Gore was in town for the Oscars. [...] The [National] Enquirer also alleges Gore's fruit came out of the loom a third time, a year later at a hotel in Tokyo. I'm sure his defenders will attack the journalistic integrity of the Enquirer, but I would note that they were the ones who broke the John Edwards, Bill Cosby and Charlie Sheen stories before the mainstream media would touch them with a 10 foot pole. Al Gore, "Energy Hog" Hypocrite. In 2007, the National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR) released a study showing that Al Gore's gargantuan "carbon footprint" destroys his status as a credible champion for changing wasteful ways. Now, a decade later, a new NCPPR study reveals that Gore has continued his energy-hog lifestyle, indicating he believes that the commandment to change is "For thee and not for me." The details of Gore's energy guzzling can be found in a new report from the National Center for Public Policy Research entitled "Al Gore's Inconvenient Reality." An Emetic for Gore. I just haven't got it in me to suffer through Gore's new sequel (and apparently not many other moviegoers can either), and so I'm not going to produce another rebuttal video. Fortunately, we have Dr. Roy Spencer on the job. Dr. Spencer, a long-time senior climate scientist at NASA and the co-inventor of the NASA satellite system that tracks earth temperatures, has written a fabulous ebook rebutting Gore's climate gore, An Inconvenient Deception: How Al Gore Distorts Climate Science and Energy Policy. It's currently ranked as the #1 seller on Amazon in three science book categories: Climatology; Environmental science, and Science & math. At just $3.99 I suggest Power Line readers snap up a copy and boost his sales rank further. Moreover, it is likely that more people will read this book than see Gore's movie. Gore: The Gift That Keeps on Giving. Almost ten years ago, not long after Al Gore's first entry into the slasher/horror film genre (An Inconvenient Truth), I had occasion to ask a straight-shooting "mainstream" climate scientist I know slightly what he thought of Gore's film. I was fishing to see whether he'd comment on some of the more obvious howlers that Gore included in the film, but instead after a long pause he said, "I wish he'd made the film with John McCain." In other words, Gore should have tried to make it a bipartisan effort. McCain is the perfect person and is so vain that he surely would have done it. He had, at that point, sponsored two greenhouse gas emissions-trading bills with Democratic senators, and also a bill with John Kerry to mandate much higher mileage standards in the American car fleet (22 Senate Democrats voted against that proposal, incidentally). Now that Gore is out with a sequel (that is bombing at the box office, so there probably won't be a sequel Oscar in Gore's future), it is worth taking in the reflections of two young political scientists at the University of British Columbia who conclude that Gore's efforts on behalf of climate change have only succeeded in polarizing the issue, and set back the cause of climate action. Al Gore's advice to Trump...'resign': Former vice president tells US leader to quit over Paris climate agreement. Former Vice President Al Gore has just one word of advice for President Donald Trump: 'Resign'. Gore addressed the president while promoting his new documentary, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, a follow up to his 2006 Oscar-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth. The environmental activist has long been critical of Trump, particularly for his position on climate change and his decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement earlier this year. "Energy Hog" Al Gore: New Film Flops, But He's Still Living Large. Al Gore, whose energy-squandering Nashville home earned him an "energy hog" rating, has a hypocritically large carbon footprint. This, along with the public's fear fatigue over global warming fright-peddling, may account for An Inconvenient Sequel bombing at the box office. Al Gore learns it's tough to continually sell your fear-mongering if your predictions never come true. There were supposed to be mega-tornados carving trenches across a weather-ravaged nation. But tornadic activity has been in near-constant decline since the 50's. We were supposed to see Katrina-like storms with shocking regularity. Instead, we enjoyed a decade-long cat-3 storm drought — the longest in the nation's history. The polar ice caps were supposed to be free of ice, sea levels would rise, our cities would be underwater, and we'd all grow gills like Kevin Costner in Waterworld. So of course, Al Gore decided to buy a $9 million ocean-front mansion in a gated community near Montecito, California. Such has been the way of the world in the years since the 2006 release of Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth." Part propaganda film, part self-serving glory vehicle, part endurance test, the film was a big hit. But the predictions it made have run into a slight "not-coming-true" snag. Debunking Al Gore's solar energy lies. Al Gore is notorious for flying around the world in a private jet and telling regular people they need to use less energy. He's a hypocrite, just like the rest of the Hollywood climate alarmists. [Video clip] Al Gore compares 'global warming' skeptics to Southern racists. If you're skeptical about "global warming" and "climate change," you're as bad as the backwards as racist Southerners in the 1960s, according to Chief Alarmist Al Gore. Gore, who recently was exposed for his mass consumption of energy at his Tennessee mansion, made the comparison on CNN this weekend. Al Gore's Massive Energy Consumption. Gore spends $22,000 per year on energy for his Nashville residence (he also owns two others), the vast majority of which is generated by the Tennessee Valley Authority's nuclear, coal, and natural gas plants. Yet he has been brazenly lying to the media that his mansion uses 100% renewable energy. Al Gore's Home Uses 21 Times More Energy Than Average American Family. A conservative nonprofit reported Wednesday [8/2/2017] that environmentalist and former Vice President Al Gore's home used over 20 times as much energy as the U.S. average. The National Center for Public Policy Research obtained Gore's electricity usage through FOIA requests and by talking with the Nashville Electric Service (NES), which services Gore's home. It reports the former vice president averaged a whopping 19,241 kilowatt hours (kWh) every month, compared to 901 kWh for the average home. "That 19,241 kWh average monthly electricity usage is 21.3 times more energy than a typical American household consumes in a month," the National Center for Public Policy Research reports. Al Gore's Climate Change Hypocrisy Is As Big As His Energy-Sucking Mansion. CNN's Jake Tapper asked Gore to respond to charges that he's a climate hypocrite. "This is a criticism we hear from conservatives all the time when talking about people like you or Elon Musk or Leonardo DiCaprio," Tapper said, "that you, yourself, have a large carbon footprint." Gore's response was "Well, I don't have a private jet. And what carbon emissions come from my trips on Southwest Airlines are offset. I live a carbon-free lifestyle, to the maximum extent possible." The maximum extent possible? Really? Then how does Gore explain the rather large amounts of electricity he uses to power his 10,000-plus-square-foot home. A new analysis by the National Center for Public Policy Research found that Gore's Tennessee home "guzzles more electricity in one year than the average American family uses in 21 years." In one month last year, the report found, Gore's home consumed more electricity than the average family uses in 34 months. NASA's New Climate Data Exposes Al Gore's Lies. Al Gore has become very wealthy from his invention of global warming and the creation of An Inconvenient Truth, a documentary which has been included in the science curricula of schools throughout the United States. However, the more real climate data we see, the more obvious the hoax becomes. Al Gore Unable To Give Direct Answer When Asked About BOGUS 2006 Claims On 'Climate Change'. [Scroll down] Then Gore went on the attack against President Trump over pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord. "We still have the ability to stop short of other points of no return and we now have the solutions available to really solve this crisis," Gore said. [...] Gore would not name the apocalyptic catastrophe he is alluding to... because there isn't one. The only thing we are at risk for here is being bored to death by Al Gore. [Video clip] Al Gore Can't Save the Global Warming Cult. Following Donald Trump's withdrawal of the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord, Al Gore is releasing an update of his 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth. It's called An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, in which no doubt we will hear the same apocalyptic hysteria of its predecessor, and the same lurid predictions that will never come true. Black Activists Criticize Gore for Comparing Climate Change Advocacy to Fight Against Slavery. Al Gore was in Australia Thursday [7/13/2017] promoting his new video, "An Inconvenient Sequel," the follow-up to Gore's 2006 "An Inconvenient Truth." While speaking to attendees of the EcoCity World Summit in Melbourne, the former vice president compared climate change advocates to those who worked to end slavery, promoted civil rights and women's suffrage, battled apartheid in South Africa, and worked for gay rights. He said those activists had also experienced "ferocious resistance" to their cause. Global warming advocacy is a movement that stifles dissent from the dominant scientific view, ruins the careers of people who disagree, threatens to throw skeptics in jail, and actively works to prevent the publication of alternate theories in respected scientific journals. But resistance to global warming hysteria is "ferocious." Al Gore Likened The Climate Change Movement To Campaign Ending Slavery. Former Vice President Al Gore compared the fight to end man-made global warming to the abolishment of slavery and the push for gay marriage. "The abolition of slavery, woman's suffrage ... and more recently the gay rights movement," Gore said Thursday about the importance of staying ahead of the curve on environmental issues. The mission to reduce the Earth's temperature is on par with other "great moral causes" that have improved humanity, he told an audience at the EcoCity World Summit in Australia. Gore has made similar comments in the past. He told reporters in 2013 that so-called climate change "deniers" are like alcoholic fathers who act belligerently when someone mentions the issue. Why the Russians Conceived the Global Warming Scam. The big event, as [Natalie] Grant called it, was a Moscow conference in January, 1990. As Time magazine described it, "At a meeting of the Global Forum in Moscow in 1990, when he was still Soviet President, Gorbachev proposed an organization roughly analogous to the International Red Cross to contend with environmental problems that cross national boundaries." Among the guests and speakers was then-U.S. senator and future vice president Al Gore. Talk about "collusion" with the Russians! Where was the FBI investigation? Al Gore Says God Told Him to Fight Global Warming. Former Vice President Al Gore is now telling his climate disciples that God commands us to go forth and fight global warming. Engaging in some advanced publicity for his new global warming film spectacular, "An Inconvenient Sequel," Gore told Interview Magazine that God didn't create global warming and wants us to fix it. In his comments, Gore equated the fight against global warming to a religious-based, moral crusade similar to the civil rights fight, women's suffrage, and the abolitionist movement during the Civil War era. Gore insisted that it is a moral imperative to fight against climate change. The Editor says... It's the theory of Global Warming that's really dangerous. Watching Chris Wallace's interview this week with the man who almost became our president, I wonder how many Americans realize that this man is either a complete fool or a superb con man. But what does that say about the rest of the country who swears that climate change is not only more dangerous than Islamic jihadists but that disaster is imminent? Have we really become an idiocracy of fools believing whatever talking heads and celebrities spout about doom and gloom without finding out the truth for ourselves? Fox News' Chris Wallace Confronts Al Gore With His Failed Global Warming Predictions. "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace confronted former Vice President Al Gore on his 2006 claim that unless drastic action was taken humanity would face a "true planetary emergency" in the next decade. "Unless we take drastic measures the world would reach a point of no return within 10 years," which Gore said would precipitate a "true planetary crisis" due to man-made global warming. Wallace pointed out it's been 11 years since Gore made the claim in his 2006 film "An Inconvenient Truth," and there doesn't seem to be a planetary emergency. So did Gore admit he was wrong? Of course not! Al Gore and "Climate" Warriors Demand $15 Trillion to Save Earth. Former Vice President and self-styled inventor of the Internet Al Gore, infamous primarily for his many debunked prophecies about global-warming doom, is demanding that humanity fork over another $15 trillion to supposedly save the planet from alleged man-made "climate change." In a report produced by his new group of crony capitalists and tax-funded climate alarmists, dubbed the "Energy Transitions Commission" (ETC), Gore and his allies demand as much as $600 billion annually for decades to help meet the goals laid out in the collapsing United Nations pseudo-treaty on climate known as the Paris Agreement. Critics, though, ridiculed Gore and his cronies, suggesting this was merely their latest scam to fleece taxpayers around the globe. The ETC, which despite its official-sounding name has no formal ties to government, is backed by and made up of investors, Big Oil bosses, energy companies, fringe "climate" activists, megabanks, UN bureaucrats, Chinese Communists, academics, and other self-interested cronies. In short, it is an alliance hoping to profit from the imploding "climate" scare by putting a global government-mandated "price" on emissions of the essential gas carbon dioxide, exhaled by people and known to scientists as the "gas of life." Despite all of the hysteria pushed by profiteers such as Gore, human emissions of CO2 make up a fraction of one percent of all the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. But by being able to tax and regulate it, governments and their Big Business allies will make a fortune at humanity's expense. A fool's errand: Al Gore's $15 trillion carbon tax. Al Gore wants to reverse modernity and save the world from itself through an elimination of its fossil-fuel-based energy system. During the final week of April, his newly created Energy Transitions Commission released a document setting forth a fool's-errand pathway to "decarbonize" the world's energy system. If this sounds familiar, it is. Gore's plan features a new, sophisticated, and expensive public-relations campaign, but it's all based on his views on carbon dioxide first broached in his 1992 book Earth in the Balance, which he reissued in 2000 for his failed presidential campaign. The subsequent efforts made by Gore during the past 25 years have transformed little from their genesis, and he remains as tragically wrong today as he was when he first surfaced as an opponent of everything linked to carbon-dioxide. Al Gore's New Group Demands $15 Trillion To Fight Global Warming. A group of executives who want to fight global warming has published a new report calling for countries to spend up to $600 billion a year over the next two decades to boost green energy deployment and energy efficiency equipment. The Energy Transitions Commission's (ETC) report claims "additional investments of around $300-$600 billion per annum do not pose a major macroeconomic challenge," which they say will help the world meet the goals laid out in the Paris agreement. ETC is made up of energy executives, activist leaders and investment bankers, including former Vice President Al Gore, who would no doubt get a piece of the trillions of dollars they are calling for. Al Gore Has Made Another Science Fiction Movie About Global Warming. No doubt Gore's next fabulous fable will show "evidence" that man is dangerously warming his planet by pointing out some things that are different than they were in 2006 and fit the warming alarmists' claims that human-driven climate change is going to make things hotter, colder, wetter, drier, windier, less windy, snowier and less snowy. But what hasn't changed is the global temperature. It simply won't budge no matter how much the alarmists want it to soar. Sea levels aren't cooperating with the Goreites, either, rising in slow motion just as they have for quite a few millennia. So how did the California drought end? On Nov. 12, 2009, [Al] Gore told the Tonight Show the earth was several million degrees two kilometers below the surface. He was only about 100% off which is as close as most of his predictions. Normally when someone is that far off they are not considered an expert. The reason Gore and others won't debate is because they use a computer model instead of facts to support their theory. I blame the media for the indoctrination and fear mongering because they never ask questions. They call it settled science. It's about time the media starts asking questions before the greedy powerful government destroys the economy. State of the Climate: 10 years after Al Gore declared a 'planetary emergency' — top 10 reasons Gore was wrong. [#3] Despite all the self-congratulatory international conferences and pseudo-agreements, the world has done nothing to "fight global warming." Mr. Gore cannot claim that his deadline has been extended because some governments have forced their citizens to cut carbon dioxide emissions. CO2 levels keep climbing and now exceed 401 parts per million in the atmosphere. It is simply not the dangerous greenhouse gas we've repeatedly been told it is. Five Reasons Why Ridicule Is The Proper Response To Global Warming Alarmists. [#3] They're hypocrites. Every year, delegates, many of them on private jets, fly to Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum, from where they hector the rest of us about our carbon footprints. The busybodies also regularly jet to the U.N.'s global warming conferences, held in such global hot spots as Paris, Cancun, Copenhagen and Milan. Wherever they go, their accommodations are always lavish, their travels well attended to, and their dining sumptuous. Of course their goal is to strip 21st-century comforts from everyone else in the name of "fighting" climate change. The hypocrite-in-chief is of course Al Gore. While constantly haranguing the world about man's carbon emissions, he's lived the very lifestyle he condemns. From a 20-room home that requires yacht-loads of energy, to banking as much as $100 million from the oil barons who bought his old cable network, to his habit of using private jets to whisk him away to preach his sermons about the evils of fossil-fuel use, his life is a lie. Inconvenient Truth: Shultz and Baker's Disastrously Mistimed Carbon Tax. Ah, a tax! Who would have thought of that? Actually Al Gore, who did something similar with the help of some particularly greedy hedge-fund types. They called it a "carbon exchange" and it is now extinct, although several of its founders, including Gore, made fortunes. Why Are Republicans Pushing Brand New Taxes? This week, a group of old-guard Republicans and business leaders — including Reagan administration officials, former Wal-Mart chairman Rob Walton, and venture capitalist Thomas Stephenson — were in the White House pitching a new carbon tax to fight global warming. The idea is to impose a $40 tax for every ton of CO2 emitted in exchange for a "signicant" rollback in EPA regulations. [...] But dig just a little deeper and you can easily see that this new carbon tax won't deliver on any of promises being made. First, no matter where it starts, this new tax, like everyone other one ever enacted, will grow in size and complexity. The Council itself wants it to "increase steadily over time." And they had to add another new tax on imports to prevent countries that don't impose a comparable carbon fee from taking advantage. No matter how well constructed, this tax will redirect resources away from their most productive uses and into government coffers. That is not how you strengthen an economy. An inconvenient stretcher. Bold predictions have a way of disappointing. Al Gore, whose extreme forecasts of climate catastrophe have yet to prove out, should take note. Blunders in the digital age are difficult to erase. That moving finger writes in permanent ink. Mr. Gore, a self-described "recovering politician" who has gone from Washington to fame and million-dollar fortune (and then some) as a super environmentalist, blustered in 2006 that unless radical reductions in greenhouse gases that cause global warming were enforced within 10 years the earth would pass the point of no return and be rendered inhospitable or even uninhabitable for children and other living things. He repeated the warning the other day at the Sundance Film Festival, promoting a sequel to his film, "An Inconvenient Truth," which touched off a fossil-fuel backlash that has since been enshrined in government policy. Al Gore will host canceled climate change summit. Climate activist and former vice president Al Gore is teaming up with the American Public Health Association and other organizations to hold a summit on climate change and health that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention canceled earlier this week. The CDC quietly called off the summit after President Trump's inauguration, telling reporters it was "exploring options to reschedule the meeting." The scientific community has accused CDC officials of canceling the event out of fear of the Trump administration. The CDC falls under the Department of Health and Human Services, and Trump has nominated Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.), who has expressed skepticism about the scientific consensus on climate change, to lead the department. Keywords: liar, hypocrite, incompetent, false prophet. Trump and the Climate Change Clown Show. Polar ice caps are a good barometer of global temperatures. If the ice caps are melting, the planet is likely warming. Environmental soothsayer Al Gore recognized this and made a bold prediction in 2008. He told a German audience that the northern polar ice cap would disappear in five years. How did his prediction turn out? Not well. [...] Polar ice caps are measured via satellite, a process beginning in 1979. Recent NASA satellite data shows no recession of the polar ice caps since 1979. In fact, since 2012, the total extent of polar ice is above post-1979 average. The ice caps are growing, not shrinking. In the words of Al Gore, this is "an inconvenient truth." Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry. [Scroll down] Perhaps nowhere have the alarmists' predictions been proven as wrong as at the Earth's poles. In 2007, 2008, and 2009, Al Gore, the high priest for a movement described by critics as the "climate cult," publicly warned that the North Pole would be "ice-free" in the summer by around 2013 because of alleged "man-made global warming." Speaking to an audience in Germany five years ago, Gore — sometimes ridiculed as "The Goracle" — alleged that "the entire North Polarized [sic] cap will disappear in five years." "Five years," Gore said again, in case anybody missed it the first time, is "the period of time during which it is now expected to disappear." The following year, Gore made similar claims at a UN "climate" summit in Copenhagen. "Some of the models ... suggest that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years," Gore claimed in 2009. "We will find out." Yes, we have found out. Contrary to the predictions by Gore and fellow alarmists, satellite data showed that Arctic ice volume as of summer of 2013 had actually expanded more than 50 percent over 2012 levels. The other inconvenient truth: millennials won't listen to Al Gore. One reason so many liberal millennials voted for Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary is they didn't want to see another Clinton in the White House. They want change — less inequality, better health care, smarter climate policies, a fix to the student debt crisis — not more of the same. Clinton's biggest challenge with young voters, who tend to lean left, and who should be on board with many of her policies, is that she represents the old guard. Gore only will underscore this problem. He's the very oldest of the old guard. Hillary rolls out ManBearPig to attract young voters. You see there is this satirical cartoon show called South Park. It mocked the tar out of Al Gore's gloom-and-doom predictions. Millennials likely consider him to be a bigger joke than Dan Quayle. Soros Paid Al Gore Millions To Push 'Aggressive US Action' On Global Warming. Liberal billionaire George Soros gave former Vice President Al Gore's environmental group millions of dollars over three years to create a "political space for aggressive U.S. action" on global warming, according to leaked documents. A document published by DC Leaks shows Soros, a Hungarian-born liberal financier, wanted his nonprofit Open Society Institute (OSI) to do more to support global warming policies in the U.S. That included budgeting $10 million in annual support to Gore's climate group over three years. Al Gore confuses sensational TV propaganda with science. Yes, Let's Prosecute Climate-Change Fraud — and Start with the Scaremongers. I've got three ideas: [#1] United States v. Al Gore. Ten years ago, the former vice president of the United States launched an extraordinarily lucrative career by selling climate doomsday. While promoting his Oscar-winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, he made a shockingly false statement. He said that unless the world took "drastic measures" to reduce greenhouse gases, it would reach a "point of no return" in ten years. Ten years have passed. Is there a scientific consensus that the world has reached a "point of no return?" No? Gore's documentary grossed almost $50 million worldwide. I'd suggest that number as a starting point for damages. The profits of doom. "Doomsayer" is probably not on Al Gore's resume but it's as descriptive as "almost president." It perfectly describes the attention he has attracted in the decade since he took to the stage at the Sundance Film Festival and set off global warming fears with his agitprop film, "An Inconvenient Truth." "Humans may have only 10 years left to save the planet from turning into a total frying pan," one terrified reviewer, who is presumably still unfried, put it. Humankind has blown past the point of no return that he said would render the damage from man-made greenhouse gases irreversible. Yet the world continues to turn, not burn. 24 days to Al Gore's '10 years to save the planet' and 'point of no return' planetary emergency deadline. The real point here is to note that, no matter whether you are looking at the satellite record or the surface temperature record, is that the temperature hasn't risen dramatically in the last 10 years, and the dramatic spikes we see in the surface and satellite temperature records correspond to a natural event that's been going on for millennia: El Niño. Five Ways We Know Al Gore's Been Running a Global Warming Racket. While preening at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2006 during the premiere of his "An Inconvenient Truth" fib-umentary, Gore made his grand declaration. The former vice president said, in the words of the AP reporter taking down his story, that "unless drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gases are taken within the next 10 years, the world will reach a point of no return." In Gore's own words, he claimed we were in "a true planetary emergency." Ten years later, he's probably hoping that everyone has forgotten about his categorical statement. The terrible truth for Gore is that there is no planetary emergency. Not one of the dire predictions he and the rest of the alarmist community made has come to pass. In fact, there is plenty of evidence that they have been running a racket. The Daily Caller Presents: The 23 Least Intriguing People Of 2015. [#14] Last seen urgently flying about on huge, toxin-spewing jet airplanes to and from his several comfortably climate-controlled homes, Al Gore is the living, breathing definition of a washed-up has-been. But at least he is eating well. That perpetually crazy look in his eyes he had for years after he lost a close election to George W. Bush in 2000 seems to have subsided as well. Money and Power Drive Obama's Climate Agenda. Why did former Vice-President Al Gore repeatedly declare that he was going to become "the first global warming billionaire," did that not pique any journalist's curiosity as to what was behind the curtain? After losing his bid for the presidency, becoming the first global warming billionaire was Gore's road not only to extraordinary wealth, but a guarantee of his return to global influence. Set up to unfold was a "golden parachute" scheme that would line the pockets of a cadre of elitists and global-warming advocates long after they were displaced from their seats of power. This scheme used deceptive means to a profitable end. Few realize that the "green movement" is about building large personal fortunes for an elite few. The Climate Is Indeed Changing: Cooling Ahead. Dr. David Evans was a climate modeler for the Australian government. He has six degrees in applied mathematics. In analyzing "complex mathematical assumptions widely used to predict climate change," he predicts stable temperatures until 2017, after which the Earth will cool for the next decade, ushering in a mini-ice age by 2030. Dr. Evans is a true academic. Compare and contrast with our very own climate expert, former vice president Al Gore. At Harvard, Mr. Gore earned a D in a natural sciences course named "Man's Place in Nature." He improved by his senior year, earning a C+ in another natural sciences class. Moving on to Vanderbilt divinity school, Gore flunked 5 classes, including a course in theology and natural science. Yet Mr. Gore is viewed as a visionary, an oracle. Local Silicon Valley Scientists 'Brightening' Clouds To Combat Climate Change. In a Silicon Valley research lab, scientists are working on what might be considered the option of last resort for global warming. "It's an insurance policy," said researcher Sudhanshu Jain. It's called the Marine Cloud Brightening Project, and it's designed to fight global warming by making cloudsover the ocean thicker and brighter so they reflect more sunlight and cool the planet. The Sunnyvale team has reached a milestone with this high-pressure nozzle that uses salt water and looks like a normal water spray. The Editor says... Al Gore's Grassroots Fight. In India, Aditya Pundir is training teachers to talk to middle school, high school, and college students about climate change. In Brazil, Roberto Vámos is meeting with high-ranking government officials to push for a strong pledge to cut greenhouse-gas emissions. In Australia, Adam Majcher is laying the groundwork for major rallies calling for action on climate change. All three work for Al Gore. Climate Reality Project, Gore's green group, is recruiting activists in eight countries expected to play a key role at a major climate summit in Paris later this year. Gore says climate-change deniers should pay political price. Former Vice President Al Gore on Friday [3/13/2015] called on SXSW attendees to punish climate-change deniers, saying politicians should pay a price for rejecting "accepted science." Gore said smart investors are moving away from companies tied to fossil fuels and toward companies investing in alternative energy. Al Gore: Climate Deniers Need To Pay A Price. While all of the wild Global Warming predictions of the Climate Priest, Al Gore, have all proven untrue, there are still those on the Progressive left who take heed of his words. Recently, the words Al Gore has been spewing are a part of the Climate Denier witch hunt that is currently being waged by the left. Vox's Ezra Klein: 'Al Gore Should Run For President' to Combat the 'Existential Threat' of Climate Change. Many Democrats would like to see a first-tier figure challenge Hillary Clinton for the party's presidential nomination. Vox editor-in-chief Ezra Klein agrees, but his choice isn't Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, or Martin O'Malley. On Monday [3/16/2015], Klein sent up a trial balloon emblazoned with the name of Al Gore. As Klein sees it, reducing the "existential threat" of climate change should be the main theme of a Gore candidacy, though he admitted that the issue might end up costing Gore votes. That said, it's a risk that could pay off big if Gore's elected, since "climate change is an issue where the president has real unilateral authority." Al Gore: America's Unofficial Climate Czar. Just the mere mention of Gore's name either wows those who hang on his every word as gospel or nauseates others who would rather eat a dirt sandwich then sit through his lecture. There seems to be no middle ground either. Some attendees were psychologically pumped by his seemingly vast knowledge of our eroding ozone layer noticeable by their cheers, applause and standing ovation. Al Gore Leaves People's Climate March in Chevy Suburban SUV. Former Vice President Al Gore made his exit from Sunday's [9/21/2014] climate change march in New York City in a Chevrolet Suburban SUV after speaking to reporters about renewable energy. Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore sells his soul to Big Carbon - Again. Billionaire carbon trader Al Gore has thrown away the last remnants of his credibility by appearing on a platform with Australia's most notorious mining magnate Clive Palmer to celebrate the end of Australia's carbon tax. [...] Palmer is a colourful character with a fortune estimated at $3.85 billion. Gore: The Keystone XL pipeline is "ridiculous," an "atrocity," a "threat." Self-titled "environmentalists'" recalcitrance on acknowledging the reality that Canada's oil sands are coming out of the ground — regardless of whether or not the Keystone pipeline's northern extension is built — truly knows no bounds. It's only too bad they don't seem to realize that terrestrial pipelines are the relatively cleaner, safer, and more environmentally friendly method of transport for oil, natural gas, and petroleum products, and that by blocking the pipeline, they're probably doing more environmental harm than good in the long run. Al Gore: 'There needs to be a political price' for climate 'denial'. Former vice president Al Gore on Monday [9/23/2013] called for making climate change "denial" a taboo in society. "Within the market system we have to put a price on carbon, and within the political system, we have to put a price on denial," Gore said at the Social Good Summit New York City. The Editor says... Wrong: Al Gore Predicted Arctic Summer Ice Could Disappear in 2013. A 2007 prediction that summer in the North Pole could be "ice-free by 2013" that was cited by former Vice President Al Gore in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech has proven to be off... by 920,000 square miles. In his Dec. 10, 2007 "Earth has a fever" speech, Gore referred to a prediction by U.S. climate scientist Wieslaw Maslowski that the Arctic's summer ice could "completely disappear" by 2013 due to global warming caused by carbon emissions. Man Made Climate Change Arguments Don't Survive Scrutiny. Proponents of man-made climate change are being challenged more and more by scientists who don't buy into the climate catastrophe scare. The arguments used to dismiss the challengers range from calling the non-believers names such as president Obama's "flat earthers" and his use of the term "denier" which is meant to equate non-believers with holocaust deniers, very un-presidential. Al Gore is the champion of the name calling using terms such as racists, homophobes, alcoholics and smokers among others to describe those who dare dispute what he preaches, after all he was Vice-President. That means he's smart right? Al Gore's Incredible Shrinking Climate Change Footprint. [Scroll down] In 2009, at its peak, Gore's group had more than 300 employees, with 40 field offices across 28 states, and a serious war chest: It poured $28 million into advertising and promotion, and paid about $200,000 in lobbying fees at the height of the cap-and-trade energy bill fight on Capitol Hill. Today, the group has just over 30 people on staff and has abandoned its on-the-ground presence — all of its field offices have since shut down — in favor of a far cheaper digital advocacy plan run out of Washington. Advertising expenses have decreased from the millions to the thousands, and the organization no longer lobbies lawmakers. Why Al Gore's Warming Fibs Matter. Al Gore has done it again. Having been repeatedly lambasted for making exaggerated claims and telling outright lies in order to promote his environmentalist agenda, he's now committed another gaffe that will further undermine his credibility and that of his cause. Up to our ears in Al Gore's 'climate change' snake oil. The inconvenient truth Al and the junk scientists have to deal with is that temperatures aren't rising, but falling. In fact, since the early 1990s we've had global cooling. It got so embarrassing Al and the junk scientists started calling it "climate change." Some days it rains, some days it doesn't and some days it's a little of both. That's real change. Where's St. Al? If you want still more indicators that environmentalism is totally passé, look no further than Time magazine's current issue featuring their latest draft picks of the World's Most 100 Influential People. If climate change is, as Al Gore (and legions of others) claims, the greatest threat facing mankind evah, why isn't he on the list somewhere? Or Rajendra Pachauri, the head of the UN's climate circus? No Amory Lovins? No Bill McKibben, or any other carbon crusader?National Weather Agency Refutes Gore's Claim About Recent Snowstorms. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration somewhat under the radar a few weeks ago rebutted Nobel Laureate Al Gore's claim that January's heavy snowstorms across the country were caused by global warming. As readers might remember, the man that has been made rich advancing the myth that carbon dioxide is destroying the planet weighed in on the inclement weather at his blog on February 1. Gore Accuses Others of Conspiring to Mislead Public About Global Warming. The man that has made millions spreading the global warming myth claimed Friday [2/18/2011] that there's a conspiracy to mislead the public about the dangers of climate change. The Aspen Times reported Monday that Nobel Laureate Al Gore said conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and the Wall Street Journal editorial page were involved. Reliable forecast under the weather. Meet the global weirdos. They're the ones telling you that all the snow outside is proof that it's getting warmer. Only, they don't call it "warming" anymore. No, that was back in the "Earth has a fever" days. Back when Al Gore was predicting that the ice caps were melting, the polar bears were drowning and Manhattan would sink beneath 20 feet of water "in the near future." But then something happened. Since 1998, temperatures have been relatively flat. We've got more polar bears than ever, and Manhattan is buried under snow. Gore's Unending Blizzard Of Lies. What has been dubbed the Groundhog Day Blizzard has caused Al Gore to poke his head out of his massive carbon-generating mansion in Nashville, Tenn., to blame the 2,000-mile storm on our alleged obsession with fossil fuels. Sorry, Al, but in Chicago the solar panels were buried under upward of two feet of snow as citizens cranked up those polluting snow blowers, a scene repeated in much of the country. In the middle of blowing snow, blowing smoke does not help. Al Gore Explains 'Snowmageddon'. If the planet is warming, why is a third of America locked in a deep freeze, with record-low temperatures as far south as the Mexican border, where the thermometer in Ciudad Juarez plummeted Wednesday night to a bone-chilling 9-below zero? Self-proclaimed planetary climate czar Al Gore thinks he has answer. The Editor asks... Why is Al Gore's opinion of any value? The Goreacle: Snowstorms caused by global warming. Apparently, Mr. Gore has never noted that climate scientists once thought snowfall would disappear. But wait, there's more. According to Dr. David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event." "Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said. Also, apparently Mr. Gore is unable to track the global monthly temperature. If he had, he would note that there is no "global warming" this month. Lifestyles of the Rich and Liberal. When he at last lost the Florida recount, Al Gore had lived for eight years in the vice president's mansion, and owned two different houses: a brick Tudor across the Potomac in Arlington that had belonged to his wife Tipper's family, and his family farm back in Tennessee. Shortly, he bought a 20-room, 10,000-square-foot house in the Belle Meade section of Nashville, and embarked on a career in the private sector that would balloon his net worth into a substantial fortune, in the $100 million-plus range. At the same time, he began a second career as an anti-global warming crusader that won him a Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar, but allowed him to use an endless procession of jet planes and motorcades as he went to a series of Save the Earth rallies, at which he urged people to live in a green and more modest manner, build smaller houses, use less heat and power, and drive and fly less. Environmentalist Holy Rollers. Radical environmentalism is not science; it's religion. It is based on faith, not fact. "Mother Earth" is this religion's god, the Kyoto Treaty is its Bible, and Al Gore is its prophet, a prophet who has made millions of dollars by driving the global warming bandwagon. When Gore pounds the pulpit and screams about global warming, he is not presenting a scientifically-based point of view; he's presenting a faith-based belief system. Al Gore, Tipper Gore snap up Montecito-area villa. Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, have added a Montecito-area property to their real estate holdings, reports the Montecito Journal. The couple spent $8,875,000 on an ocean-view villa on 1.5 acres with a swimming pool, spa and fountains, a real estate source familiar with the deal confirms. The Italian-style house has six fireplaces, five bedrooms and nine bathrooms. The Editor says... Five bedrooms and nine bathrooms, for just two people? How big is the garage? Sea Level Rising? Gore Buys Multi-Million Dollar Oceanfront Mansion. Al Gore may tell gullible followers that rising sea level threatens to swamp global coastlines, but his recent purchase of an $8 million oceanfront mansion in tony Montecito, California, tells another story altogether. Prudent property investors do not purchase multi-million dollar oceanfront mansions if they truly expect them to be underwater soon. From the Sanctimonious to the Ridiculous. We all know that Al Gore has become a near billionaire through tirelessly warning the Western world that our daily habits have ruined the planet and nearly doomed us. Gore argues that what we take for granted — the too large homes in which we live, the carbon-spewing cars that we drive, the superfluous vacations and energy-hogging appurtenances that we enjoy — are all pernicious to the environment, and unsustainable. That advocacy — expressed through investments, partnerships, advertising, movies, lectures, books, private companies, ads, and essays — has made Al Gore fabulously wealthy. Has Al Gore given up on global warming? [Scroll down] It has been reported that CCX [the Chicago Climate Exchange] is a LLC registered on the Isle of Man, a noted tax haven. If this is true, [Richard] Sandor's 606 million was tax free — as would be any profits made by our former Vice President. This would make CCX one of the great rip-offs of all time. Update: If Al Gore's CCX Suffers Total Failure, Does the MSM Make a Sound? Global warming-inspired cap and trade has been one of the most stridently debated public policy controversies of the past 15 years. But it is dying a quiet death. In a little reported move, the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) announced on Oct. 21 that it will be ending carbon trading — the only purpose for which it was founded — this year. ... Al Capone tried to use Prohibition to muscle in on a piece of all the action in Chicago. The CCX's backers wanted to use a new prohibition on carbon emissions to muscle in on a piece of, quite literally, all the action in the world. The Problems with Al Gore: There are two problems with Al Gore. First, he's a demagogue who lacks an appreciation for the ethics and methods of science. Second, he's a not a scientist, but a celebrity and politician who does not understand the technical aspects of science. Put succinctly, the man simply doesn't know what he's talking about. Inconvenient Youth: Al Gore's group takes new step. Teenagers are being asked to be inconvenient. It's all about being green and sharing ideas on what they're doing and what can be done. The effort — called Inconvenient Youth — will be launched on Earth Day, which is Thursday [4/22/2010], by Nashville-based The Climate Project. Al Gore Is Lying Low — for Good Reason. Maybe Al Gore's been advised by legal counsel to lie low. He may be the leader of the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) movement, but he's not defending it in public, not even when it's falling apart and his new fortune is based upon it. Mr. Gore and his financial backers earned millions of dollars in start-up "green" companies and carbon trading schemes. If the scam worked, he could've become the first "carbon billionaire." Al Gore to become world's first 'carbon billionaire'. Former US vice president Al Gore, who has campaigned relentlessly on green issues, is on track to become the world's first "carbon billionaire" amid claims of profiting from the climate change agenda. Al Gore: Earth's Interior 'Extremely Hot, Several Million Degrees'. For several years as uneducated sycophants in the media gushed and fawned over every utterance from former Vice President Al Gore, NewsBusters has informed readers of just how absurd the junk science he's peddling really is. Last Thursday [11/12/2009], NBC "Tonight Show" viewers got a perfect example of how the Nobel Laureate basically makes things up, and that his poor grades in college were quite an indicator of just how little he understands about science. Al Gore, Ignoramus. Al Gore has made an enormous amount of money by pretending to know something about science. He is by no means the first such charlatan, but he must be one of the most successful. ... It is a remarkable fact that Al Gore has had a significant influence on public policy relating to science when he is, in fact, utterly uneducated in scientific matters and is of very limited intelligence. On the other hand, he's gotten rich, so I guess the joke is on us. Al Gore's Science Illiteracy. Al Gore was on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien recently and was attempting to explain the utility of geothermal energy, which taps the Earth's heat to generate energy. In so doing, former Vice President Gore proved to be an ignoramus. Oil sands threaten our survival, Al Gore warns. Extracting oil from Alberta's tar sands jeopardizes the survival of our species, says Al Gore. "Gas from the tar sands gives a Prius the same carbon footprint as a Hummer," the former U.S. vice-president told the Star in an interview prior to a Toronto speaking engagement scheduled for Tuesday evening. The Editor says... Al Gore evidently believes that if more people drive Hummers, it will result our extinction. The man is very plainly not credible. Civil unrest has a role in stopping climate change, says Gore. Al Gore has sought to inject fresh momentum into the Copenhagen build-up, saying he is certain Barack Obama will attend and predicting a rise in civil disobedience against fossil-fuel polluters unless drastic action is taken over global warming. Amid increasing incidents of climate protesters disrupting the operations of fossil-fuel industries and airports in Britain