Militant Islam is Still a Threat
and the threat is constantly growing

Countries such as the United States, Canada and England, have a huge problem with Islamic terrorists, if not Islam itself, and the problem is going to get worse.

Senior DHS Adviser: 'Inevitable that 'Caliphate' Returns'.  A controversial senior adviser to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is receiving criticism for tweeting that the recent takeover of Iraqi cities by a violent terror group is proof that a Muslim "caliphate" is making an "inevitable" return.  Mohamed Elibiary, a controversial figure and member of DHS's Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC), discussed what he described as the "inevitable" return of a Muslim caliphate Friday on Twitter. [...] Elibiary, in his more recent comments, went on to claims that conservatives "misread" the 9/11 terror attacks and "should reassess" their "belligerence."

FBI Docs: Alleged Terrorist Training Compound Discovered in Rural Texas.  The Clarion Project has unearthed Federal Bureau of Investigations documents detailing a 22-site network of terrorist training villages sprawled across the United States. According to the documents, the FBI has been concerned about these facilities for about 12 years, but cannot act against them because the U.S. State Department has not yet declared that their umbrella group, MOA/Jamaat ul-Fuqra, as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.  MOA stands for Muslims of the Americas, which is linked to radical Pakistani Muslim cleric Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani.

What Will It Take?  "Today," writes Larry Kelley in his sobering book Lessons from Fallen Civilizations, "millions of militant Muslims awake every morning plotting the destruction of the US.  Many are among us."  And there will be more, if [recent] reports of fast-tracking the citizenship applications of large numbers of Muslim immigrants are reliable, as they appear to be.

FBI Director: Al Qaeda Still a 'Top Terrorist Threat to the Nation'.  FBI Director Robert Mueller said in his prepared testimony for a Senate Judiciary Committee's oversight hearing of the agency on Wednesday [6/19/2013] that al Qaeda is a "top terrorist threat" to the United States.

Keeping Our Heads in the Sand after Boston.  The Obama administration's policy banning references to "Islamic extremism" and "jihad" in discussions about terrorism drew criticism during the House Homeland Security Committee hearing on the Boston Marathon bombings.  The bombings "should again teach us that the enemy we face is violent Islamist extremism, not just al Qaida," said former U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman.  "Osama bin Laden is dead.  And the remaining leadership of al Qaida is on the run, but the ideology of violent Islamist extremism is rapidly spreading."

Terror agents walk among us.  A preliminary report issued by the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security estimates that there could be "hundreds, maybe even thousands" of Hezbollah agents operating in the United States and specifically in New York City.  The report issued following last month's hearings says that the exact number of operatives is hard to determine.

The enemy within: Multicultural left ignores our homegrown terrorists.  Radical Islam threatens American democracy.  It is slowly subverting America from within and without.  If it is not stopped, U.S. civilization is doomed. ... Yet when anyone tries to put a spotlight on the growth of domestic Muslim extremism, liberals, Islamic lobby groups and their fellow travelers cry "Islamophobia" and "racism."  The latest example was the congressional hearing held by Rep. Peter King, New York Republican, who dared to examine how some U.S. Muslim youth are being radicalized and recruited by terror networks.

The Sword & Shield to Stop the Islamization of America.  We face a grave threat — the Muslims are infiltrating our country and taking over.  We seem powerless to resist:  Our governments won't acknowledge the threat; we are told Muslims have "constitutional rights" to come here, proselytize everywhere, build mosques, and implement shariah in their communities and in the public square; and our governments are letting them do it.  The Muslims seek to replace our Constitution with shariah — their totalitarian political, economic, military, social & legal system — with the goal of incorporating our Country into a global Islamic caliphate.

Survey: Nearly 1 in 3 US Somalis live in Minnesota.  Nearly one in three people with Somali ancestry in the United States now live in the Minnesota, which has the largest concentration in the country, according to government data released Tuesday [12/14/2010].

Muslim Enclaves U.S.A.  It seems almost unthinkable, but Islamist groups are, as we speak, hard at work creating Muslim states-within-states in the U.S.  Indeed, this process has been unfolding for a long time across the Western world, through the creation of isolated Muslim enclaves in both rural and urban areas, as well as through the designation of "no-go zones" where governments admit to having little authority over Muslims living there, essentially leaving them to function as autonomous regions.

Islamist Infiltration.  The Muslim Brotherhood is leading the way for radical Muslims to infiltrate American society and government. Their goal is simple:  control the United States and impose Shariah law. ... [This is] the Brotherhood's five-phase plan for dominating America:
 ·  Phase I:  Establish an elite Muslim Leadership and raise Islamicist consciousness in the community;
 ·  Phase II:  Create Islamic institutions that the leadership can control and form autonomous Muslim enclaves;
 ·  Phase III:  Infiltrate America's political and social institutions forming a shadow state; escalate conversions; manipulate mass media to remove language offensive to Islam;
 ·  Phase IV:  Open hostile public confrontation over U.S. policies, riot, make militant demands for special rights and accommodations;
 ·  Phase V:  Wage final conflict and overthrow (jihad).
According to Sperry and Gaubatz, the consensus among counterterrorism officials is that the North American Brotherhood is already in Phase III.

FBI watching for 'homegrown' terrorists.  Eight years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks — and just days after a terror plot was thwarted in Texas — the nation's top anti-terrorist officials told Congress on Wednesday [9/30/2009] that they are as worried about "homegrown" terrorists as they are about threats from abroad.

Islamic Radicalization U.S.A..  If a major homegrown terrorist attack happens on U.S. soil in the coming years, 2009 will be looked at as the year when the warning signs were missed.  According to the Rand Corporation, the U.S. has experienced 30 homegrown terrorism plots since 9/11.  One-third of these occurred in 2009; a frightening spike that warrants more attention than it is currently being given by public officials.

Islamist Gülen Movement Runs U.S. Charter Schools.  A secretive foreign network of Islamic radicals now operates dozens of charter schools — which receive government money but are not required to adopt a state-approved curriculum — on U.S. soil.  The inspirer of this conspiratorial effort is Fethullah Gülen, who directs a major Islamist movement in Turkey and the Turkish Diaspora but lives in the United States.  He is number thirteen among the world's "50 most influential Muslims," according to one prominent listing.

Islam Bashers Repent.  A recent report from the FBI estimates that of the 2000 mosques in the United States, 10% preach Jihad.  Welcome to the religion of peace as it is invading the land of the free to make it the land of submission.  This is not some Islam-hating crackpot group reporting.  It is the FBI, an agency known for its bending backward to be politically correct in tune with the rest of the administration.

Penetration Even At The Pentagon:  Muslim Spies Setting Muslim Policy.  The internal threat from Muslim extremists in the military extends to high-level Defense Department aides who have undermined military policy.  In fact, one top Muslim adviser pushed out an intelligence analyst who warned of the sudden jihad syndrome that led to the Fort Hood terrorist attack.

Thousands of Muslims rally, pray at Capitol.  Organizers from Dar-ul-Islam, a mosque in Elizabeth, N.J., had estimated that 50,000 Muslims might show up for the event...  "This is definitely historic," said Amina Haqq of New York as she walked to the fenced-in site at the west front of the Capitol.  "I am glad I lived long enough to see this.  Islam is part of America.  It is not a Judeo-Christian society; it is a Judeo-Christian-Muslim society."

Religion and Politics Mix at Islam Rally on Captiol Hill.  A Muslim prayer gathering on Capitol Hill on Friday [9/25/2009] was attended by maybe a tenth of the 50,000 people organizers were expecting.  The event's PR was even less successful than its attendance, with conservative media outlets claiming that the event's two main organizers had a history of defending terrorism, making anti-Semitic comments, and expressing anti-American views.

What I Saw at the (Muslim Prayer) Revolution.  Visitors to Washington D.C. today got to hear what residents in Hamtramck and Dearborn, Michigan, as well as areas of London, Amsterdam and other Western cities already endure five times a day:  The sound of amplified Muslim prayers lifted to Allah.  This time, the prayers reverberated over America's front lawn as some 2,000 Muslims gathered for the Jummah Prayer on Capitol Hill:  A Day of Islamic Unity.  Promoters had planned for 50,000 but came nowhere near that.

Deception.  If you are an enemy of America seeking her destruction, you would add to your pursuit of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons the undermining of this nation from within.  You would do this largely through deception, putting on a peaceful face while subtly plotting ways to bring America down.  That tactic was on display last Friday [9/25/2009] in Washington as a crowd estimated at 3,000 Muslims gathered to pray.

British Lion Muzzled.  Britain is sinking fast, and in too many ways its government is its people's worst enemy.  Jihadists struck London on July 7, 2005 and Glasgow on June 29, 2007, and many still operate in Britain — but how bad is it now?  To begin finding out, I spent the last week in London, visiting mosques and discussing the situation with locals.  What I saw wasn't shocking, but quite depressing.

The signs of Sharia in Dearborn Michigan.  We ask you, is it a coincidence that the city with the highest percentage of Muslims in the United States is the city where Christianity is not allowed to be represented (let alone preached) on a public sidewalk?  Is it coincidence that in this city, people will say "No way!" when we say "This is the United States of America"?  Is this what will happen when Islam takes over the United States?

Sensationalism or truth:  Terror training camps in the U.S..  Robert Spencer lives in seclusion.  That's because he's spent the last several years exposing the jihadist threat in the United States, and it's usually a good idea not to let the crazies know where you live.  Now, in Human Events, Spencer defends a documentary film on U.S.-based terror training camps that CBS News calls "sensationalistic."

Terror Training Camps On American Soil.  In 2006, the Department of Justice reported that Jamaat ul-Fuqra "has more than 35 suspected communes and more than 3,000 members spread across the United States, all in support of one goal:  the purification of Islam through violence."  That means, of course, violence against unbelievers.  Yet despite the fact that Justice and the DHS are obviously aware of what is going on, Jamaat ul-Fuqra continues to operate, relatively unhindered, in the United States.  A new documentary from the Christian Action Network, Homegrown Jihad:  The Terrorist Camps Around the U.S., tells the whole shocking story.

Why Obama is losing The Third Jihad.  As I pen these words not more than sixty miles north of where I sit, a radical Islamist breeding ground is churning out hate, weapons training, and radical Wahabi indoctrination.  To date President Barack Obama's administration has done zero about it.

Minneapolis Imam Decries 'the Hell of Living in America'.  As the FBI has ongoing investigations in numerous cities across the country looking into the disappearances of possibly dozens of young Somali men who have left the country to presumably join the jihad and train in terror camps back home, attention has recently been focused on one Minneapolis imam.  Hassan Mohamud (Jamici) has been singled out by some in that community as being one of the radicalization influences in the Twin Cities.

The words "islam" and "Muslim" are conspicuously absent from this story:
FBI raids three Minneapolis money-transfer shops.  Federal agents raided three Minneapolis money transfer businesses that mainly serve the Somali community Wednesday [4/8/2009], seeking records of financial transactions to several African and Middle East countries.  E.K. Wilson, a special agent for the FBI in Minneapolis, confirmed that agents searched the businesses on the city's south side to track money transactions, but wouldn't disclose any further details.

Somali Pirates Tied to Jihad.  The latest crisis off the coast of Africa where Somali pirates hijacked a US flag ship is not something that suddenly materialized out of thin air.

US facing home-grown Islamic terror threat.  Officials say a second generation of Somali immigrants is becoming increasingly radicalised and could pose a growing threat to security.  The warnings come amid the revelation that 20 young Somali American men who returned to their war-torn homeland have been radicalised by a group linked to al-Qaeda.

U.S. Companies Still Host Terrorist Websites.  Terrorism specialists say the Internet now reigns as the single most powerful tool in the arsenal of Islamic extremists bent on taking their organizations global.  A number of major homegrown terrorism plots in recent years were conceived by wannabe jihadis incited by extremist websites.  Would companies like The Planet and CI Host suddenly unravel the technical mysteries of self-policing if their executives became defendants in a federal enforcement action?

Jet bombers planned mass killing over Atlantic, court told.  Eight Islamic fundamentalists planned to kill on an "unprecedented scale" by exploding bombs on transatlantic flights, a British court heard Tuesday.  The men, who were arrested in August 2006 before they could carry out the alleged plot, had hoped for a "truly global impact", prosecutor Peter Wright told a London court.  Wright told Woolwich Crown Court that Abdulla Ahmed Ali and Assad Sarwar, both 28, led the group and were "indifferent to the carnage that was likely to ensue if their plans were successful."

Islamic Terrorists Forming Cells In America.  Hezbollah could be one of the first security challenges faced by the new Obama administration.  An official government report concludes the Iranian-backed Islamic terror group has been forming sleeper cells throughout the United States that could become operational.

Shrinks And Spooks:  If America starts letting shrinks and guidance counselors determine our intelligence practices, we will never be any match for the bloodthirsty fanatics who will stop at nothing to destroy the Western world's freedoms.

Would you want these Guantanamo suspects living next door?  The latest way to seek an immigration pass into Canada appears to go like this:  Act suspiciously like a terrorist or even become one; spend a few years at the U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; get your name on a refugee-status claim form for review by Canadian immigration officials based in Jamaica.  Canadian church groups and others have filed to "sponsor" five Guantanamo Bay detainees for immigration to Canada as refugees.

Guess Who's Speaking At the Local Mosque?  Unless you live in a rural area, there is probably a mosque (or more than one) in your town, and most people — including local law enforcement officials — regard them with the complete indifference shown the local churches.  It is the height of political incorrectness to even suggest that possibly, just possibly, it might be worth checking into the local mosque's sources of funding, and what they're teaching there.  As a Las Vegas city councilor exclaimed when some people objected to a proposal to build a mosque right beyond the fence of the international airport, "What's the big deal?  It's just a church!"

Islamic bigotry is still bigotry.  Surveys of Muslim opinion reveal the scale of the problem:  almost a third of Muslim students believe that killing in the name of religion can be justified, and 40 percent support the introduction of Sharia law for British Muslims.  Channel 4's programme does not explain how we can diminish this kind of narrow bigotry.  But it does make it impossible for anyone to deny the continued existence of extremism in some British mosques.

Mainstream US Islamic Websites — and Terror:  In counterterrorism circles there is significant buzz about "Al-Qaeda 2.0", warning of highly decentralized jihadist networks operating independently and driven by a highly toxic internet-inspired Islamic ideology.  The sad reality is, however, that an increasing number of jihadist websites, especially those in the English language, are finding safe haven in the US — and the US government seems powerless, or unwilling, to stop them.

Protecting Mosques in New York.  Terrorism expert Yehudit Barsky … said that 80% of the mosques in this country "have been radicalized by Saudi money and influence."  The Saudis would build large mosques for immigrant Muslim communities in the United States, and send a Saudi imam to staff the new facility.  The Saudis, said Barsky, have spent as much as $80 billion on such efforts over the last thirty years.  Note also that hate propaganda of just this kind has been found in American mosques — which should not be surprising not only because of the Saudi connection but because much of this is mainstream Islamic teaching.

Preachers of separatism at work inside Britain's mosques.  Britain's leading Muslim bodies say they are fighting extremism.  In one of [Britain's] most respected mosques, Sara Hassan came face to face with hardline female preachers of separatism.  Here, she reports on the shocking results of her investigation.

Young Muslims 'are turning to extremism'.  Increasing numbers have become so alienated from mainstream society that they could even lend their support to jihadi terrorism, the study claims.  While most reject violence, many distrust police and are reluctant to inform on extremists.

Hugs for Thugs Could Sink Naïve Obama.  What is it about the word "appeasement" that got Barack Obama's ears ringing?  Without once uttering the freshman anti-war senator's name, President Bush warned against negotiating with terrorists on the futile hope that a little more dialogue will turn these satanic beasts from their death pact to wipe Israel off the map and kill as many American men, women and children as possible.

The Jihad Prevention Act:  International reaction was almost uniformly negative last week when news broke that Britain had officially granted Muslim Sharia courts permission to rule on everything from divorce to domestic violence.  After all, in its strictest form, Sharia law requires the stoning of women accused of adultery, and the execution of converts from Islam, among other draconian punishments for offences that aren't even considered crimes in the West.

Islam vs. Free Speech:  Under assault by Muslims and multiculturalists, free speech and freedom of the press are dead in Britain.  The same sorts of people who killed them in Britain are killing them in Canada.  They and their allies are using the British and Canadian courts and tribunals to bury our First Amendment rights in America.

Time for Canada to grow a spine.  Canada is so afraid of offending newcomers that we can't bring ourselves to demand that immigrants and refugees make some commitment to the Canadian way of life.  It's time Canada grew a spine and made it clear that citizenship comes with responsibilities — not just social assistance, free health care and subsidized education.  I propose a 10-year wait time for citizenship to make sure newcomers are the right fit for a peaceful, tolerant democracy.  Right now, you can apply for citizenship after only three years.  You have to wait longer to become a citizen in just about every other western country.

Malaysians warned not to question Islam.  An influential council of Malaysia's state rulers has warned people not to question the supremacy of Islam or the special privileges enjoyed by the country's ethnic Malay majority.  Racial and religious tensions have increased in the past year as minorities have become more vocal in their complaints about an affirmative action program that they say unfairly favors Malays.  They also complain that their religious rights are being ignored.

Judge rules NJ Muslim leader can stay in US.  An influential New Jersey Muslim leader whom U.S. authorities had sought to link to a terrorist group and have deported has won his fight to gain permanent U.S. residency.  A federal immigration judge in Newark ruled today that Mohammad Qatanani, the spiritual leader of the Islamic Center of Passaic County, can remain in the U.S.

Shariah's Trojan Horse:  Suddenly, a new national debate is beginning about the national security, economic and other implications of Persian Gulf potentates using their petrodollars to buy up strategic American assets.  Most recently, the emir of Dubai's purchase at fire-sale prices of 4.9 percent of the largest U.S. bank, Citigroup, caused a level of unease not seen since he tried to buy his way into many U.S. port facilities.

'Have more babies and Muslims can take over the UK' hate fanatic says.  Muslim hate fanatics plan to take over Britain by having more babies and forcing a population explosion, it has been revealed.  The swollen Muslim population would be enough to conquer Britain from inside, they claim.  Fanatics told a meeting of young Muslims on the anniversary of the 9/11 atrocity, that it would then be easy to impose Sharia law on the population, the Sun newspaper reported.

The Muslim Brotherhood's "Grand Jihad" in Toledo:  It might only be the shores of Lake Erie, but the Muslim Brotherhood has established an invasion beachhead in Toledo. … Perhaps it's no coincidence that the Department of Homeland Security recently added Toledo to the list of high-risk terrorism areas.

Islamic leader warns of terror strike.  Australia faces a "London-type bombing" if relations between Muslims and the intelligence and police authorities do not improve, an influential Islamic youth leader has warned.  Fadi Rahman, who runs one of Sydney's biggest youth centres at Lidcombe in the city's west, said overseas Islamic elements were attempting to radicalise Muslim youth with their hardline ideologies.

Freedom of the press attacked.  In a flagrant attack on freedom of the press, the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) has filed three human rights complaints against Maclean's magazine and its editor-in-chief, Kenneth Whyte, accusing them of spreading "hatred and contempt" for Muslims, by publishing an article by Mark Steyn on Oct. 23, 2006, entitled The Future Belongs to Islam.

Radical Imam Promotes Pro-Islamic Ad Campaign to Run on New York Subways.  A Muslim group, in collaboration with a Brooklyn imam once investigated as a possible co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, paid $48,000 to run Islamic advertisements on the city's subway cars this September.  The ad campaign — known as the "Subway Project" — was designed to inform people about Islam and dispel common misconceptions about the religion….

Allah aboard the jihad train!  A Brooklyn imam who has been linked to various terror plots to destroy landmarks is targeting New York City passengers in 1,000 subway cars with a new campaign to draw people into Islam.  Siraj Wahhaj has defended convicted would-be bombers and labeled FBI and CIA agents "real terrorists," according to a report by the New York Post.

Iranians study nuclear physics in Britain.  The Foreign Office has cleared dozens of Iranians to enter British universities to study advanced nuclear physics and other subjects with the potential to be applied to weapons of mass destruction.  In the past nine months about 60 Iranians have been admitted to study postgraduate courses deemed "proliferation-sensitive" by the security services.  The disciplines range from nuclear physics to some areas of electrical and chemical engineering and microbiology.

RAF surveillance planes hear Taliban fighters talking in Brummie and Yorkshire accents.  The Taliban are thought to be recruiting an increasing number of fighters from Britain after RAF experts overheard secret transmissions from the Afghan frontline spoken in broad Midlands and Yorkshire accents. … The discovery indicates that a growing number of British-born Muslim are turning their backs on the West and moving to Afghanistan to be trained as fighters.

The Editor says...
This is the inevitable fruit of "multiculturalism."  It's one thing to welcome immigrants from diverse cultures, but it's problem when their culture has declared a holy war on your culture.

