Obama and Associates, P.U.

Note:  You might want to start at the Barack Obama Index Page, especially if you arrived here by using a search engine.

Barack Obama seems to have associated himself with a number of people and organizations that are, to say the least, out of step with most Americans.


Overviews: Barack Obama is a disciple of Saul Alinsky.

The New Party.

Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said.

"Father" Michael Pfleger.


Michelle Obama.

Valerie Jarrett.

Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.

      What evidence lurks at the University of Illinois?

Frank Marshall Davis.

Derrick Bell.


The Center for American Progress.

Other questionable associates and endorsements.

Tony Rezko.

... and don't forget Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his Black Liberation Theology.

Overviews:  Barack Obama is a disciple of Saul Alinsky, Jeremiah Wright, and Frank Marshall Davis

The Vetting, Part I: Barack's Love Song To Alinsky.  In The Audacity of Hope, Barack Obama claims that he worried after 9/11 that his name, so similar to that of Osama bin Laden, might harm his political career.  But Obama was not always so worried about misspellings and radical resemblances.  He may even have cultivated them as he cast himself as Chicago's radical champion.  In 1998, a small Chicago theater company staged a play titled The Love Song of Saul Alinsky, dedicated to the life and politics of the radical community organizer whose methods Obama had practiced and taught on Chicago's South Side.  Obama was not only in the audience, but also took the stage after one performance, participating in a panel discussion that was advertised in the poster for the play.  Recently, veteran Chicago journalist Michael Miner mocked emerging conservative curiosity about the play, along with enduring suspicions about the links between Alinsky and Obama.

Obama Appointees in the Communist Orbit.  [Barack Hussein Obama's] Kenyan father was a communist, who met Obama's mother, a radical leftist, in a Russian language class.  Stanley Dunham, Obama's white grandfather, chose a notorious member of the Communist Party to be Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.  Obama wrote in his memoir that in college, he sought out Marxist professors.  A Marxist student at Occidental College, John Drew, confirms that Obama was a revolutionary Marxist in college. [...] Obama tells us the radical socialist conferences he attended before law school gave him his road map in life, i.e., their plan to put a stealth black candidate in the White House.  Obama's biggest job and his political career in Chicago were launched by self-avowed communist Bill Ayers.  Obama's run for state representative was as the hand-picked successor of a socialist state representative, who was publicly active in communist circles.  Obama's calling in life was work as a hard-left Alinskyite radical agitator.  Until he became president, Obama was a 20-year member of an openly Marxist church whose members had to take a pledge against the middle class.  When did Obama reject Marxism?

No Wonder the Post Hid Obama's Red Mentor.  In August 2008, back when it mattered, the Washington Post ran a 10,000-word article by its Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter David Maraniss titled, "Though Obama Had to Leave to Find Himself, It Is Hawaii That Made His Rise Possible." [...] Up until this week, I presumed that Maraniss ignored [Frank Marshall] Davis as a way of protecting [Barack H.] Obama's candidacy.  If so, he was in good company.  I could find no mentions of Davis in the New York Times before the 2008 election and precious few mentions afterwards.  In the Times' humble defense, however, only the Post commissioned a 10,000-word article on Obama's Hawaii years by a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist.  It turns out that Maraniss had personal reasons for this impressive exercise in truth suppression.  His father Elliott Maraniss and Frank Marshall Davis had a good deal in common.

'Russian Collusion' by Saul Alinsky.  Do you know Saul Alinsky?  He was the mentor of most of the leading liberal politicians of our time — including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  Alinsky was a radical Marxist strategist and community organizer.  His leading "weapons" were weapons of mass distraction:  misinformation, radical protest and blaming the other guy for whatever you (the liberal politician or activist) are guilty of.  Alinsky actually counseled radical leftists to look in the mirror and whatever you see, blame the other guy for doing or being that exact same thing.  So, if you're a crook, blame the other guy for being a crook.  If you're a corrupt politician, call your opponent a corrupt politician.  If you've ruined the economy, blame your opponent for ruining the economy.  And of course, if you're in bed with Russia, blame the other guy for being in "collusion" with Russia.  It's all playing out in front of our very eyes.

Russian Collusion in Democrat Inner Circle?  In the White House, President Obama surrounded himself with more red diaper babies and communist-supporters.  CIA director John Brennan voted for the Communist Party candidate in the 1976 presidential election.  Obama biographer David Maraniss was a red diaper baby.  So was Obama's pick to head Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson.  Cold War historian Paul Kengor goes deeply into Obama's communist background in an article in American Spectator, "Our First Red Diaper Baby President," and in an excellent Mark Levin interview.  Another Kengor article describes the Chicago communists whose younger generation include David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, and Barack Hussein Obama.  Add the openly Marxist, procommunist Ayers, and you have many of the key players who put Obama into power.

Racist Obama Caused Dems' Downfall, Not Hillary.  With the help of a partisan, unethical press, the Democrats normalized Obama's every aberrant trait.  But Obama is aberrant.  He is a Democrat in name only — in reality, he is a hard left "red diaper baby" — as were Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod.  Obama has had literally lifelong radical ties, starting with his grandfather and mother, as well as his Kenyan father, and Obama's beloved teenage mentor, child molester Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party.

Obama, Organizing for Action, and the Death Throes of the Democratic Party.  Obama is no fool and he understands — having encouraged Black Lives Matter and the war on police and law enforcement, having facilitated ballooning welfare rolls and doubling student debt to $1.35 trillion, having presided over a flood of immigrants illegally crossing the southern border, and having pushed unprecedented deficit spending that added nearly a trillion dollars annually to the federal debt and doubling that debt in eight years to $20 trillion — that the U.S. is nearer collapse than at any previous time.  And every Marxist knows that socialist transformation first requires collapse of the old order.  Obama has not only been trained in Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, but he's familiar with the "crisis strategy theory" of Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, two neo-Marxists who taught at Columbia University, where Obama later studied.

The Brainwashing of a Nation.  How to explain why so many liberals have fallen into the flim flam trap of Marxism?  For that we need to credit Saul Alinsky, the man who completed the mission of the Frankfurt School and did it brilliantly.  Hillary Clinton so admired him, she wrote her senior thesis on her hero and mentor.  Alinsky was a diehard Marxist but also a pragmatist who realized that the road to revolution was through crisis and community organizing.  These community organizers like Barack Obama would stir up discontent on the grass roots level while pretending to embrace our Bill of Rights.

What Has Obama Done to Us, and How Was He Able to Do It?  Obama is the most left-wing president in American history.  Never mind his speech at the 2004 Democrat National Nomination Convention, or during the run-up to the 2008 election, when he was presenting himself as a moderate.  Someone scrutinizing Obama's history, including his early years in and out of the U.S., his time in school, his stint as a Chicago community organizer, his law school experiences, and his political career as an Illinois state senator and a U.S. senator, should have recognized him for what he is:  a radical leftist, steeped in Marxism, contemptuous of America's Constitution, hostile to traditional values, and committed to Alinskyite notions of social justice.

Saul Alinsky Profiled in New Documentary.  A new documentary has been released about community organizer Saul Alinsky (1909-1972).  "A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" is the work of father and son team Richard and Stephen Payne and their company Arcadia Films.  It's available for purchase on streaming video and is airing weekly on EWTN through October.  The child of poor Russian Jewish immigrant parents, Alinsky was born in 1909.  He majored in archaeology at the University of Chicago and later became a criminologist.

Alinsky's Rules + Cloward-Piven = Obama's Fundamental Change to Socialism.  There is an email circulating that incorrectly attributes the 8 steps to create a Social State to Saul Alinsky.  Liberals easily cast this off as a lie by claiming (thanks to Snopes and other lefty sites) that Alinsky didn't write this.  And while that much is true, the actual plan is real.  It was inspired by Alinsky and enumerated by Cloward and Piven.  It has been refined and updated, but it is still the road-map to the "fundamental change" Obama has been implementing.

Democrats' Platform for Revolution.  [Scroll down]  Obama never met Alinsky personally; the latter died when Obama was a young boy.  But Obama was trained by the Alinsky-founded Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) in Chicago and worked for an affiliate of the Gamaliel Foundation, whose modus operandi for the creation of "a more just and democratic society" is rooted firmly in the Alinsky method.  As The Nation magazine puts it, "Obama worked in the organizing tradition of Saul Alinsky, who made Chicago the birthplace of modern community organizing...."  In fact, for several years Obama himself taught workshops on the Alinsky method.  Obama and his fellow agitators made demands for many things in the Eighties, including taxpayer-funded employment-training services, playground construction, after-school programs, and asbestos removal from neighborhood apartments.

Alinsky's daughter:  Here's the truth about Hillary the media won't tell you.  Hillary's whole life has been dedicated to socialist/communist ends.  The fact that the arguments and the anger fomented by Alinsky in the 40s, 50s and 60s are the same arguments and anger of today's Obama/Clinton model is telling.  For 75 years, inner city blacks have been poor, labor unions have worked to put their members out of a job, and everyday there is some new group claiming it doesn't have equality.  All of these groups have been targeted by these so-called organizational geniuses.  No matter what happens, either by the power/conflict ideals of Alinsky and Obama or by power grabs/money laundering of the Clintons, the lives of the people get worse.

Who is Saul Alinsky?  Alinsky was a pioneer in community organizing in Chicago, known for extremely confrontational, though non-violent tactics in effecting social change.  His methods have been used by liberals and tea party conservatives alike, although he was personally a liberal Democrat.

Hume: 'Obama chooses to see through the eyes of an aggrieved black activist'.  [Scroll down]  You see, Obama's divisive instincts transcend racial issues and permeate every topic he is presented with.  He does not view them through the prism of race[,] he views them through the prism of Alinsky.  In other words, from the perspective of polarizing Americans into an "us vs them" mentality and using his rhetorical skills to assist in tearing down the foundations of our society so that government intervention is ultimately the only reasonable, viable option.  When you study each of the president's tactics through this lens, it all makes sense.

Behind the anti-Trump Disruptors, the Fine Hands of Alinsky and Obama.  Recently, when disrupters showed up at a Trump rally in Chicago, the first thing that came to mind was that America's most notorious community organizer could be the wizard behind the curtain orchestrating what was being sold as an organic occurrence.  In Saul Alinsky's 1971 book Rules for Radicals, the late author could have been describing Obama's last seven years in office when he wrote that an efficacious organizer should be "an abrasive agent to rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; to fan latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expressions."  The father of community organizing taught that once people are "whipped up to a fighting pitch," the agitated could be directed to participate in rowdy demonstrations.  By employing those techniques on the international level, Alinsky's star pupil, Barack Obama, has successfully managed to whip up global chaos.

Why People Can't Face the Truth about Obama.  The antecedents of Barack Obama's hatred of America are now well understood.  Obama was groomed from the womb to abhor this white majority, predominantly Christian free enterprise Republic.  From his expatriate, capitalism-hating mother, from his alcoholic Communist father and his perv Communist mentor, detesting America was in his mother's milk and the blood in his veins.  But it was the murderous Bill Ayers who recognized in Obama a destructive potential greater than a million bombs cooked up in basements. [...] America is Barack Obama's prey.  He is tearing America apart and feeding the pieces of her life to his foreign and domestic fellow travelers.  He is not transforming the nation but terminating it.

What Do Yale, Missou, Alinksy, Cloward-Piven and Obama's Organizing for Action Add Up To?  Ever since we learned about President Obama's marination in the ideas of Saul Alinsky we've been frightening ourselves with a future defined by Obama's fundamental transformation through community organizing. And we have seen the fruit of his politics in the outbreak of left-wing activism this fall with ludicrous outbreaks of snowflake fascism at Missouri State University and Yale.  I've read hints that the Black Autumn is funded in part by George Soros foundations and President Obama's Organizing for Action.  But who knows?  But here's my take on all this.  Liberals are setting themselves up for a fall with this protest politics, because they fundamentally misunderstand what they are doing.

How Obama is bankrolling a non-stop protest against invented outrage.  Barack Obama's presidency has been pockmarked by rioting, looting and protests.  That's no coincidence.  It's what the former community organizer sought from Day One.  And it's just going to get worse before he leaves office.  The senseless protests we're seeing break out on the campuses of the University of Missouri, Yale and other colleges, as well as on bridges and highway overpasses and outside police stations, are precisely the kind of thing Obama was trained to organize while attending leftist agitation schools founded by Chicago communist Saul Alinsky.

What Really Drives Obama's Destructive Mideast Policy?  When discerning a person's motivations, you must first consider what he is.  Obama is a hardcore leftist, marinated in Marxism from his youth, raised by a leftist mother and grandparents and mentored by card-carrying Communist Party USA member Frank Marshall Davis.  He also belonged to the socialist New Party in 1990s Chicago and, according to a 2007 study, owned the Senate's most left-wing voting record; this means he was ahead of even that body's only avowed socialist, Bernie Sanders (who was number two).

Nine Signs of the Impending American Collapse.  Race relations in the U.S. have markedly deteriorated under the suzerainty of the present administration, in some places resembling guerilla warfare as black-on-white violence proliferates and race riots are becoming an almost regular occurrence. [...] Civil disorder is radical community organizer Saul Alinsky's formula for revolutionary triumph, and his handbook Rules for Radicals is the Democratic Party's bible.  Alinsky was the subject of Hillary Clinton's senior thesis at Wellesley College and Obama's teaching at Chicago University Law School.

The Quiet Revolution: How the New Left Took Over the Democratic Party.  Alinksy succeeded in what would be a crowning achievement:  the recruitment of young idealistic radicals — Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama — who would go on to climb to the top of political power in the Democratic Party.  Hillary wrote her senior thesis at Wellesley College in 1969 on Alinsky's methods and remained a friend of Alinsky until his death in 1972.  A decade later, Barack Obama was trained in the methods and Rules for Radicals in the Alinsky-founded Industrial Areas Foundation in Chicago.  Camouflage and deception are key to Alinsky-style organizing.  When Barack Obama was organizing black churches in Chicago and was criticized for not attending church himself, he pivoted and became a regular church attendee, ultimately becoming a member at Jeremiah Wright's radical Trinity United Church of Christ.

Everything is going as Planned in Baltimore, Ferguson, and Elsewhere: Just Ask Alinsky.  Many have questioned how a city like Baltimore, with a Black Female Mayor, a Black Police Commissioner, and a force made up of more minorities than whites, could have a racial problem. [...] Another common question has been what does Obama believe?  Is he really Christian, is he a Muslim, is he a communist, etc.?  The only thing Obama has openly and repeatedly admitted to being and then demonstrated being, is a Community Organizer.  So, what is a community organizer?  Well, let's look at the man who invented this position and defined it so well that Hillary Clinton wrote her graduate thesis on the man.

The Betrayal Papers Part V: Who Is Barack Hussein Obama?  A man does not become President of the United States without very high powered connections.  Usually these connections are accumulated through a long career of public service, whether in the U.S. Congress, Executive, or on the state level.  Obama rose to the Presidency after serving a scant four years in the U.S. Senate, two of which were spent running for President.  Prior to that, he served an unremarkable seven years in the Illinois State Senate.  Before launching his political career in the living room of American anarchists, Obama was a community-organizing lawyer for progressive groups.  Among them was ACORN, which was instrumental in creating the housing bubble.  With such little authentic biography available, we are forced to define Obama by his friends.  They include financial and political manipulators and fixers, corrupt businessmen and international criminals, card-carrying Communists and FBI-identified enemies of the state, terrorists foreign and domestic, and their academic apologists.

Misreading Alinsky.  Since the year before his disciple, Barack Obama, was elected president, many of us have been raising alarms about how Saul Alinsky's brass-knuckles tactics have been mainstreamed by Democrats.  It was thus refreshing to find an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal this week, by Pete Peterson of Pepperdine's School of Public Policy, expressly calling out a top House Democrat for resorting to the seminal community organizer's extortion playbook.  But in the end, alas, Mr. Peterson gets Alinsky wrong.

Saul Alinsky Lives in Ferguson.  As we witness the continuing racial unrest sparked by the shooting of Michael Brown and the Ferguson grand jury's subsequent decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson, it is vital to understand that everything the protesters/rioters are doing — in Ferguson and elsewhere — is straight out of Alinsky's most famous publications, Rules For Radicals and Reveille For Radicals.  And Obama has encouraged them, every step of the way.

What Did Obama Do As A Community Organizer?  Perhaps the simplest way to describe community organizing is to say it is the practice of identifying a specific aggrieved population, say unemployed steelworkers, or itinerant fruit-pickers, or residents of a particularly bad neighborhood, and agitating them until they become so upset about their condition that they take collective action to put pressure on local, state, or federal officials to fix the problem, often by giving the affected group money.  Organizers like to call that "direct action."  Community organizing is most identified with the left-wing Chicago activist Saul Alinsky (1909-72), who pretty much defined the profession.

Alinsky Does Amnesty.  President Obama is an Alinskyite.  That assertion is not an epithet — well, not primarily.  True, I would not describe someone I admired as an "Alinskyite."  Saul Alinsky was a loathsome figure — a radical statist who whose toxic brew of thoroughgoing deceit and brass-knuckles extortion ("direct action") has become a part of mainstream politics.  But in tying the president to the seminal community organizer whose theories and tactics so influenced him, my purpose is more to decode than to insult him.

Media In 2014: Who Is Saul Alinsky And Why Should We Care?  The right has done a lot of journalism on Saul Alinsky's influence of mainstream Democratic politicians such as President Barack Obama.  This media coverage has been largely mocked or ignored. While conservative media outlets across the spectrum covered this influence in 2007-2008 — special recognition should go to Stanley Kurtz, who spent months digging up interesting stuff in Chicago, and David Freddoso, who also chronicled it well.

Breaking decorum and procedure.  When one examines the much referred to "rules for radicals," it is revealed that these "rules" are nothing more than a rude departure from intellectual debate.  These rules do not speak of making cogent points or salient arguments.  They do not encourage fact gathering and how to apply logic with the delivery of those facts.  They do not discuss intelligent engagement.  What these "rules" do is promote the departure from civil discourse.  We have witnessed the "make it personal" and the shouting down of opposing view points in public forums.  In a nutshell, the "rules" for radicals is "do what ever it takes."

Obama channels Saul Alinsky with 'so sue me' speech.  President Obama has, except on fleeting occasions, routinely disdained the customary Oval Office language of compromise and coalition-building for the low arts of sophistry and belittlement.  That was to be expected, given his background as a Chicago community organizer and product of that city's corrupt Democrat political machine.  But Obama has far exceeded dismal expectations.  No previous American president employed the systematic distortion of fact and mendacious characterization of opponents that have typified Obama's presidency.

Obama the Betrayer.  So far, Obama has shown utter contempt for the U.S. Constitution, for our military, and for the crucial duties of the Department of Justice, the Border Patrol, and the IRS.  The hard left at the core of the Democratic Party is essentially Obamanist, as expressed by Rep. Joe Garcia.  The real problem is therefore not a single human being called Obama, but an entire political apparatus that turns out Obamas like robots.  Hillary is an Alinsky acolyte, and Alinsky was simply another revolutionary agitator — now called "community organizer" by our party-line press.  Alinsky's biggest innovation was to make common cause with organized crime in Chicago.

Why President Obama wants the economy to fail.  Mainstream Democrats worship at the altar of the New Deal.  It's an article of faith that massive government spending pulled America out of the Great Depression.  The president's view of spending, deficits and debt is not merely Keynesian theory run amok.  Its origins and objectives are far more terrifying.  Where the traditional Democratic playbook for economic downturns was provided by Keynes and first made policy by FDR, the Obama template comes straight from Saul Alinsky.  Alinsky, the father of "community organizing," hails from the president's Chicago and is revered by today's fashionably leftist university faculties.

Voter Fraud: The Left's Tool For Social Justice.  [Liberals] care about one thing and one thing only — power — because without power, they cannot bring about a fundamental transformation of America.  It is no coincidence that Obama's role model, the small-c communist Saul Alinsky, used the word power 191 times in his fairly slim magnum opus, Rules for Radicals. [...] Groups like ACORN and Sharpton's National Action Network help them get it.  Alinsky saw his mission as redeeming America by creating "mass organizations to seize power and give it to the people," as if the people did not already rule America.  And it was certainly an odd choice of words for Alinsky, a holier-than-thou, self-professed champion of democracy, to say that these organizations must "seize power."  Such groups, which he called "People's Organizations," must be dedicated "to an eternal war ... against poverty, misery, delinquency, disease, injustice, hopelessness, despair, and unhappiness."  Alinsky intoned ominously that failing to use "power for a more equitable distribution of the means of life for all people signals the end of the revolution and the start of the counterrevolution."

We Have Become the Communist States of America.  A preferred ploy of left-wing change agents is to ridicule critics when they point out the undeniable parallels between the goals of today's "progressive" movement, to include the Democratic Party in general, and the goals of the early, and very much still alive, communist movement.  If, for instance, one mentions the historical fact that nearly every adult who, at any time, was in any position of influence over a young, soon-to-be-radicalized Barry Soetoro was an avowed communist, to include his own parents, then one is immediately mocked and dismissed as a neo-McCarthyite hack pining for the bygone days of the Red Scare.  This is an evasive, ad hominem strategy employed by those who are caught, for lack of a better word, red-handed.

Bill Ayers and Obama Both Quote Alinsky.  Over the years, liberals occasionally get sloppy and let it slip that the inspiration for their vision of America comes directly from a left-wing activist/community organizer and student of Chicago mobsters, Saul Alinsky, author of a handbook for revolutionaries entitled Rules for Radicals.  Just prior to his death in 1972, while discussing life after death in a Playboy interview, Alinsky said that, if given the choice between heaven and hell, he'd choose hell.

What does the NSA Know about Obama?  [Scroll down]  While Frank Marshall Davis was under surveillance for 19 years, he may have engaged in espionage for the Soviet Union.  Obama covered up Davis's real identity when he ran for president.  Although Obama publicly claimed that he regarded Ayers and Dohrn as just neighbors and respected academics, declassified intelligence in the Weather Underground case shows that Ayers, Dohrn and their comrades had connections to the Soviet KGB, the Cuban intelligence service and the DGI, in addition to their terrorist ties.

What Will It Take?  [Scroll down]  In a recent speech, [Monica Crowley] spelled out what should have been plain for all to see:  "We have a president who ... came out of the swamps of Chicago machine politics, who learned at the knee of the communist revolutionary Frank Marshall Davis, who studied under Marxist professors ... who trained intensively in the revolutionary tactics of Saul Alinsky, who launched his political career in the living room of Marxist revolutionaries and domestic terrorists ... who for two decades sat in the pews of the radical anti-American preacher, who tried desperately to bury that past, who spoke about the fundamental transformation of the nation ... who waged war on entire news organizations, Fox News, and who spent his first term slamming into place radical wealth redistribution and socialized medicine....  What I'm describing here is the classic tin-pot dictatorship.  We never thought it could happen here, and yet, here it is. [...]"

Shutdown Reveals Obama's Warped Worldview — Again.  Obama was raised and supported by radical leftists his entire life.  It's all he knows.  His parents were leftists.  A childhood mentor of his was a well-known Marxist.  He went to very liberal colleges.  He moved to Chicago were he "community organized" for leftist groups and then started his political career in the house of an admitted domestic terrorist who, naturally, is also a far left radical.  He went to the church of an America-hating pastor who, you guessed it, is also a far left radical.  This is who he is.  He's an agitator.  A radical.  He is not a leader.  He is a glorified trouble-maker.

I Ache for a President Who Loves America.  If there's one thing that bugs me about the Obama years it is the palpable fact that Obama doesn't love America.  The last two weeks has intensified that feeling.  We know why he doesn't love America.  It's because he identifies with his Kenyan father's hatred of Western colonialism.  If that weren't enough, Obama follows the cultural cues of liberal America, from his lefty mother to his lefty teenage mentors to his lefty college instructors to his lefty radical sponsors in Chicago.  Liberals think they are too good for America.  Ditto Obama.

San Fran Chronicle's Helpful Tip: Lower Your Income to Qualify for Obamacare Cash.  [I]magine a world where everyone held hands and shared equally in the income amassed by a few.  Barack Obama is able to imagine such a world.  He articulated his vision of it in July 2011, when he expressed his loathing for being "able to keep hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional income that I don't need, while a parent out there who is struggling to figure out how to send their [sic] kid to college suddenly finds that they've [sic] got a couple thousand dollars less in grants or student loans."  He never enlarged upon the novel concept of "additional income that I don't need" or who gets to make that determination for other people, but he has made it clear on several occasions that he is a firm believer in income redistribution.

When the Have Nots Become the Haves.  Saul Alinsky the political thinker who seems to have had more impact on President Obama than any other was very clear in his most important book about what his motives were and what he was aiming at, "What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be.  'The Prince' was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power.  'Rules for Radicals' is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away."

Obama Following Alinsky Script In Shutdown Showdown.  Republicans seem outplayed in another showdown with the president.  Too bad they don't have his playbook, huh?  Except, they do — they're just too dumb or timid to exploit it.  The playbook is "Rules for Radicals" by Saul D. Alinsky, the late Chicago socialist and father of community organizing.  As a student of Alinsky, Obama studied his political war manual to a fare-thee-well.  And now he's putting his mentor's hyper-cynical tactics into overdrive to win the battle for bigger government versus Republicans.

Obama's Shutdown Campaign.  [Scroll down]  But the performance has reached a higher, uglier decibel level under the Obama administration.  This is hardly a surprise, given Barack Obama's upbringing, mentors, radical associates, and the crucial fact that he was a community organizer who studied and taught Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.  That was Obama's formative experience for his job today, and it has equipped him for the task at hand.  As accomplices, add in an army of ever-increasing unionized government employees, prodded by their ringleaders, and who burn with the tenacity and partisanship of IRS employees, and watch out.

Obama says Republicans blocking his efforts to fight economic inequality.  The president has powers to fight income inequality, President Obama argued in an interview broadcast Sunday, adding that Republicans in Congress have hobbled his efforts to do it. [...] "I think the president can stop it," Obama said, when asked about the growing income gap.  "The problem is that there continues to be a major debate here in Washington, and that is, how do we respond to these underlying trends?"

The Editor says...
Income inequality is not something to be fought, especially by the leader of a supposedly free country.  Income inequality results from inequality of skill, talent and experience.  Income inequality is the reward for hard work and the punishment for laziness.  The elimination of income inequality is one of the primary goals of Communism.  It is also apparently one of Barack H. Obama's primary goals.  What does that tell you?

The Impostor President Gets Caught.  Obama's rise was, in no small part, a testament to the KGB's success.  From his childhood on, Obama had been learning that just about the only thing exceptional about America was Barack Hussein Obama.  In Hawaii, his communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, reinforced his mother's casual anti-Americanism.  "You're not going to college to get educated.  You're going there to get trained," Davis reportedly told Obama.  "They'll train you so good, you'll start believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that s***."

Dangerous Times: Are Obama's Syrian Stumbles Good for America? By now it's impossible to avoid the conclusion that Obama is fervently anti-American.  Which is what you might learn from his personal history, all the way from Mom the Stalinist, to his "mentor" Frank Davis the child pornographer, all the way to the "Reverend" Jerry Wright and the Alinsky Machine in Chicago.  They all sing the same song, and love for America is never part of it.  There's no way Obama could have been marinated in that toxic stew all his life and not come out as a feverishly anti-American ideologue.  Today we see the proof.

Obama, Alinksy and the Devil.  When people ask me, "Why would Obama want to destroy America" — at least the America that most Conservatives know and love?  It's simple.  Why wait for Hell, when you can create Hell on Earth?  We often hear of Liberals use of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, and people discuss Alinsky's organizing abilities.  What they omit is his underlying philosophy.  Alinsky built his organizing model on a love of creating hell.

The Obama Doctrine of Control Through Dissension.  Barack Obama has managed to undermine the nation's unanimity through the deliberate fostering of racial, political, religious, and class-based conflict.  In other words, the President of the United States is actively endeavoring to community-organize America to death.  Chicago-style troublemaker Barack Obama acquired his skill set while nestled close to the pedagogical breast of Rules for Radicals author Saul Alinsky.  It was there that the president was schooled in the fine art of community organizing, and excelled as a top student.

Percy Sutton: Pro-Communist Obama Enabler, Holder Mentor.  Frank Marshall Davis is known to have taken an active role in the rearing of young Obama from the age of 10 until he turned 18 and left Hawaii for his first year at Occidental College in Los Angeles in 1979.  That was the same year al-Mansour was seeking Arab financial support for students such as Obama.  Vernon Jarrett's column details how al-Mansour told him about a proposal he made to OPEC Secretary-General Rene Ortiz regarding a program to spend "$20 million per year for 10 years to aid 10,000 minority students each year, including blacks, Arabs, Hispanics, Asians and native Americans."  These minority students would then migrate through the political system promoting Palestinian and radical Islamist causes.

Obama's Scandals and Saul Alinsky.  In recent weeks, scandal after scandal has rocked Barack Obama's administration.  His presidency might be imperiled.  Or it might not be.  Obama steadfastly remains an activist, a "community organizer."  Nor has he forgotten that which he learned from the godfather of all community organizers, Saul Alinsky.  In his Rules for Radicals, Alinsky writes that the goal "of the organizer is to maneuver and bait the establishment so that it will publicly attack him as a 'dangerous enemy.'"

Obama's plan hatched at Columbia University.  This is no accident, or the work of an economically inept liberal.  This is a purposeful plan to drown the nation in debt and hook a majority to government handouts, happening in front of our eyes. [...] Why would anyone want to purposely collapse the economy you might ask?  Saul Alinsky taught the ends justify the means.  A bankrupt America wipes out the middle class and small business.  That wipes out the majority of donors to conservatives causes — meaning Obama has no opposition.

John Lott: Obama is the Most Radical President in American History.  Author John Lott, tells AIM why he calls Obama the most radical president in American history in his new book At The Brink by talking about Obamacare, sequestration and gun control.  [Video clip]

Six Alinsky Rules That Explain Obama's Words and Deeds.  In spite of the media's conspicuous silence on the matter, it is no secret that Saul Alinsky's manual for "community organizers" — Rules for Radicals — exerted an immeasurable influence over the world's most well recognized community organizer, President Barack Obama.  Thus, to understand why Obama does what he does, we need to be familiar with the vision that Alinsky delineated in his book.

Obama's Alinsky Tactics Go into Overdrive.  One day it's voting rights; the next day, gun control and immigration reform; then health care; then student loans; then climate change; then oil drilling; then the coal industry; then gay marriage; then minimum-wage and living-wage laws; then a brain research initiative. [...] Above all, it is vital to understand that none of this "hyperactivity" is random or accidental.  Every single, solitary bit of it has been carefully planned and orchestrated by Obama and his political allies, for the purpose of advancing the transformational change the president so zealously seeks to impose on America by means of the tactics taught by the late, famed godfather of community organizing, Saul Alinsky.

Barack Obama: The Man Behind the Mask.  Barack Obama is a product of 1960's radicalism.  His parents, grandparents, mentors, professors and, by his own admission, circle of friends were all disciples of Marxist thought and the tactics of societal revolution.  Not only his formative years but virtually his entire life has been an immersion in this mindset — a mindset which includes a deep seated animosity toward capitalism and individual freedom.  Virtually all the despots of the twentieth century had the same philosophical convictions and intellectual backgrounds.

Is a Civil War Coming?  For anyone who has done even a cursory study of Barack Obama's life, they know that his radical Marxist views are not a recent phenomenon.  During his New York years, he was a frequent participant in the annual Socialist Scholars Conference held in Manhattan.  In the 1990s, he was affiliated with the Marxist New Party.  He called for an outright ban on guns in 1996.  Through the 1990s and 2000s, he funneled millions of dollars to socialist front groups like ACORN, via the Woods Fund and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

Obama is winning his power struggle with Congress.  Many conservatives believe that President Obama is a star protégé of Saul Alinsky, the revolutionary who wrote Rules for Radicals.  Alinsky began that book, "The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power.  Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away."  That certainly fits Obama's obsession with sticking it to the rich even though it will have as much of an impact on trillion-dollar annual deficits as a mosquito sucking on an elephant.  But it is not about the money; it's about power.  When Obama talked about a fundamental transformation of America, it's now clear he meant a fundamental transformation of power — from the people to the government.

A new verb.  "Mr. Speaker, what do you have to say about lobbying for Freddie Mac?"  "I have advised a number of organizations over the years.  The opposition is just trying to Alinsky me."

The Root Cause of Gun Violence.  Whenever Barack Obama talks, he tells us that whatever he believes is just common sense.  And what anyone who disagrees with him says is just politics.  That's actually the open communist Saul Alinsky talking, worshipped by every true Democrat (see, e.g., Hillary Clinton).  It is just more sophistry and deception.

The Real Barack Obama.  The mainstream media have for years largely ignored the evidence that Obama is solidly a man of the Left.  Back in 1985, the 24-year-old Obama answered a help-wanted ad for a job with a group run by Saul Alinsky's Chicago disciples.  The late Alinsky has long been the patron saint of radical "community organizers" on the left.  Obama was deeply influenced by his years as an Alinsky-style organizer in Chicago.  "Obama embraced many of Alinsky's tactics and recently said his years as an organizer gave him the best education of his life," wrote Peter Slevin of the Washington Post in 2007.  That same year, The New Republic's Ryan Lizza found Obama still "at home talking Alinskian jargon about 'agitation'" and fondly recalling workshops where he had learned Alinsky's concepts and methods for infiltrating power structures.

Military leaders who 'will fire on U.S. citizens'.  [Don't forget] that this president was suckled on the Communist teat of Frank Marshall Davis, moved on to Alinsky and Piven and the strategy meetings of Cooper Union communists looking for ways to make the Marxist message palatable to a country built on free market capitalists, befriended Palestinian terrorist enablers and apologists, and then emerged in politics as a protege of Bill Ayers, the man whose Weather Underground movement sought to overthrow the government — propelling into the ultimate seat of power the perfect Potemkin pragmatist, sold to us as a post-partisan, post-racial healer the would absolve us of our racist colonialist sins, with the actual means to do so.

Poll: Republican voters say Obama's hiding something.  More than a third of Americans — and 64 percent of Republicans — believe that President Barack Obama might be hiding something, according to a new poll Thursday [1/17/2013].  Thirty-six percent of the surveyed voters think the president is possibly "hiding important information about his background and early life," the Fairleigh Dickinson University PublicMind survey found.

Mark Levin: Background Check Needed For Barack Obama.  Mark Levin is calling for background checks for all politicians, including one Barack Hussein Obama.  [Video clip]

The True Disciple of Saul Alinsky.  In "Rules for Radicals," the Alinsky rulebook and Obama playbook, the first rule is, "Power is not only what you have, but what an opponent thinks you have."

Summary of Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals".  Union organizers are often highly trained.  In many unions this training includes indoctrination in Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."  Saul Alinsky was a ruthless radical organizer.  He would stop at nothing to win.  Before he passed away in 1972 he published a book called "Rules for Radicals" in which he outlined his power tactics and questionable ethics.  Anyone interested in staying, or becoming, Union Free, whether in an organizing campaign or in a decertification or deauthorization election, ought to become familiar with these rules.

Obama is Still Channeling Saul Alinsky.  The president is feigning when he says, "I'm hoping to compromise" with Republicans.  It's a trap.  His mentors counseled to never compromise with "the enemy."

Obama: The Affirmative Action President.  [How] did a man so devoid of professional accomplishment beguile so many into thinking he could manage the world's largest economy, direct the world's most powerful military, execute the world's most consequential job? [...] And then there is the matter of his troubling associations:  the white-hating, America-loathing preacher who for decades served as Obama's "spiritual mentor"; a real-life, actual terrorist who served as Obama's colleague and political sponsor.

Who Is Barack Hussein Obama? And What Is He Really Up To?  Obama is an ardent disciple of the communist agitator Saul Alinsky, who taught that radical change of America's socio-economic structure is necessary to achieve the ultimate goal of a socialist state.  Alinsky is the key to Obama.  Alinsky's infamous book, Rules for Radicals, gives instruction for socialist revolutionaries to cut their hair, put on a suit and tie, and infiltrate the organizations they wish to overthrow.  Nobody has been more successful at this than Barack Hussein Obama.

Would Obama Incite Civil Unrest to Win?  Barack Obama's primary occupation before electoral politics was as a community organizer in Chicago.  He was an adviser to ACORN, the election fraud racket and socialist activism organization founded by former SDS radical Wade Rathke.  His mentors in Chicago included Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, the Weather Underground leaders who staged the Days of Rage in 1969; Rashid Khalidi, apologist for and promoter of anti-Israeli violence; and Jeremiah Wright, whose most famous words are "God d--- America!"  In his youth, of course, Obama's primary male role model was Frank Marshall Davis, a communist and, naturally, a community organizer.  Would any of the people I just named stop short of using intimidation or civil unrest to achieve their political ends, if they believed it would be effective — or that it was their only hope?

Our First 'Red Diaper Baby' President?  Between Obama's mother, grandfather, Kenyan father, and Frank Marshall Davis, those are some pretty extreme political influences.  Some of them were interested in communism, sympathetic to communism, fellow travelers, or even downright Communist Party members.  For a young Obama — who I actually feel bad for — this would seem to meet the standards of a Red Diaper Baby environment.

Senator Obama Was Pretty Awful in 2007 and Hasn't Got any Better Since Becoming President.  I reported on then Senator Barack Obama's Hampton Univeristy speech of June 2007, when he had entered the race for President. [...] This is Barack Obama — community activist, autobiographer and President of the United States.  He is the same man today, as he was in 2007, 2004 and 1995.  His world-view fully formed by Planned Parenthood, Frank Marshall, Andy Stern, Derrick Bell, James Cone, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and prepared for public consumption by Marilyn Katz.

More about Senator Obama's 2007 speech.

Does 1979 newspaper column shed light on 2008 campaign story?  You would think that a program to spend "$20 million per year for 10 years to aid 10,000 minority students each year, including blacks, Arabs, Hispanics, Asians and native Americans" would be referred to somewhere other than one obscure 1979 column, but I haven't found any other word of it.  Maybe the funding materialized, maybe it didn't, but what's particularly noteworthy is that this black Islamic lawyer who "for several years [had] urged the rich Arab kingdoms to cultivate stronger ties to America's blacks by supporting black businesses and black colleges and giving financial help to disadvantaged students" was also the same lawyer who allegedly helped arrange for the entrance of Barack Obama into Harvard Law School in 1988.

Barack Obama — The Radical Mansourian Candidate.  A 1979 column confirms our 2008 editorial positing that the 44th president might owe his meteoric rise to an education funded by Israeli-hating adviser to a Saudi billionaire. [...] When he was known as Donald Warden, according to the Social Activism Project at the University of California at Berkeley, al-Mansour was the mentor of Black Panther Party founder Huey Newton and his associate, Bobby Seale.  What did this radical extremist see in young Obama that he would seek to sponsor and finance his education?

Khalid al-Mansour and his 'very bad' luck with dear friends and reporters.  There have been lots of interesting responses to last week's column about Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, but none more interesting than the response of al-Mansour himself. [...] Just two days after my column appeared, al-Mansour was doing damage control — telling Buzzfeed.com that he had never talked to OPEC Secretary General Rene Ortiz about setting up the $200 million fund, as Jarrett had reported — and that indeed he had never even talked to Jarrett about the topic.

The Arab-American network behind Obama.  President Obama's controversial relationships with radical figures like Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi have been well-publicized in recent years.  Prior to his academic career in the United States, Khalidi worked for Yasser Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization when it was classified by the State Department as a terrorist group.  Less well-known is a cluster of Chicago businessmen who formed an Arab-American network at the heart of Obama's political apparatus.  Ray Hanania, a Chicago-based Arab-American journalist and activist, described the network in a 2007 interview with Chicago magazine as "a small cluster of activists" in the business community who were politically involved.  Chief among them was Obama mentor Tony Rezko.