and elsewhere, Gore suggests the scale of the emergency means non-violent lawbreaking is justified. The Very Convenient Gore. Former Vice President Al Gore is on the cover of November's The Costco Connection, the "lifestyle magazine for Costco members." It's hard to figure who looks worse in this odd coupling — the global-warming guru or the supersize warehouse store, which would not be a retail powerhouse were it not for the family minivan. ... It certainly is incongruous to read Gore renouncing "dirty and expensive carbon-based fuels," at a store that sells big-screen TVs and discounted gasoline. The man who doubted Al Gore. [Scroll down slowly] Most ordinary people reasonably imagine in the face of such a weight of "authority" that the case must be closed. It isn't. For a start, the weight of authority is based on the political doctoring of studies that are in any case designed to countenance no other conclusion than that man-made carbon dioxide drives the climate. Moreover, the very fact that the theory's promoters are so reluctant to actually engage in scientific debate (No time to talk. Must act!) is highly suspicious. However, once you get people believing in "authority," then you're pretty much home and dry. Authority relieves us of the anxiety of uncertainty and the pain of thought. Another disappointing year for global warming hopefuls. Big Al has been promising me a warmer globe — which he, not being a resident of our far-northern clime, mistakenly assumes would be a bad thing — for more than a decade. The doom-saying gig has won him a Nobel Prize and an Oscar. But I have to ask: When is this guy going to deliver? Admirable though his entrepreneurial spirit may be, how long are we expected to wait before sadly declaring that the product he's pushing doesn't exist? Clearly It's Al Gore Who's In Denial. In the past we've questioned former Vice President Al Gore's honesty [*]; his use of intimidation tactics and character assassination to promote his lies [*]; his proclivity for championing policy based wholly on erroneous facts [*]; and, ultimately, his very soundness of mind [*]. So comments he made to an Australian reporter last weekend which betrayed an evident disconnect with reality, while certainly mind-boggling, were by no means astonishing. Albert — the Not-So Great — Gore. Think what you want about George W. Bush, but he did do this: he saved us from a Gore Presidency. ... The Stormtroopers of the Global Warming Party do not want to "discuss" whether the planet is warming or cooling or whether the process is natural or man made. Their "science" is just as immutable and absolute as, say, the Aryan Science of the Nazis or the weird genetic theories of Lysenko in Stalinist Russia. That is to say, the science of global warming is driven exclusively by political ideology — intolerant political ideology. Global cooling hits Al Gore's home. It was delightfully appropriate that, as large parts of Argentina were swept by severe blizzards last week, on a scale never experienced before, the city of Nashville, Tennessee, should have enjoyed the coolest July 21 in its history, breaking a record established in 1877. Appropriate, because Nashville is the home of Al Gore, the man who for 20 years has been predicting that we should all by now be in the grip of runaway global warming. Ignoring Science: A new scientific paper says that man has had little or nothing to do with global temperature variations. Maybe the only place it's really getting hotter is in Al Gore's head. Because he must be getting flustered now, what with his efforts to save the benighted world from global warming continually being exposed as a fraud. Al Gore's Hypocrisy is Astounding. Here's the first thing you shouldn't do in front of Al Gore: Be skeptical about catastrophic, human-caused global warming. He will rip your reputation apart, just as he once did to reputable, honorable scientists in congressional hearings. Here's the second thing you shouldn't do in front of Al Gore: Ask him whether he himself might have the kind of conflict of interest that he takes for granted in others. For heaven's sake, do not get into the question of whether he might make a lot of money with the passage of a global warming cap-and-trade tax that he has been fighting for. Al Gore to Become World's First Global Warming Billionaire. Al Gore [testified] before congress. A congresswoman asked him about his skyrocketing income.testified "I put my money where my mouth is," Gore said, who clearly felt attack. "Do you think there's anything wrong with being in business in this country? I'm proud of it, I'm proud of it." It is fascinating to hear Gore ask a conservative congresswoman whether she believes there is something "wrong" with making money. After all, aren't Gore and his buddies the ones who declared war on Big Business decades ago, and who turn automakers and oil companies into 'the mortal enemy'? Will Widespread Global Cooling Reports Freeze Al Gore Media Credibility? It is "an inconvenient truth" for Al Gore that the world is currently experiencing some of the coldest weather in decades. ... Unfortunately for Al Gore's credibility there have been widespread reports of unseasonably cold weather from many sources including a story yesterday in the Minneapolis Star Tribune about a "year without summer." What Has Al Gore Wrought? Al Gore has managed to convince most Americans that global warming is a serious problem. He has gone on an elongated mission culminating in his masterpiece of propaganda entitled an "An Inconvenient Truth." There is one major theme that he attempts to purport through all of this: no credible sources disagree with his position. ... He has a perverse need whereby no one asserts a contradictory position. Gore has built on that for almost twenty years, even though there is a large body of credible individuals who assert that facts do not support Gore's theories. This is probably why he has never agreed to debate anyone on the matter. No Wonder Climate Alarmists Refuse to Debate. When you hear the names Al Gore and James Hansen in the same sentence you immediately assume the subject to be manmade global warming panic. But there's another distinction which links these two — they both steadfastly refuse to defend their positions in formal debate. And a recent performance by one of their own in just such a venue reminds us why. Gore's Global Warming Riff Keeps Melting. What a strange week. First, we saw what just might be an official transformation of the institution of science into a bordello, as its constituent members cheered on proven nonsense about "global warming." Then the American Association for the Advancement of Science applauded alarmist-in-chief Al "there is no debate" Gore for admitting to them that this non-existent debate needs their help. Topping it all off was former president Bill Clinton, refusing to be outdone, expressing concern that we might actually come back from our economic woes, which would only cause global warming. A scientist forces Al Gore to back down. For years, Al Gore has predicted that man's sins of carbon dioxide will bring calamity and apocalypse. He cited an increase in natural disasters. Gore quietly dropped the contention that the increase is connected to manmade global warming this week after being called on it by Roger A. Pielke Jr., a professor of environmental studies at the University of Colorado. The Politics of Fear. This week, former Vice President Al Gore was forced to withdraw a slide from his PowerPoint presentation. ... The slide in question was part of Gore's peripatetic minstrel show of environmental doom, made famous in his Oscar-winning horror-documentary "An Inconvenient Truth." After a montage of images of people suffering from famines, floods, fires and other biblical plagues across the globe, the slide purported to show data demonstrating that global warming "is creating weather-related disasters that are completely unprecedented." ... Caught fudging the facts, again, the former vice president had no choice but to drop the graph. Gore Pulls Slide of Disaster Trends. Former Vice President Al Gore is pulling a dramatic slide from his ever-evolving global warming presentation. Raked Over Coal. When it comes to sheer crackpottery on environmental issues, no national figure can measure up to the lofty standard set by the former Tennessee senator and vice president. This is a man who is leading a caravan of humming hybrid drivers to nowhere and is willing to criminalize those who disagree with him to get there. ... Expect his global warming claims and solutions to grow loopier and more extreme as he desperately — and bitterly — tries to cling to his waning, and almost wholly undeserved, relevance. Gore's church losing followers. In 1971, perhaps entertaining thoughts of entering the full-time ministry, Al Gore, raised in and baptized into the Southern Baptist Church, entered the Vanderbilt Divinity School. His sojourn was relatively brief. In three semesters, he enrolled in eight classes. He received an "F" as his grade in five of those classes. So, having failed out of school, he entered the family business, which was politics. But he apparently never lost his desire to enter a ministry, and since he couldn't make the grade in the conventional sense, he did the next best thing. He started his own religion. The result was the Church of Global Warming. Do Either God or Al Gore Exist? Human beings like to believe they're totally rational creatures. To take an extreme example, atheists are convinced they can prove that God doesn't exist. ... A great many people who are deeply skeptical when it comes to God are zealots when it comes to man-made global warming (aka climate change). Al Gore, who isn't any more intelligent than Joe Biden and got worse grades in college than George W. Bush, is the high priest of what we might call the weather religion. Gore highlights new US push on climate change. Al Gore will exhort US lawmakers to renew US leadership on battling climate change next week, as "green" groups push for quick, sweeping action from President Barack Obama and a friendly Congress. Gore will testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday [1/28/2009] as Democrats — who now control the White House and enjoy sizeable majorities in the Senate and House of Representatives — seek to wield their new power. Al Gore, Ugly American. Does Al Gore have nothing better to do than butt into other countries' politics? In his grand bid to save the planet, he's damaging real nations and undercutting U.S. ties. Here Comes Al Gore, Our Global Warming Groundhog. Gore's appearance in the dead of bone-chilling winter is almost five years to the day since he came out of hibernation in New York and called President Bush a "moral coward" for his climate change policies. That very day the mercury in Central Park registered the coldest day the Big Apple had seen in 47 years! Not much has changed — in the weather or Gore's message. This time around, it might not be so bone-shatteringly cold, but it certainly has been a chilly winter. With Al Due Respect, We're Doomed. The lawmakers gazed in awe at the figure before them. The Goracle had seen the future, and he had come to tell them about it. What the Goracle saw in the future was not good: temperature changes that "would bring a screeching halt to human civilization and threaten the fabric of life everywhere on the Earth — and this is within this century, if we don't change." Gore Warns Global Warming Will Bring Civilization to a 'Screeching Halt'. Former Vice President Al Gore told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Wednesday that if action is not taken by the United States to curb greenhouse gas emissions, the world as we know it could disappear. "If we stop global greenhouse gas emissions today, according to some scientists, we will see an increase in temperatures that many scientists believe would be extremely challenging for civilization," Gore testified on Capitol Hill. Updating Gore on Greenland's Glaciers: During his testimony before a Senate committee yesterday on the manifold dangers of man-made global warming, Al Gore colorfully declared: "Like a beating heart, and the permanent ice looks almost like blood spilling out of a body along the eastern coast of Greenland." The Nobelist and Oscarist appears to be a bit behind on his science. Earlier this month, researchers at the American Geophyiscal Union's annual meeting reported that Greenland's galloping glaciers have slowed back down to their usual stately amble. Gore Out of Balance. Testifying last week before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee with yet another one of his infamous slide shows, Al Gore observed that the carbon dioxide (CO2) in Venus' atmosphere supercharges the second-planet-from-the-sun's greenhouse effect resulting in surface temperatures of about 870 degrees Fahrenheit. Gore added that it's not Venus' proximity to the Sun that makes the planet much warmer than the Earth because Mercury, which is even closer to the Sun, is cooler than Venus. Based on this rationale, then, Gore warned that we need to stop emitting CO2 into our own atmosphere. Incredibly, not a Senator on the Committee questioned — much less burst into outright laughter at — Gore's absurd point. Church of England Gives 150 Million Pounds to Gore's Investment Firm. Did you need any more proof that climate alarmism is indeed an environmental religion? The Church of England has invested 150 million pounds with Generation Investment Management, the green fund started by Nobel Laureate Al Gore. Global Warming — A Political Context. For [Al] Gore and the EDF [Environmental Defense Fund], the planetary environment, not human life, appears the supreme standard of value. Therefore, everything, most importantly Science and Economics, must be pried away from the benefit of man and pressed into total service of the State. Given just a decade or two of such "sustainable" policies, bolstered by Gore's religion, the world will be well on its way to a new Dark Ages, and the human misery it breeds. The Money and Connections Behind Al Gore's Carbon Crusade: Former Vice President Al Gore's crusade against carbon dioxide emissions could make him millions of dollars. With help from friends at Goldman Sachs, Gore has established a network of organizations to promote the "climate crisis" — and keep himself in the spotlight. Obama Wants a Climate Czar — but Al Gore has no Consensus. Former Vice President Al Gore had quite a year. He produced an Oscar-winning film warning of the coming global warming Armageddon. The film and his activism led to a Nobel Prize. Flush from those victories, Gore "took the Hill," as he testified before a hushed hearing room in his old Senate haunt, predicting more dire consequences if global warming isn't stopped. ... That was the highlight of his life and probably his last hurrah, because ever since, an inconvenient truth found in science is showing that global warming is not man-made. In addition, scientists are finding more global cooling than heating — and that too is not man-made. Al Gore, the Oilman Who Hates Oil. The mainstream media has relentlessly hailed Al Gore as a visionary for urging America to get off oil but has essentially ignored the fact that Gore is personally invested in the most cutting edge oil extraction technologies. Tennessee zinc mine closes again. Lagging economic conditions have shuttered a Middle Tennessee mine with a history of pollution and ties to former Vice President Al Gore. Production at the Mid-Tennessee zinc-mining complex in Smith County stopped Oct. 9, six months after starting again for the first time in years. Gore's family profited from the mining operation for years, receiving more than $500,000 in royalty payments for the mineral rights to his property. Neighbors also received royalty payments in exchange for access to zinc under their land. Gore urges civil disobedience to stop coal plants. Nobel Peace Prize winner and environmental crusader Al Gore urged young people on Wednesday [9/24/2008] to engage in civil disobedience to stop the construction of coal plants without the ability to store carbon. The former U.S. vice president, whose climate change documentary "An Inconvenient Truth" won an Academy Award, told a philanthropic meeting in New York City that "the world has lost ground to the climate crisis." Al Gore, the United Nations, and the Cult of Gaia (1999): U.S. taxpayers are being forced to subsidize a new form of state religion which holds that natural resources have to be protected for the sake of Gaia, a so-called Earth spirit. This religious movement, which has cult-like qualities, is being promoted by leading figures and organizations such as Vice President Albert Gore, broadcaster Ted Turner, and the United Nations. Gore, who as a member of the U.S. Senate participated in the 1992 U.N.-sponsored Earth Summit, is the most prominent member of what appears to be an environmental cult built around the concept of reverence for the Earth. Gore has written openly about the Earth having sacred qualities and he has praised primitive pagan religions and goddess worship. Bag Man for Eco-Extremists. When Gore started his [global warming] campaign in the early 1990s, a contemporary Gallup poll of scientists showed that only 18 percent thought there was any evidence to support Gore's theory. Even a survey conducted by Greenpeace found only 13 percent of climatologists willing to declare GW "probable." Nevertheless, Gore repeatedly claimed that (literally) 98 percent of scientists agreed with him, and he exhorted reporters to ignore skeptics. A False Frenzy on Global Warming. In a remarkable speech before the San Diego Chamber of Commerce, [John] Coleman was very serious about global warming as the consummate fraud. He began by saying that we should give credit where credit is due. There is, he said, an intrinsic connection between Al Gore's campaign for global warming and $4 per gallon gasoline. "It comes down to the claim that carbon dioxide in the exhaust from your car and in the smoke stacks of our power plants is destroying the climate of planet earth. What an amazing fraud; what a scam." Gore Ducks Questions About Food Crisis, Ethanol and Climate Alarmism. A remarkable thing happened Thursday [4/24/2008]: a press member wanted to ask Nobel Laureate Al Gore about the growing international food crisis and how it relates to ethanol and global warming hysteria. Not surprisingly, the man who cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate fourteen years ago mandating the use of ethanol wasn't available . The Democrats' Ex-Presidents: Like all Greens, [Al] Gore is an authoritarian, his prescriptions having the aura of the people's block committee and the reeducation camp. So it's just as well that the warming thesis has run into cold facts recently. If we are in truth moving into a "quiet sun" period — a period of dramatically reduced solar activity (as indications suggest we are), then every last puff of CO2 on earth will do nothing to stop the mercury from dropping like a stone. It'll be interesting to see how Gore deals with this. Save Me from Al Gore. Propaganda was in full force this past weekend when former Vice President Al Gore launched his 24-hour global concert — Live Earth — to bring attention to what he calls a "climate crisis." For Climate Guru Gore, this is not a potential problem; not the start of a scary trend towards global heating; not even a potential crisis. It is a complete and utter crisis! Global warming and its causes, according to Gore and his ilk, are no longer debatable, but are scientific facts and it's up to us to stop this impending doom. Earth Daze, Courtesy Of Al Gore. Al Gore sees no climate improvement since he made "An Inconvenient Truth." Actually, things have gotten worse. As the environmentalists celebrate Earth Day, the rush to replace fossil fuels threatens global famine. Gore Ducks, as a Backlash Builds Against Biofuel. In an interview last year, Mr. Gore expressed his support for corn-based ethanol, but endorsed moving to what he called a "third generation" of so-called cellulosic ethanol production, which is still in laboratory research. "It doesn't compete with food crops, so it doesn't put pressure on food prices," the former vice president told Popular Mechanics magazine. [Wrong again, Al.] The hot air cult: You don't have to be religious to qualify as a fundamentalist. You can be Al Gore, the messiah figure for the global warming cult, whose followers truly believe their gospel of imminent extermination in a Noah-like flood, if we don't immediately change our carbon-polluting ways. One of the traits of a cult is its refusal to consider any evidence that might disprove the faith. Ad to challenge Gore's planet-saving image. He has a mighty big carbon footprint. Al Gore's opulent lifestyle and his virtuous plea to save the planet from global warming don't mesh, according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), which announced plans yesterday [3/7/2008] for a new national advertising campaign to showcase the contrast before the American public. Al Gore: enviro-tyrant. [Al Gore] seems to think he is the spokesman for the human species, the legitimate representative of every human being who has ever lived or who will ever live in the future. He thinks he and his supporters "control the destiny of all generations to come," a boast that even the worst dictators in history never dared to make. Al Gore is an enviro-tyrant with delusions of global domination. Greens Going for the Green. Even with the human tragedy of Cyclone Nargis still unfolding in Burma, environmentalists aren't wasting any time linking the disaster to global warming. Or at least one isn't: Al Gore. When Political Correctness Becomes Conventional Wisdom: Con artists like Gore have enriched themselves on this issue, taking home Oscars, Nobel Prizes and millions of dollars. Meanwhile, evangelical leaders are setting up their flocks for extreme fleecing by leftist politicos like Barack Obama, who will appeal for Christian votes by talking in glowing, biblical-sounding terms about "being good stewards of God's creation." Climate change scientists have no evidence for their theories that cannot be refuted by experts of equal or greater stature. Al Gore Denies Global Warming is His Meal Ticket. Al Gore, who famously claimed to have invented the Internet, now denies — in the face of powerful evidence to the contrary — that he is in a position to make an immense fortune from global warming-mitigation efforts. Gore's warming plan will blister U.S.. If Gore and his Bali disciples prevail, growth in the United States and other developed nations will grind to a quick halt, while developing nations such as China and India remain free to pollute at will. A generation from now, Americans may well look back at Al Gore as the Benedict Arnold of his age, someone so determined to save the earth he was willing to ruin his country. Crouching Gore, Hidden Oil Stocks? Al Gore's long, former relationship with Occidental Petroleum is well-documented, and all but ignored in the mainstream media. Gore's wealth soars in 7 years. Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore left the White House seven years ago with less than $2 million in assets, including a Virginia home and the family farm in Tennessee. Now he's making enough to put $35 million in hedge funds and other private partnerships. Al Gore's Convenient IPO: What's an Emmy worth? If you're former Vice-President Al Gore, it's worth just north of $1 million a year and roughly another $48 million in stock. That's a hefty sum for a guy who of late has traveled the globe as a goodwill ambassador for mankind, stressing the need for humanity to wake up to the dangers of global warming. Where's Gore getting the dough? From a tiny, lightly watched cable TV channel called CurrentTV. Global Warming, Inc.: Al Gore, Silicon Valley, and venture politics. Al Gore no longer needs to make claims about creating the Internet, because the former Vice President deserves much of the credit for creating an entire new industry — the global warming business. Al Gore is like Jim Jones, and we're drinking his Kool-Aid. This postmodernist environmental movement bears little resemblance to its forerunner, the ecology movement of the 1960s. Back then, Captain Kangaroo simply told us to never throw trash out the window. Now, schoolchildren scold their parents because they haven't traded in their incandescent lightbulbs for the depressing yellow light of compact fluorescent bulbs. Environmentalism, which used to simply include anyone concerned about pollution, somehow morphed into radical environmentalism. Al Gore, Ignoble Laureate. The front-runners for this year's Nobel Peace Prize are a couple of global warming alarmists. With dozens of wars raging, the committee couldn't find a single person laboring honorably for peace? Gore Milks Cash Cow. The most conspicuous doubter in France is Claude Allegre, a former education minister and a physicist by profession. His new book, "Ma Verite Sur la Planete" ("My Truth About the Planet"), doesn't mince words. He calls Gore a "crook" presiding over an eco-business that pumps out cash. As for Gore's French followers, the author likens them to religious zealots who, far from saving humanity, are endangering it. Driven by a Judeo-Christian guilt complex, he says, French greens paint worst-case scenarios and attribute little-understood cycles to human misbehavior. The Money and Connections Behind Al Gore's Carbon Crusade. Al Gore's campaign against global warming is shifting into high gear. Reporters and commentators follow his every move and bombard the public with notice of his activities and opinions. But while the mainstream media promote his ideas about the state of planet Earth, they are mostly silent about the dramatic impact his economic proposals would have on America. And journalists routinely ignore evidence that he may personally benefit from his programs. Would the romance fizzle if Gore's followers realized how much their man stands to gain? Al Gore is criticised for lining his own pockets after £3,300-per-minute green speech. [Scroll down] But a source told The Mail on Sunday: "Many guests looked tired and began to talk among themselves during his speech. Heads began to twitch with tiredness. Al uses his position for great personal gain. He goes from event to event delivering a similar speech, earning a large fee, and a lot of the time he doesn't actually inform the audience. He refused to speak to journalists and security would usher away VIP guests and the Press. He was being very precious and demanded his own VIP room before the event, where he held his own exclusive reception. A convenient £50m for green Gore. Who would have thought that saving the planet could be such a lucrative business? Al Gore, the former US vice-president turned environmental campaigner, has made more than £50m in just seven years from his books, speeches and shrewd investments in technology and green ventures. Today Gore commands between £50,000 and £85,000 a speech, holds stock options in Google worth £15m and has made as much as £4m from advances on his book deals. He is also advising a US venture capital company on how to invest a $600m green technology fund. The Cult of Gore: If Gore learned anything from eight years as the understudy to Slick Willie Clinton it was the value of fads. That, and the truth that Hollywood + rock stars = lots of media coverage and leftwing support. The most obvious target that would ensure not only the backing of the younger generation but play on the peoples sense of fear was the environment. Al Gore Goes Elmer Gantry. The result of all the hoo-hah was the eminently forgettable Live Earth extravaganza, which just flopped like a beached Great White whale. Which is a very fitting metaphor for Mr. Gore himself, helplessly stranded on the muddy shoals of life, never to be President, even though Dad and Mom Gore groomed him from birth for that sure destiny. Gore As Religious Figure: I can understand the appeal of the global Warming religion, I really can. For those who have disavowed conventional religion and have decided that man is the ultimate power — by which they mean themselves in particular, not just humanity in general — the thought that they alone can save the planet is heady stuff, indeed. Who needs a god when they have placed themselves at that pinnacle? Gore's Deceptive Rolling Stone Interview. In case any doubt remains as to who deserves the title of undisputed Globaloney Champion of the World, Al Gore's Rolling Stone interview should put the question to rest. Interviewed in the magazine's third 40th Anniversary Issue of the year, self-proclaimed planet savior Al Gore warns that: "It is a mistake to think of the Climate Crisis as one in a list of issues that will define our future. It is the issue. Everything else must be viewed through that lens." Gore Dodges Repeated Calls to Debate Global Warming. As over 150 heads of state and government gather at UN headquarters in New York to discuss climate change, former Vice President Al Gore, the most prominent proponent of the theory of the human-induced, catastrophic global warming, continues to refuse repeated challenges to debate the issue. Magazine Madness: Where did reporters get the idea that Gore was prone to self-serving fibs? Perhaps from Gore's self-serving fibs. In October 2000, National Review compiled a collection of Gore-isms, some of which are memorable. No "attack machine" was responsible for Gore's claim, for instance, that he was the author of the Earned Income Tax Credit — which was enacted two years before he became a member of Congress . Right warning, wrong crisis. According to the renowned climatologist Al Gore, the world is facing a crisis. Unless that crisis is resolved, the world is in serious trouble. The crisis, of course, is "global warming," and solving the crisis is simple. All it will take is the destruction of the United States, or at least the liberty and the technology that have made the United States what it is. Update: Maybe he is a climatologist after all. A Degree of Folly in Al Gore Doctorate. University of Minnesota President Bob Bruininks announced at the university's February Board of Regents meeting that Al Gore is being considered for an honorary doctorate in climatology for his 2006 movie, "An Inconvenient Truth." Considering the multitude of misleading and inaccurate assertions Gore delivered in the film, Gore is better fitted for a dunce cap. Why Did Global Warming Become a Moral Matter? The global warming issue is now regarded as a "moral" matter by its advocates. None other than The High Priest of Global Warming (Al Gore) has decreed it as such. Of course, there is some obvious humor in this because the liberals will also tell you that you "cannot legislate morality". Al Gore's Hell on Earth: Al Gore calls it, "The Assault on Reason," but his brand of environmentalism sounds a lot more like a new form of faith. Alarmist global warming claims melt under scientific scrutiny. In his new book, The Assault on Reason, Al Gore pleads, "We must stop tolerating the rejection and distortion of science. We must insist on an end to the cynical use of pseudo-studies known to be false for the purpose of intentionally clouding the public's ability to discern the truth." Many of the assertions Gore makes in his movie, "An Inconvenient Truth," have been refuted by science, both before and after he made them. Gore can show sincerity in his plea for scientific honesty by publicly acknowledging where science has rebutted his claims. Manmade Global Warming: The Real Assault on Reason. [Al] Gore's cataclysmic forecasts of worldwide famine, rising sea-levels, vanishing species, et al, are themselves the very epitome of the same agenda-driven, illogical, expert advice cherry-picking, closed debate, unfounded fear-mongering he devotes the majority of his recent Bush-bashing book to deriding. Somebody should turn the lights on. Behind global warming guru Al Gore is global warming guru mastermind Maurice Strong. … The latest ambition of this deadly duo is to ban the incandescent light bulb worldwide … Problem is Gore and his shadow don't intend to stop with banning the incandescent light bulb. … Gore's shadow Strong is a self-professed depopulationist. Forecaster Blasts Gore on Global Warming. A top hurricane forecaster called Al Gore "a gross alarmist" Friday [4/6/2007] for making an Oscar-winning documentary about global warming. "He's one of these guys that preaches the end of the world type of things. I think he's doing a great disservice and he doesn't know what he's talking about," Dr. William Gray said in an interview with The Associated Press at the National Hurricane Conference in New Orleans, where he delivered the closing speech. Gore's flying visit questioned. A group of scientists is questioning the worth of Al Gore's flying visit to New Zealand. The former US vice-president will arrive for half a day next month to promote his film on global warming, "An Inconvenient Truth." Gore the Guzzler. A Tennessee think tank has revealed an inconvenient truth … about what [Al] Gore actually practices, as opposed to what he endlessly preaches. The Tennessee Center for Policy Research, using public records, calculated the Gores' energy use for the past two years at their new 20-room, 10,000-square-foot home in suburban Nashville. In all, the main house and the pool house used an average 18,414 kilowatt-hours (KWH) of power a month last year; that's 14 percent more the 16,200 monthly KWH they devoured in 2005. Update: The Left-Wing Echo Chamber. Death threats. Harassing phone calls. Threatening e-mails. Such was a day in the life of Drew Johnson a few weeks ago. His crime? Johnson is president of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, a free-market think tank that broke one of the juiciest stories of 2007. … Unfortunately for Johnson, it meant enduring days of attacks from liberals — even though the facts of the story came directly from public records. How Gore's massive energy consumption saves the world. Al [Gore] buys his carbon offsets from Generation Investment Management LLP, which is "an independent, private, owner-managed partnership established in 2004 and with offices in London and Washington, D.C.," that, for a fee, will invest your money in "high-quality companies at attractive prices that will deliver superior long-term investment returns." Generation is a tax-exempt U.S. 501(c)3. And who's the chairman and founding partner? Al Gore. So Al can buy his carbon offsets from himself. Gore isn't quite as green as he's led the world to believe. For someone who says the sky is falling, he does very little. He says he recycles and drives a hybrid. And he claims he uses renewable energy credits to offset the pollution he produces when using a private jet to promote his film. (In reality, Paramount Classics, the film's distributor, pays this.) Public records reveal that as Gore lectures Americans on excessive consumption, he and his wife Tipper live in two properties: a 10,000-square-foot, 20-room, eight-bathroom home in Nashville, and a 4,000-square-foot home in Arlington, Va. (He also has a third home in Carthage, Tenn.) For someone rallying the planet to pursue a path of extreme personal sacrifice, Gore requires little from himself. Gore Exempt From His Own Global Warming Rhetoric? As the self proclaimed spokesman for global warming former Vice President Al Gore has made an Oscar-winning documentary on the subject, been nominated for a Nobel Peace prize and regularly preaches about energy conservation although he himself doesn't do it. On the day after his renowned documentary (An Inconvenient Truth) won an Academy Ward, Gore was exposed by a research group in his home state of Tennessee as a hypocrite for his own extravagant energy use, the very kind he travels around the world chastising. An Inconvenient Challenge: A study by the Senate EPW Committee reveals that [Al] Gore, as the leader of the nationwide crusade against man-made global warming, consumes 191,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year in his Tennessee mansion. The average American household consumes a total of 11,256 kilowatt-hours per year. That's 12 times less electricity. Another update: Gore-ging on Energy, One Year Later Gore's Home Energy Use Climbs 10%. [Last year, a] TCPR report revealed that Al Gore's Tennessee mansion used more energy each month than the average American household uses in an entire year. ... A year down the line his energy use hasn't gone down. It hasn't even stayed level. It actually increased by 10%. How will the media handle this bloated increase despite Gore's claims of trying to improve? Al Gore proves the futility of his policy recommendations. The morality play on offer from greenies and their media buddies holds that "we can't drill our way" to cheaper oil prices, but "conservation" and "new technologies" for "alternative energy" are the answer. Thus, I am thankful to Al Gore for proving that even in a high profile demonstration project these "solutions" won't work. A bad day for the red-hots. [Al Gore] is green down to his skivvies. But most of his advice is for everyone else. He likes the extravagant life of the grasshopper, and if the ants will only work harder he can continue to burn through enough energy at his Nashville mansion to light six typical homes of worker ants. For Americans, $4 gasoline is the issue. Some eight years ago, Vice President Al Gore proposed a 50-cent hike in gasoline taxes to raise prices to force Americans to repent and sacrifice their SUVs at the altar of environmentalism. That's another reason why he never became president. Gore has a King Kong-sized "carbon footprint." He uses the equivalent of 125 barrels of oil a year to provide electricity for his home in Tennessee, or about what 20 normal families use. So much for his argument that we are in imminent danger of global warming. Junk Science: Al Gore's Epic Hypocrisy. [Scroll down] So while he campaigns for Americans to curtail their electricity use — you should take cold showers, forego air conditioning and dry your clothes on a clothesline — Gore is plugging in and turning on more than ever. During a time of an alleged crisis, the profile of his personal power consumption is more akin to "greed" than "green"; moreover, the environmental impacts of the Tennessee Valley Authority's "green power" program from which Gore buys high-priced energy are murky, if not downright trivial. Global Warming Hypocrites. I've come to the conclusion that many of these people are mentally ill. They won't accept any rational opposition, scientific or otherwise, that refutes the global warming theory. Drew Johnson reported that after his organization first revealed Al Gore's electric bill to the general public, his group received a number of death threats. Their computers were hacked. Phoned obscenities were common. New Ads Hit Gore's Energy 'Hypocrisy,' Critic Says. A national advertising campaign contrasting Al Gore's "energy-consuming lifestyle" with the need for energy in developing countries was launched by a conservative think tank Tuesday despite charges from global warming activists that the new effort merely recycles old attacks on the former vice president. 'Global warming' Gore attracts heat. The latest angry anti-Gore round boiled up when radio talk show host Steve Gill, a regular Gore basher, fired up listeners over the family's new 100-foot houseboat that's docked on Center Hill Lake. As he often does, Gill labeled Gore a hypocrite who preaches energy conservation to curb what Gill refers to as "so-called global warming," but who doesn't practice it. Climate Debate Leaves One Cold. We can only hope [Al Gore's] heated rhetoric about global warming causes less damage to the environment than all the greenhouse gasses he generates while jetting around the planet to give speeches. If Gore really believes humans are damaging the earth, he should stop flying (burned jet fuel is a major source of greenhouse gasses), stop driving his car (more greenhouse gas emissions) and sell his Nashville mansion (which sucked up nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity in 2006, more than 20 times the national average). Return to Liberal La-La Land. Observing recent events has landed me back in Liberal La-La Land. I use the term to describe the fantasyland that I enter when watching most network news reports or when seeing things that don't make much sense. One example I have given in the past is Al Gore preaching about conserving energy to decrease global warming, while flying around the world on private jets and traveling in gas guzzling limousines. Global Warming: Caused by Pepsi, Coke, and Al Gore? Something tells me that if Al [Gore] and his ilk have their way, the American economy will suffer enormous damage, and the impact on energy and transportation costs will slap every man woman and child across the face. The lower the income, the harder the slap. Yet at the same time, internet-inventing folk like Al Gore will still find a way to consume as they please. They will convince themselves and their fellow jet-setters of their own heroics, and will never miss a wink of sleep in the process. The Strange World of Al Gore: This hatred of humanity, of civilization, of industrialization, of expanding frontiers of science and technology lies at the heart of Al Gore's philosophy. Is this insane or just stupid? Either way, it does not merit a Nobel Prize or an Oscar. And it is contagious. Gore's moronic embrace of Global Warming is widely accepted even in the face of raging blizzards in Colorado, frozen orange crops in California, and chill conditions throughout the Midwest and Northeast. There's plenty of cold weather elsewhere in the world. We call this "winter." Despite obvious and empirical evidence to the contrary, some people keep insisting the Earth is filled with signs of a sudden and calamitous warming. Forty Years of Perverse "Social Responsibility": Instead of helping destitute families get abundant, reliable, affordable electricity, Rainforest Action Network, Environmental Defense and other pressure groups block efforts to build coal and gas generating plants, because they would release greenhouse gases. … Up to 95% of people in Sub-Saharan countries have no electricity, Al Gore personally uses more electricity in a week than 25 million Ugandans do in a year — and agitators are telling Africans the biggest threat they face is hypothetical climate change. Al Gore, Media Scholar? Al Gore's new book "The Assault on Reason" has definitively established one fact: Al Gore is still the sorest loser in American politics. Like many liberals with the itch to micromanage our lives, Gore clearly believes the American people are ignorant to the point of endangerment. So he's become a media scholar, and unloaded his communications theories in a book excerpt hyped by his friends at Time magazine. Diagnosing Mr. Energy (Al Gore). The latest Al Gore flap concerns the extravagant electricity and natural gas consumption at the former vice president's mansion in Nashville. Last year, electricity consumption there — one of several homes owned by Gore — was more than 20 times that of the average American household. As many pundits have noted, this appears to be yet another example of hypocrisy on the part of Gore, who has plenty to say to everyone else about energy conservation. Mr. Gore owns several houses. This energy hog is only one of them. Al Gore: The debate is over. There is no longer any serious debate over the basic points that make up the consensus on Al Gore. He is an enviro-fascist hypocrite who lives in a Tennessee mansion that uses 30 times the energy of the average American home, yet he has taken it upon himself to lead a worldwide wacko movement that wants to force us to radically alter our way of life in the pursuit of zealous extremism to achieve dubious results in addressing a problem that may not even exist. The debate is over. Al Gore and the Global Warming Scare. The truth is that the Earth's temperature is always changing to some extent, up or down. Within historic memory, the canals of Venice froze solid during the medieval Little Ice Age, and Greenland was verdant enough, during a warm spell, to earn its (currently) wildly inappropriate name. … There is nothing we can do about this, and no reason why we should try — let alone spend hundreds of billions of dollars trifling with titanic forces we can't even comprehend. Al Gore's Weather of Mass Destruction: An Incoherent 'Truth'. Before we finalize Gore's beatification, could we pause for a moment and at least examine the merit of his positions? This generic requirement was suggested by Martin Luther King Jr. when he observed, "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance or conscientious stupidity." … It is all too evident that Gore is ignoring any information that stands in the way of his alarmist, global warming theology. Al Gore's Untimely Global Warming Speech: Former Vice President Al Gore unwittingly marked the 20th anniversary of 1984, the anti-utopia described in George Orwell's 1949 novel, by delivering a twenty-first century version of Orwell's feared "newspeak." Gore chose January 15, 2004, one of the coldest days in New York City's history, to rail against the Bush administration and global warming skeptics for their insistence that science should guide public policy, rather than the other way around. Global warming, Gore told a startled audience, is causing record cold temperatures. Gore's Global Warming Speech Gets Icy Rebuke: The National Center for Public Policy Research, one of Gore's many critics, said "the speech is full of demagoguery, misleading statements, formulations intended to deceive, unsupported allegations of wrongdoing and hypocrisy. …From a scientific and environmental perspective, Al Gore's speech today should be ignored. No serious policy person could give the speech Al Gore gave today," said Amy Ridenour, the center's president. ![]() Mario Lewis was quoted in World Magazine, October 27, 2007, page 12. 