Critics Dub Saudi Islamic School 'Terror High'.  Its most virulent critics have dubbed it "Terror High" and 12 U.S. senators and a federal commission want to shut it down.  The teachers, administrators and some 900 students at the Islamic Saudi Academy in Fairfax County have heard the allegations for years — after the Sept  11 attacks and then a few years later when a class valedictorian admitted he had joined Al Qaeda.

First, they came for Piglet.  [Scroll down] Take, for example, the "moderate" imam Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who once observed that "we will conquer Europe, we will conquer America.  Not through the sword, but through da'wa" — i.e., the non-incendiary form of Islamic outreach.  What could be more moderate than that?  No wonder Mr. al-Qaradawi is an associate of the Islamic Society of Boston, currently building the largest mosque in the northeast….

Guard Accused of Hiding Ties to Imam.  A former security guard at Andrews Air Force Base who failed to put his Muslim name on a job application was trying to conceal his ties to a controversial Washington imam, federal prosecutors said Tuesday [11/27/2007].

This sounds like an ultimatum.
Pope told 'survival of world' at stake if Muslims and Christians do not make peace.  In an unprecedented open letter signed by 138 leading scholars from every sect of Islam, the Muslims plead with Christian leaders "to come together with us on the common essentials of our two religions" and spell out the similarities between passages of the Bible and the Koran.

Muslims tell Christians:  'Make peace with us or survival of world is at stake'.  Prominent Muslim scholars are warning that the "survival of the world" is at stake if Muslims and Christians do not make peace with each other.  In an unprecedented open letter signed by 138 leading Muslim scholars from every sect of Islam, the Muslims plead with Christian leaders "to come together with us on the common essentials of our two religions."

The Goal of the Jihad:  I am not much for predicting the future, so when it comes to detailing the next moves of the jihadists I can't tell you what they're going to do — but I can tell you about the ultimate goal they're working toward.  President Bush has said that they are hoping to establish an Islamic state from Spain to Indonesia.  He could have added in the Americas, too, for their goal is global.

The Trouble With Islam.  It is vital to grasp that traditional and even mainstream Islamic teaching accepts and promotes violence.  Shariah, for example, allows apostates to be killed, permits beating women to discipline them, seeks to subjugate non-Muslims to Islam as dhimmis and justifies declaring war to do so.  It exhorts good Muslims to exterminate the Jews before the "end of days."  The near deafening silence of the Muslim majority against these barbaric practices is evidence enough that there is something fundamentally wrong.

Poll:  1 in 4 U.S. Young Muslims OK With Homicide Bombings Against Civilians.  One out of four young U.S. Muslims believe homicide bombings against civilians are OK to "defend Islam," according to a new poll.  The poll by the Pew Research Center also finds some Muslim Americans seem to be separating from mainstream America in their attitudes toward the War on Terror and U.S. Mideast policy.

Look Where Al Qaeda & Co. Have Struck Since 9/11.  Map shows a selection of the major, memorable terrorist attacks world-wide since Jan. 1, 2002.

Slavery in Islamist Sudan.  Sellers frantically began to gather up their wares and hurry away with the buyers.  The adults understood.  They recognized the approaching signs of the dreaded scourge that most people believed had disappeared from the pages of African history long ago: a slave raid.  It was 1986 and Bok was about to see his happy world of family and village shattered forever by a centuries-old, barbaric practice that has never died out:  the violent capture and enslavement of black Africans by Arabs.

FBI Monitoring Al Qaeda Activity in Northern New Jersey.  The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force is monitoring a number of northern New Jersey residents with ties to Al Qaeda, according to a report.

America's Homegrown Troop Killers:  It's bad enough that Americans are bad-mouthing American troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.  But an alarming number of Muslim-Americans are plotting to kill them.

Islamic Group Plans to Double the Number of Mosques in Germany:  Germany's Muslim community is planning to more than double the number of mosques in the country over the next few years, according to figures released by an Islamic institute this week. … While the number of mosques is growing, the doors are slamming shut at Christian churches across the country.

Germany presents a tempting target for the jihadists and others.  Though no longer the chief delinquent of Europe, and though not much thought is given to its strategic position, Germany is still Europe's center of gravity, territorially contiguous to more nations than any state other than Russia, with compact interior lines of communication, Western Europe's largest population, and Europe's leading economy.

The Sleeper Cell Next Door:  an interview with Brian Jenkins.  Communications comprise a key component of al Qaeda's campaign.  We see it as a military contest.  Bin Laden sees it as building an army of believers.  All wartime communications are aimed at the home front.  Even as bin Laden appears to be addressing us, his followers are his primary audience.

The Islamist Trojan Horse.  "We're fighting them there, so we don't have to fight them here" has become a hymn for the American right and an abominable lie to the left.  But drowned out by all the noise is the fact that "they" are here already, having landed a long time ago and gotten very busy indeed constructing the American wing of jihad.

America's Muslim population is gaining a Hispanic accent.  Khadijah Rivera, 57, traded her Bible for the Koran.  "Islam is not a religion of the Arabs," said Rivera, a Puerto Rican and the group's leader.  "It may have started as a religion of the Arabs.  But we're just regular people, and we're not all Arab."

The Editor says...
Hell is full of "regular people."

Uncommon Criminals:  Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, one of the founders of the jihadist movement that became al Qaeda, put it this way (I'm quoting from Lawrence Wright's definitive history, The Looming Tower):  "We shall continue the Jihad no matter how long the way, until the last breath and the last beat of the pulse — or until we see the Islamic state established."

How I escaped Islamism:  For almost four years I was on the front line of British Islamism serving as a regional officer in northeast England for Hizb ut-Tahrir, an extremist group committed to the creation of a puritanical caliphate.  Since leaving in 2005, I've been concerned at just how easy it was for me to join a radical Islamist movement — and why there was hardly any support available when I decided to leave.

Surrender!  The English who gave us the Magna Carta in 1215, William Blackstone and the foundation of American law are slowly succumbing to the dictates of intolerant Islam and sowing seeds of their own destruction.

Wake up, Americans:  We're at war!  9/11 wasn't enough for some people, who seem to think it was a one-act play, despite massive physical evidence to the contrary and ceaseless calls for "death to America" from individuals such as Osama bin Laden and states such as Iran.

Muslim paramilitary compounds springing up around America.  A U.S. defense analyst and author says Americans should be very concerned about some radical Muslim paramilitary compounds that have sprung up around the country and that are surrounded with "No Trespassing" signs.

The car bomb you are calling may be switched off — please try later!  I felt like retching when Gordon Brown sauntered on camera to announce that the safety of the British people was paramount.  Here is a man who for the past ten years has been one of the two most prominent members of a government which has turned Britain into a playground for jihadists.  Labour tore up border controls, allowing a mass influx of Islamist psychopaths from all over the globe.

Brown:  Don't Say Terrorists are Muslims.  Gordon Brown has banned ministers from using the word "Muslim" in connection with the terrorism crisis.  The Prime Minister has also instructed his team — including new Home Secretary Jacqui Smith — that the phrase "war on terror" is to be dropped.

Hamas TV Follows Farfour with Nahoul the Bee.  Hamas TV introduced a new children's character intended to inspire future extremists and suicide bombers with Nahoul the Bee.  In a television skit, the character vows to continue the work of his cousin, Farfour the mouse, in following in the 'path of Islam, of heroism, of martyrdom.'

Fort Dix Jihad:  The Media Misses the Point.  It's not about the organization, it's the ideology. … Indeed, al Qaeda does not purport to give direction only to its own members, or even that the directions it does impart are al Qaeda's own directions.  The network presumes to be guiding all Muslims toward what Islam compels.

Another straw on the back of the proverbial American camel.  Why do these residents in our midst, who have voluntarily come to America, and some of whom have had America itself spend billions abroad on their brethren, wish to kill us?  Such questions are nonsensical.  The aggrieved Islamist, whether born here or abroad, lives in a world of emotion, never reason, in which pride, envy, and a sense of inferiority always trump logic.  When, as an individual or collectively, he constructs someone or something culpable for his own — or his people's — sense of failure, then a primordial urge to lash out follows.

Why Confront Islamism?  Because if we don't it will continue to get more extreme.  This is not Islamophobia, as many Muslims and their apologists protest.  A phobia is a baseless irrational fear.  Detestation of Islamism, the violent form of Islam, is based on irrefutable facts and it is not only rational, it is ethically imperative.

A Rising Tide of Fury.  To varying degrees, 27 percent of Moroccans, 21 percent of Egyptians, 13 percent of Pakistanis and 11 percent of Indonesians approve of terrorism attacks on civilians — and not just American civilians.  Extrapolating those percentages to the world Muslim population, roughly 250 million Muslims may approve, under some circumstances, of terrorism attacks on civilians generally.

Post 9/11, Islam flourishes among blacks.  Islam is growing fast among African Americans, who are undeterred by increased scrutiny of Muslims in the United States since the September 11 attacks, according to imams and experts.

The Middle East:  Where Trouble Lives and is Exported.  The Middle East "is progressively disengaging from the world economy," warns Patrick Clawson, an expert on the area.  The region grew at only half the rate of other developing nations during the 1990s.  The Middle East continues to slip further behind the West and even Asia.  The Middle East today is a dangerous combination of poverty, a militant Islam, nationalism, and a mindset that blames everyone else for its problems.

Al-Qaeda tells British cells to carry out wave of beheadings.  Police are on standby for multiple attempts by terrorists to kidnap and then behead people across Britain.  MI5 is conducting a counter-terrorism surveillance operation to prevent such an attack.

Africa to become al-Qaeda 'hotbed'.  There is mounting evidence that Africa will become the next al-Qaeda hotbed as the militant group seeks to expand its global operations, a senior expert on terrorism said.

One flag too high.  The faith of Islam is in fighting trim.  In millions, the Islamists are traveling and settling abroad.  From these reserves we get occasional irruptions of high-tech loathing, in lower Manhattan and Washington, D.C., in Spanish trains, in British subways.  The elderly voices of Islam that stressed toleration and cohabitation are so quiet they might as well be silent.

Islamic attacks rise in Thailand.  Bangkok The death toll from a two-year Muslim insurgency in southern Thailand has risen to more than 1,700, with bomb attacks steadily increasing over the past few months, a research team has said.

Is political Islam on the march?  Since the Sept. 11 terror attacks nearly five years ago, Americans have come increasingly to believe that political Islam is a mortal threat to the West, an aggressive and totalitarian ideology dedicated to random destruction and global subjugation.

Cleric to sue for damages. In the ultimate insult to Australia's Bali bombing victims, radical cleric Abu Bakar Bashir has bragged that he is planning to sue for damages after a controversial decision to clear him of terrorism charges.  The families of victims of the 2002 attack told of their despair that Bashir — widely regarded as the spiritual leader of the terrorists who murdered their loved ones — is free and planning to cash in.

The Editor says...
The Muslims have figured out how to sap the life out of America:  It is done with frivolous lawsuits, or just the threat of a lawsuit.  And fortunately for them, there is no shortage of lawyers who will abet and facilitate this process if the price is right.

Extremists among us?  A 2004 Chicago Tribune investigation revealed that, after a contentious debate, U.S. leaders of the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood decided in 1993 to begin calling themselves the Muslim American Society.  The Muslim Brotherhood is an international Islamist group that largely operates underground.  The Brotherhood's goal is to spread the rule of Islamic law throughout the world.

No American Muslim Terrorists?  Of the 212 suspected and convicted terrorist perpetrators during 1993-2003, 86 percent were Muslim immigrants and the remainder mainly converts to Islam.

More than merely a word.  The pride we take in our tolerance, our determination to fight fair, to look for the "root causes" of poverty, ignorance and oppression to explain the anger of the likes of Zacarious Moussaoui and the evil of Sept. 11 put us at peril.  Most of the Sept. 11 terrorists grew up in middle-class comfort and knew neither poverty nor oppression.

Recommended books for Christmas Giving:  Among the new books this year, Londonistan, by Melanie Phillips, is an eye-opening account of how the British have so succumbed to political correctness as regards their Muslim minority that even incitements to murder by Muslim extremists go unpunished.  While the Brits have gone further down this road than Americans have, we are being led in the same direction by our academic and media elites.

Radical Arabs Seek Influence Over U.S. Media.  There are terrorists in the Muslim world seething with hatred for all Americans.  This war, unlike any other we have confronted, presents us with an enemy that is everywhere and nowhere.  The media are a key battleground.  It is a war largely without nation-state soldiers in uniforms.  To add to the confusion, our enemy has skillfully blurred the lines between bloodthirsty murderers and legitimately religious people.  Thus, the pressure for "tolerance" that often fails to distinguish the former from the latter.

Treason is Not Merely Dissenting Against Wars.  A nation that means to perpetuate its existence must never abandon its clarity when it comes to distinguishing friends from enemies.  The war against Islamo-fascists, who murder people in the name of Allah, deserves the benefit of moral clarity no less than our other wars.  Prosecuting those who compromise national security by leaking to the media details of our surveillance of the enemy, is a good place to start.

How Islamist Totalitarianism Views the West:  Leaders of al-Qaeda and other terrorist movements are confident that people in the West are decadent, weak and cowardly — and ripe for defeat.  Their world view promotes the idea that America, Israel, and other Western nations are paper-tigers, unwilling to sustain a long-term war with regular casualties.

Stand up:  Wafa Sultan is passing.  In an age that has brought us the Theo van Gogh assassination, deadly riots over a series of Danish newspaper cartoons, the Pym Fortune assassination, the death threats against Salman Rushdie, Hirsi Ali and Ibn Warraq, among many others, it requires truly remarkable courage to stare into the Al-Jazeera camera and calmly permit yourself to be labeled a heretic.

The Taliban's rising star:  no poor little lamb.  Exactly what was it that new Yale student Sayeed Rahmatullah Hashemi did for the Taliban?  Discussions of this issue so far have usually tagged him an "envoy" or "ambassador".  But a little digging shows he was far more than just a mouthpiece.

Prayer leads to work disputes.  Requests by Muslims to pray at work have led to clashes with employers who say they cannot accommodate the strictly scheduled prayers.  The conflicts raise questions about religious rights on the job.  Muslims say they are being discriminated against and are taking their complaints to the courts and the federal government.  Employers say the time out for prayer can burden other workers and disrupt operations.

America's Muslims Aren't as Assimilated as You Think.  From schools to language to religion, American Muslims are becoming a people apart.

Speaking of schools...
Your Friendly Jihadi Bus Driver.  According to the FBI, terrorists are working as school bus drivers but it's nothing to worry about, the FBI is sure they don't mean any harm.

The Islamic threat is greater than German and Soviet threats were.  Whereas there were unique aspects to those evils, there are two unique aspects to the evil emanating from the Islamic world that render this latest threat to humanity particularly difficult to overcome.  One is the number of people who believe in it. … [The other aspect is this:]  Nazis and Communists wanted to live and feared death; Islamic authoritarians love death and loathe life.

American Border Secrets.  What steps should Western border agencies take to defend their homelands from harm by Islamists?  In the case of non-citizens, the answer is simple:  Don't let Islamists in.  Exclude not just potential terrorists but also anyone who supports the totalitarian goals of radical Islam.  Just as civilized countries did not welcome fascists in the early 1940s (or communists a decade later), they need not welcome Islamists today.

Increased risk for bomb attacks at U.S. stadiums and sporting events.  The FBI has warned stadium operators to be alert for possible suicide bomb attack at sporting events.  A posting on a terrorist-sponsored web site solicited homicide and suicide attacks against people at stadiums and sporting events in the U.S. using groups of three to five "blond or black American Muslim suicide bombers."

Hate spread at mosque gates.  A radical Islamic group is infiltrating Australian mosques, distributing inflammatory pamphlets urging Muslims to rise up against Australian troops in Iraq and support the insurgency.

Death by a thousand lawsuits.  Though many Islamic groups across the United States have been closed since 9/11 for ties to terrorism, some Muslim organizations being accused of having similar such connections have turned for help to a branch of the government, specifically the courts.  In most instances, though, the point does not seem to be winning or clearing one's own name, but rather to do what the government cannot:  stifle criticism.

Terror tapes given out at mosques.  Police have launched an investigation into claims that video tapes and DVDs handed out at mosques in Dewsbury were being used to recruit terrorists.  The tapes, purporting to contain readings from the Koran, were given to Muslims attending two mosques in Savile Town during the weekend's Eid festival.

Islamic preachers drive the poisoning of young minds.  Some, like Sheik Faiz Mohamad of the Global Islamic Youth Centre in Liverpool, have preached that women who are raped are at fault if they dress immodestly. … Others, like the firebrand American preacher Khalid Yasin, who visits Australia regularly, warn about associating with non-Muslims – "there's no such thing as a Muslim having a non-Muslim friend".

Reformation or Civil War?  The jihadists cannot be reasoned with, only defeated.

Was 9/11 the Start of a 50-Year Religious War?  The father of the 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta is praising the bombings in London and says his son's attack was the start of a 50-year religious war.

The Islamic States of America?  The hardest thing for Westerners to understand is not that a war with militant Islam is underway but that the nature of the enemy's ultimate goal.  That goal is to apply the Islamic law (the Shari'a) globally.  In U.S. terms, it intends to replace the Constitution with the Qur'an.  This aspiration is so remote and far-fetched to many non-Muslims, it elicits more guffaws than apprehension.

Al-Qaida infiltrated U.S. military meal company?  U.S. officials are probing the possibility the al-Qaida terrorist network sought to infiltrate a Texas company in order to contaminate ready-to-eat meals designated for the military.

Aliens hiding in plain sight.  Nearly half of the 48 al Qaeda terrorists tied to violent acts in the United States between 1993 and 2001 committed significant immigration-law violations prior to those events but were never detained or deported, federal records show.

Parts of Detroit seem Middle Eastern.  The Dearborn area has the largest concentration of Arabic people outside of the Middle East.  Some say they came as a result of Henry Ford's infatuation with their culture.  Ford offered them jobs and places to stay on the condition that they would teach him the ways of Islam.

Michigan:  The Islamic Capital of the US.  As of 2005, Michigan held the largest and still growing Muslim population in the United States and the second largest Arab population outside of the Middle East.  Outside of Muslim-run countries, Paris — which still experiences nightly vehicle torchings and mayhem in its Islamic neighborhoods — has the largest.  It is estimated that eight million Muslims now live in the US and their numbers are continuing to grow.  Islam is now the second-largest religious body in the United States and is said to be its fastest growing religious movement.

Albany Mosque Raid Uncovers Missile Plot.  Two leaders of a mosque in Albany, N.Y., were arrested on charges stemming from an alleged plot to help a man they thought was a terrorist purchase a shoulder-fired missile, federal authorities said Thursday [8/5/2004].  The men have ties to a group called Ansar al-Islam, which has been linked to the al-Qaida terror network, according to two federal law enforcement authorities speaking on condition of anonymity.

Muslim group attempts late Florida vote dump.  A pushy Muslim activist demanded a county elections office worker accept a box of 550 applications to vote after the close of business on the last day to register in Palm Beach County, Florida.

Murder in the 101st Airborne:  The Akbar incident points to the suspect allegiance of some Muslims in government.

Latinos and Islam Conversion:  There is almost no research showing the number of Muslims in the country, although the U.S. State Department has reported some trends that show Islam is one the fastest-growing religions in the nation.  The report also predicts that, by 2010, the Muslim population will be larger than Judaism and the second-largest religion in the U.S., after Christianity.

The French riots of 2005

Paris When It Sizzles:  The intifada comes to France.  The French use the euphemism "quartiers sensibles" — sensitive neighborhoods — for the troubled, predominantly Arab and African working-class suburbs of Paris and other cities that increasingly resemble a ticking bomb at the heart of their society.

Hell no, we won't work.  After the rampages last fall, mostly by unemployed and disaffected Muslims — almost universally referred to as "French youths" by an international press too afraid to reports facts that may not be considered polite — French Prime Minister Dominuque de Villepin has proposed measures designed to encourage French companies to hire more young workers.

Muslim Riots Break Out in Denmark As Well.  As Muslim riots spread across France, Denmark is also beginning to see its own Islamic Intifada.  In Arhus, Denmark, young Muslims were heard chanting, "This land belongs to us!"

Third night of unrest in Belgium.  Vandals set fires in Belgium for a third straight night in what authorities called copycat violence patterned on the rioting in France.

Cars torched at liberty's heart as Paris gripped by guerilla warfare.  It is a French revolution in rioting — a war of attrition where the enemy is almost impossible to detect and the weapon is a Molotov cocktail.  Their targets are cars, buses, schools, nurseries, gyms, warehouses and brasseries across Paris and in other cities.  Comparisons with the Gaza Strip are impossible to avoid.

Residents of Paris Suburbs at Gangs' Mercy.  They move in packs at night, burning and wrecking.  Their anger is both blind and targeted.  They torch their own neighborhoods as well as symbols of the French state that some feel oppresses them.