Why President Obama Hates America.  Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party member investigated by the FBI for un-American activities.  As a teenager, Obama sat at Davis' knee in his Waikiki bungalow, where he was brainwashed into hating America while romanticizing Soviet Russia.  Interestingly, Davis put Churchill at the center of Anglo-American "imperialism."  Rev. Jeremiah Wright, moreover, baptized Obama into "liberation theology," which emerged from the communist movement in Central America.  Wright's church "stood in solidarity" with the Sandinista dictators of Nicaragua while Obama attended there.  Not surprisingly, Obama protested U.S. support for the Contra rebels.  Wright also lionized Hamas and called for divestment in Israel, which he accused of having "illegally occupied Palestinian territories" for decades.  Derrick Bell, the late Harvard law professor, taught Obama "critical race theory" and "postcolonial theory," which argues that Western imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism.  Obama remained close to Bell until his death last year.

Cliff Kincaid remarks at July 19 "Vetting Obama" conference.  Obama is surrounded by people who couldn't pass the CARL test; many of these cases are documented in Trevor Loudon's Barack Obama and the Enemies Within. [...] It is not my purpose here to go over all of this, although I do suggest you take a look at Trevor's book, which goes back over four years and includes his seminal work on such figures as Frank Marshall Davis and Van Jones.  It was Trevor who gave Glenn Beck the information on Van Jones that forced Jones out of his job.  Unfortunately, Beck lost his job, when the Soros machine threatened News Corporation over Beck's exposure of the people behind Van Jones and Barack Obama.

Can a Candidate Lie His Way to the Presidency?  Barack Obama has developed quite a record as a liar.  He lied for more than a decade about where he was born.  He lied about many aspects of his life in his fictional "memoir."  He lied about his Chicago years and his activities and associations there.  (Has anyone ever asked the question, what did Obama do when he lived in Chicago, and whom did he know there, since it seems that all of the activities and associations of which we have a record are now, as Nixon might say, inoperative.)

Let's Apply Harry Reid's 'Dog Catcher' Standard to Barack Obama.  Let us first take the question of whether Barack Obama would have been confirmed by the Senate for any position, Cabinet or otherwise.  If his lack of experience was not a sufficient obstacle, his past history of serious drug use — which is even worse than the admissions in his memoir, Dreams from My Father — would have barred his nomination.  So, too, would his radical past, including his associations with Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Rashid Khalidi, Derrick Bell, and a host of extremists with whom he made common cause.

Top Ten Felons, Fugitives, and Shady Characters in Obama's Life.  What?  What's that?  You don't want to talk about this?  Objection overruled, Corrupt Media!  The President opened this door, and now we're going to walk right on through it.  Starting with...  [#1] Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich:  Sentenced to 14 years in prison for political corruption. [...] [#2] Tony Rezko:  Sentenced to 10 and a half years for corruption and kickbacks. [...] [#9] Solyndra:  First company to receive taxpayer backed loans from Obama.  Solyndra's investors are Obama bundlers.

The Way of the Community Organizer.  In lieu of trying to find common solutions to shared problems in a fashion that suppresses innate differences, the community organizer seeks to find potential seams of friction and animosity, and then mine and exploit them for political gain — the ultimate aim being to forge together a near majority by piling faction upon faction to obtain compensatory damages for perceived grievances.  In 2008, Obama showed his hand with "typical white person," the clingers speech, the "gun to the knife fight" and "get in their faces'" quips, the spread-the-wealth slip, and the suppression of his past radical associations and alliances.

What The Washington Post Isn't Telling You About Obama, Clinton, And Kerry.  In April 1983, Columbia student Barack Obama attended the Socialist Scholars Conference in New York City.  His presence there is documented.  He admits as much in Dreams from My Father.  The scholars at the conference were all Marxists and the meeting was held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Marx's death.  Obama notes that he consciously sought out "radicals" among the professors and students he studied with.  "Radicals' were not radical environmentalists or radical pro-lifers or radical right wingers.  The radicals he consorted with were almost all Marxists, like Frank Marshall Davis, his mentor.

A New Declaration of Independence.  Without any in-depth research or vetting about his background, Barack Hussein Obama was elected the 44th president of the United States.  There were voices of caution who early on exposed Obama's connections to former terrorist Bill Ayers, anti-American vilifier Reverend Wright, crook Tony Rezko, and anti-Semite Rashid Khalidi, but they were laughed at as the people allowed themselves to be demagogued on hope and change.

Why Obama's radicalism mattersAccording to his own narrative, Barack Obama was bred by communists, raised by communists, mentored by communists and was employed by communists.  By his admission, he sought out communists as preferred parties with whom to fraternize.  Obama's radical Marxism is at the very core of why he does what he does, why he will continue to do so and why America remains in dire peril with every day he occupies the White House.  Everything Obama has actualized or attempted — from his exploitation of high health-care costs to surreptitiously compromising the Constitution, to his desperation to regulate the Internet and any other means of public address into which he might conceivably insinuate government's putrid tentacles, to his proclivity for religious persecution, to his spending us into destitution — have their roots in Marxist doctrine.

Carney Asked if 'Saul Alinsky Portrait' Is Hanging in the White House.  During a White House press briefing on Monday [3/19/2012], Fox News' Ed Henry asked Press Secretary Jay Carney if the White House displays a portrait of Saul Alinsky for its staff to look up to.  Carney's answer was less than direct, and would seem to hint that there just might be something to the Alinsky portrait rumors.

Palin: Let the Vetting Begin.  Do we ever want to elect someone like Obama again?  Someone with close ties to people like Jeremiah Wright, Derrick Belle, Tony Rezko and an admiration for Saul Alinsky to name a few.  The answer is no.

We Dare Call It Treason.  Raised by Muslims and communists, on reaching young adulthood Obama-Soetoro, by his own self-aggrandizing admission, made conscious choices to closely associate himself with radical Marxists and black supremacists.  These were, and are, people who ardently believe in the violent overthrow of our government and the destruction of America as a free, sovereign, capitalist nation.  Are we now to believe that disarming America is not part of furthering this agenda?

Oscar-Winning Producer of 'Schindler's List' Slams Obama, Salutes Breitbart.  [Scroll down]  Another part of the ongoing dilemma is that the President surrounded himself with self-proclaimed Marxists, socialists, communists and progressives.  Why?  Is the answer that he embodies some or all of those ideological characteristics?  I think so.  Each of them arrived with an agenda to turn America into the vision of themselves and the despicable goal of changing America into a European style state of fear and class warfare.  Sadly, we see it happening before our very eyes, but we refuse to stand up and make our presence and our voices known.

All Hail Obama.  The willingness of the White House to exceed the Constitutional powers of the President and assert authority beyond that directed in federal statutes is starting to show up more frequently. ... This brazen man who has successfully bluffed his way to the White House despite the Communist and otherwise anti-American people who have tutored and assisted him on his way, is apparently feeling so sure of himself that he is already acting beyond his constitutional obligation to "faithfully execute the laws", even before his reelection.

Our Marxist Wizard of Oz.  His mother was an unabashed hippie from 1960s central casting.  His father was an openly avowed Communist from Kenya.  While his father wasn't around much, his devoutly progressive grandparents arranged for him to be mentored during his adolescent years by a dues paying member of the U.S. Communist Party, Frank Marshall Davis.  When he went to college, he was attracted to the Marxist professors and student activists, according to his own published memoirs.  When he graduated, he moved to Chicago and became an instructor for the left-wing extremist organization ACORN in the social manipulation methods of radical Marxist agitator Saul Alinsky.

Alinsky disciple Obama does the master proud.  Obama sold his health care reform as financial panacea for all our economic ills, telling us that the nearly trillion-dollar legislation would actually save the nation money.  This legerdemain was accomplished by a variety of dishonest budgetary gimmicks:  front-loading the taxes, back-loading the spending and shunting a huge portion of the cost to the states.  How to explain such mendacity from the man who vowed to cure our capital from its endemic corruption and vice?  Simple:  Obama is a disciple of the far-left-wing radical political strategist and teacher Saul Alinsky.  Early in his career, Obama absorbed Alinsky's approach, and even taught it in a class for aspiring community organizers hosted by a front group for the master.

The curse of Saul Alinsky.  "Rules for Radicals" is dedicated to Lucifer, who is praised by Alinsky, both for being "the first radical" and for winning himself a kingdom.  In it, Alinsky condemns the state of the modern world, blames capitalism, boasts about his past rabble-rousing successes, then explains in detail several ways to turn citizens against each other to achieve political goals.  The substance is mostly amoral, often immoral, advice on how to change public sentiment.  It is essentially an instruction guide on how to foment strife, turning neighbor against neighbor until the innately civilized desire to compromise forces a political opponent to acquiesce.

Muslim-leftist radical in the White House.  Barack Hussein Obama is the most successful enemy penetration of the US Government in American history.  During his lifetime, he was nurtured, mentored and supported by radical leftist and fundamentalist Islamic elements both of which hate the United States and seek its demise by whatever means necessary.  Obama's immediate family were close to the Communist Party or sympathetic to its aims.  His mother Stanley Ann Dunham has been described by former classmates as a "fellow traveler."  His grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham arranged Obama's mentorship by Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis, originally from Chicago and the former editor of the Chicago Communist paper, the Star.

Meeting Young Obama.  [Scroll down]  Whatever impact our encounter might have had on him, I know something about what Barack Obama believed in 1980.  At that time, the future president was a doctrinaire Marxist revolutionary, although perhaps — for the first time — considering conventional politics as a more practical road to socialism.  Knowing this, I think I have a responsibility to place on the public record my account of this incident from our president's past.

Even Republicans Rejected Info About Obama's Past.  What would you do if you knew that the top Democrat running for president was lying about his past?  That is the question I was faced with in 2008.  I had met the young Barack Obama while he was a sophomore at Occidental College, and I knew that his commitment to socialism was deep, genuine, and longstanding.

How Nixon Created Obama.  Obama's idol Malcolm X was Mr. Racial Revenge.  Jerry Wright hammered that message home for twenty years.  But then, Obama's mentor "Frank" was one enraged black guy for the CPUSA in Hawaii.  Little Barry never heard anything different in his life.  He was brainwashed by nearly every significant adult in his life path.  No wonder he looks so out of place.  He's never known a normal person in his life.

The Un-American American President.  Obama's teen years were spent living with his maternal grandparents on the Hawaiian island of Oahu.  There he met a family friend, communist, purported pedophile, and his eventual mentor, the radical poet Frank Marshall Davis.  Obama's connections to radical leftists are numerous and well-known.  He's admitted to attending socialist meetings and participated in a rally organized by the Democratic Socialists of America.  In 1996, he sought and received the endorsement of the far left group The New Party.  He has worked with, supported, and attempted to shield from investigation the group ACORN which was recently convicted of massive voter fraud.  Obama's White House is chock-full of radical leftist, anti-American advisors.  As a 20-year attendee at Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ, Obama was steeped in Black Liberation Theology which is rooted in the collectivist philosophy of Karl Marx.

Jeremiah Wright can sink Obama.  [Scroll down]  Furthermore, Mr. Wright says Mr. Obama possessed an "Islamic background" and despite his conversion to Christianity has never abandoned his Muslim roots.  In short, Mr. Wright appears to be confirming what I have argued for years:  Mr. Obama is a cultural Muslim whose Christianity is deeply tied to black liberation theology — the belief that America and the West have an evil, imperialist civilization bent on oppressing the Third World.

Marxism, Socialism, Communism, and Obama:  Tracing the president's behavior and opinions back to the source.

Obama Might Be a Socialist.  [Recently], Howard Dean gave a speech where he insinuated that anyone who says "Obama is a Socialist" is crazy, ignorant, racist, or extreme.  Funny, a recent national poll shows that a majority (55%) of Americans believe "Socialist" best describes Obama.  Another poll shows the Democrat Party is filled with people who identify with Socialism.  I say, it's time for them to come out of the closet.  I ought to know.  I was Obama's college classmate at Columbia University Class of '83.  Our college was dominated by Socialists and Marxists who hated capitalism and America.

Obama and Me.  [Scroll down]  I had finally amassed enough documentation to determine that he was not the centrist he affected to be but a far-left ideologue, that he was a gyrating opportunist who could reverse his proclamations on a dime to suit the occasion, that he had neither knowledge of nor competence in the complexities of foreign affairs, that he was an unabashed plagiarist in his stump speeches, that there was no chance of him becoming a "post racial" president but rather a demagogue who would sharpen racial tensions, that his grasp of real-world economics was shaky to non-existent, that he was an unnervingly ignorant man (e.g. the Austrian language) as well as a showboat (e.g., the fake classical pillars), that he was associated with some of the most dubious people in the political, academic, and religious communities, and that he would waste little time putting the screws on Israel while flattering and appeasing the Islamic world.

Obama's Radical Past.  On the afternoon of April 1, 1983, Barack Obama, then a senior at Columbia University, made his way into the Great Hall of Manhattan's Cooper Union to attend a "Socialist Scholars Conference."  There Obama discovered his vocation as a community organizer, as well as a political program to guide him throughout his life. ... In the early 1980s, America's socialists discovered what Saul Alinsky had always known:  "Community organizing" is a euphemism behind which advocates of a radical vision of America could advance their cause without the bothersome label "socialist" drawing adverse attention to their efforts.

The Manchurian President.  American journalist, author and radio host, Aaron Klein, along with historian and researcher, Brenda J. Elliott, blow the lid off the dome of silence surrounding the Obama administration as they boldly unmask the nation's 44th president in their latest chilling monograph, "The Manchurian President:  Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and Other Anti-American Extremists."  Providing close to 900 footnotes and countless pages of documentation, they reveal surreptitious ties to radical leftists of all stripes.

A Stranger in Our Midst.  [Scroll down slowly]  This disquiet was a slow realization.  Awareness began with Obama's odd pre-presidency associations, decades of being oblivious to Rev. Wright's anti-American ranting, his enduring friendship with the terrorist guy-in-the-neighborhood Bill Ayers, and the Saul Alinsky-flavored anti-capitalist community activism.  Further add a hazy personal background — an Indonesian childhood, shifting official names, and a paperless-trail climb through elite educational institutions.  None of this disqualified Obama from the presidency; rather, this background just doesn't fit with the conventional political résumé.

Does Obama Employ the Marxist Doctrine of Creative Destruction?  [Scroll down slowly]  Barack Obama has experienced an almost total lifelong immersion in socialism.  He has had a nearly complete dependence upon leftist and even communist contacts and friends during his childhood, education and rise to power.  Therefore, wouldn't it be exceedingly odd if Barack weren't at least a little bit communist at heart?

Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis.  Despite the mass media news blackout, a series of books, talk radio and the blogosphere have managed to expose Barack Obama's connections to his radical mentors — Weather Underground bombers William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis and others.  David Horowitz and his Discover the Networks.org have also contributed a wealth of information and have noted Obama's radical connections since the beginning.  Yet, no one to my knowledge has yet connected all the dots between Barack Obama and the Radical Left.

Finally!  Somebody Remembers Obama at Occidental.  Colossal efforts have been made to conceal Obama's school records along with the enigmatic birth certificate.  The president has elucidated little about his days at Occidental or Columbia other than to affirm his affection for radical, anti-American Marxists. ... There is nothing in Obama's background to suggest he is anything but a socialist in the Marxist tradition.  His father was a socialist economist, his mother unabashedly sympathetic to socialist causes.  His parents met in a Russian class when Russia was still the Soviet Union.  His most important childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was an unapologetic communist and member of the Communist Party USA.  His friends Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn are socialists who advocate the violent overthrow of the United States government.  The "best education of his life" came from Saul Alinsky, yet another socialist.

From Red, White and Blue to Just Plain Red.  [Scroll down]  Even lunkheads who managed to sleep all the way through 2008 should be able to figure out that, as president, Obama hasn't changed his colors, but only his address.  His circle of acquaintances has certainly widened, but it hasn't improved.  All you have to do is look at the thugs in ACORN and the SEIU, at people like self-proclaimed Communist Van Jones, who serves as one of Obama's czars, and Jeff Jones, another close advisor, who joined with Bill Ayers in creating the terrorist group known as the Weathermen.

It's Not Socialism, It's Communism.  We know that he [Barack Obama] was greatly influenced by Marxists or people who viewed Communism sympathetically, not the least of which were his grandparents who introduced him to a mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party USA.  Obama wrote that he was drawn to Marxists among his teachers in college.  He began his political career in the home of former Weatherman Bill Ayers.  These days he is praised by Communists in Cuba and Venezuela.  He sided with a Leftist former president of Honduras who tried to illegally alter its constitution.

Obama's never found guilty by association.  Suppose it was revealed that the pastor who had married George and Laura Bush, baptized their two daughters and ministered to their spiritual needs for 20 years was a raving white supremacist who, from the pulpit, preached the separation of the races, claimed that the promiscuity of African-Americans had quickened the spread of AIDS and mused about how America might be improved if black people were sent back to Africa. ... Now what if on top of all this, it was revealed that George Bush had once done work for an organization that then stuffed ballot boxes to get him elected and routinely counselled clients on how to cheat on their taxes?

The Communists Behind Obama's Health Care Goals.  Barack Obama did not conceive of socialized medicine on his own.  His acceptance of such a system was cultivated and nurtured by the same types of Marxist revolutionaries with whom he has surrounded himself throughout his entire adult life — and who are now shaping the major policy agendas of his administration.

A U.S. President, Raised on KGB Propaganda.  From his communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis to the unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, Barack Obama has always gravitated towards people holding radical leftist views akin to those of [Manuel] Zelaya.  He eagerly promoted leftist ideology as an ACORN activist and later when he taught and developed theories that opposed the American system of individual liberties in favor of unsustainable group entitlements at the expense of producers — theories that advocated placing the people under the controlling "care" of the state.

Malkin Exposes Obama's Government by Cronyism.  Merriam-Webster defines a crony as a longtime friend or companion.  But the word when used in a political context is a pejorative.  Culture of Corruption reminds readers that people should be judged by the company they keep and that "no one, not even Barack Obama, can drain a swamp by flooding it."  A must read for conservatives and all those now suffering from Obama-buyers' remorse.

Send Obama packing via the 14th Amendment.  I find myself ambivalent concerning Barack Hussein Obama's birth record and since so many columnists and bloggers have dedicated reams of text about that subject, I felt it better to look at another side of the issue of Presidential legitimacy.  With regard to what Obama has done as both a private citizen and as an elected official of this country, has he by his own actions made himself ineligible for high elected office?

Obama:  The Hollow Man.  Another downside of Obama as chameleon is that he has made poor choices of political allies and friends.  That is a weakness that his critics on the Right have hit hard.  They repeat the names Saul Alinsky, Jeremiah Wright, and William Ayers like spells.  They portray the men behind the names as dangerous villains, but the men are not.  Alinsky and Ayers are (or were — Alinsky is dead) pathetic radical poseurs driven by middle-class self-loathing.  Wright is a media whore who will say outrageous things as if on command, whenever cameras roll.  Their significance comes merely from the fact that Obama didn't have the sense to distance himself from them.  He claims that he didn't know about Ayers' criminal fugitive past when he first met him.  Well, maybe the president is really that stupid.  More likely, the other people in the room accepted Ayers, so Obama did too.  No integrity.

Saul Alinksy's American Dream.  I recently found a tattered old copy of Saul Alinsky's Reveille for Radicals in a used bookstore.  It's underlined and marked up, and it appears to have been passed among several different owners since it was printed in 1969.  (The book itself was first published in 1946).  It is, of course, the classic handbook for "community organizers," or those seeking to instruct grassroots democracy on how to get what it wants — or at least the right kinds of people.  There were tricks and secret levers and all kinds of hidden methods by which a group of protesters, united into one mind, can achieve their goals, whatever those goals might be.  "The system," "the establishment," "the oppressors" — these were, if nothing, stagnant and half-asleep; once roused, they would be more willing to respond with brute force.  But like all heavy punches, such force could be avoided and manipulated.  Such was the goal of Alinsky's book.

Chicago, Obama, and Health Care Reform:  There has been no lack of writing about the influence of Marxist Saul Alinsky on Barack Obama's political ideology.  But what appears to have escaped notice is the influence of the political culture of Chicago on Barack Obama.  These influences, of course, are not the same.  Alinsky was a formidable opponent of the Chicago Democratic Machine.  Obama was, when necessary, a consummate machine insider.

Radical Son?  Obama at Columbia.  I don't think anyone can seriously make the argument at this point that Barack Obama did not dabble in radical leftist politics in his youth.  It is also difficult to ignore the fact that throughout his adult life, the president has been attracted to left-wing radicals and, for whatever reason, kept them close as advisors and mentors.

Obama's Revenge:  While his community-organizing job paid a paltry $12,000 or so per year, Obama somehow managed to pay his way through one of the priciest graduate schools in the world, Harvard Law School.  (I say somehow managed because we have no record of his tuition payments).  Even more amazing, he became the first black president of the Harvard Law Review without ever producing a written paper — or at least a paper that the public has ever read.  There is a good deal of evidence that Obama's acceptance at Harvard Law — and his tuition — were facilitated by friends who had a vested interest in the community organizer.  Among them was Percy Sutton, a former Manhattan borough president and ardent leftist, who was also Malcolm X's lawyer.

Obama Friends Call Character Into Question.  Convicted felon Tony Rezko.  Unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers.  And the race-baiting Rev. Jeremiah Wright.  It is hard to think of any presidential candidate before Barack Obama sporting associations with three more execrable characters.

Barack Obama's Lost Years:  The pages of the Hyde Park Herald and the Chicago Defender thus offer entrée into Obama's heretofore hidden world.  What they portray is a Barack Obama sharply at variance with the image of the post-racial, post-ideological, bipartisan, culture-war-shunning politician familiar from current media coverage and purveyed by the Obama campaign.  As details of Obama's early political career emerge into the light, his associations with such radical figures as Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Father Michael Pfleger, Reverend James Meeks, Bill Ayers, and Bernardine Dohrn look less like peculiar instances of personal misjudgment and more like intentional political partnerships.  At his core, in other words, the politician chronicled here is profoundly race-conscious, exceedingly liberal, free-spending even in the face of looming state budget deficits, and partisan.

Ayers Isn't The HALF Of It!  More information about Obama's connections to Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi, Ingrid Mattson, Frank Marshall Davis, William Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Franklin Raines, Jim Johnson, Rev. Wright and Father Pfleger.

What We Know About Obama:  Obama's troubling associations are more than isolated friendships or instances of bad judgment.  His ties to Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Rashid Khalidi, Michael Pfleger, James Meeks, ACORN, the New Party, and the Gamaliel Foundation all reflect Obama's sympathy with radical-left ideas and causes — wealth redistribution prominent among them.  At both the Woods Fund and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, for example, Obama and Ayers channeled money into ACORN's coffers.

Not Over Yet.  There are simply too many ACORNs, Ayers, Khalidis, Pflegers, Wrights, et al. not to suggest a pattern unbecoming of a future President of the United States.  Obama's past statements about his relationship with Ayers (and others) simply cannot be reconciled with the factual circumstances of their long association.  McCain must focus on Ayers between 2001-2005.  Then in the climate of national worry following 9/11, Ayers was on recent record as lamenting that he had not set off enough bombs, and yet until 2005 still in contact with Obama — about what and why, voters might wish to know.
[Emphasis in original]

Who Vetted Obama?  We are living witnesses to an incredible media double standard, whereby a Republican vice-presidential candidate's personal life is being torn apart, while the Democratic presidential candidate continues to get a free ride.  Obama has a 30-year history of associating with unsavory characters, beginning with communist Frank Marshall Davis and continuing with Jeremiah Wright and communist terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, which should disqualify him from getting a security clearance in the government that he wants to run.

The Obama Fan-Dance Must End.  As someone who has written critically of John McCain on a host of issues, including the Keating Five, none of it compares to the life that Barack Obama has led and his belief system.  Obama is not merely associated with domestic terrorists, Palestinian radicals, Marxists, and black liberation ideologues — he was their favorite candidate.  They groomed him.  They befriended him.  He befriended them.  He socialized with them.  In other words, these people saw Obama as representing their views and aspirations and he saw them the same way.

The Real Obama:  Jeremiah Wright, Father Michael Pfleger, William Ayers and Antoin Rezko are not just people who happened to be at the same place at the same time as Barack Obama.  They are people with whom he chose to ally himself for years, and with some of whom some serious money changed hands.  Some gave political support, and some gave financial support, to Obama's election campaigns, and Obama in turn contributed either his own money or the taxpayers' money to some of them.  That is a familiar political alliance — but an alliance is not just an "association" from being at the same place at the same time.

Six Degrees of Barack Obama:  As a legislator, he accomplished nothing.  As an attorney, he has never tried a case to a verdict.  If we were able to identify the six persons in closest proximity to the candidate in order to better understand Obama, who would they be?  Possibly, William Ayers, Rod Blagojevich, Emil Jones, Tony Rezko, Todd Stroger and Jeremiah Wright.  If you are seeking genuine political change and desired reform, why on earth would you look to the Cook County Democratic Machine to deliver a knight in shining armor?

The real Obama: Part IV.  Barack Obama's supporters often try to sidestep questions about his character and judgment by saying that we should stick to what they arbitrarily define as "the real issues."  But Mr. Obama's record on specific issues is as bad as his record of repeatedly allying himself over the years with people who make no attempt to hide their hatred of America.

When guilt by association is fair game:  Guilt by association?  Not when the associations have such deep roots or raise such troubling questions about Obama's character and judgment.  It was only in the heat of a presidential campaign that Obama finally repudiated his alliances with Ayers, Wright, and Rezko.  It isn't irresponsible to ask what those associations tell us about a man poised to be the next president of the United States.  It would be irresponsible not to.

Dark Red Roots:  Why Ayers Matters.  If the truth becomes better known — and it will if the Ayers issue is doggedly pursued — it will be clear that Obama was not only deeply immersed the fetid swamp of Chicago's far-left political scene, but was from the very beginning of his career carefully groomed by the city's socialist left to follow the path he's on now in his quest for the presidency of the United States.

It's a question of judgment, not patriotism.  In the final analysis, it's a fact that the Illinois Senator has some sinister characters in his past and they have played a major role in his political ascendancy.  Investigating his relationship with them is not an attempt to smear him, or to call him unpatriotic; it's an effort to understand his capacity for sound decision-making.  We'd be irresponsible indeed to pretend that a candidate with questionable judgment should be spared serious scrutiny on his way to the White House.

Who Did You Know, Sen. Obama, and When Did You Know Them?  There has been much talk, both pro and con, about whether Sen. Barack Obama's "associations" matter with regard to his qualifications to hold the office of President of the United States.  This argument, this avenue of political discourse, misses the point.  Whether or not Sen. Obama has associations with criminals, terrorists and other nefarious and infamous individuals pales in comparison as to whether he has been influenced by them.

Terrorists, Terrorism and Obama:  [Scroll down]  While the Obama campaign has been very successful in defending against all of it by claiming "racism" or "right-wing" blogging rumors, the facts remain very clear.  There is a definite pattern to Obama's life.  A Pattern of long-term associations with numerous radical figures and organizations.  A pattern of being less than truthful in answering any questions concerning his past.  A pattern of changing his story repeatedly to stay one step ahead of investigators while trying to run the election clock out.  A pattern of connections to known terrorists here and abroad, as well as an apologist policy position towards terrorism itself.

Obama would never qualify to be McCain's bodyguard.
Why Doesn't McCain Fight Back?  [Scroll down]  As a candidate, Obama doesn't have to undergo a background security check.  As president, however, he will have instant access to our most closely guarded and classified state secrets.  If the truth comes out then, it will be too late.  Many current and former officials have expressed alarm about Obama avoiding a background investigation.  One said, "I used to have top secret clearance, and if I had the contacts that Obama had, I would not have gotten that clearance."

Obama Couldn't Be Cleared.  Considering Barack Obama as a candidate for a top secret security clearance status with a full array of compartmented clearances, one has to be cognizant of the fact that there is considerable evidence of associations and even assistance from individuals with past criminal records or who have expressed anti-American beliefs. ... There is no possibility that a Top Secret clearance would be awarded to a member of the Armed Forces whose background included such associations.  An intelligence service clearance for the handling of highly classified material would be totally out of the question.

Obama Would Fail Security Clearance.  Obama's multiple links to anti-Americans and subversives mean he would fail the standard security clearance process for Federal employees.  Islamic aggression represents America's strategic enemy; Obama's many insalubrious connections raise grave doubts about his fitness to serve as America's commander-in-chief.

To The Undecided Voter:  By "Obama's Friends" we mean the likes of Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Tony Rezko and other assorted miscreants.  I could spend a lot of time here detailing the crimes of Obama's friends --- and make no mistake, they were his friends.  At this point I don't think that any votes are going to be changed one way or another by detailing the corruption of Rezko, the America-hating of Wright or the unrepentant terrorism of Ayers. Suffice it to say that Obama was close to all of these people ... and these were associations born of mutual interests and philosophies.

Closer look at Obama reveals he's wrong choice.  Obama has associated with the most radical people of our lifetime.  Can you imagine the outcry if it were discovered that Sarah Palin attended a church with a racist pastor?  There would be no end to the calls for her to stand down and return to Alaska in disgrace.  Obama's list of radical friends doesn't end with Jeremiah Wright.  He has chosen the most inflammatory people for his closest confidants so repeatedly that you have to call his judgment into question.

Obama, Con.  Money talks — and what it says is more important than a politician's rhetoric in an election year.  Jeremiah Wright and Michael Pfleger are not just people with left-wing opinions.  They are reckless demagogues preaching hatred of the lowest sort — and both are recipients of money from Obama.  Bill Ayers is not just "an education professor" who has some left-wing views.  He is a confessed and unrepentant terrorist, who more recently has put his message of resentment into the schools — an effort using money from a foundation that Obama headed.

Community Organizer In Chief.  Barack Obama claims he worked for a "small group of churches" as a community organizer.  In fact, he was hired by a radical Alinskyite group, and Saul Alinsky's own son has outed him.

Finding Friends On Far, Far Left.  The saying that a man is known by the company he keeps is true of political relationships.  In Barack Obama's case, some of the groups that support him are an indictment of his political orientation.

Video: Obama's Radical Circle of Friends.

The second tier of influence goes under the bus at midnight.  [Scroll down]  The really big question the mainstream media won't ask therefore is how Van Jones could have been appointed in the first place.  For his significance lies not just in the fact that he is a 'truther' or blabbermouth.  It is that he has a long history of extreme, anti-western radicalism and membership of a network of such radicals — a history not only known to the Obama administration but of which networks Obama himself was part.  The prize for Van Jones's scalp should go not to the US talk show hosts but to the sleuth who first dug out the facts about Van Jones and his radical circles.

There is much more about Van Jones, if you're interested.

Revolution Anyone?  How many Marxists, Communists, Domestic Terrorists and raving racialists does the President get to associate with before reasonable people can assume that the president on some level shares their particular vision of America?  While perusing the manifesto of this now defunct STORM, several things struck me as particularly interesting.  There was of course the passionate commitment to Marxist ideals, radical feminism, gay lesbian and transgender liberation and the ardent support of the unrepentant murderer Mumia Abu Jamal.  And there was this rather innocuous looking paragraph...

Why Obama Could Not Stage a Coup:  Obama rose in politics through the thoroughly corrupt one-party government of Chicago.  His spiritual advisor sounds like a rabble-rousing storm trooper.  His intellectual mentor, Saul Alinksy, like the Bolsheviks and Nazis, believed in state terrorism.  If Obama wanted to follow their leads, could he?  I believe not.

Media Corruption and the Two Party System.  What drives President Barack Obama to want to seize control of the health care and energy sectors of the U.S. economy?  Obama was trained as a Marxist from his days as a young boy in Hawaii when his grandfather picked Communist Party USA member Frank Marshall Davis as his mentor.  In college, as Obama tells the story, he picked his "friends" carefully, in order to avoid being perceived as a sell-out, and those friends included the "Marxist professors."  Later, in Chicago, he would become a political associate of another Marxist professor, Bill Ayers of the University of Illinois.  Does anybody see a pattern here?

A little weekend reading: They still spell it 'Amerika'.  For those of us who grew up in the era when Weather Undergrounders Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn were familiar names in the news, it is always discomforting to be reminded of Barack Obama's many associations with people of the radical left — Ayers, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones, etc.  Such folks' political thought never progressed beyond the 1960s because the revolutionary New Left didn't disapear, it simply went on to graduate school and then careers, mostly in the mainstream media, academia, the non-profits, the bureaucracy of state and local social work, and Blue State politics.

It Used to Be A Wonderful Life.  People used to say they wouldn't buy a used car from Richard Nixon.  Well, I wouldn't buy a used hubcap from the likes of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Henry Waxman, Alan Grayson, Christopher Dodd, Barbara Boxer, Charles Rangel, Rahm Emanuel, Cass Sunstein or David Axelrod.  Furthermore, I've seen guys selling "genuine mink coats" out of the trunk of a '94 Buick I'd trust more than Robert Gibbs.

Obama's Hackneyed Hypocrisy.  Barack Obama has spent his whole adult life doing the bidding of powerful interests.  At Harvard, that bastion of the powerful elite, he kissed up to enough factions to become president of the law review while actually writing next to nothing.  In Chicago, he settled in tony Hyde Park with the help of a highly suspect sweetheart deal on his property, got an adjunct gig at the powerful University of Chicago, cultivated leftist elitists like Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn who sat on wealthy nonprofit boards, and chose the church of the wild and hateful Rev. Jeremiah Wright because it gave him a powerful entrée into the poor black community that he otherwise would lack if he spent all his time in Hyde Park.  He himself noted that he didn't really join a church until he appreciated "the power of the African-American religious tradition to spur social change."  This all was of a piece with his training as an acolyte of Saul Alinsky, who taught that power is its own justification.

Liberalism Is Dead.  [Scroll down]  Barack Obama is not a liberal; he is a third-world Socialist of the really angry kind.  Obama has been surrounded by enraged Leftists from childhood on, including those crucial four years of living in Indonesia right after the whole Communist Party was wiped out by the Indonesian military under General Sukarno.  That's Obama's real experience of the world outside of Hawaii.  Ever since then, Obama has chosen to be surrounded by anti-Western, anti-liberal Leftists.  Jeremiah Wright is perfectly typical of Obama's crowd.

Did someone mention Jeremiah Wright?

Obama's radical associations matter, but go ignored by press.  From Obama's participation in the socialist New Party in the mid-1990s, to his connections to communist-terrorist Bill Ayers, it's all relevant today.  How?  For example, some of the same anti-American, anti-capitalist revolutionaries from those bad old days now help craft republic-changing legislation.

Obama Battles Reagan.  Amid all the exuberance about electing a man because of his skin color was a deliberate refusal to understand that this particular man was a hard-core radical leftist.  For some, the knowledge of just what then-Senator Obama intended to do if elected president was apparently hard to discern.  For others, electing a man who had sat in the pews of Jeremiah Wright's church for twenty years and launched his first campaign from the living room of Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers was an appallingly dangerous mistake.  What else, they now ask, could America possibly have expected?

The Vetting, Part I: Barack's Love Song To Alinsky.  In 1998, a small Chicago theater company staged a play titled The Love Song of Saul Alinsky, dedicated to the life and politics of the radical community organizer whose methods Obama had practiced and taught on Chicago's South Side.  Obama was not only in the audience, but also took the stage after one performance, participating in a panel discussion that was advertised in the poster for the play.

Obama Ally Won't Release Alinsky Tape.  Sources inform Breitbart.com today that Pam Dickler, director of the 1998 production of The Love Song of Saul Alinsky in Chicago that included a panel discussion featuring then-State Sen. Barack Obama, has a video tape of the play.  And she won't release it.  "There is only one archive tape of the play and I have it," Dickler informed our source.  "It is not in Chicago."

How Saul Alinsky Taught Barack Obama Everything He Knows About Civic Upheaval.  Throughout Barack Obama's campaign for the presidency and his subsequent time in that office, two things have been said again and again:  1. He has a grudge against America.  2. He takes his marching orders from Saul Alinsky (1909-1972), particularly as encapsulated in the book "Rules for Radicals."  Anyone who listens to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Mark Levin regularly is going to hear point one frequently.

A radical Obama mobilizes the troops.  While the orchestration of all this by the Obama camp is covert, it's still easy to make the connections.  From George Soros' money pouring into key states, to former green-energy czar and avowed communist Van Jones advising the Occupy movement, to the symbiosis between radical Marxist and Islamic organizations, it all comes back around to Obama's gutter politics and gutter playmates — if you think that sort of thing even matters.  And yes, soon black Americans will be rallied like never before, whether via Critical Race Theory-spouting academics, or mail-order street preachers turned radio talk-show hosts.

Still the Alinsky Playbook.  You can expect that the Obama 2012 campaign and allied groups will be filled with people deeply steeped in Rules for Radicals.  That is good reason for conservatives to spend time studying Saul Alinsky.  It also explains why liberals are so anxious to sugarcoat Alinsky and soft-pedal his influence on Team Obama.

How Saul Alinsky Taught Obama to Say One Thing and Do the Opposite.  For those who have paid attention, President Obama has a knack for saying one thing and doing another altogether:  a knack for claiming one position while actually occupying another. [...] It's arguable that there isn't anything that demonstrates Saul Alinsky's impact on Obama better than these flip flops and duplicitous positions.  For it was Alinsky who spent his life teaching would-be radicals (like Obama) that you can say what you have to say to get over the hump, but once you're over the hump, you do whatever you want to do.

The President Who Hired Communists and Hung Out with Terrorists Says Romney Must Rebuke 'Extreme Voices'.  Is this really the ground Team Obama wants to fight on?  The president launched his political career in the home of a pair of unrepentant terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.  Dorhn spent a decade on the FBI's most wanted list, but she wasn't too radical for Bam.  He knowingly hired a raft of radicals to staff his administration and kept them away from congressional scrutiny by making them czars or putting them in positions where Congress had no say.  Van Jones is an open communist and 9-11 Truther, yet Obama hired him to be the "green jobs" czar.  Anita Dunn admires Mao Zedong, yet found work in Obama's communications team.

Kengor book

'Forward!' with Obama, Axelrod, Jarrett and Frank Marshall Davis.  [Scroll down]  I've just completed a book on Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, set for release in July, titled The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, the Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor.  In my research, I read about 500 pages of the Chicago Star, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) newspaper for Chicago from 1946-48.  The founding editor-in-chief for the Star was Frank Marshall Davis.  These pages are unflaggingly pro-Soviet.  From line to line and page to page, they unflinchingly toe the CPUSA/Soviet line.

What About Obama's High School Years?  The [WashingtonPost piece immediately made me think of this double standard:  What about Barack Obama's high school years in Hawaii?  I know this area intimately well, given that my next book is on Obama's mentor during those precise years:  Frank Marshall Davis.  I will not here lay out the litany of Davis's astonishing career, but, in essence, he was a literal card-carrying member of Communist Party USA. [...] And yet, this was the man that Obama's grandfather, Stanley Dunham, connected to a young Obama for the purpose of mentoring — precisely during these high school years.  Frank Marshall Davis is another of those radical associations in Obama's past.  There are so many, and so unusually bad, that Obama, if he were a typical citizen, probably wouldn't get a security clearance for an entry-level government job.

Pondering the Obama Enigma.  Many books have been published about Obama and I have read quite a few.  With the exception of his two memoirs, those who delved deeply into the known facts of his life did not like what they found.

Like My 'Compressed' Ex-Girlfriend, Obama Was 'An Ardent Marxist Socialist' in College.  [Scroll down]  The collegiate Obama was an ardent Marxist socialist extremist.  I confronted young Obama's naïve faith in an inevitable Communist revolution when he visited the San Francisco area during his Christmas break from Occidental College in 1980 — at the Boss family's home in Portola Valley, CA, a small city outside of suburban Palo Alto, south of San Francisco.

Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception.  At age 18, Barack Obama admittedly arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist.  What was the source of Obama's foundation in Marxism?  Throughout his 2008 Presidential campaign and term in office, questions have been raised regarding Barack Obama's family background, economic philosophy, and fundamental political ideology.  Dreams from My Real Father is the alternative Barack Obama "autobiography," offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th President's life and politics.

Barack Obama's Marxist Ghosts of Christmas Past.  I met the young Barack Obama while visiting Caroline Boss, my Marxist socialist girlfriend, at her parent's home in northern California over Christmas break in 1980.  Over the course of that day, I came to understand the full extent of young Obama's ideological extremism and acquired lasting memories which have been reported in at least five books including Paul Kengor's newly released The Communist — Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor.  I am writing this article, in part, because I'm surprised that David Maraniss's new book Barack Obama: The Story failed to include my account of young Obama's ideological extremism.

Maraniss Gets Testy as New Obama Bio Tanks.  [Scroll down]  [David Maraniss] passes off Obama's card-carrying communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, as a benign "civil rights activist."  He refused to interview John Drew, Obama's Occidental College pal who has described the young Obama as a "Marxist planning for a Communist style revolution."  He makes no mention of the Cooper Union Socialist Scholars Conference and other such events Obama attended in New York.  And he may well have ignored the Christian conversion scene because that is the occasion when Wright delivered his famous "Audacity" sermon, the one rich with phrases like "white folks' greed runs a world in need."

Carl Bernstein's Communist Problem & Mine.  A number of books have appeared recently, including most notably Paul Kengor's book The Communist, which are about Barack Obama's Communist mentor, and also the progressive communist milieu that our 44th president grew up in, along with his closest advisers David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett — a community to which he remains loyal today.  I thought it might be useful to those first being introduced to what I like to call the "neo-communist left" to read a piece I wrote a few years ago about Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein and his Communist father, and about my own experience in the Communist left as well.  It is particularly the disloyalty and fundamental dishonesty of these people, these Communist progressives which I think should most interest readers in the context of the political and economic crises we are facing today.

The Most Important Press Conference Ever Held at Any Time in U.S. History: Part I.  This article pertains to Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros connection.  A brief synopsis or excerpt would not paint an adequate picture of the article.

When Exactly Did Barack Obama Renounce Communism?  President Obama has never expressed remorse for the Marxist revolutionary views he defended during his sophomore year at Occidental College.

Young Obama's Dreams of a Communist Revolution in America.  The young Obama was a garden variety Marxist-Leninist.  He and Boss and his sophomore year roommate, Hasan Chandoo, believed that social forces where creating an inevitable Communist revolution in the U.S. and that it was important to have a highly trained elite of educated leaders guide this revolutionary process and oversee it once the revolution took place.  Remember, this was at the height of the Cold War in 1980.  Ronald Reagan had just been elected president and the USSR was still our mortal enemy.

In '08, we hardly knew Barack Obama; In 2012 we don't know President Obama.  [Scroll down]  I have long said that I don't care where Obama was born; how he was raised and who his influences were is far more instructive.  There are now also books about the people closest to Obama, including two recent ones about Michelle Obama.  Although we still don't know what Barack wrote about, we do know Michelle's graduate thesis.  There is more background on David Axelrod, the son of Jewish Communist parents, and on the Reverend Wright.  Obama's mentor Frank Marshall Davis is revealed in The Communist by Paul Kengor.

Obama's 'Confident Ignorance' At Root Of His Failure.  After reading Barack Obama's book "Dreams from My Father," it became painfully clear that he has not been searching for the truth, because he assumed from an early age that he had already found the truth — and now it was just a question of filling in the details and deciding how to change things.  Obama did not simply happen to encounter a lot of people on the far-left fringe during his life.  As he spells out in his book, he actively sought out such people.  There is no hint of the slightest curiosity on his part about other visions of the world that might be weighed against the vision he had seized upon. [...] What would be the point, if he already knew the truth and knew that they were wrong?

Pastor who prayed at Obama's inauguration says all white people will go to hell.  Pastor Joseph Lowery, a civil rights movement hero who delivered the benediction at President Obama's inauguration, reportedly said that he is shocked that any black Americans would stay home with Obama on the ballot and suggested that all or most white people would go to hell.

Obama's inauguration reverend: All whites are going to hell.  All white people are going to hell, longtime African-American civil rights advocate Rev. Joseph Lowery told an audience at a get-out-the-vote event held Oct. 27 in Georgia.  Lowery, who gave the benediction at the January 2009 inauguration of President Barack Obama, told the audience of up to 300 African-Americans "that when he was a young militant, he used to say all white folks were going to hell.  Then he mellowed and just said most of them were.  Now, he said, he is back to where he was," according to an Oct. 31 report in the Monroe County Reporter newspaper.

Obama's inauguration reverend says anti-white slam was a joke.  Longtime African-American civil rights advocate Rev. Joseph Lowery told The Daily Caller that he was joking when he told a get-out-the-vote event that all whites will go to hell.

Obama Honors Gay Socialist, Lesbian Astronaut with Presidential Medal of Freedom.  President Barack Obama on Wednesday [11/20/2013] awarded the highest honor that can be bestowed on a civilian — the Presidential Medal of Freedom — to 16 people, including a homosexual who led the socialist party in the United States and astronaut Sally Ride, whose partner "outed" her as a lesbian in Ride's obituary last year.  On Bayard Rustin's website, his lover and the executor of his estate, Walter Naegle, wrote about the gay activist's life, including his 10-year homosexual relationship with the author and his national chairmanship of the Social Democrats USA, formerly the Socialist Party of America.

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful."
Psalm 1:1    

The New Party

Obama's Third-Party History.  On the evening of January 11, 1996, while Mitt Romney was in the final years of his run as the head of Bain Capital, Barack Obama formally joined the New Party, which was deeply hostile to the mainstream of the Democratic party and even to American capitalism.  In 2008, candidate Obama deceived the American public about his potentially damaging tie to this third party.  The issue remains as fresh as today's headlines, as Romney argues that Obama is trying to move the United States toward European-style social democracy, which was precisely the New Party's goal.

Obama Belonged to Radical Socialist "New Party" in 1996.  Stanley Kurtz, in his June 7 article "Obama's Third-Party History" for National Review Online, reports that Barack Obama's connection to far-left radicals is much more recent that had been previously thought.  On January 11, 1996, Kurtz notes, Obama joined the New Party, a radical socialist political movement deeply opposed to capitalism and of the opinion that the Democratic Party was far too moderate.  The New Party sought to transform America into the sort of socialist democracy that is common in Europe.

Obama Joined Third Party in 1990s.  President Barack Obama was a member of the far left New Party and also signed a "contract" promising to publicly support and associate himself with the New Party while in office, according to a published report.  Citing recently obtained evidence from the updated records of Illinois ACORN at the Wisconsin Historical Society, an article appearing in the National Review Online pointed to a document trail that "definitively establishes" Obama's membership in the organization.

'New Party' Literature Suggests Obama Paid Dues to Join.  In the ongoing discussion of Barack Obama's involvement with Chicago's extremist "New Party," online literature from the Party likely reveals that the young state senator not only was a member but had to commit financially to membership.

Barack Obama — still a "social democrat" after all these years.  As I discussed yesterday, Stanley Kurtz has found conclusive new evidence that, in 1996, Barack Obama joined the New Party, the political arm of the radical group ACORN.  The Obama campaign had denied this fact when Kurtz raised the matter during the last presidential campaign.  The Obama campaign lied.

So just who was 'smearing' whom?  What if Barack Obama gave a "party," and nobody came?  No, I am not talking about the noticeably small crowds when President Obama officially kicked off his re-election bid a few weeks ago, though that was certainly interesting.  I am actually talking about the fact that President Obama was a member of the socialist "New Party" in 1996, lied about it in 2008, and got caught in the lie about it just last week.  It seems like news.  But for some reason the mainstream media, then and now, doesn't care.

Obama Caught Lying Again: He Was Member of 'New Party,' Says Kurtz.  Barack Obama was, in fact, a member of the socialist New Party in the 1990s and sought its endorsement for the Illinois senate — contrary to the misrepresentations of Obama's presidential campaign in 2008, and in spite of the efforts of Politico's Ben Smith to quash the story.

Axelrod Plays Dumb on Obama and Socialist 'New Party'.  Senior Obama campaign political strategist David Axelrod played dumb this afternoon when confronted by Breitbart News about President Barack Obama's membership in the socialist New Party in the mid-1990s.  Earlier today [6/7/2012], author Stanley Kurtz released proof that Obama had been a member of, and sought the endorsement of, the radical group in 1996 — contrary to the Obama campaign's denials.

Like Obama, New Party Favored High Minimum Wage, High Corporate Tax, and Campaign Finance Reform.  Stanley Kurtz has helpfully revealed that Barack Obama was once a member of the New Party, a Social Democratic third party.  And while many on the right continue to insist that this election ought to focus exclusively on the economy to the exclusion of all else, Obama's past associations are germane to his views on economic growth and American competitiveness.

Campaign Disputes Documents, Claims Obama Never Joined New Party.  This week the Obama campaign decided to double down on a claim about the President's past involvement in a social democratic party in the mid-'90s.  In 2008 when Stanley Kurtz first raised the issue, the campaign labeled it a "crackpot smear."  Now, despite two newly discovered documents that prove Obama joined the New Party in 1996, his campaign is still maintaining Obama was not a member.

Socialism, Obama, and America's Future.  Stanley Kurtz documented something we have all known: President Barack Hussein Obama is a socialist!  Contrary to claims made in 2008 by Obama, his staff, and supporters, he was a member of the socialist New Party in Chicago.

Was Obama's socialist party racialist?  The socialist-leaning New Party required that 40 percent of its own leadership groups must consist of "people of color," according to correspondence uncovered by WND from an early New Party leader.  The New Party was a 1990s party that sought to elect members to public office with the aim of moving the Democratic Party far leftward to ultimately form a new political party with a socialist agenda.  In 2008, Barack Obama's campaign denied the president was ever a member amid reports, including from WND, citing the New Party's own literature listing Obama as a member.  Information uncovered in recent weeks, including Obama's signed contract with the New Party, further establishes the president's membership with the controversial organization.

Obama No Longer Bothers To Hide His Socialist Bent.  By any traditional measure, news in the past week or two alone should sink Barack Obama's chances for a second term.  First, Obama biographer Stanley Kurtz reported new and definitive proof that, as a 34-year-old embarking on his political career, Obama belonged to the anti-capitalist — indeed, socialist — New Party, a phase of his political development he has not only never repudiated but also has hidden from the American people.  By any traditional measure, such news would at least intensify any Obama meltdown.

Why Obama Could Be a Communist Mole:  [Scroll down]  Obama's lived an extremely charmed life, and apparently with no merit to warrant it.  This is partially a reflection of affirmative action practices, but certainly there is enough to suggest more.  How did he pay for Harvard?  Clues suggest that he was sponsored by Rashid Khalidi, a Saudi agent, using oil money.  How did he become editor of the Harvard Law Review?  He certainly left no paper trail to justify it.  Obama's political life becomes even weirder and grayer once coming to Chicago.  He was a radical community organizer, often working side-by-side with known communists in the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).  There is documented evidence of his membership in the DSA-offshoot New Party, which was also communistic and would use fusion tactics in conjunction with Democrat Party affiliation to win elections in Illinois, until the practice was banned by the courts.

Obama's Welfare Free Lunch: 1996.  In 1996, the year President Bill Clinton signed the welfare reform bill, Obama became a member of a leftist third party called the New Party.  The Obama campaign denied this in 2008, and continues to deny it today, although contemporaneous documents now definitively prove it.  The core purpose of the New Party was to pull the country to the left of the Clinton Democrats.  Opposition to the welfare reform act virtually defined the New Party's position.  The most important plank in the New Party's platform was a guaranteed minimum income for all adults, regardless of whether they worked.  In 1996, when Obama joined the party and gained its endorsement, candidates had to speak up in favor of the party platform to seal the deal.

Rashid Khalidi and Edward Said

Why Obama is unteachable.  [Scroll down]  Though he often denies it, Mr. Obama is intensely ideological.  He distrusts America's definition of its interests and the rationale for defending them just as one of his principal mentors, Edward Said, did.  Mr. Said was a Palestinian activist who became an American academic.  His was a radical anti-colonialist ideology that infused his writing and teaching.  Mr. Obama studied under Mr. Said at Columbia University and maintained a relationship with him for about two decades.  Mr. Said mocked American greatness, tying it directly to imperialism and what he believed was a false sense of American uniqueness.  He said America was dedicated to hierarchies of race and to wariness of other nations' revolutions.

Obama, Ayers and the Knowledge 'Too Big' To Handle.  For mentors, Obama chose men like Ayers, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the fraudulent Palestinian wannabe Edward Said, and the radical PLO groupie Rashid Khalidi.  These are the men he turned to for wisdom.  In 2003, for instance, Obama publicly thanked Khalidi for providing "consistent reminders to me of my own blind spots and my own biases."

A Tale of Two Tapes: Teen Cruz and Terror-Coddler Obama.  The same journalism industry that hyped the light-hearted antics of a teenage Ted Cruz — and investigated the juvenile delinquencies of Ben Carson, Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney with CSI-level fervor — actively suppressed video of an adult Barack Obama partying with convicted domestic terrorists and an international terrorist mouthpiece.  In 2003, when Obama was a 42-year-old state senator and rising Democratic star in Illinois, he delivered a gushing address at a farewell gala for Rashid Khalidi.  At the time, Khalidi taught international studies and Middle Eastern studies at the University of Chicago, where Obama served as a law school lecturer.  Khalidi is now an Arab Studies professor at Columbia University and directs the school's federally subsidized Middle East Institute named after his anti-Israel, Blame America mentor, Arab academic Edward Said.  In the 1970s, Palestinian-American Khalidi was quoted extensively as a de facto mouthpiece for Yasser Arafat and his State Department-designated terrorist outfit, the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Site offers $50K for clip of Obama honoring radical.  The US Internet news portal Breitbart News is offering a $50,000 reward to anyone who can provide a videotape of a 2003 dinner honoring a radical Palestinian American academic attended by then- Illinois state senator Barack Obama.  During the 2008 presidential campaign, the Los Angeles Times reported that Obama attended a farewell dinner in Chicago for his longtime friend Rashid Khalidi. [...] The event was videotaped and the Times reported that it had a copy of the video.

Reward: $50,000 for 'Khalidi Tape' of Obama at Anti-Israel Party.  Breitbart News hereby announces a $50,000 reward to whomever can provide the complete video recording of the 2003 farewell party for radical Palestinian academic and activist Rashid Khalidi, at which then-state senator Barack Obama spoke — and which the Los Angeles Times has refused to release since reporting the event in April 2008.

Are Obama's Friends Fair Game?  It's not every presidential election that American voters are introduced to characters like former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers or Middle East historian Rashid Khalidi — both of whom, we have learned, Barack Obama worked and socialized with in Chicago.

Obama's Three Strikes.  With the news that he belonged to the far-left New Party during the 90s, public revelations of his involvement with fringe left-wing politics have hit three, the other two being William Ayers and ACORN.  (What about Jeremiah Wright and the shadowy figure of Rashid Khalidi, you ask?  The problem with these is that neither is fully political.  Both are deeply intertwined with religion and race.  Obama has shown a distinct talent for manipulating both.)

The L.A. Times Should Release the Khalidi Tape for Passover.  [Scroll down]  So it's hard not to see Obama as, to be polite, ambivalent toward the Jewish state; to be impolite, one could call his attitude passive-aggressive, with all the semi-conscious hostile intent that diagnosis implies.  And, to continue in that vein, plenty of clinical evidence exists, several old friendships, that would lead one to think Obama might be, again consciously or unconsciously, deeply antagonistic to Israel, because these old friends had attitudes toward Zionism as adverse as the appalling Holocaust — denying professoriate at Northeastern.

Reward: $100,000 for Khalidi Tape.  Breitbart News is doubling its reward — to $100,000 — for one of the missing pieces of Barack Obama's past, which may be the key to understanding his collapsing Middle East policy:  the "Khalidi tape," a video kept under wraps by the Los Angeles Times since April 2008.  The Khalidi tape shows Obama at a 2003 farewell party for radical Palestinian academic and activist Rashid Khalidi, and reportedly features vitriolic anti-Israel rhetoric.

Khalidi Tape Cover Up: Media 'Selectively Edits' Its Ethical Standards.  [W]hen it comes to protecting Barack Obama, the corrupt media doesn't get all that wrapped up in the details of what is and isn't legal or ethical.  The Romney video is news; it's a revealing moment from The Man Who Might Be President, and as a result we're entering day four of the super-loop the media's put the video on across every news outlet in America.

The truth behind the 'Khalidi video' and why it's not for sale.  [Scroll down]  In the case of the Khalidi video, the unnamed source agreed to share the illuminating bit of video evidence with [Peter] Wallsten, but only with the understanding that the reporter could not reproduce or rebroadcast the images.  The journalist had to make a decision:  Do I agree to that condition and get to see evidence that no other reporter has seen of Obama meeting with Palestinian Americans?

Bias alert:
After smearing all MSM-bypassing conservatives as "the political fringe", the LA Times offers the anemic rationalization that it will not release this damaging video, not because it would end Barack H. Obama's political career, but because the LA Times would lose at least one source of timely tips for one of its reporters.  Obviously, the needs of the newspaper come first.

LA Times: Why We Won't Release The Khalidi Video.  This week, Breitbart News offered a $100,000 reward to anyone who produced the infamous 2003 tapes of Barack Obama at an event honoring Palestinian anti-Israel radical Rashid Khalidi.  And today, James Rainey of the Los Angeles Times took to his keyboard today to write a diatribe defending the Times' refusal to make public those tapes.  While Rainey gives several justifications for not releasing the tape itself — guarding the source of the tape being the most prevalent — he offers no justification for why the Times refuses to offer even a complete transcript of that evening's events.

This is an original compilation, Copyright © 2024 by Andrew K. Dart


Note:  More information about ACORN (and various allegations of fraud) can be found here.

Still the Alinsky Playbook.  In 1992, after Obama returned to Chicago from Harvard Law School, he ran a voter-registration drive for Project Vote, an ACORN affiliate set up by Alinsky acolytes.  The purportedly non-partisan effort registered 135,000 new voters and was integral to the election of Carol Moseley Braun to the Senate.  Obama then moonlighted as a top trainer for ACORN.  Obama even became ACORN's attorney in 1995, when he sued on its behalf to implement the "Motor Voter" law — a loose system of postcard voter registration that has proven to be a bonanza for vote fraudsters — in Illinois.  Later, while on the board of the liberal Woods Fund, Obama saw to it that the group gave substantial grants to ACORN.

Obama's 'Organizing for America' Pose as Official Registrars in Virginia to Register Students?  President Barack Obama got his start as a community organizer, working with groups like ACORN and other corrupt activist groups.  ACRON [sic] eventually collapsed under the weight of its own corruption, but their tactics live on.  Organizing for America, the DNC project to reelect Barack Obama, is working to reelect the President.  The President isn't very popular right now for any number of reasons, Obamacare, the economy, unemployment, his seeming fetish for apologizing to people who hate us or kill our troops, $5+ trillion in new debt, etc., etc.  Whatever the case, Organizing for America has a steep hill to climb in front of it.  Given the President's affinity for, and past with ACORN, it's not surprising that OfA would be caught using ACORN tactics.

The Rebranding of ACORN.  Barack Obama served as a former employee of Project Vote and has said publicly that he's "been fighting alongside" ACORN his entire career.  Despite clear evidence of corrupt and criminal behavior by ACORN and its employees, the Obama Justice Department has thus far failed to take any serious steps to hold the ACORN organizations to account.

Justice Has Never Been High on Eric Holder's Docket.  Obama considered ACORN to be an arm of his campaign.  That's why his campaign paid ACORN affiliate Citizens Services Inc. to do partisan political work.  The Obama campaign disguised its $832,598 payment to Citizens Services Inc., falsely describing it in campaign finance filings as "polling, advance work and staging major events."  In reality, CSI performed get-out-the-vote services.  After the subterfuge was uncovered, the Obama campaign claimed it had simply goofed up and filed an amended report with the Federal Election Commission.  Whoops.  This could be a violation of election laws but Attorney General Holder couldn't care less.

Obama didn't tell the truth about his relationship to ACORN.  At CPAC, Rep. Daryl Issa, R-Cal., released [a] video that shows the President didn't tell the truth about the extent of his relationship with ACORN.

ACORN cookies at White House holiday party.  At the White House Holiday Party last night, an oddly shaped cookie grabbed my attention.  Who knew that acorns were part of the traditional holiday fare?  Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, noticed these earlier, as reported by Yeas and Nays, but it seems like they've made these in bulk.

ACORN at the White House.  The newly released list of visitors to the Obama White House makes the president's claim he's clueless about his former employer ACORN — and its election fraud trials and tribulations — especially difficult to believe.  Of particular significance is the visit by ACORN spokesman Scott Levenson who met with White House political director Patrick Gaspard in March.  The purpose of the meeting with Gaspard, a former ACORN employee himself, was not disclosed.

ACORN's Big Spender.  More proof has emerged of White House political director Patrick Gaspard's ties to the radical advocacy group ACORN.  Gaspard, a longtime operative for ACORN and one of its partisan arms, New York's Working Families Party, currently holds the title of White House political affairs director, the same title Karl Rove held in President Bush's White House.  Internal ACORN documents show that Gaspard gave ACORN $40,000 over the past two years.

ACORN's Man in the White House.  Newly discovered evidence shows the radical advocacy group ACORN has a man in the Obama White House.  This power behind the throne is longtime ACORN operative Patrick Gaspard.  He holds the title of White House political affairs director, the same title Karl Rove held in President Bush's White House.  Evidence shows that years before he joined the Obama administration, Gaspard was ACORN boss Bertha Lewis's political director in New York.

Ship of Fools:  Obama's Intimates and Advisors.  [Scroll down]  The President Obama is as much a product of ACORN as it is of him.  He worked closely with the "community organizing" group for many years, represented them in court, and was a member of the board of Chicago's Woods Fund at the time it funneled $200,000 to an ACORN affiliate.  Mr. Obama praised the organization extravagantly both during and after his election, and his campaign "donated" over $800,000 to an offshoot group controlled by ACORN (Citizens Services, Inc.) — to "get out the vote."

Patrick Gaspard, ACORN, and Obama.  During the 2008 election, Obama's close links to the far-left New Party were revealed and explored (although not by the mainstream press).  Yet many seem to have forgotten that the New Party, particularly in Chicago, was dominated by ACORN (and by an ACORN-controlled SEIU union local).

Obama and ACORN:  Barack Obama gave five interviews last Sunday [9/20/2009], and only one interviewer bothered to ask him about the ACORN scandal.  ACORN is the leftist activist organization that lost its federal funds last week in a Congressional vote that was not even close.  Obama's answer to his lone ACORN question was amazing.  He brazened it out:  "Frankly," said the President, "it's not something I've followed closely.  This is not the biggest issue facing the country.  It's not something I'm paying a lot of attention to." ... This is the same Barack Obama who said, in an address to ACORN in 2007, "I have been fighting alongside ACORN on issues you care about my entire career."

Obama and Acorn:  In August 2008, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported that the Obama campaign paid more than $800,000 to an Acorn "offshoot" for "get out the vote" projects.  Obama worked for Acorn and Acorn worked for Obama.  That doesn't mean the president is implicated in any wrongdoing, but it suggests at least that the worse things get for Acorn, the more embarrassing it is for him.  If the Justice Department fails to prosecute, it invariably would raise suspicions of political favoritism.

And what of ACORN, President Obama?  [Scroll down]  Obama is proud to say his relationship with ACORN goes back decades as a "community organizer" and a legal adviser.  A month before the election he told members:  "You will have input into the agenda of the next president of the United States of America."  The input ACORN is having has shown up like a stain.  It starts with charges of voter-registration fraud in 14 states, and includes video of ACORN employees giving unethical tax advice and suggesting ways to hide 13-year-old girls smuggled into the country to become hookers.

Obama's Direct and Lucrative Ties to ACORN.  Is it any wonder that the Obama presidency is shaping up to be the most corrupt and most oppressive anti-American administration in USA history?  Thus far, any and all attempts to investigate ACORN have been blocked by ObamaThugs and the Democrat-run Congress.  The reason?  They have benefited greatly from ACORN's voter fraud and many might not have been elected or reelected without it.

Obama Campaign Gave ACORN Current Fundraising List.  Human Events reported earlier today about testimony yesterday [10/29/2008] in the lawsuit brought by the Pennsylvania GOP against Project Vote, a sister organization of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN.

More Connections Between Obama and ACORN?  A former staffer for Project Vote, a sister organization of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, testified at a hearing in Pennsylvania on Wednesday [10/29/2008] that the Obama campaign provided the group with a campaign donor list in late 2007 for their fundraising efforts.

Obama's Ties to Socialism:  ACORN, founded by a former member of the "SDS", Wade Rathke, is a leftist community organization with close ties to the Democratic Socialists of America.  In the 1990s, ACORN heavily involved itself in the housing market by using the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 as a tool to extort banks and pressure them into making risky loans.  In the 90s, ACORN's militant tactics caught national attention on several occasions when they broke into private offices, harassed bankers at their homes, and used the CRA to delay bank mergers.

The Price of Political Correctness.  [Scroll down]  What deserves greater scrutiny is Barack Obama's history with ACORN.  He was the attorney representing ACORN when they pushed the Clinton Administration to expand the CRA.  He served on the board of the Woods Fund with William Ayers when it gave ACORN funding grants.  Obama's hands are dirty with ACORN, and his involvement needs to be accounted for.  Of course, his silence on his past associations while running for president plays us all for fools.

Obama Finds An ACORN.  The man who includes being a community organizer on his short resume has a long association with a far-left group that would organize our communities into socialist gulags.

ACORN:  A Clear and Present Danger.  What I have not been able to figure out is why the leaders of the group have not been indicted under RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) for taking part in an ongoing criminal organization.  The only logical reason that the feds have backed off is because of ACORN's close ties to organized labor.  Tragically, in 2008 America, it's not only individuals who are easily intimidated, but the government itself.

Obama and "The Left":  Although Senator Barack Obama has been allied with a succession of far left individuals over the years, that is only half the story.  There are, after all, some honest and decent people on the left.  But these have not been the ones that Obama has been allied with — allied, not merely "associated" with.  ACORN is not just an organization on the left.  In addition to the voter frauds that ACORN has been involved in over the years, it is an organization with a history of thuggery, including going to bankers' homes to harass them and their families, in order to force banks to lend to people with low credit ratings.

ACORN Corruption Runs Deep.  Unfortunately for America, the media has been filtering news for years and this practice has allowed some of the main figures in the Teamstergate scandal to assume top spots in the Democrat party.  Part 1 of this series reviewed the history of the scandal and its strong ties to ACORN and President Obama.

Obama partnerships with voter fraud unit and terrorists run wide and deep.
 •  In a number of crucial cases, Obama was the Attorney for the Chicago ACORN chapter and he used them to assist him in his run for the Illinois State Senate in 1996.
 •  In 1992, prior to his working as ACORN's attorney, Obama was Executive Director of ACORN subsidiary Project Vote.
 •  Obama trained ACORN workers.
 •  While sitting on the board of the Woods Foundation, Obama and domestic terrorist William Ayers — who is also a major Obama fundraiser — arranged for grants for ACORN.
 •  While both on the board of Chicago's Annenberg Challenge — Ayers and Obama with Obama as Chairman — funds were funneled to ACORN.

Success Is Built On Work Ethic, Not Grievances.  Like everyone else, I have also been hearing a lot lately about Jeremiah Wright, former pastor of the church that Barack Obama has belonged to for 20 years.  Both men, in their different ways, have for decades been promoting the far left vision of victimization and grievances — Wright from his pulpit and Obama as a community organizer for the radical group ACORN, as a collaborator with former Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers, and as the member of the U.S. Senate with the farthest left voting record.

ACORN's Senator.  Obama, who once represented ACORN in a lawsuit against the state of Illinois, was hired by the group to train its community organizers and staff in the methods and tactics of the late Saul Alinsky.  ACORN would stage in-your-face protests in bank lobbies, drive-through lanes and even at bank managers' homes to get them to issue risky loans in the inner city or face charges of racism.  In the early 1990s, reports Stanley Kurtz, senior fellow at the Ethics and Policy Center, Obama was personally recruited by Chicago's ACORN to run training sessions in "direct action."

Barack Obama and Alinsky's Rules for Psychopaths.  A psychopath is a person without conscience; someone who constantly breaks the moral rules of the community.  Saul Alinsky was a "community organizer" who found a career that fit that personality disorder.  In the Orwellian upside-down world of the Left, community organizers disorganize communities.  That is the meaning of revolution, to overturn whatever exists today in the raw pursuit of one's own power. ... Alinsky's disciples — including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama — have a warlike political style.  They learned politics as war from the Master.  Obama is so well-trained in Alinsky tactics that he used to teach workshops on it.

Obama seeks distance from ACORN.  [ACORN] claims to have registered 1.3 million young people, minorities, and working-class voters.  But some of those registration cards have listed dead or nonexistent people and are being investigated in at least eight states.

The Nuts at ACORN Could Cause Obama Fall.  ACORN, the radical community group, is becoming an embarrassment for Obama.  It is not as if its shenanigans are likely to tip the result, with the Democrats so far ahead.  But as it is raided by the FBI in state after state (11 so far), it is becoming identified as the electoral equivalent of Greenpeace, extremists who will stop at nothing to get their way.

McCain's Prospects Depend on Telling Truth About Obama.  As the old saying goes, it's not over until the fat lady sings, and it's high time for the fat lady to sing about Obama's scary agenda and the many reasons why it is too risky to elect him president.  We need to hear more about ACORN, the special-interest group that would like to steal this election by registering people who are not eligible to vote, such as registering ghost voters in Nevada under the names of the Dallas Cowboys.  Obama's years of close association with ACORN need to be known to the public.

Obama Distances Himself From ACORN, Calls Controversy a 'Distraction'.  He [Obama] said his relationship with the group [ACORN] is "pretty straightforward," referring to legal work he and two other lawyers did for the group in 1995.  "That was my relationship and is my relationship to ACORN," he said.  Obama's campaign also paid more than $800,000 to a group called Citizens Services Inc., an ACORN subsidiary, to "augment" Obama's grassroots organizing efforts in the Ohio, Texas and Pennsylvania primaries.

Obama Distorts ACORN Ties.  Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's campaign has been forced to revise statements about their Obama's get-out-the vote work for the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now, a non-profit roiled in allegations of voter registration fraud.  Obama's website "Fight the Smears," designed to counteract misinformation about the candidate's record, contained false information about Obama's connections to ACORN.

Through a glass darkly.  Fortunately, some newspapers are making valiant efforts to excavate the truth about Obama and resist the intellectual intimidation being used to suppress it.  The Cleveland Leader, which as I reported here confirmed Obama's close association with ACORN in documents which it discovered had been removed from the web, has now discovered that the denials of that involvement on Obama's fightthesmears.com website have been altered in order to make it look like he has been telling the truth about his ACORN associations all along.

Obamacorn.  Obama's Web site proclaims, "Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity."  Then how is it that Chicago ACORN leader Toni Foulkes sang Obama's praises for his work for ACORN in his article, "Case Study: Chicago — The Barack Obama Campaign," which appeared in Social Policy magazine in 2004? ... Foulkes wrote:  "When he returned from law school, we asked him to help us with a lawsuit to challenge the state of Illinois' refusal to abide by the National Voting Rights Act ... Obama took the case, known as ACORN vs. Edgar ... and we won."

Community-Organizer-in-Chief.  Nearly all of the concern over voter fraud has focused on one group, the Association Community Organizers for Reform Now (ACORN), which is under investigation or facing serious allegations of fraud in 13 states over how it has conducted voter-registration drives.  ACORN insists, incredibly, that its voter-registration drives are nonpartisan activities.  However, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has endorsed the group's activities in the past and taught at their seminars.

GOP Turning Up the Heat on Obama and ACORN.  [Danny] Diaz also encourages Obama to fully disclose his relationship with ACORN, which has been distorted by his own campaign officials and his "Fight the Smears" website.  Obama has not been upfront about his promises to give ACORN influence in his admnistration, his decision to seek a political endorsement from their PAC or his payments to one of their subsidiaries for get out the vote efforts.  Obama's campaign also previously stated that Obama never worked for ACORN when in fact Obama led training sessions for them in 1992 and represted the group in court in 1995.

McCain Camp Drives Obama-ACORN Connection.  John McCain's campaign is using Barack Obama's ties to a controversial low-income advocacy group to escalate his criticism of the Democratic nominee's character and judgment.

Obama camp downplays payments to ACORN.  Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama's campaign distanced itself Thursday [10/9/2008] from its $800,000 payment linked to the liberal ACORN organization, which is under investigation in several states where it is suspected of filing fraudulent voter registrations.  Federal Election Commission reports show ACORN-affiliated Citizens Services Inc. got $832,598 from the Obama campaign for get-out-the-vote work during the primaries.  But those payments stopped in May and the Obama campaign says they should not be an election issue.

The Editor grumbles to himself...
... and the Obama campaign says Jeremiah Wright should not be an election issue.
... and the Obama campaign says Bill Ayers should not be an election issue.
... and the Obama campaign says Frank Marshall Davis should not be an election issue.
... and the Obama campaign says abortion should not be an election issue.

Obama Hired ACORN For GOTV.  Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is the first national candidate ever to hire ACORN, a controversial non-profit accused of voter fraud across the country, for get out the vote activities.  Obama's campaign paid $800,000 to a subsidiary of the liberally-leaning non-profit Association of Community Organizers for Reform called Citizens Services Incorporated campaign to increase voter turnout.  This information, however, was not properly disclosed to the Federal Election Commission.

Huffington Post and ACORN Tag-Team Cover Up of Obama's ACORN Days.  Guess who's behind Social Policy magazine?  Something called The Institute for Social Justice.  The website indicates the address of the magazine is 1024 Elysian Fields Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70117. … Guess who else lives in Elysian Fields?  ACORN.  Go to Sweetness & Light blog and scroll down to the Form 990s (tax returns for nonprofits) and you will see that both ACORN and Project Vote report the same address, 1024 Elysian Fields Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70117.  There is also more evidence of the close relationship between Project Vote and ACORN in 1992.

Obama, Voter Fraud & Mortgage Meltdown.  Which community activist/political organization in the United States is the largest, most radical left, and most untrustworthy?  The answer is ACORN, which bills itself as the nation's largest community organization for the rights of low- and moderate-income families.  Its hidden agenda, however, is to change the form of the U.S. government from a republic to a socialist oligarchy, using class warfare and the aid of radical liberals within the Democrat Party.  This hidden agenda explains why the liberal newsmedia go mute on Obama's ACORN ties.

Why Obama's "Community Organizer" Days Are a Joke.  As I've reported previously, Obama's community organizing days involved training grievance-mongers from the far-left ACORN.  The ACORN mob is infamous for its bully tactics (which they dub "direct actions"); Obama supporters have recounted his role in organizing an ambush on a government planning meeting about a landfill project opposed by Chicago's minority lobbies.  With benefactors like Obama in office, ACORN has milked nearly four decades of government subsidies to prop up chapters that promote the welfare state and undermine the free market, as well as some that have been implicated in perpetuating illegal immigration and voter fraud.

Inside Obama's Acorn:  If Acorn is adept at creating a non-partisan, inside-game veneer for what is in fact an intensely radical, leftist, and politically partisan reality, so is Obama himself.  This is hardly a coincidence:  Obama helped train Acorn's leaders in how to play this game.  For the most part, Obama seems to have favored the political-insider strategy, yet it's clear that he knew how to play the in-your-face "direct action" game as well.  And surely during his many years of close association with Acorn, Obama had to know what the group was all about.

Obama's Alliance with Marxists:  Erik Ericson of RedState.com has a very detailed article today on Barack Obama's connection to a neo-Marxist political party called the "New Party." ... Basically, Obama sought out the group as a result of his work with another far left organization ACORN — a "non-partisan" acvitist group whose members have been convicted in several states of vote fraud.  And not only did Obama receive their endorsement, he used many of the party's members as campaign workers on his first state senate campaign.

What Do Obama & I Have In Common?  Obama worked for ACORN as a community organizer for three-and-a-half years.  I lasted all of two weeks. … There was a considerable gap between rhetoric and reality.  There was a considerable disconnect between the black membership and the white organizers.  ACORN was all for a living wage as long as they didn't have to pay one to its employees.  ACORN was all for a better world but had no room for improvement.  Some lessons can only be learned the hard way.

Spreading socialism on the taxpayer's dime...
The ACORN Obama Knows:  If you don't know what ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) is all about, you better bone up.  This left-wing group takes in 40 percent of its revenues from American taxpayers — you and me — and has leveraged nearly four decades of government subsidies to fund affiliates that promote the welfare state and undermine capitalism and self-reliance, some of which have been implicated in perpetuating illegal immigration and encouraging voter fraud.  A new whistleblower report from the Consumer Rights League documents how Chicago-based ACORN has commingled public tax dollars with political projects.

ACORN's Hypocritical House of Cards:  The Consumers Rights League has published a collection of whistleblower documents that suggest "consumer advocacy" group ACORN has reaped substantial financial gains by misusing taxpayer dollars for political ends and attacking lending corporations for the same 'predatory' lending practices it regularly engages in.  These internal emails and policies suggest that ACORN has failed to maintain a proper distinction between its tax-exempt housing work and its aggressive political activities.  ACORN and its affiliates are then able to extract resources from financial lenders seeking abatement from its public relations assaults and force financial settlement agreements that benefit ACORN but are harmful for consumers.

Edwards Touts Obama to ACORN Group.  Former Democratic senator and perpetual presidential candidate John Edwards was the keynote speaker at the annual gathering of the radical group ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now).  Touting Obama to the crowd was hardly necessary.  Barack Obama was closely allied with ACORN during his community organizing days in Chicago and even did some legal work for them in the early 1990's.

Minimum Wage Hits $9.50 in Santa Fe.  This month, in the liberal bastion of Santa Fe, New Mexico, they are raising the minimum wage in the city to $9.50 per hour.  The measure applies to all businesses with 25 or more employees.  The driving force behind this decision was Acorn, the 'national community organization,' as Jon Gertner describes it in The New York Times Magazine for January 15, 2006.  Acorn has discovered that the way to win on the minimum wage issue is to cast it not as an economic issue but as a moral issue.

Rotten ACORN:  In what is being called the "worst case of voter registration fraud in Washington state history," seven employees of the liberal advocacy group ACORN have been charged with filling out fake voter registration forms. … The defendants allegedly faked more than 1700 voter registration forms.  They, like all ACORN employees nationwide, are paid by for every name they sign up.  This has led to widespread charges of fraud in Missouri, Ohio, and 12 other states.

Missing headlines:  leftwing voter fraud guilty plea.  Readers may recall that the state of Washington was in the news in 2004 for the closeness of the election for Governor (won by Christine Democrat Gregoire by all of 133 votes; her Republican opponent, Dino Rossi, has since announced plans to run again next year).  That race was subject to claims of voter fraud.  While the defendants who worked for ACORN did not plead guilty for acts that led to actual voting... where there is smoke there is usually fire.

Obama's Ties To ACORN More Substantial than first believed.  You've heard of Moveon.org and Code Pink — two radical leftist groups seeking to elect out and out socialists to public office and who are fierce opponents of the capitalist sysetm.  But have you heard of ACORN? … Not surprisingly it turns out that Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Father Michael Pfleger — two radical clergy closely associated with Obama — have extensive ties to ACORN.  Their views fit nicely within the ACORN anti-capitalist agenda that they have been pushing for years.