10 Questions For Al Gore And The Global Warming Crowd. The most ironic thing about the global warming argument is that Al Gore and Company have declared that it's settled, but they have to use scary stories about cities being flooded a hundred years from now and fake tales about polar bears drowning to sell it. If they're on such rock solid scientific ground, why doesn't the science speak for itself? Does anyone remember Sir Isaac Newton or Albert Einstein trying to get people to buy into their scientific theories by coming up with doomsday scenarios? No, of course not. Science and Global Warming: What Do We Know? Wholly implausible scare scenarios are routinely disseminated to and through the media, even though they are contradicted by real-world scientific evidence. Some of these scientifically unsubstantiated assertions appear in former vice president Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth." ... Gore's cinematic assertions are repeated as "truth" by a largely sympathetic media that seldom bothers to do their own research or mention contradictory scientific facts. The New Math on Global Warming: The eco-movement and Al Gore have been repeating the mantra that "the earth has warmed 0.6°C. in the last century." They claim this has been due to more human-emitted CO2, and project Big Warming on that basis. When we plug in the 1,500-year cycle, however, we have to take away from the scary computer models the 0.5° of warming that occurred before 1940 — and thus before much human-emitted CO2. The earth has warmed only a net 0.2°C. of net warming since 1940. Human-emitted CO2 gets the blame for only half of that — or 0.1°C. of warming over 65 years! We've had no warming at all since 1998. President of Czech Republic Calls Man-Made Global Warming a 'Myth' — Questions Gore's Sanity. Czech president Vaclav Klaus has criticized the UN panel on global warming, claiming that it was a political authority without any scientific basis. Rage, rage against dimming of the light. Global warming advocates frequently claim that the way for society to reduce carbon dioxide emissions is for individuals to make sacrifices to their lifestyle in the name of reducing their carbon footprint. Thus people are encouraged to feel guilty about everyday components of their life, such as holiday air travel, driving cars to work, using electrical appliances and so on. Judging by prominent global warming advocate Al Gore's power bill, (20 times that of the average American), one may be forgiven for thinking such activists are perhaps more interested in reducing your consumption rather than their own. Gore to recruit 10m-strong green army. Al Gore yesterday launched a drive to mobilise 10 million volunteers to force politicians to act on climate change — twice as many as the number who marched against the Vietnam war or in support of civil rights during the heyday of US activism in the 1960s. During the next three years, his Alliance for Climate Protection plans to spend $300m (about £150m) on television advertising and online organising to make global warming among the most urgent issues for elected American leaders. Goreacle's complicated truth: Well, here's a surprise. Al Gore last week linked the deadly cyclone in Myanmar to global warming. "We're seeing consequences that scientists have long predicted might be associated with continued global warming," he told National Public Radio in reference to the tragedy. Al Gore Feeds on Myanmar's Tragedy. With the potential death toll in Myanmar from Cyclone Nargis rising into the hundreds of thousands, last week's attempt by Al Gore to use the tragedy to promote his "climate crisis" agenda becomes all the more reprehensible. RI Students Must Watch 'Inconvenient Truth' to Graduate. To receive a degree from Roger Williams University in Rhode Island, students are being forced to watch "An Inconvenient Truth," the documentary on global warming produced by former Vice President Al Gore. The science class requirement has prompted one conservative student to declare that "we should stop calling these schools 'bastions of knowledge' since they're really bastions of leftist thought." Poor Al Gore. How can one criticize a man so manifestly bent on saving the human race? There would seem only one honor left for him to receive. What else could so perfectly crown this lifetime of public service as the presidency of the United States? You can bet your bottom dollar that he wants the job — wants it so much his chest aches. After all, he has pursued it all his life. There is, in fact, only one serious obstacle. And there she sits, like the Rock of Chickamauga: Hillary Clinton. All blunder, no thunder. Nowadays Gore lives in a shack down by the ol' Mississippi and earns a living hauling dead possums out of drains. Or he may as well, for all the influence he's turned out to have. (Actually, Gore appeared at Harvard University this week to talk about global warming. The weather promptly dropped to near-record lows, causing the university's Sustainability Celebration Committee to send out an email promising they would serve "hot cider and soup" so nobody would freeze to death.) Gore's Gruesome New Prize. To celebrate the 100th birthday of the late Dr. Roger Revelle, the oceanography institute he once directed is today presenting an award in his name to his most famous disciple — Al Gore. And, while this charlatan should never seriously be considered for any scientific tribute, the specific intent of this one makes Gore a particularly unworthy maiden recipient, and he knows it. ![]() Eight Reasons Why "Global Warming" Is a Scam: When Al Gore lost his bid to become the country's first "Environment President," many of us thought the "global warming" scare would finally come to a well-deserved end. That hasn't happened, despite eight good reasons this scam should finally be put to rest. Al Gore vs. Seven Climate Scientists. The dissenters against Anthropogenic Global Warming have long desired an open and honest debate with Al Gore. But Mr. Gore has never consented. Here's the next best thing: a video presentation of edited arguments from seven renown climate scientists that demolish the rationalizations presented in Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth." Gore to publish new book. Former Vice President Al Gore said Tuesday [3/24/2009] he plans to have a new book out by November, building on his movie and traveling slideshow about global warming. Mr. Gore said his book, "Our Choice," will rally supporters to act on climate change and support renewable energy projects as way to combat global warming and bolster international economies. Aussie Scientist: Gore is 'trying to make money out of scaring people witless'. Outspoken academic geologist Ian Plimer says people are embracing his latest book on the science behind climate change because they are "disenfranchised" and increasingly frustrated with the "selective evidence" being presented about global warming. The professor of mining geology at Adelaide University this morning launched Heaven and Earth: Global Warming the Missing Science. 10 Questions for Al Gore. [#7.] When you left public service in January 2001, your personal net worth was perhaps $2 million. In 2007, your personal net worth was reported to be on the order of $100 million. How much of this fortune is related, directly or indirectly, to your advocacy of legislation to reduce "global warming"? Gore lies to Congress about personal finances. When Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn confronted Al Gore with his profiteering from global warming legislation at today's House Energy and Environment Subcommittee hearing on the Waxman-Markey climate bill, Al Gore said that every penny he ever made from his business activities went into non-profit efforts. That is a flat-out lie, according to [a] March 6, 2008 Bloomberg report that indicates that Al Gore invested $35 million of his own money in various for-profit endeavors. Al Gore lies to Congress: Part 2. It's a good thing Al Gore didn't have to raise his right hand and take an oath to tell the truth before he testified on April 24 to the House Energy and Environment Subcommittee about the Waxman-Markey climate bill. GreenHellBlog.com first reported on April 24 that Al Gore lied to the Subcommittee about his personal finances during questioning by Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn. It turns out that Gore also lied to Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise, who had asked Gore about his connections with the Wall Street firm of Goldman Sachs. Cap-And-Trade: Al Gore's Cash Cow. At the cap-and-trade hearings, it was revealed that not everyone will suffer from this growth-killing energy tax. A congresswoman wanted to know why sea levels aren't rising but Gore's bank account is. When Gore left office in January 2001, he was said to have a net worth in the neighborhood of $2 million. A mere eight years later, estimates are that he is now worth about $100 million. It seems it's easy being green, at least for some. Al Gore's Inconvenient Enron. [Scroll down] Of course, Gore wasn't the home-state governor of this Fortune 15 company either, so I guess his supposed lack of familiarity (keep reading) would make sense. But one might ask what nickname Gore had for close family friend and (ahem) benefactor, the Soviet stooge Armand Hammer? Maurice Strong? The gang at his own personal Enron — scam-artist and buddy-run Molten Metals? The latest: The Incredible Disappearing Nobel Prize-Winner. I've clipped and accumulated about a hundred news articles, decreasing in size and moving further back in the pages week to week, about the first political hostages of the Obama administration, the two reporters who work for Al Gore's TV network. They were captured, held hostage, fake-tried and sentenced to 12 years in a labor camp in North Korea. I've also taken notes on the TV news coverage. At first, mention was routinely made that they were "employees of Current-TV, the company created and owned by Al Gore." New Movie Seeks to Refute Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'. A new documentary on climate change is highly critical of the claims made by former Vice President Al Gore in his film, "An Inconvenient Truth," and seeks to refute the main points Gore made. ... On the scientific side, Gore is criticized from several angles. His claim that global warming has contributed to the spread of malaria in Africa, for example, is contrasted with evidence that malaria flourished in the 19th century United States, which was one degree cooler than today's malaria-free America. Climate lawsuits are coming, Gore & Browner warn. Former Vice President Al Gore and current White House climate change czar Carol Browner are warning companies and lawmakers that the courts will step in to regulate greenhouse gases if Congress fails to act. "All of the discussion has been about the president and the Congress," Gore told journalists at a U.N. press conference Tuesday. "We have a third branch of government: the courts." Dan Quayle: Evidence of a Double Standard. Whenever I'm in a debate regarding left-wing media bias, I find it useful to mention the treatment of Vice President Dan Quayle as opposed to the treatment of Vice Presidents Al Gore and Joe Biden by members of the Fourth Estate. While Gore made statements that bordered on the absurd — he claimed he created the Internet — the liberal establishment even now heaps praise and accolades upon him, including an Academy Award for his documentary on global warming. Al Gore Still Lying about An Inconvenient Truth. There is an opinion of the U.K. High Court which thoroughly trashes Al Gore's movie for "educational" purposes, finding that not one of the eleven money claims from the movie on which it sought evidence could be supported. Gore and his spokesman have ritually held that the Court "affirmed thousands of other statements in the movie" (really? name one), that the court "supported" or "found in favor of" the movie, and so on. An Inconvenient Journalist. Al Gore notoriously refuses to debate the scientific merits of his book and movie about global warming, both titled An Inconvenient Truth. At a conference of environmental journalists, however, he briefly deigned to answer questions. The journalist who directed Not Evil, Just Wrong, a documentary that criticizes Gore's alarmism, took advantage of the opportunity to ask Gore about the British judge who found that there were at least nine scientific errors in Gore's film. Confronting Al Gore with An Inconvenient Question. The Society of Environmental Journalists spent much of their conference in Madison, Wisconsin questioning why mainstream journalism was dying. Then they answered their own question when they decided it was their role to protect Al Gore from An Inconvenient Question. Who Else Will Challenge Gore's 'Truth'? Last week at the Society of Environmental Journalists conference in Wisconsin, former Vice President Al Gore took questions from journalists about global warming for the first time in years. I attended to ask him about factual errors in his movie, "An Inconvenient Truth." You wouldn't know it from the sparse media coverage, but the British High Court found so many errors in Gore's movie in 2007 that British schools no longer can show the film without the equivalent of a health warning. Not Truthful, Just Gore. A viral buzz is probably not something you want to have in these days of H1N1 (swine flu) paranoia. But if you're Ann McElhinny and Phelim McAleer this week it's not a malady, but a desired condition. That's because Sunday marks the formal public introduction to their film documentary "Not Evil Just Wrong," which follows their 2006 joint effort "Mine Your Own Business." Society of Environmental Homers protect Gore. It's been years since former Vice President Al Gore took questions from journalsts willing to ask challenging and probing questions about either alleged flaws in the evidence for his global warming views or details of his financial interests in the adoption of government policies based on those views. But for at least one question at the annual conference of the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ), Gore was presented with an opportunity to address his critics and defend his views. Unfortunately, as this video of the encounter shows, not only did Gore do what politicians usually do — evade the question — but his SEJ buddies made sure there would be no followup questions by turning off the microphone and forcing the questioner to leave. Al Gore's First (and Probably Last) Q&A. For a public figure, Mr. Gore has been strangely reluctant to answer questions or debate the more controversial parts of his work. But over the weekend, he deigned to take a few questions during a meeting of the Society of Environmental Journalists in Madison, Wisconsin. Irish documentary filmmaker Phelim McAleer was in the line. Al Gore's Journalistic Shield. "Environmental journalism" is an oxymoron, and if that wasn't obvious already, it is after the Society of Environmental Journalists last week shielded a politician from one of its own members. The politician in question was none other than former Vice President Al Gore. Al Gore Advised Google About Its 'Search Quality'. By themselves, the following paragraphs from this 6500-word piece don't mean much. However, given the ongoing concerns about Google's political leanings and how its search algorithms might be manipulated to favor liberal news outlets over conservative points of view, the very idea that Gore might have had any input to this process is worrisome to say the least. Have You No Shame, Leftists? [Scroll down slowly] Then we have an ex-vice president, Al Gore, who has spent the past several years getting rich in a way that would have had Charles Ponzi gnashing his teeth in envy. First, Gore announced that the earth was heating up and that people in Kansas would soon be up to their knees in the Pacific Ocean. Then, when Mother Nature pulled a fast one and cooled things down slightly, as is her wont, Gore didn't miss a beat. Instead, he said we were undergoing climate change. People didn't know what that meant, but Gore, in those ominous tones he has mastered, said it was every bit as bad as global warming and, so, the money just kept rolling in. An inconvenient tea party. Irish filmmaker Phelim McAleer couldn't get Hollywood interested in his conservative answer to Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth," so he's trying to promote it a different way — by getting tea party protesters to turn out for thousands of screenings across the country Sunday night [10/18/2009]. McAleer is billing the multicity premiere of "Not Evil Just Wrong" as the world's largest simultaneous film viewing, and he says the "cinematic wing of the tea party movement" is just the ticket for making it work. Is Al Gore Not Evil, Just Wrong? The speech in Madison, Wisconsin was sponsored by the Society of Environmental Journalists. Amazingly, these alleged journalists closed ranks and shut McAleer down for daring to challenge the many false and inaccurate statements in Gore's propaganda film, An Inconvenient Truth. Inconvenient Truths Surface in 'Not Evil Just Wrong'. "Not Evil Just Wrong" picks up where the High Court left off, picking apart both Gore's film and the environmental movement through case studies and in-depth interviews. It addresses the economic and societal impacts of environmental regulations, as well as the scientific truth behind today's environmental hype. Newsweek Editor Calls Al Gore 'An Eco-Prophet'. "Al Gore's views on climate change are advancing as rapidly as the phenomenon itself." Such was Newsweek science editor Sharon Begley's sub-headline of her proselytizing piece "The Evolution Of An Eco-Prophet." Fortunately for the Goracle's loyal followers, Begley didn't ask him how the planet could possibly have cooled the past eleven years despite his warnings about the plague "carbon dioxide." Al Gore An Enemy of the Environment. Contrary to a popular myth Al Gore and his followers are among the biggest enemies of the environment. Contrary to their lies carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant. CO2 is essential to biological life. The CO2 cycle is the basis of carbon based biological life. Plants are carbon structures and CO2 provides the carbon they need. Carbon is the second most common element in the human body. ... Plants are the original solar energy collectors. Plants store solar energy as the chemical bonds of carbon molecules. The ability of plants to grow depends upon the available sunlight and the amount of CO2 in the air. Gore's Profits Of Doom. The oracle of climate disaster has a new book out on global warming that should be on the fiction list. He asks us to commit economic suicide while he rakes in millions from his green investments. Why Newsweek is the Punch Line. [Scroll down] For example, the November 9th edition of Newsweek (The Thinking Man's Thinking Man) calls Al Gore a "prophet" several times, in multiple articles. Newsweek contributor Sharon Begley writes glowingly of Gore, praising him for everything from his optimism to his spirituality in her article The Evolution of an Eco-Prophet. She calls him "fact-filled," largely ignoring the growing scientific dissent with his claims, and essentially admits her unquestioning faith in the "eco-prophet": "One has absolutely no trouble — none, zero, nil — believing him," she writes. The Economic Uses of Al Gore. [Scroll down slowly] Mr. Gore long ago jumped over to the side where salesmanship, by whatever means, was the trumping priority. As far back as 1989, he insisted there was "no dispute worthy of recognition" about the danger of manmade climate change. By now, he titularly heads a vast establishment with a stake in one side of the argument. Gore heckled at climate speech. Former Vice President Al Gore's global-warming speech Saturday night at Mizner Park drew about a thousand attendees, as well as more than 200 loud protesters. Stationed outside the Mizner Park Amphitheater, the protesters jeered at Gore as he took the podium and at those walking into the open-air venue to listen to the speech. Newsweek Admits 74 Percent of Gore Letters Are Critical, But Fails to Publish Any. Newsweek has done it again: a few weeks after acknowledging half its letters were critical of Joe Biden (but publishing none of them), they proclaimed their Al Gore cover was unpopular. Forty-six percent of their letter writers wrote on the subject of Gore, and 74 percent of them were critical. Still, Newsweek ran only positive letters. Al Gore Photoshops Hurricanes Into New Book's Cover. The cover of Nobel Laureate Al Gore's new book "Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis" was intentionally doctored to exaggerate the appearance of hurricanes in the northern hemisphere as well as reduce the amount of ice present in the Arctic. Maybe even more ominously, Florida was so diminished it's almost totally gone. Take back Al Gore's Oscar, two Academy members demand in light of Climategate. No, it wouldn't do anything for the environment. But two Hollywood conservatives (yes, there are some) have called on the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to rescind the prestigious, profitable gold Oscar statuette that it gave ex-Vice President Al Gore two years ago for the environmental movie "An Inconvenient Truth." Gore cancels climate conference event. "We have had a clear-cut agreement, and it is unusual with great disappointment that we have to announce that Al Gore cancels. We had a huge expectation for the event. ... We do not yet know the detailed reasons for the cancellation," said Lisbeth Knudsen, CEO of Berlingske Media, in a statement posted by the company. The Editor says... You don't know the reason? Really? The Inconvenient Truth. "Climate campaigner Al Gore has canceled a lecture he was supposed to deliver in Copenhagen," the Associated Press reports... This has prompted speculation by the former vice president's detractors that he is keeping his head down in the wake of the release of the East Anglia emails showing evidence of scientific misconduct by climate researchers. It Must be Tough to be a Climavangelist! This just in! NewsBusters reports that Al Gore has just cancelled his $1,200 per person December 16th Climate Change blah blah blah speech in Copenhagen. Come on, Al, don't quit now. It's just about to get good. And there will always be plenty of Euro-tools who'll continue to buy your trumped-up, utterly specious green hash gobbledygook. Al Gore: Fraud, Scaredy Cat. [Scroll down] In the wake of Climategate, [Al Gore's] continued global warming proclamations and his refusal to debate are simply untenable. Thus after Britain's Lord Christopher Monckton recently challenged Gore to a debate, Monckton afterwards added: "If you don't dare [debate], I want you to remain silent about [global warming] forever from now on." Gore falsifies the record. Could those carefully vetted journalists who are allowed an audience with the Great Green Guru please — for once — confront him with his exaggerations, distortions, fake evidence and absurd predictions? I've done this myself over this issue, and can guarantee you will get a far funnier and more interesting reaction than another of his sermons. Gore is grossly careless or a barefaced liar. Al Gore has studied the Climategate emails with his typically rigorous eye and dismissed them as mere piffle. No way did these leaked emails discredit his global warming crusade, he assured Slate magazine. And you'd trust him, wouldn't you? ... The fact is you have been lied to by many people for a long time, and the media has betrayed you by not holding the liars to account. Too much is now at stake for us to tolerate the stifling of debate for an instant longer. Anatomy of an Apocalypse. One of the curious features of megalomania is an inability to appreciate the disruptive force of countermanding facts. Were Al Gore a normal person — someone, I mean, who was not a slave to a mesmerizing ideology — the emails recently leaked from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University would have shaken him to the core. Climategate: Al Gore's Political Tin Ear. Unless Gore is just speaking clumsily, and simply means the most recent email he read was ten-years-old, he's lying, misinformed, or both. The last email actually dates to Nov. 12 2009. The emails as a whole outline a campaign of disinformation and distraction that has lasted for 13 years. Who is really indenial here? Al Gore Refuses to Discuss 'Climate Crisis' with John Stossel. Despite appearing on CNN and MSNBC Wednesday [12/9/2009], Nobel Laureate Al Gore was apparently too busy to discuss global warming on the premiere episode of John Stossel's new Fox Business Network program. ... Of course, Gore's busy schedule didn't prevent him from being interviewed by CNN and MSNBC on Wednesday, nor did it stop him from appearing on NBC's "Saturday Night Live" just two days before he declined Stossel's invitation. Al Gore condemned over Arctic ice melting prediction. Al Gore, the former US Vice-President, has become embroiled in a climate change spin row after claiming that the Arctic could be completely ice-free within five years. Speaking at the Copenhagen climate change summit, Mr Gore said new computer modelling suggests there is a 75 percent chance of the entire polar ice cap melting during the summertime by 2014. Inconvenient truth for Al Gore as his North Pole sums don't add up. In his speech [at Copenhagen], Mr Gore told the conference: "These figures are fresh. Some of the models suggest to Dr [Wieslav] Maslowski that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during the summer months, could be completely ice-free within five to seven years." Al Gore's melting Arctic claim unites scientist and sceptic alike. Al Gore stood by his claim yesterday [12/15/2009] that the North Pole could be ice-free within five years, attracting a storm of criticism from scientists and sceptics alike. In an address to the Copenhagen summit, the former Vice-President of the United States quoted an international report published this year, which suggested that the North Pole could have lost virtually all of its ice by 2015. Al Gore tries to cool 'climate spin' by correcting claims of North pole thaw. Al Gore's office issued a formal correction yesterday [12/16/2009] to a speech the former US Vice-President had given earlier in the week that started the latest in a series of "climate spin" rows. Mr Gore told the Copenhagen summit meeting that the latest research suggested that the North Pole would be ice-free within five to seven years. Did someone mention Copenhagen? Al Gore shows us the way to make green from being green. Al Gore has made lots of money by lecturing us all about being green. Some say he's become the world's first "carbon billionaire". What you can be sure of is that the move toward a more environmentally sustainable future is an unstoppable trend — and Mr Gore is unlikely to be the first to get very rich from environmental policy. The Inconvenient Truth About Malaria. I am a scientist, not a climatologist, so I don't dabble in climatology. My speciality is the epidemiology of mosquito-borne diseases. As the film [An Inconvenient Truth] began, I knew Mr Gore would get to mosquitoes: they're a favourite with climate-change activists. When he got to them, it was all I feared. Lying