French Fried Muslim Madness.  Here's the typical feed coming from liberal thought police central:  "Riots have broken out in Paris suburbs.  This wave of destruction has been at the hand of North African and Middle Eastern descent French youths who have been disenfranchised and unemployed by haughty white French people."  Yeah, if you do a little digging, I bet you'd find that, as Mark Steyn wrote, the names of the "French youths" culpable for this anarchy are not Pierre, Patrice, Henri and Claude, but rather Habib, Achmed and Mohamed.

The Islamist threat in France:  This is not about Muslim poverty (the Islamist terrorists who hit London all had good jobs.  Mohammed Atta, who struck us in New York, was well-born and came from a prosperous family).  It is about radical Islamist self-confidence and contempt for the West.  And, it is about Western weakness.

Facing the facts:  No one wants to admit what polls have long suggested — the French are finally reaping what they sowed with their longstanding, loose immigration laws and their egalitarian snobbishness.  Here in the United States, Republicans are finally waking up to the fact that we too have the makings of a serious problem from excessive immigration.

The Media ignore one key fact about Paris rioters:  they're mostly Muslims.  The rioters who have terrorized Paris for two weeks now have been called many things by the mainstream media:  poor, disaffected, disenfranchised, mostly immigrants or children of.  But one label applied to them in passing, if at all, is one that is certainly not unimportant or irrelevant:  "Muslim."

A thug by any other name...  It's unclear how [Christophe] Bertossi would prefer that the violent young Muslims (invariably called "French youths" in the mainstream media) be treated.  If torching cars and destroying schools isn't criminal and terrorist behavior, nothing is.

Police Guard Paris Treasures From Rioters.  Some 3,000 police fanned out around Paris on Saturday [11/12/2005] to prevent any attempts to attack high-profile targets such as the Eiffel Tower after a 16th straight night of unrest and arson. … "This is not a rumor," said National Police Chief Michel Gaudin.  The famed Eiffel Tower and Champs-Elysees avenue were among potential targets, he said.

In the following story, Lucianne pointed out that the word "Muslim" first appears at the end of paragraph seven.
Police, Rioting Youths Clash in Central Lyon.  Dozens of youths threw trash cans at police and attacked sidewalk shops in a main square of Lyon on Saturday night [11/12/2005] in the first clash between rioters and police in a city center after more than two weeks of violence in France, according to news reports.

Vive la Difference!  Francophiles may unclench.  After weeks of national unrest, Jacques Chirac finally got tough on the car-broilers:  He proposed job training for 50,000 of the unemployed malcontents.  That'll teach 'em.  Of course, job training is one thing; actual jobs are another.

French riots:  126 cops hurt.  France's national police service said on Wednesday [11/16/2005] that 126 officers had been injured since urban unrest first flared up nearly three weeks ago.  It said a total of 2,888 people had been arrested since the violence started on October 27, and 8,973 vehicles had been destroyed by arson.

Riots in the welfare state.  France is a welfare state.  The government controls the economy.  Unions rule.  Bureaucracies fight market forces so as to benefit factory workers, farmers, and civil servants.  Wages are high, vacations are long, and benefits are generous.  That means French businesses cannot afford to hire people who need jobs.

Leftist hate for America:  In the past, Europeans were unwilling or unable to protect themselves against Nazism and communism.  Now they demonstrate an unwillingness to protect themselves against Islam hell-bent on conquering the West.  We just might have to pull Europe's chestnut out of the fire — again.

...and 2006:

 Editor's Note:   I don't want to blame the Islamic thugs in France for something that they haven't done, but I find it hard to believe that a completely different group of people is rioting this year, and they had nothing to do with last year's riots.  I suspect it's the same young people.  Still, even if the same people are in the streets again, the current French riots appear to have little to do with Islamic outrage and a lot to do with heavy-handed socialism, high unemployment and unfair labor laws.

The French job funk:  What American despairs that the French are having problems with their youth?  Who among us laments that the snooty French, who look down their long noses at all things American … are paying the price for years of socialism?

France's ghettoes boil as labour law protests spread.  The youths attacked police officers and journalists, assaulted and robbed demonstrators and set cars and stores on fire in a terrifying reminder of the three weeks of riots that swept through France in November [2005].

Rioting for Ineptitude in France:  In France's overly-planned, overly-socialist economy, the unemployment rate has hovered around 10 percent for decades, more than double the current rate of unemployment in the United States.  For France's younger workers, the jobless rate stands at 23 percent, the highest in Europe.  In the areas most severely hit by rioting over the past several weeks, unemployment rates are running in excess of 50 percent.

French Student Riots:  Why are students at the Sorbonne and other distinguished institutions out trashing the streets and attacking the police?  Because they want privileges in the name of rights, and are too ignorant of economics to realize that those privileges cost them jobs.

Paris 'smashers' shift attacks from property to people.  The images are unnerving: hooded, swift-footed youths infiltrating protest rallies in the heart of tourist Paris, smashing shop windows, setting cars on fire, beating and robbing passers-by and throwing objects at the riot police.  They are called the casseurs — the smashers.

French despair:  People hired in France who are under 26 years old can be dismissed by their employers within two years.  For specific causes?  No, for any cause. … But [the "First Employment Contract"] says … the McDonald's hamburger stand can dismiss a (young) employee without the need to file encyclopedic papers with various French ministries.

Chirac:  'Oui Surrender!'  True to Gallic tradition, President Jacques Chirac on Monday [4/10/2006] stared sternly at the rioters who've spent the last two weeks ravaging France and … surrendered.  Bowing to pressure from rowdy adolescents and moss-backed unions violently opposed to proposed labor-law reform, Chirac provided la Belle France with a regrettable lesson:  Riots pay.

French Police Faulted in Youths' Deaths.  An internal police review of the 2005 electrocutions of two teenagers that triggered weeks of rioting in poor French neighborhoods faulted police officers for their handling of the case, a lawyer for the victims' families said Thursday [12/7/2006].

 Editor's Note:   Notice that the word "Muslim" is conspicuously absent in the story above.

Islam in Prison:

Islam in prison is not such a big problem, provided the converts are in for life.  It's when they're released that the rest of us have trouble on our hands.

Inside the blood-soaked prison wars between Muslim and white gangs.  One of my most memorable encounters as a former jailbird was with 'Ali', a notorious gangster whom I met days after he was released from a high security prison. [...] He was happy to talk to me for my book about life as a prisoner:  Time After Time because I am also an ex-con — I got five years for tax fraud in 2016.  Prisoners are a cagey bunch but my past has given me unique access to the criminal underworld.  Ironically, he told me he decided to convert to Islam in order to lead a better life.  His family was religious and he felt it was time to turn away from crime.  But the decision changed everything.  His security level by that stage had dropped down to category C.  After he converted, he said, 'everyone started getting worried.  They thought I was going to turn into a suicide bomber.  They sent me right back up to A- Cat and into the dispersal circuit — that's when it got really bad.'  The dispersal system is a ring of ten of the most secure jails in the UK, where terrorists and murderers are moved round constantly to stop them forming connections with each other and fomenting trouble.  The problem is that system doesn't work.

From Supermax to Supermosque:  How Australia's most secure prison has had to adapt.  Backpacker killer Ivan Milat did not live to see his long-term home's latest refurbishment but he would not really fit in at Supermax these days.  Milat was one of the first inmates when Supermax opened 20 years ago and before his death in 2019 was already the odd one out in many ways.  Supermax houses inmates who cannot be allowed to mix in the wider New South Wales jail system and the profile of those prisoners has drastically changed.

Florida: Muslim inmates beat guard unconscious for trying to search their Qur'an for contraband.  They have evidently thoroughly imbibed the Qur'an's teachings of peace.  Flager County officials would do well to investigate the possibility that there is heavy Islamic proselytizing and jihad recruitment going on in their jail.  But they almost certainly will not do so.

Expert: Prisons a 'hotbed' of [Islamic] extremism that can't be cooled down.  A London-born expert on Islam is raising concerns about the efficacy and madness of deradicalization programs in European prisons, while upwards to a thousand ISIS-affiliated inmates will be released from behind bars this year.  As many as 1,000 terrorists who were once fighting for ISIS will be released from prisons in Europe throughout the remainder of the year.  According to The National, Edmund Fitton-Brown, a former British ambassador to Yemen who is currently serving as coordinator of the UN's sanctions monitoring team, says the move creates "a serious worry."  What's more, this comes at a time when counterterrorism police fear ISIS sleeper cells may be plotting to commit attacks across Europe.

Bureau of Prisons failed to monitor terrorist communications, IG report says.  The Bureau of Prisons failed to adequately monitor thousands of communications from more than 500 inmates with ties to terrorism, according to a Justice Department inspector general report released Wednesday [3/25/2020].  In the nearly 70-page report, Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz wrote that the BOP did not take appropriate steps to review the email, phone calls, postage mail, video sessions and cellblock conversations of domestic and international terrorist inmates.  For example, the BOP failed to flag a letter that a high-risk inmate received from his wife detailing her intent to compromise a staff member at his prison.  The BOP also missed a threatening letter sent to a television talk show host from an inmate pledging allegiance to the Islamic State and threatening violence.

Inside The 'Black Site' Federal Prison Where An Insurance Scammer Was Allegedly Killed By A Jihadi.  Robert David Neal, an insurance scammer, was killed and nearly beheaded in November 2018 by Rodney Hamrick, a jihadi and former resident of Supermax in Colorado, according to a court filing.  Both Neal and Hamrick were being housed in the Communications Management Unit (CMU) in Terre Haute, Indiana. [...] While the manner of death was reported to be a homicide, the prison officials did not release the name of the perpetrator.  Two other inmates housed at the CMU have taken an interest in the killing, Marty Gottesfeld and Schaeffer Cox.  Gottesfeld received a ten year sentence after he diverted traffic to the Boston Children's Hospital in 2014, to protest their treatment of Justina Pelletier, a teenager many said was medically kidnapped by the hospital and Child Protective Services.  Cox was a militia leader in Alaska, who was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder in 2012.  Gottesfeld and Cox wrote an article about the murder, and in an effort to publicize it, in August 2019, Gottesfeld filed a motion in his case in which the article was an exhibit.

Prison Radicalization [is] a Recurring Global Threat.  Last week, two days after the United Nations Security Council conducted a forum on the threat of prison radicalization and terrorism, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Illinois announced the arrest of Jason Brown for attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization.  Brown, also known as Abdul Ja'Me, was the leader of a violent street gang in the Chicago area known as AHK.  Brown converted to a radical form of Islam while an inmate in Georgia serving time from 2016-18 for a gun violation.  He was on supervised release at the time of his arrest.  Brown was influenced by sermons from radical, Jamaican-based Islamic cleric Sheikh Abdullah Faisal, according to the criminal complaint filed by FBI Special Agent Nathan Scherer.  Faisal was convicted in the United Kingdom in 2003 of soliciting murder for encouraging Muslims to fight and kill "kuffars," or non-believers.

Are Prisons Actually Fueling Jihad?  Although prisons have been an on-again off-again political topic for years, their main purpose has been threefold: to punish the perpetrator; act as a deterrent towards further crime; and ideally, rehabilitate the wrongdoer.  When it comes to imprisoned terrorists, however, that third prong has been almost entirely missing, and the damage is something we'll be experiencing for years.  Some recent cases prove this point.

Are Prisons Conveyor Belts to Jihad?  As the United States and its coalition partners continue to squeeze ISIS out of its remaining territory in Iraq and Syria, more and more foreign fighters are returning to their home countries.  This migration from the battlefield to the hometown is causing great concern among Western counterterrorism authorities.  The question on everyone's mind is how long before the returning jihadists unleash an attack on their own countries.  Not very long, according to a new study on terrorism and political violence.  Within one year, the study found, and in some cases as little as months, returning fighters attempted a terrorist attack in their home countries.  The term researchers used to describe that period was, "Lags in Attack Times of Extremist Returnees (LATER)."  The most effective way to mitigate the threat, authors David Malet and Rachel Hayes say, is to take immediate corrective action when a jihadist returns home.  Increased security and a vibrant de-radicalization program can help the returnees peacefully reintegrate to Western society.  This advice is just as important for American prison officials to heed.

Deadly Uprising by ISIS Followers Shakes Indonesia's Prison System.  The uprising began with a riot Tuesday night in a section of the detention center holding 156 terrorism suspects and detainees, many of them accused of being violent, radical followers of the Islamic State's ideology.  The detainees managed to seize dozens of weapons, attacked guards and then took several of them hostage.  It ended Thursday morning with a mass surrender of the detainees after counterterrorism officers began blasting apart walls and firing tear gas into a cellblock where the men had holed up.

The most ridiculous logic on terrorism you've ever heard.  Sending terrorists to jail is counter-productive because then they will act even more like terrorists.  If you do not follow that logic, then you clearly do not sit on the U.K. House of Commons Select Committee on Justice, where a group of cross-party MPs has just proposed that those convicted of certain terrorism offenses should not end up in jail.  The theory is that, with prison radicalization now a problem, and de-radicalization initiatives so under-developed, it is better to not jail convicts guilty of certain lower-level offenses.

Michigan: CAIR shakes down Dept of Corrections over sharia meals.  A Muslim civil liberties organization has settled its lawsuit against the Michigan Department of Corrections on behalf of inmates allegedly denied adequate nutrition during the annual month-long Ramadan fast.  The Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MI) filed the suit in 2013 after four Muslim inmates said they received as little as one-third of the recommended daily calories in Ramadan 2011 and 2012.  The inmates were serving sentences at four correctional facilities:  Saginaw, Newberry, Parnall in Jackson, and Alger, located in Wetmore.  The plaintiffs said they often received meals containing inedible food or less than what was set forth on the Ramadan menu.  The morning meal also frequently was served after sunrise, precluding them from consuming the meal in accordance with the strictures of Ramadan observance.

Boone County Jail adopts halal meal plan after RFRA lawsuit.  The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana is dismissing its religious freedom lawsuit against the Boone County Sheriff's Office after the county jail implemented plans to offer inmates the option of a halal diet.  The ACLU in August employed the state's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act in a complaint that alleged staff at the Boone County Jail violated the rights of a Muslim inmate when they refused to supply him with food that adheres to a halal diet, which excludes pork and includes other meat only if it is slaughtered under certain conditions.  The suit also alleged the sheriff's office violated the First Amendment rights of the inmate, Gannon Thomas.  It was among early uses of the state's religious freedom law, which Gov. Mike Pence signed in 2015 amid controversy that placed the state in the national spotlight because some opponents believed it could be twisted to discriminate against gay and lesbian Hoosiers.  Experts, though, said this suit represents the type of claim such laws are meant to address.

Yorkshire Ripper to 'convert to Islam' in jail after Muslim prison gang offers him protection and access to a special diet.  The Yorkshire Ripper is said to be planning to convert to Islam after he was promised protection in prison from Muslims.  Peter Sutcliffe served 32 years at Broadmoor psychiatric hospital before he was moved back to prison, at HMP Frankland, in August.  According to the Daily Star the murderer is keen to convert to Islam after he was told he could access a special diet and be taken under the wing of Muslim gang members.

Call for Islamist extremists to be held in separate prison units.  Dangerous Islamist extremists will be held in separate prison units after an inquiry warned "self-styled emirs" were radicalising others behind bars.  A government-ordered review also suggested "cultural sensitivity" among staff towards Muslim prisoners could "inhibit the effective confrontation of extremist views".  The disclosures emerged after a probe into radicalisation in jails led by former prison governor Ian Acheson and commissioned last year by then justice secretary Michael Gove.

Who's Teaching the Class?  A good teacher can make all the difference in the world to an aspiring learner.  But a bad teacher can have a disastrously adverse effect.  Such may be the case in Nashville, Tenn. where Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall recently announced that he was partnering with the American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) to provide an instructor to lead a class called "Islam 101" that will be taught to correction officers and other prison staff.  The Davidson County Corrections Department has about 800 personnel and an inmate population that exceeds 2,000 offenders on any given day.  With a captive audience of that size, it is vitally important to know what is being taught and who is doing the teaching.  AMAC grew out of a project, called the "Muslim Rapid Response Team," which was initiated by the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC).  The rapid response team was formed to provide vocal opposition against an anti-terrorism bill being considered by the Tennessee Legislature.

Islam training manual used in prisons includes a section on waging a holy war.  A manual of Islam used in British prisons teaches inmates about jihad and 'incites' them to wage holy war, it has been claimed.  The Tarbiyah (Islamic study) programme has a section on holy war and advises that taking up arms against the enemies of Allah is 'one of the noblest acts'.  Shaeikh Musa Admani has called for it to be removed because it 'incites' violence and helps convicted terrorists manipulate younger inmates towards extremism.  And the Ministry of Justice has refused to release the document to MailOnline due to 'security concerns', despite the fact it has been available in prisons since 2011.  They said they are investigating the issue and will publish a 'summary document' when it has been revised.

Muslim prison chaplains 'encouraging murder of non-believers'.  Muslim prison chaplains have routinely distributed Islamist literature, according to a leaked report.  A review which started in September, commissioned by Justice Secretary Michael Gove, found extremist pamphlets and CDs in more than 10 jails in November.  The material included homophobic and misogynistic sentiments and encouraged the murder of apostates — Muslims who leave or reject the religion, according to the Times.  The report on what was found has not yet been cleared for publication.

Radical Islamists "Control" Some Maximum Security Prisons in Britain.  Islamist extremists are intimidating other inmates to convert to Islam and guards at Britain's most secure jail have "lost control" over the situation, reports London's Evening Standard.  Lawyer Rubert Pardoe recently told a judge at the Central Criminal Court of England and Wales that Islamist bullying was so severe that some prisoners at Thamesmead jail are kept in "lockdown" to protect them from the Muslim inmates.  "There is a sense that the prison authorities have lost control.  Many defendants in my client's situation are in total lockdown.  There's a degree of fear as to the need to conform to certain religious views in Belmarsh (prison)," Pardoe said.

Muslims make up just one in 20 Britons — but one in SEVEN prison inmates.  Friday morning in Wakefield Prison and Yusuf Rahim joins 60 other Muslim prisoners as they head to the jail's gym to say their prayers.  If nothing else, it is a chance to get out of his cell and take a break from the normal routine.  The same goes for the halal food the 47-year-old is served every mealtime — Rahim is particularly partial to the spicy vegetable curry — an improvement on the normal prison fare.  And there is one other advantage to his new-found religion.  Because, as one of Britain's most reviled murderers, he is banking on his Muslim 'brothers' providing him with some level of protection during his time inside.

One in five inmates in maximum security prisons is Muslim.  There are currently 5,885 highly dangerous criminals behind bars in the eight Category A prisons in the UK, of which 1,229 follow the Islamic faith.  The figure equates to 20 percent of high-security prisoners and, according to figures obtained by The Sun, is an increase of 23 percent from five years ago.

Gangster-turned-radical imam may have radicalized dozens behind bars.  Marcus Dwayne Robertson, a Muslim extremist also known as Imam Abu Taubah who once led a murderous New York gang dubbed "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" before resurfacing decades later as a radical imam at a Florida mosque, has been held at the John E. Polk Correctional Facility in Seminole County, Fla.  Currently imprisoned on a weapons conviction, he faces sentencing on June 26 for a tax fraud conviction.  Federal authorities want him locked up and kept away from other inmates out of fear he will turn them into dangerous jihadists, as he converted a number of fellow inmates including a white supremacist.

Imam Hired By DOJ To Teach Muslim Classes To Federal Prisoners.  An Egyptian-born imam who in 2007 said that Somali-born activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali should receive the death penalty for her criticism of Islam is now a Department of Justice contractor hired to teach classes to Muslims who are in federal prison.  According to federal spending records, Fouad ElBayly, the imam at Islamic Center of Johnstown in Pennsylvania, was contracted by the DOJ's Bureau of Prisons beginning last year to teach the classes to Muslim inmates at Cumberland Federal Correctional Institution in Cumberland, Md.  The records show that ElBayly has two contracts worth $12,900 to teach the classes and to provide the inmates "leadership and guidance."

Also posted under the one-sided separation of church and state.

Senators push Obama on prison radicalization.  [Sen. Susan] Collins and Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., both members of the Intelligence Committee, in late January wrote a letter to the Federal Bureau of Prisons inquiring about the protocols it's following to try to prevent prison radicalization.  "Two of the individuals responsible for the Paris terrorist attacks, Amedy Coulibaly and Cherif Kauachi, first met at the overcrowded Fleury-Merogis prison in France," they wrote.  "This fact underscores the importance of implementing effective efforts to prevent and counter radicalization of inmates at federal prisons in the United States."

Prisons are breeding grounds for jihadists.  Prisons have become recruitment and training centers for future jihadists.  It is an escalating crisis that is taking a toll, as Americans are murdered by those who convert to Islam in prison.  The rising influence of Islam in our prisons is due to a disproportionately high number of Muslims who are incarcerated, skyrocketing conversion rates, powerful Muslim gangs, the proliferation of Muslim chaplains, an uninformed prison power structure, and the outside influence of Islamic terror organizations.  Oh, and the fact that the FBI isn't allowed to say "Islam," "jihad," or target the very people who are trying to kill us as part of America's dangerous ride on the Dhimmi bandwagon.