Obama to amend report on $800,000 in spending.  U.S. Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign paid more than $800,000 to an offshoot of the liberal Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now for services the Democrat's campaign says it mistakenly misrepresented in federal reports.  An Obama spokesman said Federal Election Commission reports would be amended to show Citizens Services Inc. — a subsidiary of ACORN — worked in "get-out-the-vote" projects, instead of activities such as polling, advance work and staging major events as stated in FEC finance reports filed during the primary.

Obama's Liberal Shock Troops:  Mr. Obama has extensive connections with the granddaddy of activist groups, Acorn (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), which has gotten millions in government grants for its low-income housing programs.  In 1992, Acorn hired Mr. Obama to run a voter registration effort.  He later became a trainer for the group, as well as its lawyer in election law cases.  Acorn's political arm has endorsed Mr. Obama while its "voter education" arm has pledged to spend $35 million to register people this fall — despite a history of vote fraud scandals that have led to guilty pleas by many Acorn employees.

O's Dangerous Pals:  The seeds of today's financial meltdown lie in the Commu nity Reinvestment Act — a law passed in 1977 and made riskier by unwise amendments and regulatory rulings in later decades.  CRA was meant to encourage banks to make loans to high-risk borrowers, often minorities living in unstable neighborhoods.  That has provided an opening to radical groups like ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) to abuse the law by forcing banks to make hundreds of millions of dollars in "subprime" loans to often uncreditworthy poor and minority customers.

Rotten Boroughs.  Ayers' Weather Underground grew out of "Students For A Democratic Society", as did ACORN.  Today, Ayers and his fellow "educators" are engaged with considerable success in radicalizing the next generation of Americans.  But, if that doesn't work, Acorn has a fallback strategy.  What does ACORN do?  It steals elections.

Vote-Fraud-A-Go-Go.  Let every vote count, is the Democratic Party's mantra these days.  That slogan might better be:  Let every vote count as often as we need to win.  Such, at any rate, are the tactics of ACORN, Barack Obama's favorite "community organizers," and its Project Vote — of which, the Democratic presidential candidate has boasted, "I started working as the director … here in Chicago."

The ACORN/Obama Voter Registration "Thug Thizzle".  Systemic corruption of our election process continues. … On Monday [10/6/2008], the two liberal groups announced the wrap-up of a 21-state voter registration drive targeting low-income people and minorities in battleground states including Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Florida, New Mexico and Wisconsin.  What's wrong with that?  For starters, these two groups are militant partisan outfits purporting to engage in nonpartisan civic activity.  And their campaign comes amid an avalanche of fresh voter-fraud allegations involving ACORN in many of those same key states.

Blunt links 'sordid' ACORN to Obama.  Gov. Matt Blunt sought yesterday to link Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama with accusations of fraudulent voter registration in Missouri and other states by an organization that advocates for poor people.  Blunt, a Republican, called ACORN an organization with a "sordid history" of voter fraud in Missouri.  In a telephone conference call, Blunt recounted a series of problems ACORN had caused with voter registration in the state.

Obama and ACORN: Relationship May Be More Extensive Than Candidate Says.  Barack Obama says he only had limited ties to ACORN, and they began in 1995.  But other encounters with the group, plus a voter-registration drive he conducted called Project Vote three years earlier, calls his account into question.

ACORN: Not the Face of Change.  Barack Obama has numerous ties to ACORN, the group under investigation for voter registration fraud in states across the nation.  Obama paid one of their subsidiaries, Citizen Services, Inc., $800,000 and misrepresented that payment on his campaign finance disclosures.

Liberal group's fraud shows voter ID need.  What do Barack Obama, Cynthia Tucker and the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) have in common?  I'll tell you a few facts and you decide.  I'll try not to load my words, as Cynthia Tucker did in her Sunday column blasting voter ID laws as the product of "pseudo-facts" and "overhyped allegations of voter fraud."  Readers of my column will, I hope, be outraged by their own thinking, not feelings emanating from pejorative terms.

The Rise And Fall Of The Obama Campaign:  Will Obama win, or will the whole truth about him become known in the nick of time? ... If you believe Obama's protestations of ignorance about Ayers' terrorist background, you've been brainwashed.  The Obamas are not oblivious. ... [ACORN is] the organization with which Obama has been associated throughout his adult life, as organizer, trainer, lawyer, funder and political beneficiary ... and Obama's Achilles heel.

ACORN's big scam:  Obama has in the past represented ACORN in his home state of Illinois.  And during the primary season the Obama campaign gave ACORN some $830,000 to help with a get out the vote drive.  In Ohio, where the ACORN effort was particularly intense, about a third of some 660,000 new voter registrations don't match information on file in other government databases.  Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, a Democrat, didn't seem particularly concerned, so Republican Party officials took the issue into federal court.

ACORN Magazine Article on Obama Magically Reappears.  It appears ACORN has decided there is no point in continuing to hide an article that links Senator Barack Obama to it in the early 1990s because it's out there in cyberspace already.

Obama's Big Lie in the Last Debate:  One of Obama's first career jobs was with ACORN.  He was recognized early on as a talented organizer by ACORN leader Madeline Talbott, (think smooth talker) and she got him to coach ACORN leaders in community activism.  At the time, Talbott was focusing on ACORN's efforts to expand bank lending to low-income, high-risk customers — the activity that ultimately precipitated today's mortgage market failure — so it is likely Obama trained her leaders with a focus on that effort.

Stealing the Presidency: An Obama/ACORN Primer.  For the past eight years, Americans have been bombarded nearly nonstop by cries of "Bush stole the White House," without a single proven shred of evidence, without a single indictment or conviction of Republicans on vote fraud, vote rigging or anything even close.  Meanwhile the only group indicated and convicted in actual vote fraud cases in the last two elections — ACORN — is fully mobilized still, claims to have registered 1.3 million new voters this year, and is tied historically and inextricably to our front-running candidate for President, Barack Obama.

MSNBC Teams Up With ACORN, La Raza.  MSNBC has launched a news project with a variety of left-wing special interest groups to boost their Election Day coverage and help viewers experiencing problems at the polls.  One of the groups involved in MSNBC's "Election Protection" project is the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now.  ACORN has been involved in rampant voter registration fraud across the nation this election cycle and is actively supporting Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama for president.

ACORN's White Horse:  ACORN, the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now, is essentially a Marxist shakedown outfit.  One of its main rackets is election fraud — but it can also be very helpful if you happen to be a Leftist activist who finds himself needing, say, to foment a riot, vandalize public property, shut down legislative hearings or opposition conferences, harass the families of elected officials, extort leave-us-alone pay-offs from banks, promote illegal immigration, or the like.  Like ACORN, Obama is a community organizer in the Saul Alinsky radical mode, and he goes way back — two decades back — with the organization.

Barack Obama's Involvement with ACORN Unearthed, Missing Article Recovered.  While Barack Obama's connection with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has not gone entirely unreported, it has not been fully explained.  Most media background pieces simply note Obama's involvement in a 1995 lawsuit on behalf of ACORN.  Obama's own website, as well as most major media, fail to reveal the full depth and extent of his relationship with the organization.

Obama Campaign Involved in More Cover-Ups in ACORN Scandal.  On Thursday we revealed the connection between Barack Obama and Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), and uncovered a 2004 article that discussed his involvement with the organization which had recently been removed from the web.  Today [10/10/2008], the cover-ups continue and language on Obama's fightthesmears.com website has been altered in order to make it look like he has been telling the truth about his ACORN associations all along.

The Case Against Barack Obama, Part 2.  Obama and [William] Ayers also served on the board of the Woods Fund, an organization that distributed grant money to ACORN, which pushes its leftist agenda — "tax justice," livable wages, anti-school choice, voter registration and affordable housing.  The nearly 400,000-person-strong organization is currently under investigation by state and federal authorities in several states for voter registration fraud.  The Obama campaign dismisses any connection to ACORN as tangential.

FBI investigating ACORN voter fraud; Obama indisputably linked to ACORN.  The FBI has opened an investigation into ACORN's alleged voter registration fraud.  The Obama camp is desperately trying to distance itself from ACORN, but there's no question that Obama is linked to the group.  Obama is also seeking to distract attention from the fraud allegations by trying to paint the ACORN investigation as "politically motivated."

Creating the illusion of unstoppability on Election Day.  Indiana's Marion County is where the Obama campaign has been sending ACORN/SEIU thug activists for the past ten months to create the illusion on Election Day that he is "unstoppable".  It's only a three hour drive from the gutters of Chicago to Indianapolis (in Marion County) and there are hundreds of ACORN/SEIU activist who have made the trip many times over the course of this election season.  Why?  Because the polls in Indiana close at 6PM Central.  There will still be polls open on the east coast when Indiana polls close, and the salivating Obama-supporting media can make their first projections.

A Brighter and Righter Future.  Watching the ACORN organization come under investigation in more than a dozen states for voter fraud and illegality, it is sobering to imagine what Obama, a former ACORN trainer and community organizer, would do to give even more of our tax money to this hard-left, corrupt organization.  It is also unlikely an Obama Justice Department would prosecute any of the donor-fraud and voter-fraud allegations that are rapidly building up.

Will ACORN Steal the Election?  [Scroll down]  Obama also gave more than $800,000 to Citizen Services Inc., an ACORN subsidiary, for "get out the vote" activities during the Democratic primary, a fact the candidate initially tried to conceal.  Obama's "Fight the Smears" website claims that "ACORN was not part of Project Vote, the successful voter registration Barack ran in 1992."  "Now ACORN says 'we only had him for two conferences, for one hour each,' but that's not what contemporary newspaper accounts at the time say," commented John Fund, author of Stealing Elections, at Heritage last Monday [10/27/2008 (?)].  He said that Project Vote and ACORN were affiliated at the time, a relationship which grew into a full partnership.

O's Dangerous Pals.  What exactly does a "community organizer" do?  Barack Obama's rise has left many Americans asking themselves that question.  Here's a big part of the answer:  Community organizers intimidate banks into making high-risk loans to customers with poor credit.  In the name of fairness to minorities, community organizers occupy private offices, chant inside bank lobbies, and confront executives at their homes — and thereby force financial institutions to direct hundreds of millions of dollars in mortgages to low-credit customers.

New White House Counsel Was Defender of ACORN.  The incoming White House counsel will carry a reputation for hardball tactics into his new job.  As President Barack Obama's election attorney, Robert Bauer staunchly defended ACORN against political attacks, sought investigations of political opponents and pressed TV and radio stations to stop running ads critical of the Democratic nominee.

White House's Acorn Cookies Surprises Republican Lawmaker.  The chocolate cookies shaped like an acorn were quite a hit with Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa.  "I didn't expect to see such stark symbolism," King said in an e-mail.

Washington's "Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians" for 2011.  [Scroll down]  Despite a ban on funding that Obama signed into law, his administration continues to fund the corrupt and allegedly defunct "community" organization ACORN.  In July 2011 Judicial Watch uncovered a $79,819 grant to AHCOA (Affordable Housing Centers of America), the renamed ACORN Housing which has a long history of corrupt activity.  In absolute violation of the funding ban, Judicial Watch has since confirmed that the Obama administration has funneled $730,000 to the ACORN network, a group that has a long personal history with President Obama.

Note:  More information about ACORN (and vote fraud) can be found here.

Mrs. Obama

This subsection has moved to a page of its own, located here.

Valerie Jarrett

This subsection has moved to a page of its own, located here.

"Father" Michael Pfleger

Brothers accuse prominent Chicago priest of sexual abuse.  Two brothers on Monday [1/25/2021] detailed sexual abuse they say they suffered at the hands of the Rev. Michael Pfleger more than four decades ago, with one saying the abuse "destroyed my life."  But attorneys for the longtime St.  Sabina Church pastor have blasted the accusations as "false attacks ... motivated by greed."  The men, who are in their 60s and now live in Texas, said at a news conference that Pfleger molested them dozens of times, starting in the 1970s.  It allegedly began when they were in the choir at Precious Blood Church on the West Side and continued for years at the Mundelein Seminary as well as two other churches, including St. Sabina Church, where Pfleger has served as pastor since 1981.  Neither brother ever told anyone about the abuse, they said, including each other, until this month.

Two Brothers Reveal Obama's "Moral Compass" Molested Them Since They Were 12 and 13.  There's one name you won't see in any of the stories about Pfleger.  It starts with an "O" and ends with an "A".  It's funny because those names used to be associated quite a bit.  When I broke the Pfleger story back in the day, I called him the white Jeremiah Wright.  It was a fitting description because the two men were linked by their ties to Farrakhan and their racist bluster.  Obama was forced to cut ties with both Wright and Pfleger.  Even though Pfleger used to be Obama's "moral compass".  ["]Friends and advisers, such as the Rev. Michael Pfleger, pastor of St. Sabina Roman Catholic Church in the Auburn-Gresham community on the South Side, who has known Obama for the better part of 20 years, help him keep that compass set, he says.["]

2 brothers describe allegations of abuse by the Rev. Michael Pfleger: 'I'm not carrying this burden, not one more year'.  They grew up in an impoverished neighborhood on Chicago's West Side, the two youngest of five children whose single mother insisted they go to church as a way to avoid gangs and drugs.  The preteen brothers joined the choir at Precious Blood Catholic Church and said they were drawn to a young, charismatic seminarian who directed their musical performances and took them out for pizza.  Nearly five decades later, the two men now say that former choir director, the Rev. Michael Pfleger, molested them dozens of times over several years beginning in the early 1970s.  The brothers said they were sexually abused in Pfleger's room at three churches, beginning at Precious Blood and including St. Sabina on the South Side, where the well-known priest has been assigned since his 1975 ordination.

Fraud, Theatrics, and Murder in Obama's Adopted Hometown.  Last year, for example, we reported on a lawsuit by a group of Chicagoans that claimed a "civil right" under state law to impose Chicago-style gun control upon other localities.  Among those leading the charge in this effort was antigun activist and Obama "spiritual advisor" Father Michael Pfleger, infamous for engaging in provocative and dramatic publicity stunts, which among other things have included leading his flock in a gun shop protest that included threats to "find" and "snuff out" the business's owner.

Hate Group Associations Disqualify Obama.  In 2007, about a year before Obama posted Michael Pfleger's endorsement on his website, Pfleger said of an identifiable licensed gun store owner, "We're going to find you and snuff you out."

Pfleger leads street protest against police killings during Sunday Mass.  Continuing a week of protest over the deaths of young black men at the hands of police, the Rev. Michael Pfleger on Sunday interrupted Mass — leading worshipers out of the pews at Saint Sabina Catholic Church and into the street.  "We are taking a stand with our young people," Pfleger said, referring to those who have been protesting around the country.  "I have never been more proud to be an American citizen than right now.  We got your back, we are going to fight with you."  Then, in a fiery bit of oratory, he shouted:  "We're going to shut down 79th and Racine... Let's take it to the streets!"

The Editor says...
Mr. Pfleger says he's proud to be an American citizen, but his idea of responsible citizenship doesn't match mine.

Who Will Protect America?  [Scroll down]  More disturbing is that Obama has not been honest about the radical figures he has associated with. ... Obama's association with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Father Michael Pfleger put him in company with angry anti-American fringe figures, who, were they on the far right, would have ended Obama's political career long ago. ... I actually know a good bit about people such as Ayers, Pfleger, Wright, and now Khalidi.  They are the kind of anti-Americans who thrive on the outer fringes of the left.

Obama's Ties To ACORN More Substantial than first believed.  You've heard of Moveon.org and Code Pink — two radical leftist groups seeking to elect out and out socialists to public office and who are fierce opponents of the capitalist sysetm.  But have you heard of ACORN? … Not surprisingly it turns out that Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Father Michael Pfleger — two radical clergy closely associated with Obama — have extensive ties to ACORN.  Their views fit nicely within the ACORN anti-capitalist agenda that they have been pushing for years.

Powered by Hate: Racist Content from Dreams from My Father.  The appalling content of Dreams from My Father becomes even worse in the context of the complete picture.  This picture includes Mr. Obama's 20-year membership in Jeremiah Wright's racist church, the same church that gave Michael Pfleger a standing ovation when he exulted that Hillary Clinton's defeat left "a whole lot of white people crying."  This, along with its social achievement award to Louis Farrakhan, is apparently what Mr. Obama's church calls "Christianity."

The Pfleger-ization of the Catholic Church.  So much that you need to know about the Catholic Church's social policy problems can be summed up in one word:  Chicago.  On race, abortion, guns, immigration and "community organizing," Catholic Church officials in the Windy City have forged unholy alliances with radical left-wingers and enablers who undermine the faith — and the faithful.

Updated 3/22/2011:
Chicago's Most Notorious Priest Finally On Way Out??  Father Michael Pfleger is as far from the image of a parish priest as can be imagined without crossing the line into absurdity.  He is a loud-mouthed activist that has spent a 30-year career calling people he doesn't like names, spewing race tinged "sermons," liberally tossing out the race card, and engaging in extremist political causes.  Not the model priest, for sure.

Updated 6/15/2015:
Rev. Michael Pfleger: NRA 'Will Pay for the Murder' of Chicago Children.  On June 6, Reverend Michael Pfleger listed recent shootings in heavily gun-controlled Chicago then said the NRA "will pay pay for the murder of our children."  He was joined by Reverend Jesse Jackson and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence president Dan Gross.  Pleger, Jackson, and Gross rallied outside of Chuck's Gun Shop, where Jackson recently rallied for the ban of guns already banned in Chicago.

Documents: Despite Obama's 2008 claims, political relationship with Rev. Wright began as early as 1987.  Letters signed by Barack Obama 25 years ago and obtained by The Daily Caller, show the future president approaching Chicago's then-mayor Harold Washington in 1987 about a community organizing project whose advisory board would include his pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright; the controversial leftist Catholic priest Father Michael Pfleger; and the brother of Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers.

Living Legends.  This month in Chicago, an event will honor three men as "living legends."  The men are Minister Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the former pastor of Barack Obama's church, and Father Michael Pfleger, a radical-left Catholic priest.  The men will stand together, and thousands of spectators will pay to see them. ... And who, exactly, selected the three men as honorees?  Um, well, that would be the Rev. Jeremiah Wright!

Reverend Wright's Night.  He's one of the best known religious leaders in the nation, President Obama's former pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright.  His sometimes controversial, fiery sermons have lasted for hours at times... but when Wright was paired up with Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan and Catholic priest, Father Michael Pfleger, there wasn't much said.

Meanwhile, Back at Trinity United...  The video was uploaded to YouTube this past Sunday, though it is unclear if it was shot then or earlier.  But to judge by the subject matter, it is quite recent.  The video features Father Michael Pfleger, with an introduction by the Rev. Otis Moss, Jeremiah Wright's successor at Trinity United.  As we noted last month, the Democratic presidential front-runner described Moss as a "wonderful young pastor" after Obama renounced Wright.

Father Michael Pfleger, Surpassing Jeremiah Wright at Trinity.  Much like written words don't do justice to Jeremiah Wright's sermons, the video must be watched to be believed. … Words cannot describe the surreality of watching a middle-aged white man in a priest's collar appearing like he is trying to imitate Jeremiah Wright at his most outrageous.

Obama 'Disappointed' by Pastor's Remarks That Were Critical of Clinton.  During a guest appearance last Sunday at Trinity United Church of Christ, the Rev. Michael Pfleger delivered a blistering critique of Mrs. Clinton's candidacy.  Mr. Pfleger, a wellknown activist Chicago priest and a friend of Mr. Obama, said Mrs. Clinton felt entitled to the presidency and was stunned by "a black man stealing my show."

Priest who mocked Clinton again draws spotlight.  He's a white priest at a largely black church.  He's held hands with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.  He's been arrested dozens of times and battled anyone he thinks has wronged his parish — from gun dealers to a local Catholic sports league.  Now the Rev. Michael Pfleger is something else:  the latest thorn in the side of presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Obama's latest racial problem:  Apart from the appallingly racist nature of Father Michael Pfleger's remarks about Hillary Clinton, what is one to make of the congregation who seemed to lap it all up?  How, one may be entitled to ask, do these assembled churchgoers differ from those white Appalachians who admitted they voted for Sen. Clinton on the basis of race?

Rev. Pfleger:  "America is the Greatest Sin Against God".  In another excerpt from Rev. Michael Pfleger's sermon last Sunday, May 25, from the pulpit of Sen. Barack Obama's now former church, Trinity United Church of Christ on the South side of Chicago, the longtime Obama associate condemns America for racism in fairly harsh terms.  "Racism is still America's greatest addiction," Pfleger says.  "I also believe that America is the greatest sin against God."

Obama's 'Spiritual' Problem:  Americans sure must be wondering about Barack Obama's "spirit" these days — given the wackiness of his spiritual advisers.  Turns out the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who calls AIDS a government plot and suggests America deserved 9/11, isn't the only nut-job pastor informing Obama's moral judgment.  Enter the Rev. Michael Pfleger, who's tight with Nation of Islam hate-monger Louis Farrakhan and who reportedly once threatened to "snuff out" a Chicago gun-shop owner.

Rank Hypocrisy: Father Pfleger comes to gun control rally with armed bodyguards.  Chicago's activist Catholic Priest, Father Michael Pfleger was on hand at Saturday's Brady Campaign Rally against America's gun stores in Riverdale, IL.  Pfleger is gun civil rights what Bull Connor was to racial civil rights in the 1960s.  It wasn't that many years ago that the Chicago Catholic Priest called on the owner of Chuck's Guns, John Riggio, to be "snuffed out" — using the lingo of his parishioners.  Pfleger also called for legislators voting against gun control to be snuffed out as well.  Pfleger didn't call for anyone to be snuffed out this year, but he did enjoy the protection of three armed bodyguards.

Hillary believed she'd win 'cause she's white'.  Chicago Catholic pastor Michael Pfleger, speaking Sunday [5/25/2008] at Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ, implied Clinton was a white supremacist who believed she would win the nomination because of "white entitlement."

No Liberation.  Having now left Trinity United Church of Christ, can Barack Obama escape responsibility for his decades-long ties to Michael Pfleger and Jeremiah Wright?  No, he cannot.  Obama's connections to the radical-left politics espoused by Pfleger and Wright are broad and deep.  The real reason Obama bound himself to Wright and Pfleger in the first place is that he largely approved of their political-theological outlooks.

Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn

When questioned about his association with Bill Ayers, Obama's defense is that he was only eight years old when Ayers was actively engaged in domestic terrorism.  That is a ruse — nobody is saying that Obama went along for the ride and lit the fuses on Bill Ayers' bombs — but Obama had years of close association with Ayers when the two men were both adults, and Mr. Obama — unless he is hopelessly gullible and utterly clueless — must have known about Mr. Ayers' criminal history.

This one issue alone would have been enough to derail any other candidate's campaign.  The radical left is hoping that the voters will forgive and forget the actions of the Weather Underground back in the 1960s.

Guess Who Showed Up at U. of Chicago Pro-Hamas Protest?  Anti-American Activist and Obama Pal Bill Ayers.  An interesting though not surprising figure showed up at a pro-Hamas protest at the University of Chicago Monday — none other than former Weather Underground co-founder, anti-American radical, and pal to Obama Bill Ayers.  Local news outlets reported that he made his appearance near the eighth hour of the uprising and made remarks to students; however what he said is not clear.

The Most Destructive Americans of the Last 70 years.  [#9] Bill Ayers:  Represents the deep and ongoing leftist ideological damage to our education system.  An unrepentant American terrorist who helped form the Weather Underground in the 1960's, that exploded bombs in our capitol and killed or injured the innocent, but who evaded punishment, he devoted his career to radicalizing American education and pushing leftist causes.  Ghost wrote Obama's book, "Dreams From My Father."  A close friend of Barak Obama, despite his (Obama's) denials of such. [...] Let's not forget that recently removed San Francisco DA Chesa Boudine was raised by Bill Ayers and his wife because his mother and father were both in prison for the murder of two Brinks guards and were members of the Weather Underground!

Bill Ayers, a Familiar Face in the Birth of Critical Race Theory.  After Attorney General Merrick Garland sicced the FBI on unruly parents protesting Critical Race Theory (CRT) at school board meetings, it came to light that Garland had a dog in the fight.  That dog is son-in-law Xan Tanner, co-founder of Panorama Education, a leading distributor of CRT materials.  Among the materials Panorama has recommended for educators is an essay by terrorist emeritus and Obama pal Bill Ayers. [...] What Ayers thinks would matter less were it not for his outsized influence on the educational philosophy of former president Barack Obama.  Were Obama merely a former president, his thinking would not matter much, either.  But Obama may be more than that.  Even Tucker Carlson has openly speculated that Obama is the guy running the show at the White House.  What seems clear is that Joe Biden is not.

Riots should re-elect Trump.  Bill Ayers turned 75 the day after Christmas.  This summer, he saw his decades-long dream come true.  No, not the election of his protegee Obama (whose memoir Ayers "edited" — i.e., wrote). Ayers real dream was a violent race war which would lead to the overthrow of the government in favor of a Soviet-style dictatorship.  Which would be for our own good, naturally.  Bill ain't too bright.  His Weather Underground — a KKK-like terrorist group — blew itself up more often than its targets.  But daddy ran Chicago's electric company (tell me he was not politically connected) and hired the lawyers that sprung the son.  The dream lived on.  Days before 9/11, Ayers told the New York Times he wished he had done more damage.  His exact words were unambiguous, "I don't regret setting bombs.  'I feel we didn't do enough."  Why not?  He shared much in common with Osama bin Laden, another rich boy terrorist who sent others to die for his cause.

Bernie Sanders's Rise is Like Death Knocking on America's Door.  [Scroll down]  William Ayers:  When Obama moved to Chicago after graduating from Harvard Law School, he was introduced to unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, who attempted to incite a violent communist revolution in the 1960s as a leader of the Weather Underground.  Ayers is a self-declared communist revolutionary who has devoted his entire adult life to destroying America's capitalist system:  "I wake up every morning and think, today is the day I will end capitalism.  I go to bed disappointed every night, but am back at work tomorrow because that is the only way you can do it."  Although Obama knew about Ayers' strident anti-American views, he chose to launch his political career in the living room of Ayers's Chicago home.  When explosive revelations about Obama's close association with Ayers were reported by Fox News during the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama tried to dismiss Ayers as "just a guy who lives in my neighborhood, not somebody I regularly exchanged ideas with."  The evidence shows otherwise.

When John C. Drew met a young Marxist Barry Obama in college.  Those of us who researched Obama as he was making his run for President in 2007 knew early on that he's a radical.  We learned about his assimilation into the radical Chicago communist scene, and the radicals with whom he was close, like Alice Palmer, David Axelrod, and a poster-child for anti-Americanism Bill Ayers.  The communists in the United States laid the groundwork for decades, infiltrating government and academia, and they were ready to make their move into the Oval Office with their Trojan horse.  If you're relatively new to politics, you may wonder what's the big deal.  All current Democrat candidates are openly and publicly devoutly Marxists.  Bernie even called Elizabeth Warren a "capitalist" as an insult.  They're not hiding it these days and their disdain for America is not only on full display, it's a prerequisite for any member of the Democrat Party.

Son of Two Unrepentant Terrorists Wins DA San Fran Race.  "Chesa Boudin has won the election to become San Francisco's next district attorney," CBS News reported late Saturday.  "The people of San Francisco have sent a powerful and clear message," Boudin said in a statement.  "It's time for radical change to how we envision justice.  I'm humbled to be a part of this movement that is unwavering in its demand for transformation."  People in the vast hinterland to the east might wonder who Chesa is, exactly, and what kind of transformation he has in mind.  Bernie Sanders was first to congratulate the victor, and San Francisco voters knew Chesa served as a translator for the regime of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.  Still, a full understanding must start with Chesa's mother, Kathy Boudin, a Weather Underground terrorist.

San Francisco Voters Elect Radical District Attorney, Son of Cop-killing Terrorists.  Progressive candidate Chesa Boudin wants to free criminals but prosecute police and ICE agents for doing their jobs.  It's no surprise Boudin hates cops so much.  His parents did, too.  Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert were terrorists in the Weather Underground who murdered two police officers and a security guard during a 1981 robbery of a Brinks armored security car outside New York City.  There should be a law that children of terrorists who share their parents' worldview are barred from holding public office, especially the role of the chief law enforcement officer.  Boudin's dad is still in prison so he can't kill any more cops, but his mother is out.  Naturally, she is an assistant professor at Columbia University.  After his parents killed the cops, Boudin was sent to live with two other terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.  Dohrn declared war on the United States and was on the FBI's Most Wanted list.

Ayers' son, Chesa Boudin, claims he's leading the vote tally for San Francisco's DA.  If you want to know how bad San Francisco's gotten — and how much worse still it could get, get a load of this tweet, from Chesa Boudin, adopted son of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn: [...] According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Boudin, who's running for District Attorney in San Francisco, is just 800 votes behind in that race and there are still 34,000 mail in ballots to count.  He's apparently benefited from the 'first choice' ranking of votes, which amounts to rigging in San Francisco.  If that and other California practices hold, Chesa's call to 'count all the ballots' is a not-so-disguised call for 'finding' ballot boxes that somehow got 'misplaced' and ballot-harvesting until enough votes can be totalled in favor of his win.  Maybe he has the connections for it.

The 10 Most Destructive Americans of My 8 Decades.  [#9] Bill Ayers:  Represents the deep and ongoing leftist ideological damage to our education system.  An unrepentant American terrorist who evaded punishment, he devoted his career to radicalizing American education and pushing leftist causes.  Ghost wrote Obama's book, "Dreams of My Father."

Obama's Genie.  In 1995, Mr. Obama's mentor, the Communist Alice Palmer, announced that she was giving up her seat in the state senate to run for the U.S. Congress and anointed Mr. Obama her successor.  She had personally introduced Mr. Obama to Bill Ayers — the anti-war founder of the terrorist group the Weather Underground Organization (WUO) who advocated killing 25-million Americans to actualize his goal of overthrowing America — and to Ayers' partner in crime, his wife Bernardine Dohrn.  According to writer Aaron Klein, a 1995 meeting in the Ayers' living room "was said to have launched Obama's political career."  Mr. Obama's political career was launched in the Ayers' living room.  But after Mrs. Palmer suffered an unexpected defeat in the special congressional election, she decided she wanted her state senate seat back and asked Mr. Obama not to run.  He not only refused to step aside but said he was going to pose a legal challenge to the legitimacy of the signatures she had amassed to qualify for the ballot.  Using the same tactic, he got all four challengers — including Mrs. Palmer — knocked off the ballot so he could run unchallenged.

Bill Ayers and gang rape.  The current sex crimes dragnet sweeping across the country, pulling in celebrities, media millionaires, and politicians, has yet to reel in a high-profile professor from the hallowed halls of academia[.]  Will Bill Ayers be the first?

The Democratic Party Is Dead.  Charles Manson's recent death brought disturbing reminders that even the Democratic Party's golden boy, Barack Obama, has unsavory alliances in his background.  After the grisly murders of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and six others in July of 1969, Weather Underground founder Bernardine Dohrn said, "Offing those rich pigs with their own forks and knives, and then eating a meal in the same room.  Far out!  The Weathermen dig Charles Manson."  Manson and his followers were murderous lunatics.  Bernardine Dohrn (along with her husband Bill Ayers) was a communist revolutionary and domestic terrorist responsible for multiple bombings.  Dohrn expressed admiration for the Manson murders.  And Barack Obama launched his political career in her living room.

The Editor says...
That's because Barack H. Obama hates America.

JFK Files Reveal Obama's Terrorist Friend Bill Ayers Was Under Federal Watch.  The Trump administration ordered the release of thousands of files on the JFK assassination on Thursday, which contain many startling revelations, including the fact that multiple high-level government agencies monitored former President Barack Obama's friend — domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.  Newly released files show that the CIA and FBI kept an eye on Ayers, who was a member of leftist groups and a domestic terrorist organization, CBS News reported.

So When Exactly Did Bill Ayers and Barack Obama Meet?  "This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood," said Obama dismissively of Ayers.  "He's not somebody who I exchange ideas from [sic] on a regular basis."  The question fueled what the L.A. Times called a "storm of criticism."  The rage was directed not at Obama for his dissembling, but at Stephanopoulos for his effrontery.  How dare he ask Obama about an "obscure sixties radical"? asked Michael Grunwald of Time.  The media chose not to follow up.  If they had, Hillary Clinton would have won the nomination.

Prosecute the Rioters.  There is no mystery about how we got to this dark place.  Violent rampaging was the coming-of-age rite of the New Left.  That would be the Sixties Left that eventually won the battle for control of the Democratic party and, in its extremism, has estranged that party from its traditional working-class base, and thus from much of the country.  The New Left rioted against racism, capitalism, colonialism, and the Vietnam War.  They gleefully announced their hatred for AmeriKKKa.  They bombed and killed.  And in large measure, they got away with it.  In fact, they got rewarded for it.  One of the worst legacies of those Days of Rage was the failure of will to prosecute violent leaders of the radical Left to the full extent of the law — particularly the likes of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, Weather Underground terrorists who got a complete pass.

Terrorist Bill Ayers demands more gun control to stop terrorists like Bill Ayers.  Bill Ayers, the Chicago-based terrorist with an unfortunate connection to Barack Obama's past, is angry.  He simply can't believe that we continue to endure terror attacks like the massacre in Orlando.  He thinks that people who would kill or maim innocents — people like Bill Ayers — must be stopped.  So, this piece of human refuse who clearly doesn't understand irony is calling for more gun control.  That's right.  An actual honest-to-Allah terrorist is giving us a bizarro lecture about how to prevent the actions of people like himself.

Terrorist Who Launched Obama's Career Calls for Ban on Gun Not Used in Democrat Muslim's Terror Attack.  We really need a national conversation on the stunning lack of self-awareness by the insipid left.  Two days after the largest terror attack in this nation, carried out by a registered Democrat, and all we're hearing from these clowns is psychobabble about a weapon not even used in the slaughter at the Pulse nightclub.  Now along comes terrorist Bill Ayers weighing in with his pearls of wisdom.

P.C. — R.I.P..  There should be no surprise that former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, who played a role in launching the political career of Barack Obama, was found among the street demonstrators in Chicago who succeeded in forcefully disrupting and shutting down Republican frontrunner Donald Trump's campaign rally on March 11, injuring two police officers who were trying to maintain order.  When Trump proceeded to move to his next campaign stops in Ohio the following day, he came before crowds and naturally addressed the previous night's unfortunate descent into violence, only to experience another attempt at disruption.

The Media's Faux Outrage Over "Domestic Terrorism".  We don't remember any outrage from the media over the alleged roles played by Obama associates Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn in the 1970 bombing murder of San Francisco police officer Brian V. McDonnell.  In fact, the media peddled the nonsense that Ayers and Dohrn, who helped launch Barack Obama's political career, were "anti-war activists" who bombed a few buildings and never hurt anyone.  Since "domestic terrorism" is now a topic of concern for the media, in the wake of the attack on the Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado, can we expect the media to pressure Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch to gather new evidence in the McDonnell case?  It's not likely.

The Betrayal Papers Part V: Who Is Barack Hussein Obama?  Of all the nefarious personal relationships of Barack Hussein Obama, the bloodthirsty couple of Bill Ayers and wife Bernadine Dorhn are the most unsettling.  In the 1960s, Ayers and Dohrn were notorious radicals, anarchists, and terrorists — declared enemies of American society.  Ayers and Dorhn hosted a meet-and-greet and fundraiser for candidate Obama when he first ran for public office.  Indeed, Obama's political career was launched from the couple's living room in Hyde Park.

Obama Secretly Partied With Bill Ayers Last Summer.  On Aug. 30, 2014, MSNBC anchor Alex Wagner and former White House chef Sam Kass got married at a private wedding north of New York City.  It was widely reported at the time that President Obama, a longtime friend of the groom, attended the ceremony with his family.  There were two other notable guests, however, whose attendance has been successfully kept secret:  Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, [...]

Convicted Terrorist Bill Ayers to Iran Media: U.S. a 'Terrorist Nation'.  Convicted terrorist and retired professor Bill Ayers sat down with Fars News, a state-controlled media outlet that serves the Islamic Republic of Iran, where he proclaimed that the United States is a "terrorist nation" that is the "greatest purveyor of violence on earth... and the foremost threat to world peace."  The current regime in Iran is arguably the foremost purveyor of Islamic terrorism worldwide.  Iran has backed countless terror groups, which include Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthi insurgents, while also providing aid and support to Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.

Good News: You May Be Spared Execution.  Back in those quaint days when KGB-supported communist subversives planning to overthrow a republic had to meet in secret to discuss their operations, William Ayers and his chums reportedly opined that during the post-revolutionary period of normalization, approximately twenty-five million Americans (ten percent) would have to be executed.

First of all...
What was the Weather Underground?  If you believe the mainstream media or the spin coming from the former leaders of the Weather Underground, you would think that the Weather Underground were just a group of young anti Viet Nam war activists who pulled some pranks where no one was hurt or killed.  You would be wrong.  The Weather Underground were a group of Communists who wanted the Vietnamese Communists to defeat the United States.  They also engaged in terrorist acts including severe injury and sometimes death.

Obama and Dohrn and Ayers.  In all likelihood Barack Obama first learned of Ayers and Dohrn in his college years.  His claim to not know their terrorist background is ludicrous. ... After high school in Hawaii, Obama went to Occidental College (1979-1981), a liberal arts college in Los Angeles.  Obama's first public speech was at an Occidental event sponsored by the Students for Economic Democracy, a group affiliated with far left radical Tom Hayden and Hayden's militant group SDS (Students for a Democratic Society.)  David Peck, an organizer of the Occidental rally, is now coordinating Americans in Spain for Obama.

Did Ayers Help Obama Get Into Harvard?  The National Review's Steve Diamond has documented that both Ayers and Obama worked on a significant 1988 educational reform project in Chicago.  Although CEO of a major power company, Commonwealth Edison, Bill Ayers's father, Tom, also worked on this same project.  Tom Ayers was a prominent client of Sidley Austin, and it stands to reason that he got Dohrn her job.  Given her contempt conviction for refusing to cooperate in a terrorist investigation, a conviction that prevented her from actually practicing law, Dohrn would have needed major league pull to get hired by a high end law firm like Sidley.  A few years later, of all the law firms in Chicago, it was Sidley Austin that hired Obama on as a summer intern.

Obama Associate Implicated In Murder Plot.  The sub-headline over the article says it all:  "The investigation into a cop killing in the '70s leads to a law professor who helped launch Barack Obama's political career."  The law professor is former Communist terrorist Bernardine Dohrn, a leader of the Weather Underground known for praising mass murderer Charles Manson.  Writer Peter Jamison, who is based in San Francisco, where the cop killing occurred, spent months working on the story and developed many different sources of information.

Radical Loon When Obama Was Only 47.  In the past week, TV anchors have taken to claiming that Obama "refuted" John McCain's statement that Obama launched his political career at the home of former Weather Underground leader Ayers.  No, Obama "denied" it; he didn't "refute" it.  If "denying" something is the same as "refuting" it, then maybe the establishment media can quit harping on Palin's supposed lack of qualifications to be president, since she too "refuted" that by denying it.

The Apologists for William Ayers.  William Ayers is a Marxist by his own admissions.  Barack Obama "assumes he has been rehabilitated" after he says he doesn't know the guy and then saying that he was "just a guy in the same neighborhood" even though they shared duties on two boards and shared office space for three years.  Barack Obama then says to "buy his book", the book written by William Ayers, the guy Barack doesn't know.