about climate change. The despicable Al Gore features in this story of how climate alarmists have knowingly and persistently lied to support their cause (or obsession). But so do prominent scientists who presumably should be held to a higher standard. Climategate: This time Al Gore lied. Al Gore's claim last week that the Climategate emails were insignificant relied on two main defences. Both are so flagrantly wrong that it's not enough to say Gore is simply mistaken. No, Al Gore is a liar. Last week we showed that the first of his Climategate defences was so preposterously wrong that it was doubtful he had even read the leaked emails he tried to dismiss. Global warming and the 'settled science' baloney. Despite Al Gore's foolish protestations, there is no law of global warming. To the extent that global warming exists at all, it's a complicated phenomenon with multiple inputs (human and natural), and its cause is speculated upon, but hardly known with certainty. Global warming is unsettled science, and honest investigators use settled laws of physics along with models to try to unravel its origins and implications. The Intellectual Dishonesty of the Democrats: [Scroll down] My only regret is that no one at the table asked Gore, "What's the matter? The polar bear's got your tongue?" What struck me the most about this meeting was Gore's complete inability to utter a sentence addressing his life's work. The former Vice President, Nobel Prize laureate, and Academy Award-winning producer standing before us was a moron, unable to articulate a simple comeback to address all that he has stood for since leaving office. An Inconvenient Invoice: A letter to Al Gore. I really hate to bother you again. ... As you may recall, I invoiced you for the purchase of a brand new snow blower that I purchased at Sears. I must say I am somewhat surprised I never heard back from you. I had given away the snow blower I previously owned after reading your fascinating book, watching your amazing motion picture, and watching in awe as you lectured about global warming on the citadel of scientific inquiry, The Oprah Winfrey Show. Mother Nature's Sucker-Punch. The president indeed deserves a Nobel Prize, but for tomfoolery. It should be presented to him by Al Gore, who is often called a "prophet" by his groupies. Some prophet, he. In January of 2006, he was quoted in the Washington Post as claiming that "humans may have only 10 years left to save the planet from turning into a total frying pan." A third of the way down Gore's apocalyptic timeline, things are still not getting any warmer. Quite to the contrary, if it continues in this way, by the end of the ten years we will have all frozen to death. The Climate is Changing. When I say the climate is changing, I do not mean, as many people do, that man-made global warming is destroying Planet Earth. I mean that the politics of climate change is changing rapidly all over the globe. Al Gore's moment has come and gone. This is an original compilation, Copyright © 2023 by Andrew K. Dart Which airport is Al Gore stranded at? Information on the street has it that Al Gore is stuck in an airport, trying to charter a private airplane to take him back to Norway, where naïve-but-friendly natives thoughtlessly awarded him a Nobel Peace Prize for propagandizing the remote, but politically pregnant, possibility that our climate is getting dangerously warmer because we're eating too much meat, using old-fashioned light bulbs and driving cars not running on recycled garbage. Al Gore's Nine Lies. The godfather of climate hysteria is in hiding as another of his wild claims unravels — this one about global warming causing seas to swallow us up. UKIP would ban Al Gore film in schools. Global warming 'propaganda' like the Al Gore film Inconvenient Truth will be banned in schools and public authorities will not be allowed to spend money on climate change initiatives. Investigate Climate Crimes. A senator wants an investigation of the false climate testimony before Congress and wants Al Gore to reappear. The illegalities may involve more than just lying to Congress. ... Inhofe, in releasing a GOP report questioning the science used to support cap-and-trade legislation, hinted that such activities may be part of a vast criminal enterprise designed to bilk governments, taxpayers and investors while enriching those making the false claims. Al Gore a lightning rod at Apple shareholder meeting. Gore was seated in the first row, along with his six fellow board members, in Apple's Town Hall auditorium as several stockholders took turns either bashing or praising his high-profile views on climate change. ... The glaciers have not melted," [Shelton] Ehrlich said, referring to Gore's views on global warming. "If his advice he gives to Apple is as faulty as his views on the environment then he doesn't need to be re-elected." The Hot Seat For Gore? He's spent years declaring the debate was over so he didn't have to. He's testified to a mostly friendly Capitol Hill, made an Oscar-winning documentary, and won a Nobel Peace Prize to save the planet, while setting up a carbon credit repository that would personally enrich him. He's about to be called on the carpet and his answers are going to be very interesting, that is, if he doesn't plead the Fifth. You Can Call Him Al ... But Al Won't Call You Back. Al Gore won a Nobel Prize and an Oscar for his film, An Inconvenient Truth. But in the last three months, as global warming has gone from a scientific near-certitude to the subject of satire, Gore — the public face of global warming — has been mum on the topic. Al Gore says... We Can't Wish Away Climate Change. [EDITOR'S NOTE: No synopsis is offered here, simply because The Editor could not find a single sentence in Mr. Gore's editorial with which he agreed. The articles immediately below offer reviews of his op-ed piece.] Gore: World To End, Fox News To Blame. For those who have neither the time nor the Red Bull required to wade through Al Gore's windy "We Can't Wish Away Climate Change" in the New York Times, permit me to summarize... Former Veep Goes Girly-Man, Has Hissy Fit in Pages of New York Times. The New York Times continues its painful-to-watch demise with this published hissy-fit from the ultrafeminine side of the prophet of the-sky-is-really-falling gloom, Al Gore. ... With hundreds of millions of dollars on the line, Al is going all out to save his "investment" in global warming hysteria. Al Gore's weird, disconnected op-ed on climate change. Reading this New York Times op-ed by Al Gore gives you the distinct impression that he has been off somewhere communing with the global warming gods and hasn't been paying attention to the collapse of his "overwhelming consensus" on climate change. ... Gore obviously believes we should sit down, shut up, and let him and his buddies reach into our pockets and remove trillions of dollars without demanding proof of the scientific basis for his power grab. A Blizzard Of Lies From Al Gore. Al Gore resurfaces in an op-ed to say that nobody's perfect, everybody makes mistakes and climate change is still real. And he has some oceanfront property in the Himalayas to sell you. Media Failure: Global Warming Edition. American newspapers and television news bureaus are staffed with people for whom skepticism of the U.N. and politicized climate scientists is tantamount to heresy. Note the line in Al Gore's February 28 New York Times op-ed where he says that "what is at stake is our ability to use the rule of law as an instrument of human redemption." This isn't a scientific debate. It's a religious one. Al's latest global-warming whopper. Al Gore's defense of global-warming hysteria in Sunday's New York Times has many flaws, but I'll focus on just one whopper — where the "Inconvenient Truth" man states the opposite of scientific fact. Gore still hot on his doomsday rhetoric. The case for global-warming alarmism is melting faster than those mythical disappearing Himalayan glaciers, but Al Gore isn't backing down. In a long op-ed piece for The New York Times the other day, Gore cranked up the doomsday rhetoric. Human beings, he warned, "face an unimaginable calamity requiring large-scale, preventive measures to protect human civilization as we know it." His 1,900-word essay made no mention of his financial interest in promoting such measures... Global warming winners. The greatest scandal connected to global warming is not exaggeration, fraud or destruction of data to conceal the weakness of the argument. It is those who are personally profiting from promoting this fantasy at the expense of the rest of us. Al Gore is the most visible beneficiary. The world's greatest climate-change fear-monger has amassed millions in book sales and speaking fees. Carbon Market Collapse Brings Gore Out Of Hiding. We should ignore Al Gore's bizarre Op-Ed in, where else, the New York Times, but it needs analysis because it includes all the standard errors that entrap and confuse most people. It also exposes him as a real hypocrite in his own words. The title "We can't wish away Climate change" illustrates how little Gore knows or understands. No, we can't wish it away because it has and will always exist. (Honorary) Dr. Al Gore. The green champion of global warming recently emerged from wherever he had been hiding since Climategate broke to submit a self-serving op-ed piece to the New York Times. ... Al conveniently ignored recent admissions by lead climate conspirator Phil Jones that there's been no warming for fifteen years when he amazingly wrote, "What is important is that the overwhelming consensus on global warming remains unchanged." But Al cannot afford to accept this inconvenient truth. Climategate exposed the leading climatologists and global warming experts as conspirators, data-fabricators, and obstructionists. Bringing Al Gore back to Earth: Now reduced to preaching climate hysteria to the converted in the echo chamber of the liberal, warmist [New York] Times, the paper at least identified Gore thusly: "As a businessman, he is an investor in alternative energy companies." Bingo! Gore, our would-be carbon billionaire, has a dog in this hunt, dressed in the colour of money — green. This is a major reason I haven't been able to take him seriously on man-made global warming since the first time I saw An Inconvenient Truth. Gore Attaches Global Warming as Cause to Last Weekend's Storm in Northeast. If there's a drought — it's global warming. When there's a hurricane — it's global warming. If there are heavy snows or even blizzards — it's somehow global warming. And amazingly, the latest round of rainy and windy weather in the Northeast, well that's consistent with this phenomenon as well, so says former Vice President Al Gore. Doctor Of Lies. Instead of having his Nobel Prize rescinded for espousing climate fraud, the prophet of doom is set to receive an honorary doctorate of laws and humane letters from the University of Tennessee for his work. ... He has warned us of sea levels rising so high and so fast that we should see boats moored on the top of the Washington Monument. Polar bears would drown en masse for lack of ice at the same time snow measured in feet blanketed large parts of the country. We used to call it weather. He called it climate change and made a fortune doing so. Activists gather to protest Gore's honorary degree. Al Gore's honorary degree from the University of Tennessee has drawn the ire of activists who think the former vice president's work on climate change is misguided. Al Gore Runs From "The Factor". Former Vice-President Al Gore has been more elusive then the "endangered" polar bear when it comes to answering difficult questions about global warming. It's not surprising, given Climategate, the recent growth of Arctic ice caps, cooling trends over the last ten years and other truly "inconvenient truths" that have melted away the underpinnings of global warming alarmism. Were You Fooled By The Biggest Hoax Ever? [Scroll down] To his sympathizers, Mr. Gore could do no wrong and when he concocted the idea that one could buy carbon credits to offset one's excessive greenhouse emissions, many sympathizers gullibly accepted it as gospel. Imagine: Mr. Gore and Hollywood celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio could purchase carbon credits from a company that Mr. Gore himself founded — Generation Investment Management — which would invest in solar, wind, and other projects that reduce energy consumption around the globe. Get it? The glitterati would get to continue living high and flying around the world in private jets and emitting greenhouses gases willy-nilly and it wouldn't matter because they'd bought carbon credits to offset their wasteful consumption of energy. (By the way, Mr. Gore is now the first global warming billionaire.) Al Gore jumps twenty-five sharks. Will Al Gore now be the butt of more jokes than anyone who ever lived? Well, not quite, but it was always easy enough to make fun of Al — that blowhard who claimed to have helped create the Internet (tell CERN) and that his marriage inspired Love Story. But no one could have anticipated his never-to-be-forgotten June of 2010, a month that would give even the strongest of us a migraine for life. And everything seemed to be going so well for him in May with the announcement of his purchase of a nine-million dollar ocean front home in Montecito. Well, that place may have had a carbon footprint the size of Indiana, but we're used to the hypocrisy of the supposedly green-minded. It comes with the territory. The Eight Most Irritating Liberal Celebrities. [#6] Al Gore: Sure, he was a forgettable Vice President who could never steal the spotlight away from Bill Clinton, but his post-politics career has turned him into an internationally known celebrity. Heck, he's even won an Oscar! Too bad his celebrity is due, in part, to environmentalist propaganda in a film that many respected scientists and critics said was full of inaccuracies, exaggerations and half-truths. ... We just don't buy it and there's nothing more annoying than a salesman who keeps pitching the same bogus product over and over again. Al Gore Complains about Global Warming Media Coverage. No matter what happens, even surrounding his personal life or his pet cause global warming, former Vice President Al Gore just isn't going away. Gore Not Gracious in Defeat. Al Gore is a bitter man. In a conference call with his supporters Tuesday night, Gore all but conceded defeat over getting a climate bill out of Congress this year while unleashing a tirade against cap-and-trade's opponents. Al Gore's global-warming crusade shrinks. The fortunes of Mr. Gore's global-warming crusade certainly are in decline: A recent Rasmussen poll found that just 34 percent of respondents "feel human activity is the main contributor" to global warming and that the percentage of those who consider global warming a "serious issue" has "trended down slightly since last November." Mr. Gore himself is to blame for at least some of the public backlash against global-warming orthodoxy: Using bad science to justify bad policy will inevitably rub people the wrong way. Los Angeles school named after Al Gore. Al Gore ... achieved a singular honor last week, becoming the first vice president to have a Los Angeles school named after him. And, fittingly, the school will be devoted to environmental themes. ... The $75.5-million Carson-Gore Academy of Environmental Sciences will open Sept. 13 for about 675 students. As he was with Bill Clinton (who has an L.A. middle school named after him), Gore is second on the ticket to Rachel Carson, the late author credited with helping launch the modern environmental movement. Carson-Gore Academy of Environmental Sciences built on toxic soil. Conservative corners of the Internet are buzzing over a Los Angeles school named after former Vice President Al Gore that was built on toxic soil and, some say, poses a health risk to students. Al Gore Heckled During Florida Campaign Stop: 'You're a Fraud!' Former Vice President Al Gore was in Tampa, Florida this weekend, campaigning with Democratic Senate candidate Kendrick Meek, when he came upon some skeptics of Gore's global warming theory. Chant's [sic] of "You're a fraud!" and shout's [sic] calling global warming a "hoax," lead by a group that calls themselves "We Are Change" ... Carbon shame goes global. You've got to hand it to Al Gore; he's willing to adapt his scaremongering theology to keep it kicking. His 2006 agitprop film, "An Inconvenient Truth," sold millions on the unproven theory that human-induced "global warming" threatens to wreak catastrophe on the Earth. Absent evidence of actual warming, Mr. Gore's acolytes have since been forced to edit and re-edit the title of the feared phenomenon from "global warming" to "climate change" to the current "global climate disruption." Al Gore 'left car engine running during hour-long environment lecture'. Green-minded campaigner Al Gore has been left red-faced after being accused of leaving his car running for almost an hour while he gave a lecture on sustainable development. It is alleged that Gore made the gaffe while he spoke at the School of Business, Economics and Law in Gothenburg, Sweden on Wednesday [10/27/2010]. His mistake was compounded further by the fact that he had asked his distinguished guests to attend the event by public transport in order to minimize CO2 emissions. Al Gore under fire for leaving car idling for an hour during speech. Climate change warrior Al Gore has invited controversy after reportedly leaving his car idling for an hour during an environment lecture in Sweden. A blogger revealed the Nobel Peace Prize winner arrived for the Gothenburg speech in a rental car (with or without driver is unclear), from the airport, and subsequently left the engine running for the entire lecture, reports the Daily Telegraph. Al Gore's Green Blasphemy. Back in 1994, vice-president of the United States Al Gore cast the tie-breaking vote that started us on the long road of taking American farms out of food production and converting them to fuel production. While conservatives and libertarians argued at the time that subsidizing ethanol production made no economic or environmental sense, Gore and his green allies were certain that bio-fuels would solve all the nation's woes. Sixteen years later, Mr. Gore has apparently seen the light, admitting that America's rush to embrace corn ethanol has been something of a mistake. Agenda 21 and the Death Knell of Liberty. [Scroll down] The Agenda 21 Globalists wine and dine each other, and hold conventions and conferences around the world. They give each other praise, pats on the back, and prestigious awards. The Norwegian Globalists gave Obama the Nobel Peace Prize for the same reason that they gave one to Al Gore — promoting globalization and Agenda 21. Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth" also received an Oscar from the liberal Hollywood elite. These honors have been bestowed on Gore, not for exposing the truth — for "An Inconvenient Truth" is merely a slickly packaged lie — but because the film spreads the falsehoods of Agenda 21 so well. The Winter of Al Gore's Discontent. These are the times that try a man's faith, particularly if that faith is in the Holy Church of Global Warming. High priest Al Gore has emerged, presumably from a cloistered winter retreat — there's a reason he shows up more in June than January — to assure the faithful that far from invalidating global warming, blizzards further validate it. He blogged that "the scientific community has been addressing this question for some time now and they say that increased heavy snowfalls are completely consistent with what they have been predicting as a consequence of man-made global warming." A Man-Made Energy Crisis. The entire climate-change movement, fairly or not, is now in shambles, thanks to serial scandals about faked research, consecutive record cold and wet winters in much of Europe and the United States, and the conflict-of-interest, get-rich schemes of prominent global-warming preachers such as Al Gore. Al Gore Says Global Warming Skeptics Just As Dim As Birthers. Former vice president Al Gore is as eager as your average liberal on the street in wanting to explore resistance to the persuasiveness of global warming theories. The first problem? If conservatives are so thick in the head, why does the rest of the public need pictures, not just mere words? Ethanol: A Tale of Two Candidates. In a moment of candor after his political career had ended, former vice president Al Gore averred that his support of ethanol was in part driven by "a certain fondness for the farmers in the state of Iowa because I was about to run for president." Gore, it should be noted, cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate when he was vice president in 1994 to pass the first statute to mandate the use of ethanol as an additive to certain reformulated gasoline blends. Transcript: Al Gore Got 'D' in 'Natural Sciences' at Harvard. In his commencement speech at Hamilton College on Sunday [5/22/2011], former Vice President Al Gore told the graduates that global warming is "the most serious challenge our civilization has ever faced." But as an undergraduate at Harvard University in the late 1960s, Gore — one of the most prominent spokesmen on climate change today — earned a "D" in Natural Sciences. How Climate Sanity Has Been Gored. [Scroll down] These and other sources of revenue have afforded means for an opulent and hardly "carbon neutral" lifestyle. His Bell Meade area Nashville mansion alone, one of three Gore homes, was reported to use about 221,000 kWh of electricity per year, more than 20 times the amount consumed by average American households. He has defended this by claiming that some of this power comes from "renewable" sources, with the balance canceled out by carbon offsets purchased through GIM, apparently making it all okay. Yet since viewers are asked at the end of his 2006 An Inconvenient Truth movie — "Are you ready to change the way you live?" — he might be well advised to rethink his own answer. Climate Change As Religion: The Gospel According To Gore. Global warming (aka "climate change") has become a religious mantra, a call for action in a crusade against larger evils we have perpetrated against nature, a punishment for our sins. ... Global warming has been effectively marketed by doom-speakers because it provides really exciting visual impressions: icebergs calving, polar bears exhausted from swimming, and such. Endless "authorities' will back up these images with scary prophesies regarding just how bad things are likely to get based upon speculative theories and unproven computer models offered as articles of faith. Gore promoting fewer children to curb pollution. In an appearance Monday [6/20/2011] in New York City, former Vice President Al Gore, prominently known for his climate change activism, took on the subject of population size and the role of society in controlling it to reduce pollution. He offered some ideas about what might be done for females in the name of stabilizing population growth. Al Gore, father of 4, wants to fight global warming with population control. Anyone want to guess what Al Gore is talking about here? Here, let me help. The subject is population control. The buzzwords are choice and women's empowerment. Seems obvious. Al Gore's Reproductive Footprint. [Al] Gore and the other population doomsayers continue to argue that the planet would be better off with fewer people. To them, people are the equivalent of bacteria that's making the Earth sick. The Earth's fever is global warming. Every new baby is not a blessing to these modern day Malthusians — it is a curse. They are wrong. In fact, depopulation, not overpopulation, is a greater threat. Al Gore's next crusade: in your bed. Not content with pocketing a fortune by scaring his fellow citizens with the imaginary boogeyman of "man-made climate change," the prophet of doom now wants everybody to save the planet by ... halting population growth. You heard that right: To save mother Gaia, it's imperative that we kill ourselves as a species. Let a thousand flowers bloom, but be sure to have only one or two kids, lest you make "climate change" worse. Earth to Al Gore! Judging from his latest 7,000-word rant in Rolling Stone titled, "Climate of Denial: Can science and the truth withstand the merchants of poison?" Al Gore lives on another planet. One where, he complains, the media, especially television, are in