U.S. Prisons Churning Out Thousands Of Radicalized Inmates.  Back in 2006, then FBI director Robert Mueller prophetically described the radical Islamist conversion machine operating throughout U.S. prisons, to a Senate committee.  He said that prisons were a "fertile ground" for Islamic extremists, and that they targeted inmates for introduction to the militant Wahhabi and Salafist strains of Islam.  The recent so-called "lone wolf" terrorist attacks in Oklahoma City, New York, and just over our northern border in the Canadian capital of Ottawa, may be the product of such radicalization.

Holder Early-Release Program Ignores Prison Islam.  Alton Nolen, who was arrested for beheading a co-worker and trying to behead another, converted to Islam while serving time on crack-cocaine charges.  Under the Justice Department's drug-sentencing reform, Nolen was eligible for early release.  He got out in 2013, serving just two years of a six-year sentence.  It's a tragic shame he wasn't locked up longer.  Will there be similar regrets after Justice springs thousands more like him from prison?  Count on it.

More Information Emerging About Oklahoma Terrorist.  Both authorities in More [sic], Oklahoma, and legions of social media watchers have been busy ferreting out information on the man accused of stabbing and beheading Colleen Hufford, a 54-year-old grandmother, at a food distribution warehouse.  The picture that is emerging of Alton Noel, who took the Islamic name Jah'Keem Yisrael, is of a violent criminal with no history of mental illness, who converted to Islam in prison and wished to bring Sharia law to America.

Breaking: Beheading Suspect Alton Nolen/Jah'Keem Yisrael Fired After Argument Over Stoning Women.  [Scroll down]  The [McCurtain] Gazette reports that Nolen has a long history with the local police department.  He has been arrested at least 10 times by Idabel police between 2004 and 2009, on "allegations ranging from assault, burglary, obstructing an officer, resisting arrest, drug possession, and larceny," among other unlisted charges.  Nolan's classmates state that he converted to Islam while in prison in 2011.  Records indicate he was incarcerated for, among other things, assaulting a police officer.

Oklahoma Beheading: Have Our Prisons Become Jihad Factories?  We don't know details yet of the murder of a woman at Vaughan Foods — an Oklahoma distribution center — by a co-worker, but we do know that it was a beheading and we do know the alleged suspect — Alton Nolen, 30 — was a new convert to Islam.  We also know that other workers at Vaughan say the suspect had tried to convert them to that religion.  Some MSM outlets are emphasizing that the suspect was recently fired (it's workplace violence, doncha know?), but the number of firings that lead to revenge beheadings is minuscule.  In fact, I don't know of any previous.  But we don't have to look too far back, not more than a day or two, to find a popular motivation for beheadings in general — jihad.

U.S. Militants Jailed For Internet Threats Are Still Posting From Prison.  American Islamist militants jailed for threatening violence over the Internet are still posting political writings on the Web — while serving time in federal prison.  Jesse Curtis Morton, a convert to Islam who writes under the name Younus Abdullah Muhammed, posted a lengthy tract opposing U.S. drone policy, on May 21, on [a] website that he launched in 2010.  Morton is serving a prison term of more than 11 years in a Pennsylvania federal prison after pleading guilty in 2012 to conspiring to solicit murder, make threatening communications and "use the Internet to place others in fear."

The Editor says...
There's nothing really newsworthy in the article above except this:  Apparently it is illegal (somewhere) to "use the Internet to place others in fear."  Really!  Pretty soon it will probably be illegal to use the Internet to make someone else sad or angry.  Free speech won't be destroyed overnight in one draconian swoop.  It will be chipped away in little pieces, based on emotional appeals, as illustrated in the article above, in the name of "homeland security."  Instead of restricting everyone's free speech, it would be far better to cut off the internet access in prisons.

CAIR pushes 'hijab friendly' policy in American prisons.  The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is working to make American prisons more "hijab-friendly," according to a report from Al Arabiya.  "I'm working on several pending cases in different states... and I'm in touch with an attorney for the Department of Justice's Office of Civil Rights," Nadhira al-Khalili, legal counsel for CAIR, told the Saudi-owned news outlet.  The goal for CAIR is to make the hijab a permissible, official staple of Muslim women's attire, including for photos, in prisons nationwide.

If the man is in solitary confinement, he should also be incommunicado.
Blind sheik's social media empire grows from behind bars.  The blind sheik, convicted of orchestrating the deadly World Trade Center bombing 20 years ago, has benefited from a sophisticated social media messaging machine despite serving life in prison in a solitary confinement cell in North Carolina.  And federal authorities can't do anything to stop Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman because his family is running the show on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and a website hosted in the United States — and there's nothing illegal in the content of the sites' messages.

American Taliban fighter wants group prayer behind bars.  Lawyers for American Taliban fighter John Walker Lindh asked a federal judge Wednesday to find the Federal Bureau of Prisons in contempt for not allowing Muslim inmates in a high-security Indiana prison unit to pray together five times a day, as required by their faith.

The Editor says...
This brings up a few questions:  If the government accomodates their wishes, will the "separation of church and state" people protest?  How many other religions are granted special privileges in prisons?  What's the Religion of Peace going to do if the prisoners don't get their way?

Aurora, Colo., theater shooter James Holmes converts to Islam.  The man who shot up an Aurora, Colo., movie theater during a screening of "The Dark Knight Rises" last summer has reportedly converted to Islam and prays up to five times a day.  A prison sourcesay the beard James Holmes sported in court last months represents his new-found faith.

Judge OKs group prayers for Muslim inmates in Indiana.  John Walker Lindh, known as the "American Taliban," and other Muslims housed in an Indiana prison have the right to congregate for daily group prayer sessions, a federal judge ruled on Friday [1/11/2013].

Justice to Probe Farrakhan Hate Sermons Available in Prisons.  The Justice Department's Bureau of Prisons is probing so-called "hate sermons" from Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, available to most federal inmates, to see if they radicalize prisoners or even turn them into terrorists.

Congressmen call on Bureau of Prisons to remove inflammatory Islamic texts.  In an attempt to stem the tide of radicalization in American prisons, Tuesday [7/5/2011] Rep. Frank Wolf and Rep. Peter King called on the U.S. Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to remove "inflammatory written, audio and video materials produced by the 'Nation of Islam' and Louis Farrakhan," and examine all the other Islamic materials circulating in their facilities.  The pair further asked for an audit of the manner in which texts are vetted prior to providing them to inmates.

Jailhouse Muslim Radicalization.  [Scroll down]  Among the expert witnesses was Kevin Smith, who has been a local and federal prosecutor since the mid-1990s and worked in the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Central District of California.  He was instrumental in breaking up and prosecuting the radical group Jam'iyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheeh (JIS).  Smith explained how prisoners in a Folsom, Calif., prison radicalized, organized and carried out crimes in the name of Islam.

Law Enforcement Officials at King Hearing Claim Radical Islam Infiltrating U.S. Prisons.  The first round of King's hearings on domestic threats in March drew passionate protests, and the hearing Wednesday [6/15/2011] on radicalization in U.S. prisons drew similar objections.  Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., the top Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee, said at the opening of the hearing that the threat of terrorism from U.S. converts in prison is "small."  "There are other threats to be concerned about," Thompson said.

LAPD Dep. Chief Downing: 'We should not demonize the Muslim Brotherhood'.  Tomorrow [6/15/2011] the House Homeland Security Committee will be holding a hearing on "The Threat of Muslim-American Radicalization in U.S. Prisons," chaired by Rep. Peter King.  One of those testifying is LAPD Deputy Chief Michael Downing, the commander of the LAPD's Counterterrorism and Special Operations Bureau.

Islamic Radicalization in Prison Poses Homeland Security Threat.  Finding religion in prison brings comfort to many but can it lead to deadly consequences of mass proportions?  That's what Rep. Peter King (R-NY) will examine when his House Homeland Security Committee convenes on Wednesday [6/15/2011] for the second in a series of hearings on the radicalization of Muslim Americans and homegrown terrorism.

Judge dismisses suit over inmate's sausage scrambler.  A judge has dismissed a lawsuit accusing the Lancaster County jail of serving a Muslim inmate pork while he was awaiting trial on a drug charge.  Dario Scott, 48, pleaded guilty to the cocaine charge and is serving three to five years in the Community Corrections Center, a state-run prison in Lincoln.  In a lawsuit filed in October, Scott said staff at the Lancaster Correctional Facility served him a sausage and cheese scrambler with pork in it, despite assurances the jail's kitchen didn't serve pork, which Muslims often refrain from eating.

The 9th Anniversary of 9/11 Begs An In-Depth Examination Of The Koran.  If there were passages in the New Testament that exhorted Catholics to overthrow the government and establish one that would be subject to the Pope, the ACLU would be hell bent to remove the Church from the tax-exempt rolls.  The FBI would be looking into charges of treason and sedition.  If chaplains were found trying to recruit prisoners for a Holy War, they'd be banned, yet imams are successfully recruiting American jihadists through the prison system and are allowed to do so.  This is insane.

Mike Tyson goes on Mecca pilgrimage.  Former boxing champion Mike Tyson, who converted to Islam while in jail in the 1990s, is visiting the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina on pilgrimage.

Homegrown Islamic Jihad in the Bronx.  Four African-American converts to Islam, all of whom converted to Islam in prison, have been arrested by the FBI just as they attempted to bomb two Riverdale synagogues, (the Riverdale Jewish Center and the Riverdale Temple), in the Bronx and a New York National Guard air base in Newburgh, New York where they lived and attended a mosque.  Why do I begin by clearly stating the race and religion of the terrorists?  Because the liberal mainstream media refuses to do so, or buries such facts on its back pages.

Muslim inmates at Rawlins accommodated.  The Wyoming Department of Corrections says it will allow Muslim inmates at the state penitentiary in Rawlins to time their meals to accommodate their daily prayers.  The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit earlier this year on behalf of two Muslim inmates.

Little Rock Shooting Suspect Joins Growing List of Muslim Converts Accused of Targeting U.S..  The suspect in the deadly shooting at a military recruiting center in Arkansas is the latest in a series of Muslim converts accused of planning or launching violent attacks in the U.S., part of what security experts call an alarming domestic trend.  The attack came less than two weeks after a foiled bomb plot on two synagogues in Riverdale, N.Y., allegedly led by four men who converted to Islam in prison or shortly after their incarceration.

Muslim Fanatics Hijack British Prison.  Muslim prisoners have launched a reign of terror inside a top security British jail.  The fanatics are forcing fellow inmates to convert to Islam or face punishment beatings.  One man who stood up to the thugs was branded with a lump of hot metal, according to a prison source.  The crisis at Whitemoor jail in Cambridgeshire has led to calls by staff for the 100 Muslim inmates there to be dispersed to other prisons round the country.

Black Racists Recruited to Guide the Jihad.  The prison, as the last bastion of racism and racial separatism, has become a prime recruitment center for radical Islam.  Al Qaeda training manuals found by U.S. troops in Afghanistan reveal that America's black prisoners, who constitute nearly half of the nation's two million inmates, are viewed by terrorists as a potentially bountiful source of new jihadi recruits.

Radical Islam Behind Bars:  Federal, state, county, and city prison officials have wrestled since the horror of 9/11 with the presence of radical Muslim chaplains in our country's correctional systems.  To the shock of most Americans, when they hear about it, missionaries of the ultrafundamentalist Wahhabi sect, financed by Saudi Arabia and supporting terrorism, have a monopoly on Muslim chaplaincies behind bars.

America's Prisons:  Breeding Grounds for Muslim Converts.  As controls in the US on the access of outside Imams to prisoners have tightened, the problem of Islamist radicalization in US prisons is one that involves much more self-radicalization.  This seems to be especially the case amongst certain segments of the African-American inmate population that has converted to Islam while in prison.  It is notable that one of the more serious Jihadist terrorist plots, uncovered in Los Angeles by local law enforcement and the FBI, involved just such individuals.

Wahhabism in the Big House:  While some Muslim advocacy groups deny that extremist indoctrination is occurring in prisons, the evidence continues to mount. Muktar Said Ibrahim, arrested in the attempted bombing of London's Underground on July 21, reportedly converted to Islam while incarcerated, as did attempted shoe bomber Richard Reid before him.

Jailhouse Blues:  The New Islam Remains The Same Old Islam.  Give credit to the Council on American Islamic Relations, the American Muslim Council and other members of the American Muslim disinformation lobby for using generous donations from foreign lands to package a sanitized version of Islam as peaceful and tolerant.  But their fantasy Islam collides with the truth about life inside those countries where the religion is dominant.

Why Islam Attracts Criminals:  What exactly is it that makes people such as suspected "dirty bomber" Abdullah al Muhajir turn to Islamic extremism?  According to sociologists of religion and theologians, it is the search for security and structure in their lives.

Islamist radicals in prison:  How many?  The radicalization and recruitment of terrorists in US prisons present a threat of "unknown magnitude," according to national security experts.  That's prompted leading analysts to call on Congress to set up a national commission to study the spread of radical ideologies in America's correctional systems.

The Editor says...
There's not a lot of correction being done in the "correctional systems", and there's not much penitence in the penitentiaries.

Ex-Convicts Plead Guilty in Plotting Attacks on Military Sites.  Two men accused of plotting behind prison walls to launch attacks on military sites, synagogues and other targets in 2005 pleaded guilty Friday [12/14/2007] to conspiring to wage war against the United States.  Kevin James, 31, and Levar Haley Washington, 28, both pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy charges.  Authorities say James, Washington and two others were part of a California prison gang cell of radical Muslims planning attacks in the Los Angeles area.

Spewing Poison in America's Prisons:  Not long ago, an ex-con named Umar Abdul-Jalil gave a speech in which he said the "greatest terrorists in the world occupy the White House," and that the "Zionists of the media" should not be dictating "what Islam is to us."  That was bad enough, but what was worse was the fact that Jalil is the chief Islamic chaplain in the New York City Department of Corrections.  After his comments became public, he was suspended from his job.  But New York's Mayor Bloomberg refused to dismiss him, claiming that his right to free speech covered such explosive comments.

London Prison Changes Direction of Toilets in Respect to Islamic Law.  Toilets in one London prison are getting a face-lift — or rather, a change in direction — to accommodate Muslim inmates who can't use them while facing Mecca, a British newspaper reported.

The Editor says...
A prison is not a hotel.  Sometimes things don't go your way in prison.  In my opinion, the inmates are very fortunate if they can determine which way is north, or whether the sun is shining outdoors.

Concern Grows Over Prison Islam Converts.  Recent arrests have focused attention on a potential terrorism danger that federal officials have been warning about — that inmates in state prison systems are particularly susceptible to radical Islamist ideology.

Primary Sources:  The U.S. prison system as a terrorist university.  Despite recent cautionary examples like Jose Padilla, who is believed to have been radicalized in prison before allegedly plotting to detonate a dirty bomb (the shoe bomber Richard Reid is thought to have been similarly radicalized in a British prison), the Justice Department reports that safeguards against religious extremism in federal prisons are still remarkably lax.

The Wrong Kind of Prison Fellowship:  In August, law enforcement officials foiled a Jihadist plot to attack a synagogue and military recruitment center in Los Angeles.  What made the plot especially disturbing wasn't only the nationality of the organizers — they were native-born Americans of non Middle-Eastern descent — but where the plot was hatched:  inside Folsom prison.

U.S. prisons becoming Islam battleground.  While prison chaplains of various denominations argue that Islam offers a spiritual path to rehabilitation, others say it has the potential to turn felons into terrorists.  The FBI calls prisons "fertile ground for extremists."

Muslim inmate wins court fight.  A federal judge has ordered prison officials to allow a Muslim inmate to be fed an appropriate diet and to wear a headpiece consistent with Islamic teachings.

Criminals Recruited for "Islamic Army" in America:  Islam is gaining an impressive number of American converts in prisons, almost all African-Americans, but political correctness has inhibited investigative reporting on the phenomenon.  Less than 12 percent of American Muslims are of Arab descent.  Native-born African-Americans account for roughly 42 percent, and immigrants from south Asia 24 percent.  The others came to the U.S. from more than 100 countries.

Plot renews fears of radical Islam in US prison.  The arrest of four Muslim ex-convicts in an alleged homegrown terror plot in the Bronx is renewing fears about the spread of Islamic extremism in the nation's prisons.  At least two of the four men suspected of plotting to bomb synagogues and shoot down military airplanes converted to Islam behind bars.  The alleged mastermind is also a convert, and the fourth man identified himself as a Muslim when he entered prison.

Radicals in Our Prisons.  Amid all the shocking details in the disrupted plot to bomb Bronx synagogues and fire missiles at American military aircraft, one component of the case should come as no surprise — three of the alleged culprits converted to radical Islam in prison.

Black Anti-Semites Recruited to Islam.  My friend Phyllis Chesler has written a column about the recruitment of black anti-Semites in prison.  The Black Muslim movement in America was racist and anti-Semitic in its origins and in no small measure began there — legitimizing of Jew hatred in the American mainstream after it had been driven under a rock in the post-WW II era.  Because blacks were victims they could (and still can) get away with hate speech thatothers could not.  Now Muslims have made a remarkably successful bid for the same kind of racist privilege.

We mustn't hurt their feelings, after all.
Muslim prisoners get their own cells after sharing row.  A prison has agreed to give Muslims their own cells after they complained about sharing with other inmates.  They were said to be unhappy at praying and eating near non-Muslims at Birmingham's Winson Green jail.  It is thought to be the first time inmates have been segregated by religion.  Prison bosses have decided to place them with other Muslims, or give them single cells when space is available.

Muslim inmates sue over prayers.  Two Muslim inmates held in a special unit at the federal prison in Terre Haute say they aren't allowed to pray in groups as often as their religion commands and have asked a federal judge to ease limitations on worship imposed by the Bureau of Prisons.

The Editor says...
Did their religion command them to do the things that sent them to the penitentiary?

FBI:  Radical Islamist Group Ruled by Inmate in "Supermax" Jail.  [Scroll down]  In this case, not only did a domestic Islamic terrorist organization arise from within the walls of our prison system, but the "Supermax" facility currently serves as the headquarters for this radical group.  It appears FBI Director Robert Mueller's "relevant concerns" about bringing Gitmo's terrorists to the United States are not so far-fetched after all.  So far as we know, no terror cells are currently being run from inside Guantanamo.

Department of Justice Press Release:  [Luqman Ameen] Abdullah was the leader of part of a group which calls themselves Ummah ("the brotherhood"), a group of mostly African-American converts to Islam, which seeks to establish a separate Sharia-law governed state within the United States.  The Ummah is ruled by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rapp Brown, who is serving a state sentence in USP Florence, CO, ADMAX, for the murder of two police officers in Georgia.

The Detroit 'Ummah' and Radical Islam in America.  Full details about the FBI's arrest in Detroit yesterday [10/29/2009] of a group of radical Muslims, during which their leader was killed in a shootout, are yet to become available, and it is too early to judge the real significance of these events.  Nonetheless, what we already know is sufficient to make some general observations on the growing threat that homegrown radical Islam poses to America.

Muslims call for justice at funeral for lslamic leader.  Muslim leaders called for justice today at the funeral of Luqman Ameen Abdullah, the Islamic leader killed by FBI agents this week during a shootout in Dearborn.  "We are looking for justice," said Imam Mohammed Elahi of the Islamic House of Wisdom to a packed crowd that spilled outside.  "The closest road to Allah is justice.  May Allah bless his soul." Elahi said.  "Allah Akbar," God is great, the packed crowd said at times during the funeral.

The Editor says...
The Muslims will get justice soon enough.  It may be tonight or tomorrow, or it may be another 500 years, but it's coming, and they're not going to like it.

Dearborn Shoot-Out Opens a Window into Homegrown Terror.  "We're not any fake terrorists, we're the real terrorists," Abdullah (aka Christopher Thomas) once bragged to an undercover informant, according to an FBI affidavit.  Abdullah, 53, was a disciple of none other than H. Rap Brown.  If you ever wondered what had become of the'60s Black Panther leader, well, he converted to Islam while in prison in the 1970s.  And he apparently has not changed his mind about what he'd like to do to America.

The Rise of the Ignoramus Jihadist.  Typical of this putative class of terrorist is "shoe bomber" Richard Reid.  A petty criminal who was arrested in his teens for assaulting an elderly woman, and who was in and out of prison for most his adult life, Reid considered himself a victim of racism.  He was thus promising material for conversion to Islam:  the Jihadists love to glom onto disaffected and benighted losers to do their dirty work.

The Nation of Islam

Nation of Islam Looks to UFOs to Save the World.  The Nation of Islam was founded in 1930 in Detroit by a former clothing salesman, Wallace Dodd Fard (Muhammad later added to his name), a minister whose followers believed was the personification of God on Earth.  His student and successor, Elijah Poole (who later became Elijah Muhammad), referred to Fard as a spokesman of God or Allah.  NOI followers believe they originate from a lost nation of African descent who were captured and exploited into slavery by white oppressors referred to as "devils."  It fell to the hands of Fard and then Poole to lead African-Americans into a new self-awareness and self-independence.  This black nationalism, aimed at raising the stature of African-Americans, found a new leader in Louis Farrakhan in 1981.