Obama's Ties to Socialism:  Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn were the national leaders of a radical leftist movement called the "Weatherman Underground Organization."  An offshoot of the radical Left "Students for a Democratic Society" (SDS), the Weathermen sought to enlighten the American consciousness to the evils of the Vietnam War.  Unlike their parent organization SDS, the Weathermen pursued or more radical modus operandi.

When Barry met Billy.  When you have as many areas of your life deliberately obscured as Obama does, there is always the chance of being caught in a major lie.

Obama all but accuses critics of stoking anti-government violence.  [Scroll down]  And by tut-tutting about violence on the heels of earlier comments trying to delegitimize critics of big government, the suggestion that people who criticize his government are stoking violence is pretty clearly telegraphed.  Which is one heck of a charge coming from a guy who spent years working side-by-side with an actual, unrepentant anti-government terrorist, and has lied his head off about it ever since.

Obama's Desperate Equivalency Gambit.  One of the oldest tricks in politics — at least on the left — is to accuse your enemy of that which you are most guilty.  Barack Obama has been taking a beating based on his personal and political associations, particularly with the terrorist William Ayers, formerly of the Weather Underground, and his campaign has decided not to take it anymore.

Bill Ayers worked with Cuba says FBI report.  Unrepentant terrorist former leading Weather Underground Organization (WUO) member William Ayers was aided by Fidel Castro's Cuba in the 1970s, according to a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) report.

Candidate of the Left.  For his entire adult life, Obama's closest political allies have been pro-Soviet progressives like state senator Alice Palmer who chose Obama as the politically appropriate figure whom she chose to inherit her state senate seat; or anti-American radicals like Bill Ayers, who organized a terrorist army in the 1970s with the intention of launching a race war in America, and bringing down the "empire."  Others may be under the illusion that the Weather Underground was organized to protest the Vietnam War.  But you know better.

Obama now haunted by his ex-political mentor.  Alice Palmer, the avowed communist who helped launch Barack Obama's career, continues to haunt Obama even today.  In 2008, Palmer showed up at the Democratic National Convention in Denver as a Hillary Clinton supporter, still resentful toward Obama for knocking her and three other candidates off the ballot for an Illinois state Senate seat some 13 years earlier by challenging voter signatures.

Getting the 'Ayers Issue' Straight.  [Scroll down]  This is the "Ayers issue."  [1] First, it is an issue that goes to Obama's honesty and forthrightness with the American people.  Why is he secretive about what he initially called a "flimsy" relationship?  Why has he been gradually changing his story as the facts emerge?  [2] Second, this goes to Obama's judgment.  Obama did not work against a radical domestic terrorist who continues to have radical views, he worked along side him.  [3] Third, it follows, this goes squarely to Obama's ideology itself.  What in Obama drew the radical Ayers into alliance with him?  And why was Obama so comfortable moving within his sphere and advancing his agenda?  The "Ayers issue" is not 1960s terrorism.

Why should McCain be angry? Top 10 reasons.  [#3] Obama continues to lie about his relationship to Bill Ayers.  Obama did launch his political career at Ayer's home but continues to deny it.  This relationship to a terrorist goes much deeper than Obama wants anyone to know and McCain gets no help from the media who give Obama a pass.

Barack Obama's Cop-Killer Supporters:  While Barack Obama's friends and supporters in the news media downplay his friendship and business relationship with former terrorist and Marxist university professor Willam Ayers, one aspect of the Ayers terrorism saga that's totally ignored is his reputation as a cop-killer.  For instance, in Nyack, New York, Ayers' terrorist group the Weather Underground launched an armored-car robbery that left two Nyack, NY police officers — Officer Waverly Brown and Sergeant Ed O'Grady — mortally wounded.  In addition, the Brinks armored-car driver, Peter Paige was also shot to death by the Weathermen.

Was a Communist Obama's Sex Teacher?  Ayers and Dohrn, you see, are husband and wife and can't be compelled to testify against one another.  The evidence of their involvement came from an FBI informant in the Weather Underground.  His testimony, given before Congress, would be dismissed by clever Marxist lawyers as "hearsay."  Murder charges would have to be based on other, possibly forensic, evidence.  It is never too late to bring murder charges in this case.

It is what it is: Obama allied with scoundrels.  In the best tradition of Bill Clinton's declaration that the answer to the question of whether he was having an affair depended on "what the definition of is is," Sen. Barack Obama was clearly concealing the truth when he said that William Ayers was "just a guy who lives in my neighborhood."  The Ayers-Obama connection was, in fact, an intimate collaboration that it led to the only executive or administrative experience in Obama's life.

Weathermen:  Home-grown US radicals.  Embroiled in an unpopular war in Vietnam, with many of the grievances of the civil-rights movement still unanswered, the US government was facing widespread protests in the late 1960s.  Often those who rebelled were rich in idealism but unable or unwilling to take concrete action.  On 8 October 1969, all that changed.  A newly-formed group of left-wing extremists, dubbed the Weathermen, went on the rampage in a well-planned protest in Chicago — the so-called Days of Rage riots.

Eliminating 25 million Americans:  That was the plan of the Weather Underground after taking power. ... I asked, "well what is going to happen to those people we can't reeducate, that are diehard capitalists?" and the reply was that they'd have to be eliminated.  And when I pursued this further, they estimated they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers. ... And they were dead serious.

Obama's words and deeds:  Obama dismissed inquiries about his relationship with Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground, by saying that he was just "a guy who lives in my neighborhood."  In fact, Obama served from 1995 to 1999 as chairman of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), the brainchild of Ayers, an organization that funneled some $100 million into the hands of community organizers and activists, including ACORN, in order to radicalize Chicago's public schools.  Between 1969 and 1974, the Weather Underground claimed responsibility for some 20 bombings in the United States — at police stations, banks, jails, courthouses, the Capitol and the Pentagon.

Sowing ACORNs to reap the biggest oak tree in Washington, DC.  The bombs set in the Sixties by the Weatherman Underground were just a means to an end:  Ayers and Dohrn wanted to become famous and earn their Leftist street cred.  They didn't care if people died to make it happen.  You gotta break some eggs to make that omelet.

The Stealth Candidate:  I disagree with those who've said the most important issue concerning the Obama-Ayers connection is Obama's "judgment."  The very word implies that Obama doesn't share and never shared Ayers' views.  The crucial question is whether Obama is of like mind with such radicals. … Does anyone doubt that if any Republican presidential candidate had a small fraction of the questionable alliances Obama has, he already would have been hounded into withdrawing from the race?

Blood On the Hands of Obama's Terror Associate.  Barack Obama was asked, during one of the Democratic presidential debates, about his relationship with communist terrorist Bill Ayers.  But the more controversial relationship was with his wife, communist terrorist Bernardine Dohrn.  Both were present and hosted Obama when he launched a run for the Illinois State Senate.  In effect, Ayers and Dohrn sponsored Obama's political career.  But it has now come to light that Dohrn repeatedly refused to deny credible reports that she planted a bomb at a police station that killed a law enforcement officer.

The Ayers Question:  "Who is Barack Obama?" is not an irrelevant question given the job Obama is seeking, and it's a question he has sought mightily to avoid answering.  The veil of secrecy he has thrown over his past (journalists have been denied access to his state legislative office records, documents about state earmarks he distributed in Illinois, a list of his legal clients, his state bar application, billing records related to Tony Rezko, medical records, academic records — all of which are the sort of documents candidates routinely make public) forces the question all the more.

Obama's Hot Ayers.  Ayers' distant past isn't the only reason to distrust him.  He has a present, as well — and Obama is a part of it.  The two of them have worked hard to radicalize Chicago's public schools.  Ayers' work funding radical "education" groups in Chicago came just in the last 12 years.  And he teamed up directly with Obama on that.

William Ayers, "Former" Radical.  Stories at Politico and ABC refer to William Ayers as a "former radical," but wouldn't Ayers need to disavow his Sixties extremism to be a "former" radical?  He infamously told the New York Times in a story published on September 11, 2001, that he regretted not setting more bombs.

The Bomber as School Reformer.  Back in the early eighties, in an interview with David Horowitz and Peter Collier, Bill Ayers remembered his reaction upon learning that he would not be prosecuted by the government for his bombing spree as a member of the Weather Underground.  "Guilty as hell, free as a bird — America is a great country," he exulted.  Ayers is now a university professor, but he must have been exulting all over again after reading Saturday's front-page story in the New York Times.

NYT Reporter Implies Obama-Ayers 'Not Close' Contrary to Own Reporting.  On the same day that the Associated Press noted that "few people watch TV or read newspapers Friday evening and Saturday," the New York Times ran an article questioning Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama's questionable relationship with admitted, unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers.  If the AP is correct and Friday is one of the least read days of the week, then it's interesting that the NYT chose to publish one of the most controversial campaign issues when the fewest readers would see it.

CNN Ignores Bernardine Dohrn's Terrorist Past While Defending Obama.  Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and Bernardine Dohrn also worked at the same law firm according to sources. … There is much more about the Dohrn story that goes relatively unnoticed.  According to the Canada Free Press she has made frequent guest appearances at events sponsored by George Soros.  She stated in 1982 that "Those of us who participated in the [Vietnam] anti-war movement were not drastic enough" even though Americans died as a result of their bombings.

Terrorists For Obama.  "If you're in public life, you ought to say, 'I don't want to be associated with this guy,'" observes columnist Steve Chapman.  "If John McCain had a long association with a guy who'd bombed abortion clinics, I don't think people would say, 'That's ancient history.'"  That Ayers' totalitarian revolutionary agenda isn't history is shown by Ayers today sitting on the directorate of the Miranda International Center, a think tank funded by the Venezuelan government of Hugo Chavez….  Ayers is both a hero and adviser to Hugo Chavez and a colleague of Obama's.

Ignorance of Ayers?  Top Obama advisors tell CNN that, when they first met in the mid-1990s, Obama didn't know of Bill Ayers' radical past.  It's the first time they've said that, as far as I know. … On the other hand, Obama's not that young. … And Ayers' past was hardly a secret in Chicago, where he was regularly quoted as an ex-radical and ex-fugitive.

Does Obama Read His Hometown Paper?  As discussed quite a bit around here, David Axelrod says Obama didn't know about Ayers' past when Obama first started allying himself with the former terrorist.  Ayers was "just a guy in the neighborhood" — which, if true, says something just plain awful about that neighborhood if you ask me.  But anyway, just out of curiosity, I decided to see if the Chicago Tribune had written anything about Ayers and his terrorist past during the period of Obama's plasible deniability.

Guilt by Agreement.  An unapologetic aging domestic terrorist writes a book about "justice" and Barack Obama praises it.  This isn't guilt by association but guilt by agreement.  Had Ayers written a book about ping-pong and Obama praised it, perhaps that wouldn't be revealing.  But Ayers, the ultimate juvenile delinquent, wrote a book about the juvenile justice system and won a "rave review" from Obama, according to the New York Times.

Obama's Weathermen pals should worry voters.  Obama might not have heard of Ayers and Dohrn's brutality from the '60s through the '80s had they merely tossed a rock or two in anger.  But these two went much, much farther.  In 1970, Ayers encapsulated the Weathermen's worldview:  "Kill all the rich people.  Break up their cars and apartments.  Bring the revolution home.  Kill your parents."  In his 2001 memoir, "Fugitive Days," Ayers brags that he helped blast NYPD headquarters in 1970, the U.S. Capitol in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972.  Dohrn was an equally stalwart subversive.

Why Ayers Still Matters:  Nearly forty years after the crimes for which he and his associates became notorious, "Ayers sees his education work as carrying on his radicalism in a new guise," writes Stanley Kurtz.  That Obama knew none of this as a rising politician fails even the smell test at Democrat-friendly CNN.  Long past his eighth birthday, Obama publicly endorsed Ayers' book on juvenile justice.

Time to Level with the American People about Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers.  Pam Meister interviews John Murtagh, whose family had a terrifying brush with the Weather Underground during the terror group's heyday in the early 1970s.

Ayers Has Not Left Radicalism Behind.  Bill Ayers isn't out bombing anymore, but he has never stopped being a radical.  His ties to hostile Marxist regimes remain, raising more questions about Barack Obama's refusal to fully repudiate him.

Obama's Weatherman shows which way the wind blows.  The seemingly inevitable ascent of Barack Obama to become US president has hit a hurdle, as he is forced to confront accusations, supported by a hard-hitting television ad campaign, that he had a long-time association with two of America's leading terrorists from the 1960s, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, one-time leaders of the Weathermen (also known as the Weather Underground).

Why Obama Can't Be President:  William Ayers and others from the Weather Underground are responsible for being a part of a terrorist wave in this country that murdered police officers.  To downplay this or dismiss it as "guilt by association" is to be shortsighted and make a mistake.  I don't believe most Democrats or independents find this kind of thing acceptable behavior.  What kind of man sits in the pews of a church where his preacher spews hate about his own country — hate for Jews, hate for whites, hate for blacks who don't agree with him — and then says he had no idea his preacher was saying any of these things?  Again, I ask you to look deep inside yourselves, ask yourselves if you see such a man representing your country as president of the United States.

You Need a Weatherman To Tell Which Way Obama Will Go.  Barry Obama had many such academic mentors and one namely is Bill Ayers, a white guy from a wealthy family who in his leisure time (of which he had much, not having to mow lawns or deliver newspapers) liked to throw bombs in order to bring about "social justice" as a member of the Weather Underground.  Well, rich kids don't know much about munitions, so occasionally "bad choices" are made in the design, building, and detonation of bombs, like your girlfriend and buddies getting killed, which happened in Ayers's case.

Obama's radical relationship:  Sen. Barack Obama is hiding his relationship with a 1960s radical. ... For months, conservatives have been trying to direct attention to the relationship between Mr. Obama and William Ayers.  Mr. Ayers was a leader of the Weather Underground, which planted bombs in the U.S. Capitol and the Pentagon during the Vietnam War.  He went on the lam after a nail bomb his group was building to kill soldiers and their wives at a dance at Fort Dix went off prematurely, killing three of the conspirators.

Obama:  The Company He Kept.  [William Ayers] and his wife, fellow Weatherperson Bernardine Dohrn, were indicted in 1970 for inciting to riot and conspiracy to bomb government buildings, but charges were dropped in 1974 because of technicalities involving illegal surveillance.  Dohrn had been on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List and both remained in hiding. When they surfaced in 1980 Dohrn received three years probation and a fine of $1,500.

Obama's Foul Weather Friends:  Weatherman was a revolutionary communist sect that split from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) in 1969.  Weatherman's founding document called for a "white fighting force" that would be "akin to the Red Guard in China" to work with the Black Liberation Movement and other "anti-colonial" movements to bring about a communist revolution and destroy "US imperialism."  Weatherman committed at least 40 bombings between 1969 and 1975.  Targets included the Pentagon, the State Department and the US Capitol, other government buildings, military bases, police offices and corporations.  Two of the group's primary leaders were Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.

Resume of a Terrorist:  Obama's Buddy Ayers.  [Scroll down]  I find it difficult to understand how a man who is running for president of the United States would even know someone as anti-American and destructive as William Ayers.  Plus, Ayers, his wife and their comrades at the Weather Underground are cop-killers.  And Obama doesn't just know him personally — he's a close friend with Ayers.

Obama's Leftism:  For the next four to five years, the two [Obama and Ayers] worked together to raise the matching funds and disburse small grants to local organizations pushing the reform program.  It could only have been an intimate partnership.  When Obama decided to run for the state senate, his first fund-raising event was held in the home of Ayers and Dohrn.  In 1997, Ayers published a book about juvenile justice, A Kind and Just Parent, which Obama blurbed as "a searing and timely account."  The two also served together on the board of the leftist Woods Fund from 1998 until 2001.  This is what is now public about the relations between Obama and the unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers.  There may be much more, so far successfully hidden by all concerned; but even these facts suggest that Ayers was among Obama's closest collaborators.

Obama Begins the Ayers Walk Back and Heads Into the Reparations Trap.  Steve Diamond notes that Barack Obama is beginning a walk back on his preposterously untrue former claims that Ayers was just a guy in his neighborhood.  Using Linda Lenz, a close ally of both men to do so, the Chicago Sun Times quotes her as admitting that Ayers and Obama closely collaborated on the failed Chicago Annenberg Challenge fiasco.

Profile of the Massive Waste of Money Known as the Annenberg Challenge:  We were covering the massive waste of money known as the Annenberg Challenge long before anyone had heard of its Chicago chairman, Barack Obama, or its Chicago co-founder, real life terrorist-turned-educational terrorist William Ayers.  The article appeared in the March 1998 issue of Foundation Watch.

William Ayers, Model Citizen?  The Obama campaign's response to Jerome Corsi's book about Senator Barack Obama makes clear that they are determined to delegitimize even legitimate criticisms of the senator by mixing them up with smears.  Even mainstream journalists have noted that their rebuttal document at times employs risible arguments and overreaches in attempting to defend certain aspects of Senator Obama's career.  One example is the defense of Obama's relationship to William Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn — two unrepentant former members of the domestic left-wing terror movement known as the Weathermen.

Blood On the Hands of Obama's Terror Associate.  Barack Obama was asked, during one of the Democratic presidential debates, about his relationship with communist terrorist Bill Ayers.  But the more controversial relationship was with his wife, communist terrorist Bernardine Dohrn.  Both were present and hosted Obama when he launched a run for the Illinois State Senate.  In effect, Ayers and Dohrn sponsored Obama's political career.  But it has now come to light that Dohrn repeatedly refused to deny credible reports that she planted a bomb at a police station that killed a law enforcement officer.  Shouldn't Obama be asked about the reported involvement of his political associate in cold-blooded murder?

Obama's Other Radical Friends:  Apparently, back when he was running for state senate, Barack Obama had fund-raising events at the home of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, and there's been some press about the senator's friendship with this controversial Weathercouple.  Many reporters are well aware, even though Mr. Obama has described his connection to Ayers and Dohrn as "flimsy," that the senator's relationship with his radical Hyde Park neighbors is actually quite warm, even close. … But mostly, the press doesn't want to touch this story — and no one else does either, as if it actually were TNT.

Obama's Ties to Left Come Under Scrutiny.  Senator Obama's ties to a former leader of the violent left-wing activist group the Weather Underground are drawing new scrutiny as he battles Senator Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Change that Sees No Evil:  The Candidate of Hope seamlessly mixed pathetic understatement with bald lying and, naturally, righteous indignation.  Ayers, whom Obama carefully cultivated as a young "community organizer" in sharp-elbowed Chicago politics, was not someone he had "received some official endorsement from."  No, of course not.  Ayers and his wife (and fellow terrorist) Bernadine Dohrn merely launched his political career by hosting his coming out fundraiser in 1995 — an imprimatur that credentialed the up-and-coming Obama in the hard Left circle where he remains most comfortable.

Communists, "Progressives," Obama and the Media:  Tom Hayden, who cheered for a communist military victory in Vietnam, is calling attention to Senator Hillary Clinton's old ties to communists.  But Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein, formerly of the Washington Post, wonders if Hillary's comments on Senator Barack Obama's ties to communist terrorist Bill Ayers constitute McCarthyism.

Obama's Real Bill Ayers Problem:  Barack Obama complains that he's been unfairly attacked for a casual political and social relationship with his neighbor, former Weatherman Bill Ayers.  Obama has a point.  In the ultraliberal Hyde Park community where the presidential candidate first earned his political spurs, Ayers is widely regarded as a member in good standing of the city's civic establishment, not an unrepentant domestic terrorist.

Bill Ayers and the Subversion of Education:  Barack Obama's longstanding ties to Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn have elicited a great deal of controversy and have weakened his campaign.  Senator Obama attempted to distance himself from this dynamite duo … by stating that their actions as leaders in the Weather Underground bombings happened when he was 8 years old.  Of course, he elided [sic] the fact that they have no remorse for their actions and Ayers publicly wished there had been more of them.  Ayers escaped prosecution on procedural grounds.  In the words of Ayers, "Guilty as hell, free as a bird — America is a great country".

Debunking Obama's Ayers "Fact Sheet".  Let's examine Obama's claim that his connection to [William] Ayers and [Bernadine] Dohrn is "tenuous" and "phony."  Is it phony that Obama's political coming-out party in the mid-1990s was hosted by Ayers and Dohrn?  What about the panel discussions in which Ayers and Obama both took part — that were organized by Michelle Obama?  Tenuous?  I suppose the goodbye party for prominent Israel basher and Arafat apologist Rashid Khalidi, attended by Obama, Ayers and Dohrn, is also unworthy of discussion.

Taking His Sweet Time.  For at least six months, we've known that Robert Malley's associates and his record of anti-Israel revisionism have no place in an American presidential campaign.  But Obama, being Obama, could no sooner denounce his Arafat-embracing Middle East advisor than, say, not sell out his grandmother.  Instead, the campaign shrugged the issue off by claiming Malley was not a "day-to-day" advisor.  Just as in the case of Jeremiah Wright, Obama tried to wish the whole thing away until the very source of the problem addressed him directly.

Obama's 'mainstream' friends:  Obama's ties to Ayers and Dohrn aren't nearly as trifling as he suggests, and their views — today, not 40 years ago — are about as "respectable" and "mainstream" as those of, say, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Obama's incendiary minister.  The key facts, reported by Ben Smith in Politico.com, are these:  Barack Obama's political career was launched in Ayers's and Dohrn's home, when a group of "influential liberals" gathered in 1995 to meet the young organizer who was Illinois lawmaker Alice Palmer's chosen successor.

Barack's Bomber Bud:  The Rev. Jeremiah Wright's racist and anti-American diatribes will haunt Obama.  But Obama's relationship to William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, members of the '60s domestic terrorist group the Weather Underground, may prove more vexing.  The Weather Underground bombed the Capitol, the Pentagon and New York City police headquarters in the '70s; Ayers claimed to have personally participated in the bombings.

Obama's Marxist Axis Of Friends:  Barack Obama wishes questions about his associations with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers and other radicals would end.  But maybe the reason they won't is that there's a pattern:  Marxism. … When one looks at Obama, it's shocking how radical and anti-American his closest associates are.

Barack Obama pal is an enemy, too.  Obama was indeed only 8 in early 1970.  I was only 9 then, the year Ayers' Weathermen tried to murder me.

Photo:  Bill Ayers Stomping the American Flag.

Take a look  at the door and wall outside "Distinguished Professor" Bill Ayers' University of Illinois Office.

Smells from the shadows:  Nobody has accused little 8-year-old Barack of anything, not even of tiny misdemeanors in the nursery, of wetting his bed or not eating all his carrots and broccoli. … [But] The senator has never explained why, at the age of 33, or 38, or however old he was when he did, in fact, "pal around" with Bill Ayers, he inevitably preferred to walk in the shadows on the shady side of the street.  He even served with Bill Ayers on the board of a charity that dispensed millions of dollars to left-wing Chicago enterprises.  The unanswered questions are not about crimes, but about his judgment.

Weather Underground Victim Says Obama Should Have Known of Ayers' Past.  "Barack Obama constantly says, 'I was only 8 years old when this happened.'  That's kind of his throwaway line," John Murtagh told FOX News Thursday morning.  "I'm not questioning what Barack Obama was doing when he was 8 years old.  I'm questioning his behavior as an adult to choose his friends, mentor and longtime personal and longtime personal and professional colleague."

Obama, the Closer.  Obama's followers make high-tech videos, mindlessly chanting, "Yes, we can" instead of making bombs to blow up government buildings, or holding up armored trucks and killing police officers. … Evidenced by his list of supporters, from Ayers Dohrn, Hayden and Fonda, to the New Black Panthers, the New SDS, the New Winter Soldiers, et al., the radical Left has anointed Obama as the One.  Every aging, anti-war, anti-capitalist group and their new offshoots are flocking around Obama like moths to a flame.

Obama and his friends:  [Cliff] Kincaid's group wants a major news organization to follow up on the investigative work it has done that documents that an elderly black man who mentored Sen. Obama in Hawaii was a lifelong member of the Communist Party USA.  Kincaid also would like to see a serious journalistic vetting of Sen. Obama's relationship with the left-wing radicals in Chicago — Bill Ayers and others — who helped Obama launch his political career.

Mr. Obama's Neighborhood:  "I never had roots growing up," Obama has often said. … From Hawaii to Indonesia and back to Hawaii, then to Los Angeles and Manhattan and Cambridge, Mass., and finally to Hyde Park:  He's never lived in a part of the country that's like 90 percent of the rest of the country. … Hyde Park's the neighborhood he returned to, the place he'd chosen to live, and its roots were torn out 50 years ago.

It's the Communism, Stupid.  Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama tried to deflect a question about his relationship with terrorist Bill Ayers by saying that he "engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago when I was 8 years old" and that he was now a professor and a neighbor.  The real issue is whether Obama shares Ayers' communist views.  Obama admitted to exchanging ideas with Ayers on an irregular basis but did not say what those ideas were.  But we know that Ayers, rather than just being a 1960s "radical," was a member of a Marxist-Leninist communist group.

Beginnings of a Radical:  Where do you suppose Barack Obama's first public speech was given?  1. Chamber of Commerce?  2. Woman's Club?  3. Jaycees?  4. Toastmasters?  Sorry.  None of the above.  According to Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit, Barack Obama gave his first speech before an offshoot of the Students for Democratic Society (SDS) which had morphed into the Weather Underground.

The Obama-Ayers Connection:  In the best tradition of Bill Clinton's famous declaration that the answer to the question of whether or not he was having an affair with Monica depended on "what the definition of 'is' is," Barack Obama was clearly splitting hairs and concealing the truth when he said that William Ayers was "just a guy who lives in my neighborhood."

An absence of candour to believe in.  Obama is twisting and turning over his relationship with unreprentant Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers, trying to pretend it didn't amount to anything other than a chance acquaintance.  But his story becomes ever more preposterous. … The idea that Obama didn't know about Ayers's past is absurd.  He would have to have been living on Mars not to know.  The Weather Undergound was notorious and received huge publicity in the media.

Bernardine Dohrn:  Professor Dohrn has said of her Weatherman past, "We rejected terrorism.  We were careful not to hurt anybody."  Both assertions are false, however.  Weatherman's twofold agenda was terrorism (which is why Charles Manson was Dohrn's hero) and war (the organization's very existence was launched with a formal "declaration of war"), and Dohrn periodically issued "war communiqués" to the public at large.

Michelle Obama, Bernardine Dohrn, and Sidley & Austin.  According to Wikipedia, Bernardine Dohrn worked for Sidley & Austin from 1984 to 1988, while she unsuccessfully sought admission to the New York and Illinois bars.  (According to Sidley's managing partner, Dohrn didn't get admitted to the bar because "She wouldn't say she's sorry" for her acts of domestic terrorism.)

Ayers / Dohrn — The Biggest Albatross Around Barack Obama's Neck.  Barack Obama has some 'splainin' to do.  When he was questioned at the last debate about his association with Bill Ayers, he tried to spin it away.  "I was eight," replied Obama.  As far as he was concerned, that was all that was necessary in terms of an explanation.  Unfortunately, that won't fly with voters.

Obama Needs to Explain His Ties to William Ayers.  You might wonder what Obama was doing working with a character like this.  And you might wonder how an unrepentant terrorist got a huge grant and cooperation from the Chicago public school system.  You might wonder — if you don't know Chicago.

Ayers Unrepentant for Radical Group's Violence in 1960s, 1970s.  William Ayers, who was a founder of the 1960s and 1970s radical group the Weather Underground, told FOX News correspondent James Rosen in a candid 2004 interview that he still believed he was "on the side of justice" years after the group's wave of attacks.  In the interview, conducted three years after the September 11 attacks, Ayers argued the U.S. government had carried out "many other acts of terror … even recently, that are comparable," and claimed he and his bomb-planting comrades were "restrained" in their actions.

Talk Turns To Jive About Ayers.  "Ultimately, I ended up learning about the fact that (Ayers) had engaged in this reprehensible act 40 years ago, but I was 8 years old at the time and I assumed that he had been rehabilitated," Obama said.  You'd think a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School would have known that the actions of America's premier terrorist bomber did not, due to tainted evidence, result in a single day of prison time.  So just when and where did he think Bill Ayers was rehabilitated?

Ayers Is No Education 'Reformer'.  One of the most misleading statements during the presidential debates was when Barack Obama claimed that William Ayers was just "a guy in the neighborhood."  But that piece of spin is nothing compared to the false story now being peddled by Mr. Obama's media supporters that Mr. Ayers — who worked with the Democratic nominee for years to disperse education grants through a group called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge — has redeemed his terrorist past.

Taking A Peek Behind Bill Ayers' Office Door.  An op-ed writer thinks Bill Ayers is now a model citizen.  If that's the case, why would an unrepentant terrorist have an unrepentant cop killer's picture on his office door?

University cancels speech by Ayers.  The University of Nebraska-Lincoln rescinded its speaking invitation tonight for 1960s radical-turned-educator William Ayers.  University officials cited "safety reasons" for canceling Ayers' Nov. 15 appearance.  Spokeswoman Kelly Bartling declined to elaborate on what safety concerns would keep Ayers from addressing a College of Education and Human Sciences event.  Earlier today, Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman strongly condemned the invitation and called on the NU Board of Regents and President J.B. Milliken to block it.

Ayers Brothers Led Annenberg Grantees and Contributed to Obama.  William Ayers is a one-time leader of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist group that in the 1970s took credit for bombing the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol.  "I don't regret setting bombs," Ayers told the New York Times in 2001 about his experience with the Weathermen.  "I feel we didn't do enough."  In 1995, Obama, then a Chicago lawyer, received an early boost in his initial bid for the Illinois State Senate, when he went to a political meeting at Ayers' home.

Just a guy in the neighborhood?  I think not.
Obama Praised 'Searing and Timely' Book by Ayers.  Barack Obama, who has consistently downplayed his relationship with William Ayers during his presidential campaign, once gave a glowing endorsement of a book by the former domestic terrorist and was mentioned by name in the book itself.  A blogger unearthed the Dec. 21, 1997, endorsement in the Chicago Tribune and posted photographs of the praise for Ayers' book on Zombietime.com Saturday.

The Editor says...
It's always a shame when amateurs do a job better than professionals.  Why don't "mainstream" journalists do some digging and discover information like this?  The answer is obvious:  Newspaper and television journalists don't want to find out anything negative about Obama.  But that's a topic for another page.

Obama's Pal William Ayers:  The 'Peaceful' Terrorist.  In the re-release of William Ayers' book, Fugitive Days, the unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist revealed that he and President-elect Barack Obama are "family friends."  Last Friday [11/14/2008] Ayers appeared on ABC's Good Morning America reinventing himself as a peaceful anti-war activist.  "We tried to end [the Vietnam] war," Ayers said, "but we never committed terror.  It's not terrorism because it doesn't target people," referring to his 1970's bombing sprees.

Ayers Targets Media.  Domestic terrorist William Ayers spoke about his ?brush with celebrity" and bashed the media's discussion of his relationship with President-elect Barack Obama in speech to Georgetown Law School Students Monday afternoon. ... He said most of his opposition was comprised "mostly of middle-aged men who are ventilating on their computer in their mother's basements who are sweating profusely" and told students, "if you ingest way too much Fox News you are going to be confused by a lot of things."

The Editor says...
In my opinion, if Mr. Ayers dislikes Fox News so much, that's reason enough to stay tuned to Fox News!

Now he tells us.
Bill Ayers:  Barack Obama a 'family friend'.  In a new afterword to his memoir, 1960s radical William Ayers describes himself as a "family friend" of President-elect Barack Obama and writes that the campaign controversy over their relationship was an effort by Obama's political enemies to "deepen a dishonest narrative" about the candidate.

Ivory Tower Hero.  William Ayers hasn't given up railing against authority figures in the four decades following his time with the Weather Underground.  The current target of the perennial anti-conformist:  standardized testing and "authoritarian" school structures.  And yes, Fox News, which he compared to George Orwell's "two minutes of hate."

Bill Ayers Whitewashes History, Again.  Like his memoir, Fugitive Days, "The Real Bill Ayers" is a sentimentalized, self-justifying whitewash of his role in the weirdo violent fringe of the 1960s-70s antiwar left.

The Unreal Bill Ayers.  In his Times column, Ayers's chronology focuses on 1970, the year he co-founded the Weather Underground "after an accidental explosion that claimed the lives of three of our comrades in Greenwich Village."  But this wasn't some especially radicalizing furnace mishap.  On March 6, 1970, three members of a Weatherman cell died when a bomb they were making blew up in their faces.  Packed with nails for maximum lethality, it had been intended for a noncommissioned officers' dance at Fort Dix, N.J.

Judge sets sentencing date for Tony Rezko.  A federal judge has set a Jan. 6 sentencing date for political fund-raiser Tony Rezko.  The rushed sentencing date is an about-face from what lawyers in the case requested in October — to put off sentencing as Rezko and prosecutors engaged in ongoing discussions.

Obama Was Mute on Illinois Corruption.  [Last spring], Mr. Obama was being grilled over news that he bought his house through a land deal involving Tony Rezko, a political fixer who was later convicted on 16 corruption counts.  Rezko is mentioned dozens of times in the 76-page criminal complaint against Mr. Blagojevich.  Mr. Obama has an ambiguous reputation among those trying to clean up Illinois politics.  "We have a sick political culture, and that's the environment Barack Obama came from," Jay Stewart, executive director of the Chicago Better Government Association, told ABC News months ago.

Is Obama Following The Leninist Line?  Blogger Trevor Loudon, a respected anti-communist researcher and analyst in New Zealand ... points out that former Weather Underground members Rudd, Jones, Ayers and Dohrn are all now working through an organization called Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS), which is operating as "a parent body for Progressives for Obama."

The response to Bill Ayers the New York Times wouldn't run.  Freedom of the press, open to diverse opinion?  Not at the rapidly sinking NY Times.

The Op-Ed the New York Times Wouldn't Run:  Bill Ayers would like to use the fog of time to plead his case that he was just another protester against the Vietnam war, a point that the Times is perhaps willing to let him make considering his longtime association with the president-elect they so nakedly support.  No amount of inspired fantasy, however, can omit the simple truth that there is only one significant difference between Bill Ayers and Timothy McVeigh.  Competence.

The legacy of William Ayers:  So we should forgive William Ayers his past because he is now a prolific writer, community activist and received a misguided "Citizen of the Year" award?  And if we don't we are "promoting a trajectory of hate?"  Ayers, a son of great privilege, may be highly educated and eloquent.  That, however, does not give him a free pass in life.

The Fort Dix Five.  What is the difference between the five Muslim immigrants convicted in a Federal court in Camden, New Jersey on Monday, and Bill Ayers and his comrades in the Weather Underground?  The answer:  not much, except for the outcome.

Ayers and Free Speech:  Who said crime doesn't pay?  Certainly not Bill Ayers, the 1960s terrorist who emerged from the "underground" proudly admitting he was "guilty as hell and free as a bird" metamorphosing as a "father of three, esteemed professor at UIC — and unabashed patron of the great bourgeois coffee chain, Starbucks," according to an adoring portrait of him in the August, 2001 of Chicago Magazine.

William Ayers turned back at Canadian border.  An American education professor, one of the founders of a radical 1960s group known as the Weather Underground, which was responsible for a number of bombings in the United States in the early 1970s, was turned back at the Canadian border last night [1/18/2009].

Teachers:  They're All Bill Ayers Now.  Students at Georgia Southern University did not get to hear Bill Ayers speak last week for the now oft-given reason of expensive security.  Like students at other campuses, some students there objected to the use of their student fees to bring in the co-founder of the Weather Underground.  Ayers' past also led Illinois State Senator Larry Bomke to call for his firing through his proposal to forbid a public university from employing someone who has "committed a violent act against the United States."

Campaign for Justice for Victims of Weather Underground Terrorism.

Remarks of Cliff Kincaid.  [Scroll down]  Other Weather Underground members have also been walking around free.  In fact, two of them, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, associate with prominent politicians and posture as educational experts.  In truth, Ayers and Dohrn are vicious criminal terrorists who waged a campaign of violence and murder and are now trying to spread their filth and poison to young people.

Washington Post Censors Truth About Bill Ayers.  I am Larry Grathwohl and have been acknowledged as the only person to infiltrate the Weather Underground as an informant for the FBI.  I offer the following comments and observations regarding the article "The Unreal Bill Ayers" recently written by Charles Lane for the Washington Post.

S.F. police union accuses Ayers in 1970 bombing.  Leaders of San Francisco's police officers union have accused Weather Underground co-founder Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, of taking part in the 1970 bombing of a city police station that killed a sergeant.  The union leveled the charge in a letter to a conservative organization lobbying for arrests in the case, but said it had not been in contact with investigators and had no new evidence related to the bombing, which killed Sgt. Brian McDonnell.

Ayers Under Fire.  Ayers claimed last November that he was thrust "unwittingly" and "unwillingly" into the national spotlight during the campaign and the victim of a "thoroughly dishonest narrative... and the big lie that gets perpetrated... that somehow I killed people, somehow I've been a violent person, all of it false and I couldn't find a way to interrupt the demonization."  However, two knowledgeable WU-affiliated persons contradict this story.
(Ellipses in original.)

Justice for Victims of the Weather Underground.  Ayers and Dohrn, now university professors, were members of a communist terrorist gang called the Weather Underground during the 1960s and 1970s whose aim was to support communist regimes and anti-American movements around the world and destroy the United States.  The group received terrorist training in Communist Cuba and was advised by Soviet and Cuban intelligence agents.

A Murder Revisited.  Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn are currently hailed by the Left as "respected" university professors  — Ayers in the University of Illinois' education department, and Dohrn at Northwestern University's School of Law.  In the mid-1990s, both were instrumental in helping to launch 34-year-old Barack Obama's political career in Chicago. ... On Thursday, March 12, the National Press Club hosted an event where several key speakers urged federal authorities to reopen an investigation into the role that Ayers and Dohrn — both of whom are former leaders of the notorious terror group Weather Underground — may have played in the February 16, 1970 murder of Sergeant Brian McDonnell at Park Station police headquarters in San Francisco.

Justice Department to San Francisco Police:  Shut Up!  Allegations that presidential pal Bill Ayers was involved in the murder of a San Francisco policeman appear to be running into something of a gag order from at the Department of Justice.  According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the Justice Department and the San Francisco Police Department have contacted the San Francisco Police Officers Association and told them not to talk about the Ayers case.

Guilty as Hell, Free as a Bird (for now).  Bill Ayers' famous quip may come back to haunt him.  There is no statute of limitations on murder charges.

BC nixes invite to former radical.  Boston College yesterday abruptly withdrew two student groups' invitation to former radical William Ayers to speak on campus Monday.  A BC spokesman said he was unaware of the plan for the controversial figure to speak on campus until contacted by the Herald yesterday afternoon.  But students last night were scrambling to hold the speech off-campus.

Freeman Affair Reveals Problems For Obama and the Media.  The recent appointment and ultimate withdrawal of Chas Freeman to head the National Intelligence Council has exposed much that is wrong with President Barack Obama's first months in office, both in terms of policy and vetting, as well as the media coverage surrounding both.  Many of Obama's supporters said it was unfair to criticize Obama's associations with people like the unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers and the anti-Semitic preacher of hate, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and called it guilt by association.  It is now becoming clearer why those sorts of associations matter.

Ayers Has Not Left Radicalism Behind.  Bill Ayers isn't out bombing anymore, but he's never stopped being a radical.  His ties to hostile Marxist regimes remain, raising more questions about Barack Obama's refusal to fully repudiate him.

Seminar in Shamelessness.  Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn gave a seminar in shamelessness last week.  On the road to promote their new book Race Course Against White Supremacy, the radical couple sat in armchairs on a small stage at Baltimore's Enoch Pratt Free Library, conducting a "dialogue" instead of the usual book-tour speech.

Bill Ayers is back.  Bill Ayers has kept a low profile since President Obama took office, so we thought he might have gone underground again.  That was until we ran into him in Baltimore on Wednesday [5/13/2009] and he lobbed a bomb at one of our editorial writers.