cahoots with the "merchants of poison" (Big Coal, Big Oil) to deny the truth about global warming. This would be the same media that uncritically fawned over his 2006 film, An Inconvenient Truth — which was over-hyped climate porn — turning it into one of the most successful "documentaries" of all time and winning Gore the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize and an Academy Award. Al Gore: Sterilize Women Under 25. Al Gore wants to combat global warming by controlling the population — sterilizing women. Former Vice President Al Gore is venturing into a touchy topic, presenting his new solution to combat the buildup of greenhouse gases warming the planet. The Failure of Al Gore: Part One. [Scroll down] Al Gore can consume more carbon than whole villages in the developing world. He can consume more electricity than most African schools, incur more carbon debt with one trip in a private plane than most of the earth's toiling billions will pile up in a lifetime — and he doesn't worry. A father of four, he can lecture the world on the perils of overpopulation. Surely, skeptics reason, if the peril were as great as he says and he cares about it as much as he claims, Gore's sense of civic duty would call him to set an example of conspicuous non-consumption. This general sleeps in a mansion, and lectures the soldiers because they want tents. What this tells the skeptics is that Vice President Gore doesn't really believe the gospel he proclaims. More Environmental Gore. Today [Al] Gore is back with another foot-stomping "It-is-too-so!" tantrum in the pages of Rolling Stone on, what else? — global warming. It's long and tedious, as you'd expect, repeating the same old talking points yet again, with no self-awareness that folks have tuned him out. Why Al Gore Is A Failure: Part Deux. The entire green policy vision was so poorly conceived, so carelessly constructed, so unbalanced and so rife with contradictions that it could only thrive among activists and enthusiasts. Once the political power of the climate movement, aided by an indulgent and largely unquestioning press, had pushed the climate agenda into the realm of serious politics, failure was inevitable. ... It is a waste of time to talk science with Al Gore. It is a waste of time to listen to him at all. That, apparently, is what the world at long last is beginning to understand. Singing the Climate Blues. The trouble and even the tragedy of Al Gore is that he comes at the tail end of this tradition; he is a living example of what you get when a worldview outlives its time. He presses the old buttons and turns the old cranks, but the machine isn't running any more. ... Judging from his Rolling Stone essay he has no idea why the climate movement failed, and no clue at all about how he could re-think the issue. Al Gore in Denial. "Do as I say or you are going to die" is a very persuasive argument. Generally made, emphatically, by robbers, the imperative has been taken up by politicians. Off the lips of the former, it's an instrument of force; off the lips of the latter, of fraud. ... One gets that vibe from reading Al Gore's "Climate of Denial" in the new issue of Rolling Stone. Gore (Re)Sells A Lie. Busybody [Al] Gore hasn't done too little. But he is too late. The global warming scare that he's helped gin up is growing as cold as a morgue slab. Rather than being so fixed on the Sept. 14 event, Gore should have been keeping up with the news. Had he done so, he would have learned that there has been no statistically significant warming since 1995. This isn't the claim of some crackpot "denier," but of Phil Jones, a credentialed alarmist who is director of research at East Anglia University's Climatic Research Unit. The Elite Is Revolting. Remember Al Gore? He's best known as the losing appellee in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Bush v. Gore (2000). But back in his day, he was a somewhat prominent politician: U.S. senator from Tennessee, 1988 presidential candidate, vice president. He even won a Grammy Award. The high point of his career was the day he almost became president. Alas, he missed his opportunity by an agonizing 17 votes in the Senate. Al Gore's [expletive] Rant Audio. Thanks to the miracle of poor quality recording equipment, Al's words can now be heard in all of their "I've got one foot in the cuckoo's nest and the other on a carbon neutral banana peel" glory. It's the sound of a level of frustration that only a man who recently bought a seaside mansion but who nevertheless expects everybody to believe the oceans are this close to rising and killing everything within 50 miles of the coast can muster. Global warming is melting Al Gore's brain. Al Gore, the world's foremost pseudo-scientist, is blasting skeptical scientists for their adherence to the centuries-old scientific method. Having tested the man-made global warming hypothesis with empirical observations, many scientists have come to different conclusions, causing Mr. Gore to become the Lenny Bruce of the environmental extremist gang. ... Having already "invented the Internet," Mr. Gore has moved on to more important things like inventing a new scientific method. Foul-mouthed hypocrite Al Gore losing his mind? Has the guru of global warming, the Bozo of ozone and pooh-bah of the probably-not- so-endangered polar bear, gone completely off his bleeping rocker? I'm talking about Al Gore, the former vice president who, after losing the White House, reinvented himself as a minor deity — a Gulfstream-riding, energy-slurping champion of Planet Earth. The Elite Is Revolting. Remember Al Gore? He's best known as the losing appellee in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Bush v. Gore (2000). But back in his day, he was a somewhat prominent politician: U.S. senator from Tennessee, 1988 presidential candidate, vice president. He even won a Grammy Award. The high point of his career was the day he almost became president. Alas, he missed his opportunity by an agonizing 17 votes in the Senate. Al Gore jumps every shark in the ocean. Al Gore is not a well man. I've always thought he was philosophically dangerous — in fact he is a de facto follower of Heidegger — but he literally appears to be losing his mind. Making the rounds right now is this recording of a recent Gore appearance in Aspen, where I guess he thinks shouting expletives will be more convincing than his gauzy mockumentary. Gore: Eat less meat to fight warming. "Industrial agriculture is a part of the problem," Gore said Friday [8/26/2011] during an interview with FearLess Revolution founder Alex Bogusky. ... Gore advocated organic farming and relying on "more productive, safer methods that put carbon back in the soil" to produce "safer and better food." Al Gore versus Al Gore. The 45th vice president of the United States (certainly the most controversial one since Aaron Burr) is having a great debate between what he says and what he does. This time, it is not about his overuse of electricity — at a rate 12 times that of a normal person — but rather his finances. You Knew This Was Coming. So it has come to this: since these epithets haven't worked, Gore is now comparing climate skeptics to racists. This is really rich coming not merely from a tobacco farmer, but from a person whose father (Al Gore Sr.) voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and most other civil rights legislation before that. As with Gore's excuse when challenged in his tobacco-growing ways, I'm sure if you pressed him on the matter of his father's racist votes, he'd once again invoke "the numbness" to explain it. Keep it up Al, you're best thing we climate skeptics have going for us. Gore urges Obama to block pipeline for 'dirtiest source of fuel on the planet'. Former Vice President Gore called on President Obama late Wednesday [8/31/2011] to reject a pending permit application for a controversial pipeline project, calling the oil that it would carry "the dirtiest fuel on the planet." The Editor says... I thought coal was supposed to be the dirtiest fuel. In any event, the dirtiness of a coal mine doesn't matter to most people, as long as the coal goes straight to a power plant and is converted into electricity. Gore's plan to demonize catastrophic climate change skeptics. Al Gore invented the internet. He and Tipper were the basis for Erich Segal's book, Love Story. He grew up and worked in tobacco fields, he was pro-life before he was pro choice, and his mother sang him to sleep as an infant with "Look for the Union Label." Now, he is creating more lies, the big lie, the evil formula: Call people indefensible names so they shut up. Pope Albert Issues a Bull. I was reminded on Lincoln's comment about an ineffectual pope's bull when I read the latest bull from Pope Albert Gore. He has proclaimed that anyone who does not say amen to all his globaloney is practicing the new "racism." Racism in the Church of Gore is the worst of all sins, you see. And Pope Albert is empowered to brand you with a scarlet "R" if you show any signs of doubt about his global warming Gospel. The Moral High Ground. Soon after I published an article questioning the global-warming orthodoxy, the world's foremost hypocrite, Al Gore, informed anyone who still listens to him that my position is akin to racism. The wise course of action would be to ignore the rants of a man who desperately needs the world to remain fearful of carbon, the element on which all life on earth is based. If that fear were to vanish, how would he continue to rake in the millions needed for the purchase of his next beach house? Gore-Backed Car Firm Gets Large U.S. Loan. A tiny car company backed by former Vice President Al Gore has just gotten a $529 million U.S. government loan to help build a hybrid sports car in Finland that will sell for about $89,000. The award this week to California startup Fisker Automotive Inc. follows a $465 million government loan to Tesla Motors Inc., purveyors of a $109,000 British-built electric Roadster. Movie Review: Al Gore's Polarizing, Misleading 'Climate Reality'. In "24 Hours of Climate Reality," first airing Wednesday [9/14/2011] at 8:00 pm Eastern Time, Gore presented an hour-long sequel to his disastrous "An Inconvenient Truth," followed by 23 hours of semi-reruns of essentially the same presentation. By hour three, it felt like being stuck in the Twilight Zone forced to watch 24 straight hours of the same Family Matters/Urkel rerun on the WB — only worse. At least Urkel is annoying and mildly amusing on purpose; Al is these things by accident. Al Gore still denying climate change reality. As if Al Gore's last apocalyptic PowerPoint presentation wasn't boring and deceptive enough, he had to go and do it all again — for a marathon 24 hours. A farrago of spurious connections, conspiracy theories and misrepresented facts as outlandish as any doomsday cult's, the former US vice-president's Climate Reality Project finally ended... Al Gore doctored a video that's supposed to prove his global warming theories. It has been over a week now since the Gore-a-thon, a.k.a. "24 hours of climate reality," where Al Gore sent his latest message of global warming doom to the world. The front page of the Climate Reality Project has changed from "live mode" to offering clips of videos shown during the 24-hour presentation. One of the video clips there, "Climate 101," tells the story of how to do a "simple experiment" at home to prove carbon dioxide causes global warming. But if you watch closely, you'll see an "inconvenient truth" of the worst kind. Al Gore: U.S. Democracy 'Hacked' by Anti-Warming Special Interests. Democracy in the U.S. is being undermined by Congress appeasing special interest groups in return for campaign funding rather than tackling climate change, former vice president and global warming campaigner Al Gore has told a conference in Scotland. The Editor says... If you voted in Florida in 2000, you understand how much Al Gore knows about hacking democracy. Top 10 Inconvenient Truths About Al Gore. Throughout his career, Al Gore has shamelessly exploited the public, piously preaching his liberal screed while taking hypocritical steps that have enriched him politically and financially. Al Gore kicked out of the Global Warming Club. As the world turns away from the hysterics of the global warming crowd, the True Believers are looking for a scapegoat for their turn in fortunes. To blame Michael Mann or Phil Jones would be to admit that Climategate proved once and for all the fallacy of their "science" — that it was based on the manipulation of data and outright forgery. Looking for dead weight in this sinking ship, Myles Allen of the Guardian has decided to toss Al Gore overboard: "Al Gore is doing a disservice to science by overplaying the link between climate change and weather. To claim that we are causing meteorological events that would not have occurred without human influence is just plain wrong." Top 10 Looniest Liberals: [#5] Al Gore: The former vice president's global warming alarmism is taking hits as his dire predictions of climate chaos are being debunked (polar bears aren't dying off and killer hurricanes aren't on the rise). After constructing vast business operations meant to cash in on carbon-emissions trading and green-job ventures, Gore needs to keep the hype on overdrive and is increasing his attacks on the opposition, likening them to racists. Scientists 'Endorse Al Gore Even Though They Know What He's Saying Is Exaggerated and Misleading'. A noted "warmist" on Monday said scientists that believe the theory of global warming will "endorse Al Gore even though they know what he's saying is exaggerated and misleading." Richard Muller of the University of California at Berkeley also told Capitol Report New Mexico, "He'll talk about polar bears dying even though we know they're not dying". Gore warns 'civilization is at risk' if global warming not a campaign issue. Though in recent years the climate change issue has disappeared from the forefront (and former Vice President Al Gore has found himself criticizing Democratic President Barack Obama for not being more aggressive on the issue), on Tuesday night's [1/10/2012] coverage of the New Hampshire primary on Current TV, Gore insisted it should be part of the 2012 campaign. Al Gore Said North Pole Would Be Completely Melted This Year... Guess Not, Huh? Junk scientist Al Gore predicted in 2009 that the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years. ... This wasn't the first time Gore made his ice-free prediction. Gore's been predicting this since 2007. That means that this year the North Pole should be completely melted. Al to declare no polar bears in Antarctica. Al Gore, James Hansen of NASA and others are headed way down south to Antarctica to spread half-truths about the South Pole melting. ... Apparently business is slow as it dawns on the public that these charlatans exaggerate. In their Nobel Peace Prize-winning IPCC report, Al Gore, James Hansen and the rest said the Himalayans would be ice-free by 2035. This "science" came from a press release from the tax exempt World Wildlife Fund corporation. When exposed, they said they meant 2305. I am curious as to how that still qualifies as science. Al Gore: Obama right to reject Keystone. Al Gore says President Obama made the right call when he denied a permit for the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline. ... The State Department, which headed the federal review of Keystone XL, has invited TransCanada to reapply, and the company intends to do so. Gore, in his post, says opponents need to be ready. Al Gore's Paperboy is a Little Slow, That's All. Apparently Al Gore's 1922 Washington Post was a little late, and it sent off alarm bells when he read page 2. When Global Warming Freezes Over. Al Gore, who invented global warming hysteria, has most recently been found planning a trip to Antarctica where he will surely find evidence that man is overheating the planet. This clearly insecure man who so desperately needs an audience that approves of his world-saving efforts says he will be taking with him "a large number of civic and business leaders, activists and concerned citizens from many countries." He expects them "to see firsthand and in real time how the climate crisis is unfolding in Antarctica." The Editor says... Please note that Al Gore made his trip during the last few days of January, which is the middle of the summer in Antarctica. [1] [2] Of course they will be able to find thin ice here and there. That proves nothing. Al Gore Demands 'Global Warming' TV Meteorologists. Green guru, former US Vice President Al Gore, is funding environmental groups that are demanding all local TV weather forecasters broadcast 'climate change' updates to alert viewers on daily greenhouse emissions. Al Gore's role in Apple's global warming policy questioned at shareholder event. Former Vice President Al Gore's positions on climate change came under fire at Apple's annual shareholders meeting on Thursday [2/23/2012] when a non-profit group accused Gore, an Apple board member, of using his position to influence Apple's public stand on global warming. Representatives of the conservative think tank National Center for Public Policy Research — which holds shares in Apple — said the consumer electronics giant's board should investigate whether Gore had influenced the company's decision in 2009 to leave the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. O'Keefe Files Suit Against Al Gore's Current TV, Keith Olbermann, David Shuster. Conservative filmmaker James O'Keefe filed suit for defamation this morning against Al Gore's CurrentTV, as well as "Countdown" host Keith Olbermann and guest host David Shuster, for falsely referring to O'Keefe as a "convicted felon" and falsely reporting that O'Keefe had been accused of rape. O'Keefe has not been charged with a felony, much less convicted of a felony, and he has not been accused of any inappropriate sexual or even physical contact. Planet Warming on Hold. Gorism both hyped a global carbon threat and then offered the consulting and expertise to address it. His carbon footprints and "offsets" followed the medieval model of selling exemptions. In such holy work, there were no such things as conflict of interest, influence peddling, or simple bad manners. Gore rode his Earth in the Balance / Inconvenient Truth express train to a Nobel Prize, a sizable fortune — and a general impression that he had become unhinged... Global Warming's Reckless Rhetoric. [Scroll down] In 2005, four years after 9/11, the FBI declared eco-terrorism to be America's number-one domestic threat. Of course the most notorious eco-terrorist is Ted Kaczynski — the Unabomber. Over a seventeen-year period during the eighties and nineties, Kaczynski sent out mail bombs, killing three people and wounding twenty-two. He also managed to sneak a bomb onto a 747 passenger jet flying from Chicago to Washington, D.C. Fortunately, the bomb didn't go off as planned. Kaczynski's reign ended in 1996, shortly after he made public his now-infamous manifesto written in his tiny cabin located in the backwoods of western Montana. [...] And discovered by the FBI in the Unabomber's hovel? A well-worn copy of Al Gore's, Earth In The Balance. Kaczynski apparently was quite taken by Gore's missive. The Unabomber's copy of Earth In The Balance was dog-eared, underlined, marked, and well-worn. Destroy the economy, save the planet. Al Gore's seminal 1992 work "Earth in the Balance" declared the internal-combustion engine a "mortal threat" to the future of the planet. Mr. Gore chose his target well. Internal combustion multiplied the effectiveness of mass production, allowing the industrial revolution to better the lives of everyone. Socialists hate the idea that individuals acting through the free market would be allowed to improve their living conditions as a result of a process lacking centralized direction. Green Car Collides with Laws of Thermodynamics, the Real 'Inconvenient Truth'. Al Gore published a book, made a movie, and won a Nobel Peace prize for his thesis on global warming. [...] Had Al stopped at the movie or just winning the Nobel prize he may never had to face the most fundamental laws of thermodynamics that unfortunately for him, his investors, his political party, his Washington friends, and the US tax payers as a whole disproved his whole notion that cheap electric cars would proliferate and cheap electric power for these electric cars would be generated in his fuel cells. Al Gore calls to end Electoral College. Former Vice President Al Gore called for an end to the Electoral College tonight [8/30/2012]. Thanks Al, But Next Time Invent the Internet. Former Vice President Al Gore recently expressed his newly developed opinion that the United States should dispense with the Electoral College formula for choosing the President and Vice President. Of course, this complex and enduring practice gets beat up every four years. It seems a bit convoluted, especially when considering that Americans will someday be able to cast their votes on a mobile device. The Electoral College is very deliberately not a popular-vote method; that being one vote counted for every person voting. Rather, it comes from a place of time-honored wisdom that receives a certain validation whenever someone with the intellectual stature of Al Gore kicks it around. Liberals' green-energy contradictions. Al Gore is about 50 times richer than he was when he left the vice presidency in 2001. According to an Oct. 11 report by The [Washington] Post's Carol D. Leonnig, Gore accumulated a Romneyesque $100 million partly through investing in alternative-energy firms subsidized by the Obama administration. 'Al baby' Gore threatened with arrest. Lord Christopher Monckton, a WND columnist who describes himself as the "high priest of climate skepticism," says there will be an investigation, and a conviction, if "Al baby" Gore said anything during a weekend visit to a "green" conference in Gibraltar that could be construed as advocating for the financial interests of his company, Generations Investment Management. While the company remains largely out of the public view, its interests apparently lie in the financial benefits that could emerge should global warming regulations be imposed and so-called "carbon credits" become an issue. Last Night's Presidential Debate Proves That Al Gore's Life Has Been In Vain. Indeed, this is the first time in 24 years that neither candidate thought it fit to mention what Al Gore has billed the biggest threat ever to "human civilization as we know it." That Obama didn't feel the need to devote even a lame half-a-sentence to it in the 270 minutes of free airtime he has gotten shows what a remarkable fall this defining challenge of our generation has enjoyed. Gore Rammed Through Current TV Deal to Avoid Tax Hikes. Al Gore may not have to worry about global warming destroying the earth after all. As it turns out, his massive hypocrisy may destroy the universe before global warming can fully kick in. Gore, an ardent proponent of raising taxes, just sold Current TV, his highly unsuccessful TV network that lost hundreds of millions of dollars, to Al Jazeera — a fitting end for a network that features terrorist-friendly programming. Granholm Quits Current TV After Sale to Al-Jazeera. Jennifer Granholm has been touted as one of Current TV Network's rising stars, but after the announcement that the cable network was sold to Arab-owned Al-Jazeera, she has announced she's quitting her TV show. The Al Jazeera Deal: How Al Gore Race-Baited His Way to a $100M Pay Day. One of America's great legal rackets is cable/satellite television, where somewhere around 100 million Americans pay for literally dozens of channels they never watch. As you well know, to do business with any cable/satellite provider means being forced into expensive tiers and/or packages that include channels we wouldn't watch for free. Because of this, we're not only forced into subsidizing junk; we're also subsidizing programming that works against our own political and cultural beliefs, like MSNBC, CNN, OWN, MTV, etc. Years ago, somebody was the first to sell rifles to the Indians,