Farrakhan In His Own Words.

The Anti-Semitic Religion.  The Nation of Islam (NOI) was founded in 1930 by Wallace Fard Mohammad.  Oddly, offical FBI records claim that this Wallace Fard Mohammad may have been a white man.  The legends and fabrications concerning this man are too numerous to recount fully, but what is clear is that he was not black.  Yet, anger at racism and racist laws drove many blacks to his preaching, and within time, there came about the Nation of Islam with its ridiculous theology.  The origin mythos of the Nation of Islam is beyond bizarre.  The NOI claims that over six thousand years ago, an evil black scientist created the white man, by a process of selective breeding which they call grafting. [...] In time, some members of the Nation of Islam (NOI) tried to reform, bringing the NOI into line with Sunni Islam.  The NOI was disbanded... for a while.  However, Louis Farrakhan rejected the reforms, trying to keep to the initial idiocy, and rebuilt the NOI back on its original schizoid beliefs.  In 1985, Farrakhan claimed that he took a visit to the Mother Plane (or wheel, depending on the version of the story) where he got some spiritual insight for the future.  Boiled down to its basics, the belief is that evil was created by a Jew named Yakub (Jacob).  Run that up through a black community — where some members are uneducated — and you get a conflation that the real Jews are black, that white Jews are imposters.  And you have Farrakhan pushing the myth that Jews controlled the slave trade, when the real chief culprits of black slavery were Muslim Arabs.

A Problem Like Keith Ellison.  Ellison is the first Muslim elected to the House, and he complains that the recent spate of criticism directed at him is rooted in — ridiculous word — Islamophobia.  But there is a bit more to it than that.  Ellison has long been a vocal defender of the so-called Nation of Islam, the bow-tie gang founded by Elijah Muhammad whose relationship to orthodox Islam is approximately that of a UFO cult to the Anglican communion.  The NOI and its charismatic leader, the former calypso musician Louis Farrakhan, is an explicitly racist organization, holding as a matter of doctrine that the white race is the result of a doomed mad-science experiment conducted by the biblical Jacob while he was living on the isle of Patmos.  Farrakhan is a true religious entrepreneur who has attempted to graft L. Ron Hubbard's fanciful "Dianetics" onto his own cracked version of Islam, but he has mostly relied on a very old and reliable tradition:  Jew-hating.

The Ten Most Hateful Americans and Why they Matter.  [#10] Louis Farrakhan — Even the progressive hate group called The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies Farrakhan's virulently racist, homophobic, anti-American and anti-Semitic Nation of Islam (NOI) as a hate group and black separatist organization.  As the leader of NOI, Farrakhan has preached the organization's theology that blacks are superior to whites, that whites were created 6,600 years ago as a "race of devils" by an evil black scientist named Yakub and that "white people deserve to die."  Farrakhan accused Jews of being involved in the September 11 attacks.  In a speech this year, Farrakhan described "the powerful Jews" as his enemy.

Mark Levin exposes 'the scandal no one is talking about'.  My hat is off to Mark Levin for his opening statement in Sunday's [3/12/2023] edition of Life, Liberty and Levin.  While Mark's show is always worth watching, this particular segment is clearly in the must-see category for anyone concerned about the totalitarian turn Democrat party (the world's oldest political party) has taken.  Mark exposed, with video excerpts, the appalling Jew-hatred visible in Louis Farrakhan's February 26 "Savior's Day" rally in Chicago.  The media have almost completely ignored the rally, which is itself a scandal.  This is a rally that Ticketmaster had no scruples, no second thoughts, about enabling (and profiting off of) by selling tickets for it online.

Elijah Mohammed street-naming: Just when you think the NYC Council couldn't go any lower.  Just when you think the City Council couldn't go lower, along comes Councilmember Kristin Jordan-Richardson looking to rename a Harlem street after Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad, who promoted an odd mixture of black nationalism, "black capitalism" and black separatism.  And in the most pernicious of ironies, KJR proposes "The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad Way" for the corner of West 127th Street and Malcolm X Boulevard.  Speculation continues to this day about Mohammad's involvement in the 1965 assassination of Malcolm X, who'd broken fully and public with the NOI not long before — in part over credible accusations against Mohammad of sex with underaged girls and adulterous activities with multiple women in the sect.

The Editor says...
Here is a rule of thumb, which I think I heard from Rush Limbaugh:  in any city that has a street called "Malcolm X Boulevard," that's the most dangerous street in town; especially at the corner where it intersects Martin Luther King Boulevard.

Afro-Idealism in Black History Month and January 6.  The false hagiography of Malcolm X — imagining him as the afro-pessimist ideal — committed to a violent confrontation with America continues to be promoted by our intellectual culture.  ABC News is running a documentary, Xonerated:  The Murder of Malcolm X and 55 Years to Justice, designed to encourage viewers to see Malcolm X as a martyred afro-pessimist.  This vision is historically inaccurate and betrays the reality that by 1964, Malcolm X had left the Nation of Islam because he was aware of its corrupt underpinnings and violent pathologies.  In February of 1965, Malcolm X was assassinated by NOI sympathizer and supporter Thomas Hagan because of anger regarding his departure from the NOI.  Malcolm X confided to his friend James Farmer, Jr. that he left the group but was afraid of violent threats against him from the NOI.  He emphasized this again in his last public speech on Valentine's Day 1965 in Detroit.  This false hagiography played an important role in the violence at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.  An important voice and advocate for that violence was an activist named Jaden X, AKA John Sullivan.

Nation of Islam Calls Supporter Who Assaulted U.S. Capitol 'Brother With Such Great Potential'.  The Nation of Islam said it is investigating what caused one of its followers to stage a deadly assault against U.S. Capitol police last week, calling the deceased attacker a "brother with such great potential" who could have been a "star in the mission of the resurrection of our people."  The group distanced itself from the attack by its supporter Noah Green, saying it "absolutely disavow[s] this act that resulted in the senseless loss of life," and indicated that it was looking into a number of potential explanations for "what caused this" — including mental illness, depression, Green's own claims that his food was being poisoned, and that he was under "mind control."  "I am sure, had [Green] been blessed to come through the crisis that he was going through, he would have been a star in the mission of the resurrection of our people," said Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.  "We need to know what happened to our brother."

Nation of Islam mourns 'brother' Noah Green who died while killing Capitol cop.  Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said the group is mourning its "brother" who died assaulting Capitol cops last week — saying the cop killer could have been a future "star" for the movement.  In a statement Tuesday [4/6/2021], the Nation of Islam confirmed that Noah Green, 25, was studying to become a full member — but blamed "potential mental illness" for him plowing a car into two Capitol cops and then jumping out with a knife on Friday.  "I am sure, had he been blessed to come through the crisis that he was going through, he would have been a star in the mission of the resurrection of our people," Farrakhan said in the statement.  "We need to know what happened to our brother," he said.

NBC: Man who attacked police at Capitol, killing one, referenced Nation of Islam on Facebook.  Police identify the man who ran down with a car and killed a Capitol Police officer as Noah Green, a 25-year old man who reportedly referenced followings of a radical Muslim group, the Nation of Islam, on his Facebook page.  That's according to NBC News.  It is not known whether there was a racial motive in the attack by the suspect, who is black, against officer Billy Evans, who is white; or if anti-police sentiment was a motive.  A second police officer was injured in the attack on Friday [4/2/2021].  Police say law enforcement officials shot Green after he hit the officers in his car, crashed his car into a barricade, jumped out with a knife, and lunged at them.  Green later died of his injuries.

Facebook Quickly Scrubs Capitol Assailant's Facebook Page Praising Farrakhan As Jesus.  Facebook quickly removed self-described "follower of Farrakhan" Noah Green's profile page shortly after media identified him Friday as the assailant who was shot dead after driving into U.S. Capitol Police officers and lunging at them with a knife.  Describing himself on the since-deleted page as a follower of the Nation of Islam, the 25-year-old Green effusively praised the radical Farrakhan and his predecessor, Elijah Muhammad, as incarnations of Jesus Christ whose teachings changed his life.  Explaining the social media's company's reason for the deletion, a spokesperson for Facebook told The Daily Wire:  "After this horrific event, our thoughts are with the Capitol Police and their loved ones.  We have designated the incident under our Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy, which means we have removed the suspect's accounts from Facebook and Instagram, and are removing any content that praises, supports, or represents the attack or the suspect.  We are in contact with law enforcement as they conduct their investigation."

Facebook removes account of Capitol attack suspect and 'Follower of Farrakhan'.  Facebook removed the account of the person identified as the deceased suspect in Friday's attack outside the U.S. Capitol, which killed one U.S. Capitol Police officer and injured at least one more.  Noah Green, said to be a 25-year-old from Indiana, described himself as a "Follower of Farrakhan" and vocal member of the Nation of Islam.  Authorities are investigating the attack and have not yet announced a motive.  Green was identified by numerous news outlets as the man who law enforcement officials say rammed his car into at least two members of the Capitol Police, smashed the vehicle into a barricade on Constitution Avenue, jumped out wielding a knife, and was shot and killed by police.  All three were taken to a hospital.

Prominent Democrats' Farrakhan ties resurface after Capitol attacker revealed as Nation of Islam follower.  Several prominent Democrats are likely to face renewed questions over their ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan after the suspect in Friday's Capitol attack, which left a police officer dead, was revealed to be a Nation of Islam adherent.  The deceased suspect, Noah Green, included photos and videos of Nation of Islam rallies on his Facebook page and identified himself on the page as a "Follower of Farrakhan."  Green praised Farrakhan, an outspoken anti-Semite, as "Jesus" and former NOI leader Elijah Muhammad as "the exalted Christ."  The most recent post on Green's Facebook page was a YouTube video of a 2009 Louis Farrakhan speech titled, "The Crucifixion of Michael Jackson."  In it, the Nation of Islam leader said Jesus was not the Messiah and called Christian theology a lie.

Pictured: Capitol cop and the knife-wielding 'Nation of Islam' follower, 25, who mowed him down.  The knife-wielding suspect who mowed down two Capitol police officers, killing one and leaving the other critically injured, before being shot dead has now been identified as a 25-year-old Nation of Islam follower.  Noah Green, 25, who described himself as a 'Follower of Farrakhan' and said the federal government was targeting him with mind control on his now-removed Facebook page, was identified by NBC and the New York Post as the perpetrator behind the deadly attack at the US Capitol Friday.  Green allegedly killed Capitol Police Officer Billy Evans, an 18-year veteran of the force, after mowing him and another unidentified officer down with his blue Nissan Altima. [...] Posts on Green's now-removed social media accounts spoke of conspiracies that the FBI and CIA were poisoning him, subjecting him to unauthorized operations and targeting him with 'mind control'.  In one post — just two hours before the attack — Green called the federal government the '#1 enemy of Black people'.  Green also wrote several posts heaping praise on Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan for saving him and describing him as 'Jesus, the Messiah' and his 'spiritual father.'

DC Police Say Muslim Attack with a Vehicle and Knife on Police by Farrakhan Supporter Noah Green on Good Friday Does Not Appear to be Terrorism.  One Capitol Police officer died and another was injured after a suspect rammed a vehicle into a police barricade outside the Capitol building Friday [4/2/2021] afternoon and exited his vehicle with a knife.  The killer, later identified as Noah Green, was shot dead by police at the scene.  Noah Green is a devout Muslim and follower of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.  He recently was given an award from the Nation of Islam.  Noah Green committed this terrorist attack on Good Friday, one of the holiest days on the Christian calendar.

Noah Green: 5 Fast Facts.  Noah Green, a former college football player and Nation of Islam adherent, was named as the knife-wielding, now-deceased suspect who rammed a car into a U.S. Capitol barricade, exiting with a knife and killing one Capitol police officer while injuring another.  Green's Nation of Islam beliefs emerged through a review of his now-deleted Facebook page by Heavy, although police have not specified a motive and say they don't believe the attack was terrorism-related.  On Facebook, as recently as March 2021, the suspect expressed admiration for Elijah Muhammad, the now-deceased Nation of Islam leader who was a mentor to Malcolm X.  Green referred to himself as "Noah X." [...] He wrote that "my faith is one of the only things that has been able to carry me through these times and my faith is centered on the belief of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as Jesus, the Messiah, the final divine reminder in our midst."

Nation Of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan Calls The Vaccine 'Toxic Waste,' Refers To White People As 'Crackers'.  Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan advised his followers against coronavirus vaccination in a speech Saturday [12/12/2020], calling the breakthrough vaccine "toxic waste" that would harm the black community.  Farrakhan, 87, also sprinkled several anti-white pejoratives throughout his 70-minute speech, referring to white people as "crackers" and "devils."  "We are so frightened over this Covid, now they're getting us ready for this vaccine," Farrakhan said at a virtual event for the National Afrikan/Black Leadership Summit.  "How could you allow him to stick a needle into you, saying he's helping you?"

Blacks Should Choose Their Heroes More Carefully.  Louis Farrakhan is a black racist who has clearly stated his hatred for Jews and all Whites, yet the race-baiters pretend he is a gentleman with whom one can have dinner and a polite conversation.  And hypocrites in the media refuse to hold white and black liberals to account for their close association with Screwy Louie.  He's called Screwy Louie because of his insistence that he is constantly protected by a vast flying object and scores of smaller flying saucers.  Why would any thinking black or white person consider that nut case a hero?

Confederate Monuments:  The Problem With Politically Correct History.  Malcolm X, as a member of the Nation of Islam, preached anti-Semitism and called the white man a "devil."  After the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Malcolm X dismissed the murder as a case of "the chickens coming home to roost." [...] But Malcolm X changed.  He visited Mecca, where he saw people of all colors worshipping together.  It changed the way he thought.  He repudiated his anger toward whites after discovering that people were more similar than they were different.  He renounced the racist ideology of the Nation of Islam, and in doing so knowingly signed his own death warrant.  He was assassinated by members of the Nation of Islam.

Fox 'Soul' Network to Air Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan July 4.  The new Fox 'Soul' network has announced that it will air Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan's "Message to America" on a special July 4th program, despite his history of racism, antisemitism, and homophobia. [...] Farrakhan's history of hateful rhetoric is well-documented.  In 2018, he compared Jews to termites.  That same year, he drew criticism for defending the use of the phrase "death to America" during a conversation with students in Iran.

Nation of Islam's Farrakhan Booked, then Canceled, on 'Fox Soul' for July 4.  Fox Soul, a streaming TV channel launched earlier this year by 20th Century Fox, announced it would feature a speech by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan on the Fourth of July.  A flood of influencers, political leaders, and even CNN media personalities took to Twitter to express their shock and denounce the programming.  Those calling on the channel to cancel the program by the notorious antisemite Farrakhan included The Simon Wiesenthal Center, CNN's Jake Tapper and ADL's Jonathan Greenblatt, among others.  [Tweets]  The network quickly responded and canceled the program.

Nation of Islam Provided Security for George Floyd Funeral.  The Nation of Islam, a radical, racist, antisemitic and homophobic hate group, provided security for the funeral of George Floyd at the Fountain of Praise Church in Houston, Texas on Tuesday [6/9/2020], according to Rev. Remus Wright. [...] The Nation of Islam is led by Louis Farrakhan, whom the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) describes as America's "leading antisemite."

Can Anti-Semitic Attacks In New York Be Traced To The Nation Of Islam?  The media finally seems to be paying attention to the wave of anti-Semitic attacks in the New York area, after the sheer number and violence of those attacks peaked last month.  But while the media is beginning to acknowledge a pattern it hasn't been willing to speculate about the source of the problem.  On the contrary, a piece published Monday at Haaretz made a sustained argument that we just don't have enough data at this point to draw conclusions: [...] Don't draw conclusions because we don't know enough.  That's generally good advice but it strikes me that we don't see the media hesitate much when the attacker can be linked with white supremacy.  In that case, the cause and possible solutions become fodder for days.

Cardinal Blase Cupich Apologizes to Jewish Community After Louis Farrakhan Speech.  Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich has condemned what he called anti-Semitic statements made by Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan at a Roman Catholic church on the city's south side.  He also rebuked Catholic priest the Rev. Michael Pfleger for inviting Farrakhan to speak without consulting Cupich.  "Minister Farrakhan could have taken the opportunity to deliver a unifying message of God's love for all his children," Cupich said in a statement.  "Instead, he repeated smeared the Jewish people, using a combination of thinly veiled discriminatory rhetoric and outright slander.

Former Obama Friend, Catholic Priest Invites Louis Farrakhan to Speak at Church.  A radical Catholic priest and former adviser to Barack Obama invited Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan to speak at his Chicago parish.  Farrakhan was kicked off Facebook last week for his long history of hateful comments, including denouncing "wicked Jews."  In response, Father Michael Pfleger invited Farrakhan to speak at St. Sabina Church on Thursday [5/9/2019] to defend himself from charges of anti-Semitism.  "I have been and always will be a defender of free speech as I believe we must all continue to defend," Pfleger told a local news station after the event.

Farrakhan rails against 'Satanic Jews' in wake of 'Facebook jail'.  Louis Farrakhan spoke at a Catholic church Thursday night [5/9/2019] in the wake of his Facebook ban and denied that he hates Jewish people while ranting about "Satanic Jews."  The Nation of Islam leader spoke at the controversial St. Sabina Church on Chicago's South Side, where he claimed to not be a preacher of hatred while castigating those who he said did not follow "God's word."

The Media Has Decided That Louis Farrakhan Is A Far-Right Extremist Now.  Louis Farrakhan has been banned from by Facebook's network of social media, along with Alex Jones, InfoWars, and Milo Yiannopolis.  The ban has presented the media with the new and exciting opportunity to re-write history and present Farrakhan as being a problematic member of the right. [...] I am wondering what definition of "right wing" the Washington Post is using here, because the "right wing" has spent a lot of time pointing out just how many Democrats love to pose with and praise Farrakhan.  Do Linda Sarsour and Ilhan Omar know they've been rubbing shoulders with a notorious, right-wing extremist?

Louis Farrakhan Is Not a Fringe Lunatic; He Is Dangerous.  Louis Farrakhan believes himself to be the sole advocate and leader of black people in the US, and even on a global scale.  Unlike many radical or reactionary leaders, he's very articulate and probably the most charismatic of them all.  His manner of speech is very attractive, intelligible, eloquent, and intriguing.  It's easy to see how black people from all walks of life could get hooked by his words.  Additionally, Farrakhan is very relatable:  He was raised by a single mother, and doesn't know much about his father, and he and his family struggled financially while he was growing up.  He's also very talented; he's an excellent violinist and doesn't have a bad voice.  Over the years, Farrakhan would speak to African-American crowds without a filter, letting them know that it's OK to hate, especially if their hatred is directed at the white man and Jews.  Regarding the Jews, his mad obsession is very plain.

Newsweek's 'Who Is Louis Farrakhan?' Story Originally Failed to Mention Anti-Semitism.  Newsweek failed to mention Louis Farrakhan's extensive history of anti-Semitism in a story published Thursday [4/11/2019] about his involvement with the funeral processions for the late rapper Nipsey Hussle.  Newsweek subsequently decided to add the missing detail to their piece after The Daily Caller reached out to them about it.

Farrakhan tells Chicago:  I am Jesus, I am the Messiah.  Louis Farrakhan told a crowd in Chicago in February that he is Jesus, the Messiah.  "God does not love this world," he said in his Nation of Islam Saviour's Day keynote address.  "God never sent Jesus to die for this world.  Jesus died because he was 2,000 years too soon to bring about the end of the civilization of the Jews.  He never was on a cross, there was no Calvary for that Jesus."  Farrakhan went on to claim that he is the real son of God, sent to save the world.

When is Nancy Pelosi going to rid the House Foreign Relations Committee of Ilhan Omar?  Making herself Louis Farrakhan's "sweetheart" as he put it, Rep. Ilhan Omar isn't going anywhere with the apologies on her third incident of anti-semitism.  Farrakhan, you recall, didn't want Omar, whom he called "sweetheart" to apologize for those, and sure enough, she's not apologizing.  What I see instead in the miasma of tweets on Twitter, is a bid to deflect attention, with she and her supporters attempting to present the "narrative" of Omar as the "real victim," calling attention to a few bad actors, some anonymous, who've made threats against her and drawn a negative reaction and lawmen looking for them.  Omar's anti-Semitism, however, is being permitted to stand.

The Women's March, Farrakhan, and Black Anti-Semitism.  Last month on "The View," Meghan McCain confronted women's march co-president Tamika Mallory over her relationship with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.  Mallory had attended Farrakhan's recent "Saviour's Day" sermon.  Mallory also posted a photo on Facebook of Farrakhan with his arm around her shoulder.  Mallory captioned it, "Thank God this man is alive and doing well.  He is definitely the GOAT.  Happy Birthday @louisfarrakhan!"