Ayers, Dohrn say racism not dead.  So how do a couple of ex-radical anti-war activists spend Memorial Day? Former "Weather Underground" activists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn held a discussion about whether President Obama's election moved America past racism — far from it they say — at the Hyde Park Arts Center.

Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn Appear on C-SPAN.  Ayers, 65, and Dohrn, 67, are the radical 1960s antiwar activists and, for eleven years until they turned themselves into authorities in 1981, former underground fugitives from justice who were among the founders of the violent domestic terrorist group, the Weather Underground.  In recent years, Ayers has gained some notoriety for comments he made that appear to defend his bomb making past (gaining for him in some circles the moniker "unrepentant domestic terrorist") and for his murky but apparently influential association during the 1990s with the then new-on-the-scene, up-and-coming Chicago politician, Barack H. Obama.

Obama Associate Implicated in Murder.  The sub-headline over the September 16 article says it all:  "The investigation into a cop killing in the '70s leads to a law professor who helped launch Barack Obama's political career."  The law professor is former Communist terrorist Bernardine Dohrn, a leader of the Weather Underground known for praising mass murderer Charles Manson.  Writer Peter Jamison, who is based in San Francisco, where the cop killing occurred, spent months working on the story and developed many different sources of information.

The Obama-Ayers meeting:  What you haven't been told.  A new book released today uncovers for the first time where and how President Obama first met Weather Underground terrorist-group founder William Ayers — and it is much earlier than previously believed.  The book reveals the two were brought together by a student of radical community organizer Saul Alinsky, whose name, it has emerged, was obscured in Obama's autobiography "Dreams from My Father."

Ayers, Dohrn helped organize flotilla group.  Former Weather Underground leaders William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, as well as Code Pink founder Jodie Evans, helped organize the Free Gaza Movement, which launched the six-ship flotilla from Turkey to Israel that ended in a violent clash with Israeli Defense Forces, BigGovernment.com reported.

Ayers, Dorhn helped organize 'peace' flotilla.  We should have known.  The techniques used by violent radicals in the 1960's are perfectly suited to this kind of war that Hamas is fighting against Israel.  No doubt Ayers and Dorhn were able to school their less experienced colleagues in the art of violent propaganda.

The Left-Fascist Axis Again.  We are seeing another Left-fascist axis in our time, recapitulating Stalin's (and worldwide communism's) embrace of Hitler's Germany.  The Gaza flotilla crisis was set up by the radical Left (Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Jodie Evans and other Obama buds), in collusion with Hamas, which is about as fascist as they get.

Turning Down The Terrorist Emeritus.  In an era when our universities have become liberal re-education camps, '60s radical William Ayers has been denied professor emeritus status.  For one brief instance, academia shows a spine.

Will the Truth Catch Up to Bill Ayers and his Comrades?  Christopher G. Kennedy, chairman of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees, led the effort to deny Bill Ayers the title of professor emeritus because Ayers had written a book dedicated in part to the killer of his father, Robert F. Kennedy.  But this "book," titled, Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism, had been written back in 1974.  Let's hope that Christopher Kennedy's expression of disgust can not only lead to a review of what Ayers said but what he did — in the form of eyewitness testimony that Ayers had knowledge of a bombing plot that took the life of San Francisco Police Officer Brian V. McDonnell back in 1970.  The case is still open and will be the subject of an October 21 conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

Obama's Prairie Fire Companion.  Every now and then, our monolithic, woefully over-priced universities do something right.  A case in point is the news that University of Illinois trustees have denied emeritus status to a tenured faculty member:  Bill Ayers.

Controversy Trails Ayers in Retirement.  Bill Ayers, the former Weather Underground radical, retired from the faculty of the University of Illinois at Chicago this summer, but he is still stirring up controversy at the school.

A Horrid Crime, a Dishonest Debate.  On June 5, 1968, a deranged 25-year-old Jordanian named Sirhan Sirhan slithered through a crowd toward Sen. Robert Kennedy as the Democratic presidential candidate basked in the glow of his California presidential primary triumph.  Sirhan shot and killed Kennedy, wounding several others. ... Two people profoundly impressed by the assassination were the terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.  In 1974, they dedicated their own communist manifesto, Prairie Fire, to Sirhan, hailing him — among a cast of violent radicals — as a courageous political prisoner.

Bill Ayers Admits For Second Time He Wrote Obama's 'Dreams From My Father'.  For the second time in less than eighteen months, domestic terrorist Bill Ayers admitted he wrote Barack Obama's book "Dreams From My Father."  This time, it was recorded on videotape as he was speaking last Thursday [3/24/2011] at Montclair State University.

Ayers affirms he wrote Dreams from my Father.  Last Thursday evening [3/24/2011] at Montclair State University, with a video camera rolling, Bill Ayers volunteered that yes indeed he had written the acclaimed Barack Obama memoir, Dreams from My Father.

Still duped after all these years.  [Scroll down]  Consider probably the best-known communist radical on the public's radar:  Bill Ayers.  Ayers achieved infamy in the 1970s when he and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, formed the Weather Underground.  Committed to the violent overthrow of the U.S. government, Ayers and comrades were wanted for terrorist activities.  Ultimately, they managed to evade prison time.  Where did Ayers end up?  Columbia University accepted him into John Dewey's Teachers College, where he earned a Ph.D.  He became a tenured professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago, training public-school teachers to be "change agents."

Former American radical Bill Ayers again denied access to Canada.  Former American radical Bill Ayers has once again been barred from entering Canada.  Mr. Ayers was scheduled to deliver a keynote address at the Worldview Conference on Media and Higher Education this Thursday [6/16/2011] in Toronto.

The Editor says...
Who says he's a former radical?  And why won't Canada let him in?  There must be a good reason.

Obama Pal Dohrn Linked to Mexican Killer Case.  Crime reporter and blogger Tina Trent says that President Obama's intervention on behalf of an illegal alien killer can be traced back to a 2003 conference that featured Bernardine Dohrn, Van Jones, and representatives of the Soros-funded Open Society Institute.

Destroying the system from within.  You may remember [Bill] Ayers from his tangential role in the 2008 presidential election.  It turns out that he was an early supporter of Barack Obama and had helped the future president get jobs on two boards that divvied up millions of dollars in education and anti-poverty grants.  That wouldn't have been a problem except for the fact that Ayers is best known for blowing things up.  As a founding member of the Weather Underground, he turned to violence in the late 1960s as an approved tactic for bringing about social change.  That may have been the most dangerous thing Bill Ayers did in the turbulent Sixties, but it is certainly not the most effective technique he found for changing America from a capitalist nation to a communistic one.

Barack Hussein Obama is a Fraud.  Two terrorists for the notorious Weather Underground led in launching Obama on his political career.  They were William "Bill" Ayres, and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn.  Although the terrorist activities of these two were some years ago, Ayres was reported by the New York Times, on 9/11/2001, as saying about their own terrorist acts:  "I don't regret setting bombs.  I feel we didn't do enough."

Why care about Ayers?  If Ayers is irrelevant, then so is Barack Obama.  If Ayers is irrelevant, then so is Hillary Clinton.  If Ayers is irrelevant, then so are dozens of top-level players and consultants in and out of the Obama administration such as Cass Sunstein, Anita Dunn, Valerie Jarrett, Carol Browner and Ron Bloom.  All of those people — Obama, Clinton and the rest — have ties to radical organizations either dating to the 1960s such as SDS or Saul Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation or to later socialist organizations that shared the goal of dismantling American society and rebuilding it as a socialist state.  You merely need to read their own words to see that none of this is secret.

What price Ayers?  The Illinois Humanities Council is a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities; frequent subject Jim Leach presides as chairman of the NEH.  The NEH provides almost all the funding for the IHC, but the IHC is looking for more.  It has posted the Public Square's tenth anniversary online fundraising auction with 12 items up for bid.  The bidding opened yesterday and runs through December 19.  Item 2 is dinner for six with Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, the unrepentant terrorists and former friends of Barack Obama.

Dinner with terror ringleaders: $2,500.  For the low, low price of $2,500, one lucky bidder and five friends are set to have dinner cooked for them by Weather Underground leaders Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.  The auction was hosted by the Illinois Humanities Council (IHC), a non-profit founded — and still funded — by the National Endowment for the Humanities.  Bidders were invited to "[e]njoy an unforgettable and scintillating dinner for a party of six cooked by veteran activists and educators Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.

$2,500 to Sup with Ayers and Dohrn — How Much for Dinner with Manson?  In the sixties, Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Dohrn were members of the Weather Underground, a communist terrorist group that planted bombs at the Pentagon, the Capitol building, and other government buildings.  Ayers himself planted a bomb at a statue commemorating police casualties during the 1886 Haymarket riots in Chicago.  When a bomb he was hoping would kill American soldiers in New Jersey exploded prematurely in a house, Ayers became for ten years a fugitive from justice, but all charges against him were dropped in 1980 when an FBI program that was investigating the Weathermen was accused of improprieties.  Ayers, however, remains unrepentant, saying in 2001:  "I don't regret setting bombs...  I feel we didn't do enough."

Tucker Carlson Wins Dinner with Bill Ayers.  Conservative correspondent Tucker Carlson has bid on and won a dinner with controversial Vietnam-era radical Bill Ayers in a fundraiser for the Illinois Humanities Council, the group confirmed today [12/16/2011].  As part of the auction item, Carlson, of Fox News and The Daily Caller, will have dinner with the former college professor who has written about helping with bombings at the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon and other government sites.

Dinner With Terrorists.  If you were running the Illinois Humanities Council and a famous terrorist offered to help in your fundraising drive, what would you do?  If you said, "slam down the phone" or something to that effect, it just shows how remote you are from the sensibilities of the Obama age.  Because, in fact, when Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers offered to auction "dinner for six" at their house, the IHC cheerfully accepted.

Daily Caller's Tucker Carlson, Breitbart, dine with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn in Chicago.  Chicago's Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn — vilified during Barack Obama's 2008 election and beyond as former Weather underground leaders — served dinner to Daily Caller founder Tucker Carlson and his guests Sunday, after the founder of the conservative website bought time with the couple at an Illinois Humanities Council auction.

Andrew Breitbart On Dinner With Bill Ayers: He's 'A Sociopath' But A Great Chef.  Daily Caller founder Tucker Carlson "mischievously" bid on a dinner with none other than the "Bonnie and Clyde of the radical left," Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.  And, of course, he invited pal Andrew Breitbart to come along.  "It was Look Who's Coming to Dinner, Part II," Breitbart joked.

Bill Ayers: That Breitbart Fellow Sure Was a "Bomb-thrower," Wasn't He?  Unrepentant domestic terrorist and long-time Barack Obama associate Bill Ayers exhibits his trademark generosity of spirit and self-awareness by smearing recently deceased conservative provocateur Andrew Breitbart as — of all things — a "bomb-thrower of the radical Right."

What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama.  [Scroll down]  Obama would have needed help to get into Harvard.  Friendly biographer David Remnick tells us that Obama was an "unspectacular" student in his two years at Columbia and at every stop before that going back to grade school.  A Northwestern University professor, John L. McKnight, although a friend of Obama's and a fellow Alinskyite, reinforces the point, telling Remnick, "I don't think [Obama] did too well in college."  As to Obama's LSAT scores, Jimmy Hoffa's body will be unearthed before those are.

Barack's People:  A founding member of the Weather Underground and unrepentant terrorist, he and his wife planted explosives in federal buildings in 1970s.  He hosted one of the first fundraisers for our transformational messiah.  He was just a guy in the neighborhood, the president has claimed.  A neighborhood in which a convicted felon, Antoin Rezko, helped our future president buy the mansion he could not afford for less than it was worth.  Yet Ayers' style of writing bears remarkable similarities to the president's first autobiography Dreams from My Father, but not to anything else the president has ever penned before or after, thin though the selection may be, limited by a decided lack of production from the smartest man to ever hold the office.

Revisiting the Guy in Obama's Neighborhood.  The relationship between William Ayers and President Obama is back in the news again.  American conservatives are toying with the idea of renewing their quixotic mission of shattering the dream world of the sixty percent of the population that reflexively blocks its ears and sings every time Obama's past is questioned.

Postman: Ayers family put 'foreigner' Obama through school.  Did the parents of former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers help finance Barack Obama's Harvard education?  Did Ayers' mother believe Obama was a foreign student?  And was the young Obama convinced at the time — long before he even entered politics — that he was going to become president of the United States?  A retired U.S. Postal Service carrier who delivered mail to Tom and Mary Ayers in a Chicago suburb in the late 1980s and early 1990s and claims to have met Obama in front of the Ayers home emphatically says yes to all three questions.

Why the Ayers family helped Obama.  As Jerome Corsi reported Tuesday in WND, there is excellent reason to believe that Bill Ayers' parents, Tom and Mary Ayers, helped put Barack Obama through Harvard Law School.  This assertion has generated substantial media interest not only because of the credibility of the story's source, retired mailman Allen Hulton, but also because the story fits all the known facts and resolves at least one major mystery.

Bill Ayers' Semi-Fictional Black Surrogates.  In this much ballyhooed season of "vetting," please allow me to zero in anew on Barack Obama's Achilles heel — namely, his willingness to take credit for a book that he did not write in any meaningful way.  This would be the book on which his genius myth is founded:  his 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father.  From early on, I have argued that terrorist emeritus Bill Ayers, a skilled writer and editor, is the primary craftsman behind Dreams.  Thanks to the video interview of mailman Allen Hulton by WND's Jerome Corsi, we have a clearer picture of why Ayers would have invested so much time in this project and how he might have been reimbursed.

William Ayers: 'I get up every morning thinking [...] today I'm gonna end capitalism'.  William Ayers, in a pep talk to an Occupy Wall Street gaggle, said he wakes up every morning thinking about how he's going to end capitalism — though he acknowledged he goes to bed "every night disappointed."

Obama Lived Less Than One Mile From Bill Ayers During The Mysterious New York Years.  It all makes sense now.  Putting the openly communist Van Jones in charge of vast power over the economy, who after being outed to this day is seeking rioting and revolution.  Gorging the government with far-Left radicals from the EPA to the NLRB.  Dividing the country with class envy and racial hatred.  Spending the country into oblivion.

Senator Barack Obama Attended Bill Ayers Barbecue, July 4, 2005.  As a presidential candidate in 2008, Barack Obama disavowed any connection with former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground radical who was one of Obama's early backers and his colleague on the board of the Woods Fund in Chicago.  We now have proof that Obama's association with Ayers continued even after Obama had been elected to represent Illinois in the U.S. Senate — in the form of a now-scrubbed blog post placing Obama at the home of Ayers and his wife, fellow radical Bernardine Dohrn, on July 4, 2005.

Ayers and Obama: What the Media Hid.  According to Bill Ayers' next door neighbor, Senator Barack Obama was a guest at a 4th of July party Ayers hosted in 2005.  The date is significant because it effectively undercuts the claim, made by the Obama campaign during the 2008 election cycle, that Obama and Ayers were merely acquaintances who had only crossed paths a few times since 2000.  Obama's attendance at the party suggests they were friends.

William Ayers a keynote speaker next month at the Association of Teacher Educators conference.  The Association of Teacher Educators has recruited Chicago professor — and former domestic terrorist — William Ayers to speak at their the 2013 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia which will be held next month.  William Ayers, a co-founder of the radical Weather Underground domestic terror group, was a key figure during the 2008 presidential campaign due to his Chicago ties to then-Senator Obama.

Bill Ayers to Keynote National Teacher Conference in February.  Left-wing '60s radical and onetime domestic terrorist Bill Ayers will be a keynote speaker at the Association of Teacher Educators annual conference in Atlanta next month.  Ayers gained notoriety alongside his wife Bernardine Dohrn as a member of the Weather Underground during the Vietnam War.  He was involved in Chicago's "Days of Rage" riot in 1969 and went underground as a fugitive from justice after an accidental Greenwich Village townhouse explosion in 1970 killed three Weather Underground members who were preparing a bomb that prematurely detonated.

Total Destruction of the U.S.: An Interview with Larry Grathwohl.  Larry Grathwohl is the military veteran who volunteered to infiltrate the Weather Underground as an FBI operative in 1969.  He is probably best-known for his firsthand account of a Weatherman meeting at which the organization's leadership, including the future Professor Ayers, discussed the logistics of how, after the communist revolution they were trying to spearhead, they would murder the ten percent of the American population that would likely remain resistant to the communists' re-education program.

The Endgame for the Destruction of the United States.  The connections between Barack and Bill include having shared an office for at least three years in Chicago, being co-members on two boards in which Barack was the chairman, and one of which was called the Annenberg Challenge[, which] was charged with the dissemination of approximately $100 million to educational institutions in the Chicago area.  Bill Ayers has been associated with the writing of Barack's book, Dreams from My Father, through content analysis, and on three occasions Bill has admitted that he wrote this book and then later retracted his comments.

Feted or fetid?
Bill Ayers is now a feted visiting scholar at Minnesota State University Moorhead.  School officials at Minnesota State University Moorhead have selected left-wing radical and admitted terrorist Bill Ayers as the 2013 College of Education and Human Services "visiting scholar," according to Campus Reform.

Obama and Ayers: It's Too Late.  Now we have yet another confirmation of what we have known:  Obama is, indeed, a liar who keeps company with terrorists!  But "It's Too Late" now to do anything about the situation.  Where was the MSM when it wasn't too late?

American Hero Larry Grathwohl Dead.  It was Grathwohl who awakened America to the inherent dangers of Barack Obama in the run up to the 2008 presidential election when he described a meeting he attended where Bill Ayers and Weather Underground members talked openly about how they would have to murder an estimated 25 million people following the revolution they were then attempting to foment.

The Midnight Ride of Larry Grathwohl.  Larry Grathwohl, the man who informed the world of the coldest truths about Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dorhn, and the Weather Underground, has died.  When I say "informed the world," I mean that he made the truth available, although most people blithely ignored it.

Bill Ayers, reincarnated ACORN ask United Nations to intervene in Chicago school closings.  Noted American terrorist and left-wing radical Bill Ayers is among the signatories of a letter calling on the United Nations to probe the closing of 49 Chicago elementary schools based on claims that it is causing massive human rights violations.  The "letter of allegation" is 24 pages long and contains 17 footnotes. [...] In addition to Ayers, others signers of the letter include four people associated with Action Now, an Illinois community-organizing group that split off from ACORN just before it dissolved because of financial problems and scandals.

Former terrorist Bill Ayers speaks about palling around with Obama.  Unrepentant former terrorist Bill Ayers was an invited dignitary at the University of Chicago's International House last week, plugging his latest ode to himself in book form, reports The College Fix. [...] At the University of Chicago event, Ayers said he was "amazed" to be "cast as some kind of public enemy" just because he had been a co-founder of the Weather Underground and a violent communist radical in the 1960s and 1970s.

Deconstructing Bill Ayers.  As was true in his 2001 memoir Fugitive Days, Ayers deceives in ways big and small.  This book would not have been published were it not for Ayers's relationship with Barack Obama, but he refuses to come clean about that relationship.

Unrepentant Terrorist Ayers' Book Bombs, Despite MSNBC Support.  Sadly, Public Enemy bombed, according to Bookscan numbers, which track book sales through traditional bookstores and Amazon.com.  From October 6 through October 20, Ayers sold a grand total of 467 copies of his book.

Bill Ayers: Left Wing Somehow Duped into Believing Obama Was a Leftist.  According to radical activist and Weather Underground co-founder Bill Ayers, American leftists were duped by prevailing conservative narratives into believing that President Obama himself was a tried-and-true leftist, and not the "middle-of-the-road" politician he declares himself to be.  Speaking at a Washington, D.C., book store last Friday [11/22/2013], Ayers explained that despite living near Obama in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood and crossing paths many times during their activism, he never viewed the future president as a dedicated "leftist" like himself.

Terrorist Ayers Confesses Sharing Obama's 'Dreams'.  We know ObamaCare was sold on a lie, but what about the Obama presidency itself?  Rumors that Obama's violent leftist pal Bill Ayers ghostwrote the memoir that launched his political career may actually be true.  Obama has always claimed authorship of his bestselling "Dreams From My Father."  But Ayers is telling a different story.

Bill Ayers' Role in Obama Book Questioned Again.  Questions are being raised again about the role Bill Ayers, a former radical activist turned elementary-education theorist, played in the writing of President Barack Obama's bestselling memoir, "Dreams From My Father."  Ayers, a 1969 co-founder of the self-described communist revolutionary group Weather Underground, is now promoting his new book, "Public Enemy," and his publisher is using suggestions that Ayers wrote the president's book in its publicity material, Investor's Business Daily reports.

Common Core Roots Lie in Ties Between Barack Obama, Bill Ayers.  Just prior to the presidential election of 2008, Dr. Stanley Kurtz, Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, wrote an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal in which he observed that then-Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama's "most important executive experience" was heading up the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), an education foundation that was the invention of Bill Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground in the 1960s.  Obama led the CAC from 1995 to 1999 and remained on the board until 2001.  The foundation funneled more than $100 million into community organizations and radical education activists.

Bill Ayers Fizzles at Dartmouth Debate with Dinesh D'Souza.  When you look at Ayers with his little loop earrings and scruffy beard, and hear his sarcastic comebacks to D'Souza, you can't imagine him being any more interested in "social justice" for humanity than that outside his million dollar apartment.  Ayers threw out numbers and pretend facts, as most progressives do for emotional effect, but D'Souza caught him on a couple of them.  For instance, Ayers said 90% of indigenous Native Americans were killed off by the Europeans who slaughtered them to gain the land; but D'Souza corrected him and said most of the indigenous people died from diseases brought in from foreigners.  Genocide or disease, a big difference.

Common Core: How The Left Will Grow Its Power in America's Schools.  In 2012, terrorist and activist Chicago professor Bill Ayers told his followers that the left had "absolute access to the community, the school... the classroom," and that is where it should do its "movement-building."  In October of 2009, when speculation had arisen that Ayers had been the real author of Barack Obama's autobiography, Dreams From My Father, the activist was in Washington D.C. to present a keynote address at a conference sponsored by the Renaissance Group.

Bernardine Dohrn's Nomination For The First Circuit Court of Appeals.  What are the chances that Bernardine Dohrn, the wife of Bill Ayres, and a principal signatory on the Weather Underground's "Declaration of a State of War" in May 1970 could be appointed as a judge in a Federal Court? [...] Until August 2013, she was a clinical Associate Professor of Law at Northwestern University School of Law. Bernardine Dohrn's resume is almost as appealing as the President's resume when he was elected to the presidency.  Bernardine's husband was a tenured professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago and close friend of the President of the United States.

Megyn Kelly Goes Toe-to-Toe with Bill Ayers.  Megyn Kelly faced off with former Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers in an explosive interview tonight [6/30/2014] in which Kelly repeatedly confronted Ayers about bombings and killings that the radical group was reportedly involved in.  Kelly asked Ayers how many bombings he was personally responsible for.  Ayers declined to answer, but did acknowledge the "terrible risk" they took with some of their more out-there tactics.  Kelly grilled him on how the Weather Underground "declared a state of war against the U.S. government" and encouraged violence.

Revisiting the Obama-Ayers Connection.  Many of you probably watched portions, if not all of, Megyn Kelly's interviews with Bill Ayers, the unrepentant domestic terrorist of yesteryear.  Kelly did her usual excellent job of pressing Ayers on his violent past.  But Stanley Kurtz wishes she had pressed Ayers more about his relationship with Barack Obama.  For, as Kurtz points out, Ayers and Obama had a much tighter political alliance than Ayers admitted to on Kelly's show.

Only Difference Between Dylann Roof and Bill Ayers Is Legitimacy Among the Left.  Bill Ayers is an unrepentant domestic terrorist.  Dylann Roof is an unrepentant domestic terrorist.  Bill Ayers despises America.  Dylann Roof despises America.  Bill Ayers's terror group The Weather Underground targeted and murdered innocent people.  Dylann Roof targeted and murdered innocent people.  Bill Ayers used murder and violence and terror as a weapon for political change.  Dylann Roof used murder and violence and terror as a weapon for political change.  Bill Ayers wanted a race war.  Dylann Roof wants a race war.

What evidence lurks at the University of Illinois?

University won't open Obama-related records now.  The University of Illinois on Tuesday refused to release records relating to Barack Obama's service to a nonprofit group linked to former 1960s radical activist William Ayers.  The university's Chicago campus said the donor of the records that document the work of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge has not yet turned over ownership rights to the material.

School seals records on Obama's service with radical Ayers.  These annoying journalists are at it again, trying to poke around into papers in the background of candidates' lives.  This time it involves freshman Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, his friend and former radical activist William Ayers and the University of Illinois.

Bill & Barack's Excellent Adventure.  We soon will know much more about the period of collaboration between Obama and Ayers following the start of the CAC [Chicago Annenberg Challenge].  Even if the archives continue to be withheld from public scrutiny, the cat is out of the bag with the documents available to all. The formidable analytical engine of bloggers trading insights and new data is warming up.  But the period prior to 1995, the time when Bill and Barack, the terrorist and the presidential aspirant, got to know one another and build the relationship of trust, is one excellent adventure likely to remain obscure.

Founding Brothers:  New evidence strongly suggests that Barack Obama has been less than forthcoming about the role that unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers may have played in choosing him to lead the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC).  Through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, I have obtained an e-mail message from former CAC executive director, Ken Rolling, to Warren Chapman and Anne Hallett, two of CAC's three co-founders. Bill Ayers was the third founder. ... [I]n the immediate wake of my attempt to gain access to the CAC records, Rolling appears to have been maneuvering, both to block my access, and to make sure that the full story of who chose Obama as CAC head would not come out.

Barack Obama records sealed at Illinois.  The University of Illinois has refused to release records related to Sen. Barack Obama's service for a nonprofit educational project that put him in contact with activist William Ayers, a 1960s-era radical and now education professor.  The university's Chicago campus maintains that the donor of the records that document the work of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge has not handed over ownership rights.

Conservative Scholar Takes On U. of Illinois in Fight Over Papers Linked to Obama.  Stanley Kurtz suspects that the Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is playing down his ties to the radical left.  The conservative scholar just can't prove it.  That's because the University of Illinois at Chicago, which houses the papers of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge — a defunct education foundation with ties to both Mr. Obama and the former Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers — won't let him see the papers.

When Daley says shhh, library is quiet on Obama.  [Stanley] Kurtz believes the documents may show Obama and Ayers were close — far closer than Obama has acknowledged — over oodles of foundation gifts on education projects the two worked on together.  First the librarians told Kurtz yes, come look.  But by the time Kurtz landed in Chicago, the librarians changed their minds.  The donor of the documents hadn't cleared his research.  Perhaps they'll let him look at the documents on Nov. 5.

Obama's Lost Annenberg Years Coming to Light.  [Scroll down]  Add in the fact that former Weatherman and admitted terrorist William Ayers (whom Obama described in the Philadelphia debate as merely a "neighbor") was head of the operating arm of the CAC, working with Obama on distributing scores of millions of dollars to grantees in the wards of the city, and you have a topic that the Obama campaign wishes to avoid at all costs.  A compliant media has averted its eyes so far.

University to release Obama records.  In the 1990s, Ayers was instrumental in starting the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which was awarded nearly $50 million by a foundation to help reform Chicago schools.  Ayers is now a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.  Obama and Ayers have other ties.  Ayers held a meet-the-candidate event at his home for Obama when Obama first ran for office in the mid-1990s.  Ayers and Obama live in Chicago's Hyde Park neighborhood.

Can Obama Survive the Annenberg Cover-up?  The last thing Obama should want made public are his dubious associates.  The public has had some exposure to his long time spiritual adviser, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, many have heard of the convicted Chicago fixer Tony Rezko, and some have just a bit of knowledge about William Ayers.

U of I at Chicago opens Ayers records.  The Chicago Annenberg Challenge was set up to support school reform, promote literacy, teacher training and community involvement in Chicago Public Schools.  The $49 million grant from Annenberg was — at the time — the largest private gift ever to the Chicago school district.  Barack Obama was the board chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge board for its first three years.

Files linking Obama to '60s radical a hot commodity.  The UIC records showed that Ayers was instrumental in securing the $50 million education grant to reform Chicago Public Schools, part of a national initiative funded by the late Ambassador Walter Annenberg.  After Chicago was awarded the money, Obama served as president of the Challenge's board of directors, the fiscal arm that disbursed the grants to schools and raised private matching funds.

Annenberg Papers:  Putting On Ayers?  The Obama camp tries to suppress a campaign ad and university archives linking the candidate to a '60s terrorist who hosted his first campaign fundraiser.  Is he being "swiftboated," or is this a cover-up?

Obama tipped off about search of Annenberg Records.  If there is an innocent explanation, the University should give it.  But it is very hard to see how this is anything except partisans at both the U of I and the Obama campaign working together to scrub records that may have had extremely damaging information about the relationship between Obama and William Ayers.

Obama's Plumbers:  Since the spring, [Professor Steve] Diamond has led the investigation into the intimate working relationship between Obama and Ayers that dates back at least to the beginning of 1995 and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge Grants.  Diamond believes this group is not harmless.  "It's a 'Plumbers' unit.  You know, we are old enough to recall the Plumbers in Richard Nixon's White House.  This is like that.  The job is to stop anyone trying to use the (Chicago) Annenberg (Challenge) papers to figure out how Ayers and Obama worked together on education."

Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools.  Despite having authored two autobiographies, Barack Obama has never written about his most important executive experience.  From 1995 to 1999, he led an education foundation called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), and remained on the board until 2001.  The group poured more than $100 million into the hands of community organizers and radical education activists.  The CAC was the brainchild of Bill Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground in the 1960s.

Cowardly Bill Ayers Seeks Police Protection.  It's been quite a turnaround for Bill Ayers.  The Communist terrorist who planned bombings of police stations, in order to inflict maximum injury and death on police officers, is now depending on the police at the University of Illinois, where he is a "distinguished" professor, to protect him from the tough questions of students' parents.

McCain campaign ad shines a light on the Ayers connection

... and Obama's reaction shows that McCain hit a sore spot.

Obama dogged by links to 1960s radical.  Conservatives are stepping up efforts to turn 1960s radical Bill Ayers into a political liability for Barack Obama.  This spring, Obama's links to Ayers briefly became a campaign controversy.  Now American Issues Project is spending $2.8 million to air a TV ad highlighting links between Obama and Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground Organization, which opposed the Vietnam War and was responsible for several bombings.

The Biggest Goof Yet.  In the next 24 hours thousands if not millions of voters who never heard of or didn't understand the extent of the Obama-Ayers relationship are going to get a full education.  That Justice Department complaint is a stunt reeking of abject panic.  Really, isn't this just unlimited free publicity for the McCain accusations?

Does Obama support free speech or not?  The latest example of this growing anti-First Amendment mentality is Obama's heavy-handed response to a television ad by an independent nonprofit that raises some very basic questions about the Illinois senator's relationship with William Ayers, the unrepentant 1960s terrorist bomber.  Obama's campaign has encouraged supporters to flood television stations with protests whenever they see the ad.  Nothing wrong with that, but the other thrust of the Obama response was to ask the Justice Department to intervene to stop further airing of the ad.

Obama's Worst Fear:  A private group is running an ad questioning [Obama's] ties to unrepentant '60s Chicago terrorist, William Ayers, and the Obama camp is doing everything in its power to suppress it.  The extreme reaction shows how nervous Obama and [David] Axelrod are about negative ads ripping off the mask of moderation they've worked so hard to craft for him.

Ayers Head:  Barack Obama's supporters insist that an ad from a conservative group attacking his ties to unrepentant 1970s radical William Ayers is irrelevant to the campaign. … You wouldn't know that from the reaction of the Obama campaign.

Obama's Friend, America's Enemy.  Have you ever been a friend or business associate of a terrorist?  Not someone who, to your shock and horror, turned out secretly to have bombed government buildings.  No, the question is whether you've ever befriended an unreconstructed radical whose past was well known to you when you entered his orbit and walked through doors he opened for you.  Have you been chummy with an unapologetic terrorist who, years after you'd known and worked closely with him, was still telling the New York Times he regretted only failing to carry out more attacks — and that America still "makes me want to puke"?

Frank Marshall Davis

Background material:
The Communist.  by Paul Kengor.

The Most Destructive Americans of the Last 70 years.  [Scroll down]  Frank Marshall Davis:  Anti-white, black Bolshevik, card-carrying Soviet agent.  Probable birth father and admitted primary mentor of young Barack Hussein Obama.

Bernie Sanders's Rise is Like Death Knocking on America's Door.  [Scroll down]  Frank Marshall Davis:  A 20th century African-American journalist and labor activist, Davis was an unapologetic communist who loathed his country and its capitalist system.  The subject of a 600-page FBI file, Davis was a card-carrying, pro-Soviet member of the Communist Party USA. His loyalty to communism ran so deep that he was placed on the FBI Security Index, meaning he was a prime suspect for treason had the U.S. gone to war with the Soviet Union.  During the time Davis lived in Hawaii, he was introduced to a young Barack Obama by the latter's maternal grandfather.  The two developed a close and trusting relationship, with Davis arguably serving as Obama's single most important adolescent mentor.  In his 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father, Obama acknowledged a deep admiration for Davis, mentioning him in glowing terms 22 times, without once disclosing that Davis was a hardened communist who loathed America.  When Obama released the audio version of his memoir in 2005 as an aspiring presidential candidate, all references to Davis were quietly purged, a fact that went unreported by the mainstream media.  That Davis's communist leanings rubbed off on Obama is evidenced throughout Dreams, including the part where Obama acknowledges an affinity he had for Marxist professors and student groups when he was in college.

REDSINGOVERNMENT.CON.  As Paul Kengor noted in The Communist:  Frank Marshall Davis: the Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor, Davis had an FBI file 600 pages long, and he was a security risk who would have been arrested in time of war.  In Dreams from My Real Father, filmmaker Joel Gilbert made the case that Davis was the president's biological father, which explains the references to him as "Pop" when the president, then known as Barry Soetoro, was a student at Occidental college.  None of the evasions about his background prevented Barry's rise to U.S. Senator.  The old-line establishment media saw to that with a massive trahison des clercs, as Julian Benda put it.  The "birther" campaign was simply the narrator's red herring to throw people off Frank's scent.  In 2008, the candidate calling himself Barack Obama became president of the United States, the most powerful man in the world.  Professor Kengor saw "remarkable similarities" between the president's policies and the writings of Frank Marshall Davis.  The president's advisers included nobody with any connection to the Kenyan Barack H. Obama.  The key White House players came from Davis' old Stalinist network in Chicago, notably Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod, a Red diaper baby who, like the president, never rebelled against the leftist politics of his parents.

Does Obama's Troubled Childhood Explain His Bathroom Weirdness?  At age ten, the child Barry Soetoro was sent by his biological mother from Jakarta, Indonesia to Hawaii, where his grandparents apparently handed him over to the care of a person of known and questionable character, his "mentor," Frank Marshall Davis.  There is no known legal basis for this double transfer of parental responsibility. [...] Davis shows strong features of oppositional-defiant disorder, a compulsive need to break the boundaries of socially accepted behavior.  For example, he allegedly took naked photos of Obama's mother, dedicated his life to the Communist Party at a time when it was viewed as a threat to national survival, wrote passages involving pedophilia, and expressed his rage in racial terms.  Davis mixed his obsessive racial anger with sexual provocation and revolutionary politics.  He was not a fantasy revolutionary.  He really hated those he considered enemies.  As an adult, Barack Obama shows many of the same psychological features.  Other father figures in Obama's life are also enraged, racially charged, and emotionally obsessive.  Jeremiah Wright is an obvious example, but he is not the only one.  The important point is that the young Barry Soetoro lived with father figures who were consumed with racial hatred.

What makes Obama tick?  Obama's childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis was pro-Soviet, pro-Red China and wrote for Party-line publications such as the Chicago Star and the Honolulu Record; contributors to the former actually served as secret agents for Joseph Stalin.  Davis argued that President Harry Truman was a fascist, racist, and imperialist, and the United States was handing West Germany back to the Nazis, while Stalin was pursuing "democracy" in East Germany and throughout the Communist Bloc.  He portrayed America's leaders as "aching for an excuse to launch a nuclear nightmare of mass murder and extermination" against the Soviets and the Chinese — as eager to end all civilization.  According to Paul Kengor, writing in The American Spectator, there are some truly remarkable similarities between the political actions of Obama and the ideas contained in Frank Marshall Davis' columns, such as: [...]

The Washington Post Sugarcoats Obama's Communist Mentor.  [Scroll down]  If Rudy merits "Three Pinocchios," then Barack Obama deserves at least 22 for expunging all 22 references to "Frank" in the audio version of Dreams from My Father that was released in 2005, as he prepared for a run for the presidency and no doubt feared being tied to closely to a man who joined the Communist Party under Stalin and had been so radical that the federal government placed him on the Security Index.  By completely scrubbing all mentions of "Frank" from the audio version of Dreams, which Obama himself personally approved (as the jacket design says) and narrates in his own voice, Obama deliberately concealed Davis.

Obama, Jarrett, and Axelrod, All Connected to Communist Frank Marshall Davis.  It seems that not only Obama was connected to Frank Marshall Davis, but the president's two most trusted friends and advisers Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod, can also trace their political heritage back to Davis and the Chicago Communist Party USA of the 1940s.

Dreams From Frank Marshall Davis.  It is fascinating that Davis and the Obama family shared an unlikely geographical path, with Davis moving from Kansas to Chicago to Honolulu, and with Barack Obama's family living in Kansas before moving to Honolulu and then (for Barack) on to Chicago.  Both Stanley Dunham and Davis grew up in Kansas in the 1920s, but they did not know each other.  Another source very familiar with these relationships is Kathryn Takara, a University of Hawaii professor and Davis biographer.  She knew Davis for 15 years and was so close that she talked to him the day he died.  She said that Davis "nurtured a sense of possibility" in Obama, which is evident "in the way that Barack Obama carries himself, walks, and talks."  Takara states that Frank handed on to Obama "a sense of believing that change can happen."  Given that "change" became the one-word mantra of the entire Obama political movement, this is no small statement.

Big Mentor: The Troika — Obama, Axelrod, Jarrett.  When Frank Marshall Davis was in Chicago in the 1940s, he hooked up with every communist front-group under the sun — and there were tons of them.  One of the worst was the American Peace Mobilization, which Congress correctly identified as "one of the most seditious organizations which ever operated in the United States" — "one of the most notorious and blatantly communist fronts ever organized in this country."  This group, in 1940, pushed to keep America out of the war against Hitler.  Why?  Because, at that point, Hitler had just signed an alliance with Stalin.  American communists, being loyal Soviet patriots with a sworn allegiance to the USSR, always backed Stalin.  It's a long story, but Frank Marshall Davis worked with this front group.  And the 1944 Congressional report listing his involvement also lists the involvement of a fellow Chicagoan named Robert Taylor.  Taylor was the grandfather of Valerie Jarrett

Is Frank Marshall Davis the Father of Barack Obama?  There is a strong evidence that the Communist Party USA propagandist, Frank Marshall Davis was both Obama's biological and ideological father, and likely indoctrinated Obama in Marxism during his formative years. [...] Frank Marshall Davis (1905-1987) was a Communist Party USA (CPUSA) propagandist in Chicago and Hawaii, as well as a writer and poet.  The FBI had Davis under investigation or surveillance for 19 years, compiling a 600-page FBI file.  He was on the FBI's 'Security Index A', meaning he would be arrested in the event of national emergency.  In 1930's Chicago, CPUSA recruited journalists to help spread Soviet influence in American public opinion.  Frank Marshall Davis was one of them.