and more recently, somebody else was the first to sell bandwidth to Al-Jazeera. That's hypocritic-Al. Start with Al Gore, the low-hanging fruit in the "say one thing, do another" culture. With his sale of Current TV to Al Jazeera, the almost-president instantly doubled his charlatan quotient. The blowhard who often proclaims the end of the world is nigh because of fossil fuels sold his TV business to the emir of Qatar, king of the oil patch. [...] He also reportedly wanted to finalize the deal before the end of the year so his $100 million windfall wouldn't be subject to new higher tax rates he zealously supported. The Democrats' War on Science Aids Our Enemies. [T]his week Al Gore, anti-carbon fuel drum major, made a cool $100 million selling his 20% share in the failing, unwatched Current TV to Arab Al-Jazeera, owned by major carbon fuel producers. (His partner, Joel Hyatt, son-in-law of former Ohio Democratic senator Howard Metzenbaum, also benefited mightily.) It's hard to conclude that this $500 million Al-Jazeera purchase is anything other than a payoff for effectively hampering the exploitation of American carbon fuels and advocating openly for giving a cable entrée to this Arab-broadcasting network. Current TV isn't worth anything like the price paid for it. The New Liberal Aristocracy. [Scroll down] Gore rushed to close the deal before the first of the year to avoid the very capital-gains tax hikes that he has advocated for others less well off. That's a liberal trifecta: enhancing a fossil-fuel consortium, attempting to beat tax hikes, and empowering an anti-American and anti-Semitic media conglomerate run by an authoritarian despot — all from a former vice president of the United States who crusades for ending our reliance on fossil fuels and for raising taxes on the wealthy. Al Gore profits from the stealth jihad. It is hard to overstate the magnitude of this treachery. Imagine the furor that would have erupted if, during the Cold War, one of the United States' most prominent former leaders had enriched himself to the tune of $100 million by giving the Soviet Union's intelligence service, the KGB, a vehicle for engaging in information and political warfare in some 40 million homes across this land. Al Gore is now 'richer than Romney'. Someone finally has done all the math on the recent sale of Al Gore's Current TV to the Arabic language channel Al-Jazeera for $500 million. Jobs were lost, buzz created, employees angered, but the former vice president had little to say about it. He did walk away with a reported $100 million — a tidy sum for a man who had less that $2 million in assets when he ran for president more than a dozen years ago, says Forbes magazine. Al Gore's Oil-Fueled Al-Jazeera Deal Follows A String Of Green Energy Fiascos. Al-Jazeera, the anti-Israeli network funded by Qatar, closed a deal with the struggling left-wing cable station Current TV founded by Al Gore which gives the them access to 40 million U.S. homes. Unfortunately for Mr. Gore, the purchase wasn't consummated until January 2nd, depriving him of success in his efforts to beat the clock on an estimated $100 million payback before higher tax rates kicked in on January 1. Who's Worse — Al Gore or Bernie Madoff? Whatever else he is, Gore is arguably a business genius when it comes to generating massive amounts of income from dubious enterprises and, unlike Bernie Madoff, getting away with it. Congress Must hold Hearings into the Al Jazeera Deal. If Homeland Security Committee Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) lets the Al Jazeera-Al Gore deal go through without scrutiny, then every broadcast entity or communications facility in America is ripe for the plucking by any of our nation's enemies and adversaries. For those who haven't been paying attention lately, the government of Qatar has announced a deal through Al Jazeera with former Democratic Vice President Al Gore for his Current TV cable channel, in order to transform it into an arm of its Jihadist or "Terror TV" network, once known as a mouthpiece for mass murderer Osama bin Laden. They are planning to call it "Al Jazeera America," when the oil money for the transaction is coming from abroad. Al Gore Declares Mission Accomplished; Gray Lady Hardest Hit. [Scroll down] How can they, when Al Gore has just declared Mission Accomplished for environmentalism? He's got his $100 [sic] payout, and the rest of the world is left wondering why we should care about a religion when its chief practitioner has just signed his non-aggression pact with Big Oil. Al Gore is now richer than Mitt Romney — and it's all thanks to big oil. Al Gore's strategy for saving the Earth seems to be to raise enough money to be able to buy it. After selling his failing Current TV company to Al Jazeera, Gore is suddenly a super rich man. Forbes analyst Ryan Mac says, "Taking into account taxes to be paid on the deal, possible earlier debt and the fact that Gore's representatives declined to comment, Forbes conservatively estimates the former vice president's net worth to be at least $300 million." Al Gore defends Al Jazeera. Al Gore cannot escape questions about the recent sale of Current TV, the news channel he founded seven years ago, to Al Jazeera, the Arabic language channel based in Qatar. Critics question the reported $100 million profit Mr. Gore made on the sale and they fret the transaction gives the network a leap of influence in broadcast markets around the world. See Al Squirm: Gore Faces Tough Questions on Al Jazeera Deal. Word to the wise: If you're going to strike a deal that you're maybe not entirely proud of, wait until after your book tour to announce it. Al Gore did things the other way around and all this week he's been paying the price for it, in the form of having to answer awkward questions about the $500 million sale of his Current TV network to Al Jazeera. Activists to demand a congressional investigation of Al Gore and Al Jazeera. A call for a congressional investigation of Al Gore's recent business dealings with Al Jazeera looms. Coming to the National Press Club on Tuesday [2/5/2013] to announce their demand for close attention: Cliff Kincaid, president of America's Survival; Pamela Geller, president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative; plus Jerry Kenney, who has previously filed complaints with the Justice Department and the Federal Communications Commission over what he calls Al Jazeera's "illegal broadcasts into the U.S." Al Jazeera and the Global Jihad in America. By refusing to investigate the Al Gore/Al Jazeera deal, it would appear that Capitol Hill "conservatives" like Republican Reps. Michael McCaul, Steve Scalise, and Paul Broun are adopting the view that we have nothing to fear from the global jihad and its instruments of propaganda being positioned on U.S. soil. Al Gore's disastrous book tour: a breath of fresh air. There has always been something strangely fascinating to me about Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. Maybe it's those stern Superman looks that make him seem resentful that we woke him up to save Gotham. Or the Jekyll and Hyde lector-hector duality in his persona. Perhaps it's his improbable ascendancy to Nobel Laureate through less-than-fastidious science. Or the breathtaking hypocrisy of his personal carbon footprint. Al Gore: Obama's Science Czar 'Completely Nuts'. Later in Gore's segment with Ellen, they discussed ways that individual citizens can stop global warming / cooling / climate change / climate chaos / whatever it's called this week. Curiously though, not selling out to Big Oil for $100 mil after previously declaring your pet cause "an ecological Kristallnacht" didn't make the list. Unexpectedly. Al Gore's $500 Million Trojan Horse. Al Gore is doing a great job of following in his daddy's footsteps to greener pastures in the purely monetary sense. After losing his Senate seat from Tennessee in 1970, Albert Gore Sr. used his political connections to help oil baron Armand Hammer, the head of Occidental Petroleum, which struck it rich in Libya with the help of visas that the elder Gore helped to procure when he was a U.S. senator. Gore's Al Jazeera Deal Now a Major Scandal. While the lawsuit over the sale of Al Gore's Current TV to Al Jazeera is making headlines, a close reading of the legal complaint provides additional evidence that a congressional investigation into the curious transaction is urgently needed and necessary. 'No such thing as ethical oil,' Al Gore tells Toronto audience. [Scroll down] In a public interview with The Globe and Mail's editor-in-chief, John Stackhouse, Mr. Gore also spoke of his wish that U.S. president Barack Obama would cancel the Keystone XL pipeline intended to transport heavy crude from the Alberta oil sands to U.S. refineries. Gore: 'There's no such thing as ethical oil'. Former Vice President Gore on Tuesday [5/7/2013] said "there's no such thing as ethical oil," slamming the notion that importing oil from U.S. ally Canada was better than doing so from unfriendly nations. "There's no such thing as ethical oil. There's only dirty oil and dirtier oil," Gore told Canada's The Globe and Mail during a Tuesday event in Toronto. Al Gore Makes A Crackpot Statement About Dirty Oil. Speaking before an audience gathered by the Toronto Globe and Mail, the former vice president rejected the idea that oil from Alberta is "ethical oil" because, in the words of Globe and Mail editor-in-chief John Stackhouse, it is produced by a democratic nation that is committed to human rights. [...] While Gore's overall point is pure crackpottery, he is partly right. There is no such thing as ethical oil. But neither is there a such thing as unethical oil. It is an inanimate commodity without moral orientation. CNBC Host: Al Gore a 'Charlatan,' and a 'Villain.' Most of the media may be convinced by Al Gore-style climate alarmism, but CNBC's Joe Kernen isn't afraid to speak his mind. [...] Kernen expressed skepticism in global warming and in its importance to the business community. He criticized climate change models, saying "at this point, the data is not going the models' way." In fact, even some climate alarmists have admitted that their models are failing. Al Gore's global-warming rhetoric is put on ice. The Oscar-winning 2006 documentary that shows [Al] Gore giving a scary slide show, "An Inconvenient Truth," catapulted him into winning the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, which he shared with fellow climate hysterics of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. [...] Gore's vision of a world plagued by rising seas and rampant tropical diseases, which he preaches can be averted only if Americans drive hybrid cars and replace energy-guzzling dryers with outdoor clothes lines, is as false as the notion that the ice sheet is melting in the North Pole, threatening to drown frisky polar bears. The "entire North Polar ice cap will be gone in five years," Gore, now 65, told a German TV audience in 2008. Wrong. Al Gore Brings Climate Change message to Kansas City. Al Gore has been known for his climate change warnings since the 2006 film "An Inconvenient Truth." But the former vice president, speaking Saturday in Kansas City, cited many more recent examples how heavy use of fossil fuels is contributing to extreme weather events and trends, in his view. Gore filled a Westin Crown Center ballroom with a 90-minute presentation, using photos and videos to illustrate a litany of floods, wildfires, torrential rains, droughts, dust storms, rising sea levels and increasing world temperatures. Climate Alarmists [are] Never Called Out For Spreading Fear. Al Gore was at it again over the weekend, scaring people unnecessarily about global warming. He, and others like him, should be held accountable for constantly trying to terrify the public. [...] The man has made a post-vice-presidency career of scaring people for no reason. From his wildly exaggerated "Inconvenient Truth" movie to his claim years ago that the north polar ice cap would be gone by 2013 — it wasn't — to loopy predictions that "we're approaching this tipping point," Gore has been spreading hysteria and fright like a farmer sows seeds. And so have the Democrats who have followed. Just last week, Secretary of State John Kerry said global warming is "the world's most fearsome weapon of mass destruction." He's clearly taking cues from his boss, President Obama, who has said that climate change is the "global threat of our time." Stop the world, Barack wants off! Some have called it the worst summer ever. [...] On the weather front, record cool temperatures were felt across much of the country. Tornado activity was low, the hurricane season almost non-existent. The polar ice caps are expanding. Mercifully, Al Gore remained quiet about Global Warming, in his 10,000 square foot, energy-guzzling mansion. Gore, however, sued Al Jazeera for $65 million dollars in fossil fuels-based money he claims the network is withholding. Al Jazeera — no familial relation to Al Gore, despite the identical first name — is owned by the Qatari royal family. Qatar is widely regarded as the primary sponsor of Hamas and a source of funds and weapons to the Islamic State, or ISIL, or ISIS, or.... Glad you kept your hands clean after you left public office, Al. Section 1½ — Al Gore's Nobel Prize: Drinking Global Warming Propaganda. Al Gore made a Power Point presentation to the Nobel Prize committee, claiming that the polar bear habitat is threatened by global warming. Since bears cannot find ice floes to rest on, as ice areas are rapidly melting, polar bears were drowning. The statement was proven later to be utterly false. It is sad that the truly deserving candidate, Irena Sendler, who saved hundreds of Jewish children from the Holocaust, lost her Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore. What's Wrong with this Picture? The [Nobel] Peace Prize is more of a popularity contest; otherwise, how could we explain that The PLO thug Yasser Arafat was a recipient. In 2007 the Nobel Committee awarded the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) a Nobel Peace Prize to be shared with former Vice President Al Gore. It is important to note that the Peace Prize was not awarded for any discipline in science. As time has passed, the work that went into the award-winning report has come under scrutiny as questions of sloppy scientific methods are raised in the wake of Climategate. Looking closely at the report, scientific flaws are reveled. The Problems with Al Gore: [Scroll down slowly] Al Gore is not the only person who doesn't understand science. US President Barack Obama takes advice from Gore. And a group of Norwegian politicians recently distinguished themselves by awarding Nobel Prizes to both Gore and Obama. As Nobel Prize recipients, Gore and Obama have joined an elite group that includes Portuguese physician Egas Moniz. In 1949, Moniz was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine for devising an innovative procedure known as the frontal lobotomy. It seems fitting that Gore and Obama are grouped with Moniz, since their apparent goal is to lobotomize human civilization. Donald Trump Wants Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize Stripped. Billionaire real estate tycoon Donald Trump wants Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize stripped from the Global Warmingist-in-Chief. "With the coldest winter ever recorded, with snow setting record levels up and down the coast, the Nobel committee should take the Nobel Prize back," Trump recently told members of his Westchester, New York, country club according to the New York Post. Al Gore's Nobel Prize 'illegal'. The Nobel Peace Prizes awarded to Mother Teresa and Al Gore violated the terms of Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel's will that created the awards and so are illegal, a lawyer who has written a book on the subject said today. Only 45 percent of the Nobel Peace Prizes attributed since World War II are in line with the spirit and terms of Nobel's will, according to Norwegian lawyer Fredrik Heffermehl, author of "Nobel's Will." A "Nobel" Folly. Take away Al Gore's Nobel peace prize. Give him another one — literature maybe, or art — but the peace prize has got to go. This is not a question of his environmental policies. Agree or disagree, they are not the issue here. Their consequences, however, are. We have seen a reaction to the global warming scare that has people scrambling to produce alternate fuels. This seems like an excellent idea, regardless of climate issues; more energy sources are always better than less. Al Gore, global warming and convenient untruths. When Nobel laureate Al Gore collects his peace prize in Oslo on Dec. 10, he should tell the gathered Norwegians exactly what he meant when he remarked about global warming: "I believe it is appropriate to have an overrepresentation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are," Gore said in the May 9, 2006, issue of Grist magazine. "Overrepresentation"? Is that anything like "misrepresentation"? Al Gore and the Mission of the Nobel Prizes: If Gore is indeed the recipient [of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize], this choice, more than any other Nobel Committee selection, marks the end of a 105-year era. In direct contradiction of Alfred Nobel's last will and testament, the selection of Gore essentially means the Peace Prize can no longer be said to be an award for improving the condition of humankind. Looking at Gore's writing, it's far from clear that Gore even believes that humanity is his most important priority. Gore's prize: A fraud on the people: Alfred Nobel felt horrible about the uses to which his invention — dynamite — was put. So he endowed the Nobel Peace Prize and instructed that it go "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." Al Gore has done exactly none of those things. Not Nobel Winners: In Olso yesterday [10/12/2007], the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize was not awarded to the Burmese monks whose defiance against, and brutalization at the hands of, the country's military junta in recent weeks captured the attention of the Free World. The prize was also not awarded to Morgan Tsvangirai, Arthur Mutambara and other Zimbabwe opposition leaders who were arrested and in some cases beaten by police earlier this year while protesting peacefully against dictator Robert Mugabe. First casualty of peace prize: Since Al Gore was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize you might have been wondering what global warming had to do with peace. To avoid endless head scratching, it might help to borrow the scrambled brain of a post-modernist. Begin by putting inverted quotes around "peace" so that it can mean whatever you want it to mean — even "war", if that suits your argument. Al Gore: Leading Us to Peace? Really? What it is, exactly, that Al Gore did to enhance "peace" such that he has now won a Nobel Peace Prize? Gore and Peace: [Scroll down] Al Gore, the latest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, is a similarly poor choice, one likely not to stand the test of time. Leaving aside the school-marmish, preachy, superior attitude that makes him such a magnet for parody, Gore is a phony. And his movie, "An Inconvenient Truth," which offers an exaggerated, one-sided, and often inaccurate view of global warming, is more propaganda than documentary. Nobel Prize ignores inconvenient untruths to reward Gore: So-called anthropogenic climate change has nothing to do with science and everything to do with political control of mass populations. In this edifying work, the primary instrument is the lie. That is why, in deference to the Orwellian principle, the word "truth" has been conscripted to propagate one of the great untruths of our time. If you doubt for one moment that global warming is a political, rather than a scientific, phenomenon, ask yourself why a failed American presidential candidate is leading the charge. Al's Ignoble Nobel: Al Gore has made an enormous business of his opposition to the oil companies. He has made literally tens of millions from his crusade (far, far more than any oil company executive presently working). Al Gore's reputation as Nobel Prize winner rises on cloud of hot air: They just don't make Nobel Prizes the way they used to. That's the feeling we get after hearing that Al Gore was named co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize yesterday for his global warming alarmism. Gore gets a cold shoulder. One of the world's foremost meteorologists has called the theory that helped Al Gore share the Nobel Peace Prize "ridiculous" and the product of "people who don't understand how the atmosphere works". Dr William Gray, a pioneer in the science of seasonal hurricane forecasts, told a packed lecture hall at the University of North Carolina that humans were not responsible for the warming of the earth. His comments came on the same day that the Nobel committee honoured Mr. Gore for his work in support of the link between humans and global warming. Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize, but do inconvenient truths lie behind the green gloss? The Nobel Peace Prize has traditionally gone to individuals who have promoted peace and attempted to end conflict between states or groups. However, the Norwegian committee this year said it wished to bring the "increased danger of violent conflicts and wars, within and between states because of climate change, into sharper focus". Connecting the Dots Between Gore, Google and MoveOn. Al Gore has cancelled speeches and is sending his tux out to be pressed. Nobody's saying it for the record, but it appears he's about to get on his gas-guzzling private jet and fly to Sweden to be ready to accept his Nobel Peace Prize. He would be getting the prize for his global warming work, notably his movie "An Inconvenient Truth," which, by the way, a British judge has ruled has at least 11 provable falsities embedded in it. Gore's Noble Challenge: Al Gore has finally won his Nobel Prize, reminiscent of the proverbial little nut that stood his ground, evolving into a giant Oak. Now we can only hope that he runs for President, an office that, given recent history, surely deserves him. Where else — except perhaps via the Kyoto Protocol on global warming, which Gore negotiated — can someone accomplish so little while spending so much? Al Gore's Inconvenient Nobel Prize: The irony is that the very issue that could propel Gore to win the Democrat presidential nomination is also the issue that could prevent him from winning the presidency, because the left-wing loons who control the Dems' nominating process would nominate him in a heartbeat but the American people as a whole would run from him like the plague. Gore Nobel prize a travesty after court finds his film error-riddled. Al Gore's Prize is probably the first in history where the recipient's work was found seriously deficient and misleading in a courtroom a week before the award. Some media articles made reference to this coincidence, but missed the more important point. It's likely the committee had already made their decision when the court decision was made, but the deficiencies and problems were already well documented. This suggests either very poor research by the committee, lack of knowledge of climate science, or a purely political purpose to the award. Global warming opportunity: Like the Pulitzer Prize, which mostly goes to liberals or to economic conservatives who are OK with abortion and same-sex marriage, the Nobel Peace Prize has become a victim of political correctness and a tool for message-sending. In this case (as when the award went to President Carter), the Nobel committee wanted to send a message to President Bush. Scandals in Scandinavia. Al Gore is the only Nobel Prize winner, whose work was ruled politically biased and containing nine major scientific errors by a court (UK) a week before it was awarded. The Nobel Committee should have known. They could argue they'd already made their decision. Problem is there was considerable evidence about the errors easily available long before. Clearly they didn't do their homework, so their decision was purely political. The Prize should be revoked. Even the Criminals of Climategate Avoid Gore. Twain's observation is precisely the issue with the Nobel Peace Prizes given to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). ... Their prizes were obtained for work deliberately falsified then used for policies that creates unnecessary hardship rather than peace. Equally disgraceful is how one prizewinner, Al Gore, distorted and falsified the distortions and falsifications of the other prizewinner, the IPCC. "It is better to deserve honors and not have them |
Document location https://akdart.com/warming7.html Updated March 24, 2025. Entire contents Copyright 2025 by Andrew K. Dart |