Rashida Tlaib wrote column for Louis Farrakhan publication in 2006.  Freshman Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib once wrote a column for the Final Call, an official publication of the Nation of Islam and its notorious leader Louis Farrakhan.  Tlaib, a Palestinian American, has been facing criticism ever since her arrival in Congress and promise to impeach President Trump using profane language.  She later came under bipartisan criticism from Jewish groups for appearing with radical anti-Israel activists during her swearing in ceremony in Michigan, with some activists previously praising terror group Hezbollah and Palestinian terrorists, and saying that Israel has no right to exist.

Farrakhan Says God Wants Black People To Have Their Own State.  The Pastor of Putrid posted a short video on his Instagram account clipped from a 2015 interview on the Rock Newman radio show where he claims that God wants to segregate African Americans and Caucasians into separate American States.

Why does the left still associate with Louis Farrakhan?  When and how did it become acceptable to be an anti-Semite?  When did it become okay to socialize with and even praise a Jew hater?  I am referring, of course, to Louis Farrakhan, who spouts the most vile things about Jews yet retains the admiration of many on the left, including, notably, leaders of the Women's March.  They have now separated themselves from Farrakhan's bigotry but not the man himself.  He understands.  They are doing what Jews want.  To an extent, they are.  It has taken some pressure to get Women's March co-chairs Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour and others to distance themselves from Farrakhan's views.  Yet Mallory, for one, will not condemn the man who holds these views.  In this, she has plenty of company.  On the stage with Farrakhan at Aretha Franklin's funeral in September were Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Bill Clinton.  Franklin, apparently untroubled by Farrakhan's Jew hatred, had a friendly relationship with him, and he was at the funeral for that reason.  Still, you could not imagine Jackson, Sharpton or Clinton sharing the stage with David Duke.

Women's March Leader Defends Decision to Praise Farrakhan as the 'Greatest of All Time'.  During a Monday morning [1/14/2019] appearance on ABC's The View, Women's March co-chair Tamika Mallory defended her past praise for notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan by drawing a distinction between his hateful rhetoric and his political advocacy on behalf of African-Americans.  "I didn't call him the greatest of all time because of his rhetoric.  I called him the greatest of all time because of what he's done in black communities," Mallory said when asked about a February social-media post in which she labeled Farrakhan the "GOAT."

Tamika Mallory Refuses to Condemn Louis Farrakhan or His Antisemitism.  Women's March co-chairs Tamika Mallory and Bob Bland recently appeared on The View, and the issue of Mallory's association with, and fangirling of, Jew hater Louis Farrakhan came up.  Her response is as vile as it is infuriating.  [Video clip]

Congressman demands end to federal funding of Nation of Islam.  Rep. Vern Buchanan, R-Fla., Monday called on the Department of Justice to immediately halt federal funding to the Nation of Islam, after the Washington Examiner first reported that the group has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the government to teach religious studies programs to prison inmates.  In a letter to the Justice Department obtained by the Washington Examiner, Buchanan called the report "disturbing" and said the government's funding of the openly anti-Semitic black separatist group was "downright immoral."

Government Pays Nation of Islam to Proselytize in Prisons.  It would be nice if the federal government would pile up our money in a giant mountain and set it on fire.  Or at least, it would be an improvement over using it to pay Nation of Islam goons to radicalized prison inmates with their vociferously hostile ideology. [...] Even regular Muslims are less antagonistic than the Nation of Islam variety.  Farrakhan et al. hate us not only for being infidels, but explicitly also for being white.  Nation of Islamaniac Verbon Muhammad of Monroe, Louisiana, whom our government gave over $60,000 to provide "religious services," confirms, "We don't allow white people in our meetings, period."

Louis Farrakhan Is Getting Cash From U.S. Government.  Our federal government has been paying the Nation Of Islam led by Louis Farrakhan to teach religious study programs in federal prisons.  Per the Washington Examiner, "the Nation of Islam and its leaders have received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the U.S. government since 2008.  Its leaders have received at least $364,500 in contracts and awards from the U.S. Bureau of Prisons and the Department of Justice between fiscal 2008 and fiscal 2019.

Linda Sarsour's Outright Dishonest Defense Against Accusations of Antisemitism.  [Scroll down]  There is no context or justification for attending a gathering for a Jew hater like Farrakhan.  Period.  Not if you want us to believe you are not yourself antisemitic.  Plus note what Sarsour conveniently leaves out — her own fan-girling of Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.

Women's March hires Nation of Islam to do security.  Yes, they pay a hate group.  Practically every sentence here is a bombshell, and I see no reason to doubt any of it.  The accusation that the current board of the March is siphoning funds for their own use is something that needs to be investigated.  But within the tsunami of complaints is an accusation that would explain why the leaders of the Women's March do not want to repudiate Louis Farrakhan and instead try to downplay his obvious hate.  They have a financial relationship with him.  The Women's March is paying an antisemitic, anti-gay, anti-white, misogynist hate group — while at the same time pretending to adhere to Unity Principles that are against everything Nation of Islam stands for.

The sickness of the articles that justify/minimize Farrakhan's hate.  In the wake of #MeToo icon Alyssa Milano saying that the leaders of the Women's March have not distanced themselves enough from antisemite Louis Farrakhan, faux person of color Linda Sarsour recommends an article at Medium as a "must read for white sisters."  Written by Women's March coordinator Cassady Fendlay it claims that Milano is a racist by her showing concern for antisemitism. [...] The article goes on to say, sure, Farrakhan says things that are antisemitic, but look at all the wonderful things he does! [...] Didn't Bill Cosby also do some wonderful things?  Does that make up for his being a rapist?

Louis Farrakhan Chants 'Death to America' in Iran.  Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan led a chant of "Death to America!" on a solidarity visit to Iran this weekend, according to Iranian news sources.  He also led a chant of "Death to Israel!"  Farrakhan visited Iran ahead of the renewal of U.S. sanctions against the regime at midnight on November 5. The renewed sanctions are the result of the American withdrawal from the agreement negotiated by the Obama administration, which purported to prevent Iran's development of nuclear weapons but merely delated it.

6 Liberal Democrats Photographed With Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.  Here are five photos of prominent Democrats with Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam — a man who recently compared Jews to termites.

Louis Farrakhan 'Termites' Video Removed From Facebook.  A video posted to the Facebook account of Louis Farrakhan in which the Nation of Islam leader compares Jews to termites was removed for violating the social media platforms hate speech policies.  It remains posted on Twitter, which said last week that it does not violate company policies.

Farrakhan's termite problem.  How long, we wonder, did it take for Farrakhan to come up with that quip, about his not being an anti-Semite, but rather "anti-termite."  Words to choke on, you would think.  Lucky for him, had he indeed choked, the Heimlich Maneuver would have saved him, as it has already saved millions around the world, thanks to Jewish scientist Henry Heimlich.  But no thanks from Farrakhan and the multitudes who think like Farrakhan, and who know not the debt they owe to such "termites" for their longevity.

Obama and his pal, Louie
Louis Farrakhan: 'I'm Not An Anti-Semite.  I'm Anti-Termite.'.  Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan addressed a gathering in Detroit on Sunday [10/14/2018] to mark the 23rd anniversary of the Million Man March, and used it as a platform to launch yet another attack on Jews, calling them "termites."  Farrakhan posted clips of his speech to his Twitter account on Tuesday.

Louis Farrakhan won't be suspended by Twitter despite anti-Semitic tweet.  Louis Farrakhan, the Nation of Islam leader who in a recent tweet said he was not prejudiced against Jewish people but was simply "anti-Termite," will be allowed to continue to use the social media platform.  Farrakhan took to the site on Tuesday [10/16/2018] by posting a video of himself speaking at an event in Detroit, during which he addressed "the members of the Jewish community that don't like me."  In a caption to the video, he wrote:  "I'm not an anti-Semite.  I'm anti-Termite."

Dem Candidate Held Event With Nation of Islam Members Outside Radical Mosque.  Democratic congressional candidate Ayanna Pressley appeared outside a mosque that has played host to numerous radical figures during her primary campaign this year.  Dr. Wesley Muhammad gave a lecture at Boston's Muhammad Mosque No. 11 in February entitled "The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews:  The Homosexual Conspiracy!" Months earlier, anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist Christopher Bollyn gave a lecture on his views that Zionists and Israelis were behind the 9/11 attacks and Randy Muhammad spoke about "The Truth About UFO's."  Pressley appeared outside the mosque in July.  The Boston city councilor made headlines earlier this week when she sent yet another shock to the Democratic establishment by defeating ten-term congressman Michael Capuano.  Unlike previous upsets of moderate Democrats such as New York's Joe Crowley, Capuano was a strident liberal and a member of the Progressive Caucus.

Obama's "N Word" Tape Went Public and the Media Covered It Up.  Obama's own equivalent of the "N Word" tape was released after his time in office.  It was a photo of him posing with Louis Farrakhan, the racist and anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam.  Farrakhan had praised Hitler and was the head of a hate group that believes white people are devils, created by genetic engineering, who will be wiped out.  That's a whole lot worse than a racial slur.  (Obama's mentor Jeremiah Wright, whose black nationalist church the Obamas had attended, used his own racial slurs during services.)  The photo was released.  And the media embargoed it.  A handful of publications mentioned it.  To this date, no reporter has directly asked Obama about it.

Would You Embrace A Man Who Calls Jews "Satanic?" Democrats Have.  A number of Democrats and liberal activists have been approached by someone who calls Jews "Satanic" and "my enemy" while praising Hitler as "a very great man."  Their response?  They've embraced him.

Michigan Candidate for Governor Linked to Nation of Islam.  Michigan gubernatorial candidate Abdul El-Sayed was recently a special guest speaker at a fund raiser for a Nation of Islam (NOI)-affiliated mosque.  The Muslim Center Mosque and Community Center states that it was "founded under the leadership of the late Imam W. Deen Mohammed, a Nation of Islam Leader and son of its founder, Elijah Muhammad."  This is not the first time El-Sayed has spoken at a fundraiser for the mosque.  In October 2017, El-Sayed spoke at their annual fundraiser, alongside radical left-wing activist and sharia apologist Linda Sarsour.  NOI has a long history of extremism.  Imam Deen Mohammad's former assistant Imam Mubarak affiliates himself with the mosque and regularly posts to the Center's Facebook page, including posts describing Jews and Christians as untrustworthy.

Netflix Gives Farrakhan a Platform.  There's no room for Roseanne in Hollywood.  But there's always room for an anti-Semitic and homophobic racist who praised Hitler.  As long as he's a black nationalist. [...] Netflix is a hyper-leftist mega-corporation.  Farrakhan had praised Hitler as a great man.  But clearly there's no contradiction here.

NYT Whitewashes Democrats' Ties To Anti-Semite Farrakhan.  The New York Times whitewashed several Democrats' ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan in an article that ran in Wednesday's paper.  Farrakhan is a notorious racist and anti-Semite who has praised Adolf Hitler as a "very great man," called white people "devils," blamed Jews in Hollywood for gay marriage and described Jews as "satanic."  Several congressional Democrats have ties to Farrakhan and the leaders of Women's March have publicly declared their support for him.

Legal Update:  "What is the NYPD Hiding?".  This is a story of a cop and the case that haunts him.  Forty-six years ago, NYPD Patrolman Phillip Cardillo was gunned down inside Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam Mosque #7 in Harlem.  After a lengthy investigation strewn with roadblocks Detective Randy Jurgensen made an arrest.  But evidence had disappeared, the crime scene had been erased, and a special prosecutor later determined there was "a concerted and orchestrated effort" by senior members of the NYPD to impede the murder investigation.  Jurgensen — a legendary NYPD detective who helped put away five cop-killers — believes he got the right man.  Much of the law-enforcement community in New York agrees with him.  But the trial of Lewis 17X Dupree resulted in a hung jury.

Photo of Obama and Farrakhan was suppressed at request of black lawmakers, claims journalist.  Barack Obama posed for a photo in 2005 with Louis Farrakhan, the virulently anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam movement, and the photographer said he suppressed its publication at the request of a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.  The future president was the U.S. senator from Illinois at the time.  The Trice Edney News Wire first published the photo on Jan. 20.  It quotes the photographer, Askia Muhammad, saying that after snapping the picture at a meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus, an unidentified member of the caucus asked him immediately not to run the photo.

Al Sharpton's Group And Black Lives Matter Team Up For Pro-Farrakhan Protest.  Several black activist groups are holding a protest on Monday in defense of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite and racist revealed to have close ties to prominent Democratic politicians and activists.  Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panther Party and the National Action Network are among the groups spearheading the protest, the organizers said in a press release.  The groups are protesting a House resolution, introduced by Republican Indiana Rep. Todd Rokita, that formally condemns Farrakhan's anti-Semitism.  The activists instead want lawmakers to pass a resolution condemning President Donald Trump.

Black Voters Like Louis Farrakhan.  Everyone Else, Not So Much.  Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and a leader of the Women's March are catching heat after information surfaced that they met with or appeared at events with Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite.  While a majority of voters don't like the leader of the Nation of Islam, black voters see him in a more favorable light.  A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 21% of Likely U.S. Voters have at least a Somewhat Favorable impression of Farrakhan, including eight percent (8%) who have a Very Favorable opinion of him.  Fifty-three percent (53%) view Farrakhan unfavorably, with 32% who have a Very Unfavorable view of him.  But another 26% are not sure.

GOP Resolution Pressures Dems to Denounce anti-Semitic Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan.  House Republicans are calling on Democrats to condemn Louis Farrakhan, the anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam (a designated hate group), in the wake of revelations that eight Democratic members have ties to him — including the third-ranking member in the House and the DNC's second-in-command.  Those members are Reps Keith Ellison (D-MN), Maxine Waters (D-CA), Danny Davis (D-Il), Al Green (D-TX), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Andre Carson (D-IN), Gregory Meeks (D-NY), and James E. (Jim) Clyburn (D-SC).

The Left's Fake Anti-Semitism and its Real Anti-Semitism.  Rep. Danny Davis defended his ties to Farrakhan, the anti-Semitic leader of the Nation of Islam, by arguing, "The world is so much bigger than Farrakhan and the Jewish question and his position on that." [...] But the national media chose to ignore Rep. Davis' remarks.  It embargoed the story, just as it embargoed the recent release of a photo of Obama and Farrakhan and the controversy over Women's March leaders' ties to Farrakhan.  And Farrakhan, who once praised Hitler, has been venting a stream of anti-Semitic invective at the "Satanic" Jews because he knows that the national media won't touch him.  The controversy over Obama, Davis, Keith Ellison, Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory has played out in the Jewish and conservative media.  But no one in the mainstream media is willing to ask why Obama, the No. 2 man at the DNC, the Congressional Black Caucus and the next generation of intersectional feminist leaders are comfortable hanging out with a racist who suggested that Jews use pot to make black men gay.

CNN's Bizarre Blackout On Democrats' Farrakhan Scandal.  CNN has refused to inform its audience of a growing scandal tying prominent Democratic politicians and activists to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious racist and anti-Semite.  At least eight Democrats are known to have met with Farrakhan, who routinely calls Jews "satanic" and has said that white people "deserve to die."  Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, misled the public for years about his relationship with Farrakhan, new reporting has shown and The Washington Post has acknowledged.  Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, a Democrat, defended Farrakhan as an "outstanding human being" and admitted to having a personal relationship with him in a pair of interviews with this reporter.

New York Times mocked over reminder why Louis Farrakhan is back in news.  When the paper tweeted a link to its story with the headline asking why Farrakhan was back in the news, Free Beacon reporter Alex Griswold responded, "Because we had to shame you into covering a major story, basically."  Another user replied, "Imagine their headline if the GOP was holding strategy sessions w/David Duke.  The media is purposely not covering this story because they don't want to hurt Democrats midterm chances.  It's obvious and pathetic!"  One reader responded:  "That is easy.  He is a racist religious bigot who is being embraced by people who claimed to be against both those things," and another added, "If other publications had not forced the issue, your silence about this racist and his ties to the Democratic Party would have continued."  "Better is why the racist New York Times doesn't treat liberal racists like Farrakhan the same as it does anyone that opposes open borders as racist?  Racial double standards are racism," one reader fired back.

Republican Jewish Coalition Calls On Democrats To Resign Over Farrakhan Ties.  The Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) has called on seven House Democrats to resign after The Daily Caller News Foundation revealed their direct ties to notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.  California Reps.  Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee, Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, New York Rep. Gregory Meeks and Texas Rep. Al Green have all attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos, videos and witness accounts of the meetings reviewed by TheDCNF.

RNC Chair Calls On DNC Chair To Address Party's Ties To 'America's Leading Anti-Semite' Louis Farrakhan.  Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called on her Democratic National Committee counterpart, Tom Perez, Friday to address the ties DNC vice chair Keith Ellison and other members of the party have to Louis Farrakhan.  "Keith Ellison's long pattern of lies about his ongoing relationship with Louis Farrakhan, who the Anti-Defamation League calls 'America's leading anti-Semite,' has put a stain on the Democrat Party," McDaniel said in a press release.  "Anti-Semitism has no place in American politics, Tom Perez must address this issue."  As head of the Nation of Islam, Farrakhan has a long history of making deeply anti-Semitic comments.

Farrakhan and the Left.  "The powerful Jews are my enemy," remarked Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan at his organization's annual "Saviours' Day" celebration in Chicago in late February.  That was just one of several choice anti-semitic tropes.  Another one, oddly stated in the third person:  "The FBI has been the worst enemy of black advancement.  Can you prove that Farrakhan?  You see, the Jews have control over those agencies of government."  With the exception of CNN's Jake Tapper, hardly anyone in the mainstream media seemed to notice or care.  Farrakhan's anti-Jewish rhetoric is well known and has a long history.  In 1984, for instance, he said that "Hitler was a very great man"; and in 1985, "Don't you forget, when it's God who puts you in the ovens, it's forever."  What's far less known about Farrakhan is the warmth with which he's embraced by some influential members of the American progressive movement.

Third-Highest House Democrat Shared Stage With Farrakhan, Now Refuses To Denounce.  The third-highest ranking House Democrat shared a stage with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious racist and anti-Semite, and has refused to condemn the hate group leader.  South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn attended a 2011 event with Farrakhan and shared the stage with him, even after Jewish groups voiced their opposition to Clyburn attending the event.  Clyburn told the Final Call, a Nation of Islam publication, that he was "not bothered in the least bit" by criticisms of his attendance at the event.  As the assistant Democratic leader, Clyburn is the third-highest ranked Democrat in the House.  He declined to condemn Farrakhan in a statement released to The Daily Caller News Foundation on Thursday [3/8/2018].

Twitter refuses to comment on Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitic tweets.  Twitter has refused to comment on anti-Semitic tweets from Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, including one where he writes "the Jews have control over those agencies [FBI] of government."  When reached for a response by Fox News, a Twitter spokesman said the company does not comment on individual accounts.  The spokesman pointed Fox News to the company's help center, where it details its enforcement options and its approach to enforcement philosophy and policy development.

Ellison & Farrakhan Are [Indicative] Of [the] Democratic Party's Antisemitism.  According to the Deputy Chairman of the Democratic Party Rep. Keith Ellison, his colleagues don't care about his ties to Farrakhan and he is probably correct because Antisemitism is embedded into the Democratic Party.

WaPost: Keith Ellison Has Been Lying About His Relationship With Farrakhan.  This has been a long time coming.  Today [3/9/2018], Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler looks at Rep. Keith Ellison's relationship with Louis Farrakhan since 2006, when he supposedly denounced him and had nothing else to do with him, and awards Ellison four Pinocchios.  To really appreciate this story you need to look back to late 2016. After the defeat of Hillary Clinton, the DNC was in shambles.  For a time, it seemed Rep. Keith Ellison was set to be the party's next DNC Chair.  And then his past involvement with Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam came back to haunt him.  At the time, Ellison claimed he had denounced Farrakhan and had no contact with him since 2006 when he first ran for Congress.

Senate Dem denounces Farrakhan's remarks.  Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) ripped Louis Farrakhan early Thursday after the Nation of Islam leader said in a tweet that the "Jews have control" over government agencies.  "This is unacceptable in a progressive coalition or any political coalition.  Antisemitism has no place in American society.  We must reject this, left right and center," Schatz said.

Ellison Says Other Democrats Don't Care About Ties To Anti-Semite Farrakhan.  Democratic Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison believes other Democrats don't care about his ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite.  Ellison is a former Nation of Islam member who swore when he ran for Congress in 2006 that he had left Farrakhan behind in his past.  Despite those promises, Ellison attended multiple meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, as revealed by The Daily Caller.  Ellison is currently the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).  Ellison's fellow Democrats don't care about his meetings with the famed anti-Semite, he told the Washington Post for a story on Wednesday [3/7/2018].