Giuliani: Obama under communist influence since age 9.  "From the time he was 9 years old, he was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a communist," Giuliani told the New York City tabloid, which has also devoted recent cover real estate to hammering Obama's unwillingness to refer to the ISIS terror group as "Islamic extremists."  Giuliani also saw fit to revive the debate over Obama's former attendance at the Chicago church of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, which was a frequent conservative tactic from the 2008 campaign.

The Editor says...
The time to have this discussion was about six years ago.  Unfortunately, in 2007 most Republicans and all Democrats were afraid to question Mr. Obama's loyalty to this country, reluctant to express doubts about his qualifications, and hesitant to verify his citizenship.  Guess why.

Giuliani: Obama influenced by communists since youth.  "From the time he was 9 years old, he was influenced by Frank Marshall Davis, who was a communist," [Rudy] Giuliani said.  The ex-mayor added that Obama's grandfather introduced him to Davis, a writer and labor activist.  Giuliani also said another bad influence on Obama was Saul Alinsky, a community organizer whom the ex-mayor called a "socialist."  The man once called "America's mayor" also sharply criticized the president for having been a member of a church led by radical Chicago Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Reagan, Like Rudy, Tied Democrats to Communists.  [Scroll down]  Call me skeptical.  But if all these Obama defenders taking such umbrage really believe this topic of the ideological influence of Communism inside the highest ranks of the Democratic Party wasn't mainstreamed decades ago by Ronald Reagan himself — and more to the point is even more relevant after six years of a presidency run by a man whose major childhood mentor was in fact a distinctly famous card-carrying communist?  Then one suspects there is an agenda at work here.

Here's the Guy Rudy Is Talking About: Frank Marshall Davis, Communist Party no. 47544.  Frank Marshall Davis (1905-87) was a hardcore communist, an actual card-carrying member of Communist Party USA (CPUSA), who spent time with a young Barack Obama throughout the 1970s, right up until the moment Obama left Hawaii for Occidental College in 1979.  Davis joined the Communist Party in Chicago in the early 1940s.  CPUSA members swore an oath to "ensure the triumph of Soviet power in the United States."  They were dedicated to what CPUSA leader William Z. Foster had openly called "Soviet America."

Obama's Mysterious Mentor "Frank" Resurfaces.  Yesterday's news became big news on the Fox News Channel last week when former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani brought up the name of President Barack Obama's childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. [...] Davis was a member of the Communist Party and a suspected Soviet espionage agent.  He was included in the FBI's security index, meaning that Davis could be arrested or detained in the event of a national emergency.  The FBI file on Davis documents his anti-white and pro-Soviet views, infiltration of the Hawaii Democratic Party, and other activities.  Davis also wrote an autobiographical and pornographic sex novel, Sex Rebel, disclosing that he had sex with a young girl and engaged in shocking and bizarre sexual activities.

Was Giuliani the First to Use The F Word (as in 'Frank')?  "I don't [see] this President as being particularly a product of African-American society or something like that.  He isn't," [Rudy] Giuliani told reporter Celeste Katz.  "Logically, think about his background. ... The ideas that are troubling me and are leading to this come from communists with whom he associated when he was 9 years old."  The communist in question, as Giuliani clarified, was Frank Marshall Davis.  In fact, Obama was likely ten years old when his grandfather Stanley Dunham introduced young Barry to Davis, but otherwise Giuliani was correct.

Rudy Giuliani clarifies Obama comments by claiming the President has been influenced by communism, socialism.  "Look, this man was brought up basically in a white family, so whatever he learned or didn't learn, I attribute this more to the influence of communism and socialism" than to his race, Giuliani told the [New York] Daily News. [...] "Logically, think about his background...  The ideas that are troubling me and are leading to this come from communists with whom he associated when he was 9 years old" through family connections.

Barack Obama and the Communist Party.  Barack Obama's first known connection with a Communist Party USA supporter was his boyhood relationship with communist poet Frank Marshall Davis in Hawaii. [...] The FBI first began tracking Davis in 1944 when they identified him as member of the Communist Party's Dorie Miller Club in Chicago-card number 47544.  Davis taught courses at the party controlled Abraham Lincoln School in Chicago and attended meetings of the party's Cultural Club until he left for Hawaii in 1948.

Who was Frank Marshall Davis?  The FBI file on Davis, consisting of 601 pages and covering the years 1944-1963 means that Davis was under investigation or surveillance for at least 19 years.

'Good Thing President Nobody Is Running Things'.  Perhaps, the behavior in office of the fictional character known as 'Barack Hussein Obama' can be explained by his extreme devotion to the Marxism people like his  probable real father , er, mentor Frank Marshall Davis instilled in him [ie: no one should own anything].

Exposing Un-American Activities.  [Communist Party USA member Frank Marshall] Davis had denounced Richard Wright for "treason" for leaving and exposing the party.  This is why Obama covered up Frank's identity.  He knew that acknowledging the truth could destroy his political career.  And it could still do so if the truth is examined.  Obama decided not to say who Frank was.  He could have named him, saying he was an old acquaintance picked as a mentor by his grandfather who had no effect on him.  Instead, he acknowledged Frank's influence but covered-up his full name, hoping nobody would notice and follow through.  We did.  Some conservatives have belatedly discovered that Obama has socialist and anti-colonial views.  But that is not even half the story.

Barack Obama's Surrogate Father.  New Zealand blogger Trevor Loudon broke the story of "Frank" being Frank Marshall Davis and we followed up, not only confirming the identity but disclosing the FBI's 600-page file on Davis.  All of this occurred during the 2008 presidential campaign but very few people wanted to talk about it.  David Maraniss of the Washington Post wrote a 10,000-word article about Obama's growing-up years in Hawaii without even mentioning Davis.  Former Post reporter David Remnick's 2010 biography of Obama, The Bridge, takes a different tack.  "When Obama was running for president, Remnick writes, "the right-wing blogosphere attacked Frank Marshall Davis.  He was, by turns, a card-carrying Communist, a pornographer, a pernicious influence.  The attacks were loud and unrelenting."  The "attacks" were actually statements of fact and they came from those who took the time to document Obama's relationship with Davis.  This is a function that should have been performed by U.S. media.

Barack Obama and the Communist Party:  Barack Obama's first known connection with a Communist Party USA supporter was his boyhood relationship with communist poet Frank Marshall Davis in Hawaii.  Barack Obama's relationship to Frank Marshall Davis, first came to light through a March 2007 speech at New York University's Tamiment Library by Communist Party USA supporter and historian Gerald Horne.

Decrypting Obama's 'Pop':  [Scroll down slowly]  In Dreams, [Frank Marshall] Davis is strategically referred to by his real name, "Frank."  Other than public figures like Jeremiah Wright and members of the Obama family, no one else is.  Ayers and Obama wanted black Chicago to know Obama's pedigree, but they were savvy enough to omit Davis's last name, as well as any reference to his communism.  Had they written this book with the presidency in mind, they would likely have eliminated all references to Davis — and Wright too, for that matter.  Obama has had to depend on the media and the literary establishment to keep "Frank" out of the public debate, and they have largely obliged him.

Obama's Father Figure:  Frank Marshall Davis.  [Scroll down]  Another one of Barry's splendid adult role models was communist, poet, alcoholic, sexual deviant and fomenter of racial hatred, Frank Marshall Davis.  Cleverly disguised as "Frank" in Dreams [from my Father], we learn that young Barry was treated to Davis' counsel on numerous occasions.  Dear Grandpa Stanley, blessed with an inordinate amount of free time thanks to his wife's hard work, enjoyed whiling away the hours with Davis, drinking and smoking pot.  Davis was an open supporter of the Soviet Union and his influence on Obama is hard to overlook.  The poet also admitted to writing a pornographic novel under the pseudonym of Bob Greene in which the protagonist seduces a 13 year old girl.

Obama's Communist Mentor:  In his biography of Barack Obama, David Mendell writes about Obama's life as a "secret smoker" and how he "went to great lengths to conceal the habit."  But what about Obama's secret political life?  It turns out that Obama's childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a communist.

Media's O-Colored Glasses Blank Out Leftist Truth.  [Scroll down]  At the beginning of Obama's life, for example, there was "Frank," Obama's boyhood mentor who appears in his 1995 memoir "Dreams from My Father."  Accuracy In Media's Cliff Kincaid has identified "Frank" as Frank Marshall Davis, a known Stalinist in a Soviet-sponsored communist network in Hawaii.  But Obama obscures Frank's identity in his book, even, as Sean Hannity has reported, going so far as to drop passages about "Frank" from the more recent, recorded version of the book.  Why?  The media never asked.

Barack Obama: Red Diaper Baby.  Barack Obama is a "red diaper baby" who has spent his formative years — literally from the moment of his birth — interacting with members and sympathizers of the Communist Party, USA.  His mother Stanley Ann Dunham has been described by former classmates as a "fellow traveler."  His grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham arranged Obama's mentorship by Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis.

Same title, different author:
Obama:  A Red Diaper Baby.  From everything I have read about Barack Hussein Obama I have concluded he is a classic example of what used to be called "a red diaper baby"; a person brought up from birth to be dedicated to at best socialism and at worse communism.  His mother and grandparents were extremely liberal and, in Hawaii, young Obama's mentor was Frank Marshall Davis, widely known to be a communist.  I believe Obama has been personally driven from an early age to acquire power and, if possible, to seize power.

Misunderstanding Obama's Momma.  As if to make my case, [Roger] Cohen praises [Stanley Ann] Dunham as "an unrivaled authority on Javanese blacksmithing."  She was unrivaled because no one else thought it worth doing, not even the scholars in Java, and they would not have had to forsake their children to pursue their studies.  In the encyclopedia of unintended consequences, Dunham's picture could grace the definition of what David Mamet calls "the social tinkerer," the classic do-gooder who paves the road to someone else's hell with her good intentions.

Dreams from Frank Marshall Davis.  While much attention has been paid to Obama's relationship with communist-terrorist Bill Ayers — and rightly so — much less attention has been devoted to Davis.  That's a mistake, since Obama was influenced more by Davis than Ayers.

The Frank Marshall Davis Cover-Up Is Over.  [Scroll down]  [Frank Marshall] Davis was identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), controlled and subsidized by the Soviet Communist Party and the KGB.  As late as 1956, when he was called before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee, Davis was still refusing to deny that he was a communist.  Wouldn't it be helpful if [Jon] Meacham, the editor of Newsweek, would make an elementary effort to get the facts right?  But that is too much to ask when the presidency is at stake and the media-backed candidate is trying to cover up his controversial background.

Why Obama's Red Mentor is News.  Barack Obama is still an enigma because a lot of his life has been carefully hidden, as National Review's David Freddoso points out in The Case Against Barack Obama.  His campaign is hypersensitive because his life is filled with awkward facts and dubious associations.  Obama has declared his personal history out of bounds and scrubbed it clean.  The media are obediently censoring things we need to know.  The most obvious example is Obama's adolescent mentor and father figure, Frank Marshall Davis.

Obama's Radical Revolution: Its Alinsky Root and Global Vision.  Obama was raised on the mother's milk of socialism.  Both his parents were fellow travelers, who met at the height of the Cold War in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii.  Obama's grandfather was a close friend of Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis, sending young Barry (as he was then known) to him for mentoring, despite (or in ignorance of) Davis being a pedophile.  From the time he returned from 4 years in Indonesia and rejoined his grandparents in Hawaii at the age of 10, he was taken often to be with Frank Marshall Davis.

Was a Communist Obama's Sex Teacher?  [Frank Marshall] Davis led "a secret double life," the online version of the Enquirer story notes.  True.  But the story also notes that "Obama has been extremely secretive about the true nature of his experience with the self-admitted deviant."  This is also true.  And this is why this terribly troubling story just won't go away.  There are too many questions that deserve answers.

Why Doesn't McCain Fight Back?  [Scroll down]  One of the most glaring taboo topics, even for the McCain campaign, has been Frank Marshall Davis, the black communist "poet" and "journalist" who mentored Obama in Hawaii for about eight years.  Davis was under investigation by the FBI for 19 years.  His 600-page FBI file notes that he was even considered by his fellow communist comrades as anti-white.  The Davis relationship helps explain why Obama would later attend and belong to Wright's church, where he would get married and have his children baptized.

Red Faces Over Obama's Red Mentor.  [Scroll down slowly]  When will the media ask Obama about the Obama/Davis relationship?  And why did he conceal the complete identity of "Frank" in his 1995 book, Dreams From My Father?  I think we are beginning to understand the reasons for this cover-up.  Not only would the identification of "Frank" as Frank Marshall Davis expose communist influence on a young Obama, it might also expose those who collaborated with him and tried to whitewash his communist activities.

The Frank Marshall Davis Network in Hawaii:  [Scroll down]  A 1949 letter sent to NAACP acting National Secretary Roy Wilkins by a Honolulu attorney and NAACP leader named Edward Berman:  "I was at one of the election meetings at which one Frank Marshall Davis, formerly of Chicago (and formerly editor of the Chicago Communist paper, the Star) suddenly appeared on the scene to propagandize the membership about our 'racial problems' in Hawaii.  He had jut sneaked in here on a boat, and presto, was an 'expert' on racial problems in Hawaii.  Comrade Davis was supported by others who had recently 'sneaked' into the organization with the avowed intent and purpose of converting it into a front for the Stalinist line….

Obama Plays Reagan in Berlin.  The depth of the deception that is now underway can be understood by analyzing the significance of Obama's "I love America" foreign policy speech in Berlin, Germany, in view of the fact that the candidate and his media acolytes continue to conceal the central role that a Stalinist Communist by the name of Frank Marshall Davis played in his upbringing.

AP Lies About Obama's Red Mentor.  Under the innocuous headline, "Writer offered a young Barack Obama advice on life," the story calls Davis, a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) when it faithfully echoed the Stalinist line, merely a "leftleaning black journalist and poet" known for "leftist politics" and someone who might be accused by some of having "allegedly anti-American views."  Davis was not a "journalist" in any real sense of the term.  He was a propagandist and racial agitator for the CPUSA.  He was also a recruiter for the communist cause.

Obama Confirms Relationship with CPUSA Member.  the Obama campaign's [40-page] attack on [Jerome] Corsi's book and Corsi personally acknowledges on pages 9 and 10 of its report that the mysterious "Frank" in Obama's 1995 book, Dreams From My Father, is in fact the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) member Frank Marshall Davis.  This identification by AIM and others hasn't been disputed by the media, which has desperately tried to ignore the Obama-Davis relationship, but the Obama campaign has not responded to it until now.

Return of the Dupes and the Anti-Anti-Communists.  A couple of weeks ago in Washington, Herb Romerstein and Cliff Kincaid, two veteran investigators of American communism, held a press conference on Capitol Hill to announce the release of two new reports on Barack Obama's radical past, or, more specifically, his association with extremist elements from the American left — yet more evidence of a frightening pattern of associations by Obama throughout his distant and recent life, from Bill Ayers to Reverend Jeremiah Wright, all of which at the least shows bad judgment.  At the press conference, they discussed Romerstein's report on Frank Marshall Davis, an influential figure in Obama's early life, whom Obama refers to only as "Frank" (albeit affectionately) in his autobiography Dreams From My Father.

Obama's Red Mentor Praised Red Army.  Barack Obama's childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA, wrote a poem dedicated to the Soviet Red Army.  "Smash on, victory-eating Red Army," he declared.  He also wrote poems attacking traditional Christianity and the work of Christian missionaries.

Young Obama's Red Mentor:  The mainstream media have finally gotten around to revealing Barack Obama's early mentor.  But they've downplayed the mystery man's communist background.

Communists, the Media, and the Democratic Party.  Why the outrage over Senator Clinton drawing attention to a well-documented personal connection between Obama and a communist terrorist?  Is there something else more damaging that has to be hidden from public view?  Does new information have to be discredited in advance as "McCarthyism?"  The information may have to do with Obama's upbringing.  Obama says that he was raised by his mother and grandparents.  But those aren't the only people who had influence over him during his formative years.

Is Barack Obama A Marxist Mole?  In his biography of Barack Obama, David Mendell writes about Obama's life as a "secret smoker" and how he "went to great lengths to conceal the habit."  But what about Obama's secret political life?  It turns out that Obama's childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a communist.  In his books, Obama admits attending "socialist conferences" and coming into contact with Marxist literature.  But he ridicules the charge of being a "hard-core academic Marxist," which was made by his colorful and outspoken 2004 U.S. Senate opponent, Republican Alan Keyes.

Obama's Red Roots:  The word is that Barack Obama is a mainstream politician who sometimes attracts fringe leftists.  The record tells a different story — that he has sought out radicals.  What does that say of his agenda?

Obama:  Guilty By Association.  The Obamans insist that mentioning any of the man's disreputable friends and religious mentors is a no-no that smacks of McCarthyism.  This is an odd complaint because, one, McCarthy was right when he pointed out that the folks who associated with other people at Communist cell meetings were in fact Communists, and, two, every child is told that he's going to be judged by the company he keeps.  So, let's face facts — John Dillinger ran with a nicer crowd than this guy.

Frank Marshall Davis:  (1905-1987) was a black poet and writer (he wrote for the Honolulu Record, a Communist newspaper), and a known member of the Soviet-controlled Communist Party USA (CPUSA).  In 1950 Edward Berman, a member of the NAACP's Honolulu branch, testified to the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) that Davis had "sneaked" into local NAACP meetings to "propagandize" the organization's members about America's "racial problems," with "the avowed intent and purpose of converting it into a front for the Stalinist line."

Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection:  Of Barack Obama's contacts and associations with anti-American political figures, none is more controversial than Frank Marshall Davis, a writer an poet identified as a member of the Communist Party USA by several sources, including some sources sympatheitic to him.  Obama and Davis met in Hawaii, at a time when a young Obama was in need of a black role model and mentor.  Obama's relationship with Davis, including subsequent associations with radical, communist and socialist figures in Chicago, should be investigated for the benefit of promoting the public interest and the public's right to know.

Communism in Chicago and the Obama Connection:  Obama is relatively new on the national scene and the media, in our view, have failed to serve the public interest by adequately investigating his background and associations.

Could Barack Obama Get a Security Clearance?  Two veterans of investigations into Communist influence on the U.S. political process [have released] two new explosive reports that allege that Barack Obama had ties with extreme anti-American elements, including agents of the Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA.  The reports will shed important new light on Barack Obama's mysterious past and rise to power. ... The major points in the reports allege [that] Obama has been in the middle of two international communist networks — one in Hawaii and one in Chicago.

Report:  Obama mentored by Communist Party figure.  Investigative journalist Cliff Kincaid and Herbert Romerstein, a former investigator with the U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities, presented evidence Obama was mentored, while attending high school in Hawaii, by Frank Marshall Davis, an African-American poet and journalist who was also a CPUSA member.

Socialist Scholars Conference:  In his 1995 autobiography Dreams From My Father, Obama reveals that during his student years at New York's Columbia University he "went to socialist conferences at Cooper Union and African cultural fairs in Brooklyn."  The socialist conferences he cites were those of the SSC.

Conservatives for Obama?  Here is a man who has consistently aided and abetted people who have openly expressed their contempt for this country, both in words and in such deeds as planting bombs to advance their left-wing agenda.  Despite the spin that judging Obama by what was said or done by such people would be "guilt by association," he has not just associated with such people.  He has in some cases donated some serious money of his own and even more of the taxpayers' money, as both a state senator in Illinois and a member of the Senate of the United States.

What Barack Obama learned from the Communist Party:  As he grew and changed, Barack Obama seems to have learned to discard and look down upon the actions and attitudes of the family members he has grown up with, searching for something superior in which to believe.  Only his long-absent father seems to have inspired the dreams of his adulthood.  That his father has left behind a published record of an embrace of communist policies may or may not have played a role in Obama's embrace of his father's African identity and his literary embrace of his father's dreams.

Obama's teenage mentor liked sex with kids.  Closer scrutiny of the important people (that is, the poeple Obama himself identified as important) in Barack Obama's life is proving to yield what can only be called a "ick factor."  Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, Tony Rezko and Frank Marshall Davis head the list.

Obama's Scandal is Bigger than Edwards'.  Obama's communist connection, which he failed to disclose in his 1995 book, Dreams From My Father, by referring to Davis only as "Frank" and ignoring his communist affiliation, is a far more serious scandal than an Edwards "love child."  As I commented to Michael Savage on the Savage Nation radio program last week, this is the key to understanding Obama because Davis's influence over him during his high-school years in Hawaii helps explain why he would later associate with terrorists, communists and socialists.

Frank Marshall Davis, alleged Communist, was early influence on Barack Obama.  Although identified only as Frank in Mr Obama's memoir Dreams from My Father, it has now been established that he was Frank Marshall Davis, a radical activist and journalist who had been suspected of being a member of the Communist Party in the 1950s.

Barry Soetoro:  Profiles in Chaos.  [Scroll down]  Another one of Barry's splendid adult role models was communist, poet, alcoholic, sexual deviant and fomenter of racial hatred, Frank Marshall Davis.  Cleverly disguised as "Frank" in Dreams, we learn that young Barry was treated to Davis' counsel on numerous occasions. ... Davis was an important mentor to Obama and shared his special version of how to improve race relations:  "never trust white people".  Davis died in 1987 but was eventually replaced by Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Young Obama's Red Mentor.  The mainstream media have finally gotten around to revealing Barack Obama's early mentor.  But they've downplayed the mystery man's communist background.

Obama the Racist?  Obama's racism against whites is upfront, in-your-face racism, which he discussed in his book Dreams from My Father. ... Obama learned this racist ideology during his formative years from his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a self-admitted communist and sexual deviant, and most certainly a racist — the kind that blacks say cannot exist.

What I Learned from Obama's Pop:  In the final analysis, [Frank Marshall] Davis, a pornographer with a stated fondness for young white women, makes as likely a suspect to be Obama's blood father as Barack Sr.  Team Obama's evasiveness about the birth certificate and other questions of origins may have something to do with paternity issues.

Proof That Obama's Hawaii and Chicago Communist Networks Were Linked?  It is now well established that Barack Obama was linked to the Hawaiian Communist Party network through his boyhood/teenage mentor Frank Marshall Davis.  It is also well known that after moving to Chicago, Obama linked up with the local communist networks.

Stanley Dunham's FBI file reportedly destroyed.  Stanley Dunham, the man President Obama called "Gramps", was monitored by the FBI, but like President Obama, his paper trail has been obscured. News comes from Cliff Kincaid, via the Christian News Service and Canadian Fee Press. ... The reasons the FBI thought he was worth watching will probably never be known, along with so much about Obama's background that might conflict with the carefully manufactured image that the MSM cooperated in selling to the American public, while ridiculing those who sought more information on the odd lacunae in Obama's paper trail.

FBI Destroyed File on Obama's Grandfather, Journalist Discloses.  The FBI destroyed a file on Barack Obama's grandfather, the man who selected Communist Frank Marshall Davis to be the future president's mentor during his growing-up years in Hawaii. ... While the exact nature of the Dunham file will be a topic for speculation, Kincaid said that is likely that some of the information was related to Dunham's relationship with [Frank Marshall] Davis.

A Shrink Asks:  What's Wrong with Obama?  While I can't prove it, the degree of Obama's disconnect reminds me of my sexually abused clients.  With serious sexual abuse, the brain chemistry may change.  The child dissociates — that is, disconnects from his being — in order to cope.  Many adult survivors still dissociate, from occasional trances to the most extreme cases of multiple personality disorder.  Apparently, young Barry was left in the care of Communist Frank Marshall Davis, who admitted to molesting a 13-year-old girl.  As a teenager, Obama wrote a disturbing poem, "Pop," that evoked images of sexual abuse — for instance, describing dual amber stains on both his and "Pop's" shorts.

The Unhealthy Motivations of Liberals.  Obama's childhood included an early abandonment by his father; abandonment by his stepfather; abandonment by his mother; frequent moves so he could not develop long-term childhood friendships; being teased by peers for being neither black nor white, for having big ears, and for being skinny; and he had an elderly childhood mentor (Frank Marshall Davis) who was a communist and pedophile.  (A poem written by 19-year-old Barack Obama suggests he may have been violated by Davis.)  Obama predictably turned to illegal drugs (marijuana and cocaine) in his youth and remains addicted to nicotine.  With this background, he could not escape being seriously psychologically damaged.

Are the Sins of the Fatherless the Root of Obama's Tyranny?  Does Obama's anti-democratic ideology result from his dysfunctional childhood?  An intriguing book, Faith of the Fatherless:  The Psychology of Atheism, by Paul Vitz, argues this type background is a common precursor to the classic tyrant's personality.  This suggests Barack's beef with America might result from his own deficient past.

Obama's Communist Mentor.  Allegations regarding [Frank Marshall] Davis's Communism are sure to infuriate the Left because of the influence Davis once had over our president.  He was a drinking buddy of Barack Obama's maternal grandfather, Stanley Dunham, and spent time with young Obama.  He turns up in the president's memoir, Dreams from My Father, shrewdly identified only as "Frank":  "I was intrigued by old Frank, with his books and whiskey breath and the hint of hard-earned knowledge behind the hooded eyes."  Recently, a U.S. Communist-party official confirmed the relationship, bragging in a speech of the Communist Davis's formative influence over Obama.  And yet when the allegations surfaced during the 2008 campaign, they went virtually unreported in the mainstream media.

Dupes — and Traitors.  Did you know that Frank Marshall Davis, whom President Obama describes in his autobiography as his beloved mentor, was not merely a good-ole-boy who liked to bar-hop in Honolulu with Obama's grandfather, but a card-carrying member — No. 47544, to be precise — of the Communist Party of the United States?  (And did the president know it back when he sat at Davis's knee out in Hawaii, learning about the world?  Does the president know it now?)

A Soulless White House.  Where Michelle is essentially a normal control freak, Barack is special because he's always been raised by nostalgic Stalinists, beginning with his adolescent mother and his surrogate father, Frank Marshall Davis — angry poet, porn artist, and Stalin's CPUSA rep in Hawaii.  You have to feel sorry for the child Barry Soetoro, raised by enraged adults.  His real father fled his wife and baby, then his mother dragged him to Jakarta to live in the bloody aftermath of a civil war that killed 200,000 people.  Then she abandoned him — sent him back to Hawaii to be cared for by the likes of Frank Davis.

Stanley Ann Dunham and the Left's Exploitation of Women.  As the official story goes, Stanley Ann met Obama Sr. at college, and their relationship produced Barack.  However, American Thinker's Jack Cashill has highlighted doubts about Obama's paternity, including the possibility that Frank Marshall Davis may be [Obama's] father.  If Obama Sr. were Obama's father, this is a troubling scenario since Senior was a married man, seven years older, with an apparent alcohol problem.  But even more disturbing is the prospect of Frank Marshall Davis being Obama's father.  Davis was decades older than Stanley Ann, and a purported pedophile.

What's Behind The Donald Trump For President Campaign?  [Scroll down]  Given Barack Obama's less than enthusiastic support of this nation's history is it any wonder that there are questions arising about his past?  What we know for a fact is that Marxists were present there and thus must have had some influence on his political positions.  His longtime mentor and father figure was Frank Marshal Davis who was an active member of the Communist Party. ... If Obama isn't a Marxist, he's nevertheless done an excellent job completing their goal which is the demise of our capitalist system.

Our "Gay Pride" President.  [Scroll down]  One has to wonder why the President of the United States is so intent on promoting gay pride.  It could be that he was introduced to such perversion by his teenage mentor, Franklin Marshall Davis, a known Communist who was certainly aware of the lifestyle of his fellow Communist Henry Hay, founder of the homosexual Mattachine Society — an early organization launched to homosexualize the United States.

Shrink: Obama Suffers 'Father Hunger'.  The abandonment by his father when he was an infant and by his stepfather at age 10 has left President Obama with a "father hunger" that influences everything from why he distances himself from pushy supporters, to his strong desire to compromise and bring people together, to his aggressive campaign to kill Osama bin Laden, says a psychoanalytic book out next week.  In Obama on the Couch, George Washington University professor Justin Frank also reveals that Obama has spent much of his life seeking out father figures, but most, like Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Vice President Biden, have disappointed him.  "Obama searched for a father, for someone to relate to who could help him — a strong man who knew what to do," Frank writes.

Communism's African-American Soviet Republic.  Perhaps the most stunning element of the Revolutionary Communist Party's manifesto is the call for black Americans to unite into a separate, autonomous republic in the American South. ... When a genuine civil-rights tragedy, the case of the Scottsboro boys, hit in 1931, CPUSA was on site and ready for action.  The comrades wasted no time converting the Scottsboro case into a major communist campaign.  And how fruitful was that effort?  It was that particular recruitment tool — CPUSA's cynical Scottsboro campaign — that caught the attention and began drawing into the Communist Party a young journalist and editor in Atlanta named Frank Marshall Davis, who decades later would advise a Hawaiian adolescent named Barack Obama.

Now about Obama's Teenage Years!  Now that it has been established that a candidate's teenage years help define the man to come, it might be time to take a new look at the adolescent Obama and his then-mentor, the late Frank Marshall Davis. [...] Like Boo Radley, Davis remains in the shadows for one reason:  the media fear what the light would do to him.  For all of Davis's gifts, and they are many, his lifelong flirtation with darkness makes him a little too creepy for his own display case in the Barack Obama presidential library.

How Our "Gay President" Learned About Sex.  [Paul] Kengor calls the [David] Maraniss rationale for ignoring [Frank Marshall] Davis "strange," adding, "Apparently, even Obama's own words (many of them) on Davis's influence can be dismissed by reporters who do not want to touch this subject."  It is apparent that they do not want to touch the subject because, now that "Frank" has been identified as a communist and sex pervert, the information will be perceived as hurtful to Obama.  Davis's influence over Obama is a taboo subject and remains so to this day.

Maraniss Bio Deepens Obama Birth Mystery.  Birthers have known for years that there was no Obama family, that the couple never lived together, that Obama campaigned on a lie, and that the major media covered for him every step of the way. [...] The casual reader of the Maraniss book is left with the impression that Ann and Obama had a one-night stand that they both regretted, but that they consented to marriage because that is what people did back in 1961.  The more informed reader wonders whether Barack Obama, Sr. was fronting for the real father, the best candidate being Obama's future mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.  Maraniss opens the door on both possibilities but fails to even peek through.

Was communist mentor intimate with Obama's mother?  Did Barack Obama's mother pose nude for communist poet and journalist Frank Marshall Davis?  Did Obama build his political career on a fairy tale that his father was a Kenyan who grew up herding goats?  Was Obama's goal in writing his autobiography, "Dreams from My Father," to misdirect Americans away from a deeply disturbing family background and a Marxist political foundation?  These are questions filmmaker Joel Gilbert poses in the full-length documentary "Dreams from My Real Father," which argues Frank Marshall Davis is the president's biological father, not the Kenyan Barack Obama.

Why Obama Could Be a Communist Mole:  Revelations regarding the fact that the current president Barack Obama was a member of the socialist New Party, which has affiliations with the Democratic Socialists of America, have raised the possibility that he was specifically groomed to be a subversive by his mentors and associates throughout his life and political career. [...] The central causal link between Barack Obama and the USSR's intelligence agencies would most likely be Frank Marshall Davis.  FMD had the verifiable communist party pedigree to be a KGB contact — this is the smoking gun all American patriots should seek out, first and foremost.

Time and Again, Maraniss Conceals Obama's Socialist Roots.  Given the depth of his research, Maraniss had to know what he was hiding.  "Here are the facts and they are indisputable," writes historian Paul Kengor in his soon-to-be released book, The Communist — Frank Marshall Davis: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor:  "Frank Marshall Davis was a pro-Soviet, pro-Red China, card-carrying member of Communist Party (CPUSA).  His Communist Party card number was 47544."  The reason the Davis story has remained "untold" until now is because Maraniss and his peers consciously chose not to tell it.  As Kengor points out, Maraniss wrote a 10,000-word piece for the Washington Post on Obama's early years in August 2008, and yet "there was not a single mention of Davis."

Supreme Court Helps Obama Fulfill Dreams from His Communist Mentor.  Frank Marshall Davis, who lived from 1905 to 1987, mentored Barack Obama in Hawaii in the 1970s.  Davis was a devoted communist — pro-Soviet, pro-Stalin, and pro-Mao.  His Communist Party number was 47544.  Davis did terrible, blatant propaganda work for the international communist movement. [...] Among those columns, Frank Marshall Davis wrote a piece on July 21, 1955 calling for taxpayer funding of universal health care.  That column was published in the Honolulu Record, which was the Communist Party publication for Hawaii.  As Davis put it, he wanted to "see my tax dollars go to insure health care for everybody."

David Maraniss and Obama's Communist Mentor.  For the record, Frank Marshall Davis was introduced to Obama by Obama's grandfather, Stanley Dunham.  Dunham introduced his grandson to Davis in the 1970s — by one (authoritative) account as early as 1970.  He did so for the purpose of mentoring.  And what a mentor he chose:  Davis had been a literal card-carrying member of Communist Party USA (CPUSA).  I have the FBI pages that list Davis's CPUSA number, which was 47544.  I reprint the FBI pages in the appendix of my book.  Davis did outrageous pro-Soviet propaganda work for CPUSA organs like the Chicago Star and the Honolulu Record.  His writings unerringly parroted the Soviet line.  Like other CPUSA members, he was a loyal Soviet patriot.  The liberal Obama biographers who bother to acknowledge Davis frame him as an innocent victim of McCarthyism.  That's nonsense.

As A Teen, Obama was Deeply Influenced By Communist Mentor.  [Scroll down]  I believe that Davis is reflective, and helps explain, how and why America's current president is further to the left than any president of our generation.  He sheds light on how our president developed into a man of the left, ultimately ranked the most left-leaning member of the Senate by National Journal in the final year before he ran for president.  And yet, this radical influence on our president has been thoroughly ignored by the media.  No Republican president with a mentor this extreme to the right would escape such scrutiny.

Book: Obama's Communist mentor influenced his political beliefs.  A new book due out Tuesday makes the case that Frank Marshall Davis, a card-carrying member of the Communist Party, mentored Barack Obama when he lived in Hawaii.  In researching "The Communist," [Dr. Paul] Kengor combed over Davis' recently released FBI profile and his voluminous writings to show something many other authors and journalists have either ignored or failed to grasp:  Davis was a communist who had an early hand in shaping the future president's political beliefs.  Davis' influence was apparent when Obama was in his late teens.  John Drew, who knew him at Occidental College, told Kengor that "Obama was already an ardent Marxist when I met him in the fall of 1980."

The Communist Mentor: Frank Marshall Davis.  Were it not for the collective willful amnesia on the part of academia and the media regarding communist subversion in the United States, would Barack Obama be in the White House today?

Was Obama's Communist Mentor His Father?  Arizona's Joe Arpaio, known as "America's Toughest Sheriff" for his treatment of criminals, has been sued by the Obama Administration but is running for re-election this year.  He may already have had the last laugh, as his investigators probing President Obama's birth certificate have come up with sure-fire proof that the document has been tampered with.  The evidence shows that the identification of Obama's father as "African" was not on the original document. [...] The reason for the cover-up in Obama's case, contends filmmaker Joel Gilbert, is that his real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist under FBI surveillance who was Obama's mentor while he was growing up in Hawaii. [...] The reason for the fraud is what takes the scandal to another more dangerous level.  The evidence suggests that Obama's birth document was altered not just to conceal a family scandal but to conceal Obama's relationship with a Communist who was considered by the FBI to be a top Soviet operative in the state of Hawaii and eligible for arrest in the case of a national emergency.

Sanitizing Obama's Radical Past.  As an eyewitness to young Obama's Marxist-Leninist ideology, I count myself among those who think it is our duty to report the truth about young Obama, especially if it helps us understand the persistent, contemporary influence of Frank Marshall Davis, the Communist who became young Barack Obama's mentor.  I do not think it is any exaggeration to suggest that in the long run, the mainstream media's failure to confront the reality of young Obama's ideological extremism is almost as important than the reality of Obama's tenure in office.

What the Media Won't Say about Frank Marshall Davis.  [Scroll down]  The reason I mention the poetry at all is to shed light on the young Obama's relationship with Davis, his Hawaiian mentor.  In my early writing on Obama's literary talents, I took him at his word that he wrote some "very bad poetry" and largely ignored the two radically different poems he submitted as an Occidental College undergraduate, the cringe-worthy "Underground" and the more complex "Pop."  It was my co-conspirator Don Wilkie who prompted me to take another look at the latter poem.  "I have read 'Pop' now maybe 20 or 30 times," Wilkie wrote me a few years back, "and I think it is about Obama telling us that 'Pop' really is, his pop."  At the time, all serious critics were insisting that the subject of "Pop" was Obama's grandfather Stan Dunham, a man whom Obama called "Gramps."  On the name alone, this interpretation made no sense.

The Commie's Commie.  [Scroll down]  [Paul] Kengor isn't an investigative reporter, so he steers clear of those radioactive issues about whether Frank is really Obama's father, or about where the president was actually born and what citizenship he holds, or may have held, throughout his chaotic childhood.  But — happily for the reader — Kengor devotes a few pages to utterly destroying the reputations of those liberal journalists and fawning Obama biographers who do claim to be investigative journalists, and who twisted themselves into pretzels to avoid noticing that Obama's mentor was a Communist.

Another doctored image deepens Obama mystery.  Does a family photograph of a young Barack Obama posted on the president's Facebook campaign page offer a clue to the identity of his real father?  A professional graphic artist who examined the 1973 photo believes the image of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, was airbrushed into the scene to cover up an African-American man who was standing next to Obama at the Honolulu airport.  Filmmaker Joel Gilbert, who commissioned the analysis, told WND there's substantial evidence that the man in the original photograph was Frank Marshall Davis, the Communist Party member, pro-Soviet propagandist and pornographer who played a fatherly role in Obama's teen years.

Frank Marshall Davis Biography.  [Scroll down]  Davis also helped organize the Communist controlled ILWU (union) in a failed effort to take over the Hawaiian government in 1949.  The Hawaii NAACP chapter complained to its national office, "Comrade Frank Marshall Davis suddenly appeared on the scene to propagandize the membership with the purpose of converting it into a front for the Stalinist line."  In 1956, Davis was subpoenaed by the Senate Subcommittee on Un-American Activities and pleaded the fifth.  Dreams from My Real Father makes the case that on August 4, 1961, Frank Marshall Davis became the father of the future 44th President of the United States and indoctrinated him with a Marxist ideology during his formative years.

Obama's Ultimate Cover-up.  It's true that communism is not perceived as being as much of a threat as it used to be, but can you imagine what the reaction might be among the American people, even now, if they were told by the major papers and network news programs that a top Communist Party operative molded their President's views on economic, foreign policy and cultural issues?  This is the story that has to be suppressed at any cost, four years later during a critical election year.

Do You Know Frank Marshall Davis?  For the past four years, the media have chosen to keep the public in the dark about Barack Obama's Hawaii mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.  The fact that Davis was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party USA, a published pornographer, and the subject of two-thirds of the poems the young Obama ever wrote (or had written for him) might have something to do with that.

Author: 'Obama would have trouble getting a security clearance for an entry-level government job'.  Author Paul Kengor wants you to know just how radical Frank Marshal Davis — a man many consider to have been a mentor to President Barack Obama during his teenage years — was.  "Obama's mentor was considered so radical, and such a potential pro-Soviet threat, that the federal government placed him on the Security Index," Kengor told The Daily Caller in an interview about his new book on Davis, simply titled "The Communist."

Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception.  Barack Obama the man is more of a mystery to Americans than any president in modern history, thanks to suppressed documents and unexplained gaps in his personal and intellectual life.  Now a new documentary seeks to answer the question, "Was the multicultural tale of Obama's goat-herding Kenyan father only a fairy tale to obscure a Marxist agenda irreconcilable with American values?" [...] As director/writer/producer Joel Gilbert puts it, the conclusion is that "the 'Birthers' have been on a fool's errand.  To understand Obama's plans for America, the question is not 'Where's the birth certificate,' but 'Who's the real father?'"  The film makes the case that Davis is Obama's real father, both biologically and ideologically, and that he indoctrinated Obama during the latter's formative years with a political grounding in Marxism and an anti-white world view.