Farrakhan: You Know That Jews Control The FBI, Right?  Perhaps Louis Farrakhan thought the time was ripe for a Nation of Islam campaign against the FBI, considering the controversies in which it's been mired.  Instead of sticking to a coherent and fact-based argument, though, the leader of the NoI instead declared before a cheering audience that the problem with the FBI is the Joooooooooos.  After accusing the FBI of being the biggest foe of "black advancement," Farrakhan explained, "See, the Jews have control over those agencies of government," to scattered applause and shouts of encouragement.  He added, "If you go to work tomorrow and your bosses are Jews, don't tell them where you've been." One might be tempted to consider the whole thing a joke that had been taken out of context, but no — Farrakhan himself underscores the message in his own tweet of this clip: [...]

Democrats must be made to pay a price for coziness with Farrakhan.  The narrative that the left has created about President Trump being a racist and the GOP as the home of David Duke can be flipped on its head and used to great electoral advantage, if only Republicans will take full advantage of the opportunity presented by revelations concerning deep ties of key Democrat officials with Louis Farrakhan.  Farrakhan's open and proud hatred of Jews was once again on display two weeks ago, when he delivered his "Saviours' Day" address, condemning "Satanic Jews" (again).

The Farrakhan exception.  [Q]uite recently, and now getting prime attention, Louis Farrakhan held another rally — and there he goes again, blasting the Jewish people.  Pure hate speech.  Ordinarily people like that get shunned.  They do, if they speak contrarily about Blacks, gays, transgenders and Muslims — but these are Jews he's talking about, and like I said, it's routine, habit-forming.  This is happening in America?  Yes, America, where we expect to "breathe free."

The Media Decision To Ignore Democrat Ties To Farrakhan Reveals Toxic Bias.  What would the establishment media reaction be if tens of members of Congress met with one of America's most notorious racists and anti-Semites and refused to denounce him?  Or if the leaders of one of America's hottest social movements embraced him?  If the bigot in question is Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan — who has blamed Jews for the 9/11 attacks, said white people "deserve to die" and praised Adolf Hitler — the answer seems to be ... not much, at least not when those embracing him are Democrats and progressives.

Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite.  At least seven House Democrats are known to have direct ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite and racist who has called Jews "satanic" and said white people "deserve to die."  California Reps.  Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee, Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, New York Rep. Gregory Meeks and Texas Rep. Al Green have all attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos, videos and witness accounts of the meetings reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Farrakhan-Linked Group to Lead National School Walkout March 14 Against Guns.  An anti-Trump organization linked to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is leading the "National School Walkout" on March 14, in which millions of children will be instructed to demonstrate against guns.  The "Women's March" organization, which conducted nationwide "pink [...] hat" protests the day after President Donald Trump's inauguration last year, is leading the National School Walkout in coordination with the national Parent Teacher Association (PTA).

White Nationalists and Black Nationalists.  Multiple media sources are calling the racist rally, formally known as Unite the Right, a white nationalist event.  Every year, however, the Nation of Islam, which espouses black separatism, holds a Saviour's Day event, usually in Chicago, to celebrate the birthday of the NOI's founder, Wallace Fard Muhammad, who claimed that black people are divine and whites are wicked.  According to Muhammad, whites were created by an evil scientist named Yakub.  But because blacks are part of the victim class, according to establishment media mores, Saviour's Day can never be a black nationalist rally.  You can laugh off the Nation of Islam, which has about 50,000 followers, but one of its members, the since-executed John Allen Muhammad, was one of the Beltway Snipers who murdered 17 people — whites and blacks — in 2002.  The other killer was John Lee Malvo, a teenaged illegal immigrant from Jamaica.  One of the duo's motives for the murders was to extort money in order to open a community for homeless black youths to be trained as terrorists in Canada.

Why Doesn't Mainstream Media Demand Democrats Denounce Farrakhan?  Sometimes media bias has nothing to do with what reporters say, but what they don't say.  Recently, we've learned additional members of the Democratic Party have a relationship with the racist and anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan, whose hatred has been a well-known fact for well over a decade.  But when Farrakhan released new hatred this past weekend the MSM did not question his relationship with the party.

Women's March Leaders Refuse To Condemn Farrakhan After Antisemitic Speech.  High-profile leaders of the popular Women's March movement are refusing to condemn an antisemitic speech Louis Farrakhan delivered last week.  According to the Anti-Defamation League, prominent Women's March figures Tamika Mallory, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour have failed to speak out against the Nation of Islam leader after he described the Jewish community as his "enemy" during a speech at the 2018 Saviour's Day event in Chicago.

Louis Farrakhan: 'Jews are my enemy,' 'white folks are going down'.  Rev. Louis Farrakhan gave a Saviours' Day 2018 Address on Sunday [2/25/2018] in which he declared that "the powerful Jews are my enemy," and "white folks are going down."  The Chicago speech went widely unnoticed at first, but garnered more traction on Wednesday when excerpts were tweeted out.  CNN anchor Jake Tapper, for example, tweeted out a thread of the keynote speech with some of his quotes, and said Farrakhan was more dangerous than other "alt-reich" leaders because he "has a much larger following and elected officials meet with him openly."

Three Democrats Attended Private Dinner With Iran's President And Louis Farrakhan.  Three Democratic congressmen attended a private dinner hosted by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in 2013, a new report reveals.  Reps.  Keith Ellison of Minnesota, Andre Carson of Indiana and Gregory Meeks of New York attended the private dinner, along with Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite who leads the black supremacist group Nation of Islam.  Iran is the number one state sponsor of terrorism, according to the United States government, which has listed the Islamic Republic as a state sponsor of terror since 1984.  Rouhani was in New York for a United Nations meeting and held the dinner party just hours after speaking to the UN General Assembly.

From Farrakhan With Love.  Two years before Barack Obama announced his candidacy for President of the United States, he met with the leader of a hate group who had praised Hitler and declared that the Jews, "can't say 'Never Again' to God, because when he puts you in the ovens, you're there forever."  The previous year, Obama had launched his national profile with a DNC speech proclaiming, "There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America."  And there he was, smiling alongside Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, the largest black separatist organization in the country, whose theology claimed that white people were genetically engineered devils who were due to be destroyed by flying saucers.  Also posing with Farrakhan and Obama were Mustapha Farrakhan, Joshua Farrakhan and Leonard Farrakhan Muhammad, his security chief and son, his other son, and his chief of staff and son-in-law.  Also there was Willie F. Wilson, a Farrakhan ally, who had led a protest against an Asian business by a mob shouting, "F___ the Chinks".  "We forgave Mr. Chan," he told reporters after that incident.  "If we didn't forgive him, we would have cut his head off and rolled it down the street."  Hope and change.

The DNC: America's Most Notorious Hate Group.  The runner-up to [Thomas] Perez in the race for DNC Chairman last January was Congressman Keith Ellison, who has a long history of openly supporting Nation Of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who in turn has a long, well-documented history of venom-laced denunciations of "white devils" and Jewish "bloodsuckers."  Even though Farrakhan has referred to none other than Adolf Hitler as "a very great man" who "rose Germany up from nothing," Ellison has described Farrakhan as "a role model for black youth"; "a sincere, tireless, and uncompromising advocate of the black community and other oppressed people around the world"; and "a central voice for our collective aspirations."

Black Islamic 'Kang' Murders Three in Anti-White Spree.  Black anti-white terrorist Kori Ali Muhammad opened fire in downtown Fresno, California midday Tuesday [4/18/2017], murdering three white victims before being arrested by local police.  Muhammad yelled "Allahu Akbar," Arabic for "God is greatest," during his arrest, explaining to law enforcement he hates white people.  He was already wanted for the Thursday shooting of a Motel 6 security guard, also in Fresno.  Despite Muhammad using a traditional Islamic chant, Sayed Ali Ghazvini, the imam of the Islamic Cultural Center of Fresno, denies Muhammad was a member of his organization.  Which makes sense, since Kori Ali Muhammad lionizes Wallace Fard Muhammad, the charlatan — and nebulously black — founder of the Nation of Islam.

Farrakhan to Obama:  Let Trump Do Want He Wants, You Failed Inner City Blacks.  Sunday at the Men's Day program hosted at Union Temple Baptist Church in Washington, DC, Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan said to President Barack Obama, "Your people are suffering and dying in the streets," of Chicago, so "you failed to do what should have been done."  Farrakhan continued by saying it is time to let Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump do "what he wants to because he is not destroying your legacy."

Hillary's coterie of anti-Semites.  [Scroll down]  Keith Ellison is the American face of stealth Jihad and another "first" phenomenon on two counts.  He is the first black and the first Muslim congressman from Minnesota.  Keith is also a converso, a former Catholic, like Lew Alcindor, converted to Islam when black rage and Islam was hip.  Congressman Ellison is most famous for taking his oath of office from Nancy Pelosi in Washington on a Koran.  Ellison has been cagey about his conversion, but his ties to the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan are matters of record.  He has written in support of Farrakhan on more than one occasion under a pseudonym.  Ellison also has extensive personal, political, and financial ties to the American Muslim jihad net through such organizations as Council on American Islamic Relations, Muslim American Society, Islamic Society of North America, Muslim public Affairs Council, North American Imams Federation, and the notorious Saudi funded American Open University in Virginia, a kind of seminary for Muslim clerics.  Former AOU chairman Ja'far Sheikh Idris considers American democracy to be "the antithesis of Islam."  He also claims that no one "can be a Muslim who makes or freely accepts or believes that anyone has the right to make or accept legislation that is contrary to divine (Islamic) law."

Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan Offers to Protect Beyoncé if Police Won't.  Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has vowed to provide protection to pop star Beyoncé after at least one police union pledged to boycott the singer in the wake of her politically and racially charged halftime performance at the Super Bowl earlier this month.  Farrakhan delivered a sermon in Detroit Sunday [2/21/2016] on the last day of the Nation of Islam's annual convention, telling a packed audience at the Joe Louis Arena that "white folks" didn't "know how to deal with" Beyoncé's halftime performance, which featured a tribute to the militant (and often anti-law enforcement) Black Panther Party.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan reportedly to speak at Iran drone rally.  Louis Farrakhan, the controversial leader of the Nation of Islam, is set to speak Thursday [2/11/2016] at a rally in Iran for one of its new drones, Iranian media report.  The planned ceremony marks 37 years after Iran's Islamic Revolution, in which Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini seized control from the Shah, who had gone into exile.  Both Farrahkan and Iranian president Hassan Rouhani will speak, Iran's Tasnim News Agency reports.  The homegrown drone will go on display along with a ballistic missile and a satellite carrier, organizer Asghar Abkhezr told the news agency.  Farrakhan and Rouhani met for dinner as recently as 2013, in New York City.

Farrakhan and the Philly Police Shooting: Why Hide His Light Beneath a Basket?  Just a few months ago, Farrakhan told a gathering at a packed Baptist Church about how he wanted to find 10,000 black men to "rise up and kill those who kill us."  He of course was talking about "the enemy" who has oppressed black people for "400 years."  He went on to say how the Koran "prescribed" black people to take violent action against those who enslaved them — white people and cops, his favorite targets.  All he needed was a few more black men who realized that "death is sweeter than life under tyranny" to get the ball rolling. [...] Like the Philly gunman, Farrakhan is down with ISIS.  He even brags about it:  ISIS wants "America to send some troops back so they can send them back in body bags," Farrakhan said in October in a speech that Breitbart, but few others, followed.

Farrakhan hate fest threatens 'reparations, or else!'  Louis Farrakhan commemorated the 20th anniversary of the so-called "Million Man March" Saturday [10/10/2015] with the kind of hate fest that would have made the KKK or skinheads proud.  The rally was called "Justice or Else!" — a threat aimed at the heart of America.  This demagogue has openly incited violence against whites and police in the lead-up to the event, and a number of speakers Saturday followed suit.  Tony Russell of Hands Up United Ferguson said the "or else!" in the event's title is a threat for more riots if their demands aren't met.  Farrakhan and Black Lives Matter know that as long as Obama is president, he will never authorize federal authorities to arrest black racists.

Tens of Thousands Rally With Farrakhan in DC to Chants of "DOWN, DOWN USA".  Louis Farrakhan is a hate monger who plays on peoples' fears and hate and uses it to demonize whites, Jews, police and anyone else in his crosshairs.  Farrakhan's speech reached back hundreds of years to find the injustice he thinks people bear in the present day.  He said they — minorities — are denied the "human right of self-determination."  Leftists made these extremists into a permanently injured class who think they are entitled and who live as victims.  The damage the left has down will probably take years to counter if it can be countered at all.  Farrakhan compared the Republican presidential field to a "whore" who was prostituting herself for money.  This despicable human being called America "hypocritical" for challenging human rights issues abroad, and said Jews "have no forgiveness in them."

Farrakhan: The American System Has to Be Taken Down.  Friday in Cleveland, OH at a "Justice Or Else!" rally for "10.10.15," the 20th anniversary of The Million Man March gathering being held in Washington, D.C. on October 10, 2015, Louis Farrakhan said for real racial justice to occur the way God intended the whole American system "has to be taken down" as evidenced by President Barack Obama being elected and still not being able to change anything.

Nation of Islam's Farrakhan meets with Eminem in Detroit.  The head of the Nation of Islam, Minister Louis Farrakhan, met politicians, pastors and a police chief during his visit to Detroit last week.  But it's his unprecedented meeting with rapper Eminem over a 2½-hour dinner in his Detroit hotel room that has garnered the most attention.  The leader of the Detroit-founded group was in Southfield and Detroit in recent weeks to talk about his plans for the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March with an event called Justice or Else.  In his meeting with Eminem on Aug. 25, Farrakhan talked about the responsibilities that stars like Eminem have toward society, "to influence people positively," said Troy Muhammad, a student minister who heads the Detroit branch of the Nation of Islam.

Mentor of Obama's Minister Shrieks "White People Deserve to Die" in Latest Sermon.  Likely only a very few political junkies (i.e., losers) like myself remember the close personal relationship between Barack Obama's longtime minister, Jeremiah Wright, and the virulent racist Louis Farrakhan.  Obama marinated in the hateful, anti-white, anti-semitic rhetoric of Wright for 20 years, which were mere echoes of statements by Nation of Islam chief Farrakhan.  It turns out that Farrakhan has been on one of his verbal jihads of late, this time calling for an ethnic cleansing of white people.

Why Hasn't Louis Farrakhan Been Arrested Yet?  It's been nearly a week since Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan called on his followers to rise up and kill their perceived enemies, and the silence of the Obama Justice Department has been deafening.  Likewise, the MSM has been shamefully quiet, too — as if this is acceptable behavior for the leader of a 50,000-strong denomination.  It most certainly isn't.

Farrakhan: 'We Must Rise Up And Kill Those Who Kill Us'.  Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said during a fiery speech in Miami last week black Americans "must rise up and kill those who kill us" if the federal government does not "intercede in our affairs."  The 82-year-old Farrakhan told a crowd at Mt. Zion church he was looking for "10,000 fearless men who say death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny."

Farrakhan: We Must Rise Up And Kill Those Who Kill Us; Stalk Them And Kill Them.  Last week in Miami at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan said he was looking for "10,000 fearless men" to "rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!"  Farrakhan said "I'm looking for 10,000 in the midst of a million.  Ten thousand fearless men who say death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny.  Death is sweeter than continuing to live and bury our children while the white folks give our killers hamburgers. [...]"

The Editor says...
First of all, why is a Muslim speaking at an allegedly Baptist Church?  Second, if Mr. Farrakhan is urging his followers to "rise up and kill those who kill us," is he commenting on the abortion of millions of black babies over the last 40 years?  He's either talking about abortion clinics or he's engaging in racist hate speech.  Which is it?

Farrakhan: "We Will Kill You All".  After a recent speech given by Minister Louis Farrakhan, he took questions from the audience.  One woman goes to the mic and asks Farrakhan about leadership and what she needs to do to be a good leader.  Farrakhan gives her an answer about leadership and then goes into a [sic] angry diatribe about those who would come against them...  "We will kill you all"  [Audio clip]

Farrakhan: I Don't Get Debate Over Confederate Flag, 'We Need To Put The American Flag Down'.  [Quoting Louis Farrakhan:] "I don't know what the hell the fight is about over the Confederate flag.  We need to put the American flag down.  Because we've caught as much hell under that as the Confederate flag," comments that were meant with cheers and applause.  He added, "Who are we fighting today?  It's the people that carry the American flag."

Nation Of Islam and Gangs To Embattled Cities: We're In Control.  The reaction from authorities and activists to the violence exploding from protests in Baltimore appears to be a start of a pattern.  Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake "thanked the Nation of Islam" Saturday, "who have been very present in our efforts to keep calm and peace in our city."  The Daily Caller's Chuck Ross asked the mayor's office about her comments relating to giving "space" to those who wish to "destroy."  The mayor's office would only say her comments were taken out of context.

ADL: Farrakhan Cements Status as 'Pied Piper of Bigotry' with 9/11 Accusations.  The Anti-Defamation League said Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan cemented his status as the "leading anti-Semite in America" this week with a speech blaming Jews for 9/11.  Farrakhan was speaking at his group's Saviours' Day conference on Sunday when he declared that "an Israeli film crew dressed as Arabs were filming the Twin Towers before the first plane went in."  In fact, he said, the terrorist attacks were "not committed by Arabs or Muslims at all."

Farrakhan Tells Black Soldiers To Desert For The 'Day Of Judgment' For Whites.  Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan made a fiery speech Sunday in which he warned whites that a "day of judgment" is coming to avenge their "evil" and that African Americans serving in the armed forces should immediately withdraw and fight for their communities instead.  In an address given at the Nation of Islam's headquarters in Chicago, Farrakhan claimed whites have oppressed blacks for hundreds of years and a reckoning is due for the "iniquities of their fathers," the NOI publication Final Call reports.

Farrakhan On Ferguson: 'We'll Tear This G**d*** Country Up!'.  Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan went on a fiery tirade about Ferguson on Saturday [11/29/2014] — threatening that if the demands of protesters aren't met, "we'll tear this g**d*** country apart!"  Farrakhan stated in his speech — given at Morgan State University, a black college located in Baltimore, Md. — that violence was justified in response to the decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson and peaceful protests are only in the interest of "white folks."  "We going to die anyway.  Let's die for something," the radical figure told the crowd to roaring applause.

A Fantasy-driven Muslim World can Never Become Modern.  Obama's "best friend," Recip Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, who wants to revive the universally-hated Ottoman Empire, says that Muslims discovered America.  Oddly enough, the same claim is made by Spain and Italy, who think it was Columbus in 1492 — but that is not Politically Correct these days, so it's taboo to say.  Still, the Chinese are another popular option in pseudo-history today.  Louis Farrakhan thinks it was the mother ship from outer space, which is destined to destroy the White Devils and bring the black peoples of Chicago back to rule the world.

The Ten Worst U.S. Purveyors of Antisemitism.  Louis Farrakhan, born in New York City in 1933, started out in life as a talented musician. [...] But [in] 1955, in Chicago, he embarked on a different path.  Through a friend, Wolcott came into contact with the Nation of Islam, an antiwhite, antisemitic, African-American organization founded in the 1930s.  Wolcott joined, converted to Islam, renounced music, and — in a profound sense — was no more, having morphed into Louis Farrakhan.  And Farrakhan quickly rose through the Nation of Islam's ranks, becoming its leading figure by the early 1980s.

A century of black American Islam.  The year 2013 marks the centenary of the reported founding of the Canaanite Temple in Newark, N.J.  That was the very earliest form of an indigenous black American Islam, one completely distinct from normative Islam, the 1,400-year-old religion from Arabia founded by Muhammad.  From this movement came Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X and Louis Farrakhan.  The century divides into two main eras:  inventing a new religion (1913-1975) and moving toward normative Islam (1975-2013).

Farrakhan's 'Synagoge of Satan' Remarks Under Fire.  During his speech to the congregation at The Fellowship Chapel in Detroit, Minister Farrakhan spewed hateful anti-Semitic invective, referring to "Satanic Jews" and the "Synagogue of Satan" supposedly controlling major institutions and added that President Obama "surrounded himself with Satan... members of the Jewish community."  As the longtime leader of the Nation of Islam, Minister Farrakhan has frequently espoused bigoted and anti-Semitic rhetoric.

How Louis Farrakhan got a police escort for his 'unofficial motorcade'.  Wouldn't it be great if you could get a police car to accompany you for "traffic control" when you drive somewhere?  It would be sort of like the president, except for the bulletproof limo and Secret Service.  Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, despite lacking any public office, has enjoyed such convenience, courtesy of his son Mustapha, whose arrangements to drive a police car for escorting his father's "unofficial motorcade" are currently under investigation by a police agency in Illinois.

So where has Farrakhan led his Nation?  Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Chicago-based Nation of Islam, was seen last week dining with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, in New York for the United Nations General Assembly.  Between Ahmadinejad's stealing of the election in 2009, his suppression of the Iranians who filled the streets to protest after, his quest to develop an atomic weapon, and his threats against Israel, Ahmadinejad must have been hurting for dinner companions.

Louis Farrakhan speaks at UC Berkeley.  UC Berkeley on Saturday was once again the crucible of the free speech debate.  The birthplace of the Free Speech Movement in the 1960s hosted another iconoclast from the era, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, whose speeches and writings have been denounced by critics for decades as bigoted, homophobic and anti-Semitic.

Some students offended by Louis Farrakhan's UC Berkeley address.  Nation of Islam minister Louis Farrakhan delivered a speech to hundreds at the University of California Berkeley Saturday and some students took issue with parts of his message.  Minister Louis Farrakhan opened the Afrikan Black Coalition Conference at UC Berkeley Saturday [3/10/2012], bringing together black students from colleges across the state.

Justice to Probe Farrakhan Hate Sermons Available in Prisons.  The Justice Department's Bureau of Prisons is probing so-called "hate sermons" from Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, available to most federal inmates, to see if they radicalize prisoners or even turn them into terrorists.

Farrakhan: The White Man Made Obama Bomb Libya.  The White Man made him do it.  Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan recently unmasked the reason for President Barack Obama's unpopular, non-congressionally authorized, War Powers Resolution-violating decision to bomb Libya, a country that poses no imminent threat to the United States. ... The White Man, says Farrakhan, forced Obama to bomb Libya for the oil.

Qadaffi's Chicago Connection.  Considering that Obama lived in Farrakhan's neighborhood, was a fledgling community organizer and was a congregant at Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ, he must have at least become acquainted with the man who named him the "Messiah."

Louis Farrakhan says Moammar Gadhafi has always been a friend.  Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan says Moammar Gadhafi has always been a friend and he won't distance himself from the Libyan dictator.  Speaking Sunday at the annual Saviours' Day convention at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Farrakhan didn't discuss specifics about the deadly uprisings in Libya.  But the 77-year-old said no leader has been loved by 100 percent of his people and said that if Gadhafi is persecuted for crimes against humanity, the same should apply to former President George W. Bush for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Nation of Islam convention to include talk of UFOs.  The Nation of Islam, long known for its promotion of black nationalism and self-reliance, now is calling attention to another core belief that perhaps isn't so well-known:  the existence of UFOs.  When thousands of followers gather in suburban Chicago this weekend for the group's annual Saviours' Day convention, one of the main events will include a panel of scientists discussing worldwide UFO sightings, which they claim are on the rise.

Race War A'Comin'?  I was stunned a few weeks ago when a black professional colleague told me there were all-black cruises that featured speakers such as Louis Farrakhan.  Mr. Farrakhan is a Muslim black nationalist, formerly a security officer, now successor to Elijah Mohammed of the Nation of Islam. ... Prosperous American blacks pay good money to go on a cruise with a racist like Louis Farrakhan?  Mr. Farrakhan is more hateful than other race agitators, hustlers, and shakedown artists like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.  He is in concert with the Congressional Black Caucus, who slavishly support communist regimes like Cuba and anti-American projects, who are angry at Whitey, but claim to be the conscience of the Congress.

Corrupting Hatred.  To the followers of the Reverend, the Imam, and the Minister: ... [Louis] Farrakhan has long been associated with anti-Semitic canards, and for most Americans, Farrakhan epitomizes racism of the basest type.  Yet in 2007, Barack Obama's former minister, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, bestowed the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award to a man it said "truly epitomized greatness" — thus, a man who consistently denigrates the Holocaust is seen fit by Obama's mentor to receive an award.  Do you agree with him or not?

Nation of Islam (Definition):  A sect of Islam originating in America composed of black Americans.  Followers, sometimes called Black Muslims, believe that Allah (God) appeared in 1930 to the last great prophet Elijah Muhammad, in the person of Wallace D. Fard.  Elijah Muhammad borrowed many beliefs from traditional Islam but introduced important differences.  Most notable was the focus on black oppression and equating Satan and evil with the white race.

Brief biography of Louis Farrakhan.  The Muslim Cult of Islam (now called the Nation of Islam) originated July 4, 1930.  In 1933, Elijah Poole … changed his name to Elijah Muhammad and moved the sect to Michigan and then to Chicago.  Louis Eugene Wolcott … changed his name to "Louis X" according to Black Muslim tradition, and later to Louis Farrakhan.

Louis Farrakhan In His Own Words:  "A decree of death has been passed on America.  The judgement of God has been rendered and she must be destroyed…" [Harlem, NY, 8/9/1997]

Farrakhan Blames Religious Divisions for World's Conflicts in Final Speech.  Nation founder Wallace D. Fard attracted black Detroiters on the margins of society with a message of self-improvement and separation from whites, who he said were inherently evil because of their enslavement of blacks.  The Nation of Islam, which promotes black empowerment and nationalism, was rebuilt by Farrakhan in the late 1970s after W.D. Mohammed, the son of longtime leader Elijah Mohammed, moved his followers toward mainstream Islam.

Farrakhan says Democracy is the "Rule of the Devil".  Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan has told his followers that President Bush's efforts to bring democracy to the Middle East represent "the rule of the devil."

Some Key Nation of Islam Dates:  The Nation of Islam formed in the early 20th century as a separatist movement to help blacks overcome racism and poverty.  But it wasn't until 1978 that Imam W.D. Mohammed proclaimed that whites are fully human.

Another Failed 'Farrakhan Test'.  Whether Obama passed or failed the Farrakhan test might depend on where you stand on Obama's candidacy.  But the exchange regarding the controversial Nation of Islam leader probably did Hillary Clinton some good, given Farrakhan's radioactivity in many parts of the country.  Which raises the question:  Where was Hillary Clinton when her husband, former president Bill Clinton, made nice with Louis Farrakhan?

Wake up and smell the thuggery.  The Nation of Islam thugs carried themselves like true believers given to hard work, self-respect and a community awareness of bettering the lives of those in black Philadelphia.  But behind the clean-shaven masks, the dark suits and the bow ties, they were selling drugs, extorting money from businesses and either brutally beating or killing people, including a family in Washington that was victimized to the tune of two murdered adults and five drowned children.

Louis Farrakhan Is Not a Muslim.  Farrakhan subscribes to an American black religion founded in Detroit 50 years ago.  His faith is not recognized as Islamic by real Muslims, and his teachings bear almost no resemblance to those of Islam.  Farrakhan is as much a Muslim as the Shriner is an Arab.  Farrakhan leads a group formally known as the "Nation of Islam," commonly called the Black Muslims.

Louis Farrakhan Rips 'Wicked Jews' in Hollywood.  It's been nearly a month since Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakahan blamed "Zionists and neo-cons" for "manipulating" President Bush into invading Iraq – before blasting "wicked Jews" in Hollywood for promoting "lesbianism [and] homosexuality."  Yet, outside of a few newspapers in Chicago, the same press that showers positive coverage on Farrakhan's Million Man marches has yet to get around to covering his Feb. 26 Saviours Day speech.

"Islamic Americans" vs. America:  The current leader of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, threatened some years ago to "lead an army of black men and women to Washington, D.C., and we will sit down with the president, whoever he may be, and will negotiate for a separate state or territory of our own."  On a 1996 visit to the virulently anti-American regime in Teheran, Farrakhan declared that "God will destroy America at the hands of Muslims."

Farrakhan in Cuba calls for "regime change" in US.  Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan called for "regime change" in the United States on Monday and denounced "wicked" U.S. policies for turning the world against America.  "We need a new government, we need regime change in America," he said at the end of a visit to Communist Cuba.

A much more thorough history of the Nation of Islam,   Part One,   Part Two.

Do blacks believe levee was blown?  Was the levee break that precipitated the flooding of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina the result of some government conspiracy against blacks? … Last week, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan sparked controversy by spreading racist conspiracy theories.  "I heard from a very reliable source who saw a 25-foot deep crater under the levee breach," Farrakhan said.  "It may have been blown up to destroy the black part of town and keep the white part dry."

The Editor says...
This may be the first time since 9/11/2001 that Louis Farrakhan has been quoted in the news media.  He has kept an extremely low profile since people of his "religion of peace" unloaded on America in September, 2001.

Black Muslim leader Farrakhan discloses illness.  Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, 73, has suffered new health problems relating to earlier diagnosed prostate cancer and has canceled all engagements, he said in a letter published on the Web site of his church.

The Editor says...
Mr. Farrakhan should spend his last remaining energy denouncing Muslim acts of terrorism, instead of using it to tell everyone how sick he is.

Louis Farrakhan's First Congressman.  At this particular time in history, it is a matter of note that Congress is about to receive its first Muslim member. ... [Keith] Ellison's Muslim faith has generated no controversy in the campaign.  On the contrary, it has served to insulate aspects of his public record from close scrutiny in a city whose dominant news organ, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, is a paragon of political correctness.  With the exception of columnist Katherine Kersten, the Star Tribune has scrupulously avoided examining Ellison's long train of troubling associations, foremost among them his ties to the Nation of Islam.

Farrakhan ready for major speech.  The Nation of Islam returns to its roots in the city for its annual national convention and conferences next week, and dozens of officials and clergy laid down the welcome mat Thursday [2/15/2007] for what may be Minister Louis Farrakhan's last major address.

After a miraculous recovery...
Farrakhan:  'I'm also a Christian'.  A packed house welcomed Minister Louis Farrakhan to St. Sabina Catholic Church on Friday night with a standing ovation and cheers for his health.  The 74-year-old provocative Nation of Islam leader, who has endured a series of health setbacks, didn't speak from the Quran but from the Bible.  "Even though I am a Muslim — I don't apologize for that — I'm also a Christian," he told the crowd….

Louis Farrakhan claims he is both a Muslim and a Christian.  Farrakhan flashed a wide smile as he entered the sanctuary alongside his friend, the Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of the church.  A few months ago, Pfleger was at Farrakhan's bedside as he recovered from surgery.

The Editor says...
Sorry, Louis, but you can't play on both sides of that fence.  Islam is not just another way to God or another path to Heaven — it is incompatible with Christianity.  If Christianity is true and valid then Islam cannot be.

Obama's Farrakhan Test:  Maybe for [Rev. Jeremiah A.] Wright and some others, [Louis] Farrakhan "epitomized greatness."  For most Americans, though, Farrakhan epitomizes racism, particularly in the form of anti-Semitism.  Over the years, he has compiled an awesome record of offensive statements, even denigrating the Holocaust by falsely attributing it to Jewish cooperation with Hitler — "They helped him get the Third Reich on the road."  His history is a rancid stew of lies.

Somewhat related...
Farrakhan ordered to pay couple $350,000.  The son of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan will have to pay $350,000 to a Gary couple who suffered injuries when he crashed into their car, twice, while he was apparently in a drug-induced stupor.

Farrakhan Casts a Long Shadow on the Campaign Trail.  Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam and icon of black antisemitism in America, is emerging once again as a prominent factor in the political arena, causing trouble not only for Democratic presidential frontrunner Barack Obama but also for a number of other political candidates.

Farrakhan:  Stick With Obama.  The issue arose Sunday [2/24/2008], when Farrakhan praised Obama before a large Nation of Islam gathering, even comparing him to the religion's founder, Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, who Farrakhan claims also had a white mother and black father.  "A black man with a white mother became a savior to us," Farrakhan said Sunday.  "A black man with a white mother could turn out to be one who can lift America from her fall."  The Obama campaign moved quickly to distance itself from Farrakhan.

Obama's Truthiness About Farrakhan:  The question was about Farrakhan as a package deal.  Did Obama accept his support?  Did Obama reject his support?  So far, no answer.  And this was incredible.  Before a national audience, Obama, whose very candidacy has come to symbolize a promise of "post-racial" "unity" in America, failed to reject the support of arguably the most racist and divisive figure in America.

Rev. Wright's Teachers:  It turns out that a number of Jeremiah Wright's incendiary and racist comments are not new, and are traceable to leaders of the Black Muslim Movement.  As it turns out, Wright's radical ranting is an echo.  A glance back at history reveals an eerie connection between black separatists, the Nation of Islam (NOI) and Barack Obama's pastor.  Although both NOI and Wright excel at racist and anti-American rhetoric, it now appears that they read from the same hymnal.

Black Muslim killings gain new attention.  [Scroll down]  What happened that night continued a chain of violence that began on June 17, 1973, police said.  The Webb-Trantham shootings weren't the first, nor were they the last, but they were, perhaps, the most pivotal.  Trantham lived.  Later, she identified Brooks as one of her attackers.  For the first time, there was a solid tie to the Nation of Islam.

Obama win will stir racial tension:  Farrakhan.  Louis Farrakhan, controversial leader of the Nation of Islam, hailed US president-elect Barack Obama as an extraordinary leader but warned his victory would stir up racial animosity. ... But he said the country remained "divided and polarised," and he warned that the president-elect faced a daunting task in taking the reins of the nation during one of the most troubled periods in its history.

The Editor says...
Huh?  I thought there were predictions that if Obama lost there would be racial tension.  People like Mr. Farrakhan benefit from racial strife, and he sounds a little disappointed to see it gradually disappear.

Legendary Songwriter Now Marches to an Islamist Tune.  Music and real estate mogul Kenny Gamble, alternatively known as Luqman Abdul Haqq, is one of the most powerful men in Philadelphia — and also among the most controversial.  His effort to revitalize dilapidated South Philly neighborhoods stands at the center of the storm.  While he grandiosely links his projects to "the saving of America," others have accused him of constructing a "black Muslim enclave."

Jeremiah Wright Foreign Policy:  Farrakhan's anti-Semitic activities spanned years. Months before the [1995 march on Washington], he was embroiled in an ugly, anti-Semitic episode.  Khalid Abdul Muhammad, a senior Nation of Islam official, delivered three hours of remarks at New Jersey's Keane College that attacked whites, Jews, Catholics, homosexuals and white South Africans.  Muhammad said, "[Jews] are a European strain of people who crawled around on all fours in the caves and hills of Europe, eatin' Juniper roots and eatin' each other. ... They're the blood suckers of the black nation and the black community."

Did someone mention "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright?

Nation of Islam sees Obama's election as call to action.  Minister Louis Farrakhan on Sunday urged his followers not to become complacent by President Barack Obama's election and to work to repair communities.

The Editor says...
I thought there was an unspoken agreement that if we elected a black president, we wouldn't have to hear from Louie Farrakhan ever again.

Louis Farrakhan:  H1N1 Vaccine Developed to Kill People.  "The Earth can't take 6.5 billion people.  We just can't feed that many.  So what are you going to do?  Kill as many as you can," Farrakhan reportedly said during an event in Memphis, Tenn.  "We have to develop a science that kills them and makes it look as though they died from some disease."

Farrakhan predicts 'white right' trouble for Obama.  Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan, boasting his divine stature, on Sunday [2/28/2010] predicted trouble ahead for President Barack Obama and urged him to do more to improve the lives of blacks and the downtrodden.

Covering Obama, press encounters Nation of Islam.  President Obama's home is in the same Chicago neighborhood as Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.  On Saturday night, the overlapping of Obama's and Farrakhan's worlds made for a strange, and sometimes testy, encounter between the Secret Service, the press corps covering the president, and the paramilitary security force, the Fruit of Islam, surrounding Farrakhan.  The encounter was written up — for distribution to the press, not necessarily for publication — by the New York Times' Jackie Calmes.

Farrakhan followers, press have minor 'stand-off' in Obama's neighborhood.  An interesting "stand-off" of sorts developed outside a barbecue President Obama was attending at a friend's house Saturday night between followers of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan on one side and members of the press and the U.S. Secret Service guarding the president on the other.

Reporters with Obama surrounded by Nation of Islam security agents.  Saturday evening [5/29/2010] in Chicago, as the pool of roughly seven or eight reporters waited for President Obama while he and his family attended a backyard barbecue at a friend's house, they were surrounded by nearly two-dozen members of the Nation of Islam's security services.

Nation of Islam leader accuses Jews of 'anti-black' behavior, asks for dialogue.  Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan has written the leaders of more than a dozen major U.S. Jewish groups and denominations seeking "repair of my people from the damage" he claims Jews have caused blacks for centuries.

Louis Farrakhan sends letter asking Jews for reparations.  Last month, Louis Farrakhan, the "National Representative of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam," sent a three-page letter to the leaders of 16 major Jewish organizations demanding reparations for alleged crimes Jews have perpetrated against African Americans.  Along with the letter, Farrakhan sent two books ... written by unidentified members of the Nation of Islam's Historical Research Team.

Iranian President Meets Farrakhan In NYC.  Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's six-night visit to NYC included a secret sit-down with militant minister Louis Farrakhan, the New York Post reported Sunday [9/26/2010].  The president shared a hush-hush meal with Farrakhan and members of the New Black Panther Party Tuesday at the Warwick Hotel on West 54th Street.

Farrakhan blasts UN, defends Khadafy.  Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan yesterday [6/15/2011] lambasted the United Nations, the United States, and the "coalition of demons" that he said makes up NATO, accusing them of trying to assassinate Moammar Khadafy and promote regime change in Libya.

Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan Gives Fiery Speech at Million Man March Anniversary.  In a two-hour speech yesterday [10/9/2011], Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan ... called upon black millionaires and billionaires to set up a corporation to loan money to blacks, who would buy land and create their own jobs in agribusiness and animal husbandry.

The Editor has a few questions...
If the black man is so terribly downtrodden, why are there "black millionaires and billionaires"?  And is Farrakhan among them?  Can't black farmers borrow money from banks already?  Why do the bankers have to be the same color as the farmers?

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan condemns killing of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.  Controversial Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan condemned the killing of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi on Tuesday [10/25/2011], warning that America and other Western powers will soon face severe consequences for their support of the uprising that led to the dictator's death.  "I know something of the good of Moammar Gadhafi that made me to love him as a brother and to feel a great sense of loss at his assassination," Farrakhan said during a two-hour interview with radio host Cliff Kelley on WVON-AM.

Nation of Islam leader slams Gadhafi killing.  Those rejoicing in the death of ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi will come to sorrow, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said Tuesday [10/25/2011], and predicted that the U.S. was unprepared for the backlash.

NOI's Farrakhan praises Chicago priest.  Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan has high praise for a Chicago activist priest.

Louis Farrakhan warns of racial hatred that could lead to attempts to kill President Obama.  He spoke for more than three hours on a broad array of topics, excoriating U.S. foreign policy, suggesting that the 9/11 attacks were a government-planned pretext for war in the Middle East, lamenting recent extreme weather and attacking mothers for serving their children food from McDonald's.  He also returned repeatedly to a topic that has attracted intense controversy in the past:  the influence of Jews in politics and media.

The Editor says...
Wow, a three-hour speech.  Pretty good for a guy who was allegedly on his death bed five years ago.

America's Ten Leading Purveyors of Hate.  Somehow, [Louis] Farrakhan seems to have undergone a radical media transformation into a non-insane person.  Or at the very least, his toxicity has been downplayed thanks to his obvious affiliation with Barack Obama's circle of friends, including Jeremiah Wright.  But Farrakhan remains as relevant and as dangerous as ever.

Farrakhan Endorses Hagel.  Defense secretary nominee Chuck Hagel has a new supporter:  Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.  Speaking to thousands of supporters at an annual Nation of Islam convention, Farrakhan "decried" the death of Muammar Gaddafi and stated his support for Hagel, according to DNA Info.

Farrakhan: Hagel Says What I've Been Saying for 30 YearsNational Review Online reports that Chuck Hagel has been endorsed by Louis Farrakhan.  The Nation of Islam head likes Hagel because he sounds just like himself.

Farrakhan: African Americans deserve their own courts.  In a fiery speech Sunday [2/23/2014] delivered to 18,000 at Joe Louis Arena, Minister Louis Farrakhan blasted the judicial systems in the U.S. as being biased against African Americans, calling upon the community to set up their own courts.  "We want equal justice under the law," Farrakhan said on the last day of the Nation of Islam's annual convention, held in Detroit this year.  "Our people can't take much more.  We have to have our own courts."

Lewis Farrakhan Wants His Own Water Fountain.  Because what the country needs is more racial animus.

The White Man Created Ebola To Kill Black People, Says Noted Scientist Louis Farrakhan.  With Ebola dominating the headlines, you might feel a looming dread.  Can it happen to you and your loved ones?  How can you protect yourself?  Is it too early to start freaking out about Ebola?  Well, you can relax, as long as your skin is white.  That's according to the 100 percent sane and rational Rev. Louis Farrakhan, who explains it all: [...]

Farrakhan Crawls Out From Under Rock To Declare Whites Invented Ebola To Kill Blacks.  Louis Farrakhan has crawled out from under a rock to spew another hatred-filled tome.  His latest revelation is a CIA weapon "that can be put in a room where there are Black and White people, and it will kill only the Black and spare the White, because it is a genotype weapon that is designed for your genes, for your race, for your kind."  His latest rant is called "Justifiable Homicide, Black Youth In Peril," and it's a whopper.

Louis Farrakhan praises Donald Trump.  Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan praised Republican front-runner Donald Trump for refusing donations from Jewish groups.  Trump "is the only member who has stood in front of the Jewish community and said 'I don't want your money,'" Farrakhan said in a sermon he delivered this week.  "Any time a man can say to those who control the politics of America, 'I don't want your money,' that means you can't control me.  And they can't afford to give up control of the presidents of the United States."

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