Letters Point to 'Obama's Real Father'.  New research by Joel Gilbert into Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis' seedy history in Hawaii has bolstered the filmmaker's theory that Davis was the biological father of Barack Obama.  Gilbert has uncovered handwritten letters by Davis that strongly suggest the acknowledged Obama mentor's pornographic sex novel "Sex Rebel: Black" was based on Davis' personal life.

Obama, Frank Marshall Davis and the Earl Durham Connection.  Vernon Jarrett and Frank Marshall Davis worked together in a communist front, the Citizen's Committee to Aid Packinghouse Workers in 1948 Chicago — the same year Davis moved to Hawaii.  More than forty years later Vernon Jarrett followed Obama's career in Chicago and used his newspaper column to promote Obama's successful Senate campaign in 2004.  The question is — did some of Frank Marshall Davis' old Chicago comrades aid Barack Obama's career in Chicago more than four decades on?

Frank Marshall Davis and the Subversion of the Democratic Party.  A curious specter will be hovering over the Democratic convention this week.  It is the ghost of Frank Marshall Davis, Communist Party USA member 47544 and mentor to a young Barack Obama.  Readers of this site are well aware of Davis, from my writings and those of others who have posted articles here.  Davis joined the Communist Party during World War II and was unflinchingly pro-Soviet and pro-Red China.

Book: 'The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor'.  In the 1940s, Obama's Hawaiian mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was extremely active in Chicago Communist Party fronts, campaigns, and newspapers.  He worked alongside the political ancestors of David Axelrod, Obama's chief strategist, and Valerie Jarrett, Obama's closest adviser.  For Axelrod, the political ancestors were the Canter family, Harry and David Canter — so far to the left that they actually lived in Moscow and worked for Stalin's government just before relocating to Chicago.  The Canter family mentored David Axelrod in Chicago in the 1970s.

Barack Obama, the Socialist.  [Scroll down]  The early groundwork for Obama's socialist worldview was laid during his teen years, when he was mentored by the writer/poet Frank Marshall Davis, a longtime member of the Communist Party and the subject of a 601-page FBI file.  The co-founder of a Communist-controlled newspaper that consistently echoed the Soviet party line, Davis had previously been involved with the American Peace Mobilization, described by Congress as not only "one of the most notorious and blatantly communist fronts ever organized in this country," but also "one of the most seditious organizations which ever operated in the United States."

Frank Marshall Davis, Jr.?  [Scroll down]  The truth will eventually come out, perhaps in 2013, but maybe not for many more years.  When it does, historians will ask why the media was complicit in deceiving the American public about the career of the man who was called Barack Hussein Obama II.

Obama's Redistribution: What Did Frank Marshall Davis Say?  Given my book on Barack Obama's communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, I'm regularly asked whether the latest Obama statement — on economics, on wealth, on business, on the middle class, etc. — rings of Davis.  Invariably, yes, it does.  Not surprisingly, I'm being asked just that in regard to the new Obama statement on "redistribution," which has just emerged in a tape recording from 1998.  Does that statement likewise smack of Frank Marshall Davis?  Yes, no question.

Why Was Obama's Audio Book Version of 'Dreams From My Father' Purged of All References to Communist Mentor?  "Frank" — whose influence [Dr. Paul] Kengor asserts was key to the fledgling politician and that the eccentric activist appears in "each mile-marker" of Obama's path from Hawaii to the halls of Washington, D.C. — is mentioned no less than 22 times by name in "Dreams From My Father" and is referenced via pronouns numerous other times throughout the book.  But while listening to the audio version recently, Kengor noticed "Frank" had disappeared.  He re-listened to the entire audio book on Tuesday afternoon [10/2/2012] and compared it to the unabridged memoir.

Obama, Who's Your Daddy?  In spite of all the posturing, courtroom drama, political maneuvers, endless obfuscation, and the frenzied production of yet another highly questionable birth certificate, fully half of the American people have doubts about President Obama's birth certificate and his eligibility to hold office.  This is astonishing.  But even more astonishing is a new theory about Obama's origins that, if true, could rattle the world almost as much as a Supreme Court finding that Obama is not a natural born citizen.

Why does Obama's mom have a black man's hand in this photo?  Obama's entire life is a lie.  The lies begin with where he was born and who his real biological father was.

'Trust Me, I'm from the Past'.  If I had access to time travel, I would use it now to leverage my role as the only person on Earth willing to testify that young Obama was a genuine Marxist socialist in 1980. [...] I believe that public knowledge of my face-to-face confrontation with young Obama's ideological extremism in 1980 would have helped prevent Obama's election in 2008.  My account of Obama's anticipation of a Communist revolution would have alerted voters to the reality that Obama is not a bipartisan politician, but rather a longstanding advocate of class warfare and other hateful ideas promoted earlier by the likes of Frank Marshall Davis.

Dreams From Frank Marshall Davis.  Let's cut to the chase:  Frank Marshall Davis was a literal, card-carrying member of Communist Party USA (CPUSA). [...] These thoughts and words of Frank Marshall Davis bear an uncanny resemblance to Obama's thoughts and words and actions.  My general conclusion is that Frank Marshall Davis' far-left extremism may help explain how and why America's current president is further to the left than any president of our generation.  I think Davis is factor in understanding Obama's political, ideological, and intellectual development.

Did Obama Write Anti-Semitic Poetry?  As a 19-year-old sophomore, Barack Obama had two poems — "Underground" and "Pop" — published under his name in the spring 1981 edition of Occidental College's literary magazine, Feast.  If Obama wrote any other poems after that, they have not emerged.  "Pop," the more sophisticated of the two poems, has attracted the most attention.  As I argued in my book, Deconstructing Obama, "Pop" dissects Obama's relationship with his communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, and was most likely written by Davis himself, a skilled poet.

Dreams from my surrogate father.  Whether or not Frank Marshall Davis is Barack Obama's real father is not the point of this article.  What is the point is there is no doubt that Frank Marshall Davis was the only father figure that Barack Obama truly had. [...] Even if Barack Obama Sr. was Barack Obama's biological father he was not an influence on his life.  He did not shape his ideological world view.  He did not fill young Barack Obama's impressionable mind with anti-American rhetoric and Communist sympathizing thoughts.  That job was given to Frank Marshall Davis.

What the Unearthed 1995 Video Tells Us about Obama.  A professionally shot video of Barack Obama from 1995 has recently surfaced.  Shot at the Cambridge, Mass. Public Library, the video captures a skinny, youthful Obama promoting his then newly released memoir, Dreams from My Father.  In this hour-long presentation, Obama openly talks about his relationship with his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist and pornographer.  Perhaps more importantly, Obama gives us a much clearer picture of who he was in 1995, on the cusp of his political career, than we had seen before.

Derrick Bell

CNN Already Freaking Out About New Media Vetting President Obama.  Predictably, the mainstream media is circling the wagons around the president and trying to distract away from the real issue:  Barack Obama is a radical and his political philosophy was built by people like Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright and Derrick Bell.

Obama Assigned Reading: Bell Says Whites Might Enslave Blacks.  Back when Barack Obama was a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School, he assigned Derrick Bell's readings in class.  In particular, he assigned the introduction to Bell's book, Faces at the Bottom of the Well.  Bell's book was highly controversial, and for good reason: it contains some of the most inflammatory racial material in the critical race theory canon.

The Racist Ravings of Derrick Bell.  By now, you may already have seen the 1991 video footage of Barack Obama, who was then a 30-year-old student at Harvard Law School, speaking in glowing terms about Harvard professor Derrick Bell, whom Obama described as a man known for "speaking the truth" and for an "excellence of ... scholarship" that had not only "opened up new vistas and new horizons," but had "changed the standards [of what] legal writing is about."  "Open up your hearts and your minds to the words of Professor Derrick Bell," Obama urged the sizable crowd which had gathered to show their support for Professor Bell that day.

Derrick Bell in 1994: 'Jewish Neoconservative Racists'.  The controversy over the videotape of Harvard Law School student Barack Obama speaking in support of his professor Derrick Bell during Bell's one-man 1990 uprising against the law school's failure or refusal to hire a black woman as a professor has caused a predictable back-and-forth about what it might mean for Obama to have a favorable view of Bell.

Barack Obama to Khalid Muhammad: Two Degrees of Separation.  John Podhoretz and Patterico highlight a close connection between Barack Obama and Khalid Muhammad.  Obama, as we know, was a disciple of Derrick Bell; in the video that Breitbart.com released a few days ago, he urged his listeners to open their hearts and minds to Bell's teachings.  So, what were Bell's teachings?  Bell was a fervent admirer of Louis Farrakhan and Khalid Muhammad of the Nation of Islam.  Podhoretz quotes a 1994 interview in which Bell said, "We should really appreciate the Louis Farrakhans and the Khalid Muhammads while we've got them."

The Book of Obama: The Ganza Megillah.  [Scroll down]  The tapes of Obama supporting and embracing Derrick Bell at Harvard released by Breitbart's staff after his untimely death, which were covered up by Obama's friend Harvard Professor Charles Ogletree, the media and undoubtedly others, establish that the pre-election image of Obama as a post racial uniter was as accurate a description of the true Obama as the notion of the Grand Vizier as an enforcer of a Persian multi-cult paradise might be.  In fact Derrick Bell was a barely disguised racist, an anti-Semite and an inspiration for Obama's racist and anti-Semitic pastor of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright.  He was the creator of a school of thought known in academic speak as "critical race theory," a pernicious flimsy cover for anti-Semitic, anti-white, anti-Asian thought which contends that there is no real "merit."

Obama Assigned Bell at University of Chicago Law School.  Barack Obama made his own students at the University of Chicago Law School read some of Derrick Bell's most radical and racially inflammatory writings.

Bell: USA Must Admit We're Permanently Racist.  Obama:  "Open your hearts and open your minds to the words of Prof. Derrick Bell."  Derrick Bell:  "Racism is permanent".

Obama's Beloved Law Professor: Derrick Bell.  Breitbart.com has revealed that while at Harvard Law School, Barack Obama embraced the racially charged cause of professor Derrick Bell.  Both Obama and Bell demanded that Harvard hire professors on the basis of race.  Obama and other students rallied to Bell's side after Bell quit teaching in an attempt to force Harvard to implement race-based hiring policies.

CNN Implodes Over Breitbart's Obama/Bell Video.  [Video clip.]

Thomas Sowell Hammers 'Despicable' Derrick Bell.  Was Derrick Bell a radical when Barack Obama told us all to open our hearts and minds?  Thomas Sowell was asked about Bell at the time.  Here's what he said.

Jeremiah Wright on Derrick Bell, Jesus, and the Jews.  Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's incendiary Chicago pastor, admired radical Harvard Law School professor Derrick Bell, inviting him to speak at Trinity United Church of Christ and referring to him from the pulpit.  In one sermon, which Wright published in 1995 in a collection entitled Africans Who Shaped Our Faith: A Study of 10 Biblical Personalities, Wright referred specifically to Bell's protest against Harvard — the same protest that Obama supported in a video released by Breitbart.com last week.

Critical Race Theory Explained.  CRT was an intellectual development in the late 1970s and early 1980s in which some scholars, perturbed by what they perceived as a loss of momentum in the movement for racial equality, began to doubt that the constitutional and legal system itself had the capacity for change.  This criticism mirrored a Marxist attack long voiced in academia:  that the Constitution had been a capitalist document incapable of allowing for the redistributionist change necessary to create a more equal world.  To create a more equal world, the Constitution and the legal system would have to be endlessly criticized — hence critical theory — and torn down from within.  The Marxist criticism of the system was called critical theory; the racial criticism of the system was therefore called Critical Race Theory.

How Derrick Bell Beat Martin Luther King Jr.:  "History proves that the white man is a devil," said Malcolm X.  "Whites are liars," said Jeremiah Wright.  "I love to harass white folks," said Derrick Bell.  "This is what you deserve.  You get what you deserve, white boy," a black teenager said to Allen Coon, a white student on the porch of his own home, as he set him on fire.  "Don't tell me words don't matter," Obama once said.  And he was right.  Words do matter.  The words of his mentors that have rooted hate so deep in the black community that it has become a cancer, a sore that bleeds violence, a stain on the soul.

Why the Bell-Obama Connection Matters:  Bell thought that Louis Farrakhan was a "hero for the people," since he stood up to the white establishment — a position so extreme that even fellow Harvard professors such as Randall Kennedy thought it was over the edge.  Bell excused a certain amount of anti-Semitism by blaming it on "Jewish neoconservative racists who are undermining blacks in every way they can."

Obama's Legal Mentor Shows Affirmative Action Limits.  [Derrick] Bell was for years a civil rights lawyer, but not an academic legal scholar of the sort who gets appointed as a full professor at one of the leading law schools.  Yet he became a visiting professor at the Stanford law school and was a full professor at the Harvard law school.  It was transparently obvious in both cases that his appointment was because he was black, not because he had the qualifications that got other people appointed to these faculties.  At Stanford, his students complained that his course on constitutional law was not up to the standards of the other courses they were taking.  Stanford at that time had one of the leading scholars in constitutional law, Professor Gerald Gunther — and Derrick Bell was no Gerald Gunther.

Barack's People:  Derrick Bell, a racial radical, whom Investor's Business Daily called the Jeremiah Wright of Harvard, has called Louis Farrakhan a "hero."  He was also Barack Obama's favorite professor — introduced by our post-racial president as a man Americans needed to open their "hearts and minds to."  He was deeply involved in Critical Race Theory and the supposition that all minority ills are due to white supremacy and that the only solution is the destruction of the foundations of the nation.  He was also an anti-Semite, railing against "Jewish neoconservative racists" forever "undermining blacks in every way they can."

Critical Race Theory: A Cult of Anti-White Resentment.  When asked by CNN's Soledad O'Brien about the definition of critical race theory (CRT), Emory Law Professor Dorothy Brown offered the following:  "Critical race theory seeks to explain judicial decisions by asking the question, [']What does race have to do with it?[']"  CRT simply "looks at race in America," professor Brown stated.  That's a bit like saying that a religious zealot just "looks at" theology.  Critical race theorists do not merely look at racial questions.  Like zealots, they give answers; they preach a doctrine, seek converts, and condemn nonbelievers.  Indeed, CRT is the primary source of Orwellian "hate speech" proposals.

Why Obama's radicalism matters:  Derrick Bell was a radical Marxist and racist with whom Barack Obama maintained a close relationship until the former's death just last year.  Concerning other questionable associates, from the racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright to domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, Obama has minimized these relationships, as well as their depth and length.  With the release of the Breitbart video, we have Obama personally advancing a radical and his teachings, and a verifiable, long-term connection.

Discover the Networks: The late Derrick Albert Bell, Jr..  [Scroll down]  In 1994 Bell was quoted as having predicted that eventually America would witness the rise of charismatic new black leaders who, in the interests of retributive racial justice, would "urge that instead of [African Americans] killing each other, they should go out in gangs and kill a whole lot of white people." ... Bell endorsed a journal called Race Traitor, whose stated aim is "to abolish the white race, which means no more and no less than abolishing the privileges of the white skin."  Moreover, the publication's guiding principle is:  "Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity."

Critical Race Theory: Of the Racists, By the Racists, and For the Racists.  Buried in Derrick Bell's resume is an instructive episode showing how the racial intimidation of the "Critical Studies" race baiters helped move the Leftist's agenda.  Bell — who died last year — objected to neutrality and color-blindness in the Constitution.  Bell wanted race to become a permanent weapon of the left — in short, he was a race warrior and wanted constant racial strife.  To justify his race war, he argued that the existence of slavery at the time of the U.S. Constitution rendered that agreement unenforceable against blacks.

Exclusive: Kagan's Handwritten Notes to Bell on Critical Race Theory.  Breitbart News has discovered previously unknown handwritten notes from Elena Kagan to radical professor Derrick Bell, sent to Bell as Kagan worked on his seminal 1985 article on Critical Race Theory in the Harvard Law Review.

Obama Letter to Bell to Blurb 'Dreams from My Father'.  Barack Obama's association with radical Critical Race Theory professor Derrick Bell did not end after Harvard Law School — and certainly not at the April 24, 1990 rally at which Obama embraced Bell, literally and figuratively.  Breitbart News has discovered a letter sent by Obama to Bell in February 1995 in which Obama asks Bell to review — and to blurb — an early version of Obama's autobiography, then entitled Dreams of My Father.


This subsection has moved to a page of its own, located here.

The Center for American Progress

The Center for American Progress' War on Veterans.  Time Magazine has described the Center for American Progress as "Obama's Idea Factory" and it is clearly the source of the idea that responsible spending involves cutting health care benefits for veterans while pumping another 1.3 billion dollars into a Muslim Brotherhood run Egypt.  The Tricare cuts are supposed to save 1.8 billion dollars, which we could just as easily save by eliminating aid to Egypt and Pakistan.

We Need Green Money, Not Green Jobs.  Van Jones is back, reconstructed and rehabilitated. ... The Center for American Progress announcement says he'll be a senior fellow and leader with its Green Opportunity Initiative.  CAP was founded by rich liberals who thought the left needed a think tank like conservatives have (as they concluded they needed talk radio, and hence founded the now defunct Air America).  One of the major sources of funding of CAP was Marion and Herbert Sandler who got rich building Golden West Financial selling Adjustable Rate Mortgages with teaser rates to unsophisticated buyers.  Yes, the very greedy kind of businesspeople that the Obama administration would have us believe caused our current economic crisis.

Did someone mention Van Jones?

Obama Admin. Caught Red-Handed Working with Big Wind Energy Lobbyists.  Despite calls for increased transparency and openness, recent U.S. Energy Department documents obtained through FOIA requests and reported by The Chicago Tribune show significant collusion among Energy Department officials and the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), as well as other third party special-interest groups, including the left-of-center Center for American Progress.

Released Emails Show Wind Lobby, Soros Group Helped with White House PR.  Emails recently obtained under the Freedom of Information Act — seen here for the first time — show how political influence and lobbyists are shaping Obama administration policy and public relations.  The emails show that the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) coordinated their response to a damning Spanish report on "green jobs" with wind industry lobbyists and the Center for American Progress (the progressive think tank founded by John Podesta and funded by George Soros).

Did someone mention wind energy?

CBS Slams Exxon for Not Drilling More.  After all the media hand-wringing the past few months over imploding financial institutions, they might praise ExxonMobil for taking care of it shareholders first and keeping ample reserve funds, rather than running on risky investments and toxic assets.  "Consumer advocate" Dan Weiss closed the story saying, "Big oil is swimming in profits with money drained from the pockets of American families."  CBS mentioned he was a senior fellow at the "Center For American Progress" yet neglected to mention that it is an avowedly liberal think tank.  The founder of CFAP is former Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta.

ACORN Allies Scheme to Distract from Corruption Allegations.  John Podesta's left-wing Center for American Progress Action Fund has invited many liberal and radical groups to a meeting Thursday morning [5/28/2009] to discuss how to use rhetorical misdirection to take the focus off ACORN's increasingly well publicized corruption.

News media barred from ACORN meeting at Center for American Progress.  Freedom of the press stopped at the door of the Center for American Progress earlier today [5/28/2009] when this reporter and a camera crew from Fox News were barred from covering a "briefing and discussion" meeting of left-wing advocacy groups worried about recent coverage of the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now (ACORN).  Brian Kettenring, an ACORN spokesman, refused to allow journalists to cover the meeting, which was slated to include representatives from 10 organizations.

The Truth About ObamACORN.  At a closed-door powwow hosted Thursday [5/28/2009] at the left-leaning Center for American Progress, activists discussed how to combat a relentless stream of corruption charges from ACORN/Project Vote whistleblowers.  But it's too late for a reputation bailout.  Former Project Vote official and whistleblower Anita MonCrief has harnessed the Internet to crowd-source a massive cache of documents showing ties between Obama staff members and the supposedly "nonpartisan" ACORN operations.

Democrats Kill Provision in AmeriCorps Bill that Would Keep Funds from ACORN.  Sen. David Vitter (R-Louisiana) tried to stand up for civil society and taxpayers last week but his effort was shot down by liberal Democratic senators.  Vitter tried to prevent the radical direct-action group, ACORN, and its affiliates from benefitting under the odious national service legislation known as the (proposed) GIVE Act.  The bill itself, which received a glowing review from John Podesta's pro-Obama propaganda factory, the Center for American Progress, would give government money to volunteer programs and would dramatically expand the feel-good liberal program, AmeriCorps, which ACORN and other groups have used to promote their own political objectives.

Did someone mention ACORN?

'Diversity czar' takes heat over remarks.  President Obama's diversity czar at the Federal Communications Commission has spoken publicly of getting white media executives to "step down" in favor of minorities, prescribed policies to make liberal talk radio more successful, and described Hugo Chavez's rise to power in Venezuela "an incredible revolution."  Mark Lloyd's provocative comments — most made during a tenure at the liberal Center for American Progress think tank — are giving fodder to critics who say Mr. Obama has appointed too many "czars" to government positions that don't require congressional approval.

Ex-Clinton Official Ties Minneapolis Bridge Collapse to Global Warming.  A former member of the Clinton administration, and current Senior Fellow at the virtual Clinton think tank the Center for American Progress, claimed Monday that global warming might have played a factor in the collapse of the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis.

The article above was also posted under Global warming is blamed for everything.

Obama Stimulates Unions, Inflation and Debt.  The George Soros-funded Center for American Progress, which was run by Obama's Transition Project co-chair, John Podesta, said Obama would launch a "Green, Unionized Economic Recovery."  The key word was "unionized," a tip-off that public money would subsidize expansion of the labor unions that backed Obama.  One of those powerful unions, the AFL-CIO, is headed by John Sweeney, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

Aide Responsible For AF1 Flight Over NYC Lands Safely.  Louis Caldera, the head of the White House military office forced out over the controversial Air Force One photo-op over the Statue of Liberty, has become a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, The Mouth learned Wednesday [6/10/2009].  CAP, a center-left think thank founded by the well-connected John Podesta, is a repository of well-known Democratic operatives and policy wonks.

Did someone mention the Air Force One flyover?

Other questionable associates and endorsements

This subsection has been moved to this page.

Barack Obama and Tony Rezko

The Audacity of Silence About Tony Rezko:  Jury selection began today in Chicago in the trial of Syrian-born businessman Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a major supporter of Barack Obama.  Two days before the 2006 elections in which Democrats won by running against a "culture of corruption," Chicago newspapers revealed that Obama purchased a home that summer for $1.6 million, but only because Rezko's wife bought an adjoining parcel for $625,000 to complete the deal.  Rezko was already under federal investigation for kickback schemes.

Barack's Favors for Corrupt Crony.  Barack Obama has admitted it was "boneheaded" to get involved in a land deal with Tony Rezko, his friend and fund-raiser.  But the media's focus on that deal has distracted from the bigger question:  Why would Obama become involved in any deal with a man like Rezko, who made his living sponging off taxpayers and corrupting public officials?  Because, by the time of the deal, the two already had a long relationship of mutual benefit.

An Obama-Rezko Primer:  Antoin "Tony" Rezko is a millionaire Chicago businessman who has long helped young politicians raise money and make connections.  Raised in Syria, he moved to Chicago to study engineering but wound up making money in real estate and fast food.  He is now on trial in federal court on mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering and attempted extortion charges.

First Wright, Now Rezko.  Now that the governor of Illinois has been implicated in the schemes of Obama's friend Tony Rezko, it might be time for Obama to explain his relationship with Rezko in a major speech on the endemic political corruption that afflicts his home state of Illinois.

Obama and Rezko, the early years.  The trial of Antoin "Tony" Rezko, one-time patron to Sen. Barack Obama and Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, has turned lurid.  Under cross-examination by Rezko attorney Joseph Duffy, star prosecution witness Stuart Levine, a Chicago-area lawyer, is admitting to conspiracy, extortion, bribery, fraud and other bad acts while he "served" at the Illinois public school teachers pension fund board.

A Culture of Corruption:  The News Media.  What's Obama's relationship with former Weather Underground bomber William Ayers?  Over the years, Ayers has raised enormous sums of money for the Illinois senator.  What was Obama's relationship with indicted moneyman Tony Rezko?  Over the years, it's been reported that Rezko raised over $14 million for Obama's campaigns.  When Rezko was indicted, Obama returned $85,000.00 to him.  What happened to the other $13,015,000?  What's Obama's relationship with terrorist sympathizer Professor Rashid Khalidi of Columbia University?  Did Obama funnel money to his pal Rashid — money that eventually ended up in the hands of Hamas or Hezbollah terrorists?  There are other questions that these intellectual giants in the news media could at least ask, but don't hold your breath for them to actually do their jobs.

Articles below were published after Rezko's conviction on June 4, 2008.

Rezko found guilty on 16 charges, not guilty on 8.  Tony Rezko — the high-flying developer and fast-food magnate who was once a major campaign fund-raiser for Gov. Blagojevich and Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama and one of the governor's closest advisers — is now a convicted felon.

A large crowd under the bus.  Barack Obama learns a lot of things from the newspapers. … He famously learned that his pastor — the man who he says led him to the Lord, presided at his wedding and baptized his two daughters — was a hateful old bigot who had been preaching racist nonsense only when he read about it in the newspapers. … He learned that Tony Rezko, his one-time fundraiser and accommodating pal who was convicted by a Chicago jury this week of 16 counts of fraud and money laundering, was a crook and a slumlord only by reading about it in the newspapers.

Man Of Conviction.  Tony Rezko was the classic influence-peddler and the patron saint of the old politics that Barack Obama claims he wants to change.  The 16 of 24 counts of which Rezko was convicted Wednesday [6/4/2008] accused him of corrupting two state boards and using his influence in the administration of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich to squeeze cash from firms seeking state business.  Yet Obama chose to do business with him.  Sen. Obama has described Rezko as just a "guy in the neighborhood." But like so many of Obama's associations, they run long and deep and indicate a disturbing lack of judgment.

Obama and his Rezko ties:  For more than five weeks during the brutal winter of 1997, tenants shivered without heat in a government-subsidized apartment building on Chicago's South Side.  It was just four years after the landlords — Antoin "Tony" Rezko and his partner Daniel Mahru — had rehabbed the 31-unit building in Englewood with a loan from Chicago taxpayers.  Rezko and Mahru couldn't find money to get the heat back on.

Obama certainly has a lot of questionable associates.  It should be stated at the outset that Obama was not involved in any of the illegal acts a Chicago jury has found Rezko guilty of committing.  But Obama is guilty of maintaining a close relationship with Rezko long after it had become clear that Rezko's primary business was buying and selling political influence for personal gain.

Why Did Obama Pay Rezko an Extra $64,000 For That Strip of Land?  Gabe Malor, over at Ace of Spades, notices Obama is using the same "he's not the man I once knew" line that he used with Jeremiah Wright.  Obama has returned $157,835 in campaign funds that Tony Rezko and his associates donated in his career.  But will he return the land that he bought from Rezko?

Sweet Home Obama:  After Rezko's 2006 conviction on 16 counts of wire fraud, mail fraud, money laundering and soliciting bribes, Obama said, "This isn't the Tony Rezko I knew."  Uh-huh.  Just as he said the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, after his anti-American rants became public, was "not the person I met 20 years ago."  Obama also said of Rezko:  "I've never done any favors for him."  Oh, yes he has, as David Freddoso points out in "The Case Against Barack Obama."  And Rezko has returned the favors.

So Tell Us, Sen. Obama, 'Who Else Sent You?'.  It was, of course, inevitable.  How could any politician rise so quickly on the legendarily corrupt Chicago political scene and be as pure as Obama's devoted followers were purporting him to be?  The question in the minds of skeptics was, "Who sent you?"  Well now we're beginning to find out and it ain't pretty.

The Obamas and their Mortgage:  Beyond the question of the mortgage payments, odd coincidences and connections surround the house purchase, beyond questions already raised by the handling of the mansion's side yard, which was legally divided by the previous owner into a separate lot, and sold to Tony Rezko's wife Rita Rezko at the same time the Obamas purchased the house adjoining the yard.  If nothing else, these connections illustrate how deeply the Obamas' personal and financial lives are enmeshed in the world of Tony Rezko and the Chicago political machine.

Sen. Obama got sweet deal, too.  Another Democrat gets caught taking a sweetheart mortgage, and the Democrat, his bank and the left again insist:  Nothing to see here.  Only this time, the Democrat is presidential nominee Barack Obama, who scant months after his election to the Senate secured with his wife a $1.32 million mortgage, discounted by three-eighths of a point, from Northern Trust Bank of Illinois.  The cut-rate mortgage on their $1.65 million mansion in Chicago will save them at least $108,000, which is more than just chump change they can believe in.

Obama the Slumlord Senator.  Tony Rezko's housing company, Rezmar, raked in more than $100 million in loans from the city, state and federal government to fix up 30 Chicago buildings for low-income housing.  All of the buildings have failed financially:  As of 2007, 17 have gone into foreclosure, and 6 have been boarded up.  Meanwhile, the city of Chicago has sued Rezmar at least a dozen times for failing to heat its buildings.

The Obama/Wright/Kilpatrick Collision.  Two percent.  That's the percent of voters outside the "Motor City" that have a favorable impression of embattled Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.  You don't have to be a pollster to understand how strongly disliked Kilpatrick is throughout Michigan. … What does this have to do with Barack Obama?  Although Kilpatrick has distanced himself from Obama and Obama has distanced himself from Kilpatrick, they are both inextricably linked to Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Obama's letters for Rezko:  As a state senator, Barack Obama wrote letters to city and state officials supporting his political patron Tony Rezko's successful bid to get more than $14 million from taxpayers to build apartments for senior citizens. … The letters appear to contradict a statement last December from Obama, who told the Chicago Tribune that, in all the years he's known Rezko, "I've never done any favors for him."

Property deal takes the shine off Obama.  The hottest potential contender for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, Barack Obama, has come under scrutiny for his links to a shady businessman over the purchase of his $1.65 million family home in Chicago.  After winning extraordinary adulation, the honeymoon period of the senator for Illinois is coming to an end.

Internship also links Obama, Rezko.  In addition to a land deal, Sen. Barack Obama's ties to indicted dealmaker Antoin "Tony" Rezko include an internship the senator provided the son of a contributor at the request of Rezko, an Obama spokesman confirmed Saturday [12/23/2006].  John Aramanda served as an intern for Obama for about a month in 2005, said Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs.  His father is Joseph Aramanda, a Rezko business associate who was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal corruption case against Rezko.  Aramanda has contributed $11,500 to Obama since 2000, Gibbs said.

Ethics Questions Put Obama on the Spot.  In between the "fluff and style" news items, there have been reports of Obama's connections to Antoine "Tony" Rezko.  Rezko, who was indicted in October 2006 for a multimillion dollar kick-back scheme, has been a longtime supporter of Obama.  Rezko's companies have donated large sums to Obama's campaigns.  Rezko also hosted a fundraiser for Obama.  Completing the shady political trifecta — there's even a questionable real estate deal between the two men.

Rezko cash triple what Obama says.  During his 12 years in politics, Sen. Barack Obama has received nearly three times more campaign cash from indicted businessman Tony Rezko and his associates than he has publicly acknowledged, the Chicago Sun-Times has found.  Obama has collected at least $168,308 from Rezko and his circle.  Obama also has taken in an unknown amount of money from people who attended fund-raising events hosted by Rezko since the mid-1990s.

Obama bagman is sent to jail over $3.5m payment by British tycoon.  An undeclared $3.5 million payment from a corrupt Iraqi-British businessman has landed Barack Obama's former fundraiser behind bars.  The payment, disclosed in court papers, is the first time that Mr Obama's long-serving bagman Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a Syrian immigrant to the United States, has been linked to Nadhmi Auchi, the Iraqi-born billionaire who is one of Britain's richest men.

Iraqi Billionaire Threatens Reporters Investigating Rezko Affair.  Why aren't the American media investigating the role of British billionaire businessman Nadhmi Auchi in supplying loans to Barack Obama fundraiser Tony Rezko?  Some point to media bias, but there is another factor.  Working for Auchi, who was born in Iraq, attorneys from London law firm Carter-Ruck have for several months been flooding American and British newspapers and websites with letters demanding removal of material they deem "defamatory" to their client.

The Obama Platform Dive:  Senator Empty Suit DQs.  There's the lingering triple play of scandals:  Obama's vote and speech against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act that stuns and repulses even moderate pro-choicers; his ties to Bill Ayers and the ongoing cover-up of the documents surrounding that relationship by the University of Illinois; and of course now that houses are at the top of the news cycle, the Obamas' sweetheart house deal with crooked financier and Obama mentor Tony Rezko.  That's ten weeks worth of scandal floated in one day. … Then yesterday, Obama praises the "vastly superior" infrastructure of China.

Rezko Singing: Obama Sweating?  The news out of Chicago is not good for Governor Rod Blagojevich.  Convicted Chicago political operator Antoin "Tony" Rezko is talking to prosecutors about what he knows as far as corruption in Illinois and Chicago politics.  Believe me, it's plenty.

Obama fundraiser, convicted of fraud, spills beans.  Jailed political fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko, the Chicago real estate developer who helped launch Barack Obama on his political career, is whispering secrets to federal prosecutors about corruption in Illinois and the political fallout could be explosive.

This article goes into great detail, if you're interested.
Clever Real Estate Strategies for Politicians:  The story about Senator Obama's house purchase is well known.  On June 15, 2005, Barack and Michelle Obama closed on a new house in the historic Kenwood district of Chicago for $1,650,000, or $300,000 below the listed asking price.  On the same day, Rita Rezko, the wife of Tony Rezko, closed on the adjacent vacant lot for $625,000, which was the full listed asking price.  The Obamas subsequently purchased a 1,500-sqft strip of land from the Rezkos on January 11, 2006 for $104,166, increasing the side lot buffer between their properties.  The media confronted Senator Obama about these transactions because Tony Rezko was under federal investigation at the time for political pay-to-play schemes.  In 2008, Rezko was convicted of fraud, money laundering, and aiding and abetting bribery for government business.

Were Obama's own mortgage documents signed by a 'robo-signer'?  A consumer advocacy Web site has obtained some mortgage paperwork for President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama's home in Chicago.  The documents, which show that the couple's mortgage of $210,000 was fully paid on May 10, 2005, are signed by a Chase Home Finance vice president Marshe Craine.  The interesting thing about the documents is that Craine's signature on court documents related to other people's homes looks radically different from the version on the Obamas' paperwork.  In other, unrelated cases, attorneys for homeowners have accused loan processing companies of allowing employees to forge other people's signatures.

While Barack Obama talks, Tony Rezko sings.  A footnote at the bottom of one page in the 76-page Blagojevich complaint confirms Rezko is cooperating with the FBI, news that could cause an increase in the pre-holiday consumption of Mylanta by other Chicago pols.  Rezko was known as the money man or cashier to see about state jobs through the governor's office.  He's known Obama since the early '90s, tried to hire him, did hire the law firm Obama worked for, became partners with the owner of that firm, advised Obama on buying his Hyde Park home and sold him a slice of the adjacent lot.

Is This the End of Rezko... or Only the Beginning?  Will the Chicago Machine corruption story break wide open in 2010?  If you think Chicago crook and long-time Obama buddy Antoin Rezko is serving out his jail sentence, think again.

Where in the world is Tony Rezko?  Why is Antoin "Tony" Rezko under lock and key at an undisclosed location, like some sort of CIA-renditioned al Qaeda operative?  And why hasn't he been sentenced yet?  As the June 3 corruption trial of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich for allegedly trying to sell Obama's former Illinois Senate seat approaches, the whereabouts of the former Blago and Obama fundraiser is literally a state secret.

Rezko sentencing delayed.  Sentencing was postponed today [1/6/2011] for a tired and gaunt-looking Antoin "Tony" Rezko in case he still testifies at the retrial of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich, scheduled to begin in April.  However his attorney made it clear that he is not willing to wait beyond September.

Obama's Sordid Past Back in the News.  The press has focused heavily on [Donald Trump's] criticism of Obama on the subject of his birth certificate, an issue first raised by supporters of Hillary Clinton that continues to dog the president.  But there were other comments by Trump last week that caught my attention, specifically Obama's ties to Antoin "Tony" Rezko and William Ayers.

Where's Tony Rezko?  Thomas R. Bennett, who has been following the retrial of former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich for the Nuclear Chicago blog, accuses U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald of "sandbagging" and "running egregious political interference to both benefit and protect Team Obama" for not calling fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko to the stand as a government witness.

Tony Rezko sentenced to 10-1/2 years in kickback scheme.  A federal judge sentenced Tony Rezko to 10½ years in prison Tuesday [11/22/2011], describing his actions under Rod Blagojevich's tenure as "selfish and corrupt."  Rezko, 56, has already served about 44 months.

Ex-fundraiser Tony Rezko sentenced to 10.5 years in corruption case.  Tony Rezko, a prominent political fundraiser with ties to former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich and President Barack Obama, was sentenced Tuesday to 10-and-a-half years in prison for his 2008 conviction on corruption charges, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.  Rezko, 56, will receive credit for the nearly 44 months he has served behind bars since he was convicted in 2008.

Rezko Sentenced to 10½ Years, Media Ignore It And/Or His Ties to Obama.  Depending on which news outlet you rely on for current events, you may not have heard that convicted Chicago real estate developer Tony Rezko was sentenced to 10½ years in prison Tuesday [11/22/2011].  On top of this, unless you read [a] report from Reuters, you mightn't have known just how connected he was to a junior senator from Illinois who just so happens to be the President of the United States.

Obama escaped Rezko's orbit.  Although it did not go unreported, convicted Chicago political influencer Tony Rezko's 10-year prison sentence was treated as an afterthought during the short Thanksgiving workweek.  Also an afterthought:  the amazing facility with which President Obama has completely escaped Rezko's orbit in the liberal mainstream media's standard narrative.  From the coverage he gets now, you would hardly know that Rezko dined with the current president of the United States on occasion, and even hosted him at his vacation home.  You might forget that Rezko was one of Obama's most important donors.

Chicago Sun Times Does Hit-and-Run on Obama-Rezko Payoff Lead.  Last July, two Chicago Sun-Times reporters noted an allegation of "payments made by Rezko to Obama" that surfaced in a deposition involving former Rezko business partner Daniel T. Frawley.  Since then, the only follow-up coverage from the Sun-Times has been the sound of crickets.  An article dated July 11, 2011, entitled "Ex-Rezko partner's sentencing delayed," announced that Daniel Frawley's sentencing for bank fraud had been postponed, yet again.  He came up for sentencing again this week, and — surprise! — there's been another postponement.

Book: Blagojevich said he believed $25,000 was channeled to Obama.  An upcoming book about Rod Blagojevich says undercover tape-recordings caught the former governor saying he had heard that convicted influence peddler Antoin "Tony" Rezko secretly channeled $25,000 in cash to Barack Obama, but federal authorities did not deem the claim credible.

Did Senator Obama dodge taxes on a $400,000 gift from Tony Rezko?  Last February, a website focused on Chicago corruption reported that a former business partner of Tony Rezko gave Rezko $400K that Rezko gave to then Senator Barack Obama.  The accusation relied on information provided by the star witness in a Chicago corruption case dating back to the early 1990's.

Obama Golfed in Hawaii with Former Rezko Crony.  While on vacation in Hawaii this month, President Obama played golf with Allison Davis, a former business partner of Tony Rezko who also helped give Obama his start in the legal profession.  Rezko is the former Obama associate and fundraiser who was convicted of corruption and fraud and currently sits in prison.

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